25 values
b'PERFORMING ARTS RESUME\nContent\nA performer\xe2\x80\x99s resume details your experience in a performing arts discipline, your abilities\nas a performer, and your physical characteristics. In a professional resume, it is considered\ninappropriate to include personal information, but in your performer\xe2\x80\x99s resume, you will\nhave to include personal information. Often, employers will want t know your height,\nweight, hair color and build. Sometimes, they\xe2\x80\x99ll even want your measurements, for costume\npurposes.\nFormat\nUnlike professional resumes, performer\xe2\x80\x99s resumes are often broken into columns and kept\nto a page a length. Traditionally, performers\xe2\x80\x99 resumes can include sections on\neducation/training, union membership, performing experience, related work experience,\nawards/distinctions, and special skills. Professional resumes tend to have short paragraph\nsections. Performer\xe2\x80\x99s resumes are usually divided into concise list form.\n\nResume Guidelines for Multitalented People\nIf you have focused on more than one discipline, get specific! Don\xe2\x80\x99t try to cram all of your\ntheater, dance, and singing experience into the same document. You will not be able to do\njustice to your experience or your resume. If you have enough experience in more than one\ndiscipline to warrant more than one resume, then write more than one resume, and only\nsubmit the resume pertinent to the job title.\nIf you are an actor and a singer, a choreographer and a dancer, a composer and a director,\nhave a separate resume for each title. Keep each one very focused. If you decide to include\na section like Other or Special Skills, you can mention your other talent in a single phrase;\nfor example, Extensive theater background or Proficient in Alexander Technique. It may\nfeel as though you are minimizing your other areas of expertise, but what you\xe2\x80\x99re really\ndoing is focusing. Do not underestimate your special skills when submitting a resume. A\ndirector or organization may be looking for something rare and atypical during an audition\nscenario, and those special skills may give you an edge.\nYour resume is suppose to convince an employer that they want to hire you, and that you\nare perfect for the job they\xe2\x80\x99re offering. That means you have to keep everything in the\ndocument relevant. If you\xe2\x80\x99re auditioning for a musical, you\xe2\x80\x99ll need to highlight a variety of\nabilities; if you\xe2\x80\x99re auditioning for a Hollywood comedy, it might be unwise to highlight\nyour career in modern dance.\nIf you have developed a unique performers art genre that incorporates aspects of more than\none discipline, and the job you are seeking requires this ability, then you should develop\nyour resume accordingly. You should still keep it to one page. Remember, choose\nrepresentative highlights of your training and experience. You don\xe2\x80\x99t need to include\neverything. Be discerning. Choose your most impressive accomplishments, and in this case,\nchoose a sample representative of your range.\n\n\x0cPerformer\xe2\x80\x99s Resume Options\nEffective and Appropriate Photo Options From Headshots to Galleries\nIn addition to providing your stats and measurements within your resume, you\xe2\x80\x99ll probably\nwant to include a photograph. Accompanying your resume, a good photograph can help\nconvey the intangible qualities about you that make you a good performer. During a large\naudition, putting a name to a face is important, and not including a photograph could lessen\nthe chances of getting the part. Performers of all disciplines can use a single headshot, but\nsometimes more is appropriate. For instance, a dancer may want to include a full body\naction shot to highlight a particular strength (for instance, jumps or turns). An actor may\ninclude a photo featuring him/herself in costume in a particular role. This approach can\nhighlight a physical and technical versatility. Whatever you choose, be sure your face is\nclearly defined, and easy to recognize. Be careful your visuals to not detract from your\nresume, including a single headshot on the same page as your text is appropriate. Anything\nelse should be kept separate. These separate documents are your gallery. You may not want\nto include your gallery with every copy of your resume that you send out. It is more\nappropriate to offer a gallery to an employer who has expressed interest in you, or who has\nspecifically requested it.\nYou may be thinking, \xe2\x80\x9cThat\xe2\x80\x99s all very well and good, but how am I going to afford this\ngallery when I can\xe2\x80\x99t even afford head shots?\xe2\x80\x9d One option is to work with a photography\nstudent. This arrangement can be a good, even trade. The photographer gains experience\nand additions to her portfolio; you gain a valuable service for a nominal fee instead of\nastronomical professional costs.\nScannable Resumes\nYour chances of being discovered improve greatly when your resume is available online.\nOnce your resume is scanned, you can upload it into searchable databases. In this situation,\nemployers may call you if they are interested, which tips the interviewing/auditioning\npower-balance in your favor.\n\n\x0cSAMPLE PERFORMING ARTS RESUME\n\nTRISH MILLER\n123 James Drive\nBrooklyn, NY 11201\nCell: 917- 123-5678\[email protected]\nHeight: 5\xe2\x80\x998\xe2\x80\x9d\nWeight: 130 lbs.\nEyes: Brown\nHair: Brown\nPERFORMING EXPERIENCE\nShow\nRole\nDancing at Lughnasa\nRose\nAs You Like It\nRosalind\nOur Town\nStage Manger\nMy Fair Lady\nChorus\n\nTheatre\nSarah Lawrence College\nThe British American Drama Academy\nThe Lovett School\nThe Lovett School\n\nDIRECTING EXPERIENCE\nInsert title\nDirector\n\nSarah Lawrence College\n\nTRAINING/EDUCATION\nSarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY, Bachelor of Arts, anticipated May 2006;\nTheatre concentration\nThe British American Drama Academy, London, England, Study Abroad Program,\nSpring 2005. Norman Ayrton, Mick Barnfather, Christopher Cook, Daniel Evans, Lynn\nFarleigh, Nick Hutchinson, Mike Loades, Jackie Matthews, Fiona Shaw, Michael Thomas,\nIan Wooldridge.\nAWARDS\nInsert name of award, date received\nSPECIAL SKILLS\nProficient in Alexander Technique, Stage Fighting, Theatre History, Dramaturgy, Dramatic\nCriticism, Improvisation, Guitar, Voice, British (London) Dialect'
b'ED WEISS\nTeaching Artist Resume\n\ne-mail: [email protected], phone: (718) 442-5756, 16 Clinton St., SI, 10304\n\nPROFILE\xc2\xa0\xc2\xa0\nExperienced artist who has worked professionally as a visual artist, actor, and musician and\nwriter (current employment) has recently graduated from teaching artist training at the\nStaten Island Teaching Artists Institute which included an internship at PS 31. Ideally suited\nto work with storytelling on an interdisciplinary basis.\n\nAREAS\xc2\xa0OF\xc2\xa0EXPERTISE\xc2\xa0IN\xc2\xa0THE\xc2\xa0ARTS\xc2\xa0\xc2\xa0\n\nVisual\xc2\xa0Art\xc2\xa0\xc2\xa0 [Painting\xc2\xa0(all\xc2\xa0mediums),\xc2\xa0intaglio\xc2\xa0printing\xc2\xa0(etching,\xc2\xa0viscosity\xc2\xa0printing,\xc2\xa0clich\xc3\xa9\xc2\xa0verre,\xc2\xa0etc.)\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0Pen\xc2\xa0and\xc2\xa0Ink,\xc2\xa0\xc2\xa0Illustration]\xc2\xa0\n\nWriting\xc2\xa0\n\n[Including\xc2\xa0journalism,\xc2\xa0children\xe2\x80\x99s\xc2\xa0books,\xc2\xa0plays,\xc2\xa0research\xc2\xa0and\xc2\xa0periodical\xc2\xa0production\xc2\xa0\nincluding\xc2\xa0layout]\xc2\xa0\xc2\xa0\n\nMusic\xc2\xa0\xc2\xa0\n\n[Songwriting,\xc2\xa0guitar\xc2\xa0playing,\xc2\xa0analog\xc2\xa0and\xc2\xa0digital\xc2\xa0recording,\xc2\xa0experience\xc2\xa0with\xc2\xa0rock\xc2\xa0bands\xc2\xa0\xc2\xa0\n(singing\xc2\xa0and\xc2\xa0playing\xc2\xa0guitar).\xc2\xa0Can\xc2\xa0read\xc2\xa0tablature,\xc2\xa0but\xc2\xa0not\xc2\xa0fluent\xc2\xa0in\xc2\xa0musical\xc2\xa0notation]\xc2\xa0\n\nTheater\xc2\xa0\xc2\xa0\n\n[Acting,\xc2\xa0playwriting,\xc2\xa0directing,\xc2\xa0set\xc2\xa0design\xc2\xa0and\xc2\xa0construction\xc2\xa0]\xc2\xa0\xc2\xa0\n\nTEACHING\xc2\xa0ARTIST\xc2\xa0EXPERIENCE\xc2\xa0\n2010\xc2\xa0\xc2\xa0 Classroom\xc2\xa0Internship\xc2\xa0at\xc2\xa0P.S.\xc2\xa031\xc2\xa0William\xc2\xa0T\xc2\xa0Davis\xc2\xa0School\xc2\xa0\nParticipated\xc2\xa0in\xc2\xa0visual\xc2\xa0art\xc2\xa0classes\xc2\xa0\xc2\xa0under\xc2\xa0teaching\xc2\xa0artist\xc2\xa0Emily\xc2\xa0Ellison.\xc2\xa0The\xc2\xa0classes\xc2\xa0were\xc2\xa0for\xc2\xa0primary\xc2\xa0school\xc2\xa0children\xc2\xa0\nclasses\xc2\xa0who\xc2\xa0were\xc2\xa0learning\xc2\xa0in\xc2\xa02\xc2\xa0dimensional\xc2\xa0(collage)\xc2\xa0and\xc2\xa03\xc2\xa0dimensional\xc2\xa0(clay\xc2\xa0sculpture)\xc2\xa0art.\xc2\xa0\n\nRECENT\xc2\xa0RELEVANT\xc2\xa0EXPERIENCE\xc2\xa0(For\xc2\xa0other\xc2\xa0arts\xc2\xa0experience\xc2\xa0see\xc2\xa0my\xc2\xa0attached\xc2\xa0arts\xc2\xa0CV)\xc2\xa02006\xe2\x80\x932010\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\xc2\xa0\n\nIn\xc2\xa0 2006\xc2\xa0 I\xc2\xa0 wrote\xc2\xa0 Peter\xc2\xa0 Pigeon\xc2\xa0\nof\xc2\xa0Snug\xc2\xa0Harbor\xc2\xa0(an\xc2\xa0illustrated\xc2\xa0\nall/ages\xc2\xa0 novel)\xc2\xa0 that\xc2\xa0 takes\xc2\xa0\nplace\xc2\xa0on\xc2\xa0Staten\xc2\xa0Island.\xc2\xa0It\xc2\xa0won\xc2\xa0\nthe\xc2\xa0Coahsi\xc2\xa0LiteraryAward\xc2\xa0and\xc2\xa0\nwas\xc2\xa0 featured\xc2\xa0 in\xc2\xa0 a\xc2\xa0 Junefest\xc2\xa0\npublic\xc2\xa0 reading\xc2\xa0 at\xc2\xa0 The\xc2\xa0 NYPL\xc2\xa0\nLibrary\xc2\xa0Center\xc2\xa0that\xc2\xa0year.\xc2\xa0Then\xc2\xa0\nI\xc2\xa0 began\xc2\xa0 to\xc2\xa0 illustrate\xc2\xa0 and\xc2\xa0\ndesign\xc2\xa0 the\xc2\xa0 book,\xc2\xa0 a\xc2\xa0 project\xc2\xa0\nthat\xc2\xa0 took\xc2\xa0 a\xc2\xa0 few\xc2\xa0 years.\xc2\xa0\xc2\xa0\nIt\xc2\xa0 was\xc2\xa0 published\xc2\xa0 By\xc2\xa0 Rocky\xc2\xa0\nHollow\xc2\xa0Press\xc2\xa0in\xc2\xa02009.\xc2\xa0\xc2\xa0\n\nEducation\nStaten Island Teaching Artist Institute.2010, Graduate\n\xc2\xa0Instructors:\xc2\xa0Russell\xc2\xa0Granet, \xc2\xa0Susan\xc2\xa0Fenley,\xc2\xa0, Jeannine\xc2\xa0Otis .\nGuest\xc2\xa0Lecturers\xc2\xa0Nancy\xc2\xa0Shankman,\xc2\xa0Karen\xc2\xa0Curlee,\xc2\xa0Emilie\xc2\xa0Ward,\xc2\xa0Michael\xc2\xa0Wiggans\xc2\xa0\nBennington College 1980, B. A.\nInterdivisional\xc2\xa0Major:\xc2\xa0Theater\xc2\xa0(Acting,\xc2\xa0Directing)\xc2\xa0Visual\xc2\xa0Art\xc2\xa0(Painting,\xc2\xa0Printmaking),\xc2\xa0Minor:\xc2\xa0History\xc2\xa0\n,Instructors:\xc2\xa0Visual\xc2\xa0Art\xc2\xa0(Richard\xc2\xa0Haas,\xc2\xa0Pat\xc2\xa0Adams,\xc2\xa0Phillip\xc2\xa0Wofford)\xc2\xa0Theater\xc2\xa0(Nicky\xc2\xa0Martin,\xc2\xa0Mary\xc2\xa0Doyle,\xc2\xa0Phillip\xc2\xa0Minor)\xc2\xa0\xc2\xa0'
b'8/23/2016 sample resume for painter. accounting resume in australia . sample resume sle resume for aircraft painter pic. chemical o\xe2\x80\xa6\nvalentino\xc2\xadrossi\xc2\xa0\xc2\xad\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0CV\xc2\xa0Cover\nLeter\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Exles\xc2\xa0Visual\xc2\xa0Artist\n\nRecent\xc2\xa0Posts\nBusiness\xc2\xa0Professional\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Samples\xc2\xa0Resume\nWrite\xc2\xa0Perfect\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Building\nHotel\xc2\xa0Job\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sample\xc2\xa0Hotel\xc2\xa0Auditor\xc2\xa0Jobs\nCivil\xc2\xa0Rights\xc2\xa0Act\xc2\xa01964\xc2\xa0Free\xc2\xa0Essay\nWrite\xc2\xa0University\xc2\xa0Essays\xc2\xa0Essay\xc2\xa0Writing\nCitroen\xc2\xa02cv\xc2\xa0Spot\xc2\xa01976\xc2\xa0Citron\xc2\xa05246\nApparel\xc2\xa0Production\xc2\xa0Manager\xc2\xa0Free\xc2\xa0Resume\nTemplates\nNurse\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Format\xc2\xa0Nurse\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Samples\nExamples\nCv\xc2\xa0Template\xc2\xa0Print\xc2\xa0Blank\xc2\xa012resumebundle\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Technical\xc2\xa0Support\xc2\xa0Specialist\nResume\xc2\xa0Sle\nEntry\xc2\xa0Level\xc2\xa0Programmer\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sample\nJob\xc2\xa0Aplication\xc2\xa0Cover\xc2\xa0Letters\xc2\xa0Engineering\xc2\xa0Human\nResources\nWeb\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Template\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Template\xc2\xa0Word\nTemplate\xc2\xa0Sample\xc2\xa0Middot\xc2\xa0Electrician\xc2\xa0Apprentice\nResume\xc2\xa0Sample\nPin\xc2\xa0Citroen\xc2\xa0Ies\xc2\xa03cv\xc2\xa0Mitula\xc2\xa0Autos\nElegant\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Template\xc2\xa0Open\xc2\xa0Office\nMedical\xc2\xa0Administrative\xc2\xa0Assistant\xc2\xa0Resume\nAdministrative\xc2\xa0Assistant\xc2\xa0Resume\n\nSearch\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0For\xc2\xa0Painter\n\nAccounting\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0In\xc2\xa0Australia\xc2\xa0. Sample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sle\xc2\xa0Resume\nFor\xc2\xa0Aircraft\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Pic.\n\nChemical\xc2\xa0Operator\xc2\xa0Resume\nComputer\xc2\xa0Operator\xc2\xa0Resume\nWindows.\n\nPainter\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Of\xc2\xa0Painter\nResume\xc2\xa0Sample\xc2\xa0Quotes.\n\n\n\n1/5\n\n\x0c8/23/2016 sample resume for painter. accounting resume in australia . sample resume sle resume for aircraft painter pic. chemical o\xe2\x80\xa6\n\nPainter\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sample\xc2\xa0Painter\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Mechanic\xc2\xa0Profesional\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0For\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Of\n\nResume\xc2\xa0Sample.\n\nPainter\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sample.\n\nResume\xc2\xa0Pdf.\n\nMaintenance\xc2\xa0Worker\xc2\xa0Resume\nExcel\xc2\xa0By\xc2\xa0Otw54778.\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Painting\nCook\xc2\xa0Chef\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sample.\nResume\xc2\xa0Commercial\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Sle.\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Of\xc2\xa0Painter\nResume\xc2\xa0Vancouver.\n\nResume\xc2\xa0Template\xc2\xa0Industrial\nPainter\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Petflog\xc2\xa0Com.\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0For\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0On Automotive\xc2\xa0Technician\nPuter\xc2\xa0Repair\xc2\xa0Technician\xc2\xa0Resume Transportation\xc2\xa0Automotive\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Of\xc2\xa0It\nProfessional.\n\nMaterial\xc2\xa0Handler\xc2\xa0Resume.\n\nPainter\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sample.\n\nResume\xc2\xa0Template\xc2\xa0Painter\n\nSample.\n\nTechnician\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sample\n\nCna\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sample\xc2\xa0Sample\n\nResume\xc2\xa0Template\xc2\xa0Resume\n\nResumes.\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Prep\xc2\xa0Cook\xc2\xa0Culinary\xc2\xa0Prep\n\nResume\xc2\xa0Runner\xc2\xa0Resume.\n\nCook\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sample\xc2\xa0Template.\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sle\xc2\xa0Painter\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sle\xc2\xa0Resume\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Teacher\xc2\xa0Resume\n\nResume\xc2\xa0Template\xc2\xa0Auto\xc2\xa0Body\n\nResume.\n\nFor\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Job\xc2\xa0Employer.\n\nToronto\xc2\xa0Sample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0It\nInternship.\n\nRepair\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Example\xc2\xa0Auto\nFinance\xc2\xa0Manager\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0.\n\nPsw\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Example\nSharepoint\xc2\xa02013\xc2\xa0Resume\n\nAuto\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Screenshot.\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Amanda\xc2\xa0Leigh\nResume\xc2\xa0Scenic\xc2\xa0Painter\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Law\xc2\xa0Internship\nSoftware\xc2\xa0Architect\xc2\xa0Cover\xc2\xa0Letter\n\nDocuments.\n\nSample.\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Sample\xc2\xa0Resume.\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Resume\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sle\xc2\xa0Resume\n\nObjective\xc2\xa0Exles\xc2\xa0For\xc2\xa0Painters\xc2\xa0Pic. For\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Web\xc2\xa0Design.\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0For\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0For Sample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0For\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0On\nIllustrator\xc2\xa0Cv\xc2\xa0Samples\xc2\xa0Psd\n\nResume\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Custom.\n\nDesign.\n\n\n\n2/5\n\n\x0c8/23/2016 sample resume for painter. accounting resume in australia . sample resume sle resume for aircraft painter pic. chemical o\xe2\x80\xa6\n\nResume\xc2\xa0Template\xc2\xa0Barista\xc2\xa0Skills\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0For\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0On\n\nPhlebotomist\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sample\n\nResume\xc2\xa0Sample\xc2\xa0Barista\xc2\xa0Resume Writing\xc2\xa0On\xc2\xa0Functional\xc2\xa0Resume\n\nPainter\xc2\xa0Functional\xc2\xa0Resume\n\nProfessional\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Resume\n\nFree\xc2\xa0Phlebotomist\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0John\n\nSample.\n\nStephen\xc2\xa0By\xc2\xa0Wuyunyi\xc2\xa0.\n\nSamples\xc2\xa0Jan\xc2\xa0Zlotnick.\n\nM\xc2\xa0Sample.\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Cover\xc2\xa0Letters\xc2\xa0For\xc2\xa0Cv.\n\nPainting\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0With\xc2\xa0Michelle\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0D\xc2\xa0Artist\n\nArtist\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Samples\xc2\xa0Bhavsar\n\nBlog\xc2\xa0Owner\xc2\xa0Operator\nConstruction\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Samples.\n\nResume.\n\nNatvar\xc2\xa0Selected\xc2\xa0Document\nArtasiamerica\xc2\xa0A\xc2\xa0Digital\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Auto\xc2\xa0Body\xc2\xa0Painter\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0For\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0For Sample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Painter\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Painter\n\nResume\xc2\xa0Pic.\n\nAuto\xc2\xa0Mechanic\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sample. Resume\xc2\xa0Exles\xc2\xa0Visual\xc2\xa0Artist.\n\nResume\xc2\xa0Sle\xc2\xa0Sles\xc2\xa0Exles\xc2\xa0Auto.\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Painter\nResume\xc2\xa0Sle.\n\nResume\xc2\xa0Server\xc2\xa0Resume\nTemplate\xc2\xa0Lane\xc2\xa0Server\xc2\xa0Resume\n\nResumes\xc2\xa0For\xc2\xa0Plumbers\xc2\xa0Resume\nTemplate\xc2\xa0Sample\xc2\xa0Blank\xc2\xa0Resume\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Of\xc2\xa0Painter\nUnion\xc2\xa0Resume.\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Media\xc2\xa0And.\n\nForms.\n\nPainting\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0With\xc2\xa0Checklist Sample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Painter\nFor\xc2\xa0Choosing\xc2\xa0A\xc2\xa0Qualified\xc2\xa0Mercial Resume\xc2\xa0Scenic\xc2\xa0Artist\xc2\xa0Template.\nPainting\xc2\xa0Contractor.\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Student.\n\nConstruction\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Resume\nSample\xc2\xa0Pic.\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Painter\nMechanic\xc2\xa0Sample\xc2\xa0Resume\nResume\xc2\xa0Of\xc2\xa0Sle\xc2\xa0Project\xc2\xa0Manager. Apresume\xc2\xa0Co.\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Templates\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Templates\xc2\xa0.\n\nResume\xc2\xa0Template\xc2\xa0Painter\nResume\xc2\xa0Sample\xc2\xa0Painter\nResume.\n\nPerfect\xc2\xa0Resumes\xc2\xa0Examples\xc2\xa0Top\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Aircraft\xc2\xa0Painter\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sle\xc2\xa0Resume\n\nHandyman\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Examples.\n\n9\xc2\xa0Administrative\xc2\xa0Assistant\nResume.\n\nResume\xc2\xa0Sle.\n\nFor\xc2\xa0Painter.\n\n\n\n3/5\n\n\x0c8/23/2016 sample resume for painter. accounting resume in australia . sample resume sle resume for aircraft painter pic. chemical o\xe2\x80\xa6\n\nGraphic\xc2\xa0Design\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sample Sap\xc2\xa0Bw\xc2\xa0Sample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Project Resume\xc2\xa0Template\xc2\xa0Painter\nInterior\xc2\xa0Design\xc2\xa0Resume\nManager\xc2\xa0Resumes\xc2\xa0Resume\nResume\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Resume.