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rpl000101 | | Setting up Swap Space | In most cases, if you choose your Execution (ETH1) and Consensus (ETH2) clients and your instance type carefully, you should not run out of RAM. Then again, it never hurts to add a little more. What we're going to do now is add what's called swap space. Essentially, it means we're going to use the SSD as "backup RAM" in case something goes horribly, horribly wrong and your server runs out of regular RAM. The SSD isn't nearly as fast as the regular RAM, so if it hits the swap space it will slow things down, but it won't completely crash and break everything. Think of this as extra insurance that you'll (most likely) never need. | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000102 | | Creating a Swap File | The first step is to make a new file that will act as your swap space. Decide how much you want to use - a reasonable start would be 8 GB, so you have 8 GB of normal RAM and 8 GB of "backup RAM" for a total of 16 GB. To be super safe, you can make it 24 GB so your system has 8 GB of normal RAM and 24 GB of "backup RAM" for a total of 32 GB, but this is probably overkill. Luckily, since your SSD has 1 or 2 TB of space, allocating 8 to 24 GB for a swapfile is negligible.
For the sake of this walkthrough, let's pick a nice middleground - say, 16 GB of swap space for a total RAM of 24 GB. Just substitute whatever number you want in as we go.
Enter this, which will create a new file called /swapfile and fill it with 16 GB of zeros. To change the amount, just change the number in count=16 to whatever you want. Note that this is going to take a long time, but that's ok.
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1G count=16 status=progress
Next, set the permissions so only the root user can read or write to it (for security):
sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
Now, mark it as a swap file:
sudo mkswap /swapfile
Next, enable it:
sudo swapon /swapfile
Finally, add it to the mount table so it automatically loads when your server reboots:
sudo nano /etc/fstab
Add a new line at the end that looks like this:
/swapfile none swap sw 0 0
Press Ctrl+O and Enter to save, then Ctrl+X and Enter to exit.
To verify that it's active, run these commands:
sudo apt install htop
Your output should look like this at the top:
If the second number in the last row labeled Swp (the one after the /) is non-zero, then you're all set. For example, if it shows 0K / 16.0G then your swap space was activated successfully. If it shows 0K / 0K then it did not work and you'll have to confirm that you entered the previous steps properly.
Press q or F10 to quit out of htop and get back to the terminal. | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000103 | | Configuring Swappiness and Cache Pressure | By default, Linux will eagerly use a lot of swap space to take some of the pressure off of the system's RAM. We don't want that. We want it to use all of the RAM up to the very last second before relying on SWAP. The next step is to change what's called the "swappiness" of the system, which is basically how eager it is to use the swap space. There is a lot of debate about what value to set this to, but we've found a value of 6 works well enough.
We also want to turn down the "cache pressure", which dictates how quickly the server will delete a cache of its filesystem. Since we're going to have a lot of spare RAM with our setup, we can make this "10" which will leave the cache in memory for a while, reducing disk I/O.
To set these, run these commands:
sudo sysctl vm.swappiness=6
sudo sysctl vm.vfs_cache_pressure=10
Now, put them into the sysctl.conf file so they are reapplied after a reboot:
sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf
Add these two lines to the end:
Then save and exit like you've done before (Ctrl+O, Ctrl+X).
And with that, your server is up and running and ready to run Rocket Pool! Move on to the Choosing your ETH Clients section. | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000104 | | Securing your Node | The goal of this guide is to walk you through steps you can take to secure your node against malicious actors. Whether you're running a local server at home or a VPS server / virtual machine on the cloud, the tips here will help you harden your node against outside attack and help protect it during its lifespan.
This section will describe both essential actions, which you must take, and nice-to-have actions, which are helpful but not required.
NOTEThis guide is meant to be an introduction to some of the things you can do to harden your node machine. If you are comfortable with the command-line terminal and want to go even further in protecting your node, take a look at the popular imthenachoman/How-To-Secure-A-Linux-Server guide. | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000105 | | Assumptions in This Guide | This guide assumes your node runs Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. The concepts will carry over to other systems but the example commands may not.
As with all of the commands in this guide, we assume that you are connecting remotely to your node's command terminal using ssh. If you need a refresher on how to use ssh, take a look at the Intro to Secure Shell guide first. | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000106 | | ESSENTIAL: Keep your Client Machine Secure | NOTEIf you use your Smartnode locally (by physically logging into it with a keyboard and monitor directly attached to it), then this section is not relevant to you - you can skip it.
Most Smartnode operators interact with their node remotely by connecting to its terminal from another computer using ssh:
The machine you connect to (in this case, your node machine) is called the server.The machine you connect from (such as your laptop, desktop, or even your phone) is the client.
One of the most important things you can do to secure your Smartnode is to keep your client machine secure. If your client machine is compromised and you use it to log into your node, then most of the security settings you apply to the node can be bypassed.
For example: if you use a laptop as an SSH client, and it has a keylogger installed, then any secret things you type on the node (such as your password or recovery mnemonic) when connected via SSH will be stolen.
There is no definitive guide to keeping your client machine secure, but being aware that it is a factor in your security is a good first step. Make sure that your client machine is as secure as it can be.
Here are a few tips:
Don't use your client machine for risky activities (such as visiting untrustworthy websites or installing unnecessary programs)Keep your client machine updated with the latest security patchesIf possible, use a malware and antivirus protection program for your Operating System
For maximum security, you may want to use a dedicated machine as your SSH client, though this may not be practical for you. | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000107 | | ESSENTIAL: Secure your SSH Access | NOTEIf you use your Smartnode locally (by physically logging into it with a keyboard and monitor directly attached to it), then this section is not relevant to you - you can skip it.
Whether you run your Smartnode at home or you use a VPS in a remote datacenter, it is likely that either you access it through SSH, or that SSH is enabled even if you do not use it.
SSH connections are based on secure cryptography, but as with any secure system, the real security comes from using it correctly. There are two main things to do for your SSH settings:
As you are probably familiar with now, the default way to log into your node via SSH is with a username and password. The downside of this is that your password is typically something rather "short" and susceptible to brute-force attacks.
Luckily, there is an alternative way to log in via SSH: an SSH key pair.
SSH key pairs work similarly to blockchain wallets; they come with a public part (such as your wallet address) and a private part (the private key for your wallet address):
You provide the public part to your node. This way, the node knows you're allowed to connect to it, and it knows that it's really you trying to connect.You keep the private part to yourself on your client machine. This way, you (and only you) can connect to your node. You can (and should!) protect the private part with a password, so someone who steals your key can't use it.From a computer's perspective, the private key is exponentially harder to crack than a password is. This mitigates the risk of a brute-force attack against your node.
TIPIf you'd like to learn more about SSH key pairs before creating your own, take a look at these links: | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000108 | | Creating an SSH Key Pair | Let's start by creating a new SSH key pair on your client machine. There are many varieties of key out there, but we're going to use a key type called ed25519 which provides excellent security.
Run the following command on your client machine (i.e., you should not run this while already SSH'd into your node machine - if you are, exit out of SSH first):
shellssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email protected]"
You will see the following:
Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (~/username/.ssh/id_ed25519):
This asks you where you would like to save your private key file. SSH is compatible with the provided default and will automatically use it for you if you select it. However, you have the option of changing it to something else if you wish.
NOTEThe path ~/username/.ssh/id_ed25519 is just an example, assuming your username is username. You likely have a different username. Whenever you see a path like the above in this guide, replace it with whatever path your system actually prints with your actual username.
If you are comfortable with the default setting, simply press Enter.
Otherwise, type your desired location for the key. It must be an absolute path (e.g. ~/username/.ssh/rocketpool_key). Press Enter when you're done.
After pressing Enter, you will see:
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
This will become the password for the private key itself. Whenever you use the key to connect to your node, you will need to enter this password first.
WARNINGYou should not leave this blank - otherwise, anyone with the SSH key file will be able to use it! Pick a good password that you (and only you) will know.Also, don't forget your password - there is no way to recover this password if you lose it.
Once you finish typing the password, press Enter. It will ask you to retype it for confirmation.
After that, you will see something like the following output:
Your identification has been saved in ~/username/.ssh/id_ed25519
Your public key has been saved in ~/username/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:CASbPZETiQ83lLhpUO2aoT05TxMVLwqiWtdsRtoPt4s [email protected]
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ED25519 256]--+
| .o*==.. |
|. +=O... |
|..+B++o . |
|..=.+X o |
|.+.=+.O S |
|o.B.oo + . |
|. = . o |
| . . . |
| E . |
The first line states the location of the private key, which is called id_ed25519 by default (notice that it does not have a file extension). Ubuntu will load this key for you automatically when you use ssh if this private key file is in the default location.
The second line states the location of the public key, which is called by default. We'll need the public key for the next step.
NOTEUbuntu should load this new key automatically. However, some systems (such as macOS machines) will not load it automatically - you will have to tell it to do this with the following command on your client machine:shellssh-add ~/username/.ssh/id_ed25519Note that this is the path of the private key that we generated in the previous step, not the public key. Replace the path with whatever your system printed in that previous step.If you get an error saying that the ssh-agent is not running, start it by running the following command on your client machine:shelleval $(ssh-agent)If you don't want to type these two commands every time you open the terminal, you can create a shortcut for adding your key by adding an alias to your ~/.bashrc file.Open the file using the text editor:shellnano ~/.bashrcAdd this line to the end (assuming you used the default path for the private key - update as necessary):alias loadkey='ssh-add $HOME/.ssh/id_ed25519'Save and exit with Ctrl+O and Enter, then Ctrl+X. Next, close and open your terminal for the changes to take effect.You can now type loadkey on your client machine to load the key. | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000109 | | Adding the Public Key to your Node | Once you have your SSH key pair, you can now add the public key to your node. This will let you connect to it over ssh using the private key you just generated, instead of your username and password.
