I really hope the viking guy who keeps criticizing Thorfinn gets completely vindicated and ends up saving the day with violence. If that's the punchline to everything then this entire trannyland saga arc will have been worth it. <|endoftext|> What was the deal with the tomatoes, it's the only bit of metaphor my grug brain hasn't been able to settle on a meaning for <|endoftext|>
grug carry wife by puffball <|endoftext|>
> He posted an EH-friendly picture he must be part of the wrong tribe
Sounds like you need some therapy and a google search on projection after letting EH live in your head rent free this badly ESL <|endoftext|>
Jack might have a chance if he manged to strick Pickle vitals or cripple his muscles but the grug is still somewhat faster and stronger. Then again, Pickle would likely run away after receiving the first critical hit. <|endoftext|> God what a fucking chad fight, I love the grug brawl at the end with Rakan getting emotional. Just imagine seeing your best friend son growing up and becoming just as much of a unit as your pal. Good shit. <|endoftext|>
Bulma acknowledges her own weaknesses and makes it for it by focusing on her strengths to the point that entire things like Mirai Trunks, the gravity room and even the way the cast routinely find the dragon balls is ENTIRELY dependent on her know how. She never once has given up on her Vegeta. Also, Majin Vegeta's death scene made more than clear just how in love he ended up with her. As shit as the new Super might be, things like the big ass 'MY BULMA' scene also continue to drive that in. Their love was unexpected, but strong. Sakura isn't helpful. Rather than focus on her medical abilities or the genjutsu capability Kakashi said she could have, she went for 'GRUG' which Tsunade already does better. You can't say she was integral to any arc on the level Bulma routinely is. Sakura simped for Sasuke forever without really understanding him and she often considered that he couldn't be saved, something only Naruto really argued. Then, worst of all, their relationship is barely ever explored in memorable ways. Bulma achieved the impressive feat of fixing an evil man and aiding him toward new heights, Sakura accepted a prize Naruto won for her and then sat around in the background. <|endoftext|>
>Fire force
Ohkubo is a hack there was no universe where fire force would ever have an ending true to it's original premise.
Kubo was also always a hack, he just wanted to draw cool stuff he fluked soul society being as well written as it was or had editor help.
>Hiatus x Hiatus
Togashi just can't let characters die properly that he wanks off, you can see this in how Kaito was revived invalidating almost all of the chimera ant arc and regressing Gon.
>Fire punch
Just a wild ride, the ending was bad and nonsensical but so was 90% of the manga. Best parts was him grug thumping the army. <|endoftext|>
grug see women with big round things
grug thing get hard
grug want poke big round things with hard thing <|endoftext|>
Recently finished up Future Boy Conan. Loved the chad grug energy that Conan had and how much of a fucking nuisance this one dumb kid was to the entire operation of Industria. It was the whimsical Miyazaki fun with that perfect hint of danger that I really enjoyed.
Even though you knew how the story was going to go, I enjoyed how the plot would escalate to become more and more dangerous. I do wish they kept Conan a bit more consistent since sometimes he'd seem too powerful and other times he'd seem pretty weak for the plot.
I did enjoy how everyone also got a gf by the end of it, Dyce married Monsley and Jimsy had Tera. Hell, even the crew of the Barracuda had children with other High Harbor women. It's nice for everyone to find some form of love in this instead of leaving it open as a &quot;yeah it'll happen eventually&quot;
Shame that sequel or whatever had nothing to do with Conan, really liked the characters by the end and would've loved to have seen a sequel with them doing something new. <|endoftext|>
This show would be much better if they just entirely cut out the time-consuming character backstories and kept the screentime exclusively focused on the battle royale plot. Instead, literally entire episodes are wasted on inconsequential exposition for characters nobody cares about. None of these characters are compelling or interesting in any way. They easily could have filled an entire cour with a 12-fighter battle royale conflict; I have no idea why they threw away that opportunity to instead waste half the runtime on generic uncreative character backstories that would be better off in an OVA or auxiliary literature. This really was a terrible decision. By far the most boring part of this anime were all these pointless backstories. They spent way WAY too much screentime on this. Nobody cares about the exposition for some one-dimensional character in a huge cast who gets killed off one episode later. I am not watching this anime for character development (although I usually value it in other shows); this is not the situation for it and this show does not benefit from it at all. I don't care about your cliche tragic backstory or that Grug likes opera and long walks on the beach when he's not crushing skulls. I am just here to watch people with cool abilities plot against each other and fight; stop wasting my time with anything that isn't that. Just as an example to illustrate my point: they waste an ENTIRE EPISODE on the utterly generic boring backstory of a character who was killed off SEVEN EPISODES AGO. Right during what should be the pinnacle of the story they pivot to this nonsense &ndash; it was utterly ridiculous and totally stunted the show's momentum. <|endoftext|>
I think becoming braindead from multiple quirks is because of conflicting personality. So if Dabi was given Ice he could instantly go braindead (yes haha he is already braindead joke here haha). For instance Giga could have tons of quirks because they were all grug quirks and he was probably born a giga-grug naturally. <|endoftext|>
Kinda, men don't understand themselves. What we actually want is a girl who we can protect and who will tell us we are good boys. Marin is saving him from a future as reclused loser. She's the otaku version of the salvific female, which is the bedrock of narrative for boys since grug could put two words one after the other. <|endoftext|>
if anything he has a functional version of it due to him just doing it naturally and restricting it to a shounen-esque power-uap due to his grug tier understanding it
he's the definition of a based retard <|endoftext|>
Grug like big body and long hair. Make good handle. <|endoftext|>
Men are naturally fairly low brow. Eons of grug go smash cannot be ironed out in only a few hundreds of years of domestication. The chosen few are getting there, the dfc chads are several rungs above your average caveman but as a collective they're still pretty far off. <|endoftext|> Grug no need big explamatation
Grug nose nose people behind silly shape
Nose people say grug kill 60 tribesmen
but how possible when only 30 tribesmen?
