6 values
34 values
[ "name", "span", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
""" ============================================================== Generating OpenQASM 3 from an AST Node (``openqasm3.printer``) ============================================================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3 It is often useful to go from the :mod:`AST representation <openqasm3.ast>` of an OpenQASM 3 program back to the textual language. The functions and classes described here will do this conversion. Most uses should be covered by using :func:`dump` to write to an open text stream (an open file, for example) or :func:`dumps` to produce a string. Both of these accept :ref:`several keyword arguments <printer-kwargs>` that control the formatting of the output. .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dump .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dumps .. _printer-kwargs: Controlling the formatting ========================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer The :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps` functions both use an internal AST-visitor class to operate on the AST. This class actually defines all the formatting options, and can be used for more low-level operations, such as writing a program piece-by-piece. This may need access to the :ref:`printer state <printer-state>`, documented below. .. autoclass:: Printer :members: :class-doc-from: both For the most complete control, it is possible to subclass this printer and override only the visitor methods that should be modified. .. _printer-state: Reusing the same printer ======================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer If the :class:`Printer` is being reused to write multiple nodes to a single stream, you will also likely need to access its internal state. This can be done by manually creating a :class:`PrinterState` object and passing it in the original call to :meth:`Printer.visit`. The state object is mutated by the visit, and will reflect the output state at the end. .. autoclass:: PrinterState :members: """ import contextlib import dataclasses import io from typing import Sequence, Optional from . import ast, properties from .visitor import QASMVisitor __all__ = ("dump", "dumps", "Printer", "PrinterState") def dump(node: ast.QASMNode, file: io.TextIOBase, **kwargs) -> None: """Write textual OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node`` to the open stream ``file``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ Printer(file, **kwargs).visit(node) def dumps(node: ast.QASMNode, **kwargs) -> str: """Get a string representation of the OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ out = io.StringIO() dump(node, out, **kwargs) return out.getvalue() @dataclasses.dataclass class PrinterState: """State object for the print visitor. This is mutated during the visit.""" current_indent: int = 0 """The current indentation level. This is a non-negative integer; the actual identation string to be used is defined by the :class:`Printer`.""" skip_next_indent: bool = False """This is used to communicate between the different levels of if-else visitors when emitting chained ``else if`` blocks. The chaining occurs with the next ``if`` if this is set to ``True``.""" @contextlib.contextmanager def increase_scope(self): """Use as a context manager to increase the scoping level of this context inside the resource block.""" self.current_indent += 1 try: yield finally: self.current_indent -= 1 class Printer(QASMVisitor[PrinterState]): """Internal AST-visitor for writing AST nodes out to a stream as valid OpenQASM 3. This class can be used directly to write multiple nodes to the same stream, potentially with some manual control fo the state between them. If subclassing, generally only the specialised ``visit_*`` methods need to be overridden. These are derived from the base class, and use the name of the relevant :mod:`AST node <.ast>` verbatim after ``visit_``.""" def __init__( self, stream: io.TextIOBase, *, indent: str = " ", chain_else_if: bool = True, old_measurement: bool = False, ): """ Aside from ``stream``, the arguments here are keyword arguments that are common to this class, :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps`. :param stream: the stream that the output will be written to. :type stream: io.TextIOBase :param indent: the string to use as a single indentation level. :type indent: str, optional (two spaces). :param chain_else_if: If ``True`` (default), then constructs of the form:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else { if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } } will be collapsed into the equivalent but flatter:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } :type chain_else_if: bool, optional (``True``) :param old_measurement: If ``True``, then the OpenQASM 2-style "arrow" measurements will be used instead of the normal assignments. For example, ``old_measurement=False`` (the default) will emit ``a = measure b;`` where ``old_measurement=True`` would emit ``measure b -> a;`` instead. :type old_measurement: bool, optional (``False``). """ = stream self.indent = indent self.chain_else_if = chain_else_if self.old_measurement = old_measurement def visit(self, node: ast.QASMNode, context: Optional[PrinterState] = None) -> None: """Completely visit a node and all subnodes. This is the dispatch entry point; this will automatically result in the correct specialised visitor getting called. :param node: The AST node to visit. Usually this will be an :class:`.ast.Program`. :type node: .ast.QASMNode :param context: The state object to be used during the visit. If not given, a default object will be constructed and used. :type context: PrinterState """ if context is None: context = PrinterState() return super().visit(node, context) def _start_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None: if context.skip_next_indent: context.skip_next_indent = False return * self.indent) def _end_statement(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:";\n") def _end_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:"\n") def _write_statement(self, line: str, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) self._end_statement(context) def _visit_sequence( self, nodes: Sequence[ast.QASMNode], context: PrinterState, *, start: str = "", end: str = "", separator: str, ) -> None: if start: for node in nodes[:-1]: self.visit(node, context) if nodes: self.visit(nodes[-1], context) if end: def visit_Program(self, node: ast.Program, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.version: self._write_statement(f"OPENQASM {node.version}", context) for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) def visit_Include(self, node: ast.Include, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement(f'include "{node.filename}"', context) def visit_ExpressionStatement( self, node: ast.ExpressionStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QubitDeclaration(self, node: ast.QubitDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size)"]")" ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateDefinition( self, node: ast.QuantumGateDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"gate ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ExternDeclaration(self, node: ast.ExternDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"extern ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Identifier(self, node: ast.Identifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_UnaryExpression(self, node: ast.UnaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node) >= properties.precedence(node.expression):"(") self.visit(node.expression, context)")") else: self.visit(node.expression, context) def visit_BinaryExpression(self, node: ast.BinaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) # All AST nodes that are built into BinaryExpression are currently left associative. if properties.precedence(node.lhs) < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" {} ") if properties.precedence(node.rhs) <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_BitstringLiteral(self, node: ast.BitstringLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: value = bin(node.value)[2:] if len(value) < node.width: value = "0" * (node.width - len(value)) + value'"{value}"') def visit_IntegerLiteral(self, node: ast.IntegerLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_FloatLiteral(self, node: ast.FloatLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_BooleanLiteral(self, node: ast.BooleanLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"true" if node.value else "false") def visit_DurationLiteral(self, node: ast.DurationLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"{node.value}{}") def visit_ArrayLiteral(self, node: ast.ArrayLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit( self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") def visit_Cast(self, node: ast.Cast, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(node.type)"(") self.visit(node.argument)")") def visit_DiscreteSet(self, node: ast.DiscreteSet, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_RangeDefinition(self, node: ast.RangeDefinition, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.start is not None: self.visit(node.start, context)":") if node.step is not None: self.visit(node.step, context)":") if node.end is not None: self.visit(node.end, context) def visit_IndexExpression(self, node: ast.IndexExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node.collection) < properties.precedence(node):"(") self.visit(node.collection, context)")") else: self.visit(node.collection, context)"[") if isinstance(node.index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(node.index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_IndexedIdentifier(self, node: ast.IndexedIdentifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(, context) for index in node.indices:"[") if isinstance(index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_Concatenation(self, node: ast.Concatenation, context: PrinterState) -> None: lhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.lhs) our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) rhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.rhs) # Concatenation is fully associative, but this package parses the AST by # arbitrarily making it left-associative (since the design of the AST # forces us to make a choice). We emit brackets to ensure that the # round-trip through our printer and parser do not change the AST. if lhs_precedence < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" ++ ") if rhs_precedence <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_QuantumGate(self, node: ast.QuantumGate, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateModifier( self, node: ast.QuantumGateModifier, context: PrinterState ) -> None: if node.argument is not None:"(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") def visit_QuantumPhase(self, node: ast.QuantumPhase, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ")"gphase(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") if node.qubits: self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, start=" ", separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurement(self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurement, context: PrinterState) -> None:"measure ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) def visit_QuantumReset(self, node: ast.QuantumReset, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"reset ") self.visit(node.qubits, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumBarrier(self, node: ast.QuantumBarrier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"barrier ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement( self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurementStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) if is None: self.visit(node.measure, context) elif self.old_measurement: self.visit(node.measure, context)" -> ") self.visit(, context) else: self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.measure, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalArgument(self, node: ast.ClassicalArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ExternArgument(self, node: ast.ExternArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context) def visit_ClassicalDeclaration( self, node: ast.ClassicalDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) if node.init_expression is not None:" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IODeclaration(self, node: ast.IODeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"{} ") self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ConstantDeclaration( self, node: ast.ConstantDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"const ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context)" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IntType(self, node: ast.IntType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"int") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_UintType(self, node: ast.UintType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"uint") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_FloatType(self, node: ast.FloatType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"float") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_ComplexType(self, node: ast.ComplexType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"complex[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)"]") def visit_AngleType(self, node: ast.AngleType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"angle") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BitType(self, node: ast.BitType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BoolType(self, node: ast.BoolType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bool") def visit_ArrayType(self, node: ast.ArrayType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context) self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, start=", ", end="]", separator=", ") def visit_ArrayReferenceType(self, node: ast.ArrayReferenceType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)", ") if isinstance(node.dimensions, ast.Expression):"#dim=") self.visit(node.dimensions, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_DurationType(self, node: ast.DurationType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"duration") def visit_StretchType(self, node: ast.StretchType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"stretch") def visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration( self, node: ast.CalibrationGrammarDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._write_statement(f'defcalgrammar "{node.
}"', context) def visit_CalibrationDefinition( self, node: ast.CalibrationDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"defcal ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") # At this point we _should_ be deferring to something else to handle formatting the # calibration grammar statements, but we're neither we nor the AST are set up to do that."}") self._end_line(context) def visit_SubroutineDefinition( self, node: ast.SubroutineDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"def ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_QuantumArgument(self, node: ast.QuantumArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None:"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]")" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ReturnStatement(self, node: ast.ReturnStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"return") if node.expression is not None:" ") self.visit(node.expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_BreakStatement(self, node: ast.BreakStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("break", context) def visit_ContinueStatement(self, node: ast.ContinueStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("continue", context) def visit_EndStatement(self, node: ast.EndStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("end", context) def visit_BranchingStatement(self, node: ast.BranchingStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"if (") self.visit(node.condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.if_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") if node.else_block:" else ") # Special handling to flatten a perfectly nested structure of # if {...} else { if {...} else {...} } # into the simpler # if {...} else if {...} else {...} # but only if we're allowed to by our options. if ( self.chain_else_if and len(node.else_block) == 1 and isinstance(node.else_block[0], ast.BranchingStatement) ): context.skip_next_indent = True self.visit(node.else_block[0], context) # Don't end the line, because the outer-most `if` block will. else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.else_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) else: self._end_line(context) def visit_WhileLoop(self, node: ast.WhileLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"while (") self.visit(node.while_condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ForInLoop(self, node: ast.ForInLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"for ") self.visit(node.loop_variable, context)" in ") if isinstance(node.set_declaration, ast.RangeDefinition):"[") self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)"]") else: self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DelayInstruction(self, node: ast.DelayInstruction, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"delay[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"] ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_Box(self, node: ast.Box, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"box") if node.duration is not None:"[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"]")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DurationOf(self, node: ast.DurationOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"durationof(") if isinstance(, ast.QASMNode): self.visit(, context) else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}")")") def visit_SizeOf(self, node: ast.SizeOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"sizeof(") self.visit(, context) if node.index is not None:", ") self.visit(node.index)")") def visit_AliasStatement(self, node: ast.AliasStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"let ") self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.value, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalAssignment( self, node: ast.ClassicalAssignment, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.lvalue, context)" {} ") self.visit(node.rvalue, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Pragma(self, node: ast.Pragma, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"#pragma {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context)
[ "AccessControl", "AliasStatement", "AngleType", "annotations", "ArrayLiteral", "ArrayReferenceType", "ArrayType", "AssignmentOperator", "BinaryExpression", "BinaryOperator", "BitstringLiteral", "BitType", "BooleanLiteral", "BoolType", "Box", "BranchingStatement", "BreakStatement", "CalibrationDefinition", "CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "Cast", "ClassicalArgument", "ClassicalAssignment", "ClassicalDeclaration", "ClassicalType", "ComplexType", "Concatenation", "ConstantDeclaration", "ContinueStatement", "dataclass", "DelayInstruction", "DiscreteSet", "DurationLiteral", "DurationOf", "DurationType", "EndStatement", "Enum", "Expression", "ExpressionStatement", "ExternArgument", "ExternDeclaration", "field", "FloatLiteral", "FloatType", "ForInLoop", "FunctionCall", "GateModifierName", "Identifier", "Include", "IndexedIdentifier", "IndexElement", "IndexExpression", "IntegerLiteral", "IntType", "IODeclaration", "IOKeyword", "List", "Optional", "Pragma", "Program", "QASMNode", "QuantumArgument", "QuantumBarrier", "QuantumGate", "QuantumGateDefinition", "QuantumGateModifier", "QuantumMeasurement", "QuantumMeasurementStatement", "QuantumPhase", "QuantumReset", "QuantumStatement", "QubitDeclaration", "RangeDefinition", "ReturnStatement", "SizeOf", "Span", "Statement", "StretchType", "SubroutineDefinition", "TimeUnit", "UintType", "UnaryExpression", "UnaryOperator", "Union", "WhileLoop", "__all__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
""" ============================================================== Generating OpenQASM 3 from an AST Node (``openqasm3.printer``) ============================================================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3 It is often useful to go from the :mod:`AST representation <openqasm3.ast>` of an OpenQASM 3 program back to the textual language. The functions and classes described here will do this conversion. Most uses should be covered by using :func:`dump` to write to an open text stream (an open file, for example) or :func:`dumps` to produce a string. Both of these accept :ref:`several keyword arguments <printer-kwargs>` that control the formatting of the output. .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dump .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dumps .. _printer-kwargs: Controlling the formatting ========================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer The :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps` functions both use an internal AST-visitor class to operate on the AST. This class actually defines all the formatting options, and can be used for more low-level operations, such as writing a program piece-by-piece. This may need access to the :ref:`printer state <printer-state>`, documented below. .. autoclass:: Printer :members: :class-doc-from: both For the most complete control, it is possible to subclass this printer and override only the visitor methods that should be modified. .. _printer-state: Reusing the same printer ======================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer If the :class:`Printer` is being reused to write multiple nodes to a single stream, you will also likely need to access its internal state. This can be done by manually creating a :class:`PrinterState` object and passing it in the original call to :meth:`Printer.visit`. The state object is mutated by the visit, and will reflect the output state at the end. .. autoclass:: PrinterState :members: """ import contextlib import dataclasses import io from typing import Sequence, Optional from . import ast, properties from .visitor import QASMVisitor __all__ = ("dump", "dumps", "Printer", "PrinterState") def dump(node: ast.QASMNode, file: io.TextIOBase, **kwargs) -> None: """Write textual OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node`` to the open stream ``file``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ Printer(file, **kwargs).visit(node) def dumps(node: ast.QASMNode, **kwargs) -> str: """Get a string representation of the OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ out = io.StringIO() dump(node, out, **kwargs) return out.getvalue() @dataclasses.dataclass class PrinterState: """State object for the print visitor. This is mutated during the visit.""" current_indent: int = 0 """The current indentation level. This is a non-negative integer; the actual identation string to be used is defined by the :class:`Printer`.""" skip_next_indent: bool = False """This is used to communicate between the different levels of if-else visitors when emitting chained ``else if`` blocks. The chaining occurs with the next ``if`` if this is set to ``True``.""" @contextlib.contextmanager def increase_scope(self): """Use as a context manager to increase the scoping level of this context inside the resource block.""" self.current_indent += 1 try: yield finally: self.current_indent -= 1 class Printer(QASMVisitor[PrinterState]): """Internal AST-visitor for writing AST nodes out to a stream as valid OpenQASM 3. This class can be used directly to write multiple nodes to the same stream, potentially with some manual control fo the state between them. If subclassing, generally only the specialised ``visit_*`` methods need to be overridden. These are derived from the base class, and use the name of the relevant :mod:`AST node <.ast>` verbatim after ``visit_``.""" def __init__( self, stream: io.TextIOBase, *, indent: str = " ", chain_else_if: bool = True, old_measurement: bool = False, ): """ Aside from ``stream``, the arguments here are keyword arguments that are common to this class, :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps`. :param stream: the stream that the output will be written to. :type stream: io.TextIOBase :param indent: the string to use as a single indentation level. :type indent: str, optional (two spaces). :param chain_else_if: If ``True`` (default), then constructs of the form:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else { if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } } will be collapsed into the equivalent but flatter:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } :type chain_else_if: bool, optional (``True``) :param old_measurement: If ``True``, then the OpenQASM 2-style "arrow" measurements will be used instead of the normal assignments. For example, ``old_measurement=False`` (the default) will emit ``a = measure b;`` where ``old_measurement=True`` would emit ``measure b -> a;`` instead. :type old_measurement: bool, optional (``False``). """ = stream self.indent = indent self.chain_else_if = chain_else_if self.old_measurement = old_measurement def visit(self, node: ast.QASMNode, context: Optional[PrinterState] = None) -> None: """Completely visit a node and all subnodes. This is the dispatch entry point; this will automatically result in the correct specialised visitor getting called. :param node: The AST node to visit. Usually this will be an :class:`.ast.Program`. :type node: .ast.QASMNode :param context: The state object to be used during the visit. If not given, a default object will be constructed and used. :type context: PrinterState """ if context is None: context = PrinterState() return super().visit(node, context) def _start_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None: if context.skip_next_indent: context.skip_next_indent = False return * self.indent) def _end_statement(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:";\n") def _end_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:"\n") def _write_statement(self, line: str, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) self._end_statement(context) def _visit_sequence( self, nodes: Sequence[ast.QASMNode], context: PrinterState, *, start: str = "", end: str = "", separator: str, ) -> None: if start: for node in nodes[:-1]: self.visit(node, context) if nodes: self.visit(nodes[-1], context) if end: def visit_Program(self, node: ast.Program, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.version: self._write_statement(f"OPENQASM {node.version}", context) for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) def visit_Include(self, node: ast.Include, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement(f'include "{node.filename}"', context) def visit_ExpressionStatement( self, node: ast.ExpressionStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QubitDeclaration(self, node: ast.QubitDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size)"]")" ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateDefinition( self, node: ast.QuantumGateDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"gate ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ExternDeclaration(self, node: ast.ExternDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"extern ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Identifier(self, node: ast.Identifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_UnaryExpression(self, node: ast.UnaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node) >= properties.precedence(node.expression):"(") self.visit(node.expression, context)")") else: self.visit(node.expression, context) def visit_BinaryExpression(self, node: ast.BinaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) # All AST nodes that are built into BinaryExpression are currently left associative. if properties.precedence(node.lhs) < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" {} ") if properties.precedence(node.rhs) <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_BitstringLiteral(self, node: ast.BitstringLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: value = bin(node.value)[2:] if len(value) < node.width: value = "0" * (node.width - len(value)) + value'"{value}"') def visit_IntegerLiteral(self, node: ast.IntegerLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_FloatLiteral(self, node: ast.FloatLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_BooleanLiteral(self, node: ast.BooleanLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"true" if node.value else "false") def visit_DurationLiteral(self, node: ast.DurationLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"{node.value}{}") def visit_ArrayLiteral(self, node: ast.ArrayLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit( self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") def visit_Cast(self, node: ast.Cast, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(node.type)"(") self.visit(node.argument)")") def visit_DiscreteSet(self, node: ast.DiscreteSet, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_RangeDefinition(self, node: ast.RangeDefinition, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.start is not None: self.visit(node.start, context)":") if node.step is not None: self.visit(node.step, context)":") if node.end is not None: self.visit(node.end, context) def visit_IndexExpression(self, node: ast.IndexExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node.collection) < properties.precedence(node):"(") self.visit(node.collection, context)")") else: self.visit(node.collection, context)"[") if isinstance(node.index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(node.index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_IndexedIdentifier(self, node: ast.IndexedIdentifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(, context) for index in node.indices:"[") if isinstance(index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_Concatenation(self, node: ast.Concatenation, context: PrinterState) -> None: lhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.lhs) our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) rhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.rhs) # Concatenation is fully associative, but this package parses the AST by # arbitrarily making it left-associative (since the design of the AST # forces us to make a choice). We emit brackets to ensure that the # round-trip through our printer and parser do not change the AST. if lhs_precedence < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" ++ ") if rhs_precedence <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_QuantumGate(self, node: ast.QuantumGate, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateModifier( self, node: ast.QuantumGateModifier, context: PrinterState ) -> None: if node.argument is not None:"(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") def visit_QuantumPhase(self, node: ast.QuantumPhase, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ")"gphase(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") if node.qubits: self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, start=" ", separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurement(self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurement, context: PrinterState) -> None:"measure ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) def visit_QuantumReset(self, node: ast.QuantumReset, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"reset ") self.visit(node.qubits, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumBarrier(self, node: ast.QuantumBarrier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"barrier ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement( self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurementStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) if is None: self.visit(node.measure, context) elif self.old_measurement: self.visit(node.measure, context)" -> ") self.visit(, context) else: self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.measure, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalArgument(self, node: ast.ClassicalArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ExternArgument(self, node: ast.ExternArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context) def visit_ClassicalDeclaration( self, node: ast.ClassicalDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) if node.init_expression is not None:" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IODeclaration(self, node: ast.IODeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"{} ") self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ConstantDeclaration( self, node: ast.ConstantDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"const ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context)" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IntType(self, node: ast.IntType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"int") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_UintType(self, node: ast.UintType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"uint") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_FloatType(self, node: ast.FloatType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"float") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_ComplexType(self, node: ast.ComplexType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"complex[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)"]") def visit_AngleType(self, node: ast.AngleType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"angle") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BitType(self, node: ast.BitType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BoolType(self, node: ast.BoolType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bool") def visit_ArrayType(self, node: ast.ArrayType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context) self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, start=", ", end="]", separator=", ") def visit_ArrayReferenceType(self, node: ast.ArrayReferenceType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)", ") if isinstance(node.dimensions, ast.Expression):"#dim=") self.visit(node.dimensions, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_DurationType(self, node: ast.DurationType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"duration") def visit_StretchType(self, node: ast.StretchType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"stretch") def visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration( self, node: ast.CalibrationGrammarDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._write_statement(f'defcalgrammar "{}"', context) def visit_CalibrationDefinition( self, node: ast.
, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"defcal ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") # At this point we _should_ be deferring to something else to handle formatting the # calibration grammar statements, but we're neither we nor the AST are set up to do that."}") self._end_line(context) def visit_SubroutineDefinition( self, node: ast.SubroutineDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"def ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_QuantumArgument(self, node: ast.QuantumArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None:"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]")" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ReturnStatement(self, node: ast.ReturnStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"return") if node.expression is not None:" ") self.visit(node.expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_BreakStatement(self, node: ast.BreakStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("break", context) def visit_ContinueStatement(self, node: ast.ContinueStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("continue", context) def visit_EndStatement(self, node: ast.EndStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("end", context) def visit_BranchingStatement(self, node: ast.BranchingStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"if (") self.visit(node.condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.if_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") if node.else_block:" else ") # Special handling to flatten a perfectly nested structure of # if {...} else { if {...} else {...} } # into the simpler # if {...} else if {...} else {...} # but only if we're allowed to by our options. if ( self.chain_else_if and len(node.else_block) == 1 and isinstance(node.else_block[0], ast.BranchingStatement) ): context.skip_next_indent = True self.visit(node.else_block[0], context) # Don't end the line, because the outer-most `if` block will. else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.else_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) else: self._end_line(context) def visit_WhileLoop(self, node: ast.WhileLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"while (") self.visit(node.while_condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ForInLoop(self, node: ast.ForInLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"for ") self.visit(node.loop_variable, context)" in ") if isinstance(node.set_declaration, ast.RangeDefinition):"[") self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)"]") else: self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DelayInstruction(self, node: ast.DelayInstruction, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"delay[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"] ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_Box(self, node: ast.Box, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"box") if node.duration is not None:"[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"]")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DurationOf(self, node: ast.DurationOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"durationof(") if isinstance(, ast.QASMNode): self.visit(, context) else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}")")") def visit_SizeOf(self, node: ast.SizeOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"sizeof(") self.visit(, context) if node.index is not None:", ") self.visit(node.index)")") def visit_AliasStatement(self, node: ast.AliasStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"let ") self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.value, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalAssignment( self, node: ast.ClassicalAssignment, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.lvalue, context)" {} ") self.visit(node.rvalue, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Pragma(self, node: ast.Pragma, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"#pragma {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context)
[ "AccessControl", "AliasStatement", "AngleType", "annotations", "ArrayLiteral", "ArrayReferenceType", "ArrayType", "AssignmentOperator", "BinaryExpression", "BinaryOperator", "BitstringLiteral", "BitType", "BooleanLiteral", "BoolType", "Box", "BranchingStatement", "BreakStatement", "CalibrationDefinition", "CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "Cast", "ClassicalArgument", "ClassicalAssignment", "ClassicalDeclaration", "ClassicalType", "ComplexType", "Concatenation", "ConstantDeclaration", "ContinueStatement", "dataclass", "DelayInstruction", "DiscreteSet", "DurationLiteral", "DurationOf", "DurationType", "EndStatement", "Enum", "Expression", "ExpressionStatement", "ExternArgument", "ExternDeclaration", "field", "FloatLiteral", "FloatType", "ForInLoop", "FunctionCall", "GateModifierName", "Identifier", "Include", "IndexedIdentifier", "IndexElement", "IndexExpression", "IntegerLiteral", "IntType", "IODeclaration", "IOKeyword", "List", "Optional", "Pragma", "Program", "QASMNode", "QuantumArgument", "QuantumBarrier", "QuantumGate", "QuantumGateDefinition", "QuantumGateModifier", "QuantumMeasurement", "QuantumMeasurementStatement", "QuantumPhase", "QuantumReset", "QuantumStatement", "QubitDeclaration", "RangeDefinition", "ReturnStatement", "SizeOf", "Span", "Statement", "StretchType", "SubroutineDefinition", "TimeUnit", "UintType", "UnaryExpression", "UnaryOperator", "Union", "WhileLoop", "__all__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
""" ============================================================== Generating OpenQASM 3 from an AST Node (``openqasm3.printer``) ============================================================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3 It is often useful to go from the :mod:`AST representation <openqasm3.ast>` of an OpenQASM 3 program back to the textual language. The functions and classes described here will do this conversion. Most uses should be covered by using :func:`dump` to write to an open text stream (an open file, for example) or :func:`dumps` to produce a string. Both of these accept :ref:`several keyword arguments <printer-kwargs>` that control the formatting of the output. .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dump .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dumps .. _printer-kwargs: Controlling the formatting ========================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer The :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps` functions both use an internal AST-visitor class to operate on the AST. This class actually defines all the formatting options, and can be used for more low-level operations, such as writing a program piece-by-piece. This may need access to the :ref:`printer state <printer-state>`, documented below. .. autoclass:: Printer :members: :class-doc-from: both For the most complete control, it is possible to subclass this printer and override only the visitor methods that should be modified. .. _printer-state: Reusing the same printer ======================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer If the :class:`Printer` is being reused to write multiple nodes to a single stream, you will also likely need to access its internal state. This can be done by manually creating a :class:`PrinterState` object and passing it in the original call to :meth:`Printer.visit`. The state object is mutated by the visit, and will reflect the output state at the end. .. autoclass:: PrinterState :members: """ import contextlib import dataclasses import io from typing import Sequence, Optional from . import ast, properties from .visitor import QASMVisitor __all__ = ("dump", "dumps", "Printer", "PrinterState") def dump(node: ast.QASMNode, file: io.TextIOBase, **kwargs) -> None: """Write textual OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node`` to the open stream ``file``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ Printer(file, **kwargs).visit(node) def dumps(node: ast.QASMNode, **kwargs) -> str: """Get a string representation of the OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ out = io.StringIO() dump(node, out, **kwargs) return out.getvalue() @dataclasses.dataclass class PrinterState: """State object for the print visitor. This is mutated during the visit.""" current_indent: int = 0 """The current indentation level. This is a non-negative integer; the actual identation string to be used is defined by the :class:`Printer`.""" skip_next_indent: bool = False """This is used to communicate between the different levels of if-else visitors when emitting chained ``else if`` blocks. The chaining occurs with the next ``if`` if this is set to ``True``.""" @contextlib.contextmanager def increase_scope(self): """Use as a context manager to increase the scoping level of this context inside the resource block.""" self.current_indent += 1 try: yield finally: self.current_indent -= 1 class Printer(QASMVisitor[PrinterState]): """Internal AST-visitor for writing AST nodes out to a stream as valid OpenQASM 3. This class can be used directly to write multiple nodes to the same stream, potentially with some manual control fo the state between them. If subclassing, generally only the specialised ``visit_*`` methods need to be overridden. These are derived from the base class, and use the name of the relevant :mod:`AST node <.ast>` verbatim after ``visit_``.""" def __init__( self, stream: io.TextIOBase, *, indent: str = " ", chain_else_if: bool = True, old_measurement: bool = False, ): """ Aside from ``stream``, the arguments here are keyword arguments that are common to this class, :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps`. :param stream: the stream that the output will be written to. :type stream: io.TextIOBase :param indent: the string to use as a single indentation level. :type indent: str, optional (two spaces). :param chain_else_if: If ``True`` (default), then constructs of the form:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else { if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } } will be collapsed into the equivalent but flatter:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } :type chain_else_if: bool, optional (``True``) :param old_measurement: If ``True``, then the OpenQASM 2-style "arrow" measurements will be used instead of the normal assignments. For example, ``old_measurement=False`` (the default) will emit ``a = measure b;`` where ``old_measurement=True`` would emit ``measure b -> a;`` instead. :type old_measurement: bool, optional (``False``). """ = stream self.indent = indent self.chain_else_if = chain_else_if self.old_measurement = old_measurement def visit(self, node: ast.QASMNode, context: Optional[PrinterState] = None) -> None: """Completely visit a node and all subnodes. This is the dispatch entry point; this will automatically result in the correct specialised visitor getting called. :param node: The AST node to visit. Usually this will be an :class:`.ast.Program`. :type node: .ast.QASMNode :param context: The state object to be used during the visit. If not given, a default object will be constructed and used. :type context: PrinterState """ if context is None: context = PrinterState() return super().visit(node, context) def _start_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None: if context.skip_next_indent: context.skip_next_indent = False return * self.indent) def _end_statement(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:";\n") def _end_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:"\n") def _write_statement(self, line: str, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) self._end_statement(context) def _visit_sequence( self, nodes: Sequence[ast.QASMNode], context: PrinterState, *, start: str = "", end: str = "", separator: str, ) -> None: if start: for node in nodes[:-1]: self.visit(node, context) if nodes: self.visit(nodes[-1], context) if end: def visit_Program(self, node: ast.Program, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.version: self._write_statement(f"OPENQASM {node.version}", context) for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) def visit_Include(self, node: ast.Include, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement(f'include "{node.filename}"', context) def visit_ExpressionStatement( self, node: ast.ExpressionStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QubitDeclaration(self, node: ast.QubitDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size)"]")" ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateDefinition( self, node: ast.QuantumGateDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"gate ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ExternDeclaration(self, node: ast.ExternDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"extern ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Identifier(self, node: ast.Identifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_UnaryExpression(self, node: ast.UnaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node) >= properties.precedence(node.expression):"(") self.visit(node.expression, context)")") else: self.visit(node.expression, context) def visit_BinaryExpression(self, node: ast.BinaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) # All AST nodes that are built into BinaryExpression are currently left associative. if properties.precedence(node.lhs) < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" {} ") if properties.precedence(node.rhs) <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_BitstringLiteral(self, node: ast.BitstringLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: value = bin(node.value)[2:] if len(value) < node.width: value = "0" * (node.width - len(value)) + value'"{value}"') def visit_IntegerLiteral(self, node: ast.IntegerLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_FloatLiteral(self, node: ast.FloatLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_BooleanLiteral(self, node: ast.BooleanLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"true" if node.value else "false") def visit_DurationLiteral(self, node: ast.DurationLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"{node.value}{}") def visit_ArrayLiteral(self, node: ast.ArrayLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit( self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") def visit_Cast(self, node: ast.Cast, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(node.type)"(") self.visit(node.argument)")") def visit_DiscreteSet(self, node: ast.DiscreteSet, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_RangeDefinition(self, node: ast.RangeDefinition, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.start is not None: self.visit(node.start, context)":") if node.step is not None: self.visit(node.step, context)":") if node.end is not None: self.visit(node.end, context) def visit_IndexExpression(self, node: ast.IndexExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node.collection) < properties.precedence(node):"(") self.visit(node.collection, context)")") else: self.visit(node.collection, context)"[") if isinstance(node.index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(node.index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_IndexedIdentifier(self, node: ast.IndexedIdentifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(, context) for index in node.indices:"[") if isinstance(index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_Concatenation(self, node: ast.Concatenation, context: PrinterState) -> None: lhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.lhs) our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) rhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.rhs) # Concatenation is fully associative, but this package parses the AST by # arbitrarily making it left-associative (since the design of the AST # forces us to make a choice). We emit brackets to ensure that the # round-trip through our printer and parser do not change the AST. if lhs_precedence < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" ++ ") if rhs_precedence <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_QuantumGate(self, node: ast.QuantumGate, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateModifier( self, node: ast.QuantumGateModifier, context: PrinterState ) -> None: if node.argument is not None:"(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") def visit_QuantumPhase(self, node: ast.QuantumPhase, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ")"gphase(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") if node.qubits: self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, start=" ", separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurement(self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurement, context: PrinterState) -> None:"measure ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) def visit_QuantumReset(self, node: ast.QuantumReset, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"reset ") self.visit(node.qubits, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumBarrier(self, node: ast.QuantumBarrier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"barrier ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement( self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurementStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) if is None: self.visit(node.measure, context) elif self.old_measurement: self.visit(node.measure, context)" -> ") self.visit(, context) else: self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.measure, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalArgument(self, node: ast.ClassicalArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ExternArgument(self, node: ast.ExternArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context) def visit_ClassicalDeclaration( self, node: ast.ClassicalDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) if node.init_expression is not None:" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IODeclaration(self, node: ast.IODeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"{} ") self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ConstantDeclaration( self, node: ast.ConstantDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"const ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context)" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IntType(self, node: ast.IntType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"int") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_UintType(self, node: ast.UintType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"uint") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_FloatType(self, node: ast.FloatType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"float") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_ComplexType(self, node: ast.ComplexType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"complex[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)"]") def visit_AngleType(self, node: ast.AngleType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"angle") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BitType(self, node: ast.BitType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BoolType(self, node: ast.BoolType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bool") def visit_ArrayType(self, node: ast.ArrayType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context) self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, start=", ", end="]", separator=", ") def visit_ArrayReferenceType(self, node: ast.ArrayReferenceType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)", ") if isinstance(node.dimensions, ast.Expression):"#dim=") self.visit(node.dimensions, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_DurationType(self, node: ast.DurationType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"duration") def visit_StretchType(self, node: ast.StretchType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"stretch") def visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration( self, node: ast.CalibrationGrammarDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._write_statement(f'defcalgrammar "{}"', context) def visit_CalibrationDefinition( self, node: ast.CalibrationDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"defcal ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") # At this point we _should_ be deferring to something else to handle formatting the # calibration grammar statements, but we're neither we nor the AST are set up to do that."}") self._end_line(context) def visit_SubroutineDefinition( self, node: ast.
, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"def ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_QuantumArgument(self, node: ast.QuantumArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None:"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]")" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ReturnStatement(self, node: ast.ReturnStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"return") if node.expression is not None:" ") self.visit(node.expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_BreakStatement(self, node: ast.BreakStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("break", context) def visit_ContinueStatement(self, node: ast.ContinueStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("continue", context) def visit_EndStatement(self, node: ast.EndStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("end", context) def visit_BranchingStatement(self, node: ast.BranchingStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"if (") self.visit(node.condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.if_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") if node.else_block:" else ") # Special handling to flatten a perfectly nested structure of # if {...} else { if {...} else {...} } # into the simpler # if {...} else if {...} else {...} # but only if we're allowed to by our options. if ( self.chain_else_if and len(node.else_block) == 1 and isinstance(node.else_block[0], ast.BranchingStatement) ): context.skip_next_indent = True self.visit(node.else_block[0], context) # Don't end the line, because the outer-most `if` block will. else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.else_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) else: self._end_line(context) def visit_WhileLoop(self, node: ast.WhileLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"while (") self.visit(node.while_condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ForInLoop(self, node: ast.ForInLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"for ") self.visit(node.loop_variable, context)" in ") if isinstance(node.set_declaration, ast.RangeDefinition):"[") self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)"]") else: self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DelayInstruction(self, node: ast.DelayInstruction, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"delay[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"] ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_Box(self, node: ast.Box, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"box") if node.duration is not None:"[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"]")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DurationOf(self, node: ast.DurationOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"durationof(") if isinstance(, ast.QASMNode): self.visit(, context) else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}")")") def visit_SizeOf(self, node: ast.SizeOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"sizeof(") self.visit(, context) if node.index is not None:", ") self.visit(node.index)")") def visit_AliasStatement(self, node: ast.AliasStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"let ") self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.value, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalAssignment( self, node: ast.ClassicalAssignment, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.lvalue, context)" {} ") self.visit(node.rvalue, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Pragma(self, node: ast.Pragma, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"#pragma {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context)
[ "chain_else_if", "generic_visit", "indent", "old_measurement", "stream", "visit", "visit_AliasStatement", "visit_AngleType", "visit_ArrayLiteral", "visit_ArrayReferenceType", "visit_ArrayType", "visit_BinaryExpression", "visit_BitstringLiteral", "visit_BitType", "visit_BooleanLiteral", "visit_BoolType", "visit_Box", "visit_BranchingStatement", "visit_BreakStatement", "visit_CalibrationDefinition", "visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "visit_Cast", "visit_ClassicalArgument", "visit_ClassicalAssignment", "visit_ClassicalDeclaration", "visit_ComplexType", "visit_Concatenation", "visit_ConstantDeclaration", "visit_ContinueStatement", "visit_DelayInstruction", "visit_DiscreteSet", "visit_DurationLiteral", "visit_DurationOf", "visit_DurationType", "visit_EndStatement", "visit_ExpressionStatement", "visit_ExternArgument", "visit_ExternDeclaration", "visit_FloatLiteral", "visit_FloatType", "visit_ForInLoop", "visit_FunctionCall", "visit_Identifier", "visit_Include", "visit_IndexedIdentifier", "visit_IndexExpression", "visit_IntegerLiteral", "visit_IntType", "visit_IODeclaration", "visit_Pragma", "visit_Program", "visit_QuantumArgument", "visit_QuantumBarrier", "visit_QuantumGate", "visit_QuantumGateDefinition", "visit_QuantumGateModifier", "visit_QuantumMeasurement", "visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement", "visit_QuantumPhase", "visit_QuantumReset", "visit_QubitDeclaration", "visit_RangeDefinition", "visit_ReturnStatement", "visit_SizeOf", "visit_StretchType", "visit_SubroutineDefinition", "visit_UintType", "visit_UnaryExpression", "visit_WhileLoop", "_end_line", "_end_statement", "_start_line", "_visit_sequence", "_write_statement", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
""" ============================================================== Generating OpenQASM 3 from an AST Node (``openqasm3.printer``) ============================================================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3 It is often useful to go from the :mod:`AST representation <openqasm3.ast>` of an OpenQASM 3 program back to the textual language. The functions and classes described here will do this conversion. Most uses should be covered by using :func:`dump` to write to an open text stream (an open file, for example) or :func:`dumps` to produce a string. Both of these accept :ref:`several keyword arguments <printer-kwargs>` that control the formatting of the output. .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dump .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dumps .. _printer-kwargs: Controlling the formatting ========================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer The :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps` functions both use an internal AST-visitor class to operate on the AST. This class actually defines all the formatting options, and can be used for more low-level operations, such as writing a program piece-by-piece. This may need access to the :ref:`printer state <printer-state>`, documented below. .. autoclass:: Printer :members: :class-doc-from: both For the most complete control, it is possible to subclass this printer and override only the visitor methods that should be modified. .. _printer-state: Reusing the same printer ======================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer If the :class:`Printer` is being reused to write multiple nodes to a single stream, you will also likely need to access its internal state. This can be done by manually creating a :class:`PrinterState` object and passing it in the original call to :meth:`Printer.visit`. The state object is mutated by the visit, and will reflect the output state at the end. .. autoclass:: PrinterState :members: """ import contextlib import dataclasses import io from typing import Sequence, Optional from . import ast, properties from .visitor import QASMVisitor __all__ = ("dump", "dumps", "Printer", "PrinterState") def dump(node: ast.QASMNode, file: io.TextIOBase, **kwargs) -> None: """Write textual OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node`` to the open stream ``file``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ Printer(file, **kwargs).visit(node) def dumps(node: ast.QASMNode, **kwargs) -> str: """Get a string representation of the OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ out = io.StringIO() dump(node, out, **kwargs) return out.getvalue() @dataclasses.dataclass class PrinterState: """State object for the print visitor. This is mutated during the visit.""" current_indent: int = 0 """The current indentation level. This is a non-negative integer; the actual identation string to be used is defined by the :class:`Printer`.""" skip_next_indent: bool = False """This is used to communicate between the different levels of if-else visitors when emitting chained ``else if`` blocks. The chaining occurs with the next ``if`` if this is set to ``True``.""" @contextlib.contextmanager def increase_scope(self): """Use as a context manager to increase the scoping level of this context inside the resource block.""" self.current_indent += 1 try: yield finally: self.current_indent -= 1 class Printer(QASMVisitor[PrinterState]): """Internal AST-visitor for writing AST nodes out to a stream as valid OpenQASM 3. This class can be used directly to write multiple nodes to the same stream, potentially with some manual control fo the state between them. If subclassing, generally only the specialised ``visit_*`` methods need to be overridden. These are derived from the base class, and use the name of the relevant :mod:`AST node <.ast>` verbatim after ``visit_``.""" def __init__( self, stream: io.TextIOBase, *, indent: str = " ", chain_else_if: bool = True, old_measurement: bool = False, ): """ Aside from ``stream``, the arguments here are keyword arguments that are common to this class, :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps`. :param stream: the stream that the output will be written to. :type stream: io.TextIOBase :param indent: the string to use as a single indentation level. :type indent: str, optional (two spaces). :param chain_else_if: If ``True`` (default), then constructs of the form:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else { if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } } will be collapsed into the equivalent but flatter:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } :type chain_else_if: bool, optional (``True``) :param old_measurement: If ``True``, then the OpenQASM 2-style "arrow" measurements will be used instead of the normal assignments. For example, ``old_measurement=False`` (the default) will emit ``a = measure b;`` where ``old_measurement=True`` would emit ``measure b -> a;`` instead. :type old_measurement: bool, optional (``False``). """ = stream self.indent = indent self.chain_else_if = chain_else_if self.old_measurement = old_measurement def visit(self, node: ast.QASMNode, context: Optional[PrinterState] = None) -> None: """Completely visit a node and all subnodes. This is the dispatch entry point; this will automatically result in the correct specialised visitor getting called. :param node: The AST node to visit. Usually this will be an :class:`.ast.Program`. :type node: .ast.QASMNode :param context: The state object to be used during the visit. If not given, a default object will be constructed and used. :type context: PrinterState """ if context is None: context = PrinterState() return super().visit(node, context) def _start_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None: if context.skip_next_indent: context.skip_next_indent = False return * self.indent) def _end_statement(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:";\n") def _end_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:"\n") def _write_statement(self, line: str, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) self._end_statement(context) def _visit_sequence( self, nodes: Sequence[ast.QASMNode], context: PrinterState, *, start: str = "", end: str = "", separator: str, ) -> None: if start: for node in nodes[:-1]: self.visit(node, context) if nodes: self.visit(nodes[-1], context) if end: def visit_Program(self, node: ast.Program, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.version: self._write_statement(f"OPENQASM {node.version}", context) for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) def visit_Include(self, node: ast.Include, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement(f'include "{node.filename}"', context) def visit_ExpressionStatement( self, node: ast.ExpressionStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QubitDeclaration(self, node: ast.QubitDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size)"]")" ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateDefinition( self, node: ast.QuantumGateDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"gate ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ExternDeclaration(self, node: ast.ExternDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"extern ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Identifier(self, node: ast.Identifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_UnaryExpression(self, node: ast.UnaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node) >= properties.precedence(node.expression):"(") self.visit(node.expression, context)")") else: self.visit(node.expression, context) def visit_BinaryExpression(self, node: ast.BinaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) # All AST nodes that are built into BinaryExpression are currently left associative. if properties.precedence(node.lhs) < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" {} ") if properties.precedence(node.rhs) <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_BitstringLiteral(self, node: ast.BitstringLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: value = bin(node.value)[2:] if len(value) < node.width: value = "0" * (node.width - len(value)) + value'"{value}"') def visit_IntegerLiteral(self, node: ast.IntegerLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_FloatLiteral(self, node: ast.FloatLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_BooleanLiteral(self, node: ast.BooleanLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"true" if node.value else "false") def visit_DurationLiteral(self, node: ast.DurationLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"{node.value}{}") def visit_ArrayLiteral(self, node: ast.ArrayLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit( self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") def visit_Cast(self, node: ast.Cast, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(node.type)"(") self.visit(node.argument)")") def visit_DiscreteSet(self, node: ast.DiscreteSet, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_RangeDefinition(self, node: ast.RangeDefinition, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.start is not None: self.visit(node.start, context)":") if node.step is not None: self.visit(node.step, context)":") if node.end is not None: self.visit(node.end, context) def visit_IndexExpression(self, node: ast.IndexExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node.collection) < properties.precedence(node):"(") self.visit(node.collection, context)")") else: self.visit(node.collection, context)"[") if isinstance(node.index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(node.index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_IndexedIdentifier(self, node: ast.IndexedIdentifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(, context) for index in node.indices:"[") if isinstance(index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_Concatenation(self, node: ast.Concatenation, context: PrinterState) -> None: lhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.lhs) our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) rhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.rhs) # Concatenation is fully associative, but this package parses the AST by # arbitrarily making it left-associative (since the design of the AST # forces us to make a choice). We emit brackets to ensure that the # round-trip through our printer and parser do not change the AST. if lhs_precedence < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" ++ ") if rhs_precedence <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_QuantumGate(self, node: ast.QuantumGate, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateModifier( self, node: ast.QuantumGateModifier, context: PrinterState ) -> None: if node.argument is not None:"(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") def visit_QuantumPhase(self, node: ast.QuantumPhase, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ")"gphase(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") if node.qubits: self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, start=" ", separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurement(self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurement, context: PrinterState) -> None:"measure ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) def visit_QuantumReset(self, node: ast.QuantumReset, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"reset ") self.visit(node.qubits, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumBarrier(self, node: ast.QuantumBarrier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"barrier ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement( self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurementStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) if is None: self.visit(node.measure, context) elif self.old_measurement: self.visit(node.measure, context)" -> ") self.visit(, context) else: self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.measure, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalArgument(self, node: ast.ClassicalArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ExternArgument(self, node: ast.ExternArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context) def visit_ClassicalDeclaration( self, node: ast.ClassicalDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) if node.init_expression is not None:" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IODeclaration(self, node: ast.IODeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"{} ") self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ConstantDeclaration( self, node: ast.ConstantDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"const ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context)" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IntType(self, node: ast.IntType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"int") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_UintType(self, node: ast.UintType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"uint") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_FloatType(self, node: ast.FloatType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"float") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_ComplexType(self, node: ast.ComplexType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"complex[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)"]") def visit_AngleType(self, node: ast.AngleType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"angle") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BitType(self, node: ast.BitType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BoolType(self, node: ast.BoolType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bool") def visit_ArrayType(self, node: ast.ArrayType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context) self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, start=", ", end="]", separator=", ") def visit_ArrayReferenceType(self, node: ast.ArrayReferenceType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)", ") if isinstance(node.dimensions, ast.Expression):"#dim=") self.visit(node.dimensions, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_DurationType(self, node: ast.DurationType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"duration") def visit_StretchType(self, node: ast.StretchType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"stretch") def visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration( self, node: ast.CalibrationGrammarDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._write_statement(f'defcalgrammar "{}"', context) def visit_CalibrationDefinition( self, node: ast.CalibrationDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"defcal ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") # At this point we _should_ be deferring to something else to handle formatting the # calibration grammar statements, but we're neither we nor the AST are set up to do that."}") self._end_line(context) def visit_SubroutineDefinition( self, node: ast.SubroutineDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"def ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_QuantumArgument(self, node: ast.QuantumArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None:"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]")" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ReturnStatement(self, node: ast.ReturnStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"return") if node.expression is not None:" ") self.visit(node.expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_BreakStatement(self, node: ast.BreakStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.
("break", context) def visit_ContinueStatement(self, node: ast.ContinueStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("continue", context) def visit_EndStatement(self, node: ast.EndStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("end", context) def visit_BranchingStatement(self, node: ast.BranchingStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"if (") self.visit(node.condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.if_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") if node.else_block:" else ") # Special handling to flatten a perfectly nested structure of # if {...} else { if {...} else {...} } # into the simpler # if {...} else if {...} else {...} # but only if we're allowed to by our options. if ( self.chain_else_if and len(node.else_block) == 1 and isinstance(node.else_block[0], ast.BranchingStatement) ): context.skip_next_indent = True self.visit(node.else_block[0], context) # Don't end the line, because the outer-most `if` block will. else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.else_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) else: self._end_line(context) def visit_WhileLoop(self, node: ast.WhileLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"while (") self.visit(node.while_condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ForInLoop(self, node: ast.ForInLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"for ") self.visit(node.loop_variable, context)" in ") if isinstance(node.set_declaration, ast.RangeDefinition):"[") self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)"]") else: self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DelayInstruction(self, node: ast.DelayInstruction, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"delay[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"] ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_Box(self, node: ast.Box, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"box") if node.duration is not None:"[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"]")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DurationOf(self, node: ast.DurationOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"durationof(") if isinstance(, ast.QASMNode): self.visit(, context) else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}")")") def visit_SizeOf(self, node: ast.SizeOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"sizeof(") self.visit(, context) if node.index is not None:", ") self.visit(node.index)")") def visit_AliasStatement(self, node: ast.AliasStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"let ") self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.value, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalAssignment( self, node: ast.ClassicalAssignment, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.lvalue, context)" {} ") self.visit(node.rvalue, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Pragma(self, node: ast.Pragma, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"#pragma {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context)
[ "chain_else_if", "generic_visit", "indent", "old_measurement", "stream", "visit", "visit_AliasStatement", "visit_AngleType", "visit_ArrayLiteral", "visit_ArrayReferenceType", "visit_ArrayType", "visit_BinaryExpression", "visit_BitstringLiteral", "visit_BitType", "visit_BooleanLiteral", "visit_BoolType", "visit_Box", "visit_BranchingStatement", "visit_BreakStatement", "visit_CalibrationDefinition", "visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "visit_Cast", "visit_ClassicalArgument", "visit_ClassicalAssignment", "visit_ClassicalDeclaration", "visit_ComplexType", "visit_Concatenation", "visit_ConstantDeclaration", "visit_ContinueStatement", "visit_DelayInstruction", "visit_DiscreteSet", "visit_DurationLiteral", "visit_DurationOf", "visit_DurationType", "visit_EndStatement", "visit_ExpressionStatement", "visit_ExternArgument", "visit_ExternDeclaration", "visit_FloatLiteral", "visit_FloatType", "visit_ForInLoop", "visit_FunctionCall", "visit_Identifier", "visit_Include", "visit_IndexedIdentifier", "visit_IndexExpression", "visit_IntegerLiteral", "visit_IntType", "visit_IODeclaration", "visit_Pragma", "visit_Program", "visit_QuantumArgument", "visit_QuantumBarrier", "visit_QuantumGate", "visit_QuantumGateDefinition", "visit_QuantumGateModifier", "visit_QuantumMeasurement", "visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement", "visit_QuantumPhase", "visit_QuantumReset", "visit_QubitDeclaration", "visit_RangeDefinition", "visit_ReturnStatement", "visit_SizeOf", "visit_StretchType", "visit_SubroutineDefinition", "visit_UintType", "visit_UnaryExpression", "visit_WhileLoop", "_end_line", "_end_statement", "_start_line", "_visit_sequence", "_write_statement", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
""" ============================================================== Generating OpenQASM 3 from an AST Node (``openqasm3.printer``) ============================================================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3 It is often useful to go from the :mod:`AST representation <openqasm3.ast>` of an OpenQASM 3 program back to the textual language. The functions and classes described here will do this conversion. Most uses should be covered by using :func:`dump` to write to an open text stream (an open file, for example) or :func:`dumps` to produce a string. Both of these accept :ref:`several keyword arguments <printer-kwargs>` that control the formatting of the output. .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dump .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dumps .. _printer-kwargs: Controlling the formatting ========================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer The :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps` functions both use an internal AST-visitor class to operate on the AST. This class actually defines all the formatting options, and can be used for more low-level operations, such as writing a program piece-by-piece. This may need access to the :ref:`printer state <printer-state>`, documented below. .. autoclass:: Printer :members: :class-doc-from: both For the most complete control, it is possible to subclass this printer and override only the visitor methods that should be modified. .. _printer-state: Reusing the same printer ======================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer If the :class:`Printer` is being reused to write multiple nodes to a single stream, you will also likely need to access its internal state. This can be done by manually creating a :class:`PrinterState` object and passing it in the original call to :meth:`Printer.visit`. The state object is mutated by the visit, and will reflect the output state at the end. .. autoclass:: PrinterState :members: """ import contextlib import dataclasses import io from typing import Sequence, Optional from . import ast, properties from .visitor import QASMVisitor __all__ = ("dump", "dumps", "Printer", "PrinterState") def dump(node: ast.QASMNode, file: io.TextIOBase, **kwargs) -> None: """Write textual OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node`` to the open stream ``file``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ Printer(file, **kwargs).visit(node) def dumps(node: ast.QASMNode, **kwargs) -> str: """Get a string representation of the OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ out = io.StringIO() dump(node, out, **kwargs) return out.getvalue() @dataclasses.dataclass class PrinterState: """State object for the print visitor. This is mutated during the visit.""" current_indent: int = 0 """The current indentation level. This is a non-negative integer; the actual identation string to be used is defined by the :class:`Printer`.""" skip_next_indent: bool = False """This is used to communicate between the different levels of if-else visitors when emitting chained ``else if`` blocks. The chaining occurs with the next ``if`` if this is set to ``True``.""" @contextlib.contextmanager def increase_scope(self): """Use as a context manager to increase the scoping level of this context inside the resource block.""" self.current_indent += 1 try: yield finally: self.current_indent -= 1 class Printer(QASMVisitor[PrinterState]): """Internal AST-visitor for writing AST nodes out to a stream as valid OpenQASM 3. This class can be used directly to write multiple nodes to the same stream, potentially with some manual control fo the state between them. If subclassing, generally only the specialised ``visit_*`` methods need to be overridden. These are derived from the base class, and use the name of the relevant :mod:`AST node <.ast>` verbatim after ``visit_``.""" def __init__( self, stream: io.TextIOBase, *, indent: str = " ", chain_else_if: bool = True, old_measurement: bool = False, ): """ Aside from ``stream``, the arguments here are keyword arguments that are common to this class, :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps`. :param stream: the stream that the output will be written to. :type stream: io.TextIOBase :param indent: the string to use as a single indentation level. :type indent: str, optional (two spaces). :param chain_else_if: If ``True`` (default), then constructs of the form:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else { if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } } will be collapsed into the equivalent but flatter:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } :type chain_else_if: bool, optional (``True``) :param old_measurement: If ``True``, then the OpenQASM 2-style "arrow" measurements will be used instead of the normal assignments. For example, ``old_measurement=False`` (the default) will emit ``a = measure b;`` where ``old_measurement=True`` would emit ``measure b -> a;`` instead. :type old_measurement: bool, optional (``False``). """ = stream self.indent = indent self.chain_else_if = chain_else_if self.old_measurement = old_measurement def visit(self, node: ast.QASMNode, context: Optional[PrinterState] = None) -> None: """Completely visit a node and all subnodes. This is the dispatch entry point; this will automatically result in the correct specialised visitor getting called. :param node: The AST node to visit. Usually this will be an :class:`.ast.Program`. :type node: .ast.QASMNode :param context: The state object to be used during the visit. If not given, a default object will be constructed and used. :type context: PrinterState """ if context is None: context = PrinterState() return super().visit(node, context) def _start_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None: if context.skip_next_indent: context.skip_next_indent = False return * self.indent) def _end_statement(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:";\n") def _end_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:"\n") def _write_statement(self, line: str, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) self._end_statement(context) def _visit_sequence( self, nodes: Sequence[ast.QASMNode], context: PrinterState, *, start: str = "", end: str = "", separator: str, ) -> None: if start: for node in nodes[:-1]: self.visit(node, context) if nodes: self.visit(nodes[-1], context) if end: def visit_Program(self, node: ast.Program, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.version: self._write_statement(f"OPENQASM {node.version}", context) for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) def visit_Include(self, node: ast.Include, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement(f'include "{node.filename}"', context) def visit_ExpressionStatement( self, node: ast.ExpressionStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QubitDeclaration(self, node: ast.QubitDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size)"]")" ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateDefinition( self, node: ast.QuantumGateDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"gate ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ExternDeclaration(self, node: ast.ExternDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"extern ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Identifier(self, node: ast.Identifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_UnaryExpression(self, node: ast.UnaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node) >= properties.precedence(node.expression):"(") self.visit(node.expression, context)")") else: self.visit(node.expression, context) def visit_BinaryExpression(self, node: ast.BinaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) # All AST nodes that are built into BinaryExpression are currently left associative. if properties.precedence(node.lhs) < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" {} ") if properties.precedence(node.rhs) <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_BitstringLiteral(self, node: ast.BitstringLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: value = bin(node.value)[2:] if len(value) < node.width: value = "0" * (node.width - len(value)) + value'"{value}"') def visit_IntegerLiteral(self, node: ast.IntegerLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_FloatLiteral(self, node: ast.FloatLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_BooleanLiteral(self, node: ast.BooleanLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"true" if node.value else "false") def visit_DurationLiteral(self, node: ast.DurationLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"{node.value}{}") def visit_ArrayLiteral(self, node: ast.ArrayLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit( self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") def visit_Cast(self, node: ast.Cast, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(node.type)"(") self.visit(node.argument)")") def visit_DiscreteSet(self, node: ast.DiscreteSet, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_RangeDefinition(self, node: ast.RangeDefinition, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.start is not None: self.visit(node.start, context)":") if node.step is not None: self.visit(node.step, context)":") if node.end is not None: self.visit(node.end, context) def visit_IndexExpression(self, node: ast.IndexExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node.collection) < properties.precedence(node):"(") self.visit(node.collection, context)")") else: self.visit(node.collection, context)"[") if isinstance(node.index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(node.index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_IndexedIdentifier(self, node: ast.IndexedIdentifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(, context) for index in node.indices:"[") if isinstance(index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_Concatenation(self, node: ast.Concatenation, context: PrinterState) -> None: lhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.lhs) our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) rhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.rhs) # Concatenation is fully associative, but this package parses the AST by # arbitrarily making it left-associative (since the design of the AST # forces us to make a choice). We emit brackets to ensure that the # round-trip through our printer and parser do not change the AST. if lhs_precedence < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" ++ ") if rhs_precedence <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_QuantumGate(self, node: ast.QuantumGate, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateModifier( self, node: ast.QuantumGateModifier, context: PrinterState ) -> None: if node.argument is not None:"(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") def visit_QuantumPhase(self, node: ast.QuantumPhase, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ")"gphase(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") if node.qubits: self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, start=" ", separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurement(self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurement, context: PrinterState) -> None:"measure ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) def visit_QuantumReset(self, node: ast.QuantumReset, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"reset ") self.visit(node.qubits, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumBarrier(self, node: ast.QuantumBarrier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"barrier ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement( self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurementStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) if is None: self.visit(node.measure, context) elif self.old_measurement: self.visit(node.measure, context)" -> ") self.visit(, context) else: self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.measure, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalArgument(self, node: ast.ClassicalArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ExternArgument(self, node: ast.ExternArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context) def visit_ClassicalDeclaration( self, node: ast.ClassicalDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) if node.init_expression is not None:" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IODeclaration(self, node: ast.IODeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"{} ") self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ConstantDeclaration( self, node: ast.ConstantDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"const ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context)" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IntType(self, node: ast.IntType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"int") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_UintType(self, node: ast.UintType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"uint") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_FloatType(self, node: ast.FloatType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"float") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_ComplexType(self, node: ast.ComplexType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"complex[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)"]") def visit_AngleType(self, node: ast.AngleType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"angle") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BitType(self, node: ast.BitType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BoolType(self, node: ast.BoolType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bool") def visit_ArrayType(self, node: ast.ArrayType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context) self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, start=", ", end="]", separator=", ") def visit_ArrayReferenceType(self, node: ast.ArrayReferenceType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)", ") if isinstance(node.dimensions, ast.Expression):"#dim=") self.visit(node.dimensions, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_DurationType(self, node: ast.DurationType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"duration") def visit_StretchType(self, node: ast.StretchType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"stretch") def visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration( self, node: ast.CalibrationGrammarDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._write_statement(f'defcalgrammar "{}"', context) def visit_CalibrationDefinition( self, node: ast.CalibrationDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"defcal ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") # At this point we _should_ be deferring to something else to handle formatting the # calibration grammar statements, but we're neither we nor the AST are set up to do that."}") self._end_line(context) def visit_SubroutineDefinition( self, node: ast.SubroutineDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"def ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_QuantumArgument(self, node: ast.QuantumArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None:"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]")" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ReturnStatement(self, node: ast.ReturnStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"return") if node.expression is not None:" ") self.visit(node.expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_BreakStatement(self, node: ast.BreakStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("break", context) def visit_ContinueStatement(self, node: ast.ContinueStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.
