stringlengths 179
Beverley Early Music Festval
Saturday 27 May 1.00pm – c.2.00pm
£18.00 (£16.00 concessions | £7.00 under 35)
Venue: Beverley Memorial Hall
Miriam Monaghan recorder
John Holland Avery baritone
Chris Parsons trumpet
Miri Nohl cello/viol
Laurence Lyndon Jones harpsichord
Broadside Ballads and Folk Tunes
We invite you to transport yourself back to the alehouses of 17th century England. Taverns were raucous surroundings and overflowed with music, alcohol, gossip, fights, fumes, shouting, singing, laughing, dancing…. Our performance won’t have all of those! We’ll be performing a mixture of instrumental tunes and songs by Purcell and lots of his contemporaries including Matteis and Croft alongside famous ballads of the day!
Please note there is a £1.50 administration fee per transaction
Event Date: 27/05/2023 1:00 pm
The NCEM is available to hire for anniversaries, birthday parties, wedding receptions, conferences, dinners and musical events. |
Nashik: Thousands of farmers in Maharashtra
Farmers in Maharashtra who suffered crop losses demand loan waiver
are marching from Nashik to Mumbai, protesting what they call government's anti-farmer policies. Farmers are demanding a complete waiver of loans and electricity bills, and the implementation of recommendations of the Swaminathan Commission, which addresses issues of providing minimum support prices and safeguarding interests of small farmers.
"We want the state government to refrain from forceful acquisition of farm lands in the name of development projects like the super highway and tracks for bullet trains," said Raju Desle, the secretary of All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS), the farmers' group organising the march.
Nearly 25,000 farmers began the 180-km-long march on Wednesday evening, from the CBS chowk in Nashik. Farmers plan to reach Mumbai on March 12 and gherao the Maharashtra Vidhan Sabha.
The Maharashtra government has been under pressure after continuous protests by farmers who alleged the Fadnavis government did not honour assurances given to farmers when it announced a conditional farm loan waiver of Rs 34,000 crore in June last year.
Mr Desle of AIKS claimed that as many as 1,753 farmers have killed themselves since June last year.
The Maharashtra government has sent a memorandum to the Centre seeking a financial assistance of Rs 2,400 crore for pink bollworm attacks on cotton crops and damage to crops caused by hailstorms and unseasonal rain," Agriculture Minister Pandurang Fundkar told Press Trust of India. The centre is yet to release the funds.
Farmers are also demanding a complete change in the river linking scheme proposed to be implemented in Nashik, Thane and Palghar so that tribal villages are not submerged. |
Department of State Public Notice 8050 dated September 21, 2012, reads thus:
In the matter of the designation of Mujahadin-e Khalq, also known as MEK, also known as Mujahadin-e Khalq Organization, also known as MKO, also known as Muslim Iranian Students’ Society, also known as National Council of Resistance, also known as NCR, also known as Organization of the People’s Holy Warriors of Iran, also known as the National Liberation Army of Iran, also known as NLA, also known as National Council of Resistance of Iran, also known as NCRI, also known as Sazeman-e Mujahadin-e Khalq-e Iran, as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist Pursuant to Section 1[b] of Executive Order 13224, as amended. Acting under the authority of Section 1[b] of Executive Order 13224 of September 23, 2001, as amended ]"the Order’] I hereby revoke the designation of the entity known as the Mujahadin-e Khalq, and its aliases, as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist pursuant to Section 1[b] of the Order. This action takes effect September 28, 2012.
Hillary Rodham Clinton,Secretary of State
With this stroke of the pen, as it were, the United States removed from its global terrorist list an organization—Mujahedin-e Khalq [MEK]—that had been listed since 1997. A shadowy outfit, MEK’s delisting was the result of a full-court press by a bipartisan group of policy influentials, including General Hugh Shelton, former chairman of the joint Chiefs of Staff; Lee Hamilton, former congressman from Indiana; Bill Richardson, former governor of New Mexico; General Wesley Clark, former supreme commander of NATO; and Louis Freeh and Michael Hayden, former directors of the FBI and CIA, respectively.
In a speech at a conference in February 2011, Governor Richardson urged that MEK should be removed from the terrorist list : "This is a movement that doesn’t want any money. This is a movement that doesn’t want weapons," Richardson declared. "This is a movement that just wants to be allowed to roam, to do your democratic thing." Equally opaquely, General Shelton said at the same event: "When you look at what the MEK stands for, when they are antinuclear, separation of church and state, individual rights, MEK is obviously the way Iran needs to go."
On one level, the ostensible reason for the United States’ delisting is that the Iraq-based MEK is a force in exile dedicated to removing the current regime in Tehran. As General Shelton added, "By placing the MEK on the FTO [Foreign Terrorist Organizations] list we have weakened the support of the best organized internal resistance group to the most terrorist-oriented anti-Western world, anti-democratic regime in the region." In the zero-sum game of U.S.-Iran relations, there appears to be, then, a certain logic to the move. It is illuminating, however, to take a closer look at this movement, through the eyes of some individuals lesser known than the heavyweight list that supports their cause, but who might just be in a position to know more about it. These would include Ray McGovern, an ex-CIA operative, who said of the MEK: "Why the U.S. cooperates with organizations like the Mujahedin, I think, is because that they are local, and because they are ready to work for us. Previously, we considered them a terrorist organization. And they exactly are. But they are now our terrorists and we now don’t hesitate to send them into Iran….for the usual secret service activities: attacking sensors, in order to supervise the Iranian nuclear program, mark targets for air attacks, and perhaps establishing secret camps to control the military locations in Iran. And also a little sabotage."
Or, from Karen Kwiatkowski, formerly with the Department of Defense: "MEK is ready to do things over which we would be ashamed, and over which we try to keep silent. But for such tasks we’ll use them." (For both these quotes, see "US Government’s Secret Plans for Iran," by Markus Schmidt, John Goetz, WDR TV, Germany, February 3, 2005).
And what exactly are these "tasks"? According to the State Department’s original statement designating MEK as a terrorist organization (in 1997, when the Clinton administration was trying to engage Iran), MEK instigated a bombing campaign, including an attack against the head office of the Islamic Republic Party and the Prime Minister’s office, which killed some 70 high-ranking Iranian officials, including Chief Justice Ayatollah Mohammad Beheshti, President Mohammad-Ali Rajaei, and Prime Minister Mohammad-Javad Bahonar. In addition, MEK assassinations range in date and targets from U.S. military personnel and civilians in the 1970s (hence the original terrorist listing) to, almost certainly, the killing of at least five leading Iranian nuclear scientists in recent months.
Complementing the lethal violence of the MEK is the organization’s bizarre internal dynamic. Elizabeth Rubin of The New York Times visited its Camp Ashraf headquarters in Iraq in 2003, and, in the course of the drumbeat of support for de-listing, posted an article in the Times on August 13, 2011, "An Iranian Cult and its American Friends." Herein she describes a—"cult" is the only appropriate term—headed by a woman named Maryam Rajavi and her husband, Massoud. What she relates is eerily reminiscent of the doomed Jim Jones cult in Guyana in the 1970s—"a fictional world of female worker bees…staring ahead as if they were working at a factory in Maoist China….Friendships and all emotional relationships are forbidden. From the time they are toddlers, boys and girls are not allowed to speak to each other. Each day at Camp Ashraf you had to report your dreams and thoughts….After my visit, I met and spoke to men and women who had escaped from the group’s clutches. Many had to be reprogrammed. They recounted how people were locked up if they disagreed with the leadership or tried to escape; some were even killed."
So far, this is only a Jim Jones situation—which is bad enough—in that the tragedy affected only the cult’s members. But, as Rubin also reports:
During the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s, the group served as Saddam Hussein’s own private militia opposing the theocratic government in Tehran. For two decades, he gave the group money, weapons, jeeps and military bases along the border with Iran. In return, the Rajavis pledged their fealty.
In 1991, when Mr. Hussein crushed a Shiite uprising in the south and attempted to carry out a genocide against the Kurds in the north, the Rajavis and their army joined his forces in mowing down fleeing Kurds. Ms. Rajavi told her disciples ‘Take the Kurds under your tanks, and save your bullets for the Iranian Revolutionary Guards.’ Many followers escaped in disgust.
Rubin concludes: "MEK is not only irrelevant to the cause of Iran’s democratic activists, but a totalitarian cult that will come back to haunt us."
All of which begs the pressing question: Why the policy reversal? And why now? There are at least three reasons, from the pragmatic to the venal. First, MEK’s presence in Iraq has been a growing source of tension between the host country’s Shia government and the United States. As a 2009 Rand Corporation report ("The Mujahedin-e Khalq in Iraq: A Policy Conundrum") says:
From the early weeks of Operation Iraqi Freedom [OIF] until January 2009, coalition forces detained and provided security for members of the MEK, an exiled Iranian dissident cult group living in Iraq. From the outset of OIF, the MEK was designate d a hostile force, largely because of its history of cooperation with Saddam Hussein’s military in the Iran-Iraq war and its alleged involvement in his suppression of the Shia and Kurdish uprisings that followed the Gulf War of 1991.
The Rand report goes on:
The coalition’s decision to provide security for a foreign terrorist organization was very controversial because it placed the United States in the position of protecting a group that it had labeled a terrorist organization. Among many resulting complications, this policy conundrum has made the United States vulnerable to charges of hypocrisy in the war on terrorism.
The Nour Al- Maliki government in Iraq, therefore, wanted the MEK out; but only by offering the prospect of de-listing could the Obama administration persuade its rogue protectee to leave Ashraf peacefully, as it has now done, to be processed for resettlement by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
Second, the dance with the MEK is a commentary on our lack of engagement with Iran, despite early promises for such by President Obama. According to a blog posting of September 24, 2012, by Leila Kashefi, a Washington-based Iranian-American human rights activist: "It has been incredible to watch members of a designated terror group walk the halls of Congressional office buildings, mingling with Hill staffers and representatives. ‘The only Iranians we see are the MEK’, said one staffer."
Third—and this is the least salubrious factor in the de-listing—despite General Shelton’s protestations to the contrary, the MEK both wants and gets money, and uses it strategically. How exactly the group receives its support is a murky, perhaps impenetrable question. A report by the UK daily, The Guardian ("Iranian exiles, DC lobbyists and the campaign to delist the MEK," September 21 2012) attributes this to "a formidable fundraising operation and campaign to transform the MEK’s image led by more than 20 Iranian-American organizations across the US. These groups and their leaders have spent millions of dollars on donations to members of Congress, paying Washington lobby groups and hiring influential politicians and officials, including two former CIA directors as speakers." As the Financial Times summed up in a recent editorial (Mujahedin mistake," September 25, 2012) "MEK has found the best friends money can buy". (As a footnote, it goes without saying that neither of these press organs is typically amicably disposed toward the Iranian regime.)
Others have been skeptical about the role of expatriate groups—citing their characteristic frugality! Another, perhaps fanciful, explanation has been the largesse of Saddam Hussein toward MEK in the 1990s, and shrewd stewardship of his funding. Or perhaps the multiple aliases—self describing as "freedom fighters" or "democracy" activists—have diversified the funding options. Whatever the nature of the money trail, according to the Guardian report, "Several prominent former officials have acknowledged being paid significant amounts of money to speak about the MEK. The former Pennsylvania governor, Ed Rendell, has accepted more than $150,000 in speaking fees at events in support of unbanning the MEK." (Others who have accepted fees include Howard Dean, former governor of Vermont, and Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York City. See, for example, "Iranian group’s big-money push to get off US terrorist list," Christian Science Monitor, August 8, 2011.) Nor do these friends in court appear overly concerned with a process of background checking: For Representative Dana Rohrabacher, "If they want to contribute to me because I believe strongly in human rights and stand up in cases like this, that’s fine. I don’t check their credentials." [Guardian]
Finally, what are the consequences of the step to delist the MEK? In practical terms, the liberation will enable the MEK to lobby the U.S. Congress for support in the same way as the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 allowed the Iraqi National Congress led by the exiled Ahmad Chalabi to do so—a monumental policy error that led to the invasion of Iraq in 2003. In this regard, history, as we know all too well, has a habit of repeating itself. Some 30-odd years ago, we saw the mujahedin of another state as "allies" in a cosmic struggle. Welcome to the Afghanistan of the Taliban, three decades on. It is the old adage "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" taken to absurd extreme.
Lest there are doubts about the adverse ethical as well as policy consequences, consider the response from the National Iranian American Council [NAIC], an organization opposed to the current regime, dated September 21, 2012:
The NAIC deplores the decision to remove the MEK from the U.S. list of foreign terrorist organizations. This decision opens the door for Congressional funding of the MEK to conduct terrorist attacks in Iran, makes war with Iran far more likely, and will seriously damage Iran’s peaceful pro-democracy movement as well as America’s standing among ordinary Iranians. The biggest winner today is the Iranian regime, which has claimed for a long time that the U.S. is out to destroy Iran and is the enemy of the Iranian people.
All in all, a sad saga—one of taking the moral low ground in pursuit of dubious policy objectives. Let us give the last word to the Financial Timeseditorial, which sums it up rather well:
"The US government’s decision to take Mujahedin-e Khalq, the exiled Iranian organization, off its list of terrorist groups is a vivid example of the influence of money and lobbying in Washington. At worst it highlights the analytical fog that clouds many US policy heavyweights’ view of Iran."
By David C. Speedie , Carnegie Council |
Traditional grocers are struggling to adapt to falling sales and weak food inflation as consumers become obsessed with convenience
By Sylvain Charlebois
Atlantic Institute for Market Studies
Despite posting decent financial results this year, sales at major Canadian food retailers are tumbling faster than Niagara Falls. Coupled with a weak food inflation rate, the trends for the industry are deeply troubling.
Recent Statistics Canada figures suggest the market shift many industry observers were dreading is indeed happening. Top grocers such as Loblaw, Sobeys, and Metro are seeing their world being turned upside down by consumers who more than ever are obsessed with convenience.
Grocery shopping habits are changing, and fast.
Supermarket and grocery store sales decreased 3.1 percent, or $221 million, in May alone. That could be enough to force grocers to close almost 30 decent-sized stores and put nearly 2,000 people out of work. And StatsCan reports that retail food sales have been down in four of the last five months.
Convenience and specialty stores are bucking the trend and faring much better. Food sales from convenience stores have increased by more than six percent since last year while specialty store sales have increased by more than 10 percent.
Food demand is becoming more fragmented as customers flee the major chains for convenience and specialty stores.
An increasing number of Canadians are getting a taste of convenience and want more. Ready-to-eat solutions are more prominent than ever. Even vending machines are increasingly popular for quality meals consumed outside the home. Online food shopping, mostly for non-perishable staples, is also becoming common for consumers, thanks to the Amazon effect. And with the ready-to-cook segment growing at an incredible rate (now worth almost $200 million in Canada), fewer shoppers go to grocery stores.
Grocers are forced to go after shoppers’ money instead of waiting for it to come to them.
Food inflation is another source of pressure. The national rate was 1.4 percent in June, compared to 1.0 percent in May. Yet in many parts of the grocery store, prices are relatively stagnant. Given that the cost of food eaten outside the home is still showing dramatic increases, up by more than 4.0 percent, food inflation data remains cruelly misleading for grocers.
So food service is progressively chipping away at food retailing.
According to Statistic Canada, almost everything sold at retail outlets is cheaper than it was in January. Of the more than 45 items in our typical food basket, half cost less than they did at the beginning of the year. Round steak, pork chops, bacon, chicken, pasta and even eggs are all less expensive. Roasted coffee is a surprising 17 percent cheaper than it was in January. But consumers are not spared inflation entirely. Apples are up 11 percent since January and carrots are up 22 percent.
The Canadian government’s reactionary response to U.S. President Donald Trump’s tough trade talk may also have encouraged grocers to increase prices. The July 1 deadline for 10 percent tariffs on the specific U.S. imported food products no doubt played a major role. Tariff-stricken categories like ketchup and orange juice saw prices go up in June by four to five percent. Orange prices were especially affected, increasing by 13 percent in one month.
The overall inflation rate is 2.5 percent, which makes it more likely the Bank of Canada will make a move. Interest rates could be raised within the next several weeks, putting even more pressure on grocers. For consumers, borrowing money will cost more and a growing number could start to save money by trading down when food shopping.
Grocers are not only trying to keep foot traffic at a decent rate in their stores, they’re also extending their e-commerce strategy. They don’t have much of a choice.
Costco has just announced a pilot project in Ontario to evaluate market potential for home delivery. With less than 100 locations in Canada, compared to the thousands of outlets operated by major grocers, Costco will make things interesting. Costco’s discounting impresses consumers to the point that its market share is 12 percent in Canada, up from nine percent just a few years ago. Given how much the average customer buys at Costco in a single trip, buying online and having someone carry everything into your home should be enticing.
Grocers will need to continue to innovate and accept the fact that ‘business as usual’ in food distribution is strategic suicide. Canadians are deserting the old model and seeking something new, at a much faster rate than expected. Losing three percent of sales in one month just isn’t sustainable.
This is what disruption looks like in food distribution.
Sylvain Charlebois is dean of the Faculty of Management and a professor in the Faculty of Agriculture at DalhousieUniversity, senior fellow with the AtlanticInstituteforMarketStudies, and author of FoodSafety, RiskIntelligenceandBenchmarking, published by Wiley-Blackwell (2017).
© Troy Media
The views, opinions, and positions expressed by all columnists and contributors are the author’s alone. They do not inherently or expressly reflect the views, opinions and/or positions of NetNewsLedger. |
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AUSTIN, Texas — A criminal investigation in Texas over the hesitant police response to the Robb Elementary School shooting is still ongoing as Wednesday marks one year since a gunman killed 19 children and two teachers inside a fourth-grade classroom in Uvalde.
The continuing probe underlines the lasting fallout over Texas' deadliest school shooting and how the days after the attack were marred by authorities giving inaccurate and conflicting accounts about efforts made to stop a teenage gunman armed with an AR-style rifle.
The investigation has run parallel to a new wave of public anger in the U.S. over gun violence, renewed calls for stricter firearm regulations and legal challenges over authorities in Uvalde continuing to withhold public records related to the shooting and the police response.
Here's a look at what has happened in the year since one of America's deadliest mass shootings:
A damning report by Texas lawmakers put nearly 400 officers on the scene from an array of federal, state and local agencies. The findings laid out how heavily armed officers waited more than an hour to confront and kill the 18-year-old gunman. It also accused police of failing “to prioritize saving innocent lives over their own safety.”
All of the students killed were between the ages of 9 and 11 years old.
At least five officers who were put under investigation after the shooting were either fired or resigned, although a full accounting is unclear. The head of the Texas Department of Public Safety, Col. Steve McCraw, put much of the blame after the attack on Uvalde's school police chief, who was later fired by trustees.
McCraw had more than 90 of his own officers at the school — more than any other agency — and has rebuffed calls by some Uvalde families and lawmakers to also resign.
Uvalde County District Attorney Christina Mitchell said last week that Texas Rangers are still investigating the police response and that her office will ultimately present the findings to a grand jury. She said she did not have a timeline for when the investigation would be finished.
On Monday, Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin said he was frustrated by the pace of the investigations a year later.
"They don’t have answers to simple questions they should have," McLaughlin said of the families.
President Joe Biden signed the nation's most sweeping gun violence bill in decades a month after the shooting. It included tougher background checks for the youngest gun buyers and added more funding for mental health programs and aid to schools.
It did not go as far as restrictions sought by some Uvalde families who have called on lawmakers to raise the purchase age for AR-style rifles. In the GOP-controlled Texas Capitol, Republicans this year rejected virtually all proposals to tighten gun laws over the protests of the families and Democrats.
Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has also waved off calls for tougher gun laws, just as he did after mass shootings at a Sutherland Springs church in 2017 and an El Paso Walmart in 2018. The issue has not turned Texas voters away from Abbott, who easily won a third term months after the Uvalde shooting.
The Uvalde school district permanently closed the Robb Elementary campus and plans for a new school are in the works. Schools in Uvalde will be closed Wednesday.
About a dozen students in the classroom where the shooting unfolded survived the attack. Some returned to class in person last fall. Others attended school virtually, including a girl who spent more than two months in the hospital after being shot multiple times.
Veronica Mata, a kindergarten teacher in Uvalde, also returned to class this year after her 10-daughter Tess was among those killed in the attack.
Some Uvalde families have filed lawsuits against the gun maker and law enforcement. |
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Morgan Stanley broker Armando Fernandez has been suspended by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) for 20 business days, according to publicly available FINRA records. Per a Letter of Acceptance, Waiver and Consent filed with FINRA, Mr. Fernandez was accused of exercising discretion in a customer account without prior written acceptance of the account as discretionary from his member firm. FINRA records indicate that Mr. Fernandez was also fined $7,500.
Generally, brokers are prohibited from placing trades in a customer account without speaking to the customer first, unless an account is a discretionary account. When discretion is given by the customer to the broker, it is typically documented in a signed agreement. When there is not such a signed agreement, and a broker executes transactions on a discretionary basis anyway, violations of FINRA Rules likely have taken place.
Customers who have been the victim of brokers improperly exercising discretion in their accounts (or violating other FINRA Rules) may be entitled to recover their losses in an action against the firm and/or broker responsible. |
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1. Assisted Bath Tubs Market Outlook – Various factors that determine Assisted Bath Tubs market growth are examined in this section, including opportunities, barriers, challenges, trends, and drivers. Authentic market determinants encourage innovation. This section addresses the distribution of firm activity and the factors that influence development. A comprehensive range of market-specific data is available, allowing investors to conduct an early assessment of the Assisted Bath Tubs market’s capabilities.
2. Competitive Comparison Matrix- The purpose of this segment in the Assisted Bath Tubs market report is to present organizations with a competitive comparison matrix. This section provides an in-depth assessment of competitors’ business strategies and advancements. Businesses can employ detailed market research and target statistics to determine competitors’ alternatives. Businesses might discover new market niches and avenues for sales by examining their competitors’ offerings.
3. High ROI Trade-Offs- To adequately aid their customers in a competitive Assisted Bath Tubs market, enterprises must educate themselves on key domains. Streamlining market approaches is an effective application of market research. This study area focuses on product, application, and regional categories. Understanding demographics and high-ROI geographical regions helps entrepreneurs optimize their products.
Perks for Buyers
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Get Customized Insights and Consultation Service
On the Basis of By Type this market is categorized further into-
- Walk-In Tubs
- Sitz Bath Tubs
- Slide-In Bath Tubs
On the Basis of Application this market is categorized further into-
- Hospital and Clinics
- Nursing Home
- Home Care
On the Basis of Geography this market is categorized further into-
- North America
- Asia Pacific
- and South and Central America
Key regions Assisted Bath Tubs Market Research Report:
- North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
- Europe (U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Central & Eastern Europe, CIS)
- Asia Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, ASEAN, India, Rest of Asia Pacific)
- Latin America (Brazil, Rest of Latin America)
- The Middle East and Africa (Turkey, GCC, Rest of the Middle East and Africa)
- Rest of the World
Published By :-
Senior Market Research expert at The Insight Partners |
Metal packaging plays a vital role in food preservation process. The common word used to describe this process is “canning”. Canned food is considered a safe method of food preservation as it prevents foodstuffs from microbiological deterioration.
Use of metal packaging
Food is packed using a wide variety of containers, some of which are made of all metal while some have metal components. The different types of metal packaging comprise:
- Food cans
- Drums and pails
- Beer and soft drink cans
- Aerosol containers
- Open trays
- Caps and closures
Benefits of Metal Packaging
Beverage cans are appreciated for their handiness and portability. Metal cans from leading easy open ends supplier are lightweight and strong, they chill quickly and are perfect for active lifestyles- camping, hiking, and other adventures. Further, there is no risk of accidental breakage of these cans. They are also ideal for use in outside venues like stadiums, concerts, sporting events, etc. where taking glass bottle is not allowed. It lets people enjoy their favourite drink wherever and whenever they want.
2. Product Protection
Taste and integrity are vital for beers, coffee, etc. Metal packaging offers a great barrier against air and light, which are the major factors responsible for the spoilage of brews adversely affecting their taste and freshness. Further, cans from top peel off ends supplier also makes promotion of beverage brands easy with attractive graphics and colors, which attracts consumer attention.
Metal cans don’t just look good but they are something that consumers can feel good about purchasing owing to their eco-friendliness. Metal cans are 100% and infinitely recyclable, which means they can be recycled and used repeatedly and that too without any loss of integrity or performance. In fact, the cans that are recycled today can be back on shelves within 60 days.
4. Hermetic Seal
Since metal cans are absolutely airtight, they keep oxygen out and fizz in, which retains the freshness of beverages for long
5. No Leakage
Due to its strength and inflexible nature, metal cans are filled at high speeds with almost no product loss, enhancing overall efficiency comprising energy and CO2. Further, metal packaging is strong, diminishing the threat of leaking during transportation.
Metal cans are a good solution for fillers. With demonstrated safety and sustainability, cans offer a huge number of design options and an unparalleled performance. Further, metal cans have made nutritious, shelf-stable and high quality food available to people across the globe.
Apart from this, metal packaging offers smart packaging which attracts consumers and provides brands a competitive edge. Also, cans can be manufactured in variety of sizes, shapes and designs according to the requirements of customers, making it a flexible packaging option. |
Among the many decisions to be made during a divorce is what to do with the house. There are three main mortgage options for splitting partners: selling, refinancing, or buying the other person out.
Sell the House
If the parties intend to split the value of the house, one of the simplest ways to accomplish this is by selling the property and dividing the profit. Both borrowers need to remember that selling comes with costs, like real estate agent commission, investment to get the home in tiptop shape, closing costs, and possible capital gains taxes. You and your former partner will need to decide how to pay for these fees in an equitable manner.
Refinance Your Home
If the terms of the divorce agreement include one partner gaining full possession of the house, refinancing into a new home loan is a good way to remove one borrower from the responsibility of the mortgage. A new loan can be made in just one person’s name as long as that spouse can use only their own income and credit score to qualify. The good news is any alimony or child support the new borrower receives from his or her former spouse can be counted as income as long as the divorce terms call for those payments to be made for at least three years.
It is important to note that taking a spouse’s name off the mortgage loan does not automatically remove them from the property title. That means if you keep the home and then sell it down the road, your ex-spouse could still claim part ownership and demand a portion of the equity. To remove your spouse’s name from the title, you can file a quitclaim deed that transfers ownership from one person to another or you can request that your mortgage lender have the name removed during the refinancing process.
