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The parameters of our 2018 Corporate |
Sustainability Report have been established |
based on a strategic assessment of the |
issues that our stakeholders care most |
about, are of greatest relevance to our |
business strategy and align with our |
purpose to make the world cleaner, safer |
and healthier. This approach to materiality |
aligns with our corporate sustainability |
strategy to address some of the world’s |
most pressing and complex challenges |
through our own operations and the |
solutions that we provide to customers. |
For more information on our approach |
to sustainability and materiality |
assessment, please refer to pages 11–16 |
in our 2018 GRI Index. |
1 |
Carbon calculations are based on U.S. EPA local factor of 1.5 lb CO2e/kwh. https://www.epa.gov/energy/greenhouse-gas-equivalencies-calculator |
2ADM 2016 Sustainability Report. https://assets.adm.com/Sustainability/ADM_Sustainability_CorporateSustainabilityReport_2016.pdf. (page 29 |
in report, page 31 on the PDF page), based on 2008 baseline. |
3 |
ADM 2017 Sustainability Report: https://assets.adm.com/Sustainability/2017-CSR-Final-5-14-18.pdf. Goals based on 2010 baseline. |
4World Health Organization: Legionella and the prevention of legionellosis, 2007, Web. |
5Claims and Litigation Management Journal. Susan E. Smith and Thomas P. Bernier, 2013. Web. |
6Annual savings are calculated based on Hilton’s 2018 sales data and savings from the validated, tested technologies they employ, including |
Ecolab’s sustainability methodology, data collection, and calculators, which have been validated by third-party consultant group Anthesis. |
7 |
“World population projected to reach 9.8 billion in 2050, and 11.2 billion in 2100”–U.N. Department of Economic and Social Affairs; |
https://www.un.org/development/desa/en/news/population/world-population-prospects-2017.html |
8https://water.org/our-impact/water-crisis/ |
9https://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/mckinsey/dotcom/client_service/sustainability/pdfs/charting%20our%20water%20future/charting_our_ |
water_future_full_report_.ashx |
10 “Managing Water under Uncertainty and Risk”–UNESCO; https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000215492 |
11 http://www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/environment/water/wwap/wwdr/2017-wastewater-the-untapped-resource/ |
12Nahal, Sarbjit, and Valery Lucas Leclin. “A Blue Revolution-Global Water.” ESG & Sustainability. Bank of America Merrill Lynch (2012); 40. A |
Blue Revolution-Global Water. Bank of America Merrill Lynch, 07 Nov. 2012. Web. 26 Apr. 2017.http://www.merrilledge.com/Publish/Content/ |
application/pdf/GWMOL/ABlueRevolution-globalwater.pdf. |
37 |
Ecolab, Nalco, eROI, Purate, 3D TRASAR, SMARTPOWER, Aquanomic are trademarks of Ecolab USA, Inc. |
More information on the savings and claims found within the case studies presented within this report can be found on page 39 of our |
2018 Corporate Sustainability GRI Index. |
This report was printed by a WBENC-certified firm. |
Printed using agri-based inks on FSC®-certified paper. |
Global Headquarters |
1 Ecolab Place, St. Paul, MN 55102 |
www.ecolab.com 1 800 2 ECOLAB |
©2019 Ecolab USA Inc. All rights reserved. 54245/0800/0519 TM |
Far left: Jamie Derosier, Ecolab senior |
global corporate account manager (pictured |
right), with our Colgate-Palmolive partner, |
Malaquias Jimenez, technical director, |
Global Home Care |
Near left: Cecilia Coates, water stewardship |
associate, Colgate-Palmolive, with Ecolab's |
Jamie Derosier |
Our 2018 Corporate Sustainability Report and complete GRI Index |
can be found at www.ecolab.com/sustainability. |
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