\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0For\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Of\nUniversity\xc2\xa0First\xc2\xa0Class\xc2\xa0Painters\n\nTemplates.\n\nSummary.\n\nFranchise\xc2\xa0Manager\xc2\xa0Jan\xc2\xa02013.\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Of\xc2\xa0Interior\nPainting\xc2\xa0Resume.\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0For\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Of Bookkeeper\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Examples\nSampleinsuranceresume1\xc2\xa02\xc2\xa0149 Out\xc2\xa0Of\xc2\xa0Darkness\xc2\xa0Bookkeeper\nBy\xc2\xa0Sandeshbhat.\nDuties.\n\nPainter\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Samples.\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Of\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0For\xc2\xa0Job\xc2\xa0Doc\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0For\xc2\xa0A\nMaintenance\xc2\xa0Job\xc2\xa0In\xc2\xa0An\n\nRelated\xc2\xa0post\xc2\xa0for\xc2\xa0Sample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0For\xc2\xa0Painter\nAccounting\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0In\xc2\xa0Australia\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sle\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0For\nAircraft\xc2\xa0Painter\n\nChemical\xc2\xa0Operator\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Computer\nOperator\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Windows\n\nPainter\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Of\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Resume\nSample\xc2\xa0Quotes\n\nPainter\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sample\xc2\xa0Painter\nResume\xc2\xa0Sample\n\nPainter\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sample\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Mechanic\xc2\xa0Profesional\nResume\xc2\xa0Pdf\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0For\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Of\nMaintenance\xc2\xa0Worker\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Painting\xc2\xa0Resume\nCommercial\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Sle\n\nCook\xc2\xa0Chef\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sample\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Of\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Resume\nVancouver\n\nResume\xc2\xa0Template\xc2\xa0Industrial\xc2\xa0Painter\nResume\xc2\xa0Petflog\xc2\xa0Com\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0For\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0On\xc2\xa0Puter\n\nAutomotive\xc2\xa0Technician\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Of\xc2\xa0It\xc2\xa0Professional\n\nRepair\n\nTransportation\xc2\xa0Automotive\n\nMaterial\xc2\xa0Handler\xc2\xa0Resume\n\nCna\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sample\xc2\xa0Sample\n\nResume\xc2\xa0Template\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sample\n\nResumes\n\nPrep\xc2\xa0Cook\xc2\xa0Culinary\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sle\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Resume\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sle\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0For\n\nResume\xc2\xa0Template\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Resume\nRunner\xc2\xa0Resume\n\nPainter\xc2\xa0Job\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Teacher\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Toronto\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0It\n\nResume\xc2\xa0Template\xc2\xa0Auto\xc2\xa0Body\xc2\xa0Repair\nResume\xc2\xa0Example\n\nPsw\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Example\xc2\xa0Sharepoint\n2013\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sample\n\nAuto\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Screenshot\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Amanda\xc2\xa0Leigh\nResume\xc2\xa0Scenic\xc2\xa0Painter\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Law\xc2\xa0Internship\nSoftware\xc2\xa0Architect\xc2\xa0Cover\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Objective\nExles\xc2\xa0For\xc2\xa0Painters\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sle\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0For\nPainter\xc2\xa0Web\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0For\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0For\nIllustrator\xc2\xa0Cv\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0For\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0On\nResume\xc2\xa0Painter\n\nResume\xc2\xa0Template\xc2\xa0Barista\xc2\xa0Skills\nResume\xc2\xa0Sample\xc2\xa0Barista\n\nPainter\xc2\xa0Functional\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Writing\nOn\xc2\xa0Functional\xc2\xa0Resume\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0For\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0On\nProfessional\xc2\xa0Painter\n\nPhlebotomist\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sample\xc2\xa0Free\nPhlebotomist\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0John\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Cover\xc2\xa0Letters\xc2\xa0For\xc2\xa0Cv\n\nPainting\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0With\xc2\xa0Michelle\xc2\xa0Blog\nOwner\xc2\xa0Operator\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0D\xc2\xa0Artist\xc2\xa0Resume\n\nArtist\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Samples\xc2\xa0Bhavsar\nNatvar\xc2\xa0Selected\xc2\xa0Document\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Auto\xc2\xa0Body\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Resume\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0For\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0For\xc2\xa0Auto\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Resume\n\nPic\n\nMechanic\n\nExles\xc2\xa0Visual\xc2\xa0Artist\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sle\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sle\n\nResume\xc2\xa0Server\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Template\n\nSles\xc2\xa0Exles\n\nLane\xc2\xa0Server\xc2\xa0Resume\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Of\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Union\n\nResumes\xc2\xa0For\xc2\xa0Plumbers\xc2\xa0Resume\n\nPainting\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0With\xc2\xa0Checklist\xc2\xa0For\n\nResume\n\nTemplate\xc2\xa0Sample\xc2\xa0Blank\n\nChoosing\xc2\xa0A\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Resume\nScenic\xc2\xa0Artist\xc2\xa0Template\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Student\n\nConstruction\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sample\nPic\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Of\nSle\xc2\xa0Project\n\nMechanic\xc2\xa0Sample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Apresume\nCo\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Templates\xc2\xa0Sample\nResume\xc2\xa0Templates\n\nResume\xc2\xa0Template\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Resume\nSample\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Resume\n\nPerfect\xc2\xa0Resumes\xc2\xa0Examples\xc2\xa0Top\xc2\xa09\nAdministrative\xc2\xa0Assistant\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Aircraft\xc2\xa0Painter\nResume\xc2\xa0Sle\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sle\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0For\nPainter\n\nHandyman\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Examples\n\nGraphic\xc2\xa0Design\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Sample\nInterior\xc2\xa0Design\xc2\xa0Resume\n\nSap\xc2\xa0Bw\xc2\xa0Sample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Project\nManager\xc2\xa0Resumes\n\nResume\xc2\xa0Template\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Resume\nPainter\xc2\xa0Resume\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0For\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Of\nUniversity\xc2\xa0First\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Of\xc2\xa0Interior\xc2\xa0Painting\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0For\xc2\xa0Painter\xc2\xa0Of\n\nBookkeeper\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Examples\xc2\xa0Out\n\nResume\n\nSampleinsuranceresume1\xc2\xa02\n\nOf\xc2\xa0Darkness\xc2\xa0Bookkeeper\n\nPainter\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0Samples\n\nSample\xc2\xa0Of\xc2\xa0Resume\xc2\xa0For\xc2\xa0Job\xc2\xa0Doc\n\n\n\n4/5\n\n\x0c8/23/2016 sample resume for painter. accounting resume in australia . sample resume sle resume for aircraft painter pic. chemical o\xe2\x80\xa6\n\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\xc2\xa0\xe2\x88\x99\nprivacy\xc2\xa0|\xc2\xa0terms\xc2\xa0|\xc2\xa0copyright\xc2\xa0|\xc2\xa0contact\xc2\xa0|\xc2\xa0crawler\n\xc2\xa92016\xc2\xa0valentino\xc2\xadrossi\xc2\xa0All\xc2\xa0rights\xc2\xa0reserved.\n\n\n\n5/5'
b'KELSEY PAINTER\nBlonde Hair/Brown Eyes | Alto | 5\xe2\x80\x992\xe2\x80\x9d | 105lbs\[email protected]\n(347) 699-4704\n\nSELECTED THEATRE:\n\n___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nThe Taming of the Shrew\nRichard III\nZombie Prom^\nRomeo & Juliet^\nUnscene^\nTitus Andronicus\nThe Comedy of Errors\nDance on Bones\nCoriolanaus^\nThe Tournament\nMr. Marmalade^\nGrieving for Genevieve\nFollowing Sarah\nPlay Nice!\nDevil Dog Six\nThe Merchant of Venice\nOur Town\nFull Circle\n\nBianca/Pedant\nTyrell\nCandy\nTybalt\nPeter/Ariel/Ceres/Lear\nYoung Lucius\nDromio of Syracuse\nFeatured Ensemble\nVirgilia/First Citizen/Others\nMarlene/Marley\nLucy\nAngel Peck\nSarah Gardner\nIsabel\nDevon Tramore/Esa\xe2\x80\x99s Pride\nLancelot Gobbo/Duke of Venice\nEmily Webb\nMr. Market/Guide/Rebel\n\nChesapeake Shakespeare Co/Ian Gallanar\nChesapeake Shakespeare Co./Ian Gallanar\nUnexpected Stages/Chris Goodrich\nChesapeake Shakespeare Co./Scott Alan Small\nCSC Under 30 Co./Seamus Miller\nChesapeake Shakespeare Co./Ian Gallanar\nChesapeake Shakespeare Co./Scott Alan Small\nGenerous Co./Yury Urnov\nCohesion Theatre Co/Alice Stanley\nLive Action Theatre/Lex Davis\nStillpointe Theatre Initiative/Johanna Gruenhut\nVenus Theatre Playshack/Deborah Randall\nVenus Theatre Playshack/Deborah Randall\nVenus Theatre Playshack/Lee Mikeska Gardner\nVenus Theatre Playshack/Deborah Randall\nChesapeake Shakespeare Co./Teresa Castracane\nChesapeake Shakespeare Co./Ian Gallanar\nWoolly Mammoth Theatre Co./Michael Rohd\n\nSELECTED TYA:\n\n___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nJudy Moody & Stink: \xe2\x80\xa6 Treasure Hunt*\nHow I Became a Pirate*\nThe Frog Prince\nJack and the Beanstalk\nLilly\xe2\x80\x99s Purple Plastic Purse\nDorothy & the Wizard of Oz\n\nJudy Moody\nJeremy Jacob\nThe Jester\nDaisy\nLilly\nThe Scarecrow\n\nAdventure Theatre\nAdventure Theatre/Jenny Male\nPumpkin Theatre/Ryan Haase\nPumpkin Theatre/Jimi Kinstle\nPumpkin Theatre/Stacy Needle\nPumpkin Theatre/Raine Bode\n\nEDUCATION & TRAINING:\n\n___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nTowson University, MD, B.S. Theatre, Acting Track\n\nVoice: Steven J. Satta (Linklater), Diane Smith-Sadak (Roy Hart)\nMovement: Tomi Casciero (Laban, Alexander Technique, Contact\nImprovisation), Naoko Maeshiba (Butoh/Body Weather/Min\nTanaka), Diane Smith-Sadak (Viewpoints)\n\nVoice (singing): Jeffrey Dokken (2015-present)\nStage Combat: Lewis Shaw, Jenny Male, Robb Hunter, Casey Kaleba\nBroadsword, Rapier/Dagger, Unarmed, Knife, Smallsword, Sword and Shield, Quarterstaff\nProfessional Wresting Training: Joe Grasso and Mike Martin\nDance Training: Ballet, Jazz, Modern\n\nSPECIAL SKILLS:\n\n___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nStage Combat\nContact improvisation\nDble-jointed pinkie\n^fight choreographer\n\nPuppetry\nYoga\nFluent in American Sign Language\n\nCan crack most joints\nBurp on command\nValid Passport\n\n*upcoming production\n\nMD State Driver\xe2\x80\x99s License\nCartwheels\nDialects'
b'Wendy Robin\nProfessional Make-up Artist\n(702)503-4888\nPERSONAL PROFILE\nWendy combines talent, training, and experience to be a significant asset to any production team,\nwith diverse experience in make-up, airbrush and special effects.\nFilm:\n\xe2\x80\x9cLast Vegas\xe2\x80\x9d\n\nJon Turtletaub\n\nUniversal Pictures\n\nLas Vegas Makeup Assistant\n\n\xe2\x80\x9cBehind The Candelabra\xe2\x80\x9d\n\nSteven Soderbergh\n\nHBO Films\n\nLas Vegas Makeup Assistant\n\nThe Kingdom of the Crystal Skull\xe2\x80\x9d\n\nSteven Spielberg\n\nParamount/Amblin\n\nHawaii 1st/2nd Unit Asst. Make-up\n\n\xe2\x80\x9cForgetting Sarah Marshall\xe2\x80\x9d\n\nNick Stoller\n\nUniversal Pictures\n\nHawaii Unit Asst. Make-up\n\n\xe2\x80\x9cYou Me & Dupree\xe2\x80\x9d\n\nAnthony Russo, Joe Russo\n\nUniversal Pictures\n\nHawaii Unit Asst. Make-up\n\n\xe2\x80\x9cTides of War\xe2\x80\x9d\n\nBrian Trenchard-Smith\n\nPacific Films\n\nDepartment Head Make-up\n\n\xe2\x80\x9c13 Going on 30\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xe2\x80\x9cLove Don\xe2\x80\x99t Cost a Thing\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xe2\x80\x9cScary Movie 2\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xe2\x80\x9cCan\xe2\x80\x99t Hardly Wait\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xe2\x80\x9cMighty Joe Young\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xe2\x80\x9cIn His Father\xe2\x80\x99s Shoes\xe2\x80\x9d\n"Female Perversions"\n"Scorpion Spring"\n\nGary Winick\nTroy Behr\nKeenan Ivory Wayans/Director\nHarry Elfont/ Deb Kaplan/Director\nRon Underwood/Director\nVic Serin/Director\nSusan Streitfeld/Director\nBrian Cox/Director\n\nSony Pictures\nColumbia Pictures\nDimension Films\nColumbia Pictures\nBuena Vista\nShowtime Productions\nOctober Films\nNew Line Cinema\n\nMake-up Assistant\nMake-up Assistant\nMake-up Assistant\nMake-up Assistant\nMake-up Assistant\nKey Make-up & Hair\nDepartment Head Hair & Make-up\nDepartment Head Make-up & Hair\n\n\xe2\x80\x9cIndiana Jones and\n\nTelevision:\n2013 Swim Event at Wynn Las Vegas \xe2\x80\x9cSports Illustrated\xe2\x80\x9d Chrissy Teigen\n2013 Red Carpet Event \xe2\x80\x9cSports Illustrated\xe2\x80\x9d Kate Upton & Chrissy Teigen\n2013 CMA Award Show & Pre-Show Devin Dehaven\n\xe2\x80\x9cWorld Series of Poker\xe2\x80\x9d\nJimmy Kimmel Live \xe2\x80\x9cPawn Stars\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xe2\x80\x9cPro Bowl\xe2\x80\x9d 2011- Goo Goo Dolls\nRequest\n\xe2\x80\x9cDante\xe2\x80\x99s Cove\xe2\x80\x9d\nVarious Directors\n\xe2\x80\x9cSmith\xe2\x80\x9d\nChristopher Chulack\n\nFOX\nFOX\nRegency\nCBS Studios\n\nMakeup\nMakeup\nMakeup & Grooming\nKey Makeup\nKey Makeup\nMakeup & Grooming\nDepartment Head M/U 2nd Season\nHawaii Unit Key Make-up\n\nFOX\nABC\n\n\xe2\x80\x9cFlight 29 Down\xe2\x80\x9d\n\nVarious Directors\n\nNBC/Discovery Kids\n\nDepartment Head Hair\n\n\xe2\x80\x9cRocky Point\xe2\x80\x9d\n\nJohn Stockwell Director\n\nWarner Bros\n\nKey Make-up\n\n\xe2\x80\x9cNorth Shore\xe2\x80\x9d\n\nVarious Directors\n\nFox\n\nMake-up Assistant\n\n\xe2\x80\x9cHawaii\xe2\x80\x9d\n\nVarious Directors\n\nNBC\n\nMake-up Assistant\n\n\xe2\x80\x9cThe Bernie Mac Show\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xe2\x80\x9cThe Mullets\xe2\x80\x9d\n\nVarious Directors\nVarious Directors\n\nFox/ Regency T.V\nWarner Bros\n\n\xe2\x80\x9cDag\xe2\x80\x9d\n\nVarious Directors\n\n\xe2\x80\x9cPopular\xe2\x80\x9d\n\nVarious Directors\n\nDepartment Head Make-up\nStar Request Make-up\n(Loni Anderson)\nNBC Studios\nStar Request Make-up\n(Delta Burke)\nBuena Vista/Touchstone T.V. Department Head Make-up\n\n\xe2\x80\x9cPacific Blue\xe2\x80\x9d\n\nVarious Directors\n\nNorth Hall Productions\n\nDepartment Head Make-up\n\n\xe2\x80\x9cBuddy Faro\xe2\x80\x9d\n\nVarious Directors\n\nSpelling Entertainment\n\nMake-up Assistant\n\n\xe2\x80\x9cBeverly Hills 90210\xe2\x80\x9d\n\nVarious Directors\n\nSpelling Entertainment\n\nMake-up Assistant\n\n"Holocaust Survivors"\n\nDana Schwartz/Director\n\nSpielberg Entertainment\n\nKey Make-up\n\n\x0cWendy Resume\n\nPage 2\n\nCommercials:\n2013 Dodge \xe2\x80\x9c The Wedding\xe2\x80\x9d\nDavid Harner\n2012 Jeep \xe2\x80\x9cPower Within\xe2\x80\x9d & \xe2\x80\x9cFlag\xe2\x80\x9d\nSamuel Bayer\n2012 Caesars Celine Dion & Matt Goss Dave Meyers\n2011 Caesars Bellagio & Mandalay Bay Dave Meyers\nPepsi/Bernie Mac\nJim Sonzero\n\nIQ productions \xe2\x80\x93 Canada\nSerial Pictures\n@Radical Media\n@Radical Media\nVenus/HSI\n\nKey Makeup\nKey Makeup & Hair\nKey Hair\nKey Makeup & Hair\nKey Make-up\n\nNBC Promos - 10 spots\n\nVarious Directors\n\nNBC Productions\n\nKey Make-up\n\nFOX Promos \xe2\x80\x93 4 spots\n\nVarious Directors\n\nDakota / FOX\n\nKey Make-up\n\nPromo \xe2\x80\x9cParty of Five\xe2\x80\x9d\n\nTom Sherran\n\nDakota / FOX\n\nKey Make-up\n\nABC Promos \xe2\x80\x93 2 spots\n\nVarious Directors\n\nEvent Horizons\n\nKey Make-up\n\nMattel \xe2\x80\x93 4 commercials\n\nVarious Directors\n\nEdendale Films\n\nKey Make-up\n\nStaples \xe2\x80\x93 2 commercials\n\nCharles Whittenmeier\n\nMelody Films\n\nKey Make-up\n\nLittle Caesars - 2 commercials\n\nCharles Whittenmeier\n\nMelody Films\n\nKey Make-up\n\nPhilips \xe2\x80\x93 commercial\n\nJim Byrkit\n\nAtlas Pictures\n\nKey Make-up\n\nPanic! At the Disco \xe2\x80\x93 Cover Shoot Alternative Press - 2013\n\nDouglas Sonders\n\nMakeup & Grooming\n\nPanic! At the Disco - CD Cover- 2013\n\nAlex R. Kirzhner\n\nMakeup & Grooming\n\nPeople Magazine Shoot \xe2\x80\x93 Georgia Florida Line 2013\n\nTure Lillegraven Photogrpaher\n\nMakeup & Hair\n\nIrina Shayk \xe2\x80\x9cTAO\xe2\x80\x9d Event & Print Media 2011\n\nVenetian Hotel\n\nKey Makeup & Hair\n\n\xe2\x80\x9cReaders Digest\xe2\x80\x9d Cover Shoot 8 /2010\n\xe2\x80\x9cMaui Fever\xe2\x80\x9d MTV cast shoot US weekly 2006\n\nTim Tadder\nNabil Photographer\n\nKey Make-up\nKey Make-up\n\nEntertainment Weekly Cover Shoot December 2005\nCast members of \xe2\x80\x9cLOST\xe2\x80\x9d\n\nJeff Reidel Photographer\n\nKey Make-up\n\nStar Magazine August 2004\nJason Mamoa Editorial Shoot\n\nDarren Church Photographer\n\nKey Make-up\n\nGQ Cover shoot April 2003\n\nMark Seliger Photographer\n\nKey Make up\n\nHeart & Soul Editorial Shoot Dec 2002\n\nAndrea Gomez Photographer\n\nKey Make-up\n\nGQ Men of the year Editorial Shoot Nov 2002\n\nNathaniel Welch Photographer\n\nKey Make-up\n\nKing Magazine Editorial Shoot Fall 2002\n\nAlbert Sanchez Photographer\n\nKey Make-up\n\nEsquire Magazine Editorial shoot September 2002 issue\n\nJonathon Skow Photographer\n\nKey Make-up\n\nCover shoot Savoy Magazine May 2002 issue\n\nDavis Factor Photographer\n\nKey Make-up\n\nCover shoot Black Woman\xe2\x80\x99s Magazine Feb/March 2002 Issue\n\nChris Voelker Photographer\n\nKey Make-up\n\nJ.C Penny\xe2\x80\x99s Editorial/Advertising 01/2002\n\nSteven Silverstein Photographer\n\nKey Make-up\n\nJ. C Penny\xe2\x80\x99s Editorial/Advertising 11/2000, 2/2001\n\nEdward Selznick Photographer\n\nKey Make-up\n\nMervyns Editorial/Advertising 8/2000, 1/2001\n\nRobert Duetchman Photographer\n\nKey Make-up\n\nT. V Guide Special Fall Preview Issue 8/2000\n\nSasha Ableria photographer\n\nKey Make-up\n\nGioya Italian Magazine Editorial Shoot 8/96\n\nSteven Silverstein Photographer\n\nKey Make-up\n\nFabio Photo Shoot Japanese Magazine 6/94\n\nJin Sunoto Photographer\n\nKey Make-up\n\nPrint:\n\n\xe2\x80\x9cDAG\xe2\x80\x9d Delta Burke, David Allen Grier\n\n\x0cWendy Resume\n\nPage 3\n\nMusic Video\n\xe2\x80\x9cLas Vegas\xe2\x80\x9d DJ BOBO\n\nProduced and Directed by DJ\n\nKey Makeup & Hair\n\n\xe2\x80\x9cSmoke Rings\xe2\x80\x9d Melissa Simpson\n\xe2\x80\x9cLove Always\xe2\x80\x9d Face to Face/Hard Eight Records\n\nAlby Jones Director\n\nKey Makeup\n\n\xe2\x80\x9cGet your Money Right\xe2\x80\x9d Face to Face/Hard Eight Records\n\nRobert Barrett Director\n\nKey Make-up\n\n\xe2\x80\x9cRed Hot Chili Peppers\xe2\x80\x9d Warner Bros\n\nGavin Bowden Director\n\nSpecial Effects Make-up\n\nWeb: 2010\n\xe2\x80\x9cOakley: Video Shoot - Roxy Louw, Claudia Goncalves and Samantha Stosur Rich-RED Camera\n\xe2\x80\x9cFunny or Die Will Ferrell Productions \xe2\x80\x9cPro Bowl \xe2\x80\x93 \xe2\x80\x9cCoke\xe2\x80\x9d 2011\n\nKey Makeup & Hair\nStudio W Staff \xe2\x80\x93 Hair & Makeup\n\nCelebrities and Notable People Worked With:\nKrista Allen, Marcus Allen, Steve Allen, John Patrick Amedori, Loni Anderson, Curtiss Armstrong, Daniel Baldwin, Simon Baker,\nLeslie Bibb, Traci Bingham, Jack Black, Ruben Blades, Corbin Bleu, Moon Bloodgood, DJ Bobo, Matthew Broderick, James Brolin,\nClancy Brown, Delta Burke, Drew Carey, Josh Charles, Don Cheadle, Jeff Conaway, Denise Crosby, Billy Crystal, Tony Curtis,\nMatt Damon, Catherine Dent, Vincent D\xe2\x80\x99Onofrio, Rodger Daltry, Loretta Devine, Celine Dion, Carmen Electra, Erik Estrada, Fabio,\nAnna Faris, Francis Fisher, Matthew Fox, Beau Garrett, Goo Goo Dolls, Christopher Gorham, Matt Goss, David Allen Grier,\nRutger Hauer, John Heard, Gregory Hines, Clint Howard, Rance Howard, Dwayne \xe2\x80\x9cThe Rock\xe2\x80\x9d Johnson, James Earl Jones,\nTamala Jones, Beverly Johnson, Sally Kellerman, Lil Kim, Don Knotts, Lorenzo Lamas, John Landis, Ali Landry, Chyler Leigh,\nDonovan Leitch, Peggy Lipton, Kristianna Loken, Mario Lopez, Chad Lowe, Jennifer Lyons, Dorothy Lyman, Bernie Mac, Amy Madigan,\nCostas Mandylor, Kevin McCarthy, Matthew McConaughey, Malcolm McDowell, Alfred Molina, Esai Morales, Sandra Oh, Mother Love,\nGraham Nash, Wayne Newton, Danny Nucci, Adrian Paul, Chris Penn, Chili Peppers, Carly Pope, Paulina Porizkova, Amanda Plummer,\nJamie Pressley, Carl Reiner, Michelle Rodriguez, Andrea Roth, Rick Rossavich, Barry Sanders, John Savage, Craig Scheffer, Irina Shayk,\nMarc Singer, Kellita Smith, Talisa Soto, Tori Spelling, Matthew St. Patrick, Raw Sun, Sugar Ray Leonard, Tilda Swinton, Kevin Tighe,\nBrendon Urie and Panic at the Disco band mates, Paul Winfield and Stuart Wilson\nEducation:\nThe Studio Make-up Academy. Studied all aspects of make-up for film, T.V., print and special effects. Hollywood, Ca 1990\nMarinello Beauty Academy Los Angeles, Ca 1981\nTeaching Credential Private Postsecondary Education for Studio Make-up Academy - Sunset Gower Studios, Hollywood, Ca\nCourse covered all aspects of Beauty Make-up, Fundamentals and Retro Classic Make-up for Film, T.V and Print Industries.\n1996-2003\nMakeup Educator / Owner Studio W \xe2\x80\x93 Teaching all aspects of beauty makeup for the Film, TV, Commercial and Print Industries / 2003-Present\nMember I.A.T.S.E Local 706 Los Angeles\nAffiliation with Local 720 Las Vegas & 665 Hawaii\nPortfolio, and references available upon request\xe2\x80\xa6\nMisc: Emmy Award submissions by the producers for \xe2\x80\x9cPacific Blue\xe2\x80\x9d 1998 \xe2\x80\x93 \xe2\x80\x9cPopular\xe2\x80\x9d 1999 \xe2\x80\x93 \xe2\x80\x9cBernie Mac Show\xe2\x80\x9d 2001\nStudio W \xe2\x80\x93 Brides Choice Award from WeddingWire & Martha Stewart 2010, 2011 & 2012'
