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243 | Deferred tax assets and liabilities are assessed at the tax rate applicable in the fiscal year in which the asset will be realized or the liability settled, based on the tax rates (and tax regulations) that have been enacted or substantially enacted at the balance sheet date. | 0 |
176 | SCOR Global P&C Underwriting Management and Retrocession Department establishes and implements the external retrocession plan for P&C activities. | 0 |
172 | When needed, recommendations are given to underwriters and local management. | 0 |
82 | Persons whose remuneration is decided upon do not have a right to participate in the relevant meeting, or otherwise to participate in the process. | 0 |
119 | Short-term changes therefore ordinarily do not convey a true picture of the success of an investment. | 0 |
197 | without the funds at its side, dbag’s opportunities to make its own investments would also be limited. | 0 |
17 | As a result, foreign exchange positions arise only to a very small extent. | 0 |
247 | SCOR SE, SCOR Global P&C SE, SCOR Global Life SE, SCOR Auber, GIE Informatique, SCOR Global Life Deutschland (branch), SCOR Global P&C Deutschland (branch), SCOR Rückversicherung AG, SCOR Global Life Rappresentaza generale per l’Italia (branch) SCOR Global P&C Rappresentaza generale per l’Italia (branch) SCOR Global Life Iberica Sucursal (branch), SCOR Global P&C Iberica Sucursal (branch), SCOR Global Life Reinsurance UK Ltd (which became SCOR Global Life SE UK Branch) (branch), SCOR Global Life Reinsurance Services UK Ltd, SCOR Global Life Reinsurance Ireland Ltd, SCOR Global P&C Ireland Ltd. | 0 |
103 | CDs and T-bills maturing in more than 12 months from date of purchase are included in “other loans maturing in more than one year”. | 0 |
3 | These bodies ensure that a disciplined risk culture is promoted, and thus risk transparency is enhanced. | 0 |
130 | When taking out residual debt insurance, the cap would be set at 2.5% of the insured loan amount. | 0 |
141 | In 2013, SCOR Global Life’s gross written premiums increased by 11.1% to EUR 5,405 million compared to EUR 4,864 million in 2012 (EUR 3,620 million in 2011). | 0 |
189 | The Committee considers at each meeting an agenda that is risk based and focused on the key and emerging risks impacting our business. | 0 |
59 | Operating capital generation is the total capital generation before tax, adjusted to exclude market movements relative to those expected under long-term assumptions and to remove other non-operating items, including shareholder restructuring and other costs as defined under adjusted operating profit before tax. | 0 |
181 | Of the remainder, EUR 7.3 (6.0) billion was attributable to institutional third-party clients and EUR 7.7 (6.4) billion to the retail business. | 0 |
69 | Relative Carbon Footprint (also called Carbon to1) Value ratio): allocated carbon footprint per € million invested that captures the absolute impact of the portfolio per € million invested; held (total of the carbon emissions held divided by total revenues attributed to the portfolio) which assesses the efficiency of the portfolio; Carbon Intensity (also called Carbon to Revenue2) ratio): allocated carbon footprint per € million of revenues Weighted Average Carbon Intensity: arithmetical3) average carbon intensities of portfolio companies weighted by their portfolio weights which allows exposure to high emission companies to be assessed. | 0 |
32 | The Company has taken advantage of the exemption in Section 408 of the Companies Act 2006 not to present its own income statement in these financial statements. | 0 |
55 | Supervisory law requires the Group and all its insurance and reinsurance companies to have a proper, effective business organisation in place that ensures sound, prudent business management. | 0 |
126 | Valuation of the With-Profits Fund’s liabilities The policyholder liabilities for the Group’s With-Profits Fund are measured under FRS 27 Life Assurance, which requires the use of the realistic value of liabilities. | 0 |
217 | The eligible person who retired from Company is entitled to additional benefits under this pension plan if he or she complies with the terms and conditions of the additional pension plan on the date of his or her departure, including a seniority of at least five years at the time of departure and obtaining the implementation of his or her pension benefits under the mandatory pension plans. | 0 |