("continue", context) def visit_EndStatement(self, node: ast.EndStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("end", context) def visit_BranchingStatement(self, node: ast.BranchingStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"if (") self.visit(node.condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.if_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") if node.else_block:" else ") # Special handling to flatten a perfectly nested structure of # if {...} else { if {...} else {...} } # into the simpler # if {...} else if {...} else {...} # but only if we're allowed to by our options. if ( self.chain_else_if and len(node.else_block) == 1 and isinstance(node.else_block[0], ast.BranchingStatement) ): context.skip_next_indent = True self.visit(node.else_block[0], context) # Don't end the line, because the outer-most `if` block will. else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.else_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) else: self._end_line(context) def visit_WhileLoop(self, node: ast.WhileLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"while (") self.visit(node.while_condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ForInLoop(self, node: ast.ForInLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"for ") self.visit(node.loop_variable, context)" in ") if isinstance(node.set_declaration, ast.RangeDefinition):"[") self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)"]") else: self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DelayInstruction(self, node: ast.DelayInstruction, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"delay[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"] ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_Box(self, node: ast.Box, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"box") if node.duration is not None:"[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"]")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DurationOf(self, node: ast.DurationOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"durationof(") if isinstance(, ast.QASMNode): self.visit(, context) else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}")")") def visit_SizeOf(self, node: ast.SizeOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"sizeof(") self.visit(, context) if node.index is not None:", ") self.visit(node.index)")") def visit_AliasStatement(self, node: ast.AliasStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"let ") self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.value, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalAssignment( self, node: ast.ClassicalAssignment, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.lvalue, context)" {} ") self.visit(node.rvalue, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Pragma(self, node: ast.Pragma, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"#pragma {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context)
[ "chain_else_if", "generic_visit", "indent", "old_measurement", "stream", "visit", "visit_AliasStatement", "visit_AngleType", "visit_ArrayLiteral", "visit_ArrayReferenceType", "visit_ArrayType", "visit_BinaryExpression", "visit_BitstringLiteral", "visit_BitType", "visit_BooleanLiteral", "visit_BoolType", "visit_Box", "visit_BranchingStatement", "visit_BreakStatement", "visit_CalibrationDefinition", "visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "visit_Cast", "visit_ClassicalArgument", "visit_ClassicalAssignment", "visit_ClassicalDeclaration", "visit_ComplexType", "visit_Concatenation", "visit_ConstantDeclaration", "visit_ContinueStatement", "visit_DelayInstruction", "visit_DiscreteSet", "visit_DurationLiteral", "visit_DurationOf", "visit_DurationType", "visit_EndStatement", "visit_ExpressionStatement", "visit_ExternArgument", "visit_ExternDeclaration", "visit_FloatLiteral", "visit_FloatType", "visit_ForInLoop", "visit_FunctionCall", "visit_Identifier", "visit_Include", "visit_IndexedIdentifier", "visit_IndexExpression", "visit_IntegerLiteral", "visit_IntType", "visit_IODeclaration", "visit_Pragma", "visit_Program", "visit_QuantumArgument", "visit_QuantumBarrier", "visit_QuantumGate", "visit_QuantumGateDefinition", "visit_QuantumGateModifier", "visit_QuantumMeasurement", "visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement", "visit_QuantumPhase", "visit_QuantumReset", "visit_QubitDeclaration", "visit_RangeDefinition", "visit_ReturnStatement", "visit_SizeOf", "visit_StretchType", "visit_SubroutineDefinition", "visit_UintType", "visit_UnaryExpression", "visit_WhileLoop", "_end_line", "_end_statement", "_start_line", "_visit_sequence", "_write_statement", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
""" ============================================================== Generating OpenQASM 3 from an AST Node (``openqasm3.printer``) ============================================================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3 It is often useful to go from the :mod:`AST representation <openqasm3.ast>` of an OpenQASM 3 program back to the textual language. The functions and classes described here will do this conversion. Most uses should be covered by using :func:`dump` to write to an open text stream (an open file, for example) or :func:`dumps` to produce a string. Both of these accept :ref:`several keyword arguments <printer-kwargs>` that control the formatting of the output. .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dump .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dumps .. _printer-kwargs: Controlling the formatting ========================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer The :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps` functions both use an internal AST-visitor class to operate on the AST. This class actually defines all the formatting options, and can be used for more low-level operations, such as writing a program piece-by-piece. This may need access to the :ref:`printer state <printer-state>`, documented below. .. autoclass:: Printer :members: :class-doc-from: both For the most complete control, it is possible to subclass this printer and override only the visitor methods that should be modified. .. _printer-state: Reusing the same printer ======================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer If the :class:`Printer` is being reused to write multiple nodes to a single stream, you will also likely need to access its internal state. This can be done by manually creating a :class:`PrinterState` object and passing it in the original call to :meth:`Printer.visit`. The state object is mutated by the visit, and will reflect the output state at the end. .. autoclass:: PrinterState :members: """ import contextlib import dataclasses import io from typing import Sequence, Optional from . import ast, properties from .visitor import QASMVisitor __all__ = ("dump", "dumps", "Printer", "PrinterState") def dump(node: ast.QASMNode, file: io.TextIOBase, **kwargs) -> None: """Write textual OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node`` to the open stream ``file``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ Printer(file, **kwargs).visit(node) def dumps(node: ast.QASMNode, **kwargs) -> str: """Get a string representation of the OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ out = io.StringIO() dump(node, out, **kwargs) return out.getvalue() @dataclasses.dataclass class PrinterState: """State object for the print visitor. This is mutated during the visit.""" current_indent: int = 0 """The current indentation level. This is a non-negative integer; the actual identation string to be used is defined by the :class:`Printer`.""" skip_next_indent: bool = False """This is used to communicate between the different levels of if-else visitors when emitting chained ``else if`` blocks. The chaining occurs with the next ``if`` if this is set to ``True``.""" @contextlib.contextmanager def increase_scope(self): """Use as a context manager to increase the scoping level of this context inside the resource block.""" self.current_indent += 1 try: yield finally: self.current_indent -= 1 class Printer(QASMVisitor[PrinterState]): """Internal AST-visitor for writing AST nodes out to a stream as valid OpenQASM 3. This class can be used directly to write multiple nodes to the same stream, potentially with some manual control fo the state between them. If subclassing, generally only the specialised ``visit_*`` methods need to be overridden. These are derived from the base class, and use the name of the relevant :mod:`AST node <.ast>` verbatim after ``visit_``.""" def __init__( self, stream: io.TextIOBase, *, indent: str = " ", chain_else_if: bool = True, old_measurement: bool = False, ): """ Aside from ``stream``, the arguments here are keyword arguments that are common to this class, :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps`. :param stream: the stream that the output will be written to. :type stream: io.TextIOBase :param indent: the string to use as a single indentation level. :type indent: str, optional (two spaces). :param chain_else_if: If ``True`` (default), then constructs of the form:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else { if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } } will be collapsed into the equivalent but flatter:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } :type chain_else_if: bool, optional (``True``) :param old_measurement: If ``True``, then the OpenQASM 2-style "arrow" measurements will be used instead of the normal assignments. For example, ``old_measurement=False`` (the default) will emit ``a = measure b;`` where ``old_measurement=True`` would emit ``measure b -> a;`` instead. :type old_measurement: bool, optional (``False``). """ = stream self.indent = indent self.chain_else_if = chain_else_if self.old_measurement = old_measurement def visit(self, node: ast.QASMNode, context: Optional[PrinterState] = None) -> None: """Completely visit a node and all subnodes. This is the dispatch entry point; this will automatically result in the correct specialised visitor getting called. :param node: The AST node to visit. Usually this will be an :class:`.ast.Program`. :type node: .ast.QASMNode :param context: The state object to be used during the visit. If not given, a default object will be constructed and used. :type context: PrinterState """ if context is None: context = PrinterState() return super().visit(node, context) def _start_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None: if context.skip_next_indent: context.skip_next_indent = False return * self.indent) def _end_statement(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:";\n") def _end_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:"\n") def _write_statement(self, line: str, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) self._end_statement(context) def _visit_sequence( self, nodes: Sequence[ast.QASMNode], context: PrinterState, *, start: str = "", end: str = "", separator: str, ) -> None: if start: for node in nodes[:-1]: self.visit(node, context) if nodes: self.visit(nodes[-1], context) if end: def visit_Program(self, node: ast.Program, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.version: self._write_statement(f"OPENQASM {node.version}", context) for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) def visit_Include(self, node: ast.Include, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement(f'include "{node.filename}"', context) def visit_ExpressionStatement( self, node: ast.ExpressionStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QubitDeclaration(self, node: ast.QubitDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size)"]")" ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateDefinition( self, node: ast.QuantumGateDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"gate ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ExternDeclaration(self, node: ast.ExternDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"extern ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Identifier(self, node: ast.Identifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_UnaryExpression(self, node: ast.UnaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node) >= properties.precedence(node.expression):"(") self.visit(node.expression, context)")") else: self.visit(node.expression, context) def visit_BinaryExpression(self, node: ast.BinaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) # All AST nodes that are built into BinaryExpression are currently left associative. if properties.precedence(node.lhs) < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" {} ") if properties.precedence(node.rhs) <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_BitstringLiteral(self, node: ast.BitstringLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: value = bin(node.value)[2:] if len(value) < node.width: value = "0" * (node.width - len(value)) + value'"{value}"') def visit_IntegerLiteral(self, node: ast.IntegerLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_FloatLiteral(self, node: ast.FloatLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_BooleanLiteral(self, node: ast.BooleanLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"true" if node.value else "false") def visit_DurationLiteral(self, node: ast.DurationLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"{node.value}{}") def visit_ArrayLiteral(self, node: ast.ArrayLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit( self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") def visit_Cast(self, node: ast.Cast, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(node.type)"(") self.visit(node.argument)")") def visit_DiscreteSet(self, node: ast.DiscreteSet, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_RangeDefinition(self, node: ast.RangeDefinition, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.start is not None: self.visit(node.start, context)":") if node.step is not None: self.visit(node.step, context)":") if node.end is not None: self.visit(node.end, context) def visit_IndexExpression(self, node: ast.IndexExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node.collection) < properties.precedence(node):"(") self.visit(node.collection, context)")") else: self.visit(node.collection, context)"[") if isinstance(node.index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(node.index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_IndexedIdentifier(self, node: ast.IndexedIdentifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(, context) for index in node.indices:"[") if isinstance(index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_Concatenation(self, node: ast.Concatenation, context: PrinterState) -> None: lhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.lhs) our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) rhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.rhs) # Concatenation is fully associative, but this package parses the AST by # arbitrarily making it left-associative (since the design of the AST # forces us to make a choice). We emit brackets to ensure that the # round-trip through our printer and parser do not change the AST. if lhs_precedence < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" ++ ") if rhs_precedence <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_QuantumGate(self, node: ast.QuantumGate, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateModifier( self, node: ast.QuantumGateModifier, context: PrinterState ) -> None: if node.argument is not None:"(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") def visit_QuantumPhase(self, node: ast.QuantumPhase, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ")"gphase(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") if node.qubits: self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, start=" ", separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurement(self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurement, context: PrinterState) -> None:"measure ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) def visit_QuantumReset(self, node: ast.QuantumReset, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"reset ") self.visit(node.qubits, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumBarrier(self, node: ast.QuantumBarrier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"barrier ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement( self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurementStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) if is None: self.visit(node.measure, context) elif self.old_measurement: self.visit(node.measure, context)" -> ") self.visit(, context) else: self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.measure, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalArgument(self, node: ast.ClassicalArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ExternArgument(self, node: ast.ExternArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context) def visit_ClassicalDeclaration( self, node: ast.ClassicalDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) if node.init_expression is not None:" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IODeclaration(self, node: ast.IODeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"{} ") self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ConstantDeclaration( self, node: ast.ConstantDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"const ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context)" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IntType(self, node: ast.IntType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"int") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_UintType(self, node: ast.UintType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"uint") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_FloatType(self, node: ast.FloatType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"float") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_ComplexType(self, node: ast.ComplexType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"complex[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)"]") def visit_AngleType(self, node: ast.AngleType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"angle") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BitType(self, node: ast.BitType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BoolType(self, node: ast.BoolType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bool") def visit_ArrayType(self, node: ast.ArrayType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context) self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, start=", ", end="]", separator=", ") def visit_ArrayReferenceType(self, node: ast.ArrayReferenceType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)", ") if isinstance(node.dimensions, ast.Expression):"#dim=") self.visit(node.dimensions, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_DurationType(self, node: ast.DurationType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"duration") def visit_StretchType(self, node: ast.StretchType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"stretch") def visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration( self, node: ast.CalibrationGrammarDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._write_statement(f'defcalgrammar "{}"', context) def visit_CalibrationDefinition( self, node: ast.CalibrationDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"defcal ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") # At this point we _should_ be deferring to something else to handle formatting the # calibration grammar statements, but we're neither we nor the AST are set up to do that."}") self._end_line(context) def visit_SubroutineDefinition( self, node: ast.SubroutineDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"def ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_QuantumArgument(self, node: ast.QuantumArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None:"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]")" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ReturnStatement(self, node: ast.ReturnStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"return") if node.expression is not None:" ") self.visit(node.expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_BreakStatement(self, node: ast.BreakStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("break", context) def visit_ContinueStatement(self, node: ast.ContinueStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("continue", context) def visit_EndStatement(self, node: ast.EndStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.
("end", context) def visit_BranchingStatement(self, node: ast.BranchingStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"if (") self.visit(node.condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.if_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") if node.else_block:" else ") # Special handling to flatten a perfectly nested structure of # if {...} else { if {...} else {...} } # into the simpler # if {...} else if {...} else {...} # but only if we're allowed to by our options. if ( self.chain_else_if and len(node.else_block) == 1 and isinstance(node.else_block[0], ast.BranchingStatement) ): context.skip_next_indent = True self.visit(node.else_block[0], context) # Don't end the line, because the outer-most `if` block will. else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.else_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) else: self._end_line(context) def visit_WhileLoop(self, node: ast.WhileLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"while (") self.visit(node.while_condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ForInLoop(self, node: ast.ForInLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"for ") self.visit(node.loop_variable, context)" in ") if isinstance(node.set_declaration, ast.RangeDefinition):"[") self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)"]") else: self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DelayInstruction(self, node: ast.DelayInstruction, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"delay[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"] ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_Box(self, node: ast.Box, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"box") if node.duration is not None:"[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"]")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DurationOf(self, node: ast.DurationOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"durationof(") if isinstance(, ast.QASMNode): self.visit(, context) else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}")")") def visit_SizeOf(self, node: ast.SizeOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"sizeof(") self.visit(, context) if node.index is not None:", ") self.visit(node.index)")") def visit_AliasStatement(self, node: ast.AliasStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"let ") self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.value, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalAssignment( self, node: ast.ClassicalAssignment, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.lvalue, context)" {} ") self.visit(node.rvalue, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Pragma(self, node: ast.Pragma, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"#pragma {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context)
[ "condition", "else_block", "if_block", "span", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
""" ============================================================== Generating OpenQASM 3 from an AST Node (``openqasm3.printer``) ============================================================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3 It is often useful to go from the :mod:`AST representation <openqasm3.ast>` of an OpenQASM 3 program back to the textual language. The functions and classes described here will do this conversion. Most uses should be covered by using :func:`dump` to write to an open text stream (an open file, for example) or :func:`dumps` to produce a string. Both of these accept :ref:`several keyword arguments <printer-kwargs>` that control the formatting of the output. .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dump .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dumps .. _printer-kwargs: Controlling the formatting ========================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer The :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps` functions both use an internal AST-visitor class to operate on the AST. This class actually defines all the formatting options, and can be used for more low-level operations, such as writing a program piece-by-piece. This may need access to the :ref:`printer state <printer-state>`, documented below. .. autoclass:: Printer :members: :class-doc-from: both For the most complete control, it is possible to subclass this printer and override only the visitor methods that should be modified. .. _printer-state: Reusing the same printer ======================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer If the :class:`Printer` is being reused to write multiple nodes to a single stream, you will also likely need to access its internal state. This can be done by manually creating a :class:`PrinterState` object and passing it in the original call to :meth:`Printer.visit`. The state object is mutated by the visit, and will reflect the output state at the end. .. autoclass:: PrinterState :members: """ import contextlib import dataclasses import io from typing import Sequence, Optional from . import ast, properties from .visitor import QASMVisitor __all__ = ("dump", "dumps", "Printer", "PrinterState") def dump(node: ast.QASMNode, file: io.TextIOBase, **kwargs) -> None: """Write textual OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node`` to the open stream ``file``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ Printer(file, **kwargs).visit(node) def dumps(node: ast.QASMNode, **kwargs) -> str: """Get a string representation of the OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ out = io.StringIO() dump(node, out, **kwargs) return out.getvalue() @dataclasses.dataclass class PrinterState: """State object for the print visitor. This is mutated during the visit.""" current_indent: int = 0 """The current indentation level. This is a non-negative integer; the actual identation string to be used is defined by the :class:`Printer`.""" skip_next_indent: bool = False """This is used to communicate between the different levels of if-else visitors when emitting chained ``else if`` blocks. The chaining occurs with the next ``if`` if this is set to ``True``.""" @contextlib.contextmanager def increase_scope(self): """Use as a context manager to increase the scoping level of this context inside the resource block.""" self.current_indent += 1 try: yield finally: self.current_indent -= 1 class Printer(QASMVisitor[PrinterState]): """Internal AST-visitor for writing AST nodes out to a stream as valid OpenQASM 3. This class can be used directly to write multiple nodes to the same stream, potentially with some manual control fo the state between them. If subclassing, generally only the specialised ``visit_*`` methods need to be overridden. These are derived from the base class, and use the name of the relevant :mod:`AST node <.ast>` verbatim after ``visit_``.""" def __init__( self, stream: io.TextIOBase, *, indent: str = " ", chain_else_if: bool = True, old_measurement: bool = False, ): """ Aside from ``stream``, the arguments here are keyword arguments that are common to this class, :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps`. :param stream: the stream that the output will be written to. :type stream: io.TextIOBase :param indent: the string to use as a single indentation level. :type indent: str, optional (two spaces). :param chain_else_if: If ``True`` (default), then constructs of the form:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else { if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } } will be collapsed into the equivalent but flatter:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } :type chain_else_if: bool, optional (``True``) :param old_measurement: If ``True``, then the OpenQASM 2-style "arrow" measurements will be used instead of the normal assignments. For example, ``old_measurement=False`` (the default) will emit ``a = measure b;`` where ``old_measurement=True`` would emit ``measure b -> a;`` instead. :type old_measurement: bool, optional (``False``). """ = stream self.indent = indent self.chain_else_if = chain_else_if self.old_measurement = old_measurement def visit(self, node: ast.QASMNode, context: Optional[PrinterState] = None) -> None: """Completely visit a node and all subnodes. This is the dispatch entry point; this will automatically result in the correct specialised visitor getting called. :param node: The AST node to visit. Usually this will be an :class:`.ast.Program`. :type node: .ast.QASMNode :param context: The state object to be used during the visit. If not given, a default object will be constructed and used. :type context: PrinterState """ if context is None: context = PrinterState() return super().visit(node, context) def _start_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None: if context.skip_next_indent: context.skip_next_indent = False return * self.indent) def _end_statement(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:";\n") def _end_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:"\n") def _write_statement(self, line: str, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) self._end_statement(context) def _visit_sequence( self, nodes: Sequence[ast.QASMNode], context: PrinterState, *, start: str = "", end: str = "", separator: str, ) -> None: if start: for node in nodes[:-1]: self.visit(node, context) if nodes: self.visit(nodes[-1], context) if end: def visit_Program(self, node: ast.Program, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.version: self._write_statement(f"OPENQASM {node.version}", context) for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) def visit_Include(self, node: ast.Include, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement(f'include "{node.filename}"', context) def visit_ExpressionStatement( self, node: ast.ExpressionStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QubitDeclaration(self, node: ast.QubitDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size)"]")" ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateDefinition( self, node: ast.QuantumGateDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"gate ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ExternDeclaration(self, node: ast.ExternDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"extern ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Identifier(self, node: ast.Identifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_UnaryExpression(self, node: ast.UnaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node) >= properties.precedence(node.expression):"(") self.visit(node.expression, context)")") else: self.visit(node.expression, context) def visit_BinaryExpression(self, node: ast.BinaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) # All AST nodes that are built into BinaryExpression are currently left associative. if properties.precedence(node.lhs) < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" {} ") if properties.precedence(node.rhs) <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_BitstringLiteral(self, node: ast.BitstringLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: value = bin(node.value)[2:] if len(value) < node.width: value = "0" * (node.width - len(value)) + value'"{value}"') def visit_IntegerLiteral(self, node: ast.IntegerLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_FloatLiteral(self, node: ast.FloatLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_BooleanLiteral(self, node: ast.BooleanLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"true" if node.value else "false") def visit_DurationLiteral(self, node: ast.DurationLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"{node.value}{}") def visit_ArrayLiteral(self, node: ast.ArrayLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit( self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") def visit_Cast(self, node: ast.Cast, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(node.type)"(") self.visit(node.argument)")") def visit_DiscreteSet(self, node: ast.DiscreteSet, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_RangeDefinition(self, node: ast.RangeDefinition, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.start is not None: self.visit(node.start, context)":") if node.step is not None: self.visit(node.step, context)":") if node.end is not None: self.visit(node.end, context) def visit_IndexExpression(self, node: ast.IndexExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node.collection) < properties.precedence(node):"(") self.visit(node.collection, context)")") else: self.visit(node.collection, context)"[") if isinstance(node.index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(node.index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_IndexedIdentifier(self, node: ast.IndexedIdentifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(, context) for index in node.indices:"[") if isinstance(index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_Concatenation(self, node: ast.Concatenation, context: PrinterState) -> None: lhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.lhs) our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) rhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.rhs) # Concatenation is fully associative, but this package parses the AST by # arbitrarily making it left-associative (since the design of the AST # forces us to make a choice). We emit brackets to ensure that the # round-trip through our printer and parser do not change the AST. if lhs_precedence < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" ++ ") if rhs_precedence <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_QuantumGate(self, node: ast.QuantumGate, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateModifier( self, node: ast.QuantumGateModifier, context: PrinterState ) -> None: if node.argument is not None:"(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") def visit_QuantumPhase(self, node: ast.QuantumPhase, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ")"gphase(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") if node.qubits: self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, start=" ", separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurement(self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurement, context: PrinterState) -> None:"measure ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) def visit_QuantumReset(self, node: ast.QuantumReset, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"reset ") self.visit(node.qubits, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumBarrier(self, node: ast.QuantumBarrier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"barrier ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement( self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurementStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) if is None: self.visit(node.measure, context) elif self.old_measurement: self.visit(node.measure, context)" -> ") self.visit(, context) else: self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.measure, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalArgument(self, node: ast.ClassicalArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ExternArgument(self, node: ast.ExternArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context) def visit_ClassicalDeclaration( self, node: ast.ClassicalDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) if node.init_expression is not None:" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IODeclaration(self, node: ast.IODeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"{} ") self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ConstantDeclaration( self, node: ast.ConstantDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"const ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context)" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IntType(self, node: ast.IntType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"int") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_UintType(self, node: ast.UintType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"uint") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_FloatType(self, node: ast.FloatType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"float") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_ComplexType(self, node: ast.ComplexType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"complex[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)"]") def visit_AngleType(self, node: ast.AngleType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"angle") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BitType(self, node: ast.BitType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BoolType(self, node: ast.BoolType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bool") def visit_ArrayType(self, node: ast.ArrayType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context) self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, start=", ", end="]", separator=", ") def visit_ArrayReferenceType(self, node: ast.ArrayReferenceType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)", ") if isinstance(node.dimensions, ast.Expression):"#dim=") self.visit(node.dimensions, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_DurationType(self, node: ast.DurationType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"duration") def visit_StretchType(self, node: ast.StretchType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"stretch") def visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration( self, node: ast.CalibrationGrammarDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._write_statement(f'defcalgrammar "{}"', context) def visit_CalibrationDefinition( self, node: ast.CalibrationDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"defcal ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") # At this point we _should_ be deferring to something else to handle formatting the # calibration grammar statements, but we're neither we nor the AST are set up to do that."}") self._end_line(context) def visit_SubroutineDefinition( self, node: ast.SubroutineDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"def ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_QuantumArgument(self, node: ast.QuantumArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None:"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]")" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ReturnStatement(self, node: ast.ReturnStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"return") if node.expression is not None:" ") self.visit(node.expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_BreakStatement(self, node: ast.BreakStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("break", context) def visit_ContinueStatement(self, node: ast.ContinueStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("continue", context) def visit_EndStatement(self, node: ast.EndStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("end", context) def visit_BranchingStatement(self, node: ast.BranchingStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"if (") self.visit(node.condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.if_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") if node.else_block:" else ") # Special handling to flatten a perfectly nested structure of # if {...} else { if {...} else {...} } # into the simpler # if {...} else if {...} else {...} # but only if we're allowed to by our options. if ( self.chain_else_if and len(node.else_block) == 1 and isinstance(node.
[0], ast.BranchingStatement) ): context.skip_next_indent = True self.visit(node.else_block[0], context) # Don't end the line, because the outer-most `if` block will. else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.else_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) else: self._end_line(context) def visit_WhileLoop(self, node: ast.WhileLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"while (") self.visit(node.while_condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ForInLoop(self, node: ast.ForInLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"for ") self.visit(node.loop_variable, context)" in ") if isinstance(node.set_declaration, ast.RangeDefinition):"[") self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)"]") else: self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DelayInstruction(self, node: ast.DelayInstruction, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"delay[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"] ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_Box(self, node: ast.Box, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"box") if node.duration is not None:"[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"]")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DurationOf(self, node: ast.DurationOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"durationof(") if isinstance(, ast.QASMNode): self.visit(, context) else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}")")") def visit_SizeOf(self, node: ast.SizeOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"sizeof(") self.visit(, context) if node.index is not None:", ") self.visit(node.index)")") def visit_AliasStatement(self, node: ast.AliasStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"let ") self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.value, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalAssignment( self, node: ast.ClassicalAssignment, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.lvalue, context)" {} ") self.visit(node.rvalue, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Pragma(self, node: ast.Pragma, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"#pragma {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context)
[ "AccessControl", "AliasStatement", "AngleType", "annotations", "ArrayLiteral", "ArrayReferenceType", "ArrayType", "AssignmentOperator", "BinaryExpression", "BinaryOperator", "BitstringLiteral", "BitType", "BooleanLiteral", "BoolType", "Box", "BranchingStatement", "BreakStatement", "CalibrationDefinition", "CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "Cast", "ClassicalArgument", "ClassicalAssignment", "ClassicalDeclaration", "ClassicalType", "ComplexType", "Concatenation", "ConstantDeclaration", "ContinueStatement", "dataclass", "DelayInstruction", "DiscreteSet", "DurationLiteral", "DurationOf", "DurationType", "EndStatement", "Enum", "Expression", "ExpressionStatement", "ExternArgument", "ExternDeclaration", "field", "FloatLiteral", "FloatType", "ForInLoop", "FunctionCall", "GateModifierName", "Identifier", "Include", "IndexedIdentifier", "IndexElement", "IndexExpression", "IntegerLiteral", "IntType", "IODeclaration", "IOKeyword", "List", "Optional", "Pragma", "Program", "QASMNode", "QuantumArgument", "QuantumBarrier", "QuantumGate", "QuantumGateDefinition", "QuantumGateModifier", "QuantumMeasurement", "QuantumMeasurementStatement", "QuantumPhase", "QuantumReset", "QuantumStatement", "QubitDeclaration", "RangeDefinition", "ReturnStatement", "SizeOf", "Span", "Statement", "StretchType", "SubroutineDefinition", "TimeUnit", "UintType", "UnaryExpression", "UnaryOperator", "Union", "WhileLoop", "__all__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
""" ============================================================== Generating OpenQASM 3 from an AST Node (``openqasm3.printer``) ============================================================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3 It is often useful to go from the :mod:`AST representation <openqasm3.ast>` of an OpenQASM 3 program back to the textual language. The functions and classes described here will do this conversion. Most uses should be covered by using :func:`dump` to write to an open text stream (an open file, for example) or :func:`dumps` to produce a string. Both of these accept :ref:`several keyword arguments <printer-kwargs>` that control the formatting of the output. .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dump .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dumps .. _printer-kwargs: Controlling the formatting ========================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer The :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps` functions both use an internal AST-visitor class to operate on the AST. This class actually defines all the formatting options, and can be used for more low-level operations, such as writing a program piece-by-piece. This may need access to the :ref:`printer state <printer-state>`, documented below. .. autoclass:: Printer :members: :class-doc-from: both For the most complete control, it is possible to subclass this printer and override only the visitor methods that should be modified. .. _printer-state: Reusing the same printer ======================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer If the :class:`Printer` is being reused to write multiple nodes to a single stream, you will also likely need to access its internal state. This can be done by manually creating a :class:`PrinterState` object and passing it in the original call to :meth:`Printer.visit`. The state object is mutated by the visit, and will reflect the output state at the end. .. autoclass:: PrinterState :members: """ import contextlib import dataclasses import io from typing import Sequence, Optional from . import ast, properties from .visitor import QASMVisitor __all__ = ("dump", "dumps", "Printer", "PrinterState") def dump(node: ast.QASMNode, file: io.TextIOBase, **kwargs) -> None: """Write textual OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node`` to the open stream ``file``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ Printer(file, **kwargs).visit(node) def dumps(node: ast.QASMNode, **kwargs) -> str: """Get a string representation of the OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ out = io.StringIO() dump(node, out, **kwargs) return out.getvalue() @dataclasses.dataclass class PrinterState: """State object for the print visitor. This is mutated during the visit.""" current_indent: int = 0 """The current indentation level. This is a non-negative integer; the actual identation string to be used is defined by the :class:`Printer`.""" skip_next_indent: bool = False """This is used to communicate between the different levels of if-else visitors when emitting chained ``else if`` blocks. The chaining occurs with the next ``if`` if this is set to ``True``.""" @contextlib.contextmanager def increase_scope(self): """Use as a context manager to increase the scoping level of this context inside the resource block.""" self.current_indent += 1 try: yield finally: self.current_indent -= 1 class Printer(QASMVisitor[PrinterState]): """Internal AST-visitor for writing AST nodes out to a stream as valid OpenQASM 3. This class can be used directly to write multiple nodes to the same stream, potentially with some manual control fo the state between them. If subclassing, generally only the specialised ``visit_*`` methods need to be overridden. These are derived from the base class, and use the name of the relevant :mod:`AST node <.ast>` verbatim after ``visit_``.""" def __init__( self, stream: io.TextIOBase, *, indent: str = " ", chain_else_if: bool = True, old_measurement: bool = False, ): """ Aside from ``stream``, the arguments here are keyword arguments that are common to this class, :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps`. :param stream: the stream that the output will be written to. :type stream: io.TextIOBase :param indent: the string to use as a single indentation level. :type indent: str, optional (two spaces). :param chain_else_if: If ``True`` (default), then constructs of the form:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else { if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } } will be collapsed into the equivalent but flatter:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } :type chain_else_if: bool, optional (``True``) :param old_measurement: If ``True``, then the OpenQASM 2-style "arrow" measurements will be used instead of the normal assignments. For example, ``old_measurement=False`` (the default) will emit ``a = measure b;`` where ``old_measurement=True`` would emit ``measure b -> a;`` instead. :type old_measurement: bool, optional (``False``). """ = stream self.indent = indent self.chain_else_if = chain_else_if self.old_measurement = old_measurement def visit(self, node: ast.QASMNode, context: Optional[PrinterState] = None) -> None: """Completely visit a node and all subnodes. This is the dispatch entry point; this will automatically result in the correct specialised visitor getting called. :param node: The AST node to visit. Usually this will be an :class:`.ast.Program`. :type node: .ast.QASMNode :param context: The state object to be used during the visit. If not given, a default object will be constructed and used. :type context: PrinterState """ if context is None: context = PrinterState() return super().visit(node, context) def _start_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None: if context.skip_next_indent: context.skip_next_indent = False return * self.indent) def _end_statement(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:";\n") def _end_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:"\n") def _write_statement(self, line: str, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) self._end_statement(context) def _visit_sequence( self, nodes: Sequence[ast.QASMNode], context: PrinterState, *, start: str = "", end: str = "", separator: str, ) -> None: if start: for node in nodes[:-1]: self.visit(node, context) if nodes: self.visit(nodes[-1], context) if end: def visit_Program(self, node: ast.Program, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.version: self._write_statement(f"OPENQASM {node.version}", context) for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) def visit_Include(self, node: ast.Include, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement(f'include "{node.filename}"', context) def visit_ExpressionStatement( self, node: ast.ExpressionStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QubitDeclaration(self, node: ast.QubitDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size)"]")" ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateDefinition( self, node: ast.QuantumGateDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"gate ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ExternDeclaration(self, node: ast.ExternDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"extern ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Identifier(self, node: ast.Identifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_UnaryExpression(self, node: ast.UnaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node) >= properties.precedence(node.expression):"(") self.visit(node.expression, context)")") else: self.visit(node.expression, context) def visit_BinaryExpression(self, node: ast.BinaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) # All AST nodes that are built into BinaryExpression are currently left associative. if properties.precedence(node.lhs) < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" {} ") if properties.precedence(node.rhs) <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_BitstringLiteral(self, node: ast.BitstringLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: value = bin(node.value)[2:] if len(value) < node.width: value = "0" * (node.width - len(value)) + value'"{value}"') def visit_IntegerLiteral(self, node: ast.IntegerLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_FloatLiteral(self, node: ast.FloatLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_BooleanLiteral(self, node: ast.BooleanLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"true" if node.value else "false") def visit_DurationLiteral(self, node: ast.DurationLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"{node.value}{}") def visit_ArrayLiteral(self, node: ast.ArrayLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit( self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") def visit_Cast(self, node: ast.Cast, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(node.type)"(") self.visit(node.argument)")") def visit_DiscreteSet(self, node: ast.DiscreteSet, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_RangeDefinition(self, node: ast.RangeDefinition, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.start is not None: self.visit(node.start, context)":") if node.step is not None: self.visit(node.step, context)":") if node.end is not None: self.visit(node.end, context) def visit_IndexExpression(self, node: ast.IndexExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node.collection) < properties.precedence(node):"(") self.visit(node.collection, context)")") else: self.visit(node.collection, context)"[") if isinstance(node.index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(node.index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_IndexedIdentifier(self, node: ast.IndexedIdentifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(, context) for index in node.indices:"[") if isinstance(index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_Concatenation(self, node: ast.Concatenation, context: PrinterState) -> None: lhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.lhs) our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) rhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.rhs) # Concatenation is fully associative, but this package parses the AST by # arbitrarily making it left-associative (since the design of the AST # forces us to make a choice). We emit brackets to ensure that the # round-trip through our printer and parser do not change the AST. if lhs_precedence < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" ++ ") if rhs_precedence <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_QuantumGate(self, node: ast.QuantumGate, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateModifier( self, node: ast.QuantumGateModifier, context: PrinterState ) -> None: if node.argument is not None:"(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") def visit_QuantumPhase(self, node: ast.QuantumPhase, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ")"gphase(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") if node.qubits: self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, start=" ", separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurement(self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurement, context: PrinterState) -> None:"measure ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) def visit_QuantumReset(self, node: ast.QuantumReset, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"reset ") self.visit(node.qubits, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumBarrier(self, node: ast.QuantumBarrier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"barrier ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement( self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurementStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) if is None: self.visit(node.measure, context) elif self.old_measurement: self.visit(node.measure, context)" -> ") self.visit(, context) else: self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.measure, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalArgument(self, node: ast.ClassicalArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ExternArgument(self, node: ast.ExternArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context) def visit_ClassicalDeclaration( self, node: ast.ClassicalDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) if node.init_expression is not None:" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IODeclaration(self, node: ast.IODeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"{} ") self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ConstantDeclaration( self, node: ast.ConstantDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"const ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context)" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IntType(self, node: ast.IntType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"int") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_UintType(self, node: ast.UintType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"uint") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_FloatType(self, node: ast.FloatType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"float") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_ComplexType(self, node: ast.ComplexType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"complex[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)"]") def visit_AngleType(self, node: ast.AngleType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"angle") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BitType(self, node: ast.BitType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BoolType(self, node: ast.BoolType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bool") def visit_ArrayType(self, node: ast.ArrayType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context) self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, start=", ", end="]", separator=", ") def visit_ArrayReferenceType(self, node: ast.ArrayReferenceType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)", ") if isinstance(node.dimensions, ast.Expression):"#dim=") self.visit(node.dimensions, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_DurationType(self, node: ast.DurationType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"duration") def visit_StretchType(self, node: ast.StretchType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"stretch") def visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration( self, node: ast.CalibrationGrammarDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._write_statement(f'defcalgrammar "{}"', context) def visit_CalibrationDefinition( self, node: ast.CalibrationDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"defcal ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") # At this point we _should_ be deferring to something else to handle formatting the # calibration grammar statements, but we're neither we nor the AST are set up to do that."}") self._end_line(context) def visit_SubroutineDefinition( self, node: ast.SubroutineDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"def ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_QuantumArgument(self, node: ast.QuantumArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None:"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]")" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ReturnStatement(self, node: ast.ReturnStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"return") if node.expression is not None:" ") self.visit(node.expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_BreakStatement(self, node: ast.BreakStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("break", context) def visit_ContinueStatement(self, node: ast.ContinueStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("continue", context) def visit_EndStatement(self, node: ast.EndStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("end", context) def visit_BranchingStatement(self, node: ast.BranchingStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"if (") self.visit(node.condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.if_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") if node.else_block:" else ") # Special handling to flatten a perfectly nested structure of # if {...} else { if {...} else {...} } # into the simpler # if {...} else if {...} else {...} # but only if we're allowed to by our options. if ( self.chain_else_if and len(node.else_block) == 1 and isinstance(node.else_block[0], ast.
) ): context.skip_next_indent = True self.visit(node.else_block[0], context) # Don't end the line, because the outer-most `if` block will. else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.else_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) else: self._end_line(context) def visit_WhileLoop(self, node: ast.WhileLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"while (") self.visit(node.while_condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ForInLoop(self, node: ast.ForInLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"for ") self.visit(node.loop_variable, context)" in ") if isinstance(node.set_declaration, ast.RangeDefinition):"[") self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)"]") else: self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DelayInstruction(self, node: ast.DelayInstruction, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"delay[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"] ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_Box(self, node: ast.Box, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"box") if node.duration is not None:"[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"]")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DurationOf(self, node: ast.DurationOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"durationof(") if isinstance(, ast.QASMNode): self.visit(, context) else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}")")") def visit_SizeOf(self, node: ast.SizeOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"sizeof(") self.visit(, context) if node.index is not None:", ") self.visit(node.index)")") def visit_AliasStatement(self, node: ast.AliasStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"let ") self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.value, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalAssignment( self, node: ast.ClassicalAssignment, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.lvalue, context)" {} ") self.visit(node.rvalue, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Pragma(self, node: ast.Pragma, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"#pragma {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context)
[ "chain_else_if", "generic_visit", "indent", "old_measurement", "stream", "visit", "visit_AliasStatement", "visit_AngleType", "visit_ArrayLiteral", "visit_ArrayReferenceType", "visit_ArrayType", "visit_BinaryExpression", "visit_BitstringLiteral", "visit_BitType", "visit_BooleanLiteral", "visit_BoolType", "visit_Box", "visit_BranchingStatement", "visit_BreakStatement", "visit_CalibrationDefinition", "visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "visit_Cast", "visit_ClassicalArgument", "visit_ClassicalAssignment", "visit_ClassicalDeclaration", "visit_ComplexType", "visit_Concatenation", "visit_ConstantDeclaration", "visit_ContinueStatement", "visit_DelayInstruction", "visit_DiscreteSet", "visit_DurationLiteral", "visit_DurationOf", "visit_DurationType", "visit_EndStatement", "visit_ExpressionStatement", "visit_ExternArgument", "visit_ExternDeclaration", "visit_FloatLiteral", "visit_FloatType", "visit_ForInLoop", "visit_FunctionCall", "visit_Identifier", "visit_Include", "visit_IndexedIdentifier", "visit_IndexExpression", "visit_IntegerLiteral", "visit_IntType", "visit_IODeclaration", "visit_Pragma", "visit_Program", "visit_QuantumArgument", "visit_QuantumBarrier", "visit_QuantumGate", "visit_QuantumGateDefinition", "visit_QuantumGateModifier", "visit_QuantumMeasurement", "visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement", "visit_QuantumPhase", "visit_QuantumReset", "visit_QubitDeclaration", "visit_RangeDefinition", "visit_ReturnStatement", "visit_SizeOf", "visit_StretchType", "visit_SubroutineDefinition", "visit_UintType", "visit_UnaryExpression", "visit_WhileLoop", "_end_line", "_end_statement", "_start_line", "_visit_sequence", "_write_statement", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
""" ============================================================== Generating OpenQASM 3 from an AST Node (``openqasm3.printer``) ============================================================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3 It is often useful to go from the :mod:`AST representation <openqasm3.ast>` of an OpenQASM 3 program back to the textual language. The functions and classes described here will do this conversion. Most uses should be covered by using :func:`dump` to write to an open text stream (an open file, for example) or :func:`dumps` to produce a string. Both of these accept :ref:`several keyword arguments <printer-kwargs>` that control the formatting of the output. .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dump .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dumps .. _printer-kwargs: Controlling the formatting ========================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer The :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps` functions both use an internal AST-visitor class to operate on the AST. This class actually defines all the formatting options, and can be used for more low-level operations, such as writing a program piece-by-piece. This may need access to the :ref:`printer state <printer-state>`, documented below. .. autoclass:: Printer :members: :class-doc-from: both For the most complete control, it is possible to subclass this printer and override only the visitor methods that should be modified. .. _printer-state: Reusing the same printer ======================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer If the :class:`Printer` is being reused to write multiple nodes to a single stream, you will also likely need to access its internal state. This can be done by manually creating a :class:`PrinterState` object and passing it in the original call to :meth:`Printer.visit`. The state object is mutated by the visit, and will reflect the output state at the end. .. autoclass:: PrinterState :members: """ import contextlib import dataclasses import io from typing import Sequence, Optional from . import ast, properties from .visitor import QASMVisitor __all__ = ("dump", "dumps", "Printer", "PrinterState") def dump(node: ast.QASMNode, file: io.TextIOBase, **kwargs) -> None: """Write textual OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node`` to the open stream ``file``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ Printer(file, **kwargs).visit(node) def dumps(node: ast.QASMNode, **kwargs) -> str: """Get a string representation of the OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ out = io.StringIO() dump(node, out, **kwargs) return out.getvalue() @dataclasses.dataclass class PrinterState: """State object for the print visitor. This is mutated during the visit.""" current_indent: int = 0 """The current indentation level. This is a non-negative integer; the actual identation string to be used is defined by the :class:`Printer`.""" skip_next_indent: bool = False """This is used to communicate between the different levels of if-else visitors when emitting chained ``else if`` blocks. The chaining occurs with the next ``if`` if this is set to ``True``.""" @contextlib.contextmanager def increase_scope(self): """Use as a context manager to increase the scoping level of this context inside the resource block.""" self.current_indent += 1 try: yield finally: self.current_indent -= 1 class Printer(QASMVisitor[PrinterState]): """Internal AST-visitor for writing AST nodes out to a stream as valid OpenQASM 3. This class can be used directly to write multiple nodes to the same stream, potentially with some manual control fo the state between them. If subclassing, generally only the specialised ``visit_*`` methods need to be overridden. These are derived from the base class, and use the name of the relevant :mod:`AST node <.ast>` verbatim after ``visit_``.""" def __init__( self, stream: io.TextIOBase, *, indent: str = " ", chain_else_if: bool = True, old_measurement: bool = False, ): """ Aside from ``stream``, the arguments here are keyword arguments that are common to this class, :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps`. :param stream: the stream that the output will be written to. :type stream: io.TextIOBase :param indent: the string to use as a single indentation level. :type indent: str, optional (two spaces). :param chain_else_if: If ``True`` (default), then constructs of the form:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else { if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } } will be collapsed into the equivalent but flatter:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } :type chain_else_if: bool, optional (``True``) :param old_measurement: If ``True``, then the OpenQASM 2-style "arrow" measurements will be used instead of the normal assignments. For example, ``old_measurement=False`` (the default) will emit ``a = measure b;`` where ``old_measurement=True`` would emit ``measure b -> a;`` instead. :type old_measurement: bool, optional (``False``). """ = stream self.indent = indent self.chain_else_if = chain_else_if self.old_measurement = old_measurement def visit(self, node: ast.QASMNode, context: Optional[PrinterState] = None) -> None: """Completely visit a node and all subnodes. This is the dispatch entry point; this will automatically result in the correct specialised visitor getting called. :param node: The AST node to visit. Usually this will be an :class:`.ast.Program`. :type node: .ast.QASMNode :param context: The state object to be used during the visit. If not given, a default object will be constructed and used. :type context: PrinterState """ if context is None: context = PrinterState() return super().visit(node, context) def _start_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None: if context.skip_next_indent: context.skip_next_indent = False return * self.indent) def _end_statement(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:";\n") def _end_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:"\n") def _write_statement(self, line: str, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) self._end_statement(context) def _visit_sequence( self, nodes: Sequence[ast.QASMNode], context: PrinterState, *, start: str = "", end: str = "", separator: str, ) -> None: if start: for node in nodes[:-1]: self.visit(node, context) if nodes: self.visit(nodes[-1], context) if end: def visit_Program(self, node: ast.Program, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.version: self._write_statement(f"OPENQASM {node.version}", context) for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) def visit_Include(self, node: ast.Include, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement(f'include "{node.filename}"', context) def visit_ExpressionStatement( self, node: ast.ExpressionStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QubitDeclaration(self, node: ast.QubitDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size)"]")" ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateDefinition( self, node: ast.QuantumGateDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"gate ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ExternDeclaration(self, node: ast.ExternDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"extern ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Identifier(self, node: ast.Identifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_UnaryExpression(self, node: ast.UnaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node) >= properties.precedence(node.expression):"(") self.visit(node.expression, context)")") else: self.visit(node.expression, context) def visit_BinaryExpression(self, node: ast.BinaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) # All AST nodes that are built into BinaryExpression are currently left associative. if properties.precedence(node.lhs) < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" {} ") if properties.precedence(node.rhs) <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_BitstringLiteral(self, node: ast.BitstringLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: value = bin(node.value)[2:] if len(value) < node.width: value = "0" * (node.width - len(value)) + value'"{value}"') def visit_IntegerLiteral(self, node: ast.IntegerLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_FloatLiteral(self, node: ast.FloatLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_BooleanLiteral(self, node: ast.BooleanLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"true" if node.value else "false") def visit_DurationLiteral(self, node: ast.DurationLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"{node.value}{}") def visit_ArrayLiteral(self, node: ast.ArrayLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit( self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") def visit_Cast(self, node: ast.Cast, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(node.type)"(") self.visit(node.argument)")") def visit_DiscreteSet(self, node: ast.DiscreteSet, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_RangeDefinition(self, node: ast.RangeDefinition, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.start is not None: self.visit(node.start, context)":") if node.step is not None: self.visit(node.step, context)":") if node.end is not None: self.visit(node.end, context) def visit_IndexExpression(self, node: ast.IndexExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node.collection) < properties.precedence(node):"(") self.visit(node.collection, context)")") else: self.visit(node.collection, context)"[") if isinstance(node.index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(node.index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_IndexedIdentifier(self, node: ast.IndexedIdentifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(, context) for index in node.indices:"[") if isinstance(index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_Concatenation(self, node: ast.Concatenation, context: PrinterState) -> None: lhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.lhs) our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) rhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.rhs) # Concatenation is fully associative, but this package parses the AST by # arbitrarily making it left-associative (since the design of the AST # forces us to make a choice). We emit brackets to ensure that the # round-trip through our printer and parser do not change the AST. if lhs_precedence < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" ++ ") if rhs_precedence <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_QuantumGate(self, node: ast.QuantumGate, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateModifier( self, node: ast.QuantumGateModifier, context: PrinterState ) -> None: if node.argument is not None:"(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") def visit_QuantumPhase(self, node: ast.QuantumPhase, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ")"gphase(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") if node.qubits: self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, start=" ", separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurement(self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurement, context: PrinterState) -> None:"measure ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) def visit_QuantumReset(self, node: ast.QuantumReset, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"reset ") self.visit(node.qubits, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumBarrier(self, node: ast.QuantumBarrier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"barrier ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement( self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurementStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) if is None: self.visit(node.measure, context) elif self.old_measurement: self.visit(node.measure, context)" -> ") self.visit(, context) else: self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.measure, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalArgument(self, node: ast.ClassicalArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ExternArgument(self, node: ast.ExternArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context) def visit_ClassicalDeclaration( self, node: ast.ClassicalDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) if node.init_expression is not None:" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IODeclaration(self, node: ast.IODeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"{} ") self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ConstantDeclaration( self, node: ast.ConstantDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"const ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context)" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IntType(self, node: ast.IntType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"int") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_UintType(self, node: ast.UintType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"uint") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_FloatType(self, node: ast.FloatType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"float") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_ComplexType(self, node: ast.ComplexType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"complex[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)"]") def visit_AngleType(self, node: ast.AngleType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"angle") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BitType(self, node: ast.BitType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BoolType(self, node: ast.BoolType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bool") def visit_ArrayType(self, node: ast.ArrayType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context) self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, start=", ", end="]", separator=", ") def visit_ArrayReferenceType(self, node: ast.ArrayReferenceType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)", ") if isinstance(node.dimensions, ast.Expression):"#dim=") self.visit(node.dimensions, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_DurationType(self, node: ast.DurationType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"duration") def visit_StretchType(self, node: ast.StretchType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"stretch") def visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration( self, node: ast.CalibrationGrammarDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._write_statement(f'defcalgrammar "{}"', context) def visit_CalibrationDefinition( self, node: ast.CalibrationDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"defcal ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") # At this point we _should_ be deferring to something else to handle formatting the # calibration grammar statements, but we're neither we nor the AST are set up to do that."}") self._end_line(context) def visit_SubroutineDefinition( self, node: ast.SubroutineDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"def ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_QuantumArgument(self, node: ast.QuantumArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None:"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]")" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ReturnStatement(self, node: ast.ReturnStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"return") if node.expression is not None:" ") self.visit(node.expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_BreakStatement(self, node: ast.BreakStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("break", context) def visit_ContinueStatement(self, node: ast.ContinueStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("continue", context) def visit_EndStatement(self, node: ast.EndStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("end", context) def visit_BranchingStatement(self, node: ast.BranchingStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"if (") self.visit(node.condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.if_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") if node.else_block:" else ") # Special handling to flatten a perfectly nested structure of # if {...} else { if {...} else {...} } # into the simpler # if {...} else if {...} else {...} # but only if we're allowed to by our options. if ( self.chain_else_if and len(node.else_block) == 1 and isinstance(node.else_block[0], ast.BranchingStatement) ): context.skip_next_indent = True self.visit(node.else_block[0], context) # Don't end the line, because the outer-most `if` block will. else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.else_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) else: self._end_line(context) def visit_WhileLoop(self, node: ast.WhileLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"while (") self.visit(node.while_condition, context)") {") self.