b'Chet Bailey\n100 Desert Street\nDrytown, CA 95555\nPhone: (555) 555-8194\nE-mail: [email protected]\n\nObjective : To acquire a permanent, full-time position as an auto body painter.\nSkills\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nVast working experience of painting and color matching\nIn depth knowledge of safe painting and paint product handling procedures\nProficient with mechanical tools\nAbility to pass pre-employment testing to include background checks and MVR\nAbility to operate mechanical tools commonly used in painting\nAbility to learn quickly and follow instructions\n\nWork Summary\nAuto Body Painter, 2011 - Present\nGerber Collision & Glass - Las Vegas, NV\n\xef\x82\xb7 Insured that all spray operations were complete.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Notified production staff of need for additional paint time or blend photos.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Insured that the manager was kept informed of progress and problems.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Insured that paint was clearly labeled and stocked for easy access.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Operated and used all body shop equipment properly and safely.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Selected and mixed coating liquid to produce desired color.\n\nEducation\nHigh School Diploma, 2011\nPalmville High School, Palmville, FL\nGPA 3.50'
b'Chris Flight Attendant\n11223 East South Avenue, Someplace, CO 80000\nP: 720-555-5555 E: [email protected]\nObjective\n\nCorporate Flight Attendant\n\nQualifications\n\nMultiple transatlantic crossings\nPart 91/91K and 135 experience\nUS Passport: Current, Unrestricted\nCRM Certification: Annual Training\nOver 750 flight hours logged to date\nVisas: French, German\nLanguages: Fluent in English and German\nConflict Resolution Training and Certification\nCPR/AED/First Aid Certifications: Adult/Children and Infant\n\nSpecialized\nTraining\n\nCAPS Recurrent Emergency Crewmember Training (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014)\nRecurrent Evacuation Crewmember Training: GV-SP/G500/G550 (2011, 2012, 2014)\nSelf Defense Training, Fire Safety and Firefighting Control, Emergency Evacuation, Ditching,\nAccidents Incidents (2013)\nFlightSafety Crew Emergency Training (2012)\nCAPS Corporate Flight Attendant In-Flight Service (2011)\nSF Corporate Flight Attendant Training (2012)\nFlightSafety Initial Flight Attendant: Part 91 and 135, Gulfstream/Falcon (2012)\nIn-flight Catering and Cabin Service (2014)\n\nExperience\n00/00 to present ABC Charter Services: Jackson, WY\nLead Flight Attendant: G450, GV, G550\nPart 91/91K operations providing exceptional and confidential customer service to political\ndelegates and various celebrities throughout the United States, Canada, the Caribbean, Germany,\nAustralia and England.\nResponsible for ensuring all supplies and catering are ordered, delivered and stored according to\nregulations and client requests.\n00/00 to 00/00\n\nDEF Corporate Flight Services; Englewood, CO\nFlight Attendant/Dispatcher: CRJ 200\nPart 91/135 operations providing services for company executives, staff members and family\nmembers throughout the United States, Mexico and Canada.\nAssisted with scheduling and dispatching aircraft and charter services.\n\n00/00 to 00/00\n\; Omaha, NE\nAviation Jobs Specialist\nHelped corporate flight attendants find a job with the best schedule, pay, corporate culture and fit.\nBuilt and improved relationships with corporate aviation employers. Connected them with\nqualified, experienced corporate pilots and crew.\nCreated resources and resume templates to help flight attendants put their best foot forward.\nProvided career support and insight via phone and email to job-seeking customers.\n\nEducation\n\nColorado State University; Fort Collins, CO\nBachelor of Science Degree: Business Management / Communications (1998)\n\nAchievements\n\nNBAA Flight Attendant Scholarship Recipient (2008), Boston Marathon Finisher (2014)\n\nAffiliations\n\nWomen in Aviation International: Volunteer (2013, 2014)\nAssociation of Professional Flight Attendants: Member (2005 to Present)\n\nPersonal\nStrengths\n\nPassion for people, building positive relationships and ability to adapt quickly to varying situations.'
b'Bilingual Flight Attendant Resume\n\nANGELICA TORRES\n7021 W McDowell Rd\nBuckeye, AZ 85326\n(222)-627-1063\n[email]\nJob Objective To obtain a position as a Bilingual Flight Attendant.\nSummary of Qualifications:\n\xef\x82\xb7Remarkable experience in delivering deliver onboard flight announcements\n\xef\x82\xb7Amazing ability to read, write and speak English, French and Spanish smoothly\n\xef\x82\xb7Exceptional communication skills that include speaking to large groups and individual customers\n\xef\x82\xb7Excellent work ethic to act with purpose and urgency\n\xef\x82\xb7Uncommon ability to maintain positive and professional appearance\n\xef\x82\xb7Strong physical ability to lift up to 50 pounds\n\xef\x82\xb7Ability to serve onboard food and beverage products\n\xef\x82\xb7Ability to walk and fit down the aircraft passageway easily\n\xef\x82\xb7Enviably well-groomed and neat appearance\nWork Experience:\nBilingual Flight Attendant, August 2005 to till date\nStylo Airlines, Buckeye, AZ\n\xef\x82\xb7Performed checking of the cabin equipment, such as supplies of food and drink.\n\xef\x82\xb7Made sure passengers understood safety and emergency procedures.\n\xef\x82\xb7Checked boarding passes and welcomed passengers.\n\xef\x82\xb7Assisted in ensuring that all carry-on items were secured and that passengers had fastened their seatbelts.\n\xef\x82\xb7Performed in flight services as per established policies and procedures.\n\xef\x82\xb7Checked passenger luggage before to takeoffs and landings.\n\n\x0cBilingual Flight Attendant May 2000 to July 2005\nTouch Airlines, Buckeye, AZ\n\xef\x82\xb7Served passengers and ensured their safety.\n\xef\x82\xb7Assisted passengers during non-routine procedures.\n\xef\x82\xb7Assisted ill, injured, and incapacitated passengers and administered first aid in compliance with government\nstandards.\n\xef\x82\xb7Inspected safety prior to take off and landing.\n\xef\x82\xb7Coordinated service arrangements on board.\n\xef\x82\xb7Assisted in providing good customer service.\nEducation\nAssociate Degree in Aviation, University of New Haven, Connecticut, CT'
b'Flight Attendant Resumes\\n\nFlight Attendant Resumes\nYour 6Pack of Sample resumes\nfrom REAL Flight Attendants\n\nProperty of\nWith great thanks to those that contributed\n\\n\n\x0cPublished by\nTravel Quest Australia Pty Ltd\nPO Box 1051 Toombul\nBrisbane, Queensland 4012\n\xc2\xa9\n\nYou have permission to freely share these\xe2\x80\xa6\nFlight Attendant Resumes\nExample resumes from REAL Flight Attendants\nwho used the following resumes to get their\ncurrent Airline job\n\\n\n\x0cFlight Attendant Resumes Examples\nFlight Attendant Resumes only includes resumes from real flight\nattendants that have gone on to get a job with an airline.\nIt includes examples from those that have attended flight attendant\nschools, male and female applicants and while the preferred\nresume is kept short and succinct unless absolutely necessary,\nyou\xe2\x80\x99ll find 1, 2 and 3 page resumes \xe2\x80\x93 and while some are also less\nthan perfect they have got their owners a job with an airline.\nAnd while all the information enclosed is personal and true, all\nidentifiers such as phone numbers, addresses and airlines have\nbeen removed due confidentiality agreements that all airline\nemployees including Flight Attendants have to sign prior to\ncommencing training.\nI must reiterate that it\xe2\x80\x99s about being prepared and good\npreparation is by far the best way to compile a resume that sells\nyou in a way that gets you an interview with an Airline.\n\nAnd it\xe2\x80\x99s always good to\nhave a comparison or\nbench mark so that you\ncan see what has\nworked and how you\ncan perhaps copy,\nchange, add, delete or\nimprove your resume\nfrom the examples that\nyou will see in this\npublication following the\nguidelines provided in\nmy Flight Attendant\nInterviews Made Easy\nmanual.\n\n\x0cNOTE: My request when asking for resume examples was to remove identifiers and try to keep\nformat and content that the givers would be happy for others to see. You\xe2\x80\x99ll notice that all resumes\nare different and some have just the identifiers removed, some have identifiers replaced and others\nhave all content removed with just format remaining.\n\nAgain, I wanted to show you \xe2\x80\x98REAL\xe2\x80\x99 flight attendant resumes without \xe2\x80\x98work shopping\xe2\x80\x99 them before I\nincluded them here so they are pretty much as I received them and I think collectively they will\ndefinitely show you things that you will want to copy, change, add, delete or improve with your\nown resume.\n\nI also don\xe2\x80\x99t wish to critique the resumes included as that is not what this publication is about but\nrather invite you to refer back to my manual for the tips, hints, recommendations and presentation\nstandards that I recommend for your resume to ensure that you make your resume the best it can\nbe.\n\nPREFIX: The following resume has successfully gained an interview for its owner and they\xe2\x80\x99ve\nsubsequently been employed with two different airlines moving from domestic/regional to\ninternational.\n\n\x0cCurriculum Vitae: Carla Gray\n\nCareer Statement\nA motivated individual who takes considerable pleasure in forming lasting\npositive impressions with clientele\nImmensely enjoys contact with others, and is driven to exceed the\nexpectations of both customers and colleagues.\nCommitted to continuing professional development\n\nSummary of positions held\nStarJet, Flight Attendant\nDeloitte Financial, Corporate Receptionist\nABN AMRO Morgans (now RBSA Morgans), Receptionist\nCountry Road, Sales Consultant\nExtensive part-time food & hospitality employment\n\nPersonal Details\nName\n\nCarla Danielle Gray\n\nMarital Status\n\nSingle\n\nBirth details\n\n16 November, 1988 (21 years)\n\nNationality\n\nAustralian\n\n\x0cHome phone\n\n(08) ***\n\nMobile phone\n\n***\n\nAddress\n\n8 Marnella Close, Shadow Park, 5164\n\nEmail address\n\[email protected]\n\nProfessional development\n\nSenior First Aid Certificate (current CPR), Australian Red\nCross\nResponsible Service of Alcohol, Adelaide Tourism & Hospitality School\nActing tuition, Actors Ink\n\nPersonal achievements\n\nWinner of South Australian Television Acting competition\n\nCharacteristics\n\nWeight- 54 kg\nHeight- 168cm\nBrown hair, hazel eyes\n\nHealth\n\nExcellent\n\nLanguages\n\nEnglish, Japanese (basic \xe2\x80\x93 school)\n\nInterests\n\nKeeping fit and healthy, socializing, reading, movies,\nadventure and lifestyle activities, travelling\n\nProfessional Experience\nJanuary 2009- present\n\nStarJet, Flight Attendant, Adelaide\nSuccessfully work in collaboration with Flight and Cabin\nCrew to ensure a safe and comfortable environment for passengers\nonboard an aircraft. Accountable for ensuring currency on company and\ngovernment policies and procedures, as well as in First Aid\n\n2008- January 2009\n\nDellaware Financial, Corporate Receptionist, Adelaide\nResponsible for the daily operation of a busy corporate switchboard\nreception, ensuring client satisfaction by achieving a welcoming and\nhelpful environment. A focus on hosting guests e.g. tea/barista-style\ncoffee, cocktail parties, functions, boardroom lunches, arranging car\nparking & travel etc.\n\n\x0cMay 2007- May 2008\n\nABNA - AMROS Morans, Receptionist, Adelaide\nResponsible for the daily operation of a busy corporate switchboard\nreception, as well as extensive Administrational duties including banking,\nfiling, coordinating functions, and maintaining cleanliness and\norganization of the workplace.\n\nFeb 2007- May 2007\n\nCollutar Ress, Sales Consultant, Adelaide\nResponsible for assisting customers in finding the \xe2\x80\x98perfect\xe2\x80\x99 clothing, whilst\nachieving sales targets. Accountable for money handling, banking,\nstoreroom duties and the success of visual merchandising. Maintaining\npersonal grooming standards to reflect the high-end brand\n\n2003 \xe2\x80\x93 2007\n\nExtensive part-time employment in food and hospitality\n\nEducation\n2002-2006\n\nBrighton High School\nSuccessful completion of SACE Stage 2 (Year 12) with competitive TER\n(77.9), studying English Communications,\nDrama Studies, Tourism, Health Studies & Biology\n\n1994-2001\n\nBrighton Primary School\n\nOther Skills\nSwimming\n\nAble to swim breaststroke and freestyle for a minimum 50m\n\nTouch typing\n\nSpeed of 58wpm, continually improving\n\nIT skills\n\nProficient with MS Office Suite & Apple Macintosh, and a quick learner\nwith new programs.\nMail merging and data entry\n\nReferees\nMs Nickola McDonald\nAdelaide Base Team Leader\nJetstar, Adelaide - (08) ***\n\nMs Jenny Amantha\nHuman Resources Manager\n\n\x0cDeloitte Financial, Adelaide - (08) ***\n\nPREFIX: The following resume is a draft from a private \xe2\x80\x98Flying College\xe2\x80\x99 resume template used by the\npupil Flight Attendant who submitted this (in this case as Joe Blow) which led to two interviews\nand subsequent employment with the two different airlines.\n\n\x0c\x0c\x0c\x0c\x0c\x0cPREFIX: The following resume has successfully gained an interview for its owner (9 years\nago) and they were subsequently employed with the airline.\n\n\x0cOf\n\nMark Malcolm Brown\n\n\x0cPersonal Details\nAddress\n\n36 Landstone Court\nEast Hobart\nTasmania 7000\nAUSTRALIA\n\nTelephone\n\n61 3 6231 000\n\nCellphone\n\n0422 000 000\n\nEmail\n\[email protected]\n\nDate of Birth\n\n18 January 1978\n\nPlace of Birth\n\nNew Zealand\n\nMarital Status\n\nSingle\n\nHealth\n\nExcellent\n\nPersonal Statement\nI believe that I have effective communication skills that will be an\nasset to any prospective employer. I enjoy a challenge, have an\noutgoing friendly nature, as well as being honest and mature.\nThese traits along with my high standards of work and\npresentation, ability to motivate, and the fact that I always\nremain fully dedicated to any task I undertake are what I have to\n\n\x0coffer a prospective employer along with my initiative that\nensures every customers expectations are exceeded.\n\nWork Experience\n\nMay 2001 \xe2\x80\x93\n\nHayman \xe2\x80\x93 Assistant Manager, Food & Beverage\nEmployed at Beach & Pools supervising the smooth running and\nservice to the resort guests. Managing the operation on the\nManagers days off & Leave. Managing other outlets such as\nBeach Pavilion Restaurant & Bar in the Managers Absence. Set\nup & Running of functions, staff rostering and training.\n\n2000 \xe2\x80\x93 2001\n\nQantas New Zealand \xe2\x80\x93 Senior Flight Attendant (Purser)\nSupervising the in-flight service and Flight Attendants on Qantas\nNew Zealand\xe2\x80\x99s Fleet. Ensuring all Civil Aviation Authority &\nCompany policies and procedures were followed and reported\nas required. Carrying out all in-flight administration, reporting to\nthe Auckland Base Flight Attendant Team Manager, as well as\nconducting regular in-flight assessments on crew for their\nPerformance & Development Reviews.\n\n1999 \xe2\x80\x93 2000\n\nAnsett New Zealand \xe2\x80\x93 Senior Flight Attendant (Purser)\nSupervising the in-flight service and Flight Attendants on Ansett\nNew Zealand\xe2\x80\x99s Fleet. Ensuring all Civil Aviation Authority &\nCompany policies and procedures were followed and reported\nas required. Carrying out all in-flight administration, reporting to\nthe Auckland Base Flight Attendant Team Manager, as well as\nconducting regular in-flight assessments on crew for their\nPerformance & Development Reviews.\n\n\x0c2000 \xe2\x80\x93 2001\n\nSir George Seymour College of Tourism \xe2\x80\x93 Casual Tutor\nConducted classes on the Flight Attendant component of the\nfull-time courses in Travel & Tourism. Included lesson planning,\nmaterial sourcing and delivery.\n\n1995 \xe2\x80\x93 1999\n\nAnsett New Zealand \xe2\x80\x93 Flight Attendant\nWorking as part of a team on board Ansett New Zealand\xe2\x80\x99s Fleet.\nConducting the in-flight service for both First & Economy class\ncabins.\n\n1996\n\nAnsett New Zealand - Team Member\nBusiness & Services Renewal Project \xe2\x80\x93 Task Force\nWorked as part of a team for a period of 2 months full-time\nlooking into and developing new services and policies to assist\nthe company in increasing Market share through increased\nbusiness.\n\n1995\n\nAnsett New Zealand \xe2\x80\x93 Ramp Agent\nEmployed to load aircraft and maintain cabins. Liasing with\nCabin Crew, Load Controllers and Customer Service Officers to\nensure Civil Aviation Authority & Company Policies and\nProcedures are followed, along with dangerous goods\nprocedures.\n\n1991 \xe2\x80\x93 1995\n\nMcDonalds Restaurant \xe2\x80\x93 Certified Swing Manager\nManaging the Crew and Restaurant ensuring that high\nstandards are maintained. Conducting crew training and\nassessment. Reporting to the Restaurant Owner.\n\n1988 \xe2\x80\x93 1993\n\nShell Bayview \xe2\x80\x93 Forecourt Attendant\nAttending to customers, cashiering and balancing duties.\nResponsible for outlet when manager was away.\n\n1992 \xe2\x80\x93 1993\n\nNew Zealand Police \xe2\x80\x93 Work Experience\n\n1990\n\nNapier Airport \xe2\x80\x93 Work Experience\n\nEducation & Qualifications\n2002\n\nResponsible Service of Alcohol Certificate\n\n1999\n\nLiquor Licensing Authority \xe2\x80\x93 Managers License/Certificate\n\n1999\n\nSt Johns First Aid\n\n\x0c1995\n\nKiwihost\n\n1995\n\nCobham Outward Bound Course\n\n1992\n\nYoung Enterprise Business Course\n\n1992\n\nRoyal NZ Plunket Society \xe2\x80\x93 Child Minding Course\n\n1992\n\nNZ Red Cross Society \xe2\x80\x93 Child Minding Course\n\n1991\n\nColenso High School \xe2\x80\x93 Sixth Form Certificate\n\n1990\n\nColenso High School \xe2\x80\x93 Fifth Form Certificate\n\nHobbies & Interests\nMusic, Sports; especially tennis and cricket, Aviation, Diving\n\nReferees\nScot Tonelly\n\nTraining Manager, Hayman Island Resort, Great Barrier Reef,\nAustralia. Ph 61 7 0000 0000 (Former Qantas NZ Flight\nAttendant Team Manager)\n\nJeff Herman\n\nRestaurant Manager, Hayman Island Resort, Great Barrier Reef,\nAustralia. Ph 61 7 0000 0000\n\nSue Guthensen\n\nFormer Qantas New Zealand National Flight Attendant\nManager. Ph 64 3 000 0000\n\n\x0cPREFIX: The following resume was submitted with all identifiers and content removed. It is\nincluded to show layout used and has led to two successful interviews and subsequent\nemployment with two different airlines.\n\n\x0cNAME\nMobile: \xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.. E-mail: \xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6..\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.. Date of Birth: \xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\nEducation\n..................................\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6...................................................................................................