There are two ways to do this - if one doesn't work, try the other way:
Using ssh copy idManually Adding the KeyNote: if your client machine is running Windows, ssh-copy-id is not yet available. Please follow the instructions in the "Manually Adding the Key" tab.Run the following command on your client machine:shellssh-copy-id -i ~/username/.ssh/ [email protected]For example, if my username on the node was staker and my node's IP address was, I would run the following command:shellssh-copy-id -i ~/staker/.ssh/ [email protected]You will see some messages like the following:/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: "~/username/.ssh/"
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed -- if you are prompted now it is to install the new keysThis tells you that it's trying to log in with your key first to make sure it isn't already there. Once it fails logging in, it knows that it's OK to add the new public key to the node machine.It will then prompt you for the password of the user on your node machine. (Note that this is not the password of the SSH key!)Enter your user's password, and you will see the following output:Number of key(s) added: 1
Now try logging into the machine with: "ssh '[email protected]'"
and check to make sure that only the key(s) you wanted were added.That means it worked!
You should now be able to ssh into the node like you normally would, but now you won't have to type the password of the user account.
Instead, you will have to type the password of your SSH private key. Depending on your system settings, you may only have to do this once per restart, or you may have to do it every time you use the key to connect to your node. | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000110 | | Disable Login-via-Password | Even though you have an SSH key pair set up, your node will still allow other machines to try to log in using the username and password method. This defeats the entire purpose of using SSH keys in the first place, so the next step is to disable those.
NOTEYou are about to modify the SSH server's configuration. All of your existing SSH sessions will be preserved. However, if you make a mistake, then it's possible that you will not be able to create new SSH sessions anymore and effectively lock yourself out of the machine.To prevent this, we strongly recommend that you create 2 SSH sessions for the next steps - one for editing things and testing, and one as a backup so you can revert any breaking changes.
Start by logging into your machine using ssh as usual:
shellssh [email protected]
As a reminder, you should do this twice on two separate terminals so you have a backup session just in case. You can ignore the backup session for now - we'll tell you when you need it. Run the following commands only in the first session.
Open the configuration file for the SSH server:
shellsudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
As with all commands that start with sudo, this will prompt you for your user account's password. This is a large file, so you'll have to navigate through it using the arrow keys on your keyboard or Page Up / Page Down.
Make the following changes:
Once you're done, save with Ctrl+O and Enter, then exit with Ctrl+X.
Finally, run sudo sshd -T | grep -i passwordauthentication and make sure that it prints passwordauthentication no. If it does not, you may need to run sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/50-cloud-init.conf and set PasswordAuthentication yes to PasswordAuthentication no in that file as well. Save and exit as before, with Ctrl+O and Enter, then Ctrl+X
Next, restart the SSH server so it picks up the new settings:
shellsudo systemctl restart sshd
After this, logging into SSH via a username and password should be disabled.
NOTEAt this point, you should exit the SSH session and try to SSH back in. If you are able to do so successfully, then your SSH configuration is still valid!If you are not able to get back in, then something has gone wrong with your configuration. Use the backup SSH session you created at the start of this section to modify the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.Try to find the mistake or undo your changes, then restart the SSH server using sudo systemctl restart sshd.Once it's been restarted, try connecting with SSH again on your "other" terminal. Keep doing this until you have it working again and are able to successfully connect. | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000111 | | (Optional) Enable Two-Factor Authentication | Two-factor authentication involves requiring a second security measure in addition to your password or SSH key, usually on a separate device from your primary one.
For example, you may be familiar with logging into a website such as a crypto exchange using both a password and a Google Authenticator code (or an SMS code). This two-step process is an example of two-factor authentication.
SSH can also be configured to require a Google Authenticator code, which means that an attacker that somehow compromised your SSH key and its passphrase would still need the device with the authenticator app on it (presumably your phone). This adds an extra layer of security to your system.
WARNINGWe strongly recommend that you open a second terminal with an SSH connection to your node, just in case you misconfigure something. This way, you will have a backup that is still connected in case you lock yourself out, so you can easily undo your mistakes.If you do manage to lock yourself out, you will need to physically access your node via its local monitor and keyboard to log in and repair the misconfiguration.
Start by installing Google Authenticator (or a compatible equivalent) on your phone if you don't already have it. For Android users, consider andOTP which is an open-source alternative that supports password locking and convenient backups.
Next, install the Google Authenticator module on your node with this command:
shellsudo apt install -y libpam-google-authenticator
Now tell the PAM (pluggable authentication modules) to use this module. First, open the config file:
shellsudo nano /etc/pam.d/sshd
Find @include common-auth (it should be at the top) and comment it out by adding a # in front of it, so it looks like this:
# Standard Un*x authentication.
#@include common-auth
Next, add these lines to the top of the file:
shell# Enable Google Authenticator
auth required
Then save and exit the file with Ctrl+O, Enter, and Ctrl+X.
Now that PAM knows to use Google Authenticator, the next step is to tell sshd to use PAM. Open the sshd config file:
shellsudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Now change the line KbdInteractiveAuthentication no to KbdInteractiveAuthentication yes so it looks like this:
# Change to yes to enable challenge-response passwords (beware issues with
# some PAM modules and threads)
KbdInteractiveAuthentication yes
(Older versions of SSH call this option ChallengeResponseAuthentication instead of KbdInteractiveAuthentication.)
Add the following line to the bottom of the file, which indicates to sshd that it needs both an SSH key and the Google Authenticator code:
shellAuthenticationMethods publickey,keyboard-interactive:pam
Then save and exit the file with Ctrl+O, Enter, and Ctrl+X.
Now that sshd is set up, we need to create our 2FA codes. In your terminal, run:
First, it will ask you about time-based tokens. Say y to this question:
Do you want authentication tokens to be time-based: y
You will now see a big QR code on your screen; scan it with your Google Authenticator app to add it. You will also see your secret and a few backup codes looking like this:
Your new secret key is: IRG2TALMR5U2LK5VQ5AQIG3HA4
Your verification code is 282436
Your emergency scratch codes are:
NOTERecord the emergency scratch codes somewhere safe in case you need to log into the machine but don't have your 2FA app handy. Without the app, you will no longer be able to SSH into the machine!
Finally, it will ask you for some more parameters; the recommended defaults are as follows:
Do you want me to update your "/<username>/.google_authenticator" file: y
Do you want to disallow multiple uses of the same authentication token: y
By default... < long story about time skew > ... Do you want to do so: n
Do you want to enable rate-limiting: y
Once you're done, restart sshd so it grabs the new settings:
shellsudo systemctl restart sshd
When you try to SSH into your server with your SSH keys, you should now also be asked for a 2FA verification code, but not for a password. | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000112 | | ESSENTIAL: Enable Automatic Security Updates | Operating System vendors routinely publish updates and security fixes, so it is important that you keep your system up to date with the latest patches. The easiest way to do this is to enable automatic updates.
Run the following commands on your node machine:
shellsudo apt update
sudo apt install -y unattended-upgrades update-notifier-common
You can change the auto-update settings by editing /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades:
shellsudo nano /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades
This is an example of reasonable auto-update settings:
shellAPT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists "1";
APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade "1";
APT::Periodic::AutocleanInterval "7";
Unattended-Upgrade::Remove-Unused-Dependencies "true";
Unattended-Upgrade::Remove-New-Unused-Dependencies "true";
# This is the most important choice: auto-reboot.
# This should be fine since Rocketpool auto-starts on reboot.
Unattended-Upgrade::Automatic-Reboot "true";
Unattended-Upgrade::Automatic-Reboot-Time "02:00";
When you are done adding your changes, save with Ctrl+O and Enter, then exit with Ctrl+X.
After, make sure to load the new settings:
shellsudo systemctl restart unattended-upgrades | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000113 | | ESSENTIAL: Enable a Firewall | In general, your machine should only accept network traffic on ports that your Execution (ETH1) client, Consensus (ETH2) client, and Smartnode stack use. To enforce that and prevent any unexpected or undesirable traffic, we can install a firewall on the node.
NOTEIf you selected a different execution/consensus client port during the Rocketpool setup, you need to edit the ports below to reflect your settings.
Ubuntu comes with ufw installed by default (the uncomplicated fire wall), which is a convenient utility for managing your node's firewall settings.
The following commands will set ufw up with a good default configuration for your Smartnode. Run these on your node machine.
Disable connections unless they're explicitly allowed by later rules:
shellsudo ufw default deny incoming comment 'Deny all incoming traffic'
Allow SSH:
shellsudo ufw allow "22/tcp" comment 'Allow SSH'
Allow execution client (formerly referred to as ETH1):
shellsudo ufw allow 30303/tcp comment 'Execution client port, standardized by Rocket Pool'
sudo ufw allow 30303/udp comment 'Execution client port, standardized by Rocket Pool'
Allow consensus client (formerly referred to as ETH2):
shellsudo ufw allow 9001/tcp comment 'Consensus client port, standardized by Rocket Pool'
sudo ufw allow 9001/udp comment 'Consensus client port, standardized by Rocket Pool'
Finally, enable ufw:
sudo ufw enable
NOTEiptables experts might note that Docker bypasses ufw settings. Strictly speaking, that means unless you are running in Hybrid mode, you do not need the Execution and Consensus client rules. Adding them, however, has no downside and will make sure that if you ever switch to Hybrid mode you will not run into firewall issues. | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000114 | | (Optional) Enable Brute-Force and DDoS Protection | To protect your server from DDoS attacks and brute-force connection attempts, you can install fail2ban. This program will monitor incoming connections and block IP addresses that try to log in with faulty credentials repeatedly.
See this guide for more information on intrusion prevention.
Run the following commands on your node machine:
Install the service:
shellsudo apt install -y fail2ban
Next, open /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/ssh.local:
shellsudo nano /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/ssh.local
Add the following contents to it:
enabled = true
banaction = ufw
port = 22
filter = sshd
logpath = %(sshd_log)s
maxretry = 5
You can change the maxretry setting, which is the number of attempts it will allow before locking the offending address out.
Once you're done, save and exit with Ctrl+O and Enter, then Ctrl+X.
Finally, restart the service:
sudo systemctl restart fail2ban
And with that, you've just greatly improved the security posture of your node. Congratulations! | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000115 | | Configuring a Tailscale VPN Server | NOTEThis is optional. You only need to consider this section if you run a node at home and would like to connect to it from outside of your home network.
If you would like to log into your home network remotely, such as while on vacation or on a business trip, the most common route is to use a Virtual Private Network server. This will allow you to connect to your node via SSH and monitor your Grafana dashboard from anywhere in the world, all without exposing your SSH port to the internet.
