<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>import web urls = ( '/hello','Index' ) app = web.application(urls,globals()) render = web.template.render('/usr/local/LPTHW/ex51/gothonweb/templates/',base="layout") class Index(object): <|fim_middle|> if __name__ == '__main__': <|fim▁end|>
def GET(self): return render.hello_form() def POST(self): form = web.input(name="Nobody",greet="Hello") greeting = "%s,%s" % (form.greet, return render.index(greeting = greeting)
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>import web urls = ( '/hello','Index' ) app = web.application(urls,globals()) render = web.template.render('/usr/local/LPTHW/ex51/gothonweb/templates/',base="layout") class Index(object): def GET(self): <|fim_middle|> def POST(self): form = web.input(name="Nobody",greet="Hello") greeting = "%s,%s" % (form.greet, return render.index(greeting = greeting) if __name__ == '__main__': <|fim▁end|>
return render.hello_form()
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>import web urls = ( '/hello','Index' ) app = web.application(urls,globals()) render = web.template.render('/usr/local/LPTHW/ex51/gothonweb/templates/',base="layout") class Index(object): def GET(self): return render.hello_form() def POST(self): <|fim_middle|> if __name__ == '__main__': <|fim▁end|>
form = web.input(name="Nobody",greet="Hello") greeting = "%s,%s" % (form.greet, return render.index(greeting = greeting)
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>import web urls = ( '/hello','Index' ) app = web.application(urls,globals()) render = web.template.render('/usr/local/LPTHW/ex51/gothonweb/templates/',base="layout") class Index(object): def GET(self): return render.hello_form() def POST(self): form = web.input(name="Nobody",greet="Hello") greeting = "%s,%s" % (form.greet, return render.index(greeting = greeting) if __name__ == '__main__': <|fim_middle|> <|fim▁end|>
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>import web urls = ( '/hello','Index' ) app = web.application(urls,globals()) render = web.template.render('/usr/local/LPTHW/ex51/gothonweb/templates/',base="layout") class Index(object): def <|fim_middle|>(self): return render.hello_form() def POST(self): form = web.input(name="Nobody",greet="Hello") greeting = "%s,%s" % (form.greet, return render.index(greeting = greeting) if __name__ == '__main__': <|fim▁end|>
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>import web urls = ( '/hello','Index' ) app = web.application(urls,globals()) render = web.template.render('/usr/local/LPTHW/ex51/gothonweb/templates/',base="layout") class Index(object): def GET(self): return render.hello_form() def <|fim_middle|>(self): form = web.input(name="Nobody",greet="Hello") greeting = "%s,%s" % (form.greet, return render.index(greeting = greeting) if __name__ == '__main__': <|fim▁end|>
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>from collections import namedtuple Resolution = namedtuple('Resolution', ['x', 'y']) class Resolutions(object): resolutions = [ (1920, 1200), (1920, 1080), (1680, 1050), (1440, 900), (1360, 768), <|fim▁hole|> (1280, 800), (1024, 640) ] @classmethod def parse(self, x, y): if (x,y) not in self.resolutions: resolutions = ', '.join(['%sx%s' % (a, b) for a,b in self.resolutions]) raise Exception('Resolution %s x %s not supported. Available resolutions: %s' % (x,y, resolutions) ) return Resolution(x, y) class Color(object): gray = (0.15, 0.15, 0.13, 1.0) black = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) white = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) red = (1.0, 0.2, 0.0, 1.0) orange = (1.0, 0.4, 0.0, 1.0) yellow = (1.0, 0.9, 0.0, 1.0) light_green = (0.4, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) green = (0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 1.0) cyan = (0.0, 1.0, 0.4, 1.0) light_blue = (0.0, 0.6, 1.0, 1.0) blue = (0.0, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0) purple = (0.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) pink = (1.0, 0.0, 0.8, 1.0) @classmethod def __colors(self): return [key for key in self.__dict__.keys() if not key.startswith('_') and key != 'named'] @classmethod def named(self, name): if not hasattr(self, name): colors = ', '.join(self.__colors()) raise Exception('Unknown color %s. Available colors are: %s' % (name, colors)) return getattr(self, name) def try_parse(value): try: return int(value) except: return { 'true': True, 'false': False }.get(value.lower(), value) def read_config(): with open('config.cfg', 'r') as cfg_file: lines = cfg_file.readlines() lines = [ line.strip().replace(' ', '').split('=') for line in lines if line.strip() and '=' in line ] cfg = {key:try_parse(value) for key,value in lines} return cfg cfg = read_config() NUM_CELLS = cfg.get('CELLS', 100) RESOLUTION = Resolutions.parse(cfg.get('WINDOW_WIDTH', 1280), cfg.get('WINDOW_HEIGHT', 800)) limit = min(RESOLUTION) PIXEL_PER_CELL = limit / NUM_CELLS OFFSET_X = (RESOLUTION.x - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 OFFSET_Y = (RESOLUTION.y - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 SHOW_FULLSCREEN = cfg.get('FULLSCREEN', False) SHOW_GRID = cfg.get('SHOW_GRID', True) BACKGROUND_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('BACKGROUND_COLOR', 'black')) GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR', 'gray')) GRID_LINE_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_LINE_COLOR', 'black')) CELL_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CELL_COLOR', 'green')) CURSOR_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CURSOR_COLOR', 'red'))<|fim▁end|>
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>from collections import namedtuple Resolution = namedtuple('Resolution', ['x', 'y']) class Resolutions(object): <|fim_middle|> class Color(object): gray = (0.15, 0.15, 0.13, 1.0) black = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) white = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) red = (1.0, 0.2, 0.0, 1.0) orange = (1.0, 0.4, 0.0, 1.0) yellow = (1.0, 0.9, 0.0, 1.0) light_green = (0.4, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) green = (0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 1.0) cyan = (0.0, 1.0, 0.4, 1.0) light_blue = (0.0, 0.6, 1.0, 1.0) blue = (0.0, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0) purple = (0.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) pink = (1.0, 0.0, 0.8, 1.0) @classmethod def __colors(self): return [key for key in self.__dict__.keys() if not key.startswith('_') and key != 'named'] @classmethod def named(self, name): if not hasattr(self, name): colors = ', '.join(self.__colors()) raise Exception('Unknown color %s. Available colors are: %s' % (name, colors)) return getattr(self, name) def try_parse(value): try: return int(value) except: return { 'true': True, 'false': False }.get(value.lower(), value) def read_config(): with open('config.cfg', 'r') as cfg_file: lines = cfg_file.readlines() lines = [ line.strip().replace(' ', '').split('=') for line in lines if line.strip() and '=' in line ] cfg = {key:try_parse(value) for key,value in lines} return cfg cfg = read_config() NUM_CELLS = cfg.get('CELLS', 100) RESOLUTION = Resolutions.parse(cfg.get('WINDOW_WIDTH', 1280), cfg.get('WINDOW_HEIGHT', 800)) limit = min(RESOLUTION) PIXEL_PER_CELL = limit / NUM_CELLS OFFSET_X = (RESOLUTION.x - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 OFFSET_Y = (RESOLUTION.y - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 SHOW_FULLSCREEN = cfg.get('FULLSCREEN', False) SHOW_GRID = cfg.get('SHOW_GRID', True) BACKGROUND_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('BACKGROUND_COLOR', 'black')) GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR', 'gray')) GRID_LINE_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_LINE_COLOR', 'black')) CELL_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CELL_COLOR', 'green')) CURSOR_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CURSOR_COLOR', 'red'))<|fim▁end|>
resolutions = [ (1920, 1200), (1920, 1080), (1680, 1050), (1440, 900), (1360, 768), (1280, 800), (1024, 640) ] @classmethod def parse(self, x, y): if (x,y) not in self.resolutions: resolutions = ', '.join(['%sx%s' % (a, b) for a,b in self.resolutions]) raise Exception('Resolution %s x %s not supported. Available resolutions: %s' % (x,y, resolutions) ) return Resolution(x, y)
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>from collections import namedtuple Resolution = namedtuple('Resolution', ['x', 'y']) class Resolutions(object): resolutions = [ (1920, 1200), (1920, 1080), (1680, 1050), (1440, 900), (1360, 768), (1280, 800), (1024, 640) ] @classmethod def parse(self, x, y): <|fim_middle|> class Color(object): gray = (0.15, 0.15, 0.13, 1.0) black = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) white = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) red = (1.0, 0.2, 0.0, 1.0) orange = (1.0, 0.4, 0.0, 1.0) yellow = (1.0, 0.9, 0.0, 1.0) light_green = (0.4, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) green = (0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 1.0) cyan = (0.0, 1.0, 0.4, 1.0) light_blue = (0.0, 0.6, 1.0, 1.0) blue = (0.0, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0) purple = (0.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) pink = (1.0, 0.0, 0.8, 1.0) @classmethod def __colors(self): return [key for key in self.__dict__.keys() if not key.startswith('_') and key != 'named'] @classmethod def named(self, name): if not hasattr(self, name): colors = ', '.join(self.__colors()) raise Exception('Unknown color %s. Available colors are: %s' % (name, colors)) return getattr(self, name) def try_parse(value): try: return int(value) except: return { 'true': True, 'false': False }.get(value.lower(), value) def read_config(): with open('config.cfg', 'r') as cfg_file: lines = cfg_file.readlines() lines = [ line.strip().replace(' ', '').split('=') for line in lines if line.strip() and '=' in line ] cfg = {key:try_parse(value) for key,value in lines} return cfg cfg = read_config() NUM_CELLS = cfg.get('CELLS', 100) RESOLUTION = Resolutions.parse(cfg.get('WINDOW_WIDTH', 1280), cfg.get('WINDOW_HEIGHT', 800)) limit = min(RESOLUTION) PIXEL_PER_CELL = limit / NUM_CELLS OFFSET_X = (RESOLUTION.x - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 OFFSET_Y = (RESOLUTION.y - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 SHOW_FULLSCREEN = cfg.get('FULLSCREEN', False) SHOW_GRID = cfg.get('SHOW_GRID', True) BACKGROUND_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('BACKGROUND_COLOR', 'black')) GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR', 'gray')) GRID_LINE_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_LINE_COLOR', 'black')) CELL_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CELL_COLOR', 'green')) CURSOR_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CURSOR_COLOR', 'red'))<|fim▁end|>
if (x,y) not in self.resolutions: resolutions = ', '.join(['%sx%s' % (a, b) for a,b in self.resolutions]) raise Exception('Resolution %s x %s not supported. Available resolutions: %s' % (x,y, resolutions) ) return Resolution(x, y)
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>from collections import namedtuple Resolution = namedtuple('Resolution', ['x', 'y']) class Resolutions(object): resolutions = [ (1920, 1200), (1920, 1080), (1680, 1050), (1440, 900), (1360, 768), (1280, 800), (1024, 640) ] @classmethod def parse(self, x, y): if (x,y) not in self.resolutions: resolutions = ', '.join(['%sx%s' % (a, b) for a,b in self.resolutions]) raise Exception('Resolution %s x %s not supported. Available resolutions: %s' % (x,y, resolutions) ) return Resolution(x, y) class Color(object): <|fim_middle|> def try_parse(value): try: return int(value) except: return { 'true': True, 'false': False }.get(value.lower(), value) def read_config(): with open('config.cfg', 'r') as cfg_file: lines = cfg_file.readlines() lines = [ line.strip().replace(' ', '').split('=') for line in lines if line.strip() and '=' in line ] cfg = {key:try_parse(value) for key,value in lines} return cfg cfg = read_config() NUM_CELLS = cfg.get('CELLS', 100) RESOLUTION = Resolutions.parse(cfg.get('WINDOW_WIDTH', 1280), cfg.get('WINDOW_HEIGHT', 800)) limit = min(RESOLUTION) PIXEL_PER_CELL = limit / NUM_CELLS OFFSET_X = (RESOLUTION.x - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 OFFSET_Y = (RESOLUTION.y - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 SHOW_FULLSCREEN = cfg.get('FULLSCREEN', False) SHOW_GRID = cfg.get('SHOW_GRID', True) BACKGROUND_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('BACKGROUND_COLOR', 'black')) GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR', 'gray')) GRID_LINE_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_LINE_COLOR', 'black')) CELL_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CELL_COLOR', 'green')) CURSOR_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CURSOR_COLOR', 'red'))<|fim▁end|>
gray = (0.15, 0.15, 0.13, 1.0) black = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) white = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) red = (1.0, 0.2, 0.0, 1.0) orange = (1.0, 0.4, 0.0, 1.0) yellow = (1.0, 0.9, 0.0, 1.0) light_green = (0.4, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) green = (0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 1.0) cyan = (0.0, 1.0, 0.4, 1.0) light_blue = (0.0, 0.6, 1.0, 1.0) blue = (0.0, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0) purple = (0.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) pink = (1.0, 0.0, 0.8, 1.0) @classmethod def __colors(self): return [key for key in self.__dict__.keys() if not key.startswith('_') and key != 'named'] @classmethod def named(self, name): if not hasattr(self, name): colors = ', '.join(self.__colors()) raise Exception('Unknown color %s. Available colors are: %s' % (name, colors)) return getattr(self, name)
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>from collections import namedtuple Resolution = namedtuple('Resolution', ['x', 'y']) class Resolutions(object): resolutions = [ (1920, 1200), (1920, 1080), (1680, 1050), (1440, 900), (1360, 768), (1280, 800), (1024, 640) ] @classmethod def parse(self, x, y): if (x,y) not in self.resolutions: resolutions = ', '.join(['%sx%s' % (a, b) for a,b in self.resolutions]) raise Exception('Resolution %s x %s not supported. Available resolutions: %s' % (x,y, resolutions) ) return Resolution(x, y) class Color(object): gray = (0.15, 0.15, 0.13, 1.0) black = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) white = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) red = (1.0, 0.2, 0.0, 1.0) orange = (1.0, 0.4, 0.0, 1.0) yellow = (1.0, 0.9, 0.0, 1.0) light_green = (0.4, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) green = (0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 1.0) cyan = (0.0, 1.0, 0.4, 1.0) light_blue = (0.0, 0.6, 1.0, 1.0) blue = (0.0, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0) purple = (0.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) pink = (1.0, 0.0, 0.8, 1.0) @classmethod def __colors(self): <|fim_middle|> @classmethod def named(self, name): if not hasattr(self, name): colors = ', '.join(self.__colors()) raise Exception('Unknown color %s. Available colors are: %s' % (name, colors)) return getattr(self, name) def try_parse(value): try: return int(value) except: return { 'true': True, 'false': False }.get(value.lower(), value) def read_config(): with open('config.cfg', 'r') as cfg_file: lines = cfg_file.readlines() lines = [ line.strip().replace(' ', '').split('=') for line in lines if line.strip() and '=' in line ] cfg = {key:try_parse(value) for key,value in lines} return cfg cfg = read_config() NUM_CELLS = cfg.get('CELLS', 100) RESOLUTION = Resolutions.parse(cfg.get('WINDOW_WIDTH', 1280), cfg.get('WINDOW_HEIGHT', 800)) limit = min(RESOLUTION) PIXEL_PER_CELL = limit / NUM_CELLS OFFSET_X = (RESOLUTION.x - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 OFFSET_Y = (RESOLUTION.y - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 SHOW_FULLSCREEN = cfg.get('FULLSCREEN', False) SHOW_GRID = cfg.get('SHOW_GRID', True) BACKGROUND_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('BACKGROUND_COLOR', 'black')) GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR', 'gray')) GRID_LINE_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_LINE_COLOR', 'black')) CELL_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CELL_COLOR', 'green')) CURSOR_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CURSOR_COLOR', 'red'))<|fim▁end|>
return [key for key in self.__dict__.keys() if not key.startswith('_') and key != 'named']
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>from collections import namedtuple Resolution = namedtuple('Resolution', ['x', 'y']) class Resolutions(object): resolutions = [ (1920, 1200), (1920, 1080), (1680, 1050), (1440, 900), (1360, 768), (1280, 800), (1024, 640) ] @classmethod def parse(self, x, y): if (x,y) not in self.resolutions: resolutions = ', '.join(['%sx%s' % (a, b) for a,b in self.resolutions]) raise Exception('Resolution %s x %s not supported. Available resolutions: %s' % (x,y, resolutions) ) return Resolution(x, y) class Color(object): gray = (0.15, 0.15, 0.13, 1.0) black = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) white = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) red = (1.0, 0.2, 0.0, 1.0) orange = (1.0, 0.4, 0.0, 1.0) yellow = (1.0, 0.9, 0.0, 1.0) light_green = (0.4, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) green = (0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 1.0) cyan = (0.0, 1.0, 0.4, 1.0) light_blue = (0.0, 0.6, 1.0, 1.0) blue = (0.0, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0) purple = (0.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) pink = (1.0, 0.0, 0.8, 1.0) @classmethod def __colors(self): return [key for key in self.__dict__.keys() if not key.startswith('_') and key != 'named'] @classmethod def named(self, name): <|fim_middle|> def try_parse(value): try: return int(value) except: return { 'true': True, 'false': False }.get(value.lower(), value) def read_config(): with open('config.cfg', 'r') as cfg_file: lines = cfg_file.readlines() lines = [ line.strip().replace(' ', '').split('=') for line in lines if line.strip() and '=' in line ] cfg = {key:try_parse(value) for key,value in lines} return cfg cfg = read_config() NUM_CELLS = cfg.get('CELLS', 100) RESOLUTION = Resolutions.parse(cfg.get('WINDOW_WIDTH', 1280), cfg.get('WINDOW_HEIGHT', 800)) limit = min(RESOLUTION) PIXEL_PER_CELL = limit / NUM_CELLS OFFSET_X = (RESOLUTION.x - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 OFFSET_Y = (RESOLUTION.y - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 SHOW_FULLSCREEN = cfg.get('FULLSCREEN', False) SHOW_GRID = cfg.get('SHOW_GRID', True) BACKGROUND_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('BACKGROUND_COLOR', 'black')) GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR', 'gray')) GRID_LINE_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_LINE_COLOR', 'black')) CELL_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CELL_COLOR', 'green')) CURSOR_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CURSOR_COLOR', 'red'))<|fim▁end|>
if not hasattr(self, name): colors = ', '.join(self.__colors()) raise Exception('Unknown color %s. Available colors are: %s' % (name, colors)) return getattr(self, name)
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>from collections import namedtuple Resolution = namedtuple('Resolution', ['x', 'y']) class Resolutions(object): resolutions = [ (1920, 1200), (1920, 1080), (1680, 1050), (1440, 900), (1360, 768), (1280, 800), (1024, 640) ] @classmethod def parse(self, x, y): if (x,y) not in self.resolutions: resolutions = ', '.join(['%sx%s' % (a, b) for a,b in self.resolutions]) raise Exception('Resolution %s x %s not supported. Available resolutions: %s' % (x,y, resolutions) ) return Resolution(x, y) class Color(object): gray = (0.15, 0.15, 0.13, 1.0) black = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) white = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) red = (1.0, 0.2, 0.0, 1.0) orange = (1.0, 0.4, 0.0, 1.0) yellow = (1.0, 0.9, 0.0, 1.0) light_green = (0.4, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) green = (0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 1.0) cyan = (0.0, 1.0, 0.4, 1.0) light_blue = (0.0, 0.6, 1.0, 1.0) blue = (0.0, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0) purple = (0.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) pink = (1.0, 0.0, 0.8, 1.0) @classmethod def __colors(self): return [key for key in self.__dict__.keys() if not key.startswith('_') and key != 'named'] @classmethod def named(self, name): if not hasattr(self, name): colors = ', '.join(self.__colors()) raise Exception('Unknown color %s. Available colors are: %s' % (name, colors)) return getattr(self, name) def try_parse(value): <|fim_middle|> def read_config(): with open('config.cfg', 'r') as cfg_file: lines = cfg_file.readlines() lines = [ line.strip().replace(' ', '').split('=') for line in lines if line.strip() and '=' in line ] cfg = {key:try_parse(value) for key,value in lines} return cfg cfg = read_config() NUM_CELLS = cfg.get('CELLS', 100) RESOLUTION = Resolutions.parse(cfg.get('WINDOW_WIDTH', 1280), cfg.get('WINDOW_HEIGHT', 800)) limit = min(RESOLUTION) PIXEL_PER_CELL = limit / NUM_CELLS OFFSET_X = (RESOLUTION.x - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 OFFSET_Y = (RESOLUTION.y - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 SHOW_FULLSCREEN = cfg.get('FULLSCREEN', False) SHOW_GRID = cfg.get('SHOW_GRID', True) BACKGROUND_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('BACKGROUND_COLOR', 'black')) GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR', 'gray')) GRID_LINE_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_LINE_COLOR', 'black')) CELL_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CELL_COLOR', 'green')) CURSOR_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CURSOR_COLOR', 'red'))<|fim▁end|>
try: return int(value) except: return { 'true': True, 'false': False }.get(value.lower(), value)
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>from collections import namedtuple Resolution = namedtuple('Resolution', ['x', 'y']) class Resolutions(object): resolutions = [ (1920, 1200), (1920, 1080), (1680, 1050), (1440, 900), (1360, 768), (1280, 800), (1024, 640) ] @classmethod def parse(self, x, y): if (x,y) not in self.resolutions: resolutions = ', '.join(['%sx%s' % (a, b) for a,b in self.resolutions]) raise Exception('Resolution %s x %s not supported. Available resolutions: %s' % (x,y, resolutions) ) return Resolution(x, y) class Color(object): gray = (0.15, 0.15, 0.13, 1.0) black = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) white = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) red = (1.0, 0.2, 0.0, 1.0) orange = (1.0, 0.4, 0.0, 1.0) yellow = (1.0, 0.9, 0.0, 1.0) light_green = (0.4, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) green = (0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 1.0) cyan = (0.0, 1.0, 0.4, 1.0) light_blue = (0.0, 0.6, 1.0, 1.0) blue = (0.0, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0) purple = (0.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) pink = (1.0, 0.0, 0.8, 1.0) @classmethod def __colors(self): return [key for key in self.__dict__.keys() if not key.startswith('_') and key != 'named'] @classmethod def named(self, name): if not hasattr(self, name): colors = ', '.join(self.__colors()) raise Exception('Unknown color %s. Available colors are: %s' % (name, colors)) return getattr(self, name) def try_parse(value): try: return int(value) except: return { 'true': True, 'false': False }.get(value.lower(), value) def read_config(): <|fim_middle|> cfg = read_config() NUM_CELLS = cfg.get('CELLS', 100) RESOLUTION = Resolutions.parse(cfg.get('WINDOW_WIDTH', 1280), cfg.get('WINDOW_HEIGHT', 800)) limit = min(RESOLUTION) PIXEL_PER_CELL = limit / NUM_CELLS OFFSET_X = (RESOLUTION.x - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 OFFSET_Y = (RESOLUTION.y - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 SHOW_FULLSCREEN = cfg.get('FULLSCREEN', False) SHOW_GRID = cfg.get('SHOW_GRID', True) BACKGROUND_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('BACKGROUND_COLOR', 'black')) GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR', 'gray')) GRID_LINE_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_LINE_COLOR', 'black')) CELL_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CELL_COLOR', 'green')) CURSOR_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CURSOR_COLOR', 'red'))<|fim▁end|>
with open('config.cfg', 'r') as cfg_file: lines = cfg_file.readlines() lines = [ line.strip().replace(' ', '').split('=') for line in lines if line.strip() and '=' in line ] cfg = {key:try_parse(value) for key,value in lines} return cfg
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>from collections import namedtuple Resolution = namedtuple('Resolution', ['x', 'y']) class Resolutions(object): resolutions = [ (1920, 1200), (1920, 1080), (1680, 1050), (1440, 900), (1360, 768), (1280, 800), (1024, 640) ] @classmethod def parse(self, x, y): if (x,y) not in self.resolutions: <|fim_middle|> return Resolution(x, y) class Color(object): gray = (0.15, 0.15, 0.13, 1.0) black = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) white = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) red = (1.0, 0.2, 0.0, 1.0) orange = (1.0, 0.4, 0.0, 1.0) yellow = (1.0, 0.9, 0.0, 1.0) light_green = (0.4, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) green = (0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 1.0) cyan = (0.0, 1.0, 0.4, 1.0) light_blue = (0.0, 0.6, 1.0, 1.0) blue = (0.0, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0) purple = (0.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) pink = (1.0, 0.0, 0.8, 1.0) @classmethod def __colors(self): return [key for key in self.__dict__.keys() if not key.startswith('_') and key != 'named'] @classmethod def named(self, name): if not hasattr(self, name): colors = ', '.join(self.__colors()) raise Exception('Unknown color %s. Available colors are: %s' % (name, colors)) return getattr(self, name) def try_parse(value): try: return int(value) except: return { 'true': True, 'false': False }.get(value.lower(), value) def read_config(): with open('config.cfg', 'r') as cfg_file: lines = cfg_file.readlines() lines = [ line.strip().replace(' ', '').split('=') for line in lines if line.strip() and '=' in line ] cfg = {key:try_parse(value) for key,value in lines} return cfg cfg = read_config() NUM_CELLS = cfg.get('CELLS', 100) RESOLUTION = Resolutions.parse(cfg.get('WINDOW_WIDTH', 1280), cfg.get('WINDOW_HEIGHT', 800)) limit = min(RESOLUTION) PIXEL_PER_CELL = limit / NUM_CELLS OFFSET_X = (RESOLUTION.x - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 OFFSET_Y = (RESOLUTION.y - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 SHOW_FULLSCREEN = cfg.get('FULLSCREEN', False) SHOW_GRID = cfg.get('SHOW_GRID', True) BACKGROUND_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('BACKGROUND_COLOR', 'black')) GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR', 'gray')) GRID_LINE_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_LINE_COLOR', 'black')) CELL_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CELL_COLOR', 'green')) CURSOR_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CURSOR_COLOR', 'red'))<|fim▁end|>
resolutions = ', '.join(['%sx%s' % (a, b) for a,b in self.resolutions]) raise Exception('Resolution %s x %s not supported. Available resolutions: %s' % (x,y, resolutions) )
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>from collections import namedtuple Resolution = namedtuple('Resolution', ['x', 'y']) class Resolutions(object): resolutions = [ (1920, 1200), (1920, 1080), (1680, 1050), (1440, 900), (1360, 768), (1280, 800), (1024, 640) ] @classmethod def parse(self, x, y): if (x,y) not in self.resolutions: resolutions = ', '.join(['%sx%s' % (a, b) for a,b in self.resolutions]) raise Exception('Resolution %s x %s not supported. Available resolutions: %s' % (x,y, resolutions) ) return Resolution(x, y) class Color(object): gray = (0.15, 0.15, 0.13, 1.0) black = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) white = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) red = (1.0, 0.2, 0.0, 1.0) orange = (1.0, 0.4, 0.0, 1.0) yellow = (1.0, 0.9, 0.0, 1.0) light_green = (0.4, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) green = (0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 1.0) cyan = (0.0, 1.0, 0.4, 1.0) light_blue = (0.0, 0.6, 1.0, 1.0) blue = (0.0, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0) purple = (0.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) pink = (1.0, 0.0, 0.8, 1.0) @classmethod def __colors(self): return [key for key in self.__dict__.keys() if not key.startswith('_') and key != 'named'] @classmethod def named(self, name): if not hasattr(self, name): <|fim_middle|> return getattr(self, name) def try_parse(value): try: return int(value) except: return { 'true': True, 'false': False }.get(value.lower(), value) def read_config(): with open('config.cfg', 'r') as cfg_file: lines = cfg_file.readlines() lines = [ line.strip().replace(' ', '').split('=') for line in lines if line.strip() and '=' in line ] cfg = {key:try_parse(value) for key,value in lines} return cfg cfg = read_config() NUM_CELLS = cfg.get('CELLS', 100) RESOLUTION = Resolutions.parse(cfg.get('WINDOW_WIDTH', 1280), cfg.get('WINDOW_HEIGHT', 800)) limit = min(RESOLUTION) PIXEL_PER_CELL = limit / NUM_CELLS OFFSET_X = (RESOLUTION.x - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 OFFSET_Y = (RESOLUTION.y - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 SHOW_FULLSCREEN = cfg.get('FULLSCREEN', False) SHOW_GRID = cfg.get('SHOW_GRID', True) BACKGROUND_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('BACKGROUND_COLOR', 'black')) GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR', 'gray')) GRID_LINE_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_LINE_COLOR', 'black')) CELL_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CELL_COLOR', 'green')) CURSOR_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CURSOR_COLOR', 'red'))<|fim▁end|>
colors = ', '.join(self.__colors()) raise Exception('Unknown color %s. Available colors are: %s' % (name, colors))
