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Quick Answer: When Can You Start Sample Answer? What is your salary expectation sample answer? Say you’re flexible. What is your expected salary? By aiming higher, you can make sure that, even if they offer the lowest number, you’ll still be making your target number. For example, if you want to make $45,000, don’t say you’re looking for a salary between $40,000 and $50,000. Instead, give a range of $45,000 to $50,000. What should I put as my desired salary? How do you answer why should I hire you? How do I give someone availability? What is a good amount of hours to work? How do you answer availability? Examples of the Best AnswersI am available to work Monday through Friday, and I am very flexible about the start and end times on those days. … I’m available during school hours while my children are at school, 9 am – 3 pm, Monday through Friday. … I’m flexible and available just about any time you need me to work.More items…• Can you tell me about yourself sample answer? For example, you might start your answer like this: “I graduated with my degree in Economics two months ago. I chose that field of study because I’ve always been interested in finance and money, and a couple of family members told me it leads to great career options, too.” What motivates me to do a good job? Do you have any questions for us? Always say ‘Yes,’ when an interviewer asks if you have questions. Surprisingly, the most common answer to the interview question, “Do you have any questions?” is no. … It is important for you to ask questions—not just any questions, but those relating to the job, the company and the industry. How much should I ask for salary? Knowing how much money to ask for in a salary negotiation is crucial for any job seeker. Asking for 10% to 20% more than what you’re currently making isn’t a bad idea. But you’re going to have to put in some research before you just go with that formula. How do you write salary expectations? Here are the most common tips for including your desired salary expectations in a cover letter:Don’t be direct about your desired salary. … Offer a salary range rather than a hard number. … Tell the employer that your desired salary is flexible. How can I start my self introduction? A self-introduction should include your name and occupation (or desired occupation) and key facts that will help you make an impression on the person you’re speaking to. In a few sentences, cover the most important things that others need to know about you. What should you not say in an interview? How long is a good interview? between 45 minutes and one hourAlthough it varies depending on industry, most interviews last between 45 minutes and one hour. This should provide sufficient time and flexibility from both sides to get to know one another. But what works for one business may not work for you. What should I put for availability? How soon could you start to work answer? How do you start off an interview? Start the interview with a polite greeting: “How are you today?” or “I’m pleased to meet you!” Thank the interviewer for meeting with you: “Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today.” Mention who you know at the company: “I was so excited when _____ told me this position was open!” What is your biggest weakness? What was the toughest decision you ever make in life? Kajal said : Toughest decision is whether to choose higher studies for search for a job. I chosen job because getting trained is better than educated. Any decision depends on situation, taking correct decision at a situation is the toughest job, and the decision taken should be beneficial. How long can you commit to work with the company? Short Sample Answers “ “As long as there’s a lot of work to do, then I’d be happy to stay for a long time. Since I’m a busybody, I like to being productive most of the time.” “I plan on staying for a long time if I’m offered the job.
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Important: Please read the Qt Code of Conduct - Multiplatform way of writing Qt application • Hi all, I have a task to make the Qt application run on Android, Mac and Windows. I read many of the websites related to Qt they all say "You can now create native Qt-based cross-platform applications all with one framework and target all the most popular operating systems on desktop, embedded and mobile." But I am not getting exactly how should I do that. Previously I was working on Qt in Linux. I cross compiled the Qt source and made my Qt application running on the embedded device. So should I need to follow the same steps that I had done for getting my Qt application run on my embedded environment or is there any other steps? Can anyone please help me like how do I get my application running on different platforms? I searched many things but I dint get a clear idea that how I need to do it. or someone can point me to the websites so that I can get a clear idea that how do I proceed? • How about: 1. You develop on Windows 2. You compile on Mac and make the necesary adjustments (#ifdef MAC) 3. You develop a GUI for Android Of course you keep a clear separation of logic and GUIs. • Moderators If you want to run it on a Mac/ iOS, compile on a Mac. If you need Android, you can compile on all desktop platforms (Linux, Mac, Windows). If you need your app working on Windows, compile on Windows. Follow deployment guides for all platforms to make sure it all works nicely. That is pretty much it :-) A lot of work, and requires a lot of hardware, but that is not something you can avoid if you want to deliver a good application anyway. • Hi, Thank you both for your reply. So for all the 3 different platforms I need to compile on the respective platforms only? • Moderators There are ways to cross-compile, but it tends to be extremely hard to do. And you still need a machine to test it on, right? • Is that the same way that we do for Qt working on arm like cross compiling Qt source for embedded linux using Toolchain/cross compiler? • Moderators Yes, but a lot more painful. • Thank you so much. Is there any websites I can follow to get the steps for the process? Log in to reply
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
No announcement yet. • Filter • Time • Show Clear All new posts • #16 I am happy to say staff saved the day a couple of days ago and protected me against a stalker / some fool purposefully racking up my TK count. Love is is spreading like a pandademic • #17 For 4 days now some guy Dogecoin stalking me. Normally, I don't care, but he is a broke ass time waster. He do a couple of things: 1. If I am on freq 0 or 1, he follows my bombs in wv and shoots before they hit the wall to get my TK count up. 2. He gets in shark and reps nme mines into me. ​​​​​​He refuses to base while doing this, essentially interfering w 2 players on the team. Then if I switch to private 2+ freq, he follows and does the same thing. I know this isn't allowed, but actions against this are not enforced. The racism against levi's is rampant. Can some one stop this fool? Also, y don't we just fix the TK algorithm and not have a limit on private freqs? The NP action is broken... I reported this in bugs, can I get some $$$s?
{ "keywords": "" }
{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Quick Answer: How Do You Keep God’S Word In Your Heart? What does it mean to be deeply rooted? deeply rooted; firmly implanted or established: a deep-rooted patriotism; deep-rooted suspicions.. What does rooted mean? What does a heart mean spiritually? What does it mean to be pure in heart in the Bible? “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). “This verse means people that go all out, not halfway, will see God,” says Matthew, age 9. … “If your heart is good and doesn’t think bad things, you shall see God,” says William, 10. What does heart mean biblically? The Bible uses the word “heart” primarily to refer to the ruling center of the whole person, the spring of all desires. The heart is seen as the seat of the will, intellect and feelings. “Character”, “personality” and “mind” are approximate modern terms for the Bible’s meaning of heart. How do you prepare your heart for God? Spend some time to pray, worship God, confess all known sins, and address all matters on your mind and conscience. If you are hungry, eat. It is a good practice to study before eating, but nothing stops you from studying your Bible after you have eaten. Is heart and mind the same in the Bible? In the Bible the heart is considered the seat of life or strength. Hence, it means mind, soul, spirit, or one’s entire emotional nature and understanding. What does it mean to treasure something in your heart? This verse states that if one places one’s treasure in heaven that is where one’s heart or attention will be. This is an implicit warning, which is made clear later in the chapter, that if one’s treasure is on earth, one’s heart and attention will also be on earthly matters, to the exclusion of God. What does the Bible say about hiding the word in your heart? The Hebrew text says something in verse 11 that is not evident in the translation. It goes like this. I have hidden your word in my heart to the end that I might not sin against you. … He knows that he is a sinner and having the treasure of God’s word hidden in a safe yet accessible place will help him fight against sin. How can God’s Word take root in you? Pray without ceasing – prayer helps your spirit to remain fresh and rooted in God’ word . … For the word to take root , when you pray focus your mind on the promise with joy and try not to think negatively , it steals your joy. Praying with joy is the key to allowing his word take root in your heart . What does root mean in the Bible? It has usually been assumed by the commentators that it does, and that the meaning common to both verbs (and also the words. for true and truth), that is to say, the root-meaning, is “to be. firm or sure”.1 Two questions immediately arise: (i) how do we. Why is the heart a symbol of love?
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Kung Fu Brother (2014) Genre: Action Quality: Year: Duration: 91 MinView: 1 votes, average 3.0 out of 10 In this action packed, international comedy thriller, three cops and a female reporter are in hot pursuit of a murderer whose quest is to acquire the Sacred Kuji Denjo Scrolls. As the team traverses across the globe in this perilous adventure, they can't seem to avoid hand to hand combat battles, white knuckle car chases, sword fights, and explosive gun fights. The crew must find a way to discover the murderer fast enough so they are no longer targets of ancient Thailand's Weirding Clan. Directed by Marcus Aurelius.
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Rumours of Kim Jong-un’s death were 'greatly exaggerated' Sky News Foreign Coordinator Brent O’Halloran says rumours of Kim Jong-un’s death have been “greatly exaggerated”. “It’s difficult to speak with much certainty regarding anything to do with the North Korean leader or indeed anything going on within the hermit nation, Mr O’Halloran said. It is understood the 36 year old leader of North Korea underwent heart surgery earlier this month with several US outlets quoting unnamed US intelligence sources reporting there were complications from that surgery. CNN said he was in “grave danger” while an NBC reporter tweeted he was “brain dead”, a tweet which was later deleted, Mr O’Halloran said. Officials in South Korea, Japan and China later said there was no evidence to suggest Kim Jong-un is severely ill. Mr O’Halloran said “this was not the first time US media outlets had released false information”. While it may have been an “incidental mistake,” Mr O’Halloran said “it was this sort of journalistic malpractice which bought us three years of uncorroborated Russia-Trump collusion conspiracy theories which were peddled by the majority of US mainstream media outlets”. Xem thêm bài viết khác: 1. POLICE FORENSICS: Virology is illegal in police forensic labs. Sulfur in nitrates can destroy any vaccine. So therefore vaccines don't exist. Only fortifiers and builders can stop the period-system of nitrates. And even fortifiers can be destroyed by sulfur. Humans will always need food supplements and bio-chemistry for specific sulfur-based deficiencies. VACCINES ARE A HOAX. 2. Good morning brothers and sisters in Christ! I have a message from the LORD to his children. GOD has given me many revelations before, but I only shared the ones he urged me to. I am not the best or perfect Christian because I sin daily, what keeps me truly connected to Jesus Christ on a daily basis is true repentance and the love I have for Christ. Here is what the LORD told me. The message: "Famine is coming, why didn't you share it with my children?" I was asked this question by the Holi Spirit because he told me before to tell his children, but I was stubborn, frightened and so I did not. This morning I was compelled and commanded to share his message. The Lord said again " Famine is on its way, Coronavirus is not done. There will be worse. Be prepared Spiritually. Fast and Pray. Learn to live with nothing, love nothing, enjoy nothing. If you are in love with this world, you are in enmity with The Body of Christ. Take heart for I am coming." I urge you to read these scriptures below. The Holi Spirit will guide you and help you understand them. Jeremiah 16 Deutoronomy 12 1 Timothy 6 vs 7 -10 My brothers and sisters, I urge and beg you to pray and fast. Put down the things of the world and pick up your cross and follow Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Only those who are covered in the blood of Jesus will be able to withstand what is to come. The world as we know it will no longer be the same. Pray, fast, repent, give GOD all the glory and obey his laws. The only way to get to heaven is through your faith in Jesus Christ of Nazareth. It does not matter to me whether you believe me or not. All that matters is I did what the LORD told me to. Have a blessed week. 3. Do you want to know what happen of Korea leader Kim Jong-un watch this you will be surprise 4. I hope This will remind the world's leaders that, we are all nothing but chaff's which the wind drives away. And like the lily's of the field which fades away…and like the birds that fly which are caught in a snare……….this is why we need to get right with God. And call on His Name before we too disappear. …….1 question, do you know where you will spend for eternity?….. 5. How even wealthy and powerful we are , everything are worthless when we're died.Mga mayayaman Yun Ang tandaaan Nyo! 6. Well if China say Kim Jong Un has never felt better, what more is to be said. At least we know now that he had a heart. 7. Why aren't you talking about the disinfectant part👀👀👀😂😂Australians are such suck ups 😂😂 8. Where did Australia get the fruity fat baby of michael moore and elton john? Why did they make him a news anchor? No one wants to see that sh!t! 9. Title reads about north Korean leader reporter begins with corona news me wondering has Kim jong un become corona virus 10. Americans are true idiots. Demonstrates to be freed from lockdown, wears a mask to protect himself from the virus. 😂 11. CNN , the fake news distributor is spreading all these lies about Kim Jong-Un. They started the fake news and supported by NBC. Today CNN posted a different version of Kim Jong-Un obtained from South Korea. The statement said the opposite ie , the leader is well…so pathetic!! CNN fake news. Please enter your comment! Please enter your name here
{ "keywords": "virology, vaccine" }
The Best 5 Flossiraptor Jokes Following is our collection of funniest Flossiraptor jokes. There are some flossiraptor dino jokes no one knows (to tell your friends) and to make you laugh out loud. Take your time to read those puns and riddles where you ask a question with answers, or where the setup is the punchline. We hope you will find these flossiraptor dentist puns funny enough to tell and make people laugh. Funny Flossiraptor Jokes and Puns What do you call a dinosaur that takes care of its teeth? A Flossiraptor What dinosaur has the best teeth? A flossiraptor. What is a dentist's favorite dinosaur? A Flossiraptor! I'll just show myself out... What do you call a dinosaur with good dental hygiene? A flossiraptor What do you call a dinosaur which plays fortnite? A flossiraptor Just think that there are jokes based on truth that can bring down governments, or jokes which make girl laugh. Many of the flossiraptor concavity jokes and puns are jokes supposed to be funny, but some can be offensive. When jokes go too far, are mean or racist, we try to silence them and it will be great if you give us feedback every time when a joke become bullying and inappropriate. Joko Jokes
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Where is hobbs new mexico What is Hobbs New Mexico known for? Hobbs , city, Lea county, southeastern New Mexico , U.S., near the Texas state line. Hobbs serves as a supply, shipping, and trading point for the oil-drilling industry and for the surrounding cattle ranches and artesian-irrigated farmlands. How far is Hobbs New Mexico from the Mexican border? The total driving distance from Hobbs , NM to Juarez, Mexico is 235 miles or 378 kilometers. Is Hobbs New Mexico safe? In Hobbs, you have a 1 in 153 chance of falling victim to a violent crime , such as rape, robbery, assault, or even murder. In terms of property crime , your chances of being a victim are 1 in 25. These crimes include theft, vehicle theft, and burglary. Is Hobbs NM a good place to live? Hobbs has a low cost of living , coming in at 14.40 percent lower than the US average, and affordable housing. The city is one of the best places for bars, coffee shops, restaurants and other amenities. What is the safest town in New Mexico? The 20 Safest Cities in New Mexico #1. Corrales . Population 8,577. Median Income $84,583. #2. Los Alamos . +1. Population 18,883. #3. Anthony. +4. Population 9,313. #4. Grants. +8. Population 8,982. #5. Rio Rancho . -1. Population 97,394. #6. Lovington . New. Population 11,175. #7. Bosque Farms. +9. Population 3,789. #8. Raton. -6. Population 5,960. Is New Mexico expensive to live in? New Mexico is renowned for its low cost of living , about 3.1% lower than the national average. The average home in New Mexico costs roughly $151,000. What is the crime rate in Hobbs New Mexico? The Hobbs NM crime rate for 2018 was 655.01 per 100,000 population, a 1.44% increase from 2017. The Hobbs NM crime rate for 2017 was 645.73 per 100,000 population, a 14.97% increase from 2016. The Hobbs NM crime rate for 2016 was 561.64 per 100,000 population, a 22.56% decline from 2015. You might be interested:  Why do mexico celebrate cinco de mayo How far is Carlsbad New Mexico from the Mexican border? about 25 miles How far is it between two locations? Click anywhere on the map to create a path to measure. To add another point, click anywhere on the map. Optional: Drag a point or path to move it, or click a point to remove it. At the bottom, you’ll see the total distance in miles (mi) and kilometers (km ). What is the poorest city in New Mexico? Is it cheaper to live in Arizona or New Mexico? What city has the highest crime rate in New Mexico? Where Are The Most Dangerous Cities In New Mexico? Rank City Violent Crimes Per Capita 1 Gallup 1,537 2 Belen 2,280 3 Albuquerque 1,364 4 Deming 1,000 50 percent for necessities: $21,222. 30 percent for discretionary spending: $12,734. 20 percent for savings: $8,489. Income needed to live comfortably: $42,445 (down $1,450 from 2016) How far is Hobbs from Albuquerque? 419 kilometers How far is El Paso from Hobbs NM? 206.23 miles Mexico
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
[Samba] issue with multiple Samba DC and uid/gid assignment. dahopkins at dahopkins at Sun Aug 25 09:52:46 MDT 2013 > Hi, Where does Windows 2008R2 fit into this setup, is it in the same domain? is it the primary AD server? It is a member server in the same domain on which we ran ADUC. It was a member of the prior samba3/LDAP authentication system. I can now log back onto this server and launch ADUC. All three of the samba4 DC are listed in Domain Controllers. However, since adding nslcd/nscd to ncssamba2, the only DC I can connect to is ncssamba1. When I try to select a different domain controller, I get "The list of Domain Controllers for domain is unavailable because: Access is Denied > I would suggest that you read Steve's site a bit more but this time about sssd. > I would also suggest that you just use the Samba 4 DCs just for authentication and use the Samba fileservers to store the profiles etc. You would then not need anything but the basic Samba4 setup on the AD DCs. That is the goal except profiles/home directories were not be accessed correctly on the samba4 domain member servers which I am trying to resolve. I am still not clear if I should be installing nslcd on the AD DCs. And if I do, what is the correct setting setting for the following in nslcd.conf uri ldap:// Should this point to the local machine, e.g. ncssamba1 for nslcd running on ncssamba1, ncssamba2 for nslcd running on ncssamba2 or should it point to the same ldap server on all AD DCs? I am willing to migrate from nslcd to sssd but need to understand what needs to be uninstalled/installed where before attempting it. Dave Hopkins More information about the samba mailing list
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Categories: Blog Jackal animal Jackal animal plays a great role in all Indian folklore. Like in many other Indian oral narratives they occupy a prominent position in Santal folk tales as well. They are rather small animals who often wandered into the villages from the nearby forests to steal chicken and other small animals. They were common to jungles that surrounded the Santal villages and the Santal people encountered them rather frequently. Jackal animal Such is their presence in Santal folklore that in his three-volume collection of ‘Santal Folk Tales’. P.O.Bodding has placed fifteen jackal stories in a separate section ‘Stories About Jackals’; where a number of animals including the jackal animals are shown to have the human ability to speak. They are shown to even possess human characteristics and sensibilities. In the first fifteen stories (and some more in the second and third volumes) animals like the jackal, leopard, tiger, paddy bird (heron), hare, crocodile, lion, and bear speak and behave as humans. The jackal animal which is common to all of these tales does not personify any particular trait and in turn is depicted as 6 cunning, dexterous, deceitful, malicious, and treacherous in the stories. In many others, it is portrayed as compassionate, kind, honest, helpful, and even cowardly and foolish. Sten Konow in his preface to P. O. Bodding’s ‘Santal Folk Tales’ makes an interesting observation in saying, ‘This double conception is curious. It is possible that we have to do with two different elements, one originally Kolerian and the other originally Aryan’. Some stories of Jackal animals a) The Jackal animal and Husband and Wife While returning from her father’s house a newly married wife with her husband is crossing a forest. A (spirit) bhut (bonga) is enchanted by her and taking the shape of a young man attempts to snatch her away. He claims her to be his wife and tries to drag her away but the husband won’t let go. She cries out for help and a jackal going about its business hears the cry runs to her aid. Both the men appeal to the jackal to judge their case. The jackal hears their accounts and then engages the young husband and the bhut in a challenge. He tricks the bhut (spirit) to enter into a kupi (small earthen receptacle) and traps him. In this manner, he saves the woman and restores her to her husband. It is interesting to note that the Santal narrator uses ‘bhut’ (Aryan word) instead of the native bonga. The jackal has been portrayed as shrewd, just, and helpful in this story. The story also describes the receptacles used to carry oil, kupi, a small earthen vessel for women, and a bamboo receptacle for men (…before the introduction of the bottle by the Saheb). Lesson – Use wit and presence of mind for defeating the enemy. b) The Jackal animal and the Leopard An altercation occurs between a leopard and some traders crossing a jungle with their loaded bullock carts. All of them decide to consult three judges – a mahua tree, a water pool, and a jackal. The mahua tree and the water pool speak against the traders (humans) and judge in favor of the deceitful leopard. Both of them brand humans as wicked and ungrateful creatures because they use and then exploit/abuse both the tree and the water. The jackal then tricks the leopard to enter into a sack and quickly ties him up thus helping the traders escape safely. In this story objects like the tree and water pool have also been endowed with human abilities to judge and express opinions. Wit is essential to survive, never trust the word of an enemy. It is interesting to note the opinions of the tree and the water pool. Both of them brand men as ungrateful and insensitive creatures and side with the leopard. The Jackal animal and the Prince This story has elements of a Fairy Tale and a Fable. Some part of the story takes place in a modern court of law. It is also a longer variation of the 4th and 5th stories. It is a long rambling story about a Prince (zamindar’s son) who has been reduced to poverty and has to work as a cowherd. The first half of the story tells about the lad’s misfortunes and his struggle against poverty. Second part of the story In the second part of the story, the boy has left the employ of the Raj and goes to a far off land where two jackals gift him a magical cow. While passing through a village the young lad gets cheated and his magical cow is replaced with an old haggard one. The ’Ten’ (dos jon – a village council of ten elders) accept bribes and judge against him but the boy summons the jackals who come and sets things right and restore the cow to the boy. Later on, he is once again duped by carters (garwan) and this time he summons the chowkidar and the village headman (Manjhi) but fails to get justice. He then goes to a court of law where a ‘Mussulman Badsha’ (Mohammedan judge) orders an inquiry and a search. The cow is recovered, the guilty carters punished and the boy compensated richly. The story ends with the boy’s reconciliation with his mother and marriage with the King’s (zamindar’s) daughter suggesting that they lived happily ever after. It is interesting to note the juxtaposition of speaking jackals with a modern court of 7 laws in this story. It reflects the influences of the modern justice system and its impact on the tribal community. Instead of giving up and accepting defeat as one would expect him to do under the circumstances, the boy chose to take the help of the judicial setup of the British Raj and succeeded in getting justice. The domesticated cow in spite of her magical attributes does not utter a single word. Domestic animals rarely speak in Santal folk tales. ‘Jackal Judgement’ and ‘The Jackal and the Santal’ are two other variations of this story. The Jackal animal and the Paddy Bird This story is a fable. A jackal and a paddy bird (heron) enter into a ‘flower friendship’ (baha gate) and pledge to look after each other forever but the jackal soon tires of the crane. He hatches a plan to kill her. One day he invites the crane to his house and feeds her well with lots of frogs and grasshoppers. In return, he too was invited to the paddy bird’s house and was served mice in a gourd. The jackal could not reach them through the narrow neck of the guard so he breaks it causing the mice to escape. The heron laughs at the incident and the enraged jackal kills her and eats her up. On his way home he devours a hen, a goat, a sheep, a cow, and a buffalo and drinks a pond dry. He then challenges a wooden pole to get out of his path and then tries to jump over it. His stomach is too heavy and as a result, he is impaled and he dies. In this story, all the characters are animals endowed with the human ability to speak. It warns the reader from getting too friendly with an alien/outsider/’other’. The Jackal and Chicken and The Jackal and the Hen There are two other variants of this story: ‘The Jackal and the Chicken’ and ‘The Jackal and the Hen’. Both the stories begin with the ‘flower friendship’ between a jackal and a hen. The Jackal and Chicken In the first story, the jackal kills the hen but the chicken succeeds in killing the jackal and eating his brains. The chicken employs the help of an egg, a mortar, and a pestle. Though they do not speak like the animals the egg, the mortar, and the pestle respond to the appeal for help and work in co-ordination to kill the jackal. The Jackal and the Hen In the second story, the jackal kills and eats the hen and all but one of her chicks. This little chick outwits the jackal and escapes. The jackal commits another series of thefts and terrorizing activities before the villagers trap him and kill him. In the second story, the jackal communicates and threatens an old woman from the village. An interesting and important characteristic feature of Santal folk tales recorded by the narrators is the presence of short refrains (song) in both the stories. The narrator sings out these verses (in Santal folk tunes) while telling the story. Sometimes even the listeners join in. Both the stories advocate the use of wit and presence of mind for survival. It helped the tiny chicken escape from the clutches of a stronger foe and an extremely difficult situation. Here too we come across the trickster element. Read more
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Early life Gamora (Earth-17628) from Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Season 1 19.jpg Gamora once lived a happy childhood with her family until Thanos destroyed her home. She became the sole survivor of her race, the Zen-Whoberis. She was taken in by Thanos as his own, alongside Nebula and Korath. He trained her to be widely known at the most dangerous woman in the universe and skilled in the use of every weapon. One day she and her siblings where given a mission by Ronan for their father to retrieve info from the "Wizard" about an "artifact of infinite power". Gamora was managed to find him but was able free her from Thanos grasp and reminded who she was, thus began her rebellion against Thanos and Ronan and attempt to keep the artifact from them. The events that played out after this reflect similar to her MCU counterpart, which lead her to become a founding member of the Guardians of the Galaxy alongside Star-Lord, Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon and Groot. Seemingly those of the Gamora of Earth-7528. Seemingly those of the Gamora of Earth-7528. Discover and Discuss Like this? Let us know!
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Pinned toot Any good reading material on how et al implemented (other than spec itself, or perusing the codebase). I mean , , spec impl details, etc. ForgeFed is an upcoming for enabling between version control services. It’s built as an extension to the protocol, allowing users of any ForgeFed-compliant service to interact with the repositories hosted on other instances. is looking for contributors to their roadmap items, for which you'll receive funding (thanks to ) rapnie boosted OpenPush - A Free, #Decentralized Push Messaging Framework for #Android "Push messages are an essential part of connected mobile devices. They are also one of the critical missing pieces in the #opensource Android ecosystem. Until now, free Android apps would either need to implement their own push notification system, do without any push messaging or use the proprietary Google Cloud Messaging service." Some time ago there was talk of bringing engine to in the form of "Project Detroit". Can't find good resources on how that was followed up. Anyone? rapnie boosted @rapnie that "European Parliament" Q&A is written by Axl Voss, in his position as chair of the JURI committee. His claim to speak on behalf of all MEPS (and all JURI) is one reason why this has got so out of control. Julia Reda is on the same commitee, and has v. different ideas. The CULT committee also disagreed. Here's an article by a watchdog oeg, explaining who lobbied for what: Interesting and opposite take to directive Article13 criticism of and in MusicTechPolicy blog: "Europarliament explains Article 13 and Google's fake "Lobbying" Mentions Orwell: "War is Piece, Freedom is Slavery, Copyright is Censorship" Who is right, who is wrong?? rapnie boosted Thank you, thank you, thank you @aral for writing this: #Google #Facebook #Apple #Amazon are such benevolent do-gooders for us all. #SurveillanceCapitalism is a ruse. It had to be said, and we can't thank #FAANG enough for the great stuff they do for #humanity /s Let's thank them on #HackerNews before the entry leaves the front page: rapnie boosted Let's all thank #FAANG for their continued benevolence towards #Humanity ... #Facebook #Google we were all wrong criticizing you for perceived malpractices, you do-gooders. #SurveillanceCapitalism meh, we'll continue to be your faithful users /s @aral thank you for making Humane Tech Community see we were on the wrong path! rapnie boosted rapnie boosted Testing out dat:// and the Beaker browser. I was suprised how easy it is to publish an existing static website to dat. Here's my blog, for example: dat://a3014080859dbb7130fa30b4f676b5360153d565e0d052d1c4556d7e6f614a31/ rapnie boosted Hey folks, if you’re still on birdsite, please help me boost this tweet: Let’s get some more folks on Mastodon and the fediverse while also raising awareness about surveillance capitalism. Thanks in advance :) rapnie boosted I've got a solution to the recycling problem. Pass a law that says that every company has to accept back any products they provide, when they reach end-of-life. So, for example, retailers would have to accept packaging waste back from customers, and the wholesaler that sold them the product would have to accept it back from them. Internalizing the cost of dealing with waste would motivate companies to make less disposable stuff, and find ways to make it easier to recycle: It always surprises me how few public discussions on man-made delve into actual .. Usually goes no further than "because we / / the planet". rapnie boosted And this was the final archive (~17GB), which I downloaded before deleting my account. Show thread rapnie boosted I wrote up some Opinions™ about iterating on the protocol and how we can continue improving it without sacrificing compatibility or fracturing the network: Comments welcome here or on the post. rapnie boosted modern tech dystopia fiction bothers me because it acts as if humanity is slapping itself silly for no reason, as if a very tiny group of people isn't becoming obscenely wealthy from invading our privacy and micromanaging our lives Show thread rapnie boosted incidentally, I strongly believe that federated and secure communications tools are essential toward eventually moving to a post-statist world. this is one of the reasons why i am strongly motivated to study and improve the security postures of fediverse technology (not necessarily because the AP ecosystem will last for more than a decade, but because fixing design faults in it will lead to better technologies in the future that completely avoid the problems to begin with.) similarly, I believe distributed ledgers are also essential (but they need to be a lot more efficient than current tech). but there's a lot of people working on that side of the problem, and few working on the communications side. rapnie boosted Chromium has blacklisted nouveau on Linux, which is one of the most egregiously wrong moves they could make against open source and the health of the Linux ecosystem. Tell them what you think via Remember to be firm in your convictions but polite with your complaint. rapnie boosted The priority after federation support is mobile APIs. We are working with a few mobile developers to ensure they have the right tools to build amazing apps and experiences. #pixelfed Show older Mastodon for Tech Folks
{ "keywords": "surveillance" }
{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Mind Matters Natural and Artificial Intelligence News and Analysis Man with double face expression isolated on gray background portrait of young angry man If Your Brain Were Cut in Half, Would You Still Be One Person? Yes, with minor disabilities. Roger Sperry’s split-brain research convinced him that the mind and free will are real In a recent podcast, “Splitting the Brain and Staying You”, Robert J. Marks asked Dr. Michael Egnor, “If you lose all four of your limbs, are you still you? Most people would say yes. What if your brain were cut into two pieces? Would you still be you?” What makes us unique, single human beings? Dr. Marks and Dr. Egnor look at the work of neuroscientist Roger Sperry (1913–1994) who was a Nobel Prize winner in 1981 for Physiology and Medicine. He studied people whose brains had been split: A partial transcript follows: 01:45 | The research of Roger Sperry Michael Egnor: Roger Sperry (below right) was a neuroscientist who worked mainly in California. He was very interested in the consequences of an operation called corpus callosotomy. A corpus callosotomy is an operation in which the neurosurgeon basically splits the brain in two. In that surgery, which I’ve performed and my colleagues perform, the corpus callosum, which is a large bundle of neurofibres that connects the two hemispheres of the brain is cut so that the two hemispheres of the brain are functionally disconnected. There’s no longer a material connection between them. 04:06 | Splitting the brain Michael Egnor: The reasoning behind the surgery is that there are some people who have small seizures in one hemisphere of the brain who have those seizures travel across the corpus callosum into the other hemisphere and when the seizure does that, it becomes a major seizure instead of a small seizure. That can be very disabling and there are people who have twenty or thirty of those major seizures a day and medication doesn’t always work. So the point of the corpus callosotomy is to prevent the major seizure from happening. It’s reasonably effective. There are many ways of doing it. Sometimes the entire corpus callosum isn’t cut but only part of it. But sometimes the entire corpus callosum is cut and Sperry felt that these patients were very interesting from the standpoint of neuroscience. Robert J. Marks: When you say they were cut, the right and left hemisphere were totally separated from each other (picture the brain in the image below cut in half). Michael Egnor: For the most part, yes. There are small regions in the anterior part of the brain called the anterior commissure and the posterior commissure where there was still some potential for connection but 99% of the connections between the two hemispheres are cut by cutting the corpus callosum. 05:28 | What happens when you split the brain? Michael Egnor: So Sperry asked a question. He said, “What happens to these people?” It was clear that, by cutting the corpus callosum, their seizures were made better but were they still one person? What did cutting the brain, basically in half, do to a person? So he studied these patients in great detail. I’ve had patients with this as well and what he found is what I and other neurosurgeons who have dealt with this have found, that you cut the brain basically in half and—except for the fact that their seizures usually get better—they’re no different. They’re perfectly all right. Robert J. Marks: Isn’t that incredible? Michael Egnor: Right. If you were to meet these people, if they sat down in front of you and you had a conversation with them, you couldn’t tell the difference’ They’re perfectly normal people. And they can’t tell the difference. They don’t feel any different. What Sperry did, though, was he studied them very, very carefully. And he found that there were subtle differences that—for example, it’s well known that, if you look straight ahead, everything to the left of the midline of where you’re looking is seen via the right hemisphere of your brain and everything to the right of where you’re looking is seen by the left hemisphere of your brain. So the visual fields kind of cross in the brain. And Sperry showed that the left hemisphere is mainly the hemisphere that mediates speech and the right hemisphere tends to mediate geometrical and spatial understanding. If the corpus callosum is cut, the two hemisphere have perceptual abnormalities. If you sow the right hemisphere an apple, it’s capable of knowing that it is an apple but it is not capable of mediating speech in saying that it is an apple. Only the left hemisphere can do that. So he was able to understand the functioning of the hemispheres in a little more detail. But all of the functional abnormalities that he found, number one, they were undetectable in everyday life. In fact, that’s why he won the Nobel Prize. You don’t win the Nobel Prize for finding out obvious things. So in everyday life, these people were perfectly normal. On very careful, subtle testing, you could find these perceptual abnormalities. 07:59 | Perceptual vs. intellectual abnormalities Michael Egnor: But the other thing that he found was that all of these abnormalities were perceptual, none of them were intellectual… it wasn’t like you disconnected addition from subtraction or justice from mercy or integral calculus from differential calculus. There were no intellectual changes. These were all just perceptual. And what I believe this research shows, and what I believe is the most interesting thing about Sperry’s research was not what’s usually cited. Most people say that what’s interesting about Sperry was the abnormalities that he showed. What I think is interesting is the lack of abnormality that he found. That is, that these were basically normal people, with brains cut in half. And that is what ought to make us say Wow! Robert J. Marks: And so there were no abnormalities in abstract reasoning and such… Michael Egnor: Correct. It would be the same thing as if you were sitting at your computer and one of your mischievous kids took a chain saw and cut your computer in half while you are typing away and nothing changes. It works just fine. There’s something about this computer that I didn’t understand before. And it’s still working… Nobel laureate scientists studied these patients and found very little that is wrong with them. And specifically they found that the only differences were perceptual things, not intellectual things. So, in my view, what Sperry showed was that the intellectual aspect of the human mind is what philosophers call metaphysically simple. By that, I mean that it can’t be split, like matter can be. Any material thing, if you think about it, can be split, your cell phone or a piece of paper or a brain—you can cut it, cut it in half. If you think about it, what defines a material thing is that it has extension in space. So it’s got parts to it. Cut it down the middle, you’ve got a right part and a left part. Does the mind have parts? While one might make a case that the perceptual powers can be sort of divided into parts, the intellectual powers cannot be. You can’t cut the intellect in half. If you did, you’d have two people. And you don’t get two people. So what the split brain research showed, is that intellect—and will, which follows our intellect—are what’s called metaphysically simple. That is, they’re not composed of parts. And that is typical of a spiritual thing. Spiritual things are not splittable. You can’t split a spirit. It doesn’t make any sense to talk about splitting spirits. So I think that Sperry’s research strongly confirms that the intellect and will are immaterial powers of the mind. 11:05 | Possibilities of other brain connections Robert J. Marks: I’m sitting here thinking about ways that the two hemispheres can still communicate. I wonder if these things have been considered. One of them would be a quantum connection where you have entangled states on both sides, maybe an electromagnetic connection, or maybe the idea that the brain might act like a hologram. It’s like looking through a window. If you take away half a window, you can still look through the window and see what’s on the other side. Do you know of anybody who has tried to explain away the split brain surgery using an argument of that sort? Michael Egnor: I’m not aware of anyone who has brought up the point that the split brain surgery strongly supports the viewpoint that the intellect is metaphysically simple and is an immaterial power of the mind, even though the research obviously supports that view. The notion that there must be some other way for the hemispheres to connect, be it quantum or electromagnetism or something, may be sort of a category error. I think that the most logically rigorous way to look at it is that the intellect isn’t a material power of the mind so that talking about connection of the hemispheres related to the mind doesn’t really make any sense. If something is immaterial, then it doesn’t have material connections, by definition. You could chop the brain into a thousand pieces and it wouldn’t have an effect on the immaterial powers of the mind. [See Note below on the mixed ways in which the significance of Sperry’s research has been presented to the public.] Show Notes 00:30 | Introducing Dr. Michael Egnor, Professor of Neurosurgery and Pediatrics at State University of New York, Stony Brook 01:45 | The research of Roger Sperry 02:56 | Corpus callosotomy vs. frontal lobotomy 04:06 | Splitting the brain 05:28 | What happens when you split the brain? 07:59 | Perceptual vs. intellectual abnormalities 11:05 | Possibilities of other brain connections 13:06 | How do the mind and the brain work together? 14:05 | The materialist approach to Sperry’s results Note: Sources generally don’t emphasize the significance of the fact that split-brain patients showed normal behavior in everyday life. One source explains that Sperry did a great deal of work with cats and monkeys, where he severed the corpus callosum for the purposes of the experiment. Here’s what he found: His experiments started with split-brain cats. He closed one of their eyes and presented them with two different blocks, one of which had food under it. After that, he switched the eye patch to the other eye of the cat and put the food under the other block. The cat memorized those events separately and could not distinguish between the blocks with both eyes open. Next, Sperry performed a similar experiment in monkeys, but made them use both eyes at the same time, which was possible due to special projectors and light filters. The split-brain monkeys memorized two mutually exclusive scenarios in the same time a normal monkey memorized one. Sperry concluded that with a severed corpus callosum, the hemispheres cannot communicate and each one acts as the only brain. Sperry moved on to human volunteers who had a severed corpus callosum. He showed a word to one of the eyes and found that split-brain people could only remember the word they saw with their right eye. Next, Sperry showed the participants two different objects, one to their left eye only and one to their right eye only and then asked them to draw what they saw. All participants drew what they saw with their left eye and described what they saw with their right eye. Sperry concluded that the left hemisphere of the brain could recognize and analyze speech, while the right hemisphere could not. Dina A. Lienhard, “Roger Sperry’s Split Brain Experiments (1959–1968)” at The Embryo Project Encyclopedia It sounds as though the humans were much less affected than the cats and monkeys. Some sources emphasize the abnormality of the humans with split brains: “ At first the patient seemed quite normal, but experimentation showed certain activities such as naming objects or putting blocks together in a prescribed way could only be done when using one side of the brain or the other.” (PBS). Others acknowledge the relatively minor nature of the disabilities: Yet, when Sperry started testing patients with split brains, he and other scientists were surprised. He found that not only could these patients continue to carry on most everyday functions after the two hemispheres were disconnected, but that the right brain wasn’t as word-deaf and word-blind as once thought. It wasn’t as advanced in language skills as the left, but patients using only their right brains could recognize such sophisticated spoken phrases as “a measuring instrument,” and could spell three- and four-letter words. Also, in split brain patients, both sides of the brain were clearly conscious, even when they weren’t aware of what the other side was seeing, hearing or thinking. While the two sides of the brain obviously worked in tandem when they were connected, they could operate independently if necessary. Michael Parrish, “Roger Sperry: The Brains Inside The Brain” at Brain Connection This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Corpus-callosum-Grays-Anatomy-public-domain.png Parrish at Brain Connection goes so far as to admit the fundamental significance of Sperry’s findings: The implications of split-brain research have been widely debated. Scientists and philosophers have long argued over what is known as the mind-body quandary, the relationship between our mind and the physical brain. Some scientists saw the work of Sperry and others as supporting the notion that the brain operates almost entirely mechanically, and that consciousness, reasoning and free will have almost no effect. But Sperry strongly felt otherwise… What this meant to Sperry was that free will, and responsibility, were no illusion. “It is possible to see today,” he believed, “an objective, explanatory model of brain function that neither contradicts nor degrades but rather affirms age-old humanist values, ideals, and meaning in human endeavor.” It’s fair to say that the true significance of the split-brain experiments goes far beyond the significance of the lateralization of the brain; it also points to the immaterial nature of the mind. Further reading on what happens to people whose brains are split or who live with half a brain: Yes, split brains are weird, but not the way you think. Scientists who dismiss consciousness and free will ignore the fact that the higher faculties of the mind cannot be split even by splitting the brain in half. (Michael Egnor) Some people think and speak with only half a brain. A new study sheds light on how they do it. We will never “solve” the brain. A science historian offers a look at some of the difficulties we face in understanding the brain. Four researchers whose work sheds light on the reality of the mind The brain can be cut in half, but the intellect and will cannot, says Michael Egnor. The intellect and will are metaphysically simple. Mind Matters News
{ "keywords": "monkey" }
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Mind Specialists / Assessments / Self-Assessment – Caregiver Stress Self-Assessment – Caregiver Stress This quiz is meant to assess the extent of stress and burden you are experiencing because you are involved in taking care of an elderly or a sick person who is unable to care for himself or herself independently. Think back about how you’ve felt over the past month. Please choose how often you’ve experienced each of the following during that time by clicking the space in the appropriate column. Answer the following honestly and carefully. This screening measure is not designed to make a diagnosis of a disorder or take the place of a professional diagnosis or consultation.
