stringlengths 50
| submeta
dict |
stars: 567
new-stars: 146
name: MostafaGazar/soas
description: Native Android "sample of all samples" for beginners and experienced, 14+, with focus on lollipop and Material | {
"published": "2015/01/05",
"stars": "567",
"newStars": "146",
"name": "MostafaGazar/soas",
"description": "Native Android \"sample of all samples\" for beginners and experienced, 14+, with focus on lollipop and Material"
} |
stars: 477
new-stars: 137
name: 9miao/CrossApp
description: Cross-Platform Mobile APP Development Engine | {
"published": "2015/01/05",
"stars": "477",
"newStars": "137",
"name": "9miao/CrossApp",
"description": "Cross-Platform Mobile APP Development Engine"
} |
stars: 658
new-stars: 150
name: sdiehl/write-you-a-haskell
description: Building a modern functional compiler from first principles. (http://dev.stephendiehl.com/fun/) | {
"published": "2015/01/05",
"stars": "658",
"newStars": "150",
"name": "sdiehl/write-you-a-haskell",
"description": "Building a modern functional compiler from first principles. (http://dev.stephendiehl.com/fun/)"
} |
stars: 570
new-stars: 127
name: onevcat/VVBlurPresentation
description: A simple way to present a view controller with keeping the blurred previous one. | {
"published": "2015/01/05",
"stars": "570",
"newStars": "127",
"name": "onevcat/VVBlurPresentation",
"description": "A simple way to present a view controller with keeping the blurred previous one."
} |
stars: 266
new-stars: 122
name: sharplispers/cormanlisp
description: Corman Lisp | {
"published": "2015/01/05",
"stars": "266",
"newStars": "122",
"name": "sharplispers/cormanlisp",
"description": "Corman Lisp"
} |
stars: 47
new-stars: 27
name: dbankier/nano
description: A simple two-way data-binding library for Appcelerator's Alloy framework for Titanium. | {
"published": "2015/01/05",
"stars": "47",
"newStars": "27",
"name": "dbankier/nano",
"description": "A simple two-way data-binding library for Appcelerator's Alloy framework for Titanium."
} |
stars: 135
new-stars: 18
name: cs231n/cs231n.github.io
description: Public facing notes page | {
"published": "2015/01/05",
"stars": "135",
"newStars": "18",
"name": "cs231n/cs231n.github.io",
"description": "Public facing notes page"
} |
stars: 26
new-stars: 8
name: hharte/1dcoinctrl
description: Western Electric 1D/2D Payphone Controller for Asterisk | {
"published": "2015/01/05",
"stars": "26",
"newStars": "8",
"name": "hharte/1dcoinctrl",
"description": "Western Electric 1D/2D Payphone Controller for Asterisk"
} |
stars: 12
new-stars: 7
name: binux/cssfulltext
description: source code of | {
"published": "2015/01/05",
"stars": "12",
"newStars": "7",
"name": "binux/cssfulltext",
"description": "source code of"
} |
stars: 137
new-stars: 7
name: simplyianm/motivate
description: Posts a daily motivational message in your terminal. | {
"published": "2015/01/05",
"stars": "137",
"newStars": "7",
"name": "simplyianm/motivate",
"description": "Posts a daily motivational message in your terminal."
} |
stars: 28
new-stars: 6
name: hrbrmstr/metricsgraphics
description: An htmlwidget interface to the MetricsGraphics.js D3 chart library | {
"published": "2015/01/05",
"stars": "28",
"newStars": "6",
"name": "hrbrmstr/metricsgraphics",
"description": "An htmlwidget interface to the MetricsGraphics.js D3 chart library"
} |
stars: 11
new-stars: 6
name: mimura1133/YamahaConfigClassifier
description: Visual Studio Classifier Plugin of YAMAHA Router Config File. | {
"published": "2015/01/05",
"stars": "11",
"newStars": "6",
"name": "mimura1133/YamahaConfigClassifier",
"description": "Visual Studio Classifier Plugin of YAMAHA Router Config File."