Buy Out the Ex- Spouse’s Share
In some cases, a divorce settlement will call for the home value to be split among the spouses, but one spouse wants to keep the house. This means that in order for the vacating spouse to be removed from the mortgage and title, the spouse staying in the home will need to buy out the leaving spouse’s equity. For example, if a couple had $200,000 in home equity and it needed to be split equally, the spouse keeping the house would need to pay the leaving spouse $100,000 in cash. If they do not have this money in their bank accounts, they could get a cash-out refinance loan. This allows borrowers to get a new mortgage loan that is larger than their current balance by pulling out some of their equity. So, if the couple above still owed $300,000 but their home was worth $500,000, the spouse keeping the house might get a cash-out refinance loan for $400,000 to pay the vacating spouse their share of the equity.
While the divorce is still being finalized, both spouses need to be vigilant about making sure the mortgage still gets paid on time. Late payments can hurt the credit of both parties, making it harder for them to take out loans in the future.
If you have any questions about mortgages or home financing, please give us a call today. We love to talk about home financing and the benefits of home ownership. |
Nicolet™ Continuum Infrared Microscope
The Nicolet Continuμm™ Infrared Microscope provides fully automated operation, making it easy and efficient to use while also offering visual observation of microscopic samples and chemical characterization of most organic and inorganic compounds.
Created specifically for today’s multi-purpose labs, our infrared microscope sets the standard for FT-IR microspectroscopy — from electronics failure analysis to crime scene investigations and museum research.
Recommended for the characterization of micro samples in:
- Failure analysis
- Product consistency verification
- Reverse engineering
- Research and development
- Measurement of bulk, surface and composite structures in material science applications, including:
- Forensic analysis
- Surface analysis
- Art conservation
- Homeland security |
It’s a very exciting time to see what 2022 could hold for you with us. By choosing us, you’ll join bold and independent thinkers, get real-world experience, gain a global perspective and graduate ready to change the world. You’ll find everything you need to start your university life with us here. Secure your place with us: here’s what to do, how to do it, and when.
Offers are out – what to do next
If you’ve received an offer from us, congratulations!
All you need to do now is:
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(GuyanaChronicle)THE Government of Guyana is providing technical support to Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) in its quest to rebuild its rice industry, Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha has said.
Mustapha, who chairs the special ministerial task force for food production and food security at the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), told reporters on the sidelines of a recent event that the initiative is part of a wider collaboration among regional leaders to reduce the food importation bill by 25 per cent by the Year 2025.
Collaboration has been a top priority for regional governments to achieve the ambitious target.
“You know, Trinidad used to plant rice before. We are working with them, and would have supplied them with seed paddy the other day. We have some technical people working along with their technical people, so they have started replanting rice,” Minister Mustapha said, adding that
there is a high demand for rice across the world.
“India would have withdrawn a lot of rice from the market, so there are a lot of markets now for rice,” he said.
India is the world’s largest rice-exporting country today, but in an effort to tackle local inflation on prices for this staple crop, the Indian government recently decided to ban foreign exports of non-basmati varieties. That applies to roughly half of India’s regular rice exports.
As it relates to Trinidad and Tobago, agriculture officials have been encouraging farmers to plant more.
According to a recent report carried by the Trinidad and Tobago Guardian newspapers, farmers were urged to plant 5,000 acres of rice to obtain food security. This call came following Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley, Agriculture Minister Kazim Hosein and Minister in the Ministry of Agriculture, Avinash Singh’s attendance at the first regional meeting on agriculture and an agri-investment forum and ‘expo’ held in Guyana in May 2022.
According to the T&T media outlet, the island is not self-sufficient in rice, as, annually, they import 34,000 tonnes of the staple, costing $121 million, from Guyana and elsewhere in South America.
Up to 1995, over 6,000 farmers cultivated at least 30 per cent of the country’s rice supply (21,000 tonnes), with a surplus to export.
Back in 2019, the Trinidad Express reported that the island’s rice industry was facing a collapse. That year, flood waters had washed away farmers’ seeds, the article said.
At the 33rd Inter-Sessional Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of CARICOM in Belize in 2022, it was announced that Guyana would host the first Regional Agri-Investment Forum and ‘Expo’. The second exposition was held in Trinidad & Tobago later that year.
This year, in Guyana, the conference will be held at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre from October 20-22. |
I can’t call myself Nick International if I don’t know at least the basics in a couple of different languages, right?
The pandemic gave us all tons of free time, and thrust the world of learning into the virtual realm in unprecedented ways. Learning a foreign language is a great experience to have and one hell of a valuable asset to your personal knowledge bank.
If you didn’t happen to see my IG posts in recent weeks, I have started learning French and I am an Ambassador for Hello Culture Bahamas. I thought it might be cool to step outside of my normal flow and just talk about foreign languages and why I really enjoy learning them.
I went to Spain back in 2004 and studied Spanish, 2012 I went to Beijing and studied Mandarin, and here I am in 2020 learning French. I have an ambitious travel goal, and that is to visit Paris in the winter and do some Christmas shopping equipped with a nifty box of vocabulary words and sufficient verbs to get by. If not, well thankfully there’s Google translate.
Foreign language learning always comes with a fair deal of frustration. I have a theory that it is equally, if not more frustrating for non-English speakers to learn the Queen’s, than it is for English speakers to learn most other languages. Maybe I am right, maybe I am wrong. It’s the pronunciation that does it for me in French.
With Spanish, it was getting into the more complicated verb conjugations (words like Caer (to fall) which is irregular in the first person present tense and adopts “i” in the preterit tense for whatever reason). With Mandarin, it was definitely the four tones; the tones literally change what you’re saying to a completely different word, with tricky ones like the number four and the word death being eerily similar.
I am sure there are times when my tutor has watched my eyes glass over trying to figure out how to make that hard R sound in “Etre”. Pronouncing French words has been the most difficult part of this learning experience to date. I’m getting a little better now though and I am feeling confident in my progress.
The frustration aside, learning foreign languages is another way of exposing your mind and reshaping your thinking. You develop the ability to simplify your speech because you appreciate how much easier it is to say “help” instead of “facilitate”. It’s a beautiful thing to fluidly communicate with someone and the meaning or spirit of your words is perfectly conveyed without syntax loss.
I am really excited to take on Paris. I’ve visited before but the city didn’t have much to offer me at the time in terms of attractions as I was much too young to experience it all. The idea of ordering that first glass of Bollinger Special Cuvee in French is great motivation, the restaurants and Christmas markets are calling. This will be my first solo trip since Mozambique in 2017 – wild!
Can’t wait. If you've got any recommendations for things to do
Hello Culture Bahamas has a really cool language program selection that ranges from German, to Spanish, Mandarin to Portuguese. Definitely go and check them out on instagram (@hellocultureworld) and if you want to take a group class, just to try it out – use my discount code for 15% off !
Bonne journee! A la toute a l’heure!
PHOTO CREDIT: instagram.com/seemyparis instagram.com/evenskild |
Shoreditch Chair with Rush Seat, in Black, crafted from Sungkai solid wood, V-shaped back support & Wraparound bar
Shoreditch Black Chair with Rush Seat
Our Black Chair with Rush Seat oozes style with its combination of solid wood, quality weave and elegant design.
Also available in Natural.
- Wood and weave chair
- Wraparound back design
- Strong and sturdy
- Quality light Sungkai solid wood
- Ready assembled
- Free delivery (UK mainland)
Our Shoreditch Black Chair with Rush Seat is a stunning piece of design. It has curves and quirks everywhere. It features a V-shaped back support plus a wraparound bar, raised front corner posts and spindle legs. The result? A beautiful designer piece but coming from us, you know it has no designer price tag.
Time-served quality. This chair has quality that cant be rushed except for the rush seat of course. It has been meticulously crafted from solid wood Sungkai hardwood thats famed for its strength, durability and beauty. The light wood grain is sometimes called white teak and although painted black the grain still show through and will still complement any modern interior design.
Overall: H:74cm x W:57cm x D:55cm
Seat: H:43cm x D:45cm
Arm: H:66cm x W:6cm x D:31cm
Type of Wood: Sungkai
Type of Material: Rush
Requires Assembly: No
Delivery: In stock
Product Code: SH11B |
Price Range: ₹ 0 to ₹ 100 Cr
Built Up Area(sq. ft.): 0 sq. ft. to 1,00,000 sq. ft.
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I've always believed that surrounding yourself with amazing people helps amplify your results and achieve your vision faster. It only took a few conversations with Nolk to check that box. My biggest concern then became our team and culture. I've heard of too many companies being stripped to pieces for profit, without giving much thought to the team in place. Nolk reassured us that it wasn't their philosophy, and they've remained true to their word. One year in, our team is stronger than ever, and so is our growth.
— Sam Finn, ergonofis
nolk's decentralized approach and shared services model was what we needed for that next phase of development. As we grow, so does the complexity of everything. Nolk enabled us to grow bigger but keep the entrepreneurial spirit. Joining nolk has been a transformative experience, allowing us to adopt best practices across Opposite Wall and to engage in knowledge-sharing with nolk’s different brands. Nolk has an A+ team that has elevated Opposite Wall’s growth.
— Erik Rydingsvard, Opposite Wall
Joining nolk was the best option for my company’s future – and for mine. We have remained autonomous while benefiting from kind support, allowing us to focus on what we love without having to compromise on our identity or our values. Personally, I have been able to evolve within the group and continue to have opportunities to grow.
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When we met the nolk team, we knew that we had found the right home for our brand to grow and thrive. They ran a seamless and flexible process, treated our entire team with respect, and built on the success of our vision with stellar results.
— Kayden Horwitz &
Zachary A. Schau, Milo
With nolk, we were able to find a partner that not only shares our vision and values for sustainable business practices but we've been consistently blown away by the level of transparency and collaboration we've had with their entire team. We're excited and grateful to be along for this exciting ride with them.
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I decided to sell my business because I was no longer able to expand the company myself due to time cons- traints. I would highly recommend anyone to consider working with nolk. From the initial contact to closing, the process was handled professionally with a personal touch. The team at nolk are top-notch.
— Nathan Lau, Kana |
In the vibrant real estate market of Northern California, where first impressions matter more than ever, home staging has become a crucial element in ensuring a swift and successful sale. If you're looking to showcase your property in the best possible light and attract discerning buyers, our expert home staging services at Norcal Home Staging are here to guide you through the process. Let's explore how our tailored approach to home staging in Northern California can transform your property into a market-ready masterpiece.
Understanding the Northern California Real Estate Landscape
The diverse and dynamic real estate landscape of Northern California presents unique opportunities and challenges for homeowners looking to sell their properties. From the bustling urban neighborhoods of San Francisco to the picturesque suburbs of Sacramento, each area has its own distinct character and buyer preferences. Understanding these nuances is the first step toward creating a home staging strategy that resonates with potential buyers.
Tailored Home Staging Plans for Northern California Homes
At Norcal Home Staging, we recognize that each home is as unique as the region itself. Our home staging experts conduct a thorough assessment of your property, taking into consideration its architectural style, target market, and local design trends. This detailed analysis forms the foundation of a customized home staging plan that highlights your property's strengths and appeals to the specific tastes of Northern California buyers.
Incorporating Modern and Timeless Design Trends
Northern California is known for its appreciation of both modern and timeless design elements. Our home staging experts strategically incorporate these trends to enhance the visual appeal of your property. Clean lines, neutral color palettes, and the careful use of natural light are key elements that resonate with the aesthetic preferences of Northern California buyers. By aligning the staging with these design principles, we create spaces that feel contemporary and inviting.
Focusing on Curb Appeal: A Northern California Necessity
The curb appeal of your property sets the tone for a potential buyer's experience. In the verdant landscapes of Northern California, exterior spaces play a significant role in creating a favorable first impression. Our home staging team pays meticulous attention to enhancing curb appeal, ensuring that your property's exterior is as inviting as its interior. From well-manicured landscaping to appealing outdoor living spaces, we elevate the overall attractiveness of your home.
Highlighting Unique Selling Points with Strategic Staging
Every home in Northern California has unique selling points, whether it's a stunning view, architectural details, or spacious interiors. Our home staging experts strategically highlight these features to capture the attention of potential buyers. By creating focal points and showcasing the versatility of each space, we ensure that your property stands out in the competitive Northern California real estate market.
Professional Photography for Maximum Online Visibility
In the digital age, online visibility is paramount. Our home staging services include professional photography that captures the essence of your staged property. High-quality images are crucial for creating engaging online listings and marketing materials that attract potential buyers. We work with skilled photographers to showcase your property in its best light, ensuring that it stands out in the crowded online marketplace.
Creating an Inviting Atmosphere for Emotional Connection
The heart of successful home staging lies in creating an inviting and aspirational atmosphere. Our home staging experts carefully arrange furniture, choose tasteful decor, and craft a cohesive design narrative that resonates with buyers emotionally. The goal is to help potential buyers envision themselves living in the space, fostering a connection that goes beyond the visual appeal.
Flexible Staging Solutions for Occupied and Vacant Homes
Whether your home is currently occupied or vacant, our home staging services offer flexible solutions. For occupied homes, we work with existing furniture and decor to enhance the presentation. For vacant homes, strategic furniture placement and thoughtful decor choices create a visually appealing environment. Our goal is to make every property feel inviting and lived-in, inspiring buyer interest.
Elevate Your Home Sale with Norcal Home Staging
Selling your home in Northern California requires a strategic and tailored approach, and expert home staging is the key to success. At Norcal Home Staging, we specialize in unlocking the full potential of Northern California homes, ensuring a swift and successful sale. Elevate your home sale with our expert home staging services and make a lasting impression on the competitive Northern California real estate market.
Contact us today to get started on the journey to a visually captivating and market-ready home |
Covid boosters and flu jabs for the vulnerable could start next month
Dr Tom Black, who chairs the British Medical Association in Northern Ireland, told the News Letter medics are hoping to get this year’s flu vaccine and coronavirus booster vaccine roll-outs started in September.
He also revealed that doctors fear a “big outbreak” of flu this winter could be coupled with another surge in coronavirus infections, along with other respiratory illnesses that often circulate in winter.
Dr Black said there are “a lot of unknowns” with the flu this year, with coronavirus lockdowns around the world having driven usual influenza infections rates down.
The lack of flu circulating in countries such as Australia and New Zealand, who provide medics on this side of the equator with an early warning of which strains to target with the vaccine programme, could make our efforts to innoculate the vulnerable “less reliable”.
He also expressed concern that, with lower rates of flu circulating thanks to lockdowns and other infection control measures here, people’s “natural immunity” to flu could be weakened through the lack of exposure to the virus.
Asked if infectious disease outbreaks could mean another lockdown is required in Northern Ireland, Dr Black didn’t rule out the possibility but stressed that it remains too early to tell.
“Only time will tell,” he said. “What we’ve learned over this summer is that we’ve managed to reduce the number of admissions, even though the infection rate is as high as it was last winter. The admission rate to hospital hasn’t been as high and that’s because of the vaccination programme.”
He continued: “I think the big focus for the health service now, in terms of vaccinations, will be to get the boosters done for the clinically vulnerable and the elderly going into winter. What we’re dealing with at the moment with the 400-odd people in hospital and the 40-odd people in intensive care is difficult, it’s really causing a lot of work in the NHS. But you always have to look ahead and ask will there be a problem in winter? The problem will be another wave of infections in winter, in addition to the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in children, and the fact that we’ve not had big outbreaks of influenza. We’re worried that there might be a big outbreak of influenza this winter, so we’re hoping to get the boosters and the influenza campaign started in September.”
Explaining how the lack of flu circulating globally could pose problems this winter, he said: “The vaccination programme we always look at is based on the variant that was circulating the previous winter in the southern hemisphere.
“You look and see which would be the most likely variants to come through. Very often, our flu vaccination programme targets two, three and even four variants to try and cut across the risk.
“Obviously Australia, New Zealand and countries like that won’t have had a lot of influenza over the last year to give us an indication as to what is likely to come here.
“So it’s probably not as reliable as it has been in the past, but of course it’s still worth doing.
“The other problem we have this year is because there haven;t been high rates, people’s natural immunity to the flu will have decreased, just as natural immunity to RSV has decreased.” |
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shasta county Mediation Lawyer
Resolving Family Law Cases Outside the Courtroom in Redding & Trinity County
Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution method designed to help you resolve your dispute or disagreement with the other party outside of court. In California, you and your spouse, co-parent, or the other party can use mediation at any point in the legal process. You can engage in mediation even if you have retained an attorney. You can also turn to mediation in post-divorce situations, such as when you and your ex-spouse disagree over custody arrangements, child support, or spousal support.
At the Law Office of Anthony S. Alpert, we provide mediation services for clients involved in divorce and family law disputes. As a Certified Family Law Specialist, our attorney brings a thorough understanding of the issues to your case, as well as family law mediation experience that can work to help you resolve them. If you wish to avoid the time, expense, and stress of litigation, or if a family court has ordered you to engage in mediation in an attempt to resolve your differences, we encourage you to contact us to learn more about how the process works and how we can help.
Mediation in Family Law Issues
Mediation is not required by courts in a California divorce, except when couples cannot agree on child custody and visitation. In that situation, the court may order you and the other parent to engage in mediation. Mediation may also be required when you request any type of court order regarding child custody at a later time or when stepparents or grandparents ask the court for visitation with a child. When the court requests that you participate in mediation and you refuse, you will lose your right to challenge its ruling on custody.
The purpose of mediation is for you and the other party to engage in discussions aimed at settling under the supervision of an unbiased third party, the mediator. The mediator’s job is not to decide the issues for you, but to help you understand the issues and to focus your attention on them through constructive and open communication without fault-finding. Mediators are responsible for ensuring that the process is conducted fairly and encouraging reasonable compromised solutions that will be in everyone’s best interests.
Why Choose Me?
- Licensed By The California State Bar For Over 25 Years
- Certified Family Law Specialist
- Services Offered Over Video Chat
- Former Sergeant, JAG Corp (Enlisted Member - Non Attorney), US Army
Should your family law issue go to litigation, a judge will decide its outcome. This puts the decision-making outside of your control on matters that can impact you, your children, your finances, and more for years to come. Even with competent representation, judges cannot possibly fully understand the totality of your family dynamics and the thousands of details that make up your marital and family scene.
Mediation puts control on your side. You and your spouse or the other party will craft your resolution to the issue. This takes less time and less money and reduces the stress of engaging in adversarial litigation in court. It is also done on your schedule and remains private and confidential.
While court-ordered mediation generally refers to custody issues, private mediation can involve other divorce issues, such as child support, spousal support, the division of marital property, or any other disputed family matter.
Request a confidential consultation with our Weaverville mediation attorney at the Law Office of Anthony S. Alpert online or by phone at (530) 457-1633. Weekend appointments and video chats are available.
“Not only is Attorney Alpert a brilliant lawyer who will work hard to ensure the best possible outcome for your case, he is also very compassionate and empathetic with regards to serving the unique and challenging needs of his clients.” |
Press Releases and Events
NOVATEK’s Board of Directors Approves 2022 Sustainability Report
Moscow, 3 July 2023. On 30 June 2023, the Board of Directors of PAO NOVATEK (“NOVATEK” and/or the “Company”) approved the 2022 Sustainability Report (the “Report”).
The Company was one of the first in Russia to start sustainability reporting since 2004, constantly improving its approaches and pioneering the best disclosure practices. Covering 24 material topics earlier approved by the Company's Board of Directors, the Report offers the highest number of topics disclosed in Russian companies’ reports for 2022. An external auditor assessed more than 100 indicators and provided limited assurance on compliance with international GRI and SASB standards.
The central theme of the Report is “Focusing on What Really Matters”, i.e. the supply of affordable, reliable and cleaner-burning energy that supports the achievement of sustainable development goals. In 2022, NOVATEK’s total investments in various sustainability areas exceeded RUB 12 billion.
Our LNG supplies helped our customers to avoid the emission of 21 million tons of CO2 equivalent in 2022 due to the transition from coal to gas-fired generation. In 2022, NOVATEK made significant progress in achieving its climate goals. The Company continued increasing its supply of LNG with record low greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per ton of product delivered, being one of the global leaders in carbon efficiency. Despite the hydrocarbons production growth, the Company reduced its GHG emissions (both direct and indirect) in absolute terms.
A standout success of last year was that our lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) went down by a significant 25% year-on-year, driven by improved performance in our occupational health management. The Company maintained favorable working conditions for its employees and stepped up social support to its personnel by 15% in the period of higher inflation rate.
“We remain confident that our commitment to responsible business practices as well as to achieving the Company’s strategic goals will allow us to continue to successfully grow our business and make a tangible contribution to building a sustainable future,” noted Leonid Mikhelson, NOVATEK’s Chairman of the Management Board.
The Report is available on the NOVATEK website in the Sustainable Development section.
PAO NOVATEK is one of the largest independent natural gas producers in Russia, and in 2017, entered the global LNG market by successfully launching the Yamal LNG project. Founded in 1994, the Company is engaged in the exploration, production, processing and marketing of natural gas and liquid hydrocarbons. Upstream activities of the Company’s subsidiaries and joint ventures are concentrated mainly in the prolific Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area, which is the world’s largest natural gas producing area and accounts for approximately 80% of Russia’s natural gas production and approximately 15% of the world’s gas production. NOVATEK is a public joint stock company established under the laws of the Russian Federation. |
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A multisensory kind of wellness |
The memorial honoring freedom fighter and engineer Thaddeus (aka Tadeusz) Kościuszko is the smallest national park site in the country, yet it preserves epic tales of war and struggle. Polish-born Kościuszko helped American colonists win their independence from the British in the Revolutionary War by meticulously designing and fortifying military defenses.
After the war, Kościuszko returned to Poland and led an uprising in 1794 in a failed attempt to liberate Poland and Lithuania from Russian occupation. After suffering serious injury and imprisonment, he was forced to live the rest of his life in exile in a number of countries, returning briefly to America in 1797. The memorial in Philadelphia — known as “K House” to locals — is the home where Kościuszko stayed on this second visit to America, years after helping to liberate his adopted countrymen. |
Today, the House Judiciary Committee voted 17-6 to advance House Bill 543, the constitutional carry bill. It will now go to the House floor for debate. Please contact your state representative and ask them to SUPPORT HB 543.
House Bill 543, constitutional carry, strengthens the right to self-defense in Florida by recognizing the right of any law-abiding adult who is at least 21-years-old and legally eligible to obtain a carry permit, to carry a handgun without first having to obtain government permission. This ensures that citizens have their right to self-defense without red tape, delays, or fees. It does not change who is eligible to obtain a carry permit. It also does not affect previously issued permits, and allows citizens who still wish to obtain a permit in order to carry in other states recognizing Florida’s permits, to do so.
Again, please contact your state representative and ask them to SUPPORT HB 543. |
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I do not think it’s going to take all that long which is another big benefit assist them so that was an example of a squeeze page now we can take a look at our thank you Pages we are going to have some templates here also we can pass 30 this isn’t going to matter excessive as I simply wish to create a really quick thank you page so I can reveal you how it works when you link the squeeze page to the thank you page I’m going to opt for choose here and naturally let’s say we just wish to call it thank you page that’ll be great let’s do edit page and here we have our page where it’s going to be the exact same specific drag and drop editor other than for this undoubtedly someone opt it in for a complimentary present and after that naturally we can send out a suggestion there I’m not going to do excessive editing around here I just want to
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thing when it comes to system so if you were to hover over product you would just simply go to courses and this where you can add a course which is going to remain in a membership website kind of frame so we have the name of it we have marketing Allen Manifesto trainer name and a couple of other things that you can upload and modify offered the fact I’m not going to go too crazy in this a lot of this is as easy as it seems you wish to add a course cover upload it here you want to include a logo upload it here you want to add the teacher image upload it there click on Save and proceed to the next from there what we can do is click our course and what we can do is include a module now typically |
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Six dogs sickened or dead near the Tri-Cities, all thought to have recent contact with Columbia River
Pets dead or sick after coming in contact with Columbia River water near the Tri-Cities, Wash. Now health officials have confirmed the culprit, Anatoxin-a in toxic algae.
Charlie was just nosing around in the Columbia River. Her family was off a beach they had visited many times before just north of Richland, Washington.
The young Terrier mix -- weighing about 18 pounds -- had been adopted from a shelter recently. After she put her face in the water Sunday, all of a sudden, Charlie started convulsing. The family quickly wrapped the dog in a towel and raced their boat back toward the Snyder Boat launch.
“I caught a glimpse of her at the launch as they lifted her out of the boat,” says Erin Dickey, of Richland, the adult daughter of the dog’s owners Janet and Tony Ogden of Richland. “She was limp. Her tongue was sticking out between her teeth and it was white. She might have been gone at that point.”
It took about less than an hour to get Charlie from the river’s edge to a vet in Pasco, but by then she was dead.
Since Monday five more pets have turned up sick or dead near the Tri-Cities. All are believed to have had recent contact with Columbia River water: Four have died. Two dogs were sickened, but survived.
The culprit? Toxic algae.
Richland Riverfront closed
Health officials now have closed the river shore from the boat launch at Howard Amon Park to the confluence of the Yakima River. The closure came after river water sample results from a King County lab showed the presence of Anatoxin-a — especially dangerous for small children and animals.
In a press release from Benton-Franklin Health District, officials say: "People and animals are exposed by ingesting the water. Symptoms appear within 15-20 minutes after ingestion depending upon the size of the person/animal affected and the amount of toxins consumed.
Exposure in animals may result in weakness, staggering, difficulty breathing, convulsions, and death.
In people, signs may include numbness of the lips, tingling in fingers and toes, and dizziness. Exposure to Anatoxin-a can be fatal."
Officials also cautioned against eating fish caught near the Columbia River algae bloom.
Toxic algae is usually found in warm, slow moving water with elevated nutrients, such as fertilizer. According to University of Washington research scientist Ryan McCabe, Columbia River water levels at its mouth are the lowest seen since at least 1991.
“Data prior to that are pretty spotty, so not the greatest,” McCabe said in an email.
Record heat and widespread drought are likely playing a part, according to the state Department of Ecology. Low-flow rivers are acting more like lakes.
While that stretch of the Columbia is normally fast-flowing, the river and its tributaries are dammed from northern Washington, clear to Bonneville.
“The Columbia is a different beast,” McCabe says. “It’s a very regulated river.”
So what are Cyanotoxins?
Cyanotoxins are created by cyanobacteria, formally known as blue-green algae. It’s the goopy scum by the river or lake shore that comes in all sorts of colors.
Rick Dawson, an investigator and manager with the Benton-Franklin Health District, says sometimes it looks like paint has been drizzled in a lake or pond.
When a toxic algae blooms, it can create a toxin that kills pets, fish, wildlife, and sickens adults and children. Animals and people might even be able to breathe in the toxins -- that’s under study.