\n\nState High School\n\nSenior Certificate\n\n2000\n\nMoreton Institute of Tafe\n\nCert. II\n\n2004\n\nCertifications\n\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6...................................................................................................\n\nSt John Ambulance Australia\n\nSenior First Aid Certificate\n\n2008\n\nRed Cross\n\nSenior First Aid Certificate\n\n2008\n\nSt John Ambulance Australia\n\nCPR Certificate\n\n2009\n\nCustomer Service Roles\n\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\n\nDates employed\n\nPosition Description eg. Domestic Cabin Crew\n\nCompany and Location eg.\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nApr 2010-Current\n\nQANTAS Brisbane\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks eg. Customer service, Safety etc.\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\n\nPosition Description\n\nCompany and Location\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nApr 2010-Current\n\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\n\nPosition Description\n\nCompany and Location\n\n\x0c\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\n\nJan 1999-June 2009 Position Description\nCompany and Location\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\n\nAug 2007-Nov 2008 Position Description\nCompany and Location\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\n\nApr 2005-June 2007 Position Description\nCompany and Location\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nOct 2003-Dec 2005\n\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\n\nPosition Description\n\nCompany and Location\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\n\nJune 2004-Apr 2005 Position Description\nCompany and Location\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\n\n\x0cOct 2001-July 2003 Position Description\nCompany and Location\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\nJob Skills and Job Specific tasks\n\nSummary of Attributes\n\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.......................................................................................................\n\nCommitment to\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6..\n\nReferees\n\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6........................................................................................................\n\nName\n\nName\n\nName\n\nCompany\n\nCompany\n\nCompany\n\nTel:\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6..\n\nTel:\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\n\nTel:\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6..\n\nName\n\nName\n\nName\n\nCompany\n\nCompany\n\nCompany\n\nTel:\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\n\nMob:\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\n\nMob:\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\n\nMob:\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.\n\n\x0cPREFIX: The following resume has successfully gained an interview for its owner and they\xe2\x80\x99ve\nsubsequently been employed with an airline in 2008.\n\n\x0cMr. Robert Rumford\n35 / 6-9 Colerdale Street\nEvendale, 5000\n(H) (08) 9788-0000\n(M) 0400 000 000\n\nTo Whom It May Concern:\n\nI wish to present my application for a position within your organisation.\n\nOver my working life I have consistently demonstrated a high level of professionalism,\nresponsibility and integrity. I am a confident and co-operative team member, with excellent\nleadership skills and the ability to work efficiently to achieve goals. I am committed to\nquality customer / client service and sales.\n\nI believe my vast knowledge and work related experience combined with enthusiasm,\ndiligence, a willingness to learn, and flexibility will provide for a sound foundation for\nsuccess within your company.\n\nA copy of my current resume is enclosed for your attention.\n\nI would be very pleased to discuss this exciting opportunity with you in person, and look\nforward to hearing from you soon.\n\nYours sincerely,\nRobert Rumford\n\n\x0cPersonal Details\nName:\n\nRobert Rumford\n\nAddress:\n\n35 / 6-9 Colerdale Street\nEvendale, SA, 5000\n\nTelephone:\n\n(M) 0400 000 000\n\nDate of Birth:\n\n23 January 1986\n\nHealth:\n\nExcellent\n\nTransport:\n\nOwn car\n\nDemonstrated Skills\n\xe2\x97\x8f\n\nExcellent communication skills\n\n\xe2\x97\x8f\n\nOutgoing, friendly disposition.\n\n\xe2\x97\x8f\n\nTeam orientated\n\n\xe2\x97\x8f\n\nStrongly developed sales and customer service skills\n\nEmployment History\n2007- Current Melbourne IT\n- Superior customer service and sales to corporate clients.\n- Assisting first business owners in creating their own website.\n- Renewing expired web domains for clients.\n- Up selling and cross selling Melbourne IT\xe2\x80\x99s product suite.\n- Search engine marketing and optimization for clients.\n\n2004 \xe2\x80\x93 2007 \xe2\x80\x93 Telstra Shop\n- Sales generation to corporate organisations and consumers, in store and on-road.\n\n\x0c- Adhering to and exceeding monthly sales targets both individually and for the company as\na whole.\n- Assessing customers wants and needs through appropriate Telstra training.\n- Customer service and complaints management, staff mentoring and motivation.\n- Cash handling and balancing, stocktaking duties.\n\n2001 \xe2\x80\x93 2004 Village Cinemas\n- Customer Service and staff supervision, Cash handling.\n- Up-selling products using the "would you like fries with that\xe2\x80\x9d ethos.\n- Marketing of film products.\n- General cinema duties.\n- General bar duties \xe2\x80\x93 servicing of alcohol within Gold Class environment.\n\nPersonal Characteristics\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nEnthusiastic\nIndependent\nPunctual\nReliable\nResponsible\nTeam Orientated\nFlexible\n\nReferences\nJennifer Keller\nMelbourne I.T. \xe2\x80\x93 SEO Manager\n0400 000 000\n\nKristy Miller\nVillage Cinemas \xe2\x80\x93 Manager\nMobile 0400 000 000\n\n\x0cSheridyn Anthony\nTelstra Shop \xe2\x80\x93 Manager\nMobile 0400 000 000\n\nPersonal Statement\nI am a reliable, conscientious employee. I enjoy working with people and have had more than\nseven years worth of customer service and sales experience within a retail environment. I\nconstantly demonstrate good leadership skills. Teamwork is a trait that I possess and I\nthoroughly enjoy working in groups to effectively complete tasks. I am able to undertake\nwork also without supervision, and work at my full potential at all times to achieve\nappropriate goals. I am self-motivated and keen to pursue a career within your organisation.\n\n\x0cPREFIX: The following resume \xe2\x80\x93 To be continued\xe2\x80\xa6\n\n\x0cSumming up: You have now seen a brief selection of \xe2\x80\x98Real\xe2\x80\x99 Flight Attendant resumes and I\nam sure that you have seen things that you want to copy, change, add, delete or improve\nwith your resume but let me say this\xe2\x80\xa6. Your resume is your passport to an interview\n\nSo read learn, compare, copy, change, adapt and follow the guide lines in my manual to\ncompile the best resume that you can.\nRemember first impressions count and your number\none purpose is for it to sell you in a way that gets\nyou an interview with an Airline.\n\nYour resume is competing with literally\nthousands of others so:\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nBe brief\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nTo the point\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nDo not waste words by choosing them\nvery carefully.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nAddress all criteria advertised for\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nYour resume is an ad\nabout you so remember, features tell\nand benefits SELL!\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nYour resume should always be written\nwith the reader in mind. It should never\nbe longer than two pages unless it is\nasked for or is absolutely compelling.\n\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nFormat it using the guidelines that I\nhave supplied in Flight Attendant\nInterviews Made Easy\n\nSee more below\xe2\x80\xa6\n\n\x0cThis Special Complimentary 6Pack of Example Flight Attendant Resumes from \xe2\x80\x98REAL\xe2\x80\x99 Flight Attendants\n\nis just one of the FREE bonuses that you can receive from\n\nIf you\xe2\x80\x99d like to receive the FREE \xe2\x80\x98Flight Attendant Careers \xe2\x80\x93 Special\nReport- (A 6 part series)\xe2\x80\x99 simply register for my Airline News Ezine\nor click here and pick up some other FREEBIE\xe2\x80\x99s also.\n\nIf you\xe2\x80\x99d like to\xe2\x80\xa6\nFollow Airline Flight Attendant Application 3-step system [AFAA] package\nfrom Flight Attendant Careers to Become a Flight Attendant Today\nsimply read on...\n\n\x0c"Who Else Wants To Follow The Airline Flight\nAttendant Application [AFAA] system to an\nIncredible Flying Career Today?"\n"They laughed when I said I was going to share the secrets of becoming a Flight\nAttendant to people all over the world... But now I and all the successful\napplicants who now ironically fly all over the world can no longer hear their laughter!"\n\nFrom: Tom Reincke, 10:57am\nDear Friend,\nIf you are interested in becoming an Airline Flight Attendant... then this is going to be the most\nexciting message you ever read.\nHere\'s why:\nThere is an amazing new system called, "The Airline Flight Attendant Application [AFAA]\nsystem." It covers nearly everything you need to know about the secrets of successfully\nsubmitting your resume (and cover letter) to an Airline of your choice, how to avoid the\ninterview cull process that takes place at group interviews and how to literally blitz your one-onone interview because you know the targeted "areas of interest" that airlines look for.\nImagine being able to submit your resume with total confidence because you know all the\nsecrets to the process such as resume construction, role specification, airline selection criteria\nand even employment law. Wouldn\'t that be great?\nOr what about if you could avoid the interview cull process because you knew the Group\ninterview Rules, the Team Work Assessment Criteria not to mention the Grooming\nstandards expected and how to stand out from the crowd by \'power\' dressing for your\ninterview. How would that feel if you could do this with relative ease?\nImagine being able to then literally blitz your one-on-one interview because you know what the\nairlines are looking for and you know How to Answer Every Interview Question Perfectly using\nthe proven \'SAO\' airline question answering formula. It truly is possible, but you need to know\nhow.\nThat\'s what this brand new 3-step system could help you to do.\nAnd it\'s not like any other system or e-book you\'ve ever read on becoming an Airline Flight\nAttendant.\n\n\x0cWhy?\nSimply, every section of each step in the AFAA \'system\' is there because "you asked for it."\nWell, not "you" really. But from real live questions and the feedback that I\xe2\x80\x99ve received over the\nmany years of my flying career. Questions from people who\xe2\x80\x99d love to know the secrets of\nbecoming an airline flight attendant.\nA simple webpage was set up, and people like you visited it and left me their most\npressing question on successfully submitting your resume (and cover letter) to an Airline\nof your choice, how to avoid the interview cull process that takes place at group\ninterviews and how to literally blitz your one-on-one interview/s because you know the\ntargeted \xc3\xa4reas of \xc3\xafnterest" that the airlines look for.\nThen I answered them!\nWhich means no fluff. Just the real answers you want to know.You\'ll discover all types of\nexciting tips and secrets.\nHere\'s a sneak peak at the \'must know\'core basics that are revealed in the 136 pages\nthat is Step-1 of "The 3-Step AFAA system":\n\xe2\x80\xa2 The process that the airlines follow when they advertise\nfor Flight Attendant applicants\n\xe2\x80\xa2 The time tested matrixes that they(the airlines) use to\nassess everything about you during the application and\ninterview process\n\xe2\x80\xa2 The proven cardinal rules that you must follow when\napplying to any airline period! (This culls so many\notherwise great people even before they get to an\ninterview)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 A free and easy way to source selection criteria of the\nairlines. TIP:Do not avoid any selection criteria in your\napplication.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 The 4 specific documents and inclusions that you must submit in your application\n\xe2\x80\xa2 The little-known but very simple way to make your resume and (cover\nletter) significantly different from more then 80% of all other applicants to ensure you\nstand out and get noticed\n\xe2\x80\xa2 2 power tips to remember when nominating work and personal references in your\nresume\n\xe2\x80\xa2 A brilliant strategy that direct marketers use (and you can copy) to build rapport and\nconnection with your interviewer long before your interview\n\xe2\x80\xa2 7 tips and tricks for power dressing for both men and women\n\n\x0c\xe2\x80\xa2 3 proven strategies to make a great first impression at your interview\nNow take a look at Step-2 of "The 3-Step AFAA system". It\nreveals your \'literal guide to Group Interviews\' (68 pages):\n\xe2\x80\xa2 DISCOVER the methods and interactive games the airlines play\ndesigned to cull applicants in \'Group\' interviews\n\xe2\x80\xa2 4 brilliant strategies to avoid being culled at your group\ninterview\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Knowledge is power... you\'ll discover the assessment tables\nused to assess your behavior and team working skills during your\ngroup interview!\n\xe2\x80\xa2 AMAZING! Discover how to instantly engage your interviewers\nduring your group interview so that they positively remember you\namongst literally hundreds of other applicants\n\nATTENTION ATTENTION: Step-3 of "The 3-Step AFAA\nsystem" is the holy grail of interviews and is your gateway\nto a lifestyle like no other if you nail it! (82 pages of interview\nblitzing material):\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Have you been looking for this for ages? Example\nquestions and their answers that you are likely to get at\nyour airline interview. (This is a gold mine of resources for\nany applicant)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 How to conduct yourself from the moment you arrive till\nthe moment you leave your interview... (yes you will be\nunder constant observation even when \'they\'say you\naren\'t!)\n\xe2\x80\xa2 DISCOVER... the proven formula for answering Flight Attendant Interview\nquestions. Far too many good people don\xe2\x80\x99t know this and is the very reason they come\naway from their interview not really confident about how they did.\n\xe2\x80\xa2 REVEALED your secret weapon for blitzing your on-one-one interview/s!...(it really is\neasy to do when you know how)\n\nAnd that\'s just a fraction of what you\'ll find out in "The 3-Step AFAA system". Yes each step is\ndesigned to flow naturally through the process of what you need to know and do to become a\nflight attendant in the quickest and easiest way possible. That\'s why you should own this\nsystem today... (in fact, you can be reading in as little as 5 minutes from now!)\n\n\x0c(All you need is a credit card, no special internet accounts or anything like that. And it\'s totally\nsecure. Your credit card data is passed directly to the bank and no one but the bank has access\nto your sensitive information.)\nWhat\'s a resource like this worth?\nTo have someone do all this research for you would easily cost you a minimum of $800? I\nshould know, that\'s what it cost me (and I\'m an insider) plus a heap of my own unpaid time!.\nParticularly laser-guided accurate information like this - SPECIFICALLY for the secrets to\nsuccessfully submitting your resume (and cover letter) to an Airline of your choice, plus\nknowing how to avoid the interview cull process that takes place at group interviews and how to\nliterally blitz your one-on-one interview/s because you know the "targeted areas of interest"\nthat airlines look for. This isn\'t some boiler-plate collection of answers.\nEverything is explained in PLAIN English. Which means it\'s dead-easy to read and understand.\nAnd it\'s logically laid out. Which is why "The 3-Step AFAA system" is such a bargain at $47\nThat\'s right, a fraction of what it\'s really worth or what it cost me to research. Why would I\nmake it so affordable? Simply because my costs to deliver it to you are so low.\nThis 3-step system is a package of electronic books (e-books) that are in secure PDF\nformat that can be downloaded to your computer in a flash. Which means you can be\nreading it and discovering all these amazing tips and secrets in as little as 5 minutes from now.\nSo I figure I\'ll be able to offer this fantastic resource of information (which if you follow the tips\nand information contained in its pages could really give you the edge needed to secure a\nbrilliant career as a flight attendant) to more people and make my investment back over time.\nNo matter what however, it\'s a bargain for you. And yes, I plan on raising the price from\n$47 to the regular value price of $147.97 very soon. Once I get a few more testimonials from\nsatisfied customers, the price will increase to its recommended full market value. So you\'ll want\nto be quick if you want to save some money.\n\n\x0c$47 is a drop in the ocean compared to what you learn with these secrets.\nAnd don\'t worry, if for any reason you\'re not happy with the content, you have a complete\nguarantee to protect your investment.\n100% RISK-FREE\nMONEY BACK GUARANTEE\nHey, you\'re my customer. And if you\'re not happy, it looks bad on me. So if\nyou\'re not happy with what you discover from "The 3-Step AFAA system" I\ndon\'t expect ... or want ... to keep your money. Just simply whip off an\nemail to me and I\'ll happily refund your money in full (in fact, I\'d be\nembarrassed to keep it). But... the e-books are yours to keep no matter\nwhat. Yes the complete system is yours as a "thank you" gift from me!\nOkay? So you really can\'t lose! The package is yours no matter what.\nThat\'s about as fair as it gets, don\'t you agree?\nWell let me tell you what I\'ll also do to make this the best investment you ever make. I\'m going\nto throw in some free bonuses that are literally worth more in money terms than my 3 e-book\nsystem package itself!\nSimply grab your copy of "The 3-Step AFAA system" right now, and here\'s what I\'ll\nthrow in:\nFREE BONUS #1: "The Real Perks of being a Flight\nAttendant"\nThis amazing bonus is all about the fantastic perks of the job. The\nopportunities that have come because of it for Tracy (the author\nand flight attendant for 12 years) and is full of encouragement for\nyou as a reader and potential new flight attendant\nYou\'ll discover:\n\n\x0c\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\xef\x82\xb7\n\nHow Tracy has made the absolute most of the opportunities that came her way and how\nyou too could do the same\nHow to source and be your own motivation simply through the words that Tracy has\npenned\nHow with application you too can follow in Tracy\'s footsteps by following her plain and\nsimple advice\n\nNot bad, right? But that\'s not all you get because I\'m also\nthrowing in:\nFREE BONUS #2: "747 Captain Talks Aviation"\nAre you beginning to see how valuable this package is? With this\nbonus you\'ll know the essentials that you will need to learn about\nin the airline working environment from a Captains perspective.\nHere\'s what\xe2\x80\x99s revealed:\n\xe2\x80\xa2 How to be a fully functioning interactive crew member and what\na Captain expects of their crew\n\xe2\x80\xa2 How to be a team member and integrate with people of different\ncultures be they crew members or passengers\n\xe2\x80\xa2 How to interact and follow good CRM on board to ensure the safety of all on board\nImagine how you\'d feel if you knew these things! YOURS FREE when you order "The 3-Step\nAFAA system." You are reading this, aren\'t you?\nWell the good news is, that\'s still not all. Because I have another gift for you!\nFREE BONUS #3: "Aviation 101 - the magic of flight"\nYou don\'t know it yet but, at the end of this bonus you\'ll know\neverything about flying from a flight attendants perspectivefrom\ntake off to landing.\nHere\'s a short list of what this amazing bonus contains:\n\xe2\x80\xa2 How to be years ahead in virtual experience than most other\napplicants simply by being aware of what happens and when it\nhappens in your new work place\n\xe2\x80\xa2 How to look and be confident in front of your passengers\n\xe2\x80\xa2 How to put them at ease with your new found knowledge of the aircraft and its operating\nsystems\n\n\x0cFREE BONUS #4: "Aviation First Aid for Flight attendants"\nYou must have a Senior First Aid certificate when applying to\nmore than 99% of the world\xe2\x80\x99s Airlines for a position as a Flight\nAttendant?