kitchen porter
Kitchen porters wash and clean kitchen areas, including pots, pans, utensils, cutlery and dishes. They prepare the kitchen area before service, and receive and store supplies.
Küchenbedienstete spülen und reinigen Küchenbereiche, darunter Töpfe, Pfannen, sonstige Hilfsmittel, Besteck und Geschirr. Sie bereiten den Küchenbereich vor Arbeitsbeginn vor und nehmen Lieferungen entgegen und lagern Vorräte.
kitchen porter
['follow procedures to control substances hazardous to health', 'comply with food safety and hygiene', 'handle glassware', 'report on possible equipment hazards', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'clean surfaces', 'work in a hospitality team', 'clean kitchen equipment', 'handover the food preparation area', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'carry out stock rotation', 'operate dishwashing machine', 'use food preparation techniques', 'use food cutting tools']
wood caulker
Wood caulkers drive oakum into the seams between planking in deck or hull of wooden ships to make them watertight. They mainly use hand tools to heat marine glue and force it into the seams. They can also hammer hemp ropes and cotton lines into the seams and smear hot pitch over them.
Kalfaterer machen Schiffe wasserdicht, indem sie die Nähte zwischen hölzernen Schiffsplanken mit Werg abdichten. Sie verwenden hauptsächlich Handwerkzeuge, um Schiffsklebstoff zu erhitzen und ihn in die Nähte einzubringen. Möglicherweise verwenden sie auch Hanfseile und Baumwolle, die sie dann mit heißem Pech versiegeln.
wood caulker
['traditional wood caulking materials', 'types of wood', 'wood caulking processes', 'calculate materials to build equipment', 'handle chemicals', 'ensure integrity of hull', 'wear appropriate protective gear', 'clean equipment', 'ensure vessel compliance with regulations', 'apply health and safety standards', 'apply preliminary treatment to workpieces', 'dispose of hazardous waste', 'use power tools', 'warm marine glue', 'coat seams with hot pitch', 'use caulking tools', 'assist in ship maintenance', 'coat seams with putty', 'operate hot glue gun', 'remove excess glue', 'apply rubber sealant', 'remove old caulking']
chemical processing supervisor
produktionsleiter/in chemie
Chemical processing supervisors coordinate the activities and the staff involved in the chemical production process, ensuring the production goals and deadlines are met. They control quality and optimize chemicals processing by ensuring defined tests, analysis and quality control procedures are performed.
Produktionsleiter Chemie koordinieren die Tätigkeiten und das an der Herstellung von Chemikalien beteiligte Personal. Sie sorgen dafür, dass die Produktionsziele und -fristen eingehalten werden. Sie kontrollieren die Qualität und optimieren chemische Verfahren, indem sie dafür sorgen, dass die vorgesehenen Tests, Analysen und Qualitätskontrollverfahren durchgeführt werden.
chemical processing supervisor
['contamination exposure regulations', 'analytical chemistry', 'chemical processes', 'laboratory techniques', 'chemistry', 'ensure compliance with environmental legislation', 'develop calibration procedures', 'define manufacturing quality criteria', 'avoid contamination', 'manage chemical processes inspection', 'supervise worker safety', 'run laboratory simulations', 'manage waste', 'document analysis results', 'plan shifts of employees', 'communicate test results to other departments', 'handle residual gases', 'validate raw materials', 'test chemical samples', 'manage chemical testing procedures', 'use chemical analysis equipment', 'monitor chemical process condition', 'instrumentation equipment', 'corrosion types', 'gas contaminant removal processes', 'nuclear energy', 'metrology', 'radiochemistry', 'remove contaminated materials', 'analyse energy consumption', 'monitor nuclear power plant systems', 'recognise signs of corrosion', 'remove contaminants', 'maintain stock control systems', 'prepare chemical samples', 'assess environmental impact', 'train employees']
domestic cleaner
reinigungskraft in privathaushalt
Domestic cleaners perform all necessary cleaning activities in order to clean their clients' houses. They vacuum and sweep floors, wash dishes, launder clothes, dust, scrub and polish surfaces and disinfect equipment and materials.
Reinigungskräfte in Privathaushalten führen alle erforderlichen Reinigungsarbeiten durch, um die Häuser ihrer Kunden zu reinigen. Sie saugen und wischen Fußböden, spülen Geschirr, waschen Kleidung, übernehmen das Abstauben, Schrubben und Polieren von Oberflächen und das Desinfizieren von Geräten und Materialien.
domestic cleaner
['cleaning techniques', 'maintain inventory of cleaning supplies', 'maintain personal hygiene standards when cleaning', 'wash the laundry', 'work ergonomically', 'clean household linens', 'remove dust', 'perform cleaning duties', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'iron textiles', 'clean toilet facilities', 'vacuum surfaces', 'clean surfaces', 'maintain cleaning equipment', 'clean rooms', "restock toilet facilities' supplies", 'wash the dishes', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'clean glass surfaces', 'make the beds', 'sort waste', 'feed pets', 'handle linen in stock', 'clean vehicle exterior', 'wash costumes', 'carry out pressure washing activities', 'buy groceries', 'provide dog walking services', 'maintain wardrobe', 'lift heavy weights', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'wash vehicles', 'clean vehicle interiors', 'perform outdoor cleaning activities', 'supervise children']
kiln firer
Kiln firers operate kilns in order to fire decorations or glazes. They determine the level and uniformity of oven temperature, regulate the temperature, and give directions to a helper in preparing firebox and lighting fires.
Glasierer bedienen Öfen zur Dekoration oder Glasur. Sie bestimmen die Höhe und Einheitlichkeit der Ofentemperatur, regeln die Temperatur und geben einem Mitarbeiter Anweisungen für die Vorbereitung der Feuerkammer und das Entfachen des Feuers.
kiln firer
['optimise production processes parameters', 'inspect quality of products', 'prepare kiln firebox', 'maintain furnace temperature', "observe products' behaviour under processing conditions", 'control kiln firing', 'transfer glaze', 'store products', 'health, safety and hygiene legislation', 'kiln types', 'perform kiln maintenance', 'maintain equipment', 'manage waste', 'validate raw materials', 'write batch record documentation', 'manage kiln ventilation']
ICT system developer
ICT system developers maintain, audit and improve organisational support systems. They use existing or new technologies to meet particular needs. They test both hardware and software system components, diagnose and resolve system faults.
IT-Systementwickler warten, prüfen und verbessern Systeme, die das Unternehmen unterstützen. Sie nutzen bestehende oder neue Technologien, um besonderen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden. Sie testen Hardware- und Softwarekomponenten, diagnostizieren Fehlerursachen und beheben Systemfehler.
ICT system developer
['computer programming', 'digital systems', 'ICT debugging tools', 'ICT system integration', 'integrated development environment software', 'tools for software configuration management', 'ICT system programming', 'migrate existing data', 'use an application-specific interface', 'develop automated migration methods', 'keep up with the latest information systems solutions', 'debug software', 'use software design patterns', 'collect customer feedback on applications', 'develop software prototype', 'interpret technical texts', 'use software libraries', 'create flowchart diagram', 'solve ICT system problems', 'analyse software specifications', 'Haskell', 'KDevelop', 'SAS language', 'Ruby (computer programming)', 'Common Lisp', 'Apache Maven', 'Lisp', 'Visual Basic', 'defence standard procedures', 'Java (computer programming)', 'Prolog (computer programming)', 'OpenEdge Advanced Business Language', 'blockchain openness', 'JavaScript', 'Perl', 'PHP', 'software anomalies', 'Xcode', 'Assembly (computer programming)', 'C#', 'attack vectors', 'R', 'Groovy', 'ASP.NET', 'APL', 'object-oriented modelling', 'Puppet (tools for software configuration management)', 'smart contract', 'STAF', 'Eclipse (integrated development environment software)', 'security engineering', 'Ansible', 'ICT security legislation', 'Microsoft Visual C++', 'core banking software', 'TypeScript', 'World Wide Web Consortium standards', 'blockchain platforms', 'Objective-C', 'ML (computer programming)', 'AJAX', 'C++', 'SAP R3', 'Swift (computer programming)', 'MATLAB', 'Salt (tools for software configuration management)', 'Python (computer programming)', 'systems theory', 'Scratch (computer programming)', 'VBScript', 'COBOL', 'Pascal (computer programming)', 'Internet of Things', 'Jenkins (tools for software configuration management)', 'system design', 'Scala', 'plan migration to cloud', 'design cloud architecture', 'utilise computer-aided software engineering tools', 'use concurrent programming', 'use logic programming', 'use object-oriented programming', 'develop with cloud services', 'design database scheme', 'use query languages', 'use automatic programming', 'develop creative ideas', 'monitor system performance', 'implement anti-virus software', 'apply ICT systems theory', 'automate cloud tasks', 'use functional programming', 'identify ICT system weaknesses', 'design for organisational complexity', 'integrate system components', 'adapt to changes in technological development plans', 'design user interface']
ICT system developer
ICT system developers maintain, audit and improve organisational support systems. They use existing or new technologies to meet particular needs. They test both hardware and software system components, diagnose and resolve system faults.
IT-Systementwickler warten, prüfen und verbessern Systeme, die das Unternehmen unterstützen. Sie nutzen bestehende oder neue Technologien, um besonderen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden. Sie testen Hardware- und Softwarekomponenten, diagnostizieren Fehlerursachen und beheben Systemfehler.
ICT system developer
['computer programming', 'digital systems', 'ICT debugging tools', 'ICT system integration', 'integrated development environment software', 'tools for software configuration management', 'ICT system programming', 'migrate existing data', 'use an application-specific interface', 'develop automated migration methods', 'keep up with the latest information systems solutions', 'debug software', 'use software design patterns', 'collect customer feedback on applications', 'develop software prototype', 'interpret technical texts', 'use software libraries', 'create flowchart diagram', 'solve ICT system problems', 'analyse software specifications', 'Haskell', 'KDevelop', 'SAS language', 'Ruby (computer programming)', 'Common Lisp', 'Apache Maven', 'Lisp', 'Visual Basic', 'defence standard procedures', 'Java (computer programming)', 'Prolog (computer programming)', 'OpenEdge Advanced Business Language', 'blockchain openness', 'JavaScript', 'Perl', 'PHP', 'software anomalies', 'Xcode', 'Assembly (computer programming)', 'C#', 'attack vectors', 'R', 'Groovy', 'ASP.NET', 'APL', 'object-oriented modelling', 'Puppet (tools for software configuration management)', 'smart contract', 'STAF', 'Eclipse (integrated development environment software)', 'security engineering', 'Ansible', 'ICT security legislation', 'Microsoft Visual C++', 'core banking software', 'TypeScript', 'World Wide Web Consortium standards', 'blockchain platforms', 'Objective-C', 'ML (computer programming)', 'AJAX', 'C++', 'SAP R3', 'Swift (computer programming)', 'MATLAB', 'Salt (tools for software configuration management)', 'Python (computer programming)', 'systems theory', 'Scratch (computer programming)', 'VBScript', 'COBOL', 'Pascal (computer programming)', 'Internet of Things', 'Jenkins (tools for software configuration management)', 'system design', 'Scala', 'plan migration to cloud', 'design cloud architecture', 'utilise computer-aided software engineering tools', 'use concurrent programming', 'use logic programming', 'use object-oriented programming', 'develop with cloud services', 'design database scheme', 'use query languages', 'use automatic programming', 'develop creative ideas', 'monitor system performance', 'implement anti-virus software', 'apply ICT systems theory', 'automate cloud tasks', 'use functional programming', 'identify ICT system weaknesses', 'design for organisational complexity', 'integrate system components', 'adapt to changes in technological development plans', 'design user interface']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
office clerk
Office clerks are responsible for performing clerical and administrative duties in an office setting and support of business operations within a department. They assist all the administrative staff, secretaries, and assistants by sorting mail, filing forms and documents, answering phones, greeting clients and scheduling meetings.
Bürokaufmänner/Bürokauffrauen übernehmen Büro- und Verwaltungsaufgaben in Büros und unterstützen den Geschäftsbetrieb innerhalb einer Abteilung. Sie gehen allen Verwaltungsbeschäftigten, Sekretariatskräften und Assistenten/Assistentinnen zur Hand, indem sie Korrespondenz ordnen, Formulare und Dokumente ausfüllen, Telefonanrufe entgegennehmen, Kunden/Kundinnen in Empfang nehmen und Sitzungstermine planen.
office clerk
['information confidentiality', 'company policies', 'communicate with customers', 'use spreadsheets software', 'disseminate internal communications', 'file documents', 'organise business documents', 'use different communication channels', 'align content with form', 'process commissioned instructions', 'use office systems', 'handle mail', 'perform office routine activities', 'disseminate messages to people', 'fill out forms', 'prepare correspondence for customers', 'apply grammar and spelling rules', 'maintain correspondence records', 'manage digital documents', 'organise facilities for office personnel', 'route correspondence to business departments', 'communicate by telephone', 'deliver correspondence', 'handle delivered packages', 'process data', 'facilitate access to information', 'transcription methods', 'accounting techniques', 'document sharing procedures', 'translate keywords into full texts', 'respect data protection principles', 'maintain inventory of office supplies', 'digitise documents', 'maintain internal communication systems', 'use software for data preservation', 'monitor staff absences', 'perform cleaning duties', 'use free typing techniques', 'keep records of customer interaction', 'communicate with customer service department', 'serve beverages', 'ensure proper document management', 'issue sales invoices', 'draft corporate emails', 'process customer orders', 'use microsoft office', 'manage digital archives', 'use personal organization software']
food production operator
Food production operators supply and perform one or more tasks in different stages of the food production process. They perform manufacturing operations and processes to foods and beverages, perform packaging, operate machines manually or automatically, follow predetermined procedures, and take food safety regulations on board.
Lebensmittelproduktionsmitarbeiter führen eine oder mehrere Aufgaben in verschiedenen Phasen des Lebensmittelherstellungsprozesses aus. Sie führen Verfahren und Prozesse zur Herstellung von Lebensmitteln und Getränken durch, nehmen die Verpackung vor, bedienen Maschinen manuell oder automatisch, verfolgen vorab festgelegte Verfahren und halten die Vorschriften für die Lebensmittelsicherheit ein.
food production operator
['food waste monitoring systems', 'food safety principles', 'food ethics', 'food authentication techniques', 'food fraud', 'ensure sanitation', 'monitor ingredient storage', 'ensure refrigeration of food in the supply chain', 'disassemble equipment', 'keep inventory of goods in production', 'clean food and beverage machinery', 'apply HACCP', 'promote ethical eating', 'administer ingredients in food production', 'be at ease in unsafe environments', 'support management of raw materials', 'monitor the production line', 'listen actively', 'lift heavy weights', 'apply requirements concerning manufacturing of food and beverages', 'apply GMP', 'carry out checks of production plant equipment', 'follow production schedule', 'circular economy', 'food canning production line', 'health, safety and hygiene legislation', 'milk production process', 'condiment manufacturing processes', 'project management', 'fermentation processes of food', 'centrifugal force', 'energy efficiency', 'hydrogenation processes for edible oils', 'food storage', 'cleaning of reusable packaging', 'modern brewing systems', 'food homogenisation', 'tend packaging machines', 'measure sugar refinement', 'operate automated process control', 'tend bottle-washing machine', 'set up equipment for food production', 'operate forklift', 'conduct cleaning in place', 'handle kitchen equipment', 'apply extruding techniques', 'weigh materials', 'perform cleaning duties', 'check quality of products on the production line', 'monitor milled food products', 'check bottles for packaging', 'analyse samples of food and beverages', 'follow evaluation procedures of materials at reception', 'ensure correct goods labelling', 'monitor coating specifications', 'apply preservation treatments', 'execute chilling processes to food products', 'perform carbonation processes', 'monitor almond blanching process', 'work according to recipe', 'follow hygienic procedures during food processing', 'check quality of raw materials', 'mould chocolate', 'dispose non-food waste within the food industry', 'monitor sugar uniformity', 'adjust drying process to goods', 'mitigate waste of resources', 'monitor filling machines', 'rectify spirits', 'use resource-efficient technologies in hospitality', 'dispose food waste', 'monitor oil blending process', 'apply different dehydration processes of fruits and vegetables', 'examine production samples', 'ensure compliance with environmental legislation in food production', 'label samples', 'administer materials to tea bag machines']
mineral processing operator
Mineral processing operators operate a variety of plants and equipment to convert raw materials into marketable products. They provide the appropriate information on the process to the control room.
Mineralaufbereiter betreiben eine Reihe von Anlagen und Geräten zur Umwandlung von Rohstoffen in marktfähige Produkte. Sie stellen die benötigten Informationen zum Verfahren für den Kontrollraum bereit.
mineral processing operator
['work ergonomically', 'collect samples', 'mix treating materials', 'handle chemicals', 'troubleshoot', 'operate raw mineral separation equipment', 'deal with pressure from unexpected circumstances', 'operate raw mineral size reduction equipment', 'conduct inter-shift communication', 'electricity', 'chemistry', 'mechanics', 'bioleaching', 'write production reports', 'operate wash plant', 'handle mining plant waste', 'perform minor repairs to equipment', 'test raw minerals', 'train employees']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
food production operator
Food production operators supply and perform one or more tasks in different stages of the food production process. They perform manufacturing operations and processes to foods and beverages, perform packaging, operate machines manually or automatically, follow predetermined procedures, and take food safety regulations on board.
Lebensmittelproduktionsmitarbeiter führen eine oder mehrere Aufgaben in verschiedenen Phasen des Lebensmittelherstellungsprozesses aus. Sie führen Verfahren und Prozesse zur Herstellung von Lebensmitteln und Getränken durch, nehmen die Verpackung vor, bedienen Maschinen manuell oder automatisch, verfolgen vorab festgelegte Verfahren und halten die Vorschriften für die Lebensmittelsicherheit ein.
food production operator
['food waste monitoring systems', 'food safety principles', 'food ethics', 'food authentication techniques', 'food fraud', 'ensure sanitation', 'monitor ingredient storage', 'ensure refrigeration of food in the supply chain', 'disassemble equipment', 'keep inventory of goods in production', 'clean food and beverage machinery', 'apply HACCP', 'promote ethical eating', 'administer ingredients in food production', 'be at ease in unsafe environments', 'support management of raw materials', 'monitor the production line', 'listen actively', 'lift heavy weights', 'apply requirements concerning manufacturing of food and beverages', 'apply GMP', 'carry out checks of production plant equipment', 'follow production schedule', 'circular economy', 'food canning production line', 'health, safety and hygiene legislation', 'milk production process', 'condiment manufacturing processes', 'project management', 'fermentation processes of food', 'centrifugal force', 'energy efficiency', 'hydrogenation processes for edible oils', 'food storage', 'cleaning of reusable packaging', 'modern brewing systems', 'food homogenisation', 'tend packaging machines', 'measure sugar refinement', 'operate automated process control', 'tend bottle-washing machine', 'set up equipment for food production', 'operate forklift', 'conduct cleaning in place', 'handle kitchen equipment', 'apply extruding techniques', 'weigh materials', 'perform cleaning duties', 'check quality of products on the production line', 'monitor milled food products', 'check bottles for packaging', 'analyse samples of food and beverages', 'follow evaluation procedures of materials at reception', 'ensure correct goods labelling', 'monitor coating specifications', 'apply preservation treatments', 'execute chilling processes to food products', 'perform carbonation processes', 'monitor almond blanching process', 'work according to recipe', 'follow hygienic procedures during food processing', 'check quality of raw materials', 'mould chocolate', 'dispose non-food waste within the food industry', 'monitor sugar uniformity', 'adjust drying process to goods', 'mitigate waste of resources', 'monitor filling machines', 'rectify spirits', 'use resource-efficient technologies in hospitality', 'dispose food waste', 'monitor oil blending process', 'apply different dehydration processes of fruits and vegetables', 'examine production samples', 'ensure compliance with environmental legislation in food production', 'label samples', 'administer materials to tea bag machines']
garden labourer
Garden labourers perform simple tasks in cultivating and maintaining flowers, trees and shrubs. This work can take place in either parks or private gardens.
Gartenhilfsarbeiter führen einfache Aufgaben beim Anbau und bei der Pflege von Blumen, Bäumen und Sträuchern durch. Diese Arbeiten können sowohl in Parks als auch in Privatgärten erfolgen.
garden labourer
['soil structure', 'plant species', 'watering principles', 'pest control in plants', 'plant propagation', "maintain plants' growth", 'work in outdoor conditions', 'prepare the ground', 'prepare sites for planting of grass', 'maintain turf and grass', 'prune hedges and trees', 'maintain ground', 'maintain plant soil nutrition', 'nurse plants', 'propagate plants', 'handling chemical products for soil and plants', 'operate hand pruning equipment', 'use gardening equipment', 'plant green plants', 'maintain plant health', 'plant according to guidelines', 'prune plants', 'grow plants', 'prepare planting area', 'operate turf management equipment', 'turf management', 'greenhouse types', 'herbicides sprayers', 'ecology', 'pruning techniques', 'landscaping materials', 'lawn care', 'horticulture principles', 'plant disease control', 'pruning types', 'transport physical resources within the work area', 'build garden masonry', 'assist in interior plant projects', 'de-limb trees', 'establish vertical gardens', 'build fences', 'perform weed control operations', 'maintain turf management equipment', 'establish green roof', 'maintain the greenhouse', 'maintain gardening equipment', 'create garden areas ', 'execute disease and pest control activities', 'nurse trees', 'provide lawn care']
building construction worker
Building construction workers prepare and maintain building construction activities on construction sites. They perform preparation and clean-up work in order to assist specialised construction workers.
Hochbauhelfer übernehmen die Vorbereitung und Wartung von Hochbaumaßnahmen auf Baustellen. Sie führen Vorbereitungs- und Reinigungstätigkeiten durch, um spezialisierte Bauarbeiter zu unterstützen.
building construction worker
['install wood elements in structures', 'apply finish to concrete', 'inspect masonry work', 'check compatibility of materials', 'dig soil mechanically', 'pour concrete', 'transport construction supplies', 'operate digging construction equipment', 'work in a construction team', 'inspect construction supplies', 'mix concrete', 'prepare wall for wallpaper', 'prepare surface for painting', 'move soil', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'install construction profiles', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'discharge cement', 'prepare surface for plastering', 'place drywall', 'plumbing tools', 'carpentry', 'types of concrete forms', 'types of concrete pumps', 'demolition techniques', 'types of plastering materials', 'building construction principles', 'construction methods', 'building materials industry', 'construction industry', 'plaster surfaces', 'operate masonry power saw', 'operate concrete pumps', 'communicate with construction crews', 'install roof windows', 'inspect construction sites', 'lay tiles', 'read standard blueprints', 'install plumbing systems', 'place concrete forms', 'set window', 'apply adhesive wall coating', 'cut wall chases', 'finish mortar joints', 'screed concrete', 'fit doors', 'construct wood roofs', 'plan construction of houses', 'secure heavy construction equipment']
fitter and turner
Fitters and turners use machine tools to create and modify metal parts according to set specifications in order to fit components for machinery. They ensure the finished components are ready for assembly.