“An animal is more likely to drink in a green slimy puddle, or a pond, or a contaminated source than a human would,” says Raelynn Farnsworth, interim director of Washington State University’s Veterinary Teaching Hospital. “It really depends on the exposure, what kind of toxin has been produced, but we don’t know that by looking visually. If you see a grossly contaminated pond, don’t let them [pets] go there.”
Farnsworth also says that the problem can be devastating because it’s so quick -- sometimes there’s no time to administer activated charcoal and supportive care.
“The faster they get them to the vet the better we are,” she says. “But if they’ve [pets] already ingested it [toxins] and it's already absorbed there’s not much we can do.”
Algae toxins aren’t regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency for drinking water. Algae blooms are getting more common, which means cities like Salem, Oregon, and Northwest states must come up to speed quickly to control the substance in their drinking water sources.
Toxic algae blooms are mainly a problem from mid-July through October, when the sunlight increases, the waters warm and nutrients are available.
As the climate continues to warm, the Northwest will likely see lower snowpack levels, more hot dry springs and summers and more toxic algae blooms in warmer waters.
“There just isn’t enough staffing to deal with it,” says Joan Hardy, a toxicologist with the Washington State Department of Health. “Some local health jurisdictions are running on a thread -- and they also have COVID to deal with -- they just need some funding to deal with these blooms.”
Dead bats, fish and cattle
Bats and perch have shown up dead at Pass Lake, near Deception Pass. The lake also had very high readings of Anatoxin-a, a nerve toxin. And the bats showed signs of the same toxins in their bodies when they were examined and tested by state officials.
In southern Washington, the state Department of Agriculture and Oregon State University's College of Veterinary Medicine have been looking into a half-dozen cattle that died recently in Wahkiakum County. The county borders the Columbia River. But it’s so-far unclear if the animals died from a toxic algae exposure.
“We [WSDA] were pulled in until it was determined not to be associated with a livestock disease,” Hector Castro, with Washington State’s Department of Agriculture said in a text.
Signs along the Columbia River shore in the Tri-Cities had been few and far between. Benton-Franklin Health District officials were mainly focusing on high-use areas and boat launches, but there were no signs yet in Spanish, Russian, German or other languages frequently heard near the river shore. And despite one sign attached low on a park bench near the City of Richland’s swim beach in north Richland, many swimmers with small children questioned there, were unaware there was any potential problem.
However, the state legislature and state Department of Health have funding to develop, print and distribute new signs across Washington to warn of toxic algae. Hardy says some 1,700 signs have been printed up and are being dispersed now across the state for use on bloom events.
How to stay safe
A common refrain with regard to toxic algae is: “When in doubt, stay out.”
Officials advise people to carefully inspect any water source they’re about to fish in, play near or enter. Even then, toxins can hide, collect in only one side of a water body or be hidden in sneaky algae mats under the surface.
In the Benton-Franklin press release officials warn that fish can accumulate toxin in their bodies — especially in their organs. Officials advise caution when eating fish caught near this bloom on the Columbia River.
Dog owners are encouraged to bring their own water sources for their animals to drink when hiking or hunting. Dogs can also lick toxins off their fur. And people should shower after swimming in a lake, stream, pond -- as some compounds can cause a rash on skin. Small children and pets are especially vulnerable because they have lower body weights.
Erin Dickey wishes they’d known all that before last weekend so they could have protected their family’s small dog Charlie. She’s just thankful that the weather was cool the day of their tragic boating adventure and her two small children only played on the Columbia River sand.
“We have spent so many years going out on the Columbia River, to have our dog die on one of our outings, it just makes me really sad,” says Dickey. “The river is like my dad’s church, that’s where he goes for solace and recreation -- to have that be the source of the tragedy is just really sad.” |
New Westminster – The New Westminster Police Department is warning residents about online dating scams involving fraudsters pretending to be prospective companions.
A New Westminster resident was corresponding with someone using a fictional identity through an online dating website. After corresponding with the resident over a number of months, the scammer asked for money to support his business. The New Westminster resident sent approximately $70,000 overseas to help at the request of the online sweetheart.
“These fraudsters will go to great lengths to gain your trust,” stated Sergeant Jeff Scott. “You think you’ve found the person you’ve been looking for, you’re in love, and unfortunately at that time you’re extremely vulnerable.”
In instances such as these scammers always have an excuse for why they can’t travel to meet you and why they always need more money. The best course of action is to never send money to someone you haven’t met in person.
Some red flags to watch for include someone professing their love before meeting in person, a vague profile, and requests to move the conversation from the dating website to personal email.
The New Westminster Police Department would like to remind residents to be very careful about how much personal information you share on social network sites. Scammers can use your information and pictures to create a fake identity or to target you with a scam.
If you suspect you may be the victim of fraud or have been tricked into giving personal or financial information, contact the New Westminster Police Department at 604-525-5411. |
June 6, 2022
NEW YORK – New York City Mayor Eric Adams today announced the reappointment of Annabel Palma as commissioner and chair of the New York City Commission on Human Rights (CCHR). Palma will continue to lead the enforcement of New York City’s human rights law — one of the most comprehensive civil rights laws in the nation. Under her leadership, CCHR has expanded current protections to include domestic workers and additional salary transparency safeguards, as well as developed new trainings to combat antisemitism in New York City.
“The work that Annabel Palma has done at the New York City Commission on human rights speaks to the commitment and dedication she has for the well-being of all New Yorkers,” said Mayor Adams. “Through her leadership, the commission is working hard to enforce our human rights law, combat discrimination and harassment in their many forms, and be a resource to our residents no matter how they identify in the diversity of our great city. New Yorkers are lucky to have Annabel as an advocate in this important role.”
“Reappointing Annabel Palma as commissioner to the New York City Commission on Human Rights is a win for all New Yorkers, especially the most vulnerable among us,” said Chief Counsel Brendan McGuire. “No one works as hard as Annabel to protect the civil rights of the people in our city. I look forward to continuing to work with her to further the mission of this important agency.”
“It is truly an honor and privilege to continue to serve New Yorkers as chair and commissioner of the New York City Commission on Human Rights. I have experienced discrimination and harassment, witnessed its impacts in my community, and dedicated my career to fostering change, so I take the responsibility to protect all New Yorkers very seriously,” said New York City Commission on Human Rights Commissioner and Chair Annabel Palma. “While New York City has one of the most expansive human rights laws in the country, there is always more work to do to make human rights a reality, and we are ready to collaborate with all stakeholders to meet this challenge. I want to thank Mayor Adams for the opportunity to continue to lead this important city agency and to continue to fight for a more inclusive and welcoming city, free of discrimination, for all of us.”
“I had the pleasure of working with Annabel Palma when she was councilmember for the 18th district during my time as Bronx Borough president, and I’m thrilled to work alongside her again as a part of the Adams administration,” said New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development Commissioner Adolfo Carrión Jr. “Commissioner Palma draws from her experience as a health care worker, a labor leader, and, especially, as a mom and wife to inform her work and make government more responsive to the needs of all New Yorkers. Her reappointment is a testament to her proven track record of fighting on behalf of New Yorkers’ rights.”
“Commissioner Palma’s unwavering dedication to upholding the rights of vulnerable New Yorkers while serving and supporting our underserved communities in various capacities throughout her career has been nothing short of inspiring,” said New York City Department of Social Services Commissioner Gary P. Jenkins. “In drawing from her own life experiences, she brings profound empathy to her work and a great understanding of the challenges facing New Yorkers in need. I have had the honor of working with Commissioner Palma to make our city more equitable and inclusive, and I greatly look forward to building on this partnership as she continues to lead CCHR.”
“Over her career in public service, Annabel Palma has shown an unwavering commitment to the most marginalized communities in the city, which is why she is such an inspired choice by Mayor Adams to lead the New York City Commission on Human Rights,” said New York City Department of Transportation Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez. “It was an honor to serve in the New York City Council alongside Commissioner Palma, and I am confident that she will continue to serve with distinction — protecting and expanding the rights of all New Yorkers.”
“Commissioner Palma has years of experience as a distinguished public servant who truly knows New York City’s diverse community needs,” said New York City Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs Commissioner Manuel Castro. “I congratulate her on her reappointment and look forward to working alongside her and her team to protect all New Yorkers, regardless of immigration status.”
“I’m thrilled that Chair and Commissioner Palma has been reappointed to lead CCHR’s critical work defending and protecting all New Yorkers’ civil and human rights, especially survivors of domestic and gender-based violence,” said New York City Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence Commissioner Cecile Noel. “We look forward to continuing to partner with the CCHR to make sure survivors know their rights and live free from discrimination.”
“Congratulations to my friend and former colleague Annabel Palma on being reappointed commissioner and chair of the Commission on Human Rights by Mayor Eric Adams,” said Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson. “During her time as commissioner under the previous administration, Commissioner Palma fought for the rights of all New Yorkers and advocated for diversity and inclusion. I know under the leadership of Mayor Adams, she will continue to fight for historically underserved communities throughout our city. I wish Commissioner Palma the very best, and I know she will continue to lead the Commission on Human Rights in combating discrimination and providing opportunities for all New Yorkers regardless of race, gender, age, and income.”
“Commissioner Palma’s career exemplifies her commitment and dedication to fighting for a diverse and just city for all New Yorkers,” said Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine. “She has a proven track record across many fields, and, having personally worked with her in the New York City Council, I know she is the ideal voice to lead the New York City Commission on Human Rights. She will continue to work tirelessly for our most vulnerable communities and ensure that all New Yorkers are aware and protected by the city’s human rights law. I am excited to continue working with her.”
“Annabel Palma has proven she has the skill, smarts, and savvy to effectively lead the Commission on Human Rights during these challenging times,” said Queens Borough President Donovan Richards Jr. “I congratulate Commissioner Palma on her reappointment from Mayor Adams to carry on leading this vitally important agency. I look forward to continuing to work with Commissioner Palma in supporting the commission’s mission to fight discrimination and promote harmonious relations among our city’s diverse communities.”
“Annabel Palma is a dedicated public servant and has been her entire life,” said New York State Assemblymember Kenny Burgos. “I am confident in her commitment to ensuring civil and human rights for all New Yorkers, regardless of gender, creed, sexual orientation, or social economic status. I am ecstatic Commissioner Palma has been reappointed as commissioner and chair of the New York City Commission on Human Rights, as she will continue to be an incredible voice and advocate. I can’t wait to watch her succeed in this role.”
“At a time when civil and human rights are increasingly under attack, New York City needs a strong Commission on Human Rights to enforce protections for all New Yorkers,” said New York City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams. “Commissioner Annabel Palma has led this agency well since her appointment last October, and I am glad to see Mayor Adams has reappointed her to this important position. I look forward to continuing to work with Commissioner Palma to support New Yorkers’ rights.”
“As chair of the Committee on Civil and Human Rights, I have had the pleasure to work with Commissioner Palma and the rest of the team at the Commission on Human Rights,” said New York City Councilmember Nantasha Williams, chair, Committee on Civil and Human Rights. “I am excited for Commissioner Palma’s reappointment as chair of this agency, and I am looking forward to continue working together.”
“Commissioner Palma has dedicated her life to public service,” said New York City Councilmember Erik Bottcher. “I’ve had the pleasure of working with her for years, and I’m excited to continue doing so as a Councilmember.”
“I served alongside Annabel in the City Council and know she is a distinguished leader firmly committed to advancing equity and justice for all New Yorkers,” said New York City Councilmember Gale A. Brewer. “I congratulate her on being reappointed as the commissioner of New York City Human Rights Commission.”
“I am thrilled to see that Annabel Palma has been reappointed by Mayor Eric Adams as the commissioner and chair of the New York City Commission on Human Rights,” said New York City Councilmember Amanda Farías. “Commissioner Palma was my Councilmember from 2004 to 2017 and has been a great influence in our local government for young women of color, like myself, and Bronxites. It is so meaningful that our city has not only a Latina but also a dedicated Bronxite at the wheel of enforcing our city’s human rights law — one of the most comprehensive civil rights laws in the nation. The commissioner has an unparalleled record of fighting for those who are most affected by systematic oppression and historical disenfranchisement. Whether it was fighting as a 1199 healthcare worker, working for equity in COVID-19 testing, or fighting for investments to be made in the Southeast Bronx, it is clear that Commissioner Palma has the dedication, expertise, and sense of urgency to, again, be a fantastic commissioner. Congratulations to Commissioner Annabel Palma on your re-appointment and to Mayor Eric Adams for having a truly great advocate on his team.”
“Annabel Palma has a long-standing commitment to serving underserved communities across the city,” said New York City Councilmember Rafael Salamanca Jr. “As a former union organizer and City Councilmember, Commissioner Palma knows firsthand the struggles everyday New Yorkers face and has fought to deliver critical resources directly to the families who need it most. I am excited to continue working with her in her role as commissioner and chair of the Commission on Human Rights.”
“Commissioner Palma has an incredible career of fighting inequities and ensuring access to critical programming for the people of New York City,” said New York City Councilmember Marjorie Velazquez. “Her experience at the New York City Council, as a union organizer, helping to lead NYC Test & Trace Corps, and as commissioner and chair of the Commission on Human Rights establish her as a leader. I’m excited to see Mayor Adams’ continued trust in her and to work with a fellow Bronxite hermana to provide better care for people.”
“Annabel Palma is a well-respected and distinguished public servant, with great depth of knowledge of our diverse community needs, a proven track record of community service, and broad professional experience,” said Guillermo Chacon, president, Latino Commission on AIDS; founder, Hispanic Health Network. “Equality, social justice, and human rights have been the central focus of Commissioner Palma’s work. As a City Councilmember and as deputy commissioner at the New York City Department of Social Services, Commissioner Palma always champions opportunities for all. I congratulate Commissioner Palma on her reappointment as commissioner and chair for the Commission on Human Rights for our beloved New York City.”
“I congratulate and look forward to working with Commissioner Annabel Palma with her reappointment by Mayor Eric Adams,” said Rocky Chin, former government civil rights attorney and member, New York City Commission on Human Rights. “Commissioner Palma is a longtime advocate for civil rights and social justice, who knows from personal and professional experience the importance of a strong and robust civil rights agency and building resilient partnerships in these troubling times.”
“Annabel Palma has always been a staunch advocate for the most marginalized,” said Sean Coleman, executive director, Destination Tomorrow. “She has demonstrated time and time again her commitment to ensuring every New Yorker has access to equitable services. In a city that prides itself on diversity, Commissioner Palma makes sure those historically left behind have a voice.”
“In these challenging times, so filled with hate and toxic polarity, we are grateful to Mayor Eric Adams for reappointing Annabel Palma as chair and commissioner of the New York City Commission on Human Rights,” said Rabbi Bob Kaplan, executive director, Center for Community Leadership, Jewish Community Relations Council of New York. “Under her insightful and wise leadership, the commission has dedicated itself to upholding the dignity of all New Yorkers making our city a more equitable place for all.”
“South Queens Women’s March joins in congratulating Annabel Palma on her reappointment as commissioner and chair of the New York City Commission on Human Rights,” said Aminta Kilawan-Narine, founder and director, South Queens Women’s March. “Commissioner Palma has been an exemplary public servant, who has championed BIPOC communities, responding in real time to a global pandemic and ensuring that New Yorkers have what they need to survive and thrive. We know we can count on Commissioner Palma to center impacted people and to promote justice and equity across our city.”
“I want to congratulate Commissioner Palma,” said Imam Tahir Kukaj, Albanian Islamic Center. “I support Mayor Adams’ decision to reappoint Annabel Palma as chair and commissioner of the Commission on Human Rights, and I believe that her experience and competencies are particularly well-suited.”
“We congratulate Annabel Palma on her reappointment as commissioner and chair of the New York City Commission on Human Rights,” said Pastor Edward-Richard Hinds, president, 67th Precinct Clergy Council, “The GodSquad.” “Ms. Palma is an outstanding public servant, who has dedicated her time to rendering altruistic service in the fight for working families in our communities. In her role as chair and commissioner, we are confident that she will continue to be a champion for restorative justice against discrimination and bias and protecting the civil rights of New Yorkers.”
“I applaud Mayor Adams’s reappointment of Annabel Palma to lead New York City’s Commission on Human Rights,” said Teresita R. Rodriguez, CEO, Apicha Community Health Center. “Her track record fighting for vulnerable communities — from senior citizens to underprivileged youth to people who experience homelessness or lack access to healthcare — demonstrates her commitment to New Yorkers. Her collaborative work with other New York City Councilmembers to provide support for people living with HIV/AIDS and the LGBTQ+ community has been invaluable. Apicha Community Health Center looks forward to partnering with Commissioner Palma and her agency to further health equity.”
“The National Domestic Workers Alliance applauds New York City Mayor Adams for re-appointing Commissioner Palma to the city’s Commission on Human Rights,” said Marrisa Senteno, New York director, National Domestic Workers Alliance. “Commissioner Palma has been a great partner supporting the humanity and rights of domestic workers. The collaborative efforts that we have seen in education, outreach, and resources for some of the most marginalized workers shows CCHR’s long-standing commitment to human rights. The most recent enactment of Local Law 88 of 2021 — in which domestic workers, for the first time in New York City’s history, finally have the full weight of human rights protections in the workplace — is a monumental accomplishment for Commissioner Palma and the city. We have faith that, through the re-appointment of Commissioner Palma, CCHR and New York City will continue to do great things leading the way for human rights for all New Yorkers.”
“Annabel Palma brings a wide range of experiences to the important position of commissioner and chair of the Commission on Human Rights,” said Monsignor Kevin Sullivan, executive director, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York. “Her sensitivity, compassion, and dedication is needed even more today to fairly balance the complex human rights demands that the vibrant and diverse City of New York faces daily.”
“Congratulations to Commissioner Palma on her reappointment to lead the New York City Commission on Human Rights,” said Glennda Testone, executive director, The LGBT Community Center. “So many of the communities represented at The Center rely on the hard-earned protections guaranteed by the city’s human rights law and by the work of CCHR. We look forward to continuing our work with Commissioner Palma to support this important agency’s work and to ensure that all New Yorkers, including every LGBTQ person, can live and thrive in our city.”
“It is an honor to work with Commissioner Annabel Palma in her formal reappointment as commissioner and chair of the Human Rights Commission for the City of New York,” said Reverend Terry Troia, president, CEO of Project Hospitality. “In the wake of the horrific mass shooting in Buffalo, all of us are called to the task of ensuring the rights of all people — of all races, ethnicities, faiths, abilities, gender identity, sexual orientation, immigration, and social status — to live in safety and peace and be treated with justice and dignity. May all our work together as a commission make this safety, justice, dignity, and peace possible.”
About Annabel Palma
Annabel Palma currently serves as the chair and commissioner of the New York City Commission on Human Rights. Drawing on her own struggles with poverty, Commissioner Palma has dedicated her life to fight for workers’ rights and for fairer, more responsive representation for New York City’s many communities.
In 2018, Palma was appointed to serve as deputy commissioner of strategic initiatives in the New York City Department of Social Services, where she continued a lifetime of advocacy and commitment fighting for the people of the Bronx and all of New York.
In 2020, as the nation grappled with the impact of COVID-19, Palma joined the NYC Test + Trace Corps program to address the devastation COVID-19 was causing across New York City. The mission of the program was to deliver direct resources to all New Yorkers, especially those in the hardest-hit neighborhoods that historically have been marginalized.
In 2003, Palma was elected to the New York City Council and dedicated her career to providing her community the voice they needed to fight for quality education, safer schools, good-paying jobs, affordable housing, a cleaner environment, and greater access to health care. She proudly served district 18 as a member of the New York City Council for 14 years. Palma’s experiences as a young, single mother, struggling to build a better life for her family, helped define her approach to the New York City Council and make government more responsive to the needs of the community. During her tenure, she was instrumental in delivering tens of millions of dollars for projects in district 18 to renovate senior centers, public schools, youth centers, and parks. Through her efforts and support, four of the district’s public libraries received funds that allowed them to open and operate six days per week. Her advocacy also allowed her to champion funds to expand and modernize Bronx institutions of higher education as well as various cultural institutions.
Palma received her Certified Nursing Assistant certification from Bronx Community College. At St. Vincent De Paul Senior Residence, she became a practicing nursing assistant and was elected as a union representative in 1994.
In 1998, Palma enrolled as a full-time student in Monroe College and earned her associate degree in business administration, while she worked a full-time job and raised her son. She graduated summa cum laude.
In 1999, Palma joined the staff at 1199SEIU as a full-time organizer, where she developed her passion for public service by organizing and educating workers on the issues of unfair working conditions and leading health and safety trainings.
Palma reports to Brendan McGuire, chief counsel to the mayor and City Hall. |
Poster Session - May 2024
Poster Session Criteria & Submission Details...
We are seeking RGS members to create a poster/poster board about their genealogy/family history personal research or expertise and share it at the May 2024 General Meeting. Think Science Fair, but it will be a Family History/Genealogy Fair. No in front of the room presentations. You'll have a table to present your work, talk to other RGS members, answer their questions. Apply for for your poster to be considered by completing the form below. This will be fun! Please consider sharing your findings. We will award the top three posters with a prize! 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will be able to choose from a set of genealogy reference/resource books at the May event! Twenty-five posters will be selected for our first RGS Poster Session.
Registration is limited to RGS members. Become a member of RGS to participate.
Please complete the short form below to register to participate in the 2024 RGS Poster Session. Deadline to register is Friday, 15 April 2024.
Present a tri-fold poster on...
- Your favorite genealogy resource/tool
- An individual you have conducted family history/genealogy research
- A family that you have conducted family history/genealogy research
- Significant family history/genealogical event
- A genealogical/family history trip
- Family reunion
- A genealogy/family history research method
- Military service/SAR/DAR
- Archival project
- Genealogical/family history photo project
- Family heirloom or keepsake
- We encourage ideas beyond the list provided above!!!
- Poster Sample 1- Sample provided by San Mateo County Genealogical Society
- Poster Sample 2 - Sample provided by San Mateo County Genealogical Society
- Poster Sample 3 - Sample provided by Donald Sigwalt
- Poster Sample 4 - Sample provided by Jim Paprocki
- Poster Sample 5 - Sample provided by Jim Paprocki
Tri-fold Poster Information
- Tri-fold Poster Board that can sit free standing on top of a table.
- Example tri-fold board, example on Wikipedia .
- Easels will not be provided by RGS.
Please contact Bill Troicke at [email protected]. |
Buller's Stockton Mine workers are to keep their jobs when the West Coast mine changes hands.
BT Mining, a joint venture between Bathurst Resources and Talley's Fisheries, is poised to take over on July 31, although the deal still needs Overseas Investment Office (OIO) approval.
Bathurst chief executive Richard Tacon confirmed to the Westport News today that BT Mining would employ Solid Energy workers on individual contracts on the same terms and conditions as now.
Solid Energy would pay redundancy to workers on the collective contract, then BT Mining would offer them individual contracts, Mr Tacon said.
BT Mining had no problem with the E Tu union's plan to negotiate a collective contract. "No, that is their legal right and we have discussed that with the union officials."
Asked if BT Mining planned to increase production and jobs, Mr Tacon said: "Our plan is to operate the business so that we can be profitable at low coal price. An increase in output will be evaluated as we learn more about the business."
BT Mining did not want to be ramping up and down as the international coking coal price changed, he said.
The coal price today was US$147 per tonne. Over the last year it has varied from US$91.50 per tonne to US$310 per tonne
"We cannot control the coal price but we can control our costs," Mr Tacon said. "We will review the output and manning levels as we move forward."
Bathurst put its Escarpment Mine, a stone's throw from Stockton, into care and maintenance just over a year ago because its main customer, Holcim, was leaving Buller. Twenty workers lost their jobs.
Asked whether Escarpment might re-open, Mr Tacon said Bathurst was continuing planning work around the Denniston assets. With the purchase of the Sullivan coal mining licence to come, Bathurst was looking at the overall resource again.
OIO approval for the Stockton deal was expected in July, but was out of the company's control, he said.
An OIO spokeswoman told the Westport News today that the application was still being assessed and the office was unable to say when a decision would be made.
Solid Energy currently employs 222 workers at Stockton, of whom 176 are permanent full-time. The mine employed more than four times as many before Solid Energy hit the skids five years ago.
Solid Energy chief executive Tony King confirmed Solid Energy had begun consultation with staff employed at Stockton and at Rotowaro and Maramarua in the Waikato, in preparation for transferring the assets to BT Mining.
"The sale is currently progressing through the required regulatory approval processes with settlement targeted for 31 July," he said.
"Although the settlement is not yet unconditional, it is appropriate to commence good faith discussions with employees.
"We understand that it is Bathurst's intention that 'there will be no net reduction in employment' at the three sites, which bodes well for our people and the local West Coast and Waikato communities."
The sale of Reefton Mine to Moore Mining was also progressing. Spring Creek was the only mine in Solid Energy's asset sales portfolio that had not sold. The closure of the mine was currently underway.
Solid Energy employed 272 staff in total across the three mines and its corporate office, Mr King said.
E Tu union organiser Garth Elliott said the union felt "comfortable" with BT Mining's plans. He understood the pay rates for mineworkers would remain unchanged.
E Tu would be negotiating a collective contract for its 130 or so members at Stockton.
Mr Elliott said BT Mining wanted to increase mine production from the current one million tonnes a year to about 1.5 million tonnes. He expected more coal would mean more jobs. "Their intention is to grow the business, simple as that."
A mineworker, who declined to be named, told The News workers were pleased with BT Mining's proposals.
"Everyone will get a letter with a job offer and if you don't want it, say 'no'... Overall it's pretty good for Stockton and Westport."
The longest serving workers might be in line for about $20,000 redundancy, the mineworker said.
Workers had asked few questions at yesterday's meeting with BT Mining and Solid Energy.
"[We] were just happy to hear what they were doing and how things were going... It's just squashed a lot of rumours, more than anything."
Buller Mayor Garry Howard said Buller finally had some certainty over Stockton Mine.
"I'm really pleased to see the takeover happening and the process they're going through. It's just been a little bit slower than what everybody would like.
"They've got a good plan going forward - but it's basically get the reins and see where they are and then move on from there."
Mr Howard had talks this morning with Mr Tacon and Bathurst environmental manager Campbell Robertson.
He said the Stockton deal would also give certainty to industries looking at investing in Buller.
He wouldn't elaborate, except to say international companies needing a regular coal supply had been waiting to hear about Stockton Mine's future.
He denied he was talking about a waste to energy plant proposed for Westport.
