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General terms and conditions
1. Field of application
The following general terms and conditions solely apply to all present and future business relations between Alassil Bazar (vendor) and end consumers or buyers (customers). Any differing conditions only apply after having been confirmed in written form by Alassil Bazar.
2. Conclusion of contract:
The purchase order, made by the customer, acts as a binding offer. A contract only materialises after Alassil Bazar accepts this offer. Acceptance of the offer can be declared by Alassil Bazar either in writing or by means of delivery of the ordered goods. If the customer gives off the purchasing order electronically, Alassil Bazar will confirm the reception of the order immediately. This confirmation does not act as a binding acceptance of the offer, yet.
Alassil Bazar commits to handling and using any information provided by the customer, required for the processing of the order, solely for business requirements and in accordance with the German Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz).
Goods by Alassil Bazar, offered on the internet are not legally binding. They act as non-binding offers.
All product prices are in € (euro) and include the lawful value added tax (VAT). Prices are not fixed. Applicable is the price at the time of reception of the purchase order. Errors excepted. In cases of price-bound articles, the mandatory price always applies. Shipping costs are charged separately as can be seen in “Delivery and shipping conditions”.
The descriptions of the goods merely provide an informative basis. Alassil Bazar reserves the right to discrepancies, especially with regard to handmade goods.
4. Reservation of property rights
When engaging in contracts with consumers or traders, Alassil Bazar reserves the ownership of the goods until the full price is paid or all accounts receivable from prior business relations are covered, respectively.
In case of behaviour contrary to contract by the customer, especially in case of delayed payment or when credit-damaging facts, such as distraints or deduction of insurance, emerge, Alassil Bazar is entitled to resign from the contract and reclaim the goods.
5. Right of withdrawal and –return
The customer has the right to revoke his purchase order and the thereby submitted binding offer to purchase within a two week period after reception of the goods. This does not apply to audio- and video recordings once they have been unsealed by the customer nor to goods that were produced according to customers’ specification.
If the customer wishes to make use of the right of withdrawal, the customer is obliged to return the received goods within two weeks, as long as this can be done by package. At an order value of up to € 40, the customer has to finance the return. To meet the deadline, timely mailing is sufficient.
The purchasing price plus shipping charges are payable through the following methods of payment: paypal, advance payment before shipping via bank transfer, debit note or by credit card withdrawal. Any arising costs for denial of withdrawal due to insufficient bank account coverage or faulty bank account details are on the customers’ account. Withdrawal shall usually take place on the day of shipping.
In case of damage, discrepancies in size or non satisfaction of received goods, the customer has the right to claim replacement or return the goods within two weeks, on presentation of the invoice and the original packaging. This does not apply to special offers.
Instead of the right to price reduction or conversion, the customer is entitled to rectification of defects by Alassil Bazar twice or article replacement. If, for any reason, this should not be fulfilled within the appropriate time-limit of 20 days, the customer has the right to resign from the contract. This defects liability expires if the customer attempts to or does carry out reparations himself or lets unauthorised people do so.
The delivered goods may differ slightly from their description. Minor discrepancies from the description of the goods merely authorize to the right of return, not however, to claims for supplementary performance.
Traders are obliged to report any defects to Alassil Bazar in written form within two weeks, starting on the day of reception of the goods. After this deadline, a claim for defect guarantees is impossible. In order to meet the deadline, the reception of the goods at Alassil Bazar is necessary. The burden of proof, establishing that his claim is justified, rests entirely with the trader, particularly in regard to the defect itself, the time of identification of the defect and the timeliness of the letter of complaint.
Consumers are obliged to report any defects to Alassil Bazar in written form within two months of discovery of the defect. The reception of the letter of complaint at Alassil Bazar is decisive for meeting the deadline. If these requirements are not met, the right to claim defect liability expires. The burden of proof, confirming the time of detection of the defect, rests with the consumer.
For traders, the warranty period is one year, starting on the day of delivery. For consumers, the right of complaint expires two years after delivery of the goods. This is irrelevant if the consumer did not point out the defect to Alassil Bazar appropriately and in sufficient time.
If the customer is trader, the appearance and workmanship of the goods is generally defined by the article description, provided by the supplier. Public statements, promotion and advertisement by the supplier do not resemble an appearance of the goods according to contract.
Warranties in the legal sense are not issued to the customer by Alassil Bazar. Manufacturer warranties are not affected by this.
8. Limitations of liability
Alassil Bazar does not take any responsibility for deviations in appearance of the products, regarding colour, size and workmanship, due to the production by hand of certain goods.
Furthermore, Alassil Bazar assumes no liability for delayed or omitted deliveries.
The use of all products as well as the visiting and use of the websites take place at the customers’ own risk. No liability is assumed by Alassil Bazar for incorrect use of the websites nor for the reliability, accuracy and actuality of the contents, information and service provided on the websites.
In the event of slightly negligent breaches of duty, the liability assumed by Alassil Bazar shall be limited to the direct losses, foreseeable and typical for this kind of contract, depending on the type of good. The same applies in cases of slightly negligent breaches of duty by legal representatives or assistants of Alassil Bazar.
The preceding limitations of liability do not affect customers’ claims on product liabilities. Moreover, these limitations of liability do not apply to claims on compensation for damages to life, body or health that were caused by deliberate or grossly negligent behaviour and can be imputed to Alassil Bazar.
9. Data privacy
All information and data, provided by a purchase order, will be used by Alassil Bazar solely for the purpose of conducting the contract.
All customer data will be saved and handled strictly according to the pertinent specifications of the German Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz) and the Teleservice Data Protection Act (Teledienstdatenschutzgesetzes ). No personal data will be passed on to a third party. Exceptions to this are Alassil Bazar’s service partners, who require certain information for the accomplishment of the contract, such as the mail-order firm, delivering the goods, and the bank, conducting the payment.
10. Legal venue, partial ineffectiveness
The legal venue is Eckernförde, Germany. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies.
In case of ineffectiveness of individual regulations in the delivery- and shipping conditions or these general terms and conditions, the remaining regulations continue to be effective. |
England Used to Be a
Country of Men
Something has changed in the English character.
Consider that this latest explosion of looting, robbing, and burning began in Tottenham, a dicey corner of north London, after police shot and killed a 29-year-old Tottenham resident named Mark Duggan. As typically happens, two competing personality profiles of Duggan are being told, depending on the politics of the teller; some say Duggan was a hardened drug dealer, others say he was a beloved family man. What we do know is that police pulled over a taxi in which Duggan was a passenger. Police say they heard a gun fired, which prompted them to shoot and kill Duggan.
The facts of this incident may be in dispute, but the unmanly actions of Tottenham’s gangster youth are not. In retaliation for Duggan’s death (or using it as an excuse for mayhem), they’ve burned autos, looted stores, and mugged people along Tottenham’s High Road and around parts of London. This reaction says something horrific about the culture in these neighborhoods, just as much as the 1992 Los Angeles Riots displayed that all wasn’t right with the culture in the poorer neighborhoods of Los Angeles.
For context, consider the “Tottenham Outrage” of 1909. Two men in Tottenham, armed with semi-automatic handguns, attempted to rob a payroll truck, but the guards resisted. After one robber fired his gun, police came running. The robbers fled on foot. The chase lasted two hours and covered about six miles as other officers and armed civilians pursued and engaged the robbers. One of the thieves committed suicide and the other later died in surgery. One officer and one civilian also were killed. The bravery of the officers and civilians prompted the creation of the Kings Police Medal and the funeral processions for the slain officer the civilian passed through streets lined with mournful Londoners. Those weren’t the kind of people who demonize police officers or take off their pants for thieves.
Well, okay, sure, the English people did for too long accept the unmanly ditherings of Neville Chamberlain before World War II. Nevertheless, something has changed in the English character. These aren’t the proud men who once made the whole world look them in the eyes. I submit that one of the chief causes of their now emasculated spirit is the loss of so much of their individual liberty — like a child used to a parent fighting his or her battles, a people dependent on their government for everything cannot take care of themselves and are prone to childish outbursts.
By giving up their natural right to self-defense, for example, England’s law-abiding citizens have become defenseless both physically and psychologically. The loss of their right to self-preservation has created a culture of dependency on government (for protection and so much more) that has helped neuter the English male. This has also prompted some English citizens to blame the police for the crime rates that law enforcement is legally constrained from doing anything practical to fight.
Britain’s licensing of gun owners and the registration of their firearms made it easy for the government to take guns from law-abiding citizens after a mass-murderer in Hungerford killed 16 people in 1987. Within the next decade, British politicians criminalized possession of most handguns — the final deadline for turning them in was Feb. 27, 1998. (This is something liberals would like to do in the U.S., too.) Yet, few have subsequently pointed to the victims of this anti-freedom gun confiscation. The English papers haven’t interviewed victims of rape and other crimes and asked what they might have done if they had the ability to defend themselves from criminals.
Curbing violence, naturally, was the goal English politicians said they’d attain in return for law-abiding citizens’ handing over this basic human liberty; however, after the U.K. disarmed its population, England attained the highest burglary rate and one of the highest rates for violent crimes of the industrialized nations, according to the International Crime Victims Survey carried out by the Dutch Ministry of Justice in 2000. As the Guardian put it on Feb. 23, 2001, the study “shows England and Wales as the top of the world league with Australia as the countries where you are most likely to become a victim of crime.” More recently, on July 3, 2009, England’s newspaper the Daily Mail reported that “Britain’s violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European Union, it has been revealed. Official crime figures show the U.K. also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa.”
Meanwhile, British politicians have reacted to the irrefutable failure of their gun-control schemes by calling for more of the same. They’ve even recently banned starter pistols. Given that they’ve disarmed the law-abiding public and obviously can’t disarm the criminals, what else can they do in this time of violence? What some in the government would like to do can be chillingly found in a July 2002 English government “white paper” titled “Justice for All.” This paper argued that the government needs to: allow the use of hearsay evidence in trials; remove the double-jeopardy rule for serious cases, including cases that have already been resolved under the current system; and eliminate the right to trial by jury in many cases.
As the English hand their government more of their individual liberty — and thereby their self-reliant manliness — their government becomes more authoritarian. Individuals have diminished means for protecting themselves and their property, which should have made London’s looting, vandalism, and other crimes very predictable.
I’ve had several recent conversations with Englishmen, who have led me to conclude that the English people will continue to hand over their liberty in the hopes that one day — despite all the lessons from history and human nature — their government will create the peaceful, socialist utopia they’ve long been promised.
For example, I recently broached this topic with an English salesman at my favorite shoe company, Johnston & Murphy. He commented that he’s frightened by America’s “gun culture” and added that Americans needs to drop “their Wild West attitude.” I listened patiently before pointing out that England currently looks a little more like the Wild West. He wasn’t swayed. I pointed out that gun rights are women’s rights, as they make the frailest woman the equal of the strongest male. He kept shaking his head.
So I used a largely forgotten piece of history that always makes Englishmen blush: After Dunkirk in May of 1940, only the British Navy, an outnumbered British air corps, and about 20 miles of water protected the English people from German invasion. In their retreat back to England, the British forces lost much of their firearms and weaponry; meanwhile, gun-control laws passed after World War I had mostly disarmed British civilians, leaving the English people helpless.
Aware of their plight, a group of Americans, headed by C. Suydam Cutting, established the “American Committee for Defense of British Homes,” a group that ran an ad in the National Rifle Association’s official journal American Rifleman that read in part: “Send a Gun to Defend a British Home.” The NRA subsequently sent more than 7,000 private arms to England. The U.S. military, of course, sent many more. Winston Churchill said, “We had become a hornet’s nest. Anyhow, if we had to go down fighting . . . a lot of our men and women had weapons in their hands.”
After relating this history, I told the English shoe salesman that “if your people ever need to protect their freedom again, Americans will be there for you.” He wasn’t so sure.
Now I wonder, after seeing that Englishmen strip for a looter, would
it even matter? Meanwhile, the only way we’d be able to help them — and
the world — is if we keep our manly liberties intact here in the U.S., a
prospect far from certain. |
The term “dentistry” or “dental” has long been used in veterinary medicine to describe a procedure involving teeth. However, most of us will agree that it is a very general term that leaves much room for interpretation. We at Ani-Care decided that our clients should know exactly what is involved in a “dentistry” at our clinic.
First let’s clarify the why: "Why does the vet keep bringing up my pet’s teeth? I know he has bad breath, but I can live with it."
The truth is, you might be able to, but he can’t! Dentals are not just important but crucial to your pet’s overall health: The mouth is not the only place in the body that plaque causes problems. Tartar and plaque is made up of bacteria. The buildup of this bacteria causes gum irritation or gingivitis, which results in bleeding gums. This can lead to bacteria in the bloodstream which can eventually affect your pet’s vital organs!
A New Term for Dentistry:
The acronym “COHAT” has gained popularity in the veterinary community as it better describes the procedure. It stands for Comprehensive Oral Health Assessment and Treatment. Some owners have trouble understanding why their pet needs to be put under general anesthesia for a dental. Some owners even believe that their pets “have their teeth done” at the groomer. The truth is, it is absolutely impossible to assess the true health of an animal’s mouth while he/she is awake. The following will explain why:
Depending on the severity of dental disease and the health of the patient, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics to begin a few days before the procedure. Some patients will go home with antibiotics after the procedure. This is to prevent the bacteria that is mobilized during scaling and tooth extraction from causing a problem in the bloodstream. The minor bleeding from scaling or tooth extraction may provide an avenue for entrance into the bloodstream.
As with any procedure that requires anesthesia, we run bloodwork. This is to ensure the liver and kidneys are healthy enough to clear the body of anesthesia, as well as to ensure there is no underlying anemia or serious infection present. The patient is given an injection of a combination of pain control and sedatives to prepare for the procedure. As the procedure begins an IV catheter placed and put on IV fluids to ensure the patient stays hydrated as well as to ensure venous access in the unlikely case of resuscitative emergency. (Trying to find a vein on a crashing patient is extremely difficult). This catheter is also used to administer the anesthetic drugs. When the patient falls asleep a tube is placed in their trachea or windpipe to deliver the anesthetic gas and oxygen during the entire procedure.
While the patient is anesthetized he/she is laid on their side. This allows access and better viewing of the cheek side (or outside) of the mouth as well as the tongue side (or inside) of the opposite side of the mouth. The entire procedure will be performed on one side and then the patient is flipped over to address the other side.
An initial observation is made as to the severity of the tartar and plaque as well as the health of the gums. Dental x-rays are taken to look for any trouble below the gumline that we cannot see. The tartar and plaque is scaled off with an ultrasonic scaler just like human dentists use. Once the debris is removed a probe is used to measure the depth of the pockets around the teeth to check for root exposure. The teeth are also examined for mobility. Teeth with root exposure, significant mobility, fractures, decay or those worn down enough for pulp or root exposure should be removed. We have the same tools and drills for tooth extraction as human dentists do. A common misconception is that veterinarians like to pull a lot of teeth, however, pulling teeth is not an easy task and our goal is to leave as many teeth as possible. Nobody enjoys pulling teeth! The sad truth is that most of the time a patient is only brought to us for a dentistry when the teeth are bad enough that many teeth need to be pulled. The goal in veterinary medicine is for dentistry to become more of a preventative measure as in human dentistry rather than a treatment for disease. Absorbable suture may be used to close the gum after an extraction. However, if there was a lot of infection or an abscess present the gum is often left open to drain.
After the teeth have been cleaned and necessary teeth removed, if any, the teeth are polished with the same type of polisher human dentists use and the same toothpaste too! Polishing can be one of the most important parts of a dental. The toothpaste used to polish after using an ultrasonic scaler has special granules in it that with the use of the polisher smoothes out any micro-fractures or lines on the teeth made by the scaler or that were already present. The importance of this is that if those micro-fractures are left it leaves a perfect place for bacteria to set up shop and produce tartar all over again and can sometimes even increase the rate of plaque buildup!
Lastly, fluoride foam is applied to the teeth strengthen tooth enamel.
After a Dental:
As previously stated, your pet may be on antibiotics. If your pet had extractions, you will also be sent home with anti-inflammatories for pain. Never give your pet an over-the-counter medication without consulting a vet. It can be fatal!
Regardless of whether or not your pet had extractions, his/her gums may be sore for a few days just like after you get a cleaning. Consider feeding soft food or adding water to dry food for a few days.
Routine brushing with an enzymatic toothpaste for pets is recommended. Pet parents may also consider dental chew product like CET chews. The vet will be happy to discuss the available options that are unique to your pet’s situation.
A Few Notes:
There is no substitution for a professional cleaning.
Start brushing - it won’t remove what is there but will prevent additional buildup. This is ideal especially after a dental since you have a clean slate. Be sure to use a toothpaste made for dogs and cats. It is often flavored for them and does not contain fluoride which we humans know to spit out, you can’t tell your pet to spit! The other good thing about their toothpaste: it is an enzymatic toothpaste, which means it does not rely on friction as our toothpaste does to work. If you even just get the toothpaste on the teeth at all you will be benefiting your pet’s teeth more than a vast majority of pet owners are.
Puppy/Kitten Tooth Care
Start young – even though their baby teeth fall out make it part of the de-sensitizing process. Stick your fingers in their mouth, play with their ears and feet, and get them use to being brushed. This will make tooth brushing, ear cleaning, nail trims and grooming easier on you as they get older!
Retained baby teeth (deciduous teeth)– If your pet still has baby teeth by 6 months of age (common in small breed dogs) it is not likely that they will fall out on their own. During their spay/neuter surgery they should be removed. The reason for this is two-fold: 1) It will throw off the alignment of the adult teeth which will cause uneven wear and possibly crooked teeth. 2) Because the baby tooth is so close to the adult tooth it makes a great place for food and bacteria to get stuck and cause premature decay in your pet’s new teeth! |
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PLYMOUTH, MI – January 3, 2024 – Schwartz Investment Counsel, Inc. (the Firm), the investment adviser for Ave Maria Mutual Funds, has announced promotions effective January 1, 2024, for Timothy Schwartz, Brandon Scheitler, and Anthony Gennaro.
Timothy S. Schwartz, CFA the Firm’s President, has been named Chief Executive Officer, a role previously held by his father, founder and Chairman, George P. Schwartz, CFA. George commented, “With 26 years at the company, Tim brings a wealth of experience and a proven track record of success. He has served our clients and shareholders well as President and I am confident that he will build upon the strong foundation laid in our Firm’s 43-year history and drive it to new heights.”
George P. Schwartz, who served as Chief Executive Officer since the Firm’s inception in 1980, played a vital role in starting the Ave Maria Mutual Funds, along with Tom Monaghan and the late Bowie Kuhn. Ave Maria Mutual Funds is a pioneer in the growing field of Morally Responsible Investing (MRI). The fund family has grown total assets under management to above $3 billion since the inception of its first fund in 2001.
Timothy Schwartz expressed enthusiasm for his new role, stating, "I am honored and excited to lead Schwartz Investment Counsel, Inc. as its CEO. I am grateful for the trust and confidence placed in me by the board of directors. Together with our talented team, we aim to build on the Firm’s legacy of success and continue to deliver value for our clients and shareholders."
Brandon S. Scheitler has been named as the Firm’s Chief Investment Officer and has also been promoted to Senior Vice President. Additionally, Mr. Scheitler is now the lead portfolio manager for the Ave Maria Rising Dividend Fund (Ticker: AVEDX), a fund he previously co-managed with George P. Schwartz, who will remain a co-manager. The pair also manage the Ave Maria Bond Fund (Ticker: AVEFX) with Scheitler in the lead manager role.
Anthony W. Gennaro, CFA, CPA, the lead manager of the Ave Maria World Equity Fund (Ticker: AVEWX), was promoted to Vice President of Schwartz Investment Counsel, Inc.
About Ave Maria Mutual Funds
Ave Maria Mutual Funds is the largest family of Catholic mutual funds in the U.S with over $3.0 billion in assets under management. The six no-load funds invest in companies that do not violate core values and teachings of the Catholic Church. The two largest funds are the $989 million Ave Maria Rising Dividend Fund (Ticker: AVEDX) and the $962 million Ave Maria Growth Fund (Ticker: AVEGX). For more information about Ave Maria Mutual Funds, call 1-866-AVE-MARIA (866-283-6274) or visit www.avemariafunds.com.
About Schwartz Investment Counsel, Inc.
Schwartz Investment Counsel, Inc. is a Registered Investment Adviser. Founded in 1980, the Firm is headquartered in Plymouth, Michigan with a branch office in Ave Maria, Florida. In managing the Ave Maria Mutual Funds, investments are made only if companies meet the Funds’ financial and moral criteria. As such, returns may be lower or higher than if decisions were based solely on investment considerations. The Funds’ method of security selection may or may not be successful and the Funds may underperform or outperform the stock market as a whole. All mutual funds are subject to market risk, including possible loss of principal. For more information about Schwartz Investment Counsel, Inc., visit www.schwartzinvest.com.
Ave Maria Mutual Funds Prospectus
Request a prospectus, which includes investment objectives, risks, fees, charges and expenses, and other information that you should read and consider carefully before investing. The prospectus can be obtained by calling 1-866-283-6274 or it can be viewed at www.avemariafunds.com.
Schwartz Value Focused Fund Prospectus
Prospective investors should read the prospectus carefully and consider the Fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses carefully before investing. The prospectus, which can be obtained by calling 1-800-449-9240 or online at www.schwartzvaluefocusedfund.com, contains this and other important information.
Distributed by Ultimus Fund Distributors LLC.
Schwartz Investment Counsel, Inc. is not affiliated with Ultimus Fund Distributors, LLC.
Mike Richter, Director of Marketing
Schwartz Investment Counsel, Inc. |
We hold Friday evening services in our main synagogue every week from 6.00pm until about 7.15pm. The services are accompanied by a full four-part choir led by choirmaster Avi Kanar on keyboard.
Saturday morning services are more informal, and are often held out in our garden, weather permitting. These services begin at 09.30am and end at about 10.45am. Rabbi Shaked himself often accompanies the choir, sometimes on guitar, sometimes on instruments as exotic as a digiredoo. Community participation, passion and enthusiasm are encouraged.
Jtalk and Talmud
After a break for a community Kiddush, there is a presentation and discussion session led by either a community member or an outsider with specialist knowledge. This hour-long session, usually on a Jewish topic, but sometimes on an issue of general interest, is called Jtalk, and attracts people from outside the congregation. Topics have included ethical kashrut and vegetarianism; do Jews suffer more neuroses than Gentiles; Jewish folk music; Jewish architecture, Jewish activism under apartheid; the work of various prominent Israeli and Jewish authors; the role of women in Judaism, and many more.
Following JTalk each Saturday, is the Talmud study group. Unique among Progressive synagogues in South Africa, the group draws knowledgeable enthusiasts and beginners, members and outsiders. |
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Dog pull toys are great way to help engage your dog to play with you! Also very good for their teeth hygiene! All dog toys can be made up in any colour you wish, please state the colours in the notes at the checkout if they are not stated then colours will be random.
Length is appox 64cm |
In the realm of modern entertainment, online games have emerged as a dominant force, captivating millions of players worldwide. From the early days of simplistic pixelated adventures to the immersive, graphically stunning universes of today, online gaming has undergone a remarkable evolution. This article delves into the fascinating world of online games, examining their significance, evolution, and enduring appeal.
The Evolution of Online Gaming:
The history of online gaming traces back to the 1970s and 1980s, with 7ball primitive text-based adventures and simple multiplayer games. However, it wasn’t until the advent of the internet and the proliferation of personal computers in the 1990s that online gaming truly took off. Games like “MUDs” (Multi-User Dungeons) and early online platforms such as AOL and CompuServe paved the way for the multiplayer experiences we enjoy today.
The turn of the millennium witnessed a rapid expansion in online gaming, with the rise of massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) like “World of Warcraft” and “EverQuest.” These games introduced vast virtual worlds populated by thousands of players, fostering social interaction, competition, and collaboration on an unprecedented scale.
The emergence of broadband internet further accelerated the growth of online gaming, enabling smoother gameplay experiences and more complex virtual environments. With the advent of digital distribution platforms like Steam and the proliferation of mobile devices, online gaming became more accessible than ever before, reaching a broader audience across diverse demographics.
Diversification and Innovation:
Today, the landscape of online gaming is incredibly diverse, encompassing a multitude of genres and platforms. From action-packed shooters like “Fortnite” and “Call of Duty” to strategic multiplayer battle arenas like “League of Legends” and “Dota 2,” there’s something for every type of gamer.
Moreover, the boundaries between traditional gaming and other forms of entertainment have become increasingly blurred, with the rise of live-streaming platforms like Twitch and YouTube Gaming. Now, gamers can not only play but also spectate and interact with their favorite streamers in real-time, creating a vibrant ecosystem of content creation and community engagement.
In addition to traditional genres, the advent of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies has opened up new frontiers in online gaming, immersing players in fully immersive digital worlds and experiences. Games like “Beat Saber” and “Half-Life: Alyx” showcase the potential of VR gaming to revolutionize the way we play and interact with virtual environments.
The Social Dimension:
One of the most compelling aspects of online gaming is its social dimension. Whether teaming up with friends in cooperative missions, competing against rivals in intense battles, or simply hanging out in virtual spaces, online games offer a sense of camaraderie and connection that transcends physical boundaries.
For many players, online gaming serves as a platform for forging lasting friendships, fostering teamwork and collaboration, and even developing valuable skills such as communication, leadership, and problem-solving. Virtual communities within games often evolve into vibrant ecosystems, complete with their own social norms, traditions, and hierarchies.
