The Wrong Book gift for night_spore426: ending by dfeyder
#20 of gift work - **The Wrong Book** Part 4 By Dustin Feyder A gift for a lover of art. [**night\_spore426**](https://night-spore426.sofurry.com/) **            I wake up, I'm somehow in Lidia's car. Lidia still as the snake is rolled into a ball in the back seat, her tail hole having sealed up but
[ "Book", "Comedy", "Fox", "Raccoon", "Sex", "Snake", "monsters" ]
**The Wrong Book** Part 4 By Dustin Feyder A gift for a lover of art. [**night\_spore426**](https://night-spore426.sofurry.com/) \*\* I wake up, I'm somehow in Lidia's car. Lidia still as the snake is rolled into a ball in the back seat, her tail hole having sealed up but my cream still marking where her opining is. I feel panic welling up in me again. I just got fucked by a fifteen-year-old, that can't be good. There is only one thing I can think to do. I will drive Lidia home then walk back to my place then...then...\*\* \*\* Alright, I have no plan after dropping off Lidia. I run back in side, I find her jumpsuit and keys in my kitchen. I run back out to the car and I start to drive. I have been to Lidia's house once. I mostly remember the way there.\*\* \*\* I am nervous, I drive recklessly. That doesn't go unnoticed. I am only a few miles from my house when I start getting fallowed. It is dark, I can't see who is fallowing me but I think I know already. I am in the car of a girl from a family with a cop in it. If I am driving half as bad as I think I am there is no doubt in my mind it is Lidia's brother behind me.\*\* \*\* Red and blue lights flash in my rear-view window. I do what is right, I pull over. There is chuckling in the set alongside me. The book, the evil book is sitting in the set next to me. There is no escaping that unholy thing. Everywhere I go it fallows me. I turn in my set and push my body to the door. The book giggles at me, it knows I am frightened, the book seems to be getting off on my fear.\*\* \*\* There is a tap on the glass, I turn in a sharp jump to look out the other window. There are two cops walking around the car, a man and a woman, both dressed in tactical gear. Past the lights, I can catch a glimpse of their nametags the man is named Geovanni the women Gray. My mind jumps back and forth as do my eyes,\*\* \*\* The women comes around to the driver side. She taps the glass, I roll down the window to greet the officer, she shines me with her flashlight, her face hidden by the light. The cop called Gray addresses me "how are we feeling today?"\*\* \*\* "A-little stressed out to be honest."\*\* \*\* The book can't stop rolling around balling "Are you a 'fan of the Man' little dog?"\*\* \*\* The officer Geovanni flashes his light into the back seat. He must see the monster in my back seat. There is no way he hasn't. Geovanni mumbles something, the two cops talk back and forth between each other.\*\* \*\* Gray lowers her head to speak to me again "Can I see your I.D. please?"\*\* \*\* I dig around in my pockets looking for my wallet. The snake in the back seat springs into a sitting position. The book laughs opining itself, light sprays out of the car. The behavior of the book changes, it seems to no longer need me. Geovanni punches through the door of the passenger side now in the shape of a fox, Gray reaches thought the window, now as a giant raccoon.\*\* \*\* I scream, I put the car in drive and run away. The creature that was Lidia reaches over the seat teasing me. The book hackles. I speed off into the night. My heart is pounding, I feel lost. I turn left, then right, I see fog rising from the road.\*\* \*\* The book mocks me "you shouldn't have ran little dog. We could have had a lot of fun with those two."\*\* \*\* "This game has gone far enough. You can't just turn people into monster" I protest\*\* \*\* "and what are you going to do about it?" The book retorts.\*\* \*\* I spot a sign on the road. Lake st. and Calhoun. I'm a block from 'Lake of the Isles' I can throw the book in the lake. Maybe that will stop the madness. I pull over and grab the book. I jump out of the car and lock Lidia in. I run to the waterfront and pull the book back ready to throw the unholy thing into the water.\*\* \*\* It comes to my attention far too late that the monsters that are all around me are still just as smart as they were before there transformation. The raccoon Gray, the fox Geovanni, and the snake Lidia are all around me. I try to throw the book away. The book offers one more tease as I do "Not going to work Little dog."\*\* \*\* The book opens up mid throw. Light pours out, the monsters start to get sucked away, and I do as well. The book sucks me in. when the light fades away I am in some sort of animated negative version of my own world. I am surrounded by animals with hungry eyes.\*\* **\*\*\*** \*\* The book falls to the ground complaining "well shit. Now I need to find a new host. Why oh, why do people keep running away from me?" the book has barely had time to finish that though before a pair of shoes comes into sight, someone is moving towards where the book has fallen "Fresh fish." The book thinks aloud.\*\*
The Rowans and The Greys Chapter 13: Going Home by hyenafur
#13 of The Rowans and The Greys - Saturday came quickly. Kody had spent Friday Night with his mother, the two waking up early to take the 7:00 am Express train to Zootopia. Kody hadn't been back to the city since his parent's funeral a little over a year prior, but Jo had gone in for a shoot around
[ "Fanfiction", "Female", "Fox", "Male", "Raccoon", "Zootopia" ]
Saturday came quickly. Kody had spent Friday Night with his mother, the two waking up early to take the 7:00 am Express train to Zootopia. Kody hadn't been back to the city since his parent's funeral a little over a year prior, but Jo had gone in for a shoot around two months prior. The two foxes sat next to one another, idly chatting about what had happened during the week during the hour long ride. When the train pulled into the station, Jo and Kody were a bit surprised. Neither fox had expected to be greeted by anyone, so when RJ stood there waving at them with a big grin on her face dressed in a red mini-skirt and a crop top, Jo didn't really know what to say. "Hey Jo," the sow raccoon called out before making her way through the throngs of people towards them. "Hey thar RJ," the vixen replied, her arms opening wide as the two shared a warm embrace, "I didn't 'spect ya'd b'here t'meets us." RJ giggled softly, "Well, I errd ya say ya'd take th' seven o'clock, and ya did say I c'd stop bye. I jist thought I'd meets ya 'ere since I don't knows th'dress." The older woman giggled before looking over at her son, "I figgered we'd jist take a cab." Kody shrugged his shoulders as he looked at the two, "Well, I don't have a car here, s'I had planned on taking a cab." RJ giggled and smiled, "Ya'll save yer money. Jist gimme th'dress an I'll takes ya there." Jo smiled, "Thank ya, RJ." The vixen let go of the raccoon before it finally hit her, "Oh! RJ! I plum fergot. This is my boy, Kody." Kody put out his hand, taking hers for a firm yet gentle handshake, "It's nice to meet you." Kody was a bit surprised that his mother had a friend so much younger than her, and it made him a bit curious. But he didn't mind. RJ was lovely to look at, and he'd never really thought like that about a raccoon before. The sow raccoon smiled as she looked him up and down, "Yer a might nicer lookin' in person than in yer photo." The tod blinked at her words. She'd apparently seen at least one photo of him, probably his official War Department one he'd sent his mother. The fox looked RJ up and down in return, a warm smile crossing his face. "Thank you," he replied, "You're a might good lookin' yerself." RJ smirked as she gently let go of his hand. She wondered what it would be like to date a fox, but she thought about saving that thought for later. "Jist faller me. We'll take m'car. Jist needs th'dress," she said before turning around and walking way, her hips rolling back and forth. Kody's ears perked as his mother giggled softly. "I thinks she likes ya," she giggled as the two foxes began to follow the raccoon. "Yeah, I think she does," her son replied, eyes glued on RJ's back. Jo leaned in to whisper, "Ya likes her too?" The tod nodded his head as he blushed slightly, "Yeah." The vixen giggled, "Well, I thinks ya'd be cute t'gether." Kody looked over at his mother, "But I don't know a thing about her." "We gots a car ride and all day fer that, sugar fox," Jo said as they followed RJ out of the station and into the parking garage. The raccoon's car was nothing special, it was a small four door, some Nipponese brand that neither fox seemed to pay attention to. Kody had initially wanted to slide into the rear passenger seat, but his mother insisted that he ride shotgun. The tod was glad that the vixen had pushed him into the seat, because after giving RJ the address, the two started chatting. Most of what they bantered back and forth was small talk. Kody wasn't surprised to learn that she was a pin-up model, she certainly had the body to be one, but the raccoon amazed him with the knowledge that his mother was one. He hadn't really expected that. He blinked several times as it sunk in, only making the sow raccoon giggle and his mother blush. "She's been a bit of a mentor t' me," RJ said softly as she turned down the street, her cellphone announcing that they were only a block away, "Almost like a second mama." "She's more of a mom to me than my adopted mom," Kody replied as he leaned back in the chair, his arm moving to rest on the elevated center console. The fox inadvertently brushed his arm against her, making the two of them blush slightly. Before he could apologize, the raccoon's phone announced, "You have arrived at your destination." The three mammals turned their head to look out the window. The house wasn't like ones found in suburbia or out in the farms of Bunnyburrow. It was a small, two and a half story building connected a series of other small two and a half story buildings that ran down the street. It almost reminded Jo of the ones she'd seen in downtown Bunnyburrow, the same kind of building that Gideon's pastry shop and apartment occupied on Main Street. The building itself was old, or as the real estate agents had called it, rustic. It was a predominantly red brick and wood construction, built long ago, which meant his parents had managed to get the ten room house for a very low price. With six bedrooms and two baths, his father had hoped to be able to host family visits, but that hadn't worked out the way he wanted. His brothers and sisters were aging to the point where they rarely travelled any more. His children were busy, and his grandpups had their own lives. Kody hadn't seen the place since the funeral, and for it not being kept up for a year, it didn't look half bad. He had been happy that he'd kept up the payments on the amenities. His parents had had a great deal of money in their savings account, but since he was never there, the bills had been low outside of phone, internet, and TV. Slowly, the two foxes and one raccoon slid out of the car. It was the only downside to the house, it didn't have a garage, so all parking was on the street. "Shall we," the tod asked as he looked between his mother and her friend.
Derkeethus and the dragonborn engage in some...traditional male argonian bonding. Not much plot, just an excuse for argonian sex. - **THE PERKS OF BEING THE DRAGONBORN'S FOLLOWER** ** ** **By: Nahualmorph**   Disclaimer:  Hot, steamy gay argonian sex ahead...What else? Don't read if you're not into
[ "Argonian", "Fingering", "Foot Fetish", "Footjob", "Foreskin", "Gay", "M/M", "Musk", "Oral", "Sweat", "Uncut" ]
**THE PERKS OF BEING THE DRAGONBORN'S FOLLOWER** --- **By: Nahualmorph** Disclaimer: Hot, steamy gay argonian sex ahead...What else? Don't read if you're not into it or are not supposed to. All species and settings belong to Bethesda, I just used the to create fap material, but make no money out of it, so don't sue me. Derkeethus looked over his shoulders at the Dark water crossing settlement. He thought he'd be sadder to leave the place he called home for 5 years and his friends. But the truth was, he was tired of mining everyday, listening to the stories of travelers and adventurers, wanting to see those wondrous sights they spoke of by himself. That's what lead him to foolishly explore Dark Water cave on his own. The argonian had accidentally locked himself in a cage, and would have starved to death had it not been for the person that saved him. The same person who was also an argonian. The same person who was also the dragonborn. The same person he was following right now as they walked through the cobblestone path away from the mining camp. His name was Ashfall. A name that suited the dark gray scales that covered his muscled body his head was adorned with yellow feathers and a set of curved horns. A nice patch of red scales adorned his throat, highlighted by purple war pain, which also adorned his eye shadows, his handsome looks were complemented with three sexy battle scars across his left cheek. It was no surprise that Derk jumped at the chance when Ashfall asked him if he wanted to join him on his travels. The fact that he was definitely one sexy, hunky argonian was definitely a plus. "Having second thoughts?" asked Ashfall when he noticed Derkeethus looking back at the small mining settlement. "just saying goodbye." said the green argonian "So, where are we going now?" "First, we're making a small stop of Riften. We'll see if we can get us some horses and some armor for you. I think you'll look good in leather." Derkeethus chuckled. Ashfall definitely looked good in leather. Then again, his armor was slightly different from the regular leather armor he was used to seeing. He was wearing leather shoulder pads and a collar, leaving his lower chest, stomach and most of his back exposed. He was also wearing a leather belt and codpiece. Other than that, his boots and arm guards were the regular kind, except the entire set was enchanted with heavy protection magic. Still, he was a little unsure about going to Riften. "Are you sure it's a good idea? Riften isn't exactly known for its honest traders." "It will be ok, I'm friend with the argonians running the Inn and the blacksmith there owes me one or two favors. We'll get there in the evening, place the order with the blacksmith, spend the night at the inn, and next morning we'll get our horses and travel to Dragonfalls manor. It's been a while since I visited my husband." "Your husband?" asked Derkeethus raising an eyebrow. (great, there goes my chance at some hunky argonian dragonborn sex) "His name is Scouts-Many-marshes, he's the one that customized my armor and helped me forge some of my weapons. And his cooking...oh fuck! His cooking!..." Derk couldn't help but smile at Ashfall's expression. The slightly taller argonian chuckled and placed a hand on Derk's shoulder. "Hey, in case you're wondering, we're married, but we still follow some of Black Marsh's customs. We both welcome other males to bond with us, and sometimes even females. That married argonian couple from Riften...once we had a hot foursome, I fucked the female while the male took my tailhole and she sucked my husband dry...I see you seem to entertain the idea." Derkeethus' bulge was more than evident. "Who wouldn't with a guy like you?" said Derkeethus smiling and rubbing the bulge in his pants. "We can have some fun at the Inn tonight if you're up for it. Wouldn't be wise to fuck in the middle of the road. Plus, I'll enjoy you even more if you're sweaty after a day of walking." Derkeethus groaned and had to bite his hand to stop himself from just dropping his pants and jerking off right there at the mental imagery swarming through his head. Luckily, a small group of bandits were kind enough to help distract him by offering to separate their heads from their necks. Of course, they didn't stand a chance against Ashfall's dual daedric swords with frost and fire damage enchants. Derk proved he could definitely hold his own in a fight, using his pickaxe to both block and counter, taking down two of the five bandits. "Not bad" said Ashfall wiping the blood from his blades with one of the bandit's clothes. "I can't wait to see what you can do with an axe." A few hours later, they finally arrived at Riften. After a small stop with the blacksmith to take Derkeethus' measurements and a request for a custom leather armor, they opened the door to the inn, where Ashfall was warmly greeted by Talen-Jei. "It is quite a pleasure to see you again my friend. What brings you to this place?" "Still the same, just exploring the land and making sure the dragons keep their end of the deal." They moved to the bar, where Talen's wife poured drinks for everyone. Ashfall introduced Derkeethus and Talen-Jei and they continued chatting for a while. Ashfall explained Derk the deal he made with the dragons, since he didn't want to kill them. He defeated Alduin fair and square, but instead of killing him. He took him to Paarthunax and the older dragon made an example of his brother, binding his dark magic and turning him into an ordinary beast...of course, the ritual involved a heavy butt fucking, in which the dragonborn was more than happy to help. After that. They summoned the rest of the dragons and made a deal. They would continue living on this time, as long as they didn't attack anyone. In return, the inhabitants wouldn't get the dragonborn to turn them back into piles of bones. They were pretty reasonable after Ashfall also promised to visit them into their lairs every now and then for some....dragon business. "Being the dragon born give you many unusual talents" said Ashfall taking a drink "But still...I can only take like half of their lengths, and I have to rest for at least a week after that." He turned to wink at Talen-Jei. "At this point is obvious, but we need one of your rooms for tonight." said Ashfall. "Oh! I completely forgot to tell you this. The jarl wants to see you. He wants to give you a little something in thanks for dealing with the thieves' guild...The key to your very own completely furnished Honeyside manor." Derk was surprised both at the news that the dragonborn had successfully dissolved the thieves' guild and the fact that Ashfall barely reacted at owning a new house, almost as if he had one in every town. "Hey...I hope that doesn't mean you won't spend a few nights with us every now and then." said Talen walking behind the bar and hugged his wife from behind. Wrapping his arms around Keerava's waist and nuzzling her neck. "The old lady here misses a good stretching" Keerava chuckled and reached behind to give Talen a spank. "Are you sure it's not you the one missing something under your tail?" Derkeethus blushed lightly at the open display of lewdness. It was actually very common back in black marsh, and certainly something he missed. But the nords have proven to be quite prudish about that. So, argonians usually kept that part of their culture wrapped under covers. "My doors will always be open to you. Actually, I'll give you a spare key so you can keep an eye on things when I'm not around." After a couple more beers. Ashfall and Derkeethus decided to call it a night. They stopped by the Jarl's palace so Ashfall could get the key to his new place. They finally entered Honeyside manor, standing on the doorframe to admire the place. "It looks very cozy" observed Derkeethus "It's definitely better than the old camping tent I have back in Dark Water." "heh, wait until you see Dragonfalls or Proudspire." Derkeethus followed Ashfall upstairs and smiled as he saw the huge bed. Asjfall started removing his armor. Derkeethus inhaled deeply, getting the scent of the other argonian's sweaty body despite the distance. "Come on, let's have a good look at you." Without saying a word. Derkeethus removed his own clothes, standing naked and erect next to the bed. Ashfall was still flaccid, but his uncut member was still impressive even soft. It didn't stay that was tough. As soon as Derkeethus' musk mixed with his own, Ashfall groaned and his cock started twitching and hardening. Ashfall got on the bed. Laying on his back and spreading his legs. Derkeethus gladly accepted the invitation, crawling on all fours, placing his hands on Ashfall's muscled thighs. He lowered his head until his snout touched the base of Ashfall's cock, right where it met his balls. Derkeethus inhaled deeply and felt his head spinning and his cock spurting precum over Ashfall's tail. He let his tongue out, pressing it against the hot and moist flesh. Both males moaned at the contact. Ashfall moved a hand to caress the back of Derkeethus head as the green reptile started licking all over his cock and balls, gathering the sweat from a day's worth of constant walking. Derkeethus grabbed Ashfall's cock at the base, giving it a squeeze, making the abundant foreskin at the head bunch up and causing the thick veins that nurtured the shaft stand out. "French it." said Ashfall moving his right foot and pressing the sweaty sole against Derkeethus' cock, feeling the sticky pre immediately coating his toes. Derkeethus moaned and pressed his lips against Ashfall's foreskin, sliding his tongue inside the wrinkled folds and feeling it touch the broad, spongy glans. He gave the base of the shaft another squeeze and was rewarded with a fresh glob of precum. Ashfall caught Derkeethus' foreskin between two toes, giving it a slight pull before letting the head slid between them, feeling the foreskin sliding back and even more pre coating his foot. Ashfall moved his other foot to trap Derk's cock between both soles. Creating a warm and wet tunnel for the green argonian to hump. The room was full with the wet, lewd sounds of flesh against flesh, and the occasional moan or grunt. Derkeethus felt the hand pressing the back of his head move to cup his chin and move him away from the tasty cock. He licked his lips and looked up. "I want us to enjoy eachother a little more before popping the first one." Derk grinned and moved up until he was facing Ashfall. Both argonians pressed against eachother, kissing passionately and letting their hands explore their muscled, sweaty bodies. Ashfall moved his face lower, licking his way down Derkeethus' neck and to his chest, letting his tongue swipe over the delicious scales again and again. His hands moving to cup Derkeethus' rump and giving his firms cheeks a squeeze. Derk groaned and grabbed the back of Ashfall's head, guiding his licks and slowly leading his tongue up and lifting his arm. Ashfall got the message and attacked the musky armpit with hungry licks. They could feel their hard cocks rubbing against eachother and mixing their sweat and precum. Ashfall moaned when he felt Derkeethus' hand moving between them and giving both erections a squeeze. The gray argonian finally returned his face to Deerkhetus' sharing another kiss and letting his lover taste his own musk. "I'm not going to last much longer." said Derkeethus between pants. "Where do you want to cum?" asked Ashfall, giving Derkeethus' neck another lick. "One thing tough...you'll have to lick it clean." Derkeethus smiled and moved away from Ashfall to admire the buff argonian's body as he stroked his cock. "I wish I could cu a gallon, but I guess I'll just have to go over and over again all night." He moved to kneel next to Ashfall's feet, lifting both of them and bringing them to his face. "Let's start here and see if I can make it to your head before the sun rises" Ashfall chuckled and caressed one of Derkeethus' cheeks with his toes. "Well, I suppose we can stay a couple days, should give Balimund more time to finish your armor." Derkeethus pressed both feet together and let his tongue out, pressing it against the rough soles and tasting the mixture of scales and sweat. Derk loved how he could tell the difference between the sweat from different parts of the male body. The armpit musk was somehow the strongest, almost making his eyes water and his head spin whenever he was trapped under a strong male's arm. It also gave him a huge feeling of submissiveness, like he was being overpowered by the other male's scent alone. The crotch musk was very different. It was still salty and deep, but it also had the distinct tang of cock and balls. It was especially tasty if it was mixed with other fluids like precum or saliva. Funny thing how, unlike the armpits, it gave Derkeethus a feeling of dominance. Maybe it was the fact of handling something delicate and precious to every male with something potentially dangerous like a mouth full of sharp teeth, or perhaps it was the moans of pleasure from the other guy and knowing he was the source of that pleasure. Either way, Derkeethus loved it. The feet were also different. The sweat had a much lighter taste, but it was much richer, mixing with the taste of skin or scales. Plus, the position allowed for a perfect view of the squirming male he was servicing. Which was exactly what was happening right now. Ashfall was slowly stroking his cock while Derkeethus washed his toes and soles with saliva. Derkeethus' throbbing cock continued releasing a constant stream of precum, signaling how much he was enjoying this. After a few minutes, Derkeethus lowered both feet towards his groin, sliding his cock between the saliva slickened soles. Ashfall helped him by clenching his toes every now and then, gently pulling Derk's foreskin, or tracing the thick veins covering the shaft with his big toe. He decided to leave his cock alone, knowing Derk would tend to it properly, just letting it throb over his stomach, coating his abs with pre. Ashfall moved his left foot to the tip of Derk's cock, arching the other foot and sliding Derk's foreskin forwards. Derkeethus felt Ashfall's big toe sliding inside his foreskin and closed his eyes, feeling his entire body shudder and his balls twitching. He held Ashfall's foot firmly and gasped, feelinghis climax shocking his body. Ashfall watched in satisfaction as the white jets of sticky seed splached between his toes, moving his other foot so it could get a nice coating as well. Derkeethus bared his teeth, letting go of Ashfall's feet to squeeze the base of his cock with a hand and cup his balls with the other one Once Derk's orgasm finally dies, Ashfall lifted his right foot and wiggled his cum covered toes in front of the green argonian's face. "It was not a gallon, but I'd say you were quite pent up." Derkeethus laughed between heavy pants, taking Ashfall's feet and giving the soles a long lick, letting his tongue slide between the toes and loving the mixture of cum and sweat. "Yeah, I had to share a tent with a very prudish and slightly homophobic Breton I was actually two seconds away from a jerk off session when I fell into that trap you rescued me from" Ashfall's laugh broke into a moan as Derkeethus continued licking the cum from his feet. At the same time moving his agile tail and rubbing the tip against the sensitive underside of Ashfall's cock. "I think I've earned a taste of dragonborn milk. How about...you fuck my face, so you can also drench me in your sweat, slap your balls against my chin and make me gag on your cock before you mark me with your cream?" "Oh fuck!" Ashfall's cock throbbed and even squirted precum over his stomach when he heard that. The gray argonian stood on the bed with Derkeethus kneeling in front of him, holding Derk's horns with both hands. Derkeethus opened his mouth and held onto Ashfall's hips for balance. Ashfall waited until he felt Derk's lips pressing against his crotch, giving him a few second to enjoy the tasty cock throbbing against his tongue before moving his hips back until only the tip of his head and his foreskin remained inside Derk's mouth. Derk's hands moved to Ashfall's rump and one of them gave him a firm spank. Ashfall grunted and started humping his hips, filling the room with with smacking sounds every time he hilted his cock in that wonderful muzzle and his balls slapped Derk's chin. Derkeethus just relaxed his throat muscles and closed his eyes, focusing on the wonderful musk that filled his nose and the feeling of his own cock slapping against his stomach in rhythm with Ashfall's thrusts. Ashfall leaned over and Derkeethus immediately felt thick and hot droplets of sweat falling over his face, making him suck even harder. Drool and precum falling from the corners of his mouth. One of Derkeethus' fingers sneaked between Ashfall's cheeks, rubbing in circles and feeling the sweat that was running down his back pool in the argonian's crack. Using it as lube, Derkeethus pushed the finger all the way inside in a single shove, effectively punching Ashfall's prostate, making the buff male growl and his knees shake. Ashfall lifted his tail and pushed his cock as deep as he could, Making Derkeethus' throat bulge and firing the first spurts of rich see directly into his stomach. Ashfall pulled his cock so the rest of his load could fill Derk's mouth. Derkeethus moved the hand that wasn't fingering Ashfall to hold the base of the pulsing member, milking it for the last spurts and sucking noisily. Ashfall pulled his cock from Derk's mouth and fell to his knees panting heavily and laughing with orgasmic euphoria. He started licking the mixture of semen and sweat from Derkeethus' face before sharing the bounty in a sloppy kiss. Both argonians collapsed on the bed, still kissing and grinding their sweaty bodies together. Both of their members still rock hard and sending small, pleasurable jolts through their spines as they rubbed together. "So...now we're milk drinkers?" asked Derkeethus. Ashfall laughed and started wrestling Derkeethus, hoping to get him a bit sweatier before going for the next round.
Iron Author 26: A Doctor's Passion by Exulen
#26 of Iron Author I know it's been forever since I posted anything, but I'm still writing things. Enjoy! - "Nmff...sssss" Came out of the lion's throat, followed by a low moan. He was laying on a small bench against the wall with his paws propping up his head and his footpaws stretched up against
[ "Foot Fetish", "Labrador", "Lion", "M/solo", "Male", "Male/solo", "Orgasm Denial", "Pre", "Torture", "footpaws", "orgasm control", "wax" ]
"Nmff...sssss" Came out of the lion's throat, followed by a low moan. He was laying on a small bench against the wall with his paws propping up his head and his footpaws stretched up against the wall. His pristine lab coat draped around the sturdy bench exposing his hard-worked-for abs and pink nipples. He wiggled his toes and his tail lazily swept across the floor, but his barbed cock was hard, leaking, and bouncing in time with his heartbeat. There was a tube situated just inside the head of his dick that quietly siphoned off the pre he spurted, but occasionally a small drop would drip onto his belly. "Fucking... Ugh." He groaned again. There were two candles hanging centimeters from the bottoms of his footpaws, and his groans were from the splash of hot wax that would strike somewhere on his soles and creep downhill until it became to hard to flow. He moaned and felt the heat fade slowly from the wax, given that both of his footpaws were warmed almost uncomfortable by the candles it wasn't much of a relief. "Yeeessss..." He hissed and purred in the same breath. One big drop of wax hit the arch of his left footpaw and pooled there. His throbbing rod made a few large drops of it's own that were slowly sucked away by the tube. He clenched and relaxed his toes a few times before pulling his left footpaw away from the wall. It took a few moments to peel off the wax that had built up from his torture, digging around with his clax to clean out the fur. "Ah!" He jumped and mewled almost girlishly when a hot drop of wax fell on his sensitive sac. He was barely able to stop himself from grabbing his maleness and fapping as hard as he could until he came. It took 3 deep breaths that were nearly moans before he felt confident he could restrain himself again. Purring like a car motor, he got his paws under his head again and lined up his now clean footpaw with the candle. Being away even as long as it had had cooled it enough that the candle heat felt searing once again. 'Gods, I could live like this forever.' He thought. He could never tell when a new drop would smack his footpaws and he didn't want to look to spoil the surprise. It was practically random where it would land too. His toes, the heel, the arch, the ball; they all felt so much more sensitive than the ever do walking around. A blossom of pain on them tickled all the way over to pleasure. It brought up memories of other times he was in this position. Back when he first came to this institute, being hung upside down for hours while whoever was in charge tested different waxes on him. His cock was always hooked up to a collection unit back then, like it was now, and they measured how good the wax was by how much pre they could milk from him. Some of the wax was very hot, leaving his footpaws sore and close to blistering but nearly made him cum on their impact. His favorite one was a green wax they made a few months into his stay. It would burn hot and clean, leaving his footpaws so hot it made him sweat all over but without a sooty deposit, and when it would thump against his footpaws it would burn so excruciatingly good and then spread out really far. It spread so thin that it cooled and left some small relief to his footpaws but left no defence against the next hot splash of wax. It would often leak between his toes and land on his balls too, making him mewl and gasp, even beg for more. That was the first wax that made him cum. The wax he had on today was not as good, but he meant to edge himself ever closer to the edge of orgasm today, not bring himself over it. He had learned much self control from his days at the institute, he could go months without giving in to the need to grab his cock and jizz so hard he couldn't breath. Knock. Knock. "Come in-mmff," The near burning liquid interrupted him. "Dr. Thompson, project 145-002 has become unstable and needs your attention. Dr. Williams wants to try and add mixture 566-267 to stabilize but wants your opinion." A yellow labrador said as he opened the door. "Come on, I have an-ssss...fuck. An hour lunch break and I've barely gotten halfway through it." "Actually sir, you've been in here for 90 minutes. You sounded like you were having fun so I told the others you were busy." "Thank you Jeremy, ah Fuck! Oh... that's nice... That's nice of you Jeremy." Both candles dribbled at the same time and left a few splatters around his soles of varying sizes. "What should I tell them sir? Do you want my help finishing?" "No, computer retract candles." He said with a heavy frown. The candles snuffed themselves and rotated at their bases back to the wall where it opened and shut once they were inside. "I have to save myself for Friday's new project. We'll be needing my cum very fresh to work everything out of that young man." The lion swiveled to get his footpaws on the floor, still feeling the residual heat from the candles and leaving wax print on the floor. He took the tube out of his cock and it retracted into the wall. He stood up and pressed his lab coat over his chest again, buttoning from the top down. His barbed head scratched against the fabric prison and tented it. "Fuck I wanna go back under those candles." Dr. Thompson shivered and turned to the yellow lab. "Let's get going then."
Golden's Shower by Lukas Kawika
http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kapuofficial wanted to be a feral dog and pee on me check out my patreon! https://www.patreon.com/laruf since i hit my first goal recently, you can sign up + remain a patron for a while, and get the $20-off-your-next-commission discount! - A slow day meant a more
[ "Anatomically Correct", "Anthro/feral", "Bestiality", "Canid", "Canine", "Dog", "Feral", "Gay", "Handjob", "Knot", "M/M", "Male", "Oral", "Oral Sex", "Otter", "Piss", "Piss marking", "Sheath", "Watersports", "Zoophilia", "pissing" ]
A slow day meant a more enjoyable night at work for Lukas. He'd volunteered at the local animal shelter near his house just to have something to do after class and on weekends, and had *almost* changed his mind when they told him the only position open was *cleanup* in the evenings after closing, but - after some urging from his roommates and his mother back home, he'd decided to take the plunge and go for it. And after just one week there, the otter found that he enjoyed it quite a bit more than he thought. No interaction with any rude patrons, no bizarre or obscure job expectations that he didn't already know how to do. In fact, it was quite simple: come in about thirty minutes before the front doors locked, go through the different wings of the shelter - cats first and then dogs second - and get each of the rooms cleaned out and set up for the mornings, making sure the animals don't run off in the meantime. This usually meant closing the door behind him when he went in to clean the rooms, which in turn led to purring cats rubbing all over his legs and ankles and dogs of varying sizes trying to clamber up into his lap and - *sometimes* - a few other things. It was something that he'd found out during one of his first nights here, in the room of a handsome golden retriever with the simple name placard of *Phil*. *"Phil?"* the otter had said, when his position trainer - a nice, if somewhat brash, sabercat woman - had first shown him around the facility. *"That's a bit of a mundane name for a feral dog, don't you think?"* *"You know, it's a wonder he hasn't been adopted yet,"* she'd said. The retriever had bounded up to them from the other side of the room, tongue hanging out of his mouth and tail wagging behind him. *"He's a real sweetie."* The sabercat reached down and scritched behind one of his flop-ears, and he licked at her paw a few times - and then hopped up against Lukas, nose pressing right up against the fly of his jeans. It wasn't something he'd just *tell* her, but that was something he'd felt more than multiple times before from a number of different dogs; he pet Phil's head and lead him get his scent on his nose, acting like the whole crotch-nuzzling was no big deal. The sabercat eyed him for a moment but said nothing, and moved on to show him the rest of the rooms. Lukas had actually run into that same sabercat tonight, him on his way in and her on her way out. She grinned and waved, said *"goodnight, Luke, and good luck,"* and dropped the keys to the halls into his paw. She always left her phone number scrawled across a notepad at the front desk, and he'd made sure to save her as a contact on his first night, but still had yet to find a reason to call. But then, again, it wasn't exactly a *dangerous* job, and nothing of note had happened quite yet... ...not counting the time he startled one of the cats, and had to pry each of her claws out from under his skin. Or when a pair of kitten sisters, Wynde and Rayne (*I'm sorry about your names*, he said every time he visited them) *really* took a liking to him, and both crawled up into and fell asleep in his lap after he'd refilled their food bowls. Of course Lukas had taken a lot of pictures of \_that\_time, and then also when Edge, one of the older cats who was supposed to dislike everyone, quite firmly rubbed his head and side against Lukas's legs. And, then, there were the dogs. The otter adjusted the fit of his headphones on his little teacup ears, music player in one paw and plastic bags and scooper in the other - during the day the dogs were kept on a good routine for outdoors playtime, but sometimes things still happened. Usually it was just the puppies who had that sort of accident, while the greater worry from the older dogs came from their excitement to see him; he'd left this wing of the shelter with slobber soaking into his shirt and pants, with dirty claw-marks all over his front, with scratches and scrapes all along his front, and one time even with the zipper torn off of his pants fly. That day, one of the females had been in heat; Lukas could smell it as soon as he'd walked into the room. That was something else that made his whiskers perk and his mouth water a little bit, but - not only did he not have permission to do anything, but that night there were still some other employees here. Wouldn't have been acceptable at all if someone were to wander by and find him bent over one of the dogs, his pants around his thighs, thrusting his hips forward into her from behind... But that certainly didn't stop him from *thinking* about it. Lukas slid his paw into his pocket, both to leave his music player there and to adjust his pants a little bit. That dog had since been adopted - and probably spayed, poor girl; this particular shelter received a lot of flak and criticism as well as less funding for how they decided to leave the decision of that whole thing up to the adopters rather than undertaking it themselves - but Lukas still thought about her every now and then, wondering where it was she'd gone to and whether she was happy with that family. This set of thoughts often entered his mind, and sometimes, he got a glimpse of the family as they took home their new pet: once, it was this young wolf teenager, dressed all in black with piercings hanging from his lips and nose and up one side of his ear, carrying one of the smaller puppies from the back few rooms in his arm. The puppy was fast asleep, and the wolf had this gentle little smile on his muzzle as he looked down at it - which he tried to hide as soon as he noticed Lukas watching him. Smiles had a tendency to be contagious. One by one Lukas went through the rooms, spending more time petting the cats than he did straightening things up and refilling their bowls with the specified portions. Before leaving each room, he always had to double-check and recount the number of animals rolling around, to be sure that one hadn't gotten away or run past him when he'd first come in; some of them had their rooms to themselves, while siblings generally were kept together. *Good thing I no longer live with my brother*, the otter always thought, especially after seeing all the different colors of fuzzy fur clinging to his clothing and arms. *He'd be sneezing up a storm.* Part of the reason why he kept the dogs for last was because, frankly, they drained him quite a bit more than the cats. Constantly having to catch his balance after almost getting pushed over by dogs of varying sizes, batting away muzzles and lifting blunt-clawed paws off of his legs and hips, every handful of minutes having to repeat *"Hi! Hi there! Have you been a good boy today? Huh? Do you want a treat? Oh, I bet you wanna be pet, huh... c'mere, you..."* And then another reason was because - well... maybe he could spend just a *little* bit of extra time with his favorites. The German shepherd girl near the front with the beautiful blue-green eyes; the mutt about halfway along the length of this wing of the shelter, an excitable dog who looked like a skinny cloud and who had a surprisingly plump sheath hidden beneath his belly fluff, one which Lukas's paw often strayed over when petting him; and then the golden retriever that the sabercat had pointed out, the happy but somewhat quiet Phil. "Hey, there," Lukas said as he opened the door. Thanks to multitudinous regular and sizeable donations, this shelter could afford to keep its animals perfectly comfortable: unlike the cats, the dogs all had automatic food dispensers, as well as their own miniature sofa to lounge and sleep on, and for visitors to sit when meeting them. The shelter had of course received complaints about establishing the habit of sitting on the furniture, but - God damn if it wasn't cute to enter one of these rooms and see a dog lift its head off the arm of the couch, flop-ears perked as much as they could be and brushy tail swaying around behind him. Lukas dropped the things in his paws to the floor near the door and pulled his headphones off, a moment later tossing them to the side as well. Phil made as if to hop off the couch and come up to him, but remained where he was with his tail thumping against the cushions and body half-tensed. Instead, though, he just hopped up and spun around when the otter plopped down beside him, broad pink tongue lapping up at his neck and his face and whiskers, making him turn back and forth and splutter between his words. "Gosh, you're - happy to see me, huh? Yes, yes, I know..." The otter turned and rubbed at Phil's sides, closing his eyes against the tongue that continued to lap up over his muzzle. "Yes! Oh my goodness, puppy, were you lonely today? Huh?" Phil slowed in his licking and sat up, one paw braced against Lukas's thigh as he sat next to him on the couch. The otter leaned in and just barely touched his nose to the dog's - before a happy bark half-startled him backwards. Phil's other forepaw came down between his legs, pressing down into the cushion underneath him. "Aww." He brought his arms up around the dog in a hug, then sat back and wiped some of the sticky saliva off his face. "Look at you. She was right - it *is* a surprise you haven't been adopted yet. If I weren't so busy all the time, God knows I would..." It would be a lie to say that that was something he hadn't thought about before. More than once had he gone several minutes over his shift, mostly due to sitting in this same room or playing with this golden retriever, bringing him out into the hall to toss one of the rubber balls from the basket up front back and forth... his favorite was the metallic pink one, with the little bumps all over it. It had a pretty good bounce to it, and gave off this hilarious little squeak whenever it hit the floor or wall, and made Lukas grin like nothing else to hear that squeaking rise and fall, rise and fall whenever the dog bounded back towards him with it clutched between his teeth. Another thing stemmed from how he felt drained of energy (but happy) whenever finishing one of his nights here at the shelter; how would constantly having a dog around make him feel? Not to say anything about all the things that he *couldn't* do with the animals while here, while on the job. Also something that he'd definitely thought about before. Even now, sitting here with his claws tracing gently through the fur of Phil's side, Lukas's eyes drifted down along the feral's front between his legs, over the unkempt fur of his belly, down to... to the heavy, intact sack half-squished against the cushion on which he sat, his full sheath right above it, the reddish-pink point of flesh poking out of the end of that sheath and stirring gently with the feral's breathing. Lukas's eyes remained there for a moment, his petting slowing down until his fingers just remained resting on warm fur. Just like with that one in-heat bitch, this otter had spent more than a few nights already with thoughts of Phil fresh and bright in his mind, thoughts of pressing his nose into the fur and flesh between those hind legs, thoughts of digging his tongue into that sheath, of lapping off the slickness along his revealed tip, of doing a few other things. All of which he'd experienced before, of course; his nervousness would be too far through the roof to even consider any of that, had he no experience. Peering back over towards the door into the hallway - no extra lights had been turned on, reassuring his thought that he was on his own tonight - the otter slid down from the couch to a sitting position on the floor, legs crossed and paws half-intertwined in his lap. There was that consideration, that reluctance lingering in the back of his mind again, the thought of *I really shouldn't\_but also \_but I really want to*, and - seeing Phil's wagging tail, his head tilted in questioning, the still-visible tip between his legs... Lukas swallowed, and patted the floor in front of him. "C'mere. C'mere, boy... come on... I got something for you..." Quiet \_tak-tak-tak\_of the feral's blunted claws on the smooth floor when he hopped down and came forward, quickly closing the distance to lick at Lukas's muzzle again. This time, though, the otter remained where he was, keeping his eyes closed against it but making no effort to turn his head to the side or avoid that tongue dragging up over his lips, warm and soft, the surface gripping and gently pulling. That was one of the weirder things with this otter: when in public or around other people, he'd put on the whole show of being grossed out of receiving doggy kisses right on his face, but when it was just himself and the animal... part of him even wanted to push his muzzle forward and part his lips a little bit to invite more of that, on top of the growing pressure in the front of his pants. He leaned back and sprawled out a little bit, leading Phil to step a little closer to him along his side as he just continued to lap at his face, saliva clinging to short fur and whiskers. The further back he leaned, the further forward Phil came to remain even with him, until - he finally tired of showing the otter his affection, or at least found something else to do. Lukas kept himself propped up on his elbows while he watched the dog above him, his lolling tongue that had just been all over his muzzle, his swaying tail, his hanging sheath and sack that bounced gently with his rhythmic breaths as well as the slick flesh that still protruded from that sheath, less than when he was sitting down but still enough to be visible. Lukas closed his eyes and tilted his head back, trying to pick up whatever scent he could. Really there was just the bittersweet character of Phil's saliva, a bit unsurprisingly, clinging to the fur of his muzzle and dripping off his nose and lips. There was a *little* bit of something else, that familiar coppery musk that the otter had found to usually linger at the end of a feral dog's sheath... still leaning back on his elbows, he moved forward a little bit, forward a bit further, until his muzzle came about even with the upward arc of Phil's chest to his stomach, the bend of his hind legs... right here, that scent certainly came stronger and heavier, inviting the otter in closer. He lifted himself back up, trying as best as he could to find room underneath the golden retriever. Phil either didn't seem to notice, or just didn't care at the sudden puffs of breath out against the tip of his cock and lips of his sheath, with - with the touch of a nose and tongue soon to follow, careful and gentle against the warm flesh, slightly moist with natural liquid musk. Maybe this was showing favoritism. Not like Phil minded, of course: in response to Lukas closing his lips on the tapered end of his cock, the retriever jerked his hips forward a little bit, but did not pick up the fast, excited thrusting that he'd seen so many times in videos and felt against his own rump before. He'd long since discovered that dogs didn't particularly like oral, but - God, if it didn't get Lukas worked up even more than he already was... there was just something about having the softer fur of the dog's lower belly tickle at his nose, something about feeling the little twitches and throbs of his cock against his lips, about the slick, supple movement of his sheath back over his length if he leaned forward a little bit, about how - how he could reach forward with his other paw and weigh that sack in his palm, and feel it similarly pull upwards with each of his heartbeats. After a few seconds of this, Lukas shifted back again and touched his nose to Phil's twitching tip, drawing in a slow, steady breath to taste his scent. This certainly was the source of that metallic musk, the same one that now partially coated his lips and clung to the back of his throat, and he *loved* it. It felt almost as though a shiver of pleasure ran through the feral, then, when Lukas brought his paw up from his sack along his sheath towards his tip to then slide the skin back and bring more of his length into view, thick and pulsing rich red, throbbing a little stronger with every squeeze and movement of his fingers on that sheath. He actually had to move back a little, or else he'd have the end of the dog's cock constantly poking against his cheek - especially once Phil started to actually thrust into his paw. *That* was his good spot, then. Lukas sat up a little straighter, intentionally keeping his muzzle a few inches away and directly in front of where Phil thrust. With his fingers and thumb wrapped around the dog's cock right at the lips of his sheath, squeezing around the firm, moist flesh - the dog couldn't resist bucking his hips forward again and again and again, one leg half-raising up as he did so, his sudden interest and excitement audible in his panting. Many times Lukas had done this to a dog, had offered a paw (or a muzzle, or a rear) to thrust into and then empty his balls through, but - never had he had his muzzle in a position like this. Every thrust forward brought another wave of that strong musk over his muzzle again, making his whiskers twitch and nose tingle. It was a bit of an odd position, one paw braced against the hard, smooth floor with that arm half-bent, head kind-of tilted to the size due to the dog's height, other arm held up between the feral's hind legs for him to hump... and - before long, he had to squeeze his eyes shut (and open his mouth, of course) against the occasional spurts of liquidy pre, also heavy with that same rich scent and taste, and deliciously warm as well. Anyone that walked within probably ten feet of the otter would be able to smell it on him, though few would be able to actually identify the scent. Still, though, just the thought of wearing it so fresh and rich in the fur of his muzzle and chest, feeling it spray out across his tongue and into the back of his throat - and then just watching this feral dog thrust fast and hard into his paw kept at the end of his sheath, fingers squeezing around the growing knot and remaining in place for him to hump through. Each pulse of his heartbeat, each throb, each little twitch - as well as the fuzzy chest above his head rising and falling with panting breaths, the jangling of his collar past that, his occasional scratching at the smooth floor, the little noises of Phil's hungry tongue lapping out over his chops above... Lukas didn't even bother to try to avoid soaking his shirt with the rhythmic jets of pre. He knew that once he got home, he'd be pawing off again with the still-moist fabric balled up and pressed to his nose. A few more thrusts, one hind leg kept hiked into the air as he did so, and - then a few more strong humps forward shoved his knot, fully swollen and twitching, past the otter's fingers and thumb. The jets became more regular, spraying out across his waiting muzzle with each heartbeat and throb, the tapered red-fleshed tip of Phil's length shaking slightly. Lukas *deeply* wanted to close that distance again and close his lips around that thick canine cock, to let the dog continue to empty his balls directly into his muzzle and on his tongue, but - this was certainly fine, too, aiming Phil's shaft down over his chin and chest and intentionally having him mark his clothing with his seed. Even when he let go of that throbbing red shaft, it still pulsed and emptied more of the musky liquid out across his chin and chest, again and again. The otter swallowed down the taste and swiftly worked his paws down between his own legs to *finally\_take care of this damn excited pressure squeezing uncomfortably against the fly of his pants, the tip of his head thoroughly slickened with his own pre. It felt so damn good to be able to enjoy a few minutes to himself, after a long day, after today's work, after his little \_distraction* with Phil. As Lukas stroked himself, hips lifting slightly up into his paw just as the feral's had done, he lifted his head up and held his tongue out to catch more of the dog's repeated spraying, which had gradually started to slow down. This was one of the times - he could already tell - where everything leading up to these moments had just worked him up so much, had been *so* perfect... not even three minutes in, and he could already feel the distant hot pleasure of his building peak, spurred on ever more by the strong smell soaked into his shirt and chestfur. Above him, Phil's length remained out of his sheath with his knot fully swollen and straining - though now the dog did move away from him to sit down and lap at himself, broad pink tongue coming up along the underside of his deeper red shaft. His tail swished back and forth across the floor beside him, and as he watched, Lukas thought - *let me do that. I wanna do that*. His clothing shuffled with the fast movement of his arm, his breath came and went in unsteady panting, his claws scraped along the floor underneath him. Even so little as \_watching\_the dog clean himself off - seeing the way his tongue dragged over warm, moist flesh, how the supple skin of his sheath tugged and pulled, how his furred sack shifted with every lick- The otter sucked in a short series of gasps and bucked his hips into the air, letting the full pleasure course through him. One, two, three, four heavy spurts emptied out across his belly and chest, only further adding to the slick stickiness already soaked into his shirt. His paw remained moving afterwards, dragging out the last of his load, spreading it over his head underneath his rolling foreskin... and then, breathing heavy, he slouched back and closed his eyes, waiting for the exhaustion to pass. It didn't take long before Phil came over and started licking at his face again, lapping off the remnants of both of their cum and - of course - making Lukas smile and giggle. If he'd had a little more patience, it would have been lovely to have raised his rudder for this golden retriever and felt that thick shaft under his tail, to have squeezed around that bulging knot to keep him buried deep inside him... but, that was something he'd rather leave for when he was at home. Hell - he didn't even know if there were cameras in these rooms. That might be something to look into. After a few more minutes of catching his breath, he finally decided it was time to finish his job for tonight, regardless of how hard it would be to concentrate with everything that had just happened and with the rich scent of dog floating all around his muzzle. The otter pulled himself up into a sitting position - Phil had curled up beside him for a little bit, but had since stood back up - then wiped his paw across his eyes and his mouth, licked his lips... ...and looked straight forward right towards the golden retriever's sheath, held above his chest at a bit of an angle. Phil had that one leg raised, and further up, his tongue flopped eagerly out of his mouth; Lukas looked up into happy blue eyes for a quick moment - before another hot, rich liquid started to soak into his fur as well, one that carried an even stronger scent and musk. "Ah-" he gasped, but made no attempt to move. The dog's stream pulsed gently with his heartbeat as he marked the otter, his piss splashing up across his chest, flowing down through his fur and into a pool underneath him. Even at this distance, Lukas could still feel a few stray drops of it jump up against his lips and nose, metallic in taste and scent, easily enough to make him scrunch his face up and reflexively turn away, but - even though he'd *just* gotten off, already he could again feel that familiar stirring between his legs. This was also a position he'd been in before, though much less often. He half-closed his eyes again and leaned his head back, feeling the warmth course over his body and cover all of the other scents with that one dominating musk, hot and heavy and rich; looking forward showed him the same four legs, one raised, that he'd been beneath earlier, the same gold-furred chest. A well-placed paw and tight fingers had been Lukas's way of showing his affection, and - a raised leg and emptied bladder was Phil's. Gradually that rich yellow arc began to lose its force and speed, coming down straighter over the otter's belly and eventually the open fly of his pants, directly into his pubic fur and onto his half-hard length... with this, he slid his paw down his body again and closed it around his now-dripping cock, and spread the mark around over his smooth skin. There was no way he'd be able to focus now. Now that he'd finished, the golden retriever set his leg back down and took a few steps to the side, tail still wagging behind him and tongue still lolling out of his mouth - but Lukas hadn't quite finished. Before he could stop himself, he'd gotten up onto his knees and came forward towards the dog again, fresh mark dripping off of him, and - leaned down underneath, took Phil's plump sheath between a finger and thumb, and dragged his tongue up along the end, bringing that rich taste into his mouth and swallowing it down. Just like he'd thought, it made him shudder and burned at his tongue and throat, but... if he said he didn't enjoy it... He had yet another distraction throbbing between his legs now, as well as a pool of dark yellow mark to clean up - all the while absolutely reeking of it, with this damn dog's seed still warming his belly... Lukas sighed. It was going to be a long night. Maybe it would just be better if he took off his shirt and pants and finished up in his underwear, but there was no denying that his fur was soaked through to skin as well; as he stood there, Phil wagging and nosing at his leg, he thought about his options. Before he could come to a decision, though, his ears perked: footsteps down the hall, coming towards him... there was nothing he could do. Another few seconds, and the same sabercat who had trained him peeked her head around the corner, looked at him for a brief moment through the viewing window, looked away - and then looked back, eyes wide and ears up. Lukas hadn't yet zipped his pants back up, and he could feel another drop of Phil's piss course down his nose and drip off into the puddle on the floor. He swallowed. The taste of the dog's mark remained strong in his throat.
A Destroyer's Heart: Chapter 1 by Latin Dragon
#2 of A Destroyer's Heart This is chapter one of the series A Destroyer's Heart. Nene has just had a premonition about Lord Beerus the Destroyer. Are their destinies tied? Is this a cruel fate? Find out as their paths now converge to an inevitable confrontation! - "Nene! Wake up!" "...Huh...?" Nene
[ "M/M", "Romance" ]
"Nene! Wake up!" "...Huh...?" Nene slowly woke up to the vibration of the hovercar's engine that rattled the window the right side of his face was plastered to. He yawned and stretched his arms as high as he could over his head to work out the tiredness from his numb limbs. After he rubbed at his eyes he turned to look at his mother who was driving them towards his aunt's birthday party. His mother was a remarble woman known as Tights, a well accomplished writer of science fiction novels, the daughter of the famous scientist Dr. Briefs, and older sister of Bulma. Today was a special occasion, so Tights wore a rather simple, but flowy pink dress, a lavender sunhat, and a necklace of white pearls. Nene blinked for a moment as he came back to himself after the weird dream he just had. "Is everything alright, Nene?" Asked his concerned mother as the sunlight shone off her blond hair, that she had passed down to her son, that was cut down to a nice bob. Her dark brown eyes filled with a look of concern. Those dark eyes he himself had not inherited, but instead the violet eyes of a father he had never known and who had ran out on his pregnant wife before Nene was even born almost two decades ago. He smiled sadly at his beloved mother while wiping the cold sweat off his brow that must have formed while he had his dream. Or was it a premonition...? "I'm fine, Mom. It was just a bad dream." Tights frowned at Nene softly before turning her attention back toward the road. "That wasn't a regular dream was it? Please tell me if you had a premonition." It was known between the inner circle of close friends and family that Nene had the ability of premonition that mostly came true. He had seen much that had come to pass: Frieza, the Androids, Cell, and Majin Buu. And now...he feared a new enemy has now surfaced who may be more powerful than anything Goku and friends have faced yet. "I had...a premonition. It...it showed me this alien structure with a massive tree on it. It appeared to be the dwelling of this purple, hairless, cat-like alien. Far away out in space. Someone whose power I cannot even comprehend." Nene sweated lightly just remembering those piercing yellow cat eyes. The way they held malice. The way they looked into his very soul. Tights nodded at his concerned explanation while pulling up to Bulma's birthday party. "Okay, hon. When we get settled at the party we will talk this out with them after the party, okay? No need to worry the others. Especially your aunt on her special day." "Alright, Mom..." Nene sighed out with a nervous energy as he tried to remain calm in body and mind so as not to put anyone off or give them an inkling that something dire was about to happen. But just what that was was yet to be seen. --- A time bomb went off from the top of the stairs that Whis was climbing up. His steps echoed through the expansive space of the spiraling staircase he had walked up to his Lord's bedroom. As he waved away at the dark, billowing smoke that aired out the bedroom he came upon the God of Destruction himself, Lord Beerus. The feline diety slept soundly curled up in his bed while wearing his ruined nightgown. Whis shook his blue-skinned, white-haired head as he called up to his lord to awaken from his slumber. "Please do wake up Lord Beerus before another Time Bomb goes off. It was your idea to wake up eleven years earlier than usual. Lord Beerus!" Lord Beerus woke up with his eyes opening immediately just as another Time Bomb went off. He coughed and fanned away the smoke from his face as he stretched his arms high into the air with a loud yawn escaping his maw. Scratching at his back before jumping down on his feet perfectly to meet Whis below him. "Really Whis? Couldn't you just let me sleep for five more years?" The Destroyer Deity licked his left paw and cleaned the left side of his head with it around his large ear there. "Lord Beerus, need I remind you once more that it was your idea to wake up early to begin with." Whis kept his arms crossed behind his robes. "Oh really? Yes...that's right! I had a premonition thirty-nine years ago about someone who would come along to be my arch-rival. Their name escapes me at the moment..." Beerus had one hand on his hip and the other scratching the back of his head. "It doesn't help I had another dream you woke me up from where this blond-haired, violet-eyed humanoid mortal dared to come into my home and touch my cheek. The audacity! I could've sworn it felt quite real. Perhaps it was another premonition of someone who is tied to my other vision? He certainly seemed much clearer to remember than the one destined to be my arch-" "Lord Beerus, please!" Beerus stopped his chatter to give his attendant Whis a sharp glare. Whis held up his left hand to stop Beerus' attitude right there before it went further as he materialized his staff in his right hand. "Perhaps all these visions you speak of are merely mundane dreams. Your premonitions have not been known to have a high success rate of coming true. Need I remind you about the popstar?" Beerus merely crossed his arms over his chest while narrowing his gaze at Whis who sighed with his head held down in defeat. "Alright... If you must insist on pursuing these visions then let's have a word with the Oracle. They will certainly know something about your premonitions and then we'll go from there?" Lord Beerus smirked as he nodded his approval. "Excellent decision, Whis!" Whis nudged the top of his staff against Beerus' belly while pinching his nose. "But first you must take a bath and then we'll eat something to replenish your strength a little more. We can't have Beerus the Destroyer traveling on an empty belly and smelling like last century's leftovers in the fridge." --- Nene and Tights walked into the backyard of Bulma's large mansion, each carrying a gift for her. It had a big pool with tables off to the side of it covered in white linens and surrounded by chairs, food trucks and food stands, a stage on the other side of the tables and all the friends and family Nene remembers so fondly of through all the good and bad times. They had been through so much together. "Tights! Nene!" Bulma walked up to her sister and nephew with open arms. She gave each of them a tight hug before taking their gifts to add them with the rest of the gifts she had received on a nearby table. She came back to Nene to give him another fond squeeze before holding him at arms length to get a good look at him. "It's been too long since I last saw both of you. And Nene, dare I say, you have grown into such a handsome young man. I bet the ladies are beating down your front door to get the chance to be with you!" Nene laughed nervously as he scratched at his right, blushing cheek with a tip of his finger and looking over at his mom Tights embarrassingly. Nene had just turned eighteen a few months ago where everyone came for his big birthday bash, but he was still getting used to the idea of being an adult. But what really made him nervous was the fact that he enjoyed the company of men than women when it came to romance. He had realized this about himself ever since he was a young boy with a big crush on the older Gohan. Yet, he never had the courage to tell anyone about his sexuality since he thought it was better off to be kept secret for now. As Bulma and Tights got into a conversation after his aunt had turned her attention to her sister, Nene overlooked the party to see all of the familiar faces he had come to care for deeply over the years. Seeing them all so happy to be reunited once more made a pain in his chest blossom as he turned to his aunt to confess his worries about his most recent premonitions. "Aunt Bulma...I have something I need to tell you." Both Bulma and Tights turned to Nene. Tights wore a pleading face, but Nene continued on with his concerns that would soon get everyone at the party coming over to listen to his tale. Even Vegeta from his training room would be ousted by what Nene had to say. --- Beerus put the final touch to his ensemble as he slipped on a gold bracer onto his right wrist. A perfect match to the one on his left wrist. He turned to Whis who had just finished packing lunch and had sent it away into the aether from where he would magically retrieve it out of thin air with his staff at a later time. "Ready to go my Lord? I have tracked down the Saiyan Goku to King Kai's planet where he appears to be training." Whis said with an air of composure that was the norm for him. "And how far away is that?" Beerus looked at his claws impatiently. "It will take at least thirty minutes to reach our destination." Whis smiled wistfully as he said this. "Thirty minutes! Argh!" Beerus rubbed at his temples with his left hand while letting out some frustrated grumbles. "That's the average running time for an anime episode... It can't be helped. Let's just be on our way." "As you wish my Lord." Beerus placed a hand on Whis' back as they soon left their abode in a blinding ray of light that shot out into the vastness of the cosmos. --- Once Nene was done recounting every little detail he could recall from his dream, everyone at the party was left in silence. Vegeta who had his arms crossed on his chest and his trademark scowl on his face was the first to speak up since what Nene said stirred up a memory deep within him that he couldn't recall at the moment. This memory that was hidden deep in Vegeta's memories was waking up after Nene's mention of the purple, humanoid cat. "Are you absolutely certain this was not a childish nightmare?!" Vegeta had an edge to his voice that made him scarier than usual as beads of sweat formed on his forehead. "I'm positive Uncle Vegeta. This felt like all the other premonitions that came true before we had to a face a dangerous adversary." Nene looked to all his friends and family's troubled faces. He really wished he was wrong, but there was a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach that he wasn't. "And that's all you can recount to us my boy?" Master Roshi who had trained Nene every summer ever since he was a little tyke asked him sincerely. Nene nodded and Master Roshi stroked his beard thoughtfully. "Hey Nene, don't you worry about it right now." Bulma spoke out as she walked over to her nephew to ruffle the top of his blond head lovingly. "Let the adults-" "I am an adult!" Nene spoke it out too soon and loudly as he backed away from his aunt's touch. It came out in a way a child would speak against a parent saying they knew just as much as they did on an important matter. He cringed and balled up his hands into fists on either side. "We know you are an adult, but you are still young and have a whole lot more to live for." Tights said as she grabbed at his right arm to give it a reassuring squeeze to abate his short tantrum. "Listen Nene, all we're saying is let us older folk handle this news for now while you go sit over there with Trunks, Goten, and anyone else who wants to relax and enjoy the party." Krillin said this while carrying his little girl in his arms and leading Nene away by the hand before he could protest. Vegeta felt a small pang of guilt for his nephew as he understood what Nene had felt to be left out of important adult business once upon a time long ago in his youth. He never said it much, but he enjoyed having Nene around as much as his own son Trunks as they had developed a familial bond after he changed into a "good" guy, married Bulma, and a younger Nene started looking up to him as a father figure. The Saiyan prince was about to continue speaking with the other's about Nene's visions and what they meant when he suddenly received a psychic message from King Kai warning him of Lord Beerus' imminent arrival to Earth in a matter of minutes after having defeated Goku in just two blows! He was coming to speak to the surviving Saiyans and Nene... --- "Well that was disappointing. If Goku is not the Super Saiyan God, then hopefully one of the other Saiyan survivors on Earth might be." Beerus mused this on a slightly full belly after having eaten lunch on the way to King Kai's planet where he met and "fought" the interesting Saiyan known as Goku. "And did we not learn the name of the young man you saw in your dreams Beerus?" Whis said this in a way that was slightly teasing and hinting at something Beerus was not about to court with in his mind as they continued traveling through the tunnel of light that was leading them to their next destination, Earth, that was only three minutes away by Whis' mode of transportation from King Kai's planet. "Yes yes. I believe the name was Nene. Though why would anyone call a boy by such an obvious girl's name I have no clue. As to his relation to my arch-rival...well we'll find that out soon enough, won't we?" Whis did not need to answer back to that rhetorical question as he remembered how a defeated Goku strained in repeating the boy's name repeatedly as if saying it could be a spell to keep Beerus away from Nene. They were now closing in on what was surely their final destination. --- With a heavy sigh Nene sat down by himself at an empty table that was the farthest away from the rest of the party as possible. It was set right by the edge of the pool where he could stare at his rippling reflection that was caused by a gentle breeze rolling gentle waves on the pool's surface. He contemplated on his dreams and what they meant when he heard an unfamiliar voice call out his name right behind him. "You must be Nene. I think I might recognize you anywhere in the universe now that you dared to invade my dreams with your mortal face." Nene startled as he turned in his seat to be face-to-face with an all too familiar cat alien once more, but this time in the flesh. A cold sweat ran down Nene's back as his wide violet eyes met Beerus' narrowed, feline yellow eyes. His terrifying dreams now come to life...
Hotel Emperador - Chapter 1: Tuesday Morning by Wpython
#1 of Hotel Emperador Starting Another Mini-Serie/Novella. Nothing kinky here but lots of mystery ahead! I will upload a new chapter every 2 weeks so I can upload Kinky Short stories in between chapters. Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed plotting and writing this. As always, feedback
[ "Character Development", "No-Yiff", "Raptor", "Wolf" ]
Hotel Emperador Chapter 1 - Tuesday Morning By Whitepython. They were painful news that he had to deliver in person. He wished he could go ahead with his normal life instead of having to take this dark detour. "...I am dead serious. Even the cops are on the case now." A masculine reptilian voice broken by sadness spoke. It belonged to a green and brown scaled Velociraptor. He was 1.89 meters tall and 22 years old. His name was Xaduardo. Seven large and white feathers decorated the top of his head in a vertical line, from his forehead all the way to the back of his neck. His eyes were of a dark green color with dark spots decorating his irises, and a fat silted pupil in the middle of them. He wore a short sleeved shirt with three colors, soft gray color at the top and pitch dark on the bottom divided by a diagonal and thick red stripe in the middle which covered a chest of average build. Some dark brown shorts around his waist which ended above his knees and exposed thick and shiny scales covering his legs. With a long and thick tail that hung behind him. The raptor stood on a pair of large and clawed plantigrade feet with two long digits that ended in sharp claws, and a third toe that protruded from his inner arches with a long and thick curved sickle-like claw. And with a little talon hanging from the back of his foot at the level of his ankles. "But for now..." The raptor continued "Rantego has given us the order to not to do anything because it's too dangerous to get involved. But since you cannot be reached through your cell phone and you haven't been present at the meetings as of late, he told me to look for you and to tell you about this in person." Rantego was a Jaybird with Violet and black feathers. He was the second in charge of 'The Clan of the Ascended Sun' a demon hunting group that the raptor was part of. But with the official disappearance of its leader, the lion Jantheno McRue, the avian Rantego had taken temporary control of the clan until the missing feline could return to resume with the leadership of the group. McRue the lion founded that clan alongside with Rantego a few years later after the feline emigrated from the northern lands. The lion was considered among the rest of demon hunting clans as one of the most skilled and experimented hunters in the entire country. If not even among the top ones in the whole world. Alroc the wolf remained in silence as he received the somber and dreadful news from the raptor, but his face expressed the shock that he experimented. He was a gray and white-furred male wolf. He was 1.80 meters tall and 23 years old. His eyes were amber colored, with pitch dark and small irises in the middle. He was wearing a short sleeved and white shirt protected under a dark brown cloth apron with the design of a coffee cup embroider in golden color in the center of the garment. Dark gray jeans around his slim waist exposed at the bottom his pair of masculine and plantigrade gray furred foot paws. Four blunt and brown colored claws protruded from his gray furred toes. Just like Xaduardo, he was also a member of The Clan of the Ascended Sun. "But McRue... I needed to..." The gray canine closed his eyes before taking a deep breath. He held it for a couple of seconds before expelling the oxygen diminished breath out of his lungs and opening his eyes. "I always feared that this could happen. Hotel Emperador is a very dangerous place. I had my hopes that McRue could handle it, but now he has become its latest victim." Alroc released a soft growl in frustration "This just can't be happening." Xaduardo as hatchling heard stories about that place. But he never paid too much attention for he always disregarded them as nothing more than urban legends just like most people. Until this event occurred. The wolf turned around, giving his back to the Velociraptor as he stood behind the counter of the modern coffee shop to process the information he just received. Xaduardo observed the wolf who stood behind the counter as he appeared to be wrestling deep inside of him with the news that he came to bring. Modern and state of the art machines for preparing coffee and several other drinks were installed on that same counter. The fancy coffee shop the Wolf worked at was decorated with framed pictures of coffee bean fields and pictures of happy groups of anthros enjoying their caffeinated brewages. The place was illuminated with soft lights as sweet music played in the background. The coffee house was equipped with all the commodities of the modern day to keep customers happy. "McRue... I really needed to..." the canine spoke before he choked down a growl "Is Rantego expecting us to fold our arms and do nothing about our missing leader?" "He told me that we should wait for the rest of the clan to return from their mission in Viru. Because as you just said, Emperador is a risky place for demon hunters like us. In the meantime, he gave the direct and strict order that we should continue with our current cases and stay away from Emperador." The wolf shook his head and rose his shoulders up after receiving the order that the Raptor delivered "The rest of our people is in another country helping a foreign demon-hunting clan, while our new leader forces us to sit down to play with imps and watch our own clan collapse? That's crap!" "That's not how things are Alroc!" the raptor spoke with an annoyed voice. "Rantego just thinks that..." "And what do you think Xaduardo?!" the wolf now turned around to face the dinosaur, interrupting him fueled in rage as he waved his hands around. "Which part of -our leader is missing in a place famous because whoever disappears there is never found again- are you unable to grasp so I may explain it to you?" The raptor felt his throat closing as his face began to tingle from the sudden scold from the wolf, but why was Alroc so angry all of sudden? This was not usual for him. Alroc was always a cool-headed individual. But the wolf had been acting strange for the last couple of weeks. Even Rantego commented about it last night. Maybe this was a perfect time to ask away. "Why did you turned off your cell phone Alroc? Rantego said he hasn't seen you at your house either for the last couple of days." "Don't you dare to change the topic Xaduardo! Can't you see that I have been busy with my work at this place along with my own assigned investigations? How can you two be more concerned about my stupid cell phone than about McRue!?" Both males stared into each other's eyes. Amber and olive green eyes clashed for a brief moment. But the silted eyes of the saurian bent down under the intense gaze fueled by frustration from the mammal. "Hotel Emperador is a very famous cursed place" Alroc kept on explaining in anger after the staring contest "It is plagued by cases of people being missing in there forever. Along with dead bodies being found there all the time. And you can add to the list details like demonic invocations, ritualistic suicides, serial killers using it as hideout among many paranormal activities reported there for hundreds of years. Aren't you worried in the slightest that McRue disappeared in a place like that? Just because it's a dangerous thing to rescue McRue it doesn't mean that we should act like cowards and do nothing!" "When the rest of our clan returns next week just like Rantego instructed we're going to find him." "And for how long has he been gone?" The wolf asked, still somewhat unsettled. "According to Rantego, when he filled the missing report he estimated that McRue disappeared 3 days ago. Sunday morning is the suspected date because McRue was last seen on Saturday night and he didn't show up for our regular Sunday night meeting. And since then, he has been nowhere to be found. Rantego even searched for him at his house. The security cameras at the hideout haven't recorded him visiting there either." "So he's been missing for 3 days counting today in the morning, and the team from Viru returns until next week?" the raptor nodded to confirm the information. Alroc shook his head even with more energy this time "When they return, it's going to be too late for McRue." "What are you talking about?" the raptor spoke in disbelief. "I have studied the Emperador case as much as McRue has. The strongest theory on what happens there is that there is a portal to an alternative, demonic dimension hidden somewhere which is the source of all the dark energy and misery that affects that place. "Whoever gets lost in an alternate dimension for more than a week without returning to the real world are rendered unable to ever return to the normal world. If McRue has been three days over there already, it's going to be way too late when we look for him next week. -He will be as good as dead if we don't bring him back by Saturday night-" The raptor felt his stomach getting tight and the tip of his fingers turn cold while his spine stiffened as the wolf gave the conversation a more serious and darker tone. Can, in fact, the man he has admired so much and who has taught him everything he knows about demon hunting -the one and sole thing he has been good at in his entire life- be lost forever? But most of all, Xaduardo also wondered what else does this wolf knows that not even his interim leader knows? "I was intrigued by the legends behind Emperador when I first heard about them" Alroc kept on explaining himself "but I never investigated in depth until I learned that McRue was on the case. I wanted to be part of the investigation, but McRue refused to take me with him because it was too dangerous for someone like me, even if I am soon to become a full demon hunter. I know a lot about the dangers which lurks in that place. This is why I am very concerned about him." The saurian tried to digest the alarming news. Just like Alroc the wolf, he was about to leave behind his rookie status to become a full demon hunter, but with his leader gone that possibility was also lost. -Unless McRue returned- "Besides, how much time do you think he can spend without water and food if he was captured by a demon? Do you think a demon would show him any mercy? Do you think a demon would show you mercy if you were in his place? Would you like me to sit on my ass and do nothing until next week when everybody has returned from their trip to help you? Would you li..." "Stop it Alroc! I got your point already!" The reptile sounded stressed as he tried to silence the wolf. He felt already quite worried about his friend and leader. However; all the wolf did was to attack from a different angle. "Do you think McRue would have abandoned you until everyone was here if you had been the one in trouble?" The question made Xaduardo travel back in his memories to his very first mission. To be accepted as an active rookie hunter after some basic training, he had to stop a demon who was causing chaos in a residential zone. The reptile was very nervous and insecure about it. McRue knowing that the dinosaur needed a bit of extra help showed up unannounced and helped him to track the demon down and to put an end to his antics. That night, the lion went out of his way to show the raptor a lesson in leadership and hunting. But most of all, he demonstrated to be a real friend that cared for him and believed in a bright future for him as a demon hunter. And that was something nobody ever did for Xaduardo before. The raptor even got a memento from that day. He pressed his clawed hand against his chest to feel a violet claw he wore around his neck and under his clothes in between his pectorals. It was a claw from the demon that McRue and he hunted that night. A claw that he always carried everywhere to remember that first mission, and the valuable lessons he learned. Even if the claw represented a problem for the raptor sometimes. He had to be careful to not to let it touch his blessed items for demon hunting because the demonic Talon had the power to destroy them upon contact. McRue had always been there for the saurian when he needed help. Could he be such an ungrateful worm and not return the favor when his leader needed him the most? However, another kind of memory also invaded his mind. The painful recollection of how every time he had tried to take leadership in the past, it had always ended up in failure after failure. It didn't matter how much he tried. He had always fallen short to achieve what he desired. "But McRue has leadership and experience, and he's a natural born leader." The disappointed raptor spoke, "I don't have the thing he has going on for him." Xaduardo felt saddened to have his lack of leadership reminded to him. "How do you expect to be a leader if you don't start acting like one?" the wolf minimized his complaint "We both are weeks away to be decorated and consecrated as official demon hunters. No more rookie errands for us! If you want to live up to the title you are going to have to learn how to be courageous." Xaduardo wanted to help both his mentor McRue and his friend Alroc. It was a matter of utmost urgency if Alroc was right about the impending danger that the lion could be facing unless someone did something to help him. But his crippling insecurity kept on dragging him into his comfort zone. He wasn't like McRue or even like Alroc. That wolf was also a natural born leader unlike himself. Besides, the concept of the 'alternate dimension' was just a theory the wolf had, and the raptor also agreed with the logic decision that the Jaybird Rantego took. The avian explained that investigating on their own was a risky move unless the rest of the clan was there, and asking for help from another local clan was a possibility he was going to look into right away, but in the meantime, they both had to stay away from the Hotel. Maybe if Xaduardo were to explain this to the wolf, he would desist from his dangerous idea. "You should have been in the meeting yesterday to understand what Rantego said, and he would..." "There you go!" the wolf exploded in full anger once again. "That bird is nothing but a useless walking duster. And you know what? So are you!" the wolf peeled his fangs towards the raptor and threw his arms up in the air. An uncomfortable silence reigned in the empty coffee shop. The raptor turned his gaze away, not daring to enter into another staring contest with his wolf friend. "You know what? Forget I even mentioned any of this! You and Rantego can babysit imps in basements. I am going to Hotel Emperador by myself. But you can be sure that once I find McRue, he's going to learn that you chickened out!" The wolf threatened as he stomped his feet loud as he began to walk towards the back of the store. The raptor panicked. Xaduardo wanted to be realistic. If someone as powerful, reliable, experienced, and blessed with natural gifts as his leader wasn't able to overcome the challenge of Hotel Emperador, Why someone with no natural talents like himself would be able to do it? He was always a follower, and as such he would remain for the rest of his days unless he were to uncover the mystery behind leadership. McRue held both the secret to leadership and his ticket to becoming a fulfilled demon hunter. Both McRue and Alroc have always been helpful and kind to him. He had to step up and help them both. "Wait! I'll help you find McRue." Alroc was right about one thing -McRue would never abandon him in the face of danger-. The wolf stopped cold in his tracks before turning his head back "Are you serious?" Alroc remained silent after asking for confirmation. This act made the raptor doubt himself for a moment. He was not a capable leader, but he could always be a good follower and help whoever needed him. He can do that just fine. All he had to do was to tail behind the canine, and he would do well. Xaduardo supposed that the wolf was just too stressed. The Raptor doesn't need to take hard decisions nor leadership. That's the role for natural born leaders after all, and he wasn't such. "I will follow you. You need my help, and I will stand behind you." "But you need to behave like a responsible demon hunter. No more acting like a rookie." "Yeah, I'm in..." the raptor spoke without paying attention to the serious tone of voice from the lupine. The saurian just wanted to stop Alroc from being angry at him, even if that meant disobeying what Rantego ordered. Maybe finding McRue would help to bring everything back to normal. That's what the raptor wished the most. "I'll meet you tonight at the temple of our lord of the holy light. We're going to ask for the angels to bless our mission, and we're going to make an oath to stick to this until the very end..." The last part came unexpected. But there was no opportunity for the raptor to raise any objection. The wolf disappeared at the back of the store and closed a wooden door with the sign 'Employees only' behind him with a loud smack.
