stringlengths 18
| hypothesis
stringlengths 12
| label
int64 0
| idx
int64 1
The tourists said that the lawyer saw the secretary . | The lawyer saw the secretary . | 1 | 2,201 |
The banker believed that the actor saw the secretary . | The actor saw the secretary . | 1 | 2,202 |
The tourists said that the artists helped the professor . | The artists helped the professor . | 1 | 2,203 |
The secretary claimed that the senator helped the authors . | The senator helped the authors . | 1 | 2,204 |
The artists thought that the lawyer danced . | The lawyer danced . | 1 | 2,205 |
The judge claimed that the doctor introduced the artists . | The doctor introduced the artists . | 1 | 2,206 |
The doctors believed that the professors contacted the secretary . | The professors contacted the secretary . | 1 | 2,207 |
The secretaries thought that the artist encouraged the athletes . | The artist encouraged the athletes . | 1 | 2,208 |
The professors thought that the senator supported the secretaries . | The senator supported the secretaries . | 1 | 2,209 |
The athlete said that the author recognized the secretary . | The author recognized the secretary . | 1 | 2,210 |
The authors hoped that the judge performed . | The judge performed . | 1 | 2,211 |
The tourist said that the senators danced . | The senators danced . | 1 | 2,212 |
The artist hoped that the actors contacted the manager . | The actors contacted the manager . | 1 | 2,213 |
The authors claimed that the scientist recommended the judge . | The scientist recommended the judge . | 1 | 2,214 |
The presidents assumed that the doctors danced . | The doctors danced . | 1 | 2,215 |
The tourists said that the doctor called the lawyer . | The doctor called the lawyer . | 1 | 2,216 |
The athletes hoped that the artist ran . | The artist ran . | 1 | 2,217 |
The senators assumed that the lawyers supported the author . | The lawyers supported the author . | 1 | 2,218 |
The actor believed that the manager mentioned the artists . | The manager mentioned the artists . | 1 | 2,219 |
The judge claimed that the lawyers saw the professors . | The lawyers saw the professors . | 1 | 2,220 |
The presidents said that the manager encouraged the athletes . | The manager encouraged the athletes . | 1 | 2,221 |
The artists said that the senator introduced the professor . | The senator introduced the professor . | 1 | 2,222 |
The judge assumed that the secretary waited . | The secretary waited . | 1 | 2,223 |
The senators believed that the bankers resigned . | The bankers resigned . | 1 | 2,224 |
The professor hoped that the presidents thanked the artist . | The presidents thanked the artist . | 1 | 2,225 |
The artist hoped that the doctors avoided the professor . | The doctors avoided the professor . | 1 | 2,226 |
The secretaries hoped that the judge admired the bankers . | The judge admired the bankers . | 1 | 2,227 |
The presidents hoped that the lawyers helped the tourists . | The lawyers helped the tourists . | 1 | 2,228 |
The president thought that the students admired the judges . | The students admired the judges . | 1 | 2,229 |
The scientist assumed that the manager slept . | The manager slept . | 1 | 2,230 |
The scientist assumed that the judges saw the artist . | The judges saw the artist . | 1 | 2,231 |
The professor hoped that the author mentioned the presidents . | The author mentioned the presidents . | 1 | 2,232 |
The professor claimed that the president arrived . | The president arrived . | 1 | 2,233 |
The banker thought that the manager supported the senators . | The manager supported the senators . | 1 | 2,234 |
The president hoped that the scientist stopped the artists . | The scientist stopped the artists . | 1 | 2,235 |
The students thought that the presidents waited . | The presidents waited . | 1 | 2,236 |
The doctors hoped that the professors avoided the authors . | The professors avoided the authors . | 1 | 2,237 |
The actors said that the authors performed . | The authors performed . | 1 | 2,238 |
The senators assumed that the doctors ran . | The doctors ran . | 1 | 2,239 |
The secretary claimed that the bankers waited . | The bankers waited . | 1 | 2,240 |
The senator said that the scientist supported the athlete . | The scientist supported the athlete . | 1 | 2,241 |
The lawyers thought that the secretaries arrived . | The secretaries arrived . | 1 | 2,242 |
The scientist assumed that the lawyer resigned . | The lawyer resigned . | 1 | 2,243 |
The scientist believed that the students mentioned the artist . | The students mentioned the artist . | 1 | 2,244 |
The actors thought that the tourists danced . | The tourists danced . | 1 | 2,245 |
The president said that the lawyer resigned . | The lawyer resigned . | 1 | 2,246 |
The author claimed that the president called the scientists . | The president called the scientists . | 1 | 2,247 |
The authors hoped that the bankers slept . | The bankers slept . | 1 | 2,248 |
The author said that the senator performed . | The senator performed . | 1 | 2,249 |