Many Rocket Pool node operators use Tailscale as their VPN server of choice for this. Tailscale is an open source P2P VPN tunnel and hosted endpoint discovery service. It takes care of authentication, publication, and the NAT traversal required to establish an end-to-end encrypted path between your machine and your node without sending any sensitive traffic to a centralized server. It is a very powerful tool.
We will briefly cover a basic configuration of it, but feel free to review their documentation for more details. | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000116 | | Setting Tailscale Up | First, create a free Tailscale account. Tailscale requires the use of an SSO identity provider such as Google, GitHub, Okta, Microsoft, etc. For details, visit their SSO Page.
It is recommended that you enable 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) on whichever identity provider you choose for added security.
Next, follow their onboarding guide to install Tailscale on your client - the machine you want to connect to your network with. For example, this could be a laptop or your phone. Note that it is not your Rocket Pool node!
Once completed you should see your computer as 'connected' on the Tailscale dashboard.
Now, install Tailscale on your Rocket Pool node. You can find instructions for this on their website; for example, here are the installation instructions for Ubuntu.
NOTEIf you have UFW configured, you will also want to follow the UFW Configuration Instructions).
First, add Tailscale’s package signing key and repository on your Rocket Pool node:
shellcurl -fsSL | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/tailscale-archive-keyring.gpg >/dev/null
curl -fsSL | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tailscale.list
Now, install Tailscale on your Rocket Pool node:
shellsudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tailscale
Finally, authenticate and connect your machine to your Tailscale network on your Rocket Pool node:
shellsudo tailscale up
You’re connected! You can find your Tailscale IPv4 address by running:
shelltailscale ip -4
You should now see your node machine added to the on the Tailscale dashboard. You may also change the name of the node machine through the dashboard, e.g. to rocketnode.
It is suggested to disable key expiry for the node machine to prevent the need to periodically re-authenticate.
NoteIf you would like to access your node using a memorable hostname such as rocketnode, you can do so by enabling MagicDNS in the Tailscale settings.
You should now be able to exit the SSH session to your node on your client, and SSH into your node again through Tailscale using ssh [email protected].
NOTEIf you modified the SSH port of the node machine in /etc/ssh/sshd_config when you first configured it, use ssh [email protected] -p <your port> instead.For example, if you assigned SSH to port 1234, you would do:ssh [email protected] -p 1234
You can now also visit http://rocketnode:3100 in your web browser to access your Grafana dashboard from your client.
If you have UFW configured, you can now add a rule to accept any incoming SSH connections over Tailscale.
WARNINGThe following steps will modify your firewall rules. **You must have at least 2 SSH sessions open to your node machine before proceeding - one for modifying the configuration and testing it afterwards, and one that will stay logged in as a backup in case your changes break SSH so you can revert them!
Run these commands on the node machine.
Allow access to all incoming ssh connections over Talscale.
shellsudo ufw allow in on tailscale0
You may also remove access to the SSH port adding from the enabling a firewall steps to competely lock down your node. Note that you will not be able to login from the local network as tailscale will become the only way to login. Only run the following command if you are okay with this.
shellsudo ufw delete "22/tcp"
Once you’ve set up firewall rules to restrict all non-Tailscale connections, restart UFW and SSH:
shellsudo ufw reload
sudo service ssh restart
Now, confirm that everything is working as expected. exit from one of your current SSH sessions (but remember to keep the second one open as a backup).
Next, connect to the node machine via SSH using the Tailscale IP address:
shellssh [email protected]
If it works, you did everything right and can now safely log into your home network while abroad!
TIPIf you've previously port forwarded your node's SSH port in your router, you can now remove it. | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000117 | | Overview | In this section, you'll learn how to install the Rocket Pool Smartnode stack onto your node machine. There are several different flavors of installation; you'll learn which one is right for you and walk through the installation process for it. | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000118 | | Prerequisites | Before diving into this section, please make sure you've:
Picked a node machine (local hardware or virtual server)Set up the Operating System on itConfigured a remote control system such as SSHSecured it by following the Securing your Node guide | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000119 | | Guides | Choosing your ETH Clients presents the various options for Ethereum clients - both on the Execution Layer (formerly ETH1) and the Consensus Layer (formerly ETH2). You'll need one of each in order to run your node, and this section will help you choose which ones you'd like to run.
Selecting a Rocket Pool Mode will show you the different modes the Rocket Pool Smartnode can be installed with and will help you pick the mode that's best for you.
Creating a Standard Rocket Pool Node with Docker will walk you through the installation process for Docker Mode and Hybrid Mode.
Creating a Native Rocket Pool Node without Docker will walk you through the installation process for Native Mode. | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000120 | | Choosing your ETH Clients | Rocket Pool's Smartnode installer can transform your machine into a full Ethereum node, as it requires both Execution and Consensus clients in order to operate properly.
The terms ETH1/ETH2 have been deprecated. The chains will be referred to as the Execution Layer (ETH1) and the Beacon Chain or Consensus Layer (ETH2) in the rest of these guides.
If you already have Execution and Consensus clients up and running on a separate machine (for example, if you're already solo-staking), then skip this section and move onto the Configuring a Hybrid Rocket Pool Node with External Clients section.
Otherwise, read on to learn more about your choices for Execution and Consensus clients.
NOTEAs of March 2023, the distribution of clients on the Beacon Chain looks roughly like this:Data obtained from https://clientdiversity.orgThe overwhelming majority of node operators are currently using Geth as an Execution Client and either Prysm or Lighthouse as a Consensus Client. In the interest of supporting the health of the Execution Layer (formerly ETH1) and the Beacon Chain (formerly ETH2), we currently recommend that you consider using different clients. Here are some relevant articles about why an even client diversity is crucial to the health of the network if you would like to learn more:
For users that would like to get up and running quickly, the Smartnode installer provides a Random Client option which may be the best choice. For users that have a specific client they'd like to use in mind, we provide the ability to easily choose one during Rocket Pool's installation. The options below help to describe each client so you can make an informed decision if you'd like to specify which one you want. | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000121 | | Execution Clients | Rocket Pool supports three different Execution clients: Geth, Besu, and Nethermind.
Running an Execution client involves storing a copy of the Execution layer blockchain on your machine. It interacts via peer-to-peer communications with other EC nodes to record and verify new blocks and transactions. A full Execution client is required to run a validator now that the Execution and Consensus layers have merged. | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000122 | | Geth | Geth (formally named Go Ethereum) is one of the three original implementations (along with C++ and Python) of the Ethereum protocol. It is written in Go, fully open source and licensed under the GNU LGPL v3.
Geth is the oldest and most widely-used Execution Client around the world. It has a reputation for being very stable and reliable.
It is multithreaded, meaning it can take advantage of your entire CPU. Its RAM usage is configurable, down to a minimum of about 4 GB for Mainnet. This makes it viable for low-power systems and high-power systems alike.
NOTEGeth requires offline pruning of its database periodically: its database will grow over time and gradually consume all of your free disk space unless you prune it when your disk runs low on free space. The frequency you need to prune will depend on your SSD's size.For more information on pruning Geth, view the Pruning the Execution Client page. | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000123 | | Besu | Hyperledger Besu is an open-source Ethereum client developed under the Apache 2.0 license and written in Java. Besu's most exciting features is its use of Bonsai Tries for state storage. In addition to their better performance characterstics, Bonsai Tries give Besu two interesting advantages over the other clients:
Besu currently recommends at least 16 GB of RAM, though it is possible to run successfully with 8 GB. | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000124 | | Nethermind | Nethermind is written in .NET Core. It boasts the fastest sync speed of the Execution clients and has a rich set of configuration options. It is designed with node operators in mind and has many features that they will find helpful.
Like Geth, Nethermind requires periodic pruning of its database. Unlike Geth, however, Nethermind's database can be pruned while it stays online. This means you do not need to turn your client off and rely on a fallback in order to prune. However, Nethermind's online pruning process is quite resource intensive so users running low-power nodes may see some performance degradation during the process.
Nethermind requires at least 16GB of RAM, though more is preferable.
NOTENethermind requires periodic pruning of its database periodically: its database will grow over time and gradually consume all of your free disk space unless you prune it when your disk runs low on free space. The frequency you need to prune will depend on your SSD's size.Unlike Geth, however, Nethermind remains online while it is pruning. This makes it a compelling choice for nodes because they won't have any down time during pruning.For more information on pruning Nethermind, view the Pruning the Execution Client page. | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000125 | | Client Comparison Table | ClientTypeCPU UsageMinimum RAM UsageSync TimeGethFullModerate4 GBModerateBesuFullModerate6 GBSlowNethermindFullModerate16 GBFast | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000126 | | Consensus Clients | Rocket Pool's installer is proud to support five currently available Consensus clients: Lighthouse, Lodestar, Nimbus, Prysm, and Teku.
Each of these is a full client, meaning you will contribute to the decentralization of the Consensus network regardless of which client you choose.
All five clients are quite low-risk, low-maintenance, and will generate practically identical total rewards from validation. They differ slightly in terms of resource requirements and features, but you cannot go wrong with any of them.
By default, the Rocket Pool installer will offer to select a random consensus client for you. This will help contribute to the overall diversity of the network. This is important from a security perspective: if one client is used by a majority of nodes and suffers from a severe bug or attack, it might cause all of those nodes to fail and thus threaten the entire Beacon Chain's stability. | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000127 | | Lighthouse | Lighthouse is an open-source Ethereum 2.0 maintained by Sigma Prime. It implements the Ethereum 2.0 specification as defined by the Ethereum Foundation Research team.
Lighthouse is a cutting-edge distributed systems project implementing technologies at the forefront of blockchain research; including proof-of-stake consensus, parallel transaction execution and state separation (sharding).
Lighthouse has no official affiliation with the Ethereum Foundation and will continue to follow its guidance as long it is remains in the best interest of the Ethereum protocol and community surrounding it.
Lighthouse is implemented in Rust and will maintain a focus on security and efficiency. | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000128 | | Lodestar | Lodestar is the fifth open-source Ethereum consensus client maintained by ChainSafe Systems. Our flagship product is our production-capable beacon chain and validator client for Ethereum consensus. Our software and tooling is uniquely situated as the go-to for researchers and developers for rapid prototyping and browser usage. Millions of developers around the world are familiar with Typescript, and Lodestar's high-quality codebases are excellent introductions to the Ethereum world.