Shape and number to confuse grug
but grug smart
grug belong to smart tribe <|endoftext|>
Woman weak. Woman defenceless alone. Take big stick and swing. Hard so that brain don't work good no more. Drag her to cave. Tell her she wife now. She love you
Grug with woman no easy. He try protect her. Go up and swing at his hunter pouch. He goes down. Woman start screaming. Hold neck like you hold stick. Not too hard or get bone splinters. Bad. She no breathe and go sleep. Carry her to cave. Repeat for food or more wife. <|endoftext|> Me want strong woman.Strong woman give me strong son or sturdy daughter who will give me strong grandson.
Grug not gay! <|endoftext|>
Thanks for being the only anon so far to offer a compelling reason why I might not have gotten the most out of the story instead of grug tier:
>hurr durr u read fast no understand complex bait and switch <|endoftext|>
its not his devil fruit that is a disappointment, he is literally a grug with an overpowered fruit and no imagination to use the fruit to its ability. <|endoftext|>
I mean none of that really seems to matter, they feel more like throwaway lines in between the meat of his character which is &quot;GRUG STRONG! GRUG SMASH PUNY WEAKLINGS!&quot; <|endoftext|>
grug-tier take <|endoftext|>
That's because you need a >130 IQ to enjoy the story for it's narrative elements rather than just &quot;explosions make grug happy&quot;. <|endoftext|>
>fun and comfy
translation: oooga booga me grug the cave man chinese cartoon give me dopamine hit and i forget about it immediately after watching it <|endoftext|>
''...The fishmen, Luffy''
>Camera cues to a long row of fishfolk chained up in gallows waiting to be executed in one long slash
>They take their fight to Fishman Island.
>Luffy invents another grug-tier island-shattering attack.
>Fishman Island fucking dies like Sharly's prediction.
''I'm proud of you Luffy....'' <|endoftext|>
You can simply wait the following episodes to get the setting explanation for them, dumbo-pal. And the story is so far simple. Simple enough that a grug-brain could follow it. <|endoftext|>
>Raaaarrgghhh!!!! Grug no like this anime Grug no understand! Hard to understand thing make grug angry!!!!!! Unga bunga!!!!!
Thats pretty much how I am imaging you right now. <|endoftext|>
Shan&rsquo;t. It&rsquo;s only slightly less bad than the PROMOTIONALnga but that&rsquo;s because it&rsquo;s basically Grug tier spic fanfic. <|endoftext|> Ironically, modern China is Ryofui's wet dream since it firmly cemented itself in the global economy and a chance of outright warfare with other warmongering, evil, genocidal states (America) is now impossible with collapsing the world economy. This is where Ei Sei's grug head thinking wouldn't work.
Seems like he had the last laugh. <|endoftext|>
>go against capitalism
no, grug, capitalism not assume perfection
Grug makes round wheel
Trug says wheel is not round
Trug can do better, makes rounder wheel
Grug go in shame, returns to berry picking <|endoftext|>
Unironically yes. It was hilarious seeing the amount of shitflinging between the grug wakafags and the Fei homos who were desperate for at least one threatening worm <|endoftext|>
>grug say old good new bad
boomerbros.... <|endoftext|>
Y'know anon, maybe you should go outside and touch some grass instead of pretending that you like a character with the mental capacity &amp; social skills of a middle schooler
>oogh. me want a woman that acts like myself, did grug mention that he doesn't like other people very much? oogh.
Glad I dropped the series a few episodes before the end, plunging my shitty toilet was better than watching three seasons of this <|endoftext|> My grandfather from my father's side was, according to everyone who knew the guy, borderline superhuman. In his 70s he'd lift stuff multiple people could barely budge off the ground. ''Accidentally'' broke a guy's finger in a finger gripping match or whatever it's called. Almost 2m tall. Spent his entire life doing intense physical labor. His first wife and 4 daughters were killed by the Germans. Had 12 kids in total, my father is the youngest.
Point is, some people are just built freakishly, both in and out. No drugs or special training. Grug smash, Grug survive.
If i inherited any genetic gifts from the guy i wasted them away being glued to the screen. Sad. <|endoftext|>
Kidd, maybe the lack of testosterone will clear her mind and she will be less of a grug <|endoftext|>
Essentially. We know this shit from recorded history too, sometimes people are just ahead of their time. But most of all, people are part of their circumstances. Galaxy brain Grug wouldn't come up with something that kickstarts an industrial revolution for one tribe of hunter gatherers, he'd come up with an efficient way to preserve food or something. <|endoftext|>
Coercion isn't consent, grug kun. I understand you have low IQ and have difficutly processing what I'm saying, so please take your time to look up what consent is. <|endoftext|>