Warmer Travel by StrangeBreed
A little commission for EvilDog featuring his Mew/Lucario crossbreed character and a Charizard. Ended up naming the Charizard after the first Pokemon I ever had as a kid back during Pokemon Blue. This the first time I have ever written vore. It's soft vore so nothing too gory or anything, but was
[ "Charizard", "Lucario", "M/M", "Pokemon", "Vore (soft)" ]
*All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise.* *...* Drake continued to shiver as he travelled from one town to the next, the lucario/mew crossbreed making his way through a rather rough patch of winter weather. His traveling companion had it a little bit easier being a fire type, the charizard occasionally using his abilities to remove some of the snow on their path ahead. "It's too damn cold Jeff!" Drake hissed to his friend as he crossed his arms, still shivering as the wind picked up. "I know Drake," the charizard said as he grabbed the mewcario, snuggling him tight to try and keep him warm, "Just try and hold out, we're not too far away now." The two continued to make their way towards the next town, getting colder as their feet tracked through thick snow. "Ugh, this sucks!" the mewcario continued to growl and groan as he travelled on, his body shaking as his shivers continued, "Can't you just fly us there?" The charizard thought over the proposition, eyes squinting up at the snow billowing from the howling winds, "No, not safe in this weather, I couldn't guarantee us a safe journey." "Ugh!" the mewcario huffed, still crossing his arms. The charizard continued to look on with concern to his friend, eyes lightening up when something caught his attention, "Hey Drake, come with me, let's try and catch our warmth in that cave over there." Drake looked over to where Jeff was pointing, shrugging as he followed the fire Pokémon inside, happy to at least be free of the harsh winds. "How long until the storm lets up do ya think?" Jeff pondered the question as he looked out at the blistering bundles of snow, "A while I think, it doesn't look like a gentle one that's for sure!" Drake let out a long sigh as he anxiously looked out at the miserable weather, "I wish there was some other way to get through this shit." Jeff suddenly blushed as he thought over the statement, replying slowly, "Well... there might be..." Drake looked to his friend curiously, "Go on..." "Well," the fire Pokémon's cheeks were flushing rather red now, "By our size difference, if I do it carefully, maybe you could stay warm in my... belly?" "In your belly?" the mewcario was blushing now as well, "How would that even work?" "Well," Jeff poked his claws together nervously, "I could swallow you whole, and then find a way to get you out when we arrive at the next town." "Weird..." the crossbreed replied, trying to hide the bashfulness as the concept tickled his fancy just a little, "I guess, it could work though, maybe..." Jeff gulped a little anxiously, "Did-did you wanna try then?" Drake shrugged as stepped closer to his friend, "Sure, just don't leave me trapped in there ok?" "Yeah, no problem" the charizard nodded, slowly picking his friend up. He opened his mouth slowly, setting his friend down on his large tongue. The charizard was quite big for his breed and the mewcario had inherited the size of his mew counterpart, making it easier for him to fit. He rest on the tongue as the fire type gather enough saliva. The slickness and warmth making the mewcario a bit hard. He tried to ignore it as he lay on the tongue, finding the warm saliva a turn on as he lay on the big comfy tongue. A second later the charizard took one big gulp, dropping Drake down his throat. The mewcario let out a surprised whimper as he started to slide down, his body squeezed gently by the soft, slick flesh of Jeff's esophagus. The farther he went, the tighter it got, the muscles of his friend's throat clinging tightly to his body. "This feels weird" he tried to tell his friend. Jeff replied with a low, "I can't hear you very well" the vibrations of his vocal chords rubbing over the mewcario. Drake whimpered as he continued to travel, the vibrations, mixed the slick saliva and tight grinding against the soft tissues becoming all too much for him. He closed his eyes as he shaft grinded against the slick flesh, several shots of cum firing from his cock. He chose to say nothing as it happened, embarrassed enough. After a few more moments he suddenly dropped by down a short height, splashing into a pool below. He looked around and realized he was in the charizard's belly, the plan had worked. He was slightly nervous as to how his friend would get him out, but for now he was just happy to avoid the cold outside. "I'm gonna keep going, just relax Drake." "Ok!" the mewcario shouted back to his friend, unsure if it was even possible for his friend to hear him. The area around him shook somewhat as his friend clearly had begun to travel again, step by step leading the pair back on the road. Drake smiled as he realized just how well Jeff's plan had worked, the mewcario no longer exposed to the elements, allowing for a lovely warm travel, devoid of any snow or cold winds. The mewcario slowly lay back against the inside of the charizard's belly and sighed happily, "I could get used to this."
Frenzy: Chapter 1 by Butchers Hook
With a sigh Milo dropped into an old dusty chair. All she had wanted was to do a bit of questionably legal urban exploration. This factory had been abandoned for the better part of a century and was hidden well on the outskirts of town; a perfect exploration zone. What she got instead was a group of
[ "Cat", "Dark", "Death", "Gore", "Horror", "Husky", "Mask", "Suspense", "murder" ]
With a sigh Milo dropped into an old dusty chair. All she had wanted was to do a bit of questionably legal urban exploration. This factory had been abandoned for the better part of a century and was hidden well on the outskirts of town; a perfect exploration zone. What she got instead was a group of fellow teens who wanted nothing but to drink and further vandalize the place. A civil dispute had brought an end to that. Most of the teenagers disbanded except for her, her friend Kay, and a couple others. At least one of which was attempting to calm things. The happy couple's yelling and crying could still be heard echoing through the halls. Apparently the girl, Sadie, had cheated on her boyfriend Luis. Why anyone would want to fuck in this place was beyond her. Soft footsteps drew her attention. Her friend Kay was approaching. She was a pretty little calico with white face and a black freckle on her nose. "I'm really sorry, Milo," she said. "Don't worry about it..." Milo averted her piercing blue gaze. Kay looked a little crestfallen. "We could still do some exploring now that everyone's gone if you want?" she tried. Milo considered it. Her eyes narrowed, her liberally pierced ears drooped. First impulse was to say 'no', but to do so would put the final nail in the coffin of ever getting the chance to see more of this building. "...You know what? Sure." The darkly-clad husky drew herself to her feet. Kay clapped her hands together with glee. Milo gave a little laugh and rolled her eyes, issuing a soft 'c'mon'. Against the wall was her shoulder bag, nestled within some debris. She got down and took out a pair of flashlights. She offered one to Kay and the two set off. "So, who'd she cheat on him with, anyway?" Kay shushed her, talking more quietly. "It was actually two guys..." "What!?" *"Shh!"* "Sorry." "Anyways, yeah... I'm not sure who they were, but... I think one of them was a bear?" Lingering nearby was one of the party goers. With a big ear angled in their direction he listened in on their conversation. He was a gaunt mackerel tabby. His fur was oily and unkempt as shown by the tail curling about his legs. Truthfully he couldn't have cared less about what the two girls were talking about. Quiet as he was, he'd just always been an excellent listener. Not that he'd ever put such a thing to use unless it brought him closer to a new fix. Slinking off by himself he put his back to an old boiler. Taking a rag from his pocket he wetted it with some lighter fluid and pressed the cloth to his nose, inhaling deep. The rush was instantaneous. He wandered forth with an unsteady stride, sliding the black canister back into his pocket. From around the bend ahead staggered Luis. "I'm walking home," he shouted at someone unseen, "Don't fucking follow me." He continued on further into the darkness of the factory. The whiskey bottle hanging from the tortoiseshell's hand drew Terrance's eye and prompted him to tag along a good distance behind. Sitting on the floor beside a concrete doorframe was Sadie. Her long, pretty white fur was all disheveled and her head rested in her hands as she sobbed helplessly. Beside her was Dimitri, an arctic hare. He had an arm over her shoulders, doing his best to comfort her. "It's alright," he said, "Tomorrow when he's sober you two can talk it over." Sadie shook her head, the attempt at comfort only driving her further into despair. "No. It's over. It's over." She said. "He won't forgive me." Dimitri was about to say something when a deep, rumbling growl seemed to issue forth from the walls surrounding them. A great tremor shook the floor, sending stray debris skittering. He leaped to his feet, panic only a prey species could exhibit in his dark eyes. "W-what the hell?!" Elsewhere Milo and Kay's flashlights flickered out and plunged them in utter darkness. Even the light pollution trickling in from the windows was swallowed up. Kay screamed. Milo tried to find her in the darkness to calm her. Several corridors away Luis was knocked off balance when the whole building suddenly jumped beneath him. The bottle rolled from his hand to knock against the crook of a doorway. With a groan he pushed himself up. Sitting back on his haunches he rubbed his jaw. Before his eyes total darkness gave way to pale moonlight which filtered in through the clouded windows. Within the deep black beyond something moved. The shadows rippled like water against a snake's hide. A gurgling hiss met his ears. Four slatted eyes glimmered like the void itself within that thick black. His heart leaped, his breath sticking in his throat. He staggered to his feet, orange eyes wide as saucers. The heavy thud of steel-toed boots behind him had him turning just in time to be struck upside the head. He hit the floor limp as a bag of potatoes. Dust billowed up around him, intersecting with the tangible darkness swirling about his attacker's feet. The man was tall, easily over six foot. He was clad in all black and a hooded trench coat. Within his gloved hand was an axe, the blunt end of which had just been introduced to his victim's skull. He turned slightly as he observed what lie beneath him. His face was hidden by a black and white mask resembling a dragon's skull. The only indication of his species was the long, furry tail flicking out from beneath his coat; silvery gray with an exotic black pattern. He dropped the axe and it crashed to the floor beside the downed cat. Luis stirred, moaning, and the Killer fell upon him. Taking a fistful of the tabby's head fur he slammed the smaller male's skull into the floor, repeatedly, until he lie still. Beyond them the darkness writhed, hissing deeply in hunger. False moonlight shone against the unseen thing's huge, scaly hide, arched and serpentine. The scrape of its body against the ceiling tiles drew a rain of debris and dust. A short sprint away stood Terrance, horror scrawled across his face. He stood petrified until a massive pointed reptilian visage broke from the shadows. His body reacted before his mind did. He didn't look to see where he was going. His foot collided with a stack of wood and debris and sent him sprawling to the floor. Planks toppled over, the noise singing down the warehouse and drawing the Killer's attention. The black figure stood. His white mask was stark against the shadows which bled from his very being. With the smoothness of a born predator he moved. Terrance stared up at the Killer's mask, body threatening to lock up from fear. In the background the monster descended upon Luis. It snagged his arm within its jagged mouth and dragged him back into the darkness. There came a sickening ripping, popping noise and Luis let out a blood-curdling scream. As if broken from a trance Terrance leapt at the sound, throwing himself away at full sprint. The Killer almost went after him, pausing upon the distinctive hiss issuing behind him. The creature's voice was barely audible above the screaming. \_" **Hector, come..."** \_ He spun back around, disappearing within the shadows. Terrance kept on running. He ran until his abused body would no longer cooperate and he fell into a brisk walk instead. He didn't notice Sadie and Dimitri on his way toward the stairs beyond them. His scraggly tail was looking much bushier than usual. "Hey, Terrance! Did you see what happened!?" Dimitri called after him. He bounced toward the cat, muscles tight as wires. Terrance gazed back at him, his grip firm upon the rail and one foot on the stairs. "We heard screaming," the rabbit continued, "Who was screaming? Did you see?" "It was Luis." Terrance finally rasped. "Someone--some\_thing\_ attacked him." Sadie's hand flew to her mouth as she gasped with horror. She didn't bother to wait, she turned tail and took off down the hall. Dimitri didn't notice. He was too stunned by what he'd just heard. Chills crept up his spine. "What do you mean? What attacked him!?" "I don't know what it was." Terrance turned and began ascending the stairs toward the door which would lead him out of this place. Dimitri followed as if drawn by a cord. "Was it an animal?" "I said I don't know. It was a person and something else, it wasn't any kind of animal I know of." He reached the door and shoved it open. Nothing existed beyond save for a deep black void. Already mid-step, he nearly toppled forward into it. Dimitri caught him by the back of his hoodie. There was a faint tearing noise and Terrance lurched back into the building. He tripped over himself and the hare, falling against the back wall. Dimitri and Terrance stared back at each other for a moment, both in stunned silence. Dimitri turned toward the door, to the nothingness beyond, holding his head in his hands. "What...?" he breathed, "What is this...?" Nothing could fill the silence, now. Nothing could soothe the icy terror which gripped both their hearts. As far as they knew the world as they knew it had been ripped out from under them. For several breathless seconds neither of them could do anything but stare uncomprehendingly. Terrance scrambled to his feet and rushed up the stairs beside him. Where he was going, neither of them could guess. Only then did Dimitri realize Sadie's absence. He called out for her, descending the stairs once more to try to find her. His voice echoed down the halls, but there was no response.
Hard Pounding by Dark Violet
#14 of Café Plaisir Tales Over the new year of 2016, Dark Violet and October_Flixard joined up to write a series of short stories for a charitable cause.Here we delve past the surface into an array of adult works to tantalise and tickle more than just your fancy.Welcome to the Adult Anthology. Here
[ "Barbs", "Club", "Cum", "Deep Throat", "Fellatio", "Gay", "Homosexual", "Hybrid", "Knot", "Luxray", "Musk", "Nightclub", "Ninetales", "Oral", "Pokemon", "Public", "Short", "Short Story", "Threesome", "Tie", "cafe plaisir", "mightyena" ]
**Hard Pounding** *\- For Lyzerof* It was like they were in a world of their own. Lyzerof stared forwards, focused, his gaze holding solid. The hybrid of Ninetales and Mightyena lay his ears flat against his head as he stared at what was before him. He was ready... oh, but he'd been ready for days now. It was more than that. It was - as seemed so common with him, especially here - lust. Ceylon's shaft twitched before his muzzle. It gleamed, throbbed. Lyzerof watched as it waved before him, jerking from side to side. That damn Luxray seemed to be enjoying the torment.... And behind him, a gentle heat. It was more than just normal body heat - because he knew just who it was. The heat only a fire type could give off. Lyzerof squirmed, his own tails tucked down submissively as the Ninetales hovered somewhere past his rear, watching, waiting. He could already imagine that black shaft so similar to his own red one right now - engorged, glistening, hanging below him. Lyzerof whined again, his mind swimming with the prospect of what was about to come.... With how much the prospect held his focus... it was like they were in a world of their own. They weren't. The baying crowd of Dark Pulse - the nocturnal, underground rave pit of Café Plaisir - surrounded him. Their catcalls, whoops and shouts of encouragement were a maelstrom of noise around the centre of the dance floor. It mixed and swirled around, a white noise riding the crest of the waves of hard, pounding EDM that struck them from all directions. As he stood there, another spotlight slid over them, casting the scene in a vivid red before it slowly began to cycle through the colours of the rainbow. How apt... At the back of his mind, Lyzerof was well aware of the sheer amount of eyes staring at him... and, he secretly hoped, the shafts that bulged at the sight. He stared straight forwards, his mind returning to the task at hand. Ceylon's shaft hadn't moved... the tease.... "Well, he seems pretty focused." Firenze said loudly over the noise, and Lyzerof felt his two large front legs stepping either side of him. He shuddered again. "Well, it's a cock, so...." Lyzerof responded automatically. He didn't look away from the bouncing cyan flesh, even when he felt those two large, feline paws press down on his back. "He's a slut, Firenze." Ceylon said, his voice even louder as he spoke right next to Lyzerof's ears. "All the same. Show them a cock, and they're instantly hypnotised. They'd do anything you want them to. You know what I mean, of course...." "A bit more fruitful and intriguing than a few shocks for punishment, I certainly think." "Punishment? Enticement, I should think...." Lyzerof smiled wryly. His claws grasped at the thin dark felt of the floor, and he gave a whine as he tried to stretch his neck out closer to that cock. "A rather entertaining order, regardless." Firenze said to Lyzerof. "I'm often not the performing type. Perhaps I'll find a calling in it." Ceylon snorted. "Before long, it'll be 'volunteers from the audience' and being the back end of the pantomime horse, I swear..." "Oh, god, will you just fuck me already...?" Lyze butted in, shouting over the both of them. There was a dark chuckle from the Luxray, and sudden, hot pre spurted over Lyzerof's muzzle. He whimpered, his eyes closing as the sudden, strong smell enveloped his thoughts... "Goodness." Firenze taunted in reply. "Lyzerof, my dear vulpine, so very insistent. Can you not wait just a few more moments?" Lyzerof snickered to himself. "Well, I can 'knot', actually, but tha-" The rudeness of having his words cut off were rather offset by the method with which it was done. Ceylon's shaft was tapered like a typical feline's, the pointed end clustered with small barbs. Further down, though, the flesh bulged and grew far wider, making it effective in jamming Lyzerof's mouth wide open. Around them, the crowd gave whoops of delight. His eyes became half-lidded. He ran his tongue along the underside. An automatic murr of delight rolled from his muzzle. "No more jokes like that or I \_will\_use electricity." Ceylon said, the voice carrying down from above him as quick, electronic beats blasted from the speakers around them, and they were cast in a sudden sharp cyan light. Lyzerof responded with a murr of interest, grinning inwardly, beginning to rub his tongue along the bottom of Ceylon's shaft. Ooooh... it tasted good. Smooth back here, with a slight ridge as one got closer to the sheath. And it tasted and smelled even better... the strong, musky scent in his nose as Ceylon pressed himself deep into Lyzerof's muzzle, stretching those jaws wide. He was a big Luxray for sure.... Firenze wasn't far behind. Lyzerof felt his paws move, tails against tails as the Ninetales shifted around. He whined, lifted his rear, giving it a shake... he needed it! Didn't Firenze know that? He needed the shaft.... Clearly he did know. Eventually, two front paws hooked around Lyzerof's waist, and a strong thrust drove those golden hips against his own. His rear stretched, causing him to gasp and grunt around Ceylon's shaft as he was finally penetrated. His eyes closed as the first moment of penetration flowed over him, making his paws shake and his hips ache. He whined again as that shaft drove deeper and deeper into him, until he felt that knot press against his hinds.... "Don't need to be gentle, old chap!" Ceylon shouted over the music and baying crowds, and Lyzerof felt the shaft drag back against his tongue - that's when he felt the barbs, like hundreds of tiny pinpricks, dragging over his flesh. He shuddered. The feeling was hardly unpleasant - in fact, it was quite interesting. He loved it, adored it. He let the shaft drag back through his maw, the tip delivering another few drops of salty, delicious pre onto his tongue. Above him, Ceylon continued. "He can take a - pounding!" He thrust back in. Lyzerof gasped as the shaft was driven into his muzzle, stretching his jaws wide once more, driving that shaft right against his lips. His eyes began to water as he felt the tip pressed against the back of his maw. Ceylon's sheath teased his fur, and Lyzerof swallowed, breathing quickly. His heart beat in his chest - oh fuck, so deep already, so close to his throat...! Firenze wasn't stopping either. As Ceylon began to fuck his muzzle, driving that tip right to the back of his mouth before dragging those barbs against his tongue, Firenze was leaning over him and driving that shaft even deeper. Lyzerof grunted, squirming, pressing back with his rear. That shaft was so hot, and the way the knot was firmly pressed against him at the apex of each nice, rough thrust... ooooh, he needed more, he needed all of it! He pushed up against his partners, grunting and gasping, his moans stifled by the large feline member. Ceylon snickered. "Not even being rough and he's all over the place. I think he's trying to tell us something." "Perhaps that he's wanting to be pinned further?" Firenze muttered, a smile teasing his voice. Lyzerof felt those paws press down on his back, claws on his fur as that weight increased. He whined, the sound suddenly cut off with another thrust that jolted him forwards. His front legs burned as he was pressed down against the floor, lifting his rear up even further - that damn, delightful Ninetales was getting rougher all the time...! Still nothing compared to what Ceylon was doing. The EDM surrounding them swirled and rose. Ceylon stopped only to move those large paws to Lyzerof's head and neck, grasping him - and before he could react or even recover from the treatment, the Luxray thrust forward and buried every last inch of that shaft inside his muzzle as the beat finally dropped. The heavy pounding of the music was accompanied by a cheer as Ceylon manhandled Lyzerof's head and maw. He dragged it forwards, shoving his cock deep into that muzzle, before pushing it back off only to repeat it a moment later. Short, sharp thrusts, with just a tingle of static along Lyzerof's ears. Lyzerof whined, the sound lost to the crowd and music. His head was basically a fleshlight now... and oh god, the feeling of it.... The way the barbs dragged along the top of his throat, they way he jerked and leaned forwards automatically, the way that sheath smelled as his nose was driven right into it...! And of course, Ceylon wasn't the only one. With each thrust driving him against the Luxray, Firenze was enjoying his rear with increasingly reckless abandon. Lyzerof yelped as the knot strained at his rear again with a particularly hard thrust, before dragging back only to slam into him once more. Claws dug into his midriff, and his back paws skittered on the floor as he threatened to be pulled right from it. Red light flashed above them, casting strobe lighting over the scene. Firenze's knot didn't stop pounding against him. Lyzerof was whining again, even if the sound never carried to anyone. It didn't have to - it wasn't a voluntary sound. He just \_needed\_that knot.... And then it slammed into him. His rear stretched even further, and that familiar, incredible feeling washed over his body as his eyes went wide. He kicked a leg, trying to adjust to the sheer, size, and- Firenze jolted his hips back, and Lyze felt the knot get yanked from him, most of the shaft sliding out with it. There was a split-second as the new feeling washed over him, sparks in front of his eyes matching the flickering lights, before - back in again, the knot forced past his ring and burying deep into him. That damn Ninetales. He was knotfucking him. Ceylon's laugh carried past the music once more. "God damn, he likes that!" He said, slamming his own hips against Lyzerof's muzzle once more. The Nineyena whimpered, realising how much he was pressing down on that blue flesh. "Gonna do it some more?" "I do apologise." Firenze said, leaning down. Lyzerof felt warm breath on his back. "This isn't usually how I treat girls, but the situation does rather demand a show...." Lyzerof nodded his head briskly, jolting around Ceylon's shaft. He felt a loud murr vibrate through him, even if the pounding beat drowned it out. Firenze went straight back to his work, and Lyzerof whimpered and whined again as his rear was used by that enthusiastic, passionate Ninetales. He whimpered, his eyes wide, swallowing past the feline's shaft as with each thrust the knot was forced into him, was held there for the briefest of moments, before it was yanked back and jerked from inside him. His back legs were weak - he suddenly realised he would have collapsed long ago if it hadn't been for Firenze's paws around his waist, pulling his rear up. The vulpine had a strong, practiced pair of hips on him, it seemed. The crowd was closer now, some clambering to better see the action. The music was undulating, beats felt right through the floor as the bass shot through the roof - though that could have been Lyzerof's mind becoming hypersensitive, reacting to every little sensation. Sensations like the feel of the rough carpet, the claws digging into his cheeks, the sudden pulsating of Ceylon's shaft - oh, *fuck*.... The Luxray jammed his hips forwards, hard enough for it to hurt as Lyzerof recoiled from the force of it. He felt the first load of cum shoot into his throat, his tongue pressing up against the throbbing shaft as it delivered that thick, intoxicating seed. Ceylon then yanked back, the barbs dragging along Lyzerof's tongue just as another jet shot into his maw. Lyzerof yelped in surprise, keeping his mouth open as the Luxray cocked a leg, showing off to the crowd as spurt after spurt of cum criss-crossed Lyzerof's muzzle. Firenze wasn't as showy. The Ninetales drove his shaft into him one final time and kept it there, firm enough for Lyzerof to feel those balls jerking and shooting several loads of seed deep into him. Lyzerof could tell - that feeling had several tell-tale markings that \_never\_got old... "Heh... he loves it, the old boy!" Ceylon said, and Lyzerof looked up at his wild grin. "Haven't seen him with a look like that since Ravage last let him off the leash!" He looked down, yellow eyes seeming to shine as he stared at Lyzerof in the now-constantly shifting spectrum of lights. "And you look a god damn mess, ya little slut. Your face is all wet." Lyzerof felt every strand of cum. Some had fortuitously landed on his nose, and oh god, the *smell....* At some point, he'd orgasmed. His mind must have been too preoccupied with what was happening at both ends to realise it, but cum dripped over his belly. He whined breathlessly, the baying crowd closer. "Hah, c'mon, Firenze." Ceylon called eventually. "I think we need to get him out of here. This lot's getting rowdy, y'know?" "No...." Lyzerof said, panting out the word, and lifting his head. Past the Luxray, he saw all sorts. Mightyenas, a Houndoom, a Manectric, another Luxray... a few of them were familiar, others not so much. At this point, he didn't care. "Let them come." He said, and grinned ecstatically.
A "Brosis" Bond by Aphrodite Fingers
#1 of Clop Folder Writing Excercise, Applejack reveals her hot curves in front of Big Mac. Ass work and Pelvic smashing follows. - All credit of art belongs to the artist. Art belongs to [ZwitterKitsune](https://zwitterkitsune.sofurry.com/) Feedback on story is appreciated. Big Mac was working the
[ "Anal", "Anthro", "Applejack", "Clop", "Cum", "Cum Inflation", "Female", "MLP", "Pussy", "Short Story" ]
All credit of art belongs to the artist. Art belongs to [ZwitterKitsune](https://zwitterkitsune.sofurry.com/) Feedback on story is appreciated. Big Mac was working the fields with Applejack for most of the day. However, he really just watched Applejack do most of the work. She was working the field with a simple red striped buttoned top and a bottom, which was much too tight for her ass. With every step, Big Mac could feel his girth stretch his pants. He began to sweat, not being able to contain the desire of fucking his own sister. Applejack stopped abruptly and took a breath. "Wheweee, this sun is makin' the job on this orchard harder than usual huh, Big Mac," She turned back to see her brother on his butt and his pants torn with his dick erected tall. She smiled and continued, "Ah see, you were just starin' at mah bahind huh?" "Eenope," Big Mac said as he looked away. Applejack smiled. "Yah sure? It don't soun' like yur tellin' yur sister the truth." Applejack unbottoned her red striped shirt which then fell to the dirty ground below and revealed her petite boobs. Big Mac's grew wider as she pulled down her panties that moved down her ass and revealed her pleasure holes. She looked at him with a smirk as his dick throbbed. Big Mac not responding made her walk over and squat before his cock. "Y'know that my element was honesty, an' when it comes to this, getting answers aren't hard," Applejack gripped his length, precum oozed up and ran down, and Big Mac squealed. "Alright, I was!" "Good. Now to have some fun before we continue," Applejack smiled as she stuck out the tip of her tongue. Big Mac's ears perked up at the sound of fun. Applejack got up and fitted his cockhead into her loose pussy. She then smiled as came down a few centimeters on his length. She then twerked while on his cockhead before squatting down onto his balls. Big Mac was surprised to say the least as she took in his entire length. "Prepare to go limb in 'nder two minutes," Applejack said as she pounced on his pelvis. Each time her ass came down on his balls, Big Mac struggled not to cum. The massive flow of his precum wants seeping down from her pussy, creating a puddle on his pelvis and balls. She moved up and down on his length in a circular motion, then vertical circular, then half circular, then back to squatting motions. She then went on all fours and continued a series of pelvic slams with her ass, causing Big Mac to excrete more precum inside of her. Applejack was slightly disappointed that he didn't come from all that work, so she got up from the ground. Big Mac's dick was still as hard as when she started. She grunted as she came down again on his length. She place her hands on his chest and came down hard on his balls. With each slam Big Mac felt his climax nearing. He gritted his teeth as Applejack work all her waste muscles into making him cum. ...And she finally got it. Big Mac unleashed his juices inside of her, filling her belly, and caused her to spew up his cum. After a few more gags of his cum, she and Big Mac rested a little and eventually got back to work.
Licking the Lamb by StrangeBreed
Just a really cute and short commission by Furlips of her bunny and my sheep Allison having a quick moment together. Hope you enjoy it :) - _All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child,
[ "Bunny", "Cub", "Cunnilingus", "F/F", "Female", "Lamb", "Lesbian", "Oral", "Rabbit", "Sheep" ]
*All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise.* *...* Bunners looked around the room anxiously as she stepped in, having stripped down and left her clothing back in the bathroom as instructed. She stepped into the bedroom of the girl she had been talking to online for quite some time, her heart beating wildly now that she was actually in her presence in real life. Bunners tried her best to cover up her sizable breasts with her paws, but it was no use, the sexy black and white rabbit looking gorgeous, especially with the way her shaggy, dark blue hair lightly draping over her bright green eyes. "Wow, you're even sexier in person" her younger partner said, the sheep laying back on her bed, naked as well, "Do a spin for me sexy!" Bunners gulped as she looked down at the young cub, looking at her beautiful blue eyes and soft blonde pigtails, her form so adorable and seductive despite her small stature. "Y-yes mam" the rabbit whimpered as she spun around as instructed, showing off her full coat, including a very interesting detail on her back. There was a black and white stripe like a skunk that covered her back towards her short, stubby tail, Allison's eyes flashing as she made note of it. "Is that a skunk stripe?" she asked curiously. "Y-yeah," the rabbit chuckled, "Family heritage." Allison flashed her eyes at the older female, "Lovely... alright get your pretty ass over here and get what you came for." Bunners gulped as she slowly approached the younger girl, still nervous about the act she had planned for the cub. The age was getting to her, the rabbit a deal paranoid of the trouble she could get into, but the perversity and excitement of the act kept driving her forward. She could tell from the confidence of the cub that it was unlikely she hadn't done this sort of act before, and she had shared so much with her already that there was little hope in saving her ass if the sheep turned on her. She slowly got onto the bed, straddling her legs over the lamb as she lowered her crotch down towards the sheep's muzzle. "That's it, c'mon Bunners the lusty lamb coaxed her on, planting a soft kiss on the rabbit's sweet pussy lips, "Mmm, that's nice!" The rabbit blushed as the sheep began to slowly run her tongue along her pussy, delicately flicking the slippery muscle along the smooth petals. She kept teasing gently before snaking her tongue deeper inside the rabbit, circling around inside her. "Oh my god, Allison, that feels in-incredible, please don't stop!" Bunners cried out passionately, the sheep's tongue hitting her in all the right places. She pulled the sheep closer as her pleasure increased, keeping her muzzle locked against her pussy as she kept licking. Her tongue eventually slid up towards the rabbit's clitoris, the lamb suckling on her clit tightly. She kept lapping and slurping until the rabbit tensed up, letting out the loudest moan as she coated the cub's muzzle in her slick, sticky honey. Bunners panted deeply as she dropped back onto the bed, feeling the sheep crawl on top of her, looking her in the eyes with a big grin. "Allison, th-that felt incredible!" she groaned, reaching up to kiss the girl. The sheep chuckled as she gave her lustful eyes, "You think that was fun, just wait until you see what's coming next!"
CITY & COUNTRY by raletheotter
Finally got my story completed, or at least to a completed enough state that I felt I could share it. I hope to get feedback and if needed make additional changes. I'm already working on a new cover design, one that's a little more romantic and helps illustrate or hint to events in the story. This
[ "Anal Sex", "City", "Gay", "Horse", "Male", "Raccoon", "Short Story", "Stallion", "country", "erotica", "tongue play" ]
City & Country Copyright © 2017 story and illustration by: Daniel C. Aaron "Rale the Otter" \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Paul was jolted awake when the bus hit a particularly nasty pothole, nearly tumbling out of the seat he was in. A young and handsome stallion, with a mane that was slightly sun bleached in places from long days in the unrelenting heat, Paul was a farmer who had spent pretty much his whole life out in the rural countryside, working since a young age to help out his mother and do what he was able to in order to make their simple lives as comfortable as possible. Last year his mother had passed away, and this year only very recently the farm he had worked on had been incorporated into a larger farming chain and he had been let go. Feeling that there was not really much left for him out in the countryside, he decided to gather up what small sentimental belongings he cared about and any necessary clothes and accessories and bought his bus ticket to a neighboring city he had heard much about but never before visited. It had been a long trip, with a good portion of the view being uninteresting fields dotted periodically by a small collection of trees. When he'd gotten bored of the scenery, he had laid back in the cushioned seat and closed his eyes, mainly just to enjoy the feel of motion while he contemplated the course of action he would need to take when he arrived in the city. Apparently at some point he had been lulled to sleep by the not exactly gentle but nonetheless constant and reassuring rocking of the bus as it hopped along the lengthy stretch of highway. It was on the very fringes of the city that the bus had hit the pothole, so Paul had missed the view of entering the city that he had wanted to see. He sighed a little at the thought but it was quickly pushed out of his mind as he stared at the tall and impressive buildings reaching up to the clouds far above. Impressive too was the large quantity of vehicles that darted to and fro. Though he had never been to this particular city, he wasn't totally unfamiliar with cities and smaller towns, having gone to a few in his time on supply runs and similar errands for the farm he worked on. There had also been a couple of books he'd read about on city life, and magazines. One of the most inspirational, informative, and favorite of his had been the autobiography of a gay film director, whose personal story and trials within the context of city life had welled up dreams of an exciting city life within the heart of a young teenage farmhand in the process of accepting his homosexuality. He had worked out a small plan for his arrival in the city and the first main steps he knew he needed to take in order to get properly settled. The first of course would have to be to find an apartment or other suitable living space, and he figured the best, most affordable thing to do would be to find someone who had an extra room to let, someone who already had their apartment and who maybe just needed a roommate to lighten the financial load. Barring that, he would have to lease a small apartment himself and to that end he had already looked up a few potential places and called around in advance, though finding someone already established to room with was the more preferred route for him. Beyond the financial ease that would lend he would also feel less alone in this new place and be able to get useful information from someone who already knew the area. Paul imagined that potentially the bus station might have a message board or similar where people or companies might post offers or personals so that out-of-towners might see them. Beyond an apartment, he also would need a job, though that was basically settled, but Paul felt it best still to keep his eyes open for any other potential, better offers than the jobs he had already applied for and given a call to before making the trip to the city. In the meanwhile, he had a fair amount saved up so he had time to look, worst-case scenario. Stepping off the bus and taking a few steps forward, Paul gazed around a moment in awe at the towering buildings around him before catching himself, not wanting to look like a naive tourist or some kind of starry eyed country bumpkin. He moved forward to enter the bus stop, his eyes adjusting to the light as he stepped over the threshold while the automatic doors pulled apart at his presence. Inside, people were going here and there-departing and arriving, some saying goodbye and others being greeted by heartfelt hugs. A tiger who looked like an important business executive gave his wife or girlfriend a goodbye kiss, perhaps heading off on a business trip; A world weary coyote was kneeling as he embraced his two young daughters, his wife with a hand on his shoulder. And over in one corner a dog and cat were having what looked like a slightly heated argument, vague hints of conversation coming through as one or the other would raise his voice periodically. Paul started seeking out the notice board, finding it eventually a little ways farther down along the left side wall from where he'd entered, but he couldn't quite pull his eyes off the arguing dog and cat couple. Now he saw both their eyes wet as tears began to form, now the cat was weeping openly, and now they were embracing, holding each other tightly. Paul smiled a sad smile, empathizing with them, and in his heart wished them the best of luck, but had of course his own affairs to see to. Having arrived at the bulletin board, Paul's eyes scanned the postings listed. It appeared that the staff or someone at any rate had done their best to organize the board into sections going from left to right. At the top of each section was a differently colored placard headlining the various sections: 'Job Postings', 'Personals', 'Community Events', 'Housing'. Paul wasn't concerned about the Personals or any community events, the latter at least not for the time being, but he did get out his smartphone and type in a few of the job listings in his notebook app. After that, he moved to the 'Housing' section of the board and gave it a thorough look. Here, he found one or two possibly promising entries, but nothing inherently better than what he'd already looked in to. Most posts were for actual houses or ritzier apartment complexes than he could or would care to afford, or they were in neighborhoods not exactly ideal from what he'd researched of the city or weren't in close enough proximity to his possible jobs or to any reasonable shopping areas to have any real benefits to them. He was about to call it quits and go with the options he'd already previously looked into when he took a step back to give one last survey of the board and nearly collided with a smaller raccoon male who had been making his way to go around behind and to the board to the right of where the stallion had been standing. "Whoa! Easy there, big feller!" the raccoon said as he instinctively reached out to put a paw on the stallion's left shoulder, to steady himself and to alert the horse to his presence. "S-Sorry", Paul replied, shaken from his concentration on the notice board. Coming around to his right side, the raccoon flashed Paul a quick, easy-going smile. "Eh, it's no worries! See! No harm done," said the raccoon as he stood off to the side and back a little ways, facing the horse and presenting himself as a specimen of perfect health, arms and legs stretched out just a little ways apart from his body and tail erect behind him, his pale-colored blue eyes shining brightly. He seemed a little younger than Paul but not by much, wearing loose and comfortable-looking clothing-shorts and a light t-shirt. Paul was actually momentarily entranced by the sight of the handsome, humbly elegant raccoon before him, but quickly recovered and smiled pleasantly back. "Yep, sure seems like it." The raccoon smiled bigger and did a long blink of his eyes before continuing to face the board, holding a light blue sheet of paper with bold black ink writing on it in one paw and a tack in the other paw, which he promptly used to puncture through the paper and the backing of the notice board in one sure, smooth action. Paul, not fully conscious of his doing so, stood transfixed watching the raccoon perform this action, watching his lithe and thin body move in subtle graceful gestures until the raccoon was done and took a step back to admire his own handiwork. At this point Paul shook himself out of his stupor and looked at the paper the raccoon had put up, blushing a little and hoping he hadn't been noticed staring. Wanted: Roommate Room to Let 2 Bedroom Apartment $500 a month The very last rows contained an address and phone number, and a name, Ethan, to ask for. The location and price was ideal, and was exactly the kind of place he'd been hoping for. "Oh! That's Perfect!", Paul exclaimed aloud. This caught the attention of the raccoon, who swiveled his head towards Paul. "Hmm?! Oh! Are you looking for a room?," "Yes sir, I am," Paul said politely. The raccoon waved his hand dismissively, "Pfft! Please, none of that 'sir' shit, call me Ethan", he said as he held a paw out to Paul, who shook it with his own hoofed-ended hand. "I'm Paul." "Well Paul, glad to meet you, and so soon after posting the flyer, hadn't thought I'd have an interested party so soon. I...guess I should take this down for now then?" Paul found him rather quirky and upbeat, and he had a cool, confident attitude, though it was unclear how genuine this was, or if it was just a way the raccoon dealt with nervousness or meeting new people. For Paul's own part, he was a bit on the nervous side presently, not least because he found the raccoon attractive and was trying not to stare weirdly as to be off-putting. Though at the fearful thought that he was staring his eyes went wide and he started speaking quickly and overmuch, realizing the raccoon, Ethan, had asked him a question. "Yes yes, I am interested. I-I just moved here, between jobs of course but have a few good offers I'll be looking into..." He stopped himself short and inwardly cursed himself for talking so quickly and likely making himself look the blubbering fool he felt like presently. But the raccoon either didn't notice or ignored, it, continuing to give off a warm and welcoming smile, though there seemed a certain softening in his look which suggested perhaps he had noticed but perhaps had found it endearing. "Great! Why don't we discuss it a little bit first and if it sounds agreeable to both of us, I'll show you the place and we can go from there. Do you like coffee? You look like someone who takes his black?" "No, I like mine fairly sweet, lot of cream and sugar; but I do like coffee, yes." Paul was getting over his short bout of nervousness, acting a little more like his usual self, he felt, though he wasn't sure how confident he sounded. The raccoon, Ethan, nodded, his smile beaming wider. "Perfect!, I'll lead the way then, do you need help with your luggage?" Paul only had one massive suitcase he was carrying, mainly with clothes and a few other odds and ends, but he knew it was likely far heavier and bulkier than the smaller, less muscular raccoon would be able to carry anyway, though he did appreciate the offer-it was very kind of him. "No, I'm good, it's just the one," Paul said, briefly hoisting up the suitcase in confirmation. "Please...lead on," he concluded with. Ethan smiled big and nodded, then headed past the stallion towards the exit of the bus station, his slightly feminine-looking hips swaying subtly but noticeably due to the exaggerated motions of his animated tail. Paul tried to focus on the raccoon above the shoulder blades, but he couldn't stop his eyes periodically from dropping down lower, following the line between the raccoon's shoulder blades made by the folds of his shirt down the length of his back to the base of the tail, the gently swaying hips, and the round, adorable little ass on the lithe, energetic raccoon. He found himself wondering more about the person who could be maybe in a few short hours his new roommate, and wondering what his new life here in the city was going to be like. As he was almost out the door, he was shaken out of his current contemplations by the memory of the dog and cat couple he had seen earlier. He looked in the direction they had been before but they were now no longer there, and he didn't remember when they had left or if they had left together or separately or had maybe gone to some other part of the station. As he left the bus station he put it out of his mind, though in his heart he quickly wished them the best of luck, knowing he'd probably never know the full details of their situation and how it had played out. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Having arrived at the coffee shop, Ethan and Paul ordered their drinks and then stood to the side a moment till they were completed,afterwards grabbing them and making their way to one of the small tables just outside the coffee shop. It was a cool, slightly breezy afternoon, and what little wind there was travelled into and through the channel created by the rising buildings on either side of the street. It was the perfect weather to enjoy a piping hot cup of coffee. Paul, who opted for a dark roast, was quite enjoying himself while he sat and sipped his coffee, talking over the details of the apartment with Ethan and convincing him of his qualities as a suitable roommate. The raccoon, as far as his drink selection went, had opted for something cold instead of hot, in the form of a frappucino, which he would sip periodically with visual and audible pleasure, which Paul found adorable. They had been talking at some lengths already, conversing about the city and a few other matters of small talk, before Paul, at Ethan's urging, began talking a little about himself and his personal history. He told Ethan a little about spending the majority of his life in the countryside, about his work on the farm and how that had recently come to an end, and his decision to move to the city. Ethan remarked about how he had basically lived always in the city or very similar urban areas, but that when he was younger there were some weekends during the summers that his family would stay with some of their cousins in the country. Paul nodded at Ethan and prompted him to talk further about his life in the city, about where he worked and other similar information. This led ultimately to conversation about the apartment in greater detail, with Ethan giving further details about the place. "It's sort of cozy and with a sense of spaciousness, despite it's being from what I've discovered not any much bigger to other apartments with similar floorplans and pricing. I moved in about 6 months past when me and my boyfriend decided to get an apartment together..." He paused a moment after saying this and gave an embarrassed or uncertain look before blushing and looking down at the table for a moment, his arms still folded across his chest as they had been through most of their conversation at the coffee shop. "Oh yeah...I forgot to mention, I'm gay by the way. I don't know if that's a problem?" One of Paul's ears swivelled back and a puzzled, almost offended look crossed his face, but Ethan was looking down a little still and didn't see this. "That's perfectly fine, I'm gay too." Ethan looked up, swivelling his own ears back in surprise. "Oh!? I don't know why but I thought you were straight, I guess you just seem very masculine is all, I probably shouldn't have jumped to conclusions though." He blushed a little and stopped talking. Paul thought it a little random and odd and he didn't know if Ethan was perhaps had been the victim of gay bashing in the past and was suddenly worried about that or if perhaps he was merely subtly trying to determine the stallion's own sexual orientation. Either way, Paul brushed it off and gave Ethan a reassuring smile. That's alright, no worries. Anyway, you said you moved in initially to the apartment with your boyfriend?" Ethan nodded, but then got a very sad look on his face. "Yes. but that didn't quite work out in the end. I suppose things were kind of rocky before we moved in, and the apartment together I think I thought would help things but it didn't. He left a couple of months back, and I've been getting along alright financially without him, but there's a lot more empty space now, I could use the little bit of extra money that will come with having a roommate to help pay on the rent, and I'm not always good with being alone." Paul frowned sympathetically, "I see. And I'm sorry." Ethan's smile returned. "It's alright, but thank you, Paul" Paul smiled back and nodded. "I can't say I have too much experience with any real long term relationships, never really had a steady boyfriend per se, just a few guys I've hung out with in the past and at times have had sex with, but nothing ever serious romantically came out of those. Still, I can certainly understand loss, but, I don't imagine you want to talk about this further, let's get back to the apartment details. Ethan nodded, a gentle smile still on his face, surely glad to be off the topic. "Thank you", he said, and Paul continued. "Do you want the initial $400 up front, or at a later time?" Ethan thought a moment. "As soon as possible would probably be best". Paul pulled a wallet out of his bag and counted out $400, handing it to Ethan, who, at Paul's insistence to double-check it, recounted it, confirmed that it was $400, then put it away in his own wallet. Ethan chuckled a little "You know, I haven't actually agreed to letting you the room, and you haven't even seen the apartment yet." Paul smiled a sly smirk, "Yes you did, you accepted the money. And no, it's true I haven't of course, but you've described it pretty well, it's location is ideal, and I have a good intuition regarding other people, and I have a very good feeling about you, so I'm not worried." Ethan's smile widened a little bigger, "Well then, my home is your home now then. Should we discuss the house rules here, or go to the apartment and talk about them there, I do have a very nice little table set up in the kitchen. I could go for some tea as well, this frap was good but I've finished it off and don't particularly want to spend more money on another drink, especially when I have some very good tea at home. Paul nodded. "Yes, sounds like a good idea to me, and it's getting a little bit warmer now, there's less of that pleasant breeze then there was before." Ethan agreed, and made to get up, "Alright then, let's get going," he said, and Paul likewise got up from his chair, putting it back underneath the small table and throwing away his now empty cup of coffee into the outside trash receptacle. The two walked down the street in the direction of Ethan's apartment, chatting lightly as they made their way. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ The key to the apartment turned easily in the lock, light flooding into the place from outside as the pair walked inside. Ethan groped along the right side wall in the dark till his paw found the light switch. He flicked it on, illuminating the small hallway and living room area that was immediately connected to the front door. He entered the living room with Paul following then turned around to face the stallion, stretching his arms out in a form of greeting and presentation, a big grin on his face. "Welcome to my humble abode-now our humble abode!" He proclaimed with enthusiasm. Paul smiled back, he found the raccoon's enthusiastic manners adorable. As he watched him, Ethan lowered his arms and placed a singular finger to his bottom lip and gave an expression of being momentarily in deep thought, then went back to the previously large, beaming smile. "Well, I suppose we should go over a few house rules," said the raccoon. "Don't worry they won't be anything too unreasonable and on one or two I'd like your thoughts on them." Paul nodded. "Sounds good," he said. "Okay! Well first of all, I need your rent by about two days before the end of each month, though of course if you want to give it to me sooner than that and get it out of the way then that's perfectly fine as well." He thought again for a moment, before continuing on. "By the way, I'll take on any extra rent charges that might come with adding you to the lease agreement, unless you want to help out once you get more settled in. I've told the landlord I'm looking to add a new roommate, so we can add you to the lease later hopefully without any hiccups, though for now of course you can stay here as a 'guest'." Paul knew, or thought he knew, the implication and meaning of the way Ethan had said 'guest', referring to his status as an occupant of the apartment for the time being, but the sly smile and the look he gave the horse seemed to hint at something more. From what Paul could tell, it was the first blatant hint the raccoon had given that he found the horse attractive, well maybe the second, if Ethan's disclosure of his orientation could be counted. Paul didn't mind, of course, he himself found the raccoon physically attractive, as well as liking his personality, but it took him a little by surprise that the raccoon might feel similarly. Ethan lowered his head slightly in thought, "You know, you didn't have to give me the money in advance like you did." Paul nodded and smiled, "I know, but I had a good feeling about you and felt an up front approach to paying would also be a sign of good faith and allay any concerns you might have about my financial situation." Ethan raised his head back up, smiling. "Well I appreciate it certainly. And it'll be helpful in adding you to the lease that you already gave me first month's rent portion up front. Ethan crossed his arms while further explain any remaining 'house rules.' He ultimately counted off the last few on one of his fingers. They were mostly details on cleaning duties and responsibilities, and other things of that nature. Also discussed were having guests over, the basic rules of that, including giving fair warning in advance to each other. This led to Ethan's last question, but he paused for a moment apparently in thought about how to phrase it before sending it out in the open. "Okay...so since I've been alone for a good while, or with my boyfriend before that, I'm used to a fair amount of the time walking around the apartment naked, and I'd prefer to be able to keep doing that, as I find it comfortable. So I need your thoughts on that, whether you agree to it so or not. And of course, if you wish, you'll be welcome to walk around naked too." Paul saw the raccoon blush a little, but he quickly tried to hide it by looking skyward and pretending he had an itch on his chin that he needed to scratch while he was waiting for Paul's response. Paul wondered again about the raccoon being physically attracted to him. For his part, he knew he sure wouldn't have minded seeing what Ethan looked like minus the clothes. And he didn't mind if the raccoon saw him naked. "That's fine by me, I find it usually quite comfortable to be naked, especially on hot days. I've often done some of the chores on the farm naked, and usually many of the other workers. We'd be typically in separate stations, but occasionally another guy would come by to borrow a tool he needed or be on some such similar errand, or need a quick hand lifting something heavy. So I'm fairly used to being naked around other guys." Ethan chuckled a little, his paw stifling it some as he covered his muzzle with it. "Oh wow, well I guess you would be pretty comfortable with walking around the apartment without clothes on then. Okay, good. There are some mornings, particularly on off days, that it just feels too much a bother to me to put on clothing, so I'm glad to hear that." Paul smiled back, then began browsing the apartment in a little more detail with his eyes. The hallway from the front door led at its far end to the living room area, where the kitchen, a little cut-away alcove, could be entered via turning right just before the living room proper. From the kitchen, where they currently were standing, Paul could see the living room through a long rectangular hole with basically a bar cut out of the middle of the left side wall off the kitchen. Behind Paul who was standing more in the entrance to the kitchen, and a little off to his right was a closed door, assumedly one of the bedrooms. Further down the hallway, closer to the front door, was another door that Paul assumed to be the bathroom based on his location and what he could tell from the size of it. The second bedroom was along the same wall as the first, just farther off to Paul's left, nearer the farthest end of the living room and the front door. Paul, wishing to set his bag down in his own room as opposed to where it rested presently in the hallway, and wanting to see what the space was like, asked the raccoon which one was his. "Ah, the one directly accessing the living room, off to the right there. So happily if it's something you enjoy you'll be able to wake up on an off day and plop down naked on the couch to watch the TV." "You won't mind if I plop down naked on your couch?" Paul asked with a slight smirk, feeling more certain that his impressions were correct and Ethan very much wouldn't mind seeing the stallion plopped down naked on the couch. Ethan shook his head slightly, "Nah! Just be sure to vacuum up any hairs you leave behind every once in a while, though I'll likely be doing that, as probably most of it will be my hair then yours based on the longer fur coat that I have compared to yours." Here he stroked his cheek fur casually for emphasis, where easily Paul could see a few lengthy hairs fall out. One Ethan managed catch between two of his fingers and he showed it to the stallion, the light peering through the curtains of the living room catching it and making it shine a little. "See?" Ethan said. Paul nodded, and smiled. "Sure, that could be a fun way to start an off day." Ethan smiled also, "Alright, let's show you the room, then." \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Ethan opened the door wide and gestured to the horse to step inside. Paul entered and gazed about the room, eyes slightly wide-eyed as he took it in. The stallion had imagined the room was going to be smaller than he was now seeing. From the looks of it, and the adjoining bathroom, this appeared to be the master bedroom. It was a little surprising that this was the room the raccoon was letting; but maybe Ethan simply preferred a smaller living space. Paul felt like there was more to it than that, at least a little bit. He imagined this may have previously been where Ethan had stayed when with his boyfriend when they were together, and that maybe after they had broken up Ethan had switched to the smaller room. But this was all just speculation on Paul's part, and it could go further, but there was no need to dwell on it. If Ethan cared to tell Paul any of the real details behind his letting out the master bedroom instead of the other, likely smaller room, then surely he would. For now, Paul's thoughts were more so on the connecting bathroom and the shower he assumed it housed. It had been a long trip on that bus, and more than a little hot at times, so a nice shower sounded like the best of ideas at present. Ethan was looking at him admiring the room, Paul noticed, smiling pleasantly. Having just been looking at the open bathroom door he swiveled back around to Ethan and returned the raccoon's look with a small nod and smile and began removing his clothes. Apparently the raccoon was taken aback a bit and as Paul began unbuttoning his pants he spoke up. "Wh-What are you doing?" he asked. "Taking a shower, I need one, and I noticed there's one here in the bedroom, so I figured I'd take one then unpack the rest of my clothing. It works alright doesn't it?" By this point, Paul had pulled down his pants and had his hooved fingertips on the waistband of his boxers. Ethan hadn't quite heard what he had said. "What?" he asked. Paul gave him a puzzled look, pausing his motions. "The...shower. It works okay I assume, right?" Ethan blinked, finally realizing what he said. "Oh! Yes, quite well. Um, do you want me to go and give you some privacy..." By this point, though, Paul had pulled off his underwear and kicked it off to the side a little, his hands akimbo as he faced Ethan. Ethan's eyes were wide and focused on the stallion's large genitals, which Paul found amusing and flattering more than anything else, and he doubted the raccoon quite realized he was staring. He smiled again at the raccoon, and decided to tease him a little. "Unless you want to join me?" He said, in response to Ethan's stunted question about privacy. This brought the raccoon back to his senses and he shook himself out of his mesmerized gaze, blushing terribly, Ethan stuttered and nearly stumbled as he attempted to make a polite but hasty exit. "No, no, I'm going to go...I, I, need to eat something anyway, I'm starting to get hungry. Are you hungry, I can fix you something if you'd like...a sandwich maybe, yeah...I'll fix you a sandwich." He headed towards the door and fumbled for the doorknob. "Hey." Paul said in a calm, serious and sympathetic tone. He hadn't really meant to fluster the raccoon so, and wasn't quite sure how he had. Perhaps the raccoon was less comfortable around other naked guys then he had let on? Maybe he just hadn't seen a naked stallion before, Paul knew his own package was an impressive size certainly, and maybe it was a bit overwhelming for the little raccoon. At any rate, Paul walked over slowly to him, the raccoon's eyes darting periodically for the stallion's face to between his legs. When he was a couple feet from him, Paul put a gentle hand on Ethan's shoulder as a means of trying to calm him down before speaking to him. Paul spoke quietly and as gently as possible. "Did I make you uncomfortable? I didn't mean to. I figured since we agree we were fine being around each other naked I could go ahead and ditch my clothing and hop in the shower right away without much fuss. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." Ethan averted his eyes. "No, I'm sorry, I made things awkward. I didn't mean to stare" Paul chuckled gently. "It's alright if you stare, I don't mind. I'm aware I have quite the impressive equipment, I'd almost be offended if you didn't. But I guess I did get naked rather suddenly, in hindsight, I was just really excited about that shower" Ethan seemed to perk up at this and looked Paul in the eyes, smiling gently back. Paul smiled bigger and with his hand still on the raccoon's shoulder he could feel the tension leave Ethan's body and with it also the tension in the room as well. Paul wasn't sure it was a good idea or not, but the impulse to do so was too strong and he gently but firmly pulled Ethan into a big hug. The raccoon's body again tensed very briefly but then just as quickly relaxed fully and after a brief second he returned the hug by wrapping his arms around the stallion. The embrace only lasted a few moments but it felt like a lot longer than that. It was meant to be only a friendly, tension-easing hug of course, but it felt like so much more. Paul couldn't quite read what was going on in the raccoon's thoughts, of course, but he could feel him totally relaxed and truly enjoying the embrace. For Paul's own part, he had had no idea how strong a sensation the embrace was going to be for him, but he knew only a very short span into it that it somehow meant immediately more to him than just a friendly embrace. He wasn't sure what it was, exactly. All he knew was that he felt it very keenly and was very focused on all the sensations he felt while he held the raccoon in his arms. And when they eventually parted from the embrace, it was much harder than it should have been for Paul to pull away. "Say, do you think we should clear the air a bit more than this even?" Ethan asked, smiling and chuckling a little to himself. Paul raised a puzzled brow, "What do you mean?" Ethan pointed towards the bathroom door. "Take your shower, then just leave your clothes off, unless you have somewhere to go this evening? I'm free tonight too, we could both just hang out naked chatting and getting to know each other better." He smiled while saying this then seemed to start to become self-conscious again, and his smile started to fade. "Unless you think that's a weird or terrible idea?" Paul smiled back at him and raised an eyebrow slightly. "No. I think that sounds like a fun idea. But you'll have to take your clothes as well." Ethan chuckled a little but then promptly did as he was bidden, removing his shirt and letting it fall to the ground, then undoing his shorts and letting them drop, and finally pulling down his briefs. He stretched his arms out in an exaggerated manner, as if showcasing himself. "Ta-Da!" He exclaimed. Paul chuckled and smiled big as he looked the raccoon over from head to toe. He was slender and good-looking, his fur a shimmering gray that caught the light nicely, and he had some solid muscle definition in his body. Paul definitely found him attractive, his whole body, and of course his eyes lingered a bit on the raccoon's very attractive bits, the soft but firm and very roundish balls, hanging down a good bit and pretty large, and his slender but still decently girthy shaft and head of his penis, with a good length of foreskin on it, the underside hanging down a good bit past the end of his penis. "Very nice! You seemed quite ready to be out of those restrictive clothes, do you feel more comfortable now?" he asked. Ethan nodded and did seem much more relaxed now than he had before. "I do, actually," he said with a big smile. "Alright, I'm going to take my shower now, you should head to the kitchen. I'm looking forward to that sandwich." "Okay!" said Ethan, smiling as he left the room, gathering up his clothes and leaving the door open. Paul chuckled again to himself and stood a moment staring a moment after him before he made for the shower. He had definitely enjoyed watching Ethan's naked, furry ass as it walked away and that swishing tail, and the slight boner he felt as he walked towards the bathroom door was definite physical proof of that. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Several minutes later, Paul walked out of the bedroom as Ethan was placing the two plates of sandwiches, two for each of them, on the small table in the living room area close to the kitchen, near the opening in the wall that viewed into the kitchen. Paul stood a moment in the doorway, leaning against the frame as he finished drying out an ear with his towel. Ethan saw him and smiled at him, watching the slightly perturbed expression on the stallion's face as he worked with the towel, and Paul caught his eye and smiled back. "Sandwiches ready?" he asked. Ethan nodded a confirmation, and Paul tossed the towel into the bedroom, commenting that he'd pick it up properly later on. He made his way over to the table and pulled out the wooden chair closest to him, opposite to the side of the table where Ethan was standing. The raccoon did likewise and the both of them sat down, Paul casually watching Ethan as he sidestepped to position himself in front of the chair, maneuvering his tail to be able to fit through the gap in the back of the chair, which made his smallish but handsome penis sway in a wide arc to the right before going back in a similar but shorter arc the other way then settle more comfortably down in the crook of his ball sack as the raccoon finished sitting down. Ethan hadn't seemed to noticed the horse looking, seemingly paying most of his attention to how he maneuvered himself to sit down. Paul wasn't even sure now if the raccoon knew or guessed that he found him attractive, though it was clear that Ethan was attracted to or at least allured by the stallion's body, or at least his genitals. At this time Ethan looked up at the horse and smiled, and Paul felt a kind of connection in that moment. He knew at least that the raccoon was looking forward to and expecting a pleasant relationship between the two of them, at least as hopefully agreeable roommates and good friends as well, but Paul also read in that smile that Ethan did indeed find him attractive, that the raccoon found it pleasant to look at the stallion's face too and not just at his cock and balls. The attraction was equally reciprocated by Paul, who found the all of the raccoon's body attractive and sexually stimulating, but the horse found that above all he was mesmerized and enchanted by Ethan's face and personality. It was a bit odd and surprising to Paul, as Ethan wasn't really the type he went for, usually preferring the more muscular and gruff in the guys he tended to be attracted to. Ethan had some muscles too, of course, he saw earlier in observing the raccoon's naked body, but he had a more lithe body that he carried with a finesse and grace that was still very distinctly masculine. His personality, from what Paul had observed, was cheerful and energetic, but at times uncertain, jovial and happy, but with a hint of an underlying sadness to it, which the horse guessed came from a less than perfect past with things in it that still haunted him. In that look and in that smile that Ethan gave him across the table, Paul knew a couple of things with certainty about his feelings towards the raccoon. Namely, that he found Ethan very attractive and that he really wanted to fuck him. He almost wanted to outright bluntly say so, but given the earlier awkwardness and that it might seem to come out of left field at this particular moment, since Paul wasn't fully aware of how Ethan felt about him, it seemed the wrong time to say anything. Instead, Paul looked down at his plate and commented on the sandwiches, breaking the momentary silence and starting a conversation going. "These look really good. Is this oat bread?" The stallion asked, picking up a sandwich in his hands. Ethan shook his head, "Nah, just wheat with grains in them, well, I guess there could be oats in them, I'm not sure what all grains and such there are." Paul took a bite, only briefly commenting on the taste before politely chewing with his mouth closed afterwards. "It's really good." Ethan smiled, "Thanks, I tried to make something you might like, that would be suited to your taste, or what I guess your taste would be, as a horse, that is." Paul nodded. "I think you fairly well succeeded," he said, washing down a bit of the sandwich with the glass of water that the raccoon had kindly provided as well. Ethan smiled big and continued eating his own sandwich. The two sat in relative silence as they ate, but would periodically ask questions of one another, mostly some basics on their past or current lives, most of the questions coming from Ethan about Paul's life on the farm. The horse told him more about rural living and his life on the farm, a little bit more about his work and how he spent his personal time. He divulged a little bit in this way his personal sexcapades, mostly telling the more humorous stories, which they both chuckled at. During these stories, the raccoon's eyes were lit up and he had a broad smile on his face, his whiskers periodically twitching, Paul guessed as possibly a sign of arousal, and at least once he thought he heard a dull thud from the underside of the table almost directly in front of Ethan, which the horse wondered if it was the raccoon's erection hitting the table as he squirmed a little in his seat trying to get more comfortable. During this time the raccoon also coughed but it didn't sound quite authentic, which seemed to confirm Paul's suspicions, coupled with the fact that he had heard a similar thud come from his own end as the memory of the past events caused an erection of his own and resulted in his penis hitting the low table. Shortly after this Ethan picked up the conversation for a bit, telling a few brief anecdotes about his own sexual past before moving on to some general details of his city life experience and even giving Paul a few tips on good and nearby places to go for groceries, other essentials, and various entertainment shopping, which the horse was indeed very grateful for. Paul enjoyed hearing the raccoon talk, and he could see by his eyes that Ethan also was enjoying Paul's stories and the overall conversation. For his own part, the more he talked with the raccoon, the more attracted with Ethan he was becoming, and the more he hoped that the smiling and bright-eyed raccoon was also becoming with him. After a while, Ethan excused himself for a moment to put the plates away and refill both their water glasses. Paul couldn't help himself but to again stare at the raccoon's ass as he walked around him and into the kitchen area, his tail swaying in a clearly pleased and happy manner as he walked. An idea poured into the stallion's mind, and, after a brief moment of debating about it with himself, he quietly got up from his seat, deciding to take the risk. Ethan had set the plates with the two glasses on top of the countertop, away from the kitchen entrance, and had just removed the two glasses from the top of the plate to the countertop when Paul placed his hand very gently on his right shoulder. Ethan jumped a very small amount, his fur bristling slightly, and he turned around slowly to look at the stallion. Ethan's brows furrowed slightly in confusion, unsure what was going on for the moment. "What?" Ethan asked. Paul said nothing, but after a very brief moment pulled the raccoon closer to him in a gentle but strong embrace, his left arm set just above where the raccoon's tail was, and his right arm wrapping itself underneath the raccoon's armpit and his hand resting on right shoulder. Ethan tensed for a moment at the sudden and unexpected embrace, then gave way to it, relaxing into the embrace. It was a long embrace. Longer than the intended friendly embrace they had had earlier, or seemed like it. But in a single moment or very short, instantly grouped together moments, Paul could feel everything. He felt the fur of his neck pushed against by the longer strands of fur of Ethan's face as he rested his head on the horse's shoulder. The warmth and feeling of fur brushing against fur where their two chests rested against each other, one of their nipples each touching the other's. He felt the sensation of the slender but taut muscles of the raccoon's lower back underneath his hand as he rubbed it slowly up and down, sometimes brushing his tail, ultimately resting gently for a moment on his ass cheek, sending a shiver through the raccoon's body. Most of all he felt their two abdomens pressed together, the warmth from that like a central heat source, followed by below that a brief gap in their embrace where the curve of their bodies dipped down towards their genital regions, allowing just the smallest amount of cool air from the air condition to find its way through. Most pronouncedly, in the sensitive parts of his body, he felt the pressing of their genitals together. Snaked slightly together as if in their own little embrace apart from and at the same time a part of the same embrace as the rest of their bodies-their cocks intermingled with one another. Paul's cock, slightly heavier and just to the right of Ethan's, snaked down and curved to the left to come to rest in the crook of Ethan's ball sack, pushing his balls slightly apart from each other, a gentle pressure on each, with the stallion's large yet shorter glans holding ever so slightly up Ethan's smaller and narrower one. And similarly Paul's larger and lower hanging ball sack slightly lifted up and allowed Ethan's balls to rest on the stallion's own. The whole of the experience was safety and security and longing and comfort. Paul wanted Ethan, maybe needed him, and Paul was sure that Ethan wanted him, and it was wonderful, and it was painful the very next moment when Ethan spoke ever so quietly. "I can't..." Ethan whispered slightly. Paul held him at arm's length, giving him a slightly puzzled and sad look. Ethan continued. "I know I should be moving on, but it's hard, and I'm scared, and I don't know if I'm ready for another relationship just yet." Paul felt a deep hurt by this, stronger he thought in the back of his mind than he should be feeling. He wanted to express this to the raccoon but instead he just smiled his warm, comforting smile, still with his arms wrapped around Ethan.. "I understand. Though you know it doesn't have to be a relationship, we can have sex with no strings attached, relieve a bit of this sexual tension, make it just another fun activity we can do together as roommates." Ethan sighed. "I know, but...even that may be too much for me right now." He put his head down slightly, staring at Paul's massive chest. The stallion took his right hand and gently lifted the raccoon's head with it, bringing his eyes upwards to stare into Paul's. The stallion then put his muzzle to the divot just between and above Ethan's eyes, exhaling a bit of warm breath from his nostrils that gently parted the fur of the raccoon's forehead. "I understand," Paul began, "And I'm sorry I rushed things or if I made you uncomfortable." Ethan stammered a little as he was choked up with emotions. he wasn't sure he was prepared for that, he explained to Paul. "Don't do anything you're uncomfortable with," Paul replied. "I wouldn't enjoy the sex anyway if you felt bad or unhappy afterwards, we should both want and enjoy it." Ethan smiled and held the horse more tightly and Paul reciprocated. Ultimately after a time they ended their embrace and a little after that each of them went to their separate beds, exchanging pleasant "good nights" with smiles as each were at their own respective doorways. Lying on his bed, Paul felt happy even though perhaps things hadn't gone as he'd hoped, but as he thought about it, maybe it had gone better than he'd hoped. If Ethan had had sex with him on this night, from either feeling that slight bit of unintended pressure from Paul or done so from giving in to his desires without any caution, and had felt bad about it afterwards, then Paul's words to him, which was indeed how he felt and not just coddling the raccoon, would have rung true, and maybe ruined something beautiful. Paul still very much desired the raccoon sexually but there was also something deeper there. Ethan seemed like a more sensitive guy then most the other guys he'd been with, when it had really only been about having fun sex and a good time, and not really anything deeper or more romantic except maybe for one or two short-lived experiences. As he thought of it, he realized that no, the two of them likely wouldn't be able to just have sex with no strings attached. All of his interaction with the raccoon had suggested that their was no way that Ethan would be able to have sex with him and not mentally and emotionally establish or attempt to establish a deeper connection with Paul. Quite possibly Paul had inadvertently falsified the idea in Ethan's mind that sex with no strings attached could happen, but after sex Paul knew the raccoon would want more than just the sex and otherwise if there was nothing more afterwards then he would feel bad or regretful about the decision to have sex with the stallion, and that he might even blame Paul for pressuring him into having sex with him. He shouldn't have done it, Paul knew in that instant, he should have read the room better, as it were. Why had he done it? It was almost out of character for him, truth be told. Paul reflected on this, could it be that he was truly falling for the raccoon, that this time, with this guy, he didn't want just a one-time fling or just a friend or acquaintance he could occasionally have sex with? Even so, how could he ask for a more serious relationship, having been the one to bring up the idea of their relationship and sex being of a more casual, friend-only nature. And would the raccoon even be ready for a more serious relationship at this time, he certainly didn't seem like he was there yet, even though he was trying to be, but the last relationship he had been in seemed to have hurt him pretty badly. The thought made him angry momentarily. How could anyone break Ethan's heart so, and so thoroughly. Maybe it wasn't particularly the ex-boyfriend's fault, Ethan was certainly very sensitive and put a lot of emotional weight into his relationships. Still, how could he have left him? Throughout the day Paul had picked up on some of Ethan's potential flaws, and some Paul could probably hazard a guess about based on what he'd seen of his personality, and they certainly didn't seem damning enough to outweigh the good things he had already seen about the raccoon. Still, Paul knew that sometimes personalities clash and didn't always get along despite everyone's best efforts, so he couldn't put all the blame on just the ex-boyfriend. Still, the thought of it all, and the aftermath of its effects on Ethan made Paul's heart hurt for the guy. And when he coupled all this protective instinct towards the raccoon along with everything else: his attraction to the raccoon's personality and body, the ease and comfortableness he felt around him, how well the two of them seemed to connect and the chemistry that seemed to be there, and most notably, though on the surface seemingly a minor thing, how good Ethan felt in his arms, Paul knew that he was legitimately falling for the raccoon, and wanted to be able to hold the raccoon whenever possible in his arms for always. It stunned the stallion with the weight of its certainty, like he'd been hit by something as solid as a rock, and he stayed awake a long time afterwards trying to figure out what course of action he should take. Ultimately he decided that he needed to let Ethan be to make up his own decision about things, and certainly Paul wasn't going to bring up again the two of them having sex until the raccoon did, if he ever did. Somehow, though, he knew, he would have to tell him about his feelings for him. Who knows, Paul thought to himself, maybe I'm wrong anyway and these feelings are merely physical attraction after all and nothing more. Paul thought that, but he didn't really believe his own lies to himself. A short while later, Paul, unable to fall asleep with the thoughts buzzing in his head and being alone in the large, still unfamiliar room, opened the door to his bedroom and stood outside in the hallway. The apartment was quiet, but there were still various random sounds from the city streets below, filling the night with their clamor. The stallion looked at the windows with their shades drawn, a soft dull orange radiating from the slits and edges of the blinds from the outside street lamps, then turned his gaze to his right and down the main hallway of the apartment. He saw the other door along the same wall as his own, sighing deeply and staring at the dark floor below him, lost deeply in thought. After long moments, he made a decision and, after taking a deep breath, slowly plodded down the hallway, being as quiet as possible. He made it to Ethan's door, which Paul was surprised to find cracked open a bit. The stallion tilted his head slightly and his ears swivelled back, curious but a little bit encouraged by the sight. Had the raccoon left it opened on purpose? Was he expecting or hoping for Paul to come to his door, and why exactly? Paul could only guess, but he turned his attention from the knob to the door itself, pushing it open a little more, which let in a little bit of light from the hallway. Ethan didn't stir from the small shaft of light pouring through or the slight creak of the door as it opened farther, he was still sleeping soundly, as far as Paul could tell. He was laying on his left side, hugging one of two large pillows tightly to his head, curled up a little with his tail curved upwards slightly and partially hidden between his legs. Paul also could hear him snoring a little, and the sound made him hesitate. He'd almost wished the raccoon had wakened when Paul opened the door, but as he hadn't done so, and since the stallion felt still encouraged by the door left cracked open in the first placel, he made his way inside and to the left side of the bed before gently sitting down on that side, still staring eyes immovable from the form of the beautiful raccoon. After a moment longer, Paul lay down on the bed, staring at the dark ceiling above, then turned his head to the left to see Ethan's long and slender but ever so slightly muscular back, coated in silver fur. He sighed deeply again, then, turning onto his left side, Paul positioned his body right up next to the raccoon's, holding him tightly, with his chest and abdomen against the raccoon's back and his genitals nestled against Ethan's right butt cheek, one of his balls resting in the fur of the raccoon's tail. Still for the most part asleep or at least deeply groggy, Ethan must have surely felt the stallion's body pressed up against his own, as Paul felt him stir slightly and heard a sleep-filled groan escape the raccoon's throat, but gave no other protest and on the contrary Paul felt him shift back a little against his own body as if trying to sink deeper into the stallion's embrace. After a few brief moments later, though, he heard Ethan breathe in a quick intake of breath and clear his throat, followed by a short, small cough. "What's wrong?" asked Ethan in a groggy voice, partially muffled by the pillow his head was half-buried in. "Couldn't sleep" Paul said. Ethan didn't say anything that was clearly intelligible, but only made a sort of growl of a nice that sounded a little bit like "okay", but Paul couldn't be sure. Certainly, the raccoon made no kind of noise of protest and seemed to fall back asleep, comfortably settled in the stallion's mighty arms. Paul felt himself give way to sleep slowly but surely, his heart feeling at peace and no longer feeling alone as the heavy but rhythmic breathing of the raccoon drowned out the noise from the city outside and the louder sound of his own thoughts. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ The morning came and as sunlight filtered through the blinds of the window it fell upon the eyes of the sleeping stallion, who gradually surfaced to consciousness out of his deep slumber. A moment's disorientation as he woke, raising his head up slightly to glare at the sunlight, before resting it again on the pillow, eyes half open. The events of the previous day gradually filled his mind and replayed themselves back to him, along with all their gravity. As they did so, he became more aware of his surroundings and his own body, and found that he and Ethan had each shifted their sleeping positions during the course of the early morning and now the stallion was lying on his back with his right hand resting on his lower chest area and his left awkwardly above his head. Ethan was now lying on his right side, facing the stallion, one leg draped over Paul's, with his right hand underneath muzzle, resting against Paul's chest slightly, and his left hand gently but firmly wrapped around the stallion's morning wood. Paul smiled amused as he noticed this, also noticing the raccoon's own erection, which he hadn't had the pleasure of seeing on the previous day, standing firmly attention but resting on Paul's left leg, some of the foreskin pulled back a little exposing a portion of the shiny, moist glans. Ethan was still snoring loudly, and Paul was loath to wake him, but he himself was now pretty well awake and wanting coffee, and didn't want to leave Ethan alone in the bed to maybe wonder where the stallion had run off too. Plus he was pretty sure Ethan would want coffee too and either way he didn't know where the raccoon kept all the coffee-making stuff so he thought it'd be probably best to ask though he doubt it would be terribly hard to find. So very gently he reached out with his right hand to grab Ethan's shoulder and shook him a little, asking him to wake up. The raccoon roused after a moment and yawned deeply, rubbing his eyes with his right paw and confusedly and a little painfully for Paul clenching and unclenching his left, which was still wrapped around Paul's very erect cock. Realization seemed to dawn on the raccoon and he jerked his hand away in surprise, looking into Paul's eyes and bushing greatly, but paul gently stroked the bottom of Ethan's muzzle with his right hand and gave him a gentle snort to the fur on the raccoon's forehead, which mostly seemed to relax him but he still had a somewhat puzzled look in his eyes. He looked down at both his own and Paul's body and each one's hard-on and spoke in a slightly uncertain tone. "Did we..." He began, then trailed off. Paul chuckled slightly, "We passed out. Well...I passed out after crawling into bed with you but you were already asleep I think, though you either talk in your sleep or maybe I woke you very slightly before you passed out again." "Oh," Ethan said, sounding a little disappointed. Paul's smile faded a little as well, but at the same time he felt deep inside that the response was kind of telling of Ethan's inner thoughts and feelings, which fortunately sounded like they coincided with Paul's own. "Hey, do you want some coffee, I'll make it however you like it, and we can drink it and talk a bit, I think we may need to," Paul said. Ethan smiled at this prospect, and responded. "Yeah, I could use some coffee...and I need to pee I think" he added, looking at his morning wood. Paul smiled at this and got out of bed, stretching the stiffness out of his body, he went to pee himself, after a moment's waiting for his morning wood to subside, then made his way to the kitchen to prepare coffee, having enquired from Ethan where everything was that he needed. The raccoon was still in the bathroom while Paul was getting started, but by the time the coffee was beginning to brew, Ethan had made his way to the dining table and was yawning hugely and loudly, one hand resting adorably on his cheek, Paul noticed from the corner of his eye. A few minutes later and the coffee was brewed and cream and sugar added to it, and Paul came to the table with two piping hot cups and set them down before seating himself. "Thank you," Ethan said, sipping gingerly at the coffee. Paul himself took a sip as well, relishing the taste of the hot cup, letting it fall into his belly and warm his mouth and bones and soul. He was letting himself wake up more fully, as well as gathering his thoughts and allowing Ethan the time to also wake up and any time he needed for thoughts. The stallion stared at the light streaming through the blinds, momentarily lost in thought as he attempted to figure out the best way to say what he wanted to say, as well as in the first place trying to figure out what he wanted to say, but in the end, Ethan beat him to the punch. "Thank you, Paul, for sleeping in the bed with me last night...it felt good to not sleep alone, and to wake up beside somebody..." He trailed off a little, staring into his coffee mug. Paul smiled, "You're very welcome, I think I needed it too, honestly. It was harder than I thought, being alone in an unfamiliar place for the first night, with all the unfamiliar sounds of the city outside." Paul paused a moment and took a sip of his coffee. He could feel Ethan's eyes on him, then shying away for a moment, uncertain. Once he had finished taking his sip, however, Paul continued. "But that I could get used to. And it wouldn't have made as much a difference, or I wouldn't have even thought of lying next to you, if I didn't already feel a strange but definite familiarity with you. But the truth is, it was more than comforting to be beside you in the night. I don't know if I believe in anything like love at first sight, but I'm definitely attracted to you and I feel as though you may be attracted to me as well and if you're willing I'd like to try to be something more than just friends or roommates. Ethan looked away a moment, seemingly confused, before responding: "I thought that you said we could just have a bit of fun between friends or roommates, just sex with no strings attached." "Well," the stallion began, "No, we both know it won't be a singular moment, a single, fun but meaningless bit of sex between us, or am I wrong? That is, do you think it could only be that for you?" Ethan thought a moment, then shook his head, looking down. "Don't feel bad for that, it couldn't be that for me either, which is strange and different for me, but I'm for some reason smitten with you, though I know it's a fast development and I didn't plan for it nor I imagine you did either." Ethan looked up at Paul, slight hints of moisture surrounding his eyes. "Well, not exactly, though I think maybe I may have had an ulterior motive or perhaps rather a hope that I might get lucky enough to find a roommate that could be more, but that was really more just wishful thinking in the back of my mind. I didn't expect to quite literally run into someone like you there at the bus stop. It's weird but, I feel like I fell in love with you in that moment, but I've been partly terrified the whole time that I'd let my feelings run away with me." He paused a long moment, and Paul was looked down at his coffee cup, thinking what he should say next, when Ethan continued suddenly. "Then, well, I couldn't tell if you were being serious or not entirely, if you did just want a bout of sex or something more. Not until you came into my room, and held me the way you did, like I meant everything to you. Paul nodded, "I am, too, serious about all this, I mean, though this is almost completely a new feeling for me. It's almost like I already had sex with you, like my mind and heart did without my body having done so, it doesn't make sense to me, and it frightens me, but I'm more terrified of your rejection, that you would say no again, and not to sex, but to an actual romantic relationship, which is why I don't know if I can bring myself to ask it from you, not least because it seems terribly unfair to you." Again Ethan made to speak, but no words came, not for a long time. The both of them sat again in silence, now not looking at each other. Paul sighed heavily before speaking again. "Maybe I should go, this isn't working, I didn't expect this and it's no one's fault really I don't think." He stood up and the chair was pushed back, squeaking loudly against the floor. "You can keep the money, if it's helpful, I don't need it," Paul mentioned. Tears started welling up freely in Ethan's eyes. While he had been speaking, Paul hadn't noticed, but now as one rolled down the left cheek of the raccoon's face the stallion saw it and his own eyes became a little wet as the resolve that had been on his face the moment before melted away. He walked slowly but purposefully over to where the raccoon was sitting and placed his hands on Ethan's cheeks, touching his forehead to his own, smiling gently as he attempted to comfort him. "Hey hey, shhh!" Paul said softly. He could feel Ethan trembling a little and continued to hold the raccoon's face in his hands and touch foreheads as he spoke further. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you," Paul began. "You're one of the more sensitive guys I've met, but look at me, I'm tearing up too a bit." He said this with a light and heartfelt chuckle, pulling his face away for Ethan to see. The raccoon smiled big through his tears, and a second after that they were embracing warmly. "I'm being an ass, and in a bad way," Paul said. The parted from embracing a moment, but Paul placed his hands on Ethan's upturned paws as the raccoon rested them in his lap. "I've placed too much pressure on you the whole time, and I think if anyone's at fault for the awkwardness of the situation it would have to fall on me. But you know what, I'm not afraid anymore. This is all a bit strange to me, but I mean what I said, I'm smitten with you, I want you, and not just for a moment, for longer than that. I don't know for how long it might last, but I think it might be worth it..." Paul was feeling himself ramble on a bit, and not sure if he was communicating what he was trying to say. He stopped talking, his lips closing together, but he watched as Ethan smiled, and then suddenly kissed him. He kissed him long and hard, and Paul practically melted in front of him, surprised at first, then kissing Ethan back, and the two of them wrapped each other's arms around one another, holding each other tightly while still kissing, until Paul picked Ethan bodily up and carried him into the nearby bedroom. He laid Ethan down on the bed, still on top of him, still kissing him passionately, before moving down to the raccoon's neck, kissing and sucking on him there. Ethan moaned with pleasure as the stallion continued to kiss and bite and suck on his neck, trailing his hooved hands down the raccoon's slender body, trailing gently over a nipple hidden only slightly below the fur, poking out a bit now as it had hardened some from the arousal. Ethan squirmed with pleasure as the hooved hand moved further down to trace the curves of his torso down to his belly, resting a moment holding his hips while the stallion's mouth and tongue travelled further down to the lower parts of his neck then his chest and the raccoon's left nipple, which he nibbled at and sucked, while the stallion's hand moved further down. Finally the hooved hand moved from Ethan's hips to his crotch and the stiff member standing alert. Paul grasped the now thick shaft of the raccoon's cock and gently and slowly pulled down on the skin till his hand reached the base and the plump, full balls below, gradually exposing Ethan's glans as the foreskin rolled back and over to tuck itself momentarily behind the exposed head for a moment, until Paul pulled moved his hand back up again, the foreskin moving back up and over the glans again and then back down again in rhythmic motion as Paul's hand continued to move down then up again. The stallion then moved his body further down till his head was in front of the raccoon's stiff cock. He gave it a teasing lick, and he felt Ethan shudder then gasp and a moan as the horse took the raccoon into his mouth fully, sucking up and down in a similar rhythmic motion to what his hand had been doing a moment ago, every once in a while nibbling on Ethan's foreskin or teasing it with his tongue, moving it in a circular motion just underneath the skin to tease the raccoon's glans. Paul was enjoying himself immensely. Following the teasing of his cock, Paul moved to teasing the raccoon's plump little balls, first exploring every inch of them with his tongue, juggling them a little and curling his tongue under and around each one as well as sending them to opposite sides as his tongue snaked up the center of Ethan's sack. The little raccoon squirmed from the stallion's tongue work but Paul was just getting started. He placed his hands just below the raccoon's thighs with his palms on the top of where legs met ass and parted the buttcheeks exposing Ethan's tight and adorable little asshole. It wouldn't be tight or little for much longer, as Paul instantly began to gently lick at it, adding as much saliva to the cute tailhole as he could, then stuck his tongue deeply into it, swirling it around inside, producing the loudest moan yet from the squirming raccoon. He did this for several moments, till the tailhole was good and wet, then stuck a hooved finger into it. Ethan cried out again in pleasure, then moaned again softly as Paul felt around and found the raccoon's prostate, stroking it several times with the inserted finger. Then the stallion inserted another finger, pushing in and pulling out a little but not completely with those two, before putting in a third and doing the same. The raccoon was still pretty wet inside, but for good measure, Paul again went back to the use of his tongue for several more moments, until the raccoon was good and thoroughly opened up and lubricated. At that point, Paul removed his tongue, grabbed Ethan's legs and lifted them up to rest them on his shoulders a bit, then positioned his rock hard and massive cock rest right in front of the raccoon's opened tailhole, and slid himself inside. The stallion gave him just the narrower front half of his thick glans, pushing in slowly, but even that was enough to make Ethan moan deeply with pleasure but also grunt a little bit no doubt to the slight stinging sensation of being opened up even further. The stallion backed off a brief moment before pushing in just a little bit more of his thick glans, then pulled out again, and back in again, teasing the raccoon with the sensation. They locked eyes for a moment, Ethan with an almost begging look on his face and Paul smiled before closing his eyes again and pushing in deeper than before, the full of his glans, including the large, flared ridge, pushing its way into and past Ethan's tight tailhole. A surprised "yip" escaped Ethan's mouth, as the massive head and first part of Paul's shaft push into him. The raccoon closed his eyes and his face tensed momentarily, no doubt from the sting of being opened up further. Paul could feel how tight he was, even though he was quite wet inside, the raccoon's body squeezing tightly against the stallion's large cock before gradually opening up more. At about the same time Ethan opened his eyes again, and he looked at Paul, who had paused briefly, and gave the stallion a big smile, which sent the signal to Paul that he wanted him to continue. Paul complied and it was now smoother sailing, he plunged in again, Ethan's eyes rolling back in ecstatic pleasure as the stallion's cock pulled out to just the tip inside him then plunged back in again, each time a little deeper. Paul pushed his massive throbbing cock deep into the little raccoon's now wide open and more than willing hole time and time again in steady, rhythmic fashion, causing many moans to escape his throat. Over time, Paul sped up his thrusting, making Ethan moan more loudly by the force and intensity of it, and causing the raccoon's own cock to become fully hard and his foreskin to roll back exposing the shining glans. Paul had trouble restraining himself, but he wanted it to last for as long as possible. At points he varied the rhythm of his thrusting, going from full speed to something a little bit slower, giving the little raccoon a brief respite, but not too long, before thrusting again deep and hard and faster. As he did so, his balls slammed hard constantly against the raccoon's soft fuzzy butt cheeks, and the swishing of Ethan's tail tickled Paul's knees ever so slightly, an overall pleasant feeling that intensified the moment. Finally, it came to a point where Paul couldn't take it any longer, and he thrusted in and out harder and faster than any time before, and didn't let up, not till Ethan's moans intensified to a higher volume and frequency before, and Paul, unable to control his own contributions, moaned loudly as well as he reached his orgasm and soon after was right on the edge of climaxing. He didn't hold out much longer after that and his body shuddered and cock throbbed as his muscles tensed and and relaxed in rapid succession, releasing his cum deep inside the raccoon. All he could do in that moment was plunge deep inside one last time and hold there while his seed spilled out of him, Ethan moaning loudly with pleasure. The raccoon also had at that time taken hold of his own cock and rubbed it several times over, and just as Paul's cock was shooting its final jets of cum into him Ethan came as well, hot sticky cum erupting violently out of his hard cock and wetting the fur of his belly with the sticky liquid and a couple of shots hitting all the way up to the raccoon's chin and edge of his mouth, which he eagerly opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out to grab and swallow down. Paul felt the raccoon's asshole contract and relax around his own cock, further intensifying the sensations to an almost painful feeling that was nonetheless pure ecstasy. Finally, both had finished cumming, each releasing one or two last weak spurts before their cocks relaxed. Paul's cock was still throbbing slightly, so he waited a moment, then gingerly pulled out of Ethan, both of them giving a little soft moan at the sensation of the large horse cock emerging wet and sticky from the raccoon's open asshole. It was a mess, but Paul was exhausted, and so laid down beside the equally exhausted looking raccoon. They both were panting heavily, and Paul placed a hooved hand on Ethan's chest, who clasped it in his own paw. They lie there enjoying the warm sensation of afterglow, smiling in contented pleasure and staring deeply into each other's eyes.. Paul felt happier than he could ever remember feeling, and all the good feelings remained long after they had finished their sexual escapade. He felt like he had never felt before about anyone else until Ethan. It was the first time they'd had sex, but he knew it wouldn't be the last. He wanted many countless days with the raccoon, he wanted to be able to return home from his long days with the raccoon there, or soon to be there, and he wanted it for the rest of his days. Ethan smiled bigger, "I-I think I love you." Paul smiled big as well. "I think I love you too." They both kissed, long and hard and passionately, then Ethan, laughing, said, "Well, I guess we should probably get cleaned up. Paul looked down, his belly and cock still looking sticky and a little wet, and Ethan's whole lower half looking much, much more so, and chuckled a little as well. "Yes, I suppose we should."