Lodestar has also been a leader in light client research, standardization, and implementation of Ethereum light clients. We strive to work with other client implementers, researchers and developers to demonstrate the importance of having browsers utilize trustless data directly from the blockchain.
Lodestar's niche is in its implementation language, Typescript. | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000129 | | Nimbus | Nimbus is a client implementation for both Ethereum 2.0 and Ethereum 1.0 that strives to be as lightweight as possible in terms of resources used. This allows it to perform well on embedded systems and resource-restricted devices.
However, resource-restricted hardware is not the only thing Nimbus is good for. Its low resource consumption makes it easy to run Nimbus together with other workloads on your server (this is especially valuable for stakers looking to lower the cost of their server instances).
Nimbus is written in Nim and maintained by the team. | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000130 | | Prysm | The Prysm project is a full-featured implementation for the Ethereum 2.0 network written entirely in the Go programming language.
Created by Prysmatic Labs, Prysm implements the official Ethereum 2.0 specification, which is the product of an ongoing collective research and development effort by various teams across the Ethereum ecosystem including the Ethereum Foundation. | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000131 | | Teku | Teku (formerly known as Artemis) is a Java-based Ethereum 2.0 client designed & built to meet institutional needs and security requirements. PegaSys is an arm of ConsenSys dedicated to building enterprise-ready clients and tools for interacting with the core Ethereum platform.
Teku is Apache 2.0 licensed and written in Java, a language notable for its maturity & ubiquity. | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000132 | | Client Comparison Table | ClientCPU UsageMinimum RAM UsageSync TimeLighthouseModerate2 GBInstant with checkpoint syncLodestarModerate4 GBInstant with checkpoint syncNimbusLow0.75 GBInstant with checkpoint syncPrysmModerate2 GBInstant with checkpoint syncTekuModerate4 GBInstant with checkpoint sync | 19:09:16hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000133 | | Selecting a Rocket Pool Mode | Rocket Pool's Smartnode stack is quite flexible; there are several different ways to run it. It can stand up an entire full node from scratch, it can integrate with existing Execution or Consensus client deployments, and it can even run natively as a set of system services. In this section, we will cover the typical ways of configuring and using the Smartnode stack. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000134 | | The Default Docker-Based Configuration | The default mode, and the most common way to run a Smartnode, is to have it create an entire full node instance on your local machine that Rocket Pool manages.
To accomplish this, the Smartnode uses Docker containers. In essence, a Docker container is a small sandbox that comes pre-configured with a program, all of its dependencies, and all of the configuration needed to run correctly. When it's no longer needed, it can simply be thrown away. It's a nice little self-contained bundle that lets things work without making a mess of your actual filesystem or other programs.
This mode is what the Smartnode Installer will deploy for you. It uses the following Docker containers:
rocketpool_api - This holds the actual functionality that the Smartnode provides when you interact with it via Rocket Pool's command-line interface (CLI).rocketpool_node - This is a background process that will periodically check for and claim RPL rewards after a reward checkpoint (if you have auto-claim enabled, more on this later), and is responsible for actually staking new validators when you create a minipool.rocketpool_watchtower - This is used by Oracle Nodes to perform oracle-related duties. For regular node operators, this will simply stay idle.rocketpool_eth1 - This will be your Execution client.rocketpool_eth2 - This will be your Consensus beacon node client.rocketpool_validator - This will be your Validator client, which is responsible for your validator duties (such as attesting to blocks or proposing new blocks).
In most situations, this is a good option to choose when creating a new node from scratch. It's the fastest, most hands-off procedure. It will also handle updates to the Execution and Consensus clients with every new Smartnode release, so you don't have to worry about them (though you can manually upgrade them at any time if you desire).
NOTECurrently, some of the Docker containers need to run as the root user to function correctly. While Docker containers are generally quite good at preventing a user from escaping into your main Operating System, you may not be comfortable with this requirement for security reasons. In this case, we suggest you use the Native configuration mode listed below.
If you would like to use this mode, proceed to the Configuring a Standard Rocket Pool Node with Docker section. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000135 | | The Hybrid Configuration with External Clients | The hybrid configuration is well-suited for users that are interested in running a Rocket Pool node, but already have their own Execution and/or Consensus clients running for other purposes (for example, because they're already solo-staking).
In this mode, Rocket Pool will deploy Docker containers for its own processes and for a Validator client it manages, but will ignore the Execution client and Beacon Node containers for whichever external clients you already run and maintain. As Rocket Pool will be creating and maintaining new validator keys for each of your node's minipools, it is important that it runs its own Validator client.
When using this configuration, the Smartnode will use the following Docker containers (which were described above):
The rocketpool_eth1 and rocketpool_eth2 containers will either be included or excluded, depending on which clients you already have running externally.
If you would like to use this mode, proceed to the Configuring a Standard Rocket Pool Node with Docker section. When prompted to choose a management mode for your Execution and/or Consensus clients, choose the Externally Managed option which is described in detail within that section. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000136 | | The Native Configuration without Docker | This configuration bypasses Docker entirely. Instead of running the Smartnode stack via Docker, each process will be installed as a local system service (e.g. via systemd). This includes the node, watchtower, eth1, eth2, and validator processes.
This configuration offers the most flexibility because it allows you to fine-tune Rocket Pool's parameters (such as its security posture, where the Execution and Consensus clients live, where the chain data lives, where your keys live, and so on). It is also the most difficult to set up and maintain.
In this mode, the Smartnode Installer is no longer relevant. You are responsible for manually instantiating, maintaining, and upgrading the Smartnode infrastructure, the ETH clients, and the validator clients.
WARNINGWhile we provide some example documentation on how to do this, we suggest that this mode should only be used by experienced system administrators.
If you would like to use this mode, proceed to the Configuring a Native Rocket Pool Node without Docker section. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000137 | | Creating a Standard Rocket Pool Node with Docker | In this section, we will walk through the process of installing the Rocket Pool Smartnode stack using the standard Docker-based setup. This will install and configure everything you need to run a complete node, including:
The Rocket Pool Smartnode softwareAn Execution (formerly ETH1) client of your choice, or a connection to an existing client you already manageA Consensus (formerly ETH2) client of your choice, or a connection to an existing client you already manageA Validator client that will handle your Beacon Chain validation duties(Optionally) a monitoring stack for capturing performance and health metrics
All you need to do is tell it what you want to run!
NOTEThe below instructions require you to use your system's terminal to enter and execute commands. If you are connected to the node machine via SSH, you are already doing this. If you are on the node machine and using a Desktop UI, you will need to open a terminal window to execute the following commands. Refer to your OS's instructions to learn how to do this if you are unfamiliar. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000138 | | Process Overview | At a high level, here's what is involved in installing Rocket Pool: | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000139 | | Before You Start | WARNINGIf using Ubuntu, it is recommended that before installing Rocket Pool you double check that docker was not installed alongside the operating system.The Ubuntu installer gets docker from the snap package manager, which will conflict with the version of docker installed by Smartnode.Run snap list, and make sure docker was not installed.For example, this is the output on a machine where docker is not installed:Name Version Rev Tracking Publisher Notes
core20 20230308 1852 latest/stable canonical✓ base
lxd 5.0.2-838e1b2 24322 5.0/stable/… canonical✓ -
snapd 2.59.1 18933 latest/stable canonical✓ snapdAnd here is the output if it was installed:Name Version Rev Tracking Publisher Notes
core20 20230308 1852 latest/stable canonical✓ base
docker 20.10.17 2746 latest/stable canonical✓ -
lxd 5.0.2-838e1b2 24322 5.0/stable/… canonical✓ -
snapd 2.59.1 18933 latest/stable canonical✓ snapdIf you see it in the snap list output, be sure to remove it with:shellsudo systemctl stop snap.docker.dockerd.service
sudo snap remove --purge dockerAfter which, it is recommended that you reboot the machine (sudo systemctl reboot) | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000140 | | Downloading the Rocket Pool CLI | The instructions for downloading the CLI vary based on your Operating System.
NOTEYou must perform the following instructions on the machine you will use for your Rocket Pool node. If you are not using a keyboard and monitor directly connected to your node machine, you will need to access it remotely (e.g. via SSH) and run these commands on it through that remote connection.
LinuxmacOSOn Linux, start by creating a new folder that will hold the CLI application:shellmkdir -p ~/binNext, download the CLI. This depends on what architecture your system uses.TIPIf you do not know your CPU architecture, you can run the following command to find it:shelluname -mThe output of this command will print your architecture. Note that x86_64 is the same as x64 and amd64.Note that aarch64 is the same as arm64.For x64 systems (most normal computers):shellwget -O ~/bin/rocketpoolFor arm64 systems:shellwget -O ~/bin/rocketpoolMark it as executable, so it has permissions to run:shellchmod +x ~/bin/rocketpoolNext, log out and log back in (or close SSH and reconnect), or simply restart. This is because the path that you saved the CLI to (~/bin) may not be in your system's PATH variable (the list of places your system searches for executables) yet. Logging out and back in will put it there.Now, test running it with the --version flag. You should see output like this:rocketpool --versionrocketpool version 1.5.0TIPIf you see an error message like this,-bash: /home/user/rocketpool: cannot execute binary file: Exec format errorit means that you downloaded the wrong version above. Please check if your system is x64 or arm64 using the command in the tip above, and download the appropriate version. If your system is neither of those, then you will not be able to run Rocket Pool. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000141 | | Installing the Smartnode Stack | Now that you have the CLI installed, you can deploy the Smartnode stack. This will prepare your system with Docker, docker-compose, and load the Smartnode files so they're ready to go. It won't actually run anything yet; that comes later.
To deploy the Smartnode stack, you will need to run the following command on your node machine (either by logging in locally, or connecting remotely such as through SSH):
rocketpool service install
This will grab the latest version of the Smartnode stack and set it up. You should see output like this (above some release notes for the latest version which will be printed at the end):
If there aren't any error messages, then the installation was successful. By default, it will be put into the ~/.rocketpool directory inside of your user account's home folder.
