Dataset Viewer
The dataset viewer is not available for this dataset.
Cannot get the config names for the dataset.
Error code: ConfigNamesError Exception: FileNotFoundError Message: Couldn't find any data file at /src/services/worker/Eloquent/Robustness. Couldn't find 'Eloquent/Robustness' on the Hugging Face Hub either: FileNotFoundError: Unable to find 'hf://datasets/Eloquent/Robustness@c425f86abe14193e9cfaa234f26d3392623c91d6/eloquent-2025-robustness.json' with any supported extension ['.csv', '.tsv', '.json', '.jsonl', '.ndjson', '.parquet', '.geoparquet', '.gpq', '.arrow', '.txt', '.tar', '.xml', '.blp', '.bmp', '.dib', '.bufr', '.cur', '.pcx', '.dcx', '.dds', '.ps', '.eps', '.fit', '.fits', '.fli', '.flc', '.ftc', '.ftu', '.gbr', '.gif', '.grib', '.png', '.apng', '.jp2', '.j2k', '.jpc', '.jpf', '.jpx', '.j2c', '.icns', '.ico', '.im', '.iim', '.tif', '.tiff', '.jfif', '.jpe', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.mpg', '.mpeg', '.msp', '.pcd', '.pxr', '.pbm', '.pgm', '.ppm', '.pnm', '.psd', '.bw', '.rgb', '.rgba', '.sgi', '.ras', '.tga', '.icb', '.vda', '.vst', '.webp', '.wmf', '.emf', '.xbm', '.xpm', '.BLP', '.BMP', '.DIB', '.BUFR', '.CUR', '.PCX', '.DCX', '.DDS', '.PS', '.EPS', '.FIT', '.FITS', '.FLI', '.FLC', '.FTC', '.FTU', '.GBR', '.GIF', '.GRIB', '.PNG', '.APNG', '.JP2', '.J2K', '.JPC', '.JPF', '.JPX', '.J2C', '.ICNS', '.ICO', '.IM', '.IIM', '.TIF', '.TIFF', '.JFIF', '.JPE', '.JPG', '.JPEG', '.MPG', '.MPEG', '.MSP', '.PCD', '.PXR', '.PBM', '.PGM', '.PPM', '.PNM', '.PSD', '.BW', '.RGB', '.RGBA', '.SGI', '.RAS', '.TGA', '.ICB', '.VDA', '.VST', '.WEBP', '.WMF', '.EMF', '.XBM', '.XPM', '.aiff', '.au', '.avr', '.caf', '.flac', '.htk', '.svx', '.mat4', '.mat5', '.mpc2k', '.ogg', '.paf', '.pvf', '.raw', '.rf64', '.sd2', '.sds', '.ircam', '.voc', '.w64', '.wav', '.nist', '.wavex', '.wve', '.xi', '.mp3', '.opus', '.AIFF', '.AU', '.AVR', '.CAF', '.FLAC', '.HTK', '.SVX', '.MAT4', '.MAT5', '.MPC2K', '.OGG', '.PAF', '.PVF', '.RAW', '.RF64', '.SD2', '.SDS', '.IRCAM', '.VOC', '.W64', '.WAV', '.NIST', '.WAVEX', '.WVE', '.XI', '.MP3', '.OPUS', '.mkv', '.mp4', '.avi', '.mov', '.MKV', '.MP4', '.AVI', '.MOV', '.zip'] Traceback: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/dataset/", line 66, in compute_config_names_response config_names = get_dataset_config_names( File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 165, in get_dataset_config_names dataset_module = dataset_module_factory( File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1659, in dataset_module_factory raise FileNotFoundError( FileNotFoundError: Couldn't find any data file at /src/services/worker/Eloquent/Robustness. Couldn't find 'Eloquent/Robustness' on the Hugging Face Hub either: FileNotFoundError: Unable to find 'hf://datasets/Eloquent/Robustness@c425f86abe14193e9cfaa234f26d3392623c91d6/eloquent-2025-robustness.json' with