The Rowans and The Greys Chapter 14: Casual Banter by hyenafur
#14 of The Rowans and The Greys - The door was still locked and there were no broken windows, but the scene they walked in on was fairly sobering. All of the furniture was still there, but everything was covered in bedsheets, something the tod had done before closing the house up.  The floor and
[ "Female", "Fox", "Jackal", "Male", "Raccoon", "Zootopia" ]
The door was still locked and there were no broken windows, but the scene they walked in on was fairly sobering. All of the furniture was still there, but everything was covered in bedsheets, something the tod had done before closing the house up. The floor and several of the flat surfaces had a layer of dust on them from not being cleaned, and the fridge was completely bare. Kody looked over at his mother and RJ, now happy that there were three of them rather than two, "I think we should be able to get away with some sweeping and dusting." He was right, for the most part. The main floor hallway and kitchen had a wood floor, so sweeping it up hadn't taken long. The longest part of the whole ordeal had been vacuuming the carpeted floors in the other rooms, dusting all the furniture, and cleaning the bathrooms. It took them around two hours to get everything done, though, there wasn't a sweet reward in the refrigerator for them. Kody had taken a trash bag to it after the funeral, making sure it was completely clean before leaving. The tod apologized to his mother and RJ for that, but he knew where a corner store was where they could get some temporary groceries. Jo thought about going, but she decided it might be best for her son to spend more time with RJ, so she declined his offer to join him on the trip down the block. The sow raccoon had smiled, walking over to him and taking his hand, "Lead th'way, shoog." The fox was right, the store wasn't very far away, in fact, they'd passed it when they had turned down onto the street the house was on, just about a block down the road. The raccoon held onto Kody's hand, the two continuing their chatting as their tails flicked about behind them. "Ya know," RJ said softly, "I never thought foxes was cute til I met ya. I must say, I like bein' round ya, Kody." The tod blushed a little, giving her hand a squeeze, "I never thought raccoons were cute til I met you, RJ. You... uhm... want to... do this again sometime?" "What? Clean yer house," the raccoon giggled as she gave him a little elbow. The fox chuckled, "Naw. I mean... ya know... get together, jist... without my mama around. You'n'me." "Kody, are ya askin' me on a date?" "I guess I am," he said with a warm smile. RJ grinned, "Well, I lives here in Z'topia, but I've been thinkin' bout moving over t'Bunnyburrow." "Really? Well, you're a lot closer if you're there instead of Zootopia." "Though, I could move to Mammoth River," she said with a soft smile, "If I had a reason to." The fox's ears perked up as he grinned, "Well, you're welcome to come visit me any time you want." Slowly Kody leaned in to whisper, "Even... spend the night at my place." The raccoon smirked as she gave his hips a bump, "It's a nice offer. Though, I was wondering if ya'd like to get together after meetin' yer grandpa." "I don't see why not. You could even spend the night there if you want. We've got six bedrooms." "Oh, I think I know which one I'll be staying in," RJ said with slightly lusty glimmer in her eyes that only made the tod grin, "I'll need your number to let you know when we're getting back." "Ya c'n give it t'me after we get some groceries," she replied before leaning in, "Don't ferget some p'tection." Kody felt his tail droop over RJ's, lightly brushing against it, "I won't." He leaned in to give her a peck on the cheek before they stopped at the corner store. The trip took around thirty minutes, including the walk to and from the store. The jackal behind the counter didn't seem to care as RJ and Kody walked in and grabbed the barest of necessities; beer, wine, lemonade, soft drinks, coffee, sugar, creamer, chips, salsa, and cheese dip. Hidden amongst those items were a box of condoms and a tube of personal lubricant. The jackal behind the counter didn't seem to break a sweat nor acknowledge the contents, just content to do his job with no small talk whatsoever. After running his debit card, the jackal bid them, "Thank you. Come again." It wasn't like they would be doing that anytime soon, but the sentiment wasn't exactly joyous, more said as though he were a robot reciting preprogrammed words. It didn't really matter to RJ and Kody one bit as they made their way out and back down the street towards his house.
A Dark Visitation by StrangeBreed
Another really quick commission by Blackmask911 This one was really fun to do as it was something I had never had the chance to tackle before. The content of this one is a deal darker as it involves a noncon situation with some unknown alien creature. Was really fun to do. Sort of a mix of scifi
[ "Abduction", "Alien", "M/F", "Monster", "Non-Consensual", "Rabbit", "Rape", "Vaginal" ]
*All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise.* *...* Clara slowly tried to stand up as her head spun, her vision obscured by glaring lights as her head was left spinning. The rabbit had no idea what had happened or how she had found herself in her current situation, her whole body feeling oddly numb. She lifted up slowly but found herself stopped by some strange resistance. She tried again, and again, each time her body only able to lift about an inch or so. There was a strange almost misty glow on her wrists and ankles that seemed to pulsate in its glowing light. Every time she would try to lift up it would hum and vibrate, the rabbit realizing whatever the strange mist was, was responsible for keeping her tied down. She was starting to panic, the poor rabbit having no idea where she was, how she had gotten there and what the supernatural element keeping her in place was. "Help," the rabbit cried out, her throat feeling dry and parched, "Is someone there?" She was met with quite the awful sound, a strong almost guttural muttering as strange, heavy steps started to slowly approach her. She tried to look up but could still scarcely move, a sudden rushing of air into the chamber she lay in causing her to shiver. She realized now that she was completely naked, the rabbit shaking and whimpering as she now faced the fact that she was about to be abused. Someone must have kidnapped her, that much she knew, but the strange mist that was keeping her in place was unexplainable. "Who's there?" she cried out in a desperate whimper, pleading for help, "Please, please don't hurt me, j-just let me go please!" She managed to pull herself just up enough to see what was approaching her, her stomach dropping to the floor as a giant creature approached her. She let out a loud shrieking scream that filled the entire room around her, the bulky thing still approaching her as it muttered in its low toned voice. It wore a large suit that almost seemed like a cross between a space suit and an old fashioned diver's suit, its shape almost humanoid, but oddly misshapen in places, and almost the size of a bear. The armored creature stood over the rabbit and leaned in, something wet pushing at her pussy suddenly. Carla cried out in fear as the strange sensation against her pussy got stronger, the feeling of something firm and almost slimy wiggling inside her. The creature's genital was thick and long, almost resembling some sort of strange appendage with tentacle like hairs on its tip which wiggled around to spread the inside of the female out. She began to moan despite her fear, the strange hairs sticking to her insides and sending little pulses of electricity through her. It cause her to achieve orgasm within minutes, her body tensing up as she soaked the creature's length in the juices of her forced arousal. The tip of the creature's length pushed out about two inches past the hairs, its slick surface probing down towards the rabbit's cervix. A second later it fired a bunch of strange, sticky seeds inside her, the hairs disconnecting soon after and the length of the creature slipping back out of the rabbit. The bulky creature stepped away as it kept muttering in its unknown language, leaving the rabbit panting as her body reeled from the intensity of her electro-stimulation. She had never felt pleasure like that before, the rabbit's head spinning even more than before. She leaned her head back as she tried to refocus, desperate to find help. The surface in which she lay on had been pushed back from the weight of her assailant, which allowed her a different view now where she lay. She could see the edge of what looked to be a window, Carla hoping she could at least get a generalized guess at her location. She pulled up slowly, using all her strength to look out of the window. She finally managed to get the shortest glimpse, her eyes going wide before dropping back down. Her heart hammered in her chest as she was filled with anxiety unlike anything she had felt before, the rabbit giving up any further protest as she realized how hopeless her situation was. She glimpsed back up a moment later, hoping she had been wrong about what she had seen, but she wasn't. Outside looked like a beautiful night sky, surrounding with stars, and to the left of where the window was facing, the perfect view of the planet Earth.
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:2 by WastedTimeEE
#45 of Zootopia Dawn and Vernon begin the surprisingly long journey out to the North Meadowlands. While on the trip, Dawn goes on to write about the culture of Northern Wolves for her book but stops when she gets stuck on more of the nitty-gritty of wolf weddings. Ask Vernon for more info leads to a
[ "Assistant Mayor Bellwether", "Dawn Bellwether", "Drama", "Ewe", "Fanfiction", "OC", "Romance", "Sheep", "Wolf", "Zootopia", "fanfic" ]
**Chapter Two: Culture Clash** *"When talking about the history of the Great Northern wolves there were a great deal of elements I neglected to cover. Mostly I had set aside that section to purely discuss the history of the mammals in question, their rise to power and vilification when it came to sheep. I had made brief mentions of things such as 'packs', and spiritual visions but didn't delve into them in greater detail. This is because there was far to much to explain without dedicating a section to these subjects on their own. I felt that mixing the detailed explanation of cultural beliefs and practices of the Great Northern Wolves and their history would end up muddying them both. I also felt it would perhaps make these sections far too long. After all the bulk of this novel is supposed to be about myself and Vernon, and our relationship. But I felt it was important to educate those who choose to read this novel on the hardships that were set-upon us by virtue of the species we were born into. Without that preface, it would be difficult for an outsider to glean all the social and historical bindings working against us. So let us begin by tackling just what a 'pack means when speaking in terms of the Great north Wolves."* *"The ancient North Wolves social structure during it's hunting and gathering days were made up something called a 'pack'. These packs usually consisted of family members. The leaders, which were known as Alphas, were usually the parents of the litter that would fill the other roles of the pack. Then there were the Betas, which were essentially the most dominant offspring of the pack just under the Alphas. They would assist the Alphas in protecting the pack and hunting parties. The wolves below the level of Beta were left un-classified. While the males still fought and hunted with the rest of the pack, they differed to the stronger siblings in choices made among the family. Once the pups were fully matured, they would leave to find a mate and make a pack of their own while the Betas usually remained to take over the pre-existing pack after the death of the Alphas."* *"With evolution and the complications of culture came a shift in pack structure. Packs became more than just family clans, and extended to outside wolves who either 'tithed-in' to the pack, or had sworn allegiance to it for mutual benefits. The title of Alpha Male was given to the smartest and strongest wolf of the pack. The Alpha female was chosen much the same way, but more often than not they were the mate of the pack Alpha male. However in some circumstances the title was bestowed upon those the wolves saw as 'seers'. The Beta class now went to describe the right-hand mammal of the Alpha, his royal court and military strategists and generals. Below that fell the rest of the pack wolves, but it now extended to all the wolves in community the pack lead. This status was also extended to the few mammals who agreed to live under wolf rule, sheep included."* *"Oddly enough the mammals that lived under wolf rule, whether it was before or after the death of the 'pack' and the founding of Greater and Lesser Norwulff were treated almost the same by the wolves as the wolves treated each-other. The only catch was that during the days of pack structure these mammals were in-eligible to rise to the ranks of Beta or Alpha. The sheep who lived under wolf control, regardless of the fact that they were prey lived much as they did before the wolves took over, and in most cases ended up having a better standard of living under the North Wolves. After the death of the pack, several even became part of the D*ü*claw royal council. These sheep who lived under the control of wolves are often referred to today as "The Shepherded Flocks". The term Shepherd being coined to describe sheep being lead by non-sheep."* *"Today pack roles play no part in Norwulff's modern politics, and most wolves of Norwulff ancestry pay little attention to the old system. However the terms Alpha and Beta, and Omega which I will discuss later, are still used in pop-culture and part of modern wolf vernacular."* *"Another element that helped shape the direction of North Wolf development was their spiritual beliefs. We touched briefly on the important roles played by those the North Wolves deigned as 'seers' in the short write-up on the history of the species, but never really went over them. As I mentioned the 'seers' were those thought to have a direct link to the gods and goddesses of the ancient wolves. In the case of the D*ü*claw's they spoke to the Goddess Freyja, who represented fertility, and the God Oldwyin, who represented glorious victory. These gods, among others ruled over a great hall where all of the greatest fallen wolf warriors came to rest. But the god believed to be responsible for those chosen as a 'seer' was the Great Lupa, or the goddess of the moon who was in effect the moon itself . The seers were believed to see the future, and their prayers were given priority to all others as their voice were the rare few that could reach the hallowed halls where the gods resided. But the nature of the visions were fickle, and so the wolves could not constantly rely on these seers to predict every victory, defeat, famine or otherwise."* *"Those responsibilities fell to the Goddess Lupa, and by that I mean the moon. Ancient wolves knelt to the moon above all gods, and it remains one of the few icons that hold reverence among modern wolves. She was, and still is by some believed to be the soul of the first den mother, the origin of all wolves, who flies across the sky each night to watch over her children. The phases and colors of the moon ruled over the functions of Norwulff society and the choices made in regards to most heavy decisions. The lunar phases and seasons told the wolves when to plant, reap, mate, of good and bad omens, and even what the next season would bring. When the wolves went to war, a full moon over the battlefield was an assurance of blessings and victory. Wolves often howled to the moon specifically in a sort of prayer. These prayers could range from health, to wealth, a good hunt, finding a proper mate and so on."* *"Which reminds me, I never went over 'howling', that trait so nearly unique to wolves that it has become somewhat of a joke today. Howling among the wolves of old was a form of emotional communication, and is largely practiced for the same reasons today. Wolves howl for a variety of reasons, to express joy, sorrow, fear, excitement, ecstasy,* (Note to self, might want to remove 'ecstasy' from final draft.) *and so forth. As Vernon himself told me, it's a left over trait from ancient wolves. The urge to howl is brought on by strong emotions, and is hard to suppress. When a howl is sounded, it is like a call of solidarity. And when other wolves hear it, those same urges drive them to respond. Most wolves can tell by the tone of a howl exactly what the emotion being expressed is, despite it sounding all the same to pretty much any other mammal. I also know from personal accounts that a distressed howl can often draw wolves to another's aide. (Thank you Wade.) Unfortunately, due to how easy it is to egg-on a howl by outside species, howling has become somewhat of an embarrassment to most wolves."* *"Anyway, back on topic. Today, the lunar phases still play an important role in the descendant of the Norwulves today. When it comes to important deals, pacts and 'tithing' ceremonies wolves prefer to officiate them under the glow of the full moon in the belief it that unions and agreements formed under it would be blessed to succeed."* *"Now, on to 'tithing', just what it is it? The closest equivalent I can make to what a tithing ceremony is to wolves, is what a marriage is to caprids. However unlike marriage, it involves neither rings nor a state official to perform."* *The ancient form of 'tithing' was deeply ingrained in the pack culture of the Great North Wolves. The ceremony was the way in which not only two wolves were tied together as mates, but it had the dual effect of committing their consummate packs to one another. It was the way in which packs grew and expanded outside of conquest, and most members of the pack were heavily involved in the ceremony. The first step in seeking a tithing ritual was getting approval by the highest ranking member of each pack that were blood relatives of the wolves to be mated, usually the parents. With the approval of both parties' parents the ritual is then performed."* \_ "The ceremony is limited to the blood relatives of each pack, which assemble at night preferably under the full moon. At the head of the ceremony stands to couple, flanked by the assenting blood relatives from each side. On the outskirts the rest of the pack watches as each of the approving pack leaders recite the ancient rite, which goes as follows."\_ \_ "We come here to witness the tithing of two souls. They shall be bound by their love, by their strength, by their joy and by their sorrows. The souls which inhabit these mammals will be forever connected, and even in death and beyond they shall always return to one another. With the permission of the pack Alphas, the rite shall commence."\_ *"At that point, the two be tithed once again ask for approval from the pack heads, and with final approval the ceremony continues. This is where it gets a bit unconventional, and perhaps to you readers a bit savage. At this stage, the Alphas each produce a small dagger that is given to each of the tithing wolves. One makes a diagonal cut in the palm of their right paw, and the other the left while holding them over a collecting bowl. The cut is made deliberately deep enough to scar, but not enough to require stitching. Once a small sample of each of the wolf's blood is collected, they are mixed together. At that point the mammal are instructed to clasp each-other's wounded paws together, allowing their fresh wounds to mesh together. Today, the bloodletting has been completely removed from the ceremony. Instead, the blades have been done away with. The mixed blood has been replaced with a special dye that is used to tattoo the palms of each wolf with representations of the moon. From there, regardless of method the following rite is spoken."* *"Through these wounds, through our blood, are souls are connected. For now and for always."* \_ "The pair are then presented with the blood bowl, which they use to paint a half circle symbol on each-other's foreheads. These symbols are meant to represent 'The Great Lupa' and the two halves of their souls making a whole. In modern blood free ceremonies, a powdered dye is used."\_ \_ "It is then that each of the couple each recites the following."\_ \_ "The pact is sealed, and with it our packs become one. I pledge my eternal love and devotion to you\_ (insert mates name). *I swear to protect you, to...to..."* Dawn groaned. She had been over this several times with Vernon already, but couldn't remember the whole \_'tithing'\_rite word for word. And of course now that the pair were on the subway the ewe couldn't easily get to the meticulous hand written notes that were crammed beneath mounds of clothing in their respective suitcases. Dawn let out a derisive sigh, slowly leaning back toward the adjacent seat. She continued to lean until she felt the back of her head gently press against what assumed was Vernon's arm. "Hmm...?" Came a mumbled reply, confirming Dawn had indeed leaned on the wolf she was aiming for. "Oh, sorry Vernon, were you napping?" Dawn asked. "Little bit." Dawn turned to find the wolf starting to stretch, he raised an arm, bracing it with the other as he stretched out. His muzzle opening wide and his tongue curling as he let out a prolonged yawn. "I honestly don't know how you can nap on the subway." Dawn chuckled. "I find it so noisy." The wolf awkwardly scratched his head, his ears cocking in different directions. "I try to zero in on that hum it makes while it's moving; it's comforting in a way." The wolf said groggily. "Our stop coming up?" "No." Dawn shook her head. "We've still got a few more stops before we hit Haymarket." Dawn sighed, adjusting the tilt of her laptop screen for better visibility. Vernon glanced out the window as the hum of subway whined down. It slowed to a stop as it came in at another station on the Rainforest line, The wolf watched the mammals disembark and board the train for a bit as if to affirm Dawn's conclusion before turning back to her in mild confusion. "So why'd you wake me? Gettin' lonely?" the wolf gave her a nudge and sly smirk. Dawn returned his grin in equal earnest, fluttering her eyelashes at the wolf. "Oh I'm always lonely if I don't have you to talk to Puppy." She laughed as she pulled her laptop off the seat and onto her lap. Gingerly tapping her hoof against the screen she glanced back up at Vernon. "I need help with the 'tithing ceremony.'" Dawn said. "I'v- "Oh-hoh-ho." Vernon crossed his arms. " Why Floofs, are you proposin' ?" Vernon grinned down at the ewe smugly. Dawn felt heat flush to her cheeks in an instant. Turning her head away to hide the severity of her blush, she shielded the edge of her face from sight with a hoof. "Veeeernon!" Dawn yelped, dragging out the length of his name with a whine. "I accept!" Before Dawn could react the wolf abruptly scooped her into his arms, easing her computer back onto the seat as he did. She continued to hide her face, trying desperately to push away from the wolf's chest. "Hello Mrs. Hunter-Bellwether!" The wolf teased. Dawn could feel the wolf trying to work his muzzle under her chin. The wolf knew full well it was Dawn's weak spot, and it drove her crazy every time he exploited it. "Stop! Stoo-OOOP!" Dawn giggled, forcing the wolf's maw back with her hooves. Vernon relented, allowing the sheep to regain her composure and finally face him. Dawn adjusted her glasses, giving the wolf an irritable huff as she stared him down. In truth she had grown to love the way the wolf teased her, but it was even more fun to throw it right back at him. "Stop making a scene Puppy, were in public." Dawn put on her best serious voice. The ewe feigned a stern glance, narrowing her eyes at the wolf. She could see the wolf balk under her gaze, shrinking slightly as if he were a child being scolded by a parent. The wolf slowly lowered the lamb back into the dumpy brown subway seat next to him, drawing his paws back carefully. Dawn continued to stare daggers at him, doing her best to suppress the smirk desperately trying to fight to the surface. The forlorn wolf let out a slight whine before clearing his throat. "I-I'm sorry Mutton Chop, I-I didn't mean to emba-" Dawn stopped the wolf with a playful push. "You are such a dork!" She giggled. Vernon's demeanor immediately turned back around, the wolf beaming in response to the ruse. "You little devil!" He chuckled. "Hunter-Bellwether?" She gave the wolf a half lidded stare. "What's wrong with that?" The wolf shrugged, his gaze returning to the subway window as the cavalcade of jungle overgrowth sped by. "I was looking forward to taking your last name." The ewe pouted. Dawn crossed her arms, turning her attention to the partially vandalized seat in-front of her. "I was certainly looking forward to not having '*THAT'* name following me around anymore." The ewe stewed, wriggling herself further into her seat. "Bellwether?" Vernon asked absentmindedly. Dawn grunted dully in response. "I like that name." Vernon said, his voice laden with sincerity. Dawn huffed again. "Well I don't." The ewe gestured her hooves at the laptop. "On top of what I did, and what my Father and Grandfather did, all this looking into my family history made being a Bellwether feel even worse." Dawn closed the lid of the computer abruptly before throwing her head back and releasing a heavy sigh. "Hey now, it's not like the Düclaw-Hunter's were shining beacons of perfection either Floof." The wolf shrugged. "I mean, we spent thousands of years as roaming conquerors. What did sheep do? Mostly farm, until we came along that is." The wolf grimaced slightly. "Then there was that whole trading with mammal-eaters thing." "At least Leif was doing that to find a way to drive them out. Not that Archibald Bellwether cared to much about that little detail." Dawn began to count the fingers on her hoof. "Then there was King Declan and the war-" Vernon gingerly grasped the ewe's hooves together. Dawn looked up in slight surprise as she met the wolf's gaze. Vernon smiled his usual reassuring smile, which always managed to work its way through even the thickest gloom the ewe could muster. "Forget all that, what about you saving the city Darlin'? I'd say that's reason enough to be proud of your name." The wolf gently shook her hooves pleadingly, as if trying to reason with her. "I'd say I broke even at most." The lamb sighed. "I think I'd need another good disaster to save the city from to make everyone completely forget what I did in the first place." Silence hung for a brief moment before Dawn had realized just how what she said could be interpreted. Now aware of how her simple dismissal made her sound, she quickly withdrew her hooves from the wolf. The ewe shook her head as she waived her hooves frantically in defense. "I-I mean, that's not why I did w-what I did." The lamb assured. "I d-did It because it was the r-right thing to do! I me-ean...I erm, I, what I mean to-" "Hey, hey!" Vernon cooed, gesturing for the ewe to calm herself. "I wasn't trying to get your hackles up Dawn, I know you didn't risk your life just to look good." The wolf sighed. "If anything, you did it...well..." A slow smile swept across Vernon's muzzle as he continued to stare down at the ewe. Slowly the wolf brought an arm around her, pulling Dawn close to his side. Dawn knew what he was thinking, and the wolf was absolutely right. When it had come to the standoff with her Father, selfishly she hadn't thought of the city, or even Judy and Nick. The only one she was worried about saving was Vernon, even at the cost of her own life. A warm smile rose to match the wolf's as she stared back at him, before she found herself being slightly squeezed as Vernon pulled her into a hug. As the wolf released her, he returned to watching the window. "Alright, alright I'm willin' to table the name discussion for now." Vernon said, a few weak chuckles escaping his lips before easing into a sigh. The two fell silent as the sound of shuffling subway cars filled the absence of conversation. The ewe, relieved, opened her laptop again. She had almost forgotten exactly what she wanted to ask the wolf after his playful little distraction. Briefly skimming where she had come to a stop, Dawn prepared to bring it up again. "So ab-" "Still serious about marrying you though." The wolf didn't turn away from the window as a warm grin crept across his muzzle. Dawn felt her blush return as she brought her hoof to her cheek. "V-Vernon?" She stammered. "That's the way sheep do it right? Marriage?" Vernon was still leaning against the window, but his eyes flicked in her direction. Dawn could see the discomfort in the wolf's eyes. It was clear to Dawn that he was worried about the reply. Dawn choked out a weak chuckle as she felt her eyes well slightly. "W-well I mean, y-yes that's." The ewe stuttered. "Most prey get *'married'*." "So...how do we do it?" Vernon's grin grew. Dawn could barely breath. Was he actually popping the question in a roundabout way? Really? So soon? Dawn could feel her heart begin to beat faster. "Y-you'd really want to marry me so soon? H-honestly?" The ewe whimpered. "I m-mean that's our whole lives P-puppy. What if it d-doesn't work out?" Dawn could feel the hot tears begin to trickle out of her eyes, and wiped them quickly in an effort to hide them. "I mean I c-can't give you pups. Y-you might want a she-wolf somed-" Vernon placed a finger to Dawn's lips, shushing her. "We can always adopt Honey Lamb." Vernon cooed. "I don't want some she-wolf, I told you before, you are the one Dawn." Dawn could see Vernon's eyes beginning to shimmer as his own tears rose. Overwhelmed with emotion, Dawn wrapped her hooves around the wolf, squeezing as tightly as she could. "O...OH PUPPY LOVE!" She cried into Vernon's side. The wolf pulled her onto his lap and returned the hug, burying his face into the wooly poof of her hair. "I want to m-marry you too." Dawn mumbled into his chest. As the two broke the hug, Dawn drew back and wiped her eyes to the best of her ability. Despite her attempts, she couldn't manage to stop the tears. Staring back up at the wolf she smiled broadly, her lips quivering as she tried to speak. "Yes, I mean, it w-would be easy to g-get a partner-ship license. T-they're open to all mammals, it d-doesn't matter their species. " Dawn sniffled hard. "W-what about a ceremony?" Vernon asked, swabbing his own teary eyes with a paw. Dawn looked down, twiddling her fingers. She had always wanted to have a ceremonial wedding. Despite her horrid upbringing she had still found the time for the usual childhood fantasies that most of the other ewe's her age dreamt of. She could remember spending many nights lying on her bed, imaging herself in the prettiest white gown. Picturing a handsome ram declaring his everlasting love and whisking her away from her horrible home life. As she grew this daydream became more defined. She imagined it to be a small outdoor affair, among the beautiful wilderness of The North Meadowlands. Her few friends and maybe her Mother in attendance as she exchanged rings with her future husband, again a ruggedly handsome and kind ram. There was a part of her that still wanted all that, although her imaginary perfect groom had become much more canid in appearence since she last ruminated on those kind of dreams. But she was certain no caprid wedding official would ever condone such a union. Hell they barely allowed sheep and goats to marry off, so the chances of a sheep and a wolf seemed nothing short of impossible. "W-well I'm sure M-mother would be more than on-board." Dawn smiled weakly at the hopeful wolf. He grinned broadly, and she could hear the rhythmic dull slap of the wolf's wagging tail hitting the seat. "B-but I can't see a licensed caprid marriage official being willing to perform the ceremony." The ewe sighed. Vernon only grimaced briefly before the smile returned to his face. "Wait, I'm pretty sure Gus has one of those official licenses." The wolf smirked. Dawn was taken aback. "W-wait? R-really?" She covered her mouth with a hoof. "Why would Gus have a license to do that?" The wolf rolled his eyes as he let out a chuckle. "Gus likes to spend his down time learning little things and picking up odd trades." Vernon began to count fingers. " He can play the ukulele, do magic tricks, speaks three languages, juggle, and is a licensed notary. I think there's more, but I can't remember 'em." Vernon shrugged. "Picks up that stuff online. They'll let anyone register I guess." Dawn was beaming through her now silent tears. "O-Oh Vernon!" The giddy ewe tapped her hooves together excitedly. "H-how wonderful! Y-yes. yes, let's start planning it out as we get back from the trip!" The wolf's expression had shifted to one of pure adoration as he stared dumbly at the excited lamb. "I love you so much right now Honey Lamb." The wolf cooed. Dawn felt a familiar and overwhelming sensation overtake her, a desperate yearning for his lips to meet her own. She was no longer in control as she felt herself leaning in toward the wolf. As the gap was quickly closing Dawn managed to get out one last trembling sentence. "I love you too Puppy Love." She cooed. As their lips touched the ewe felt that familiar intoxicating warmth wash over her. It had the pleasance of a warm blanket on a cold and snowy evening, and sent tingles all over her. However she barely got anytime to truly lose herself in her warm, wolfy world before she was rudely drawn back by a loud and obnoxious voice. "LOOK AT THESE FREAKS!" The voice snarled. Dawn's broke the kiss abruptly, her attention snapping to the source of the sudden outburst. Seated across from the pair were a couple of wolves. A female red wolf eyed her disdainfully as her muzzle scrunched in distaste. She was on the tall side, and a bit husky. Her brown worn imitation hide jacket with various metal bits and chains adorning it, and her torn jeans told Dawn she was probably in her late teens. Next to her sat a male Dawn assumed to be her mate. He was a grey wolf, looking similar to Vernon, albeit a bit smaller and more wiry. He wore a black jacket with similar chains and buttons to his mate, as well as a similar pair of worn jeans. However, he looked both surprised and nervous. Dawn could see his phone still cradled in his paws, thumbs raised showing he had been pulled away from something by red wolf's sudden outburst. Dawn began to bite her hoof nervously, silently cursing herself. She had been too careless, she should have made sure the car had still been empty before kissing the wolf. The pair must have got on the previous stop. "Hey dummy, that's not how you taste test a sheep!" The red wolf snickered. "You bite 'em in the neck first." Dawn felt Vernon tighten his grip around the ewe. Looking back up at wolf, his expression was hard to read. He seemed calm, but Dawn could make out the traces of muscle flexing near his brow as if he was stifling a growl. The red wolf eyed her mate in disbelief, giving the still seemingly confused and twitchy wolf a nudge. "Hey Chaunce! We got a prey chaser over here!" the Red wolf laughed. "O-oh is that so?" The other wolf grinned, but it seemed to falter slightly. "What's wrong sheepdog? Not Alpha enough to keep a real wolf around!?" The red wolf returned to chiding Vernon, crossing her arms as she sneered. "Maybe he's an O-omega Red." Chauncey snickered, giving the large female a nudge back. Red leaned forward. Despite the distance the aisle kept between Dawn and the pair, she felt herself reflexively lean further back into Vernon. One of her hooves found traction as it twisted the fabric of his shirt. The wolf squinted hard, and Dawn followed the glance back up to Vernon's face. Vernon exchanged a sympathetic glance at Dawn, making a small grimace as he clearly noticed her distress. "V-vernon I-I'm sorry." Dawn whimpered quietly. "I-" "They'll tucker themselves out." Vernon replied in a hushed tone. "NAW!" Dawn turned back to the red wolf as she leaned back into her original position, crossing her arms again. "Omega's may be messed up, but I've never seen one macking on prey before. We'll have to invent a new category for that kind of freakshow!" The wolfess cackled loudly at her own joke. "Yeah." Chauncey laughed, turning his attention back to his phone. Red narrowed her eyes at the pair, causing Dawn to shudder slightly. "What are you? Norwulffish?" She spat. "What is it with Norwulff's and betraying every single thing it means to be a true wolf!?" Red gesticulated her paws at the pair wildly. "You don't follow pack roles, you refuse to acknowledge the fact that wolves are a superior species!" She hissed. "A-and worst of all you guys let prey step all over you! We're predators for a reason! We're supposed to dominate these little pipsqueaks!" She stabbed a finger at the ewe, causing Dawn to retract further into Vernon's chest. Vernon hugged her tighter in response. "C'mon big guy, where's she keeping your leash at?" She grinned smugly. " I'd love to know what an ugly little runt like her did to get you under her hoof!" She stabbed a finger at Dawn, almost snarling as her tirade continued. Dawn felt Vernon shift the ewe back over to her seat despite her desperate desire to stay nestled in his embrace. Startled, she turned back to look at the wolf. His stoic demeanor had given way to an annoyed grimace. Vernon glanced back at Dawn briefly, giving her a reassuring smile and patting her hair before letting out a tired sigh. "Ver-" "Hey buddy, mind telling your mouthy Omega girlfriend to shut her trap. I'm getting tired of the constant stream of stank breath coming this way." Dawn's jaw dropped in shock as the words left Vernon's muzzle. He hadn't even dropped the kind smile he was still giving the ewe as he said it. Dawn quickly turned to find Red's eyes had gone wide in shock, and her mate had stopped toying with his phone. Chauncey looked somewhat nervous as Red quickly eyed him before turning back to Vernon. "W-what did y-" "You're one of those native wolves right?" Vernon said. "But Chauncey over there, he's a Norwulff." Vernon leaned over Dawn toward the pair, and the ewe could see a smug grin creeping across his muzzle. "What's a matter Darlin'? To much of a bitch for any self respecting native wolves to deal with your bullshit so they cast you out, right?" Vernon chuckled. Dawn looked back at the red wolf, the fur around her face seeming to become redder as her muzzle twisted into a snarl. "Y-YOU-!" The she-wolf sputtered, seemingly staggering to search for a reply. With the words failing to come she did the next best thing, turning and swatting her mate. The nervous looking wolf winced in response to the sudden abuse. "ARE YOU GOING TO LET HIM SAY THAT TO ME CHAUNCEY!?" She hissed. "Baby I-" The she-wolf slapped him again before giving him a push off the seat. The wolf stumbled to his feet, looking back at Red in disbelief. "WELL GO ON!" She gestured at the pair. "STAND UP FOR YOUR MATE!" Before Dawn could speak Vernon was on his feet, making his way to the aisle. The ewe quickly grasped at the back of his coat, causing him to turn back. "V-VERNON DON'T!" She pleaded. The wolf looked back at Dawn, wearing the same reassuring smile he had given her before. "It'll be alright, I promise." Vernon turned back to her, leaning in and planting a kiss on her forehead. "I'll talk him down." With that Vernon made his way over to Chauncey. Dawn leaned on the nearby armrest, clutching it tightly with both hooves in terror. The last thing she wanted was Vernon to have to square off with anyone and risk being hurt over some stupid and thoughtless remarks. For all she knew that wolf was carrying a knife or something worse, and she silently prayed that Vernon would succeed in talking the other wolf down. With Vernon standing next to him, Dawn could easily see that Vernon was at least a foot taller than the younger wolf. That's not to say that the young wolf didn't look imposing in other ways. Chauncey's teeth were grit and his claws were out as Vernon loomed over him. Dawn couldn't make the words being said between the pair as they were far too hushed to perceive. *"Where's Judy when you need her?"* She thought to herself. Suddenly, the young wolf struck Vernon sending him to the floor in one swift motion. Dawn couldn't stop herself, quickly jumping over the seat and scrambling to his side as the wolf curled on the floor. "TAKE THAT YOU FILTHY OMEGA MUTT!" The teen sneered. "VERNON!" Dawn cried, trying to work through the wolf's paws to see the injury he was hiding. Vernon simply groaned in response. As the train lurched to a stop, Dawn quickly began to look around the car for any other nearby mammal. Someone to call over for some kind of assistance. "OH THIS WAS SO STUPID, SO STUPID!" She cried, tears welling. "C'mon babe, let's get off here. I don't want to ride with filth like this around." Chauncey spat. Dawn looked up to watch as Red quickly grasped his arm, beaming at the young male. Red gave the terrified ewe one final glowering stare before the duo made their way off the train and into the throngs of the Rainforest District. As the doors closed, and the train jerked back into motion, Dawn returned to attending the stricken wolf. "VERNON, YOU SHOULDN'T H-" The wolf finally allowed the ewe to pull his paws away, revealing a perfectly un-harmed Vernon. Dawn stared in disbelief as the wolf gave her a sly smirk. "The kid gone?" Vernon asked. "W-what?" Dawn stammered, her mouth agape as Vernon clambered back to his feet. "What?" Vernon shrugged, returning to his original seat. "Told ya I'd be fine didn't I?" Dawn scrambled after him, grabbing one of his arms tightly as she eyed him. "I-I-" She shook her head. "I don't understand." The wolf gave her a smug smirk. "I talked him down." "I SAW him hit you Puppy!" Dawn shook his arm. "He didn't." Vernon shrugged. Dawn was getting tired of the wolf's empty responses. Standing on her chair, she grabbed him by his face, pulling him so that she could stare right into his deep green eyes. "Vernon." She said in a serious tone. "Tell me what happened back there." The wolf's smile dropped slightly. Letting out a sigh he gently grasped Dawn's hooves and pulled them away from his face. Still clasping them tightly, he dragged Dawn back onto his lap. Once she was properly seated he settled into a more serious expression. "The kid was in over his head." Vernon replied. "What?" Dawn replied. "Those native wolves are always more trouble then their worth when it comes to social situations." Vernon sighed. "I think they get so mouthy because they are insecure about their own relationships, but it always seems like they gotta butt into other mammals affairs." The ewe still wasn't quite following what Vernon was saying, She was still struggling to understand why they weren't making their way to the nearest hospital right now. "Vernon, please tell me-" " He didn't want to fight me. But his mate would have probably left him if didn't stand up for her." Vernon grabbed the ewe's hooves again, this time more tenderly. "So I told him I'd let him get one fake hit in, and go down like a ton of bricks. Then he gets off the train and leaves us alone. Everyone wins." Dawn arched her eyebrows in confusion. "He faked it? B-but why?" "Because I told him I didn't want to have to wipe the floor with a young pup." Vernon smirked. The wolf stretched again, letting out another prolonged yawn before continuing. "I dated one of those North Mammalian Natives in high school." Vernon's muzzle twisted into a grimace. "Ya always gotta prove you're Alpha enough for 'em, always starting fights on your behalf. I wanted to cut the kid a break, but he needs to learn on his own that kind of relationship is poison." Dawn shook her head in disbelief. It was all becoming clear, that's why Chauncey seemed so nervous when Red had started yelling at them in the first place. The wolf knew that the bluster had a good chance of making him pay for it, especially considering Vernon's size. Dawn found herself briefly wondering just how often the young wolf had to fight on Red's behalf before a more curious question rose to the forefront. "You dated one?' Dawn asked timidly. Vernon groaned in displeasure. "Yeah, unfortunately. At the tale end of my whole *'bad dog'* phase." Dawn twiddled her hooves, eyeing the wolf with interest. "Y-you never told me about that." She mumbled. "I don't really like reliving it." Vernon sighed. "Both that part of my life, and my time with that horrible, evil-" Vernon grit his teeth, his brow furrowing in anger. After a moment he shook his head, seemingly to shake off the negative feelings. "Yeah, she was bad news." He mumbled. "I'll tell you all about it when we have to write about it Darlin', I promise." Vernon assured, leaning in to hug the ewe. Dawn smiled, opening her arms and allowing the wolf to hug her tightly. "I love you Vernon." She said sweetly. "I love you too Dawn." He replied. As Dawn lingered in the hug she allowed the relief to wash over her. The wolves were gone, Vernon was fine, and all was right with her world again. But at the same time the whole incident was beginning to tug at the fears she had so desperately tried suppress the night before. What if Vernon's family reacted to meeting her the same way those other wolves did? What if it was worse? Dawn could feel the familiar knot in her stomach began to reform.
Fliss Hollows - Chapter 1 by Elahrah
Send a shout-out. Make a comment on my story. Favorite it. Thanks. - A brief description for a litter of rabbits:  They are all brothers, born just outside the warren, where the parents were taken by predators (elil). Each brother was adopted by a separate mother.   Spruce - Wild slate-grey hair. 
[ "69", "Anthro", "Athletic", "Balls", "Blowjob", "Breasts", "Brother", "Cowgirl", "Cuddle", "Cuddling", "Cum", "Dance", "Dancing", "Doggy", "Domination/Submission", "Erection", "Fellatio", "Fondling", "Forced", "Foreplay", "Group", "Harem", "Hugging", "Lagomorph", "Lesbian", "Licking", "Male", "Massage", "Nude", "Oral", "Orgasm", "Orgy", "Panties", "Penis", "Pinning", "Rabbit", "Scar", "Sex", "Sheath", "Sister", "Smile", "Squirt", "Squirting", "Teacher", "Threesome", "Underwear", "Vaginal", "Virgin", "Voyeurism", "Wet", "curvy", "muscular", "pin", "squeeze", "sucking", "thin" ]
A brief description for a litter of rabbits: They are all brothers, born just outside the warren, where the parents were taken by predators (elil). Each brother was adopted by a separate mother. Spruce - Wild slate-grey hair. He was raised by permissive parents. He was allowed to explore outside the warren, at an early age. He became involved with a religious cult, located far away. He kept the cult secret from the home warren. His brother, Ethrinus, knows about the cult, but does not speak of it. Spruce will sometimes have calcium powder coated over his front paws. Very wise. Storyteller. Cedar - Smooth burned-orange hair. He was sheltered and kept confined to safe areas. Raised by authoritative parents: a digging mother and bobstone-playing father. He has an affinity for stone. He likes to lift large and heavy stones, just to make them roll. Despite extensive sheltering, he was once almost taken by a fox (homba), but he struggled and escaped, after being carried an extensive distance. He was recovered by his brothers, Spruce and Ethrinus. Cedar is a largest of the brothers. Very strong. Bite-mark scar the back of his neck. Alder - Smooth slate-grey hair. Raised by his authoritarian father, General Cypress, and his mate (Alyssum). He was once a member of Owsla (warren guards), but was incarcerated after failing to perform a crucial order, which resulted in another member of Owsla, Ulmus, being killed. He was disowned by his father, yet his adopting mother is still close. Every night on the full moon, he is visited by the ghost of Ulmus. Ethrinus is the only one, besides Alder, who can see Ulmus. Very agile. Declawed by his father. Ethrinus - Name means "going away." Smooth pale blonde hair. No real structure to his raising, yet neglectfully shared amongst the matriarchs. He suffers from a strange addiction that involves emotions. Whenever he or another rabbit feels intense emotions including fear, hate, love or sadness- he feeds on them. He can sense the emotions of other rabbits, including their directions and distances. Stronger emotions are clearer, especially his brothers' emotions. The warren thinks that he is becoming frightened (tharn) in these cases, but he's actually on some kind of intense high. The matriarchs have taught him how to control the intake of emotion, but Ethrinus deliberately slips. He gives in. Others feel a little calmer when around him. He has an attraction that exceeds beyond the physical realm. **Chapter 1 - Fliss Hollows** There were four rabbits, all waiting near a vineyard, under a dark and starry sky. The night had a strange scent to it unlike any other. The vineyard was ripening with thousands of grapes, waiting to be picked. This night felt unnatural. "I regret coming tonight," said a wild and grey rabbit. "No. You are afraid to disobey the matriarchs," said the thinnest of the brothers. The three brothers slowly turned, facing the thin strand of gold that gleefully made that remark. "Do you ever think that you're wrong about how we feel?" asked the wild grey rabbit. "I've never been wrong," replied the pale gold rabbit, gleefully. "I've tasted your fear before and I know it well." "Tastes like rainwater," the largest auburn rabbit recalled. "Yours tastes like metal," replied the pale gold rabbit. "And today, it's copper." The wild grey shifted his position slightly, within the clearing. "We should all respect what the matriarchs demand of us. Afterall, they are a little bigger than us, except for maybe Cedar...?" "I'm the biggest there is!" exclaimed the large auburn rabbit with a smile. "I would have rather gone to the vineyard tonight, though. Pick some of that plump flayrah while counting the stars, snuggling my Iris..." "She's coming!" warned the pale gold. The brothers scrambled as they all stood up, backs facing each other, so they could see in all directions. There was a soft rustling in the glades nearby. It was drawing closer. "You're right, Ethrinus. I fear the matriarchs!" said a fearful grey brother. "Don't worry, Alder. She's not angry," Ethrinus replied with comfort. "Then why are we still acting scared?" the wild grey asked. A tall, slender and white female rabbit stepped into the clearing. Her enormous body loomed over them. She looked down upon the four brothers, with her violet and glowing eyes. She retorted, "Because you are wise to fear the unknown, Spruce." Spruce was looking up at her, in awe. She knew his name and spoke it with an eerie emphasis. Alder's jaw dropped while he brought both his paws against his chest, hiding his empty claw-holes. Cedar smiled weakly and began to rub one of his paws behind his neck. Rivers of fear began to flow into Ethrinus. He began to feel light, shaking a little. Had they all stood erect, the ears on Cedar might have passed the level of the matriarch's head. With her ears, she towered above them all. She wore violet, silky strands that wrapped loosely around her body. They seemed to be weightless, as though they were floating underwater. Her body was smooth and shaded perfectly, under the night sky. She glared. Her violet eyes pierced them. The brothers stood this way for several seconds. Then, she closed her eyes and smiled. "Good boys. Follow me," the matriarch said as she turned and walked through the glades, where she slowly began to hum a tune. "Which one is she?" asked Spruce. "Betony," replied Ethrinus. "Is there more than one?" asked Alder. "Are you all tharn!?" Betony inquired forcefully, over her shoulder, "Start walking!" The brothers scrambled and began moving through the glade. The smile on Betony reappeared as she continued humming. She had a strange gait. Her violet silks fluctuated between tight and loose fitting. Her body was carried by long, slender legs that wavered like trees in the wind. Her tail would wiggle every once in a while. When she moved through the glades, Cedar was a little puzzled how she effortlessly waded through. Her silks never seemed to catch on anything. Naturally, it required a notable amount of physical effort to stride through this kind of sawgrass. How was she moving ahead so gracefully? Were the glades parting for her? What about their tracks? Surely, any elil would be able to track them. Her singing, while beautiful, would certainly give away their position. When Cedar looked back, the terrain was completely unscathed. They had been walking for quite some time, before questions began to manifest. Had they been going straight this entire time? "Is she some kind of witch?" whispered Spruce. "What makes you think that?" replied Ethrinus in whisper. "She's trying to make us lose track of where we're going," whispered Spruce. "I thought we were going straight this entire time?" Ethrinus asked. "What? We've been walking around stones every step of the way!" Alder exclaimed. "Has my brother gone blind? It's been sawgrass the entire way!" Cedar argued. "I could have sworn we were going uphill," stated Spruce. Ethrinus stopped and spoke off topic, "I can sense a deer, nearby..." Betony suddenly stopped and looked over her shoulder, glaring at the brothers. The sudden cessation of her humming and movement was powerful. Everyone came to a dead stop. The silence was ringing. "Shhhh! Keep quiet," she glared for a brief moment, unmoving, before returning to her lead with a smile. They walked further. Spruce was totally lost. He had been everywhere around the warren, yet this place was completely unknown. None of this made any sense. He was just about to interrogate Betony about it, but then she began to slow down. Her humming stopped. She stopped. "We're here," Betony whispered. They had stopped in front of a large wall of rock. Betony put both her paws on the wall and began whispering a chant. The brothers looked at each other in puzzlement. A surge of violet light began to form a line along the wall. The glowing line flowed and traced, until a circular outline began to glow. Betony then took hold of two handholds and began to pull. Her muscles became taught as a haunting strength gathered in her slender body. There was a rumble. Betony struggled. The rumbling began to fade. She collapsed, gasping for air. Cedar rushed to her aid. "My body is getting too old for this..." Betony managed to surge through her lips. Ethrinus had his eyes transfixed on a single space. Spruce was nodding, as though he had confirmed a critical thought in his mind. Alder put one paw on the rock face and began studying it intently, sniffing at the air, noticing the slight violet glow that still lingered. "Let me take care of it," Cedar volunteered. "Yes," Betony remembered while slowly returning to her feet, "Let's see how strong you are." Alder directed Cedar to where the handholds were. Alder then stepped out of the way. Cedar took hold, but first began clawing at the earth below, with his feet, in preparation. When his feet took root, he inhaled a deep breath and held it, while tightening his core. He began to pull. The glow on the wall began to return at full strength. His body, while shorter than Betony's, was fuller and more muscular. The scars lining his neck seemed to shrink as his muscles flexed. The rumbling returned. It would have been completely unnatural, but Cedar's grunting began to sound over the grinding of rock. The rock was moving. When the glow faded, the door was open. Cedar let go and gasped for breath. The brothers congratulated Cedar for his remarkable achievement. Betony moved to him, grabbed his arms and looked down upon him, smiling. Her face slowly loomed closer, halted, indecisively bobbed back and forth, before she whispered in his long ear, "Ethrinus was right about you. You're as good as he said." Cedar looked blankly into space for a moment, before turning to her, smiling. "Come now, let's journey below," said Betony and she motioned towards the opening. Spruce had something to say, "What if we had all just worked together to pull on the stone? Wouldn't it have been much easier?" "Shut-up!" all the others retorted. When they all entered, the soft violet glow radiated as Cedar pulled the rock back. Sealed. There was a soft luminescence on the cavern walls, ranging in colours from violets to blues to whites and reds. The rabbits could see full well in the dark, but the colours accentuated their visions well. They tread down the decline of smooth stone floor, continually heading downward. Some of the brothers sniffed, noting the various odors that belonged to other rabbits, who had previously walked down here. The lights and colours became brighter. There was a strange sound ahead. Whispers, coming from many rabbits, which could be from what sounded like a large, echoing chamber. They were close. Betony stepped aside, flattened her tall and slender body against the wall, gently gesturing the brothers to step past her and into the next room. The brothers hesitated, but not any longer than they dared and they slowly moved around a corner. Female rabbits. A chamber of female rabbits. They had eyes of all colours, ears of different lengths and coats of all the colors of the earth. They basked in the radiance of one another. Their shyness and slyness were enough to make one's heart stop. The brothers had never seen so many does so close together. Spruce's eyes never opened so wide. Cedar's body tightened, holding the heaviest weight that never existed. Alder gave a cold stare, but it was melting fast. Ethrinus' mind was lost, further in his forest of emotions than ever before. The brothers began to pant. The females were eyeing the entirety of the brothers' bodies. A single one of these females was enough to make these males heated, as though some kind of magic was used. But this many females? There were enough to make the yarns unspool from the males' loins faster than ever before. The brothers felt emptiness in their abdomens. The fabric of their loins knitted and untied simultaneously. Their gazes were becoming locked. They were going tharn. Spruce tried to take a step back, but he was held fast by a powerful grip. His body brushed against blue silks. He gazed upward, desperately. He tried to ask why, but a quiet sigh was all that left him. He stared into the eyes of a powerful matriarch. "Are you afraid of them?" whispered the blue matriarch. Spruce shed a tear, while nodding. "Let me show you something," the blue matriarch whispered, smiling. Spruce felt his body being lifted off the ground, carried like a kitten. He was carried a short distance, before being set down into a silky nest, where he was swarmed by a small clique of whispering and sibilant female rabbits. "Gently girls," the matriarch cooed and smiled. The blue matriarch seemed to hover as she moved to a precipice high above. Her eyelids almost closed completely while she smiled in Spruce's direction. Cedar's legs were beginning to buckle. He was just about to fall, but Betony channelled strength into him with her voice. "Iris is here," Betony said encouragingly. Cedar was instantly captivated. His eyes frantically searched through the lake of females, but he could not see her. "Let me guide you," Betony said as she took Cedar by a paw. They walked through the lake of female rabbits, which parted for Betony's arrival. Cedar closed his eyes, feeling soft and warm bodies brushing up against him. The lake was so creamy and smooth. Paws took handfuls of grips of his muscular body, before unfurling and sliding from him, as he kept walking. "Open your eyes, Cedar," whispered Betony. Cedar opened his eyes and saw a beautiful formation of female rabbits, which parted as he travelled further. Layers of eyes, sighs and whispers were looming in all directions. The ones in front kept parting. Further. Finally, nested in the center of a pile of silks and female bodies, was Iris. "Cedar?" Iris shyly asked. "Iris?" Cedar panted. Iris quivered, slowly standing up as the other females' paws slid down from her body, revealing her beautiful radiance. So was so slender and toned. She was wrapped in pink silks. Her thighs rubbed against each other while her tail was slightly wiggling. Both her paws cupped over her mouth. She was shy, shivering and yearning for Cedar. "Hold me..." she pleaded. Cedar moved closer and took the little, white rabbit into his arms, warming her. Alder watched as his largest brother, Cedar, slowly vanished into the lake of female rabbits. By some strange form of habit, Alder had both his paws joined together, at the wrists, hanging down in front of him. He was panting in fear. He watched as he saw Betony, the violet-silked matriarch, emerge from the lake. She sensually made her way to the top precipice, next to the blue-silked matriarch. They both wore proud smiles beneath closed eyes. Alder was just about to scream, but an enormous paw covered his mouth, stinging him as he elicited a muffled cry. "Now it's your turn," whispered a powerful and female voice. Alder looked up and saw red. Red silks and petals. His body felt like it was held in the thorns of a bed of roses. Her claws were pricking him, drawing drops of blood. His body twitched and convulsed, causing more lesions. "Stop struggling. Everything is going to be fine, I promise," soothed the rabbit in red. Alder found so much truth in her words. She was so right. His body began to feel more calm and relaxed. Her grip began to loosen. "This way..." she beckoned. Alder's legs felt like they were moving on their own. His paws were still "bound" in front of him as he followed the tall white female in red. Her red strands were constantly lapping at him. They felt like rose petals. Maybe he should rush toward Cedar's location? Find him and escape? What if this whole thing is a trap? His eyes wandered, searching frantically for his taken brothers. Only Ethrinus remained at the entrance, lost in his throes of emotional ecstasy. Alder knew that he and his brothers were all going to be lost in this lake of does and silks. Alder thought of running away, but that made the fresh piercings on his body hurt. He noticed that a berth was constantly reforming around the red matriarch, ahead of him, as she strode forward. There was something frightening, however, as the berth spread a little wider as he tracked her. He looked at the females, drawing further away from him. Their faces were frightened. They clung to each other and tried desperately to get as much distance away from him as possible. Alder knew why this was happening: he was once a prisoner. He bowed his head and looked down as he kept walking. "None of these does will ever love me," Alder thought to himself. "A clawless, reject of a rabbit, like me," Alder said to himself, while looking down at his "bound" paws. The tips of his paws were scarred. Alder bumped into the red matriarch- it was like walking into a tree. She placed one paw upon his back, spanning across both his shoulders. She leaned down to look into his eyes. Her eyes were hauntingly beautiful and red. "Give these to them," she commanded, setting a pair of roses into his "bound" paws. Alder felt his paws and shoulders being pricked. "I'll be watching you..." she warned with a glare. The red matriarch retracted her burning gaze from Alder as she stepped aside for him. He was left standing alone. He looked forward and saw two densely muscular female rabbits. Every fiber of their bodies was swollen with tight, lean and solid muscle. They had peach colored hair and lop ears, tied behind their heads. One donned a white ribbon while the other donned a black. "Hello brother," they said in unison. "Sisters!?" Alder gasped, dropping the roses. Ethrinus' eyes never blinked. He was lost in his own forest of ecstasy, surrounded by trees, each with leaves of all different colors. He inhaled odors from hundreds of different flowers. His pupils dilated and constricted. He was high on the joys and fears of other creatures. They felt so good to feel. His body needed no air. The emotions breathed for him. He tasted them. He heard a young, soft female voice calling out to him. "Ethrinus," he heard. His body shook, but from forces outside his world. 'Ethrinus, wake up!" he heard. The leaves began to fall. The flowers lost their petals. Snow was beginning to form. Winter was happening in a matter of seconds. The sun was being overcastted by clouds. It became colder. "Ethrinus!" spoke the white matriarch. "....yes?" said Ethrinus, slowly awakening. "You let their feelings flow into you again." "Kada?" Ethrinus asked. The white matriarch embraced the dazed and drunken male rabbit. She squeezed firmly. "Now you know why winter is so needed," Kada remarked into Ethrinus' ear. Ethrinus returned the embrace, feeling a little more in control of himself now. Both rabbits were pale-gold and almost the exact same height. They slowly broke the embrace and looked into each other's eyes. Ethrinus, as well as his brothers, had garnet eyes. Kada's eyes were black, with a blue glint of sapphire blue, every once in a while. For a matriarch, she was notably younger and smaller than the other three of her kind. "I want it to stay winter in here," Kada demanded softly, while tapping her paw on Ethrinus' head. "Some flowers keep growing in the snow," Ethrinus complained. "Those beautiful lilies," Kada cooed. Ethrinus tried to pick the lilies in his mind and give them to Kada, but he could never take hold of them. The emotions remained lodged in the snow. The winter in his mind kept the other flora from overwhelming him- a technique he learned from Kada. She took both his paws into hers and pulled him towards the lake of female rabbits. They became surrounded by whispers and sighs. The sleek, smooth females began to undulate against their bodies. They both raised each other's paws, smiled at one another and sank down, into the lake of female bodies. They lowered themselves until they were out of sight. The enclosing females sighed with whispering exhales. Spruce was comfortably nestled on his back, upon a bed of silks. He had fascinated the female rabbits around him, with his stories about the ways other animals mated. He told them how he saw enormous grizzly bears, sometimes pushing down trees, in order to impress their mates. He told them how male stags rammed each other's antlers, impressing their does. A stag's antlers were strong, but they leeched away the strength from their bones, inside their bodies. Stags had one unwritten rule: no striking each other below the antlers, during a contest for a doe. Sometimes, this rule was broken. Every once in a while, during the storytelling, Spruce's garnet eyes would trace the seams of silks that were lining the female's breasts and loins. One beautiful female, coated in the deepest red and chestnut fur that Spruce had ever seen, slowly crawled up and straddled him, with her fine body, showing off her slim muscular core. She looked like a hare. She had a naturally arched back that her loins traced perfectly. Her hind legs, naturally used to make her run fast, were gripping onto him. She slid her thighs around Spruce's waist, clamping him right where she wanted. She smiled down at him, staring into him with her dark, glistening eyes. She slowly raised her toned arms toward her chest, running her paws along the seams of her green silks, before sliding them off and tossing them away. Her chest had slight, firm breasts. Her nipples were small, but made noticeable bulges from her fur. She inhaled the wild scent of Spruce, reminding her of forests from far away. Another doe was fascinated by Spruce. Her eyes wandered over his wild, grey coat. She was a cute, young cottontail. She had brushed grey-brown hair, combed with black and white flecks. She saw the slight twitch in Spruce's long ears. After breathing in the scent of Spruce, her fragile mind became dissolved in a haze. She felt affected by running waters, ferns, winds and rains. An unexpected shiver passed through her body. Unconsciously, she crawled around the straddling hare and brought her face close to Spruce. The straddling hare brought her face down to him as well. The three of them were very close. Spruce oriented his head so that their faces were angled perfectly. Unconsciously, the three wet their lips and moved closer until their lips almost touched. Their breaths escalated. They all closed their eyes and their mouths all touched, yet quickly retreated, after they briefly kissed. They all opened their eyes, smiled, then involuntary joined again. The soft fabrics of their lips quivered, but began to melt into one. The cottontail kept her mouth puckered tightly, while the hare and Spruce massaged and nibbled. Spruce ran his paws gently along the cheek of the cottontail, trying to get her to relax and loosen her lips. She hadn't kissed before; such innocence bringing a slight smile on Spruce. He was enjoying it, because the cottontail began to run her paws through his long ears. Spruce felt kneading on his arms and traces along his neck. Although he was blinded by lust, he knew the straddling hare used her paws to grip his wrists, sinking him down into the silks, where she rested his wrists on both sides of his head. The three-way kiss never ceased as they all moved him down. He was pinned. He was helpless. All he could do was join his lips with these two beautiful females, massaging harder than ever before. Spruce heard soft moans and sighs flow into his caressed ears. "He's so handsome..." he heard from a shy voice. "Take me far away with you," he heard from another. "Let me..." He felt a paw, weighing lightly, run through the thick, grey and lush fur on his chest. Another paw joined in, wandering over his waist and stomach, before going lower. Spruce moaned into his wet kiss, with an agony he always wanted to feel. The hare and cottontail moaned back, feeding more agony to him. He felt his clothes being unravelled and stripped from him. During his stripping, he turned his head from the kiss, feeling his lips being sucked by the hare as he slowly pulled away. The cottontail panted heavily, forgetting to breathe during the kiss. Spruce looked to his side and glimpsed several females, stripping themselves, pulling down their silks, forming puddles around their feet, like slender trees losing their leaves. His vision was about to refocus on them entirely, but the red hare, on top of him, wanted him to return home. His wrist was temporarily unrestrained as he felt the last of his clothes being pulled from his body, leaving him naked. The hare used her free paw to turn Spruce's head, lining him up for another insatiable kiss. She squeezed harder with her straddling thighs and pinned him again. She sighed with content, knowing that this was perfect for them both. The cottontail took a deep breath before plunging her head down, meeting the hare and Spruce, again. She began to massage with her lips as well. Cedar and Iris stood, pressed and embracing each other, with Iris on her tiptoes. Cedar gently ran his paws over Iris' back, caressing the button-loop on her panties, just above her tail, which was flicking every now and again. She ran her paws across his chest, exploring the outlines of his body. Her body was so slender and toned. His was so muscular and defined. They were both so innocent. So pure. The female onlookers held each other, awing at how romantic the couple looked. Iris felt so much relief as she rubbed her inner thighs together, moving her hips like she was in a slow dance, balancing herself upon her dainty tiptoes. She looked up at Cedar, with her darkly pronounced eyes. Her coat was as white as snow, yet a soft pink could be found on the inside of her ears, matching her pink silks. She had one defining feature: her dark eyes were encircled by black bands of fur. This midnight sheen would forever surround her eyes. A surge went through Cedar, when he felt Iris' body press harder into his. He could feel her smooth, firm and modest breasts surrounding his heart. He could feel her heart beating. She brought one paw behind his neck, tracing the scars there. "I dreamed this would happen," she whispered up at him. "We were supposed to kiss in the vineyard, under the stars," Cedar softly reminded her. "Like this?" Cedar and Iris had kissed before, but never like this. They brought their faces close to one another as Cedar lifted Iris off her toes. The fabric of their lips met as they both closed their eyes. Without rehearsal, both their mouths partly opened, simultaneously, before their tongues touched. This was meant to be: be born, find each other, fall deeply in love, bring their hearts close to one another and kiss this way. New sensations flooded their bodies. This is what their hearts yearned for; the smoothness and slickness of their tongues, dancing and folding over each other, becoming stronger and warmer. Their shyness still lingered, keeping their tongues shallow, which was perfect for them. This perfection was intact for several moments, like a rare flower that blossoms only once for that precious moment. Cedar began to lose his grip, however, because the smoothness and slickness of Iris' silk-covered body was causing her to slide down. He desperately tried to tell her, but all he could send into her was a desperate moan, trying to restore his grip. He lashed his paws from her waist, onto her smooth bottom and squeezed hard, which caused her to slip further. Her eyes flashed open as she sent an intense moan back into him. Her tail fluttered. Her eyes rolled lazily upward, before closing, as she sent another moan into him, reassuring this time. Her delicate arms were slipping from his hard and smooth muscles, sliding across his sculpted arms, where she squeezed hard with her paws. The kiss finally unravelled as Iris slid down, back onto her toes. They stared at one another for a moment. "Tell me you love me," Iris whispered up at Cedar. "I love you with all my heart, all my strength," Cedar said while gazing into her dark eyes. "How do you love me?" Iris asked, looking up with smiling anticipation. Iris' dark eyes were positioned beneath Cedar's eyes as they looked at one another; red gems that could fall into her voids. Cedar thought for a brief moment before saying, "I wish to tie my happiness to your heart. I wish to set your heart free. Watch as it soars, bringing my happiness higher than ever before." Iris wagged her tail as a surge went through her body. Then, she wrapped her arms tightly around Cedar, burying her face into his chest while listening to his heart. She rubbed her thighs together and swayed her hips. Iris said into Cedar, "We love you, too." Cedar's long ears perked, but before he could contemplate what he just heard, Iris unburied her body from him. She looked up, standing up on her tiptoes, closing her eyes, beckoning for another kiss. Cedar smiled, captivated again, before slowly lowering his head while closing his eyes. Just when their lips were about to join, Iris flashed a mischievous smile and positioned both her paws against Cedar's chest, giving him a forceful shove. Cedar was sent careening backward. His eyes flashed open, glimpsing the widest smile Iris ever showed him. Cedar was just about to fall, but his balance was saved as his body was taken into the firm grip of navy paws. Cedar's heart thrashed as he tried to look at his captor, standing behind him. He glimpsed the navy coat of another rabbit, from the corner of his eyes. "Wha-what's happening?" asked Cedar. He felt a paw, gripping his chin, moving his face back towards Iris' direction. "Keep watching her," the navy rabbit spoke in a soft soothing voice. Cedar was about to struggle, but he saw Iris' beautiful body begin to dance. He was instantly fascinated by what he saw. His body began to sink down to the silks below, as the navy paws guided him down. Iris shyly smiled, staring into Cedar, as she raised her arms up high. She began to move like fluid, flowing in one continuous rhythm. Her slender waist began to ebb and flow, while her hips sank and climbed. She brought her paws down slowly as she continued these sinuous movements. She slowly began to bow her head. She fanned her paws, sliding them down her breasts and belly, curving her head down until her long ears wilted down. She quickly slid her paws back up again, across her breasts, tossing her head back, causing her beautiful long ears to whip back in a crescent motion. Her arms completed this movement, by rising up to the heavens. She continued these circulations, slowly turning her body, accentuating the movements of her hips as she showed off her bottom. Her body had such gentle lines and perfect shapes. Her tail matched her features perfectly. She began to glide her paws over her smooth bottom as she slowly kept rotating, twitching her tail. She whipped her head and ears back again, showing Cedar this beautiful crescent motion from the side. Cedar's heart was skipping beats. "Why are you doing this?" Spruce asked. The red hare responded with a predatory growl, causing her warm breath to brush over Spruce's face. The scent had a mixture of grapes and alcohol. The cottontail, also lying next to spruce, ran her sensitive paws across Spruce's exposed chest, feeling his heart. Spruce found this to be a suitable answer, for now. The red hare brought her face close to the cottontail and whispered something into her ears. There was a sudden perk of the cottontail's ears as her eyes went wide. She turned to look into the dark, glistening eyes of the red hare, in attempt to be sure of what she heard. The red hare growled into the face of the cottontail. Without hesitation, the young cottontail nodded and stood up on her feet in earnest. The cottontail trembled as she reached for the seams of the red hare's panties. While still pinning Spruce, the red hare unfastened her thighs from his waist, raising her rump into the air. The cottontail's reach had missed, resulting in her paws sliding over the red hare's powerful thighs and legs. The red hare tilted her head down, causing her long ears to fall upon Spruce, as she looked behind her, at the trembling cottontail. Another growl was sent towards the incompetent cottontail, triggering her actions: the button-loop was unfastened and the green silks were pulled off down, from the red's toned bottom, down her thighs and off her feet. The cottontail admired the generous dollop of fluff that formed the red hare's tail. It looked surprisingly cute. The cottontail returned to her business as she flung the green silks away, to a pair of nearby female rabbits, who both slid their paws over this new treasure with quizzical looks in their eyes. The red hare flung her head and ears, demanding the cottontail to return. When the trembling rabbit made her way back, the red hare whispered into her ears again, with a raspy voice. The cottontail slowly nodded at the message. The cottontail's eyes went wide, full of both fear and curiosity. She moved to Spruce's head, facing the straddling red hare. The cottontail's thighs began to lower, aiming her bottom to land near Spruce's head and ears. She lowered herself, into a w-sitting position, until she pinned his ears down with her groin. Her warm thighs held his head in place. The red hare unpinned Spruce. His paws shot up to feel the smooth, firm fabric of the red hare's exposed breasts. Spruce tried to raise his head, but his ears tugged under the cottontail's loins. He moaned loudly in protest, but it was drowned by the moans of the cottontail, who felt his ears drag under her vagina. The moans of the red hare were loud as her breasts were gripped. She feverishly grasped at the cottontail's delicate paws, yanked them down onto Spruce's wrists, where they all wrestled and squeezed one another, before bringing Spruce's wrists down again. Now, the cottontail was pinning Spruce. The red hare arched her back, while straddling Spruce. She brought both her paws to her breasts and caressed herself, above him. She started to rock her hips. She repositioned her body, exposing Spruce's member. Both the red hare and cottontail could see that Spruce's erection was building fast. Spruce tried to look down at the seam between him and the red hare, but his ears tugged underneath the cottontail's vagina again, causing her to moan upward. The cottontail opened her mouth wide, lolling her tongue out, trying to lick the heavens. She then brought her head down to look at the seam, between the red hare and Spruce. The cottontail panted, with her tongue out, over what she saw. Spruce could feel the yarns in his balls begin to tighten. He yelped as the red hare grabbed his rock hard penis. She held it in her smooth warm palm, where her grip tightened. She stroked slowly, making Spruce's abdomen rise reflexively. He moaned desperately, looking up at the cottontail, who moved her gaze down to look at Spruce. She smiled at him, seeing how vulnerable and exposed he was, before returning her gaze back to the red hare's actions. Spruce watched the cottontail above him; her breasts, tightly wrapped in blue silks, were right above him. Her breathing was rising and falling quickly. The red hare let go of Spruce's member and grazed his tight balls. She ran her paw all over his scrotum, lightly grazing her claws over them. Spruce panted and trembled, moaning in agony. His body was being raked over the white hot coals of love. He loved the pain and wanted more. The red hare flashed a predatory grin. She blew on Spruce's loins. She placed both her paws on Spruce's abdomen and pressed, sliding powerfully up his torso to his chest. Her back arched. The red hare wanted Spruce to feel more blissful agony. She reached down and grabbed a handful of flesh from his waist, squeezing hard enough to make the flesh slide out of her paw. She immediately grabbed another handful, squeezing hard, from his thigh. The flesh was so tight that her paws slipped off. One of her paws then squeezed his stomach while another grabbed his upper chest. Her grip tightened, causing both muscles to exhume from her paws. She leaned her body down, grabbing further handfuls of his flesh, squeezing, refilling her paws whenever his flesh left them. Spruce thrashed while almost screaming. He finally managed to pull his ears free, which dragged fully out from underneath the cottontail's vagina. She too was almost screaming. Spruce looked down at the seam, between his body and the red hare. He saw her paw reach for his balls and squeeze, before she pulled away, leaving his tight balls exposed for her to grip them again. His eyes shut tight as he moaned, hard. His body was flooding with both pain and ecstasy. The red hare continued these ministrations, desperately trying to grasp at his flesh. She brought her torso lower, allowing her head to reach under Spruce's chin. She inhaled deeply, filling her lungs with the scent of pines and resins, from the glands there. The muscles in her body became tighter than ever as she reamed her head. Her body jolted, like an electric shock. She raised her abdomen, arching her back. Spruce and the cottontail both gasped, when the red hare took hold of Spruce's cock. She guided it to her cunt. She was wet and glistening. The folds of her vagina drew tight, forming lines that matched all the others on her body. Her moist fabric glided across the top of Spruce's cock. She held this position on slender, honed legs. She stared into Spruce's eyes: her dark obsidian eyes glistening into his red garnets. With a predatory smile, she slowly lowered her abdomen. Spruce's cock slowly glided through her tight cunt. He could feel her juices, running down the length of his member. Feelings began to spread throughout both their bodies, flooding from their abdomens to their necks. The feelings engulfed their bodies as they both felt this heavenly friction. Their gazes began to break as she sank more of his cock into her. The top of her tight, wet fabric parted for him as her strong, toned muscles kept sinking, until she sat completely down on him. Their bodies were shivering. Spruce's member was completely gripped inside the red hare. The cottontail couldn't take it anymore. She unpinned Spruce by moving his paws onto the red hare's waist, which he immediately gripped tightly. The cottontail stood up, reached for the seams of her blue silks and flung them away, exposing her bulbous breasts. She wiggled her hips, undid the button-loop above her tail, then took hold of the tight lines of her panties and slid them down. Her vagina was drenched. She straddled Spruce's chest and lowered herself, wrestling with his arms, before supporting her weight upon her thick thighs. She was facing the red hare. Spruce's view was blocked by the cottontail's creamy and smooth bottom, topped by a white dollop of wiggling fluff for a tail. The cottontail kissed the red hare, ferociously. Their paws slid over each other's breasts, before moving on to taking handfuls of flesh from each other's backs. The females continued kissing as they filled, squeezed and refilled each other's flesh in their paws. Every once in a while, the red hare would drag her claws across the cottontail's back, causing her to tremble. The red hare moved her thighs closer together, squeezing her vagina around Spruce's cock. Her fluids surrounded him. Her abdomen sent shivers up her spine, spreading into her back, which the cottontail gripped and squeezed, locking the feelings there. Spruce could feel every strain inside the red hare. His body began to thrust, causing feelings to ravage across his abdomen. He kept trying to spread more of the painful pleasure into every fiber he could feel. The cottontail dragged her vagina across Spruce's chest, leaving trails of warm and coating fluids. The red hare raised her abdomen, causing Spruce's cock to almost slide out of her cunt. She let herself drop down again, taking the cock back into her, moaning in delight, moaning into the ravelling fabric of the cottontail's kiss. Spruce's balls ached. The red hare began to rise and fall, causing her cunt to grip tightly to the hard cock. Any sudden movements caused waves of warmth to wash over him. The red hare instinctively rocked on Spruce, while her torso leaned further back. She gyrated her hips to make herself slightly rise and fall, running Spruce's cock all throughout her tight insides. Every hump sent more heavenly warmth throughout all their bodies. Spruce moved his paws onto the cottontail's bottom and he squeezed, causing her tail to flick. His mind wracked with lust, he tried to share his feelings with the cottontail, by moving his paws onto her breasts and squeezing. The cottontail jolted as she tried to moan, but her cries were stifled by the kiss that was still locked with the red hare. Spruce continued to buck up reflexively. His abdomen felt tighter than ever before. He tried to tell how much he loved these beautiful does: the cottontail and red hare. All that escaped him was an ascending moan. He wondered how the red hare offered him newer and better pleasure, whenever his cock revisited her tight folds. He could feel his cock exploring all of her toned insides, undulating, tighter, sliding. Spruce's feelings became replaced by flames of passion, causing his hair to stand on end. The cottontail took hold of the red hare's ears, gripping the base of them, before she slowly pulled. Their kiss unravelled as the red hare's head was pulled back, causing her to mouth to open, her tongue lolling out, lined with saliva, before her moan travelled throughout the entirely of the echoing caverns. Feelings of lust tore through the red hare, from her abdomen to her spine, feeding into her neck, feeding into her head, feeding into her ears. The lust overflowed throughout her entire body, before being transformed into pure joy. She sang the note of love. Spruce saw stars and his body convulsed. He climaxed with a cry, feeling every fiber of his body become engorged with pure bliss. The last physical thing he felt, before becoming paralyzed, was his cock being clenched harder than ever before. White streams of silky semen erupted from Spruce's cock, flooding the red hare's tight vagina. The cottontail, feeling Spruce's paralysis, knew exactly what was going on. She quickly reached behind the red hare, taking Spruce's balls with her paw and squeezed them hard. She brought her other paw to the red hare's clitoris and rubbed firmly. The red hare ended her note with a climax of her own, both clitoral and vaginal. She held Spruce's cock as tightly as possible, feeling spasms and enormous waves crashing into her body. Her breath was knocked out of her. Spruce used a split-second of regained control to send a powerful thrust into the red hare, before he was paralyzed again, sending spurts of semen into her. The cottontail's firm grip on his balls caused him to ejaculate harder, causing excess love to well within the red hare. A calming voice flowed into Cedar's ear, "I taught her how to dance." Cedar was lost in fascination, never taking his gaze off his beautiful Iris, still dancing for him. Cedar realized that he was being held by a doe, who knew his Iris. He asked while still in his trance, "...who are you?" The navy paws, gripping Cedar's shoulders, tightly squeezed before he felt a closeness to his ears that felt unlike anything he ever felt. A calming voice poured directly into his ear, "Azhara." Cedar and Azhara were both silent for a while. Whenever she spoke into him, he felt a comforting sensation, radiating throughout his entire body. Everything felt so right. So tranquil. Azhara's soothing voice poured into Cedar's ear again, "Do you love Iris?" "...with all my heart," replied the entranced Cedar. "Will you do everything I say?" Azhara asked. "...yes," replied the entranced Cedar. "Stay here and watch us dance together," Azhara soothed. Cedar felt Azhara's paws slide softly away, before she stepped into his view. Her body flowed like water under moonlight. She was completely coated in navy hair. She had dark eyes, but a red glint would flash from them, every once in a while. Her frame was very lithe and thin. She wore white silks, which formed perfect seams along her thin and fragile body. She was one of the slimmest does he had ever seen, even slimmer than Iris. She looked so delicate. Her long ears were held vertical, making her look seemingly thinner. Her panties had no button-loop- her tail must be docked and flushed with her bottom. Azhara's claws were polished red, but Cedar might not have been able to determine this in the dimly lit cavern. Cedar could not take his gaze off this display of night and day. He saw Azhara perfectly synchronize her movements with Iris. They were perfectly symmetrical, yet Azhara's taller body would occasionally loom over Iris. They simultaneously swept their arms, out and away