(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ForInLoop(self, node: ast.ForInLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"for ") self.visit(node.loop_variable, context)" in ") if isinstance(node.set_declaration, ast.RangeDefinition):"[") self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)"]") else: self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DelayInstruction(self, node: ast.DelayInstruction, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"delay[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"] ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_Box(self, node: ast.Box, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"box") if node.duration is not None:"[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"]")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DurationOf(self, node: ast.DurationOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"durationof(") if isinstance(, ast.QASMNode): self.visit(, context) else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}")")") def visit_SizeOf(self, node: ast.SizeOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"sizeof(") self.visit(, context) if node.index is not None:", ") self.visit(node.index)")") def visit_AliasStatement(self, node: ast.AliasStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"let ") self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.value, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalAssignment( self, node: ast.ClassicalAssignment, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.lvalue, context)" {} ") self.visit(node.rvalue, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Pragma(self, node: ast.Pragma, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"#pragma {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context)
[ "chain_else_if", "generic_visit", "indent", "old_measurement", "stream", "visit", "visit_AliasStatement", "visit_AngleType", "visit_ArrayLiteral", "visit_ArrayReferenceType", "visit_ArrayType", "visit_BinaryExpression", "visit_BitstringLiteral", "visit_BitType", "visit_BooleanLiteral", "visit_BoolType", "visit_Box", "visit_BranchingStatement", "visit_BreakStatement", "visit_CalibrationDefinition", "visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "visit_Cast", "visit_ClassicalArgument", "visit_ClassicalAssignment", "visit_ClassicalDeclaration", "visit_ComplexType", "visit_Concatenation", "visit_ConstantDeclaration", "visit_ContinueStatement", "visit_DelayInstruction", "visit_DiscreteSet", "visit_DurationLiteral", "visit_DurationOf", "visit_DurationType", "visit_EndStatement", "visit_ExpressionStatement", "visit_ExternArgument", "visit_ExternDeclaration", "visit_FloatLiteral", "visit_FloatType", "visit_ForInLoop", "visit_FunctionCall", "visit_Identifier", "visit_Include", "visit_IndexedIdentifier", "visit_IndexExpression", "visit_IntegerLiteral", "visit_IntType", "visit_IODeclaration", "visit_Pragma", "visit_Program", "visit_QuantumArgument", "visit_QuantumBarrier", "visit_QuantumGate", "visit_QuantumGateDefinition", "visit_QuantumGateModifier", "visit_QuantumMeasurement", "visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement", "visit_QuantumPhase", "visit_QuantumReset", "visit_QubitDeclaration", "visit_RangeDefinition", "visit_ReturnStatement", "visit_SizeOf", "visit_StretchType", "visit_SubroutineDefinition", "visit_UintType", "visit_UnaryExpression", "visit_WhileLoop", "_end_line", "_end_statement", "_start_line", "_visit_sequence", "_write_statement", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
""" ============================================================== Generating OpenQASM 3 from an AST Node (``openqasm3.printer``) ============================================================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3 It is often useful to go from the :mod:`AST representation <openqasm3.ast>` of an OpenQASM 3 program back to the textual language. The functions and classes described here will do this conversion. Most uses should be covered by using :func:`dump` to write to an open text stream (an open file, for example) or :func:`dumps` to produce a string. Both of these accept :ref:`several keyword arguments <printer-kwargs>` that control the formatting of the output. .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dump .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dumps .. _printer-kwargs: Controlling the formatting ========================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer The :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps` functions both use an internal AST-visitor class to operate on the AST. This class actually defines all the formatting options, and can be used for more low-level operations, such as writing a program piece-by-piece. This may need access to the :ref:`printer state <printer-state>`, documented below. .. autoclass:: Printer :members: :class-doc-from: both For the most complete control, it is possible to subclass this printer and override only the visitor methods that should be modified. .. _printer-state: Reusing the same printer ======================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer If the :class:`Printer` is being reused to write multiple nodes to a single stream, you will also likely need to access its internal state. This can be done by manually creating a :class:`PrinterState` object and passing it in the original call to :meth:`Printer.visit`. The state object is mutated by the visit, and will reflect the output state at the end. .. autoclass:: PrinterState :members: """ import contextlib import dataclasses import io from typing import Sequence, Optional from . import ast, properties from .visitor import QASMVisitor __all__ = ("dump", "dumps", "Printer", "PrinterState") def dump(node: ast.QASMNode, file: io.TextIOBase, **kwargs) -> None: """Write textual OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node`` to the open stream ``file``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ Printer(file, **kwargs).visit(node) def dumps(node: ast.QASMNode, **kwargs) -> str: """Get a string representation of the OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ out = io.StringIO() dump(node, out, **kwargs) return out.getvalue() @dataclasses.dataclass class PrinterState: """State object for the print visitor. This is mutated during the visit.""" current_indent: int = 0 """The current indentation level. This is a non-negative integer; the actual identation string to be used is defined by the :class:`Printer`.""" skip_next_indent: bool = False """This is used to communicate between the different levels of if-else visitors when emitting chained ``else if`` blocks. The chaining occurs with the next ``if`` if this is set to ``True``.""" @contextlib.contextmanager def increase_scope(self): """Use as a context manager to increase the scoping level of this context inside the resource block.""" self.current_indent += 1 try: yield finally: self.current_indent -= 1 class Printer(QASMVisitor[PrinterState]): """Internal AST-visitor for writing AST nodes out to a stream as valid OpenQASM 3. This class can be used directly to write multiple nodes to the same stream, potentially with some manual control fo the state between them. If subclassing, generally only the specialised ``visit_*`` methods need to be overridden. These are derived from the base class, and use the name of the relevant :mod:`AST node <.ast>` verbatim after ``visit_``.""" def __init__( self, stream: io.TextIOBase, *, indent: str = " ", chain_else_if: bool = True, old_measurement: bool = False, ): """ Aside from ``stream``, the arguments here are keyword arguments that are common to this class, :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps`. :param stream: the stream that the output will be written to. :type stream: io.TextIOBase :param indent: the string to use as a single indentation level. :type indent: str, optional (two spaces). :param chain_else_if: If ``True`` (default), then constructs of the form:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else { if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } } will be collapsed into the equivalent but flatter:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } :type chain_else_if: bool, optional (``True``) :param old_measurement: If ``True``, then the OpenQASM 2-style "arrow" measurements will be used instead of the normal assignments. For example, ``old_measurement=False`` (the default) will emit ``a = measure b;`` where ``old_measurement=True`` would emit ``measure b -> a;`` instead. :type old_measurement: bool, optional (``False``). """ = stream self.indent = indent self.chain_else_if = chain_else_if self.old_measurement = old_measurement def visit(self, node: ast.QASMNode, context: Optional[PrinterState] = None) -> None: """Completely visit a node and all subnodes. This is the dispatch entry point; this will automatically result in the correct specialised visitor getting called. :param node: The AST node to visit. Usually this will be an :class:`.ast.Program`. :type node: .ast.QASMNode :param context: The state object to be used during the visit. If not given, a default object will be constructed and used. :type context: PrinterState """ if context is None: context = PrinterState() return super().visit(node, context) def _start_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None: if context.skip_next_indent: context.skip_next_indent = False return * self.indent) def _end_statement(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:";\n") def _end_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:"\n") def _write_statement(self, line: str, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) self._end_statement(context) def _visit_sequence( self, nodes: Sequence[ast.QASMNode], context: PrinterState, *, start: str = "", end: str = "", separator: str, ) -> None: if start: for node in nodes[:-1]: self.visit(node, context) if nodes: self.visit(nodes[-1], context) if end: def visit_Program(self, node: ast.Program, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.version: self._write_statement(f"OPENQASM {node.version}", context) for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) def visit_Include(self, node: ast.Include, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement(f'include "{node.filename}"', context) def visit_ExpressionStatement( self, node: ast.ExpressionStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QubitDeclaration(self, node: ast.QubitDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size)"]")" ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateDefinition( self, node: ast.QuantumGateDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"gate ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ExternDeclaration(self, node: ast.ExternDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"extern ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Identifier(self, node: ast.Identifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_UnaryExpression(self, node: ast.UnaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node) >= properties.precedence(node.expression):"(") self.visit(node.expression, context)")") else: self.visit(node.expression, context) def visit_BinaryExpression(self, node: ast.BinaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) # All AST nodes that are built into BinaryExpression are currently left associative. if properties.precedence(node.lhs) < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" {} ") if properties.precedence(node.rhs) <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_BitstringLiteral(self, node: ast.BitstringLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: value = bin(node.value)[2:] if len(value) < node.width: value = "0" * (node.width - len(value)) + value'"{value}"') def visit_IntegerLiteral(self, node: ast.IntegerLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_FloatLiteral(self, node: ast.FloatLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_BooleanLiteral(self, node: ast.BooleanLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"true" if node.value else "false") def visit_DurationLiteral(self, node: ast.DurationLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"{node.value}{}") def visit_ArrayLiteral(self, node: ast.ArrayLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit( self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") def visit_Cast(self, node: ast.Cast, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(node.type)"(") self.visit(node.argument)")") def visit_DiscreteSet(self, node: ast.DiscreteSet, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_RangeDefinition(self, node: ast.RangeDefinition, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.start is not None: self.visit(node.start, context)":") if node.step is not None: self.visit(node.step, context)":") if node.end is not None: self.visit(node.end, context) def visit_IndexExpression(self, node: ast.IndexExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node.collection) < properties.precedence(node):"(") self.visit(node.collection, context)")") else: self.visit(node.collection, context)"[") if isinstance(node.index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(node.index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_IndexedIdentifier(self, node: ast.IndexedIdentifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(, context) for index in node.indices:"[") if isinstance(index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_Concatenation(self, node: ast.Concatenation, context: PrinterState) -> None: lhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.lhs) our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) rhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.rhs) # Concatenation is fully associative, but this package parses the AST by # arbitrarily making it left-associative (since the design of the AST # forces us to make a choice). We emit brackets to ensure that the # round-trip through our printer and parser do not change the AST. if lhs_precedence < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" ++ ") if rhs_precedence <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_QuantumGate(self, node: ast.QuantumGate, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateModifier( self, node: ast.QuantumGateModifier, context: PrinterState ) -> None: if node.argument is not None:"(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") def visit_QuantumPhase(self, node: ast.QuantumPhase, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ")"gphase(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") if node.qubits: self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, start=" ", separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurement(self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurement, context: PrinterState) -> None:"measure ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) def visit_QuantumReset(self, node: ast.QuantumReset, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"reset ") self.visit(node.qubits, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumBarrier(self, node: ast.QuantumBarrier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"barrier ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement( self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurementStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) if is None: self.visit(node.measure, context) elif self.old_measurement: self.visit(node.measure, context)" -> ") self.visit(, context) else: self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.measure, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalArgument(self, node: ast.ClassicalArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ExternArgument(self, node: ast.ExternArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context) def visit_ClassicalDeclaration( self, node: ast.ClassicalDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) if node.init_expression is not None:" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IODeclaration(self, node: ast.IODeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"{} ") self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ConstantDeclaration( self, node: ast.ConstantDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"const ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context)" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IntType(self, node: ast.IntType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"int") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_UintType(self, node: ast.UintType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"uint") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_FloatType(self, node: ast.FloatType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"float") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_ComplexType(self, node: ast.ComplexType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"complex[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)"]") def visit_AngleType(self, node: ast.AngleType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"angle") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BitType(self, node: ast.BitType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BoolType(self, node: ast.BoolType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bool") def visit_ArrayType(self, node: ast.ArrayType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context) self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, start=", ", end="]", separator=", ") def visit_ArrayReferenceType(self, node: ast.ArrayReferenceType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)", ") if isinstance(node.dimensions, ast.Expression):"#dim=") self.visit(node.dimensions, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_DurationType(self, node: ast.DurationType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"duration") def visit_StretchType(self, node: ast.StretchType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"stretch") def visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration( self, node: ast.CalibrationGrammarDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._write_statement(f'defcalgrammar "{}"', context) def visit_CalibrationDefinition( self, node: ast.CalibrationDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"defcal ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") # At this point we _should_ be deferring to something else to handle formatting the # calibration grammar statements, but we're neither we nor the AST are set up to do that."}") self._end_line(context) def visit_SubroutineDefinition( self, node: ast.SubroutineDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"def ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_QuantumArgument(self, node: ast.QuantumArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None:"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]")" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ReturnStatement(self, node: ast.ReturnStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"return") if node.expression is not None:" ") self.visit(node.expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_BreakStatement(self, node: ast.BreakStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("break", context) def visit_ContinueStatement(self, node: ast.ContinueStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("continue", context) def visit_EndStatement(self, node: ast.EndStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("end", context) def visit_BranchingStatement(self, node: ast.BranchingStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"if (") self.visit(node.condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.if_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") if node.else_block:" else ") # Special handling to flatten a perfectly nested structure of # if {...} else { if {...} else {...} } # into the simpler # if {...} else if {...} else {...} # but only if we're allowed to by our options. if ( self.chain_else_if and len(node.else_block) == 1 and isinstance(node.else_block[0], ast.BranchingStatement) ): context.skip_next_indent = True self.visit(node.else_block[0], context) # Don't end the line, because the outer-most `if` block will. else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.else_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) else: self._end_line(context) def visit_WhileLoop(self, node: ast.WhileLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"while (") self.visit(node.while_condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ForInLoop(self, node: ast.ForInLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"for ") self.
(node.loop_variable, context)" in ") if isinstance(node.set_declaration, ast.RangeDefinition):"[") self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)"]") else: self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DelayInstruction(self, node: ast.DelayInstruction, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"delay[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"] ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_Box(self, node: ast.Box, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"box") if node.duration is not None:"[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"]")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DurationOf(self, node: ast.DurationOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"durationof(") if isinstance(, ast.QASMNode): self.visit(, context) else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}")")") def visit_SizeOf(self, node: ast.SizeOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"sizeof(") self.visit(, context) if node.index is not None:", ") self.visit(node.index)")") def visit_AliasStatement(self, node: ast.AliasStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"let ") self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.value, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalAssignment( self, node: ast.ClassicalAssignment, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.lvalue, context)" {} ") self.visit(node.rvalue, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Pragma(self, node: ast.Pragma, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"#pragma {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context)
[ "block", "loop_variable", "set_declaration", "span", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
""" ============================================================== Generating OpenQASM 3 from an AST Node (``openqasm3.printer``) ============================================================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3 It is often useful to go from the :mod:`AST representation <openqasm3.ast>` of an OpenQASM 3 program back to the textual language. The functions and classes described here will do this conversion. Most uses should be covered by using :func:`dump` to write to an open text stream (an open file, for example) or :func:`dumps` to produce a string. Both of these accept :ref:`several keyword arguments <printer-kwargs>` that control the formatting of the output. .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dump .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dumps .. _printer-kwargs: Controlling the formatting ========================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer The :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps` functions both use an internal AST-visitor class to operate on the AST. This class actually defines all the formatting options, and can be used for more low-level operations, such as writing a program piece-by-piece. This may need access to the :ref:`printer state <printer-state>`, documented below. .. autoclass:: Printer :members: :class-doc-from: both For the most complete control, it is possible to subclass this printer and override only the visitor methods that should be modified. .. _printer-state: Reusing the same printer ======================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer If the :class:`Printer` is being reused to write multiple nodes to a single stream, you will also likely need to access its internal state. This can be done by manually creating a :class:`PrinterState` object and passing it in the original call to :meth:`Printer.visit`. The state object is mutated by the visit, and will reflect the output state at the end. .. autoclass:: PrinterState :members: """ import contextlib import dataclasses import io from typing import Sequence, Optional from . import ast, properties from .visitor import QASMVisitor __all__ = ("dump", "dumps", "Printer", "PrinterState") def dump(node: ast.QASMNode, file: io.TextIOBase, **kwargs) -> None: """Write textual OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node`` to the open stream ``file``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ Printer(file, **kwargs).visit(node) def dumps(node: ast.QASMNode, **kwargs) -> str: """Get a string representation of the OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ out = io.StringIO() dump(node, out, **kwargs) return out.getvalue() @dataclasses.dataclass class PrinterState: """State object for the print visitor. This is mutated during the visit.""" current_indent: int = 0 """The current indentation level. This is a non-negative integer; the actual identation string to be used is defined by the :class:`Printer`.""" skip_next_indent: bool = False """This is used to communicate between the different levels of if-else visitors when emitting chained ``else if`` blocks. The chaining occurs with the next ``if`` if this is set to ``True``.""" @contextlib.contextmanager def increase_scope(self): """Use as a context manager to increase the scoping level of this context inside the resource block.""" self.current_indent += 1 try: yield finally: self.current_indent -= 1 class Printer(QASMVisitor[PrinterState]): """Internal AST-visitor for writing AST nodes out to a stream as valid OpenQASM 3. This class can be used directly to write multiple nodes to the same stream, potentially with some manual control fo the state between them. If subclassing, generally only the specialised ``visit_*`` methods need to be overridden. These are derived from the base class, and use the name of the relevant :mod:`AST node <.ast>` verbatim after ``visit_``.""" def __init__( self, stream: io.TextIOBase, *, indent: str = " ", chain_else_if: bool = True, old_measurement: bool = False, ): """ Aside from ``stream``, the arguments here are keyword arguments that are common to this class, :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps`. :param stream: the stream that the output will be written to. :type stream: io.TextIOBase :param indent: the string to use as a single indentation level. :type indent: str, optional (two spaces). :param chain_else_if: If ``True`` (default), then constructs of the form:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else { if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } } will be collapsed into the equivalent but flatter:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } :type chain_else_if: bool, optional (``True``) :param old_measurement: If ``True``, then the OpenQASM 2-style "arrow" measurements will be used instead of the normal assignments. For example, ``old_measurement=False`` (the default) will emit ``a = measure b;`` where ``old_measurement=True`` would emit ``measure b -> a;`` instead. :type old_measurement: bool, optional (``False``). """ = stream self.indent = indent self.chain_else_if = chain_else_if self.old_measurement = old_measurement def visit(self, node: ast.QASMNode, context: Optional[PrinterState] = None) -> None: """Completely visit a node and all subnodes. This is the dispatch entry point; this will automatically result in the correct specialised visitor getting called. :param node: The AST node to visit. Usually this will be an :class:`.ast.Program`. :type node: .ast.QASMNode :param context: The state object to be used during the visit. If not given, a default object will be constructed and used. :type context: PrinterState """ if context is None: context = PrinterState() return super().visit(node, context) def _start_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None: if context.skip_next_indent: context.skip_next_indent = False return * self.indent) def _end_statement(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:";\n") def _end_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:"\n") def _write_statement(self, line: str, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) self._end_statement(context) def _visit_sequence( self, nodes: Sequence[ast.QASMNode], context: PrinterState, *, start: str = "", end: str = "", separator: str, ) -> None: if start: for node in nodes[:-1]: self.visit(node, context) if nodes: self.visit(nodes[-1], context) if end: def visit_Program(self, node: ast.Program, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.version: self._write_statement(f"OPENQASM {node.version}", context) for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) def visit_Include(self, node: ast.Include, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement(f'include "{node.filename}"', context) def visit_ExpressionStatement( self, node: ast.ExpressionStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QubitDeclaration(self, node: ast.QubitDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size)"]")" ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateDefinition( self, node: ast.QuantumGateDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"gate ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ExternDeclaration(self, node: ast.ExternDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"extern ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Identifier(self, node: ast.Identifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_UnaryExpression(self, node: ast.UnaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node) >= properties.precedence(node.expression):"(") self.visit(node.expression, context)")") else: self.visit(node.expression, context) def visit_BinaryExpression(self, node: ast.BinaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) # All AST nodes that are built into BinaryExpression are currently left associative. if properties.precedence(node.lhs) < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" {} ") if properties.precedence(node.rhs) <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_BitstringLiteral(self, node: ast.BitstringLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: value = bin(node.value)[2:] if len(value) < node.width: value = "0" * (node.width - len(value)) + value'"{value}"') def visit_IntegerLiteral(self, node: ast.IntegerLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_FloatLiteral(self, node: ast.FloatLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_BooleanLiteral(self, node: ast.BooleanLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"true" if node.value else "false") def visit_DurationLiteral(self, node: ast.DurationLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"{node.value}{}") def visit_ArrayLiteral(self, node: ast.ArrayLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit( self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") def visit_Cast(self, node: ast.Cast, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(node.type)"(") self.visit(node.argument)")") def visit_DiscreteSet(self, node: ast.DiscreteSet, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_RangeDefinition(self, node: ast.RangeDefinition, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.start is not None: self.visit(node.start, context)":") if node.step is not None: self.visit(node.step, context)":") if node.end is not None: self.visit(node.end, context) def visit_IndexExpression(self, node: ast.IndexExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node.collection) < properties.precedence(node):"(") self.visit(node.collection, context)")") else: self.visit(node.collection, context)"[") if isinstance(node.index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(node.index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_IndexedIdentifier(self, node: ast.IndexedIdentifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(, context) for index in node.indices:"[") if isinstance(index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_Concatenation(self, node: ast.Concatenation, context: PrinterState) -> None: lhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.lhs) our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) rhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.rhs) # Concatenation is fully associative, but this package parses the AST by # arbitrarily making it left-associative (since the design of the AST # forces us to make a choice). We emit brackets to ensure that the # round-trip through our printer and parser do not change the AST. if lhs_precedence < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" ++ ") if rhs_precedence <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_QuantumGate(self, node: ast.QuantumGate, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateModifier( self, node: ast.QuantumGateModifier, context: PrinterState ) -> None: if node.argument is not None:"(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") def visit_QuantumPhase(self, node: ast.QuantumPhase, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ")"gphase(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") if node.qubits: self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, start=" ", separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurement(self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurement, context: PrinterState) -> None:"measure ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) def visit_QuantumReset(self, node: ast.QuantumReset, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"reset ") self.visit(node.qubits, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumBarrier(self, node: ast.QuantumBarrier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"barrier ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement( self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurementStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) if is None: self.visit(node.measure, context) elif self.old_measurement: self.visit(node.measure, context)" -> ") self.visit(, context) else: self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.measure, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalArgument(self, node: ast.ClassicalArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ExternArgument(self, node: ast.ExternArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context) def visit_ClassicalDeclaration( self, node: ast.ClassicalDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) if node.init_expression is not None:" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IODeclaration(self, node: ast.IODeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"{} ") self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ConstantDeclaration( self, node: ast.ConstantDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"const ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context)" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IntType(self, node: ast.IntType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"int") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_UintType(self, node: ast.UintType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"uint") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_FloatType(self, node: ast.FloatType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"float") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_ComplexType(self, node: ast.ComplexType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"complex[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)"]") def visit_AngleType(self, node: ast.AngleType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"angle") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BitType(self, node: ast.BitType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BoolType(self, node: ast.BoolType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bool") def visit_ArrayType(self, node: ast.ArrayType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context) self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, start=", ", end="]", separator=", ") def visit_ArrayReferenceType(self, node: ast.ArrayReferenceType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)", ") if isinstance(node.dimensions, ast.Expression):"#dim=") self.visit(node.dimensions, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_DurationType(self, node: ast.DurationType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"duration") def visit_StretchType(self, node: ast.StretchType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"stretch") def visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration( self, node: ast.CalibrationGrammarDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._write_statement(f'defcalgrammar "{}"', context) def visit_CalibrationDefinition( self, node: ast.CalibrationDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"defcal ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") # At this point we _should_ be deferring to something else to handle formatting the # calibration grammar statements, but we're neither we nor the AST are set up to do that."}") self._end_line(context) def visit_SubroutineDefinition( self, node: ast.SubroutineDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"def ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_QuantumArgument(self, node: ast.QuantumArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None:"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]")" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ReturnStatement(self, node: ast.ReturnStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"return") if node.expression is not None:" ") self.visit(node.expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_BreakStatement(self, node: ast.BreakStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("break", context) def visit_ContinueStatement(self, node: ast.ContinueStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("continue", context) def visit_EndStatement(self, node: ast.EndStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("end", context) def visit_BranchingStatement(self, node: ast.BranchingStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"if (") self.visit(node.condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.if_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") if node.else_block:" else ") # Special handling to flatten a perfectly nested structure of # if {...} else { if {...} else {...} } # into the simpler # if {...} else if {...} else {...} # but only if we're allowed to by our options. if ( self.chain_else_if and len(node.else_block) == 1 and isinstance(node.else_block[0], ast.BranchingStatement) ): context.skip_next_indent = True self.visit(node.else_block[0], context) # Don't end the line, because the outer-most `if` block will. else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.else_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) else: self._end_line(context) def visit_WhileLoop(self, node: ast.WhileLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"while (") self.visit(node.while_condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ForInLoop(self, node: ast.ForInLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"for ") self.visit(node.
, context)" in ") if isinstance(node.set_declaration, ast.RangeDefinition):"[") self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)"]") else: self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DelayInstruction(self, node: ast.DelayInstruction, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"delay[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"] ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_Box(self, node: ast.Box, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"box") if node.duration is not None:"[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"]")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DurationOf(self, node: ast.DurationOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"durationof(") if isinstance(, ast.QASMNode): self.visit(, context) else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}")")") def visit_SizeOf(self, node: ast.SizeOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"sizeof(") self.visit(, context) if node.index is not None:", ") self.visit(node.index)")") def visit_AliasStatement(self, node: ast.AliasStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"let ") self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.value, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalAssignment( self, node: ast.ClassicalAssignment, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.lvalue, context)" {} ") self.visit(node.rvalue, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Pragma(self, node: ast.Pragma, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"#pragma {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context)
[ "block", "loop_variable", "set_declaration", "span", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
""" ============================================================== Generating OpenQASM 3 from an AST Node (``openqasm3.printer``) ============================================================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3 It is often useful to go from the :mod:`AST representation <openqasm3.ast>` of an OpenQASM 3 program back to the textual language. The functions and classes described here will do this conversion. Most uses should be covered by using :func:`dump` to write to an open text stream (an open file, for example) or :func:`dumps` to produce a string. Both of these accept :ref:`several keyword arguments <printer-kwargs>` that control the formatting of the output. .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dump .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dumps .. _printer-kwargs: Controlling the formatting ========================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer The :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps` functions both use an internal AST-visitor class to operate on the AST. This class actually defines all the formatting options, and can be used for more low-level operations, such as writing a program piece-by-piece. This may need access to the :ref:`printer state <printer-state>`, documented below. .. autoclass:: Printer :members: :class-doc-from: both For the most complete control, it is possible to subclass this printer and override only the visitor methods that should be modified. .. _printer-state: Reusing the same printer ======================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer If the :class:`Printer` is being reused to write multiple nodes to a single stream, you will also likely need to access its internal state. This can be done by manually creating a :class:`PrinterState` object and passing it in the original call to :meth:`Printer.visit`. The state object is mutated by the visit, and will reflect the output state at the end. .. autoclass:: PrinterState :members: """ import contextlib import dataclasses import io from typing import Sequence, Optional from . import ast, properties from .visitor import QASMVisitor __all__ = ("dump", "dumps", "Printer", "PrinterState") def dump(node: ast.QASMNode, file: io.TextIOBase, **kwargs) -> None: """Write textual OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node`` to the open stream ``file``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ Printer(file, **kwargs).visit(node) def dumps(node: ast.QASMNode, **kwargs) -> str: """Get a string representation of the OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ out = io.StringIO() dump(node, out, **kwargs) return out.getvalue() @dataclasses.dataclass class PrinterState: """State object for the print visitor. This is mutated during the visit.""" current_indent: int = 0 """The current indentation level. This is a non-negative integer; the actual identation string to be used is defined by the :class:`Printer`.""" skip_next_indent: bool = False """This is used to communicate between the different levels of if-else visitors when emitting chained ``else if`` blocks. The chaining occurs with the next ``if`` if this is set to ``True``.""" @contextlib.contextmanager def increase_scope(self): """Use as a context manager to increase the scoping level of this context inside the resource block.""" self.current_indent += 1 try: yield finally: self.current_indent -= 1 class Printer(QASMVisitor[PrinterState]): """Internal AST-visitor for writing AST nodes out to a stream as valid OpenQASM 3. This class can be used directly to write multiple nodes to the same stream, potentially with some manual control fo the state between them. If subclassing, generally only the specialised ``visit_*`` methods need to be overridden. These are derived from the base class, and use the name of the relevant :mod:`AST node <.ast>` verbatim after ``visit_``.""" def __init__( self, stream: io.TextIOBase, *, indent: str = " ", chain_else_if: bool = True, old_measurement: bool = False, ): """ Aside from ``stream``, the arguments here are keyword arguments that are common to this class, :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps`. :param stream: the stream that the output will be written to. :type stream: io.TextIOBase :param indent: the string to use as a single indentation level. :type indent: str, optional (two spaces). :param chain_else_if: If ``True`` (default), then constructs of the form:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else { if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } } will be collapsed into the equivalent but flatter:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } :type chain_else_if: bool, optional (``True``) :param old_measurement: If ``True``, then the OpenQASM 2-style "arrow" measurements will be used instead of the normal assignments. For example, ``old_measurement=False`` (the default) will emit ``a = measure b;`` where ``old_measurement=True`` would emit ``measure b -> a;`` instead. :type old_measurement: bool, optional (``False``). """ = stream self.indent = indent self.chain_else_if = chain_else_if self.old_measurement = old_measurement def visit(self, node: ast.QASMNode, context: Optional[PrinterState] = None) -> None: """Completely visit a node and all subnodes. This is the dispatch entry point; this will automatically result in the correct specialised visitor getting called. :param node: The AST node to visit. Usually this will be an :class:`.ast.Program`. :type node: .ast.QASMNode :param context: The state object to be used during the visit. If not given, a default object will be constructed and used. :type context: PrinterState """ if context is None: context = PrinterState() return super().visit(node, context) def _start_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None: if context.skip_next_indent: context.skip_next_indent = False return * self.indent) def _end_statement(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:";\n") def _end_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:"\n") def _write_statement(self, line: str, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) self._end_statement(context) def _visit_sequence( self, nodes: Sequence[ast.QASMNode], context: PrinterState, *, start: str = "", end: str = "", separator: str, ) -> None: if start: for node in nodes[:-1]: self.visit(node, context) if nodes: self.visit(nodes[-1], context) if end: def visit_Program(self, node: ast.Program, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.version: self._write_statement(f"OPENQASM {node.version}", context) for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) def visit_Include(self, node: ast.Include, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement(f'include "{node.filename}"', context) def visit_ExpressionStatement( self, node: ast.ExpressionStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QubitDeclaration(self, node: ast.QubitDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size)"]")" ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateDefinition( self, node: ast.QuantumGateDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"gate ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ExternDeclaration(self, node: ast.ExternDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"extern ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Identifier(self, node: ast.Identifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_UnaryExpression(self, node: ast.UnaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node) >= properties.precedence(node.expression):"(") self.visit(node.expression, context)")") else: self.visit(node.expression, context) def visit_BinaryExpression(self, node: ast.BinaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) # All AST nodes that are built into BinaryExpression are currently left associative. if properties.precedence(node.lhs) < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" {} ") if properties.precedence(node.rhs) <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_BitstringLiteral(self, node: ast.BitstringLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: value = bin(node.value)[2:] if len(value) < node.width: value = "0" * (node.width - len(value)) + value'"{value}"') def visit_IntegerLiteral(self, node: ast.IntegerLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_FloatLiteral(self, node: ast.FloatLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_BooleanLiteral(self, node: ast.BooleanLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"true" if node.value else "false") def visit_DurationLiteral(self, node: ast.DurationLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"{node.value}{}") def visit_ArrayLiteral(self, node: ast.ArrayLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit( self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") def visit_Cast(self, node: ast.Cast, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(node.type)"(") self.visit(node.argument)")") def visit_DiscreteSet(self, node: ast.DiscreteSet, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_RangeDefinition(self, node: ast.RangeDefinition, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.start is not None: self.visit(node.start, context)":") if node.step is not None: self.visit(node.step, context)":") if node.end is not None: self.visit(node.end, context) def visit_IndexExpression(self, node: ast.IndexExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node.collection) < properties.precedence(node):"(") self.visit(node.collection, context)")") else: self.visit(node.collection, context)"[") if isinstance(node.index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(node.index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_IndexedIdentifier(self, node: ast.IndexedIdentifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(, context) for index in node.indices:"[") if isinstance(index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_Concatenation(self, node: ast.Concatenation, context: PrinterState) -> None: lhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.lhs) our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) rhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.rhs) # Concatenation is fully associative, but this package parses the AST by # arbitrarily making it left-associative (since the design of the AST # forces us to make a choice). We emit brackets to ensure that the # round-trip through our printer and parser do not change the AST. if lhs_precedence < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" ++ ") if rhs_precedence <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_QuantumGate(self, node: ast.QuantumGate, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateModifier( self, node: ast.QuantumGateModifier, context: PrinterState ) -> None: if node.argument is not None:"(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") def visit_QuantumPhase(self, node: ast.QuantumPhase, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ")"gphase(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") if node.qubits: self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, start=" ", separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurement(self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurement, context: PrinterState) -> None:"measure ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) def visit_QuantumReset(self, node: ast.QuantumReset, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"reset ") self.visit(node.qubits, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumBarrier(self, node: ast.QuantumBarrier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"barrier ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement( self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurementStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) if is None: self.visit(node.measure, context) elif self.old_measurement: self.visit(node.measure, context)" -> ") self.visit(, context) else: self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.measure, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalArgument(self, node: ast.ClassicalArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ExternArgument(self, node: ast.ExternArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context) def visit_ClassicalDeclaration( self, node: ast.ClassicalDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) if node.init_expression is not None:" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IODeclaration(self, node: ast.IODeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"{} ") self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ConstantDeclaration( self, node: ast.ConstantDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"const ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context)" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IntType(self, node: ast.IntType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"int") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_UintType(self, node: ast.UintType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"uint") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_FloatType(self, node: ast.FloatType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"float") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_ComplexType(self, node: ast.ComplexType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"complex[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)"]") def visit_AngleType(self, node: ast.AngleType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"angle") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BitType(self, node: ast.BitType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BoolType(self, node: ast.BoolType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bool") def visit_ArrayType(self, node: ast.ArrayType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context) self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, start=", ", end="]", separator=", ") def visit_ArrayReferenceType(self, node: ast.ArrayReferenceType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)", ") if isinstance(node.dimensions, ast.Expression):"#dim=") self.visit(node.dimensions, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_DurationType(self, node: ast.DurationType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"duration") def visit_StretchType(self, node: ast.StretchType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"stretch") def visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration( self, node: ast.CalibrationGrammarDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._write_statement(f'defcalgrammar "{}"', context) def visit_CalibrationDefinition( self, node: ast.CalibrationDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"defcal ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") # At this point we _should_ be deferring to something else to handle formatting the # calibration grammar statements, but we're neither we nor the AST are set up to do that."}") self._end_line(context) def visit_SubroutineDefinition( self, node: ast.SubroutineDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"def ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_QuantumArgument(self, node: ast.QuantumArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None:"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]")" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ReturnStatement(self, node: ast.ReturnStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"return") if node.expression is not None:" ") self.visit(node.expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_BreakStatement(self, node: ast.BreakStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("break", context) def visit_ContinueStatement(self, node: ast.ContinueStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("continue", context) def visit_EndStatement(self, node: ast.EndStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("end", context) def visit_BranchingStatement(self, node: ast.BranchingStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"if (") self.visit(node.condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.if_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") if node.else_block:" else ") # Special handling to flatten a perfectly nested structure of # if {...} else { if {...} else {...} } # into the simpler # if {...} else if {...} else {...} # but only if we're allowed to by our options. if ( self.chain_else_if and len(node.else_block) == 1 and isinstance(node.else_block[0], ast.BranchingStatement) ): context.skip_next_indent = True self.visit(node.else_block[0], context) # Don't end the line, because the outer-most `if` block will. else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.else_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) else: self._end_line(context) def visit_WhileLoop(self, node: ast.WhileLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"while (") self.visit(node.while_condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ForInLoop(self, node: ast.ForInLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"for ") self.visit(node.loop_variable, context)" in ") if isinstance(node.
, ast.RangeDefinition):"[") self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)"]") else: self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DelayInstruction(self, node: ast.DelayInstruction, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"delay[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"] ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_Box(self, node: ast.Box, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"box") if node.duration is not None:"[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"]")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DurationOf(self, node: ast.DurationOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"durationof(") if isinstance(, ast.QASMNode): self.visit(, context) else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}")")") def visit_SizeOf(self, node: ast.SizeOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"sizeof(") self.visit(, context) if node.index is not None:", ") self.visit(node.index)")") def visit_AliasStatement(self, node: ast.AliasStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"let ") self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.value, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalAssignment( self, node: ast.ClassicalAssignment, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.lvalue, context)" {} ") self.visit(node.rvalue, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Pragma(self, node: ast.Pragma, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"#pragma {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context)
[ "AccessControl", "AliasStatement", "AngleType", "annotations", "ArrayLiteral", "ArrayReferenceType", "ArrayType", "AssignmentOperator", "BinaryExpression", "BinaryOperator", "BitstringLiteral", "BitType", "BooleanLiteral", "BoolType", "Box", "BranchingStatement", "BreakStatement", "CalibrationDefinition", "CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "Cast", "ClassicalArgument", "ClassicalAssignment", "ClassicalDeclaration", "ClassicalType", "ComplexType", "Concatenation", "ConstantDeclaration", "ContinueStatement", "dataclass", "DelayInstruction", "DiscreteSet", "DurationLiteral", "DurationOf", "DurationType", "EndStatement", "Enum", "Expression", "ExpressionStatement", "ExternArgument", "ExternDeclaration", "field", "FloatLiteral", "FloatType", "ForInLoop", "FunctionCall", "GateModifierName", "Identifier", "Include", "IndexedIdentifier", "IndexElement", "IndexExpression", "IntegerLiteral", "IntType", "IODeclaration", "IOKeyword", "List", "Optional", "Pragma", "Program", "QASMNode", "QuantumArgument", "QuantumBarrier", "QuantumGate", "QuantumGateDefinition", "QuantumGateModifier", "QuantumMeasurement", "QuantumMeasurementStatement", "QuantumPhase", "QuantumReset", "QuantumStatement", "QubitDeclaration", "RangeDefinition", "ReturnStatement", "SizeOf", "Span", "Statement", "StretchType", "SubroutineDefinition", "TimeUnit", "UintType", "UnaryExpression", "UnaryOperator", "Union", "WhileLoop", "__all__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
""" ============================================================== Generating OpenQASM 3 from an AST Node (``openqasm3.printer``) ============================================================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3 It is often useful to go from the :mod:`AST representation <openqasm3.ast>` of an OpenQASM 3 program back to the textual language. The functions and classes described here will do this conversion. Most uses should be covered by using :func:`dump` to write to an open text stream (an open file, for example) or :func:`dumps` to produce a string. Both of these accept :ref:`several keyword arguments <printer-kwargs>` that control the formatting of the output. .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dump .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dumps .. _printer-kwargs: Controlling the formatting ========================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer The :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps` functions both use an internal AST-visitor class to operate on the AST. This class actually defines all the formatting options, and can be used for more low-level operations, such as writing a program piece-by-piece. This may need access to the :ref:`printer state <printer-state>`, documented below. .. autoclass:: Printer :members: :class-doc-from: both For the most complete control, it is possible to subclass this printer and override only the visitor methods that should be modified. .. _printer-state: Reusing the same printer ======================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer If the :class:`Printer` is being reused to write multiple nodes to a single stream, you will also likely need to access its internal state. This can be done by manually creating a :class:`PrinterState` object and passing it in the original call to :meth:`Printer.visit`. The state object is mutated by the visit, and will reflect the output state at the end. .. autoclass:: PrinterState :members: """ import contextlib import dataclasses import io from typing import Sequence, Optional from . import ast, properties from .visitor import QASMVisitor __all__ = ("dump", "dumps", "Printer", "PrinterState") def dump(node: ast.QASMNode, file: io.TextIOBase, **kwargs) -> None: """Write textual OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node`` to the open stream ``file``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ Printer(file, **kwargs).visit(node) def dumps(node: ast.QASMNode, **kwargs) -> str: """Get a string representation of the OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ out = io.StringIO() dump(node, out, **kwargs) return out.getvalue() @dataclasses.dataclass class PrinterState: """State object for the print visitor. This is mutated during the visit.""" current_indent: int = 0 """The current indentation level. This is a non-negative integer; the actual identation string to be used is defined by the :class:`Printer`.""" skip_next_indent: bool = False """This is used to communicate between the different levels of if-else visitors when emitting chained ``else if`` blocks. The chaining occurs with the next ``if`` if this is set to ``True``.""" @contextlib.contextmanager def increase_scope(self): """Use as a context manager to increase the scoping level of this context inside the resource block.""" self.current_indent += 1 try: yield finally: self.current_indent -= 1 class Printer(QASMVisitor[PrinterState]): """Internal AST-visitor for writing AST nodes out to a stream as valid OpenQASM 3. This class can be used directly to write multiple nodes to the same stream, potentially with some manual control fo the state between them. If subclassing, generally only the specialised ``visit_*`` methods need to be overridden. These are derived from the base class, and use the name of the relevant :mod:`AST node <.ast>` verbatim after ``visit_``.""" def __init__( self, stream: io.TextIOBase, *, indent: str = " ", chain_else_if: bool = True, old_measurement: bool = False, ): """ Aside from ``stream``, the arguments here are keyword arguments that are common to this class, :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps`. :param stream: the stream that the output will be written to. :type stream: io.TextIOBase :param indent: the string to use as a single indentation level. :type indent: str, optional (two spaces). :param chain_else_if: If ``True`` (default), then constructs of the form:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else { if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } } will be collapsed into the equivalent but flatter:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } :type chain_else_if: bool, optional (``True``) :param old_measurement: If ``True``, then the OpenQASM 2-style "arrow" measurements will be used instead of the normal assignments. For example, ``old_measurement=False`` (the default) will emit ``a = measure b;`` where ``old_measurement=True`` would emit ``measure b -> a;`` instead. :type old_measurement: bool, optional (``False``). """ = stream self.indent = indent self.chain_else_if = chain_else_if self.old_measurement = old_measurement def visit(self, node: ast.QASMNode, context: Optional[PrinterState] = None) -> None: """Completely visit a node and all subnodes. This is the dispatch entry point; this will automatically result in the correct specialised visitor getting called. :param node: The AST node to visit. Usually this will be an :class:`.ast.Program`. :type node: .ast.QASMNode :param context: The state object to be used during the visit. If not given, a default object will be constructed and used. :type context: PrinterState """ if context is None: context = PrinterState() return super().visit(node, context) def _start_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None: if context.skip_next_indent: context.skip_next_indent = False return * self.indent) def _end_statement(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:";\n") def _end_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:"\n") def _write_statement(self, line: str, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) self._end_statement(context) def _visit_sequence( self, nodes: Sequence[ast.QASMNode], context: PrinterState, *, start: str = "", end: str = "", separator: str, ) -> None: if start: for node in nodes[:-1]: self.visit(node, context) if nodes: self.visit(nodes[-1], context) if end: def visit_Program(self, node: ast.Program, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.version: self._write_statement(f"OPENQASM {node.version}", context) for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) def visit_Include(self, node: ast.Include, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement(f'include "{node.filename}"', context) def visit_ExpressionStatement( self, node: ast.ExpressionStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QubitDeclaration(self, node: ast.QubitDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size)"]")" ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateDefinition( self, node: ast.QuantumGateDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"gate ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ExternDeclaration(self, node: ast.ExternDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"extern ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Identifier(self, node: ast.Identifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_UnaryExpression(self, node: ast.UnaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node) >= properties.precedence(node.expression):"(") self.visit(node.expression, context)")") else: self.visit(node.expression, context) def visit_BinaryExpression(self, node: ast.BinaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) # All AST nodes that are built into BinaryExpression are currently left associative. if properties.precedence(node.lhs) < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" {} ") if properties.precedence(node.rhs) <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_BitstringLiteral(self, node: ast.BitstringLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: value = bin(node.value)[2:] if len(value) < node.width: value = "0" * (node.width - len(value)) + value'"{value}"') def visit_IntegerLiteral(self, node: ast.IntegerLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_FloatLiteral(self, node: ast.FloatLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_BooleanLiteral(self, node: ast.BooleanLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"true" if node.value else "false") def visit_DurationLiteral(self, node: ast.DurationLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"{node.value}{}") def visit_ArrayLiteral(self, node: ast.ArrayLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit( self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") def visit_Cast(self, node: ast.Cast, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(node.type)"(") self.visit(node.argument)")") def visit_DiscreteSet(self, node: ast.DiscreteSet, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_RangeDefinition(self, node: ast.RangeDefinition, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.start is not None: self.visit(node.start, context)":") if node.step is not None: self.visit(node.step, context)":") if node.end is not None: self.visit(node.end, context) def visit_IndexExpression(self, node: ast.IndexExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node.collection) < properties.precedence(node):"(") self.visit(node.collection, context)")") else: self.visit(node.collection, context)"[") if isinstance(node.index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(node.index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_IndexedIdentifier(self, node: ast.IndexedIdentifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(, context) for index in node.indices:"[") if isinstance(index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_Concatenation(self, node: ast.Concatenation, context: PrinterState) -> None: lhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.lhs) our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) rhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.rhs) # Concatenation is fully associative, but this package parses the AST by # arbitrarily making it left-associative (since the design of the AST # forces us to make a choice). We emit brackets to ensure that the # round-trip through our printer and parser do not change the AST. if lhs_precedence < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" ++ ") if rhs_precedence <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_QuantumGate(self, node: ast.QuantumGate, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateModifier( self, node: ast.QuantumGateModifier, context: PrinterState ) -> None: if node.argument is not None:"(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") def visit_QuantumPhase(self, node: ast.QuantumPhase, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ")"gphase(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") if node.qubits: self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, start=" ", separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurement(self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurement, context: PrinterState) -> None:"measure ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) def visit_QuantumReset(self, node: ast.QuantumReset, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"reset ") self.visit(node.qubits, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumBarrier(self, node: ast.QuantumBarrier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"barrier ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement( self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurementStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) if is None: self.visit(node.measure, context) elif self.old_measurement: self.visit(node.measure, context)" -> ") self.visit(, context) else: self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.measure, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalArgument(self, node: ast.ClassicalArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ExternArgument(self, node: ast.ExternArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context) def visit_ClassicalDeclaration( self, node: ast.ClassicalDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) if node.init_expression is not None:" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IODeclaration(self, node: ast.IODeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"{} ") self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ConstantDeclaration( self, node: ast.ConstantDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"const ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context)" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IntType(self, node: ast.IntType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"int") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_UintType(self, node: ast.UintType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"uint") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_FloatType(self, node: ast.FloatType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"float") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_ComplexType(self, node: ast.ComplexType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"complex[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)"]") def visit_AngleType(self, node: ast.AngleType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"angle") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BitType(self, node: ast.BitType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BoolType(self, node: ast.BoolType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bool") def visit_ArrayType(self, node: ast.ArrayType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context) self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, start=", ", end="]", separator=", ") def visit_ArrayReferenceType(self, node: ast.ArrayReferenceType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)", ") if isinstance(node.dimensions, ast.Expression):"#dim=") self.visit(node.dimensions, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_DurationType(self, node: ast.DurationType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"duration") def visit_StretchType(self, node: ast.StretchType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"stretch") def visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration( self, node: ast.CalibrationGrammarDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._write_statement(f'defcalgrammar "{}"', context) def visit_CalibrationDefinition( self, node: ast.CalibrationDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"defcal ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") # At this point we _should_ be deferring to something else to handle formatting the # calibration grammar statements, but we're neither we nor the AST are set up to do that."}") self._end_line(context) def visit_SubroutineDefinition( self, node: ast.SubroutineDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"def ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_QuantumArgument(self, node: ast.QuantumArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None:"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]")" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ReturnStatement(self, node: ast.ReturnStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"return") if node.expression is not None:" ") self.visit(node.expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_BreakStatement(self, node: ast.BreakStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("break", context) def visit_ContinueStatement(self, node: ast.ContinueStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("continue", context) def visit_EndStatement(self, node: ast.EndStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("end", context) def visit_BranchingStatement(self, node: ast.BranchingStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"if (") self.visit(node.condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.if_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") if node.else_block:" else ") # Special handling to flatten a perfectly nested structure of # if {...} else { if {...} else {...} } # into the simpler # if {...} else if {...} else {...} # but only if we're allowed to by our options. if ( self.chain_else_if and len(node.else_block) == 1 and isinstance(node.else_block[0], ast.BranchingStatement) ): context.skip_next_indent = True self.visit(node.else_block[0], context) # Don't end the line, because the outer-most `if` block will. else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.else_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) else: self._end_line(context) def visit_WhileLoop(self, node: ast.WhileLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"while (") self.visit(node.while_condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ForInLoop(self, node: ast.ForInLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"for ") self.visit(node.loop_variable, context)" in ") if isinstance(node.set_declaration, ast.
):"[") self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)"]") else: self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DelayInstruction(self, node: ast.DelayInstruction, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"delay[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"] ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_Box(self, node: ast.Box, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"box") if node.duration is not None:"[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"]")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DurationOf(self, node: ast.DurationOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"durationof(") if isinstance(, ast.QASMNode): self.visit(, context) else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}")")") def visit_SizeOf(self, node: ast.SizeOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"sizeof(") self.visit(, context) if node.index is not None:", ") self.visit(node.index)")") def visit_AliasStatement(self, node: ast.AliasStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"let ") self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.value, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalAssignment( self, node: ast.ClassicalAssignment, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.lvalue, context)" {} ") self.visit(node.rvalue, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Pragma(self, node: ast.Pragma, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"#pragma {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context)
[ "chain_else_if", "generic_visit", "indent", "old_measurement", "stream", "visit", "visit_AliasStatement", "visit_AngleType", "visit_ArrayLiteral", "visit_ArrayReferenceType", "visit_ArrayType", "visit_BinaryExpression", "visit_BitstringLiteral", "visit_BitType", "visit_BooleanLiteral", "visit_BoolType", "visit_Box", "visit_BranchingStatement", "visit_BreakStatement", "visit_CalibrationDefinition", "visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "visit_Cast", "visit_ClassicalArgument", "visit_ClassicalAssignment", "visit_ClassicalDeclaration", "visit_ComplexType", "visit_Concatenation", "visit_ConstantDeclaration", "visit_ContinueStatement", "visit_DelayInstruction", "visit_DiscreteSet", "visit_DurationLiteral", "visit_DurationOf", "visit_DurationType", "visit_EndStatement", "visit_ExpressionStatement", "visit_ExternArgument", "visit_ExternDeclaration", "visit_FloatLiteral", "visit_FloatType", "visit_ForInLoop", "visit_FunctionCall", "visit_Identifier", "visit_Include", "visit_IndexedIdentifier", "visit_IndexExpression", "visit_IntegerLiteral", "visit_IntType", "visit_IODeclaration", "visit_Pragma", "visit_Program", "visit_QuantumArgument", "visit_QuantumBarrier", "visit_QuantumGate", "visit_QuantumGateDefinition", "visit_QuantumGateModifier", "visit_QuantumMeasurement", "visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement", "visit_QuantumPhase", "visit_QuantumReset", "visit_QubitDeclaration", "visit_RangeDefinition", "visit_ReturnStatement", "visit_SizeOf", "visit_StretchType", "visit_SubroutineDefinition", "visit_UintType", "visit_UnaryExpression", "visit_WhileLoop", "_end_line", "_end_statement", "_start_line", "_visit_sequence", "_write_statement", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
""" ============================================================== Generating OpenQASM 3 from an AST Node (``openqasm3.printer``) ============================================================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3 It is often useful to go from the :mod:`AST representation <openqasm3.ast>` of an OpenQASM 3 program back to the textual language. The functions and classes described here will do this conversion. Most uses should be covered by using :func:`dump` to write to an open text stream (an open file, for example) or :func:`dumps` to produce a string. Both of these accept :ref:`several keyword arguments <printer-kwargs>` that control the formatting of the output. .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dump .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dumps .. _printer-kwargs: Controlling the formatting ========================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer The :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps` functions both use an internal AST-visitor class to operate on the AST. This class actually defines all the formatting options, and can be used for more low-level operations, such as writing a program piece-by-piece. This may need access to the :ref:`printer state <printer-state>`, documented below. .. autoclass:: Printer :members: :class-doc-from: both For the most complete control, it is possible to subclass this printer and override only the visitor methods that should be modified. .. _printer-state: Reusing the same printer ======================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer If the :class:`Printer` is being reused to write multiple nodes to a single stream, you will also likely need to access its internal state. This can be done by manually creating a :class:`PrinterState` object and passing it in the original call to :meth:`Printer.visit`. The state object is mutated by the visit, and will reflect the output state at the end. .. autoclass:: PrinterState :members: """ import contextlib import dataclasses import io from typing import Sequence, Optional from . import ast, properties from .visitor import QASMVisitor __all__ = ("dump", "dumps", "Printer", "PrinterState") def dump(node: ast.QASMNode, file: io.TextIOBase, **kwargs) -> None: """Write textual OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node`` to the open stream ``file``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ Printer(file, **kwargs).visit(node) def dumps(node: ast.QASMNode, **kwargs) -> str: """Get a string representation of the OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ out = io.StringIO() dump(node, out, **kwargs) return out.getvalue() @dataclasses.dataclass class PrinterState: """State object for the print visitor. This is mutated during the visit.""" current_indent: int = 0 """The current indentation level. This is a non-negative integer; the actual identation string to be used is defined by the :class:`Printer`.""" skip_next_indent: bool = False """This is used to communicate between the different levels of if-else visitors when emitting chained ``else if`` blocks. The chaining occurs with the next ``if`` if this is set to ``True``.""" @contextlib.contextmanager def increase_scope(self): """Use as a context manager to increase the scoping level of this context inside the resource block.""" self.current_indent += 1 try: yield finally: self.current_indent -= 1 class Printer(QASMVisitor[PrinterState]): """Internal AST-visitor for writing AST nodes out to a stream as valid OpenQASM 3. This class can be used directly to write multiple nodes to the same stream, potentially with some manual control fo the state between them. If subclassing, generally only the specialised ``visit_*`` methods need to be overridden. These are derived from the base class, and use the name of the relevant :mod:`AST node <.ast>` verbatim after ``visit_``.""" def __init__( self, stream: io.TextIOBase, *, indent: str = " ", chain_else_if: bool = True, old_measurement: bool = False, ): """ Aside from ``stream``, the arguments here are keyword arguments that are common to this class, :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps`. :param stream: the stream that the output will be written to. :type stream: io.TextIOBase :param indent: the string to use as a single indentation level. :type indent: str, optional (two spaces). :param chain_else_if: If ``True`` (default), then constructs of the form:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else { if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } } will be collapsed into the equivalent but flatter:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } :type chain_else_if: bool, optional (``True``) :param old_measurement: If ``True``, then the OpenQASM 2-style "arrow" measurements will be used instead of the normal assignments. For example, ``old_measurement=False`` (the default) will emit ``a = measure b;`` where ``old_measurement=True`` would emit ``measure b -> a;`` instead. :type old_measurement: bool, optional (``False``). """ = stream self.indent = indent self.chain_else_if = chain_else_if self.old_measurement = old_measurement def visit(self, node: ast.QASMNode, context: Optional[PrinterState] = None) -> None: """Completely visit a node and all subnodes. This is the dispatch entry point; this will automatically result in the correct specialised visitor getting called. :param node: The AST node to visit. Usually this will be an :class:`.ast.Program`. :type node: .ast.QASMNode :param context: The state object to be used during the visit. If not given, a default object will be constructed and used. :type context: PrinterState """ if context is None: context = PrinterState() return super().visit(node, context) def _start_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None: if context.skip_next_indent: context.skip_next_indent = False return * self.indent) def _end_statement(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:";\n") def _end_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:"\n") def _write_statement(self, line: str, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) self._end_statement(context) def _visit_sequence( self, nodes: Sequence[ast.QASMNode], context: PrinterState, *, start: str = "", end: str = "", separator: str, ) -> None: if start: for node in nodes[:-1]: self.visit(node, context) if nodes: self.visit(nodes[-1], context) if end: def visit_Program(self, node: ast.Program, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.version: self._write_statement(f"OPENQASM {node.version}", context) for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) def visit_Include(self, node: ast.Include, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement(f'include "{node.filename}"', context) def visit_ExpressionStatement( self, node: ast.ExpressionStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QubitDeclaration(self, node: ast.QubitDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size)"]")" ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateDefinition( self, node: ast.QuantumGateDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"gate ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ExternDeclaration(self, node: ast.ExternDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"extern ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Identifier(self, node: ast.Identifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_UnaryExpression(self, node: ast.UnaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node) >= properties.precedence(node.expression):"(") self.visit(node.expression, context)")") else: self.visit(node.expression, context) def visit_BinaryExpression(self, node: ast.BinaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) # All AST nodes that are built into BinaryExpression are currently left associative. if properties.precedence(node.lhs) < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" {} ") if properties.precedence(node.rhs) <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_BitstringLiteral(self, node: ast.BitstringLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: value = bin(node.value)[2:] if len(value) < node.width: value = "0" * (node.width - len(value)) + value'"{value}"') def visit_IntegerLiteral(self, node: ast.IntegerLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_FloatLiteral(self, node: ast.FloatLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_BooleanLiteral(self, node: ast.BooleanLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"true" if node.value else "false") def visit_DurationLiteral(self, node: ast.DurationLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"{node.value}{}") def visit_ArrayLiteral(self, node: ast.ArrayLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit( self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") def visit_Cast(self, node: ast.Cast, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(node.type)"(") self.visit(node.argument)")") def visit_DiscreteSet(self, node: ast.DiscreteSet, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_RangeDefinition(self, node: ast.RangeDefinition, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.start is not None: self.visit(node.start, context)":") if node.step is not None: self.visit(node.step, context)":") if node.end is not None: self.visit(node.end, context) def visit_IndexExpression(self, node: ast.IndexExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node.collection) < properties.precedence(node):"(") self.visit(node.collection, context)")") else: self.visit(node.collection, context)"[") if isinstance(node.index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(node.index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_IndexedIdentifier(self, node: ast.IndexedIdentifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(, context) for index in node.indices:"[") if isinstance(index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_Concatenation(self, node: ast.Concatenation, context: PrinterState) -> None: lhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.lhs) our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) rhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.rhs) # Concatenation is fully associative, but this package parses the AST by # arbitrarily making it left-associative (since the design of the AST # forces us to make a choice). We emit brackets to ensure that the # round-trip through our printer and parser do not change the AST. if lhs_precedence < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" ++ ") if rhs_precedence <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_QuantumGate(self, node: ast.QuantumGate, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateModifier( self, node: ast.QuantumGateModifier, context: PrinterState ) -> None: if node.argument is not None:"(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") def visit_QuantumPhase(self, node: ast.QuantumPhase, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ")"gphase(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") if node.qubits: self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, start=" ", separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurement(self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurement, context: PrinterState) -> None:"measure ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) def visit_QuantumReset(self, node: ast.QuantumReset, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"reset ") self.visit(node.qubits, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumBarrier(self, node: ast.QuantumBarrier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"barrier ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement( self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurementStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) if is None: self.visit(node.measure, context) elif self.old_measurement: self.visit(node.measure, context)" -> ") self.visit(, context) else: self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.measure, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalArgument(self, node: ast.ClassicalArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ExternArgument(self, node: ast.ExternArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context) def visit_ClassicalDeclaration( self, node: ast.ClassicalDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) if node.init_expression is not None:" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IODeclaration(self, node: ast.IODeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"{} ") self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ConstantDeclaration( self, node: ast.ConstantDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"const ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context)" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IntType(self, node: ast.IntType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"int") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_UintType(self, node: ast.UintType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"uint") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_FloatType(self, node: ast.FloatType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"float") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_ComplexType(self, node: ast.ComplexType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"complex[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)"]") def visit_AngleType(self, node: ast.AngleType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"angle") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BitType(self, node: ast.BitType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BoolType(self, node: ast.BoolType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bool") def visit_ArrayType(self, node: ast.ArrayType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context) self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, start=", ", end="]", separator=", ") def visit_ArrayReferenceType(self, node: ast.ArrayReferenceType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)", ") if isinstance(node.dimensions, ast.Expression):"#dim=") self.visit(node.dimensions, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_DurationType(self, node: ast.DurationType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"duration") def visit_StretchType(self, node: ast.StretchType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"stretch") def visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration( self, node: ast.CalibrationGrammarDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._write_statement(f'defcalgrammar "{}"', context) def visit_CalibrationDefinition( self, node: ast.CalibrationDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"defcal ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") # At this point we _should_ be deferring to something else to handle formatting the # calibration grammar statements, but we're neither we nor the AST are set up to do that."}") self._end_line(context) def visit_SubroutineDefinition( self, node: ast.SubroutineDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"def ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_QuantumArgument(self, node: ast.QuantumArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None:"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]")" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ReturnStatement(self, node: ast.ReturnStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"return") if node.expression is not None:" ") self.visit(node.expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_BreakStatement(self, node: ast.BreakStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("break", context) def visit_ContinueStatement(self, node: ast.ContinueStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("continue", context) def visit_EndStatement(self, node: ast.EndStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("end", context) def visit_BranchingStatement(self, node: ast.BranchingStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"if (") self.visit(node.condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.if_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") if node.else_block:" else ") # Special handling to flatten a perfectly nested structure of # if {...} else { if {...} else {...} } # into the simpler # if {...} else if {...} else {...} # but only if we're allowed to by our options. if ( self.chain_else_if and len(node.else_block) == 1 and isinstance(node.else_block[0], ast.BranchingStatement) ): context.skip_next_indent = True self.visit(node.else_block[0], context) # Don't end the line, because the outer-most `if` block will. else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.else_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) else: self._end_line(context) def visit_WhileLoop(self, node: ast.WhileLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"while (") self.visit(node.while_condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ForInLoop(self, node: ast.ForInLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"for ") self.visit(node.loop_variable, context)" in ") if isinstance(node.set_declaration, ast.RangeDefinition):"[") self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)"]") else: self.