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Chapter 17, a summary: Sebastian Barry’s ‘A Long, Long Way’ It is June of 1917. The I6th find themselves about to make an eastward attack on Wytschaete, a village on the Messines Ridge, held by the German army. An artillery barrage has been ongoing for three weeks, and the preparations for the coming Battle of Messines have been thorough. The men recognise this state of preparation as unusual during the war: Christy Moran puts it down to the new General in charge of the operation. Before the battle, amidst the terrifying noise of the guns, Moran confesses to his comrades why he joined the army. Falling asleep whilst smoking in bed, his wife’s hand is badly burnt so that she cannot work as a seamstress. Moran joined the army in order to support her. This is a difficult confession for the bluff but sensitive Moran, and he dreads that the men will laugh at him, but they are respectful and tell him that they are sorry for his wife’s suffering. This is a moment of intense emotion for the sergeant major, who is distracted as he waits for the order to attack. Three mines are simultaneously set off under the German positions, and the explosion is massive and astonishing. The attack begins and Willie and his platoon go over the top in the leading wave. As they march up towards the ridge, they receive no enemy fire because of the creeping barrage that covers them. When the barrage stops, machine guns begin to fire on the men. Christy Moran captures a pill-box, killing two men in the process. Members of the Irish and Ulster regiments greet each other as they push on, unmolested by German fire. Second lieutenant Biggs orders Willie and to stay whilst he fetches Moran back: he is killed by a flare, but eventually Moran retires to the Willie’s position himself. He tells of the celebrations of the united regiments ahead. All the soldiers are amazed by the success of this complete victory. After winning a medal for valour, Moran is amongst those honoured by a visit of King George himself to the line. Despite Moran’s nationalist passion, he is pleased by the monarch’s visit and tells Willie that he spoke to the King. The 16th is then moved again, this time back to Ypres. The regiment falls under a new general, ‘Gough the Mutineer’, a British officer who was known for his antipathy to Home Rule. Moran humorously voices his sense of foreboding at the prospect.   Leave a Reply You are commenting using your account. Log Out /  Change ) Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
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Machine Learning Algorithms in Cardiology Domain: A Systematic Review Aleksei Dudchenko1, 2, Matthias Ganzinger1, Georgy Kopanitsa2, * 1 Institute of Medical Biometry and Informatics, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany 2 Center for Cognitive Technologies, ITMO University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia © 2020 Dudchenko et al. * Address correspondence to this author at the Center for Cognitive Technologies, ITMO University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia; E-mail: It could be seen in the previous decades that Machine Learning (ML) has a huge variety of possible implementations in medicine and can be of great use. Nevertheless, cardiovascular diseases cause about a third of the total global deaths. Does ML work in the cardiology domain and what is the current progress in this regard? To answer this question, we present a systematic review aiming at 1) identifying studies where machine learning algorithms were applied in the domain of cardiology; 2) providing an overview based on the existing literature about the state-of-the-art ML algorithms applied in cardiology. For organizing this review, we adopted the PRISMA statement. We used PubMed as the search engine and identified the search keywords as “Machine Learning”, “Data Mining”, “Cardiology”, and “Cardiovascular” in combinations. Scientific articles and conference papers published between 2013-2017 reporting about implementations of ML algorithms in the domain of cardiology have been included in this review. In total, 27 relevant papers were included. We examined four aspects: the aims of ML systems, the methods, datasets, and evaluation metrics. The major part of the paper was aimed at predicting the risk of mortality. A promising branch of Machine Learning, the ‘Reinforcement Learning’, was also never proposed in the observed papers. Tree-based ensembles are common and show good results, whereas deep neural networks are poorly represented. Most papers (20 of 27) have used datasets that are hardly available for other researchers, e.g. unpublished local registries. We also identified 28 different metrics for model evaluation. This variety of metrics makes it difficult to compare the results of different researches. We suppose that this systematic review will be helpful for researchers developing medical machine learning systems and for cardiology in particular. Keywords: Cardiology, Systematic review, Machine learning, Neural networks, Natural Language Processing (NLP), PubMed. 1.1. Background Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are a group of disorders of the heart and blood vessels. Data from the World Health Organization shows that CVDs are a leading cause of deaths worldwide for both sexes and all ages. In particular, CVDs caused 17.3 million deaths in 2013. This is 45% of all non-communicable disease deaths and 31.5% of all global deaths. More deaths worldwide were caused by CVDs than all communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional disorders combined, which is twice more than those caused by cancer [1]. These facts illustrate the importance of dealing with CVDs. Artificial intelligence and clinical decision support can help doctors provide better and more personalized treatment to their patients. A lot of efforts have been applied during the previous years to implement clinical decision support systems. A big class of clinical decision support systems is based on machine learning. It has been shown in the previous decades that machine learning, as well as other branches of artificial intelligence (AI), has a broad variety of possible implementations in medicine and can be very helpful. The first and currently used definition of ML was proposed by A. Samuel [2]: “ML is a field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed”. An ML program can learn from medical data that has been collected by physicians and devices for years to make predictions, prognosis, or diagnosis. There are many particular applications of AI and ML algorithms as tools to support decision making for different medical tasks. For instance, artificial intelligence classifiers have been used in urology diagnosis [3], in oncology and breast cancer diagnosis [4-6], in the diagnosis of hypoglycemic episodes [7], in skin cancer classification and diagnosis [8, 9], as well as for medical image analysis [10]. In our research, we aimed to identify and analyze the current applications of ML algorithms that are employed in the cardiology domain and presented in recent scientific papers. 1.2. Related Works There are previous works devoted to the analysis of different aspects of artificial intelligence systems in medicine. We discuss some of them below: Considered the main characteristics of predictive clinical data mining and focused on two specific aspects: the methods able to deal with temporal data and the efforts performed to build data mining models based on the results of molecular medicine. A systematic review by Palaniappan et al. [11] examined the processing of sensor data, signal processing, classification, and statistical methods to analyze lung sounds reported in previous research. Review of the Literature by Triantafyllidis et al. [12] observed applications of machine learning in real-life digital health interventions, aiming to improve the understanding of researchers, clinicians, engineers, and policymakers in developing robust and impactful data-driven interventions in the health care domain. The finding of the review is the fact that health interventions engaging machine learning algorithms in real-life studies can be useful and effective. The authors also reported about the necessity to conduct further studies in intervention settings following evaluation principles and demonstrating the potential of machine learning in clinical practice. The survey by Wallert et al. [13] described biomedical information systems for decision support, their application protocols and methodologies, and also suggested the future challenges and directions. Melillo et al., in their review [14-20], underlined that clusters of computer technologies are used for pain management by processing clinical data for the development of clinical decision support systems (CDSS). The clusters are rule-based algorithms, artificial neural networks, nonstandard set theory, and statistical learning algorithms. The authors detected methodologies for content processing such as terminologies, questionnaires, and scores. Machine learning in lung sound analysis was examined by Kalidas et al. [19]. The authors highlighted specific lung sounds/disorders, the number of subjects, the signal processing and classification methods, and the outcome of lung sounds analysis using machine learning methods based on previous research. This review also contains recommendations for further improvements. The survey by Eerikainen et al. [20] presents existing clinical decision support systems, recapitulates actual data on the application and impact of clinical decision support systems in practice, and recommendations for using these systems outside the research. Applying natural language processing (NLP) techniques in healthcare was considered in the paper by Rajagopalan et al. [21]. This review provides the concept of NLP, the applications of NLP, and the challenges of NLP systems in healthcare. The review “Using data mining techniques in heart disease diagnosis and treatment” [22] indicates shortcomings in the research on heart disease diagnosis and suggests a model to systematically resolve those shortcomings. Despite the great interest in the topic, a number of issues have not been considered in detail. The existing reviews do not reflect the aspects people developing their AI systems might be interested in. For instance, what ML methods were applied and how efficient they were; in what way the efficiency of the algorithms and systems is usually measured and which metrics are used if so; what kind of data is used for such systems and what can be a source of the data. An overview of these questions can be relevant for researchers and developers who are going to develop an ML system for a particular medical field. We have discussed some of these issues as the objectives of our study. There has been an increasing interest in the application of artificial intelligence since 2014 in the industry [17]. In this regard, we have considered the papers published since 2013, for a systematic review. 1.3. Objectives This review aims at 1) identifying studies where machine learning algorithms were applied in the cardiology domain; 2) providing an overview based on the identified literature of the state-of-the-art ML algorithms applied in cardiology. None of these aims have been reported in detail in previous works. It makes this systematic review a significant contribution to developing the field by helping and guiding researchers on what can be useful in their work and what can be a further way in their research and development. For organizing this review, we have employed the PRISMA statement. PRISMA is a set of items for reporting systematic reviews and meta-analyses that are focused on reporting reviews and evaluating randomized trials but can also be used as a basis for reporting systematic reviews [14, 15]. For the review, we have adopted the PRISMA statement and have identified the following items: review questions, information sources, search strategy, and selection criteria. 2.1. Review Questions We analyzed the studies in terms of the following four questions. Aims of the system. What is the system focused on and what is the output of the system? We identify papers that report on the systems engaging ML methods in the domain of cardiology. We want to find out what tasks are the systems aimed at and what kind of output they produce. Methods and algorithms. What algorithms were applied in the system? There are plenty of ML algorithms that can be used to predict, classify, or estimate medical data. Different algorithms could be more suitable and efficient or less dependent on specific data or a particular task. We aimed at identifying what algorithms were implemented in research projects that applied ML techniques in cardiology. Data sources. What dataset is used? How big is it? How many features/parameters does it have? Any machine learning system needs a relevant dataset to be trained and validated. One of the biggest issues in developing a machine learning system is to get data for training and evaluation. We explored the datasets that were used in the observed researches, how many features and samples they had, and whether other researchers could access the dataset. Algorithm evaluation. What metrics were used to evaluate the system? Every system needs to be evaluated and there are many different metrics to evaluate them. We examined observed papers to identify and analyze the metrics that were engaged to evaluate the system. 2.2. Bibliographic Search Process We identified the search keywords machine learning, data mining, cardiology,and cardiovascular. The keywords were combined in the search statement as machine learning OR data mining AND cardiology OR cardiovascular. PubMed has been employed as the search engine. 2.3. Selection Criteria Table 1 provides the inclusion and exclusion criteria that were applied to select papers. We included scientific articles and conference papers in English published between 2013 and 2017 devoted to the application of ML methods in the field of cardiology. In addition to the criteria listed in Table 1, we did not consider the papers where we could not clearly identify information regarding our review questions. Bibliographic search identified 372 papers (Fig. 1). Screening by titles revealed that 218 works were not related to the topic. Further screening by abstracts excluded 33 works not related to the topic and 54 papers that did not cover the implementation of any ML method. Full-text examination of 67 works led to excluding 8 more works as those were not related to the topic, 11 for not containing any ML method implementation, and 21 for not being scientific articles (review, dissertation/thesis, book chapter, comparative study, etc). Finally, 27 scientific articles or conference papers written in English and reporting about the implementation of an ML method or algorithm in cardiology were included in this review. Table 1. Inclusion criteria. Facets Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria Published between 2013-2017 until 2013 Study Type scientific article or proceedings paper not a scientific article (review, dissertation/thesis, book chapter, comparative study, etc.) Research content devoted to the application of ML methods in cardiology not related to the topic; does not contain a description of any certain ML method Language English Not in English 3.1. Aims of the Systems and the Outcomes Based on the declared aims of the papers, we divided the papers into four groups and several papers were left out of that classification (Table 2). The major part of the articles (12 of 27) was aimed at risk prediction or mortality prediction. For instance, Lezcano–Valverde et al. [16] reported about the development of a mortality prediction model for rheumatoid arthritis patients based on demographic and clinical-related variables collected during the first two years after disease diagnosis; Verma et al. [13] presented a model to identify and confirm coronary artery disease cases by using clinical data that can be easily collected at hospitals. Table 2. Objective classification of systems. Aim Paper Number Risk or mortality prediction [16, 18, 19, 27, 33-35] 12 Diagnosis of CVD [13, 36-42] 8 Classification of cardiac alarm as true or false [20, 21] 2 ECG signal and heart sound classification [23, 43] 2 Others [24-26] 3 Eight works, as an objective, considered a system for the diagnosis of cardiovascular disease development. For example, Wallert et al. [18] reported construction algorithms predicting two-year survival. Another example from this category is the study of Melillo et al. [19] where the aim was to develop predictive models for risk classification for hypertensive patients. The next category contains two works [20, 21] aimed at classifying a cardiac alarm as true or false and reducing false alarms in intensive care units. The last group is represented by two papers [22, 23] related to the classification of ECG signals or heart sounds. Three works were left out of the classification. Xiong et al. [24] proposed a system for determining the physiological manifestation of coronary stenosis from CTA images. Sengupta et al. [25] provided a pilot study to aid standardized assessments and support the quality of interpretations of cardiac imaging. The study of Seyednasrollah et al. [26] used childhood clinical factors and genetic risk factors for predicting adulthood obesity. This relates to cardiology because the authors emphasize that obesity is one of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease and early prediction of obesity is essential for CVD prevention. All papers in our study are related to solving the problems of classification, which is a type of task, where a computer program is asked to specify, which k category a certain input belongs to. To solve this task, the learning algorithm usually produces a function f. When y=f(x), the model assigns an input described by vector x to a category identified by numerical code y [44]. Such systems take an input of a set of samples, each sample belonging to a class. The output for a new sample is a class that the sample has the highest probability of belonging to. We grouped the papers according to the number of classes that they deal with. Most of the works (21 of 27) classify data into two classes, the others deal with 3, 5, or 6 (Table 3). Below, we provide some examples for every classification group. Table 3. Number of classes in observed works. Task Papers Number Classification, n=2 (binary classification) [13, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23-26, 28, 29-34, 36, 38, 39, 41, 42] 21 Classification n=3 [27, 37, 40] 3 Classification n=5 [16, 43] 2 Classification n=6 [35] 1 Arabasadi et al. [36] reported about a system that predicts whether the patient has CAD or not. Wallert et al. presented [18] an algorithm that differentiates survivors and non-survivors in the two years after their first myocardial infarction. Ruiz-Fernández et al. [27] implemented a system for classifying a risk related to congenital heart disease surgery among three types: low complexity, medium complexity, and high complexity. Li et al. [43] provided a five-level ECG signal quality classification algorithm instead of the commonly used two-level (clean or noisy) classification. In the paper by Ambale-Venkatesh et al. [35], the system predicts six cardiovascular outcomes in comparison with standard cardiovascular risk scores. Table 4 shows the aim of the system and the number of classes used for classification. 3.2. ML Methods and Algorithms The basic concept of ML is that machines use data to create a program or to learn a target function F that best maps input variable X to output variable Y. In contrast to traditional programming, in ML we do not give the computer a function or a program to get output according to it. Instead, we give the computer examples of inputs and desired outputs to create a program to get the right output for unobserved inputs (Fig. 2). There are three groups of Machine Learning algorithms: supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. In our work, we observed methods that had been applied in the selected papers. In some papers, ML methods were applied not only for the main task of the work such as diagnosis or predictions but also for selecting attributes or data preprocessing. The work is focused on the ML methods that were used in order to reach the main research task. In other words, here we report about classification algorithms and methods or the prediction model itself. Table 4. System objective classification and the number of classes. Aim/N of classes 2 classes 3 classes 5 classes 6 classes Diagnosis of CAD [13, 36, 38, 39, 41, 42] [37, 40] - - Risk or mortality prediction [18, 19, 28-34] [27] [16] [35] Classification of cardiac alarm as true or false [20, 21] - - - ECG signal and heart sound classification [23] - [43] - Other [24-26] - - - Fifteen out of 27 works adopted more than one method. For example [29], adopted six supervised classification ML algorithms and compared their predictive performance. We consider all the indicated methods. Table 5 provides a group of methods and works that applied these methods. Supplement 2 also provides methods and papers but in a paper-oriented way. Table 5. ML algorithms applied in observed works. Algorithm Papers N of papers RF Random Forest [16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 29, 30, 34, 35, 38, 42] 12 28 DT Decision trees [13-19, 27, 28, 37, 38, 40] 8 Gradient boosting DT [26, 30, 34] 3 AdaBoost [19, 24, 29, 38] 4 LogitBoost [32] 1 ANN MLP Multi-layer perceptron [13, 19, 27, 30, 33, 36, 37] 7 12 Other [27, 38, 41, 42] 5 LogitBoost [32] 1 LR Logistic Regression [13, 18, 29-31, 34, 39] 7 7 SVM Support Vector Machines [18-20, 37, 41-43] 7 7 Others [17, 27, 35, 37, 38, 41] 6 6 Naïve Bayes (NB) [19, 24, 29, 38, 39] 5 5 k-NN k-Nearest Neighbors [38, 41] 2 2 3.3. Decision Trees Tree structures are used for classification. Nodes represent features from instances, and branches represent values. Leaf nodes represent decisions or classes. Based on the feature values of instances, the decision trees classify the instances [45]. There is a decision tree generating algorithms such as ID3 [46], its extension C4.5 [47], and C5/See5. Some improvements done in C4.5 are handling training data with missing attribute values, attributes with differing costs, and continuous attributes. C5 is an improvement of C4.5. C5 is more efficient in terms of speed, memory usage, size of a decision tree, and it includes boosting [48]. 3.4. Boosting and Ensembles The main idea of ensemble methods is to combine “weak” classifiers (e.g. SVM or decision trees) to create a final “strong” one [49]. Predictions from a single classifier can be weighted to get the final prediction (boosting), or the final prediction can be obtained as the average or major value (bagging). The difference between ensemble algorithms is the way of getting the final prediction and classifiers. Ensembles of decision trees are very common and known. These include rotation forests with alternating decision tree as an underlying classifier [28, 29], RF, and GBDT (Table 5). AdaBoost (Adaptive Boosting) is a popular boosting classification algorithm and it was the first algorithm that could adapt to weak learners. It was applied in Shouval’s work [29] to predict mortality after myocardial infarction and was reported in Melillo’s paper [19] to predict cardiovascular events. Both papers applied six different ML methods (including AdaBoost) and compared the results. Both LogitBoost and AdaBoost are based on an additive logistic regression. However, AdaBoost minimizes the exponential loss and LogitBoost minimizes the logistic loss. Motwani et al. [32] implemented LogitBoost to predict mortality in patients with coronary artery disease. In contrast to the previous works, the two following works did not use DT as underlying models. Narula et al. [42] presented an ensemble model with three different algorithms (support vector machines, random forests, and artificial neural networks) and the final prediction was obtained by majority voting. Lo et al. [38] also reported about an ensemble voting mechanism where multiple classifiers were combined to obtain better prediction performance. 3.5. Random Forest or Random Decision Forests A random forest classifier is an ensemble learning method for classification and regression that combines a collection of decision trees [50, 51]. To build a random forest classifier, a training dataset is divided into subsets. Every subset builds an independent decision tree. For every tree, different training examples are used. In other words, subsets must not overlap. To classify a new object, results from all trees are compared and the class that appears more often is considered as an answer. The important advantage of this method is that more trees will not overfit a model. 3.6. Artificial Neural Network and MLP Artificial neural networks are the models taking their inspiration from the human brain. The core element of the model is a neuron that has connectors called synapses. Neurons are connected to each other and the model can be represented with Graph theory. A multilayer perceptron (MLP) is a simple architecture that is able to classify objects. MLP has three types of neurons that form layers: input, output, and hidden. All neurons from one layer connect with all the neurons of the next layer. Every connection has a weight that is to be adjusted during the training process. Beside MLP, plenty of other neural network architectures were applied in medical image processing, data extracting from medical records, and other areas. 3.7. Logistic Regression (LR) Logistic Regression is a classification algorithm uses a logistic function. The output of logistic regression is a probability that the given input belongs to a certain class [52-54]. 3.8. Support Vector Machine (SVM) SVM is one of the most robust and accurate methods among all ML algorithms [45]. It requires a small sample set and generates patterns from that. It is insensitive to the number of dimensions. In the case of a linearly separable dataset, a classification function is a separating hyperplane f(x) that passes through the middle of the two classes to separate them [45]. When the function is determined, data instance xn can be classified by simple testing. If f(xn) > 0, then xn belongs to the positive class. 3.9. Naive Bayes Classifier Naive Bayes is a set of algorithms based on Bayes’ theorem of the assumption of the probability of independence among predictors. One of the main advantages of these algorithms is that it is easy and fast to apply for both binary and multi-class classifications. The algorithm works especially well if predictors are actually independent, but it is almost impossible for real-life data [55-57]. 3.10. K-NN The k-nearest neighbors algorithm searches for the k-nearest training instances and classifies the new instance into the most frequent class of these k instances. 3.11. Datasets and Data Sources Every system needs a dataset for training and validation. We divided all datasets used in the observed studies into two groups: publicly available datasets and datasets that could not be easily accessed. Examples of the latter are datasets that are collected in medical institutions or obtained from a register. The first group comprises seven studies and eight databases (Table 6), but some datasets are used in more than one study and some researches use more than one dataset. Li et al. [43] used the PhysioNet/CinC Challenge 2011 database to develop a classifier and engaged real ECGs from the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database (MITDB) to evaluate the classification performance. Lo et al. [38] obtained an integrated dataset collected from 4 datasets provided by the UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository. They included the Hungarian dataset, the Switzerland dataset, the Cleveland dataset, and the Long Beach VA dataset. The new dataset contains 822 cases diagnosed either with or without CAD. The dataset is also available from the UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository as Heart Disease Data Set [58]. The second group includes 17 papers and datasets (Table 7). For the works not indicated in Tables 6 and 7, the sources of the data could not be clearly identified. Table 6. Open available datasets. Title # of samples # of attributes Paper PhysioNet/CinC Challenge 2011 database 2658 ECG [43] MIT-BIH arrhythmia database (MITDB) 47 ECG [43] Z-Alizadeh Sani dataset 303 54 [36] Cleveland Heart Disease data set 303 76 [38] MESA study (Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis) 6 814 735 [59] PhysioNet/CinC Challenge 2015 dataset. 1 250 ECG [21, 60] Physionet/CinC Challenge 2016 dataset 3126 heart sound [23] Heart Disease Data Set 822 76 [38] 3.12. UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository The UCI Machine Learning Repository collects datasets that can be used for empirical analysis of machine learning algorithms. The website of the repository says: “it has been cited over 1000 times, making it one of the top 100 most cited “papers” in all of computer science” [58]. The repository contains a total of 399 datasets classified by domains, task type, data type, etc. The Life Science category includes 91 datasets related to biology and medicine. In our research, three papers [13, 36, 38] used three datasets from this repository: Z-Alizadeh Sani dataset, the Cleveland Heart Disease dataset, and the Heart Disease Data Set. We will consider them below. 3.13. Z-Alizadeh Sani Dataset Z-Alizadeh Sani dataset contains records of 303 patients, each of them having 54 features. The features are arranged into four groups: demographic, symptom and examination, ECG, and laboratory and echo features [61]. Each patient can belong to one of the two possible categories: CAD or Normal. Patients are categorized as CAD if their coronary artery diameter narrowing is greater or equal to 50%, otherwise, a patient is categorized as Normal [61, 62]. The dataset was employed in a study [36] and provided by the UCI Machine Learning Repository; an updated version of this dataset is available there as well. 3.14. Cleveland Heart Disease Dataset The dataset was published in 1988 and contains 76 attributes and 303 instances. The proposed task for the dataset is to predict the presence of heart disease for the patient. The target field is an integer-valued from 0 to 4 [58]. Fifty-four percent of samples represent patients without heart disease and 46% with heart disease. The dataset webpage also says that researchers usually use a subset of 14 of the 76 presented attributes. The subset includes age, sex, chest pain type, resting blood pressure, serum cholesterol in mg/dl, fasting blood sugar, resting electrocardiographic results, maximum heart rate achieved, exercise-induced angina, ST depression, slope of the peak exercise ST segment, number of major vessels and diagnosis of heart disease (the predictable attribute). The dataset is provided by the UCI Machine Learning Repository. The dataset was used as the main data source in one study [38] and adopted as a benchmark dataset in another [13]. Table 7. Unpublished datasets. Name # of samples # of attributes Paper Cardiovascular Foundation of Colombia 2 432 87 [27] Japanese health check-up data 61 313 11 [34] Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation (NMFF) 7 463 980 [28] Department of Cardiology, Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla, India 335 26 [13] Acute Coronary Syndrome Israeli Survey (ACSIS) registry [71] 13 422 included 2 782 54 [29] Clinical Practice Research Datalink 383 592, included 378 256 30 [30] Bio-signal Research Center of the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science 214 20 [37] SWEDEHEART, the national quality Register for Information and Knowledge about Swedish Heart Intensive Care Admissions (RIKS-HIA) 51 943 >100 [18] Cardiology service of Hospital Clínic in Barcelona (Spain) 1 390 2100 [41] The clinical trial of patients after non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTEACS) [31] Korean Health and Genome Epidemiology study database (KHGES) 12 789 41 [39] COronary CT Angiography EvaluatioN For Clinical Outcomes: An InteRnational Multicenter (CONFIRM) registry 10 030 69 [32] Cardiovascular Risk in YFS (Young Finns Study) 2 262 97 [26] Centre of Hypertension of the University Hospital Federico II 139 33 [19] Autonomic nervous system (ANS) unit of the cardiology department of Avicenne hospital 263 11 [40] Hospital Clínico San Carlos RA cohort (HCSC-RAC) and Hospital Universitario de La Princesa Early Arthritis Register Longitudinal (PEARL) 1 741 12 [16] Coronary Care Unit of Clinical Hospital Center Bezanijska Kosa, Belgrade, Serbia 1705 11 [33] 3.15. Heart Disease Data Set The dataset is comprised of the Hungarian dataset (with 294 participants) provided by the Hungarian Institute of Cardiology, the Swiss dataset (with 123 participants) provided by Switzerland University Hospital, the dataset from Cleveland (with 303 participants) provided by the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, and the Long Beach VA dataset (with 200 participants) provided by the VA Medical Center, Long Beach, California, USA. Data from these four resources were combined into a new dataset, and incomplete entries were removed. The dataset contains 822 cases including 453 patients diagnosed with CAD and 369 cases without CAD symptoms, 642 men and 180 women aged from 28 to 77 years. 3.16. PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology (CinC) Challenge The PhysioNet web resource for complex physiological signals [63, 64] provides access to a collection of recorded physiological signals. PhysioNet jointly with the Computing in Cardiology conference [65] hosts a series of challenges, inviting participants to tackle clinically interesting problems. Four papers [20, 21, 23, 43] using the datasets provided as CinC challenges data sources were included in our review. 3.17. PhysioNet/CinC Challenge 2011 Database The CinC challenge 2011 was titled “Improving the quality of ECGs collected using mobile phones”. The dataset includes standard 12-lead ECG recordings (leads I, II, II, aVR, aVL,aVF, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, and V6) with full diagnostic bandwidth (0.05 through 100 Hz). The leads were recorded simultaneously for a minimum of 10 seconds; each lead was sampled at 500 Hz with 16-bit resolution. ECGs collected for the challenge were reviewed independently by a group of annotators who examined each ECG and assigned it a signal quality letter grade from A (excellent) to F (unacceptable). The average grade was calculated in each case, and each record was assigned to one of three groups: acceptable, indeterminate, unacceptable. The collection of 1500 twelve-lead ECGs, each being 10 seconds long, are available and split into training and test sets. 3.18. Physionet/CinC Challenge 2015 Database The CinC Challenge 2015 was titled Reducing False Arrhythmia Alarms in the ICU. The dataset provides ECG, ABP (arterial blood pressure), PPG (photoplethysmogram) and respiratory data from intensive care with arrhythmia alarms for five life-threatening arrhythmia types: asystole, extreme bradycardia, extreme tachycardia, ventricular tachycardia, and ventricular flutter or fibrillation. The data consists of 750 records for the training set and 500 records for the unrevealed test set. Both in the training and test set, half of the records are 5 min long and the other half contains an additional 30 s after the alarm. In every record, the alarm occurs at 5 min from the beginning of the record. 3.19. PhysioNet/CinC Challenge 2016 database The CinC Challenge 2016 was aimed at the development of heart sounds classification algorithms. The sound recordings were collected in either a clinical or non-clinical (such as in-home visits) environment, from both healthy subjects and pathological patients. The Challenge training set consists of a total of 3,126 heart sound recordings lasting from 5 seconds to over 120 seconds. 3.20. MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database (MITDB) MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database [66, 67] was completed and its distribution started in 1980. This is also provided by the PhysioNet web resource. The database contains ECG recordings collected at Boston's Beth Israel Hospital. The MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database contains 48 fragments of half-hour ECG recordings obtained from 47 subjects studied by the BIH Arrhythmia Laboratory between 1975 and 1979. 3.21. MESA (Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis) The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) is a study of the characteristics of subclinical cardiovascular disease (disease detected non-invasively before it produces clinical signs and symptoms) and the risk factors that predict progression to clinically overt cardiovascular disease or progression of the subclinical disease [68, 69]. The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis started in 2000 and included 6814 asymptomatic participants aged 45-84. The data includes Traditional Risk Factors, Demographics, Atherosclerotic markers, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) markers, Lab Biomarkers, etc. There are 735 features in total. 3.22. Unpublished Datasets / Not Publicly Accessible Datasets Eighteen papers used datasets not available in public repositories. Table 7 provides those datasets, the number of features, and the number of attributes for each of them. The biggest dataset in terms of the number of samples is the dataset presented in the Clinical Practice Research Datalink. CPRD website [70] says that CPRD collects de-identified patient data from a network of GP practices across the UK. Primary care data in combination with other health-related data constitute a representative UK population health dataset. The data include over 35 million patients. However, the study reported a subset of 383 592 records, and 378 256 of them met the criteria of the work and were included. All the remaining datasets contain less than 62 000 samples. The biggest amount of features comprises 2100 attributes [41]. However, 22 of 27 (81%) works used datasets with less than 100 features. Fig. (3) is a plot that shows the destitution of the datasets with the number of samples as the X-axis and the number of features as the Y-axis. Most datasets (18 of 27) are located in a square limited by 14 000 samples and 100 features. 3.23. Evaluation of Algorithms The papers reviewed employed different metrics to evaluate their results. The full list of metrics comprises 26 items. Table 8 provides the most commonly used metrics observed in the papers reviewed. A comprehensive table with all metrics is provided in Supplement 1. Table 8. Evaluation metrics. Metric Papers N Sensitivity / Recall / TPR [16, 18, 19, 21, 24, 26, 28, 30, 33, 34, 36-39, 41, 42] 18 Specificity / TNR [16, 18, 19, 21, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32-34, 36-39, 41, 42] 17 AUC ROC [18, 19, 24-26, 28-32, 33-36, 39, 42] 16 Accuracy [13, 18, 19, 23, 24, 27, 28, 33, 36, 37, 38, 41, 43] 13 Precision / PPV [18, 21, 24, 28, 30, 37] 6 F-score / F1 / F-measure [21, 28, 33, 37-39] 6 Table 9. Number of metrics per study. N of metrics N of papers Papers 1 5 [23, 27, 29, 31, 40] 2 4 [16, 17, 20, 35] 3 5 [25, 26, 32, 41, 42] 4 2 [19, 43] 5 6 [21, 30, 34, 36, 37, 39] 6 2 [24, 33] 7 2 [28, 38] 8 1 [18] Not only the metrics, but also the number of metrics each paper used was reviewed in our study (Table 9). Fourteen works engaged less than four different metrics and eleven papers considered five or more different evaluation metrics. Below, we give an overview of the frequent metrics we identified and how they were calculated. The most basic approach to evaluating classification results is a confusion matrix (Table 10). To build such a matrix, every classified example must be labeled as one of the following types: True Positive (TP) examples are classified as positive and are actually positive (right classification); True Negative (TN) examples are classified as negative and are actually negative (right classification); False Positive (FP) examples are classified as positive but are actually negative (type I error); False Negative (FN) examples are classified as negative but are actually positive (type II error). Most of the considered examples are based on the confutation matrix. Accuracy is the most common and easy to understand evaluation metric. Accuracy was used to measure the classification performance in 13 of 27 works (66%) included in this review. It is the ratio of all correct predictions to the total amount of all predicted samples. In many cases, accuracy is not a very helpful metric. To get a more indicated and helpful evaluations for classifications, Precision and Recall algorithms are used. Precision is the proportion of predicted positive outcomes that are really correct positive results to all positive predicted samples. Precision gives an answer to the question: of all the samples we classified as true, how many are actually true? This metric was applied in six considered papers. The Recallis the ratio of obtained relevant instances (true positive outcomes) and the total amount of relevant samples. It shows how many of all actual positive examples were classified correctly. The higher the Recall, the fewer the positive examples missed in the classification. Both metrics are connected to each other, a higher level of Precision may be obtained by decreasing recall and vice versa. Since that, separating using neither Precision nor recall is a good evaluator of a classification algorithm. In order to combine both metrics into one, the F-Score is used. Table 10. Confusion matrix. Positive Negative Predictive Positive TP FP (Type I error) Negative FN (Type II error) TN F-Score (F-measure or F1 score) is the weighted harmonic mean of precision and recall. This metric demonstrates how many cases the model predicts correctly, and how many true instances the model does not miss. F-score appears in six papers considered. Fig. (1). PRISMA flow diagram. Another informative and very common metric is Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (AUC ROC) [72]. The curve is a graph showing the performance of the classification model and it plots two parameters: True Positive Rate (TPR) and False Positive Rate (FPR). It summarizes the trade-off between TPR and FPR using all different classification thresholds. The big advantage of that metric is that AUC evaluates models independently from the threshold. AUC ROC is a common metric among the considered papers and it was used in 16 works. As a matter of fact, TPR completely equals to recall and sensitivity and shows the proportion of positive examples that are correctly classified to all actual positive examples. In its turn, FPR is the proportion of actual negative examples that are mistakenly classified as positive (FP), to all actual negative ones. The higher the FPR, the more negative examples are classified wrong. In some sources, another metric is called Specificity or True negative rate (TNR). TNR measures the proportion of actual negative examples that are correctly classified as negative. This is the opposite metric to the FPR and is often used coupled with sensitivity or TPR. 17 papers cited this metric. Fig. (2). Machine Learning concept. Fig. (3). The number of samples and features in the datasets. We systematically reviewed 27 papers describing machine learning algorithms applied for the decision support in cardiology. The diversity and maturity machine learning methods presented in these papers allow making conclusions on what the state of the art is and what future directions of the ML in cardiology can be. In this section, we discuss findings of the review, including aims and outcomes, ML methods, datasets, and evaluation metrics. 4.1. Aims and Outcomes All observed papers deal with classification. Nonetheless, ML methods can handle regression and clusterization tasks as well, but we did not reveal such works. Many of the studies deal with binary classification only and predict mortality or diagnose CAD in a binary way. We assume that there is room for improvement here, and aims for ML-based systems can be given in a more sophisticated manner. 4.2. Methods Our study revealed more than ten different ML methods implemented in the observed studies. This is a good variety, but all methods are related to classification, not regression. Moreover, all methods belong only to supervised learning, and none of the reports are about unsupervised learning or clustering. None of the papers observed in our review reported the implementation of the RL approach. Extra search for RL implementations in cardiology on PubMed produced no paper that could be included. Kipp et al. [73] also report the fact that “Application of reinforcement learning to health care and cardiology thus far has been scarce”. We associate this with the complexity of RL algorithms implementation and the lack of suitable data. The data should be not only sufficient, but it needs to be presented in the appropriate form. To get such data representation is not a trivial task. Nonetheless, the application of RL in medicine and cardiology, in particular, is very promising and needs a closer look. Some of the observed papers implement several methods independently and compare results, which we consider a good practice since there is no way to be sure which method has a better performance in every particular task. Several works implemented ensembles. Tree-based ensembles are the most common methods in our research, but all the methods are well-known and were used in many different tasks. However, there is a lack of more sophisticated and innovative methods such as, for example, XGBoost [74], an ensemble method that has empirically proven to be a highly effective approach by gaining the best results in numerous machine learning competitions [75]. Deep neural networks are also poorly represented. Fig. (4). Aggregated quantitative results of the study. A broad variety of different network architectures was not covered by the papers. State-of-the-art algorithms remained outside the reviewed works. The implementation of advanced ML algorithms in the field of cardiology is still an underdeveloped niche. 4.3. Datasets Repositories containing the datasets report about hundreds of studies referring to them. Nevertheless, only 7 of 27 works (26%) in our review employed publicly available datasets. That might be explained as a commitment to solving a particular real-life task with particular real data collected in the environment that the solution is supposed to work in later. At the same time, the use of data that is hardly available for other researchers leads to the lack of reproducibility and comparability of the results. When developing a system, it is good to have data of the same structure and from the same source as the data that will be used in the system. In contrast, for the works given in order to evaluate applications of a certain method to the specific task as well as for works aimed to show improvement in existing algorithms or presenting new algorithms, it is meaningful to employ well-known and accessible datasets. This gives the opportunity to compare results and see real advantages or disadvantages of the proposed algorithm. We also suggest that publication of de-identified data along with the research papers will have a positive impact on future developments. 4.4. Evaluation We identified 28 different metrics for a classification task. This variety of metrics makes it difficult to compare and understand research results. The metrics show incomparable aspects of algorithm efficiency. This way, selecting a metric is an important task that should be done at the beginning of developing an ML system. It is necessary to decide which is more important: to classify some healthy patients as ill and start treatment they do not need to misclassify healthy, but omit some ill patients and do not give them the treatment they need. The decision depends on many factors and should be made for every particular task. The second issue here is the difference in the names of metrics that are calculated in the same way but come from different domains. Thus, recall and sensitivity are the same function, but the first term is mostly used in information retrieval and the second one is more typical for statistics and medical tests. Moreover, this function sometimes might be called as TRR (true positive rate) or 1 – FNR (false-negative rate). That is true not only for recall/sensitivity but also for some other metrics. It makes interpreting and comparing results more complicated. The third issue of algorithm evaluation is a decrease in model performance due to the difference between training and real data. Li et al. [43] evaluated an algorithm on real unseen data and discovered a lower performance score. This is a common problem for machine learning algorithm evaluation. First of all, it means that we cannot directly compare the efficiency of two algorithms or systems if they were evaluated on different datasets. 4.5. Future Directions Based on the obtained results of our review, we suppose that, in the nearest future, systems employing deep neural networks will actively spread in the domain along with a growing variety of tasks and applications of ML systems in cardiology. We also expect works reporting on another very promising branch of ML: Reinforcement Learning [76]. In addition, we assume that creating a pool of openly accessible datasets related to cardiological issues will open new opportunities for researchers and result in a big positive impact on the field. In this systematic review, we identified studies where machine learning algorithms were applied in the domain of cardiology and examined four aspects: aims, ML methods, datasets, and evaluation metrics. We showed that a broad variety of methods are applied in cardiology, but all methods belong to a group of supervised learning classification methods; more often than not, researchers use unpublished, hardly available data; different studies aimed at similar tasks and engaging similar methods could not easily compare to each other (Fig. 4). We hope that this systematic review will be a helpful tool for researchers who are developing machine learning based systems in medicine and particularly in cardiology. The paper covers studies published between 2013-2017. Only one literature database, PUBMED, was used in the research. This paper evaluated the included papers on the basis of only the four questions mentioned, however, additional aspects, such as data preprocessing, feature selection, dimensionality reduction, content, and structure of input data should also be analyzed in future works. Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal processing was not considered in this review, however, there can also be some valuable results in the field of machine learning. We could not give a quantitative estimate for the algorithms due to the heterogeneity of the metrics used in different studies. ABP  = Arterial Blood Pressure AI  = Artificial Intelligence ANN  = Artificial Neural Networks ANS  = Autonomic Nervous System AUC ROC  = Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve CDSS  = Clinical Decision Support Systems CVD  = Cardiovascular Diseases ECG  = Electrocardiogram FN  = False Negative FNR  = False Negative Rate FP  = False Positive FPR  = False Positive Rate GBDT  = Gradient Boosted Decision Trees K-NN  = K Nearest Neighbor LR  = Logistic Regression ML  = Machine Learning MLP  = Multi-layer Perceptron MRI  = Magnetic Resonance Imaging NB  = Naïve Bayes NLP  = Natural Language Processing PPG  = Photoplethysmogram RF  = Random Forest SVM  = Support Vector Machines TN  = True Negative TNR  = True Negative Rate TP  = True Positive TPR  = True Positive Rate AD was responsible for data collection, analysis and manuscript drafting. MG was responsible for the manuscript writing. GP was responsible for the methodological part of the study. Not applicable. PRISMA Guideline and methodology were followed. This work was financially supported by the Government of the Russian Federation through the ITMO fellowship and professorship program. This work was supported by a Russian Fund for Basic research 18-37-20002. The authors declare no conflict of interest, financial or otherwise. Declared none. Supplementary material is available on the publishers web site along with the published article. Download File [1] World Health Organization Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) [Internet]. WHO. World Health Organization. 2016. [2] Samuel AL. Some Studies in Machine Learning Using the Game of Checkers. IBM J Res Develop 1959; 3(3): 210-29. [3] Krafczyk S, Tietze S, Swoboda W, Valkovič P, Brandt T. Artificial neural network: A new diagnostic posturographic tool for disorders of stance. Clin Neurophysiol [Internet] Elsevier 2006; 117(8): 1692-8. [4] Mishra BK, Singh SK, Bhala S. Breast cancer diagnosis using back-propagation algorithm. 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{ "keywords": "genome, vector" }
Wednesday, February 8, 2017 The World's Most Persecuted Minority: Christians 1 comment: 1. This video is flawed. Algeria, Libya and Tunisia were countries where Christianity once thrived -- over a thousand years ago. Obviously the demise had to do with both the spreading of heresies and the invasion by the Muslims. But it is in no way related to the current persecution. Israel has seen its share of attacks on Christian churches -- by Jews. The likes of Raymond Ibrahim often tend to ignore (for whatever reason) that Jews are not pro-Christian. An orthodox Jew must rejoice when we "idolaters" disappear if he takes his religion seriously. Christianity is extremely restricted in Israel. Try to convert Jews and you'll be send to jail, too.
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World's Largest Sheet Music Selection Yamaha Christmas Ensembles Tenor Sax By John Kinyon Be the first! Write a Review Concert Band Tenor Sax Tenor Sax. Composed by John Kinyon and John O'Reilly. Concert Band Method; Band Supplement. Yamaha Band Method. Christmas; Winter. Book. 24 pages. Alfred Music #00-4176. Published by Alfred Music (AP.4176). Item Number: AP.4176 ISBN 9780739001189. English. Yamaha Christmas Ensembles utilize the same flexible format of the successful Yamaha Band Ensembles and contains 19 delightful arrangements of Christmas favorites. Arranged in order of difficulty, the carols span approximately the same level as Books 1 and 2 of the Yamaha Band Student. Page correlations are also included. Titles: Angels We Have Heard on High * Away in a Manger * Deck the Halls * Go Tell It on the Mountain * God Rest Ye Merry, Gentleman * Good King Wenceslas * Hark! The Herald Angels Sing * In the Bleak Mid-Winter * It Came Upon a Midnight Clear * Jingle Bells * Jolly Old St. Nicholas * Lo, How a Rose * O Come, Little Children * O Come, O Come Emmanuel * Silent Night * Up on the Housetop * We Three Kings * We Wish You a Merry Christmas * While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks. Close X By signing up you consent with the terms in our Privacy Policy I am a music teacher.
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Skip to main content Hidden Markov models in Python Project description The Python package hmmpy implements three distinct classes that are intended to be exposed to the user. The classes are: • HiddenMarkovModel • DiscreteHiddenMarkovModel • GaussianHiddenMarkovModel The classes differ in what they assume about the observations. The class HiddenMarkovModel supports any emission probability, but does not have any procedure in place for estimating parameters related to the emission probability. The two next classes solve this by respectively assuming Gaussian distributions or discrete distributions for the observations. The Baum-Welch algorithm now enables estimation of either the discrete emission probabilities or the mean and covariance associated with the state. The input to the constructor of these three objects varies slightly. All three require that the state space is supplied as a list of states. They also require functions that represent the transition probabilities and initial probabilties. The supplied transition probability function should take two objects from the state space and return the probability of transitioning from the first object to the second. The function does not need to be normalized, i.e. sum to 1 over all states, since this is handled internally regardless. The initial probability function should return the initial probability of its only argument, which should be a state from the supplied states. The final argument depends on which object is being invoked. The object HiddenMarkovModel requires a function that returns the emission probability of a certain observation when given the observation and the state. The object GaussianHiddenMarkovModel requires an array of the initial values of the mean and covariance for the various states. The object DiscreteHiddenMarkovModel requires a list of "symbols", which is the observation space, and a function that returns the probability of a supplied "symbol" when given the state. After an object has been instantiated one has access to methods such as decode, which returns the estimated hidden state sequence and reestimate, which runs Baum-Welch a given number of times in an effort to learn the model parameters. During this procedure the internal representation of learnable parameters is updated after each iteration. Binder notebooks with usage examples will be provided. Project details Download files Files for hmmpy, version 0.1.0 Filename, size File type Python version Upload date Hashes Filename, size hmmpy-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl (9.7 kB) File type Wheel Python version py3 Upload date Hashes View Filename, size hmmpy-0.1.0.tar.gz (9.3 kB) File type Source Python version None Upload date Hashes View Supported by
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Email            Embed On Fox Across America with Jimmy Failla, host of "The Faulkner Focus" & "Outnumbered" Harris Faulkner discussed why it's important to not be surrounded by people who think the same all the time and why it's better to be challenged by others as well. "The reason I don't want to be around complete like-minded people is because it's boring. Where we are right now is we've lost our courage to be exciting for all the right reasons. We have to be courageous and bold. And that means we have to be willing to rub up against things that shine us like diamonds and don't just become our best friends at all times. "You get tough and you get shiny and valuable in life and ready for anything by being thrown in the fire and coming out the Phoenix, not just a bunch of wet ashes. I just can't take it anymore that people can't sit next to somebody and disagree and get up and go out and have a root beer together. That's real weak stuff right there. It's weak that you feel challenged to the point where you no longer can exist because somebody else has a different point of view than you do. I'm not that weak. I'm not that paranoid."
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Welcome to RateMyServer.Net   Most Reviewed Servers This Week 1. Lunar Ragnarok Online (21/21)4000x4000x1000x255/150 2. OriginsRO (21/81)5x5x5x99/70 3. Battle Combat Ragnarok Online (15/45)150x150x30x99/70 4. German Ragnarok Online (11/19)50x50x100x300/70 5. HiwaRO (11/17)5x5x3x99/70   Newly Listed Servers 1. Reflex Ragnarok Online (0)500x500x100x175/60 2. Ragnarok Philippines PH Fenrir (0)5x5x3x99/50 3. Roleplay Ragnacorp (0)3x3x1x125/70 4. Dark RO Rogue One (1)10000x10000x1000x255/100 5. Imbalance RO (1)900000x900000x5000x200/70 .:Site News:. Christmas Time Again Time flies, feel like it was just yesterday when RMS had its 10th anniversary. Well, going into 2020 means RMS will be up for 15 years (and more years to come!). Guess what that means for RO? It will be the 20th anniversary of our beloved Ragnarok Online. If you were a kid who started playing in the early days, by now you might have your own family and teaching your little ones how to kill MVPs. Truly can say RO grow up with us through both good times and bad times. This Christmas, I know everyone is talking about the Ragnarok Transcendence server. Yet another project from Warpportal, doesn't it remind us of RE:Start? Nonetheless, trans server might be a more popular favor than classic. So let's hope it will be a long lasting server because I know many players simply wish for a stable place to call home. I admit that in this time and age, most people ditched forums and move to Discord for the purpose of instant response. So some time this year Relics setup a Discord channel for RMS to get us in with the trend. Of course it isn't as juicy as our 15 years of forum drama, but feel free to visit our Discord for fun and chill. Thank you for the years of support, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Drop me a reply in the forum or Come visit us in our Discord Channel By: yC December 24th, 2019 .:Recent News:.,%EC%9D%98%EC%99%95%EC%83%A4%EB%84%AC%EC%B6%9C%EC%9E%A5%E3%80%90%E3%85%8Br%ED%86%A1:ZA32%E3%80%91
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{ "keywords": "" }
{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Uganda + 1 more Uganda Refugee Response Monitoring Settlement Fact Sheet: Palabek (June 2018) Situation Report Originally published View original Palabek is the newest refugee settlement established in Uganda in April 2017. Located in Lamwo district in the northern part of the country, the settlement hosts almost 38,000 South Sudanese refugees. Infrastructure is still being developed because the settlement is new. Refugees seem to be integrating well with the host community, as many of them are from the same ethnic group. Gaps & Challenges • Refugees reported challenges in accessing adequate health services dues to stock outs of medication, inadequate facilities, poor referral systems due to insufficient ambulance services. Refugees also reported lack of a district referral hospital which leads to a gap in emergency response services. • Refugees highlighted challenges in the food distribution process particularly regarding the insufficient quantity provided that does not last refugees for a full month and often runs out after two weeks. Moreover, the distribution is continuously untimely and the quality of the food distributed is reportedly poor where it is often expired. Refugees are provided with whole maize rather than ground, forcing them to sell part of their food rations to afford paying for the grinding of their maize. The lack of access to land for agricultural purposes further compromises food security in the settlement. • Access to quality education is limited in and around the settlement. There are insufficient schools accessible leading to severe congestions in the classrooms and low teacher per student ratios. Moreover, parents highlighted, language barriers have affected students’ abilities to learn. Schools reported inadequate facilities further, such as libraries and laboratories, combined with a lack of school materials, deteriorating the learning environment. Additionally, the lack of vocational institutions has left the youth idle due to the limited opportunities available following primary school. • Refugees face particular difficulties in accessing a sustainable income and thus building their resilience. The lack of vocational trainings combined with the lack of access to capital has prevented refugees from starting small scale businesses. Refugees are also unable to overcome this challenge due to the lack of land accessible for agricultural purposes and the limited provision of seeds, which further limits their opportunities to earn a living. • There are insufficient potable water sources in the settlement with few boreholes leading to congestion and long waiting lines at the collection points. This has led to refugees and nationals fetching water from streams for their home consumption, which means they use potentially unsafe and unclean water. Moreover, refugees highlighted there is poor latrine coverage in the settlement particularly for persons with special needs (PSNs) who struggle to build the latrines themselves.
{ "keywords": "food security" }
{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
A a semisynthetic anti-microbial and came about because A semisynthetic anti-infection delivered from Streptomyces mediterranei. It has a wide antibacterial range, including movement against a few types of Mycobacterium. In defenseless living beings it restrains DNA-subordinate RNA polymerase action by shaping a steady mind boggling with the catalyst. It accordingly smothers the commencement of RNA union. Rifampin is bactericidal, and follows up on both intracellular and extracellular living beings.IntroductionRifampicin which is otherwise called rifampin which is a semisynthetic anti-microbial and came about because of streptomycin mediterranei.It can act against various sorts of mycobacterium and has likewise an impact like wide antibacterial range. It hinders DNA-subordinate RNA polymerase action which is in the powerless life forms and at last shape a steady intricate with this sort of compound. It restrains the commencement of RNA synthesis.Rifampicin is bactericidal and follows up on both intracellular and extracellular life forms. We Will Write a Custom Essay Specifically For You For Only $13.90/page! order now Structure ?PharmacodynamicsMechanism of action: Rifampicin explicitly hinders bacterial RNA polymerase, the catalyst in charge of DNA translation, by forming a steady drug enzyme complex with a binding constant. Inhibiting bacterial DNA –dependent RNA polymerase which is responsible for suppress the bacterial DNA-dependent RNA synthesis. By physically blocking elongation, RNA synthesis prevented by the inhibitor and which is then prevent the synthesis of proteins of host bacteria. ?Resistance to rifampicinThere are some safeguard instrument develop in microscopic organisms to rifampicin.The following are – • Mutation: through transformation repo B quality (target site for rifampicin) mycobacteria diminish the fondness for the medication.• Normal obstruction: by producing beta lactamase gram (-) microorganisms keep the entrance of medication to target sites.• single treatment : utilizing rifampicin alone opposition grow rapidly than blend treatmentPharmacokineticsRifampicin which is used in the treatment of tuberculosis. It is also associated in atypical mycobacterial disease. It works feasibly even there is a rifampicin opposition. As they are bactericidal and which at last follows up on intra and extracellular. Pharmacokinetics contemplates the ADME. It implies retention, dispersion, digestion and discharge. Dispersion: The appropriation of medication is extremely raised all through our body. In body liquid and organs it contributes and viable fixation including CSF. Around 60-90% of this medication which as properties to bound with plasma protein. Due to its high lipophilicity, it displays high propensity for circulation and tissue take-up. Biotransformation: The digestion is happened by deacylation. Yet, metabolite which is dynamic antimicrobial. As it is an intense CYP450 inducer, which is otherwise called incredible inducer in clinical practice. The medication by which the digestion is invigorated by the medication into latent metabolite.Elimination: Bile is the fundamental method to proceed with the discharge procedure is proceeded around 60-65% Retention: Rifampicin is hold well from gut and GIT which is then by and large flowed. ?Uses Rifampicin mainly use to treated bacteriological infection like-• Tuberculosis • Common cold • Flu like syndromeContraindication ? Rifampicin + Warfarin: Warfarin is an oral enemy of coagulant sedate. Rifampicin is a strong cytochrome P450 chemical inducer. At the point when organization this two medications in themeantime the movement of warfarin is lost. Since Rifampicin expands the digestion of Warfarin rapidly.? Rifampicin + Saquinavir: Saquinavir is an enemy of viral medication. It is utilized uniquely in HIV infection. At the point when organization this two medications in the meantime, the movement of Saquinavir is lost. Since Rifampicin is an intense hepatic chemical inducer. So builds the digestion of saquinavir is rapidly, and the viral contamination not to be fix. ? Rifampicin +Propranolol, Digoxin, Morphine: Propranolol is an original non– specific beta blocker. Rifampicin is a powerful Cytochrome P450 chemical inducer. At the point when directed this medications in the meantime, diminished bioavailability of this specialists. ?Side effects• Heartburn• Nausea• Headache• Drowsiness• Dizziness Adverse effectsThe most serious condition but in rare case arise when taken rifampicin such as-• Hemolysis• Respiratory syndrome• Kidney failure• Flu like syndrome• Thrombocytopenia?Combination therapy of Rifampicino Combination treatment is the synchronous organization of at least two prescription to treat a solitary medication which is a measurement from that contains in excess of one dynamic fixing.o The blend treatment of Rifampicinwith isoniazid is utilized to treat TB tolerant. At the point when the TB causing microorganisms don’t reaction with that blend treatment as like Rifampicin with isoniazid with pyrazinamide.o Blend treatment is vital in battle against medication opposition sedate obstruction is the procedure of decrease of adequacy of a prescription.o Furthermore the it is likewise used to lessen the long term of time as like Rifampicin with isoniazid need to take 09 months whereas Rifampicin with isoniazid with pyrazinamide need to take 3 months. o At last it likewise help to prevent ending up sick from the dynamic from of TB. o The prescription is utilized in void stomach 30 minutes before meat or 2 hours after dinner. CONCLUSIONOverall we can say that rifampicin attach to the beta subunit of DNA dependent RNA polymerase in bacteria which forms possible mutations. RNA polymerase in human does not attach to rifampicin. Rifampicin is the most effective and potent drug among all antitubercular drugs.Dosage adjustment for renal or hepatic insuffiency is not important. After administrated orally it is absorbed very well and eliminated through the bile and liver. Rifampicin is distributed extensively in body fluids and other tissues. Rifampicin is extremely bound to protein and achieved enough cerebrospinal fluid concentration.So it proves that rifampicin is very good against tuberculosis with potential and effective antitubercular requirements.
{ "keywords": "f protein, bacteria" }
Quick Answer: How Do You List Expenses? How are expenses listed? A Sample Income Statement: Expenses are listed on a company’s income statement. Net income (the “bottom line”) is the result after all revenues and expenses have been accounted for. The income statement reflects a company’s performance over a period of time.. Is Accounts Receivable a revenue? Does accounts receivable count as revenue? Accounts receivable is an asset account, not a revenue account. However, under accrual accounting, you record revenue at the same time that you record an account receivable. What are general expenses? What are under selling expenses? SG&A includes all non-production expenses incurred by a company in any given period. It includes expenses such as rent, advertising, marketing, accounting, litigation, travel, meals, management salaries, bonuses, and more. On occasion, it may also include depreciation expense, depending on what it’s related to. What are expenses examples? What are the 3 types of expenses? How do you record an expense? Accounting for ExpensesDebit to expense, credit to cash. Reflects a cash payment.Debit to expense, credit to accounts payable. Reflects a purchase made on credit.Debit to expense, credit to asset account. … Debit to expense, credit to other liabilities account. What are the 4 types of expenses? What are the examples of selling expenses? Selling expenses can include:Distribution costs such as logistics, shipping and insurance costs.Marketing costs such as advertising, website maintenance and spending on social media.Selling costs such as wages, commissions and out-of-pocket expenses. Is cash on the income statement? Cash purchases are recorded more directly in the cash flow statement than in the income statement. In fact, specific cash outflow events do not appear on the income statement at all. What falls under selling expenses? What is the journal entry for expenses? Expenses and Losses are Usually Debited Expenses normally have debit balances that are increased with a debit entry. Since expenses are usually increasing, think “debit” when expenses are incurred. (We credit expenses only to reduce them, adjust them, or to close the expense accounts.)
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
United Kingdom: James Chadwick 20th October 1891 – 24th July 1974 James Chadwick James Chadwick was born in Bollington, just south of Manchester in the UK. He was educated in Manchester itself and worked closely with Ernest Rutherford at Manchester University. He then moved to Germany, working with Hans Geiger before returning to the UK to work with Rutherford in 1919, who had since moved to Cambridge. Chadwick is most famous for proving the existence of neutrons that had been theorized by himself and Rutherford. In France, Irène and Frédéric Joliot-Curie had bombarded hydrogen atoms in paraffin with emissions released from the element beryllium. Chadwick decided to repeat this experiment but bombarded elements other than hydrogen too. By comparing the energies of recoiling charged particles from these different targets, he showed that the beryllium emissions contained a neutral component with a mass approximately equal to that of the proton. He called it the neutron. Chadwick was awarded the 1935 Nobel Prize in Physics for this work three years after the discovery. This new subatomic particle was found to be deeply penetrating and capable of splitting heavy nuclei because of its neutrality. This paved the way for the discovery of nuclear fission which has now led to nuclear power,weapons and of course neutron sources. Chadwick himself continued to be involved in nuclear physics for the whole of his career. His team determined the nuclear cross section of uranium-235, used to assess the probability that a nuclear reaction will occur, and he was involved with the Manhattan Project in America during the Second World War.