Zerspanungsmechaniker verwenden Werkzeugmaschinen zum Herstellen und Bearbeiten von Metallteilen gemäß festgelegten Spezifikationen, um Bauteile für Maschinen anzupassen. Sie stellen sicher, dass die fertigen Bauteile für die Montage bereit sind.
fitter and turner
['metal forming technologies', 'types of metal', 'inspect quality of products', 'manipulate metal', 'measure parts of manufactured products', 'operate metal fabricating machines', 'operate drill press', 'cut metal products', 'use technical documentation', 'fabricate metal parts', 'tend lathe', 'perform metal work', 'manufacturing of metal structures', 'metal joining technologies', 'screw types', 'rivet types', 'metal coating technologies', 'solve technical problems', 'design metal components', 'assemble metal parts', 'join metals', 'assemble electrical components', 'read standard blueprints', 'operate handheld riveting equipment', 'read engineering drawings', 'heat metals', 'tend computer numerical control lathe machine', 'develop assembly instructions', 'set up the controller of a machine', 'tend riveting machine', 'apply polishing lubricants']
compression moulding machine operator
bediener von kunststoff-formteilpressen/bedienerin von kunststoff-formteilpressen
Compression moulding machine operators set up and operate machines to mould plastic products, according to requirements. They select and install dies on press. Compression moulding machine operators weigh the amount of premixed compound needed and pour it into the die well. They regulate the temperature of dies.
Bediener von Kunststoff-Formteilpressen übernehmen die Einrichtung und Bedienung von Maschinen zum Formen von Kunststoffprodukten gemäß den Anforderungen. Sie wählen und installieren Formwerkzeuge in der Presse. Bediener von Kunststoff-Formteilpressen wiegen die Menge der benötigten vorgemischten Bestandteile ab und geben sie in die Pressform. Sie regulieren die Temperatur der Formen.
compression moulding machine operator
['compression moulding machine parts', 'dies', 'quality standards', 'types of plastic', 'optimise production processes parameters', 'dump batches', 'manipulate plastic', 'monitor gauge', 'move levers', 'install press dies', 'use personal protection equipment', 'extract products from moulds', 'tend compression moulding machine', 'monitor valves', 'measure materials', 'graphite', 'plastic welding', 'manufacturing of daily use goods', 'mechanics', 'manufacturing of sports equipment', 'finish plastic products', 'construct moulds', 'solve technical problems', 'add colour', 'inspect quality of products', 'maintain plastic machinery', 'monitor manufacturing impact', 'perform test run', 'maintain equipment', 'assemble moulds', 'maintain moulds', 'monitor automated machines', 'mix moulding and casting material', 'feed hoppers', 'report defective manufacturing materials', 'perform loading and unloading operations', 'adjust curing ovens', 'keep records of work progress', 'set up the controller of a machine']
compression moulding machine operator
bediener von kunststoff-formteilpressen/bedienerin von kunststoff-formteilpressen
Compression moulding machine operators set up and operate machines to mould plastic products, according to requirements. They select and install dies on press. Compression moulding machine operators weigh the amount of premixed compound needed and pour it into the die well. They regulate the temperature of dies.
Bediener von Kunststoff-Formteilpressen übernehmen die Einrichtung und Bedienung von Maschinen zum Formen von Kunststoffprodukten gemäß den Anforderungen. Sie wählen und installieren Formwerkzeuge in der Presse. Bediener von Kunststoff-Formteilpressen wiegen die Menge der benötigten vorgemischten Bestandteile ab und geben sie in die Pressform. Sie regulieren die Temperatur der Formen.
compression moulding machine operator
['compression moulding machine parts', 'dies', 'quality standards', 'types of plastic', 'optimise production processes parameters', 'dump batches', 'manipulate plastic', 'monitor gauge', 'move levers', 'install press dies', 'use personal protection equipment', 'extract products from moulds', 'tend compression moulding machine', 'monitor valves', 'measure materials', 'graphite', 'plastic welding', 'manufacturing of daily use goods', 'mechanics', 'manufacturing of sports equipment', 'finish plastic products', 'construct moulds', 'solve technical problems', 'add colour', 'inspect quality of products', 'maintain plastic machinery', 'monitor manufacturing impact', 'perform test run', 'maintain equipment', 'assemble moulds', 'maintain moulds', 'monitor automated machines', 'mix moulding and casting material', 'feed hoppers', 'report defective manufacturing materials', 'perform loading and unloading operations', 'adjust curing ovens', 'keep records of work progress', 'set up the controller of a machine']
industrial machinery mechanic
Industrial machinery mechanics work on new machinery and equipment in operation. They set up for the specific application and build accessories if necessary, perform maintenance and repair, and run diagnostics to find faults in systems or parts that need replacing.
Industriemechaniker arbeiten an neuen und bereits in Betrieb befindlichen Maschinen und Geräten. Sie bereiten die Installation der spezifischen Anlage vor und fertigen bei Bedarf Zubehör, führen Wartungsarbeiten und Reparaturen durch und diagnostizieren Fehler in Systemen oder verschlissene Teile.
industrial machinery mechanic
['types of lubricants', 'hydraulics', 'pneumatics', 'electricity', 'electrical wiring plans', 'mechanics', 'solve technical problems', 'resolve equipment malfunctions', 'troubleshoot', 'perform test run', 'conduct routine machinery checks', 'secure working area', 'use testing equipment', 'perform maintenance on installed equipment', 'inspect industrial equipment', 'write records for repairs', 'manufacturing of taps and valves', 'manufacturing of pumps and compressors', 'manufacturing of office equipment', 'order supplies', 'operate welding equipment', 'record test data', 'dispose of hazardous waste', 'install electrical and electronic equipment', 'lay pipe installation', 'perform ICT troubleshooting', 'install hydraulic systems', 'operate industrial equipment', 'estimate restoration costs', 'install pneumatic systems', 'consult technical resources', 'install blinds drive systems', 'provide customer information related to repairs', 'prepare compliance documents', 'apply technical communication skills', 'issue sales invoices', 'operate soldering equipment']
kitchen porter
Kitchen porters wash and clean kitchen areas, including pots, pans, utensils, cutlery and dishes. They prepare the kitchen area before service, and receive and store supplies.
Küchenbedienstete spülen und reinigen Küchenbereiche, darunter Töpfe, Pfannen, sonstige Hilfsmittel, Besteck und Geschirr. Sie bereiten den Küchenbereich vor Arbeitsbeginn vor und nehmen Lieferungen entgegen und lagern Vorräte.
kitchen porter
['follow procedures to control substances hazardous to health', 'comply with food safety and hygiene', 'handle glassware', 'report on possible equipment hazards', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'clean surfaces', 'work in a hospitality team', 'clean kitchen equipment', 'handover the food preparation area', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'carry out stock rotation', 'operate dishwashing machine', 'use food preparation techniques', 'use food cutting tools']
garden labourer
Garden labourers perform simple tasks in cultivating and maintaining flowers, trees and shrubs. This work can take place in either parks or private gardens.
Gartenhilfsarbeiter führen einfache Aufgaben beim Anbau und bei der Pflege von Blumen, Bäumen und Sträuchern durch. Diese Arbeiten können sowohl in Parks als auch in Privatgärten erfolgen.
garden labourer
['soil structure', 'plant species', 'watering principles', 'pest control in plants', 'plant propagation', "maintain plants' growth", 'work in outdoor conditions', 'prepare the ground', 'prepare sites for planting of grass', 'maintain turf and grass', 'prune hedges and trees', 'maintain ground', 'maintain plant soil nutrition', 'nurse plants', 'propagate plants', 'handling chemical products for soil and plants', 'operate hand pruning equipment', 'use gardening equipment', 'plant green plants', 'maintain plant health', 'plant according to guidelines', 'prune plants', 'grow plants', 'prepare planting area', 'operate turf management equipment', 'turf management', 'greenhouse types', 'herbicides sprayers', 'ecology', 'pruning techniques', 'landscaping materials', 'lawn care', 'horticulture principles', 'plant disease control', 'pruning types', 'transport physical resources within the work area', 'build garden masonry', 'assist in interior plant projects', 'de-limb trees', 'establish vertical gardens', 'build fences', 'perform weed control operations', 'maintain turf management equipment', 'establish green roof', 'maintain the greenhouse', 'maintain gardening equipment', 'create garden areas ', 'execute disease and pest control activities', 'nurse trees', 'provide lawn care']
Cooks are culinary operatives who are able to prepare and present food, normally in domestic and institutional environments.
Köche sind in Küchen tätig und dafür qualifiziert, Lebensmittel – in der Regel in einem Privathaushalt, einer Institution oder einem Unternehmen – zuzubereiten und anzurichten.
['comply with food safety and hygiene', 'order supplies', 'store raw food materials', 'receive kitchen supplies', 'use food preparation techniques', 'work in a hospitality team', 'handover the food preparation area', 'use reheating techniques', 'use culinary finishing techniques', 'use food cutting tools', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'control of expenses', 'maintain kitchen equipment at correct temperature', 'use cooking techniques', 'nutrition', 'composition of diets', 'seafood processing', 'prepared meals', 'fish anatomy', 'prepare dairy products for use in a dish', 'slice fish', 'prepare meat products for use in a dish', 'identify nutritional properties of food', 'prepare saucier products for use in a dish', 'comply with standard portion sizes', 'prepare sandwiches', 'prepare salad dressings', 'cook seafood', 'prepare bakery products', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'cook vegetable products', 'plan menus', 'cook sauce products', 'execute chilling processes to food products', 'manage waste', 'prepare vegetable products for use in a dish', 'prepare desserts', 'store kitchen supplies', 'prepare ready-made dishes', 'advise customers on seafood choices', 'create a diet plan', 'train employees', 'cook dairy products', 'create decorative food displays', 'cook meat dishes', 'advise on preparation of diet food', 'check deliveries on receipt', 'prepare egg products for use in a dish', 'prepare flambeed dishes']
building materials specialised seller
fachverkäufer für bau- und heimwerkerbedarf/fachverkäuferin für bau- und heimwerkerbedarf
Building materials specialised sellers sell building materials in specialised shops.
Fachverkäufer für Bau- und Heimwerkerbedarf verkaufen in Fachgeschäften Baustoffe.
building materials specialised seller
['sales argumentation', 'characteristics of products', 'construction equipment related to building materials', 'e-commerce systems', 'product comprehension', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'carry out products preparation', 'operate cash register', 'advise customers on building materials', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'examine merchandise', 'provide customer guidance on product selection', 'use different communication channels', 'organise storage facilities', 'monitor stock level', 'provide customised building materials', 'handle building materials', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'apply numeracy skills', "identify customer's needs", 'organise product display', 'stock shelves', 'identify construction materials from blueprints', 'process refunds', 'carry out order intake', 'sell building materials', 'carry out active selling', 'estimate cost of building materials', "demonstrate products' features", 'provide customer follow-up services', 'issue sales invoices', 'plan aftersales arrangements', 'prevent shoplifting', 'construction industry']
sales account manager
Sales account managers serve as intermediators between clients and the organisation, managing both sales and long term relations with the client. They have knowledge about products and services and develop contracts with customers.
Verkaufsleiter/Verkaufsleiterinnen fungieren als Vermittler/Vermittlerinnen zwischen Kunden/Kundinnen und dem Unternehmen, wobei sie sowohl den Vertrieb als auch die langfristigen Kundenbeziehungen leiten. Sie sind mit Produkten und Dienstleistungen vertraut und arbeiten Verträge mit Kunden/Kundinnen aus.
sales account manager
['relationship marketing', 'characteristics of products', 'customer service', 'product comprehension', 'company policies', 'characteristics of services', 'apply company policies', 'study sales levels of products', 'perform data analysis', 'perform customers’ needs analysis', 'implement customer follow-up', 'forecast account metrics', 'prospect new customers', 'negotiate price', 'manage contracts', 'use customer relationship management software', 'maximise sales revenues', 'produce sales reports', 'ensure client orientation', 'maintain customer records', 'build business relationships', 'keep records on sales', 'consumer goods industry', 'consumer protection', 'accounting techniques', 'employment law', 'competition law', 'speak different languages', 'deliver a sales pitch', 'adapt to changing situations', 'use content management system software', 'use communication techniques', 'pose questions referring to documents', 'perform market research']
sales assistant
Sales assistants represent the direct contact with clients. They provide general advice to customers.
Verkäufer stehen in direktem Kontakt mit den Kunden. Sie bieten den Kunden allgemeine Beratung.
sales assistant
['characteristics of products', 'product comprehension', 'company policies', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'prepare sales checks', 'operate cash register', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'maintain relationship with customers', 'examine merchandise', 'follow up orders for customers', 'provide customer guidance on product selection', 'maintain relationship with suppliers', 'monitor stock level', "identify customer's needs", 'organise product display', 'stock shelves', 'process refunds', 'carry out order intake', 'ensure client orientation', 'Order products', 'ensure stock storage safety', 'carry out active selling', "demonstrate products' features", 'provide customer follow-up services', 'plan aftersales arrangements', 'prevent shoplifting', 'teamwork principles', 'perform multiple tasks at the same time', 'carry out specialised packing for customers', 'order supplies', 'carry out cross merchandising', 'arrange ordering of products for customers', 'organise storage facilities', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'listen actively', 'package purchases in bags', 'keep records of merchandise delivery', 'issue sales invoices', 'supervise merchandise displays', 'ensure store security']
rolling stock inspector
Rolling stock inspectors inspect wagons and carriages to assess their technical condition while grouped together and before they are used for transportation activities. They check technical devices, ensure complete and correct operation of the rolling stock, and prepare required technical documents and/or checklists. Depending on work organisation they are also responsible for limited ad-hoc maintenance or exchange work and the performance of brake tests.
Schienenfahrzeuginspektoren kontrollieren aneinander gekoppelte Güter- und Reisezugwagen vor dem Einsatz im Verkehr auf ihren technischen Zustand. Sie prüfen die technischen Geräte, stellen einen lückenlosen und ordnungsgemäßen Betrieb des Fahrzeugs sicher und bereiten die erforderlichen technischen Unterlagen und/oder Checklisten vor. Je nach Arbeitsorganisation führen sie kurzfristig einfache Instandhaltungsarbeiten durch, wechseln schadhafte Teile aus oder überprüfen die Bremssysteme.
rolling stock inspector
['characteristics of wheel rail interface', 'electrical engineering', 'rail disruption management', 'hydraulics', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'rail infrastructure', 'electrical wiring plans', 'carry out railway accident investigations', 'shunt inbound loads', 'operate rail-flaw-detection machine', 'test the rail-flaw-detection machine', 'write rail defect records', 'maintain electrical equipment', 'ensure safety of mobile electrical systems', 'use different communication channels', 'operate railway vehicles', 'ensure finished product meet requirements', 'operate railway freight monitoring technologies', 'ensure maintenance of railway machinery', 'enforce railway safety regulations', 'operate hydraulic jack lift', 'detect flaws in rails', 'write railway investigation reports', "keep up-to-date on manufacturer's policies", 'perform rail track inspections', 'check for defects in railcars', 'perform maintenance work on rail tracks', 'work in a rail transport team', 'have computer literacy']
house sitter
House sitters move in the house of their employers in order to maintain security of the property during their absence. They monitor entrance areas and prevent unauthorized persons from entering the house, inspect conditions of the facility such as plumbing and heating and contact repairers if necessary. House sitters may also do some cleaning activities, forward mail and pay bills.
Haussitter wohnen vorübergehend im Haus ihres Arbeitgebers, um die Sicherheit der Immobilie während dessen Abwesenheit zu wahren. Sie überwachen die Eingangsbereiche und verhindern, dass Unbefugte das Haus betreten. Sie inspizieren den Zustand des Gebäudes, z. B. die Rohrleitungen und die Heizungsanlage, und setzen sich bei Bedarf mit Reparaturbetrieben in Verbindung. Bisweilen übernehmen Haussitter auch Reinigungstätigkeiten, leiten Post weiter und bezahlen Rechnungen.
house sitter
['collect mail', 'follow written instructions', 'promote human rights', 'monitor building security', 'disseminate messages to people', 'register information on arrivals and departures', 'ensure private property security', 'follow verbal instructions', 'credit card payments', 'apply company policies', 'feed pets', 'drive vehicles', 'comply with legal regulations', 'maintain pool cleanliness', 'vacuum surfaces', 'clean surfaces', 'stay alert', 'provide dog walking services', 'nurse plants', 'clean rooms', 'use gardening equipment', 'provide home pet sitting services ', 'park vehicles', 'handle veterinary emergencies', 'communicate by telephone', 'execute inspection walkway']
house sitter
House sitters move in the house of their employers in order to maintain security of the property during their absence. They monitor entrance areas and prevent unauthorized persons from entering the house, inspect conditions of the facility such as plumbing and heating and contact repairers if necessary. House sitters may also do some cleaning activities, forward mail and pay bills.
Haussitter wohnen vorübergehend im Haus ihres Arbeitgebers, um die Sicherheit der Immobilie während dessen Abwesenheit zu wahren. Sie überwachen die Eingangsbereiche und verhindern, dass Unbefugte das Haus betreten. Sie inspizieren den Zustand des Gebäudes, z. B. die Rohrleitungen und die Heizungsanlage, und setzen sich bei Bedarf mit Reparaturbetrieben in Verbindung. Bisweilen übernehmen Haussitter auch Reinigungstätigkeiten, leiten Post weiter und bezahlen Rechnungen.
house sitter
['collect mail', 'follow written instructions', 'promote human rights', 'monitor building security', 'disseminate messages to people', 'register information on arrivals and departures', 'ensure private property security', 'follow verbal instructions', 'credit card payments', 'apply company policies', 'feed pets', 'drive vehicles', 'comply with legal regulations', 'maintain pool cleanliness', 'vacuum surfaces', 'clean surfaces', 'stay alert', 'provide dog walking services', 'nurse plants', 'clean rooms', 'use gardening equipment', 'provide home pet sitting services ', 'park vehicles', 'handle veterinary emergencies', 'communicate by telephone', 'execute inspection walkway']
mechatronics assembler
Mechatronics assemblers assemble and maintain complex mechatronic equipment and machines, such as robots, elevators, and advanced home appliances. They build the mechanical, electrical, and electronic components, install software, set the systems in operation, and maintain and repair the components and systems.
Mechatronikmonteure übernehmen die Zusammenstellung und Wartung von komplexen Mechatronikgeräten und Maschinen, wie Robotern, Aufzügen und fortschrittlichen Haushaltsgeräten. Sie bauen die mechanischen, elektrischen und elektronischen Bauteile, installieren Software, richten die Systeme ein und warten und reparieren die Bauteile und Systeme.
mechatronics assembler
['safety engineering', 'quality standards', 'electronics', 'computer equipment', 'mechatronics', 'apply soldering techniques', 'apply assembly techniques', 'monitor machine operations', 'read assembly drawings', 'troubleshoot', 'remove defective products', 'install mechatronic equipment', 'align components', 'read standard blueprints', 'follow standards for machinery safety', 'maintain mechatronic equipment', 'meet deadlines', 'clean components during assembly', 'assemble mechatronic units', 'perform metal work', 'ensure conformity to specifications', 'crimping', 'electromechanics', 'microelectronics', 'electronics principles', 'electrical discharge', 'hydraulics', 'computer engineering', 'mechanical engineering', 'ICT system programming', 'instrumentation engineering', 'pneumatics', 'robotics', 'automation technology', 'interpret circuit diagrams', 'keep up with digital transformation of industrial processes', 'inspect quality of products', 'resolve equipment malfunctions', 'measure electrical characteristics', 'measure parts of manufactured products', 'assemble hardware components', 'operate precision measuring equipment', 'test mechatronic units', 'use CAM software', 'assemble robots', 'install automation components', 'assemble machines', 'replace defect components', 'provide power connection from bus bars', 'report defective manufacturing materials', 'install blinds drive systems', 'check system parameters against reference values', 'replace machines', 'program firmware', 'set up the controller of a machine', 'adjust manufacturing equipment']
recycling worker
Recycling workers clean materials and remove waste, and ensure the waste and collected materials are sorted in the appropriate recycling containers. They also dismantle vehicles and sort the parts collected, and deposit recyclable materials onto conveyor belts where they can be further sorted.
Recyclingarbeiter reinigen Materialien und entsorgen Abfälle, wobei sie sicherstellen, dass der Abfall und die gesammelten Materialien in die entsprechenden Recycling-Behälter sortiert werden. Sie nehmen auch Fahrzeuge auseinander, sortieren die gesammelten Teile und legen recycelbare Materialien auf Förderbänder, wo sie weiter sortiert werden können.
recycling worker
['health, safety and hygiene legislation', 'waste management', 'waste and scrap products', 'assess waste type', 'operate recycling processing equipment', 'ensure compliance with waste legislative regulations', 'troubleshoot', 'use personal protection equipment', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'dismantle broken appliances', 'manage waste', 'collect broken appliances', 'electronics principles', 'pollution prevention', 'electricity', 'hazardous waste storage', 'maintain sorting equipment', 'perform laboratory tests', 'sort waste', 'operate forklift', 'educate on recycling regulations', 'assess contamination', 'dispose of hazardous waste', 'maintain recycling records', 'dispose of non-hazardous waste', 'avoid contamination', 'drain hazardous liquids', 'monitor composting', 'install recycling containers', 'remove contaminants', 'follow recycling collection schedules', 'report pollution incidents', 'control delivered waste', 'advise on waste management procedures']
compression moulding machine operator
bediener von kunststoff-formteilpressen/bedienerin von kunststoff-formteilpressen
Compression moulding machine operators set up and operate machines to mould plastic products, according to requirements. They select and install dies on press. Compression moulding machine operators weigh the amount of premixed compound needed and pour it into the die well. They regulate the temperature of dies.