from their bodies, in the shape of crescents. Iris' white fur gave the illusion that her body was the same length as Azhara's. Could it be that Iris was standing closer while Azhara was slightly further away? They slowly crossed their paws, above their heads, before lowering them down, sliding them across their breasts, brushing across their ventral furs. Cedar noticed that this was the only time their paws splayed. Every other time, they kept their paws together. Cedar also noticed they rarely showed their palms, revealing only the backs of their paws. The beautiful females arched their backs before they raised their arms together, up and back, palms together, before making their bodies resemble the shape of the moon. Then, after twirling to face each other, while straightening their bodies, they each stood on one tiptoe and raised a knee. They both looked straight up as they raised one paw up to the heavens, arm extended. Their other paw was brushing against each other's faces. It was like they were reaching up to touch a god. They looked infinite and timeless in their movements. They never seemed to force any of their moves. Once throughout the dance, this beautiful synchronization was slightly interrupted, when Iris had to use a paw to move one of her long ears, away from her face. This motion just looked so feminine, yet cute at the same time. Iris and Azhara then began their most challenging act. They reset their stances. Their bodies became at ease while facing each other, standing erect on both feet. They stared into each other's eyes. Then, the muscles in their thighs slowly became more defined. The definition in their stomachs became toned and pronounced. They began to lean back, lifting their chests high. They continued to lean further back, gently digging into the air with their paws, as if they were splashing invisible water onto their faces. The tips of their ears began to hang down, behind their heads, touching the ground. Then their knees gave, causing their backs to sink onto the floor, never stopping their paw movements. With their knees bent and tucked under their thighs, they rested their backs onto the ground. They slid their paws onto their breasts and stopped. Their bodies slowly began to rise. It looked unnatural. It looked like an invisible tether was connected to them, pulling them up. A tether from a god? The only point of contact they had on the ground, was the tips of their toes, yet there was no way this alone could move them upwards this way. Rising, forming backbending crescents with their bodies, their paws reached back up to the heavens. Their backs straightened. It looked as though they had come back to life. Iris and Azhara unravelled the silks from their bodies. They revealed their breasts to Cedar. Iris' pink silks revealed her perfectly firm, virgin curves. Azhara's white silks revealed her bulbous and full breasts, despite her willowy frame. While staring at Cedar, Azhara undid Iris' button-loop above her fluffy tail, Azhara and Iris felt along the seams of their partner's bodies, before they slowly tugged each other's panties down. They raised their arms above each other's heads, swayed their hips, then slowly spun, showing Cedar their naked bodies. They beckoned to him. Cedar, while still entranced, intrinsically used all his strength to peel his body from the ground. Several white and silky sheets clung to his body, before falling to the ground. He quickly realized he was going tharn. His breathing was fast and anxious. He moved his powerful, muscular frame towards the beautiful does. They smiled and brought their arms down and toward Cedar, reaching for him. They kept slowly swaying their hips as he approached. When he drew close, Iris wrapped her arms around Cedar's waist. Azhara slowly stepped behind Cedar, grasping the seams of his clothes. Iris felt him enveloping her body, with his big muscular arms. She burrowed her face along Cedar's chest, looked up underneath his chin, then inhaled. From his glands there, she smelled a mixture of earth and ripening grapes. It smelt like the vineyard in full bloom. The fragrance was syrupy, yet not overpowering. A spray of desire erupted within Iris. Each time she inhaled, her body quivered more and more, until after one breath her whole body jolted reflexively. She gave a loud insatiable cry, desperately trying to empty the air from her lungs, before using the last of her control to return and inhale again. Her heart began to pound. Iris unfurled her arms from around Cedar's body. Cedar body began to move naturally, easing the female's ministrations. Iris' own body shook violently. Her tiny claws lashed at Cedar's clothes. The stripping was sensual from Azhara, while Iris stripped her lover as though he were on fire. Cedar gave a sigh of relief, when he felt his sex set free. Cedar's enormous cock was so hard, it almost hurt him. Iris panicked when she saw it and turned her body away from him. Her body broke into a seizure. Her juices began to flood down the inside of her thighs. She went tharn. Azhara gracefully stepped out from behind Cedar, taking hold of Iris from her front. Azhara used her long and slender arms to give Iris' body a strong and tight embrace, reducing the shaking a little. Azhara then began to whisper a soothing melody into Iris' ear, causing a noticeable tightness to be released from her body. Iris began to breathe. She quickly panted at first, before moving onto longer breaths. Azhara tilted her head to look at Cedar. Her eyes went wide when she managed to look at Cedar's full figure. Her dark eyes bloomed from obsidian to scarlet red. Azhara's eyes went dark again when she shifted her gaze towards Cedar's. He wore a soft smile. His ears were down. He looked so innocent, despite his powerful and muscular frame. Azhara whispered to herself, "He is definitely the alpha of his litter." Cedar clasped his paws across his heart, looking at Azhara, before looking at Iris' back. He kept wearing a soft smile. "Cedar, come here," Azhara beckoned. He slowly stepped closer to Iris' behind. His gaze looked at all her perfect features. She had such beautiful lines and gentle curves. Her tail, a generous dollop of fluff, was wagging above her bottom. Azhara carried Iris' head against her breasts, like a mother with an infant. "You must be gentle, Cedar," Azhara said softly. Cedar nodded. Azhara then took Iris' cheeks, with her paws, before they looked into each other's eyes. There was an exchange of whispers. Iris nodded, before she slowly began to spread her legs. Her back arched, while she stood on her tiptoes. Her bottom had a tight line that was drenched in her fluids. When Cedar stepped closer, Iris whimpered, before burrowing her face into Azhara's breasts. Azhara and Cedar looked at each other. Azhara nodded. Cedar's soft smile became a nervous gaze as he moved into position, gripping Iris' smooth bottom. Cedar had to spread his legs a little, so he could align himself to feel Iris' soft, warm body. He beckoned her to narrow her stance slightly, propping her vagina to match the height of his cock. His heart promised him a heaven of lust and fervor, if only he would just push himself inside. His cock was echoing his heart- twitching with every beat. He used one paw to guide the tip of his enormous cock to her tight slit. He felt the head of his cock break a stitch of flesh. Iris' anxiety and passion began to mix with pain. A cry burst free from her heart, but it was quickly muffled, when Azhara took Isis' head and burrowed it into her breasts. Iris cried into Azhara's heart. Iris' body was desperately trying to adapt to the massive cock that was entering her. Cedar felt a shearing that spread from his cock, through his spine, into his brain. He gritted and bared his teeth. He used every fiber of his body to stop himself from pushing. He stopped, briefly, before his body began to move on its own. His fight against such primordial urges only slowed himself. Iris felt her body surrounding Cedar's cock, with her tight and moist warmth. Her intense pain began to subside after Cedar paused momentarily. She realized that her lungs carried no air, because she screamed it all into Azhara's heart. Iris arched her back and lashed her head up, causing her ears to whip. She lolled her tongue and inhaled under Azhara's chin, inhaling coriander fragrances that carried a hint of citrus. Azhara welcomed Iris with a healing kiss. Their tongues affirmed each other. Azhara gripped Iris' shoulders and pushed, breaking the kiss, so Iris could breathe fully into her breathless body. Cedar pushed harder, causing Iris to wince as she tried to contain a cry. She nearly bit her own tongue when her teeth clenched. Her abdomen tightened in response. Her vagina clenched harder. She opened her mouth to scream, but it was stifled by another breathless kiss. Her vagina was soaking, causing fluids to run down Cedar's cock, drenching his balls. He could feel a slick and beautiful traction, at the tip of his cock, as he continued to push inside. He reached down and traced his paws over Iris' breasts: his first time exploring how soft and firm a female chest can be. Iris could feel Cedar's strength, flowing into her body. She reached down and held both of Cedar's paws tightly against her breasts. She moaned into Azhara, trying to tell her that Cedar's paws were made to cover her this way. Azhara moaned back, soothingly and understandingly. Iris lolled her tongue as she broke her kiss with Azhara. When Iris opened her eyes, she saw only sparks dancing in front of her, as though her eyes were shut too tight. She was blinded by lust. Her breath was taken by Azhara. Her seizures were locked away by Cedar's strong grip. Her nipples grew hard, but were covered by Cedar's paws. Her struggle with pain and pleasure had rendered her powerless. Her body felt pressure, as though a torrent of fluid had manifested within her body. Her vacant eyes looked up at Azhara. "Let it go," Azhara soothed. A blissful smile had formed on Iris as she continued to loll her tongue. Then, she pressed herself back into Cedar. She heard him cry from his heart. Azhara reached down and grabbed one of Cedar's paws, peeling it away from Iris' breast. He felt Azhara guiding his paw to the base of Iris' head, feeling an encouragement to take a hold of her ears. Azhara guided him to pull, gently. Cedar felt the tip of his cock suddenly slide into a smooth wall of fibers: he had reached the end of Iris' heavenly vagina. He gently pulled Iris' ears. Iris climaxed. Her vagina squeezed Cedar's cock as though she would never let go again. Her body gave a violent convulsion that escaped Cedar's grip, causing her body to gyrate and hump. She soundlessly screamed while her vagina released a torrent of warm showers, causing her clear female essence to drench onto Cedar. Feelings of bliss imploded within her body. Her tongue lolled out further as her vacant eyes rolled back into her head. She sang the note of love. Iris' body had almost gone limp, but Cedar and Azhara continued to hold her up. Cedar's body was now soaked in sex. He felt his cock slide back and forth within Iris' body, during her convulsive humping. Cedar reflexively tensed his thighs as he began to hump his cock in and out of Iris. An intense feeling of satiation began to well within him. The satiation began to flood his muscular abdomen, filling his heart, filling his neck. He put both his paws against Iris' waist and let his urges consume him. His mind flashed images of Iris kissing Azhara, images of the dance, images of the moment he carried Iris' beautiful body, to finally, the image of the moment he kissed her. Cedar wanted to feel Iris' tight vaginal walls, surrounding his cock, forever. She gave him all the heavenly bliss he craved for. His humping became even more powerful. His lust and feeling of satiation grew. He took a fresh grip on her body and humped her until his satiation peaked. Suddenly, he stopped. His body convulsed. His mind sent a shearing sensation that placed a sharp edge on his pleasure. He closed his eyes and clenched his teeth. He took a deep breath and let the pleasure slice through him as he humped one last time, burrowing his cock as deeply as possible. He reared his head back and cried the note of love as he climaxed. Cedar felt something inside his balls explode. Painful spasms erupted from his incredibly muscular frame. His body became locked, feeling paralyzed. The only thing he felt was a surge of silky semen, erupting from his cock, flooding Iris' vagina. His surge was joined by another surge. He felt something take a gentle grip onto his balls, squeezing. He ejaculated harder, causing semen to spurt out of Iris' vagina, which was unable to hold so much of his essence. He felt an exhaustive relief overcome his body. A soft smile began to form on his face. He felt Azhara's presence nearby. He looked down, seeing the seam that joined his body with Iris. He saw a dark and feminine arm had reached beneath them, which was now caressing his balls. He turned his head and Azhara kissed him. Spruce coaxed the female cottontail to help him carry the beautiful red hare. They placed her exhausted body onto a blanket of soft linens, before Spruce ran the tips of his claws across her ventral fur. He massaged her breasts gently, and then covered her perfect red frame, leaving her head exposed. The thin and silky blanket allowed her majestic features to remain visible. "Where did you come from? Who are you?" Spruce asked. "I'm Calla," she said dreamily. "But where did you come from? Why is this happening?" Spruce asked. Calla's eyes looked toward the precipice, where the matriarchs stood. She sighed. "What do they want? Why are they doing this?" Spruce demanded. "Spruce..." Calla whispered. "How do you know my name?" "...a little bird, in the vineyard, told me." Spruce brought down his nose and sniffed at Calla's breath. There was a scent of wine. "...she loves you," Calla whispered, breathing unnatural love into Spruce. Spruce felt a gentle hug from behind, paws clinging to his heart. He turned within this embrace and looked into the face of the beautiful cottontail. Her eyelids were lazy as she wore a soft smile. Spruce felt her loving paws, constantly trying to regain better grips on his body. Her tiny claws combed his fur. Spruce grasped her sides, tickling the cottontail, which caused her smile to widen before she gasped. Spruce smelled freshly cut grass from her breath. The cottontail giggled before she closed her eyes and pressed her lips into his. The cottontail's body was curvy and wholesome. Nothing felt more important to her than the desire to caress Spruce's body. Her tongue lapped cutely at Spruce's tongue. Her innocence and purity touched Spruce's heart. He slowly sat down, upright, keeping the cottontail kissed and embraced. She wrapped her legs around him, squeezing tightly as she sank her bottom down onto Spruce's lap. He could feel her perfect breasts, sliding against his chest, sliding and pressing, sliding as the cottontail tried to warm his heart with them. He could feel her tail lightly wiggling. He could feel her warm fluid, slowly beginning to pool upon his sex. The cottontail broke the kiss and slightly loosened her grip on Spruce. She slid her thighs upward, higher upon his waist, where she squeezed harder than before. "Not so tight, cotton," Spruce said with a smile. "My name's Jamesia!" she said with a giggle. Spruce brought his nose under Jamesia's chin, which smelt faintly of dried vegetables. He reached up, lightly wrapped his paws around the base of each of Jamesia's ears and gently pulled down, sliding their entire lengths through his tender paws. He began alternating this motion. "Spruce, I want you to make love to me, like you did with that red and beautiful doe," Jamesia whispered as she closed her eyes. Spruce felt his penis harden, covered in Jamesia's warm slickness. There was an irrepressible influence in his cock. He felt his cock's skin and nakedness become engulfed in their ventral furs. Jamesia felt the erection, against her abdomen, causing her to smile softly. She stroked Spruce's back and occasionally gave an innocent squeeze to Spruce's fluffy tail. Their feelings for each other grew as they kept stimulating these sensitive areas. Jamesia's innocence began to melt into carnal lust. She tightened her legs around Spruce and began to gyrate her hips, rubbing her vagina against his abdomen and erection. Jamesia fiercely rubbed her arms and legs against Spruce, as though she would die of hunger unless she fed herself this way. She felt her ears constantly feeding and feeding Spruce's paws. The feminine motions of her entire body began to build an incredible friction. Her tail flicked. Her bottom was thrusting and rising before retreating and sinking. She stared into Spruce's garnet eyes, with her desperately dark and glistening eyes, which flashed sapphire blue for a brief moment. She burrowed her nose against his chin, inhaling deeply. Pine needles and resins. She shut her eyes tight, reared her head, lolled her tongue and began to hump harder. She began to moan in a rhythm that harmonized each delve of her pelvis. Spruce quickly moved his paws from Jamesia's ears to the crease of her hips, grabbing firmly. Her humping slowed against his hold, fighting his strength. She stared, sadly, into Spruce's garnet eyes with her sapphire blues. He guided the tip of his cock to her vagina, but Jamesia's constant movement, from her arousal, made him miss. Instead, she felt Spruce's cock chafe her clitoris. This sent her over the edge. Jamesia wrapped her paws around Spruce's head and she looked deeply into his eyes. She felt an explosion of euphoria, causing her to jolt violently, consumed by an intense pleasure. She exhaled a long and cathartic moan onto Spruce's face. Her body tried to share this feeling with him. Jamesia's eyes rolled into the back of her head as her muscles loosened. She panted feverishly. Then, she felt something shear through her vagina. She felt Spruce plunge the head of his cock into her tight vaginal depths, which surrounded him with a warm and rippling fabric. Jamesia reared her head back, causing her ears to whip. She stared upward. A blissful smile formed on her face. Her body was wracked with pain, agony and ecstasy. "I love you," she sighed. Jamesia whimpered happily. She could distinguish the exact shape of the cock that was inside her, feeling it with her tightening inner muscles. Her desires forced her downward, pushing the cock deeper, where she lost her exact sense of it. She wrapped her legs tightly around Spruce, again. Spruce let the intensity of this passion take over his body, causing his hips to reflexively push up against Jamesia's creamy bottom. His cock grew within her. The tip of his cock reached the end of her vagina. Jamesia felt overwhelmed, feeling her depths enclose around the cock within her. Spruce smiled and slowly receded, before pushing up into her depths again, with all the vigor in his loins. He receded again. Jamesia began to add her own energy to the thrusts, pushing herself downward while he pushed upward. A flare of passion wracked her body, causing her to moan loudly. Spruce noticed that Jamesia's breasts began to slightly jiggle, with each thrust he made into her. He reached for them and gently squeezed. A feeling of satiation began to well within him. Jamesia began to take handfuls of flesh from Spruce's back. She squeezed, causing his flesh to escape, which made her grab again. Spruce responded by refilling his paws with Jamesia's creamy and curvy breasts, which began to swell. Her nipples were hard. Jamesia felt her body become tense. She locked her legs around Spruce's waist. The thinning of her vaginal walls began to increase her sensitivity. She felt her insides shift, allowing Spruce's cock to thrust further and further inside her. Her burning and undulating walls were cooled by the dripping fluids of her feminine essence. She wanted Spruce's cock to explore all of her tight, gripping insides. The union of their love began to glow. She took one last look into Spruce's eyes, before her vision began to fade into stars and blindness. Spruce felt a level of satiation that peaked higher than ever before. His humping transformed into an animalistic shaking. Jamesia reared her head back and whipped her ears. She sang the note of love to the heavens. Spruce joined her with his voice of love. Their song echoed throughout the caverns. Spruce kept humping, even after a sharp edge had formed on the blissful knife that shaved his heart. His voice stopped when his body suddenly became paralyzed. He climaxed. Ribbons upon ribbons of white, silky semen were spewing out of his cock and into her vagina. She climaxed. Clear and warm fluids were rushing out of her vagina and onto Spruce's loins. The integrity of their holds suddenly unravelled as their bodies collapsed onto their sides. A spasm wracked over both their bodies. After the paralysis ended, they embraced each other and kissed. A red hare, once bound in beautiful white silks, wrapped her covers around Jamesia and Spruce, binding them together. Cedar said some things that touched Azhara's heart, while they built a nest silks and linens, tucking Iris' body in it. "You liked my dancing?" she asked. Cedar nodded. "You like the sound of my voice?" she asked. Cedar nodded. Iris had closed her eyes as her body faded to exhaustion. She smiled softly. She kept dreamily whispering Cedar's name, repeatedly. The black bands around her dark eyes made her look like she was in a deep sleep. It was at this moment that Cedar noticed that Azhara's claws were painted a bright red. "She loves you," Azhara said to Cedar, in a soft voice, while she stroked Iris' ears. "Are you the seamstress that Iris talked about?" Cedar asked. "She told you about me? My lovely assistant. She told me about you, too," Azhara cooed. "I never thought I'd see a body so beautiful, so dark and delicate, like a thread of night that reaches up to Inle," Cedar said to Azhara. Azhara giggled softly. "Are you saying that I'm with the Black Rabbit?" Azhara teased as she stretched her body, straight and tall, straightening both her arms together above her head. Cedar looked Azhara's thin and exposed body, while she gently swayed her hips. There was something so vulnerable and fragile about her, yet the beautiful seams and lines of her body were so alluring. "If you are, I would happily wait for death so that I may hear your lullaby," Cedar whispered. "Careful, Cedar. What if I really am with the Black Rabbit? What if I've come to take your life?" she warned as she splayed her paws, showing a cluster of red claws to Cedar. Cedar closed his eyes and bowed his head down, slowly moving his neck toward Azhara's claws. In this incredible instance, Cedar's enormous and muscular body became the most vulnerable in this exchange. Azhara gently traced her claws, from the front of Cedar's neck to the back, where his scars were located. "Yes. The Black Rabbit tried to take you once before," Azhara realized as she spoke softly. Cedar never felt anything like this. Azhara's touch was incredibly sensational. Her grazes felt hypnotic. Azhara was tracing her claws across the scars. With each pass Azhara made, Cedar felt a wave of calmness. His eyes became hazy. Each stroke made his body sink lower and lower to the ground. Azhara's heart began to lift with rapture, when she realized her slender and delicate frame was making Cedar so helpless. "Lie down, I'm going to take you," Azhara whispered. When Cedar lowered himself onto his back, Azhara continued her idyllic touching. Her red claws moved onto Cedar's chest, where she ran her delicate traces. Her voice was beautiful and melodic. Her voice was the most alluring thing that Cedar let fill his long ears. Azhara whispered, "Iris told me so much about you. She said you were strong, handsome, kind and gentle. My heart was weaving love for you, before we even met. Now that I've met you, now that we're together, I can feel my heart beating. You're the most handsome buck I've ever wanted to give my love to. I'm going to give it to you." Cedar looked at Azhara's navy and midnight body, through his hazy eyes. He wore a soft smile. Azhara slowly and deliberately crawled with her light, lithe and slender body. She poised herself above Cedar, upon her knees close together, before slowly and graciously lifting one upward. She wanted Cedar to see every line, every movement, before she lowered her leg to straddle Cedar's waist. She made a slow and sultry wiggle with her bottom, nestling herself as she sat astride his body. She brought her face close to Cedar's and whispered, "I feel that I won't be able to keep my claws away from your body, any longer. I'm going to explore your body. I'm going to run my claws through your hair, your neck, your ears. I want to feel the fibers of your shoulders, your arms, all of your incredibly strong muscles." "It's going to be okay, I promise," Azhara sighed. She positioned her face, under Cedar's chin, before inhaling gently. She smelt a mixture of fresh earth and wine. "Ohhh..." Azhara sighed contentedly, before arching her back as she brought her chin to Cedar's nose. Cedar's eyes widened the more he breathed. He inhaled fragrances of blood oranges and rich spices. He felt his heart beating harder. His muscles tightened. He felt a tightening in the yarns of his loins. Cedar felt his cock emerging from his sheath. His erection had nowhere to go, but through Azhara's straddling seam. He could feel every single hair from their ventral furs, smothering his hardening cock. A flaring desire spread across his abdomen. He closed his eyes tight and moaned, torn between wanting and ridding himself of this blissful agony. Azhara reached down and began to glide her claws along Cedar's length, causing his moans to escalate. Azhara whispered directly into Cedar's ear, "Ohhh...I can feel why you're in so much pain. Your massive body is trying to feed itself into me. I'll take your pain away. I'll turn myself around and comfort you, ok?" Azhara pressed her torso up, using her thin and slender arms, which made her back arch beautifully. She looked down and glided one of her delicate paws across Cedar's abdominals, feeling her claws being caught in the furrows of his defined muscles. Before she could dismount, Cedar quickly raised his paws and clasped them onto Azhara's bulbous breasts. She was incredibly firm. His paws slipped off from her smoothness, causing him to frantically try and regain his grip. Cedar moaned in anguish. Azhara awed in sympathy. She used her paws to hold his in place, keeping them held against her breasts. A series of lamenting moans began to flow out of Cedar, when he realized he could now clasp Azhara's breasts, without his paws slipping. He could feel Azhara's heart beating. His face transformed from agony to happiness. "I'm going to turn around. I'll come back soon, ok?" Azhara promised. Cedar nodded while his paws were peeled away from Azhara's breasts. Carefully, she moved herself onto all fours and crawled in a circle, lifting her knees high, when she brought them over Cedar's head. He tried to glimpse the tight folds of her vagina, yet her dark fur almost concealed those lines entirely. She straddled her thighs around Cedar's chest, revealing her docked tail to him, which flowed down her neatly smoothed bottom. Cedar's curiosity peaked as he ran his paws down Azhara's smooth behind. He further noticed that Azhara's navy fur had a beautiful and glossy sheen to it. So lustrous. He marvelled at the furrow running along her spine, the gentle slopes of her shoulder blades, her long ears that flowed down between her neck and shoulders, her trim and tapering waist, her beautiful creases between her inner arms and upper back. He was fascinated. She was so perfect. "...you're...beautiful," Cedar mused. Azhara gasped when she saw Cedar's enormous member. "By Frith, you a so well endowed," she said beyond a whisper. "By Inle, your back is gorgeous," he whispered. Azhara perked one of her ears, after hearing what Cedar just said. She shrugged one shoulder, let her ear fall back into place and continued her ministrations. Cedar emitted a purr, when Azhara furled her paw around his cock. She held it in her warm and furred palm, stroking its base with her thumb. Cedar felt his abdomen become taught, causing his head to rise from the ground. Azhara gently squeezed his cock with both her paws, feeling the smooth skin. She inhaled deeply and exhaled her warm breath upon it. Cedar tensed his abdomen harder, causing Azhara's whole body to rise slightly. She turned her head to look back at Cedar's face, showing her dark eyes and soft, but reassuring, expression. Azhara returned to gaze to the incredible sight before her. She drifted her paw lower, before filling her paws with Cedar's tight and voluminous balls. Cedar returned his head onto the ground, raised his chin and moaned in heavenly anguish. Azhara gently shook his scrotum sack, causing another moan to emerge from Cedar. Azhara had a brief contemplation, considering the life within Cedar, possibly filling each and every doe within this cavern. Her eyes gazed towards Iris' sleeping body. She looked down towards her vagina, now becoming watery. Azhara turned her head to look back at Cedar again. "I'm going to taste you," Azhara whispered. Cedar softly nodded and felt an excitement begin to well within his abdomen. Azhara brought her torso down, moving her bottom closer to Cedar's face. She could feel his breath upon her vaginal folds. She trembled a little and took the base of his cock with one of her paws. She used her other paw to gently squeeze his balls. She salivated and lolled her tongue as she brought it to the tip of Cedar's cock. She licked it and kissed it, massaging it with her lips, causing Cedar to squirm and moan in paradise. Azhara tightened her lips, brought them to the top of Cedar's cock and began to feed it into her mouth. She slowly moved her head further down, while caressing Cedar's balls. Cedar's girth was so incredibly vast. Azhara had to retreat before gagging. She panted, but before she could take the cock back into her mouth, she felt Cedar's lips kiss her vagina. Azhara was instantly taken, causing her dark eyes to flash a sparkle of red, before becoming lost in the feeling. Cedar lightly traced his tongue over her vaginal opening, causing Azhara to moan upon Cedar's cock. He moaned back onto her vagina. Cedar felt his cock being slowly enclosed by Azhara's mouth. Looking up, he saw the tight folds of Azhara's vagina, perfectly gleaming in her lustrous lines. He lapped the tip of his tongue against her sensitive slit, which tasted like a citrus infusion. He began to take small licks with his tongue, lapping the tight slit with a rapid eagerness, using many tiny strokes. His paws never ceased to caress her smooth and firm bottom. Azhara's muscles began to tense within her thin and frail body. Azhara was torn between giving and receiving these heavenly afflictions. She began to stroke Cedar's cock with one paw, while taking as much girth as she could into her mouth. Her other paw never ceased to continuously squeeze and caress his voluminous balls. While stroking Cedar's cock with one paw, she salivated, brought her mouth down to his firm sack and wrapped her lips around it. Cedar screamed in bliss, before latching his mouth onto Azhara's vagina, where his tongue brushed her clitoris. She moaned into Cedar's balls. She began to suck on them, which made Cedar sent a moan into her vagina. She pressed her frail body down onto Cedar, feeling his body of dense and bulging muscles against her light and slender body. Azhara never felt so exposed, vulnerable, slender and sensitive. Her body twisted, assaulted by feelings of both elusiveness and insistence as she traded this love with him. A flare of euphoria swept through Azhara's thin body, which made every sympathetic muscle within her body contract. Her body jolted and became consumed. Her paw gripped the base of Cedar's penis and squeezed. Her other paw gathered whatever flesh was unable to fit into her voracious mouth and squeezed. Her mouth sucked harder than ever before and then she screamed into Cedar's balls. Her clitoral climax was powerful. Azhara's lifted her head suddenly, causing Cedar's balls to spill out of her mouth, while her eyes rolled into the back of her head. She cried, "Stop!" Cedar unravelled his lips from Azhara's vagina and let his head drop onto the ground, cushioned by his ears. "Wait," she whispered with a sigh. Azhara was panting heavily. She shut her eyes tightly and reopened them in a haze. She turned her head around to look at Cedar "Cedar, can you take a deep breath and blow on me?" Azhara requested in a soothing voice. Cedar's eyes moved from the direction of her voice, to her bottom. He inhaled, puckered his lips and blew a long breeze onto Azhara's vaginal folds and clitoris. He felt her muscles begin to loosen and relax, in response. She sighed. Her glowing soreness was becoming doused by Cedar's breath. "Good boy..." Azhara sighed with relief. Azhara slowly detached her body from Cedar. She gently stood back up and stretched her long and slender body, rubbing her thighs together. She wavered, like a tall tree in a gentle wind. She kept her back turned toward Cedar, knowing that he admired this aspect of her. She turned her head and looked back towards him, revealing only her eyes, making sure he was watching. Her expression looked divine. One of her paws reached for her breast while her other reached for her sore vagina. She gently masturbated. Her hips swayed beautifully. The lustrous sheen on her navy body seemed to glide over these slight undulations. Azhara's body never ceased to captivate Cedar. She continued these alluring motions for a moment, before she turned to face Cedar. She wore a sly smile. She gazed at Cedar's eyes without blinking. She never took her eyes away from his. She gracefully walked to his body and loomed over him. She slowly lowered herself. Straddled him. Took his cock into her paw. Guided it. Guided his enormous girth to her cunt. She paused. She sank her body. Both her paws took possession of Cedar's head while her eyes glared into him. Her mischievous nature was revealed through her now widening smile. Cedar could see everything in her eyes. He saw how much she loved him. He saw how much her heart was controlling her body. Her gaze even remained locked onto his, when her body convulsed into painful seizures, as she desperately tried to force more of his massive cock into her tight vagina. When the agony subsided, she sighed an awe of reprieve, before sinking her body down further. Cedar could feel pure and heavenly gratification, enveloping more and more of his cock. When Azhara suffered another blissful convulsion, her gaze glared harder into Cedar's eyes. Her shadowy eyes gave a scarlet glint. She brought her face closer to his and expelled her hot breath onto him. "I want to watch you cum when I cum," she spoke, from the molten recesses of her heart. Cedar's expression became shy. He stared back, unsure of what to do. He took her neck into his paws, sliding the tips of his claws across this tender area. Cedar's gripping sensation diffused from Azhara's neck to her spine, remaining there forever. Azhara sang the note of dominance, before returning to her panting. When Cedar's cock was gripped as far as Azhara's vagina could grip, she began to hump. The harmony of her furious humping matched her panting. She sang the note of dominance again, yet this time at a higher pitch. Azhara returned to her panting. Her gazing. Her humping. Her singing. Her panting. Cedar began to think of Iris- how her vagina was made for his cock, while his cock was made for Azhara. Iris was recessive. Azhara was dominant. Iris' vagina pulled and spasmed. Azhara's vagina pushed and confined. Cedar felt little feminine essence being released from Azhara, remembering that Iris' essence was generous. Azhara's influence spread throughout both their bodies, forcing itself into their abdomens, into their necks. Her influence became channelled into her abrasive vagina. Azhara cried the note of dominance again, with a higher pitch than ever before. She resumed her panting. Her humping. Her gazing. A reservoir of raw lust began to fill within her. Her heart sped. Her panting tripped over her own sighs and moans. Her blood kept pumping into her vagina, making it fully engorged and tighter. Her raw lust began to overflow the reservoir within her. Her vagina began to spasm, gripping Cedar's penis tighter than ever before. She sang her note of dominance with the most hauntingly beautiful pitch of all time. Azhara knew she was close. Her humping transformed into a furious assault. Her eyes burned into Cedar. He felt the familiar feeling of satiation, glowing brighter within his body. The sharp edge returned to his molten pleasure. It burned as it carved into him. His pleasure branded his heart. Azhara, still glaring into Cedar's eyes, whispered harshly, "Cum for me! Cum for me, please cum for me! Ahhh cum! Cum with me! Cum with me! I'm going to cum hard! Yes! AH!" The last thing Azhara saw, before her vision became swarmed with stars, were Cedar's eyes when he climaxed. She climaxed. She screamed her note of dominance for as long as she possibly could. Her raw lust was flowing out of her voice. Her whole body thrashed and flailed. At the same time, Cedar's body was seized with paralysis as his cock exploded. A barrage of silky semen volleyed into the deep and clenching vagina of Azhara. Her flailing caused one of her paws to land on Cedar's voliminus balls, where she grasped and squeezed, feeling his firm sack beginning to drain. Another of her flailing paws landed on her breast and squeezed. Her back arched painfully hard. They twitched. They collapsed. Cedar carried Azhara to Iris, where they all slept together.
Humiliation #6 by Birdpup
Extreme for cub content. WinterWolfy again. For more of my works, check out my SoFurry. If you fancy a commission yourself, just check out my journals on IB or SF. Alternatively, you can support further works on my PATREON! - Despite it not being even close to the summertime, the day was startlingly
[ "Anal", "Ass", "Balls", "Beach", "Cock", "Cub", "Cum", "Dry humping", "Female", "Gay", "Hotdogging", "Humiliation", "Husky", "Hybrid", "Hyena", "Lion", "Lioness", "Male", "Male/Male", "Public", "Watersports", "Wolf", "wetting" ]
Despite it not being even close to the summertime, the day was startlingly warm, and the beach was the perfect time for people to unwind. For Wolfy and Harley, it was an opportunity to get away from the embarrassment that the young wolf and husky hybrid had felt mere hours ago. Dressed in a new pair of swimming underwear that wasn't as tight, nor as revealing, as his previous ripped piece, Wolfy was feeling optimistic. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad. It was still roughly noon, which meant there would be a lot of time for the two children to enjoy themselves. As they stepped onto the warm sand, Wolfy scanned over the other people hanging around the beach. There was a few, not enough to be cramped, but enough for it to appear rather busy. Luckily, the coast stretched on for what felt like miles, which gave people plenty of room to sit down. Wolfy's mother, however, preferred to stay near the car, for obvious reasons. Wolfy was feeling a little more relaxed as he settled down with his family atop a towel, but the peacefulness of the beach was broken by a wail of utter delight. Harley bolted to her feet and suddenly sprinted across the beach, digging into the sand. Wolfy and his mother exchanged a confused expression, looking on, wondering what on earth the 6 year old was so excited about. They watched as she barrelled into someone roughly her height, and Wolfy's mother got to her feet, ready to apologise. Begrudgingly, Wolfy followed, hoping it was nothing serious. That's when Wolfy realised that it wasn't some stranger, but was, in fact, one of Harley's friends. He didn't know her very well, but she was a Hyena girl around Harley's age, and her name was Yvonne. She was a nice enough girl, but she was like Harley: quick to laugh, and quick to tease. "Jessica! Fancy seeing your here." A taller, slenderly-built and slightly curvaceous female Hyena greeted Wolfy's mother with a restrained degree of enthusiasm, giving the older hybrid a large hug. Jessica chuckled in a mixture of surprise and pleasantness, patting the woman on her back. Standing next to them were a couple more Hyenas: one around Wolfy's age, and one much, much older. It didn't stop there, however. As the two women were catching up and talking, they heard yet another squeal of delight from the left of them. Wolfy turned his head to see a young Lionness running through the sand and barrelling into Harley and her friend. The trio giggled together, talking rapidly between themselves as yet another family joined the small congregation. "Jessica! Lydia! What a surprise." It was yet another one of Harley's friends, and her entire family was here. They were slightly different from what Wolfy had expected. The young Lionness, Bethany, had insisted that her mother was a goddess, but it seemed to be his father that was a chiselled god of a man. With a sweeping mane that shifted about in even the slightest wind, the mother paled in comparison, lacking the vast mane that was only exclusive to adult men. They also appeared to have a younger brother, who only looked to be about 5. The young cub was staring up at Wolfy with an inquisitive, gleeful expression. The hybrid boy felt a little uncomfortable. "Why don't we all sit together and catch up?" Jessica suggested, and there was a murmur of approval as the adults moved off to the side, collecting up their things and placing them all together, sitting down and talking amongst themselves. Like all parents, they did occasionally glance over towards the children, who were now moving into their own small group. "Oh!" Harley seemed to realise that some people weren't acquainted, amongst their little congregation. "Wolfy, this is, uh, Darren and James." She pointed to the Hyena and Lion boy respectively, and Wolfy tried his best to memorise their names. It shouldn't be too difficult, considering they were all probably going to see each other fairly often. At least, Wolfy thought so, to a degree. "I got some buckets and spades." Darren beamed and held up what he had on him, which was plenty to go around, thankfully. Darren was already seeming like a nice guy, and Wolfy wagged his tail, grinning over at him. What could go wrong? They sat around for an hour near the shore, using the wet sand to create sandcastles. Of course, there was a degree of warfare going on between them, castles being knocked over or pelted with small stones they found near the shore. It was all horseplay, however, and they even made a game of it, imagining the gentle thrown rocks to be catapults. They had to play it safe when they had a relatively clumsy 5 year old around, who looked on more than one occasion to be upset when his castle was knocked over. Luckily, his older sister knew how to handle him and quickly tended to divert his attention to other things before he started to make a scene. It was all going rather well, and they were either beginning to laugh amongst themselves whilst the parents watched on. "Hey, we should bury someone in sand!" Harley suggested with a wide grin, her tagging wagging frantically behind her. The group of cubs exchanged glances to one-another as they silently tried to decide who was going to bury themselves. It wasn't risky, but the person buried wouldn't be able to move their arms that much, especially amongst packed wet sand. Wolfy glanced down to the young Lion cub, and froze when he saw the 5 year old's finger pointing directly at him. He looked up to the rest of them and all of them were grinning at him. He wavered, looking a little nervous. "Y-You don't seriously think..." He began, but trailed off when they didn't really say anything in response. He hung his head, and slowly nodded, agreeing to being buried in sand. He had a feeling he'd he pressured to otherwise, and he didn't wnat to know how that would go. "C'mon, let's head further up the beach." Darren patted Wolfy's shoulder and got up, heading further up. The rest of them followed him and Wolfy trailed along behind, watching as they stopped a little distance away, checking the consistency of the sand beneath their feet. Satisfied, Darren gestured the young hybrid over, and Wolfy resigned to his fate, heading forwards. "Lay down." Darren commanded, and Wolfy quietly obeyed, looking nervous and he pressed his head against the sand. He peeked up and watched as the group of cubs covered him in the slightly damp down, patting it down firmly over his body to make sure he'd be tightly packed. He could already feel the strength and consistency of the sand pressing down against his body, making it impossible to move his arms. He didn't realise sand could be that strong! It wasn't long before the young cubs had pushed the sand all the way up to his chin, leaving only his head exposed. Wolfy glanced down his body, noticing the entirety of it was completely covered in sand, keeping him rather warm. The heat from the sun above was seeping through the sand and keeping him nice and cosy inside the sand. This wasn't so bad! He relaxed a little and sighed, grinning a little. Then he felt something toying with his underwear. He snapped his head up to see Darren's finger sticking into the smooth sand atop his body, digging in until his finger was touching Wolfy's swimming underwear. The hybrid wriggled in amongst the sand as best as he could, a look of utter bewilderment on his face as he looked from Darren to the rest of the group. The majority of them were laughing and giggling amongst themselves. Darren must have hatched this plan to them before to embarrass him, and it was definitely working. "What are you doing?!" Wolfy complained, wrinkling his nose as the colour rose to his cheeks. He glanced over towards their parents, but they weren't really looking their way at that moment in time. Darren didn't stop, pressing down until his digit was pushing against Wolfy's small, flaccid member. The hybrid boy looked flustered, feeling the embarrassment rise to his face in the form of a blush. Darren dug in with a few extra fingers and applied a bit more pressure whilst giving Wolfy a rather unreadable expression. Wolfy didn't want to admit it, but it was feeling nice, and that was shameful in itself. He knew that Darren could feel his dick hardening against his fingers, and slowly, the Hyena boy pulled his hand back. He dug at the sand around Wolfy's pants and exposed them to the sun, noticing the prominent bulge in them. Slowly, he traced his fingers over the outline of Wolfy's erect cock and the hybrid quivered under his touch, the little dick pulsing. The girls tittered and giggled amongst themselves before, suddenly, Darren tugged down the front of Wolfy's underwear. The hybrid boy froze when his erect dick was revealed to the air, twitching and pulsing with arousal. Darren's eyes centred on it immediately and watched it throb, before he glanced at Wolfy's face, noticing his embarrassed expression. The girls giggled at each other whilst pointing and laughing, trying their best not to look at it. Wolfy stared right at Darren's unreadable expression, wondering what on earth he was up to. "Are you alright over there, guys?" One of the parents called over, and Darren quickly shifted and moved to sit on Wolfy's dick, hiding it from plain sight. The Hyena nodded over at the parents before looking down at Wolfy, winking down at the flustered hybrid. Wolfy tried to splutter out some sort of question, but he froze when he saw one of the parents getting to their feet and walking over. "What are you doing? Aww, did you bury Wolfy in sand?" It was Darren's mother, primarily, coming to check on them. She crouched down and smiled, rather amused at their activity, even grinning widely when they played along. Harley stuck a tiny flag into the sand on Wolfy's chest and the hybrid boy tried his best to grin and act like nothing was wrong. His dick was pulsing underneath Darren's small rump, and he felt the Hyena slightly moving back and forth. That only made it worse. "Are you alright down there, Wolfy?" The adult Hyena looked down to the hybrid's flustered face, and Wolfy knew he had to quickly figure out a way for his member to remain unseen. Darren was providing that comfort in itself, but he was making it very difficult to concentrate. Wolfy's member pulsed and throbbed under that slightly rocking ass that moved the slightest inch left and right. "Yes, ma'am." He replied dutifully with a small grin, trying his best to appear casual, despite the arousal he felt spreading throughout his loins and beyond. His breath briefly hitched in his throat and he passed if off as a gulp of air. He felt a familiar stirring in his loins, a spike of pleasure that he knew all too well. He couldn't even utter out a warning under the Hyena woman's gaze. "Well, I'll leave you to it." She chuckled, standing up straight and turning away from them. It was just at the right time, too: Wolfy let out a small sigh as she turned, and his cock pulsed powerfully under Darren's slightly wriggling behind. A thick string of cum shot out and spurted right up against the Hyena's behind, splattering the outside of his swimming shorts with his seed. The rest dripped and dribbled down onto his own crotch, matting his fur. The cum was quickly drying in the sun, thankfully, and he hoped no-one had noticed. After Darren's mother made her way towards the rest of the adults, the young Hyena boy slipped off of Wolfy's crotch, and the girls peeked down at the hybrid's member, though Harley averted her gaze. They looked disappointed to see he was half-soft, but Darren could see the light sheen of cum on Wolfy's fur. He gave the hybrid a wink, but Wolfy couldn't look him in the eyes. "Guys!" Wolfy's mother called over, and Darren quickly leant forwards to un-tuck the swimming pants from underneath Wolfy's balls, covering his member up again. He turned towards the taller Hybrid adult, who came bounding towards them. Behind her, the other adults were already getting up and collecting their things together, for the moment. In the hybrid's hands were a bottle of sunscreen, and a towel in the other. "Can you make sure Wolfy gets his sunscreen? He has some rather sensitive skin." She told them, and Wolfy's face grew an ever brighter shade of red as he sat up in the sand. The dent in his crotch had held to mess with the entire structure of his little sand bed, and it had made it easier to move after a while. "I can do it myself--" He began, but he quickly cut off by Darren's wide smile, who collected up the sunscreen and towel for him. "Don't worry, ma'am. I'll make sure." He said, putting on his ever-charming, boyish grin. Jessica chuckled in response and patted the Hyena's head. "We'll be up at the cafe opposite, getting a drink. Just come and get one of us if you're in trouble. Keep an eye on James." Wolfy's mother warned as she stepped back, smiling, before turning and heading further up the beach to catch up with the others. Wolfy grimaced: he didn't like it when his mother made him seem like such a baby, especially in front of people that he could have thought to be his friends! Darren turned towards the group, who were already beginning to chatter to themselves. He grinned down at Wolfy and gestured with the towel, heading further up the beach as the rest of them followed him. Wolfy trudged along behind them, feeling a mixture of shame and embarrassment. "C'mon, get on the towel!" Darren demanded as he laid the towel out onto the sand. Wolfy glared and grumbled something under his breath as he stepped towards the towel, getting onto his knees. As he began to lay down, he felt hands around his hips, and felt the coolness of his swimming pants sliding away from his rump. He snapped a hand back to clasp the little piece of clothing he had, glancing behind him. Darren had his hands on the boy's pants, with an innocent grin on his face. "What're you doing?!" Wolfy demanded with wide eyes, a little confused and embarrassed. Half of his ass was on show, and Harley's friends were beginning to giggle as James waddled around. "Well, I can't put sunscreen on your butt if you're wearing something, right?" Dareen tilted his head with a look of confusion, and his innocent logic made Wolfy falter. Begrudgingly, he removed his hand and slipped onto his front as Darren pulled down his pants. His dick turned between his legs, pressing against the towel in full view of the others, with his balls resting atop. It was a little uncomfortable, but he was thankfully rather soft and un-erect, and that made it a lot easier. Darren gestured to the others, and Harley tried her best to avert her gaze as he squirted sunscreen into their palms. Slowly, he all moved around him, smearing the sunscreen into his back as Wolfy pressed his chin into his arms, his ears flattening down. This felt embarrassing, and the feeling of those small hands running over his body made him tingle. He could feel Darren's noticeably larger hands being deliberately teasing, sliding the sunscreen over his rump, deliberately moving dangerously close to his crotch, tracing along his inner thigh, mere inches from his balls. The close proximity of Darren's hand to his junk was making him nervous, and with those nervous brought about an awkward erection that was growing, albeit very slowly. Despite Wolfy's embarrassment, the children worked dutifully to complete their task. Harley's friends worked the sunscreen all over his back and arms, making sure he was completely covered all the way around, though they had little access to the front of their body. Darren was slightly chuckling to himself as James patted a wet dollop of sunscreen on the back of Wolfy's head. His older sister leant over to give him a hand as Darren moved his hands closer and closer to Wolfy's crotch, watching him stiffen and tense up everytime the slightly older Hyena grew closer. "Already? You sure have a lot of stamina, Wolfy." Darren teased, and Wolfy tried to splutter some sort of response. By now, hhe was achingly hard, twitching at full mast in an uncomfortable position. His hard dick was pushing down against the towel in an awkward position and it was definitely beginning to hurt. Wolfy wordlessly raised his hips up, and Darren placed a hand on the small of his back, making sure to keep him back if he got up too quickly. Luckily for him, Wolfy was only adjusting himself: the young cub worked his dick around until it was twitching and throbbing up against his stomach, and he lowered himself again. He looked a lot less embarrassing now, to say the least, with only his little pouch visible between his legs. Darren smirked to himself as he made silent gestures to the girls surrounding the blushing boy. The females of the group obliged, bar from Harley, who tried her best not to get too embarrassed with just how they were teasing her brother. Sure, she found it amusing, but she knew she wasn't really meant to be looking at boy's things. Her mother had given her the talk after a few of Wolfy's incidents. Bethany and Yvonne exchanged a rather playful grin to one-another as they did as Darren instructed, each of them grabbing either end of the towel underneath Wolfy's body. Slowly, one of them pulled to one side, and the towel rolled across the sand underneath the hybrid boy, dragging the towel across his twitching cock. Wolfy's face grew flushed and he cleared his throat, visibly flustered. He couldn't deny it felt nice, but was desperate not to cum and embarrass himself again. "What's the matter, Wolfy? Getting a little flushed?" Darren whispered into Wolfy's ear as he rubbed his hands firmly over the hybrid's shoulder blades, glancing to his right. He watched as Harley got to her feet to chase after James, who was waddling off towards the shore at a steady 200 miles per hour. He shook his head and slowly slid his hands down, giving Wolfy's rump a few tiny pats as the girls kept sliding the towel back and fore, see-sawing it beneath Wolfy's body and stimulating his twitching member. The hybrid dare not reply to the Hyena, scared he might stammer or give anything away. Regardless, he was breathing harder and harder, his toes curling as the pressure built up within his loins, making him wriggle and pant. He knew he was getting close, and he tried desperately to hold it in, hoping the girls might stop at any point. But it was too late. Wolfy clenched his teeth and let out a harsh exhale through his nose as his orgasm hit him, racking his body. Tiny dribbles of cum spurted from the end of his member, splattering the towel and his lower stomach with each convulsion, leaving him sticky and embarrassed. He breathed harshly, eventually slowing as he steadied himself. Darren smirked, knowing exactly what had happened, and sought to take advantage of it. "Alright, time for your front." Darren ordered, knowing full well that Wolfy was completely done. He flipped the boy over and squirted lotion onto his hand as he rubbed it down into Wolfy's chest. At first, he made it appear like he hadn't noticed the sticky stains on Wolfy's pelvis, but he shot the hybrid a rather lidded gaze that made it abundantly clear that he was aware. Wolfy gulped nervous, glancing from him to the giggling girls either side of him. Darren's hands slid down his body in such a way that made him shiver, and those digits pressed and prodded in what felt like just the right areas. Wolfy got more and more flustered as those hands slid down his body, spreading the lotion across his body and around his stomach and hips, leaving him a slightly trembling mess. "We'll just leave this part, shall we?" Darren smirked again, his eyes briefly flicking down to the half-hard member pulsing weakly against Wolfy's inner thigh, and the hybrid nervously nodded. Darren finally scooted back and Wolfy snapped up his swimming pants, tugging them back up before the situation got any worse. He felt as if his cheeks would stay a permanent shade of red. They were lucky: their parents returned mere moments after Wolfy made sure he was decently dressed, and Jessica squinted across the beach to spot her daughter coming back towards the group with James in tow, being lead by a hand. "Harley's Mom, can we sleep at Harley's tonight? Please?" Yvonne perked up with a wide grin as she looked up at Jessica, and she glanced to the other parents around her, confused. Bethany shuffled forwards as well and the two sported their typical 'baby doll' eyes. "Wouldn't it be wise to ask your parents first?" Jessica mused aloud, glancing to the other parents, who nodded in agreement to her sagely advice. The two girls faltered for a moment and looked to their respective parents, who smirked at each other in response. "Well, you're lucky that it's Friday," Lydia mused as well. "If it's alright with Harley's mother, then it's alright with me." "Same here," The Older Lioness chipped in as well, glancing over to her husband, who grinned in response. "Perhaps you'd like for Darren and James to come over too? It would be nice for Wolfy to get some company too, I'm sure." Wolfy would have protested, but his mother was already happily agreeing, probably rather pleased that Wolfy even had some friends to bring around to begin with. Darren looked over his shoulder at the hybrid boy and winked, a twinkle in his eye that Wolfy wasn't that comfortable with. He knew the boy had something planned, and he wasn't sure he wanted to know what. The group waited around for a few more minutes whilst Harley and James caught up, before the news was broached to them. The Lioness, of course, voiced her concerns about her youngest son, and they decided to cross that bridge when they got to it. The group packed up and they were off within a couple of minutes, heading back up the beach and across the road towards their cars. Jessica had a large car herself, and James's dependance on his mother became abundantly clear when he was left to stand next to Jessica as his mother waved goodbye and headed towards her car. James looked visibly distressed, before he started bawling at the top of his lungs. His mother didn't seem to mind and had a feeling he might be too young. With that, it was only Wolfy and Darren, and the group of kids clambered into the car after a small farewell. Before that, however, they all changed from their swimming clothes back into their ordinary ones. Darren appeared to have a similar getup to Wolfy, in that they both wore a T-Shirt and shorts. The drive back home was mostly in silence. Jessica drove a 7-seated SUV, which meant that the back seats were taken up by Harley and her friends, and the seats furthest to the back were taken up by Darren and Wolfy, though they technically sat separately. Darren didn't seem to be much for conversation at that point in time. Instead, the majority of his communication came in the form of sideways glances. They were malicious, but definitely knowing and mischievous, as if he had a trick up his sleeve that he wasn't quite letting on. Each glance made Wolfy more and more nervous and he tried his best to remain indifferent, but those glances left a feeling in the pit of his stomach. He recognised it as one thing: dread. The pulled up outside Wolfy's house, and Jessica killed the engine. The girls were the first out of the car, bounding up the steps and giggling amongst themselves as Jessica rounded towards the back seats. She flipped them forwards, allowing the two boys out of the car. Wolfy clambered out and Darren soon followed. They stood there in silence for a moment, before heading up the steps towards the door. Jessica followed them and slipped the key in the lock, letting them inside. "Have fun guys. Go play, do your thing, Dinner is at 7!" She called after them as Harley and her friends clambered up the stairs to her room, and they did almost every time they were here. Wolfy, however, was left feeling at a loss for what to do. Luckily, Darren began to speak up, and took the reigns. "You got any video games?" Darren asked with a small, cheeky grin, and Wolfy shot him an awkward smile in response, gesturing with a hand. He lead Darren into the living room, where a Wii U sat underneath a large television. Darren appeared momentarily impressed, before Wolfy crouched down to set everything up for them. The two settled in for a night of video games, and Jessica was even kind enough to give them both a drink as well. Wolfy was thankful for that, given how thirsty he suddenly felt. Darren was a lot better at computer games than Wolfy had expected, and even in a casual game like Super Smash Bros, Darren had a competent skill ceiling that put him at odds against Wolfy's own skill. The two were neck and neck on more than one occasion, which made for a fun gaming session. They played for a good few matches before Wolfy stood up to go to the bathroom, but Darren grabbed his wrist and persuaded him to sit back down and do another round. Wolfy was too polite to say no, and he ended up doing the same thing a good numbers of times. Each time he stood to go to the bathroom after a match, Darren persuaded him to sit down again. After a couple of hours, Wolfy was bursting to go! "Change of plans, guys," Jessica called up the stairs and into the living room. "We're going to go and get a McDonalds to eat!" There was a chorus of cheers from up the stairs and Wolfy grimaced to himself, knowing he'd have to wait to go to the bathroom if they were going out. He slowly got to his feet as Darren went past him to get his shoes, and Wolfy lingered by the living room door, waiting for his mother. "Mum, I ne--" He began, trying to explain he needed the bathroom before they went, but Jessica ignored his pleas, ushering him towards the door. "Come on, come on! You can play games when you get back." She insisted, guiding him out of the house. Wolfy stepped out obediently, but with a visible look of distress on his face. "B-But--" He began again, trying desperately to explain himself, but his mother ignored him once more. "Come on girls!" She turned towards the door, calling and waiting for the girls to come downstairs. Darren was already getting into the car and Wolfy begrudgingly made his way down the steps, wriggling a little as he went. He felt as if he were going to burst if he weren't too careful. He clambered into the seat and the girls lingered at the door, looking rather irritated. Darren and Wolfy had taken 2 of the 3 seats in the middle of the car. "Muum! They're sitting in out seats!" Harley complained audibly as Jessica made her way down to the car. She rolled her eyes as he daughters whining and flipped the empty seat forwards to allow access to the seats at the back. "We'll only be out 20 minutes, just get in." She ordered, and Harley looked irritated, but obliged. Her two friends clambered into the back of the car and the seat was snapped back into position. Harley got in afterwards and shot the two boys a steely gaze, before clipping in her seatbelt. Jessica got into the driver's seat and adjusting the rear-view mirror. She caught Harley's gaze and glared. "Behave." She demanded, knowing exactly what her daughter was up to as she pulled the car out of the drive, before heading off down the road. McDonalds was your typical fast-food joint, and it would be very easy for them to be in and out without ever leaving the car. It was night for Jessica to even suggest it: it could often get a little expensive. Regardless, she was happy to make the kids happy, it seemed. They drove into the main city centre and across the to the main hub of the shopping centre, before they went around the corner and towards the McDonalds not far from the main entrance to the centre itself. It was closed by now, but the fast food restaurant stayed open long-after, as it was still in the main area of footfall of most of the residents of the city. Jessica pulled into the drive-through, parked behind a few others cars. "U-Um, Mum, can we go inside? I need to use the bathroom." Wolfy demanded, looking a little nervous. He was desperately clutching his crotch with his hands, squirming in his seat. Darren covered his mouth with a hand, trying his best not to laugh. "You can wait, can't you? We're only going to be here 5 minutes," Jessica assured him with a sigh, shaking her head. "Why didn't you go before?" "I tried to say..." Wolfy complained, squirming in his seat. "P-Please, Mum!" "No! We're almost at the speaker, so hush." She commanded sternly enough, rolling the car forwards as the vehicle in front of her drove onwards, and she braked when they stopped by the large speaker on a small metal pole that she could speak into. "Welcome to McDonalds, what can I get for you?" A voice came out of the speaker, crackly and barely audible, but Jessica heard it well enough. "Um, yes, can I get 5 happy meals...um..." Jessica continued to speak to the man through the receiver and Darren leant towards Wolfy, smirking to himself. "Drip drip drip." He muttered in Wolfy's ear, and the hybrid complained. He knew it was too late. The pressure was getting worse and worse. He tried his best, but Darren whispering in his ear made him lose his concentration. Before he could stop himself, it was happening. Tears sparked in his eyes and he whimpered as he felt a trickle of urine dribble from the end of his flaccid dick, dampening his underwear and by extension his shorts. Once it had began, there was no stopping it. What was simply a trickle turned into a steady stream, and the urine soaked the front of his underwear and shorts. Unfortunately, the fabric only absorbed so much. He felt the warm liquid seeping between his thighs and out of the leg-holes on his shorts, wetting the leather underneath his rump. Harley, after a moment, began to notice what was happening, and she recoiled away from him. "Ewwwwww!" She exclaimed loudly amidst Jessica's talking. "Wolfy just pee'd himself!" "Shut up!" Wolfy practically shouted at her in response and hung his head in shame. Darren leant off to the left and covered his mouth, trying his best not to laugh too much as the car fell deadly silent. Even the man on the speaker was silent for a moment. Jessica looked up slowly into the rear-view mirror as the children sitting in the back. "...Will that be all, ma'am?" The man spoke into the speaker, and Jessica sighed in response. "And a box of chicken nuggets, please." She called into the speaker, and the man replied. They spoke back and forth briefly, before she jutted the car forwards, heading around. Wolfy barely moved an inch, heaving finished long ago, emptying his bladder completely. He sat in a pool of his own urine feeling nothing but shame and dismay at what he had done. After a while, Jessica finally got all of her food, and she set it aside on the passenger seat next to her, before driving out of the drive-through and parking nearby. She pulled the handbrake up and turned briefly in her seat. "Come on, clothes off. I don't want you ruining the seats." She demanded of her son with a straight face, holding out a hand. There was a silence in the car as Wolfy raised his head, eyes wide with embarrassment. But he knew better than to defy his mother and began to undress. Slowly, he pulled his T-Shirt over his head and handed it over, before he began to unbutton his shorts. After a moment to wriggling and coaxing, he slipped off his shorts and underwear, his little piss-stained dick flopping about as he handed over his wet clothes. His mother held them gingerly and tossed them onto the floor at the front of the car, shaking her head. They drove off once more. Wolfy hid his little cock from prying eyes all the way home. It took barely 5 minutes to get to the house, and she killed the engine once she'd parked. Harley was first out, thankful to get away from her embarrassing brother, and she made her way up the steps towards the house as Jessica stepped out to flip the seat open. Darren was next out of the car, and Harley's friends soon followed, leaving Wolfy on his own. The cub eventually followed, stepping out the car in the nude and trotting his way up the steps as Jessica followed suit with the food. She unlocked the door. "Guys, get into the kitchen and distribute your food. only the happy meals and drinks." She warned, and they nodded in response, knowing better than to cross her when she was clearly in a bad mood. "And you," She pointed a finger at Wolfy, who shrank away from her. "Go up and start running a bath this instant." Wolfy sniffled and nodded, turning from her. He suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder and she leant down, planting a kiss on his forehead. Her mixture of affection and abrasive telling-off was always rather confusing, but at least Wolfy felt slightly better. He quickly headed up the stairs and ran the bath as he was told. That didnt mean to say he'd get in it, of course. Wolfy hated having baths. Not because he liked being dirty, but they often made his fur wet for what felt like hours afterwards. It took a long time for his fur to dry out and it was only made worse by the fact his mother insisted upon washing and drying him each time. He was almost 11 now, and he hated being treated like a baby. But it was his fault, and he knew it: his continual cycle of refusing to bathe meant his mother was desperate to make sure she was clean. He understood she was being thorough, but he didn't necessarily have to like it. He stood in the nude with only his socks on as the bath ran, watching the water fill up the tub. His mother came into the bathroom 15 minutes later with a towel and a pair of underpants in hand. She turned off the bath, hooking the towel up onto the railing. "I haven't got any clean pyjamas for you, so you'll have to wear briefs. Come on, get in." She gestured. "Mum..." He began first, hoping to broach the subject with her. "Do you have to wash and dry me? I can do it myself." "Yes, I do, because you seem incapable of doing it properly. Now come on, get in." She demanded. "B-But, I'm 10! I'm a big boy, I can wash myself without your help." He was determined to get his point across, but his mother didn't look pleased. "Are you arguing with me, mister?" She asked him with a deep, tremoring voice as she towered over him. He knew that expression felt and he felt fear bubbling away within his gut, but he stood his ground. "Yes." That was the wrong answer. She turned and slammed the toiler lid down, and grabbed him by the arm. In a matter of seconds he was bent over her knee, with stomach pressed into her upper legs. At first he struggled, but then froe when he felt the strong, sharp slap of his mother's hand against his bare backside. He let out a yelp in response. "This is for your own good," She muttered, slapping his ass again, a little firmer this time. "You should know better than to not do as you are told!" "I'm sorry!" He wailed, but she continued regardless, spanking his ass for a third time. Deep within his budding body, part of him liked it. The initial pain stung but it sent tingles throughout his body that stirred his senses and made him feel flushed. He didn't want to be, but he couldn't help it. Each sharp slap was met with a quiet whimper as tears stung at the corners of his eyes. His dick wobbled about amidst the spanking, steadily growing harder and harder with each passing moment. He was eventually fully hard, twitching and pulsing against her leg with each connection of her palm to his rump. His tail stood up on end, his teeth clenched as his dick lightly grazed against the underside of her leg. It didn't take long for those spanks to make him near-delirious with pleasure, his whimpers resorting to tiny grunts each time they connected with his numb behind, his cock twitching and throbbing, a bead of pre-cum trickling from his foreskin and onto the floor. The pressure in his loins was unbearable, but it wasn't due to his bladder this time, but a pleasure altogether different. Before he even realised it, he was cumming. Tiny dribbles of cum shot out of the end of his member, splattering against the tiled floor underneath the overhang of the toilet seat, unseen to those who'd typically be looking. He couldn't help but shakily exhale amidst the spanks, and she seemed to have timed her punishment perfectly. Of course, she had no idea that he had just orgasmed, but she soon stopped after he came, realising he had stopped whimpering and was instead dutifully quiet. When he had done so, she removed her hand, and he slowly began to stand up, wobbling on his feet. Part of that was because of the stinging numbness, and the other was something she was currently unaware of. Thankfully, his dick had softened considerably since his orgasm, leaving it to look fairly normal. "Now get in." She demanded, and he wordlessly obliged, knowing better than to argue. He hung his head as he stepped into the hot water and sunk himself down, and she dutifully took to washing him. Using a sponge, she soaked his fur before rubbing the urine from his fur with her hand and a bit of shampoo. She made sure he was fully lathered. She ran her hands over his fur, being meticulously thorough whilst he sat and sulked. After she was clean, and rinsed him off and ordered him out of the bath before he had any time to argue, and he sourly obliged, stepped out. A chill wind blew across his fur simply from the transition from a hot bath to a cool room, and he shivered briefly as she wrapped the towel around him. She quickly fluffed his fur with the towel and dried off his hair whilst he stepped into his underwear, tugging it up to hide his package, finally. He wasn't that embarrassed around his mum, but it was worse when it was around others. "There, all done. That wasn't so bad, was it?" She glared down at him, placing to towel over his shoulders to keep him warm as she planted a kiss on his forehead. "Go down and get dinner." He nodded and walked past her out of the bathroom as she pulled the plug on the tub, draining the water. He headed downstairs and into the kitchen, where his happy meal sat laid out on a meat, steaming gently. It must have been recently re-heated, and he was thankfully. He chewed on a chicken nugget before taking it through to the living room. As he suspected, Darren, as well as Harley and her friends, were all sitting on the couch watching the TV. As he stepped into the room, his mother appeared just behind him, smiling briefly. "Yvonne, make room so Wolfy can sit. You guys have already eaten." She asked, and the girls obliged, shuffling out of their seats to sit on the floor a bit closer to the TV. Wolfy glanced up at his mother and shuffled across the room to his seat, sitting cross-legged on the sofa as he chewed on his food, thankful for something to eat. He was rather hungry. His drink wasn't too flat yet either, which was good. They sat there for an hour or more before Jessica finally turned off the television and told them to go and get ready for bed. At first, Darren was a little sceptical, asking where he was going to sleep. That solution was quickly resolved when Jessica pointed out she had a spare sleeping bag that he could use to sleep in Wolfy's room. The hybrid boy was happy enough to oblige, though he'd make sure to be on his guard: he still didn't know what Darren was up to, and he didn't care to find out. With that, they adjourned to their beds. Harley and her friends all made their way to her room and began to their late-night whispering without a care in the world, whilst Wolfy spent a few minutes clearing a suitable space on his floor, kicking dirty clothes to the side and tossing toys into a corner to keep the place tidy. With sufficient space left on the floor, Jessica handed over the sleeping bag, on the promise that Wolfy would tidy up at the weekend. Darren draped out the bed and clambered into it. The lights turned off, and they laid in silence. Wolfy couldn't quite see the Hyena from here, but he knew he was down there in his sleeping bag. He could, at least, hear his breathing, slow and gentle. "Hey...Wolfy?" Darren said after a moment in the dark, and there was an eerie silence in response for a moment. "Hm?" Wolfy finally answered, turning his head slightly. "...Sorry you pissed yourself." Darren muttered, and there was yet another silence. "...Thanks." Wolfy muttered in response, turning onto his side, feeling shame bubbling away in his stomach. After a moment, he closed his eyes, and he heard Darren's slow breathing as well. Satisfied the Hyena was asleep, he closed his eyes, and soon drifted off to sleep as well. He had a dream. He was standing on top of a building dressed in a superhero costume. It was innocent enough to begin with: he flew around and saved civilians and beat up bad guys. But it got progressively worse. He faced his 'arch-nemesis', Embarrassment Man, who shot a beam onto his body. In his dream, Wolfy looked down at himself to find himself wearing a thong, and nothing else. He had a throbbing erection that was painfully visible. When he looked up, he saw everyone he'd ever known laughing at him, pointing fingers and laughing with one-another at how embarrassing he looked. Whenever he tried to cover himself, his arms flung out to reveal himself again, making the situation worse. He looked up at his masked nemesis and watched him take off his mask. He was met with Darren's face and that same, twinkling gleam in his eye he'd always seen. Wolfy awoke mildly sweaty and a little uncomfortable. He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes, realising it was rather dimly-lit outside. It must be early. He turned his head to see Darren still sleeping in the sleeping bag, and his eyes flicked to the clock. It was only 7am. That was good enough for him. Slowly, he slipped out of bed, knowing no-one would be awake, and tip-toed towards the door, tripping on a toy along the way. He recovered and stepped out of the room, sneaking across the hall and heading downstairs. He usually pulled this off once a week, at the very least. At the weekend, he would get up much earlier than he needed to be and make his way downstairs for a couple of hours of video games before anyone else woke up. He was always careful to be quiet, and his mother never seemed to mind, so long as he didn't wake anyone up and it didn't interfere with his school work. Satisfied that he was essentially 'given permission', it had become a ritual almost every Saturday or Sunday. He poked his head into the living room and grinned, thankful that no-one else was awake. With that, he scooted onto the floor and crawled along the boot up the Wii U, whilst turning on the TV and turning down the volume significantly. He relaxed a little, now that he was on his own, and laid on his front with the controller in his hand, propped up on his elbows. The game was a lot more fun when he was winning without the enemy putting up much of a fight. Sure, it was fun to play with Darren, but Wolfy was definitely a fan of winning over losing. He scooted closer and closer to the TV as he played, eyes wide and bright. He still had a confusing erection from the dream he'd had, but he couldn't even remember what the dream was about. Still, the slow grinding against the carpet felt nice, and he let out a small groan as his cock slid around in his underwear, sliding firmly against the carpet. His movements in the game became erratic as his hips slowly worked into a steady rhythm, his hips sliding back and and forth against the carpet. Each thrust forwards sent spikes of pleasure up his spine that made his entire body tingle, and he couldn't help but begin to whimper and pant, breathing heavier and heavier. The feeling was incredible, and having the liberty or not being watched was great too. He couldn't keep up the humping for long, especially when the pleasure began to heighten and heighten. His cock was still housed within his underwear, but that didn't matter to him. He closed his eyes and gently jutted his hips forward in utter ecstasy, a shaky sigh escaping his lips. With that, he did a few more desperate, fast humps, and it was enough to send him over the edge. Sticky strings of cum spurted into the inside of his underwear, stickying him up and leaving him a little messy in his underwear, but at least no-one would notice. With his orgasm fading, he relaxed, closing his eyes and smiling to himself. "Having fun?" Wolfy wheeled around, rolling onto his back and staring at whoever had spoke. He met eye to eye with Darren, who was leaning against the door-frame leading into the living room, dressed in his own pyjamas. A small smirk played upon his lips at Wolfy's shocked expression, before he saw the colour rise to the boy's cheeks. "How much did you...?" Wolfy spluttered out as Darren stepped across the room. "I saw enough. At least I didn't miss the money shot." He mused, getting onto his knees beside the boy with a cheeky grin. He leant forwards onto his palms as he looked down at the boy, who had a complete look of shock and bewilderment on his face. "Y-You're not going to tell my Mum, are you?" He asked quietly, and Darren lidded his eyes over. He reached over with a hand, stroking the boy's hip, before he gripped hard and rolled Wolfy over onto his front. "Maybe. Maybe not." Darren said to him, being deliberately vague. Wolfy tried to crane his neck back and watched as Darren suddenly clambered over him, straddling the boy's back. He could feel Darren's body pressing down against him, the clothed chest sliding against his bare back. "...You like boys, don't you Wolfy?" Darren asked quietly, and Wolfy spluttered again, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and arousal. The feeling of Darren's hands over his sides was alluring, and it made him tremble. He couldn't even reply. "I saw you at the beach. You were practically shaking when I touched you, and...you came on my butt, as well." Darren mused, and Wolfy's eyes widened. He was unawares that Darren had known all this time. No wonder he was acting so strange! Wolfy froze when he felt the fingers tucking into the waistband of his underwear, sliding it slowly down his rump until his ass was exposed. His hands were firmly on his controller, feeling his heartbeat quicken as Darren pressed down against him. He could feel something: something hard and stiff pressing down against his rump. He knew exactly what it was. "Why don't I return the favour?" Darren suggested in a voice clearly beyond his years, and Wolfy quivered underneath him. He imagined that Darren must have already gone through puberty, but he felt so strong, so mature, that it was hard to say no. His breath quickened as he felt Darren move off of him, and the clothed heat of Darren's cock was soon replaced by the real thing. The Hyena boy had tucked his pyjamas under his balls, allowing his twitching, humanoid cock to slide between Wolfy's tense buns. "You want this, don't you? I can feel your heartbeat." Darren muttered, sliding his hips back and forth just a moment as he let out a small groan, his legs wobbling. Wolfy's eyes widened when he realised exactly what was happening here. Darren was, in essence, almost exactly like him: he was a virgin, inexperience, but he had a lot more confidence compared to the Hybrid boy, to the point where he was willing to dominate someone his age. Breathlessly, Wolfy nodded to Darren's question, and he heard the Hyena chuckle. Slowly, Darren leant up, leaning his head down to stare at his twitching dick. He slowly jerked himself with a hand as he rolled his tongue around his mouth, before he pooled the spit up. He spat down onto his dick, sliding the substance around his dick to lube it up. With that, he rolled his hips back and aimed his cock down, placing a hand on Wolfy's ass to spread it for a moment, admiring the hole hidden between those cheeks. Wolfy was alarmingly tense, and for good reason. "Relax." Darren demanded as he pushed his cock down, letting the head of his 11-year-old cock smear against the tight pucker, sliding about before he finally pushed. He slowly bent his head down and let out a shaky breath as his cock plunged down, pressing deeper and deeper into Wolfy's ass. Wolfy felt a twinge of pain, but it wasn't as bad as he was expecting. Even still, his muscles clamped like a vice and squeeze with all the effort in the world, to the point were even Darren was trembling from the force squeezing his dick, coupled with the pleasure. The young boy groaned and nestled down against the boy, slowly sliding his hips down as his back arched. "Oh my...you're desperate for this, aren't you? I can feel you s-squeezing so much." Darren stammered for a moment, breathless, overwhelmed by pleasure. Wolfy let out a little whimper as Darren's hand slid around his neck, tilting his head aside as the Hyena's mouth kissed along the canine's mouth. He'd been watching too many romance movies. Still, regardless, he seemed somewhat experienced as his hips began to slide back and push down, beginning on a slow rhythm. They didn't need to thrust or hump for very long, nor very hard. The slow gyrations were enough to send sparks of pleasure throughout both their bodies, leaving the two boys breathless and squirming. The pair of them whimpered in their own way, with Darren letting out the occasionally dominating growl, his mouth kissing along Wolfy's neck and nipping his ear, ever so often. The hybrid was quick to submit to him, his tail idly wagging left and right, panting harshly. "Yeah, that's it, that's...h-hnn.." Darren couldn't keep up the facade of a dominate lover much more as he falt his pleasure building up. He arched his back even more, propping himself up by his palms as he sped up, even for a moment, his hips sliding back and forth as his cock pumped in and out of the virgin hole. His cock throbbed powerfully before he suddenly orgasmed, his toes curling and his legs wobbling as he shot a few dribbles of semen into the boy's behind. A hot, shaky exhale escaped his mouth, following by a gentle groan. Wolfy sighed in unison, met with a sweet, sickening warmth that spread throughout his body. Darren collapsed atop the boy as the two of them panted to one-another, overwhelmed by pleasure and other sensations. They hadn't expected such a strange feeling the overcome either of them, yet here it was. The two of them had lost their virginity to one-another, and they barely even knew each other. Wolfy felt a pang of something, but he wouldn't quite place what that feeling was. Slowly, Darren slid off of him, rolling onto his back, breathing heavily. He turned his head in Wolfy's direction, blinking over at him. Before the two of them could say anymore, they heard the patter of footsteps coming downstairs. Wolfy quickly tugged up his pants and moved onto he couch as Darren did the same. They relaxed themselves against the sofa and tried their best to look casual as Harley appeared in the doorway, taking one look at them and then at the TV, before pulling a face. She turned and headed back up the stairs. Wolfy knew why: She had been trying to copy his antics as of late. The two boys exchanged a brief glance, before Wolfy cleared his throat and went about his game, eventually handing Darren a controller. The two played games up until everyone else was awake. Then 10am rolled on by, the doorbell rang and Jessica answered the door whilst the others were in the middle of breakfast, chewing on eggs and bacon. It appeared to be the other children's parents to come and collect them, for their own various reasons: Bethany had to go visit their grandmother, whilst Darren and Yvonne had to go to their own individual off-peak practice lessons. For Yvonne, it was for the violin. For Darren, it was the guitar. With that, the kids went upstairs to get dressed. Wolfy and Harley lingered by the front door after they got changed to wish the children goodbye, knowing they would be gone for the rest of the day. Darren stepped out the steps after the girls and Harley spoke to her friends, before they waved their farewell. Darren paused when he passed Wolfy and backtracked, glancing over to the hybrid, who awkwardly smiled at him in response. He hadn't mentioned a word of what they'd done this morning. He hadn't dared. Slowly, Darren leant forwards and his lips brushed against Wolfy's own. The two exchanged a kiss: something sweetly passionate, filled with a million promises, lingering just enough for the two of them to want more. Darren parted his lips as his hand gently brushed against Wolfy's own, even if only for a split second. He drew his head back and winked at the hybrid with that same gleam in his eye, before he stepped forwards the door, sliding past his parents and heading off down the path to the car. The adults, and Harley, looked stunned. Their mouths agape, they all exchanged a look from one-another, before they all centred on Wolfy. The young boy shrugged and sported a goofy grin. Did he just get a boyfriend?