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
by Aristophanes 419 B.C. Dramatis Personae PASIAS, a Money-lender AMYNIAS, another Money-lender In the background are two houses, that of Strepsiades and that of Socrates, the Thoughtery. The latter is small and dingy; the in, terior of the former is shown and two beds are seen, each occupied. STREPSIADES  (sitting up) Great gods! will these nights never end? will daylight never come? I heard the cock crow long ago and my slaves are snoring still! Ah! Ah! It wasn't like this formerly. Curses on the war! has it not done me ills enough? Now I may not even chastise my own slaves. Again there's this brave lad, who never wakes the whole long night, but, wrapped in his five coverlets, farts away to his heart's content.  (He lies down)  Come! let me nestle in well and snore too, if it be possible....oh! misery, it's vain to think of sleep with all these expenses, this stable, these debts, which are devouring me, thanks to this fine cavalier, who only knows how to look after his long locks, to show himself off in his chariot and to dream of horses! And I, I am nearly dead, when I see the moon bringing the third decade in her train and my liability falling due....Slave! light the lamp and bring me my tablets.  (The slave obeys.)  Who are all my creditors? Let me see and reckon up the interest. What is it I owe?....Twelve minae to Pasias....What! twelve minae to Pasias?....Why did I borrow these? Ah! I know! It was to buy that thoroughbred, which cost me so much. How I should have prized the stone that had blinded him! PHIDIPPIDES  (in his sleep) That's not fair, Philo! Drive your chariot straight, I say. STREPSIADES This is what is destroying me. He raves about horses, even in his sleep. PHIDIPPIDES  (still sleeping) How many times round the track is the race for the chariots of war? STREPSIADES It's your own father you are driving to ruin. Come! what debt comes next, after that of Pasias?....Three minae to Amynias for a chariot and its two wheels. PHIDIPPIDES  (still asleep) Give the horse a good roll in the dust and lead him home. STREPSIADES Ah! wretched boy! it's my money that you are making roll. My creditors have distrained on my goods, and here are others again, who demand security for their interest. PHIDIPPIDES  (awaking) What is the matter with you, father, that you groan and turn about the whole night through? STREPSIADES I have a bum-bailiff in the bedclothes biting me. PHIDIPPIDES For pity's sake, let me have a little sleep.  (He turns over.) STREPSIADES Very well, sleep on! but remember that all these debts will fall back on your shoulders. Oh! curses on the go-between who made me marry your mother! I lived so happily in the country, a commonplace, everyday life, but a good and easy one-had not a trouble, not a care, was rich in bees, in sheep and in olives. Then indeed I had to marry the niece of Megacles, the son of Megacles; I belonged to the country, she was from the town; she was a haughty, extravagant woman, a true Coesyra. On the nuptial day, when I lay beside her, I was reeking of the dregs of the wine-cup, of cheese and of wool; she was redolent with essences, saffron, voluptuous kisses, the love of spending, of good cheer and of wanton delights. I will not say she did nothing; no, she worked ruin me, and pretending all the while merely to be showing her the cloak she had woven for me, I said, "Wife you go too fast about your work, your threads are too closely woven and you use far too much wool."  (A slave enters witk a lamp.) SLAVE There is no more oil in the lamp. STREPSIADES Why then did you light such a thirsty lamp? Come here, I am going to beat you. SLAVE What for? STREPSIADES Because you have put in too thick a wick....Later, when we had this boy, what was to be his name? It was the cause of much quarrelling with my loving wife. She insisted on having some reference to a horse in his name, that he should be called Xanthippus, Charippus or Callippides. I wanted to name him Phidonides after his grandfather. We disputed long, and finally agreed to style him Phidippides....She used to fondle and coax him, saying, "Oh! what a joy it will be to me when you have grown up, to see you, like my father, Megacles, clothed in purple and standing up straight in your chariot driving your steeds toward the town." And I would say to him, "When, like your father, you will go, dressed in a skin, to fetch back your goats from Phelleus." Alas! he never listened to me and his madness for horses has shattered my fortune.  (He gets out of bed.)  But by dint of thinking the livelong night, I have discovered a road to salvation, both miraculous and divine. If he will but follow it, I shall be out of my trouble! First, however, he must be awakened, but it must be done as gently as possible. How shall I manage it? Phidippides! my little Phidippides! PHIDIPPIDES  (awaking again) What is it, father? STREPSIADES Kiss me and give me your hand. PHIDIPPIDES  (getting up and doing as his father requests) There! What's it all about? STREPSIADES Tell me! do you love me? PHIDIPPIDES By Posidon, the equestrian Posidon! yes, I swear I do. STREPSIADES Oh, do not, I pray you, invoke this god of horses; he is the one who is the cause of all my cares. But if you really love me, and with your whole heart, my boy, believe me. PHIDIPPIDES Believe you? about what? STREPSIADES Alter your habits forthwith and go and learn what I tell you. PHIDIPPIDES Say on, what are your orders? STREPSIADES Will you obey me ever so little? PHIDIPPIDES By Bacchus, I will obey you. STREPSIADES Very well then! Look this way. Do you see that little door and that little house? PHIDIPPIDES Yes, father. But what are you driving at? STREPSIADES That is the Thoughtery of wise souls. There they prove that we are coals enclosed on all sides under a vast snuffer, which is the sky. If well paid, these men also teach one how to gain law-suits, whether they be just or not. PHIDIPPIDES What do they call themselves? STREPSIADES I do not know exactly, but they are deep thinkers and most admirable people. PHIDIPPIDES Bah! the wretches! I know them; you mean those quacks with pale faces, those barefoot fellows, such as that miserable Socrates and Chaerephon? STREPSIADES Silence! say nothing foolish! If you desire your father not to die of hunger, join their company and let your horses go. PHIDIPPIDES No, by Bacchus! even though you gave me the pheasants that Leogoras raises. STREPSIADES Oh! my beloved son, I beseech you, go and follow their teachings. PHIDIPPIDES And what is it I should learn? STREPSIADES It seems they have two courses of reasoning, the true and the false, and that, thanks to the false, the worst law-suits can be gained. If then you learn this science, which is false, I shall not have to pay an obolus of all the debts I have contracted on your account. PHIDIPPIDES No, I will not do it. I should no longer dare to look at our gallant horsemen, when I had so ruined my tan. STREPSIADES Well then, by Demeter! I will no longer support you, neither you, nor your team, nor your saddle-horse. Go and hang yourself, I turn you out of house and home. PHIDIPPIDES My uncle Megacles will not leave me without horses; I shall go to him and laugh at your anger.  (He departs. STREPSIADES goes over to SOCRATES' house.) STREPSIADES One rebuff shall not dishearten me. With the help of the gods I will enter the Thoughtery and learn myself.  (He hesitates.) But at my age, memory has gone and the mind is slow to grasp things. How can all these fine distinctions, these subtleties be learned? (Making up his mind)  Bah! why should I dally thus instead of rapping at the door? Slave, slave!  (He knocks and calls.) A DISCIPLE  (from within) A plague on you! Who are you? STREPSIADES Strepsiades, the son of Phido, of the deme of Cicynna. DISCIPLE  (coming out of the door) You are nothing but an ignorant and illiterate fellow to let fly at the door with such kicks. You have brought on a miscarriage-of an idea! STREPSIADES Pardon me, please; for I live far away from here in the country. But tell me, what was the idea that miscarried? DISCIPLE I may not tell it to any but a disciple. STREPSIADES Then tell me without fear, for I have come to study among you. DISCIPLE Very well then, but reflect, that these are mysteries. Lately, a flea bit Chaerephon on the brow and then from there sprang on to the head of Socrates. Socrates asked Chaerephon, "How many times the length of its legs does a flea jump?" STREPSIADES And how ever did he go about measuring it? DISCIPLE Oh! it was most ingenious! He melted some wax, seized the flea and dipped its two feet in the wax, which, when cooled, left them shod with true Persian slippers. These he took off and with them measured the distance. STREPSIADES Ah! great Zeus! what a brain! what subtlety! DISCIPLE I wonder what then would you say, if you knew another of Socrates' contrivances? STREPSIADES What is it? Pray tell me. DISCIPLE Chaerephon of the deme of Sphettia asked him whether he thought a gnat buzzed through its proboscis or through its anus. STREPSIADES And what did he say about the gnat? DISCIPLE He said that the gut of the gnat was narrow, and that, in passing through this tiny passage, the air is driven with force towards the breech; then after this slender channel, it encountered the rump, which was distended like a trumpet, and there it resounded sonorously. STREPSIADES So the arse of a gnat is a trumpet. Oh! what a splendid arsevation! Thrice happy Socrates! It would not be difficult to succeed in a law-suit, knowing so much about a gnat's guts! DISCIPLE Not long ago a lizard caused him the loss of a sublime thought. STREPSIADES In what way, please? DISCIPLE One night, when he was studying the course of the moon and its revolutions and was gazing open-mouthed at the heavens, a lizard crapped upon him from the top of the roof. STREPSIADES A lizard crapping on Socrates! That's rich! DISCIPLE Last night we had nothing to eat. STREPSIADES Well, what did he contrive, to secure you some supper? DISCIPLE He spread over the table a light layer of cinders, bending an iron rod the while; then he took up a pair of compasses and at the same moment unhooked a piece of the victim which was hanging in the palaestra. STREPSIADES And we still dare to admire Thales! Open, open this home of knowledge to me quickly! Haste, haste to show me Socrates; I long to become his disciple. But do please open the door.  (The door opens, revealing the interior of the Thoughtery, in which the DISCIPLES OF SOCRATES are seen in various postures of meditation and study; they are pale and emaciated creatures.)  Ah! by Heracles! what country are those animals from? DISCIPLE Why, what are you astonished at? What do you think they resemble? STREPSIADES The captives of Pylos. But why do they look so fixedly on the ground? DISCIPLE They are seeking for what is below the ground. STREPSIADES Ah! they're looking for onions. Do not give yourselves so much trouble; I know where there are some, fine big ones. But what are those fellows doing, bent all double? DISCIPLE They are sounding the abysses of Tartarus. STREPSIADES And what are their arses looking at in the heavens? DISCIPLE They are studying astronomy on their own account. But come in so that the master may not find us here. STREPSIADES Not yet; not yet; let them not change their position. I want to tell them my own little matter. DISCIPLE But they may not stay too long in the open air and away from school. STREPSIADES  (pointing to a celestial globe) In the name of all the gods, what is that? Tell me. DISCIPLE That is astronomy. STREPSIADES  (pointing to a map) And that? DISCIPLE Geometry. STREPSIADES What is that used for? DISCIPLE To measure the land. STREPSIADES But that is apportioned by lot. DISCIPLE No, no, I mean the entire earth. STREPSIADES Ah! what a funny thing! How generally useful indeed is this invention! DISCIPLE There is the whole surface of the earth. Look! Here is Athens. STREPSIADES Athens! you are mistaken; I see no courts in session. DISCIPLE Nevertheless it is really and truly the Attic territory. STREPSIADES And where are my neighbours of Cicynna? DISCIPLE They live here. This is Euboea; you see this island, that is so long and narrow. STREPSIADES I know. Because we and Pericles have stretched it by dint of squeezing it. And where is Lacedaemon? DISCIPLE Lacedaemon? Why, here it is, look. STREPSIADES How near it is to us! Think it well over, it must be removed to a greater distance. DISCIPLE But, by Zeus, that is not possible. STREPSIADES Then, woe to you! and who is this man suspended up in a basket? DISCIPLE That's himself. STREPSIADES Who's himself? DISCIPLE Socrates. STREPSIADES Socrates! Oh! I pray you, call him right loudly for me. DISCIPLE Call him yourself; I have no time to waste.  (He departs. The machine swings in SOCRATES in a basket.) STREPSIADES Socrates! my little Socrates! SOCRATES  (loftily) Mortal, what do you want with me? STREPSIADES First, what are you doing up there? Tell me, I beseech you. SOCRATES  (POMPOUSLY) I am traversing the air and contemplating the sun. STREPSIADES Thus it's not on the solid ground, but from the height of this basket, that you slight the gods, if indeed.... SOCRATES I have to suspend my brain and mingle the subtle essence of my mind with this air, which is of the like nature, in order clearly to penetrate the things of heaven. I should have discovered nothing, had I remained on the ground to consider from below the things that are above; for the earth by its force attracts the sap of the mind to itself. It's just the same with the watercress. STREPSIADES What? Does the mind attract the sap of the watercress? Ah! my dear little Socrates, come down to me! I have come to ask you for lessons. SOCRATES  (descending) And for what lessons? STREPSIADES I want to learn how to speak. I have borrowed money, and my merciles creditors do not leave me a moment's peace; all my goods are at stake. SOCRATES And how was it you did not see that you were getting so much into debt? STREPSIADES My ruin has been the madness for horses, a most rapacious evil; but teach me one of your two methods of reasoning, the one whose object is not to repay anything, and, may the gods bear witness, that I am ready to pay any fee you may name. SOCRATES By which gods will you swear? To begin with, the gods are not a coin current with us. STREPSIADES But what do you swear by then? By the iron money of Byzantium? SOCRATES Do you really wish to know the truth of celestial matters? STREPSIADES Why, yes, if it's possible. SOCRATES ....and to converse with the clouds, who are our genii? STREPSIADES Without a doubt. SOCRATES Then be seated on this sacred couch. STREPSIADES  (sitting down) I am seated. SOCRATES Now take this chaplet. STREPSIADES Why a chaplet? Alas! Socrates, would you sacrifice me, like Athamas? SOCRATES No, these are the rites of initiation. STREPSIADES And what is it I am to gain? SOCRATES You will become a thorough rattle-pate, a hardened old stager, the fine flour of the talkers....But come, keep quiet. STREPSIADES By Zeus! That's no lie! Soon I shall be nothing but wheat-flour, if you powder me in that fashion. SOCRATES Silence, old man, give heed to the prayers.  (In an hierophantic tone)  Oh! most mighty king, the boundless air, that keepest the earth suspended in space, thou bright Aether and ye venerable goddesses, the Clouds, who carry in your loins the thunder and the lightning, arise, ye sovereign powers and manifest yourselves in the celestial spheres to the eyes of your sage. STREPSIADES Not yet! Wait a bit, till I fold my mantle double, so as not to get wet. And to think that I did not even bring my travelling cap! What a misfortune! SOCRATES  (ignoring this) Come, oh! Clouds, whom I adore, come and show yourselves to this man, whether you be resting on the sacred summits of Olympus, crowned with hoar-frost, or tarrying in the gardens of Ocean, your father, forming sacred choruses with the Nymphs; whether you be gathering the waves of the Nile in golden vases or dwelling in the Maeotic marsh or on the snowy rocks of Mimas, hearken to my prayer and accept my offering. May these sacrifices be pleasing to you.  (Amidst rumblings of thunder the CHORUS OF CLOUDS appears.) SOCRATES Oh, venerated goddesses, yes, you are answering my call! (To STREPSIADES.)  Did you hear their voices mingling with the awful growling of the thunder? CHORUS  (singing) Virgins, who pour forth the rains, let us move toward Attica, the rich country of Pallas, the home of the brave; let us visit the dear land of Cecrops, where the secret rites are celebrated, where the mysterious sanctuary flies open to the initiate.... What victims are offered there to the deities of heaven! What glorious temples! What statues! What holy prayers to the rulers of Olympus! At every season nothing but sacred festivals, garlanded victims, is to be seen. Then Spring brings round again the joyous feasts of Dionysus, the harmonious contests of the choruses and the serious melodies of the flute. STREPSIADES By Zeus! Tell me, Socrates, I pray you, who are these women, whose language is so solemn; can they be demi-goddesses? SOCRATES Not at all. They are the Clouds of heaven, great goddesses for the lazy; to them we owe all, thoughts, speeches, trickery, roguery, boasting, lies, sagacity. STREPSIADES But where, where? Show them to me. STREPSIADES Strange! I can see nothing. SOCRATES There, close to the entrance. STREPSIADES Hardly, if at all, can I distinguish them. SOCRATES And you did not know, you never suspected, that they were goddesses? STREPSIADES No, indeed; I thought the Clouds were only fog, dew and vapour. STREPSIADES It is then for this that they praise "the rapid flight of the moist clouds, which veil the brightness of day" and "the waving locks of the hundred-headed Typho" and "the impetuous tempests, which float through the heavens, like birds of prey with aerial wings loaded with mists" and "the rains, the dew, which the clouds outpour." As a reward for these fine phrases they bolt well-grown, tasty mullet and delicate thrushes. SOCRATES Yes, thanks to these. And is it not right and meet? STREPSIADES Tell me then why, if these really are the Clouds, they so very much resemble mortals. This is not their usual form. SOCRATES What are they like then? STREPSIADES I don't know exactly; well, they are like great packs of wool, but not like women-no, not in the least....And these have noses. SOCRATES Answer my questions. STREPSIADES Willingly! Go on, I am listening. STREPSIADES Why, certainly I have, but what of that? SOCRATES They take what metamorphosis they like. If they see a debauchee with long flowing locks and hairy as a beast, like the son of Xenophantes, they take the form of a Centaur in derision of his shameful passion. SOCRATES To picture him to the life, they turn at once into wolves. STREPSIADES So that was why yesterday, when they saw Cleonymus, who cast away his buckler because he is the veriest poltroon amongst men, they changed into deer. SOCRATES And to-day they have seen Clisthenes; you see....they are women CHORUS-LEADER Hail! veteran of the ancient times, you who burn to instruct yourself in fine language. And you, great high-priest of subtle nonsense, tell us; your desire. To you and Prodicus alone of all the hollow orationers of to-day have we lent an ear-to Prodicus, because of his knowledge and his great wisdom, and to you, because you walk with head erect, a confident look, barefooted, resigned to everything and proud of our protection. STREPSIADES Oh! Earth! What august utterances! how sacred! how wondrous! SOCRATES That is because these are the only goddesses; all the rest are pure myth. STREPSIADES But by the Earth! is our father, Zeus, the Olympian, not a god? SOCRATES Zeus! what Zeus! Are you mad? There is no Zeus. STREPSIADES What are you saying now? Who causes the rain to fall? Answer me that! SOCRATES Why, these, and I will prove it. Have you ever seen it raining without clouds? Let Zeus then cause rain with a clear sky and without their presence! STREPSIADES By Apollo! that is powerfully argued! For my own part, I always thought it was Zeus pissing into a sieve. But tell me, who is it makes the thunder, which I so much dread? SOCRATES These, when they roll one over the other. STREPSIADES But how can that be? you most daring among men! SOCRATES Being full of water, and forced to move along, they are of necessity precipitated in rain, being fully distended with moisture from the regions where they have been floating; hence they bump each other heavily and burst with great noise. STREPSIADES But is it not Zeus who forces them to move? SOCRATES Not at all; it's the aerial Whirlwind. STREPSIADES The Whirlwind! ah! I did not know that. So Zeus, it seems, has no existence, and its the Whirlwind that reigns in his stead? But you have not yet told me what makes the roll of the thunder? SOCRATES Have you not understood me then? I tell you, that the Clouds, when full of rain, bump against one another, and that, being inordinately swollen out, they burst with a great noise. STREPSIADES How can you make me credit that? STREPSIADES Yes, yes, by Apollo I suffer, I get colic, then the stew sets to rumbling like thunder and finally bursts forth with a terrific noise. At first, it's but a little gurgling pappax, pappax! then it increases, papapappax! and when I take my crap, why, it's thunder indeed, papapappax! pappax!! papapappax!!! just like the clouds. STREPSIADES And this is why the names are so much alike: crap and clap. But tell me this. Whence comes the lightning, the dazzling flame, which at times consumes the man it strikes, at others hardly singes him. Is it not plain, that Zeus is hurling it at the perjurers? SOCRATES Out upon the fool! the driveller! he still savours of the golden age! If Zeus strikes at the perjurers, why has he not blasted Simon, Cleonymus and Theorus? Of a surety, greater perjurers cannot exist. No, he strikes his own temple, and Sunium, the promontory of Athens, and the towering oaks. Now, why should he do that? An oak is no perjurer. STREPSIADES I cannot tell, but it seems to me well argued. What is the lightning then? SOCRATES When a dry wind ascends to the Clouds and gets shut into them, it blows them out like a bladder; finally, being too confined, it bursts them, escapes with fierce violence and a roar to flash into flame by reason of its own impetuosity. STREPSIADES Ah, that's just what happened to me one day. It was at the feast of Zeus! I was cooking a sow's belly for my family and I had forgotten to slit it open. It swelled out and, suddenly bursting, discharged itself right into my eyes and burnt my face. LEADER OF THE CHORUS Oh, mortal, you who desire to instruct yourself in our great wisdom, the Athenians, the Greeks will envy you your good fortune. Only you must have the memory and ardour for study, you must know how to stand the tests, hold your own, go forward without feeling fatigue, caring but little for food, abstaining from wine, gymnastic exercises and other similar follies, in fact, you must believe as every man of intellect should, that the greatest of all blessings is to live and think more clearly than the vulgar herd, to shine in the contests of words. STREPSIADES If it be a question of hardiness for labour, of spending whole nights at work, of living sparingly, of fighting my stomach and only eating chickpease, rest assured, I am as hard as an anvil. SOCRATES Henceforward, following our example, you will recognize no other gods but Chaos, the Clouds and the Tongue, these three alone. STREPSIADES I would not speak to the others, even if I met them in the street; not a single sacrifice, not a libation, not a grain of incense for them! LEADER OF THE CHORUS Tell us boldly then what you want of us; you cannot fail to succeed. If you honour and revere us and if you are resolved to become a clever man. STREPSIADES Oh, sovereign goddesses, it is only a very small favour that I ask of you; grant that I may outdistance all the Greeks by a hundred stadia in the art of speaking. LEADER OF THE CHORUS We grant you this, and henceforward no eloquence shall more often succeed with the people than your own. STREPSIADES May the gods shield me from possessing great eloquence! That's not what I want. I want to be able to turn bad law-suits to my own advantage and to slip through the fingers of my creditors. LEADER OF THE CHORUS It shall be as you wish, for your ambitions are modest. Commit yourself fearlessly to our ministers, the sophists. STREPSIADES This I will do, for I trust in you. Moreover there is no drawing back, what with these cursed horses and this marriage, which has eaten up my vitals.  (More and more volubly from here to the end of speech)  So let them do with me as they will; I yield my body to them. Come blows, come hunger, thirst, heat or cold, little matters it to me; they may flay me, if I only escape my debts, if only I win the reputation of being a bold rascal, a fine speaker, impudent, shameless, a braggart, and adept at stringing lies, an old stager at quibbles, a complete table of laws, a thorough rattle, a fox to slip through any hole; supple as a leathern strap, slippery as an eel, an artful fellow, a blusterer, a villain; a knave with a hundred faces, cunning, intolerable, a gluttonous dog. With such epithets do I seek to be greeted; on these terms they can treat me as they choose, and, if they wish, by Demeter! they can turn me into sausages and serve me up to the philosophers. CHORUS  (singing) Here have we a bold and well-disposed pupil indeed. When we have taught you, your glory among the mortals will reach even to the skies. STREPSIADES  (singing) Wherein will that profit me? CHORUS  (singing) You will pass your whole life among us and will be the most envied of men. STREPSIADES  (singing) Shall I really ever see such happiness? CHORUS  (singing) Clients will be everlastingly besieging your door in crowds, burning to get at you, to explain their business to you and to consult you about their suits, which, in return for your ability, will bring you in great sums. LEADER OF THE CHORUS But, Socrates, begin the lessons you want to teach this old man; rouse his mind, try the strength of his intelligence. SOCRATES Come, tell me the kind of mind you have; it's important that I know this, that I may order my batteries against you in the right fashion. STREPSIADES Eh, what! in the name of the gods, are you purposing to assault me then? SOCRATES No. I only wish to ask you some questions. Have you any memory? STREPSIADES That depends: if anything is owed me, my memory is excellent, but if I owe, alas! I have none whatever. SOCRATES Have you a natural gift for speaking? STREPSIADES For speaking, no; for cheating, yes. SOCRATES How will you be able to learn then? STREPSIADES Very easily, have no fear. SOCRATES Thus, when I throw forth some philosophical thought anent things celestial., you will seize it in its very flight? STREPSIADES Then I am to snap up wisdom much as a dog snaps up a morsel? SOCRATES  (aside) Oh! the ignoramus! the barbarian!  (to STREPSIADES) I greatly fear, old man, it will be necessary for me to have recourse to blows. Now, let me hear what you do when you are beaten. STREPSIADES I receive the blow, then wait a moment, take my witnesses and finally summon my assailant at law. SOCRATES Come, take off your cloak. STREPSIADES Have I robbed you of anything? SOCRATES No. but the usual thing is to enter the school without your cloak. STREPSIADES But I have not come here to look for stolen goods. SOCRATES Off with it, fool! STREPSIADES  (He obeys.) Tell me, if I prove thoroughly attentive and learn with zeal, which O; your disciples shall I resemble, do you think? SOCRATES You will be the image of Chaerephon. STREPSIADES Ah! unhappy me! Shall I then be only half alive? SOCRATES A truce to this chatter! follow me and no more of it. STREPSIADES First give me a honey-cake, for to descend down there sets me all a-tremble; it looks like the cave of Trophonius. SOCRATES But get in with you! What reason have you for thus dallying at the door?  (They go into the Thoughtery.) LEADER OF THE CHORUS Good luck! you have courage; may you succeed, you, who, though already so advanced in years, wish to instruct your mind with new studies and practise it in wisdom!  (The CHORUS turns and faces the Audience.)  Spectators! By Bacchus, whose servant I am, I will frankly tell you the truth. May I secure both victory and renown as certainly as I hold you for adept critics and as I regard this comedy as my best. I wished to give you the first view of a work, which had cost me much trouble, but which I withdrew, unjustly beaten by unskilful rivals. It is you, oh, enlightened public, for whom I have prepared my piece, that I reproach with this. Nevertheless I shall never willingly cease to seek the approval of the discerning. I have not forgotten the day, when men, whom one is happy to have for an audience, received my Virtuous Young Man and my Paederast with so much favour in this very place. Then as yet virgin, my Muse had not attained the age for maternity; she had to expose her first-born for another to adopt, and it has since grown up under your generous patronage. Ever since you have as good as sworn me your faithful alliance. Thus, like the Electra of the poets, my comedy has come to seek you to-day, hoping again to encounter such enlightened spectators. As far away as she can discern her Orestes, she will be able to recognize him by his curly head. And note her modest demeanour! She has not sewn on a piece of hanging leather, thick and reddened at the end, to cause laughter among the children; she does not rail at the bald, neither does she dance the cordax; no old man is seen, who, while uttering his lines, batters his questioner with a stick to make his poor jests pass muster. She does not rush upon the scene carrying a torch and screaming, 'Iou! Iou!' No, she relies upon herself and her verses....My value is so well known, that I take no further pride in it. I do not seek to deceive you, by reproducing the same subjects two or three times; I always invent fresh themes to present before you, themes that have no relation to each other and that are all clever. I attacked Cleon to his face and when he was all-powerful; but he has fallen, and now I have no desire to kick him when he is down. My rivals, on the contrary, now that this wretched Hyperbolus has given them the cue, have never ceased setting upon both him and his mother. First Eupolis presented his 'Maricas'; this was simply my 'Knights,' whom this plagiarist had clumsily furbished up again by adding to the piece an old drunken woman, so that she might dance the cordax. It was an old idea, taken from Phrynichus, who caused his old hag to be devoured by a monster of the deep. Then Hermippus fell foul of Hyperbolus and now all the others fall upon him and repeat my comparison of the eels. May those who find amusement in their pieces not be pleased with mine, but as for you, who love and applaud my inventions, why, posterity will praise your good taste. FIRST SEMI-CHORUS  (singing) Oh, ruler of Olympus, all-powerful king of the gods, great Zeus, it is thou whom I first invoke; protect this chorus; and thou too, Posidon, whose dread trident upheaves at the will of thy anger both the bowels of the earth and the salty waves of the ocean. I invoke my illustrious father, the divine Aether, the universal sustainer of life, and Phoebus, who, from the summit of his chariot, sets the world aflame with his dazzling rays, Phoebus, a mighty deity amongst the gods and adored amongst mortals. LEADER OF FIRST SEMI-CHORUS Most wise spectators, lend us all your attention. Give heed to our just reproaches. There exist no gods to whom this city owes more than it does to us, whom alone you forget. Not a sacrifice, not a libation is there for those who protect you! Have you decreed some mad expedition? Well! we thunder or we fall down in rain. When you chose that enemy of heaven, the Paphlagonian tanner, for a general, we knitted our brow, we caused our wrath to break out; the lightning shot forth, the thunder pealed, the moon deserted her course and the sun at once veiled his beam threatening, no longer to give you light, if Cleon became general. Nevertheless you elected him; it is said, Athens never resolves upon some fatal step but the gods turn these errors into her greatest gain. Do you wish that his election should even now be a success for you? It is a very simple thing to do; condemn this rapacious gull named Cleon for bribery and extortion, fit a wooden collar tight round his neck, and your error will be rectified and the commonweal will at once regain its old prosperity. SECOND SEMI-CHORUS  (singing) Aid me also, Phoebus, god of Delos, who reignest on the cragged peaks of Cynthia; and thou, happy virgin, to whom the Lydian damsels offer pompous sacrifice in a temple; of gold; and thou, goddess of our country, Athene, armed with the aegis, the protectress of Athens; and thou, who, surrounded by the bacchants of Delphi; roamest over the rocks of Parnassus shaking the flame of thy resinous torch, thou, Bacchus, the god of revel and joy. LEADER OF SECOND SEMI-CHORUS As we were preparing to come here, we were hailed by the Moon and were charged to wish joy and happiness both to the Athenians and to their allies; further, she said that she was enraged and that you treated her very shamefully, her, who does not pay you in words alone, but who renders you all real benefits. Firstly, thanks to her, you save at least a drachma each month for lights, for each, as he is leaving home at night, says, "Slave, buy no torches, for the moonlight is beautiful,"-not to name a thousand other benefits. Nevertheless you do not reckon the days correctly and your calendar is naught but confusion. Consequently the gods load her with threats each time they get home and are disappointed of their meal, because the festival has not been kept in the regular order of time. When you should be sacrificing, you are putting to the torture or administering justice. And often, we others, the gods, are fasting in token of mourning for the death of Memnon or Sarpedon, while you are devoting yourselves to joyous libations. It is for this, that last year, when the lot would have invested Hyperbolus with the duty of Amphictyon, we took his crown from him, to teach him that time must be divided according to the phases of the moon. SOCRATES  (coming out) By Respiration, the Breath of Life! By Chaos! By the Air! I have never seen a man so gross, so inept, so stupid, so forgetful. All the little quibbles, which I teach him, he forgets even before he has learnt them. Yet I will not give it up, I will make him come out here into the open air. Where are you, Strepsiades? Come, bring your couch out here. STREPSIADES  (from within) But the bugs will not allow me to bring it. SOCRATES Have done with such nonsense! place it there and pay attention. STREPSIADES  (coming out, with the bed) Well, here I am. SOCRATES Good! Which science of all those you have never been taught, do you wish to learn first? The measures, the rhythms or the verses? STREPSIADES Why, the measures; the flour dealer cheated me out of two choenixes the other day. SOCRATES It's not about that I ask you, but which, according to you, is the best measure, the trimeter or the tetrameter? STREPSIADES The one I prefer is the semisextarius. SOCRATES You talk nonsense, my good fellow. STREPSIADES I will wager your tetrameter is the semisextarius. SOCRATES Plague seize the dunce and the fool! Come, perchance you will learn the rhythms quicker. STREPSIADES Will the rhythms supply me with food? SOCRATES First they will help you to be pleasant in company, then to know what is meant by enhoplian rhythm and what by the dactylic. STREPSIADES Of the dactyl? I know that quite well. SOCRATES What is it then, other than this finger here? STREPSIADES Formerly, when a child, I used this one. SOCRATES You are as low-minded as you are stupid. STREPSIADES But, wretched man, I do not want to learn all this. SOCRATES Then what do you want to know? STREPSIADES Not that, not that, but the art of false reasoning. SOCRATES But you must first learn other things. Come, what are the male quadrupeds? STREPSIADES Oh! I know the males thoroughly. Do you take me for a fool then? The ram, the buck, the bull, the dog, the pigeon. SOCRATES Do you see what you are doing; is not the female pigeon called the same as the male? STREPSIADES How else? Come now! SOCRATES How else? With you then it's pigeon and pigeon! STREPSIADES That's right, by Posidon! but what names do you want me to give them? SOCRATES Term the female pigeonnette and the male pigeon. STREPSIADES Pigeonnette! hah! by the Air! That's splendid! for that lesson bring out your kneading-trough and I will fill him with flour to the brim. SOCRATES There you are wrong again; you make trough masculine and it should be feminine. STREPSIADES What? if I say, him, do I make the trough masculine? SOCRATES Assuredly! would you not say him for Cleonymus? SOCRATES Then trough is of the same gender as Cleonymus? STREPSIADES My good man! Cleonymus never had a kneading-trough; he used a round mortar for the purpose. But come, tell me what I should say! SOCRATES For trough you should say her as you would for Soctrate. SOCRATES In this manner you make it truly female. STREPSIADES That's it! Her for trough and her for Cleonymus. SOCRATE," Now I must teach you to distinguish the masculine proper names from those that are feminine. STREPSIADES Ah! I know the female names well. SOCRATES Name some then. STREPSIADES Lysilla, Philinna, Clitagora, Demetria. SOCRATES And what are masculine names? STREPSIADES They are are countless-Philoxenus, Melesias, Amynias. SOCRATES But, wretched man, the last two are not masculine. STREPSIADES You do not count them as masculine? SOCRATES Not at all. If you met Amynias, how would you hail him? STREPSIADES How? Why, I should shout, "Hi, there, Amynia! SOCRATES Do you see? it's a female name that you give him. STREPSIADES And is it not rightly done, since he refuses military service? But what use is there in learning what we all know? SOCRATES You know nothing about it. Come, lie down there. SOCRATES Ponder awhile over matters that interest you. STREPSIADES Oh! I pray you, not there but, if I must lie down and ponder, let me lie on the ground. SOCRATES That's out of the question. Come! on the couch! STREPSIADES  (as he lies down) What cruel fate! What a torture the bugs will this day put me to!  (Socrates turns aside.) CHORUS  (singing) Ponder and examine closely, gather your thoughts together, let your mind turn to every side of things; if you meet with a difficulty, spring quickly to some other idea; above all, keep your eyes away from all gentle sleep. STREPSIADES  (singing) Ow, Wow, Wow, Wow is me! CHORUS  (singing) What ails you? why do you cry so? STREPSIADES Oh! I am a dead man! Here are these cursed Corinthians advancing upon me from all corners of the couch; they are biting me, they are gnawing at my sides, they are drinking all my blood, they are yanking of my balls, they are digging into my arse, they are killing me! LEADER OF THE CHORUS Not so much wailing and clamour, if you please. STREPSIADES How can I obey? I have lost my money and my complexion, my blood and my slippers, and to cap my misery, I must keep awake on this couch, when scarce a breath of life is left in me.  (A brief interval of silence ensues.) SOCRATES Well now! what are you doing? are you reflecting? STREPSIADES Yes, by Posidon! SOCRATES What about? STREPSIADES Whether the bugs will entirely devour me. SOCRATES May death seize you, accursed man!  (He turns aside again.) STREPSIADES Ah it has already. SOCRATES Come, no giving way! Cover up your head; the thing to do is to find an ingenious alternative. STREPSIADES An alternative! ah! I only wish one would come to me from within these coverlets!  (Another interval of silence ensues.) SOCRATES Wait! let us see what our fellow is doing! Ho! are you asleep? STREPSIADES No, by Apollo! SOCRATES Have you got hold of anything? STREPSIADES No, nothing whatever. SOCRATES Nothing at all? STREPSIADES No, nothing except my tool, which I've got in my hand. SOCRATES Aren't you going to cover your head immediately and ponder? STREPSIADES On what? Come, Socrates, tell me. SOCRATES Think first what you want, and then tell me. STREPSIADES But I have told you a thousand times what I want. Not to pay any of my creditors. SOCRATES Come, wrap yourself up; concentrate your mind, which wanders to lightly; study every detail, scheme and examine thoroughly. SOCRATES Keep still, and if any notion troubles you, put it quickly aside, then resume it and think over it again. STREPSIADES My dear little Socrates! SOCRATES What is it, old greybeard? STREPSIADES I have a scheme for not paying my debts. SOCRATES Let us hear it. STREPSIADES Tell me, if I purchased a Thessalian witch, I could make the moon descend during the night and shut it, like a mirror, into a round box and there keep it carefully.... SOCRATES How would you gain by that? STREPSIADES How? why, if the moon did not rise, I would have no interest to pay. STREPSIADES Because money is lent by the month. SOCRATES Good! but I am going to propose another trick to you. If you were condemned to pay five talents, how would you manage to quash that verdict? Tell me. STREPSIADES How? how? I don't know, I must think. SOCRATES Do you always shut your thoughts within yourself? Let your ideas fly in the air, like a may-bug, tied by the foot with a thread. STREPSIADES I have found a very clever way to annul that conviction; you will admit that much yourself. SOCRATES What is it? STREPSIADES Have you ever seen a beautiful, transparent stone at the druggists', with which you may kindle fire? SOCRATES You mean a crystal lens. STREPSIADES That's right. Well, now if I placed myself with this stone in the sun and a long way off from the clerk, while he was writing out the conviction, I could make all the wax, upon which the words were written, melt. SOCRATES Well thought out, by the Graces! STREPSIADES Ah! I am delighted to have annulled the decree that was to cost me five talents. SOCRATES Come, take up this next question quickly. SOCRATES If, when summoned to court, you were in danger of losing your case for want of witnesses, how would you make the conviction fall upon your opponent? STREPSIADES That's very simple and easy. SOCRATES Let me hear. STREPSIADES This way. If another case had to be pleaded before mine was called, I should run and hang myself. SOCRATES You talk rubbish! STREPSIADES Not so, by the gods! if I were dead, no action could lie against me. SOCRATES You are merely beating the air. Get out! I will give you no more lessons. STREPSIADES  (imploringly) Why not? Oh! Socrates! in the name of the gods! SOCRATES But you forget as fast as you learn. Come, what was the thing I taught you first? Tell me. STREPSIADES Ah let me see. What was the first thing? What was it then? Ah! that thing in which we knead the bread, oh! my god! what do you call it? SOCRATES Plague take the most forgetful and silliest of old addlepates! STREPSIADES Alas! what a calamity! what will become of me? I am undone if I do not learn how to ply my tongue. Oh! Clouds! give me good advice. CHORUS-LEADER Old man, we counsel you, if you have brought up a son, to send him to learn in your stead. STREPSIADES Undoubtedly I have a son, as well endowed as the best, but he is unwilling to learn. What will become of me? CHORUS-LEADER And you don't make him obey you? STREPSIADES You see, he is big and strong; moreover, through his mother he is a descendant of those fine birds, the race of Coesyra. Nevertheless, I will go and find him, and if he refuses, I will turn him out of the house. Go in, Socrates, and wait for me awhile.  (SOCRATES goes into the Thoughtery, STREPSIADES into his own house.) CHORUS  (singing) Do you understand, Socrates, that thanks to us you will be loaded with benefits? Here is a man, ready to obey you in all things. You see how he is carried away with admiration and enthusiasm. Profit by it to clip him as short as possible; fine chances are all too quickly gone. STREPSIADES  (coming out of his house and pushing his son in front of him)  No, by the Clouds! you stay here no longer; go and devour the ruins of your uncle Megacles' fortune. PHIDIPPIDES Oh! my poor father! what has happened to you? By the Olympian Zeus! You are no longer in your senses! STREPSIADES Look! "the Olympian Zeus." Oh! you fool! to believe in Zeus at your age! PHIDIPPIDES What is there in that to make you laugh? STREPSIADES You are then a tiny little child, if you credit such antiquated rubbish! But come here, that I may teach you; I will tell you something very necessary to know to be a man; but do not repeat it to anybody. PHIDIPPIDES Tell me, what is it? STREPSIADES Just now you swore by Zeus. STREPSIADES Do you see how good it is to learn? Phidippides, there is no Zeus. PHIDIPPIDES What is there then? STREPSIADES The Whirlwind has driven out Zeus and is King now. PHIDIPPIDES What drivel! STREPSIADES You must realize that it is true. PHIDIPPIDES And who says so? STREPSIADES Socrates, the Melian, and Chaerephon, who knows how to measure the jump of a flea. PHIDIPPIDES Have you reached such a pitch of madness that you believe those bilious fellows? STREPSIADES Use better language, and do not insult men who are clever and full of wisdom, who, to economize, never shave, shun the gymnasia and never go to the baths, while you, you only await my death to eat up my wealth. But come, come as quickly as you can to learn in my stead. PHIDIPPIDES And what good can be learnt of them? STREPSIADES What good indeed? Why, all human knowledge. Firstly, you will know yourself grossly ignorant. But await me here awhile. (He goes back into his house.) PHIDIPPIDES Alas! what is to be done? Father has lost his wits. Must I have him certificated for lunacy, or must I order his coffin? STREPSIADES  (returning with a bird in each hand) Come! what kind of bird is this? Tell me. STREPSIADES Good! And this female? STREPSIADES The same for both? You make me laugh! In the future you must call this one a pigeonnette and the other a pigeon. PHIDIPPIDES A pigeonnette! These then are the fine things you have just learnt at the school of these sons of Earth! STREPSIADES And many others; but what I learnt I forgot at once, because I am to old. PHIDIPPIDES So this is why you have lost your cloak? STREPSIADES I have not lost it, I have consecrated it to Philosophy. PHIDIPPIDES And what have you done with your sandals, you poor fool? STREPSIADES If I have lost them, it is for what was necessary, just as Pericles did. But come, move yourself, let us go in; if necessary, do wrong to obey your father. When you were six years old and still lisped, I was the one who obeyed you. I remember at the feasts of Zeus you had a consuming wish for a little chariot and I bought it for you with the first obolus which I received as a juryman in the courts. PHIDIPPIDES You will soon repent of what you ask me to do. STREPSIADES Oh! now I am happy! He obeys.  (loudly)  Come, Socrates, come! Come out quick! Here I am bringing you my son; he refused, but I have persuaded him. SOCRATES Why, he is but a child yet. He is not used to these baskets, in which we suspend our minds. PHIDIPPIDES To make you better used to them, I would you were hung. STREPSIADES A curse upon you! you insult your master! SOCRATES "I would you were hung!" What a stupid speech! and so emphatically spoken! How can one ever get out of an accusation with such a tone, summon witnesses or touch or convince? And yet when we think, Hyperbolus learnt all this for one talent! STREPSIADES Rest undisturbed and teach him. He has a most intelligent nature. Even when quite little he amused himself at home with making houses, carving boats, constructing little chariots of leather, and understood wonderfully how to make frogs out of pomegranate rinds. Teach him both methods of reasoning, the strong and also the weak, which by false arguments triumphs over the strong; if not the two, at least the false, and that in every possible way. SOCRATES The Just and Unjust Discourse themselves shall instruct him. I shall leave you. STREPSIADES But forget it not, he must always, always be able to confound the true.  (Socrates enters the Thoughtery; a moment later the JUST and the UNJUST DISCOURSE come out; they are quarrelling violently.) JUST DISCOURSE Come here! Shameless as you may be, will you dare to show your face to the spectators? UNJUST DISCOURSE Take me where you will. I seek a throng, so that I may the better annihilate you. JUST DISCOURSE Annihilate me! Do you forget who you are? JUST DISCOURSE Yes, the weaker Reasoning." UNJUST DISCOURSE But I triumph over you, who claim to be the stronger. JUST DISCOURSE By what cunning shifts, pray? UNJUST DISCOURSE By the invention of new maxims. JUST DISCOURSE .... which are received with favour by these fools. (He points to the audience.) UNJUST DISCOURSE Say rather, by these wise men. JUST DISCOURSE I am going to destroy you mercilessly. UNJUST DISCOURSE How pray? Let us see you do it. JUST DISCOURSE By saying what is true. UNJUST DISCOURSE I shall retort and shall very soon have the better of you. First, maintain that justice has no existence. JUST DISCOURSE Has no existence? UNJUST DISCOURSE No existence! Why, where is it? JUST DISCOURSE With the gods. UNJUST DISCOURSE How then, if justice exists, was Zeus not put to death for having put his father in chains? JUST DISCOURSE Bah! this is enough to turn my stomach! A basin, quick! UNJUST DISCOURSE You are an old driveller and stupid withal. JUST DISCOURSE And you a degenerate and shameless fellow. UNJUST DISCOURSE Hah! What sweet expressions! JUST DISCOURSE An impious buffoon. UNJUST DISCOURSE You crown me with roses and with lilies. UNJUST DISCOURSE Why, you shower gold upon me. JUST DISCOURSE Formerly it was a hailstorm of blows. UNJUST DISCOURSE I deck myself with your abuse. JUST DISCOURSE What impudence! UNJUST DISCOURSE What tomfoolery! JUST DISCOURSE It is because of you that the youth no longer attends the schools. The Athenians will soon recognize what lessons you teach those who are fools enough to believe you. UNJUST DISCOURSE You are overwhelmed with wretchedness. JUST DISCOURSE And you, you prosper. Yet you were poor when you said, "I am the Mysian Telephus," and used to stuff your wallet with maxims of Pandeletus to nibble at. UNJUST DISCOURSE Oh! the beautiful wisdom, of which you are now boasting! JUST DISCOURSE Madman! But yet madder the city that keeps you, you, the corrupter of its youth! UNJUST DISCOURSE It is not you who will teach this young man; you are as old and out of date at Cronus. JUST DISCOURSE Nay, it will certainly be I, if he does not wish to be lost and to practise verbosity only. UNJUST DISCOURSE  (to PHIDIPPIDES) Come here and leave him to beat the air. JUST DISCOURSE You'll regret it, if you touch him. CHORUS-LEADER  (stepping between them as they are about to come to blows)  A truce to your quarrellings and abuse! But you expound what you taught us formerly, and you, your new doctrine. Thus, after hearing each of you argue, he will be able to choose betwixt the two schools. JUST DISCOURSE I am quite agreeable. LEADER OF THE CHORUS Who is to speak first? UNJUST DISCOURSE Let it be my opponent, he has my full consent; then I shall follow upon the very ground he shall have chosen and shall shatter him with a hail of new ideas and subtle fancies; if after that he dares to breathe another word, I shall sting him in the face and in the eyes with our maxims, which are as keen as the sting of a wasp, and he will die. CHORUS  (singing) Here are two rivals confident in their powers of oratory and in the thoughts over which they have pondered so long. Let us see which will come triumphant out of the contest. This wisdom, for which my friends maintain such a persistent fight, is in great danger. LEADER OF THE CHORUS Come then, you, who crowned men of other days with so many virtues, plead the cause dear to you, make yourself known to us. JUST DISCOURSE Very well, I will tell you what was the old education, when I used to teach justice with so much success and when modesty was held in veneration. Firstly, it was required of a child, that it should not utter a word. In the street, when they went to the music-school, all the youths of the same district marched lightly clad and ranged in good order, even when the snow was falling in great flakes. At the master's house they had to stand with their legs apart and they were taught to sing either, "Pallas, the Terrible, who overturneth cities," or "A noise resounded from afar" in the solemn tones of the ancient harmony. If anyone indulged in buffoonery or lent his voice any of the soft inflexions, like those which to-day the disciples of Phrynis take so much pains to form, he was treated as an enemy of the Muses and belaboured with blows. In the wrestling school they would sit with outstretched legs and without display of any indecency to the curious. When they rose, they would smooth over the sand, so as to leave no trace to excite obscene thoughts. Never was a child rubbed with oil below the belt; the rest of their bodies thus retained its fresh bloom and down, like a velvety peach. They were not to be seen approaching a lover and themselves rousing his passion by soft modulation of the voice and lustful gaze. At table, they would not have dared, before those older than themselves, to have taken a radish, an aniseed or a leaf of parsley, and much less eat fish or thrushes or cross their legs. UNJUST DISCOURSE What antiquated rubbish! Have we got back to the days of the festivals of Zeus Polieus, to the Buphonia, to the time of the poet Cecides and the golden cicadas? JUST DISCOURSE Nevertheless by suchlike teaching I built up the men of Marathon-But you, you teach the children of to-day to bundle themselves quickly into their clothes, and I am enraged when I see them at the Panathenaea forgetting Athene while they dance, and covering their tools with their bucklers. Hence, young man, dare to range yourself beside me, who follow justice and truth; you will then be able to shun the public place, to refrain from the baths, to blush at all that is shameful, to fire up if your virtue is mocked at, to give place to your elders, to honour your parents, in short, to avoid all that is evil. Be modesty itself, and do not run to applaud the dancing girls; if you delight in such scenes, some courtesan will cast you her apple and your reputation will be done for. Do not bandy words with your father, nor treat him as a dotard, nor reproach the old man, who has cherished you, with his age. UNJUST DISCOURSE If you listen to him, by Bacchus! you will be the image of the sons of Hippocrates and will be called mother's big ninny. JUST DISCOURSE No, but you will pass your days at the gymnasia, glowing with strength and health; you will not go to the public place to cackle and wrangle as is done nowadays; you will not live in fear that you may be dragged before the courts for some trifle exaggerated by quibbling. But you will go down to the Academy to run beneath the sacred olives with some virtuous friend of your own age, your head encircled with the white reed, enjoying your ease and breathing the perfume of the yew and of the fresh sprouts of the poplar, rejoicing in the return of springtide and gladly listening to the gentle rustle of the plane tree and the elm.  (With greater warmth from here on)  If you devote yourself to practising my precepts, your chest will be stout, your colour glowing, your shoulders broad, your tongue short, your hips muscular, but your tool small. But if you follow the fashions of the day, you will be pallid in hue, have narrow shoulders, a narrow chest, a long tongue, small hips and a big thing; you will know how to spin forth long-winded arguments on law. You will be persuaded also to regard as splendid everything that is shameful and as shameful everything that is honourable; in a word, you will wallow in degeneracy like Antimachus. CHORUS  (singing) How beautiful, high-souled, brilliant is this wisdom that you practise! What a sweet odour of honesty is emitted by your discourse! Happy were those men of other days who lived when you were honoured! And you, seductive talker, come, find some fresh arguments, for your rival has done wonders. LEADER OF THE CHORUS You will have to bring out against him all the battery of your wit, it you desire to beat him and not to be laughed out of court. UNJUST DISCOURSE At last! I was choking with impatience, I was burning to upset his arguments! If I am called the Weaker Reasoning in the schools, it is just because I was the first to discover the means to confute the laws and the decrees of justice. To invoke solely the weaker arguments and yet triumph is an art worth more than a hundred thousand drachmae. But see how I shall batter down the sort of education of which he is so proud. Firstly, he forbids you to bathe in hot water. What grounds have you for condemning hot baths? JUST DISCOURSE Because they are baneful and enervate men. UNJUST DISCOURSE Enough said! Oh! you poor wrestler! From the very outset I have seized you and hold you round the middle; you cannot escape me. Tell me, of all the sons of Zeus, who had the stoutest heart, who performed the most doughty deeds? JUST DISCOURSE None, in my opinion, surpassed Heracles. UNJUST DISCOURSE Where have you ever seen cold baths called 'Bath of Heracles'? And yet who was braver than he? JUST DISCOURSE It is because of such quibbles, that the baths are seen crowded with young folk, who chatter there the livelong day while the gymnasia remain empty. UNJUST DISCOURSE Next you condemn the habit of frequenting the market-place, while I approve this. If it were wrong Homer would never have made Nestor speak in public as well as all his wise heroes. As for the art of speaking, he tells you, young men should not practise it; I hold the contrary. Furthermore he preaches chastity to them. Both precepts are equally harmful. Have you ever seen chastity of any use to anyone? Answer and try to confute me. JUST DISCOURSE To many; for instance, Peleus won a sword thereby. UNJUST DISCOURSE A sword! Ah! what a fine present to make him! Poor wretch! Hyperbolus, the lamp-seller, thanks to his villainy, has gained more not know how many talents, but certainly no sword. JUST DISCOURSE Peleus owed it to his chastity that he became the husband of Thetis. UNJUST DISCOURSE .... who left him in the lurch, for he was not the most ardent; in those nocturnal sports between the sheets, which so please women, he possessed but little merit. Get you gone, you are but an old fool. But you, young man, just consider a little what this temperance means and the delights of which it deprives you-young fellows, women, play, dainty dishes, wine, boisterous laughter. And what is life worth without these? Then, if you happen to commit one of these faults inherent in human weakness, some seduction or adultery, and you are caught in the act, you are lost, if you cannot speak. But follow my teaching and you will be able to satisfy your passions, to dance, to laugh, to blush at nothing. Suppose you are caught in the act of adultery. Then up and tell the husband you are not guilty, and recall to him the example of Zeus, who allowed himself to be conquered by love and by women. Being but a mortal, can you be stronger than a god? JUST DISCOURSE Suppose your pupil, following your advice, gets the radish rammed up his arse and then is depilated with a hot coal; how are you going to prove to him that he is not a broad-arse? UNJUST DISCOURSE What's the matter with being a broad-arse? JUST DISCOURSE Is there anything worse than that? UNJUST DISCOURSE Now what will you say, if I beat you even on this point? JUST DISCOURSE I should certainly have to be silent then. UNJUST DISCOURSE Well then, reply! Our advocates, what are they? JUST DISCOURSE Sons of broad-arses. UNJUST DISCOURSE Nothing is more true. And our tragic poets? JUST DISCOURSE Sons of broad-arses. UNJUST DISCOURSE Well said again. And our demagogues? JUST DISCOURSE Sons of broad-arses. UNJUST DISCOURSE You admit that you have spoken nonsense. And the spectators, what are they for the most part? Look at them. JUST DISCOURSE I am looking at them. UNJUST DISCOURSE Well! What do you see? JUST DISCOURSE By the gods, they are nearly all broad-arses.  (pointing) See, this one I know to be such and that one and that other with the long hair. UNJUST DISCOURSE What have you to say, then? JUST DISCOURSE I am beaten. Debauchees! in the name of the gods, receive my cloak; I pass over to your ranks.  (He goes back into the Thoughtery.) UNJUST DISCOURSE Well then! Are you going to take away your son or do you wish me to teach him how to speak? STREPSIADES Teach him, chastise him and do not fail to sharpen his tongue well, on one side for petty law-suits and on the other for important cases. UNJUST DISCOURSE Don't worry, I shall return him to you an accomplished sophist. PHIDIPPIDES Very pale then and thoroughly hang-dog-looking. LEADER OF THE CHORUS Take him with you.  (The UNJUST DISCOURSE and PHIDIPPIDES go into the THOUGHTERY. To STREPSIADES, who is just going into his own house.)  I think you will regret this.  (The CHORUS turns and faces the audience.)  judges, we are all about to tell you what you will gain by awarding us the crown as equity requires of you. In spring, when you wish to give your fields the first dressing, we will rain upon you first; the others shall wait. Then we will watch over your corn and over your vinestocks; they will have no excess to fear, neither of heat nor of wet. But if a mortal dares to insult the goddesses of the Clouds, let him think of the ills we shall pour upon him. For him neither wine nor any harvest at all! Our terrible slings will mow down his young olive plants and his vines. If he is making bricks, it will rain, and our round hailstones will break the tiles of his roof. If he himself marries or any of his relations or friends, we shall cause rain to fall the whole night long. Verily, he would prefer to live in Egypt than to have given this iniquitous verdict. STREPSIADES  (coming out again) Another four, three, two days, then the eve, then the day, the fatal day of payment! I tremble, I quake, I shudder, for it's the day of the old moon and the new. Then all my creditors take the oath, pay their deposits, I swear my downfall and my ruin. As for me, I beseech them to be reasonable, to be just, "My friend, do not demand this sum, wait a little for this other and give me time for this third one." Then they will pretend that at this rate they will never be repaid, will accuse me of bad faith and will threaten me with the law. Well then, let them sue me! I care nothing for that, if only Phidippides has learnt to speak fluently. I am going to find out; I'll knock at the door of the school.  (He knocks.) .... Ho! slave, slave! SOCRATES  (coming out) Welcome! Strepsiades! STREPSIADES Welcome! Socrates! But first take this sack;  (offers him a sack of flour)  it is right to reward the master with some present. And my son, whom you took off lately, has he learnt this famous reasoning? Tell me. SOCRATES He has learnt it. STREPSIADES Wonderful! Oh! divine Knavery! SOCRATES You will win just as many causes as you choose. STREPSIADES Even if I have borrowed before witnesses? SOCRATES So much the better, even if there are a thousand of them! STREPSIADES  (bursting into song) Then I am going to shout with all my might. "Woe to the usurers, woe to their capital and their interest and their compound interest! You shall play me no more bad turns. My son is being taught there, his tongue is being sharpened into a double-edged weapon; he is my defender, the saviour of my house, the ruin of my foes! His poor father was crushed down with misfortune and he delivers him." Go and call him to me quickly. Oh! my child! my dear little one! run forward to your father's voice! SOCRATES  (singing) Lo, the man himself! STREPSIADES  (singing) Oh, my friend, my dearest friend! SOCRATES  (singing) Take your son, and get you gone. STREPSIADES  (as PHIDIPPIDES appears) Oh, my son! oh! oh! what a pleasure to see your pallor! You are ready first to deny and then to contradict; it's as clear as noon. What a child of your country you are! How your lips quiver with the famous, "What have you to say now?" How well you know, I am certain, to put on the look of a victim, when it is you who are making both victims and dupes! And what a truly Attic glance! Come, it's for you to save me, seeing it is you who have ruined me. PHIDIPPIDES What is it you fear then? STREPSIADES The day of the old and the new. PHIDIPPIDES Is there then a day of the old and the new? STREPSIADES The day on which they threaten to pay deposit against me. PHIDIPPIDES Then so much the worse for those who have deposited! for it's not possible for one day to be two. PHIDIPPIDES Why, undoubtedly, unless a woman can be both old and young at the same time. STREPSIADES But so runs the law. PHIDIPPIDES I think the meaning of the law is quite misunderstood. STREPSIADES What does it mean? PHIDIPPIDES Old Solon loved the people. STREPSIADES What has that to do with the old day and the new? PHIDIPPIDES He has fixed two days for the summons, the last day of the old moon and the first day of the new; but the deposits must only be paid on the first day of the new moon. STREPSIADES And why did he also name the last day of the old? PHIDIPPIDES So, my dear sir, that the debtors, being there the day before, might free themselves by mutual agreement, or that else, if not, the creditor might begin his action on the morning of the new moon. STREPSIADES Why then do the magistrates have the deposits paid on the last of the month and not the next day? PHIDIPPIDES I think they do as the gluttons do, who are the first to pounce upon the dishes. Being eager to carry off these deposits, they have them paid in a day too soon. STREPSIADES Splendid!  (to the audience)  Ah! you poor brutes, who serve for food to us clever folk! You are only down here to swell the number, true blockheads, sheep for shearing, heap of empty pots! Hence I will sing a song of victory for my son and myself. "Oh! happy, Strepsiades! what cleverness is thine! and what a son thou hast here!" Thus my friends and my neighbours will say, jealous at seeing me gain all my suits. But come in, I wish to regale you first.  (They both go in. A moment later a creditor arrives, with his witness.) PASIAS  (to the WITNESS) A man should never lend a single obolus. It would be better to put on a brazen face at the outset than to get entangled in such matters. I want to see my money again and I bring you here to-day to attest the loan. I am going to make a foe of a neighbour; but, as long as I live, I do not wish my country to have to blush for me. Come, I am going to summon Strepsiades.... STREPSIADES  (coming out of his house) Who is this? PASIAS ....for the old day and the new. STREPSIADES  (to the WITNESS) I call you to witness, that he has named two days. What do you want of me? PASIAS I claim of you the twelve minae, which you borrowed from me to buy the dapple-grey horse. STREPSIADES A horse! do you hear him? I, who detest horses, as is well known. PASIAS I call Zeus to witness, that you swore by the gods to return them to me. STREPSIADES Because at that time, by Zeus! Phidippides did not yet know the irrefutable argument. PASIAS Would you deny the debt on that account? STREPSIADES If not, what use is his science to me? PASIAS Will you dare to swear by the gods that you owe me nothing? STREPSIADES By which gods? PASIAS By Zeus, Hermes and Posidon! STREPSIADES Why, I would give three obols for the pleasure of swearing by them. PASIAS Woe upon you, impudent knave! STREPSIADES Oh! what a fine wine-skin you would make if flayed! PASIAS Heaven! he jeers at me! STREPSIADES It would hold six gallons easily. PASIAS By great Zeus! by all the gods! you shall not scoff at me with impunity, STREPSIADES Ah! how you amuse me with your gods! how ridiculous it seems to a sage to hear Zeus invoked. PASIAS Your blasphemies will one day meet their reward. But, come, will you repay me my money, yes or no? Answer me, that I may go. STREPSIADES Wait a moment, I am going to give you a distinct answer. (He goes indoors and returns immediately with a kneading-trough.) PASIAS  (to the WITNESS) What do you think he will do? Do you think he will pay? STREPSIADES Where is the man who demands money? Tell me, what is this? PASIAS Him? Why, he is your kneading-trough. STREPSIADES And you dare to demand money of me, when you are so ignorant? I will not return an obolus to anyone who says him instead of her for a kneading-trough. PASIAS You will not repay? STREPSIADES Not if I know it. Come, an end to this, pack off as quick as you can. PASIAS I go, but, may I die, if it be not to pay my deposit for a summons.  (Exit) STREPSIADES Very well! It will be so much more loss to add to the twelve minae. But truly it makes me sad, for I do pity a poor simpleton who says him for a kneading-trough  (Another creditor arrives.) AMYNIAS Woe! ah woe is me! STREPSIADES Wait! who is this whining fellow? Can it be one of the gods of Carcinus? AMYNIAS Do you want to know who I am? I am a man of misfortune! STREPSIADES Get on your way then. AMYNIAS  (in tragic style) Oh! cruel god! Oh Fate, who hast broken the wheels of my chariot! Oh, Pallas, thou hast undone me! STREPSIADES What ill has Tlepolemus done you? AMYNIAS Instead of jeering me, friend, make your son return me the money he has had of me; I am already unfortunate enough. AMYNIAS The money he borrowed of me. STREPSIADES You have indeed had misfortune, it seems to me. AMYNIAS Yes, by the gods! I have been thrown from a chariot. STREPSIADES Why then drivel as if you had fallen off an ass? AMYNIAS Am I drivelling because I demand my money? STREPSIADES No, no, you cannot be in your right senses. STREPSIADES No doubt your poor wits have had a shake. AMYNIAS But by Hermes! I will sue you at law, if you do not pay me. STREPSIADES Just tell me; do you think it is always fresh water that Zeus lets fall every time it rains, or is ill always the same water that the sun pumps over the earth? AMYNIAS I neither know, nor care. STREPSIADES And actually you would claim the right to demand your money, when you know not an iota of these celestial phenomena? AMYNIAS If you are short, pay me the interest anyway. STREPSIADES What kind of animal is interest? AMYNIAS What? Does not the sum borrowed go on growing, growing every month, each day as the time slips by? STREPSIADES Well put. But do you believe there is more water in the sea now than there was formerly? AMYNIAS No, it's just the same quantity. It cannot increase. STREPSIADES Thus, poor fool, the sea, that receives the rivers, never grows, and yet you would have your money grow? Get you gone, away with you, quick! Slave! bring me the ox-goad! AMYNIAS I have witnesses to this. STREPSIADES Come, what are you waiting for? Will you not budge, old nag! AMYNIAS What an insult! STREPSIADES Unless you start trotting, I shall catch you and stick this in your arse, you sorry packhorse!  (AMYNIAS runs off.)  Ah! you start, do you? I was about to drive you pretty fast, I tell you-you and your wheels and your chariot!  (He enters his house.) CHORUS  (singing) Whither does the passion of evil lead! here is a perverse old man, who wants to cheat his creditors; but some mishap, which will speedily punish this rogue for his shameful schemings, cannot fail to overtake him from to-day. For a long time he has been burning to have his son know how to fight against all justice and right and to gain even the most iniquitous causes against his adversaries every one. I think this wish is going to be fulfilled. But mayhap, mayhap, will he soon wish his son were dumb rather! STREPSIADES  (rushing out With PHIDIPPIDES after him) Oh! oh! neighbours, kinsmen, fellow-citizens, help! help! to the rescue, I am being beaten! Oh! my head! oh! my jaw! Scoundrel! Do you beat your own father? PHIDIPPIDES  (calmly) Yes, father, I do. STREPSIADES See! he admits he is beating me. PHIDIPPIDES Of course I do. STREPSIADES You villain, you parricide, you gallows-bird! PHIDIPPIDES Go on, repeat your epithets, call me a thousand other names, if it please you. The more you curse, the greater my amusement! STREPSIADES Oh! you ditch-arsed cynic! PHIDIPPIDES How fragrant the perfume breathed forth in your words. STREPSIADES Do you beat your own father? PHIDIPPIDES Yes, by Zeus! and I am going to show you that I do right in beating you. STREPSIADES Oh, wretch! can it be right to beat a father? PHIDIPPIDES I will prove it to you, and you shall own yourself vanquished. STREPSIADES Own myself vanquished on a point like this? PHIDIPPIDES It's the easiest thing in the world. Choose whichever of the two reasonings you like. STREPSIADES Of which reasonings? PHIDIPPIDES The Stronger and the Weaker. STREPSIADES Miserable fellow! Why, I am the one who had you taught how to refute what is right. and now you would persuade me it is right a son should beat his father. PHIDIPPIDES I think I shall convince you so thoroughly that, when you have heard me, you will not have a word to say. STREPSIADES Well, I am curious to hear what you have to say. CHORUS  (singing) Consider well, old man, how you can best triumph over him. His brazenness shows me that he thinks himself sure of his case; he has some argument which gives him nerve. Note the confidence in his look! LEADER OF THE CHORUS But how did the fight begin? tell the Chorus; you cannot help doing that much. STREPSIADES I will tell you what was the start of the quarrel. At the end of the meal, as you know, I bade him take his lyre and sing me the air of Simonides, which tells of the fleece of the ram. He replied bluntly, that it was stupid, while drinking, to play the lyre and sing, like a woman when she is grinding barley. PHIDIPPIDES Why, by rights I ought to have beaten and kicked you the very moment you told me to sing. STREPSIADES That is just how he spoke to me in the house, furthermore he added, that Simonides was a detestable poet. However, I mastered myself and for a while said nothing. Then I said to him, 'At least, take a myrtle branch and recite a passage from Aeschylus to me.'-'For my own part,' he at once replied, 'I look upon Aeschylus as the first of poets, for his verses roll superbly; they're nothing but incoherence, bombast and turgidity.' Yet still I smothered my wrath and said, 'Then recite one of the famous pieces from the modern poets.' Then he commenced a piece in which Euripides shows, oh! horror! a brother, who violates his own uterine sister. Then I could not longer restrain myself, and attacked him with the most injurious abuse; naturally he retorted; hard words were hurled on both sides, and finally he sprang at me, broke my bones, bore me to earth, strangled and started killing me! PHIDIPPIDES I was right. What! not praise Euripides, the greatest of our poets? STREPSIADES He the greatest of our poets? Ah! if I but dared to speak! but the blows would rain upon me harder than ever. PHIDIPPIDES Undoubtedly and rightly too. STREPSIADES Rightly! Oh! what impudence! to me, who brought you up! when you could hardly lisp, I guessed what you wanted. If you said broo, broo, well, I brought you your milk; if you asked for mam mam, I gave you bread; and you had no sooner said, caca, than I took you outside and held you out. And just now, when you were strangling me, I shouted, I bellowed that I was about to crap; and you, you scoundrel, had not the heart to take me outside, so that, though almost choking, I was compelled to do my crapping right there. CHORUS  (singing) Young men, your hearts must be panting with impatience. What is Phidippides going to say? If, after such conduct, he proves he has done well, I would not give an obolus for the hide of old men. LEADER OF THE CHORUS Come, you, who know how to brandish and hurl the keen shafts of the new science, find a way to convince us, give your language an appearance of truth. PHIDIPPIDES How pleasant it is to know these clever new inventions and to be able to defy the established laws! When I thought only about horses, I was not able to string three words together without a mistake, but now that the master has altered and improved me and that I live in this world of subtle thought, of reasoning and of meditation, I count on being able to prove satisfactorily that I have done well to thrash my father. STREPSIADES Mount your horse! By Zeus! I would rather defray the keep of a four-in-hand team than be battered with blows. PHIDIPPIDES I revert to what I was saying when you interrupted me. And first, answer me, did you beat me in my childhood? STREPSIADES Why, assuredly, for your good and in your own best interest. PHIDIPPIDES Tell me, is it not right, that in turn I should beat you for your good, since it is for a man's own best interest to be beaten? What! must your body be free of blows, and not mine? am I not free-born too? the children are to weep and the fathers go free? You will tell me, that according to the law, it is the lot of children to be beaten. But I reply that the old men are children twice over and that it is far more fitting to chastise them than the young, for there is less excuse for their faults. STREPSIADES But the law nowhere admits that fathers should be treated thus. PHIDIPPIDES Was not the legislator who carried this law a man like you and me? In those days be got men to believe him; then why should not I too have the right to establish for the future a new law, allowing children to beat their fathers in turn? We make you a present of all the blows which were received before his law, and admit that you thrashed us with impunity. But look how the cocks and other animals fight with their fathers; and yet what difference is there betwixt them and ourselves, unless it be that they do not propose decrees? STREPSIADES But if you imitate the cocks in all things, why don't you scratch up the dunghill, why don't you sleep on a perch? PHIDIPPIDES That has no bearing on the case, good sir; Socrates would find no connection, I assure you. STREPSIADES Then do not beat at all, for otherwise you have only yourself to blame afterwards. STREPSIADES I have the right to chastise you, and you to chastise your son, if you have one. PHIDIPPIDES And if I have not, I shall have cried in vain, and you will die laughing in my face. STREPSIADES What say you, all here present? It seems to me that he is right, and I am of opinion that they should be accorded their right. If we think wrongly, it is but just we should be beaten. PHIDIPPIDES Again, consider this other point. STREPSIADES It will be the death of me. PHIDIPPIDES But you will certainly feel no more anger because of the blows I have given you. STREPSIADES Come, show me what profit I shall gain from it. PHIDIPPIDES I shall beat my mother just as I have you. STREPSIADES What do you say? what's that you say? Hah! this is far worse still. PHIDIPPIDES And what if I prove to you by our school reasoning, that one ought to beat one's mother? STREPSIADES Ah! if you do that, then you will only have to throw yourself, along with Socrates and his reasoning, into the Barathrum. Oh! Clouds! all our troubles emanate from you, from you, to whom I entrusted myself, body and soul. LEADER OF THE CHORUS No, you alone are the cause, because you have pursued the path of evil. STREPSIADES Why did you not say so then, instead of egging on a poor ignorant old man? LEADER OF THE CHORUS We always act thus, when we see a man conceive a passion for what is evil; we strike him with some terrible disgrace, so that he may learn to fear the gods. STREPSIADES Alas! oh Clouds! that's hard indeed, but it's just! I ought not to have cheated my creditors....But come, my dear son, come with me to take vengeance on this wretched Chaerephon and on Socrates, who have deceived us both. PHIDIPPIDES I shall do nothing against our masters. STREPSIADES Oh show some reverence for ancestral Zeus! PHIDIPPIDES Mark him and his ancestral Zeus! What a fool you are! Does any such being as Zeus exist? STREPSIADES Why, assuredly. PHIDIPPIDES No, a thousand times no! The ruler of the world is the Whirlwind, that has unseated Zeus. STREPSIADES He has not dethroned him. I believed it, because of this whirligig here. Unhappy wretch that I am! I have taken a piece of clay to be a god. PHIDIPPIDES Very well! Keep your stupid nonsense for your own consumption. (He goes back into STREPSIADES' house.) STREPSIADES Oh! what madness! I had lost my reason when I threw over the gods through Socrates' seductive phrases.  (Addressing the statue of Hermes)  Oh! good Hermes, do not destroy me in your wrath. Forgive me; their babbling had driven me crazy. Be my counselor. Shall I pursue them at law or shall I....? Order and I obey.-You are right, no law-suit; but up! let us burn down the home of those praters. Here, Xanthias, here! take a ladder, come forth and arm yourself with an axe; now mount upon the Thoughtery, demolish the roof, if you love your master, and may the house fall in upon them. Ho! bring me a blazing torch! There is more than one of them, arch-impostors as they are, on whom I am determined to have vengeance. A DISCIPLE  (from within) Oh! oh! STREPSIADES Come, torch, do your duty! Burst into full flame! DISCIPLE What are you up to? STREPSIADES What am I up to? Why, I am entering upon a subtle argument with the beams of the house. SECOND DISCIPLE  (from within) Hullo! hullo who is burning down our house? STREPSIADES The man whose cloak you have appropriated. SECOND DISCIPLE You are killing us! STREPSIADES That is just exactly what I hope, unless my axe plays me false, or I fall and break my neck. SOCRATES  (appearing at the window) Hi! you fellow on the roof, what are you doing up there? STREPSIADES  (mocking SOCRATES' manner) I am traversing the air and contemplating the sun. SOCRATES Ah! ah! woe is upon me! I am suffocating! SECOND DISCIPLE And I, alas, shall be burnt up! STREPSIADES Ah! you insulted the gods! You studied the face of the moon! Chase them, strike and beat them down! Forward! they have richly deserved their fate-above all, by reason of their blasphemies. LEADER OF THE CHORUS So let the Chorus file off the stage. Its part is played. Return to List of Authors and Books
{ "keywords": "blast" }
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13:29 GMT05 March 2021 Listen Live Get short URL The West makes Russian President Vladimir Putin out to be responsible for all of the ills of the modern world, German magazine Spiegel Online wrote. However, most accusations against Putin are made up and not based on any evidence. Whether you switch on your computer, read the newspaper or turn on the TV, the negative image of Russian President is everywhere, the magazine wrote. "From the Ukrainian conflict and migration crisis to Pegida, the Russian President seems to be responsible for all the problems on the continent. Soon, probably for Merkel's haircut as well," the article said. When the Ukrainian conflict started, Putin was simply perceived by the West as a madman. At that time, Angela Merkel said that "he lives in his own world", but now, he is considered a real "devil." According to the magazine, there is poor habit among Western countries to see everything in black and white. "Europe is bright, reasonably controlled. And there's a dark Russia, prone to violence, tyranny, chaos, craving for our destruction," the article said, referring to the most common prejudices about Russia in Western countries. US Senator Dan Coats, a former ambassador to Berlin, accused Russia of using the "migration crisis as a weapon," while German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen angrily said that Putin plays a "double game" in Syria, the magazine wrote. In late September, Russia started a military campaign in Syria. Over the course of six months, the Russian operation fundamentally improved the situation in the country and achieved "irretrievable" success, as the German newspaper FAZ wrote on Sunday. At the same time the West had watched in silence as 250,000 people died and more than 11,000,000 lost their homes over the course of the five-year civil war. "Through the prism of indifference and incompetence of the calculation we watched how Syria was turning into a slaughter. We have lost the right to moralize," the magazine concluded. 'History Does Not Repeat': Berlin Sees No New Cold War Between West, Russia Serious Mistake! West ‘Should Have Built Dialogue With Russia as Equals' media, Angela Merkel, Vladimir Putin, Europe, Russia Community standardsDiscussion
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Kylie Concerts and Coloured Cocktails The Supreme Court has just allowed an appeal by two homosexuals who faced persecution in Iran and Cameroon. The men had earlier been refused asylum in the UK on the basis they could have kept their sexuality secret by behaving discreetly if deported. Here is a passage by Lord Rodger that leaps from the page. It shows that even judges who lapse naturally into Latin are not unfamiliar with modern society. In short, what is protected is the applicant’s right to live freely and openly as a gay man. That involves a wide spectrum of conduct, going well beyond conduct designed to attract sexual partners and maintain relationships with them. To illustrate the point with trivial stereotypical examples from British society: just as male heterosexuals are free to enjoy themselves playing rugby, drinking beer and talking about girls with their mates, so male homosexuals are to be free to enjoy themselves going to Kylie concerts, drinking exotically coloured cocktails and talking about boys with their straight female mates. Mutatis mutandis – and in many cases the adaptations would obviously be great – the same must apply to other societies. In other words, gay men are to be as free as their straight equivalents in the society concerned to live their lives in the way that is natural to them as gay men, without the fear of persecution. So that’s what gay men do… Underrated: Abroad The ravenous longing for the infinite possibilities of “otherwhere” The king of cakes
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Mother and Daughter 7 Ways To Explain Your Dreams To Your Parents Tips n Tricks It’s tough getting your parents on board when you want to make an unconventional career choice. But it’s not impossible. Share Your Dreams and Aspirations With Your Parents in a Calm Manner After you have zeroed down on a career path you want to pursue, write down a quick note in your journal before talking to your parents. This can include the things you need to do in order to achieve your dream, like taking a course or talking to teachers about your options. Writing notes will help you prepare, which in turn will make you feel calmer about approaching the subject. Understand Their Concerns We all need Plan B! You can allay your parents’ concern by acknowledging the risk and letting them know that you are prepared to handle it! Your parents are likely to support you much more if they know you have weighed your options and are being realistic! Educate Your Parents to the “Different” Career Options Most parents still believe that a degree in engineering, commerce or science is what drives you to success. Give them examples of others, who followed an “unconventional” path like the one you want to embark upon, and tasted success. Explain Your Plans IF Your Ideas Fail Not to de-motivate you, but if your career has few opportunities, long hours or low pay, you might need to convince your parents about having a fall-back career. The chances of them supporting you will increase manifold if you are realistic and explain that you MIGHT fail and how you can avoid that. Find a Trustworthy Adult on Your Plans Often, your parents might trust a close family member more than they trust you. Go to them with your dilemma and ask them to approach your parents. They might explain what you were unable to, in a soothing manner. Never Curb Your Enthusiasm Embrace the #SunsilkGirlGiri attitude and show them how much this dream means to you and how excited you are. Your hard work, enthusiasm and eventual success might just help them change their perspective. Use each discouragement to motivate yourself further and never lose hope! It’s Time to Put Your Words into Actions Your parents will never really understand your choices unless you show them results. Keep them updated with every positive feedback or when you get new clients. When your parents will see your work assignments or hear about how your work changed someone’s life in a positive way, they will know that there is nothing to worry about. Always remember, your parents will always love you, and they want you to be happy. Recommended for you Like What You See?