Bediener von Kunststoff-Formteilpressen übernehmen die Einrichtung und Bedienung von Maschinen zum Formen von Kunststoffprodukten gemäß den Anforderungen. Sie wählen und installieren Formwerkzeuge in der Presse. Bediener von Kunststoff-Formteilpressen wiegen die Menge der benötigten vorgemischten Bestandteile ab und geben sie in die Pressform. Sie regulieren die Temperatur der Formen.
compression moulding machine operator
['compression moulding machine parts', 'dies', 'quality standards', 'types of plastic', 'optimise production processes parameters', 'dump batches', 'manipulate plastic', 'monitor gauge', 'move levers', 'install press dies', 'use personal protection equipment', 'extract products from moulds', 'tend compression moulding machine', 'monitor valves', 'measure materials', 'graphite', 'plastic welding', 'manufacturing of daily use goods', 'mechanics', 'manufacturing of sports equipment', 'finish plastic products', 'construct moulds', 'solve technical problems', 'add colour', 'inspect quality of products', 'maintain plastic machinery', 'monitor manufacturing impact', 'perform test run', 'maintain equipment', 'assemble moulds', 'maintain moulds', 'monitor automated machines', 'mix moulding and casting material', 'feed hoppers', 'report defective manufacturing materials', 'perform loading and unloading operations', 'adjust curing ovens', 'keep records of work progress', 'set up the controller of a machine']
construction scaffolder
Construction scaffolders put up scaffolds and platforms in order to make safe construction work at heights possible.
Gerüstbauer errichten Gerüste und Plattformen, die sichere Bauarbeiten in der Höhe ermöglichen.
construction scaffolder
['scaffolding components', 'work ergonomically', 'position sole plates', 'work in a construction team', 'inspect construction supplies', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'build scaffolding', 'interpret 3D plans', 'construct working platform', 'recognise signs of corrosion', 'use measurement instruments', 'position base plates', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'dismantle scaffolding', 'interpret 2D plans', 'recognise signs of wood rot', 'follow safety procedures when working at heights', 'position guardrails and toeboards', 'mechanical tools', 'construction product regulation', 'position outriggers', 'rig loads', 'transport construction supplies', 'work safely with machines', 'keep personal administration', 'process incoming construction supplies', 'keep records of work progress', 'plan scaffolding', 'inspect scaffolding', 'install scaffolding pump jacks', 'set up temporary construction site infrastructure']
structural ironworker
metallbauer – konstruktionstechnik/metallbauerin – konstruktionstechnik
Structural ironworker in construction install iron elements into structures. They erect steel frameworks for buildings, bridges and other construction projects. They set metal rods, or rebar, to form reinforced concrete.
Metallbauer – Konstruktionstechnik stellen Metallbaukonstruktionen her. Sie errichten Stahlkonstruktionen für Gebäude, Brücken und andere Bauvorhaben. Mithilfe von Bewehrungsstahl stellen sie Stahlbeton her.
structural ironworker
['metal joining technologies', 'types of metal', 'types of sawing blades', 'metal thermal conductivity', 'rivet types', 'work ergonomically', 'apply arc welding techniques', 'spot metal imperfections', 'apply spot welding techniques', 'inspect construction supplies', 'align components', 'operate rust proofing spray gun', 'operate handheld riveting equipment', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'remove rust from motor vehicles', 'interpret 3D plans', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'interpret 2D plans', 'tie reinforcing steel', 'tend metal sawing machine', 'follow safety procedures when working at heights', 'set up reinforcing steel', 'cutting technologies', 'metal smoothing technologies', 'prepare pieces for joining', 'operate manual planer', 'apply thermite welding techniques', 'apply brazing techniques', 'rig loads', 'transport construction supplies', 'work in a construction team', 'manipulate glass', 'ensure equipment availability', 'monitor automated machines', 'replace defect components', 'operate oxy-fuel cutting torch', 'keep personal administration', 'process incoming construction supplies', 'tend metal planer', 'recognise signs of corrosion', 'program a CNC controller', 'set window', 'keep records of work progress', 'guide operation of heavy construction equipment', 'guide cranes', 'tend riveting machine', 'set up temporary construction site infrastructure', 'operate soldering equipment']
structural ironworker
metallbauer – konstruktionstechnik/metallbauerin – konstruktionstechnik
Structural ironworker in construction install iron elements into structures. They erect steel frameworks for buildings, bridges and other construction projects. They set metal rods, or rebar, to form reinforced concrete.
Metallbauer – Konstruktionstechnik stellen Metallbaukonstruktionen her. Sie errichten Stahlkonstruktionen für Gebäude, Brücken und andere Bauvorhaben. Mithilfe von Bewehrungsstahl stellen sie Stahlbeton her.
structural ironworker
['metal joining technologies', 'types of metal', 'types of sawing blades', 'metal thermal conductivity', 'rivet types', 'work ergonomically', 'apply arc welding techniques', 'spot metal imperfections', 'apply spot welding techniques', 'inspect construction supplies', 'align components', 'operate rust proofing spray gun', 'operate handheld riveting equipment', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'remove rust from motor vehicles', 'interpret 3D plans', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'interpret 2D plans', 'tie reinforcing steel', 'tend metal sawing machine', 'follow safety procedures when working at heights', 'set up reinforcing steel', 'cutting technologies', 'metal smoothing technologies', 'prepare pieces for joining', 'operate manual planer', 'apply thermite welding techniques', 'apply brazing techniques', 'rig loads', 'transport construction supplies', 'work in a construction team', 'manipulate glass', 'ensure equipment availability', 'monitor automated machines', 'replace defect components', 'operate oxy-fuel cutting torch', 'keep personal administration', 'process incoming construction supplies', 'tend metal planer', 'recognise signs of corrosion', 'program a CNC controller', 'set window', 'keep records of work progress', 'guide operation of heavy construction equipment', 'guide cranes', 'tend riveting machine', 'set up temporary construction site infrastructure', 'operate soldering equipment']
building construction worker
Building construction workers prepare and maintain building construction activities on construction sites. They perform preparation and clean-up work in order to assist specialised construction workers.
Hochbauhelfer übernehmen die Vorbereitung und Wartung von Hochbaumaßnahmen auf Baustellen. Sie führen Vorbereitungs- und Reinigungstätigkeiten durch, um spezialisierte Bauarbeiter zu unterstützen.
building construction worker
['install wood elements in structures', 'apply finish to concrete', 'inspect masonry work', 'check compatibility of materials', 'dig soil mechanically', 'pour concrete', 'transport construction supplies', 'operate digging construction equipment', 'work in a construction team', 'inspect construction supplies', 'mix concrete', 'prepare wall for wallpaper', 'prepare surface for painting', 'move soil', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'install construction profiles', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'discharge cement', 'prepare surface for plastering', 'place drywall', 'plumbing tools', 'carpentry', 'types of concrete forms', 'types of concrete pumps', 'demolition techniques', 'types of plastering materials', 'building construction principles', 'construction methods', 'building materials industry', 'construction industry', 'plaster surfaces', 'operate masonry power saw', 'operate concrete pumps', 'communicate with construction crews', 'install roof windows', 'inspect construction sites', 'lay tiles', 'read standard blueprints', 'install plumbing systems', 'place concrete forms', 'set window', 'apply adhesive wall coating', 'cut wall chases', 'finish mortar joints', 'screed concrete', 'fit doors', 'construct wood roofs', 'plan construction of houses', 'secure heavy construction equipment']
building construction worker
Building construction workers prepare and maintain building construction activities on construction sites. They perform preparation and clean-up work in order to assist specialised construction workers.
Hochbauhelfer übernehmen die Vorbereitung und Wartung von Hochbaumaßnahmen auf Baustellen. Sie führen Vorbereitungs- und Reinigungstätigkeiten durch, um spezialisierte Bauarbeiter zu unterstützen.
building construction worker
['install wood elements in structures', 'apply finish to concrete', 'inspect masonry work', 'check compatibility of materials', 'dig soil mechanically', 'pour concrete', 'transport construction supplies', 'operate digging construction equipment', 'work in a construction team', 'inspect construction supplies', 'mix concrete', 'prepare wall for wallpaper', 'prepare surface for painting', 'move soil', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'install construction profiles', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'discharge cement', 'prepare surface for plastering', 'place drywall', 'plumbing tools', 'carpentry', 'types of concrete forms', 'types of concrete pumps', 'demolition techniques', 'types of plastering materials', 'building construction principles', 'construction methods', 'building materials industry', 'construction industry', 'plaster surfaces', 'operate masonry power saw', 'operate concrete pumps', 'communicate with construction crews', 'install roof windows', 'inspect construction sites', 'lay tiles', 'read standard blueprints', 'install plumbing systems', 'place concrete forms', 'set window', 'apply adhesive wall coating', 'cut wall chases', 'finish mortar joints', 'screed concrete', 'fit doors', 'construct wood roofs', 'plan construction of houses', 'secure heavy construction equipment']
structural ironworker
metallbauer – konstruktionstechnik/metallbauerin – konstruktionstechnik
Structural ironworker in construction install iron elements into structures. They erect steel frameworks for buildings, bridges and other construction projects. They set metal rods, or rebar, to form reinforced concrete.
Metallbauer – Konstruktionstechnik stellen Metallbaukonstruktionen her. Sie errichten Stahlkonstruktionen für Gebäude, Brücken und andere Bauvorhaben. Mithilfe von Bewehrungsstahl stellen sie Stahlbeton her.
structural ironworker
['metal joining technologies', 'types of metal', 'types of sawing blades', 'metal thermal conductivity', 'rivet types', 'work ergonomically', 'apply arc welding techniques', 'spot metal imperfections', 'apply spot welding techniques', 'inspect construction supplies', 'align components', 'operate rust proofing spray gun', 'operate handheld riveting equipment', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'remove rust from motor vehicles', 'interpret 3D plans', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'interpret 2D plans', 'tie reinforcing steel', 'tend metal sawing machine', 'follow safety procedures when working at heights', 'set up reinforcing steel', 'cutting technologies', 'metal smoothing technologies', 'prepare pieces for joining', 'operate manual planer', 'apply thermite welding techniques', 'apply brazing techniques', 'rig loads', 'transport construction supplies', 'work in a construction team', 'manipulate glass', 'ensure equipment availability', 'monitor automated machines', 'replace defect components', 'operate oxy-fuel cutting torch', 'keep personal administration', 'process incoming construction supplies', 'tend metal planer', 'recognise signs of corrosion', 'program a CNC controller', 'set window', 'keep records of work progress', 'guide operation of heavy construction equipment', 'guide cranes', 'tend riveting machine', 'set up temporary construction site infrastructure', 'operate soldering equipment']
construction scaffolder
Construction scaffolders put up scaffolds and platforms in order to make safe construction work at heights possible.
Gerüstbauer errichten Gerüste und Plattformen, die sichere Bauarbeiten in der Höhe ermöglichen.
construction scaffolder
['scaffolding components', 'work ergonomically', 'position sole plates', 'work in a construction team', 'inspect construction supplies', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'build scaffolding', 'interpret 3D plans', 'construct working platform', 'recognise signs of corrosion', 'use measurement instruments', 'position base plates', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'dismantle scaffolding', 'interpret 2D plans', 'recognise signs of wood rot', 'follow safety procedures when working at heights', 'position guardrails and toeboards', 'mechanical tools', 'construction product regulation', 'position outriggers', 'rig loads', 'transport construction supplies', 'work safely with machines', 'keep personal administration', 'process incoming construction supplies', 'keep records of work progress', 'plan scaffolding', 'inspect scaffolding', 'install scaffolding pump jacks', 'set up temporary construction site infrastructure']
structural ironworker
metallbauer – konstruktionstechnik/metallbauerin – konstruktionstechnik
Structural ironworker in construction install iron elements into structures. They erect steel frameworks for buildings, bridges and other construction projects. They set metal rods, or rebar, to form reinforced concrete.
Metallbauer – Konstruktionstechnik stellen Metallbaukonstruktionen her. Sie errichten Stahlkonstruktionen für Gebäude, Brücken und andere Bauvorhaben. Mithilfe von Bewehrungsstahl stellen sie Stahlbeton her.
structural ironworker
['metal joining technologies', 'types of metal', 'types of sawing blades', 'metal thermal conductivity', 'rivet types', 'work ergonomically', 'apply arc welding techniques', 'spot metal imperfections', 'apply spot welding techniques', 'inspect construction supplies', 'align components', 'operate rust proofing spray gun', 'operate handheld riveting equipment', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'remove rust from motor vehicles', 'interpret 3D plans', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'interpret 2D plans', 'tie reinforcing steel', 'tend metal sawing machine', 'follow safety procedures when working at heights', 'set up reinforcing steel', 'cutting technologies', 'metal smoothing technologies', 'prepare pieces for joining', 'operate manual planer', 'apply thermite welding techniques', 'apply brazing techniques', 'rig loads', 'transport construction supplies', 'work in a construction team', 'manipulate glass', 'ensure equipment availability', 'monitor automated machines', 'replace defect components', 'operate oxy-fuel cutting torch', 'keep personal administration', 'process incoming construction supplies', 'tend metal planer', 'recognise signs of corrosion', 'program a CNC controller', 'set window', 'keep records of work progress', 'guide operation of heavy construction equipment', 'guide cranes', 'tend riveting machine', 'set up temporary construction site infrastructure', 'operate soldering equipment']
structural ironworker
metallbauer – konstruktionstechnik/metallbauerin – konstruktionstechnik
Structural ironworker in construction install iron elements into structures. They erect steel frameworks for buildings, bridges and other construction projects. They set metal rods, or rebar, to form reinforced concrete.
Metallbauer – Konstruktionstechnik stellen Metallbaukonstruktionen her. Sie errichten Stahlkonstruktionen für Gebäude, Brücken und andere Bauvorhaben. Mithilfe von Bewehrungsstahl stellen sie Stahlbeton her.
structural ironworker
['metal joining technologies', 'types of metal', 'types of sawing blades', 'metal thermal conductivity', 'rivet types', 'work ergonomically', 'apply arc welding techniques', 'spot metal imperfections', 'apply spot welding techniques', 'inspect construction supplies', 'align components', 'operate rust proofing spray gun', 'operate handheld riveting equipment', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'remove rust from motor vehicles', 'interpret 3D plans', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'interpret 2D plans', 'tie reinforcing steel', 'tend metal sawing machine', 'follow safety procedures when working at heights', 'set up reinforcing steel', 'cutting technologies', 'metal smoothing technologies', 'prepare pieces for joining', 'operate manual planer', 'apply thermite welding techniques', 'apply brazing techniques', 'rig loads', 'transport construction supplies', 'work in a construction team', 'manipulate glass', 'ensure equipment availability', 'monitor automated machines', 'replace defect components', 'operate oxy-fuel cutting torch', 'keep personal administration', 'process incoming construction supplies', 'tend metal planer', 'recognise signs of corrosion', 'program a CNC controller', 'set window', 'keep records of work progress', 'guide operation of heavy construction equipment', 'guide cranes', 'tend riveting machine', 'set up temporary construction site infrastructure', 'operate soldering equipment']
building construction worker
Building construction workers prepare and maintain building construction activities on construction sites. They perform preparation and clean-up work in order to assist specialised construction workers.
Hochbauhelfer übernehmen die Vorbereitung und Wartung von Hochbaumaßnahmen auf Baustellen. Sie führen Vorbereitungs- und Reinigungstätigkeiten durch, um spezialisierte Bauarbeiter zu unterstützen.
building construction worker
['install wood elements in structures', 'apply finish to concrete', 'inspect masonry work', 'check compatibility of materials', 'dig soil mechanically', 'pour concrete', 'transport construction supplies', 'operate digging construction equipment', 'work in a construction team', 'inspect construction supplies', 'mix concrete', 'prepare wall for wallpaper', 'prepare surface for painting', 'move soil', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'install construction profiles', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'discharge cement', 'prepare surface for plastering', 'place drywall', 'plumbing tools', 'carpentry', 'types of concrete forms', 'types of concrete pumps', 'demolition techniques', 'types of plastering materials', 'building construction principles', 'construction methods', 'building materials industry', 'construction industry', 'plaster surfaces', 'operate masonry power saw', 'operate concrete pumps', 'communicate with construction crews', 'install roof windows', 'inspect construction sites', 'lay tiles', 'read standard blueprints', 'install plumbing systems', 'place concrete forms', 'set window', 'apply adhesive wall coating', 'cut wall chases', 'finish mortar joints', 'screed concrete', 'fit doors', 'construct wood roofs', 'plan construction of houses', 'secure heavy construction equipment']
building construction worker
Building construction workers prepare and maintain building construction activities on construction sites. They perform preparation and clean-up work in order to assist specialised construction workers.
Hochbauhelfer übernehmen die Vorbereitung und Wartung von Hochbaumaßnahmen auf Baustellen. Sie führen Vorbereitungs- und Reinigungstätigkeiten durch, um spezialisierte Bauarbeiter zu unterstützen.
building construction worker
['install wood elements in structures', 'apply finish to concrete', 'inspect masonry work', 'check compatibility of materials', 'dig soil mechanically', 'pour concrete', 'transport construction supplies', 'operate digging construction equipment', 'work in a construction team', 'inspect construction supplies', 'mix concrete', 'prepare wall for wallpaper', 'prepare surface for painting', 'move soil', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'install construction profiles', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'discharge cement', 'prepare surface for plastering', 'place drywall', 'plumbing tools', 'carpentry', 'types of concrete forms', 'types of concrete pumps', 'demolition techniques', 'types of plastering materials', 'building construction principles', 'construction methods', 'building materials industry', 'construction industry', 'plaster surfaces', 'operate masonry power saw', 'operate concrete pumps', 'communicate with construction crews', 'install roof windows', 'inspect construction sites', 'lay tiles', 'read standard blueprints', 'install plumbing systems', 'place concrete forms', 'set window', 'apply adhesive wall coating', 'cut wall chases', 'finish mortar joints', 'screed concrete', 'fit doors', 'construct wood roofs', 'plan construction of houses', 'secure heavy construction equipment']
structural ironworker
metallbauer – konstruktionstechnik/metallbauerin – konstruktionstechnik
Structural ironworker in construction install iron elements into structures. They erect steel frameworks for buildings, bridges and other construction projects. They set metal rods, or rebar, to form reinforced concrete.
Metallbauer – Konstruktionstechnik stellen Metallbaukonstruktionen her. Sie errichten Stahlkonstruktionen für Gebäude, Brücken und andere Bauvorhaben. Mithilfe von Bewehrungsstahl stellen sie Stahlbeton her.
structural ironworker
['metal joining technologies', 'types of metal', 'types of sawing blades', 'metal thermal conductivity', 'rivet types', 'work ergonomically', 'apply arc welding techniques', 'spot metal imperfections', 'apply spot welding techniques', 'inspect construction supplies', 'align components', 'operate rust proofing spray gun', 'operate handheld riveting equipment', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'remove rust from motor vehicles', 'interpret 3D plans', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'interpret 2D plans', 'tie reinforcing steel', 'tend metal sawing machine', 'follow safety procedures when working at heights', 'set up reinforcing steel', 'cutting technologies', 'metal smoothing technologies', 'prepare pieces for joining', 'operate manual planer', 'apply thermite welding techniques', 'apply brazing techniques', 'rig loads', 'transport construction supplies', 'work in a construction team', 'manipulate glass', 'ensure equipment availability', 'monitor automated machines', 'replace defect components', 'operate oxy-fuel cutting torch', 'keep personal administration', 'process incoming construction supplies', 'tend metal planer', 'recognise signs of corrosion', 'program a CNC controller', 'set window', 'keep records of work progress', 'guide operation of heavy construction equipment', 'guide cranes', 'tend riveting machine', 'set up temporary construction site infrastructure', 'operate soldering equipment']
domestic cleaner
reinigungskraft in privathaushalt
Domestic cleaners perform all necessary cleaning activities in order to clean their clients' houses. They vacuum and sweep floors, wash dishes, launder clothes, dust, scrub and polish surfaces and disinfect equipment and materials.
Reinigungskräfte in Privathaushalten führen alle erforderlichen Reinigungsarbeiten durch, um die Häuser ihrer Kunden zu reinigen. Sie saugen und wischen Fußböden, spülen Geschirr, waschen Kleidung, übernehmen das Abstauben, Schrubben und Polieren von Oberflächen und das Desinfizieren von Geräten und Materialien.
domestic cleaner
['cleaning techniques', 'maintain inventory of cleaning supplies', 'maintain personal hygiene standards when cleaning', 'wash the laundry', 'work ergonomically', 'clean household linens', 'remove dust', 'perform cleaning duties', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'iron textiles', 'clean toilet facilities', 'vacuum surfaces', 'clean surfaces', 'maintain cleaning equipment', 'clean rooms', "restock toilet facilities' supplies", 'wash the dishes', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'clean glass surfaces', 'make the beds', 'sort waste', 'feed pets', 'handle linen in stock', 'clean vehicle exterior', 'wash costumes', 'carry out pressure washing activities', 'buy groceries', 'provide dog walking services', 'maintain wardrobe', 'lift heavy weights', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'wash vehicles', 'clean vehicle interiors', 'perform outdoor cleaning activities', 'supervise children']
healthcare assistant
Healthcare assistants work in teams of nurses within the occupational fields of nursing, social care, clinical care and care of people of all age-groups. Healthcare assistants assist in the promotion and restoration of patients' health by providing physical and psychological support to patients, friends and families.
Pflegehelfer/innen arbeiten im Team mit Krankenschwestern/Krankenpflegern in der Krankenpflege, der Sozialpflege, der klinischen Versorgung sowie der Pflege und Versorgung von Patientinnen und Patienten aller Altersgruppen. Pflegehelfer/innen helfen bei der Förderung und Wiederherstellung der Gesundheit der Patientinnen und Patienten, indem sie diesen und deren Freunden und Familien physische und psychologische Unterstützung leisten.
healthcare assistant
['respond to changing situations in health care', 'educate on the prevention of illness', 'inform policy makers on health-related challenges', 'contribute to continuity of health care', 'use e-health and mobile health technologies', 'empathise with the healthcare user', 'provide basic support to patients', 'identify abnormalities', "manage healthcare users' data", 'deal with emergency care situations', 'provide health education', 'support nurses', 'work under supervision in care', 'communicate with nursing staff', 'follow clinical guidelines', "advise on healthcare users' informed consent", 'comply with quality standards related to healthcare practice', 'comply with legislation related to health care', 'listen actively', 'adhere to organisational guidelines', 'convey medical routine information', 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'work with nursing staff', 'promote inclusion', 'interact with healthcare users', 'ensure safety of healthcare users', 'have computer literacy', 'monitor basic patients signs', 'apply organisational techniques', 'develop a collaborative therapeutic relationship', 'work in multidisciplinary health teams', 'accept own accountability', 'geriatrics', 'disability care', "older adults' needs", 'disability types', 'sterilization techniques', 'perform cleaning duties', 'use technical equipment for sterilisation', "evaluate older adults' ability to take care of themselves", 'distribute meals to patients', 'communicate in foreign languages with health service providers', 'use foreign languages for health-related research', 'assist in the administration of medication to elderly', 'use foreign languages in patient care', 'support individuals to adjust to physical disability']
healthcare assistant
Healthcare assistants work in teams of nurses within the occupational fields of nursing, social care, clinical care and care of people of all age-groups. Healthcare assistants assist in the promotion and restoration of patients' health by providing physical and psychological support to patients, friends and families.