} |
stars: 13
new-stars: 6
name: dg/composer-cleaner
description: Victor The Cleaner: removes unnecessary files from vendor directory | {
"published": "2015/01/05",
"stars": "13",
"newStars": "6",
"name": "dg/composer-cleaner",
"description": "Victor The Cleaner: removes unnecessary files from vendor directory"
} |
stars: 7
new-stars: 6
name: michaelye/DoubanOnline
description: 模仿“豆瓣线上活动”制作的Android客户端 | {
"published": "2015/01/05",
"stars": "7",
"newStars": "6",
"name": "michaelye/DoubanOnline",
"description": "模仿“豆瓣线上活动”制作的Android客户端"
} |
stars: 3192
new-stars: 769
name: sophron/wifiphisher
description: Fast automated phishing attacks against WiFi networks | {
"published": "2015/01/05",
"stars": "3192",
"newStars": "769",
"name": "sophron/wifiphisher",
"description": "Fast automated phishing attacks against WiFi networks"
} |
stars: 3914
new-stars: 375
name: daniel-lundin/snabbt.js
description: Fast animations with javascript and CSS transforms | {
"published": "2015/01/05",
"stars": "3914",
"newStars": "375",
"name": "daniel-lundin/snabbt.js",
"description": "Fast animations with javascript and CSS transforms"
} |
stars: 3165
new-stars: 317
name: 0xAX/linux-insides
description: A little bit about a linux kernel | {
"published": "2015/01/05",
"stars": "3165",
"newStars": "317",
"name": "0xAX/linux-insides",
"description": "A little bit about a linux kernel"
} |
stars: 2458
new-stars: 288
name: begriffs/postgrest
description: REST API for any Postgres database | {
"published": "2015/01/05",
"stars": "2458",
"newStars": "288",
"name": "begriffs/postgrest",
"description": "REST API for any Postgres database"
} |
stars: 770
new-stars: 281
name: nlohmann/json
description: JSON for Modern C++ | {
"published": "2015/01/05",
"stars": "770",
"newStars": "281",
"name": "nlohmann/json",
"description": "JSON for Modern C++"
} |
stars: 10328
new-stars: 253
name: prakhar1989/awesome-courses
description: List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science! | {
"published": "2015/01/05",
"stars": "10328",
"newStars": "253",
"name": "prakhar1989/awesome-courses",
"description": "List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!"
} |
stars: 4285
new-stars: 216
name: wasabeef/awesome-android-ui
description: A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries | {
"published": "2015/01/05",
"stars": "4285",
"newStars": "216",
"name": "wasabeef/awesome-android-ui",
"description": "A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries"
} |
stars: 2424
new-stars: 133
name: lukasz-madon/awesome-remote-job
description: A curated list of awesome remote jobs and resources. Inspired by https://github.com/vinta/awesome-python | {
"published": "2015/01/05",
"stars": "2424",
"newStars": "133",
"name": "lukasz-madon/awesome-remote-job",
"description": "A curated list of awesome remote jobs and resources. Inspired by https://github.com/vinta/awesome-python"
} |
stars: 1230
new-stars: 374
name: philipwalton/flexbugs
description: A community-curated list of flexbox issues and cross-browser workarounds for them. | {
"published": "2015/01/06",
"stars": "1230",
"newStars": "374",
"name": "philipwalton/flexbugs",
"description": "A community-curated list of flexbox issues and cross-browser workarounds for them."