\nHere\'s a short list of what this amazing bonus contains:\n\xe2\x80\xa2 The absolute must know of First Aid DRABC\n\xe2\x80\xa2 How you treat the most common on board first aid situations of\npassengers\n\xe2\x80\xa2 What to do when the situation gets beyond a first aiders abilities\n\xe2\x80\xa2 What is required of you should a medical emergency develop in flight\nFREE BONUS #5: "No Such Thing as Chance\xe2\x80\x9d \xe2\x80\x93 by Darcie\nTorres\nYour Special Complimentary Introductory Offer from the \xe2\x80\x98Wings\xe2\x80\x99\ncategory of Confessions of a Flight Attendant \xe2\x80\x93 This is a growing\nsensational, fabulously entertaining fictional series of short stories\nfrom\nHere\xe2\x80\x99s an insight to this short story...\nAfter failing miserably during her flight attendant interview, Jenn\nfinds hope in a professional flight attendant website written by an\nattendant with over twenty years of experience.\nAfter reading the web site and downloading the AFAA system and\nfaithfully following the contents she lands her dream job and her\ncareer goes into full gear.\nBut, Jenn discovers more than just how to get her dream job when Zach joins her in the\ncelebration\xe2\x80\xa6\nFREE BONUS #6: "Aviation 102\xe2\x80\x9d \xe2\x80\x93 The magic of aviation\nThis is an introduction to Aviation for New Flight Attendants.\nYou\xe2\x80\x99ll discover that the working world that you are about to enter\nis like no other work place that I know of.\nIt reveals...\n\xe2\x80\xa2 A brief to some facinating statistics of the most popular aircraft\nin the skys today that you will fly on in your new career as a\nFlight Attendant\n\xe2\x80\xa2 A brilliant but rarely seen photograph of St Elmo\'s fire which is a\nweather phenominan that occurs at altitude\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Operational information on safety and emergency equipment carried on board every aircraft.\nSomething that every flight Attendant must know verbatum\n\n\x0c\xe2\x80\xa2 Why and how an aircraft flys and the chain of command that must be followed in any\noperational emergency and lots lots more...\nPhew...that\'s some list of FREE Gifts, right? A total of $147:97 in bonuses\nThey\'re each worth every cent. But hey, they\'re yours FREE. Congratulations!\nBut I don\'t know how long I\'ll keep these bonuses up there. It\'s part of a marketing test I\'m\ndoing. They took me a lot of research, time and money to write so they\'re worth a lot to me in\nmy heart, and at any time I could take the electronic version down forever and sell the whole\npackage at full asking price in hardcover format. So if you want them, get in quick.\nAnd hey, don\'t take my word for it on how great this package is. Listen to what people\njust like you have to say about it:\nDear Tom,\nI don\'t know if you still remember me, Tom but I\nthink I need to write this letter to you to say\nthanks for your book (Flight Attendant Interviews\nMade Easy and the whole AFAA System).\nBecause of you and your ebooks I had the\nconfidence to attend a Flight Attendant interview\nand now have a chance to start my new career\nwhich was what I had dreamed about all this\ntime.\nYes, I am a Flight Attendant now , (well I start\ntraining in under a week).\nA thousand thanks!\nNicole Lea, Hong Kong\n\nTom I got the job!\nJust wanted to let you know I WAS OFFERED THE\nJOB with Airtran Airways (which is really the one\nI was hoping for) thanks to your Super 3 Step\nSystem, which I followed faithfully.\nI begin training on Monday, July 25th, in Atlanta,\nGA, USA.\nBuying your AFAA package was what made the\ndifference to help me be more confident to put\nmy best foot forward in this unfamiliar territory.\nThank you!\nCamille Johnson (USA)\n\n\x0cWow, I didn\'t think it could be this easy. I\nhave dreamed about becoming a Flight\nAttendant for years and just didn\'t know\nwhere to start.\nYou have not only covered how to stand out\nfrom the crowd to get noticed but you have\nalso given me the insider knowledge so I feel\nmuch more confident already about the\nindustry and what it involves - I can\'t wait\nfor my first interview.\nI am so excited and currently filling out my\nfirst resume (including your 3 excellent tips\nthat I know will make the difference) with\nmy application. Thank you.\nNoeline Frick\nYou have uncovered the application\nprocess for new applicants brilliantly and\nreally have revealed some amazing\ninformation, tips and secrets.\nThe 3-step system is extremely\ncomprehensive and will give anybody who\nowns the AFAA system a huge advantage\nbecause it simply puts one foot after the\nother!\nFrom my perspective it is absolutely\nfantastic\nDomonic Biviano - Flight Attendant\n(Gold Coast, Australia)\n\nAs they say, the proof is in the pudding. And these people are super happy, just like you\'ll be.\nYou can\'t leave this page empty handed, can you?\nFor a mere $47, you\'re getting the answers you need ... PLUS MORE.Now, you can only\nget this product from me. It\'s not available in libraries or anywhere else on the net. Just\nimagine being able to get these answers downloaded to you right away.\nWishing you great success\nWarmly,\nTom Reincke\nP.S: Don\'t forget, you\'re getting $147:97 worth of bonuses for just\na fraction of that price.\nEverything to get you started in the secrets of successfully\nsubmitting your resume (and cover letter) to an Airline of your\nchoice, how to avoid the interview cull process that happens at\ngroup interviews and how to literally blitz your one-on-one\n\n\x0cinterview because you know the targeted "areas of interest" that airlines look for.\nSo if that\'s what you want to do, this is the opportunity you\'ve been waiting for.\n\nPPS: Just to let you know also that I can always be contacted via the \xc3\x87ontact Page on this web\nsite or simply by clicking here\n\nTo recap... This is your complete comprehensive Airline Flight Attendant Application\n[AFAA] system package...'
b'Emirates Flight Attendant Resume Sample\n\nAnnette Gorland\nDubai, UAE\nCell: (123) 456-7890\[email protected]\nCustomer-focused Flight Attendant with 15 years of experience in providing world-class customer service during\ndomestic and international travel. Record of success in maintaining safe cabin environments, accurate inventories,\nand clean cabin spaces. Proven leadership skills that enable crews to overreach high customer service benchmarks\nand uphold organizational reputations for excellence.\nCore Qualifications\n\xef\x82\xb7 Pre and Post-Flight Checks\n\xef\x82\xb7 Customer Service\n\xef\x82\xb7 Inventory Management\n\xef\x82\xb7 Cabin Security\n\xef\x82\xb7 Occupational and Public Safety\n\xef\x82\xb7 Team Leadership\n\xef\x82\xb7 Emergency Response\n\xef\x82\xb7 Aircraft Equipment Handling\nProfessional Experience\nFLIGHT ATTENDANT / CABIN CREW\n4/1/2009 - Current\nEMIRATES AIRLINE\nDUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES\n\n\xef\x82\xb7 Attend pre-flight briefings to review emergency evacuation procedures, length of flight, expected issues, and\ncrew coordination plans.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Check on board first aid kits and emergency equipment to ensure functionality, and ensure passenger cabin is\nadequately stocked with food, beverages, and blankets.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Greet passengers during boarding, check tickets, and advise them on where to store coats and carry-on items;\nassist passengers with carry-on luggage.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Instruct and demonstrate use of emergency equipment and check to see belts are fastened, seat backs are in\nupright positions, and carry-on items are properly stowed prior to departure.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Answer passenger questions regarding flight and help small children, elderly, or disabled persons.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Take inventory of headsets, alcoholic beverages, and sales transactions prior to landing.\n\nFLIGHT ATTENDANT\n1/1/2005 - 2/1/2009\nUNITED AIRLINES\nCHICAGO, IL\n\n\x0c\xef\x82\xb7 Attended pre-flight meetings to discuss flight details, verified adequate food supplies and emergency equipment\nare on board, and assisted in cleaning between flights.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Demonstrated use of safety and emergency equipment, and ensured passengers have seatbelts fastened as\nspecified by pilot during flight; reassured passengers during flight, including during severe weather conditions\nor turbulence.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Served and sold beverages, meals, or snacks.\n\nFLIGHT ATTENDANT\n8/1/2000 - 11/1/2004\nOMNI AIR INTERNATIONAL\nSEATTLE, WA\n\xef\x82\xb7 Maintained safe conditions in airplane cabin, educated passengers on safety procedures, and assisted passengers\nduring emergency situations.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Served passengers food and beverages, and dispensed items for comfort and entertainment, including pillows,\nmagazines, and headsets.\n\xef\x82\xb7 Upheld and reinforced FAA and other regulatory requirements to safeguard passengers and flight crew.\nEducation\nHigh School Diploma, Chief Sealth International High School, Seattle, WA\nLanguages\nFluency in English and Arabic; advanced proficiency in French'
b'Entry Level Flight Attendant Resume \xe2\x80\x93 No Experience\n\nMartha Gibson\n328 Indigo Ave \xe2\x80\xa2 San Jose, CA 45220 \xe2\x80\xa2 (004) 333-2222 \xe2\x80\xa2 martha @ email .\ncom\n\nFLIGHT ATTENDANT\n\nEager to provide exceptional hospitality and customer service to multicultural population.\nPROFILE: Dependable, energetic multitasker seeking a flight attendant position with PANAIR.\nEager to boost the level of customer satisfaction through delivery of superb customer services\nand demonstration of effective safety and comfort protocols. CPR Certified.\nHIGHLIGHTS OF QUALIFICATIONS\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Extensive knowledge of the hospitality industry with a strong proficiency in food and\nbeverage arena\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Excellent communication and customer service skills\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Great attention to detail along with ability to follow given instructions\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Ability to work efficiently as part of a team as well as individually with minimal supervision\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Solid time management skills with proven ability to function well under pressure\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Excellent physical stamina and dexterity with capability to bend, stoop, reach out to grab\nobjects above head level and work effectively in confined spaces.\nEDUCATION\nROLAND INSTITUTE OF HIGHER STUDIES, San Jose, CA, 2014\nAssociate of Science in Hospitality (Public Management)\nWORK EXPERIENCE\nABC COMPANY, San Jose, CA \xe2\x80\x93 Summer 2014\nCustomer Service Assistant\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Packaged and transported merchandise to vehicles\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\xe2\x80\xa2\n\nDisplayed products in racks\nProvided exceptional customer service by assisting customers in locating merchandise\nLoaded/Unloaded grocery items and maintained stock\nMaintained the standards of store cleanliness and safety\n\nADDITIONAL STRENGTHS\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Load lifting ability up till 50 lbs\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Multilingual: Fluent in English, Spanish and Mandarin\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Excellent written and verbal communication skills\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Current International Passport holder'
b'CURRICULUM VITAE\nMay 11, 2004\n\nNAME\n\nRobert Lee Gibson, Captain USN (Retired)\n\nBIRTHDATE\n\nOctober 30, 1946\n\nPLACE OF BIRTH Cooperstown, New York\nMARITAL STATUS\nMarried to Astronaut Margaret Rhea Seddon, M.D. Four\nchildren, Julie Christie Gibson born July 24, 1976, Paul\nSeddon Gibson born July 26, 1982, Edward Dann Gibson\nborn March 27, 1989, and Emilee Louise Gibson born June\n9, 1995.\nEDUCATION\n\nSt. Cornelius Elementary, Long Beach, California\nSt. John Boscoe High School, Bellflower, California\nJames Madison High School, Vienna, Virginia\nHuntington High School, Huntington, New York, 1964\nSuffolk County Community College, A.A.S. Engineering\nScience, 1966\nCalifornia Polytechnic State University, B.S. Aeronautical\nEngineering, 1969\n\nPROFESSIONAL TRAINING\nU.S. Navy Aviation Officer Candidate School, Pensacola,\nFlorida, 1969. Commissioned Ensign, USN, 1969.\nNaval Aviation Schools Command. Naval Pilot Training\nCourse in T-34B, T-2A, T-2B, T-2C, TA-4J aircraft,\nPensacola Florida, Meridien Mississippi, Kingsville Texas,\n1969-1971. Designated Naval Aviator in January 1971.\nSurvival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape Training, Warner\nSprings, California, 1971.\nMaintenance Officer Management School, San Diego,\nCalifornia, 1971.\n1\n\n\x0cElectronic Warfare School, San Diego, California, 1971\nCombat Replacement Crew Training in F-4B/F-4J Aircraft,\nSan Diego, California 1971-1972. Designated Ready\nReplacement Pilot, March 1972.\nNaval Fighter Weapons School, "Topgun", San Diego,\nCalifornia, 1972. Designated Squadron Weapons and\nTactics Instructor, 1972.\nCombat Replacement Crew Training in F-14A Aircraft,\nSan Diego, California, 1973. Designated Ready\nReplacement Pilot December 1973.\nUnderstanding Personal Worth and Racial Dignity (Upward)\nSeminar, San Diego, California 1974. Equal Opportunity\nTraining.\nInstructor Training in F-14A Fleet Replacement Training\nSquadron, San Diego, California, 1975.\nU. S. Naval Test Pilot School, Patuxent River, Maryland,\n1976-1977. Designated Naval Test Pilot 1977.\nAstronaut Candidate Training, Houston, Texas, 1978-1979.\nDesignated Astronaut July 1979.\nHypersonic Aerodynamics, Houston, Texas, February 1989.\nCockpit Resource Management, Houston, Texas, 1992.\nSenior Managers Safety Course, Houston, Texas, 1996.\nBoeing 737 Initial Type Training, Flight Safety Incorporated,\nHouston, Texas, January 1996.\nSouthwest Airlines Pilot Training, Dallas, Texas,\nNovember and December 1996.\n\n2\n\n\x0cWORK EXPERIENCE\nLifeguard and Swimming Instructor, Huntington YMCA,\nHuntington, New York, 1964-1966.\nLifeguard, Huntington Township Public Beaches,\nHuntington, New York, 1966-1967.\nLaboratory Instructor, Aeronautical Engineering\nDepartment California Polytechnic State University, San\nLuis Obispo, California, 1967-1968.\nEngineering Assistant, Aerodynamic Loads Division, NASA\nDryden Flight Research Center, Edwards AFB, California\n1968.\nFighter Squadron 111, Pilot of F-4B Fighter-Bomber Aircraft\nhomebased at NAS Miramar, California, March\n1972September 1973. Two cruises aboard Aircraft Carrier USS\nCoral Sea. Flew combat missions in Southeast Asia in\nsupport of Operation Linebacker, 1972. Work experience as\nsquadron communications officer, weapons training and\ntactics officer, squadron scheduling officer.\nFighter Squadron 1, Pilot in first F-14A Fighter Squadron\nhomebased at NAS Miramar, California, December 1973September 1975. One cruise aboard Aircraft Carrier USS\nEnterprise. One combat mission in Southeast Asia in\nsupport of Operation Eagle Pull, the evacuation of Saigon.\nWork experience as Personnel Officer and Aviation\nElectrical Division Officer.\nFighter Squadron 124, Instructor Pilot in Fleet Replacement\nSquadron, NAS Miramar, California, September 1975-June\n1976. Trained pilot and radar operator replacement aircrews\non the F-14A aircraft, including classroom lectures and flight\ninstruction. Work experience as Instructional Systems\nDevelopment Officer, responsible for development of\ntraining materials and lectures. Experience in Flight\nSimulator requirements definition, development and testing\nfor three major F-14A Flight Simulators.\n3\n\n\x0cTest Pilot, Strike Aircraft Test Directorate, NAS\nPatuxent River, Maryland, July 1977-July 1978. Experience\nin flight testing F-14A aircraft including first flight and flight\nenvelope expansion and demonstration of reconnaissance\nversion of the F-14A. Flight tests of engine failure and flight\ncontrol system failure characteristics to evaluate causes of\nF-14A accidents in squadron use.\nAstronaut Candidate, NASA Johnson Space Center,\nHouston, Texas, July 1978- July 1979. Instruction in all\naspects of Space Flight and Space Shuttle operation leading\nto designation as Astronaut in July 1979.\nAstronaut, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston,\nTexas, July 1979 to November 1996. Work\nexperience as listed, all within assignments at NASA.\nSupport Crew for Space Shuttle flight 3, January 1979 to\nFebruary 1980. Worked on operations, flight design,\nprocedures and mechanization of systems in support of the\nmission scheduled to perform the reboost of the Skylab\nvehicle.\nVehicle Processing Team, April 1979-February 1980.\nMember of Space Shuttle Orbiter processing team for the\nfirst Space Shuttle flight. Designed and reviewed procedures\nto test the vehicle and its systems prior to first flight,\nconducted hardware tests as a crew member, and\ncoordinated with engineers and test team to support crew\ntraining and scheduling.\nSpace Shuttle Airborne Chase Pilot for first Space Shuttle\nFlight, April 1979-April 1981. Developed procedures and\nmaneuvers necessary to rendezvous with and escort Space\nShuttles returning from orbit to landing. Flew training\nmissions, trained controllers, designed flight profiles, and\nflew chase for the first Space Shuttle flight April 12-14, 1981\n\n4\n\n\x0cTest Pilot, Shuttle Avionics Integration Laboratory, February\n1980-July 1981. Designed test profiles, flew simulated\nmissions in avionics test laboratory to evaluate Space\nShuttle systems and software in simulated flight\nenvironments.\nTeam Leader, Space Shuttle Airborne Chase Team for\nsecond Space Shuttle flight, May 1981-November 1981.\nLeader of team of 6 astronauts and technicians responsible\nfor airborne chase and escort of second Space Shuttle\nmission. Trained all team members, coordinated support\nrequirements and logistics for training and flight support as\nwell as budget for the team. Flew escort for the mission from\nNovember 12-14, 1981.\nTeam Leader, Astronaut Support Team to Shuttle Avionics\nIntegration Laboratory, July 1981-May 1982. Lead Astronaut\nin charge of a team of 15 astronauts supporting testing in\nlab to certify computers and software for flight. Managed\nsupport requirements for testing, training new astronauts,\nscheduling test support, and reporting of results.\nDeputy Division Chief, Aircraft Operations Division, May\n1982-April 1983. Deputy Chief of the division responsible\nfor maintenance and operation of NASA aircraft assigned\nto Johnson Space Center. Division consisted of over 300\npeople, over 35 aircraft, annual operating budget over 35\nmillion dollars. Managed personnel issues, training, flight\nsupport for Space Shuttle launches, Flight Readiness\nReviews, as well as Aircraft maintenance and Facilities\nupkeep.\nPilot, Space Shuttle Mission 41-B, April 1983-April 1984.\nTrained and flew the Tenth Space Shuttle mission February\n3-11, 1984. Second in command of the flight which launched\ntwo Communications Satellites valued at 200 million dollars\neach, tested Shuttle rendezvous equipment for the first time,\nperformed the first-ever untethered spacewalks, and made\nthe first landing by a Space Shuttle at the Kennedy Space\nCenter in Florida.\nDeputy Division Chief, NASA Aircraft Operations Division,\nApril 1984-January 1985. Resumed the duties of Deputy\nChief after completion of Space Flight in February 1984.\n5\n\n\x0cCrew Commander, Space Shuttle Flight STS-61C, the\nTwenty-fourth mission of a Space Shuttle, January 1985January 1986. Commander of a crew consisting of seven\nastronauts, including the only United States Congressman to\nfly aboard a Space Shuttle. Responsible for the overall\ntraining, duty assignments and overall management of the\ncrew, as well as command of the mission inflight. Mission\nwas successfully flown January 12-18, 1986.\nSpace Shuttle "Challenger" accident investigation team,\nKennedy Space Center, January 1986-March 1986.\nParticipated in the post-accident investigation to evaluate the\nprocessing of the External Tank and the Solid Rocket\nBooster elements as potential causes of the accident.\nSolid Rocket Booster Redesign Team, April 1986-May 1988.