Pflegehelfer/innen arbeiten im Team mit Krankenschwestern/Krankenpflegern in der Krankenpflege, der Sozialpflege, der klinischen Versorgung sowie der Pflege und Versorgung von Patientinnen und Patienten aller Altersgruppen. Pflegehelfer/innen helfen bei der Förderung und Wiederherstellung der Gesundheit der Patientinnen und Patienten, indem sie diesen und deren Freunden und Familien physische und psychologische Unterstützung leisten.
healthcare assistant
['respond to changing situations in health care', 'educate on the prevention of illness', 'inform policy makers on health-related challenges', 'contribute to continuity of health care', 'use e-health and mobile health technologies', 'empathise with the healthcare user', 'provide basic support to patients', 'identify abnormalities', "manage healthcare users' data", 'deal with emergency care situations', 'provide health education', 'support nurses', 'work under supervision in care', 'communicate with nursing staff', 'follow clinical guidelines', "advise on healthcare users' informed consent", 'comply with quality standards related to healthcare practice', 'comply with legislation related to health care', 'listen actively', 'adhere to organisational guidelines', 'convey medical routine information', 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'work with nursing staff', 'promote inclusion', 'interact with healthcare users', 'ensure safety of healthcare users', 'have computer literacy', 'monitor basic patients signs', 'apply organisational techniques', 'develop a collaborative therapeutic relationship', 'work in multidisciplinary health teams', 'accept own accountability', 'geriatrics', 'disability care', "older adults' needs", 'disability types', 'sterilization techniques', 'perform cleaning duties', 'use technical equipment for sterilisation', "evaluate older adults' ability to take care of themselves", 'distribute meals to patients', 'communicate in foreign languages with health service providers', 'use foreign languages for health-related research', 'assist in the administration of medication to elderly', 'use foreign languages in patient care', 'support individuals to adjust to physical disability']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
ICT project manager
ICT project managers schedule, control and direct the resources, people, funding and facilities to achieve the objectives of ICT projects. They establish budgets and timelines, perform risk analysis and quality management, and complete project closure reports.
IT-Projektmanager/IT-Projektmanagerinnen planen, steuern und leiten die Ressourcen, Menschen, Finanzmittel und Einrichtungen, um die Ziele von IT-Projekten zu erreichen. Sie legen Budgets und Fristen fest, führen Risikoanalysen und Qualitätsmanagement durch und verfassen die Projektabschlussberichte.
ICT project manager
['internal risk management policy', 'quality standards', 'ICT project management', 'ICT project management methodologies', 'blockchain mining principles', 'coach employees', 'apply conflict management', 'perform risk analysis', 'manage budgets', 'create project specifications', 'manage project information', 'define technology strategy', 'manage staff', 'manage ICT project', 'provide cost benefit analysis reports', 'recruit employees', 'manage project changes', 'analyse business plans', 'define roadmap for blockchain in applications', 'develop blockchain technology', 'identify legal requirements', 'perform project management', 'build business relationships', 'estimate duration of work', 'train employees', 'perform resource planning', 'incremental development', 'systems development life-cycle', 'Agile project management', 'software architecture models', 'Iterative development', 'digital systems', 'Spiral development', 'object-oriented modelling', 'Outsourcing model', 'hybrid model', 'crowdsourcing strategy', 'Waterfall development', 'outsourcing strategy', 'service-oriented modelling', 'software design methodologies', 'Rapid application development', 'legal requirements of ICT products', 'Open source model', 'quality assurance methodologies', 'ICT system user requirements', 'project configuration management', 'Process-based management', 'lean project management', 'Agile development', 'document management', 'Prototyping development', 'insourcing strategy', 'DevOps', 'ICT process quality models', 'create solutions to problems', 'develop information standards', 'carry out project activities', 'apply change management', 'maintain relationship with suppliers', 'use ICT ticketing system', 'implement ICT risk management', 'maintain a central project repository', 'execute ICT audits', 'perform procurement processes', 'manage localisation', 'use e-procurement', 'organise project meetings', 'apply organisational techniques', 'define technical requirements', 'draft project documentation']
user interface designer
User interface designers are in charge of designing user interfaces for applications and systems. They perform layout, graphics and dialogues design activities as well as adaptation activities.
Multimedia-Designer sind für die Gestaltung der Benutzeroberflächen für Anwendungen und Systeme zuständig. Sie gestalten das Layout, die Grafiken und die Dialoge sowie die Anpassungsmöglichkeiten.
user interface designer
['software UI design patterns', 'interactive media', 'ICT accessibility standards', 'web programming', 'task algorithmisation', 'ICT security legislation', 'World Wide Web Consortium standards', 'human-computer interaction', 'graphics editor software', 'application usability', 'software interaction design', 'use an application-specific interface', 'use markup languages', 'design process', 'translate requirements into visual design', "assess users' interaction with ICT applications", 'use methodologies for user-centered design', 'develop creative ideas', 'interact with users to gather requirements', 'test system accessibility for users with special needs', 'manage online content', 'define technical requirements', 'build business relationships', 'design graphics', 'create website wireframe', 'draw design sketches', 'design user interface', 'Haskell', 'incremental development', 'Erlang', 'SAS language', 'Agile project management', 'Ruby (computer programming)', 'Common Lisp', 'Lisp', 'Visual Basic', 'Adobe Photoshop', 'screen reader', 'Java (computer programming)', 'computer programming', 'cognitive psychology', 'Adobe Illustrator', 'Prolog (computer programming)', 'OpenEdge Advanced Business Language', 'Iterative development', 'JavaScript', 'Perl', 'Smalltalk (computer programming)', 'PHP', 'Assembly (computer programming)', 'Spiral development', 'GIMP (graphics editor software)', 'C#', 'R', 'Groovy', 'ASP.NET', 'APL', 'Waterfall development', 'SketchBook Pro', 'TypeScript', 'Microsoft Visio', 'quality standards', 'software design methodologies', 'web based collaborative platforms', 'Rapid application development', 'business process modelling', 'CoffeeScript', 'Objective-C', 'ML (computer programming)', 'augmented reality', 'Synfig', 'AJAX', 'C++', 'SAP R3', 'Swift (computer programming)', 'ICT project management methodologies', 'MATLAB', 'Python (computer programming)', 'Scratch (computer programming)', 'Process-based management', 'lean project management', 'Agile development', 'VBScript', 'COBOL', 'Pascal (computer programming)', 'ABAP', 'Prototyping development', 'DevOps', 'Scala', 'natural language processing', 'perform online data analysis', 'create software design', 'use query languages', 'manage localisation', 'analyse business requirements']
ICT project manager
ICT project managers schedule, control and direct the resources, people, funding and facilities to achieve the objectives of ICT projects. They establish budgets and timelines, perform risk analysis and quality management, and complete project closure reports.
IT-Projektmanager/IT-Projektmanagerinnen planen, steuern und leiten die Ressourcen, Menschen, Finanzmittel und Einrichtungen, um die Ziele von IT-Projekten zu erreichen. Sie legen Budgets und Fristen fest, führen Risikoanalysen und Qualitätsmanagement durch und verfassen die Projektabschlussberichte.
ICT project manager
['internal risk management policy', 'quality standards', 'ICT project management', 'ICT project management methodologies', 'blockchain mining principles', 'coach employees', 'apply conflict management', 'perform risk analysis', 'manage budgets', 'create project specifications', 'manage project information', 'define technology strategy', 'manage staff', 'manage ICT project', 'provide cost benefit analysis reports', 'recruit employees', 'manage project changes', 'analyse business plans', 'define roadmap for blockchain in applications', 'develop blockchain technology', 'identify legal requirements', 'perform project management', 'build business relationships', 'estimate duration of work', 'train employees', 'perform resource planning', 'incremental development', 'systems development life-cycle', 'Agile project management', 'software architecture models', 'Iterative development', 'digital systems', 'Spiral development', 'object-oriented modelling', 'Outsourcing model', 'hybrid model', 'crowdsourcing strategy', 'Waterfall development', 'outsourcing strategy', 'service-oriented modelling', 'software design methodologies', 'Rapid application development', 'legal requirements of ICT products', 'Open source model', 'quality assurance methodologies', 'ICT system user requirements', 'project configuration management', 'Process-based management', 'lean project management', 'Agile development', 'document management', 'Prototyping development', 'insourcing strategy', 'DevOps', 'ICT process quality models', 'create solutions to problems', 'develop information standards', 'carry out project activities', 'apply change management', 'maintain relationship with suppliers', 'use ICT ticketing system', 'implement ICT risk management', 'maintain a central project repository', 'execute ICT audits', 'perform procurement processes', 'manage localisation', 'use e-procurement', 'organise project meetings', 'apply organisational techniques', 'define technical requirements', 'draft project documentation']
assistant stage director
Assistant stage directors support the needs of the stage director and the production for each assigned stage production, and serve as a liaison between performers, theatre staff and stage directors. They take notes, provide feedback, coordinate the rehearsal schedule, take blocking, rehearse or review scenes, prepare or distribute actor notes, and facilitate communication between designers, production staff, and stage director.
Regieassistenten unterstützen Regisseure, helfen bei den ihnen zugewiesenen Bühnenproduktionen und dienen als Bindeglied zwischen darstellenden Künstlern, Theatermitarbeitern und Regisseuren. Sie führen Aufzeichnungen, geben Feedback, koordinieren den Zeitplan für die Proben, nehmen Regieanweisungen entgegen, proben oder überprüfen Szenen, erstellen oder verteilen Hinweise für Schauspieler und unterstützen die Kommunikation zwischen Designern, Produktionsmitarbeitern und Regisseur.
assistant stage director
['art-historical values', 'analyse the artistic concept based on stage actions', 'maintain a production book', 'read scripts', 'supervise script preparation', 'understand artistic concepts', "adapt to artists' creative demands", 'maintain blocking notes', 'use communication techniques', 'find a replacement for stage manager', 'liaise between theatre direction and design team', 'follow time cues', 'develop an artistic framework', 'define artistic vision', 'coordinate with creative departments', 'assemble an artistic team', 'coordinate pre-show checks', 'develop artistic project budgets', 'direct an artistic team', 'manage prompt book', 'define artistic approach', 'coordinate artistic production', 'prompt performers']
user interface designer
User interface designers are in charge of designing user interfaces for applications and systems. They perform layout, graphics and dialogues design activities as well as adaptation activities.
Multimedia-Designer sind für die Gestaltung der Benutzeroberflächen für Anwendungen und Systeme zuständig. Sie gestalten das Layout, die Grafiken und die Dialoge sowie die Anpassungsmöglichkeiten.
user interface designer
['software UI design patterns', 'interactive media', 'ICT accessibility standards', 'web programming', 'task algorithmisation', 'ICT security legislation', 'World Wide Web Consortium standards', 'human-computer interaction', 'graphics editor software', 'application usability', 'software interaction design', 'use an application-specific interface', 'use markup languages', 'design process', 'translate requirements into visual design', "assess users' interaction with ICT applications", 'use methodologies for user-centered design', 'develop creative ideas', 'interact with users to gather requirements', 'test system accessibility for users with special needs', 'manage online content', 'define technical requirements', 'build business relationships', 'design graphics', 'create website wireframe', 'draw design sketches', 'design user interface', 'Haskell', 'incremental development', 'Erlang', 'SAS language', 'Agile project management', 'Ruby (computer programming)', 'Common Lisp', 'Lisp', 'Visual Basic', 'Adobe Photoshop', 'screen reader', 'Java (computer programming)', 'computer programming', 'cognitive psychology', 'Adobe Illustrator', 'Prolog (computer programming)', 'OpenEdge Advanced Business Language', 'Iterative development', 'JavaScript', 'Perl', 'Smalltalk (computer programming)', 'PHP', 'Assembly (computer programming)', 'Spiral development', 'GIMP (graphics editor software)', 'C#', 'R', 'Groovy', 'ASP.NET', 'APL', 'Waterfall development', 'SketchBook Pro', 'TypeScript', 'Microsoft Visio', 'quality standards', 'software design methodologies', 'web based collaborative platforms', 'Rapid application development', 'business process modelling', 'CoffeeScript', 'Objective-C', 'ML (computer programming)', 'augmented reality', 'Synfig', 'AJAX', 'C++', 'SAP R3', 'Swift (computer programming)', 'ICT project management methodologies', 'MATLAB', 'Python (computer programming)', 'Scratch (computer programming)', 'Process-based management', 'lean project management', 'Agile development', 'VBScript', 'COBOL', 'Pascal (computer programming)', 'ABAP', 'Prototyping development', 'DevOps', 'Scala', 'natural language processing', 'perform online data analysis', 'create software design', 'use query languages', 'manage localisation', 'analyse business requirements']
editorial assistant
Editorial assistants support the editorial staff at all stages of the publication process of newspapers, websites, online newsletters, books and journals. They collect, verify and process information, acquire permits and deal with rights. Editorial assistants act as point of contact for the editorial staff, schedule appointments and interviews. They proofread and give recommendations on the content.
Redaktionsassistenten unterstützen die Redaktion in allen Phasen der Veröffentlichung von Zeitungen, Websites, Online-Newslettern, Büchern und Zeitschriften. Sie sammeln, prüfen und verarbeiten Informationen, holen Genehmigungen ein und kümmern sich um Urheberrechte. Redaktionsassistenten fungieren als Ansprechpartner für die Redaktion. Sie vereinbaren Termine für Treffen und Interviews. Sie lesen Texte Korrektur und äußern Empfehlungen zum Inhalt.
editorial assistant
['digital journalism', 'media law', 'editorial standards', 'linguistics', 'database management systems', 'desktop publishing', 'press law', 'use spreadsheets software', 'follow newspaper house style', 'check correctness of information', 'consult information sources', 'adapt to type of media', 'use word processing software', 'structure information', 'manage information sources', 'digital content creation', 'search engines', 'writing techniques', 'audio editing software', 'authoring software', 'participate in editorial meetings', 'select scripts', 'answer incoming calls', 'interview people', 'search databases', 'evaluate interview reports', 'use specific writing techniques', 'edit scripts']
project manager
Project managers oversee the project on a daily basis and are responsible for delivering high-quality results within the identified objectives and constraints, ensuring the effective use of the allocated resources. They are responsible for risk and issue management, project communication and stakeholder management. Project managers perform the activities of planning, organising, securing, monitoring and managing the resources and work necessary to deliver specific project goals and objectives in an effective and efficient way.
Projektmanager/innen beaufsichtigen Projekte täglich und sind dafür verantwortlich, dass im Rahmen der festgelegten Ziele und Beschränkungen qualitativ hochwertige Ergebnisse erzielt werden und die zugewiesenen Ressourcen effektiv genutzt werden. Sie sind für das Risiko- und Problemmanagement, die Projektkommunikation und das Stakeholder-Management zuständig. Projektmanager/innen planen, organisieren, sichern, überwachen und verwalten die Ressourcen und Arbeiten, die erforderlich sind, um bestimmte Projektziele effektiv und effizient zu erreichen.
project manager
['internal risk management policy', 'project management principles', 'project management', 'project management methodology (PM²)', 'communication principles', 'manage supplies', 'apply conflict management', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'perform risk analysis', 'manage budgets', 'create project specifications', 'manage project information', 'customise project methodologies', 'manage staff', 'provide cost benefit analysis reports', 'manage project changes', 'establish daily priorities', 'ensure equipment availability', 'negotiate with stakeholders', 'supervise daily information operations', 'write work-related reports', 'manage logistics', 'perform PESTEL analysis', 'identify legal requirements', 'organise project meetings', 'manage project metrics', 'ensure equipment maintenance', 'perform project management', 'build business relationships', 'control of expenses', 'estimate duration of work', 'train employees', 'liaise with managers', 'draft project documentation', 'perform resource planning', 'follow company standards', 'program management', 'legal studies', 'Agile project management', 'mathematics', 'corporate social responsibility', 'crowdsourcing strategy', 'office administration', 'outsourcing strategy', 'Prince2 project management', 'statistics', 'risk identification', 'total quality control', 'quantity surveying', 'business processes', 'quality assurance methodologies', 'project configuration management', 'lean project management', 'insourcing strategy', 'strive for company growth', 'apply change management', 'maintain relationship with suppliers', 'design wayside signalling interlockings', 'recruit employees', 'analyse business plans', 'maintain a central project repository', 'use communication techniques', 'find a replacement for stage manager', 'plan schedule', 'manage several projects', 'create a financial report', 'develop business plans', 'manage standard enterprise resource planning system']
real estate agent
Real estate agents administer the sales or letting process of residential, commercial properties or land on behalf of their clients. They investigate the property's condition and assess its value in order to offer the best price to their clients. They negotiate, compose a sales contract or a rental contract and liaise with third parties in order to realize the stated objectives during transactions. They undertake research to determine the legality of a property sale before it is sold and make sure the transaction is not subject to any disputes or restrictions.
Immobilienmakler verwalten den Verkauf oder die Vermietung von Wohn- und Gewerbeimmobilien oder Grundstücken im Namen ihrer Kunden. Sie prüfen den Zustand der Immobilie und bewerten ihren Wert, um ihren Kunden den besten Preis anzubieten. Sie führen Verhandlungen, setzen einen Kauf- oder Mietvertrag auf und setzen sich mit Dritten in Verbindung, um bei den Geschäften die erklärten Ziele zu erreichen. Sie führen Recherchen durch, um die Rechtmäßigkeit eines Immobilienverkaufs im Vorfeld zu ermitteln, und stellen sicher, dass ihm keine Rechtsstreitigkeiten oder Beschränkungen entgegenstehen.
real estate agent
['customer service', 'contract law', 'office administration', 'real estate market', 'mortgage loans', 'property law', 'maintain relationship with customers', 'advise on property value', "identify customer's needs", 'inform on renting agreements', 'prospect new customers', 'obtain financial information', 'liaise with property owners', 'provide information on properties', 'manage contracts', 'value properties', 'compare property values', 'perform property market research', 'prepare real estate contract', 'maintain financial records', 'energy performance of buildings', 'virtual reality', 'building codes', 'building construction principles', 'accounting techniques', 'advertising techniques', 'modern portfolio theory', 'concurrent estate', 'types of insurance', 'collect property financial information', 'prepare sales checks', 'analyse loans', 'protect client interests', 'liaise with local authorities', 'analyse insurance needs', 'assist in loan applications', 'attend trade fairs', 'estimate profitability', 'create a financial plan', 'advise on investment', 'perform contract compliance audits', 'examine mortgage loan documents', 'negotiate with property owners', 'examine credit ratings', 'liaise with advertising agencies', 'prepare inventory of properties', 'handle tenant changeover', 'examine the conditions of buildings', 'review closing procedures', 'process payments', 'consult credit score', 'plan buildings maintenance work', 'write inspection reports', 'monitor title procedures', 'organise property viewing', 'manage contract disputes', 'organise a damage assessment']
real estate surveyor
Real estate surveyors undertake research in order to assess the value of property for tax purposes. They investigate multiple properties at once, using accurate appraisal techniques. They provide their services usually to local and governmental bodies for taxation reasons.
Immobiliensachverständige nehmen Recherchen vor, um den Wert einer Immobilie für Steuerzwecke zu ermitteln. Sie untersuchen mehrere Immobilien parallel und verwenden dabei präzise Bewertungsverfahren. In der Regel erbringen sie ihre Dienstleistungen für kommunale und andere Steuerbehörden.
real estate surveyor
['real estate market', 'property law', 'tax legislation', 'collect property financial information', 'advise on property value', 'maintain relationships with government agencies', 'provide information on properties', 'examine the conditions of buildings', 'value properties', 'compare property values', 'perform property market research', 'quality assurance procedures', 'geographic information systems', 'energy performance of buildings', 'building codes', 'risk management', 'cadastral taxation', 'quantity surveying', 'concurrent estate', 'perform risk analysis', 'research taxation procedures', 'compile appraisal reports', 'read standard blueprints', 'obtain financial information', 'perform field research', 'inspect taxation documents']
real estate agent
Real estate agents administer the sales or letting process of residential, commercial properties or land on behalf of their clients. They investigate the property's condition and assess its value in order to offer the best price to their clients. They negotiate, compose a sales contract or a rental contract and liaise with third parties in order to realize the stated objectives during transactions. They undertake research to determine the legality of a property sale before it is sold and make sure the transaction is not subject to any disputes or restrictions.
Immobilienmakler verwalten den Verkauf oder die Vermietung von Wohn- und Gewerbeimmobilien oder Grundstücken im Namen ihrer Kunden. Sie prüfen den Zustand der Immobilie und bewerten ihren Wert, um ihren Kunden den besten Preis anzubieten. Sie führen Verhandlungen, setzen einen Kauf- oder Mietvertrag auf und setzen sich mit Dritten in Verbindung, um bei den Geschäften die erklärten Ziele zu erreichen. Sie führen Recherchen durch, um die Rechtmäßigkeit eines Immobilienverkaufs im Vorfeld zu ermitteln, und stellen sicher, dass ihm keine Rechtsstreitigkeiten oder Beschränkungen entgegenstehen.
real estate agent
['customer service', 'contract law', 'office administration', 'real estate market', 'mortgage loans', 'property law', 'maintain relationship with customers', 'advise on property value', "identify customer's needs", 'inform on renting agreements', 'prospect new customers', 'obtain financial information', 'liaise with property owners', 'provide information on properties', 'manage contracts', 'value properties', 'compare property values', 'perform property market research', 'prepare real estate contract', 'maintain financial records', 'energy performance of buildings', 'virtual reality', 'building codes', 'building construction principles', 'accounting techniques', 'advertising techniques', 'modern portfolio theory', 'concurrent estate', 'types of insurance', 'collect property financial information', 'prepare sales checks', 'analyse loans', 'protect client interests', 'liaise with local authorities', 'analyse insurance needs', 'assist in loan applications', 'attend trade fairs', 'estimate profitability', 'create a financial plan', 'advise on investment', 'perform contract compliance audits', 'examine mortgage loan documents', 'negotiate with property owners', 'examine credit ratings', 'liaise with advertising agencies', 'prepare inventory of properties', 'handle tenant changeover', 'examine the conditions of buildings', 'review closing procedures', 'process payments', 'consult credit score', 'plan buildings maintenance work', 'write inspection reports', 'monitor title procedures', 'organise property viewing', 'manage contract disputes', 'organise a damage assessment']
Biochemists study and perform research on the reactions caused by chemicals in living organisms. This includes performing research for the development or improvement of chemical-based products (e.g. medicine) aimed at improving the health of living organisms and at better understanding their reactions.
Biochemiker/Biochemikerinnen untersuchen und erforschen chemische Reaktionen in lebenden Organismen. Dazu gehört die Durchführung von Forschungsarbeiten zur Entwicklung oder Verbesserung chemikalienbasierter Produkte (z. B. Arzneimittel), die auf die Verbesserung der Gesundheit lebender Organismen und auf ein besseres Verständnis ihrer Reaktionen ausgerichtet sind.