76 | We expect premium income in property/casualty insurance to continue to rise in Germany in 2020, albeit at a slower rate than in the reporting period. | 0 |
96 | The balance of income and expenses allocated to the insurance business and shown in the technical statement of income. | 0 |
31 | Risk oversees the application of the liquidity risk framework and adherence to the risk appetite as approved by the Executive Board. | 0 |
131 | Post-acquisition, PPMSA is presented within fee-based revenues and operating expenses, with non-controlling interests removed to arrive at adjusted operating profit before tax. | 0 |
65 | (ii) Total fair value movements on other capital hedges, which are solely held to optimise the Solvency II capital position. | 0 |
18 | The market risks standard approach is applied to calculate the necessary equity. | 0 |
108 | Please refer to our Basis of Reporting for further detail on our methodology, which can be found on our website. | 0 |
68 | Yes In the absence of business ties between Mr Jean Charest and Tikehau Capital, as the service agreement between the Company and Chardi Inc, a company of which Jean Charest is manager and shareholder, ended on 31 December 2018, the Supervisory Board considered that all the criteria set out in Article 8.5 of the AFEP-MEDEF Code were met. | 0 |
212 | I was honoured to take over as Chairman in what has been a very challenging year for the Company. | 0 |
179 | Our strategy will target growth in specific product lines and regions, especially Asia. | 0 |
92 | Restricted Stock Unit (RSU) 2017 Plan The Board approved this plan on 7 November 2017. | 0 |
58 | SCOR will be unable to accurately predict the impact of future changes in tax law on the taxation of life insurance in the hands of policyholders. | 0 |
2 | Regular training courses on operational risks enhance the staff’s general awareness of these issues. | 0 |
64 | “Financial instruments classified at fair value through profit or loss” are structured products that are recognised using the fair value option. | 0 |
201 | It enjoys excellent road access and meets “last mile logistics” criteria. | 0 |
7 | As Scout24 endeavours journeys into the digital future, it finds itself in a high-tech online world. | 0 |
94 | Life technical margin (2) in 2013 was 7.3% compared to 7.7% in 2012 and 8.1% in 2011 (3) . | 0 |
170 | If the awards are accelerated, they will be subject to pro-ration and an assessment of the extent to which the performance conditions have been achieved. | 0 |
166 | - Notes to the consolidated financial statements, Note 2 – Segment information for an analysis of principal cash flow statement items. | 0 |
97 | In line with the growth in premiums, Swiss Life improved its operating expense ratio, thanks in particular to efficiency improvements which will be continued into 2010. | 0 |
198 | We assessed the different components of the discount rate on a portfolio level. | 0 |
216 | Under this agreement, following completion of the acquisition of the company Sofidy, your company disbursed €212,630,522.36 over the 2018 financial year, made up of the price for acquisition of the shares of the company Sofidy of €210,143,362.50 and costs relating to this acquisition of €2,487,159.86. | 0 |
10 | The individual financial needs of our customers are in the centre of our daily activities; here we concentrate on our core areas of expertise | 0 |
42 | * Please note that this request would not be processed if the signature(s) herein differs from that which appears in the Registrar’s records. | 0 |
66 | The company itself is not active in the operating asset management business, but rather holds a large number of major shareholdings. | 0 |
177 | Further details are set out in the Notes to the Accounts. | 0 |
200 | companies are selected for the peer group that are comparable with the investee business to be valued as to their business model, the geographical focus of their operations as well as their size. | 0 |
145 | The Group and Company monitor their levels of working capital to ensure that they can meet debt repayments as they fall due. | 0 |
115 | The Strategic Report aims to provide Shareholders with the information to assess how the Directors have performed their duty to promote the success of the Company during the year under review. | 0 |