However, the social aspect of online gaming is not without its challenges, including issues like toxicity, harassment, and online addiction. Developers and platform operators continue to grapple with these issues, implementing measures such as content moderation, community guidelines, and player reporting systems to promote a safer and more inclusive gaming environment.
The Future of Online Gaming:
As technology continues to advance and consumer preferences evolve, the future of online gaming looks brighter than ever. With the advent of cloud gaming, cross-platform compatibility, and emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and blockchain, the possibilities for innovation and growth are virtually limitless.
Moreover, as society becomes increasingly interconnected and digitally mediated, online gaming is poised to play an even more significant role in shaping culture, entertainment, and social interaction. Whether it’s exploring uncharted worlds, engaging in epic battles, or simply connecting with friends across the globe, online gaming offers a unique and immersive form of entertainment that continues to captivate audiences worldwide.
In conclusion, online gaming has evolved from humble beginnings into a global phenomenon, shaping the way we play, socialize, and interact with technology. With its diverse array of genres, platforms, and experiences, online gaming offers something for everyone, from casual players to hardcore enthusiasts. As we look to the future, the possibilities for innovation and growth in the world of online gaming are truly limitless, promising new adventures, challenges, and opportunities for players around the world. |
Background Tobacco smoking is associated with lung cancer and other respiratory diseases. cigarette. Moreover, cluster analysis exhibited that these samples clustered alongside their respective controls. We observed simultaneous up-regulation of interleukin 6 (IL-6) and its antagonist, suppressor of cytokine signalling (SOCS3) mRNA following 12 weeks of MTS exposure. Analysis by ELISA and Western blotting revealed a concomitant increase in total IL-6 antigen levels and its downstream targets, including phosphorylated signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (Stat3), basal cell-lymphoma extra large (BCL-XL) and myeloid cell leukemia 1 (MCL-1) protein, in total lung tissue extracts. However, in contrast to gene expression, a subtle decrease in total SOCS3 protein was observed after 12 weeks of MTS exposure. Conclusion Global transcriptional analysis identified a set of genes responding to MTS exposure in mouse lung. These genes returned to basal levels following smoking cessation, providing evidence to support the benefits of smoking cessation. Detailed analyses were undertaken for IL-6 and its associated pathways. Our results provide further insight into the role of these pathways in lung injury and inflammation 1262843-46-8 supplier induced by MTS. Background Tobacco smoking is responsible for 90% of all lung cancers [1,2] and remains the second largest preventable cause of mortality 1262843-46-8 supplier and morbidity worldwide . In addition to lung cancers, tobacco 1262843-46-8 supplier smoke is also linked to other respiratory diseases including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) [4,5] and emphysema [6,7]. Despite the overwhelming evidence linking tobacco smoke to various respiratory pathologies, the percentage of smokers who develop any disease is usually relatively low . The conversation between tobacco smoke and the pulmonary system involves complex molecular pathways. Using cells in culture, and animal and human models, it has been shown that various biological pathways (e.g., oxidative stress response, antioxidant activity, DNA repair, pro- and anti-inflammation) are generally induced in response to tobacco smoke. For example, increased levels of several oxidative stress markers in lung tissue have been reported in response to tobacco smoke including: 8-OHdG, 4-HNE , inducible nitric oxide synthase mRNA and endothelial nitric oxide synthase mRNA . Exposure to cigarette smoke also causes changes in the expression of heme oxygenase-1 (Hmox-1), c-myc, c-jun and c-fos [11,12], induction of phase-I xenobiotic metabolism genes , increased expression and/or function of several proteinases including matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-1, -2, -9 and -14) [14-16] and Rabbit Polyclonal to IRS-1 (phospho-Ser612) enhanced NF-kB and AP-1 activity . NF-kB and AP-1 regulate many of the inflammatory genes that are over-expressed in response to tobacco smoke [18,19]. These studies have considerably increased our understanding of the effects of smoking on health. However, these studies do not provide information on global changes in gene expression in target tissues. Tobacco smoke is usually a complex mixture of thousands of chemicals and exposure to it results in a highly complex molecular response. Consequently, the exact mechanisms by which smoking leads to disease in an individual, or the alterations in expression of specific genes that determine this susceptibility, are not entirely elucidated. DNA microarray technology permits the simultaneous monitoring of thousands of transcripts expressed in a given cell or tissue type in a single experiment, and can be used to gain insight into complex molecular responses. Global transcriptional profiling has the potential to predict disease development and associated prognosis . Several recent studies have used DNA microarray technology to delineate the molecular gene expression profiles that distinguish various subtypes and stages of lung cancer (reviewed in ). Others have documented gene expression profiles in various disease says including emphysema, COPD and cancers [22-25]. Many others have used cells in culture and tissues from animals uncovered acutely or chronically to cigarette smoke to study the molecular pathways that may be involved in disease. In general, these studies report basic similarities in biological responses to tobacco smoke including the upregulation of antioxidants, and phase-I and phase-II xenobiotic metabolism genes. However, results generated from these studies reveal a large list of non-overlapping differentially expressed genes; these discrepancies necessitate additional studies to resolve differences and precisely define the mechanisms by which cigarette smoke exposure impacts gene expression profiles in vitro and in vivo, and to determine whether these changes reflect 1262843-46-8 supplier what is observed in human disease. In this study, we used high-density DNA microarrays to examine global transcriptional 1262843-46-8 supplier changes in lung tissues derived from mice exposed to mainstream tobacco smoke (MTS) for 6 or 12. |
So Tulum is Bite Club's spiritual and culinary home! In preparation for a mind blowing Day of the Dead party, Bite Club took flight and headed to the Mexican shores where food is fresh out of the sea or not far from the ground. It is impossible to
Bite Club – The Secret Supper Club
If like us, routine is not your thing, boredom sets in easily and you find yourselves in the same restaurants time and time again. Then BITE CLUB is for you. There’s a food revolution going on and we’d love you to be a part of it!
Bite Club is a secret supper club where there is nothing routine. Each month we pop up in a different top secret location (to be revealed only to all those who have booked) with a new menu, new concept and new vibe.
It’s Bite Club’s mission to produce delicious, inventive food, delivered in unusual places: warehouses, shops, trucks even people’s living rooms. Bite Clubs ‘no rules’ approach makes eating out fun again. |
If everything in your life right now is synonymous to comfort, excellence, luxury, and beauty, don't you think you need a television set that matches your lifestyle, such as an HDTV for instance? Learn more about the latest trend in television sets as you read on. HDTV: Inspiration from Hollywood The makers of HDTV, which stands for high definition TV, was originally inspired by the comforts that wide screen of movie theaters uniquely offered. Compared to obviously smaller TV sets, the effects of a movie or program are significantly diminished. They have also noted that people sitting on the first few rows in the movie theaters enjoy more vivid experiences than those sitting behind them, never mind that their necks have a tendency to ache afterwards. The Beginning of the HDTV Era It was Sony and NHK that are more or less credited as pioneers for the HDTV generation. The product however, called NHK Hi-vision, was intended for movie use and not yet adapted for the smaller television set.
Thanks to this innovation, movies became quicker to produce and more special effects became possible for movie makers to use even with a limited budget. The main objective of HDTV would-be manufacturers is to create a TV set that will allow viewers to enjoy a wider screen rather than increase the definition or vividness per unit area. The chief problem of TV manufacturers when they considered producing HDTV sets was whether or not they should make HDTV standards compatible with those of the color TVS, which makes up majority of the TV sets in use at that time. Other problems related to HDTV production are bandwidth limitation, distribution, interlacing, and compression.
Regarding distribution issues, the FCC ruled in 1987 for HDTV standards to be compatible with existing NTSC standards and be limited to VHF and UHF channels as well. Three years after that, however, the FCC ruled for HDTV to use simultaneous broadcasting and also expressed a preference for full HDTV standards over reduced image quality of EDTV. In 1993, as the FCC was still unable to make a choice among the four companies that submitted proposals for HDTV, it finally decided to create what's now known as a Grand Alliance among these companies: AT&T, GI, MIT, Philips, and Sanroff, Thomson, and Zenith.
The remainder of the year was spent in establishing features and formulating standards for the proposed system. In 1994, HDTV had been successfully built and scheduled for testing for the next year. Benefits of Using HDTV All or Nothing Image Quality - Although this may not be viewed a benefit by some people, others would unhesitatingly welcome the promise that HDTV makes for their viewers: expect the best picture quality from them or nothing at all because of the digital format it's using.
Wider Screen Viewing - Most programs and films that are equipped with HD format can be viewed by a 16:9 screen while old movies can be zoomed to have a similar wide screen resolution. Increased Vividness - Watching movies and programs through an HDTV set is better than watching through a standard TV set because the colors are more vivid and the bandwidth's greater. Better Visual Information - Expect to enjoy the smaller and finer things of TV programs once you start watching it through an HDTV set.
That's because HDTV standards can promise overall details of image quality to be 2 to 5 times better! Use of HD DVD and Blu-Ray - People with HDTV sets can make use of either formats although it should be remembered that both formats are not compatible with each other. Quality Isn't Sacrificed for Size - Imagine magnifying a photo; the quality becomes blurrier the larger the photo becomes, doesn't it? Thankfully, however, your HDTV set isn't similarly affected even with its increased screen size. Dolby Digital 5.
1 Sound - Your HDTV set can produce high quality sounds that you could only expect from movie theaters in the past. Conservation of Electricity - Even though HDTV sets are certainly more expensive to purchase than standard TV sets, they do however have lesser electricity costs. HDTV is no longer the TV set of tomorrow. If you want to watch broadcasted sports games and concerts like you're watching them live, we only have four letters for you: HDTV!.
Lee Dobbins writes for http://hdtv.unique-articles.com where you can learn more about HDTV. |
Inside my Radio is the Guitar Hero of the platform genre as this rhythm driven game overloads your senses and attacks your coordination as button presses in a set order allowing you to move along to the music as you climb, dash, bash and smash your way through this puzzle laden game to the beat of electro music as coloured lights splash across the screen in a mesmerizing way.
My musical talent is low, very low, like not even being in control of the triangle incompetent but I’ve managed to at least struggle through a few Guitar Hero songs on medium so this should be easy right, sort off.. You play as a headphone’d equipped green cube or as I’ve found out a LED after being sucked into a boom-box (for all you non 90’s kids it’s like a iPod, 100 times bigger that you have to put cassettes into to play music).
The electro music you play along to is actually really good but needs to be considering the type of game it is, the way you move your character through the level and puzzles is easy enough but can get quite complicated, confusing and frustrating in certain parts that don’t really offer any guidance on how to proceed.
Saying that it is a puzzle game and should be a challenge which i guess it is, when you do get the hang of a certain area and proceed it is a good feeling. It’s just a strange and unusual way to control a character in a platform game but being different isn’t a bad thing you just need to get used to it and once you do it’s a very enjoyable experience.
The visual experience is a real kaleidoscope of colour as the beat and tempo changes different colours and shapes form, explode and dance their way across the screen in an extremely beautiful harmony until you miss press a button sequence or die then a nasty audible feedback noise shoots through the speakers. Combining the sound and visual experience together with the buttons you must press to keep up with and interact with, is what makes this game a true great, the experience is fantastic and done exquisitely well.
Most levels end with a puzzle to collect four yellow cubes to activate the next path and as you progress you have the ability to interact with and experience new characters. This brings new genres of music like seventies disco, rock/punk and more. You also need to be able to complete button prompts to complete intricate audio sequences and epic boss battles.
Saying all that the game still has some truly frustrating areas that take a lot of timing and patience, especially as the button presses seem easy most of the time but when you need quick responses I personally find it an unnaturally difficult experience but it doesn’t distract you from this fantastic game. I can easily give this 8/10, it’s got enough of a challenge to push you, gameplay to keep you interested with an audio and visual backdrop to immerse you.. maybe it’s hypnotised me, wait.. what day is it.
REVIEW CODE: A Free Nintendo Switch code was provided to Brash Games for this review. Please send all review code enquiries to email@example.com.
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Gentrol® IGR Aerosol
Target Pests are = Bed bugs, cockroaches, stored product pests and fruit & drain flies.
- Highly effective control of existing pest infestations, plus prevention of rebound infestations.
- Ready-to-use formula.
- Perfect for spot, surface and crack-and-crevice applications.
- Contains (S)-Hydroprene, an insect growth regulator, for 120 days of long-term control.
- Dissipating-foam action targets stored product pests in hard-to-reach areas.
- No bait repellency.
How It Works
The IGR in Gentrol Aerosol provides preventative action, since it disrupts pests' normal development. (S)-Hydroprene, the active ingredient, prevents pest larvae from progressing to the adult stage either causing sterility of adults or preventing the emergence of insects from the pupal stage — preventing future infestations.
As a general surface spray or spot treatment, Gentrol Aerosol is applied to pest harborages providing control for up to four months. Its visible, dissipating foam virtually eliminates the chance of missing any areas. You'll receive the same superior coverage for crack-and-crevice applications, with Gentrol Aerosol's extension tube, designed for simple, accurate application in hard-to-reach areas.
Gentrol Aerosol is ideal for:
Food Processing and Storage Facilities
Any Hard-to-Reach Area |
Hey friends how are you and how are you performing in your passion? I am very passionate about the gambling and love to do betting. I am in habit of going to the casinos if I get the moment to visit the place and if I do not find any circumstance to visit the place I use the boon of the online pokies which makes my time to pass in fruitful way and do not give me any chance to feel bore.
The game which attracts me again and again is the Triple Magic and while going through its world I find myself to lose in magical world which is designed by the microgaming. This one is featured to the users with three reels and single line of pay. The good thing about the event of single payline is that the chance of winning is maximum. You will get the chance to make the waging of max two coins through each line and the range of that one is from $0.01 to the max of $50.0.
You will get many symbols which you can use to make the win and some of the symbols which are used are seven, cherries, bars and many more. Graphics and the presentation of this one is out of the world and will not give you any chance to peep out of the screen. The best thing which I liked about this one is the music which is used in the background is full of melody.
One suggestion which I would like to share with you all is that before going for the play of any event you should go for the review which will help you in enhancing your strategy and you will also learn the tricks too. The wild symbol of this one is the magic star whose hitting will give you the most. Go for the magical touch and prizes which are very attractive.
Ben Hur Slot Review
Enter the ring to fight for the Ben Hur online slot. This 5×3 slot has 20 pay lines, a 96.34% RTP, and offers 5×3 gameplay. You can keep things exciting with wilds, six bonus spin feature rounds, multipliers up to 100x, and multipliers up to 100x.
Are you still skeptical? Try the Ben Hur Slot for Free and find out for yourself.
Battle with the Romans
The Ben Hur online slot takes you back in time. The Ainsworth catalog now includes five reels with statues matching the theme. The reels will spin to an exciting tune that matches the theme.
The scatter is the highest-paying symbol in the Ben Hur slot machine. The Wild is next, followed by Ben Hur himself. The middle tier includes horses, the ship, a shield with daggers, and the helmet. Lower-paying symbols are A to Q, J, and 10.
Choose a stake
First, you must adjust your stake to between 0.05 and 2.50 to get started with the Ben Hur online slot. This amount will be multiplied by the 20 pay lines within the 5×3 grid, giving you a total stake of between 1.00 to 50.00.
Below is a table that shows the payouts for each symbol on the Ben Hur slot machine. These are based upon a maximum wager. Play the Ben Hur slot machine for 96.34% RTP
Collect Coins, Wins, and Free Spins
The Wild replaces all symbols except the scatters in the Ben Hur online slot. It plays an essential role in creating winning combinations or improving them.
The Battle Feature is activated when you have three or more coins in the base game. Six options will be available to you:
- Helmet Feature: 14 Free Swirls with stacked helmets across all reels
- Protection and Dagger Feature – 13 Free Spins with Stacked Shields and Daggers on All Reels
- Ship Feature: 12 Free Swirls with stacked vessels on all reels
- Horses Feature: 11 Free Spins with Stacked Horses on All Reels
- Ben Hur Feature: Get 10 Free Spins with Stacked Ben Hur symbols on all reels
- Mystery Feature: Receive a random character and up to 5 or 19 free spins
The mystery bonus prize of the bag of coins scattered between 4x to 100x your stake every time it falls during any Ben Hur slot machine feature. Extra spins will be awarded for landing shields + signs. The number of securities that you land will determine the number of spins.
You can play more Roman-themed games.
You can also play Roman-themed slots, such as the NextGen Gaming 300 Shields slot and WMS’ Spartacus Megaways Slot.
Get ready for battle.
The Ben Hur online slot is excellent if you like games with Roman themes. The Ainsworth creation features five reels, a 96.34% RTP, 20 pay lines, and 20 pay lines. You can have six free spin rounds and multipliers up to 100x. Wilds can be added to your gameplay.
So what are you waiting for? Play Ben Hur online slot today! |
ProLife Story 41
One major factor in perhaps saving the lives of my unborn may have been my parents' views on bringing life into this world unashamed. I wouldn't dare tell my folks what was going on let alone carry a baby full-term. Now I pay the price for those decisions years ago.
I will one day share with my daughtered that it is much more shameful to give up life than to admit you got yourself into a situation. Because that situation is really a Blessing from God. I pray for the souls I previously gave up. May God bless you... Emily, Christian and Jordan!
-- submitted anonymously
Return to: Prolife Stories | Catholic Planet |
princess, was hard to understand; but then, happily, she had two parents—say rather, three ! She drew my heart by what in me was likest herself, and I loved her as one who, grow to what perfection she might, could only become the more a child. I knew now that I loved her when I left her, and that the hope of seeing her again had been my main comfort. Every word she spoke seemed to go straight to my heart, and, like the truth itself, make it purer.
She told me that after I left the orchard valley, the giants began to believe a little more in the actual existence of their neighbours, and became in consequence more hostile to them. Sometimes the Little Ones would see them trampling furiously, perceiving or imagining some indication of their presence, while they indeed stood beside, and laughed at their foolish rage. By and by, however, their animosity assumed a more practical shape : they began to destroy the trees on whose fruit the Little Ones lived. This drove the mother of them all to meditate counteraction. Setting the sharpest of them to listen at night, she learned that the giants thought I was hidden somewhere near, intending, as soon as I recovered my strength, to come in the dark and kill them sleeping. Thereupon she concluded that the only way to stop the destruction was to give them ground for believing that they had abandoned the place. The Little Ones must remove into the forest—beyond the range of the giants, but within reach of their own trees, which they must visit by night! The main objection to the plan was, that the forest had little or no undergrowth to shelter—or conceal them if necessary.
But she reflected that where birds, there the Little |
CSiBridge 2016 v18.0.1 - ENHANCEMENTS
Graphical User Interface
- Assign and select menu forms enhanced to allow them to remain open for repetitive use with a new apply button.
- DirectX graphics mode enhanced to use DirectX 11 for enhanced speed and capabilities.
- A full 64-bit version of CSiBridge is now available.
- New 2-D modified Darwin-Pecknold concrete model added to the nonlinear layered shell. This model represents concrete compression, cracking, and shear behavior under both monotonic and cyclic loading, and accounts for crack rotation.
- New cable-stayed bridge template added.
- Additional frame and shell (non-bridge) templates added.
- Modify undeformed geometry feature enhanced to allow applying the modification to a selection of joints, as well as limiting the direction of modification.
- New construction scheduling wizard added for segmental bridges, allowing for quick and easy creation of a construction schedule, including travelers.
- User-defined bridge sections can now be created and used in the bridge modeler, including different materials, openings, radii, parametric variations, and editing in Excel or section designer.
- Bridge modeler enhanced to more accurately define the geometry in the vicinity of a skewed support, diaphragm, or in-span hinge for curved bridges and/or parametric variations of the bridge section at the skew.
- AASHTO legal loads for load rating added to the vehicle library.
- A new stability check added for nonlinear static load cases to report when the structure may have failed under material or geometric nonlinearities that are not obvious from the analysis results.
- Handling of convergence tolerances for time-dependent behavior during staged-construction analysis improved to better enforce equilibrium after large load increments.
- Superstructure design according to CSA S6-14 added.
- It is now possible to specify the location of steel I-girder splices, including the net to gross area ratio of the flanges in order to perform the design checks at these locations using the reduced flange area.
- Superstructure design and rating of steel I-girder bridges according to AASHTO LRFD enhanced to consider a detailed calculation of the moment-gradient factor Cb.
- Contour plots now available for frame deflections and axial stresses.
- It is now possible to output the vehicle position for moving load analysis, for a specified max/min force component at a particular location. |
What do you love especially in a companion; friend; partner to enjoy their company for just a moment in time. Others decide to spend even more time than usual opting to move in together, get engaged and possibly look towards getting married.
All these changes occur in any relationship a person has to exchange thoughts, feelings, experiences as we communicate and share our daily life events. Life events seem to change our way of being in the world at times, when we can lose sight of each other and not know if we are going to meet our familiar partner we once knew from long ago or another person who has become more of a stranger as time goes on.
It does not matter if you are single or in a partnership; loneliness can challenge a lot of people with a busy life style. We can meet and live a person, but what happens when you wake up next to a stranger and yet still love them for who they were from your past. Do you still know them and if you do, could it be you just may not know yourself at this moment in time compared to who you once were ten or twenty years ago?
Time changes each of us. What would you like to do? I know looking at our self can be difficult, especially when you do not know what you are going find and whether we can accept; love or reject that part of us inside we find. Even more difficult, is when you see your partner struggling in their own dilemmas, it can be a number of issues related to work or home and yet you have your own problems too.
Are you able to communicate with each other or just share a space to feel connected instead in the hope issues will resolve themselves given a period of time change will happen…eventually? Then again they could get worse and where does it begin or even end?
These are the changes in any relationship. Is this team not working together? Or separately and maybe slowly drifting apart? It can be the elephant in the room or even similar to a boa constrict silently strangling the relationship, but neither of you knows were to start, just because there is too much to deal with and so little time to deal with the problem. Time takes it toll on any relationship, with the daily pressures or work and family; no time to sit; think or time to talk…
The next item on your own agenda always seems to be more important than spending time together, to find out where the problems are and how to tackle each issue without regressing into a teenage argument, as to who is right or wrong. Again…nothing gets resolved as so it begins again, neither of you say anything until the next opportunity comes around again and attempt to do something differently in the hope something will change and the stranger slowly turns into your old familiar partner you still once loved as before the chaos and confusion. Until something else happens again, becomes an issue and it starts all over again like an emotional rollercoaster with enduring pain by working with the high’s and low’s.
That is life and yes, we all change in a relationship, but there comes a point when it really is time to stop going around in circles each time there is a problem and start looking at ourselves differently either as an individual or as a couple to create a successful future in life.
Let’s see if we can iron out the creases and deal with all the knots, which have led you here and attempt something healthier and different in therapy.
I look forward to seeing you, soon… |
Because hackers managed to delete ALL the old newsy posts from this site, I’ll add several bits of old news in one post here. Hate to lose the links, but also hate to generate posts with a current date that actually reflect the past. That could be confusing.
A couple of years ago, Kenn Amdahl was interviewed by the Denver weekly newspaper Westword. That interview is still online here.
Book a Day Reviews, Interview with Kenn Amdahl done in 2013, primarily about Revenge of the Pond Scum. Scroll down to the second interview on the page.
Several of Kenn Amdahl books reviewed in Wired Magazine, 2011
Joy Writing reviewed by author Pat Stoltey:
Maureen Anderson devoted a chapter of her book “Career Clinic” to Kenn Amdahl’s experience as a self publisher:
Famed inventor Dean Kamen (the segway, many others) was interviewed on a radio show by the American Association of Science before Christmas and asked for his book recommendations. His first choice? Calculus for Cats by Kenn Amdahl and Jim Loats, Ph.D. This was a total surprise to us, we’d had no contact with him. The interview is still online, I’m pretty sure, but I’ve lost the link. Will post it again when I find it. Until then, Make Magazine also referred to his recommendation on their website: //makezine.com/2009/12/02/great-science-reads-the-new-york-ac/
The book “Legendary Locals of Broomfield” by Carol Turner devoted some space to Kenn Amdahl”
Maria Miller wrote a very nice review of Algebra Unplugged by Kenn Amdahl and Jim Loats, Ph.D for HomeschoolMath.net
Gareth Branwyn published a kind (and funny) review of There Are No Electrons by Kenn Amdahl in Make Magazine. Gareth Branwyn is a freelance writer and the former Editorial Director of Maker Media. He is the author or editor of over a dozen books on technology, DIY, and geek culture. He is currently a contributor to Boing Boing, Wink Books, and Wink Fun. And he has a new best-of writing collection and “lazy man’s memoir,” called Borg Like Me.
Nice mention of Calculus For Cats by Kenn Amdahl and Jim Loats, Ph.D, in Keith Devlin’s book The Math Instinct: Why You’re a Mathematical Genius (Along with Lobsters, Birds, Cats, and Dogs) Here’s the page that mentions us:
It is very cool to be mentioned by Keith Devlin, NPR’s “Math Guy.” Here’s what his page at Stanford says about him:
Dr. Keith Devlin is a co-founder and Executive Director of the university’s H-STAR institute, a co-founder of the Stanford mediaX research network, and a Senior Researcher at CSLI. He is a World Economic Forum Fellow, a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society. His current research is focused on the use of different media to teach and communicate mathematics to diverse audiences. In this connection, he is a co-founder and President of an educational technology company, BrainQuake, that creates mathematics learning video games. He also works on the design of information/reasoning systems for intelligence analysis. Other research interests include: theory of information, models of reasoning, applications of mathematical techniques in the study of communication, and mathematical cognition. He has written 33 books and over 80 published research articles. Recipient of the Pythagoras Prize, the Peano Prize, the Carl Sagan Award, and the Joint Policy Board for Mathematics Communications Award. In 2003, he was recognized by the California State Assembly for his “innovative work and longtime service in the field of mathematics and its relation to logic and linguistics.” He is “the Math Guy” on National Public Radio.