['life sciences', 'analytical chemistry', 'biological chemistry', 'genetics', 'pharmacology', 'biotechnology', 'communicable diseases', 'research design', 'scientific literature', 'oxidation', 'laboratory techniques', 'molecular biology', 'biology', 'spectroscopy', 'multidisciplinary research', 'pharmaceutical chemistry', 'computational chemistry', 'scientific research methodology', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'manage research data', 'perform laboratory tests', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'maintain laboratory equipment', 'analyse chemical substances', 'evaluate research activities', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'perform chemical experiments', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'apply for research funding', 'apply safety procedures in laboratory', 'apply scientific methods', 'calibrate laboratory equipment', 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'promote open innovation in research', 'publish academic research', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'think abstractly', 'mentor individuals', 'manage personal professional development', 'write scientific publications', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'manage open publications', 'synthesise information', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'solid phase microextraction', 'microbiology-bacteriology', 'production processes', 'clinical biochemistry', 'virology', 'synthetic biology', 'evolutionary biology', 'stem cells', 'pest control in plants', 'toxicology', 'nanomaterials', 'cryopreservation', 'medical laboratory technology', 'industrial research and development', 'plant disease control', 'examine samples in dermatology', 'write research proposals', 'prepare lesson content', 'perform lectures', 'analyse cell cultures', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'analyse blood samples', "analyse medication's impact on brain", 'conduct genome research', 'develop scientific theories', 'supervise laboratory operations', 'explain the molecular basis of a disease to patients', 'develop scientific research protocols', 'prepare compliance documents', 'archive scientific documentation', 'apply blended learning', 'identify poisons', 'recommend product improvements', 'assess environmental impact', 'monitor patients during clinical tests', 'contribute to registration of pharmaceutical products', 'advise on crop diseases', 'develop product design', 'control production']
Biochemists study and perform research on the reactions caused by chemicals in living organisms. This includes performing research for the development or improvement of chemical-based products (e.g. medicine) aimed at improving the health of living organisms and at better understanding their reactions.
Biochemiker/Biochemikerinnen untersuchen und erforschen chemische Reaktionen in lebenden Organismen. Dazu gehört die Durchführung von Forschungsarbeiten zur Entwicklung oder Verbesserung chemikalienbasierter Produkte (z. B. Arzneimittel), die auf die Verbesserung der Gesundheit lebender Organismen und auf ein besseres Verständnis ihrer Reaktionen ausgerichtet sind.
['life sciences', 'analytical chemistry', 'biological chemistry', 'genetics', 'pharmacology', 'biotechnology', 'communicable diseases', 'research design', 'scientific literature', 'oxidation', 'laboratory techniques', 'molecular biology', 'biology', 'spectroscopy', 'multidisciplinary research', 'pharmaceutical chemistry', 'computational chemistry', 'scientific research methodology', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'manage research data', 'perform laboratory tests', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'maintain laboratory equipment', 'analyse chemical substances', 'evaluate research activities', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'perform chemical experiments', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'apply for research funding', 'apply safety procedures in laboratory', 'apply scientific methods', 'calibrate laboratory equipment', 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'promote open innovation in research', 'publish academic research', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'think abstractly', 'mentor individuals', 'manage personal professional development', 'write scientific publications', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'manage open publications', 'synthesise information', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'solid phase microextraction', 'microbiology-bacteriology', 'production processes', 'clinical biochemistry', 'virology', 'synthetic biology', 'evolutionary biology', 'stem cells', 'pest control in plants', 'toxicology', 'nanomaterials', 'cryopreservation', 'medical laboratory technology', 'industrial research and development', 'plant disease control', 'examine samples in dermatology', 'write research proposals', 'prepare lesson content', 'perform lectures', 'analyse cell cultures', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'analyse blood samples', "analyse medication's impact on brain", 'conduct genome research', 'develop scientific theories', 'supervise laboratory operations', 'explain the molecular basis of a disease to patients', 'develop scientific research protocols', 'prepare compliance documents', 'archive scientific documentation', 'apply blended learning', 'identify poisons', 'recommend product improvements', 'assess environmental impact', 'monitor patients during clinical tests', 'contribute to registration of pharmaceutical products', 'advise on crop diseases', 'develop product design', 'control production']
assistant lecturer
wissenschaftlicher mitarbeiter/wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin
Assistant lecturers share university or college lecturers' academic workload, specifically the provision of lectures to students. They prepare and teach classes, and meet with students privately regarding evaluation. They also combine their lecturing and other academic duties with conducting their own research in their field of study. Assistant lecturers occupy an autonomous, full-time position, despite what the subservience element in the occupation title may suggest.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterinnen unterstützen Lehrkräfte bei ihrer Arbeit, vor allem durch das Halten von Lehrveranstaltungen. Sie bereiten Lehrveranstaltungen vor, führen sie durch und führen Evaluierungsgespräche mit Studierenden. Sie kombinieren zudem ihre Vorlesungen und anderen Lehraufgaben mit ihrer eigenen Forschung in ihrem Fachgebiet. Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/Mitarbeiterinnen haben eine eigenständige Vollzeitstelle, auch wenn ihre Stellenbezeichnung möglicherweise eine untergeordnete Position vermuten lässt.
assistant lecturer
['assessment processes', 'scientific literature', 'investigation research methods', 'curriculum objectives', 'cooperate with education professionals', "guarantee students' safety", 'use data processing techniques', 'interpret current data', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'prepare lesson content', 'monitor developments in field of expertise', 'teach university class', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'apply teaching strategies', 'assess students', 'apply scientific methods', 'analyse test data', 'think abstractly', 'provide teacher support', 'mentor individuals', 'manage personal professional development', 'apply blended learning', 'give constructive feedback', 'operate scientific measuring equipment', 'perform classroom management', 'provide assistance to lecturer', 'provide lesson materials', 'liaise with educational staff', 'develop course outline', 'synthesise information', 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'mathematical modelling', 'computer simulation', 'research design', 'learning difficulties', 'statistics', 'multidisciplinary research', 'university procedures', 'electronic communication', 'scientific research methodology', 'empirical analysis', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'manage research data', 'assist in the organisation of school events', 'guide international students', 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'record test data', 'liaise with educational support staff', 'evaluate research activities', 'provide information on study programmes', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', 'manage student relationships', 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'report test findings', 'promote education course', 'apply for research funding', 'develop scientific theories', 'conduct quantitative research', 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'manage resources for educational purposes', 'promote open innovation in research', 'write work-related reports', 'assist students with their dissertation', 'publish academic research', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'develop scientific research protocols', 'work with virtual learning environments', 'write scientific publications', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'assist students in their learning', 'manage open publications', 'oversee extra-curricular activities', 'design scientific equipment', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'perform background research on writing subject', 'conduct qualitative research']
assistant lecturer
wissenschaftlicher mitarbeiter/wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin
Assistant lecturers share university or college lecturers' academic workload, specifically the provision of lectures to students. They prepare and teach classes, and meet with students privately regarding evaluation. They also combine their lecturing and other academic duties with conducting their own research in their field of study. Assistant lecturers occupy an autonomous, full-time position, despite what the subservience element in the occupation title may suggest.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterinnen unterstützen Lehrkräfte bei ihrer Arbeit, vor allem durch das Halten von Lehrveranstaltungen. Sie bereiten Lehrveranstaltungen vor, führen sie durch und führen Evaluierungsgespräche mit Studierenden. Sie kombinieren zudem ihre Vorlesungen und anderen Lehraufgaben mit ihrer eigenen Forschung in ihrem Fachgebiet. Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/Mitarbeiterinnen haben eine eigenständige Vollzeitstelle, auch wenn ihre Stellenbezeichnung möglicherweise eine untergeordnete Position vermuten lässt.
assistant lecturer
['assessment processes', 'scientific literature', 'investigation research methods', 'curriculum objectives', 'cooperate with education professionals', "guarantee students' safety", 'use data processing techniques', 'interpret current data', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'prepare lesson content', 'monitor developments in field of expertise', 'teach university class', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'apply teaching strategies', 'assess students', 'apply scientific methods', 'analyse test data', 'think abstractly', 'provide teacher support', 'mentor individuals', 'manage personal professional development', 'apply blended learning', 'give constructive feedback', 'operate scientific measuring equipment', 'perform classroom management', 'provide assistance to lecturer', 'provide lesson materials', 'liaise with educational staff', 'develop course outline', 'synthesise information', 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'mathematical modelling', 'computer simulation', 'research design', 'learning difficulties', 'statistics', 'multidisciplinary research', 'university procedures', 'electronic communication', 'scientific research methodology', 'empirical analysis', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'manage research data', 'assist in the organisation of school events', 'guide international students', 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'record test data', 'liaise with educational support staff', 'evaluate research activities', 'provide information on study programmes', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', 'manage student relationships', 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'report test findings', 'promote education course', 'apply for research funding', 'develop scientific theories', 'conduct quantitative research', 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'manage resources for educational purposes', 'promote open innovation in research', 'write work-related reports', 'assist students with their dissertation', 'publish academic research', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'develop scientific research protocols', 'work with virtual learning environments', 'write scientific publications', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'assist students in their learning', 'manage open publications', 'oversee extra-curricular activities', 'design scientific equipment', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'perform background research on writing subject', 'conduct qualitative research']
real estate agent
Real estate agents administer the sales or letting process of residential, commercial properties or land on behalf of their clients. They investigate the property's condition and assess its value in order to offer the best price to their clients. They negotiate, compose a sales contract or a rental contract and liaise with third parties in order to realize the stated objectives during transactions. They undertake research to determine the legality of a property sale before it is sold and make sure the transaction is not subject to any disputes or restrictions.
Immobilienmakler verwalten den Verkauf oder die Vermietung von Wohn- und Gewerbeimmobilien oder Grundstücken im Namen ihrer Kunden. Sie prüfen den Zustand der Immobilie und bewerten ihren Wert, um ihren Kunden den besten Preis anzubieten. Sie führen Verhandlungen, setzen einen Kauf- oder Mietvertrag auf und setzen sich mit Dritten in Verbindung, um bei den Geschäften die erklärten Ziele zu erreichen. Sie führen Recherchen durch, um die Rechtmäßigkeit eines Immobilienverkaufs im Vorfeld zu ermitteln, und stellen sicher, dass ihm keine Rechtsstreitigkeiten oder Beschränkungen entgegenstehen.
real estate agent
['customer service', 'contract law', 'office administration', 'real estate market', 'mortgage loans', 'property law', 'maintain relationship with customers', 'advise on property value', "identify customer's needs", 'inform on renting agreements', 'prospect new customers', 'obtain financial information', 'liaise with property owners', 'provide information on properties', 'manage contracts', 'value properties', 'compare property values', 'perform property market research', 'prepare real estate contract', 'maintain financial records', 'energy performance of buildings', 'virtual reality', 'building codes', 'building construction principles', 'accounting techniques', 'advertising techniques', 'modern portfolio theory', 'concurrent estate', 'types of insurance', 'collect property financial information', 'prepare sales checks', 'analyse loans', 'protect client interests', 'liaise with local authorities', 'analyse insurance needs', 'assist in loan applications', 'attend trade fairs', 'estimate profitability', 'create a financial plan', 'advise on investment', 'perform contract compliance audits', 'examine mortgage loan documents', 'negotiate with property owners', 'examine credit ratings', 'liaise with advertising agencies', 'prepare inventory of properties', 'handle tenant changeover', 'examine the conditions of buildings', 'review closing procedures', 'process payments', 'consult credit score', 'plan buildings maintenance work', 'write inspection reports', 'monitor title procedures', 'organise property viewing', 'manage contract disputes', 'organise a damage assessment']
technical sales representative
fachkraft im bereich vertrieb
Technical sales representatives act for a business to sell its merchandise while providing technical insight for customers.
Fachkräfte im Bereich Vertrieb verkaufen im Auftrag eines Unternehmens Produkte und erklären den Kunden deren technische Funktionsweise.
technical sales representative
['characteristics of products', 'sales promotion techniques', 'product comprehension', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'communicate with customers', 'manage schedule of tasks', 'implement marketing strategies', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'answer requests for quotation', 'maintain relationship with customers', 'implement customer follow-up', 'prospect new customers', "record customers' personal data", 'contact customers', 'keep records of customer interaction', 'demonstrate motivation for sales', 'use customer relationship management software', 'produce sales reports', 'ensure client orientation', 'implement sales strategies', 'apply technical communication skills', "respond to customers' inquiries", 'supervise sales activities', 'have computer literacy', "demonstrate products' features", 'provide customer follow-up services', 'keep records on sales', 'chemical products', 'textile industry machinery products', 'e-procurement', 'sales activities', 'credit card payments', 'electronic and telecommunication equipment', 'types of aircraft', 'office equipment', 'agricultural equipment', 'types of maritime vessels', 'international commercial transactions rules', 'machinery products', 'consumer protection', 'hardware, plumbing and heating equipment products', 'ICT software specifications', 'industrial tools', 'multimedia systems', 'electronic business', 'e-commerce systems', 'mining, construction and civil engineering machinery products', 'market pricing', 'electronic communication', 'sales strategies', 'create solutions to problems', 'speak different languages', 'perform customers’ needs analysis', 'address problems critically', 'issue sales invoices']
real estate agent
Real estate agents administer the sales or letting process of residential, commercial properties or land on behalf of their clients. They investigate the property's condition and assess its value in order to offer the best price to their clients. They negotiate, compose a sales contract or a rental contract and liaise with third parties in order to realize the stated objectives during transactions. They undertake research to determine the legality of a property sale before it is sold and make sure the transaction is not subject to any disputes or restrictions.
Immobilienmakler verwalten den Verkauf oder die Vermietung von Wohn- und Gewerbeimmobilien oder Grundstücken im Namen ihrer Kunden. Sie prüfen den Zustand der Immobilie und bewerten ihren Wert, um ihren Kunden den besten Preis anzubieten. Sie führen Verhandlungen, setzen einen Kauf- oder Mietvertrag auf und setzen sich mit Dritten in Verbindung, um bei den Geschäften die erklärten Ziele zu erreichen. Sie führen Recherchen durch, um die Rechtmäßigkeit eines Immobilienverkaufs im Vorfeld zu ermitteln, und stellen sicher, dass ihm keine Rechtsstreitigkeiten oder Beschränkungen entgegenstehen.
real estate agent
['customer service', 'contract law', 'office administration', 'real estate market', 'mortgage loans', 'property law', 'maintain relationship with customers', 'advise on property value', "identify customer's needs", 'inform on renting agreements', 'prospect new customers', 'obtain financial information', 'liaise with property owners', 'provide information on properties', 'manage contracts', 'value properties', 'compare property values', 'perform property market research', 'prepare real estate contract', 'maintain financial records', 'energy performance of buildings', 'virtual reality', 'building codes', 'building construction principles', 'accounting techniques', 'advertising techniques', 'modern portfolio theory', 'concurrent estate', 'types of insurance', 'collect property financial information', 'prepare sales checks', 'analyse loans', 'protect client interests', 'liaise with local authorities', 'analyse insurance needs', 'assist in loan applications', 'attend trade fairs', 'estimate profitability', 'create a financial plan', 'advise on investment', 'perform contract compliance audits', 'examine mortgage loan documents', 'negotiate with property owners', 'examine credit ratings', 'liaise with advertising agencies', 'prepare inventory of properties', 'handle tenant changeover', 'examine the conditions of buildings', 'review closing procedures', 'process payments', 'consult credit score', 'plan buildings maintenance work', 'write inspection reports', 'monitor title procedures', 'organise property viewing', 'manage contract disputes', 'organise a damage assessment']
real estate agent
Real estate agents administer the sales or letting process of residential, commercial properties or land on behalf of their clients. They investigate the property's condition and assess its value in order to offer the best price to their clients. They negotiate, compose a sales contract or a rental contract and liaise with third parties in order to realize the stated objectives during transactions. They undertake research to determine the legality of a property sale before it is sold and make sure the transaction is not subject to any disputes or restrictions.
Immobilienmakler verwalten den Verkauf oder die Vermietung von Wohn- und Gewerbeimmobilien oder Grundstücken im Namen ihrer Kunden. Sie prüfen den Zustand der Immobilie und bewerten ihren Wert, um ihren Kunden den besten Preis anzubieten. Sie führen Verhandlungen, setzen einen Kauf- oder Mietvertrag auf und setzen sich mit Dritten in Verbindung, um bei den Geschäften die erklärten Ziele zu erreichen. Sie führen Recherchen durch, um die Rechtmäßigkeit eines Immobilienverkaufs im Vorfeld zu ermitteln, und stellen sicher, dass ihm keine Rechtsstreitigkeiten oder Beschränkungen entgegenstehen.
real estate agent
['customer service', 'contract law', 'office administration', 'real estate market', 'mortgage loans', 'property law', 'maintain relationship with customers', 'advise on property value', "identify customer's needs", 'inform on renting agreements', 'prospect new customers', 'obtain financial information', 'liaise with property owners', 'provide information on properties', 'manage contracts', 'value properties', 'compare property values', 'perform property market research', 'prepare real estate contract', 'maintain financial records', 'energy performance of buildings', 'virtual reality', 'building codes', 'building construction principles', 'accounting techniques', 'advertising techniques', 'modern portfolio theory', 'concurrent estate', 'types of insurance', 'collect property financial information', 'prepare sales checks', 'analyse loans', 'protect client interests', 'liaise with local authorities', 'analyse insurance needs', 'assist in loan applications', 'attend trade fairs', 'estimate profitability', 'create a financial plan', 'advise on investment', 'perform contract compliance audits', 'examine mortgage loan documents', 'negotiate with property owners', 'examine credit ratings', 'liaise with advertising agencies', 'prepare inventory of properties', 'handle tenant changeover', 'examine the conditions of buildings', 'review closing procedures', 'process payments', 'consult credit score', 'plan buildings maintenance work', 'write inspection reports', 'monitor title procedures', 'organise property viewing', 'manage contract disputes', 'organise a damage assessment']
Secretaries perform a variety of administrative tasks to help keep an organisation run smoothly. They answer telephone calls, draft and send e-mails, maintain diaries, arrange appointments, take messages, file documents, organise and service meetings, and manage databases.
Sekretariatskräfte nehmen eine Vielzahl administrativer Aufgaben wahr, um reibungslose Abläufe innerhalb einer Organisation zu gewährleisten. Sie nehmen Telefonanrufe entgegen, verfassen und versenden E-Mails, führen Terminkalender, vereinbaren Treffen, nehmen Mitteilungen entgegen, archivieren Dokumente, organisieren und betreuen Sitzungen und verwalten Datenbanken.
['company policies', 'use spreadsheets software', 'disseminate internal communications', 'maintain internal communication systems', 'file documents', 'organise business documents', 'monitor staff absences', 'keep task records', 'process commissioned instructions', 'handle mail', 'perform office routine activities', 'manage personnel agenda', 'use word processing software', 'disseminate messages to people', 'fill out forms', 'administer appointments', 'manage digital documents', 'organise facilities for office personnel', 'communicate schedules to the people concerned', 'communicate by telephone', 'draft corporate emails', 'use microsoft office', 'education law', 'accounting techniques', 'labour law', 'education administration', 'liaise with typists', 'prepare presentation material', 'manage budgets', 'manage needs for stationery items', 'organise travel arrangements for staff', 'demonstrate professional attitude to clients', 'place orders for printed paper goods', 'write meeting reports', 'handle petty cash', 'develop documentation in accordance with legal requirements', 'use office systems', 'manage online content', 'deliver correspondence', 'manage accounts', 'issue sales invoices', 'handle financial transactions', 'use personal organization software']
biotechnical technician
Biotechnical technicians perform technological work in assistance of scientists. They work in laboratory settings where they help scientists to research, develop and test forms of biotechnology. They set up lab equipment, prepare scientific tests and gather scientific data.
Biotechniker assistieren Wissenschaftlern durch technische Arbeiten. Sie arbeiten in Laboreinrichtungen, wo sie Wissenschaftler dabei unterstützen, Biotechnologie zu erforschen, zu entwickeln und zu testen. Sie richten Laborausrüstung ein, bereiten wissenschaftliche Tests vor und sammeln wissenschaftliche Daten.
biotechnical technician
['life sciences', 'solid phase microextraction', 'stem cells', 'laboratory techniques', 'biology', 'cryopreservation', 'perform laboratory tests', 'maintain laboratory equipment', 'analyse scientific data', 'contact scientists', 'perform scientific research', 'run laboratory simulations', 'apply scientific methods', 'perform stem cell transplantation', 'gather experimental data', 'analyse experimental laboratory data', 'collect biological data', 'medicines', 'crop production principles', 'genomics', 'medical studies', 'pests and diseases', 'sustainable agricultural production principles', 'plant species', 'chemical processes', 'pollution prevention', 'food science', 'pest control in plants', 'multidisciplinary research', 'environmental engineering', 'medical devices', 'medical laboratory technology', 'animal species', 'undertake research in medical genetics', 'use technology for forensics', 'measure pollution', 'collect reproductive cells', 'analyse test data', 'work with chemicals', 'advise on pest infestation prevention', 'develop vaccines', 'research improvement of crop yields', 'advise on crop diseases']
human resources manager
führungskraft im personalwesen
Human resources managers plan, design and implement processes related to the human capital of companies. They develop programs for recruiting, interviewing, and selecting employees based on a previous assessment of the profile and skills required in the company. Moreover, they manage compensation and development programs for the company's employees comprising trainings, skill assessment and yearly evaluations, promotion, expat programs, and general assurance of the well-being of the employees in the workplace.