} |
stars: 6017
new-stars: 287
name: ecomfe/echarts
description: Enterprise Charts | Github pages : http://ecomfe.github.io/echarts/index-en.html | Email : [email protected] | Baidu Hi : 1379172 | | {
"published": "2015/01/06",
"stars": "6017",
"newStars": "287",
"name": "ecomfe/echarts",
"description": "Enterprise Charts | Github pages : http://ecomfe.github.io/echarts/index-en.html | Email : [email protected] | Baidu Hi : 1379172 |"
} |
stars: 1556
new-stars: 253
name: amjith/pgcli
description: Postgres CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting | {
"published": "2015/01/06",
"stars": "1556",
"newStars": "253",
"name": "amjith/pgcli",
"description": "Postgres CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting"
} |
stars: 2248
new-stars: 192
name: Zhouzi/TheaterJS
description: Typing effect mimicking human behavior. | {
"published": "2015/01/06",
"stars": "2248",
"newStars": "192",
"name": "Zhouzi/TheaterJS",
"description": "Typing effect mimicking human behavior."
} |
stars: 2614
new-stars: 176
name: dropbox/godropbox
description: Common libraries for writing Go services/applications. | {
"published": "2015/01/06",
"stars": "2614",
"newStars": "176",
"name": "dropbox/godropbox",
"description": "Common libraries for writing Go services/applications."
} |
stars: 2013
new-stars: 167
name: koenbok/Cactus
description: Static site generator for designers. Uses Python and Django templates. | {
"published": "2015/01/06",
"stars": "2013",
"newStars": "167",
"name": "koenbok/Cactus",
"description": "Static site generator for designers. Uses Python and Django templates."
} |
stars: 6475
new-stars: 119
name: keen/dashboards
description: Responsive dashboard templates for Bootstrap | {
"published": "2015/01/06",
"stars": "6475",
"newStars": "119",
"name": "keen/dashboards",
"description": "Responsive dashboard templates for Bootstrap"
} |
stars: 27
new-stars: 23
name: vigo/dinozorus
description: 1990'lı yıllara damgasını vuran efsane televizyon oyunu Dinozorus. Amiga 1200 - AGA | {
"published": "2015/01/06",
"stars": "27",
"newStars": "23",
"name": "vigo/dinozorus",
"description": "1990'lı yıllara damgasını vuran efsane televizyon oyunu Dinozorus. Amiga 1200 - AGA"
} |
stars: 23
new-stars: 12
name: dutchcoders/sshproxy
description: Golang library to proxy ssh connections | {
"published": "2015/01/06",
"stars": "23",
"newStars": "12",
"name": "dutchcoders/sshproxy",
"description": "Golang library to proxy ssh connections"
} |
stars: 14
new-stars: 10
name: koajs/trace-influxdb
description: InfluxDB tracing for koa-trace | {
"published": "2015/01/06",
"stars": "14",
"newStars": "10",
"name": "koajs/trace-influxdb",
"description": "InfluxDB tracing for koa-trace"
} |
stars: 19
new-stars: 9
name: infosec-au/websec-weekly
description: The databases, API's and managers behind https://websecweekly.org | {
"published": "2015/01/06",
"stars": "19",
"newStars": "9",
"name": "infosec-au/websec-weekly",
"description": "The databases, API's and managers behind https://websecweekly.org"
} |
stars: 4
new-stars: 7
name: sudokill/eulerplate
description: A command line gem for creating kata boilerplate—specs and folders—for Project Euler problems. | {
"published": "2015/01/06",
"stars": "4",
"newStars": "7",
"name": "sudokill/eulerplate",
"description": "A command line gem for creating kata boilerplate—specs and folders—for Project Euler problems."
} |
stars: 42
new-stars: 7
name: benlue/jsonfp
description: Functional programming in JSON | {
"published": "2015/01/06",
"stars": "42",
"newStars": "7",
"name": "benlue/jsonfp",
"description": "Functional programming in JSON"
} |
stars: 39
new-stars: 6
name: creocoder/yii2-taggable
description: The taggable behavior for the Yii framework. | {
"published": "2015/01/06",
"stars": "39",
"newStars": "6",
"name": "creocoder/yii2-taggable",
"description": "The taggable behavior for the Yii framework."
} |
stars: 11
new-stars: 5
name: WhisperSystems/curve25519-java
description: Pure Java and JNI backed Curve25519 implementation. | {
"published": "2015/01/06",
"stars": "11",
"newStars": "5",
"name": "WhisperSystems/curve25519-java",
"description": "Pure Java and JNI backed Curve25519 implementation."