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>from collections import namedtuple Resolution = namedtuple('Resolution', ['x', 'y']) class Resolutions(object): resolutions = [ (1920, 1200), (1920, 1080), (1680, 1050), (1440, 900), (1360, 768), (1280, 800), (1024, 640) ] @classmethod def <|fim_middle|>(self, x, y): if (x,y) not in self.resolutions: resolutions = ', '.join(['%sx%s' % (a, b) for a,b in self.resolutions]) raise Exception('Resolution %s x %s not supported. Available resolutions: %s' % (x,y, resolutions) ) return Resolution(x, y) class Color(object): gray = (0.15, 0.15, 0.13, 1.0) black = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) white = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) red = (1.0, 0.2, 0.0, 1.0) orange = (1.0, 0.4, 0.0, 1.0) yellow = (1.0, 0.9, 0.0, 1.0) light_green = (0.4, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) green = (0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 1.0) cyan = (0.0, 1.0, 0.4, 1.0) light_blue = (0.0, 0.6, 1.0, 1.0) blue = (0.0, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0) purple = (0.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) pink = (1.0, 0.0, 0.8, 1.0) @classmethod def __colors(self): return [key for key in self.__dict__.keys() if not key.startswith('_') and key != 'named'] @classmethod def named(self, name): if not hasattr(self, name): colors = ', '.join(self.__colors()) raise Exception('Unknown color %s. Available colors are: %s' % (name, colors)) return getattr(self, name) def try_parse(value): try: return int(value) except: return { 'true': True, 'false': False }.get(value.lower(), value) def read_config(): with open('config.cfg', 'r') as cfg_file: lines = cfg_file.readlines() lines = [ line.strip().replace(' ', '').split('=') for line in lines if line.strip() and '=' in line ] cfg = {key:try_parse(value) for key,value in lines} return cfg cfg = read_config() NUM_CELLS = cfg.get('CELLS', 100) RESOLUTION = Resolutions.parse(cfg.get('WINDOW_WIDTH', 1280), cfg.get('WINDOW_HEIGHT', 800)) limit = min(RESOLUTION) PIXEL_PER_CELL = limit / NUM_CELLS OFFSET_X = (RESOLUTION.x - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 OFFSET_Y = (RESOLUTION.y - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 SHOW_FULLSCREEN = cfg.get('FULLSCREEN', False) SHOW_GRID = cfg.get('SHOW_GRID', True) BACKGROUND_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('BACKGROUND_COLOR', 'black')) GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR', 'gray')) GRID_LINE_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_LINE_COLOR', 'black')) CELL_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CELL_COLOR', 'green')) CURSOR_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CURSOR_COLOR', 'red'))<|fim▁end|>
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>from collections import namedtuple Resolution = namedtuple('Resolution', ['x', 'y']) class Resolutions(object): resolutions = [ (1920, 1200), (1920, 1080), (1680, 1050), (1440, 900), (1360, 768), (1280, 800), (1024, 640) ] @classmethod def parse(self, x, y): if (x,y) not in self.resolutions: resolutions = ', '.join(['%sx%s' % (a, b) for a,b in self.resolutions]) raise Exception('Resolution %s x %s not supported. Available resolutions: %s' % (x,y, resolutions) ) return Resolution(x, y) class Color(object): gray = (0.15, 0.15, 0.13, 1.0) black = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) white = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) red = (1.0, 0.2, 0.0, 1.0) orange = (1.0, 0.4, 0.0, 1.0) yellow = (1.0, 0.9, 0.0, 1.0) light_green = (0.4, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) green = (0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 1.0) cyan = (0.0, 1.0, 0.4, 1.0) light_blue = (0.0, 0.6, 1.0, 1.0) blue = (0.0, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0) purple = (0.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) pink = (1.0, 0.0, 0.8, 1.0) @classmethod def <|fim_middle|>(self): return [key for key in self.__dict__.keys() if not key.startswith('_') and key != 'named'] @classmethod def named(self, name): if not hasattr(self, name): colors = ', '.join(self.__colors()) raise Exception('Unknown color %s. Available colors are: %s' % (name, colors)) return getattr(self, name) def try_parse(value): try: return int(value) except: return { 'true': True, 'false': False }.get(value.lower(), value) def read_config(): with open('config.cfg', 'r') as cfg_file: lines = cfg_file.readlines() lines = [ line.strip().replace(' ', '').split('=') for line in lines if line.strip() and '=' in line ] cfg = {key:try_parse(value) for key,value in lines} return cfg cfg = read_config() NUM_CELLS = cfg.get('CELLS', 100) RESOLUTION = Resolutions.parse(cfg.get('WINDOW_WIDTH', 1280), cfg.get('WINDOW_HEIGHT', 800)) limit = min(RESOLUTION) PIXEL_PER_CELL = limit / NUM_CELLS OFFSET_X = (RESOLUTION.x - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 OFFSET_Y = (RESOLUTION.y - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 SHOW_FULLSCREEN = cfg.get('FULLSCREEN', False) SHOW_GRID = cfg.get('SHOW_GRID', True) BACKGROUND_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('BACKGROUND_COLOR', 'black')) GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR', 'gray')) GRID_LINE_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_LINE_COLOR', 'black')) CELL_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CELL_COLOR', 'green')) CURSOR_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CURSOR_COLOR', 'red'))<|fim▁end|>
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>from collections import namedtuple Resolution = namedtuple('Resolution', ['x', 'y']) class Resolutions(object): resolutions = [ (1920, 1200), (1920, 1080), (1680, 1050), (1440, 900), (1360, 768), (1280, 800), (1024, 640) ] @classmethod def parse(self, x, y): if (x,y) not in self.resolutions: resolutions = ', '.join(['%sx%s' % (a, b) for a,b in self.resolutions]) raise Exception('Resolution %s x %s not supported. Available resolutions: %s' % (x,y, resolutions) ) return Resolution(x, y) class Color(object): gray = (0.15, 0.15, 0.13, 1.0) black = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) white = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) red = (1.0, 0.2, 0.0, 1.0) orange = (1.0, 0.4, 0.0, 1.0) yellow = (1.0, 0.9, 0.0, 1.0) light_green = (0.4, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) green = (0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 1.0) cyan = (0.0, 1.0, 0.4, 1.0) light_blue = (0.0, 0.6, 1.0, 1.0) blue = (0.0, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0) purple = (0.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) pink = (1.0, 0.0, 0.8, 1.0) @classmethod def __colors(self): return [key for key in self.__dict__.keys() if not key.startswith('_') and key != 'named'] @classmethod def <|fim_middle|>(self, name): if not hasattr(self, name): colors = ', '.join(self.__colors()) raise Exception('Unknown color %s. Available colors are: %s' % (name, colors)) return getattr(self, name) def try_parse(value): try: return int(value) except: return { 'true': True, 'false': False }.get(value.lower(), value) def read_config(): with open('config.cfg', 'r') as cfg_file: lines = cfg_file.readlines() lines = [ line.strip().replace(' ', '').split('=') for line in lines if line.strip() and '=' in line ] cfg = {key:try_parse(value) for key,value in lines} return cfg cfg = read_config() NUM_CELLS = cfg.get('CELLS', 100) RESOLUTION = Resolutions.parse(cfg.get('WINDOW_WIDTH', 1280), cfg.get('WINDOW_HEIGHT', 800)) limit = min(RESOLUTION) PIXEL_PER_CELL = limit / NUM_CELLS OFFSET_X = (RESOLUTION.x - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 OFFSET_Y = (RESOLUTION.y - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 SHOW_FULLSCREEN = cfg.get('FULLSCREEN', False) SHOW_GRID = cfg.get('SHOW_GRID', True) BACKGROUND_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('BACKGROUND_COLOR', 'black')) GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR', 'gray')) GRID_LINE_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_LINE_COLOR', 'black')) CELL_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CELL_COLOR', 'green')) CURSOR_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CURSOR_COLOR', 'red'))<|fim▁end|>
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>from collections import namedtuple Resolution = namedtuple('Resolution', ['x', 'y']) class Resolutions(object): resolutions = [ (1920, 1200), (1920, 1080), (1680, 1050), (1440, 900), (1360, 768), (1280, 800), (1024, 640) ] @classmethod def parse(self, x, y): if (x,y) not in self.resolutions: resolutions = ', '.join(['%sx%s' % (a, b) for a,b in self.resolutions]) raise Exception('Resolution %s x %s not supported. Available resolutions: %s' % (x,y, resolutions) ) return Resolution(x, y) class Color(object): gray = (0.15, 0.15, 0.13, 1.0) black = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) white = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) red = (1.0, 0.2, 0.0, 1.0) orange = (1.0, 0.4, 0.0, 1.0) yellow = (1.0, 0.9, 0.0, 1.0) light_green = (0.4, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) green = (0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 1.0) cyan = (0.0, 1.0, 0.4, 1.0) light_blue = (0.0, 0.6, 1.0, 1.0) blue = (0.0, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0) purple = (0.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) pink = (1.0, 0.0, 0.8, 1.0) @classmethod def __colors(self): return [key for key in self.__dict__.keys() if not key.startswith('_') and key != 'named'] @classmethod def named(self, name): if not hasattr(self, name): colors = ', '.join(self.__colors()) raise Exception('Unknown color %s. Available colors are: %s' % (name, colors)) return getattr(self, name) def <|fim_middle|>(value): try: return int(value) except: return { 'true': True, 'false': False }.get(value.lower(), value) def read_config(): with open('config.cfg', 'r') as cfg_file: lines = cfg_file.readlines() lines = [ line.strip().replace(' ', '').split('=') for line in lines if line.strip() and '=' in line ] cfg = {key:try_parse(value) for key,value in lines} return cfg cfg = read_config() NUM_CELLS = cfg.get('CELLS', 100) RESOLUTION = Resolutions.parse(cfg.get('WINDOW_WIDTH', 1280), cfg.get('WINDOW_HEIGHT', 800)) limit = min(RESOLUTION) PIXEL_PER_CELL = limit / NUM_CELLS OFFSET_X = (RESOLUTION.x - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 OFFSET_Y = (RESOLUTION.y - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 SHOW_FULLSCREEN = cfg.get('FULLSCREEN', False) SHOW_GRID = cfg.get('SHOW_GRID', True) BACKGROUND_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('BACKGROUND_COLOR', 'black')) GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR', 'gray')) GRID_LINE_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_LINE_COLOR', 'black')) CELL_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CELL_COLOR', 'green')) CURSOR_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CURSOR_COLOR', 'red'))<|fim▁end|>
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>from collections import namedtuple Resolution = namedtuple('Resolution', ['x', 'y']) class Resolutions(object): resolutions = [ (1920, 1200), (1920, 1080), (1680, 1050), (1440, 900), (1360, 768), (1280, 800), (1024, 640) ] @classmethod def parse(self, x, y): if (x,y) not in self.resolutions: resolutions = ', '.join(['%sx%s' % (a, b) for a,b in self.resolutions]) raise Exception('Resolution %s x %s not supported. Available resolutions: %s' % (x,y, resolutions) ) return Resolution(x, y) class Color(object): gray = (0.15, 0.15, 0.13, 1.0) black = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) white = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) red = (1.0, 0.2, 0.0, 1.0) orange = (1.0, 0.4, 0.0, 1.0) yellow = (1.0, 0.9, 0.0, 1.0) light_green = (0.4, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) green = (0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 1.0) cyan = (0.0, 1.0, 0.4, 1.0) light_blue = (0.0, 0.6, 1.0, 1.0) blue = (0.0, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0) purple = (0.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) pink = (1.0, 0.0, 0.8, 1.0) @classmethod def __colors(self): return [key for key in self.__dict__.keys() if not key.startswith('_') and key != 'named'] @classmethod def named(self, name): if not hasattr(self, name): colors = ', '.join(self.__colors()) raise Exception('Unknown color %s. Available colors are: %s' % (name, colors)) return getattr(self, name) def try_parse(value): try: return int(value) except: return { 'true': True, 'false': False }.get(value.lower(), value) def <|fim_middle|>(): with open('config.cfg', 'r') as cfg_file: lines = cfg_file.readlines() lines = [ line.strip().replace(' ', '').split('=') for line in lines if line.strip() and '=' in line ] cfg = {key:try_parse(value) for key,value in lines} return cfg cfg = read_config() NUM_CELLS = cfg.get('CELLS', 100) RESOLUTION = Resolutions.parse(cfg.get('WINDOW_WIDTH', 1280), cfg.get('WINDOW_HEIGHT', 800)) limit = min(RESOLUTION) PIXEL_PER_CELL = limit / NUM_CELLS OFFSET_X = (RESOLUTION.x - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 OFFSET_Y = (RESOLUTION.y - (NUM_CELLS * PIXEL_PER_CELL)) / 2 SHOW_FULLSCREEN = cfg.get('FULLSCREEN', False) SHOW_GRID = cfg.get('SHOW_GRID', True) BACKGROUND_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('BACKGROUND_COLOR', 'black')) GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_BACKDROP_COLOR', 'gray')) GRID_LINE_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('GRID_LINE_COLOR', 'black')) CELL_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CELL_COLOR', 'green')) CURSOR_COLOR = Color.named(cfg.get('CURSOR_COLOR', 'red'))<|fim▁end|>
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>""" Small event module ======================= """ import numpy as np import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from ...utils.decorators import face_lookup from ...geometry.sheet_geometry import SheetGeometry from ...topology.sheet_topology import cell_division from .actions import ( exchange, remove, merge_vertices, detach_vertices, increase, decrease, increase_linear_tension, ) def reconnect(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Performs reconnections (vertex merging / splitting) following Finegan et al. 2019 kwargs overwrite their corresponding `sheet.settings` entries Keyword Arguments ----------------- threshold_length : the threshold length at which vertex merging is performed p_4 : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 4 vertex p_5p : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 5 or more vertex See Also -------- **The tricellular vertex-specific adhesion molecule Sidekick facilitates polarised cell intercalation during Drosophila axis extension** _Tara M Finegan, Nathan Hervieux, Alexander Nestor-Bergmann, Alexander G. Fletcher, Guy B Blanchard, Benedicte Sanson_ bioRxiv 704932; doi: """ sheet.settings.update(kwargs) nv = sheet.Nv merge_vertices(sheet) if nv != sheet.Nv:"Merged {nv - sheet.Nv+1} vertices") nv = sheet.Nv retval = detach_vertices(sheet) if retval:"Failed to detach, skipping") if nv != sheet.Nv:"Detached {sheet.Nv - nv} vertices") manager.append(reconnect, **kwargs) default_division_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "growth_rate": 0.1, "critical_vol": 2.0, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def division(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Cell division happens through cell growth up to a critical volume, followed by actual division of the face. Parameters ---------- sheet : a `Sheet` object manager : an `EventManager` instance face_id : int, index of the mother face growth_rate : float, default 0.1 rate of increase of the prefered volume critical_vol : float, default 2. volume at which the cells stops to grow and devides """ division_spec = default_division_spec division_spec.update(**kwargs) face = division_spec["face"] division_spec["critical_vol"] *= sheet.specs["face"]["prefered_vol"] print(sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"], division_spec["critical_vol"]) if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"] < division_spec["critical_vol"]: increase( sheet, "face", face, division_spec["growth_rate"], "prefered_vol", True ) manager.append(division, **division_spec) else: daughter = cell_division(sheet, face, division_spec["geom"]) sheet.face_df.loc[daughter, "id"] = + 1 default_contraction_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": False, "contraction_column": "contractility", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Single step contraction event.""" contraction_spec = default_contraction_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if (sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]) or ( sheet.face_df.loc[face, contraction_spec["contraction_column"]] > contraction_spec["max_contractility"] ): return increase( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], contraction_spec["contraction_column"], contraction_spec["multiply"], ) default_type1_transition_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "critical_length": 0.1, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def type1_transition(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Custom type 1 transition event that tests if the the shorter edge of the face is smaller than the critical length. """ type1_transition_spec = default_type1_transition_spec type1_transition_spec.update(**kwargs) face = type1_transition_spec["face"] edges = sheet.edge_df[sheet.edge_df["face"] == face] if min(edges["length"]) < type1_transition_spec["critical_length"]: exchange(sheet, face, type1_transition_spec["geom"]) default_face_elimination_spec = {"face_id": -1, "face": -1, "geom": SheetGeometry} @face_lookup def face_elimination(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Removes the face with if face_id from the sheet.""" face_elimination_spec = default_face_elimination_spec face_elimination_spec.update(**kwargs) remove(sheet, face_elimination_spec["face"], face_elimination_spec["geom"]) default_check_tri_face_spec = {"geom": SheetGeometry} def check_tri_faces(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Three neighbourghs cell elimination Add all cells with three neighbourghs in the manager to be eliminated at the next time step. Parameters ---------- sheet : a :class:`tyssue.sheet` object manager : a :class:`` object """ check_tri_faces_spec = default_check_tri_face_spec check_tri_faces_spec.update(**kwargs) tri_faces = sheet.face_df[(sheet.face_df["num_sides"] < 4)].id manager.extend( [ (face_elimination, {"face_id": f, "geom": check_tri_faces_spec["geom"]}) for f in tri_faces ] ) default_contraction_line_tension_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "shrink_rate": 1.05, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": True, "contraction_column": "line_tension", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction_line_tension(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """ Single step contraction event """ contraction_spec = default_contraction_line_tension_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]: return # reduce prefered_area decrease( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["shrink_rate"], col="prefered_area", divide=True, bound=contraction_spec["critical_area"] / 2, ) increase_linear_tension( sheet, face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], multiply=contraction_spec["multiply"], isotropic=True,<|fim▁hole|><|fim▁end|>
limit=100, )
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>""" Small event module ======================= """ import numpy as np import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from ...utils.decorators import face_lookup from ...geometry.sheet_geometry import SheetGeometry from ...topology.sheet_topology import cell_division from .actions import ( exchange, remove, merge_vertices, detach_vertices, increase, decrease, increase_linear_tension, ) def reconnect(sheet, manager, **kwargs): <|fim_middle|> default_division_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "growth_rate": 0.1, "critical_vol": 2.0, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def division(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Cell division happens through cell growth up to a critical volume, followed by actual division of the face. Parameters ---------- sheet : a `Sheet` object manager : an `EventManager` instance face_id : int, index of the mother face growth_rate : float, default 0.1 rate of increase of the prefered volume critical_vol : float, default 2. volume at which the cells stops to grow and devides """ division_spec = default_division_spec division_spec.update(**kwargs) face = division_spec["face"] division_spec["critical_vol"] *= sheet.specs["face"]["prefered_vol"] print(sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"], division_spec["critical_vol"]) if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"] < division_spec["critical_vol"]: increase( sheet, "face", face, division_spec["growth_rate"], "prefered_vol", True ) manager.append(division, **division_spec) else: daughter = cell_division(sheet, face, division_spec["geom"]) sheet.face_df.loc[daughter, "id"] = + 1 default_contraction_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": False, "contraction_column": "contractility", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Single step contraction event.""" contraction_spec = default_contraction_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if (sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]) or ( sheet.face_df.loc[face, contraction_spec["contraction_column"]] > contraction_spec["max_contractility"] ): return increase( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], contraction_spec["contraction_column"], contraction_spec["multiply"], ) default_type1_transition_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "critical_length": 0.1, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def type1_transition(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Custom type 1 transition event that tests if the the shorter edge of the face is smaller than the critical length. """ type1_transition_spec = default_type1_transition_spec type1_transition_spec.update(**kwargs) face = type1_transition_spec["face"] edges = sheet.edge_df[sheet.edge_df["face"] == face] if min(edges["length"]) < type1_transition_spec["critical_length"]: exchange(sheet, face, type1_transition_spec["geom"]) default_face_elimination_spec = {"face_id": -1, "face": -1, "geom": SheetGeometry} @face_lookup def face_elimination(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Removes the face with if face_id from the sheet.""" face_elimination_spec = default_face_elimination_spec face_elimination_spec.update(**kwargs) remove(sheet, face_elimination_spec["face"], face_elimination_spec["geom"]) default_check_tri_face_spec = {"geom": SheetGeometry} def check_tri_faces(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Three neighbourghs cell elimination Add all cells with three neighbourghs in the manager to be eliminated at the next time step. Parameters ---------- sheet : a :class:`tyssue.sheet` object manager : a :class:`` object """ check_tri_faces_spec = default_check_tri_face_spec check_tri_faces_spec.update(**kwargs) tri_faces = sheet.face_df[(sheet.face_df["num_sides"] < 4)].id manager.extend( [ (face_elimination, {"face_id": f, "geom": check_tri_faces_spec["geom"]}) for f in tri_faces ] ) default_contraction_line_tension_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "shrink_rate": 1.05, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": True, "contraction_column": "line_tension", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction_line_tension(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """ Single step contraction event """ contraction_spec = default_contraction_line_tension_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]: return # reduce prefered_area decrease( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["shrink_rate"], col="prefered_area", divide=True, bound=contraction_spec["critical_area"] / 2, ) increase_linear_tension( sheet, face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], multiply=contraction_spec["multiply"], isotropic=True, limit=100, ) <|fim▁end|>
"""Performs reconnections (vertex merging / splitting) following Finegan et al. 2019 kwargs overwrite their corresponding `sheet.settings` entries Keyword Arguments ----------------- threshold_length : the threshold length at which vertex merging is performed p_4 : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 4 vertex p_5p : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 5 or more vertex See Also -------- **The tricellular vertex-specific adhesion molecule Sidekick facilitates polarised cell intercalation during Drosophila axis extension** _Tara M Finegan, Nathan Hervieux, Alexander Nestor-Bergmann, Alexander G. Fletcher, Guy B Blanchard, Benedicte Sanson_ bioRxiv 704932; doi: """ sheet.settings.update(kwargs) nv = sheet.Nv merge_vertices(sheet) if nv != sheet.Nv:"Merged {nv - sheet.Nv+1} vertices") nv = sheet.Nv retval = detach_vertices(sheet) if retval:"Failed to detach, skipping") if nv != sheet.Nv:"Detached {sheet.Nv - nv} vertices") manager.append(reconnect, **kwargs)
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>""" Small event module ======================= """ import numpy as np import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from ...utils.decorators import face_lookup from ...geometry.sheet_geometry import SheetGeometry from ...topology.sheet_topology import cell_division from .actions import ( exchange, remove, merge_vertices, detach_vertices, increase, decrease, increase_linear_tension, ) def reconnect(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Performs reconnections (vertex merging / splitting) following Finegan et al. 2019 kwargs overwrite their corresponding `sheet.settings` entries Keyword Arguments ----------------- threshold_length : the threshold length at which vertex merging is performed p_4 : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 4 vertex p_5p : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 5 or more vertex See Also -------- **The tricellular vertex-specific adhesion molecule Sidekick facilitates polarised cell intercalation during Drosophila axis extension** _Tara M Finegan, Nathan Hervieux, Alexander Nestor-Bergmann, Alexander G. Fletcher, Guy B Blanchard, Benedicte Sanson_ bioRxiv 704932; doi: """ sheet.settings.update(kwargs) nv = sheet.Nv merge_vertices(sheet) if nv != sheet.Nv:"Merged {nv - sheet.Nv+1} vertices") nv = sheet.Nv retval = detach_vertices(sheet) if retval:"Failed to detach, skipping") if nv != sheet.Nv:"Detached {sheet.Nv - nv} vertices") manager.append(reconnect, **kwargs) default_division_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "growth_rate": 0.1, "critical_vol": 2.0, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def division(sheet, manager, **kwargs): <|fim_middle|> default_contraction_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": False, "contraction_column": "contractility", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Single step contraction event.""" contraction_spec = default_contraction_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if (sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]) or ( sheet.face_df.loc[face, contraction_spec["contraction_column"]] > contraction_spec["max_contractility"] ): return increase( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], contraction_spec["contraction_column"], contraction_spec["multiply"], ) default_type1_transition_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "critical_length": 0.1, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def type1_transition(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Custom type 1 transition event that tests if the the shorter edge of the face is smaller than the critical length. """ type1_transition_spec = default_type1_transition_spec type1_transition_spec.update(**kwargs) face = type1_transition_spec["face"] edges = sheet.edge_df[sheet.edge_df["face"] == face] if min(edges["length"]) < type1_transition_spec["critical_length"]: exchange(sheet, face, type1_transition_spec["geom"]) default_face_elimination_spec = {"face_id": -1, "face": -1, "geom": SheetGeometry} @face_lookup def face_elimination(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Removes the face with if face_id from the sheet.""" face_elimination_spec = default_face_elimination_spec face_elimination_spec.update(**kwargs) remove(sheet, face_elimination_spec["face"], face_elimination_spec["geom"]) default_check_tri_face_spec = {"geom": SheetGeometry} def check_tri_faces(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Three neighbourghs cell elimination Add all cells with three neighbourghs in the manager to be eliminated at the next time step. Parameters ---------- sheet : a :class:`tyssue.sheet` object manager : a :class:`` object """ check_tri_faces_spec = default_check_tri_face_spec check_tri_faces_spec.update(**kwargs) tri_faces = sheet.face_df[(sheet.face_df["num_sides"] < 4)].id manager.extend( [ (face_elimination, {"face_id": f, "geom": check_tri_faces_spec["geom"]}) for f in tri_faces ] ) default_contraction_line_tension_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "shrink_rate": 1.05, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": True, "contraction_column": "line_tension", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction_line_tension(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """ Single step contraction event """ contraction_spec = default_contraction_line_tension_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]: return # reduce prefered_area decrease( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["shrink_rate"], col="prefered_area", divide=True, bound=contraction_spec["critical_area"] / 2, ) increase_linear_tension( sheet, face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], multiply=contraction_spec["multiply"], isotropic=True, limit=100, ) <|fim▁end|>