Very nice review of There Are No Electrons by Kenn Amdahl on Sparkfun, a website devoted to amateur electronics hobbyists. I emailed them to ask if they’d accept a review copy and they said I didn’t need to: they knew the book and had been recommending it for years. They said they’d be glad to post their own review. Alas, some clown with no sense of humor read their review, then rated the book one star himself and no one else has corrected him so, despite the nice review, the book remains at one star on this site.
Nice 2017 recommendation of Algebra Unplugged by Kenn Amdahl and Jim Loats, Ph.D on the website hackernoon.com
Marcella Smith was, for many years, responsible for buying books by small press vendors for Barnes and Noble. Now she’s a publishing consultant. She was very kind to us and I’m pleased she chose to use one of my quotes on her website:
The University of California at Santa Cruz (go banana slugs!) has been using There Are No Electrons by Kenn Amdahl for many years in their intro to electronics class. Just want to say thank you, professor Ken Pedrotti. Thank you, thank you, thank you. |
There's more to web designing than creating beautiful websites. That is a big part of the job, but a lot goes into the design and creation of a website, and the web developer juggles many responsibilities. Some basic job duties include writing code, creating and debugging applications for the site, and working with clients to make decisions and develop plans for the site. Those who work in web designer jobs must bring the client's vision for the website to life.
Web Designer Job Education Requirements
Most employers prefer that applicants for web designer jobs have at least a bachelor's degree in web design or a related field, but some may be fine with one who has an associate's degree in web design. In addition to the degree, a web designer must stay current on trends and apps that help websites look their best.
A web designer must be educated about writing code, programming, and graphic design. Web designers often work with graphic designers and art directors, so they need more than a basic understanding of those positions.
Web Designer Job Market
Things are looking up for web designers. Thanks to the fact that nearly any business must have a website to thrive and stay competitive, web designers are very much in demand. It's also anticipated that the employment of web developers will grow a whopping 20 percent within the next decade, which is more than the average for other jobs.
Web Designer Job Salary Information
Web designers can expect to earn an average of around $63, 000 per year. Salaries vary a lot based on the company as well as the city of employment. Those who are just starting out may earn less than $34, 000 per year, while those who have a great deal of experience or a higher level of education can earn over $100, 000 per year. |
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Find Account with Q&A
You can get a temporary password by your ID, email address, and the answer for the question you have set.
Request for Activation Mail
You can request for the activation email if you have not activated yet. |
Welcome to DC Apartments!
Looking for that special apartment in Washington DC to meet your needs? A sensible studio by a Metro station, an affordable 1-BR unit downtown, or a 2-BR suite in a luxury building with views of the Cathedral or Rock Creek Park? We offer a great way to find or list your apartment in DC!
Whether in Capitol Hill, Dupont Circle, Georgetown, Cleveland Park, Columbia Heights ... or the emerging neighborhoods of Shaw, Mount Pleasant, Fort Totten, or the Navy Yard waterfront, discover the ideal apartment for your next personal move, family rental, or corporate relocation. |
DC Testing is conveniently located on Tower Ave in Superior, Wisconsin. We are the area’s leading testing location for transportation and other industries.
DC Testing provides fast and accurate drug and alcohol testing, all required DOT specific collections, and other workplace screening options to fit your needs. We also offer paternity DNA collection, various phlebotomy services, and insurance physicals.
DC Testing provides walk-in services (8am – 4pm) for drug and alcohol testing. All other services require an appointment.
Due to liability, please do not bring your minor children to your test. They cannot be left in the waiting area unsupervised, and they cannot be brought back to the collection rooms. You will be turned away if you present for testing with children. |
Breaking Dawn Parody by The Hillywood Show is coming up fast. The first official still, which you can view on their website, was released late Friday night. Without the parody logo in the top left corner, a glance at this picture looks like a still from the movie itself. The Hillywood Show never disappoints with accuracy.
This still makes me wonder what angle the parody will take. There is probably a good amount more "sitting around" in this movie than the previous three--how does that lend to the music video style the Twilight parodies thus far have had? Will there still be a focus mostly on Bella's perspective (as perhaps the still would suggest), or will it also be on other characters?
The countdown to February continues. |
Maintenance Website will be online again soon Currently it undergoes a regular health checkup. Undergoing maintenance From time to time we put our website on maintenance to check if everything works OK! Feature updates We just love to roll out new features to our website. That’s what we’re doing right now! 🙂 Bug fixes Even a dental care website might stumble upon some bugs. Those need to be fixed! |
The 2022/23 DHR membership form can be found below, including details on submission and subscription fees.
DHR Membership Application Form 2022/23 [PDF]
It is hoped that we will hold our first race of the season on Saturday 26 February 2022.
The DHR Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 26 February 2022 with the annual prizegiving to follow. Please contact the Club Secretary if you wish to attend.
Kilbride Hill Race- Tuesday 6th August
Cowal Highland Gathering Hill Race – Saturday 31st August
Downhill Race- Saturday 21st September (with breakfast run afterwards)
Vertical Km Race- Saturday 9th November (with breakfast run afterwards)
Glenkin Handicap Race – Feb 2020, tbc
Entries for the Dunoon 55K Ultramarathon and Relay 2019 are open, presented by Dunoon Presents, and proudly supported by Dunoon Hill Runners. This year’s event will be held on Saturday 5 October 2019. Get your entry in here, while spaces last! Entries close on 28 February 2019.
Finish off the year right and get a head start on New Year’s resolutions by coming out for a Breakfast Run on Monday 31 December 2018 at 10 am at the Whistlefield Inn by Loch Eck. Dunoon Hill Runners are hosting a social run which is open to non-members. So bring the family, friends and dogs for a run on a short or longer route. There is also a lovely one mile loop that can be walked with children.
A festive warm drink will be provided by the Whistlefield Inn. Anyone wanting to stay for lunch should contact the Whistlefield to book a table.
Runners should meet at the Whistlefield Inn car park at 10 am.
Dates for DHR 2018 Summer Series races have been announced, as below. Full details will be released in due course (keep an eye on the club calendar):
- 10K Trail Race, Glenkin – 10 am 31 March 2018
- Kilbride Hill Challenge – evening, 17 May 2018
- Long Hill Race, Bishop’s Seat – evening 5 June 2018
- Vertical KM (combined with Breakfast Run) – morning, 7 July 2018
- Cowal Highland Gathering Road 5K – evening, 23 August 2018
- Cowal Highland Gathering Hill Race (Camel’s Hump) – 25 August 2018
- Downhill Race – evening 20 September 2018
- Handicap Race, Glenkin – TBA
Dunoon Hill Runners will be kicking off its 2018 Summer Series with a 10K trail race at Glenkin forestry on 31 March 2018. This will be followed by a Kids’ Fun Run, an Easter Egg Hunt and a barbecue. All members and their kids are welcome. Please let us know if you plan to attend.
The schedule is as follows:
9 am – Registration for 10K Trail Race – upper car park at Glenkin entrance
10 am – 10K Trail Race
11.45 am – Kids’ Fun Run followed by Easter Egg hunt/kids’ activities – Abernethy Bothy, Glenkin
1 pm (or after kids’ activities) – Barbecue – Abernethy Bothy, Glenkin
Race dates for the 2017 Summer Series have been added to the Club calendar, and are listed below:
Glenkin 10k – Tuesday 20th June, 6pm
Kilbride – Thursday 13th July, 6pm
Bishops Seat – Tuesday 1st August, 7pm
5k Road Race – Thurs 24th August (Cowal Highland Gathering)
Camels Hump – Saturday 26th August (if Cowal Highland Gathering race doesn’t go ahead Club will arrange another night)
Vertical KM – Sat 16th September, 9.30am
Downhill Race – Thursday 28th September, 6pm
Glenkin Handicap – Feb date TBC
A Breakfast Run will be held on 25 February 2017 at 10 am meeting at Benmore Botanic Gardens car park. Invite all your friends and family. Children under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. This will be an easy run/jog/walk followed by tea/coffee and cakes in the Benmore Gardens Cafe afterwards.
View of Loch Eck from Wee Eck Ultra trail
Dunoon Hill Runners are delighted to support Dunoon Presents in the introduction of the “Wee Eck” Ultra Marathon to be held on 8 October 2016, possibly the most scenic ultra in Scotland, and in our very own back yard!
Entry is now open at Entrycentral.com.
The Dunoon/Loch Eck 50k Ultra Marathon will start from the famous RBGE Benmore Botanic Gardens and will take you through some of the area’s top beauty spots. Climb up the gorge path through magical Pucks Glen and then race along the forestry trail and climb high above Loch Eck. You’ll be treated to fantastic views north and south of the loch, particularly as you reach the highest section of the run 600m above sea level. Descend through Glenbranter Forest and return south on the west side of Loch Eck. Then it’s back to Dunoon through the forest trails and natural woodland of Bishop’s Glen. This last mile stretches north alongside the beach giving you beautiful views of the hills above Wemyss Bay, Inverkip and Gourock. Don’t be tempted to cool off in the water! The finish at the iconic Dunoon Pier is just a sprint away.
Entry is £33 (early bird discount is £23 for the first 100 entrants, £33 for 101-200). This includes:
- Tea, coffee and fresh croissants at registration
- Coach transfer to Benmore Gardens (15 minutes)
- Changing facilities
- Full event support including electronic chip timing, check points, drop bags and food/water stations, full first aid back up and at the finish, a fantastic “Ultra cool” goodie bag as a memento of a great day, full of high quality gifts.
Registration for the Dunoon Ultra will be at the Dunoon Pier at:
1900 hrs – 2000 hrs on Friday 7th October at Dunoon Pier
0800 hrs – 0930 hrs on Saturday 8th October at Dunoon
Facebook public group page. |
Brinslea Villas, Brook Rd, Manchester, UK
Moseley Villa, Mitford Rd, Manchester M14 6UL, UK
Rona Robinson (June 26, 1884 - April 7, 1973) was the first woman in the United Kingdom to gain a first-class degree in chemistry and one of the first documented female industrial chemists. She was also a British suffragette and paid member of the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU). Dora Marsden had loving relationships with women, primarily Rona Robinson, Grace Jardine and Mary Gawthorpe.
Rona Robinson was born on 26 June 1884. She was the youngest child of Jessie and Fred (Alfred) Robinson, both of her parents originating from the Manchester area, from Chorlton-on-Medlock and Cheetham Hill respectively. She was from a working-class background, her father is listed as cotton goods traveller. Robinson's childhood was spent in the Gorton and Withington areas of Manchester, growing up with her sister Lilian (b. 1880) and brother Andrew (b. 1882). Her father died when Robinson was young and her mother took in lodgers to make ends meet. In the 1891 census, Jessie is registered as a widow and lodging house keeper living with her three children and two visitors, one from Liverpool and one from Syria. Robinson attended one of the Manchester Central Schools. In 1900, at the age of 15, she was awarded a junior science exhibition to the value of £15 per annum by Lancashire County Council, this funding allowed her to continue studying well beyond the traditional school leaving age. Robinson gained a scholarship to study at Owens College, Manchester (incorporated into the Victoria University of Manchester in 1904), matriculating in 1902. Here she excelled; appearing in the list of first class students for the Owens College examinations sessions of 1902–03 (her first year) as 3rd equal in her class in organic chemistry. She graduated with a first class honours degree in chemistry, the LeBlanc medal and a Mercer scholarship (for the best final year student entering research) in 1905. She was the first woman in the United Kingdom to gain a first-class degree in chemistry. Robinson continued at Manchester, working for her research MSc during which she published a paper entitled 3-Hydroxyphthalic and 3-methoxyphthalic acids and their derivatives with William Henry Bentley and Charles (Chaim) Weitzmann. She graduated with her MSc in 1907.
After university, Robinson became a teacher at Altrincham Pupil-Teacher Centre, Cheshire, where Dora Marsden (later editor of The Freewoman) was assistant-mistress and later headmistress. Whilst at Altrincham, Robinson and Marsden developed a mutual interest in women's suffrage. Both left the school after a dispute over wages to concentrate their attention on Women's Social and Political Union activities, becoming paid regional representatives. Robinson and fellow suffragette Mary Gawthorpe gave eulogia at the unfurling of the Manchester WSPU banner in Stevenson Square, Manchester, in June 1908. (The banner is now displayed at the People's History Museum, Manchester). Marsden and Robinson were appointed organisers from the Manchester branch in 1909 but quickly moved to other locations for much of their work. Marsden and Robinson were imprisoned for a month for obstruction and assault after taking part in a deputation to see the Prime Minister, H. H. Asquith in 1909. Robinson's address was given as Brinslea Villas, Brook Road, Fallowfield Manchester. A journalist William Hutcheon was also arrested for obstruction. In October 1909 Robinson, Marsden and Gawthorpe were arrested for dressing in full academic regalia and interrupting a speech by the chancellor of the Victoria University of Manchester at the celebration of the opening of the new chemical laboratories. They were demanding that the chancellor speak out against the force-feeding of imprisoned suffragette alumni of Manchester who were on hunger strike. The police were particularly rough with the women that day and the chancellor was sufficiently moved by the women's protest to pressure the university into not pressing charges, thus preventing Rona from going to prison again.
Robinson was imprisoned several times and there are 2 dates on her suffrage medal showing she went on hunger strike during her imprisonment. This was a deliberate tactic by the WSPU where women refused all food and water when they arrived at prison and then would eventually have to be discharged on medical grounds. Robinson's Hunger Strike Medal given by WSPU is described as follows: "The circular silver medal is inscribed "HUNGER STRIKE" on the front and "RONA ROBINSON" on the obverse. The bars are inscribed in descending order "FOR VALOUR", "OCTOBER 15th 1909" and "AUGUST 20th 1909. The two bars signify two separate arrests and hunger strikes that Rona endured for her cause. On the obverse of the top bar is the maker's name and address "TOYE 57 THEABOLD RD LONDON" it is believed that no more than 100 of the medals were awarded; there is no answer to how many have survived." Sources suggest Robinson's medal was sold to a private collector in the USA.
Robinson had been outspoken on feminist matters during her years as a suffragette, giving a talk in the Freewoman Discussion Circle on the Abolition of Domestic Drudgery. Robinson was a Gilchrist postgraduate scholar in Home Science and Economics at King’s College for Women in 1912. It is unclear why she took the scholarship given that she already had a postgraduate degree. She resigned her scholarship, citing that the course offered was "worthless from an educational point of view". “women must realize that knowledge of pure science, and the power to apply it, are chiefly in the hands of men, and to men they must appeal for application of science to the household, unless they themselves are prepared to become serious scientists” She wrote extensively on her criticism of the study of domestic science, particularly in feminist publications.
Robinson is considered to be one of the first documented female research chemists. In the 8 years following her graduation from Manchester she researched dyes in a private laboratory at her home, Moseley Villa, in Mitford Rd, Withington. She joined W.B. Sharpe in 1915 as an analytical and research chemist. Her work also included responsibility for transferring chemical reactions she had devised to large-scale production. She was promoted to Chief Chemist in 1916 and become an associate of the Institute of Chemistry in 1919. In 1920 she joined Clayton Aniline as Chief Chemist, her work there generated three patents listing her as the inventor; two were for aldehyde-amino condensation products. She stayed at Clayton Aniline until her retirement.
Rona died on 7 April 1962 at the age of 77. In 1965, a legacy in her will established the Rona Robinson scholarship to support female postgraduate students in chemistry at the Victoria University of Manchester (this transferred to the University of Manchester in 2004).
My published books:
Casa Colectiva América, 1937 • San Telmo
Avenida San Juan & Balcarce
I put this series on the back burner a few months ago while doing the dome map & getting the cemetery blog up. Now I feel sufficiently guilty to continue where I left off… the 1930’s. Worldwide economic depression in 1929 & Argentina’s first military coup in 1930 also make this a good moment to start again. Economic & political problems brought social welfare to a halt for most of the decade.
As the world pulled out of the Great Depression, immigration to Argentina slowed & they regained a market in Europe. Not much had been done in Buenos Aires to house immigrants in the meantime. Many of the first arrivals had already formed large families so the Comisión Nacional de Casas Baratas (CNCB) dusted itself off & built an apartment building with 95 units.
Designed by Estanislao Pirovano, the U-shape allows a lot of light to enter & gives half the units a view of the central patio. Pirovano was an incredibly diverse architect, having designed everything from Tudor to Neocolonial. But this was the first time a housing project had been built in the newest style taking BA by storm: racionalismo. Smooth surfaces, projecting window blinds & strategically placed curves gave the Casa América a sexy, streamline look. Most of the units have 2 bedrooms, & I was impressed at how nice it looks even today.
The only thing that makes this location less-than-desirable today is that the highway to Ezeiza runs directly behind it. But I’m not complaining… this could have easily disappeared in the 1970’s.
Update (27 Jan 2011): Just before leaving for Australia in Jul 2008, a visit to the Archivo General de la Nación turned up an interesting photo.
Taken in Jun 1935, the reverse text reads:
El arzobispo de Buenos Aires bendiga la piedra fundamental de la Casa Colectiva América, que se levantará en San Juan y Balcarce. Presidió la ceremonia el Ministro del Interior. Momento en que usa la palabra el ingeniero Juan Ochoa.
The Archbishop of Buenos Aires blesses the cornerstone of the Casa Colectiva América, which will be erected at San Juan & Balcarce. The Minister of the Interior presided over the ceremony. Moment when the engineer Juan Ochoa addressed those present.
Apart from the interesting scene –notice how society women dressed at the time– surely one of those in the crowd must be the architect responsible for the project, Estanislao Pirovano… well, actually I found a photo of Pirovano a few years after writing this post & nope, looks like he didn’t attend the ceremony.
Direct link → Master list of all Housing for the Masses posts. |
Ruffle one shoulder top $16.50 www.wetseal.com
This little number is super chic with the one-shoulder style and ruffles along the bust
Everyday Knit top $15.80 www.forever21.com
The versatility of this simple everyday top gives it a thumbs up in my book.
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I love this dress because it's flirty, has a nice spring color, and it's sooo not trendy. Step it up with peep-toe heels or strappy black sandals for your night out on the town.
Cielo by Froxx V-Neck Batwing Dress $43.99 www.macys.com
This dress molds curves so you can't be afraid to show off your body when wearing an ensemble such as this. The long sleeves work well for the cool Spring temperatures at night.
That's all folks! |
Here at Foundations Christian School, we're really excited because our next fundraiser is starting!
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These cards are only $10 and they're good for an entire year! That means they more than pay for themselves. If you're interested in picking up one or more cards for you and your family, please leave a comment on this post, or contact your favorite Foundations Christian School student or staff member. We will be more than happy to set you up with some real savings. After all, you're going to eat out, you're going to need to stay in a hotel, and you're going to get your oil changed, right? You might as well save money while you're at it!
If you'd like more information about this fundraiser, or about enrolling your child in Foundations Christian School for next year, please contact us today!
Our goal is for this blog to be informative, entertaining and fun for parents and anyone who is interested in learning more about Foundations Christian School. Thanks for reading! |
Kaitlin is a fourth year Human Kinetics student at the University of Ottawa who recently completed her internship at my clinic, Function to Fitness Physiotherapy.
She is applying for her Masters in Physiotherapy and plans to start that program once she completes her Kinesiology degree. Kaitlin is committed to her studies and because of her schedule is too busy to take proper care of herself.
The Pain of Daily Headaches
But this hard work and commitment came at a cost: Kaitlin suffered daily painful, debilitating headaches for several years and was unsure of their exact cause. Kaitlin thought that they were the result of dehydration, stress or poor diet. Maybe they were the result of too little sleep?
She frequently used over the counter painkillers such as Tylenol to deal with the problem.
A Headache Appears
Kaitlin and I were at a workshop in Montreal when her usual afternoon headache came on. I encouraged her to massage the areas around her head and neck. This helped but it only lessened her pain a small amount.
Mind Your Posture, Young Lady
Then I thought we should try something else.
During the time we worked together, I noticed that Kaitlin maintained a stooped forward posture. I challenged Kaitlin to sit up straight and maintain a good posture throughout the next day and see if that affected the headache.
The next day her daily headache failed to appear.
Kaitlin realized that she had the habit of slouching. Her head would fall forward over slouched shoulders. This was the pattern she held while in class listening to lectures, while at her computer, when reading her books and while completing her written assignments. In fact, her head was in a forward position for the majority of her waking day.
After the first headache free day, Kaitlin realized the cause of her headaches and what she had to do to eliminate them.
It all made sense; my poor posture was causing me to have terrible headaches. Right away I knew I had to start working towards having better posture. It was definitely not easy at first but sitting up straight with my head completely aligned is now embedded within my brain. I am now headache free; continuing to live my hectic life painlessly. |
Beauty is a woman’s nature, and every woman yearns for white skin, which can add a lot to her appearance.
In fact, there are many whitening methods, not only using whitening products, but also starting from some small things in life.
So what should a woman do if she wants to whiten? Experts have shared some whitening methods. Let’s learn about them soon! 1. Drink water. Everyone knows the importance of drinking water in the morning. Women need to be hydrated. If they have enough water, they will naturally have good skin. Therefore, they insist on drinking a cup of boiled water every morning after getting up. In order to increase the effect, they can add an appropriate amount of salt to the clear water, which can clear the intestines and eliminate toxins.
2. Correct facial exfoliation correct facial washing is also a good way to whiten. Let’s learn about it.
The dull and yellow face seems to be caused by insufficient nutrition, but it is precisely caused by the failure of normal metabolism of the cuticle of the facial skin.
Exfoliating facial skin is one of the ways to quickly change the dark, yellow and dull complexion. The exfoliated facial skin can not only make the facial skin white, tender and smooth, but also allow the nutrition of skin care products to quickly penetrate into the bottom of the skin, nourish the skin, and make the facial skin more bright and moist.
3. Do a good job of isolation and sunscreen ultraviolet rays to make our skin dark yellow and black, if you want to avoid this problem, you must do a good job of sunscreen and isolation before going out, and you can use sunscreen and isolation cream with good effects.
In addition, remember to remove your makeup immediately after you get home.
4. Eat more white radishes. Chinese medicine has mentioned that white radishes benefit the five internal organs and whiten the skin.
Because white radish is rich in vitamin C, it can not only promote the integration of skin with collagen, but also improve blood circulation, remove exhaust gas and waste in the body, inhibit melanin, and make skin white and delicate.
5. When applying a facial mask, don’t underestimate a small facial mask. Do it about once or twice a week. After long-term persistence, you will find that the facial mask is very effective in improving the skin, which can not only moisturize, whiten, but also remove acne.
However, people with dark yellow skin especially need to pay attention to hydration, so it is recommended to moisturize their face with moisturizing water before applying facial mask. Such a small action can double the effect of applying facial mask.
6. Exercise can detoxify the skin and let the toxin be discharged in time along with the sweat of the skin pores.
Make the skin emit healthy and natural complexion.
Such as mountain climbing, jogging, badminton, gymnastics and so on, these common sports should be done more.
7. Diet conditioning is also very necessary for whitening through diet conditioning.
It is also feasible to use daily diet to regulate dark yellow skin.
Milk: drink more milk, especially pure milk. The saying that milk can make people white is scientific, so you must pay attention to developing the habit of drinking milk at ordinary times.
Jujube: because jujube is rich in vitamin C and vitamin E, eating it regularly can make your skin very smooth and moist.
Sesame seeds: the nutrients contained in sesame seeds can make your skin take on a new look like rebirth.
There are many whitening methods in the market, and what suits you is the best, so you should decide according to your actual situation.
When you go out, you must do a good job in sunscreen. Even when you go out in winter, you must not ignore the seriousness of ultraviolet rays. You must apply sunscreen and isolation cream.
We should develop good skin care habits at ordinary times. In winter, we should remember to moisturize and maintain smooth and delicate skin! |
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Jean-Philippe Collard: At the heart of colour
Jean-Philippe Collard belongs to that category of artists who move through space in the same way as they play: the measured gestures brush past the lights until he sits down in front of the instrument. The pianist has come to listen to those who have come to hear him. What he proposes is a dialogue without words. Just through the eyes and then through sound. An infinity of sounds.
This very special complicity conceals all the preparatory work that comes before the concert: the need to forget one’s nervousness (how long afternoons are before going on stage!), to dominate an impatient body, to channel one’s courage, the self-control of the final moments before the leap into the void, it all depends. It is necessary, he says, ‘to be sucked into the music, to be calm enough to find your way back to spontaneity, and to captivate the audience’. The urge to convey and reveal the beauty of music exceeds the nature of a mere passion: it is a matter of vital necessity, for which one must resolve to share one’s own emotions, without the desire to conquer those of others in return. An offering, now of immense proportions after hundreds of concerts and more than sixty recordings.
‘You have to strike straight at the heart and not over-intellectualise works you’ve frequented for years’, he says. Those works constitute a fabulous harvest, the fruits of Romanticism, from Chopin and Schumann right up to Rachmaninoff, made still more beautiful by two centuries of French music.
