stringlengths 18
| hypothesis
stringlengths 12
| label
int64 0
| idx
int64 1
Although the secretaries performed , the judges supported the scientist . | The judges supported the scientist . | 0 | 2,601 |
Whether or not the scientist performed , the secretary shouted . | The secretary shouted . | 0 | 2,602 |
Though the scientists recognized the lawyers , the doctors recommended the secretaries . | The doctors recommended the secretaries . | 0 | 2,603 |
Whether or not the athletes danced , the presidents stopped the actor . | The presidents stopped the actor . | 0 | 2,604 |
Before the secretaries introduced the artists , the scientist advised the senators . | The scientist advised the senators . | 0 | 2,605 |
Before the actor waited , the authors introduced the scientists . | The authors introduced the scientists . | 0 | 2,606 |
Since the actor supported the students , the presidents called the doctors . | The presidents called the doctors . | 0 | 2,607 |
Whether or not the lawyers advised the artist , the doctors avoided the student . | The doctors avoided the student . | 0 | 2,608 |
While the athlete encouraged the senators , the judge recommended the author . | The judge recommended the author . | 0 | 2,609 |
In case the professors recommended the bankers , the doctors shouted . | The doctors shouted . | 0 | 2,610 |
While the doctors arrived , the manager danced . | The manager danced . | 0 | 2,611 |
Before the manager introduced the actor , the secretary shouted . | The secretary shouted . | 0 | 2,612 |
After the athlete admired the students , the bankers thanked the author . | The bankers thanked the author . | 0 | 2,613 |
Before the lawyer introduced the judge , the scientist saw the banker . | The scientist saw the banker . | 0 | 2,614 |
After the banker admired the lawyer , the professors arrived . | The professors arrived . | 0 | 2,615 |
Though the tourists slept , the presidents arrived . | The presidents arrived . | 0 | 2,616 |
Whether or not the president recognized the bankers , the students called the judges . | The students called the judges . | 0 | 2,617 |
Although the student avoided the authors , the presidents saw the athlete . | The presidents saw the athlete . | 0 | 2,618 |
After the students mentioned the senator , the doctor ran . | The doctor ran . | 0 | 2,619 |
Whether or not the authors danced , the student supported the presidents . | The student supported the presidents . | 0 | 2,620 |
Since the judges thanked the managers , the actor advised the president . | The actor advised the president . | 0 | 2,621 |
Since the tourists thanked the secretaries , the lawyers encouraged the student . | The lawyers encouraged the student . | 0 | 2,622 |
Whether or not the banker waited , the presidents introduced the senators . | The presidents introduced the senators . | 0 | 2,623 |
After the managers performed , the artists ran . | The artists ran . | 0 | 2,624 |
Whether or not the athlete ran , the judge supported the scientist . | The judge supported the scientist . | 0 | 2,625 |
Because the banker saw the professor , the senator contacted the managers . | The senator contacted the managers . | 0 | 2,626 |
Although the tourists waited , the banker arrived . | The banker arrived . | 0 | 2,627 |
While the managers resigned , the artists shouted . | The artists shouted . | 0 | 2,628 |
In case the actors advised the president , the doctors believed the judges . | The doctors believed the judges . | 0 | 2,629 |
Since the athlete mentioned the manager , the tourists shouted . | The tourists shouted . | 0 | 2,630 |
Before the doctors recognized the secretaries , the manager contacted the artist . | The manager contacted the artist . | 0 | 2,631 |
Though the athlete recommended the manager , the presidents admired the senators . | The presidents admired the senators . | 0 | 2,632 |
Before the banker arrived , the secretaries believed the artist . | The secretaries believed the artist . | 0 | 2,633 |
Although the professors shouted , the scientist arrived . | The scientist arrived . | 0 | 2,634 |
Before the president recommended the athlete , the tourist saw the manager . | The tourist saw the manager . | 0 | 2,635 |
Because the artist mentioned the professor , the scientists contacted the president . | The scientists contacted the president . | 0 | 2,636 |
After the bankers resigned , the tourist danced . | The tourist danced . | 0 | 2,637 |
Whether or not the presidents waited , the banker stopped the senator . | The banker stopped the senator . | 0 | 2,638 |
While the manager recognized the scientists , the lawyers resigned . | The lawyers resigned . | 0 | 2,639 |
In case the scientist contacted the managers , the tourist avoided the authors . | The tourist avoided the authors . | 0 | 2,640 |
Though the athletes saw the actor , the secretary ran . | The secretary ran . | 0 | 2,641 |
Because the athletes waited , the tourists advised the presidents . | The tourists advised the presidents . | 0 | 2,642 |
Whether or not the professor supported the tourists , the secretaries recognized the doctor . | The secretaries recognized the doctor . | 0 | 2,643 |
Although the judge recognized the scientist , the banker resigned . | The banker resigned . | 0 | 2,644 |
After the secretaries helped the professor , the athletes introduced the judges . | The athletes introduced the judges . | 0 | 2,645 |
Although the scientist saw the senators , the author helped the athletes . | The author helped the athletes . | 0 | 2,646 |
Although the student avoided the banker , the tourist believed the judge . | The tourist believed the judge . | 0 | 2,647 |
While the scientists recognized the doctor , the banker supported the athletes . | The banker supported the athletes . | 0 | 2,648 |