BT Mining (initially Phoenix Coal) announced last October that it had agreed to pay $46 million for Stockton, Rotowaro and Maramarua mines, plus a contingent payment determined by Stockton coal sales revenue.
The deal will create New Zealand's largest specialist coal mining company.
Bathurst owns 65% of BT Mining and Talley's 35%.
Bathurst has headquarters in Wellington but the mine deal needs OIO approval because most Bathurst shareholders are based overseas. The company's shares are traded on the Australian stock exchange.
Last week, Bathurst announced it had received clearance from government permitting agency NZ Petroleum and Minerals for the transfer of Solid Energy's mining licences for Stockton and the Waikato mines.
Solid Energy was placed in voluntary administration to protect it from collapse in August 2015.
- By Lee Scanlon of the Westport News |
Yamaha XSR700 Frame Sliders, Rear Axle Sliders, & Fork Sliders 2018-2024
This is the full OES slider kit for the 2018-2024 Yamaha XSR700. This kit includes the frame sliders, fork sliders, and the rear axle sliders. The frame sliders have high impact strength and use 6061 aluminum spacers that are pressed into the sliders. The spacers allow the use of factory torque specs on the motor mounts. No modifications are required to install these frame sliders. The set includes 12.9 grade, high-strength mounting bolts.
The rear axle sliders are offered with or without integrated spools for a rear stand. With the integrated spools the bike can be lifted for chain cleaning and lubrication, cleaning the bike, or storage, but not for removing the rear wheel.
The fork sliders for the front end will help prevent damage to the fork bottoms in a crash.
The quality of this slider kit is the highest on the market. For the best, go with OES! |
With a selection of critical acclaim for his 2015 album, “Zen Summer“, Long Island’s Cloud (Tyler Taormina and friends) is preparing the release of a new album titled, “Plays With Fire”. Gone is the warm dream-pop, replaced with quiet optimism and a greying nostalgia.
Wildfire is the just-released lead single featuring a frantic bouquet of processed looping beats and an ever-rising guitar that spirals into the unknown. Amongst the psychedelic honeycomb of fluid, melting, dissolvent textures is Taormina howling with the relatable existential dread that we experience as we conclude our day in the safe rapture of our bed in this coffin we call home, asking ourselves, “is this it?” While he may assert, “every light’s racing towards the ends of everything,” the aforementioned quiet optimism rests in the contours of Cloud’s new direction.
Joining the single is an equally vibrant self-directed video with rapid shots of Los Angeles characters having a good time, with a slightly sinister touch. |
Student callers raise £300k for Assisted Places
10 August 2010
(L-R: Christopher Bland, Rajiv Gogna, George Hims, James Wilkey, John Tsopanis, Joe Hobbs, Madhav Bakshi, Sam Peat, Nyma Sharifi, Ed Bentsi-Enchill, Alex McPherson, Lawrence Pardoe, Andrew Philpot)
A team of student callers have raised over £300,000 for the new Assisted Places Fund, which aims to increase the number of bright boys within the school who receive financial support in the form of Assisted Places.
Working in conjunction with the Development & OEA Office, twelve current pupils and recent leavers called over 1,200 Old Edwardians over a three week period during July and August.
The telephone calling campaign, which formed part of the school's fundraising initiative to fund ten new Assisted Places by September 2011, was a huge success. Over half the Old Edwardians contacted chose to make a donation to the Fund and thanks to their overwhelming generosity seven new Assisted Places have now been funded. The £300,000 raised was also a record figure for a UK school telephone campaign.
As well as asking the school's alumni to consider supporting the Assisted Places Fund, students contacted Old Edwardians to update them on activities at the school, seek their feedback on the quality of recent communications and publications and gain valuable career advice for their futures.
Click here to see which school house and year have provided the most support for the Fund.
The Development & OEA Office will be in touch with all donors at the end of the year to let them know how much has been raised for the Fund. There will also be a special reception for donors in the spring.
On behalf of the school and the King Edward's School Birmingham Trust, the Development & OEA Office thanks all Old Edwardians who made a gift to the Assisted Places Fund. |
Earthtones Decorative Tile
This 6" X 6" Decorative Ceramic Tile showcases the state by showing off many of the things we are known for. The border of the tile is done in a blue turquoise color, as blue turquoise is something we are known for. Within the state shape, you will find the Kokopelli and Indian pots to mark our Native American heritage. In the top right hand corner, you'll find a rendition of beautiful Monument Valley. The lower left corner contains a prickly pear cactus in bloom, followed up by a Saguaro and a howling coyote.
Item Number 4102A |
Narvik is located in Northern-Norway, the "land of the midnight sun", and is renowned for having the largest drop in Scandinavia, as well as the best offpiste conditions. The starting point for everyone who comes to Narvik to ski is Fagernesfjellet. The skiing area starts near the village at 200m, and the ski lifts take you up to 1000m in 10-15 minutes. The spectacular view from the top of the slopes is unique, since the runs go almost all the way down to the fjord. A gondola going paralell to the ski lifts takes you directly to the mountain restaurant at 600m. If you want to experience the northern lights (Aurora Borealis), the season for that is from November to March. Due to the dark period in December and January, the period from March to June is considered high season for skiing in Narvik. |
Saving for College This calculator can help you estimate how much you should be saving for college. You are viewing this website at a small screen resolution which doesn't support calculators. Click here to view this calculator. Have A Question About This Topic? Name Email Address Question Thank you! Oops! Related Content Pay Yourself First It sounds simple, but paying yourself first can really pay off. What Do Your Taxes Pay For? Here's a breakdown of how the federal government spends your tax money. The Investment Risk No One’s Ever Heard Of You face a risk for which the market does not compensate you, that can not be easily reduced through diversification. |
Book Cheap Flights from Norwich to Stavanger from £284
Last minute flights from Norwich to Stavanger
Save big and visit this destination
Prices shown below were available within the past 3 days for the period specified and should not be considered the final price offered. Please note that availability and prices are subject to change.
Tue, 14 MayNWI - SVG
Prime price per passenger
Flight route information
Currency and price comparison
TrainLocal, one-way ticket
12%Trains are 12% more expensive in Stavanger than in Norwich.
10%The average meal is 10% more expensive in Stavanger than in Norwich.
TaxiStandard daytime start rate
176%Taxis are 176% more expensive in Stavanger than in Norwich.
10%Coffee is 10% more expensive in Stavanger than in Norwich.
Last checked on 15 April 2024
Norwich (NWI)How far from city centre: 4 miles
Sola (SVG)How far from city centre: 7 miles
Search for flights from Norwich to Stavanger
Tips for booking cheap flights from Norwich to Stavanger
Now you are a little bit closer to your destination. If you are looking for cheap flights from Norwich to Stavanger, here you will find all the information you need to book your tickets.
Would you like to travel from Norwich to Stavanger and you are looking for cheap flights? Luck is on your side! At Opodo, you'll find the best travel deals. Take advantage of this opportunity and get your ticket from Norwich to Stavanger at the best price!
1. What can I do to save money when booking flights from Norwich to Stavanger?
To save money when booking flights from Norwich to Stavanger, you can follow these tips:
Choose Off-Peak Days: When searching for affordable airline tickets from Norwich to Stavanger, it's best to focus your efforts on weekdays, specifically between Monday and Wednesday. Prices tend to spike during weekends and high season. Opting for midweek travel or planning your trip during the off-season can result in significant cost savings, allowing you to allocate those funds to enhance your vacation experience.
Compare Airlines: After receiving the list of available flights from our search engine, take the time to compare ticket prices across various airlines. This step is crucial, as both low-cost and traditional carriers may offer different rates for the same route. Flexibility with your travel dates can make it easier to secure more budget-friendly tickets from Norwich to Stavanger.
Book in Advance: While some travelers may wait until the last minute in hopes of finding last-minute deals, it's generally advisable to book your flights from Norwich to Stavanger in advance. This proactive approach helps you avoid any last-minute price hikes or unexpected surprises.
Set Price Alerts: To stay informed about price drops and special deals, consider setting up price alerts for your desired route. This way, you'll receive notifications when fares from Norwich to Stavanger become more affordable, allowing you to seize the opportunity to book at a lower cost.
Explore Multi-City Flights: For those with flexible travel plans, exploring multi-city flight options can lead to additional savings. Instead of booking a round-trip ticket, consider open-jaw or multi-city itineraries that allow you to visit multiple destinations while potentially reducing the overall cost of your journey.
Consider Package Deals: For additional savings, consider bundling your flight and hotel bookings with Opodo. Moreover, if you plan to rent a car for your trip from Norwich to Stavanger, booking it through us can provide discounts of up to 40% on the overall cost. This way, you can maximize your savings and enjoy a more budget-friendly travel experience.
By following these strategies, you can efficiently save money when booking flights from Norwich to Stavanger, ensuring a more economical and enjoyable journey.
2. Can the price of my tickets from Norwich to Stavanger change during the booking process?
Prices for tickets from Norwich to Stavanger may fluctuate while you are in the process of booking. While this isn't a common occurrence, it can happen because Opodo operates as an online travel agency, and ticket prices and availability are ultimately determined by the airlines. Therefore, if the airline adjusts prices or if the available tickets are depleted while you are making your reservation, you will receive confirmation within 48 hours after your ticket purchase.
3. Can I book last-minute flights from Norwich to Stavanger on Opodo?
When booking a flight, you may encounter situations where your desired travel date is unavailable or the flight price has increased beyond your budget. Rest assured, Opodo offers a solution. Explore our last-minute flight deals to find affordable options, especially if you have flexibility with your travel dates. Whether you need to depart on short notice or simply want to discover the cheapest day to fly between Norwich and Stavanger, our last-minute flights section has you covered.
4. How to make my reservation through the Opodo search engine?
Opodo provides you with all the useful information about the flights covering the route between Norwich to Stavanger airports. Preparing for your trip is very easy! All you have to do is enter into Opodo search engine your departure and destination airports, the dates of travel, and the number of passengers. A list of all available flights will appear on your screen in a matter of seconds! For your convenience, you can sort it according to your preferences, such as time, price, or duration of the trip.
Ready to start your journey from Norwich to Stavanger? Visit Opodo now to discover the best travel deals, set price alerts, and book your flight ticket at the best price. Your adventure begins here. Book with Opodo and make your travel dreams a reality!
Frequently asked questions about flights from Norwich to Stavanger
How long does the flight take to go from Norwich to Stavanger?
The total flight time between Norwich and Stavanger is of around null hours on average, considering an average distance of null km, for both direct and indirect flights for the route (which may have 1 or more stops in other cities in between).
How can I find cheap flights from Norwich to Stavanger at Opodo?
The cheapest price for a flight from Norwich to Stavanger is 284£. At Opodo we use different machine learned based methodologies to find our costumers the best option available, considering airline combinations, stopovers and direct flights as well as different criteria for inbound and outbound journeys.
Is Stavanger expensive to visit compared to Norwich?
If you compare transportation prices, the taxi ride in Stavanger costs an average of 9.94 GBP, 176% more expensive than Norwich, with a fare of 3.60 GBP,while train tickets costs 12% more in Stavanger: 3.09 GBP against 2.75 GBP in Norwich.If you compare the price of a lunch meal, however, you can find it from 16.57 GBP in Stavanger, 10% more than the 15.00 GBP in Norwich.The price of the coffee is around 11% more expensive in Stavanger, with an average of 3.50 GBP , while in Norwich the coffee costs 3.14 GBP.
When is the best time to book a flight from Norwich to Stavanger?
The most popular months to book a trip from Norwich to Stavanger are April, March and December, based on the searches of our customers.
When is the best time to travel from Norwich to Stavanger?
The best time of the year to go to Stavanger when flying from Norwich depends on several preference factors like climate, seasonality and, of course, price. When it comes to popularity, April is the top 1º month to fly to Stavanger from Norwich in terms of searches from our customer, followed by July and October. If you prefer to avoid high peaks of turism, however, and escape a crowded period, March, June and February are the months with less volume of searchs for the route Norwich - Stavanger.
How is the weather in Stavanger compared to Norwich?
While in Norwich the temperatures can reach an average of 27.81 ºC in summer, with precipitation levels up to 6.0 mm ,Stavanger's temperatures can go up to 24.5 ºC during the hot season, with 3.0 mm average of rain rate . In winter, however, weather indicators show around -6.97 ºC in Stavanger, compared to the -2.12 ºC average degrees reported in Norwich. During the winter period, Norwich can register 3.0 mm precipitation, while Stavanger have an average of 6.0 mm rain level.
Which airports have flights between Norwich and Stavanger?
The main airport route flying between Norwich and Stavanger is: Norwich (NWI) to Sola (SVG). This route is covered by the following airline(s):
Airlines with indirect flights from Norwich to Stavanger are:
Airlines with indirect flights from Norwich to Stavanger are:
Klm Royal Dutch Airlines, stoping in Amsterdam for 105 minutes minimun.
Cheapest flight£284Cheapest price for a flight between Norwich and Stavanger found by our customers in the last 72 hours
Departing AirportNorwichThe airport Norwich is the departure airport operating flights between Norwich and Stavanger
Arriving AirportSolaFlights departing Norwich with Stavanger as destination arrive at Sola
High seasonAprilAccording to search data from our customers, April is the busiest time to fly from Norwich to Stavanger |
When it’s time to select a new pair of eyeglasses, it can be challenging to find the frame that feels the best for you. Eyeglass makers have become increasingly aware of their clients’ desire to customize frames as well as offer a variety of colors, designs, and frame shapes. Understanding more about your face shape and the types of frames that would look best on you can help to reduce the amount of time you spend trying on frames that don’t complement your face shape. Here are a few useful tips to help you find glasses best suited for your face shape.
While there are thousands of different frame shapes, there are only seven different face shapes.
This face type is as wide is it is long. There are no specific or well-defined angles to this face type. Most people with this facial type look for frames that will elongate their face in order to draw out their natural features as well as give their face a thinner appearance. A good choice is often to select a frame that is angular and narrow.
If you can imagine the shape of a traditional heart, this face shape is easy to identify. The top 1/3 of the face is wider while the rest of the face tapers to a narrow chin. Individuals with this face shape will often seek frames that are wider at the bottom of the lens. This helps to balance the face and give the appearance of a narrower face at the top. Another great fit for this face type would be rimless frames.
This face type contains a wide jaw and cheekbones but is narrow at the forehead. Cat-eye type frames are great for this face type, as are frames that are heavier near the eyebrow to provide more balance.
This face type is the rarest. The diamond face is like the base-down triangle but differs because it has a narrow chin, thus appearing like a diamond. When selecting eyeglasses, look for oval-shaped frames, or frames that have more detail along the brow line.
This face type looks like an oval, but these individuals have a straight cheek line. This face is fuller than it is long. Frame types that add some depth are ideal for this face. This can be done by finding frames that have decorative pieces along the temples or that have more depth with a reduced width.
Oval faces are the most common face type. They are considered to have balanced proportions so that most frame types will work well. An oval face is longer than it is wide and includes plump cheekbones. Walnut shaped eyeglasses are an ideal choice, but frames that are as wide or wider than the broadest part of your face would work as well.
These individuals have a broad forehead and jaw that gives the appearance of the face having equal and straight sides. These face types usually do well with narrow or oval-shaped frames which will help to soften their features.
Your hair color may play a role in the best frame color for you. Individuals with warm hair colors (brown or black hair) do best to choose a lighter colored frame to add contrast. People that have hair on the lighter end of the spectrum can pick just about any frame color that they would like and may look to other features like eye color or skin tone to help make their decision.
Skin tone has the opposite effect from hair color on the best choices for the frame color. Those with lighter skin hues do best with similar frame colors, and those with warmer skin tones can pick and choose options that they enjoy the most.
Above all else, you should pick a frame that you like best. There may be additional factors to consider when choosing the right frame for you, but perhaps the most important factor is your overall happiness and comfort. |
As our bodies age, it is normal to notice that there are decreases in our ability to complete certain functions that may have been natural for us in our youth. Just like our physical strength, the strength of your eyes can also weaken over time.
Several different factors influence how each of us will experience aging. Your genetics can play a pivotal role. Understanding your family history and making sure to communicate this with your health professional can be a great way to monitor changes and spot early signs and symptoms. Exposure to certain chemicals or environments or specific trauma to our eyes can also have an impact on how our eyes age. While the eyes can often recover from traumatic injury or exposure, they may still have a detrimental effect on your vision as you age.
Knowing what age you start to have an increased risk of certain diseases or eye conditions can help you to be prepared when you meet with your optometrist. Here are some of the most common ailments that people experience when they age.
Once you are over 40 years old you may experience a loss in vision at close range. Presbyopia is a normal condition that occurs due to the hardening of the lens in your eye. In the early stages, you can often compensate for small changes to your vision, but as the condition progresses, you will likely need a corrective lens, or choose a surgical procedure. such as Lasik, corneal inlays, refractive lens exchange, and conductive keratoplasty.
Cataracts are technically a disease of the eye. However, they are so frequently seen in patients as they age, that they are classified as a normal part of aging. While almost half of the population over 65 have cataracts, that number increases even more by age 70. While it can be frightening to begin losing your vision, cataract surgery is extremely successful and can restore up to 100% of the lost vision. If you notice even small changes to your vision, it is smart to talk to your doctor. Cataract surgery is best performed when the cataracts are small and can be more easily removed.
This disease is the leading cause of blindness in senior citizens in the United States.
The risk of developing glaucoma generally begins when you are in your 40’s with a near one percent chance and increases throughout the decades with a twelve percent by the time you are in your 80’s.
Individuals who have diabetes may be affected by diabetic retinopathy. This disease occurs when blood sugar levels are elevated for an extended period that causes damage to the eye. This damage may lead to permanent vision loss. Americans with diabetes over the age of 40 are at an increased risk, with about 40 percent of people with diabetes over this age displaying some degree of diabetic retinopathy.
The previous examples are what we normally imagine when we think about age-related issues and our eyes, but there are other changes that also occur. Some of these can be treated with over the counter medications or eye drops, while others are a natural part of the aging process.
Our bodies naturally decrease tear production as we age. This reduction can leave your eyes feeling dry. Fortunately, you can use an eye drop or artificial tears solution in order to keep your eyes moist and free from discomfort.
Our peripheral field of vision gradually decreases as we age. Researchers suggest that the rate is between 1-3 percent of that field of vision per decade of our life. This means that by the time you reach your 70’s, or 80’s that your peripheral vision could be reduced by as much as 20 to 30 degrees.
It’s important to know that you should not attempt to self-diagnose any changes to your eyes. If you experience a change in your vision, it is important to see your eye care professional immediately to prevent additional or unwarranted damage to your eyes and vision. |
Making a difference
Ten years ago, simply offering a fitness program was enough to differentiate a Medicare Advantage plan from competitors. But now these plans need to do much more to stand out from the crowd.
“Fitness programs are now table stakes, with 95% of Medicare Advantage plans having one. Instead of a ‘nice-to-have,’ it’s a ‘must-have’ in the marketplace,” said Brett Hanson, head of market and product development, Optum Health Solutions. “Historically, all plans have had similar offerings focusing only on the gym networks. And if they continue to do so, they won’t be differentiating themselves from other competitors in the marketplace. Simply offering a gym membership or discount is not enough in today’s world.”
To differentiate themselves, plans need to offer:
Physical fitness is just one component of overall wellness. Because of this, health plans need to meet member needs by offering holistic programs.
“Think active body, active mind. Plans should try to address all the unmet needs of the senior population,” Hanson said. “So, health plans need to really expand within the ancillary and supplemental space to go beyond physical fitness and to offer cognitive brain training and social connection options as well.”
Brain training programs can help seniors improve cognitive functions including attention, memory and brain speed. Social programs such as arts and crafts, dance, gardening, painting, sewing and other clubs help seniors connect with one another over shared hobbies.
Choice and convenience
Plans also need to provide seniors with plenty of options. “The needs of a generation in their 80s are so different from those who are 65 and just aging into Medicare,” said Vince Pozinski, head of government product, Optum Health Solutions.
In addition, plans need to meet members where they are by offering services and programs at locations near their homes. Optum offers a network with more than 24,000 fitness locations, making it likely that members have access to convenient options.
Health plans can make it convenient for seniors to exercise by offering home kits. For example, strength, yoga and dance kits that include equipment and instructional videos, cards or DVDs empower seniors to exercise at their convenience in their homes.
While it’s important to offer in-person access to physical fitness, brain health and social programs, it’s also vital to meet the increasing demand for digital access. To meet this need, health plans should offer a full array of programs that members can access digitally from any location at any time.
“When you look at digital content, health plans need to make sure that they have content for everybody, not just content traditionally associated with older adults. Not everybody needs to be in a chair or has limited movement and capability,” Pozinski said.
Reaping the benefits
Holistic and convenient wellness programs make it possible for plans to help seniors lead healthier lives. As a result, health plans can improve member acquisition, retention and satisfaction. |
The optimization-based design of energy systems generally leads to mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) problems. In recent years, a surge of interest in (non-convex) MINLP problems in the mathematical optimization community produced remarkable algorithmic progress and triggered new developments, in particular new implementations.
To benefit most from these advances, engineers and mathematicians should tie up, each contributing their own expertise. Aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers from both fields to learn about the latest work and to foster collaborations.
The workshop consists of three keynotes delivered by distinguished scholars, complemented by invited talks on recent work in the area. The workshop is supported by the DFG Excellence Initiative in the context of a seed fund project of the chairs of Operations Research, Discrete Optimization, and Technical Thermodynamics at RWTH Aachen University.
Keynotes of Invited Speakers
Prof. Dr. Zdravko Kravanja
Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, Slovenia,
Leader of the Laboratory for Process System Engineering and Sustainable Development
Keynote: Robust MINLP for solving complex synthesis problems (Abstract) To solve the challenging MINLP problems arising in energy and related systems engineering, efficient strategies are required. In this talk, we discuss strategies such as MINLP with mixed-integer translation of variables, strategies for multiple level MINLP, bi- or multiple-level global MINLP, MINLP when applying implicit and explicit model formulation. In addition, we highlight the implementation of these approaches in computer package MIPSYN and present some applications.
Prof. Dr. Jeffrey T. Linderoth
Professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering and the Department of Computer Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Keynote: Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization: Applications, Algorithms, and Computation (Abstract) Mixed-integer nonlinear programming problems (MINLPs) combine the combinatorial complexity of discrete decisions with the numerical challenges of nonlinear functions. In this talk, we will describe applications of MINLP in science and engineering, demonstrate the importance of building "good" MINLP models, discuss numerical techniques for solving MINLP, and survey the forefront of ongoing research topics in this important and emerging area.
Dr. Stefan Vigerske
GAMS Software GmbH,
Zuse Institute Berlin
Global Mixed-Integer Optimization: Algorithms and Applications in Energy and Processes
Dispatch Optimization of Thermal Power Plants considering Non-Linear Constraints
Optimal Power Flow as a Polynomial Optimization Problem
Modelling and optimization of decentralized energy supply systems
Adaptive Discretization of Nonlinear Optimization Models for Energy Supply Systems |
Here's a simple definition: A data lake is a place to store your structured and unstructured data, as well as a method for organizing large volumes of highly diverse data from diverse sources.
Data lakes are becoming increasingly important as people, especially in business and technology, want to perform broad data exploration and discovery. Bringing data together into a single place or most of it in a single place makes that simpler.
Depending on your platform, the data lake can make that much easier. It can handle many data structures, such as unstructured and multistructured data, and it can help you get value out of your data.
The key difference between a data lake and a data warehouse is that the data lake tends to ingest data very quickly and prepare it later on the fly as people access it. With a data warehouse, on the other hand, you prepare the data very carefully upfront before you ever let it in the data warehouse.
Users tend to want to ingest data into the data lake as quickly as possible, so that companies with operational use cases, especially around operational reporting, analytics, and business monitoring, have the newest data. This enables them to have access to the latest data and see the most updated information.
With the data lake, users often ingest data in the original form without altering it. This can be for speed reasons, but can also be for other reasons including the desire to perform advanced analytics which can depend upon detailed source data. This would be analytics based on any kind of mining, whether it’s:
To provide all the advantages that data lakes can offer, a proper solution should be able to offer better ways to:
A data lake is more useful when it is part of a greater data management platform, and it should integrate well with existing data and tools for a more powerful data lake.
Using the data lake to extend the data warehouse is something often seen with omnichannel marketing, sometimes called multichannel marketing. The way to think about the data ecosystem in marketing is that every channel can be its own database, and every touchpoint can be as well. And then many marketers also buy data from third parties.
For example, a marketer might want to buy data that has additional demographic and consumer preference information about customers and prospects, and that helps the marketer fill out that complete view of each customer, which in turn helps with creating more personalized and targeted marketing campaigns.
That’s a complex data ecosystem, and it’s getting bigger in volume and greater in complexity all the time. The data lake is brought in quite often to capture data that's coming in from multiple channels and touchpoints. And some of those actually are streaming data.
Companies that offer a smartphone app to its customers may be receiving that data in real time or close to it, as customers use that app. Many times, the company doesn’t really need full real time. It could be an hour or two old. But it allows the marketing department to do very granular monitoring of the business and create specials, incentives, discounts, and micro-campaigns.
The digital supply chain is an equally diverse data environment and the data lake can help with that, especially when the data lake is on Hadoop. Hadoop is largely a file-based system because it was originally designed for very large and highly numerous log files that come from web servers. In the supply chain there is often a large quantity of file-based data. Think about file-based and document-based data from EDI systems, XML, and of course today JSONs coming on very strong in the digital supply chain. That's very diverse information.
There is also internal information to consider. Manufacturers often have data from the shop floor and from shipping and billing that's highly relevant to the supply chain. The lake can help manufacturers bring that data together and manage it in a file-based kind of way.
The Internet of Things is creating new data sources almost daily in some companies. And of course, as those sources diversify they create even more data. Increasingly, there are more sensors on more machinery all the time. As an example, every rail freight or truck freight vehicle like that has a huge list of sensors so the company can track that vehicle through space and time, in addition to how it’s operated. Is it operated safely? Is it operated in an optimal way relative to fuel consumption? Enormous amounts of information are coming from these places, and the data lake is very popular because it provides a repository for all of that data.
Now, those are examples of fairly targeted uses of the data lake in certain departments or IT programs, but a different approach is for centralized IT to provide a single large data lake that is multitenant. It can be used by lots of different departments, business units, and technology programs. As people get used to the lake, they figure out how to optimize it for diverse uses and operations, analytics, and even compliance.
The data lake can be used many ways, and it also has many platforms that can be under it. Hadoop is the most common but not the only platform.
