malaysian_codemixed /
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5a61766 verified
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Data is scrapped from Facebook, Twitter, KLSE Screener & Lowyat and labelled by local Malaysians.

Label Definition & Statistics

Label Coverage Example Count (%) Unique Count (%)
eng English words, including misspelled words kipidap, lol, 50cents 19,519 (42.00%) 3887 (36.53%)
msa Malay words, including shorthands, typos, regional dialects, Indonesian and adapted Arabic words (found in DBP’s online dictionary ), but not indigenous languages like Kadazan-Dusun or Iban. Bole, xpe, camni, Allahyarham, kah 8746 (18.82%) 2501 (23.50%)
zho Chinese character 5,988 (12.88%) 1920 (18.04%)
tam Tamil characters 10 (0.02%) 10 (0.10%)
mix Mix language or grammar in 1 word slowkan 17 (0.04%) 16 (0.15%)
rzho Mandarin words phonetically typed using roman characters hen hao xiao 12 (0.03%) 9 (0.09%)
ryue Cantonese words phonetically typed using roman characters sohai, sai lang 25 (0.05%) 16 (0.15%)
rnan Hokkien words phonetically typed using roman characters kaw kaw, huat ah 24 (0.05%) 20 (0.19%)
rtam Tamil words phonetically typed using roman characters nee solredum vastevumdan 7 (0.02%) 7 (0.07%)
ne (i) Proper Nouns typed in roman characters, (ii) Universal words which do not indicate specific language (food from other nations), (iii) masked named entity e.g. <stock>, <user> MACC, SPRM, Singapura, WhatsApp, bento 3120 (6.71%) 973 (9.14%)
fw Known foreign language words (e.g. Arabic, Hindi, Kadazan-Dusun, Bidayuh) oppa, Allahummargh-firlaha 657 (1.41%) 412 (3.87%)
amb Ambiguous between >1 languages (e.g. shared words used in a Malay-English code-mixed sentence) Hospital, bonus 18 (0.04%) 18 (0.17%)
univ (i) Interjection words that is universal across languages, (ii) Symbols, emojis and emoticons, (iii) masked items <tag>, <url>, <emoji>, (iv) numbers and universal units RM20, 200km, 6am, Wa, lah, ohhh, aiya, meh, leh, .,?! =) >.< 8223 (17.69%) 757 (7.11%)
unk Unknown language skalskks, Aosgxbsuwu 107 (0.23%) 96 (0.90%)
Total 46,473 10,642