All Jean-Philippe Collard’s sound worlds are impregnated with colour: the ‘sensation produced on the organ of sight by light variously reflected by bodies’, says the Littré dictionary, with an epicurean perception unusual in such a volume yet intensely familiar to a pianist who, precisely, declares that he is ‘hungry for colours’. But not just any colours. A gourmet of pigments, the artist knows what nuance means in every context, when sonic landscapes with a measured temperament resonate in the iridescence of arpeggios and the long finish of chords. When he recalls his apprenticeship with Pierre Sancan, his friendship with Vladimir Horowitz and his encounters all over the world with the elite of conductors and the foremost orchestras, Jean-Philippe Collard knows that he can tell the public everything. So he has paid tribute to the gods of colour, his composers. |
We’ve been switching our recaps to the form of video – if you haven’t caught any of the previous ones check out our IGTV channel. However, for this week our Insider decided to go on a vacation and you’re stuck having to read about what happened. So sit back, relax, grab your favourite flavour of Ovaltine and let’s catch up on the week that just passed.
So some preamble before we get into the games – this week concludes our first past through a round robin. Every team saw each other once, and because there were 6 games, each team saw at least one other one twice – Falcons v Eagles, Owls v Wolves, and Tigers v Lions were the repeat games. So we now know a little bit about each team, what they bring, what their strengths are, and where they need some help. At this point in the season everyone can now go home without the worry that their muscle soreness the next day will prevent them from beckoning for their morning cup of coffee (or chai – I don’t know what you drink). That means, this week that just passed might have been the first time we actually saw what the potential of the players on the field could be. However, playoffs will always be the true test. Ok, enough pre-amble let’s get to the main course.
Game 1: Wolves 10 @ Falcons 15
This game featured teams that haven’t played yet, we had Abbas Allidina pitching against Miqdad Jaffer – Abbas being picked 1 spot before Miqdad in the draft. For the Wolves they were without the league’s batting leader in Raza Jafary and captain/human cheer squad in Imran Virji.
The Falcons were actually short handed and playing with 9 players. Though if you watched this game you wouldn’t really know they were short. The Falcons took an early lead 4-1 after the first inning and kept the pressure on for the first 4 innings scoring either 4 or 3 runs in each inning. The Wolves started to get rolling in the 6th inning scoring 5 runs with no outs, but the mercy inning squashed their momentum and they could never really mount a reasonable challenge for the Falcons.
Standouts in this game for the Falcons were the captain and his trusty assistant – both Ali R(e/a)zas were in top form going 4 for 5, combining for 8 hits and 7 runs scored. Ali Raza Nasser dedicated this game to Riaz Champsi, who was somewhere on a golf course scoring an 8 of his own (that’s not good). Even more impressive in this game was that every single Falcon recorded at least 1 hit, imagine what they can do with a full squad.
For the Wolves this might have been the first game Aadil Jaffer looked a little like his old self – maybe this trade for his brother Irfaan was all he needed to feel normal again. As for that aforementioned pitching matchup, Abbas Allidina clearly took home the win on this one – showing he was the right pick all along.
Game 2: Tigers 9 @ Lions 8
The Lions had this game circled as they were looking to avenge a 1 run loss to the Tigers previously. As you can tell from the score, it was a strong case of deja vu. The Tigers took an early lead but then were held off by the impressive defensive presence of the Lions. The Lions did get an 8-4 lead after 3 innings, but it seems like they wasted all of their energy building the lead, but couldn’t hold it. And that’s really the important part anyone can take the lead, but it’s the holding that really matters – kinda like reservations (If you don’t get that reference, I’m sorry this is just not going to be the article for you – stop reading, go watch Seinfeld and come back when you have a thorough education on the 1990s).
The Tigers seem like they’re tinkering with their lineups as they continue to tinker to find out what works for them – Azad Najfi leading off was the change in this one and it must have messed with “Super Rookie” Ali Zia because he went 0 for 3, but his brother Noor seemed to have picked him up almost hitting for the cycle in this one – just missing that elusive homerun. But if you’re looking for homeruns, look no further than the Lions Abbasali Kermalli – he’s hitting at least one a game and these are no doubters on any field.
The Lions seem to be coming together as a team, and really doing a good job of laying out their defence. Mohamed “Biggs” Walli seems to be finding his groove with pitching and though he hasn’t broken through on the offensive side of the ball – his captain maintains that he’s just knocking on that door and ready to break it down.
Game 3: Eagles 8 @ OWLS 7
Shorthanded the Eagles reached out for a waitlist player to bring their total roster to 9. Meanwhile the Owls almost had a full squad at 11 players – their only missing player, Tanveer Husnani, was on the golf course with Riaz probably shooting an 8 of his own. Unfortunately, the 8 was what the Owls needed to stay in this one and just fell short of that mark.
This team did feature an impressive pitching matchup in Hussein Allidina and Mikael Ratansi – both let in an equal 5 ERs, had 1 K each, but it was Mikael Ratansi’s 3 walks that were the biggest differential between these two. Imran Nasser, Sarfaraz Karmali, and Arif Jaffer carried the offensive load for the Eagles accounting for 7 of the team’s 8 RBIs. Wait read that back. Arif Jaffer was on that list – obviously showing some growth he was brought in as someone that could make the team better through some quad stretches, his offensive form is coming along and he even got an XBH to add to his stat totals.
Meanwhile on the Owls nobody really got going. Aqil Najafi new to the squad did his best to prove his captain’s correct in trading for him accounting for 2 of the team’s 6 RBIs, but certainly not enough for a team that seemed to go pretty quiet on the bats. Ironically, they had more hits than the Eagles but the Eagles were just more timely with theirs.
Game 4: LIONS 11 @ WOLVES 11
A tie, more of these this year than expected and the Wolves seem to be involved each time. So maybe this is a sign of them not being able to close. In the earlier tie against the Tigers it was a comeback, in this tie with the Lions it was a loss of the lead and then a mini recovery that didn’t make it all the way back. So let’s talk about the Lions first they had a slow start to contrast with their fast start in the previous game, and instead they seemed to be getting going at the end.
Their outfield defence is looking stellar and their infield defence comes across as a Hajj exhibition. I know we’re in the month of Zilhajj but Abbasali Kermalli doing his best impression of running between the mountains of Safa (3rd) and Marwa (Home) to try and cover the plate is a hilarious sight to behold. Maybe that’s why they made the trade for Minaz Noormhamed, because if is an event that was going to take place every week I think teams would start to exploit it for a few extra bases.
Almost everyone on the Lions got a hit in this one, and they exploited the Wolves outfield (not named Aadil Jaffer) as there were a lot of XBHs to be had. Most notably was an Abbasali Kermalli HR that is still probably in the air somewhere, which later resulted in a decision to walk him to face Sasha Al-Joundi a decision nobody of sane mind would ever make. Couple that with triples from Arif Hirji and Muzammil Jaffer – both of whom are probably still sore from having to run so far so quickly – were big contributors to some of the big innings the Lions put up.
For the Wolves the big stories here are the play of Aadil Jaffer who kept on hitting, and Shahid Rahemtulla that batted a perfect 3 for 3 and kept the team rally’s going. Ultimately this one ends in a tie and both team’s seem happy with the result – Lions are happy they came back, and Wolves feel like they figured out who they are. Ultimately – a tie isn’t a win, so this one doesn’t really do anything for anyone.
Game 5: Eagles 9 @ Falcons 1
These last two games are a bit of a head scratcher – just for the simple question of – how do you only score 1 run in slow pitch softball. For the Falcons the way they scored 1 run was 8 hits and a double by Abbas Fazal, which was ultimately scored because of a single from Ali Raza Nasser. The latter of which got called out for not generating enough RBIs – he responds by generating 100% of the team’s RBIs – and without knowing the score that’s actually an impressive stat – but because we do know the score we also know that the Eagles’ Umair Ali generated 6X the RBIs of the Falcons.
The Eagles had a star performance pitching wise from Hussein Allidina throwing only 6 balls in this whole game. For those that know Hussein know that during playoffs 6 balls are usually the first 6 pitches he throws just to announce his appearance. This however, was a masterclass in shutting down a team. Eagles played a great game – Taleb Zaidi showing supreme patience taking 3 walks and filling in at SS for the absent Ali Manek. Umair Ali hitting everything in sight and scoring runs – but he’s able to get those RBIs because the Eagles Shaan Shamji continues his tear and goes 4 for 4.
The nice thing about Shaan is that if he ends up on base, his speed makes it so that even a dribbler to the pitcher will allow him to score a run. For most players you have to throw one base ahead of them to slow them down, for Shaan you have to stay 2 or 3 bases ahead – this is mind you while he’s nursing an injury – it’s scary to imagine what he can do at full strength. There’s not a lot of redeeming qualities on the Falcons so we’ll just skip that part of the recap and say this was an anomaly that we won’t see again.
Game 6: Owls 1 @ Tigers 9
Now I said we we won’t see again, but the Owls decided to show that scoring 1 run in a game is not an anomaly and something they would be able to replicate. So how did the Owls score their 1 run – looks like the strategy is the same – 8 hits, and a double from Maysum Jaffer that allowed the run to score. This one is odd because there were certainly base runners for the Owls – with 5 walks issued – but they just weren’t able to do anything after that first inning.
The Tigers meanwhile did everything they could to help – they even let Ali Zia pitch – but even he couldn’t be touched. Nothing the Tigers do goes wrong and they’re a scary team. Also who is Indi Campbell – casually goes 2 for 3, with a triple and 3 RBIs. Now while Ali Zia still hit a homerun and got an equivalent 3 RBIs, he’s actually had an off week. Looking up and down this Tigers roster, nothing they did was that scary – maybe it was the Zia family’s sherbet that gave them that extra lift because they were relentless early, they seemed to relax after the 3rd inning but by then the game was already out of hand.
As we head to moving day, the Tigers with these two wins this week have almost locked down 1st place. they’ll have the chance to play the Lions again who always seem to fall short, and they will face the Eagles who are looking to prove the impact they can make – but the Eagles will be without Imran Nasser, so we’ll see how much of an impact he really has on the team. Regardless next week should be exciting.
That’s it. That’s our recap – check out the previews this Friday at 9:30 PM on IGTV as we go back to video. But let us know in the comments what you thought – agree, disagree, let’s hear what you think 👇🏽 |
In 2008 we shall have the twentieth anniversary of the Apostolic Letter Mulieris dignitatem by John Paul II on the dignity and vocation of women. This letter is in perfect continuity with the teaching of the Second Vatican Council which encouraged a much wider participation of women not only in the cultural and social sphere, but also in the ecclesial sphere. In the decree Apostolicam actuositatem we read: “Since in our times women have an ever more active share in the whole life of society, it is very important that they participate more widely also in the various fields of the Church’s apostolate” (no. 9). The concern of the Church for the effective advancement of women did not cease with Vatican II.
In 1973, six years after the establishment of the Consilium de Laicis, Paul VI, responding to an explicit request from the Synod of Bishops and in view of the International Year of women proclaimed by the United Nations in 1975, instituted the “Study commission on women in society and in the Church”.
In 1988, in response to the wishes of the Synod of Bishops concerning the participation of the laity in the life of the Church and in order to study the question of women, John Paul II published Mulieris dignitatem. It is significant that this letter was written during the Marian Year, a providential time to look at the theme of women while looking at Our Lady. In this path of reflection, Mulieris dignitatem is a milestone. For the first time, a pontifical document was entirely dedicated to the topic of women. John Paul II proceeds with an anthropological analysis in the light of Revelation in order to derive, both from the first chapters of Genesis and from the words and actions of Jesus Christ, fundamental truths like the equal dignity of men and women created in the image of God, the unity of the two and the call to communion, the importance of complementarity and reciprocity between men and women, the appreciation of the feminine “genius”, the figure of Mary as a model for women, and the total fulfilment of human beings called to holiness.
It is an established fact that, twenty years after Mulieris dignitatem, the language and contents of the magisterium of John Paul II have not only been assimilated but they have also generated a perspective of renewed appreciation of women and a keener awareness of the importance of reciprocity between men and women. John Paul II laid the foundation for a new feminism and his reflection has brought a breath of fresh air to a culture often hurt by antagonistic tendencies in the man-woman relationship, a theme that was later developed in the Letter to the bishops of the Catholic Church on the collaboration of men and women in the Church and in the world published in 2004 by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Benedict XVI in turn expressed and took up again the appreciation of the Church for the contribution of women. It is enough here to mention the catechesis in the general audience of 14 February 2007, dedicated to women and their ecclesial responsibility from the early Christian communities until today.
On the twentieth anniversary of Mulieris dignitatem, the Pontifical Council for the Laity is again taking up this in-depth study of the relationship man-woman and the participation of women in the mission of the Church, with a conference on the theme: “Woman and man, the humanum in its entirety”. It will be held in Rome from 7 to 9 February 2008 with the participation of around 250 people coming from the five continents. The main objectives of the Conference are to review the progress made over the past twenty years in the field of the advancement of women and the recognition of their dignity; to open up a reflection in the light of revelation on the new cultural paradigms and on the difficulties faced by Catholic women in living according to their identity and in collaborating in fruitful reciprocity with men in building up the Church and society; to remind women of the beauty of the vocation to holiness, encouraging them to respond to it with increasing awareness and, as players in the mission of the Church, to place at the service of the apostolate, family, workplace and culture, all the richness of the feminine “genius”. |
Over on Wheat and Tares, Bishop Bill revisited the 2016 Atlantic article headlined “There’s no Such Thing as Free Will.” He entitled his additional thoughts on the subject “No Free Agency.” I added a comment to the discussion but am not sure I made my point as well as I could, since it was a reactionary comment made when I should have been paying attention to the lesson in priesthood meeting. To verify I still felt the same way about the idea of free will or agency, I decided to revisit my own 2011 post here on LDC on the subject which I titled “We have Limited Free Will.” Yep, I stand by that position.
In that post I argued “…we have agency to act within certain bounds of natural laws that exist.” Since that post was written by assignment for a class on logic, I did not include any scriptural evidence to support my argument. I would like to add that support here. I suspect both the headlines on the above two posts were written to draw readership as neither one really presented a convincing argument that we indeed have no free will. In fact, the best rebuttal to the Atlantic article is summarized with their own secondary headline: “But we’re better off believing in it anyway.”
Without Agency There is no Existence
30 All truth is independent in that sphere in which God has placed it, to act for itself, as all intelligence also; otherwise there is no existence.
31 Behold, here is the agency of man, and here is the condemnation of man; because that which was from the beginning is plainly manifest unto them, and they receive not the light.
The above quote is from section 93 of the LDS edition of the Doctrine and Covenants. For this scripture to have relevance one obviously must accept it as the word of the Lord given by revelation to the Prophet Joseph, which I do. The importance and indeed, the power of agency is clearly taught here. This is something we can apply immediately and be blessed or cursed for so doing as we act upon our belief. Because of agency or free will, I can choose what I believe and therefore determine my own course in this life.
This Doctrine Gives Us Power
If I did not believe my choices mattered, I would probably be inclined to be less careful about what choices I make. If I did not believe in free will or moral agency, I would not feel responsible for my choices. It would be easy to excuse my poor behavior by simply reminding myself I have no choice in the matter. However, I choose to believe in the law of agency or free will. I believe God honors my choices and delivers to me consequences predicated upon the actions I have made in this sphere of existence with its limitations.
Because I accept the scripture in section 93 as binding upon me, I am also able to accept the gift of the atonement, the gift of faith and the gift of repentance with the attendant blessings of forgiveness. I would not have claim on those gifts if I did not accept that I am an agent unto myself. I choose to accept this doctrine as binding upon me. Because the outcomes of my belief in this doctrine are so important and of eternal consequence, I have a right to know if it is a true doctrine even if I accept it as self-evident, which I do.
This is Light and Truth
Agency is most often taught with the accompanying doctrine of accountability, which is defined as being responsible for our own choices in life. If we accept the doctrine of accountability, we accept the consequences of our actions, even if they are delayed until some future time. In fact, if we immediately received the results of our actions, we would likely have a difficult if not impossible time learning to be true agents in the full sense of the word. Making conscious, deliberate choices becomes ingrained in our souls when we have time to see the full effects of our choices, even if not outwardly seen right away.
Time is a blessing and gift of mortality. Without time, and delayed realization of the fruits of our labors, we would not appreciate or fully understand what we have done with our lives. With the blessing of time, we can see the fulfillment of promises made to us conditional upon our clear and intentional choices. While some rewards are not obtainable in this life, when we accept and act upon the law of accountability, we build light and truth within us that will prepare us for the full enjoyment of those blessings that are offered to us by the Spirit of the Lord as being desirable, even when delayed.
Enticings of the Holy Spirit
I’ve often wondered about the use of the word “enticings” in Mosiah 3:19. Because the English word “entice” can have some negative connotations, I’ve thought that perhaps Joseph could have chosen a better or different word. One definition of the word “entice” is “to attract or tempt by offering pleasure or advantage.” Hmmm… Does the Holy Spirit attract us? It should, it can, and it does. Does it offer advantage? Absolutely. But does it tempt by offering pleasure? Is that how the Holy Spirit works? In order to work on the natural man, I can make an argument in support of this definition of “enticings.”
Another popular definition of the word “entice” is “to attract artfully or adroitly or by arousing hope or desire.” And one last definition of many available is “to lead on by exciting hope or desire.” Does the Holy Spirit lead us on? Has that been your experience? A few hymns and phrases from hymns come to mind. Lead, kindly light. Lead thou me on. Hope of Israel. Desire of all nations. Yes, the Holy spirit leads us on, but unlike many worldly comparisons that may come to mind, the Holy Spirit delivers. He does excite hope. For me, He strengthens my desire toward things of righteousness and holiness.
Eager Anticipation of Reward
You’re probably familiar with the logic behind human behavior. Why do we do the things we do? Typically, three levels of motivation are presented for consideration: fear, duty and love, with love being the most desirable. Like me, you can probably provide examples of how you are motivated by each of these three different levels in various aspects of your life. Interestingly, I am motivated to engage in my daily labors by all three, seemingly combined in one messy ball of mortality: fear of not having enough, a sense of duty toward my family and my fellow man, but mostly out of love for my wife.
It’s no secret that humans are prone to addiction. We are also, by nature, very curious individuals, although some have argued modern education is doing a great job of killing that essential state of curiosity and creativity. Addiction and curiosity are dependent on the same biological chemistry and drive: dopamine and the drive to feel. This includes a desire for new sensory stimulus, intense emotional experiences, pleasure, excitement, entertainment, and anticipation. Dopamine enables us not only to see rewards, but to act to move toward them. We would accomplish little in our lives without it.
Rewards in the Life to Come
Can an understanding of human motivation and behavior help us understand how the spirit entices us to choose to pursue and obtain the things of eternal life? In a word, yes. The drive to feel, normally thought of as a mortal experience only, is so much more than that. It is an eternal motivator given to us by loving heavenly parents. While we may try to explain it away as entirely based on the biology of dopamine, it is part of our eternal makeup, central to the core essence of who we are. There is something to be said for the old test of existence: “I think, therefore I am.” In the same way, “I feel, therefore I am.”
I choose to act upon the enticings of the Holy Spirit. As I do so, I become more sensitive to those enticings. I recognize them more readily. They come to me more frequently and with greater clarity. Yet they remain subtle, never obtrusive. While the enticings of the flesh can be powerful, strong and loud, the enticings of the spirit will almost always be quiet but just as powerful and as strong as I allow them to be. God will never force, but he will entice as long as we give heed to those enticings. His constant enticings are clear evidence of His love for us. In them, we come to know our heavenly parents perfectly.
I Will Choose Free Will
Each of us
A cell of awareness
Imperfect and incomplete
With uncertain ends
On a fortune hunt
That’s far too fleet
You can choose a ready guide
In some celestial voice
If you choose not to decide
You still have made a choice
You can choose from phantom fears
And kindness that can kill
I will choose a path that’s clear
I will choose free will
Songwriters: Geddy Lee / Alex Lifeson / Neil Peart
Free Will lyrics © Ole Media Management Lp |
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I know no one ever means bad by congratulating someone on having a natural childbirth, but to those of us who labored for hours, and tore over and over, only to be sewed up and torn again, and told, sorry, baby won’t come out, it’s like being stabbed. Everyone thinks you ‘gave up’ or ‘asked for it’.. I would have done anything (and did) I pushed while the nurses were out of the room, I asked for the vacuum when I knew it was no good, pushed harder than anyone else had even seen my doctor push, for HOURS.. and it didn’t make a damn difference. The circumstances were against me from the start both times. I have 2 beautiful (BIG!) girls, but feel miserable every time I hear someone say ‘way to go’ to a naturally birthing mom. If you want to say something about it, say it privately, otherwise, those of us who had no choice, who were screwed over by mother nature or whatever are going to feel like crap.
When my husband’s father died last spring, ‘they’ chose NOT to tell him that his dad had already passed. Instead they said he was ‘really bad off’ and to get there as fast as he could. REALLY? My husband made a 2 hour drive in 45 minutes. His dad had been dead for 2 hours before they even called him. WTH people? I was PREGNANT and had a toddler. You think it’s really F*****G smart to endanger his life in that situation? He could have come home and I could have driven him to be with the family. Tell the damn truth.
I try REALLY hard to only say what is needed, so that I don’t hurt anyone’s feelings… if something DOES need said, then I try to make the best decision possible so there’s no harm done. |
This DOUBLE ROOM WITH BATHROOM is on the second floor overlooking directly on Via Guelfa. Design appeals modern atmospheres. The double bed is like sommier. Lights embedded in the back of the headboard, with the other lamp on the wall, create an elegant and charming atmosphere. Shades of gray predominate the whole ambience. In this room is possible to add a single bed.
This SPECIAL BEDROOM WITH BATHROOM is lovely furnished in modern style using the materials and colors of the Mediterranean. The wood used by master carpenters to make the furniture is solid wood boards, honed, but not veneered. This gives the furniture a beautiful, one-of-a-kind material quality, painted a warm shade of ochre, contrasting with the walls in varying shades of blue. The furniture is finished and decorated with sand, sand dollars and wood, collected on the beach, where the sea returns them to the solid land.
This DOUBLE ROOM WITH BATHROOM overlooking directly on Via Guelfa; It is dedicated to Lorenzo dei Medici: you can find his poems on the wall and on the floor. This brightly lie room is furnished in classic style and the predominant colors are yellow and gold. This room, such as all the other rooms of the Bed and Breakfast Locanda dei Poeti, is provided with all mod cons. In this room is possible to add a single bed.
Room Dante Alighieri - SINGLE ROOM WITH BATHROOM. This especially quiet, brightly lit room is furnished in classic style, using shades of light and deep blue with ivory walls. This room, such as all the other rooms of the Bed and Breakfast Locanda dei Poeti, is provided with all mod cons.
New 45sqm open space apartment with terrace - spectacular views over the old bridge and the Arno river; very central; second floor with lift; consisting of a double bed, a French sofa bed located in the living area, a bathroom with shower and bidet and a foldaway kitchen.
The loft is located on the third floor with lift of a historic building overlooking Piazza della Signoria. The apartment has been completely renovated recently. It consists of a living room with sofa bed, kitchenette, dining room and double bed with wardrobe all in one room
This lovely recently renovated apartment consists of 2 bedrooms, living room and bathroom; suitable for up to 5 people; 1st floor of a building in via Nazionale; all the main attractions can be reached on foot in a few minutes; Soundproof windows, A / C, wi-fi included.
This nice apartment renovated in January 2016 consists of 2 bedrooms, living room and bathroom. suitable for up to 5 people. 1st floor of a building in via Nazionale (3 minutes walk from the SMN railway station, the lower fortress and the congress building) Soundproofed windows, A / C, wi-fi included.
Beautiful open space apartment of 65 square meters finely renovated consisting of 1 bedroom on a mezzanine, living room with double sofa bed and 2 bathrooms; suitable for up to 4 people; very quiet overlooking an internal courtyard, air conditioning, wi-fi included. The apartment has a large double bedroom with bathroom plus a double sofa bed in a very spacious living room with bathroom; the new and modern kitchen is fully equipped.
He estado con mi marido la pasada semana, y sin lugar a dudas lo recomiendo a todo el mundo. Martina es un encanto y nos realizó la reserva no sólo de la habitación sino también de la Galería Ufizzi...bueno perfecto...La habitación era la oriental, preciosa, con sus chocolates, y un cuarto de baño limpio y con todos los detalles....fantástico.
Martina nos recomendó qué lugares visitar en la ciudad y por favor hacerle caso en los restaurantes que os recomiende, la pasta deliciosa y probad el vino frisante...uffffff que bueno.
Solo quiero recomendarlo y darle las gracias a Martina y a su hermano, el trato ha sido fabuloso...además como le acariciamos el morro al jabalí del mercato seguro que pronto volveremos.
Ubicación perfecta, a unas cuatro cuadras de la terminal. La atención, buena. Estuve tres noches y solo una vez encontré a alguien en la recepción. Pero a mi llegada me habian dejado en un sobre las indicaciones para el ingreso, para el check out. Sentí haber alquilado mas un departamento que un hotel. Respecto al servicio, no repusieron jabón, detalle a destacar cuando a mi llegada había solo uno pequeño. Estuve en la habitación Dante Alighieri. Confortable, aunque da a un patio interno demasiado pequeño.
This place was great! The room was super cute and cozy, the shower got nice and toasty, and there was a towel warmer. The wifi actually worked, and the hosts were really easy going. This was my favorite place in our 3 week trip!
Another great stay at locanda dei poeti. I've been staying at Locanda dei poeti once or two times a year for the past 5 years. It is a charming B&B located just steps from Mercato San Lorenzo and less than a 10 minute walk to the train station. It is located far enough from the crowds yet close enough to all the attractions in Florence. The atmosphere is very romantic with various poetry written on the walls of the rooms, hall way and stairwell. Martina is a great host and willing to help in any way that she can. On a past visit my taxi was late (at 4:30 am) and she called me to let me know and that it would be arriving shortly.The rooms are very clean and comfortable. There is an espresso maker and small snacks on both floors of the B&B so you can grab an espresso first thing in the morning. Best place to stay.