any supported extension ['.csv', '.tsv', '.json', '.jsonl', '.ndjson', '.parquet', '.geoparquet', '.gpq', '.arrow', '.txt', '.tar', '.xml', '.blp', '.bmp', '.dib', '.bufr', '.cur', '.pcx', '.dcx', '.dds', '.ps', '.eps', '.fit', '.fits', '.fli', '.flc', '.ftc', '.ftu', '.gbr', '.gif', '.grib', '.png', '.apng', '.jp2', '.j2k', '.jpc', '.jpf', '.jpx', '.j2c', '.icns', '.ico', '.im', '.iim', '.tif', '.tiff', '.jfif', '.jpe', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.mpg', '.mpeg', '.msp', '.pcd', '.pxr', '.pbm', '.pgm', '.ppm', '.pnm', '.psd', '.bw', '.rgb', '.rgba', '.sgi', '.ras', '.tga', '.icb', '.vda', '.vst', '.webp', '.wmf', '.emf', '.xbm', '.xpm', '.BLP', '.BMP', '.DIB', '.BUFR', '.CUR', '.PCX', '.DCX', '.DDS', '.PS', '.EPS', '.FIT', '.FITS', '.FLI', '.FLC', '.FTC', '.FTU', '.GBR', '.GIF', '.GRIB', '.PNG', '.APNG', '.JP2', '.J2K', '.JPC', '.JPF', '.JPX', '.J2C', '.ICNS', '.ICO', '.IM', '.IIM', '.TIF', '.TIFF', '.JFIF', '.JPE', '.JPG', '.JPEG', '.MPG', '.MPEG', '.MSP', '.PCD', '.PXR', '.PBM', '.PGM', '.PPM', '.PNM', '.PSD', '.BW', '.RGB', '.RGBA', '.SGI', '.RAS', '.TGA', '.ICB', '.VDA', '.VST', '.WEBP', '.WMF', '.EMF', '.XBM', '.XPM', '.aiff', '.au', '.avr', '.caf', '.flac', '.htk', '.svx', '.mat4', '.mat5', '.mpc2k', '.ogg', '.paf', '.pvf', '.raw', '.rf64', '.sd2', '.sds', '.ircam', '.voc', '.w64', '.wav', '.nist', '.wavex', '.wve', '.xi', '.mp3', '.opus', '.AIFF', '.AU', '.AVR', '.CAF', '.FLAC', '.HTK', '.SVX', '.MAT4', '.MAT5', '.MPC2K', '.OGG', '.PAF', '.PVF', '.RAW', '.RF64', '.SD2', '.SDS', '.IRCAM', '.VOC', '.W64', '.WAV', '.NIST', '.WAVEX', '.WVE', '.XI', '.MP3', '.OPUS', '.mkv', '.mp4', '.avi', '.mov', '.MKV', '.MP4', '.AVI', '.MOV', '.zip']
Need help to make the dataset viewer work? Make sure to review how to configure the dataset viewer, and open a discussion for direct support.
ELOQUENT Robustness and Consistency Task
This dataset contains the sample and test datasets for the Robustness and Consistency task, which is part of the ELOQUENT lab. This dataset is for participants to generate texts for prompt variants, to investigate prompt style conditioned variation.
- Robustness task
- CLEF conference 9-12 September 2025
The task in brief (this is a simple task to execute!)
- This dataset provides a number of questions in several languages
- e.g.
"question": "Is it more important to be polite or to be honest?"
- e.g.
- You use a generative language model to answer the question in the languages your model handles
- You send the response to us before mid-May 2025
- We and you together discuss the results to explore how linguistic variation conditions responses
- We write a joint report
- Workshop at CLEF in Madrid 9-12 September 2025
Test Data
from datasets import load_dataset
data = load_dataset("Eloquent/Robustness", "test")
- Downloads last month
- 75