\nTeam Leader for the astronaut team supporting the redesign\neffort to fix the deficiencies found in the booster rockets for\nthe Space Shuttle. Participated in design studies and\nreviews, failure analyses, and concept definitions for the\nredesigned boosters as well as the test plan to requalify the\nbooster rockets for flight. Monitored full-scale development\nand testing leading to flight.\nCrew Commander, Space Shuttle flight STS-27, May 1988May 1989. Commander of a crew of five astronauts\nassigned to a classified Department of Defense Space\nShuttle flight. Managed the crew training requirements and\ncrew involvement for development and testing leading to\nflight. Developed procedures and checklists to successfully\nperform the mission to accomplish objectives critical to\nNational security. Mission was flown successfully from\nDecember 2-6.\nSafety Branch Chief, August 1989-July 1990. Head of\nthe Safety Branch for the Astronaut Office with the\nresponsibility to manage safety inputs and review on behalf\nof the Astronaut Office. Participated in engineering and\nhazard analyses in support of Space Shuttle flights.\n\n6\n\n\x0cSpace Shuttle Program Representative, Orbiter Project\nRepresentative, July 1990-January 1992. Represented\nthe interests of the Astronaut office with the major control\nboards of these two programs. Responsible for determining\nthe astronaut office perspective on all issues presented for\nconsideration at these boards, providing inputs to the\nmanagers of the two programs.\nHost and co-anchor, TV show "Today in Space", a daily\ntelevision update during Space Shuttle mission STS-40.\nServed as narrator and host, performed live TV interviews,\nand analyzed the progress of the flight from start to finish in\na live daily TV show. Worked as a member of the production\nstaff as well to develop scripts and tape segments to be\nused in the live broadcasts. Episodes were performed daily\nfrom June 6 to June 13, 1992.\nCrew Commander, Space Shuttle Mission STS-47, January\n1992-November 1992. Managed crew training and duty\nassignments for a seven-member Space Shuttle crew,\nincluding an International crewmember from Japan. The\nflight was primarily sponsored by Japan and required\nawareness and sensitivity to the many cultural differences\npresent, both during the training flows as well as inflight and\nafter the mission. The flight was performed very successfully\nfrom September 12-20, 1992, and conducted over 40\ndifferent experiments in Life Science and Materials Science\naboard the Space Shuttle "Endeavour".\nChief Astronaut, December 1992-September 1994. Division\nChief with overall responsibility for 113 Astronauts and more\nthan 40 support personnel. Worked personnel issues,\ntraining, budgets, personnel evaluations and career planning\nas well as support for Space Shuttle flights, crew selection,\nand crew assignment.\n\n7\n\n\x0cCrew Commander, Space Shuttle Mission STS-71\nSeptember 1994-October 1995. Commanded a crew of\nfive American Astronauts and four Russian Cosmonauts\nto perform the first Docking by a Space Shuttle to the\nRussian Space Station "Mir". Developed training plans,\noperations requirements, and political and protocol\nrequirements for this unprecedented mission. Flight was\nflown successfully from June 27 to July 7, 1995.\n\nDeputy Director, Flight Crew Operations Directorate,\nOctober 1995-November 1996.Second in command of the\nDirectorate with responsibility for all NASA Houston Aircraft\nOperations, as well as the Astronaut Corps. Oversaw a\nvaried mix of operational and research aircraft with an\nannual operating budget of more than 45 million dollars, and\noversaw the activities of more than 140 Astronauts.\nCaptain and First Officer, Southwest Airlines, November\n1996 to present. Fly and operate the Boeing 737 in\nscheduled and unscheduled Airline operations.\nAerospace consultant and professional speaker, November\n1996 to present. Performed independent assessment of the\nNASA X-38 Crew Return Vehicle. Participated in proposal\npreparation for Aerojet Corporation on a Deorbit Module for\nX-38. Speaker at many forums dealing with teamwork,\nmotivation, quality control, and aviation and space\nexperiences.\nMember of the Northrop-Grumman Space Advisory Group,\n1999 to present. Work with team members to structure\nNorthrop-Grumman programs to maximize success in\ndevelopment of future space vehicles. Evaluate contract\nproposals and work with various teams to incorporate prior\nspace experience and lessons learned.\nAviation expert witness, June 1999 to present. Investigate\naviation accident cases and determine the relative merits\nand responsibilities of the parties involved. Experience in\ndepositions and in courtroom testimony.\n\n8\n\n\x0cPROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS\nFellow, Society of Experimental Test Pilots\nFellow, Explorers Club\nFellow, Academy of Model Aeronautics\nBoard member, Aviation Safety Alliance, Air Transport\nAssociation\nSpace Advisory Group Member, Northrop-Grumman\nExperimental Aircraft Association\n\nPILOT EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS\nRated as a Naval Aviator, Naval Test Pilot, and Naval Pilot\nAstronaut. FAA Ratings; Airline Transport Pilot, Multi-Engine\nLand Aircraft, Glider Rating. Aircraft Type Rating in Boeing\n737, Letters of Authorization in Mig-15, Mig-21, T-33, Fouga\nMagister, and Hawker Sea Fury Aircraft. More than 11,000\nhours flight time in more than 50 types of civilian and military\naircraft, of which more than 9000 hours are jet and rocket\npower. Experience includes more than 300 carrier landings.\nAircraft types include T-38, F-4, F-14, TA-4, T-2, A-7, F-86,\nMig-21, Mig-15, F-101, L-39, X-26, OV-1, T-34, P-51, and T28. Civilian experience includes light planes, sailplanes, and\nexperimental racing and aerobatic aircraft.\nHONORS AND AWARDS\nExperimental Aircraft Association "Freedom of Flight Award"\nJuly 1989.\nReno National Championship Air Races, Third Place,\nInternational Formula One \xe2\x80\x9cSilver Race\xe2\x80\x9d, September 1989\nWorld Record, Altitude in Horizontal Flight, Airplane Class\nC-1A, 1991\nNational Aeronautic Association, Certificate of Honor 1991\n\xe2\x80\x9cTen Most Memorable Record Flights of 1991\xe2\x80\x9d\n9\n\n\x0cFederation Aeronautique Internationale "Louis Bleriot Medal"\n1992\nFederation Aeronautique Internationale Korolev\nDiploma1992\nWorld Record, Time to Climb to 9000 Meters, Airplane\nClass C-1A, 1994\nWorld Absolute Record, Assembled Mass of Spacecraft in\nLinked Flight, Atlantis-Mir, 1995\nWorld Absolute Record, Spacecraft Duration in Linked\nFlight, Atlantis-Mir, 1995\nWorld Absolute Record, Spacecraft Altitude in Linked Flight,\nAtlantis-Mir, 1995\nRussian Republic Konstantin Tsiolkovsky Medal, 1995\nAAS Flight Achievement Award, 1995\nAviation Week Space Laurels, 1995\nNational Aeronautic Association, Certificate of Honor 1995\n\xe2\x80\x9cTen Most Memorable Record Flights of 1995\xe2\x80\x9d\nFederation Aeronautique Internationale "Yuri Gagarin Gold\nMedal" 1996\nNAA Aero Club of Northern California, "Crystal Eagle Award"\n1997\n\xe2\x80\x9cAirVenture Cup Race, 1998\xe2\x80\x9d, First Place Unlimited Class,\nKitty Hawk, NC to Oshkosh, WI, July 1998\nReno National Championship Air Races, Fifth Place,\nUnlimited Class \xe2\x80\x9cSilver Race\xe2\x80\x9d, September 1998\nReno National Championship Air Races, Third Place,\nUnlimited Class \xe2\x80\x9cSilver Race\xe2\x80\x9d, September 1999.\n\n10\n\n\x0c\xe2\x80\x9cAirVenture Cup Race, 2001\xe2\x80\x9d, First Place Reno Unlimited\nClass, Dayton OH to Oshkosh, WI, July 2001\nMilitary Decorations include; Defense Distinguished\nService Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of\nMerit, Distinguished Flying Cross, Defense Meritorious\nService Medal, Air Medal, Naval Commendation Medal with\nCombat "V", Vietnam Service Medal, and the Humanitarian\nService Medal.\nNASA Awards include the Space Flight Medal, Exceptional\nService Medal, Outstanding Leadership Medal, and four\nawards of NASA\'s highest ranking medal, the Distinguished\nService Medal.\nHonorary Doctor of Science Degree, Westminster College,\nSalt Lake City, Utah 2002.\nReno National Championship Air Races, Seventh Place,\nUnlimited Class \xe2\x80\x9cGold Race\xe2\x80\x9d, September 2002.\nInducted in \xe2\x80\x9cThe Astronaut Hall of Fame\xe2\x80\x9d, Cape Canaveral\nFL June 2003.\nReno National Championship Air Races, Seventh Place,\nUnlimited Class, \xe2\x80\x9cGold Race\xe2\x80\x9d, September 2003.\nHonorary Doctor of Science Degree, University of California,\nSan Luis Obispo, California 2004.\nWorld Speed Record, 100 KM Closed Course, Airplane\nClass C-1A, 2004.\nPUBLICATIONS\n\xe2\x80\x9cThe First Space Shuttle to Mir Docking\xe2\x80\x9d, The Society of\nExperimental Test Pilots \xe2\x80\x9cProceedings 1995\xe2\x80\x9d.\n\xe2\x80\x9cMig Pilot\xe2\x80\x9d, \xe2\x80\x9cOshkosh Memories\xe2\x80\x9d, Writer\xe2\x80\x99s Club Press, 2000.\n\xe2\x80\x9cThe End of Innocence\xe2\x80\x9d, \xe2\x80\x9cSpace Shuttle, The First 20\nYears\xe2\x80\x9d, Smithsonian Institution, DK Publishing Inc. 2002.\n11'
b'JED REDD\n\n_\n003 Boudry Lane\nFriend, TX 77500\n\n909-505-9088\[email protected]\n\nRatings/Certificates:\n\nAirline Transport Pilot: Rotorcraft-Helicopter\nCommercial Pilot: Airplane Single & Multi Engine Land; Instrument Airplane\nFCC Radiotelephone Operator Permit: Restricted\nU.S. Passport\nFAA Second Class Medical\n\nFlight Times:\n\nTotal: 3545\n\nTotal Flight Time\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6...\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa63545\nPilot in Command\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.\xe2\x80\xa61543\nMulti Engine R/W\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6..\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa63249\nSingle Engine R/W\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.\xe2\x80\xa6..\xe2\x80\xa6..149\nME/SE F/W\xe2\x80\xa6......\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.....148\n\nNVG\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6..........\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6701\nIFR\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6 289\nOffshore*..\xe2\x80\xa6..\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6................\xe2\x80\xa6...538\nNight\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6..387\n\nMH-65 (AS-365)\xe2\x80\xa6..\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa62424\nUH-60 (S-70)\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6..825\nUH-1 (B-205)\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa669\nTH-67 (B-206)\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6. 87\n\nFlight Experience:\n7/11 - pres\n\nU.S. Coast Guard\nAir Station Houston, TX\n\nAS365 Pilot in Command: Homeland Security in a\nlarge energy port. Search and Rescue (SAR) support for\ncargo vessels, commercial fishing, oil platforms.\n\n7/07 \xe2\x80\x93 6/11\n\nU.S. Coast Guard\nAir Station Atlantic City, NJ\n\nAS365 Pilot in Command: Rotary Wing Air Intercept\nmission supporting Air Defense Zone in Washington,\nDC. SAR area of responsibility from NY to VA.\n\n3/03 \xe2\x80\x93 6/07\n\nU.S. Coast Guard\nAir Station Miami, FL\n\nAS365 Pilot in Command: SAR, migrant/drug interdiction,\nMEDEVAC (EMS), shipboard operations throughout South\nFlorida and the Caribbean.\n\n11/00 \xe2\x80\x93 9/01\n\nU.S. Army\nFort Irwin, CA\n\nS-70 Black Hawk PIC: MEDEVAC (EMS) support for the\nNational Training Center and surrounding areas. Desert\noperations.\n\n11/99 \xe2\x80\x93 11/00\n\nU.S. Army\nSeoul Air Base, S. Korea\n\nS-70 Pilot in Command: VIP transportation throughout the\nRepublic of Korea for the United Nations staff. Unit Trainer\nfor \xe2\x80\x9cNo-Fly Line\xe2\x80\x9d, restricted corridors, and the P-518\nrestricted military zone.\n\n2/97 \xe2\x80\x93 10/99\n\nU.S. Army\nFort Campbell, KY\n\nS-70 Pilot: Utility pilot supporting air assault operations,\nformation flight, external loads, and rappels.\n\nTraining and Education:\n7/02 - 1/03\n9/01 - 11/01\n2/96 - 10/96\nAug 1994\n\nPolice Dept, City of New York - NYS Penal law, firearms, tactics, social science, police science\nPilot\xe2\x80\x99s Choice Aviation, Georgetown, TX - Commercial/Instrument Airplane SEL and MEL\nU.S. Army Initial Entry Rotary Wing Training, Fort Rucker, AL\nArizona State University; B.S., Airway Science Management'
b'Lauren B. Pires\nMiami, Florida & New York City\nPhone: 475.282.5126\nEmail: [email protected]\n\n!\nObjective\nI am a multi-lingual, friendly, caring, and service-oriented professional who seeks a position as a private flight\nattendant. I have strong hospitality and customer service skills that provide exceptional levels of passenger\nsatisfaction. In addition, I deliver uncompromising degrees of service, security, comfort, and confidentiality\xe2\x80\x94\nideal for a distinguished clientele.\n\nLanguages\nI am fluent in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.\n\nProfessional Experience\nCorporate VIP Flight Attendant\n\nPresent Position\n\n\xe2\x80\xa2 Ensuring comfort and safety to our clients while maintaining confidentiality\nFood and Beverage Coordinator\n\n2010 to present\n\n\xe2\x96\xaa Interact with exclusive clients at premiere nightclubs, private events, and upmarket restaurants\nPremiere Academy (Windermere, FL)\xe2\x80\x94Private Teacher for Elite Class\n\n2014 to present\n\n\xe2\x96\xaa Manage small classroom setting for the children of high-profile parents\n\xe2\x96\xaa Maintain confidentiality and manage visibility\n\xe2\x96\xaa Establish rapport and build trust with students and parents\nUniversity of Bridgeport\xe2\x80\x94Senior Undergraduate Counselor\n\n2010 to 2014\n\n\xe2\x96\xaa Responsible for developing relationships with all undergraduate students from the New York City Area\nPark City Magnet School\xe2\x80\x94Head Teacher\n2007 to 2010\n\xe2\x96\xaa Taught students with special needs\nThomas Hooker Elementary School\xe2\x80\x94Teacher\n\n2004 to 2007\n\n\xe2\x96\xaa Taught students with special needs\n\xe2\x96\xaa Provided required accommodations to students on an individual basis\n\xe2\x96\xaa Helped students become effective community members\nCentury 21\xe2\x80\x94Administrative Assistant\n\xe2\x96\xaa Responsible for arranging, billing, and collecting for guest accommodations\n\nEducation\nUniversity of Connecticut\n\xe2\x96\xaa M.S. Counseling\n\xe2\x96\xaa B.S. Human Development and Family Studies\n\nTraining & Certifications\nBeyond & Above I am a trained flight attendant. I am current in Parts 91, 125, and 135. My aircraftspecific training has included Challenger, Embraer, Gulfstream, and legacy aircraft in addition to\nthe Boeing 757, Corporate Specific Catering, Aircrew Combated Training. Aircare inflight medical.\n\n2000 to 2003'
b"Free Flight Attendant Resume\nDarlene Flint\n809 West Orlander St\nPortland, OR 97002\n(502) 837 - 5555\n__________________\nObjective\nFlight Attendant.\nHighlights\nExtensive customer service experience. Excellent interpersonal communication skills. Ability to remain\ncalm in crisis situation. Flexible Schedule\nExperience\nAir Pacific, Portland, OR\nFlight Attendant, 2005 - Present\nPerformed all necessary flight attendant duties. Responsibilities included assisting customers with\nspecial needs or requests, meal and drink service, assisting pilots and other flight crew, and performing\nall relevant safety procedures.\nCarnival Cruise Line\nCruise Attendant, 2001 - 2005\nAttended passengers during tours on luxury cruise ships, which toured the Carribean and the Gulf of\nMexico.\nThe Shoe Source, Charlotte, NC\nAssistant Manager, 1997 - 2000\nResponsible for overseeing all aspects of customer service for one Charlotte's largest discount shoe\noutlets. Duties included opening and closing the store, hiring and training new recruits, and handling\nmanagerial functions if needed. Named employee of the month on nine seperate occasions.\nEducation\n\n\x0cCertificate of Completion, 2004\nDelta Flight Attendant Training School\nA.A., Business, 1997\nUniversity of North Carolina, Ashville, NC"
b'Corporate Flight Attendant Resume\nCAITLIN FLANAGAN\n12031 Waples Mill Rd\nBeacon, NY 12508\n(333)-975-0483\n[email]\nJob Objective To obtain a position as a Corporate Flight Attendant.\nSummary of Qualifications:\n\xef\x82\xb7Certified Air Flight Attendant with experience in delivering onboard flight announcements\n\xef\x82\xb7Ability to use and follow all emergency equipment and procedures\n\xef\x82\xb7Strong physical ability to push and move beverage and meal serving trolley\n\xef\x82\xb7Amazing ability to follow promotions and new procedures\n\xef\x82\xb7Ability to work under pressure and perform multi tasks\n\xef\x82\xb7Exceptional and self motivated approach towards work\n\xef\x82\xb7Flexible, friendly, and outgoing\n\xef\x82\xb7Excellent verbal communications and interpersonal skills\n\xef\x82\xb7Outstanding ability to deliver excellent customer service\nWork Experience:\nFlight Attendant, August 2005 to till date\nMichel Productions, Beacon, NY\n\xef\x82\xb7Ensured safety of the passengers under all circumstances.\n\xef\x82\xb7Performed tasks like champagne presentation, galley and food safety.\n\xef\x82\xb7Interacted with the flight deck crew members from time to time regarding safety measures.\n\xef\x82\xb7Assisted in providing comfort to all passengers throughout the flight.\n\xef\x82\xb7Checked cash collection forms and documents.\n\xef\x82\xb7Performed all duties assigned with a flexible and adaptable attitude.\nFlight Attendant, May 2000 to July 2005\nSpin Productions, Beacon, NY\n\n\x0c\xef\x82\xb7Adhered to safety procedures and took other relevant precautions when required.\n\xef\x82\xb7Contributed as member of Cabin Crew.\n\xef\x82\xb7Ensured safe and comfy air travel to all passengers.\n\xef\x82\xb7Assisted passengers throughout trip.\n\xef\x82\xb7Maintained high onboard standards consistently.\nEducation\nAssociate Degree in Aviation, University of New Haven, Connecticut, CT'
b'MAJOR CONRAD A. PREEDOM\n2354 Fairchild Dr., Suite 6H-126\nUSAF Academy, CO 80840-5099\n(719) 333-8259\[email protected]\nTEACHING EXPERIENCE\nAssistant Professor of Management, Director of Curriculum, US Air Force Academy, CO, 2009-Present\nCoordinated over 200 classes annually for 35 faculty members and over 600 cadets; developed curriculum for advanced\nmanagement courses; provided classroom instruction to 12 sections of cadets over 5 semesters in multiple upper-level\ncourses; provided focused professional mentorship to more 30 cadets.\nDiamond Star T-52A Instructor Pilot, US Air Force Academy, CO, 2008-Present\nPerformed Instructor Pilot duties in a single-engine Diamond Star DA-40 trainer aircraft; provided instruction to\nseasoned Air Force pilots as well as US Air Force Academy cadets both in and out of the cockpit.\nCessna T-37B Instructor Pilot, Laughlin Air Force Base, TX, 2000-2003\nPerformed Instructor Pilot duties at the US Air Force\xe2\x80\x99s largest pilot training base in Air Force\xe2\x80\x99s primary jet trainer;\nprovided both classroom instruction and flight instruction in all aspects of flying to include traffic patterns/landings,\naerobatic flight, spin training, instrument flying, formation flying and both day and night cross country navigation.\nSchweitzer 2-33 Instructor Pilot, US Air Force Academy, CO, 1995-1998\nPerformed Instructor Pilot duties in the US Air Force Academy\xe2\x80\x99s Soar for All program; provided flight-line and sailplane\ncockpit instruction to 5 semesters of cadets with a focus on aero-tow, primary maneuvering, traffic patterns and landing.\nFLYING EXPERIENCE\n2009 \xe2\x80\x93 Present 160 Flight Hours/145 Instructor Pilot Hours in Diamond Star DA-40 (USAF T-52)\n2004 \xe2\x80\x93 2007\n442 Hours/45 Flight Lead Hours in McDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle\n2003 \xe2\x80\x93 2004\n19 Hours in Northrop AT-38B\n2000 \xe2\x80\x93 2003\n1,311 Flight Hours/1051 Instructor Pilot Hours in Cessna T-37B\n1999 \xe2\x80\x93 2000\n26 Flight Hours in Northrop T-38A\n1995 \xe2\x80\x93 1998\n250 Flight Hours/175 Instructor Pilot Hours in Schweitzer 2-33 (USAF TG-4)\nOther Aircraft Flown include the Slingsby T-3A Firefly, Cessna T-41C/D, and the Cessna 172.\nUSAF DUTY HISTORY\n2008 \xe2\x80\x93 Present Assistant Professor of Management, Director of Curriculum, US Air Force Academy, CO\n2007 \xe2\x80\x93 2008\nDirector of Staff, Seventh Air Force Operations/Plans (A3 & A5), Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea\n2004 \xe2\x80\x93 2007\nCommander of Plans Flight, F-15E Multi-ship Flight Lead, Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, NC\n2003 \xe2\x80\x93 2004\nF-15E Student Pilot, Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, NC\n2000 \xe2\x80\x93 2003\nExecutive Officer 47th Operations Group, T-37B Instructor Pilot, Laughlin Air Force Base, TX\n1999 \xe2\x80\x93 2000\nUS Air Force Pilot Training Student, Laughlin Air Force Base, TX\nFORMAL EDUCATION\nMBA, Business Administration & Management, University of Pittsburgh, PA; 1999, GPA 3.88\nBS, Operations Research, US Air Force Academy, CO; 1998, GPA 3.72\nPROFESSIONAL MILITARY EDUCATION\nAir Command and Staff College \xe2\x80\x93 2008\nSquadron Officer School \xe2\x80\x93 2005\nRATINGS AND CERTIFICATIONS\nCertified Flight Instructor, Federal Aviation Administration \xe2\x80\x93 2010\nSenior Pilot, United States Air Force \xe2\x80\x93 2007\nCommercial Pilot, Federal Aviation Administration \xe2\x80\x93 2000\nPilot, United States Air Force \xe2\x80\x93 2000\nBasic Parachutist, United States Air Force \xe2\x80\x93 1995\n\n\x0cHONOR and AWARDS\nField Grade Officer of the Quarter, Division Level, Dept of Management, US Air Force Academy, CO \xe2\x80\x93 2010\nOutstanding Academy Educator Award, Dept of Management, US Air Force Academy, CO \xe2\x80\x93 2010\nField Grade Officer of the Quarter, Division Level, Dept of Management, US Air Force Academy, CO \xe2\x80\x93 2009\nF. Theodore Helmer Teaching Award, Department of Management, US Air Force Academy, CO \xe2\x80\x93 2008\nCompany Grade Officer of the Quarter, 4th Operations Support Squadron, Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, NC \xe2\x80\x93 2006\nF-15E Leadership Award, 334th Fighter Squadron, Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, NC \xe2\x80\x93 2004\nInstructor Pilot of the Year, 84th Flying Training Squadron, Laughlin Air Force Base, TX \xe2\x80\x93 2002\nCompany Grade Officer of the Quarter, 84th Flying Training Squadron, Laughlin Air Force Base, TX \xe2\x80\x93 2002\nBeta Gamma Sigma Honor Society, Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh, PA \xe2\x80\x93 1999\nDistinguished Graduate, United States Air Force Academy, CO \xe2\x80\x93 1998\nOmega Rho Honor Society for Operations Research, United States Air Force Academy, CO \xe2\x80\x93 1998\nAIR FORCE AWARDS AND DECORATIONS\nMeritorious Service Medal\nAir Force Commendation Medal\nAir Force Achievement Medal\nAir Force Outstanding Unit Award\nAir Force Organizational Excellence Award\nCombat Readiness Medal\nNational Defense Service Medal\nGlobal War on Terrorism Service Medal\nKorean Defense Service Medal\nAF Longevity Service\nSmall Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon (Pistol)\nAF Training Ribbon'