Führungskräfte im Personalwesen planen, gestalten und implementieren Prozesse im Zusammenhang mit dem Personal von Unternehmen. Sie entwickeln auf der Grundlage einer zuvor durchgeführten Bewertung des für das Unternehmen erforderlichen Profils und der erforderlichen Kompetenzen Programme für Einstellung, Vorstellungsgespräche und Personalauswahl. Darüber hinaus leiten sie Vergütungs- und Weiterentwicklungsprogramme für die Beschäftigten des Unternehmens, darunter Schulungen, die Bewertung von Kenntnissen und Fähigkeiten und jährliche Beurteilungen, Beförderungen, Programme für Expats und allgemeines Wohlbefinden der Angestellten am Arbeitsplatz.
human resources manager
['labour legislation', 'outplacement', 'employment law', 'human resources department processes', 'human resource management', 'talent management strategies', 'apply company policies', 'promote gender equality in business contexts', 'manage budgets', 'organise staff assessment', 'comply with legal regulations', 'develop training programmes', 'hire human resources', 'monitor company policy', 'evaluate training', 'negotiate employment agreements', 'track key performance indicators', 'manage payroll', 'coordinate operational activities', 'identify necessary human resources', 'plan medium to long term objectives', 'negotiate with employment agencies', 'build trust', 'ensure gender equality in the workplace', 'support employability of people with disabilities', 'develop employee retention programs', "identify with the company's goals", 'business management principles', 'financial products', 'insurance law', 'communication', 'government policy implementation', 'assessment processes', 'organisational policies', 'government social security programmes', 'consultation', 'training subject expertise', 'financial management', 'adult education', 'corporate social responsibility', 'audit techniques', 'project management', 'personnel management', 'types of pensions', 'financial markets', 'teamwork principles', 'legal research', 'principles of insurance', 'advertising techniques', 'conflict management', 'personal reflection techniques based on feedback', 'business communication', 'labour law', 'social security law', 'organisational structure', 'actuarial science', 'leadership principles', 'corporate law', 'curriculum objectives', 'company policies', 'types of insurance', 'trace financial transactions', 'create solutions to problems', 'coach employees', 'deliver online training', 'apply conflict management', 'advise on risk management', 'promote social security programmes', 'monitor developments in field of expertise', 'evaluate benefit plans', 'establish collaborative relations', 'manage pension funds', 'ensure information transparency', 'analyse insurance needs', 'provide information on study programmes', 'recruit employees', 'review insurance process', 'conduct workplace audits', 'promote education course', 'synthesise financial information', 'evaluate performance of organisational collaborators', 'gather feedback from employees', 'promote human rights', 'maintain records of financial transactions', 'interview people', 'determine salaries', 'provide support in financial calculation', 'apply strategic thinking', 'investigate social security applications', 'manage corporate training programmes', 'obtain financial information', 'protect employee rights', 'identify policy breach', 'communicate with beneficiaries', 'set inclusion policies', 'manage financial risk', 'advise on career', 'respond to enquiries', 'discharge employees', 'evaluate employees', 'set organisational policies', 'monitor legislation developments', 'promote financial products', 'advise on conflict management', 'manage contracts', 'administer appointments', 'coordinate educational programmes', 'supervise staff', 'create a work atmosphere of continuous improvement', 'provide advice on breaches of regulation', 'develop pension schemes', 'calculate employee benefits', 'manage sub-contract labour', 'ensure cross-department cooperation', 'adapt training to labour market', 'work with virtual learning environments', 'give constructive feedback', 'develop professional network', 'apply technical communication skills', 'advise on government policy compliance', 'manage employee complaints', 'develop financial products', 'write inspection reports', 'present reports', 'tolerate stress', 'teach corporate skills', 'advise on organisational culture', 'negotiate settlements', 'build business relationships', 'profile people', 'analyse insurance risk', 'monitor organisation climate', 'analyse financial risk', 'develop corporate training programmes', 'show diplomacy', 'liaise with managers', 'advise on social security benefits', 'handle financial disputes', 'manage government policy implementation', 'implement strategic planning', 'handle financial transactions', 'maintain financial records', 'manage stress in the work place']
Cooks are culinary operatives who are able to prepare and present food, normally in domestic and institutional environments.
Köche sind in Küchen tätig und dafür qualifiziert, Lebensmittel – in der Regel in einem Privathaushalt, einer Institution oder einem Unternehmen – zuzubereiten und anzurichten.
['comply with food safety and hygiene', 'order supplies', 'store raw food materials', 'receive kitchen supplies', 'use food preparation techniques', 'work in a hospitality team', 'handover the food preparation area', 'use reheating techniques', 'use culinary finishing techniques', 'use food cutting tools', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'control of expenses', 'maintain kitchen equipment at correct temperature', 'use cooking techniques', 'nutrition', 'composition of diets', 'seafood processing', 'prepared meals', 'fish anatomy', 'prepare dairy products for use in a dish', 'slice fish', 'prepare meat products for use in a dish', 'identify nutritional properties of food', 'prepare saucier products for use in a dish', 'comply with standard portion sizes', 'prepare sandwiches', 'prepare salad dressings', 'cook seafood', 'prepare bakery products', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'cook vegetable products', 'plan menus', 'cook sauce products', 'execute chilling processes to food products', 'manage waste', 'prepare vegetable products for use in a dish', 'prepare desserts', 'store kitchen supplies', 'prepare ready-made dishes', 'advise customers on seafood choices', 'create a diet plan', 'train employees', 'cook dairy products', 'create decorative food displays', 'cook meat dishes', 'advise on preparation of diet food', 'check deliveries on receipt', 'prepare egg products for use in a dish', 'prepare flambeed dishes']
head chef
Head chefs manage the kitchen to oversee the preparation, cooking and service of food.
Küchenleiter stehen der Küche vor, um die Zubereitung, das Kochen und das Servieren von Speisen zu leiten.
head chef
['food waste monitoring systems', 'food storage', 'types of whisks', 'train staff to reduce food waste', 'comply with food safety and hygiene', 'manage budgets', 'handle customer complaints', 'manage staff', 'ensure maintenance of kitchen equipment', 'set prices of menu items', 'recruit employees', 'use food preparation techniques', 'plan menus', 'keep up with eating out trends', 'assist customers', 'plan shifts of employees', 'supervise food quality', 'handover the food preparation area', 'perform procurement processes', 'use reheating techniques', 'use culinary finishing techniques', 'manage hospitality revenue', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'estimate costs of required supplies', 'use resource-efficient technologies in hospitality', 'develop food waste reduction strategies', 'control of expenses', 'train employees', 'manage stock rotation', 'use cooking techniques', 'compile cooking recipes', 'monitor the use of kitchen equipment', 'molecular gastronomy ', 'manage inspections of equipment', 'identify suppliers', 'cook pastry products', 'upsell products', 'design indicators for food waste reduction', 'advise guests on menus for special events', 'think creatively about food and beverages', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'attend to detail regarding food and beverages', 'execute chilling processes to food products', 'forecast future levels of business', 'conduct research on food waste prevention', 'negotiate supplier arrangements', 'plan medium to long term objectives', 'create decorative food displays', 'manage medium term objectives', 'manage contract disputes', 'check deliveries on receipt', 'prepare flambeed dishes']
Chefs are culinary professionals with a flair for creativity and innovation to provide a unique gastronomic experience.
Chefköche sind Fachkräfte für kulinarische Genüsse. Sie sorgen auf kreative und innovative Weise für einzigartige gastronomische Erlebnisse.
['food waste monitoring systems', 'types of whisks', 'comply with food safety and hygiene', 'store raw food materials', 'manage staff', 'design indicators for food waste reduction', 'use food preparation techniques', 'think creatively about food and beverages', 'instruct kitchen personnel', 'plan menus', 'maintain customer service', 'work in a hospitality team', 'handover the food preparation area', 'use reheating techniques', 'use culinary finishing techniques', 'use food cutting tools', 'use resource-efficient technologies in hospitality', 'develop food waste reduction strategies', 'control of expenses', 'maintain kitchen equipment at correct temperature', 'use cooking techniques', 'molecular gastronomy ', 'cook pastry products', 'prepare canapés', 'order supplies', 'identify nutritional properties of food', 'set prices of menu items', 'prepare sandwiches', 'prepare salad dressings', 'cook seafood', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'cook vegetable products', 'cook sauce products', 'assist customers', 'execute chilling processes to food products', 'manage waste', 'plan shifts of employees', 'perform procurement processes', 'prepare desserts', 'conduct research on food waste prevention', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'cook fish', 'train employees', 'cook dairy products', 'create decorative food displays', 'cook meat dishes', 'compile cooking recipes', 'check deliveries on receipt', 'prepare flambeed dishes']
Cooks are culinary operatives who are able to prepare and present food, normally in domestic and institutional environments.
Köche sind in Küchen tätig und dafür qualifiziert, Lebensmittel – in der Regel in einem Privathaushalt, einer Institution oder einem Unternehmen – zuzubereiten und anzurichten.
['comply with food safety and hygiene', 'order supplies', 'store raw food materials', 'receive kitchen supplies', 'use food preparation techniques', 'work in a hospitality team', 'handover the food preparation area', 'use reheating techniques', 'use culinary finishing techniques', 'use food cutting tools', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'control of expenses', 'maintain kitchen equipment at correct temperature', 'use cooking techniques', 'nutrition', 'composition of diets', 'seafood processing', 'prepared meals', 'fish anatomy', 'prepare dairy products for use in a dish', 'slice fish', 'prepare meat products for use in a dish', 'identify nutritional properties of food', 'prepare saucier products for use in a dish', 'comply with standard portion sizes', 'prepare sandwiches', 'prepare salad dressings', 'cook seafood', 'prepare bakery products', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'cook vegetable products', 'plan menus', 'cook sauce products', 'execute chilling processes to food products', 'manage waste', 'prepare vegetable products for use in a dish', 'prepare desserts', 'store kitchen supplies', 'prepare ready-made dishes', 'advise customers on seafood choices', 'create a diet plan', 'train employees', 'cook dairy products', 'create decorative food displays', 'cook meat dishes', 'advise on preparation of diet food', 'check deliveries on receipt', 'prepare egg products for use in a dish', 'prepare flambeed dishes']
Cooks are culinary operatives who are able to prepare and present food, normally in domestic and institutional environments.
Köche sind in Küchen tätig und dafür qualifiziert, Lebensmittel – in der Regel in einem Privathaushalt, einer Institution oder einem Unternehmen – zuzubereiten und anzurichten.
['comply with food safety and hygiene', 'order supplies', 'store raw food materials', 'receive kitchen supplies', 'use food preparation techniques', 'work in a hospitality team', 'handover the food preparation area', 'use reheating techniques', 'use culinary finishing techniques', 'use food cutting tools', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'control of expenses', 'maintain kitchen equipment at correct temperature', 'use cooking techniques', 'nutrition', 'composition of diets', 'seafood processing', 'prepared meals', 'fish anatomy', 'prepare dairy products for use in a dish', 'slice fish', 'prepare meat products for use in a dish', 'identify nutritional properties of food', 'prepare saucier products for use in a dish', 'comply with standard portion sizes', 'prepare sandwiches', 'prepare salad dressings', 'cook seafood', 'prepare bakery products', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'cook vegetable products', 'plan menus', 'cook sauce products', 'execute chilling processes to food products', 'manage waste', 'prepare vegetable products for use in a dish', 'prepare desserts', 'store kitchen supplies', 'prepare ready-made dishes', 'advise customers on seafood choices', 'create a diet plan', 'train employees', 'cook dairy products', 'create decorative food displays', 'cook meat dishes', 'advise on preparation of diet food', 'check deliveries on receipt', 'prepare egg products for use in a dish', 'prepare flambeed dishes']
Cooks are culinary operatives who are able to prepare and present food, normally in domestic and institutional environments.
Köche sind in Küchen tätig und dafür qualifiziert, Lebensmittel – in der Regel in einem Privathaushalt, einer Institution oder einem Unternehmen – zuzubereiten und anzurichten.
['comply with food safety and hygiene', 'order supplies', 'store raw food materials', 'receive kitchen supplies', 'use food preparation techniques', 'work in a hospitality team', 'handover the food preparation area', 'use reheating techniques', 'use culinary finishing techniques', 'use food cutting tools', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'control of expenses', 'maintain kitchen equipment at correct temperature', 'use cooking techniques', 'nutrition', 'composition of diets', 'seafood processing', 'prepared meals', 'fish anatomy', 'prepare dairy products for use in a dish', 'slice fish', 'prepare meat products for use in a dish', 'identify nutritional properties of food', 'prepare saucier products for use in a dish', 'comply with standard portion sizes', 'prepare sandwiches', 'prepare salad dressings', 'cook seafood', 'prepare bakery products', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'cook vegetable products', 'plan menus', 'cook sauce products', 'execute chilling processes to food products', 'manage waste', 'prepare vegetable products for use in a dish', 'prepare desserts', 'store kitchen supplies', 'prepare ready-made dishes', 'advise customers on seafood choices', 'create a diet plan', 'train employees', 'cook dairy products', 'create decorative food displays', 'cook meat dishes', 'advise on preparation of diet food', 'check deliveries on receipt', 'prepare egg products for use in a dish', 'prepare flambeed dishes']
product manager
Product managers are responsible for managing the lifecycle of a product. They research and develop new products in addition to managing existing ones through market research and strategic planning. Product managers perform marketing and planning activities to increase profits.
Produktleiter/innen sind für die Verwaltung des Lebenszyklus eines Produkts verantwortlich. Zusätzlich zum Management bestehender Produkte erforschen und entwickeln sie neue Produkte durch Marktforschung und strategische Planung. Produktleiter/innen führen Marketing- und Planungsaktivitäten zur Gewinnsteigerung durch.
product manager
['product life-cycle', 'design management', 'socio-economic trends in your sector', 'market research', 'industrial research and development', 'combine business technology with user experience', 'persuade clients with alternatives', 'define technology strategy', 'analyse market financial trends', 'plan product management', 'develop communications strategies', 'draw conclusions from market research results', 'manage the customer experience', 'organise participation in local or international events', 'oversee quality control', 'analyse economic trends', 'develop new products', 'develop promotional tools', 'analyse consumer buying trends', 'design customer experiences', 'manage product testing', 'make data-driven decisions', 'identify market niches', 'execute marketing plan', 'develop business plans', 'develop product design', 'prepare market research reports', 'perform market research', 'consumer goods industry', 'production processes', 'web analytics', 'pricing strategies', 'circular economy', 'cost management', 'quality standards', 'solar products', 'market pricing', 'product comprehension', 'product data management', 'sales strategies', 'analyse cultural trends', 'create prototype of user experience solutions', 'manage feedback', 'study sales levels of products', 'coordinate events', 'manage budgets', 'schedule production', 'carry out sales analysis', 'perform product testing', 'manage profitability', 'advise on communication strategies', 'apply strategic thinking', 'track key performance indicators', 'maximise sales revenues', 'integrate marketing strategies with the global strategy', 'develop revenue generation strategies', 'manage production systems', 'manage the handling of promotional materials', 'follow production schedule', 'provide improvement strategies', 'analyse data about clients', 'ensure products meet regulatory requirements']
product manager
Product managers are responsible for managing the lifecycle of a product. They research and develop new products in addition to managing existing ones through market research and strategic planning. Product managers perform marketing and planning activities to increase profits.
Produktleiter/innen sind für die Verwaltung des Lebenszyklus eines Produkts verantwortlich. Zusätzlich zum Management bestehender Produkte erforschen und entwickeln sie neue Produkte durch Marktforschung und strategische Planung. Produktleiter/innen führen Marketing- und Planungsaktivitäten zur Gewinnsteigerung durch.
product manager
['product life-cycle', 'design management', 'socio-economic trends in your sector', 'market research', 'industrial research and development', 'combine business technology with user experience', 'persuade clients with alternatives', 'define technology strategy', 'analyse market financial trends', 'plan product management', 'develop communications strategies', 'draw conclusions from market research results', 'manage the customer experience', 'organise participation in local or international events', 'oversee quality control', 'analyse economic trends', 'develop new products', 'develop promotional tools', 'analyse consumer buying trends', 'design customer experiences', 'manage product testing', 'make data-driven decisions', 'identify market niches', 'execute marketing plan', 'develop business plans', 'develop product design', 'prepare market research reports', 'perform market research', 'consumer goods industry', 'production processes', 'web analytics', 'pricing strategies', 'circular economy', 'cost management', 'quality standards', 'solar products', 'market pricing', 'product comprehension', 'product data management', 'sales strategies', 'analyse cultural trends', 'create prototype of user experience solutions', 'manage feedback', 'study sales levels of products', 'coordinate events', 'manage budgets', 'schedule production', 'carry out sales analysis', 'perform product testing', 'manage profitability', 'advise on communication strategies', 'apply strategic thinking', 'track key performance indicators', 'maximise sales revenues', 'integrate marketing strategies with the global strategy', 'develop revenue generation strategies', 'manage production systems', 'manage the handling of promotional materials', 'follow production schedule', 'provide improvement strategies', 'analyse data about clients', 'ensure products meet regulatory requirements']
business consultant
Business consultants analyse the position, structure and processes of businesses and companies and offer services or advice to improve them. They research and identify business processes such as financial inefficiencies or employee management and devise strategical plans to overcome these difficulties. They work in external consulting firms where they provide an objective view on a business and or company's structure and methodological processes.
Unternehmensberater analysieren die Lage, die Struktur und die Prozesse von Unternehmen und bieten Dienste oder Beratung zu deren Verbesserung an. Sie stellen fest, ob die Geschäftsprozesse z. B. im Hinblick auf die finanzielle Effizienz oder die Mitarbeiterführung Mängel aufweisen, und entwickeln strategische Pläne, um diese Schwierigkeiten zu überwinden. Sie arbeiten in externen Beratungsunternehmen, um eine objektive Sicht auf die Geschäftstätigkeit und die Struktur eines Unternehmens und seine methodischen Prozesse zu bieten.
business consultant
['consultation methods', 'business analysis', 'operational research', 'strategic planning', 'business processes', 'management consulting', 'management systems standards', 'advise on personnel management', 'perform business analysis', 'apply change management', 'identify undetected organisational needs', 'analyse business processes', 'analyse business plans', 'interpret financial statements', 'advise on financial matters', 'conduct quantitative research', 'analyse financial performance of a company', 'advise on efficiency improvements', 'analyse internal factors of companies', 'analyse the context of an organisation', 'analyse business requirements', 'analyse external factors of companies', 'build business relationships', 'align efforts towards business development', 'liaise with managers', 'make strategic business decisions', 'conduct qualitative research', 'business intelligence', 'business law', 'organisational policies', 'financial statements', 'business incubation', 'market entry strategies', 'quality standards', 'business process modelling', 'business analytics', 'business communication', 'trading software', 'business strategy concepts', 'organisational learning', 'corporate law', 'human resource management', 'advise on risk management', 'identify processes for re-engineering', 'interview people', 'advise on communication strategies', 'advise client on technical possibilities', 'advise on environmental risk management systems', 'implement a management system', 'make data-driven decisions', 'report analysis results', 'define organisational standards', 'advise on sustainability solutions', 'seek innovation in current practices']
Hairdressers offer beauty services such as cutting, colouring, bleaching, permanent waving and styling clients' hair. They ask their clients about their hairstyle preferences in order to provide customised services. Hairdressers use clippers, scissors and razors. They provide hair and scalp treatments and shampoo, condition and rinse hair.
Friseure bieten Dienstleistungen im Bereich Schönheitspflege an, beispielsweise das Schneiden, Färben und Frisieren von Haaren oder Dauerwellenbehandlungen. Sie befragen die Kunden zu ihren Frisurwünschen, um sie individuell zu bedienen. Friseure verwenden Haarschneidemaschinen, Scheren und Rasierapparate. Sie bieten Haar- und Kopfhautbehandlungen und behandeln das Haar mit Shampoo, Pflegeprodukten und Spülungen.
['hair colouring', 'hair', 'hair products', 'style hair', 'communicate with customers', 'work ergonomically', 'maintain equipment', 'advise on hair style', 'use equipment for hair care', 'wash hair', "identify customer's needs", 'maintain customer service', 'satisfy customers', 'curl hair', 'process payments', 'dye hair', 'stay up-to-date with hair style trends', 'manage schedule of tasks', 'sell hair products', 'order supplies', 'manage a small-to-medium business', 'treat scalp conditions', 'maintain relationship with suppliers', 'offer cosmetic beauty advice', 'monitor stock level', 'maintain wigs', 'maintain work area cleanliness', 'organise product display', 'maintain professional administration', 'administer appointments', 'supervise staff', 'apply hair cutting techniques', 'recommend cosmetics to customers', 'help customers with hair problems', 'treat facial hair', 'design hair style', 'issue sales invoices', 'train employees']
mechanical engineer
Mechanical engineers research, plan and design mechanical products and systems and supervise the fabrication, operation, application, installation and repair of systems and products. They research and analyse data.