} |
stars: 150
new-stars: 5
name: jduck/asus-cmd
description: ASUS Router infosvr UDP Broadcast root Command Execution | {
"published": "2015/01/06",
"stars": "150",
"newStars": "5",
"name": "jduck/asus-cmd",
"description": "ASUS Router infosvr UDP Broadcast root Command Execution"
} |
stars: 17
new-stars: 5
name: RedTurtle/eve-sqlalchemy
description: Eve SQLAlchemy extenstion | {
"published": "2015/01/06",
"stars": "17",
"newStars": "5",
"name": "RedTurtle/eve-sqlalchemy",
"description": "Eve SQLAlchemy extenstion"
} |
stars: 83
new-stars: 5
name: C-Aniruddh/ACEMusicPlayer
description: A material music player for the android platform, git it here : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aniruddhc.acemusic.player&hl=en | {
"published": "2015/01/06",
"stars": "83",
"newStars": "5",
"name": "C-Aniruddh/ACEMusicPlayer",
"description": "A material music player for the android platform, git it here : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aniruddhc.acemusic.player&hl=en"
} |
stars: 25
new-stars: 5
name: johnlui/AliyunOSS
description: 阿里云 OSS 官方 SDK 的 Composer 封装,支持任何 PHP 项目,包括 Laravel、Symfony、TinyLara 等等。 | {
"published": "2015/01/06",
"stars": "25",
"newStars": "5",
"name": "johnlui/AliyunOSS",
"description": "阿里云 OSS 官方 SDK 的 Composer 封装,支持任何 PHP 项目,包括 Laravel、Symfony、TinyLara 等等。"
} |
stars: 3192
new-stars: 571
name: sophron/wifiphisher
description: Fast automated phishing attacks against WiFi networks | {
"published": "2015/01/06",
"stars": "3192",
"newStars": "571",
"name": "sophron/wifiphisher",
"description": "Fast automated phishing attacks against WiFi networks"
} |
stars: 3914
new-stars: 348
name: daniel-lundin/snabbt.js
description: Fast animations with javascript and CSS transforms | {
"published": "2015/01/06",
"stars": "3914",
"newStars": "348",
"name": "daniel-lundin/snabbt.js",
"description": "Fast animations with javascript and CSS transforms"
} |
stars: 1370
new-stars: 267
name: maciejczyzewski/retter
description: A collection of hash functions, ciphers, tools, libraries, and materials related to cryptography. | {
"published": "2015/01/06",
"stars": "1370",
"newStars": "267",
"name": "maciejczyzewski/retter",
"description": "A collection of hash functions, ciphers, tools, libraries, and materials related to cryptography."
} |
stars: 10328
new-stars: 254
name: prakhar1989/awesome-courses
description: List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science! | {
"published": "2015/01/06",
"stars": "10328",
"newStars": "254",
"name": "prakhar1989/awesome-courses",
"description": "List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!"
} |
stars: 2458
new-stars: 248
name: begriffs/postgrest
description: REST API for any Postgres database | {
"published": "2015/01/06",
"stars": "2458",
"newStars": "248",
"name": "begriffs/postgrest",
"description": "REST API for any Postgres database"
} |
stars: 4285
new-stars: 188
name: wasabeef/awesome-android-ui
description: A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries | {
"published": "2015/01/06",
"stars": "4285",
"newStars": "188",
"name": "wasabeef/awesome-android-ui",
"description": "A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries"
} |
stars: 658
new-stars: 118
name: sdiehl/write-you-a-haskell
description: Building a modern functional compiler from first principles. (http://dev.stephendiehl.com/fun/) | {
"published": "2015/01/06",
"stars": "658",
"newStars": "118",
"name": "sdiehl/write-you-a-haskell",
"description": "Building a modern functional compiler from first principles. (http://dev.stephendiehl.com/fun/)"
} |
stars: 770
new-stars: 117
name: nlohmann/json
description: JSON for Modern C++ | {
"published": "2015/01/06",
"stars": "770",
"newStars": "117",
"name": "nlohmann/json",
"description": "JSON for Modern C++"
} |
stars: 2362
new-stars: 419
name: Russell91/pythonpy
description: command line kung fu with python | {
"published": "2015/01/07",
"stars": "2362",
"newStars": "419",
"name": "Russell91/pythonpy",
"description": "command line kung fu with python"
} |
stars: 1074
new-stars: 312
name: google/novm
description: Experimental KVM-based VMM, written in Go. | {
"published": "2015/01/07",
"stars": "1074",
"newStars": "312",
"name": "google/novm",
"description": "Experimental KVM-based VMM, written in Go."