When a Dragon Comes Courting by Smokescale Aquatos
Smokey was trying really hard to win the affections of one of the most desirable 'females' in his colony, Shayna. His efforts were going largely unnoticed and he was growing more despondent with every new failure to draw hir attention. He was just about to give up when a couple of friends suggested
[ "Cum Inflation", "Dragon", "Endosomatophilia", "Feral", "Fox", "Gay", "Hermaphrodite", "Hyper", "Impregnation", "Male Pregnancy", "Masturbation", "Non-Anthro", "Size Difference", "Unbirthing", "Vore (soft)", "Wolf" ]
The water was cold, but the blue dragon didn't really mind it that much. He was at home in the water. And at least it wasn't the chill-you-to-the-bone cold of winter, where you got even colder by leaving the water. He swam as though he were flying through the air, turning and diving and spinning as he chased the schools of fish. Once his teeth sank in on a mouthful, he jerked hard and angled up towards the surface. The still, smooth mirror of the lake in the calm of the morning was broken as the azure beast burst from below. His wings fanned out and captured the open air to hoist him completely out of the water, three decent sized fish hanging from his jaws. He flapped and glided smoothly towards the shore and alighted atop a fallen log. The fish caught in his teeth flapped about, trying to extricate themselves, but to no avail. The blue dragon stood proudly on the beach, turning his head this way and that to show his catch to anyone who might be nearby. It was as if to say "See these? These are mine." But no one really seemed to notice. Perhaps it was a bit too early in the morning for the dragon to be showing off. He wasn't usually up this early, but he had a reason today. Shayna was here. Shi had been gone for a couple of weeks, but now shi'd returned, and Smokey was doing anything and everything he could to impress her, or at the very least to get her attention. He just knew that every other male in the colony would be out strutting their stuff. Courting was such a curious thing, Smokey thought. His green eyes turned as he cocked his head this way and that to keep the snowy-white dragoness in view. He presented his catch as clearly and plainly as he could, but shi didn't turn his way. With a quiet grumble, the blue drake lowered his head and dropped the fish on the beach. A quick spit of fire roasted all three just enough to take away the raw flavor, and he devoured them, one by one. His attempt had gone completely unnoticed, this latest attempt a failure just like all the others before. Once breakfast was out of the way, Smokey set to sunning himself, sprawling out on the sandy shore to bask in the warm light pouring in from over the distant mountains. It was so pleasant he could have laid there all day. And with no other plans in mind, he thought he might do just that. Of course, that would only be if Shayna stayed there too. If shi got up and went somewhere else, he'd follow. But keep a respectful distance. After all, he didn't want to come on too strong. The term 'stalker' never really seemed to apply in dragon courting, no matter how apt. Just then, Smokey noticed her looking in his direction. And shi wasn't just looking in his direction, shi looked as though shi happened to be gazing right at him. Smokey lifted his head with a start, his green eyes wide. Shi was smiling. Shi was happy to see him, perhaps. The blue offered a smile in return, trying his best not to look goofy or creepy. The angelic dragoness then lifted a forepaw and waved politely. Shi couldn't be waving at him, could shi!? Smokey lifted a forepaw of his own and returned the wave, thinking maybe shi had indeed noticed his fearsome fish hunting skills. Shayna then turned hir paw around and gestured, as if beckoning. Smokey's eyes widened. This was it! This was his chance! He knew he could do it if he just kept at it! The blue drake stood and lifted a paw to take the first step. Before he could set it down in the sand again, a figure slipped past him without making hardly a sound. The dragon was big, bigger than him by a fair bit, and colored as if related to the killer whales he'd heard stories of. Clearly this was a female, but then such terms were ambiguous in his colony. Everyone possessed both sets. Some appeared more feminine, others more masculine. This dragon of black and white was decidedly the former. Though, shi could put some of the 'males' to shame easily. Often that made a lady a more desirable mate. Hir scent hit Smokey like a boulder and he was left dizzy for a brief moment. There was no way he could compete with hir. Shayna had shown interest in this tall, dark creature, and he'd just been in the way. Dejected and defeated, the blue turned and wandered off into the woods. He didn't have any desire to watch what was to come. The large female would claim the angelic dragon he'd pined after and shi would be lost to him. Rarely did mateships break. And just as rarely did they involve more than two dragons. He might as well just give up and go try to find another to fall in love with. Shi was way out of his league anyway, he started to tell himself. After about ten minutes of wandering, the blue drake flopped down in the shade of the trees and lay on his side. He huffed deeply as he tried to come to grips with his failed efforts. Just as he was getting comfortable, and beginning to feel lazy fatigue creep over him, a pair of warm, fuzzy bodies threw themselves at him. "Smokey!" two voices cried out. The blue dragon jerked back fully awake with a start as a white wolf and a grey fox pounced him. They sprawled over his chest and stomach side by side, trying to give him something of a hug. His posture made that difficult at best. "Oh, hey guys." Smokey said, sounding more depressed than he wanted to. "Aww, what's wrong, big guy?" Sirius asked, canting his head to one side. "Nothing. It's not important." Smokey replied. "C'mon. Tell us what's botherin' ya." Brian probed, kneading over the blue drake's stomach. It elicited a purr from the dragon "Fine, since you two won't be happy until you drag it out of me," Smokey sighed, "I've been trying to impress this one dragon lady. I really like hir, but shi probably doesn't even know I exist." "Ooooh, you have the hots for someone!" The wolf said with a grin. Smokey flushed purple in the cheeks and turned his head away, resting his chin on the ground. "It's not funny. And besides, nothing I do impresses hir. I can't even get hir to look my way." The drake said. "Awww, don't be like that," Sirius said, "We're just teasing you a little, that's all. What all have you tried?" "Everything I can think of. Shi's just not interested." Smokey said. The silvery fox lifted a paw to his chin thoughtfully as he lay on top of the drake. "Has shi shown any interest in anyone else?" Brian asked. "Not really. Except for this one lady who shi waved over to hir. I thought shi was waving at me, but I was wrong." Smokey said, still looking away. "Well maybe you've still got a shot. That was earlier today, wasn't it? You just gotta come up with something that really grabs hir attention and you've got a chance! If you really like this girl, then you can't give up!" The two-tailed fox said. "But what can I do that'll get hir to sit up and take notice? I've done all the same stuff all the other guys do. Do I just walk up to hir, turn around, and lift my tail for hir? Shi doesn't strike me as the sort that likes that." Smokey whined. Sirius grinned a little, giving the blue drake a bit of a nudge in the shoulder. "I've got an idea," He said, "We show hir that you're a good hunter, that you can provide plenty to eat!" Smokey groaned and finally lifted his head, curling his neck to look back at the white wolf, seeming to focus on the black star that covered his left eye. "Right. Tried that already. This morning in fact. Caught some fish, showed them off, no reaction." The dragon said. "And I'll bet those fish weren't that big, were they?" Sirius said, still grinning rather wide. "They were pretty big. For fish. I mean... it usually takes more than three of them to fill me up, but I didn't want to get too ambitious. Sometimes, if you try to catch more, you end up losing what you've got." Smokey said. "Yeah, so they weren't that big. You need to show hir that you can provide a feast that would leave a dragon like you or hir stuffed. So stuffed that you just wanna lay there and show off your belly to everyone." Sirius said with a wink. Smokey was starting to see what the wolf had in mind. Brian had already gotten there minutes ago. The fox was bouncing softly on the balls of his paws. "Ooo, are we gonna do what I think we're gonna do?" Brian asked excitedly. "That's the idea," Sirius said, "If Smokey here'll agree to it." The dragon's expression turned to a mild, un-amused look. "You want me to eat the both of you, don't you?" He said. It wouldn't be the first time, but it tended to have a side effect that, while the blue enjoyed it, would likely put him out of commission for a little while. "Of course!" Sirius cried, throwing his arms out wide, "Why not!? It's the perfect plan! You get nice and stuffed, big and fat, and shi sees how well fed you are. Shi'll have to admit that you're a good hunter and provider!" Smokey sighed a little. "And what happens when she wants me to 'provide'?" He asked. "Simple! You let hir eat us! No one said being a provider meant you couldn't use your friends as food! Especially when they enjoy it so much!" Sirius snickered. "And what about feeding kids, if we have any?" Smokey asked. "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. For now though, you just gotta get in with hir. And to do that, we gotta get in with you... well... just in you I guess." Sirius smirked. Smokey rolled his eyes and sighed again. "I can't believe I'm actually considering this. Fine, let's do this. It's not like I've got anything to lose." The dragon said, then rolled to sit up. Once he was on his haunches, Smokey sat tall enough that Sirius and Brian both measured up to him where eye level was just above the blue drake's shoulders. He was like a large horse compared to the two slim, athletic boys. They both huddled together in a warm hug and shared a passionate kiss. Smokey watched them, grimacing a little. It wasn't that the sight of them showing affection bothered him. It was that it reminded him of his chances of finding someone to enjoy that with himself seemed so very unlikely. When the boys finally eased down from their amorous moment, they both looked up at the dragon as if to say 'ready'. Smokey gave them both a slight nod and opened his mouth wide. It wasn't the first time he'd eaten them. Nor was it the first time he'd eaten them at the same time. In fact, often they preferred to go together like this so they could enjoy one another's company on the way down. The warm, wet cavern of the drake's mouth slowly dropped down over them both, casting darkness across their vision. The two canids hugged together tightly as they giggled. A pair of hands reached up into the descending mouth. Their palms ran across the fleshy tongue that would be caressing over their forms soon enough, offering their dragon friend a bit of appreciation. Smokey closed his jaws carefully, sealing his lips around both Sirius and Brian at their shoulders. The slick sensory organ they had offered appreciation to began to twist and turn, slowly working its way over the two boys. The dragon might have thought this wasn't a very good idea, at least to catch Shayna's attention, but he was at least going to enjoy himself in the process. Smokey closed his eyes and rumbled softly around his meals, sampling them while also matting down their fur in a thin layer of drool. They tasted just as they smelled; of the forest. The first swallow tugged their heads into his throat and he pushed his jaws down further. The end of his chin was now at the base of their chests. A visible lump formed in his long neck, certain to grow larger as time passed, then shrink back down after they'd passed through. A pair of coos filled the dragon's mouth as he continued to lick. They were starting to grow amorous again. The two boys' hands were roaming over each other and they'd locked lips once again. Already, Smokey could smell their arousal, helped by the fact that his nose was very near the source. Unable to help himself, the blue drake found his own loins beginning to stir. At least they'd always had a positive effect on him. One more good gulp pushed the dragon's lips down to the two canids' waists, and another little tug from his throat drew their hips in. That was when the real fun began. Smokey snaked his tongue in between the two canids, lapping and slurping noisily at what he found. They were already at full mast, and the flesh he'd caught exposed was just as sensitive as ever. The two boys shivered and began to grind against the intrusive organ, smearing thin streaks of clear ooze across the dragon's tongue. Smokey rumbled again, then his stomach growled. Those fish didn't last long. And he wasn't interested in taking his time at the moment. Another good gulp dragged Sirius and Brian in right up to their knees. Smokey sealed his lips around them as best he could, then lifted his head. It was a bit of a challenge with two people in his throat and jaws, but he was used to it by now. He tilted them both skyward and opened his mouth wide. A pair of cries of surprise, muffled by flesh, filled the dragon's gullet as they began to slide inward. Once their paws were past Smokey's teeth, he clapped his jaws shut and licked his lips, still able to taste them there. The two canids bulged out his neck tremendously, the swell wriggling as it slid downwards into his chest. The drake lifted a paw to press against the distention, feeling it glide easily from neck, to chest, then further down. His abdomen surged outward as his two friends landed in his stomach with a wet bounce. The great mass added to Smokey's middle forced his hindquarters apart. The bulge spread out over the ground a short distance as it writhed. Sirius and Brian were in. They squirmed to turn around to get comfortable and the movement made the dragon purr happily. Smokey thumped his tail in satisfaction, then permitted himself the indulgence of a burp. It shook the fleshy world he'd trapped his two friends in and brought with it a few hints of their taste once more. Then he noticed something familiar. The weight in his middle was sloshing back and forth, outward, then back in again. He grinned and rolled his eyes as he realized Sirius and Brian were doing just what came natural to the two of them, the horn-dogs. They'd used Smokey as their own private love nest plenty of times, and they'd continue to for as long as the dragon would permit them. Smokey was quite comfortable with the act. More than comfortable in fact. This was actually the side effect he was worried about. The dragon growled a little and began to grind his rump on the ground. All that activity was having the expected effect, and soon, the dragon's own mast made its appearance. It poked out from under the heavy, writhing belly, mashed into the soft grass underneath. Smokey grunted every time the boys put more weight on his length, forcing him to leave a little more of a wet stain on the ground. Eventually, the dragon couldn't take it anymore and he rolled onto his back. The heavy, bloated bulge stood up above him as he watched it sway from the lovemaking going on inside, unhindered by the change in position. He huffed and pressed against the two boys in his belly with a paw, the other moving to his groin to grip at and stroke his aching rod. It was now a three-some. The wolf and fox hidden inside the dragon's stomach noticed no real difference, but they did pump and grind all the harder against one another. Smokey couldn't tell who was taking and who was giving, but if he had to guess, he would have put his money on Sirius having mounted Brian. His eyes closed, the drake pictured what they were doing inside him and he moaned louder, working his paw furiously while keeping them smushed comfortably against his innards. As he pumped, his thoughts drifted to Shayna and how shi might enjoy this hirself. He pictured the boys filling hir belly and making hir eager for attention. The mental sight of hir laying on hir back, spread eagle and panting for someone to come and give hir the attention shi so desperately needed finished him off. The blue reached that which he sought. A roar rose up through the woods. A hefty blast of white splattered across the still wriggling grey dome. Smokey fell limp, panting for breath. The boys weren't stopping. Rarely did they so soon. No, they'd likely be at it for an hour or two, maybe longer. Satisfied, both with a full stomach and with releasing some tension, the blue rolled onto his side and curled up around his still active belly. Smokey craned his neck down and licked at the lively bulge, giving it a kiss from time to time. He smiled sleepily and sighed. Those two naughty boys always knew how to cheer him up. Who knew? Maybe this little plan of Sirius' might actually work. "I'm gonna take a little nap. You two have fun in there. Love you, guys." Smokey said. They didn't answer, nor did he expect them to. They were lost in the fever of lust. He meant what he said, though. They'd been there for him for years. He was more than willing to take care of them when they needed it. And they always returned the favor. Unable to really help himself, the blue drake gently humped against his wriggling tummy as he began to pass out. There went his plans for the rest of the day. Just before he drifted off, he remembered that he didn't actually have any plans. With a half shrug, he permitted himself the comfort of sleep. --- Morning was a rude awakening. The sun had the audacity to find a gap in the canopy just wide enough to send a ray of light down right onto the blue dragon's face. He winced once it reached the eye facing upward and groaned. The drake rolled over onto his other side, made sluggish by the weight in his middle. That weight caught his attention. His paws moved to the swollen, softly yielding dome of his belly. It wasn't like that when he fell asleep. He grumbled a little and woke up more fully, sitting up as he massaged gently at the pleasantly swollen abdomen. He felt a little hungry, but not bad. And he felt more bloated than the day before. Had he really slept all day and through the night? He kicked himself for that. The more he examined his stomach, the more he was forced to conclude that he had accidentally digested his two friends. That wasn't that bad. He'd done that before. They had, however, reformed slightly lower down. He'd done that before plenty of times. In fact, he did it almost every time he ate them. Brian and Sirius rather enjoyed that. They liked pretending that Smokey was their daddy from time to time. And Smokey held a quiet love of treating them like they were his pups. This however was inconvenient. The whole point of eating them was to look like he was a good hunter, not like he was carrying a litter of whelps. Maybe he'd be able to get away with it, but he was concerned. Slowly, the blue dragon stood up and his belly sagged under him. It was heavier than if it was just the two boys. Yeah, he was supporting them alright, cords and all. The weight felt rather nice as it tugged on his frame. His hindquarters were forced apart as he stood there, adjusting to the size all over again. A quiet purr rose up in his throat as he rubbed a paw over the slightly squishy stomach. Suddenly, his concern didn't seem that much of a problem. If it didn't work, he'd still have a big, round tummy and he'd get to enjoy carrying his friends for a good while. Silver lining and what not. With Smokey's troubled mind put at ease by the mild stimulation of a surrogate pregnancy tickling his loins, he turned and began making the trip back to the shore. His gait caused his tummy to sway under him. That was on purpose. He relished it when he got to carry the boys like this, or anyone else if he could manage it. The sway made sure to keep the weight of his middle on his mind and it also tended to lull anyone inside into a comfortable sleep. Of course, it also tended to result in a bit of a drooling problem. Of course, Smokey didn't much care. That might work out in his favor, actually. The lake wasn't too far away. The trip there was pretty short. Soon the round-bellied blue drake was standing on the sandy shore. Quietly, he contemplated going for a morning swim, but he thought better of it. The motion and noise of diving in might wake his boys up. He didn't have the heart to do that for no reason. Instead, Smokey turned and began walking along the shoreline. He spotted the perch that Shayna frequented and saw that shi was already there. And so was the larger black and white dragoness. They appeared to be talking, and they were laying next to one another, quite closely. He frowned a little and marched on, making sure to make his belly sway visibly. There were other dragons there, though they were fanned out a bit. A morning gathering at the lake wasn't uncommon. Some came to go swimming, some came to drink, others to catch fish, and a few, like Smokey, were there to court. Already a few males, or rather those who appeared more masculine, were trying their best to impress the angelic lady. And quite possibly hir orca-colored companion. None of them were doing a terribly good job. A couple even received an angry growl from the larger lady, chasing them away. Smokey smirked seeing one or two dash away, tail between their legs. Smokey might have a shot after all. He strolled up proudly and yawned, then stretched out luxuriously. He took his time with the act, making sure that his yawn was noisy enough to get some attention. Already he could feel pairs of eyes turning to look at him. Some of the other dragons had taken notice. Some gazed at him in jealousy that he was so full. Some saw the sight alluring. What was more, Smokey noticed that both Shayna and hir companion were looking right at him. Now he had his shot! Time to take it! Smokey arched his back as he stood back up properly and began to stroll on past, making sure to use the gait that would make his tummy sway under him. The heavy bulge did just as he wanted it to, rocking from side to side. The tingle between his hindquarters was fairly strong at this point, no doubt making his scent strong enough in the light morning breeze to be caught by a few nearby noses. He was proud of that at this point. Smokey swung his hips a little as he passed the two dragonesses up on the smooth rock above. Their eyes followed him as he walked on by. As soon as he was offering them a good view of his rump, he paused, turned his head to the side, and waggled his eyebrows at them. Shayna and hir companion looked at one another and rolled their eyes with a laugh. They had found him entertaining, amusing, funny... like a clown. Smokey's tail and head drooped a bit and he hurried off down the shoreline a ways. He wasn't going to be beaten by that. The blue plopped down into a seated position and grumbled. His paws moved to his round gut and he began squeezing and shaking it gently. "Guys! Guys, wake up! C'mon, I know it's comfy in there but you gotta wake up! I need your help! I'm losing my chance here!" He said, trying to keep his voice low. A quiet groan came from under his scales followed by a stirring motion. Smokey saw the dome distend softly as his boys began to rouse. "What? What is it? Can't we just nap in here?" Sirius complained sleepily. "Sorry, but not right now. I need you guys to move around. Shayna needs to see that I've got something alive in my gut, like I just caught it. So get to wiggling in there!" Smokey hissed at his belly, still jostling it a little. "Okay! Okay! Easy out there! Demanding dragon." Sirius groaned, now sobered enough to realize he wasn't in the drake's stomach. He grinned a little realizing what that meant and roused the two tailed fox next to him. He knew just what to do to make Smokey's belly squirm real good. After only a few minutes, and a brief conversation Smokey could only just make out coming from inside him, the dragon's swollen stomach came alive with movement. He shivered and huffed as he was claimed by the stimulation it brought with it. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea. The more Sirius and Brian rocked against one another, already in the throes of another round of lovemaking, the more Smokey decided he didn't care. The blue drake got back onto his paws and started off back down towards the pair he had been trying to impress. Really he was just trying to impress one of them. If he managed to impress the other, maybe shi'd give him hir blessing or something. Such thoughts were difficult to hang onto as he waddled his way towards them. The wriggling under him was putting considerable pressure on a few key tender regions. The 'leaking' issue was growing worse, and he began to ache; all the way from the end of his dribbling rod to up over his now quivering folds to the tensing pucker under his tail. It was something of a trick trying to keep his breath even. He had to look like a proud hunter, unaffected by how much his prey was trying to fight its way out. That wasn't the effect though. It was clear he was enjoying it, and from the motion, it was clear to everyone around him that whoever was in there was enjoying it too. Smokey managed to get back to the rock Shayna and hir friend lounged on. This time, he had their complete attention. As well as the attention of many of the other dragons nearby. The blue drake stopped directly in front of the angelic lady he sought to impress, forced a smile through his almost pained need for release, then continued on. At this point, he couldn't just stay there and hope that Shayna might strike up a conversation. The fact that neither of them had tried to at this point suggested that even this little move hadn't worked the way he wanted it to. He'd have to be depressed about it later. He needed relief now. Smokey quickened his pace down the shore and found a somewhat secluded spot where he could tend to his little 'problem' without interruption. He sat down in the sand and huffed, grinding his hindquarters against the ground. This was it, this was the spot. He couldn't wait to find anything more private. "Whatever you two are doing, don't stop! I'm... I'm almost there!" Smokey moaned. The wriggling weight of his gut pushing down on his throbbing shaft and the insistent grinding of his flanks into the ground beneath him would be enough to finish him in short order. A heavy thud sounded just behind the blue dragon along with a pair of very large wings flapping to a halt. Momentarily distracted from the two boys bouncing away in his womb, Smokey slowly turned his head to look behind him. There, standing on all fours behind him, large, densely muscled, and grinning quite strong at him was a very impressive looking green dragon. His black mane draped down along either side of his thick neck. His paws spread out over the sandy beach looking as if they were large and strong enough to pin and hold the blue without any effort. Of course, what had caught Smokey's attention was the rather large, rather stiff, and rather swollen shaft hanging down between his hind legs. As well as the impressively sized sac that supplied it with the necessary contents. "Hey there, lil guy. Need a little help?" The big green fellow said. His voice was deep and oddly soothing. The way he said it, it didn't sound like the other over-eager males who wanted just to hump and run, the skeezy jerks who were only interested in the act and not what followed. This one however seemed to carry a hint to his voice that suggested a more noble will behind it. "I... No... I.. I think I'm good. Thanks... um... What was your name?" Smokey stuttered. "Aron," the big green fellow said as he stepped in closer, sitting down so that his chest pressed against Smokey's back and his form surrounded the smaller dragon, "And I don't think you are. Whatever's going on in there looks like it's got you in a fit. I don't think just rubbing on the ground is gonna be enough for you. I think you need some 'proper help'." Smokey whined a little as he felt the big male surround him. As he ground himself against the sand under him, he huffed and panted. Clearly Sirius and Brian had heard the conversation and could guess what was going on, because it felt like they had just doubled their efforts. The blue dragon's belly stretched out under his groping paws. He moaned and arched his back into a forward lean. He couldn't deal with it. He needed to do something. "You know what? I'll take it. Just try not to break me, okay?" Smokey said. A quickie might be just the thing he needed at this point. "I'll try, but I can't make any promises," Aron said as he stood back up. His jaws closed on the back of the blue's neck for a moment, guiding him to stand. Once Smokey was on all fours again, Aron released him, "You're awfully cute. I'm tempted to just mount and claim you." That was all that was said before he did just that. Smokey didn't even have time to protest the notion. He yelped as the monster he'd spotted a moment ago was quickly stuffed into his quivering folds. Immediately, his eyes rolled back in his head and he lowered his chest to the ground. His rump was pushed upwards, tail off to one side, belly rattling around under him. Aron grinned and growled as he began to pump. Thrust after powerful thrust shook Smokey to his core. He'd been ridden before by large males in the past, and even the odd lady here and there who preferred to be on top, but this was the biggest partner he'd ever been with. Now he was wondering why he hadn't sought out someone Aron's size before. Every crevice of Smokey's tunnel was stretched, feeling every inch, every detail of the invading rod. He huffed loudly and clenched around the grand shaft, not wanting to let it go now that he had it in him. But he had to. A steady piston rocked him back and forth under the big fellow. His own shaft bobbed away, slapping against his writhing gut. Smokey was being attacked on two sides. Sirius and Brian knew all the little tricks to making the blue roar while they were inside him. And now there was this mountain of dragon muscle pinning him. He couldn't help himself. Smokey's tongue spilled out the side of his gaping mouth. He leaned into it and reveled in the sensation. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad having this guy for a mate. The blue drake conjured up an image of that; his belly swollen with Aron's whelps, the big green keeping careful watch over his little blue mate, and no doubt the frequent visits to the interior of that mountain of jade scale. It wasn't uncommon for dominant mates to consume those they claimed as a matter of protection or to just make sure other dragons knew what they had to do if they wanted access. Often anymore though it was done because both parties involved just enjoyed it. It wouldn't be Smokey's first time getting eaten or stuffed elsewhere. He'd wanted to be the one to be stuffed for a change, to swallow his mate and keep hir safe in his tummy for days on end. That dream seemed to be getting further away. And he was getting closer to climax. So close that he almost missed the edge as he was thrown right off it. Smokey clamped down hard on the monster splitting him open and he roared. A heavy splash of honey coated his hindquarters as well as Aron's crotch. The blue's shaft pulsed and spilled its seed down his wriggling tummy into the sand below. Smokey himself was a mess at this point, just giving himself over to the pleasure of all he was being assaulted with. He just couldn't stand against the storm of climax. Aron meanwhile was like a metronome. His powerful flanks kept up their work with relentless strength. He growled and leaned down to bite down on the back of Smokey's neck again, this time to assert his dominance. It was a harmless act meant to show the submissive one who was in charge. A sudden rush of heat flooded Smokey's belly. Aron had cum, and he had cum hard. The blue dragon's breath caught in his throat as he felt his stomach start to swell. A veritable torrent of thick, hot, salty ooze poured into the smaller drake's womb. It caught the two boys inside off guard as they became awash in the sea of dragon seed. Spurt after spurt of the stuff was pumped directly into Smokey's belly, making him grow little by little until his stomach was pushing him up off the ground. And still Aron thrust away. It looked like the big green wanted to claim him, and was doing exactly that. There wasn't much chance of Smokey ever getting to try this with Shayna at this point. But those thoughts were so far away. He could scarcely think of anything but the giant dragon mast keeping him stretched open and the tide of essence pouring into him. Quietly, Smokey submitted to the big green drake's will, permitting him to assert that dominance over him and to make it official. He could have worse partners he thought to himself. And if this Aron had the stamina to keep it up for as long as Smokey hoped he did, he wouldn't have to worry too much about 'scratching that itch' ever again. Aron would be all to happy to take care of that for him. The world around Smokey began to blur as his eyes glazed over. All he could sense was the rocking, the stretching, and the filling. The jaws on his neck capped it all off. He was taken now, and he was loving it. --- It was at least an hour before Aron finally settled down. Smokey didn't seem to be complaining. For the most part, he could barely even speak. His belly just continued to swell, slowly but surely each time the big green drake unleashed another burst into him. Eventually, the blue's middle was so large it would likely drag on the ground as he walked. Aron's motion came to a stop and his nostrils flared, still clamping down on the smaller dragon's neck possessively. He slowly lowered himself down fully onto the blue, keeping his still engorged rod planted firmly in the well-used dragon under him. Slowly, Aron's jaws eased and he began to lick along Smokey's neck affectionately, bumping his nose against the back of the smaller one's head. A deep, powerful thrum rumbled away in the green's chest, passing into Smokey's spine, soothing him. "I hope I wasn't too rough on you." Aron said quietly. Smokey was still quite breathless, struggling to form words. His stomach was still writhing under him. Clearly Sirius and Brian were enjoying themselves in spite of the flood. Or perhaps because of it. Either way, it kept the blue thoroughly aroused. As did the green's weight on top of him and the stretch of his canal. Aron had transformed. He wasn't the rough, dominant, forceful beast from just moments ago. Now he was kind and attentive, treating the blue with such tender affection that Smokey began to think maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Aron's large paws moved to the still squirming bulge, pressing in against it gently. The pressure was enough to slowly draw the blue out of his stupor. The attention felt rather lovely. "Ooo... you can just keep that up all you like." Smokey said, still rather exhausted. Aron chuckled and slowly rolled the two of them onto their sides. The whole time, he maintained contact, holding the smaller drake close against him. As he massaged the grand wriggling dome, he moved lower over the swell. What he found as he explored was that Smokey was still rather stiff, and from what he could tell, almost painfully so. He couldn't have that. His new mate wasn't going to go wanting, of that he was resolved on. Without retreating from the blue dragon's petals even an inch, Aron bent sideways and craned his neck along the big bloat of the blue and grey dome, slowly bringing his muzzle down to the unused rod twitching away in the air. The first gentle lap of his tongue sent a jolt up Smokey's spine. The blue moaned and lifted his leg, offering the big green male access. With no hesitation at all, Aron dipped his head under Smoke's flank and drew the whole of the blue's rod into his muzzle. He suckled and dragged his tongue across the tender flesh slowly, making sure the smaller drake was enjoying it. And Smokey was indeed. The blue dragon's form began to relax and tense in rhythmic motions, slowly trying to hump into Aron's jaws. There wasn't much else he could do beyond that except to lay back and enjoy it. As if to help his mate along, Aron began pumping his hips again, softly, working to stimulate his partner, not himself. And it had the desired effect. The blue lay on his side, a paw on his swollen, writhing stomach, moaning wantonly. In virtually no time at all, Aron received the creamy burst he was after, and he slurped it up gingerly. And still he continued to work on the blue. Just how eager to please was he? Was this his first time taking a mate? Smokey didn't care. He was just soaking it up. It wasn't what he had in mind for the day's events, but he wasn't about to cast it in a negative light. Smokey lay there, trapped by the loving embrace of the green still mounted on him. And he was skilled. He brought the blue to climax at least twice more before finally withdrawing his muzzle. Aron settled back on his side and nuzzled into the back of the smaller drake's head, thrumming away. "Better?" He asked. Smokey nodded slowly, having regained his breath. He even found himself pressing back against the green wrapping around him. "Better." Smokey said. "Good. Can't let a need like that go wanting." Aron chuckled. Smokey blushed softly at those words, then closed his eyes, just trying to settle down after everything that had happened. Unfortunately, the two boys in his belly refused to let him. Every few minutes or so, a shudder would pass through the blue dragon and a light moan would rise up out of him. His silence concerned the green drake. "Hey, are you alright? I didn't come on too strong did I?" Aron asked. Smokey didn't want to have to address his issue just yet. He had wanted to put it off as long as he could. But this green was too shrewd to let it slip by. "I just-" Smokey sighed, "Look, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy what happened. It's just not how I had expected today to go." Aron tilted his head softly to one side, still somewhat concerned. "How did you expect today to go?" The green asked. "I don't know," Smokey said, "I guess it's kind of silly to expect it when you think about it. Besides, it's not like it really matters at this point anyway. I'm pretty sure I've got a clutch of eggs brewing in there now. And Sirius and Brian are probably thrilled they're getting adopted properly." The blue moved a paw to his still squirming middle, trying to quiet the two boys down at least a little. He was finding it difficult to concentrate with them keeping him so aroused. "Yeah, I was gonna ask about that," Aron said, "I thought you'd eaten them." "I did. But, I left them in there too long and well..." Smokey trailed off. Aron chuckled a little and completed the sentence. "They moved?" He asked. Smokey nodded with a bit of a blush. "They enjoy the whole thing a little too much. And we've pretended plenty of times in the past. Now I guess it's official." The blue said, looking down to his bloated, overstuffed belly. Aron bit his lower lip for a moment. He wasn't sure if the smaller drake meant what he thought he meant. "Official? So... that means..." It was the green dragon's turn to trail off. "In more ways than one," Smokey said, "I've got a bunch of kids on the way I'm pretty sure, two of which who are gonna come out a lot more grown up than their siblings. And I suppose it'd be awful nice to have someone to help me raise and feed them all. You did kind of claim me." Aron's heart skipped a beat and he leaned in again for a firm squeeze. A delighted thrum trembled in his throat. "I was hoping that might be the case." He said. "Life sure is full of surprises." Smokey said. "Surprises?" Aron asked, "I thought you were trying to attract someone. You strutted back and forth on the beach, then wandered off to be alone. It smelled like you were in heat." "Yeah, about that. I was trying to attract someone, alright. Just, someone specific." Smokey blushed and squeezed his eyes shut. Aron relaxed his grasp, now feeling his heart starting to try and climb up his throat. "Someone specific... and I got in the way." He said. "It's not like they really noticed. I've been trying to get Shayna's attention for weeks. And even looking like I just got back from a successful hunt didn't do the trick." Smokey said. Aron gasped and threw himself back, retreating finally from the blue's intimate embrace below. He sat up with his paws over the end of his muzzle. His eyes were huge and filled with horror. "The white lady with the feathered wings! You were trying to get hir attention! And I just pounced you and took you away! I'm so sorry! I didn't know! I promise I didn't!" He said, completely aghast. Smokey whimpered a little as his big, green blanket was ripped off him. He slowly sloshed his way up into a seated position, then sluggishly worked his way back over to Aron, leaning against him for comfort. "It's actually probably a good thing you showed up when you did. I was starting to think no one wanted me. Now I know that's not the case. After a while, ya just gotta take the hint and move on, right?" The blue said. Aron, though still somewhat hesitant, began to wrap himself back around the blue. It was almost as if he sought Smokey's permission to dote on him again. The smaller dragon gave it in the form of a little lick along the big green's neck. Once he felt more comfortable, understanding that Smokey accepted being claimed, Aron resumed his affection, though a fair bit more subdued. "So you're okay with us being together? Even though I stole you?" The green asked. "I'm okay with it." Smokey replied. "Well... Even so, I'm going to do what I can to help you get the girl. It's not unheard of, multiple partners. Right? I'm gonna help you get hir attention. If it turns out shi's actually not interested, then good riddance. If shi is, then so much the better! You get two to snuggle up with!" Aron said. Smokey laughed and rolled his eyes a little. "That's awful sweet of you. But I think I'm done. I'm officially off the market and I somehow managed to land myself a big softy without even really trying for one. Just don't expect me to be able to get around too easily with this," Smokey squeezed his tummy, still showing signs of life from the two canids trapped inside, "I'm only gonna get bigger." Aron snickered and leaned in to lick along his new mate's cheek tenderly. "I have my ways of making sure you're mobile. Your two little friends in there have the right idea." The green said. Smokey looked up at him and blinked, slowly realizing what he was suggesting. "What... you can fit that much in you?" The blue asked. Aron nodded and leaned in to squeeze his little lover again, rumbling deep in his throat. It was clear he was overjoyed to have the blue recognize the claim. "You two are just too damn cute for words." Came a new voice. Both boys looked in the direction it came from and Smokey's cheeks immediately flushed. Without another word, he shoved his head under one of Aron's forelegs to hide his face. It was Shayna. Shi had come over from hir perch. And shi was just sitting there. How long had shi been watching and listening? Aron looked between the lady and the blue under him, then grinned a bit as he lifted his gaze to address Shayna. "Hello, ma'am. How are you today?" Aron said with an almost too chipper tone. "Oh I'm quite well, thank you," Shi replied, "I was just sunning myself with my sister. Your blue friend put on quite the show. And then you did too. Quite a few folks were watching from just down the beach. Very impressive." Smokey whined quietly and dug his head deeper under Aron's protective presence. The green however just grinned further. "Oh, I'm glad we could entertain! If you would indulge me, I was wondering if we could have a little chat. You see, my friend here has been trying very hard for a few weeks now to get your attention." Aron said. Smokey yelped and curled up tighter against the green one. Why was he doing this? Oh, he was so embarrassed he could have died then and there. "So I've noticed. The fishing, the flying, the roaring. Even walking by with a big, squirming gut. He's been trying very hard. If he really wanted my attention, all he had to do was walk up and say hello." Shayna said. Aron's grin broke into laughter as he squeezed the blue under him, then nosed at the cowering dragon. "You heard the lady, all you have to do is say hello." Aron said, slowly pulling away from the blue drake to expose him. Smokey blushed even more powerfully as he was revealed, belly and all. As if shi couldn't see his bloated stomach. He couldn't bare to think how much shi had witnessed and heard. But, there it was, a simple and clear opportunity. He turned to look at the angelic lady, seated on his haunches, stomach protruding so far his forepaws couldn't reach the ground so they simply hung loose against the grand dome. "H-h-hello." Smokey stammered. Shayna stood from hir seated posture and crossed the distance between them, smiling the whole way. Before the blue could react, the slightly larger lady bumped hir nose against his. "Hello." Shi said. Smokey's cheeks flushed powerfully. He could scarcely think of anything to say, so he resorted to small talk. "L-l-l-lovely day isn't it?" He stuttered. "Yes, it is," Shayna said, "And yes, I'm interested." Smokey's eyes grew impressively wide at the sudden forwardness. "I-i-i-interested!?" He asked, though he had trouble getting the word out. "Yes," Shayna nodded, "If you'd just walked up and talked to me, perhaps you could have been spared a lot of frustration. The show you put on was cute but anyone could strut and show off. I'm more interested in knowing what sort of dragon you are before I answer a courting display. And seeing you two together, your friend is very sweet and loving. He was willing to let you go after he found out what you were trying to do. You could have walked away with a belly full of his kids and that would have been it. But you chose to stick with him. I like that." The blue blushed furiously and repeatedly averted his gaze. Why was he so flustered? This was exactly what he'd hoped for before Aron dropped out of the sky. So why was he like this now? "Well... It... it only seemed right. He didn't know what I was up to. He didn't even know about my friends." Smokey kneaded at his still wriggling belly. They just wouldn't stop, and it was getting to him all over again. Hopefully Shayna wouldn't notice. "Yes, your friends," Shayna said, dipping hir head down to nose softly at the warm, yielding belly, "Very sweet of you to adopt them like that. I'm sure you'll be a very good mommy." Smokey's eyes fluttered a little as he felt the lady's muzzle on his stomach. He tried his best to keep from huffing from the contact, but it was so very difficult. "Thank you... I... I'm certainly going to try." He said. "Good. Then I guess you wouldn't mind a few more then." Shayna said, lifting hir muzzle to brush along the side of the blue's. Smokey blinked then squeezed his eyes shut as he felt the lady lean in against him. Did Aron actually help him pull this off? Was this actually happening? Was shi serious or just pulling his tail? Aron sat and watched with a huge grin, thumping his tail behind him. "So does that mean you're... 'interested' in him?" The big green asked. Shayna chuckled and slipped around behind the trembling blue, nudging him to roll forward over his belly a bit as shi pressed in behind him. "Well of course it does. I've been talking to my sister, Ivory, about how much I'd like to do this. I just didn't know how Mr. Blue here would react. Now that I know he likes to bottom, I think I could settle in just fine." Shayna turned to whisper in Smokey's ear, "After all, if one of us is gonna go rough on you, then at least one of us should be gentle, don't you think?" Smokey hissed quietly as he felt the angelic dragoness press in behind him. He rolled forward on his stomach only to find something very warm press against his still drooling nethers. Clearly Aron's marathon session wasn't enough to sate him, and that amused Shayna. Shi nuzzled tenderly against the side of the blue's neck as shi ground hir flanks against his, taking little time in parting those folds. Shi wasn't nearly as well-endowed as Aron. Few dragons Shayna's size were. But shi was rather generous to say the least. The slow, steady strokes that followed mirrored those Aron provided as he offered Smokey the service of his muzzle. It was quite wonderful, and it stole the blue drake's breath away. He didn't fight it this time. While it perhaps wasn't quite the way he imagined it would be, it was what he wanted. Maybe he could get used to being submissive to both Shayna and Aron. He felt hir teeth brush against the back of his neck, then hir jaws close against his scales. Shi wasn't just filling him, shi was claiming him. A long, low moan rose up out of him as he felt hir push him forward further. Shi wanted to properly mount him, not have him sit on hir length. And just as shi had promised, shi was gentle. Insistent, but gentle. Aron watched with great interest as his new mate was claimed by another. He couldn't stand by and be left out of the fun. If Shayna was claiming his mate, then surely shi wouldn't mind if he took advantage of the situation. The big green drake welled up behind the smaller, angelic lady. He nosed softly at the base of hir tail, only to find it flop over to one side, permitting him to do as he might. Shi was interested indeed. With no more blessing required, the green moved to stand over the mating pair and joined in. He arched his back and brought his still rigid shaft to bare. Now shi was getting a taste of what Smokey had endured. Though he likely wouldn't go for as long this time, would he? He had no intention of leaving hir any less tended to than the blue under hir. Shayna gasped as Aron pressed into hir, still keeping hir jaws on Smokey's neck. Then shi felt Aron's jaws clamp down on hirs from behind. It was an unusual situation. Rarely did three engage in the ritual at the same time, mainly because of the difficulties involved. But with Aron being so much bigger, it wasn't as much of a problem. He bucked strongly, catching Shayna by surprise. Hir own flanks were shoved forward into Smokey's. Apparently this wasn't his time to receiving the slow, loving experience shi had promised. Shayna wrapped hirself around the bloated blue as best shi could reach and gripped his neck tightly, trying to keep from drawing blood. Aron was pretty forceful when he wanted to be, shi was finding. The three dragons rocked forward and back, the big green setting the cadence as he growled around the angelic lady's neck. He thrust away, the twin orbs that had filled the blue so well now slapping against Shayna's. The dragoness in the middle began pushing back against the green, using as much force as shi dared to use, hoping to ease the blow to the blue under hir. He'd had gotten it plenty rough earlier. The least shi could do was act as a buffer for him. Before the angelic lady could get a handle on the situation, shi felt a powerful jet of warmth flood hir belly. The green mounted on hir was already filling hir up, and he wasn't stopping. Shi moaned through clenched jaws and shivered. Shi had tried to hold off as best shi could but the sudden bloat shi was receiving sent hir over the edge. Smokey scarcely noticed the contribution shi added to the sea of spunk already swirling around in him. He was too busy trying to 'keep his head above water' so to speak. Sirius and Brian were ceaseless in their efforts and kept him nice and unbalanced. Smokey was quickly lost in another unending sea of climax. Just as one finished, another began, weaving back and forth between male and female. Shayna was claimed by hir own tide as well, held there in the blue's grasp to empty hirself again and again until Aron was properly done with hir too. The angelic lady's stomach swelled under hir, making it more difficult to hold onto the azure fellow, but shi persisted. Another hour passed as the trio remained locked together. Shayna's belly had swollen and spilled over Smokey's sides, warming his back with its unearthly heat. Eventually, the green managed to settle down and release the lady's neck. Shayna similarly released Smokey and quickly began to nuzzle into his cheek. A trill passed hir lips as shi showed hir affection for hir new azure mate. The blue's middle had grown under him, but not enough for him to really notice. And finally, at long last, his boys were beginning to settle down. How they had enough energy to keep going for so long mystified him. Maybe he could take a few pointers from them once they came back out. Of course, that was going to be close to a year away. Close to a year. Smokey was going to be this big and round for close to a year. And grow even bigger as he progressed. And to cap it off, he was carrying the seed of not one but two dragons in him. He was going to sire children from two different 'studs'. The very idea sent a shiver up his spine. Shayna giggled feeling him shudder. "Someone enjoyed their fun." Shi said. Smokey nodded as he panted for breath. "I... I did." He said breathlessly. "You sound tired." Aron said. Shayna nodded in agreement. "He does. We should get him somewhere he can rest." Shi said with a grin, having some clue as to what Aron had referred to before. The big green drake grinned broadly and began gently withdrawing from the white lady under him. Shi whimpered and clenched as he slipped out. Shi had not wanted him to go so soon, but it was for a good cause, and there would be plenty of time for more fun later. Once he was free, Aron moved to stand in front of his two mates. He dropped to the ground, tail lifted high, exposing his own feminine folds. Shayna leaned forward and offered them a tender lick. It drew a quick tremor from the big green and shi chuckled with a smile. "Alright honey. Your bed's waiting for you. Big green will keep you nice and cozy inside." Shayna cooed in Smokey's ear. The blue nodded, leaning into hir nuzzling, even turning his head to offer hir cheek an affectionate lick. Sleep sounded wonderful to him. He rolled forward and pushed with his hind legs to drag his stomach across the sandy ground. The result was his muzzle suddenly parting Aron's nethers. The big green jerked in surprise and moaned. Apparently, he didn't have much opportunity to get filled himself. That amused the blue and he began pushing forward more urgently. His head vanished into the quickly moistening petals as Aron's form tensed. The green groaned and began pressing back against his lover. As soon as he felt like he had a good grip, the big dragon clenched firmly. Smokey quickly felt his shoulders and the leading joints of his wings pulled into the warm, dark environs. The tunnel spread over his chest, squeezing and relaxing steadily. He could feel a steady inward tug, only hastened whenever the green drake willed him deeper. And Aron did so frequently. Soon, Smokey felt the curve of his swollen stomach begin to squeeze tightly into the hungry passage. He wriggled and moaned as his middle tried to compress but refused to do so more than just a little. All it did was stretch Aron beyond anything he'd tried to take before. The green stood up once more and arched his back, pushing down on the blue now partially lodged in him. Smokey found himself forced to sit as the weight of the big green pressed down on him from above. His head and shoulders slid deeper, inch by inch, reaching the womb beyond that he would be calling home for however long Aron decided he should stay. Shayna had withdrawn completely at this point and moved around in front of the green. Shi licked at his nose, moving down his neck to his chest, then stomach. A deep, low thrum passed hir lips as shi parted hir jaws and slipped that massive rod shi'd just gotten to know as deep as shi could muster. Aron immediately yowled. His passage quivered, then 'gulped' hard. His own stomach surged outward as he successfully managed to stuff the round blue in up to his flanks. Shayna's head was suddenly pushed down, almost to the ground by the explosion in mass. But shi remained right where shi was. Aron stood back up, hind legs spread quite wide, belly sagging below. Shayna followed, head tucked neatly beneath him as shi suckled away. Smokey's hips, legs, and tail hung loose and relaxed from the big green's folds, but not for long. He could feel himself 'falling' further in. The blue had been forced to curl up already, and to stay comfortable, he curled up further, which gradually drew his remaining portion in. Several wet slurps, both from around the azure dragon's legs and the angelic lady tending to hir new mate's rod, spread across the beach, no doubt drawing more attention. As Aron worked over Smokey, eventually reaching his paws, he tilted his head back and roared. A mighty blast of strong male essence geysered down Shayna's throat. Shi pushed in against the green's crotch to keep from being overwhelmed and coughing. It dumped straight down hir gullet into hir stomach. The green lifted a single leg as he came, beginning to slowly hump into the muzzle tending to him. The steady act helped to hasten Smokey's disappearance. With one last lewd noise, the blue dragon's tail was slurped in out of sight. He descended completely into the great sagging belly housing him and he sighed. Smokey nuzzled gently against the churning, squeezing walls that contracted rhythmically around him. The sound of the green's heart thumping away near his head soothed him tremendously. Aron was going to keep him safe, protect him, take care of him. And in exchange, the blue would carry his whelps. It was a good arrangement. Shayna finally withdrew hir lips from the big green dragon's shaft and licked hir chops. Hir belly had grown just a little bit more, now almost as big as Smokey's. Granted, shi didn't have a pair of amorous canines tumbling about inside hir. Something about that left hir a little jealous. Maybe shi could find a couple to keep in there. That would come later. "Better?" Shi asked the green. Aron nodded with a happy snort. "Better!" He grunted. Shayna chuckled and nosed softly against the slowly writhing bulge just above hir. Smokey was turning about to get comfortable. "That's a good look for you, but I think we can improve on it." Shi said with a wry grin. Aron tilted his head, not understanding quite yet. He came to realize what shi had in mind when shi walked around behind the big drake and began pushing hir own head into his still quivering folds. The green beast yowled again as his second passenger started to climb in. Smokey basked in the warmth and darkness of his new home. The gentle sway of his world as well as how it would steadily squeeze and release him was comforting in a way he had not known possible. He could have drifted off right then and there, but then something suddenly protruded against him from below. Shayna's head had emerged right up against his crotch. Shi giggled realizing what shi was arriving against and licked along the features shi found. Smokey shivered and moaned, clinging to his belly. "Hey there. Care for some company?" Shayna asked, as if Smokey had any say in the matter. "I'd certainly welcome it." He said. The angelic lady passed a little more easily than the azure fellow had. Aron had gotten used to the bulk on the first run, and now he could make real progress. Shayna wriggled and tugged, helped by the round blue shi was joining until with a firm 'POP', hir belly sank in. Aron roared once more and a powerful tug from his canal sank hir legs in right up to hir paws. The moist splash that soaked his hindquarters only aided in finishing the job more quickly. Aron tugged the last of his second mate in and sat down on the beach with a heavy thump. He huffed and rocked there in the sand as if needing something to hump. Shayna settled in against hir 'brother' and nuzzled at his cheek affectionately. Shi was quite comfortable there, belly to belly, wrapping hirself around the blue shi had claimed. "Here we are. You've got me all to yourself now. What do you plan to do with me?" Shi asked. Smokey shifted under hir and leaned up to press his nose to hirs in an attempt at a kiss. He purred deep in his throat and slipped his wings around the lady. "Well, I'm gonna be carrying Aron's whelps and yours. Don't you think it's only fair that you carry his and mine?" He grinned. Shayna cackled and pressed in against the blue firmly. Before Smokey could react, he felt hir force him to mount. Clearly shi'd been wanting him to do that since the start of his and Aron's little show. Aron meanwhile huffed and groaned, paws on his enormous belly. It writhed in his grasp and he shuddered, relishing the sensation so much he wished he'd found those two sooner. Carefully, he stood on all fours, belly now swaying gently under him. His length drooled heavily as he began to walk. Even his petals oozed softly, adding to the scent of sex in the air. As he turned to go for a little stroll, wanting to relish the sensation as Smokey had, he was suddenly stopped by the black and white dragoness that had been accompanying Shayna. Shi looked over the green curiously, watching his belly writhe as the sounds of two dragons in the throes of lovemaking could be made out, though muffled. "I trust my sister is well cared for in there?" Ivory asked. Aron blushed and smiled sheepishly. "Y-yeah. Shi's safe and sound. And it feels like shi and Smokey are having a good time." He said. "Good. I would hope so. Shi's had hir eye on him for quite some time. It's just a shame he wasn't more assertive. He might have had an interesting time with the two of us. Though it looked as though he was quite pleased with the outcome here." Ivory said. Aron nodded with a bright smile, his tail swishing softly behind him. "I'd say so! And I can't complain myself." He lifted a paw to pat at the huge gut hanging under him. It wasn't enough to reach the ground, but it was certainly bulging his sides, forcing his hindquarters to take a wider stance than usual. Ivory nodded and moved to stand alongside the big green, leaning against him to feel the movement in his middle against hir. "I should let you know. My sister and I rarely do anything apart. We tend to share in one another's exploits." The orca-colored lady said. Aron tilted his head, wondering what shi meant by this. Slowly, it began to dawn on him, but he wasn't entirely sure that was the right interpretation. "You... you want to-" "Join them," Ivory said, "But not before I get my turn as my sister and the blue one did." Aron's face turned slightly pale. Was he really ready for a third passenger? A third mate? This was getting a little out of hand! A groan bubbled up from his belly as the two inside made sure Shayna would be similarly laden to the blue. Aron shuddered as he felt the tickle of a climax rise up in his haunches. "Did you want to right now? Or... can I maybe catch my breath first?" He asked. Ivory leaned up to lick softly at the big green drake's muzzle. "Breath is for the weak." Shi said, a dark huskiness to hir voice. Aron shivered at the lick and huffed again. Ridiculous was starting to sound pretty wonderful.
A Trick of the Tail by StrangeBreed
#2 of Ether the Cubsitter A really fun commission for Darkrusty featuring his little otter and my skunk sona. I decided to use the same plot as Zach's New Game and pair him up with my skunk sona for some cute cubsitting fun. The theme of this one is tailplay so expect some fun stuff involving that
[ "Anal", "Babysitter", "Cub", "M/M", "Oral", "Otter", "Skunk", "Tail", "Tail Sex" ]
*All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise.* *...* Ether continued to clean up around his house as he prepared for his guest to arrive, the skunk once again cubsitting for a friend. He had just finished vacuuming when a knock pattered onto his door, the skunk quickly stepping over to the door to answer. He smiled to the handsome older otter before smiling down at the young cub, rubbing the boy's hair as he said happily to the pair, "How you doing guys?" "Great Ether!" the otter boy replied first, having stayed at the skunk's house once before. He looked cute as ever with his soft, light brown fur, his ears and tailtip an almost neon green and bright blue eyes. "We're doing very well Ether, thank you for asking," the boy's brother said brightly, "I should be back around ten. I hope that's not too late." The skunk shook his head, "Not at all." The older otter smiled, "It's a Friday so Rusty can stay up with ya, if he doesn't get too sleepy." "Yay," the little otter cheered as he hopped up and down, "This is gonna be so awesome!" Ether grinned to the boy as he scampered off down the hall, his brother calling after him, "Rusty, it's rude to just run into someone else's home before they invite you to!" "It's alright," Ether laughed with a shrug, "He's a friend." The older otter smiled as he turned for the door, "You're too kind Ether... well I'm already late as it is, so I'll be on my way, thanks again!" "Anytime" the skunk said with a smile as he waved him out, going into the other room to find where Rusty had gone. He found the boy sitting on the couch, a gentle smile on his face as he looked up at his older friend. Ether hopped down beside him, nudging him playfully with a jab of his elbow, "So, what do you wanna do kiddo?" The boy shrugged for a second before thinking of a simple enough thought, "Wanna watch a movie or something?" Ether nodded as he thought about it, smiling back to the cute little otter, "Sure, a movie sounds good." ... A good deal of time had passed and Ether and Rusty found themselves snuggled up on the couch, watching several films together. The skunk had made the pair dinner, each enjoying big helpings of spaghetti and meatballs. The more the two watched the next film the more Rusty began to yawn, Ether scritching his back as he made a suggestion, "Why don't you go get changed into your jammies, get yourself comfy?" "Ok!" the otter said with a little chuckle, getting to his feet and scampering off down the hallway. Ether had remembered the cub's brother bringing a bag of something with him, assuming it would be some things for his brother, pajama's included. He paid little mind to what the boy was off doing as he continued to watch the film on the screen, reaching out to let the cub nuzzle back into him when he returned. He put his paw down over his chest, eyes widening as he felt bare fur. The otter looked up at Ether with a mischievous little grin, his whole body naked as he pressed up against his sitter, "Sorry Ether, didn't have any jammies, hope you don't mind me sleeping in the nude." Ether gulped anxiously as he held the cub and sighed, cheeks flushing red as he felt a tad awkward about the whole situation. "R-Rusty, you know last time, I said, we shouldn't do this all the time." Last time he had cubsat the otter, the two had gotten a tad too close, Ether seemingly falling into his cursed routine of being the naughty cubsitter. It seemed this time, much like last time, Rusty had found a way to swerve the situation in that direction once again, his little rump wiggling against the skunk's crotch until he started to grow hard. Ether tried his best to hold back, to do the right thing, but the more the otter teased him the harder he started to get, soon grinding against the otter's rump softly. "Hey Ether," the otter finally said with a big, toothy grin, "Why don't you get changed into your... \_jammies\_too?" The skunk gulped as he fought over the decision in his head, eventually reaching for the zipper to his jeans as his devious side won. "Alright... *jammies* it is." He slowly pulled his jeans down, looping his shirt up and tossing it to the side. His underwear was last, the pair of boxers sliding down to his ankles before being tossed off with a kick of his foot. "How do I look?" the skunk asked with a chuckle, sliding back to cuddle the cub. The otter giggled as he wiggle his rump back in place, pushing back so the skunk's cockhead would rub against his smooth pucker. He kept teasing him with his tight rear until the slit of Ether's cock was dripping a little bit of precum. "That feels good Ether" the otter sighed as he grinded against his cock gently, tail slowly curling behind him. It brushed against the skunk's bigger, fluffy tail for a moment before snaking between his cheeks, the skunk's eyes going wide as he felt the tip of the boy's tail poke at his pucker. "Th-that's different" the skunk sighed as it probed at his butt, trying its hardest to slide in. "Bad different?" the otter asked, making sure his advances weren't unwanted. The skunk shook his head with a smile, "Nu-uh, good different!" The otter thought for a moment, "Here, turn around Ether." The skunk did so, getting on his paws and knees, pushing his rump closer to the boy. "Yeah, like that" the otter giggled as he turned around as well, in close to the same position. He slowly added weight to his tail as he moved back, gently sliding the length of it slowly into the skunk's backside. Ether let out a long, hungry groan as the tail slowly sank into him, inch by inch filling his rear as it slithered in. It felt like a soft, fuzzy toy, the tail getting wider by each inch as it kept pressing in, eventually probing at Ether's prostate with its tip. "Oh fuck yeah!" the skunk moaned as he gripped the edge of the couch with his paws, hugging it for support as the cub kept sliding his tail in and out of his tight hole. "Does that feel good Ether?" the otter asked with a giggle, almost prehensile in the way he began to plunge the tail in and out of the skunk's backside. Ether was panting as his pleasure increased, precum leaking near constantly from the head of his cock as the otter kept riding the skunk's butt, "S-so good, don't stop!" Ether put some pressure on the couch and leaned back, starting to push back against the otter as he rode his soft tail. It felt so good sliding in and out of him, its tip continually prodding against his prostate smoothly. He let out low exhales as he kept feeling the wonderful tail rub against his insides, nipping his bottom lip as pleasure coursed through him. The otter continued to slid his tail in a few more times before pulling it out, rubbing the now warm tail gently with his paws as he blushed, "Heh, sorry Ether, tails getting a bit tired." The otter let out a sudden squeak as he felt the skunk's muzzle slide under his tail, Ether letting out a soft murmur as he started to lap at the boy's little pucker. He dragged his tongue slowly over its rippled surface, loving the gentle musk it held, and its pleasant warmth as he started to plunge his tongue deep inside it. Rusty sighed out as he felt the skunk's tongue slide in smooth circles, slowly spreading his hole out as he kept tickling and teasing the depths of his rear. "Oh Ether, that feels so good!" the cub cried out as the skunk kept lapping furiously, started to ride the otter's cute butt with his muzzle. Ether continued to groan and grunt with each slurp, his tongue digging in as deep as it could as he sampled the boy's lovely taste. He kept riding the soft butt with his tongue until finally pulling out, breathing a low sigh as he got up onto his knees, rubbing his cockhead against the otter's moistened hole. "Rusty," Ether spoke in a soft whisper, "Do you want me to fuck you?" The other let out a hungry little growl as he wiggled his tail about, feeling the drippy cockhead probe at his rear, "Yes Ether, please fuck me!" The skunk growled as he slowly let his weight drop down onto the boy, his pucker stretching out slowly for his invading shaft as it sank in, "God you're so fucking cute!" Rusty blushed as he was complimented, reaching with his paws to keep his fuzzy cheeks spread for the skunk. He whimpered out as the shaft started to fill him up, feeling his partner hesitate from the sound, "No, it's ok, keep going!" Ether planted a kiss on the otter's tail before sliding further in, slowly pulling back after his shaft had gone all the way in. He began to thrust in and out of the boy slowly, his hole stretching easier with each little thrust added. He was eventually able to ride the boy's butt with relative ease, his pace increasing as the cub started to moan, "Yeah, you like that Rusty?" "Mmm Ether, I love your cock," the boy moaned as he pushed back a bit, "Please go faster." "Faster huh?" the skunk chuckled as he leaned in, nipping the boy's ear, "You got it cutie!" Ether pulled back again, starting to thrust in and out at a quickened pace. His entire length would pull out before then sliding back in, the skunk really starting to put weight into it. His balls started to make a lewd slapping sound as they collided against the boy's butt, Ether only increasing his pace as the otter started to moan out. "Oh g-god, E-Ether!" the boy cried out, paws clinging to the couch tightly as the skunk pounded into him. The skunk grabbed his tail and held it up, driving his whole length down deep and hard into the otter as he panted out with loud groans, "That's it, c'mon Rusty, mmm-fuck yeah!" The skunk soon had his entire weight focused on his thrusts, slamming down hard as his cockhead punched at the boy's prostate. He reached between Rusty's legs and started to rub his little shaft gently, holding his tail up with the other paw as he kept pounding in. "So close," Ether said out loud as he kept pounding in, "S-so close!" "Go ahead," Rusty sighed, eyes rolling back as his hole was pounded so relentlessly, "C-cum inside me!" Ether gave a few more heavy thrusts in before, dropping with a sigh, his cock throbbing as he painted the inside of the boy's rear in white, "Fuck yeah!" He slowly pulled out after giving the boy a moment to recover, rubbing his shaft with a paw to milk any leftover strands out into the boy's rump. He sighed as he lay back on the couch, patting his collar as he whispered, "C'mere!" The otter did so, slowly crawling overtop of the skunk to slide his cock into his muzzle. He let out a happy sigh as he started to thrust into his sitter's muzzle, riding it gently as the skunk groaned. He sucked and slurped, tickling its surface with his tongue as the boy kept humping gently. "Oh Ether," Rusty cried out as he kept riding the skunk's muzzle, sliding his shaft over Ether's tongue over and over, "I'm so close, I'm s-so close!" He only managed to thrust in a few more times before his body tensed up, Ether holding his butt as the boy fired strands of salty seed down his sitter's throat. The skunk slowly pulled back with his lips, lapping the boy's cockslit clean before planting a single kiss on it, "Damn Rusty, that was fun!" "It was!" the cub giggled as he planted a kiss on the skunk's nose, laying on his chest. The two snuggled in the glow of the television as the movie continued, holding each other tight as they enjoyed the warm embrace. Ether still felt a tad guilty about the whole ordeal, but the boy seemed happy. It was becoming harder and harder to control himself around these cute cubs, especially when they did all the dirty work. He eventually looked to the otter and asked with vested interest, "How the heck did you do all that with your tail?" The otter looked back at the skunk and chuckled with a little wink, "Lots and lots of practice!"