(node.set_declaration, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DelayInstruction(self, node: ast.DelayInstruction, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"delay[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"] ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_Box(self, node: ast.Box, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"box") if node.duration is not None:"[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"]")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DurationOf(self, node: ast.DurationOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"durationof(") if isinstance(, ast.QASMNode): self.visit(, context) else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}")")") def visit_SizeOf(self, node: ast.SizeOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"sizeof(") self.visit(, context) if node.index is not None:", ") self.visit(node.index)")") def visit_AliasStatement(self, node: ast.AliasStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"let ") self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.value, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalAssignment( self, node: ast.ClassicalAssignment, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.lvalue, context)" {} ") self.visit(node.rvalue, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Pragma(self, node: ast.Pragma, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"#pragma {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context)
[ "block", "loop_variable", "set_declaration", "span", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
""" ============================================================== Generating OpenQASM 3 from an AST Node (``openqasm3.printer``) ============================================================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3 It is often useful to go from the :mod:`AST representation <openqasm3.ast>` of an OpenQASM 3 program back to the textual language. The functions and classes described here will do this conversion. Most uses should be covered by using :func:`dump` to write to an open text stream (an open file, for example) or :func:`dumps` to produce a string. Both of these accept :ref:`several keyword arguments <printer-kwargs>` that control the formatting of the output. .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dump .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dumps .. _printer-kwargs: Controlling the formatting ========================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer The :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps` functions both use an internal AST-visitor class to operate on the AST. This class actually defines all the formatting options, and can be used for more low-level operations, such as writing a program piece-by-piece. This may need access to the :ref:`printer state <printer-state>`, documented below. .. autoclass:: Printer :members: :class-doc-from: both For the most complete control, it is possible to subclass this printer and override only the visitor methods that should be modified. .. _printer-state: Reusing the same printer ======================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer If the :class:`Printer` is being reused to write multiple nodes to a single stream, you will also likely need to access its internal state. This can be done by manually creating a :class:`PrinterState` object and passing it in the original call to :meth:`Printer.visit`. The state object is mutated by the visit, and will reflect the output state at the end. .. autoclass:: PrinterState :members: """ import contextlib import dataclasses import io from typing import Sequence, Optional from . import ast, properties from .visitor import QASMVisitor __all__ = ("dump", "dumps", "Printer", "PrinterState") def dump(node: ast.QASMNode, file: io.TextIOBase, **kwargs) -> None: """Write textual OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node`` to the open stream ``file``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ Printer(file, **kwargs).visit(node) def dumps(node: ast.QASMNode, **kwargs) -> str: """Get a string representation of the OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ out = io.StringIO() dump(node, out, **kwargs) return out.getvalue() @dataclasses.dataclass class PrinterState: """State object for the print visitor. This is mutated during the visit.""" current_indent: int = 0 """The current indentation level. This is a non-negative integer; the actual identation string to be used is defined by the :class:`Printer`.""" skip_next_indent: bool = False """This is used to communicate between the different levels of if-else visitors when emitting chained ``else if`` blocks. The chaining occurs with the next ``if`` if this is set to ``True``.""" @contextlib.contextmanager def increase_scope(self): """Use as a context manager to increase the scoping level of this context inside the resource block.""" self.current_indent += 1 try: yield finally: self.current_indent -= 1 class Printer(QASMVisitor[PrinterState]): """Internal AST-visitor for writing AST nodes out to a stream as valid OpenQASM 3. This class can be used directly to write multiple nodes to the same stream, potentially with some manual control fo the state between them. If subclassing, generally only the specialised ``visit_*`` methods need to be overridden. These are derived from the base class, and use the name of the relevant :mod:`AST node <.ast>` verbatim after ``visit_``.""" def __init__( self, stream: io.TextIOBase, *, indent: str = " ", chain_else_if: bool = True, old_measurement: bool = False, ): """ Aside from ``stream``, the arguments here are keyword arguments that are common to this class, :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps`. :param stream: the stream that the output will be written to. :type stream: io.TextIOBase :param indent: the string to use as a single indentation level. :type indent: str, optional (two spaces). :param chain_else_if: If ``True`` (default), then constructs of the form:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else { if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } } will be collapsed into the equivalent but flatter:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } :type chain_else_if: bool, optional (``True``) :param old_measurement: If ``True``, then the OpenQASM 2-style "arrow" measurements will be used instead of the normal assignments. For example, ``old_measurement=False`` (the default) will emit ``a = measure b;`` where ``old_measurement=True`` would emit ``measure b -> a;`` instead. :type old_measurement: bool, optional (``False``). """ = stream self.indent = indent self.chain_else_if = chain_else_if self.old_measurement = old_measurement def visit(self, node: ast.QASMNode, context: Optional[PrinterState] = None) -> None: """Completely visit a node and all subnodes. This is the dispatch entry point; this will automatically result in the correct specialised visitor getting called. :param node: The AST node to visit. Usually this will be an :class:`.ast.Program`. :type node: .ast.QASMNode :param context: The state object to be used during the visit. If not given, a default object will be constructed and used. :type context: PrinterState """ if context is None: context = PrinterState() return super().visit(node, context) def _start_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None: if context.skip_next_indent: context.skip_next_indent = False return * self.indent) def _end_statement(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:";\n") def _end_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:"\n") def _write_statement(self, line: str, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) self._end_statement(context) def _visit_sequence( self, nodes: Sequence[ast.QASMNode], context: PrinterState, *, start: str = "", end: str = "", separator: str, ) -> None: if start: for node in nodes[:-1]: self.visit(node, context) if nodes: self.visit(nodes[-1], context) if end: def visit_Program(self, node: ast.Program, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.version: self._write_statement(f"OPENQASM {node.version}", context) for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) def visit_Include(self, node: ast.Include, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement(f'include "{node.filename}"', context) def visit_ExpressionStatement( self, node: ast.ExpressionStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QubitDeclaration(self, node: ast.QubitDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size)"]")" ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateDefinition( self, node: ast.QuantumGateDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"gate ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ExternDeclaration(self, node: ast.ExternDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"extern ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Identifier(self, node: ast.Identifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_UnaryExpression(self, node: ast.UnaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node) >= properties.precedence(node.expression):"(") self.visit(node.expression, context)")") else: self.visit(node.expression, context) def visit_BinaryExpression(self, node: ast.BinaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) # All AST nodes that are built into BinaryExpression are currently left associative. if properties.precedence(node.lhs) < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" {} ") if properties.precedence(node.rhs) <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_BitstringLiteral(self, node: ast.BitstringLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: value = bin(node.value)[2:] if len(value) < node.width: value = "0" * (node.width - len(value)) + value'"{value}"') def visit_IntegerLiteral(self, node: ast.IntegerLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_FloatLiteral(self, node: ast.FloatLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_BooleanLiteral(self, node: ast.BooleanLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"true" if node.value else "false") def visit_DurationLiteral(self, node: ast.DurationLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"{node.value}{}") def visit_ArrayLiteral(self, node: ast.ArrayLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit( self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") def visit_Cast(self, node: ast.Cast, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(node.type)"(") self.visit(node.argument)")") def visit_DiscreteSet(self, node: ast.DiscreteSet, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_RangeDefinition(self, node: ast.RangeDefinition, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.start is not None: self.visit(node.start, context)":") if node.step is not None: self.visit(node.step, context)":") if node.end is not None: self.visit(node.end, context) def visit_IndexExpression(self, node: ast.IndexExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node.collection) < properties.precedence(node):"(") self.visit(node.collection, context)")") else: self.visit(node.collection, context)"[") if isinstance(node.index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(node.index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_IndexedIdentifier(self, node: ast.IndexedIdentifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(, context) for index in node.indices:"[") if isinstance(index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_Concatenation(self, node: ast.Concatenation, context: PrinterState) -> None: lhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.lhs) our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) rhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.rhs) # Concatenation is fully associative, but this package parses the AST by # arbitrarily making it left-associative (since the design of the AST # forces us to make a choice). We emit brackets to ensure that the # round-trip through our printer and parser do not change the AST. if lhs_precedence < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" ++ ") if rhs_precedence <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_QuantumGate(self, node: ast.QuantumGate, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateModifier( self, node: ast.QuantumGateModifier, context: PrinterState ) -> None: if node.argument is not None:"(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") def visit_QuantumPhase(self, node: ast.QuantumPhase, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ")"gphase(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") if node.qubits: self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, start=" ", separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurement(self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurement, context: PrinterState) -> None:"measure ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) def visit_QuantumReset(self, node: ast.QuantumReset, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"reset ") self.visit(node.qubits, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumBarrier(self, node: ast.QuantumBarrier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"barrier ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement( self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurementStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) if is None: self.visit(node.measure, context) elif self.old_measurement: self.visit(node.measure, context)" -> ") self.visit(, context) else: self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.measure, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalArgument(self, node: ast.ClassicalArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ExternArgument(self, node: ast.ExternArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context) def visit_ClassicalDeclaration( self, node: ast.ClassicalDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) if node.init_expression is not None:" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IODeclaration(self, node: ast.IODeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"{} ") self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ConstantDeclaration( self, node: ast.ConstantDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"const ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context)" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IntType(self, node: ast.IntType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"int") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_UintType(self, node: ast.UintType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"uint") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_FloatType(self, node: ast.FloatType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"float") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_ComplexType(self, node: ast.ComplexType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"complex[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)"]") def visit_AngleType(self, node: ast.AngleType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"angle") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BitType(self, node: ast.BitType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BoolType(self, node: ast.BoolType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bool") def visit_ArrayType(self, node: ast.ArrayType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context) self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, start=", ", end="]", separator=", ") def visit_ArrayReferenceType(self, node: ast.ArrayReferenceType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)", ") if isinstance(node.dimensions, ast.Expression):"#dim=") self.visit(node.dimensions, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_DurationType(self, node: ast.DurationType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"duration") def visit_StretchType(self, node: ast.StretchType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"stretch") def visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration( self, node: ast.CalibrationGrammarDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._write_statement(f'defcalgrammar "{}"', context) def visit_CalibrationDefinition( self, node: ast.CalibrationDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"defcal ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") # At this point we _should_ be deferring to something else to handle formatting the # calibration grammar statements, but we're neither we nor the AST are set up to do that."}") self._end_line(context) def visit_SubroutineDefinition( self, node: ast.SubroutineDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"def ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_QuantumArgument(self, node: ast.QuantumArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None:"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]")" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ReturnStatement(self, node: ast.ReturnStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"return") if node.expression is not None:" ") self.visit(node.expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_BreakStatement(self, node: ast.BreakStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("break", context) def visit_ContinueStatement(self, node: ast.ContinueStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("continue", context) def visit_EndStatement(self, node: ast.EndStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("end", context) def visit_BranchingStatement(self, node: ast.BranchingStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"if (") self.visit(node.condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.if_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") if node.else_block:" else ") # Special handling to flatten a perfectly nested structure of # if {...} else { if {...} else {...} } # into the simpler # if {...} else if {...} else {...} # but only if we're allowed to by our options. if ( self.chain_else_if and len(node.else_block) == 1 and isinstance(node.else_block[0], ast.BranchingStatement) ): context.skip_next_indent = True self.visit(node.else_block[0], context) # Don't end the line, because the outer-most `if` block will. else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.else_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) else: self._end_line(context) def visit_WhileLoop(self, node: ast.WhileLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"while (") self.visit(node.while_condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ForInLoop(self, node: ast.ForInLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"for ") self.visit(node.loop_variable, context)" in ") if isinstance(node.set_declaration, ast.RangeDefinition):"[") self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)"]") else: self.visit(node.
, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DelayInstruction(self, node: ast.DelayInstruction, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"delay[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"] ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_Box(self, node: ast.Box, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"box") if node.duration is not None:"[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"]")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DurationOf(self, node: ast.DurationOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"durationof(") if isinstance(, ast.QASMNode): self.visit(, context) else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}")")") def visit_SizeOf(self, node: ast.SizeOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"sizeof(") self.visit(, context) if node.index is not None:", ") self.visit(node.index)")") def visit_AliasStatement(self, node: ast.AliasStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"let ") self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.value, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalAssignment( self, node: ast.ClassicalAssignment, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.lvalue, context)" {} ") self.visit(node.rvalue, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Pragma(self, node: ast.Pragma, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"#pragma {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context)
[ "span", "target", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
""" ============================================================== Generating OpenQASM 3 from an AST Node (``openqasm3.printer``) ============================================================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3 It is often useful to go from the :mod:`AST representation <openqasm3.ast>` of an OpenQASM 3 program back to the textual language. The functions and classes described here will do this conversion. Most uses should be covered by using :func:`dump` to write to an open text stream (an open file, for example) or :func:`dumps` to produce a string. Both of these accept :ref:`several keyword arguments <printer-kwargs>` that control the formatting of the output. .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dump .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dumps .. _printer-kwargs: Controlling the formatting ========================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer The :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps` functions both use an internal AST-visitor class to operate on the AST. This class actually defines all the formatting options, and can be used for more low-level operations, such as writing a program piece-by-piece. This may need access to the :ref:`printer state <printer-state>`, documented below. .. autoclass:: Printer :members: :class-doc-from: both For the most complete control, it is possible to subclass this printer and override only the visitor methods that should be modified. .. _printer-state: Reusing the same printer ======================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer If the :class:`Printer` is being reused to write multiple nodes to a single stream, you will also likely need to access its internal state. This can be done by manually creating a :class:`PrinterState` object and passing it in the original call to :meth:`Printer.visit`. The state object is mutated by the visit, and will reflect the output state at the end. .. autoclass:: PrinterState :members: """ import contextlib import dataclasses import io from typing import Sequence, Optional from . import ast, properties from .visitor import QASMVisitor __all__ = ("dump", "dumps", "Printer", "PrinterState") def dump(node: ast.QASMNode, file: io.TextIOBase, **kwargs) -> None: """Write textual OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node`` to the open stream ``file``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ Printer(file, **kwargs).visit(node) def dumps(node: ast.QASMNode, **kwargs) -> str: """Get a string representation of the OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ out = io.StringIO() dump(node, out, **kwargs) return out.getvalue() @dataclasses.dataclass class PrinterState: """State object for the print visitor. This is mutated during the visit.""" current_indent: int = 0 """The current indentation level. This is a non-negative integer; the actual identation string to be used is defined by the :class:`Printer`.""" skip_next_indent: bool = False """This is used to communicate between the different levels of if-else visitors when emitting chained ``else if`` blocks. The chaining occurs with the next ``if`` if this is set to ``True``.""" @contextlib.contextmanager def increase_scope(self): """Use as a context manager to increase the scoping level of this context inside the resource block.""" self.current_indent += 1 try: yield finally: self.current_indent -= 1 class Printer(QASMVisitor[PrinterState]): """Internal AST-visitor for writing AST nodes out to a stream as valid OpenQASM 3. This class can be used directly to write multiple nodes to the same stream, potentially with some manual control fo the state between them. If subclassing, generally only the specialised ``visit_*`` methods need to be overridden. These are derived from the base class, and use the name of the relevant :mod:`AST node <.ast>` verbatim after ``visit_``.""" def __init__( self, stream: io.TextIOBase, *, indent: str = " ", chain_else_if: bool = True, old_measurement: bool = False, ): """ Aside from ``stream``, the arguments here are keyword arguments that are common to this class, :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps`. :param stream: the stream that the output will be written to. :type stream: io.TextIOBase :param indent: the string to use as a single indentation level. :type indent: str, optional (two spaces). :param chain_else_if: If ``True`` (default), then constructs of the form:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else { if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } } will be collapsed into the equivalent but flatter:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } :type chain_else_if: bool, optional (``True``) :param old_measurement: If ``True``, then the OpenQASM 2-style "arrow" measurements will be used instead of the normal assignments. For example, ``old_measurement=False`` (the default) will emit ``a = measure b;`` where ``old_measurement=True`` would emit ``measure b -> a;`` instead. :type old_measurement: bool, optional (``False``). """ = stream self.indent = indent self.chain_else_if = chain_else_if self.old_measurement = old_measurement def visit(self, node: ast.QASMNode, context: Optional[PrinterState] = None) -> None: """Completely visit a node and all subnodes. This is the dispatch entry point; this will automatically result in the correct specialised visitor getting called. :param node: The AST node to visit. Usually this will be an :class:`.ast.Program`. :type node: .ast.QASMNode :param context: The state object to be used during the visit. If not given, a default object will be constructed and used. :type context: PrinterState """ if context is None: context = PrinterState() return super().visit(node, context) def _start_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None: if context.skip_next_indent: context.skip_next_indent = False return * self.indent) def _end_statement(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:";\n") def _end_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:"\n") def _write_statement(self, line: str, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) self._end_statement(context) def _visit_sequence( self, nodes: Sequence[ast.QASMNode], context: PrinterState, *, start: str = "", end: str = "", separator: str, ) -> None: if start: for node in nodes[:-1]: self.visit(node, context) if nodes: self.visit(nodes[-1], context) if end: def visit_Program(self, node: ast.Program, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.version: self._write_statement(f"OPENQASM {node.version}", context) for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) def visit_Include(self, node: ast.Include, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement(f'include "{node.filename}"', context) def visit_ExpressionStatement( self, node: ast.ExpressionStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QubitDeclaration(self, node: ast.QubitDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size)"]")" ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateDefinition( self, node: ast.QuantumGateDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"gate ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ExternDeclaration(self, node: ast.ExternDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"extern ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Identifier(self, node: ast.Identifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_UnaryExpression(self, node: ast.UnaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node) >= properties.precedence(node.expression):"(") self.visit(node.expression, context)")") else: self.visit(node.expression, context) def visit_BinaryExpression(self, node: ast.BinaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) # All AST nodes that are built into BinaryExpression are currently left associative. if properties.precedence(node.lhs) < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" {} ") if properties.precedence(node.rhs) <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_BitstringLiteral(self, node: ast.BitstringLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: value = bin(node.value)[2:] if len(value) < node.width: value = "0" * (node.width - len(value)) + value'"{value}"') def visit_IntegerLiteral(self, node: ast.IntegerLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_FloatLiteral(self, node: ast.FloatLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_BooleanLiteral(self, node: ast.BooleanLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"true" if node.value else "false") def visit_DurationLiteral(self, node: ast.DurationLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"{node.value}{}") def visit_ArrayLiteral(self, node: ast.ArrayLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit( self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") def visit_Cast(self, node: ast.Cast, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(node.type)"(") self.visit(node.argument)")") def visit_DiscreteSet(self, node: ast.DiscreteSet, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_RangeDefinition(self, node: ast.RangeDefinition, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.start is not None: self.visit(node.start, context)":") if node.step is not None: self.visit(node.step, context)":") if node.end is not None: self.visit(node.end, context) def visit_IndexExpression(self, node: ast.IndexExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node.collection) < properties.precedence(node):"(") self.visit(node.collection, context)")") else: self.visit(node.collection, context)"[") if isinstance(node.index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(node.index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_IndexedIdentifier(self, node: ast.IndexedIdentifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(, context) for index in node.indices:"[") if isinstance(index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_Concatenation(self, node: ast.Concatenation, context: PrinterState) -> None: lhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.lhs) our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) rhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.rhs) # Concatenation is fully associative, but this package parses the AST by # arbitrarily making it left-associative (since the design of the AST # forces us to make a choice). We emit brackets to ensure that the # round-trip through our printer and parser do not change the AST. if lhs_precedence < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" ++ ") if rhs_precedence <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_QuantumGate(self, node: ast.QuantumGate, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateModifier( self, node: ast.QuantumGateModifier, context: PrinterState ) -> None: if node.argument is not None:"(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") def visit_QuantumPhase(self, node: ast.QuantumPhase, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ")"gphase(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") if node.qubits: self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, start=" ", separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurement(self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurement, context: PrinterState) -> None:"measure ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) def visit_QuantumReset(self, node: ast.QuantumReset, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"reset ") self.visit(node.qubits, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumBarrier(self, node: ast.QuantumBarrier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"barrier ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement( self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurementStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) if is None: self.visit(node.measure, context) elif self.old_measurement: self.visit(node.measure, context)" -> ") self.visit(, context) else: self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.measure, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalArgument(self, node: ast.ClassicalArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ExternArgument(self, node: ast.ExternArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context) def visit_ClassicalDeclaration( self, node: ast.ClassicalDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) if node.init_expression is not None:" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IODeclaration(self, node: ast.IODeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"{} ") self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ConstantDeclaration( self, node: ast.ConstantDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"const ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context)" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IntType(self, node: ast.IntType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"int") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_UintType(self, node: ast.UintType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"uint") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_FloatType(self, node: ast.FloatType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"float") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_ComplexType(self, node: ast.ComplexType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"complex[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)"]") def visit_AngleType(self, node: ast.AngleType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"angle") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BitType(self, node: ast.BitType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BoolType(self, node: ast.BoolType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bool") def visit_ArrayType(self, node: ast.ArrayType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context) self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, start=", ", end="]", separator=", ") def visit_ArrayReferenceType(self, node: ast.ArrayReferenceType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)", ") if isinstance(node.dimensions, ast.Expression):"#dim=") self.visit(node.dimensions, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_DurationType(self, node: ast.DurationType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"duration") def visit_StretchType(self, node: ast.StretchType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"stretch") def visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration( self, node: ast.CalibrationGrammarDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._write_statement(f'defcalgrammar "{}"', context) def visit_CalibrationDefinition( self, node: ast.CalibrationDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"defcal ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") # At this point we _should_ be deferring to something else to handle formatting the # calibration grammar statements, but we're neither we nor the AST are set up to do that."}") self._end_line(context) def visit_SubroutineDefinition( self, node: ast.SubroutineDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"def ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_QuantumArgument(self, node: ast.QuantumArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None:"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]")" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ReturnStatement(self, node: ast.ReturnStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"return") if node.expression is not None:" ") self.visit(node.expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_BreakStatement(self, node: ast.BreakStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("break", context) def visit_ContinueStatement(self, node: ast.ContinueStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("continue", context) def visit_EndStatement(self, node: ast.EndStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("end", context) def visit_BranchingStatement(self, node: ast.BranchingStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"if (") self.visit(node.condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.if_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") if node.else_block:" else ") # Special handling to flatten a perfectly nested structure of # if {...} else { if {...} else {...} } # into the simpler # if {...} else if {...} else {...} # but only if we're allowed to by our options. if ( self.chain_else_if and len(node.else_block) == 1 and isinstance(node.else_block[0], ast.BranchingStatement) ): context.skip_next_indent = True self.visit(node.else_block[0], context) # Don't end the line, because the outer-most `if` block will. else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.else_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) else: self._end_line(context) def visit_WhileLoop(self, node: ast.WhileLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"while (") self.visit(node.while_condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ForInLoop(self, node: ast.ForInLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"for ") self.visit(node.loop_variable, context)" in ") if isinstance(node.set_declaration, ast.RangeDefinition):"[") self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)"]") else: self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DelayInstruction(self, node: ast.DelayInstruction, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"delay[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"] ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_Box(self, node: ast.Box, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"box") if node.duration is not None:"[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"]")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DurationOf(self, node: ast.DurationOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"durationof(") if isinstance(node.
, ast.QASMNode): self.visit(, context) else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}")")") def visit_SizeOf(self, node: ast.SizeOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"sizeof(") self.visit(, context) if node.index is not None:", ") self.visit(node.index)")") def visit_AliasStatement(self, node: ast.AliasStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"let ") self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.value, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalAssignment( self, node: ast.ClassicalAssignment, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.lvalue, context)" {} ") self.visit(node.rvalue, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Pragma(self, node: ast.Pragma, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"#pragma {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context)
[ "AccessControl", "AliasStatement", "AngleType", "annotations", "ArrayLiteral", "ArrayReferenceType", "ArrayType", "AssignmentOperator", "BinaryExpression", "BinaryOperator", "BitstringLiteral", "BitType", "BooleanLiteral", "BoolType", "Box", "BranchingStatement", "BreakStatement", "CalibrationDefinition", "CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "Cast", "ClassicalArgument", "ClassicalAssignment", "ClassicalDeclaration", "ClassicalType", "ComplexType", "Concatenation", "ConstantDeclaration", "ContinueStatement", "dataclass", "DelayInstruction", "DiscreteSet", "DurationLiteral", "DurationOf", "DurationType", "EndStatement", "Enum", "Expression", "ExpressionStatement", "ExternArgument", "ExternDeclaration", "field", "FloatLiteral", "FloatType", "ForInLoop", "FunctionCall", "GateModifierName", "Identifier", "Include", "IndexedIdentifier", "IndexElement", "IndexExpression", "IntegerLiteral", "IntType", "IODeclaration", "IOKeyword", "List", "Optional", "Pragma", "Program", "QASMNode", "QuantumArgument", "QuantumBarrier", "QuantumGate", "QuantumGateDefinition", "QuantumGateModifier", "QuantumMeasurement", "QuantumMeasurementStatement", "QuantumPhase", "QuantumReset", "QuantumStatement", "QubitDeclaration", "RangeDefinition", "ReturnStatement", "SizeOf", "Span", "Statement", "StretchType", "SubroutineDefinition", "TimeUnit", "UintType", "UnaryExpression", "UnaryOperator", "Union", "WhileLoop", "__all__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
""" ============================================================== Generating OpenQASM 3 from an AST Node (``openqasm3.printer``) ============================================================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3 It is often useful to go from the :mod:`AST representation <openqasm3.ast>` of an OpenQASM 3 program back to the textual language. The functions and classes described here will do this conversion. Most uses should be covered by using :func:`dump` to write to an open text stream (an open file, for example) or :func:`dumps` to produce a string. Both of these accept :ref:`several keyword arguments <printer-kwargs>` that control the formatting of the output. .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dump .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dumps .. _printer-kwargs: Controlling the formatting ========================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer The :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps` functions both use an internal AST-visitor class to operate on the AST. This class actually defines all the formatting options, and can be used for more low-level operations, such as writing a program piece-by-piece. This may need access to the :ref:`printer state <printer-state>`, documented below. .. autoclass:: Printer :members: :class-doc-from: both For the most complete control, it is possible to subclass this printer and override only the visitor methods that should be modified. .. _printer-state: Reusing the same printer ======================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer If the :class:`Printer` is being reused to write multiple nodes to a single stream, you will also likely need to access its internal state. This can be done by manually creating a :class:`PrinterState` object and passing it in the original call to :meth:`Printer.visit`. The state object is mutated by the visit, and will reflect the output state at the end. .. autoclass:: PrinterState :members: """ import contextlib import dataclasses import io from typing import Sequence, Optional from . import ast, properties from .visitor import QASMVisitor __all__ = ("dump", "dumps", "Printer", "PrinterState") def dump(node: ast.QASMNode, file: io.TextIOBase, **kwargs) -> None: """Write textual OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node`` to the open stream ``file``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ Printer(file, **kwargs).visit(node) def dumps(node: ast.QASMNode, **kwargs) -> str: """Get a string representation of the OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ out = io.StringIO() dump(node, out, **kwargs) return out.getvalue() @dataclasses.dataclass class PrinterState: """State object for the print visitor. This is mutated during the visit.""" current_indent: int = 0 """The current indentation level. This is a non-negative integer; the actual identation string to be used is defined by the :class:`Printer`.""" skip_next_indent: bool = False """This is used to communicate between the different levels of if-else visitors when emitting chained ``else if`` blocks. The chaining occurs with the next ``if`` if this is set to ``True``.""" @contextlib.contextmanager def increase_scope(self): """Use as a context manager to increase the scoping level of this context inside the resource block.""" self.current_indent += 1 try: yield finally: self.current_indent -= 1 class Printer(QASMVisitor[PrinterState]): """Internal AST-visitor for writing AST nodes out to a stream as valid OpenQASM 3. This class can be used directly to write multiple nodes to the same stream, potentially with some manual control fo the state between them. If subclassing, generally only the specialised ``visit_*`` methods need to be overridden. These are derived from the base class, and use the name of the relevant :mod:`AST node <.ast>` verbatim after ``visit_``.""" def __init__( self, stream: io.TextIOBase, *, indent: str = " ", chain_else_if: bool = True, old_measurement: bool = False, ): """ Aside from ``stream``, the arguments here are keyword arguments that are common to this class, :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps`. :param stream: the stream that the output will be written to. :type stream: io.TextIOBase :param indent: the string to use as a single indentation level. :type indent: str, optional (two spaces). :param chain_else_if: If ``True`` (default), then constructs of the form:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else { if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } } will be collapsed into the equivalent but flatter:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } :type chain_else_if: bool, optional (``True``) :param old_measurement: If ``True``, then the OpenQASM 2-style "arrow" measurements will be used instead of the normal assignments. For example, ``old_measurement=False`` (the default) will emit ``a = measure b;`` where ``old_measurement=True`` would emit ``measure b -> a;`` instead. :type old_measurement: bool, optional (``False``). """ = stream self.indent = indent self.chain_else_if = chain_else_if self.old_measurement = old_measurement def visit(self, node: ast.QASMNode, context: Optional[PrinterState] = None) -> None: """Completely visit a node and all subnodes. This is the dispatch entry point; this will automatically result in the correct specialised visitor getting called. :param node: The AST node to visit. Usually this will be an :class:`.ast.Program`. :type node: .ast.QASMNode :param context: The state object to be used during the visit. If not given, a default object will be constructed and used. :type context: PrinterState """ if context is None: context = PrinterState() return super().visit(node, context) def _start_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None: if context.skip_next_indent: context.skip_next_indent = False return * self.indent) def _end_statement(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:";\n") def _end_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:"\n") def _write_statement(self, line: str, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) self._end_statement(context) def _visit_sequence( self, nodes: Sequence[ast.QASMNode], context: PrinterState, *, start: str = "", end: str = "", separator: str, ) -> None: if start: for node in nodes[:-1]: self.visit(node, context) if nodes: self.visit(nodes[-1], context) if end: def visit_Program(self, node: ast.Program, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.version: self._write_statement(f"OPENQASM {node.version}", context) for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) def visit_Include(self, node: ast.Include, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement(f'include "{node.filename}"', context) def visit_ExpressionStatement( self, node: ast.ExpressionStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QubitDeclaration(self, node: ast.QubitDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size)"]")" ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateDefinition( self, node: ast.QuantumGateDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"gate ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ExternDeclaration(self, node: ast.ExternDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"extern ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Identifier(self, node: ast.Identifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_UnaryExpression(self, node: ast.UnaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node) >= properties.precedence(node.expression):"(") self.visit(node.expression, context)")") else: self.visit(node.expression, context) def visit_BinaryExpression(self, node: ast.BinaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) # All AST nodes that are built into BinaryExpression are currently left associative. if properties.precedence(node.lhs) < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" {} ") if properties.precedence(node.rhs) <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_BitstringLiteral(self, node: ast.BitstringLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: value = bin(node.value)[2:] if len(value) < node.width: value = "0" * (node.width - len(value)) + value'"{value}"') def visit_IntegerLiteral(self, node: ast.IntegerLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_FloatLiteral(self, node: ast.FloatLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_BooleanLiteral(self, node: ast.BooleanLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"true" if node.value else "false") def visit_DurationLiteral(self, node: ast.DurationLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"{node.value}{}") def visit_ArrayLiteral(self, node: ast.ArrayLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit( self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") def visit_Cast(self, node: ast.Cast, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(node.type)"(") self.visit(node.argument)")") def visit_DiscreteSet(self, node: ast.DiscreteSet, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_RangeDefinition(self, node: ast.RangeDefinition, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.start is not None: self.visit(node.start, context)":") if node.step is not None: self.visit(node.step, context)":") if node.end is not None: self.visit(node.end, context) def visit_IndexExpression(self, node: ast.IndexExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node.collection) < properties.precedence(node):"(") self.visit(node.collection, context)")") else: self.visit(node.collection, context)"[") if isinstance(node.index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(node.index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_IndexedIdentifier(self, node: ast.IndexedIdentifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(, context) for index in node.indices:"[") if isinstance(index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_Concatenation(self, node: ast.Concatenation, context: PrinterState) -> None: lhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.lhs) our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) rhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.rhs) # Concatenation is fully associative, but this package parses the AST by # arbitrarily making it left-associative (since the design of the AST # forces us to make a choice). We emit brackets to ensure that the # round-trip through our printer and parser do not change the AST. if lhs_precedence < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" ++ ") if rhs_precedence <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_QuantumGate(self, node: ast.QuantumGate, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateModifier( self, node: ast.QuantumGateModifier, context: PrinterState ) -> None: if node.argument is not None:"(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") def visit_QuantumPhase(self, node: ast.QuantumPhase, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ")"gphase(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") if node.qubits: self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, start=" ", separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurement(self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurement, context: PrinterState) -> None:"measure ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) def visit_QuantumReset(self, node: ast.QuantumReset, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"reset ") self.visit(node.qubits, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumBarrier(self, node: ast.QuantumBarrier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"barrier ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement( self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurementStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) if is None: self.visit(node.measure, context) elif self.old_measurement: self.visit(node.measure, context)" -> ") self.visit(, context) else: self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.measure, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalArgument(self, node: ast.ClassicalArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ExternArgument(self, node: ast.ExternArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context) def visit_ClassicalDeclaration( self, node: ast.ClassicalDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) if node.init_expression is not None:" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IODeclaration(self, node: ast.IODeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"{} ") self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ConstantDeclaration( self, node: ast.ConstantDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"const ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context)" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IntType(self, node: ast.IntType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"int") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_UintType(self, node: ast.UintType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"uint") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_FloatType(self, node: ast.FloatType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"float") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_ComplexType(self, node: ast.ComplexType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"complex[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)"]") def visit_AngleType(self, node: ast.AngleType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"angle") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BitType(self, node: ast.BitType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BoolType(self, node: ast.BoolType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bool") def visit_ArrayType(self, node: ast.ArrayType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context) self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, start=", ", end="]", separator=", ") def visit_ArrayReferenceType(self, node: ast.ArrayReferenceType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)", ") if isinstance(node.dimensions, ast.Expression):"#dim=") self.visit(node.dimensions, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_DurationType(self, node: ast.DurationType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"duration") def visit_StretchType(self, node: ast.StretchType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"stretch") def visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration( self, node: ast.CalibrationGrammarDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._write_statement(f'defcalgrammar "{}"', context) def visit_CalibrationDefinition( self, node: ast.CalibrationDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"defcal ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") # At this point we _should_ be deferring to something else to handle formatting the # calibration grammar statements, but we're neither we nor the AST are set up to do that."}") self._end_line(context) def visit_SubroutineDefinition( self, node: ast.SubroutineDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"def ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_QuantumArgument(self, node: ast.QuantumArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None:"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]")" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ReturnStatement(self, node: ast.ReturnStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"return") if node.expression is not None:" ") self.visit(node.expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_BreakStatement(self, node: ast.BreakStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("break", context) def visit_ContinueStatement(self, node: ast.ContinueStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("continue", context) def visit_EndStatement(self, node: ast.EndStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("end", context) def visit_BranchingStatement(self, node: ast.BranchingStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"if (") self.visit(node.condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.if_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") if node.else_block:" else ") # Special handling to flatten a perfectly nested structure of # if {...} else { if {...} else {...} } # into the simpler # if {...} else if {...} else {...} # but only if we're allowed to by our options. if ( self.chain_else_if and len(node.else_block) == 1 and isinstance(node.else_block[0], ast.BranchingStatement) ): context.skip_next_indent = True self.visit(node.else_block[0], context) # Don't end the line, because the outer-most `if` block will. else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.else_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) else: self._end_line(context) def visit_WhileLoop(self, node: ast.WhileLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"while (") self.visit(node.while_condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ForInLoop(self, node: ast.ForInLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"for ") self.visit(node.loop_variable, context)" in ") if isinstance(node.set_declaration, ast.RangeDefinition):"[") self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)"]") else: self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DelayInstruction(self, node: ast.DelayInstruction, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"delay[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"] ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_Box(self, node: ast.Box, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"box") if node.duration is not None:"[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"]")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DurationOf(self, node: ast.DurationOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"durationof(") if isinstance(, ast.
): self.visit(, context) else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}")")") def visit_SizeOf(self, node: ast.SizeOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"sizeof(") self.visit(, context) if node.index is not None:", ") self.visit(node.index)")") def visit_AliasStatement(self, node: ast.AliasStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"let ") self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.value, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalAssignment( self, node: ast.ClassicalAssignment, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.lvalue, context)" {} ") self.visit(node.rvalue, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Pragma(self, node: ast.Pragma, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"#pragma {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context)
[ "index", "span", "target", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
""" ============================================================== Generating OpenQASM 3 from an AST Node (``openqasm3.printer``) ============================================================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3 It is often useful to go from the :mod:`AST representation <openqasm3.ast>` of an OpenQASM 3 program back to the textual language. The functions and classes described here will do this conversion. Most uses should be covered by using :func:`dump` to write to an open text stream (an open file, for example) or :func:`dumps` to produce a string. Both of these accept :ref:`several keyword arguments <printer-kwargs>` that control the formatting of the output. .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dump .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dumps .. _printer-kwargs: Controlling the formatting ========================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer The :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps` functions both use an internal AST-visitor class to operate on the AST. This class actually defines all the formatting options, and can be used for more low-level operations, such as writing a program piece-by-piece. This may need access to the :ref:`printer state <printer-state>`, documented below. .. autoclass:: Printer :members: :class-doc-from: both For the most complete control, it is possible to subclass this printer and override only the visitor methods that should be modified. .. _printer-state: Reusing the same printer ======================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer If the :class:`Printer` is being reused to write multiple nodes to a single stream, you will also likely need to access its internal state. This can be done by manually creating a :class:`PrinterState` object and passing it in the original call to :meth:`Printer.visit`. The state object is mutated by the visit, and will reflect the output state at the end. .. autoclass:: PrinterState :members: """ import contextlib import dataclasses import io from typing import Sequence, Optional from . import ast, properties from .visitor import QASMVisitor __all__ = ("dump", "dumps", "Printer", "PrinterState") def dump(node: ast.QASMNode, file: io.TextIOBase, **kwargs) -> None: """Write textual OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node`` to the open stream ``file``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ Printer(file, **kwargs).visit(node) def dumps(node: ast.QASMNode, **kwargs) -> str: """Get a string representation of the OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ out = io.StringIO() dump(node, out, **kwargs) return out.getvalue() @dataclasses.dataclass class PrinterState: """State object for the print visitor. This is mutated during the visit.""" current_indent: int = 0 """The current indentation level. This is a non-negative integer; the actual identation string to be used is defined by the :class:`Printer`.""" skip_next_indent: bool = False """This is used to communicate between the different levels of if-else visitors when emitting chained ``else if`` blocks. The chaining occurs with the next ``if`` if this is set to ``True``.""" @contextlib.contextmanager def increase_scope(self): """Use as a context manager to increase the scoping level of this context inside the resource block.""" self.current_indent += 1 try: yield finally: self.current_indent -= 1 class Printer(QASMVisitor[PrinterState]): """Internal AST-visitor for writing AST nodes out to a stream as valid OpenQASM 3. This class can be used directly to write multiple nodes to the same stream, potentially with some manual control fo the state between them. If subclassing, generally only the specialised ``visit_*`` methods need to be overridden. These are derived from the base class, and use the name of the relevant :mod:`AST node <.ast>` verbatim after ``visit_``.""" def __init__( self, stream: io.TextIOBase, *, indent: str = " ", chain_else_if: bool = True, old_measurement: bool = False, ): """ Aside from ``stream``, the arguments here are keyword arguments that are common to this class, :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps`. :param stream: the stream that the output will be written to. :type stream: io.TextIOBase :param indent: the string to use as a single indentation level. :type indent: str, optional (two spaces). :param chain_else_if: If ``True`` (default), then constructs of the form:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else { if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } } will be collapsed into the equivalent but flatter:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } :type chain_else_if: bool, optional (``True``) :param old_measurement: If ``True``, then the OpenQASM 2-style "arrow" measurements will be used instead of the normal assignments. For example, ``old_measurement=False`` (the default) will emit ``a = measure b;`` where ``old_measurement=True`` would emit ``measure b -> a;`` instead. :type old_measurement: bool, optional (``False``). """ = stream self.indent = indent self.chain_else_if = chain_else_if self.old_measurement = old_measurement def visit(self, node: ast.QASMNode, context: Optional[PrinterState] = None) -> None: """Completely visit a node and all subnodes. This is the dispatch entry point; this will automatically result in the correct specialised visitor getting called. :param node: The AST node to visit. Usually this will be an :class:`.ast.Program`. :type node: .ast.QASMNode :param context: The state object to be used during the visit. If not given, a default object will be constructed and used. :type context: PrinterState """ if context is None: context = PrinterState() return super().visit(node, context) def _start_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None: if context.skip_next_indent: context.skip_next_indent = False return * self.indent) def _end_statement(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:";\n") def _end_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:"\n") def _write_statement(self, line: str, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) self._end_statement(context) def _visit_sequence( self, nodes: Sequence[ast.QASMNode], context: PrinterState, *, start: str = "", end: str = "", separator: str, ) -> None: if start: for node in nodes[:-1]: self.visit(node, context) if nodes: self.visit(nodes[-1], context) if end: def visit_Program(self, node: ast.Program, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.version: self._write_statement(f"OPENQASM {node.version}", context) for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) def visit_Include(self, node: ast.Include, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement(f'include "{node.filename}"', context) def visit_ExpressionStatement( self, node: ast.ExpressionStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QubitDeclaration(self, node: ast.QubitDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size)"]")" ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateDefinition( self, node: ast.QuantumGateDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"gate ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ExternDeclaration(self, node: ast.ExternDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"extern ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Identifier(self, node: ast.Identifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_UnaryExpression(self, node: ast.UnaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node) >= properties.precedence(node.expression):"(") self.visit(node.expression, context)")") else: self.visit(node.expression, context) def visit_BinaryExpression(self, node: ast.BinaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) # All AST nodes that are built into BinaryExpression are currently left associative. if properties.precedence(node.lhs) < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" {} ") if properties.precedence(node.rhs) <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_BitstringLiteral(self, node: ast.BitstringLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: value = bin(node.value)[2:] if len(value) < node.width: value = "0" * (node.width - len(value)) + value'"{value}"') def visit_IntegerLiteral(self, node: ast.IntegerLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_FloatLiteral(self, node: ast.FloatLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_BooleanLiteral(self, node: ast.BooleanLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"true" if node.value else "false") def visit_DurationLiteral(self, node: ast.DurationLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"{node.value}{}") def visit_ArrayLiteral(self, node: ast.ArrayLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit( self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") def visit_Cast(self, node: ast.Cast, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(node.type)"(") self.visit(node.argument)")") def visit_DiscreteSet(self, node: ast.DiscreteSet, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_RangeDefinition(self, node: ast.RangeDefinition, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.start is not None: self.visit(node.start, context)":") if node.step is not None: self.visit(node.step, context)":") if node.end is not None: self.visit(node.end, context) def visit_IndexExpression(self, node: ast.IndexExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node.collection) < properties.precedence(node):"(") self.visit(node.collection, context)")") else: self.visit(node.collection, context)"[") if isinstance(node.index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(node.index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_IndexedIdentifier(self, node: ast.IndexedIdentifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(, context) for index in node.indices:"[") if isinstance(index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_Concatenation(self, node: ast.Concatenation, context: PrinterState) -> None: lhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.lhs) our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) rhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.rhs) # Concatenation is fully associative, but this package parses the AST by # arbitrarily making it left-associative (since the design of the AST # forces us to make a choice). We emit brackets to ensure that the # round-trip through our printer and parser do not change the AST. if lhs_precedence < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" ++ ") if rhs_precedence <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_QuantumGate(self, node: ast.QuantumGate, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateModifier( self, node: ast.QuantumGateModifier, context: PrinterState ) -> None: if node.argument is not None:"(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") def visit_QuantumPhase(self, node: ast.QuantumPhase, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ")"gphase(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") if node.qubits: self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, start=" ", separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurement(self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurement, context: PrinterState) -> None:"measure ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) def visit_QuantumReset(self, node: ast.QuantumReset, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"reset ") self.visit(node.qubits, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumBarrier(self, node: ast.QuantumBarrier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"barrier ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement( self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurementStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) if is None: self.visit(node.measure, context) elif self.old_measurement: self.visit(node.measure, context)" -> ") self.visit(, context) else: self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.measure, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalArgument(self, node: ast.ClassicalArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ExternArgument(self, node: ast.ExternArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context) def visit_ClassicalDeclaration( self, node: ast.ClassicalDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) if node.init_expression is not None:" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IODeclaration(self, node: ast.IODeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"{} ") self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ConstantDeclaration( self, node: ast.ConstantDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"const ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context)" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IntType(self, node: ast.IntType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"int") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_UintType(self, node: ast.UintType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"uint") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_FloatType(self, node: ast.FloatType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"float") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_ComplexType(self, node: ast.ComplexType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"complex[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)"]") def visit_AngleType(self, node: ast.AngleType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"angle") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BitType(self, node: ast.BitType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BoolType(self, node: ast.BoolType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bool") def visit_ArrayType(self, node: ast.ArrayType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context) self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, start=", ", end="]", separator=", ") def visit_ArrayReferenceType(self, node: ast.ArrayReferenceType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)", ") if isinstance(node.dimensions, ast.Expression):"#dim=") self.visit(node.dimensions, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_DurationType(self, node: ast.DurationType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"duration") def visit_StretchType(self, node: ast.StretchType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"stretch") def visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration( self, node: ast.CalibrationGrammarDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._write_statement(f'defcalgrammar "{}"', context) def visit_CalibrationDefinition( self, node: ast.CalibrationDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"defcal ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") # At this point we _should_ be deferring to something else to handle formatting the # calibration grammar statements, but we're neither we nor the AST are set up to do that."}") self._end_line(context) def visit_SubroutineDefinition( self, node: ast.SubroutineDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"def ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_QuantumArgument(self, node: ast.QuantumArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None:"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]")" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ReturnStatement(self, node: ast.ReturnStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"return") if node.expression is not None:" ") self.visit(node.expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_BreakStatement(self, node: ast.BreakStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("break", context) def visit_ContinueStatement(self, node: ast.ContinueStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("continue", context) def visit_EndStatement(self, node: ast.EndStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("end", context) def visit_BranchingStatement(self, node: ast.BranchingStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"if (") self.visit(node.condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.if_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") if node.else_block:" else ") # Special handling to flatten a perfectly nested structure of # if {...} else { if {...} else {...} } # into the simpler # if {...} else if {...} else {...} # but only if we're allowed to by our options. if ( self.chain_else_if and len(node.else_block) == 1 and isinstance(node.else_block[0], ast.BranchingStatement) ): context.skip_next_indent = True self.visit(node.else_block[0], context) # Don't end the line, because the outer-most `if` block will. else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.else_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) else: self._end_line(context) def visit_WhileLoop(self, node: ast.WhileLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"while (") self.visit(node.while_condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ForInLoop(self, node: ast.ForInLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"for ") self.visit(node.loop_variable, context)" in ") if isinstance(node.set_declaration, ast.RangeDefinition):"[") self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)"]") else: self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DelayInstruction(self, node: ast.DelayInstruction, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"delay[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"] ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_Box(self, node: ast.Box, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"box") if node.duration is not None:"[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"]")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DurationOf(self, node: ast.DurationOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"durationof(") if isinstance(, ast.QASMNode): self.visit(, context) else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}")")") def visit_SizeOf(self, node: ast.SizeOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"sizeof(") self.visit(, context) if node.
is not None:", ") self.visit(node.index)")") def visit_AliasStatement(self, node: ast.AliasStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"let ") self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.value, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalAssignment( self, node: ast.ClassicalAssignment, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.lvalue, context)" {} ") self.visit(node.rvalue, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Pragma(self, node: ast.Pragma, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"#pragma {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context)
[ "chain_else_if", "generic_visit", "indent", "old_measurement", "stream", "visit", "visit_AliasStatement", "visit_AngleType", "visit_ArrayLiteral", "visit_ArrayReferenceType", "visit_ArrayType", "visit_BinaryExpression", "visit_BitstringLiteral", "visit_BitType", "visit_BooleanLiteral", "visit_BoolType", "visit_Box", "visit_BranchingStatement", "visit_BreakStatement", "visit_CalibrationDefinition", "visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "visit_Cast", "visit_ClassicalArgument", "visit_ClassicalAssignment", "visit_ClassicalDeclaration", "visit_ComplexType", "visit_Concatenation", "visit_ConstantDeclaration", "visit_ContinueStatement", "visit_DelayInstruction", "visit_DiscreteSet", "visit_DurationLiteral", "visit_DurationOf", "visit_DurationType", "visit_EndStatement", "visit_ExpressionStatement", "visit_ExternArgument", "visit_ExternDeclaration", "visit_FloatLiteral", "visit_FloatType", "visit_ForInLoop", "visit_FunctionCall", "visit_Identifier", "visit_Include", "visit_IndexedIdentifier", "visit_IndexExpression", "visit_IntegerLiteral", "visit_IntType", "visit_IODeclaration", "visit_Pragma", "visit_Program", "visit_QuantumArgument", "visit_QuantumBarrier", "visit_QuantumGate", "visit_QuantumGateDefinition", "visit_QuantumGateModifier", "visit_QuantumMeasurement", "visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement", "visit_QuantumPhase", "visit_QuantumReset", "visit_QubitDeclaration", "visit_RangeDefinition", "visit_ReturnStatement", "visit_SizeOf", "visit_StretchType", "visit_SubroutineDefinition", "visit_UintType", "visit_UnaryExpression", "visit_WhileLoop", "_end_line", "_end_statement", "_start_line", "_visit_sequence", "_write_statement", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
""" ============================================================== Generating OpenQASM 3 from an AST Node (``openqasm3.printer``) ============================================================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3 It is often useful to go from the :mod:`AST representation <openqasm3.ast>` of an OpenQASM 3 program back to the textual language. The functions and classes described here will do this conversion. Most uses should be covered by using :func:`dump` to write to an open text stream (an open file, for example) or :func:`dumps` to produce a string. Both of these accept :ref:`several keyword arguments <printer-kwargs>` that control the formatting of the output. .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dump .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dumps .. _printer-kwargs: Controlling the formatting ========================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer The :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps` functions both use an internal AST-visitor class to operate on the AST. This class actually defines all the formatting options, and can be used for more low-level operations, such as writing a program piece-by-piece. This may need access to the :ref:`printer state <printer-state>`, documented below. .. autoclass:: Printer :members: :class-doc-from: both For the most complete control, it is possible to subclass this printer and override only the visitor methods that should be modified. .. _printer-state: Reusing the same printer ======================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer If the :class:`Printer` is being reused to write multiple nodes to a single stream, you will also likely need to access its internal state. This can be done by manually creating a :class:`PrinterState` object and passing it in the original call to :meth:`Printer.visit`. The state object is mutated by the visit, and will reflect the output state at the end. .. autoclass:: PrinterState :members: """ import contextlib import dataclasses import io from typing import Sequence, Optional from . import ast, properties from .visitor import QASMVisitor __all__ = ("dump", "dumps", "Printer", "PrinterState") def dump(node: ast.QASMNode, file: io.TextIOBase, **kwargs) -> None: """Write textual OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node`` to the open stream ``file``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ Printer(file, **kwargs).visit(node) def dumps(node: ast.QASMNode, **kwargs) -> str: """Get a string representation of the OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ out = io.StringIO() dump(node, out, **kwargs) return out.getvalue() @dataclasses.dataclass class PrinterState: """State object for the print visitor. This is mutated during the visit.""" current_indent: int = 0 """The current indentation level. This is a non-negative integer; the actual identation string to be used is defined by the :class:`Printer`.""" skip_next_indent: bool = False """This is used to communicate between the different levels of if-else visitors when emitting chained ``else if`` blocks. The chaining occurs with the next ``if`` if this is set to ``True``.""" @contextlib.contextmanager def increase_scope(self): """Use as a context manager to increase the scoping level of this context inside the resource block.""" self.current_indent += 1 try: yield finally: self.current_indent -= 1 class Printer(QASMVisitor[PrinterState]): """Internal AST-visitor for writing AST nodes out to a stream as valid OpenQASM 3. This class can be used directly to write multiple nodes to the same stream, potentially with some manual control fo the state between them. If subclassing, generally only the specialised ``visit_*`` methods need to be overridden. These are derived from the base class, and use the name of the relevant :mod:`AST node <.ast>` verbatim after ``visit_``.""" def __init__( self, stream: io.TextIOBase, *, indent: str = " ", chain_else_if: bool = True, old_measurement: bool = False, ): """ Aside from ``stream``, the arguments here are keyword arguments that are common to this class, :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps`. :param stream: the stream that the output will be written to. :type stream: io.TextIOBase :param indent: the string to use as a single indentation level. :type indent: str, optional (two spaces). :param chain_else_if: If ``True`` (default), then constructs of the form:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else { if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } } will be collapsed into the equivalent but flatter:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } :type chain_else_if: bool, optional (``True``) :param old_measurement: If ``True``, then the OpenQASM 2-style "arrow" measurements will be used instead of the normal assignments. For example, ``old_measurement=False`` (the default) will emit ``a = measure b;`` where ``old_measurement=True`` would emit ``measure b -> a;`` instead. :type old_measurement: bool, optional (``False``). """ = stream self.indent = indent self.chain_else_if = chain_else_if self.old_measurement = old_measurement def visit(self, node: ast.QASMNode, context: Optional[PrinterState] = None) -> None: """Completely visit a node and all subnodes. This is the dispatch entry point; this will automatically result in the correct specialised visitor getting called. :param node: The AST node to visit. Usually this will be an :class:`.ast.Program`. :type node: .ast.QASMNode :param context: The state object to be used during the visit. If not given, a default object will be constructed and used. :type context: PrinterState """ if context is None: context = PrinterState() return super().visit(node, context) def _start_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None: if context.skip_next_indent: context.skip_next_indent = False return * self.indent) def _end_statement(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:";\n") def _end_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:"\n") def _write_statement(self, line: str, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) self._end_statement(context) def _visit_sequence( self, nodes: Sequence[ast.QASMNode], context: PrinterState, *, start: str = "", end: str = "", separator: str, ) -> None: if start: for node in nodes[:-1]: self.visit(node, context) if nodes: self.visit(nodes[-1], context) if end: def visit_Program(self, node: ast.Program, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.version: self._write_statement(f"OPENQASM {node.version}", context) for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) def visit_Include(self, node: ast.Include, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement(f'include "{node.filename}"', context) def visit_ExpressionStatement( self, node: ast.ExpressionStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QubitDeclaration(self, node: ast.QubitDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size)"]")" ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateDefinition( self, node: ast.QuantumGateDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"gate ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ExternDeclaration(self, node: ast.ExternDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"extern ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Identifier(self, node: ast.Identifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_UnaryExpression(self, node: ast.UnaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node) >= properties.precedence(node.expression):"(") self.visit(node.expression, context)")") else: self.visit(node.expression, context) def visit_BinaryExpression(self, node: ast.BinaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) # All AST nodes that are built into BinaryExpression are currently left associative. if properties.precedence(node.lhs) < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" {} ") if properties.precedence(node.rhs) <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_BitstringLiteral(self, node: ast.BitstringLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: value = bin(node.value)[2:] if len(value) < node.width: value = "0" * (node.width - len(value)) + value'"{value}"') def visit_IntegerLiteral(self, node: ast.IntegerLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_FloatLiteral(self, node: ast.FloatLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_BooleanLiteral(self, node: ast.BooleanLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"true" if node.value else "false") def visit_DurationLiteral(self, node: ast.DurationLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"{node.value}{}") def visit_ArrayLiteral(self, node: ast.ArrayLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit( self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") def visit_Cast(self, node: ast.Cast, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(node.type)"(") self.visit(node.argument)")") def visit_DiscreteSet(self, node: ast.DiscreteSet, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_RangeDefinition(self, node: ast.RangeDefinition, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.start is not None: self.visit(node.start, context)":") if node.step is not None: self.visit(node.step, context)":") if node.end is not None: self.visit(node.end, context) def visit_IndexExpression(self, node: ast.IndexExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node.collection) < properties.precedence(node):"(") self.visit(node.collection, context)")") else: self.visit(node.collection, context)"[") if isinstance(node.index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(node.index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_IndexedIdentifier(self, node: ast.IndexedIdentifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(, context) for index in node.indices:"[") if isinstance(index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_Concatenation(self, node: ast.Concatenation, context: PrinterState) -> None: lhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.lhs) our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) rhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.rhs) # Concatenation is fully associative, but this package parses the AST by # arbitrarily making it left-associative (since the design of the AST # forces us to make a choice). We emit brackets to ensure that the # round-trip through our printer and parser do not change the AST. if lhs_precedence < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" ++ ") if rhs_precedence <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_QuantumGate(self, node: ast.QuantumGate, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateModifier( self, node: ast.QuantumGateModifier, context: PrinterState ) -> None: if node.argument is not None:"(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") def visit_QuantumPhase(self, node: ast.QuantumPhase, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ")"gphase(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") if node.qubits: self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, start=" ", separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurement(self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurement, context: PrinterState) -> None:"measure ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) def visit_QuantumReset(self, node: ast.QuantumReset, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"reset ") self.visit(node.qubits, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumBarrier(self, node: ast.QuantumBarrier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"barrier ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement( self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurementStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) if is None: self.visit(node.measure, context) elif self.old_measurement: self.visit(node.measure, context)" -> ") self.visit(, context) else: self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.measure, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalArgument(self, node: ast.ClassicalArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ExternArgument(self, node: ast.ExternArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context) def visit_ClassicalDeclaration( self, node: ast.ClassicalDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) if node.init_expression is not None:" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IODeclaration(self, node: ast.IODeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"{} ") self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ConstantDeclaration( self, node: ast.ConstantDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"const ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context)" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IntType(self, node: ast.IntType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"int") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_UintType(self, node: ast.UintType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"uint") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_FloatType(self, node: ast.FloatType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"float") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_ComplexType(self, node: ast.ComplexType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"complex[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)"]") def visit_AngleType(self, node: ast.AngleType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"angle") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BitType(self, node: ast.BitType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BoolType(self, node: ast.BoolType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bool") def visit_ArrayType(self, node: ast.ArrayType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context) self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, start=", ", end="]", separator=", ") def visit_ArrayReferenceType(self, node: ast.ArrayReferenceType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)", ") if isinstance(node.dimensions, ast.Expression):"#dim=") self.visit(node.dimensions, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_DurationType(self, node: ast.DurationType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"duration") def visit_StretchType(self, node: ast.StretchType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"stretch") def visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration( self, node: ast.CalibrationGrammarDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._write_statement(f'defcalgrammar "{}"', context) def visit_CalibrationDefinition( self, node: ast.CalibrationDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"defcal ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") # At this point we _should_ be deferring to something else to handle formatting the # calibration grammar statements, but we're neither we nor the AST are set up to do that."}") self._end_line(context) def visit_SubroutineDefinition( self, node: ast.SubroutineDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"def ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_QuantumArgument(self, node: ast.QuantumArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None:"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]")" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ReturnStatement(self, node: ast.ReturnStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"return") if node.expression is not None:" ") self.visit(node.expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_BreakStatement(self, node: ast.BreakStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("break", context) def visit_ContinueStatement(self, node: ast.ContinueStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("continue", context) def visit_EndStatement(self, node: ast.EndStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("end", context) def visit_BranchingStatement(self, node: ast.BranchingStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"if (") self.visit(node.condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.if_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") if node.else_block:" else ") # Special handling to flatten a perfectly nested structure of # if {...} else { if {...} else {...} } # into the simpler # if {...} else if {...} else {...} # but only if we're allowed to by our options. if ( self.chain_else_if and len(node.else_block) == 1 and isinstance(node.else_block[0], ast.BranchingStatement) ): context.skip_next_indent = True self.visit(node.else_block[0], context) # Don't end the line, because the outer-most `if` block will. else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.else_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) else: self._end_line(context) def visit_WhileLoop(self, node: ast.WhileLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"while (") self.visit(node.while_condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ForInLoop(self, node: ast.ForInLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"for ") self.visit(node.loop_variable, context)" in ") if isinstance(node.set_declaration, ast.RangeDefinition):"[") self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)"]") else: self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DelayInstruction(self, node: ast.DelayInstruction, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"delay[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"] ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_Box(self, node: ast.Box, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"box") if node.duration is not None:"[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"]")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DurationOf(self, node: ast.DurationOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"durationof(") if isinstance(, ast.QASMNode): self.visit(, context) else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}")")") def visit_SizeOf(self, node: ast.SizeOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"sizeof(") self.visit(, context) if node.index is not None:", ") self.