"""Cell division happens through cell growth up to a critical volume, followed by actual division of the face. Parameters ---------- sheet : a `Sheet` object manager : an `EventManager` instance face_id : int, index of the mother face growth_rate : float, default 0.1 rate of increase of the prefered volume critical_vol : float, default 2. volume at which the cells stops to grow and devides """ division_spec = default_division_spec division_spec.update(**kwargs) face = division_spec["face"] division_spec["critical_vol"] *= sheet.specs["face"]["prefered_vol"] print(sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"], division_spec["critical_vol"]) if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"] < division_spec["critical_vol"]: increase( sheet, "face", face, division_spec["growth_rate"], "prefered_vol", True ) manager.append(division, **division_spec) else: daughter = cell_division(sheet, face, division_spec["geom"]) sheet.face_df.loc[daughter, "id"] = + 1
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>""" Small event module ======================= """ import numpy as np import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from ...utils.decorators import face_lookup from ...geometry.sheet_geometry import SheetGeometry from ...topology.sheet_topology import cell_division from .actions import ( exchange, remove, merge_vertices, detach_vertices, increase, decrease, increase_linear_tension, ) def reconnect(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Performs reconnections (vertex merging / splitting) following Finegan et al. 2019 kwargs overwrite their corresponding `sheet.settings` entries Keyword Arguments ----------------- threshold_length : the threshold length at which vertex merging is performed p_4 : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 4 vertex p_5p : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 5 or more vertex See Also -------- **The tricellular vertex-specific adhesion molecule Sidekick facilitates polarised cell intercalation during Drosophila axis extension** _Tara M Finegan, Nathan Hervieux, Alexander Nestor-Bergmann, Alexander G. Fletcher, Guy B Blanchard, Benedicte Sanson_ bioRxiv 704932; doi: """ sheet.settings.update(kwargs) nv = sheet.Nv merge_vertices(sheet) if nv != sheet.Nv:"Merged {nv - sheet.Nv+1} vertices") nv = sheet.Nv retval = detach_vertices(sheet) if retval:"Failed to detach, skipping") if nv != sheet.Nv:"Detached {sheet.Nv - nv} vertices") manager.append(reconnect, **kwargs) default_division_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "growth_rate": 0.1, "critical_vol": 2.0, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def division(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Cell division happens through cell growth up to a critical volume, followed by actual division of the face. Parameters ---------- sheet : a `Sheet` object manager : an `EventManager` instance face_id : int, index of the mother face growth_rate : float, default 0.1 rate of increase of the prefered volume critical_vol : float, default 2. volume at which the cells stops to grow and devides """ division_spec = default_division_spec division_spec.update(**kwargs) face = division_spec["face"] division_spec["critical_vol"] *= sheet.specs["face"]["prefered_vol"] print(sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"], division_spec["critical_vol"]) if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"] < division_spec["critical_vol"]: increase( sheet, "face", face, division_spec["growth_rate"], "prefered_vol", True ) manager.append(division, **division_spec) else: daughter = cell_division(sheet, face, division_spec["geom"]) sheet.face_df.loc[daughter, "id"] = + 1 default_contraction_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": False, "contraction_column": "contractility", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction(sheet, manager, **kwargs): <|fim_middle|> default_type1_transition_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "critical_length": 0.1, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def type1_transition(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Custom type 1 transition event that tests if the the shorter edge of the face is smaller than the critical length. """ type1_transition_spec = default_type1_transition_spec type1_transition_spec.update(**kwargs) face = type1_transition_spec["face"] edges = sheet.edge_df[sheet.edge_df["face"] == face] if min(edges["length"]) < type1_transition_spec["critical_length"]: exchange(sheet, face, type1_transition_spec["geom"]) default_face_elimination_spec = {"face_id": -1, "face": -1, "geom": SheetGeometry} @face_lookup def face_elimination(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Removes the face with if face_id from the sheet.""" face_elimination_spec = default_face_elimination_spec face_elimination_spec.update(**kwargs) remove(sheet, face_elimination_spec["face"], face_elimination_spec["geom"]) default_check_tri_face_spec = {"geom": SheetGeometry} def check_tri_faces(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Three neighbourghs cell elimination Add all cells with three neighbourghs in the manager to be eliminated at the next time step. Parameters ---------- sheet : a :class:`tyssue.sheet` object manager : a :class:`` object """ check_tri_faces_spec = default_check_tri_face_spec check_tri_faces_spec.update(**kwargs) tri_faces = sheet.face_df[(sheet.face_df["num_sides"] < 4)].id manager.extend( [ (face_elimination, {"face_id": f, "geom": check_tri_faces_spec["geom"]}) for f in tri_faces ] ) default_contraction_line_tension_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "shrink_rate": 1.05, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": True, "contraction_column": "line_tension", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction_line_tension(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """ Single step contraction event """ contraction_spec = default_contraction_line_tension_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]: return # reduce prefered_area decrease( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["shrink_rate"], col="prefered_area", divide=True, bound=contraction_spec["critical_area"] / 2, ) increase_linear_tension( sheet, face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], multiply=contraction_spec["multiply"], isotropic=True, limit=100, ) <|fim▁end|>
"""Single step contraction event.""" contraction_spec = default_contraction_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if (sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]) or ( sheet.face_df.loc[face, contraction_spec["contraction_column"]] > contraction_spec["max_contractility"] ): return increase( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], contraction_spec["contraction_column"], contraction_spec["multiply"], )
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>""" Small event module ======================= """ import numpy as np import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from ...utils.decorators import face_lookup from ...geometry.sheet_geometry import SheetGeometry from ...topology.sheet_topology import cell_division from .actions import ( exchange, remove, merge_vertices, detach_vertices, increase, decrease, increase_linear_tension, ) def reconnect(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Performs reconnections (vertex merging / splitting) following Finegan et al. 2019 kwargs overwrite their corresponding `sheet.settings` entries Keyword Arguments ----------------- threshold_length : the threshold length at which vertex merging is performed p_4 : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 4 vertex p_5p : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 5 or more vertex See Also -------- **The tricellular vertex-specific adhesion molecule Sidekick facilitates polarised cell intercalation during Drosophila axis extension** _Tara M Finegan, Nathan Hervieux, Alexander Nestor-Bergmann, Alexander G. Fletcher, Guy B Blanchard, Benedicte Sanson_ bioRxiv 704932; doi: """ sheet.settings.update(kwargs) nv = sheet.Nv merge_vertices(sheet) if nv != sheet.Nv:"Merged {nv - sheet.Nv+1} vertices") nv = sheet.Nv retval = detach_vertices(sheet) if retval:"Failed to detach, skipping") if nv != sheet.Nv:"Detached {sheet.Nv - nv} vertices") manager.append(reconnect, **kwargs) default_division_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "growth_rate": 0.1, "critical_vol": 2.0, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def division(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Cell division happens through cell growth up to a critical volume, followed by actual division of the face. Parameters ---------- sheet : a `Sheet` object manager : an `EventManager` instance face_id : int, index of the mother face growth_rate : float, default 0.1 rate of increase of the prefered volume critical_vol : float, default 2. volume at which the cells stops to grow and devides """ division_spec = default_division_spec division_spec.update(**kwargs) face = division_spec["face"] division_spec["critical_vol"] *= sheet.specs["face"]["prefered_vol"] print(sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"], division_spec["critical_vol"]) if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"] < division_spec["critical_vol"]: increase( sheet, "face", face, division_spec["growth_rate"], "prefered_vol", True ) manager.append(division, **division_spec) else: daughter = cell_division(sheet, face, division_spec["geom"]) sheet.face_df.loc[daughter, "id"] = + 1 default_contraction_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": False, "contraction_column": "contractility", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Single step contraction event.""" contraction_spec = default_contraction_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if (sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]) or ( sheet.face_df.loc[face, contraction_spec["contraction_column"]] > contraction_spec["max_contractility"] ): return increase( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], contraction_spec["contraction_column"], contraction_spec["multiply"], ) default_type1_transition_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "critical_length": 0.1, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def type1_transition(sheet, manager, **kwargs): <|fim_middle|> default_face_elimination_spec = {"face_id": -1, "face": -1, "geom": SheetGeometry} @face_lookup def face_elimination(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Removes the face with if face_id from the sheet.""" face_elimination_spec = default_face_elimination_spec face_elimination_spec.update(**kwargs) remove(sheet, face_elimination_spec["face"], face_elimination_spec["geom"]) default_check_tri_face_spec = {"geom": SheetGeometry} def check_tri_faces(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Three neighbourghs cell elimination Add all cells with three neighbourghs in the manager to be eliminated at the next time step. Parameters ---------- sheet : a :class:`tyssue.sheet` object manager : a :class:`` object """ check_tri_faces_spec = default_check_tri_face_spec check_tri_faces_spec.update(**kwargs) tri_faces = sheet.face_df[(sheet.face_df["num_sides"] < 4)].id manager.extend( [ (face_elimination, {"face_id": f, "geom": check_tri_faces_spec["geom"]}) for f in tri_faces ] ) default_contraction_line_tension_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "shrink_rate": 1.05, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": True, "contraction_column": "line_tension", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction_line_tension(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """ Single step contraction event """ contraction_spec = default_contraction_line_tension_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]: return # reduce prefered_area decrease( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["shrink_rate"], col="prefered_area", divide=True, bound=contraction_spec["critical_area"] / 2, ) increase_linear_tension( sheet, face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], multiply=contraction_spec["multiply"], isotropic=True, limit=100, ) <|fim▁end|>
"""Custom type 1 transition event that tests if the the shorter edge of the face is smaller than the critical length. """ type1_transition_spec = default_type1_transition_spec type1_transition_spec.update(**kwargs) face = type1_transition_spec["face"] edges = sheet.edge_df[sheet.edge_df["face"] == face] if min(edges["length"]) < type1_transition_spec["critical_length"]: exchange(sheet, face, type1_transition_spec["geom"])
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>""" Small event module ======================= """ import numpy as np import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from ...utils.decorators import face_lookup from ...geometry.sheet_geometry import SheetGeometry from ...topology.sheet_topology import cell_division from .actions import ( exchange, remove, merge_vertices, detach_vertices, increase, decrease, increase_linear_tension, ) def reconnect(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Performs reconnections (vertex merging / splitting) following Finegan et al. 2019 kwargs overwrite their corresponding `sheet.settings` entries Keyword Arguments ----------------- threshold_length : the threshold length at which vertex merging is performed p_4 : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 4 vertex p_5p : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 5 or more vertex See Also -------- **The tricellular vertex-specific adhesion molecule Sidekick facilitates polarised cell intercalation during Drosophila axis extension** _Tara M Finegan, Nathan Hervieux, Alexander Nestor-Bergmann, Alexander G. Fletcher, Guy B Blanchard, Benedicte Sanson_ bioRxiv 704932; doi: """ sheet.settings.update(kwargs) nv = sheet.Nv merge_vertices(sheet) if nv != sheet.Nv:"Merged {nv - sheet.Nv+1} vertices") nv = sheet.Nv retval = detach_vertices(sheet) if retval:"Failed to detach, skipping") if nv != sheet.Nv:"Detached {sheet.Nv - nv} vertices") manager.append(reconnect, **kwargs) default_division_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "growth_rate": 0.1, "critical_vol": 2.0, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def division(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Cell division happens through cell growth up to a critical volume, followed by actual division of the face. Parameters ---------- sheet : a `Sheet` object manager : an `EventManager` instance face_id : int, index of the mother face growth_rate : float, default 0.1 rate of increase of the prefered volume critical_vol : float, default 2. volume at which the cells stops to grow and devides """ division_spec = default_division_spec division_spec.update(**kwargs) face = division_spec["face"] division_spec["critical_vol"] *= sheet.specs["face"]["prefered_vol"] print(sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"], division_spec["critical_vol"]) if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"] < division_spec["critical_vol"]: increase( sheet, "face", face, division_spec["growth_rate"], "prefered_vol", True ) manager.append(division, **division_spec) else: daughter = cell_division(sheet, face, division_spec["geom"]) sheet.face_df.loc[daughter, "id"] = + 1 default_contraction_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": False, "contraction_column": "contractility", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Single step contraction event.""" contraction_spec = default_contraction_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if (sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]) or ( sheet.face_df.loc[face, contraction_spec["contraction_column"]] > contraction_spec["max_contractility"] ): return increase( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], contraction_spec["contraction_column"], contraction_spec["multiply"], ) default_type1_transition_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "critical_length": 0.1, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def type1_transition(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Custom type 1 transition event that tests if the the shorter edge of the face is smaller than the critical length. """ type1_transition_spec = default_type1_transition_spec type1_transition_spec.update(**kwargs) face = type1_transition_spec["face"] edges = sheet.edge_df[sheet.edge_df["face"] == face] if min(edges["length"]) < type1_transition_spec["critical_length"]: exchange(sheet, face, type1_transition_spec["geom"]) default_face_elimination_spec = {"face_id": -1, "face": -1, "geom": SheetGeometry} @face_lookup def face_elimination(sheet, manager, **kwargs): <|fim_middle|> default_check_tri_face_spec = {"geom": SheetGeometry} def check_tri_faces(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Three neighbourghs cell elimination Add all cells with three neighbourghs in the manager to be eliminated at the next time step. Parameters ---------- sheet : a :class:`tyssue.sheet` object manager : a :class:`` object """ check_tri_faces_spec = default_check_tri_face_spec check_tri_faces_spec.update(**kwargs) tri_faces = sheet.face_df[(sheet.face_df["num_sides"] < 4)].id manager.extend( [ (face_elimination, {"face_id": f, "geom": check_tri_faces_spec["geom"]}) for f in tri_faces ] ) default_contraction_line_tension_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "shrink_rate": 1.05, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": True, "contraction_column": "line_tension", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction_line_tension(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """ Single step contraction event """ contraction_spec = default_contraction_line_tension_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]: return # reduce prefered_area decrease( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["shrink_rate"], col="prefered_area", divide=True, bound=contraction_spec["critical_area"] / 2, ) increase_linear_tension( sheet, face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], multiply=contraction_spec["multiply"], isotropic=True, limit=100, ) <|fim▁end|>
"""Removes the face with if face_id from the sheet.""" face_elimination_spec = default_face_elimination_spec face_elimination_spec.update(**kwargs) remove(sheet, face_elimination_spec["face"], face_elimination_spec["geom"])
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>""" Small event module ======================= """ import numpy as np import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from ...utils.decorators import face_lookup from ...geometry.sheet_geometry import SheetGeometry from ...topology.sheet_topology import cell_division from .actions import ( exchange, remove, merge_vertices, detach_vertices, increase, decrease, increase_linear_tension, ) def reconnect(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Performs reconnections (vertex merging / splitting) following Finegan et al. 2019 kwargs overwrite their corresponding `sheet.settings` entries Keyword Arguments ----------------- threshold_length : the threshold length at which vertex merging is performed p_4 : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 4 vertex p_5p : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 5 or more vertex See Also -------- **The tricellular vertex-specific adhesion molecule Sidekick facilitates polarised cell intercalation during Drosophila axis extension** _Tara M Finegan, Nathan Hervieux, Alexander Nestor-Bergmann, Alexander G. Fletcher, Guy B Blanchard, Benedicte Sanson_ bioRxiv 704932; doi: """ sheet.settings.update(kwargs) nv = sheet.Nv merge_vertices(sheet) if nv != sheet.Nv:"Merged {nv - sheet.Nv+1} vertices") nv = sheet.Nv retval = detach_vertices(sheet) if retval:"Failed to detach, skipping") if nv != sheet.Nv:"Detached {sheet.Nv - nv} vertices") manager.append(reconnect, **kwargs) default_division_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "growth_rate": 0.1, "critical_vol": 2.0, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def division(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Cell division happens through cell growth up to a critical volume, followed by actual division of the face. Parameters ---------- sheet : a `Sheet` object manager : an `EventManager` instance face_id : int, index of the mother face growth_rate : float, default 0.1 rate of increase of the prefered volume critical_vol : float, default 2. volume at which the cells stops to grow and devides """ division_spec = default_division_spec division_spec.update(**kwargs) face = division_spec["face"] division_spec["critical_vol"] *= sheet.specs["face"]["prefered_vol"] print(sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"], division_spec["critical_vol"]) if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"] < division_spec["critical_vol"]: increase( sheet, "face", face, division_spec["growth_rate"], "prefered_vol", True ) manager.append(division, **division_spec) else: daughter = cell_division(sheet, face, division_spec["geom"]) sheet.face_df.loc[daughter, "id"] = + 1 default_contraction_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": False, "contraction_column": "contractility", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Single step contraction event.""" contraction_spec = default_contraction_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if (sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]) or ( sheet.face_df.loc[face, contraction_spec["contraction_column"]] > contraction_spec["max_contractility"] ): return increase( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], contraction_spec["contraction_column"], contraction_spec["multiply"], ) default_type1_transition_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "critical_length": 0.1, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def type1_transition(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Custom type 1 transition event that tests if the the shorter edge of the face is smaller than the critical length. """ type1_transition_spec = default_type1_transition_spec type1_transition_spec.update(**kwargs) face = type1_transition_spec["face"] edges = sheet.edge_df[sheet.edge_df["face"] == face] if min(edges["length"]) < type1_transition_spec["critical_length"]: exchange(sheet, face, type1_transition_spec["geom"]) default_face_elimination_spec = {"face_id": -1, "face": -1, "geom": SheetGeometry} @face_lookup def face_elimination(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Removes the face with if face_id from the sheet.""" face_elimination_spec = default_face_elimination_spec face_elimination_spec.update(**kwargs) remove(sheet, face_elimination_spec["face"], face_elimination_spec["geom"]) default_check_tri_face_spec = {"geom": SheetGeometry} def check_tri_faces(sheet, manager, **kwargs): <|fim_middle|> default_contraction_line_tension_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "shrink_rate": 1.05, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": True, "contraction_column": "line_tension", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction_line_tension(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """ Single step contraction event """ contraction_spec = default_contraction_line_tension_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]: return # reduce prefered_area decrease( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["shrink_rate"], col="prefered_area", divide=True, bound=contraction_spec["critical_area"] / 2, ) increase_linear_tension( sheet, face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], multiply=contraction_spec["multiply"], isotropic=True, limit=100, ) <|fim▁end|>
"""Three neighbourghs cell elimination Add all cells with three neighbourghs in the manager to be eliminated at the next time step. Parameters ---------- sheet : a :class:`tyssue.sheet` object manager : a :class:`` object """ check_tri_faces_spec = default_check_tri_face_spec check_tri_faces_spec.update(**kwargs) tri_faces = sheet.face_df[(sheet.face_df["num_sides"] < 4)].id manager.extend( [ (face_elimination, {"face_id": f, "geom": check_tri_faces_spec["geom"]}) for f in tri_faces ] )
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>""" Small event module ======================= """ import numpy as np import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from ...utils.decorators import face_lookup from ...geometry.sheet_geometry import SheetGeometry from ...topology.sheet_topology import cell_division from .actions import ( exchange, remove, merge_vertices, detach_vertices, increase, decrease, increase_linear_tension, ) def reconnect(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Performs reconnections (vertex merging / splitting) following Finegan et al. 2019 kwargs overwrite their corresponding `sheet.settings` entries Keyword Arguments ----------------- threshold_length : the threshold length at which vertex merging is performed p_4 : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 4 vertex p_5p : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 5 or more vertex See Also -------- **The tricellular vertex-specific adhesion molecule Sidekick facilitates polarised cell intercalation during Drosophila axis extension** _Tara M Finegan, Nathan Hervieux, Alexander Nestor-Bergmann, Alexander G. Fletcher, Guy B Blanchard, Benedicte Sanson_ bioRxiv 704932; doi: """ sheet.settings.update(kwargs) nv = sheet.Nv merge_vertices(sheet) if nv != sheet.Nv:"Merged {nv - sheet.Nv+1} vertices") nv = sheet.Nv retval = detach_vertices(sheet) if retval:"Failed to detach, skipping") if nv != sheet.Nv:"Detached {sheet.Nv - nv} vertices") manager.append(reconnect, **kwargs) default_division_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "growth_rate": 0.1, "critical_vol": 2.0, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def division(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Cell division happens through cell growth up to a critical volume, followed by actual division of the face. Parameters ---------- sheet : a `Sheet` object manager : an `EventManager` instance face_id : int, index of the mother face growth_rate : float, default 0.1 rate of increase of the prefered volume critical_vol : float, default 2. volume at which the cells stops to grow and devides """ division_spec = default_division_spec division_spec.update(**kwargs) face = division_spec["face"] division_spec["critical_vol"] *= sheet.specs["face"]["prefered_vol"] print(sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"], division_spec["critical_vol"]) if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"] < division_spec["critical_vol"]: increase( sheet, "face", face, division_spec["growth_rate"], "prefered_vol", True ) manager.append(division, **division_spec) else: daughter = cell_division(sheet, face, division_spec["geom"]) sheet.face_df.loc[daughter, "id"] = + 1 default_contraction_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": False, "contraction_column": "contractility", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Single step contraction event.""" contraction_spec = default_contraction_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if (sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]) or ( sheet.face_df.loc[face, contraction_spec["contraction_column"]] > contraction_spec["max_contractility"] ): return increase( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], contraction_spec["contraction_column"], contraction_spec["multiply"], ) default_type1_transition_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "critical_length": 0.1, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def type1_transition(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Custom type 1 transition event that tests if the the shorter edge of the face is smaller than the critical length. """ type1_transition_spec = default_type1_transition_spec type1_transition_spec.update(**kwargs) face = type1_transition_spec["face"] edges = sheet.edge_df[sheet.edge_df["face"] == face] if min(edges["length"]) < type1_transition_spec["critical_length"]: exchange(sheet, face, type1_transition_spec["geom"]) default_face_elimination_spec = {"face_id": -1, "face": -1, "geom": SheetGeometry} @face_lookup def face_elimination(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Removes the face with if face_id from the sheet.""" face_elimination_spec = default_face_elimination_spec face_elimination_spec.update(**kwargs) remove(sheet, face_elimination_spec["face"], face_elimination_spec["geom"]) default_check_tri_face_spec = {"geom": SheetGeometry} def check_tri_faces(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Three neighbourghs cell elimination Add all cells with three neighbourghs in the manager to be eliminated at the next time step. Parameters ---------- sheet : a :class:`tyssue.sheet` object manager : a :class:`` object """ check_tri_faces_spec = default_check_tri_face_spec check_tri_faces_spec.update(**kwargs) tri_faces = sheet.face_df[(sheet.face_df["num_sides"] < 4)].id manager.extend( [ (face_elimination, {"face_id": f, "geom": check_tri_faces_spec["geom"]}) for f in tri_faces ] ) default_contraction_line_tension_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "shrink_rate": 1.05, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": True, "contraction_column": "line_tension", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction_line_tension(sheet, manager, **kwargs): <|fim_middle|> <|fim▁end|>
""" Single step contraction event """ contraction_spec = default_contraction_line_tension_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]: return # reduce prefered_area decrease( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["shrink_rate"], col="prefered_area", divide=True, bound=contraction_spec["critical_area"] / 2, ) increase_linear_tension( sheet, face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], multiply=contraction_spec["multiply"], isotropic=True, limit=100, )