} |
stars: 1805
new-stars: 231
name: systemjs/systemjs
description: Universal dynamic module loader | {
"published": "2015/01/07",
"stars": "1805",
"newStars": "231",
"name": "systemjs/systemjs",
"description": "Universal dynamic module loader"
} |
stars: 837
new-stars: 171
name: twitter/AnomalyDetection
description: Anomaly Detection with R | {
"published": "2015/01/07",
"stars": "837",
"newStars": "171",
"name": "twitter/AnomalyDetection",
"description": "Anomaly Detection with R"
} |
stars: 568
new-stars: 134
name: wasabeef/recyclerview-animators
description: An Android Animation library which easily add itemanimator to RecyclerView items. | {
"published": "2015/01/07",
"stars": "568",
"newStars": "134",
"name": "wasabeef/recyclerview-animators",
"description": "An Android Animation library which easily add itemanimator to RecyclerView items."
} |
stars: 3968
new-stars: 129
name: philipwalton/solved-by-flexbox
description: A showcase of problems once hard or impossible to solve with CSS alone, now made trivially easy with Flexbox. | {
"published": "2015/01/07",
"stars": "3968",
"newStars": "129",
"name": "philipwalton/solved-by-flexbox",
"description": "A showcase of problems once hard or impossible to solve with CSS alone, now made trivially easy with Flexbox."
} |
stars: 116
new-stars: 80
name: r0nk/ward
description: state machine visual debugger | {
"published": "2015/01/07",
"stars": "116",
"newStars": "80",
"name": "r0nk/ward",
"description": "state machine visual debugger"
} |
stars: 151
new-stars: 51
name: geelen/loopgifs
description: | {
"published": "2015/01/07",
"stars": "151",
"newStars": "51",
"name": "geelen/loopgifs",
"description": ""
} |
stars: 0
new-stars: 28
name: LeeSTEM1415PreAPCS4/ClassZoo4
description: | {
"published": "2015/01/07",
"stars": "0",
"newStars": "28",
"name": "LeeSTEM1415PreAPCS4/ClassZoo4",
"description": ""
} |
stars: 10
new-stars: 10
name: jotielim/gatechomscsclass
description: Chrome extension to automatically navigate to GA Tech OMSCS Classes | {
"published": "2015/01/07",
"stars": "10",
"newStars": "10",
"name": "jotielim/gatechomscsclass",
"description": "Chrome extension to automatically navigate to GA Tech OMSCS Classes"
} |
stars: 171
new-stars: 9
name: bevacqua/local-storage
description: A simplified localStorage API that just works | {
"published": "2015/01/07",
"stars": "171",
"newStars": "9",
"name": "bevacqua/local-storage",
"description": "A simplified localStorage API that just works"
} |
stars: 19
new-stars: 7
name: zackshapiro/swift-cheat-sheet
description: These are things I look up frequently or spent some time figuring out. I hope they help you too | {
"published": "2015/01/07",
"stars": "19",
"newStars": "7",
"name": "zackshapiro/swift-cheat-sheet",
"description": "These are things I look up frequently or spent some time figuring out. I hope they help you too"
} |
stars: 10
new-stars: 6
name: wenjun1055/documentsbucket
description: 文档仓库 | {
"published": "2015/01/07",
"stars": "10",
"newStars": "6",
"name": "wenjun1055/documentsbucket",
"description": "文档仓库"
} |
stars: 9
new-stars: 6
name: QSCTech/sensen-good-good-study
description: 森森快学习。森森再不学习就要报警了。 | {
"published": "2015/01/07",