(node.index)")") def visit_AliasStatement(self, node: ast.AliasStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"let ") self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.value, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalAssignment( self, node: ast.ClassicalAssignment, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.lvalue, context)" {} ") self.visit(node.rvalue, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Pragma(self, node: ast.Pragma, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"#pragma {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context)
[ "index", "span", "target", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
""" ============================================================== Generating OpenQASM 3 from an AST Node (``openqasm3.printer``) ============================================================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3 It is often useful to go from the :mod:`AST representation <openqasm3.ast>` of an OpenQASM 3 program back to the textual language. The functions and classes described here will do this conversion. Most uses should be covered by using :func:`dump` to write to an open text stream (an open file, for example) or :func:`dumps` to produce a string. Both of these accept :ref:`several keyword arguments <printer-kwargs>` that control the formatting of the output. .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dump .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dumps .. _printer-kwargs: Controlling the formatting ========================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer The :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps` functions both use an internal AST-visitor class to operate on the AST. This class actually defines all the formatting options, and can be used for more low-level operations, such as writing a program piece-by-piece. This may need access to the :ref:`printer state <printer-state>`, documented below. .. autoclass:: Printer :members: :class-doc-from: both For the most complete control, it is possible to subclass this printer and override only the visitor methods that should be modified. .. _printer-state: Reusing the same printer ======================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer If the :class:`Printer` is being reused to write multiple nodes to a single stream, you will also likely need to access its internal state. This can be done by manually creating a :class:`PrinterState` object and passing it in the original call to :meth:`Printer.visit`. The state object is mutated by the visit, and will reflect the output state at the end. .. autoclass:: PrinterState :members: """ import contextlib import dataclasses import io from typing import Sequence, Optional from . import ast, properties from .visitor import QASMVisitor __all__ = ("dump", "dumps", "Printer", "PrinterState") def dump(node: ast.QASMNode, file: io.TextIOBase, **kwargs) -> None: """Write textual OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node`` to the open stream ``file``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ Printer(file, **kwargs).visit(node) def dumps(node: ast.QASMNode, **kwargs) -> str: """Get a string representation of the OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ out = io.StringIO() dump(node, out, **kwargs) return out.getvalue() @dataclasses.dataclass class PrinterState: """State object for the print visitor. This is mutated during the visit.""" current_indent: int = 0 """The current indentation level. This is a non-negative integer; the actual identation string to be used is defined by the :class:`Printer`.""" skip_next_indent: bool = False """This is used to communicate between the different levels of if-else visitors when emitting chained ``else if`` blocks. The chaining occurs with the next ``if`` if this is set to ``True``.""" @contextlib.contextmanager def increase_scope(self): """Use as a context manager to increase the scoping level of this context inside the resource block.""" self.current_indent += 1 try: yield finally: self.current_indent -= 1 class Printer(QASMVisitor[PrinterState]): """Internal AST-visitor for writing AST nodes out to a stream as valid OpenQASM 3. This class can be used directly to write multiple nodes to the same stream, potentially with some manual control fo the state between them. If subclassing, generally only the specialised ``visit_*`` methods need to be overridden. These are derived from the base class, and use the name of the relevant :mod:`AST node <.ast>` verbatim after ``visit_``.""" def __init__( self, stream: io.TextIOBase, *, indent: str = " ", chain_else_if: bool = True, old_measurement: bool = False, ): """ Aside from ``stream``, the arguments here are keyword arguments that are common to this class, :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps`. :param stream: the stream that the output will be written to. :type stream: io.TextIOBase :param indent: the string to use as a single indentation level. :type indent: str, optional (two spaces). :param chain_else_if: If ``True`` (default), then constructs of the form:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else { if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } } will be collapsed into the equivalent but flatter:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } :type chain_else_if: bool, optional (``True``) :param old_measurement: If ``True``, then the OpenQASM 2-style "arrow" measurements will be used instead of the normal assignments. For example, ``old_measurement=False`` (the default) will emit ``a = measure b;`` where ``old_measurement=True`` would emit ``measure b -> a;`` instead. :type old_measurement: bool, optional (``False``). """ = stream self.indent = indent self.chain_else_if = chain_else_if self.old_measurement = old_measurement def visit(self, node: ast.QASMNode, context: Optional[PrinterState] = None) -> None: """Completely visit a node and all subnodes. This is the dispatch entry point; this will automatically result in the correct specialised visitor getting called. :param node: The AST node to visit. Usually this will be an :class:`.ast.Program`. :type node: .ast.QASMNode :param context: The state object to be used during the visit. If not given, a default object will be constructed and used. :type context: PrinterState """ if context is None: context = PrinterState() return super().visit(node, context) def _start_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None: if context.skip_next_indent: context.skip_next_indent = False return * self.indent) def _end_statement(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:";\n") def _end_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:"\n") def _write_statement(self, line: str, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) self._end_statement(context) def _visit_sequence( self, nodes: Sequence[ast.QASMNode], context: PrinterState, *, start: str = "", end: str = "", separator: str, ) -> None: if start: for node in nodes[:-1]: self.visit(node, context) if nodes: self.visit(nodes[-1], context) if end: def visit_Program(self, node: ast.Program, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.version: self._write_statement(f"OPENQASM {node.version}", context) for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) def visit_Include(self, node: ast.Include, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement(f'include "{node.filename}"', context) def visit_ExpressionStatement( self, node: ast.ExpressionStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QubitDeclaration(self, node: ast.QubitDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size)"]")" ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateDefinition( self, node: ast.QuantumGateDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"gate ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ExternDeclaration(self, node: ast.ExternDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"extern ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Identifier(self, node: ast.Identifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_UnaryExpression(self, node: ast.UnaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node) >= properties.precedence(node.expression):"(") self.visit(node.expression, context)")") else: self.visit(node.expression, context) def visit_BinaryExpression(self, node: ast.BinaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) # All AST nodes that are built into BinaryExpression are currently left associative. if properties.precedence(node.lhs) < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" {} ") if properties.precedence(node.rhs) <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_BitstringLiteral(self, node: ast.BitstringLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: value = bin(node.value)[2:] if len(value) < node.width: value = "0" * (node.width - len(value)) + value'"{value}"') def visit_IntegerLiteral(self, node: ast.IntegerLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_FloatLiteral(self, node: ast.FloatLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_BooleanLiteral(self, node: ast.BooleanLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"true" if node.value else "false") def visit_DurationLiteral(self, node: ast.DurationLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"{node.value}{}") def visit_ArrayLiteral(self, node: ast.ArrayLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit( self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") def visit_Cast(self, node: ast.Cast, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(node.type)"(") self.visit(node.argument)")") def visit_DiscreteSet(self, node: ast.DiscreteSet, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_RangeDefinition(self, node: ast.RangeDefinition, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.start is not None: self.visit(node.start, context)":") if node.step is not None: self.visit(node.step, context)":") if node.end is not None: self.visit(node.end, context) def visit_IndexExpression(self, node: ast.IndexExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node.collection) < properties.precedence(node):"(") self.visit(node.collection, context)")") else: self.visit(node.collection, context)"[") if isinstance(node.index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(node.index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_IndexedIdentifier(self, node: ast.IndexedIdentifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(, context) for index in node.indices:"[") if isinstance(index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_Concatenation(self, node: ast.Concatenation, context: PrinterState) -> None: lhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.lhs) our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) rhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.rhs) # Concatenation is fully associative, but this package parses the AST by # arbitrarily making it left-associative (since the design of the AST # forces us to make a choice). We emit brackets to ensure that the # round-trip through our printer and parser do not change the AST. if lhs_precedence < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" ++ ") if rhs_precedence <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_QuantumGate(self, node: ast.QuantumGate, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateModifier( self, node: ast.QuantumGateModifier, context: PrinterState ) -> None: if node.argument is not None:"(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") def visit_QuantumPhase(self, node: ast.QuantumPhase, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ")"gphase(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") if node.qubits: self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, start=" ", separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurement(self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurement, context: PrinterState) -> None:"measure ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) def visit_QuantumReset(self, node: ast.QuantumReset, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"reset ") self.visit(node.qubits, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumBarrier(self, node: ast.QuantumBarrier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"barrier ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement( self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurementStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) if is None: self.visit(node.measure, context) elif self.old_measurement: self.visit(node.measure, context)" -> ") self.visit(, context) else: self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.measure, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalArgument(self, node: ast.ClassicalArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ExternArgument(self, node: ast.ExternArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context) def visit_ClassicalDeclaration( self, node: ast.ClassicalDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) if node.init_expression is not None:" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IODeclaration(self, node: ast.IODeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"{} ") self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ConstantDeclaration( self, node: ast.ConstantDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"const ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context)" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IntType(self, node: ast.IntType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"int") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_UintType(self, node: ast.UintType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"uint") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_FloatType(self, node: ast.FloatType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"float") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_ComplexType(self, node: ast.ComplexType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"complex[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)"]") def visit_AngleType(self, node: ast.AngleType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"angle") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BitType(self, node: ast.BitType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BoolType(self, node: ast.BoolType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bool") def visit_ArrayType(self, node: ast.ArrayType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context) self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, start=", ", end="]", separator=", ") def visit_ArrayReferenceType(self, node: ast.ArrayReferenceType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)", ") if isinstance(node.dimensions, ast.Expression):"#dim=") self.visit(node.dimensions, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_DurationType(self, node: ast.DurationType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"duration") def visit_StretchType(self, node: ast.StretchType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"stretch") def visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration( self, node: ast.CalibrationGrammarDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._write_statement(f'defcalgrammar "{}"', context) def visit_CalibrationDefinition( self, node: ast.CalibrationDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"defcal ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") # At this point we _should_ be deferring to something else to handle formatting the # calibration grammar statements, but we're neither we nor the AST are set up to do that."}") self._end_line(context) def visit_SubroutineDefinition( self, node: ast.SubroutineDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"def ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_QuantumArgument(self, node: ast.QuantumArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None:"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]")" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ReturnStatement(self, node: ast.ReturnStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"return") if node.expression is not None:" ") self.visit(node.expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_BreakStatement(self, node: ast.BreakStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("break", context) def visit_ContinueStatement(self, node: ast.ContinueStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("continue", context) def visit_EndStatement(self, node: ast.EndStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("end", context) def visit_BranchingStatement(self, node: ast.BranchingStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"if (") self.visit(node.condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.if_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") if node.else_block:" else ") # Special handling to flatten a perfectly nested structure of # if {...} else { if {...} else {...} } # into the simpler # if {...} else if {...} else {...} # but only if we're allowed to by our options. if ( self.chain_else_if and len(node.else_block) == 1 and isinstance(node.else_block[0], ast.BranchingStatement) ): context.skip_next_indent = True self.visit(node.else_block[0], context) # Don't end the line, because the outer-most `if` block will. else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.else_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) else: self._end_line(context) def visit_WhileLoop(self, node: ast.WhileLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"while (") self.visit(node.while_condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ForInLoop(self, node: ast.ForInLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"for ") self.visit(node.loop_variable, context)" in ") if isinstance(node.set_declaration, ast.RangeDefinition):"[") self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)"]") else: self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DelayInstruction(self, node: ast.DelayInstruction, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"delay[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"] ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_Box(self, node: ast.Box, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"box") if node.duration is not None:"[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"]")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DurationOf(self, node: ast.DurationOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"durationof(") if isinstance(, ast.QASMNode): self.visit(, context) else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}")")") def visit_SizeOf(self, node: ast.SizeOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"sizeof(") self.visit(, context) if node.index is not None:", ") self.visit(node.
)")") def visit_AliasStatement(self, node: ast.AliasStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"let ") self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.value, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalAssignment( self, node: ast.ClassicalAssignment, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.lvalue, context)" {} ") self.visit(node.rvalue, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Pragma(self, node: ast.Pragma, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"#pragma {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context)
[ "chain_else_if", "generic_visit", "indent", "old_measurement", "stream", "visit", "visit_AliasStatement", "visit_AngleType", "visit_ArrayLiteral", "visit_ArrayReferenceType", "visit_ArrayType", "visit_BinaryExpression", "visit_BitstringLiteral", "visit_BitType", "visit_BooleanLiteral", "visit_BoolType", "visit_Box", "visit_BranchingStatement", "visit_BreakStatement", "visit_CalibrationDefinition", "visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "visit_Cast", "visit_ClassicalArgument", "visit_ClassicalAssignment", "visit_ClassicalDeclaration", "visit_ComplexType", "visit_Concatenation", "visit_ConstantDeclaration", "visit_ContinueStatement", "visit_DelayInstruction", "visit_DiscreteSet", "visit_DurationLiteral", "visit_DurationOf", "visit_DurationType", "visit_EndStatement", "visit_ExpressionStatement", "visit_ExternArgument", "visit_ExternDeclaration", "visit_FloatLiteral", "visit_FloatType", "visit_ForInLoop", "visit_FunctionCall", "visit_Identifier", "visit_Include", "visit_IndexedIdentifier", "visit_IndexExpression", "visit_IntegerLiteral", "visit_IntType", "visit_IODeclaration", "visit_Pragma", "visit_Program", "visit_QuantumArgument", "visit_QuantumBarrier", "visit_QuantumGate", "visit_QuantumGateDefinition", "visit_QuantumGateModifier", "visit_QuantumMeasurement", "visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement", "visit_QuantumPhase", "visit_QuantumReset", "visit_QubitDeclaration", "visit_RangeDefinition", "visit_ReturnStatement", "visit_SizeOf", "visit_StretchType", "visit_SubroutineDefinition", "visit_UintType", "visit_UnaryExpression", "visit_WhileLoop", "_end_line", "_end_statement", "_start_line", "_visit_sequence", "_write_statement", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
""" ============================================================== Generating OpenQASM 3 from an AST Node (``openqasm3.printer``) ============================================================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3 It is often useful to go from the :mod:`AST representation <openqasm3.ast>` of an OpenQASM 3 program back to the textual language. The functions and classes described here will do this conversion. Most uses should be covered by using :func:`dump` to write to an open text stream (an open file, for example) or :func:`dumps` to produce a string. Both of these accept :ref:`several keyword arguments <printer-kwargs>` that control the formatting of the output. .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dump .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dumps .. _printer-kwargs: Controlling the formatting ========================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer The :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps` functions both use an internal AST-visitor class to operate on the AST. This class actually defines all the formatting options, and can be used for more low-level operations, such as writing a program piece-by-piece. This may need access to the :ref:`printer state <printer-state>`, documented below. .. autoclass:: Printer :members: :class-doc-from: both For the most complete control, it is possible to subclass this printer and override only the visitor methods that should be modified. .. _printer-state: Reusing the same printer ======================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer If the :class:`Printer` is being reused to write multiple nodes to a single stream, you will also likely need to access its internal state. This can be done by manually creating a :class:`PrinterState` object and passing it in the original call to :meth:`Printer.visit`. The state object is mutated by the visit, and will reflect the output state at the end. .. autoclass:: PrinterState :members: """ import contextlib import dataclasses import io from typing import Sequence, Optional from . import ast, properties from .visitor import QASMVisitor __all__ = ("dump", "dumps", "Printer", "PrinterState") def dump(node: ast.QASMNode, file: io.TextIOBase, **kwargs) -> None: """Write textual OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node`` to the open stream ``file``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ Printer(file, **kwargs).visit(node) def dumps(node: ast.QASMNode, **kwargs) -> str: """Get a string representation of the OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ out = io.StringIO() dump(node, out, **kwargs) return out.getvalue() @dataclasses.dataclass class PrinterState: """State object for the print visitor. This is mutated during the visit.""" current_indent: int = 0 """The current indentation level. This is a non-negative integer; the actual identation string to be used is defined by the :class:`Printer`.""" skip_next_indent: bool = False """This is used to communicate between the different levels of if-else visitors when emitting chained ``else if`` blocks. The chaining occurs with the next ``if`` if this is set to ``True``.""" @contextlib.contextmanager def increase_scope(self): """Use as a context manager to increase the scoping level of this context inside the resource block.""" self.current_indent += 1 try: yield finally: self.current_indent -= 1 class Printer(QASMVisitor[PrinterState]): """Internal AST-visitor for writing AST nodes out to a stream as valid OpenQASM 3. This class can be used directly to write multiple nodes to the same stream, potentially with some manual control fo the state between them. If subclassing, generally only the specialised ``visit_*`` methods need to be overridden. These are derived from the base class, and use the name of the relevant :mod:`AST node <.ast>` verbatim after ``visit_``.""" def __init__( self, stream: io.TextIOBase, *, indent: str = " ", chain_else_if: bool = True, old_measurement: bool = False, ): """ Aside from ``stream``, the arguments here are keyword arguments that are common to this class, :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps`. :param stream: the stream that the output will be written to. :type stream: io.TextIOBase :param indent: the string to use as a single indentation level. :type indent: str, optional (two spaces). :param chain_else_if: If ``True`` (default), then constructs of the form:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else { if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } } will be collapsed into the equivalent but flatter:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } :type chain_else_if: bool, optional (``True``) :param old_measurement: If ``True``, then the OpenQASM 2-style "arrow" measurements will be used instead of the normal assignments. For example, ``old_measurement=False`` (the default) will emit ``a = measure b;`` where ``old_measurement=True`` would emit ``measure b -> a;`` instead. :type old_measurement: bool, optional (``False``). """ = stream self.indent = indent self.chain_else_if = chain_else_if self.old_measurement = old_measurement def visit(self, node: ast.QASMNode, context: Optional[PrinterState] = None) -> None: """Completely visit a node and all subnodes. This is the dispatch entry point; this will automatically result in the correct specialised visitor getting called. :param node: The AST node to visit. Usually this will be an :class:`.ast.Program`. :type node: .ast.QASMNode :param context: The state object to be used during the visit. If not given, a default object will be constructed and used. :type context: PrinterState """ if context is None: context = PrinterState() return super().visit(node, context) def _start_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None: if context.skip_next_indent: context.skip_next_indent = False return * self.indent) def _end_statement(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:";\n") def _end_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:"\n") def _write_statement(self, line: str, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) self._end_statement(context) def _visit_sequence( self, nodes: Sequence[ast.QASMNode], context: PrinterState, *, start: str = "", end: str = "", separator: str, ) -> None: if start: for node in nodes[:-1]: self.visit(node, context) if nodes: self.visit(nodes[-1], context) if end: def visit_Program(self, node: ast.Program, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.version: self._write_statement(f"OPENQASM {node.version}", context) for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) def visit_Include(self, node: ast.Include, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement(f'include "{node.filename}"', context) def visit_ExpressionStatement( self, node: ast.ExpressionStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QubitDeclaration(self, node: ast.QubitDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size)"]")" ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateDefinition( self, node: ast.QuantumGateDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"gate ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ExternDeclaration(self, node: ast.ExternDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"extern ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Identifier(self, node: ast.Identifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_UnaryExpression(self, node: ast.UnaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node) >= properties.precedence(node.expression):"(") self.visit(node.expression, context)")") else: self.visit(node.expression, context) def visit_BinaryExpression(self, node: ast.BinaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) # All AST nodes that are built into BinaryExpression are currently left associative. if properties.precedence(node.lhs) < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" {} ") if properties.precedence(node.rhs) <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_BitstringLiteral(self, node: ast.BitstringLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: value = bin(node.value)[2:] if len(value) < node.width: value = "0" * (node.width - len(value)) + value'"{value}"') def visit_IntegerLiteral(self, node: ast.IntegerLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_FloatLiteral(self, node: ast.FloatLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_BooleanLiteral(self, node: ast.BooleanLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"true" if node.value else "false") def visit_DurationLiteral(self, node: ast.DurationLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"{node.value}{}") def visit_ArrayLiteral(self, node: ast.ArrayLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit( self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") def visit_Cast(self, node: ast.Cast, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(node.type)"(") self.visit(node.argument)")") def visit_DiscreteSet(self, node: ast.DiscreteSet, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_RangeDefinition(self, node: ast.RangeDefinition, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.start is not None: self.visit(node.start, context)":") if node.step is not None: self.visit(node.step, context)":") if node.end is not None: self.visit(node.end, context) def visit_IndexExpression(self, node: ast.IndexExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node.collection) < properties.precedence(node):"(") self.visit(node.collection, context)")") else: self.visit(node.collection, context)"[") if isinstance(node.index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(node.index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_IndexedIdentifier(self, node: ast.IndexedIdentifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(, context) for index in node.indices:"[") if isinstance(index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_Concatenation(self, node: ast.Concatenation, context: PrinterState) -> None: lhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.lhs) our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) rhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.rhs) # Concatenation is fully associative, but this package parses the AST by # arbitrarily making it left-associative (since the design of the AST # forces us to make a choice). We emit brackets to ensure that the # round-trip through our printer and parser do not change the AST. if lhs_precedence < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" ++ ") if rhs_precedence <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_QuantumGate(self, node: ast.QuantumGate, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateModifier( self, node: ast.QuantumGateModifier, context: PrinterState ) -> None: if node.argument is not None:"(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") def visit_QuantumPhase(self, node: ast.QuantumPhase, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ")"gphase(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") if node.qubits: self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, start=" ", separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurement(self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurement, context: PrinterState) -> None:"measure ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) def visit_QuantumReset(self, node: ast.QuantumReset, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"reset ") self.visit(node.qubits, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumBarrier(self, node: ast.QuantumBarrier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"barrier ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement( self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurementStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) if is None: self.visit(node.measure, context) elif self.old_measurement: self.visit(node.measure, context)" -> ") self.visit(, context) else: self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.measure, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalArgument(self, node: ast.ClassicalArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ExternArgument(self, node: ast.ExternArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context) def visit_ClassicalDeclaration( self, node: ast.ClassicalDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) if node.init_expression is not None:" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IODeclaration(self, node: ast.IODeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"{} ") self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ConstantDeclaration( self, node: ast.ConstantDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"const ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context)" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IntType(self, node: ast.IntType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"int") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_UintType(self, node: ast.UintType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"uint") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_FloatType(self, node: ast.FloatType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"float") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_ComplexType(self, node: ast.ComplexType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"complex[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)"]") def visit_AngleType(self, node: ast.AngleType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"angle") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BitType(self, node: ast.BitType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BoolType(self, node: ast.BoolType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bool") def visit_ArrayType(self, node: ast.ArrayType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context) self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, start=", ", end="]", separator=", ") def visit_ArrayReferenceType(self, node: ast.ArrayReferenceType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)", ") if isinstance(node.dimensions, ast.Expression):"#dim=") self.visit(node.dimensions, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_DurationType(self, node: ast.DurationType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"duration") def visit_StretchType(self, node: ast.StretchType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"stretch") def visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration( self, node: ast.CalibrationGrammarDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._write_statement(f'defcalgrammar "{}"', context) def visit_CalibrationDefinition( self, node: ast.CalibrationDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"defcal ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") # At this point we _should_ be deferring to something else to handle formatting the # calibration grammar statements, but we're neither we nor the AST are set up to do that."}") self._end_line(context) def visit_SubroutineDefinition( self, node: ast.SubroutineDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"def ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_QuantumArgument(self, node: ast.QuantumArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None:"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]")" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ReturnStatement(self, node: ast.ReturnStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"return") if node.expression is not None:" ") self.visit(node.expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_BreakStatement(self, node: ast.BreakStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("break", context) def visit_ContinueStatement(self, node: ast.ContinueStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("continue", context) def visit_EndStatement(self, node: ast.EndStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("end", context) def visit_BranchingStatement(self, node: ast.BranchingStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"if (") self.visit(node.condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.if_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") if node.else_block:" else ") # Special handling to flatten a perfectly nested structure of # if {...} else { if {...} else {...} } # into the simpler # if {...} else if {...} else {...} # but only if we're allowed to by our options. if ( self.chain_else_if and len(node.else_block) == 1 and isinstance(node.else_block[0], ast.BranchingStatement) ): context.skip_next_indent = True self.visit(node.else_block[0], context) # Don't end the line, because the outer-most `if` block will. else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.else_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) else: self._end_line(context) def visit_WhileLoop(self, node: ast.WhileLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"while (") self.visit(node.while_condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ForInLoop(self, node: ast.ForInLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"for ") self.visit(node.loop_variable, context)" in ") if isinstance(node.set_declaration, ast.RangeDefinition):"[") self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)"]") else: self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DelayInstruction(self, node: ast.DelayInstruction, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"delay[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"] ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_Box(self, node: ast.Box, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"box") if node.duration is not None:"[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"]")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DurationOf(self, node: ast.DurationOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"durationof(") if isinstance(, ast.QASMNode): self.visit(, context) else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}")")") def visit_SizeOf(self, node: ast.SizeOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"sizeof(") self.visit(, context) if node.index is not None:", ") self.visit(node.index)")") def visit_AliasStatement(self, node: ast.AliasStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"let ") self.visit(, context)" = ") self.
(node.value, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalAssignment( self, node: ast.ClassicalAssignment, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.lvalue, context)" {} ") self.visit(node.rvalue, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Pragma(self, node: ast.Pragma, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"#pragma {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context)
[ "span", "target", "value", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
""" ============================================================== Generating OpenQASM 3 from an AST Node (``openqasm3.printer``) ============================================================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3 It is often useful to go from the :mod:`AST representation <openqasm3.ast>` of an OpenQASM 3 program back to the textual language. The functions and classes described here will do this conversion. Most uses should be covered by using :func:`dump` to write to an open text stream (an open file, for example) or :func:`dumps` to produce a string. Both of these accept :ref:`several keyword arguments <printer-kwargs>` that control the formatting of the output. .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dump .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dumps .. _printer-kwargs: Controlling the formatting ========================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer The :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps` functions both use an internal AST-visitor class to operate on the AST. This class actually defines all the formatting options, and can be used for more low-level operations, such as writing a program piece-by-piece. This may need access to the :ref:`printer state <printer-state>`, documented below. .. autoclass:: Printer :members: :class-doc-from: both For the most complete control, it is possible to subclass this printer and override only the visitor methods that should be modified. .. _printer-state: Reusing the same printer ======================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer If the :class:`Printer` is being reused to write multiple nodes to a single stream, you will also likely need to access its internal state. This can be done by manually creating a :class:`PrinterState` object and passing it in the original call to :meth:`Printer.visit`. The state object is mutated by the visit, and will reflect the output state at the end. .. autoclass:: PrinterState :members: """ import contextlib import dataclasses import io from typing import Sequence, Optional from . import ast, properties from .visitor import QASMVisitor __all__ = ("dump", "dumps", "Printer", "PrinterState") def dump(node: ast.QASMNode, file: io.TextIOBase, **kwargs) -> None: """Write textual OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node`` to the open stream ``file``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ Printer(file, **kwargs).visit(node) def dumps(node: ast.QASMNode, **kwargs) -> str: """Get a string representation of the OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ out = io.StringIO() dump(node, out, **kwargs) return out.getvalue() @dataclasses.dataclass class PrinterState: """State object for the print visitor. This is mutated during the visit.""" current_indent: int = 0 """The current indentation level. This is a non-negative integer; the actual identation string to be used is defined by the :class:`Printer`.""" skip_next_indent: bool = False """This is used to communicate between the different levels of if-else visitors when emitting chained ``else if`` blocks. The chaining occurs with the next ``if`` if this is set to ``True``.""" @contextlib.contextmanager def increase_scope(self): """Use as a context manager to increase the scoping level of this context inside the resource block.""" self.current_indent += 1 try: yield finally: self.current_indent -= 1 class Printer(QASMVisitor[PrinterState]): """Internal AST-visitor for writing AST nodes out to a stream as valid OpenQASM 3. This class can be used directly to write multiple nodes to the same stream, potentially with some manual control fo the state between them. If subclassing, generally only the specialised ``visit_*`` methods need to be overridden. These are derived from the base class, and use the name of the relevant :mod:`AST node <.ast>` verbatim after ``visit_``.""" def __init__( self, stream: io.TextIOBase, *, indent: str = " ", chain_else_if: bool = True, old_measurement: bool = False, ): """ Aside from ``stream``, the arguments here are keyword arguments that are common to this class, :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps`. :param stream: the stream that the output will be written to. :type stream: io.TextIOBase :param indent: the string to use as a single indentation level. :type indent: str, optional (two spaces). :param chain_else_if: If ``True`` (default), then constructs of the form:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else { if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } } will be collapsed into the equivalent but flatter:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } :type chain_else_if: bool, optional (``True``) :param old_measurement: If ``True``, then the OpenQASM 2-style "arrow" measurements will be used instead of the normal assignments. For example, ``old_measurement=False`` (the default) will emit ``a = measure b;`` where ``old_measurement=True`` would emit ``measure b -> a;`` instead. :type old_measurement: bool, optional (``False``). """ = stream self.indent = indent self.chain_else_if = chain_else_if self.old_measurement = old_measurement def visit(self, node: ast.QASMNode, context: Optional[PrinterState] = None) -> None: """Completely visit a node and all subnodes. This is the dispatch entry point; this will automatically result in the correct specialised visitor getting called. :param node: The AST node to visit. Usually this will be an :class:`.ast.Program`. :type node: .ast.QASMNode :param context: The state object to be used during the visit. If not given, a default object will be constructed and used. :type context: PrinterState """ if context is None: context = PrinterState() return super().visit(node, context) def _start_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None: if context.skip_next_indent: context.skip_next_indent = False return * self.indent) def _end_statement(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:";\n") def _end_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:"\n") def _write_statement(self, line: str, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) self._end_statement(context) def _visit_sequence( self, nodes: Sequence[ast.QASMNode], context: PrinterState, *, start: str = "", end: str = "", separator: str, ) -> None: if start: for node in nodes[:-1]: self.visit(node, context) if nodes: self.visit(nodes[-1], context) if end: def visit_Program(self, node: ast.Program, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.version: self._write_statement(f"OPENQASM {node.version}", context) for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) def visit_Include(self, node: ast.Include, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement(f'include "{node.filename}"', context) def visit_ExpressionStatement( self, node: ast.ExpressionStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QubitDeclaration(self, node: ast.QubitDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size)"]")" ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateDefinition( self, node: ast.QuantumGateDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"gate ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ExternDeclaration(self, node: ast.ExternDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"extern ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Identifier(self, node: ast.Identifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_UnaryExpression(self, node: ast.UnaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node) >= properties.precedence(node.expression):"(") self.visit(node.expression, context)")") else: self.visit(node.expression, context) def visit_BinaryExpression(self, node: ast.BinaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) # All AST nodes that are built into BinaryExpression are currently left associative. if properties.precedence(node.lhs) < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" {} ") if properties.precedence(node.rhs) <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_BitstringLiteral(self, node: ast.BitstringLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: value = bin(node.value)[2:] if len(value) < node.width: value = "0" * (node.width - len(value)) + value'"{value}"') def visit_IntegerLiteral(self, node: ast.IntegerLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_FloatLiteral(self, node: ast.FloatLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_BooleanLiteral(self, node: ast.BooleanLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"true" if node.value else "false") def visit_DurationLiteral(self, node: ast.DurationLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"{node.value}{}") def visit_ArrayLiteral(self, node: ast.ArrayLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit( self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") def visit_Cast(self, node: ast.Cast, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(node.type)"(") self.visit(node.argument)")") def visit_DiscreteSet(self, node: ast.DiscreteSet, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_RangeDefinition(self, node: ast.RangeDefinition, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.start is not None: self.visit(node.start, context)":") if node.step is not None: self.visit(node.step, context)":") if node.end is not None: self.visit(node.end, context) def visit_IndexExpression(self, node: ast.IndexExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node.collection) < properties.precedence(node):"(") self.visit(node.collection, context)")") else: self.visit(node.collection, context)"[") if isinstance(node.index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(node.index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_IndexedIdentifier(self, node: ast.IndexedIdentifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(, context) for index in node.indices:"[") if isinstance(index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_Concatenation(self, node: ast.Concatenation, context: PrinterState) -> None: lhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.lhs) our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) rhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.rhs) # Concatenation is fully associative, but this package parses the AST by # arbitrarily making it left-associative (since the design of the AST # forces us to make a choice). We emit brackets to ensure that the # round-trip through our printer and parser do not change the AST. if lhs_precedence < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" ++ ") if rhs_precedence <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_QuantumGate(self, node: ast.QuantumGate, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateModifier( self, node: ast.QuantumGateModifier, context: PrinterState ) -> None: if node.argument is not None:"(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") def visit_QuantumPhase(self, node: ast.QuantumPhase, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ")"gphase(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") if node.qubits: self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, start=" ", separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurement(self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurement, context: PrinterState) -> None:"measure ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) def visit_QuantumReset(self, node: ast.QuantumReset, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"reset ") self.visit(node.qubits, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumBarrier(self, node: ast.QuantumBarrier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"barrier ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement( self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurementStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) if is None: self.visit(node.measure, context) elif self.old_measurement: self.visit(node.measure, context)" -> ") self.visit(, context) else: self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.measure, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalArgument(self, node: ast.ClassicalArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ExternArgument(self, node: ast.ExternArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context) def visit_ClassicalDeclaration( self, node: ast.ClassicalDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) if node.init_expression is not None:" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IODeclaration(self, node: ast.IODeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"{} ") self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ConstantDeclaration( self, node: ast.ConstantDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"const ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context)" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IntType(self, node: ast.IntType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"int") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_UintType(self, node: ast.UintType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"uint") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_FloatType(self, node: ast.FloatType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"float") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_ComplexType(self, node: ast.ComplexType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"complex[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)"]") def visit_AngleType(self, node: ast.AngleType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"angle") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BitType(self, node: ast.BitType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BoolType(self, node: ast.BoolType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bool") def visit_ArrayType(self, node: ast.ArrayType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context) self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, start=", ", end="]", separator=", ") def visit_ArrayReferenceType(self, node: ast.ArrayReferenceType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)", ") if isinstance(node.dimensions, ast.Expression):"#dim=") self.visit(node.dimensions, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_DurationType(self, node: ast.DurationType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"duration") def visit_StretchType(self, node: ast.StretchType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"stretch") def visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration( self, node: ast.CalibrationGrammarDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._write_statement(f'defcalgrammar "{}"', context) def visit_CalibrationDefinition( self, node: ast.CalibrationDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"defcal ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") # At this point we _should_ be deferring to something else to handle formatting the # calibration grammar statements, but we're neither we nor the AST are set up to do that."}") self._end_line(context) def visit_SubroutineDefinition( self, node: ast.SubroutineDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"def ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_QuantumArgument(self, node: ast.QuantumArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None:"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]")" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ReturnStatement(self, node: ast.ReturnStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"return") if node.expression is not None:" ") self.visit(node.expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_BreakStatement(self, node: ast.BreakStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("break", context) def visit_ContinueStatement(self, node: ast.ContinueStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("continue", context) def visit_EndStatement(self, node: ast.EndStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("end", context) def visit_BranchingStatement(self, node: ast.BranchingStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"if (") self.visit(node.condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.if_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") if node.else_block:" else ") # Special handling to flatten a perfectly nested structure of # if {...} else { if {...} else {...} } # into the simpler # if {...} else if {...} else {...} # but only if we're allowed to by our options. if ( self.chain_else_if and len(node.else_block) == 1 and isinstance(node.else_block[0], ast.BranchingStatement) ): context.skip_next_indent = True self.visit(node.else_block[0], context) # Don't end the line, because the outer-most `if` block will. else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.else_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) else: self._end_line(context) def visit_WhileLoop(self, node: ast.WhileLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"while (") self.visit(node.while_condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ForInLoop(self, node: ast.ForInLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"for ") self.visit(node.loop_variable, context)" in ") if isinstance(node.set_declaration, ast.RangeDefinition):"[") self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)"]") else: self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DelayInstruction(self, node: ast.DelayInstruction, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"delay[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"] ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_Box(self, node: ast.Box, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"box") if node.duration is not None:"[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"]")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DurationOf(self, node: ast.DurationOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"durationof(") if isinstance(, ast.QASMNode): self.visit(, context) else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}")")") def visit_SizeOf(self, node: ast.SizeOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"sizeof(") self.visit(, context) if node.index is not None:", ") self.visit(node.index)")") def visit_AliasStatement(self, node: ast.AliasStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"let ") self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.
, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalAssignment( self, node: ast.ClassicalAssignment, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.lvalue, context)" {} ") self.visit(node.rvalue, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Pragma(self, node: ast.Pragma, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"#pragma {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context)
[ "AccessControl", "AliasStatement", "AngleType", "annotations", "ArrayLiteral", "ArrayReferenceType", "ArrayType", "AssignmentOperator", "BinaryExpression", "BinaryOperator", "BitstringLiteral", "BitType", "BooleanLiteral", "BoolType", "Box", "BranchingStatement", "BreakStatement", "CalibrationDefinition", "CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "Cast", "ClassicalArgument", "ClassicalAssignment", "ClassicalDeclaration", "ClassicalType", "ComplexType", "Concatenation", "ConstantDeclaration", "ContinueStatement", "dataclass", "DelayInstruction", "DiscreteSet", "DurationLiteral", "DurationOf", "DurationType", "EndStatement", "Enum", "Expression", "ExpressionStatement", "ExternArgument", "ExternDeclaration", "field", "FloatLiteral", "FloatType", "ForInLoop", "FunctionCall", "GateModifierName", "Identifier", "Include", "IndexedIdentifier", "IndexElement", "IndexExpression", "IntegerLiteral", "IntType", "IODeclaration", "IOKeyword", "List", "Optional", "Pragma", "Program", "QASMNode", "QuantumArgument", "QuantumBarrier", "QuantumGate", "QuantumGateDefinition", "QuantumGateModifier", "QuantumMeasurement", "QuantumMeasurementStatement", "QuantumPhase", "QuantumReset", "QuantumStatement", "QubitDeclaration", "RangeDefinition", "ReturnStatement", "SizeOf", "Span", "Statement", "StretchType", "SubroutineDefinition", "TimeUnit", "UintType", "UnaryExpression", "UnaryOperator", "Union", "WhileLoop", "__all__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
""" ============================================================== Generating OpenQASM 3 from an AST Node (``openqasm3.printer``) ============================================================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3 It is often useful to go from the :mod:`AST representation <openqasm3.ast>` of an OpenQASM 3 program back to the textual language. The functions and classes described here will do this conversion. Most uses should be covered by using :func:`dump` to write to an open text stream (an open file, for example) or :func:`dumps` to produce a string. Both of these accept :ref:`several keyword arguments <printer-kwargs>` that control the formatting of the output. .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dump .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dumps .. _printer-kwargs: Controlling the formatting ========================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer The :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps` functions both use an internal AST-visitor class to operate on the AST. This class actually defines all the formatting options, and can be used for more low-level operations, such as writing a program piece-by-piece. This may need access to the :ref:`printer state <printer-state>`, documented below. .. autoclass:: Printer :members: :class-doc-from: both For the most complete control, it is possible to subclass this printer and override only the visitor methods that should be modified. .. _printer-state: Reusing the same printer ======================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer If the :class:`Printer` is being reused to write multiple nodes to a single stream, you will also likely need to access its internal state. This can be done by manually creating a :class:`PrinterState` object and passing it in the original call to :meth:`Printer.visit`. The state object is mutated by the visit, and will reflect the output state at the end. .. autoclass:: PrinterState :members: """ import contextlib import dataclasses import io from typing import Sequence, Optional from . import ast, properties from .visitor import QASMVisitor __all__ = ("dump", "dumps", "Printer", "PrinterState") def dump(node: ast.QASMNode, file: io.TextIOBase, **kwargs) -> None: """Write textual OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node`` to the open stream ``file``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ Printer(file, **kwargs).visit(node) def dumps(node: ast.QASMNode, **kwargs) -> str: """Get a string representation of the OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ out = io.StringIO() dump(node, out, **kwargs) return out.getvalue() @dataclasses.dataclass class PrinterState: """State object for the print visitor. This is mutated during the visit.""" current_indent: int = 0 """The current indentation level. This is a non-negative integer; the actual identation string to be used is defined by the :class:`Printer`.""" skip_next_indent: bool = False """This is used to communicate between the different levels of if-else visitors when emitting chained ``else if`` blocks. The chaining occurs with the next ``if`` if this is set to ``True``.""" @contextlib.contextmanager def increase_scope(self): """Use as a context manager to increase the scoping level of this context inside the resource block.""" self.current_indent += 1 try: yield finally: self.current_indent -= 1 class Printer(QASMVisitor[PrinterState]): """Internal AST-visitor for writing AST nodes out to a stream as valid OpenQASM 3. This class can be used directly to write multiple nodes to the same stream, potentially with some manual control fo the state between them. If subclassing, generally only the specialised ``visit_*`` methods need to be overridden. These are derived from the base class, and use the name of the relevant :mod:`AST node <.ast>` verbatim after ``visit_``.""" def __init__( self, stream: io.TextIOBase, *, indent: str = " ", chain_else_if: bool = True, old_measurement: bool = False, ): """ Aside from ``stream``, the arguments here are keyword arguments that are common to this class, :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps`. :param stream: the stream that the output will be written to. :type stream: io.TextIOBase :param indent: the string to use as a single indentation level. :type indent: str, optional (two spaces). :param chain_else_if: If ``True`` (default), then constructs of the form:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else { if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } } will be collapsed into the equivalent but flatter:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } :type chain_else_if: bool, optional (``True``) :param old_measurement: If ``True``, then the OpenQASM 2-style "arrow" measurements will be used instead of the normal assignments. For example, ``old_measurement=False`` (the default) will emit ``a = measure b;`` where ``old_measurement=True`` would emit ``measure b -> a;`` instead. :type old_measurement: bool, optional (``False``). """ = stream self.indent = indent self.chain_else_if = chain_else_if self.old_measurement = old_measurement def visit(self, node: ast.QASMNode, context: Optional[PrinterState] = None) -> None: """Completely visit a node and all subnodes. This is the dispatch entry point; this will automatically result in the correct specialised visitor getting called. :param node: The AST node to visit. Usually this will be an :class:`.ast.Program`. :type node: .ast.QASMNode :param context: The state object to be used during the visit. If not given, a default object will be constructed and used. :type context: PrinterState """ if context is None: context = PrinterState() return super().visit(node, context) def _start_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None: if context.skip_next_indent: context.skip_next_indent = False return * self.indent) def _end_statement(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:";\n") def _end_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:"\n") def _write_statement(self, line: str, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) self._end_statement(context) def _visit_sequence( self, nodes: Sequence[ast.QASMNode], context: PrinterState, *, start: str = "", end: str = "", separator: str, ) -> None: if start: for node in nodes[:-1]: self.visit(node, context) if nodes: self.visit(nodes[-1], context) if end: def visit_Program(self, node: ast.Program, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.version: self._write_statement(f"OPENQASM {node.version}", context) for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) def visit_Include(self, node: ast.Include, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement(f'include "{node.filename}"', context) def visit_ExpressionStatement( self, node: ast.ExpressionStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QubitDeclaration(self, node: ast.QubitDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size)"]")" ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateDefinition( self, node: ast.QuantumGateDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"gate ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ExternDeclaration(self, node: ast.ExternDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"extern ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Identifier(self, node: ast.Identifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_UnaryExpression(self, node: ast.UnaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node) >= properties.precedence(node.expression):"(") self.visit(node.expression, context)")") else: self.visit(node.expression, context) def visit_BinaryExpression(self, node: ast.BinaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) # All AST nodes that are built into BinaryExpression are currently left associative. if properties.precedence(node.lhs) < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" {} ") if properties.precedence(node.rhs) <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_BitstringLiteral(self, node: ast.BitstringLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: value = bin(node.value)[2:] if len(value) < node.width: value = "0" * (node.width - len(value)) + value'"{value}"') def visit_IntegerLiteral(self, node: ast.IntegerLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_FloatLiteral(self, node: ast.FloatLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_BooleanLiteral(self, node: ast.BooleanLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"true" if node.value else "false") def visit_DurationLiteral(self, node: ast.DurationLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"{node.value}{}") def visit_ArrayLiteral(self, node: ast.ArrayLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit( self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") def visit_Cast(self, node: ast.Cast, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(node.type)"(") self.visit(node.argument)")") def visit_DiscreteSet(self, node: ast.DiscreteSet, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_RangeDefinition(self, node: ast.RangeDefinition, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.start is not None: self.visit(node.start, context)":") if node.step is not None: self.visit(node.step, context)":") if node.end is not None: self.visit(node.end, context) def visit_IndexExpression(self, node: ast.IndexExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node.collection) < properties.precedence(node):"(") self.visit(node.collection, context)")") else: self.visit(node.collection, context)"[") if isinstance(node.index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(node.index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_IndexedIdentifier(self, node: ast.IndexedIdentifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(, context) for index in node.indices:"[") if isinstance(index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_Concatenation(self, node: ast.Concatenation, context: PrinterState) -> None: lhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.lhs) our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) rhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.rhs) # Concatenation is fully associative, but this package parses the AST by # arbitrarily making it left-associative (since the design of the AST # forces us to make a choice). We emit brackets to ensure that the # round-trip through our printer and parser do not change the AST. if lhs_precedence < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" ++ ") if rhs_precedence <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_QuantumGate(self, node: ast.QuantumGate, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateModifier( self, node: ast.QuantumGateModifier, context: PrinterState ) -> None: if node.argument is not None:"(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") def visit_QuantumPhase(self, node: ast.QuantumPhase, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ")"gphase(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") if node.qubits: self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, start=" ", separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurement(self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurement, context: PrinterState) -> None:"measure ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) def visit_QuantumReset(self, node: ast.QuantumReset, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"reset ") self.visit(node.qubits, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumBarrier(self, node: ast.QuantumBarrier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"barrier ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement( self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurementStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) if is None: self.visit(node.measure, context) elif self.old_measurement: self.visit(node.measure, context)" -> ") self.visit(, context) else: self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.measure, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalArgument(self, node: ast.ClassicalArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ExternArgument(self, node: ast.ExternArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context) def visit_ClassicalDeclaration( self, node: ast.ClassicalDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) if node.init_expression is not None:" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IODeclaration(self, node: ast.IODeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"{} ") self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ConstantDeclaration( self, node: ast.ConstantDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"const ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context)" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IntType(self, node: ast.IntType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"int") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_UintType(self, node: ast.UintType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"uint") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_FloatType(self, node: ast.FloatType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"float") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_ComplexType(self, node: ast.ComplexType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"complex[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)"]") def visit_AngleType(self, node: ast.AngleType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"angle") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BitType(self, node: ast.BitType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BoolType(self, node: ast.BoolType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bool") def visit_ArrayType(self, node: ast.ArrayType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context) self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, start=", ", end="]", separator=", ") def visit_ArrayReferenceType(self, node: ast.ArrayReferenceType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)", ") if isinstance(node.dimensions, ast.Expression):"#dim=") self.visit(node.dimensions, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_DurationType(self, node: ast.DurationType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"duration") def visit_StretchType(self, node: ast.StretchType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"stretch") def visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration( self, node: ast.CalibrationGrammarDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._write_statement(f'defcalgrammar "{}"', context) def visit_CalibrationDefinition( self, node: ast.CalibrationDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"defcal ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") # At this point we _should_ be deferring to something else to handle formatting the # calibration grammar statements, but we're neither we nor the AST are set up to do that."}") self._end_line(context) def visit_SubroutineDefinition( self, node: ast.SubroutineDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"def ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_QuantumArgument(self, node: ast.QuantumArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None:"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]")" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ReturnStatement(self, node: ast.ReturnStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"return") if node.expression is not None:" ") self.visit(node.expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_BreakStatement(self, node: ast.BreakStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("break", context) def visit_ContinueStatement(self, node: ast.ContinueStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("continue", context) def visit_EndStatement(self, node: ast.EndStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("end", context) def visit_BranchingStatement(self, node: ast.BranchingStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"if (") self.visit(node.condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.if_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") if node.else_block:" else ") # Special handling to flatten a perfectly nested structure of # if {...} else { if {...} else {...} } # into the simpler # if {...} else if {...} else {...} # but only if we're allowed to by our options. if ( self.chain_else_if and len(node.else_block) == 1 and isinstance(node.else_block[0], ast.BranchingStatement) ): context.skip_next_indent = True self.visit(node.else_block[0], context) # Don't end the line, because the outer-most `if` block will. else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.else_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) else: self._end_line(context) def visit_WhileLoop(self, node: ast.WhileLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"while (") self.visit(node.while_condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ForInLoop(self, node: ast.ForInLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"for ") self.visit(node.loop_variable, context)" in ") if isinstance(node.set_declaration, ast.RangeDefinition):"[") self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)"]") else: self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DelayInstruction(self, node: ast.DelayInstruction, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"delay[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"] ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_Box(self, node: ast.Box, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"box") if node.duration is not None:"[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"]")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DurationOf(self, node: ast.DurationOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"durationof(") if isinstance(, ast.QASMNode): self.visit(, context) else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}")")") def visit_SizeOf(self, node: ast.SizeOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"sizeof(") self.visit(, context) if node.index is not None:", ") self.visit(node.index)")") def visit_AliasStatement(self, node: ast.AliasStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"let ") self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.value, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalAssignment( self, node: ast.
, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.lvalue, context)" {} ") self.visit(node.rvalue, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Pragma(self, node: ast.Pragma, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"#pragma {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context)
[ "chain_else_if", "generic_visit", "indent", "old_measurement", "stream", "visit", "visit_AliasStatement", "visit_AngleType", "visit_ArrayLiteral", "visit_ArrayReferenceType", "visit_ArrayType", "visit_BinaryExpression", "visit_BitstringLiteral", "visit_BitType", "visit_BooleanLiteral", "visit_BoolType", "visit_Box", "visit_BranchingStatement", "visit_BreakStatement", "visit_CalibrationDefinition", "visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "visit_Cast", "visit_ClassicalArgument", "visit_ClassicalAssignment", "visit_ClassicalDeclaration", "visit_ComplexType", "visit_Concatenation", "visit_ConstantDeclaration", "visit_ContinueStatement", "visit_DelayInstruction", "visit_DiscreteSet", "visit_DurationLiteral", "visit_DurationOf", "visit_DurationType", "visit_EndStatement", "visit_ExpressionStatement", "visit_ExternArgument", "visit_ExternDeclaration", "visit_FloatLiteral", "visit_FloatType", "visit_ForInLoop", "visit_FunctionCall", "visit_Identifier", "visit_Include", "visit_IndexedIdentifier", "visit_IndexExpression", "visit_IntegerLiteral", "visit_IntType", "visit_IODeclaration", "visit_Pragma", "visit_Program", "visit_QuantumArgument", "visit_QuantumBarrier", "visit_QuantumGate", "visit_QuantumGateDefinition", "visit_QuantumGateModifier", "visit_QuantumMeasurement", "visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement", "visit_QuantumPhase", "visit_QuantumReset", "visit_QubitDeclaration", "visit_RangeDefinition", "visit_ReturnStatement", "visit_SizeOf", "visit_StretchType", "visit_SubroutineDefinition", "visit_UintType", "visit_UnaryExpression", "visit_WhileLoop", "_end_line", "_end_statement", "_start_line", "_visit_sequence", "_write_statement", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
""" ============================================================== Generating OpenQASM 3 from an AST Node (``openqasm3.printer``) ============================================================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3 It is often useful to go from the :mod:`AST representation <openqasm3.ast>` of an OpenQASM 3 program back to the textual language. The functions and classes described here will do this conversion. Most uses should be covered by using :func:`dump` to write to an open text stream (an open file, for example) or :func:`dumps` to produce a string. Both of these accept :ref:`several keyword arguments <printer-kwargs>` that control the formatting of the output. .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dump .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dumps .. _printer-kwargs: Controlling the formatting ========================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer The :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps` functions both use an internal AST-visitor class to operate on the AST. This class actually defines all the formatting options, and can be used for more low-level operations, such as writing a program piece-by-piece. This may need access to the :ref:`printer state <printer-state>`, documented below. .. autoclass:: Printer :members: :class-doc-from: both For the most complete control, it is possible to subclass this printer and override only the visitor methods that should be modified. .. _printer-state: Reusing the same printer ======================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer If the :class:`Printer` is being reused to write multiple nodes to a single stream, you will also likely need to access its internal state. This can be done by manually creating a :class:`PrinterState` object and passing it in the original call to :meth:`Printer.visit`. The state object is mutated by the visit, and will reflect the output state at the end. .. autoclass:: PrinterState :members: """ import contextlib import dataclasses import io from typing import Sequence, Optional from . import ast, properties from .visitor import QASMVisitor __all__ = ("dump", "dumps", "Printer", "PrinterState") def dump(node: ast.QASMNode, file: io.TextIOBase, **kwargs) -> None: """Write textual OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node`` to the open stream ``file``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ Printer(file, **kwargs).visit(node) def dumps(node: ast.QASMNode, **kwargs) -> str: """Get a string representation of the OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ out = io.StringIO() dump(node, out, **kwargs) return out.getvalue() @dataclasses.dataclass class PrinterState: """State object for the print visitor. This is mutated during the visit.""" current_indent: int = 0 """The current indentation level. This is a non-negative integer; the actual identation string to be used is defined by the :class:`Printer`.""" skip_next_indent: bool = False """This is used to communicate between the different levels of if-else visitors when emitting chained ``else if`` blocks. The chaining occurs with the next ``if`` if this is set to ``True``.""" @contextlib.contextmanager def increase_scope(self): """Use as a context manager to increase the scoping level of this context inside the resource block.""" self.current_indent += 1 try: yield finally: self.current_indent -= 1 class Printer(QASMVisitor[PrinterState]): """Internal AST-visitor for writing AST nodes out to a stream as valid OpenQASM 3. This class can be used directly to write multiple nodes to the same stream, potentially with some manual control fo the state between them. If subclassing, generally only the specialised ``visit_*`` methods need to be overridden. These are derived from the base class, and use the name of the relevant :mod:`AST node <.ast>` verbatim after ``visit_``.""" def __init__( self, stream: io.TextIOBase, *, indent: str = " ", chain_else_if: bool = True, old_measurement: bool = False, ): """ Aside from ``stream``, the arguments here are keyword arguments that are common to this class, :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps`. :param stream: the stream that the output will be written to. :type stream: io.TextIOBase :param indent: the string to use as a single indentation level. :type indent: str, optional (two spaces). :param chain_else_if: If ``True`` (default), then constructs of the form:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else { if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } } will be collapsed into the equivalent but flatter:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } :type chain_else_if: bool, optional (``True``) :param old_measurement: If ``True``, then the OpenQASM 2-style "arrow" measurements will be used instead of the normal assignments. For example, ``old_measurement=False`` (the default) will emit ``a = measure b;`` where ``old_measurement=True`` would emit ``measure b -> a;`` instead. :type old_measurement: bool, optional (``False``). """ = stream self.indent = indent self.chain_else_if = chain_else_if self.old_measurement = old_measurement def visit(self, node: ast.QASMNode, context: Optional[PrinterState] = None) -> None: """Completely visit a node and all subnodes. This is the dispatch entry point; this will automatically result in the correct specialised visitor getting called. :param node: The AST node to visit. Usually this will be an :class:`.ast.Program`. :type node: .ast.QASMNode :param context: The state object to be used during the visit. If not given, a default object will be constructed and used. :type context: PrinterState """ if context is None: context = PrinterState() return super().visit(node, context) def _start_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None: if context.skip_next_indent: context.skip_next_indent = False return * self.indent) def _end_statement(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:";\n") def _end_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:"\n") def _write_statement(self, line: str, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) self._end_statement(context) def _visit_sequence( self, nodes: Sequence[ast.QASMNode], context: PrinterState, *, start: str = "", end: str = "", separator: str, ) -> None: if start: for node in nodes[:-1]: self.visit(node, context) if nodes: self.visit(nodes[-1], context) if end: def visit_Program(self, node: ast.Program, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.version: self._write_statement(f"OPENQASM {node.version}", context) for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) def visit_Include(self, node: ast.Include, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement(f'include "{node.filename}"', context) def visit_ExpressionStatement( self, node: ast.ExpressionStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QubitDeclaration(self, node: ast.QubitDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size)"]")" ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateDefinition( self, node: ast.QuantumGateDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"gate ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ExternDeclaration(self, node: ast.ExternDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"extern ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Identifier(self, node: ast.Identifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_UnaryExpression(self, node: ast.UnaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node) >= properties.precedence(node.expression):"(") self.visit(node.expression, context)")") else: self.visit(node.expression, context) def visit_BinaryExpression(self, node: ast.BinaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) # All AST nodes that are built into BinaryExpression are currently left associative. if properties.precedence(node.lhs) < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" {} ") if properties.precedence(node.rhs) <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_BitstringLiteral(self, node: ast.BitstringLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: value = bin(node.value)[2:] if len(value) < node.width: value = "0" * (node.width - len(value)) + value'"{value}"') def visit_IntegerLiteral(self, node: ast.IntegerLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_FloatLiteral(self, node: ast.FloatLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_BooleanLiteral(self, node: ast.BooleanLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"true" if node.value else "false") def visit_DurationLiteral(self, node: ast.DurationLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"{node.value}{}") def visit_ArrayLiteral(self, node: ast.ArrayLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit( self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") def visit_Cast(self, node: ast.Cast, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(node.type)"(") self.visit(node.argument)")") def visit_DiscreteSet(self, node: ast.DiscreteSet, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_RangeDefinition(self, node: ast.RangeDefinition, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.start is not None: self.visit(node.start, context)":") if node.step is not None: self.visit(node.step, context)":") if node.end is not None: self.visit(node.end, context) def visit_IndexExpression(self, node: ast.IndexExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node.collection) < properties.precedence(node):"(") self.visit(node.collection, context)")") else: self.visit(node.collection, context)"[") if isinstance(node.index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(node.index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_IndexedIdentifier(self, node: ast.IndexedIdentifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(, context) for index in node.indices:"[") if isinstance(index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_Concatenation(self, node: ast.Concatenation, context: PrinterState) -> None: lhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.lhs) our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) rhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.rhs) # Concatenation is fully associative, but this package parses the AST by # arbitrarily making it left-associative (since the design of the AST # forces us to make a choice). We emit brackets to ensure that the # round-trip through our printer and parser do not change the AST. if lhs_precedence < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" ++ ") if rhs_precedence <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_QuantumGate(self, node: ast.QuantumGate, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateModifier( self, node: ast.QuantumGateModifier, context: PrinterState ) -> None: if node.argument is not None:"(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") def visit_QuantumPhase(self, node: ast.QuantumPhase, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ")"gphase(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") if node.qubits: self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, start=" ", separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurement(self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurement, context: PrinterState) -> None:"measure ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) def visit_QuantumReset(self, node: ast.QuantumReset, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"reset ") self.visit(node.qubits, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumBarrier(self, node: ast.QuantumBarrier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"barrier ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement( self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurementStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) if is None: self.visit(node.measure, context) elif self.old_measurement: self.visit(node.measure, context)" -> ") self.visit(, context) else: self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.measure, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalArgument(self, node: ast.ClassicalArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ExternArgument(self, node: ast.ExternArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context) def visit_ClassicalDeclaration( self, node: ast.ClassicalDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) if node.init_expression is not None:" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IODeclaration(self, node: ast.IODeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"{} ") self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ConstantDeclaration( self, node: ast.ConstantDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"const ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context)" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IntType(self, node: ast.IntType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"int") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_UintType(self, node: ast.UintType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"uint") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_FloatType(self, node: ast.FloatType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"float") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_ComplexType(self, node: ast.ComplexType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"complex[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)"]") def visit_AngleType(self, node: ast.AngleType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"angle") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BitType(self, node: ast.BitType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BoolType(self, node: ast.BoolType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bool") def visit_ArrayType(self, node: ast.ArrayType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context) self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, start=", ", end="]", separator=", ") def visit_ArrayReferenceType(self, node: ast.ArrayReferenceType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)", ") if isinstance(node.dimensions, ast.Expression):"#dim=") self.visit(node.dimensions, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_DurationType(self, node: ast.DurationType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"duration") def visit_StretchType(self, node: ast.StretchType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"stretch") def visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration( self, node: ast.CalibrationGrammarDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._write_statement(f'defcalgrammar "{}"', context) def visit_CalibrationDefinition( self, node: ast.CalibrationDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"defcal ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") # At this point we _should_ be deferring to something else to handle formatting the # calibration grammar statements, but we're neither we nor the AST are set up to do that."}") self._end_line(context) def visit_SubroutineDefinition( self, node: ast.SubroutineDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"def ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_QuantumArgument(self, node: ast.QuantumArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None:"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]")" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ReturnStatement(self, node: ast.ReturnStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"return") if node.expression is not None:" ") self.visit(node.expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_BreakStatement(self, node: ast.BreakStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("break", context) def visit_ContinueStatement(self, node: ast.ContinueStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("continue", context) def visit_EndStatement(self, node: ast.EndStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("end", context) def visit_BranchingStatement(self, node: ast.BranchingStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"if (") self.visit(node.condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.if_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") if node.else_block:" else ") # Special handling to flatten a perfectly nested structure of # if {...} else { if {...} else {...} } # into the simpler # if {...} else if {...} else {...} # but only if we're allowed to by our options. if ( self.chain_else_if and len(node.else_block) == 1 and isinstance(node.else_block[0], ast.BranchingStatement) ): context.skip_next_indent = True self.visit(node.else_block[0], context) # Don't end the line, because the outer-most `if` block will. else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.else_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) else: self._end_line(context) def visit_WhileLoop(self, node: ast.WhileLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"while (") self.visit(node.while_condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ForInLoop(self, node: ast.ForInLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"for ") self.visit(node.loop_variable, context)" in ") if isinstance(node.set_declaration, ast.RangeDefinition):"[") self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)"]") else: self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DelayInstruction(self, node: ast.DelayInstruction, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"delay[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"] ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_Box(self, node: ast.Box, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"box") if node.duration is not None:"[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"]")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DurationOf(self, node: ast.DurationOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"durationof(") if isinstance(, ast.QASMNode): self.visit(, context) else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}")")") def visit_SizeOf(self, node: ast.SizeOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"sizeof(") self.visit(, context) if node.index is not None:", ") self.visit(node.index)")") def visit_AliasStatement(self, node: ast.AliasStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"let ") self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.value, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalAssignment( self, node: ast.ClassicalAssignment, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.lvalue, context)" {} ") self.