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>""" Small event module ======================= """ import numpy as np import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from ...utils.decorators import face_lookup from ...geometry.sheet_geometry import SheetGeometry from ...topology.sheet_topology import cell_division from .actions import ( exchange, remove, merge_vertices, detach_vertices, increase, decrease, increase_linear_tension, ) def reconnect(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Performs reconnections (vertex merging / splitting) following Finegan et al. 2019 kwargs overwrite their corresponding `sheet.settings` entries Keyword Arguments ----------------- threshold_length : the threshold length at which vertex merging is performed p_4 : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 4 vertex p_5p : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 5 or more vertex See Also -------- **The tricellular vertex-specific adhesion molecule Sidekick facilitates polarised cell intercalation during Drosophila axis extension** _Tara M Finegan, Nathan Hervieux, Alexander Nestor-Bergmann, Alexander G. Fletcher, Guy B Blanchard, Benedicte Sanson_ bioRxiv 704932; doi: """ sheet.settings.update(kwargs) nv = sheet.Nv merge_vertices(sheet) if nv != sheet.Nv: <|fim_middle|> nv = sheet.Nv retval = detach_vertices(sheet) if retval:"Failed to detach, skipping") if nv != sheet.Nv:"Detached {sheet.Nv - nv} vertices") manager.append(reconnect, **kwargs) default_division_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "growth_rate": 0.1, "critical_vol": 2.0, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def division(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Cell division happens through cell growth up to a critical volume, followed by actual division of the face. Parameters ---------- sheet : a `Sheet` object manager : an `EventManager` instance face_id : int, index of the mother face growth_rate : float, default 0.1 rate of increase of the prefered volume critical_vol : float, default 2. volume at which the cells stops to grow and devides """ division_spec = default_division_spec division_spec.update(**kwargs) face = division_spec["face"] division_spec["critical_vol"] *= sheet.specs["face"]["prefered_vol"] print(sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"], division_spec["critical_vol"]) if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"] < division_spec["critical_vol"]: increase( sheet, "face", face, division_spec["growth_rate"], "prefered_vol", True ) manager.append(division, **division_spec) else: daughter = cell_division(sheet, face, division_spec["geom"]) sheet.face_df.loc[daughter, "id"] = + 1 default_contraction_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": False, "contraction_column": "contractility", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Single step contraction event.""" contraction_spec = default_contraction_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if (sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]) or ( sheet.face_df.loc[face, contraction_spec["contraction_column"]] > contraction_spec["max_contractility"] ): return increase( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], contraction_spec["contraction_column"], contraction_spec["multiply"], ) default_type1_transition_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "critical_length": 0.1, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def type1_transition(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Custom type 1 transition event that tests if the the shorter edge of the face is smaller than the critical length. """ type1_transition_spec = default_type1_transition_spec type1_transition_spec.update(**kwargs) face = type1_transition_spec["face"] edges = sheet.edge_df[sheet.edge_df["face"] == face] if min(edges["length"]) < type1_transition_spec["critical_length"]: exchange(sheet, face, type1_transition_spec["geom"]) default_face_elimination_spec = {"face_id": -1, "face": -1, "geom": SheetGeometry} @face_lookup def face_elimination(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Removes the face with if face_id from the sheet.""" face_elimination_spec = default_face_elimination_spec face_elimination_spec.update(**kwargs) remove(sheet, face_elimination_spec["face"], face_elimination_spec["geom"]) default_check_tri_face_spec = {"geom": SheetGeometry} def check_tri_faces(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Three neighbourghs cell elimination Add all cells with three neighbourghs in the manager to be eliminated at the next time step. Parameters ---------- sheet : a :class:`tyssue.sheet` object manager : a :class:`` object """ check_tri_faces_spec = default_check_tri_face_spec check_tri_faces_spec.update(**kwargs) tri_faces = sheet.face_df[(sheet.face_df["num_sides"] < 4)].id manager.extend( [ (face_elimination, {"face_id": f, "geom": check_tri_faces_spec["geom"]}) for f in tri_faces ] ) default_contraction_line_tension_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "shrink_rate": 1.05, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": True, "contraction_column": "line_tension", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction_line_tension(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """ Single step contraction event """ contraction_spec = default_contraction_line_tension_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]: return # reduce prefered_area decrease( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["shrink_rate"], col="prefered_area", divide=True, bound=contraction_spec["critical_area"] / 2, ) increase_linear_tension( sheet, face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], multiply=contraction_spec["multiply"], isotropic=True, limit=100, ) <|fim▁end|>"Merged {nv - sheet.Nv+1} vertices")
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>""" Small event module ======================= """ import numpy as np import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from ...utils.decorators import face_lookup from ...geometry.sheet_geometry import SheetGeometry from ...topology.sheet_topology import cell_division from .actions import ( exchange, remove, merge_vertices, detach_vertices, increase, decrease, increase_linear_tension, ) def reconnect(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Performs reconnections (vertex merging / splitting) following Finegan et al. 2019 kwargs overwrite their corresponding `sheet.settings` entries Keyword Arguments ----------------- threshold_length : the threshold length at which vertex merging is performed p_4 : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 4 vertex p_5p : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 5 or more vertex See Also -------- **The tricellular vertex-specific adhesion molecule Sidekick facilitates polarised cell intercalation during Drosophila axis extension** _Tara M Finegan, Nathan Hervieux, Alexander Nestor-Bergmann, Alexander G. Fletcher, Guy B Blanchard, Benedicte Sanson_ bioRxiv 704932; doi: """ sheet.settings.update(kwargs) nv = sheet.Nv merge_vertices(sheet) if nv != sheet.Nv:"Merged {nv - sheet.Nv+1} vertices") nv = sheet.Nv retval = detach_vertices(sheet) if retval: <|fim_middle|> if nv != sheet.Nv:"Detached {sheet.Nv - nv} vertices") manager.append(reconnect, **kwargs) default_division_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "growth_rate": 0.1, "critical_vol": 2.0, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def division(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Cell division happens through cell growth up to a critical volume, followed by actual division of the face. Parameters ---------- sheet : a `Sheet` object manager : an `EventManager` instance face_id : int, index of the mother face growth_rate : float, default 0.1 rate of increase of the prefered volume critical_vol : float, default 2. volume at which the cells stops to grow and devides """ division_spec = default_division_spec division_spec.update(**kwargs) face = division_spec["face"] division_spec["critical_vol"] *= sheet.specs["face"]["prefered_vol"] print(sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"], division_spec["critical_vol"]) if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"] < division_spec["critical_vol"]: increase( sheet, "face", face, division_spec["growth_rate"], "prefered_vol", True ) manager.append(division, **division_spec) else: daughter = cell_division(sheet, face, division_spec["geom"]) sheet.face_df.loc[daughter, "id"] = + 1 default_contraction_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": False, "contraction_column": "contractility", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Single step contraction event.""" contraction_spec = default_contraction_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if (sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]) or ( sheet.face_df.loc[face, contraction_spec["contraction_column"]] > contraction_spec["max_contractility"] ): return increase( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], contraction_spec["contraction_column"], contraction_spec["multiply"], ) default_type1_transition_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "critical_length": 0.1, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def type1_transition(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Custom type 1 transition event that tests if the the shorter edge of the face is smaller than the critical length. """ type1_transition_spec = default_type1_transition_spec type1_transition_spec.update(**kwargs) face = type1_transition_spec["face"] edges = sheet.edge_df[sheet.edge_df["face"] == face] if min(edges["length"]) < type1_transition_spec["critical_length"]: exchange(sheet, face, type1_transition_spec["geom"]) default_face_elimination_spec = {"face_id": -1, "face": -1, "geom": SheetGeometry} @face_lookup def face_elimination(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Removes the face with if face_id from the sheet.""" face_elimination_spec = default_face_elimination_spec face_elimination_spec.update(**kwargs) remove(sheet, face_elimination_spec["face"], face_elimination_spec["geom"]) default_check_tri_face_spec = {"geom": SheetGeometry} def check_tri_faces(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Three neighbourghs cell elimination Add all cells with three neighbourghs in the manager to be eliminated at the next time step. Parameters ---------- sheet : a :class:`tyssue.sheet` object manager : a :class:`` object """ check_tri_faces_spec = default_check_tri_face_spec check_tri_faces_spec.update(**kwargs) tri_faces = sheet.face_df[(sheet.face_df["num_sides"] < 4)].id manager.extend( [ (face_elimination, {"face_id": f, "geom": check_tri_faces_spec["geom"]}) for f in tri_faces ] ) default_contraction_line_tension_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "shrink_rate": 1.05, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": True, "contraction_column": "line_tension", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction_line_tension(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """ Single step contraction event """ contraction_spec = default_contraction_line_tension_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]: return # reduce prefered_area decrease( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["shrink_rate"], col="prefered_area", divide=True, bound=contraction_spec["critical_area"] / 2, ) increase_linear_tension( sheet, face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], multiply=contraction_spec["multiply"], isotropic=True, limit=100, ) <|fim▁end|>"Failed to detach, skipping")
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>""" Small event module ======================= """ import numpy as np import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from ...utils.decorators import face_lookup from ...geometry.sheet_geometry import SheetGeometry from ...topology.sheet_topology import cell_division from .actions import ( exchange, remove, merge_vertices, detach_vertices, increase, decrease, increase_linear_tension, ) def reconnect(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Performs reconnections (vertex merging / splitting) following Finegan et al. 2019 kwargs overwrite their corresponding `sheet.settings` entries Keyword Arguments ----------------- threshold_length : the threshold length at which vertex merging is performed p_4 : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 4 vertex p_5p : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 5 or more vertex See Also -------- **The tricellular vertex-specific adhesion molecule Sidekick facilitates polarised cell intercalation during Drosophila axis extension** _Tara M Finegan, Nathan Hervieux, Alexander Nestor-Bergmann, Alexander G. Fletcher, Guy B Blanchard, Benedicte Sanson_ bioRxiv 704932; doi: """ sheet.settings.update(kwargs) nv = sheet.Nv merge_vertices(sheet) if nv != sheet.Nv:"Merged {nv - sheet.Nv+1} vertices") nv = sheet.Nv retval = detach_vertices(sheet) if retval:"Failed to detach, skipping") if nv != sheet.Nv: <|fim_middle|> manager.append(reconnect, **kwargs) default_division_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "growth_rate": 0.1, "critical_vol": 2.0, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def division(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Cell division happens through cell growth up to a critical volume, followed by actual division of the face. Parameters ---------- sheet : a `Sheet` object manager : an `EventManager` instance face_id : int, index of the mother face growth_rate : float, default 0.1 rate of increase of the prefered volume critical_vol : float, default 2. volume at which the cells stops to grow and devides """ division_spec = default_division_spec division_spec.update(**kwargs) face = division_spec["face"] division_spec["critical_vol"] *= sheet.specs["face"]["prefered_vol"] print(sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"], division_spec["critical_vol"]) if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"] < division_spec["critical_vol"]: increase( sheet, "face", face, division_spec["growth_rate"], "prefered_vol", True ) manager.append(division, **division_spec) else: daughter = cell_division(sheet, face, division_spec["geom"]) sheet.face_df.loc[daughter, "id"] = + 1 default_contraction_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": False, "contraction_column": "contractility", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Single step contraction event.""" contraction_spec = default_contraction_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if (sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]) or ( sheet.face_df.loc[face, contraction_spec["contraction_column"]] > contraction_spec["max_contractility"] ): return increase( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], contraction_spec["contraction_column"], contraction_spec["multiply"], ) default_type1_transition_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "critical_length": 0.1, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def type1_transition(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Custom type 1 transition event that tests if the the shorter edge of the face is smaller than the critical length. """ type1_transition_spec = default_type1_transition_spec type1_transition_spec.update(**kwargs) face = type1_transition_spec["face"] edges = sheet.edge_df[sheet.edge_df["face"] == face] if min(edges["length"]) < type1_transition_spec["critical_length"]: exchange(sheet, face, type1_transition_spec["geom"]) default_face_elimination_spec = {"face_id": -1, "face": -1, "geom": SheetGeometry} @face_lookup def face_elimination(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Removes the face with if face_id from the sheet.""" face_elimination_spec = default_face_elimination_spec face_elimination_spec.update(**kwargs) remove(sheet, face_elimination_spec["face"], face_elimination_spec["geom"]) default_check_tri_face_spec = {"geom": SheetGeometry} def check_tri_faces(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Three neighbourghs cell elimination Add all cells with three neighbourghs in the manager to be eliminated at the next time step. Parameters ---------- sheet : a :class:`tyssue.sheet` object manager : a :class:`` object """ check_tri_faces_spec = default_check_tri_face_spec check_tri_faces_spec.update(**kwargs) tri_faces = sheet.face_df[(sheet.face_df["num_sides"] < 4)].id manager.extend( [ (face_elimination, {"face_id": f, "geom": check_tri_faces_spec["geom"]}) for f in tri_faces ] ) default_contraction_line_tension_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "shrink_rate": 1.05, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": True, "contraction_column": "line_tension", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction_line_tension(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """ Single step contraction event """ contraction_spec = default_contraction_line_tension_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]: return # reduce prefered_area decrease( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["shrink_rate"], col="prefered_area", divide=True, bound=contraction_spec["critical_area"] / 2, ) increase_linear_tension( sheet, face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], multiply=contraction_spec["multiply"], isotropic=True, limit=100, ) <|fim▁end|>"Detached {sheet.Nv - nv} vertices")
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>""" Small event module ======================= """ import numpy as np import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from ...utils.decorators import face_lookup from ...geometry.sheet_geometry import SheetGeometry from ...topology.sheet_topology import cell_division from .actions import ( exchange, remove, merge_vertices, detach_vertices, increase, decrease, increase_linear_tension, ) def reconnect(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Performs reconnections (vertex merging / splitting) following Finegan et al. 2019 kwargs overwrite their corresponding `sheet.settings` entries Keyword Arguments ----------------- threshold_length : the threshold length at which vertex merging is performed p_4 : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 4 vertex p_5p : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 5 or more vertex See Also -------- **The tricellular vertex-specific adhesion molecule Sidekick facilitates polarised cell intercalation during Drosophila axis extension** _Tara M Finegan, Nathan Hervieux, Alexander Nestor-Bergmann, Alexander G. Fletcher, Guy B Blanchard, Benedicte Sanson_ bioRxiv 704932; doi: """ sheet.settings.update(kwargs) nv = sheet.Nv merge_vertices(sheet) if nv != sheet.Nv:"Merged {nv - sheet.Nv+1} vertices") nv = sheet.Nv retval = detach_vertices(sheet) if retval:"Failed to detach, skipping") if nv != sheet.Nv:"Detached {sheet.Nv - nv} vertices") manager.append(reconnect, **kwargs) default_division_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "growth_rate": 0.1, "critical_vol": 2.0, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def division(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Cell division happens through cell growth up to a critical volume, followed by actual division of the face. Parameters ---------- sheet : a `Sheet` object manager : an `EventManager` instance face_id : int, index of the mother face growth_rate : float, default 0.1 rate of increase of the prefered volume critical_vol : float, default 2. volume at which the cells stops to grow and devides """ division_spec = default_division_spec division_spec.update(**kwargs) face = division_spec["face"] division_spec["critical_vol"] *= sheet.specs["face"]["prefered_vol"] print(sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"], division_spec["critical_vol"]) if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"] < division_spec["critical_vol"]: <|fim_middle|> else: daughter = cell_division(sheet, face, division_spec["geom"]) sheet.face_df.loc[daughter, "id"] = + 1 default_contraction_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": False, "contraction_column": "contractility", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Single step contraction event.""" contraction_spec = default_contraction_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if (sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]) or ( sheet.face_df.loc[face, contraction_spec["contraction_column"]] > contraction_spec["max_contractility"] ): return increase( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], contraction_spec["contraction_column"], contraction_spec["multiply"], ) default_type1_transition_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "critical_length": 0.1, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def type1_transition(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Custom type 1 transition event that tests if the the shorter edge of the face is smaller than the critical length. """ type1_transition_spec = default_type1_transition_spec type1_transition_spec.update(**kwargs) face = type1_transition_spec["face"] edges = sheet.edge_df[sheet.edge_df["face"] == face] if min(edges["length"]) < type1_transition_spec["critical_length"]: exchange(sheet, face, type1_transition_spec["geom"]) default_face_elimination_spec = {"face_id": -1, "face": -1, "geom": SheetGeometry} @face_lookup def face_elimination(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Removes the face with if face_id from the sheet.""" face_elimination_spec = default_face_elimination_spec face_elimination_spec.update(**kwargs) remove(sheet, face_elimination_spec["face"], face_elimination_spec["geom"]) default_check_tri_face_spec = {"geom": SheetGeometry} def check_tri_faces(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Three neighbourghs cell elimination Add all cells with three neighbourghs in the manager to be eliminated at the next time step. Parameters ---------- sheet : a :class:`tyssue.sheet` object manager : a :class:`` object """ check_tri_faces_spec = default_check_tri_face_spec check_tri_faces_spec.update(**kwargs) tri_faces = sheet.face_df[(sheet.face_df["num_sides"] < 4)].id manager.extend( [ (face_elimination, {"face_id": f, "geom": check_tri_faces_spec["geom"]}) for f in tri_faces ] ) default_contraction_line_tension_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "shrink_rate": 1.05, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": True, "contraction_column": "line_tension", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction_line_tension(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """ Single step contraction event """ contraction_spec = default_contraction_line_tension_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]: return # reduce prefered_area decrease( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["shrink_rate"], col="prefered_area", divide=True, bound=contraction_spec["critical_area"] / 2, ) increase_linear_tension( sheet, face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], multiply=contraction_spec["multiply"], isotropic=True, limit=100, ) <|fim▁end|>
increase( sheet, "face", face, division_spec["growth_rate"], "prefered_vol", True ) manager.append(division, **division_spec)
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>""" Small event module ======================= """ import numpy as np import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from ...utils.decorators import face_lookup from ...geometry.sheet_geometry import SheetGeometry from ...topology.sheet_topology import cell_division from .actions import ( exchange, remove, merge_vertices, detach_vertices, increase, decrease, increase_linear_tension, ) def reconnect(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Performs reconnections (vertex merging / splitting) following Finegan et al. 2019 kwargs overwrite their corresponding `sheet.settings` entries Keyword Arguments ----------------- threshold_length : the threshold length at which vertex merging is performed p_4 : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 4 vertex p_5p : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 5 or more vertex See Also -------- **The tricellular vertex-specific adhesion molecule Sidekick facilitates polarised cell intercalation during Drosophila axis extension** _Tara M Finegan, Nathan Hervieux, Alexander Nestor-Bergmann, Alexander G. Fletcher, Guy B Blanchard, Benedicte Sanson_ bioRxiv 704932; doi: """ sheet.settings.update(kwargs) nv = sheet.Nv merge_vertices(sheet) if nv != sheet.Nv:"Merged {nv - sheet.Nv+1} vertices") nv = sheet.Nv retval = detach_vertices(sheet) if retval:"Failed to detach, skipping") if nv != sheet.Nv:"Detached {sheet.Nv - nv} vertices") manager.append(reconnect, **kwargs) default_division_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "growth_rate": 0.1, "critical_vol": 2.0, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def division(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Cell division happens through cell growth up to a critical volume, followed by actual division of the face. Parameters ---------- sheet : a `Sheet` object manager : an `EventManager` instance face_id : int, index of the mother face growth_rate : float, default 0.1 rate of increase of the prefered volume critical_vol : float, default 2. volume at which the cells stops to grow and devides """ division_spec = default_division_spec division_spec.update(**kwargs) face = division_spec["face"] division_spec["critical_vol"] *= sheet.specs["face"]["prefered_vol"] print(sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"], division_spec["critical_vol"]) if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"] < division_spec["critical_vol"]: increase( sheet, "face", face, division_spec["growth_rate"], "prefered_vol", True ) manager.append(division, **division_spec) else: <|fim_middle|> default_contraction_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": False, "contraction_column": "contractility", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Single step contraction event.""" contraction_spec = default_contraction_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if (sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]) or ( sheet.face_df.loc[face, contraction_spec["contraction_column"]] > contraction_spec["max_contractility"] ): return increase( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], contraction_spec["contraction_column"], contraction_spec["multiply"], ) default_type1_transition_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "critical_length": 0.1, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def type1_transition(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Custom type 1 transition event that tests if the the shorter edge of the face is smaller than the critical length. """ type1_transition_spec = default_type1_transition_spec type1_transition_spec.update(**kwargs) face = type1_transition_spec["face"] edges = sheet.edge_df[sheet.edge_df["face"] == face] if min(edges["length"]) < type1_transition_spec["critical_length"]: exchange(sheet, face, type1_transition_spec["geom"]) default_face_elimination_spec = {"face_id": -1, "face": -1, "geom": SheetGeometry} @face_lookup def face_elimination(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Removes the face with if face_id from the sheet.""" face_elimination_spec = default_face_elimination_spec face_elimination_spec.update(**kwargs) remove(sheet, face_elimination_spec["face"], face_elimination_spec["geom"]) default_check_tri_face_spec = {"geom": SheetGeometry} def check_tri_faces(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Three neighbourghs cell elimination Add all cells with three neighbourghs in the manager to be eliminated at the next time step. Parameters ---------- sheet : a :class:`tyssue.sheet` object manager : a :class:`` object """ check_tri_faces_spec = default_check_tri_face_spec check_tri_faces_spec.update(**kwargs) tri_faces = sheet.face_df[(sheet.face_df["num_sides"] < 4)].id manager.extend( [ (face_elimination, {"face_id": f, "geom": check_tri_faces_spec["geom"]}) for f in tri_faces ] ) default_contraction_line_tension_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "shrink_rate": 1.05, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": True, "contraction_column": "line_tension", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction_line_tension(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """ Single step contraction event """ contraction_spec = default_contraction_line_tension_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]: return # reduce prefered_area decrease( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["shrink_rate"], col="prefered_area", divide=True, bound=contraction_spec["critical_area"] / 2, ) increase_linear_tension( sheet, face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], multiply=contraction_spec["multiply"], isotropic=True, limit=100, ) <|fim▁end|>
daughter = cell_division(sheet, face, division_spec["geom"]) sheet.face_df.loc[daughter, "id"] = + 1