Ideal location. Charming B&B offering comfortable clean and quiet accommodations. Ideally located within walking distance of the main attractions. Wifi worked very well. The host, Martina, was a delightful Lady who is very helpful and made sure my checkin was smooth., She also arranged for my Taxi on my departure day. Breakfast was provided by voucher at nearby restaurants. It was very basic (as per the Euro norm) but the service was friendly and they had an Espresso machine and biscotti available, as well as Fridge for groceries in the common area. Room and the hotel had a charming decor and I felt very comfortable my whole stay. I should add the room was large by Euro standards, with adequate room for all my luggage. There was an issue one day when the breakfast places were both closed (Liberation day holiday) in spite of having assured the owner they were open that day. They refunded the cost and directed me by phone to a place where I enjoyed a good breakfast. My room did not have a view and this may not be a great place if arriving by Car, but if you are from Canada ( or Australia/NZ, or US or.../) you probably will be better off not driving in Firenze. I know where I'm staying for next visit to this amazing city
Very comfortable. I spent over a week here attening a conferenze held in Fortezza. The room was very nice and clean (everyday cleaning). Irene was so kind and helpful in everything and yet you felt as if it was your own appartment. I highly recommend :)
Lovely Gem in the Heart of Florence. We were surprised and pleased to find this affordable Bed and Breakfast near so many of the Florence attractions. Our room was attractively decorated, clean and yes, we had our own bathroom and air conditioning. The B&B has a small common kitchen and sitting room; coffee in the morning was made with a machine - not instant. The hostess was charming and allowed us to leave our bags even after we had checked out, allowing us to sightsee unencumbered. The one negative was the breakfast...packaged biscotti and croissants. But honestly, with all the nearby cafes and restaurants, it wasn’t a big deal.
Bellissima sperienza. Parto col dire che il locale e le camere sono bellissime e ben curate, consiglio il posto sia a coppie che a famiglie. Inoltre la proprietaria è stata molto gentile e disponibile. Per quanto riguarda la posizione è a 5 minuti dal centro quindi top!
Per cambi di orari all' ultimo minuto nn ho incontrato le persone che lo gestiscono volevo ringraziare per lo splendido soggiorno, struttura accogliente, camere spaziose dotate di tv, ac curate e molto pulite. Anche gli spazi in comune sn molto ben curati. Nn lontano dalla stazione in una strada tranquilla dista veramente poco dal centro, consigliato!!!
Il vero B&B Peccato nn aver conosciuto i proprietari. Tuttavia sono stati presenti in tutto anche se soltanto telefonicamente. Struttura pulita, molto curata c'è amore.. Ubicato vicinissimo al centro ma allo stesso tempo lontano da chiassoso situazioni notturne. Complimenti.. Ci tornerò..
Struttura comodissima per posizione . Appartamento pulito con tutti i confort. Le padrone di casa super disponibili . Ho avuto modo di conoscere anche la suocera persona da 110 e lode!! Ho sentito tutto il calore dell’accoglienza
È un B&B semplicemente delizioso, innovativo nella gestione quasi indipendente degli ospiti e quindi ben organizzata in modo tale che all'arrivo abbiano tutto ciò che serve. L'arredamento è super creativo, con citazioni su ogni parete, colori brillanti, la stanza super carina, cucinino attrezzato, conto di ritornarci anche in futuro.
Immersione nella cultura fiorentina e non solo. È un incontro culturale con Dante. Dante chi? Alighieri è ovvio! Super consigliato. 5 Stelle piene. |
Welcome to the MadDog Chapter of Trout Unlimited
Trout Unlimited is a national organization with more than 150,000 members organized into about 400 chapters from Maine to Montana to Alaska. This dedicated grassroots army is matched by a respected staff of lawyers, policy experts and scientists, who work out of more than 30 offices nationwide. These conservation professionals ensure that TU is at the forefront of fisheries restoration work at the local, state and national levels.
Our mission is to conserve, protect and restore north-central Vermont and Northeast Kingdom coldwater fisheries and watersheds through education, advocacy, and boots-on-the-ground conservation.
The vision of the MadDog Chapter of Vermont Trout Unlimited will ensure that robust populations of native and wild coldwater fisheries once again thrive, so that future generations can enjoy healthy fisheries in their home waters. |
The World’s cause of all darkness is belief. Self-expansion is good. Comes from division. Vol.262
Silly Talk: Question 3
A modest president
As you say, MARTH, the divided ego wants to be superior out of inferiority grief…
I reacted strongly to this.
I was convinced that I was right. I have always felt that my family was losing out to other people.
Ever since I was a child, I have been fighting to be the most successful person in the world. It made me the modest president of the company.
But life has been challenging, and now it has become darkness. So I want to quit that…
Can you give me some advice?
It is a Silly Inner Talk. I am with Lili.
I am in Lili’s room. I am delivering it from Lili’s room.
So, I didn’t do Silly Talk 4 earlier, so I’ll add it.
“What do you think is the cause of all the darkness in this world, MARTH?”
It is question 4 from Silly Talk.
Response from MARTH
“Isn’t it the belief that winning is a good thing that comes from separation, of self-enlargement?”
What do you think is the cause of all the darkness in this world?
The triumph of self-enhancement comes from division.
The point is to believe that winning is a good thing, isn’t it?
It is the cause of the darkness in the world.
The meaning of “coming from the separation” comes from “self and other.”
The expansion of that self.
Of the false self that thinks it is self.
Letting it win. Letting it get better is a good thing. Believing that it is good.
Isn’t that the cause of all the universe, this world’s darkness?
That is what I mean.
A false sense of self.
In a world where we learn that there is the self and the other,
we improve the ego that we think is on our side. Let it win.
Why is it the problem?
If that were the case, the ego would tempt you, wouldn’t you?
It would be an ambition so that the darkness would lure you,
It’s not because of the darkness; You are going there because you want to win.
Because you want to be ahead.
I want to be great. I want to be awesome.
I don’t want to be made fun of.
Doesn’t that mean those who were made fun of when they were little are more likely to go
(into the darkness)?
It’s a loss, isn’t it?
You go to the darkness.
You don’t go to the darkness because it’s bad. You go there because you are afraid or because you are ambitious.
I don’t want to lose. I don’t want to be embarrassed. I know people who say,
“I don’t want to be stoned like that again. “
I have seen 100s of thousands of participants, so I have seen all kinds of suffering and pain.
Oh, they did that to me. I’ve heard so many stories and listened to so many things.
That is because they go into the darkness.
But, after all, I don’t want to be like that because I’m scared.
I don’t want that kind of thing anymore. I don’t want it anymore.
I want to win. I want to be great.
I don’t want to be made a fool of. Wow~!
100s of thousands of such people. Or rather, there are only a few who are.
It is hard to find such people in this ego world who say
they are happy at home.
Mine is a value system that says, rather than happiness, don’t win, don’t be gullible.
It is the opposite of the values of the ego society.
We were a family of temples and shrines for thousands of years, so our values were the opposite.
I have never met such a person out of 100s of thousands of people.
They all try their best in fights, competition, and being great.
We don’t want to be beaten and lose. We want to cheat.
We try to look like good people.
So they think, “I’m going to get away with it. I don’t want to get beaten up,”
and they think, “My ego is going to be beaten up.
I don’t want to be beaten up or made to look like a fool.
It’s a pain to keep doing that.
Because the dark people are not recognized, they disappear. Right?
Because they won’t compliment you, they won’t listen to what you say, and they won’t acknowledge you.
They say, “I’m great!” But they say,
“I’m famous! I’m awesome! They will say,
“What? What about it?” And I would say, ” What’s wrong with that?
“I’m winning. I’m good. I have authority, position, honor, and I have power!” But they would say,
“What? And then, “Huh?
If they are not looking for it, they will say, “What? What about it? Huh? That’s fine.”
My power! Listen to me! I’m great! I’m amazing!
“Huh? I’m not interested.”
So it must be the dark people’s fault.
Is it the dark people’s fault?
Is it the person in authority or the leader?
Is it the people who want it and follow it, or is it the people who follow it for safety, which is something I’ve been a trainer in the field for many years and have never understood.
It’s the fault of both.
If you threaten them, they will do what you say. Many people say,
“If I threaten you, you will do what I say.
My father would arrest such a person.
People who are threatened and do what you say are free.
Don’t you think so?
So that person acts as if it is a good thing.But those who want status and honor and do what they say they will do are free.
I want to win and be great. I want to be great. They are free.
And so, such people are arrested, get away with it, gain status and honor, and are controlled by authority. This is the prosecutorial view.
This is society.
It is not a healthy society.
Indeed, from the eyes of the prosecution,
this world is far from darkness. It is a world of extreme corruption.
No recognition of its authority.
I think it’s rotten and corrupted.
Considerably, what I saw as a child was decent, as was my father.
There was no corruption as such.
So, I have a very social, decent social eye.
From there, I do not incorporate into the dark and corrupt things.
But what if status and honor were what I wanted?
Corrupt money, currency, and authority.
Then I would be a bad person.
But can you say that the bad person, who has authority, status, and honor, is bad?
Because if I want it, I will be the second or third person like that, right?
I don’t want to be like that.
On the contrary, what if the rest of the world stopped being interested in such things?
I don’t want that. That would be fine for me. I don’t recognize you. I don’t recognize you as a society.
We do not recognize you as a healthy society.
The world that you are in is an ugly darkness.
It is ugly and corrupt.
What if there were no such people?
Who, then, is responsible?
We always blame others, however.
It’s not the fault of the people with power.
Because if you don’t respect the person in power, recognize them, or see them as corrupt, then you have the most significant influence.
That’s how I feel. It is a “Silly Talk.”
This program is a “Silly Talk.” program.
I told much silly talk today.
Would you like to meet Lili?
So, I told a lot of silly talks today.
I look forward to seeing you again.
Today, I delivered this message from Lili’s room.
Beautiful flowers, Lili. You are a happy doggie.
I wish all the dogs in the world would be happier than Lili.
Thank you very much. Goodbye.
Your guest speakers were MARTH and Lili, who keep telling you silly things. |
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Meditation and yoga have long been heralded for their benefits in lowering stress and reducing anxiety, but recent studies are also finding that mindfulness can increase productivity and enhance leadership skills. For many business owners and employees, these practices can feel daunting to integrate into a corporate setting. Megan, a yoga teacher with over 10 years of experience, has taught workshops at companies such as Microsoft and the Gates Foundation. Her workshops offers simple ways to integrate mindfulness, breath and yogic practices into offerings that suit your business needs.
Choose an offering that appeals to the particular needs of your business and your team.
Mindfulness for Better Business
Mindfulness practices have been shown to lower stress, reduce anxiety, improve brain function and lead to overall better health. Mindfulness can also make us better leaders. This workshop offers simple and accessible tools that help you bring mindfulness practices into your business to build better employees and better leaders.
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Most adults are not getting enough sleep, whether its the amount of the quality, we arrive at work feeling unrested and exhausted. This workshop offers simple practices to help us shift our sleep habits and tools for when we are experiencing sleeplessness that can help us perform better and find more energy in our day to day.
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Simple yoga practices can help address some of the common aches and pains we experience when sitting for the majority of our day. This workshop can be offered either as a full yoga class at the end of the day or a hands-on workshop that offers yoga poses you can do right at your desk...no mat required!
Add something unique and special to a training or meeting. Sound Baths are deeply relaxing and healing and the wonderful thing? They can be experienced sitting or lying down and there's no need to change from work clothes to yoga clothes. Offer a new experience to your employees that will leave them feeling refreshed and relaxed and will be an unforgettable new experience.
Ready to book your next team training?
Email me to start the discussion of how to set up an hour long, half-day or full day workshop to bring the benefits of yoga and meditation to your workplace and your team. I'll tailor something to your company's needs. |
Jan Diabelez Arnt Harries
Known as: Rambones
Game music arranged by Jan Diabelez Arnt Harries:
Arranged music originally composed by someone else, but these arrangements are done by Jan Diabelez Arnt Harries [in the brackets is original tune's release date]:
Record created/updated: 7. October 2002.
Something wrong with these data? - Write corrections / additions to Game Music Base
Upload MOD/MIDI game music to this music record - if you have music to World of Game Mids/Mods archives
Write other feedback/comments to this record - for other comments/suggestions
Information provided here may not be accurate and are provided only as an informative resource, without any warranty. |
For all that can be said negative about Kane- the first murderer- in the book of Genesis, a lack of wit and audacity can not be one of them. In one of the most ironic stories of the whole Bible Kane rebuked God himself with the rhetorical and satirical question, "Am I my brother's keeper"? Clearly implying he was not and avoiding the obvious implications of God's inquiry. We are not told how the story fully played out, but I am sure if God did answer his snide question it would be an emphatic "yes"!
One of the biggest criticisms in avoiding church is that it is full of liars, hypocrites, and hateful/unmerciful judges. If this logic were applied across the board, no one would step foot in gyms in the fear of seeing obese patrons. Additionally, no sick person would ever visit a hospital, as one is bound to encounter other ailing souls. It is precisely for the reason why Christians are so hurtful and hateful in their actions that they are in need of the loving care of the ultimate physical: Christ Jesus Himself, pretending otherwise sets us up for fail.
My missions motto is simple: "reaching in, reaching out". This most basic anthem proclaims that if anyone is in need of change, it is first and foremost me. Along my journey with Christ, I have had more failures than successes. I distinctively remember my first year, and failing the test of righteousness at least 8-9 times out of 10 tests. As the years have passed I can soundly say I have increased maybe at the rate of 1-2 more triumphs each year. And still, on even my best days, I can hope to hit the mark a 7-8, if I am lucky- but these are sporadic at best. If this trend continues, I can well hope to be batting some solid numbers consistently in the next few years, but perhaps perfection will always be out of reach.
Like the whack-a-mole game, I have found that sin is next to impossible to defeat completely. Once you smack one area about, another area appears seemingly out of no where. Mind you, this may merely be a point of perspective. For instance, an alcoholic may discover he has an anger problem once he is sober. However, that problem may have always existed, but the fixation on getting sober may in fact totally eclipse and overshadow other sins. The more we rid ourselves of unrighteousness, the more we realize how much more work we actually got to do. This should be the sincere journey of anyone truly seeking to find God or make any spiritual progress. The great thinker Socrates declared he knew nothing, and this is truly understood in comparing what we currently know to how much knowledge/progress is actually available.
In our walks with God and attempting to reach the lost, honesty is always the best policy. I can say as a recovered alcoholic, beyond any reasonable doubt that the 12 steps of substance abuse recovery make perfect sense in regard to other sins: recognize we are helpless to help ourselves and God alone can restore us. Once we make this basic proclamation, we can begin to submit and surrender our will, desires and intentions over to him. It is only here where we can begin to seek lasting change that will steam roll this world that seems to be more and more irreparably damaged and straying even further from the light. For the lost to know this truth, we must be emphatic when applying it also to ourselves!
When we start with our own specks, however big or small they might be, we give a good example to those who still need to confront sin in their eyes. By doing so, we also demonstrate a humility to seek change, and be proper stewards of God's amazing grace. Refusing to acknowledge sin, becoming defensive, and worse justifying actions, give a terrible precedence that will ultimately undermine our message and collapse the whole foundation of the gospel. Starting first and foremost with ourselves, we show that change is possible and fully acknowledge that we are still works in progress. This vulnerability and honesty disarms the defensive and paves the way for a rich harvest of embracing Christ, and also a crop of souls just waiting for a message of consistency. In doing so, we set a foundations for fertile growth and become, emphatically so, our brother's keeper. |
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This is part of the blog tour for Traitor’s Hope, the new book from Virginia McClain. Much like myself, Virginia is a Jukepop Serials alumni who spun her webserial from that site off into a series of self-published novels.
She’s good people, always very supportive of the Hobson & Choi series and her books are reliably fun (here’s my Goodreads review of the first one if you like context) so I jumped at the chance to get involved with the sequel’s release. Let’s do this.
Traitor’s Hope – a short essay
Here, then, we return to the pseudo-Japanese world of Gensokai, where lifelong friends Taka and Mishi – the heroes from the first book – are discovering that keeping the peace might be almost as hard as winning the war. Like many second-books-in-series, there’s a greater focus on character-building here, a little willingness to let the people breathe and talk to each other rather than rushing headlong into the story.
It also provides a chance for more world-building and a greater sense of the wider universe, which helps contextualise some of the more out-there fantasy elements. The magic system remains one of the best parts, well integrated into the world, story and combat. But perhaps most importantly of all, it gives the author the chance to describe really cool stuff. One element that’s definitely remained consistent between books is McClain’s gift for a visceral action scene.
The characters other than Taka and Mishi also benefit a lot from the extra space, and supporting cast member Kusuko in particular gets a lot of interesting development – she’s probably the break-out character of the series, at this stage. Certainly, I know seeing what happens next to her is probably my biggest incentive to come back for the next one.
This second-book task of expanding on the world means the plot isn’t quite as propulsive as the first one, but I think that’s expected. It means that when the faeces hits the fan again – and it definitely will – we care all the more about what happens to the cast. Mishi’s worries over her violent nature become a little laboured over the course of the whole book, but if I had genuine reason to believe I might flip out and kill my friends at any moment, I’d probably worry about it a lot too.
In short – a strong continuation to a good series. Builds upon the strength of Blade’s Edge, makes the world of Gensokai deeper and more interesting and keeps the characters moving forward. I’ll definitely be back for book three.
Hot Chunky Information
Want to know more about the book and/or blog tour? Here’s all the words you could possibly need, or click here to go to the website of the company running it.
About the Book:
Title: TRAITOR’S HOPE (Blade’s Edge #2)
Author: Virginia McClain
Pub. Date: October 14, 2017
Publisher: Artemis Dingo Productions
Formats: Paperback eBook
Find it: Amazon, Buy The Paperback, Goodreads
Traitors lurk around every bend. Mishi’s mind is betraying her, and she fears her kisō and katana will betray her next. Taka’s heart abandons her for a person she cannot possibly trust. Now that the two friends are obliged to help re-establish peace in the land of Gensokai, the only question is where the next betrayal will come from and if Mishi and Taka will have the strength to survive it.
Virginia thinks dangling from the tops of hundred foot cliffs is a good time. She also enjoys hauling a fifty pound backpack all over the Grand Canyon and sleeping under the stars. Sometimes she likes running for miles through the desert, mountains, or wooded flatlands, and she always loves getting lost in new places where she may or may not speak the language.
From surviving earthquakes in Japan, to putting out a small forest fire in Montana, Virginia has been collecting stories from a very young age. She works hard to make her fiction as adventurous as her life and her life as adventurous as her fiction. Both take a lot of imagination.
She recently moved to Winnipeg with her husband (a Manitoba native) and their dog.
10/9/2017- Two Chicks on Books– Interview
10/9/2017- Blushing Bibliophile– Review
10/10/2017- Arvenig.it– Guest Post
10/10/2017- Bibliobakes– Review
10/11/2017- Kati’s Bookaholic Rambling Reviews– Excerpt
10/11/2017- Ashley M. Delgado– Review
10/12/2017- A Dream Within A Dream– Excerpt
10/12/2017- Don’t Judge, Read– Spotlight
10/13/2017- BookHounds YA– Guest Post
10/13/2017- Adventures Thru Wonderland– Review
10/16/2017- Novel Novice– Excerpt
10/16/2017- Nick Bryan Dot Com– Review
10/17/2017- Books at Dawn– Guest Post
10/17/2017- YA and Wine– Excerpt
10/18/2017- Fire and Ice– Spotlight
10/18/2017- A Gingerly Review– Review
10/19/2017- My Nook, Books & More– Excerpt
10/19/2017- Jena Brown Writes– Review
10/20/2017- Seeing Double In Neverland– Interview
10/20/2017- Ramblings From An Alternate Reality– Review |
A selection of articles dedicated to help you in your genealogy search for your Norwegian ancestors. Transcripts and pictures of historic documents in connection with the ships and emigration. Also including articles about Pioneers & Norwegian Settlements Around the World
Articles about selected ships ships and special events in their history. Descriptions of some of the great maritime disasters involving emigrant ships, like the wrecking of the steamer Atlantic of the White Star Line, sinking of the ocean liner Empress of Ireland and the Thingvalla line steamer Norge disaster. Check this section if you have an interest in shipwrecks.
This section contains articles describing the transatlantic voyage, the condition of the steerage accommodations and the experience of an ocean travel on an emigrant ship. You will find in-depth studies concerning the emigration process, statistics and facts, and information about the immigration processing centers line Castle Garden and Ellis Island. |
Talking Healthcare: While in New York on Tuesday, President Obama joined former President Bill Clinton at the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting to discuss health care reform in America. “What we’re saying to people is, look, just go to the website yourself,” the President said. “Go to healthcare.gov; take a look at whether this is a good deal or not and make your own decision about whether this is good for you.” Check out their conversation here.
On Thursday, the President spoke at Prince George’s Community College in Largo, Maryland about why access to affordable health care is a cornerstone of middle-class security, and why he took on the work of fixing our broken health care system during his first term.
In the wealthiest nation on Earth, no one should go broke just because they get sick. In the United States of America, health care is not a privilege for the fortunate few -- it is a right. And I knew that if we didn’t do something about our unfair and inefficient health care system, it would keep driving up our deficits, it would keep burdening our businesses, it would keep hurting our families, and it would keep holding back economic growth.
Starting October 1, those without health insurance will be able to visit the Health Insurance Marketplace and find health coverage that fits their needs – and their budget. A new report released on Wednesday found that Marketplace premiums are lower than initially expected. This means you can get high-quality, affordable health care under the Affordable Care Act for less than your cell phone bill.
Make sure to watch the latest White House White Board to learn what the Affordable Care Act means for you.
United Nations General Assembly: On Monday and Tuesday, President Obama took part in the 68th session of the U.N. General Assembly. During his time there, the President held an event on supporting civil society, engaged in discussions with world leaders, and spoke in front of the General Assembly.
When he addressed the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday, President Obama focused on Syria and the use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime, the prospects for diplomatic engagement with Iran, and potential for peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians. "For decades, the United Nations has in fact made a difference -- from helping to eradicate disease, to educating children, to brokering peace," the President said.
But like every generation of leaders, we face new and profound challenges, and this body continues to be tested. The question is whether we possess the wisdom and the courage, as nation-states and members of an international community, to squarely meet those challenges; whether the United Nations can meet the tests of our time.
President's Statement from the Briefing Room: President Obama spoke from the White House Briefing Room on Friday about new diplomatic efforts with the Islamic Republic of Iran and the situation with Congress. Earlier that day, President Obama spoke with President Rouhani of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which is the first communication between an American and Iranian President since 1979. Turning to Congress, the President stated the urgency of raising the debt ceiling and voting on a budget. "My message to Congress is this: Do not shut down the government. Do not shut down the economy. Pass a budget on time. Pay our bills on time. Refocus on the everyday concerns of the American people," the President said.
Memorial Service for Victims of the Navy Yard Shooting: President Obama spoke at a memorial service on Sunday to honor the 12 victims of the Navy Yard shooting. “We know that no words we offer today are equal to the magnitude, to the depths of that loss,” the President told the families of the victims.
The President also spoke about the need to prevent future tragedies like this one. “I do not accept that we cannot find a common-sense way to preserve our traditions, including our basic Second Amendment freedoms and the rights of law-abiding gun owners, while at the same time reducing the gun violence that unleashes so much mayhem on a regular basis,” he said.
Vice President Biden Travels to Colorado: On Monday, Vice President Joe Biden traveled to Colorado to view the damage from recent flooding and survey the recovery efforts.
“When President Obama issued the disaster declaration for the state, as you all know, that provided additional assistance -- everything from cleaning up debris to helping people with their housing costs to boots on the ground that are providing technical assistance and helping the search and rescue,” the Vice President said.
Vice President Biden called the progress “remarkable” but said recovery efforts will continue as long as the people of Colorado need help rebuilding. |
Customized Inflow Pressure Screen Delivery Site
The inflow pressure screen shipped this time is suitable pulping machine designed by Leizhan’s designers according to the customer’s needs. The inflow pressure screen designed by Leizhan has complete specifications and can be adapted to the production needs of various paper mills.
Details of Inflow Pressure Screen
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2.Low power consumption, energy saving and high efficiency, low maintenance cost.
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The inflow pressure screen customized by this customer has now been shipped. Leizhan looks forward to providing pulp and paper making machines to more paper mills. Welcome to contact me for detailed information. Email address: firstname.lastname@example.org |
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Laptop repair for Bathurst Manor. We fix laptops, Computers, Desktops and networks. We fix Apple laptops and Mac gear. We repair hard drives and can get your files back. We offer excellent prices and turn around times. some of the best techs in the industry work on your equipment. |
Pennine Soaring Club
AGM and Committee Meeting 13 February 2017, Sea View, Chorley.
Committee Members present: Graham Jones, Brian Stewart, Jim Ashley, Simon Blake, Richard Chadwick, Andy Archer, Carl Fairhurst, John Murphy, Andy Mcloughlin. Apologies received from Phil Wallbank and Tony Colombat.
Brief discussion of proposal to waive membership fees for children of members under the age of 18.
Brief discussion of proposal to award honorary membership with full voting rights to Lynda Baillie as a loyal supporter of the club.
End of Business.
Chairman’s review (incorporating Social Sec)
The club has enjoyed a successful year - social nights have centred around Chipping with curry and pizza nights at the Sun. The Penninefest was rained off, but we still had a good turnout and an entertaining and educational talk from Ed Cleasby. The winter club nights have been well-attended, with plenty of new faces on show. Difficulties obtaining suitable venue still exist.