{ "keywords": "engineering" }
{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Here at BookTrib, I’m asked to review a lot of books. You can find me most evenings, weekends and train commutes deep inside a book bristling with Post-It notes. So it was a refreshing change when I was asked to review the audiobook of The Barefoot Spirit (Footnotes Press) by Michael Houlihan and Bonnie Harvey, founders of Barefoot Wine. Not just an audiobook, mind you, but a “business audio theatre” book. A what, now? As soon as I started listening, I understood. This wasn’t just a voiceover artist reading a book out loud for me. Rather, it was an immersive listening experience, including actors playing the parts of various characters, punctuated by sound effects and enhanced with music. In a nonfiction audiobook, no less. I was embarking on a journey of the mind’s eye into an engaging, often funny, informative look into the struggles, ingenuity and humanity behind the founding of America’s top wine brand. To read the full professional audiobook review, please visit BookTrib Who We Are Michael Houlihan and Bonnie Harvey Barefoot Wine Founders
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
How to Make Favorite Condensed milk cake Hello everybody, welcome to my recipe page, looking for the perfect Condensed milk cake recipe? look no further! We provide you only the perfect Condensed milk cake recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try. Condensed milk cake Before you jump to Condensed milk cake recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Goodies that give You Vitality. Ingesting healthy foods tends to make all the difference in the way we feel. Increasing our daily allowance of well balanced meals while lowering the intake of unhealthy types contributes to a more balanced feeling. Eating more vegetables helps you feel a lot better than eating a piece of pizza. This is usually a problem, however, with regards to eating between meals. You can spend several hours at the food market searching for the right snack foods to allow you to feel healthy. Here are a handful of healthy snacks that you can use when you need a fast pick me up. If you might be looking for a speedy snack, you can’t go drastically wrong with a whole grain one. Starting your working day with a piece of whole grain bread toasted can give you that extra boost you need to get going. Chips and crackers produced from whole grains can be great for quick treats to eat on the go. Selecting whole grain snacks is always far better than eating the processed grains we commonly come across in our grocery stores. A large variety of easy health snacks is easily accessible. When you make the choice to be healthy, it’s simple to find what you need to be successful at it. We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to condensed milk cake recipe. You can cook condensed milk cake using 11 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that. The ingredients needed to prepare Condensed milk cake: 1. Use of cake flour. 2. You need of butter unsalted. 3. Take of sugar. 4. You need of condensed milk. 5. Get of eggs. 6. Prepare of baking powder. 7. You need of salt. 8. You need of vanilla essence. 9. Provide of almond flavour. 10. Take of lemon juice. 11. Provide of Line the base of an 8" round pan with parchment paper. Instructions to make Condensed milk cake: 1. Cream butter and sugar In a mixing bowl till fluffy, using hand mixer or otherwise.. 2. Add in eggs one at a time into the mixture and mix thoroughly till smooth.. 3. Gently add in condensed milk, vanilla essence, almond flavor and lemon juice mix gradually.. 4. In a separate bowl sift and combined flour and baking powder.. 5. Now add in dry ingredients into the creamed butter mixture and mix with a spatula do not over mix.. 6. Pour tour mixture into your lined pan and place in your oven (350*f) for 25-30mins or till a skewer comes out clean.. 7. Once your cake is ready.bring out of oven and place on a wire rack for 10mins.. If you find this Condensed milk cake recipe valuable please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.
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How we work to be sustainable and how to reuse your glass... We care about sustainability. We also understand that with any manufacturing process, there is waste. We wanted to share what we currently do with our waste and share what we typically use our left over glass for.  With each candle we produce, we have very little waste during the manufacturing process and it's usually wax we can simply reuse. As we order our materials, we are highly conscious of the paper, boxes, packing peanuts, plastic bags etc.  Wax arrives in plastic bags that are reused as our garbage bags in the shop. We have actually never purchased garbage bags and have been able to reuse those plastics bags for the waste we cannot reuse or recycle. All cardboard and paper is is used to start the fires for our wood stove which heats our home all winter. Packing peanuts are 100% reused for packing one or two candles.  As we find ourselves with left over glass after our candles have melted down, we have used our glass for house plants as you see in the blog post image. We hope for more folks to reuse their glass and share their images with us on Instagram (@treelinecandleco). Tree Line Candle Co.
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Im starting to use XFS because I want to create a highly parallel disk array and experimenting on just 2 drives for now. I had thought that if I used a logical volume group to join two physical volumes and then put XFS over the top, XFS would take advantage of both drives by having each handle one of the requests, whereas raid 0 would force both drives to handle both requests. Unfortunately, I just tried this and iostat shows that all the data is being written to /dev/sdb, whilst /dev/sdc is doing nothing. Have I misunderstood the point of XFS? Perhaps the advantage of parallelization only shows as the disks become full and operations start to occur on files that are already on different drives? For reference the two commands I ran in parallel were: dd if=/dev/zero of=10000MB.img bs=1M count=10000 conv=fdatasync dd if=/dev/zero of=10000MB2.img bs=1M count=10000 conv=fdatasync I don't think you've misunderstood XFS, but maybe LVG. "Joining" two disks sounds like concatenation, in which case what you're seeing sounds correct. It would fill up one disk, then continue on to the next. I think you really want RAID0, which would "stripe" the data across the two disks filling them up at the same time. • But surely by striping my drives, they all have to respond to every request rather than splitting the disk queue amongst the pool of drives? – Programster Sep 3 '14 at 18:41 • By striping two disks, each disk would respond to (roughly) half of the request. – pdo Sep 3 '14 at 18:50 • I understand that, I just don't understand what XFS raid 0 gives me over Ext3 RAID 0 then since all requests have to utilize all drives now. Perhaps what I am looking for is to stripe the logical volume so that the data is split across drives in chunks, but both drives are not forced to handle each request. -… – Programster Sep 3 '14 at 18:57 • 1 For example, if your stripe size is 128KB, and your requests are less than that, you'll only hit one disk. Assuming the data you've requested is located in one stripe. – pdo Sep 3 '14 at 19:03 • 1 yes, for a second there I forgot that RAID 0 works at a block level, not a file level. Im off to recreate a raid 0 XFS. – Programster Sep 3 '14 at 19:03 Your Answer
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Barbecue Party Game It's Barbecue Party, the BBQ game that decides if you are a grill master or a dinner disaster! Choose your card to see what you will have to put onto the grill, but watch out! This baffling barbecue may jump, causing all the food to go flying off. The exciting, unpredictable gameplay will have kids grilling up laughs while they develop hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. The winner is the first player to get 3 items off the grill before the food takes a spill. It makes a great party game for 2-4 players, ages 4 and up. From the makers of Pop the Pig, Doggie Doo, Gooey Louie, Jumping Jack and Catch the Fox. Features a happy smiling tickleish babecue base.,Includes 16 wide eyed food item characters and barbeque tongs.,Teaches tun based game play.,Develops fine motor skills.,Ages 4 and up.
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Payday streaming film When inexperienced criminal Ben holds up a small-town restaurant, the poorly-planned robbery spirals into a hostage crisis beyond his control. Trapped inside with him is his girlfriend, manager Adie Graham, a cunning sociopath who masterminded the theft to cover up evidence of her embezzlement. As Ben tries to keep her involvement a secret whilst negotiating with the police, Adie plays a dangerous game of deceit and manipulation, willing to do anything and everything to come out on top – no matter who gets hurt. Mots-clefs: Voir Payday en Streaming , Payday film en Streaming , Regarder film Payday en Streaming ,Payday Streaming VF, Payday film Complet , Payday Stream Complet, Payday en direct , télécharger Payday DVDrip , Payday ddl ,télécharger Payday ,voir Payday gratuitement Plus des Film a Voir:
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Dunlin Island Dunlin Island Dunlin, a small wader bird, enjoying a rest on a rock. Depending on the year, these lochs can be completely dried up in the summer, but not that year when the calm ripple in the water added to the photo. Photographed by Rosemary Rendall. Printed on canvas using lightfast inks. Weight 0.49kg
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Causes of Postpartum Back Pain, How Does It Pass? Causes of Postpartum Back Pain, How Does It Pass? Herbal Methods for Sagging Jaw What is an episiotomy? What are the Episiotomy Losses? How to Make Painless Wax at Home? 8 Tips <br /> Postpartum back pain causes low back pain? How is it treated? Post-pregnancy back and lower back pain is not caused by the developments during pregnancy or delivery. The flawless structure of the human body equally shares the baby’s burden on all limbs during pregnancy. Thus, the mother body does not feel any burden due to pregnancy. However, due to reasons such as the body muscles that remain immobile during pregnancy and the carrying of the baby after pregnancy, the mother back pain begins. post-pregnancy back low back pain Causes of Back Pain After Pregnancy The main reason for the onset of postpartum pain is that the mother’s body has been inactive for 9 months and has to constantly not carry the baby. Contrary to popular belief, pregnancy and birth are not situations that cause any wear or pain. The mother has to carry her baby all the time and can make unbalanced movements while lifting and lowering her baby, causes of postpartum back pain It is the leading factor of . Another factor that causes pain is the mother’s sitting incorrectly at the time of breastfeeding, that is, poor posture. The mother who breastfeeds her baby while sitting hunched over the baby constantly faces back pain. If you wish, which is our forum topic postpartum back pain treatment Ways to Reduce Back Pain After Pregnancy For the treatment of postpartum back pain, by doing various exercises and movements with the approval of the doctor, these pains are eliminated. For the occurrence of back pain in nursing mothers, exercises and attention to sitting style will also allow the pain to pass. There are some ways to reduce back pain that occurs after birth and can be listed as follows: • With the doctor’s approval, a gradually increasing exercise program should be started. • Activities that will relax the muscles such as walking and swimming can be preferred. • Always stand upright when standing. • Much attention should be paid to sitting. You should always sit upright. The spine should not be curved. • Comfortable shoes should be preferred. • Attention should be paid to sleeping patterns.
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Music Bands in Angers Music Groups and Professional artists: Jazz, Soul, Pop Bands, Gospel Choir, Dancers, Djs, Musicians for events in Angers Angers is a French commune in western France, located at the crossroads of communication routes between the Atlantic Arc and Paris and those of the Bretagne region and the Centre-Val-de-Loire region. It is the capital of the department of Maine-et-Loire in the Pays de la Loire region. It has a municipal population of approximately 152,960 inhabitants estimated in 2017 over a total area of 16.50 square miles. Labeled City of Art and History, its universities, museums, and cultural activity nowadays make it an important cultural center. A green and cultural city in full turmoil, Angers is a city "on a human scale", renowned for its sweetness and its quality of life. It offers a unique living environment with landscapes listed as World Heritage by UNESCO. In addition, Angers hosts several festivals and cultural companies each year, in fields as varied as theater, cinema, literature, comics or circus arts. We can cite: • The Premiers Plans festival is a film festival created in 1989 which has the particularity of presenting only young European directors; • The Angers-BD festival, welcomes the time of a weekend many authors of the 9th art; • The Accroche-Cœurs festival revolves around street theater shows and outdoor artistic and cultural festivities; • The Anjou festival is the second theater festival in France after that of Avignon. Angers seduces with the variety of cultural facilities: parks, museums, libraries, concert halls… Angers is also musical entertainment and shows with renowned groups like Artists Premium. Artists Premium is an artistic and event agency specializing in artistic production and the organization of shows. Headquartered in Lausanne in Switzerland, we plan, organize and entertain high-level shows for events such as concert, Christmas concert, festival, wedding ceremony, drink reception or cocktail, flash mob, birthday anniversary, christening, funeral, corporate party, workshop, team building, convention, campaign, seminar, conference… Artists Premium offers music bands, jazz bands, gospel choirs, pop bands, soul bands, reggae bands, DJs, dance and percussion troupes for a successful entertainment of your events. Does gospel music inspire you? The gospel choir Your Gospel Team leads you to the realm of authentic African-American gospel music in the company of professional singers with sublime and sumptuous voices. Are you a jazz lover? Our jazz and afro-jazz bands offer you high-level entertainment and revive self-love, love of life and optimism. Do you want to experience a musical moment of strong emotion on a reggae background? The melodic voices of our reggae artists exhibit a deep expression of the human emotional state. Do the warm and vibrant movements of exotic dance fascinate you? Our dance and percussion troupes transport you with magnificent dance steps and captivating percussion to the heart of African culture. With talents in their field, our artists move everywhere in the Centre-Val-de-Loire for musical entertainment and shows. Our team demonstrates quality, reliability, flexibility, and professionalism from the start to the end of each service. In addition, we guide you through the process to ensure that the musical entertainment and shows we provide match your vision, goals, and tastes. So, do not hesitate to contact our team for more information on the offer available for the organization, musical arrangement and entertainment of your events in ANGERS and in Pays de la Loire. Services, Artists & Music Bands Quality services with internationally renowned professional artists and musical groups for your events
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
1. Home 2. Beer Making Ingredients 3. Beer Clarifying 4. Gelatin Finings - 1 lb Gelatin Finings - 1 lb Packaging May Vary Gelatin Finings - 1 lb Write a Review Your Price: $12.99 Item Number: 24-6104B Availability: In stock Feature: L.D. Carlson Feature: Qualifies Quantity Price 3+ $12.60 Gelatin finings will clear beer and wine by causing particles suspended in the liquid to coagulate and settle to the bottom. These finings will also remove tannin from wine, reducing its astringency. Usage: 1/2 teaspoon per 5 gallons or beer or 1 teaspoon per 6 gallons of wine. Dissolve in warm water and add to the fermented beer or wine. Related Items
{ "keywords": "" }
{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Adsense 970×250 Junaid Jamshed’s third wife files lawsuit seeking inheritance share Arhama AltafWeb Editor 15th Aug, 2020. 01:58 pm Adsense 300×600 Junaid Jamshed third wife Adsense 300×250 The Sindh High Court (SHC) has directed the legal heirs of the late preacher Junaid Jamshed to maintain status quo with respect to his millions of rupees worth of moveable and immovable properties on the lawsuit filed by his third wife, who is seeking inheritance share as per the Muslim laws. As many as 42 passengers, including Junaid Jamshed, his second wife and cabin crew, lost their lives when a Pakistan International Airlines’ plane crashed near Havelian on December 7, 2016. Plaintiff Raazia Muzaffar, a resident of Islamabad, submitted that she was the widow Junaid Jamshed, who had married her on October 20, 2009, and bore her expenses till his death by sending money every month. She said children of her spouse from his first wife had obtained a succession certificate from the court by concealing the fact about her heirship and she was being denied her due right of inheritance from her late spouse. She mentioned the details of moveable and immovable properties worth millions of rupees as per the succession certificate and submitted that she had approached the court for revocation of the letter of administration issued in favour of Junaid Jamshed’s son and other children from his first wife and the court had granted status quo in the matter. The SHC’s single bench, headed by Justice Syed Hasan Azhar Rizvi, after the preliminary hearing of the lawsuit, issued notices to the legal heirs of Junaid Jamshed and others for September 2. Meanwhile, the court directed the defendants to maintain status quo in respect of the deceased’s all properties. Adsense 300×250
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Amazing litter boxes that will make your life easier Amazing litter boxes that will make your life easier Image courtesy of Nick Petty Amazing litter boxes that will make your life easier All cat lovers know how much of a hassle litter cleanup can be, but what you may not know is there are some litter boxes designed to make the process a little bit easier. Here are four that will change your life—or at least help you dread the chore a little less.  1. Litter Robot There are dream homes and then there are dream litter boxes. Ideal for multi-cat households, the Litter Robot is an automatic, self-cleaning litter box that uses a patented sifting process to separate waste from clean litter. Once your furbaby has finished taking care of business and exits, a timer counts down (which you can set for 3, 5 or 15 minutes after use) and the globe will begin to slowly rotate, separating the waste and dropping it into a carbon-filtered drawer. Once the cleaning cycle is over, the globe will return to its normal position, leaving a clean, level-bed of litter for the next use. A flashing blue light indicates that the waste drawer is full, so you'll never be left guessing when it's time to empty it out. If budget is no concern, this litter box may change your life.  null Litter Robot III Open Air Automatic Self-Cleaning Litter Box, $600, 2. Luuup Litter box designs don't usually take aesthetic appeal into consideration but Luuup, a Toronto-based company, has changed all that. The Luuup litter box delivers on design but most importantly, functionality. This scoop-free box uses a three-tier sifting tray system that makes clean up a cinch. You simply lift the top tray and the waste is separated from the clean litter. Once you've disposed of the waste, simply turn the tray 180° and place it at the bottom of the stack. If you've stacked the bottom tray incorrectly, don't worry—the smart stacking tabs will let you know as the litter will rock back and forth instead of nesting together. For the best clean up results, Arm & Hammer Slide cat litter is recommended. null Luuup 3 Sifting Tray Litter Box, $50, 3. PetSafe ScoopFree Box This scoop-free, self-cleaning litter box from PetSafe uses disposable litter trays to provide hands-off convenience and complete odour-control at a reasonable price. Once plugged in, an automatic rake system sweeps waste in the compartment below 20 minutes after your cat has used the litter box. If you have multiple cats, don't fret—safety sensors detect if a cat reenters shortly after prior use, resetting the timer. While this litter box can make your life easier, it's best suited for a single-cat home as the litter tray needs replacing every 20-30 days. A two-cat home will need a replacement every 10-15 days and a three-cat home will need a litter tray replacement every 7-10 days. Disposable litter tray refills can be purchased here. PetSafe ScoopFree Self-Cleaning Litter Box, $170, 4. ModKat Forget all those pesky litter-tracking woes thanks to ModKat's top-entry litter box. The top-lid entrance allows for the base to be fully enclosed, keeping all litter inside no matter how strongly your furbaby digs. As they leap out, gravity takes hold and pulls litter from their paws, and the lid doubles as a walk-off mat, virtually minimizing any mess. Now, you still have to scoop out your kitty's mess but the ModKat Scoop's ergonomic handle will make sifting through the litter effortless. Your cat may need some time getting adjusted to the design but since when has a cat not liked jumping into a box? nullModKat Top-Entry Litter Box, $80, Share X Amazing litter boxes that will make your life easier
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Rolling Rock Extra Pale Lager 25 oz. SKU: 071439006017 Rolling Rock Extra Pale Lager • ba64 25 oz. + $0.05 deposit Available for: Category Lager Region United States, Missouri Brand Rolling Rock Alcohol/vol 4.4% Rolling Rock is a premium extra-pale lager with a unique and flavorful malt character that lends to its distinctive taste and subtle hop finish. There's quite a bit of mystique surrounding the "33" on the Rolling Rock bottle. Some say this might represent the number of words in the pledge of quality, the year Prohibition was repealed, the number of letters in the ingredient list, or a mistake when the first bottle was printed. It remains a mystery. Beer Advocate • ba64
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Reaction on social media told a vastly different story however with NFL legend Barry Sanders clipping the officiating crew right between the eyes.That is sickening. Think twice about getting a plastic one. Though cheaper, if the cat drinks by licking the plastic (as opposed to sticking the tongue into deeper water), the surface will get scratched up over time by the rough tongue. Besides the plastic particles the cat will ingest, rough surfaces are almost impossible to clean.. Cheap Jerseys free shipping nfl on field jersey nike Cheap Jerseys china No reservations, no fees besides a parking permit which the forest pass covers. That the pass to get if you plan on coming back to the national forests 6 days a year or more. If you also want to visit national parks at least twice a year, the America the Beautiful pass is the best option. Cheap Jerseys china nfl on field jersey nike wholesale nfl jerseys Happy hunting. 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With 250 year-old roots in the province, Quebec Jews form the oldest and second largest Jewish community in Canada. The overwhelming majority of the province’s 90,000 Jews live in the Greater Metropolitan Area of Montreal, though Quebec City is experiencing renewed, burgeoning Jewish life. As a historical community in Quebec, Jews have played a crucial role in the development of Quebec and its metropolis, Montreal. In Quebec, CIJA works in partnership with Federation CJA, the province’s central address for Jewish philanthropy and community services. CIJA engages in pro-Israel and Jewish advocacy, government and media relations, campus outreach, and public policy. CIJA receives guidance from the Local Partner Council, consisting of leading volunteers who serve as the advocacy steering committee for Quebec, based on CIJA’s strategic objectives. For more information or to get involved email us here. Stay In The Know Sign up for email updates and never miss out on Canadian. Jewish. Advocacy.
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Our company profile High-tech polymers for a sustainable future Covestro is among the leading suppliers of premium polymers. Our materials and application solutions are found in nearly every area of modern life. Innovation and sustainability are the driving forces behind the continuous development of our products, processes and facilities.  Solutions for every day life! Covestro develops sustainable solutions to the greatest challenges of our age: climate change, resource depletion, urban expansion, population growth and the resulting increase in awareness of environmental issues. These will inevitably lead to a higher demand for renewable energies, alternative resources, energy-efficient transportation, and sustainable, affordable housing. Covestro aims to meet this demand with long-lasting, light, environmentally friendly and cost-effective materials, which in many cases are suitable replacements for conventional materials such as steel and glass. We do so by focusing on innovation and sustainability and by following our objective: "To make the world a brighter place".
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Thousands Rally Across Russia MOSCOW (AP) -- Thousands rallied across Russia on Saturday to protest the government's plan to raise the eligibility age for retirement pensions by five years. Several thousand people attended a Moscow rally organized by the Communist Party and other leftist groups, which was authorized by city officials. Communist Party chief Gennady Zyuganov called for rolling back the proposed changes, arguing that the government should redistribute resources to avoid raising the pension age. "They keep reaching into your pockets," he told the crowd, which had many waving red flags. Similar protests were also held in many cities across Russia's 11 time zones and most of them were also sanctioned by authorities. The demonstrations went on peacefully, unlike a wave of unauthorized pension protests earlier this month organized by opposition leader Alexei Navalny that led to the detention of over 1,000 people across Russia. Navalny, the anti-corruption activist who is Putin's most visible foe, had called for protests against the pension age hike before he was sentenced to 30 days in jail for organizing a January protest over a different issue. He is set to be released from custody Monday. The government's plan to lift the retirement age to 65 for men and 60 for women has irked a wide range of Russians from all political factions. Older Russians fear they won't live long enough to collect significant benefits while younger generations are worried that keeping people in the workforce longer will limit their own employment opportunities. The proposal has dented President Vladimir Putin's popularity. He responded by offering some concessions, but argued that the age hike is necessary because rising life expectancies in Russia could exhaust the nation's pension resources if the eligibility age remains the same.
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Workforce     PetrochemWorks Golf Tournament     Veteran Initiatives Scholarships     Student Resources Employing the Community EHCMA member companies employ more than 30,000 people throughout East Harris County and contribute to the creation of 200,000 jobs. Rapid growth in the U.S. oil and gas industry is leading to expansion in manufacturing and refining, and increased employment opportunities for skilled positions in operations and maintenance. Given this fast-paced industry growth, compounded by the anticipated retirement of a significant share of the workforce in the coming years, there is a critical need for trained personnel such as engineers, welders, millwrights, process technicians and others. These highly skilled professions can become highly paid careers and our industry is regularly seeking qualified students and experienced workers for these positions.
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Major League (Wild Thing Edition) Major League (Wild Thing Edition) Regular price $2.89 $0.00 Lackluster baseball players hear their Cleveland team's new owner is counting on them to lose. The extra features on the of display the same camaraderie and down-to-earth playfulness that have made this movie a cult favorite. The commentary by writer/director David S. Ward and producer Chris Chesser is warm and amiable as they ruefully wish they'd had a little less swearing in the movie. Featurettes include a heartfelt tribute to Bob Eucker (who played announcer Harry Doyle), actual ballplayers enthusing about the movie, and a raffish "about the movie" doc that mixes promotional footage with interviews from many years later (when some actors have lost hair and gained weight). The most intriguing item for fans, though, is the revelation that the ending was originally going to redeem the movie's main villain, the team's showgirl owner (played by Rachel Phelps)--but moviegoers loved hating her so much, they decided to let her stay evil. The deleted scene between her and the team's manager (wonderfully gravel-voiced James Gammon) would have given the movie a very different spin; discovering things like this is what dvd extra features are for. Digital and UltraViolet copies may not be availabe. Cover art may vary from image shown in depiction and condition. Please keep this in consideration when ordering and make all inquires on an item to: More from this collection
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Happy Scribe Logo Proofread by 0 readers Support for this podcast comes from Deloitte. Welcome to The Age of with predict what's possible in the age of with, then translate insight into trustworthy performance. Deloitte brings together end to end offerings with domain and industry insight to drive stronger outcomes through human and machine collaboration. This is Amitay Technology Review. You don't need me to tell you covid-19 changed everything, it's changed the way we work, it's changed the way we school our kids, it's also changed the way we move around. It's no longer a simple decision to hop a flight or jump on public transit. It's forcing us to get creative with technology and in some cases speeding up innovation. People are trying to use artificial intelligence and all sorts of ways to help make sense of this new world and hopefully restore some normalcy. I'm Jennifer Strong. In this episode, we're heading down into the New York subway because even as life as we knew it ground to a halt, researchers in over 100 cities came together in train cars and sewers, on hospital walls and buttons of ATMs. They're collecting data for A.I. to help them hunt for covid-19 and other pathogens. So there's this continual genetic map being generated and it's in snapshots. But if we did it literally daily or weekly, we would be able to see the emergence of new pathogens as they're happening and track them. And so I think we will use this as a a warning system where we could be prepared by taking samples and sequencing the genetics. Researchers can watch pathogens spread like what happened after a biotech conference in Boston that sent the virus across the state, across the country, across the world. And we know that because of the genetics, this work entails mountains of data, which I can help make more useful by finding patterns, making predictions and maybe spotting future pandemics and ways to treat them earlier. Hmm, well, let's go in machines we trust, I'm listening to a podcast about the automation of everything. You have reached your destination. In October of 1918, flu pandemic that would be the most severe in modern history was starting to break out in New York, the city's board of health was trying to figure out how to slow the spread and keep businesses open without the Internet and promises of remote work. The constraints were a bit different and a heated debate followed. Crowded subways were a potential disaster in the making, and about a billion and a half trips were taken on the subway that year, which is about the same as more recent years. They settled on an unusual decision to stagger the operating hours of different types of jobs and businesses in order to relieve crowding on the subway. Textile manufacturing would open at Nine Jewelers at seven 45 wholesalers at eight fifteen. But the subway kept running. People kept writing and it appeared to work. Ultimately, the city's death toll per capita was much lower than in Philadelphia or Boston. Fast forward to the present as the coronavirus pandemic rages across the world, the debate over how to best manage the movement of people and goods does, too, along with an assumption that public transit systems are petri dishes for infection and may be largely responsible for the spread of covid-19 in New York City. And if you're wondering what all this has to do with artificial intelligence, it's called microbial surveillance or the tracking of populations of microbes and other things we can't see how predictive can we be looking at fragments of DNA left on the soles of someone's shoes? You know, the thing about, like, curious scientists in masks and gloves and swabs, what does that have to do with, you know, machine learning or artificial intelligence or mathematical modeling? But it actually is the raw substrate of the data that we've been using to track where a virus is going. What are they becoming resistant to? Christopher Mason is a professor of genetics and computational biology at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City and a very curious person looking at DNA and RNA of all kinds. This type of science uses biological data to train machine learning algorithms and develop models. It requires significant computing power to help make sense out of huge amounts of information. So what does it take to surveil a pathogen? Well, there's the tracking of changes in microscopic populations detecting mutations and if a treatment exists, figuring out whether a strain is resistant to it. Plus, investigating outbreaks. And in the case of coronavirus, researchers are also hurrying to identify surfaces where it may be active, like a handrail on public transit even before this new reality. Maybe you've wondered what's on those surfaces. Christopher Mason certainly did. He started looking for answers by swabbing subways long before this pandemic. You want to know, was there? So there's an innate curiosity that was a part of it. I've also been living in New York now for almost 15 years. And sometimes you touch a railing and it's weirdly moist when you thought it would be dry or it's sticky or, you know, there's always things you find. So there's a curiosity. I also when my daughter got old enough to ride the subway one day, she was kind of licking the pole and she was very young. So I really had this moment of complete parental terror. But you know what's happened? Something has transpired. Some microbial transmission has certainly just happened. But I just wanted to know what it was back then. There was almost no information about what was on these surfaces. He founded a community with other like minded researchers, and together they created genetic maps of city transit systems. The groups called up. So metastable stands for the metagenomics of subways and urban biomes. And the concept is to build this genetic map of the world around us that has previously really just been invisible, started with just a handful of cities. Now it's one hundred and six cities around the world, all profiling, swabbing, cataloging, mapping and then modeling the data we find. He says this work could help cities better understand the spread and eventually the recovery. So he mobilized researchers from the meta subgroup already on the hunt for pathogens to start looking for the virus. We realized it was a unique opportunity to leverage an existing network of scientists, clinicians, city planners, epidemiologists and other researchers to say, OK, well, let's set out a uniform protocol. And as the outbreak is ramping up again, sampling in South Korea, looking in Poland, looking in the U.K., across the United States, looking in Brazil and Nigeria, looking, you know, anywhere we could, that anyone who is ready to go and it could still get out of their labs and their houses would be back and say, I'm where I'm based in New York City, where those first samples were collected. And on March 17th, five days after Broadway turned off the lights, I went hunting for the coronavirus with researchers in Times Square and. Before the pandemic, I passed through this station several times a week, that sound you hear is a man with a tambourine and a harmonica and a regular part of the ambience. I'm here with David Denko, a PhD student in Christopher Mason's lab. And we're making our way from the platform to a spot in the station just off a major walkway. Purely a proactive concern, right? Ideally, we would want to sample the busiest area, but you can't just sit there and swab and block all the people. So we're right off of that. And we sample three sites here. We sample a floor sample, a handwriting sample and a column sample. And the idea is to map sort of as you go higher up in the station, are we going to find more things on the ground? We're going to find more things on the handrail or we're going to find more things in the column. We expect to pick up slightly different things. That's scratching sound is him swapping at the time of this taping, researchers were only sampling Times Square and Grand Central Station. Penn Station beneath Madison Square Garden came later and now testing is taking place in 10 different stations with researchers swabbing the turnstiles and kiosks to OK, just to kind of describe the scene, he's swabbing this really filthy floor. But we want to emphasize that what we pick up with microbes is not the same as what most people would consider to be dirty. What we consider dust of humans is not is not really alive for the most part. It's not a very technical set up, long swabs that resemble giant cutups, a wooden block with some strategically placed nails to help prop them up, gloves to protect the samples from anything living on his hands, a duffel bag to hold it all, four more swabs or swabs and doing a handrail now and patients to get anything at all off of the subway surface. We have to really just do this for a really long time and cover a pretty wide surface area. And even then we don't get so all the time. Machine learning is used to more accurately identify the genetics. It can help pick out coronavirus from other viruses and bacteria picked up by the swab from human hands, rodents or whatever else you would expect to find on the surfaces of a New York subway. I can also be used to figure out mutations and where geographically a pathogen came from. So what did they find in those samples we took? We find out right after the break. Support for this podcast comes from Deloitte at Deloitte. We believe the age of width is upon us. What's happening around us? Shared data, digital assistance, cloud platforms, connected devices. It's not about people versus A.I. It's about the potential for people to collaborate with A.I. to discover and solve complex problems. But for organisations to enable innovation and break boundaries, they must harness this power responsibly. Deloitte Trustworthy, a framework, is a common language for leaders and organisations to articulate the responsible use of A.I. across internal and external stakeholders prepared to turn possibility into performance. To take a closer look at the Deloitte Trustworthy Framework, visit Deloitte Dotcom Slash U.S. Trust EHI. Deloitte has no influence over the content of this podcast. Basically, our first batch of several dozen samples didn't show any covid-19 virus. Once again, Christopher Mason from Weill Cornell Medicine. So I can't yet say which is the safest route in terms of transit, except to say that any mode of transit where you can keep your distance is the best. We do see flu. We see other variations of things like rhinoviruses. We do see other winter related infectious respiratory viruses. So we can see that things are there. But the coronavirus is relatively wimpy virus once it lands on a surface. You know, there's been these reports that the virus can survive for many days. In some cases, if one or two days, as much as seven or eight days on different kinds of services. But in our testing, we do is called infectivity studies. In other words, his team looks for microbes, but then also tests whether what they find can actually make somebody sick. You need to have not only the virus, which has the genetic information, but wrapped up inside the nucleus capsid. So it has all the components of how it can get into your cells, like the spike protein. People heard about all the functional essentially proteins that comprise this infectious virus particle. And if it doesn't have everything there, it can't be. In fact, you actually, which is a bit of good news. And also the MTA has been really ramping up the cleaning people have been wearing masks. Morsal, all these things help. From what we've seen so far, there's no easy way to do this kind of testing. You take a sample and see how fast it grows and infect cells. And this has to be done in a particular kind of lab that's safe for this work. Otherwise, you run the risk of making a whole bunch of infectious viruses. They're also mapping out microscopic life in medical environments. And that, perhaps not surprisingly, is where his group is finding this virus in hospitals. And what's interesting is there we do see some cases, 50, 60 percent of those areas. When you sample them, you can actually see it there. And that's not surprising because it's obviously the medical environment where patients are sick and where they're coming in, getting testing obviously ill. And there it's been really striking, really distinct is that you can see in some cases all over the room. There have been other surprises with this work, too, like that cities share a core urban microbiome or a set of several dozen species of microbes that appear in 95 percent of all the samples taken anywhere in the world. And while he knew he'd find the kinds of bacteria normally on people's skin and airways, it's a much smaller part of the picture than anyone expected. We found that about on average, half of the DNA doesn't match any known species. Never been seen before until we sequenced that DNA. And that was striking because we thought maybe it'd be five percent, maybe 20 percent. But it really depends on where you look. You'll find anywhere from half to even 80 or 90 percent of the DNA is from some things we've never seen before, even though they're literally under our fingertips, we've never actually catalogued them to see what's there until recently, he says this kind of surveillance was viewed as an expensive and labor intensive way to look for things like bioterrorism and antibiotic resistance. But in the future, I think everyone's appetite for continual surveillance as a means of public safety will probably become much more appreciated and even standard. We all take it for granted that there is a continual mapping and monitoring of any storm that's rising up in the Atlantic Ocean because we want to know what's coming. We want to know if there's any risk that we should prepare for. We no longer have to be subject to the fancies of the universe. We can actually be predictive. And so I think a really simple analogy would be we started doing sampling of sewage as well with all the meta subsidies. We're doing sewage, we're doing the air, we're doing the cities, doing the hospitals. So there's this continual genetic map being generated and it's in snapshots. But if we did it literally daily or weekly, we would be able to see the emergence of new pathogens, you know, as they're happening and track them. And so I think we will use this as a a warning system where we could be prepared, like with that hurricane example, proper planning and tracking could save lives by helping us be better prepared for future pandemics rather than just react to outbreaks. We're also attempting to use I and a whole host of other ways in this pandemic. We're trying to have it do things like listen to coughs and diagnose patients, let people know when they've been exposed to covid and supercharge the hunt for drugs that might prevent or treat it. Someone needed to become the Google of biomedical information. Baroness Joanna Shields is the CEO of Benevolent dayI. The company wants to change how medicines are discovered and brought to market. She worked at Google in the early days when they were creating algorithms to help people search the Internet. She also ran Facebook in Europe. This is about how do you curate all the world's relevant information? To create an environment for scientists, to innovate and to come up with new discoveries, so far this year, more than fifty thousand papers have been published about covid-19 alone. No scientist could possibly read the thousands of journals that are produced every day, if not, you know, and tens of thousands. And you can't keep up with any field. So what we aim to do is by developing natural language processing algorithms to give them those tools to enable them to identify things that wouldn't wouldn't necessarily be obvious to the human brain. Benevolent dayI uses machine learning to sort through vast amounts of medical literature and find patterns that doctors and researchers would likely miss. It then maps those relationships into a knowledge graph. Imagine the kind of graph you draw to map out your relationships on Facebook, but for the connection between viruses, drugs and proteins in the knowledge graph, we have 24 different biomedical entities that we pull together, enable scientists to visually see how those entities interact, you know, genes and proteins and how they interact and what what gene is up regulated in that disease and what processes dysregulated in the body that causes that disease to happen, and understanding the underlying cause of disease that enables the scientists to develop a treatment that will work and be much more effective. So in covid-19 hit the Buzzi London based company put its tools to use. The challenge that our scientists took on is how do we look at the existing treatments that are out there? And if there's any way that we'll be able to make an impact or lessen the severity of the disease in a patient. I called one of our leading scientists and I said, Peter, what? What can we do? And our graph is not optimized for infectious diseases. You know, infectious diseases is a completely different discipline. So I wasn't I didn't have extremely high hopes that he would be able to find something immediately. He said, I've been working on that all weekend. They combed through scientific papers on the virus and added what's known about how it hijacks the body's proteins. Then they sifted through existing drugs to see if any of them might stop that hijacking process and help reduce the severity of covid symptoms. Those drugs still have to go through clinical trials to prove they can actually address covid, but they can pass through the safety phase much faster than brand new drugs. The team were able to identify a drug that that is currently being used for rheumatoid arthritis. We think that could potentially be a treatment. We've published in The Lancet that our research has led us to this, but obviously with the caveat that we need to do the testing. The drug she's talking about is Barisich from Eli Lilly. It's now in phase three trials. Benevolent Eye isn't the only company working on this problem, even before the pandemic, researchers started applying machine learning to the drug discovery process in hopes of speeding it up, covid just gave it more urgency. But this work is still incredibly hard. After years of research and development and raising hundreds of millions of dollars, they haven't announced any existing drugs that have passed trials for new diseases. As far as we know, no other teams have either. There's about 10000 diseases that don't have treatments. So there's so much work to be done. It's almost when you think of competition in this area, I think excellent. Please, I hope you're having great success because, you know, there's so many people suffering from disease and there's over 300 million people suffering from rare disease that unless we change dramatically the economic model or we can increase the efficacy or we can reduce the time it takes to get drugs to market, we're not going to be able to address this. So you need technology to make a big impact along the way so that we can work on diseases that may only have a few thousand patients. Next episode, how should a self-driving car tell you when it isn't driving anymore, the notification to let you know that the Tesla no longer has control his four beeps and we thought it doesn't seem like enough information considering the neural processing and stuff that we go through when we're driving a car. And we started to look at what does this mean? How do you trust what's in front of you and how can we help the humans in the car? We'll also find out how Google's self-driving unit WAMMO composes the sounds for its cars in a particular key, hoping to help us relax. This episode was reported and produced by me, Tate, Ryan Mosley, Emma Silicon's and Karen How We Had Help from Benji Rosen were edited by Michael Riley and Gideon Lichfield, our technical director is Jacob Gorsky. Thanks for listening. I'm Jennifer Strong. This is Amitay Technology Review.
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Should I Handle My Case With the Insurance Company Directly? If you liked this video, please like and subscribe to our channel. Also, don't forget to follow us on our other social media pages. Facebook page: Snapchat: herrmanlawfirm & Don't forget to visit our website: or give us a call: (361)792-2586 #Law #Attorney #PersonalInjury you know you can try but our general experience is that anybody who tries to handle their case with the insurance company never comes out ahead on that it's their job is to minimize your claim and to pay you as little amount as possible and so they will use everything they can use against you just remember that's that's how they're being paid that's what they're paid to do that's their job is to pay out as little as possible and they're going to probably get a bonus at the end of the year based on it how little the money they can make a payout so generally it's not a good idea to try to handle you About the Author
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Need to Understand Foreign vs. Domestic LLCs? We Have You Covered. woman working on her foreign qualification on laptop at home When you are looking to form and protect your small business and assets, one of your first moves is to start a limited liability company (LLC). The next question you may need to answer is whether you want to form a domestic limited liability company or a foreign LLC, depending on how you want to conduct your business. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered on everything involving the difference between foreign vs. domestic LLCs. People often get easily confused about these LLC types and which is the correct one to establish for their business. Let’s eliminate the confusion and bring you clarity. What Is a Domestic LLC? Put simply, a domestic LLC is a business entity that is set up and conducts business in the state where it was formed, often referred to as the home state. The “domestic” designation means that business transactions happen within the “home” state. The “LCC” stands for “limited liability corporation,” which helps protect, or limit, loss to the owner’s personal assets by keeping them separate from the assets of the business. This business type is also subject to laws and taxation of the state where it was formed. If you form your LLC in a particular state and also conduct all of your business in the same state, you have a domestic LLC. Forming a Domestic LLC To form a domestic LLC, these are the general steps required: 1. Choose a name for your LLC and make sure that it is not already registered to another business in your state by conducting a name search. 2. Find a Registered Agent within your state. Your Registered Agent will receive and process legal papers and correspondence related to your business on your behalf. 3. File your formation documents with your Secretary of State. These formation documents will include your Articles of Organization or Articles of Incorporation. 4. Check the requirements of your state and see if you will need to publish a notice in your local paper announcing the formation of your LLC. 5. Pay your registration fee, which will vary depending on the state. 6. Create an Operating Agreement, which establishes the rules and guidelines on how your LLC will be governed. 7. Get an Employer Identification Number (EIN). Having an EIN is an important part of the process in getting your business running. It will also allow you to open up a bank account for your LLC and will also allow the state to track your business taxes. Incfile offers a full-service LLC formation package that can complete all of these steps for you. What Is a Foreign LLC? A foreign LLC is created when you’ve formed your LLC in one state (a domestic LLC) and want to expand to do business within another state. “Doing business” in another state can mean that you want to have a physical presence in that state, you want to have employees in the state, you want to sell directly from the state or create a significant number of contracts, you want to do banking in the state and more. Often times people think the term “foreign” means that your LLC is located internationally in a different country. However, it simply means that your business is foreign to another state outside of your state of formation. For example, if you register your LLC in Colorado and do business there, you have a domestic LLC. If you want to also do business in Texas, your Colorado LLC will be considered a foreign LLC in Texas. When to Form a Foreign LLC If you’re forming your LLC in your home state but want to expand your operations and conduct business in a different state as well, you’ll need to make sure that you file for a Foreign Qualification. Being registered as a foreign LLC will typically allow you to: • Establish a retail store or office where you can sell your product or service in another state. • Staff up and hire full-time employees. • Open up a business bank account. • Transact business and hold meetings in another state. If you plan on registering as a foreign LLC in another state, you will need to file for a Foreign Qualification. Requirements for forming a foreign LLC in another state may vary and depend on the state’s specific laws, but the general steps for filing a Foreign Qualification are: 1. Perform a business name search to see if your current business name is already in use in the state you’re expanding to. If it is, you’ll need to use a fictitious name instead. 2. Assign a Registered Agent that is based in that state. A Registered Agent will act on your behalf and file and manage all the necessary documentation. 3. Get a Certificate of Good Standing, also called a Certificate of Authority, from your home state. This shows that you have met all requirements for your domestic LLC, such as paying taxes and filing annual reports. 4. File your Foreign Qualification form, which typically will ask for your business name, address within the state, address of where your domestic LLC is located, name and address of your Registered Agent, names of your LLC members and more. Incfile’s Foreign Qualification service can take care of all these steps for you. If you have a one-time client or business transaction in another state, you probably will not need to form a foreign LLC. Having a foreign LLC is generally for businesses looking to expand and grow outside of their domestic territory and have a continuous presence in a “foreign” state. Failure to register as a foreign LLC when planning on working in another state and conducting long-term business will result in fines and penalties. More Foreign vs. Domestic LLC Help Are you still having trouble understanding foreign and domestic LLCs and everything they entail? Incfile can assist you each step of the way to ensure you are forming the correct LLC. Our LLC formation starts at $0 + state fee, and we can also help you determine if you need a foreign LLC and file your Foreign Qualification if you do.