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>""" Small event module ======================= """ import numpy as np import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from ...utils.decorators import face_lookup from ...geometry.sheet_geometry import SheetGeometry from ...topology.sheet_topology import cell_division from .actions import ( exchange, remove, merge_vertices, detach_vertices, increase, decrease, increase_linear_tension, ) def reconnect(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Performs reconnections (vertex merging / splitting) following Finegan et al. 2019 kwargs overwrite their corresponding `sheet.settings` entries Keyword Arguments ----------------- threshold_length : the threshold length at which vertex merging is performed p_4 : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 4 vertex p_5p : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 5 or more vertex See Also -------- **The tricellular vertex-specific adhesion molecule Sidekick facilitates polarised cell intercalation during Drosophila axis extension** _Tara M Finegan, Nathan Hervieux, Alexander Nestor-Bergmann, Alexander G. Fletcher, Guy B Blanchard, Benedicte Sanson_ bioRxiv 704932; doi: """ sheet.settings.update(kwargs) nv = sheet.Nv merge_vertices(sheet) if nv != sheet.Nv:"Merged {nv - sheet.Nv+1} vertices") nv = sheet.Nv retval = detach_vertices(sheet) if retval:"Failed to detach, skipping") if nv != sheet.Nv:"Detached {sheet.Nv - nv} vertices") manager.append(reconnect, **kwargs) default_division_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "growth_rate": 0.1, "critical_vol": 2.0, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def division(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Cell division happens through cell growth up to a critical volume, followed by actual division of the face. Parameters ---------- sheet : a `Sheet` object manager : an `EventManager` instance face_id : int, index of the mother face growth_rate : float, default 0.1 rate of increase of the prefered volume critical_vol : float, default 2. volume at which the cells stops to grow and devides """ division_spec = default_division_spec division_spec.update(**kwargs) face = division_spec["face"] division_spec["critical_vol"] *= sheet.specs["face"]["prefered_vol"] print(sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"], division_spec["critical_vol"]) if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"] < division_spec["critical_vol"]: increase( sheet, "face", face, division_spec["growth_rate"], "prefered_vol", True ) manager.append(division, **division_spec) else: daughter = cell_division(sheet, face, division_spec["geom"]) sheet.face_df.loc[daughter, "id"] = + 1 default_contraction_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": False, "contraction_column": "contractility", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Single step contraction event.""" contraction_spec = default_contraction_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if (sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]) or ( sheet.face_df.loc[face, contraction_spec["contraction_column"]] > contraction_spec["max_contractility"] ): <|fim_middle|> increase( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], contraction_spec["contraction_column"], contraction_spec["multiply"], ) default_type1_transition_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "critical_length": 0.1, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def type1_transition(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Custom type 1 transition event that tests if the the shorter edge of the face is smaller than the critical length. """ type1_transition_spec = default_type1_transition_spec type1_transition_spec.update(**kwargs) face = type1_transition_spec["face"] edges = sheet.edge_df[sheet.edge_df["face"] == face] if min(edges["length"]) < type1_transition_spec["critical_length"]: exchange(sheet, face, type1_transition_spec["geom"]) default_face_elimination_spec = {"face_id": -1, "face": -1, "geom": SheetGeometry} @face_lookup def face_elimination(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Removes the face with if face_id from the sheet.""" face_elimination_spec = default_face_elimination_spec face_elimination_spec.update(**kwargs) remove(sheet, face_elimination_spec["face"], face_elimination_spec["geom"]) default_check_tri_face_spec = {"geom": SheetGeometry} def check_tri_faces(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Three neighbourghs cell elimination Add all cells with three neighbourghs in the manager to be eliminated at the next time step. Parameters ---------- sheet : a :class:`tyssue.sheet` object manager : a :class:`` object """ check_tri_faces_spec = default_check_tri_face_spec check_tri_faces_spec.update(**kwargs) tri_faces = sheet.face_df[(sheet.face_df["num_sides"] < 4)].id manager.extend( [ (face_elimination, {"face_id": f, "geom": check_tri_faces_spec["geom"]}) for f in tri_faces ] ) default_contraction_line_tension_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "shrink_rate": 1.05, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": True, "contraction_column": "line_tension", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction_line_tension(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """ Single step contraction event """ contraction_spec = default_contraction_line_tension_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]: return # reduce prefered_area decrease( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["shrink_rate"], col="prefered_area", divide=True, bound=contraction_spec["critical_area"] / 2, ) increase_linear_tension( sheet, face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], multiply=contraction_spec["multiply"], isotropic=True, limit=100, ) <|fim▁end|>
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>""" Small event module ======================= """ import numpy as np import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from ...utils.decorators import face_lookup from ...geometry.sheet_geometry import SheetGeometry from ...topology.sheet_topology import cell_division from .actions import ( exchange, remove, merge_vertices, detach_vertices, increase, decrease, increase_linear_tension, ) def reconnect(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Performs reconnections (vertex merging / splitting) following Finegan et al. 2019 kwargs overwrite their corresponding `sheet.settings` entries Keyword Arguments ----------------- threshold_length : the threshold length at which vertex merging is performed p_4 : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 4 vertex p_5p : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 5 or more vertex See Also -------- **The tricellular vertex-specific adhesion molecule Sidekick facilitates polarised cell intercalation during Drosophila axis extension** _Tara M Finegan, Nathan Hervieux, Alexander Nestor-Bergmann, Alexander G. Fletcher, Guy B Blanchard, Benedicte Sanson_ bioRxiv 704932; doi: """ sheet.settings.update(kwargs) nv = sheet.Nv merge_vertices(sheet) if nv != sheet.Nv:"Merged {nv - sheet.Nv+1} vertices") nv = sheet.Nv retval = detach_vertices(sheet) if retval:"Failed to detach, skipping") if nv != sheet.Nv:"Detached {sheet.Nv - nv} vertices") manager.append(reconnect, **kwargs) default_division_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "growth_rate": 0.1, "critical_vol": 2.0, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def division(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Cell division happens through cell growth up to a critical volume, followed by actual division of the face. Parameters ---------- sheet : a `Sheet` object manager : an `EventManager` instance face_id : int, index of the mother face growth_rate : float, default 0.1 rate of increase of the prefered volume critical_vol : float, default 2. volume at which the cells stops to grow and devides """ division_spec = default_division_spec division_spec.update(**kwargs) face = division_spec["face"] division_spec["critical_vol"] *= sheet.specs["face"]["prefered_vol"] print(sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"], division_spec["critical_vol"]) if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"] < division_spec["critical_vol"]: increase( sheet, "face", face, division_spec["growth_rate"], "prefered_vol", True ) manager.append(division, **division_spec) else: daughter = cell_division(sheet, face, division_spec["geom"]) sheet.face_df.loc[daughter, "id"] = + 1 default_contraction_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": False, "contraction_column": "contractility", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Single step contraction event.""" contraction_spec = default_contraction_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if (sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]) or ( sheet.face_df.loc[face, contraction_spec["contraction_column"]] > contraction_spec["max_contractility"] ): return increase( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], contraction_spec["contraction_column"], contraction_spec["multiply"], ) default_type1_transition_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "critical_length": 0.1, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def type1_transition(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Custom type 1 transition event that tests if the the shorter edge of the face is smaller than the critical length. """ type1_transition_spec = default_type1_transition_spec type1_transition_spec.update(**kwargs) face = type1_transition_spec["face"] edges = sheet.edge_df[sheet.edge_df["face"] == face] if min(edges["length"]) < type1_transition_spec["critical_length"]: <|fim_middle|> default_face_elimination_spec = {"face_id": -1, "face": -1, "geom": SheetGeometry} @face_lookup def face_elimination(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Removes the face with if face_id from the sheet.""" face_elimination_spec = default_face_elimination_spec face_elimination_spec.update(**kwargs) remove(sheet, face_elimination_spec["face"], face_elimination_spec["geom"]) default_check_tri_face_spec = {"geom": SheetGeometry} def check_tri_faces(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Three neighbourghs cell elimination Add all cells with three neighbourghs in the manager to be eliminated at the next time step. Parameters ---------- sheet : a :class:`tyssue.sheet` object manager : a :class:`` object """ check_tri_faces_spec = default_check_tri_face_spec check_tri_faces_spec.update(**kwargs) tri_faces = sheet.face_df[(sheet.face_df["num_sides"] < 4)].id manager.extend( [ (face_elimination, {"face_id": f, "geom": check_tri_faces_spec["geom"]}) for f in tri_faces ] ) default_contraction_line_tension_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "shrink_rate": 1.05, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": True, "contraction_column": "line_tension", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction_line_tension(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """ Single step contraction event """ contraction_spec = default_contraction_line_tension_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]: return # reduce prefered_area decrease( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["shrink_rate"], col="prefered_area", divide=True, bound=contraction_spec["critical_area"] / 2, ) increase_linear_tension( sheet, face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], multiply=contraction_spec["multiply"], isotropic=True, limit=100, ) <|fim▁end|>
exchange(sheet, face, type1_transition_spec["geom"])
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>""" Small event module ======================= """ import numpy as np import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from ...utils.decorators import face_lookup from ...geometry.sheet_geometry import SheetGeometry from ...topology.sheet_topology import cell_division from .actions import ( exchange, remove, merge_vertices, detach_vertices, increase, decrease, increase_linear_tension, ) def reconnect(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Performs reconnections (vertex merging / splitting) following Finegan et al. 2019 kwargs overwrite their corresponding `sheet.settings` entries Keyword Arguments ----------------- threshold_length : the threshold length at which vertex merging is performed p_4 : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 4 vertex p_5p : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 5 or more vertex See Also -------- **The tricellular vertex-specific adhesion molecule Sidekick facilitates polarised cell intercalation during Drosophila axis extension** _Tara M Finegan, Nathan Hervieux, Alexander Nestor-Bergmann, Alexander G. Fletcher, Guy B Blanchard, Benedicte Sanson_ bioRxiv 704932; doi: """ sheet.settings.update(kwargs) nv = sheet.Nv merge_vertices(sheet) if nv != sheet.Nv:"Merged {nv - sheet.Nv+1} vertices") nv = sheet.Nv retval = detach_vertices(sheet) if retval:"Failed to detach, skipping") if nv != sheet.Nv:"Detached {sheet.Nv - nv} vertices") manager.append(reconnect, **kwargs) default_division_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "growth_rate": 0.1, "critical_vol": 2.0, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def division(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Cell division happens through cell growth up to a critical volume, followed by actual division of the face. Parameters ---------- sheet : a `Sheet` object manager : an `EventManager` instance face_id : int, index of the mother face growth_rate : float, default 0.1 rate of increase of the prefered volume critical_vol : float, default 2. volume at which the cells stops to grow and devides """ division_spec = default_division_spec division_spec.update(**kwargs) face = division_spec["face"] division_spec["critical_vol"] *= sheet.specs["face"]["prefered_vol"] print(sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"], division_spec["critical_vol"]) if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"] < division_spec["critical_vol"]: increase( sheet, "face", face, division_spec["growth_rate"], "prefered_vol", True ) manager.append(division, **division_spec) else: daughter = cell_division(sheet, face, division_spec["geom"]) sheet.face_df.loc[daughter, "id"] = + 1 default_contraction_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": False, "contraction_column": "contractility", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Single step contraction event.""" contraction_spec = default_contraction_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if (sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]) or ( sheet.face_df.loc[face, contraction_spec["contraction_column"]] > contraction_spec["max_contractility"] ): return increase( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], contraction_spec["contraction_column"], contraction_spec["multiply"], ) default_type1_transition_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "critical_length": 0.1, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def type1_transition(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Custom type 1 transition event that tests if the the shorter edge of the face is smaller than the critical length. """ type1_transition_spec = default_type1_transition_spec type1_transition_spec.update(**kwargs) face = type1_transition_spec["face"] edges = sheet.edge_df[sheet.edge_df["face"] == face] if min(edges["length"]) < type1_transition_spec["critical_length"]: exchange(sheet, face, type1_transition_spec["geom"]) default_face_elimination_spec = {"face_id": -1, "face": -1, "geom": SheetGeometry} @face_lookup def face_elimination(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Removes the face with if face_id from the sheet.""" face_elimination_spec = default_face_elimination_spec face_elimination_spec.update(**kwargs) remove(sheet, face_elimination_spec["face"], face_elimination_spec["geom"]) default_check_tri_face_spec = {"geom": SheetGeometry} def check_tri_faces(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Three neighbourghs cell elimination Add all cells with three neighbourghs in the manager to be eliminated at the next time step. Parameters ---------- sheet : a :class:`tyssue.sheet` object manager : a :class:`` object """ check_tri_faces_spec = default_check_tri_face_spec check_tri_faces_spec.update(**kwargs) tri_faces = sheet.face_df[(sheet.face_df["num_sides"] < 4)].id manager.extend( [ (face_elimination, {"face_id": f, "geom": check_tri_faces_spec["geom"]}) for f in tri_faces ] ) default_contraction_line_tension_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "shrink_rate": 1.05, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": True, "contraction_column": "line_tension", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction_line_tension(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """ Single step contraction event """ contraction_spec = default_contraction_line_tension_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]: <|fim_middle|> # reduce prefered_area decrease( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["shrink_rate"], col="prefered_area", divide=True, bound=contraction_spec["critical_area"] / 2, ) increase_linear_tension( sheet, face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], multiply=contraction_spec["multiply"], isotropic=True, limit=100, ) <|fim▁end|>
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>""" Small event module ======================= """ import numpy as np import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from ...utils.decorators import face_lookup from ...geometry.sheet_geometry import SheetGeometry from ...topology.sheet_topology import cell_division from .actions import ( exchange, remove, merge_vertices, detach_vertices, increase, decrease, increase_linear_tension, ) def <|fim_middle|>(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Performs reconnections (vertex merging / splitting) following Finegan et al. 2019 kwargs overwrite their corresponding `sheet.settings` entries Keyword Arguments ----------------- threshold_length : the threshold length at which vertex merging is performed p_4 : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 4 vertex p_5p : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 5 or more vertex See Also -------- **The tricellular vertex-specific adhesion molecule Sidekick facilitates polarised cell intercalation during Drosophila axis extension** _Tara M Finegan, Nathan Hervieux, Alexander Nestor-Bergmann, Alexander G. Fletcher, Guy B Blanchard, Benedicte Sanson_ bioRxiv 704932; doi: """ sheet.settings.update(kwargs) nv = sheet.Nv merge_vertices(sheet) if nv != sheet.Nv:"Merged {nv - sheet.Nv+1} vertices") nv = sheet.Nv retval = detach_vertices(sheet) if retval:"Failed to detach, skipping") if nv != sheet.Nv:"Detached {sheet.Nv - nv} vertices") manager.append(reconnect, **kwargs) default_division_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "growth_rate": 0.1, "critical_vol": 2.0, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def division(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Cell division happens through cell growth up to a critical volume, followed by actual division of the face. Parameters ---------- sheet : a `Sheet` object manager : an `EventManager` instance face_id : int, index of the mother face growth_rate : float, default 0.1 rate of increase of the prefered volume critical_vol : float, default 2. volume at which the cells stops to grow and devides """ division_spec = default_division_spec division_spec.update(**kwargs) face = division_spec["face"] division_spec["critical_vol"] *= sheet.specs["face"]["prefered_vol"] print(sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"], division_spec["critical_vol"]) if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"] < division_spec["critical_vol"]: increase( sheet, "face", face, division_spec["growth_rate"], "prefered_vol", True ) manager.append(division, **division_spec) else: daughter = cell_division(sheet, face, division_spec["geom"]) sheet.face_df.loc[daughter, "id"] = + 1 default_contraction_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": False, "contraction_column": "contractility", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Single step contraction event.""" contraction_spec = default_contraction_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if (sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]) or ( sheet.face_df.loc[face, contraction_spec["contraction_column"]] > contraction_spec["max_contractility"] ): return increase( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], contraction_spec["contraction_column"], contraction_spec["multiply"], ) default_type1_transition_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "critical_length": 0.1, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def type1_transition(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Custom type 1 transition event that tests if the the shorter edge of the face is smaller than the critical length. """ type1_transition_spec = default_type1_transition_spec type1_transition_spec.update(**kwargs) face = type1_transition_spec["face"] edges = sheet.edge_df[sheet.edge_df["face"] == face] if min(edges["length"]) < type1_transition_spec["critical_length"]: exchange(sheet, face, type1_transition_spec["geom"]) default_face_elimination_spec = {"face_id": -1, "face": -1, "geom": SheetGeometry} @face_lookup def face_elimination(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Removes the face with if face_id from the sheet.""" face_elimination_spec = default_face_elimination_spec face_elimination_spec.update(**kwargs) remove(sheet, face_elimination_spec["face"], face_elimination_spec["geom"]) default_check_tri_face_spec = {"geom": SheetGeometry} def check_tri_faces(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Three neighbourghs cell elimination Add all cells with three neighbourghs in the manager to be eliminated at the next time step. Parameters ---------- sheet : a :class:`tyssue.sheet` object manager : a :class:`` object """ check_tri_faces_spec = default_check_tri_face_spec check_tri_faces_spec.update(**kwargs) tri_faces = sheet.face_df[(sheet.face_df["num_sides"] < 4)].id manager.extend( [ (face_elimination, {"face_id": f, "geom": check_tri_faces_spec["geom"]}) for f in tri_faces ] ) default_contraction_line_tension_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "shrink_rate": 1.05, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": True, "contraction_column": "line_tension", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction_line_tension(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """ Single step contraction event """ contraction_spec = default_contraction_line_tension_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]: return # reduce prefered_area decrease( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["shrink_rate"], col="prefered_area", divide=True, bound=contraction_spec["critical_area"] / 2, ) increase_linear_tension( sheet, face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], multiply=contraction_spec["multiply"], isotropic=True, limit=100, ) <|fim▁end|>
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>""" Small event module ======================= """ import numpy as np import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from ...utils.decorators import face_lookup from ...geometry.sheet_geometry import SheetGeometry from ...topology.sheet_topology import cell_division from .actions import ( exchange, remove, merge_vertices, detach_vertices, increase, decrease, increase_linear_tension, ) def reconnect(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Performs reconnections (vertex merging / splitting) following Finegan et al. 2019 kwargs overwrite their corresponding `sheet.settings` entries Keyword Arguments ----------------- threshold_length : the threshold length at which vertex merging is performed p_4 : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 4 vertex p_5p : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 5 or more vertex See Also -------- **The tricellular vertex-specific adhesion molecule Sidekick facilitates polarised cell intercalation during Drosophila axis extension** _Tara M Finegan, Nathan Hervieux, Alexander Nestor-Bergmann, Alexander G. Fletcher, Guy B Blanchard, Benedicte Sanson_ bioRxiv 704932; doi: """ sheet.settings.update(kwargs) nv = sheet.Nv merge_vertices(sheet) if nv != sheet.Nv:"Merged {nv - sheet.Nv+1} vertices") nv = sheet.Nv retval = detach_vertices(sheet) if retval:"Failed to detach, skipping") if nv != sheet.Nv:"Detached {sheet.Nv - nv} vertices") manager.append(reconnect, **kwargs) default_division_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "growth_rate": 0.1, "critical_vol": 2.0, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def <|fim_middle|>(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Cell division happens through cell growth up to a critical volume, followed by actual division of the face. Parameters ---------- sheet : a `Sheet` object manager : an `EventManager` instance face_id : int, index of the mother face growth_rate : float, default 0.1 rate of increase of the prefered volume critical_vol : float, default 2. volume at which the cells stops to grow and devides """ division_spec = default_division_spec division_spec.update(**kwargs) face = division_spec["face"] division_spec["critical_vol"] *= sheet.specs["face"]["prefered_vol"] print(sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"], division_spec["critical_vol"]) if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"] < division_spec["critical_vol"]: increase( sheet, "face", face, division_spec["growth_rate"], "prefered_vol", True ) manager.append(division, **division_spec) else: daughter = cell_division(sheet, face, division_spec["geom"]) sheet.face_df.loc[daughter, "id"] = + 1 default_contraction_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": False, "contraction_column": "contractility", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Single step contraction event.""" contraction_spec = default_contraction_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if (sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]) or ( sheet.face_df.loc[face, contraction_spec["contraction_column"]] > contraction_spec["max_contractility"] ): return increase( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], contraction_spec["contraction_column"], contraction_spec["multiply"], ) default_type1_transition_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "critical_length": 0.1, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def type1_transition(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Custom type 1 transition event that tests if the the shorter edge of the face is smaller than the critical length. """ type1_transition_spec = default_type1_transition_spec type1_transition_spec.update(**kwargs) face = type1_transition_spec["face"] edges = sheet.edge_df[sheet.edge_df["face"] == face] if min(edges["length"]) < type1_transition_spec["critical_length"]: exchange(sheet, face, type1_transition_spec["geom"]) default_face_elimination_spec = {"face_id": -1, "face": -1, "geom": SheetGeometry} @face_lookup def face_elimination(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Removes the face with if face_id from the sheet.""" face_elimination_spec = default_face_elimination_spec face_elimination_spec.update(**kwargs) remove(sheet, face_elimination_spec["face"], face_elimination_spec["geom"]) default_check_tri_face_spec = {"geom": SheetGeometry} def check_tri_faces(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Three neighbourghs cell elimination Add all cells with three neighbourghs in the manager to be eliminated at the next time step. Parameters ---------- sheet : a :class:`tyssue.sheet` object manager : a :class:`` object """ check_tri_faces_spec = default_check_tri_face_spec check_tri_faces_spec.update(**kwargs) tri_faces = sheet.face_df[(sheet.face_df["num_sides"] < 4)].id manager.extend( [ (face_elimination, {"face_id": f, "geom": check_tri_faces_spec["geom"]}) for f in tri_faces ] ) default_contraction_line_tension_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "shrink_rate": 1.05, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": True, "contraction_column": "line_tension", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction_line_tension(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """ Single step contraction event """ contraction_spec = default_contraction_line_tension_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]: return # reduce prefered_area decrease( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["shrink_rate"], col="prefered_area", divide=True, bound=contraction_spec["critical_area"] / 2, ) increase_linear_tension( sheet, face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], multiply=contraction_spec["multiply"], isotropic=True, limit=100, ) <|fim▁end|>
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>""" Small event module ======================= """ import numpy as np import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from ...utils.decorators import face_lookup from ...geometry.sheet_geometry import SheetGeometry from ...topology.sheet_topology import cell_division from .actions import ( exchange, remove, merge_vertices, detach_vertices, increase, decrease, increase_linear_tension, ) def reconnect(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Performs reconnections (vertex merging / splitting) following Finegan et al. 2019 kwargs overwrite their corresponding `sheet.settings` entries Keyword Arguments ----------------- threshold_length : the threshold length at which vertex merging is performed p_4 : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 4 vertex p_5p : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 5 or more vertex See Also -------- **The tricellular vertex-specific adhesion molecule Sidekick facilitates polarised cell intercalation during Drosophila axis extension** _Tara M Finegan, Nathan Hervieux, Alexander Nestor-Bergmann, Alexander G. Fletcher, Guy B Blanchard, Benedicte Sanson_ bioRxiv 704932; doi: """ sheet.settings.update(kwargs) nv = sheet.Nv merge_vertices(sheet) if nv != sheet.Nv:"Merged {nv - sheet.Nv+1} vertices") nv = sheet.Nv retval = detach_vertices(sheet) if retval:"Failed to detach, skipping") if nv != sheet.Nv:"Detached {sheet.Nv - nv} vertices") manager.append(reconnect, **kwargs) default_division_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "growth_rate": 0.1, "critical_vol": 2.0, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def division(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Cell division happens through cell growth up to a critical volume, followed by actual division of the face. Parameters ---------- sheet : a `Sheet` object manager : an `EventManager` instance face_id : int, index of the mother face growth_rate : float, default 0.1 rate of increase of the prefered volume critical_vol : float, default 2. volume at which the cells stops to grow and devides """ division_spec = default_division_spec division_spec.update(**kwargs) face = division_spec["face"] division_spec["critical_vol"] *= sheet.specs["face"]["prefered_vol"] print(sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"], division_spec["critical_vol"]) if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"] < division_spec["critical_vol"]: increase( sheet, "face", face, division_spec["growth_rate"], "prefered_vol", True ) manager.append(division, **division_spec) else: daughter = cell_division(sheet, face, division_spec["geom"]) sheet.face_df.loc[daughter, "id"] = + 1 default_contraction_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": False, "contraction_column": "contractility", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def <|fim_middle|>(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Single step contraction event.""" contraction_spec = default_contraction_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if (sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]) or ( sheet.face_df.loc[face, contraction_spec["contraction_column"]] > contraction_spec["max_contractility"] ): return increase( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], contraction_spec["contraction_column"], contraction_spec["multiply"], ) default_type1_transition_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "critical_length": 0.1, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def type1_transition(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Custom type 1 transition event that tests if the the shorter edge of the face is smaller than the critical length. """ type1_transition_spec = default_type1_transition_spec type1_transition_spec.update(**kwargs) face = type1_transition_spec["face"] edges = sheet.edge_df[sheet.edge_df["face"] == face] if min(edges["length"]) < type1_transition_spec["critical_length"]: exchange(sheet, face, type1_transition_spec["geom"]) default_face_elimination_spec = {"face_id": -1, "face": -1, "geom": SheetGeometry} @face_lookup def face_elimination(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Removes the face with if face_id from the sheet.""" face_elimination_spec = default_face_elimination_spec face_elimination_spec.update(**kwargs) remove(sheet, face_elimination_spec["face"], face_elimination_spec["geom"]) default_check_tri_face_spec = {"geom": SheetGeometry} def check_tri_faces(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Three neighbourghs cell elimination Add all cells with three neighbourghs in the manager to be eliminated at the next time step. Parameters ---------- sheet : a :class:`tyssue.sheet` object manager : a :class:`` object """ check_tri_faces_spec = default_check_tri_face_spec check_tri_faces_spec.update(**kwargs) tri_faces = sheet.face_df[(sheet.face_df["num_sides"] < 4)].id manager.extend( [ (face_elimination, {"face_id": f, "geom": check_tri_faces_spec["geom"]}) for f in tri_faces ] ) default_contraction_line_tension_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "shrink_rate": 1.05, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": True, "contraction_column": "line_tension", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction_line_tension(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """ Single step contraction event """ contraction_spec = default_contraction_line_tension_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]: return # reduce prefered_area decrease( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["shrink_rate"], col="prefered_area", divide=True, bound=contraction_spec["critical_area"] / 2, ) increase_linear_tension( sheet, face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], multiply=contraction_spec["multiply"], isotropic=True, limit=100, ) <|fim▁end|>