The club continues to function well and seems to be serving the needs of its members. The membership secretary was praised for his work identifying those pilots who are not BHPA members or not paying PSC correct fees. Phil Colbert was thanked for his work on the AirWhere project which should prove to be a great benefit to all members and the wider paragliding community.
Other prominent members include Jack Pimblett who is making amazing progress in the world of Acro; Simon Scott for his achievements as part of the British Paramotor Team; Simon Blake who has a new book out; Simon Baillie for his continued recovery to full fitness; Barney Woodhead for his XC performances and Richard Chadwick for his sterling work over the years as Treasurer.
Looking forward to 2017, highlights should be a proposed Club Coach weekend; development of the AirWhere network; more Club Nights; Penninefest etc. To achieve these aims, the support of the members is essential, and the club will be exploring ways to expand participation beyond the 1/3 of the membership who regularly get involved. Communication with members needs work, but this is a 2-way progress and it is important the people make contact with the club if they want information, coaching etc.
The Pendle webcam is still on course but has run into a siting obstacle.
Subscription receipts are significantly up, thanks in great part to the Membership Sec’s hard work in chasing up non-payers or those still paying £19; still some way to go to reel them all in, but the list is shrinking. Accounts accepted by the meeting. Richard is stepping down after 6 years in post, and we thank him for his hard work and diligence.
Membership Secretary’s Report
We currently have around 175 members, of whom 36 are still paying only £19 - a list is available so that members can encourage these remaining few to amend their standing order. Problems remain with contacting members when emails, phone calls, text messages and postal letters go unanswered. BHPA checks on current membership status can meet with resistance if requested too frequently. Helmet stickers will continue to be sent out to those requesting them.
Competition Secretary’s Report
Most competitions were washed out by bad weather this year, including all 5 rounds of the BP Cup, and the Advance BCC challenge suffered a similar fate in our area. The LCC and Buttermere Bash were surprisingly successful despite poor forecasts. PSC performance in the National XC League was a little short of previous glory years as the Southern Clubs enjoyed the good conditions down there.
Little outside communication beyond the routine. Main focus was the liaison with NWRAUG over the developments at LBIA. This has led to the creation of a new committee post - Airspace Officer - for which Phil Colbert has volunteered. The Secretary is standing down after 5 years, and thanks all the members for their support. Paul Hester has volunteered to stand for this position.
Safety Officer’s Report (delivered by the Secretary)
There have been no accidents or incidents involving members reported to the Safety Officer this year, although this does not mean that there were no reportable incidents. It is worth noting that one member was involved in an incident (reported correctly to the BHPA) involving a car being written off. It is comforting to note that the process of dealing with the expense of compensating the car owner was dealt with very efficiently by the BHPA insurers - a very good reason to be a member.
The Safety Officer is standing down this year, and the club is very grateful for the important contribution made over the years. Brian Stewart has put himself forward for this post.
Editor’s Report (delivered by the Secretary)
The newsletter has been absent for a few months - initially due to a lack of material, and then as an experiment to judge the reaction of the members. The feeling of the meeting was that the newsletter is an important communication tool, and so will be re-started this year. Members were urged to contribute to this as much as possible. Improvements to the database of members’ addresses should make it possible to ensure that it is delivered effectively.
Chief Coach’s Report
This has been a quiet year on the coaching scene. We have moved to a bi-annual cycle of Pilot Theory lectures to fit more closely with demand. Coaches can now receive their annual endorsement by email, which makes it much easier to remain current. New BHPA resources to support new pilots and their coaches will make the process of progressing from CP much clearer to all. Some discussion centred around the possibility of winter coaching sessions in the village hall, and competition preparation.
Power Officer’s Report
While there are few Power pilots in the club, the Power Sec’s role is to act as a contact point to anyone wishing to fly paramotors or powered hang gliders to go about this the correct way, in safety. The site at Eddisford Bridge is available to all, by contacting the PO. While the pilot fatally injured last year was not a PSC member, he was known to many and our condolences go out to his family and friends. BHPA are investigating, despite his not being a member.
Sub-20 Officer’s Report
There have been no issues involving sub-20 wings this year. Members are encouraged to report any instances of unqualified or non-BHPA persons flying any kind of aircraft on our sites to report those to relevant club officers.
Election of Committee:
All positions were offered to the membership. Apart from those mentioned above volunteering to fill vacancies, no nominations were received. Consequently all posts were filled unopposed and carried unanimously.
Chairman Graham Jones
Social Sec Graham Jones
Secretary Paul Hester
Membership Sec Jim Ashley
Treasurer Jim Ashley (combined post)
Safety Officer Brian Stewart
Sites Officer Andy Archer
Webmaster Carl Fairhurst
Editor Tony Colombat
Competition Sec Simon Blake
Chief Coach John Murphy
Sub-20 Officer Andy McLoughlin
Airspace Officer Phil Colbert (new post).
Presentation of Awards
The Competition Secretary presided over an entertaining award ceremony in which not only the winners were acknowledged, but also the ‘honourable mentions’ and the ‘nearly theres’.
Best Fun Class John Baxby
Best Sports Class Simon Blake
Best XC from Pennine Site Phil Colbert
PSC League Winner Phil Colbert
Grid Challenge Simon Baillie
Most Improved Pilot John Oliver
Club Award Jack Pimblett
Representing the Club Simon Scott
William Marshall Trophy Andy Archer
Main Welding Award (Bent Upright) Simon Blake
PSC Loop League winner Paul Winterbottom.
A big ‘thank you’ to everyone who attended to make a memorable night. Now let’s go flying . . . |
PSC Safety Bulletin
April 2019 - Supplement
An incident with potentially serious consequences in Derbyshire reminds us of the need to take extra care when there are spectators watching. On holiday weekends with loads of pilots and members of the public around, there is a real risk of serious injury.
Without going into detail, a small boy was injured by a landing paraglider and taken to hospital – fortunately it seems the line burns were not serious.
Please take care around spectators; because they see no spinning props, no hot exhaust, no hard metal tubes, it all seems a safe as a bag of washing. We know the hazards: please ensure that members of the public are not put in danger. Suggest where they could get a better view and be safer. The consequences of a serious injury to a bystander don’t bear thinking about and would be awful for all concerned. |
My introduction to the idea that we could get more out of pop culture than simple entertainment or a quick laugh came from the bookshelves that lined the walls of my family’s living room when I was a kid. There, tucked in alongside some of my father’s books on theology and biblical commentaries was The Gospel According to Peanuts.
This best-seller was published in 1965 by Robert Short, a Presbyterian minister, and was followed up a few years later with The Parables of Peanuts. What both of these books did, and why my father, an Episcopal priest, had them in his library, was to offer a modern guide to Christian faith as taught through the lessons of Charles Schulz’s beloved cartoons.
I was reminded of this today by an article by Jonathan Merritt at The Atlantic on the intentional spirituality at the heart of Charles Schulz’s work:
Schulz … revolutionized his industry by using his strip to subtly raise religious questions about the Bible, prayer, the nature of God, and the end of the world. Schulz was a devoted Christian; unshell the Peanuts and you’ll find the fingerprints of his faith. By mixing Snoopy with spirituality, he made his readers laugh while inviting them into a depth of conversation uncommon to the funny pages.
The beauty of Schulz’s approach was the soft touch, rather than the heavy hand, with which he used his cartoons as a vehicle to express the depth of his Christian faith. He was no raging evangelical firebrand, even when his characters directly quote from scripture. The joke was still the point, just not the only point:
“You can grind out daily gags, but I’m not interested in simply doing gags,” Schulz would say. “I’m interested in doing a strip that says something and makes some comment on the important things in life.”
Even when — perhaps especially when — he wasn’t quoting scripture, Schulz’s work was often using allusions that would strike a chord both with believers who would likely pick up the reference readily, as well as those who missed the reference but got the point anyway.
A famous example, as Merritt’s article explains, was published in 1959 and seen at right (click the image to enlarge), in which Linus builds an elaborate sandcastle only to have it washed away by the rain. While many readers would probably catch the reference to the Gospel of Matthew and Jesus’ parable about the man who built his house on sand, the universality of the sentiment has far broader appeal than to just biblically literate Christians.
As Merritt’s article points out, Schulz never stayed locked in a 1950s-era expression of Christianity. As his own faith evolved, and as he began to wrestle with challenging questions in his own spiritual journey, that questioning and puzzlement had their reflection in the comic strip:
This mixture of hope and skepticism reflects Schulz’s own evolving faith, which came to assume an increasingly central role in his work. When you map religious references in Peanuts over time, the trend line shoots up and to the right.
I’ve long believed that we can look to popular culture, whether comics, or TV shows, or film, to illumine important truths about important topics. That’s the impulse behind my use of movies in the classroom to encourage my university students wrestle with challenging questions related to conflict, identity, ethics, and politics. It’s a lesson I hope my students remember long after they leave my classroom.
But it’s a lesson I first learned from Charles Schulz, Robert Short, and my dad. |
As the key packaging material of soft pack battery, the quality of aluminum-plastic film is related to the quality, performance and life of soft pack battery. Limited by the performance of aluminum-plastic film, the advantages of flexible battery can not be brought into full play, which limits the large-scale application of flexible battery in the field of power and energy storage to a certain extent.
According to the data of the Institute of lithium battery research (GGII), the total installed capacity of domestic batteries from January to September reached 42.31gwh, an increase of 47% year-on-year. Among them, the installed capacity of soft pack battery is 0.365gwh, with a year-on-year increase of 1%, accounting for 8.63% of the total; Square batteries still dominate the mainstream, with an installed capacity of 35.54gwh, an increase of 64% year-on-year, accounting for 84% of the total.
According to Xia Wenjin, chairman and general manager of Suzhou lithium shield, from the current shape of power batteries, square batteries account for the largest share, followed by soft packs in the market. If soft pack batteries want to benchmark square batteries, they must meet several factors:
First, it can realize simple substitution in form, reduce product cost and use cost, and improve CTP value;
The second is to innovate technology to solve the performance of aluminum-plastic film, the bottleneck of safety technology and the technology improvement at the end of the supply chain;
Third, innovate the comprehensive experimental solution of multi factor environmental simulation, improve the life prediction ability of soft pack battery and give full play to its comprehensive performance, and solve the short board bottleneck of square battery;
Fourth, in the design stage of the flexible battery, the application conditions of the echelon utilization of the power battery and the requirements of long life are considered, the closed-loop problem of the industrial chain of the flexible battery is solved, and the green energy circular economy model of the flexible battery is established and realized.
"To promote the market share of flexible power batteries is the industrialization process of high safety and high specific energy solid-state batteries. To establish and realize the green energy circular economy model of flexible power cells, domestic aluminum-plastic film enterprises and their industrial chains have the obligation and responsibility to carry the banner of aluminum-plastic film localization instead of import." Xia Wenjin emphasized.
However, looking at the development of domestic aluminum-plastic film, although some achievements have been made in replacing imported aluminum-plastic film in 3C digital field, the replacement progress in power battery field is very slow.
Xia Wenjin believes that the fundamental reasons for the slow localization and replacement of aluminum-plastic film are: 1. The domestic industrial chain enterprises have insufficient research on aluminum-plastic film, and the market mainly depends on the technical route and experience of Japanese and Korean enterprises; 2. Domestic aluminum plastic film material supply system is lacking; 3. Insufficient market recognition; 4. The technology and cost advantages of square battery have not been broken through.
Based on this, Suzhou Lidun has taken the third aluminum-plastic film technology route completely different from the traditional technology route of Japan and South Korea, that is, through the self-developed non-polar microwave anchoring technology platform, we can produce aluminum-plastic film products with excellent deep drawing, high barrier, insulation, flame retardancy and corrosion resistance.
The difference of non-polar microwave anchoring technology lies in that it is different from the traditional thermal curing methods of dry method (glue bonding) and thermal method (adhesive film bonding). Using the principle of "nail nailing", micro nails are hit into the interfaces of nylon, PP and aluminum foil respectively through the method of plasma, and then the nails of each interface are connected through microwave irradiation to form a chemical anchor net, which forms an integration of each interface.
This structure can fundamentally solve the problem of longitudinal and transverse consistency of aluminum-plastic film after deep drawing, so as to achieve high deep drawing, high barrier, insulation and long-term corrosion resistance.
Xia Wenjin introduced that the technical route has achieved a full range of technologies such as soft pack battery packaging materials, processes and equipment made in China, which has truly achieved full localization, and has applied for 53 national patents and 32 authorized patents.
In terms of production capacity, from small-scale test, medium-sized test to large-scale test, the company has completed the construction of two production lines with a design capacity of 15million square meters, which has been put into operation in May this year. The production capacity target for next year is to form 50million-80million square meters.
Statistics show that Suzhou Lidun, founded in 2015, is a leading technology innovation enterprise invested by China Huarong assets and Hubei high tech investment. It mainly provides high-performance and safe packaging differentiation solutions for automotive power batteries, energy storage batteries, high-end consumer electronics batteries, high rate batteries, polymer batteries, solid-state batteries, etc.
The "13th five year plan" key R & D project in Jiangsu Province, which is jointly funded by Suzhou lithium shield and Southeast University, is currently the only key technology project undertaken for aluminum-plastic film of high-capacity and high-power density lithium batteries in China.
In addition, the company also signed strategic cooperation agreements with Chinalco and Central South University. As the largest alumina / primary aluminum producer in China, Chalco has a deep technological accumulation dimension in aluminum foil; Central South University also has the most cutting-edge research and exploration in aluminum, and the innovative process route of Suzhou lithium shield has also been recognized and supported by academician experts.
December 16-18,"Liyuanheng naming • 2019 high tech lithium battery & electric vehicle annual meeting"It will be held at Hyatt Regency Shenzhen airport. The theme of this annual meeting is"The darkest hour and great future of global electrification"。 At that time, the upstream and downstream enterprises of the 500 + lithium battery industry chain and the senior executives of the 800 + enterprises will gather together to discuss the muddy and smooth road of the lithium battery industry.
At that time, Xia Wenjin, chairman and general manager of Suzhou Lidun, will also share with the participants the research and development ideas of the third technical route of aluminum-plastic film, localization solutions, the company's strategic planning, as well as forward-looking perspectives on the future competition pattern of aluminum-plastic film, and work together with upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain to face the challenges and opportunities brought by the cold winter of the new energy vehicle market.
"Don't worry, use anchors. The mission of Suzhou lithium shield is to be the shield of lithium battery, and is committed to building aluminum-plastic film as a technical platform for the safety and performance of a new generation of lithium battery." Xia Wenjin emphasized.
Article source:High tech lithium power grid |
Below is a quick and easy video about how to make a Shepherd's Sling out of Paracord.
Look for a New Years Resolution for 2024 or a new hobby?
Why not try forging and blacksmithing?
Start by watching the following video below.
Learn more about archery in Toronto by visiting the Toronto Public Archery Range Facebook pageor by joining the Canadian Toxophilite Society. |
President | C.E.O. | Founder
Brian J. Hoopsick founded PSR, Inc. on April 1, 1988. Under his leadership, the company has grown into a nationally recognized and respected Depot Repair Facility. PSR provides repair services and wholesale product distribution sourcing for several Extended Warranty Companies, third-party warranty administrators, manufacturers, distributors, K-12 Education Systems as well as the general public.
Mr. Hoopsick takes an active role in the company’s day to day operations. His knowledge and experience has made PSR a one of a kind Depot Repair Facility that consistently blends cutting-edge technology with superior service. Over the past 30 years, Mr. Hoopsick has been dedicated to identifying opportunities and implementing business models making PSR a leader in the service industry.
In the early 1980’s Mr. Hoopsick authored several repair manuals in the Satellite industry and hosted a Satellite Television and Radio talk show helping Do-it-Yourself repairmen. His commitment has earned him prestigious honors from Oxford’s Who’s Who and the 2008 Entrepreneur of the year award. Mr. Hoopsick was voted into the top 100 Businessmen in the State of Pennsylvania. Mr. Hoopsick was also credited and awarded for one of the fastest growing businesses in Pennsylvania. In 2014 Mr. Hoopsick was a finalist in the Governor’s Impact Award ceremony in Hershey, Pa.
CFO | Human Resources | Head of Client Services
Teresa L Thompson came to PSR, Inc as CFO in 2006 after 18 years in the banking and financial services industries. She holds several licenses including PA Life, Health & Accident, Series 6, 63 & 7. Ms. Thompson heads our Client Service Department where she gives personal attention to each client ensuring complete customer satisfaction. She also heads the Billing Department making sure that each and every request is billed properly and in a timely manner. In addition to her position of CFO, Teresa oversees our Human Resources Department where she personally works with each employee throughout the hiring and training process to insure quality workmanship to the expectations of PSR, Inc.
Robert L. Manners has been the service coordinator at PSR, Inc. since 2001. Mr. Manners has been in the Depot Repair industry for nearly 30 years, dating back to the early 1980’s repairing Arcade Video Games while still in their infancy. Over the past years, with Mr. Manners’ insight and ability, he has grown our technical division to over 35 technicians while adding new product lines that consist of the majority of consumer electronics. Mr. Manners also oversees as our Technical training classes and leads our Research & Development division. As Service Coordinator at PSR, Inc., Mr. Manners is responsible for Technical Productivity Reporting, (TPR), procedure and methodology, scheduling training and failure solutions. |
I cannot believe that this is my last afternoon as a pregnant lady! I am scheduled to arrive at the birth center tomorrow at 6 a.m. and my c-section is scheduled for 8 a.m., bright and early! I’m so glad that I am the first one. The no-drinking-water after midnight is going to be hard for me, so the earlier I have the surgery, that much faster I can have something to drink, LOL 🙂 This morning I went for my pre-surgical testing, which was no big deal. Basically I filled out a bunch of forms, was told not to eat or drink after midnight, had two vials of blood drawn and peed in a cup. I’m so excited, yet nervous at the same time. Although I’ve had two c-sections before, both of those were after several hours of hard labord. It’s going to be so weird walking in there tomorrow, feeling absolutely fine.
I have no idea if laptops are allowed at the birth center, so I might be offline until the weekend (although a girlfriend who recently gave birth at a different hospital was able to have her laptop with her, so maybe I’ll get lucky — but I’m not really going to count on that). In the meantime, I will have Drew update my Facebook status for me, since most of you are on there anyway.
The next time I blog, I will be a mom of three! Wish me luck! |
Fargo and Southern Railway Memorabilia Value Guide
The Fargo and Southern Railway started operations in 1881 and stopped service in 1885 for a total period of operations of 4 years.
After the Civil War railroads exploded in the US with hundreds of lines starting service all over the country. This was the the age of steam locomotives and rail travel was still a luxury. Fargo and Southern Railway items from this time period can be very valuable and items of most types that predate 1900 will be valuable if they are in good condition. Many collectors are looking for antique railroadiana that dates before 1900 so there is a strong market for anyone looking to sell.
Fargo and Southern Railway operated routes across 3 states, this is an average amount across most railroads and is typical of small to mid size Eastern Railroads or mid size Western Railroads. Items from railroads of this size tend to be of average rarity so there usually isn't much of a premium price on items from these railroads unless the item is particularly hard to find
Fargo and Southern Railway Operated Routes in the Following States: Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota |
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Goodbye, ColumbusIsn't that a title of a Phillip Roth novel? (Actually, a short story) Was it turned into a dreary movie? (Yes, indeed, with Richard Benjamin and Ali McGraw). I don't know (acutally, I do know because before I posted I looked up the title at Amazon) and I don't care (but I'm bored enough to feign caring). What made me think of the title, aside from the fact that today is Columbus Day, is how history is revised, sometimes purposely and sometimes via the inevitable filter of perception.
My Grandmother doesn't quite realize that all history is revisionist in its nature (because of the necessarily limited perceptions of the historian); however, she objects (as do I) to conscious and supposedly reparative revisions. See, when she was a kid, Christopher Columbus had discovered America. When I was a kid, Christopher Columbus had actually discovered the New World (since he never set foot on mainland America, either North or South). Nowadays, children are taught that "Columbus," whose name was really Cristobal Colòn, didn't discover anything at all — not only were there already people there in the so-called "New World" (the indigenous peoples having discovered it some time earlier), but also because he thought he was somewhere else (he went to his grave thinking he was in Japan... which is kind of funny, when you think about it). Columbus has been reduced from a great national hero to a typical comic male who never admits he's really lost.
"If this keeps up," Grandmother quips, "eventually Christopher Columbus won't even have left Spain."
It seems that the current vogue in pedagogy is to minimize Christopher Columbus by negating old-fashioned assumptions about the man and by dwelling on the less pleasant aspects of his trip... that he and his crew introduced venereal diseases to the Caribbean, that they were only looking for weak natives to loot and exploit, that the entire Renaissance thrust of exploration and colonization was inherently evil. In my American Federation of Teachers academic year pocket calendar, today's date reads "Indigenous Peoples discover Columbus." I thought that was pretty funny, the first time I read it... but it shows quite clearly that the re-focus of thinking about Columbus as an interloper rather than an explorer is something that has been planned out for a specific purpose. "Indigenous Peoples discover Columbus" is just as formulaic an oversimplification as "Columbus discovers America."
Either way of looking at it is true, to some extent, but both of these to-some-extent truths are inherently untruthful... for when you simplify history into an easily remembered formula, you have to leave out all of the innumerable extenuating circumstances. You essentially have to filter the facts, and filtering the facts turns them into an untruth. And then, when you choose which facts to leave out of your formula, you are engaging in Propaganda. And I feel that propaganda is inherently evil, because it results in a misunderstanding that benefits the stature of some person or school of thought while degrading the names of real people.
Did you know, for example, that King Richard III of England never did any of the horrible things for which he is credited? But Shakespeare's fabulous play about that unfortunate ruler was more interesting than the real facts... and the subject and contents of that play were Tudor propaganda that apologized for the regicide of a sitting monarch and usurpation of the Throne of England performed by Henry Tudor (the character of "Richmond" in the play), later Henry VI. The reputation of a generally blameless man was sullied in the eye of the world in order that William Shakespeare might flatter Elizabeth I (Henry VI's great-granddaughter) and gain favor in the Tudor Court. The same thing is now being done to Christopher Columbus; perhaps for more noble reasons, but propaganda is propaganda no matter which way you turn it.
Sure, there were Eurocentric evils involved in the exploration of the New World. Colonialism, exploitation, slavery, and religious persecution were the main motives in these explorations... very few of the Great Explorers were in it just for the fun of adventure. Most of them wanted gold and/or power, as well as or instead of adventure. While the thirst for knowledge of the world is commendable, very few commendable virtues come unalloyed with base desires: it's human nature.
But when one writes history, the temptation is to cast people in shades of black and white. Certain historians prefer to think of the Explorers as great adventurers, selfless seekers of knowledge, and genuine humanitarians bringing the glories of civilization to the poor backward natives; others wish to cast the exact same people in the roles of ignorant exploiters, greedy spoilers, self-seeking destroyers hunting for new lands to plunder and new peoples to murder.
But the truth is that they were all peu de toute, some of each... as is everybody else in this world. If you dug deep enough into Hitler's life, you would find some evidence of human compassion and goodness; if you searched hard enough into Mother Theresa's life, you would find moments of selfishness and intolerance. People are never purely good nor purely evil.
And since History is the story of people, it cannot be simplified into terms of pure good and pure evil. By simplifying history, you reduce the great pageant of human experience into a bunch of useless dates and names; and through simplified pedagogy, you rob history of its purpose... because the Purpose of History is to give us to understand how things happen, how they came to be, and how we might consider conducting ourselves in the future. If we can understand the motives behind the great events of the past, if we can understand the mistakes or triumphs that resulted in us being where we are now, we can understand our own behavior, the behavior of others, and the behavior that might result in greater happiness and benefit in the future.
It is said (first by George Santayana and then by a lot of other people) that "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." But it is my feeling that those who do not understand their fellow humans are condemned to a life of ignorance, anger, and loneliness. Yes, a knowledge of history does have its practical purposes in mapping the future, but I think that knowledge of history is more beneficial in understanding who people are and why they are the way they are. And for this to make any sense, you have to understand people's intentions as well as their actions.
To judge the characters of the past (like Christopher Columbus) by our own modern standards (of having the entire planet and most of the galaxy mapped, of having learned the evils of colonialism, etc.) is the same as judging our children by the behavior we grew out of in our own childhoods. Should you be condemned as a bed-wetter if you aren't potty-trained? Should you be condemned for having a fourth-grade reading level when you're only in the third grade? Should you be condemned as ignorant when you've never been taught? Well, in the same vein, one has to ask: Should you be condemned as a destroyer of civilizations when you never understood that civilizations could exist that were not your own? Should you be condemned as a religious persecutor when you had no inkling that the bizarre rituals and practices of far-flung Africans were actual religions? Should you be condemned as a vile exploiter of human slaves when it had never once been suggested to you that those creatures were the same as yourself, men and women with minds and souls and blood just like yours, but only a different color of skin and shape of mouth or eye?
These were radical and new ideas in the past, even though they have become commonplace in the present. Even though the ancient Greeks knew that the Earth was round (another thing once credited to Christopher Columbus which has been discarded), nobody had ever tried to go to the other side... and in 1492, the idea that the world was round was a fairly radical notion, just as the sun-centered solar-system was a radical idea (so radical that it landed Galileo in prison and Giordano Bruno in a heretic's pyre). In 1492, nobody really knew what gravity was. They didn't know what oxygen was. They didn't know that there was no such thing as spontaneous generation of life, that all living things in the world are born of parents and that all living things die. They were entirely unaware of the exact placement of organs and the particular makeup of tissues inside their own bodies. They had no means of measuring temperature, of measuring light, or even accurately measuring time.