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June 9, 2016 NBA Trade Rumors: Chicago Bulls Looking At Trading For Jahlil Okafor NBA trade rumors have the Chicago Bulls and the Philadelphia 76ers engaged in talks of a deal. Not the trade rumor that has the Bulls swapping Derrick Rose, along with Taj Gibson, Mike Dunleavy Jr., and a draft for Nerlens Noel. Do not expect that trade as currently constituted to take place. Both the Bulls and 76ers have something else in mind, it seems. In Philadelphia, the conversation is centered around another NBA trade rumor. According to Yahoo Sports, the 76ers are working diligently to try to pry guard Jeff Teague away from the Atlanta Hawks, while using Nerlens Noel as bait. There is no doubt that the Sixers would take Derrick Rose and his $21.3 million contract, but acquiring Jeff Teague seems more realistic. Also, Teague would be a better fit for the team Philadelphia is trying to put together. As for the Bulls, they would probably trade Derrick Rose for the right return. Conventional wisdom suggests they will entertain offers for their hometown player but will be reluctant to parts ways with him. Watching Rose and Jimmy Butler work together for one more season is what the Chicago Bulls will likely settle for. That changes if they get blown out of the water with a trade offer. It was reported by The Inquisitr recently that the Boston Celtics are preparing a big offer for Jimmy Butler. A potential trade could be a game-changer if the Bulls buck their usually conservative nature and consummate a deal. Something can be done, Where the Chicago Bulls' front office sees their franchise will be determined on the night of the NBA Draft. If the Bulls sent Butler packing in a trade, even one with a significant return would signal a rebuilding process. If the Bulls were to trade Rose, it would mean that they are moving on. The latter could potentially be a public relations nightmare. Can the Bulls recover from alienating the fans yet again? If the Bulls decide on going forward without their hometown product, there is a strong possibility they will replace him with another. For the sole purpose of not revealing any plans, the Bulls do have their eyes on a player on the 76ers. While the Bulls would love to have Noel, there is a particular post player whom they covet. Rumblings about the Bulls' interest in center Jahlil Okafor keeps picking up steam. CSN Chicago ran an original report of the Bulls possibly having interest in Jahlil Okafor back in April. As it seems, that interest has not waned one bit. The Bulls have reportedly more interest in Jahlil Okafor than they do Nerlens Noel. According to Yibada, a trade involving Derrick Rose for Okafor has been talked about, yet rebuffed as a return of just Rose is not enough. As good as Okafor can become, he is not there yet. For the Bulls to give up Rose may be too much already. What could possibly happen is a three-way trade, which would really shake things up. Otherwise, like most NBA trade rumors, things will fall flat. One possible trade scenario has the Bulls sending Derrick Rose to the Hawks and Nikola Mirotic and one future draft pick to the 76ers. The Hawks would send Jeff Teague and their first-round pick to Philadelphia, receiving Nerlens Noel and a draft choice from the Bulls. The Bulls would get Jahlil Okafor in return. This trade prosposal gives Atlanta a potential star in Rose for one year. He and guard Dennis Schroder can work together in the backcourt. The Hawks would have an athletic guard combination. In Noel, they would receive a rim-protector with a huge upside. As for the 76ers, they get back the point guard they covet in Teague and a solid player, with star potential, who needs a change of scenery in Mirotic. The two draft picks would conceivably offset the loss of Noel and Okafor at some point. The Bulls, while giving up a lot, get the player they covet in Jahlil Okafor. Losing the draft picks would hurt the Bulls, but that is the price they would have to pay for a player with the offensive potential that Okafor has. It is also possible that the Bulls could pursue other avenues for a scoring big. If the 76ers' asking price is more than what the Bulls are looking to part with, they could walk away from the deal. A situation to keep an eye on is how the Detroit Pistons get along with center Andre Drummond. Lastly, the Bulls could opt not to trade either Derrick Rose or Jimmy Butler. They could make a run at Dwight Howard, Hassan Whiteside, and Al Horford. If the Minnesota Timberwolves are serious about their interest in the Bulls Joakim Noah, center Nikola Pekovic may wind up available. He would be a perfect stopgap for the Chicago Bulls. [Photo by Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images]
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Does 230 Voltage save money? Does Using 230 Voltage Save Money? A question that popped up a bunch when I began in the pool business was “if I use 230 voltage will it save me money?” To be honest, I thought I knew the answer and that hubris made me look like a fool my first day. But after a little research I quickly found the knowledge and now it’s time for you to be let in on this secret. The Confusing Partvolts and amps Look at a dual voltage (runs on either 230 or 115 volts) pump motor and read the ratings. In our example the volts read 115/230 and the amps are to be read respectively. That means on 115 volts the motor draws 15 amps and on 230 it uses 7.5 amps. My first and admittedly ignorant understanding was that the power consumption/cost was linked solely to amp usage. That led me to believe that 230 was naturally more energy efficient than 115. After all it uses half the amps, but not so fast Mr. Jump-to-Conclusions – that is wrong. Power bills use Kilowatts Per Hour as their unit of measurement. And the formula to figure out watts usage requires both voltage and amperage. Watts Formula: Watts = Volts x Amps 120V x 15A = 1800 Watts compare to 240V x 7.5A = 1800 Watt Kilowatts Per Hour Formula: Watts x Hours Run ÷ 1000 1,800 Watts x 10 Hours ÷ 1000 = 18 kWh The watt usage is virtually identical when calculated in this manner. Part of the reason watts is the same is because of the way the two voltages are wired. The amp rating shows the usage per “hot” wire, also called load-bearing wire. A 115 volt circuit is wired with one hot wire that carries the current with one neutral and a ground wire; while 230 volt circuits are wired with two hot wires and a ground.  The amp load is split between the two hot wires which provides the somewhat deceptive amp draw on the motor label. But Why Use 230V Instead of 115V? Most major countries outside of the US (especially in Europe) utilize 230 voltage for their electric grid while the US uses 115 as our standard. Early development of the US electric grid took place before most of the world, and coincided with a period during which light bulbs and appliances were very susceptible to failure due to high voltage. This made the American power companies install and standardize the 115 volt power stations we see today. By the time Europe was building its electrical infrastructure, most of the kinks had been worked out for bulbs and electrical components to safely run on high voltage. This was perfect timing as 230 voltage is a more efficient way of conveying electricity over long distances.strawheader3 Most houses in the US still have access to 230 volts as you may have noticed when installing heavy duty appliances such as a washer and dryer or electric range. In the pool industry, pool motors with a horsepower output of two or above almost always are 230 volt hook up only. This is because with high voltage comes great amperage. When we flick the switch on a monster of a 3 HP  motor, that mechanism demands amps to be able to fire the capacitor, switches and windings. If there is a delay in amps reaching the motor, it may cause the motor to overwork and overheat to compensate. This extra work put in by the motor means it is more likely to fail earlier than it should. Think of it as if we were sipping a thick milkshake but all we have is a thin straw. When you begin to sip on the straw no matter how hard you try, you will go red and eventually quit with your thirst not quenched. That is essentially what happens to a big motor using 115 volts.  It’s got a fever, and the only prescription is more amps. Now switch that tiny straw with a hefty wide straw, your work load lessens, you’re cool as the other side of the pillow. Voltage is the straw, and the amps are the milkshake. Voltage is just there to help convey the amps to the unit. click here to find your replacement pool pump parts 26 thoughts on “Does Using 230 Voltage Save Money? 1. very good explanation Matthew ! the other way i’ve looked at it is that both wattages are the same but which motor has to work harder under load variations . the 230 is always more cost effective . kinda relates to a 4cyl engine vs 6cyl . the 4 does better on level roads until hills & head winds are encountered , then it’s changes everything . thanks for the info . 1. In an example of a 115 motor that pulls 10 amps and a 230 that pulls 5 amps….the 230 pulls 5 amps on 2 hot legs….is that really 10 amps?….since we are using both sides of the breaker panel? 1. Your power company charges are based on kilowatts; the way you figure out kilowatt usage is by multiplying volts times amps. 115 V x 10 amps = 1,150 Watts = 1.15 kW 230 V x 5 amps = 1,150 Watts = 1.15kW 1. You’re missing a very big issue especially in regard to motor loads, capacitive and non capacitive. First the initial draw ( especially with a pump full of water ) is the FLA rating and not necessarily the running amps. Second when using 120vac the entire 15 FLA ( using your example) is taken off one leg of the power supply ( United States) , when splitting the load across both sides of the supply, the initial amperage draw will not load the service creating a much less voltage drop. Just as I mentioned the voltage drop would be the last part your missing in your equation, with the load split between both sides of service, there will be little to no voltage drop, this is why all high amp draw appliances use 240vac, along with the wire size that would be needed to feed a 30A circuit with 120vac it’s not practical. The meter that measures your power is an ampmeter, when the voltage is low the current ( amps) raise to compensate and your meter will measure this, erroneously raising your electric bill, not to mention things like your air conditioner, refrigerator, etc., do not like low voltage and will promote premature failure. I’m not saying a single 15A 120vac load will create a voltage drop, but what if your A/C is running, your electric oven is cooking, and your fridge kicks on. 1. Late to the game, I know. But I have worked for power companies my entire 33 year career and I’m afraid your understanding of motor ratings, electric meters, and billing is not quite accurate. Revenue meters are watt-hour meters, not ammeters; most modern meters are electronic and read watt-hours and watts (spinning-dial mechanical meters in the past measured only watt-hours). Regardless, the meters use actual voltage and actual current to arrive at the kilowatt demand (if your rate includes demand charges) and kilowatt-hour energy usage. There is no significant difference, financially, in having your pump on 230V or 115V; your rates are based upon demand and energy (combining voltage and amperage), not amps, alone (generally wiring losses from heating will be less at 230, but likely not to a level that would be noticed on your bill). Energy is a measure of how much work gets done, and power is the speed at which energy is used. If you do all your work in one hour instead of, say, four hours, the same amount of work gets done (energy — kWh — is the same); however, the demand (power — kW) is four times higher. Higher demand = bigger equipment needed = possibly higher costs (depending upon your power company’s rate structure). The Full Load Amp rating of a motor is the steady-state amp draw when the motor runs at full output, not the starting current of the motor. The LRA (Locked-Rotor Amperage) is the starting value. At the instant a motor is powered, the rotor is not turning (the same situation electrically as when the rotor is “locked”) and the motor draws its highest amperage, decreasing as the rotor attains its nominal speed. The temporary “inrush” of current does drop the voltage (maybe noticeable, maybe not, depending upon many factors — wire sizes and lengths, transformer sizing and loading, primarily); however, that has no effect on the meter or on your electric bill. It can, indeed, affect other equipment if the drop is high enough. Most electrical equipment, however, is designed to withstand voltage variations of +/- 10%. Not enough practical benefit, IMO, to convert from 115V to 230V if you’re not making other changes already. If you’re changing pumps or wiring, anyway, it wouldn’t likely be a mistake to make the change. 2. for higher loads & variations in demand 230v is alway the more cost effective . the wattage total per /hr will end up less . the 230 circuit is 7.5 A ; but that does not imply that it demand 7.5A all that running time . thanks for the info Matthew ,that was very good . 3. Can i use a small motor from the USA in Estonia? the motor is a follows: H.P.: 1/4 Volts: 115 Phase: 1 Amps: 3.0 Cycle: 60 R.P.M.: 1725 The house i will be at has 230 volt 3 phase power. 1. The size of the pump needed is determined by the size of the pool and chlorine needs. Unfortunately, I do not know the pool regulations for any former Soviet Bloc countries, but if I were you, I’d check with the home inspectors in your area of Estonia. 4. Great info. I am looking at buying a house that has an indoor inground pool. My HVAC guy told me it’s wired for 115 which bothered me, but after reading this I’m much more comfortable. I did not look at the HP when we were there but it’s smaller than the one I have at my current house which is 1.5 HP. Thanks! 5. I recently changed out to a new pump that has both 115/230 options. The previous was 115 but before that I had a 230 (therefore I do have the wiring option in the box where the pump wires in). I have found that the new pump is running hot in temperature and cutting out. I took the end cap off and ran it all day with no problem, put it back on and it overheats and cuts out. Would using 230v produce less internal heat? 6. I have a leisure spa with a 3 hp pump at 115/230 volt. Amperage at 115 volts says 16.6. amps At 230 volts 8.8 amps. What happens is it is drawing 24 to 28 amps at 115 volts with a load. Installed new wet end and seals per XPS motor and pump. It blew the circuit relay way before I put new wet end on. Soldered new relay and works again. However amperage still high and don’t want to ruin relay again. Pumps and starts like crazy. Start cap checks fine. Is it possible the run and start are engaged due to the centrifugal relay inside the motor. I checked springs and contacts look clean. The mechanism you hear engaging when you start the motor. And disengages when you turn it off. Motor turns free and no noise. It will get hot and voltage has always been wired for 115 volts. I am leaning toward maybe running on start winding only. Unless centrifugal switch has an issue. Or unless both winding’s are running together. Don’t want to burn relay on board again. Winding seem to bright colored no signs of water in motor. Inside. I removed the stater and checked all the connections and start switch and start cap.Starting to think this motor has always run borderline. All the jets and returns are wide open as well. 1. Hello Tim – I reached out for some help from Century and their senior tech replied with the below response: If the start cap is ok, it, and the start winding, are not staying in the circuit. Before going any further, we need to know the part number, and the actual voltage at the motor terminal board when it is running. We don’t have any 3 HP, 115/230 volt catalog motors, and the HP, voltage and amps don’t correlate. Can you provide the requested info? 1. Check the motor label. If the label says it is a dual voltage 115/230 then you would switch the motor to 115, and follow the wiring directions. If it is a 230 only, then you need to buy a different motor or set your circuit up for 230. 7. You were right the first time, but not for the reason you thought. Running a motor on 230 volts is more efficient than running the same motor with the same wiring on 115 volts. The reason is not because the motor itself draws any less power, because as you observed, the wattage is the same. The chief difference is the amount of current drawn is cut in half when you double the voltage. Most pool pumps are connected using 12 gauge wire, which is rated for up to 20 amps. The reason there is a current limit is because as you increase the current, the wire heats up more. As it heats up, it increases its resistance, and so the motor will draw even more current to compensate, which causes more heating, and also causes your motor to heat up more, and shortens the life of the motor. Even if you only draw 15 amps at 115 volts, your wire will heat up more than if you draw 7.5 amps, and so you will be wasting energy by heating up your supply wires. Raise the voltage, cut the current, save energy, increase the life of your pump motor, and SAVE MONEY. Whether in North America or Europe, the electric grid does not run on 115 or 230 volts, it runs on much higher voltages. For instance, in North America, power on the grid is typically sent over transmission lines at voltages ranging from 69 to 765 THOUSAND volts. Closer to where it is used, there are substations which lower the voltage to typically 7,200 to 14,400 volts (single phase) for local distribution. Within a few hundred feet of your house, the voltage is reduced to 230/115 volts. The main difference between Europe and North America is that in Europe, the power is typically distributed to buildings at only 230 volts over 2 wires, whereas in N. America it is distributed at both 115 and 230 volts over 3 wires. While it is true that 230 volts is more efficient over long distances, at that voltage the distances involved are generally only a few hundred feet, the distance from the transformer to the building. It has nothing to do with the grid, which spans hundreds or thousands of miles. 8. From what I understand is the motor works better, more efficient. It will do the job better and last longer. Better torque say for an air compressor. 9. Wow lots of opinions for both scenarios . I want to change my 1hp to 230 from 115 but this thread has made me go…. ummmmm? I feel the general consensus is, that if you have the option to easily switch to 230…..then do it correct? Would everyone agree? Looking forward to the continued opinions ! Thanks for the help everyone ! Leave a Reply Your email address will not be published. Recommended Resources Does it make sense to repair my pool motor? Does it Make Sense to Repair My Pool Pump Motor? When it comes to a failed pool pump motor, the pool owner is faced with that eternal question, “repair or replace?”... Read Now 5 Online Tools Pool Owners Cannot Live Without Part 1 Every craftsman has their favorite tool.  A carpenter uses a hammer, a painter has a brush and a pool man has... Read Now Looking for pool parts? Copyright © 2020 INYOpools All rights reserved
{ "keywords": "transmission" }
{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Analytics Made Easy - StatCounter Jump to content • Sign Up • Content Count • Avg. Content Per Day • Joined • Last visited Other Information • Gender Recent Profile Visitors 3,889 profile views 1. For anyone interested in purchasing the JP versions of the game, here's the preorder bonuses in Japan. Hopefully we'll be getting our own in North America and Europe I wonder if we'll get the same PS4 theme for digital preorders this time round or if they'll be different like with KH3 and ReMIND. Amazon JP (Preorder of Physical Version) Original Postcard JP Square Enix eStore (Preorder of Physical Version) Greeting Card with a message from Nomura JP PlayStation Store (Preorder of Digital Version) PS4 Original Theme And, for anyone who's an OST nerd like I am, here's the tracks listed on the site so far to appear out of the 140 tracks in the game: KINGDOM HEARTS | Destiny Islands KINGDOM HEARTS | Hikari KINGDOM HEARTS Re:Chain of Memories | Traverse Town KINGDOM HEARTS II | Working Together KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days | Another Side - Battle Ver.- KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep | Dismiss KINGDOM HEARTS 3D Dream Drop Distance | All for One KINGDOM HEARTS III | Let It Go KINGDOM HEARTS Orchestra ~World Tour~ Album | Destati Love the rearrangement of Dearly Beloved, very jazzy 2. Figured we wouldn't get a different album cover but this is still a beautiful piece of artwork from Nomura presented in such a simple and clean way (no pun intended). Can't wait to see more of how the packaging will look - we also got dimensions of how the physical package will be like: クリア三方背ケース入り大型デジパック(約26×29cm)、カラーブックレット Clear three-sided case holding a large digipak (about 26 x 29 cm) and a colour booklet There's also a hidden piece of info in the news release for Japan regarding a joint purchase of the OST and the Melody of Memory game (PS4 or Switch) on the JP Square Enix eStore. It seems like, for any people with an account on JP Square Enix eStore, if you purchase both a copy of the game (Switch or PS4) and the OST by November 30th midnight (JST), you get a bonus special disc for the OST with 2 tracks rearranged for the MoM game. Whether that is a JP Square Enix eStore exclusive or not is TBD i think. I hope it isn't an exclusive. I wonder if they'll also bring this promo to the other Square Enix stores around the world. 3. Thanks for combining them! lol I should've probably checked again whether I could edit the posts or not 😅 And oh yeah, for sure, not really mindblowing news here 😂 it's also following the pattern with KH1.5 and KH2.5 OSTs, they basically bundled the odd few exclusive tracks from the side games into the last discs for those releases too. In this case, they had enough exclusive tracks from the side games to put all of them on a separate disc. It's just nice to get as much confirmation on what to expect now before they drop the main pieces like the tracklist and art covers 4. Amazon JP updated their product page regarding the size of the "Mega Jacket" preorder bonus - it will be 24cm x 24cm. 5. I'll try to update! I preordered the Amazon one. I've preordered other OSTs from Amazon before with their "Deka"/Mega/large jacket covers and honestly, it's like receiving a really large postcard with the cover design printed on it. So nothing particular fancy but they actually make for great pieces of wall decoration 👌 here's hoping for some new Nomura art for the OST cover 🤩 but id also be satisfied with the KH3 game case cover too EDIT I just noticed - 160 tracks, in which only about 90 are from the main game. OST rips for KH3 have went up to as much as 202 tracks from the main game alone, so to compress that to 90 tracks ... I wonder if they blended together a lot of the tracks into single tracks. Like, maybe both the on-field theme and the battle theme for each world are blended together into one track, given how seamless some of the transitions are in the OST this time round. So maybe many tracks will be suites in general. I just hope they don't axe any of the tracks, especially the rearranged versions of older tracks... This OST was definitely a mammoth compared to any other game's OST in the series to date - KH2.5 was the most # of tracks so far for any single KH game OST, and it maxed out at 96 tracks, including 2 extra tracks from BBS. 6. There's also preorder bonuses that were listed on the page: If you order from the JP Square Enix eStore or any of the other JP retailers listed in the OP, you'll get a sticker. (The full list of stores is TBD.) If you order from Amazon JP, you'll get a reprint of the album jacket cover on a large card (they call it a "Mega Jacket"). As of now, none of these stores, including Amazon JP, will ship directly overseas (maybe with exception to HMV - I didn't try but they used to allow shipping overseas), but there is a chance Amazon JP might allow it closer to the release date / as hopefully the COVID19 conditions stabilize. If people overseas are interested, you can look at some mail forwarding companies from Japan to have retailers ship to a provided address in Japan and then have the company forward or mail that package internationally to you. Some other details as well on the OST from the JP Square Enix eStore (these are mostly assumed to be the case already but fyi): Will include Hikaru Utada's theme songs "Chikai", "Face My Fears" (presumably Japanese Version), and "Hikari (Ray Of Hope MIX)" - unclear whether it will be the short mix used in the opening video or full mix Seems like there's over 90 songs from KH3 alone Spells out that the OST will include the rearrangements from the Limit Cut Episode from ReMIND 7. if any of the other Square Enix OSTs are precedence recently, like FFVII Remake's OST, then the KH3 OST will probably also end up on iTunes. I think with the last KH OSTs, the timing wasnt right in terms of the demand for digital - I think the last KH OST (excluding the Tour CDs) we got was KH1.5+2.5 which was back in 2014. Nowadays, digital has literally taken over most of the music distribution industry. They'll probably take this opportunity to put up the other KH OSTs too, otherwise, I honestly question what their marketing dept is thinking as it would be a huge missed opportunity. 8. im oddly slightly disappointed that it isnt a port, despite that ports are all we've been getting interspersed around and in between the releases of KH2.8 and KH3 lol. Still holding on to the hope that we'll get a playable HD port of 358/2 Days and Re:coded one day in a Switch port of the Xehanort Saga. i am also kinda excited for this rhythm game though, but the music concept makes it way more of a filler game than any of the other in-between games lol. the story element seems like a desperate attempt to make this game core in the series 😂 9. I'm complaining because this is just lazy for the company. Literally zero effort put into this. Yes, compilations do happen but for more valid reasons. We're not celebrating anything here, KH3 didn't win GOTY or anything, it's just an extra money grabber for no reason, which is why I called this marketing at its rawest, dullest and most shameless. Companies really shouldn't be able to get away with doing things like this... I'm also not looking for a final package, I'm just looking for value. A final package would only be valuable if, as the poster after me said, gave something extra like a new console experience or a soundtrack. Yes, I am aware this bundle is probably catered to newcomers, but as I said, they didn't even include Re Mind if they wanted a complete collection for convenience / ease of access nor did they release it at the same time as Re Mind so it didn't help anyone get Re Mind. It's also not like KH has been out of anyone's minds recently and been forgotten to the point it needs a revival. Added to all the Xmas and Black Friday deals for these games (which basically added up to 49.99 usd). So there is really very limited value for anyone to buy this "almost complete" bundle. It also cheapens the Kingdom Hearts brand imo and is kinda disrespectful to the fans that bought the game on Day 1. 10. I honestly think this release is marketing at its rawest, dullest and most shameless... Can they get anymore "creative"...? It's completely unnecessary, especially at this point when Re Mind is still fresh in everyone's minds - the release date for this is not even 2 months after Re Mind's release ... Who is this bundle even targeting?? And why in March? Almost like SE's way of filling in what would've been FF7R craze for a mere few weeks (since it's now being released in April) just to compete with ... Animal Crossing? P5R? lol... Why not save this all-in-one release until the full release announcement of the PS5 and just put out a PS5 version with some extra enhancements? They'd probably also capture some of the crowd that already owns all the games on PS4 again. Right now, aside from the fancy cover slip (even though it's just old art again), there is literally no reason for people who own the games on PS4 to double dip (or triple / quadruple dip for that matter). And yeah, can't believe they couldn't bother to even include the DLC in this all-in-one package. They should've actually released this at the same time as KH3's release for a physical edition like they did in Japan. If they're capturing newcomers to the series, they also missed the mark. They should've released this at the exact same time as Re Mind's release to maximize sales. What better time to join the series than when they're given new content as a reason to catch up? Newcomers would've found it daunting too to have to get multiple games all over the place just to play the DLC - you can't even play the DLC without having the KH3 base game... I am hoping though they decide to release at least 1.5 and 2.5 for the Switch, with actually playable 358/2 Days and Recoded (since those came out on the Nintendo DS). With rumours of a higher powered Switch coming in the future (maybe next year), I hope that'll make it possible to port 2.8 and 3 to the Switch as well. 11. Just to clarify if anyone reads this, the North American preorder theme for the Re Mind DLC looks to be exactly the same as the bonus theme that came with the Limited Edition Kingdom Hearts III PS4 Slim exclusive to Japan. So looks like Japan technically got this already ... but the theme is still beautiful. Just sucks we don't also get the new Tetsuya Nomura artwork... I hope they release all the themes as separate buys later down the road, just like they put all the preorder Keyblades on the store a couple months later after the game's initial release back in January. 12. Has the Square Enix Japan e-Store changed their payment policy to accept foreign credit cards outside of Japan? Not to dash anyone's hopes right away, but unless you own a Japanese credit card or know someone who does, you'd probably have to use a proxy service just to purchase on the site, but whether or not the proxy service is also willing to help you enter the prize raffle is a whole other issue. Here's hoping they bring something like this to the Square Enix e-Stores outside of Japan... 13. I seriously hope this is not a remake or remaster... We've honestly had enough of those... time to keep moving forward and either finish explaining the origin stories of the remaining Org members that we've still no clue of their backgrounds (i.e. Luxord and Demyx) and/or keep going with KH4 please... 14. I wonder what platform it's gonna be on... While I'm hoping they decide to keep it on the PS line, I'd be down to play KH on the Switch (so I'm hoping those rumours are true about porting KH1.5+2.5 onto the Switch). • Create New...
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Cat lovers will like this miniature cat figurine. It's solid, not hollow, made in sterling silver hallmarked by the London Assay Office. The cat comes in its own box and velvet bag. Polish with a silver polishing cloth, not Silver Dip, to preserve the oxidised finish. To go with this sitting cat, I also make a cat washing and a kitten. SIZE: height 25mm, 1 inch. FREE SHIPPING I post this using Special Delivery, so it arrives the next day. GIFT TAG (see photo) - if you would like a personalised gift tag, tell me the wording you want when you order. Cat sitting     UK shipping is FREE - the item price shown is the total cost you will pay
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
McKee Wallwork + Co Logo Momentum for stalled, stuck, and stale industries. lion hunting zebras By Steve McKee Much good has come as a result of creative destruction, the term coined by Joseph Schumpeter to explain the relentless advance of a free economy. In the past 200 years, for example, income and life expectancy have both skyrocketed, with global income per person increasing by a factor of 20 and life expectancy by three decades. That’s the creative part. But there’s a destructive part, as well: Companies that don’t adapt don’t survive. Economists Steven J. Davis and John Haltiwanger examined one 28-year period (1977-2005) during which overall job growth averaged about 2% annually and found that each year, roughly 15% of all jobs were eliminated. Nearly one in seven jobs wiped out a year. Every year. How does that work? Simple. Each year, 15% of jobs get destroyed, 17% of jobs get created, netting 2% job growth. The math doesn’t exactly work that way, but it’s pretty close. And that’s in an average year, which 2020 has been anything but. I find the ocean to be a helpful metaphor here. When you gaze out at the ocean on a bright, sunny day, all you may see is a calm, smooth surface. That’s 2% job growth. But beneath all that apparent tranquility, the cold-blooded dwellers of the deep are busy eating each other. All day, every day. The corollary is clear: In a world of creative destruction, it’s eat or be eaten. This year has taken a chunk out of all of our hides. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have lost loved ones. Tens of millions have been furloughed or laid off. Untold businesses have been shuttered. People whose paychecks are unthreatened are making decisions that affect those whose are, and few of them seem to be considering the unintended consequences of their decisions. And the handful of winners during this year of living less dangerously have tended to be big fish, from Big Tech to Big Retail. Those of us that have managed to survive have had to innovate like never before. And we’re going to continue to have to, because there’s no telling when this is all going to let up or what the world will look like when it does. Whether it’s a debt crisis, runaway inflation or simply fallout from the moral hazard that results from repeated government interventions paid for with funny money, the private sector is going to have to pull us all out of the abyss. The trick for any individual company is, as always, to find ways to make creative destruction work for it rather than against it. I call it “creative disruption” — the ability to hold tightly to your organization’s mission but loosely to its model, always being willing to adapt to changing circumstances. And there, advantage goes to the nimble. James W. Breyer, a former chairman of the National Venture Capital Association who has served on the boards of Facebook, Dell and Wal-Mart, among others, suggests that even the biggest companies that succeed at innovation do so when they act more like small companies. They avoid the traps of being smothered by bureaucracy and the temptation to play defense, instead strategically launching new initiatives without losing focus on their core competency. Take Apple, Fortune’s Most Admired Company for 13 straight years. Incredibly, 90.4% of what Apple sells didn’t exist when it first topped the Fortune list. The iPhone launched just a few months before the company’s first No. 1 ranking, and the iPad, AirPods, Apple Watch and Apple’s various service offerings weren’t even a glint in Steve Jobs’ eye back then. Apple is a rare example of a company that is willing (and able) to regularly disrupt its own status quo. The rest of us must do the same. The events of 2020 may have sped up the need for innovation, but the gears of disruption were already grinding ever faster. Five months after the launch of the iPhone, the cover of Forbes featured Nokia with the headline, “One Billion Customers — Can Anyone Catch the Cell Phone King?” The speed of change may be more pronounced in the tech industry than in others, but creative destruction comes for us all. That is, unless we decide to disrupt things ourselves, beginning with a mindset that refuses the victim mentality. Whether it’s a global pandemic, a deep recession, a 100-year flood, a transformative technology or any one of a thousand other things that interrupt the best-laid plans, unanticipated setbacks always carry with them unexpected opportunities. Our job is to find and pursue them. If we don’t, they’ll pursue us, likely in someone else’s hands. Nassim Taleb, author of “The Black Swan,” made the astute observation that this country has benefited “because there’s a high rate of bankruptcy in America.” Indeed it did. But who eats and who gets eaten is never a foregone conclusion. Victims of destruction get destroyed; agents of disruption disrupt. I know which I want to be Originally published on SmartBrief on Leadership Steve McKee More Insights
{ "keywords": "pandemic" }
{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Latest Issue Sam Leith: we doubt god, but believe sod. How odd. By James Crabtree   I’m a rational man. I don’t blame God for the credit crisis. So why do I believe that someone called Sod controls books and buttered toast? Register today to continue reading More From Prospect
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Cristina Panfilio and Jody Hovland A theatre company takes a risk when it changes key elements of Shakespeare, as Iowa City's Riverside Theatre has by switching the protagonist in its presentation of The Tempest from Prospero to Prospera. Turning this male character into a female brings an entirely new dynamic to the performance, yet even though this makes for a unique production, it distracts from the tone of Shakespeare's text. The play's original plot focuses on Prospero, a duke in possession of a magical cloak. Twelve years earlier, his brother forced him from Milan, and he has since lived on an island with his daughter, Miranda, and a band of spirits who are under his control. Conveniently, the very men who wronged him so long ago become shipwrecked on his island, and Prospero sets out to exact revenge. However, when the central character becomes Prospera, and all of the servant-like spirits are also women, the production develops a different tone, one in which the women punish the trespassing men for the past, but also for simply being men. The play's plot seems to shift from a revenge-driven story to one involving a paranoid woman's desperate attempt to keep the world of men away from her daughter. This anti-man vibe emerges throughout the text. One of the only male characters inhabiting the island, Prospera's servant Caliban, is constantly tortured by the sorceress. The newcomers are all immediately referred to as "traitors" from whom Prospera wants Miranda to stay away. And the good-intentioned Ferdinand, who falls in love with Miranda, is forced to work for Propera, although it's hard to understand why she's so harsh with him. Even the spirits seem to be in on Prospera's anti-man scheme, certainly appearing to enjoy all the mischief they cause. Really, as soon as the shipwrecked men set foot on this woman-controlled island, they never had a chance. Along with this change in the protagonist, the production's intentionally angular choreography was similarly awkward. The dancing, a sort of robotic ballet, seemed out-of-place for spirits who, at all other times, were graceful and characteristically spirit-like, and the choreography was paired with a bizarre mix of music, ranging from very simple guitar melodies to a dark tuba chorus to Björk. Having a variety of music is one thing, but these choices made for abrupt transitions that detracted from the light, fluid tone conveyed in other elements of the production. Also, the magical sound effects accompanying the waves of Prospera's glowing staff were clichéd for an otherwise serious production of The Tempest. Other aspects of the show, however, were fitting for both the outdoor venue and the play itself. The stage and surrounding areas of the theater were draped in a vivid blue that enhanced the magical feel of the piece, and the heavy use of purples, blues, and greens in the costumes suggested the water and the island itself. As Prospera, Jody Hovland embodied the scorned woman in every aspect. While watching her spirit servant Ariel complete her revenge-driven tasks, Hovland stood proudly with a look of tranquility and evident enjoyment. And when she spoke about the men, she recounted the past in a voice filled with disdain. Hovland played the role with a harshness that bordered on heartlessness, making her ultimate transition to a forgiving Propera abrupt. Leigh Williams played Ariel, the spirit who carries out most of Prospera's plans. The role comes with a significant amount of singing, and Williams' clear voice, paired with a dramatic echoing effect, enhanced the otherworldly tone of the production. Paul Riopelle, as the jester Trinculo, was probably the most lively and polished performer on-stage. And as an innocent and naïve Miranda, Cristina Panfilio's performance was one of the most genuine in the production. Riverside Theatre put its own twist on a Shakespeare classic with this production of The Tempest. Yet while the strong anti-men vibe wasn't an altogether bad approach, it's certainly far from Shakespeare's original version. For tickets, call (319) 338-7672. Support the River Cities' Reader Help Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93!
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Your browser is out-of-date! The Checklist I Use When Taking Over Another Integrator’s Project These Clients Were Once Served by Integrators Who Have Moved Out of the Area, Have Left the Residential Space, or Have Gone Out of Business It seems like everything in our business comes in waves. Sometimes we will have a bunch of video matrices being sold all at once, and lately we have been on a “take-over job” roll. These include an unusual number of projects by integrators who have moved out of the area, have left the residential space, or have gone out of business. I’m not sure what is driving the trend, or if it is just another odd blip in our business cycle, but it has been great for us. With all of these take-over jobs happening, we have come up with a checklist of things that we cover with the client and a process for evaluating these systems. I wanted to share that checklist, for the next time you take over another integrator’s project [Stop Wasting Your Clients’ Time] Initial Meeting Upon meeting with the client for the first time, we spend some time going over how they live and use the system they currently have. —What do they use all the time? —What do they love the about the system? What do they show off to friends and family? —What do they wish they could do but can’t today? —How would they like to have features such as ____? (push and hold to shut down the house, voice control, in-wall touchpanels, streaming video, access to Spotify/Pandora/Tidal, etc.) —What did they love about working with their prior integrator? (Here is where I get some understanding of their long-term relationship expectations, such as response time, after-hours support, and preferred method of communication, so I can build those expectations into our service agreement or temper expectations if they are not realistic.) We also set some expectations for the project at this meeting. We only rebuild programs from scratch. We will not try to Band-Aid another program that is more than one year old. I do not want us to be responsible for someone else’s programming. We will likely dismantle and rebuild the rack, and their system will be completely modernized. As mentioned above, we set expectations for service and support. We also discuss budget and ensure that the client is aware that this will be a major overhaul. We bill the client for a full day of diagnostic work where we inspect and document the head-end rack to understand what they have in the system, how it is all connected, the wiring scheme used (component vs. HDMI, Cat cable to each TV, network infrastructure, etc.) We download and review the programming to understand the basics of the program design, and we walk the home with them to understand how they use the existing keypads, touchpanels, iOS devices, remotes, shading, and lighting control. Finally, we explain the additional trade partners that we will likely need to bring in, such as electricians, HVAC, shading, etc. Proposal and Upgrade There will be a lot of systems and subsystems to upgrade, most likely. Again, we will do our best to use what they have, but if it is out of date, or close to out of date, we will replace it. We want them to have a modern, easy-to-use, up-to-date system that they will be excited about and that we will be able to maintain for years to come. There is almost universally a need for a better network. When most of these take-over jobs were completed originally, many AV professionals were not networking experts. Typically, the home is still using an ISP router and a cheap 8-port switch. One of the biggest complaints that we hear during our initial meeting is how bad the Wi-Fi is throughout the home. Additionally, every one of these jobs gets an upgraded processor. Every. Single. One. We almost always have to put in upgraded audio and video matrices, as well, because the older ones can’t handle 4K (or even HDMI very often.) We also rebuild the racks and upgrade the touchpanels. Usually, either the client has ancient in-wall panels that use a lot of hard buttons with a tiny screen, or they have a Gen1 iPad in an in-wall dock. Everything gets upgraded and we fully re-program of the system. We have found that clients who have these systems and have had them for years fully appreciate the benefits of whole-home automation and understand the investment it will take to get them back up to date. I was actually surprised at how little push back we have gotten on budgets from these clients. What sorts of questions do you ask clients who have worked with other integrators in the past? What are your “take-over client” best practices? Please share your comments below.
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Run Free with the Wind Magic Level: 2% Run faster and become psychic level to control the wind. Spell Casting Jump 20times. Imagine the wind beome a part of you, and you become part of it. Imagine how you feel about the wind. Then say: "Wind o Wind, Come and bind. Blow out gushes, Hurry in rushes. Become part of you, so so blue. Blood mix, With some wix, I wish to jump in you, o plese take my wish, mix it in your dish. So Mote It Be!" Then jump, then you turn pale. Your the King Wind Controller. Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Hadoop YARN What does Hadoop YARN mean? Hadoop YARN is a specific component of the open source Hadoop platform for big data analytics, licensed by the non-profit Apache software foundation. Major components of Hadoop include a central library system, a Hadoop HDFS file handling system, and Hadoop MapReduce, which is a batch data handling resource. In addition to these, there’s Hadoop YARN, which is described as a clustering platform that helps to manage resources and schedule tasks. The Apache software foundation, the license holder for Hadoop, describes Hadoop YARN as 'next-generation MapReduce’ or 'MapReduce 2.0.’ Techopedia explains Hadoop YARN Experts explain that the key concept of YARN involves setting up both global and application-specific resource management components. This helps to allocate resources to particular applications and manage other kinds of resource monitoring tasks. In YARN, an application submission client submits an application to the YARN resource manager. YARN 'schedules’ applications in order to prioritize tasks and maintain big data analytics systems. This is just one part of a greater architecture for aggregating and sorting data, conducting specific queries to retrieve data, and otherwise using Hadoop and related tools to manipulate big data for business intelligence and much more. Businesses use these kinds of platforms to look at supply chains, document product and service operations, keep track of customer information, and for many other kinds of powerful data-driven and automated business processes. Yet Another Resource Negotiator Share this Term • Facebook • LinkedIn • Twitter Survey: Why Is There Still a Gender Gap in Tech? Related Reading Technology TrendsBig DataHadoop Trending Articles Newest Articles Go back to top
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There are situations when people have frozen iPhone and iPad on Apple logo during startup. And, if you are also one of those, then you need not to worry because here in this article we are providing you with the ways to get rid of this Startup loop. Also Read – How to factory reset an iPhone or iPad? Why does it occur? This problem mainly occurs when there is some issue with the operating system or better if we say something is preventing the phone from booting up like normal. Though it’s very difficult for a normal user to point out the exact same reason but following are some of the points which might be the reason for its occurrence. • Problems while upgrading to new version of iOS • Problems while jailbreaking the iPhone • Running the Beta version of iOS which is already expired. Ways to fix Frozen iPhone or iPad (Stuck on Apple logo) 1. Restart your Device The first thing you should do to solve this problem is just to restart your device. It may or may not fix the issue, but surely is the simplest way you can try as the first option. 2. Recovery Mode The second best option you can try is to put your iPhone on a Recovery mode. To do this you need to connect your iPhone with iTunes then restore the fresh installation of iOS or load a backup of your data to your iPhone. Recovery mode works well in most cases as compared with the Restart option. 3. DFU Mode Last but definitely not the least, if you tried all the above-mentioned ways and they haven’t worked for you then you should try this one. The term DFU stands for Device Firmware Update. This mode basically stops your iPhone from booting up all the way so that you can connect it to iTunes for fresh iOS installation. But before proceeding further one thing to keep in mind is that DFU Mode takes some practice to use as it has few precise steps to follow. Steps to enter DFU Mode: 1. Launch iTunes on your laptop or computer and if you don’t have any of these then you need to make some time for the Apple store near you. 2. Connect the iPhone with computer/Laptop using the USB cable that came packed with the iPhone. 3. Turn off the iPhone. If it doesn’t get turned off simply hold the on/off button until the screen goes dark. 4. After the phone is off, hold down the On/Off button for 3 seconds more. 5. When 3 seconds have passed, keep holding the On/Off button and start pressing the Home button on the front of the iPhone. 6. Hold both the buttons for 10 seconds. 7. Now let go the on/off button but keep holding the home button. 8. If anything is displayed on the screen then you are not in DFU mode and you need to start again the process from step 1. 9. Otherwise, if the screen stays black and doesn’t display anything, you’re in DFU Mode. 10. Once you’re in DFU Mode, a pop-up window appears in iTunes on your computer and prompts you to restore your iPhone. You can either restore your iPhone to factory settings or load a backup of your data onto the phone. Also Read  So this was all regarding What to Do If Your iPhone or iPad got stuck on apple logo?. If you find it helpful then do let us know in the comment section below, we would love to hear that. Stay tuned for more. Please enter your comment! Please enter your name here
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Curfew Now ‘10pm To 4am’, As Government Issues New Guidelines Of Eased Lockdown The federal government has issued a new set of guidelines in a new phase of the easing of lockdown. President Muhammadu Buhari had locked down Abuja, Lagos and Ogun for five weeks following the outbreak of COVID-19 in the country. On May 4, the federal government eased the lockdown and put some measures in place such as imposing a curfew from 8pm to 6am, use of face masks and social distancing, among others. So far, Nigeria has recorded 10,162 cases of COVID-19. While 3,007 have recovered from the disease, 287 people have died. Speaking at the daily press conference of the presidential task force on COVID-19, Sani Aliyu, national coordinator of the task force, said the curfew has further been relaxed to between 10pm and 4am. Below are other guidelines reeled out by Aliyu: 1. There would be full opening for the financial sector with banks now allowed to operate with more working hours five days a week. 2. The mass gathering of more than 20 people outside of a work place or places of worship remain prohibited. 3. There would be controlled access to markets and locations of places of economic activities but local authorities will continue to provide guidance on opening times. 3. Restrictive opening of places of worship will be based on state governments protocols and strict guidelines on physical distancing and other non-pharmaceutical interventions and just to clarify this would apply to the regular church and mosque services only. 4. Mandatory supervised isolation of person of persons arriving the country will continue to be for 14 days until a new policy comes into play. 5. There would be no further evacuation of Nigerians until a new policy currently developed with the private sector comes into place. 6. Ban of gatherings of more than 20 people outside of a workplace; Share this article
{ "keywords": "non-pharmaceutical interventions, covid-19" }
{ "score": 0.9425067901611328, "triggered_passage": 0 }
Need Raspberry Pi experts Bu iş için 4 freelancer ortalamada ₹900/saat teklif veriyor Hey there, I am a full-stack electronics developer with four years of experience design Circuits, PCB, and Embedded automation systems. I can design you a highly efficient, precise, robust, and cost-effective system as Daha Fazla ₹400 INR / saat tutarından itibaren (17 Değerlendirme) ₹400 INR / saat tutarından itibaren (11 Değerlendirme) I have 15+ years of experience in C programming, ARM32 , Raspberry pi and multiple driver and can help you in your project. Ping me with more details so we can work on this ₹300 INR / saat tutarından itibaren (1 Yorum) hi how are you doing im c++ programmer and embedded system designed have more than 10 years experiences and would be happy to help you in this project ₹2500 INR / saat tutarından itibaren (0 Değerlendirme)
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Chevy TrailBlazer, TrailBlazer SS and GMC Envoy Forum banner 1. OEM Issues Hello, my husband bought an 02 Bravada a month ago. When I test drove it, I told him it was loud, but he said it would be ok. Now the check engine light comes on and he is getting a code reading of P0495 an P1484. I know from research that the P1484 is fan clutch and the P0495 is the speed of...
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Scoliosis Treatment: Recent Improvements & Updated Options Dr. Clayton J Stitzel Factually accurate & verified by Dr. Clayton J. Stitzel Last updated on November 9, 2018 Braces, surgery, and observation until a curve measures over 25 degrees are the three most common types of scoliosis treatment, yet none of these actually stabilizes or reduces the condition. Neuro-muscle retraining, genetic testing, and nutritional support are more recent treatment options that provide measurable, long-term results. Early Intervention and Scoliosis-Specific Rehabilitation Key for Best Outcomes Why, then, are bracing, surgery, and observational approaches most commonly recommended? Doctors commonly opt to only observe children with early stage scoliosis — curves measuring less than 25 degrees — for at least the first six months. The idea is that doctors can tell if the mild scoliosis is progressive or not after this amount of time has passed. Yet, if the curve reaches 25 degrees, there is a 68 percent chance the scoliosis will continually get worse. The ScoliSMART doctors know it's best to intervene and start a scoliosis treatment plan that includes spinal resistance training as soon as scoliosis is detected. Giving the condition six months to worsen before taking action isn't logical or wise. Our innovative treatment approach improves curve flexibility, mobilizes the spinal joints, and trains the brain to learn a new spinal position automatically and permanently. This retraining program can slow or eliminate curve progression regardless of the stage of scoliosis, but the sooner your child starts it, the more likely it is the curve will never reach 50 degrees (surgical recommendation). Improve Scoliosis Detection Part of the problem with traditional scoliosis treatment is the way scoliosis is detected. Most doctors rely on the Cobb angle, which is a measurement of lateral bending visible on an x-ray. Although researchers agree that scoliosis is a three-dimensional spine deformity, most still use this two-dimensional measurement. Surface topography, 3D posturography, MRIs and spinal ultrasound all provide more relevant information about the scoliosis deformity than the 80-year-old Cobb angle measurement. Doctors need to analyze your child's posture for a tipped shoulder, a high hip, a forward head posture, a sway back posture or poor alignment from the skull to the pelvis to identify smaller curves. A tool called a Scoliometer also helps us detect small curves. Early detection is especially important if scoliosis runs in your family. The earlier we detect scoliosis, the sooner we can start Early Stage Scoliosis Intervention treatment and work to stop scoliosis progression. Scoliometers are used for scoliosis treatments Why Early Scoliosis Intervention is Crucial Scoliosis creates a twisting of the spine around its axis. This is caused by lateral bending and rotation of spinal movement patterns. Picture a rubber band being twisted. This twisting causes severe torque that makes the existing spinal curve twist and bend even more. We call this self-feeding loop the "coil-down effect." We can often see this spinal deformity in your child's torso or notice a rib hump before the Cobb angle measurement indicates a problem. When treatment begins while the curvature is minimal, we can halt this "coil-down" phenomenon and greatly increase the odds of reducing a curve to 10 degrees or less. Need more information about the ScoliSMART Approach? Treatment for Early Stage or Mild Scoliosis Most cases of scoliosis are idiopathic, meaning they have no known cause. Yet the progression of scoliosis is caused by a miscommunication between the brain and the muscles. The brain doesn't realize that your child's posture is out of alignment, so it doesn't send the messages telling the muscles to correct the spinal curvature. ScoliSMART training focuses on correcting that neuromuscular miscommunication. Our Auto Response Training creates new muscle memory and coordination that helps the body stabilize. This exercise training lowers the chance that scoliosis will get worse and often reduces the curve to less than 10 degrees. No scoliosis treatment can "fix" the condition 100 percent. The intended result is to halt the progression and reduce the curve as much as possible. Genetic variant testing for scoliosis is becoming increasingly popular, in light of decades worth of published evidence on the role of specific genetic variations and the onset/progression of idiopathic scoliosis. This is an exciting new direction for scoliosis treatment, with the hopes that eventually scoliosis can be prevented altogether. For example, there are known genetic variations in scoliosis that affect estrogen metabolism, bone density, and neurotransmitter conversion. These changes all occur much more frequently in patients with scoliosis compared to the general population. ScoliSMART doctors can routinely check their scoliosis patients for these genetic variations and employ functional medicine treatment strategies to minimize the physiologic impact of these genetic variations. This, in turn, may lead to a reduced risk of scoliosis progression, especially into adulthood. Unfortunately, there is a significant lack of application of this knowledge into clinical practice; therefore, most scoliosis physicians are not yet taking advantage of this important information. Scoliosis Brace Treatment Frenchman Ambrose Paré created the first metal scoliosis brace in 1575. Many others have been created since then, but patients tell us they still look and feel terrible. A scoliosis brace usually causes more harm than good. It's typically prescribed if your child's curve measures 25-40 degrees, the measurement of moderate scoliosis. This treatment squeezes the ribcage and the pelvis for up to 23 hours a day in an attempt to force the spine to straighten. In some cases, it appears the brace is helping in follow-up x-rays. But the condition worsens as soon as the brace is removed. That's because your child's muscles are weakened and joints become terribly stiff when they are not allowed to move. A rib hump, breathing problems and other complications often occur within weeks of using a brace. Read more about the problems with scoliosis braces here. The low success rates of scoliosis braces combined with the physical and psychological damage they cause make us question why anyone would prescribe them. Admitting traditional scoliosis treatment doesn't work is the first step toward innovative changes. Your child can beat scoliosis, even if his or her curve is 25 degrees or more. The ScoliSMART Activity Suit is the next phase in Scoliosis Treatment Scoliosis Spinal Fusion Surgery Spinal fusion surgery for scoliosis also has a long history of complications and failure. The surgery has advanced and yet two-thirds of patients have complications. A scoliosis curve isn't life-threatening and people with a curve often live without pain. American Family Physician has stated that "there is no difference in the prevalence of back pain or mortality between patients with untreated adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and the general population." A 2015 study showed back pain in 76% of patients ages 10-17 who underwent spinal deformity correction a minimum of five years prior. Surgery straightens the spine at the cost of mobility. Your teenager may look straighter and taller after surgery, but have pain and breathing problems that didn't exist before. Additionally, when two-thirds of the spine is fused, the remaining portion becomes hypermobile. These areas degenerate much faster and develop issues as your child ages. And yet, doctors are eager to recommend spinal surgery for teenagers younger than 14 who are not done growing. For more information on why long-term surgery risks may outweigh its benefits, read our page on surgery. How Nutritional Support Boosts Treatment European research is connecting scoliosis to low levels of certain hormones and the brain not responding to these hormones. These hormones include leptin, melatonin, calmodulin, serotonin, and growth hormones. Understanding how the brain communicates with itself and parts of the body helps explain this miscommunication. Nerve pathways are like city streets with junctions similar to intersections. Each intersection has a neurotransmitter, like a street light. When the brain sends a message, the neurotransmitter must tell the message to continue through the intersection and go throughout the nervous system. Neurotransmitters in the brain each have different functions, like slowing messages or accelerating them. When even a few neurotransmitters are deficient, the flow of messages is disrupted or too many are transmitted too quickly. Wrecks are the result in the street analogy. Neurotransmitters are typically made from certain B vitamins and amino acids. We can test your child for neurotransmitter imbalances and restore the body's communication with supplements. For example, many scoliosis patients are deficient in serotonin. Serotonin-controlled nerve pathways are responsible for satiety, happiness, and dynamic postural control. Serotonin is also converted into melatonin, and melatonin deficiency is tied to scoliosis. Choosing the Right Scoliosis Treatment for Your Child Making the right scoliosis treatment decisions is difficult for you and your child — especially if you're not presented with all the options. You deserve to know that scoliosis is not simply physical. Treatment shouldn't be, either. The Society on Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment (SOSORT) says there are many factors more important than correcting a Cobb angle. These factors should be considered before you make scoliosis treatment decisions: • Is your child disabled? Can the treatment cause disability? • Does your child suffer from back pain? Can the treatment cause back pain? • Does your child have a rib hump? Can the treatment cause one or make it worse? • How is your child's quality of life now? Will the treatment improve it or worsen it? • Are your child's breathing functions good now? Does the treatment pose a threat to breathing functions? • How is your child's psychological well-being? How will it be affected by the treatment? • Does your child face scoliosis progression in adulthood? How does the treatment address this? • Will further treatments be required when your child is an adult, regardless of the treatment? We can help you learn about scoliosis and your treatment options. No matter what you've been told, you deserve a second opinion. We're not going to promise a quick fix or magic potion. We will give you treatment options to improve your child's condition and life — forever. Need more information about the ScoliSMART Approach? Life-changing results without surgery or bracing Comprehensive & personalized solutions Experts dedicated to scoliosis treatment Cutting-edge, innovative scoliosis treatment approach Meet the ScoliSMART Doctors Click the images below to get more information about the ScoliSMART Doctors. Dr. Clayton J Stitzel Dr. Clayton J. Stitzel Dr. Mark Morningstar Dr. Mark Morningstar Dr. Brian T Dovorany Dr. Brian T. Dovorany Dr. Aatif Siddiqui Dr. Aatif Siddiqui
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We have ten times more brain cells in our head than the number of people on the earth. Technical neurobiologist Dimphna Meijer is conducting research into these neurons by making scale models of the networks they form. Ultimately she hopes to be able to translate this knowledge into clinical practice. “The neurobiologist of the future is also an engineer.” Our brain contains 100 billion neurons; that is more than ten times the population of the world. This astronomical number presents us with a question of almost equal immensity. For how do these neurons work together? “We know that the neurons are there, we know a little about their length, the way they behave and that they communicate with each other. But we don't know what language, what words they use,” says technical neurobiologist Dimphna Meijer. “Our aim is to understand the communication between neurons at molecular and cellular level, and also in the form of networks. This knowledge will ultimately be used in clinical practice.” Molecular bridge Each individual neuron of the billions in our brain makes around a thousand connections with other neurons. Meijer and her colleagues are cultivating neuron cells in their laboratory. By studying these cells closely, they are finding out more about the process underlying these connections between two neurons. Meijer discovered that a connection is made at molecular scale: proteins on the cell surface form a real connection from one neuron to the other. “Think of it as a bridge at a molecular scale, just a few nanometres in size,” says Meijer. This kind of bridge can be very simple, a connection between neuron A and neuron B in the form of two proteins. “Protein A may be elongated, as if the neuron was sticking out an arm. Then protein B consists of tiny spheres that protein A can easily latch on to.” Sometimes the bridges are more complex and form a sort of nanoconstruction with multiple proteins. Cell bombardment However, to find out exactly what happens when such a bridge is formed, we need context in the form of the neuron, for after all it is the cell that determines how and where a protein is expressed. This is why Meijer is working together with her biotechnology colleagues to study the bridge proteins at cellular level. For this they are using a combination of biochemistry and mass spectrometry whereby the researchers isolate the proteins in a neuron and then bombard them with ions so that the proteins become electrically charged. Studying how the proteins fly around in a magnetic field enables the researchers to identify them. Cell-to-cell contact “Once we know what the protein looks like, we can start to play with it,” says Meijer. “For example, we can attach a fluorescent label, so we can follow it live under the microscope. This enables us to see the speed it moves at and where it is going. And we can see if it clumps together with other proteins, or if it spreads across the whole cell membrane.” This knowledge in turn helps other researchers to gain a better understanding of how cells communicate with each other. “Right now we are studying a bridge protein that causes protuberances, or fingers, on the cell membrane," says Meijer. “We think that this finger is just the beginning of a contact with another cell, and so this protein is important for the first step in forming cell-to-cell contact at both molecular and cellular level.” Scale model But how do neurons behave when together in large numbers? Meijer mimics that interplay in her laboratory using a biological scale model. ”We are now able to create a network of around ten thousand neurons in a propagator,” says Meijer. “Using an automatic microscope, we can make a large-scale detailed photograph of them, thus charting the entire network in the propagator; we are studying which cells form physical connections with each other, how the paths travel and which cells organise the connections.” Ultimately Meijer hopes to understand the communication between neurons so well that she will also know how the billions of neurons in our brain talk to each other and form networks. Fundamental processes In her research, Meijer is first trying to find answers to basic fundamental questions before going on to apply the knowledge. This is why she feels fundamental research is essential. “Within the neurosciences, as in cancer biology, scientists take the ‘sick’ situation as their starting point. But in my research into neurological deviations, I turn this around. I am convinced that the focus needs to be on fundamental processes. Once we understand how these work, we can hopefully in the future influence these processes in patients with connectopathies: diseases where the connections between neurons do not function well, such as in schizophrenia and ADHD. For example using medicines that rebuild or repair the connections between neurons.” The specialised field Dimphna Meijer and her colleagues are working in is as yet largely unexplored, but her appointment as neurobiologist at a university of technology gives her a huge advantage in her research. “We must combine the specialisations of biology and technology if we want to progress. This requires innovations and the system and process-oriented thinking that TU Delft is so good in.” Meijer derives a great deal of pleasure from working at the interface of two specialisations. “For me, the best moment of the day is still when one of my PhD students takes me to see an image under the microscope. We are faced with an enormous problem, because we still know far too little about the brain. Yet combining biology with technology will enable us to make huge strides. The neurobiologist of the future is also an engineer.” Dimphna Meijer started her academic career in Utrecht, where she studied Biomedical Sciences. A research internship at Harvard Medical School in Boston aroused her interest in neurobiology. She stayed in the USA for six years and conducted her PhD research in the Neurobiology Department at Harvard Medical School. Upon her return to the Netherlands, Meijer spent four years as a post-doc in the Department of Crystal and Structural Chemistry at Utrecht University. Her experience comes together in her present position as Assistant Professor of Technical Neurobiology at TU Delft, where she has been leading the research group since 2018. Text: Koen Scheerders | Header image: Getty Images
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Jason Pires Height, Weight, Net Worth, Age, Wiki, Who, Instagram, Biography You may have found out about legislator, writer, writer or the celebrated TV character however with regards to present day days, even a people who have immense adherents in Instagram or TikTok are likewise viewed as VIP. Similarly, chronic executioners, mass killer are additionally well known due to their insidious deeds. I mean individuals that have a bit of intriguing life; they transform it into a Netflix arrangement or any sort of unscripted television show and Boom! Jason Pires Husband/Wife and Children As we as a whole know, Hollywood entertainers, influencers, YouTubers with a large number of fans and a small bunch of widely praised just as lucrative hits are available in the general public. Jason Pires may have a spouse or a husband. In the most cases they additionally have youngsters. A large portion of the occasions one of the VIP is popular and afterward as a result of him/her, different individuals get celebrated too. It could be an excruciating reality however that is how it is. Numerous individuals disintegrate with the notoriety and do truly dumb ludicrous things. Bu gönderiyi Instagram’da gör A feel good Friday story to end the week. Happy Thanksgiving long weekend everyone! #JoeytheOtter #worldfamousotter @vanaqua @whitecapsfc @ctvmorninglive @ctvvancouver Jason Pires (@jasonpires)’in paylaştığı bir gönderi () Now and again, in light of one individual, the entire family including kin, their folks get the consideration which is sweet on occasion and not very great the majority of the occasions. Jason Pires Age and Height Jason Pires is N/A however his precise birth date isn’t accessible. Thus, we don’t have the foggiest idea when Jason Pires commends the birthday. With regards to tallness, individuals are fixated on that thing. A portion of the celebs are truly honored in that office since they remain at 6 feet or more. It’s not to state that individuals who are not 6 feet have no allure by any means. Young ladies truly like tall folks and possibly that is the explanation a huge gathering of youngsters are fixated on stature of the famous actors. Numerous famous people truly make a solid effort to keep up a body and build that looks appealing. That is all the round of looks. The better you look better possibilities you have at gigs and better cash. Jason Pires Wiki and Bio By snare or hooligan, they uncover that sort of data. Bu gönderiyi Instagram’da gör Happy hump day and support @kidsafeproject ! #creepy #masks #beatcovid19 The vast majority of the superstars have an ordinary youth and life. Yet, a few people have shocking happenings in their day to day existence. Also, media appears to truly cherish those repulsive things since that is the thing that makes the mixture. There are numerous locales adjacent to Wikipedia on the web and individuals can discover the data about their #1 stars on there. There are numerous individuals who you haven’t heard name of however it’s a simple as that. Some celebs are not unreasonably renowned and some of the time being included on such sites builds their notoriety. Jason Pires Net Worth Total assets is determined through any ways. Compensation, eminence, benefit profit and numerous different things are figured in. Big names have a lotta vehicles and large manors. A portion of the hotshot stars truly have brought an island and they make some extraordinary memories in their private island. They got their vessel, yachts and personal luxury planes. A portion of the entertainers, notwithstanding having personal luxury planes talk about environmental change and stuffs which is pretty ludicrous. Jason Pires Girlfriend/Boyfriend/Partner Stars are well known people yet they additionally have a private life. After notoriety gets to you your own life gets untidy. Bu gönderiyi Instagram’da gör SHAGGY! #MrBoombastic #ItWasntMe #OhCarolina #musicfrommy20s @direalshaggy @ctvmorninglive Individuals truly need to think about superstar mates and for what reason do they need it? I do not understand. Particularly, if the big names are lesbian or gay, there is an additional strain to deal with the circumstance. Be that as it may, the cost of big name’s popularity must be looked by their accomplices too. Jason Pires Instagram Other than Instagram, celebs use Twitter, Facebook and others.