Hadoop is appealing. It has proved to have linear scalability. It's a low cost for scalability compared to, say, a relational database. But Hadoop is not just cheap storage. It's also a powerful processing platform. And for those trying to do algorithmic analytics, Hadoop can be very useful.
The relational database management system can also be a platform for the data lake, because some people have massive amounts of data that they want to put into the lake that is structured and also relational. So if your data is inherently relational, a DBMS approach for the data lake would make perfect sense. Also, if you have use cases where you want to do relational functionality, like SQL or complex table joins, then the RDBMS makes perfect sense.
But the trend is toward cloud-based systems, and especially cloud-based storage. The great benefit of clouds is elastic scalability. They can marshal server resources and other resources as workloads scale up. And compared to a lot of on-premises systems, cloud can be low-cost. Part of that is because there’s no system integration.
If you want to do something on-premise, you or somebody else has to do a multi-month system integration, whereas for a lot of systems there’s a cloud provider who already has that integrated. You basically buy a license and you can be up and running within hours instead of months. In addition, the object store approach to cloud, which we mentioned in a previous post on data lake best practices, has many benefits.
And of course, you can have a hybrid mix of platforms with a data lake. If you're familiar with what we call the logical data warehouse, you can also have a similar thing like a logical data warehouse, and this is logical data lake. This is where data is physically distributed across multiple platforms. And there are some challenges to that, like needing special tools that are good with federated queries or data virtualization for far-reaching analytic queries.
But that technology is available at the tool level, and many people are using it.
In their quest to extract more value from their data, companies are always pushing the boundaries. Enabled by cloud-based computing, they are now often combining data lake technologies and data warehouses into a single architecture referred to as “data lakehouse.” The benefits of a data lakehouse include better integration, less data movement, better data governance, and support for more use cases.
The data lake is your answer to organizing all of those large volumes of diverse data from diverse sources. And if you’re ready to start playing around with a data lake, we can offer you Oracle Free Tier to get started. |
With the many different area rugs out there, choosing the right one for your home can be as overwhelming as it is fun. The area rug that you choose can make or break the design in your space. This is why it is important that you take some things into consideration when you are choosing the right area rug. Steam Masters is here to share some tips to help you make sure the area rug you choose is going to look great in your room.
How to Choose the Right Area Rug
When you choose your area rug, taking these tips into consideration can help you make the choice confidently.
– Area Rug Size: This is one of the most important things to consider when choosing your rug. A rug that doesn’t fit your room well will have a negative effect on the space. If you are considering two rugs of different sizes, you should more than likely go with whichever one is larger. You want only 10-24 inches of bare floor to be between your rug and the walls in the room. Think about the furniture in the space as well; you want the front legs of the furniture to rest on the area rug as well.
– Area Rug Color: When you are choosing the right color for your area rug, you need to think about all the other colors that can be found in your space. Consider the furniture, artwork and other accessories as well as the wall color. This is the time when you decide if you want your area rug to make a statement or blend in with the surrounding décor.
– Area Rug Pile: You can choose between low pile and high pile for your rug as well. When you choose high pile, it will be more comfortable and luxurious underfoot than a low pile rug would be. However, a low pile rug will last longer and is usually less expensive than a high pile rug. High pile rugs are more difficult to keep clean as well.
– Area Rug Patterns: You will quickly find that rugs come in many different colors as well as patterns. Some rugs have a strong geometric pattern on them, while some rugs are one solid color. Again, you will want to consider the rest of the décor found in the room when you are decided whether or not you want a rug that has a strong pattern throughout it.
Steam Area Rug Cleaning, Stain & Odor Removal & More in Santa Ana, Irvine, Anaheim & Huntington Beach California
If you are choosing a rug for your space, it is important to remember that you need to have it professionally cleaned just like your carpet. At Steam Masters, we provide area rug cleaning that can help preserve your area rug and keep it looking like new. It doesn’t matter how difficult the staining may be on your rug, you can count on us to remove it and restore your area rug. Call us today! |
For covering nearly any floor in the home, many people prefer wool carpet options for the plush texture and the luxurious status it holds. It is extremely durable and can even last a lifetime as long as it is properly cared for and maintained when you invest in a high-quality wool carpet. Today, we at Steam Masters would like to elaborate on preserving your wool carpets.
Can Water Damage Wool Carpets?
Because wool is a natural fiber, when wool comes into contact with water, it will not shrink, stretch or become warped. With all carpeting options, excessive moisture can cause water damage though water can be used to treat spots. To the best of your ability, should your wool carpets get over saturated, it is important you expedite the drying process. Cover the area with a towel and place weight on top of it for period, open windows if the weather permits, place portable fans, and turn on ceiling fans. Extract the moisture if you have access to extraction equipment such as wet/dry vac. Call a professional immediately in the event the wool carpets should be victimized by flooding. Mold can potentially grow, the wool can become discolored, and foul odors can develop if the carpets remain wet for too long. Never use hot water or you can set the stain into the fibers when treating the carpet stains and spots stick with warm or cold water.
Best Wool Carpet Cleaner
Because not all detergents are safe, wool carpets require specific cleaners. Ensure it is safe for wool carpets when buying a carpet cleaner by always checking the label. Manufacturers recommend investing in a cleaner designed specifically for wool. Since it will disintegrate the fibers, never use any bleach (chlorine) or bleach-based cleaners on your wool carpets. Laundry detergent is not cohesive to wool carpets. With minimal dishwashing liquid soap solution for gentle removal, any grease or grime that comes into contact with wool carpets can be removed. Bio-enzyme cleaners are the perfect remedy for organic material stains. Always perform a patch test in an inconspicuous area to ensure the wool carpeting is not compromised, whether you use commercial product or a DIY concoction.
Wool Carpet Care & Cleaning
Daily, or as frequently as possible vacuum. Always vacuum before cleaning any spots, or if you do any deep cleaning yourself. With a white cloth and never rub, but pat or blot, treat spills immediately. Before the chance to absorb into the fibers and become a stain, get them remove as soon as possible. Because it contains a natural waxy coating that is designed to repel liquids, wool carpets are less likely they are to result in a stubborn or permanent stain. If it is given the opportunity to linger, a stain can still develop, so the sooner the spill is treated the better off the carpet is.
Carpet Cleaning, Stain Removal & More in Santa Ana, Irvine, Anaheim & Huntington Beach California
Deep cleaning wool carpets can be tricky. To ensure it is done safely and correctly it is best to have a professional clean it 1-2 times a year. Have a professional take care of the stain as soon as possible if any stubborn stains occur and they are a challenge to get out. Call in the experts of Steam Masters and let our experienced team of professionals do the rest when you wool carpets are due for their deep clean. |
Stone Laying ceremony of Florenza Villa 11 of Mr. Jinu George
Orio Builders is a highly professional and dynamic group with an approach of passion, commitment and quality showcased in all their projects. We are focused on offering High Quality homes at affordable costs. Orio Builders have a commitment to quality and excellence, which is passionately followed at every level of organization hierarchy. With Integrity and customer satisfaction as our intrinsic strengths. We provide home owners with unparalleled lifestyles worth living, tailored specifically to cater to their needs. |
Better Overseas Lady Sites
Found in the Netherlands, Amsterdam is often known as “Venice of your Northern,” and it’s really a greatest subscribers appeal went along to of the huge numbers of people a year. Exactly why do somebody come to this urban area? A primary reason for males to-arrive there is certainly Amsterdam lady. They flee on town into the mission up to now regional beauties but have not a clue the best places to satisfy and ways to mark their interest. Boys, you could sound having rescue since this post will provide you using greatest cities and you can tips on relationship Amsterdam single people! Get comfortable and get several moments to find the clues.
Just what any time you discover Amsterdam women and you can relationship?
Amsterdam try an effective Dutch area famous for the new Yellow Lighting Section and you can attractive lady way of living here, however, many boys doubt when they should go compared to that city to find acquainted them. Of course, you will find some places to satisfy female in the Amsterdam and you can enjoy date together with her. not, you will need to know how to attract regional women and you will what peculiarities dating there’s as well. Boys can save effort to make an evening memorable with a Dutch woman next to him or her – it’s sufficient to pay the rates for females looked throughout the Yellow Lighting Area. Although not, for individuals who get a hold of the latest emotions having a good , remember the adopting the situations:
- Such Eu women can be separate and you may direct, very stop pressuring them to go after your guidelines.
- They’ve got used to foreigners, so your standing would not voice extremely convincing.
- Dutch people drive bicycles a lot, therefore ensure that is stays at heart trying to fulfill anyone from the street.
- Local women are instead proficient into the English, but never be blown away to know a mysterious highlight.
- Are liberated to several things, they aren’t timid sexually, never notice nudity, appreciate loud parties having strong drinks so that their hair off.
Just what are lady from Amsterdam such as for example?
Females located in it city laden up with sites are notable for the slim data and you can instead large top, blond tresses shimmering in the sunlight, and bright shining grins. Talking about happy personalities who attempt to realize healthy diets and will always be really serious regarding the most lifetime facts. Even with internal rely on and you may fascination with enjoyable, they look for time and energy to performs, for the region-go out efforts predominantly. Meanwhile, these are typically established for the people economically actually even with getting knowledgeable and you may brilliant, however, willing to treat, especially in like facts.
Finest go out places during the Amsterdam
Although greater part of people arrive at Amsterdam to see the well-known Red Bulbs Region and its particular unrivaled landscapes, discover people who want to fulfill ladies in Amsterdam. Wish to understand locations that desire single people and you may in which mans possibilities to discover a female from their fantasy was high? Check out of the greatest examples.
Of a lot Dutch girls can be`t consider most useful activities than simply hot dances on the pub with strong cocktails during the give. There are many nightspots to invest time in new circle off stunning feamales in Amsterdam, although the upper number is actually taken of the pursuing the destinations:
- This new Waterhole was a live musical club found in the city hub with a variable line-upwards of several singing styles and lots of charming girls dance to they.
- Paradiso attracts subscribers using its exclusive programmes and you may special events, very ladies never ever forget about these types of fun nights consequently they are offered to telecommunications and brand new experience.
- Heavens Pub, found at Amstelstraat twenty-four, is actually a greatest room which have international vibes. Ladies group around considering the creativity, tolerance, and you can versatility offered by among the best nightclubs during the Amsterdam, so why not attempt to register the loud people too? |
Peer Learning and Scientific Knowledge for skill and value-based education
Peer Learning - a delightful experience
Learning with peers from all around the world at the University of Oulu gives me an amazing experience to immerse myself into understanding and embracing the diversity of cultures which makes me compassionate, and open-minded and to become a global citizen who can drive change in the world.
This surprising experience tells you how students deal with other students to succeed in their educational goals and how students will learn to recognize each person's unique story and gain a more comprehensive perspective on life's experiences by engaging with peers and teachers who come from varied backgrounds and upbringings.
As a second-year student in the Learning, Education, and Technology master’s programme, I have seen the keen importance that is given to peer learning, which facilitates the development of relationships between students who come from various cultural backgrounds where intercultural understanding, empathy, and recognition of every learner are considered a top priority.
I have learned to learn from the experiences other students share and to value the diverse contributions of others while improving my problem-solving and communication skills.
Most of the courses are designed in a way that helps the students from various societies to raise their hands to feel the humanity and understanding of others and feel the rhythm of other hears, peer learning will go a long way in bringing both skill and value-based education.
Scientific Knowledge at Oulu is an amazing experience
The sudden hit of the covid-19 pandemic made me realize how important integrating technology into education is. That is the main reason why I chose the programme, as the rapid development of information technology is seen in almost all areas of the university, which increases the efficiency of teachers as well as students, and accommodates multiple learning styles.
The virtual classroom settings of the University have always made the classes feel more engaging to me. During the courses Learning Environments and Technologies and Emergent Technologies, I have learned about how digital printing, graphic designing tools, 3D animation, augmented reality (AR), robotics, and maker education (learning by doing), all of which can help to build more inclusive learning settings that encourage cooperation and curiosity in the context of education.
Technology-enhanced learning has offered me quick access to knowledge, accelerated learning, and enjoyable opportunities to put what I have learned into practice. It allows me to delve deeper into challenging ideas and explore new themes.
Due to the pandemic, I came to Finland a bit after the start of the programme, but the use of mobile learning devices gave me a smooth learning process. As a learner, I am acquiring the 21st-century technical abilities needed for future careers with the use of technology in the classroom.
It is an unforgettable experience for me how teachers transfer their knowledge to students through scientific knowledge rather than traditional pen and paper.
Coming to an end, I feel privileged as a student to be able to study at Oulu, Finland, where education is treated as a universal human right. With the experience and knowledge of my professional teachers and the new learning methods, I will be able to bring value and skill-based education to the newborns tomorrow.
The contexts of regulation, collaboration, and technology-enhanced learning in the courses boost my learning and cognitive skills, with an arctic attitude. ;)
About the author
Harini Nanayakkara from Sri Lanka is a second-year student in Learning, Education and Technology. She completed her bachelor's degree in China and got interested in knowing how technology can be infused into teaching and learning, which brought her to Finland. |
If Spike Lee were to do a sequel to “White Men Can’t Jump,” it might be called “White Girls Can’t Step,” and the premise would be about Blacks underestimating White steppers instead of a White basketball player.
The basis of the film would be the surprise win of a troop of White steppers from the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority at the 2010 Sprite Step Off– the largest stepping contest around. Their win set off a lot of buzz, both good and bad.
While the Zeta Tau Alpha girls’ win had many Black folks cheering for them, there were also quite a few jeering them. Stepping is something steeped in African American fraternity and sorority culture. The jeers resulted from the perception of some Blacks that the girls were attempting to hijack or take over something that is theirs.
My Black brothers and sisters need to swallow their pride and just admit that the better team won that day. And I mean literally for a day, because after reviewing the results, discrepancies were found resulting in the Zeta girls tying for first place with the runner-ups from Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc.
And for those who say stepping is a Black thing and nobody else can “play,” why not just say, “I’m sorry, Blacks only.”
As Black folks, we should know better.
As an African American born and raised in Los Angeles, and who was never in a fraternity, I’ll admit that I don’t follow stepping. My introduction to it was a step-off scene in the Spike Lee film “School Daze.”
After hearing about the reaction to the Zeta girls winning this stepping competition, I watched a video of their performance on YouTube.com and thought they were great. The Alpha Kappa Alpha girls weren’t bad either.
The Zeta girls came out with their cool Matrix outfits, fierce attitude and gave a highly synchronized and energetic competition. Based on the non-stop cheers and applause, the audience loved them. Sure, there was a novelty factor of race. But, it’s one thing to watch some White girls give stepping a shot, it’s another to see them throw down the way the Zeta girls did. It’s no surprise to me that they were in contention for the title.
The backlash comes down to pride and ego. Some individuals can’t handle the idea of Whites winning at something they think is a Black thing. Pride makes people do and say some crazy things.
Think about how bent out of shape men get when they get beat by women, especially in sports. It doesn’t matter if the woman is better, it pisses the guy off, and they don’t want to play anymore. A female friend of mine has lost a few dates because of this.
I doubt you’d hear from the Blacks currently up in arms, if the Zeta girls were just runner ups.
Should Blacks worry about Whites taking over stepping and rewriting its history to blur its true origins? I don’t think so. Look at rapping. Aside from Eminem, the majority of artist excelling at it are Black and no one doubts where the art form originated from.
In any sport or art, people should welcome those who help push the envelope and raise the bar. That’s hard to do, when you limit who can participate. There’s much to be gained, when other races or ethnic groups take an interest in Black culture. Consider jazz for example.
Jazz is an art form that has its roots in Black culture. What would it be without the contributions of White artists like Anita O’Day, Stan Gets, and Cal Tjader to name a few?
The beauty of sports, dance and art is that they can be a means of bridging racial divides by enabling people to explore common interest and passions. Stepping shouldn’t be any different. |
I love springtime in Alaska. The ice has broken up and flushed out of the rivers, and everything gets greener by the day. In the interior, spring also means bear baiting. Each year, hundreds of hunters take to the woods hoping to capitalize on the appetites of bears that recently came out of hibernation.
Many people turn up their noses at bear baiting, but most who do have never tried it themselves. It sounds slam-dunk easy, but most baiters finish the season empty-handed. Maybe they’re in a poor spot, or maybe they’re being hyper-selective. But most will make a few small mistakes that will cost them a chance at a big, mature boar. I’ve learned some of these pointers from experience, and some from better hunters than I am, but all have proven themselves to be true over the course of several seasons.
1. Using an Uninteresting Lure
In order to get a mature bear (or any bear, for that matter), they first have to find your bait site, and most hunters use a strong-smelling “call” scent to attract bears from a distance. Most of the scents you’ll see at your local sporting goods store are sweet, anise being the most common. Black bears do love their sweets, but in my experience a good stink bait makes all the difference. I like to use fish skins, guts, and heads, sealing them in a small bucket with some water in the sun for a couple weeks until they get good and putrid. Beaver carcasses (where legal) or just beaver castors that have been cut open work great. You want to hang your lure up high on a limb that the bears cannot get to easily.
2. Hunting Prematurely
I know a number of hunters who sit on their bait site before a bear has even found it. Unless there are an incredible number of bears in the area, you’re pretty much wasting your time. It usually takes a couple weeks for a single bear to find your bait, and when they first start coming in, bears are extremely cautious and reluctant to commit. If you are on the site during those cautious first approaches, you are more likely to spook the bear than you are to kill it.
The more time you spend at your bait site, the more your scent will permeate the area. This may not affect young bears much, but a big bear will often turn around as soon as he catches your scent. Ideally, you want to only visit a site to refresh your bait and check your trail camera. Wait to actually hunt it until you get a bear coming in that you know you want to target. After that, hunting any more than 2 or 3 days in a row seems to really kill the action.
4. Ignoring the Wind
The majority of bear baiters disregard the wind. This is a mistake. If you know the general direction that bears are coming from, and the wind is blowing that direction, you’re better off waiting until it’s forecasted to change. Especially in heavily hunted areas—I’ve never seen a big boar come into the bait when the wind direction was wrong. Some small bears don’t seem to pay much attention to this, but if you want a chance at a big bear, just wait it out until the wind is right.
5. Crowding the Bait
Most hunters get too close to their bait. I’d say the average distance from their bait to their stand is between 10 and 20 yards. That proximity gives a great opportunity for bowhunters, and allows you to see bears up close. However, in pressured areas, I would set up as far as you possibly can from the bait. You want to make sure you can still see and judge the bears accurately, but I set up about 100 yards from my bait, and that distance allows me to see bears that would never come in if I was right on top of the bait site. In pressured areas, bears will often make a big circle or hold up just out of sight, listening, smelling, and waiting for any sign of your presence. If they bust you, they just walk off. I’ve seen it happen, but it probably goes unseen way more often than I know. By setting up some distance from the bait, your peripheral perspective is much, much larger.
For me, the best thing about bear baiting is just getting outside after a long winter and sitting silently for hours, listening to all the sounds of the woods. Of course, I hope to have some bear action, but that is just a plus. If you’re thinking of giving it a try for yourself, I can’t say it will be easy, but if you avoid these pitfalls, your chances of seeing and killing a bear will improve. |
|Oz Abstract Tokyo
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Oz Abstract quality is always guaranteed: Every Oz Abstract Tokyo original item comes with a 100% lifetime satisfaction guarantee. |
It's time to garden in earnest and the things that make a big difference centre around weeding and pruning.
The first lawn cut of the year is always something special: it indicates the start of a new season and also gives the look of your garden a tremendous boost. Mow your lawn and edge it afterwards and you will be visually rewarded.
This can spur you on to start weeding your borders. They can look a little post-apocalyptic after a long winter but have faith and start to tidy up your plants; prune those that will benefit from a spring chop; weed out any unwanted squatters and, in no time, your garden will start to burst into bud and start to soak up whatever sunshine we have and flourish in the longer days ahead.
Patios usually benefit from a good blast and wash of patio cleaning solution at this time of year too. Any woodwork - decking, fencing or raised beds - looks great after a lick of fresh wood preservative (and it's a quick, satisfying job).
Don't neglect your pots and plant with some lovely fresh spring flowers and wait for any bulbs to appear as well. Your pots are ideal for adding instant hits of colour to parts of your garden that aren't colourful right now.
Garden furniture can be cleaned, treated or replaced. It's now that we start to think of sitting outside a little more so your seated areas should be inviting, clean and comfortable.
Hold off on your hanging baskets for just a little while longer and you'll enjoy them throughout the summer and into autumn if you take care of them.
Our advice is to make a start. Whatever you do will wake up your outdoor space and you'll find yourself spurred on to do the next job... and the next... and the next! |
Why Choose Pak
Cutting Edge Manufacturing
Pak Lighting is one of the largest lighting manufacturers in the world with billions of dollars invested into cutting-edge manufacturing.
Our priority is serving our customers and ensuring your lighting requirements have been met and exceeded.
Pak Lighting has the highest quality products in the global lighting market from decades of experience in both R&D and manufacturing.
As the representative of Pak Lighting in Australia, our prices are competitive in the market. |
For most married people, the person that they drive with most often is their spouse. Therefore, the odds of being injured by your spouse in a motor vehicle accident are significant. Even the best drivers have momentary lapses while driving. Should you suffer a serious injury in such a scenario, your options for recovering necessary compensation for your financial damages may be limited. This may be an extreme hardship to your family should you be permanently injured and unable to return to work due to an accident caused by your spouse.
There are ways to protect yourself and your spouse in such situations. Insurance companies offer Spousal Liability coverage. This will allow a passenger in a vehicle that is injured due to their spouse’s negligence, to make a claim against their own insurance policy. The insurance companies offer these coverage’s at extremely reasonable rates. For less then a few hundred dollars a year you can protect yourself and your spouse from the financial devastation of a serious accidental injury.
While the idea of making a claim against your spouse seems distasteful, your alternatives may be much harsher. Further, your insurance company is happy to provide the coverage for just such an occasion. I highly recommend this coverage to all my clients. I have seen far too many people suffer serious accidental injuries in a car accident caused by a spouse, left with no financial compensation.
Should you have any questions with respect to your automobile insurance coverages, please feel free to contact me at my office and I’d be happy to review them for you at no charge. |
When you’re looking for those special printing effects to make your design sing – we have the answer.
From Hot & Digital Foiling to printing white and luminescent colours to embossing and laser cutting and engraving, we have some exciting ways to embellish your printed material to really stand out from the crowd!
Special Printing effects
The traditional approach to adding a touch of elegance and sparkle to any invitation or document.
Digital Foiling, allows you to add a sparkle to your collateral with the extra dimension of personalisation or unique messaging in a range of different digital foils, including a hologram effect!
Printing in white allows us to exploit the use of coloured stocks and textures to their full extent.
Yellow Luminescent Colour
How to stand out in a crowd at night… use a yellow luminescent toner that glows when viewed under a UV light… great not only for clubs and party event, but for security passes, vouchers and coupons.
Debossing is the processes of creating a recessed relief image and/or designs in paper and other materials.
Embossing is the processes of creating a raised image and/or design in paper and other materials.
Using a commercial laser we can either cut out shapes and designs to create stencil like images. Alternatively we can engrave or etch a range of materials to add an extra touch of elegance to your promotional material. |
Our Earth, Gaia, is changing. In this book Marko Pogacnik, who has more than thirty years of geomantic and Earth-healing work behind him, has used his deep psychic sensitivity to help us understand and attune to the self-healing process on which the Earth is embarking. Pogacnik explains that we are not facing an 'end of the world', but rather a fundamental change in our environment that will allow the Earth to survive the damage we, humankind, have wreaked on it. Our own inner development is also central, and he offers remedies, insights and exercises which will help us adapt and survive. Gaia's Quantum Leap represents the completion of a cycle in Marko Pogacnik's works of admonition to recognize this immense issue and to cooperate in the Earth's and humanity's changes now.
Author: Marko Pogacnik |
4 - star hotel „Park Villa“ is located in Vilnius on the elite district just on the beach of the river Neris and is surrounded by beautiful pine forest and park. Just 10 minutes drive from Old Town of Vilnius makes it perfect place to stay as a tourist or regular city visitor.
Browse our rooms
Social events, company parties, conferences, weddings and banquets - regardless of the event we can offer proper care of your guests and attendants during and after your event. We can also offer a lot of original ideas and activities for individuals and large groups. Please see Special offers section for more information or contact out reception.
Celebrate New Year in Park Villa restaurant. Special menu and surprises for all guests
Fly with hot air balloon and take unique opportunity to glance at beautiful Vilnius old town and city suburbs. Read more >>
Amazing evening in our deluxe room for two with special room preparation, tasty breakfast and late checkout. Read more >>
Plytinės Go-Cart Racing Track Read more >> |
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Immerse yourself in Renaissance artistry with our Sgraffito Brush seamless pattern design. This exquisite pattern combines delicate floral motifs with vibrant colors, bringing the elegance of the Renaissance era to your creative projects. Elevate your designs with this high-resolution masterpiece.
Immerse yourself in the beauty of Renaissance art with our exquisite Sgraffito Brush seamless pattern design. This stunning pattern combines elements of traditional Renaissance artistry with the delicate intricacy of floral motifs.
Inspired by the timeless elegance and refinement of the Renaissance era, this pattern captures the essence of that period, transporting you to a world of artistic grandeur. The Sgraffito Brush technique used in this design creates a unique texture and depth, enhancing the visual appeal of the pattern.
Featuring a harmonious blend of vibrant colors, this seamless pattern design exudes a sense of opulence and sophistication. The intricate floral elements add a touch of grace and charm, making it perfect for a variety of creative projects.
With its high-resolution quality, this digital file ensures crisp and clear reproductions, allowing you to incorporate the beauty of Renaissance art into your designs flawlessly. Elevate your aesthetic with our Renaissance Floral Sgraffito Brush pattern and let your creativity flourish. |
The Limerick Food Project, in collaboration with the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP), the Limerick Integration Group, and the School of Allied Health (SAH) at the University of Limerick have recently supported an intercultural project to improve knowledge of healthy eating and diverse food cultures present in Limerick. People from four different parts of the globe; Nigeria, Bangladesh, Poland, and Palestine, took part in the project with MSc students in Human Nutrition & Dietetics in UL. Together, they explored different food cultures and diets, how food is prepared and served, and how diet is preserved here in Ireland and in the country of origin.
As part of the project, the UL students explored how to make the Healthy Food Made Easy (HFME) programme more inclusive of diverse food culture and diets. The HFME Programme is the HSE’s nutrition and cookery programme delivered by Limerick Food Partnership. It aims to help people to adopt a healthier diet, plan meals on a budget and make easy-to-cook meals. The course content is based on the healthy eating guidelines issued by the Department of Health.