And so to judge the actions of long-dead people, for whom these basic tidbits of information were completely unknown, by the standards of living people, for whom this and so much more information is readily available and commonly understood, is the same as juding an infant by it's inability to attain its parents' simplest achievements, like defecating in a toilet or chewing its own food. And then, on the same token, to apologize for the behavior of long-dead people by editing the facts of their lives is even worse, because it denies the growth of the human species and robs our race of its historical significance.
I believe the lesson here is to never judge anybody by any personal standard, because you can't know what they know and they can't know what you know. You can only, therefore, judge them by their ability to accessorize.
So anyway... sometimes I think when (or if) I go back to school, I will major in History. Preferably cultural history and anthropology rather than military history and politics. I'm always fascinated by the ways people of different times and different countries dressed, the music they enjoyed, the dances they performed, the foods they ate, the houses they lived in, the family structures they built, the gods they worshipped and the methods by which they decorated their walls. Though I have greatly benefitted from my studies of political history and political science, I prefer to know about what Louis XIV wore to breakfast than what policies he signed.
Well, time to step down from the podium. I'm going to go home and tutor my niece in the uses of the English language. My sister is home-schooling her daughter, but was baffled by possessive pronouns and many of the concepts that come after that. And since I know the English language fairly well (though I do make mistakes once in a while), I offered to help. I'm kind of excited about the opportunity to inculcate good grammar, but am trepidatious about my ability to reach my usually inattentive and sometime unbelievably annoying niece. Either way, it's bound to be more interesting than sitting in front of the TV and doing nothing. |
Grace is defined by the Random House Dictionary a number of ways, with the third definition closest to the Biblical one: favor or goodwill. W.E. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words defines the Greek karis as “that which bestows or occasions pleasure, delight, or causes favorable regard.â€
Theologians describe it as unmerited favor.
I say it is God blessing me in ways I do not deserve.
I think we can all agree we love God’s grace.
Why does God bless us with such grace? Simply, to do His will.
“And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.†(2 Corinthians 9:8)
The Apostle Paul possibly knew more than any man who ever lived of the sufficiency of Christ’s grace. He experienced it on the Damascus Road when Jesus saved him. He also experienced it and heard of its sufficiency from Jesus Himself later in Paul’s ministry:
“And lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I be exalted above measure. Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me. And He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.†(2 Corinthians 12:7-10)
I remember the exact moment when this passage’s power broke through to me. I was on a military exercise and we had to ride the bus 30 minutes from our billeting to where the exercise building was located. I had just read this chapter and the Holy Spirit allowed a heavenly revelation to dawn upon me. The only time in the Bible that Jesus said His strength would be perfect, that is complete, in me, is in my weakness. So what does this mean?
It means that when I am tempted to do what is contrary to God’s Word to the point of failure, Jesus is there to help me through. Our pastor reminded us this past weekend of one of the myths about the Bible. You know those: “God helps those who help themselves; Cleanliness is next to godliness.†By the way, those were written by Benjamin Franklin in “Poor Richard’s Almanac.â€
Another myth about the Bible is that is says “God will never give us more than we can handle.†Now for those of you with the NTFV Bible (New Touchy-Feely Version) who are looking for “Your Best Life Now†may be stunned by this, but it is true. At best it is a poor recital of this verse:
“No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.†(1 Corinthians 10:13)
What the Apostle Paul is saying is when we are tempted (or better yet tested, our faith that is), it is common to man. But when we face such testing, our God is faithful to not allow us to be tempted beyond what we are able to overcome because He provides us a way to escape from it and to bear it.
Now that is a lot different than not being giving more than we can handle. The difference is we can still allow temptation to overcome us if we succumb to it instead of relying on Christ’s grace to see us through. “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.â€
See the difference?
And this is the true meaning of one of the most famous verses in the Bible:
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.†(Philippians 4:13)
You could easily replace the verb “do†with “face†or “overcome.â€
Dear friend, what are you facing today? Does it seem insurmountable? Are you overwhelmed by events?
Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior? He will not only forgive your sins, but He will pour out abounding grace upon your life.
You see, that abounding grace overcomes the penalty of sin.
But also, Christ gives you abundant spiritual power to overcome the power of sin.
More on that tomorrow…
If you’re receiving these devotionals for the first time and would like to receive them on a regular basis, please email me at firstname.lastname@example.org and use “Please add to Devotional List†as the subject.
Copyright © 2012 David Jeffers |
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Through Facebook, I met the lovely and talented Pauline Stephens, Event Planner Extraordinaire and Owner of Elations Weddings and Events in Richmond, VA and keeper of the Wedding Overdose Blog. It was love at first sight for me – one of her beautiful yellow bouquet images in her profile, and I instantly knew that Pauline also had some serious flower talent!!
Pauline made a trip to the New York area and we met up to take some images of some fabulous bouquets. I can’t wait to shoot some of her centerpieces as well.
Here are just a few of her many beauties…and various shots at various angles from our session, and I used my favorite chair quite a few times 😉
Nothing like a little bling, eh?
These were all so beautiful. Here’s to hoping I can convince Pauline that she totally needs to come to my house and decorate my porch for springtime with her floral arranging for another Shoot-Scoop Feature Presentation!
Please do check out her website! She’s totally cool and creative.
Pauline, it was a pleasure! Hope to see you again soon! |
- Evil for evil's sake. This antagonist has no real reason to be evil/do evil, they just do it because they can.
- Evil because it can grant immortality. This antagonist has latched onto an idea that promises immortality, yet to do so, they have to perform some sort of horrific act that any sane thinking person would not do.
- Evil by nature/nurture. This antagonist was "born into" whatever position that they are in, be it a psychotic serial murderer, or dictator that is to "carry on the tradition of their lineage".
Bleh. Drivel. Some of it can be entertaining drivel (Harry Potter is a current example of this), but really, it's at best brain candy, as opposed to good stories.
Let's put aside the evil versus good discussion for a moment and discuss psychology for a moment.
Most antagonists are human, or (as in most fantasy settings) have similar mores to humans concerning the basic principals of life and the treatment of others. Most people have some sort of internal moral compass. Some may not match our own, but they have a set of morals that guide their decisions. Most people would rather be left alone to their own devices. "You let me play here, I'll let you play there, we'll be kosher." There are outliers, power grabbers, those that wish to be benevolent dictators, but honestly, most of us want to do our own thing, and not be bothered too much.
Now, before we continue with the idea of believable antagonists, let's look at what makes a great, believable protagonist.
Most good fiction is written in such a manner that the reader tries to put themselves in the shoes of the protagonist. We live these characters lives with them. We hurt when they hurt. We celebrate internally their victories. Good protagonists we can empathize with. They breathe. They live in our minds. The best protagonists will move our emotions and lives in such a manner that it gives us pause as we reflect on our own lives and wonder how better to emulate the good qualities of the protagonist.
One of the most common definitions of "hero" is "a man distinguished by exceptional courage and nobility and strength". I refine this further by saying that a hero is "a normal person performing extraordinary feats in extraordinary circumstances".
A good hero we can click with. We *want* them to win. We *want* Joe Sixpack to become an avenger and kick the crap out of people who deserve it. We *want* to be that person, because, from our perspective, they *are* the everyman, living with unspeakable demons in their lives, and dealing with them in a manner that idealizes the human spirit of tenacity and justice.
So, with the above in mind, let me break down what to me makes a believable antagonist:
- They are the same kind of person that the hero is. The best antagonists are cut from a similar mold that the protagonist is. The closer the better. It lets us know that there *is* a darker path that the protagonist could have walked, but chose not to because of decisions made, and events witnessed.
- They have a noble goal. The thing they fight the protagonist for is admirable. They desire good ends to their actions. They believe, and can make you believe that their goal is just.
- They, like the protagonist, believe they are on the right path to reaching their goal. They have considered options, weighed consequences, and struggled with the decision that they have come to. They walk the path they do, not because it is right, they walk the path because it is the only way they see they can attain their goal.
Get close on the three above, and you'll have a readable antagonist that is a worthy adversary to your everyman hero.
An example of a *great* antagonist, from the most unlikely of places, Hollywood: Magneto from "X-men, the movie".
Magento and his adversary Doctor Xavier are very similar: Both (while extraordinary) are cut from similar molds as people who have extraordinary abilities. They both have the same goal of integrating these extraordinary people that have started evolving from humanity into the rest of humanity in a manner that they can coexist peacefully.
Magneto, however, has come to the conclusion that humanity will not accept this new stratification, these superior beings, peacefully, if at all. The rest of humanity will only accept this if the leaders of the world deem it necessary for them to do so. His plan is to forcibly cause this transformation in the leaders of the world. Even if it may cause the death of some or all of these leaders.
That, my friends, is an *excellent* protagonist, and the story told is wonderful. |
Michie Stadium | West Point, New York
If there was ever a better reason to come out to the incredible Michie Stadium in West Point, New York than on Saturday 22nd October 2022 to watch Army West Point Black Knights vs. Louisiana-monroe Warhawks, then we sure don’t know about it. Because on that Saturday, football fans and commentators alike will be able to experience a thrilling encounter between two of the best squads in the country. With a star-studded line-up on both sides, led by two of the most tenacious and experienced coaches in the league, you know you won’t be able to look away for even a second of the action. The question on everyone’s mind is whether Army West Point Black Knights vs. Louisiana-monroe Warhawks will finish in an embarrassing defeat for the hometown favorites, or if they will retain control by defeating their rivals in this afternoon of awesome football. Will you be there to experience every play? Then make sure you click the Buy Tickets button below to order your seats today.
Are you going to be coming to the hugely popular Michie Stadium for some of their home games this season? If not, then you are going to be missing out on what fans all over the state are expecting to be the greatest group of players the team has ever had! The coach is working tirelessly to have a winning season this year and deliver fans what they want, WINS! Some of the most hard-hitting moment and breathtaking fixtures will be taking place here, and if you’re a fan of the team then you can’t miss out! The field has been prepared and is ready for the start of the season, as well as the seating which has been readied to give fans the best possible football experience. Let’s not forget that the Michie Stadium also offers a huge choice of vendors and concession stands for the most complete menu of refreshment options in all of New York! When you want awesome football action, you need to order tickets to any of the upcoming matches at the Michie Stadium! |
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In Spanish Food For Foreign People
There are approximately 80 restaurants (including gastro bars) within the town of Miami and surrounding areas that come under the course of “Spanish food”. Therefore, I needed to create a primary analysis which has taken me a few days.
One of the sites examined, I discovered four groups, for or fewer well defined:
1) Restaurant Spanish “modern”: they’ve good food though some might appear costly, it’s not. They’re usually situated in locations that are fashionable. Management and chefs are often youthful and also have leadership development training and recognized experience of Europe, Asia, and also the U . s . States restaurants. Spanish dishes retain their essence but fall more inside a type of presentation of recent Spanish cuisine. The climate is extremely careful and exquisitely decorated local places of night glasses for individuals.
2) Restaurant Spanish “traditional” decorated with typical souvenirs of The country, for instance, flamenco dancers, wine casks, many Spanish flags, posters of old bullfights, etc. The meals, traditional, remarkable if ready. Don’t miss the paella, chickpeas, potato omelette, puddings, etc. Local makers really don’t have college practicing local management but have experience as restaurant proprietors. These leaders have died employed in their restaurants. Frequently the area of not often essential. That old local could be 10 or five years.
3) Spanish Restaurants “with history”: places well-known in Miami and around simply because they carry a long time as reference of real Spanish cuisine. Still they’re maintaining high-quality standards with appropriate prices. The proprietors have years of effective experience and don’t care an excessive amount of competition. Your company name is the best guarantee.
4) Spanish Restaurants “but not too Spanish” may be the situation opened up through the second or third generation of Cuban or Puerto Rican established in Miami restaurants. Typically the Cubans or Puerto Ricans have Spanish ancestry. Is how we discover some practices that don’t fall inside a Spanish meal, for instance, paellas where the grain isn’t seen because things are engrossed in peas, red peppers, corn along with other stuff that the paella doesn’t carry. The paella shouldn’t lead chorizo, or peas, or eco-friendly asparagus. I don’t mean bad food or don’t have their fans, but ideas have started to discuss authentic Spanish food. Which means this web site is known as “Spanish Food for Foreign People,” because my motivation would be to be aware of genuine Spanish cuisine.
The Top Five
Spanish Mediterranean Bistro
Read full article
Diego Rosa: Very good tapas but it's a pty that the music of the video is not Spanish but from South American and sounds so weird to us.
Dinner With Kirill: Sorry about the music, Diego. I was told that this is the Spanish guitar, so I used it. It's still good music no matter what.\nCheers and Happy New Year!
Alison Lee: Wonderful! I've always wanted to visit. This video has convinced me to book a trip. Thank you!
Dinner With Kirill: Alison, I recommend flying to Paris for a couple of days and then taking an overnight train to Barcelona or Madrid. You can do it in reverse direction too. See which way is less expensive to fly back home. That's how I like it to do.
Irina Sorokina: Love this video. Interesting and really professionally make. Great music and camera man!
Dinner With Kirill: Thank you Irina.
DJplaymySong: i've been to catalana and the food there was amazing!!
rona shi: very nice video
Magdi Badawy: Very good video. Thank you. Great presentation, the pace is easy to follow and the addresses of the Tapa joints are clearly presented. You did a very nice job and I thank you.
Dinner With Kirill: Thanks Magdi. |
Gonna Shake This Shack Tonight! – From the Vaults of Decca and Coral Records
Bear Family BCD17602
Jimmy Atkins & His Pinetoppers – I’m A Ding Dong Daddy (From Dumas) / T. Texas Tyler – Hot Rod Rag / Tabby West – Chat Chat Chattanooga / Lonnie Glosson – Pan American Boogie / Tex Williams – Big Bear Boogie / Autry Inman – Happy Go Lucky / Grandpa Jones – Eight More Miles To Louisville / Roy Duke – I Mean I’m Mean / Hank Penny – Bloodshot Eyes / Tabby West – Texas Millionaire / Hardrock Gunter / Texas Bill Strength – Paper Boy Boogie / Gene Stewart – Empty Seat In The Bar Room Booth / Rusty Keefer – I’m Just Here To Get My Baby Out Of Jail / Tex Williams – Rancho Boogie / Jimmie Davis – Cherokee Boogie (Eh-Oh-Aleena) / Tommy Sosebee – All Night Boogie / Kenny Roberts – I’m Looking For The Bully Of The Town / Hardrock Gunter – Honky Tonk Baby / Chuck Murphy – Blue Ribbon Boogie / Hank Garland – Guitar Shuffle / Tabby West – Inchin’ Up / Grady Martin – Long John Boogie / Tommy Sosebee – The Barber Shop Boogie / Hardrock Gunter – You Played On My Piano / Jimmy Atkins & His Pinetoppers – Juke Joint Johnny / Tabby West – Pretty Little Dedon / Arlie Duff – Courtin’ In The Rain / Wayne Raney – 40th And Plum / Roberta Lee & Hardrock Gunter – Sixty Minute Man
Jimmy Atkins cut a superb double-sider for Coral. Without surprise, Ding Dong Daddy is a hot western swing while Juke Joint Johnny is an excellent hillbilly boogie with searing solos, including twin guitars.
Tabby West is a very versatile singer. As said in the liner, her voice could appeal to both rural and urban audiences. Despite a bunch of excellent recordings, she never made it big. Pretty Little Dedon has a bit of a Cajun flair, Texas Millionaire is pure hillbilly with fiddle and also features a hot guitar solo by Hank Garland, while Chat Chat Chattanooga is a swinging country bopper that showcases her clear diction. Inchin’ Up is more average, but the guitar break from Chet Atkins is worth mentioning.
The Delmore Brothers’ Pan American Boogie sounds like the epitome of the Hillbily Boogie genre. Lonnie Glosson’s version, on which the Delmore Brothers and Wayne Raney back him, doesn’t differ much from the original.
Tex Williams is, with Jimmie Davis, probably one of the best-known figures on this compilation and needs no introduction. Big Bear Boogie is a pleasant though dispensable novelty tune. The best being the scorching country boogie instrumental Rancho Boogie, featuring accordion, twin fiddles, steel-guitar, and piano. You’ll also find Wayne Raney on this compilation performing an excellent Hillbilly number.
At the exact opposite of Williams’ laid-back croon are Autry Inman and his nasal voice. His Happy Go Lucky is a superb country bopper.
Grandpa Jones was neither a grandpa nor a genuine hillbilly. It doesn’t prevent his Eight More Miles to Louisville to be a joyful and fast hillbilly tune.
Roy Duke’s I Mean I’m Mean is one of the highlights of this compilation. His vocal sounds like Ernest Tubb singing the blues while the backing is closer to Rockabilly as it can get, thanks to Hank Garland on guitar.
Talking about highlights, you’ll find nothing less than four Hardrock Gunter’s songs, including Sixty Minute Man in duet with Roberta Lee. In case you wouldn’t know him, Gunter played a brand of Country Boogie, influenced by Western Swing, especially by his idol Hank Penny (who is present here with his classic Bloodshot Eyes.)
Not much to say about Texas Bill Strength, except that the song is good, his voice is good, and the playing is equally good!
Gene Stewart was the brother of Redd Stewart of Pee Wee King’s Golden West Cowboys, for which he also played bass. Not sure if the Golden West Cowboys back him on Empty Seat In The Bar Room Booth, but the song is a hot swinging country boogie.
Rusty Keefer’s name might right a bell to Bill Haley’s fans. He wrote or co-wrote songs like The Walking Beat, R.O.C.K, or Rockin’ Through The Rye. I’m Just Here To Get My Baby Out Of Jail falls halfway between Bluegrass and electric Honky Tonk.
Tommy Sosebee’s All Night Boogie, reminiscent of Oakie Boogie, is just average, while The Barber Shop Boogie seems more inspired by Chattanooga Shoeshine Boy.
If you’re looking for some uptempo hillbilly, I’m Looking For The Bully Of The Town by Kenny Roberts is what you need. Blue Ribbon Boogie is a solid boogie-woogie performed by Chuck Murphy and his piano.
Two great guitar player, Hank Garland and Grady Martin have their solo spots. Guitar Shuffle is an excuse to showcase Garland’s prowess on guitar (and it works), whereas Grady Martin’s Long John Boogie is more sophisticated, even pop-tinged, and features a saxophone.
Courtin In the Rain is a mostly spoken hillbilly by Arlie Duff in the rural comic tradition.
All in all, despite one or two less inspired tunes, you have a solid slab of Hillbilly and Country Boogie, with hints of Western Swing. Don’t miss it.
Fred ‘Virgil’ Turgis |
Brewery: Stillwater Artisanal Ales
Location: Baltimore, MD
Style: Farmhouse Saison
Price: $12.99 750ml
Before I sampled this beer, I did some research to learn the origins of farmhouse ales and to gain an understanding of what is the desired outcome of brewing this style. A simple search on the World Wide Web led me to discover plenty of articles about farmhouse ales. One article in particular was pretty straight forward and gave me some of the historical context that's behind this type of beer.
To synthesize my learning, a farmhouse ale is historically a style of beer that uses whatever is "around the farm." Unlike many other craft beer styles, farmhouse ales (also called "saisons") are imperfect. They're a bit messy and unclean. Farmhouse ales do not have the same well-groomed hygiene as their craft counterparts. The yeasts are often wild and erratic. The grains may be a hodgepodge of leftovers.
Basically, farmhouse ales represent a time when farmers used whatever resources they had to produce something that closely resembled the type of beer they could drink at the local saloon. Note: I don't actually know that for sure; this is my archetype of a 19th Century farmer. Hard-working alcoholics. All of them.
Now that we know how cool farmhouse ales are, let's talk about Stillwater's Autumnal.This beer is a dark amber in color. The carbonation is evident in the pour as it left about three-fingers worth of head. Lots of lacing on the glass. Fortunately, the head dissipates quickly.
Lots of spice, yeast, and sweet fruits on the nose. As the beer warmed, I could pick up some caramel in the aroma as well.
The taste is a Belgian bomb of sugar, spices, and dark fruits. Slightly sour. Grape, ginger, and figs are the dominant flavors up front before the Belgian funk shows up. This beer has a creamy caramel finish that took my by surprise. With all the carbonation that hits the tongue up front, I wasn't expecting such a creamy finish. The carbonation fades in the mouth and allows this beer to end with a smooth coating on the tongue.
At first, I wanted to write about how this is a decent beer, but sort of forgettable, and then I remembered what I learned about farmhouse ales. These are brewed to "get by" on the farm. They aren't meant to blow your socks off with a bag of tricks. They come from a time of simplicity and hard work. They're rustic. And when I think about that, I think Autumnal successfully embodies this style. It's not the best beer I've tasted, but it's satisfying. I think that's all it needs to be. |
Cheval Noir Bordeaux Rouge 2017
Rich and fruity aromas. Powerful, perfectly balanced with ripe red fruits and tannins with a persistent finish.
Present in Saint-Emilion since the early 20th century after their purchase of the Cheval Noir estate, a historic family property renowned for producing quality wines since 1895. Mahler-Besse increased their vineyard holdings in this appellation when they bought Chateau La Couronne in 1992. Mahler-Besse had made all the necessary investments to produce a great wine: new cellars and truncated-cone-shaped vats unique in the appellation. The name Cheval Noir derives from an elegant and powerful black "work" horse back in the 19th century that was the predecessor of today's sustainable vineyards. |
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President Hage Geingob says that hate speech fuels extremist views and is a cause of great concern, which has seen a growing trend of extremism worldwide.
Geingob made these remarks at the global ministerial conference on the role of education in addressing and building resilience against hate speech held virtually on Tuesday, 26 October.
“This trend poses a great danger to our efforts of promoting multilateralism, cooperation and seeking peaceful solutions to conflict. Hate speech plants the seeds of disunity, hatred and intolerance, leading to breaking down the fabric of basic human values,” said the President.
Geingob was also the co-host of the conference. He said that hate speech is a catalyst for exclusivity and a direct threat to the shared values of caring, solidarity and compassion.
“We believe that it is in unity that our strength lies, and it is in pursuing policies of inclusion that we will build robust processes, systems and institutions that will imbue trust, confidence and cooperation in our efforts of building peaceful, prosperous and inclusive societies. Hate has no place in society. It distracts from the inherent human capacity to show compassion and uplift the human spirit.”
Geingob further argued that the COVID-19 pandemic has also amplified existing global concerns about the spread and use of hate speech.
According to the President, the pandemic has created new vulnerable groups targeted by hate speech. The President, however, did not offer the context in which these groups have been targeted.
“We must ensure that education and training, especially at schools, including via online platforms, also addresses COVID-19 related hate speech, disinformation and misinformation by encouraging critical thinking, social and emotional skills and responsible engagement through global citizenship education and human rights education.” |
Gar Alperovitz, a leading scholar and activist in the movement to build a new economy, will speak on “The Quietly Deepening Political and Economic Crisis: Possibilities for an America beyond Corporate Capitalism” on Friday, January 24, at 7 p.m. at University United Methodist Church. He also will participate in a conference on local efforts to build that new economy on the morning of Saturday, January 25, at the “5604 Manor” community center.
Cooperatives, social enterprises, public banks and other new structures provide a new vision for the next economy. Alperovitz, the Lionel R. Bauman Professor of Political Economy at the University of Maryland, will explain how this work, especially the various forms of cooperative ownership, is helping to lay the groundwork for important new directions in the coming era that will see major political and economic changes.
Alperovitz’s latest book is What Then Must We Do?: Straight Talk about the Next American Revolution, in which he argues for a new-economy movement that can democratize the ownership of wealth, strengthen communities in diverse ways, and be governed by policies and institutions sophisticated enough to manage a large-scale, powerful economy.
He is also the author of America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth, Our Liberty, and Our Democracy, which diagnoses the long-term structural crisis of the American economic and political system, and Unjust Deserts: Wealth and Equality in the Knowledge Economy (with Lew Daly), Making a Place For Community (with Thad Williamson and David Imbroscio), Rebuilding America (with Jeff Faux), Atomic Diplomacy and The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb.
Alperovitz is a founding principal of the University of Maryland-based Democracy Collaborative, a research institution developing practical, policy-focused, and systematic paths towards ecologically sustainable, community-oriented change and the democratization of wealth.
The Saturday morning gathering will begin at 8:30 am with coffee and a light breakfast. The first panel at 9:15 am, “Worker Cooperatives 101,” will feature Cooperation Texas staff and worker/owners on the basics of worker cooperatives. The second panel at 10:45 am will feature Alperovitz in conversation with Don Baylor (the Senior Policy Analyst on Economic Opportunity for the Center for Public Policy Priorities) on “The Way Forward,” discussing challenges and opportunities in building the new economy.
The events are sponsored by the University United Methodist Church and Cooperation Texas, an Austin-based non-profit committed to the creation of sustainable jobs through the development, support and promotion of worker-owned cooperatives.
Location (Saturday): 5604 Manor, 5604 Manor Road, Austin, 78723 |
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In an increasingly globalized world, companies often source materials and sell products on a global scale. Logistics services enable businesses to expand their reach to international markets. They navigate the complexities of international trade, including customs regulations, import/export requirements, and diverse transportation modes. Through logistics services, companies can access new markets, diversify their customer base, and capitalize on global opportunities.
Efficient inventory management is another key aspect of logistics services. By maintaining optimal inventory levels, companies can reduce carrying costs, minimize the risk of stockouts, and improve cash flow. Inventory management systems, often integrated with logistics services, use advanced algorithms to forecast demand and ensure that inventory is strategically positioned throughout the supply chain.