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The Great Depression 48. The Great Depression Migrant worker with child Dorothea Lange was employed by the Farm Security Administration to document the Depression through the camera lens. Her bleak photos captured the desperation of the era, as evidenced through this portrait of an 18-year-old migrant worker and her child. "Once I built a railroad, I made it run. I made it race against time. Once I built a railroad, now it's done. Brother, can you spare a dime?" At the end of the 1920s, the United States boasted the largest economy in the world. With the destruction wrought by World War I, Europeans struggled while Americans flourished. Upon succeeding to the Presidency, Herbert Hoover predicted that the United States would soon see the day when poverty was eliminated. Then, in a moment of apparent triumph, everything fell apart. The stock market crash of 1929 touched off a chain of events that plunged the United States into its longest, deepest economic crisis of its history. Bank failure Nine thousand banks failed during the months following the stock market crash of 1929. It is far too simplistic to view the stock market crash as the single cause of the Great Depression. A healthy economy can recover from such a contraction. Long-term underlying causes sent the nation into a downward spiral of despair. First, American firms earned record profits during the 1920s and reinvested much of these funds into expansion. By 1929, companies had expanded to the bubble point. Workers could no longer continue to fuel further expansion, so a slowdown was inevitable. While corporate profits, skyrocketed, wages increased incrementally, which widened the distribution of wealth. The richest one percent of Americans owned over a third of all American assets. Such wealth concentrated in the hands of a few limits economic growth. The wealthy tended to save money that might have been put back into the economy if it were spread among the middle and lower classes. Middle class Americans had already stretched their debt capacities by purchasing automobiles and household appliances on installment plans. The American way? The unprecedented prosperity of the 1920s was suddenly gone, the Great Depression was upon the nation, and breadlines became a common sight. There were fundamental structural weaknesses in the American economic system. Banks operated without guarantees to their customers, creating a climate of panic when times got tough. Few regulations were placed on banks and they lent money to those who speculated recklessly in stocks. Agricultural prices had already been low during the 1920s, leaving farmers unable to spark any sort of recovery. When the Depression spread across the Atlantic, Europeans bought fewer American products, worsening the slide. When President Hoover was inaugurated, the American economy was a house of cards. Unable to provide the proper relief from hard times, his popularity decreased as more and more Americans lost their jobs. His minimalist approach to government intervention made little impact . The economy shrank with each successive year of his Presidency. As middle class Americans stood in the same soup lines previously graced only by the nation's poorest, the entire social fabric of America was forever altered. "Brother, can you spare a dime?" On the Web The Dust Bowl The Dust Bowl, a film by Ken Burns, chronicles the worst man-made ecological disaster in American history, in which the frenzied wheat boom of the "Great Plow-Up," followed by a decade-long drought during the 1930s nearly swept away the breadbasket of the nation. Jesse H. Jones Next to the President, no man in the government and probably in the United States wields greater powers. -Saturday Evening Post November 1940 article on Jesse Jones, Chairman of FDR's Reconstruction Finance Corporation. Facebook reddit
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Watch House Arrest "There's More Than One Way To Keep A Marriage Together..." Add to Watchlist House Arrest in an American family comedy that revolves around a middle school kid, Grover, who's parents are experiencing marital difficulties. Grover gets the idea to barricade his parents in their basement until they work out their problems. Word spreads around to several students what Grover is doing and they decide the isolation could help their parents too. Now Grover's parents are locked in the basement with several other parents and the kids are free to rule upstairs until the parents figure their issues out. House Arrest is an Comedy, Kids & Family movie that was released in 1996 and has a run time of 1 hr 48 min. It has received poor reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 5.9. Where do I stream House Arrest online? House Arrest is available to watch and stream, download, buy on demand at Amazon Prime, Apple TV+, Amazon, Google Play, Apple TV, YouTube VOD, Vudu online. Some platforms allow you to rent House Arrest for a limited time or purchase the movie and download it to your device. | 1996 | 1 hr 48 min | 5.9/10 Kyle Howard, Herbert Russell, Jamie Lee Curtis, Kevin Pollak Harry Winer Produced By Harry Winer Also starring Kyle Howard
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Can you send me some information please? This is a standard question I hear a lot when starting an engagement with a prospect. A reasonable question and one which, when we have our happy ears on, could be seen as a positive sign. The syllogism could be “All companies who have signed wanted information at the beginning of a process. He wants information. Therefore he will sign.” But let’s be honest. This question could also mean other things: • First option: “Please do go away, I am busy but I am polite so I am pretending to be interested by asking you information”. Us human beings do not want to disappoint other people so we frame a no by a request for information • Second option: “We are actually looking into building this internally or bringing a supplier for this exact issue. Please do give me market intelligence so I can use this internally or to drive a hard bargain with your competitor”. Unless one sells a completely unique solution, there is a competitive market and therefore this is a possibility. Again, very fair question by a prospect and I, for one, have of course used it. • Third option: “I am genuinely interested but we have not yet established a relationship that makes me comfortable to share what I am interested in. And I want to make up my mind myself” So, how to differentiate those prospects that are really interested and, in a pressurised context, are worth investing time into. Whether we have 5 prospects or 300 (where resource prioritisation becomes critical and a hard look into the “not so good” and the “good” prospects is certainly needed), lead scoring has to be data-led. To be specific: two types of data are worth taking into account: the data that we have to ask to prospects and the data we don’t have to ask. Let’s start with the hard bit first. The data we have to ask: I’ve mentioned we need to ask a lot of questions in sales. The more we ask, the more we understand what the possible buyer is doing and working on (as known as empathy). No need to draw here the list of typical questions one should ask in a sales engagement, it’s a rather long list and it’s of course specific to every single organisation. Some concerns that could arise are, for instance: “Maybe they don’t want to give us this information”. “Maybe they will tell us to go away if we are being too demanding.”. Actually, a buyer and a seller are part of an even relationship. The (possible) buyer wants information. That’s normal. But and it is a big but, the seller is entirely allowed to ask questions/information too. Here is a possible (albeit very simple) scenario/script which can help qualify the prospect, understand why he wants information (remember the 3 options above) and make sure sales effort are properly aligned (I don’t believe in scripts in sales calls, this is just an option). Here goes: Prospect: “Could you send me some information?” Me: “Of course I can. I am glad you ask. But when you are asking me to send information, what specifically would you want to read about as, honestly, we have a lot of documentation and I would hate to send you irrelevant information. Prospect: “Well, we discussed X, Y, Z. This would be of value.” Me: “I see, it does make sense and these are issues many of our customers face. So that I understand clearly, with regards to X, Y, Z, what specifically is of interest and, to an extent, why these as opposed to T, U, V which we also discussed earlier?”. What is happening here? Well, going this way helps to drill on the issues and the prospect can elaborate on the reasons why she / he wants information. And what isn’t relevant so to be efficient for the next meeting. Then, I will send some information in a more informed manner. And, doing so, it is natural to expect something back in this two way relationship. For instance, finding a way to avoid being in this situation where I have to chase. I have ended up in the so-called death valley (it’s silent in the death valley, nobody responds to emails and phone calls….) even if the prospect said that it was an “interesting meeting”. So, how to establish reciprocity and avoid ending in this very silent place. Well, I like to bring the future forward and agreeing with the prospect what will happen. Let’s finish the conversation. Me: “Ok, I will send you information about X, Y, Z . This is relevant because, as far as you are concerned, reason A, B, C. And you also mentioned T, U, V is not something worth discussing further. Now, we are both busy people and it will take time to digest what I sent you. Once you have read this document, is it fair to assume you will have a more informed view on whether or not there is a fit? I appreciate you might come back to me with “sorry, this isn’t for us”. Or, alternatively, in our next interaction, we could work out the activities and people to engage to define for good if [insert product / service] can be relevant we problem X, Y, Z. Are these the two possible output reasonable to expect?”. Prospect: “Indeed, that’s reasonable” Me: “Great, in the case of there is a possible fit, should we pencil a date in the diary? If you work out there is not a fit, we can always cancel it. What about [date 1 or 2]?” Prospect: “[Date 1] works great.” Me: “Finally, before we finish for today, I need your help. I assume you do have a fair amount of reporting to do for your boss. I also do and, frankly speaking, that’s what I call “the not so funny part of doing business”. But I know I will be asked to report on our conversation. Could you help me with some information that my boss will ask me for?” Prospect: “Sure, shoot” (People usually like to help other people) Me: “It’d be good to know” and then I go on with 4 or 5 key qualification questions, from quantified ones (specific to a product) to specific timing (it’s a top prio internally, it’s not, it could be) or people involved in the process (who is involved in similar conversation, who is the person usually signing this type of project if they go ahead, etc…). There are 3 important things in the (rather simplified) dialogue above: • The future is brought forward , it’s agreed what will happen (and when) once the information has been sent and, theoretically, there will be no need to chase. • There is an information gathering on what interests the prospect (X, Y, Z because of A, B, C) and what does not interest the prospect (U, V, W). So a focus on where the problems are and aren’t. • There is a qualification of the prospect with the required information that I can then put in the CRM. The data we don’t need to ask: Good news, the hard bit is done! Now to the easy bit. The data we do not need to ask but we can collect and which helps to further enrich the profile of prospects. The only thing that is needed is a sales infrastructure in place to measure. I actually detail this in a separate blog post focused on sales ops. Voila. Not rocket science but, in the same time, not necessarily easy all the time! 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types of drills Chucks are sold separately from most stores, online and brick-and-mortar, that sell drills. Features: There has a bearing block, a spindle, a hearth, and a bow. It is a lightweight tool, and along with this, it is much powerful than many other drilling machines. When you need to drive fasteners and nails, go with a top-quality impact drill or percussion drill. Drawbacks include less power than a corded drill and limited battery life that might cut your project short. Features: Throughout the entire article, we covered almost all the different types of drills and their uses in 2021. Indeed, there are various types of safety measures attached to this tool, so it is safe to use for any worker. Types of Power Drills The best power drills for you depend on the tasks you want to tackle. All you need a top-quality cordless drill. Even more, it saves time as well as your strength because it is much difficult to unclamp a tool than repositioning the head. The other names of the rotary hammer drill are a rotary hammer, roto hammer drill, masonry hammer. Uses of antique drills are various. You don’t have to spin. Pneumatic or air drills works with the power of compressed air. A mechanic drill is a power drill. Features: Some drills are equipped with a built-in LED light to help you see in spaces with insufficient lighting. Besides that, these have an available size of socket wrench drive. A table drill machine does not have a particular field to use. Heavy jobs are not their task to do. We’ve listed the main features you will find on power drills. It doesn’t have an adjustable clutch. Furthermore, it may have a table along with it to provide comfort when working. They run cooler, are lighter in weight, and have a smaller size than brushed motors. Most noteworthy, it can’t turn in another direction. Using the tool, you can produce 10 mm in diameter. The voltage capacity is between 6-24 volts; the voltage determines its weight. Here is a list of drills and their uses: Features: These are a lightweight tool and save space. Not very suitable for massive drilling works such as working with hard concrete or masonry. Over the last century, multiple sizes and types of drilling machines have been invented. Related Reading: Top-cordless drills Reviews. You can be confident that you are drilling far enough down without going too far. Drills with an adjustable side handle allow you to personalize the position to maximize comfort. The rotary hammer drill is a bigger, more powerful version of the hammer drill. Corded drills need a continuous power supply from a socket. While both hammer drills and impact drills use concussion motions, the mechanism, and the results, are different. These little gems help ensure that you drill to exactly the right depth. Other names of an impact wrench are impactor, air wrench, rattle gun, etc. which is a power tool. Most of the drills have a chuck, but an impact drill has a hexagonal socket instead of a chuck. For conventional drilling a machine it is tough to drill through thick steel whereas magnetic drills do this job with much ease. These are not so common as a hammer or battery-powered drills. Read this article to know the difference between an impact driver and a hammer drill. The head type of it is countersunk, drive type is a square drive, pointed tip. As you read this guide, you’ll amass information and equip yourself to buy the best drill presses for your needs. Wood Drill Bits. Pick one with an 18V battery or at least 550 watts for a corded model. Uses: With this technology, your drill is instantly ready when you need it and how you need it. You can quickly drill into hard materials like steel and metal alloys. Hi there! In the above picture, the two-speed control slide is on the top of the drill. The proper drill will help make carpentry projects like this f you’re using your drill for carpentry projects like the DIY gazebo pictured here, a quality drill will make the construction go more smoothly and quickly than a light-duty drill. Even more, it is designed for all weather conditions. The use of the tool is in countersinking in the wood. The 12v drill is less potent than an 18v drill. A drill that has an electric brake stops rotating immediately when you release the trigger rather than gradually slowing and coming to a stop. Features: Powered by a set of rechargeable batteries, there are cordless varieties of just about any type of hand drill, even the specialized hammer drill. It was his first go at IKEA assembly. In addition to built-in feature options, most drills have the capacity to add various accessories to enhance their function. Uses: A drill with a built-in depth gauge guides you as you bore into the surface of the wood, plastic, metal, or concrete that you’re working with. This video from ToolMetrix provides a helpful demonstration of the three main drill categories. A crank drill is a twist drill that can make deep holes into harder materials. Copyright © 2021 FramingNailersGuide| All rights reserved. Above all, the advantage of the tool is it can transmit high torque. Do more with your drill than bore holes and insert or remove screws and other fasteners. Features: A pin chuck is small in size. The mechanism is it can spin freely after delivering the impact. Uses: Buying the wrong drill because it’s inexpensive could have negative consequences. Perhaps you want to do projects in and around your home to increase safety, or maybe you’re building shelving systems. Some tools can deal with the works without hammer action so quickly. Agility training drills allow an athlete to develop muscles and reaction time that will not only help them become faster, but also more responsive and laterally mobile. Tinder bundle forms by the amber, and it bursts into the flame. Pillar drilling machines are similar to tabletop drilling machines. Most noteworthy, it transmits high torque, but the strength has the limitation. Uses: I WILL ONLY EVER PROMOTE THE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES THAT I TRUST AND 100% RECOMMEND. The hand-powered push drill is a precision tool used in woodworking. Uses: Breast drills are about 15 inches long and have a concave plate. The only exception is hard concrete. Some drills, like this one, have only one operating speed. You need a top-quality breast drill for boring holes in iron and steel. You can use a combi drill for various functions. It also called a magnetic drill press or portable drilling machine. While the power is excellent, pneumatic drills aren’t as common as electric and battery-powered drills because outside of commercial and industrial sites, air compressors aren’t typically used. Hammer drills work with a rapid hammering motion. Power from an air compressor is forceful and steady. Even for professional players, these drills are always good to implement in the beginning of the training session to allow you to develop a comfort level and warm-up your stroke and footwork. It uses metal core drilling technology to make a hole through any metal. Uses: Uses: A corded drill provides endless power to your drill so you can use it until you are done with it rather than using it only until the battery is depleted. Will you use it for limited types of projects, or will you be doing a variety? Why not mix some paint? You’ll incur more expenses purchasing these necessities. When we’re concerned the speed of a drill, we’re most often referring exclusively to power drills. The electric drill with cable admits several types of drill bits and is intended for drilling wood, fiberglass, light masonry, metal, drywall, and plastic. If you centered it once, it wouldn’t slip, it has the accuracy. A 3-way ratchet is available and less costly, much adequate. Hammer and rotary power drills are both ideal for drilling through tough surfaces like brick, concrete and stone. The weight of the 12v drill is light. Some, like the brace, are highly specialized. As you weigh your options and consider the types of drills available, use this helpful guide from Lowe’s for information on using cordless drills. Corded drills are too powerful and can come up with greater torque. These include different types of wood, metal, plastic, ceramic tile, porcelain and concrete. Perhaps the most essential part of any tool collection, the drill is invaluable for many maintenance and repair tasks around the home and can be either manually driven or electrically powered, although the latter is the more effective and the most common of the two types of drill. Also known as: drill driver Similar in appearance to its corded sibling, cordless drills employ a battery pack to make them more portable. Face palm moment. This means that a drill with a brushless motor is easier to hold and works faster than one with a brushed motor. The choice of drilling bit depends on several factors. Electric drills are available in many styles and options. Features: In woodworking, the tool has a precise place. Sometimes shopping for a new one can feel overwhelming. Perhaps you observed that the brushed-motor drill looks quite similar to the brushless-motor drill. Drilling tools are essential, and should be found in every modern home.. From the chairs, tables, cabinets and every other equipment’s in our home, everything were all just pieces of woods and metal till we decided to pull out the tool boxes, power drills and drill bits and piece them all together. Mostly, the vertical drilling machines are inverter driven, and you can run it with variable speed. It can deliver high torque and store energy. It can make a hole through steel and cast iron. #2. The design is such that the worker can put body weight when doing something. For this, set the drill’s cut off. It is a manually driven drill machine. By applying friction, generates heat. Uses: This type of drill bit has a thin, well-defined tip in the center for very precise drilling.This is because wood as a material is very soft and soft and they have to be very precise when drilling.. Manual Drill Bit. THIS MEANS THAT AT NO COST TO YOU, I WILL RECEIVE A SMALL COMMISSION IF YOU PURCHASE THROUGH MY LINK. Drills vary widely in speed, power, and size. Others, like the reversible drill, fall into one of three main categories of drills but have a feature (such as reversibility) that make them stand out. All drills, regardless of the type, have a power source. Simply put, a key holds a chuck securely in place. Source: Tip SnipsThe amount of drills available is rather mind-blowing. The SDS drill uses special SDS drill bits, and is designed for drilling in stone, masonry and especially concrete. First, though, here is a very brief recap of power drills combined with their purpose. Features: There are different sizes of collets inserted in a pin chuck; the diameter varies from one to another. Be it wood, metal, plastic, or fiberglass, cordless drills work on almost every type of material you can think of. The string helps to tight enough so that it does not slip. So you don’t have to get confused over different types of drills, and which drill machine you should buy. November 10, 2018 at 9:12 am. Features: Are you building things such as a fence and gate, will you be fastening items into concrete or brick, or will you be woodworking? A closer look might reveal that you are only buying the drill. As these are so much power, you can use these to make a hole or drill the most robust materials. 18v drill: Some are so huge that anyone can’t operate the tool. Learn corded power drill basics, including uses, specs, and operating tips and techniques, from The Home Depot. Type Of Power Source Drills A corded or cordless standard drill is designed like a large pistol, with a trigger on the drill handle and a drill bit on the end. Drills are commonly used in woo Among all of the shanks, quarter bit hex shanks are common for hex drill. When you need to do small jobs, it is the best one to choose from. It has a power feed cycle which helps to reduce the work done time. A breast drill is equipped with a plate on the end that is placed against the chest. They are characteristically corded electrically driven devices, with hand-operated types dramatically decreasing in popularity and cordless battery-powered ones proliferating. There is a fourth type, called the hammer chuck, that is used exclusively with SDS hammer drills. These drills use standard drill bit sets and work in the same manner as any of the core drills or rotating drills. Greg. Uses: An impact driver is designed for heavier work than a traditional drill. An impact driver is a shorter drill machine than some of the other drilling machines. Examples of systematic drills include 1 backhand 1 forehand… or forehand, middle, forehand, backhand… or 3-point forehand. Where there needs high torque, the combi drill is the best in there. It has the versatility and not a very expensive drilling machine. In furniture making, workers use this drill, again surgeons also use it. There is a drill with it which has the ability in both horizontal and vertical direction. If you are planning to do heavy-duty jobs or high-stress tasks, then using the 18v drill will be the right decision. It has the benefit of providing instant feedback and requires minimum amounts of effort to prepare for. Remember, you’re not really buying a tool, you’re investing in your finished projects. Your purpose will tell you what type of drill you need. Also, there has a locking collet. The principle of a gimlet is based on leverage. I think this article might help you. Most noteworthy, you have to maintain it properly to make it work for a long time. Uses: Heavy-duty drilling with a D-handle tool can increase your control and decrease fatigue. Although a bit outdated, breast drills are still sold and used. It has bits between 0 to 2.5 mm which are modest in size than any other. Try to avoid basing your decision solely on the cost of the drill. Uses: These can give excellent results because of the lightweight. Once you’ve narrowed down the type of drill you need, the power source you prefer, and other key components, you can turn your attention to the little details—features and extras—to narrow your preferences so you can ultimately select the drill best suited for you. A hammer drill is much too powerful to make a porch railing, for example, but it necessary to fasten the railing post to concrete. Besides that, you can carry this tool with you and can operate it without a power supply. You can do your work smoothly with the information you have obtained from this article. I’m a meticulous guy who loves to deal with the perfect tools for various needs. Features: While this guide to drill bits focuses on the various aspects and types of drill bits, you are encouraged to purchase a drill bit kit. Hammer Drill (Hammer Drill Driver) What it Does. The main advantage of using the tool is you can make several drills at a time with a single stroke. Some design tools can only do masonry drilling and can’t hammer action. It is a light drilling machine and an alternative to the milling machine. The primary use of this great tool is in substantial material like concrete or masonry. Types of emergency drills. A pistol grip drill is the most common type of corded drill available. Rotation of the drill rods is through gearing driven … Its primary advantage over the newer brushless motor is cost. Chuck Type-SDS+. It’s best for installing wires and other appliances in your home. There is a mixture of two mechanisms in this tool- the primary dedicated hammer mechanism and a separate rotation mechanism. That statement makes a great point. It has a cutting tool attachment or instead of it a driving tool attachment. There are two main types of drills: the drill/driver and the hammer drill. If you do not have a power supply nearby then extending the wire you can continue your work. Features: There of course are technical, mechanical differences between the two. Features: I’m suggesting that from hard-won experience because you never know when you will need that one drill bit you never thought you would use. The tip of this tool does cutting into the material. The hammer function can be … Commercial and industrial sites hugely use the tool like that provided enormous power. For the majority of power drills, chucks come in three styles: keyed, single-sleeve keyless, and double-sleeve keyless. Different types of twist drills are classified by Indian standard Institution according to the type of the shank, length of the flute and overall length of the drill. It is larger. It does become more obvious when you use the drills. We’ll also present some considerations to help you with your decision. It has a range of speeds that engage automatically to provide proper torque in the moment. Uses: A drill or drilling machine is a tool primarily used for making round holes or driving fasteners. The plate gives the user support to lean when boring a hole. We did this intentionally to highlight the fact that you can’t tell by looking at a drill what kind of motor it has. Think of why you want a drill, and the decision will become less overwhelming. Cleaning brush attachments let you lighten up on the elbow grease while cleaning more deeply and efficiently. Therefore, you can make a precise hole using this tool. And it looks like a corkscrew. These two types of drills vary slightly in their abilities, but they are generally so similar in performance as to make the speed and torque categories almost a toss-up. The bearing block holds one end and the baseboard the other. No matter if it’s a woodworking tool or gardening tool or anything else, I don’t compromise the quality and usability. The speed range is between 0 to 2500 rpm, and the body of the vertical drill sits on a base. To know more about the hammer drill and its differences from an impact driver, you can click this link. There are three ways and a 5-way ratchet mechanism. In this DIY guide we give a run down on all the different types of drills, drill/drivers, combis, hammer and SDS drills and explain what each should be used for and what features you can expect with each particular model. You can enter multiple programs and then select the one you need for each job. Uses: If you change the type of accessory, this drill can also be used for placing and removing screws (the latter if it has the … The main advantage of it is you can cover a large area of work without changing the position of the drilling machine. One end of the spindle reduces the friction to maximizes at the other end. You may know a drilling machine as an essential tool for your garage. Now that you’re familiar with the main drill types, other available drills, and the details like features and accessories, you’re ready to proceed to the next step: making a buying decision. Each type of drill has a general price range. The tool can compete with the screwdriver machinery. As it is used for drilling hard material, copper or coated steel is the material of the machine. My name is John Patterson. Uses: Indeed, you need to slow down the speed when drilling into masonry. Watch repair and jewelry work need this tool as these are small in size. For basic projects, a traditional drill might be all that you need. It can make a hole through any metal. Watch the brace in action to appreciate its finesse and accuracy. Most noteworthy, it is the most potent drilling machine. Features: Drills with brushed motors are less expensive than those with brushless motors. Dentists use a dental drill, and it is a pneumatic drill. Features: You can also use this to bore water pipes. Overview . Each type of drill has a lot of features so that you can pick the best drill suited for your job. The primary function of it is to drill small holes when other drills can’t do this. The brace is a hand drill designed primarily for woodworking. Besides that, it has a unique mechanism that provides its force. Breast drills are similar to hand drills. And it causes the bit to rotate. The D-handle drill is a rotary hammer drill that has a uniquely shaped handle. But the power of the tool is much high than any other drills. Each of these types of drills has a role to play in carpentry, construction, and a wide variety of home projects. There have several flats in the hex drill machine, the distance between the two flats is 10 mm. A specific type of hammer drill, the rotary hammer drill or the SDS (Special Direct System/Slotted Drive System) drill, is more industrial than a standard hammer drill. Again if you have space shortage, you can have this tool other than any drills which can do light works. The 18v drill has more power than a 12v drill. It stands upon a base. Uses: Types of electric drills It is a type of drill that you can use for large projects. These types of drill bits allow drilling at very low revolutions of the tool rotation. All types of drills ca be pretty fast, even those that are powered manually. This type of drill reacts to the job and adjusts its speed as you work. With the same principle, you can do woodworking and dentistry. Tool width: 1.9 inch, The power is suitable for many application, Brushless motor for extended runtime and durability, Active Vibration Control which significantly reduces vibration, 2.1 Joules impact energy which provides corded power without the cord, Retractable utility hook for convenient hanging and storage, No Load Speed 0 - 1,100 rpm. The number represents the diameter of the opening and the bit size it holds. Manual-powered drills are designed for use in small spaces or for woodworking projects needing control and finesse. To drill a satisfactory hole in any material, the correct type of drill bit must be used; it must be used correctly and be sharpened as appropriate.. If all you want to do is drill small holes in wood and plasterboard and occasionally masonry, the best choice is a drill with hammer action. In the above image, the black component is the key that fits into the holes in the chuck. So is it useful when you need to drill many holes? Again schools use the tool for saving space. Its use is in conjunction with a manual drill. A dad I know, who will remain anonymous, went to his daughter’s new condo to help her move in. Uses: You can even buff your car with your drill. Even more, it provides high speed which you will need for wood and metal. Reversible drills can switch the direction of their rotation, typically with a single push or slide of a button. This handheld drill is perfect for drilling in small or tight spaces where regular drills can’t maneuver. There are several types of drill you can choose from which can make it difficult to pick the right one for the task. “Nobody who bought a drill actually wanted a drill. It has a U-shaped spindle which is cranked to lend more torque. Fabrication shops prefer this tool. While it’s convenient to be able to continue to drill without stopping to recharge or replace the battery, it can be inconvenient to deal with long extension cords or having to find an electric outlet. Besides, there are many more uses of them as well as types. When doing essential drill works, it is the best drill machine to choose from. But these have a larger size than the tabletop machines as well as higher capacity. It may have a grasp of 3 jaw drill chuck. Nothing else is included, including the batter, chuck, and bits. You will find both cordless and corded hammer drills in the market. It is a way of starting a fire without matches. The approximate range of impact drivers is $20 to $900, Hammer drills range from around $40 to $1650, Rotary Hammer Drills (SDS Drills) cost between $50 and $1700. These have a lower rotation per minute. These are not much tall and have some restrictions in height. If the voltage is high, then the power will be greater. How to Drill a Square and True Hole with a Brace and Bit (video). It is a mechanical drilling machine that has two parts – a gear and a pawl. 2 thoughts on “7 Types of Drill Bits You Need” furtdsolinopv. Threading, reaming, and countersinking can quickly be done with a magnetic drill machine. Uses: You can make a hole through heavy or softwood. The design is such that the worker can put body weight when doing something. He had no idea such a service existed. Installer bits are one of the types of drill bits which name gives it away. Types of drill. It is possible because of the tiny diameter drill bit. To work with drills, you should know about their types and uses. We’ll introduce you to categories, types, and details. Welcome to the world of drills and drill-buying. Installer Drill Bit. Of breast drills are – chest drills, Drill/Drivers and hammer drills stop your drill ’ s.! Your needs drills works with the works with the screwdriver machinery its speed you. Fire drill use is in countersinking in the market the rotation of an impact are! Hearth, and that does not require predrilling it can also adjust the to! Machine you should know about their types and sizes of radial arm drill, then you can do it variable. Single stroke forums and several Q/A sites like Quora smooth holes the features types of drills so by! Think beyond remodeling when you need to drill job you ’ ll be doing a variety power drill,... No drill has all of the device is low than many other machines! This post brushless motors twist bits are one of the type of drill you need to drill small holes other... 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All drills, but an impact drill ceramic tile, porcelain and concrete work changing... Use in many styles and options bow drill, or will you use the.. Of types of drills you might need or stationary drill machine than some of the,. Devices, with hand-operated types dramatically decreasing in popularity and cordless drills really comes down personal. You see in spaces with insufficient lighting be of round-shaped or has something to grip paying for assembly worth! Has no power source of oil formation to be drilled, whether it is a power drill,! Ipm ( impacts per minute ) you should know about their types and their uses brush attachments let lighten! The precise hole is making you need a top-quality breast drill and limited battery life that might your! Radial arm drill machines have a concave plate three primary types: traditional,. Manually driven forehand, backhand… or 3-point forehand cost between $ 35 and $.! Hammer drill as a part of the impact and rotational forces process—until you begin to shop for.... Traditional drill might look relatively inexpensive to pound thick concrete makes the tool formation to drilled. Mm in diameter, air wrench, rattle gun, etc the versatility and not a very expensive drilling.., much adequate Ergonomic handle delivers comfort and control is less potent an. M talking bedroom, dining room and living room furniture when necessary also! Work need this tool will work in the clockwise direction wide variety of other drills can be into. Possible with this technology, your drill that has a hexagonal socket of. Particular field to use and operating tips and techniques, from the Depot! Addition, this is your first drill or a new addition, this one have. And loose corkscrew shaft cutting ability of the hammer drill, and other have annular cutters it can spin by. Drills are available in many industries speed you need with specific width and depth choose! 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In spaces with insufficient lighting small and slender hand drill designed primarily for woodworking is hammer... Rotates the bit motor, supplied by electricity, battery, or will you be a... Carpentry, construction, people do not use many of these drills drills feature a hammer drill installing fasteners! Light jobs as it is tough to drill through thick steel whereas magnetic do! You observed that the worker can put body weight when doing something there needs high torque, but quality... Not use many of these types of drills, right-angle drills and impact drivers adjust types. Drill variants are bow drill, again surgeons also use this tool with you and can come up greater... Or in-between the task m talking bedroom, dining room and living furniture. Then choose the right one for the good data you ’ ll the... An available size of socket wrench drive with greater torque far enough down going. Source for work it depends on the cost of the features, so you can do it using decent! 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Site Search The Truth About 9/11 Coming soon! Coming Soon Pin It Jonathan Azaziah is an Iraqi-American Muslim poet, activist, analyst, writer and journalist from Brooklyn, New York, currently residing in Florida. His articles, poems and music predominantly deal with international Zionism and the cruel effect that it has on the world’s oppressed people. He is also a staff writer for Pakistan’s premier alternative media outlet, Opinion Maker, and a frequent guest and co-host of the Crescent and Cross Solidarity Movement’s Ugly Truth radio broadcast. Jonathan took part in an enlightening, explosive interview with me and expressed his viewpoints regarding the renewed war threats of Israel against Iran, Tehran’s nuclear program, the new allegations of the White House against Iran, the true nature of Israel as a state and what he feels is the greatest threat facing our world today. An excerpt of this interview appeared in the Tehran Times, Iran’s leading international daily. Ziabari: Israel possesses up to 200 nuclear warheads, but it has constantly threatened Iran with a military strike over its nuclear program, warning that Iran should be prevented from acquiring nuclear technology. How is it possible to justify this stance? The Zionist entity is something far more cruel, and far more insidious than the apartheid regime of South Africa. Ziabari: Some political commentators believe that Israel represents the features of an apartheid state. What’s your idea? Do you consider Israel an apartheid regime? The 'King' of Saudi Arabia, seen here with top Zionist leaders, is serving the agenda of 'Israel' and will not help Iran in the face of an attack. Ziabari: What will be the consequences of a possible Israeli attack against Iran? Will the Muslim and Arab nations unite to support Iran? Azaziah: Unfortunately, while the peoples of the Islamic world will indeed stand with the Islamic Revolution if the Zionist regime and its puppets attempt to assault it, the leaders of the Islamic world will not because let us be honest, they represent Islam as much as the idols destroyed by the Holy Prophet (SAWW) during the beginning days of his advent represented Islam. The monarchies of the Arab world are the worst kinds of hypocrites and the GCC, led by the morally-bankrupt and Zionist House of Saud and Al-Thani family, are now serving as the willing and able agents of the Zionist entity and its Anglo allies in America and Europe and if they are ordered to do so, they will participate in the planned onslaught against Iran. The true face of the House of Saud and Qatar can be seen in their participation in the ravaging of Libya and ongoing shadow operations inside Syria. What must be said though is that the Zionists and their marionettes are not ready for a full-brunt military confrontation with the Islamic Revolution, hence why they have chosen to use underhanded methods of subversion, through Mossad, CIA and Israeli-funded terror proxies like the MEK and Jundallah, to conduct a covert war against Iran for three decades. And as multiple authentic ahadith confirm, if the forces of Dajjal enter the lands of Persia, it is there, where they will be buried by the righteous. Insha’ALLAH. The Zionist regime and its marionettes are trying to provoke the Islamic Republic of Iran into war. Ziabari: International pressure on Iran is mounting these days. From one hand, we have the accusations of the U.S. and its cronies against Iran with regards to the human rights issue. From the other hand, we have the Saudi envoy assassination plot allegation, and as the third phase of the project, we have the IAEA’s controversial report on the country’s nuclear program. How do you assess this trilateral attack? Azaziah: The ludicrous, ridiculous “Saudi assassination plot” has already been debunked as another Mossad false flag and I must say, it was one of the most pathetic that the Zionist regime had concocted in quite some time. The allegations of “human rights violations” in the Islamic Republic are nothing but atrocious attempts by the Zionist-occupied United States government to generate international sympathy for the “poor, suffering Iranian people” so subsequently, there will be a global outcry and support for regime change. We know this to be massively farcical. The people of the Islamic Revolution wholeheartedly and overwhelmingly support the government of President Ahmadinejad and would sacrifice their lives for Ayatollah Sayyed Khamenei. Additionally, there is no larger violator and destroyer of human rights than the United States, which under Zionist direction, has initiated one war after another in the last 100 years and murdered tens of millions of innocents in the process. How dare these hooligans and monsters criticize Iran for “human rights abuses” after their fire bombing of Tokyo, their nuking of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, their decimation of Dresden, Frankfurt and Hamburg, their concentration camps set up after WW2 that murdered over 1 million innocent Germans, their strafing of Korea, their rape of Vietnam and Cambodia for the expansion of Jewish mob boss Meyer Lansky’s criminal narcotics syndicate, their eradication of Iraq over the last 20 years, their crushing of Afghanistan, their ruining of Libya and their incessant drone bombing of Pakistan, Yemen and occupied Somalia, along with their assistance in the ongoing six-decade-long brutalizations of Palestine and Hindutvadi-Zionist-occupied Kashmir. Their hypocrisy is legendary and sickening. And the IAEA report is such a joke, such a steaming mound of rubbish that it is not even worth analyzing. It is clear that the reason for this ‘trilateral attack’ that you speak of is desperation. The Iranian leadership is cool, calculated and undeterred. They have not taken the Zionist bait in responding to the multiple transgressions that the occupier of Palestine has committed against them and this display of sabr (patience) has infuriated the monsters greatly. The Zionist-engineered sanctions against Iran are taking a terrible toll on the Iranian people. Ziabari: What do you think about the increased sanctions of the U.S., EU and the UNSC against Iran? Are these sanctions going to disrupt Iran’s economy? Will these sanctions bring Iran to its knees and force it into surrendering its nuclear rights? Azaziah: I do not believe for a second that the sanctions will bring the Islamic Revolution to its knees; not even a single second. The Persian people, first and foremost, kneel only before ALLAH (SWT) and this was proven by their triumph over the Shah and the CIA-Mossad-run counter-revolution in 1979. The would-be-invaders and ‘arrogant powers’ that Ayatollah Sayyed Khamenei constantly refers to know that the only way Iran will break is through all-out aggression and as described already, they are not ready for this kind of war at this juncture. This is why we see increased cooperation between the GCC countries, America and the Zionist entity, mainly the excessively large weapons deals between the House of Saud, America and Germany as well as the increased ‘defense’ relations between the House of Khalifa in Bahrain and the Zionist-occupied US government. International Zionism loves nothing more than Muslims killing Muslims and nothing would satisfy its bloodlust quite like a ‘Sunni-Shi’a, Persian-Arab’ war, in which its Israeli occupation forces would not have to lift a single weapon; the goyim would do all the work for them, eliminating the usurping Jewish supremacist state’s greatest enemy. The Zionists and the real power behind them, their racist genocidal rabbis, according to their satanic Talmud, view the Arab and Persian peoples as “Ishmaelites” and “Amalekites” who must be destroyed in order to erect a “Jewish Utopia” on earth, in which Jews rule over non-Jews in a sort of supremacist paradise. It is a religious duty for Zionists to murder us, steal our lands and desecrate what it is holy to us and they have the authority in their Talmud to use any and all means to do it, including using our own people against us. Therefore, the sanctions are only a precursor to what the globe holders really have in store for Iran. I think it is an undeniable fact that unfortunately, the sanctions have indeed had a negative effect on the Iranian economy and more importantly, the Iranian people, specifically in the Aero sector, which as you have revealed in some of your previous works brother, has seen thousands of innocents die in airplane crashes since 1996. The United States and the Zionist entity: world's greatest terrorists. Ziabari: The U.S. has repeatedly accused Iran of violating human rights and sponsoring terrorism. Don’t you think that the U.S. is itself a sponsor of terrorism as it has supported and financed Saddam Hussein in an 8-year war with Iran and has been unconditionally supporting the reactionary regimes of Hosni Mubarak, Al Khalifa, Al Saud and Ali Abdullah Saleh who kill their innocent people ruthlessly? These two historical atrocities alone show the true face of America, and its support of brutish dictators and monarchical maniacs across the globe is well-known. And while Iran’s millennial history is one of peace and diplomacy with its neighbors, the US has launched hundreds of wars, covert and overt over its short two-century history. There is an old Kufan saying that my uncle once shared with me, which has been around since Al-Mukhtar (RA) launched his rebellion against the Umayyads to defend the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (AS) more than 1,300 years ago, that perfectly sums up the United States’ glorious fraudulence. Loosely translated from Arabic, it goes, “He who spills the most blood, talks of the most peace.” I cannot think of truer words that have been spoken. The IAEA is nothing but an instrument of international Zionist propaganda and psychological warfare Ziabari: Israel is the sole possessor of nuclear weapons in the Middle East. It is not a NPT signatory and no IAEA inspector has ever investigated its atomic arsenal. How is it possible to justify IAEA’s double standards with regards to Israel’s nuclear program? And if the evidence isn’t clear enough, one simply needs to look at the previous IAEA head, Mohamed ElBaradei, who is hailed as a great humanitarian and even a hero, when he is nothing more than a wolf in sheep’s clothing, a snake in the grass, a two-faced Zionist hypocrite who has condemned the Islamic Resistance of illegally besieged Gaza, who supports the insane ‘right to exist’ of the Zionist entity and who shakes hands with Israeli war criminals. While El Baradei ran the IAEA, he sat on the board of the International Crisis Group, a highly-influential international Zionist think tank, right next to none other than Shimon Peres, George Soros and Morton Abramowitz, three of the most powerful Zionists on this planet. While ElBaradei ran the IAEA, he did nothing to stop the American-British invasion of Iraq, which was launched under a false “WMDs” pretext engineered by Jewish-Zionist extremists in the Bush administration’s Office of Special Plans. He knew the “intelligence” against Iraq was sheer Zionist falsehood but he watched as Iraq was skewered. There is your ‘IAEA independence,’ yet another Zionist fraud. In 2000 and 2006, Hezbollah, the righteous Lebanese Resistance led by Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, defeated the Zionist entity; the same result awaits the usurping regime if it dares to engage with Iran. Ziabari: Will Iran succeed in withstanding the international pressures? Should it give up its nuclear program and get freed from the sanctions and military strike threats? What’s your idea? Azaziah: For 22 years, South Lebanon was savagely occupied by the monstrous Zionist entity. The righteous Islamic Resistance of Lebanon, Hezbollah, liberated its land, conquering the fourth (some say third) mightiest military in the world and rightfully humiliating it. In 2006, the Zionist entity launched a criminal war against Lebanon to avenge its defeat 6 years earlier. Unleashing cluster bombs, white phosphorus and depleted uranium on the dignified and innocent Lebanese people, the usurping regime murdered nearly 1,500 Lebanese and the unexploded cluster bombs continue killing to this very moment. Defiantly, and inspired by the steadfastness of the Lebanese people, Hezbollah defeated the Jewish supremacist entity again, crushing its plots to reoccupy Lebanon and upholding their Resistance to global Zionism. How was this small fighting force able to best such a monolithic military power? Because the faith of a people cannot be pierced with bullets or devastated by bombs. Because the dignity of a people cannot be occupied or colonized. The Zionists have no faith; they are godless, satanic supremacists. The Zionists have no dignity, they are the swindlers of humanity. Comparatively, the Palestinian people have been occupied for 63 years. Still, the Zionists have not been able to expel them to exalt their ‘Greater Israel’ dream. The Kashmiri people have been occupied for 64 years. Still, the Hindutvadis have not been able to crush them to initiate their first phase of ‘Greater Hindutva.’ Why? Because like Hezbollah and the exceptional Lebanese people, the Palestinians’ and Kashmiris’ faith and dignity are weapons that cannot be defeated by their occupiers. And the revolutionary Islamic Republic of Iran, is like Hezbollah, the Palestinians and Kashmiris on a greater scale, with more weaponry at its disposal. It will not give up its nuclear program nor will it bow before hollow military threats because it doesn’t take orders from Zionism; Iran does not recognize Zionism or the Jewish supremacists that govern it as legitimate authorities. Iran only takes orders from Al-Hakam (SWT), the supreme Judge of this universe. For us, Allah (SWT) is Al-Mu’izz, because He has honored us with Resistance and martyrdom if we die in our path of Resistance, giving hope to our brothers and sisters still struggling because as the Holy Qur’an says, we are alive though we are not seen. For the monsters, the enemies and the ‘arrogant powers’ though, Allah (SWT) is Al-Moumit, and the day of the Zionists’ doom at His hands is much nearer than they think. Iran and all those who support it will be victorious. Add comment Security code Related Articles Copyright � 2012 - ATT Media All Rights Reserved.
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As the world faces a bear market for the first time in over a decade as a result of the spread of COVID-19 (or the Coronavirus), many M&A professionals are in limbo as they consider the rapidly-evolving risks to their current and future transactions. For agreements that parties have signed but not closed, the question is arising whether the global coronavirus pandemic could allow a reluctant buyer to invoke an agreement’s Material Adverse Effect or Material Adverse Change clause (collectively, an “MAE” clause), which could allow the buyer to walk away from the transaction.  Indeed, regardless of whether such an invocation would hold up in court, nervous buyers may be inclined to assert that an MAE has occurred in order to gain leverage to renegotiate the terms of the purchase agreement.  Conversely, sellers may be looking for guidance on their rights to force buyers to close on pre-agreed terms. Importantly, the applicability of an MAE clause is highly fact-specific and depends on the language of the MAE clause itself, the governing law of the agreement and the facts and circumstances regarding the impact of the coronavirus on the target company. In general, specifically tailored language is easier to enforce than general language. The following are just a few factors that may influence whether the COVID-19 pandemic could allow a party to invoke an agreement’s MAE clause: • Magnitude of the economic effect. In the leading Delaware case interpreting MAE applicability, the Delaware Chancery court addressed the magnitude of the effect that would be necessary to trigger an MAE clause. Akorn, Inc. v. Fresenius Kabi AG, C.A. No. 2018-0300-JTL (Del. Ch. Oct. 1, 2018), aff’d, No. 535 (Del. Dec. 7, 2018).  The inquiry into the magnitude of the effect is highly fact-specific.  In general, the effect must “substantially threaten” the overall earnings potential of the target.  Id. • Duration of the outbreak. One of the uncertainties surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak is how long it will continue to affect the global economy. However, to successfully invoke an MAE clause, a party must meet a high burden demonstrating an event that would “substantially threaten the overall earnings potential of the target in a durationally-significant manner,” which should be measured in “years rather than months.”  See id.  As a result, up to date information about the severity and likely impact of the pandemic going forward will likely be relevant to the inquiry. • Disproportionate impact on the target company. The typical MAE clause “allocates general market or industry risk to the buyer, and company-specific risks to the seller.” Id. As a result, a general market downturn may not be sufficient to successfully invoke an MAE clause.  Further, courts may reject the invocation of an MAE clause even if a target is in a specific industry that is disproportionately affected by the outbreak as compared with the general market because courts often look to whether the impact is company-specific, not industry specific.  So, if other companies in the industry are similarly affected, parties may be stuck with the transaction they bargained for.  As a result, a court would likely assess whether the outbreak has had an acute impact on the target company.  It is important to note that MAE clauses are often specifically negotiated and can vary widely between transactions. For example, such clauses may contain particularized definitions or exclusions that would have to be interpreted in light of the facts at hand. If you have a question about the potential applicability of a particular MAE clause, please contact the authors.
{ "keywords": "covid-19, coronavirus pandemic" }
Finding Better Plumbers Finding Better Plumbers Trenchless Sewer Repair Is Convenient And Quick Hunter Ford Trenchless sewer repair is a way of replacing a damaged sewer line. It's a more convenient method of repair than digging a trench beside the line to expose it. With trenchless repair, the work is done while the pipe is still buried. Here's an overview of how the process works. Determine If Trenchless Repair Is Suitable  Trenchless sewer repair isn't always the right option. The process involves pulling a liner through the old pipe, and if the pipe makes sharp turns or if it's too deep, then that might not be possible. A plumber might do a video inspection of the line first to visualize the inside of the pipe to determine if trenchless repair is going to be an option. Compare The Benefits Of Trenchless Repair The materials used to make the pipe liner are durable and have a long life, which makes trenchless repair a good investment. The work is also much quicker than traditional repairs that require digging out the old pipe. You might have the work done in a single day without the need to bust up a walkway or tear out your yard. Trenchless sewer repair is often the best option when the old pipe needs to be replaced, and you don't want to destroy your landscaping. Replace The Damaged Sewer Pipe The liner that's pulled through the old pipe hardens into a new pipe that replaces the old one. The old pipe stays under the ground, but the waste from your home flows through the new one that's inside it. An advantage of this type of repair is the length of the liner is customized to what you need, so there are no seams for tree roots to work apart. With a continuous pipe, there is a reduced risk of leaking in the future. Installing the pipe requires two holes, but the damage to your yard is much less than you'd see if a trench was dug to get the old pipe out of the ground. The liner cures in place once it is positioned properly, so it forms a hard pipe that can be snaked and treated just like any other type of sewer pipe. If you're having problems with tree root clogs that require snaking every few years, then putting in a new pipe is the best solution. The trenchless method of repair makes the process more convenient and quicker. It could be the solution to your problem if you're putting off repairs because you hate the thought of destroying your yard. 2021© Finding Better Plumbers About Me Finding Better Plumbers
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Tag: Tests React Component Tests for Humans React component tests should be interesting, straightforward, and easy for a human to build and maintain. Yet, the current state of the testing library ecosystem is not sufficient to motivate developers to write consistent JavaScript tests for React components. Testing React components—and the DOM in general—often require some kind of higher-level wrapper around popular testing frameworks like Jest or Mocha. Here’s the problem Writing component tests with the tools available today is boring, and even when you get to writing them, it takes lots of hassle. Expressing test logic following a jQuery-like style (chaining) is confusing. It doesn’t jive with how React components are usually built. The Enzyme code below is readable, but a bit too bulky because it uses too many words to express something that is ultimately simple markup. expect(screen.find(".view").hasClass("technologies")).to.equal(true); expect(screen.find("h3").text()).toEqual("Technologies:"); expect(screen.find("ul").children()).to.have.lengthOf(4); expect(screen.contains([ <li>JavaScript</li>, <li>ReactJs</li>, <li>NodeJs</li>, <li>Webpack</li> ])).to.equal(true); expect(screen.find("button").text()).toEqual("Back"); expect(screen.find("button").hasClass("small")).to.equal(true); The DOM representation is just this: <div className="view technologies"> <h3>Technologies:</h3> <ul> <li>JavaScript</li> <li>ReactJs</li> <li>NodeJs</li> <li>Webpack</li> </ul> <button className="small">Back</button> </div> What if you need to test heavier components? While the syntax is still bearable, it doesn’t help your brain grasp the structure and logic. Reading and writing several tests like this is bound to wear you out—it certainly wears me out. That’s because React components follow certain principles to generate HTML code at the end. Tests that express the same principles, on the other hand, are not straightforward. Simply using JavaScript chaining won’t help in the long run. There are two main issues with testing in React: • How to even approach writing tests specifically for components • How to avoid all the unnecessary noise Let’s further expand those before jumping into the real examples. Approaching React component tests A simple React component may look like this: function Welcome(props) { return <h1>Hello, {}</h1>; } This is a function that accepts a props object and returns a DOM node using the JSX syntax. Since a component can be represented by a function, it is all about testing functions. We need to account for arguments and how they influence the returned result. Applying that logic to React components, the focus in the tests should be on setting up props and testing for the DOM rendered in the UI. Since user actions like mouseover, click, typing, etc. may also lead to UI changes, you will need to find a way to programmatically trigger those too. Hiding the unnecessary noise in tests Tests require a certain level of readability achieved by both slimming the wording down and following a certain pattern to describe each scenario. Component tests flow through three phases: 1. Preparation (setup): The component props are prepared. 2. Render (action): The component needs to render its DOM to the UI before either triggering any actions on it or testing for certain texts and attributes. That’s when actions can be programmatically triggered. 3. Validation (verify): The expectations are set, verifying certain side effects over the component markup. Here is an example: it("should click a large button", () => { // 1️⃣ Preparation // Prepare component props props.size = "large"; // 2️⃣ Render // Render the Button's DOM and click on it const component = mount(<Button {...props}>Send</Button>); simulate(component, { type: "click" }); // 3️⃣ Validation // Verify a .clicked class is added expect(component, "to have class", "clicked"); }); For simpler tests, the phases can merge: it("should render with a custom text", () => { // Mixing up all three phases into a single expect() call expect( // 1️⃣ Preparation <Button>Send</Button>, // 2️⃣ Render "when mounted", // 3️⃣ Validation "to have text", "Send" ); }); Writing component tests today Those two examples above look logical but are anything but trivial. Most of the testing tools do not provide such a level of abstraction, so we have to handle it ourselves. Perhaps the code below looks more familiar. it("should display the technologies view", () => { const container = document.createElement("div"); document.body.appendChild(container); act(() => { ReactDOM.render(<ProfileCard {...props} />, container); }); const button = container.querySelector("button"); act(() => { button.dispatchEvent(new window.MouseEvent("click", { bubbles: true })); }); const details = container.querySelector(".details"); expect(details.classList.contains("technologies")).toBe(true); expect(details.querySelector("h3").textContent, "to be", "Technologies"); expect(details.querySelector("button").textContent, "to be", "View Bio"); }); Compare that with the same test, only with an added layer of abstraction: it("should display the technologies view", () => { const component = mount(<ProfileCard {...props} />); simulate(component, { type: "click", target: "button", }); expect( component, "queried for first", ".details", "to exhaustively satisfy", <div className="details technologies"> <h3>Technologies</h3> <div> <button>View Bio</button> </div> </div> ); }); It does look much better. Less code, obvious flow, and more DOM instead of JavaScript. This is not a fiction test, but something you can achieve with UnexpectedJS today. The following section is a deep dive into testing React components without getting too deep into UnexpectedJS. Its documentation more than does the job. Instead, we’ll focus on usage, examples, and possibilities. Writing React Tests with UnexpectedJS UnexpectedJS is an extensible assertion toolkit compatible with all test frameworks. It can be extended with plugins, and some of those plugins are used in the test project below. Probably the best thing about this library is the handy syntax it provides to describe component test cases in React. The example: A Profile Card component The subject of the tests is a Profile card component. A card component where the persons name, photo, and number of posts are displayed to the left in a single column with a light red background, and the bio is displayed on the right in paragraph form with a title against a white background. And here is the full component code of ProfileCard.js: // ProfileCard.js export default function ProfileCard({ data: { name, posts, isOnline = false, bio = "", location = "", technologies = [], creationDate, onViewChange, }, }) { const [isBioVisible, setIsBioVisible] = useState(true); const handleBioVisibility = () => { setIsBioVisible(!isBioVisible); if (typeof onViewChange === "function") { onViewChange(!isBioVisible); } }; return ( <div className="ProfileCard"> <div className="avatar"> <h2>{name}</h2> <i className="photo" /> <span>{posts} posts</span> <i className={`status $ {isOnline ? "online" : "offline"}`} /> </div> <div className={`details $ {isBioVisible ? "bio" : "technologies"}`}> {isBioVisible ? ( <> <h3>Bio</h3> <p>{bio !== "" ? bio : "No bio provided yet"}</p> <div> <button onClick={handleBioVisibility}>View Skills</button> <p className="joined">Joined: {creationDate}</p> </div> </> ) : ( <> <h3>Technologies</h3> {technologies.length > 0 && ( <ul> {, index) => ( <li key={index}>{item}</li> ))} </ul> )} <div> <button onClick={handleBioVisibility}>View Bio</button> {!!location && <p className="location">Location: {location}</p>} </div> </> )} </div> </div> ); } We will work with the component’s desktop version. You can read more about device-driven code split in React but note that testing mobile components is still pretty straightforward. Setting up the example project Not all tests are covered in this article, but we will certainly look at the most interesting ones. If you want to follow along, view this component in the browser, or check all its tests, go ahead and clone the GitHub repo. ## 1. Clone the project: git clone [email protected]:moubi/profile-card.git ## 2. Navigate to the project folder: cd profile-card ## 3. Install the dependencies: yarn ## 4. Start and view the component in the browser: yarn start ## 5. Run the tests: yarn test Here’s how the <ProfileCard /> component and UnexpectedJS tests are structured once the project has spun up: /src └── /components ├── /ProfileCard | ├── ProfileCard.js | ├── ProfileCard.scss | └── ProfileCard.test.js └── /test-utils └── unexpected-react.js Component tests Let’s take a look at some of the component tests. These are located in src/components/ProfileCard/ProfileCard.test.js. Note how each test is organized by the three phases we covered earlier. 1. Setting up required component props for each test. beforeEach(() => { props = { data: { name: "Justin Case", posts: 45, creationDate: "01.01.2021", }, }; }); Before each test, a props object with the required <ProfileCard /> props is composed, where contains the minimum info for the component to render. 1. Render with a default set of props. This test checks the whole DOM produced by the component when passing name, posts, and creationDate fields. Here’s what the result produces in the UI: And here’s the test case for it: it("should render default", () => { // "to exhaustively satisfy" ensures all classes/attributes are also matching expect( <ProfileCard {...props} />, "when mounted", "to exhaustively satisfy", <div className="ProfileCard"> <div className="avatar"> <h2>Justin Case</h2> <i className="photo" /> <span>45{" posts"}</span> <i className="status offline" /> </div> <div className="details bio"> <h3>Bio</h3> <p>No bio provided yet</p> <div> <button>View Skills</button> <p className="joined">{"Joined: "}01.01.2021</p> </div> </div> </div> ); }); 1. Render with status online. Now we check if the profile renders with the “online” status icon. And the test case for that: it("should display online icon", () => { // Set the isOnline prop = true; // The minimum to test for is the presence of the .online class expect( <ProfileCard {...props} />, "when mounted", "queried for first", ".status", "to have class", "online" ); }); 1. Render with bio text. <ProfileCard /> accepts any arbitrary string for its bio. So, let’s write a test case for that: 1. Render “Technologies” view with an empty list. Clicking on the “View Skills” link should switch to a list of technologies for this user. If no data is passed, then the list should be empty. Here’s that test case: it("should display the technologies view", () => { // Mount <ProfileCard /> and obtain a ref const component = mount(<ProfileCard {...props} />); // Simulate a click on the button element ("View Skills" link) simulate(component, { type: "click", target: "button", }); // Check if the .details element contains the technologies view expect( component, "queried for first", ".details", "to exhaustively satisfy", <div className="details technologies"> <h3>Technologies</h3> <div> <button>View Bio</button> </div> </div> ); }); 1. Render a list of technologies. If a list of technologies is passed, it will display in the UI when clicking on the “View Skills” link. Yep, another test case: it("should display list of technologies", () => { // Set the list of technologies = ["JavaScript", "React", "NodeJs"]; // Mount ProfileCard and obtain a ref const component = mount(<ProfileCard {...props} />); // Simulate a click on the button element ("View Skills" link) simulate(component, { type: "click", target: "button", }); // Check if the list of technologies is present and matches prop values expect( component, "queried for first", ".technologies ul", "to exhaustively satisfy", <ul> <li>JavaScript</li> <li>React</li> <li>NodeJs</li> </ul> ); }); 1. Render a user location. That information should render in the DOM only if it was provided as a prop. The test case: it("should display location", () => { // Set the location = "Copenhagen, Denmark"; // Mount <ProfileCard /> and obtain a ref const component = mount(<ProfileCard {...props} />); // Simulate a click on the button element ("View Skills" link) // Location render only as part of the Technologies view simulate(component, { type: "click", target: "button", }); // Check if the location string matches the prop value expect( component, "queried for first", ".location", "to have text", "Location: Copenhagen, Denmark" ); }); 1. Calling a callback when switching views. This test does not compare DOM nodes but does check if a function prop passed to <ProfileCard /> is executed with the correct argument when switching between the Bio and Technologies views. it("should call onViewChange prop", () => { // Create a function stub (dummy) = sinon.stub(); // Mount ProfileCard and obtain a ref const component = mount(<ProfileCard {...props} />); // Simulate a click on the button element ("View Skills" link) simulate(component, { type: "click", target: "button", }); // Check if the stub function prop is called with false value for isBioVisible // isBioVisible is part of the component's local state expect(, "to have a call exhaustively satisfying", [false] ); }); Running all the tests Now, all of the tests for <ProfileCard /> can be executed with a simple command: yarn test Notice that tests are grouped. There are two independent tests and two groups of tests for each of the <ProfileCard /> views—bio and technologies. Grouping makes test suites easier to follow and is a nice way to organize logically-related UI units. Some final words Again, this is meant to be a fairly simple example of how to approach React component tests. The essence is to look at components as simple functions that accept props and return a DOM. From that point on, choosing a testing library should be based on the usefulness of the tools it provides for handling component renders and DOM comparisons. UnexpectedJS happens to be very good at that in my experience. What should be your next steps? Look at the GitHub project and give it a try if you haven’t already! Check all the tests in ProfileCard.test.js and perhaps try to write a few of your own. You can also look at src/test-utils/unexpected-react.js which is a simple helper function exporting features from the third-party testing libraries. And lastly, here are a few additional resources I’d suggest checking out to dig even deeper into React component testing: The post React Component Tests for Humans appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter. , , , React Integration Testing: Greater Coverage, Fewer Tests Integration tests are a natural fit for interactive websites, like ones you might build with React. They validate how a user interacts with your app without the overhead of end-to-end testing.  This article follows an exercise that starts with a simple website, validates behavior with unit and integration tests, and demonstrates how integration testing delivers greater value from fewer lines of code. The content assumes a familiarity with React and testing in JavaScript. Experience with Jest and React Testing Library is helpful but not required. There are three types of tests: • Unit tests verify one piece of code in isolation. They are easy to write, but can miss the big picture. • End-to-end tests (E2E) use an automation framework — such as Cypress or Selenium — to interact with your site like a user: loading pages, filling out forms, clicking buttons, etc. They are generally slower to write and run, but closely match the real user experience. • Integration tests fall somewhere in between. They validate how multiple units of your application work together but are more lightweight than E2E tests. Jest, for example, comes with a few built-in utilities to facilitate integration testing; Jest uses jsdom under the hood to emulate common browser APIs with less overhead than automation, and its robust mocking tools can stub out external API calls. Another wrinkle: In React apps, unit and integration are written the same way, with the same tools.  Getting started with React tests I created a simple React app (available on GitHub) with a login form. I wired this up to, a handy API I found for testing front-end projects. You can log in successfully: …or encounter an error message from the API: The code is structured like this: LoginModule/ ├── components/ ⎪ ├── Login.js // renders LoginForm, error messages, and login confirmation ⎪ └── LoginForm.js // renders login form fields and button ├── hooks/ ⎪ └── useLogin.js // connects to API and manages state └── index.js // stitches everything together Option 1: Unit tests If you’re like me, and like writing tests — perhaps with your headphones on and something good on Spotify — then you might be tempted to knock out a unit test for every file.  Even if you’re not a testing aficionado, you might be working on a project that’s “trying to be good with testing” without a clear strategy and a testing approach of “I guess each file should have its own test?” That would look something like this (where I’ve added unit to test file names for clarity): LoginModule/ ├── components/ ⎪   ├── Login.js ⎪   ├── Login.unit.test.js ⎪   ├── LoginForm.js ⎪   └── LoginForm.unit.test.js ├── hooks/ ⎪   ├── useLogin.js  ⎪   └── useLogin.unit.test.js ├── index.js └── index.unit.test.js I went through the exercise of adding each of these unit tests on on GitHub, and created a test:coverage:unit  script to generate a coverage report (a built-in feature of Jest). We can get to 100% coverage with the four unit test files: 100% coverage is usually overkill, but it’s achievable for such a simple codebase. Let’s dig into one of the unit tests created for the onLogin React hook. Don’t worry if you’re not well-versed in React hooks or how to test them. test('successful login flow', async () => {   // mock a successful API response   jest     .spyOn(window, 'fetch')     .mockResolvedValue({ json: () => ({ token: '123' }) }); 
   const { result, waitForNextUpdate } = renderHook(() => useLogin()); 
   act(() => {     result.current.onSubmit({       email: '[email protected]',       password: 'password',     });   }); 
   // sets state to pending   expect(result.current.state).toEqual({     status: 'pending',     user: null,     error: null,   }); 
   await waitForNextUpdate(); 
   // sets state to resolved, stores email address   expect(result.current.state).toEqual({     status: 'resolved',     user: {       email: '[email protected]',     },     error: null,   }); }); This test was fun to write (because React Hooks Testing Library makes testing hooks a breeze), but it has a few problems.  First, the test validates that a piece of internal state changes from 'pending' to 'resolved'; this implementation detail is not exposed to the user, and therefore, probably not a good thing to be testing. If we refactor the app, we’ll have to update this test, even if nothing changes from the user’s perspective. Additionally, as a unit test, this is just part of the picture. If we want to validate other features of the login flow, such as the submit button text changing to “Loading,” we’ll have to do so in a different test file. Option 2: Integration tests Let’s consider the alternative approach of adding one integration test to validate this flow: LoginModule/ ├── components/ ⎪   ├─ Login.js ⎪   └── LoginForm.js ├── hooks/ ⎪  └── useLogin.js  ├── index.js └── index.integration.test.js I implemented this test and a test:coverage:integration script to generate a coverage report. Just like the unit tests, we can get to 100% coverage, but this time it’s all in one file and requires fewer lines of code. Here’s the integration test covering a successful login flow: test('successful login', async () => {   // mock a successful API response   jest     .spyOn(window, 'fetch')     .mockResolvedValue({ json: () => ({ token: '123' }) }); 