Maschinenbauingenieure/Maschinenbauingenieurinnen planen und entwerfen mechanische Produkte und Systeme und überwachen die Herstellung, den Betrieb, die Anwendung, den Einbau und die Reparatur von Systemen und Produkten. Sie recherchieren und analysieren Daten.
mechanical engineer
['computer simulation', 'engineering principles', 'sustainable installation materials', 'types of heat pumps', 'technical drawings', 'building automation', 'engineering processes', 'mechanical engineering', 'solar absorption cooling system', 'solid mechanics', 'domestic cooling systems', 'continuum mechanics', 'mechanics', 'integrated design', 'determine appropriate heating and cooling system ', 'design a solar absorption cooling system', 'perform a feasibility study on solar absorption cooling', 'design a solar heating system', 'adjust engineering designs', 'perform scientific research', 'use technical drawing software', 'perform feasibility study on solar heating', 'operate solar thermal energy systems for hot water and heating', 'define part requirements', 'design heating and cooling emission systems', 'define technical requirements', 'approve engineering design', 'biomedical science', 'mathematical modelling', 'ship related legislative requirements', 'refrigerants', 'production processes', 'fisheries management', 'telecommunications engineering', 'analytical methods in biomedical sciences', 'electricity principles', 'operation of different engines', 'electricity consumption', 'maritime law', 'hydraulic fluid', 'model based system engineering', 'material mechanics', 'international regulations for preventing collisions at sea', 'electromechanics', 'electric heating systems', 'mechanics of vessels', 'precision mechanics', 'manufacturing processes', 'transmission towers', 'quality and cycle time optimisation', 'geothermal energy systems', 'design drawings', 'electrical engineering', 'medical device test procedures', 'micromechatronic engineering', 'electricity market', 'mathematics', 'safety engineering', 'design principles', 'radiation physics in healthcare', 'medical devices materials', 'combined heat and power generation', 'firmware', 'aircraft mechanics', 'ventilation systems', 'bicycle mechanics', 'principles of mechanical engineering', 'pollution legislation', 'medical imaging technology', 'electrical discharge', 'electric current', 'diagnostic radiology', 'legislation in agriculture', 'materials engineering', 'biotechnology', 'electrical power safety regulations', 'hydraulics', 'sustainable agricultural production principles', 'physics', 'environmental legislation', 'irrigation systems', 'project management', 'mechanics of motor vehicles', 'pollution prevention', 'computational fluid dynamics', 'stealth technology', 'robotic components', 'assessment of risks and threats', 'aerodynamics', 'CAE software', 'civil engineering', 'thermodynamics', 'fluid mechanics', 'computer engineering', 'microprocessors', 'quality standards', 'reverse engineering', 'biology', 'domestic heating systems', 'electronics', '3D modelling', 'ICT software specifications', 'human anatomy', 'industrial engineering', 'CAD software', 'multimedia systems', 'thermal materials', 'biomedical techniques', 'International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships', 'heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration parts', 'mechanics of trains', 'guidance, navigation and control', 'components of air conditioning systems', 'naval architecture', 'microelectromechanical systems', 'fisheries legislation', 'control engineering', 'pneumatics', 'industrial heating systems', 'biogas energy', 'electric generators', 'fire-fighting systems', 'fishing vessels', 'heat transfer processes', 'blueprints', 'technical terminology', 'mechatronics', 'biomedical engineering', 'power engineering', 'distribution of heating cooling and hot water', 'medical devices', 'product data management', 'optoelectronics', 'robotics', 'risks associated with undertaking fishing operations', 'Global Maritime Distress and Safety System', 'environmental indoor quality', 'radiation protection', 'industrial research and development', 'scientific research methodology', 'district heating and cooling', 'medical device regulations', 'quality of fish products', 'types of containers', 'automation technology', 'engine components', 'synthetic natural environment', 'health informatics', 'cybernetics', 'design biomass installations', 'manage supplies', 'create solutions to problems', 'keep up with digital transformation of industrial processes', 'model medical devices', 'balance hydraulics of hot water systems', 'wear cleanroom suit', 'ensure compliance with environmental legislation', 'test medical devices', 'gather technical information', 'conduct literature research', 'communicate with customers', 'test procedures in electricity transmission', 'develop electronic test procedures', 'work in outdoor conditions', 'develop agricultural policies', 'manage the operation of propulsion plant machinery', 'work in a fishery team', 'apply medical first aid on board ship', 'install transport equipment engines', 'design firmware', 'manage electricity transmission system', 'repair engines', 'prevent fires on board', 'oversee construction project', 'perform a feasibility study on district heating and cooling', 'lead a team in fishery services', 'inspect overhead power lines', 'ensure compliance with safety legislation', 'provide advice to farmers', 'perform a feasibility study on electric heating', 'debug software', 'maintain shipboard machinery', 'solder electronics', 'design medical devices', 'design a domotic system in buildings', 'operate marine machinery systems', 'manage engine-room resources', 'ensure safety in electrical power operations', 'perform data analysis', 'maintain agricultural machinery', 'lubricate engines', 'extinguish fires', 'execute analytical mathematical calculations', 'record test data', 'troubleshoot', 'use thermal management', 'maintain electrical equipment', 'perform a feasibility study on heat pumps', 'create software design', 'use computer-aided engineering systems', 'integrate biogas energy in buildings', 'design heat pump installations', 'monitor manufacturing quality standards', 'conduct quality control analysis', 'perform small vessel safety measures', 'install mechatronic equipment', 'perform test run', 'define manufacturing quality criteria', 'provide cost benefit analysis reports', 'inspect engine rooms', 'manufacture medical devices', 'inspect facility sites', 'advise on pollution prevention', 'design smart grids ', 'apply advanced manufacturing', "create a product's virtual model", 'define energy profiles', 'report test findings', 'install heating boiler', 'advise on irrigation projects', 'create technical plans', 'communicate using the global maritime distress and safety system', 'oversee quality control', 'use thermal analysis', 'design district heating and cooling energy systems', 'wear appropriate protective gear', 'make electrical calculations', 'analyse stress resistance of products', 'respond to electrical power contingencies', 'determine production capacity', 'read standard blueprints', 'ensure compliance with electricity distribution schedule', 'perform small vessel safety procedures', 'calibrate mechatronic instruments', 'manage engineering project', 'prevent sea pollution', 'test mechatronic units', 'conduct training on biomedical equipment', 'inspect underground power cables', 'supervise electricity distribution operations', 'maintain robotic equipment', 'design an electric heating system', 'use testing equipment', 'operate control systems', 'create CAD drawings', 'coordinate fire fighting', 'install circuit breakers', 'write routine reports', 'install heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration ducts', 'develop software prototype', 'use CAM software', 'monitor automated machines', 'manage workflow processes', 'coordinate engineering teams', 'plan manufacturing processes', 'assemble robots', 'install automation components', 'analyse test data', 'manipulate medical devices materials', 'follow standards for machinery safety', 'design engineering components', 'manage ship emergency plans', 'ensure equipment cooling', 'examine engineering principles', 'advise on machinery malfunctions', 'monitor production developments', 're-assemble engines', 'develop strategies for electricity contingencies', 'identify fitted source for heat pumps', 'develop medical device test procedures', 'survive at sea in the event of ship abandonment', 'simulate mechatronic design concepts', 'adjust voltage', 'ensure vessel compliance with regulations', 'design electric power systems', 'perform a feasibility study on combined heat and power', 'draft design specifications', 'develop mechatronic test procedures', 'use precision tools', 'operate electronic measuring instruments', 'perform a feasibility study on biogas energy', 'interpret 3D plans', 'draft bill of materials', 'use maritime English', 'read engineering drawings', 'use CAD software', 'research improvement of crop yields', 'perform feasibility study on geothermal energy', 'repair medical devices', 'operate pumping systems', 'maintain electronic equipment', 'design prototypes', 'conduct performance tests', 'interpret technical requirements', 'evaluate integrated design of buildings', 'select sustainable technologies in design', 'apply technical communication skills', 'report analysis results', 'liaise with engineers', 'determine production feasibility', 'replace machines', 'operate scientific measuring equipment', 'use tools for construction and repair', 'perform project management', 'program firmware', 'use technical documentation', 'operate life-saving appliances', 'advise architects', 'execute feasibility study', 'operate precision machinery', 'set up the controller of a machine', 'perform a feasibility study on biomass systems', 'disassemble engines', 'assemble mechatronic units', 'build business relationships', 'maintain safe engineering watches', 'maintain control systems for automated equipment', 'interpret 2D plans', 'design ventilation network', 'assess environmental impact', 'train employees', 'design a combined heat and power system', 'develop electricity distribution schedule', 'prepare production prototypes', 'assess financial viability', 'set up automotive robot', 'swim', 'instruct on energy saving technologies', 'design hot water systems', 'evaluate engine performance', 'install heating furnace', 'prepare assembly drawings', 'analyse production processes for improvement', 'design thermal equipment', 'design thermal requirements', 'perform resource planning', 'follow company standards', 'operate ship propulsion system', 'monitor electric generators', 'design geothermal energy systems', 'design automation components', 'operate ship rescue machinery', 'develop product design', 'control production', 'perform energy simulations']
product quality controller
Product quality controllers check the quality of manufactured products. They work in manufacturing facilities where they perform basic inspection and evaluation of products before, during or after the production process. They track production problems and send inferior or malfunctioning items back for repair.
Qualitätskontrolleure prüfen die Qualität von Fertigerzeugnissen. Sie arbeiten in Produktionsanlagen, in denen sie vor, während oder nach dem Herstellungsprozess eine grundlegende Prüfung und Bewertung durchführen. Sie erkennen Probleme bei der Herstellung und senden minderwertige oder nicht funktionsfähige Teile zur Reparatur zurück.
product quality controller
['quality assurance procedures', 'quality standards', 'quality control systems', 'monitor manufacturing quality standards', 'manage health and safety standards', 'check quality of products on the production line', 'oversee quality control', 'define quality standards', 'revise quality control systems documentation', 'work in assembly line teams', 'track key performance indicators', 'identify process improvements', 'monitor the production line', 'support implementation of quality management systems', 'write inspection reports', 'perform quality audits', 'create solutions to problems', 'set quality assurance objectives', 'record test data', 'operate precision measuring equipment', 'maintain test equipment', 'conduct performance tests', 'recommend product improvements', 'develop procedures in case of defects', 'use technical documentation', 'analyse production processes for improvement']
quality engineering technician
Quality engineering technicians work with quality engineers or managers to analyse and solve quality problems and improve productivity. They examine machines for imperfections and inspect products to make sure they meet the standards. They also provide personnel with training in inspection techniques and prepare inspection plans.
Qualitätssicherungstechniker arbeiten gemeinsam mit Ingenieuren oder Managern an der Analyse und Behebung von Qualitätsproblemen und der Steigerung der Produktivität. Sie überprüfen Maschinen auf Unzulänglichkeiten und inspizieren Produkte, um sicherzustellen, dass sie die Normen erfüllen. Außerdem schulen sie Personal in Inspektionstechniken und erstellen Kontrollpläne.
quality engineering technician
['quality assurance procedures', 'quality standards', 'quality assurance methodologies', 'test procedures', 'inspect quality of products', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'set quality assurance objectives', 'record test data', 'undertake inspections', 'perform test run', 'ensure compliance with company regulations', 'report test findings', 'oversee quality control', 'execute software tests', 'conduct performance tests', 'write inspection reports', 'inspect material', 'non-destructive testing', 'statistics', 'electronics', 'database quality standards', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'automation technology', 'create solutions to problems', 'ensure compliance with environmental legislation', 'perform laboratory tests', 'perform product testing', 'apply statistical analysis techniques', 'perform physical stress tests on models', 'develop material testing procedures', 'read standard blueprints', 'analyse test data', 'communicate test results to other departments', 'maintain test equipment', 'manage chemical testing procedures', 'support implementation of quality management systems', 'apply health and safety standards', 'manage manufacturing documentation', 'train employees']
application engineer
ingenieur anwendungstechnik/ingenieurin anwendungstechnik
Application engineers deal with the technical requirements, management, and design for the development of various engineering applications, such as systems, new product designs, or the improvements of processes. They are responsible for the implementation of a design or process improvement, they offer technical support for products, answer questions about the technical functionality and assist the sales team.
Ingenieure Anwendungstechnik/Ingenieurinnen Anwendungstechnikbefassen sich mit technischen Anforderungen, Management und Design, um verschiedene technische Anwendungen zu entwickeln, z. B. Systeme, Produktdesigns oder Verfahrensverbesserungen. Sie sind für die Umsetzung einer Design- oder Prozessverbesserung zuständig, bieten technische Unterstützung für Produkte an, beantworten Fragen zur technischen Funktionalität und unterstützen das Verkaufsteam.
application engineer
['engineering principles', 'technical drawings', 'project management', 'engineering processes', 'use an application-specific interface', 'perform scientific research', 'use technical drawing software', 'manage engineering project', 'interpret technical requirements', 'define technical requirements', 'Haskell', 'KDevelop', 'Erlang', 'information structure', 'SAS language', 'warehouse operations', 'labour legislation', 'Ruby (computer programming)', 'Common Lisp', 'Apache Maven', 'Lisp', 'human-robot collaboration', 'production processes', 'Visual Basic', 'defence standard procedures', 'Java (computer programming)', 'information architecture', 'computer programming', 'precision engineering', 'model based system engineering', 'cognitive psychology', 'speech recognition', 'electromechanics', 'Prolog (computer programming)', 'precision mechanics', 'OpenEdge Advanced Business Language', 'modern languages', 'machine translation', 'manufacturing processes', 'JavaScript', 'electrical engineering', 'Perl', 'Smalltalk (computer programming)', 'mathematics', 'PHP', 'software anomalies', 'Xcode', 'Assembly (computer programming)', 'C#', 'design principles', 'R', 'Groovy', 'algorithms', 'ASP.NET', 'APL', 'object-oriented modelling', 'contract law', 'ICT debugging tools', 'Puppet (tools for software configuration management)', 'physics', 'STAF', 'Vagrant', 'Eclipse (integrated development environment software)', 'Ansible', 'product packaging requirements', 'task algorithmisation', 'ICT security legislation', 'robotic components', 'computer science', 'cost management', 'linguistics', 'CAE software', 'laboratory techniques', 'Microsoft Visual C++', 'TypeScript', 'World Wide Web Consortium standards', 'computer engineering', 'quality standards', 'integrated development environment software', 'electronics', 'green logistics', 'CoffeeScript', 'Objective-C', 'mechanical engineering', 'tools for software configuration management', 'computational linguistics', 'industrial engineering', 'CAD software', 'ML (computer programming)', 'environmental engineering', 'AJAX', 'C++', 'terminology', 'probability theory', 'SAP R3', 'Swift (computer programming)', 'MATLAB', 'Salt (tools for software configuration management)', 'Python (computer programming)', 'grammar', 'Scratch (computer programming)', 'tax legislation', 'mechatronics', 'advanced materials', 'VBScript', 'COBOL', 'product data management', 'principles of artificial intelligence', 'semantics', 'logistics', 'robotics', 'Pascal (computer programming)', 'ABAP', 'transportation engineering', 'scientific research methodology', 'Internet of Things', 'Jenkins (tools for software configuration management)', 'supply chain management', 'transcreation', 'construction industry', 'Scala', 'natural language processing', 'migrate existing data', 'interpret circuit diagrams', 'supervise work on design planning', 'keep up with digital transformation of industrial processes', 'carry out inventory planning', 'communicate regulations', 'maintain logistics databases', 'develop automated migration methods', 'perform laboratory tests', 'identify customer requirements', 'identify suppliers', 'utilise computer-aided software engineering tools', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'manage budgets', 'debug software', 'use concurrent programming', 'consult with technical staff', 'determine suitability of materials', 'handle customer complaints', 'develop translation memory software', 'use software design patterns', 'carry out tendering', 'use logic programming', 'speak different languages', 'execute analytical mathematical calculations', 'record test data', 'troubleshoot', 'create manufacturing guidelines', 'advise on safety improvements', 'apply statistical analysis techniques', 'write specifications', 'conduct quality control analysis', 'adjust engineering designs', 'perform test run', 'manage tender processes', 'collect samples for analysis', 'apply advanced manufacturing', 'maintain equipment', 'administer multi-modal logistics', "create a product's virtual model", 'meet contract specifications', 'train staff about product features', 'manage distribution channels', 'perform contract compliance audits', 'use object-oriented programming', 'create technical plans', 'analyse logistic changes', 'define quality standards', 'advise on equipment maintenance', 'analyse stress resistance of products', 'manage warehouse organisation', 'adapt to new design materials', 'archive documentation related to work', "identify customer's needs", 'ensure equipment availability', "build a product's physical model", 'run laboratory simulations', 'apply safety procedures in laboratory', 'use methods of logistical data analysis', 'collect customer feedback on applications', 'use testing equipment', 'develop software prototype', 'use automatic programming', 'analyse test data', 'utilise machine learning', 'follow translation quality standards', 'gather experimental data', 'use software libraries', 'advise on machinery malfunctions', 'develop creative ideas', 'use non-destructive testing equipment', 'create flowchart diagram', 'meet deadlines', 'manage contracts', 'inspect industrial equipment', 'manage logistics', 'use computer-aided translation', 'apply grammar and spelling rules', 'analyse supply chain strategies', 'assess supplier risks', 'maintain test equipment', 'conduct ICT code review', 'conduct search engine optimisation', 'manage sub-contract labour', 'ensure compliance with purchasing and contracting regulations', 'maintain contract administration', 'draft design specifications', 'conduct research on trends in design', 'manage localisation', 'analyse stress resistance of materials', "compare contractors' bids", 'develop food scanner devices', 'develop code exploits', 'read engineering drawings', 'install machinery', 'ensure cross-department cooperation', 'use CAD software', 'manage product testing', 'develop licensing agreements', 'analyse supply chain trends', 'present artistic design proposals', 'design prototypes', 'conduct performance tests', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'consult with design team', 'design electromechanical systems', 'liaise with engineers', 'write manuals', 'conduct experiments on animals', 'perform project management', 'use functional programming', 'collaborate with designers', 'assist scientific research', 'execute feasibility study', 'build business relationships', 'apply health and safety standards', 'estimate duration of work', 'issue sales invoices', 'train employees', 'use dictionaries', 'prepare production prototypes', 'assess financial viability', 'process customer orders', 'use translation memory software', 'integrate system components', 'update language skills', 'develop test procedures', 'analyse production processes for improvement', 'analyse software specifications', 'adapt to changes in technological development plans', 'manage contract disputes', 'manage warehouse operations', 'label samples', 'evaluate translation technologies', 'draw design sketches', 'design user interface', 'translate language concepts', 'manage ICT semantic integration', 'control production']
Psychologists study the behaviour and mental processes in humans. They provide services to clients who deal with mental health issues and life issues such as bereavement, relationship difficulties, domestic violence, and sexual abuse. They also provide counselling for mental health issues such as eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, and psychosis in order to help the clients rehabilitate and reach a healthy behaviour.
Psychologen untersuchen das Verhalten und die mentalen Prozesse beim Menschen. Sie bieten Dienstleistungen für Kunden an, die unter psychischen Problemen und schwierigen Lebenssituationen leiden, z. B. Trauer um einen Verstorbenen, Beziehungsschwierigkeiten, häusliche Gewalt und sexueller Missbrauch. Sie bieten auch Beratung für psychische Erkrankungen wie Essstörungen, posttraumatische Belastungsstörungen und Psychosen an, um den Patienten zu helfen, sich zu erholen und ein gesundes Verhalten zu erlangen.
['counselling methods', 'psychological diagnostics', 'body language', 'health care occupation-specific ethics', 'client-centred counselling', 'consultation', 'psychological counselling methods', 'research design', 'scientific literature', 'behavioural disorders', 'psychological interventions', 'psychology', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'manage research data', 'prescribe psychotherapeutic treatment', 'use clinical assessment techniques', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'evaluate research activities', 'test for emotional patterns', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', "respond to healthcare users' extreme emotions", 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'apply for research funding', 'work with patterns of psychological behaviour', 'conduct psychological assessement', 'follow clinical guidelines', 'conduct forensic evaluations', 'test for behavioural patterns', 'identify mental health issues', 'diagnose psychiatric symptoms', 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'promote open innovation in research', 'use psychoeducation', 'prescribe medication', 'interpret psychological tests', 'publish academic research', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'think abstractly', 'comply with legislation related to health care', 'listen actively', 'mentor individuals', 'manage personal professional development', 'counsel clients', 'monitor therapeutic progress', 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'write scientific publications', 'interact with healthcare users', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'ensure safety of healthcare users', 'manage open publications', 'build trust', 'refer healthcare users', 'synthesise information', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'clinical reports', 'psychiatric diagnostics', 'forensic psychiatry', 'sport psychology', 'psychiatric disorders', 'neurology', 'psycholinguistics', 'clinical social work', 'clinical psychological treatment', 'crisis intervention', 'experimental psychology', 'sexual disorders', 'personal reflection techniques based on feedback', 'first aid', 'psychiatry', 'empathise with the healthcare user', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'provide health education', 'diagnose mental disorders', 'apply caseload management', 'work on the effects of abuse', 'apply blended learning', 'support patients to understand their conditions', 'promote mental health', 'carry out psychiatric assessment of child', "work with healthcare users' social network", 'apply systemic therapy', "assess healthcare users' risk for harm"]
assistant clinical psychologist
psychologischer assistent/psychologische assistentin
Assistant clinical psychologists aid psychologists in their work. They work in healthcare facilities or private practices where they assist psychologists with their treatment of patients. Assistant clinical psychologists are healthcare professionals that can assess patients with psychological tests and aid with therapy, as well as performing administrative functions.
Psychologische Assistenten unterstützen die Arbeit von Psychologen. Sie arbeiten in Gesundheitseinrichtungen oder in privaten Praxen, wo sie Psychologen bei der Behandlung von Patienten zur Hand gehen. Psychologische Assistenten sind medizinische Fachkräfte, die Patienten mit psychologischen Tests beurteilen und ihre Therapien unterstützen. Außerdem nehmen sie Verwaltungsaufgaben wahr.
assistant clinical psychologist
['psychological diagnostics', 'diagnosis of mental health issues', 'therapy in health care', 'evaluation of psychological performance', 'psychological interventions', 'psychology', 'psychological concepts', 'psychiatry', 'apply psychological intervention strategies', 'conduct psychological research', 'assist psychologist', 'work with patterns of psychological behaviour', 'conduct psychological assessement', 'identify mental health issues', 'comply with quality standards related to healthcare practice', 'comply with legislation related to health care', 'adhere to organisational guidelines', "assess the patient's therapeutic needs", 'apply context specific clinical competences', "assess healthcare users' risk for harm", 'decide upon a psychotherapeutic approach', 'accept own accountability', 'clinical reports', 'cognitive psychology', 'consultation', 'health psychology', 'developmental psychology', 'clinical psychological treatment', 'human psychological development', 'paediatric psychology', 'first aid', 'prescribe psychotherapeutic treatment', 'apply clinical psychological treatment', 'provide health psychological advice', 'provide first aid', 'evaluate psychological health measures', 'carry out neuropsychological testing', 'empathise with the healthcare user', 'provide clinical psychological assessment', 'formulate a case conceptualisation model for therapy', 'provide clinical psychological support in crisis situations', 'analyse psychological aspects of illness', 'diagnose psychiatric symptoms', 'evaluate clinical psychological measures', 'interpret psychological tests', 'counsel clients', 'provide clinical psychological counselling', 'provide health psychological diagnosis', 'provide health psychological treatment advice', 'provide health psychological concepts', 'provide clinical psychological expert opinions', 'provide health psychological analysis']
commercial sales representative
Commercial sales representatives represent a company in selling and providing information on goods and services to businesses and organisations.
Handelsvertreter vertreten ein Unternehmen beim Verkauf und der Bereitstellung von Informationen über Waren und Dienstleistungen für Unternehmen und Organisationen.
commercial sales representative
['consumer goods industry', 'characteristics of products', 'sales promotion techniques', 'product comprehension', 'customer relationship management', 'sales strategies', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'communicate with customers', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'answer requests for quotation', 'carry out sales analysis', 'maintain relationship with suppliers', 'implement customer follow-up', "identify customer's needs", 'prospect new customers', "record customers' personal data", 'contact customers', 'keep records of customer interaction', 'demonstrate motivation for sales', 'use customer relationship management software', 'ensure compliance with purchasing and contracting regulations', 'produce sales reports', 'ensure client orientation', 'implement sales strategies', 'apply technical communication skills', "respond to customers' inquiries", 'have computer literacy', 'advise on merchandise features', "demonstrate products' features", 'prospect new regional contracts', 'keep records on sales', 'production processes', 'chemical products', 'e-procurement', 'credit card payments', 'clothing and footwear products', 'electronic and telecommunication equipment', 'types of aircraft', 'office equipment', 'types of maritime vessels', 'dairy and edible oil products', 'international commercial transactions rules', 'consumer protection', 'types of media', 'beverage products', 'ICT software specifications', 'media formats', 'outdoor advertising', 'advertising techniques', 'e-commerce systems', 'hardware industry', 'solar products', 'perfume and cosmetic products', 'market pricing', 'electronic communication', 'household products', 'media planning', 'glassware products', 'implement marketing strategies', 'speak different languages', 'deliver a sales pitch', 'monitor media industry research figures', 'work with advertising professionals', 'apply social media marketing', 'develop promotional tools', 'stay up to date with social media', 'analyse consumer buying trends', 'perform media outlets research', 'process payments', 'provide advertisement samples', 'develop media strategy', 'monitor after sales records', 'issue sales invoices', 'show diplomacy', 'handle financial transactions']
Doormen/doorwomen welcome guests to a hospitality establishment and provide additional services related to assistance with luggage, guests' safety whilst ensuring security.