NOTENote that the Smartnode installer cannot install docker and docker-compose on all platforms automatically. If you receive an error message like this during the installation:Automatic dependency installation for the Mint operating system is not supported.
Please install docker and docker-compose manually, then try again with the '-d' flag to skip OS dependency installation.
Be sure to add yourself to the docker group with 'sudo usermod -aG docker $USER' after installing docker.
Log out and back in, or restart your system after you run this command.Then you simply have to install those two things manually.Docker provides common install instructions here.Docker-compose provides common install instructions here.Once both are installed, make sure you give your user account permission to use Docker:shellsudo usermod -aG docker $USERFinally, re-run the installer with the -d flag to skip Docker installation:rocketpool service install -d
After this, log out and back in or restart your SSH session for the settings to take effect.
Once this is finished, the Smartnode stack will be ready to run. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000142 | | Configuring Docker's Storage Location | By default, Docker will store all of its container data on your operating system's drive. In some cases, this is not what you want.
NOTEIf you are fine with this default behavior, skip down to the next section.
To do this, create a new file called /etc/docker/daemon.json as the root user:
sudo nano /etc/docker/daemon.json
This will be empty at first, which is fine. Add this as the contents:
"data-root": "<your external mount point>/docker"
where <your external mount point> is the directory that your other drive is mounted to.
Press Ctrl+O, Enter to save the file, and Ctrl+X, Enter to exit the editor.
Next, make the folder:
sudo mkdir -p <your external mount point>/docker
Now, restart the docker daemon so it picks up on the changes:
sudo systemctl restart docker
After that, Docker will store its data on your desired disk. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000143 | | Configuring the Smartnode Stack | The next step in the installation process is to do an initial configuration of your node. Move on to the Configuring Rocketpool section for a walkthrough of this process. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000144 | | Creating a Native Rocket Pool Node without Docker | NOTEThis guide is designed for Smartnode v1.6.5 and higher.If you are using a previous version, you must upgrade to v1.6.5 or higher before configuring Native mode.
In this section, we will walk through the process of installing the Rocket Pool Smartnode stack natively onto your system, without the use of Docker containers.
The general plan is as follows:
This is a fairly involved setup so it will take some time to complete.
The diversity of Operating Systems and distros available make it impractical to make guides available for all of them. The instructions in this guide are tailored to a Debian-based system (including Ubuntu). For other distros or operating systems, you may follow the high-level steps described in the guide but will have to substitute certain commands for the ones that your system uses as appropriate.
DANGERThis guide is intended for users that are experienced with Linux system administration and usage. This includes using the terminal, creating system accounts, managing permissions, and installing services. We assume you are familiar with these activities - as you will be managing the bulk of the infrastructure yourself, we only provide limited support for Native installations. If you are not familiar with these activities, we do not recommend that you use Native Mode. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000145 | | Step 1: Set up the Execution and Consensus Clients | Native Mode effectively extends a standard solo-staking setup, and simply allows the Smartnode software to attach to the clients that it already runs (with a few small modifications).
To that end, we recommend you start by following some of the conventional solo staking guides provided by the community:
Somer Esat's set of guides per-client: guides:
Note that you won't actually create a validator as defined in those guides - Rocket Pool will do that for you. You can ignore the portions involving the Staking Deposit CLI tool.
You simply need to follow the guides to the point where you have an Execution Client service, a Consensus Client / Beacon Node service, and a Validator Client service all installed and syncing the chain. Skip the steps that involve funding a validator and recording its mnemonic.
Also, there is a special case for the fee recipient - when you get to the portion of the guide where you specify the fee recipient in your Validator Client configuration, leave it blank for now. We will describe how to set it up for Rocket Pool validators below.
Once your clients are installed and you can see in their logs that they are syncing the chains properly, you can follow the next steps to set up the Rocket Pool Smartnode and connect it to your clients. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000146 | | Step 2: Install Rocket Pool | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000147 | | Creating the Service Account | The first step is to create a new system account for the Rocket Pool services and disable login and shell access for it:
sudo useradd -r -s /sbin/nologin rp
Now, add yourself to the rp group. You'll need to do this in order to use the Rocket Pool CLI, because it and the Rocket Pool daemon both need to access the Execution layer wallet file.
sudo usermod -aG rp $USER
Finally, add the user account for your Validator Client to the rp group as well. The name of that user account depends on which guide you followed to set up your VC service.
For example, if your VC runs as user lighthousevalidator, you would do the following:
sudo usermod -aG rp lighthousevalidator
After this, logout and back in for the changes to take effect. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000148 | | Setting up the Binaries | Start by making a folder for Rocket Pool and a data subfolder. You can put this wherever you want; for this guide, I'll put it into /srv:
shellsudo mkdir -p /srv/rocketpool
sudo chown $USER:$USER /srv/rocketpool
Now, download the CLI and daemon binaries (or ignore this and build them from source if you prefer). Choose the platform that your system uses from the tabs below.
Linux x64Linux arm64macOS x64macOS arm64shellsudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/rocketpool
sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/rocketpoold
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/rocketpool
Now, set the owner and group of the daemon to rp:
sudo chown rp:rp /usr/local/bin/rocketpoold
Finally, set the suid bit and other permissions bits on the daemon binary:
sudo chmod u+sx,g+sx,o-rwx /usr/local/bin/rocketpoold
This will ensure that the daemon always runs as the rp user, so it always has the proper permissions set.
NOTEThe Smartnode will most likely fail with permissions errors if you don't do this. Please be sure to run this command! | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000149 | | Setting up the Installation Folder | With the CLI and Daemon installed, you'll need to next set up the folder structure and accompanying files that the Smartnode expects to exist. Start by creating the following folders:
mkdir -p /srv/rocketpool/data/validators && sudo chmod 775 /srv/rocketpool/data/validators
mkdir /srv/rocketpool/data/rewards-trees
mkdir /srv/rocketpool/data/custom-keys
sudo chown -R rp:rp /srv/rocketpool/data
Next, download the following scripts - Rocket Pool will use them when it needs to stop or restart your Validator Client to change its fee recipient (discussed later) or load new keys after you create a new minipool:
shellwget -O /srv/rocketpool/
wget -O /srv/rocketpool/
chmod +x /srv/rocketpool/
chmod +x /srv/rocketpool/
Now open ~/.profile with your editor of choice and add this line to the end:
shellalias rp="rocketpool -d /usr/local/bin/rocketpoold -c /srv/rocketpool"
Save it, then reload your profile:
shellsource ~/.profile
This will let you interact with Rocket Pool's CLI with the rp command, which is a nice shortcut. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000150 | | Creating the Services | Next up, we'll create a systemd service for the Rocket Pool node daemon. This is the service that will automatically check for and claim RPL rewards after each checkpoint, and stake minipools once you've created them via node deposit.
We'll also create a watchtower service as well. This will be used if you're an Oracle DAO member, or if you ever want to generate your own rewards interval trees (discussed in the Claiming Rewards section later on).
NodeWatchtowerCreate the rp-node service:sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/rp-node.serviceContents:[Unit]
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/rocketpoold --settings /srv/rocketpool/user-settings.yml node
WantedBy=multi-user.targetCreate a log file for the service, so you can watch its output - this will replace the behavior of rocketpool service logs node:nano /srv/rocketpool/node-log.shContents:#!/bin/bash
journalctl -u rp-node -b -fSave it, then make it executable:chmod +x /srv/rocketpool/node-log.shNow you can watch the node's logs by simply running:sudo /srv/rocketpool/
The services are now installed. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000151 | | Setting up Passwordless Script Access | The next step is to give the rp user the ability to restart the Validator Client when new validator keys are created, and stop the Validator Client if an emergency condition is detected.
Create a new sudoers file using visudo:
sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/rocketpool
Add the following lines to it:
Cmnd_Alias RP_RESTART = /usr/bin/systemctl restart <validator service name>
Cmnd_Alias RP_STOP = /usr/bin/systemctl stop <validator service name>
Where <validator service name> is the name of your VC service (e.g. lighthousevalidator)
Now, modify /srv/rocketpool/
Uncomment the line at the end and change it to sudo systemctl restart <validator service name>
Also modify /srv/rocketpool/
Uncomment the line at the end and change it to sudo systemctl stop <validator service name>
All set! The node process can now restart or stop your VC as required automatically. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000152 | | Step 3: Configure the Smartnode | Now that your services are all created, it's time to configure the Smartnode stack.
Please visit the Configuring the Smartnode Stack (Native Mode) guide, and return here when you are finished. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000153 | | Enabling and Running the Services | With all of the services installed, it's time to:
Enable them so they'll automatically restart if they break, and automatically start on a rebootStart them all
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable rp-node rp-watchtower
sudo systemctl start rp-node rp-watchtower | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000154 | | Setting Up a Wallet | Next, create a new node wallet or recover an existing wallet. Please carefully follow the instructions in the Setting up a Wallet portion of the guide, then return here when you're done.
Once that's done, use the service log file scripts to verify that they successfully loaded your new wallet. You should also verify this using the following command:
rp wallet status
If working properly it should produce the following output:
Your Smartnode is currently using the Prater Test Network.
The node wallet is initialized.
Node account: <address> | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000155 | | Step 4: Update the VC Service Definition | Unlike a solo staking setup, Rocket Pool generates and manages its validator keys automatically. There are a few adjustments you'll need to make to the VC service definition file you just created in order for it to work with Rocket Pool correctly, including:
The Fee RecipientThe VC's data or wallet directoryThe VC's keys and secrets directories
We'll cover these step-by-step for each client. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000156 | | Setting Up the Fee Recipient File | NOTEIt is crucial that you follow these steps - failing to do so and using the wrong fee recipient will result in penalties being applied to your validators and deductions taken from your Beacon Chain balance!
The fee recipient is the argument you provide to your Validator Client that specifies the address on the Execution layer that you want your priority fees and MEV rewards to be sent to. Rocket Pool has two different addresses for the fee recipient:
If you are opted into the Smoothing Pool, it must be the Smoothing Pool's addressIf you are opted out of the Smoothing Pool, it must be your node's Fee Distributor address
To learn more about the Smoothing Pool and your Fee Distributor, please see the Fee Distributors and the Smoothing Pool section of the guide.