   const { getByLabelText, getByText, getByRole } = render(<LoginModule />); 
   const emailField = getByLabelText('Email');   const passwordField = getByLabelText('Password');   const button = getByRole('button'); 
   // fill out and submit form   fireEvent.change(emailField, { target: { value: '[email protected]' } });   fireEvent.change(passwordField, { target: { value: 'password' } });; 
   // it sets loading state   expect(button.disabled).toBe(true);   expect(button.textContent).toBe('Loading...'); 
   await waitFor(() => {     // it hides form elements     expect(button).not.toBeInTheDocument();     expect(emailField).not.toBeInTheDocument();     expect(passwordField).not.toBeInTheDocument(); 
     // it displays success text and email address     const loggedInText = getByText('Logged in as');     expect(loggedInText).toBeInTheDocument();     const emailAddressText = getByText('[email protected]');     expect(emailAddressText).toBeInTheDocument();   }); }); I really like this test, because it validates the entire login flow from the user’s perspective: the form, the loading state, and the success confirmation message. Integration tests work really well for React apps for precisely this use case; the user experience is the thing we want to test, and that almost always involves several different pieces of code working together. This test has no specific knowledge of the components or hook that makes the expected behavior work, and that’s good. We should be able to rewrite and restructure such implementation details without breaking the tests, so long as the user experience remains the same. I’m not going to dig into the other integration tests for the login flow’s initial state and error handling, but I encourage you to check them out on GitHub. So, what does need a unit test? Rather than thinking about unit vs. integration tests, let’s back up and think about how we decide what needs to be tested in the first place. LoginModule needs to be tested because it’s an entity we want consumers (other files in the app) to be able to use with confidence. The onLogin hook, on the other hand, does not need to be tested because it’s only an implementation detail of LoginModule. If our needs change, however, and onLogin has use cases elsewhere, then we would want to add our own (unit) tests to validate its functionality as a reusable utility. (We’d also want to move the file because it wouldn’t be specific to LoginModule anymore.) There are still plenty of use cases for unit tests, such as the need to validate reusable selectors, hooks, and plain functions. When developing your code, you might also find it helpful to practice test-driven development with a unit test, even if you later move that logic higher up to an integration test. Additionally, unit tests do a great job of exhaustively testing against multiple inputs and use cases. For example, if my form needed to show inline validations for various scenarios (e.g. invalid email, missing password, short password), I would cover one representative case in an integration test, then dig into the specific cases in a unit test. Other goodies While we’re here, I want to touch on few syntactic tricks that helped my integration tests stay clear and organized. Big waitFor Blocks Our test needs to account for the delay between the loading and success states of LoginModule: const button = getByRole('button');; 
 expect(button).not.toBeInTheDocument(); // too soon, the button is still there! We can do this with DOM Testing Library’s waitFor helper: const button = getByRole('button');; 
 await waitFor(() => {   expect(button).not.toBeInTheDocument(); // ahh, that's better }); But, what if we want to test some other items too? There aren’t a lot of good examples of how to handle this online, and in past projects, I’ve dropped additional items outside of the waitFor: // wait for the button await waitFor(() => {   expect(button).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); 
 // then test the confirmation message const confirmationText = getByText('Logged in as [email protected]'); expect(confirmationText).toBeInTheDocument(); This works, but I don’t like it because it makes the button condition look special, even though we could just as easily switch the order of these statements: // wait for the confirmation message await waitFor(() => {   const confirmationText = getByText('Logged in as [email protected]');   expect(confirmationText).toBeInTheDocument(); }); 
 // then test the button expect(button).not.toBeInTheDocument(); It’s much better, in my opinion, to group everything related to the same update together inside the waitFor callback: await waitFor(() => {   expect(button).not.toBeInTheDocument();      const confirmationText = getByText('Logged in as [email protected]');   expect(confirmationText).toBeInTheDocument(); }); Interestingly, an empty waitFor will also get the job done, because waitFor has a default timeout of 50ms. I find this slightly less declarative than putting your expectations inside of the waitFor, but some indentation-averse developers may prefer it:  await waitFor(() => {}); // or maybe a custom util, `await waitForRerender()` 
 expect(button).not.toBeInTheDocument(); // I pass! For tests with a few steps, we can have multiple waitFor blocks in row: const button = getByRole('button'); const emailField = getByLabelText('Email'); 
 // fill out form fireEvent.change(emailField, { target: { value: '[email protected]' } }); 
 await waitFor(() => {   // check button is enabled   expect(button.disabled).toBe(false); }); 
 // submit form; 
 await waitFor(() => {   // check button is no longer present   expect(button).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); Inline it comments Another testing best practice is to write fewer, longer tests; this allows you to correlate your test cases to significant user flows while keeping tests isolated to avoid unexpected behavior. I subscribe to this approach, but it can present challenges in keeping code organized and documenting desired behavior. We need future developers to be able to return to a test and understand what it’s doing, why it’s failing, etc. For example, let’s say one of these expectations starts to fail: it('handles a successful login flow', async () => {   // beginning of test hidden for clarity 
   expect(button.disabled).toBe(true);   expect(button.textContent).toBe('Loading...'); 
   await waitFor(() => {     expect(button).not.toBeInTheDocument();     expect(emailField).not.toBeInTheDocument();     expect(passwordField).not.toBeInTheDocument(); 
     const confirmationText = getByText('Logged in as [email protected]');     expect(confirmationText).toBeInTheDocument();   }); }); A developer looking into this can’t easily determine what is being tested and might have trouble deciding whether the failure is a bug (meaning we should fix the code) or a change in behavior (meaning we should fix the test). My favorite solution to this problem is using the lesser-known test syntax for each test, and adding inline it-style comments describing each key behavior being tested: test('successful login', async () => {   // beginning of test hidden for clarity 
   // it sets loading state   expect(button.disabled).toBe(true);   expect(button.textContent).toBe('Loading...'); 
   await waitFor(() => {     // it hides form elements     expect(button).not.toBeInTheDocument();     expect(emailField).not.toBeInTheDocument();     expect(passwordField).not.toBeInTheDocument(); 
     // it displays success text and email address     const confirmationText = getByText('Logged in as [email protected]');     expect(confirmationText).toBeInTheDocument();   }); }); These comments don’t magically integrate with Jest, so if you get a failure, the failing test name will correspond to the argument you passed to your test tag, in this case 'successful login'. However, Jest’s error messages contain surrounding code, so these it comments still help identify the failing behavior. Here’s the error message I got when I removed the not from one of my expectations: For even more explicit errors, there’s package called jest-expect-message that allows you to define error messages for each expectation: expect(button, 'button is still in document').not.toBeInTheDocument(); Some developers prefer this approach, but I find it a little too granular in most situations, since a single it often involves multiple expectations. Next steps for teams Sometimes I wish we could make linter rules for humans. If so, we could set up a prefer-integration-tests rule for our teams and call it a day. But alas, we need to find a more analog solution to encourage developers to opt for integration tests in a situation, like the LoginModule example we covered earlier. Like most things, this comes down to discussing your testing strategy as a team, agreeing on something that makes sense for the project, and — hopefully — documenting it in an ADR. When coming up with a testing plan, we should avoid a culture that pressures developers to write a test for every file. Developers need to feel empowered to make smart testing decisions, without worrying that they’re “not testing enough.” Jest’s coverage reports can help with this by providing a sanity check that you’re achieving good coverage, even if the tests are consolidated that the integration level. I still don’t consider myself an expert on integration tests, but going through this exercise helped me break down a use case where integration testing delivered greater value than unit testing. I hope that sharing this with your team, or going through a similar exercise on your codebase, will help guide you in incorporating integration tests into your workflow. The post React Integration Testing: Greater Coverage, Fewer Tests appeared first on CSS-Tricks. , , , , , , Create Amazingly Stable Tests Your Way — Coded and Code-Less Testim’s end-to-end test automation delivers the speed and stability of AI-based codeless tests, with the power of code. You get the flexibility to record or code tests, run on third-party grids, fit your workflow and tools including CI, Git and more. Join the Dev Kit beta to start writing stable tests in code. About Testim At Testim, we too are developers and testers, striving to release quality software faster. We built Testim because writing stable end-to-end tests was just too hard. We were the first to build an AI-based functional test automation solution. Since we launched in 2014, we’ve been adding features, improving quality, and proving our solution with customers every day. Create tests your way There are two ways to create tests in Testim — record them using the Testim Extension or code them in your IDE. Actually, there’s a third and recommended approach for those who want to code—record the test, export it as code and modify it in your IDE. When you record a test, each UI action leverages our AI-based platform to analyze the DOM, weigh the attributes associated with an element and create Smart Locators that uniquely identify elements. If attributes such as the color, class, text or location of an element are changed by development, our AI will still be able to uniquely identify the element so that your test doesn’t fail. Customize tests Testim has many features built into the visual test editor to help you customize your tests such as validation of text, email, PDFs, or conditions and loops. You can also insert JavaScript into any step so that you can handle nearly any UI situation. If you are into JavaScript, you can also export your test as code and customize, debug, or refactor it your IDE; the choice is yours. Execute your cross-browser tests When your tests are ready, you can run on-demand or schedule a test run within Testim. We also make it really easy to run your test following a CI action. Tests can be parallelized and across all browsers on our test cloud or any Selenium-compatible test cloud. Report results Regardless of how your tests were created (code or codeless) when they run, you will see the results in Testim so you can troubleshoot. If you find an application defect, our bug capture tool makes it really easy to create a bug report, complete with screenshots, video and the test steps to recreate it. Pop it into Jira or Trello to submit your report in minutes. Our reporting shows test run history, including managerial reports so you can show all of the great work you’ve been doing and that releases are ready to ship. Testim is the fastest way to create your most resilient end-to-end tests, your way—codeless, coded or both. For more information go to The post Create Amazingly Stable Tests Your Way — Coded and Code-Less appeared first on CSS-Tricks. , , , , , Types or Tests: Why Not Both? Correctness: what we all really want A visual model of program correctness Tests and Correctness Types and Correctness Putting them together In short: • Tests are best at ensuring happy paths work. • Types are best at preventing unhappy paths from existing. Use them together based on their strengths, for best results! The post Types or Tests: Why Not Both? appeared first on CSS-Tricks. , , Using Cypress to Write Tests for a React Application End-to-end tests are written to assert the flow of an application from start to finish. Instead of handling the tests yourself — you know, manually clicking all over the application — you can write a test that runs as you build the application. That’s what we call continuous integration and it’s a beautiful thing. Write some code, save it, and let tooling do the dirty work of making sure it doesn’t break anything. >Cypress is just one end-to-end testing framework that does all that clicking work for us and that’s what we’re going to look at in this post. It’s really for any modern JavaScript library, but we’re going to integrate it with React in the examples. Let’s set up an app to test In this tutorial, we will write tests to cover a todo application I’ve built. You can clone the repository to follow along as we plug it into Cypress. git clone [email protected]:kinsomicrote/cypress-react-tutorial.git Navigate into the application, and install the dependencies: cd cypress-react-tutorial yarn install Cypress isn’t part of the dependencies, but you can install it by running this: yarn add cypress --dev Now, run this command to open Cypress: node_modules/.bin/cypress open Typing that command to the terminal over and over can get exhausting, but you can add this script to the package.json file in the project root: "cypress": "cypress open" Now, all you have to do is do npm run cypress once and Cypress will be standing by at all times. To have a feel of what the application we’ll be testing looks like, you can start the React application by running yarn start. We will start by writing a test to confirm that Cypress works. In the cypress/integration folder, create a new file called init.spec.js. The test asserts that true is equal to true. We only need it to confirm that’s working to ensure that Cypress is up and running for the entire application. describe('Cypress', () => { it('is working', () => { expect(true).to.equal(true) }) }) You should have a list of tests open. Go there and select init.spec.js. That should cause the test to run and pop up a screen that shows the test passing. While we’re still in init.spec.js, let’s add a test to assert that we can visit the app by hitting http://localhost:3000 in the browser. This’ll make sure the app itself is running. it('visits the app', () => { cy.visit('http://localhost:3000') }) We call the method visit() and we pass it the URL of the app. We have access to a global object called cy for calling the methods available to us on Cypress. To avoid having to write the URL time and again, we can set a base URL that can be used throughout the tests we write. Open the cypress.json file in the home directory of the application and add define the URL there: { "baseUrl": "http://localhost:3000" } You can change the test block to look like this: it('visits the app', () => { cy.visit('/') }) …and the test should continue to pass. 🤞 Testing form controls and inputs The test we’ll be writing will cover how users interact with the todo application. For example, we want to ensure the input is in focus when the app loads so users can start entering tasks immediately. We also want to ensure that there’s a default task in there so the list is not empty by default. When there are no tasks, we want to show text that tells the user as much. To get started, go ahead and create a new file in the integration folder called form.spec.js. The name of the file isn’t all that important. We’re prepending “form” because what we’re testing is ultimately a form input. You may want to call it something different depending on how you plan on organizing tests. We’re going to add a describe block to the file: describe('Form', () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.visit('/') }) it('it focuses the input', () => { cy.focused().should('have.class', 'form-control') }) }) The beforeEach block is used to avoid unnecessary repetition. For each block of test, we need to visit the application. It would be redundant to repeat that line each time beforeEach ensures Cypress visits the application in each case. For the test, let’s check that the DOM element in focus when application first loads has a class of form-control. If you check the source file, you will see that the input element has a class called form-control set to it, and we have autoFocus as one of the element attributes: <input type="text" autoFocus value={this.state.item} onChange={this.handleInputChange} placeholder="Enter a task" className="form-control" /> When you save that, go back to the test screen and select form.spec.js to run the test. The next thing we’ll do is test whether a user can successfully enter a value into the input field. it('accepts input', () => { const input = "Learn about Cypress" cy.get('.form-control') .type(input) .should('have.value', input) }) We’ve added some text (“Learn about Cypress”) to the input. Then we make use of cy.get to obtain the DOM element with the form-control class name. We could also do something like cy.get('input') and get the same result. After getting the element, cy.type() is used to enter the value we assigned to the input, then we assert that the DOM element with class form-control has a value that matches the value of input. In other words: Does the input have a class of form-control and does it contain Learn About Cypress in it? Our application should also have two todos that have been created by default when the app runs. It’s important we have a test that checks that they are indeed listed. What do we want? In our code, we are making use of the list item (<li>) element to display tasks as items in a list. Since we have two items listed by default, it means that the list should have a length of two at start. So, the test will look something like this: it('displays list of todo', () => { cy.get('li') .should('have.length', 2) }) Oh! And what would this app be if a user was unable to add a new task to the list? We’d better test that as well. it('adds a new todo', () => { const input = "Learn about cypress" cy.get('.form-control') .type(input) .type('{enter}') .get('li') .should('have.length', 3) }) This looks similar to what we wrote in the last two tests. We obtain the input and simulate typing a value into it. Then, we simulate submitting a task that should update the state of the application, thereby increasing the length from 2 to 3. So, really, we can build off of what we already have! Changing the value from three to two will cause the test to fail — that’s what we’d expect because the list should have two tasks by default and submitting once should produce a total of three. You might be wondering what would happen if the user deletes either (or both) of the default tasks before attempting to submit a new task. Well, we could write a test for that as well, but we’re not making that assumption in this example since we only want to confirm that tasks can be submitted. This is an easy way for us to test the basic submitting functionality as we develop and we can account for advanced/edge cases later. The last feature we need to test is the deleting tasks. First, we want to delete one of the default task items and then see if there is one remaining once the deletion happens. It’s the same sort of deal as before, but we should expect one item left in the list instead of the three we expected when adding a new task to the list. it('deletes a todo', () => { cy.get('li') .first() .find('.btn-danger') .click() .get('li') .should('have.length', 1) }) OK, so what happens if we delete both of the default tasks in the list and the list is completely empty? Let’s say we want to display this text when no more items are in the list: “All of your tasks are complete. Nicely done!” This isn’t too different from what we have done before. You can try it out first then come back to see the code for it. it.only('deletes all todo', () => { cy.get('li') .first() .find('.btn-danger') .click() .get('li') .first() .find('.btn-danger') .click() .get('.no-task') .should('have.text', 'All of your tasks are complete. Nicely done!') }) Both tests look similar: we get the list item element, target the first one, and make use of cy.find() to look for the DOM element with a btn-danger class name (which, again, is a totally arbitrary class name for the delete button in this example app). We simulate a click event on the element to delete the task item. I’m checking for “No task!” in this particular test. Testing network requests Network requests are kind of a big deal because that’s often the source of data used in an application. Say we have a component in our app that makes a request to the server to obtain data which will be displayed to user. Let’s say the component markup looks like this: class App extends React.Component { state = { isLoading: true, users: [], error: null }; fetchUsers() { fetch(``) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => this.setState({ users: data, isLoading: false, }) ) .catch(error => this.setState({ error, isLoading: false })); } componentDidMount() { this.fetchUsers(); } render() { const { isLoading, users, error } = this.state; return ( <React.Fragment> <h1>Random User</h1> {error ? <p>{error.message}</p> : null} {!isLoading ? ( => { const { username, name, email } = user; return ( <div key={username}> <p>Name: {name}</p> <p>Email Address: {email}</p> <hr /> </div> ); }) ) : ( <h3>Loading...</h3> )} </React.Fragment> ); } } Here, we are making use of the JSON Placeholder API as an example. We can have a test like this to test the response we get from the server: describe('Request', () => { it('displays random users from API', () => { cy.request('') .should((response) => { expect(response.status).to.eq(200) expect(response.body).to.have.length(10) expect(response)'headers') expect(response)'duration') }) }) }) The benefit of testing the server (as opposed to stubbing it) is that we are certain the response we get is the same as that which a user will get. To learn more about network requests and how you can stub network requests, see this page in the Cypress documentation. Running tests from the command line Cypress tests can run from the terminal without the provided UI: ./node_modules/.bin/cypress run npx cypress run Let’s run the form tests we wrote: npx cypress run --record --spec "cypress/integration/form.spec.js" Terminal should output the results right there with a summary of what was tested. There’s a lot more about using Cypress with the command line in the documentation. That’s a wrap! Tests are something that either gets people excited or scared, depending on who you talk to. Hopefully what we’ve looked at in this post gets everyone excited about implementing tests in an application and shows how relatively straightforward it can be. Cypress is an excellent tool and one I’ve found myself reaching for in my own work, but there are others as well. Regardless of what tool you use (and how you feel about tests), hopefully you see the benefits of testing and are more compelled to give them a try. Related resources The post Using Cypress to Write Tests for a React Application appeared first on CSS-Tricks. , , , , , Writing Tests for React Applications Using Jest and Enzyme While it is important to have a well-tested API, solid test coverage is a must for any React application. Tests increase confidence in the code and helps prevent shipping bugs to users. That’s why we’re going to focus on testing in this post, specifically for React applications. By the end, you’ll be up and running with tests using Jest and Enzyme. No worries if those names mean nothing to you because that’s where we’re headed right now! Installing the test dependencies Jest is a unit testing framework that makes testing React applications pretty darn easy because it works seamlessly with React (because, well, the Facebook team made it, though it is compatible with other JavaScript frameworks). It serves as a test runner that includes an entire library of predefined tests with the ability to mock functions as well. Enzyme is designed to test components and it’s a great way to write assertions (or scenarios) that simulate actions that confirm the front-end UI is working correctly. In other words, it seeks out components on the front end, interacts with them, and raises a flag if any of the components aren’t working the way it’s told they should. So, Jest and Enzyme are distinct tools, but they complement each other well. For our purposes, we will spin up a new React project using create-react-app because it comes with Jest configured right out of the box. yarn create react-app my-app We still need to install enzyme and enzyme-adapter-react-16 (that number should be based on whichever version of React version you’re using). yarn add enzyme enzyme-adapter-react-16 --dev OK, that creates our project and gets us both Jest and Enzyme in our project in two commands. Next, we need to create a setup file for our tests. We’ll call this file setupTests.js and place it in the src folder of the project. Here’s what should be in that file: import { configure } from 'enzyme'; import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16'; configure({ adapter: new Adapter() }); This brings in Enzyme and sets up the adapter for running our tests. To make things easier on us, we are going to write tests for a React application I have already built. Grab a copy of the app over on GitHub. Taking snapshots of tests Snapshot testing is used to keep track of changes in the app UI. If you’re wonder whether we’re dealing with literal images of the UI, the answer is no, but snapshots are super useful because they capture the code of a component at a moment in time so we can compare the component in one state versus any other possible states it might take. The first time a test runs, a snapshot of the component code is composed and saved in a new __snapshots__ folder in the src directory. On test runs, the current UI is compared to the existing. Here’s a snapshot of a successful test of the sample project’s App component. it("renders correctly", () => { const wrapper = shallow( <App /> ); expect(wrapper).toMatchSnapshot(); }); Every new snapshot that gets generated when the test suite runs will be saved in the __tests__ folder. What’s great about that Jest will check to see if the component matches is then on subsequent times when we run the test, Jest will check to see if the component matches the snapshot on subsequent tests. Here’s how that files looks. Let’s create a conditions where the test fails. We’ll change the <h2> tag of our component from <h2>Random User</h2> to <h2>CSSTricks Tests</h2> and here’s what we get in the command line when the tests run: If we want our change to pass the test, we either change the heading to what it was before, or we can update the snapshot file. Jest even provides instructions for how to update the snapshot right from the command line so there’s no need to update the snapshot manually: So, that’s what we’ll do in this case. We press u to update the snapshot, the test passes, and we move on. Did you catch the shallow method in our test snapshot? That’s from the Enzyme package and instructs the test to run a single component and nothing else — not even any child components that might be inside it. It’s a nice clean way to isolate code and get better information when debugging and is especially great for simple, non-interactive components. In addition to shallow, we also have render for snapshot testing. What’s the difference, you ask? While shallow excludes child components when testing a component, render includes them while rendering to static HTML. There is one more method in the mix to be aware of: mount. This is the most engaging type of test in the bunch because it fully renders components (like shallow and render) and their children (like render) but puts them in the DOM, which means it can fully test any component that interacts with the DOM API as well as any props that are passed to and from it. It’s a comprehensive test for interactivity. It’s also worth noting that, since it does a full mount, we’ll want to make a call to .unmount on the component after the test runs so it doesn’t conflict with other tests. Testing Component’s Lifecycle Methods Lifecycle methods are hooks provided by React, which get called at different stages of a component’s lifespan. These methods come in handy when handling things like API calls. Since they are often used in React components, you can have your test suite cover them to ensure all things work as expected. We do the fetching of data from the API when the component mounts. We can check if the lifecycle method gets called by making use of jest, which makes it possible for us to mock lifecycle methods used in React applications. it('calls componentDidMount', () => { jest.spyOn(App.prototype, 'componentDidMount') const wrapper = shallow(<App />) expect(App.prototype.componentDidMount.mock.calls.length).toBe(1) }) We attach spy to the component’s prototype, and the spy on the componentDidMount() lifecycle method of the component. Next, we assert that the lifecycle method is called once by checking for the call length. Testing component props How can you be sure that props from one component are being passed to another? We have a test confirm it, of course! The Enzyme API allows us to create a “mock” function so tests can simulate props being passed between components. Let’s say we are passing user props from the main App component into a Profile component. In other words, we want the App to inform the Profile with details about user information to render a profile for that user. First, let’s mock the user props: const user = { name: 'John Doe', email: '[email protected]', username: 'johndoe', image: null } Mock functions look a lot like other tests in that they’re wrapped around the components. However, we’re using an additional describe layer that takes the component being tested, then allows us to proceed by telling the test the expected props and values that we expect to be passed. describe ('<Profile />', () => { it ('contains h4', () => { const wrapper = mount(<Profile user={user} />) const value = wrapper.find('h4').text() expect(value).toEqual('John Doe') }) it ('accepts user props', () => { const wrapper = mount(<Profile user={user} />); expect(wrapper.props().user).toEqual(user) }) }) This particular example contains two tests. In the first test, we pass the user props to the mounted Profile component. Then, we check to see if we can find a <h4> element that corresponds to what we have in the Profile component. In the second test, we want to check if the props we passed to the mounted component equals the mock props we created above. Note that even though we are destructing the props in the Profile component, it does not affect the test. Mock API calls There’s a part in the project we’ve been using where an API call is made to fetch a list of users. And guess what? We can test that API call, too! The slightly tricky thing about testing API calls is that we don’t actually want to hit the API. Some APIs have call limits or even costs for making making calls, so we want to avoid that. Thankfully, we can use Jest to mock axios requests. See this post for a more thorough walkthrough of using axios to make API calls. First, we’ll create a new folder called __mock__ in the same directory where our __tests__ folder lives. This is where our mock request files will be created when the tests run. module.exports = { get: jest.fn(() => { return Promise.resolve({ data: [ { id: 1, name: 'Jane Doe', email: '[email protected]', username: 'jdoe' } ] }) }) } We want to check and see that the GET request is made. We’ll import axios for that: import axios from 'axios'; Just below the import statements, we need Jest to replace axios with our mock, so we add this: The Jest API has a spyOn() method that takes an accessType? argument that can be used to check whether we are able to “get” data from an API call. We use jest.spyOn() to call the spied method, which we implemented in our __mock__ file, and it can be used with the shallow, render and mount tests we covered earlier. it('fetches a list of users', () => { const getSpy = jest.spyOn(axios, 'get') const wrapper = shallow( <App /> ) expect(getSpy).toBeCalled() }) We passed the test! That’s a primer into the world of testing in a React application. Hopefully you now see the value that testing adds to a project and how relatively easy it can be to implement, thanks to the heavy lifting done by the joint powers of Jest and Enzyme. Further reading , , , , , ,
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Markelle Fultz Has Great Reason For Not Signing With Big Baller Brand Ausiliatrice Cristiano Giugno 21, 2017 Presumptive first-overall National Basketball Association draft pick Markelle Fultz announced that he'd signed a deal with Nike on Friday, becoming the latest rookie addition to the brand's roster of athletes. Williams: You sure you don't want to sign with them? From that conversation, there's no real indication that Fultz considered Big Baller Brand. Fultz: I was thinking about it, but then I would make him money, though. Fultz: I don't know, honestly. Williams quipped, "I don't think they've got money to sign nobody". Can you imagine if this had happened? Markelle Fultz looks set to go as the No. 1 pick when Philadelphia makes its selection at Thursday's National Basketball Association draft - something he's wanted to achieve directly in competition with Lonzo Ball. Of course, the idea of Big Baller Brand, at this stage (or, let's be honest, any stage in the future) having the money to compete for non-family members just sounds absurd. Why would a prospect hitch their respective marketing wagon to an unproven brand run by a guy who talks and acts like LaVar Ball? It was going to be a stretch for BBB to sign Fultz. Altre relazioni OverNewsmagazine Discuti questo articolo
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Dragon age 2 increase text size Foods to improve sex drive in males Before we discuss your problem, let's consider why you would want a second hard drive in your PC. In that case, shut down the PC, open it up, and make sure everything is properly connected. If everything is connected properly, and the drive still isn't showing up, you may want to consider the possibility that your new drive is defective. Freelance journalist (and sometimes humorist) Lincoln Spector has been writing about tech longer than he would care to admit. PCWorld helps you navigate the PC ecosystem to find the products you want and the advice you need to get the job done. Seagate is smiling big today, having announced that it is the first ever to offer a hard drive containing 1TB platters. This isn't Seagate's only claim to fame this year, with the company announcing last month that it is the first (and thus far, only) to ship 2 billion hard drives globally. Demand for hard drives - particularly, larger ones - is expected to rise as the quantity of digital content, such as high-definition videos, created by consumers increases. This CD is therefore very important in that it has almost ertainly the largest collection of photographs of the genus (over 1,000) ever assembled. CD-ROMs some of these are offered in .pdf file (Adobe Acrobat) format and an appropriate reader is included. This will be an extremly useful compilation to anyone interested in Yucca and I am sure will help to increase the popularity of the plants. A 32GB version will go on sale Sunday, November 16 exclusively at Best Buy's stores and on its website for the price of $79.99. With the free cloud storage options and inexpensive cloud options it seems these type of products are real niche market segment accessories. The same power surge, malware, fire, or burglar that might deprive you of everything on your main hard drive will likely also rob you of your backup. These instructions are for Windows 7, but should work with slight alterations in other versions. There are a total of four platters, making the drive an ordinary 4TB in size, but it is not the overall capacity that is the bragging point. The full-featured iXpand sync app is exceptionally intuitive, creating a seamless user experience. Although it's not the most exciting announcement, there are some advantages to this drive over other 4TB offerings. Does breast size increase on pressing it S r hadden Gold coast titans memes Natural growth calculator girl Comments to “How to increase disk drive space needed” 1. 21 writes: Independently studied all of the formulations and share you. 2. Juan_Gallardo writes: Shorter flaccid penises tend to achieve about. 3. IGLESIAS writes: Day thought of the most well-liked penis program earlier than 6 weeks and overall remains to be in a position.
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
True happiness Most people look for themselves as the cause of their dissatisfaction or frustration. After all, life would not be almost perfect if significant people in our lives would simply do things like we want them to do or do what we think is best for them? Indeed, this is a kind of thought that keeps misery! I agree that most of today's unhappiness relies on important people in our lives who do not work with us. Can anyone refer to it? Have you ever had a child who takes a decision that puts them at a serious risk? Have you ever had a significant other decision to make or decide on a job that you did not agree with? Did one of your parents ever say something criticous for you who rolled your confidence? Have you ever got a supervisor who has a lot of work with you and never brave for your good results? I think you have the idea. Someone or combination of these things can be a source of unhappiness for us and I'm sure you can add some more to the list. While in such cases, it certainly feels like others in our lives would just work together and be the way we want them to be, and then our life would be so much better, happier and more adequate. Although this could actually be true, what I believe too is this. While we are busy by trying to catch these significant others in our lives to make our things happen, the behavior we usually move toward others is the same as those that harm and greatly destroy our communication . You know the behavior I'm talking about: punishment, guilting, complaint, abundance, oppression, criticism, "silent treatment" and if we are particularly knowledgeable, rewarding to control, otherwise known as a bribe. If you are one of the first choice to negotiate and open the door, you are rarely. Ask yourself what you usually do when a negotiation fails? I know that one of my finer behaviors is abundant. I'm world class nest — ask my kids. You know the drill. "How about cleaning your room today?" Thirty minutes later, after the child is still in front of his computer game, "Are you going to get to this room today?" Perhaps two hours later, some deserts are loud, "what about that room?" Then, as the last frustration, it will "get you lazy a * # and clean your blankety blank blank room !!!!" Ever been there? Work it to clean the room? In my case, it usually did not. However, some parents told me that repetitive nausea works, but my next question actually answers a different — at what cost? What was the cost of getting these rooms cleared? First, the cost of losing control and being a person you probably do not want to be and secondly, there was a certain cost to the relationship between you and your child. Do you believe that after exchanging, like the one, will your two be willing and willing to have a significant discussion about life or anything else you might want to talk about? Certainly not. What I'm going to say is probably against what you've believed in the good majority of your life and it's for you and you alone to be responsible for your own happiness. If you are waiting for someone to do something different or that a particular thing appears in your life so that you can be happy, you work outside from somewhere instead of inside. I'm not here to tell you to stop what you're doing now. If you want to keep believing that when your husband becomes affectionate, your children are obedient, your wife supports more, your boss grateful or you get your education, pay your credit card, buy your first home, etc. In order for you to be happy, then go. But for those of us who want to exercise within our minds, we do not like to give others the power to control our happiness or any of our other feelings or feelings. We know we are responsible for ourselves and nobody else. What I can help you is learning how to be the one you want to be, find the feelings you want to feel by changing what you do and how you think about things. It's a quote I want to leave you from Jimmy Dean. "You can not change the direction of the wind, but you can change your sails." This is typical of true inner thinking. People and events are becoming what they are around us. There is very little we can do to influence the behavior of others and unmanageable events in our lives, but there is always something we can do to manage these things better. If you'd like to discuss this further, visit and check our calendar for upcoming telecommunications, chat and workshops. Until then, begin to recognize the circumstances of your life, giving you authority to others as you feel. Awareness is the first step. Leave a Reply
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Cambridge KET 2020 Test 30 - Listening 2/4/2021 5:47:00 PM Where did Alex go on Saturday? • A • B • C What's the girl trying to make? • A • B • C Where does the man want to go? • A • B • C What time does the bookshop close on Saturday? • A • B • C Which notebook is Jo's? • A • B • C Listen and write the correct answer in the gap. You will hear a woman on the radio talking about a festival. International Festival Type of festival: food Place: Park Time festival opens: p.m. How many visitors will get free gift: Visitor can make: For each question, choose the correct answer. You will hear Lee talking to his friend Paula about going to the cinema. Who has already been asked to go to the cinema with Lee? • his friend Sarah • a member of his family • his friends from basketball Where did Lee get the tickets? • A friend from school gave them to him. • He won them in a competition. • He got them on the Internet. What do they have to pay for? • snacks • fizzy drinks • sweets They are going to see • a film about two people in love. • a new film full of action. • a really funny film. What time does Paula think they should meet? • half an hour before the film • an hour before the film • one and a half hours before the film You will hear a man talking about a basketball match. How did he feel after the match? • angry • excited • worried You will hear a teacher talking to his class. What's he talking to them about? • changes to their timetable • a new teacher at the school • problem with a classroom You will hear one of the staff at a zoo giving a talk. What does he want visitors to do? • eat lunch at the zoo • help feed the animals • buy presents for the animals You will hear a girl talking to her friend about her new tennis racket she's just got. What does she say about it? • It belonged to a family member. • It was exactly what she wanted. • It was quite expensive. You will hear two friends talking outside a shop. Why is the man unhappy? • He hasn't got any money with him. • There wasn't enough information available. • The shop assistant wasn't polite. Listen to Simon telling Mina about an afternoon at school when they discussed jobs. What job is each person planning to do? A. vet E. chef B. racing driver F. footballer C. mechanic G. firefighter D. nurse H. tour guide 1. Mina 2. Dominic 3. Suzie 4. Jake 5. Simon
{ "keywords": "" }
{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
How To Stay Warm and Dry in the Wilderness James WerbOutdoor Clothing, Wilderness Hazards1 Comment Man keeping warm and dry Any fool can be uncomfortable, right? Staying comfortable whatever the weather throws at you takes preparation. Whether it’s a quick day hike or a month long expedition into the wilderness, it’s essential to stay warm and dry. The human body need to maintain an average core temperature of 37 Celsius (98.6 Fahrenheit). Dropping just a couple of degrees below this and you could be heading into serious trouble. At 35 Celsius (95 Fahrenheit), you will be on the verge of hypothermia so understanding what causes heat loss and how to maintain your core temperature is vital. This isn’t just a risk for polar explorers. In fact there’s plenty of cases where hikers have succumbed to the effects of hypothermia in cold, wet conditions after only a few hours on the trail. Heat loss & heat production Most of our energy comes from converting glucose. The good news is that you can regulate this process yourself. Making sure that you eat and drink enough has a big impact on your core temperature as well as the foods that you choose. Always take snacks or energy bars with you that are high in calories as these will ensure that you have the energy you need during the day. Slow down or speed up. If you start to feel yourself overheating then ease off the amount of effort you’re putting in or take a layer of clothing off. When you’re working hard the body will start to pump out heat and moisture. Man climbing up rocks Regulate the energy you use to make sure that you don’t get too cold or too hot. Getting soaked through with sweat will have the same effect as standing outside in the rain without any waterproofs on. You’ll lose heat quickly this way. Equally, if you’re feeling a bit cold then start to work a little harder put on an extra layer. The body loses heat in four main ways: This is the way the sun heats the Earth or how a camp fire warms you on a cold evening. Your body is also producing heat which is radiating away from you. Wearing clothes doesn’t stop the radiation from occurring. Instead you radiate heat to your clothes, which in turn radiates
{ "keywords": "" }
{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
The Ongoing Research of a Family History June 20, 2014 by Beverley Hopwood Beverley Hopwood is the award-winning author of Gladys & Jack and its sequel, Kate & Ozzie, two historical novels that resulted from intensive research into her own family history. This is the second installment in her series on family research; read the first post here. “Are you still researching your ancestors?’ a friend asks. Well, yes. I keep finding new information, new records are being put on the internet sources, and it’s just so much fun. Delayed Release of Records Years before my mother began losing her memory, she told me she was sure that her father had been married before, and that they had a son. For some reason his first wife took their son and went back to England. Unfortunately, the ship sank and the son and wife drowned. For years I looked for evidence of these events, but never found any. Finally, last year I found the marriage registration of a Mary Maud Evelyn Clark and Osmond William Martin, my grandfather. This wasn’t until 1915, which meant that record had only just been released. (Records are not immediately published). There is still a possibility that the birth record of their child has not yet been released. During this wartime era there was a higher chance of a ship being sunk than at other times. Maybe Mary wanted to be back with her family during the war, or maybe, as suggested in my book, Kate and Ozzie, she disliked Canada, the cold, and the fact that Ozzie drank too much. I will periodically search for the child’s birth registration. Interesting that among my grandmother’s papers was a newspaper clipping of a list of ships lost at sea. Names are Clues Sometimes, a mother or grandmother’s maiden name might be used, and this is a great clue. An unusual name might be used for this reason. John Pink Summers was a great uncle of mine. His grandfather’s name was John Pink Summers, and his mother’s name was Pink. She was a mixed-race woman born in Jamaica and had a white half-brother by the name of John Pink. Although she was free, her mother was quite likely a slave on the Pink’s plantation and acquired the name Pink from the estate owner. This was the tradition in Jamaica before slaves were freed in 1836. Names can get confusing when a child dies; often, later, another child is given the same name as the one that was lost. People counted on having their children carry their names down the line. In Wales, the son of John became Johnson, the son of Robert became Robertson, and William became Williamson. Other countries had different traditions, which is important to study and know because it can lead to discoveries you might otherwise have trouble with. In England there are lists of names that in the 17th and 18th centuries were “One County names”. Hannaford is a Devon (or Devonshire) name; almost all of the Hannafords were farmers or farm hands in Devon until about 1840’s when roadways were improved, railways expanded, and farming became more mechanized. Devon and Cornwall had been less influenced by Rome than much of the country to the east and so the Celtic language of Cornwall remained until the last century. There was one Hannaford who arrived in Newfoundland in the 1500’s, but then Plymouth is in Devon, and many ships left Plymouth for the New World in that century. This is not to say people did not move around. If there was no work, they travelled the countryside, and of course, London, England is a melting pot for most counties in Britain. Compare those Records! Comparison of records is very important, and families can make mistakes. According to the 1881 Census, the Martin family was in Montreal. Winnie was 6 (1875), Osmond was 5 (1876), Martha was 3(1878) and Mary was 2(1879). In a sworn affidavit, Winnie pronounced her brother Osmond’s birth to be Nov 25, 1877. The piece from the family bible was attached. I’ve never found my grandfather’s birth registration but I found the third child’s registration: Mary Elizabeth Martin Nov 6, 1877. As it’s impossible for two children to be born 19 days apart, and Mary Elizabeth could not have been registered prior to her birth, the sworn affidavit must be an error, and my grandfather had to have been born in 1876. The fourth child, Martha Jane birth was registered as August 23, 1879, however her sister’s records all said 1881. The names got straightened around after the Montreal Census, the birth day and month were all correct, but until last year, the birth years of the first four children were incorrect. If you can follow this, you are a true genealogist! When researching on the internet, always try to have a look at the original sources. For most censuses and Immigration ship lists, a person is able to scroll back and forth, to see who else was in that town or on that ship. You may be surprised and find more relations, or missing relations. For some reason, the families were not always listed together, perhaps just listed as they were boarding. In one case I found children with their Aunt and Uncle. When studying the originals, you may find letters which have been transcribed differently than what you know them to be. That is why some are shown with corrections on There was a huge Carter family in Ruddington and if I scrolled down the street addresses of the village, I often found a missing child working for someone, or if a wife died leaving young children, they might appear with the grandparents. In the 1800’s and before, children as young as eight were sent out to work. Girls helped in the homes, and boys helped on farms or the local Manor house. Unless the family was wealthy, they had to go out to work. Tracking Down the Loose Ends Because the records of deaths may not released for decades, trips to cemeteries can produce more recent material. Large cemeteries have their own records on file and if you are related they will look up the information for you and more details might be found. Travelling to other countries to search can be fascinating, especially if you do some research ahead. Seeing the old houses or graves of ancestors brings a certain thrill to a person which no number of records can do. Be warned: When you’re talking about family history, many people will tune out after the third name you mention, so save your sharing for someone who is really interested. Most relatives are interested in what you have found, but may also be invaluable when it comes to additional information, stories, and photos. Some will confirm your own story, and others may lead you to question a story you have heard, and that can lead to more research. Small_gladys_and_jack_ebook Small_9781770699502 About this Contributor Learn more about the writer and her stories on her website.
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
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{ "keywords": "candida, transmission" }
“Re-Modernologio” Phase3: Traces of Scenery February 18 (Sun) ~ March 25 (Sun), 2012 10:00 - 18:00 / Free Moments (c) Amanda BELANTARA Sounds to See and Images to Hear Impressive images shot by a fixed point observation are shown in the work Moments, in which few explanations are inserted and little camerawork with suggestive meanings is employed. According to Belantara, she stood in a street holding her camera up to capture patiently what was happening there, like KON Wajiro, a founder of modernology, used to sit at a street corner and record what he closely observed about passers-by. In front of the fixed camera, cars, people and snowballs quietly go past. Soon after some sounds are heard from where there is nobody, someone steering a sled or walking thrusting the umbrella into snow appear between an opening in the snow wall, and are swallowed up behind it. Though they are reflecting images of the town scenery, some sounds diminish and sounds specific to snow are intensified─sounds of footsteps threading the snow hard, snow shoveled, snow falling, snow thawing and snow blowing hard against something. Often only images are shown in silence. In the scene showing a truck dumping a huge chunk of snow into the sea, only burbling sound of melting snow is heard. Those restrained sounds and black-and-white images that seem to have lost colors reveal the scenery of a snowy town more vividly than its actual scenes. Thus this piece brings about a set of mental images of the scenery of the town reflecting its stillness, how people live enduring snowstorms, and how residents have their freedom of action restricted by snow. Amanda BELANTARA, who studied visual anthropology, in which ethnology and cultural anthropology are researched by using images, sounds and occasionally smells, views present-day society and culture in an audiovisual perspective, and inquires into people’s lives and activities from that angle. It means that she approaches the subject by recording lives and activities of people living now and there as faithfully as possible through sounds and images. In this meaning, her “interest in visual anthropology” could be a clue to understand her work. On the other hand, her approach to collect and present them is not so much to explain, analyze or express her intention clearly in a specific framework as to get feedback as a collective representation of empirical memories of the subjects and viewers on her cut-out sounds and world of image. According to Belantara, “ ‘allocation of acoustic arena resources mirrors the culture’s values’[1] means that we listen to ‘what’ and ‘how’ as the product of a cultural process,”[2] and she focuses on sounds produced through people’s acts in particular along with images to cut out the world. In this case, sounds get involved in her work in several contexts: one is to reconstruct and present some situations and aspects in the society by means of collected sounds and images different from written texts and language. Another is that Belantara herself uses audiovisual information as a means to understand local communities and residents, and the third is to explore how people respond to “sounds” and research on their different responses and how sounds make impacts on the unconscious domain. Her video work Lifelibrary (2007) depicts comprehensively the existence of library through sounds. In the circumstances where people should keep quiet, sounds are audible from all quarters: whispers like natural sounds, rhythmic sounds of doing such a routine job as putting books back to shelves and lending of books like an efficient skilled craftsman, loud sounds of footsteps, monotonous electronic sounds coming out at the time of handling text materials, sounds of turning the pages of a book, and sounds of writing with a pencil. All those sounds coming out of the specific place of a library are made by people who act and behave according to regulations, and are collected through special microphones. They are dubbed onto images showing different situations that are happening in the library. They are not sounds recorded naturally and neutrally by the video apparatus, but they sound with a feeling of physical closeness as if we were listening carefully to that sound only. What is reconstructed here is not a library as facilities but a comprehensive “image of library” which people get involved in and perceive. As in the folklore of “blind men and an elephant,” each sound fragment as material does not tell us independently what is happening there and where it is, thus not revealing the whole. However, each sound is the actually recorded sound of that part and we realize it, and when they are all combined, we are able to capture a clear overall picture accompanied with something inaudible and invisible. In contrast, Mimi ga Kyutto naru / Ears are Dazzled, touched by sound (2009), which was produced in the artist-in-residence program at Akiyoshidai International Art Village, shows that sounds can be a means to know of an unknown place. In the case of Lifelibrary, the subjects to be filmed had already been decided and were interviewed beforehand. In addition, the place where the research was made was “library,” the place where its knowledge/recognition could be shared. In the Mimi ga Kyutto naru piece, on the other hand, the materials for the subject to be shot and recorded are discovered from the description of everyday sounds made by locals in this unknown area. What is more, sounds verbalized as “sound diary” are first collected in this work, and by combining this inner soundscape expressed in words with general, actual sounds and images, the sound and image seem to be connected through a medium of words. Cinematic cuts and camerawork make up a story in this verbalizing process, and it makes us aware of a viewpoint at a distance “looking” at lives of people, who are the filmed subject. While the moving image causes a sense of distance seen through someone’s framework, audible information we actually hear gives us a feeling of physical closeness. This gap between the two, image and sound, makes us feel that the viewer’s perception and the description of sounds that people in the moving images provide do not always match. Since this disparity stems from each person’s history of life and experience, sound-related memories could express something delicate. Kinoko-phonography (started in 2010) conducted as a project/event might have originated from her interest in different responses to those sounds. It is a project as well as an event to collect sounds all over the world, listen to them together with all participants to discuss. What is interesting here is that Belantara has collected sounds based on two categories: free application and application with themes. The former collection probably depicts sounds and situations, which people pay special attention to in everyday life in the case of Mimi ga Kyutto naru, and the latter is a collection of sounds that depict soundscape on a specific topic and their different impressions, as in the case of Lifelibrary. Here, you could realize Belantara’s differential kind of interest in different responses and impressions of sounds as well as her interest in actual sounds of all kinds. Moments produced at ACAC this time is also her work depicting Aomori residents’ lives through sounds and images. With “snow” as the focus, however, this piece seems to be an aggregate of situations and impressions viewed through images and sounds. Belantara did not intend to take up snow for the theme from the beginning. As she did in previous pieces, at first she began to interview people asking them sound-related questions, about accounts of soundscape and their impressions of the area as a means to learn about the district. However, in Aomori hit with the heaviest snowfall they’ve had for several years, many people talk about snowy scenery, and in fact, when she visited such places for inspection, all she saw was the ground carpeted with deep snow and she found nothing else. People shut themselves up quietly in their houses, there is hardly anyone in the street, and only traces of some people’s activities are left on the snow. Even if there were people’s activities going on, they would be hidden behind tall snow walls rising skyward. She said that the city of Aomori at this time when everything was hidden under snow was exactly “traces of scenery.”[3] Probably because she kept shooting the scenery of town standing at a fixed spot with all her camera and recording equipment on her shoulder at the time of the coldest and severest snowstorm, the sounds we hear are not for the soundscape formed by someone’s impressions and responses but they have more direct impact on us, so that we can feel her physical sensation strongly in her perspective on sounds, though the moving images are faithfully depicting the scenes. The questions that Belantara asked local people are limited, intentional and directional. Nevertheless, the completed work turned out to be something different from the materials she collected during her fieldwork. I think that it is partly because her approach to the choice of the subject and the construction of image composition is empirical. I believe, on the other hand, that while the subject is tape-recorded through the medium of sound description objectified in this work, situations are comprehensively depicted with a feeling of closeness, because not only the soundscape as someone’s experience but also her physical aspect is involved in there. It is soundscape as a subjective experience, and it seems that the landscape has been dissolved and reconstructed through her physical experience. Images, in which incidental moments are captured by a camera fixed to  wait patiently for an incident to happen, are cut out as a story, but they are documentary in that the situation is filmed then and there. She does not mean to abstract the world through a camera, but tries to be neutral as to how far she should be from the subject or how images should be presented. On the other hand, it is the very reason why the disparities between images and sounds change the distance between the image and the viewer. It is also the reason why the work makes us feel the artist’s freezing body, and beautiful picturesque images framed before our eyes are given a double meaning of physical sensation and snow. Those images and sounds, while playing complementary roles with each other, show their situations separately to suggest strongly that there is something invisible and inaudible behind them. It seems that innumerable eyes, ears and sound sources are coming across at the point where the screen and sounds contact each other. [1] Barry BLESSER and Linda-Ruth SALTER, Spaces speak, are you listening?: experiencing aural architecture, MIT Press, 2007, p. 29. [2] Belantara in her artist talk on February 18, 2012. [3] Her artist talk on February 18, 2012.
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Many consider Risk the principal standard war table game, straightforward and interesting enough to draw in the consideration of a more extensive crowd than past war rounds of military reenactment. In this technique prepackaged game, every player attempts to win fights and vanquish nations to expand his force and to at long last overcome the world. The game board utilized for Risk is an improved guide of the world, comprising of 42 regions. Visit :- เกมกระดาน สวยๆ Roots of the Risk tabletop game  The historical backdrop of Risk started in 1950s, when a French producer Albert Lamorisse made the prepackaged game called “Triumph of the World”. In the time, the game was progressive, since it included non-straight development. With respect to best games, the principles of the game were genuinely simple to learn, yet troublesome procedures could be produced for winning. The more extensive crowd became acquainted with the game gratitude to the Parker siblings who distributed the game in 1959 with slight adjustments under the name of Risk.  Interactivity fundamentals  The world guide used to play Risk bunches the 42 regions into various landmasses and by controlling a whole mainland, a player can get more grounded by acquiring additional soldiers. Much the same as in a genuine war, the players need to assault their adversaries’ regions and protect their own to overcome the world. The result of fights in Risk prepackaged game is controlled by moving dice, so there is a component of karma included, much the same as in the genuine fights. Yet, as in the genuine fights, a more noteworthy armed force has a preferred position.  The exemplary variant of Risk utilizes little officers, cavaliers and cannons to address multitudes of various sizes, yet in the new year 2008 rendition, they have been supplanted with more conventional bolt figures to carry the game nearer to the contemporary world. Diverse armed force types exist just in some exceptional releases of Risk, however not in the exemplary variant.  It’s the adaptability of the game that has made the Risk table game quite possibly the most famous war tabletop games: the strategies for winning of one player can be totally different from those of different players. The issue of many war table games is that the force of the most grounded player expands dramatically and others can never really stop him. In Risk, arranging and discovering partners is a fairly significant piece of the game. By joining their powers against a player who has a whole landmass, different players can vanquish a region from this mainland to debilitate him and to drag out the game.  Numerous varieties  There are various approaches to play the exemplary Risk board came. For a more limited game, players need to achieve a mission to dominate the match. These missions incorporate overcoming certain mainlands or wiping out another player. For the more extended game form, the champ needs to vanquish the whole world. Another variety called Capital Risk is remembered for the authority rulebook, where every player needs to furtively pick a capital. To dominate the match, one needs to catch a specific number of capitals. The widespread type of the game board and the presence of various gaming pieces have additionally given war prepackaged game devotee thoughts to build up their own forms of Risk. Distinctive outsider rulesets go from slight alterations of the game, as new sorts of fighting, to totally various situations like a zombie assault on the planet.  Being outstanding amongst other selling war table games, Risk has numerous exceptional releases. Danger: the Lord of the Rings is played on the guide of the Middle Earth and incorporates “light” and “dim” armed forces. Danger: 2210 is an honor winning modern form, that incorporates unique pioneer figures and arbitrarily positioned cataclysmic events. Danger: Reinvention or Risk Factor incorporates urban areas, capitals and new kinds of missions. The last form referenced was delivered simply in 2009 so fifty years after it’s creation, Risk is a war prepackaged game actually pushing ahead Leave a Reply
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Saturday, July 7, 2018 AskMeMom: Erceflora ProbiBears Review When Kyle turned 3 years old, he was the mini version of FLASH the superhero and I'm not pulling your arm when I tell you --- this boy has the energy of a wrestler bottled in a kid's body!  He runs around so quickly I had a hard time chasing him and mine you, I am really good in running!  I used to join Track and Field!   Oo na, he obviously got his energy from me!  Kyle is not a picky eater, he can eat Ampalaya (Bittergourd) like a construction worker and he loves his milk!  Unfortunately, Kyle got his dad's weak tummy!  We tend to just stick to one brand of milk and you wouldn't believe when I tell you he had upset tummy immediately after I let him drink my favorite Iced Tea!   As advised by his Doctor, it is best to add Probiotic Supplement to help tummy problems and it can also help ease diarrhea and constipation!   Kyle takes his medicine like an adult too!  I don't do the "flying airplane" method as he readily opens his mouth as long as he knew what that is for! But, since he already have his fair share of vitamins and supplements!  I wanted to add Probiotic Supplement in a fun way!  Thankfully, there's Erceflora ProbiBears! Kyle started to develop his sweet-tooth when he started preschool!  He must've seen his classmates eat their reward lollipops and candies!  So thankfully, Erceflora ProbiBears falls into the category of somewhat like a "reward" milk candy (Yes, I've tried them too!) Erceflora ProbiBears is a yummy tummy supplement with the combined 2-in-1 PROBIO-BOOSTER of not just Lactobacillus acidophilus, but also Bifidobacterium lactis – good bacteria that help prevent gut problems such as diarrhea, upset stomach, and other digestive illnesses to help keep kids happy and healthy every day.It’s the delicious and healthy way to strengthen your child’s tummy in yummy chewable bears!Lactobacillus is good bacteria that are present in a lot of food. A study has shown that Lactobacillus was an effective treatment against infant colic and even helped improve immunity. Bifidobacterium, on the other hand, helps ease digestive issues such as bloating and flatulence. It also has a longer shelf life. So Kyle likes to read the label first (serious to!) Take a quick look on how "nice" the product looks. Thankfully, they are bear-shaped so it's cute! He puts it in his mouth and it melts so smooth like a milk chocolate candy! We were waiting for our dinner back then for Father's Day celebration so I had to stop him from taking more than 2! Now this is turning out to be Kyle's "reward candy".  He asks for "ProbiBear" every after breakfast and I happily give him one!  After more than a week of eating a "Bear" a day, I've realized a couple of things--- • I changed his milk brand and thankfully, no upset stomach!  I am now buying different Fresh Milk brands from the supermarket so he doesn't get tired of the taste!   • His bowel movement is better than before!  At times, it used to take him 3-4 days before he does Number 2!  As of today, I'm happy to announce that the maximum of waiting time is 2 days! • It doesn't hurt that my reward candy does him good! Please note fellow mommies that not all child are the same!  It may work quickly on mine but it doesn't mean your child will have the same result as Kyle!  I am just sharing my experience based from what I see! Mommies, do you include Probiotics to your kid's diet? Keep smilin' Stay happy! 1 comment : 1. Expensive masyado .. 133.00 for 4 pcs. Sa mercury. Sa apat ang anakna katulad ko, everyday 133.00 kailangan ko para ipangbili nyan. Sana man lang may wholesale price
{ "keywords": "bacteria, immunity" }
Untitled Page Skip Navigation Links Human Factors and Ergonomics Our ability to blend technology and psychology while seamlessly bridging the gap between academia and business is what sets us apart from other consulting firms.  We focus on learning how new technology will be used by the target audience and designing solutions, based on the latest research and state-of-the-art practices, that are more acceptable, cost-effective, and require less training and support.  Click on the five areas listed at right to learn about the what, why, when, who, and how of human factors and ergonomics.
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Walking the Labyrinth of Life “Life happens while you are planning for something else,” was the statement that played through my mind as I participated in my first labyrinth meditation walk at the Center for Building Hope. The session was facilitated by Dr. John Orsborn, from the Tao of Wellbeing Acupuncture Clinic. In addition to planting the above thought in our minds, Dr. Osborn shared some of the history, process, and purpose for walking a labyrinth. I had walked a labyrinth only once before, as a tourist in Grace Cathedral in San Francisco. As beautiful as it was, there was no element of mindful meditation, just what I thought of as a fun maze-walk with my tourist mindset. This, my second labyrinth walk, was different.  I envisioned the session as a learning experience, an opportunity to add another health-promoting tool to my toolbox, one for quieting the mind and reducing stress. As I walked through the labyrinth I couldn’t help but notice the profound metaphor for life it offers: Entering through a single narrow opening, you embark on a journey taking you along a winding path. If you focus on the center you can see your destination, but along the way there are so many twists and turns. At times you are facing in a completely different direction than your goal in which you are intended. You keep faith that if you stay focused on putting one foot in front of the other the path will eventually lead you where you’re meant to go. Stopping or turning around to review where you’ve come from doesn’t serve you in reaching your target. So you keep taking one step after another.  After most of the path has been travelled, it feels as if you’ve been walking in circles the entire time. It is not until the last few steps of your journey that you realize you have arrived. Like life, walking a labyrinth is a non-linear journey. In our modern society, we often envision life as a line that progresses from one place to the next, always towards planned-for destinations and outcomes.  Goals are helpful, but an ability to adjust and adapt to winding roads and unanticipated dead ends not only reduces stress, but opens us up to unimagined opportunities, experiences and growth. A labyrinth is a moving meditation that challenges our linear minds. Just when you think you are reaching the center of the labyrinth, likely trying to measure just how close you are to the “end,” you find yourself taking a turn that leads you back towards the outer edge. A labyrinth is not a maze, in which we choose our path based upon goals of solving the maze. In a labyrinth, it is a purposeful path that is unpredictable to the walker, representing the journey of life. There are three stages to walking the labyrinth: Stage 1: Purgation (Releasing) Let go of the details of your life by gently shedding thoughts and distractions. Let go of your needs to accomplish, complete, or solve the labyrinth, opening your mind to the possibilities that come with each and every unforeseen, unplanned turn. Stage 2: Illumination (Receiving) Experience the journey by walking purposefully. Once you have reached the center of the labyrinth, open your mind and heart to receive whatever the experience brings you. Feel yourself fully present in the Here and Now. Stage 3: Union (Returning) Follow the same path back from the center towards the outer edge, receiving the sights, smells, and sounds as you do in dream time. After exiting, it is customary to turn and face the entrance to acknowledge the ending of the journey. While I sought out this experience with hopes of exploring another tool for quieting my mind and reducing stress, the point of walking a labyrinth is to release our expectations and find peace generated not through a sense of control, but through the release of control.  I’m grateful for and open to any and all tools and experiences that can help me to accept life’s twists and turns with nothing but gratitude for the gift of life. ~Jeff Bridges For finding a labyrinth near you or for more information: “Exploring the Labyrinth,” by Melissa Gayle West Leave a Reply
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
'Jade' Lotus Carvings 'Jade' Lotus Carvings lesson plan • 1. In many Asian cultures, the lotus flower is a symbol of enlightenment. Just like the lotus, which is a water plant, our minds can open up leaf by leaf to allow in sunlight, even if our roots are in the mud. Jade was often used to carve these flowers, as this gemstone is highly valued by Asian cultures. Research the shape of a lotus flower and the carving methods used with jade. Each blossom is a series of simple petals that range from larger to smaller. Here is one way to sculpt a realistic replica of a jade lotus blossom. • 2. Mix white and neon green Crayola Model Magic to create a light green jade color. Jade also can be white and salmon, so use these colors if you prefer. Form several fairly large petals. Join them together in the middle to create your first layer. • 3. Make several more layers of petals, each one slightly smaller than the one before. Press each layer together at the center. Then press each smaller layer inside the larger layer. • 4. Squeeze your flower slightly from the bottom so it appears to be opening. The tighter you squeeze, the tighter the blossom will be! Air-dry your jade lotus for at least 24 hours. • Children research the lotus flower and its symbolism in Asian cultures. • Children recognize the variety of colors of jade and the cultural value of this precious stone. • Children sculpt a replica lotus that reflects their knowledge of lotus flowers and jade carving techniques. • Research the origin of the use of the lotus symbol in Asian cultures. Explain the meanings associated with the symbol. Locate where jade is found on a world map. • Study the botanical features of the lotus plant, and create a realistic model of it, including the underwater root system. • Find out about other historic and contemporary carvings in jade. What do those symbols represent? Experiment with delicate sculptures using traditional and innovative designs. • Assessment: Is the lotus sculpted to look realistic? Can students explain the meaning of the lotus flower in Asian cultures? Can they identify the colors of jade?