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>""" Small event module ======================= """ import numpy as np import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from ...utils.decorators import face_lookup from ...geometry.sheet_geometry import SheetGeometry from ...topology.sheet_topology import cell_division from .actions import ( exchange, remove, merge_vertices, detach_vertices, increase, decrease, increase_linear_tension, ) def reconnect(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Performs reconnections (vertex merging / splitting) following Finegan et al. 2019 kwargs overwrite their corresponding `sheet.settings` entries Keyword Arguments ----------------- threshold_length : the threshold length at which vertex merging is performed p_4 : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 4 vertex p_5p : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 5 or more vertex See Also -------- **The tricellular vertex-specific adhesion molecule Sidekick facilitates polarised cell intercalation during Drosophila axis extension** _Tara M Finegan, Nathan Hervieux, Alexander Nestor-Bergmann, Alexander G. Fletcher, Guy B Blanchard, Benedicte Sanson_ bioRxiv 704932; doi: """ sheet.settings.update(kwargs) nv = sheet.Nv merge_vertices(sheet) if nv != sheet.Nv:"Merged {nv - sheet.Nv+1} vertices") nv = sheet.Nv retval = detach_vertices(sheet) if retval:"Failed to detach, skipping") if nv != sheet.Nv:"Detached {sheet.Nv - nv} vertices") manager.append(reconnect, **kwargs) default_division_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "growth_rate": 0.1, "critical_vol": 2.0, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def division(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Cell division happens through cell growth up to a critical volume, followed by actual division of the face. Parameters ---------- sheet : a `Sheet` object manager : an `EventManager` instance face_id : int, index of the mother face growth_rate : float, default 0.1 rate of increase of the prefered volume critical_vol : float, default 2. volume at which the cells stops to grow and devides """ division_spec = default_division_spec division_spec.update(**kwargs) face = division_spec["face"] division_spec["critical_vol"] *= sheet.specs["face"]["prefered_vol"] print(sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"], division_spec["critical_vol"]) if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"] < division_spec["critical_vol"]: increase( sheet, "face", face, division_spec["growth_rate"], "prefered_vol", True ) manager.append(division, **division_spec) else: daughter = cell_division(sheet, face, division_spec["geom"]) sheet.face_df.loc[daughter, "id"] = + 1 default_contraction_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": False, "contraction_column": "contractility", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Single step contraction event.""" contraction_spec = default_contraction_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if (sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]) or ( sheet.face_df.loc[face, contraction_spec["contraction_column"]] > contraction_spec["max_contractility"] ): return increase( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], contraction_spec["contraction_column"], contraction_spec["multiply"], ) default_type1_transition_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "critical_length": 0.1, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def <|fim_middle|>(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Custom type 1 transition event that tests if the the shorter edge of the face is smaller than the critical length. """ type1_transition_spec = default_type1_transition_spec type1_transition_spec.update(**kwargs) face = type1_transition_spec["face"] edges = sheet.edge_df[sheet.edge_df["face"] == face] if min(edges["length"]) < type1_transition_spec["critical_length"]: exchange(sheet, face, type1_transition_spec["geom"]) default_face_elimination_spec = {"face_id": -1, "face": -1, "geom": SheetGeometry} @face_lookup def face_elimination(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Removes the face with if face_id from the sheet.""" face_elimination_spec = default_face_elimination_spec face_elimination_spec.update(**kwargs) remove(sheet, face_elimination_spec["face"], face_elimination_spec["geom"]) default_check_tri_face_spec = {"geom": SheetGeometry} def check_tri_faces(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Three neighbourghs cell elimination Add all cells with three neighbourghs in the manager to be eliminated at the next time step. Parameters ---------- sheet : a :class:`tyssue.sheet` object manager : a :class:`` object """ check_tri_faces_spec = default_check_tri_face_spec check_tri_faces_spec.update(**kwargs) tri_faces = sheet.face_df[(sheet.face_df["num_sides"] < 4)].id manager.extend( [ (face_elimination, {"face_id": f, "geom": check_tri_faces_spec["geom"]}) for f in tri_faces ] ) default_contraction_line_tension_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "shrink_rate": 1.05, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": True, "contraction_column": "line_tension", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction_line_tension(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """ Single step contraction event """ contraction_spec = default_contraction_line_tension_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]: return # reduce prefered_area decrease( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["shrink_rate"], col="prefered_area", divide=True, bound=contraction_spec["critical_area"] / 2, ) increase_linear_tension( sheet, face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], multiply=contraction_spec["multiply"], isotropic=True, limit=100, ) <|fim▁end|>
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>""" Small event module ======================= """ import numpy as np import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from ...utils.decorators import face_lookup from ...geometry.sheet_geometry import SheetGeometry from ...topology.sheet_topology import cell_division from .actions import ( exchange, remove, merge_vertices, detach_vertices, increase, decrease, increase_linear_tension, ) def reconnect(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Performs reconnections (vertex merging / splitting) following Finegan et al. 2019 kwargs overwrite their corresponding `sheet.settings` entries Keyword Arguments ----------------- threshold_length : the threshold length at which vertex merging is performed p_4 : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 4 vertex p_5p : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 5 or more vertex See Also -------- **The tricellular vertex-specific adhesion molecule Sidekick facilitates polarised cell intercalation during Drosophila axis extension** _Tara M Finegan, Nathan Hervieux, Alexander Nestor-Bergmann, Alexander G. Fletcher, Guy B Blanchard, Benedicte Sanson_ bioRxiv 704932; doi: """ sheet.settings.update(kwargs) nv = sheet.Nv merge_vertices(sheet) if nv != sheet.Nv:"Merged {nv - sheet.Nv+1} vertices") nv = sheet.Nv retval = detach_vertices(sheet) if retval:"Failed to detach, skipping") if nv != sheet.Nv:"Detached {sheet.Nv - nv} vertices") manager.append(reconnect, **kwargs) default_division_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "growth_rate": 0.1, "critical_vol": 2.0, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def division(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Cell division happens through cell growth up to a critical volume, followed by actual division of the face. Parameters ---------- sheet : a `Sheet` object manager : an `EventManager` instance face_id : int, index of the mother face growth_rate : float, default 0.1 rate of increase of the prefered volume critical_vol : float, default 2. volume at which the cells stops to grow and devides """ division_spec = default_division_spec division_spec.update(**kwargs) face = division_spec["face"] division_spec["critical_vol"] *= sheet.specs["face"]["prefered_vol"] print(sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"], division_spec["critical_vol"]) if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"] < division_spec["critical_vol"]: increase( sheet, "face", face, division_spec["growth_rate"], "prefered_vol", True ) manager.append(division, **division_spec) else: daughter = cell_division(sheet, face, division_spec["geom"]) sheet.face_df.loc[daughter, "id"] = + 1 default_contraction_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": False, "contraction_column": "contractility", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Single step contraction event.""" contraction_spec = default_contraction_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if (sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]) or ( sheet.face_df.loc[face, contraction_spec["contraction_column"]] > contraction_spec["max_contractility"] ): return increase( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], contraction_spec["contraction_column"], contraction_spec["multiply"], ) default_type1_transition_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "critical_length": 0.1, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def type1_transition(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Custom type 1 transition event that tests if the the shorter edge of the face is smaller than the critical length. """ type1_transition_spec = default_type1_transition_spec type1_transition_spec.update(**kwargs) face = type1_transition_spec["face"] edges = sheet.edge_df[sheet.edge_df["face"] == face] if min(edges["length"]) < type1_transition_spec["critical_length"]: exchange(sheet, face, type1_transition_spec["geom"]) default_face_elimination_spec = {"face_id": -1, "face": -1, "geom": SheetGeometry} @face_lookup def <|fim_middle|>(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Removes the face with if face_id from the sheet.""" face_elimination_spec = default_face_elimination_spec face_elimination_spec.update(**kwargs) remove(sheet, face_elimination_spec["face"], face_elimination_spec["geom"]) default_check_tri_face_spec = {"geom": SheetGeometry} def check_tri_faces(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Three neighbourghs cell elimination Add all cells with three neighbourghs in the manager to be eliminated at the next time step. Parameters ---------- sheet : a :class:`tyssue.sheet` object manager : a :class:`` object """ check_tri_faces_spec = default_check_tri_face_spec check_tri_faces_spec.update(**kwargs) tri_faces = sheet.face_df[(sheet.face_df["num_sides"] < 4)].id manager.extend( [ (face_elimination, {"face_id": f, "geom": check_tri_faces_spec["geom"]}) for f in tri_faces ] ) default_contraction_line_tension_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "shrink_rate": 1.05, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": True, "contraction_column": "line_tension", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction_line_tension(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """ Single step contraction event """ contraction_spec = default_contraction_line_tension_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]: return # reduce prefered_area decrease( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["shrink_rate"], col="prefered_area", divide=True, bound=contraction_spec["critical_area"] / 2, ) increase_linear_tension( sheet, face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], multiply=contraction_spec["multiply"], isotropic=True, limit=100, ) <|fim▁end|>
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>""" Small event module ======================= """ import numpy as np import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from ...utils.decorators import face_lookup from ...geometry.sheet_geometry import SheetGeometry from ...topology.sheet_topology import cell_division from .actions import ( exchange, remove, merge_vertices, detach_vertices, increase, decrease, increase_linear_tension, ) def reconnect(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Performs reconnections (vertex merging / splitting) following Finegan et al. 2019 kwargs overwrite their corresponding `sheet.settings` entries Keyword Arguments ----------------- threshold_length : the threshold length at which vertex merging is performed p_4 : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 4 vertex p_5p : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 5 or more vertex See Also -------- **The tricellular vertex-specific adhesion molecule Sidekick facilitates polarised cell intercalation during Drosophila axis extension** _Tara M Finegan, Nathan Hervieux, Alexander Nestor-Bergmann, Alexander G. Fletcher, Guy B Blanchard, Benedicte Sanson_ bioRxiv 704932; doi: """ sheet.settings.update(kwargs) nv = sheet.Nv merge_vertices(sheet) if nv != sheet.Nv:"Merged {nv - sheet.Nv+1} vertices") nv = sheet.Nv retval = detach_vertices(sheet) if retval:"Failed to detach, skipping") if nv != sheet.Nv:"Detached {sheet.Nv - nv} vertices") manager.append(reconnect, **kwargs) default_division_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "growth_rate": 0.1, "critical_vol": 2.0, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def division(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Cell division happens through cell growth up to a critical volume, followed by actual division of the face. Parameters ---------- sheet : a `Sheet` object manager : an `EventManager` instance face_id : int, index of the mother face growth_rate : float, default 0.1 rate of increase of the prefered volume critical_vol : float, default 2. volume at which the cells stops to grow and devides """ division_spec = default_division_spec division_spec.update(**kwargs) face = division_spec["face"] division_spec["critical_vol"] *= sheet.specs["face"]["prefered_vol"] print(sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"], division_spec["critical_vol"]) if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"] < division_spec["critical_vol"]: increase( sheet, "face", face, division_spec["growth_rate"], "prefered_vol", True ) manager.append(division, **division_spec) else: daughter = cell_division(sheet, face, division_spec["geom"]) sheet.face_df.loc[daughter, "id"] = + 1 default_contraction_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": False, "contraction_column": "contractility", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Single step contraction event.""" contraction_spec = default_contraction_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if (sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]) or ( sheet.face_df.loc[face, contraction_spec["contraction_column"]] > contraction_spec["max_contractility"] ): return increase( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], contraction_spec["contraction_column"], contraction_spec["multiply"], ) default_type1_transition_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "critical_length": 0.1, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def type1_transition(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Custom type 1 transition event that tests if the the shorter edge of the face is smaller than the critical length. """ type1_transition_spec = default_type1_transition_spec type1_transition_spec.update(**kwargs) face = type1_transition_spec["face"] edges = sheet.edge_df[sheet.edge_df["face"] == face] if min(edges["length"]) < type1_transition_spec["critical_length"]: exchange(sheet, face, type1_transition_spec["geom"]) default_face_elimination_spec = {"face_id": -1, "face": -1, "geom": SheetGeometry} @face_lookup def face_elimination(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Removes the face with if face_id from the sheet.""" face_elimination_spec = default_face_elimination_spec face_elimination_spec.update(**kwargs) remove(sheet, face_elimination_spec["face"], face_elimination_spec["geom"]) default_check_tri_face_spec = {"geom": SheetGeometry} def <|fim_middle|>(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Three neighbourghs cell elimination Add all cells with three neighbourghs in the manager to be eliminated at the next time step. Parameters ---------- sheet : a :class:`tyssue.sheet` object manager : a :class:`` object """ check_tri_faces_spec = default_check_tri_face_spec check_tri_faces_spec.update(**kwargs) tri_faces = sheet.face_df[(sheet.face_df["num_sides"] < 4)].id manager.extend( [ (face_elimination, {"face_id": f, "geom": check_tri_faces_spec["geom"]}) for f in tri_faces ] ) default_contraction_line_tension_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "shrink_rate": 1.05, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": True, "contraction_column": "line_tension", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction_line_tension(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """ Single step contraction event """ contraction_spec = default_contraction_line_tension_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]: return # reduce prefered_area decrease( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["shrink_rate"], col="prefered_area", divide=True, bound=contraction_spec["critical_area"] / 2, ) increase_linear_tension( sheet, face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], multiply=contraction_spec["multiply"], isotropic=True, limit=100, ) <|fim▁end|>
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>""" Small event module ======================= """ import numpy as np import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from ...utils.decorators import face_lookup from ...geometry.sheet_geometry import SheetGeometry from ...topology.sheet_topology import cell_division from .actions import ( exchange, remove, merge_vertices, detach_vertices, increase, decrease, increase_linear_tension, ) def reconnect(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Performs reconnections (vertex merging / splitting) following Finegan et al. 2019 kwargs overwrite their corresponding `sheet.settings` entries Keyword Arguments ----------------- threshold_length : the threshold length at which vertex merging is performed p_4 : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 4 vertex p_5p : the probability per unit time to perform a detachement from a rank 5 or more vertex See Also -------- **The tricellular vertex-specific adhesion molecule Sidekick facilitates polarised cell intercalation during Drosophila axis extension** _Tara M Finegan, Nathan Hervieux, Alexander Nestor-Bergmann, Alexander G. Fletcher, Guy B Blanchard, Benedicte Sanson_ bioRxiv 704932; doi: """ sheet.settings.update(kwargs) nv = sheet.Nv merge_vertices(sheet) if nv != sheet.Nv:"Merged {nv - sheet.Nv+1} vertices") nv = sheet.Nv retval = detach_vertices(sheet) if retval:"Failed to detach, skipping") if nv != sheet.Nv:"Detached {sheet.Nv - nv} vertices") manager.append(reconnect, **kwargs) default_division_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "growth_rate": 0.1, "critical_vol": 2.0, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def division(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Cell division happens through cell growth up to a critical volume, followed by actual division of the face. Parameters ---------- sheet : a `Sheet` object manager : an `EventManager` instance face_id : int, index of the mother face growth_rate : float, default 0.1 rate of increase of the prefered volume critical_vol : float, default 2. volume at which the cells stops to grow and devides """ division_spec = default_division_spec division_spec.update(**kwargs) face = division_spec["face"] division_spec["critical_vol"] *= sheet.specs["face"]["prefered_vol"] print(sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"], division_spec["critical_vol"]) if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "vol"] < division_spec["critical_vol"]: increase( sheet, "face", face, division_spec["growth_rate"], "prefered_vol", True ) manager.append(division, **division_spec) else: daughter = cell_division(sheet, face, division_spec["geom"]) sheet.face_df.loc[daughter, "id"] = + 1 default_contraction_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": False, "contraction_column": "contractility", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def contraction(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Single step contraction event.""" contraction_spec = default_contraction_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if (sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]) or ( sheet.face_df.loc[face, contraction_spec["contraction_column"]] > contraction_spec["max_contractility"] ): return increase( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], contraction_spec["contraction_column"], contraction_spec["multiply"], ) default_type1_transition_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "critical_length": 0.1, "geom": SheetGeometry, } @face_lookup def type1_transition(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Custom type 1 transition event that tests if the the shorter edge of the face is smaller than the critical length. """ type1_transition_spec = default_type1_transition_spec type1_transition_spec.update(**kwargs) face = type1_transition_spec["face"] edges = sheet.edge_df[sheet.edge_df["face"] == face] if min(edges["length"]) < type1_transition_spec["critical_length"]: exchange(sheet, face, type1_transition_spec["geom"]) default_face_elimination_spec = {"face_id": -1, "face": -1, "geom": SheetGeometry} @face_lookup def face_elimination(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Removes the face with if face_id from the sheet.""" face_elimination_spec = default_face_elimination_spec face_elimination_spec.update(**kwargs) remove(sheet, face_elimination_spec["face"], face_elimination_spec["geom"]) default_check_tri_face_spec = {"geom": SheetGeometry} def check_tri_faces(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """Three neighbourghs cell elimination Add all cells with three neighbourghs in the manager to be eliminated at the next time step. Parameters ---------- sheet : a :class:`tyssue.sheet` object manager : a :class:`` object """ check_tri_faces_spec = default_check_tri_face_spec check_tri_faces_spec.update(**kwargs) tri_faces = sheet.face_df[(sheet.face_df["num_sides"] < 4)].id manager.extend( [ (face_elimination, {"face_id": f, "geom": check_tri_faces_spec["geom"]}) for f in tri_faces ] ) default_contraction_line_tension_spec = { "face_id": -1, "face": -1, "shrink_rate": 1.05, "contractile_increase": 1.0, "critical_area": 1e-2, "max_contractility": 10, "multiply": True, "contraction_column": "line_tension", "unique": True, } @face_lookup def <|fim_middle|>(sheet, manager, **kwargs): """ Single step contraction event """ contraction_spec = default_contraction_line_tension_spec contraction_spec.update(**kwargs) face = contraction_spec["face"] if sheet.face_df.loc[face, "area"] < contraction_spec["critical_area"]: return # reduce prefered_area decrease( sheet, "face", face, contraction_spec["shrink_rate"], col="prefered_area", divide=True, bound=contraction_spec["critical_area"] / 2, ) increase_linear_tension( sheet, face, contraction_spec["contractile_increase"], multiply=contraction_spec["multiply"], isotropic=True, limit=100, ) <|fim▁end|>
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import zmq from zmq.eventloop import ioloop as ioloop_mod import zmqdecorators import time SERVICE_NAME = "urpobot.motor" SERVICE_PORT = 7575 SIGNALS_PORT = 7576 # How long to wait for new commands before stopping automatically COMMAND_GRACE_TIME = 0.250 class motorserver(zmqdecorators.service): def __init__(self, service_name, service_port, serialport): super(motorserver, self).__init__(service_name, service_port) self.serial_port = serialport self.input_buffer = "" self.evthandler = ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().add_handler(self.serial_port.fileno(), self.handle_serial_event, ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().READ) self.last_command_time = time.time() self.pcb = ioloop_mod.PeriodicCallback(self.check_data_reveived, COMMAND_GRACE_TIME) self.pcb.start() def check_data_reveived(self, *args): if (time.time() - self.last_command_time > COMMAND_GRACE_TIME): self._setspeeds(0,0) def _setspeeds(self, m1speed, m2speed): self.serial_port.write("S%04X%04X\n" % ((m1speed & 0xffff), (m2speed & 0xffff))) @zmqdecorators.method() def setspeeds(self, resp, m1speed, m2speed): self.last_command_time = time.time() #print("Got speeds %s,%s" % (m1speed, m2speed)) self._setspeeds(m1speed, m2speed) # TODO: actually handle ACK/NACK somehow (we need to read it from the serialport but we can't block while waiting for it...) resp.send("ACK") def handle_serial_event(self, fd, events): # Copied from arbus that was thread based if not self.serial_port.inWaiting(): # Don't try to read if there is no data, instead sleep (yield) a bit time.sleep(0) return data = if len(data) == 0: return #print("DEBUG: data=%s" % data) # Put the data into inpit buffer and check for CRLF self.input_buffer += data # Trim prefix NULLs and linebreaks self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer.lstrip(chr(0x0) + "\r\n") #print "input_buffer=%s" % repr(self.input_buffer) if ( len(self.input_buffer) > 1 and self.input_buffer[-2:] == "\r\n"): # Got a message, parse it (sans the CRLF) and empty the buffer self.message_received(self.input_buffer[:-2]) self.input_buffer = "" def message_received(self, message): #print("DEBUG: msg=%s" % message)<|fim▁hole|> try: # Currently we have no incoming messages from this board pass except Exception as e: print "message_received exception: Got exception %s" % repr(e) # Ignore indexerrors, they just mean we could not parse the command pass pass def cleanup(self): print("Cleanup called") self._setspeeds(0,0) def run(self): print("Starting motorserver") super(motorserver, self).run() if __name__ == "__main__": import serial import sys,os port = serial.Serial(sys.argv[1], 115200, xonxoff=False, timeout=0.01) instance = motorserver(SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_PORT, port)<|fim▁end|>
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import zmq from zmq.eventloop import ioloop as ioloop_mod import zmqdecorators import time SERVICE_NAME = "urpobot.motor" SERVICE_PORT = 7575 SIGNALS_PORT = 7576 # How long to wait for new commands before stopping automatically COMMAND_GRACE_TIME = 0.250 class motorserver(zmqdecorators.service): <|fim_middle|> if __name__ == "__main__": import serial import sys,os port = serial.Serial(sys.argv[1], 115200, xonxoff=False, timeout=0.01) instance = motorserver(SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_PORT, port) <|fim▁end|>