Rocket Pool's node service will set this for you automatically by detecting which one it needs to be and setting it in a configuration file and restarting your Validator Client service to pick up the change. Your Validator Client service can use that configuration file automatically so you don't need to hard-code the fee recipient.
Open the systemd service definition file that you just created for your Validator Client. Before the ExecStart line, add this line:
Then modify your fee recipient argument as follows; select your client of choice from the tabs below:
LighthouseNimbusPrysmTekuChange --suggested-fee-recipient <address> to --suggested-fee-recipient ${FEE_RECIPIENT}
NOTEIf you start your Validator Client before Rocket Pool's services, it may error out because this file does not exist yet. Don't worry, this file will be created by Rocket Pool once you've initialized and started its services. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000157 | | Setting the Data and Keys Directories | Next, you must tell the VC where to store its data and load the validator keys that Rocket Pool generates. Click on the client you use in the tabs below:
LighthouseNimbusPrysmTekuCreate the following directories and set their owner to rp:sudo mkdir -p /srv/rocketpool/data/validators/lighthouse/validators
sudo mkdir -p /srv/rocketpool/data/validators/lighthouse/secrets
sudo chown -R rp:rp /srv/rocketpool/data/validators/lighthouse
sudo chmod -R 775 /srv/rocketpool/data/validators/lighthouseNow, add or change the following parameters in the Lighthouse VC's service definition file to these new values:--datadir /srv/rocketpool/data/validators/lighthouse | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000158 | | Relaxing umask | By default, your system will typically come with a umask configuration that will strip the +w bit from the group permissions whenever the node daemon creates a new folder. This is problematic for several consensus clients, because they will actually write things such as lock files or other metadata into the directories that the Smartnode creates when it generates new validator keys during a minipool deposit.
To combat this and ensure your VC works correctly, please relax your umask settings. For example, instead of 0022, you should consider setting it to 0002 for the rp user.
Every system is different, so please consult a guide that covers your Operating System to learn how to do this.
WARNINGThis step is crucial to ensure the automatic staking and validating duties are handled properly. If you notice permissions problems in your VC's logs after your minipool passes the 12-hour scrub check and enters staking status, you will likely need to run sudo chmod 775 on the folder containing your validator keys so your VC service can write to that folder. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000159 | | Reloading the VC Service | With these changes made, you can now reload and restart the VC service using the following:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart <vc-service>
If not using Prysm, please watch the VC's logs carefully to ensure that it successfully started properly and the following are defined correctly:
The fee recipientThe data pathThe wallet / keys / secrets path
You can verify this with, for example, ps aux | grep fee to filter the running processes to look at the fee recipient that your VC has used. It should be the same one defined in /srv/rocketpool/data/validators/rp-fee-recipient-env.txt.
If they are all using the correct values, then congratulations! You've successfully set up your Rocket Pool node and can follow the next sections of the guide to learn how to use it. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000160 | | Next Steps | Now that your clients are installed, we recommend you take a look at the security suggestions in the Securing your Node section next. As you're running a Native setup, you have likely done some of these things already; nevertheless, it doesn't hurt to at least explore it and see how well the recommended security posture fits with your system. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000161 | | Overview | In this section, you'll learn how to configure the Smartnode stack and customize all of the settings to your liking. You will have to configure it prior to running the stack for the first time, but you can always come back once it's running and reconfigure it again whenever you like. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000162 | | Prerequisites | Before configuring your Smartnode, please make sure you:
Have a node machine (or virtual machine) with the Operating System installed and configuredHave the machine secured (via the Securing your Node guide)Have the Smartnode installed on it | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000163 | | Guides | Configuring the Smartnode Stack (Docker / Hybrid Mode) is the guide to use if you want to run with Docker Mode or Hybrid Mode.
Configuring the Smartnode Stack (Native Mode) is the guide to use if you want to run with Native Mode.
Advanced Smartnode Configuration for Docker Mode is a supplement to the Docker guide that shows some extra capabilities and features you might be interested in (such as "Reverse Hybrid" Mode or customizing the Docker container flags). | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000164 | | Configuring the Smartnode Stack (Docker / Hybrid Mode) | Running complete Execution layer and Consensus layer clients can be daunting; there are several options to choose from and each of them has a plethora of different settings. Luckily, the Smartnode is designed to hide all of that complexity so it's quick and easy to configure, while still giving you the freedom to customize everything if you so desire.
In this section, we'll go over the various methods for configuring the Smartnode if you're using the Docker-based setup or a Hybrid setup where you connect to externally managed Execution or Consensus clients (e.g., clients you manage outside of the Smartnode for solo staking).
NOTEIf you're using Native mode without Docker, please visit the Native configuration guide instead.
There are three ways to configure it:
Via the Wizard UI - this is the easiest way. It only asks you a few basic question and uses well-tested defaults for the test. This will be what you are presented with when you run rocketpool service config for the first time.Via the Settings Manager UI - this gives you access to all of the Smartnode's settings so you can customize everything as much as you want.Headlessly via the Command Line - this is an option for people who run the Smartnode in a headless (non-interactive) environment and need to configure it automatically.
Choose which mode you'd like to learn more about from the list above, or simply scroll through each option below. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000165 | | Configuring via the Wizard | To start the configuration process, run the following command:
rocketpool service config
This will launch a terminal-based UI that will allow you to quickly and easily configure your node, as well as provide optional fine-grained control over every setting for advanced customization.
NOTEIf you've already configured the Smartnode, you will instead be greeted with the Settings Manager. You can choose to re-open the Wizard from there if you prefer it, and all of your existing settings will be pre-selected for you.
When you run the config UI for the first time (or if you choose to run the Wizard again later), you will be presented with a screen that looks like this:
TIPTo use the Wizard, press the Arrow Keys (up/down/left/right) to navigate between things such as buttons (choices) or text boxes. You can also use Tab and Shift+Tab if you prefer - it will do the same thing.For buttons, the one that's currently selected will be highlighted in green. The ones in black are not selected. In the screenshot above, Next is currently selected and Quit is not.Press Enter or Space to select a button, analogous to clicking on it with the mouse.Press Escape to go back to the previous dialog if you changed your mind about something. This will come in handy as you progress through the various Wizard pages.Hold Ctrl and press C at any time to exit the Wizard without saving anything.For example, on the screen above, you could press the left and right arrow keys to move between the Next and Quit buttons.Pressing Enter while Next is selected will proceeed to the next screen. Pressing Enter while Quit is selected will quit the Wizard without saving.
When you're ready to begin, press Next. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000166 | | Choosing a Network | In the next screen, you will be asked to choose which network you want to use:
You can highlight the different choices with the Up and Down arrow keys (or Tab and Shift+Tab). When you change choices, the Description box on the right will show you a brief description of each option. This is true for all choice-based pages in the Wizard, not just the network selection, so you will see this style of page frequently.
If you want to practice running a Rocket Pool node on the Prater test network with fake ETH and RPL you can get for free, select Prater Testnet.
If you're ready to create a real Rocket Pool node on Mainnet to earn real rewards, select Mainnet. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000167 | | Client Mode | You will be presented with two options for client mode:
Locally Managed (also known as "Docker Mode") is the default choice. Use it if you don't already have a client pair and you want the Smartnode to manage one for you. By choosing this, the Smartnode will create, configure and manage an Execution & Consensus Client pair as Docker containers. Don't worry, you'll get to choose which client you want to run next.
Externally Managed (also known as "Hybrid Mode") is a convenient choice for users that already have an Execution & Consensus client pair running elsewhere that they manage manually. By choosing this, the Smartnode will simply connect to your existing clients and will not run one of its own. For example, users can use this to plug into the clients that they currently use for solo staking; that way, they don't need to have two separate copies of the clients.
NOTESince the Execution-Consensus Layer Merge, you cannot mix and match these modes (e.g., you cannot have a local Execution client but an externally-managed Consensus client). You must either choose all locally-managed or all externally-managed. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000168 | | Execution Client Setup | Choose which mode you'd like to use for managing your Execution client and follow the steps in the corresponding tab below:
Locally ManagedExternalIf you want the Smartnode to manage an Execution client for you, the next screen will ask you to pick a client:Please refer to the Choosing your ETH clients section for a description of each option. Once you've made your choice, click on the appropriate tab below to learn how to configure it:If you choose Geth, Besu, or Nethermind, the Wizard will handle all of the configuration for you. You can manually adjust some of its parameters at the end of this process, but the defaults that it uses are completely appropriate for node operation. You can proceed to the next section.NOTEOpen up the P2P port in your router's port forwarding setup. Configure it to forward port 9001 on both TCP and UDP to your machine's local IP address. This way, other Consensus clients can discover it and communicate with it from the outside. This will help your Consensus client sync quickly and improve performance (and thus rewards).Each router has a different way of doing this, so you'll need to check out your router's manual on how to set up port forwarding.NOTEBecause the Smartnode will run in its own Docker container, it will use Docker's internal network. You won't be able to use hostnames like localhost or here; if your Execution client is running on the same machine as the Smartnode, you will need to provide the machine's LAN IP address instead.And with that, your Execution client is all set! | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000169 | | Consensus Client Setup | Now that you have an Execution client ready, the next task is to set up the Consensus client. The "mode" (local or external) will be inherited from the choice you used for your Execution client earlier.