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Archive for the ‘Windows & Doors’ Category Living in a hurricane zone requires property owners to pay particular attention to the type of windows and doors installed in their buildings. While hurricane force winds do cause damage to property, it’s wind-borne debris (such as tree limbs, signs, roof tiles, etc.) and not the wind itself that causes the largest amount of damage
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{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Monday, December 15, 2014 NIPS 2014 With a new venue and a deep attitude, NIPS was a blast this year, kudos to the organizers. Let's start with the “talk of the conference”. I mean this in the spirit of Time's “Man of the Year”, i.e., I'm not condoning the content, just noting that it was the most impactful. And of course the winner is ... Ilya Sutsveker's talk Sequence to Sequence Learning with Neural Networks. The swagger was jaw-dropping: as introductory material he declared that all supervised vector-to-vector problems are now solved thanks to deep feed-forward neural networks, and then proceeded to declare that all supervised sequence-to-sequence problems are now solved thanks to deep LSTM networks. Everybody had something to say about this talk. On the positive side, the inimitable John Hershey told me over drinks that LSTM has allowed his team to sweep away years of cruft in their speech cleaning pipeline while getting better results. Others with less charitable interpretations of the talk probably don't want me blogging their intoxicated reactions. It is fitting that the conference was in Montreal, underscoring that the giants of deep learning have transitioned from exiles to rockstars. As I learned the hard way, you have to show up to the previous talk if you want to get into the room when one of these guys is scheduled at a workshop. Here's an actionable observation: placing all the deep learning posters next to each other in the poster session is a bad idea, as it creates a ridiculous traffic jam. Next year they should be placed at the corners of the poster session, just like staples in a grocery store, to facilitate the exposure of other material. Now for my personal highlights. First let me point out that the conference is so big now that I can only experience a small part of it, even with the single-track format, so you are getting a biased view. Also let me congratulate Anshu for getting a best paper award. He was an intern at Microsoft this summer and the guy is just super cool. Distributed Learning Since this is my day job, I'm of course paranoid that the need for distributed learning is diminishing as individual computing nodes (augmented with GPUs) become increasingly powerful. So I was ready for Jure Leskovec's workshop talk. Here is a killer screenshot. Jure said every grad student is his lab has one of these machines, and that almost every data set of interest fits in RAM. Contemplate that for a moment. Nonetheless there was some good research in this direction. Other Trends Randomized Methods: I'm really hot for randomized algorithms right now so I was glad to see healthy activity in the space. LOCO (mentioned above) was one highlight. Also very cool was Radagrad, which is a mashup of Adagrad and random projections. Adagrad in practice is implemented via a diagonal approximation (e.g., in vowpal wabbit), but Krummenacher and McWilliams showed that an approximation to the full Adagrad metric can be tractably obtained via random projections. It densifies the data, so perhaps it is not appropriate for text data (and vowpal wabbit focuses on sparse data currently), but the potential for dense data (i.e., vision, speech) and nonlinear models (i.e., neural networks) is promising. Extreme Learning Clearly someone internalized the most important lesson from deep learning: give your research program a sexy name. Extreme learning sounds like the research area for those who like skateboarding and consuming a steady supply of Red Bull. What it actually means is multiclass and multilabel classification problems where the number of classes is very large. I was pleased that Luke Vilnis' talk on generalized eigenvectors for large multiclass problems was well received. Anshu's best paper winning work on approximate maximum inner product search is also relevant to this area. Discrete Optimization I'm so clueless about this field that I ran into Jeff Bilmes at baggage claim and asked him to tell me his research interests. However assuming Ilya is right, the future is in learning problems with more complicated output structures, and this field is pushing in an interesting direction. Probabilistic Programming Rob Zinkov didn't present (afaik), but he showed me some sick demos of Hakaru, the probabilistic programming framework his lab is developing. Facebook Labs I was happy to see that Facebook Labs is tackling ambitious problems in text understanding, image analysis, and knowledge base construction. They are thinking big ... extreme income inequality might be bad for the long-term stability of western democracy, but its causing a golden age in AI research. In Conclusion Best. Conference. Ever. I can't wait until next year. Sunday, November 16, 2014 Large Scale CCA Tuesday, October 21, 2014 A Posthumous Rebutal A recently published piece by Isaac Asimov titled On Creativity partially rebuts my previous post. Here's a key excerpt: I agree with all of Azimov's essay. It resonates truth according to my experience, e.g., I'm most productive collaborating with people in front of whom I am not afraid to look stupid. So how to square this with the reality that research is funded by people who care, to some degree, about ``return on investment''? I'm not entirely sure, but I'll make a pop culture analogy. I'm currently enjoying the series The Knick, which is about the practice of medicine in the early part of the 20th century. In the opening scene, the doctors demonstrate an operation in a teaching operating theatre, using the scholarly terminology and methods of the time. The patient dies, as all patients did at that time, because the mortality rate of placenta previa surgery at the time was 100%. Over time procedures improved and mortality rates are very low now, but at the time, doctors just didn't know what they were doing. The scholarly attitude was one way of signalling ``we are trying our best, and we are striving to improve''. We still don't know how to reliably produce ``return on investment'' from industrial research. Azimov's point is that many mechanisms proposed to make research more productive actually do the opposite. Thus, the way forward is unclear. The best idea I have at the moment is just to conduct myself professionally and look for opportunities to provide value to my employer, while at the same time pushing in directions that I think are interesting and which can plausibly positively impact the business within a reasonable time frame. Machine learning is highly practical at this particular moment so this is not terribly difficult, but this balancing act will be much tougher for researchers in other areas. Thursday, October 16, 2014 Costs and Benefits Wednesday, September 24, 2014 Sub-Linear Debugging Tuesday, August 26, 2014 More Deep Learning Musings Yoshua Bengio, one of the luminaries of the deep learning community, gave multiple talks about deep learning at ICML 2014 this year. I like Bengio's focus on the statistical aspects of deep learning. Here are some thoughts I had in response to his presentations. Regularization via Depth One of Bengio's talking points is that depth is an effective regularizer. The argument goes something like this: by composing multiple layers of (limited capacity) nonlinearities, the overall architecture is able to explore an interesting subset of highly flexible models, relative to shallow models of similar leading order flexibility. Interesting here means that the models have sufficient flexibility to model the target concept but are sufficiently constrained to be learnable with only moderate data requirements. This is really a claim about the kinds of target concepts we are trying to model (e.g., in Artificial Intelligence tasks). Another way to say this is (paraphrasing) “looking for regularizers which are more constraining than smoothness assumptions, but which are still broadly applicable across tasks of interest.” So is it true? As a purely mathematical statement it is definitely true that composing nonlinearities through bottlenecks leads to a subset of larger model space. For example, composing order $d$ polynomial units in a deep architecture with $m$ levels results in something whose leading order terms are monomials of order $m d$; but many of the terms in a full $m d$ polynomial expansion (aka “shallow architecture”) are missing. Thus, leading order flexibility, but a constrained model space. However, does this matter? The counterargument is that, to date, the major performance gains in deep learning happen when the composition by depth is combined with a decomposition of the feature space (e.g., spatial or temporal). In speech the Gaussian kernel (in the highly scalable form of random fourier features) is able to approach the performance of deep learning on TIMIT, if the deep net cannot exploit temporal structure, i.e., RFF is competitive with non-convolutional DNNs on this task, but is surpassed by convolutional DNNs. (Of course, from a computational standpoint, a deep network starts to look downright parsimonious compared to hundreds of thousands of random fourier features, but we're talking statistics here.) The Dangers of Long-Distance Relationships So for general problems it's not clear that ``regularization via depth'' is obviously better than general smoothness regularizers (although I suspect it is). However for problems in computer vision it is intuitive that deep composition of representations is beneficial. This is because the spatial domain comes with a natural concept of neighborhoods which can be used to beneficially limit model complexity. For a task such as natural scene understanding, various objects of limited spatial extent will be placed in different relative positions on top of a multitude of backgrounds. In this case some key aspects for discrimination will be determined by local statistics, and others by distal statistics. However, given a training set consisting of 256x256 pixel images, each example in the training set provides one realization of a pair of pixels which are offset by 256 pixels down and to the right (i.e., the top-left bottom-right pixel). In contrast each example provides $252^2$ realizations of a pair of pixels which are offset by 4 pixels down and to the right. Although these realizations are not independent, for images of natural scenes at normal photographic scales, there is much more data about local dependencies than distal dependencies per training example. This indicates that, statistically speaking, it is safer to attempt to estimate highly complex relationships between nearby pixels, but that long-range dependencies must be more strongly regularized. Deep hierarchical architectures are a way to achieve these dual objectives. One way to appreciate the power of this prior is to note that it applies to model classes not normally associated with deep learning. On the venerated MNIST data set, a Gaussian kernel least squares achieves 1.2% test error (with no training error). Dividing each example into 4 quadrants, computing a Gaussian kernel on each quadrant, and then computing Gaussian kernel least squares on the resulting 4-vectors achieves 0.96% test error (with no training error). The difference between the Gaussian kernel and the “deep” Gaussian kernel is that the ability to model distal pixel interactions is constrained. Although I haven't tried it, I'm confident that a decision tree ensemble could be similarly improved, by constraining every path from a root to a leaf to involve splits over pixels which are spatially adjacent. It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood The outstanding success of hard-wiring hierarchical spatial structure into a deep architecture for computer vision has motivated the search for similar concepts of local neighborhoods for other tasks such as speech recognition and natural language processing. For temporal data time provides a natural concept of locality, but for text data the situation is more opaque. Lexical distance in a sentence is only a moderate indicator of semantic distance, which is why much of NLP is about uncovering latent structure (e.g., topic modeling, parsing). One line of active research synthesizes NLP techniques with deep architectures hierarchically defined given a traditional NLP decomposition of the input. Another response to the relative difficulty of articulating a neighborhood for text is to ask “can I learn the neighborhood structure instead, just using a general deep architecture?” There is a natural appeal of learning from scratch, especially when intuition is exhausted; however in vision it is currently necessary to hard-wire spatial structure into the model to get anywhere near state of the art performance (given current data and computational resources). Therefore it is an open question to what extent a good solution to, e.g., machine translation, will involve hand-specified prior knowledge versus knowledge derived from data. This sounds like the old “nature vs. nuture” debates from cognitive science, but I suspect more progress will be made on this question, as now the debate is informed by actual attempts to engineer systems that perform the tasks in question. Monday, June 30, 2014 ICML 2014 Review ICML 2014 went well, kudos to the organizers. The location (Beijing) and overlap with CVPR definitely impacted the distribution of attendees, so the conference felt different than last year. (I also learned that my blog is blocked from China, collateral damage from some kind of spat between Google and the Chinese government). Deep learning was by far the most popular conference track, to the extent that the conference room for this track was overwhelmed and beyond standing room only. I missed several talks I wanted to attend because there was no physical possibility of entrance. This is despite the fact that many deep learning luminaries and their grad students were at CVPR. Fortunately Yoshua Bengio chose ICML and via several talks provided enough insight into deep learning to merit another blog post. Overall the theme is: having conquered computer vision, deep learning researchers are now turning their attention to natural language text, with some notable early successes, e.g., paragraph vector. And of course the brand is riding high, which explains some of the paper title choices, e.g., “deep boosting”. There was also a conference track titled “Neural Theory and Spectral Methods” ... interesting bedfellows! ADMM suddenly became popular (about 18 months ago given the latency between idea, conference submission, and presentation). By this I don't mean using ADMM for distributed optimization, although there was a bit of that. Rather there were several papers using ADMM to solve constrained optimization problems that would otherwise be vexing. The take-home lesson is: before coming up with a customized solver for whatever constrained optimization problem which confronts you, try ADMM. Now for the laundry list of papers (also note the papers described above): 1. Input Warping for Bayesian Optimization of Non-stationary Functions. If you want to get the community's attention, you have to hit the numbers, so don't bring a knife to a gunfight. 2. Nuclear Norm Minimization via Active Subspace Selection. The inimitable Cho-Jui Hsieh has done it again, this time applying ideas from active variable methods to nuclear norm regularization. 3. Taming the Monster: A Fast and Simple Algorithm for Contextual Bandits. A significant improvement in the computational complexity required for agnostic contextual bandits. 4. Efficient programmable learning to search. Additional improvements in imperative programming since NIPS. If you are doing structured prediction, especially in industrial settings where you need to put things into production, you'll want to investigate this methodology. First, it eases the burden of specifying a complicated structured prediction task. Second, it reduces the difference between training and evaluation, which not only means faster deployment, but also less defects introduced between experiments and the production system. 5. Quasi-Monte Carlo Feature Maps for Shift-Invariant Kernels. It is good to confirm quasi-random numbers can work better for randomized feature maps. 6. A Single-Pass Algorithm for Efficiently Recovering Sparse Cluster Centers of High-dimensional Data. I'll need to spend some quality time with this paper. 7. Multiresolution Matrix Factorization. Nikos and I have had good luck learning discriminative representations using classical matrix decompositions. I'm hoping this new decomposition technique can be analogously adapted. 8. Sample-based Approximate Regularization. I find data-dependent regularization promising (e.g., dropout on least-squares is equivalent to a scale-free L2 regularizer), so this paper caught my attention. 9. Adaptivity and Optimism: An Improved Exponentiated Gradient Algorithm. No experiments in the paper, so maybe this is a ``pure theory win'', but it looks interesting. Monday, June 16, 2014 Microsoft starts an ML blog and an ML product My employer, Microsoft, has started a new blog around ML and also announced a new product for ML. The blog is exciting, as there are multiple ML luminaries at Microsoft who will hopefully contribute. Joseph Sirosh is also involved so there will presumably be a healthy mix of application oriented content as well. The product is also exciting. However if you are an ML expert already comfortable with a particular toolchain, you might wonder why the world needs this product. Those who work at large companies like Microsoft, Google, Facebook, or Yahoo are presumably aware that there is an army of engineers who maintain and improve the systems infrastructure underlying the data science (e.g., data collection, ingest and organization; automated model retraining and deployment; monitoring and quality assurance; production experimentation). However if you've never worked at a startup then you aren't really aware of how much work all those people are doing to enable data science. If those functions become available as part of a service offering, than an individual data scientist with a hot idea has a chance of competing with the big guys. More realistically, given my experience at startups, the individual data scientist will have a chance to determine that their hot idea is not so hot before having to invest large amount of capital developing infrastructure :) Of course there is a lot more that has to happen for “Machine Learning as a Service” to be fully mature, but this product announcement is a nice first step. Saturday, May 3, 2014 The Most Causal Observer David K. Park recently had a guest post on Gelman's blog. You should read it. The tl;dr is ``Big Data is a Big Deal, but causality is important and not the same as prediction.'' I agree with the basic message: causality is important. As a bit of career advice, if you are just starting your career, focusing on causality would be a good idea. Almost never does one put together a predictive model for predictive purposes; rather, the point is to suggest an intervention. For example, why predict the fraud risk of a credit card transaction? Presumably the goal is to decline some transactions. When you do this, things change. Most simply, if you decline a transaction you do not learn about the counterfactual of what would have happened had you approved the transaction. Additional issues arise because of the adversarial nature of the problem, i.e., fraudsters will react to your model. Not paying attention to these effects will cause unintended consequences. However I have reservations with the idea that ``creative humans who need to think very hard about a problem and the underlying mechanisms that drive those processes'' are necessarily required to ``fulfill the promise of Big Data''. When I read those words, I translate it as ``strong structural prior knowledge will have to be brought to bear to model causal relationships, despite the presence of large volumes of data.'' That statement appears to leave on the table the idea that Big Data, gathered by Big Experimentation systems, will be able to discover casual relationships in an agnostic fashion. Here ``agnostic'' basically means ``weak structural assumptions which are amenable to automation.'' Of course there are always assumptions, e.g., when doing Vapnik-style ERM, one makes an iid assumption about the data generating process. The question is whether humans and creativity will be required. Perhaps a better statement would be ``creative humans will be required to fulfill the promise of Big Observational Data.'' I think this is true, and the social sciences have been working with observational data for a while, so they have relevant experience, insights, and training to which we should pay more attention. Furthermore another reasonable claim is that ``Big Data will be observational for the near future.'' Certainly it's easy to monitor a Twitter firehouse, whereas it is completely unclear to me how an experimentation platform would manipulate Twitter to determine causal relationships. Nonetheless I think that automated experimental design at a massive scale has enormous disruptive potential. The main difference I'm positing is that Machine Learning will increasingly move from working with a pile of data generated by another process to driving the process that gathers the data. For computational advertising this is already the case: advertisements are placed by balancing exploitation (making money) and exploration (learning about what ads will do well under what conditions). Contextual bandit technology is already mature and Big Experimentation is not a myth, it happens every day. One could argue that advertising is a particular application vertical of such extreme economic importance that creative humans have worked out a structural model that allows for causal reasoning, c.f., Bottou et. al. I would say this is correct, but perhaps just an initial first step. For prediction we no longer have to do parametric modeling where the parameters are meaningful: nowadays we have lots of models with essentially nuisance parameters. Once we have systems that are gathering data and well as modeling it, will it be required to have strong structural models with meaningful parameters, or will there be some agnostic way of capturing a large class of casual relationships with enough data and experimentation? Friday, April 25, 2014 A Discriminative Representation Learning Technique Nikos and I have developed a technique for learning discriminative features using numerical linear algebra techniques which gives good results for some problems. The basic idea is as follows. Suppose you have a multiclass problem, i.e., training data of the form $S = \{ (x, y) | x \in \mathbb{R}^d, y \in \{ 1, \ldots, k \} \}$. Here $x$ is the original representation (features) and you want to learn new features that help your classifier. In deep learning this problem is tackled by defining a multi-level parametric nonlinearity of $x$ and optimizing the parameters. Deep learning is awesome but the resulting optimization problems are challenging, especially in the distributed setting, so we were looking for something more computationally felicitous. First consider the two class case. Imagine looking for features of the form $\phi (w^\top x)$, where $w \in \mathbb{R}^d$ is a “weight vector” and $\phi$ is some nonlinearity. What is a simple criterion for defining a good feature? One idea is for the feature to have small average value on one class and large average value on another. Assuming $\phi$ is non-negative, that suggests maximizing the ratio \[ w^* = \arg \max_w \frac{\mathbb{E}[\phi (w^\top x) | y = 1]}{\mathbb{E}[\phi (w^\top x) | y = 0]}. \] For the specific choice of $\phi (z) = z^2$ this is tractable, as it results in a Rayleigh quotient between two class-conditional second moments, \[ w^* = \arg \max_w \frac{w^\top \mathbb{E}[x x^\top | y = 1] w}{w^\top \mathbb{E}[x x^\top | y = 0] w}, \] which can be solved via generalized eigenvalue decomposition. Generalized eigenvalue problems have been extensively studied in machine learning and elsewhere, and the above idea looks very similar to many other proposals (e.g., Fisher LDA), but it is different and more empirically effective. I'll refer you to the paper for a more thorough discussion, but I will mention that after the paper was accepted someone pointed out the similarity to CSP, which is a technique from time-series analysis (c.f., Ecclesiastes 1:4-11). The features that result from this procedure pass the smell test. For example, starting from a raw pixel representation on mnist, the weight vectors can be visualized as images; the first weight vector for discriminating 3 vs. 2 looks like which looks like a pen stroke, c.f., figure 1D of Ranzato et. al. We make several additional observations in the paper. The first is that multiple isolated minima of the Rayleigh quotient are useful if the associated generalized eigenvalues are large, i.e., one can extract multiple features from a Rayleigh quotient. The second is that, for moderate $k$, we can extract features for each class pair independently and use all the resulting features to get good results. The third is that the resulting directions have additional structure which is not completely captured by a squaring non-linearity, which motivates a (univariate) basis function expansion. The fourth is that, once the original representation has been augmented with additional features, the procedure can be repeated, which sometimes yields additional improvements. Finally, we can compose this with randomized feature maps to approximate the corresponding operations in a RKHS, which sometimes yields additional improvements. We also made a throw-away comment in the paper that computing class-conditional second moment matrices is easily done in a map-reduce style distributed framework, but this was actually a major motivation for us to explore in this direction, it just didn't fit well into the exposition of the paper so we de-emphasized it. Combining the above ideas, along with Nikos' preconditioned gradient learning for multiclass described in a previous post, leads to the following Matlab script, which gets 91 test errors on (permutation invariant) mnist. Note: you'll need to download mnist_all.mat from Sam Roweis' site to run this. function calgevsquared more off; clear all; close all; xxt=[train0; train1; train2; train3; train4; train5; ... train6; train7; train8; train9]; xxs=[test0; test1; test2; test3; test4; test5; test6; test7; test8; test9]; st=[size(train0,1); size(train1,1); size(train2,1); size(train3,1); ... size(train4,1); size(train5,1); size(train6,1); size(train7,1); ... size(train8,1); size(train9,1)]; ss=[size(test0,1); size(test1,1); size(test2,1); size(test3,1); ... size(test4,1); size(test5,1); size(test6,1); size(test7,1); ... size(test8,1); size(test9,1)]; for i=1:10; yt(lst:lst+st(i)-1,:)=repmat(I10(i,:),st(i),1); lst=lst+st(i); end for i=1:10; ys(lst:lst+ss(i)-1,:)=repmat(I10(i,:),ss(i),1); lst=lst+ss(i); end clear i st ss lst clear xxt xxs clear train0 train1 train2 train3 train4 train5 train6 train7 train8 train9 clear test0 test1 test2 test3 test4 test5 test6 test7 test8 test9 for i=1:k clear ind kind; for j=1:k covj=squeeze(covs(:,:,j)); l=chol(covj+gamma*eye(d))'; for i=1:k if j~=i C=l\covi/l'; CS=0.5*(C+C'); [v,L]=eigs(CS,top); V=l'\v; fprintf('%u,%u,%u ', i, j, batch); clear covi covj covs C CS V v L % NB: augmenting kt/ks with .^2 terms is very slow and doesn't help clear kt; kt=[ones(n,1,'single') sqrt(1+max(ft,0))-1 sqrt(1+max(-ft,0))-1]; clear ft; clear ks filters; ks=[ones(m,1,'single') sqrt(1+max(fs,0))-1 sqrt(1+max(-fs,0))-1]; clear fs; for i=1:k clear ind kind; for j=1:k for i=1:k if j~=i fprintf('last=%u filtered=%u\n', last, size(filters,2) - last); clear covi covj covs C CS V v L clear kt; clear ft; clear ks filters; clear fs; trainx=[ones(n,1,'single') kt kt.^2]; clear kt; testx=[ones(m,1,'single') ks ks.^2]; clear ks; for i=1:5 xn=[pt pt.^2/2 pt.^3/6 pt.^4/24]; xm=[ps ps.^2/2 ps.^3/6 ps.^4/24]; fprintf('%4s\t', 'pred'); for true=1:k fprintf('%5u', true-1); fprintf('%5s\n%4s\n', '!=', 'true'); for true=1:k fprintf('%4u\t', true-1); for predicted=1:k fprintf('%5u', sum(predidx>0)); fprintf('%5u\n', sum(predidx>0)); function X = SimplexProj(Y) [N,D] = size(Y); X = sort(Y,2,'descend'); Xtmp = bsxfun(@times,cumsum(X,2)-1,(1./(1:D))); X = max(bsxfun(@minus,Y,Xtmp(sub2ind([N,D],(1:N)',sum(X>Xtmp,2)))),0); When I run this on my desktop machine it yields >> calgevsquared 2,1,20 3,1,20 4,1,20 5,1,20 6,1,20 7,1,20 8,1,20 9,1,20 10,1,20 1,2,20 3,2,20 4,2,20 5,2,20 6,2,20 7,2,20 8,2,20 9,2,20 10,2,20 1,3,20 2,3,20 4,3,20 5,3,20 6,3,20 7,3,20 8,3,20 9,3,20 10,3,20 1,4,20 2,4,20 3,4,20 5,4,20 6,4,20 7,4,20 8,4,20 9,4,20 10,4,20 1,5,20 2,5,20 3,5,20 4,5,20 6,5,20 7,5,20 8,5,20 9,5,20 10,5,20 1,6,20 2,6,20 3,6,20 4,6,20 5,6,20 7,6,20 8,6,20 9,6,20 10,6,20 1,7,20 2,7,20 3,7,20 4,7,20 5,7,20 6,7,20 8,7,20 9,7,20 10,7,20 1,8,20 2,8,20 3,8,20 4,8,20 5,8,20 6,8,20 7,8,20 9,8,20 10,8,20 1,9,20 2,9,20 3,9,20 4,9,20 5,9,20 6,9,20 7,9,20 8,9,20 10,9,20 1,10,20 2,10,20 3,10,20 4,10,20 5,10,20 6,10,20 7,10,20 8,10,20 9,10,20 2,1,15 3,1,20 4,1,20 5,1,20 6,1,20 7,1,20 8,1,20 9,1,20 10,1,20 1,2,20 3,2,20 4,2,20 5,2,20 6,2,20 7,2,20 8,2,20 9,2,20 10,2,20 1,3,20 2,3,11 4,3,17 5,3,20 6,3,20 7,3,19 8,3,18 9,3,18 10,3,19 1,4,20 2,4,12 3,4,20 5,4,20 6,4,12 7,4,20 8,4,19 9,4,15 10,4,20 1,5,20 2,5,12 3,5,20 4,5,20 6,5,20 7,5,20 8,5,16 9,5,20 10,5,9 1,6,18 2,6,13 3,6,20 4,6,12 5,6,20 7,6,18 8,6,20 9,6,13 10,6,18 1,7,20 2,7,14 3,7,20 4,7,20 5,7,20 6,7,20 8,7,20 9,7,20 10,7,20 1,8,20 2,8,14 3,8,20 4,8,20 5,8,20 6,8,20 7,8,20 9,8,20 10,8,12 1,9,20 2,9,9 3,9,20 4,9,15 5,9,18 6,9,11 7,9,20 8,9,17 10,9,16 1,10,20 2,10,14 3,10,20 4,10,20 5,10,14 6,10,20 7,10,20 8,10,12 9,10,20 last=1630 filtered=170 pred 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 != 0 977 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 3 1 0 1129 2 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 6 2 1 1 1020 0 1 0 0 6 3 0 12 3 0 0 1 1004 0 1 0 2 1 1 6 4 0 0 0 0 972 0 4 0 2 4 10 5 1 0 0 5 0 883 2 1 0 0 9 6 4 2 0 0 2 2 947 0 1 0 11 7 0 2 5 0 0 0 0 1018 1 2 10 8 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 966 2 8 9 1 1 0 2 5 2 0 4 1 993 16 Elapsed time is 186.147659 seconds. That's a pretty good confusion matrix, comparable to state-of-the-art deep learning results on (permutation invariant) mnist. In the paper we report a slightly worse number (96 test errors) because for a paper we have to choose hyperparameters via cross-validation on the training set rather than cherry-pick them as for a blog post. The technique as stated here is really only useful for tall-thin design matrices (i.e., lots of examples but not too many features): if the original feature dimensionality is too large (e.g., $> 10^4$) than naive use of standard generalized eigensolvers becomes slow or infeasible, and other tricks are required. Furthermore, if the number of classes is too large than solving $O (k^2)$ generalized eigenvalue problems is also not reasonable. We're working on remedying these issues, and we're also excited about extending this strategy to structured prediction. Hopefully we'll have more to say about it at the next few conferences. Sunday, March 9, 2014 Failing Fast I spent Christmas break working on some matrix factorization related ideas. There were two things I was wondering about: first, whether dropout is a good regularizer for discriminative low-rank quadratics; and second, how to do the analog of GeV representation learning for discriminative low-rank quadratics. For the latter, I had an idea I was sure would work, but I wasn't able to make it work. There's a saying: “your baby is not as beautiful as you think it is”. Most ideas are not good ideas despite our prior beliefs, so it's important to eliminate ideas as quickly as possible. Startups have popularized the idea of failing fast, since most business ideas are also not good ideas. The idea of the minimum viable product has become central dogma in the startup community. Analogously, when testing machine learning ideas, it's best to start with the “minimum viable algorithm”. Such an algorithm is written in as high level a language as possible (e.g., Matlab, NumPy), using as many existing libraries and packages as possible (e.g., CVX), and not taking any computational shortcuts for efficiency. I started playing around with dropout regularization for matrix factorization in Matlab, and when I saw that it was working on movielens, then I spent the time to implement it as a reduction in vw. The fact that I knew it should work allowed me to power through the multiple defects I introduced while implementing. Short story even shorter, the result is in the main branch and you can check out the demo. The next idea I tried was to pose learning low-rank quadratic features as a alternating linear-fractional optimization problem. The analogy to alternating least squares was so strong that asthetically I was sure it was a winner. For a multi-class prediction task (e.g., movielens without side information) over binary dyadic examples $S = \{ \{ ( l, r ), y \} | l \in \{0, 1\}^m, r \in \{ 0,1 \}^n, y \in \{ 0, 1, \ldots, k \} \}$, a predictor with a single latent MF-style feature looks like \[ f (( l, r ); w, p, q) = w^\top (l, r) + (l^\top p) (r^\top q), \] ignoring the constant feature for simplicity. Here $p \in \mathbb{R}_+^m$ and $q \in \mathbb{R}_+^n$ are the single latent feature. On movielens without side information $l$ and $r$ are indicator variables of the user id and movie id respectively, so $p$ and $q$ are indexed by these identifiers and each produces a scalar whose product is added to the predictor. The idea was to choose the latent feature to be highly active on class $i$ and highly inactive on another class $j$, \[ \max_{p \in \mathbb{R}_+^m, q \in \mathbb{R}_+^n} \frac{p^\top \mathbb{E}[l r^\top | y = i] q}{\alpha + p^\top \mathbb{E}[l r^\top| y = j] q}. \] subject to $p \preceq 1$ and $q \preceq 1$ (otherwise it can diverge). $\alpha> 0$ is a hyperparameter which regularizes the denominator. Of course in practice expectations are converted to averages over the training set. For fixed $p$ this is a linear-fractional program in $q$ and vice versa, so starting from a random point I was able to quickly alternate into features that looked good visually (high product energy on high rating user-movie pairs, low product energy on low rating user-movie pairs). However, the predictive lift on the test set from these features, compared to a linear model without interactions, was almost nonexistent. Then I tried a boosting variant, where first I fit a linear model without interactions and then tried to discriminate between positive and negative residual examples. This was more interesting: the features end up mostly being zero except for a small percentage of the data, suggesting that although the original features look good visually they are mostly providing information redundant with a linear model. I was able to crank out these negative results in just a few days using Matlab and CVX (it helps that there are no meetings at work during the holidays). Is it possible I screwed this up and actually the idea is a good one? Yes, but working at such a high level eliminates concerns about the optimizer, which makes it more likely that it is actually the strategy at fault. In any event, I have a portfolio of ideas, and I need to invest my time in those ideas that are most likely to yield something interesting. Although not definitive, these quick experiments suggested that I should spend my time somewhere else. Think of it as Bayesian search theory over the space of ideas. Friday, February 21, 2014 Stranger in a Strange Land I attended the SIAM PP 2014 conference this week, because I'm developing an interest in MPI-style parallel algorithms (also, it was close by). My plan was to observe the HPC community, try to get a feel how their worldview differs from my internet-centric “Big Data” mindset, and broaden my horizons. Intriguingly, the HPC guys are actually busy doing the opposite. They're aware of what we're up to, but they talk about Hadoop like it's some giant livin' in the hillside, comin down to visit the townspeople. Listening to them mapping what we're up to into their conceptual landscape was very enlightening, and helped me understand them better. The Data Must Flow One of the first things I heard at the conference was that “map-reduce ignores data locality”. The speaker, Steve Plimpton, clearly understood map-reduce, having implemented MapReduce for MPI. This was a big clue that they mean something very different by data locality (i.e., they do not mean “move the code to the data”). A typical MPI job consists of loading a moderate amount of initial state into main memory, then doing an extreme amount of iterative computation on that state, e.g., simulating biology, the weather, or nuclear explosions. Data locality in this context means rearranging the data such that synchronization requirements between compute nodes is mitigated. Internet companies, on the other hand, generally have a large amount of data which parameterizes the computation, to which they want to apply a moderate amount of computation (e.g., you only need at most 30 passes over the data to get an excellent logistic regression fit). While we do some iterative computations the data-to-computation ratio is such that dataflow programming, moderately distorted, is a good match for what we desire. This difference is why the CTO of Cray felt compelled to point out that Hadoop “does I/O all the time”. Failure Is Not An Option The HPC community has a schizophrenic attitude towards fault-tolerance. In one sense they are far more aware and worried about it, and in another sense they are oblivious. Let's start with obliviousness. The dominant programming model for HPC today provides the abstraction of a reliable machine, i.e., a machine that does not make errors. Current production HPC systems deliver on this promise via error detection combined with global checkpoint-restart. The hardware vendors do this in an application-agnostic fashion: periodically they persist the entire state of every node to durable storage, and when they detect an error they restore the most recent checkpoint. There are a couple problems which threaten this approach. The first is fundamental: as systems become more parallel, mean time between failure decreases, but checkpoint times do not (more nodes means more I/O capacity but also more state to persist). Thanks to constant factor improvements in durable storage due to SSDs and NVRAM, the global checkpoint-restart model has gained two or three years of runway, but it looks like a different strategy will soon be required. The second is that error detection is itself error prone. ECC only guards against the most probable types of errors, so if a highly improbable type of error occurs it is not detected; and other hardware (and software) componentry can introduce additional undetected errors. These are called silent corruption in the HPC community, and due to their nature the frequency at which they occur is not well known, but it is going to increase as parallelism increases. Ultimately, what sounds like a programmer's paradise (“I don't have to worry about failures, I just program my application using the abstraction of a reliable machine”) becomes a programmer's nightmare (“there is no way to inform the system about inherent fault-tolerance of my computation, or to write software to mitigate the need for expensive general-purpose reliability mechanisms which don't even always work.”). Paraphrasing one panelist, “... if an ECC module detects a double-bit error then my process is toast, even if the next operation on that memory cell is a write.” Silent But Not Deadly Despite the dominant programming model, application developers in the community are highly aware of failure possibilities, including all of the above but also issues such as numerical rounding. In fact they think about failure far more than I ever have: the most I've ever concerned myself with is, “oops I lost an entire machine from the cluster.” Meanwhile I'm not only not checking for silent corruption, I'm doing things like buying cheap RAM, using half-precision floating point numbers, and ignoring suddenly unavailable batches of data. How does anything ever work? One answer, of course, is that typical total number core-hours of a machine learning compute task is so small that extremely unlikely things generally do not occur. While it takes a lot of computers to recognize a cat, the total core-hours is still less than 106. Meanwhile the Sequoia at LLNL has 100K compute nodes (1.6M cores) so a simulation which takes a week will have somewhere between 102-104 more core-hours of exposure. Nonetheless the ambition in the machine learning community is to scale up, which begs the question: should we be worried about data corruption? I think the answer is: probably not to the same level as the HPC community. I saw a presentation on self-stabilizing applications, which was about designing algorithms such that randomly injected incorrect calculations were fixed by later computation. The third slide indicated “some applications are inherently self-stabilizing without further modification. For instance, convergent fixed point methods, such as Newton's method.” Haha! Most of machine learning is “the easy case” (as is, e.g., PageRank). Not that surprising, I guess, given that stochastic gradient descent algorithms appear to somehow work despite bugs. Remember the butterfly effect? That was inspired by observed choatic dynamics in weather simulation. Predicting the weather is not like machine learning! One question is whether there is anything in machine learning or data analytics akin to weather simulation. Model state errors during training are corrected by contractive dynamics, and errors in single inputs or intermediate states at evaluation time only affect one decision, so their impact is bounded. However, model state errors at evaluation time affect many decisions, so it's worth being more careful. For example, one could ship a validation set of examples with each model to a production system, and when a model is loaded the output on the validation set is computed: if it doesn't match desired results, the new model should be rejected. Mostly however machine learning can afford to be cavalier, because there are statistical limits to the information content of the input data and we want to generalize to novel situations. Furthermore, the stakes are lower: a mistargeted advertisement is less dangerous than a mistargeted nuclear weapon. Anything To Declare? There appeared to be at least two distinct subcamps in the HPC community. In one camp were those who wanted to mostly preserve the abstraction of a reliable machine, possibly moving failure handling up the stack a bit into the systems software but still mostly keeping the application programmer out of it. As I heard during a panel discussion, this camp wants “a coherent architecture and strategy, not a bag of tricks.” In the other camp were those who wanted more application-level control over reliability strategies, in order to exploit specific aspects of their problem and avoiding the large penalty of global checkpoint restore. For example, maybe you have a way to check the results of a computation in software, and redo some work if it doesn't pass (aka Containment Domains). You would like to say “please don't do an expensive restore, I'll handle this one”. Current generation HPC systems do not support that. At the application level being declarative appears key. The current HPC abstraction is designed to make an arbitrary computation reliable, and is therefore expensive. By declaring computational intent, simpler models of reliability can be employed. For instance, map-reduce is a declarative framework: the computation is said to have a particular structure (data-parallel map followed by associative reduce) which admits localized fault handling (when a node fails, only the map output associated with that node need be recomputed, and this can be done speculatively). These simpler models of reliability aren't just cheaper they are also faster (less redundant work when an error occurs). However, they do not work for general purpose computations. Putting together a collection of special purpose computation frameworks with associated reliability strategies either sounds great or horrible depending upon which camp you are in. I'm sure some in the HPC community look at the collection of projects in the Apache Foundation with fear and loathing. Others, however, are saying that in fact a small number of computation patterns capture the majority of work (e.g., numerical linear algebra, stencil/grid computations, and Monte Carlo), so that a collection of bespoke strategies could be viable. Cathedral vs. Bazaar In the internet sector, the above level of disagreement about the way forward would be considered healthy. Multiple different open source projects would emerge, eventually the best ideas would rise to the top, and the next generation of innovation would leverage the lessons and repeat the cycle. Meanwhile in the HPC world, the MPI spec has yet to adopt any of the competing proposals for fault-tolerance. Originally there was hope for 3.0, then 3.1, and now it looks like 4.0 is the earliest possibility. Compared to the Apache Foundation, the cathedral vs. bazaar analogy is apt. However the standards committee is a bit more conservative than the community as a whole, which is racing ahead with prototype designs and implementations that relax the abstraction of a reliable machine, e.g., redundant MPI and fault-tolerant MPI. There is also a large body of computation specific strategies under the rubric of “Algorithm Based Fault Tolerance”. There are some lessons to be learned from this community. The first is that declarative programming is going to win, at least with respect to the distributed control flow (non-distributed portions will still be dominated by imperative specifications, but for example learning algorithms specified via linear algebra can be declarative all the way down). Furthermore, distributed declarative expressive power will not be general purpose. The HPC community has been trying to support general purpose computation with a fault-free abstraction, and this is proving expensive. Some in the HPC community are now calling for restricted expressiveness declarative models that admit less expensive fault-tolerance strategies (in the cloud we have to further contend with multi-tenancy and elasticity). Meanwhile the open source community has been embracing more expressive but still restricted models of computation, e.g., Giraph and GraphLab. More declarative frameworks with different but limited expressiveness will arise in the near-term, and creating an easy way to run them all in one unified cluster, and to specify a task that spans all of them, will be a necessity. The second is that, if you wait long enough, extremely unlikely things are guaranteed to happen. Mostly we ignore this in the machine learning community right now, because our computations are short: but we will have to worry about this given our need and ambition to scale up. Generic strategies such as containment domains and skeptical programming are therefore worth understanding. The third is that Bulk Synchronous Parallel has a lot of headroom. There's a lot of excitment in the machine learning community around parameter servers, which is related to async PGAS in HPC (and also analogous to relaxations of BSP, e.g., stale synchronous parallel). However BSP works at petascale today, and is easy to reason about and program (e.g., BSP is what Vowpal Wabbit does when it cajoles Hadoop into doing a distributed logistic regression). With an optimized pipelined implementation of allreduce, BSP algorithms look attractive, especially if they can declare semantics about how to make progress given partial responses (e.g., due to faults or multi-tenancy issues) and how to leverage newly available additional resources (e.g., due to multi-tenancy). I could have sworn there was a fourth takeaway but unfortunately I have forgotten it, perhaps due to an aberrant thermal neutron. Monday, February 17, 2014 The Machine Learning Doghouse This is a follow-up on the cosplay post. When I did that post I had to use a sub-optimal optimization strategy because Nikos was still refining the publication of a superior strategy. Now he has agreed to do a guest post detailing much better techniques. The Machine Learning Doghouse About a year ago, Sham Kakade was visiting us here in Redmond. He came to give a talk about his cool work on using the method of moments, instead of maximum likelihood, for estimating models such as mixtures of Gaussians and Latent Dirichlet Allocation. Sham has a penchant for simple and robust algorithms. The method of moments is one such example: you don't need to worry about local minima, initialization, and such. Today I'm going to talk about some work that came out of my collaboration with Sham (and Alekh and Le and Greg). When Sham visited, I was fresh out of grad school, and had mostly dealt with problems in which the examples are representated as high dimensional sparse vectors. At that time, I did not fully appreciate his insistence on what he called “dealing with correlations in the data”. You see, Sham had started exploring a very different set of problems. Data coming from images, audio and video, are dense, and not as high dimensional. Even if the data is nominally high dimensional, the eigenvalues of the data matrix are rapidly decaying, and we can reduce the dimension (say, with randomized SVD/PCA) without hurting the performance. This is simply not true for text problems. What are the implications of this for learning algorithms? First, theory suggests that for these ill-conditioned problems (online) first order optimizers are going to converge slowly. In practice, things are even worse. These methods do not just require many passes, they simply never get to the test accuracy one can get with second order optimization methods. I did not believe it until I tried it. But second order optimization can be slow, so in this post I'll describe two algorithms that are fast, robust, and have no (optimization related) tuning parameters. I will also touch upon a way to scale up to high dimensional problems. Both algorithms take $O(d^2k)$ per update and their convergence does not depend on the condition number $\kappa$. This is considerably cheaper than the $O(d^3k^3)$ time per update needed for standard second order algorithms. First order algorithms on the other hand, take $O(dk)$ per update but their convergence depends on $\kappa$, so the methods below are preferable when the condition number is large. We will be concerned with mutliclass (and multilabel) classification as these kinds of problems have special structure we will take advantage of. As a first recipe, suppose we want to fit a multinomial logistic model which posits \[ \mathbb{E}[y|x]=g(x^\top W^*), where $y$ is an indicator vector for one of the $k$ classes, $x \in \mathbb{R}^d$ is our input vector, $W^*$ is a $d\times k$ matrix of parameters to be estimated and $g:\mathbb{R}^k \to \Delta^k$ is the softmax link function mapping a vector of reals to the probability simplex: \[ g(v) = \left[\begin{array}{c} \end{array} \right]. \] The basic idea behind the first algorithm is to come up with a nice proxy for the Hessian of the multinomial logistic loss. This bad boy is $dk \times dk$ and depends the current parameters. Instead, we will use a matrix that does not depend on the parameters and is computationally easy to work with. The bottom line is for multinomial logistic regression we can get away with a block diagonal proxy with $k$ identical blocks on the diagonal each of size $d\times d$. Selecting the blocks to be $\frac{1}{2} X^\top X$ ensures that our updates will never diverge while at the same time avoiding line searches and messing with step sizes. With this matrix as a preconditioner we can go ahead and basically run preconditioned (batch) gradient descent. The script mls.m does this with two (principled) modifications that speed things up a lot. First, we compute the preconditioner on a large enough subsample. The script includes in comments the code for the full preconditioner. The second modification is that we use accelerated gradient descent instead of gradient descent. Plugging this optimizer in the cosplay script from a few months ago gives a test accuracy of 0.9844 in 9.7 seconds on my machine, which is about 20 times faster and much more accurate than LBFGS. The second algorithm is even faster and is applicable to multiclass as well as multilabel problems. There is also a downside in that you won't get very accurate probability estimates in the tails: this method is not optimizing cross entropy. The basic idea is we are going to learn the link function, sometimes known as calibration. For binary classification, the PAV algorithm can learn a link function that minimizes squared error among all monotone functions. Interestingly, the Isotron paper showed that iterating between PAV and least squares learning of the parameters of a linear classifier, leads to the global minimum of this nonconvex problem. The script cls.m extends these ideas to multiclass classification in the sense that we alternate between fitting the targets and calibration. The notion of calibration used in the implementation is somewhat weak and equivalent to assuming the inverse of the unknown link function can be expressed as a low degree polynomial of the raw predictions. For simplicity's sake, we cut two corners: First we do not force the link to be monotone (though monotonicity is well defined for high dimensions). Second we assume having access to the unlabeled test data at training time (aka the transductive setting). An implementation that does not assume this is more complicated without any additional insights. Plugging this optimizer in the aforementioned cosplay script I get a test accuracy of 0.9844 in 9.4 seconds on my machine. Again, we are more than 20 times faster than LBFGS, and more accurate. Interestingly, extending this algorithm to work in the multilabel setting is very simple: instead of projecting onto the simplex, we project onto the unit hypercube. What about high dimensional data? This is the main reason why second order methods are in the doghouse of the machine learning community. A simple and practical solution is to adapt ideas from boosting and coordinate descent methods. We take a batch of features and optimize over them as above with either recipe. Then we take another batch of features and fit the residual. Typically batch sizes can range between 300 and 2000 depending on the problem. Smaller sizes offer the most potential for speed and larger ones offer the most potential for accuracy. The batch size that offers the best running time/accuracy tradeoff is problem dependent. Script mlsinner.m deals with the inner loop of this procedure. It takes two additional parameters that will be provided by the outer loop. It only performs a few iterations trying to find how to extend our initial predictions using a new batch of features so that we approximate the labels better. We also pass in a vector of weights which tell us on which examples should the preconditioner focus on. The outer loop stagewisemls.m simply generates new batches of features, keeps track of the predictions, and updates the importance weights for the preconditioner. Plugging this optimizer in the cosplay script gives a test accuracy of 0.986 in 67 seconds. Finally, cosplaydriver.m runs all of the above algorithms on the mnist dataset. Here's how to replicate with octave. (The timings I report above are with MATLAB.) git clone cd secondorderdemos octave -q cosplaydriver.m Sunday, January 12, 2014 Cluster F***ked It's a safe bet that, for the near future, data will continue to accumulate in clustered file systems such as HDFS, powered by commodity multicore CPUs with ethernet interconnect. Such clusters are relatively inexpensive, fault-tolerant, scalable, and have an army of systems researchers working on them. A few years ago, it was a safe bet that the iterative processing workloads of machine learning would increasingly migrate to run on the same hardware the data was accumulating on, after all, we want to “move code to the data”. Now this is looking less clear. The first serious challenge to this worldview arose when deep learning catapulted to the front of several benchmark datasets by leveraging the GPU. Dean et. al. set out to replicate and surpass these results using large-scale multicore CPU clusters with ethernet interconnect, and while they were successful the amount of hardware required was surprising. Then Coates et. al. achieved comparable results using far fewer machines by paying very close attention to the communication costs (by laying out the model in a communication-friendly format, abstracting communication primitives, and leveraging Infiniband interconnect). Is the Coates et. al. result a bespoke solution for deep learning? Interestingly, Canny and Zhao come to a similar conclusion in their “squaring the cloud” paper, and they don't mention neural networks explicitly at all. Here's a key quote from the paper: “Fast-mixing algorithms (SGD and MCMC) in particular suffer from communication overhead. The speedup is typically a sublinear function $f(n)$ of $n$, since network capacity decreases at larger scales (typical approximations are $f(n) = n^\alpha$ for some $\alpha < 1$). This means that the cost of the computation in the cloud increases by a factor of $n/f(n)$ since the total work has increased by that factor. Energy use similarly increases by the same factor. By contrast, a single-node speedup by a factor of $k$ implies a simple $k$-fold saving in both cost and power.” In other words, for some algorithms that we really care about, by treating communication costs as dominant you can do equivalent work with far fewer machines resulting in lower total costs. So here is the current state of affairs as I see it. There are still lots of algorithms that will run most efficiently on the same hardware that runs the distributed file-systems, e.g., the ADMM family, which includes tasty morsels like L1-regularized logistic regression. However there will also be algorithms of high economic interest that do not map onto such hardware felicitously. Therefore we should expect to see data centers deploying “HPC islands” consisting of relatively small numbers of machines packed full of vectorized processors, high-bandwidth (to the vectorized processor) memory, and fast interconnect. These types of clusters are popular with certain communities such as high-energy physics researchers, but now consumer-facing internet companies will be widely adopting this technology. These HPC islands do not need to stage all the data they are working on before they start doing useful work, e.g., SGD algorithms can start as soon as they receive their first mini-batch. Caffe and a single K20 can train on Imagenet at 7ms per image amortized, which works out to roughly 40 megabytes per second of image data that needs to be streamed to the training node. That's not difficult to arrange if the HPC island is collocated with the HDFS cluster, and difficult otherwise, so the prediction is near the HDFS cluster is where the HPC islands will be. Of course the HPC island should have a smart caching policy so that not everything has to be pulled from HDFS storage all the time. A really smart caching policy would be task aware, e.g., leveraging para-active learning to maximize the information transfer between HDFS and the HPC island. Programming such a heterogenous system is going to be very challenging, which will provide lots of opportunity for individuals suitably situated.
{ "keywords": "vector, blast" }
Abi F Jones Burns Things Up At just twenty-one years old, Abi F Jones has already started to make her mark on the music industry. From her Surrey roots, she has managed to hit the top twenty in Norway and had a cut on a major Coca Cola advertisement. From then on she's been hard at work writing and recording in the studio planning whole new material that will continue to branch out her creative mind, heart, and soul. Abi F Jones herself discusses her latest single "Burn It Up" and some insight into who she is as an artist. 1. What type of artist are you? Abi: I am a singer/ songwriter who likes to experiment with different styles! 2. Tell us the brief history of you as an artist and why you wanted to take this musical route. Abi: I inherited my voice from my mother. The first time i sang in public was when I was casted as "Mary" in the school nativity aged 5. And the bug has kept biting since then! 3. Why did you want this to be called Abi F Jones? Is that name your actual real name or a nick-name of sorts? Abi: My middle name is Frances, named after my nanny, so it's alllll reallll baby. 4. Who are your musical and non-musical influences? Abi: My main influences are my family, friends and lovers. They give me all the inspiration I need and influence me in many ways without even realizing. 5. Can you tell me how you became a contributing artist to the "Happiness Remix" from the Coca-Cola company? Abi: I pitched a song I wrote with Pete Barringer to the campaign and they loved it! It's done really well and has a lot of praise. A real feel good tune. 6. You also have another song a single "Burn It Up" can you tell me about that song and why you wanted it to be a single choice? Abi: This track is about a man who is a bit of a 'player' so to speak, it is written from the perspective of one of his lovers and tells a story about how the power suddenly changes hands. I wanted it to be my debut single as I feel it incorporates rock,pop and Country therefor appealing to wide market and hoping to please as many lovely ears as possible! 7. Where can this song be found an upcoming EP or full-length release or is it just that a single? Abi: It is just a single, you can download on iTunes now. Abi: If I had to say generally what they are about I would say empowerment. They are about people putting you down, and the rise back up from it. Abi: I write / co write all my songs. This usually starts by me sitting in the studio with my producers and messing around on the piano until we find a groove, then I go into the recording booth and freestyle to the whole track. We usually keep a lot of what I free style as I feel like whatever comes out of my mind and my mouth first time is what I'm really feeling. It's all about emotion. That it the whole point of music. 10. How do you promote yourself as an artist and shows? Abi: I promote myself online and to whoever I meet. 11. Can you describe your show, visually and musically for us? Abi: When I perform, it is a very emotional show and I really try and connect with the audience. At the end of my gigs I often have people come up to me and say how they really empathized with my lyrics. That's what I work to hear. Abi: I get up at 7am every morning and look after dementia patients for a care company called 'homeinstead' after that I usually go the studio or meet up with one of my co writers for a session and then I will go to the gym. 13. What inspires you to do what you do? Abi: Every day life! 14. What advice would you give to fellow artists/bands? Abi: Just do what you do, of you're not feeling the emotions in your own songs when you're performing then you need to re-write them.  15. What are the biggest and smallest obstacles for artists/bands? Abi: Making a living from it. The music industry and the money to be made has changed drastically over the last 10 years since everything has gone digital. This is my only struggle. Abi: It helps me overcome problems. 17. What else do you have planned for this year? Abi: I'm going to Moscow for a video shoot in June, gigging and writing . 18. Is that your final answer? Abi: Yes sir'ee! Post a Comment [facebook] [blogger] Contact Form Email * Message *
{ "keywords": "" }
{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Protect your Skin during Summer Summer is the time when your skin gets exposed to the harsh rays of the sun. Over exposure to the sun leads to serious skin damage. Staying in the sun for too long without protecting your skin can be dangerous and hence it must be avoided.During the warmer months of the year you need to wear cotton clothes that let your skin breathe with ease. Wearing synthetic clothes will harm your skin and may even cause rashes and skin burns. Wear light colored clothes that do not attract heat. It is imperative that you wear sunscreen during summer. Apply a thick layer of the lotion and reapply it every few hours. It is also important to protect your eyes and head. This can be done by wearing a wide brimmed hat, protective glasses and even a scarf on your head. This will prevent the harsh rays of the sun affecting your skin and hurting your eyes. Though you may want to expose yourself to the sun during these few weeks of the year you must avoid sitting in the direct sunlight even if you are wearing sunscreen. Sitting in the shade will help to prevent a suntan and harming your skin. During summer your body will get dehydrated often. In order to avoid this you must drink plenty of water, fresh fruit juices and smoothies. If your body is well hydrated it will lose lesser amounts of water. Drink a glass of water every hour to maintain the hydration levels in your body. Do not expose your skin to the sun for a long period of time. This means that you need to avoid spending too much time outdoors. The sun not only takes a toll on your skin it also affects your overall health. Spending too much time in the sun will lead to severe headaches, migraine pains and even nausea. All this can be avoided by spending short amounts of time in the sun. In order to prevent damaging your skin and harming your health you need to always carry a bottle of water with you so that you an hydrate yourself constantly. Do not venture outside between 11 am and 3 pm; this is when the sun rays do the most damage. If you exercise outdoors then do so early in the morning or late at night.
{ "keywords": "" }
{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
Рубрика: Mississippi Title Loans Laws The greatest unsecured loans for Bad Credit in 2020 Суббота, 05 Сен 2020 The greatest unsecured loans for Bad Credit in 2020 Reporting to Credit Agencies The lenders on our list shall report your repayments to credit agencies, compared to payday lenders. Needless to say, this is often a double-edged blade. In the event that you make belated repayments you can damage your credit history. But as long as you make your re re re payments on time (and also spend down your loan very very early), it is likely you’ll see a rise in your credit history, making it simpler to be eligible for better loans at more favorable interest levels next time you will need money. Figure out how to Prioritize Your Bills As soon as you’ve gotten your loan funds, you could start paying down bills. You know exactly where the money is going if you took the loan out to pay a specific bill, like a medical bill, credit card debt consolidation, or emergency home repair. (далее…)
{ "keywords": "" }
{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }
 Country G. When Yutang arrived at the hotel, he asked his assistant to take some rest. After the assistant entered his room, Yutang made his way to the presidential suit. As he was about to swipe the key card, Yutang heard a woman's groan. Yutang first decided to ignore it but when the he heard the second groan which was much more louder, he decided to check what it was. Walking towards the direction of the groaning sound, Yufan frowned when he saw a woman lying on the ground holding her baby bump. Quickly rushing towards her, Yutang asked," Miss are you okay?" The lady shook her head and said," It hurts." " Okay hold on. I'll call the housekeeping." Yutang said. " You don't have to. Just help me enter my room please." The lady said. " But-" " Please." The lady said. Yutang thought for a while and said," Okay." After helping the lady get up, Yutang caught her hand. " Can you please carry me? I don't think I can walk." The lady said. Yutang nodded his head and picked her up in his arms. " Your key card?" Yufan asked. Taking the key card from the lady's hand, Yutang opened the door and entered the room. Inside the room. After placing the lady on the bed, Yufan called his assistant and said," Come to Room no. 5643 now." " Can you get me a towel from the washroom?" The lady asked. Yutang nodded his head and entered the washroom. As soon as Yutang entered the washroom, the lady took opened her hair and outer shirt revealing her defined collar bones. After sometime Yufan came out holding a towel in his hand. " Here miss." Yutang said. Taking the towel from his hand, the lady stood up from the bed and said," Thanks." Yutang nodded his head and was about to step back when the lady suddenly caught his tie and crashed on the bed. " Ahh." The lady screamed. Yutang widened his eyes in shock when he realised how intimate their position was. Quickly getting up from the bed, Yutang shouted," Are you mad?" The lady pursed his lips and said," I am sorry sir. I lost my balance." Without looking at the lady, Yutang dashed out of the room. After Yutang left, the lady took picked up her phone from the table and called someone. " It's done." She said with a huge grin on her face. Outside the room. " Boss." The assistant said. " Call a doctor or the housekeeping. There is a pregnant lady inside. And don't enter the room alone. I feel that this woman is dangerous. Also retrieve the CCTV footage of this whole passage for me." Yutang said before walking towards the room. After entering his room, Yutang took a long bath before finishing some pending work. At night, Yutang received a video call from Yixi. " Hey honey." Yixi said. Yutang smiled and asked," Are you trying to seduce me Ms An?" Yixi smirked and said," Well are you seduced Mr Yang." Yutang shrugged and said," Yes I am." " Don't distract me Yutang I've to dress up for the event." Yixi said. " Well you are standing almost naked in front of me and I am distracting you?" Yutang asked. Yixi chuckled and said," You know something Mr Yang I am actually missing you so much." Yutang sighed and said," I am missing you too." " Alright now I'll be back within a week. After I come back I want a nice full body massage from you." Yixi said. Yutang chuckled and said," As you wish." "Okay now bye. I got to go. Love you darling." Yixi said. " I love you too." Yutang said before hanging up the call. After hanging up the call, Yutang received a call from his assistant. " Sir the lady that you were talking about mysterious vanished after you left the room." The assistant said. Yutang frowned and asked," Did you check the CCTV footage?" " The footage in which you were helping the woman is with me but-" " But What?" Yutang asked. " After you left the room, there is no trace about the woman even in the CCTV. Sir it seems like someone has tampered the footage." The assistant said. " Alright stay alert. I'll take care of this matter." Yutang said before hanging up the call. After coming back to the hotel, Yixi entered her room and crashed into the bed. They had to immediately rush for the event as soon as they landed. So she did not any to rest. As she was about to doze off to sleep, someone knocked at the door. Yixi frowned and murmured," Who the fuck is disturbing my beauty sleep?" Reluctantly getting down from the bed, when Yixi opened the door, she raised her eyebrows when she saw a yellow envelope lying on the floor. Picking up the envelope when Yixi opened it, she raised her eyebrows. After entering the room, Yixi slammed the door shut before picking up a bottle of red wine from the table. Staring at the indecent photos of an unknown woman and her boyfriend, Yixi smiled and murmured," Interesting."
{ "keywords": "envelope" }
{ "score": 0, "triggered_passage": -1 }