def __init__(self, service_name, service_port, serialport): super(motorserver, self).__init__(service_name, service_port) self.serial_port = serialport self.input_buffer = "" self.evthandler = ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().add_handler(self.serial_port.fileno(), self.handle_serial_event, ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().READ) self.last_command_time = time.time() self.pcb = ioloop_mod.PeriodicCallback(self.check_data_reveived, COMMAND_GRACE_TIME) self.pcb.start() def check_data_reveived(self, *args): if (time.time() - self.last_command_time > COMMAND_GRACE_TIME): self._setspeeds(0,0) def _setspeeds(self, m1speed, m2speed): self.serial_port.write("S%04X%04X\n" % ((m1speed & 0xffff), (m2speed & 0xffff))) @zmqdecorators.method() def setspeeds(self, resp, m1speed, m2speed): self.last_command_time = time.time() #print("Got speeds %s,%s" % (m1speed, m2speed)) self._setspeeds(m1speed, m2speed) # TODO: actually handle ACK/NACK somehow (we need to read it from the serialport but we can't block while waiting for it...) resp.send("ACK") def handle_serial_event(self, fd, events): # Copied from arbus that was thread based if not self.serial_port.inWaiting(): # Don't try to read if there is no data, instead sleep (yield) a bit time.sleep(0) return data = if len(data) == 0: return #print("DEBUG: data=%s" % data) # Put the data into inpit buffer and check for CRLF self.input_buffer += data # Trim prefix NULLs and linebreaks self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer.lstrip(chr(0x0) + "\r\n") #print "input_buffer=%s" % repr(self.input_buffer) if ( len(self.input_buffer) > 1 and self.input_buffer[-2:] == "\r\n"): # Got a message, parse it (sans the CRLF) and empty the buffer self.message_received(self.input_buffer[:-2]) self.input_buffer = "" def message_received(self, message): #print("DEBUG: msg=%s" % message) try: # Currently we have no incoming messages from this board pass except Exception as e: print "message_received exception: Got exception %s" % repr(e) # Ignore indexerrors, they just mean we could not parse the command pass pass def cleanup(self): print("Cleanup called") self._setspeeds(0,0) def run(self): print("Starting motorserver") super(motorserver, self).run()
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import zmq from zmq.eventloop import ioloop as ioloop_mod import zmqdecorators import time SERVICE_NAME = "urpobot.motor" SERVICE_PORT = 7575 SIGNALS_PORT = 7576 # How long to wait for new commands before stopping automatically COMMAND_GRACE_TIME = 0.250 class motorserver(zmqdecorators.service): def __init__(self, service_name, service_port, serialport): <|fim_middle|> def check_data_reveived(self, *args): if (time.time() - self.last_command_time > COMMAND_GRACE_TIME): self._setspeeds(0,0) def _setspeeds(self, m1speed, m2speed): self.serial_port.write("S%04X%04X\n" % ((m1speed & 0xffff), (m2speed & 0xffff))) @zmqdecorators.method() def setspeeds(self, resp, m1speed, m2speed): self.last_command_time = time.time() #print("Got speeds %s,%s" % (m1speed, m2speed)) self._setspeeds(m1speed, m2speed) # TODO: actually handle ACK/NACK somehow (we need to read it from the serialport but we can't block while waiting for it...) resp.send("ACK") def handle_serial_event(self, fd, events): # Copied from arbus that was thread based if not self.serial_port.inWaiting(): # Don't try to read if there is no data, instead sleep (yield) a bit time.sleep(0) return data = if len(data) == 0: return #print("DEBUG: data=%s" % data) # Put the data into inpit buffer and check for CRLF self.input_buffer += data # Trim prefix NULLs and linebreaks self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer.lstrip(chr(0x0) + "\r\n") #print "input_buffer=%s" % repr(self.input_buffer) if ( len(self.input_buffer) > 1 and self.input_buffer[-2:] == "\r\n"): # Got a message, parse it (sans the CRLF) and empty the buffer self.message_received(self.input_buffer[:-2]) self.input_buffer = "" def message_received(self, message): #print("DEBUG: msg=%s" % message) try: # Currently we have no incoming messages from this board pass except Exception as e: print "message_received exception: Got exception %s" % repr(e) # Ignore indexerrors, they just mean we could not parse the command pass pass def cleanup(self): print("Cleanup called") self._setspeeds(0,0) def run(self): print("Starting motorserver") super(motorserver, self).run() if __name__ == "__main__": import serial import sys,os port = serial.Serial(sys.argv[1], 115200, xonxoff=False, timeout=0.01) instance = motorserver(SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_PORT, port) <|fim▁end|>
super(motorserver, self).__init__(service_name, service_port) self.serial_port = serialport self.input_buffer = "" self.evthandler = ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().add_handler(self.serial_port.fileno(), self.handle_serial_event, ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().READ) self.last_command_time = time.time() self.pcb = ioloop_mod.PeriodicCallback(self.check_data_reveived, COMMAND_GRACE_TIME) self.pcb.start()
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import zmq from zmq.eventloop import ioloop as ioloop_mod import zmqdecorators import time SERVICE_NAME = "urpobot.motor" SERVICE_PORT = 7575 SIGNALS_PORT = 7576 # How long to wait for new commands before stopping automatically COMMAND_GRACE_TIME = 0.250 class motorserver(zmqdecorators.service): def __init__(self, service_name, service_port, serialport): super(motorserver, self).__init__(service_name, service_port) self.serial_port = serialport self.input_buffer = "" self.evthandler = ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().add_handler(self.serial_port.fileno(), self.handle_serial_event, ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().READ) self.last_command_time = time.time() self.pcb = ioloop_mod.PeriodicCallback(self.check_data_reveived, COMMAND_GRACE_TIME) self.pcb.start() def check_data_reveived(self, *args): <|fim_middle|> def _setspeeds(self, m1speed, m2speed): self.serial_port.write("S%04X%04X\n" % ((m1speed & 0xffff), (m2speed & 0xffff))) @zmqdecorators.method() def setspeeds(self, resp, m1speed, m2speed): self.last_command_time = time.time() #print("Got speeds %s,%s" % (m1speed, m2speed)) self._setspeeds(m1speed, m2speed) # TODO: actually handle ACK/NACK somehow (we need to read it from the serialport but we can't block while waiting for it...) resp.send("ACK") def handle_serial_event(self, fd, events): # Copied from arbus that was thread based if not self.serial_port.inWaiting(): # Don't try to read if there is no data, instead sleep (yield) a bit time.sleep(0) return data = if len(data) == 0: return #print("DEBUG: data=%s" % data) # Put the data into inpit buffer and check for CRLF self.input_buffer += data # Trim prefix NULLs and linebreaks self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer.lstrip(chr(0x0) + "\r\n") #print "input_buffer=%s" % repr(self.input_buffer) if ( len(self.input_buffer) > 1 and self.input_buffer[-2:] == "\r\n"): # Got a message, parse it (sans the CRLF) and empty the buffer self.message_received(self.input_buffer[:-2]) self.input_buffer = "" def message_received(self, message): #print("DEBUG: msg=%s" % message) try: # Currently we have no incoming messages from this board pass except Exception as e: print "message_received exception: Got exception %s" % repr(e) # Ignore indexerrors, they just mean we could not parse the command pass pass def cleanup(self): print("Cleanup called") self._setspeeds(0,0) def run(self): print("Starting motorserver") super(motorserver, self).run() if __name__ == "__main__": import serial import sys,os port = serial.Serial(sys.argv[1], 115200, xonxoff=False, timeout=0.01) instance = motorserver(SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_PORT, port) <|fim▁end|>
if (time.time() - self.last_command_time > COMMAND_GRACE_TIME): self._setspeeds(0,0)
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import zmq from zmq.eventloop import ioloop as ioloop_mod import zmqdecorators import time SERVICE_NAME = "urpobot.motor" SERVICE_PORT = 7575 SIGNALS_PORT = 7576 # How long to wait for new commands before stopping automatically COMMAND_GRACE_TIME = 0.250 class motorserver(zmqdecorators.service): def __init__(self, service_name, service_port, serialport): super(motorserver, self).__init__(service_name, service_port) self.serial_port = serialport self.input_buffer = "" self.evthandler = ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().add_handler(self.serial_port.fileno(), self.handle_serial_event, ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().READ) self.last_command_time = time.time() self.pcb = ioloop_mod.PeriodicCallback(self.check_data_reveived, COMMAND_GRACE_TIME) self.pcb.start() def check_data_reveived(self, *args): if (time.time() - self.last_command_time > COMMAND_GRACE_TIME): self._setspeeds(0,0) def _setspeeds(self, m1speed, m2speed): <|fim_middle|> @zmqdecorators.method() def setspeeds(self, resp, m1speed, m2speed): self.last_command_time = time.time() #print("Got speeds %s,%s" % (m1speed, m2speed)) self._setspeeds(m1speed, m2speed) # TODO: actually handle ACK/NACK somehow (we need to read it from the serialport but we can't block while waiting for it...) resp.send("ACK") def handle_serial_event(self, fd, events): # Copied from arbus that was thread based if not self.serial_port.inWaiting(): # Don't try to read if there is no data, instead sleep (yield) a bit time.sleep(0) return data = if len(data) == 0: return #print("DEBUG: data=%s" % data) # Put the data into inpit buffer and check for CRLF self.input_buffer += data # Trim prefix NULLs and linebreaks self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer.lstrip(chr(0x0) + "\r\n") #print "input_buffer=%s" % repr(self.input_buffer) if ( len(self.input_buffer) > 1 and self.input_buffer[-2:] == "\r\n"): # Got a message, parse it (sans the CRLF) and empty the buffer self.message_received(self.input_buffer[:-2]) self.input_buffer = "" def message_received(self, message): #print("DEBUG: msg=%s" % message) try: # Currently we have no incoming messages from this board pass except Exception as e: print "message_received exception: Got exception %s" % repr(e) # Ignore indexerrors, they just mean we could not parse the command pass pass def cleanup(self): print("Cleanup called") self._setspeeds(0,0) def run(self): print("Starting motorserver") super(motorserver, self).run() if __name__ == "__main__": import serial import sys,os port = serial.Serial(sys.argv[1], 115200, xonxoff=False, timeout=0.01) instance = motorserver(SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_PORT, port) <|fim▁end|>
self.serial_port.write("S%04X%04X\n" % ((m1speed & 0xffff), (m2speed & 0xffff)))
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import zmq from zmq.eventloop import ioloop as ioloop_mod import zmqdecorators import time SERVICE_NAME = "urpobot.motor" SERVICE_PORT = 7575 SIGNALS_PORT = 7576 # How long to wait for new commands before stopping automatically COMMAND_GRACE_TIME = 0.250 class motorserver(zmqdecorators.service): def __init__(self, service_name, service_port, serialport): super(motorserver, self).__init__(service_name, service_port) self.serial_port = serialport self.input_buffer = "" self.evthandler = ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().add_handler(self.serial_port.fileno(), self.handle_serial_event, ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().READ) self.last_command_time = time.time() self.pcb = ioloop_mod.PeriodicCallback(self.check_data_reveived, COMMAND_GRACE_TIME) self.pcb.start() def check_data_reveived(self, *args): if (time.time() - self.last_command_time > COMMAND_GRACE_TIME): self._setspeeds(0,0) def _setspeeds(self, m1speed, m2speed): self.serial_port.write("S%04X%04X\n" % ((m1speed & 0xffff), (m2speed & 0xffff))) @zmqdecorators.method() def setspeeds(self, resp, m1speed, m2speed): <|fim_middle|> def handle_serial_event(self, fd, events): # Copied from arbus that was thread based if not self.serial_port.inWaiting(): # Don't try to read if there is no data, instead sleep (yield) a bit time.sleep(0) return data = if len(data) == 0: return #print("DEBUG: data=%s" % data) # Put the data into inpit buffer and check for CRLF self.input_buffer += data # Trim prefix NULLs and linebreaks self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer.lstrip(chr(0x0) + "\r\n") #print "input_buffer=%s" % repr(self.input_buffer) if ( len(self.input_buffer) > 1 and self.input_buffer[-2:] == "\r\n"): # Got a message, parse it (sans the CRLF) and empty the buffer self.message_received(self.input_buffer[:-2]) self.input_buffer = "" def message_received(self, message): #print("DEBUG: msg=%s" % message) try: # Currently we have no incoming messages from this board pass except Exception as e: print "message_received exception: Got exception %s" % repr(e) # Ignore indexerrors, they just mean we could not parse the command pass pass def cleanup(self): print("Cleanup called") self._setspeeds(0,0) def run(self): print("Starting motorserver") super(motorserver, self).run() if __name__ == "__main__": import serial import sys,os port = serial.Serial(sys.argv[1], 115200, xonxoff=False, timeout=0.01) instance = motorserver(SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_PORT, port) <|fim▁end|>
self.last_command_time = time.time() #print("Got speeds %s,%s" % (m1speed, m2speed)) self._setspeeds(m1speed, m2speed) # TODO: actually handle ACK/NACK somehow (we need to read it from the serialport but we can't block while waiting for it...) resp.send("ACK")
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import zmq from zmq.eventloop import ioloop as ioloop_mod import zmqdecorators import time SERVICE_NAME = "urpobot.motor" SERVICE_PORT = 7575 SIGNALS_PORT = 7576 # How long to wait for new commands before stopping automatically COMMAND_GRACE_TIME = 0.250 class motorserver(zmqdecorators.service): def __init__(self, service_name, service_port, serialport): super(motorserver, self).__init__(service_name, service_port) self.serial_port = serialport self.input_buffer = "" self.evthandler = ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().add_handler(self.serial_port.fileno(), self.handle_serial_event, ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().READ) self.last_command_time = time.time() self.pcb = ioloop_mod.PeriodicCallback(self.check_data_reveived, COMMAND_GRACE_TIME) self.pcb.start() def check_data_reveived(self, *args): if (time.time() - self.last_command_time > COMMAND_GRACE_TIME): self._setspeeds(0,0) def _setspeeds(self, m1speed, m2speed): self.serial_port.write("S%04X%04X\n" % ((m1speed & 0xffff), (m2speed & 0xffff))) @zmqdecorators.method() def setspeeds(self, resp, m1speed, m2speed): self.last_command_time = time.time() #print("Got speeds %s,%s" % (m1speed, m2speed)) self._setspeeds(m1speed, m2speed) # TODO: actually handle ACK/NACK somehow (we need to read it from the serialport but we can't block while waiting for it...) resp.send("ACK") def handle_serial_event(self, fd, events): # Copied from arbus that was thread based <|fim_middle|> def message_received(self, message): #print("DEBUG: msg=%s" % message) try: # Currently we have no incoming messages from this board pass except Exception as e: print "message_received exception: Got exception %s" % repr(e) # Ignore indexerrors, they just mean we could not parse the command pass pass def cleanup(self): print("Cleanup called") self._setspeeds(0,0) def run(self): print("Starting motorserver") super(motorserver, self).run() if __name__ == "__main__": import serial import sys,os port = serial.Serial(sys.argv[1], 115200, xonxoff=False, timeout=0.01) instance = motorserver(SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_PORT, port) <|fim▁end|>
if not self.serial_port.inWaiting(): # Don't try to read if there is no data, instead sleep (yield) a bit time.sleep(0) return data = if len(data) == 0: return #print("DEBUG: data=%s" % data) # Put the data into inpit buffer and check for CRLF self.input_buffer += data # Trim prefix NULLs and linebreaks self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer.lstrip(chr(0x0) + "\r\n") #print "input_buffer=%s" % repr(self.input_buffer) if ( len(self.input_buffer) > 1 and self.input_buffer[-2:] == "\r\n"): # Got a message, parse it (sans the CRLF) and empty the buffer self.message_received(self.input_buffer[:-2]) self.input_buffer = ""
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import zmq from zmq.eventloop import ioloop as ioloop_mod import zmqdecorators import time SERVICE_NAME = "urpobot.motor" SERVICE_PORT = 7575 SIGNALS_PORT = 7576 # How long to wait for new commands before stopping automatically COMMAND_GRACE_TIME = 0.250 class motorserver(zmqdecorators.service): def __init__(self, service_name, service_port, serialport): super(motorserver, self).__init__(service_name, service_port) self.serial_port = serialport self.input_buffer = "" self.evthandler = ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().add_handler(self.serial_port.fileno(), self.handle_serial_event, ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().READ) self.last_command_time = time.time() self.pcb = ioloop_mod.PeriodicCallback(self.check_data_reveived, COMMAND_GRACE_TIME) self.pcb.start() def check_data_reveived(self, *args): if (time.time() - self.last_command_time > COMMAND_GRACE_TIME): self._setspeeds(0,0) def _setspeeds(self, m1speed, m2speed): self.serial_port.write("S%04X%04X\n" % ((m1speed & 0xffff), (m2speed & 0xffff))) @zmqdecorators.method() def setspeeds(self, resp, m1speed, m2speed): self.last_command_time = time.time() #print("Got speeds %s,%s" % (m1speed, m2speed)) self._setspeeds(m1speed, m2speed) # TODO: actually handle ACK/NACK somehow (we need to read it from the serialport but we can't block while waiting for it...) resp.send("ACK") def handle_serial_event(self, fd, events): # Copied from arbus that was thread based if not self.serial_port.inWaiting(): # Don't try to read if there is no data, instead sleep (yield) a bit time.sleep(0) return data = if len(data) == 0: return #print("DEBUG: data=%s" % data) # Put the data into inpit buffer and check for CRLF self.input_buffer += data # Trim prefix NULLs and linebreaks self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer.lstrip(chr(0x0) + "\r\n") #print "input_buffer=%s" % repr(self.input_buffer) if ( len(self.input_buffer) > 1 and self.input_buffer[-2:] == "\r\n"): # Got a message, parse it (sans the CRLF) and empty the buffer self.message_received(self.input_buffer[:-2]) self.input_buffer = "" def message_received(self, message): #print("DEBUG: msg=%s" % message) <|fim_middle|> def cleanup(self): print("Cleanup called") self._setspeeds(0,0) def run(self): print("Starting motorserver") super(motorserver, self).run() if __name__ == "__main__": import serial import sys,os port = serial.Serial(sys.argv[1], 115200, xonxoff=False, timeout=0.01) instance = motorserver(SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_PORT, port) <|fim▁end|>
try: # Currently we have no incoming messages from this board pass except Exception as e: print "message_received exception: Got exception %s" % repr(e) # Ignore indexerrors, they just mean we could not parse the command pass pass
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import zmq from zmq.eventloop import ioloop as ioloop_mod import zmqdecorators import time SERVICE_NAME = "urpobot.motor" SERVICE_PORT = 7575 SIGNALS_PORT = 7576 # How long to wait for new commands before stopping automatically COMMAND_GRACE_TIME = 0.250 class motorserver(zmqdecorators.service): def __init__(self, service_name, service_port, serialport): super(motorserver, self).__init__(service_name, service_port) self.serial_port = serialport self.input_buffer = "" self.evthandler = ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().add_handler(self.serial_port.fileno(), self.handle_serial_event, ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().READ) self.last_command_time = time.time() self.pcb = ioloop_mod.PeriodicCallback(self.check_data_reveived, COMMAND_GRACE_TIME) self.pcb.start() def check_data_reveived(self, *args): if (time.time() - self.last_command_time > COMMAND_GRACE_TIME): self._setspeeds(0,0) def _setspeeds(self, m1speed, m2speed): self.serial_port.write("S%04X%04X\n" % ((m1speed & 0xffff), (m2speed & 0xffff))) @zmqdecorators.method() def setspeeds(self, resp, m1speed, m2speed): self.last_command_time = time.time() #print("Got speeds %s,%s" % (m1speed, m2speed)) self._setspeeds(m1speed, m2speed) # TODO: actually handle ACK/NACK somehow (we need to read it from the serialport but we can't block while waiting for it...) resp.send("ACK") def handle_serial_event(self, fd, events): # Copied from arbus that was thread based if not self.serial_port.inWaiting(): # Don't try to read if there is no data, instead sleep (yield) a bit time.sleep(0) return data = if len(data) == 0: return #print("DEBUG: data=%s" % data) # Put the data into inpit buffer and check for CRLF self.input_buffer += data # Trim prefix NULLs and linebreaks self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer.lstrip(chr(0x0) + "\r\n") #print "input_buffer=%s" % repr(self.input_buffer) if ( len(self.input_buffer) > 1 and self.input_buffer[-2:] == "\r\n"): # Got a message, parse it (sans the CRLF) and empty the buffer self.message_received(self.input_buffer[:-2]) self.input_buffer = "" def message_received(self, message): #print("DEBUG: msg=%s" % message) try: # Currently we have no incoming messages from this board pass except Exception as e: print "message_received exception: Got exception %s" % repr(e) # Ignore indexerrors, they just mean we could not parse the command pass pass def cleanup(self): <|fim_middle|> def run(self): print("Starting motorserver") super(motorserver, self).run() if __name__ == "__main__": import serial import sys,os port = serial.Serial(sys.argv[1], 115200, xonxoff=False, timeout=0.01) instance = motorserver(SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_PORT, port) <|fim▁end|>
print("Cleanup called") self._setspeeds(0,0)
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import zmq from zmq.eventloop import ioloop as ioloop_mod import zmqdecorators import time SERVICE_NAME = "urpobot.motor" SERVICE_PORT = 7575 SIGNALS_PORT = 7576 # How long to wait for new commands before stopping automatically COMMAND_GRACE_TIME = 0.250 class motorserver(zmqdecorators.service): def __init__(self, service_name, service_port, serialport): super(motorserver, self).__init__(service_name, service_port) self.serial_port = serialport self.input_buffer = "" self.evthandler = ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().add_handler(self.serial_port.fileno(), self.handle_serial_event, ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().READ) self.last_command_time = time.time() self.pcb = ioloop_mod.PeriodicCallback(self.check_data_reveived, COMMAND_GRACE_TIME) self.pcb.start() def check_data_reveived(self, *args): if (time.time() - self.last_command_time > COMMAND_GRACE_TIME): self._setspeeds(0,0) def _setspeeds(self, m1speed, m2speed): self.serial_port.write("S%04X%04X\n" % ((m1speed & 0xffff), (m2speed & 0xffff))) @zmqdecorators.method() def setspeeds(self, resp, m1speed, m2speed): self.last_command_time = time.time() #print("Got speeds %s,%s" % (m1speed, m2speed)) self._setspeeds(m1speed, m2speed) # TODO: actually handle ACK/NACK somehow (we need to read it from the serialport but we can't block while waiting for it...) resp.send("ACK") def handle_serial_event(self, fd, events): # Copied from arbus that was thread based if not self.serial_port.inWaiting(): # Don't try to read if there is no data, instead sleep (yield) a bit time.sleep(0) return data = if len(data) == 0: return #print("DEBUG: data=%s" % data) # Put the data into inpit buffer and check for CRLF self.input_buffer += data # Trim prefix NULLs and linebreaks self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer.lstrip(chr(0x0) + "\r\n") #print "input_buffer=%s" % repr(self.input_buffer) if ( len(self.input_buffer) > 1 and self.input_buffer[-2:] == "\r\n"): # Got a message, parse it (sans the CRLF) and empty the buffer self.message_received(self.input_buffer[:-2]) self.input_buffer = "" def message_received(self, message): #print("DEBUG: msg=%s" % message) try: # Currently we have no incoming messages from this board pass except Exception as e: print "message_received exception: Got exception %s" % repr(e) # Ignore indexerrors, they just mean we could not parse the command pass pass def cleanup(self): print("Cleanup called") self._setspeeds(0,0) def run(self): <|fim_middle|> if __name__ == "__main__": import serial import sys,os port = serial.Serial(sys.argv[1], 115200, xonxoff=False, timeout=0.01) instance = motorserver(SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_PORT, port) <|fim▁end|>
print("Starting motorserver") super(motorserver, self).run()
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import zmq from zmq.eventloop import ioloop as ioloop_mod import zmqdecorators import time SERVICE_NAME = "urpobot.motor" SERVICE_PORT = 7575 SIGNALS_PORT = 7576 # How long to wait for new commands before stopping automatically COMMAND_GRACE_TIME = 0.250 class motorserver(zmqdecorators.service): def __init__(self, service_name, service_port, serialport): super(motorserver, self).__init__(service_name, service_port) self.serial_port = serialport self.input_buffer = "" self.evthandler = ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().add_handler(self.serial_port.fileno(), self.handle_serial_event, ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().READ) self.last_command_time = time.time() self.pcb = ioloop_mod.PeriodicCallback(self.check_data_reveived, COMMAND_GRACE_TIME) self.pcb.start() def check_data_reveived(self, *args): if (time.time() - self.last_command_time > COMMAND_GRACE_TIME): <|fim_middle|> def _setspeeds(self, m1speed, m2speed): self.serial_port.write("S%04X%04X\n" % ((m1speed & 0xffff), (m2speed & 0xffff))) @zmqdecorators.method() def setspeeds(self, resp, m1speed, m2speed): self.last_command_time = time.time() #print("Got speeds %s,%s" % (m1speed, m2speed)) self._setspeeds(m1speed, m2speed) # TODO: actually handle ACK/NACK somehow (we need to read it from the serialport but we can't block while waiting for it...) resp.send("ACK") def handle_serial_event(self, fd, events): # Copied from arbus that was thread based if not self.serial_port.inWaiting(): # Don't try to read if there is no data, instead sleep (yield) a bit time.sleep(0) return data = if len(data) == 0: return #print("DEBUG: data=%s" % data) # Put the data into inpit buffer and check for CRLF self.input_buffer += data # Trim prefix NULLs and linebreaks self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer.lstrip(chr(0x0) + "\r\n") #print "input_buffer=%s" % repr(self.input_buffer) if ( len(self.input_buffer) > 1 and self.input_buffer[-2:] == "\r\n"): # Got a message, parse it (sans the CRLF) and empty the buffer self.message_received(self.input_buffer[:-2]) self.input_buffer = "" def message_received(self, message): #print("DEBUG: msg=%s" % message) try: # Currently we have no incoming messages from this board pass except Exception as e: print "message_received exception: Got exception %s" % repr(e) # Ignore indexerrors, they just mean we could not parse the command pass pass def cleanup(self): print("Cleanup called") self._setspeeds(0,0) def run(self): print("Starting motorserver") super(motorserver, self).run() if __name__ == "__main__": import serial import sys,os port = serial.Serial(sys.argv[1], 115200, xonxoff=False, timeout=0.01) instance = motorserver(SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_PORT, port) <|fim▁end|>
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import zmq from zmq.eventloop import ioloop as ioloop_mod import zmqdecorators import time SERVICE_NAME = "urpobot.motor" SERVICE_PORT = 7575 SIGNALS_PORT = 7576 # How long to wait for new commands before stopping automatically COMMAND_GRACE_TIME = 0.250 class motorserver(zmqdecorators.service): def __init__(self, service_name, service_port, serialport): super(motorserver, self).__init__(service_name, service_port) self.serial_port = serialport self.input_buffer = "" self.evthandler = ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().add_handler(self.serial_port.fileno(), self.handle_serial_event, ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().READ) self.last_command_time = time.time() self.pcb = ioloop_mod.PeriodicCallback(self.check_data_reveived, COMMAND_GRACE_TIME) self.pcb.start() def check_data_reveived(self, *args): if (time.time() - self.last_command_time > COMMAND_GRACE_TIME): self._setspeeds(0,0) def _setspeeds(self, m1speed, m2speed): self.serial_port.write("S%04X%04X\n" % ((m1speed & 0xffff), (m2speed & 0xffff))) @zmqdecorators.method() def setspeeds(self, resp, m1speed, m2speed): self.last_command_time = time.time() #print("Got speeds %s,%s" % (m1speed, m2speed)) self._setspeeds(m1speed, m2speed) # TODO: actually handle ACK/NACK somehow (we need to read it from the serialport but we can't block while waiting for it...) resp.send("ACK") def handle_serial_event(self, fd, events): # Copied from arbus that was thread based if not self.serial_port.inWaiting(): # Don't try to read if there is no data, instead sleep (yield) a bit <|fim_middle|> data = if len(data) == 0: return #print("DEBUG: data=%s" % data) # Put the data into inpit buffer and check for CRLF self.input_buffer += data # Trim prefix NULLs and linebreaks self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer.lstrip(chr(0x0) + "\r\n") #print "input_buffer=%s" % repr(self.input_buffer) if ( len(self.input_buffer) > 1 and self.input_buffer[-2:] == "\r\n"): # Got a message, parse it (sans the CRLF) and empty the buffer self.message_received(self.input_buffer[:-2]) self.input_buffer = "" def message_received(self, message): #print("DEBUG: msg=%s" % message) try: # Currently we have no incoming messages from this board pass except Exception as e: print "message_received exception: Got exception %s" % repr(e) # Ignore indexerrors, they just mean we could not parse the command pass pass def cleanup(self): print("Cleanup called") self._setspeeds(0,0) def run(self): print("Starting motorserver") super(motorserver, self).run() if __name__ == "__main__": import serial import sys,os port = serial.Serial(sys.argv[1], 115200, xonxoff=False, timeout=0.01) instance = motorserver(SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_PORT, port) <|fim▁end|>
time.sleep(0) return