Choose which mode you selected earlier from the tabs below:
Locally ManagedExternally ManagedIf you want the Smartnode to manage a Consensus client for you, the next screen will ask you to pick a client:The preferred choice for the overall health and diversity of the network is the Random (Recommended) choice, which will randomly choose among one of the four supported Consensus clients for you.If you would prefer to choose an explicit client, please refer to the Choosing your ETH clients section for a description of each option so you can make an educated decision.NOTEThere are two conditions that will prompt you with warnings based on client selection:The selected client is currently a supermajority client, meaning that an unhealthy majority of validators on the Beacon Chain use it which threatens the stability of the networkThe selected client is too resource-heavy for the hardware you're currently usingIf either of those cases are true for your chosen client, you will be warned and asked to choose a different client. You have the option of continuing to use the one you selected, but you must be aware of the risks in doing so.Once you've made your choice or have been assigned a random client, click on the appropriate tab below to learn how to configure it:LighthouseNimbusPrysmTekuLodestarThe first option in Lighthouse's configuration will ask about your validator's graffiti message:This is an optional custom message you can attach to any blocks you propose on the Beacon Chain. The message will be preserved forever, so think of it like a fun little way to leave your mark!Note the maximum length of the graffiti is 16 characters.If you'd like to see some examples of what validators are using for Graffiti today, take a look here.Next up is an option to enable or disable Checkpoint Sync:Lighthouse has the ability to instantly sync to the latest block on the Beacon Chain network by connecting to an existing Beacon Node that you trust. This is preferred over conventional syncing because it doesn't require any time (whereas conventional syncing can take days) and comes with some security benefits. Take a look at their documentation on checkpoint syncing for more information if you are curious.You can enter the URL of any Beacon Node that provides access to its REST API here.See the section below on Checkpoint Syncing if you'd like to use it.The final question will ask if you want to enable Doppelgänger Protection:Lighthouse supports a feature called Doppelgänger Detection. In a nutshell, this feature will intentionally miss a few attestations after Lighthouse's Validator Client restarts; while doing this, it will listen to see if attestations are still being sent to the network using your validator keys.Ideally, there would not be any attestations (which means no other machine is running with your validator keys attached). After its short waiting period, Lighthouse would start validating normally.However, if there is another machine running with your validator keys attached, then Lighthouse will immediately shut down and issue an error message in its log files. The reason for this is that if it were to start attesting as well, then you would start double attesting which is a slashable offense. When slashed, your validator would be forcibly exited from the Beacon chain and you would be penalized a significant amount of ETH.Most of the time, doppelgänger detection will result in nothing but a few missed attestations after a client restart. In situations where you are moving your validator to a new machine or you are changing to a new Beacon client, however, doppelgänger detection can prevent you from being slashed by double attesting accidentally.Think of it as cheap insurance for your minipools; you'll miss a trivial bit of profit every time you restart, but you can be fairly confident that you won't accidentally run your keys in two places and get slashed for it.NOTEOpen up the P2P port in your router's port forwarding setup. Configure it to forward port 9001 on both TCP and UDP to your machine's local IP address. This way, other Consensus clients can discover it and communicate with it from the outside. This will help your Consensus client sync quickly and improve performance (and thus rewards).Each router has a different way of doing this, so you'll need to check out your router's manual on how to set up port forwarding. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000170 | | Beacon Chain Checkpoint Syncing | Checkpoint syncing is a very useful technique that some Beacon Chain clients support. It allows your Beacon client to instantly sync the entire Beacon chain without having to start from the beginning and catch up on every block. This means instead of taking days, your Beacon client can be ready in a matter of minutes. All it needs is access to an existing Beacon client that you trust.
You can use any Beacon node that provides access to its HTTP API. Currently, many node operators are using the checkpoint-sync-endpoints - a service that allows Rocket Pool node operators to checkpoint sync easily. Both the Prater/Goerli Testnet and Mainnet are supported. A list of checkpoint sync urls can be found via the following link:
Checkpoint Sync Urls
Choose a relevant checkpoint sync url and paste in the terminal during rocketpool service config when it prompts you for a Checkpoint Sync Provider.
After that, your Beacon node will automatically connect to the checkpoint sync node when it first starts up and instantly pull down the latest state of the chain!
NOTECheckpoint Sync will only occur if you don't have any Beacon Chain data yet. In other words, if you start syncing normally and decide to checkpoint sync later, you will have to remove your chain data first in order for checkpoint sync to work. This can easily be done with the following command:rocketpool service resync-eth2 | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000171 | | Fallback Node | Starting with 1.5.0 of the Smartnode stack, you can provide a "fallback" Execution client and Consensus client pair that can take over for your primary clients if they ever go offline (such as because you use Geth and need to prune it). In this situation, your primary node machine will still be responsible for attesting and proposing blocks with your minipools' validator keys, but it will connect to an external machine to interact with the Execution layer and Beacon chains.
To learn more about fall back nodes, see this section and return here when you're done. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000172 | | Metrics Configuration | Rocket Pool comes with the ability to display a detailed dashboard showing metrics about your node's hardware health, system updates, your validator performance, your rewards, information about the overall Rocket Pool network, and more:
The next question in the Wizard will ask you if you want to enable this:
If you choose to enable it, you will learn more about setting it up and how to use it in the Setting up the Grafana Dashboard section later in the process.
NOTEAll of the data collected by this system stays on your machine. Rocket Pool does not collect any of the telemetry or send it to a separate service. It's purely there for you to use so you can monitor your own node! | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000173 | | MEV Configuration | Since the Merge of the Execution and Consensus layers in September 2022, Ethereum validators now have the ability to earn priority fees and participate in Maximal Extractable Value (or MEV for short).
Starting with Smartnode v1.7.0, MEV is now opt-out so its configuration is presented as part of the initial setup, as you see in the next screen:
Please read our MEV guide to learn more about MEV, its configuration, and what to do in this section of the wizard. Return here when you're finished. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000174 | | Completion | After this question, you've finished setting up the Smartnode! You will see the following dialog:
If you're happy with your setup and are ready to start the Smartnode, click Save and Exit here and go to the Securing your Node section next.
If you would like to review all of the settings and customize many additional settings that weren't included in the Wizard, click Review All Settings and go to the next section. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000175 | | Configuring via the Settings Manager | If you've already run rocketpool service config, instead of being greeted by the Wizard, you will see the Settings Manager screen:
There are three main features of this screen:
TIPTo use the Settings Manager, press the Arrow Keys (up/down/left/right) to navigate between options in the home page.Press Tab to go between the category list (1) and the buttons (2 and 3) at the bottom of the screen. The button that's currently selected will be highlighted in green.Press Enter or Space to select a button, analogous to clicking on it with the mouse.Hold Ctrl and press C at any time to exit the Settings Manager without saving anything.
As you scroll through the categories list, each option will have a helpful description appear in the Description Box to the right of the screen. Feel free to explore them; nothing you do will be saved until you go through the Review dialog via the Review Changes and Save button, and you can press Ctrl+C at any time to exit without saving, so you won't accidentally mess something up by playing with the settings here. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000176 | | Configuring the Settings | From the home screen, select any one of the categories with the Enter key to view the settings for that category. For example, here is the screen for the Smartnode and TX Fees category:
Use the Arrow Keys to move up and down between the settings. The currently selected one will have a white square at the end of it (if it's a text box or a check box), or will be highlighted in white (if it's a drop down).
Press Escape to go back to the home screen of the Settings Manager when you're done.
As you scroll through the settings, each one will show a brief description of what it does in the Description Box on the right. It will also show the default value there in case you want to revert it to its stock setting.
In this example, the RPL Claim Gas Threshold setting is currently selected (highlighted with a green box on the left-hand side of the screen). It has been changed to 40, but you can see that it has a default of 150 in the top-right corner (the top of the Description Box).
TIPAs a reminder, nothing will be saved to disk until you go through the Review dialog via the Review Changes and Save button. You are encouraged to explore all of the settings to learn about them and see what your Smartnode can do! | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000177 | | The Setting Types and How to Use Them | The settings manager uses the following setting types and UI elements: | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000178 | | Text Boxes | Text boxes are used to enter arbitrary strings of text or numbers. They look like this:
Enter your desired values into them, then press Enter or use the Arrow Keys to navigate to a different setting in order to preserve your changes. If you don't, the Settings Manager will assume you're still updating that setting and won't mark it as changed yet. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000179 | | Drop Downs | Drop downs are used to select an option from a list of choices. They look like this (when they're open):
The green item is the one that is currently selected. Use the Arrow Keys to change options - as you do, the Description Box on the right will update to tell you more about the currently selected option. When you're happy with your choice, press Enter to choose the selected option and the drop down will close, revealing the option that is currently selected:
| 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000180 | | Check Boxes | Check boxes are used for simple Yes/No questions. They look like this:
When they are checked, they will have an X in the middle as you see above. When they are unchecked, they will simply be blank like this:
To change the setting, simply select it and press Enter. | https://docs.rocketpool.net
https://docs.rocketpool.net | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000181 | | Saving Changes | When you're happy with your changes and you'd like to review them before saving, press the Review Changes and Save button on the home screen. As a reminder, to get to it, press the Tab key.
You will be presented with a view that looks like this:
The Review Box here will present all of the settings you've changed, showing the old values and the new ones. For example, the first line here shows that the RPL Claim Gas Threshold used to be 150, and it's been changed to 40.
It will also show you which containers are affected by the settings you've modified and will offer to restart them for you after you've saved your changes.
NOTEAt this point, your changes still haven't been saved yet. If you want to go back and modify something, press Escape to return to the home screen.
When you are satisfied with the changes, press Enter to save the new configuration to disk. You will then exit the Terminal UI and be presented with something like this message:
Your changes have been saved!
The following containers must be restarted for the changes to take effect:
Would you like to restart them automatically now? [y/n]
Press y and Enter if you want to automatically apply your new configuration changes and restart the affected containers.
Press n and Enter if you have other things you want to do before restarting them, and will do it manually later.
In either case, your configuration is done!
NOTEYou may see an error message like the one below:2022/08/13 13:49:41 Error piping stdout: read |0: file already closedThis is not actually an error, it's simply a cosmetic glitch. You can safely ignore it.
NOTEIf you are running Mac OS, you may see an issue complaining about node_exporter. You will need to run these commands to fix.rocketpool service stop
nano ~/.rocketpool/override/exporter.ymlReplace the entire contents of the file with:# Enter your own customizations for the node exporter container here. These changes will persist after upgrades, so you only need to do them once.
# See
# for more information on overriding specific parameters of docker-compose files.
version: "3.7"
x-rp-comment: Add your customizations below this line
volumes: ["/proc:/host/proc:ro","/sys:/host/sys:ro"]then finally rocketpool service start. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000182 | | Configuring via the Command Line | If you use the Smartnode in a headless environment where you can't interact with the Terminal UI, you can configure your node via the command line instead.
The rocketpool service config command accepts, as arguments, every setting that can normally be configured via the Terminal UI. Run the following command to see a list of them (note that it's quite long):
rocketpool service config --help
The output will look like this:
rocketpool service config - Configure the Rocket Pool service
rocketpool service config
--executionClientMode value Choose which mode to use for your Execution client - locally managed (Docker Mode), or externally managed (Hybrid Mode).