"stars": "9",
"newStars": "6",
"name": "QSCTech/sensen-good-good-study",
"description": "森森快学习。森森再不学习就要报警了。"
} |
stars: 5
new-stars: 6
name: NSS-Cohort-8/resources
description: | {
"published": "2015/01/07",
"stars": "5",
"newStars": "6",
"name": "NSS-Cohort-8/resources",
"description": ""
} |
stars: 10
new-stars: 6
name: derickr/hhvm-hni-cookbook
description: Cookbook with snippets to help implementing extensions for HHVM/HNI extensions | {
"published": "2015/01/07",
"stars": "10",
"newStars": "6",
"name": "derickr/hhvm-hni-cookbook",
"description": "Cookbook with snippets to help implementing extensions for HHVM/HNI extensions"
} |
stars: 14
new-stars: 5
name: trevnorris/reblaze
description: Rewrite your JS on the fly using JS | {
"published": "2015/01/07",
"stars": "14",
"newStars": "5",
"name": "trevnorris/reblaze",
"description": "Rewrite your JS on the fly using JS"
} |
stars: 206
new-stars: 5
name: Eyepea/API-Hour
description: Write efficient network daemons (HTTP, SSH...) with ease. | {
"published": "2015/01/07",
"stars": "206",
"newStars": "5",
"name": "Eyepea/API-Hour",
"description": "Write efficient network daemons (HTTP, SSH...) with ease."
} |
stars: 6
new-stars: 5
name: sindresorhus/root-check
description: Try to downgrade the permissions of a process with root privileges and block access if it fails | {
"published": "2015/01/07",
"stars": "6",
"newStars": "5",
"name": "sindresorhus/root-check",
"description": "Try to downgrade the permissions of a process with root privileges and block access if it fails"
} |
stars: 1556
new-stars: 467
name: amjith/pgcli
description: Postgres CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting | {
"published": "2015/01/07",
"stars": "1556",
"newStars": "467",
"name": "amjith/pgcli",
"description": "Postgres CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting"
} |
stars: 6017
new-stars: 325
name: ecomfe/echarts
description: Enterprise Charts | Github pages : http://ecomfe.github.io/echarts/index-en.html | Email : [email protected] | Baidu Hi : 1379172 | | {
"published": "2015/01/07",
"stars": "6017",
"newStars": "325",
"name": "ecomfe/echarts",
"description": "Enterprise Charts | Github pages : http://ecomfe.github.io/echarts/index-en.html | Email : [email protected] | Baidu Hi : 1379172 |"
} |
stars: 3192
new-stars: 264
name: sophron/wifiphisher
description: Fast automated phishing attacks against WiFi networks | {
"published": "2015/01/07",
"stars": "3192",
"newStars": "264",
"name": "sophron/wifiphisher",
"description": "Fast automated phishing attacks against WiFi networks"
} |
stars: 10328
new-stars: 214
name: prakhar1989/awesome-courses
description: List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science! | {
"published": "2015/01/07",
"stars": "10328",
"newStars": "214",
"name": "prakhar1989/awesome-courses",
"description": "List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!"
} |
stars: 2248
new-stars: 187
name: Zhouzi/TheaterJS
description: Typing effect mimicking human behavior. | {
"published": "2015/01/07",
"stars": "2248",
"newStars": "187",
"name": "Zhouzi/TheaterJS",
"description": "Typing effect mimicking human behavior."