The scientists believed that the president shouted . | The president shouted . | 1 | 2,250 |
The managers thought that the actor advised the athlete . | The actor advised the athlete . | 1 | 2,251 |
The tourist hoped that the scientists danced . | The scientists danced . | 1 | 2,252 |
The artist assumed that the athletes resigned . | The athletes resigned . | 1 | 2,253 |
The judge said that the lawyer saw the president . | The lawyer saw the president . | 1 | 2,254 |
The tourists hoped that the bankers advised the presidents . | The bankers advised the presidents . | 1 | 2,255 |
The judges hoped that the actor performed . | The actor performed . | 1 | 2,256 |
The managers believed that the scientist slept . | The scientist slept . | 1 | 2,257 |
The presidents believed that the scientist encouraged the bankers . | The scientist encouraged the bankers . | 1 | 2,258 |
The managers claimed that the judge admired the student . | The judge admired the student . | 1 | 2,259 |
The secretary thought that the author arrived . | The author arrived . | 1 | 2,260 |
The actors thought that the author arrived . | The author arrived . | 1 | 2,261 |
The scientist said that the doctors slept . | The doctors slept . | 1 | 2,262 |
The author hoped that the scientists contacted the artists . | The scientists contacted the artists . | 1 | 2,263 |
The senators said that the managers recognized the secretary . | The managers recognized the secretary . | 1 | 2,264 |
The doctors hoped that the athlete waited . | The athlete waited . | 1 | 2,265 |
The artists claimed that the manager helped the secretary . | The manager helped the secretary . | 1 | 2,266 |
The student assumed that the actor waited . | The actor waited . | 1 | 2,267 |
The bankers said that the president recognized the lawyers . | The president recognized the lawyers . | 1 | 2,268 |
The president said that the manager avoided the banker . | The manager avoided the banker . | 1 | 2,269 |
The secretaries claimed that the doctors arrived . | The doctors arrived . | 1 | 2,270 |
The lawyer claimed that the scientist helped the tourists . | The scientist helped the tourists . | 1 | 2,271 |
The actor believed that the lawyers contacted the professor . | The lawyers contacted the professor . | 1 | 2,272 |
The senators claimed that the artists stopped the athlete . | The artists stopped the athlete . | 1 | 2,273 |
The scientist said that the professor danced . | The professor danced . | 1 | 2,274 |
The artist believed that the lawyer slept . | The lawyer slept . | 1 | 2,275 |
The students assumed that the authors shouted . | The authors shouted . | 1 | 2,276 |
The athlete claimed that the scientists shouted . | The scientists shouted . | 1 | 2,277 |
The scientist assumed that the artists supported the actors . | The artists supported the actors . | 1 | 2,278 |
The judges thought that the secretary danced . | The secretary danced . | 1 | 2,279 |
The authors thought that the lawyer introduced the managers . | The lawyer introduced the managers . | 1 | 2,280 |
The managers hoped that the doctor avoided the senators . | The doctor avoided the senators . | 1 | 2,281 |
The athlete believed that the banker arrived . | The banker arrived . | 1 | 2,282 |
The lawyer assumed that the secretaries resigned . | The secretaries resigned . | 1 | 2,283 |
The president thought that the scientist recognized the author . | The scientist recognized the author . | 1 | 2,284 |
The senators assumed that the judges danced . | The judges danced . | 1 | 2,285 |
The secretaries hoped that the artists performed . | The artists performed . | 1 | 2,286 |
The doctor believed that the professors encouraged the manager . | The professors encouraged the manager . | 1 | 2,287 |
The bankers claimed that the judge stopped the authors . | The judge stopped the authors . | 1 | 2,288 |
The professors assumed that the tourist recommended the bankers . | The tourist recommended the bankers . | 1 | 2,289 |
The senator hoped that the authors arrived . | The authors arrived . | 1 | 2,290 |
The senator said that the lawyers resigned . | The lawyers resigned . | 1 | 2,291 |
The professors thought that the judge performed . | The judge performed . | 1 | 2,292 |
The doctors said that the managers recommended the actors . | The managers recommended the actors . | 1 | 2,293 |
The scientist claimed that the president thanked the senators . | The president thanked the senators . | 1 | 2,294 |
The judges claimed that the artists contacted the secretaries . | The artists contacted the secretaries . | 1 | 2,295 |
The authors hoped that the artist introduced the actors . | The artist introduced the actors . | 1 | 2,296 |
The student believed that the senator slept . | The senator slept . | 1 | 2,297 |
The manager believed that the secretaries helped the professor . | The secretaries helped the professor . | 1 | 2,298 |
The students said that the lawyers slept . | The lawyers slept . | 1 | 2,299 |
The student thought that the senators believed the doctors . | The senators believed the doctors . | 1 | 2,300 |