Type: choice
Options: local, external
(default: "local")
--executionClient value Select which Execution client you would like to run.
Type: choice
Options: geth, infura, pocket
(default: "geth")
--useFallbackExecutionClient Enable this if you would like to specify a fallback Execution client, which will temporarily be used by the Smartnode and your Consensus client if your primary Execution client ever goes offline.
Type: bool
Each option will have its name, its type, its default value, and (if it's a choice parameter) its options. Using this text, you can find the option(s) you want to set and specify them via the appropriate arguments.
NOTEThis command builds on top of your existing configuration, so if you have some settings already saved and just want to modify others, you don't need to repeat them. It will only update settings that you include as arguments to this command. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000183 | | Next Steps | Once you've configured your node just the way you want it, you're ready to secure your operating system to protect your node. Move on to the Securing your Node section next. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000184 | | Configuring the Smartnode Stack (Native Mode) | In this section, we'll go over the various methods for configuring the Smartnode if you're using the Native setup that doesn't use Docker at all.
NOTEIf you're using a Docker-based setup, please visit the Docker configuration guide instead.
There are three ways to configure it:
Via the Wizard UI - this is the easiest way. It only asks you a few basic question and uses well-tested defaults for the test. This will be what you are presented with when you run rocketpool service config for the first time.Via the Settings Manager UI - this gives you access to all of the Smartnode's settings so you can customize everything as much as you want.Headlessly via the Command Line - this is an option for people who run the Smartnode in a headless (non-interactive) environment and need to configure it automatically.
Choose which mode you'd like to learn more about from the list above, or simply scroll through each option below. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000185 | | Configuring via the Wizard | To configure the Smartnode, run the configuration command:
rp service config
This will launch a terminal-based UI that will allow you to quickly and easily configure your node, as well as provide optional fine-grained control over the settings that are relevant to Native mode.
NOTEIf you've already configured the Smartnode, you will instead be greeted with the Settings Manager. You can choose to re-open the Wizard from there if you prefer it, and all of your existing settings will be pre-selected for you.
When you run the config UI for the first time (or if you choose to run the Wizard again later), you will be presented with a screen that looks like this:
TIPTo use the Wizard, press the Arrow Keys (up/down/left/right) to navigate between things such as buttons (choices) or text boxes. You can also use Tab and Shift+Tab if you prefer - it will do the same thing.For buttons, the one that's currently selected will be highlighted in green. The ones in black are not selected. In the screenshot above, Next is currently selected and Quit is not.Press Enter or Space to select a button, analogous to clicking on it with the mouse.Press Escape to go back to the previous dialog if you changed your mind about something. This will come in handy as you progress through the various Wizard pages.Hold Ctrl and press C at any time to exit the Wizard without saving anything.For example, on the screen above, you could press the left and right arrow keys to move between the Next and Quit buttons.Pressing Enter while Next is selected will proceeed to the next screen. Pressing Enter while Quit is selected will quit the Wizard without saving.
When you're ready to begin, press Next. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000186 | | Choosing a Network | In the next screen, you will be asked to choose which network you want to use:
You can highlight the different choices with the Up and Down arrow keys (or Tab and Shift+Tab). When you change choices, the Description box on the right will show you a brief description of each option. This is true for all choice-based pages in the Wizard, not just the network selection, so you will see this style of page frequently.
If you want to practice running a Rocket Pool node on the Prater test network with fake ETH and RPL you can get for free, select Prater Testnet.
If you're ready to create a real Rocket Pool node on Mainnet to earn real rewards, select Mainnet. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000187 | | Execution Client Setup | The next screen will prompt you for the URL of your Execution client's HTTP-based RPC API:
Enter here if you plan to run an Execution client on the same machine as the Smartnode (in the rest of this guide, we will assume this is what you plan to do). However, if you already have an Execution client set up elsewhere, use its URL here instead.
Note that you can always change this by running rp service config again later. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000188 | | Consensus Client Setup | Next, you'll be asked which Consensus client you are using (or plan to use). Because each Consensus client has slightly different behavior, the Smartnode needs to know which one you're using so it can adapt its own behavior accordingly. Choose your client from the list in the following screen:
Next, you will see a screen prompting you for your client's API URL:
Enter here if you plan to run the Beacon Node of your Consensus client on the same machine as the Smartnode (in the rest of this guide, we will assume this is what you plan to do). However, if you already have a Beacon Node set up elsewhere, use its URL here instead. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000189 | | Other Settings | The next screen will have a few other miscellaneous settings:
Leave these as the default options unless you have decided to use a directory other than /srv/rocketpool for your Smartnode installation. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000190 | | Fallback Clients | Starting with 1.5.0 of the Smartnode stack, you can provide a "fallback" Execution client and Consensus client pair that can take over for your primary clients if they ever go offline (such as because you use Geth and need to prune it). In this situation, your primary node machine will still be responsible for attesting and proposing blocks with your minipools' validator keys, but it will connect to an external machine to interact with the Execution layer and Beacon chains.
To learn more about fall back nodes, see this section and return here when you're done. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000191 | | Metrics | Rocket Pool has the ability to integrate with Prometheus and Grafana to produce convenient web-based dashboards that let you observe your node's health at a glance:
The final question in the Wizard will ask you if you want to enable this:
If you choose to enable it, you will learn more about setting it up and how to use it in the Setting up the Grafana Dashboard section later in the process.
NOTEAll of the data collected by this system stays on your machine. Rocket Pool does not collect any of the telemetry or send it to a separate service. It's purely there for you to use so you can monitor your own node! | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000192 | | MEV Configuration | Since the Merge of the Execution and Consensus layers in September 2022, Ethereum validators now have the ability to earn priority fees and participate in Maximal Extractable Value (or MEV for short).
Starting with Smartnode v1.7.0, MEV is now opt-out so a notification about configuring it is presented as part of the initial setup, as you see in the next screen:
Please read our MEV guide to learn more about MEV, its configuration, and what to do in this section of the wizard. Return here when you're finished. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000193 | | Completion | After this question, you've finished setting up the Smartnode configuration. You will see the following dialog:
If you're happy with your setup and are ready to start the Smartnode, click Save and Exit here.
If you haven't finished installing Rocket Pool yet, return to the Native setup guide now. Otherwise, the next step is to restart your daemon services with:
sudo systemctl restart rp-node rp-watchtower
If you would like to review all of the settings and customize many additional settings that weren't included in the Wizard, click Review All Settings and go to the next section. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000194 | | Configuring via the Settings Manager | If you've already run rp service config, instead of being greeted by the Wizard, you will see the Settings Manager screen:
There are three main features of this screen:
TIPTo use the Settings Manager, press the Arrow Keys (up/down/left/right) to navigate between options in the home page.Press Tab to go between the category list (1) and the buttons (2 and 3) at the bottom of the screen. The button that's currently selected will be highlighted in green.Press Enter or Space to select a button, analogous to clicking on it with the mouse.Hold Ctrl and press C at any time to exit the Settings Manager without saving anything.
As you scroll through the categories list, each option will have a helpful description appear in the Description Box to the right of the screen. Feel free to explore them; nothing you do will be saved until you go through the Review dialog via the Review Changes and Save button, and you can press Ctrl+C at any time to exit without saving, so you won't accidentally mess something up by playing with the settings here. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000195 | | Configuring the Settings | From the home screen, select any one of the categories with the Enter key to view the settings for that category. For example, here is the screen for the Smartnode and TX Fees category:
Use the Arrow Keys to move up and down between the settings. The currently selected one will have a white square at the end of it (if it's a text box or a check box), or will be highlighted in white (if it's a drop down).
Press Escape to go back to the home screen of the Settings Manager when you're done.
As you scroll through the settings, each one will show a brief description of what it does in the Description Box on the right. It will also show the default value there in case you want to revert it to its stock setting.
In this example, the RPL Claim Gas Threshold setting is currently selected (highlighted with a green box on the left-hand side of the screen). It has been changed to 40, but you can see that it has a default of 150 in the top-right corner (the top of the Description Box).
TIPAs a reminder, nothing will be saved to disk until you go through the Review dialog via the Review Changes and Save button. You are encouraged to explore all of the settings to learn about them. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000196 | | The Setting Types and How to Use Them | The settings manager uses the following setting types and UI elements: | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000197 | | Text Boxes | Text boxes are used to enter arbitrary strings of text or numbers. They look like this:
Enter your desired values into them, then press Enter or use the Arrow Keys to navigate to a different setting in order to preserve your changes. If you don't, the Settings Manager will assume you're still updating that setting and won't mark it as changed yet. | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000198 | | Drop Downs | Drop downs are used to select an option from a list of choices. They look like this (when they're open):
The green item is the one that is currently selected. Use the Arrow Keys to change options - as you do, the Description Box on the right will update to tell you more about the currently selected option. When you're happy with your choice, press Enter to choose the selected option and the drop down will close, revealing the option that is currently selected:
| 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000199 | | Check Boxes | Check boxes are used for simple Yes/No questions. They look like this:
When they are checked, they will have an X in the middle as you see above. When they are unchecked, they will simply be blank like this:
To change the setting, simply select it and press Enter. | https://docs.rocketpool.net
https://docs.rocketpool.net | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
rpl000200 | | Saving Changes | When you're happy with your changes and you'd like to review them before saving, press the Review Changes and Save button on the home screen. As a reminder, to get to it, press the Tab key.
You will be presented with a view that looks like this:
The Review Box here will present all of the settings you've changed, showing the old values and the new ones. For example, the first line here shows that the RPL Claim Gas Threshold used to be 150, and it's been changed to 40.
NOTEAt this point, your changes still haven't been saved yet. If you want to go back and modify something, press Escape to return to the home screen.
When you are satisfied with the changes, press Enter to save the new configuration to disk. You will then exit the Terminal UI and be presented with this message:
Your changes have been saved!
Please restart your daemon service for them to take effect.
If you haven't finished installing Rocket Pool yet, return to the Native setup guide now. Otherwise, now you can restart your daemon services with:
sudo systemctl restart rp-node rp-watchtower | 19:09:17hrs 10-06-2023 |
Subsets and Splits