(node.rvalue, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Pragma(self, node: ast.Pragma, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"#pragma {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context)
[ "lvalue", "op", "rvalue", "span", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
""" ============================================================== Generating OpenQASM 3 from an AST Node (``openqasm3.printer``) ============================================================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3 It is often useful to go from the :mod:`AST representation <openqasm3.ast>` of an OpenQASM 3 program back to the textual language. The functions and classes described here will do this conversion. Most uses should be covered by using :func:`dump` to write to an open text stream (an open file, for example) or :func:`dumps` to produce a string. Both of these accept :ref:`several keyword arguments <printer-kwargs>` that control the formatting of the output. .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dump .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dumps .. _printer-kwargs: Controlling the formatting ========================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer The :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps` functions both use an internal AST-visitor class to operate on the AST. This class actually defines all the formatting options, and can be used for more low-level operations, such as writing a program piece-by-piece. This may need access to the :ref:`printer state <printer-state>`, documented below. .. autoclass:: Printer :members: :class-doc-from: both For the most complete control, it is possible to subclass this printer and override only the visitor methods that should be modified. .. _printer-state: Reusing the same printer ======================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer If the :class:`Printer` is being reused to write multiple nodes to a single stream, you will also likely need to access its internal state. This can be done by manually creating a :class:`PrinterState` object and passing it in the original call to :meth:`Printer.visit`. The state object is mutated by the visit, and will reflect the output state at the end. .. autoclass:: PrinterState :members: """ import contextlib import dataclasses import io from typing import Sequence, Optional from . import ast, properties from .visitor import QASMVisitor __all__ = ("dump", "dumps", "Printer", "PrinterState") def dump(node: ast.QASMNode, file: io.TextIOBase, **kwargs) -> None: """Write textual OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node`` to the open stream ``file``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ Printer(file, **kwargs).visit(node) def dumps(node: ast.QASMNode, **kwargs) -> str: """Get a string representation of the OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ out = io.StringIO() dump(node, out, **kwargs) return out.getvalue() @dataclasses.dataclass class PrinterState: """State object for the print visitor. This is mutated during the visit.""" current_indent: int = 0 """The current indentation level. This is a non-negative integer; the actual identation string to be used is defined by the :class:`Printer`.""" skip_next_indent: bool = False """This is used to communicate between the different levels of if-else visitors when emitting chained ``else if`` blocks. The chaining occurs with the next ``if`` if this is set to ``True``.""" @contextlib.contextmanager def increase_scope(self): """Use as a context manager to increase the scoping level of this context inside the resource block.""" self.current_indent += 1 try: yield finally: self.current_indent -= 1 class Printer(QASMVisitor[PrinterState]): """Internal AST-visitor for writing AST nodes out to a stream as valid OpenQASM 3. This class can be used directly to write multiple nodes to the same stream, potentially with some manual control fo the state between them. If subclassing, generally only the specialised ``visit_*`` methods need to be overridden. These are derived from the base class, and use the name of the relevant :mod:`AST node <.ast>` verbatim after ``visit_``.""" def __init__( self, stream: io.TextIOBase, *, indent: str = " ", chain_else_if: bool = True, old_measurement: bool = False, ): """ Aside from ``stream``, the arguments here are keyword arguments that are common to this class, :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps`. :param stream: the stream that the output will be written to. :type stream: io.TextIOBase :param indent: the string to use as a single indentation level. :type indent: str, optional (two spaces). :param chain_else_if: If ``True`` (default), then constructs of the form:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else { if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } } will be collapsed into the equivalent but flatter:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } :type chain_else_if: bool, optional (``True``) :param old_measurement: If ``True``, then the OpenQASM 2-style "arrow" measurements will be used instead of the normal assignments. For example, ``old_measurement=False`` (the default) will emit ``a = measure b;`` where ``old_measurement=True`` would emit ``measure b -> a;`` instead. :type old_measurement: bool, optional (``False``). """ = stream self.indent = indent self.chain_else_if = chain_else_if self.old_measurement = old_measurement def visit(self, node: ast.QASMNode, context: Optional[PrinterState] = None) -> None: """Completely visit a node and all subnodes. This is the dispatch entry point; this will automatically result in the correct specialised visitor getting called. :param node: The AST node to visit. Usually this will be an :class:`.ast.Program`. :type node: .ast.QASMNode :param context: The state object to be used during the visit. If not given, a default object will be constructed and used. :type context: PrinterState """ if context is None: context = PrinterState() return super().visit(node, context) def _start_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None: if context.skip_next_indent: context.skip_next_indent = False return * self.indent) def _end_statement(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:";\n") def _end_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:"\n") def _write_statement(self, line: str, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) self._end_statement(context) def _visit_sequence( self, nodes: Sequence[ast.QASMNode], context: PrinterState, *, start: str = "", end: str = "", separator: str, ) -> None: if start: for node in nodes[:-1]: self.visit(node, context) if nodes: self.visit(nodes[-1], context) if end: def visit_Program(self, node: ast.Program, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.version: self._write_statement(f"OPENQASM {node.version}", context) for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) def visit_Include(self, node: ast.Include, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement(f'include "{node.filename}"', context) def visit_ExpressionStatement( self, node: ast.ExpressionStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QubitDeclaration(self, node: ast.QubitDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size)"]")" ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateDefinition( self, node: ast.QuantumGateDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"gate ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ExternDeclaration(self, node: ast.ExternDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"extern ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Identifier(self, node: ast.Identifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_UnaryExpression(self, node: ast.UnaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node) >= properties.precedence(node.expression):"(") self.visit(node.expression, context)")") else: self.visit(node.expression, context) def visit_BinaryExpression(self, node: ast.BinaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) # All AST nodes that are built into BinaryExpression are currently left associative. if properties.precedence(node.lhs) < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" {} ") if properties.precedence(node.rhs) <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_BitstringLiteral(self, node: ast.BitstringLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: value = bin(node.value)[2:] if len(value) < node.width: value = "0" * (node.width - len(value)) + value'"{value}"') def visit_IntegerLiteral(self, node: ast.IntegerLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_FloatLiteral(self, node: ast.FloatLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_BooleanLiteral(self, node: ast.BooleanLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"true" if node.value else "false") def visit_DurationLiteral(self, node: ast.DurationLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"{node.value}{}") def visit_ArrayLiteral(self, node: ast.ArrayLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit( self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") def visit_Cast(self, node: ast.Cast, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(node.type)"(") self.visit(node.argument)")") def visit_DiscreteSet(self, node: ast.DiscreteSet, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_RangeDefinition(self, node: ast.RangeDefinition, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.start is not None: self.visit(node.start, context)":") if node.step is not None: self.visit(node.step, context)":") if node.end is not None: self.visit(node.end, context) def visit_IndexExpression(self, node: ast.IndexExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node.collection) < properties.precedence(node):"(") self.visit(node.collection, context)")") else: self.visit(node.collection, context)"[") if isinstance(node.index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(node.index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_IndexedIdentifier(self, node: ast.IndexedIdentifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(, context) for index in node.indices:"[") if isinstance(index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_Concatenation(self, node: ast.Concatenation, context: PrinterState) -> None: lhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.lhs) our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) rhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.rhs) # Concatenation is fully associative, but this package parses the AST by # arbitrarily making it left-associative (since the design of the AST # forces us to make a choice). We emit brackets to ensure that the # round-trip through our printer and parser do not change the AST. if lhs_precedence < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" ++ ") if rhs_precedence <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_QuantumGate(self, node: ast.QuantumGate, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateModifier( self, node: ast.QuantumGateModifier, context: PrinterState ) -> None: if node.argument is not None:"(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") def visit_QuantumPhase(self, node: ast.QuantumPhase, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ")"gphase(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") if node.qubits: self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, start=" ", separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurement(self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurement, context: PrinterState) -> None:"measure ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) def visit_QuantumReset(self, node: ast.QuantumReset, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"reset ") self.visit(node.qubits, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumBarrier(self, node: ast.QuantumBarrier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"barrier ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement( self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurementStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) if is None: self.visit(node.measure, context) elif self.old_measurement: self.visit(node.measure, context)" -> ") self.visit(, context) else: self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.measure, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalArgument(self, node: ast.ClassicalArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ExternArgument(self, node: ast.ExternArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context) def visit_ClassicalDeclaration( self, node: ast.ClassicalDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) if node.init_expression is not None:" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IODeclaration(self, node: ast.IODeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"{} ") self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ConstantDeclaration( self, node: ast.ConstantDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"const ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context)" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IntType(self, node: ast.IntType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"int") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_UintType(self, node: ast.UintType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"uint") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_FloatType(self, node: ast.FloatType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"float") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_ComplexType(self, node: ast.ComplexType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"complex[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)"]") def visit_AngleType(self, node: ast.AngleType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"angle") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BitType(self, node: ast.BitType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BoolType(self, node: ast.BoolType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bool") def visit_ArrayType(self, node: ast.ArrayType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context) self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, start=", ", end="]", separator=", ") def visit_ArrayReferenceType(self, node: ast.ArrayReferenceType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)", ") if isinstance(node.dimensions, ast.Expression):"#dim=") self.visit(node.dimensions, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_DurationType(self, node: ast.DurationType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"duration") def visit_StretchType(self, node: ast.StretchType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"stretch") def visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration( self, node: ast.CalibrationGrammarDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._write_statement(f'defcalgrammar "{}"', context) def visit_CalibrationDefinition( self, node: ast.CalibrationDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"defcal ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") # At this point we _should_ be deferring to something else to handle formatting the # calibration grammar statements, but we're neither we nor the AST are set up to do that."}") self._end_line(context) def visit_SubroutineDefinition( self, node: ast.SubroutineDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"def ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_QuantumArgument(self, node: ast.QuantumArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None:"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]")" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ReturnStatement(self, node: ast.ReturnStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"return") if node.expression is not None:" ") self.visit(node.expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_BreakStatement(self, node: ast.BreakStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("break", context) def visit_ContinueStatement(self, node: ast.ContinueStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("continue", context) def visit_EndStatement(self, node: ast.EndStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("end", context) def visit_BranchingStatement(self, node: ast.BranchingStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"if (") self.visit(node.condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.if_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") if node.else_block:" else ") # Special handling to flatten a perfectly nested structure of # if {...} else { if {...} else {...} } # into the simpler # if {...} else if {...} else {...} # but only if we're allowed to by our options. if ( self.chain_else_if and len(node.else_block) == 1 and isinstance(node.else_block[0], ast.BranchingStatement) ): context.skip_next_indent = True self.visit(node.else_block[0], context) # Don't end the line, because the outer-most `if` block will. else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.else_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) else: self._end_line(context) def visit_WhileLoop(self, node: ast.WhileLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"while (") self.visit(node.while_condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ForInLoop(self, node: ast.ForInLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"for ") self.visit(node.loop_variable, context)" in ") if isinstance(node.set_declaration, ast.RangeDefinition):"[") self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)"]") else: self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DelayInstruction(self, node: ast.DelayInstruction, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"delay[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"] ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_Box(self, node: ast.Box, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"box") if node.duration is not None:"[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"]")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DurationOf(self, node: ast.DurationOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"durationof(") if isinstance(, ast.QASMNode): self.visit(, context) else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}")")") def visit_SizeOf(self, node: ast.SizeOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"sizeof(") self.visit(, context) if node.index is not None:", ") self.visit(node.index)")") def visit_AliasStatement(self, node: ast.AliasStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"let ") self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.value, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalAssignment( self, node: ast.ClassicalAssignment, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.lvalue, context)" {} ") self.visit(node.
, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Pragma(self, node: ast.Pragma, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"#pragma {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context)
[ "current_indent", "increase_scope", "skip_next_indent", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
""" ============================================================== Generating OpenQASM 3 from an AST Node (``openqasm3.printer``) ============================================================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3 It is often useful to go from the :mod:`AST representation <openqasm3.ast>` of an OpenQASM 3 program back to the textual language. The functions and classes described here will do this conversion. Most uses should be covered by using :func:`dump` to write to an open text stream (an open file, for example) or :func:`dumps` to produce a string. Both of these accept :ref:`several keyword arguments <printer-kwargs>` that control the formatting of the output. .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dump .. autofunction:: openqasm3.dumps .. _printer-kwargs: Controlling the formatting ========================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer The :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps` functions both use an internal AST-visitor class to operate on the AST. This class actually defines all the formatting options, and can be used for more low-level operations, such as writing a program piece-by-piece. This may need access to the :ref:`printer state <printer-state>`, documented below. .. autoclass:: Printer :members: :class-doc-from: both For the most complete control, it is possible to subclass this printer and override only the visitor methods that should be modified. .. _printer-state: Reusing the same printer ======================== .. currentmodule:: openqasm3.printer If the :class:`Printer` is being reused to write multiple nodes to a single stream, you will also likely need to access its internal state. This can be done by manually creating a :class:`PrinterState` object and passing it in the original call to :meth:`Printer.visit`. The state object is mutated by the visit, and will reflect the output state at the end. .. autoclass:: PrinterState :members: """ import contextlib import dataclasses import io from typing import Sequence, Optional from . import ast, properties from .visitor import QASMVisitor __all__ = ("dump", "dumps", "Printer", "PrinterState") def dump(node: ast.QASMNode, file: io.TextIOBase, **kwargs) -> None: """Write textual OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node`` to the open stream ``file``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ Printer(file, **kwargs).visit(node) def dumps(node: ast.QASMNode, **kwargs) -> str: """Get a string representation of the OpenQASM 3 code representing ``node``. It is generally expected that ``node`` will be an instance of :class:`.ast.Program`, but this does not need to be the case. For more details on the available keyword arguments, see :ref:`printer-kwargs`. """ out = io.StringIO() dump(node, out, **kwargs) return out.getvalue() @dataclasses.dataclass class PrinterState: """State object for the print visitor. This is mutated during the visit.""" current_indent: int = 0 """The current indentation level. This is a non-negative integer; the actual identation string to be used is defined by the :class:`Printer`.""" skip_next_indent: bool = False """This is used to communicate between the different levels of if-else visitors when emitting chained ``else if`` blocks. The chaining occurs with the next ``if`` if this is set to ``True``.""" @contextlib.contextmanager def increase_scope(self): """Use as a context manager to increase the scoping level of this context inside the resource block.""" self.current_indent += 1 try: yield finally: self.current_indent -= 1 class Printer(QASMVisitor[PrinterState]): """Internal AST-visitor for writing AST nodes out to a stream as valid OpenQASM 3. This class can be used directly to write multiple nodes to the same stream, potentially with some manual control fo the state between them. If subclassing, generally only the specialised ``visit_*`` methods need to be overridden. These are derived from the base class, and use the name of the relevant :mod:`AST node <.ast>` verbatim after ``visit_``.""" def __init__( self, stream: io.TextIOBase, *, indent: str = " ", chain_else_if: bool = True, old_measurement: bool = False, ): """ Aside from ``stream``, the arguments here are keyword arguments that are common to this class, :func:`~openqasm3.dump` and :func:`~openqasm3.dumps`. :param stream: the stream that the output will be written to. :type stream: io.TextIOBase :param indent: the string to use as a single indentation level. :type indent: str, optional (two spaces). :param chain_else_if: If ``True`` (default), then constructs of the form:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else { if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } } will be collapsed into the equivalent but flatter:: if (x == 0) { // ... } else if (x == 1) { // ... } else { // ... } :type chain_else_if: bool, optional (``True``) :param old_measurement: If ``True``, then the OpenQASM 2-style "arrow" measurements will be used instead of the normal assignments. For example, ``old_measurement=False`` (the default) will emit ``a = measure b;`` where ``old_measurement=True`` would emit ``measure b -> a;`` instead. :type old_measurement: bool, optional (``False``). """ = stream self.indent = indent self.chain_else_if = chain_else_if self.old_measurement = old_measurement def visit(self, node: ast.QASMNode, context: Optional[PrinterState] = None) -> None: """Completely visit a node and all subnodes. This is the dispatch entry point; this will automatically result in the correct specialised visitor getting called. :param node: The AST node to visit. Usually this will be an :class:`.ast.Program`. :type node: .ast.QASMNode :param context: The state object to be used during the visit. If not given, a default object will be constructed and used. :type context: PrinterState """ if context is None: context = PrinterState() return super().visit(node, context) def _start_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None: if context.skip_next_indent: context.skip_next_indent = False return * self.indent) def _end_statement(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:";\n") def _end_line(self, context: PrinterState) -> None:"\n") def _write_statement(self, line: str, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) self._end_statement(context) def _visit_sequence( self, nodes: Sequence[ast.QASMNode], context: PrinterState, *, start: str = "", end: str = "", separator: str, ) -> None: if start: for node in nodes[:-1]: self.visit(node, context) if nodes: self.visit(nodes[-1], context) if end: def visit_Program(self, node: ast.Program, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.version: self._write_statement(f"OPENQASM {node.version}", context) for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) def visit_Include(self, node: ast.Include, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement(f'include "{node.filename}"', context) def visit_ExpressionStatement( self, node: ast.ExpressionStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QubitDeclaration(self, node: ast.QubitDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size)"]")" ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateDefinition( self, node: ast.QuantumGateDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"gate ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ExternDeclaration(self, node: ast.ExternDeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"extern ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Identifier(self, node: ast.Identifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_UnaryExpression(self, node: ast.UnaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node) >= properties.precedence(node.expression):"(") self.visit(node.expression, context)")") else: self.visit(node.expression, context) def visit_BinaryExpression(self, node: ast.BinaryExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) # All AST nodes that are built into BinaryExpression are currently left associative. if properties.precedence(node.lhs) < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" {} ") if properties.precedence(node.rhs) <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_BitstringLiteral(self, node: ast.BitstringLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: value = bin(node.value)[2:] if len(value) < node.width: value = "0" * (node.width - len(value)) + value'"{value}"') def visit_IntegerLiteral(self, node: ast.IntegerLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_FloatLiteral(self, node: ast.FloatLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: def visit_BooleanLiteral(self, node: ast.BooleanLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"true" if node.value else "false") def visit_DurationLiteral(self, node: ast.DurationLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None:"{node.value}{}") def visit_ArrayLiteral(self, node: ast.ArrayLiteral, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_FunctionCall(self, node: ast.FunctionCall, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit( self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") def visit_Cast(self, node: ast.Cast, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(node.type)"(") self.visit(node.argument)")") def visit_DiscreteSet(self, node: ast.DiscreteSet, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._visit_sequence(node.values, context, start="{", end="}", separator=", ") def visit_RangeDefinition(self, node: ast.RangeDefinition, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.start is not None: self.visit(node.start, context)":") if node.step is not None: self.visit(node.step, context)":") if node.end is not None: self.visit(node.end, context) def visit_IndexExpression(self, node: ast.IndexExpression, context: PrinterState) -> None: if properties.precedence(node.collection) < properties.precedence(node):"(") self.visit(node.collection, context)")") else: self.visit(node.collection, context)"[") if isinstance(node.index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(node.index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_IndexedIdentifier(self, node: ast.IndexedIdentifier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self.visit(, context) for index in node.indices:"[") if isinstance(index, ast.DiscreteSet): self.visit(index, context) else: self._visit_sequence(index, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_Concatenation(self, node: ast.Concatenation, context: PrinterState) -> None: lhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.lhs) our_precedence = properties.precedence(node) rhs_precedence = properties.precedence(node.rhs) # Concatenation is fully associative, but this package parses the AST by # arbitrarily making it left-associative (since the design of the AST # forces us to make a choice). We emit brackets to ensure that the # round-trip through our printer and parser do not change the AST. if lhs_precedence < our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.lhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.lhs, context)" ++ ") if rhs_precedence <= our_precedence:"(") self.visit(node.rhs, context)")") else: self.visit(node.rhs, context) def visit_QuantumGate(self, node: ast.QuantumGate, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ") self.visit(, context) if node.arguments: self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumGateModifier( self, node: ast.QuantumGateModifier, context: PrinterState ) -> None: if node.argument is not None:"(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") def visit_QuantumPhase(self, node: ast.QuantumPhase, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context) if node.modifiers: self._visit_sequence(node.modifiers, context, end=" @ ", separator=" @ ")"gphase(") self.visit(node.argument, context)")") if node.qubits: self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, start=" ", separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurement(self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurement, context: PrinterState) -> None:"measure ") self.visit(node.qubit, context) def visit_QuantumReset(self, node: ast.QuantumReset, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"reset ") self.visit(node.qubits, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumBarrier(self, node: ast.QuantumBarrier, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"barrier ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_QuantumMeasurementStatement( self, node: ast.QuantumMeasurementStatement, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) if is None: self.visit(node.measure, context) elif self.old_measurement: self.visit(node.measure, context)" -> ") self.visit(, context) else: self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.measure, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalArgument(self, node: ast.ClassicalArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ExternArgument(self, node: ast.ExternArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None: if node.access is not None:"const " if node.access == ast.AccessControl.const else "mutable ") self.visit(node.type, context) def visit_ClassicalDeclaration( self, node: ast.ClassicalDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) if node.init_expression is not None:" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IODeclaration(self, node: ast.IODeclaration, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"{} ") self.visit(node.type)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ConstantDeclaration( self, node: ast.ConstantDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"const ") self.visit(node.type, context)" ") self.visit(node.identifier, context)" = ") self.visit(node.init_expression, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_IntType(self, node: ast.IntType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"int") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_UintType(self, node: ast.UintType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"uint") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_FloatType(self, node: ast.FloatType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"float") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_ComplexType(self, node: ast.ComplexType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"complex[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)"]") def visit_AngleType(self, node: ast.AngleType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"angle") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BitType(self, node: ast.BitType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]") def visit_BoolType(self, node: ast.BoolType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"bool") def visit_ArrayType(self, node: ast.ArrayType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context) self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, start=", ", end="]", separator=", ") def visit_ArrayReferenceType(self, node: ast.ArrayReferenceType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"array[") self.visit(node.base_type, context)", ") if isinstance(node.dimensions, ast.Expression):"#dim=") self.visit(node.dimensions, context) else: self._visit_sequence(node.dimensions, context, separator=", ")"]") def visit_DurationType(self, node: ast.DurationType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"duration") def visit_StretchType(self, node: ast.StretchType, context: PrinterState) -> None:"stretch") def visit_CalibrationGrammarDeclaration( self, node: ast.CalibrationGrammarDeclaration, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._write_statement(f'defcalgrammar "{}"', context) def visit_CalibrationDefinition( self, node: ast.CalibrationDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"defcal ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ")" ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") # At this point we _should_ be deferring to something else to handle formatting the # calibration grammar statements, but we're neither we nor the AST are set up to do that."}") self._end_line(context) def visit_SubroutineDefinition( self, node: ast.SubroutineDefinition, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context)"def ") self.visit(, context) self._visit_sequence(node.arguments, context, start="(", end=")", separator=", ") if node.return_type is not None:" -> ") self.visit(node.return_type, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_QuantumArgument(self, node: ast.QuantumArgument, context: PrinterState) -> None:"qubit") if node.size is not None:"[") self.visit(node.size, context)"]")" ") self.visit(, context) def visit_ReturnStatement(self, node: ast.ReturnStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"return") if node.expression is not None:" ") self.visit(node.expression) self._end_statement(context) def visit_BreakStatement(self, node: ast.BreakStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("break", context) def visit_ContinueStatement(self, node: ast.ContinueStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("continue", context) def visit_EndStatement(self, node: ast.EndStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._write_statement("end", context) def visit_BranchingStatement(self, node: ast.BranchingStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"if (") self.visit(node.condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.if_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") if node.else_block:" else ") # Special handling to flatten a perfectly nested structure of # if {...} else { if {...} else {...} } # into the simpler # if {...} else if {...} else {...} # but only if we're allowed to by our options. if ( self.chain_else_if and len(node.else_block) == 1 and isinstance(node.else_block[0], ast.BranchingStatement) ): context.skip_next_indent = True self.visit(node.else_block[0], context) # Don't end the line, because the outer-most `if` block will. else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.else_block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) else: self._end_line(context) def visit_WhileLoop(self, node: ast.WhileLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"while (") self.visit(node.while_condition, context)") {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_ForInLoop(self, node: ast.ForInLoop, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"for ") self.visit(node.loop_variable, context)" in ") if isinstance(node.set_declaration, ast.RangeDefinition):"[") self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)"]") else: self.visit(node.set_declaration, context)" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.block: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DelayInstruction(self, node: ast.DelayInstruction, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"delay[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"] ") self._visit_sequence(node.qubits, context, separator=", ") self._end_statement(context) def visit_Box(self, node: ast.Box, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"box") if node.duration is not None:"[") self.visit(node.duration, context)"]")" {") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context) def visit_DurationOf(self, node: ast.DurationOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"durationof(") if isinstance(, ast.QASMNode): self.visit(, context) else:"{") self._end_line(context) with context.increase_scope(): for statement in self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}")")") def visit_SizeOf(self, node: ast.SizeOf, context: PrinterState) -> None:"sizeof(") self.visit(, context) if node.index is not None:", ") self.visit(node.index)")") def visit_AliasStatement(self, node: ast.AliasStatement, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"let ") self.visit(, context)" = ") self.visit(node.value, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_ClassicalAssignment( self, node: ast.ClassicalAssignment, context: PrinterState ) -> None: self._start_line(context) self.visit(node.lvalue, context)" {} ") self.visit(node.rvalue, context) self._end_statement(context) def visit_Pragma(self, node: ast.Pragma, context: PrinterState) -> None: self._start_line(context)"#pragma {") self._end_line(context) with context.
(): for statement in node.statements: self.visit(statement, context) self._start_line(context)"}") self._end_line(context)
[ "AccessControl", "AliasStatement", "AngleType", "annotations", "ArrayLiteral", "ArrayReferenceType", "ArrayType", "AssignmentOperator", "BinaryExpression", "BinaryOperator", "BitstringLiteral", "BitType", "BooleanLiteral", "BoolType", "Box", "BranchingStatement", "BreakStatement", "CalibrationDefinition", "CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "Cast", "ClassicalArgument", "ClassicalAssignment", "ClassicalDeclaration", "ClassicalType", "ComplexType", "Concatenation", "ConstantDeclaration", "ContinueStatement", "dataclass", "DelayInstruction", "DiscreteSet", "DurationLiteral", "DurationOf", "DurationType", "EndStatement", "Enum", "Expression", "ExpressionStatement", "ExternArgument", "ExternDeclaration", "field", "FloatLiteral", "FloatType", "ForInLoop", "FunctionCall", "GateModifierName", "Identifier", "Include", "IndexedIdentifier", "IndexElement", "IndexExpression", "IntegerLiteral", "IntType", "IODeclaration", "IOKeyword", "List", "Optional", "Pragma", "Program", "QASMNode", "QuantumArgument", "QuantumBarrier", "QuantumGate", "QuantumGateDefinition", "QuantumGateModifier", "QuantumMeasurement", "QuantumMeasurementStatement", "QuantumPhase", "QuantumReset", "QuantumStatement", "QubitDeclaration", "RangeDefinition", "ReturnStatement", "SizeOf", "Span", "Statement", "StretchType", "SubroutineDefinition", "TimeUnit", "UintType", "UnaryExpression", "UnaryOperator", "Union", "WhileLoop", "__all__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.
): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "compare", "default", "default_factory", "hash", "init", "kw_only", "metadata", "name", "repr", "type", "_field_type", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__class_getitem__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__set_name__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[field.
] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "compare", "default", "default_factory", "hash", "init", "kw_only", "metadata", "name", "repr", "type", "_field_type", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__class_getitem__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__set_name__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, field.
)) out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "antlr", "ast", "dump", "dumps", "parse", "parser", "printer", "properties", "visitor", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__version__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.
( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "antlr", "ast", "dump", "dumps", "parse", "parser", "printer", "properties", "visitor", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__version__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.
( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "ast", "count", "filename", "index", "_asdict", "_fields", "_make", "_replace", "__add__", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__class_getitem__", "__contains__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__ge__", "__getattribute__", "__getitem__", "__getnewargs__", "__gt__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__iter__", "__le__", "__len__", "__lt__", "__module__", "__mul__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__reversed__", "__rmul__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.
) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "antlr", "ast", "dump", "dumps", "parse", "parser", "printer", "properties", "visitor", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__version__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.
(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "antlr", "ast", "dump", "dumps", "parse", "parser", "printer", "properties", "visitor", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__version__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.
(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "capitalize", "casefold", "center", "count", "encode", "endswith", "expandtabs", "find", "format", "format_map", "index", "isalnum", "isalpha", "isascii", "isdecimal", "isdigit", "isidentifier", "islower", "isnumeric", "isprintable", "isspace", "istitle", "isupper", "join", "ljust", "lower", "lstrip", "maketrans", "partition", "removeprefix", "removesuffix", "replace", "rfind", "rindex", "rjust", "rpartition", "rsplit", "rstrip", "split", "splitlines", "startswith", "strip", "swapcase", "title", "translate", "upper", "zfill", "__add__", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__contains__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__ge__", "__getattribute__", "__getitem__", "__getnewargs__", "__gt__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__iter__", "__le__", "__len__", "__lt__", "__mod__", "__module__", "__mul__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__reversed__", "__rmul__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).
() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "antlr", "ast", "dump", "dumps", "parse", "parser", "printer", "properties", "visitor", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__version__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.
(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "antlr", "ast", "dump", "dumps", "parse", "parser", "printer", "properties", "visitor", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__version__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.
(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "capitalize", "casefold", "center", "count", "encode", "endswith", "expandtabs", "find", "format", "format_map", "index", "isalnum", "isalpha", "isascii", "isdecimal", "isdigit", "isidentifier", "islower", "isnumeric", "isprintable", "isspace", "istitle", "isupper", "join", "ljust", "lower", "lstrip", "maketrans", "partition", "removeprefix", "removesuffix", "replace", "rfind", "rindex", "rjust", "rpartition", "rsplit", "rstrip", "split", "splitlines", "startswith", "strip", "swapcase", "title", "translate", "upper", "zfill", "__add__", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__contains__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__ge__", "__getattribute__", "__getitem__", "__getnewargs__", "__gt__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__iter__", "__le__", "__len__", "__lt__", "__mod__", "__module__", "__mul__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__reversed__", "__rmul__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).
() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "capitalize", "casefold", "center", "count", "encode", "endswith", "expandtabs", "find", "format", "format_map", "index", "isalnum", "isalpha", "isascii", "isdecimal", "isdigit", "isidentifier", "islower", "isnumeric", "isprintable", "isspace", "istitle", "isupper", "join", "ljust", "lower", "lstrip", "maketrans", "partition", "removeprefix", "removesuffix", "replace", "rfind", "rindex", "rjust", "rpartition", "rsplit", "rstrip", "split", "splitlines", "startswith", "strip", "swapcase", "title", "translate", "upper", "zfill", "__add__", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__contains__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__ge__", "__getattribute__", "__getitem__", "__getnewargs__", "__gt__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__iter__", "__le__", "__len__", "__lt__", "__mod__", "__module__", "__mul__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__reversed__", "__rmul__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.
() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "antlr", "ast", "dump", "dumps", "parse", "parser", "printer", "properties", "visitor", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__version__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.
(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "antlr", "ast", "dump", "dumps", "parse", "parser", "printer", "properties", "visitor", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__version__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.
(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "capitalize", "casefold", "center", "count", "encode", "endswith", "expandtabs", "find", "format", "format_map", "index", "isalnum", "isalpha", "isascii", "isdecimal", "isdigit", "isidentifier", "islower", "isnumeric", "isprintable", "isspace", "istitle", "isupper", "join", "ljust", "lower", "lstrip", "maketrans", "partition", "removeprefix", "removesuffix", "replace", "rfind", "rindex", "rjust", "rpartition", "rsplit", "rstrip", "split", "splitlines", "startswith", "strip", "swapcase", "title", "translate", "upper", "zfill", "__add__", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__contains__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__ge__", "__getattribute__", "__getitem__", "__getnewargs__", "__gt__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__iter__", "__le__", "__len__", "__lt__", "__mod__", "__module__", "__mul__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__reversed__", "__rmul__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).
() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "antlr", "ast", "dump", "dumps", "parse", "parser", "printer", "properties", "visitor", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__version__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.
(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "antlr", "ast", "dump", "dumps", "parse", "parser", "printer", "properties", "visitor", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__version__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.
(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "capitalize", "casefold", "center", "count", "encode", "endswith", "expandtabs", "find", "format", "format_map", "index", "isalnum", "isalpha", "isascii", "isdecimal", "isdigit", "isidentifier", "islower", "isnumeric", "isprintable", "isspace", "istitle", "isupper", "join", "ljust", "lower", "lstrip", "maketrans", "partition", "removeprefix", "removesuffix", "replace", "rfind", "rindex", "rjust", "rpartition", "rsplit", "rstrip", "split", "splitlines", "startswith", "strip", "swapcase", "title", "translate", "upper", "zfill", "__add__", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__contains__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__ge__", "__getattribute__", "__getitem__", "__getnewargs__", "__gt__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__iter__", "__le__", "__len__", "__lt__", "__mod__", "__module__", "__mul__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__reversed__", "__rmul__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").
() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "antlr", "ast", "dump", "dumps", "parse", "parser", "printer", "properties", "visitor", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__version__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.
( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "antlr", "ast", "dump", "dumps", "parse", "parser", "printer", "properties", "visitor", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__version__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.
(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "AccessControl", "AliasStatement", "AngleType", "annotations", "ArrayLiteral", "ArrayReferenceType", "ArrayType", "AssignmentOperator", "BinaryExpression", "BinaryOperator", "BitstringLiteral", "BitType", "BooleanLiteral", "BoolType", "Box", "BranchingStatement", "BreakStatement", "CalibrationDefinition", "CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "Cast", "ClassicalArgument", "ClassicalAssignment", "ClassicalDeclaration", "ClassicalType", "ComplexType", "Concatenation", "ConstantDeclaration", "ContinueStatement", "dataclass", "DelayInstruction", "DiscreteSet", "DurationLiteral", "DurationOf", "DurationType", "EndStatement", "Enum", "Expression", "ExpressionStatement", "ExternArgument", "ExternDeclaration", "field", "FloatLiteral", "FloatType", "ForInLoop", "FunctionCall", "GateModifierName", "Identifier", "Include", "IndexedIdentifier", "IndexElement", "IndexExpression", "IntegerLiteral", "IntType", "IODeclaration", "IOKeyword", "List", "Optional", "Pragma", "Program", "QASMNode", "QuantumArgument", "QuantumBarrier", "QuantumGate", "QuantumGateDefinition", "QuantumGateModifier", "QuantumMeasurement", "QuantumMeasurementStatement", "QuantumPhase", "QuantumReset", "QuantumStatement", "QubitDeclaration", "RangeDefinition", "ReturnStatement", "SizeOf", "Span", "Statement", "StretchType", "SubroutineDefinition", "TimeUnit", "UintType", "UnaryExpression", "UnaryOperator", "Union", "WhileLoop", "__all__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.
( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "AccessControl", "AliasStatement", "AngleType", "annotations", "ArrayLiteral", "ArrayReferenceType", "ArrayType", "AssignmentOperator", "BinaryExpression", "BinaryOperator", "BitstringLiteral", "BitType", "BooleanLiteral", "BoolType", "Box", "BranchingStatement", "BreakStatement", "CalibrationDefinition", "CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "Cast", "ClassicalArgument", "ClassicalAssignment", "ClassicalDeclaration", "ClassicalType", "ComplexType", "Concatenation", "ConstantDeclaration", "ContinueStatement", "dataclass", "DelayInstruction", "DiscreteSet", "DurationLiteral", "DurationOf", "DurationType", "EndStatement", "Enum", "Expression", "ExpressionStatement", "ExternArgument", "ExternDeclaration", "field", "FloatLiteral", "FloatType", "ForInLoop", "FunctionCall", "GateModifierName", "Identifier", "Include", "IndexedIdentifier", "IndexElement", "IndexExpression", "IntegerLiteral", "IntType", "IODeclaration", "IOKeyword", "List", "Optional", "Pragma", "Program", "QASMNode", "QuantumArgument", "QuantumBarrier", "QuantumGate", "QuantumGateDefinition", "QuantumGateModifier", "QuantumMeasurement", "QuantumMeasurementStatement", "QuantumPhase", "QuantumReset", "QuantumStatement", "QubitDeclaration", "RangeDefinition", "ReturnStatement", "SizeOf", "Span", "Statement", "StretchType", "SubroutineDefinition", "TimeUnit", "UintType", "UnaryExpression", "UnaryOperator", "Union", "WhileLoop", "__all__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.
( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "AccessControl", "AliasStatement", "AngleType", "annotations", "ArrayLiteral", "ArrayReferenceType", "ArrayType", "AssignmentOperator", "BinaryExpression", "BinaryOperator", "BitstringLiteral", "BitType", "BooleanLiteral", "BoolType", "Box", "BranchingStatement", "BreakStatement", "CalibrationDefinition", "CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "Cast", "ClassicalArgument", "ClassicalAssignment", "ClassicalDeclaration", "ClassicalType", "ComplexType", "Concatenation", "ConstantDeclaration", "ContinueStatement", "dataclass", "DelayInstruction", "DiscreteSet", "DurationLiteral", "DurationOf", "DurationType", "EndStatement", "Enum", "Expression", "ExpressionStatement", "ExternArgument", "ExternDeclaration", "field", "FloatLiteral", "FloatType", "ForInLoop", "FunctionCall", "GateModifierName", "Identifier", "Include", "IndexedIdentifier", "IndexElement", "IndexExpression", "IntegerLiteral", "IntType", "IODeclaration", "IOKeyword", "List", "Optional", "Pragma", "Program", "QASMNode", "QuantumArgument", "QuantumBarrier", "QuantumGate", "QuantumGateDefinition", "QuantumGateModifier", "QuantumMeasurement", "QuantumMeasurementStatement", "QuantumPhase", "QuantumReset", "QuantumStatement", "QubitDeclaration", "RangeDefinition", "ReturnStatement", "SizeOf", "Span", "Statement", "StretchType", "SubroutineDefinition", "TimeUnit", "UintType", "UnaryExpression", "UnaryOperator", "Union", "WhileLoop", "__all__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.
( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "antlr", "ast", "dump", "dumps", "parse", "parser", "printer", "properties", "visitor", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__version__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.
(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "capitalize", "casefold", "center", "count", "encode", "endswith", "expandtabs", "find", "format", "format_map", "index", "isalnum", "isalpha", "isascii", "isdecimal", "isdigit", "isidentifier", "islower", "isnumeric", "isprintable", "isspace", "istitle", "isupper", "join", "ljust", "lower", "lstrip", "maketrans", "partition", "removeprefix", "removesuffix", "replace", "rfind", "rindex", "rjust", "rpartition", "rsplit", "rstrip", "split", "splitlines", "startswith", "strip", "swapcase", "title", "translate", "upper", "zfill", "__add__", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__contains__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__ge__", "__getattribute__", "__getitem__", "__getnewargs__", "__gt__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__iter__", "__le__", "__len__", "__lt__", "__mod__", "__module__", "__mul__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__reversed__", "__rmul__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).
() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "antlr", "ast", "dump", "dumps", "parse", "parser", "printer", "properties", "visitor", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__version__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.
(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "AccessControl", "AliasStatement", "AngleType", "annotations", "ArrayLiteral", "ArrayReferenceType", "ArrayType", "AssignmentOperator", "BinaryExpression", "BinaryOperator", "BitstringLiteral", "BitType", "BooleanLiteral", "BoolType", "Box", "BranchingStatement", "BreakStatement", "CalibrationDefinition", "CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "Cast", "ClassicalArgument", "ClassicalAssignment", "ClassicalDeclaration", "ClassicalType", "ComplexType", "Concatenation", "ConstantDeclaration", "ContinueStatement", "dataclass", "DelayInstruction", "DiscreteSet", "DurationLiteral", "DurationOf", "DurationType", "EndStatement", "Enum", "Expression", "ExpressionStatement", "ExternArgument", "ExternDeclaration", "field", "FloatLiteral", "FloatType", "ForInLoop", "FunctionCall", "GateModifierName", "Identifier", "Include", "IndexedIdentifier", "IndexElement", "IndexExpression", "IntegerLiteral", "IntType", "IODeclaration", "IOKeyword", "List", "Optional", "Pragma", "Program", "QASMNode", "QuantumArgument", "QuantumBarrier", "QuantumGate", "QuantumGateDefinition", "QuantumGateModifier", "QuantumMeasurement", "QuantumMeasurementStatement", "QuantumPhase", "QuantumReset", "QuantumStatement", "QubitDeclaration", "RangeDefinition", "ReturnStatement", "SizeOf", "Span", "Statement", "StretchType", "SubroutineDefinition", "TimeUnit", "UintType", "UnaryExpression", "UnaryOperator", "Union", "WhileLoop", "__all__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.
( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "AccessControl", "AliasStatement", "AngleType", "annotations", "ArrayLiteral", "ArrayReferenceType", "ArrayType", "AssignmentOperator", "BinaryExpression", "BinaryOperator", "BitstringLiteral", "BitType", "BooleanLiteral", "BoolType", "Box", "BranchingStatement", "BreakStatement", "CalibrationDefinition", "CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "Cast", "ClassicalArgument", "ClassicalAssignment", "ClassicalDeclaration", "ClassicalType", "ComplexType", "Concatenation", "ConstantDeclaration", "ContinueStatement", "dataclass", "DelayInstruction", "DiscreteSet", "DurationLiteral", "DurationOf", "DurationType", "EndStatement", "Enum", "Expression", "ExpressionStatement", "ExternArgument", "ExternDeclaration", "field", "FloatLiteral", "FloatType", "ForInLoop", "FunctionCall", "GateModifierName", "Identifier", "Include", "IndexedIdentifier", "IndexElement", "IndexExpression", "IntegerLiteral", "IntType", "IODeclaration", "IOKeyword", "List", "Optional", "Pragma", "Program", "QASMNode", "QuantumArgument", "QuantumBarrier", "QuantumGate", "QuantumGateDefinition", "QuantumGateModifier", "QuantumMeasurement", "QuantumMeasurementStatement", "QuantumPhase", "QuantumReset", "QuantumStatement", "QubitDeclaration", "RangeDefinition", "ReturnStatement", "SizeOf", "Span", "Statement", "StretchType", "SubroutineDefinition", "TimeUnit", "UintType", "UnaryExpression", "UnaryOperator", "Union", "WhileLoop", "__all__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.
("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "AccessControl", "AliasStatement", "AngleType", "annotations", "ArrayLiteral", "ArrayReferenceType", "ArrayType", "AssignmentOperator", "BinaryExpression", "BinaryOperator", "BitstringLiteral", "BitType", "BooleanLiteral", "BoolType", "Box", "BranchingStatement", "BreakStatement", "CalibrationDefinition", "CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "Cast", "ClassicalArgument", "ClassicalAssignment", "ClassicalDeclaration", "ClassicalType", "ComplexType", "Concatenation", "ConstantDeclaration", "ContinueStatement", "dataclass", "DelayInstruction", "DiscreteSet", "DurationLiteral", "DurationOf", "DurationType", "EndStatement", "Enum", "Expression", "ExpressionStatement", "ExternArgument", "ExternDeclaration", "field", "FloatLiteral", "FloatType", "ForInLoop", "FunctionCall", "GateModifierName", "Identifier", "Include", "IndexedIdentifier", "IndexElement", "IndexExpression", "IntegerLiteral", "IntType", "IODeclaration", "IOKeyword", "List", "Optional", "Pragma", "Program", "QASMNode", "QuantumArgument", "QuantumBarrier", "QuantumGate", "QuantumGateDefinition", "QuantumGateModifier", "QuantumMeasurement", "QuantumMeasurementStatement", "QuantumPhase", "QuantumReset", "QuantumStatement", "QubitDeclaration", "RangeDefinition", "ReturnStatement", "SizeOf", "Span", "Statement", "StretchType", "SubroutineDefinition", "TimeUnit", "UintType", "UnaryExpression", "UnaryOperator", "Union", "WhileLoop", "__all__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.
( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "AccessControl", "AliasStatement", "AngleType", "annotations", "ArrayLiteral", "ArrayReferenceType", "ArrayType", "AssignmentOperator", "BinaryExpression", "BinaryOperator", "BitstringLiteral", "BitType", "BooleanLiteral", "BoolType", "Box", "BranchingStatement", "BreakStatement", "CalibrationDefinition", "CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "Cast", "ClassicalArgument", "ClassicalAssignment", "ClassicalDeclaration", "ClassicalType", "ComplexType", "Concatenation", "ConstantDeclaration", "ContinueStatement", "dataclass", "DelayInstruction", "DiscreteSet", "DurationLiteral", "DurationOf", "DurationType", "EndStatement", "Enum", "Expression", "ExpressionStatement", "ExternArgument", "ExternDeclaration", "field", "FloatLiteral", "FloatType", "ForInLoop", "FunctionCall", "GateModifierName", "Identifier", "Include", "IndexedIdentifier", "IndexElement", "IndexExpression", "IntegerLiteral", "IntType", "IODeclaration", "IOKeyword", "List", "Optional", "Pragma", "Program", "QASMNode", "QuantumArgument", "QuantumBarrier", "QuantumGate", "QuantumGateDefinition", "QuantumGateModifier", "QuantumMeasurement", "QuantumMeasurementStatement", "QuantumPhase", "QuantumReset", "QuantumStatement", "QubitDeclaration", "RangeDefinition", "ReturnStatement", "SizeOf", "Span", "Statement", "StretchType", "SubroutineDefinition", "TimeUnit", "UintType", "UnaryExpression", "UnaryOperator", "Union", "WhileLoop", "__all__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.
( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "AccessControl", "AliasStatement", "AngleType", "annotations", "ArrayLiteral", "ArrayReferenceType", "ArrayType", "AssignmentOperator", "BinaryExpression", "BinaryOperator", "BitstringLiteral", "BitType", "BooleanLiteral", "BoolType", "Box", "BranchingStatement", "BreakStatement", "CalibrationDefinition", "CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "Cast", "ClassicalArgument", "ClassicalAssignment", "ClassicalDeclaration", "ClassicalType", "ComplexType", "Concatenation", "ConstantDeclaration", "ContinueStatement", "dataclass", "DelayInstruction", "DiscreteSet", "DurationLiteral", "DurationOf", "DurationType", "EndStatement", "Enum", "Expression", "ExpressionStatement", "ExternArgument", "ExternDeclaration", "field", "FloatLiteral", "FloatType", "ForInLoop", "FunctionCall", "GateModifierName", "Identifier", "Include", "IndexedIdentifier", "IndexElement", "IndexExpression", "IntegerLiteral", "IntType", "IODeclaration", "IOKeyword", "List", "Optional", "Pragma", "Program", "QASMNode", "QuantumArgument", "QuantumBarrier", "QuantumGate", "QuantumGateDefinition", "QuantumGateModifier", "QuantumMeasurement", "QuantumMeasurementStatement", "QuantumPhase", "QuantumReset", "QuantumStatement", "QubitDeclaration", "RangeDefinition", "ReturnStatement", "SizeOf", "Span", "Statement", "StretchType", "SubroutineDefinition", "TimeUnit", "UintType", "UnaryExpression", "UnaryOperator", "Union", "WhileLoop", "__all__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.
("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "AccessControl", "AliasStatement", "AngleType", "annotations", "ArrayLiteral", "ArrayReferenceType", "ArrayType", "AssignmentOperator", "BinaryExpression", "BinaryOperator", "BitstringLiteral", "BitType", "BooleanLiteral", "BoolType", "Box", "BranchingStatement", "BreakStatement", "CalibrationDefinition", "CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "Cast", "ClassicalArgument", "ClassicalAssignment", "ClassicalDeclaration", "ClassicalType", "ComplexType", "Concatenation", "ConstantDeclaration", "ContinueStatement", "dataclass", "DelayInstruction", "DiscreteSet", "DurationLiteral", "DurationOf", "DurationType", "EndStatement", "Enum", "Expression", "ExpressionStatement", "ExternArgument", "ExternDeclaration", "field", "FloatLiteral", "FloatType", "ForInLoop", "FunctionCall", "GateModifierName", "Identifier", "Include", "IndexedIdentifier", "IndexElement", "IndexExpression", "IntegerLiteral", "IntType", "IODeclaration", "IOKeyword", "List", "Optional", "Pragma", "Program", "QASMNode", "QuantumArgument", "QuantumBarrier", "QuantumGate", "QuantumGateDefinition", "QuantumGateModifier", "QuantumMeasurement", "QuantumMeasurementStatement", "QuantumPhase", "QuantumReset", "QuantumStatement", "QubitDeclaration", "RangeDefinition", "ReturnStatement", "SizeOf", "Span", "Statement", "StretchType", "SubroutineDefinition", "TimeUnit", "UintType", "UnaryExpression", "UnaryOperator", "Union", "WhileLoop", "__all__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.
("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "AccessControl", "AliasStatement", "AngleType", "annotations", "ArrayLiteral", "ArrayReferenceType", "ArrayType", "AssignmentOperator", "BinaryExpression", "BinaryOperator", "BitstringLiteral", "BitType", "BooleanLiteral", "BoolType", "Box", "BranchingStatement", "BreakStatement", "CalibrationDefinition", "CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "Cast", "ClassicalArgument", "ClassicalAssignment", "ClassicalDeclaration", "ClassicalType", "ComplexType", "Concatenation", "ConstantDeclaration", "ContinueStatement", "dataclass", "DelayInstruction", "DiscreteSet", "DurationLiteral", "DurationOf", "DurationType", "EndStatement", "Enum", "Expression", "ExpressionStatement", "ExternArgument", "ExternDeclaration", "field", "FloatLiteral", "FloatType", "ForInLoop", "FunctionCall", "GateModifierName", "Identifier", "Include", "IndexedIdentifier", "IndexElement", "IndexExpression", "IntegerLiteral", "IntType", "IODeclaration", "IOKeyword", "List", "Optional", "Pragma", "Program", "QASMNode", "QuantumArgument", "QuantumBarrier", "QuantumGate", "QuantumGateDefinition", "QuantumGateModifier", "QuantumMeasurement", "QuantumMeasurementStatement", "QuantumPhase", "QuantumReset", "QuantumStatement", "QubitDeclaration", "RangeDefinition", "ReturnStatement", "SizeOf", "Span", "Statement", "StretchType", "SubroutineDefinition", "TimeUnit", "UintType", "UnaryExpression", "UnaryOperator", "Union", "WhileLoop", "__all__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.
( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "AccessControl", "AliasStatement", "AngleType", "annotations", "ArrayLiteral", "ArrayReferenceType", "ArrayType", "AssignmentOperator", "BinaryExpression", "BinaryOperator", "BitstringLiteral", "BitType", "BooleanLiteral", "BoolType", "Box", "BranchingStatement", "BreakStatement", "CalibrationDefinition", "CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "Cast", "ClassicalArgument", "ClassicalAssignment", "ClassicalDeclaration", "ClassicalType", "ComplexType", "Concatenation", "ConstantDeclaration", "ContinueStatement", "dataclass", "DelayInstruction", "DiscreteSet", "DurationLiteral", "DurationOf", "DurationType", "EndStatement", "Enum", "Expression", "ExpressionStatement", "ExternArgument", "ExternDeclaration", "field", "FloatLiteral", "FloatType", "ForInLoop", "FunctionCall", "GateModifierName", "Identifier", "Include", "IndexedIdentifier", "IndexElement", "IndexExpression", "IntegerLiteral", "IntType", "IODeclaration", "IOKeyword", "List", "Optional", "Pragma", "Program", "QASMNode", "QuantumArgument", "QuantumBarrier", "QuantumGate", "QuantumGateDefinition", "QuantumGateModifier", "QuantumMeasurement", "QuantumMeasurementStatement", "QuantumPhase", "QuantumReset", "QuantumStatement", "QubitDeclaration", "RangeDefinition", "ReturnStatement", "SizeOf", "Span", "Statement", "StretchType", "SubroutineDefinition", "TimeUnit", "UintType", "UnaryExpression", "UnaryOperator", "Union", "WhileLoop", "__all__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.
( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "AccessControl", "AliasStatement", "AngleType", "annotations", "ArrayLiteral", "ArrayReferenceType", "ArrayType", "AssignmentOperator", "BinaryExpression", "BinaryOperator", "BitstringLiteral", "BitType", "BooleanLiteral", "BoolType", "Box", "BranchingStatement", "BreakStatement", "CalibrationDefinition", "CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "Cast", "ClassicalArgument", "ClassicalAssignment", "ClassicalDeclaration", "ClassicalType", "ComplexType", "Concatenation", "ConstantDeclaration", "ContinueStatement", "dataclass", "DelayInstruction", "DiscreteSet", "DurationLiteral", "DurationOf", "DurationType", "EndStatement", "Enum", "Expression", "ExpressionStatement", "ExternArgument", "ExternDeclaration", "field", "FloatLiteral", "FloatType", "ForInLoop", "FunctionCall", "GateModifierName", "Identifier", "Include", "IndexedIdentifier", "IndexElement", "IndexExpression", "IntegerLiteral", "IntType", "IODeclaration", "IOKeyword", "List", "Optional", "Pragma", "Program", "QASMNode", "QuantumArgument", "QuantumBarrier", "QuantumGate", "QuantumGateDefinition", "QuantumGateModifier", "QuantumMeasurement", "QuantumMeasurementStatement", "QuantumPhase", "QuantumReset", "QuantumStatement", "QubitDeclaration", "RangeDefinition", "ReturnStatement", "SizeOf", "Span", "Statement", "StretchType", "SubroutineDefinition", "TimeUnit", "UintType", "UnaryExpression", "UnaryOperator", "Union", "WhileLoop", "__all__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.
("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "AccessControl", "AliasStatement", "AngleType", "annotations", "ArrayLiteral", "ArrayReferenceType", "ArrayType", "AssignmentOperator", "BinaryExpression", "BinaryOperator", "BitstringLiteral", "BitType", "BooleanLiteral", "BoolType", "Box", "BranchingStatement", "BreakStatement", "CalibrationDefinition", "CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "Cast", "ClassicalArgument", "ClassicalAssignment", "ClassicalDeclaration", "ClassicalType", "ComplexType", "Concatenation", "ConstantDeclaration", "ContinueStatement", "dataclass", "DelayInstruction", "DiscreteSet", "DurationLiteral", "DurationOf", "DurationType", "EndStatement", "Enum", "Expression", "ExpressionStatement", "ExternArgument", "ExternDeclaration", "field", "FloatLiteral", "FloatType", "ForInLoop", "FunctionCall", "GateModifierName", "Identifier", "Include", "IndexedIdentifier", "IndexElement", "IndexExpression", "IntegerLiteral", "IntType", "IODeclaration", "IOKeyword", "List", "Optional", "Pragma", "Program", "QASMNode", "QuantumArgument", "QuantumBarrier", "QuantumGate", "QuantumGateDefinition", "QuantumGateModifier", "QuantumMeasurement", "QuantumMeasurementStatement", "QuantumPhase", "QuantumReset", "QuantumStatement", "QubitDeclaration", "RangeDefinition", "ReturnStatement", "SizeOf", "Span", "Statement", "StretchType", "SubroutineDefinition", "TimeUnit", "UintType", "UnaryExpression", "UnaryOperator", "Union", "WhileLoop", "__all__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.
( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "AccessControl", "AliasStatement", "AngleType", "annotations", "ArrayLiteral", "ArrayReferenceType", "ArrayType", "AssignmentOperator", "BinaryExpression", "BinaryOperator", "BitstringLiteral", "BitType", "BooleanLiteral", "BoolType", "Box", "BranchingStatement", "BreakStatement", "CalibrationDefinition", "CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "Cast", "ClassicalArgument", "ClassicalAssignment", "ClassicalDeclaration", "ClassicalType", "ComplexType", "Concatenation", "ConstantDeclaration", "ContinueStatement", "dataclass", "DelayInstruction", "DiscreteSet", "DurationLiteral", "DurationOf", "DurationType", "EndStatement", "Enum", "Expression", "ExpressionStatement", "ExternArgument", "ExternDeclaration", "field", "FloatLiteral", "FloatType", "ForInLoop", "FunctionCall", "GateModifierName", "Identifier", "Include", "IndexedIdentifier", "IndexElement", "IndexExpression", "IntegerLiteral", "IntType", "IODeclaration", "IOKeyword", "List", "Optional", "Pragma", "Program", "QASMNode", "QuantumArgument", "QuantumBarrier", "QuantumGate", "QuantumGateDefinition", "QuantumGateModifier", "QuantumMeasurement", "QuantumMeasurementStatement", "QuantumPhase", "QuantumReset", "QuantumStatement", "QubitDeclaration", "RangeDefinition", "ReturnStatement", "SizeOf", "Span", "Statement", "StretchType", "SubroutineDefinition", "TimeUnit", "UintType", "UnaryExpression", "UnaryOperator", "Union", "WhileLoop", "__all__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.