The project was co-ordinated by Limerick Food Partnership, which is an initiative that aims to raise awareness, improve access, and increase the supply of healthy food options in Limerick City and County.
Catherine Lasile, originally from Nigeria, who took part in the project said “we really enjoyed the process, and we were delighted to share our knowledge and recipes with the students”, while Anwar Khalaf from Palestine commented that she “hoped our recipes will be shared widely not only amongst our own communities but in the wider Irish community also”.
Prof. Niamh Hourigan, Co-Chair of Limerick Food Partnership said “We are delighted to be part of this exciting initiative and look forward to working with colleagues in UL and migrant communities in Limerick to celebrate food diversity in the city and county. As part of our own contribution to that process, our Co-ordinator Olivia O’Brien, has exciting plans for 2021/ 2022 which will focus on delivery of Healthy Food Made Easy to a diverse range of groups including migrant communities. She will also engage with community and voluntary organisations throughout city and county to deliver on projects that address the issues of food poverty and food preparation skills deficit”.
Dr Anne Griffin, Course Director MSc Human Nutrition & Dietetics added “Dietetic students enjoyed working in partnership with migrant leaders to gain a better understanding and insight to develop inclusive resources to support health and wellbeing. This work was achieved through a community led development approach working with migrant representatives to integrate food culture and traditions with the Irish Healthy Eating Guidelines supporting better health for all.”
For more information about the project or the Limerick Food Project, contact Olivia O’Brien, Limerick Food Partnership Co-ordinator at [email protected] |
What crypto exchanges can be used in the US?
- Coinbase. Coinbase is the most popular and successful cryptocurrency exchange based in the United States, and offers an extremely user-friendly UI and trading experience.
Where can US citizens buy crypto? The best way to buy cryptocurrency in the USA is through an exchange such as eToro, Coinbase, Kraken, Gemini, Coinmama, Binance, or Changelly.
Which platform is best for crypto trading in USA? Coinbase is the largest U.S.-based cryptocurrency exchange, trading more than 30 cryptocurrencies. Its fees, however, can be confusing and higher than some competitors. While Coinbase offers attractive security features, cryptocurrency trading is highly volatile: Always consider the risks.
Is KuCoin available in the USA? KuCoin is a cryptocurrency exchange that operates in over 200 countries. While experienced traders might appreciate some of this exchange’s features, KuCoin isn’t licensed in the U.S. and has received poor reviews from users. Not licensed in the U.S. |
Employees and clients in all tax collector offices continue to be required to wear facial masks.
West Palm Beach, Fla. – Constitutional Tax Collector Anne M. Gannon today is announcing her full support of the March 19, 2021 Executive Order 2020-012 extending the mandate to wear facial masks in all businesses, establishments and in public spaces in Palm Beach County until April 18, 2021. All Palm Beach County tax collector offices will continue to require employees and clients visiting the offices to wear facial masks in accordance with CDC guidelines. “Our employees and clients have done a tremendous job adhering to wearing face masks in all of our offices and we will continue to do so. The safety of our employees and clients continues to be my top priority and we will monitor future guidelines and possible executive orders to ensure we are maintaining a safe environment,” said Gannon.
Individuals needing to do business with the Palm Beach County Tax Collector’s office are encouraged to visit www.pbctax.com for possible alternatives to visiting an office in person.
Property owners are also reminded that 2020 property taxes are due by March 31, 2021 and can be paid online at www.pbctax.com.
Friday, March 19, 2021
Chief Communications Officer
MEDIA ONLY: 561-355-4271
For other assistance: 561-355-2264 |
Waiguru urges Kirinyaga residents to support Ruto’s presidential bid
United Democratic Party under the leadership of Deputy President William Ruto is the most popular political outfit in Mt Kenya.
While speaking in Mukure ward, Kirinyaga County Governor Anne Waiguru urged residents to support Deputy President's bid to clinch the presidency during the August General Elections.
Waiguru dismissed the claim that most of the current governors are supporting the Azimio la Umoja coalition.
"They are saying that all the 47 governors in Kenya are backing Azimio. Let us do the math, we have 47 governors in the whole nation. At least 17 of them are completing their second and final term," she said.
The county boss further added that governors finalizing their second term might not have any political impact on the Azimio outfit.
"Being supported by gubernatorial aspirants is better because they have ambitions compared to the ones leaving office," she said.
Waiguru also noted that at least 40 MPs from Mt Kenya region are behind Deputy President William Ruto's candidature noting that only a small fraction is on the opposing side.
"At least 40 MPs from Mt Kenya region are in the UDA party while about 10 are not in support of the party," she added.
Waiguru was speaking to Mukure ward residents during the launch of disbursement of county-backed education bursary, where at least Ksh125.6 million is expected to be disbursed to students across the agricultural-rich county.
The cash is expected to be distributed amongst 45,327 studying in various institutions.
Waiguru who is also expected to square it out at the ballot with her political nemesis Wangui Ngirici, took a swipe at the woman representative urging her to declare her current political stand.
Waiguru noted that a Governor elected in an independent ticket might deliver since Kenyan democracy is founded on political parties.
"I am vying on a UDA party ticket. Therefore I urge you not to be deceived by those who are claiming that they are vying on an independent ticket because there is nothing like an indent government. Let them just declare that they are supporting the Azimio La Umoja Coalition," she concluded. |
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1555 Forest Valley Dr
I am a bilingual high school student in the specialized Arts Program (Music Percussion) at Canterbury
High School. By being in more than 4 bands simultaneously at my previous school, De La Salle, I have
learned many useful skills. In addition, with more than one hundred volunteer hours with a non-profit
organization, I have garnered a lot of experience.
Ambitious, adaptable - I'm ready to learn and I always look forward to finding new ways to improve
my skills. I am a quick and flexible learner and do my best to execute my job as well as possible. After
only one day of working as dishwasher I was already becoming efficient at my job, not being afraid to
ask questions and improve.
Cora's Breakfast Restaurant
MARCH 2015 TO JUNE 2015
These were the tasks assigned to me at my old workplace:
-Place clean dishes, utensils, or cooking equipment in storage areas.
-Wash dishes, glassware, flatware, pots, or pans, using dishwashers or by hand.
-Maintain kitchen work areas, equipment, or utensils in clean and orderly condition.
-Stock supplies, such as food or utensils, in serving stations, cupboards, refrigerators,
or salad bars.
-Sweep or scrub floors.
-Sort and remove trash, placing it in designated pickup areas.
2011 TO 2017
I am a grade 12 student in the music program at Canterbury high school.
I have been playing music from a young age. As a young child I was taught piano,
but moved on to percussion in the 3rd grade. Since then I have played in the band
and jazz band at my elementary school, which repeatedly won Double Gold at the
local music competition Kiwanis. I then moved on to De La Salle where I sang in the
Intermediate choir and played in the intermediate band, Harmonie, Orchestra,
Created using Resumonk - Online Resume Builder
Ensemble a Vents, Jazz Ensemble, Ensemble a Gig, Stage Band as well as for a Jam
Band. Whilst at De La Salle we won many awards at Kiwanis, including first place
within the Percussion category of chamber music - granting us an invite to the CBC
awards. Finally, I transferred to Canterbury High School, where I sing in the male
chorus as well as play in the Senior Band.
CCGSD - Canadian Centre for Gender
and Sexual Diversity (Non-Profit
For over a year now I have been volunteering at the non-profit Canadian Centre for
Gender and Sexual Diversity (CCGSD), formerly known as Jers Vision. Volunteering
here has taught me many skills, most predominantly communication with many
different types of people. As a volunteer, I had to inform and direct people around
our various events, as well as sell raffle tickets which I found I was strangely
successful at doing! I met lots of special and unique people by volunteering at
CCGSD, and I'm grateful for learning how to be as helpful as I can to as many
different types of people as possible. Please feel free to contact my supervisor Kai Ip
Wong for a reference ([email protected]). |
You’re sick of sitting on top of wasted space, and you’re ready to take the plunge to improve your living space below grade. When you’ve decided to remodel your basement, you might feel unsure about where to start. As experienced remodelers, we are well equipped to break down the details so that your basement remodeling project begins on the right foot.
At Peacock & Company, we know our way around a basement remodel. We’ve been delivering timeless and trendy results throughout South Bend for decades. We’d love to talk to you more about your next remodeling project in the Michiana area.
Here are a few questions to ask yourself while planning your basement remodel:
Your remodeling experience will depend on the contractor you hire. There are many tempting options in most markets, but not every flash in the pan is gold. Learn how to spot a trustworthy contractor who aligns with your vision from our blog here.
We all know that the unsatisfying answer about construction costs is always, “it depends.” In general, a basement remodel can cost between $30 and $100 a square foot, depending on amenities and features.
It might help you get a better idea of the timeline for your project. We’ve taken a detailed look at each step in the remodeling process in our blog here. Of course, it’s just an estimate. Your contractor will provide a much more accurate timeline based on your details.
If you’re getting ready for a basement remodel, here are some things you can do to prepare your space for your upcoming remodel:
It always helps to know what to expect. Here are the basic steps to a basement remodeling project (We’ve expanded on this topic in a blog post here):
We would be honored to discuss your basement remodel or any other home remodeling projects you are planning in the Michiana area. We know we have the experience and expertise to deliver the results of your dreams. . Schedule a free consultation or give us a call at (574) 289-4992 to start your South Bend remodeling project! |
These resources are designed for anyone following the latest Pearson Edexcel International GCSE (9–1), teachers and learners, who want the best preparation for exam success and progression to A Level, International A Level, International Baccalaureate Diploma and BTEC.
Specifically developed for international learners, with appropriate international content.
For the globally recognised 9–1 grading scale which allows learners to achieve their full potential and make more informed decisions about their options for progression.
Each Student Book provides 3 year access to an ActiveBook, a digital version of the Student Book, which can be accessed online, anytime, anywhere supporting learning beyond the classroom.
Biology, Chemistry and Physics are supported by our brand-new Teaching Hubs platform, designed to save teachers time and help them deliver high-quality lessons.
Online Teacher Resource Packs provides further planning, teaching and assessment support for the Single Science Award and Double Science Award resources.
The embedded transferable skills, needed for progression to higher education and employment, are signposted so students understand, and can engage with, the skills they’re gaining.
Reviewed by a language specialist to ensure the book is written in a clear and accessible style, and including glossaries of specialist Science vocabulary. |
How to hire a reputable contractor for your next home improvement project
Spring has finally arrived! Now that the temperatures are warmed up, you may be feeling inspired to tackle that home project you’ve been waiting on all winter.
If you choose to hire a contractor for a project or remodel, choosing the right person for the job is a big decision. We’ve all heard the horror stories of what can go wrong when a bad contractor is hired, so we’ve come up with a few strategies to make sure you pick the right one the first time.
- Check their credentials and history. Look for contractors who have been in business for more than a year, licensed and registered by the state, insured and generally have a solid reputation in the area. Be sure to interview your contractor over the phone, too, to see if they’re able to provide references or a list of previous clients.
- Keep your options open. Make a goal to get bids from at least three of your top candidates. If one contractor makes an offer that is significantly less (thousands of dollars) than the other two, take this with a grain of salt. This contractor could be using cheaper materials or putting out a low price to start the job with “unexpected” costs that will inevitably come up down the line.
- Expect a detailed contract. No matter how big or small, every project should come with an extensive contract. The items on the contract should include a timetable of the estimated work, description of the work, and materials used for the job.
- Set up a payment schedule. Work with the contractor to see what their options are for a payment schedule. A good contractor should have a bit of flexibility when it comes to how much you’d like to pay and when. They should also have no problem with a schedule that sees a majority of payments in the latter stages of the project. Contractors demanding a large percentage (50% or more) of they payment up front may be worried you won’t pay for the project after you’ve seen their work.
Pearson specializes in bathroom remodeling and can help you achieve whatever goal you have for your new bathroom. Whether you’re making your bathroom handicap accessible, installing specially made units for the elderly or you just want a more luxurious bathroom, it’s no problem for Pearson! Call us today for a list of references or a free estimate. |
Cloud Security Operations Analyst
Meet Our Team:
The Pega Cloud Security Operations Center (CSOC) is a team of information security professionals charged to protect Pega’s commercial cloud assets and offerings. Our mission is to protect Pega Cloud by deterring, detecting, denying, delaying, and defending against internal and external security threats. The CSOC provides detection, monitoring, and incident response services for Pega Cloud.
Picture Yourself at Pega:
Pega is a leader in customer engagement and digital process automation offering a commercial SaaS version of our industry-leading platform to our global clients. As a Cloud Security Operations Analyst, you will play a critical role in ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of Pega's commercial cloud infrastructure and assets. You will be key in the continuous monitoring and protection of all global cloud security operations at Pega as well as an active participant in incident response efforts. As a key member of a team consisting of highly capable and talented problem-solving analysts and engineers, you’ll help develop processes that drive proactive, automated detection and incident response tactics to support the quick resolution of cloud security events and incidents.
You will accomplish this by collaborating with cross-functional teams – including other security analysts, threat detection engineers, vulnerability analysts, security engineers, system administrators, and developers – to proactively identify potential security risks and vulnerabilities within our cloud environment. You will leverage your strong analytical skills to assess and prioritize threats, applying your knowledge of industry best practices and cloud security frameworks.
As a Cloud Security Operations Analyst at Pega, you’ll contribute to the success of our globally recognized brand. Your efforts will directly impact the security and trust our clients place in us, as we help them transform their business processes and drive meaningful digital experiences. So, picture yourself at Pega, where your expertise in cloud security is valued, and your passion for protecting data is celebrated. Join us in shaping the future of secure cloud operations and make a lasting impact on the world of technology.
What You'll Do at Pega:
- Perform security monitoring of Pega Cloud commercial environments using multiple security tools/dashboards
- Perform security investigations to identify indicators of compromise (IOCs) and better protect Pega Cloud and our clients from unauthorized or malicious activity
- Actively contribute to incident response activities as we identify, contain, eradicate, and recover
- Contribute to standard operating procedure (SOP) and policy development for CSOC detection and analysis tools and methodologies
- Assist in enhancing security incident response plans, conducting thorough investigations, and recommending remediation measures to prevent future incidents.
- Perform threat hunts for adversarial activities within Pega Cloud to identify evidence of attacker presence that may have not been identified by existing detection mechanisms
- Assist the threat detection team in developing high confidence Splunk notables focused on use cases for known and emerging threats, based on hypotheses derived from the Pega threat landscape
- Assist in the development of dashboards, reports, and other non-alert based content to maintain and improve situational awareness of Pega Cloud’s security posture
- Assist in the development of playbooks for use by analysts to investigate both high confidence and anomalous activity
Who You Are:
You have an insatiable curiosity with an inborn tenacity for finding creative ways to deter, detect, deny, delay, and defend against bad actors of all shapes and sizes. You have been in the “security trenches” and you know what an efficient security operations center looks like. You have conducted in-depth analyses of various security events/alerts, contributed to incident response efforts, and developed new methods for detecting and mitigating badness wherever you see it. You bring a wealth of cloud security experience to the table and are ready to harness that expertise to dive into cloud-centric, technical analysis and incident response to make Pega Cloud the most secure it can be.
You have a history of success in the information security industry. Your list of accolades include:
- SANS, Offensive Security, or other top-tier industry recognized technical security certifications focused on analysis, detection, and/or incident response
- Industry recognition for identifying security gaps to secure applications or products
What You've Accomplished:
- A demonstrated working knowledge of cloud architecture, infrastructure, and resources, along with the associated services, threats, and mitigations
- 2+ years of operational Splunk usage – primarily for analysis, investigations, and incident response including use of Splunk Enterprise Security (ES); triaging Notable Events, utilizing various knowledge objects, performing in-depth queries using SPL, etc.
- 2+ years of operational AWS usage including knowledge and analysis of CloudTrail, CloudWatch, GuardDuty, VPCFlow, Trusted Advisor, and WAF logs.
- 2+ years of operational experience with EDR/XDR platforms and related analysis and response techniques
- 1+ years of operational GCP usage including knowledge and analysis of Cloud Audit, Security Command Center, VPCFlow, and WAF logs
- Operational experience analyzing security detections, advisories, and raw logs in multi-cloud (AWS/GCP/Azure) environments
- Operational experience performing investigations and incident response within Linux and Windows hosts as well as AWS, GCP, and related Kubernetes environments (EKS/GKE)
- Solid working knowledge of MITRE ATT&CK framework and the associated TTP's and how to map detections against it, particularly the cloud matrix portion
- A solid foundational understanding of computer, OS (Linux/Windows), and network architecture concepts, and various related exploits/attacks
- Experience developing standard operating procedures (SOPs), incident response plans, runbooks/playbooks for repeated actions, and security operations policies
- Experience with Python, Linux shell/bash, and PowerShell scripting is a plus
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills, including poise in high pressure situations
Pega Offers You:
- A robust global benefits program including a competitive pay + bonus incentive and Employee Equity in the company
- An innovative, inclusive, agile, flexible, and fun work environment full of opportunities to learn and grow
- At Pega, we believe in continuous learning and growth. You will have access to cutting-edge technologies and training resources, allowing you to stay at the forefront of cloud security.
- Pega's culture fosters collaboration, innovation, and work-life balance. You’ll participate in team-building activities and engage in open discussions during daily/weekly team meetings
- You will have the flexibility to work remotely when needed, allowing you to maintain a healthy work-life integration
- Gartner Analyst acclaimed technology leadership across our categories of products
Inclusion and Diversity – Inclusive is one of our values at Pega. Pegasystems is committed to inclusion and diversity and strives to foster a fair and inclusive environment for all. We believe Pega can achieve more when we create a culture that inspires each of us to fully contribute each and every day. We encourage diverse thinking and collaboration for better outcomes for all. Learn more about our inclusive culture.
We encourage candidates of all backgrounds and skillsets to consider opportunities at Pega. At Pega, we focus on the skills needed to be successful and we know that our employees can thrive even if they don't possess a traditional background. If you like the sound of this role, but are not sure if you are the right person, please consider applying. We would love to hear from you!
As an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employer, Pegasystems will not discriminate in its employment practices due to an applicant's race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, genetic information, veteran or disability status, or any other category protected by law.
Accommodations – If you require reasonable accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (US only) or comparable regional regulations in completing this application, interviewing, completing any pre-employment testing, or otherwise participating in the employee selection process, please contact us here or contact (US only) 1-888-PEGA-NOW and/or 225 Wyman Street Waltham, MA 02451 ATTN: Benefits.
Labor Condition Applications
GDPR Candidate Privacy Notice
Pegasystems Limited UK Gender Pay Gap Statement
EEO/AA Policy Statement
Know Your Rights: Workplace Discrimination is Illegal
Pay Transparency Policy Statement
Your Employee Rights Under the Family and Medical Leave Act
Employee Polygraph Protection Act Rights |
Saving Early & Letting Time Work For You
As a young investor, you have a powerful ally on your side: time. When you start investing in your twenties or thirties for retirement, you can put it to work for you.
The power of compounding. Many people underestimate it, so it is worth illustrating. Let's take a look using a hypothetical 5% rate of return.
How does it work? A simplified example goes like this: Let's take a look using a hypothetical 5% rate of return on a principal of $100. After a year, you earn 5% interest, or $5. Another year, another 5%, which adds $5.25 this time. In the third year, your 5% interest earned amounts to $5.51, bringing your balance to $115.76. The more money you deposit, the greater that 5% returns. Let’s look at another hypothetical example. If you were to start with a $1,000 principal in an account that earns 5% interest per year, and contribute $1,000 a year to the account, you would end up with a total of $7,078.20 after five years. That’s a total of $1,078.20 earned in compound interest from $6,000 in contributions. That compounding continues, even if you stop making deposits. All you really need to do is let that money stay put.1
The earlier you start, the greater the compounding potential. If you’re investing for retirement in your twenties, you may gain an advantage over someone who waits to invest until his or her thirties.
Even if you start early & then stop, you may be in a better position than those who begin later. What if you contribute $5,000 to a retirement account yearly starting at age 25 and then stop at age 35 – with no new money going into the account for the next 30 years. That is hardly ideal. Yet, should it happen, you still might come out ahead of someone who begins saving for retirement later.
1. This is a hypothetical example used for illustrative purposes only. It is not representative of any specific investment or combination of investments.
The content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information in this material is not intended as tax or legal advice. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. Please consult legal or tax professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation. This material was developed and produced by FMG Suite to provide information on a topic that may be of interest. FMG Suite is not affiliated with the named broker-dealer, state- or SEC-registered investment advisory firm. The opinions expressed and material provided are for general information, and should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security. Copyright FMG Suite. |
The bidding software is located on our server. Thus there is no need to download or install any apps on your computer. All you need, is to schedule a shot and you are free to switch off your PC or laptop.
The Sniper will update you regarding any important events at the right time.
- is equipped with a professional, custom made bidding software
- it runs 24/7 and thus will always be able to bid for you
- is quipped with a high-speed internet connection
- is supervised around the clock by a team of highly skilled experts
That is why you can rest assured that our service is fail-safe and the task of supervising your shots is in the right hands. |
Do you have a skunk problem? If so, you’re not alone. Skunks are notorious for causing problems in residential and commercial areas. They can damage property, spread disease, and cause a lot of noise.
In this blog post, we will provide you with a definitive guide on how to get rid of skunks. We will cover everything from identifying the signs of a skunk infestation to humanely trapping and removing them from your property. So read on and learn how to take care of your skunk problem once and for all!
What Are Skunks?
Skunks are nocturnal, sociable creatures that are generally non-violent and mild mannered. Instead of your garden, they prefer to eat small animals and insects. However, they may visit gardens if corn or other crops are close to the ground.
There are four skunk species in the United States, including the striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis) and the spotted skunk (Spilogale putorius). The common striped skunk is an inhabitant of open woodlands and pastures.
Skunks are beneficial to have around since they dig up and consume the cutworm, Japanese beetle, hornworm, and other crop-destroying insect larvae. That being said, skunks are not only fond of insects; they will devour leaves, buds, grasses, grains, trash, any fruit or berries within reach, and even small prey.
Why and How Do Skunks Spray?
Skunks are famous for their skunk spray—you can smell an angry skunk from over a mile away. Furthermore, a skunk can “shoot” you from 10 to 12 feet, sideways, up, or down, with little apparent effort.
Two pouches are located under a skunk’s tail, each with a pair of ducts that are hidden while the skunk is at ease but spring into action when danger approaches. Their noxious liquid is a golden-yellow liquid comprised of the sulfide mercaptan. Each of the two pouches holds enough to spray six times.
After the supply is used up, it takes a week to replenish it. Skunks have become an object of dread for nearly all other animals, including almost everyone on earth.
When confronted by a predator, skunks will attempt to sidestep by ambling off. This means that if you encounter a skunk, simply turn around and you’ll be fine. If threatened, skunks will spin around, face their assailant, and stamp their front feet. Their first indication comes when they spin around and face their attacker.
When their tails, with the exception of the tips, are hoisted, the second signal is given. The skunk assumes a U-shaped posture, with its snout and rear directed toward the target, and shoots a stream of spray.
Signs That You May Have Skunks On Your Property
Holes in and around your yard or along the boundaries of your home are one of the first indicators that skunks are present. Skunks like to dig for insects, which are one of their favorite meals. If you’re wondering how to get rid of skunks eating grubs, you should start at the source. Use nematodes to destroy the grubs.
It’s difficult to tell whether there are skunks or raccoons in your yard since both species like to dig shallow holes in search of grubs.
Skunk feces might or may not be present in your yard. It’s usually about an inch long and contains insect remains. If you do discover skunk dung, clean it up right away and wash your hands thoroughly. Skunk droppings can contain the rabies virus and other diseases, which can be harmful to humans and pets.
If you’re still not sure whether you have skunks on your property, look for tracks. Skunk tracks look similar to those of a cat or small dog. You can find them in soft dirt or mud near areas where skunks are active.
One of the most obvious signs that you have skunks around is the unmistakable odor of skunk spray. If you catch a whiff of this foul-smelling substance, it’s a good indication that skunks are nearby. It smells so badly because of the mixture of chemicals containing sulfur, called thiols.
When a skunk feels threatened or intimidated, they’ll spray the area as a form of defense. Though they have poor eyesight, it’s not so bad that they’re not able to aim. Predators, pets, or really anything that spooks them may cause them to lift their tail and let out this nauseating spray.
What Attracts Skunks?
Removing attractants in your yard is the most effective way to keep skunks from returning. Here are some of the most common attractants:
- Trash: Secure your trash cans with lids and keep them away from the perimeter of your property.
- Food Sources: If you have a bird feeder, make sure it’s inaccessible to skunks and other animals. Clean up any spilled bird seed, as this will attract skunks. Same goes for pet food if you have any outdoor pets or animals.
- Water Sources: Skunks need water to survive, so eliminating sources of standing water on your property is key. Check for clogged gutters, leaky hoses, and pet bowls left outside overnight.
- Grubs & Insects: Earthworms act as beneficial soil additives for gardeners, so you shouldn’t kill them. However, if you want to avoid attracting skunks to your yard, you might want to get rid of grubs and other insects.
- Garden Plants & Vegetables: Skunks are omnivores that eat a variety of foods, including nuts, veggies, and fruits. If you have a garden and discover it has been disturbed, it’s possible that some of it has been eaten by skunks.
- Shelter: Skunks are constantly on the lookout for a safe place to sleep, especially if a mother is about to give birth to a litter of kits. If you notice any openings near your deck or detect the faint scent of skunk spray, it’s possible that a skunk has set up residence on your property.
- Chickens & Eggs: Chickens may be attracting skunks to your home. And, believe it or not, skunks can wipe out an entire flock of chickens and their eggs.
As you can see, getting rid of skunks can be a challenge. But with these tips, you’ll be able to keep them off your property for good!
How To Get Rid of Skunks In Your Yard
Getting rid of skunks in your yard is a simple process, if you know where to start. The secret is to figure out what’s attracting them to your property and which deterrents and repellents are most effective for you.
- Step 1: Eliminate possible attractants
- Step 2: Use skunk deterrents and repellents
- Step 3: Check to see whether the skunks have left your property
- Step 4: If the skunks continue to remain, apply new repellents and deterrents in order to drive them away
- Step 5: Set catch and release traps
If you are not able to successfully get rid of skunks on your own using the methods above, it might be time to contact a professional.
How To Trap Skunks
The first step is to choose a skunk trap. A live skunk trap should be big enough for them to move about freely, yet small enough that their tail cannot reach high up to spray. If their tail can’t lift all the way, skunks are considerably less likely to spray you!