Portiers begrüßen Gäste in einem Hotel- und Gaststättenbetrieb und erbringen zusätzliche Dienstleistungen im Zusammenhang mit der Unterstützung beim Gepäck und der Sicherheit der Gäste.
['screen clients', 'comply with food safety and hygiene', 'greet guests', "park guest's vehicle", 'maintain customer service', 'assist clients with special needs', 'detect drug abuse', 'handle customer complaints', 'provide tourism related information', 'provide door security', 'run errands on behalf of customers', 'ensure hotel security', 'handle delivered packages', 'handle guest luggage']
orthopaedic supplies specialised seller
fachverkäufer im sanitätsfachhandel/fachverkäuferin im sanitätsfachhandel
Orthopaedic supplies specialised sellers sell orthopaedic goods in specialised shops.
Fachverkäufer im Sanitätsfachhandel verkaufen in Fachgeschäften orthopädische Produkte.
orthopaedic supplies specialised seller
['sales argumentation', 'characteristics of products', 'orthopaedic goods industry', 'human anatomy', 'e-commerce systems', 'types of orthopedic supplies', 'product comprehension', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'carry out products preparation', 'operate cash register', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'examine merchandise', 'provide customer guidance on product selection', 'use different communication channels', 'organise storage facilities', 'monitor stock level', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'apply numeracy skills', "identify customer's needs", 'organise product display', 'stock shelves', 'recommend orthopedic goods to customers depending on their condition', 'order customisation of orthopedic products for customers', 'process refunds', 'carry out order intake', 'sell orthopedic goods', 'carry out active selling', "demonstrate products' features", 'provide customer follow-up services', 'issue sales invoices', 'plan aftersales arrangements', 'prevent shoplifting', 'repair orthopedic goods']
fitness instructor
Fitness instructors build fitness participation of new and existing members through fitness experiences that meet their needs. They deliver fitness instruction to individuals, with the use of equipment, or to a group, through fitness classes. Both individual and group instructors have the purpose of promoting and delivering safe and effective exercise.  Depending on the specific situation, some additional knowledge, skills and competences may be required.
Fitnesstrainer steigern die Fitness neuer und bestehender Mitglieder durch Fitnessübungen, die ihren Bedürfnissen entsprechen. Sie unterweisen Einzelne oder Gruppen in Fitnesskursen, bei denen auch Geräte eingesetzt werden. Sowohl Einzel- als auch Gruppentrainer sollen für eine sichere und wirkungsvolle Ausführung der Übungen sorgen.  Je nach den Umständen sind zusätzliche Kenntnisse, Fähigkeiten und Kompetenzen erforderlich.
fitness instructor
['promote fitness customer referral', 'assess physical conditions of clients', 'promote healthy fitness environment', 'safely instruct about fitness', 'identify customer objectives', 'analyse personal fitness information', 'adapt fitness exercises', 'provide fitness customer care', 'provide fitness information', 'participate in training sessions', 'integrate exercise science to the design of the programme', 'correct fitness customers', 'promote healthy lifestyle', 'correct potentially harmful movements', 'provide fitness customer service', 'maintain the exercise environment', 'motivate fitness clients', 'collect client fitness information', 'human anatomy', 'ensure safety of exercise environment', 'prescribe exercises', 'integrate principles of training', 'demonstrate when teaching', 'give constructive feedback']
recreation policy officer
referent für sport und freizeit/referentin für sport und freizeit
Recreation policy officers research, analyse and develop policies in the sports and recreation sector and implement these policies in order to improve the sport and recreation system and improve the health of the population. They strive to increase the participation in sports, support athletes, enhance the performance of athletes in national and international competitions, improve social inclusion and community development. They work closely with partners, external organisations or other stakeholders and provide them with regular updates.
Referenten für Sport und Freizeit recherchieren, analysieren und erarbeiten Strategien im Sport- und Freizeitbereich. Sie führen diese Maßnahmen durch, um Verbesserung im Sport- und Freizeitwesen herbeizuführen und die Gesundheit der Bevölkerung zu steigern. Sie sind bestrebt, die Teilnahme am Sport zu erhöhen, Sportler zu unterstützen, die Leistung von Sportlern in nationalen und internationalen Wettkämpfen zu verbessern sowie die soziale Inklusion und den gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt zu stärken. Sie arbeiten eng mit Partnern, externen Organisationen oder anderen Akteuren zusammen und versorgen diese regelmäßig mit aktuellen Informationen.
recreation policy officer
['create solutions to problems', 'develop sports programmes', 'maintain relationships with government agencies', 'contribute to the development of a sporting estate', 'develop recreation programmes', 'advise on legislative acts', 'promote recreation activities', 'promote sport activities in public health', 'manage government policy implementation', 'analyse community needs', 'government representation', 'government policy implementation', 'project management', 'European Structural and Investment Funds regulations', 'policy analysis', 'scientific research methodology', 'liaise with sports organisations', 'apply latest sport science findings', 'develop professional network', 'advise on government policy compliance', 'perform project management', 'liaise with politicians']
career guidance advisor
Career guidance advisors provide guidance and advice to adults and students on making educational, training and occupational choices and assist people in managing their careers, through career planning and career exploration. They help identify options for future careers, assist beneficiaries in the development of their curriculum and help people reflect on their ambitions, interests and qualifications. Career guidance advisors may provide advice on various career planning issues and make suggestions for lifelong learning if necessary, including study recommendations. They may also assist the individual in the search for a job or provide guidance and advice to prepare a candidate for recognition of prior learning.
Berufsberater/innen bieten Erwachsenen und Lernenden oder Studierenden Orientierung und Beratung in den Bereichen Bildung, Ausbildung und Berufswahl und unterstützen sie bei der Gestaltung ihrer beruflichen Laufbahn, indem sie ihnen Planungs- und Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten aufzeigen. Sie zeigen mögliche berufliche Entwicklungswege auf, unterstützen ihre Klienten bei der Ausbildungsplanung und helfen ihnen, über ihre Ziele, Interessen und Qualifikationen zu reflektieren. Berufsberater/innen bieten Beratung zu verschiedenen Fragen der Laufbahnplanung und unterbreiten ggf. Vorschläge für lebenslanges Lernen oder Studienempfehlungen. Bisweilen unterstützen sie Klienten auch bei der Arbeitssuche oder beraten den Bewerber oder die Bewerberin bei der Vorbereitung auf die Anerkennung früherer Lernleistungen.
career guidance advisor
['counselling methods', 'curriculum standards', 'assessment processes', 'job market offers', 'labour market', 'curriculum objectives', 'provide information on study programmes', 'assess\xa0candidates', 'work with different target groups', 'monitor educational developments', "evaluate clients' progress", 'facilitate job market access', 'provide assistance with job search', 'maintain professional administration', 'advise on training courses', 'assist clients with personal development', 'listen actively', 'counsel clients', 'provide information on education financing', 'encourage counselled clients to examine themselves', 'apply quality standards\xa0to the interaction with candidates\xa0', 'have emotional intelligence', "identify clients' needs", 'coach clients', 'provide career counselling', 'labour legislation', 'application process', 'psychological counselling methods', 'education law', 'adult education', 'project management', 'personal reflection techniques based on feedback', 'psychology', 'university procedures', 'create solutions to problems', 'cooperate with education professionals', 'provide information on school services', 'organise study information sessions', 'manage professional transition in an arts career', "communicate about youth's well-being", 'use consulting techniques', 'identify training needs', 'perform educational testing', 'establish educational network', 'identify education needs', "assess students' preliminary learning experiences", 'write work-related reports', 'assess prior learning', 'organise job search workshops', 'communicate with youth', 'develop professional network', 'oversee extra-curricular activities', 'organise projects to fill education needs', 'liaise with educational staff', 'encourage students to acknowledge their achievements', 'counsel students']
Receptionists are responsible for the reception area of a business. They answer the phone, greet guests, pass information, respond to inquiries and instruct visitors. They are the first point of contact for clients and customers.
Empfangssekretäre sind den Empfangsbereich eines Unternehmens zuständig. Sie nehmen Telefonanrufe entgegen, begrüßen Gäste, geben Informationen weiter und erteilen Auskünfte und Anweisungen an Besucher. Sie sind die erste Anlaufstelle für Besucher und Kunden.
['customer service', 'company policies', 'communicate with customers', 'communicate verbal instructions', 'disseminate internal communications', 'greet guests', 'maintain logbooks', 'maintain reception area', 'disseminate messages to people', 'administer appointments', 'adhere to organisational guidelines', 'communicate by telephone', 'use microsoft office', 'office administration', 'accounting techniques', 'screen clients', 'handle customer complaints', 'process booking', 'file documents', 'use different communication channels', 'handle petty cash', 'assist at check-in', 'develop documentation in accordance with legal requirements', 'use office systems', 'handle mail', 'keep personal administration', 'check tickets at venue entry', 'maintain correspondence records', 'process payments', 'organise facilities for office personnel', "respond to customers' inquiries", 'register visitors', 'deliver correspondence', 'issue sales invoices', 'process data']
shelf filler
Shelf fillers stock and rotate merchandise on shelves, identifying and removing expired products. They clean the shop after its operational hours, ensuring that the shelves are fully stocked for the next day. Shelf fillers may use trolleys, small forklifts to move stock and ladders to reach high shelves. They also give directions to customers in order to locate specific products.  
Regalauffüller übernehmen das Auffüllen und Umsortieren von Waren in Regalen, wobei sie abgelaufene Produkte erkennen und entfernen. Sie reinigen das Geschäft nach den Öffnungszeiten und stellen sicher, dass die Regale am nächsten Tag aufgefüllt sind. Regalauffüller verwenden unter Umständen Rollwagen und kleine Hubwagen, um Waren zu verladen, und Leitern zum Erreichen hoher Regale. Außerdem geben sie den Kunden Anweisungen, damit diese bestimmte Produkte finden können.  
shelf filler
['comply with food safety and hygiene', 'change shelf labels', 'examine merchandise', 'monitor stock level', 'stock shelves', 'check price accuracy on the shelf', 'ensure stock storage safety', 'assess shelf life of food products', 'characteristics of products', 'teamwork principles', 'characteristics of services', 'numerical sequences', 'communication principles', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'carry out stock rotation', 'prevent shoplifting', 'handle sensitive products']
shelf filler
Shelf fillers stock and rotate merchandise on shelves, identifying and removing expired products. They clean the shop after its operational hours, ensuring that the shelves are fully stocked for the next day. Shelf fillers may use trolleys, small forklifts to move stock and ladders to reach high shelves. They also give directions to customers in order to locate specific products.  
Regalauffüller übernehmen das Auffüllen und Umsortieren von Waren in Regalen, wobei sie abgelaufene Produkte erkennen und entfernen. Sie reinigen das Geschäft nach den Öffnungszeiten und stellen sicher, dass die Regale am nächsten Tag aufgefüllt sind. Regalauffüller verwenden unter Umständen Rollwagen und kleine Hubwagen, um Waren zu verladen, und Leitern zum Erreichen hoher Regale. Außerdem geben sie den Kunden Anweisungen, damit diese bestimmte Produkte finden können.  
shelf filler
['comply with food safety and hygiene', 'change shelf labels', 'examine merchandise', 'monitor stock level', 'stock shelves', 'check price accuracy on the shelf', 'ensure stock storage safety', 'assess shelf life of food products', 'characteristics of products', 'teamwork principles', 'characteristics of services', 'numerical sequences', 'communication principles', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'carry out stock rotation', 'prevent shoplifting', 'handle sensitive products']
shelf filler
Shelf fillers stock and rotate merchandise on shelves, identifying and removing expired products. They clean the shop after its operational hours, ensuring that the shelves are fully stocked for the next day. Shelf fillers may use trolleys, small forklifts to move stock and ladders to reach high shelves. They also give directions to customers in order to locate specific products.  
Regalauffüller übernehmen das Auffüllen und Umsortieren von Waren in Regalen, wobei sie abgelaufene Produkte erkennen und entfernen. Sie reinigen das Geschäft nach den Öffnungszeiten und stellen sicher, dass die Regale am nächsten Tag aufgefüllt sind. Regalauffüller verwenden unter Umständen Rollwagen und kleine Hubwagen, um Waren zu verladen, und Leitern zum Erreichen hoher Regale. Außerdem geben sie den Kunden Anweisungen, damit diese bestimmte Produkte finden können.  
shelf filler
['comply with food safety and hygiene', 'change shelf labels', 'examine merchandise', 'monitor stock level', 'stock shelves', 'check price accuracy on the shelf', 'ensure stock storage safety', 'assess shelf life of food products', 'characteristics of products', 'teamwork principles', 'characteristics of services', 'numerical sequences', 'communication principles', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'carry out stock rotation', 'prevent shoplifting', 'handle sensitive products']
shelf filler
Shelf fillers stock and rotate merchandise on shelves, identifying and removing expired products. They clean the shop after its operational hours, ensuring that the shelves are fully stocked for the next day. Shelf fillers may use trolleys, small forklifts to move stock and ladders to reach high shelves. They also give directions to customers in order to locate specific products.  
Regalauffüller übernehmen das Auffüllen und Umsortieren von Waren in Regalen, wobei sie abgelaufene Produkte erkennen und entfernen. Sie reinigen das Geschäft nach den Öffnungszeiten und stellen sicher, dass die Regale am nächsten Tag aufgefüllt sind. Regalauffüller verwenden unter Umständen Rollwagen und kleine Hubwagen, um Waren zu verladen, und Leitern zum Erreichen hoher Regale. Außerdem geben sie den Kunden Anweisungen, damit diese bestimmte Produkte finden können.  
shelf filler
['comply with food safety and hygiene', 'change shelf labels', 'examine merchandise', 'monitor stock level', 'stock shelves', 'check price accuracy on the shelf', 'ensure stock storage safety', 'assess shelf life of food products', 'characteristics of products', 'teamwork principles', 'characteristics of services', 'numerical sequences', 'communication principles', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'carry out stock rotation', 'prevent shoplifting', 'handle sensitive products']
food production operator
Food production operators supply and perform one or more tasks in different stages of the food production process. They perform manufacturing operations and processes to foods and beverages, perform packaging, operate machines manually or automatically, follow predetermined procedures, and take food safety regulations on board.
Lebensmittelproduktionsmitarbeiter führen eine oder mehrere Aufgaben in verschiedenen Phasen des Lebensmittelherstellungsprozesses aus. Sie führen Verfahren und Prozesse zur Herstellung von Lebensmitteln und Getränken durch, nehmen die Verpackung vor, bedienen Maschinen manuell oder automatisch, verfolgen vorab festgelegte Verfahren und halten die Vorschriften für die Lebensmittelsicherheit ein.
food production operator
['food waste monitoring systems', 'food safety principles', 'food ethics', 'food authentication techniques', 'food fraud', 'ensure sanitation', 'monitor ingredient storage', 'ensure refrigeration of food in the supply chain', 'disassemble equipment', 'keep inventory of goods in production', 'clean food and beverage machinery', 'apply HACCP', 'promote ethical eating', 'administer ingredients in food production', 'be at ease in unsafe environments', 'support management of raw materials', 'monitor the production line', 'listen actively', 'lift heavy weights', 'apply requirements concerning manufacturing of food and beverages', 'apply GMP', 'carry out checks of production plant equipment', 'follow production schedule', 'circular economy', 'food canning production line', 'health, safety and hygiene legislation', 'milk production process', 'condiment manufacturing processes', 'project management', 'fermentation processes of food', 'centrifugal force', 'energy efficiency', 'hydrogenation processes for edible oils', 'food storage', 'cleaning of reusable packaging', 'modern brewing systems', 'food homogenisation', 'tend packaging machines', 'measure sugar refinement', 'operate automated process control', 'tend bottle-washing machine', 'set up equipment for food production', 'operate forklift', 'conduct cleaning in place', 'handle kitchen equipment', 'apply extruding techniques', 'weigh materials', 'perform cleaning duties', 'check quality of products on the production line', 'monitor milled food products', 'check bottles for packaging', 'analyse samples of food and beverages', 'follow evaluation procedures of materials at reception', 'ensure correct goods labelling', 'monitor coating specifications', 'apply preservation treatments', 'execute chilling processes to food products', 'perform carbonation processes', 'monitor almond blanching process', 'work according to recipe', 'follow hygienic procedures during food processing', 'check quality of raw materials', 'mould chocolate', 'dispose non-food waste within the food industry', 'monitor sugar uniformity', 'adjust drying process to goods', 'mitigate waste of resources', 'monitor filling machines', 'rectify spirits', 'use resource-efficient technologies in hospitality', 'dispose food waste', 'monitor oil blending process', 'apply different dehydration processes of fruits and vegetables', 'examine production samples', 'ensure compliance with environmental legislation in food production', 'label samples', 'administer materials to tea bag machines']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
building construction worker
Building construction workers prepare and maintain building construction activities on construction sites. They perform preparation and clean-up work in order to assist specialised construction workers.
Hochbauhelfer übernehmen die Vorbereitung und Wartung von Hochbaumaßnahmen auf Baustellen. Sie führen Vorbereitungs- und Reinigungstätigkeiten durch, um spezialisierte Bauarbeiter zu unterstützen.
building construction worker
['install wood elements in structures', 'apply finish to concrete', 'inspect masonry work', 'check compatibility of materials', 'dig soil mechanically', 'pour concrete', 'transport construction supplies', 'operate digging construction equipment', 'work in a construction team', 'inspect construction supplies', 'mix concrete', 'prepare wall for wallpaper', 'prepare surface for painting', 'move soil', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'install construction profiles', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'discharge cement', 'prepare surface for plastering', 'place drywall', 'plumbing tools', 'carpentry', 'types of concrete forms', 'types of concrete pumps', 'demolition techniques', 'types of plastering materials', 'building construction principles', 'construction methods', 'building materials industry', 'construction industry', 'plaster surfaces', 'operate masonry power saw', 'operate concrete pumps', 'communicate with construction crews', 'install roof windows', 'inspect construction sites', 'lay tiles', 'read standard blueprints', 'install plumbing systems', 'place concrete forms', 'set window', 'apply adhesive wall coating', 'cut wall chases', 'finish mortar joints', 'screed concrete', 'fit doors', 'construct wood roofs', 'plan construction of houses', 'secure heavy construction equipment']
assistant lecturer
wissenschaftlicher mitarbeiter/wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin
Assistant lecturers share university or college lecturers' academic workload, specifically the provision of lectures to students. They prepare and teach classes, and meet with students privately regarding evaluation. They also combine their lecturing and other academic duties with conducting their own research in their field of study. Assistant lecturers occupy an autonomous, full-time position, despite what the subservience element in the occupation title may suggest.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterinnen unterstützen Lehrkräfte bei ihrer Arbeit, vor allem durch das Halten von Lehrveranstaltungen. Sie bereiten Lehrveranstaltungen vor, führen sie durch und führen Evaluierungsgespräche mit Studierenden. Sie kombinieren zudem ihre Vorlesungen und anderen Lehraufgaben mit ihrer eigenen Forschung in ihrem Fachgebiet. Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/Mitarbeiterinnen haben eine eigenständige Vollzeitstelle, auch wenn ihre Stellenbezeichnung möglicherweise eine untergeordnete Position vermuten lässt.
assistant lecturer
['assessment processes', 'scientific literature', 'investigation research methods', 'curriculum objectives', 'cooperate with education professionals', "guarantee students' safety", 'use data processing techniques', 'interpret current data', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'prepare lesson content', 'monitor developments in field of expertise', 'teach university class', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'apply teaching strategies', 'assess students', 'apply scientific methods', 'analyse test data', 'think abstractly', 'provide teacher support', 'mentor individuals', 'manage personal professional development', 'apply blended learning', 'give constructive feedback', 'operate scientific measuring equipment', 'perform classroom management', 'provide assistance to lecturer', 'provide lesson materials', 'liaise with educational staff', 'develop course outline', 'synthesise information', 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'mathematical modelling', 'computer simulation', 'research design', 'learning difficulties', 'statistics', 'multidisciplinary research', 'university procedures', 'electronic communication', 'scientific research methodology', 'empirical analysis', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'manage research data', 'assist in the organisation of school events', 'guide international students', 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'record test data', 'liaise with educational support staff', 'evaluate research activities', 'provide information on study programmes', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', 'manage student relationships', 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'report test findings', 'promote education course', 'apply for research funding', 'develop scientific theories', 'conduct quantitative research', 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'manage resources for educational purposes', 'promote open innovation in research', 'write work-related reports', 'assist students with their dissertation', 'publish academic research', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'develop scientific research protocols', 'work with virtual learning environments', 'write scientific publications', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'assist students in their learning', 'manage open publications', 'oversee extra-curricular activities', 'design scientific equipment', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'perform background research on writing subject', 'conduct qualitative research']
environmental health inspector
umwelt- und gesundheitsinspektor/umwelt- und gesundheitsinspektorin
Environmental health inspectors carry out investigations to ensure that areas, organisations and companies comply with environmental and public health legislation. They evaluate environmental complaints, provide reports on their findings and work to prevent future hazards or noncompliance with current policies. Environmental health inspectors perform consultations to promote public health and safety.
Umwelt- und Gesundheitsinspektoren führen Untersuchungen durch, um sicherzustellen, dass Gebiete, Organisationen und Unternehmen den Umwelt- und Gesundheitsvorschriften entsprechen. Sie gehen Beschwerden im Umweltbereich nach und legen Berichte über ihre Ergebnisse und ihre Arbeiten vor, um Gefahren oder die Nichteinhaltung der geltenden Richtlinien künftig zu verhindern. Umwelt- und Gesundheitsinspektoren leisten Beratung zur Förderung der öffentlichen Gesundheit und Sicherheit.
environmental health inspector
['environmental policy', 'check methods', 'audit techniques', 'environmental legislation', 'public health', 'ensure compliance with environmental legislation', 'address public health issues', 'perform environmental investigations', 'use consulting techniques', 'monitor legislation developments', 'promote health and safety', 'conduct environmental surveys', 'contribute to public health campaigns', 'write inspection reports', 'present reports', 'provide improvement strategies', 'foodborne diseases', 'percolation', 'pests and diseases', 'communicable diseases', 'pollution prevention', 'consumer protection', 'biology', 'environmental engineering', 'chemistry', 'occupational health', 'hazardous waste storage', 'inform policy makers on health-related challenges', 'perform risk analysis', 'provide testimony in court hearings', 'develop environmental policy', 'maintain relationships with government agencies', 'wear appropriate protective gear', 'enforce sanitation procedures', 'conduct educational activities', 'provide advice on breaches of regulation', 'analyse health problems within a given community']