225 | The companies risk classification and internal controls related to the identification of loans with a heightened credit risk is central for the valuation of loans to customers. | 0 |
157 | Financial assetsNote 2. (a) Change in the presentation of the financial statements In order to provide more consistent and more relevant financial information, the Company has decided to reclassify reversals of provisions on financial assets into net non-recurring income, effective from 1 January 2018, so as to directly show the net capital gain or loss made before tax. | 0 |
23 | Amounts due from banks Loans and interest thereon due but not yet paid are disclosed at nominal value less any value adjustments. | 0 |
16 | There is no requirement to hold capital for such risks arising from a non-trading book. | 0 |
21 | These are recorded at nominal value or acquisition cost. | 0 |
135 | DBG Advisors Expansion GmbH & Co. KG is the sole general partner of DBAG Expansion Capital Fund Konzern GmbH & Co. KG. | 0 |
22 | The discount not yet earned is deferred in the respective balance sheet position over the term of the agreement. | 0 |
223 | It reviews the detailed components of market, credit and liquidity risk exposures of the business to ensure that such risks are monitored and assessed appropriately. | 0 |
40 | Staff Training Plans are drawn up yearly and hinged on grade specific base-line programmes. | 0 |
104 | REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 2018 In October 2016, Tikehau Capital announced a draft agreement to total of about €700 million in assets under management. | 0 |
93 | Therefore, revenues and earnings will be well up on the previous year. | 0 |
107 | As part of this process we understood our impact linked to home working as a new material source of carbon emissions. | 0 |
41 | For DBAG Fund V, DBAG Fund VI and DBAG Fund VII, fees during the investment phase are based on the committed capital (DBAG Fund VI in the current financial year leading up to December 2016 and DBAG Fund VII1 since then). | 0 |
56 | In 2000, he joined the European Leveraged Finance team. | 0 |
48 | Annual training expenditure (in thousands of euros) (4) 172.1 74.5 Excluding Sofidy and ACE Management. | 0 |
136 | Others (1) Total as of 31 December 2017Company Subsidiaries TOTAL Company Subsidiaries TOTAL Certification of accounts (excl. | 0 |
39 | We now have a robust asset management platform with over 430 employees, working across nine countries. | 0 |
38 | As set out in the Chairman’s Statement, it has been a challenging year for our industry and markets more generally. | 0 |
160 | At 31 December 138 235 Regulatory provisions in relation to annuity sales practices PAC had agreed with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to review annuities sold without advice after 1 July 2008 to its contract-based defined contribution pension customers, and this review is now complete. | 0 |
110 | 2013 2012 £’000 £’000 Wages and salaries 29,645 20,122 Social security costs 5,396 3,425 Compensation for loss of office 251 296 Other pension costs (see note 27d) 1,386 1,149 Share based payments 4,494 5,591 41,172 30,583 The share based payment award costs shown above include an amount of £4,099,000 (2012: £5,205,000) in respect of share-based payment transactions which are accounted for as equity-settled awards. | 0 |
49 | Our investment portfolio decreased in value by £2.2m over the year reflecting a number of write-downs in relation to our early-stage unquoted investments. | 0 |
25 | Lease financing is recorded at the value of amortised tangible assets plus due and unpaid interest, default interest and fees. | 0 |
122 | GROUP COMPANy 2010 2009 2010 2009 £ £ £ £ Cash at bank and in hand 291,869 309,642 6,661 284,557 Short term bank deposits - 2,207,250 - 2,207,250 291,869 2,516,892 6,661 2,491,807 23. | 0 |
185 | Allocation date: 4 July 2018 Unit value of the share on the allocation date: €24.30 corresponding to the share price on 4 July 2018 (€27.00) to which a 10% discount was applied to take into account the absence of dividend rights over the vesting period. | 0 |
114 | Net profit in 2020 fell by 13% from the previous year to CHF 1.05 billion. | 0 |
105 | Fees are accrued monthly and charged when the work has been completed. | 0 |
33 | The ordinary shares carry the right to vote and rank pari passu for dividends. | 0 |
246 | Further, we draw attention to the fact that half of the share capital and the legal reserves is no longer covered (article 725 para. | 0 |