What Bait To Use For Skunks
It’s crucial to use the proper bait when attempting to capture a skunk. Here are some good choices:
- Canned fish
- Cat food
- Peanut butter
- Insect larvae
Because skunks have such a keen sense of smell, the more odiferous the food, the better!
How To Set Up The Trap
Set the skunk trap in or near to their den, or anyplace where you know the skunks frequent. This should be done in the evening. Then, check the trap early each morning until you’re successful. If you do not catch the skunk in the first night, try switching up the attractant that you use.
Where and How To Release Skunks
Approach the trap with care and patience once you’ve captured the skunk. Bring a towel or blanket to cover the top of the cage to prevent spraying and calm the animal down.
The last thing you want to do is bring a skunk into your home. However, like with most wild animal releases, you don’t want to transport them too far away from your property. If the skunk is unable to return to the region where they are comfortable, they will starve and die.
You must also consider the possibility that the skunk has offspring to care for. If you’re unsure, call your local animal control. They will assist you in determining the greatest course of action.
The key to catching and releasing a skunk is to make sure your yard is secure once you’ve released it several miles away. You don’t want them to fall back into their old habits if they return to your home. Install stronger fences and use repellents or deterrents to keep them out.
How to Keep Skunks Away
- Skunks dislike the scent of this mixture, which is made with castor oil and dish-washing detergent. The odor is repulsive to skunks. When the skunk is away foraging, spread the solution near their den at night.
- A light is perhaps the most effective skunk repellent. Skunks are nocturnal, and their eyes are extremely sensitive to light. Skunks will avoid areas illuminated by a bright light or a motion detector floodlight.
- Skunks, like other animals, despise the odor of citrus fruits. As a natural skunk repellent, scatter orange or lemon peel throughout the garden.
- A skunk will not approach a yard that contains predator urine (dogs, coyotes). These are available in gardening stores. (Note: To ensure that the animals are treated humanely and the brand adheres to state and federal laws, use a reputable source for predator urine.)
- If skunks are located in a smaller garden area, place bars of strong-smelling soap or a room deodorizer near your plants. Ironically, skunks despise strong aromas.
If nothing works, there are humane ways for professionals to trap raccoons and skunks and transport them elsewhere. Often, skunk removal by trapping is the only answer, and there just isn’t a lot you can do if it is a skunk. However, be aware that many species of wildlife do not survive when placed in a new territory, and it may not even be legal to trap and relocate wild animals in your area.
Home Repellents For Skunks
Many individuals are unsure about what home treatment will eliminate skunks. Some of these DIY repellents may be effective. However, if the skunks have adjusted well to their surroundings, it may not be as successful.
Don’t forget that homemade repellents require frequent applications, as the components such as wind and rain rapidly wear down on scent and taste.
Homemade Skunk Repellent Spray
- Bring a two quartz of water to a boil, add one yellow onion, a jalapeno pepper, and some cayenne, then drain.
- Spray your repellent around the areas where you don’t want the skunk to return.
You may even soak old rags in the solution (bleach works as well!) and use a straightened coat hanger to poke them into the skunk’s hole. This method is particularly beneficial if they’re nesting in the crawl space beneath the home or other difficult-to-reach locations.
Used kitty litter (although quite disgusting) can also be used as a perimeter treatment around your yard, garden, or chicken coop. You can also find many skunk repellents at most gardening and big-box stores.
DO NOT use chocolate as a skunk repellent. Chocolate contains a toxic chemical called theobromine that is harmful to skunks and many other species. Moth balls are also frequently suggested, but because they’re highly poisonous, they provide little impact. |
5 Steps to Maintain Optimal Gut Health for Your Fur Babies
Having an adorable puppy or a full-grown canine is not just about the playtimes and snuggles. It is a greater responsibility where you have to take care of them inside-out and that includes their gut as well.
What’s in the gut?
A healthy gut results in a healthy dog. Scientific studies show that a well-functioning digestive system supports a strong immune system not only in your pups but kitties as well. This gives your furry pals an edge when it comes to fighting several illnesses and diseases. It also improves their overall quality of life and helps them live longer.
Now, before we dive into the steps you can take to keep your pet’s digestive health at its best, let’s look at some of the key functions that occur within the gut.
Absorption of nutrients:
Just like us, the main organ that helps our fur buddies absorb carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals is their main intestine. It’s also where the process of digestion and absorption of protein is completed.
The gut microflora – or ‘beneficial’ bacteria – inhabiting the gastrointestinal track of canines plays a key role in a healthy and functioning immune system. Together with immune response cells, they help fight off ‘bad’ molecules or foreign bodies. However, if they start reacting to elements they are designed to normally tolerate such as food, your dog can develop an intolerance. This can lead them to suffer from diarrhea, discomfort, and an irritable stomach. Dietary intake of probiotics can restore the balance and greatly enhance the growth of a helpful microbiome within the stomach to treat and prevent such issues.
A balanced presence of good bacteria — prebiotics, probiotics, and symbiotic has a direct correlation with your pet’s nervous system. It helps reduce the secretion of cortisol and boost the production of neurotransmitters, serotonin — which is mostly produced in the intestine — and Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA). This provides your canine with a relaxed and happy state of being while relieving anxiety and stress.
Here are 5 steps through which you can maintain optimum gut health of your fur babies.
- Maintain a Healthy Diet
A diet rich in fiber and nutrients is ideal for your dog while sugar, processed food, and other items that do not belong to their natural diet are best avoided. Certain treats can be highly loaded with preservatives which can prove to be harmful for your fur baby in the long run.
Some glucose-rich food, such as candy, can cause diabetes and other health disorders. It is always advisable to feed them fresh food. It is easy to cook a meaty meal with some dog-friendly vegetables that your pet will enjoy.
Many pet parents also vouch for a raw meat diet that helps their canine babies to develop an enhanced resistance towards microbes. With your vet’s suggestion, you can also add healthy dietary supplements to their food to make up for the missing minerals
- Treat Infections
Gut infections are more common in animals that have a primary diet of processed food. Yeast and SIBO are also general occurrences. It is important to treat such inflammations as soon as possible and prevent it from future incidences. However, this can be avoided completely through a healthy diet and friendly flora supplements that promote gut health. Regular de-worming at periodic intervals and a check on bugs can also lower the risks of intestinal issues.
- Heal the Stomach
Certain illnesses can cause trauma to the inner lining of the stomach and affect the overall health of the fur baby. Under such circumstances, it is vital to heal the stomach and restore it to its former state. Slippery Elm, De-Glycerides Liquorice, Glutamine, and N-Acetyl Glucosamine can aid in soothing and healing stomach irritations, while HCL, Pepsin, and healthy enzymes will restore the balance in the internal lining of the stomach. Functional treats such as Digestive BitesTM from Pet Natural Remedy can facilitate the production of digestive enzymes and improve the gut health of your pet.
- Befriend the ‘Friendly’ Bacteria
As we discussed above, millions of micro-organisms living in canine guts are responsible for a host of physiological functions. The key to ensuring healthy microfloral balance and prevention of stomach related issues is to promote the growth of such healthy bacteria in your dog’s gut. Adding probiotics to a fur pals’ diet has shown to boost the growth of healthy microbes as compared to those who were not.
- Help Them Stay Active
A healthy dog will love to play and a playful dog will remain healthy. In other words, ample exercise and playtime allows your paw pal to effectively digest their meals and eliminate waste. It also helps them release their pent up energy and relaxes them, which will eventually reduce their stress levels.
Mental stimulation and interaction also release happy hormones and help your canine to feel less stressed. Low stress levels are directly associated with optimum absorption of nourishment from food. It also prevents indigestion and mal-absorption of nutrients in your puppy. Something as simple as a daily morning walk can work wonders for the gut health of your dog and help in efficiently managing unwanted weight gain.
Every responsible pet parent aspires to provide the best for their furry pets. Nonetheless, sometimes, it becomes undeniably difficult to analyze and decide the best care that our loyal buddies require. A quick consultation with a vet alongside regular check-ups and grooming can greatly help to enhance the lifespan of your four-legged friends. A small step towards providing the correct conditioning can make a big difference in its life.
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Energy Assessors in demand as deadline approaches
02 July 2008
Low Carbon Energy Assessors are reporting high volumes of workload for energy certificates, as demand increases ahead of the 1st October deadline and as those affected rush to get their certificates.
Since the legislation came into force earlier this year, CIBSE Certification has accredited over two thirds of all the energy assessors and CIBSE Low Carbon Energy Assessors (LCEAs) form an elite group of the most competent professionals, trained and accredited to produce Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) and Display Energy Certificates (DECs). It is estimated that 40,000 buildings will require a DEC by October and that a further 10,000 EPCs will be required every month from October.
Prospective clients are turning first to the CIBSE Certification website to find energy assessment service providers, mainly because the widest choice of energy assessors can be accessed via CIBSE Certification and there is also a growing recognition of the high degree of competence of LCEAs.
Accredited LCEA Judy Ong, of Ecotag, explained: “The rush to get DECs in time for October is definitely in full swing. There is never an enquiry for just one DEC, there is always at least a dozen and sometimes a few hundred required.
We would encourage anyone who thinks they will require DECs not to delay in finding an assessor, in order to get assessments completed in good time.”
LCEA Richard Hipkiss, of i-Prophets Energy Services, added: “With 1st October nearing, the volumes of certificates LCEAs are working on is increasing by the week. For DECs in particular occupiers are starting to realise that now is the time to start, and companies like ours with consultancy and project management experience are geared up to meet the volumes.”
From 1st July: those buildings with a total useful floor area greater than 2,500 m² now require EPCs on construction, sale or let.
From 1st October: All remaining buildings will require EPCs on construction, sale or let and all public buildings over 1,000m² will require a DEC.
For further information please visit www.cibsecertification.co.uk
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Photobooths broke up for the Bank Holiday on a high after having an exciting day converting a London Black Cab Taxi into a Photo Booth on behalf of a customer.
The Taxi Photo Booth features a Canon Digital SLR Camera, as well as a HD Webcam to allow guests to not only take pictures in the cab, but also record videos too.
Photos print in less than 10 seconds, and print outside the window into the metal photo catcher.
It’s not the first taxi we have converted, our last conversion was the Yellow NYC Taxi featured in the Home Alone film!
We think this Black London Taxi Photo Booth is going to be great! We hope you like it too, take a look at some of the photos we took in the photo gallery below: |
Three blood drives scheduled in Picayune next week
Published 7:00 am Saturday, June 17, 2017
United Blood Services is offering a chance to win a dream vacation as an incentive to increase blood supplies this year.
Each year, blood donations become sparse during the summer. So far this year, the area is experiencing a 20 percent decline in donations, Donor Recruitment Supervisor Katie Martin said.
To help combat the shortage, the United Blood Services is entering all donors—over the age of 21—into a drawing to win a $6,000 vacation of the winner’s choice, a release from the organization states.
Those under 21-years-old will be entered to win a $500 Amazon gift card, the release states.
All June donors will also receive a complimentary T-shirt promoting the event, according to the release.
Martin encouraged participants to schedule an appointment ahead of time at bloodher.com or by calling 877-827-4376 to speed up the process.
Often, when potential donors see a blood drive, they keep driving, holding a “somebody else mentality” that others will stop and donate, Martin said. However, that mentality leads to a reduction in donations, she said.
On top of that, Martin said the top three reasons for not donating are fear, a perceived lack of convenience and no one ever asking them to.
Martin said all of their donations are safe and simple, donors are walked through the process from start to finish and are done in under an hour.
She encouraged all able donors to visit one of the three mobile donation centers next week, and bring a friend. Those who can’t donate are asked to spread the word to those who can.
United Blood Services is a supplier for both hospitals in Pearl River County and the organization relies on community drives to help supply those facilities, Martin said.
Blood drives will be held next week at various locations in Picayune, including:
-Tuesday at Bank Plus on Memorial Boulevard from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
-Wednesday at Highland Community Hospital from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m.
-Saturday at the Picayune National Guard Armory from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Martin also said United Blood Services is always looking for organizations, churches and businesses to host community blood drives during the summer and throughout the school year. Interested parties are asked to call her directly at 601-602-5968. |
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Botswana is one of Africa’s premier wildlife destinations and thus, a popular African holiday choice. A beautiful country of breathtaking landscapes teeming with wildlife, it has managed to convert its natural resources into sustainable wealth for its people.
Botswana's geography is mostly flat land with a major part occupied by the Kalahari Desert, and the rest by Okavango Delta, an unspoilt reserve for wildlife and the world’s largest inland delta. The Okavango River and Chobe River provide water for millions of migrating animals each year.
Popular things to do in Botswana: Travel in a mokoro (canoe) along the Okavango Delta and view the Nile crocodile, hippopotamus and the lechwe jumping across the reeds. Journey across Chobe National Park and Makgadikgadi Pans to sight the Big Five—African Elephant, African buffalo, Lion, Leopard and Black Rhino. Travel to Botswana to witness one of the world’s largest concentrations of wildlife.
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We have no fixed routes or packaged tours. Every itinerary is unique and can be customised based on your request and preference. Explore the world your way!
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Your Indian wildlife tour to the jungles of North India begins in New Delhi. On arrival at New Delhi Airport, you will be met by our representative, who will help you get to your hotel. Spend the day relaxing in the hotel or go out and explore the city of Delhi.
Delhi, the capital city of India, is one of the largest and fastest-growing metropolises in the world. It is a bustling city, ever-growing and moulding itself with the times. The city has a colourful history which is embodied in its monuments, forts and historical places. A visitor can choose to sample the culture of the city in its vibrant markets or taste the Indian cuisine in its numerous eateries. Delhi has something to offer everyone!
We advise you to get adequate rest today, as we have action-packed days ahead!
Today after breakfast, we will travel to Jaipur (approx 4 hours drive). After lunch, you are free to spend the day as you choose.
Jaipur, also known as the ‘pink city’ is India’s first planned city and the capital of the Indian state of Rajasthan. An erstwhile princely state, Jaipur has a rich history and heritage. The forts and monuments in the city like the Jantar Mantar a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Nahargarh Fort, Hwaha Mahal, Amber Fort, Jal Mahal, and several others make the city a favourite destination for tourists worldwide.
After an early breakfast, we will drive for about 3 hours to reach Ranthambore National Park, our first wildlife destination! A game drive into Ranthambore National Park is scheduled for after lunch, and we will explore Ranthambore till dusk.
Ranthambore National Park is one of the largest and most famous national parks in north India. It is named after the historic Ranthambhore fortress that is located inside the park. Ranthambore is situated in the Sawai Madhopur district of southeastern Rajasthan, about 180 km from Jaipur. The park covers an area of 392 sq km (square kilometers).
Bound to the north by the Banas River and to the south by the Chambal river, Ranthambore lies at the edge of a plateau. There are several lakes here and it is home to a variety of plants and animals. However, Ranthambore's pride is the population of Tigers that inhabit the park and it is also the site of one of the largest banyan trees in India.
The next two days will see us starting out early for morning Ranthambore tiger safaris. It is famous for its Tiger population and is considered to be one of the best places in the country to observe these magnificent animals. In addition to the Tiger, the park is home to the Leopard, Striped Hyena, Sambar Deer, Chital, Nilgai, Common or Hanuman Langur, Macaque, Jackal, Sloth Bear, Blackbuck, the Indian Wild Boar, Chinkara, Common Palm Civet or Toddy Cat, Desert Cat, Fivestriped Palm Squirrel, Indian Flying Fox, Indian Fox, Long-eared Hedgehog, Ratel (Honey Badger) and many more. The amphibian species residing in the park consist of the Common India Toad and the Common Frog.
We return to the lodge for breakfast. You can relax till after lunch. We will then set out on an afternoon game drive in Ranthambore. Keep a lookout on the forest floor as the park has an impressive list of reptiles species residing in the park such as the Snub-Nosed Marsh Crocodile, Desert Monitor Lizard, Tortoise, Banded Krait, Cobra, Common Krait, Ganga Soft Shelled Turtle, Indian Python, North Indian Flap Shelled Turtle, Rat Snake, Russell's Viper, Saw-scaled Viper, and Indian Chamaeleon. We return at dusk after an eventful day at the park.
If time permits, we may even visit Ranthambore Fort.
Our day starts with an early breakfast, after which we drive for about 5 hours to reach the famous Keoladeo National Park. Formerly known as the Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary, it is situated in Rajasthan, India. It is a World Heritage Site and covers an area of 28.73 sq km (square kilometres).
The sanctuary was created 250 years ago and is named after a Keoladeo (Shiva) temple that lies within its boundaries. Keoladeo was declared a protected sanctuary in 1971. It later became a bird sanctuary and is today a national park.
Keoladeo is home to thousands of rare and highly endangered birds. Migratory birds such as the Siberian crane come here during the winters. It is also a major tourist center, and scores of ornithologists visit the park in the hibernal season.
You can spend the rest of the day relaxing or exploring your surroundings.
Today, we will leave early in the morning for birdwatching in Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary. This park, as you may soon discover, is a birdwatcher's paradise and is famous for its resident as well as migratory birds. These include Geese, Ducks, Eagles, Hawks, Shanks, Flycatchers, Buntings, Larks, Pipits, Cranes, Pelicans, Stints, Wagtails, Warblers and Wheatears. Apart from its population of birds, Keoladeo also houses the Sambar, Chital, Nilgai and Wild Boar.
Bharatpur, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, can be explored using a quaint rickshaw, on foot and by boat. We return to the lodge for breakfast. You are free until after lunch, when we will set out once again to explore the park.
After breakfast, we travel to Agra via Fatehpur Sikri. We will be stopping here for a guided tour of this famous World Heritage Site. Fatehpur Sikri was once the capital of Mughal emperor Akbar’s massive empire. You can spend the afternoon in Agra going on a guided tour of the magnificent Taj Mahal. Agra is synonymous with the Taj Mahal, a beautiful mausoleum built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan. It was built as a symbol of love for his wife, Mumtaz Mahal and is counted among the Seven Wonders of the World. It is also a UNESCO World Heritage site and took a mind-boggling 21 years and thousands of artisans to complete.
Get mesmerized by the splendor of this exquisite monument. If you have time, visit the Agra Fort and Sikandra, Akbar’s tomb. Visit the quaint markets of Agra and taste the famous sweet, Agra Petha.
In the morning we will visit the Agra Fort. The rest of the day can be spent relaxing till it is time to board the evening train to Umaria (Kalinga Utkal Express Train).
We reach Umaria railway station early in the morning, from where we will drive for about one hour to reach Bandhavgarh National Park. You can spend the rest of the morning relaxing. After lunch, we will go on a Bandhavgarh safari and your day ends at dusk by the bonfire.
Bandhavgarh National Park is one of the most popular national parks in India. It is located in the Umaria district of Madhya Pradesh, India. It was declared as a national park in 1968 and covers an area of 105 sq km (square kilometers).
The park has an interesting myth surrounding it; in fact, it derives its name from the most prominent hillock in the area, which was said to have been given by Lord Rama to his brother Lakshmana, to help him keep a watch on Lanka (Sri Lanka). Hence the name Bandhavgarh, which in Sanskrit means 'Brother's Fort'. The density of the Tiger population at Bandhavgarh is one of the highest in India. The park has a large breeding population of Leopards and various species of Deer.
Your tryst with Bandhavgarh continues over the next two days. We begin these two exciting days with early morning safaris in Bandhavgarh National Park and return to the lodge for breakfast. During the safari, you will get a chance to see the park’s varied wildlife including Spotted Deer, Sambar Deer, Langurs, Red-Faced Monkeys, Jungle Cats, Bengal Foxes, Mongooses, Striped Hyenas, Bandicoot Rats, Asiatic Jackals, Wild Boars, Nilgai, Chausingha, Chinkara, Indian Bison and Asian Elephants.
You can relax until after lunch when we will head into the wilderness once more till dusk on evening game drives in Bandhavgarh. The park is also popular for birdwatching and some of the common birds in the park are Little Grabe, Egret, Lesser Teal, White-eyed Buzzard, Black Kite, Crested Serpent Eagle, Black Vulture, Egyptian Vulture, Common Peafowl, Red Jungle Fowl, Dove, Parakeet, Kingfisher, Indian Roller, and the Indian Peacock.
Today, after an early breakfast we head for Kanha National Park (approx 6 hours drive). We will be spending the next 3 nights here. Lunch will be served after checking in at the lodge. This will be followed by an afternoon game drive in Kanha, from which we return at dusk. We advise you to get enough rest today as the next two days begin early and are packed!
Kanha National Park is a beautiful reserve that is rich in wildlife. It encompasses lush meadows, thick forests and water bodies. As you enter, the subtle fragrance of the Sal forest and the incessant sound of cicada will captivate you. Kanha is home to the rare hard-ground Barasingha or Swamp Deer. You might also see Spotted Deer, Sambar Deer, Langurs, Leopards and Dholes (Wild Dogs).
Our exploration of Kanha National Park will continue over the next two days. We begin both these exciting days with early morning Kanha safaris and picnic breakfast. Dawn is an ideal time to sight animals and for birdwatching. Some of the bird species found here include Storks, Teals, Pintails, Pond Herons, Egrets, Peacocks, Peafowl, Jungle Fowl, Spur Fowl, Partridges, Quails, Ring Doves, Spotted Parakeets, Green Pigeons, Cuckoos, Rollers, Bee-eaters, Hoopoes, Drongos, Warblers, Kingfishers, Woodpeckers, Finches, Orioles, Owls, and Flycatchers.
A long drive into the forest will allow you to observe the wildlife at close quarters. We return to the lodge for lunch and relax till it’s time to head into the wilderness once more until dusk on evening game drives. Photographers have a great opportunity to capture the beautiful landscapes and wildlife in the park.
We will set out on the final game drive of the tiger safari holiday and return to the lodge for breakfast. We will then drive to Nagpur airport to catch a flight to Delhi (approx 6 hours drive). Our representative will meet you at Delhi airport and help you get to your hotel. The rest of the day can be spent relaxing.
If there is time, you can spend the final day exploring Delhi before heading for the airport to catch your flight back home to end your India wildlife holiday.
Fitness is vital for this level of activity, as the environment traversed may be remote and challenging. These rugged experiences include long walks, trekking, cycling or rafting in isolated areas through variable weather conditions for up to eight to ten hours a day. These trips are usually 13 to 19 days in duration. Maximum altitude reached will be 4000m and you need to be very fit in order to withstand the weather conditions. Good physical condition is essential and previous hill-walking experience or preparation is advisable.
We offer: 100% Tailor Made Tours | Adventure Travel | Guided Safaris | Value for Money Trips | Expert Travel Advice | Responsible Travel | Exclusive Travel Offers | Loyalty Rewards Programme |
Whats the Time Mr Wolf? - Orchard Toys
A fun board game to develop analogue and digital time telling skills.
For conscientious parents looking for a game that is both educational and fun, What's The Time Mr Wolf?
is a great board game to develop analogue and digital time telling skills. Players must race their character around the board matching the times to the central clock - but watch out for the hungry wolf!
There are two ways to play this educational game - one by matching analogue times and moving the clock hands, and the second by matching digital times to analogue. What's the Time Mr Wolf features cute woodland animals which children will love, including bunnies and hedgehogs.
Contents: 1 x jigged forest playing board, 20 x double sided square cards, 4 x jigged double sided collection boards, 1 x large clock face, 1 x set of movable clock hands, 1 x slot-together 3D wolf, 1 x dice, 4 x animal character playing pieces, 4 x character stands, 1 x instruction leaflet
Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts. Choking hazard. |
Christmas came just a little bit late for sports bettors in West Virginia.
On Thursday, Delaware North, a worldwide hospitality leader who also operates casinos, announced that it was opening up two new retail sportsbook locations along with the Mountain State’s first online sportsbook.
Delaware North teamed up with Miomni Gaming, a sports wagering technology provider, to launch Betlucky.com. The online book and mobile app is available for statewide sports gambling immediately. The app can be downloaded through the website, the Apple App Store for iPhones and iPads or via the website directly for Android.
The retail locations are at the Wheeling Island Hotel-Casino-Racetrack in Wheeling and the Mardi Gras Casino & Resort near Charleston. Both sportsbooks opened Thursday afternoon after the completion of field testing.
Making history in WV sports betting
Miomni Gaming and Delaware North first partnered back in October with the goal of providing both retail and mobile sports betting resources. By creating Betlucky.com, the two will have a jump on the competition when it comes to online sports wagering in West Virginia.
“We think West Virginians and visitors to the Mountain State are going to love how easy it is to register and use the app,” said Luisa Woods, vice president of marketing for Delaware North’s gaming division.
The app is free to download. You must be 21 years old and located in West Virginia to be eligible to bet.
Woods continued, “The platform was designed to be flexible, easy to use and reliable, with innovative features designed specifically to engage and entertain U.S. sports fans. Patrons at the casinos can use the app or the betting tellers in the sportsbooks.”
One useful feature is the ability to log in with facial recognition or your thumbprint. This allows users to access the app more quickly and without the constant hassle of inputting a password.
More on the WV sportsbooks
The two new retail sportsbooks at Wheeling Island and Mardi Gras have been created to resemble a sports-bar environment with accessible food and drink choices.
Kim Florence, the regional president and general manager for both locations, said:
“Our patrons are going to enjoy these spaces in the casinos and everything else we have to offer in terms of hospitality and entertainment. We are eager to welcome people from throughout the state and the regions surrounding West Virginia to try a new experience at our casinos.”
With two more retail locations and the first online book now developed, things appear to be gaining momentum in WV. DraftKings is set to launch its mobile app likely in 2019. |
Displaying all 8 nonprofits
Founded in 2004 by a group of young professionals who believed people can make a difference, HandsOn Shanghai is an officially registered non-profit organization with the Shanghai Civil Affair Bureau since 2010. Governed by a board of 11 members, the HandsOn Shanghai volunteer platform helps to bridge the divide that exists between individuals who are looking to give back to their community and the organizations that would benefit from the support that volunteers can provide. With a primary objective of providing flexible volunteer opportunities for busy professionals and serving local charities in needs, HOS manages a big group of volunteers and a diverse range of community service projects in Shanghai Currently we engage more than 2500 volunteers each month through more than 150 local service projects. Projects that benefit the young and old through long term, committed, partnerships with more than 75 project partners. With our mission is to promote volunteerism, inspire, equip and mobilize people to take action that changes the world, we envision a world in which individuals, students, and corporate leaders are able to discover (and harness) their power to make a difference, participate as volunteers, and participants in the development of healthy, vibrant, and resilient communities.
1) Provide timely humanitarian relief in emergencies to help people whose lives have been threatened by conflicts and natural disasters. 2) Assist communities whose social foundations have been destroyed by providing rehabilitation and development cooperation for self-sustainability. 3) Pursue conflict prevention and resolution through our field activities. 4) Raise public awareness by disseminating information on assistance needs. 5) Put forward proposals for improving the effectiveness of relief-providing mechanisms in society.