} |
stars: 3914
new-stars: 184
name: daniel-lundin/snabbt.js
description: Fast animations with javascript and CSS transforms | {
"published": "2015/01/07",
"stars": "3914",
"newStars": "184",
"name": "daniel-lundin/snabbt.js",
"description": "Fast animations with javascript and CSS transforms"
} |
stars: 1230
new-stars: 145
name: philipwalton/flexbugs
description: A community-curated list of flexbox issues and cross-browser workarounds for them. | {
"published": "2015/01/07",
"stars": "1230",
"newStars": "145",
"name": "philipwalton/flexbugs",
"description": "A community-curated list of flexbox issues and cross-browser workarounds for them."
} |
stars: 2458
new-stars: 142
name: begriffs/postgrest
description: REST API for any Postgres database | {
"published": "2015/01/07",
"stars": "2458",
"newStars": "142",
"name": "begriffs/postgrest",
"description": "REST API for any Postgres database"
} |
stars: 1560
new-stars: 134
name: shazow/ssh-chat
description: Chat over SSH. | {
"published": "2015/01/07",
"stars": "1560",
"newStars": "134",
"name": "shazow/ssh-chat",
"description": "Chat over SSH."
} |
stars: 1118
new-stars: 714
name: nwidger/nintengo
description: An NES emulator written in Go | {
"published": "2015/01/08",
"stars": "1118",
"newStars": "714",
"name": "nwidger/nintengo",
"description": "An NES emulator written in Go"
} |
stars: 1905
new-stars: 658
name: hgarc014/git-game
description: terminal game to test git skills | {
"published": "2015/01/08",
"stars": "1905",
"newStars": "658",
"name": "hgarc014/git-game",
"description": "terminal game to test git skills"
} |
stars: 8920
new-stars: 386
name: IanLunn/Hover
description: A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects to be applied to links, buttons, logos, SVG, featured images and so on. Easily apply to your own elements, modify or just use for inspiration. Available in CSS, Sass, and LESS. | {
"published": "2015/01/08",
"stars": "8920",
"newStars": "386",
"name": "IanLunn/Hover",
"description": "A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects to be applied to links, buttons, logos, SVG, featured images and so on. Easily apply to your own elements, modify or just use for inspiration. Available in CSS, Sass, and LESS."
} |
stars: 1633
new-stars: 332
name: Aufree/trip-to-iOS
description: A curated list of delightful iOS resources. | {
"published": "2015/01/08",
"stars": "1633",
"newStars": "332",
"name": "Aufree/trip-to-iOS",
"description": "A curated list of delightful iOS resources."
} |
stars: 2517
new-stars: 210
name: allmobilize/amazeui
description: Amaze UI, a mobile-first and modular front-end framework. | {
"published": "2015/01/08",
"stars": "2517",
"newStars": "210",
"name": "allmobilize/amazeui",
"description": "Amaze UI, a mobile-first and modular front-end framework."
} |
stars: 83
new-stars: 49
name: robpike/filter
description: Simple apply/filter/reduce package. | {
"published": "2015/01/08",
"stars": "83",
"newStars": "49",
"name": "robpike/filter",
"description": "Simple apply/filter/reduce package."
} |
stars: 256
new-stars: 40
name: codrops/TextInputEffects
description: Simple styles and effects for enhancing text input interactions. | {
"published": "2015/01/08",
"stars": "256",
"newStars": "40",
"name": "codrops/TextInputEffects",
"description": "Simple styles and effects for enhancing text input interactions."
} |
stars: 43
new-stars: 30
name: a11y/awesome-archive
description: A curated list of awesome archive | {
"published": "2015/01/08",
"stars": "43",
"newStars": "30",
"name": "a11y/awesome-archive",
"description": "A curated list of awesome archive"
} |
stars: 44
new-stars: 13
description: Regras, links e outras coisas da APDA | {
"published": "2015/01/08",
"stars": "44",
"newStars": "13",
"name": "APDA-HQ/APDA",
"description": "Regras, links e outras coisas da APDA"
} |
stars: 40
new-stars: 10
name: dtinth/hide-stack-frames-from
description: Filter stack trace by npm package name. | {
"published": "2015/01/08",
"stars": "40",
"newStars": "10",
"name": "dtinth/hide-stack-frames-from",
"description": "Filter stack trace by npm package name."