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import zmq from zmq.eventloop import ioloop as ioloop_mod import zmqdecorators import time SERVICE_NAME = "urpobot.motor" SERVICE_PORT = 7575 SIGNALS_PORT = 7576 # How long to wait for new commands before stopping automatically COMMAND_GRACE_TIME = 0.250 class motorserver(zmqdecorators.service): def __init__(self, service_name, service_port, serialport): super(motorserver, self).__init__(service_name, service_port) self.serial_port = serialport self.input_buffer = "" self.evthandler = ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().add_handler(self.serial_port.fileno(), self.handle_serial_event, ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().READ) self.last_command_time = time.time() self.pcb = ioloop_mod.PeriodicCallback(self.check_data_reveived, COMMAND_GRACE_TIME) self.pcb.start() def check_data_reveived(self, *args): if (time.time() - self.last_command_time > COMMAND_GRACE_TIME): self._setspeeds(0,0) def _setspeeds(self, m1speed, m2speed): self.serial_port.write("S%04X%04X\n" % ((m1speed & 0xffff), (m2speed & 0xffff))) @zmqdecorators.method() def setspeeds(self, resp, m1speed, m2speed): self.last_command_time = time.time() #print("Got speeds %s,%s" % (m1speed, m2speed)) self._setspeeds(m1speed, m2speed) # TODO: actually handle ACK/NACK somehow (we need to read it from the serialport but we can't block while waiting for it...) resp.send("ACK") def handle_serial_event(self, fd, events): # Copied from arbus that was thread based if not self.serial_port.inWaiting(): # Don't try to read if there is no data, instead sleep (yield) a bit time.sleep(0) return data = if len(data) == 0: <|fim_middle|> #print("DEBUG: data=%s" % data) # Put the data into inpit buffer and check for CRLF self.input_buffer += data # Trim prefix NULLs and linebreaks self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer.lstrip(chr(0x0) + "\r\n") #print "input_buffer=%s" % repr(self.input_buffer) if ( len(self.input_buffer) > 1 and self.input_buffer[-2:] == "\r\n"): # Got a message, parse it (sans the CRLF) and empty the buffer self.message_received(self.input_buffer[:-2]) self.input_buffer = "" def message_received(self, message): #print("DEBUG: msg=%s" % message) try: # Currently we have no incoming messages from this board pass except Exception as e: print "message_received exception: Got exception %s" % repr(e) # Ignore indexerrors, they just mean we could not parse the command pass pass def cleanup(self): print("Cleanup called") self._setspeeds(0,0) def run(self): print("Starting motorserver") super(motorserver, self).run() if __name__ == "__main__": import serial import sys,os port = serial.Serial(sys.argv[1], 115200, xonxoff=False, timeout=0.01) instance = motorserver(SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_PORT, port) <|fim▁end|>
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import zmq from zmq.eventloop import ioloop as ioloop_mod import zmqdecorators import time SERVICE_NAME = "urpobot.motor" SERVICE_PORT = 7575 SIGNALS_PORT = 7576 # How long to wait for new commands before stopping automatically COMMAND_GRACE_TIME = 0.250 class motorserver(zmqdecorators.service): def __init__(self, service_name, service_port, serialport): super(motorserver, self).__init__(service_name, service_port) self.serial_port = serialport self.input_buffer = "" self.evthandler = ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().add_handler(self.serial_port.fileno(), self.handle_serial_event, ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().READ) self.last_command_time = time.time() self.pcb = ioloop_mod.PeriodicCallback(self.check_data_reveived, COMMAND_GRACE_TIME) self.pcb.start() def check_data_reveived(self, *args): if (time.time() - self.last_command_time > COMMAND_GRACE_TIME): self._setspeeds(0,0) def _setspeeds(self, m1speed, m2speed): self.serial_port.write("S%04X%04X\n" % ((m1speed & 0xffff), (m2speed & 0xffff))) @zmqdecorators.method() def setspeeds(self, resp, m1speed, m2speed): self.last_command_time = time.time() #print("Got speeds %s,%s" % (m1speed, m2speed)) self._setspeeds(m1speed, m2speed) # TODO: actually handle ACK/NACK somehow (we need to read it from the serialport but we can't block while waiting for it...) resp.send("ACK") def handle_serial_event(self, fd, events): # Copied from arbus that was thread based if not self.serial_port.inWaiting(): # Don't try to read if there is no data, instead sleep (yield) a bit time.sleep(0) return data = if len(data) == 0: return #print("DEBUG: data=%s" % data) # Put the data into inpit buffer and check for CRLF self.input_buffer += data # Trim prefix NULLs and linebreaks self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer.lstrip(chr(0x0) + "\r\n") #print "input_buffer=%s" % repr(self.input_buffer) if ( len(self.input_buffer) > 1 and self.input_buffer[-2:] == "\r\n"): # Got a message, parse it (sans the CRLF) and empty the buffer <|fim_middle|> def message_received(self, message): #print("DEBUG: msg=%s" % message) try: # Currently we have no incoming messages from this board pass except Exception as e: print "message_received exception: Got exception %s" % repr(e) # Ignore indexerrors, they just mean we could not parse the command pass pass def cleanup(self): print("Cleanup called") self._setspeeds(0,0) def run(self): print("Starting motorserver") super(motorserver, self).run() if __name__ == "__main__": import serial import sys,os port = serial.Serial(sys.argv[1], 115200, xonxoff=False, timeout=0.01) instance = motorserver(SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_PORT, port) <|fim▁end|>
self.message_received(self.input_buffer[:-2]) self.input_buffer = ""
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import zmq from zmq.eventloop import ioloop as ioloop_mod import zmqdecorators import time SERVICE_NAME = "urpobot.motor" SERVICE_PORT = 7575 SIGNALS_PORT = 7576 # How long to wait for new commands before stopping automatically COMMAND_GRACE_TIME = 0.250 class motorserver(zmqdecorators.service): def __init__(self, service_name, service_port, serialport): super(motorserver, self).__init__(service_name, service_port) self.serial_port = serialport self.input_buffer = "" self.evthandler = ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().add_handler(self.serial_port.fileno(), self.handle_serial_event, ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().READ) self.last_command_time = time.time() self.pcb = ioloop_mod.PeriodicCallback(self.check_data_reveived, COMMAND_GRACE_TIME) self.pcb.start() def check_data_reveived(self, *args): if (time.time() - self.last_command_time > COMMAND_GRACE_TIME): self._setspeeds(0,0) def _setspeeds(self, m1speed, m2speed): self.serial_port.write("S%04X%04X\n" % ((m1speed & 0xffff), (m2speed & 0xffff))) @zmqdecorators.method() def setspeeds(self, resp, m1speed, m2speed): self.last_command_time = time.time() #print("Got speeds %s,%s" % (m1speed, m2speed)) self._setspeeds(m1speed, m2speed) # TODO: actually handle ACK/NACK somehow (we need to read it from the serialport but we can't block while waiting for it...) resp.send("ACK") def handle_serial_event(self, fd, events): # Copied from arbus that was thread based if not self.serial_port.inWaiting(): # Don't try to read if there is no data, instead sleep (yield) a bit time.sleep(0) return data = if len(data) == 0: return #print("DEBUG: data=%s" % data) # Put the data into inpit buffer and check for CRLF self.input_buffer += data # Trim prefix NULLs and linebreaks self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer.lstrip(chr(0x0) + "\r\n") #print "input_buffer=%s" % repr(self.input_buffer) if ( len(self.input_buffer) > 1 and self.input_buffer[-2:] == "\r\n"): # Got a message, parse it (sans the CRLF) and empty the buffer self.message_received(self.input_buffer[:-2]) self.input_buffer = "" def message_received(self, message): #print("DEBUG: msg=%s" % message) try: # Currently we have no incoming messages from this board pass except Exception as e: print "message_received exception: Got exception %s" % repr(e) # Ignore indexerrors, they just mean we could not parse the command pass pass def cleanup(self): print("Cleanup called") self._setspeeds(0,0) def run(self): print("Starting motorserver") super(motorserver, self).run() if __name__ == "__main__": <|fim_middle|> <|fim▁end|>
import serial import sys,os port = serial.Serial(sys.argv[1], 115200, xonxoff=False, timeout=0.01) instance = motorserver(SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_PORT, port)
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import zmq from zmq.eventloop import ioloop as ioloop_mod import zmqdecorators import time SERVICE_NAME = "urpobot.motor" SERVICE_PORT = 7575 SIGNALS_PORT = 7576 # How long to wait for new commands before stopping automatically COMMAND_GRACE_TIME = 0.250 class motorserver(zmqdecorators.service): def <|fim_middle|>(self, service_name, service_port, serialport): super(motorserver, self).__init__(service_name, service_port) self.serial_port = serialport self.input_buffer = "" self.evthandler = ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().add_handler(self.serial_port.fileno(), self.handle_serial_event, ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().READ) self.last_command_time = time.time() self.pcb = ioloop_mod.PeriodicCallback(self.check_data_reveived, COMMAND_GRACE_TIME) self.pcb.start() def check_data_reveived(self, *args): if (time.time() - self.last_command_time > COMMAND_GRACE_TIME): self._setspeeds(0,0) def _setspeeds(self, m1speed, m2speed): self.serial_port.write("S%04X%04X\n" % ((m1speed & 0xffff), (m2speed & 0xffff))) @zmqdecorators.method() def setspeeds(self, resp, m1speed, m2speed): self.last_command_time = time.time() #print("Got speeds %s,%s" % (m1speed, m2speed)) self._setspeeds(m1speed, m2speed) # TODO: actually handle ACK/NACK somehow (we need to read it from the serialport but we can't block while waiting for it...) resp.send("ACK") def handle_serial_event(self, fd, events): # Copied from arbus that was thread based if not self.serial_port.inWaiting(): # Don't try to read if there is no data, instead sleep (yield) a bit time.sleep(0) return data = if len(data) == 0: return #print("DEBUG: data=%s" % data) # Put the data into inpit buffer and check for CRLF self.input_buffer += data # Trim prefix NULLs and linebreaks self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer.lstrip(chr(0x0) + "\r\n") #print "input_buffer=%s" % repr(self.input_buffer) if ( len(self.input_buffer) > 1 and self.input_buffer[-2:] == "\r\n"): # Got a message, parse it (sans the CRLF) and empty the buffer self.message_received(self.input_buffer[:-2]) self.input_buffer = "" def message_received(self, message): #print("DEBUG: msg=%s" % message) try: # Currently we have no incoming messages from this board pass except Exception as e: print "message_received exception: Got exception %s" % repr(e) # Ignore indexerrors, they just mean we could not parse the command pass pass def cleanup(self): print("Cleanup called") self._setspeeds(0,0) def run(self): print("Starting motorserver") super(motorserver, self).run() if __name__ == "__main__": import serial import sys,os port = serial.Serial(sys.argv[1], 115200, xonxoff=False, timeout=0.01) instance = motorserver(SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_PORT, port) <|fim▁end|>
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import zmq from zmq.eventloop import ioloop as ioloop_mod import zmqdecorators import time SERVICE_NAME = "urpobot.motor" SERVICE_PORT = 7575 SIGNALS_PORT = 7576 # How long to wait for new commands before stopping automatically COMMAND_GRACE_TIME = 0.250 class motorserver(zmqdecorators.service): def __init__(self, service_name, service_port, serialport): super(motorserver, self).__init__(service_name, service_port) self.serial_port = serialport self.input_buffer = "" self.evthandler = ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().add_handler(self.serial_port.fileno(), self.handle_serial_event, ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().READ) self.last_command_time = time.time() self.pcb = ioloop_mod.PeriodicCallback(self.check_data_reveived, COMMAND_GRACE_TIME) self.pcb.start() def <|fim_middle|>(self, *args): if (time.time() - self.last_command_time > COMMAND_GRACE_TIME): self._setspeeds(0,0) def _setspeeds(self, m1speed, m2speed): self.serial_port.write("S%04X%04X\n" % ((m1speed & 0xffff), (m2speed & 0xffff))) @zmqdecorators.method() def setspeeds(self, resp, m1speed, m2speed): self.last_command_time = time.time() #print("Got speeds %s,%s" % (m1speed, m2speed)) self._setspeeds(m1speed, m2speed) # TODO: actually handle ACK/NACK somehow (we need to read it from the serialport but we can't block while waiting for it...) resp.send("ACK") def handle_serial_event(self, fd, events): # Copied from arbus that was thread based if not self.serial_port.inWaiting(): # Don't try to read if there is no data, instead sleep (yield) a bit time.sleep(0) return data = if len(data) == 0: return #print("DEBUG: data=%s" % data) # Put the data into inpit buffer and check for CRLF self.input_buffer += data # Trim prefix NULLs and linebreaks self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer.lstrip(chr(0x0) + "\r\n") #print "input_buffer=%s" % repr(self.input_buffer) if ( len(self.input_buffer) > 1 and self.input_buffer[-2:] == "\r\n"): # Got a message, parse it (sans the CRLF) and empty the buffer self.message_received(self.input_buffer[:-2]) self.input_buffer = "" def message_received(self, message): #print("DEBUG: msg=%s" % message) try: # Currently we have no incoming messages from this board pass except Exception as e: print "message_received exception: Got exception %s" % repr(e) # Ignore indexerrors, they just mean we could not parse the command pass pass def cleanup(self): print("Cleanup called") self._setspeeds(0,0) def run(self): print("Starting motorserver") super(motorserver, self).run() if __name__ == "__main__": import serial import sys,os port = serial.Serial(sys.argv[1], 115200, xonxoff=False, timeout=0.01) instance = motorserver(SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_PORT, port) <|fim▁end|>
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import zmq from zmq.eventloop import ioloop as ioloop_mod import zmqdecorators import time SERVICE_NAME = "urpobot.motor" SERVICE_PORT = 7575 SIGNALS_PORT = 7576 # How long to wait for new commands before stopping automatically COMMAND_GRACE_TIME = 0.250 class motorserver(zmqdecorators.service): def __init__(self, service_name, service_port, serialport): super(motorserver, self).__init__(service_name, service_port) self.serial_port = serialport self.input_buffer = "" self.evthandler = ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().add_handler(self.serial_port.fileno(), self.handle_serial_event, ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().READ) self.last_command_time = time.time() self.pcb = ioloop_mod.PeriodicCallback(self.check_data_reveived, COMMAND_GRACE_TIME) self.pcb.start() def check_data_reveived(self, *args): if (time.time() - self.last_command_time > COMMAND_GRACE_TIME): self._setspeeds(0,0) def <|fim_middle|>(self, m1speed, m2speed): self.serial_port.write("S%04X%04X\n" % ((m1speed & 0xffff), (m2speed & 0xffff))) @zmqdecorators.method() def setspeeds(self, resp, m1speed, m2speed): self.last_command_time = time.time() #print("Got speeds %s,%s" % (m1speed, m2speed)) self._setspeeds(m1speed, m2speed) # TODO: actually handle ACK/NACK somehow (we need to read it from the serialport but we can't block while waiting for it...) resp.send("ACK") def handle_serial_event(self, fd, events): # Copied from arbus that was thread based if not self.serial_port.inWaiting(): # Don't try to read if there is no data, instead sleep (yield) a bit time.sleep(0) return data = if len(data) == 0: return #print("DEBUG: data=%s" % data) # Put the data into inpit buffer and check for CRLF self.input_buffer += data # Trim prefix NULLs and linebreaks self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer.lstrip(chr(0x0) + "\r\n") #print "input_buffer=%s" % repr(self.input_buffer) if ( len(self.input_buffer) > 1 and self.input_buffer[-2:] == "\r\n"): # Got a message, parse it (sans the CRLF) and empty the buffer self.message_received(self.input_buffer[:-2]) self.input_buffer = "" def message_received(self, message): #print("DEBUG: msg=%s" % message) try: # Currently we have no incoming messages from this board pass except Exception as e: print "message_received exception: Got exception %s" % repr(e) # Ignore indexerrors, they just mean we could not parse the command pass pass def cleanup(self): print("Cleanup called") self._setspeeds(0,0) def run(self): print("Starting motorserver") super(motorserver, self).run() if __name__ == "__main__": import serial import sys,os port = serial.Serial(sys.argv[1], 115200, xonxoff=False, timeout=0.01) instance = motorserver(SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_PORT, port) <|fim▁end|>
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import zmq from zmq.eventloop import ioloop as ioloop_mod import zmqdecorators import time SERVICE_NAME = "urpobot.motor" SERVICE_PORT = 7575 SIGNALS_PORT = 7576 # How long to wait for new commands before stopping automatically COMMAND_GRACE_TIME = 0.250 class motorserver(zmqdecorators.service): def __init__(self, service_name, service_port, serialport): super(motorserver, self).__init__(service_name, service_port) self.serial_port = serialport self.input_buffer = "" self.evthandler = ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().add_handler(self.serial_port.fileno(), self.handle_serial_event, ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().READ) self.last_command_time = time.time() self.pcb = ioloop_mod.PeriodicCallback(self.check_data_reveived, COMMAND_GRACE_TIME) self.pcb.start() def check_data_reveived(self, *args): if (time.time() - self.last_command_time > COMMAND_GRACE_TIME): self._setspeeds(0,0) def _setspeeds(self, m1speed, m2speed): self.serial_port.write("S%04X%04X\n" % ((m1speed & 0xffff), (m2speed & 0xffff))) @zmqdecorators.method() def <|fim_middle|>(self, resp, m1speed, m2speed): self.last_command_time = time.time() #print("Got speeds %s,%s" % (m1speed, m2speed)) self._setspeeds(m1speed, m2speed) # TODO: actually handle ACK/NACK somehow (we need to read it from the serialport but we can't block while waiting for it...) resp.send("ACK") def handle_serial_event(self, fd, events): # Copied from arbus that was thread based if not self.serial_port.inWaiting(): # Don't try to read if there is no data, instead sleep (yield) a bit time.sleep(0) return data = if len(data) == 0: return #print("DEBUG: data=%s" % data) # Put the data into inpit buffer and check for CRLF self.input_buffer += data # Trim prefix NULLs and linebreaks self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer.lstrip(chr(0x0) + "\r\n") #print "input_buffer=%s" % repr(self.input_buffer) if ( len(self.input_buffer) > 1 and self.input_buffer[-2:] == "\r\n"): # Got a message, parse it (sans the CRLF) and empty the buffer self.message_received(self.input_buffer[:-2]) self.input_buffer = "" def message_received(self, message): #print("DEBUG: msg=%s" % message) try: # Currently we have no incoming messages from this board pass except Exception as e: print "message_received exception: Got exception %s" % repr(e) # Ignore indexerrors, they just mean we could not parse the command pass pass def cleanup(self): print("Cleanup called") self._setspeeds(0,0) def run(self): print("Starting motorserver") super(motorserver, self).run() if __name__ == "__main__": import serial import sys,os port = serial.Serial(sys.argv[1], 115200, xonxoff=False, timeout=0.01) instance = motorserver(SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_PORT, port) <|fim▁end|>
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import zmq from zmq.eventloop import ioloop as ioloop_mod import zmqdecorators import time SERVICE_NAME = "urpobot.motor" SERVICE_PORT = 7575 SIGNALS_PORT = 7576 # How long to wait for new commands before stopping automatically COMMAND_GRACE_TIME = 0.250 class motorserver(zmqdecorators.service): def __init__(self, service_name, service_port, serialport): super(motorserver, self).__init__(service_name, service_port) self.serial_port = serialport self.input_buffer = "" self.evthandler = ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().add_handler(self.serial_port.fileno(), self.handle_serial_event, ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().READ) self.last_command_time = time.time() self.pcb = ioloop_mod.PeriodicCallback(self.check_data_reveived, COMMAND_GRACE_TIME) self.pcb.start() def check_data_reveived(self, *args): if (time.time() - self.last_command_time > COMMAND_GRACE_TIME): self._setspeeds(0,0) def _setspeeds(self, m1speed, m2speed): self.serial_port.write("S%04X%04X\n" % ((m1speed & 0xffff), (m2speed & 0xffff))) @zmqdecorators.method() def setspeeds(self, resp, m1speed, m2speed): self.last_command_time = time.time() #print("Got speeds %s,%s" % (m1speed, m2speed)) self._setspeeds(m1speed, m2speed) # TODO: actually handle ACK/NACK somehow (we need to read it from the serialport but we can't block while waiting for it...) resp.send("ACK") def <|fim_middle|>(self, fd, events): # Copied from arbus that was thread based if not self.serial_port.inWaiting(): # Don't try to read if there is no data, instead sleep (yield) a bit time.sleep(0) return data = if len(data) == 0: return #print("DEBUG: data=%s" % data) # Put the data into inpit buffer and check for CRLF self.input_buffer += data # Trim prefix NULLs and linebreaks self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer.lstrip(chr(0x0) + "\r\n") #print "input_buffer=%s" % repr(self.input_buffer) if ( len(self.input_buffer) > 1 and self.input_buffer[-2:] == "\r\n"): # Got a message, parse it (sans the CRLF) and empty the buffer self.message_received(self.input_buffer[:-2]) self.input_buffer = "" def message_received(self, message): #print("DEBUG: msg=%s" % message) try: # Currently we have no incoming messages from this board pass except Exception as e: print "message_received exception: Got exception %s" % repr(e) # Ignore indexerrors, they just mean we could not parse the command pass pass def cleanup(self): print("Cleanup called") self._setspeeds(0,0) def run(self): print("Starting motorserver") super(motorserver, self).run() if __name__ == "__main__": import serial import sys,os port = serial.Serial(sys.argv[1], 115200, xonxoff=False, timeout=0.01) instance = motorserver(SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_PORT, port) <|fim▁end|>
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import zmq from zmq.eventloop import ioloop as ioloop_mod import zmqdecorators import time SERVICE_NAME = "urpobot.motor" SERVICE_PORT = 7575 SIGNALS_PORT = 7576 # How long to wait for new commands before stopping automatically COMMAND_GRACE_TIME = 0.250 class motorserver(zmqdecorators.service): def __init__(self, service_name, service_port, serialport): super(motorserver, self).__init__(service_name, service_port) self.serial_port = serialport self.input_buffer = "" self.evthandler = ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().add_handler(self.serial_port.fileno(), self.handle_serial_event, ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().READ) self.last_command_time = time.time() self.pcb = ioloop_mod.PeriodicCallback(self.check_data_reveived, COMMAND_GRACE_TIME) self.pcb.start() def check_data_reveived(self, *args): if (time.time() - self.last_command_time > COMMAND_GRACE_TIME): self._setspeeds(0,0) def _setspeeds(self, m1speed, m2speed): self.serial_port.write("S%04X%04X\n" % ((m1speed & 0xffff), (m2speed & 0xffff))) @zmqdecorators.method() def setspeeds(self, resp, m1speed, m2speed): self.last_command_time = time.time() #print("Got speeds %s,%s" % (m1speed, m2speed)) self._setspeeds(m1speed, m2speed) # TODO: actually handle ACK/NACK somehow (we need to read it from the serialport but we can't block while waiting for it...) resp.send("ACK") def handle_serial_event(self, fd, events): # Copied from arbus that was thread based if not self.serial_port.inWaiting(): # Don't try to read if there is no data, instead sleep (yield) a bit time.sleep(0) return data = if len(data) == 0: return #print("DEBUG: data=%s" % data) # Put the data into inpit buffer and check for CRLF self.input_buffer += data # Trim prefix NULLs and linebreaks self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer.lstrip(chr(0x0) + "\r\n") #print "input_buffer=%s" % repr(self.input_buffer) if ( len(self.input_buffer) > 1 and self.input_buffer[-2:] == "\r\n"): # Got a message, parse it (sans the CRLF) and empty the buffer self.message_received(self.input_buffer[:-2]) self.input_buffer = "" def <|fim_middle|>(self, message): #print("DEBUG: msg=%s" % message) try: # Currently we have no incoming messages from this board pass except Exception as e: print "message_received exception: Got exception %s" % repr(e) # Ignore indexerrors, they just mean we could not parse the command pass pass def cleanup(self): print("Cleanup called") self._setspeeds(0,0) def run(self): print("Starting motorserver") super(motorserver, self).run() if __name__ == "__main__": import serial import sys,os port = serial.Serial(sys.argv[1], 115200, xonxoff=False, timeout=0.01) instance = motorserver(SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_PORT, port) <|fim▁end|>
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import zmq from zmq.eventloop import ioloop as ioloop_mod import zmqdecorators import time SERVICE_NAME = "urpobot.motor" SERVICE_PORT = 7575 SIGNALS_PORT = 7576 # How long to wait for new commands before stopping automatically COMMAND_GRACE_TIME = 0.250 class motorserver(zmqdecorators.service): def __init__(self, service_name, service_port, serialport): super(motorserver, self).__init__(service_name, service_port) self.serial_port = serialport self.input_buffer = "" self.evthandler = ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().add_handler(self.serial_port.fileno(), self.handle_serial_event, ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().READ) self.last_command_time = time.time() self.pcb = ioloop_mod.PeriodicCallback(self.check_data_reveived, COMMAND_GRACE_TIME) self.pcb.start() def check_data_reveived(self, *args): if (time.time() - self.last_command_time > COMMAND_GRACE_TIME): self._setspeeds(0,0) def _setspeeds(self, m1speed, m2speed): self.serial_port.write("S%04X%04X\n" % ((m1speed & 0xffff), (m2speed & 0xffff))) @zmqdecorators.method() def setspeeds(self, resp, m1speed, m2speed): self.last_command_time = time.time() #print("Got speeds %s,%s" % (m1speed, m2speed)) self._setspeeds(m1speed, m2speed) # TODO: actually handle ACK/NACK somehow (we need to read it from the serialport but we can't block while waiting for it...) resp.send("ACK") def handle_serial_event(self, fd, events): # Copied from arbus that was thread based if not self.serial_port.inWaiting(): # Don't try to read if there is no data, instead sleep (yield) a bit time.sleep(0) return data = if len(data) == 0: return #print("DEBUG: data=%s" % data) # Put the data into inpit buffer and check for CRLF self.input_buffer += data # Trim prefix NULLs and linebreaks self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer.lstrip(chr(0x0) + "\r\n") #print "input_buffer=%s" % repr(self.input_buffer) if ( len(self.input_buffer) > 1 and self.input_buffer[-2:] == "\r\n"): # Got a message, parse it (sans the CRLF) and empty the buffer self.message_received(self.input_buffer[:-2]) self.input_buffer = "" def message_received(self, message): #print("DEBUG: msg=%s" % message) try: # Currently we have no incoming messages from this board pass except Exception as e: print "message_received exception: Got exception %s" % repr(e) # Ignore indexerrors, they just mean we could not parse the command pass pass def <|fim_middle|>(self): print("Cleanup called") self._setspeeds(0,0) def run(self): print("Starting motorserver") super(motorserver, self).run() if __name__ == "__main__": import serial import sys,os port = serial.Serial(sys.argv[1], 115200, xonxoff=False, timeout=0.01) instance = motorserver(SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_PORT, port) <|fim▁end|>
<|file_name|><|end_file_name|><|fim▁begin|>#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import zmq from zmq.eventloop import ioloop as ioloop_mod import zmqdecorators import time SERVICE_NAME = "urpobot.motor" SERVICE_PORT = 7575 SIGNALS_PORT = 7576 # How long to wait for new commands before stopping automatically COMMAND_GRACE_TIME = 0.250 class motorserver(zmqdecorators.service): def __init__(self, service_name, service_port, serialport): super(motorserver, self).__init__(service_name, service_port) self.serial_port = serialport self.input_buffer = "" self.evthandler = ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().add_handler(self.serial_port.fileno(), self.handle_serial_event, ioloop_mod.IOLoop.instance().READ) self.last_command_time = time.time() self.pcb = ioloop_mod.PeriodicCallback(self.check_data_reveived, COMMAND_GRACE_TIME) self.pcb.start() def check_data_reveived(self, *args): if (time.time() - self.last_command_time > COMMAND_GRACE_TIME): self._setspeeds(0,0) def _setspeeds(self, m1speed, m2speed): self.serial_port.write("S%04X%04X\n" % ((m1speed & 0xffff), (m2speed & 0xffff))) @zmqdecorators.method() def setspeeds(self, resp, m1speed, m2speed): self.last_command_time = time.time() #print("Got speeds %s,%s" % (m1speed, m2speed)) self._setspeeds(m1speed, m2speed) # TODO: actually handle ACK/NACK somehow (we need to read it from the serialport but we can't block while waiting for it...) resp.send("ACK") def handle_serial_event(self, fd, events): # Copied from arbus that was thread based if not self.serial_port.inWaiting(): # Don't try to read if there is no data, instead sleep (yield) a bit time.sleep(0) return data = if len(data) == 0: return #print("DEBUG: data=%s" % data) # Put the data into inpit buffer and check for CRLF self.input_buffer += data # Trim prefix NULLs and linebreaks self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer.lstrip(chr(0x0) + "\r\n") #print "input_buffer=%s" % repr(self.input_buffer) if ( len(self.input_buffer) > 1 and self.input_buffer[-2:] == "\r\n"): # Got a message, parse it (sans the CRLF) and empty the buffer self.message_received(self.input_buffer[:-2]) self.input_buffer = "" def message_received(self, message): #print("DEBUG: msg=%s" % message) try: # Currently we have no incoming messages from this board pass except Exception as e: print "message_received exception: Got exception %s" % repr(e) # Ignore indexerrors, they just mean we could not parse the command pass pass def cleanup(self): print("Cleanup called") self._setspeeds(0,0) def <|fim_middle|>(self): print("Starting motorserver") super(motorserver, self).run() if __name__ == "__main__": import serial import sys,os port = serial.Serial(sys.argv[1], 115200, xonxoff=False, timeout=0.01) instance = motorserver(SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_PORT, port) <|fim▁end|>