The International Youth Foundation® (IYF®) stands by, for, and with young people. Founded in 1990 through a generous grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, IYF is a global nonprofit with programs directly benefiting 7.7 million young people and operations spanning 100 countries so far. Together with local community-based organizations and a network of corporate, foundation, and multilateral partners, we connect young people with opportunities to transform their lives. We believe that educated, employed, engaged young people possess the power to solve the world’s toughest problems, and we focus our youth development efforts on three linked objectives: unlocking agency, driving economic opportunity, and making systems more inclusive. Our vision is to see young people inspired and equipped to realize the future they want. The International Youth Foundation: Transforming Lives, Together. |
How do you get your readers to RACE to open your emails the moment they arrive in their inbox? Here’s one way to do it. It’s kind of sneaky but if you condition your readers properly, it can work really, really well.
First, you already know that paying customers are worth far, far more than freebie seekers. So why not make an offer to your freebie seekers that even they cannot refuse?
And in the process, why not get them to open (and read) your emails?
Here’s how it works: Every few days or every few emails, you have one of your links go to a wonderful $1 or $5 deal, but only for the first x number of people.
This might be a product that normally sells for a great deal more, a resale product, something you no longer sell, etc. So long as it still has real value, you can use it.
Your link can be obvious or disguised. For example, you might send an email promoting xyz product, but your link goes to your special offer until it’s sold out, and then it directs back to the xyz offer. And on your special offer page, be sure to have a prominent link to the offer mentioned in the email.
The following day, you can congratulate those who got the special deal, and remind the other readers that they, too, can grab these deals if they pay attention and if they’re fast.
You’ll want to condition your readers ahead of time to always be looking for these deals by opening your emails and clicking your links.
You can even get tricky. You can have the link go where you say it will, but then embed an Easter egg on the page that leads to the special offer. If they read your email, they’ll know where to find it.
There is a trade-off here. While you are conditioning your readers to open your emails and click your links, you’re also training them to look for special deals. So while your opens and clicks should rise dramatically, the money you make per open and per click could drop off slightly. You’ll want to test this.
Odds are you’ll still make more money because so many more people are opening and reading your emails and clicking your links. This means more sales of the products you promote, not just the special deals. |
Your success depends on your insights and how you apply them to your business. Get your floral business ready to thrive in 2024 by understanding the business realities you’ll be facing:
- A dive into the U.S. market
- Industry benchmarks
- Inflation and the consumer
- Headwinds and opportunities in 2024
- Color trends shaping the year
If you missed our live webinar, you can still catch it below and use these insights to fine-tune your own plans for the year ahead. Check out the full 2024 Floral Industry Overview for a complete look at issues and opportunities facing the floral industry. |
Registration for 2021 National Police Week is now open!
Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.) Each year, between 140 and 160 officers die in the line of duty and their families and co-workers are left to cope with the tragic loss. C.O.P.S. provides resources to help them rebuild their shattered lives. There is no membership fee to join C.O.P.S., for the price paid is already too high. C.O.P.S. was organized in 1984 with 110 individual members. Today C.O.P.S. membership is over 52,000 survivors. Survivors include spouses, children, parents, siblings, significant others, and affected co-workers of officers who have died in the line of duty according to Federal government criteria. C.O.P.S. is governed by a National Board of law enforcement survivors. All programs and services are administered by the National Office in Camdenton, Missouri. C.O.P.S. has over 50 Chapters nationwide that work with survivors at the grass-roots level. Learn more at concernsofpolicesurvivors.org! |
Number of Road Accident Cases in India
As per the report released by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, nearly half of road accident deaths in India involve two-wheelers. The below table highlights road accident rates in India over the last few years:
|Number of Road Accidents Involving Two-wheelers
These figures represent a substantial portion, accounting for more road accidents in 2021 than 2020 and 2019. Sadly, one of every three-motorcycle accidents results in a severe accident.
To address this issue, the government introduced safety measures. Since April 1, 2018, motorcycles above 125 CC must have anti-lock braking systems (ABS). Additionally, new bikes must have permanent headlights in their vehicle, further enhancing visibility during nighttime and adverse weather conditions.You may also read: What is ABS and Why You Should Have It in Your Bike?
Importance of Bike Insurance Policy In Case of Road Accidents
Bike insurance policy is a crucial document in protecting your precious possessions against several unforeseen consequences, including road accidents.
In India, there are two main types of two-wheeler insurance policies are available:
- Third-Party Bike Insurance: As per the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, third-party policy is legally required in India and covers liabilities for damage to third-party vehicles, property, or injuries in case of road accident.
- Comprehensive Bike Insurance: A comprehensive bike insurance policy covers third-party liabilities and damage to your own bike. The policy offers coverage against loss due to theft, accidents, natural or man-made disasters, etc.
Documents Required to Raise Bike Insurance Claims Online
In the event of a bike accident in India, certain documents are essential for filing an insurance claim, such as:
- Valid bike insurance policy
- Copy of Registration Book, Tax Receipt (you need to furnish the original copy for verification)
- Police FIR copy
- Driving license of the rider.
- Original repair invoice (in case of repairs in network garage) payment receipt
- Estimation of total repair bill done by the garage
- Discharge Cum Satisfaction Voucher obtained from the garage and signed by the policyholder with a Revenue Stamp
You may also read: How to File Bike Insurance Claims in India?
How to Buy Bike Insurance Online?
Buying bike insurance online from Policybazaar Insurance Brokers Private Limited is quite convenient. Here is a step-by-step process to easily buy two-wheeler insurance online:
Step 1: Click on Two-wheeler insurance button under the Insurance Products drop-down on the home page.
Step 2: Enter your bike number/registration number and click on View Plans.
Step 3: Compare multiple bike insurance quotes offered by top insurers in India and choose the right one as per your requirements.
Step 4: Choose add-on covers, such as zero depreciation cover, NCB protection cover, 24x7 roadside assistance cover, etc.
Step 5: Pay the displayed bike insurance premium amount using banking cards, UPI or Internet banking.
Step 6: Receive your bike insurance policy documents at your registered email ID.
Things to Keep in Mind
Here are some crucial reminders for motorcycle riders in India to keep them safe at all times:
- Prioritize Safety: Riding a motorcycle makes you more susceptible to injuries. Always ride safely and adhere to all the traffic rules.
- Helmet is Must: Helmets are mandatory because they protect your head. Therefore, wear one consistently, not just to avoid fines but for your own protection.
- Invest in Riding Gear: If your budget allows, consider buying protective gear such as riding gloves, boots, jackets, pants, etc.
You may also read-Top 10 Helmet Brands in India & Need for a Good Helmet
In case you encounter a bike accident in India and have a policy through Policybazaar.com, these tips can help ensure a successful claim:
- Promptly notify your insurer about the incident for speedy claim settlement.
- File a First Information Report (FIR) is a mandatory step that you shouldn't skip.
- Keep documents ready. This will facilitate faster claim processing.
Motorcycle accidents are regrettably common in India. As a bike owner, it is your sole responsibility to ride safely and follow all the traffic rules. In addition, it is crucial to have comprehensive insurance coverage, as it provides you wider coverage with peace of mind.
Two Wheeler insurance articles
11 Apr 2024In a world full of different vehicles, every bike has its unique
04 Apr 2024In India, having a valid Pollution Under Control (PUC)
02 Apr 2024Have you ever been stopped by a traffic police? Experiencing a
12 Mar 2024In India, wearing a helmet is mandatory while riding any
06 Mar 2024In modern technology, where motorbikes with intricate designs
^The renewal of insurance policy is subject to our operations not being impacted by a system failure or force majeure event or for reasons beyond our control. Actual time for a transaction may vary subject to additional data requirements and operational processes.
^The buying of Insurance policy is subject to our operations not being impacted by a system failure or force majeure event or for reasons beyond our control. Actual time for transaction may vary subject to additional data requirements and operational processes.
#Savings are based on the comparison between highest and the lowest premium for own damage cover (excluding add-on covers) provided by different insurance companies for the same vehicle with the same IDV and same NCB.
*TP price for less than 75 CC two-wheelers. All savings are provided by insurers as per IRDAI-approved insurance plan. Standard T&C apply.
*Rs 538/- per annum is the price for third party motor insurance for two wheelers of not more than 75cc (non-commercial and non-electric)
#Savings are based on the comparison between the highest and the lowest premium for own damage cover (excluding add-on covers) provided by different insurance companies for the same vehicle with the same IDV and same NCB.
*₹ 1.5 is the Comprehensive premium for a 2015 TVS XL Super 70cc, MH02(Mumbai) RTO with an IDV of ₹5,895 and NCB at 50%.
*Rs 457/- per annum (1.3/day) is the price for the third-party motor insurance for private electric two-wheelers of not more than 3KW (non-commercial). Premium is payable on an annual basis |
Measure and cut the polycarbonate sheet to length allowing an extension of approximately 50mm to overhang the gutter.
Cut the aluminium base section and uPVC top section to the same length as the polycarbonate sheet.
Drill holes to suit a 5mm wood screw in the centre of the aluminium base between the toothed legs. The holes should be 100mm from each end and at no greater than 500mm intervals.
Screw aluminium bases to rafters using wood screws.
Lay polycarbonate sheets on rafters starting at one end.
When all sheets are in position, remove the protective film and fit the uPVC top section by pushing the legs into the slots provided in the aluminium base. Push firmly home to ensure adequate seal.
Fit endcaps to uPVC top capping.
Fit end closure to polycarbonate sheet. |
Please join us for our January Program when Susan Gillis, Historian and Curator for the Boca Raton Historical Society, will present "Writing Local History". Susan was just hired by the City of Oakland Park to write the city's history. You can read the story in The New Pelican here: New Pelican Article - Susan Gillis
This will be a virtual program. You may join by the link provided below or watch it live stream on our Facebook page.
We will be using Webex for this program... similar to Zoom. Generally you can connect to the conference video by clicking on 'Join Meeting' below. You can download and use the Webex Meet app on your phone or computer if you'd like but it's usually not required.
We'll open the video call 15-20 minutes or so before the meeting start time just to be sure everyone has a chance to get connected okay.
When it is time to join the meeting on the 27th, click here: JOIN MEETING
Meeting access code: 132 104 2564
Meeting Password: 1908
Hope to "see" you then! |
Over millennia, humankind’s time-tracking has grown increasingly precise. Sundials divided days into hours. Clocks broke hours into quarters and minutes, and finally minutes into seconds. As timepieces evolved, so did scientists’ need for ever-more-exact tickers. They developed devices that relied not on Earth’s wobbly rotation, but on microscopic atomic movements. At the heart of it all is an ever-advancing appreciation for our smallest temporal unit, the second. Modern systems like GPS and cellphones rely on keeping this interval consistent, which makes defining and refining it, well, of the essence.
A hash-marked bone found in the Semliki Valley in the Democratic Republic of the Congo might be the earliest human attempt to count the days. Ten thousand years later, in what’s now Scotland, humans dug moon-shaped pits to track the lunar cycle.
Humans cut days into smaller units by tracking the sun with shadow-casting obelisks and rods. Nearly 2,000 years later, Egyptians refined that method into the earliest known sundial. Babylonian, Greek, Chinese, and Meso- American versions followed.
By slowly flowing water from one vessel into another and measuring the liquid level against marked intervals, Egyptians could see how much time had passed—without using sunlight. Similar methods relied on sand, burnt incense, or scored candles.
By the 13th century, the equinox was 11 days out of sync with the Julian calendar. To rectify the error, English philosopher Roger Bacon used the slivers on Ptolemy’s subdivided globe as units of time. Now one second meant 1/86,400 of a solar day.
The first known mechanical clock was invented by Chinese monk Yi Xing and scholar Liang Lingzan. As flowing water spun a wheel, an interlocking system of rods and levers marked the time with a drumbeat every quarter and a bell every full hour.
To help astronomers track stars, Egyptian mathematician Ptolemy mapped the sky onto a globe. He divided each degree of longitude (360 in total) into 60 segments called minutes, and each of those into a further 60 smaller slivers: seconds.
A 15th-century French duke may have owned the first clock to drive its gears with a spring instead of water or weights. The design allowed for compact timepieces like pocket watches, and boosted accuracy. Later versions only dropped four minutes a day.
As springs unwound, they became inaccurate, causing problems for precision-craving astronomers like Galileo. So 17th-century Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens built a pendulum clock. Its 3-foot-long swinging weight lost only one minute per day.
Gravity can slow pendulums, but researchers at Bell Laboratories found that electrified quartz crystal vibrates more consistently. Early models erred by one-third of a second each year, allowing for precision measurements like tracking gravity at sea.
Visible light, which lets us detect faster vibrations than microwaves do, led to optical clocks that err just a second every 140 million years. Too fragile to run longer than a few days, these tickers could eventually cause a redefinition of the second. Again.
Atomic clocks made a more-precise second possible, though it took nearly two decades for researchers to agree on a standard. Finally, they matched a second to the precise frequency of energy a cesium atom releases when its electrons jump.
The Persistence of Memory, by Salvador Dali
Atoms resonate even more reliably than quartz. Using microwaves to track these oscillations, the National Bureau of Standards made a timer accurate to one second in eight months. Today’s most advanced cesium clock loses a second per 300 million years.
This article was originally published in the September/October 2017 Mysteries of Time and Space issue of Popular Science. |
POSH Designer Series: Hunter Orcutt Events
You know a Hunter Orcutt Events bride when you come across them. No, they don’t pick out the exact same rentals or have the exact same style. You recognize them because they end up best friends with their planner, waxing poetically about her attention to detail and emotional depth before and after their big day. That planner is Hunter. Scroll through her IG feed, and you’ll find a mix of personal and professional musings that will have you wanting to be BFFs with her, too, or at the very least book her for your bridal dreams. |
Email me when this is available
Black off shoulder fringe midi dress with front slit givingreal Miami nights vibes!Good Stretch
Thick and quality material.
*By completing this form you're signing up to receive our emails and can unsubscribe at any time. |
Update 8/26/13: Due to some technical issues with emails not getting through, Potomac will now be the featured maker in October, not September as originally planned. -b
Standard Cocoa is a very cool chocolate subscription service. Each month, they feature a different craft chocolate maker, sharing their story and inspiration and then sending 3 chocolate bars from that maker. In the past they’ve featured some of my favorite makers including Patric, Dandelion and Dick Taylor.
Now it’s my turn! 🙂 Potomac Chocolate is
September’s October’s featured maker. If you subscribe by September 5th early October, you’ll get 3 of my bars shipped to you.
You can sign up for one, three or six month subscriptions. There’s a lot of great chocolate being made these days, and three and six month subscriptions are a great way to try more of what’s out there. Also, the longer subscriptions are discounted and are really great deals (although, even the one month ‘subscription’ is a great deal as it comes with free shipping).
To learn more, or to subscribe, visit their website. |
It’s tea time for two of the three remaining residents of New Eden. He’s 99, she’s about to turn 100. Heading their way, hoping to break up this tea, is the third human still standing in this strange, isolated town, himself a spry 89 years old and carrying with him the deep secret he’s been holding all his adult life. Robert Hill’s marvelously bizarre tale is full of rollicking weirdness, quirky characters with names like Brisket Whiskerhooven and Remedial Bliss — and some of the best, most brilliant wordsmithing I’ve ever read. But though I could joyfully swallow this book whole for the writing alone, Hill’s voice-magic and humor never gets in the way of — and in fact somehow enhance — the deep-down humanness and sadness and beauty of the story. The Remnants is truly a book unlike any I’ve read before. Recommended By Gigi L., Powells.com
Wow, what a book! Robert Hill's The Remnants takes an intense look at the small and dying town of New Eden, Somewhere, USA. Its residents are aging — and so very, very interrelated — and New Eden is assuredly creeping towards its last days.
Hill's characters are so precisely written, they feel as real as you and me, despite the generations of inbreeding, which have left them somewhere off the "normal" scale. Yet, these folks love and hope and yearn like the rest of us, and their stories are magical.
Hill has the silver tongue of a master wordsmith. His gorgeous prose rambles from hilarious to sly to clever, and then doubles back so it can dive right off into beautiful, heartsick, and poignant. A standout story with unbelievably effective prose, The Remnants is my favorite 2016 title. Recommended By Dianah H., Powells.com
Synopses & Reviews
As the wind picks up and the sky grays over, Kennesaw trudges the remaining miles into town, catching his breath by the hole in the stone wall at Nedewen Field where dust returns to dust. He passes the broken stone markers that show their old age like chipped teeth in a mouth full of mourning, and lays to rest the memories of those who have gone before him. He continues on down the gravel road and crosses the tangled patch that had once been the village green, and past the strip of acre beside the barn behind True's house where the prized row of Granny-Macs once stood. Its taken him all of the morning and most of the afternoon and much of the last ninety-nine years to reach here. The weather is due to turn calamitous. Kennesaw runs a moist hand across his moist scalp as he continues on his way to True's. He approaches her plain front gate where he rests a moment before starting up again and making his way up her walkway and onto her front stone slab, which is only a pebble less settled than his.
One arm pumping and then the other. One leg shuffling and then the other. One ache and then another and then another and then another. And this is how the aged walk into heaven.
He's ninety-nine. Its been a long journey. Tea sounds good to him.
Robert Hill's second novel, The Remnants, is an ebullient ode to the last days of the last three residents of the town of New Eden. It follows his highly acclaimed debut, When All Is Said and Done (Graywolf Press, 2006), which was shortlisted for the Ken Kesey Award for Fiction and touted as "a bravura and resounding performance" by Donna Seaman of Booklist.
“It is for aficionados, for readers who let sentences dissolve blissfully on their tongues, for those who can’t help but swoon over the playful and well-executed marriage of high diction to character names like Intermediate Hurlbutt and Righteous Whiskerhooven. It’s a masterpiece meant not for plot-lovers, but for literati on the search for an uncommon satisfaction.” Brandi Dawn Henderson, PosLit
“Such extravagant, rambunctious delicious language! And a sad and wonderful story of the end of the town of New Eden and its inbred and lyrical inhabitants. I have never read a book like this before. It defies genre.” Cindy Heidemann, field sales, Legato Publishers Group
“Wholly unexpected and unique, Hill fills his bewitching telling of the last days of a small town and its few remaining genetically compromised residents with wordplay that belies the power of connection, memory, and community.” Elisa Saphier, lead bookseller and owner, Another Read Through
“What a lyric and wild romp of language, life, love. Reading The Remnants reminded me why I love to read, why I love to write.” Gina Ochsner, author of The Russian Dreambook of Color and Flight and The Hidden Letters of Velta B.
“Bold, brilliant, and touching, The Remnants is a eulogy for a world in which humanity is treasured—a celebration of life in all its imperfect glory.” Rene Denfeld, author of The Enchanted
About the Author
Robert Hill is a New Englander by birth, a West Coaster by choice, and an Oregonian by osmosis. As a writer, he has worked in advertising, entertainment, educational software, and not-for-profit fundraising. He is a recipient of a Literary Arts Walt Morey Fellowship, a Breadloaf Writers Conference Fellowship, and his first novel, When All Is Said and Done (Graywolf, 2006), was shortlisted for the Ken Kesey Award for Fiction.
Robert Hill on PowellsBooks.Blog
I used to own a house that had about an acre of sloping land, and when I bought it, nearly half that acre was entombed in blackberries. The day I closed and got the keys, I walked down to the entombed half and started to bushwhack through it just to see what was there. To my surprise, there was a small shed built long ago... |
After uploading a few pictures last week, I spotted the ‘Add Name Tags’ link on my Picasa page. I knew this had to do with mapping faces to people, but what I had wrongly assumed was the simplicity. It took me less than a couple of hours to map about 2500 faces. I thought of sharing the accuracy of the tool & conditions that baffled it.
Unlike Orkut, where you have to mark faces yourself, Picasa automatically extracts faces. It took less than 5 minutes to extract some 5500 faces from about 3800 pictures. Another differentiator in the approach is that instead of mapping many faces on a photo (like Facebook, Flickr, etc), faces from many photos are brought together to be mapped to a person. This is what really saves time & effort and retains interest. Statistically speaking, atleast 60% of all my photos (about 1800 Nos) feature one from my family of four. So in the ideal case, I will finish mapping 1800 photos in 4 clicks instead of 3600 clicks (assuming 2 faces per photo). That makes Google what it is: not just an applications company, but a technology company.
I don’t know if people tagged by me will be suggested a priori to others in their photos.
The tool started off with my photos, possible because the count was the highest. I showed me about 12 full sets (x16) of my pictures. A couple of photos in the first set were quite old – about 12 years back. Soon, it started suggesting my name for all my photos.
The next set had pictures about 17 years old, from my thread ceremony; my head was bald then (like now).
This was the best: it could make me out in a black & white bald photo, and when I had a mustache, and a beard & a french beard. Awesome!
One of dad’s photo was also from the yester-years!
Kashish’s looks have hardly changed, but Picasa didn’t miss!
This is Chibu after Holi – wonder how Picasa got this?
This is my friend Vidyaranya ‘Vishal’ Rampurkar with part of his face covered. Picasa picked up his name based on previous training.
This was a bit crazy: it had grouped all my pictures but suggested my uncle instead of me. This should have been quite obvious given the tool’s performance so far.
This time it picked up all Chibu’s photos but included one of Isha’s. I really don’t think they look alike in any way. The suggestion was, however, correct.
This was quite expected, but we had managed to confuse the tool. Everyone says that me & Chibu looked very similar just before we started teenage. Picasa is not to blame here! 🙂
Now, the other way round! Chibu’s pictures were suggested as mine and the group did include one of my photos.
This time it got confused with my father and his brother, Rajesh Gupte.
Praveen surely mimics Manjunath sir well! I wonder if its that intelligent 😉
There was a single sardarji in all of my photos, and Google failed to recognize. I had already mapped Jasmeet ‘Jassi’ Singh a couple of times before.
At this moment, I got bored using the tool. The grouping & suggestion both went hay-wire. Some problem with Nikhil’s face though; it does not recognize him even today 🙁
Can this be used to verify if kids belong to a certain parents? 😉 |
Optimize your panel for more flexibility and less power consumption
Use less space – and less power too. Did you know that the temperature transmitters and converters in the PR 3000 series are only 6 mm wide and can be mounted in nearly any panel, horizontally or vertically – with no air gap? For example, 50 devices will only take up 30 centimeters of space.
The devices in the PR 3000 series of temperature transmitters and converters are only 6 mm wide. Using these transmitters and converters can save you a considerable amount of space in your control panel. An air gap between the devices is not required.
The 3000 series has a very efficient design, which creates very little waste heat. Because of this, the units do not require air movement across the circuit board to stay cool. Even at 70˚C, the devices can be mounted right next to each other without overheating - with less need for panel air-conditioning.
Low power consumption
The devices are designed for low power consumption – only 0.8…1.2 W - and, with less need for power consuming panel air-conditioning, the 3000 series is not only a flexible solution – it is also an energy efficient and greener choice.
Explore devices in the PR 3000 series - Temperature
Explore devices in the PR 3000 series - Isolation
Contact us for more information about the PR 3000 series. |
You know that feeling of slight panic? The sweat of gentle terror? You’re in the supermarket and you suddenly spot the Anniversary or Valentine’s Day Cards, and the immediate thought is, "Did I miss it? Is it today? When is it?!" Yeah me too.
Greetings cards are a small but meaningful way to mark the importance of our marriage – otherwise we wouldn’t feel so guilty when we forget, or almost forget, to buy one.
And yet down the years our society has increasingly devalued the marriage relationship. There are choices now where you can pick ‘n’ mix the type of relationship you want with the level of commitment you feel like making. The problem is, without the commitment, you’re setting off on the wrong foot from day one. After all, it’s much easier to walk out of a relationship which you never committed to in the first place – right?
But while the idea of staying with the same person for the rest of your life might be under question to people around us, for Christians it’s still both the ideal and the expectation. Sometimes it might not be possible, but mostly it is possible. We will have problems and struggles – whether we are Christians or not - but the promise we made was to stay together "till death do us part", that means literally until one of us attends the graveside of the other.
I can’t remember many sermons, either ones I have heard or ones I have preached (…that’s not so good). But sometimes you hear a sermon and something sticks. I remember many years ago someone telling me the "7 most important words in a Christian marriage". I don’t remember anything else in that sermon, but I remember Brian Buhler's (senior pastor at Pacific Community Church) seven words:
For many of us these may be the most difficult two words to say in the entire English language.
We spend so much of our time convincing ourselves that we’re in the right. And even when we realise we were not as right as we thought we were, we don’t actually need to say sorry because "my partner knows me and will understand". This is another way of saying "I’m too proud to apologise".
In a very real sense, I think pride is at the heart of all human failing. Pride will be the last sin to go. In other words, even when we have accepted all the other things we did which were wrong, some of us will somehow still hang on to an excuse - "yes but here’s why I behaved like that” We’ll desperately find a way to salvage some pride.
I love you
This is one of those things where we think "this is obvious - why do I need to say it?" But that would be like God saying: "of course I love you, why do I need to keep reminding you? There’s no need for me to keep writing it in the Bible is there?".
Of course there are lots of ways to say "I love you". We might give up something we would rather do for the sake of our husband / wife; we might perform an act of kindness; we might just give each other time to go on a date. But the words themselves also matter, and can have a power of their own.
There aren’t just two people in a Christian marriage. God is also present and that means finding times when the three of you can talk together. But praying together does something else as well. It means we lay out on the table what we're concerned about, what’s on our heart. If we have children it gets us on the same wavelength for our hopes, fears and aspirations. And then it does the most wonderful thing, where the two of you can hand it all over to the third person, to God.
What's special about these seven words?
- They are all ways of releasing pressure and getting on the same wavelength as each other, kind of like doing a level-set on your relationship. In fact, to coin a popular expression: in many situations these phrases are game-changers.
- They demonstrate the complete truth of James 3. James points out how our tongue (our words) can devastate a relationship. He says: a whole forest catches fire from the spark of a hurtful comment, a huge ship is knocked off course by the rudder of a single thoughtless remark. But what we often don’t realise is that the exact opposite is also true. A damaging situation that has gone on for months can be put right by two simple words "I’m sorry".
- I believe all three comments are sacrificial. In saying them we lay aside something of ourselves. We make ourselves ever so slightly vulnerable. In fact we begin to imitate Christ himself, who "being in very nature God, didn’t cling to equality with God…" Surely, being Christ-like is better than being "right"? |
Subsets and Splits