b'STACY SAMPLE\n\n702 800-0000 cell\n\[email protected]\n\nQualifications\n\nFlight Time\n\nFlight Ratings\nFAA ATP \xe2\x80\x93 Airline Transport Pilot\nCFI / Rotorcraft-Helicopter\nS-70, S-92 Type-ratings\nMedical\nFAA Class 1\n\nExperience\nSikorsky S-76 & S-92 Test Pilot\nJul 2007 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\nTotal\n\n6867\n\nPilot in Command\nPilot\nHelicopter Multi-Engine\nCross Country\nInstrument IFR/Hood\nActual Weather\n\n5673\n1194\n4660\n3847\n832\n369\n\nNight\nNight Vision Goggle\nOffshore/Overwater\nExternal Load\nEMS\nMountain\n\n1342\n528\n574\n263\n541\n2693\n\nSikorsky Aircraft Corporation \xe2\x80\x93 Coatesville, PA\nS-76 and S-92 Production Test Pilot \xe2\x80\x93 Maintenance test pilot, engineering\ntest flight, civil and foreign military flight instructor, customer\ndemonstrations, international IFR, VFR, and overwater experience.\n\nBell 430 Corporate IFR Captain\nJan 2006 \xe2\x80\x93 Jun 2007\n\nElite Aviation \xe2\x80\x93 Los Angeles, CA\nSingle Pilot Bell 430 Corporate IFR Captain \xe2\x80\x93 Off-airport landing,\nlogistics, and air/ground security. Company contract included occasional\nScreen Actors Guild motion picture work. Part 91, 135.\n\nSikorsky S-76 EMS Captain\nOct 2003 \xe2\x80\x93 Dec 2005\n\nChildren\xe2\x80\x99s Hospital Los Angeles / Helinet Aviation \xe2\x80\x93Van Nuys, CA\nSingle Pilot S-76 EMS Captain \xe2\x80\x93 Mountainous, rooftop and confined\nareas. Off-day schedule included AS350 & S-76 charter, corporate\ntransport, film work, ENG, and maintenance test flight. Part 91,135.\n\nAS 350 Charter / Tour Pilot\nJan 2002 \xe2\x80\x93 Sep 2003\n\nSundance Helicopters \xe2\x80\x93 Las Vegas, NV and Grand Canyon, AZ\nEurocopter AS 350 Charter Pilot \xe2\x80\x93 Tour, charter, and maintenance flights.\nHigh temp/DA, and high canyon winds at max gross weight, above 5000ft\nmountainous terrain. Part 91,135.\n\nSikorsky S-70 & Bell 205 Pilot\nJan 1994 \xe2\x80\x93 Nov 2001\n\nUnited States Army \xe2\x80\x93 US and the Middle East\nS-70 and Bell 205 Pilot in Command \xe2\x80\x93 Night vision goggle, low level,\nexternal load, rappel, fast rope, parachute drop, drug intervention,\noverwater, medevac, pinnacle, confined area, desert, high temp/DA, and\nabove 10,000ft mountainous terrain.\n\nEducation\nManufacturer Approved Courses\nSikorsky 70 / 76 / 92 / Bell 430\nMaster of Aeronautical Science\n2014\nBachelor of Science Aeronautics\n2010\nUH-1 Huey / UH-60 Black Hawk\n1994-1996\n\nFlight Safety International\nInitial type-ratings and recurrent training\nEmbry-Riddle Aeronautical University\nSpecialization in Aviation/Aerospace Education Technology\nEmbry-Riddle Aeronautical University\nSumma cum laude\nU.S. Army Flight School\nFort Rucker, AL\nBell 205 (UH-1) and Sikorsky S-70 (UH-60) aircraft qualifications'
b'Entry Level Resume Guide\n\nThis packet is intended to serve as a starting point for creating or improving your resume.\nIt includes sample resumes, as well as best practices and helpful resources for developing a\nsuccessful document.\nDePaul University\xe2\x80\x99s Peer Career Advisors are available on a walk-in basis to assist you with\ncreating and/or improving your resume. Inquire about Peer Career Advisor Program hours\nby calling the Career Center at (312) 362-8437 (Loop Campus) or (773) 325-7431 (Lincoln\nPark Campus).\n\n\x0cContents\nI.\n\nResume Purpose, Design, & Mechanics\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6..\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6..Page 3\n\nII.\n\nKey Elements of a Successful Resumes\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6....Page 4\nThis document is intended to guide you in creating your resume by outlining\nimportant types of information to include and tips for doing so in a professional and\npersuasive manner. Please note this is not intended as a template and the format\nemployed may or may not best represent you. Consider meeting with a Peer Career\nAdvisor to discuss how you might best layout your own resume.\n\nIII.\n\nTransferable Skills & Action Verbs\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6.Page 5\nTransferable skills are those that can be applied in a variety of industries and job\nfunctions. Considering which transferable skills you want to convey to employers is a\ngreat place to start when composing your resume. This list is a sampling of the types of\nskills you might highlight on your resume, in addition to those skills that are more\nspecific to your major, intended industry, or job function.\nA sampling of action verbs is also included on this page. Be sure to use strong action\nverbs to begin each of your bulleted statements, previewing the skill to be exemplified\nthrough the accomplishment statement.\n\nIV.\n\nChronological Resume Samples...\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6...Pages 6-11\nIn this most commonly accepted resume format, job titles and employers are\nemphasized, starting with your most recent experiences to illustrate a progressive work\nhistory. Your skills and accomplishments are described through bulleted statements\nunder each position. This resume type is recommended for people who have recently\ngraduated with a bachelor\xe2\x80\x99s degree, those who are staying within the same career field,\nand candidates with few time gaps in their job history. This type is most often preferred\nby employers because it is easy to scan, highlights job titles, employers, and dates, and\nclearly ties candidates\xe2\x80\x99 skills and accomplishments to their work histories.\n\nV.\n\nFunctional & Combination Resume Samples...\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6..Pages 12-13\nThis format is an option for candidates who have changed employers frequently,\nhave gaps in their employment history, or are hoping to transition to a new industry\nor unrelated job function. Functional resumes enable candidates to highlight\ntransferable skills, placing less emphasis on employment dates, job titles, and\nemployers.\n\nVI.\n\nAdditional Career Center Resume Resources\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\xa6...Page 14\n\n2\n\n\x0cI. Resume Purpose, Design, & Mechanics\nThe purpose of a resume is to market yourself to employers by succinctly summarizing your education, experience,\nand skills, ultimately aiming to convince employers to invite you to interview. When conceptualizing your resume,\nthink of it as a marketing tool, rather than a simple work history, as it is intended to promote you as the perfect\ncandidate for the opportunity at hand.\nResume writing is an art, not a science. There is no one correct way to formulate a resume, but there are some best\npractices and standards that the Career Center recommends. Stand out from the crowd with high quality content\nand a clearly written, error-free document. Sequence the information from most important to least important with\nregard to your career objective. When constructing bullet points, aim to highlight accomplishments that exemplify\nthe skills you possess and employers are seeking.\n\xef\x81\xb6 Length: With a few rare exceptions, when applying for internships or entry-level jobs, students should\nkeep their resume to 1 page. If you have difficulty narrowing down your resume, consider removing\nelements that are not closely related to the opportunities for which you are applying.\n\xef\x81\xb6 Margins: Make your resume visually attractive. Use some whitespace to allow the reader\xe2\x80\x99s eye to rest.\nUsing .5 inch to 1.5 inch margins is recommended.\n\xef\x81\xb6 Font: Use a font that is easy to read. Times New Roman, Arial, and Courier New are good choices. A\n10-12 point font size is recommended.\n\xef\x81\xb6 Consistency: Keep the formatting consistent throughout your resume. For example, if you choose to bold\na job title, make sure you bold every job title. Also, make sure that all of your bullet points, section headers,\ndates, etc. line up neatly on the page.\n\xef\x81\xb6 Accuracy: Your resume, and all other job search materials, must be 100% error free. Be sure to carefully\nread through your resume, checking grammar, spelling, and punctuation. It is a good idea to have at least\n2-3 people proofread it as well.\n\xef\x81\xb6 Be Accomplishment-Orientated: Employers hire you for your skills and want to read about times when\nyou have successfully utilized the skills they are seeking. Describe achievements, rather than listing duties,\nquantify outcomes whenever possible, and be sure to highlight your proficiency in both technical (industry\nor job function-specific) and transferable skills.\n\xef\x81\xb6 Use Action Verbs: Strengthen your bullet points by beginning each with an action verb that previews the\nskill to be exemplified in that accomplishment statement. This allows a potential employer to more easily\nscan your resume for what he or she is seeking.\n\xef\x81\xb6 Make it Clear and Be Succinct: Eliminate the pronoun \xe2\x80\x9cI\xe2\x80\x9d at the beginning of each bullet point as this is\nassumed. Avoid introductory and wind-up phrases such as \xe2\x80\x9cMy duties included...\xe2\x80\x9d and \xe2\x80\x9cMy responsibilities\nwere\xe2\x80\xa6\xe2\x80\x9d\n\xef\x81\xb6 Overall Appearance: Ask yourself and others if your document is easy to read and professional looking.\nAlso, consider that the average recruiter may scan your resume for 30 seconds or less. Make sure that your\nmost important information stands out.\n\n3\n\n\x0cII. Key Elements of a Successful Resume\nYour First and Last Name\n\xe2\x99\xa6 Phone number \xe2\x99\xa6 Email address \xe2\x99\xa6 Street address \xe2\x99\xa6 City, state & zip code \xe2\x99\xa6\n_______________________________________________________________________________________________________\nOBJECTIVE\nCreate a statement describing or naming the position you are seeking to obtain. You may also include the specific field or area\nyou are interested in and the skills and expertise you could contribute to the company. This section is optional and could be\nomitted or substituted with a \xe2\x80\x95Career Highlights\xe2\x80\x96 or \xe2\x80\x95Summary of Qualifications\xe2\x80\x96 section.\n_______________________________________________________________________________________________________\nEDUCATION\nInstitution City, State\n(Expected) Graduation Month Year\nWrite out the full name of your (expected) degree; also list Minors and Concentrations\nGPA: 4.0/4.0 (it is recommended that you include your GPA if it is 3.0 or higher)\nOther possible information to include: Study Abroad experiences, Relevant Coursework, or Academic Awards and Honors.\n_______________________________________________________________________________________________________\nEXPERIENCE, RELEVANT EXPERIENCE, INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE [possible titles/descriptive headings]\nOrganization, Your Job Title \xe2\x80\x93 City, State\nMonth Year - Month Year\nThe position header above is one example of formatting. Other formats can include using two lines or rearranging the order of\nthe Organization, Job Title, Location, and Dates to emphasize the most important elements.\nYou can bold or italicize your title or your organization\xe2\x80\x94whichever is more relevant, but be consistent.\nIn this section include bulleted accomplishment statements, which provide examples of times you have successfully used the\nskills employers are seeking.\nStart with a strong action verb, then follow with an explanation of what you were doing, describe how you did it, and, when\npossible, include any outcomes that you achieved. Remember, statements should ultimately convey your proficiency in one or\nmore skill sets of interest to the employer by way of providing an example of when you have used them.\nConsider the following questions to help you create more effective bullet points: What was the result/outcome of your work?\nWhat were your accomplishments? How did you help the organization? What skills/knowledge did you enhance? How does\nthis experience relate to your internship/employment goal?\nOrganization, Your Job Title \xe2\x80\x93 City, State\nMonth Year - Month Year\nBulleted statements should be in the proper tense (past or present tense) and use consistent grammar and punctuation.\nBe specific by including quantity, frequency, population, and impact of your work whenever possible.\nMake sure your resume is easy to read and not too text heavy. Avoid using colors, multiple fonts, pictures, being too brief, or\nmaking it too dense. Make it your own, but be professional.\n_______________________________________________________________________________________________________\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE, LEADERSHIP, HONORS, ACTIVITIES, COMMUNITY SERVICE, VOLUNTEER,\nPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT [possible titles/descriptive headings]\nOrganization, Your Job Title \xe2\x80\x93 City, State\nMonth Year - Month Year\nUsing multiple experience sections is optional and allows you to emphasize (by placing it closer to the top) your most relevant\nexperience. Experiences within a section should be listed in reverse chronological order.\nPositions within this section should be formatted like previous experience sections, but may or may not include bullet points.\nIn an additional experience section, you can include work experiences that may not be directly related to the job you are\napplying to, but add to your credibility by exemplifying a progressive work history.\nEmphasize your transferable skills, those that can be taken from one experience and applied elsewhere.\nOrganization, Your Role (e.g. Member, Participant, Honoree, or Presenter) \xe2\x80\x93 City, State Month Year - Month Year\nThis section can also be an opportunity to share your experiences as a leader, honors received, community involvement,\nprofessional development activities, or membership in organizations. As illustrated, replace \xe2\x80\x95job title\xe2\x80\x96 with the role you played.\nIncluding bullet points is optional, depending on what you wish to convey to a potential employer.\n_______________________________________________________________________________________________________\nADDITIONAL SKILLS [List skills that are testable and concrete. Soft skills such as communication, organizational, and\ninterpersonal skills should not be listed here, but rather incorporated into your bulleted accomplishment statements above.]\nTechnology: Try to include programs that would not be assumed based on education and include your proficiency level. For\nexample: Advanced User of Microsoft Office Suite, including Outlook, Excel, and PowerPoint, as well as Adobe Photoshop.\nLanguages: For example: Proficient in oral and written German; Beginner knowledge of Spanish.\n\n4\n\n\x0cIII. Transferable Skills & Action Verbs\nTRANSFERABLE SKILLS\nTransferable skills are those that can be applied in multiple work settings. Consider incorporating them, in addition to those\nthat are specific to your intended career field, by providing examples of when you have successfully used them in your\nbulleted accomplishment statements. Some examples of transferable skills include the following:\nCLERICAL\nBookkeeping\nClassifying\nCollecting\nCompiling\nComputing\nExamining\nFiling\nOrganizing\nRecording\nWord processing\n\nCREATIVE\nDesigning\nDeveloping\nEstablishing\nIllustrating\nImagining\nImprovising\nInventing\nperforming\nRevitalizing\nVisualizing\n\nHUMAN RELATIONS\nAdvising\nAssisting\nCounseling\nEmpathizing\nFacilitating\nGuiding\nListening\nMotivating\nRepresenting\nServing\n\nPUBLIC RELATIONS\nConducting\nConsulting\nInforming\nPlanning\nPresenting\nPromoting\nRepresenting\nResponding\nResearching\nWriting\n\nRESEARCH\nAssessing\nCalculating\nCollecting\nDiagnosing\nEvaluating\nExamining\nExtrapolating\nInterviewing\nInvestigating\nSynthesizing\n\nCOMMUNICATION\nEditing\nExplaining\nInfluencing\nInterpreting\nlistening\nMediating\nPromoting\nSpeaking\nTranslating\nWriting\n\nFINANCIAL\nAccounting\nAdministering\nAllocating\nAuditing\nBalancing\nCalculating\nForecasting\nInvesting\nProjecting\n\nMANAGEMENT\nCommunicating\nConsulting\nCoordinating\nDelegating\nDirecting\nEvaluating\nLeading\nNegotiating\nPersuading\nPlanning\n\nPROBLEM SOLVING\nAnalyzing\nAppraising\nDiagnosing\nExamining\nExecuting\nPlanning\nProving\nReasoning\nRecognizing\nValidating\n\nTECHNICAL\nAdjusting\nAligning\nAssembling\nDrafting\nEngineering\nInstalling\nObserving\nOperating\nProgramming\nRepairing\n\nTRAINING\nAdapting\nCommunicating\nDemonstrating\nEnabling\nEncouraging\nEvaluating\nExplaining\nInstructing\nPlanning\nStimulating\n\nACTION VERBS\nBeginning each bulleted accomplishment statement with a strong action verb helps to highlight your successes and allows a\nreader to get a sense of your skills by scanning the page prior to reading each individual bullet point. It is a good idea to vary\nthe action verbs on your resume in order to appeal to different audiences. Below is a list of verbs to help get you started.\nA\nAchieved\nActed\nAdapted\nAdjusted\nAdministered\nAdvanced\nAdvised\nAltered\nAnalyzed\nAppraised\nArranged\nAssembled\nAssessed\nAudited\nB\nBalanced\nBudgeted\nBuilt\nC\nCalculated\nCalibrated\nCategorized\nCharted\nClassified\nCoached\nCollected\nCombined\nCommunicated\nCompiled\nComposed\nComputed\nConducted\nConfigured\nConsolidated\nConstructed\n\nConsulted\nContrasted\nControlled\nConverted\nConvinced\nCoordinated\nCounseled\nCounted\nCreated\nCultivated\nD\nDecided\nDecreased\nDefined\nDelivered\nDemonstrated\nDesigned\nDetected\nDetermined\nDeveloped\nDevised\nDiagnosed\nDifferentiated\nDistributed\nDocumented\nDoubled\nDrafted\nE\nEdited\nEliminated\nEncouraged\nEngineered\nEnhanced\nEnsured\nEstablished\nEstimated\n\nEvaluated\nExamined\nExecuted\nExpanded\nExpedited\nF\nFacilitated\nFiled\nFilled\nForecasted\nFormulated\nFostered\nFulfilled\nG\nGained\nGathered\nGenerated\nGrew\nGuided\nH\nHandled\nHeaded\nHired\nI\nIdentified\nIllustrated\nImplemented\nImproved\nIncreased\nInfluenced\nInformed\nInitiated\nInspected\nInstalled\nInstituted\nInstructed\n\nIntegrated\nIntended\nInterviewed\ninvented\nInvestigated\nL\nLaunched\nLectured\nLed\nLiaised\nLogged\nM\nMaintained\nManaged\nManufactured\nMarketed\nMeasured\nMediated\nMentored\nMigrated\nMinimized\nMonitored\nMotivated\nN\nNegotiated\nO\nObtained\nOperated\nOrchestrated\nOrdered\nOrganized\nOriginated\nOversaw\nP\nPerformed\nPersuaded\n\nPlanned\nPosted\nPrepared\nPrescribed\nPresented\nPriced\nProcessed\nProduced\nPromoted\nProposed\nProtected\nProvided\nPurchased\nR\nRealized\nReceived\nRecommended\nReconciled\nRecorded\nRecruited\nRedesigned\nReduced\nReferred\nRemoved\nReorganized\nRepaired\nReported\nRepresented\nResearched\nResolved\nRestructured\nRevamped\nReviewed\nRevised\nRevitalized\nRouted\n\nS\nScheduled\nSelected\nSeparated\nServed\nServiced\nSet up\nSimplified\nSold\nSolved\nSpecified\nStarted\nStrategized\nStreamlined\nStrengthened\nStudied\nSummarized\nSupervised\nSupplied\nSupported\nT\nTested\nTracked\nTrained\nTransformed\nTranslated\nTroubleshot\nU\nUpdated\nUpgraded\nV\nVerified\nW\nWeighed\nWired\nWon\n\n5\n\n\x0cIV. Chronological Resume Samples\nSAMPLE 1: Chronological Resume\n\nMin Nguyen\[email protected]\nPermanent Address:\n1515 Howard Street\nAtlanta, GA 30342\n(404) 555-5555\nEducation\n\nDePaul University, Chicago, IL\nBachelor of Arts in Public Relations and Advertising\nExpected June 2012\nG.P.A. 3.3/4.0\nAcademic Honors: Dean\xe2\x80\x99s List all quarters in attendance\nGolden Key International\n\nCoursework Advertising Campaigns\nAdvertising Media Planning\nExperience\n\nCurrent Address:\n2500 North Kenmore #2\nChicago, IL 60614\n(312) 555-5555\n\nHealthcare and Public Relations\nCrisis Communication\n\nDePaul Student Government, Chicago, IL\n2008 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nAdvertising Staff\nAssist in production of independent and commercial documentary films.