TLK- Nuka's secret life by nicker11600
After this story I'm going to create a mini series basing off this little set up, where I would occasionally create more stories to continue the little plot and I will end it when I feel like it should end at a certain point. I hope you guys enjoy this story and can't wait to see more :^D - (To
[ "Balls", "Bisexual", "Brother", "Claws", "Cum", "Cumshot", "Cunnilingus", "Deep Penetration", "Deep Thrust", "Disney", "Fear", "Feline", "Female", "Female Ejaculation", "Feral", "Forced Sex", "Impregnation", "Incest", "Kovu", "Kula", "Lion", "Lion King", "Lioness", "M/F", "M/F/F", "Male", "Mate", "Mating", "Non-Anthro", "Orginal character", "Penis", "Pussy", "Rape", "Sex", "Sheath", "Sister", "Slave", "Straight", "Threesome", "Tongue", "Vagina", "Vaginal", "Virgin", "Zira", "nuka", "vitani" ]
(To understand this part more, please read 'Kovu's final lesson' because this is part two from that one) Vitani watches Kovu leave the cave, before laying her head down to nap after the lustful activity that she and Kovu just did. She feels the sperm of her brother race around inside her as she closes her eyes to begin her nap. While she naps behind her in the pitch black appears a set of eyes looking straight at her as the figure walks into the sunlight, 'don't want termites in your cunt huh?' the lion softly mumbles "Vitani, my sister you've made a big mistake in mocking me" Nuka whispers as he goes to his sister and puts her on his back. He walks to the back of the cave where a secret exit is located as he goes through the hidden passage and steps outside to see a large land mass of slightly rocky terrain with a few trees. Nuka grins evilly "perfect area" he says before walking towards the direction leaving the cave and the pride behind going deeper into the outlands. As Nuka walks closer to where he's going the more he smiles both evilly and lustfully, "I hope she's still there" he whispers. About an hour of walking goes by as he finally sees a cave just dead ahead as he begins to walk faster with Vitani still fast asleep on his back as Nuka reaches the cave and peeks inside. He looks around the nicely sized cave to see a lioness laying down half asleep who then lifts her head to look at Nuka entering the cave. The brown furred lioness smiles seeing him as she stands to face him to then raise an eyebrow, "hey Kula" he greets as he lays his sleeping sister down in the middle of the cave. "who do you have here?" She asks "psh, just my disrespectful sister" he says scowling at Vitani before walking to Kula and nuzzles her, "what did she do?" Kula asks while nuzzling him back. Nuka pulls back from nuzzling to talk to her "well, while I'd seen my termite little brother Kovu, mate my sister, Vitani constantly talked trashy about me, saying that my penis is probably invested with termites and that if I was the one mating her, than her vagina would be a breeding ground for termites" he explains. "and other disrespecting things that I'd never thought I'd hear from my sister" he finishes as Kula makes a face like if she's crazy. "I don't know what she means about termites, but I do know that my vagina feels normal "she smiles making Nuka smile back "you always know how to make me smile, whether with those beautiful ember eyes or words " he chuckles as they nuzzle for a second before approaching Vitani. They stand around her and stare at her as Kula looks up at Nuka "so, what do you have planned for her, just talk to her?" Kula asks as Nuka thinks for a couple of seconds "she's going to be punished for her years of disrespecting me, she's going to regret it" he responds. He looks up at Kula "if you don't mind in joining me Kula?" He asks, "after her calling you all that I'm with you on anything except killing, but what are we planned to do?" Kula asks him " we're going to make her our slave" he grins evilly "make her do what we tell her, from pleasuring our desires to getting us food" he adds as Kula thinks for a second before grinning as well, "I do like the sound of having a slave" she says grinning more evilly. They then hear slight movement coming from Vitani as she opens her eyes to find herself in an unfamiliar cave with Nuka and a lioness she has never seen before. Nuka than puts a heavy paw on her neck to keep her from sitting up, "Nuka what are you doing? Where even am I?" Vitani asks, "where you are is not what should be concerning you right now..." Nuka says in a Scar like tone, "Ok Nuka, you can let go of me now" Vitani chuckles before feeling something sharp poke into her neck making her grunt in pain. "you should talk to me with a little more respect sister, because through the times that you had disrespected me you are going to deeply regret" he growls. Kula than walks to the front side of Vitani, "oh yeah, and what are you going to do?" She mocks as Nuka replaces his paw with is mouth as he bites down hard on Vitani's scruff making her slightly make loud grunts of pain. Vitani than feels something poke her rear side as she looks back to barely see Nuka's dick. "oh no" she says realizing her situation is more serious than she thought, Nuka opens his mouth for a second to speak into her ear, "you are going to serve me and my mate, as long as we say, and you will obey every order we give you no matter what it is" he mumbles, "first off since when did you had a mate and second what if I refuse?" Vitani asks making Nuka slightly giggle. The giggle makes Vitani slightly worried, " the thing is you won't refuse, your nature won't allow it, that's because I'm going to claim you as mine" Nuka tells her in a lustful growl, "you're too late Nuka, Kovu has clamed me already" she Vitani tells him, "he didn't claim you... if he'd claimed you, he would of pushed deeper into you until he felt the gates of your virgin womb making you roar and scream off the top of your lungs, what he did was just masturbating" he tells her "Kovu knows nothing of mating and mother don't know a damn thing either considering she never mated since Scar" he adds. "like you know yourself?" Vitani asks looking back at him, "oh Vitani you forget time and time again that I'M the oldest sibling, Scar himself actually taught me how to mate, and how to claim, during his reign as king I was turning teen and Scar figured that he ought to teach me, he even let me pick a lioness to practice on, boy Sarafina was always tight around me, anyway he taught me; since I was at the time next to be king after him, until that little runt Kovu took my spotlight and Simba dethroning Scar permanently" he explains leaving Vitani speechless and more hopeless. Nuka looks up to Kula and nods at her, "I'm going to claim you sister, I'm going to claim you like I claimed my lovely mate Kula, speaking of which you are going enjoy the taste of my mate's juicy pussy, and you are going to get used to it, because when she wants her pussy licked you are going to be the volunteer like the desperate slut you are" Nuka tells her. Kula than lays on her back with her lioness vagina facing close towards Vitani as she looks at it and blushes deeply. She stares at the wet hole inches away from her as she than almost screams once Nuka without warning enters Vitani's already moist cunt as Kula uses her paw to push Vitani's face down into her pussy. Vitani is hopeless to fight both of them especially when Nuka is much stronger than she is as Nuka begins to thrust deep into his sister to then feel her still virgin womb. Just feeling the womb stop his thrusts makes him smile evilly as Vitani moans louder when he taps her womb, "just like I suspected, Kovu claimed nothing but a virtual title" Nuka says out loud. Vitani's ear's flats hearing what he said as Nuka starts to push deep and hard trying to enter her womb. So far nothing but then while Vitani was licking Kula's lioness jewel, she clinches her teeth and claws the ground as Nuka's cock finally manages to get the tip inside her womb. Nuka than pushes hard as while he does Vitani's vaginal tunnel begins to contrast like crazy around Nuka's cock, the wet contrasts practically slides his lion dick into her womb with ease. Nuka begins to moan at the such tightness and feel of his sister who drools on the ground from the amount of pleasure, "oh my Vitani, you absolutely needed this, after a few knocks on your womb, your practically pulling me into it" he moans. Nuka begins to thrust in a rapid pace making Vitani scream, moan and roar with each thrust. As Much as Vitani hates what's happening, her body is telling her other wise as she subconsciously begins to push back at Nuka's thrusts catching him by surprise. Nuka then begins to thrust deeper with the same speed as Vitani feels him throbbing inside of her making her moan words that Nuka never thought she'll say "Oh...N-N-Nuka... claim me" she moans, "what was that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of me mating you" he says while still thrusting "I-I-I surrender... OH... Ah... I surrender myself to you.. Hhhha" she moans. Nuka's evil smile grows after hearing that "see, I told you Kovu hasn't claimed anything" he tells her. He than grabs Vitani by the scruff again as he pulls himself as deep as he can inside of Vitani's womb as he than begins to fill Vitani with his soon to be cubs, impregnating her with as much seed as his balls holds as they empty into Vitani. Vitani pants as she looks up to see Kula's wet vagina just waiting for service as Vitani reach a paw a begins to stick her paw toe into Kula's cunt making her scream a moan. It wasn't long until Vitani replaces her paw toe with her tongue as she begins to eat Kula out making her making her moan as Kula puts a paw on the back of her head to hold it there. Kula feels Vitani's tongue lick all around her clit while Nuka pulls his softening cock out of his sister's cunt. Nuka walks towards the front side of Vitani where he sees her at work with his mate's pussy. He looks at his mates face to see it pleasured and satisfied, "From this day until the day of your death, as I have claimed you, you are to serve me and my mate as many time as we wish while your are prohibited to leave this area. Also the only male you shall mate with is me because any life that comes out of you is strictly for this small growing pride." Nuka tells her "if you understand, failure to comply and refuse to do what is told, I will decide punishment in anyway that I see fit" he adds as Vitani stops to respond. She looks at him "yes Nuka, I'd agree that I am yours until my date of death, I'm yours to mate disallowing any other male but you with any life that comes out of me is from you and you only. I agree to serve as what you and Kula may wish without leaving the area, I also agree to serve any punishment that you shall give me" she says to him giving him a smile. Nuka smiles and nods evilly and proudly as he lays next to Vitani and Kula to watch Vitani's service to his mates pussy as he sees her tongue enter Kula's pussy again making Kula sigh in pleasure. It wasn't long until Kula began to pant and moan at the feel of Vitani's tongue wiggling inside of her cunt, pushing against her pussy walls. Kula's moan gets faster and faster until finally stopping in a deep long sigh as Vitani's mouth and muzzle gets soaked with Kula's shooting vagina juice. Vitani laps up the slightly sweet juices "good work on that tongue, now drink your reward" Kula sighs as Vitani nods before starting to lick up any of Kula's vagina juice that soaked into either her fur or her own fur. While Vitani was doing that both Nuka and Kula begin to nuzzle and kiss each other, "I love you Kula" Nuka tells her while nuzzling her "I love you too Nuka" she purrs as they pull from nuzzling to look at each other. Kula then looks closely at Nuka's mane to smile wider "looks like your mane is finally starting to even out and get thicker" she points out " I'm barely surprised, since you helped me with those fleas and termites" he smiles "when we first met, you looked like a wreak but you were so sweet to me, not to mention funny and cute, I just had to help" she smiles. They nuzzle "you saved my life Kula, I cannot be anymore happier or anymore grateful to have met you" He says gracefully, "I'm proud to hear that, a cute handsome lion like you deserved better than where you were" she smiles as Vitani finishes cleaning. While she was Vitani overheard everything as she looks up at the two with a curious face, "so how long were you guys together? And how did you meet?" She asks as her brother over to her. Nuka thinks for a second "about five weeks ago" (flashback), about five weeks ago it was a nice sunny day, as Nuka awakes from inside of the cave to see his slightly younger than current brother sit in the middle of the cave looking straight towards the exit. Nuka yawns "what are you doing Kovu?" he asks as Kovu looks back at him, "I'm waiting for mother, she's going to train me all day today" he tells his brother, "cool" Nuka responds rolling his eyes as Zira than walks inside the cave. Zira is surprised to see Kovu already up and ready, "well, well, well someone is eager to train" she says as Kovu nods. "Ok Kovu follow me" tells him as she looks over to see Nuka laying where he woke up who then gives a big smile to his mother as she just rolls her eyes and makes her way outside. Nuka's big smile instantly disappears letting out a big sigh before standing to stretch his limbs, as he makes his way out the cave towards his secret exit. He makes it outside as he looks around to see the deeper outlands just ahead of him. Nuka looks back at the way he came before looking back at the land, "ahh, I'll be gone for a little bit, like anyone would care anyway" he tells himself before walking towards the land in front of him. After several minutes of walking he hasn't found anything interesting as he keeps walking while looking around. "Despite the whole lot of nothing, it is always relaxing to be away from the drama filled pride" he tells himself with a small smile growing on his muzzle. Several more minutes of walking has gone by as he finally sees a cave just dead ahead of him, "hmm, I wonder big that place is?" He asks himself as he walks towards the entrance on the left side of the cave. As he was getting close he began to hear sobbing and crying, his ears perk hearing the sound that seems to be coming from inside the cave. He quickly goes to the entrance and peeks inside to see a brown furred lioness laying towards the back of the nicely sized cave. The lioness sobs and cries as Nuka lowers her ears hearing, "hey... umm you ok?" He asks making the lioness quickly turn around in surprise. "wh- who are you?" She asks in a fearful tone, "I'm Nuka but what's wrong?" He asks, "I-I'm Kula, and I'm just in a panic right now..." She says in a slight panicked tone. "ok, just take a deep breath and try to calm down" Nuka tells him as she does what he said, "thank you, the pride I was just in, was under attack by our enemy pride, they caught us off guard and began to kill any male including our king and started to rape any female they see and take them as their own mate, and they took any cubs and turned them into their own sex slave" she explains as Nuka is in total shock in what's going on with her pride. More tears began to drip from her eyes, "I managed to escape just in time before they could notice me" she explains more "I've never seen so many lion cocks inside my mother at once, she took the sacrifice in order for me to get out, but what sicks me the most is that some of the lionesses were actually enjoying the abuse" she tells him. Nuka's eyes were wide at what was going on "um, if you want I can run and see if I can help" he volunteers, Kula nods "first off you'll just get killed by ten plus male lions, and even if you tried it's already too late, every female is now mates and pregnant with the lions that raped them while having cubs service them, and even my mother" she frowns Nuka thinks of words to say "but, at least you're safe, and that's something that your mother wanted for you to do" he tells her "I guess, but I can only imagine what's she's going through, I mean she had probably four or five lions on her when I left, as far as I can predict she's probably the prides main sex toy" she says depressingly, "I'm sure she's happy knowing that you're not there suffering the same fate as she is, like she may not like what has happened to her but it would almost kill her to see you being mated by lions that you don't even know and to see you be miserable" Nuka tells her. Kula sighs and looks up at Nuka "thanks Nuka" she tells him, "no need to thank me" he smiles as Kula couldn't help but smile back, "you're so sweet" she compliments. (end of Flashback) "and after that I've been spending most of my time here with her and now since a couple of nights ago I'm staying here with her, which couple of nights ago we looked at the stars together, that night is what set it off for us, the moon was full and the moonlight was shining down perfectly on us and we were talking about the pictures we seen, and that's when I started to look and stare at Kula, to see her beautiful green eyes and brown fur get highlighted just perfectly by the moonlight" Nuka explains. "He told me so many amazing comments, I didn't know why all of a sudden, but I didn't care I just loved hearing it" she smiles "but when he told me that he loved me with all of his heart and sole, I was sold, I knew right then I wanted to be his mate, I wanted to be with him and be his forever and so that is when I allowed him to claim me" she explains more "I seen him eager to mate prior to that night, but he waited for me to give permission which I was thinking about it as well, and at that night I wanted him, I wanted to be his queen and the mother of our future cubs." She finishes while smiling at Nuka who smiles back. They both nuzzle "and ever since I've met her, my life has never been so happy, and to be her mate just makes the world to me" he smiles as they look at each other. Nuka then looks at Vitani who smiles "I'm glad you found someone big brother, after the years of a dysfunctional relationship with you, mother, Kovu, and the rest of the pride I think you deserve her" she smiles. "Thanks sis, now would you be so kind in sucking my cock?" He asks with a smile "I can do that, after all you're my new king now" she tells him before crawling closer to his sheathed dick, "king?" He says in confusion "yeah, now that you have more than one lioness in your group it's not only now a pride but makes you king now, also makes me queen" Kula explains as Nuka smiles wider loving what he hears as both Vitani and Kula begin to lick his balls and slowly erecting cock. "I'm king, things just gotten a whole lot better for me" he smiles. The end
Frenzy: Chapter 2 by Butchers Hook
_ _ The pale, cracking walls carried the echo of Dimitri's voice. He was calling for her. Sadie stumbled beyond the threshold of a new section of the warehouse. Light filtered in from fissures above, bathing the machinery rising like rusted sentinels to the left of her in an eerie bluish glow. She
[ "Barbs", "Cat", "Deep Throat", "Gore", "Hare", "Husky", "Hybrid", "Knot", "Oral knotting", "Pain", "Rape", "Snuff", "Throat knotting", "Tooth removal", "Torture", "unwilling" ]
\_ \_ The pale, cracking walls carried the echo of Dimitri's voice. He was calling for her. Sadie stumbled beyond the threshold of a new section of the warehouse. Light filtered in from fissures above, bathing the machinery rising like rusted sentinels to the left of her in an eerie bluish glow. She couldn't help but stare up at them, dread eating away at her like a poison. She hurried forward, beneath giant chains which hung like century-old cobwebs. She rounded the thick iron wall of machinery, sending herself down a tiny corridor between them and the wall. "Luis!" she cried as she nearly toppled over a rusty valve. "Luis!? Where are you!?" She hurried through the concrete arch of a doorway. Her feet thudded hollowly upon the rotted flooring. With the whisper of a *crack* and several raucous *'snaps'* she was gone, disappeared within a great yawning hole. Several feet below she lie stunned upon unyielding concrete. Rotted wood and years of dust surrounded her motionless form. The silence would be short-lived, unfortunately, as she was forced to come to terms with the fact she now sat injured within a deep dark pit with not a soul nearby to come to her aid. She looked around, gasping, the agony of a shattered tibia rushing to her head with the force of a freight train. For a few, motionless beats, she couldn't even breathe. With her first, agonized breath, she screamed. ((())) Milo was shining her flashlight out one of the dingy factory windows. Even through the years of grit and grime she knew she should have been able to see \_something\_out there. Not even the rustling of the trees surrounding this decrepit brick building could be heard. Nothing existed but the crisp crunch of debris beneath their feet. It was as if the whole world had been swallowed up by a black hole. "You think it might've been an earthquake?" Kay spoke up. "Could be why there's no streetlights." Trying to find anything her light might touch was turning out to be an impossible feat. Unsettled, she turned away from the factory windows. "Yeah..." Milo conceded, ignoring the way the fur along her spine sat rigid. After all, what else could it be? "I'm getting kinda tired," she changed the subject, hiding her nervousness. "We should leave. Maybe find out what's going on out there." "Good idea." Kay took one step and an unmistakable sound rang down the corridor. It was a woman's voice, shrill with distress. They both froze, and looked at each other, eyes wide, ears upright. No words were necessary; they turned, briskly heading for the sound. ((())) "Help!" Sadie cried into the infinite emptiness, "Somebody...! Help me!" Within the dense shadows she could barely see pipes lining the wall to her right. Something strange shined within the wall itself. Numerous, glistening black holes like beady eyes stared back at her. Attempting to pull herself forward with her arms had her vision tunneling from the pain. Her leg lie twisted beneath her, shattered and oozing. Heaving for breath she gazed at the threshold of a long, basement tunnel yawning before her. A light flickered deep within it, far, far too distant for any of its illumination to reach her. "Help!" she yelled again. Her voice echoed over and over again within the tunnel, mocking her. Still she continued to scream, until her head pounded and her throat was raw. At last, a voice issued from above. "Sadie!" She craned her neck to see the figure looming at the edge of the hole she'd fallen through. "Dimitri!?" she gasped. "I'm going to find help! Hold on!" "Please, hurry," she croaked. The vague figure disappeared and she was left once again in the heavy silence. As the adrenaline abated agony was quick to take its place. Softly she began to sob, shakily lying down upon the damp floor. It smelled of sour water and mold; of rot and decay. That's when she heard the footsteps. The soft crackle of bits of stone crunching beneath boot heels. She looked toward the threshold of the basement tunnel. The silhouette of a man stood stark against the distant lighting, far too near to have gone unheard for as long as he had. Fear pierced her chest and she lurched back, a spike of wrenching agony halting her movements. She gave a pathetic cry. "Who are you!?" She demanded. He stalked toward her, unperturbed. The eerie light streaming in from the ragged hole above played upon the jagged features of his mask. Decisively like a predator with its prey he advanced upon her. He grabbed her by the scruff and the back of her shirt, claws sliding from the slats in his gloves to hook deeply into her flesh and tear at her clothing. He wrenched her back into the darkness. Tendrils and swirls of black swallowed them both, briefly silencing her horrified screams. Somewhere, deeper within the tunnel, they continued anew. She'd been taken to a separate room far down the winding corridors, a place which looked like it had once been a sort of control room. Despite her shattered leg the Killer managed to keep her upright, leaned against him as he began tearing at her clothing. He ripped her shirt open, peeling her like a Christmas present. Her lacy white bra looked brand new, blending in to her equally pristine fur. "Stop!" she sobbed, struggling to escape. "Let go of me!" Turning her about he pressed her up against a nearby table. She bent at the waist before he jerked her back upright, pulling the shredded material of her shirt from her body. Holding her tight he reached around and broke the front clasp of her bra with ease. Tears soaked her cheeks as she tried to fight off his clutches. Mockingly he slid his gloved hands beneath her open bra to grip her breasts. He squeezed them, pinching her nipples between his fingers. She thrashed against him, her body twitching and shaking with every harsh sob. Releasing her breasts he grasped her hips, claws digging deep into the material of her jeans. As he jerked them down viciously the fabric tore. Getting a good grip on her he hoisted her up onto the table. Several old rusted tools clattered to the floor. He flipped her, writhing and squirming, onto her back and dragged her up so her head hung off the edge. Black tendrils materialized from the shadows to curl about her wrists and ankles, seizing them. The Killer turned, pulling open the drawer of a nearby desk. Sadie fought and thrashed, unable to comprehend why she couldn't move. Terrified eyes fell upon her attacker and she saw him inspecting a rusty pair of pliers. Fear pierced her like a spike through the chest. He turned to look at her, before drawing closer. Her struggles became more frantic. He seized her by the throat and forced her head back. After a moment's inspection he seemed to decide on something. Setting the pliers aside, he grasped her lower jaw with his hand. She tried to clamp down, but her strength was meager. His power went beyond anything which should have been possible. Sharp teeth dug into his glove, biting into the skin as he wrenched her mouth open. Further and further until her jaw began to ache. Until the ache turned to splitting agony and it came unhinged with a sickening series of pops. Her body jolted and locked up. Stars and lights danced before her eyes. A horrific, animal scream broke through the room. It took her a moment to realize it was herself she'd heard. ((())) By this time Milo and Kay arrived at the site Dimitri had found Sadie. They shined their flashlights down into the hole, but saw nothing. A blackish smear denoted something which could have been blood. "M-maybe she decided to try to find her own way up?" Dimitri suggested, peering over their shoulders. Then they heard the blood-curdling scream echo loudly from down below. Dimitri lurched back, ready to bolt. "I'm going to find her," Milo announced before turning to do just that. Kay glanced at Dimitri. The hare fidgeted beneath her gaze, eyes wide and glistening. Kay didn't bother saying anything as she went after her friend. If the hare wanted to stay put then so be it. Soon the screaming stopped. Or rather, became too quiet to hear. ((())) Blood dripped in a steady beat from the top of her muzzle. The once white fur surrounding her face was matted and spiked with filthy crimson. Above her loomed her attacker, holding her mouth wide with one hand as he used the pliers to tug at a fang within her maw. It came free with a dull *'crack'*, to be then placed upon the table alongside its twin. Immediately he went in for the next two. Sadie's eyes were wide with anguish as he worked. Still she cried, from pain or fear, not even she knew. With each pull her whole body lurched, but hardly a whimper left her. With his thumb halfway down her throat it was difficult to breathe and impossible to make a sound. A couple other teeth were removed as well, creating a clear, bloody path to her throat. He lifted her head to peer down into her obscenely gaping maw. Apparently liking what he saw, he set the pliers aside to unfasten his belt with a couple sharp tugs. Never in Sadie's wildest nightmares would she have imagined a scene quite like the one about to unfold here. Even now she was in a daze, unable to see or fathom what was happening right in front of her. For the Killer, however, this was hardly an unusual scenario. Not when the creature with whom he shared a mind was going into estrus every couple of months. Not when its uncontrollable, insatiable lust bled into him and urged him to *'feed'* as well. Both of them were in heat, and he'd been painfully aroused ever since his first kill. His pants fell low on his hips, revealing more silvery white fur streaked with dark grey markings. Between his thighs a hefty, canine sheath lie swollen, the tip of his bright pink cock peeking out of the black skin at the top. Pressing his thumb beneath her tongue he made her broken jaw yawn wide as he lined himself up. Then he forced his cock down her throat with one cruel shove. The reaction was instantaneous. She went rigid, eyes wide with shock. Then, she began to thrash. The tendrils holding her arms relinquished just long enough for her to reach for him. She clawed helplessly at his stomach before pushing at his hips. Gripping them she strained hard. Nothing she could do would budge him. A low, rumbling growl issued from his chest. He was utterly taken by the exquisite tightness of her esophagus. For several moments he held still, letting her spasming muscles milk his turgid flesh. The sensations made his knot thicken, stretching her further as she tried desperately to eject it. He rocked his hips, letting the gentle swell of his knot pop in and out. All the while the barbs around the tip raked the already tender flesh deep within. Never was she allowed the chance to breathe. She began to buck hard, desperate for air. He held her neck with both hands as he kept himself buried deep within it. She clutched at his wrists, pushing until her grip began to falter. He realized what was happening and, not wanting her part to be over so soon, he unsheathed a claw and cut a slit at the base of her throat. Carefully he sliced into her larynx, pulling it open. Air rushed in with a wet sucking sound and she arched, eyes wide with renewed horror. Unfortunately he had nothing to keep the hole open. Prying it apart with his claws seemed to work for the moment, at least, as he picked up the pace. She struggled to fight him off as his knot swelled until he could no longer tear it free from the tight confines of her throat. Shallowly he humped, pulling at her insides, barbs scraping as his knot swelled and stretched her open far beyond what should have been possible. Her eyes rolled back. The agony was gut-wrenching for her, but was utter bliss for him. He clutched her throat, feeling the bulge of his knot within. He squeezed it, pressing his fingers into the rock-hard flesh. With every movement of his hips he could feel it sliding back and forth beneath his fingers. That was all it took to tip him over the edge. His breath caught, hips jerking as he began sending volley after volley of cum straight into her unwilling stomach. Her hands slowly went limp, arms sinking down to collide with the table. The Killer didn't notice, too preoccupied with his orgasm as it was drawn out by the impossibly tight confines he was buried within. He rested an arm across her chest, panting behind his mask as he leaned over her. ((())) At last Milo and Kay managed to find a wide set of stairs descending into the bowels of the factory. It led them to where Sadie had fallen, and the only way forward, the very tunnel she'd been taken into. Down here the temperature was freezing. The air held the sickly sweet tang of moisture and mold. One light blinked within this tunnel and none existed beyond it. Milo shined her flashlight upon the pipes lining the wall. The further they walked the darker and colder everything became. Black ooze clung to the pipes, dripping from them in great webs of tar. The two girls drew closer together to avoid it. "What do you think that is...?" Kay stammered, trying to ease the tension. "I don't know. Oil?" Milo suggested. The thickening darkness seemed to close in on them just like the eerie silence. It was so, horribly dark down here the shadows were like a tangible thing, brushing up against them in icy wisps. Milo detected it first. The horrid, visceral stench of death hit her like a brick wall, stopping her dead in her tracks. Kay halted as well, covering her mouth and nose with her hand. "What the hell?" Milo choked, covering her face with her arm. She backed up a few steps, the beam of her flashlight catching the wall. Before her eyes it seemed to writhe, forms which hadn't existed previously jutting out from solid concrete. They made up the wall now; innumerable pale bodies, eyes like empty pits staring back at them. Toothless mouths locked in eternal screams. Terror gripped them both like ragged talons. Kay bolted first. In her haste to follow Milo dropped her flashlight. Its bulb died on impact, plunging her in utter darkness. She ran after Kay and her fleeing light. A low rumble issued from the walls around her, shaking the very earth beneath her feet. A noise like rolling thunder cascaded over her. The scraping of something rough sliding against concrete and hitting the pipes hard enough to rebound were the last things she'd hear before something caught her by the ankle. She hit the floor face first. Something unseen writhed upon her, hissing deeply. It conjured images of giant serpents; fangs dripping with venom and coils wrought with crushing power. Panic had her lunging, but a huge limb fell upon her back and knocked the breath from her lungs. She couldn't even scream as it hooked its massive claws into her and pulled her down into the abyss which had opened up beneath them. By the time Kay noticed her friend wasn't with her it was too late. She was stuck at the top of the stairs, too petrified to traverse that inky blackness again. All she could do was fall to the floor, sobbing as she cried Milo's name into the uncaring darkness below.
Our "bright" future by phase_shir
Part two of our "bright" future is out and I'm sorry it look a little bit longer the I expected, I rewrit it because I wasn't happy with the way it was turning out. I have the third but I'm saving it because I'm not sure what to do next. What Lies behind the darkness? Are you ready to know, are
[ "#akauma", "#areyouready", "#revealed", "#tsume" ]
Ch .2 The future of Mankind, animals? \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ "Sorry about the light, I'll give you four sometime to adjust to... well I think I'll let you figure out what you're adjusting to." The voice echoed through the lab. It took a bit for my eyes to adjust, all I could see now was the fluffy outline of an animal about the size of a dog sitting upright and looking at me. "Why does it have to be so bright?" The figure spoke with the voice of the girl who couldn't remember her name. It couldn't be... Could it? "Holy crap!" The guy on the ground shot up. "Talking animals! But... How?" He started mumbling to himself again. "Wait if you two look like that then what do I look like?" I tried desperately to look all over myself to get a good idea but all I figured out is that I was covered almost entirely in black fur. My toes or the claw part of my paw... I don't know what you call it but that was white. The only other thing I saw would be blue lines across my arms and legs and of course I had a big fluffy tail. "Oh my god! You guys look so cute! I love the look of anthros." The girl said jumping up. She didn't seem to mind that we were all half human half animal freaks. I guess that's what an anthro is. The guy in the corner snapped his fingers. "I've figured it out! It seems we had an ancient dna pattern that causes the bearer to turn anthropomorphic, the injection we were given must have forced the change. A side effect of the injection must have been memory loss and drowsiness. Which is why we can't remember how or why we're here and how we fell asleep. At least that's what I believe to have happened." We looked at him in shock. "Are you some kind of genius?" I yelled at him. Everything he said, it seemed so far fetched but the more I think about it the more it seems true. "No, I just happen to work a lot with creating theories about this kind of thing." I feel like that's scientists talk for I'm smarter then you could even hope to be "It kinda sounds like you read too much fan-fiction" the girl cut in. I smiled but stayed quiet for a while longer. "And what did you say your name was?" I asked him. "It's tsume. My name is tsume." He stood tall and confident. I'm sure he would have been very good looking before... This. He would have been basically everything I've ever wanted to be. "Have your eyes adjusted yet?" The voice from the speaker made me jump. "Shocking isn't it. Seeing each other for the first time. Akuma with dna from the extinct Jin fox. They were considered to be evil and spawn of the devil so they were hunted to extinction. It was considered sin to eat any animal the was with the devil so burning them was their only option but hey people gonna do some crazy things right? Anyway... Next we have the brilliant tsume, who has the dna of a common grey wolf. Not as interesting but very powerful, and from what info I've been given he's smart too. He'll make a great scientist one day. "Um, I am great scientist. Thank you very much." Tsume replied to the speaker. "Third up is Elena, she will have the dna of a deer... No special type of deer it just says a deer." "That could be me." The girl said. "But do I look like a deer to you?" She didn't look very much like a deer but I guess if you squinted you could see it. Sort of. "Ok then. Lastly we have Titania our own little... Uh dragon? You don't see that every day. Good thing I know lots about dragons because I've read every book I could find that tells of them." "Could they have been fiction?" I thought aloud. "Oh more fan-fiction." The girl giggled. I'm 23 and she looked no I let then I am but the way she acted see seemed like she was 14. Could this process have effected my age? What if my life span is now that of a fox? No, I can't think like that. "Millions of years ago every dragon that had ever walked the land we know as Atlow has been extinct or so most people thought. It just so happens I have what I believe to be dragon egg, I has amazing patterns that I would thought impossible for an egg and it is as solid as iron, and it's totally not a chunk of rock I painted. That would be crazy." He put stress in his voice when he said the word crazy and I was starting to think there was no disease we're just in a crazy guys basement drug lab. "When it hatches it will grow into a creature about the size of a horse that will be covered in a colourful fur like scale that can harden on impact." He had no idea how stupid he sounded right now. Dragons were pre-historic. They died with the dinosaurs, but I guess if I could be from an extinct fox then she could be an extinct reptile. "I hope that clears up any questions you had about what you are. Next is the tests I will have my automated assistant Bruce guide you to testing, you will be given an hour before testing. You may not hear from me again so good luck." Not hearing from him. What does he mean by that? What kind of testing would we be going through? A million other questions raced through my head but the one on top was who is this mystery girl? "So he said there are two girls Titania, and Elena. So which one are you? And where's the other one?" I asked her hoping she might remember something useful, if anything at all. "I'm I don't think I look like a dragon so I guess I'm Elena." That made sense I guess. Something behind her made a whoosh as it appears. A thin surface with bones dividing each of the limbs into 3 sections. They were what you would expect to see on a pterodactyl. They were wings. They were the wings of a dragon. She was a dragon. "I guess that makes you Titania. You have just made all my childhood dreams come true by the way" she laughed when I said that. It was nice to see her smile. "I guess so." she replied. It must have been great to remember something so important. "You say you can't remember anything right Titania?" Tsume asked "Yah, that's right." She said shyly. "I think I can make something to help with that." He said excitedly. "I hate to crush your dream here but how are you going to do that?" I asked "Um I may have done some work on an experimental memory loss drug. It should have you remember something you've forgotten. It's supposed to help people with amnesia. I can remember everything that goes in it. I think." His voice trailed off. What a comforting thought. I always hated people who are saying something to make me feel better then they say I think. It makes me feel worse. Plus the fact he said experimental. "Where are you going to find stuff to do that?" She asked. "We're in a Laboratory, I'm sure there's something in here." He walked off to find something for his... I think I'll start calling it helping juice. I was here with a girl who can't remember anything about herself in a place I've never been before. It's just the most wonderful feeling of hopelessness but I just can't sit here and wait an hour. I've got to do something. "So if we're stuck here for an hour we might as well take a look around." I said standing up. She reached her arms up and I pulled her up to me. "I think he's making some of this stuff up." She said vaguely. "Who, Tsume or that guy on the speaker?" I questioned. "Both." She giggled "it's just that I don't believe all of it. How would Tsume be able to explain exactly what happened, and be able to create something to restore my memory? It's too much for one person." I decided not to answer because I was thankful for what he was able to do. We passed many different testing tables some with broken restraints, some with a permanent red splatter on them. "It's so weird." She said as we walked "What do you mean?" I asked "All of it, the tail, the fur. What shape is my face even in a triangle?" "It kinda looks like a triangle mixed with a cone. I guess." I assumed she was talking about the muzzle. "That's a thought, I guess..." She looked away for a moment before returning he gaze back at me. "What do I look like?" I thought about it for a second. A voice in my head was just screaming about it being a trap. I was told never to answer that. It always ends badly. "You look." I paused. "I just want to know what I look like, not if you think I look good." She said smiling. "Sorry I just don't know how to explain it." "Well you look at me and you say what you see." She said it but that I'm scared she's not going to like what I say. "Okay, but please don't get angry if you don't like it." "I promise I won't." She put one... Uh claw on her heart and one in the air when she said that. "To start off you have a coat of what looks like light grey fur, your hands are like claws, your feet are more paw like then I would have thought for a dragon, you have an interesting tail." I didn't want to tell her that it was the only part with real colour. It stood out, it was different. "What does it look like?" She asked impatiently. "It's uh, multicoloured." I said vaguely. "And..." She said growing more impatient by the second. "It's black at the tip then it turns red, then a dark shade blue, then bright green, then it turns back to black and slowly fades into the colour of the rest of your fur." She turned at stared at me. "Now was that so hard?" Her voice now soft and forgiving. She didn't totally hate it. Actually it sounds like she enjoyed being an animal. "Oh yah, one last thing. Your wings are pure black and you have triangles running down your back and tail that are the same colour." Now that I think of it there's no way she looks like a deer. "Triangles?" She look confused. "Yah like a dinosaur. You know they stick out of you." I hoped she knew what I meant. "Oh... Um okay then." She sounded surprised when she spoke. We walked around for a few minutes looking around for anything of interest. We didn't really find anything. "What do you think happened to the fourth person?" She asked worried. "Oh you mean Elena. I'm sure she's somewhere safe." Even I didn't believe myself. When we were told that we could have died from the injection, it worried me, what if she did die? What if we're the only people, Er I mean animals, I mean... You know what I mean. Who had survived. What if we're the only people in Atlow? I had to calm down. I don't want to scare her. "You think?" She looked up at me hopefully. "I'm sure of it." As soon as I said it I looked away. I didn't want her to see me sweat from nervousness. Do I sweat now or would I pant? Ether way it could make her uneasy. The lab we were in looked like it was sectioned off. One part had a bunch of half built robots. Another had a bunch of test tubes with different liquids in them. (Tsume was running around in there. Studying each liquid for a moment then moving on.) another section had a bunch of computer screens and one of them was on. "Hey Titania see that, wanna go check it out?" I asked before running in anyway. The one screen that was on was the biggest. It had to have been half the size of a movie theatre screen. On it was what looked like someone's screen saver. Just moving lights to keep the screen from burning. I looked for a mouse or mouse pad but all I found were two different wires. One was connected to a power outlet. The other lead off into a dark part of the lab. I followed it as best as I could when I heard Titania shout out. "Wait up I can help!" It made me stop. "Really how?" "Dragons can breath fire right. So why don't I try that?" I didn't see anything wrong with that. "And burn the whole place down." Tsume walked up behind us. "I couldn't find anything and I saw you running here, what's up akuma?" "Nothing I just wanted to follow this wire to what it connects to. It could be important." I tried to make it seem very important. "It's probably just connecting to a computer elsewhere." He had no clue what kind of idea he just gave me. "That's exactly why I want to follow it. We could be going to a computer in information or files or something that could explain why where here. We could search it for something useful." His face lit up as soon as I said that. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" He ran off into the darkness. "Get back here! You have no idea what's out there!" I yelled out to him. "Sure we know the cable is out here so pick it up and follow it." I need to stop forgetting that he's the smart one. "Sounds okay I guess but what if there's something else out there?" Titania asked quietly. "If something out in the darkness was going to get us then it would have done that when we were passed out. Now let's go." His foot steps trailed off. "After you." I said holding my hand towards the darkness. "Not on your life." She said back. Guess being scared means you can't be polite. The nerve of some people. We walked off into the darkness and followed the cable. The future of man kind. Turned into animals and put back in the dark. Some future this is.
Down One Up One by houndlover56
#6 of Amazing Race All Stars - Previously on the Amazing Race, our teams traveled to the city-state of Singapore. Some enjoyed being on the camera more than others. Conflict between other teams arose that started from a harmless prank by Nick. Donna started to hate her own partner. Ren & Cal won the
[ "Action", "Building", "Malaysia", "Relationships", "Search", "climbing", "conflict", "race", "reality", "secret", "tower", "travel" ]
Previously on the Amazing Race, our teams traveled to the city-state of Singapore. Some enjoyed being on the camera more than others. Conflict between other teams arose that started from a harmless prank by Nick. Donna started to hate her own partner. Ren & Cal won the leg for the first time in history. And while the vegetarians came in last, it was all a non-elimination leg so no one went home. But what do we have in store for Joey & Miles this round? And which team will find themselves in last place? Time to find out. This is... the Amazing Race: All-Stars. \*\*\* "Welcome back to Singapore," Toner introduces. "Teams always depart in the same order in which they arrived. But before we get into this leg of the race, I feel obligated to introduce a new twist. Since this is the All-Star race, and I'm going to make this year tougher on the others, we feel like those who escape elimination during the non-elimination rounds should get a punishment. So, for this round, Joey & Miles MUST finish in first place; otherwise, they'll receive a 25-minute penalty at the next checkpoint." The dog snickers. "Aren't I just the best? "Anyways, up first for today are the married team..." Ren steps up to the clue box first. "We're going to Malaysia," the fox observes. Malaysia is a southeastern Asian country known for its beaches, rainforests, and bi-continental influence. Teams must travel by bus into the capital city, Kuala Lumpur, until they reach the Petronas Towers where they'll find the next tip. The fox and bear rush out of the lake towards the bus stop. But they'll be okay. Because only the first seven teams get on the first bus out. The marines, prostitutes and twins collect the tip next, some more focused on the race than others. "I seriously hope Mitch will forgive us for ditching him yesterday," Kit worries. "I'm sure that they'll be fine," Kitty reassures her older sister. "And besides, you know that Mitch likes you too much. Why, I bet that he's proud that you're pushing yourself right now." On the contrary, once the fraternity brothers head out, Mitch has both of his ears down. When Jasper asks him what has got him so bummed, he responds, "I just can't believe that Kit would go on without us. I thought me and her had a good thing going on." Jasper pats him on the back. "Don't worry, bro. I'm sure she still likes you. She just wants to win the race as well and it's hard to focus on two things at the same time." "You're right! Maybe if we can pick up our pace as well, then we can catch up to her!" Mitch starts jogging a little faster than normal. This isn't exactly what Jasper had in mind, but he figures that since they're in the bottom three at the moment, there's no point in arguing. One team leaves the last checkpoint in a very pissy mood. "I cannot believe we came in last place!" Joey says. She rubs her temples in frustration. All she really has to blame are the officers for throwing off their concentration. "At least we didn't get eliminated. But we REALLY have to step up our game if we want to avoid elimination this time." Miles nods in agreement. "But remember what they say about tough challenges like this: Work smarter, not harder." Joey admires this about Miles, that even though he can get mad sometimes, he tries to keep his head straight no matter how dire the problem. Sorry to push their luck, but they're stuck on the second bus to the capital, with seven other teams. And one of those teams might be a bit more peeved that the veggie heads. "We were doing great the first few days," Tammy marvels at herself. "But how did we go from winners to tied for being a loser?" she asks, referring to her and Rachel being on the second bus. Donna & Vito are still not getting along 100%, but they're doing much better than yesterday. The vixen smirks while her partner growls and glares out the window. The sun glimmers off the silver metal of a muzzle wrapped around Vito's maw. Donna looks to the audience and frowns. "What? This is exactly what he gets for breaking up me and Claudia," she says. "I'll unlock it when we check in tonight and we are NOT losing." Josee & Ryan spend the trip towards the capital cuddling and nuzzling each other. Both the tigress and the wolf in a good mood compared to most days. Something about the sun being out and hearing a few birds chirping about that makes them happy. Then you've got the team behind them, the graduates. One of them is rocking her usual teen girl outfit that matches her golden fur. The other is in nothing but her usual black gown and her glossy black fur. Mabel sighs, feeling completely neutral. "How did the humans just bounce ahead of us? I thought they weren't very good of players." "How could you say that?" June asks. "The boys made it all the way to the finale last time." "Yeah, but they haven't been doing so hot this year." The formerly pink cat yawns and flips upside-down for her usual nap. June will never understand where Mabel formed these strange habits. Although, the wolfess does admit that it's pretty impressive to sleep upside-down since blood will rush to the brain, making it harder to sleep. Only a few hours later, the first bus stops right outside of the Towers, twin glass structures that climb towards the sky. Halfway up the sides of the buildings, a bridge connects on Tower to the other. The clue box sits in front of a pool of water that sits between the Towers. First place married couple reaches it first. "It's a One-Way," Cal reads. "'Seek higher things'?" For this One-Way, teams must race to the 41st floor of the Towers by any means necessary. It doesn't matter which tower to enter from. Once they get there, they must walk out onto the sky bridge and search for the Amazing Race logo painted somewhere around the block. The married couple and the marines rush inside together for an elevator. Chris frantically presses the up button as he sees the other teams approaching. "Come on come on come on!" the wolf grumbles to himself. They hear a ping and the doors move open. All four of them rush inside and Zack presses the door close button. "Um, rude!" Barbara shouts, kicking the door and wincing as her toe stings. Jon secretly snickers. "We'll have to take a different elevator," Brent suggests. He pulls Syd towards the next elevator and presses the call button. There, the other five teams sit and wait for the chamber to sink down to them. Meanwhile, going up, the marine/married alliance slowly wait for the elevator to ping to the 41st floor. It stops once in a while to let people on and off. Chris growls in frustration. "This is going to take forever." Ren pats him on the shoulder. "Have patience, Chris." Ren has never really had any conversations with Chris except for the time he blackmailed the wolf into expressing his feelings for Zack last year. Otherwise, his only real interactions with them is with the fox. A few minutes later, they reach the floor they were looking for. "I think it's this way," Cal points out and leads them down a hall towards where the bear thought he saw the bridge. Sure enough, his sense of direction is correct and they find themselves high off the ground in the glass bridge. Zack, wide-eyed from his acrophobia, wraps his arms around Chris, knowing that he'll protect him. "S-So, does anyone know where we're supposed to be looking for?" Zack asks, shaking from his fear. "The logo of the show," Ren answers. He presses his snout to the glass, skimming around the roads and buildings for what? He wasn't sure. The logo comprised of a blue globe and black and yellow letters that spelled out the name of the show... Like over there! Ren points out the logo on top of a white building to the left, another tower but not has big as the glass Towers that they're looking from. "Found it!" the black fox exclaims in excitement. "Back to the elevator!" He runs back the way they came with Cal, Chris, and Zack following right behind him. Just in time, the other teams' elevator opens up to the floor. Surprisingly, the five teams don't make a move to split apart just yet. "What are we waiting for?" Brent asks. "This is a race." "Those other two teams are too strong for my liking," Angie says. Cal & Ren with Chris & Zack? Those four are strong physically and mentally. To have any shot at winning this race, one of those teams needs to leave immediately. "Why don't the five of us work together to try to take one of them out?" The critics look to each other, seeming to be on board with the whole thing. "Sorry," Kitty says, breaking the silence. "But we have no interest in playing dirty." She and Kit walk away from the group towards one end of the building. Devon & Jon soon mirror them, going the opposite way. No way are they going to worry about four other teams to keep up with them when they've been doing great to begin with. This only leaves the critics behind. "Sure, we can help you," Barbara says before Eddy can give his opinion. "After all, we have one thing that gives us an advantage over them." The wolf holds up the Express Pass that Tammy gave her. Angie & Jennifer perk up at the sight of the Pass. "Wow," the collie says. "You think we might be able to use that against the others?" "It won't eliminate them, but it sure will knock them down a ranking or two. And sometimes a little bit can go a long ways." Eddy tries to speak up but Barbara holds a paw to his snout. "No time for this, the smart people are talking." Besides, she adds to herself, we've got two teams on our side now. We could be an unstoppable force that lasts all the way to the finale. The humans find themselves as the sky bridge first. As soon as they step out there, both boys start scanning their surroundings for the Amazing Race logo. "Okay," Syd says, "if one of us looks one way, and the other looks another way, we'll be able to find it in to tim-" Jon pushes him to the side, knocking him into the glass. "Move it, losers," the husky says. Brent helps his friend to his feet and he glares at the prostitutes. He has no idea why they're acting much bitchier this year than they did the last time they played this game. So you got penalized because of a mistake you made. Big whoop! "Found it!" He points to a large white skyscraper on the other side of the street. Both of them run off in a joyful mood. Brent, on the other hand, is feeling mixed emotions. While it's great they now know where they have to go, he's more upset that they would treat his best friend like he's nothing but dirt. His fists ball up as he helps his friend to his feet. "Are you okay?" he asks. Syd nods. "Yeah. I'm fine. Thought I don't know about you, but I'm starting to hate those hookers." Same, Brent says to himself. And for once, this hatred might be a bit stronger than the hatred he has for Mabel. Almost. "Keep your eyes out for the bridge," Kit says as the twins run down the hall. For once, her mind was 100% on the game and not Mitch. Kitty tugs on her arm when she spots the bridge between the towers. "Nice work, sis." They run out and start scanning for the logo somewhere on the streets. As the last two teams in, the sorority sisters and the critics work together to search around frantically. But not as bad as they thought seeing as they're not in last place. For Barbara, all they really have to worry about is getting through this task. Then, they can use the Express Pass and bounce themselves into first place. It needs to be used before the 8th leg of the race so... why not? Eddy gives a sharp wag of his tail and points down below. "Found it!" Barbara comes up behind him, slaps him on the head for giving away the location then says, "Nice job. Move it!" Angie & Jen and Kit & Kitty run back for the elevators, each trying not to forget the location of the white building. The building in question is called the Aurora Tower; three glass structures that stretch upwards in square-like columns. Cal & Ren reach the next clue box that sits right outside the Aurora building with the marines right behind them. "What does it say to do next?" Cal pants. Zack skims over the clue and drops it, eyes widened in a state of shock. Chris waves a paw in front of his eyes; nothing. "What could be so bad about the challenge?" the wolf asks. He scoops up the clue and reads, "'Roadblock: Reach for the Sky'... Oh no..." He looks upward towards the top of the building. For this Roadblock, whoever didn't toss a flaming instrument in Samoa gets to climb up the side of a skyscraper; just as dangerous yet more thrilling at the same time. Players must strap into retractable cables and walk up the side of the building to retrieve the next clue on the roof. And before most of you go and say "Hey, this is way too dangerous and illegal", we've got a permit to do this and as a few safety precautions, there's several air mattresses on the ground and the players will be given helmets. For extra safety, there will be a second harness attached to each player as a back-up. And people say Toner doesn't care about the well-being of the contestants. Meanwhile, the second bus has arrived at the twin towers. The race to not come in last has begun; especially for the vegetarians, who still have the penalty to worry about. Donna attacks the call button on two of the elevators. "What are you doing?" Vito asks. "Shh!" the vixen hushes. "I'm getting us out of last place." The doors to one open. And just like Donna predicted, the other teams on the bus run in as well. Donna's ears perk when she hears the ding of the next elevator opening up. She grabs Vito's paw, swipes her paw up on the floor buttons and runs out before the doors shut. "HEY!!!" Josee pounds her fist on the door. Donna snickers. "This is almost too easy." The drivers go to the second car, going directly upwards. "Told you I would get us out of last place. Now we have a real chance at winning this thing." Vito stays silent beside her. She doesn't appear to be as mad at him anymore about the whole Claudia thing. The seven other teams in the first elevator scowl in frustration as the elevator stops on floor #2. 3. 4. At number 5, Josee hops out of the car with her partner. "This is ridiculous," the tigress says. "We'd be much faster taking the stairs." Not seeing a reason to argue, the haters run for the stairwell. Most of the others follow them, especially Joey & Miles whom are motivated by a mix of rage, and fear. "If we don't win this round, we'll be penalized," Miles says. "And if we come in last again, we're going home." "And the longer we stay in the race, the better," Joey chimes in. The only team who didn't run after the stairs are the graduates, who decided to look for another elevator instead. "No point in wasting our time heading up the stairs when we could've just looked for a different car to ride upwards," June explains to the audience. "I guarantee you that one of those who took the stairs are going home." Mabel presses the door close button and together, her and June ride up to the 41st floor in silence. June looks down at her feet, unsure of how to even look at her partner in the face anymore. The old Mabel might still be in there, the wolf tells herself. No. If she was, she wouldn't be like this after two years without Brent. Rachel & Tammy aren't bothered by running up the stairs. Stair-climbing was one of the challenges of the second finale. Sally & Sindy on the other head, are exhausted and whining after only four flights. "My ankles are not cut out for this much running upstairs," Sally complains. "Come on, we've still got... quite a ways to go," Sindy says. She hoists her partner to her feet and half-drags, half-pushes her partner up the stairs. Much in the same fashion, Nick carries Judy up the stairs much like he did last year on the first day. It's better that way, the fox thinks. That way, Carrots keeps up her energy for the next task because let's face it, we're going to need all we can muster. Vito & Donna run out onto the sky bridge. "Haha! Made before anyone e-" She looks to see the frat bros overlooking the streets, their noses pressed into the glass. "What the?" Donna asks. "How did you two get up here so fast?" "Hm?" Mitch turns around towards them. "Oh we just looked for another elevator. Some nice held it open for us; turns out we were going to the same floor she was." He goes back to looking outside. The drivers join their side, darting their eyes back and forth, sweeping every inch of the block that they can find. "Yo! One logo across the street," Jasper observes the logo painted on the building. He squints a little and looks harder because he swears he saw people on the side of the tower. "Huh. What are those guys doing?" Ren has already strapped into gear and snapped on his helmet. He leaps up, his foot catching into the window of the first floor. Without looking up, the fox begins to walk towards the sky. Zack, on the other paw, is strapped in as well, but is quivering as he looks at the top of the tower, which seems to be miles away. "Are you going to be okay?" Chris asks. "You look like about ready to throw up." Suddenly, Zack can taste bile in his throat. He swallows his down and, with shaking paws, walks up to the side of the Aurora Tower. "I'll be fine," he says aloud. No I won't, he says in his brain. As both foxes walk up, more teams arrive for the second task, all with shocked looks on their faces as they witness Ren and Zack climb the side of the building. "Risk my life walking up the side of a skyscraper?" Brent asks. He wipes his forehead and lets out a sigh. "Man, did I dodge a bullet or what?" He looks to see Syd with a worried look on his face. "Sorry," Brent continues. "I'm just very glad I'm not you right now." Syd slips into the gear and helmet before stepping onto the side of the tower. As soon as he's a little higher and he stands straighter, he's thrown off balance. Gravity affects you differently when trying to walk upwards. For a moment, Syd wonders how the actors of the movie Allegiant were able to do something like this. Angie has zero issues climbing upwards. Sure, she gets the occasional gust of wind in her eyes and she slides down a few feet, but she paces herself so she doesn't fall. Barbara, though, doesn't look to enthusiastic about doing the task as anyone else. "No," the grey wolf says. "Noooo way I'm doing that! We are definitely using the Pass and skipping the challenge because... fuck this." Eddy shrugs, not seeing any reason to disagree. The critics collect the next clue from a watcher who was set up by Toner in case they used their Pass. With one team skipping the challenge, the others are in a tight race to get out of last. Kit struggles to get a firm grip on the cable that keeps her from slipping. Right when she thinks she has it, a faint, frenzying reeling sound comes up from below. Jon whips past her, his feet pounding against the glass as he runs up the side of the tower. He even surpasses Ren, who growls at him as he zips by. "Jerk!" the black fox shouts. "I almost lost balance!" Jon, not seeming to listen nor care, comes to a stop just short of the roof. He leaps over the railing, where the other end of the cable is tied to a hook, and runs to the clue box for the next tip. "'Race on foot to the next checkpoint at the... Bukit Bintang'?" the husky reads. The Bukit Bintang is one of the largest shopping districts in the whole city. It also serves as the 6th checkpoint in the All-Star race. Last team to check in... could be sent home. As Jon jumps down from the roof, slowly making his way back to the ground, those still in the twin towers are struggling to get out of last place. Josee point out the logo a few minutes after they reach the bridge; they take the elevator back down. Right on their tails, June & Mabel and Joey & Miles take a few minutes to fan out and search, hoping to find the logo before the other team does. Mabel points it out silently and for once, June is glad she doesn't really speak as much anymore. By the time the vegetarians reach the 41st floor, they collapse from exhaustion, both foxes covered in sweat. "Pathetic," Tammy says as she steps over them. Judy & Nick come up right behind them, the latter of the two panting and perspiring heavily while the rabbit is still alert and awake. "Thanks for the lift, partner," she says. "It's no... no big deal." Nick falls to the ground. Sighing, Judy grabs his arms and begins dragging him towards the bridge. Sindy & Sally run onto the platform next, each taking huge gulps of air as the height takes their toll on them. "Is it... over yet?" Sally gasps. She falls to the ground while Sindy tries to pick her up. When the vixen looks out over the intersection, she tries to shake her partner awake. "Hey, Sal, I can see the logo down there. We need to..." She grunts as she carries her teammate back towards the elevator bank. "Girl, what in the world have you been eating?" \*\*\* Outside a glass building (seriously, does everyone here build with glass?) in the shopping district with "Pavilion" in bright pink letters hovering over the entrance, Toner sits on the edge of a fountain, letting the cold water soak his shirt and head fur. His personal masseuse, Quentin, sits next to him as they wait for teams to show up. "Have you ever seen Paris?" Toner asks. Quentin shakes his head. "I heard it's pretty lovely this time of the year; especially when the sun goes down and the city lights go up." In his paw, a grape-flavored slushie he got from the camera crew sits. As he goes to slurp it down, he sees two familiar wolves running towards him. He spits out his drink. "What? How did they get here so fast?" Barbara & Eddy step onto the carpet, both out of breath. "How did we do?" he asks. "Please tell me we got something good." "You're the first team to show up." Toner watches as the critics shout with joy and hug each other; a rare gesture that happens between them considering how much they hate each other. "But how in the world did you finish the skyscraper challenge so easy?" "We skipped it," Barbara answers. "Tammy gave us one of the Express Passes back in Samoa. Good thing it came in handy because there was no way I was going to climb that thing. Plus... we came in first place!" Toner rolls his eyes as they walk off, jittering like they're on caffeine. Pretty soon, the prostitutes come into sight. When they step onto the carpet, Jon says, "I assume that we've come in first again, right?" Toner opens his maw and takes a deep breath, suspenseful with a smirk on his face like he's about to say yes. But the words that actually come out hit Jon like a punch to the face. "Nope. You came in second. Suckers." The husky growls and curls his fists, cuing Devon to carrying him off to the side to calm him down; mostly with kisses... and a public BJ (much to Toner's disgust). Now that the race to come in first is done, the race to avoid elimination has begun. Right as the vegetarians come to, every other team has disappeared. Miles hops to his feet, shaking his partner hard. "Joey! Joey! Get up! We're in dead last!" The vixen snaps her eyes open and she scrambles to her feet. Together, the run towards the sky bridge to start searching for the logo. Across the street, most of the teams are at the Roadblock; with one partner waiting on the ground, and the other dozens of stories off the ground, walking upwards. One of the bittersweet things is right as Kit is climbing back down, she slides past Mitch who is going up. As soon as she makes eye contact with them, she waves to him. He nods back in acknowledgement then continues to walk up. It's enough to make Kit blush. Josee takes the tactic that Jon used for this. Although it's dangerous, the tigress runs up the side of the building. She can almost see Donna's tail lolling several yards in front of her, mocking her. Growling, she yells up, "You're going down, city girl!" The vixen looks down to see Josee beast-moding her way up the side of the tower. Panicked, Donna yelps and tries to speed up her pacing, her cable reeling in faster than she can run. Eventually, Josee catches up to her, tugging on her tail. "Ouch! Hey! I paid $40 to have that done." Donna frees her leg and kicks her in the back of the head. As the girls have their catfight, Ren slowly lets himself fall down with the tip in paw. He passes by Zack, who has his eyes clenches shut and is literally inching his way to the roof. With Angie right on his tail, Ren lands on the ground in one piece. Both foxes unhook their gear and they start running towards the checkpoint. "Whew! I never felt so alive in my life!" Angie squeals. "Weird," Jen says. "I never really thought you take up wall climbing in your life." Syd takes the next tip from the box and hops over the side of the building, whooping on the way down. This wasn't as scary as it looked before. The olympians and officers arrive at the scene right as Syd lands next to Brent. "One of us has to do THAT?!" Tammy demands. "Um, I have to be the one to do that," Rachel says, putting emphasis on the pronoun. The skunk lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Relieved, she sits on the side with the others. Judy joins the cat as the walk up the tower. "You know," the bunny shouts over the wind, "this really isn't that bad if you don't look down too much." She's thankful that Nick carried her up the twin towers; otherwise she wouldn't have the energy to do this sort of task. Angie & Jennifer- 3rd place Cal & Ren- 4th place Brent & Syd- 5th place Kit & Kitty- 6th place With more and more teams completing the Roadblock, the vegetarians are frantic to get to the last challenge. "Jeez I hope we're not too late," Miles swears under his breath. But the foxes reach the second task right on time. Right as the frat bros reunite and run off, Joey scrambles to get into the climbing gear. "Have you ever run up a wall before?" "No," Joey answers. "But hey, if Shailene Woodley can do it, how hard can it be?" The vixen leaps up onto the side of the building and begins to run as much as the cable attached to her will allow. When Zack finally reaches the ground, he slowly opens his eyes. The second he sees Chris, he rips the gear off his body and jumps into the wolf's arms, trembling. "That was the scariest thing I've ever had to do in my life," he whimpers. "Shhh, it's over honey," Chris soothes. "And you did great." Even when he takes his arms off the fox, he hangs on for dear life. "You want me to carry you to the checkpoint?" Zack nods. Donna and Josee continue to have their little catfight, making absolutely zero progress. Mabel slips by them; the black kitten moving to and from the roof without making a sound. When the vixen and tiger see her walking back down, they let go of each other and run for the top of the building. I hate her so much, Donna thinks. Jasper & Mitch- 7th place Chris & Zack- 8th place June & Mabel- 9th place Donna & Vito- 10th place Josee & Ryan- 11th place Joey reaches the roof in no time flat. However, Judy and Tammy are already on the way down. When they pass by Sindy, who's struggling, the vixen asks, "How long do I have to hold this thing?" "You don't have to," Tammy says. "It reels itself in." The vixen gives her a confused look. Deciding that this isn't worth her time, Tammy continues to fall down. How does something so dumb end up on a show like this? Sindy passes Joey on the way up, looking around for the clue box as she takes in the fact that she's in last place. The box sits a few feet away and she grabs the next tip. "So how do I get back down to the ground?" she asks herself. She walks towards the edge of the roof, but trips and tumbles over. "WOAHHH!!!" Sindy stumbles and twirls end over end in the air, sending her down faster. She crashes into the air mattress and pops it. Sally digs her out. "Are you alright?" she asks. "Yeah. I'm fine. But we better hurry to..." Sindy reads the clue again. "...some shopping district on the other side of town." \*\*\* Judy & Nick and Tammy & Rachel run for the checkpoint as fast as they can. Four pairs of feet pound against the pavement, their heartbeats faster than normal pace. As they inch closer to the carpet, they see Toner with that purple coyote that he's brought along for the show. If Tammy didn't know any better, she would say that Toner might have some sort of a crush on him. Who else would have their tails brushing against each other so nonchalantly? From her distraction, the skunk accidentally allows the other team to run ahead of them and they step onto the carpet before them. "ZPD officers come in twelfth," Toner dictates. "Olympians, you take up spot number thirteen." "Thirteenth place?!" Tammy says. "Are you joking?!" One hard look from Rachel and she backs down. Next round, they should probably use the Express Pass they were given earlier this season. When Judy & Nick are out of earshot, Tammy perks back up. "Hey, Toner, can I ask you something?" The red dog flickers his hears her direction. "Why did you bring this guy along with you?" She nods towards Quentin. "Didn't you have a girlfriend?" Toner's eyes well up with tears and he whimpers (something she's never heard him do before). "Emphasis on the word 'not'," he says. His voice almost shakes, as if he's truly sad. He sniffles then recomposes himself. "If you must know, I wanted Quentin to join me this year because I need to take my mind off of... her... AND I pay him good money for a good back massage. Now... away with both of you." Without another word, the olympians walk off. Rachel leans close to her partner and says, "You really should be careful about what you say to Toner." "Okay! I just wanted to know. He's acting really funny lately..." Tammy turns back to watch the dog and 'yote converse a little more. Joey & Miles run up to the checkpoint rug, feeling confident about their scoring. "Vegetarians, fourteenth place," Toner announces. At first, both red foxes cheer for being so close but Toner continues, "Hold on there, guys. You're forgetting the non-elimination penalty. For failing to come in first place, you must wait 20 minutes before you can check in." "What?!" Miles shouts. "Crap! I thought you've forgotten about that." "As if. It allows me to pick on other teams. Besides, all you have to do is sit there and hope and pray that the phone operators don't show up in time." The dog looks up and smirks that evil smirk. "Oops. Spoke too soon." Joey & Miles look up to see Sindy & Sally running their way towards them, carrying seven or so shopping bags in their paws. "How in the world did they get that much done so fast?!" Toner asks, taken aback. "They finished the Roadblock five minutes ago!" The vixens run up to the carpet and hop on, looking confident and not terrified. "Well, I'm not sure how you girls did it; but you're in fourteenth place." Sindy & Sally squeal and give each other a side hug before running off. Now in his usual taunting mood, Toner turns to the veggie heads. "Well, Joey & Miles, once again, you're the last team to arrive. Only this time, it means that you are cut from the competition." Miles throws his handkerchief on the ground in frustration. So close. \*\*\* "Well, I suppose that that could've ended on a worse note," Joey says as the vegetarians walk to the nearest airport. "What are you talking about?" Miles demands. "This show is obviously rigged. 'Non-elimination penatly'; what a bunch of complete bullshit. Toner was purposely hoping to send us home today." Joey wraps her arm around his shoulder. For now, it's enough to get him to stop tensing up. "Hey, Joe? Remind me to never sign up for a reality show ever again. In fact, why did we come back for this lame race?" Joey's answer is simple yet smart-alecky. "Because you thought it would be a fun idea. If I remember correctly, you said 'Let's give it another try; what is the worst that can happen?'" The vixen snickers as Miles doesn't responds. "Come on; let's go home and we can try that new caesar salad recipe."