("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "AccessControl", "AliasStatement", "AngleType", "annotations", "ArrayLiteral", "ArrayReferenceType", "ArrayType", "AssignmentOperator", "BinaryExpression", "BinaryOperator", "BitstringLiteral", "BitType", "BooleanLiteral", "BoolType", "Box", "BranchingStatement", "BreakStatement", "CalibrationDefinition", "CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "Cast", "ClassicalArgument", "ClassicalAssignment", "ClassicalDeclaration", "ClassicalType", "ComplexType", "Concatenation", "ConstantDeclaration", "ContinueStatement", "dataclass", "DelayInstruction", "DiscreteSet", "DurationLiteral", "DurationOf", "DurationType", "EndStatement", "Enum", "Expression", "ExpressionStatement", "ExternArgument", "ExternDeclaration", "field", "FloatLiteral", "FloatType", "ForInLoop", "FunctionCall", "GateModifierName", "Identifier", "Include", "IndexedIdentifier", "IndexElement", "IndexExpression", "IntegerLiteral", "IntType", "IODeclaration", "IOKeyword", "List", "Optional", "Pragma", "Program", "QASMNode", "QuantumArgument", "QuantumBarrier", "QuantumGate", "QuantumGateDefinition", "QuantumGateModifier", "QuantumMeasurement", "QuantumMeasurementStatement", "QuantumPhase", "QuantumReset", "QuantumStatement", "QubitDeclaration", "RangeDefinition", "ReturnStatement", "SizeOf", "Span", "Statement", "StretchType", "SubroutineDefinition", "TimeUnit", "UintType", "UnaryExpression", "UnaryOperator", "Union", "WhileLoop", "__all__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.
("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "AccessControl", "AliasStatement", "AngleType", "annotations", "ArrayLiteral", "ArrayReferenceType", "ArrayType", "AssignmentOperator", "BinaryExpression", "BinaryOperator", "BitstringLiteral", "BitType", "BooleanLiteral", "BoolType", "Box", "BranchingStatement", "BreakStatement", "CalibrationDefinition", "CalibrationGrammarDeclaration", "Cast", "ClassicalArgument", "ClassicalAssignment", "ClassicalDeclaration", "ClassicalType", "ComplexType", "Concatenation", "ConstantDeclaration", "ContinueStatement", "dataclass", "DelayInstruction", "DiscreteSet", "DurationLiteral", "DurationOf", "DurationType", "EndStatement", "Enum", "Expression", "ExpressionStatement", "ExternArgument", "ExternDeclaration", "field", "FloatLiteral", "FloatType", "ForInLoop", "FunctionCall", "GateModifierName", "Identifier", "Include", "IndexedIdentifier", "IndexElement", "IndexExpression", "IntegerLiteral", "IntType", "IODeclaration", "IOKeyword", "List", "Optional", "Pragma", "Program", "QASMNode", "QuantumArgument", "QuantumBarrier", "QuantumGate", "QuantumGateDefinition", "QuantumGateModifier", "QuantumMeasurement", "QuantumMeasurementStatement", "QuantumPhase", "QuantumReset", "QuantumStatement", "QubitDeclaration", "RangeDefinition", "ReturnStatement", "SizeOf", "Span", "Statement", "StretchType", "SubroutineDefinition", "TimeUnit", "UintType", "UnaryExpression", "UnaryOperator", "Union", "WhileLoop", "__all__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.
("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "antlr", "ast", "dump", "dumps", "parse", "parser", "printer", "properties", "visitor", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__version__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.
(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "antlr", "ast", "dump", "dumps", "parse", "parser", "printer", "properties", "visitor", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__version__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.
(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "capitalize", "casefold", "center", "count", "encode", "endswith", "expandtabs", "find", "format", "format_map", "index", "isalnum", "isalpha", "isascii", "isdecimal", "isdigit", "isidentifier", "islower", "isnumeric", "isprintable", "isspace", "istitle", "isupper", "join", "ljust", "lower", "lstrip", "maketrans", "partition", "removeprefix", "removesuffix", "replace", "rfind", "rindex", "rjust", "rpartition", "rsplit", "rstrip", "split", "splitlines", "startswith", "strip", "swapcase", "title", "translate", "upper", "zfill", "__add__", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__contains__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__ge__", "__getattribute__", "__getitem__", "__getnewargs__", "__gt__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__iter__", "__le__", "__len__", "__lt__", "__mod__", "__module__", "__mul__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__reversed__", "__rmul__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).
() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "annotations", "approx", "Cache", "CallInfo", "CaptureFixture", "Class", "cmdline", "Collector", "CollectReport", "Config", "console_main", "deprecated_call", "Dir", "Directory", "DoctestItem", "ExceptionInfo", "exit", "ExitCode", "fail", "File", "fixture", "FixtureDef", "FixtureLookupError", "FixtureRequest", "freeze_includes", "Function", "hookimpl", "HookRecorder", "hookspec", "importorskip", "Item", "LineMatcher", "LogCaptureFixture", "main", "mark", "Mark", "MarkDecorator", "MarkGenerator", "Metafunc", "Module", "MonkeyPatch", "OptionGroup", "Package", "param", "Parser", "PytestAssertRewriteWarning", "PytestCacheWarning", "PytestCollectionWarning", "PytestConfigWarning", "PytestDeprecationWarning", "Pytester", "PytestExperimentalApiWarning", "PytestPluginManager", "PytestRemovedIn9Warning", "PytestReturnNotNoneWarning", "PytestUnhandledCoroutineWarning", "PytestUnhandledThreadExceptionWarning", "PytestUnknownMarkWarning", "PytestUnraisableExceptionWarning", "PytestWarning", "raises", "RecordedHookCall", "register_assert_rewrite", "RunResult", "Session", "set_trace", "skip", "Stash", "StashKey", "TempdirFactory", "TempPathFactory", "Testdir", "TestReport", "TestShortLogReport", "UsageError", "version_tuple", "WarningsRecorder", "warns", "xfail", "yield_fixture", "__all__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__main__", "__name__", "__package__", "__pytestPDB", "__version__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.
("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "antlr", "ast", "dump", "dumps", "parse", "parser", "printer", "properties", "visitor", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__version__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.
(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "antlr", "ast", "dump", "dumps", "parse", "parser", "printer", "properties", "visitor", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__version__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.
(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "capitalize", "casefold", "center", "count", "encode", "endswith", "expandtabs", "find", "format", "format_map", "index", "isalnum", "isalpha", "isascii", "isdecimal", "isdigit", "isidentifier", "islower", "isnumeric", "isprintable", "isspace", "istitle", "isupper", "join", "ljust", "lower", "lstrip", "maketrans", "partition", "removeprefix", "removesuffix", "replace", "rfind", "rindex", "rjust", "rpartition", "rsplit", "rstrip", "split", "splitlines", "startswith", "strip", "swapcase", "title", "translate", "upper", "zfill", "__add__", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__contains__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__ge__", "__getattribute__", "__getitem__", "__getnewargs__", "__gt__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__iter__", "__le__", "__len__", "__lt__", "__mod__", "__module__", "__mul__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__reversed__", "__rmul__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).
() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "antlr", "ast", "dump", "dumps", "parse", "parser", "printer", "properties", "visitor", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__version__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.
(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "antlr", "ast", "dump", "dumps", "parse", "parser", "printer", "properties", "visitor", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__version__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.
(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "capitalize", "casefold", "center", "count", "encode", "endswith", "expandtabs", "find", "format", "format_map", "index", "isalnum", "isalpha", "isascii", "isdecimal", "isdigit", "isidentifier", "islower", "isnumeric", "isprintable", "isspace", "istitle", "isupper", "join", "ljust", "lower", "lstrip", "maketrans", "partition", "removeprefix", "removesuffix", "replace", "rfind", "rindex", "rjust", "rpartition", "rsplit", "rstrip", "split", "splitlines", "startswith", "strip", "swapcase", "title", "translate", "upper", "zfill", "__add__", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__contains__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__ge__", "__getattribute__", "__getitem__", "__getnewargs__", "__gt__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__iter__", "__le__", "__len__", "__lt__", "__mod__", "__module__", "__mul__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__reversed__", "__rmul__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).
() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "antlr", "ast", "dump", "dumps", "parse", "parser", "printer", "properties", "visitor", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__version__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.
(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "antlr", "ast", "dump", "dumps", "parse", "parser", "printer", "properties", "visitor", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__version__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.
(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "capitalize", "casefold", "center", "count", "encode", "endswith", "expandtabs", "find", "format", "format_map", "index", "isalnum", "isalpha", "isascii", "isdecimal", "isdigit", "isidentifier", "islower", "isnumeric", "isprintable", "isspace", "istitle", "isupper", "join", "ljust", "lower", "lstrip", "maketrans", "partition", "removeprefix", "removesuffix", "replace", "rfind", "rindex", "rjust", "rpartition", "rsplit", "rstrip", "split", "splitlines", "startswith", "strip", "swapcase", "title", "translate", "upper", "zfill", "__add__", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__contains__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__ge__", "__getattribute__", "__getitem__", "__getnewargs__", "__gt__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__iter__", "__le__", "__len__", "__lt__", "__mod__", "__module__", "__mul__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__reversed__", "__rmul__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).
() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "antlr", "ast", "dump", "dumps", "parse", "parser", "printer", "properties", "visitor", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__version__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.
(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "antlr", "ast", "dump", "dumps", "parse", "parser", "printer", "properties", "visitor", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__version__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.
(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_
[ "capitalize", "casefold", "center", "count", "encode", "endswith", "expandtabs", "find", "format", "format_map", "index", "isalnum", "isalpha", "isascii", "isdecimal", "isdigit", "isidentifier", "islower", "isnumeric", "isprintable", "isspace", "istitle", "isupper", "join", "ljust", "lower", "lstrip", "maketrans", "partition", "removeprefix", "removesuffix", "replace", "rfind", "rindex", "rjust", "rpartition", "rsplit", "rstrip", "split", "splitlines", "startswith", "strip", "swapcase", "title", "translate", "upper", "zfill", "__add__", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__contains__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__ge__", "__getattribute__", "__getitem__", "__getnewargs__", "__gt__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__iter__", "__le__", "__len__", "__lt__", "__mod__", "__module__", "__mul__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__reversed__", "__rmul__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import dataclasses import pytest import openqasm3 from openqasm3 import ast def _remove_spans(node): """Return a new ``QASMNode`` with all spans recursively set to ``None`` to reduce noise in test failure messages.""" if isinstance(node, list): return [_remove_spans(item) for item in node] if not isinstance(node, ast.QASMNode): return node kwargs = {} no_init = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(node): if == "span": continue target = kwargs if field.init else no_init target[] = _remove_spans(getattr(node, out = type(node)(**kwargs) for attribute, value in no_init.items(): setattr(out, attribute, value) return out OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = [ ast.BinaryOperator["||"], ast.BinaryOperator["&&"], ast.BinaryOperator["|"], ast.BinaryOperator["^"], ast.BinaryOperator["&"], ast.BinaryOperator["<<"], ast.BinaryOperator["+"], ast.BinaryOperator["*"], ast.BinaryOperator["**"], ] class TestRoundTrip: """All the tests in this class are testing the round-trip properties of the "parse - print - parse" operation. The test cases all need to be written in the preferred output format of the printer itself.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t"], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize("chain_else_if", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("old_measurement", [True, False]) def test_example_files(self, parsed_example, indent, chain_else_if, old_measurement): """Test that the cycle 'parse - print - parse' does not affect the generated AST of the example files. Printing should just be an exercise in formatting, so should not affect how subsequent runs parse the file. This also functions as something of a general integration test, testing much of the basic surface of the language.""" roundtrip_ast = openqasm3.parse( openqasm3.dumps( parsed_example.ast, indent=indent, chain_else_if=chain_else_if, old_measurement=old_measurement, ) ) assert _remove_spans(roundtrip_ast) == _remove_spans(parsed_example.ast) @pytest.mark.parametrize("version_statement", ["OPENQASM 3;", "OPENQASM 3.0;"]) def test_version(self, version_statement): output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(version_statement)).strip() assert output == version_statement def test_io_declarations(self): input_ = """ input int a; input float[64] a; input complex[float[FLOAT_WIDTH]] a; output bit b; output bit[SIZE] b; output bool b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_include(self): input_ = 'include "";' output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_qubit_declarations(self): input_ = """ qubit q; qubit[5] q; qubit[SIZE] q; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ old_input = """ qreg q; qreg q[5]; qreg q[SIZE]; """.strip() old_output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input)).strip() # Note we're testing that we normalise to the new form. assert input_ == old_output def test_gate_definition(self): input_ = """ gate my_gate q { } gate my_gate(param) q { } gate my_gate(param1, param2) q { } gate my_gate q1, q2 { } gate my_gate q { x q; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_extern_declaration(self): input_ = """ extern f(); extern f() -> bool; extern f(bool); extern f(int[32], uint[32]); extern f(mutable array[complex[float[64]], N_ELEMENTS]) -> int[2 * INT_SIZE]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_declaration(self): input_ = """ def f() { } def f() -> angle[32] { return pi; } def f(int[SIZE] a) { } def f(qubit q1, qubit[SIZE] q2) { } def f(const array[int[32], 2] a, mutable array[uint, #dim=2] b) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_unary_expression(self): input_ = """ !a; -a; ~(a + a); -a ** 2; !true; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_binary_expression(self): input_ = """ a * b; a / b; 1 + 2; 1 - 2; (1 + 2) * 3; 2 ** 8; a << 1; a >> b; 2 < 3; 3 >= 2; a == b; a != b; a & b; a | b; a ^ b; a && b; a || b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_assignment(self): input_ = """ a = 1; a = 2 * b; a = f(4); a += 1; a -= a * 0.5; a *= 2.0; a /= 1.5; a **= 2; a <<= 1; a >>= 1; a |= f(2, 3); a &= "101001"; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_index_expression(self): input_ = """ a[0]; a[{1, 2, 3}]; a[0][0]; a[1:2][0]; a[0][1:2]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_literal(self): input_ = """ 1; 2.0; true; false; "1010"; "01010"; -1; 1.0ms; 1.0ns; 2.0s; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_declaration(self): input_ = """ bool x = true; bit x; bit[SIZE] x; int x = 2; int[32] x = -5; uint x = 0; uint[16] x; angle x; angle[SIZE] x; float x = 2.0; float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; complex[float[64]] x; duration a = 1.0us; stretch b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_const_declaration(self): input_ = """ const bool x = true; const int x = 2; const int[32] x = -5; const uint x = 0; const uint[16] x = 0; const angle x = pi; const angle[SIZE] x = pi / 8; const float x = 2.0; const float[SIZE * 2] x = 4.0; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_array_initializer(self): input_ = """ array[int, 2] a = {1, 2}; array[float[64], 2, 2] a = {{1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0}}; array[angle[32], 2] a = {pi, pi / 8}; array[uint[16], 4, 4] a = {b, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; array[bool, 2, 2] a = b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_alias(self): input_ = """ let q = a ++ b; let q = a[1:2]; let q = a[{0, 2, 3}] ++ a[1:1] ++ a[{4, 5}]; let q = a; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_function_call(self): input_ = """ f(1, 2, 3); f(); f(a, b + c, a * b / c); f(f(a)); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_call(self): input_ = """ h q; h q[0]; gphase(pi); U(1, 2, 3) q; U(1, 2, 3) q[0]; my_gate a, b[0:2], c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_gate_modifiers(self): input_ = """ ctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a, b; ctrl(1) @ x a, b[0]; negctrl @ U(1, 2, 3) a[0:2], b; negctrl(2) @ h a, b, c; pow(2) @ h a; ctrl @ gphase(pi / 2) a, b; inv @ h a; inv @ ctrl @ x a, b; ctrl(1) @ inv @ x a, b; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_cast(self): input_ = """ int(a); int[32](2.0); int[SIZE](bitstring); uint[16 + 16](a); bit[SIZE](pi); bool(i); complex[float[64]](2.0); complex[float](2.5); float[32](1); float(2.0); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_for_loop(self): input_ = """ for i in [0:2] { a += 1; } for i in [a:b] { a += 1; } for i in [a:2 * b:c] { a += 1; } for i in {1, 2, 3} { a += 1; } for i in {2 * j, 2 + 3 / 4, j + j} { a += 1; } for i in j { a += 1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_while_loop(self): input_ = """ while (i) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (i == 0) { x $0; i -= 1; } while (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { x $0; } if (true) { x $0; } if (2 + 3 == 5) { x $0; } if (!true) { } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else(self): input_ = """ if (true) { } else { x $0; } if (true) { } else { x $0; a = b + 2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { x $0; } else if (i == 2) { } else { x $1; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_jumps(self): input_ = """ while (true) { break; continue; end; } def f() { return; } def f() -> int[32] { return 2 + 3; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_measurement(self): input_ = """ measure q; measure $0; measure q[0]; measure q[1:3]; c = measure q; c = measure $0; c = measure q[0]; c = measure q[1:3]; def f() { return measure q; } def f() { return measure $0; } def f() { return measure q[0]; } def f() { return measure q[1:3]; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps( openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", old_measurement=False ).strip() assert output == input_ def test_reset(self): input_ = """ reset q; reset $0; reset q[0]; reset q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_barrier(self): input_ = """ barrier q; barrier $0; barrier q[0]; barrier q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_delay(self): input_ = """ delay[50.0ns] q; delay[50.0ns] $0; delay[50.0ns] q[0]; delay[50.0ns] q[1:3]; delay[2 * SIZE] q; delay[2 * SIZE] $0; delay[2 * SIZE] q[0]; delay[2 * SIZE] q[1:3]; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ def test_box(self): input_ = """ box { x $0; } box[100.0ns] { x $0; } box[a + b] { x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_duration_of(self): input_ = """ duration a = durationof({ x $0; ctrl @ x $1, $2; }); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ").strip() assert output == input_ def test_pragma(self): input_ = """ #pragma { val1; val2; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_)).strip() assert output == input_ class TestExpression: """Test more specific features and properties of the printer when outputting expressions.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "operator", [op for op in ast.BinaryOperator if op != ast.BinaryOperator["**"]] ) def test_associativity_binary(self, operator): """Test that the associativity of binary expressions is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=operator, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=operator, rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" a {} b {} c; a {} (b {} c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Parser cannot handle bracketed concatenations") def test_associativity_concatenation(self): """The associativity of concatenation is not fully defined by the grammar or specification, but the printer assumes left-associativity for now.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.AliasStatement( ast.Identifier("q"), ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), rhs=ast.Concatenation( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = """ let q = a ++ b ++ c; let q = a ++ (b ++ c); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Currently power is still left-associative in the ANTLR grammar") def test_associativity_power(self): """Test that the right-associativity of the power expression is respected in the output.""" input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("b"), op=ast.BinaryOperator["**"], rhs=ast.Identifier("c"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f""" (a ** b) ** c; a ** b ** c; """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["lower", "higher"], [ (lower, higher) for i, lower in enumerate(OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[:-1]) for higher in OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[i + 1 :] ], ) def test_precedence(self, lower, higher): input_ = ast.Program( statements=[ ast.ExpressionStatement( ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("a"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("b"), ), op=higher, rhs=ast.BinaryExpression( lhs=ast.Identifier("c"), op=lower, rhs=ast.Identifier("d"), ), ), ), ], ) expected = f"(a {} b) {} (c {} d);" output = openqasm3.dumps(input_).strip() assert output == expected assert openqasm3.parse(output) == input_ class TestOptions: """Test the various keyword arguments to the exporter have the desired effects.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) def test_indent(self, indent): input_ = f""" def f(int[32] a) -> bool {{ {indent}return a == a; }} gate g(param) q {{ {indent}h q; }} for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} box {{ {indent}x $0; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ @pytest.mark.parametrize("indent", ["", " ", "\t", " "], ids=repr) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["outer_start", "outer_end", "allow_classical"], [ pytest.param("gate f q {", "}", False, id="gate"), pytest.param("durationof({", "});", False, id="durationof"), pytest.param("def f() {", "}", True, id="function"), pytest.param("if (true) {", "}", True, id="if"), pytest.param("if (true) {\n} else {", "}", True, id="else"), pytest.param("box[1.0ms] {", "}", False, id="box"), ], ) def test_indent_nested(self, indent, outer_start, outer_end, allow_classical): classicals = f""" for i in [0:2] {{ {indent}true; }} while (i) {{ {indent}i -= 1; }} if (i) {{ {indent}x $0; }} else {{ {indent}x $1; }} durationof({{ {indent}x $0; }}); """.strip() quantums = f""" box {{ {indent}x $0; }} """.strip() lines = quantums.splitlines() if allow_classical: lines.extend(classicals.splitlines()) input_ = outer_start + "\n" + "\n".join(indent + line for line in lines) + "\n" + outer_end output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=indent).strip() assert output == input_ def test_old_measurement(self): old_input = "measure q -> c;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(old_input), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input input_ = "c = measure q;" output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), old_measurement=True).strip() assert output == old_input def test_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { } else if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).strip() assert output == input_ def test_no_chain_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { x $0; } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 1) { } else { if (i == 2) { } else { if (i == 3) { } x $0; } } } if (i == 0) { } else { if (i == 2) { x $0; } else { x $0; } x $0; } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=False).strip() assert output == input_ def test_chain_else_if_only_applies_to_else_if(self): input_ = """ if (i) { } else { x $1; } if (i) { } else { for j in [0:1] { } } if (i) { } else { x $0; if (!i) { } else { x $1; } } """.strip() output = openqasm3.dumps(openqasm3.parse(input_), indent=" ", chain_else_if=True).
() assert output == input_
[ "BrowserConfig", "colorLog", "debug", "error", "file_dir", "info", "ins", "inspect", "logger", "now_time", "os", "printf", "report_dir", "Seldom", "stack_t", "sys", "time", "warn", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
# coding=utf-8 import os import time from selenium.webdriver import Chrome from selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver import WebDriver as SeleniumWebDriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from import Select from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains from seldom.logging import log from seldom.running.config import Seldom from seldom.utils.webdriver_manager_extend import ChromeDriverManager from seldom.webdriver import WebElement __all__ = ["Case"] class Case(object): """ Webdriver Basic method chaining Write test cases quickly. """ def __init__(self, url: str = None, desc: str = None): self.url = url log.
("πŸ”– Test Case: {}".format(desc)) def open(self, url: str = None): """ open url. Usage: open("") """ if isinstance(Seldom.driver, SeleniumWebDriver) is False: Seldom.driver = Chrome(executable_path=ChromeDriverManager().install()) if self.url is not None:"πŸ“– {}".format(self.url)) Seldom.driver.get(self.url) else:"πŸ“– {}".format(url)) Seldom.driver.get(url) return self def max_window(self): """ Set browser window maximized. Usage: max_window() """ Seldom.driver.maximize_window() return self def set_window(self, wide: int = 0, high: int = 0): """ Set browser window wide and high. Usage: .set_window(wide,high) """ Seldom.driver.set_window_size(wide, high) return self def find(self, css: str, index: int = 0): """ find element """ web_elem = WebElement(css=css) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {info}.".format( return self def find_text(self, text: str, index: int = 0): """ find link text Usage: find_text("ζ–°ι—»") """ web_elem = WebElement(link_text=text) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {} text.".format( return self def type(self, text): """ type text. """"βœ… input '{text}'.") Seldom.element.send_keys(text) return self def click(self): """ click. """"βœ… click.") return self def clear(self): """ clear input. Usage: clear() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.clear() return self def submit(self): """ submit input Usage: submit() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.submit() return self def enter(self): """ enter. Usage: enter() """"βœ… enter.") Seldom.element.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) return self def move_to_click(self): """ Moving the mouse to the middle of an element. and click element. Usage: move_to_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… Move to the element and click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).click(elem).perform() return self def right_click(self): """ Right click element. Usage: right_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… right click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).context_click(elem).perform() return self def move_to_element(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… move to element.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).perform() return self def click_and_hold(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… click and hold.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).click_and_hold(elem).perform() return self def double_click(self): """ Double click element. Usage: double_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… double click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).double_click(elem).perform() return self def close(self): """ Closes the current window. Usage: close() """ Seldom.driver.close() return self def quit(self): """ Quit the driver and close all the windows. Usage: quit() """ Seldom.driver.quit() return self def refresh(self): """ Refresh the current page. Usage: refresh() """"πŸ”„οΈ refresh page.") Seldom.driver.refresh() return self def alert(self): """ get alert. Usage: alert() """"βœ… alert.") Seldom.alert = Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert return self def accept(self): """ Accept warning box. Usage: alert().accept() """"βœ… accept alert.") Seldom.alert.accept() return self def dismiss(self): """ Dismisses the alert available. Usage: alert().dismiss() """"βœ… dismiss alert.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert.dismiss() return self def switch_to_frame(self): """ Switch to the specified frame. Usage: switch_to_frame() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… switch to frame.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.frame(elem) return self def switch_to_frame_out(self): """ Returns the current form machine form at the next higher level. Corresponding relationship with switch_to_frame () method. Usage: switch_to_frame_out() """"βœ… switch to frame out.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.default_content() return self def switch_to_window(self, window: int): """ Switches focus to the specified window. :Args: - window: window index. 1 represents a newly opened window (0 is the first one) :Usage: switch_to_window(1) """"βœ… switch to the {} window.".format(str(window))) all_handles = Seldom.driver.window_handles Seldom.driver.switch_to.window(all_handles[window]) return self def screenshots(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a screenshots of the current window to a PNG image file. Usage: screenshots() screenshots('/Screenshots/foo.png') """ if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> ({file_path}).") Seldom.driver.save_screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> HTML report.") self.images.append(Seldom.driver.get_screenshot_as_base64()) return self def element_screenshot(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a element screenshot of the element to a PNG image file. Usage: element_screenshot() element_screenshot(file_path='/Screenshots/foo.png') """ elem = Seldom.element if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> ({file_path}).") elem.screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> HTML Report.") self.images.append(elem.screenshot_as_base64) return self def select(self, value: str = None, text: str = None, index: int = None): """ Constructor. A check is made that the given element is, indeed, a SELECT tag. If it is not, then an UnexpectedTagNameException is thrown. :Args: - css - element SELECT element to wrap - value - The value to match against Usage: <select name="NR" id="nr"> <option value="10" selected="">每鑡显瀺10村</option> <option value="20">每鑡显瀺20村</option> <option value="50">每鑡显瀺50村</option> </select> select(value='20') select(text='每鑡显瀺20村') select(index=2) """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… select option.") if value is not None: Select(elem).select_by_value(value) elif text is not None: Select(elem).select_by_visible_text(text) elif index is not None: Select(elem).select_by_index(index) else: raise ValueError( '"value" or "text" or "index" options can not be all empty.') return self def sleep(self, sec: int): """ Usage: self.sleep(seconds) """"πŸ’€οΈ sleep: {}s.".format(str(sec))) time.sleep(sec) return self
[ "base_url", "debug", "driver", "mro", "timeout", "__annotations__", "__base__", "__bases__", "__basicsize__", "__call__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dictoffset__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__flags__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__instancecheck__", "__itemsize__", "__module__", "__mro__", "__name__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__prepare__", "__qualname__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__", "__subclasscheck__", "__subclasses__", "__text_signature__", "__weakrefoffset__" ]
# coding=utf-8 import os import time from selenium.webdriver import Chrome from selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver import WebDriver as SeleniumWebDriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from import Select from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains from seldom.logging import log from seldom.running.config import Seldom from seldom.utils.webdriver_manager_extend import ChromeDriverManager from seldom.webdriver import WebElement __all__ = ["Case"] class Case(object): """ Webdriver Basic method chaining Write test cases quickly. """ def __init__(self, url: str = None, desc: str = None): self.url = url"πŸ”– Test Case: {}".format(desc)) def open(self, url: str = None): """ open url. Usage: open("") """ if isinstance(Seldom.driver, SeleniumWebDriver) is False: Seldom.dri
Chrome(executable_path=ChromeDriverManager().install()) if self.url is not None:"πŸ“– {}".format(self.url)) Seldom.driver.get(self.url) else:"πŸ“– {}".format(url)) Seldom.driver.get(url) return self def max_window(self): """ Set browser window maximized. Usage: max_window() """ Seldom.driver.maximize_window() return self def set_window(self, wide: int = 0, high: int = 0): """ Set browser window wide and high. Usage: .set_window(wide,high) """ Seldom.driver.set_window_size(wide, high) return self def find(self, css: str, index: int = 0): """ find element """ web_elem = WebElement(css=css) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {info}.".format( return self def find_text(self, text: str, index: int = 0): """ find link text Usage: find_text("ζ–°ι—»") """ web_elem = WebElement(link_text=text) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {} text.".format( return self def type(self, text): """ type text. """"βœ… input '{text}'.") Seldom.element.send_keys(text) return self def click(self): """ click. """"βœ… click.") return self def clear(self): """ clear input. Usage: clear() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.clear() return self def submit(self): """ submit input Usage: submit() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.submit() return self def enter(self): """ enter. Usage: enter() """"βœ… enter.") Seldom.element.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) return self def move_to_click(self): """ Moving the mouse to the middle of an element. and click element. Usage: move_to_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… Move to the element and click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).click(elem).perform() return self def right_click(self): """ Right click element. Usage: right_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… right click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).context_click(elem).perform() return self def move_to_element(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… move to element.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).perform() return self def click_and_hold(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… click and hold.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).click_and_hold(elem).perform() return self def double_click(self): """ Double click element. Usage: double_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… double click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).double_click(elem).perform() return self def close(self): """ Closes the current window. Usage: close() """ Seldom.driver.close() return self def quit(self): """ Quit the driver and close all the windows. Usage: quit() """ Seldom.driver.quit() return self def refresh(self): """ Refresh the current page. Usage: refresh() """"πŸ”„οΈ refresh page.") Seldom.driver.refresh() return self def alert(self): """ get alert. Usage: alert() """"βœ… alert.") Seldom.alert = Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert return self def accept(self): """ Accept warning box. Usage: alert().accept() """"βœ… accept alert.") Seldom.alert.accept() return self def dismiss(self): """ Dismisses the alert available. Usage: alert().dismiss() """"βœ… dismiss alert.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert.dismiss() return self def switch_to_frame(self): """ Switch to the specified frame. Usage: switch_to_frame() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… switch to frame.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.frame(elem) return self def switch_to_frame_out(self): """ Returns the current form machine form at the next higher level. Corresponding relationship with switch_to_frame () method. Usage: switch_to_frame_out() """"βœ… switch to frame out.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.default_content() return self def switch_to_window(self, window: int): """ Switches focus to the specified window. :Args: - window: window index. 1 represents a newly opened window (0 is the first one) :Usage: switch_to_window(1) """"βœ… switch to the {} window.".format(str(window))) all_handles = Seldom.driver.window_handles Seldom.driver.switch_to.window(all_handles[window]) return self def screenshots(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a screenshots of the current window to a PNG image file. Usage: screenshots() screenshots('/Screenshots/foo.png') """ if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> ({file_path}).") Seldom.driver.save_screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> HTML report.") self.images.append(Seldom.driver.get_screenshot_as_base64()) return self def element_screenshot(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a element screenshot of the element to a PNG image file. Usage: element_screenshot() element_screenshot(file_path='/Screenshots/foo.png') """ elem = Seldom.element if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> ({file_path}).") elem.screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> HTML Report.") self.images.append(elem.screenshot_as_base64) return self def select(self, value: str = None, text: str = None, index: int = None): """ Constructor. A check is made that the given element is, indeed, a SELECT tag. If it is not, then an UnexpectedTagNameException is thrown. :Args: - css - element SELECT element to wrap - value - The value to match against Usage: <select name="NR" id="nr"> <option value="10" selected="">每鑡显瀺10村</option> <option value="20">每鑡显瀺20村</option> <option value="50">每鑡显瀺50村</option> </select> select(value='20') select(text='每鑡显瀺20村') select(index=2) """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… select option.") if value is not None: Select(elem).select_by_value(value) elif text is not None: Select(elem).select_by_visible_text(text) elif index is not None: Select(elem).select_by_index(index) else: raise ValueError( '"value" or "text" or "index" options can not be all empty.') return self def sleep(self, sec: int): """ Usage: self.sleep(seconds) """"πŸ’€οΈ sleep: {}s.".format(str(sec))) time.sleep(sec) return self
[ "driver", "install", "__init__" ]
# coding=utf-8 import os import time from selenium.webdriver import Chrome from selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver import WebDriver as SeleniumWebDriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from import Select from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains from seldom.logging import log from seldom.running.config import Seldom from seldom.utils.webdriver_manager_extend import ChromeDriverManager from seldom.webdriver import WebElement __all__ = ["Case"] class Case(object): """ Webdriver Basic method chaining Write test cases quickly. """ def __init__(self, url: str = None, desc: str = None): self.url = url"πŸ”– Test Case: {}".format(desc)) def open(self, url: str = None): """ open url. Usage: open("") """ if isinstance(Seldom.driver, SeleniumWebDriver) is False: Seldom.driver = Chrome(executable_path=ChromeDriverManager().ins
if self.url is not None:"πŸ“– {}".format(self.url)) Seldom.driver.get(self.url) else:"πŸ“– {}".format(url)) Seldom.driver.get(url) return self def max_window(self): """ Set browser window maximized. Usage: max_window() """ Seldom.driver.maximize_window() return self def set_window(self, wide: int = 0, high: int = 0): """ Set browser window wide and high. Usage: .set_window(wide,high) """ Seldom.driver.set_window_size(wide, high) return self def find(self, css: str, index: int = 0): """ find element """ web_elem = WebElement(css=css) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {info}.".format( return self def find_text(self, text: str, index: int = 0): """ find link text Usage: find_text("ζ–°ι—»") """ web_elem = WebElement(link_text=text) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {} text.".format( return self def type(self, text): """ type text. """"βœ… input '{text}'.") Seldom.element.send_keys(text) return self def click(self): """ click. """"βœ… click.") return self def clear(self): """ clear input. Usage: clear() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.clear() return self def submit(self): """ submit input Usage: submit() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.submit() return self def enter(self): """ enter. Usage: enter() """"βœ… enter.") Seldom.element.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) return self def move_to_click(self): """ Moving the mouse to the middle of an element. and click element. Usage: move_to_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… Move to the element and click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).click(elem).perform() return self def right_click(self): """ Right click element. Usage: right_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… right click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).context_click(elem).perform() return self def move_to_element(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… move to element.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).perform() return self def click_and_hold(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… click and hold.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).click_and_hold(elem).perform() return self def double_click(self): """ Double click element. Usage: double_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… double click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).double_click(elem).perform() return self def close(self): """ Closes the current window. Usage: close() """ Seldom.driver.close() return self def quit(self): """ Quit the driver and close all the windows. Usage: quit() """ Seldom.driver.quit() return self def refresh(self): """ Refresh the current page. Usage: refresh() """"πŸ”„οΈ refresh page.") Seldom.driver.refresh() return self def alert(self): """ get alert. Usage: alert() """"βœ… alert.") Seldom.alert = Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert return self def accept(self): """ Accept warning box. Usage: alert().accept() """"βœ… accept alert.") Seldom.alert.accept() return self def dismiss(self): """ Dismisses the alert available. Usage: alert().dismiss() """"βœ… dismiss alert.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert.dismiss() return self def switch_to_frame(self): """ Switch to the specified frame. Usage: switch_to_frame() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… switch to frame.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.frame(elem) return self def switch_to_frame_out(self): """ Returns the current form machine form at the next higher level. Corresponding relationship with switch_to_frame () method. Usage: switch_to_frame_out() """"βœ… switch to frame out.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.default_content() return self def switch_to_window(self, window: int): """ Switches focus to the specified window. :Args: - window: window index. 1 represents a newly opened window (0 is the first one) :Usage: switch_to_window(1) """"βœ… switch to the {} window.".format(str(window))) all_handles = Seldom.driver.window_handles Seldom.driver.switch_to.window(all_handles[window]) return self def screenshots(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a screenshots of the current window to a PNG image file. Usage: screenshots() screenshots('/Screenshots/foo.png') """ if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> ({file_path}).") Seldom.driver.save_screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> HTML report.") self.images.append(Seldom.driver.get_screenshot_as_base64()) return self def element_screenshot(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a element screenshot of the element to a PNG image file. Usage: element_screenshot() element_screenshot(file_path='/Screenshots/foo.png') """ elem = Seldom.element if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> ({file_path}).") elem.screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> HTML Report.") self.images.append(elem.screenshot_as_base64) return self def select(self, value: str = None, text: str = None, index: int = None): """ Constructor. A check is made that the given element is, indeed, a SELECT tag. If it is not, then an UnexpectedTagNameException is thrown. :Args: - css - element SELECT element to wrap - value - The value to match against Usage: <select name="NR" id="nr"> <option value="10" selected="">每鑡显瀺10村</option> <option value="20">每鑡显瀺20村</option> <option value="50">每鑡显瀺50村</option> </select> select(value='20') select(text='每鑡显瀺20村') select(index=2) """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… select option.") if value is not None: Select(elem).select_by_value(value) elif text is not None: Select(elem).select_by_visible_text(text) elif index is not None: Select(elem).select_by_index(index) else: raise ValueError( '"value" or "text" or "index" options can not be all empty.') return self def sleep(self, sec: int): """ Usage: self.sleep(seconds) """"πŸ’€οΈ sleep: {}s.".format(str(sec))) time.sleep(sec) return self
[ "BrowserConfig", "colorLog", "debug", "error", "file_dir", "info", "ins", "inspect", "logger", "now_time", "os", "printf", "report_dir", "Seldom", "stack_t", "sys", "time", "warn", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
# coding=utf-8 import os import time from selenium.webdriver import Chrome from selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver import WebDriver as SeleniumWebDriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from import Select from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains from seldom.logging import log from seldom.running.config import Seldom from seldom.utils.webdriver_manager_extend import ChromeDriverManager from seldom.webdriver import WebElement __all__ = ["Case"] class Case(object): """ Webdriver Basic method chaining Write test cases quickly. """ def __init__(self, url: str = None, desc: str = None): self.url = url"πŸ”– Test Case: {}".format(desc)) def open(self, url: str = None): """ open url. Usage: open("") """ if isinstance(Seldom.driver, SeleniumWebDriver) is False: Seldom.driver = Chrome(executable_path=ChromeDriverManager().install()) if self.url is not None: log.inf
{}".format(self.url)) Seldom.driver.get(self.url) else:"πŸ“– {}".format(url)) Seldom.driver.get(url) return self def max_window(self): """ Set browser window maximized. Usage: max_window() """ Seldom.driver.maximize_window() return self def set_window(self, wide: int = 0, high: int = 0): """ Set browser window wide and high. Usage: .set_window(wide,high) """ Seldom.driver.set_window_size(wide, high) return self def find(self, css: str, index: int = 0): """ find element """ web_elem = WebElement(css=css) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {info}.".format( return self def find_text(self, text: str, index: int = 0): """ find link text Usage: find_text("ζ–°ι—»") """ web_elem = WebElement(link_text=text) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {} text.".format( return self def type(self, text): """ type text. """"βœ… input '{text}'.") Seldom.element.send_keys(text) return self def click(self): """ click. """"βœ… click.") return self def clear(self): """ clear input. Usage: clear() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.clear() return self def submit(self): """ submit input Usage: submit() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.submit() return self def enter(self): """ enter. Usage: enter() """"βœ… enter.") Seldom.element.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) return self def move_to_click(self): """ Moving the mouse to the middle of an element. and click element. Usage: move_to_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… Move to the element and click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).click(elem).perform() return self def right_click(self): """ Right click element. Usage: right_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… right click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).context_click(elem).perform() return self def move_to_element(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… move to element.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).perform() return self def click_and_hold(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… click and hold.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).click_and_hold(elem).perform() return self def double_click(self): """ Double click element. Usage: double_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… double click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).double_click(elem).perform() return self def close(self): """ Closes the current window. Usage: close() """ Seldom.driver.close() return self def quit(self): """ Quit the driver and close all the windows. Usage: quit() """ Seldom.driver.quit() return self def refresh(self): """ Refresh the current page. Usage: refresh() """"πŸ”„οΈ refresh page.") Seldom.driver.refresh() return self def alert(self): """ get alert. Usage: alert() """"βœ… alert.") Seldom.alert = Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert return self def accept(self): """ Accept warning box. Usage: alert().accept() """"βœ… accept alert.") Seldom.alert.accept() return self def dismiss(self): """ Dismisses the alert available. Usage: alert().dismiss() """"βœ… dismiss alert.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert.dismiss() return self def switch_to_frame(self): """ Switch to the specified frame. Usage: switch_to_frame() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… switch to frame.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.frame(elem) return self def switch_to_frame_out(self): """ Returns the current form machine form at the next higher level. Corresponding relationship with switch_to_frame () method. Usage: switch_to_frame_out() """"βœ… switch to frame out.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.default_content() return self def switch_to_window(self, window: int): """ Switches focus to the specified window. :Args: - window: window index. 1 represents a newly opened window (0 is the first one) :Usage: switch_to_window(1) """"βœ… switch to the {} window.".format(str(window))) all_handles = Seldom.driver.window_handles Seldom.driver.switch_to.window(all_handles[window]) return self def screenshots(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a screenshots of the current window to a PNG image file. Usage: screenshots() screenshots('/Screenshots/foo.png') """ if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> ({file_path}).") Seldom.driver.save_screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> HTML report.") self.images.append(Seldom.driver.get_screenshot_as_base64()) return self def element_screenshot(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a element screenshot of the element to a PNG image file. Usage: element_screenshot() element_screenshot(file_path='/Screenshots/foo.png') """ elem = Seldom.element if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> ({file_path}).") elem.screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> HTML Report.") self.images.append(elem.screenshot_as_base64) return self def select(self, value: str = None, text: str = None, index: int = None): """ Constructor. A check is made that the given element is, indeed, a SELECT tag. If it is not, then an UnexpectedTagNameException is thrown. :Args: - css - element SELECT element to wrap - value - The value to match against Usage: <select name="NR" id="nr"> <option value="10" selected="">每鑡显瀺10村</option> <option value="20">每鑡显瀺20村</option> <option value="50">每鑡显瀺50村</option> </select> select(value='20') select(text='每鑡显瀺20村') select(index=2) """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… select option.") if value is not None: Select(elem).select_by_value(value) elif text is not None: Select(elem).select_by_visible_text(text) elif index is not None: Select(elem).select_by_index(index) else: raise ValueError( '"value" or "text" or "index" options can not be all empty.') return self def sleep(self, sec: int): """ Usage: self.sleep(seconds) """"πŸ’€οΈ sleep: {}s.".format(str(sec))) time.sleep(sec) return self
[ "base_url", "debug", "driver", "mro", "timeout", "__annotations__", "__base__", "__bases__", "__basicsize__", "__call__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dictoffset__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__flags__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__instancecheck__", "__itemsize__", "__module__", "__mro__", "__name__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__prepare__", "__qualname__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__", "__subclasscheck__", "__subclasses__", "__text_signature__", "__weakrefoffset__" ]
# coding=utf-8 import os import time from selenium.webdriver import Chrome from selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver import WebDriver as SeleniumWebDriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from import Select from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains from seldom.logging import log from seldom.running.config import Seldom from seldom.utils.webdriver_manager_extend import ChromeDriverManager from seldom.webdriver import WebElement __all__ = ["Case"] class Case(object): """ Webdriver Basic method chaining Write test cases quickly. """ def __init__(self, url: str = None, desc: str = None): self.url = url"πŸ”– Test Case: {}".format(desc)) def open(self, url: str = None): """ open url. Usage: open("") """ if isinstance(Seldom.driver, SeleniumWebDriver) is False: Seldom.driver = Chrome(executable_path=ChromeDriverManager().install()) if self.url is not None:"πŸ“– {}".format(self.url)) Seldom.driver
elf.url) else:"πŸ“– {}".format(url)) Seldom.driver.get(url) return self def max_window(self): """ Set browser window maximized. Usage: max_window() """ Seldom.driver.maximize_window() return self def set_window(self, wide: int = 0, high: int = 0): """ Set browser window wide and high. Usage: .set_window(wide,high) """ Seldom.driver.set_window_size(wide, high) return self def find(self, css: str, index: int = 0): """ find element """ web_elem = WebElement(css=css) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {info}.".format( return self def find_text(self, text: str, index: int = 0): """ find link text Usage: find_text("ζ–°ι—»") """ web_elem = WebElement(link_text=text) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {} text.".format( return self def type(self, text): """ type text. """"βœ… input '{text}'.") Seldom.element.send_keys(text) return self def click(self): """ click. """"βœ… click.") return self def clear(self): """ clear input. Usage: clear() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.clear() return self def submit(self): """ submit input Usage: submit() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.submit() return self def enter(self): """ enter. Usage: enter() """"βœ… enter.") Seldom.element.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) return self def move_to_click(self): """ Moving the mouse to the middle of an element. and click element. Usage: move_to_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… Move to the element and click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).click(elem).perform() return self def right_click(self): """ Right click element. Usage: right_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… right click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).context_click(elem).perform() return self def move_to_element(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… move to element.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).perform() return self def click_and_hold(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… click and hold.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).click_and_hold(elem).perform() return self def double_click(self): """ Double click element. Usage: double_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… double click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).double_click(elem).perform() return self def close(self): """ Closes the current window. Usage: close() """ Seldom.driver.close() return self def quit(self): """ Quit the driver and close all the windows. Usage: quit() """ Seldom.driver.quit() return self def refresh(self): """ Refresh the current page. Usage: refresh() """"πŸ”„οΈ refresh page.") Seldom.driver.refresh() return self def alert(self): """ get alert. Usage: alert() """"βœ… alert.") Seldom.alert = Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert return self def accept(self): """ Accept warning box. Usage: alert().accept() """"βœ… accept alert.") Seldom.alert.accept() return self def dismiss(self): """ Dismisses the alert available. Usage: alert().dismiss() """"βœ… dismiss alert.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert.dismiss() return self def switch_to_frame(self): """ Switch to the specified frame. Usage: switch_to_frame() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… switch to frame.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.frame(elem) return self def switch_to_frame_out(self): """ Returns the current form machine form at the next higher level. Corresponding relationship with switch_to_frame () method. Usage: switch_to_frame_out() """"βœ… switch to frame out.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.default_content() return self def switch_to_window(self, window: int): """ Switches focus to the specified window. :Args: - window: window index. 1 represents a newly opened window (0 is the first one) :Usage: switch_to_window(1) """"βœ… switch to the {} window.".format(str(window))) all_handles = Seldom.driver.window_handles Seldom.driver.switch_to.window(all_handles[window]) return self def screenshots(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a screenshots of the current window to a PNG image file. Usage: screenshots() screenshots('/Screenshots/foo.png') """ if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> ({file_path}).") Seldom.driver.save_screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> HTML report.") self.images.append(Seldom.driver.get_screenshot_as_base64()) return self def element_screenshot(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a element screenshot of the element to a PNG image file. Usage: element_screenshot() element_screenshot(file_path='/Screenshots/foo.png') """ elem = Seldom.element if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> ({file_path}).") elem.screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> HTML Report.") self.images.append(elem.screenshot_as_base64) return self def select(self, value: str = None, text: str = None, index: int = None): """ Constructor. A check is made that the given element is, indeed, a SELECT tag. If it is not, then an UnexpectedTagNameException is thrown. :Args: - css - element SELECT element to wrap - value - The value to match against Usage: <select name="NR" id="nr"> <option value="10" selected="">每鑡显瀺10村</option> <option value="20">每鑡显瀺20村</option> <option value="50">每鑡显瀺50村</option> </select> select(value='20') select(text='每鑡显瀺20村') select(index=2) """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… select option.") if value is not None: Select(elem).select_by_value(value) elif text is not None: Select(elem).select_by_visible_text(text) elif index is not None: Select(elem).select_by_index(index) else: raise ValueError( '"value" or "text" or "index" options can not be all empty.') return self def sleep(self, sec: int): """ Usage: self.sleep(seconds) """"πŸ’€οΈ sleep: {}s.".format(str(sec))) time.sleep(sec) return self
[ "accept", "alert", "clear", "click", "click_and_hold", "close", "dismiss", "double_click", "element_screenshot", "enter", "find", "find_text", "max_window", "move_to_click", "move_to_element", "open", "quit", "refresh", "right_click", "screenshots", "select", "set_window", "sleep", "submit", "switch_to_frame", "switch_to_frame_out", "switch_to_window", "type", "url", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
# coding=utf-8 import os import time from selenium.webdriver import Chrome from selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver import WebDriver as SeleniumWebDriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from import Select from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains from seldom.logging import log from seldom.running.config import Seldom from seldom.utils.webdriver_manager_extend import ChromeDriverManager from seldom.webdriver import WebElement __all__ = ["Case"] class Case(object): """ Webdriver Basic method chaining Write test cases quickly. """ def __init__(self, url: str = None, desc: str = None): self.url = url"πŸ”– Test Case: {}".format(desc)) def open(self, url: str = None): """ open url. Usage: open("") """ if isinstance(Seldom.driver, SeleniumWebDriver) is False: Seldom.driver = Chrome(executable_path=ChromeDriverManager().install()) if self.url is not None:"πŸ“– {}".format(self.url)) Seldom.driver.get(self.url)
else:"πŸ“– {}".format(url)) Seldom.driver.get(url) return self def max_window(self): """ Set browser window maximized. Usage: max_window() """ Seldom.driver.maximize_window() return self def set_window(self, wide: int = 0, high: int = 0): """ Set browser window wide and high. Usage: .set_window(wide,high) """ Seldom.driver.set_window_size(wide, high) return self def find(self, css: str, index: int = 0): """ find element """ web_elem = WebElement(css=css) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {info}.".format( return self def find_text(self, text: str, index: int = 0): """ find link text Usage: find_text("ζ–°ι—»") """ web_elem = WebElement(link_text=text) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {} text.".format( return self def type(self, text): """ type text. """"βœ… input '{text}'.") Seldom.element.send_keys(text) return self def click(self): """ click. """"βœ… click.") return self def clear(self): """ clear input. Usage: clear() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.clear() return self def submit(self): """ submit input Usage: submit() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.submit() return self def enter(self): """ enter. Usage: enter() """"βœ… enter.") Seldom.element.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) return self def move_to_click(self): """ Moving the mouse to the middle of an element. and click element. Usage: move_to_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… Move to the element and click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).click(elem).perform() return self def right_click(self): """ Right click element. Usage: right_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… right click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).context_click(elem).perform() return self def move_to_element(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… move to element.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).perform() return self def click_and_hold(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… click and hold.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).click_and_hold(elem).perform() return self def double_click(self): """ Double click element. Usage: double_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… double click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).double_click(elem).perform() return self def close(self): """ Closes the current window. Usage: close() """ Seldom.driver.close() return self def quit(self): """ Quit the driver and close all the windows. Usage: quit() """ Seldom.driver.quit() return self def refresh(self): """ Refresh the current page. Usage: refresh() """"πŸ”„οΈ refresh page.") Seldom.driver.refresh() return self def alert(self): """ get alert. Usage: alert() """"βœ… alert.") Seldom.alert = Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert return self def accept(self): """ Accept warning box. Usage: alert().accept() """"βœ… accept alert.") Seldom.alert.accept() return self def dismiss(self): """ Dismisses the alert available. Usage: alert().dismiss() """"βœ… dismiss alert.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert.dismiss() return self def switch_to_frame(self): """ Switch to the specified frame. Usage: switch_to_frame() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… switch to frame.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.frame(elem) return self def switch_to_frame_out(self): """ Returns the current form machine form at the next higher level. Corresponding relationship with switch_to_frame () method. Usage: switch_to_frame_out() """"βœ… switch to frame out.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.default_content() return self def switch_to_window(self, window: int): """ Switches focus to the specified window. :Args: - window: window index. 1 represents a newly opened window (0 is the first one) :Usage: switch_to_window(1) """"βœ… switch to the {} window.".format(str(window))) all_handles = Seldom.driver.window_handles Seldom.driver.switch_to.window(all_handles[window]) return self def screenshots(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a screenshots of the current window to a PNG image file. Usage: screenshots() screenshots('/Screenshots/foo.png') """ if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> ({file_path}).") Seldom.driver.save_screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> HTML report.") self.images.append(Seldom.driver.get_screenshot_as_base64()) return self def element_screenshot(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a element screenshot of the element to a PNG image file. Usage: element_screenshot() element_screenshot(file_path='/Screenshots/foo.png') """ elem = Seldom.element if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> ({file_path}).") elem.screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> HTML Report.") self.images.append(elem.screenshot_as_base64) return self def select(self, value: str = None, text: str = None, index: int = None): """ Constructor. A check is made that the given element is, indeed, a SELECT tag. If it is not, then an UnexpectedTagNameException is thrown. :Args: - css - element SELECT element to wrap - value - The value to match against Usage: <select name="NR" id="nr"> <option value="10" selected="">每鑡显瀺10村</option> <option value="20">每鑡显瀺20村</option> <option value="50">每鑡显瀺50村</option> </select> select(value='20') select(text='每鑡显瀺20村') select(index=2) """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… select option.") if value is not None: Select(elem).select_by_value(value) elif text is not None: Select(elem).select_by_visible_text(text) elif index is not None: Select(elem).select_by_index(index) else: raise ValueError( '"value" or "text" or "index" options can not be all empty.') return self def sleep(self, sec: int): """ Usage: self.sleep(seconds) """"πŸ’€οΈ sleep: {}s.".format(str(sec))) time.sleep(sec) return self
[ "BrowserConfig", "colorLog", "debug", "error", "file_dir", "info", "ins", "inspect", "logger", "now_time", "os", "printf", "report_dir", "Seldom", "stack_t", "sys", "time", "warn", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
# coding=utf-8 import os import time from selenium.webdriver import Chrome from selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver import WebDriver as SeleniumWebDriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from import Select from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains from seldom.logging import log from seldom.running.config import Seldom from seldom.utils.webdriver_manager_extend import ChromeDriverManager from seldom.webdriver import WebElement __all__ = ["Case"] class Case(object): """ Webdriver Basic method chaining Write test cases quickly. """ def __init__(self, url: str = None, desc: str = None): self.url = url"πŸ”– Test Case: {}".format(desc)) def open(self, url: str = None): """ open url. Usage: open("") """ if isinstance(Seldom.driver, SeleniumWebDriver) is False: Seldom.driver = Chrome(executable_path=ChromeDriverManager().install()) if self.url is not None:"πŸ“– {}".format(self.url)) Seldom.driver.get(self.url) else:"
".format(url)) Seldom.driver.get(url) return self def max_window(self): """ Set browser window maximized. Usage: max_window() """ Seldom.driver.maximize_window() return self def set_window(self, wide: int = 0, high: int = 0): """ Set browser window wide and high. Usage: .set_window(wide,high) """ Seldom.driver.set_window_size(wide, high) return self def find(self, css: str, index: int = 0): """ find element """ web_elem = WebElement(css=css) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {info}.".format( return self def find_text(self, text: str, index: int = 0): """ find link text Usage: find_text("ζ–°ι—»") """ web_elem = WebElement(link_text=text) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {} text.".format( return self def type(self, text): """ type text. """"βœ… input '{text}'.") Seldom.element.send_keys(text) return self def click(self): """ click. """"βœ… click.") return self def clear(self): """ clear input. Usage: clear() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.clear() return self def submit(self): """ submit input Usage: submit() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.submit() return self def enter(self): """ enter. Usage: enter() """"βœ… enter.") Seldom.element.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) return self def move_to_click(self): """ Moving the mouse to the middle of an element. and click element. Usage: move_to_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… Move to the element and click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).click(elem).perform() return self def right_click(self): """ Right click element. Usage: right_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… right click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).context_click(elem).perform() return self def move_to_element(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… move to element.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).perform() return self def click_and_hold(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… click and hold.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).click_and_hold(elem).perform() return self def double_click(self): """ Double click element. Usage: double_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… double click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).double_click(elem).perform() return self def close(self): """ Closes the current window. Usage: close() """ Seldom.driver.close() return self def quit(self): """ Quit the driver and close all the windows. Usage: quit() """ Seldom.driver.quit() return self def refresh(self): """ Refresh the current page. Usage: refresh() """"πŸ”„οΈ refresh page.") Seldom.driver.refresh() return self def alert(self): """ get alert. Usage: alert() """"βœ… alert.") Seldom.alert = Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert return self def accept(self): """ Accept warning box. Usage: alert().accept() """"βœ… accept alert.") Seldom.alert.accept() return self def dismiss(self): """ Dismisses the alert available. Usage: alert().dismiss() """"βœ… dismiss alert.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert.dismiss() return self def switch_to_frame(self): """ Switch to the specified frame. Usage: switch_to_frame() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… switch to frame.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.frame(elem) return self def switch_to_frame_out(self): """ Returns the current form machine form at the next higher level. Corresponding relationship with switch_to_frame () method. Usage: switch_to_frame_out() """"βœ… switch to frame out.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.default_content() return self def switch_to_window(self, window: int): """ Switches focus to the specified window. :Args: - window: window index. 1 represents a newly opened window (0 is the first one) :Usage: switch_to_window(1) """"βœ… switch to the {} window.".format(str(window))) all_handles = Seldom.driver.window_handles Seldom.driver.switch_to.window(all_handles[window]) return self def screenshots(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a screenshots of the current window to a PNG image file. Usage: screenshots() screenshots('/Screenshots/foo.png') """ if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> ({file_path}).") Seldom.driver.save_screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> HTML report.") self.images.append(Seldom.driver.get_screenshot_as_base64()) return self def element_screenshot(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a element screenshot of the element to a PNG image file. Usage: element_screenshot() element_screenshot(file_path='/Screenshots/foo.png') """ elem = Seldom.element if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> ({file_path}).") elem.screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> HTML Report.") self.images.append(elem.screenshot_as_base64) return self def select(self, value: str = None, text: str = None, index: int = None): """ Constructor. A check is made that the given element is, indeed, a SELECT tag. If it is not, then an UnexpectedTagNameException is thrown. :Args: - css - element SELECT element to wrap - value - The value to match against Usage: <select name="NR" id="nr"> <option value="10" selected="">每鑡显瀺10村</option> <option value="20">每鑡显瀺20村</option> <option value="50">每鑡显瀺50村</option> </select> select(value='20') select(text='每鑡显瀺20村') select(index=2) """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… select option.") if value is not None: Select(elem).select_by_value(value) elif text is not None: Select(elem).select_by_visible_text(text) elif index is not None: Select(elem).select_by_index(index) else: raise ValueError( '"value" or "text" or "index" options can not be all empty.') return self def sleep(self, sec: int): """ Usage: self.sleep(seconds) """"πŸ’€οΈ sleep: {}s.".format(str(sec))) time.sleep(sec) return self
[ "base_url", "debug", "driver", "mro", "timeout", "__annotations__", "__base__", "__bases__", "__basicsize__", "__call__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dictoffset__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__flags__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__instancecheck__", "__itemsize__", "__module__", "__mro__", "__name__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__prepare__", "__qualname__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__", "__subclasscheck__", "__subclasses__", "__text_signature__", "__weakrefoffset__" ]