In an era marked by environmental consciousness, logistics services are also evolving to embrace sustainability. Companies are increasingly seeking eco-friendly transportation options, optimizing delivery routes to reduce emissions, and adopting sustainable packaging materials. These efforts not only reduce the environmental footprint but also resonate with consumers who prioritize sustainable practices.
The digital transformation of logistics services has been a game-changer in supply chain management. Technologies such as GPS tracking, RFID, blockchain, and AI-driven analytics have revolutionized how logistics services operate. Real-time visibility, data-driven decision-making, and predictive analytics have become invaluable tools for optimizing supply chains and ensuring the highest level of service excellence.
Excellence in supply chain management is an ongoing endeavor. Logistics service providers continually strive to enhance their processes and adapt to changing market dynamics. Continuous improvement initiatives such as Lean Six Sigma and Total Quality Management help identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and opportunities for optimization. |
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David Balto | Special to WJW
One of the 613 mitzvot, or holy deeds, is being a shaliach, a messenger for someone else. Some give tzedakah for others to carry on a journey and ask them “please be my shaliach” because they believe God gives special protection to those traveling to do a mitzvah. By giving them the task to deliver the tzedakah, we are ensuring that their journey is a safe one.
This is how former Washington resident Nathan Weissler, now an oleh, became a shaliach.
Jessup Correctional Institution is Maryland’s largest prison with almost 3,000 inmates. I know of one inmate there who strives to be Jewish, focusing his life on prayer and study.
The conditions are harsh. He shares a 6-by-9-foot cell 22 hours a day. It takes extreme discipline to find the spiritual. He tries to pray and study every day. There are few Jews for him to connect with, but he continues on his journey as best he can.
Last Chanukah, the prison told its Jewish inmates that there would be no lights for the Festival of Lights. No candles, no tealights. So how to celebrate?
The prisoner had read how when in a Soviet prison, Natan Sharansky would find creative ways to celebrate.
So the Jewish prisoner in Jessup decided to make his own “menorah.” On a small sheet of paper he drew a menorah and each night he drew another candle and said the prayers. In this way, he created the miracle of light, of illuminating the chambers of the soul.
The prisoner had one wish. To have his “menorah” brought to the place of the Temple, where the original menorah stood. He wanted his slip of paper placed in a crack in the Western Wall. But how to do that?
And that’s where our shaliach fits in.
Weissler belongs to Ohev Sholom — the National Synagogue, in Washington, which provides services to Maryland inmates, assisting them with prayer and study.
The prisoner wrote to Ohev about his “menorah” which it gave to Weissler, who was visiting Washington. Weissler carried the “menorah” to Israel and placed it in the Wall.
You may notice that the “menorah” has only eight candles. The shamash is missing. That may be because Weissler is the shamash, the helper who assisted in completing the mitzvah.
Why does the shamash candle stand above all the other candles? What is true on Chanukah is true on Yom Ha’atzmaut: We are strongest, we are most fully human, when we help one another.
David Balto is a Washington-area chaplain. |
Welcome to Well Adjusted Animal!
The Well Adjusted Animal provides animal chiropractic, canine rehabilitation therapy and canine conditioning alongside your existing veterinarian or in the comfort of your own home.
Having competed in agility, herding and obedience since 1998, Dr. Kim has a great knowledge of the wear and tear on our canine athletes from these sports. The key to keeping your dog strong and sound is prevention through individualized conditioning programs to help your athlete make those tight turns, quick stops and contacts without injury. Conditioning isn’t just for canine athletes. Conditioning can prevent injuries for active dogs that love to hike, run or bike with their owners.
When a dog has sustained an injury or had surgery its quality of life can be improved through rehabilitation. Orthopedic and neurologic problems, post-operative, weight, and pain management are all addressed during the dog’s rehabilitation session. If a problem is identified early, our pets recover faster. An added bonus is the enjoyment dogs receive from the exercises and stimulation.
The old adage “use it or lose it” certainly applies to your geriatric dogs. There is so much more we could be doing for your dogs to help them get around better. Something as simple as stretches in the morning can help make your dog comfortable enough to go up and down the stairs. Controlling their pain and keeping them strong can help them stay an active part of the family.
Animal Chiropractic is a field of animal health care that focuses on the preservation and health of the neuro-musculo-skeletal system. The nervous system controls everything that happens in your animals. The spine is a very complex system that involves bones, ligaments, muscles and nerves. If the movement and biomechanics of the spine become dysfunctional, they can interfere with the the nerves branching off of the spinal. As this occurs, your animal can lose normal mobility; resulting in stiffness, tension, pain and even organ dysfunction. Additionally, when normal movement is affected, and left unattended, it will ultimately impact your animal’s entire wellbeing and quality of life. The goal of an animal chiropractor is to restore function and mobility to the compromised vertebra in an effort to re-establish neurologic transmissions. Animal Chiropractic is not meant to replace traditional veterinary care. It is an integrative method that when used in conjunction with good traditional veterinary care, will provide years of happy and healthy living. It is an effective means of restoring and maintaining their strength and soundness. And by exploring and treating the root causes of your animal’s aches, pains and illnesses, will ensure maximum improvement, top performance and an exceptional quality of life for the animal companions we love. |
As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, two showrooms really stood out to me during my first visit to High Point: Visual Comfort & Co. and Jaipur. I already shared my experience at Visual Comfort and my meeting with Aerin Lauder. Today, I’m bringing you news from Jaipur Rugs.
One of the reasons that we put Jaipur on our must-see list was because of its newly released Kate Spade collection of rugs, throws, and pillows. What I wasn’t expecting was to be impressed by everything beyond the Kate Spade items. I was! It was an absolutely beautiful showroom, and there were so many items I wanted to lug home! Here, have a look:
And from Jaipur’s website, here are some of the poufs, pillows, and rugs that I think would look great in so many spaces:
pouf – MLF04
pouf – FOA02
pouf – UNK03
pillow – YKN08
pillow – YKN20
pillow – NGP34
Astor by Kate Spade – AKN10
Aston – ATO02
City – CT82
Flat Iron – Kate Spade – FKN04
Gramercy – Kate Spade – GKN20
Gorgeous, right? I’m sure you can now see why Jaipur really captured my attention at High Point.
In just a few days, I’ll be joining crowds of other design enthusiasts at High Point Market in North Carolina. I’m pumped! I’m excited to see what’s up-and-coming in the design industry, and I’m hoping to be amazed by cool pieces of furniture and textiles. For anyone writing about, talking about, or dreaming about design, this is the market to attend.
In preparation for the trip, I’ve read these handy High Point Market tips-and-insights articles (avoid being overwhelmed by the scale of the market; map out secret places to eat), and I’ve browsed the list of exhibitors. I’m also keen to follow #designbloggerstour, which is a hashtag that a group of design bloggers will use as they explore the market. I also found this Rue article to be quite useful as well. Can you tell I like to research?
image via High Point Market
images via High Point Market
image via Rue
High Point Market has just about 12 million square feet of space to shop. 12 million! This boggles my mind. (Note to self: wear comfortable shoes.)
I’ll be sharing my High Point Market highlights on Instagram and Twitter as quickly as I possibly can. I’ll also be sure to share my experiences right here in a few weeks.
In the meantime, if you’ve been to the Market, please do share your advice! |
There’s something about Italy which can’t be described in phrases and sketched in your creativeness. It was the latest blow to security in the Afghan capital, which has been reeling from a string of bloody attacks by each Taliban and Isis militants. Afghan Particular Forces battled the group of three for 13 hours , and Interior Ministry spokesman Najib Danish mentioned the siege ended on Sunday (local time) when the last gunman was shot useless. One witness told Reuters information agency that the attackers had taken hostages.
Prolonged keep hotels are small to medium-sized hotels that offer longer-time period full service lodging in comparison with a conventional hotel. The incident came days after the US embassy in Kabul issued a warning saying that armed teams may be planning attacks towards hotels within the city. At least 18 people had been confirmed to have been killed, together with 4 Afghans and 14 foreigners.
After the Interior Ministry declared the siege over, TOLO news channel reported that two attackers have been still inside the hotel and gunshots have been nonetheless being heard. From elite accommodations and in depth assembly area to culinary excellence and personalized service, our Texas boutique hotels supply various and exquisitely rendered experiences. Ministry spokesperson Najib Danish stated that eleven of the foreigners killed were employees of KamAir, a non-public Afghan airline.
The constructing, one among two main luxury hotels in the city, is state owned and never affiliated with the InterContinental chain. Two of 4 attackers in the hotel have been killed, Rahimi stated. Television pictures also showed special forces troops manoeuvering on the roof as they performed a flooring-by-ground search of the six-storey constructing to seek out the attackers.
Native airline Kam Air stated around 40 of its pilots and air crew, many of whom are foreigners, were staying within the hotel and as many as 10 had been killed. Hotel Pennsylvania, in New York Metropolis, is positioned on the middle of all of the motion, near every thing you’ll want to see. Najib Danish, spokesman for the Afghan inside ministry, instructed Al Jazeera that 4 Afghan civilians and 14 foreigners were amongst these killed. |
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Atlanta urban area is full of lesbian-friendly communities. Many try alongside fabulous gay bars and you may night clubs. So if you are curious about lesbian relationships, Atlanta is a great spot to come across your suits.
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- You may have different appeal: Your own dating can also be develop weary for folks who lack very first being compatible. Otherwise show a similar specifications and you can appeal, it may be challenging to get a hold of preferred floor to save your associated with both.
- You don’t need deep otherwise meaningful discussions: Communications is a must to a healthy matchmaking. If you are not talking seriously about your requires, attitude, opinions, and other subject areas, you might find you start to grow aside throughout the years.
- You have given up their goals to remain in the relationship: If you have quit the welfare, dreams, or fantasies in favor of another person’s, it’s just a matter of big date earlier so you can grow tired from suppressing their wishes and needs.
- You do not have your hobbies and you may interests: You also need to target getting the very own interests outside of one’s matchmaking. Doing this will allow you to become a great deal more thinking about your daily life generally, nonetheless it will also give you something that you is discuss and you will tell your ex.
- You prevent putting effort to your relationships: Remaining a romance fascinating means you should inform you for each and every other focus, attract, and you may affection. Overlooking feelings, maybe not hanging out with her, and you will forgetting per other people’s needs was destined to join attitude off monotony.
- That you don’t try to treat boredom: Once you begin effect bored stiff, you will need to make a plan to add excitement back again to your relationships. This could include selecting new things doing together with her if not to make almost every other alterations in everything that may target the underlying thoughts off discontent.
It’s perfectly typical to possess relationship to settle on the something more secure and you may steady over the years. But more challenging factors like terrible compatibility, shortage of interaction, and you can insufficient work may additionally cause monotony.
How exactly to Boost a monotonous Relationships
Monotony have a severe bad impact on a love. You to earlier data discovered that people who said perception bored stiff inside the the relationship was less fulfilled in their dating 9 ages after. More recent research has unearthed that somebody may have a built-in psychological requirement for assortment and novelty, and that’s why boring relationships will likely be tricky.
You will find measures that you could utilize to infuse some thrill and energy to a dull matchmaking. To alter the relationships, you need to start by thinking about a couple of questions:
- Will you be annoyed, or will you be only safe? Whenever you are perplexing the 2, it would be really worth spending some time contemplating your criterion and you can everything hope to get out of a relationship.
- Exactly what areas of your relationship become humdrum? Knowing what portion you would like to run can provide a feeling of assistance when coming up with possibilities. |
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Z cube Design Pvt. Ltd. is a Turnkey Interior Design & Build firm based in Mumbai. We work with a single minded goal – to create aesthetics spaces that are a joy to live & work in ergonomically. And we do this, by establishing a precise collaboration between design team, execution team and the client. Z cube Design are team of Artisans. Designers. Architects. Interior designers.
Project management consultants, Planners. Strategists. Experience designers. We are Innovators. Ideators. Creators. Happy to solve on-site problems. And with every project, every client, we seek results. Results that support the Hallmark of our Firm that Is On-Time Completion of Projects.
Z Cube Design Pvt Ltd, a prominent Mumbai-based turnkey Interior Design & Build firm, excels in the art of space utilization. Our expertise lies in transforming spaces into functional, aesthetically pleasing environments. With a dedicated team of professionals, we cater to diverse projects, whether residential, commercial, or hospitality. Our turnkey solutions encompass the entire project, from initial concept to final execution, ensuring a seamless experience. We take pride in our ability to harmonize form and function, creating spaces that inspire and elevate lifestyles. At Z Cube Design, we're committed to making your interior design dreams a reality while optimizing every inch of your space. |
Over 12.5AD Mathews bowls short and wide to NV Ojha, gets forward and guides it away towards thirdman.Single
Over 13.1 Nathan Coulter-Nilebowls a good length deliveryto NV Ojha, 1 run, gets forward and guides it down to third-man.
Over 14.1 AD Mathewsbowls a good length deliveryto NV Ojha, 1 run, gets forward and pushed towards long-on and picks up a single.
Over 14.3 AD Mathews bowls a pitched up delivery to NV Ojha, 2 runs, comes down the track and slogs it down to deep mid-wicket.
Over 14.4 AD Mathewsbowls a good length deliveryto NV Ojha, Boundary! Comes on to the front foot and plays a lovely little lofted drive with a strong bottom hand grip and it goes on the bounce to the extra-cover boundary.
Over 14.5 AD Mathews bangs it short onto the pitch to NV Ojha, no runs, goes deep in the crease and ducks under it.
Over 14.6 AD Mathews bowls a slower one to NV Ojha, 1 run, gets forward and pushes it pass mid-off.
Over 15.1 Imran Tahir bowls a tossed up delivery to NV Ojha, 1 run, gets forward and drives it along the ground to deep extra-cover
Over 15.4 Imran Tahir slips in a full toss to NV Ojha, 1 run, gets forward and swings and gets an inside edge that rolls to deep square leg.
Over 15.6 Imran Tahirto NV Ojha, out Caught by Duminy!!. Slower through the air and wide outside off stump, Ojha had to reach out to play the drive, he sliced it in the end, Duminy runs to his right from backward point, dives and takes it inches from the ground.N Ojha c Duminy b Tahir 12(10) |
Should The New York Yankees Be Worried About The Boston Red Sox?
As good as the New York Yankees have been, don't sleep on the Boston Red Sox. Whiley they are currently 13 and a half games back of their bitter rivals from the Bronx, they have dug themselves out of deep hole and are continuing to win ball games. The Red Sox can hit as they have three guys in Rafael Devers, Xander Bogaerts, and JD Martinez who all hit above .300. for batting average. The main problem with them to start the season was their starting pitching. They have now receieved some quality starts from guys like Nick Pivetta, Michael Wacha, Nathan Eovaldi, and sometimes Garrett Whitlock. Here is my quick take on this from the Times Union:
Don’t count out the Boston Red Sox. While I don’t think they will catch the New York Yankees, the Red Sox are a playoff team and when ace pitcher Chris Sale returns, they will be a major factor in the second half of the season. The offense is plenty good enough, led by a red hot Trevor Story. Manager Alex Cora has a way of pushing all right buttons, and Boston is very much a dangerous team in the American League East.
MJ and I had a quick discussion on this earlier this morning right here on Big Board Sports. Below is our conversation on the Boston Red Sox.
It will be tough for the entire American League East to catch the New York Yankees at this blistering pace, but don't ignore Boston. They have owned the Yankees recently and manager Alex Cora is a major reason why. |
***ALERT ALERT ALERT*** Oregon Dog Rescue is currently at capacity and can no longer accept larger dogs until some are adopted. The need is critical. Please consider or share with someone who might love a larger dog as part of their family. Thank you so much.
Fido Friday Featured Shelter Dog From Oregon Dog Rescue.
IMPORTANT INFO: Adoption appointments for Oregon Dog Rescue are now booked online through our website (please do NOT submit a pet finder inquiry)! We offer 1 hour appointments to view up to 2 of our available dogs. If you find the one that's the perfect match you will fill out our adoption contract and take the dog home with you that day!
Read through our adoption policies and request an appointment today at www.oregondogrescue.org/request-appointment
My name is Harper. I am a 2 year old Female Mixed Breed. I weigh 38 pounds. I was found as a stray near Salem. Nobody came for me so I was sent to ODR to find a home. I am friendly with people but prefer to be the only pet in my home. I may get used to dogs once I am out of the shelter but I really do not enjoy them here. I do enjoy my kennel and am learning basic manners. Can you help me find my forever home?
Vaccinations up to date, spayed / neutered.
Are you ready to adopt? View our available appointments and fill out the application below to get started!
Phone: 503 612 0111
You can also reach us via email at email@example.com — we will make sure your question gets routed to the right person.
Our policy is that we do not place stray and adult dogs with children under age 5 in the home. Puppies may typically go with any age. If the dog is not good with all children it will be noted in profile..
Woolly mammoths could be brought back from extinction after a preserved body of one of the ancient animals was found frozen in the snowy wastes of Siberia, scientists hope.
The mammoth, which took its last steps around 40,000 years ago, is in such good condition that biologists believe they may be able to clone the creature.
An autopsy of the Ice Age beast, which has been nicknamed Buttercup by scientists, will be shown in a documentary later this month.
Back from the dead? Scientists hope to bring woolly mammoths back from extinction after a preserved body of the ancient animal was found frozen in Siberia
An autopsy of the huge creature – nicknamed Buttercup – will be shown in a Channel 4 documentary later this month
The Channel 4 programme will also examine pioneering work on cloning the woolly mammoth, which is taking place in South Korea and the US.
Scientists hope that, eventually, they will be able to reintroduce the huge creatures back into the wild, tens of thousands of years after they became extinct.
Insung Hwang, a South Korean geneticist, told the Independent: ‘Bringing back the mammoth either through cloning or genetic engineering would be an extremely long process. We’re trying hard to make this possible within our generation.’
‘That’s why we have to start discussing the implications now. Some of our colleagues are still working on analysing the genome from Buttercup’s specimen. This is a long and complicated process that is unlikely to be finished anytime in the near future.’
Dr Tori Herridge, an expert on mammoth biology at the Natural History Museum who took part in the work, thinks cloning the animal would cause too much suffering for surrogate Asian elephants used in the process.
She said: ‘The guys from South Korea, who are collecting tissue for cloning, were excited because the better preserved the tissue, the greater their hopes were that there would be some intact DNA.
The remains of the mammoth, which took its last steps around 40,000 years ago, are in such good condition that biologists believe they may be able to clone the creature
The scientists hope that, eventually, they will be able to reintroduce the huge creatures back into the wild, tens of thousands of years after they became extinct
‘The most fundamental step and ethical concern with this kind of procedure is that you need to have an Asian elephant surrogate mum at some point. Cloning a mammoth will require you to experiment on probably many, many Asian elephants.
‘As a palaeontologist, you normally have to imagine the extinct animals you work on.
‘So actually coming face-to-face with a mammoth in the flesh, and being up to my elbows in slippery, wet, and – frankly – rather smelly mammoth liver, counts as one of the most incredible experiences of my life. It’s up there with my wedding day.
‘The information gleaned from Buttercup’s autopsy about her life and death, and the future discoveries that will come from analyses of her muscles and internal organs, will add to our understanding of these magnificent Ice Age beasts.’
The adult female was discovered in May 2013. At 8ft tall, the mammoth, who is estimated to have died at the age of 50, is around the same size as an elephant.
Most of her body, three legs, her head and her trunk were still intact, despite scientists believing Buttercup was eater by predators after becoming stuck in a bog. |
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Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
As the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Asian Art, the Freer Gallery of Art and the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery preserve, exhibit, and interpret Asian art in ways that deepen our understanding of Asia, America, and the world. Committed to preserving, exhibiting and interpreting exemplary works of art, the Freer and Sackler address broad questions about culture, identity, and the contemporary world. Together, the Freer and Sackler care for exceptional collections of Asian art, with more than 40,000 objects dating from the Neolithic period to today and originating from the ancient Near East to China, Japan, Korea, South and Southeast Asia, and the Islamic world. Nearly a century old, the Freer Gallery of Art also holds a significant group of American works of art largely dating to the late 19th century. It houses the world’s largest collection of diverse works by James McNeill Whistler, including the famed Peacock Room. The Freer and Sackler also house the largest Asian art research library in the United States. Open to the public five days a week (except federal holidays) without appointment, the library collection consists of more than 80,000 volumes. |
Your phone knows almost all there is to know about you. Where you work and live, where you travel, who you’re friends with, what you write in your emails and messages. The same is true for many of the apps you use, but some are nosier than others. The ones on this list are the worst apps for your privacy according to Norton, according to online pokies for Australia.
Facebook is probably the worst app for privacy, as it tracks you across all its apps and websites. It even tracks you when you log off Facebook. The app requires almost every permission there is, including:
Your contacts, call logs, and text messages
Your camera and microphone
Your internal storage
In essence, Facebook wants full control of your device and claims it’s necessary for the app’s functionality.
It knows when you log in and how long you spend on the platform. It tracks where you go, what you buy, what you browse. Facebook collects all this information to serve you targeted ads. What’s more, the company has leaked its user data through numerous breaches. Facebook has proven time and again that your personal data isn’t safe in their hands.
Facebook Messenger is also one of the worst apps for privacy, as it does not use end-to-end encryption. The messaging app probably stores your private messages in plain text on their servers. If that’s the case, they can be reached by any employee with login credentials. Mark Zuckerberg has admitted that the messaging app automatically scans all the links and images you send to your friends. When the algorithm finds them suspicious, moderators read your messages and block them if they do not meet company policy.
It is true that these measures stop fake news and unlawful content from spreading. However, you cannot trust Facebook to use your data only for good. Remember that Facebook:
Has always valued growth over user privacy
Has been breached numerous times
Stored logins in plain text
Logged text messages and phone calls without informing users about this practice
Asked users for email passwords to spam their contacts
3. Weather apps
Your shiny new weather app wants to access your location. Sounds reasonable enough – it can’t tell the weather if it doesn’t know where you are. But after you grant permission, the app tracks your location 24/7 and sells this data to advertisers, which can put your phone security and privacy at risk. Such apps are numerous, and they all sound the same:
The Weather Channel App
And it’s not only the weather apps you need to worry about. It can be any app that provides local news or tells about events in your city or informs you about new restaurants worth visiting. Any of those may be trying to get your data for location-based advertising. Weather apps will sell data on where you work, how you commute, who’s your physician, and what gym you frequent. There is no guarantee that your location data will be handled properly. It could be leaked, or sold further down the line. Image if someone from your area obtained your location data, even without your name.
- Words with Friends and other mobile multiplayer games
Multiplayer games are all about interaction and player engagement. You solve puzzles, level up, and have fun with friends and family. However, games like Words with Friends collect an obscene amount of personal data, making them one of the worst apps for privacy. This isn’t a problem with casino en ligne en france, as the platform protects your privacy with advanced tech.
Zynga, which created Words with Friends, the megahit FarmVille, and many other successful games, tracks and logs all kinds of personal data:
first and last name
age and birthday
contacts from the address book
everything players post in the message boards
the contents of chats and messages between players
approximate physical location
basically, any publicly available info they can find |
Fresh, funny, and imbued with infectious energy, Northerny tells a much-needed and compelling story of growing up and living in the North. Here are no tidy tales of aurora borealis and adventures in snow. For Dawn Macdonald, the North is not an escape, a pathway to enlightenment, or a lifestyle choice. It’s a messy, beautiful, and painful point of origin. People from the North see the North differently and want to tell their own stories in their own way, including about their experiences growing up on the land, getting an education, and struggling to find jobs and opportunities. Expertly balancing lyric reflection and ferocious realism, Macdonald busts up the cultural myths of self-interest and superiority that have long dominated conversations about both Northern spaces and working-class identities.
About the author
Dawn Macdonald lives in Whitehorse, Yukon, where she grew up in a cabin down a dirt road without electricity or running water. She studied applied mathematics and physics at university, and went to her scholarship interview wearing shoes she had found at the dump. Her summer student projects in space physics involved numerical modeling of the northern lights. Her poetry appears in magazines such as The Antigonish Review, Asimov’s Science Fiction, Canadian Literature, The Fiddlehead, FOLIO, Grain, Literary Review of Canada, The Malahat Review, OxMag, Strange Horizons, and Vallum: A contemporary poetry, among others. Northerny is her first book.
“In Northerny, Dawn Macdonald tempers a poetic soulfulness with a comic’s sense for absurdity and punch. These poems speak with smart humor and wit, linguistic delight, and honest observations spiked with confession, always with an ear, too, for what their poet can’t say. Macdonald’s take on born-and-raised life in the north avoids romantic quagmires with a well-cured settler colonial self-consciousness. Macdonald resists worn expectations in this fresh expansion of northern literature rich with voice, earned insight, and meaning.” Jeremy Pataky, author of Overwinter
“Northerny echolocates around the rural, urban, and more-than-human worlds with unflinching curiousity. Macdonald’s poetry bewilders language, making it romp, flit, and twist. Her images are in turn luminous and jarring cut with knife-sharp wit, unafraid to trespass against our expectations.” Clea Roberts, author of Auguries
“Dawn Macdonald's poetry is alive with curiosity and truth. She speaks in conversation at times soft and at times bitter, creating images from a reality that can be obscure yet familiar. Macdonald's singular work reveals the unromantic beauty of a storied northern world full of lichen, kingfishers, and dog hair. Her poems open new paths in poetry from the high latitudes. This work is a bright addition to any library.” Ernestine Hayes, Alaska State Writer Laureate 2017-2018 |
Subsets and Splits