After the presidents shouted , the manager helped the lawyer . | The manager helped the lawyer . | 0 | 2,649 |
While the president mentioned the tourist , the authors encouraged the secretary . | The authors encouraged the secretary . | 0 | 2,650 |
In case the lawyers slept , the judge danced . | The judge danced . | 0 | 2,651 |
After the scientist ran , the lawyer helped the senator . | The lawyer helped the senator . | 0 | 2,652 |
Though the doctors thanked the lawyers , the president resigned . | The president resigned . | 0 | 2,653 |
While the athlete helped the secretaries , the doctor called the professor . | The doctor called the professor . | 0 | 2,654 |
Although the artist encouraged the presidents , the secretary shouted . | The secretary shouted . | 0 | 2,655 |
Because the tourist believed the senators , the authors resigned . | The authors resigned . | 0 | 2,656 |
Though the artists mentioned the secretary , the athlete ran . | The athlete ran . | 0 | 2,657 |
Since the manager avoided the athletes , the judge slept . | The judge slept . | 0 | 2,658 |
After the professors resigned , the presidents ran . | The presidents ran . | 0 | 2,659 |
While the professor danced , the managers believed the actor . | The managers believed the actor . | 0 | 2,660 |
Whether or not the judge ran , the scientist called the bankers . | The scientist called the bankers . | 0 | 2,661 |
In case the athlete contacted the actor , the doctor shouted . | The doctor shouted . | 0 | 2,662 |
Before the scientist helped the senators , the president avoided the student . | The president avoided the student . | 0 | 2,663 |
Although the student resigned , the athletes helped the secretary . | The athletes helped the secretary . | 0 | 2,664 |
Because the secretary waited , the actors called the judges . | The actors called the judges . | 0 | 2,665 |
While the athletes mentioned the tourist , the lawyer danced . | The lawyer danced . | 0 | 2,666 |
Because the scientists thanked the athletes , the judge admired the professor . | The judge admired the professor . | 0 | 2,667 |
While the author arrived , the artist encouraged the actor . | The artist encouraged the actor . | 0 | 2,668 |
After the banker mentioned the athlete , the secretary helped the senators . | The secretary helped the senators . | 0 | 2,669 |
After the secretaries waited , the author arrived . | The author arrived . | 0 | 2,670 |
Though the athlete called the students , the authors recommended the judge . | The authors recommended the judge . | 0 | 2,671 |
While the students contacted the athlete , the senator ran . | The senator ran . | 0 | 2,672 |
Since the scientist slept , the actors called the doctor . | The actors called the doctor . | 0 | 2,673 |
Since the managers admired the doctors , the scientist mentioned the actor . | The scientist mentioned the actor . | 0 | 2,674 |
Because the scientists shouted , the secretaries ran . | The secretaries ran . | 0 | 2,675 |
Although the scientist stopped the doctors , the actors performed . | The actors performed . | 0 | 2,676 |
Since the secretary mentioned the lawyer , the presidents thanked the authors . | The presidents thanked the authors . | 0 | 2,677 |
Though the bankers saw the author , the actors contacted the students . | The actors contacted the students . | 0 | 2,678 |
Since the banker believed the judges , the manager resigned . | The manager resigned . | 0 | 2,679 |
Though the artists supported the professors , the tourists shouted . | The tourists shouted . | 0 | 2,680 |
Although the tourist recognized the judges , the senator stopped the president . | The senator stopped the president . | 0 | 2,681 |
After the doctor arrived , the professors recommended the presidents . | The professors recommended the presidents . | 0 | 2,682 |
After the manager avoided the scientist , the secretaries resigned . | The secretaries resigned . | 0 | 2,683 |
Whether or not the president believed the judge , the secretary arrived . | The secretary arrived . | 0 | 2,684 |
Because the secretaries contacted the banker , the students shouted . | The students shouted . | 0 | 2,685 |
Though the lawyers admired the professors , the actors avoided the bankers . | The actors avoided the bankers . | 0 | 2,686 |
Though the authors slept , the senator danced . | The senator danced . | 0 | 2,687 |
After the secretaries helped the artist , the doctor thanked the bankers . | The doctor thanked the bankers . | 0 | 2,688 |
Before the student slept , the managers performed . | The managers performed . | 0 | 2,689 |
In case the secretaries introduced the student , the professor advised the athletes . | The professor advised the athletes . | 0 | 2,690 |
While the actor admired the authors , the secretaries encouraged the tourists . | The secretaries encouraged the tourists . | 0 | 2,691 |
Though the students called the tourist , the actor slept . | The actor slept . | 0 | 2,692 |
Because the senators shouted , the tourist advised the professors . | The tourist advised the professors . | 0 | 2,693 |
Because the actor ran , the senators shouted . | The senators shouted . | 0 | 2,694 |
Before the senator recognized the professor , the doctors avoided the lawyer . | The doctors avoided the lawyer . | 0 | 2,695 |
In case the senator shouted , the professor resigned . | The professor resigned . | 0 | 2,696 |
In case the doctor ran , the lawyers shouted . | The lawyers shouted . | 0 | 2,697 |
While the athlete slept , the actors advised the scientist . | The actors advised the scientist . | 0 | 2,698 |
Before the actors stopped the secretaries , the judge slept . | The judge slept . | 0 | 2,699 |
Though the managers shouted , the author saw the lawyers . | The author saw the lawyers . | 0 | 2,700 |