Fated Scales: Instinct and Pleasure by Cheetahs
**Fated Scales** A novel by Cheetahs(Aryn Storm) **Chapter Description:** While in the VR realm, Alex experiences the novelty and delights a female body has to offer, as well as indulge in the power of his own creativity to surprising effects. This novel is a few chapters ahead on Patreon, so if you
[ "Anatomically Correct", "Anthro", "Aroused", "Cock", "Cum", "Dildo", "Dragon", "Dragoness", "Ejaculation", "Erection", "Female Ejaculation", "Feral", "Fingering", "Hard-On", "Heterosexual", "Lust", "M/F", "Masturbation", "Mating", "Non-Anthro", "Orgasm", "Penetration", "Penis", "Plot Development", "Pussy", "Sci-Fi", "Science Fiction", "Seed", "Sex", "Solo", "Straight", "Transformation", "Vagina", "Vaginal", "Yiff" ]
**Fated Scales** A novel by Cheetahs(Aryn Storm) **Chapter Description:** While in the VR realm, Alex experiences the novelty and delights a female body has to offer, as well as indulge in the power of his own creativity to surprising effects. This novel is a few chapters ahead on Patreon, so if you wish to read the next chapter in advance while also supporting me there, [**make your patreon pledge by clicking here** ](https://www.patreon.com/cheetahs) **Special offer:** Wish to help me bring some epic stories to life and include your own, desired characters in them? Then go here! **[https://www.sofurry.com/view/1144531](https://www.sofurry.com/view/1144531)** Chapter 2: Instinct and Pleasure Alex woke up in a cozy bed, much too comfortable to be his own, and bigger than the one from the lab he had visited. Visited? Visited when? That tidbit of information buzzed around his head like a fly, constantly evading him. Instead of clinging onto that particular thought, Alex ran his hand over the fluffy blanket that draped his body, a very accurate replica of a timber wolf pelt, from the looks and feel of it. He blinked to clear his groggy eyes and get a better picture of it, but, no matter how often he did that, the haze persisted. His instincts kicked in then, helping him unravel this mystery. He was blinking his eyelids, when he should have simply urged the flight membranes to slide back. With a mere thought, he made them do just that, a pang of awe settling into his bones. Call it intuition, but he somehow knew, and at the same time, didn't know how his new body, that of a dragoness, worked like. Alex licked his muzzle, suddenly apprehensive as awareness filled him like water seeping into a sponge. He was a dragoness. The intuition from before--or instincts, as he should call them--suggested as much. He had a tail, its jittery tip messing up the bedspread, and wings that twitched and fluttered without his consent. They pushed the blanket aside, one of them unfurling to its full length, pointing towards the wooden roof of the cabin. Since he sat on his side, Alex admired its full length, awestruck. He was a slate grey dragoness, with lighter colored wings and belly. Upon touching his face, he realized his horns were smooth, rather small, and arched across the back of his head. Leathery ears greeted his fingers instead of fins, and his triangular snout and chin had nothing special to them but scales, soft and numerous. He didn't really know how he ended up in this luxurious dwelling, or why; nor did it matter. Excitement welled within his stomach, tingles rushing through his hide at the prospect of discovering his new body. But first, he looked around the room, searching for the nearest mirror. There were no mirrors. His room had that rustic, cabin in the woods type of look, with a fireplace sitting opposite of his bed, built of stone, and broad windows on the left, the diaphanous curtains rustling in the gentle breeze streaming through the half-opened windows. Furs covered the wooden walls, same for the floor, the monotony broken by the two paintings that depicted fruits. In terms of utilities, the room had nothing. No desk, no nightstand, not even a closet. At least the weather seemed tame enough, the mild temperatures bothering Alex not one bit. Or maybe the blanket simply did a great job at warding off the cold. He tossed it aside, folding his stretched wing over his body, preparing for the wave of cold to strike him. It didn't. The layers of scales that covered his body warmed him better than a sweater did, minus the feeling of wearing one. Slowly, Alex retracted his wing, holding his breath as the ashen colored wing membrane revealed his slender thighs, along with the nothingness that stood between them. A fierce blush tinted his cheeks, its heat more intense than he remembered. "I've a...I have a pussy..." he said, his musical, distinctly feminine voice taking him aback. Something about it sounded so right, so pleasant. Unlike Enara, he spoke with crisp clarity, the tone of his voice so gentle he became infatuated with it after only uttering a couple of words. He shifted onto his back, inadvertently rolling onto his wings, yelping half a minute too late. "Fuck! The wings!" He jumped out of his bed, twisting, turning, trying to make sure his weight didn't damage anything. Stretching them, then beating them in an enclosed space wasn't one of his brightest moments. His wing tips caught some of the furs, holding onto them with surprising persistence. He ended up tossing them across the room thanks to his enhanced strength. *Whoa, that's quite something...* Alex thought, marveling at the appendages that sprouted from his back. The bony frame was thin yet dense, the scales covering it small but hard and more receptive to the touch than Alex first gave them credit for. A soft tap made him shudder, while a persistent caress filled him with strange euphoria, quite similar to a pleasurable touch down between his legs. Alex shook his head to dispel that eerie sensation, certain that his wings were sturdier than he first suspected. He sat back on the soft mattress, his tail lifting instinctively right before his rump met the bed. Then, he exhaled, letting all of his worries out in one drawn-out sigh. There was something oddly satisfying about being a dragon. Everything made sense in his mind. The wings and tail felt as mobile and dexterous as his four other limbs, rather than sluggish and ungainly. His slitted pupils adjusted to the various levels of light in a fraction of a second, removing Alex' notion of darkness. His longer and nimbler toes did feel a bit funny, the dark claws able to curl back and press into his foot. "Agh!" Alex yelped. That bloody tickled! He brought one paw up, placing it over his other thigh to inspect it. As expected, his toes had the specific reptilian design, allowing him to bend and stretch them almost as well as a monkey. While watching his toes wiggle, Alex' gaze unintentionally landed between his legs, his current position showing him enough pink to make him fluster. Pussy. Right. He had that, and sparks shot through his muscles at the prospect of inspecting that particular aspect of his new body. He became tense with anticipation, realizing that, although he pretended to understand how his dragon toes worked, his focus dwelled on anything but that. "No no no, that's a mistake. I'll end up...you know what The whole day will be lost, and everything I am going to experience is orgasm after orgasm after orgasm." Numerous polls done for both genders showed that, regardless of their sex, everybody who had the opportunity to change their gender for a day intended to have sex for the novelty of it. Guys had even more of a reason to look forward to this, as a female could experience countless orgasms versus a single one. The world record for the most orgasms attained by a human female during the span of a day was two hundred something. That was a bit too much, but the more he thought about it, the harder it became to resist the temptation of fingering himself silly. He took in a deep breath, and let it out in a sluggish fashion. That particular thought, along with the desire that accompanied it, still hovered around his mind, but it now battled with the excitement to explore the house, the outside world, and most importantly, his wings! To distract himself from lust's clutch, Alex grabbed his paw, his tendons protesting not one bit from his crooked position, compared to his human self. He began by tracing the tips of his fingers along his foot, getting familiar with the texture of the scales covering his soles. They were tiny and dense, susceptible to the touch, but not enough to make him tickle. Each of his three meaty toes had the same sensitivity to them, though the tougher scales plating the upper part of them blotted out some of the feeling. At first glance, the black claws that tipped each of his toes seemed redundant, perhaps even irritating due to the way they curved inwards. Some dragons preferred a mammalian design of the body, with padded, big cat-like toes and retractable claws, but Alex became fascinated by the sharp, lethal weapons his body possessed, by its dexterity and natural armor. "That's pretty freaking cool," he said, letting go of his foot to massage one of his wings instead. A few caresses over those smooth, velvety membranes undid the knots within his muscles, a wave of exhilaration washing over him, too nice, too relaxing. He kept at it, rolling the tips of his fingers over the smooth, light grey, living canvas, his slitted eyes able to discern the tiny veins that formed intricate cobwebs across the entirety of his wing membranes. The base of his wing, where it fused with his body, was particularly sensitive to the touch. A mere stroke under it made Alex gasp. His wings shuddered, and fire serpents slithered through his thighs, converging upon his groin. That slightly electrifying sensation upped Alex' pulse. His jaw drooped, a gasp escaping his maw, his nostrils flared to inhale the stale air of the cabin. What...what the bloody hell was that? The sensation felt eerily similar to the one when his cock grew erect, but infinitely shorter, more abrupt, and that much more potent. Whatever happened made him stop fondling his wing and get onto his feet, his head light from that all too strange experience. "I'll go outside. Go outside and test out the flexibility of my limbs and wings. Yep. That is exactly what I'm going to do." He walked with precise steps, undisturbed by the pitter patter his claws made on the bare, wooden floor, his wings folded neatly over his back while he exited the room, into a corridor that ended with a balcony. He turned the opposite way, descending a wide stairway, admiring the various furs and colored tapestries lining the walls. The first floor of the cabin was even more imposing than the upper one. The living room looked positively stunning, bigger than Alex' whole apartment, equipped with elegant pieces of furniture, fluffy carpets, sofas, TV, even a few hunting trophies. Weird. He never liked hunting and senseless killing, yet here they were. Or were they? The second time he glanced in that particular direction, provocative paintings of feral dragonesses took their place, those tails positioned over their privates in the most arousing and infuriating of ways. "If I am a dude in real life and a dragoness in this dream, does this make me a lesbian?" He chuckled at that rather philosophical question, looking around the living room, noticing the one too many doors with signs posted above them. Study, gym, gaming, office--this freaking cabin had everything! Apart from other living beings. A pet feral dragon wouldn't have hurt. A small, scaly, adorable female, the sort that loved licking and playing. "Wait wait, no, no, no," Alex said, eyes scrunched shut, shaking his head vehemently, as if to get rid of that thought before it bore fruit. "A pet? What the hell, are you insane? You don't even know how to fly. What if the bloody thing proves to be aggressive? Or what if she flies off? Won't even be able to follow her." He had a responsibility to his dragoness body. To master its secrets, to be comfortable enough with it to dare for more. Only then, would Alex try to imagine some other things into existence. At the rate with which his temples pulsed, he was surprised he still sat inside the cabin, and didn't teleport god knows where. "Alright, get a hold of yourself. You don't wanna study or play shitty games that suck ass. You wanna go outside and give flying a try." That was what he did. He first stumbled into the empty kitchen, not a trace of food on the counter or inside the fridge. Freaking weird. Then, he walked towards the door that led into the patio, the windows giving him a glimpse of the meadow that awaited him outside. It wasn't only a meadow. Forests surrounded the small patch of paradise around his house, the vivid colors of the mountain flowers disappearing into the green expanse in front of him. Spruces covered everything the eye could see, blanketing the rising hills, even the mountains towering behind them, with their snow topped peaks. The landscape looked idyllic, the scenery taking Alex' breath away. That was certainly not something many people saw in their lives. Not in the real world, where most of the forests had been cut down, the virgin ones owned by private corporations that didn't let anyone in. To have this corner of heaven all to himself made his heart soar, wings trembling with excitement to unfurl and taste the wind under them. "Alright," he said to himself, sucking in a deep breath. "Let's do this." He jumped into the air, extended his wings, and beat them once. Their power propelled him forward instead of pushing him upwards, claws tearing gashes into the ground to slow him down to a stop. Damn! That was intense! Good thing his dragoness limbs knew when and how to bend. Alex tried to fly a second time, then made a third, fourth, fifth attempt, each revealing him the secrets of flight. The first few wingbeats had to sort of push against the ground, while the subsequent ones had to be fast rather than hard, meant to keep him in the air. At least that was the theory of it, for Alex stopped his flight quest after the initial wing beats. His heart shrunk to the size of a pebble, and his flight membranes thrust over his eyes, their diaphanous surface helping him deal with the vertigo brought by the elevated heights. "It's too...it's too high. I can't--can't do it." The way the ground visibly shrunk under him froze the marrow in his bones. It felt unnatural, risky, and downright unnecessary to be in the air, where one wrong move, one wrong turn of his tail, could send him plummet towards the ground. "Fuck this," he said, cupping his face in his palms. He didn't even have to do it! After all, he was the master of this house, the ruler of this domain. So, Alex rushed back into the house, hurled himself into a sofa, crossed one leg over the other, and stared at the way the curtains swirled, guided by the warm breeze rushing into the living room. At the back of his mind, Alex knew he would give it a second shot. He just needed a moment to himself. That was all. While he inspected the cabin and tried to guess which species the various furs belonged to, one of Alex' hands idly slid over his slim, straight chest. Dragonesses didn't have boobs; they didn't need those clumps of fat that, more often than not, got in the way. Sure, some clients specifically requested them added, but Alex couldn't complain about the vague sense of familiarity his chest had compared to his human self. Besides, one didn't need nipples to rub in order to get in the mood. His wing joints, the delicate wing membranes, along with the back of his neck fulfilled that purpose, allowing Alex to explore his body in a different sort of fashion. Gosh, did it feel good to rub those sensitive membranes with his wrist and knuckles, fingers curled halfway to keep those pesky claws at bay. They came in handy for touching scales, running the tip of a claw across the frame of a wing causing an explosion of tingles within Alex' body. It felt as if sparks danced on his hide, encouraging him to stroke and fondle his wings in all sorts of ways, with various intensities. The tantalizing splinters of pleasure nudging at his groin felt intoxicating. Not enough to make him moan, not by a fair margin, but still sufficient to get his lips moist and sizzling. Eyes closed, wriggling on the sofa like an eel, Alex only noticed he was wet when his thighs began rubbing against each other, the feeling of moist scales grinding against each other snapping him out of his reverie. His legs spread apart instinctively, his abundant wetness a bit uncomfortable. It made him feel dirty, but at the same time, the sharp fragrance, tinted with sweet and earthy traces, stoked his curiosity. He had to look. Sooner or later, he had to accept that, whether he had an erect cock or a wet pussy, he would get aroused. And, if courage permitted him, maybe he would even do something about said arousal. "Mrrrrr," came his silent growl as he cracked his eyes open. He reluctantly let go of his wing joints, curled his tail to the far right, and pushed himself up to take a good look at what his gentle ministrations did to his dragoness body. The prominent smell of dragoness musk stung his nostrils. His lips pulled into a snarl, the heavy aroma wrapping around his mind, stifling his thoughts but for the lewd ones. Alex' gaze jumped between his puffy, glistening lips and his clawed fingers. No matter how he moved and grouped them, the sight of those claws produced cold shudders within his body. "Nah, no way in hell I'm putting those inside me." Alex gulped down what little moisture dwelled in his mouth, staring at his privates. That constant throbbing of his crotch drove him mad; it was like a second heartbeat, infinitely more prominent, amplifying the bothersome heat that seemed to ooze out of his pink tunnel. The tingles, however, proved to be the worst. Although his fluids were thin and translucent, they felt laden with soft but prickly thorns, constantly poking at his insides, teasing him to no end. In an attempt to cool himself off, Alex gritted his teeth and pried open his light grey lips, allowing a rush of pheromones to waft out of his dripping tunnel, like swirling, invisible vapors. His walls trembled, his lips tensed up, and, without his consent, a few errant droplets of liquid lust trickled down his cunt and butt cheeks, making Alex feel absolutely filthy, and more than irritated at his predicament. "Fucking shit. I shouldn't have done that. I. Should. Not.Have.Done.That." Now, he had to endure his bothersome need, counting each second, afraid of even getting up. His thighs would just grind against each other, and possibly make it worse. *Let's see if they have a dildo under the pillow,* he thought, thrusting a hand under one of the pillows that supported his wings. His eyes widened to the size of saucers when his fingers latched around a ridged piece of latex. Fuck. This worked. Maybe not all the time, but depending on how hard he desired something, the dream realm accommodated his request. Fucking insane! However, instead of instant gratification, Alex felt blood drain from his face at the sight of the dragon dildo. It seemed so big! So daunting! Equipped with features that might do more damage than good to his silken tunnel. It also resembled--and with uncanny accuracy at that--the dildos Doran liked to flaunt around with the sole purpose of making Alex squirm. This time around, however, his tail began swishing with obvious interest. Eying it allowed Alex to get somewhat familiar with it, buying him enough time for knowledge to dawn on him. He was a dragoness; not a human, but a freaking dragoness, and this dildo must have been designed to fit straight into a dragoness' pussy, right? After all, it did have one too many exotic features to it. He turned the red piece of latex on each side, glancing at it. The dildo had a thick, spaded head, followed by six inches of smooth shaft, all the way down to the three sets of even ridges lining its base. That one was just a normal, circular foot instead of some weird, scrotum-shaped foundation that was sliced off in half. Those looked odd and potentially disturbing, but the one he held...this one intrigued Alex. It made his tongue roll over his snout as he started to imagine the things he would do with the dildo, things that might earn him much needed relief. With his mind addled by lust and his thoughts bent on dealing with the persistent itch that gnawed at his cunt, Alex leaned forward, parted his legs as much as the couch allowed, and brought the dildo's tip upon his lips. He started off with light dabbing motions to get used to its smooth texture, tracing its spaded girth over his crevice. The tingles flared a tad brighter, spikes of pleasure prodding at his pussy, begging him to lodge that latex cock deeper into himself. After all, in his aroused state, his cunt swelled just a tad, the natural lubrication of his body helping the dildo's head slide effortlessly along the edges of his flower. \_What the hell,\_Alex thought, grabbing the dildo's base, propping the tip upon the tight entrance that led into his canal, and pushed it in "Ohh...oh my f--oh my, oh my freaking...grarrrrr!" Jolts of heated bliss assaulted his frame, forcing his head back. His teeth grinded against each other, muzzle trembling from the overwhelming pleasure. Unable to hold himself back, Alex rammed the rest of the dildo into himself, yelping in surprise when stars speckled his vision. That too intense feeling took his breath away. With abrupt, sporadic jerks, his wrist rocked the dildo enough to urge his muscles to clamp down upon it, the sensation of being filled by a tight, squirming appendage overpowering to his virgin senses. That dildo stretched his passage nicely and, due to the way he wriggled it, his body mistook it with the throbs of an eager male, ready to spill his load inside Alex. *Fuck. I'm cumming. I'm cumming!* His first orgasm struck Alex with a vengeance. He could practically feel his muscles clenching around the dildo, squeezing it in a wet, sweltering grip for a few seconds before he had let go. As soon as his muscles relaxed, the first wave of femcum oozed out of him, ushered by the relentless shudders that seized his cunt. It leaked past the narrow gaps left between the ridges and his folds, his essence clear, slightly viscous, and smelling a tad sharper than his arousal. It didn't stop there. Several more gushes followed, each of them adding to the soothing inferno raging within Alex' body. His insides felt aflame; not consumed by a vicious fire, but caressed by gentle tongues of flame, their tug urging him to spend all of that lust trapped into his body in the form of viscous strands of femcum. When his neck muscles relaxed enough to allow him to breathe again, Alex felt both spent and itching for more. This first orgasm--it sure rocked his world, but it hit him like a train where he least expected it. He whimpered and grimaced, instead of riding those steady waves of bliss, like he was supposed to. Before anything more happened, Alex took a moment to steady his breath and pull the toy out of him. "Ghhhrr," he half moaned, half growled, feeling strangely empty without that tight piece of latex to hug. Juices cascaded out of him, spilling on the beige surface of the sofa, coloring it a darker shade of brown. The sight of his wetness seeping into the couch heated up Alex' blood, much too erotic for an inexperienced being like him. His mind also wondered off towards a pet dragon. What would she have done? Lick the stain off the couch like a dog? Or go straight for the source of the nectar and eat out Alex like there was no tomorrow? "Don't think of it. Don't think of it. You are not prepared. Might just lick you, or might bite you in the heat of the moment, and then what?" Alex...the only person in the universe to turn a sexy scenario into a painful one. It was a dream. His dream. The one he had full control over. No dragon was going to accidentally nibble on his swollen lips unless he specifically wished her to do that. Who knows? Maybe fangs prickling his cunt might give him an unexpected orgasm. After all, his body was supposed to be much sturdier than that of the average human. *That's something I'll have to try,* Alex thought while sliding his palm along the dildo's length. He suddenly had the urge to masturbate a dragon. Better yet, have a male cum inside him. His mind reeled at the implication of that last wish. It just seemed so...exotic, his scales already tingling with excitement. How would it feel, for a male to empty his passion into him? Would his spurts feel hot? Would he shoot his seed hard enough inside Alex to make his orgasm noticeable, or would it be a slow trickle? Alex hoped that wasn't the case; half the fun of being a female revolved around the ability to tell when a male came inside you. But that was a story for another time. Right now, he wanted to take it slow. More importantly, he wanted to watch his cunt loosen around the dildo, to see that erect penis disappear into him. For that to happen, he needed more space, and definitely a more relaxed position, so Alex climbed the stairs and got into his bed. He put the pillows behind him to rest his back against them, spread his legs, and bent his head forward, staring at the wet, pink and gray mess that his cunt was. "I'm going to like...take it slow this time around," he said, pausing to take a whiff of his pleasant scent. "Nothing good comes from rushing things, yes?" With his inhibitions lessened by his first playing session with the dildo, Alex grabbed the toy in a steadfast grip and guided it around his lips, pushing the spaded tip in and out of him, hissing and curling his toes just a bit tighter around the sheets every time the spaded tip entered him with soft, wet plops. That head was specifically designed to facilitate the penetration, its bulbous girth forcing Alex' muscles to mold into an oval shape around the red shaft, that lewd sight drawing a gasp out of Alex. "Mrrrr," came his smoldering hum as he pulled the dildo out with a wet squelch, shifting his grip towards its base, so that he could plunge it deep enough to experience those delightful furrows upon his sensitive lips. His face scrunched, lips twitching, eyes half closed from the deep, tantalizing, fulfilling thrust. He pushed in the dildo in a slow, deliberate manner, his muscles tightening progressively the more its girth stretched Alex' insides. Halfway through, Alex held his breath to enjoy the full extent of the stimulation brought by the rapid tremors wracking his cunt. The tip prodded at his fleshy depths, poking at them, urging his muscles to contract around the toy, thin yelps accompanying the lewd experience. Everything became much more intense when the ridges followed. The first set pressed against his lips, refusing to go in without a stronger push. Alex insisted, and it made it inside with a sudden, wet sound. So did the second and third set of ridges, those swollen formations sailing past his lips, tickling them in the most intimate and pleasurable of ways. "Oh gods...." Alex said breathlessly, trying to get accustomed to the feeling of being stuffed up to the brim. He felt trapped on a ledge, teetering between a dull plane of existence and a deep, unfathomable one that promised infinite pleasure. This frail balance was what Alex tried to attain; keep himself on the edge, without going over it. Take it slow, so that he would cum harder than he ever did in his life. He almost had it, if the searing jolt that traversed his spine didn't trigger his instinct of being bred with harder, more fulfilling strokes. Without his consent, his hand pulled out the dildo, head tilting slightly to the side, pleasurable winces creeping past his fangs as the ridges came loose, coated with his glossy essence. Instead of waiting for the head of the dildo to emerge, Alex pushed it back in, hard enough for the furrows to get inside in one swift motion, an audible squelch suggesting the force of the thrust. His jaw hung open, the euphoric feeling brought by that thrust enough to elicit a moan laden with desire from him. His legs sprawled further, and he pressed his tail against the bed, claws puncturing the sheets and the mattress for extra purchase. More. He wanted more. His mind wanted it slow and steady, but his body had its own needs, governed by his instincts. And, right now, Alex surrendered completely to the blaze burning deep within him, doing everything in his power to flare it. That translated into increasingly faster and harder strokes, the momentum brought by them forcing pleasurable cries out of Alex. "Ooooh! Oh...my...gosh. Ooooh," he murmured, his body rocking from the rapid pace of the faux mating. His eyes absorbed the mesmerizing waves of motion summoned by the dildo. He noticed the way his canal stretched, the way his lips were forced to the sides by those meaty ridges. He listened to the wet sounds filling the creeping silence, and breathed in his thick miasma, heavy with pheromones. He liked this. More than he cared to admit. Alex found it not only fascinating, but highly arousing to watch the dildo dip into him through scrunched eyes. One moment, his hand was filled by that lengthy, latex rod; the next, his pussy took it all in, leaving naught but the foot of the dildo. As much as he wanted to witness his climax, Alex found it increasingly hard to focus on the stimuli received by all of his senses. Some, like sight and sounds, paled in comparison to the deep pleasure welling between his thighs. To fully focus on the latter, Alex snapped his mouth shut, hurling his head back, growling his bliss towards the ceiling. Shlick, shlick, shlick, came the sounds of the dildo ramming into him, spearing through Alex' increasingly tighter muscles. Every fiber within his body turned taut in anticipation of his climax. Breathing became a laborious process. His focus slipped more and more, drowned by the winds of ecstasy sailing through his body. The closer he got to his peak, the harder he fucked himself with the dildo. His wrist burned from exertion, his fingers felt numb, and the speed seemed unreal. Even his mind couldn't process such unfathomable euphoria, his head whirling like a tornado, bringing Alex on the verge of passing out. "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrarrrrr!" he roared when he could no longer take it, his back arching, hips lurching into the dildo. In the same instant, his femcum sprayed out of him, the squirt so strong it pushed the dildo halfway out. "Hrrrarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!" his cry continued, Alex' voice only mellowing down when he had no more liquid lust to spurt in him. As his orgasm subsided, his body felt utterly spent, drained, apart from the constant throbbing of his cunt. Those muscles constantly clenched around the dildo in a milking sort of fashion, keeping Alex in a constant state of arousal, light headed, almost high. "Oh dear god..." Alex murmured, draping his palms over his face. Stars still speckled his vision, made bearable by the flight membranes covering his eyes. This had been the greatest orgasm he ever experienced, more intense and drawn-out than he ever expected. Even after five minutes, ripples still surged through his tense muscles, making them clench and wrap around the dildo. As long as that faux penis remained inside him, Alex would keep trickling rivulets of femcum, and therefore, get more and more fatigued. That seemed like a great way to spend the day. Curled up in his bed, snarling and gasping every now and then, drifting among the blissful waves of his afterglow. One thing kept it from being absolutely perfect: his wetness. Now that it began to turn cold, the femcum he had spurted in quite the impressive amounts felt unpleasant upon contact with his scales. Shifting around only served to remind Alex that he still had the dildo in him, unusually erect. A male would have turned flaccid already, whereas this thing had as much stamina in it as Alex wanted. *Yeah, fuck it, not going for a third round,* he thought, pulling the toy out of him in one quick tug. More fluids overflowed once the plug was removed, spilling onto the bedsheets, soaking into the mattress. Not only did he wet the bed spectacularly, but now, the whole room smelled of sex, a tart fragrance that had too much of a pungent touch to it. "Downstairs it is," Alex mumbled to himself as he rolled out of the bed. He glimpsed a pair of jeans resting on the backrest of a chair. Put them on? Nah. Walk around naked. That was what he was going to do. It felt delightfully taboo, to stroll around the house with a puffed up cunt, his inner thighs and tail base polished to a nice luster from the viscous fluids clinging to his scales. On the way to the living room, Alex wondered how it would feel to a male to eat out his soppy pussy. Would turn the bastard crazy with lust, make him grow to full mast in a matter of three licks. Not even that. One whiff. Just one. That would be more than enough to give a male feral dragon the mother of all erection, the poor thing wobbling around, perhaps squeaking as his tool flailed back and forth, from side to side, banging against his haunches, slapping against his belly. But that would make things weird between them. After all, Alex was a female, and male feral dragons were used to taking what they wanted. No, a female would definitely be the better choice. A leopard-sized, scaled beauty to keep him company, lick the mess off his crotch, purr in his embrace. Perfect already. "Okay," Alex said, falling straight into the sofa and pulling a pillow over his nakedness to warm himself up. "So we need a feral female dragon delivered to the garden. She is going to be...navy colored," he decided, drawing inspiration from the threading that lined his pillow, "with golden eyes, leaf-shaped tail tip, fins and webbed spines that are so delicate to the touch she can easily orgasm from the persistent rubs I'm going to give her. She's feral, so she won't be able to speak, but intelligence shines within her stark, cat-like pupils. Sums it up, I'd say." Now that he had a vague idea about what he wanted, Alex closed his eyes and focused on the outline of his dragoness. Being the closet furry--or more appropriately named, scaly--that he was, Alex had seen thousands upon thousands of ferals drawn by a plethora of wonderful artists. In a matter of seconds, he had the perfect size and shape in mind for his dragoness, and all she needed to be brought into existence was a bit of willpower channeled into her ethereal form to give her shape. Soft trills creeped into existence, mixed with the occasional growl and throaty rumble, sounds characteristic to a feral dragon. Alex shivered at first, suddenly apprehensive. He actually imagined a live being into existence! That was big, very big, and equally scary. *Well, what can it do to me? If worst comes to worst, I'll barricade myself in my cabin. She'll be the size of a leopard anyway.* His thoughts proved to be more than accurate. Outside, to the side of the entrance, a navy colored dragoness rolled onto a patch of tall grass, warbling her delight as the sun's warm rays caressed her supple thighs and light blue stomach. Alex froze in place, his heart lodging into his throat. His fists clenched and relaxed, his tail kept swerving from side to side, and his jaws trembled in failed attempts to produce a name for her, or to at least say something. Instead of speaking, Alex inspected his companion, obviously female. Her tail lay sprawled over the ground, giving Alex a good look at the diaphanous, leaf-shaped tail tip, and at the dainty crevice splitting the scales between her legs. If that wasn't enough to convince him, the dragoness' voice surely did, her crooning soft and melodious, like the gentle murmur of a flowing river. Knots unraveled within Alex' muscles while he stared at her. Allerya was the embodiment of perfection, a lithe beauty who squirmed from side to side, kicking her paws at the air, batting her wings against the ground, enjoying herself in the simplest of ways. Her limbs and torso had a lanky build, her paws equipped with thin, long toes, the silvery claws captivating Alex. That wasn't something he thought about, yet here they were, beautiful as ever! His awe grew when he noticed the faded, silvery edges contouring her perked fins and the webbing that united the spines covering her back, all the way to the tip of her tail. The underside of her jaw, her chest and inner haunches bore a lighter hue, similar to the nuance of her webbing and wing membranes. Even her feet boasted that specific shade, adding to the allure of this wonderful creature. Excitement quickly washed away Alex' reluctance, his steps carrying him closer to his companion. Allerya sensed him coming--or smelled him--for she immediately rolled onto her belly, her neck arched inwards in an S shape, fins tucked, tail curled around her body. "Irrrr?" She trilled, her golden eyes fixated on Alex' crotch. She began licking her muzzle with that small, pink tongue of hers, trudging forward, unable to keep her curiosity in check. That was his girl! Alex crouched, arms and wings spread to receive the cutie, showing her that she had no reason to fear him. "Come here sweetie. Don't be shy, Allerya. We're both dragonesses, aren't we? You have your cunt, I have my own." That was such a silly thing to say to a feral dragon, especially to one whose gaze seemed to absorb Alex' swollen folds. Allerya tilted her head to the side, made a low sound that vaguely resembled a snort, and slowly pushed herself onto her fours, her fins unfolded, her webbed crest erect, hinting at both wariness and enthusiasm. Alex kept flicking his wrist, signaling her to approach, urging her on with sweet words. But feral dragons were called 'feral' for a reason, and something caught Allerya's interest more than the promise of a hug. She hurtled towards Alex like an arrow, dipping her head under him, pressing her snout against Alex' sex and plunging her tongue so deep into him Alex crashed onto his back. Allerya released a sharp yelp, backing away, tongue darting across her flared nostrils. Instead of waiting for her turn to approach Alex, the dragoness tried her chance at a second flurry of licks over Alex' crotch, but he managed to catch her head between his hands. "Rrrrrarr rrrrrrrrr," the dragoness kept crying. Alex held her in place in spite of her panicked squawks and wriggling. "Shhh, we're friends. We're friends Allerya." To translate his words into a physical format, Alex made sure to kiss the tip of her snout, adding in a lick or two for good measure. It felt wrong, and weird, and downright magical, to lick a feral dragon. Humans expressed their affection through kisses and the caress of their hands, but dragons...well, dragons found the wet, soothing touch of a tongue irresistible and irreplaceable. It helped that her scales bore the faint traces of Alex' feminine musk, smeared by her tongue all over her muzzle. Allerya, however, had her own fragrance; earthy, with a very subtle salty touch, quite strange for a female. Alex had expected her to taste sweet, just like her personality, but he couldn't complain, not when his instincts helped him calm Allerya down more efficiently than he deemed possible. Seems this fascinating creature had a great many surprises to her. "Awwwrrrr," she mewled as Alex' fingertips hovered to her fins, rubbing them with slow, delicate strokes. The dragoness brought her haunches forward, so that she could sit on them and free her forepaws. She latched her toes around Alex' shoulders, the leverage allowing her to drench Alex' face with her affection. This is what he missed while masturbating in his bed. This is what he had been craving for all along; the touch of another being, the mild hum rippling through Allerya's neck, those hard, persistent nudges on his chest. Wait, what? Alex grabbed her silver-colored horns, quirking his eye ridges at Allerya's persistence to get him to lie flat on his back. Or maybe this was just a game, a show of strength between two companions. In that case, Alex brought his knees under him, shifted on top of them to tower above Allerya, and used his superior strength to hurl Allerya on her back. "Bet you didn't expect that, you blue little..." Alex trailed off. His jaw remained slack, his maw wide open. An electrifying jolt shook his frame, shock seizing Alex' heart. For some reason, Allerya remained limp as well, staring at Alex with an equally puzzled gaze. "Meep?" It was obvious. So obvious. How comes he hadn't seen it before? "You're a...you're a..a...a m--male," Alex stuttered, and Allerya crooned her--his agreement. How? Why? He looked positively scrawny for a male! He had a high pitched voice, uncharacteristic to put it mildly, and released too soft sounds! And now, when confronted with his predicament, all Alex could do was stare at his tapered member, pink and alien, the tip squirming back and forth like some...some...whatever, obviously prehensile. *Okay, okay, okay,* Alex repeated the mantra within his mind, closing his eyes for a brief moment, shutting himself from the world. He was a male. Allerya was a male. Not his fault. Something must've influenced Alex' thoughts when he conceived her, leading to this unexpected turn of events. Besides, he was still a feral dragon, right? He would fulfill the same role as a female, that of a dear companion that would.... *Fuck me,\_realization struck Alex. \_All this bastard wants is to get inside me.* Allerya--or Allerian, as Alex ought to call him from now on--had a penis very similar in looks to that of an aquatic mammal, like orcas. Smooth, damp, and about ten inches long, his fleshy tool grew in thickness towards the base, where his slit stretched to accommodate his girth, the moist, fleshy insides painfully visible to the naked eye. Only the first quarter of his shaft seemed prehensile, namely the tip, three quarters of that meat mostly rigid, though still capable of swinging upwards under the might of his throbs. Alex didn't ask for a male. The prospect of Allerian going feral on him seized his stomach in an iron grip, upsetting it, making it churn with nerves. But at the same time, he couldn't just go inside the house and abandon him here. He looked so cute and innocent. Maybe lust fogged his mind, just like it had addled Alex' mind. In the end, Allerian made the choice in Alex' stead. Noticing his reluctance, the dragon used the moment of respite to sneak under Alex bury his snout into Alex' cunt, thrusting his tongue so deep pleasure paralyzed Alex' body. "Ghaaah!" Alex cried out, a wave of sheer ecstasy sweeping through him, pushing away every rational thought from his mind, flaring his instinct to breed. A perverse yearning took hold of him, his tail lifting out of its own accord, giving Allerian's frenzied tongue even more room to play around his cunt. "Back...back off," Alex said. More a whimper than a command. Not even he didn't take himself seriously. Then again, if you were a female dragoness and had a male feral dragon tend to your most sensitive of areas with such hungry strokes, you wouldn't be able to refuse his offer outright, no matter how odd and sudden it seemed. Allerian's lust failed to stop there. He had been hard for several minutes by now and, although small in stature, he compensated for his diminished size in raw instinct. When the male pushed his soggy snout back, Alex assumed it was over; that the dragon only wanted to sate his curiosity. He couldn't be more wrong. "Mrarrrrk," Allerian growled, shifting his weight from his forelimbs, to his hindquarters, and back to his fores, twisting his serpentine neck around, uncertain of how to proceed. Alex should have used that window to run inside the cabin, but pleasure dulled his senses. It clouded his judgment, rooted him in place, his own body plotting against him. He gasped and yowled when Allerian finally made his move. He simply pounced on Alex, bringing him down, his belly exposed to the dragon's whims. Rather than take his prize then and there, Allerian cooed playfully, bathing Alex' face with a series of licks, his dexterous tongue travelling further down his belly, between his legs, pushing through Alex' swollen, ready vent. Alex scowled, snarling and beating his wings in protest while his thighs spread with obvious intent. His mind reeled at the prospect of being taken by a feral like a slut, but on the other hand, his female body craved for a dragon--a real dragon, to be inside her, to fill her to the brim with his seed. Allerian couldn't do that. Not from this position. He feigned a few thrusts, eying the angle of his body, as well as Alex' position. Realizing the futility of his actions, the dragon began tapping his paw against Alex' side, licking and nuzzling his shoulder, encouraging him to switch onto all fours and surrender his ass and cunt to him. Alex sternly refused to submit to the dragon's whims. He ought to have slapped, maybe even punched the bastard in the snout for his insolence. He had the strength, and he had the skills to do that. Allerian, however, had instinct. He knew that, in order to mellow down a female, he'd have to distribute his attention between her face, neck, and sex, showing her his resolute desire to mate while also making Alex feel wanted, desired, perhaps even loved. A small, uncertain smile appeared on Alex' lips. Allerian's squawks and thin growls were too sweet, his tongue much too gentle, his member too hard to deny him this. The poor male was downright desperate to mate, resorting to a very cute and effective way of begging. How could Alex, the one who brought him into existence, refuse? Guided by instinct and lust in equal measure, he switched onto his fours, laying in the doggy style position that Allerian wanted all along. This time around, Allerian didn't pounce Alex. First, he gave Alex a few reassuring licks on his snout and cheek, a deep hum vibrating within his throat, laden with pent-up desire. Then, he clambered on Alex' back, the fine scales covering his belly gently scratching Alex' wing joints, producing those overwhelming tingles that had gotten him wet in no time before the dildo session. For good measure, Allerian supplemented that with a few tongue strokes, knowing exactly where to lick for maximum effect. A lewd gasp erupted from Alex' maw, giving Allerian leave to wrap his forepaws around Alex' chest, keeping his paws intertwined so that his claws didn't disturb the female. His tail curled around Alex', gripping him in a tight and wild embrace, keeping it to the side, so that his cunt was ripe for the taking. Allerian's haunches aligned with Alex', grinding against them as the male wobbled around in search of a good angle to stick it in. The almost comical moment made Alex chuckle, but when Allerian's swirling tip finally found its mark, laughter turned into a hoarse, drawn-out roar, his girth filling Alex in one mighty stroke. Their joined bodies quaked. Alex clawed at the ground for purchase, breath frozen in his throat, his lips thrust up to uncover his glistening fangs. A menacing hiss crept through them, warning the male to take it slower and definitely softer. "Meeep mrrrrrrrrrrk," Allerian tried to soothe Alex, licking at his nape while he remained lodged inside him. *Out! I want you out, you bastard!* Alex wanted to say, but Allerian was far too thick, his squirming tip far too nimble to let Alex speak. It poked and prodded at his innermost sanctuary, causing Alex' tunnel to clench and relax rapidly around him, the swift motions flooding Alex' head with pleasure unlike which he had never dreamed of. The sheer stimulation summoned by that wiggly, prehensile appendage brought Alex closer to his orgasm than he expected. Unlike the dildo, Allerian was a living, breathing dragon, his cock designed to pleasure a female to the point of passing out due to overwhelming bliss. His thick base had the sole purpose of stretching Alex out, of applying constant pressure to his vulnerable lips while his tapered head made all the work. Whether it flailed around with purpose or aimlessly, Alex couldn't tell, but he sure couldn't keep his moans and thinning growl in check. Allerian also decided that he sat idle for too long. His wings spread, twitching in their sockets as the male pressed his haunches tighter against Alex' thighs. His tail evened out, pulling Alex' after it, laying in a perfect horizontal position, the tip slightly curled back. After his hind paws found proper footing, Allerian began thrusting in and out of Alex with abandon, mewling and squeaking his guts out. If overwhelming euphoria didn't keep Alex' eyes squeezed shut, or his throat muscles clamped tight, he would have exploded into a bout of laughter. There was nothing majestic in the way Allerian bred him. His maddened strokes and frail balance had him wobbling from side to side like a leaf in the wind, his wings and tail being his saving grace. Without them, the poor, horny thing would have fallen off a long time ago, but this was not the case. After the first few plunges into Alex' moist, seething canal, Allerian surrendered to the thrill of mating, unable to stop even if somebody hit him across the back of his head with a baseball bat. He wasn't a gallant dragon, intent on giving Alex a great time. Nor did he take it slow and steady to enjoy himself. Allerian simply bred Alex like there was no tomorrow, his hips pumping at Alex' ass with uncanny speed. He must've been new to this, the allure of pussy too much for him to resist. Things suddenly clicked in Alex' mind. This wasn't a perverted dragon, hell-bent on spilling his seed inside Alex, but a vastly inexperienced one, more than perplexed about their encounter. When Alex failed to take the lead, he took on that role, and, given that Alex' cunt was moist and puffy from his earlier masturbating sessions... "Hnngghhh. Hhhhhhhhraaaaaaaaaarghhhhhhhh," Alex cried out through gritted teeth, his control slipping. Unlike males, female dragonesses had no limit to the orgasms they could experience, and being assaulted by the throbbing, squirming cock of a virgin dragon matched Alex' description of an exotic encounter perfectly. Allerian, self-conscious about his looming climax, tried to get his female to cum before him by nuzzling and nibbling on Alex' wing joints, but his touches sent a mere spark through Alex' wings, whereas his frenzied thrusts stoked a blaze that threatened to consume Alex. He knew Allerian was close when the drake began clawing at his rump with a hind paw. That was right. The bastard actually believed one hind leg was enough to support his weight. He somehow managed for several fleeting heartbeats, but when he finally shot his head towards the sky to whimper his release, the fool actually tried to clamber on top of Alex' back. They both collapsed on their side, limp, their muzzles wrinkled, their features contorted. Allerian clung onto Alex' back with everything he had, his body frozen but for his swirling, tapered tip. It kept wriggling around while his cock swelled with seed, prodding and poking at Alex' over-sensitive walls. Alex sucked in a deep breath.... And roared so loud he jolted in place from his earsplitting cry. Multicolored stars flooded his vision, just as Allerian's warmth filled him in short, rapid, too strong spurts. The male's hips bucked every now and then, even though their shuddering slits rubbed against each other, Alex' vulva throbbing and pulsating from his intense orgasm, and Allerian's slit muscles contracting and relaxing to allow his seed to flow straight into Alex' cunt. Such overpowering sensation! It stole Alex' senses, the wave of high so intense he forgot where he was, and what he was doing. All he knew was that the longer he held his breath in his chest and his jaws clenched, the euphoria would only climb higher and higher. All he felt were the rhythmical throbs of Allerian's cock, shooting scalding seed against his walls, each of them bringing about blissful spasms through Alex' tunnel. By all the gods in existence, but did it feel great to be a female and have a dragon cum inside you! Allerian's lances of thick, fertile seed splattered into Alex' depths with a force three times stronger than his thrusts, and their warmth kept Alex trapped in that realm of pure, unaltered pleasure. Nothing else mattered to him, other than the intoxicating sensation of a male unloading his essence into his cunt. Even after Allerian finished and pulled out of Alex, he found it impossible to move, speak, or twitch a lip. He didn't feel numb. Not by a far shot. More like...deeply satisfied, as if he just fulfilled the greatest purpose of his life. Allerian trilled in utter glee, prancing around Alex, showering his mate with his affection by pawing, licking, nuzzling, and rubbing his snout against Alex', swift as quicksilver. When Alex refused to budge, the drake settled next to him, covering Alex with a wing and directing his head to his neck, their bellies pressed against one another, his haunch draped over Alex' joined thighs. Allerian might have been a feral dragon, but very few people hugged their loved ones so passionately after they had sex. Mystifying warmth flowed through Alex' veins, more intense than the deposit Allerian made down between his legs. It made his scales tingle, and his muscles relax to their fullest. What was this strange sensation? Where did it come from? Try as he might to decipher its meaning, Alex couldn't, so instead, he just grinned under the cover of Allerian's wing, feeling strangely content with how this one played out. \*\* \*\*\*End of Chapter 2\*\*\*\*\* **End note:** And so ends the VR adventure. When Alex next wakes up, he'll be back in the real world, but will it be a pleasant return? Stay tuned for the next chapter to find out! Or make a pledge on Patreon and read it right now XD **Liked this story?** Please throw in a fav and a comment if you did. Or, if you love my works enough to consider getting your own story commission, go for it! I earn my living from writing so I'd be thrilled to work with you! Simply send me a PM to get started, or check my profile for other ways and means in which you can support me. [https://cheetahs.sofurry.com/](https://cheetahs.sofurry.com/) If you simply love my writing and want to keep the stream of stories flowing, then I'd be overjoyed to have your support on Patreon! Every pledge helps! [https://www.patreon.com/cheetahs](https://www.patreon.com/cheetahs) **Or if you are a fan of YCHs, I opened an YCH bazaar right here:** [https://www.sofurry.com/view/1144531](https://www.sofurry.com/view/1144531)
Game Night (part Five) by Roxelle Wolfe
#5 of Game night (series) The fifth Part to my new Game Night series sorry it took so long I have been really busy lately, and Part six will be out sooon ^-^ - Both me and Tyler stood still staring at each other until He finally said, "aren't you gonna get the door Roxie? He winked at me and I
[ "Female", "Folf", "Fox", "Hermaphrodite", "Male", "Series", "Vixen" ]
Both me and Tyler stood still staring at each other until He finally said, "aren't you gonna get the door Roxie? He winked at me and I headed to the door, Stopping at the knob I took in a deep breath as I turned the brass sphere The door opened with a slight creak letting a gust of cool winter blow against my fur, and into the house, There standing on the porch was my big sister Jamie. She was wearing a Red winter coat ant a pair of thick black sunglasses. "Jamie!" I said throwing my arms around her. "Roxie! It's so good to see you!" she said hugging me tightly. "I'm so glad your here," I said leading her inside, after she walked inside I closed the door and took her coat, her sent filled my nose, It was a mixture of flower perfume, cigarettes, and...beer. I hung the coat on the rack and set her suitcase in the hallway. When I returned to the living room, she had wandered to the the kitchen and was sitting on the counter right where I always liked to sit and was chatting with Tyler, Tyler was probably telling her jokes due to the fact that she was laughing when I cam into the room, I smiled and said "So it seems you have met Tyler. "Mhmm" she said shaking his paw. "would you like me to show you to your room? " I asked walking towards the hallway, "sure," she said hopping off the counter and following me, I led her past Tyler and my room to a third room that we used for a guest room for when friends came over, I clicked open the door and she ran inside before I could say anything, But before I could remember what I was going to say I heard another click own the hall, Tyler had snuck into his room closing the door, I left Jamie to explore her new room and started towards Tyler's room, once there, I gave a soft Knock, and waited, I could hear buzzing and beeping which meant he was tinkering with his tech again, so There was No way he could hear me, I opened the door and stepped inside To see Tyler Sitting at his desk typing away vigorously at his keyboard a set of what resembled Virtual Reality headsets, next to those was a stack of small square discs, that had small labels on them I could make out the one on top which had the Team Fortress 2 logo on it and I almost screamed with excitement.
Game Night (Part Six) by Roxelle Wolfe
#6 of Game night (series) Hope you like'd the sixth part to my GAME NIGHT series, as always part seven wll be coming soon. - I walked into Tyler's room my eyes still locked on the stack of square discs, as I came up beside Tyler I said, "Hey Lucy, what are these?"  He stopped typing and turned to
[ "Female", "Folf", "Fox", "Hermaphrodite", "Male", "Vixen" ]
I walked into Tyler's room my eyes still locked on the stack of square discs, as I came up beside Tyler I said, "Hey Lucy, what are these?" He stopped typing and turned to look at me then he looked at the discs and said, "oh those are my new prototypes, for game night," he said turning back to his computer, "those too?" I asked pointing to the stack of headsets. "yep." he said without looking at me. I picked up the top card and studied it, Just as I had thought There it was plain as day the small circular logo of Team Fortress 2 was printed on the disc, I set it down and looked at the next one, The second one from the stack had a Picture of PAC-MAN on it and the next one had an ink smudge over the logo so I couldn't see it. The others were a few games I recognized. I set them all back in a neat stack and walked out of the room, once more heading to where I had left Jamie. Her suitcase was in the room and she was on the bed with her laptop open she was laying flat on her stomach and when she saw me she said, "Roxie thank goodness, what's your WIFI password?" she said smiling oh hold on I'll go ask Tyler, Then I walked back to Tyler's room he was just as I left him. "Tyler," He looked at me startled "yeah?" "Jamie need the WIFI password," I said moving out of his way He stood up and I heard him grumble and say something under his breath, I stopped him at the doorway and gave him a small kiss on his cheek, he smiled and walked out of his room. I looked over at his desk and shook my head then I headed to my room.
Irreverent by Drakh
#2 of Unconventional Coupling So this is the waaaaay long overdue continuation of "Unconventional," a clean story that I wrote nearly seven years ago. Its been on limited viewing settings because I wasn't happy with it but I cleaned it up a little bit and finished this sequel. You may want to read
[ "Alcohol", "Handjob", "Knot", "Transformation", "Vaginal", "Wolf" ]
It was a fresh morning and I opened my eyes to a TV that had never been turned off and a warm, furry body next to me. Bennet was practically a space heater, and I twisted more around to hug more of his warm figure against my own. Bennet stirred slightly in his sleep, giving my neck a passive lick. We laid like this for almost an hour before the sound of a truck outside woke him from his slumber. Physical characteristics weren't all that separated anthros from Humans, some behavioral instincts and mannerisms remained. A soft growl rumbled out of his throat before he opened his eyes, saw me smiling at him, and relaxed again. "Good morning gorgeous," he gushed, slobbering across my face with his broad tongue. "Thanks for staying the night, I hope you slept well." he said before giving me a smooch and climbing off the couch. "I have an open house today, I know you don't have work so you are welcome to hang around here till you get going. I wont be home till a little bit after noon. "No worries, I might just take a shower after you do and go meet up with Gracie. Shes been blowing up my cell." Bennet's ears dropped instantly at the mention of Gracie's name. His face was incredibly expressive, and his moods easy to read. "Ellen..." he started before trailing off. I didn't say anything for about ten seconds, waiting for him to finish his thought. "I know she's your best friend but I know how she feels about me and it... makes me sort of uncomfortable." "Benny," I cooed, "I like Gracie but she doesn't control my life choices. Shes just a friend, not the person that I love." Bennet nodded as he pulled a dress shirt and slacks from his drawer. "I know, hun, I just wish she was willing to meet me before saying such nasty things." With that he turned towards the bathroom, muttering something that I could barely make out. It sounded almost like "Want to come to my parents house tonight for dinner?" "Sorry, what?" I nearly screeched. He acted as if what he had said was no big deal. "Oh, you know just a little dinner with my family... nothing major, just thought they would like to meet you." My heart had dropped several feet, frightened at the prospect. "But Ben, they... they wont like me, will they?" "It isn't a worry, hun, I have talked with Father and he has agreed to save his opinions. He even agreed to cook a vegetarian meal. That's the best I can do." he gave me the sheepish, vaguely apologetic grin that he used when he knew he was making a tough sell. I softened, and gave him a big kiss before retrieving my clothes. "Fine, Ben, I'd love to meet them. But you cant leave me alone with them." "Done. We'll play a drinking game, every time they criticize our relationship we take a drink. Should take the edge off." With that Bennet sauntered off into the bathroom, wiggling his fuzzy tail the whole way. It was easy to tell when he was happy. I made myself some toast and checked my cell, listening to a couple messages Gracie had left. She seemed upset that I hadnt answered any calls the night before, but my phone had been on silent since I got to Bennet's. I gave her a call back. She picked up almost immediately. "Ellen?!" she shouted into her phone. "Yes, Gracie? Whats with the 5 missed calls are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine, it was you I was worried about. You didn't sleep with that fucking dog again, did you?" I would be the first to defend Gracie, but even I was starting to see Ben's point. "He's not a dog, Gracie," I practically growled into the phone. "He's my boyfriend. I love him, and nothing sexual is going on between us." "Whatever, Ellen, just don't go all native on me." "Yeah, Grace. I'll see you later." I said as I clicked my cell off. --- While Bennett showered I made him a small breakfast, just some hash browns and sausage. It seemed he had anticipated my staying over as there seemed to be an inordinate amount of vegetables in his fridge for an obligate carnivore. Fifteen minutes later he emerged from his room, fur still wet from the shower. An oddly pleasant version of wet dog permeated the room. He scarfed down his breakfast and tied his tie in less than a minute, practically sprinting out the door. As he left he handed me a key. "Lock up when you leave, I'll pick you up from your place at two. Love you." he gave me a wet kiss on the cheek, "Don't worry about meeting my parents they'll love you." With that he turned and left, tail wagging so wildly that he almost closed it in the car door. He was on cloud nine, I was on cloud two. I took a shower at his place, impressed by the decor and quality of the washroom. He was a catch. I called Gracie back and set up a lunch date. Nothing crazy, just a casual sandwich and catch-up. I could tell form the moment I saw her that she had some things to say but I didn't ask. I knew what she thought. As I paid our tab she finally spoke up. "Ellen... I want to make sure that you don't do anything stupid. Don't throw your life away for a dog." I said nothing, just signed the check and left. It was just a bit after one o'clock anyway, I needed to go home and freshen up. The pressure of meeting Ben's family was weighing on me. I had been home for about fifteen minutes when the doorbell rang. Bennet was early. I answered the door still looking like a mess as I was in the middle of doing my hair. I made him sit in the living room while I finished. He wore a dorky, toothy grin on his handsome muzzle the entire time, almost like he had planned on catching me in a state of mild undress. Shortly I was pampered, clothed, and ready. "So, Ben," I started as I walked into the living room still putting a final clip in my hair, "On a scale of one to ten how okay are your parents with... this?" Ben dodged the question expertly. "Well they haven't met my beautiful mate yet so their opinion is not yet qualified." My heart fluttered slightly at the word "mate". It was an inclusive term in the anthro community, and nearly meant "wife". "Bennet..." I pressed. "Father does not approve, Mother will love you as much as I do. My father is very traditional." Bennet hadn't told me much about his family other than that they were Grey wolves and that they had both been born as anthros. "Don't leave me alone with them," I reiterated. "Wouldn't dream of it, love," he reassured me as we walked out to his car. It was a fairly short drive out to his parents' house, they lived in a slightly more rural area but the countryside was beautiful. Finally we pulled up to a modest wooden cabin, greeted in the front yard by a somewhat elderly, nearly white-haired wolf who I assumed to be his mother. "Oh, Benny!" the wolf exclaimed as Bennet climbed out of the car. "Your father and I have missed you, you simply have to come visit more often!" I climbed cautiously out of the passenger side as well, approaching the two. "And you must be Ellen!" the mother-wolf shouted as she wrapped me in a startlingly fierce hug. "Benny has told me so much about you, he is quite the lucky pup, look at you! Simply gorgeous." "Thank you, Mrs. Grey" I said softly, blushing slightly. "Well, do come in! Don't mind Mr. Grey too much, dear, hes had a whiskey or two and hes a bit ruffled about the recent events. He don't mean nothing personal." I smiled slightly, feeling just slightly more nervous than I was before. As we entered the house I admired the somewhat Spartan accommodations, wood fireplace, and gas lamps. It was when we entered the den and I laid my eyes upon Bennet's father that my heart skipped a beat. He was an absolutely enormous grey wolf, even barely larger than Bennet himself, and he held in one hand a glass of whiskey and a large cob pipe in the other. "Benny! Good to see you, boy." he exclaimed warmly, just a hint of liquor in his voice. "And this is your woman, eh? Pretty little thing, teeth seem a bit dull though." "Father..." Ben started. "I don't mean nothing by it, son, I apologize," the massive figure said as he stood up, albeit a bit wobbly. "A pleasure, absolutely, to meet you, Ellen," he said sternly with something akin to a smile before sitting back down. "Dinner'll be ready in a minute, park your tail and your whore here while your mother finishes up." I could practically feel Bennet's mood change as I held his clenched paw. "Father, we talked about this." Mr. Grey simply huffed and said nothing else. Mrs. Grey brought out a bottle of wine and poured Bennet and I each a glass. Ben gave me a wink and signed me "three" with his handpaw. I smiled slightly through my nervousness and took three large sips of wine. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. Not ten minutes nor ten sips later dinner was ready and we all adjourned to the dining room. There was not a vegetarian option as Ben had promised, and when he noticed this he motioned for me to take another sip. I picked around my plate at the table, idly slicing up my steak so as not to insult my hosts. Dinner was almost finished and Ben stood up suddenly. "Sorry, y'all, that wine went right through me," he said with an embarrassed smile before rushing off to the bathroom. It hadn't been a single second after the bathroom door closed before Mr. Grey spoke up, glaring at me with an icy stare. "You are trouble. Ben doesn't need that. I don't know what you have that he is so attracted to, but you cant bear him pups and I wont see my proud anthro blood die at the whim of a human whore. You know what you have to do. Let him down easy, and leave him be. I will not have another human under my roof." Though the older wolf may have been completely sauced, his conviction was unwavering and I knew how serious he was. Maybe it was the wine, but I knew what I had to do. Bennet eventually returned from the bathroom and we finished our meal in peace. By the time it was all said and done Bennet and I had put a bottle and a half of wine down by ourselves per our drinking game and ended up calling a cab to get back to his place. As the cab door closed and I cuddled drunkenly up to his warm, fuzzy, well-muscled body he began to apologize profusely. "I'm sorry, hun, Father had promised that he was going to act better. I didn't know he was back on... or off the wagon." I kissed him on his floppy jowls, and his wet black nose. "It's fine. I love you, I just..." "What?" "I want to feel closer to you. I want to be able to fulfill your needs in ways other than cooking breakfast or picking up your dry cleaning." "Ellen, that's not--" "Ben!" I exclaimed, slurring slightly. "I love you! Your dad says I'm wasting your life since I cant bring you pups." Bennet's previously happy, drunken muzzle turned sour. "I told him not to go spouting that shit. You are enough for me, I dont need pups if I can fall asleep with you every night." "But..." I wavered. "He has a point... I cant fulfill all your needs, what if you meet a she-wolf and leave me?" "That wouldnt happen," Ben snapped, "That's the last thing I have to say about it." The taxi pulled up at Ben's house and he helped me out of the car and into his bedroom. "Just sleep, hun, we can talk in the morning," he offered as he laid me down in his plush bed before rolling over to go to sleep. I wrapped my arms around his muscular torso, feeling every ripple of muscle underneath his pelt. "Babe?" I asked shyly. "Yes, love?" he grumbled. "How about a handjob? I don't have any cuts on my hand... I just want to make you feel good." "You being here makes me feel good." He said dismissively. "Please, I want to take this step with you." Ben agreed reluctantly under the condition that I only used my hand and washed up right afterwards. Slowly I slid my hand down the font of his boxers, grabbing a hold of his fuzzy sheath. I massaged it gently, cupping his balls softly in my other hand. Ben whimpered slightly at the cold grip on his package, panting with anticipation. I pulled his undergarments down deftly with my left hand while I continued to tease his sheath with my right. Finally I was able to get his undies to his ankles, revealing his grey-furred sheath. It was thick and plumb, a red-fleshed, tapered 6 inches already showing from his arousal. His length was warm and slick, my slender hand glided easily up and down his member as it emerged from his heavy sheath He whined softly in muffled pleasure, his turgid cock practically jumping in my hand. I had heard that anthros had larger genitalia, but Bennet's deep red shaft was pushing nine inches. I buried my face in his chest fur as I continued pumping his almost slimy length, breathing heavily and drunkenly into his neckfur. It only took a couple minutes, no doubt a result of being all pent up from lack of sexual stimulation for the three months we had been together. I could feel something growing at the base of his shaft, a thick canine knot. Finally his cock erupted with several strong jets of slightly yellowish wolf cum that covered my hand. After his powerful orgasm he licked my ear affectionately. "Thank you, Ellen," he gasped in his afterglow, "Maybe we can figure a way for me to return the favor." I smiled and kissed the side of his muzzle, standing up shakily on drunken legs to go to the bathroom and wash his potent seed of my hands. "I love you, Ben," I said once more before heading to the bathroom to clean up. I closed the bathroom door and turned on the faucet, still in slight disbelief at what I had just done. It filled me with a childish glee and also a deep fear. I was about to put my hands under the running water and rinse away the fragrant wolf cum when I stopped. Strange that the only thing keeping Bennett and I from a happy, fulfilled life was a few drops of his contagious semen. A second later I had most of my hand in my mouth, licking Ben's tainted seed from every finger. It had an exotic musk to it, like nothing I had ever tasted. Every lick and every drop that touched my tongue was better than the last. Within a few moments I had licked every drop of yellow wolf cum from my hand. In shock from what I had just done and the implications I finished washing my hands and returned to the bedroom where I snuggled up with the fuzzy love of my life. Consequences could wait till the morning. --- I awoke the next morning with a start, events of the previous evening flooding back to me. Without the haze of alcohol in my mind I felt fear. I looked to my side, heart sinking as Ben was nowhere to be found. I jumped out of bed, grabbing my clothes and getting dressed at the speed of light. Just as I pulled on my top I heard the door open. Seconds later Bennet entered the room with a bag of kolaches. He woofed happily when he saw I was awake, completely unaware of what I had done. "Hey!" he barked, "I went and got us some breakfast, didn't want to make you cook after last night. Sorry again about my dad. I got you two jalapeno and cheddar!" "Thanks, babe," I replied softly, taking the bag from him. He looked at me with those soft, round eyes that I loved. "What's wrong? You look like you just hid a dead body in my back yard." A pang of nausea hit me, and I doubled over. He moved with animal reflexes, catching me before my knees touched the ground. "Ellen?" he asked worriedly, "Are you sick?" "Yeah," I lied, "I just need to lie down a bit longer... I had too much to drink last night." Ben chuckled, kissing me lightly on the cheek and laying me down on the bed. "Yeah, honey, we did have a bit too much last night but you can sleep it off here I just have to run over to the office and close a sale, file some paperwork and whatnot. I'll be back in a couple hours. "Okay." I said pitifully. I wanted to come clean and tell him what I had done but I was afraid. I would have a few hours to figure out how to tell him... this could still work. --- I was laid in bed with an ice pack on my forehead, a precaution taken by someone who didn't know what actually ailed me. Supposedly the virus that made the anthros took a couple days to set in completely, but I could already feel the changes starting. My hands and feet ached. My teeth felt like they were about to start popping out like popcorn. There was a pressure at the end of my spine that I just could not alleviate. I laid and sweated in Ben's bed for almost three hours before I heard the door open. I knew that I probably already looked different so I pulled his blankets over my head and hid. I heard his powerful frame enter the room. "Ellen?" he asked, seeing my huddled frame underneath the sheets. "Are you okay? Come on and get up, ill make you some vegetable stew." I was afraid to move. I felt something snake out the base of my spine and begin moving as if it was attached to my body. I knew what it was. Apparently Bennet did too. He saw my new tail peeking out from under the covers and I could almost hear his surprise. "Ellen! What the fuck is that?!" I didn't move, and my new tail stopped moving as well. The covers were ripped off of me, revealing my contorted body and a face filled with pain. "What did you do?!" he demanded angrily. I had never seen him so angry. He was always so calm and collected. I didn't answer. "What the fuck did you do?!" he demanded again. I began to sob. I tried to speak. "I, I..." I began, unable to completely form my thought through the pain in my changing body. "No, what did you do? What is happening right now? How could you do this?!" he snarled at me, baring powerful fangs. I tried to talk but as I did my human face pushed out more into a canine muzzle with a loud creak and a pained yelp that I was surprised came from my own mouth. Bennet stormed from the room, and I heard the slam of the front door followed by the sound of his car starting and peeling out of the driveway. The changes kept progressing and I felt an increasing pressure in my breasts and an unfamiliar heat in my nethers. My skin was on fire. My face felt like it was being reconstructed with a jackhammer. I writhed in pain on my lover's bed, incapable at this point of anything other than pained yelps and whimpers that surprised my still somewhat human ears. A chill passed over my body as brindle fur sprouted from every pore in my body. A mix of chocolate brown, red, and black fur. My ears became pointed and dusted in red fur as they migrated to the top of my head. My face completed its transformation to a muzzle as the last of my human teeth fell from my bloodied maw in a gory display, leaving me the owner of a muzzle full of sharp canine fangs. I lost track of time. --- What may have been hours later I heard a car whip up outside the house, and multiple car doors slam. Within moments three figures burst into the room. It was Ben, a large muscular tomcat, and a scrawny looking hyena. "Hold her!" Ben roared at the other two, the feline and hyena scrambling to her sides to hold her down. "Ellen, baby, this is like Plan B for situations like this... hold still its going to hurt." Bennet said softly and lovingly as he prepped a large syringe. "No!" I snarled at him, breaking free from the comparatively weak hold of the hyena and tomcat, smacking the syringe out of his hand with my increasingly paw-like appendages. The syringe clattered to the ground and shattered. "Ellen, what are you doing?!" Ben shouted, tears entering the corners of his bright, icy blue eyes. "I chose this, pain and everything! I ate your cum, I did it on purpose this wasn't an accident I just wanted to be with you and make you happy! Your father said--" He cut me off viciously. "I don't care what my dad said, I told you not to listen to him! Why would you do this? Why would you not talk to me about it?! Why would you make this decision like it only affects you?!" I cried out in agony and my legs reshaped themselves into a digitigrade configuration, footpaws and handpaws complete as well. I was weeping. "I wanted to make you happy, fulfilled, to birth you pups!" I managed to get out as my swelling breasts completed their growth. I was now the proud owner of a pair of brindle furred D cups. The hyena and tomcat looked terrified. "Ben, she's too far gone the serum cant even help her now. You're on your own, bud," the tom mewled with obvious fear. "We will send her info to our guy to outfit her with a new ID. That's all we can do." "Then shut up and get the fuck out!" Bennet roared at the meek tomcat, who turned tail and left with the hyena just as quick as they had arrived. "I'm, I'm," I tried to say as a wave of heat washed over me and set my loins on fire. "Im sorry... I just, I," Bennet's expression softened. Tears were still rolling down his handsome cheekbones, but the anger was gone. "Relax, babe, it'll be over soon." "But I, I..." I trailed off as another pang of arousal flew through me. "You will be fine. I'll make sure. Your fur is gorgeous." It was almost like once I knew Ben wasnt mad at me my body finally let me pass out from the pain. Darkness swallowed everything. --- I woke up in Bennet's bed, red furred ears perking slightly as I heard movement in the house. It sounded like just one person. I didn't remember a whole lot, just the pain and confusion. I crawled out of bed, not bothering to cover my brindle furred body with any clothes before walking out towards the kitchen. Bennet was there in a dorky apron making us omelettes. "Morning, sweetie," he said softly as he flipped one of the omelettes. I didn't know what to say. Thankfully, he spoke up. "You've been sleeping for two days. You aren't vegetarian anymore. Eat up." Within seconds there was a plate full of omelette and sausage in front of me that I devoured like I had never eaten anything in my entire life. After finishing eating a meal for three men in less than thirty seconds I looked up at my man, my alpha, my soulmate. "I'm sorry." I said sadly, feeling my ears instinctively tuck themselves down. Bennet clanked the sautee pan down in the sink with obvious frustration. "What did you think was going to happen? That you'd just wake up in the morning as a she-wolf and we would live happily ever after? People die from the change when they catch the virus. You could have died. Do you think I wouldn't have blamed myself? That if you died I wouldn't have had to carry that guilt? It was selfish, Ellen. Selfish. At the very least, you should have talked with me about it." I began to cry, I hadn't realized how sad Bennet being disappointed in me would make me feel. "Ben I'm sorry, I was drunk, I," "I told you not to let my father get to you. I'm more mad at him than you right now but Ellen... I just need some time to cool off. I'm going to go meet a couple friends, get your new ID, and make sure this doesn't blow up in both our faces. Stay here, don't go outside." Bennet didn't say anything else, he grabbed his jacket and was gone. I resigned myself to doing some household chores. I cleaned the kitchen and changed Ben's bedsheets which had spots of blood and other unidentified bodily fluids all over them. The change had taken so much out of me, within an hour or so I was back fast asleep. --- Later that evening I heard the front door and stirred from my slumber. Moments later Bennet entered the room and sat a large manilla envelope on the nightstand. "ID, social, birth certificate, and everything. It wasn't easy, and incredibly illegal." "Ben, I... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that." "Its okay, hun. I'm not mad at you, I just... didn't want this to be how things went." He sat down on the bed and I sidled up against him, hugging him from the side and letting my tail intertwine with his. His scent was so strong, virile, so... intoxicating. It stirred something in my more instinctual new body, uncomfortable pangs of arousal beginning to assault me once again. Almost immediately Ben began sniffing the air. Apparently the gene change could trigger a premature heat as well, as I was almost positive that's what I was experiencing. I needed him, I needed every inch of his mighty wolf cock inside me. I let one of my handpaws glide slowly down to his crotch, softly touching the growing bulge in his pants. He could smell my heat, and I could smell his musk. "Well, I... don't think anything worse could happen if we wanted to get a bit more intimate. No need for handjobs anymore." Bennet chuckled softly. "Yeah, I suppose not. I must say, I do really like your new look. And it smells like you are in heat," he added, smiling coyly at me. I giggled and laid back on the bed, teasing my new canine netherlips with a handpaw, showing him how slick and ready my horny new body already was. "Well come on, then," I teased before rolling onto my stomach and lifting my rump high in the air, wagging my tail to show off my slick, practically dripping pussy as an invitation. Ben nearly growled in excitement, shedding his clothes in moments and grabbing firmly onto my rump with two fiercely clawed paws. His rigid red lupine cock was at full mast, very nearly ten inches of thick wolf meat. He guided it expertly into my eager pussy. I cried out in bliss, totally unprepared to the assault of pleasure as the pointed tip parted my netherlips. It seemed like I was much more sensitive down there too. Ben was merciless. He pumped in and out of my virgin cunt with wild abandon, growling and howling the whole time. Nothing had ever felt so good. I could feel the beginning of his forming knot barging intrusively at my lips, and I couldn't wait to get it inside me. Finally after a good twenty minutes of wild rutting I began to climax, my inner walls clamping down on his massive tool as he slammed into me one last time, knotting me with his enormous canine knot and released his bounty. As we howled in pleasured unison my voracious cunt milked every drop of seed from his cock that it could, and I could almost feel my heat dissipating. We were tied, neither of us were going anywhere. "I love you, Ben," I said with a smile across my muzzle as I licked his grey-furred cheek. "I love you too, Ellen. You are my mate." he replied simply. At last, everything felt right. There would certainly be consequences, how to explain what happened to friends and family... but that was a problem for another time. He wrapped his powerful arms around me as we laid and waited for the swelling in his knot to go down. Sex as an anthro was incredible, and with my newly increased libido I knew it would not be long at all before I became pregnant with his pups.
The Greys Chapter 4: Aunt Jo (Original Version) by hyenafur
#5 of The Greys Because someone complained that there weren't any sex scenes, I present to you one the only chapter that contained a sex scene that actually contributed to narrative flow. There were others, but I pulled them out because they didn't advance the over all narrative. - Josephine Grey
[ "Car", "Fanfiction", "Female", "Fox", "M/F", "Male", "Male/Female", "Penetration", "Sex", "Straight", "Tod", "Vaginal", "Vixen", "Zootopia" ]
Josephine Grey had been eighteen when she went to the big city. Her parents had cried, and her brother, Joshua, had given her a great big hug. It was a special moment for everyone since she was the first Grey to go to college, but it also meant that she'd be in Zootopia and away from her family for the first time. After a few tears, she'd managed to get on the train before it rocketed away. Jo had always been pretty, though, she'd rarely heard anyone say so outside of the other predators that lived in Bunnyburrow. She was tall for a vixen, but not overly so, and she was curvy. Her body was covered in a soft reddish yellow that looked almost like faded orange. Most of the guys told her that she should be in pictures, and she had agreed, though, not the pictures they were thinking of. She wanted to be a movie star. She didn't have much in the way of acting outside of school plays, so she'd worked hard to get into Zootopia University's School of Performing Arts. Jo giggled as he sat on the train. It was never hard for her to turn heads, mainly because she looked so different from most of the foxes the passengers usually saw. She had figured that it was her fur color, but in reality, they were actually staring at her because her wardrobe screamed country girl. She'd worn short shorts and a plaid short-sleeve shirt. Her long legs drew everyone's attention, which only got more interesting when she'd gotten off the train at Zootopia station. As she headed towards the metro line to the university, she received several calls and whistles from several felines and wolves. Of course, the attention only made her laugh and blush as her long fluffy tail flicked around behind her. She was loving the attention, especially since it was coming from a more diverse group of animals, most of whom hadn't seen a girl wear shorts that high up on her hips. After another short ride, she'd finally made it there. Her eyes dancing up and down the old gothic architecture as she walked into the registrar's office. The paperwork was the worst part though. Forms had to be signed in triplicate. She had to hand over a check for almost $5,000, the most money she'd ever had in her hands let alone seen, and that was just for her first semester. Finally, after everything was done, and she had signed up for freshman courses, the registrar handed her the keys to her dorm room. "You'll be rooming with another vixen," the mare had said as she pushed the keys towards her, "Classes start next week." Jo had taken the keys and given the horse a warm smile, "Thank ya', ma'am. I look forwards t'meetin'er." The woman just chuckled as she drank in the vixen's accent, "I'm sure she will too." Jo let out a sigh as she plopped down on the bed. She was the only one in her dorm room, and from the looks of things, her roommate hadn't even moved in. Part of her was saddened by the prospect of not meeting her roommate today, but she figured that the other girl would be here later on. She was a week early after all. Slowly, Jo sat up and started to claim her spot in the small room. She took the right bed, dumping out her clothes first before putting them away in the nearby closet. The vixen then turned her attention to making her bed. She'd done that every morning since she could remember, even making her brother's bed so their parents would skin him alive for being messy. The memory couldn't help but make her giggle a bit as she smoothed out the white cloth over the mattress before tucking in each side. Once the clothes were put away and the bed was made, she didn't really have much else to do other than arrange her toiletries, but that could wait a bit. Something in her begged for her to start exploring not just the campus, but the city. She had just started to think about that when her stomach began to growl at her. "Guess it's time fer sum grub," she giggled to herself as she grabbed her keys and headed to the dining hall. Christopher Rowan, "Chris" to his friends, sat in the dining hall munching on a sandwich. The red fox was tall and muscular, almost looking like a miniature wolf more than a fox. He could have gone somewhere else to eat, but Chris liked watching all the new students come in. "New meat," he chuckled to himself, eyes darting over the throngs of Freshman and transfer students. There were a few cuties here and there, though, most of them were prey species or domestics. He knew most of them wouldn't consider talking to him, let along shacking up with him for the night, but it was fun to just watch and imagine. He'd almost given up on his day dream when he watched a vixen wander in. The tod blinked a few times, a hand moving to adjust his sunglasses as he gave her a good once over. He stared at her while taking a long sip on his soda, eyes dancing over her curves but mostly focusing on that long fluffy tail and what it was attached to. "Country bumpkin," Chris churred to himself, a sly grin wandering over his lips as he watched her order something in a thick accent that took the server a few times to understand, "I'm gonna tap that." It took Jo a few minutes to get through the line, mostly because the servers needed her to speak even slower than she already did, but finally, she had gotten her burger and fries. She walked away from the counter, a smile on her face. She held onto the tray as her eyes looked around for someone to sit with. There was a pack of wolves sitting around one table, all of them eyeing her and panting. The alpha gave her a wink, which made her blush. She knew that in the big city, it wasn't uncommon for inter-species relationships, and even marriages, to happen, and it wasn't like the idea didn't sometimes wander through her head, but she politely declined and kept walking. She was just about to sit alone when a voice called over to her, "Need a seat?" Chris was smiling as Jo made her way over to him. He was finally getting a closer look at her and he liked what he saw. "Thank ya," the vixen replied as she slid into the seat next to him. "So, what's your name," he asked, trying to be nonchalant and a tad distant as if he wasn't already stripping her nude in his mind. "Josephine, but everyone calls me Jo," she replied as she blushed, "I ain't seen many foxes round yet." Chris smiled as he turned his full attention to her, "We're around, but we're a minority." "I figgered as much since I gots a my-norty skollarship here." The tod couldn't help but chuckle at her accent. It made him wonder what she would sound like in the sack. "I'm Chris by the way," he added as he pushed his hand towards Jo. "It's a pleasure t'make yer 'quaintance," the vixen said as she gripped his hand. Chris was a bit surprised by her hand strength, but even more surprised by the way she shook his arm up and down. Then again, he should have expected this from a country girl. "You new here," he asked even though he already knew the answer. "Yup! First time to tha big city. Errythin's'big here!" The tod laughed, "It's why they call it the big city." Jo giggled, "I s'pose so." Chris gave her a smile as he chose his next words to be filled with entendre, "You looking to go exploring?" "Course I am! I wants t'see errythin," Jo replied, her face beaming brightly. "Free later?" "I gots nuthin' t'do 'cept hit th'book-stirr." "I know all the best places in town," the tod smirked, "I'll show you a great time." Chris had been right. He had shown her a great time. The tod dragged Jo all over the city over the next week. They hit all the touristy places during the day, mostly museums and public buildings, and then Chris took her out every night to bars, restaurants, clubs, and discotheques. Unlike other vixen he'd been with though, Jo wasn't about to let him see what was under her daisydukes, something that frustrated him quite a bit. So the two continued on like this, though their explorations moved away from weekdays and over to weekends once classes started up. It was the last week in September and the first week in October when Chris finally was able to get what he wanted. He'd spent half of August and nearly all of September trying to get into Jo's pants, but it was all about to pay off. He'd been working on her for some time, and he knew that tonight was the night as he wrapped his knuckles on the door. Jo was right behind the metal door, a big smile on her face as she slipped out into the hallway. "Ya ready, sugar," she asked as her tail flicked around behind her. "I sure am," Chris replied in a deep murr as he put his arm around her, leading her out of the dorms and towards his car. The vixen and the tod hit up their favorite discotheque called "The Glacier" over in Tundra Town. Jo always had to wear an extra layer when they went there, but she certainly enjoyed the synth music. It was very different from the songs her parents played back home, and the beats were always fun to dance to. That's what they did most of the night, dance, their bodies bumping against one another as the music boomed around them. It was close to midnight when Jo and Chris left, the vixen leaning against the tod as they trudged through the snow towards his car. "That was wonderful," the woman said in a soft churr, her head leaning against his shoulder. The tod just murred deeply as his hand slowly slid up and down her side, "It's gonna get better. Ready for a drive?" Jo nodded as she followed him to the car, sliding into the passenger seat as Chris started the engine. "Wur ya thinkin'," she asked as she looked over at him. "I know a nice quiet spot, don't worry," the tod replied as he gave her a warm smile. Chris was right again. The spot he found was quiet, then again, public parks usually were at night. Jo was still coming down from the high of dancing as she pressed her back into the seat. "Mmm... Thank ya, Chris," she churred warmly, eyes closing as she let out a stretch. She almost wanted to doze off right there, but she felt a hand on her thigh. "Don't thank me yet," the tod replied in a lusty murr, his paw gently squeezing her denim covered leg as he leaned in to give her a kiss right on the lips. Jo blinked a few times as she felt his muzzle pressing against hers, his hand kneading her thigh. He'd done something like this before, and she'd given him a good smack across the muzzle for it, but tonight felt right. Slowly, she started to melt into the kiss, her own tongue beginning to lap against his as her hand moved to rub over his chest. Chris growled deeply. It was all going according to plan. The hand on her thigh started to slither between the vixen's legs, gently rubbing her through her jeans while their lips smacked together. He could hear her let out a soft coo as her hips wiggled against his hand, her chest heaving up and down. Slowly, Jo broke the kiss to blush. "How... How're we gonna do it up here," she asked as she stared into his eyes. Chris just chuffed, "Backseat. Why?" Jo just blushed deeper, "I... I ain't never done nuthin with a guy b'fore." Her words just made the older fox grin wider as pulled away from her before reaching over the vixen to pull on the seat adjustment knob, "Tonight's your lucky night." Jo let out a yip as she felt her body fly down. She hadn't expected that at all as she looked above her at the rumble seat. The fox blushed as she slowly rolled over before climbing onto the bench seat. Chris didn't wait long to join her, his pants tenting from the smell of her heat. The vixen blushed as she stared at him, her sex so fiery hot. "Chris... maybe... maybe we should wait. I'm," she started to say, but the tod cut her off, "In heat. I know. Don't worry. I'll wear a condom." Chris's promise was hollow. He didn't have any condoms, and he wasn't going to wear one tonight. Vixens in heat were always great and going in wrapped just ruined it. But Jo didn't know that one bit. She was in heat, in need, and she liked Chris. It didn't help that he was one of the few fox's she'd met, but he seemed to show some genuine interest in her. Of course, that was all an elaborate ruse too, but the eighteen year old vixen was clueless. Chris grinned as he sat on his knees on the passenger seat, his hands moving to the vixen's chest as he slowly started to unbutton her top. Jo pressed her bust into the tod's paws, her lips moving to kiss him again while his skilled fingers undid every button. Their tongues danced a lewd tango with one another as they chuffed, churred, murred, and moaned. Jo's fingers roamed over Chris' chest, hands sliding down to brush over the imprisoned member. She fumbled for his zipper, gripping and groping for the metal tab that could free him, but all she managed to do was grope him. The tod snorted as he broke the kiss. He usually enjoyed stripping someone naked, but the way she was bumbling about made him think otherwise. It had been a long time since he'd had a virgin. High School in fact, and her innate late of knowledge showed. Maybe getting fully nude wasn't a good idea. "Lay down," Chris commanded as he looked at Jo, "Lay down on your chest and pull your pants and panties down." Jo blinked a few times. His voice had changed from being lusty to being lusty and forceful. It confused the woman for a few brief seconds before she obeyed. The vixen slowly slid up onto her knees before turning around, looking out of the back of the car as she reached under herself to unbutton her jeans. She pulled them and her soaked panties all the way down to her knees before she pressed her belly down onto the leather seats. The vixen looked over her shoulder, her face completely flushed. "I'm ready," she squeaked out. Chris had turned around to unzip his pants. He fished his member out of his trousers, holding his pulsing foxhood in his hand as he made a few motions with his arms, pretending to put on a condom. She was going to feel wonderful. "I'm ready. Just look straight forward," the tod replied as he looked over his shoulder, finally getting a good look at her pert red rump and dripping nether lips before the vixen draped herself over his back seat. She wasn't going to feel wonderful. She was going to feel amazing. Jo huffed and panted as he looked at the driver's side rear door. She wondered what it was going to be like. She'd heard from a few of the rabbit girls that it felt amazing, especially from Bonnie Springer. Sometimes she just wouldn't shut up about her beau, Stu. The vixen's ears flicked around wondering what was taking so long until she felt Chris press his chest to her back, his hands sliding under her to grip her breasts. She felt something slick and throbbing against her pert cheeks, as the larger fox's hips rocked against her. Jo was about to say something when one of the tod's hands left her chest to reach down and between them. Chris gripped his member as he looked between them, guiding his tip towards the fiery heat between Jo's cheeks. He poked under her tail, something that made the vixen snarl at him. "Anal is out," he thought to himself, "but I want that pussy more." The tod aimed himself just a bit lower, feeling her sex against the glands. She felt like she was furnace, and he was going to put a log on that fire. With a quick thrust, he forced himself inside her, the tightness of her untouched tunnel swarming around him. "Ohhh... shit..." Chris snarled as he flopped on top of Jo, his teeth nipping and nibbling on the back of her neck. Jo's initial reaction to the penetration was to let out a surprised yelp. She felt like a stuffed turkey more than a woman as she felt his member rubbing and grinding against her tunnel's walls. Her yelp slowly morphed into a gentle whimper then a moan as strong hands groped and massaged over her breasts, the tod's hips rocking back and forth in quick procession. "Goddamn! She's fucking tight," Chris snarled to himself, teeth nipping that reddish yellow fur on her nape. The tod wasn't a small, but everyone already knew that. What they didn't know was that he was far from being small between his legs. Most of the girls he'd been with compared him to a wolf, which was no surprise, especially when a few of those girls had been wolves. But he'd never felt such a vice grip on his prick like the vixen below him. Chris wasn't a three pump chump, but this girl might send him over the edge sooner than he thought. Jo was moaning and gasping, her claws digging into the leather of the seat as she felt his hips and body pressing her into the foam and spring supports. "Oh yes! Oh GAWD YES! Mmm... ya feel s'good Chris! Don't... Ohhh LORDY! DON'T STOP," the vixen screamed out in pleaser as her tunnel quivered around the tod's length. Chris was right, she did make him fall off the cliff sooner than he thought, but she was the first to orgasm. The fox easily felt that already tight passage collapse around him, gripping him firmly as her juices flowed over his member to soak into his pubic fur. The milking sensation was so great that he came, his seed flowing freely from his member in thick long spurts. She'd certainly kept him pent up for long enough, but hot damn it had been worth the wait. Chris gave Jo every drop he had in him as he coated her depths with a nice fresh coat of white paint. The pure ecstasy of getting to bed her took a great deal out of the tod, so much so that all he could do was press his full weight down onto the vixen, pinning her to the seat. It felt like an eternity before Chris finally pulled out, rolling over onto his side to slip his pants back up. Jo could barely move, her chest pressed into the backseat as she panted. "God... Chris... that's... that's the best thang err," she moaned out softly, in such a daze and her loins so coated in fluid that she didn't even realized that some of his seed was leaking out of her. "Yeah," was the tod's only reply as he leaned back against the seat for a second to catch his breath, "It sure was. You should probably get dressed." Jo nodded back as she slowly reached down to her ankles, pulling her panties and her jeans up her long legs before buttoning up her shirt.