195 | The Group has asked for a reconsideration of such revocation and argued that the five-year term of the ECC should not be deemed expired as the time period were the ECC was revoked by the government, and subsequently the Group was prevented from fully implementing the Mindoro Nickel Project, should not be counted towards the expiry of the ECC. | 0 |
248 | Our response during 2021 included launching a new app that makes it easier for our people to access learning tools – from anywhere and at any time. | 0 |
208 | 180 homes at The Mill near Cardiff city centre – let through a combination of market rent and discounted or social rent. | 0 |
45 | The Company may before this authority expires, make an offer or enter into an agreement which would or might require equity securities to be allotted after such expiry and the Directors may allot equity securities in pursuance of that offer or agreement as if the power conferred by this resolution had not expired. | 0 |
229 | For instruments where fair value is determined from valuation models, the assumptions and techniques used within the models are independently validated by an independent specialist model validation group. | 0 |
24 | Amounts due from customers As a general rule, loans are disclosed at nominal value less value adjustments. | 0 |
121 | Nevertheless, it increased in 2016/2017: two of our new investments were not en tered into in euro terms. | 0 |
9 | We always focus on proximity to the customer and personal service. | 0 |
77 | Current and deferred taxes are recognized in profit or loss except to the extent that the tax relates to items that are recognized directly in equity or other comprehensive income in which case the related tax is recognized either directly in equity or other comprehensive income accordingly. | 0 |
99 | This development offers additional growth potential for duagon in its role as a “complexity manager”. | 0 |
109 | In addition, each Director and committee has access to the advice of the Company Secretary, Doug Allison. | 0 |
86 | The company has identified further attractive growth areas, including special films for pharmaceutical applications and for the production of composite materials; this area should be expanded in the coming years. | 0 |
36 | The Board of Directors may determine a different ratio for the Corporate Executive Board as a whole or for the Chairman (Group CEO) or individual members of the Corporate Executive Board (discretionary decision). | 0 |
100 | The focus on financial risk, risk exposures, risk management and strategic risk issues brings a renewed rigour to these areas at a time of uncertain markets and has afforded additional time by each Committee to opine on these important issues and agree risk mitigants and appropriate strategies. | 0 |
112 | This mechanism, which is associated with closed-end funds, usually takes the form of securities (shares) subscribed for by the beneficiaries when the fund is set up, and confers the right to a remuneration should certain performance thresholds be exceeded when the fund is liquidated. | 0 |
50 | We will continue to work on creating a leading fiduciary asset manager with a clear performance-driven culture, with entrepreneurship and collaboration across its global platform. | 0 |
184 | The Bank ensures that all properties and chattels pledged as collateral are properly and adequately insured with the Bank’s interest duly noted as first loss beneficiary. | 0 |
124 | Total mandated AUM/NUM 1,539 10,265 11,804 Fiduciary Management Sales included 17 new mandate wins during the year and £274m of contributions from scheme sponsors from existing clients. | 0 |
169 | Inputs other than quoted prices included within level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (that is, as prices) or indirectly (that is, derived from prices) (level 2). | 0 |
206 | Swiss Life insures people and does not wish to exclude them from any relevant insurance cover because their employer falls short in terms of sustainability. | 0 |
127 | Romaco benefits from growth drivers in the pharmaceutical market, such as a growing global population, an aging population in industrialised nations, and rising prosperity in emerging countries. | 0 |
224 | We also challenged Group management’s assumptions of terminal value, void periods and assumptions of the renewal rents by comparing them with economic and industry forecasts. | 0 |
Subsets and Splits