\nCoordinate media relations and arrange promotional events.\nCollaborate with marketing and creative staff on press releases, space ads,\nposters, and dealer promotions.\nIrvin and Smith, Inc., Atlanta, GA\nSummers 2008, 2009\nAdministrative Assistant\nResearched new market opportunities by investigating and identifying potential\ncustomers and competitors.\nProvided status reports to management on all operations activities on a weekly\nbasis.\nWorked with advertising, sales, and technical groups to develop brochures and\ntrade show displays.\nArranged employee travel to and from conventions and conferences.\n\nLeadership\n\nSkills\n\nDePaul University, Chicago, IL\n2009 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nFreshman Orientation Leader\nFamiliarize students with on campus support services and facilitate tours of\nDePaul\xe2\x80\x99s Campus\nDePaul University Accounting Club, Chicago, IL\nTreasurer\n\n2009 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\nStudent Newspaper\nStaff Writer\n\n2008 \xe2\x80\x93 2010\n\nLanguage: Conversational in Spanish\nComputer: Proficient in Microsoft Office, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint\n6\n\n\x0cSAMPLE 2: Chronological Resume\n\nMartha Smith [email protected]\n2425 N. Sheffield, Apt #602 ~ Chicago, IL 60614 ~ (773) 555 \xe2\x80\x935555\n\nObjective\n\nTo obtain an internship in marketing or communications in which I can contribute my\ninterpersonal, writing, and time management skills.\n\nEducation\n\nDePaul University, Chicago, IL\nBachelor of Arts in English, June 2011\nMinor in Japanese Studies\nG.P.A. 3.4/4.0\nRitsumeikan University , Kyoto, Japan\nStudy Abroad Program, Winter Quarter 2010\n\nExperience\n\nCNA Insurance Company, Chicago, IL\nJuly 2009 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nMarketing Support Clerk\n\xef\x82\xa7 Conduct an average of 50-75 telephone interviews per week with customers from target\nmarkets.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Collect and analyze quantitative and qualitative research data using internet databases,\nprescribed interviewing techniques, and SPSS.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Draft marketing materials to be included in new publications.\nMcDermott, Will & Emery Law Firm, Chicago, IL\nMay 2008 \xe2\x80\x93 June 2009\nReceptionist\n\xef\x82\xa7 Directed incoming calls on a 40-line switchboard.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Greeted clients and instructed them to fill out appropriate paperwork.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Organized all aspects of a luncheon for the law firm\xe2\x80\x99s attorneys and their clients.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Created and maintained an electronic filing system, enabling users to access scanned\ndocuments remotely.\nMacy\xe2\x80\x99s Department Store, Chicago, IL\nSeasonal 2007 & 2008\nSales Associate\n\xef\x82\xa7 Assisted and advised customers on purchases of various merchandise.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Dealt with customer inquiries and complaints in a polite and efficient manner.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Executed special customer orders via telephone, email, and fax.\n\nActivities\n\nDePaul Ambassador Club, Member\nStudent Advisory Board, Member\nMarketing Club member, Special Events Coordinator\nAlpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Member\n\nSkills\n\nProficient in Windows, Word, Excel, Outlook, and SPSS\nFunctional in PowerPoint\nFluent in verbal and written Japanese\n\n2008 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n2008 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n2008 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n2007 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\n7\n\n\x0cSAMPLE 3: Chronological Resume\n\nHector Gonzales\n123 Software Way\n312-555-5555\nChicago, IL 60000\[email protected]\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\nOBJECTIVE: To obtain a part-time or internship position in which I can contribute 1+ years of IT experience and\neducation, as well as my collaboration and communication skills.\nEDUCATION:\nBachelor of Science in Computer Science, DePaul University, Chicago, IL\nCumulative GPA: 3.0/4.0; Major GPA: 3.6/4.0\n\nExpected June 2011\n\nTECHNICAL SUMMARY:\nLanguages: C++, Visual Basic, Cobol, Java, HTML, JavaScript\nSoftware: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, WordPerfect, Front Page\nOperating Systems: Windows, UNIX, DOS\nDatabases: Access, SQL\nCOURSE PROJECTS:\nSystem Analysis and Design\nWinter 2010\nProduction Control Project\n\xef\x82\xa7 Led a team of five students in designing, coding and implementing an SQL database.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Entered and updated information using a search engine robot.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Completed analysis and designed documentation with data flow diagrams, structure charts, process\nspecifications, data-dictionary and a user manual.\nE-Commerce\nSummer 2009\nWebsite Design Project\n\xef\x82\xa7 Designed a personal web site using HTML; viewable at\nRELATED EXPERIENCE:\nDigiworld, Chicago, IL\nMay 2008 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nDatabase Intern\n\xef\x82\xa7 Maintain 1000 customer records in company\xe2\x80\x99s Access database.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Update website with information on new events and services utilizing Front Page.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Process online subscriptions, activating new subscriber accounts by creating usernames and passwords.\nDePaul University, Chicago, IL\nOctober 2007 \xe2\x80\x93 July 2008\nLab Assistant\n\xef\x82\xa7 Provided technical support to students in a lab with 150 workstations.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Performed troubleshooting and problem-solving of hardware and software issues.\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE:\nGeneral Office Company, Naperville, IL\nClerk\n\xef\x82\xa7 Coordinated scheduling of events and meetings for multiple departments.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Distributed newsletters and correspondence to constituents.\n\nAugust 2007 \xe2\x80\x93 May 2009\n\nACTIVITIES:\n\xef\x82\xa7 Member, Computer Science Society (ACM student chapter)\n\xef\x82\xa7 Secretary, Student Government Association\n\xef\x82\xa7 Member, Golden Key Honor Society\n\nSeptember 2009 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nDecember 2008 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nMay 2009 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\n8\n\n\x0cSAMPLE 4: Chronological Resume\n\nLaura Jackson\n\n_________________________________________________________________\n1005 West George, #2 Chicago, IL 60657\n\nDePaul University, Chicago, IL\nBachelor of Science in Marketing, June 2007\nMinor in Sociology\nG.P.A. 3.1/4.0\n\[email protected]\n\n(773) 555-5555\n\nEDUCATION\n\nEXPERIENCE\nUSA Track & Field, Indianapolis, IN\nCommunication/Media Intern, Summer 2006\nCoordinated communications between USA Track and Field publications, internet production, and\ninformation distribution teams.\nContributed to writing, editing, and distribution of press releases.\nFacilitated daily press department mailings.\nGenerated database for USA Track and Field Hall of Fame grand opening.\nUpdated athletes\xe2\x80\x99 online biographies after every track meet.\nAssisted the Promotions Department by participating in on-location promotional events and\nprogramming activities.\nDePaul University, Chicago, IL\nNursing Learning Resource Center Assistant, August 2004 \xe2\x80\x93 January 2006\nProvided nursing students with research advice and service regarding nursing center, media library, and\nlab resources.\nAcquired and maintained knowledge of nursing curriculum, prerequisites, and other nursing-related\ncourse work in order to advise current students and promote program to prospective students.\nIssued audiovisual materials, reference books, reserve materials, and other clinical equipment.\nAnswered phones for department and directed students to appropriate resources.\nAttended to opening and closing duties, such as prepping the computer lab, preparing reserve items for\nstudents, checking messages, and locking up.\nACTIVITIES & LEADERSHIP\nAlpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Member, January 2006 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nFacilitate and support fundraising efforts by marketing through emails, flyers, and social media websites\nfor philanthropic and community service efforts.\nDePaul Ambassador Club, Senior Member, September 2006 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nProvided tours of campus to prospective students and their families.\nTrained six new ambassadors on delivering campus tours and overnight visit protocol.\nDePaul Marketing Club, Vice President, September 2005 \xe2\x80\x93 March 2007\nRecruited members and co-led club\xe2\x80\x99s annual fundraising drive.\n\n9\n\n\x0cSAMPLE 5: Chronological Resume\n\nNicole Anderson\n456 Bellfour Drive Lincolnwood, IL 60654\n(773) 555-5555 [email protected]\n\nSummary of Qualifications\nFour years of progressive experience in communications, media, and public relations\nGraduate level education in public relations and advertising with coursework in theory, integrated\ncampaigns, and strategic planning\nHighly motivated professional with an understanding of new media\xe2\x80\x99s role in public relations\nEducation\nDePaul University, Chicago, IL\nMaster of Arts in Public Relations and Advertising, December 2010\nSouth University, Kansas City, MO\nBachelor of Arts in Management, June 2007\nRelated Experience\nPublic Relations Assistant\nFox Chicago News, Chicago IL, 2008 \xe2\x80\x93 2009\nPrepared and edited press releases to promote upcoming events and convey highlights of recent\nhappenings\nCreated organizational publications for internal and external audiences, including employee newsletters\nAssisted in the planning and execution of promotional events, including a \xe2\x80\x95flash mob\xe2\x80\x96 with over 50\nparticipants\nArranged public appearances, lectures, contests, and exhibits for Fox Chicago News personalities\nSpecial Report Intern\nReal Life News, Anye, NY, 2007 \xe2\x80\x93 2008\nInvestigated and proposed opportunities to incorporate new media into organization\xe2\x80\x99s strategic\ncommunications plan\nDeveloped and marketed organization\xe2\x80\x99s Facebook Fan Page, gaining over 1,500 fans in the first six\nweeks\nCollected and analyzed data, consulted with industry experts, and provided reporters with premise and\nsources for stories consistently ahead of schedule\nAdditional Experience\nCustomer Service Associate\nMarshall and Company, Chicago, IL, 2006 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nServe customers making various payment transactions\nProcess cash advances quickly and accurately to employees, resulting in being honored as Employee of\nthe Month three times\nBalance cash receipts of previous day and compiled daily report for the auditing department,\neliminating the need for a second shift employee, saving the company over $2000 per month\nHonors & Activities\nGolden Key Honor Society Member, 2008\nAmoco Scholarship Recipient, 2008\nMarketing Club Secretary, 2007 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n10\n\n\x0cSAMPLE 6: Chronological Resume\n\nDouglas Noth\[email protected] (312) 555-1111\nOnline Portfolio Viewable at:\nCAREER HIGHLIGHTS\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\n2 years of experience in producing, directing, and editing videos, specifically documentaries\nCompleted the Atlantis Dual Degree Study Abroad Program in France and Sweden\nOver 8 years of experience in community service, including fundraising, event and advocacy planning\nProven skills in organizing, implementing, and working with diverse team members\n\nEDUCATION\nAtlantis Dual Degree Study Abroad Program, June 2009\nB. A. in Digital Cinema, DePaul University, Chicago, IL\nB. A. in Business Administration, Linkoping University, Linkoping, Sweden\nRELEVANT EXPERIENCE\nDirector/Producer: Atlantis Documentary, Chicago, IL, January 2009-Present\n\xef\x82\xa7 Produce and direct a documentary on the Atlantis Study Abroad Program to promote dual degree programs\nthrough DePaul and affiliate universities abroad.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Travel to France and Sweden to coordinate and conduct interviews with University Presidents, Directors and\nstudents.\nCo-Producer/Camera Operator: Rafiki Collaborative Documentary, Kenya/ Chicago, IL, November 2008-Present\n\xef\x82\xa7 Traveled to Kenya to film a 15-minute documentary, which portrayed cultural and structural issues surrounding\nHIV and AIDS.\n\xef\x82\xa7 Developed interviewing skills by conducting 11 interviews with local community leaders.\nAssistant to Producer (Internship): Richter Studios, Chicago, IL, September 2008-Present\n\xef\x82\xa7 Assist Producer with various pre-production activities, including location scouting and shoot planning.\nCo-Director/Co-Producer: Voices Documentary, Chicago, IL, January 2009-June 2009\n\xef\x82\xa7 Commissioned by DePaul Community Service Organization to create a 20-minute documentary about social\njustice on campus to be shown to all incoming freshman and elsewhere on campus to encourage student\ninvolvement.\nFeatured Extra: Universal Studios, Chicago, IL, May 2007\n\xef\x82\xa7 Worked as a paid extra on a Dennis Quaid film, The Express, for Universal Studios.\nACADEMIC PROJECTS\nSound Director: Cheap Seats movie for Project Bluelight, Chicago, IL, August 2008\n\xef\x82\xa7 Directed sound for 30-minute short written and directed by a faculty member with a crew of 20 students.\nProducer: Ride music video, Chicago, IL, July 2007\n\xef\x82\xa7 Produced a 3-minute music video for local hip-hop artist and DJ with crew of 4 students.\nOTHER EXPERIENCE\nDePaul Community Service Association: Senior Team, Chicago, IL, August 2008-Current\nOle Lounge: Bartender/ Server, Chicago, IL, August 2008-January 2009\nDePaul University: Resident Advisor, Chicago, IL, August 2006-June 2007\nCOMMUNITY SERVICE AND HONORS\nBest Buddies E-Buddy, May 2007-July 2008\nDePaul Community Service Coordinator, April 2006-March 2007\nDePaul AIDS Project Volunteer, January 2005-2007\nSpecial Olympics Volunteer, May 2006\n\n11\n\n\x0cV. Functional & Combination Resume Samples\nSAMPLE 7: Functional Resume, Career Changer with Gap in Work History\n\nDominique Harris\n2312 N. Sheffield #306\nChicago, IL 60614\n(773) 555-5555\[email protected]\n\nObjective\n\nTo obtain a management position that will allow me to utilize my proven interpersonal,\norganizational, and management skills\n\nEducation\n\nDePaul University\nBachelor of Arts in Psychology, June 2011\nMinor in Management\nGPA: 3.2/4.0\n\nHonors\n\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List, all quarters in attendance\nPsi Chi, Psychology Honors Society Member, 2009\xe2\x80\x93 present\nPsychology Club, Alumni Relations Team Leader, 2008 \xe2\x80\x93 present\nGolden Key Award Recipient, 2008\n\nChicago, IL\n\nExperience\nInterpersonal\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nFacilitated negotiation between management and employees to resolve conflicts.\nProvided effective service by listening to customers and meeting their needs efficiently.\nUtilized effective persuasive skills in retail sales to sway customers to buy certain items.\n\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nPlanned and organized store merchandise displays.\nDesigned and developed merchandise system for business course research project.\nRecognized by supervisors as being detail-oriented in the office setting.\n\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\xef\x82\xa7\n\nTrained nine new employees in effective sales techniques.\nSupervised various team building activities to enhance working environment.\nServed as store supervisor in manager\xe2\x80\x99s absence.\n\nOrganizational\n\nManagement\n\nWork History\nDePaul University, Department of Psychology\nSecretary/Receptionist, 2009 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n\nChicago, IL\n\nJCPenney Company\nSales Clerk/Cashier, 1994 \xe2\x80\x93 1998\n\nNiles, IL\n\nWalgreens\nAssistant Manager, 1992 \xe2\x80\x93 1994\n\nChicago, IL\n\n12\n\n\x0cSAMPLE 8: Combination Resume, Part-Time or Internship Position\n\nAdita Patel\n1235 Turn Arial, Niles, IL 12345\n(123) 456-7890\[email protected]\nObjective\nTo secure a part-time or internship position in the area of financial services in order to contribute my skills in\nanalysis, customer service, and communication.\nCareer Skills\nSupervised a team of three part-time employees in processing and auditing customers\xe2\x80\x99 special orders on a\nregular basis.\nPrepared and distributed online financial weekly reports.\nProven ability to work with diverse groups of staff and management.\nEducation\nDePaul University, Chicago, IL\nExpected Graduation \xe2\x80\x93 June 2012\nBachelor of Science \xe2\x80\x93 Finance\nDean\xe2\x80\x99s List \xe2\x80\x93 all quarters in attendance\nRelevant Course Work\nFinancial Accounting\nFinancial Management\n\nBusiness Law\nBusiness Statistic\n\nMoney and Banking\nCapital Growth\n\nWork Experience\nWarrenburg Furniture, Chicago, IL\nClient Service Agent\nApril 2009 \xe2\x80\x93 December 2010\nOversaw the accounts receivable department for a small upscale local furniture manufacturer.\nLincoln Bank & Loan, Niles, IL\nFinancial Services Agent\nJanuary 2006 \xe2\x80\x93 March 2008\nServiced loan clients in transactions for loan applications and personal savings accounts.\nProfessional Development\nDePaul University Mentor Program, Member, 2006 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\nAssist new College of Commerce students by providing information on university resources, study-related\nissues, academic planning, and social events.\nDePaul University Finance Club, Emerging Leaders Event Committee Chairperson, 2007 \xe2\x80\x93 Present\n13\n\n\x0cVI. Additional Career Center Resume Resources\n\nThe Career Center offers several options for getting help in creating and perfecting your resume.\nTake advantage of one or more of the following services available to students and alumni:\n\xef\x81\xb6 Peer Career Advising: Peer Career Advisors have been specially trained to provide resume\n\nassistance and basic career services to the DePaul community. Peers are available on a walk-in\nbasis during most business hours or via email at [email protected] for questions,\njob search advice, resume assistance, and cover letter critiques.\n\n\xef\x81\xb6 Online Tutorial and Resources: Visit the Career Center\xe2\x80\x99s website at\n\ to access an interactive resume tutorial, Instant Message a Peer\nCareer Advisor, or access this packet and other documents electronically.\n\n\xef\x81\xb6 Career Advising: Career Advisors, who specialize in serving the needs of students and\n\nalumni from each of DePaul\xe2\x80\x99s colleges, are available to meet by appointment. Advising\nsessions can cover a variety of topics, including selecting a major, advanced resume\ndevelopment, job search strategies, interviewing skills, and other career-related concerns.\nContact the Career Center to schedule an appointment with a Career Advisor or inquire about\nPeer Career Advisor Availability.\n\nDePaul University Career Center\nContact Information\nLincoln Park Campus\n2320 N Kenmore Ave, SAC 192\nChicago IL, 60614\n(773)-325-7431\n\nLoop Campus\n1 E. Jackson Blvd, Suite 9500\nChicago IL, 60604\n(312)-362-8437\n\n14'