# coding=utf-8 import os import time from selenium.webdriver import Chrome from selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver import WebDriver as SeleniumWebDriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from import Select from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains from seldom.logging import log from seldom.running.config import Seldom from seldom.utils.webdriver_manager_extend import ChromeDriverManager from seldom.webdriver import WebElement __all__ = ["Case"] class Case(object): """ Webdriver Basic method chaining Write test cases quickly. """ def __init__(self, url: str = None, desc: str = None): self.url = url"πŸ”– Test Case: {}".format(desc)) def open(self, url: str = None): """ open url. Usage: open("") """ if isinstance(Seldom.driver, SeleniumWebDriver) is False: Seldom.driver = Chrome(executable_path=ChromeDriverManager().install()) if self.url is not None:"πŸ“– {}".format(self.url)) Seldom.driver.get(self.url) else:"πŸ“– {}".format(url))
return self def max_window(self): """ Set browser window maximized. Usage: max_window() """ Seldom.driver.maximize_window() return self def set_window(self, wide: int = 0, high: int = 0): """ Set browser window wide and high. Usage: .set_window(wide,high) """ Seldom.driver.set_window_size(wide, high) return self def find(self, css: str, index: int = 0): """ find element """ web_elem = WebElement(css=css) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {info}.".format( return self def find_text(self, text: str, index: int = 0): """ find link text Usage: find_text("ζ–°ι—»") """ web_elem = WebElement(link_text=text) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {} text.".format( return self def type(self, text): """ type text. """"βœ… input '{text}'.") Seldom.element.send_keys(text) return self def click(self): """ click. """"βœ… click.") return self def clear(self): """ clear input. Usage: clear() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.clear() return self def submit(self): """ submit input Usage: submit() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.submit() return self def enter(self): """ enter. Usage: enter() """"βœ… enter.") Seldom.element.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) return self def move_to_click(self): """ Moving the mouse to the middle of an element. and click element. Usage: move_to_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… Move to the element and click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).click(elem).perform() return self def right_click(self): """ Right click element. Usage: right_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… right click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).context_click(elem).perform() return self def move_to_element(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… move to element.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).perform() return self def click_and_hold(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… click and hold.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).click_and_hold(elem).perform() return self def double_click(self): """ Double click element. Usage: double_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… double click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).double_click(elem).perform() return self def close(self): """ Closes the current window. Usage: close() """ Seldom.driver.close() return self def quit(self): """ Quit the driver and close all the windows. Usage: quit() """ Seldom.driver.quit() return self def refresh(self): """ Refresh the current page. Usage: refresh() """"πŸ”„οΈ refresh page.") Seldom.driver.refresh() return self def alert(self): """ get alert. Usage: alert() """"βœ… alert.") Seldom.alert = Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert return self def accept(self): """ Accept warning box. Usage: alert().accept() """"βœ… accept alert.") Seldom.alert.accept() return self def dismiss(self): """ Dismisses the alert available. Usage: alert().dismiss() """"βœ… dismiss alert.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert.dismiss() return self def switch_to_frame(self): """ Switch to the specified frame. Usage: switch_to_frame() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… switch to frame.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.frame(elem) return self def switch_to_frame_out(self): """ Returns the current form machine form at the next higher level. Corresponding relationship with switch_to_frame () method. Usage: switch_to_frame_out() """"βœ… switch to frame out.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.default_content() return self def switch_to_window(self, window: int): """ Switches focus to the specified window. :Args: - window: window index. 1 represents a newly opened window (0 is the first one) :Usage: switch_to_window(1) """"βœ… switch to the {} window.".format(str(window))) all_handles = Seldom.driver.window_handles Seldom.driver.switch_to.window(all_handles[window]) return self def screenshots(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a screenshots of the current window to a PNG image file. Usage: screenshots() screenshots('/Screenshots/foo.png') """ if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> ({file_path}).") Seldom.driver.save_screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> HTML report.") self.images.append(Seldom.driver.get_screenshot_as_base64()) return self def element_screenshot(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a element screenshot of the element to a PNG image file. Usage: element_screenshot() element_screenshot(file_path='/Screenshots/foo.png') """ elem = Seldom.element if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> ({file_path}).") elem.screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> HTML Report.") self.images.append(elem.screenshot_as_base64) return self def select(self, value: str = None, text: str = None, index: int = None): """ Constructor. A check is made that the given element is, indeed, a SELECT tag. If it is not, then an UnexpectedTagNameException is thrown. :Args: - css - element SELECT element to wrap - value - The value to match against Usage: <select name="NR" id="nr"> <option value="10" selected="">每鑡显瀺10村</option> <option value="20">每鑡显瀺20村</option> <option value="50">每鑡显瀺50村</option> </select> select(value='20') select(text='每鑡显瀺20村') select(index=2) """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… select option.") if value is not None: Select(elem).select_by_value(value) elif text is not None: Select(elem).select_by_visible_text(text) elif index is not None: Select(elem).select_by_index(index) else: raise ValueError( '"value" or "text" or "index" options can not be all empty.') return self def sleep(self, sec: int): """ Usage: self.sleep(seconds) """"πŸ’€οΈ sleep: {}s.".format(str(sec))) time.sleep(sec) return self
[ "by", "find_elem_info", "find_elem_warn", "get_elements", "info", "show_element", "value", "warn", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
# coding=utf-8 import os import time from selenium.webdriver import Chrome from selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver import WebDriver as SeleniumWebDriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from import Select from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains from seldom.logging import log from seldom.running.config import Seldom from seldom.utils.webdriver_manager_extend import ChromeDriverManager from seldom.webdriver import WebElement __all__ = ["Case"] class Case(object): """ Webdriver Basic method chaining Write test cases quickly. """ def __init__(self, url: str = None, desc: str = None): self.url = url"πŸ”– Test Case: {}".format(desc)) def open(self, url: str = None): """ open url. Usage: open("") """ if isinstance(Seldom.driver, SeleniumWebDriver) is False: Seldom.driver = Chrome(executable_path=ChromeDriverManager().install()) if self.url is not None:"πŸ“– {}".format(self.url)) Seldom.driver.get(self.url) else:"πŸ“– {}".format(url)) Seldom.driver.get(url) return self def max_window(self): """ Set browser window maximized. Usage: max_window() """ Seldom.driver.maximize_window() return self def set_window(self, wide: int = 0, high: int = 0): """ Set browser window wide and high. Usage: .set_window(wide,high) """ Seldom.driver.set_window_size(wide, high) return self def find(self, css: str, index: int = 0): """ find element """ web_elem = WebElement(css=css) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_eleme
web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {info}.".format( return self def find_text(self, text: str, index: int = 0): """ find link text Usage: find_text("ζ–°ι—»") """ web_elem = WebElement(link_text=text) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {} text.".format( return self def type(self, text): """ type text. """"βœ… input '{text}'.") Seldom.element.send_keys(text) return self def click(self): """ click. """"βœ… click.") return self def clear(self): """ clear input. Usage: clear() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.clear() return self def submit(self): """ submit input Usage: submit() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.submit() return self def enter(self): """ enter. Usage: enter() """"βœ… enter.") Seldom.element.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) return self def move_to_click(self): """ Moving the mouse to the middle of an element. and click element. Usage: move_to_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… Move to the element and click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).click(elem).perform() return self def right_click(self): """ Right click element. Usage: right_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… right click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).context_click(elem).perform() return self def move_to_element(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… move to element.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).perform() return self def click_and_hold(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… click and hold.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).click_and_hold(elem).perform() return self def double_click(self): """ Double click element. Usage: double_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… double click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).double_click(elem).perform() return self def close(self): """ Closes the current window. Usage: close() """ Seldom.driver.close() return self def quit(self): """ Quit the driver and close all the windows. Usage: quit() """ Seldom.driver.quit() return self def refresh(self): """ Refresh the current page. Usage: refresh() """"πŸ”„οΈ refresh page.") Seldom.driver.refresh() return self def alert(self): """ get alert. Usage: alert() """"βœ… alert.") Seldom.alert = Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert return self def accept(self): """ Accept warning box. Usage: alert().accept() """"βœ… accept alert.") Seldom.alert.accept() return self def dismiss(self): """ Dismisses the alert available. Usage: alert().dismiss() """"βœ… dismiss alert.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert.dismiss() return self def switch_to_frame(self): """ Switch to the specified frame. Usage: switch_to_frame() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… switch to frame.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.frame(elem) return self def switch_to_frame_out(self): """ Returns the current form machine form at the next higher level. Corresponding relationship with switch_to_frame () method. Usage: switch_to_frame_out() """"βœ… switch to frame out.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.default_content() return self def switch_to_window(self, window: int): """ Switches focus to the specified window. :Args: - window: window index. 1 represents a newly opened window (0 is the first one) :Usage: switch_to_window(1) """"βœ… switch to the {} window.".format(str(window))) all_handles = Seldom.driver.window_handles Seldom.driver.switch_to.window(all_handles[window]) return self def screenshots(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a screenshots of the current window to a PNG image file. Usage: screenshots() screenshots('/Screenshots/foo.png') """ if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> ({file_path}).") Seldom.driver.save_screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> HTML report.") self.images.append(Seldom.driver.get_screenshot_as_base64()) return self def element_screenshot(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a element screenshot of the element to a PNG image file. Usage: element_screenshot() element_screenshot(file_path='/Screenshots/foo.png') """ elem = Seldom.element if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> ({file_path}).") elem.screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> HTML Report.") self.images.append(elem.screenshot_as_base64) return self def select(self, value: str = None, text: str = None, index: int = None): """ Constructor. A check is made that the given element is, indeed, a SELECT tag. If it is not, then an UnexpectedTagNameException is thrown. :Args: - css - element SELECT element to wrap - value - The value to match against Usage: <select name="NR" id="nr"> <option value="10" selected="">每鑡显瀺10村</option> <option value="20">每鑡显瀺20村</option> <option value="50">每鑡显瀺50村</option> </select> select(value='20') select(text='每鑡显瀺20村') select(index=2) """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… select option.") if value is not None: Select(elem).select_by_value(value) elif text is not None: Select(elem).select_by_visible_text(text) elif index is not None: Select(elem).select_by_index(index) else: raise ValueError( '"value" or "text" or "index" options can not be all empty.') return self def sleep(self, sec: int): """ Usage: self.sleep(seconds) """"πŸ’€οΈ sleep: {}s.".format(str(sec))) time.sleep(sec) return self
[ "BrowserConfig", "colorLog", "debug", "error", "file_dir", "info", "ins", "inspect", "logger", "now_time", "os", "printf", "report_dir", "Seldom", "stack_t", "sys", "time", "warn", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
# coding=utf-8 import os import time from selenium.webdriver import Chrome from selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver import WebDriver as SeleniumWebDriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from import Select from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains from seldom.logging import log from seldom.running.config import Seldom from seldom.utils.webdriver_manager_extend import ChromeDriverManager from seldom.webdriver import WebElement __all__ = ["Case"] class Case(object): """ Webdriver Basic method chaining Write test cases quickly. """ def __init__(self, url: str = None, desc: str = None): self.url = url"πŸ”– Test Case: {}".format(desc)) def open(self, url: str = None): """ open url. Usage: open("") """ if isinstance(Seldom.driver, SeleniumWebDriver) is False: Seldom.driver = Chrome(executable_path=ChromeDriverManager().install()) if self.url is not None:"πŸ“– {}".format(self.url)) Seldom.driver.get(self.url) else:"πŸ“– {}".format(url)) Seldom.driver.get(url) return self def max_window(self): """ Set browser window maximized. Usage: max_window() """ Seldom.driver.maximize_window() return self def set_window(self, wide: int = 0, high: int = 0): """ Set browser window wide and high. Usage: .set_window(wide,high) """ Seldom.driver.set_window_size(wide, high) return self def find(self, css: str, index: int = 0): """ find element """ web_elem = WebElement(css=css) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” f
{info}.".format( return self def find_text(self, text: str, index: int = 0): """ find link text Usage: find_text("ζ–°ι—»") """ web_elem = WebElement(link_text=text) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {} text.".format( return self def type(self, text): """ type text. """"βœ… input '{text}'.") Seldom.element.send_keys(text) return self def click(self): """ click. """"βœ… click.") return self def clear(self): """ clear input. Usage: clear() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.clear() return self def submit(self): """ submit input Usage: submit() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.submit() return self def enter(self): """ enter. Usage: enter() """"βœ… enter.") Seldom.element.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) return self def move_to_click(self): """ Moving the mouse to the middle of an element. and click element. Usage: move_to_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… Move to the element and click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).click(elem).perform() return self def right_click(self): """ Right click element. Usage: right_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… right click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).context_click(elem).perform() return self def move_to_element(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… move to element.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).perform() return self def click_and_hold(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… click and hold.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).click_and_hold(elem).perform() return self def double_click(self): """ Double click element. Usage: double_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… double click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).double_click(elem).perform() return self def close(self): """ Closes the current window. Usage: close() """ Seldom.driver.close() return self def quit(self): """ Quit the driver and close all the windows. Usage: quit() """ Seldom.driver.quit() return self def refresh(self): """ Refresh the current page. Usage: refresh() """"πŸ”„οΈ refresh page.") Seldom.driver.refresh() return self def alert(self): """ get alert. Usage: alert() """"βœ… alert.") Seldom.alert = Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert return self def accept(self): """ Accept warning box. Usage: alert().accept() """"βœ… accept alert.") Seldom.alert.accept() return self def dismiss(self): """ Dismisses the alert available. Usage: alert().dismiss() """"βœ… dismiss alert.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert.dismiss() return self def switch_to_frame(self): """ Switch to the specified frame. Usage: switch_to_frame() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… switch to frame.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.frame(elem) return self def switch_to_frame_out(self): """ Returns the current form machine form at the next higher level. Corresponding relationship with switch_to_frame () method. Usage: switch_to_frame_out() """"βœ… switch to frame out.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.default_content() return self def switch_to_window(self, window: int): """ Switches focus to the specified window. :Args: - window: window index. 1 represents a newly opened window (0 is the first one) :Usage: switch_to_window(1) """"βœ… switch to the {} window.".format(str(window))) all_handles = Seldom.driver.window_handles Seldom.driver.switch_to.window(all_handles[window]) return self def screenshots(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a screenshots of the current window to a PNG image file. Usage: screenshots() screenshots('/Screenshots/foo.png') """ if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> ({file_path}).") Seldom.driver.save_screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> HTML report.") self.images.append(Seldom.driver.get_screenshot_as_base64()) return self def element_screenshot(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a element screenshot of the element to a PNG image file. Usage: element_screenshot() element_screenshot(file_path='/Screenshots/foo.png') """ elem = Seldom.element if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> ({file_path}).") elem.screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> HTML Report.") self.images.append(elem.screenshot_as_base64) return self def select(self, value: str = None, text: str = None, index: int = None): """ Constructor. A check is made that the given element is, indeed, a SELECT tag. If it is not, then an UnexpectedTagNameException is thrown. :Args: - css - element SELECT element to wrap - value - The value to match against Usage: <select name="NR" id="nr"> <option value="10" selected="">每鑡显瀺10村</option> <option value="20">每鑡显瀺20村</option> <option value="50">每鑡显瀺50村</option> </select> select(value='20') select(text='每鑡显瀺20村') select(index=2) """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… select option.") if value is not None: Select(elem).select_by_value(value) elif text is not None: Select(elem).select_by_visible_text(text) elif index is not None: Select(elem).select_by_index(index) else: raise ValueError( '"value" or "text" or "index" options can not be all empty.') return self def sleep(self, sec: int): """ Usage: self.sleep(seconds) """"πŸ’€οΈ sleep: {}s.".format(str(sec))) time.sleep(sec) return self
[ "by", "find_elem_info", "find_elem_warn", "get_elements", "info", "show_element", "value", "warn", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
# coding=utf-8 import os import time from selenium.webdriver import Chrome from selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver import WebDriver as SeleniumWebDriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from import Select from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains from seldom.logging import log from seldom.running.config import Seldom from seldom.utils.webdriver_manager_extend import ChromeDriverManager from seldom.webdriver import WebElement __all__ = ["Case"] class Case(object): """ Webdriver Basic method chaining Write test cases quickly. """ def __init__(self, url: str = None, desc: str = None): self.url = url"πŸ”– Test Case: {}".format(desc)) def open(self, url: str = None): """ open url. Usage: open("") """ if isinstance(Seldom.driver, SeleniumWebDriver) is False: Seldom.driver = Chrome(executable_path=ChromeDriverManager().install()) if self.url is not None:"πŸ“– {}".format(self.url)) Seldom.driver.get(self.url) else:"πŸ“– {}".format(url)) Seldom.driver.get(url) return self def max_window(self): """ Set browser window maximized. Usage: max_window() """ Seldom.driver.maximize_window() return self def set_window(self, wide: int = 0, high: int = 0): """ Set browser window wide and high. Usage: .set_window(wide,high) """ Seldom.driver.set_window_size(wide, high) return self def find(self, css: str, index: int = 0): """ find element """ web_elem = WebElement(css=css) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {info}.".format( return self def find_text(self, text: str, index: int = 0): """ find link text Usage: find_text("ζ–°ι—»") """ web_elem = WebElement(link_text=text) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(ele"πŸ” find {} text.".format( return self def type(self, text): """ type text. """"βœ… input '{text}'.") Seldom.element.send_keys(text) return self def click(self): """ click. """"βœ… click.") return self def clear(self): """ clear input. Usage: clear() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.clear() return self def submit(self): """ submit input Usage: submit() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.submit() return self def enter(self): """ enter. Usage: enter() """"βœ… enter.") Seldom.element.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) return self def move_to_click(self): """ Moving the mouse to the middle of an element. and click element. Usage: move_to_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… Move to the element and click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).click(elem).perform() return self def right_click(self): """ Right click element. Usage: right_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… right click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).context_click(elem).perform() return self def move_to_element(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… move to element.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).perform() return self def click_and_hold(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… click and hold.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).click_and_hold(elem).perform() return self def double_click(self): """ Double click element. Usage: double_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… double click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).double_click(elem).perform() return self def close(self): """ Closes the current window. Usage: close() """ Seldom.driver.close() return self def quit(self): """ Quit the driver and close all the windows. Usage: quit() """ Seldom.driver.quit() return self def refresh(self): """ Refresh the current page. Usage: refresh() """"πŸ”„οΈ refresh page.") Seldom.driver.refresh() return self def alert(self): """ get alert. Usage: alert() """"βœ… alert.") Seldom.alert = Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert return self def accept(self): """ Accept warning box. Usage: alert().accept() """"βœ… accept alert.") Seldom.alert.accept() return self def dismiss(self): """ Dismisses the alert available. Usage: alert().dismiss() """"βœ… dismiss alert.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert.dismiss() return self def switch_to_frame(self): """ Switch to the specified frame. Usage: switch_to_frame() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… switch to frame.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.frame(elem) return self def switch_to_frame_out(self): """ Returns the current form machine form at the next higher level. Corresponding relationship with switch_to_frame () method. Usage: switch_to_frame_out() """"βœ… switch to frame out.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.default_content() return self def switch_to_window(self, window: int): """ Switches focus to the specified window. :Args: - window: window index. 1 represents a newly opened window (0 is the first one) :Usage: switch_to_window(1) """"βœ… switch to the {} window.".format(str(window))) all_handles = Seldom.driver.window_handles Seldom.driver.switch_to.window(all_handles[window]) return self def screenshots(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a screenshots of the current window to a PNG image file. Usage: screenshots() screenshots('/Screenshots/foo.png') """ if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> ({file_path}).") Seldom.driver.save_screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> HTML report.") self.images.append(Seldom.driver.get_screenshot_as_base64()) return self def element_screenshot(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a element screenshot of the element to a PNG image file. Usage: element_screenshot() element_screenshot(file_path='/Screenshots/foo.png') """ elem = Seldom.element if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> ({file_path}).") elem.screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> HTML Report.") self.images.append(elem.screenshot_as_base64) return self def select(self, value: str = None, text: str = None, index: int = None): """ Constructor. A check is made that the given element is, indeed, a SELECT tag. If it is not, then an UnexpectedTagNameException is thrown. :Args: - css - element SELECT element to wrap - value - The value to match against Usage: <select name="NR" id="nr"> <option value="10" selected="">每鑡显瀺10村</option> <option value="20">每鑡显瀺20村</option> <option value="50">每鑡显瀺50村</option> </select> select(value='20') select(text='每鑡显瀺20村') select(index=2) """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… select option.") if value is not None: Select(elem).select_by_value(value) elif text is not None: Select(elem).select_by_visible_text(text) elif index is not None: Select(elem).select_by_index(index) else: raise ValueError( '"value" or "text" or "index" options can not be all empty.') return self def sleep(self, sec: int): """ Usage: self.sleep(seconds) """"πŸ’€οΈ sleep: {}s.".format(str(sec))) time.sleep(sec) return self
[ "BrowserConfig", "colorLog", "debug", "error", "file_dir", "info", "ins", "inspect", "logger", "now_time", "os", "printf", "report_dir", "Seldom", "stack_t", "sys", "time", "warn", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
# coding=utf-8 import os import time from selenium.webdriver import Chrome from selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver import WebDriver as SeleniumWebDriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from import Select from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains from seldom.logging import log from seldom.running.config import Seldom from seldom.utils.webdriver_manager_extend import ChromeDriverManager from seldom.webdriver import WebElement __all__ = ["Case"] class Case(object): """ Webdriver Basic method chaining Write test cases quickly. """ def __init__(self, url: str = None, desc: str = None): self.url = url"πŸ”– Test Case: {}".format(desc)) def open(self, url: str = None): """ open url. Usage: open("") """ if isinstance(Seldom.driver, SeleniumWebDriver) is False: Seldom.driver = Chrome(executable_path=ChromeDriverManager().install()) if self.url is not None:"πŸ“– {}".format(self.url)) Seldom.driver.get(self.url) else:"πŸ“– {}".format(url)) Seldom.driver.get(url) return self def max_window(self): """ Set browser window maximized. Usage: max_window() """ Seldom.driver.maximize_window() return self def set_window(self, wide: int = 0, high: int = 0): """ Set browser window wide and high. Usage: .set_window(wide,high) """ Seldom.driver.set_window_size(wide, high) return self def find(self, css: str, index: int = 0): """ find element """ web_elem = WebElement(css=css) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {info}.".format( return self def find_text(self, text: str, index: int = 0): """ find link text Usage: find_text("ζ–°ι—»") """ web_elem = WebElement(link_text=text) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {}
.".format( return self def type(self, text): """ type text. """"βœ… input '{text}'.") Seldom.element.send_keys(text) return self def click(self): """ click. """"βœ… click.") return self def clear(self): """ clear input. Usage: clear() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.clear() return self def submit(self): """ submit input Usage: submit() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.submit() return self def enter(self): """ enter. Usage: enter() """"βœ… enter.") Seldom.element.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) return self def move_to_click(self): """ Moving the mouse to the middle of an element. and click element. Usage: move_to_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… Move to the element and click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).click(elem).perform() return self def right_click(self): """ Right click element. Usage: right_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… right click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).context_click(elem).perform() return self def move_to_element(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… move to element.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).perform() return self def click_and_hold(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… click and hold.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).click_and_hold(elem).perform() return self def double_click(self): """ Double click element. Usage: double_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… double click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).double_click(elem).perform() return self def close(self): """ Closes the current window. Usage: close() """ Seldom.driver.close() return self def quit(self): """ Quit the driver and close all the windows. Usage: quit() """ Seldom.driver.quit() return self def refresh(self): """ Refresh the current page. Usage: refresh() """"πŸ”„οΈ refresh page.") Seldom.driver.refresh() return self def alert(self): """ get alert. Usage: alert() """"βœ… alert.") Seldom.alert = Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert return self def accept(self): """ Accept warning box. Usage: alert().accept() """"βœ… accept alert.") Seldom.alert.accept() return self def dismiss(self): """ Dismisses the alert available. Usage: alert().dismiss() """"βœ… dismiss alert.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert.dismiss() return self def switch_to_frame(self): """ Switch to the specified frame. Usage: switch_to_frame() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… switch to frame.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.frame(elem) return self def switch_to_frame_out(self): """ Returns the current form machine form at the next higher level. Corresponding relationship with switch_to_frame () method. Usage: switch_to_frame_out() """"βœ… switch to frame out.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.default_content() return self def switch_to_window(self, window: int): """ Switches focus to the specified window. :Args: - window: window index. 1 represents a newly opened window (0 is the first one) :Usage: switch_to_window(1) """"βœ… switch to the {} window.".format(str(window))) all_handles = Seldom.driver.window_handles Seldom.driver.switch_to.window(all_handles[window]) return self def screenshots(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a screenshots of the current window to a PNG image file. Usage: screenshots() screenshots('/Screenshots/foo.png') """ if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> ({file_path}).") Seldom.driver.save_screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> HTML report.") self.images.append(Seldom.driver.get_screenshot_as_base64()) return self def element_screenshot(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a element screenshot of the element to a PNG image file. Usage: element_screenshot() element_screenshot(file_path='/Screenshots/foo.png') """ elem = Seldom.element if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> ({file_path}).") elem.screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> HTML Report.") self.images.append(elem.screenshot_as_base64) return self def select(self, value: str = None, text: str = None, index: int = None): """ Constructor. A check is made that the given element is, indeed, a SELECT tag. If it is not, then an UnexpectedTagNameException is thrown. :Args: - css - element SELECT element to wrap - value - The value to match against Usage: <select name="NR" id="nr"> <option value="10" selected="">每鑡显瀺10村</option> <option value="20">每鑡显瀺20村</option> <option value="50">每鑡显瀺50村</option> </select> select(value='20') select(text='每鑡显瀺20村') select(index=2) """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… select option.") if value is not None: Select(elem).select_by_value(value) elif text is not None: Select(elem).select_by_visible_text(text) elif index is not None: Select(elem).select_by_index(index) else: raise ValueError( '"value" or "text" or "index" options can not be all empty.') return self def sleep(self, sec: int): """ Usage: self.sleep(seconds) """"πŸ’€οΈ sleep: {}s.".format(str(sec))) time.sleep(sec) return self
[ "BrowserConfig", "colorLog", "debug", "error", "file_dir", "info", "ins", "inspect", "logger", "now_time", "os", "printf", "report_dir", "Seldom", "stack_t", "sys", "time", "warn", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
# coding=utf-8 import os import time from selenium.webdriver import Chrome from selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver import WebDriver as SeleniumWebDriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from import Select from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains from seldom.logging import log from seldom.running.config import Seldom from seldom.utils.webdriver_manager_extend import ChromeDriverManager from seldom.webdriver import WebElement __all__ = ["Case"] class Case(object): """ Webdriver Basic method chaining Write test cases quickly. """ def __init__(self, url: str = None, desc: str = None): self.url = url"πŸ”– Test Case: {}".format(desc)) def open(self, url: str = None): """ open url. Usage: open("") """ if isinstance(Seldom.driver, SeleniumWebDriver) is False: Seldom.driver = Chrome(executable_path=ChromeDriverManager().install()) if self.url is not None:"πŸ“– {}".format(self.url)) Seldom.driver.get(self.url) else:"πŸ“– {}".format(url)) Seldom.driver.get(url) return self def max_window(self): """ Set browser window maximized. Usage: max_window() """ Seldom.driver.maximize_window() return self def set_window(self, wide: int = 0, high: int = 0): """ Set browser window wide and high. Usage: .set_window(wide,high) """ Seldom.driver.set_window_size(wide, high) return self def find(self, css: str, index: int = 0): """ find element """ web_elem = WebElement(css=css) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {info}.".format( return self def find_text(self, text: str, index: int = 0): """ find link text Usage: find_text("ζ–°ι—»") """ web_elem = WebElement(link_text=text) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {} text.".format( return self def type(self, text): """ type text. """"βœ… input '{text}'.") Seldom.element.send_keys(text) return self def click(self): """ click. """"βœ… click.") return self def clear(self): """ clear input. Usage: clear() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.clear() return self def submit(self): """ submit input Usage: submit() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.submit() return self def enter(self): """ enter. Usage: enter() """"βœ… enter.") Seldom.element.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) return self def move_to_click(self): """ Moving the mouse to the middle of an element. and click element. Usage: move_to_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… Move to the element and click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).click(elem).perform() return self def right_click(self): """ Right click element. Usage: right_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… right click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).context_click(elem).perform() return self def move_to_element(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… move to element.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).perform() return self def click_and_hold(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… click and hold.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).click_and_hold(elem).perform() return self def double_click(self): """ Double click element. Usage: double_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… double click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).double_click(elem).perform() return self def close(self): """ Closes the current window. Usage: close() """ Seldom.driver.close() return self def quit(self): """ Quit the driver and close all the windows. Usage: quit() """ Seldom.driver.quit() return self def refresh(self): """ Refresh the current page. Usage: refresh() """"πŸ”„οΈ refresh page.") Seldom.driver.refresh() return self def alert(self): """ get alert. Usage: alert() """"βœ… alert.") Seldom.alert = Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert return self def accept(self): """ Accept warning box. Usage: alert().accept() """"βœ… accept alert.") Seldom.alert.accept() return self def dismiss(self): """ Dismisses the alert available. Usage: alert().dismiss() """"βœ… dismiss alert.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert.dismiss() return self def switch_to_frame(self): """ Switch to the specified frame. Usage: switch_to_frame() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… switch to frame.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.frame(elem) return self def switch_to_frame_out(self): """ Returns the current form machine form at the next higher level. Corresponding relationship with switch_to_frame () method. Usage: switch_to_frame_out() """"βœ… switch to frame out.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.default_content() return self def switch_to_window(self, window: int): """ Switches focus to the specified window. :Args: - window: window index. 1 represents a newly opened window (0 is the first one) :Usage: switch_to_window(1) """"βœ… switch to the {} window.".format(str(window))) all_handles = Seldom.driver.window_handles Seldom.driver.switch_to.window(all_handles[window]) return self def screenshots(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a screenshots of the current window to a PNG image file. Usage: screenshots() screenshots('/Screenshots/foo.png') """ if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> ({file_path}).") Seldom.driver.save_screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> HTML report.") self.images.append(Seldom.driver.get_screenshot_as_base64()) return self def element_screenshot(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a element screenshot of the element to a PNG image file. Usage: element_screenshot() element_screenshot(file_path='/Screenshots/foo.png') """ elem = Seldom.element if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> ({file_path}).") elem.screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> HTML Report.") self.images.append(elem.screenshot_as_base64) return self def select(self, value: str = None, text: str = None, index: int = None): """ Constructor. A check is made that the given element is, indeed, a SELECT tag. If it is not, then an UnexpectedTagNameException is thrown. :Args: - css - element SELECT element to wrap - value - The value to match against Usage: <select name="NR" id="nr"> <option value="10" selected="">每鑡显瀺10村</option> <option value="20">每鑡显瀺20村</option> <option value="50">每鑡显瀺50村</option> </select> select(value='20') select(text='每鑡显瀺20村') select(index=2) """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… select option.") if value is not None: Select(elem).select_by_value(value) elif text is not None: Select(elem).select_by_visible_text(text) elif index is not None: Select(elem).select_by_index(index) else: raise ValueError( '"value" or "text" or "index" options can not be all empty.') return self def sleep(self, sec: int): """ Usage: self.sleep(seconds) """"πŸ’€οΈ sleep: {}s.".format(str(sec))) time.sleep(sec) return self
[ "ADD", "ALT", "ARROW_DOWN", "ARROW_LEFT", "ARROW_RIGHT", "ARROW_UP", "BACK_SPACE", "BACKSPACE", "CANCEL", "CLEAR", "COMMAND", "CONTROL", "DECIMAL", "DELETE", "DIVIDE", "DOWN", "END", "ENTER", "EQUALS", "ESCAPE", "F1", "F10", "F11", "F12", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9", "HELP", "HOME", "INSERT", "LEFT", "LEFT_ALT", "LEFT_CONTROL", "LEFT_SHIFT", "META", "mro", "MULTIPLY", "NULL", "NUMPAD0", "NUMPAD1", "NUMPAD2", "NUMPAD3", "NUMPAD4", "NUMPAD5", "NUMPAD6", "NUMPAD7", "NUMPAD8", "NUMPAD9", "PAGE_DOWN", "PAGE_UP", "PAUSE", "RETURN", "RIGHT", "SEMICOLON", "SEPARATOR", "SHIFT", "SPACE", "SUBTRACT", "TAB", "UP", "ZENKAKU_HANKAKU", "__annotations__", "__base__", "__bases__", "__basicsize__", "__call__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dictoffset__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__flags__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__instancecheck__", "__itemsize__", "__module__", "__mro__", "__name__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__prepare__", "__qualname__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__", "__subclasscheck__", "__subclasses__", "__text_signature__", "__weakrefoffset__" ]
# coding=utf-8 import os import time from selenium.webdriver import Chrome from selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver import WebDriver as SeleniumWebDriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from import Select from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains from seldom.logging import log from seldom.running.config import Seldom from seldom.utils.webdriver_manager_extend import ChromeDriverManager from seldom.webdriver import WebElement __all__ = ["Case"] class Case(object): """ Webdriver Basic method chaining Write test cases quickly. """ def __init__(self, url: str = None, desc: str = None): self.url = url"πŸ”– Test Case: {}".format(desc)) def open(self, url: str = None): """ open url. Usage: open("") """ if isinstance(Seldom.driver, SeleniumWebDriver) is False: Seldom.driver = Chrome(executable_path=ChromeDriverManager().install()) if self.url is not None:"πŸ“– {}".format(self.url)) Seldom.driver.get(self.url) else:"πŸ“– {}".format(url)) Seldom.driver.get(url) return self def max_window(self): """ Set browser window maximized. Usage: max_window() """ Seldom.driver.maximize_window() return self def set_window(self, wide: int = 0, high: int = 0): """ Set browser window wide and high. Usage: .set_window(wide,high) """ Seldom.driver.set_window_size(wide, high) return self def find(self, css: str, index: int = 0): """ find element """ web_elem = WebElement(css=css) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {info}.".format( return self def find_text(self, text: str, index: int = 0): """ find link text Usage: find_text("ζ–°ι—»") """ web_elem = WebElement(link_text=text) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {} text.".format( return self def type(self, text): """ type text. """"βœ… input '{text}'.") Seldom.element.send_keys(text) return self def click(self): """ click. """"βœ… click.") return self def clear(self): """ clear input. Usage: clear() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.clear() return self def submit(self): """ submit input Usage: submit() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.submit() return self def enter(self): """ enter. Usage: enter() """"βœ… enter.") Seldom.element.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) return self
f move_to_click(self): """ Moving the mouse to the middle of an element. and click element. Usage: move_to_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… Move to the element and click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).click(elem).perform() return self def right_click(self): """ Right click element. Usage: right_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… right click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).context_click(elem).perform() return self def move_to_element(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… move to element.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).perform() return self def click_and_hold(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… click and hold.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).click_and_hold(elem).perform() return self def double_click(self): """ Double click element. Usage: double_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… double click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).double_click(elem).perform() return self def close(self): """ Closes the current window. Usage: close() """ Seldom.driver.close() return self def quit(self): """ Quit the driver and close all the windows. Usage: quit() """ Seldom.driver.quit() return self def refresh(self): """ Refresh the current page. Usage: refresh() """"πŸ”„οΈ refresh page.") Seldom.driver.refresh() return self def alert(self): """ get alert. Usage: alert() """"βœ… alert.") Seldom.alert = Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert return self def accept(self): """ Accept warning box. Usage: alert().accept() """"βœ… accept alert.") Seldom.alert.accept() return self def dismiss(self): """ Dismisses the alert available. Usage: alert().dismiss() """"βœ… dismiss alert.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert.dismiss() return self def switch_to_frame(self): """ Switch to the specified frame. Usage: switch_to_frame() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… switch to frame.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.frame(elem) return self def switch_to_frame_out(self): """ Returns the current form machine form at the next higher level. Corresponding relationship with switch_to_frame () method. Usage: switch_to_frame_out() """"βœ… switch to frame out.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.default_content() return self def switch_to_window(self, window: int): """ Switches focus to the specified window. :Args: - window: window index. 1 represents a newly opened window (0 is the first one) :Usage: switch_to_window(1) """"βœ… switch to the {} window.".format(str(window))) all_handles = Seldom.driver.window_handles Seldom.driver.switch_to.window(all_handles[window]) return self def screenshots(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a screenshots of the current window to a PNG image file. Usage: screenshots() screenshots('/Screenshots/foo.png') """ if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> ({file_path}).") Seldom.driver.save_screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> HTML report.") self.images.append(Seldom.driver.get_screenshot_as_base64()) return self def element_screenshot(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a element screenshot of the element to a PNG image file. Usage: element_screenshot() element_screenshot(file_path='/Screenshots/foo.png') """ elem = Seldom.element if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> ({file_path}).") elem.screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> HTML Report.") self.images.append(elem.screenshot_as_base64) return self def select(self, value: str = None, text: str = None, index: int = None): """ Constructor. A check is made that the given element is, indeed, a SELECT tag. If it is not, then an UnexpectedTagNameException is thrown. :Args: - css - element SELECT element to wrap - value - The value to match against Usage: <select name="NR" id="nr"> <option value="10" selected="">每鑡显瀺10村</option> <option value="20">每鑡显瀺20村</option> <option value="50">每鑡显瀺50村</option> </select> select(value='20') select(text='每鑡显瀺20村') select(index=2) """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… select option.") if value is not None: Select(elem).select_by_value(value) elif text is not None: Select(elem).select_by_visible_text(text) elif index is not None: Select(elem).select_by_index(index) else: raise ValueError( '"value" or "text" or "index" options can not be all empty.') return self def sleep(self, sec: int): """ Usage: self.sleep(seconds) """"πŸ’€οΈ sleep: {}s.".format(str(sec))) time.sleep(sec) return self
[ "BrowserConfig", "colorLog", "debug", "error", "file_dir", "info", "ins", "inspect", "logger", "now_time", "os", "printf", "report_dir", "Seldom", "stack_t", "sys", "time", "warn", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
# coding=utf-8 import os import time from selenium.webdriver import Chrome from selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver import WebDriver as SeleniumWebDriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from import Select from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains from seldom.logging import log from seldom.running.config import Seldom from seldom.utils.webdriver_manager_extend import ChromeDriverManager from seldom.webdriver import WebElement __all__ = ["Case"] class Case(object): """ Webdriver Basic method chaining Write test cases quickly. """ def __init__(self, url: str = None, desc: str = None): self.url = url"πŸ”– Test Case: {}".format(desc)) def open(self, url: str = None): """ open url. Usage: open("") """ if isinstance(Seldom.driver, SeleniumWebDriver) is False: Seldom.driver = Chrome(executable_path=ChromeDriverManager().install()) if self.url is not None:"πŸ“– {}".format(self.url)) Seldom.driver.get(self.url) else:"πŸ“– {}".format(url)) Seldom.driver.get(url) return self def max_window(self): """ Set browser window maximized. Usage: max_window() """ Seldom.driver.maximize_window() return self def set_window(self, wide: int = 0, high: int = 0): """ Set browser window wide and high. Usage: .set_window(wide,high) """ Seldom.driver.set_window_size(wide, high) return self def find(self, css: str, index: int = 0): """ find element """ web_elem = WebElement(css=css) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {info}.".format( return self def find_text(self, text: str, index: int = 0): """ find link text Usage: find_text("ζ–°ι—»") """ web_elem = WebElement(link_text=text) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {} text.".format( return self def type(self, text): """ type text. """"βœ… input '{text}'.") Seldom.element.send_keys(text) return self def click(self): """ click. """"βœ… click.") return self def clear(self): """ clear input. Usage: clear() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.clear() return self def submit(self): """ submit input Usage: submit() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.submit() return self def enter(self): """ enter. Usage: enter() """"βœ… enter.") Seldom.element.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) return self def move_to_click(self): """ Moving the mouse to the middle of an element. and click element. Usage: move_to_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… Move to the element a
lick.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).click(elem).perform() return self def right_click(self): """ Right click element. Usage: right_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… right click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).context_click(elem).perform() return self def move_to_element(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… move to element.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).perform() return self def click_and_hold(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… click and hold.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).click_and_hold(elem).perform() return self def double_click(self): """ Double click element. Usage: double_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… double click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).double_click(elem).perform() return self def close(self): """ Closes the current window. Usage: close() """ Seldom.driver.close() return self def quit(self): """ Quit the driver and close all the windows. Usage: quit() """ Seldom.driver.quit() return self def refresh(self): """ Refresh the current page. Usage: refresh() """"πŸ”„οΈ refresh page.") Seldom.driver.refresh() return self def alert(self): """ get alert. Usage: alert() """"βœ… alert.") Seldom.alert = Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert return self def accept(self): """ Accept warning box. Usage: alert().accept() """"βœ… accept alert.") Seldom.alert.accept() return self def dismiss(self): """ Dismisses the alert available. Usage: alert().dismiss() """"βœ… dismiss alert.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert.dismiss() return self def switch_to_frame(self): """ Switch to the specified frame. Usage: switch_to_frame() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… switch to frame.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.frame(elem) return self def switch_to_frame_out(self): """ Returns the current form machine form at the next higher level. Corresponding relationship with switch_to_frame () method. Usage: switch_to_frame_out() """"βœ… switch to frame out.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.default_content() return self def switch_to_window(self, window: int): """ Switches focus to the specified window. :Args: - window: window index. 1 represents a newly opened window (0 is the first one) :Usage: switch_to_window(1) """"βœ… switch to the {} window.".format(str(window))) all_handles = Seldom.driver.window_handles Seldom.driver.switch_to.window(all_handles[window]) return self def screenshots(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a screenshots of the current window to a PNG image file. Usage: screenshots() screenshots('/Screenshots/foo.png') """ if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> ({file_path}).") Seldom.driver.save_screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> HTML report.") self.images.append(Seldom.driver.get_screenshot_as_base64()) return self def element_screenshot(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a element screenshot of the element to a PNG image file. Usage: element_screenshot() element_screenshot(file_path='/Screenshots/foo.png') """ elem = Seldom.element if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> ({file_path}).") elem.screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> HTML Report.") self.images.append(elem.screenshot_as_base64) return self def select(self, value: str = None, text: str = None, index: int = None): """ Constructor. A check is made that the given element is, indeed, a SELECT tag. If it is not, then an UnexpectedTagNameException is thrown. :Args: - css - element SELECT element to wrap - value - The value to match against Usage: <select name="NR" id="nr"> <option value="10" selected="">每鑡显瀺10村</option> <option value="20">每鑡显瀺20村</option> <option value="50">每鑡显瀺50村</option> </select> select(value='20') select(text='每鑡显瀺20村') select(index=2) """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… select option.") if value is not None: Select(elem).select_by_value(value) elif text is not None: Select(elem).select_by_visible_text(text) elif index is not None: Select(elem).select_by_index(index) else: raise ValueError( '"value" or "text" or "index" options can not be all empty.') return self def sleep(self, sec: int): """ Usage: self.sleep(seconds) """"πŸ’€οΈ sleep: {}s.".format(str(sec))) time.sleep(sec) return self
[ "base_url", "debug", "driver", "mro", "timeout", "__annotations__", "__base__", "__bases__", "__basicsize__", "__call__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dictoffset__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__flags__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__instancecheck__", "__itemsize__", "__module__", "__mro__", "__name__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__prepare__", "__qualname__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__", "__subclasscheck__", "__subclasses__", "__text_signature__", "__weakrefoffset__" ]
# coding=utf-8 import os import time from selenium.webdriver import Chrome from selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver import WebDriver as SeleniumWebDriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from import Select from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains from seldom.logging import log from seldom.running.config import Seldom from seldom.utils.webdriver_manager_extend import ChromeDriverManager from seldom.webdriver import WebElement __all__ = ["Case"] class Case(object): """ Webdriver Basic method chaining Write test cases quickly. """ def __init__(self, url: str = None, desc: str = None): self.url = url"πŸ”– Test Case: {}".format(desc)) def open(self, url: str = None): """ open url. Usage: open("") """ if isinstance(Seldom.driver, SeleniumWebDriver) is False: Seldom.driver = Chrome(executable_path=ChromeDriverManager().install()) if self.url is not None:"πŸ“– {}".format(self.url)) Seldom.driver.get(self.url) else:"πŸ“– {}".format(url)) Seldom.driver.get(url) return self def max_window(self): """ Set browser window maximized. Usage: max_window() """ Seldom.driver.maximize_window() return self def set_window(self, wide: int = 0, high: int = 0): """ Set browser window wide and high. Usage: .set_window(wide,high) """ Seldom.driver.set_window_size(wide, high) return self def find(self, css: str, index: int = 0): """ find element """ web_elem = WebElement(css=css) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {info}.".format( return self def find_text(self, text: str, index: int = 0): """ find link text Usage: find_text("ζ–°ι—»") """ web_elem = WebElement(link_text=text) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {} text.".format( return self def type(self, text): """ type text. """"βœ… input '{text}'.") Seldom.element.send_keys(text) return self def click(self): """ click. """"βœ… click.") return self def clear(self): """ clear input. Usage: clear() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.clear() return self def submit(self): """ submit input Usage: submit() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.submit() return self def enter(self): """ enter. Usage: enter() """"βœ… enter.") Seldom.element.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) return self def move_to_click(self): """ Moving the mouse to the middle of an element. and click element. Usage: move_to_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… Move to the element and click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).c
lem).perform() return self def right_click(self): """ Right click element. Usage: right_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… right click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).context_click(elem).perform() return self def move_to_element(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… move to element.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).perform() return self def click_and_hold(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… click and hold.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).click_and_hold(elem).perform() return self def double_click(self): """ Double click element. Usage: double_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… double click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).double_click(elem).perform() return self def close(self): """ Closes the current window. Usage: close() """ Seldom.driver.close() return self def quit(self): """ Quit the driver and close all the windows. Usage: quit() """ Seldom.driver.quit() return self def refresh(self): """ Refresh the current page. Usage: refresh() """"πŸ”„οΈ refresh page.") Seldom.driver.refresh() return self def alert(self): """ get alert. Usage: alert() """"βœ… alert.") Seldom.alert = Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert return self def accept(self): """ Accept warning box. Usage: alert().accept() """"βœ… accept alert.") Seldom.alert.accept() return self def dismiss(self): """ Dismisses the alert available. Usage: alert().dismiss() """"βœ… dismiss alert.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert.dismiss() return self def switch_to_frame(self): """ Switch to the specified frame. Usage: switch_to_frame() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… switch to frame.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.frame(elem) return self def switch_to_frame_out(self): """ Returns the current form machine form at the next higher level. Corresponding relationship with switch_to_frame () method. Usage: switch_to_frame_out() """"βœ… switch to frame out.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.default_content() return self def switch_to_window(self, window: int): """ Switches focus to the specified window. :Args: - window: window index. 1 represents a newly opened window (0 is the first one) :Usage: switch_to_window(1) """"βœ… switch to the {} window.".format(str(window))) all_handles = Seldom.driver.window_handles Seldom.driver.switch_to.window(all_handles[window]) return self def screenshots(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a screenshots of the current window to a PNG image file. Usage: screenshots() screenshots('/Screenshots/foo.png') """ if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> ({file_path}).") Seldom.driver.save_screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> HTML report.") self.images.append(Seldom.driver.get_screenshot_as_base64()) return self def element_screenshot(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a element screenshot of the element to a PNG image file. Usage: element_screenshot() element_screenshot(file_path='/Screenshots/foo.png') """ elem = Seldom.element if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> ({file_path}).") elem.screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> HTML Report.") self.images.append(elem.screenshot_as_base64) return self def select(self, value: str = None, text: str = None, index: int = None): """ Constructor. A check is made that the given element is, indeed, a SELECT tag. If it is not, then an UnexpectedTagNameException is thrown. :Args: - css - element SELECT element to wrap - value - The value to match against Usage: <select name="NR" id="nr"> <option value="10" selected="">每鑡显瀺10村</option> <option value="20">每鑡显瀺20村</option> <option value="50">每鑡显瀺50村</option> </select> select(value='20') select(text='每鑡显瀺20村') select(index=2) """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… select option.") if value is not None: Select(elem).select_by_value(value) elif text is not None: Select(elem).select_by_visible_text(text) elif index is not None: Select(elem).select_by_index(index) else: raise ValueError( '"value" or "text" or "index" options can not be all empty.') return self def sleep(self, sec: int): """ Usage: self.sleep(seconds) """"πŸ’€οΈ sleep: {}s.".format(str(sec))) time.sleep(sec) return self
[ "click", "click_and_hold", "context_click", "double_click", "drag_and_drop", "drag_and_drop_by_offset", "key_down", "key_up", "move_by_offset", "move_to_element", "move_to_element_with_offset", "pause", "perform", "release", "reset_actions", "scroll_by_amount", "scroll_from_origin", "scroll_to_element", "send_keys", "send_keys_to_element", "w3c_actions", "_driver", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__enter__", "__eq__", "__exit__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
# coding=utf-8 import os import time from selenium.webdriver import Chrome from selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver import WebDriver as SeleniumWebDriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from import Select from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains from seldom.logging import log from seldom.running.config import Seldom from seldom.utils.webdriver_manager_extend import ChromeDriverManager from seldom.webdriver import WebElement __all__ = ["Case"] class Case(object): """ Webdriver Basic method chaining Write test cases quickly. """ def __init__(self, url: str = None, desc: str = None): self.url = url"πŸ”– Test Case: {}".format(desc)) def open(self, url: str = None): """ open url. Usage: open("") """ if isinstance(Seldom.driver, SeleniumWebDriver) is False: Seldom.driver = Chrome(executable_path=ChromeDriverManager().install()) if self.url is not None:"πŸ“– {}".format(self.url)) Seldom.driver.get(self.url) else:"πŸ“– {}".format(url)) Seldom.driver.get(url) return self def max_window(self): """ Set browser window maximized. Usage: max_window() """ Seldom.driver.maximize_window() return self def set_window(self, wide: int = 0, high: int = 0): """ Set browser window wide and high. Usage: .set_window(wide,high) """ Seldom.driver.set_window_size(wide, high) return self def find(self, css: str, index: int = 0): """ find element """ web_elem = WebElement(css=css) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {info}.".format( return self def find_text(self, text: str, index: int = 0): """ find link text Usage: find_text("ζ–°ι—»") """ web_elem = WebElement(link_text=text) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {} text.".format( return self def type(self, text): """ type text. """"βœ… input '{text}'.") Seldom.element.send_keys(text) return self def click(self): """ click. """"βœ… click.") return self def clear(self): """ clear input. Usage: clear() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.clear() return self def submit(self): """ submit input Usage: submit() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.submit() return self def enter(self): """ enter. Usage: enter() """"βœ… enter.") Seldom.element.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) return self def move_to_click(self): """ Moving the mouse to the middle of an element. and click element. Usage: move_to_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… Move to the element and click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).click(ele
return self def right_click(self): """ Right click element. Usage: right_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… right click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).context_click(elem).perform() return self def move_to_element(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… move to element.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).perform() return self def click_and_hold(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… click and hold.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).click_and_hold(elem).perform() return self def double_click(self): """ Double click element. Usage: double_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… double click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).double_click(elem).perform() return self def close(self): """ Closes the current window. Usage: close() """ Seldom.driver.close() return self def quit(self): """ Quit the driver and close all the windows. Usage: quit() """ Seldom.driver.quit() return self def refresh(self): """ Refresh the current page. Usage: refresh() """"πŸ”„οΈ refresh page.") Seldom.driver.refresh() return self def alert(self): """ get alert. Usage: alert() """"βœ… alert.") Seldom.alert = Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert return self def accept(self): """ Accept warning box. Usage: alert().accept() """"βœ… accept alert.") Seldom.alert.accept() return self def dismiss(self): """ Dismisses the alert available. Usage: alert().dismiss() """"βœ… dismiss alert.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert.dismiss() return self def switch_to_frame(self): """ Switch to the specified frame. Usage: switch_to_frame() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… switch to frame.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.frame(elem) return self def switch_to_frame_out(self): """ Returns the current form machine form at the next higher level. Corresponding relationship with switch_to_frame () method. Usage: switch_to_frame_out() """"βœ… switch to frame out.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.default_content() return self def switch_to_window(self, window: int): """ Switches focus to the specified window. :Args: - window: window index. 1 represents a newly opened window (0 is the first one) :Usage: switch_to_window(1) """"βœ… switch to the {} window.".format(str(window))) all_handles = Seldom.driver.window_handles Seldom.driver.switch_to.window(all_handles[window]) return self def screenshots(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a screenshots of the current window to a PNG image file. Usage: screenshots() screenshots('/Screenshots/foo.png') """ if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> ({file_path}).") Seldom.driver.save_screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> HTML report.") self.images.append(Seldom.driver.get_screenshot_as_base64()) return self def element_screenshot(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a element screenshot of the element to a PNG image file. Usage: element_screenshot() element_screenshot(file_path='/Screenshots/foo.png') """ elem = Seldom.element if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> ({file_path}).") elem.screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> HTML Report.") self.images.append(elem.screenshot_as_base64) return self def select(self, value: str = None, text: str = None, index: int = None): """ Constructor. A check is made that the given element is, indeed, a SELECT tag. If it is not, then an UnexpectedTagNameException is thrown. :Args: - css - element SELECT element to wrap - value - The value to match against Usage: <select name="NR" id="nr"> <option value="10" selected="">每鑡显瀺10村</option> <option value="20">每鑡显瀺20村</option> <option value="50">每鑡显瀺50村</option> </select> select(value='20') select(text='每鑡显瀺20村') select(index=2) """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… select option.") if value is not None: Select(elem).select_by_value(value) elif text is not None: Select(elem).select_by_visible_text(text) elif index is not None: Select(elem).select_by_index(index) else: raise ValueError( '"value" or "text" or "index" options can not be all empty.') return self def sleep(self, sec: int): """ Usage: self.sleep(seconds) """"πŸ’€οΈ sleep: {}s.".format(str(sec))) time.sleep(sec) return self
[ "click", "click_and_hold", "context_click", "double_click", "drag_and_drop", "drag_and_drop_by_offset", "key_down", "key_up", "move_by_offset", "move_to_element", "move_to_element_with_offset", "pause", "perform", "release", "reset_actions", "scroll_by_amount", "scroll_from_origin", "scroll_to_element", "send_keys", "send_keys_to_element", "w3c_actions", "_driver", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__enter__", "__eq__", "__exit__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
# coding=utf-8 import os import time from selenium.webdriver import Chrome from selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver import WebDriver as SeleniumWebDriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from import Select from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains from seldom.logging import log from seldom.running.config import Seldom from seldom.utils.webdriver_manager_extend import ChromeDriverManager from seldom.webdriver import WebElement __all__ = ["Case"] class Case(object): """ Webdriver Basic method chaining Write test cases quickly. """ def __init__(self, url: str = None, desc: str = None): self.url = url"πŸ”– Test Case: {}".format(desc)) def open(self, url: str = None): """ open url. Usage: open("") """ if isinstance(Seldom.driver, SeleniumWebDriver) is False: Seldom.driver = Chrome(executable_path=ChromeDriverManager().install()) if self.url is not None:"πŸ“– {}".format(self.url)) Seldom.driver.get(self.url) else:"πŸ“– {}".format(url)) Seldom.driver.get(url) return self def max_window(self): """ Set browser window maximized. Usage: max_window() """ Seldom.driver.maximize_window() return self def set_window(self, wide: int = 0, high: int = 0): """ Set browser window wide and high. Usage: .set_window(wide,high) """ Seldom.driver.set_window_size(wide, high) return self def find(self, css: str, index: int = 0): """ find element """ web_elem = WebElement(css=css) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {info}.".format( return self def find_text(self, text: str, index: int = 0): """ find link text Usage: find_text("ζ–°ι—»") """ web_elem = WebElement(link_text=text) Seldom.element = elem = web_elem.get_elements(index) web_elem.show_element(elem)"πŸ” find {} text.".format( return self def type(self, text): """ type text. """"βœ… input '{text}'.") Seldom.element.send_keys(text) return self def click(self): """ click. """"βœ… click.") return self def clear(self): """ clear input. Usage: clear() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.clear() return self def submit(self): """ submit input Usage: submit() """"βœ… clear.") Seldom.element.submit() return self def enter(self): """ enter. Usage: enter() """"βœ… enter.") Seldom.element.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) return self def move_to_click(self): """ Moving the mouse to the middle of an element. and click element. Usage: move_to_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… Move to the element and click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).click(elem).perform() r
self def right_click(self): """ Right click element. Usage: right_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… right click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).context_click(elem).perform() return self def move_to_element(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… move to element.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).move_to_element(elem).perform() return self def click_and_hold(self): """ Mouse over the element. Usage: move_to_element() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… click and hold.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).click_and_hold(elem).perform() return self def double_click(self): """ Double click element. Usage: double_click() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… double click.") ActionChains(Seldom.driver).double_click(elem).perform() return self def close(self): """ Closes the current window. Usage: close() """ Seldom.driver.close() return self def quit(self): """ Quit the driver and close all the windows. Usage: quit() """ Seldom.driver.quit() return self def refresh(self): """ Refresh the current page. Usage: refresh() """"πŸ”„οΈ refresh page.") Seldom.driver.refresh() return self def alert(self): """ get alert. Usage: alert() """"βœ… alert.") Seldom.alert = Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert return self def accept(self): """ Accept warning box. Usage: alert().accept() """"βœ… accept alert.") Seldom.alert.accept() return self def dismiss(self): """ Dismisses the alert available. Usage: alert().dismiss() """"βœ… dismiss alert.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.alert.dismiss() return self def switch_to_frame(self): """ Switch to the specified frame. Usage: switch_to_frame() """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… switch to frame.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.frame(elem) return self def switch_to_frame_out(self): """ Returns the current form machine form at the next higher level. Corresponding relationship with switch_to_frame () method. Usage: switch_to_frame_out() """"βœ… switch to frame out.") Seldom.driver.switch_to.default_content() return self def switch_to_window(self, window: int): """ Switches focus to the specified window. :Args: - window: window index. 1 represents a newly opened window (0 is the first one) :Usage: switch_to_window(1) """"βœ… switch to the {} window.".format(str(window))) all_handles = Seldom.driver.window_handles Seldom.driver.switch_to.window(all_handles[window]) return self def screenshots(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a screenshots of the current window to a PNG image file. Usage: screenshots() screenshots('/Screenshots/foo.png') """ if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> ({file_path}).") Seldom.driver.save_screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ screenshot -> HTML report.") self.images.append(Seldom.driver.get_screenshot_as_base64()) return self def element_screenshot(self, file_path: str = None): """ Saves a element screenshot of the element to a PNG image file. Usage: element_screenshot() element_screenshot(file_path='/Screenshots/foo.png') """ elem = Seldom.element if file_path is None: img_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "reports", "images") if os.path.exists(img_dir) is False: os.mkdir(img_dir) file_path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(time.time()).split(".")[0] + ".png") if Seldom.debug is True:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> ({file_path}).") elem.screenshot(file_path) else:"πŸ“·οΈ element screenshot -> HTML Report.") self.images.append(elem.screenshot_as_base64) return self def select(self, value: str = None, text: str = None, index: int = None): """ Constructor. A check is made that the given element is, indeed, a SELECT tag. If it is not, then an UnexpectedTagNameException is thrown. :Args: - css - element SELECT element to wrap - value - The value to match against Usage: <select name="NR" id="nr"> <option value="10" selected="">每鑡显瀺10村</option> <option value="20">每鑡显瀺20村</option> <option value="50">每鑡显瀺50村</option> </select> select(value='20') select(text='每鑡显瀺20村') select(index=2) """ elem = Seldom.element"βœ… select option.") if value is not None: Select(elem).select_by_value(value) elif text is not None: Select(elem).select_by_visible_text(text) elif index is not None: Select(elem).select_by_index(index) else: raise ValueError( '"value" or "text" or "index" options can not be all empty.') return self def sleep(self, sec: int): """ Usage: self.sleep(seconds) """"πŸ’€οΈ sleep: {}s.".format(str(sec))) time.sleep(sec) return self