} |
stars: 12
new-stars: 9
name: i-saint/Alcantarea
description: | {
"published": "2015/01/08",
"stars": "12",
"newStars": "9",
"name": "i-saint/Alcantarea",
"description": ""
} |
stars: 16
new-stars: 6
name: inkjet/pypostalcode
description: Python module for Canadian postal code lookup and radius searches | {
"published": "2015/01/08",
"stars": "16",
"newStars": "6",
"name": "inkjet/pypostalcode",
"description": "Python module for Canadian postal code lookup and radius searches"
} |
stars: 6
new-stars: 6
name: observing/finn
description: Finn: Helps you explore the dangerous worlds of CSS using pre-processing. | {
"published": "2015/01/08",
"stars": "6",
"newStars": "6",
"name": "observing/finn",
"description": "Finn: Helps you explore the dangerous worlds of CSS using pre-processing."
} |
stars: 7
new-stars: 5
name: chuckwagoncomputing/fxos-firemote
description: A SSH and Telnet Client for Firefox OS. | {
"published": "2015/01/08",
"stars": "7",
"newStars": "5",
"name": "chuckwagoncomputing/fxos-firemote",
"description": "A SSH and Telnet Client for Firefox OS."
} |
stars: 6
new-stars: 5
name: UniqueStudio/harmony
description: Harmony Wuhan! | {
"published": "2015/01/08",
"stars": "6",
"newStars": "5",
"name": "UniqueStudio/harmony",
"description": "Harmony Wuhan!"
} |
stars: 5
new-stars: 5
name: raphaelbastide/jesuischarlie-graphic-pack
description: To print Charlie Hebdo support images in HD | {
"published": "2015/01/08",
"stars": "5",
"newStars": "5",
"name": "raphaelbastide/jesuischarlie-graphic-pack",
"description": "To print Charlie Hebdo support images in HD"
} |
stars: 72
new-stars: 5
name: cloudsec/brootkit
description: Lightweight rootkit implemented by bash shell scripts v0.08 | {
"published": "2015/01/08",
"stars": "72",
"newStars": "5",
"name": "cloudsec/brootkit",
"description": "Lightweight rootkit implemented by bash shell scripts v0.08"
} |
stars: 20
new-stars: 5
name: sindresorhus/dot-prop
description: Get a property from a nested object using a dot path | {
"published": "2015/01/08",
"stars": "20",
"newStars": "5",
"name": "sindresorhus/dot-prop",
"description": "Get a property from a nested object using a dot path"
} |
stars: 1074
new-stars: 345
name: google/novm
description: Experimental KVM-based VMM, written in Go. | {
"published": "2015/01/08",
"stars": "1074",
"newStars": "345",
"name": "google/novm",
"description": "Experimental KVM-based VMM, written in Go."
} |
stars: 1556
new-stars: 179
name: amjith/pgcli
description: Postgres CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting | {
"published": "2015/01/08",
"stars": "1556",
"newStars": "179",
"name": "amjith/pgcli",
"description": "Postgres CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting"
} |
stars: 837
new-stars: 166
name: twitter/AnomalyDetection
description: Anomaly Detection with R | {
"published": "2015/01/08",
"stars": "837",
"newStars": "166",
"name": "twitter/AnomalyDetection",
"description": "Anomaly Detection with R"
} |
stars: 1805
new-stars: 163
name: systemjs/systemjs
description: Universal dynamic module loader | {
"published": "2015/01/08",
"stars": "1805",
"newStars": "163",
"name": "systemjs/systemjs",
"description": "Universal dynamic module loader"
} |
stars: 3192
new-stars: 160
name: sophron/wifiphisher
description: Fast automated phishing attacks against WiFi networks | {
"published": "2015/01/08",
"stars": "3192",
"newStars": "160",
"name": "sophron/wifiphisher",
"description": "Fast automated phishing attacks against WiFi networks"
} |
Subsets and Splits