Sex Ed for Siblings part 3 by chillpenguin2j5
#3 of Sex Ed for Siblings After getting caught, the brothers have a chance to stay together and resume their relationship. - "You two have a lot of explaining to do." frowned the large panther with his arms crossed as he looked at his two sons sitting on the couch. "You two were doing something that
[ "Anal", "Brothers", "Domination/Submission", "Incest", "Male Pregnancy", "Panther", "Shower" ]
"You two have a lot of explaining to do." frowned the large panther with his arms crossed as he looked at his two sons sitting on the couch. "You two were doing something that for one is meant for when you're older, and second, you're brothers for god sake!" Axel and Morris had their heads down as they were totally embarrassed about being caught doing something like that. "Well? One of you better answer." spoke their dad unfolding his arms. "I... It's my fault." Morris said to them. "I was teaching him some minor stuff about sex, but I kinda got lost in it." he said, not wanting Axel to get blamed for something that was his fault. "So you forced your brother into this?" spoke their mother with a frown. "Y-yes." he looked sad at this. "It's my fault, he had nothing to do with it." "No!" spoke Axel with a frown. "It's on me. I went snooping in his room, found some magazines with women in it, and it went off from there. Sure he'd tease me, but I didn't hate or feel violated at all." The parents looked at the younger panther while Morris looked surprised. "Axel, don't try to defend me. I don't deserve it." "Well you didn't do anything wrong, we both did this together and knew what we were doing. So we're both in this together." Axel said to him. "Axel..." Morris said surprised. "Axel do you even know what this is? It's incest." spoke their father. "He's right. It's not something one would usually be okay with." Morris pointed out. "So what? I learned in sex ed that a guy can get a girl pregnant in sex, but not with another guy. I mean it might be weird, but in a way it's helpful for both of us." spoke Axel. "Like, what if we're tired from school? They said ejaculating can help your body relax and go to sleep easier. Isn't that a good thing?" Morris blushed as he scratches his head. "Y-yeah, I heard that they said that." "And we've never done it with anyone else so there's no diseases." he clarified to his parents. "And I gave Axel plenty of opportunities to tell me to stop, but he never once said it." Morris added. "So other then all that, why are we in trouble?" "D-Don't try to wiggle your way out of this. Regardless if you didn't force it, it's still incest and it's still wrong!" The mother said recovering. "I mean, this could stunt you from being social or comfortable around anyone else your age." "Also what if someone else catches you in this, they would send you to a mental hospital!" The father added. "We've only done this stuff here in the house while we were alone. No one else ever saw us." spoke Morris. "And excluding that moment I only forgot to lock the door, I usually keep it look 96% of the time." "Still, it's not right." frowned their dad. Axel stood up and crossed his arms. "Oh yeah? Well what about you and mom? Didn't you two have to do that to have us?" "The difference is that we weren't related to each other at the time." The dad pointed out. "Isn't there some way you'd let us off the hook? We'll do anything." spoke Morris. Their dad placed a hand to his face. 'How did it come to this?' "Yeah, have us do something hard and we'll do it. And if we manage to finish it, you have to let us go." spoke Axel. The dad turned to his wife for what should they do. They turned around to talk. "How did this happen? I didn't noticed anything weird, did you?" "No, but maybe this happened since they ARE at that age where they get curious. I just don't know what to do. I never expected something like this to happen." "Me neither. I really don't know what to do as well. I mean, we ought to ground them for 2 years, but it just seems too harsh even for them." Their father whispered. "What do you have in mind?" "Hmm...what if we have them go a long time without doing any of that, and need to pass every test they get in school. If they can do that, then they can keep their relationship going, provided we put some rules up too." The father thought about it and sighed and turned to their kids. "Okay we have something." Both looked at him with hope in their eyes. "You two aren't allow to do this for 8 months. And you need to at least have a B- on your final report cards." Their mother said. "If you can manage to do that, then we'll let you two keep this up, but that means you can't let anyone else know or see, and you can only do that stuff alone or if you keep it quiet." "Also, no extreme stuff or trying this anywhere else. Also I don't want to hear you trying to miss a day for this. Meaning if you say you're sick, we're going to check up on you. We'll know if you're lying." the Mother said. "Are we clear?" "So all we gotta do is finish all that, and we're good?" clarified Morris. "If you can do all that and keep your grades above a B-." The father pointed out. "Alright, you got yourselves a deal." The two said as they got up and left. "I would've said we should've raised them better, but I don't know what we should've done differently." "If we tried separating them it'd just make them more eager. This way maybe we can keep them under control and let them have this. Besides, he was right on neither of them getting pregnant or getting a disease." "Point. Plus 8 months they might forget about that or something." "All we can do is wait and see." (Timeskip) As time passes and months fly by, Axel and Morris worked hard to keep their grades up. They kept their heads in the book while trying their best to keep themselves under control. Granted it wasn't easy since they have to study hard to prepare for those test and quizzes since they take up most of their grades. And it wasn't easy when Morris had been feeling pent up a few times. Though eventually their final exams were coming close. Both were at their classes with the final test to determine their final grades. They kept focused on their questions and chose the best answers while trying to stay calm and don't think of the downsides to failing. Some time later they finished their final exams. Both of them feeling nervous as they walked back home. "Phew, finally over." Morris said in relief. "Yeah, but I'm shaking like crazy." spoke Axel while they were sitting in the living room. "Honestly, I'm a little nervous as well." Morris said. "Our grades have been pretty decent, but this test is made to really affect the final grade." "I know, 75%. Youch!" Axel said. "It'd be bad if we didn't do so well. Not to mention we couldn't, well you know." "Yeah but..." Morris paused a bit. "Maybe it would be for the best." "What? What are you talking about?" "I mean, I did that in the first place just to teach you a lesson about walking into my room unannounced. Then probably took one of your favorite games and hide to to finish the prank. I shouldn't have continued this to that point." Morris sighs. "But we liked it, didn't we? Sure I was surprised and a little against it, but I really really liked it." "But they're right. It's wrong and I shouldn't have continued that." he shakes his head. "And you shouldn't have come to my defense either Axel." "So what? You want us to just ignore all our hard work right now? What if it turns out good? What if our grades end up good?" Morris placed his hand on his head, "I don't know. I'm still confused why you came to my defense. I drugged you with that soda for crying out loud! Aren't you mad at that?!" he asked him. "Well...maybe a little, but after that it was great." "Even if it was, I can't see how any right mind would anyone defend someone for doing something like that. So why?" Morris asked. Axel blushed while looking away. "Well....when we were doing it, I don't know, I felt...safe." Morris smiled a bit at that. "Yeah, you always looked a little relaxed when we do it." While they talked their parents listened in. "Not only that..." Axel scooted over to Morris a bit. "It makes me happy as well." "You read my mind." smiled Morris draping an arm over his brother's shoulder. Axel smiles as their parents heard every word. "Wow, it sounds like they really care about each other." the father said. "They're talking almost like..." spoke the mom with hesitation. "Lovers." The father started to get kinda worried as well. "Y-you don't really think so do you?" "I don't know. I mean, even after all this time they don't seem like they've forgotten the deal. What if they like each other, more than brothers?" The male looked at the two. They certainly been studying hard and schoolwork hasn't been keeping them distant from each other. Plus it seemed like their lives had stayed the same with no big changes. "Wh-what are we going to do?" "Well...I think it's obvious." sighed the father. "We wait for their report cards and go from there." The mother of them nodded as they continued watching the siblings. (Next day) Axel was in the bathroom taking a shower, soaking in the warm water and soap. Today was when their report cards would come in and he was hoping everything turned out alright. "I hope Morris is taking this okay." Axel said. He left the bathroom door unlock in case Morris needs to see him. He scrubbed his body with soap before rinsing it off while his brother was downstairs on the couch just waiting. He tried to pass the time by channel surfing on the tv. But each second felt like hours since the cards were suppose to show up today. Axel went down and sat next to him. "I left the bathroom door unlocked for you." he said. "I figured, but right now, I'm not much in the mood." "Worried about our final grades huh?" Axel guessed. "Aren't you?" "Yeah, but I'm sure it'll be fine." Axel said reassuringly. "Lucky, I feel like I'm ready to jump out of my fur." "Come on now, what can I do to help you relax?" Axel said smiling. "Oh there's a LONG list of stuff, but if we do that and our folks catch us, our hide's are cooked." "Doesn't have to be any of that. How about video games? Watch a movie?" "Oh, not a bad idea." "Okay, which one? Game or movie?" "Neither." spoke their father walking in the room with an envelope. "The grades are in." The two looked at their parents in surprised. "That was fast." Morris pointed out. "Well they sent it to us overnight." "Well... how did we do?" Axel asked them hoping everything went well for them. Their mom opened it and pulled the cards out and frowned before shaking her head. "Not good." Axel and Morris looked surprised, "Not good?" they repeated. "You didn't fail, but it's lower then a B-, and that was the deal boys." spoke their father. Morris' shoulders slumped while Axel's head went down. "Rats!" they both said. "However," spoke their mother. "After these months, we've both seen the way you two act with each other." "Huh?" the siblings both got out to them. "We've talked it over, and while you didn't get your grades up like promised, we're aware that trying to keep you two apart might work badly. So we've decided that maybe your relationship isn't that harmful to people." "R-really?" Morris smiled, "Thank you." "But remember, you two are responsible for keeping this a secret. You two are old enough for sex apparently, so you two have grown up faster than we expected. So do what you can to make sure no one knows." "Don't worry, we'll keep it private like our bedrooms and the bathroom." Morris promised. "And remember, you don't do it unless we're gone, or can keep it down VERY quiet." reminded their mom. "We understand." they said. "Now go on and spend some time upstairs, but not that way. Just give us some time so we can get dinner started." They nodded their heads and then walked to the stairs. "They really were serious." remarked their mom while the report cards actually showed their grades were a solid A+ for each. "Sure was... They'll figure out their grades eventually you know?" "Yes, but this'll show we support their decision." "Alright then, need help with dinner?" the dad asked. "Of course." The mother smiled as they headed into the kitchen. (A few days later) Axel and Morris were in Axel's room while just cuddling together since it was the weekend. "I still can't believe they're letting us still do this." Axel pointed out. "Are you saying we should stop and not do anything fun together again?" "What made you think that's what I'm suggesting?" Axel asked. "Well you make it sound like we should just stop for the sake of stopping. I say not to question it and be happy. Now we can run wild every time we're alone." smirked his brother. "Yeah, you're right, but we haven't showered in a few days though."Axel pointed out while rubbing Morris's back. "Good call, maybe we should take one together to save water." smirked Morris pulling Axel against his body. "You read my mind." Axel giggles. He and Morris got out of bed and headed to the bathroom before feeling a hand rub his ass. Axel gives out a happy purr in response to it. "I've wanted to feel this for too long." grinned Morris giving it a squeeze while rushing to take his shirt off before tugging his pants down. "Well we got all until 6 pm until our parents get home so we can explore a lot of kinky stuff." Axel purred sultry. "Shower sex it is." "Hehe.. that's just it. No pet play, no crossdressing afterwards?" he asked teasingly. "Why bother going back to the other stuff when we can get a chance to try something new? I say we try out ANY new fetish and see which ones stick." "Well now..." Axel giggled as he takes his shirt and shorts down. "It's going to be interesting. But I wouldn't mind going back to the old stuff every now and then. You really seemed to enjoy being a master." "I never said we'd stop, but I wanna see just how many things we can try before sticking with something. But don't worry, I'll make sure you're well trained." he grinned before pulling Axel in the shower and closed the curtain before reaching down to grab both his asses. "Ah!" Axel gasped out as he leans onto Morris's front. His ass was slowly rubbed while feeling his brother's breath on his ears. He then moaned into his older brother's neck as he rubs Morris' back. "M-More." "Oh? You want more?" he asked as he moves his hands close to Axel's tailhole. He got his brother to jump from the move while seeing his tail start swishing. "Y-yes!" he smiled as he licked Morris's neck affectionately. "Then what do you say?" "Say for what?" Axel asked with a cute confused expression. "I don't know what you're talking about." "Well if you can't ask me the proper way, we should just stop." he teased pulling his hands away. "Huh? What?" Axel asked genuinely confused. "You need to call me the thing I told you before when we were interrupted, remember? When we were alone?" The smaller panther smiles as he blushes, "W-what do you mean master?" "There we go." he nodded before he started turning the knobs to let the hot water over them. "Aahh! Please let me know before you do that master!" Axel cried out. "What? At least it's hot, or do you want me to go for cold?" he teased reaching for the cold knob. "N-no I'm good." Axel said quickly. "Good boy, now let's get you all nice and clean." Morris took a cloth hanging from the pole. "Want me to do the same master?" Axel asked. "Sure thing." Axel reaches for a cloth and took it and soaked it with soap and water. He started moving it around his brother's body with said older sibling doing the same to his own body. Axel moved the cloth through Morris's neck and moved to his chest. Morris made sure his little brother was lathered up before moving him over to the water to rinse him off. Axel sighs from the warmth of the water soaking his fur. "Ahh... that feels nice." but that's when he felt a finger slide down under his tail and prod his anus. That caused him to shake suddenly from it and looked at Morris. "Look." spoke his brother nodding down to where his cock was out of it's sheathe and standing up. "I've been so damn horny when we stopped, and I'm gonna unload it all in your tight little hole." Axel blushes as he started purring happily. "It's been such a long time since we done it." "Then it's time we get caught up. Get on your knees." Axel smiles as he does what Morris said. He grasped the cock and moved his hand up and down it while feeling his own cock slowly come out from it's hiding place. Axel used his thumb to rub the tip of Morris's cock, rubbing it slowly and sensually. "It looks bigger than last time." Morris chuckled as he moved his paws to rub Axel's ears. "Well go on, have a taste." Axel smiles as he opens his mouth and started licking the cock eagerly. The familiar taste sprang back while his cock fully got hard and he felt himself licking the sides up and down. 'It really has been a long time.' "Mmm, man it was worth it not jacking off." sighed Morris leaning against the wall while rubbing his brother's ears. He moaned as he felt his little brother take the tip in his mouth. "That's it my pet, enjoy your treat." Axel purrs louder as he laps around the tip and sucks slowly. His tail swished while thankful he was tasting this cock again. Feeling like it's time to continue, Axel started taking more of his brother's cock into his mouth. "Ooh, good boy." groaned Morris loving how warm and tight his brother's mouth still felt. "Try bobbing your head." Axel moves his head back and forth slowly and steadily. He swirled his tongue around any parts he could while reaching down to grasp his own cock. He moved his hand back and forth on his cock while still sucking with eagerness. Morris groaned and grabbed Axel's head before pushing more of his cock into the hot mouth. Axel groans from the action, but relaxed his throat and braced himself on Morris's legs for support. He rubbed his cock faster while moving his tongue around the dick all over. All the while Morris thrusted in and out of Axel's mouth. "Mmmph! Master you taste so good." Axel muffles around the cock. "Then get ready, cause I'm gonna blow a big one." he groaned. Axel nods as he takes a deep breath to get ready for it. Soon he started feeling the hot sperm start spewing into his mouth with amazing force. That made him widen his eyes as it surprised him, but he tried to swallow as much sperm as he could. He felt some go down, but the rest started dribbling from his lips. He couldn't keep swallowing as he slid off of it, some spilling onto him, getting his fur sticky. Luckily the running water was already washing some of it off him. "Hahh...Hahh... you weren't kidding master." Axel got out while panting. "Whew, that's not even half of it." panted Morris with a chuckle. "I'm saving that when we get done here." "You got it that bad Master?" Axel asked. "I've had so many wet dreams that it's been brutal just to keep from fucking you in your sleep." Axel blushes at the words. "Well you're welcome to do so as long as we can be quiet about it if our parents are home." "Oh trust me, I intend to." he growled with lust. "So anyway." he got up. "You satisfied master?" "Nope, first we get cleaned up, then I wreck your ass." Morris said as he started cleaning Axel up. Axel blushed hearing that and focused on getting cleaned up. He responded by cleaning Morris's body as well. (After the shower) "Hahh... Nothing like a hot shower to make you feel relaxed." Axel purrs from the sensation. "Meh, that's nothing." Morris picked his brother up and tossed him on the bed before crawling over him. "The fucking is what's really gonna unwind our bodies." "You perv." Axel teases him. "Plus that doesn't make sense." "Look, we're both horny, I'm hard as a diamond right now, so I don't care if I mess it up a little. The only thing you should be focused on is staying awake cause I'm not holding anything back until every last drop is in your ass." Axel blushes as he felt Morris's paws on his sides. "A-alright then." Morris slowly rubbed the tip against Axel's anus and growled. "I'd brace yourself." When he said that, Axel took a deep breath and gripped Morris tightly. He started feeling the cock push into him without hesitation and bit his lip while feeling a shudder as his body slowly recalled the amazing feeling. Axel relaxes his anal muscles to numb the pain and feel pleasure. "Oh fuck yeah! This is what I've missed." groaned Morris feeling the tight cavern while his claws dug into his brother's shoulders. "Aah!" Axel yelped from feeling the painful pinching, but he also let out a odd moan from it as well. "I can feel it all!" "Wow, you must be very sensitive to everything now." he said licking his brother's neck. "Want me to play with your nipples at the same time?" Axel blushes as he nods his head. "Yes brother." Morris reached down and brushed his hands across Axel's nipples while pushing his dick in deeper to make sure it was buried all the way inside. He purrs as he nuzzles into Morris's neck affectionately. "So.. thick." Morris growled and pulled back with the tip in before slamming back inside while pinching Axel's nipples. "Ahh!" he moaned in pleasure as he hugged Morris deeply, to feel his brother's fur with his. 'Yes! It feels so good after so long!' Morris pinches Axel's nipples as he thrusted in him, hearing long moans from his little brother. The tight asshole squeezed his cock each time and made him smirk. "Your asshole really missed me there, didn't it?" "Y-yeah." He moans out as he looks at Morris affectionately. "C-can you lay on top of me?" "Only if you beg." Axel blushes. "Please lay on me. I wanna feel your body on top of mine." he said. "Also I missed that submissive feeling." he muttered the last one quietly. "I'm sorry what was that?" Morris asked him hearing the mutter. "Nothing." he said. "No no no, you were whispering something." smirk the panther. "If you don't tell me, I might just stop." "It... it's not important. Really." he said, trying not to admit it. Morris sighed and shook his head. "Oh well, guess we'll have to cut this short and just go to sleep." Axel whimpered as he shakes his head no, 'He can be so stubborn sometimes. I gotta stop whispering.' "Then tell your master." "Well I...I miss feeling submissive when you lay on top of me." "See? Was that so hard?" Morris asked petting Axel's head. "No, but it's kinda embarrassing to admit that." "Well here you go for being honest." he laid his body on his brother before pulling back and resumed slamming in and out of the tight hole with a growl. "N-ngh." Axel blushes as he started purring with a smile. "Master, it's so thick." "Well you're very tight you know." Morris teases. "Did you ever play with yourself while studying?" "N-no." he said shrinking back from the warm safe feeling he has. "Well... just a little bit." "Did you ever go to sleep dreaming of having my cock again?" "Almost... every night." Axel nuzzles in Morris's neck, meowing cutely. "Keep making that sound and I might have to put you in a dress." smirked Morris as he started moving his hips faster while giving his brother's nipples a twist. Axel gasped and moaned in pleasure. "Meoowww." he got out sweetly a he nibbled Morris' neck. 'That's it! I'm gonna turn this guy into my sister.' 'Not like I wouldn't mind it anyway.' Axel smiled as he gasped, grinding his cock to Morris's stomach. "Come on master, more." Morris moves and started nippling Axel's neck, causing the smaller panther to man and pant continuously. "I want you to beg me to do this over and over." "Oh yes, take me anytime they're gone Master!" Axel cries out in bliss. "I wanna feel you fuck my ass forever! Fill me with your thick rich cream!" "Then I'll happily oblige!" he grunted moving his cock in and out faster while feeling pressure build up. "M-master. I'm gonna cum soon." Axel tells him. "Me too!" Morris thrusted a few more times as he yowled out as they both started cumming at the same time. His sperm gushed inside his brother's ass while said sibling's cum shot onto his stomach. "Morris... that was amazing." He said nuzzling his brother's head. "I'm still not done." he growled before sitting up and made his brother turn around without pulling out and pressed his face on the bed before holding his hips and started resuming moving inside with a groan. "My sperm helped lube you up and it makes me wanna flood your asshole even more than I thought!" "Oohh... I wonder if mom feel this blissful when dad does this to her." Axel moans in pleasure. "Say that and I'll feel compelled to stop, go out, and start playing dress up with you right now." "What am I supposed to say? Our mom feeling pleasured when mating?" Axel said. "....nevermind." he shook his head before he started plowing his brother's ass faster while reaching down to twist his nipples more. "Ahh, you don't wanna dress me up? Why not?" he asked moaning. "I never said I wasn't gonna. But bringing up mom was...out of nowhere." "I mean, I picture how mom would feel when this happens to her." Axel pointed out. "I might be willing to bang you, but imagining her and dad going at it is...might be a little much." "Oh. Sorry about that." Axel apologizes. "Well I know a way to make you sorry." he grinned picking Axel up and pressed him against him before holding his legs open while he sat on the bed on his knees before he resumed thrusting upwards in his ass. "Hahh\~!...." Axel hugs him deeply. "I love you master." "I love you too my cute little pet." he grunted while bouncing him up and down. Axel rested his head on Morris's shoulder, "Mmmm..." "And now get ready for my biggest load." grunted Morris slamming upwards with the tip rubbing against his brother's prostate. "Mmmmeeeooww!" Morris cried out cutely as he cums onto Morris's chest again. "MORE!" Morris smiles as he thrusted a few more times before gripping his brother's neck as he cums into Axel again. This time he felt it was twice as big as the one for his mouth and held his ass down to make sure it all got in. "So... warm." he murrs from the feeling, purring loudly. He felt some of it drip out and hugged Morris more while trying to keep the dick in so it would stay in. He felt his belly started to expand from the amount of sperm filling his stomach. "I can feel it all." Morris eventually stopped and Axel slid off of him and layed on his back. "Ohh... wonderful." "Good boy." Axel looks at his stomach which looks like he had a whole bucket of ice cream. "You weren't kidding when you said this one would be bigger." he said giggling. "Well it won't be the last." "Huh?" Axel asked. "Every change we get, I'm gonna stuff your ass with my sperm." "You're greedy Morris." Axel panted. "Only for you bro." Axel couldn't take it anymore and kissed Morris passionately. He pushed his tongue in which wrestled with Morris' who held him close while rubbing his back. Axel pushes against Morris's tongue as hard as he can. But he was beaten while feeling his brother literally start sucking on his tongue. "Ngh... I can't win against you." "Damn straight." smirked Morris letting go of the tongue. They separated as Axel let out a yawn. "Huh, took a lot out of me last time." "Then let's rest." Axel smiles as he laid down on the bed. He felt Morris lay right on top of him while pulling the blanket over them. "It feels nice when you lay on top of me." Axel pointed out. "Then we'll make it a daily thing." Axel closes his eyes to let sleep overtake him. (One week later) Since that day, the two siblings spend most of their time together. Well, more together than usual. Almost every day, Morris would always want to be near Axel no matter what. On the couch, in the room, even going to bed. Axel headed downstairs and spotted Morris. "Morning." "Yo." he waved while relaxing on the couch and watching tv. "Did you sleep okay?" He asked walking to him. "Like a rock." Axel giggles. "I'm heading to the kitchen, need anything?" "You in an apron." he chuckled. "I meant food, but I can work with that." Axel chuckled. "Now for food?" "Not really hungry." "Okay, be right back." He headed into the kitchen and made a sandwich. But while he made it he felt a nauseous feeling in his stomach. He groaned as he held it with his paw, He grabbed the counter while rubbing it to try and sooth it. Soon enough it went away and he grabbed his food and sat next to his brother, with an apron wrapped around his waist. "If I knew you were really gonna do that I would have joined you for a quickie." "Gee, don't you ever need a break from it?" he asked. "Nope." he smiled before seeing Axel groan and cover his mouth. "Are you okay?" "I'm not sure." he sighed while rubbing his stomach and setting his food on the table. "I just started feeling sick out of nowhere." "Hmm, maybe you're getting the flu." Morris said before smirking. "Or hey, maybe you're pregnant." he joked. Axel chuckled. "Yeah, and soon bulls will sprout wings and fly." He made a joke to it. He rested a hand on his stomach and leaned back to relax while noting something to himself in his head. 'I should cut back a little, I'm starting to get a belly.' he thought as he noticed a slight pudge.
Meet Me on the Savanna (Patreon Extreme) by huskyhuskyhusky
  In all of its ecological majesty the savanna shined as a beacon of wild diversity for those that inhabited it. This magnificent stretch of land hid within the shadow of a modest mountain range, the size of which would often overcast the great area in the evening. It had just become the wet season
[ "Advertisement", "Censored", "Creampie", "Cum", "Cunnilingus", "Death", "Equine", "Feline", "Fellatio", "Female", "First Time", "Gore", "Heterosexual", "Lion", "M/F/F/F", "Male", "Oral", "Pain", "Patreon", "Preview", "Pseudo-Rape/NC", "Rimming", "Sex", "Vaginal", "Vore (hard)", "Zebra", "eating", "savanna" ]
In all of its ecological majesty the savanna shined as a beacon of wild diversity for those that inhabited it. This magnificent stretch of land hid within the shadow of a modest mountain range, the size of which would often overcast the great area in the evening. It had just become the wet season a few weeks ago and a bustling thunderstorm was beginning to grow in the distance, thick billowing clouds that flashed lightning every so often. The sun had just begun to set and the dark fingers of the mountain's shade had started to creep over the tall grasses and trees. On this day a group of zebras had collected near a line of trees, their patience not being one for the mountain, and thus a cool reprieve from the sun was sought. They sat, stood, and socialized. Two families and a few outsiders were what had come together. The young would often go off to frolic and play among the weeds but they always stayed close by in the case of lurking predators. Their caution was very well founded. Not too far away, hunched down in the arid flora of the savanna was a lone lioness, her golden eyes gleaming as she stared at her would be prey. A small hill made for excellent cover, and as she lied on her stomach as she began to wonder what was taking her pride-mates so long to rendezvous. She had spent the past half-hour stalking the group of herbivores and she was getting hungrier by the second. She tried to calm herself down with the reminder that it was all well worth the wait. She had gone without food for the past couple of days and she was itching to sink her teeth into some bloody meat. Just the thought made her salivate. Of course she couldn't just hunt for herself, there was the pride to think of, but the lionesses always got the first fill. There was also no way that she could take down any of the zebras herself, a coordinated effort was required. Which was where her sisters would come in, if they would ever show up! She cursed their tardiness as she felt her stomach give a growl. Her eyes had been fixated on one zebra in particular, a strong large male that had begun to slowly wonder further and further away from the main group. He was clearly not apart of either family but there was no doubt that he'd have his pick of the females if there were any that weren't mated. He was handsome and powerful, his naked striped body portraying the physique that often came with his kind. One on one he would likely be able to kill her, assuming she didn't get the jump on him. The thought had come to mind of her being raped by his impressive cock and her heart began to race. She could see his huge sheath and the relaxed equine dick that dangled between his legs. Every time he would bend down to gather some grass into his mouth his rubbery phallus would bounce and sway between his thighs. She shifted her lower body a bit and a deep purr emanated from her chest. She was getting wet just from the thought. She, like the other females of her pride, was lithe and strong. While not adorned with quite as many muscles as her potential meal, she certainly wasn't lack for strength. Even now as she stayed prone, her legs and torso bulged, arms flexed as she did her best to remain motionless. She was as gorgeous and stunning as any others of her sisterhood, a perfect example of a killing machine ready to be properly used. She was the tallest female among her group as well, and while she was promised to the leader of her pride, she didn't stop herself from flaunting what she had to the other males. It was often the case that fights would break out, but she didn't care. She would only ever let the strongest breed her. Her large breasts were often the desire of many, her full ass a tantalizing treat to the eyes. She loved walking past her mate's competition and stroking a soaked paw against their cheek or through their mane after she had gotten done digging her fingers into her sopping wet cunt. Needless to say there was no shortage of entertainment when she was in the presence of the other lions. The shuffle of grass and the sound of footfalls alerted her of others approaching. In the distance the grass shuffled, the bodies crawling on all fours so they weren't seen. Despite their attempt at stealth she couldn't help but grit her teeth and glare as two new individuals were revealed. Just like her they were lionesses with golden fur and lean forms. "You two are the fucking loudest!" the female leader growled lowly, the tall weeds turning away as the new females came to settle down with the first. "Why did you ask me out here, Layla?" the leading newcomer asked, visibly irritated. Her name was Aska. She was seven years older than the other lioness and easily the most powerful, a definite asset to be had for taking down such a large prize. She had already raised a littler of cubs and was well on her way to making a second, though as far as she knew no seeds had been planted yet. She held a voluptuous body with large breasts and a muscular backside, just like Layla. Coming up from behind was a girl named Sesna, the one that Layla had told to go fetch the pack mother for their hunt. She was young but freshly an adult. She didn't have large breasts or a large butt like the others, in fact she was quite thin and wiry, but was fast and ferocious when she needed to be. While her body didn't quite garner the attention of males like her companions, she held a wit that was unsurpassed. Read the full story here: [https://www.patreon.com/posts/meet-me-on-8232735](https://www.patreon.com/posts/meet-me-on-8232735)
Krris #4 by bluedraggy
#5 of Krris Confession before the fact Muz-Ra wisely chooses to tell Ubergard all she can about her plans for Krris. And for her part, Ubergard gets some unexpected information about her boyfriend. Shocking but at the same time quite interesting. In the end, Ubergard consents. She'd rather have a
[ "3D", "Adult", "Adult Content", "Adventure", "Argonian", "Booty", "Butt", "CGI", "Compassion", "Erotic", "F/M", "Fanfiction", "Fantasy", "Friendship", "Humor", "NSFW", "Reptile", "Series", "Sexy", "Straight", "Tail", "Thong", "Tight Clothes", "Webcomic" ]
| "That's private, Ubergard," Muz-Ra replied to the giant Argonian. "It's between me and Krris. I'm sorry, but it has to be. He likes *you*, Ubergard. And he wants to do this for you. But it needs to be private." "I don't understand. What needs to be private?" "You're going to have to trust me on this. He's going to be sleeping in my room." "*Your* room? Hell he can move in with me! He surely knows I'd love it. I don't know how I can be any more obvious without sitting on his lap naked!" | [![image](https://68.media.tumblr.com/a3b19d2cb8efb855320ffd806bf2a113/tumblr_inline_olyac7Ge2J1sn6wro_540.png)](https://68.media.tumblr.com/a3b19d2cb8efb855320ffd806bf2a113/tumblr_inline_olyac7Ge2J1sn6wro_1280.png) || "I think that would be his dearest wish, Uber. But you've got to let me do this. I know men in a way you don't. I know what makes them tick. And he needs his clock fixed." "Will you... *do* anything with him?" "Ubergard, I will do everything with him. Everything that is needed. That's why I'm telling you this. He needs my help. As much as he likes you, his problem needs me." | [![image](https://68.media.tumblr.com/fa2457fe6ba35afa5486067814cb7df0/tumblr_inline_olyae51evD1sn6wro_540.png)](https://68.media.tumblr.com/fa2457fe6ba35afa5486067814cb7df0/tumblr_inline_olyae51evD1sn6wro_1280.png) || The giant Argonian nodded. "Well, it's not like he's a virgin." Muz-Ra decided to let that comment pass. Ubergard could discover that on her own, she thought. "Then again", she contemplated, "who knows how long that state will last?" Ubergard looked seriously at Muz-Ra, saying "As long as you promise you won't steal him away from me in the end." | [![image](https://68.media.tumblr.com/58608015c0a6082572b15ce1d6186ad6/tumblr_inline_olyafhTMCd1sn6wro_540.png)](https://68.media.tumblr.com/58608015c0a6082572b15ce1d6186ad6/tumblr_inline_olyafhTMCd1sn6wro_1280.png) || "I do promise, Ubergard. Think of it as a kind of treatment. When it's done, I expect you'll have to fight him away with a stick." "That," Ubergard said with a smile, "I would not do. But I'd love to have the need!" Ubergard sat back down, thinking for a minute, then looked at Muz-Ra. "You know, Cheetah has a lot of experience with men too." | [![image](https://68.media.tumblr.com/a76d3654143e756873bbbd532ebdab44/tumblr_inline_olyah4nkbb1sn6wro_540.png)](https://68.media.tumblr.com/a76d3654143e756873bbbd532ebdab44/tumblr_inline_olyah4nkbb1sn6wro_1280.png) || "I'd thought about that. But there are problems with her. First, she does have experience - but in her case the men she's known came to her, even chose her. They already wanted her. Second, she's a Khajiit - too much like Udaran. And the third is Udaran herself. Cheetah's in love with Udaran and that might cause problems," Muz-Ra said. Then she took a deep breath, and looked away from Ubergard, as if afraid to look her in the eyes. "You know me, Uber. You've known me a long time, and I'm not going to lie to you now. I'm not a good person. No... Don't interrupt. I am selfish, egotistical, loud and oversexed. I'm going to get one hell of a kick out of this. But he also does need my help, Uber. I can help him. I *will* help him. It's like this is what I was born for." "You're wrong Red. You are all of those things, but that doesn't make you bad. It makes you... you. Just please don't fall in love with him. It's awfully easy to do." "I know. But I've got a man already, and you'll have to trust me on this too - I love the Jarl, deeply. Really I do." | [![image](https://68.media.tumblr.com/d70ddac2216da05c4e380eef861c838f/tumblr_inline_olyanfUAdF1sn6wro_540.png)](https://68.media.tumblr.com/d70ddac2216da05c4e380eef861c838f/tumblr_inline_olyanfUAdF1sn6wro_1280.png) || "Does Krris know what you have in mind?" "No. Not exactly. But he wants to do this for you, Uber." Ubergard smiled and stood. "Well that makes me feel a lot better, Red. I really thought he just wasn't interested in me." "Oh, he's interested all right." "That's wonderful to know. Thank you Red, for confiding in me first. You don't need my approval, but you have it anyway." | [![image](https://68.media.tumblr.com/6fa58308d261631ede0513b08f619ecc/tumblr_inline_olyarhPSdL1sn6wro_540.png)](https://68.media.tumblr.com/6fa58308d261631ede0513b08f619ecc/tumblr_inline_olyarhPSdL1sn6wro_1280.png) || Ubergard said as she stood to go, "Now I should be getting back to my work. Does he know that I know?" "Yes. I told him I would tell you. Among the three of us, I want no misunderstandings. As far as everyone else is concerned, if anyone asks, I'm asking him to keep guard over me while the Jarl's gone." "That's wise." Muz-Ra just smiled back confidently. But to herself she thought, "I hope you're right, Uber." | [![image](https://68.media.tumblr.com/bc42abdf07e28e07c88ddd4681f1ee0d/tumblr_inline_olyatcRCyF1sn6wro_540.png)](https://68.media.tumblr.com/bc42abdf07e28e07c88ddd4681f1ee0d/tumblr_inline_olyatcRCyF1sn6wro_1280.png) || As she was walking away, Muz-Ra called to Ubergard. "Oh, and one more thing Uber... Do you know how old he is?" "Krris? I actually never asked. Why? How old is he?" Muz-Ra smiled evilly. "Well, if all goes well, you're going to have one frisky young Khajiit on your hands for years to come!" | [![image](https://68.media.tumblr.com/9eb424d76def1273f28e9e3086d5e7a3/tumblr_inline_olyav14q9s1sn6wro_540.png)](https://68.media.tumblr.com/9eb424d76def1273f28e9e3086d5e7a3/tumblr_inline_olyav14q9s1sn6wro_1280.png) || "Wait! Red! How old is he? I can't judge Khajiit age very well!" "He just turned nineteen." "*NINETEEN*? Oh my god, he's a kitten! Red, I had no idea! I'm robbing the cradle!" "Give him some credit, Uber. You didn't know because he doesn't act like a kitten." | [![image](https://68.media.tumblr.com/b0d16db748d1142ff1de7c720096dc04/tumblr_inline_olyawfeNJt1sn6wro_540.png)](https://68.media.tumblr.com/b0d16db748d1142ff1de7c720096dc04/tumblr_inline_olyawfeNJt1sn6wro_1280.png) || A smile crept over Ubergard's face, mimicking that on Muz-Ra's. "Well, that's true. Nineteen eh? That's... interesting." "*HOURS* Uber." "What?" "He could go for *HOURS*." While Khajiits don't blush, the same can't be said for Argonians. A flushed look came over the giantess' features. Yet her response was simple with a smile. "Promise?" Muz-Ra laughed as her friend walked away. | [![image](https://68.media.tumblr.com/54f40ded25669974705bb9df53a22bae/tumblr_inline_olyayfRYe61sn6wro_540.png)](https://68.media.tumblr.com/54f40ded25669974705bb9df53a22bae/tumblr_inline_olyayfRYe61sn6wro_1280.png) |
In Gods We Thrust Part 1 Daddy Dearest by firefromheaven
#2 of In Gods We Thrust Of course all of you know how terrible I am about puns and word play. If not trust me it is almost an obsession... But anyway I was looking at a dollar bill in a moment of boredom and saw the phrase, "In God We Trust" on the bill. Of course because I'm a perv and my mind just
[ "Alcohol", "Anal", "Ancient Greece", "Balls", "Barbs", "Bukkake", "Cheetah", "Cock", "Cowboy", "Deep Penetration", "Domination/Submission", "Double Penetration", "Father", "Felching", "Frottage", "Frotting", "GANYMEDE", "Heracles", "Hercules", "Immortality", "Incest", "Intoxication", "Lion", "M/M", "M/M/M", "Mortal", "Musk", "N/C", "Non-Consensual", "Nonconsensual", "Oracle", "Oral", "Orgasm Denial", "Rimming", "Sheath", "Size", "Size Difference", "Size Queen", "Son", "Virgin", "Virginity", "cherry", "deflowering", "father/son", "gods", "resistance", "reverse cowboy", "zeus" ]
Heracles has been called up to Olympus because an oracle has told the Olympians that they cannot defeat the Giants without the help of Zeus's son. Because of how he has been treated by the gods, especially Zeus's wife Hera he is not very interested in helping. Well at least not without getting something in return. "Well Son I guess you're wondering why I called you up to Olympus." My Father Zeus asked me. He was the King of the gods and my Father. Well at least it was his seed that sired me. He had never acted like a Father to me. He'd never protected me when I needed protecting. "Not really. It's obvious that you've gotten yourself in a pickle and you need a mere mortal to pull your ass out of the fire. The only question is the details." I told him. "I'll not put up with such insolence from a mortal, whether he's my son or not." I held my paw up. "Talk to the paw Father! You need this mortal and I'm not really inclined to help any of you Olympians. That insufferable cunt you call a wife has done everything in her power to make my life miserable." "You will not speak of my wife in that manner!" He threatened, but it was an empty threat. Their very survival depended on me. "You mean the one that sent the serpents to kill me when I was less than a year old? The one that caused me to go mad and kill my wife and children in cold blood? The one that as penance for the act she forced me to commit made me perform twelve labors for a MUCH inferior Lion? I could go on and on but that sounds like an insufferable cunt to me." "Hehe... I guess it does. I know she interferes every time I try to get some strange. It's been millennia since she put out for me and she wasn't even a good fuck back then. She just did it out of obligation and to have kids. Besides what good is being "King of the gods" if you can't boink any of the mortals? Or minor goddesses for that matter?" "Well that sounds like your problem not mine. But I'm your son and you did nothing to protect me..." I said. I was unable to keep the pain and betrayal out of my voice. "I knew you were strong enough to take care of yourself..." He replied sheepishly. "You gods should be strong enough to take care of yourself with out a mortal helping you." I retorted. "But the oracles say that we cannot defeat the Giants without your help." He said almost begging. "Every time I have dealings with you gods I get screwed. You're on your own Father." I said and started out the door. "WAIT! There has to be something to get you to help. I can give you immortality!" "That would be a start..." I said, making the "King of the gods" sweat. "What else could you POSSIBLY want?" He cried out in exasperation. "I've been fucked enough by the gods. It's about time some of them get fucked by me. Starting with you Father." "WHOA!!!!" I'm the King of the gods! No one fucks me, I'm the one that does the fucking!" He exploded in anger. "Without my help you will lose to the Giants. I don't think the King of the Giants will care. I'm sure he wouldn't miss a chance to fuck the vanquished King. He's also thirty feet tall. How much do you think he's packing. He'd probably split you in two, but being immortal it wouldn't kill you. You'd just lay there bleeding while you healed up." I added grinning. "I'm sure he'd be even less gentle than I'll be. And I have no intention of being gentle..." "But I'm your Father." He protested weakly. "I tend to think of you as more of a sperm donor..." I said, pausing to let it sink in. "You've never acted like my Father as I said earlier. Now drop your clothes and get on your knees." I continued as I removed my clothes without giving him a chance to respond. He glared at me then he just sighed in resignation. He knew he had no other option. The prospect of losing his cherry was much less egregious than losing his Kingdom. He stripped out of this clothes and stood there in all his naked glory. He was the epitome of what a Lion in the height of his powers embodied. He was muscular and powerful, standing around nine feet tall. He had to weigh around six hundred and fifty pounds of muscle. Not the lean muscle of a young lion, but the more mature muscle with a slight bit of fat that you find in Lion in their mid thirties. He had a bushy dark mane and a matching bush of dark pubic hair. He had a long thick sheath and a set of balls that would have looked at home on a Minoan bull. In other words he looked like a slightly larger version of me. "Well lets get this over with. What shape do you want me in?" He asked tersely. Father was notorious for shape shifting to seduce his conquests. He'd changed into a Swan, a Satyr, an Ant, a dove and even a golden shower to seduce various women without that hag Hera being able to tell that it was him. My own mother was seduced by him in the form of her husband Amphitryon. I didn't want him in a fake body, I wanted his real body to feel my cock up his virgin asshole. "There's no need to shift shapes. You may have been a terrible father, but you're as sexy as fuck. Besides I want to take your cherry in your regular body not some shifted shape. I want to defile this body. So why don't you get on your knees and get me ready..." He glared at me again and but dropped to his knees in front of me. He was not an oral virgin. Many doms like to suck off their subs. He curled his lips over his teeth and started to take my maleness into his muzzle. He'd had millennia to perfect his technique. He peeled my sheath back and while he fluttered his tongue on the underside of my flaccid member it grew filling his muzzle completely. He would have enjoyed it if he had been getting me ready for him to fuck, but the thought of fluffing me to get me ready to deflower him was grating on his last nerve. Just the thought of how much it was bothering him made my precum flow like a fountain. "Yes Father! That's it you slutty little fuck toy. Can you taste all those dominance pheromones in my pre? Just think in a few moments your tight little virgin ass is going to belong to me..." I said and then moaned out loud, the thought of dominating the King of the gods had me just about ready to blow my load prematurely. "So bend over the back of the couch and spread your legs." I ordered. Surprisingly he complied without me having to order him a second time. Maybe he was finally getting an idea of the level of shit he was in. I knelt down behind father. I reached up with my paws and gripped a butt cheek in each one. He rumbled aggressively as I started to spread those globes. I pulled my right paw back, extended my claws and slapped viciously at his ass. "YEOOOL!" He screamed. A red paw shaped welt appeared on his right cheek, five bloody claw marks accentuated the effect. "That's enough of that!" I'm the Alpha Lion here today and you're here for me to use however I see fit." I said. I could sense the vibration of an upcoming growl, but he cut it off. That's better." I added as I traced the paw print with my index claw. He winced but didn't pull away. Of course the gods didn't have blood like mere mortals. Although it was red like blood it was actually ichor, which contained the life force of the immortals. My tongue flicked out and licked at the ichor that was seeping from the mark left by my thumb claw. A surge of energy flowed into me, which almost knocked me onto my ass. An energy pulsed through my veins that I'd never felt before. I licked at the claw print from my index finger. This time I was prepared for it. I braced myself as the energy caused my extremities to tingle. I repeated it with the last three claw marks. The tingle went the whole way through my body all the way to my balls. My cock was erect, the barbs stiff and flared out. And it was THROBBING. I needed to bury it to the balls soon. I spread his cheeks again and brought my tongue to his tight virgin tailhole. His tail slapped down to cover it. I didn't even think about what I was doing, I just bit down hard on his tail. He grunted in pain and quickly pulled his tail to the side. I grabbed it in my right paw and threw it over my shoulder to keep it out of the way. I was amused by his subconscious attempts to keep me from deflowering him. They would be to no avail, I was going to be the one to pop his cherry. I brought my tongue back to his puckered little anus and ran it the whole way up. He flinched, but I lapped at it until he involuntarily pushed back against my tongue. I reached under and gently caressed his huge low hanging balls. The balls that made me... Despite my anger he was still my father and I planned on draining those balls several times. A little pain... A little pleasure... I thoroughly intended to have him purring like a contented kitten by the time I was finished. An effect of the ichor on my body was that I was drooling precum. There was already a puddle of it on the floor. I brought my right paw to my dick and coated it with precum. I brought my dripping middle finger to his saliva coated sphincter. Making sure that I had my claw retracted I tested his receptivity. Of course he instinctively clamped down hard. I slowly circled my pre slickened finger tip around that tight ring of muscle, just barely touching it. As I teased it it slowly started to relax. After a minute of this sphincter massage I felt he was relaxed enough so I popped my finger in to the first knuckle. He clamped down on it but quickly relaxed again. "That's it Father. Just relax and accept the inevitable..." I said, wiggling the tip of my finger inside of him. "This is going to be mine soon." I added with chuckle. "You little Bastard!" He said. But there was a hint of laughter in his voice. "And it's because of you that I'm a Bastard." I reminded him. I took the opportunity that that exchange gave me to pop my finger in to the second knuckle and when I felt no resistance I eased it the rest of the way in. I found his prostate and ran the tip of my finger over it gently. He whimpered as he submitted completely to my invading finger. I gently massaged it, eliciting moans of pleasure. He wiggled his ass on my finger trying to keep it where it could give him the most pleasure. "That's right Father. I'm gonna have you begging for it before it's all over." I thrust my finger in and out a couple of times. "It's gonna feel so much better when I nail you with the real thing." And that was gonna be soon. I pulled my finger out. I'd normally stretch someone out with at LEAST two fingers. For a mortal Lion I have a HUGE cock. It's almost a foot long and balls the size of pomegranates. Which isn't surprising since I'm over eight feet tall and am carrying almost five hundred pounds of pure muscle. In all these aspects I took after father. And I also got my sex drive and my will to dominate others from him. I didn't want him to stretch out too much. I definitely wanted him to feel it when I jammed my cock up his virgin ass. He was bent over the back of the couch. He was even taller than I was. I mean he was the King of the gods, of course he'd be larger than his son born of a mortal Lioness. I spread his legs wide to get his ass down to the proper height. I gripped his hips in my paws to control him. I moved my hips forward until my dripping cock was sliding between his ass cheeks. It was the moment of truth. For the first time ever a mortal Lion was going to fuck a god. I positioned him so I was sliding right over his pucker. I dipped my knees until the bristling seeping head of my dick was lined up with Father's virginity. Then I straightened my legs and drove a foot of thick barbed Lion cock into the King of the gods. When I bottomed out I ground it as deep as I could shifting my weight from one hind paw to the other to seat it balls deep. Father gasped as the thrust knocked the breath from him. He quickly caught his breath and cried out, "FUCK! Why'd you do that?" "Shhh..." I said. "You don't want them to figure out that you're being my pussy, do you?" He shook his head no in panic, his massive mane straightening out from the centrifugal force. I pulled out and slammed it back causing father to let out an "Oomph!" from the impact. I pulled back again and as I viciously jammed it back in I grunted out. "This is for letting your wife make me kill my family!" I continued to thrust as hard as I could and with each thrust I reminded him of the abuse that I'd taken from his wife. The abuse that he'd refused to protect me from. After about a dozen brutal thrusts the grunts turned to a moan... I ground my groin against his ass rubbing my member against his gland, causing him to moan louder. I reached around and felt his cock. It was rock hard and soaked in pre. Not surprisingly he was even larger than I was. It was about fourteen inches and even thicker in proportion to what mine was. His head was bristling with stiff barbs. I used his own pre to lube him up as I stroked his cock. His moaning intensified as I stroked him and ground my long thick cock against his prostate. I rubbed my muzzle against the side of his neck and said softly in his ear. "I think my father has a soft subby side that he's been hiding. Maybe you need to just surrender. It's not good to keep up a charade for all of eternity. Maybe even the King of the gods needs to surrender to his needs occasionally. I can be your dom and no one will ever need to know." I said with a condescending smirk. "Never." He said with his mouth, but there was no conviction in it. I had no doubt in my mind that I'd tame him. I continued to thrust into him firmly, making sure my cock was constantly in contact with his prostate. My right paw slid up and down his massive barbed shaft. Each time he spurted pre onto the side of the couch his sphincter clamped down on my member pulling me closer to dumping my load into Father's virgin ass. I could tell he was right up against the edge so I squeezed his cock blocking his orgasm while I jammed in one last time. "AAArrghhhhh!" I cried out as my balls slammed up against my body as I exploded into Father, marking him as my sub. I moaned as I shot six or seven huge jets of Lion cum into Father before collapsing onto his back. "Why did you have to do that?" He asked. "I was almost there!" "Do what?" I asked innocently. "Why did you have to squeeze it. I was just about to cum!" "Haven't you figured it out yet Father? This isn't about you. This is about me." I said spitefully. "You've never once worried about my well being since the day I was conceived. "OK. So you've fucked me. You can leave now." He said dismissively. "NO! NO! NO! NO! The party is just getting started. One fuck doesn't even begin to make up for the things that harpy put me through!" I exclaimed. "Get on your back on the couch and spread you legs for me." He grumbled quietly and then complied with my request. I crawled between his legs and positioned myself so my cock was laying on top of his. Then I put my paws under his knees and pushed them back until his balls were right up under my cock. I started thrusting between his balls and against the base of his cock. By doing this I was able to control just how much stimulation he was getting and I was able to keep him right on the edge. This technique was always such a visual high when I did it to other mortal cats who had much smaller balls than I had but it was a much bigger thrill to watch my cock slide between the monster set that Father had. He didn't like being dominated by anyone, let alone a mortal and his son to boot. But he had no idea of what I had in store for him. I was nearing my apex. I let his legs fall to the couch as I grabbed my cock and started stroking it. I worked my way up Father's body toward his face. "Don't you dare..." He yelled but it was too late. The first shot of spooge hit him right on the nose, the second on his lips and the third managed to hit his eye. After that I lost track of where I hit him. But when I was done it was all over his face and mane. "YOU FUCKING LITTLE BASTARD!" He roared in anger. It was probably the most humiliating moment of his life. I'm sure he'd done it to others before, but that just didn't happen to the King of the gods. "Calm down Father." I said with laughter in my voice. "That voice sounds so out of place from someone who's face is painted in mortal Lion cum... You're in no position to be giving orders." He lay there fuming. He was furious but he knew I was the boss at least for now. "But you are in a great position to clean off my cock." I said the sneer in my voice was palpable as I pushed my cock forward toward his muzzle. "You've gotta be fucking kidding me!" He roared as his rage boiled over. "Do I look like I'm kidding?" I said as I rubbed the head of my cock against his lips. He rolled his eyes and opened his muzzle. He quickly sucked all of the spooge out of my cock and any that was still trapped in my barbs. I put my paw on the back of his head and bobbed it up and down my deflating shaft. Finally I pulled out and lay on the couch next to Father. While it was officially a couch it was almost as wide as a large bed. Father practiced quite a bit of his cockmanship on this couch, but in the past he was the one that was the top. "It's about time we had a little bit of Father/Son bonding. Don't you think?" I asked and he just grumbled. "I'm serious this is the first time we've ever done anything together..." I added. "I don't know why you would think that a busy god would have time for "bonding experiences" with all of his children by mortals." He said with a snarl. "Well most gods don't have to have their mortal children save their asses from the giants now do they." I countered as I touched his nose with my finger. Again he just grumbled. He was laying on his side facing me. My cum was all soaked into his fur and some of it was dripping onto the couch. He still hadn't cum yet so his erection was still hard and bristling with barbs. I ran my paw up and down it a couple of times. "Despite you being such an uncaring father, that's one hell of an impressive cock you've got there." I said truthfully. "You should be thankful. It looks like you take after me in that department. In fact you look an awful lot like me everywhere. Just a more mortal size..." He said as he reached down and took my now flaccid cock into his paw. That was all it took to wake my erection back up. I'd always had a high libido and it had been supercharged by ingesting Father's ichor. I wondered if his other bodily fluids had the same effect... I was in a mood to find out. I sat on the couch with my feet on the floor, and my erection pointing to the ceiling. "OK Father. Time for you to ride my cock." I chided. "For fuck's sake! Can you get any more humiliating than that?" He asked in total disbelief. The thought of fucking himself on my cock was even worse than me fucking him. He would be actively debasing himself to a mortal instead of being passively abused by me fucking him. "I'll be trying to figure out something more humiliating while you ride me." I said sticking my tongue out at him as he crawled onto my lap. He straddled me face to face and slowly lowered himself onto my renewed erection. He was obviously very inexperienced as a bottom, I mean I'd just taken his cherry less than half an hour ago. I made sure I tilted my hips so he was jamming his prostate against my cock as he rode me. His eyes got big the first time I hit his gland. Soon I didn't have to aim for it, he was making sure he hit it on his own. Father was moaning as he bounced up and down on my cock. He was facing me so he didn't see Ganymede enter the room carrying a tray with an amphora of nectar, one of water and another of wine. Also on the tray were two drinking cups. In another bowl was ambrosia and some bread to spread it on. Father was blocking my view since he was taller than me and sitting on my lap. But fortunately Ganymede came into the room from a side door and I able to see him off to my right. He stood there with his muzzle agape. I'm sure the last thing he ever expected to see was someone fucking his master, the King of the gods. Let alone Zeus fucking himself on someone's rampant cock. He almost dropped the tray, but caught it at the last moment. I winked at him. I could tell right away why Father had abducted him. He was a handsome cheetah frozen forever as a sixteen year old youth. He was lithe, graceful and exotic, a combination of which that would even make a dead cat cum. I decided right then and there that I was going to fuck him. Father wasn't going to approve but to fuck his little cup bearer right in front of him would humiliate him even more than fucking him would. But right now just the sight of him was pushing me over the edge. Father was fucking himself with my cock ravaging his prostate. A burbling stream of precum was oozing out of his piss slit as his big balls pulled up tight to his body, a harbinger of the massive orgasm that was imminent. I bent my muzzle down toward his leaking cock. I took it into my muzzle which was enough to make Father erupt like Santorini into my eager muzzle. I'd had a feeling that not only his blood was invigorating, but his other bodily fluids would be as well. And I was right. As I swallowed torrent after torrent of Father's potent semen it was like I'd been hit by a thunderbolt. A surge of energy that my mane standing on end pulsed through my body every time he fed me more of the potent fluid. All of my muscles tensed up almost to the point of cramping and my balls exploded. Pulse after pulse of semen pumped into Father's rectum then ran down my shaft and down my balls onto the couch. Ganymede just stood there with his muzzle open staring as the King of the gods let a mere mortal mark him. That left me invigorated and exhausted all at the same time. But mostly it made me thirsty. And hungry when I thought of it. And fortunately Ganymede was there with a tray of the food and drink of the gods. But Father still didn't realize he was there. "Damn did that leave me hungry and thirsty." I said licking my lips. "I don't see why. I gave you plenty to drink there." He replied smugly. "I can call for a servant to bring you some bread and wine." "There's no need of that. Your little Cheetah cup bearer is here with what appears to be a divine lunch..." I trailed off as he turned in shock to see his personal little fuck toy staring slack jawed at the scene before him. "Ganymede it's not what it looks like... How long have you been watching..." "He saw the whole thing." I said and roared out in laughter. "But you can't eat and drink that. Those are reserved for the immortals!" He protested. "Well maybe it would be a good thing to start me on my way toward immortality. That way I'll be a much more formidable challenge for the Giants." I said grinning at his confusion and discomfort. By now my erection had receded and pulled out of his once tight asshole. He got off of my lap and sat beside me on the bed, his now gaping hole leaking copious amounts of my seed onto the bed. Ganymede grabbed a tripod and placed the tray on it. Then he looked at Father for instruction, obviously confused by the situation. "Don't look at him. I'm the one in charge today." I said with mirth in my voice while Father glared at me. But he didn't argue the point. "You can serve us then you can join us. But first I think I need cleaned up." "THAT'S FUCKING GOING TOO FAR!!!! HE'S MINE." He roared at me. "Father... Father... Father... How many times do I need to remind you who's in charge today. I'm sure he's not an innocent virgin. My guess is that he cleans your cock every time you bugger him with that huge weapon of yours. And I'm sure being immortal he tightens up again after you finish with him." Father puffed up like a wineskin that looked like it was going to explode then realized that he had no recourse and deflated like a wineskin that had a leak in it. "That's better." I said and I put my paws on Ganymede's shoulders, guiding him to my flaccid member. I'd never been with someone as young and diminutive as a Cheetah before. His tongue delicately flicked out, targeting every larger glob of semen that was captured on my barbs. I'm sure he was tasting plenty of Father on me too. Soon my Lion's pride was rising again. After he'd gotten all the larger globs of semen off of me he took me all the way into his muzzle. He was obviously experienced at taking Father's massive manhood all the way down so he had no trouble with mine. By the time I was clean I was hard as a rock again. But I let him up and said, "Why don't you go ahead and serve us." He stood up and turned to the tray. He grabbed one of the cups and filled it half with the strong wine of the gods and then filled it the rest of the way with nectar. He went to place it in front of Father as protocol would seem to demand, but I waved for him to serve it to me. He looked at father who just nodded in disgust. He put it in front of me and poured the same for Father. "I need to get a cup for me. I'll be right back..." Ganymede said as he turned to get it. But I reached out and grabbed his wrist. "There's no need. You can share mine." I countered with a leer. I pulled him over to me and sat him on my lap. "No he can't! He doesn't take it neat like an adult Lion. He's still a youth and Cheetahs are notorious lightweights when it comes to holding their wine. They take it diluted with three parts water!" Father added almost apoplectically. "Relax Father. Maybe it's time he grew up a little and experienced new things..." I said as I sized Ganymede up thinking how good he would look riding my cock. Then I turned to Father and gave him a look that made it obvious that I would broach no argument. I took a sip and my eyes went wide! The wine was stronger than anything made by mortals, but that wasn't what shocked me. The nectar was having a similar effect on me as the ichor and semen had. The surge of energy was palpable as it seemed to go directly into my bloodstream, unlike any type of human drink. And it seemed to pull some of the alcohol into me along with it. Fortunately I have a high tolerance for alcohol, something I'm sure Ganymede didn't share with me. I put the cup to his lips and he spluttered since he wasn't used to such potent alcohol. I pulled it away for a second to let him get his breath so he wouldn't choke on it. Then after he regained his composure I put it back to his lips again and tilted it up. He thought I was going to pull it back down, but I kept it tilted up so his only option was to let it flow around his lips and down his chin or to continue gulping it. Father glared at me but didn't say anything. After he downed half the cup I finally removed it from his lips. He gasped, trying to regain his breath. I brought the cup to my muzzle and took a few good swallows before bringing it back to Ganymede's muzzle. I kept it to his lips until he finished the rest of the cup. I refilled the cup while he coughed from the strength of the wine, then I brought it back to his lips. Father glared at me but I held it to Ganymede's muzzle until he'd finished a third of it. I didn't want him to pass out, I just wanted him to be drunk enough to not have any inhibitions. He was well on his way to that now. But I was interested in food now. The bread was just bread, but the ambrosia was what I was interested in. It had the texture of a soft spreadable cheese, but it was like nothing I'd ever seen before. It didn't have a color, or should I say it didn't have just one color. The color seemed to change depending on what angle you looked at it from. I moved my head from side to side trying to determine what color it really was. "Your mortal mind can't fathom it Son." Father said with a chuckle. "Your mortal taste buds won't be able to comprehend it either..." That had me curious so I spread some of it on a piece of bread and took a bite. It tasted wonderful, but like nothing I'd ever tasted on Earth. It tasted of colors, of odors, of sounds and even of feelings all at the same time. I don't know how long I chewed on it. Time just seemed to stand still then all of a sudden I snapped back into time. I shook my head to clear it. "Not bad." Father said. "I've never seen a mortal handle it so well. Most of them go mad. I guess that being my son helped you out some with that." I didn't bother responding, I just took another bite. I again went through all the sensations, but this time time didn't stand still and I remained fully aware. But I could feel my body changing. I was getting stronger from the inside out. I finished the whole slice and washed it down with the remainder of the wine. Ganymede giggled at me. He was right where I wanted him to be, more than mildly intoxicated. I moved back onto the couch pulling him with me. When I was in the center of the couch I lay back, pulling him on top of me. That would work better at first since I was over eight feet tall and over 500 pounds and he was less than five feet tall and less than 100 pounds. To my surprise the strong drink had made him horny as well as giddy. Without me even asking him, he straddled me and guided my rampant twelve inches to his snug little pucker. He slowly eased onto my boner until his tight little bubble butt was resting against my pubes. He grinned a sloppy little lopsided grin and started to bounce up and down on my erection. He knew just what he wanted. He was making sure that I prodded his prostate as he rode me. His tiny little cock was just peeking out of his sheath as pre dribbled out of it. I glanced over at Father, who despite his humiliation at me buggering his personal little fuck toy, was stroking his huge cock as he watched. I rolled Ganymede onto his side. "I think there's room for two in here." I said to Father with a wink. Ganymede was too drunk to realize just what was going on, but Father definitely wasn't. He just grumbled aggressively as he eased himself onto the couch behind the tight little teenage Cheetah. I felt the head of his cock against the underside of mine as he pushed into the already overstuffed Cheetah. Ganymede gasped as he was stretched beyond anything he had ever experienced before, but being an immortal pleasure boy he soon stretched enough to accommodate the addition of Father's massive cock. It was beyond stimulating to feel the underside of Father's cock rubbing against the underside of mine. I don't know what was more of a turn on, fucking this immortal icon of feline teenhood or sharing a tight hole with the King of the gods... Soon Father seated his cock in his little catamite, his huge balls nestled up against mine. Since Ganymede barely came up to my chest, Father and I were face to face. For one of the first times ever he grinned at me. It was really the first time we'd ever done anything together. I pulled out and as I pushed back in Father pulled out. Soon we had a rhythm going alternating our thrusts. Ganymede's head was caught between our chests, our chest fur muffling his moans. Soon I noticed that he was licking and sucking on my chest fur, my guess was that he was being overcome by my and Father's musk. But there were more important things to worry about than the insignificant little Cheetah between us. I reached up, hooked my paw behind Father's head and pulled his muzzle to mine. I thrust my tongue in between his lips and laid siege to his muzzle as we continued to ravage his drunk little fuck toy. I was still the one in charge, and I was hoping to build this into a permanent role. He seemed to be submitting more and more willingly each time I took charge. Ganymede had now taken my nipple into his muzzle and was nursing on it. It seemed like a direct link between my tit and my balls which started to tingle. I broke the kiss with Father and looked him in the eye. He understood what I was meaning and gave me a grin and a nod. We picked up the pace as we neared our orgasms. I took a couple more thrusts, seated myself balls deep and came violently into the little Cheetah's wrecked rectum. Father slammed in right after me and as he started to cum I could feel his load as it pulsed through his urethra on the underside of my cock. Our balls were together as they emptied themselves into our mutual conquest. Surprisingly it was the first real bonding experience of our lives together. It was only then that I realized that Ganymede was struggling between us. We'd kinda forgotten all about him but he was suffocating by being trapped between over half a ton of Lions. I pulled back and he gasped for breath. I pulled him up and laid him back on the couch, buns up kneeling so our spooge wouldn't leak out so quickly. I got onto my knees behind him and ran my rough tongue over his abused tailhole. I lapped up the semen as it was escaping. Some of it was mine, but most of it was Father's and I didn't want to waste any of his divine fluids. With each swallow I could feel his divinity flowing into me, energizing me with the echos of the immortality of the gods. It drained out rapidly as Ganymede's body regained it's shape rather quickly, squeezing our spooge out as it rebounded. I hadn't realized how much it was affecting me until I could feel my cock harden and my need to fuck something surged. Father was there chuckling as he watched but he wasn't ready for what happened next. I sprang onto him and with my surprise attack I was able to roll him onto his belly before he had time to react. I pulled his tail out of the way and guided my throbbing cock into his tailhole. I forced it in and started fucking him brutally. But to my surprise after only a slight resistance he tilted his ass up and surrendered to my attack. He moaned in complete submission as I plowed into places that only I'd ever been before. Places that I would more than likely be the only one to ever explore. My balls slapped smartly against his as the pace picked up. I reached around to find that his huge Lionhood was rock hard and dripping. "It looks like you really do have a subby side Father." I chided him. "And that need's to stay between you and me." He growled. "Don't worry Father your secret is safe with me. As long as you stay my subby little bitch when were alone." I replied. He didn't respond but from his silence I concluded that he agreed. His pride made the matter hard to vocalize. I stroked him and soon he started to cum in my paw. His sphincter clinched down hard on my cock as he came bringing me with him. I collapsed on his back as my cock twitched again and again as I seeded the body that had sired me. The two of us lay in exhaustion, my cock still in his ass as we both tried to catch our breath. But for the first time in our lives there was a change in our relationship. I realized that he would never let the cunt abuse me again. After a minute or two my erection subsided enough that it popped out and I rolled off of Father and lay facing him. "I'm really sorry I was never a Father to you when you needed me. Maybe we can start over." He said to me. "That would be nice. Maybe we can do some father son things in the future." I replid. "What kind of father son things?" He asked, his curiosity piqued. "Like DPing some of the minor goddesses." I replied winking at him. "You definitely are my son." He replied and then roared out in laughter. I'm trying to keep from going to a Patreon account so I'm going to try to put up a Tip Jar. Click the icon below and it will take you there. I'm trying to keep my head above water until sales pick up or I can land a new job, but things are really tight right now. So if you enjoy my stories and have a bit of spare change any help would be appreciated. [![[email protected]](http://t.facdn.net/[email protected])](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&business=pellairishsetters%40yahoo.com&lc=US&item_name=Enter%20tip%20below%20and%20chose%20the%20option%20to%20the%20right&button_subtype=services&currency_code=USD&bn=PP-BuyNowBF%3Abtn_buynowCC_LG.gif%3ANonHosted) To leave a tip click on the Irish Setter
My Boyfriend is a Werewolf: Chapter 25 by OmuYasha
This is the moment you have all been waiting for! A star is born, and another one dies! Toby has his Alpha ceremony, and he quickly discovers the responsibilities Bernie dumps off onto him. As consequence, Sasha learns to assert her claims to her boyfriend more as he is now the biggest slice of beef
[ "Action", "Big Boobs", "Big Tits", "Blood", "Boobs", "Boy", "Breasts", "Buff", "Canine", "Chubby", "Destruction", "Disaster", "Drama", "Family", "Fantasy", "Fat", "Female", "Giant", "Girl", "Gore", "Horror", "Male", "Mammal", "Muscle", "Paw", "Romance", "Sad", "Size Difference", "Supernatural", "Teen", "Transformation", "War", "Werewolf", "Wolf", "amazonian", "ginger", "hourglass" ]
Chapter 25: The God of Destruction ========== It was so silent in the chamber that you could hear a pin drop. Lilian watched from the corner intently, and Haley came back from the infirmary where she stood beside her. Sasha grew very excited as Toby stood in the middle of the room awkwardly. She looked over at Tai confused as Toby began undressing himself behind a Bernie and the Elders. "What's going on? Does Toby have to transform for this part?" "Yea, and since he has the ability to transform into Lycaon form, it's essential he does this in that form to make it as authentic as possible" He stated before her grandparents looked over at him curiously. "Lycaon?" Zoe looked around grinning evilly. "Just you wait! He's going to turn into a giant wolf, and bust out from those shackles like a beast!" Sasha's grandparents looked back at Toby oddly. "A giant wolf? Just how much bigger can he possibly get?" her grandmother asked. "Um, pretty big" Sasha stated before she blushed thinking back to the time she spent with him during their mountain getaway. She remembered just how big his Lycaon form was, but, most importantly, the time she spent riding on his back like he was a horse. More guilty pleasures arose from those images of being a winter paradise with a giant strong power wolf. The anticipation to see this form of his once more was unbearable, and it felt like forever for him to get undressed just as always. Todd and Sandy was very overwhelmed with it all that they remained quiet not wanting to ask too many questions. The pups entered the chamber, and they sat on the floor up front waiting patiently for the ceremony to continue. Air in the chamber felt thin, and a draft came at their backs. Those who were not familiar with werewolves turned around in confusion as Toby grew rapidly and shifted into his towering wolf form. They gasped when they saw him, but Sasha was most impressed by how much bigger he grown. "Rawrf!" she muttered to herself seductively. Zoe snickered to Sasha's inadvertent outburst, but Percy was having trouble grasping his head around what Toby just did. She leaned over and smirked at him. "You know...I can turn into a giant wolf too" Percy looked over at her and tried to imagine her being a creature like that. "How? Are you as big as him?" "Pft, no! Not as big as him, but I'm still pretty big" While everyone gawked, Bernie and the elders began to hook up the fetters to Toby's wrists and ankles. Once they successfully bound up all four limbs, they retreated back to the edge to watch on. Zoe nudged Sasha and beckoned her to follow before she walked up to the platform and leaned forward while resting her arms on the raised floor. Sasha was not sure if it was acceptable to do this, but she got braver seeing Zoe got away with it, so she followed behind. She overheard some spiteful comments made about her body from some of the younger females. "Pff, Look at the fucking boulders on her! Those water balloons look like they're gunna pop!" Sasha knew they envied her, but it did not bother her as much as it once used to; although, Zoe still glanced over at them to shoot them intimidating glares. Sasha bumped her and laughed. "Just ignore them...It's not bothering me any" she said after she broke Zoe's eye contact with them. Zoe rolled her eyes and huffed. "They are still annoying. They have no problem saying things about you in your presence, but they are afraid to say anything about me around me...tch, cowards" she muttered. She glanced at her playfully not seeming to care either way, and Sasha caught onto this. "It's a pity, but at least they aren't totally stupid" She muttered. Zoe snickered, but her father glared at them, which they both immediately became silent with fear and anxiety. Bernie then crossed his arms over his chest and cleared his throat. "Alright then! Break free from your bindings!" "You can do it Big bad!" Sasha muttered to herself. Everyone was watching with intent and excitement as Toby strained against the chains growling louder and louder by the second. The chains strained and stretched, which something did not sit right with Sasha. She nudged Zoe pointing at the chains. "You think we're far away from those chains in case they snap?" she asked. Zoe cocked her head curiously then shrugged her shoulders. "I dunno. I would have though my dad would have said something if that were the case" she muttered before she also got nervous as the chain made groans and pinging noises under the tension. She backed away after Sasha already had a head start. There was a loud pop along with sparks that scattered from a link in the center point that bound his right hind leg. The broken link shot forth and bounced off the floor while the chain whipped towards them, but it was a foot short in length from touching either of them; however, they would have been struck where they were standing previously. Toby continued to pull against the chains, which another pop occurred. Jean and the others grinned eagerly. The crowd flinched from the loud double explosions that came from the chains that bound his arms. Sasha and Zoe ducked instinctively, and a link ricocheted off the floor into the crowd. Once they poked their head above the platform, and a sadistic grin crept upon Zoe's face before she looked towards her father. "And I helped!" she said. Sasha leaned in and brought her hand to her face directing her comment towards Zoe. "You think that bringing the end of the world is something to brag about?" "Tch, it's just stories Sasha. I don't believe in superstition! Besides, the world was already ending, and big bad over there is late to the party" Zoe said as she pointed back towards him with her thumb. "Pretty much all of the Alpha's broke their chains...except for Peter, but he was a whimp anyway!" Bernie looked back over at them. "You do know this ceremony has only been done twice before" "Twice?" Sasha muttered. She frowned before she tilted her head at Bernie. "Was it you and Peter did it?" Bernie shook his head at her before he went to shield Toby. "It was Steele and Peter. Sure I could rip the chain apart, but my ego isn't that big to do all that for just a temporary position" After Toby reverted to his human and got dressed, all of the adults and most of the older children bowed before him. He looked very uncomfortable until he caught the lust in Sasha eyes which brought a smile to his face. Jean sighed and look towards the crowd clearing his throat. "I will invite our neighbors from other communities to stay and speak with our new Alpha" he said warmly. Toby's head slowly turned towards him robotically with eyes wide open. "Huh? Me?" Jean immediately shot him an angry leer causing him to flinch slightly. "Stop acting like a pup. Diplomacy is a part of your duty as alpha" Toby immediately turned his head towards Bernie already figuring out why he did not want to be an alpha in the first place. Bernie growled back at him and snarled. "Hey! Don't be giving me that look kid!" "You're not afraid to critique my speech, but you can't even talk to them?" Toby muttered. A Japanese woman with fair skin stepped up onto the platform. "You know...we'd prefer to speak to the son of Steele anyway" Sasha noticed the Scallop shell pendant that hung from the woman's neck and the scent of fish and detritus from the river. "So, is she a mermaid?" She asked Zoe. Zoe nodded. "Her name is Kamiko. They say that she is the descendant of Susanoo" "The god of the Sea and Storms?" "That's the one" Sasha gulped and looked back at the woman. "So is there always a deity behind a leader of the supernatural group?" "Pretty much, but isn't it a human thing too?" Zoe muttered as she looked over at her raising her eyebrow. Sasha hesitated as she thought about it farther. "Hmm...well...I guess, but that's with royalty usually" Zoe closed her eyes and sighed heavily before she looked back up at them. "I'm just going to let you think about that a while longer" she muttered to herself. Sasha's head shot back catching onto that implication. "Wait! She's royalty!?" Zoe looked at her strangely before she sighed with slight frustration. "Yes...she is royalty" Sasha saw more people wearing symbolic items and strange scents step up onto the platform. Most of the others wondered to the back to pillage the buffet tables, but few hung around to listen in on Toby how he handled dignitaries just like she and Zoe were. The woman looked up at him realizing just how big he had gotten. A big sense of satisfaction and amusement overcame her as she looked over at another tall white gentleman. "Wow, he's just as big as his father and at such a young age too" she said. The gentleman snorted before he chuckled. "As tall as...but he's not as big as him" "How can we be of assistance?" A tall black gentleman asked. He was the same age as Bernie, but not quite as heavy set. "Well, have you all looked into any of your folks defecting?" "We have given that information to Bernie already" Kamiko said before she looked towards Sasha. "I think your mate's videos are kind of cute. You're quite photogenic yourself, and you're so laid back too" she added. Sasha grinned reminded about the times she brought him into her vlogs. She was always careful to hide his identity, but she wondered just how popular her videos would be with the school; Although, Kamiko had to address the elephant in the room. "Um...aren't you concerned about your classmates figuring out that your boyfriend is a werewolf?" Percy laughed out loud before Zoe looked back at him and smirked. Sasha nodded as a faint shade of red crept onto her face. "Well, I'm pretty sure that most of them had some sort of idea of him being not human...um, well a normal one that is" she said before she looked over at Toby affectionately. "They have to be so far out of the loop to not know how close Toby and I are" "As a matter of fact, some students have been talking about werewolves since the school year started; it's what inspired a lot of the students like Olivia to foolishly seek out werewolf powers in order to enhance their competitiveness. After I saw a few of her vlogs, I suggested she discuss the downsides of being a werewolf" Bernie chimed in. Kamiko glanced over at him keenly. "Did you think of that or was it Yvonne's idea?" "It was actually Haley's idea" he muttered more to himself. "Um, Excuse me, but you all wouldn't mind taking part in my website? I mean I'd be happy to interview you or someone of your choosing" Sasha asked timidly. They all looked at each other, and the tallest of them all shrugged his shoulders. "I guess we can arrange something along those lines" he muttered before he looked over at Toby amused. "She's extremely well adjusted for having just been converted. She must have a hell of a strong resolve and endurance to undergo this much of a drastic change in body and lifestyle" "Well, there's that, but I have great tutors. I wasn't expecting all the things to happen to my body, but with everything Toby and Zoe exposed me to...It's normal to me by now" Sasha said before she looked towards her family. "Believe it or not my family turned into werewolves before I ever did" "Oh yea...Bernie did mention something about that" He muttered. "So what are the rest of you?" Kamiko smiled warmly. "Well, I'm a mermaid, William is a werehorse, Nicolas is a werelion, Vincent is a Minotaur, and Felix is a Harpy" she named everyone off. They all waved from tallest to shortest, but Sasha looked towards Toby who was just a hair shorter than William, which she tried to figure out why William was not taller. "Um, does the gigantism gene affect your kind like it does with werewolves or is there something similar?" Kamiko shrugged. "Eh? I guess?" she muttered. "Of course it does...problem is they were too big to fit in order to breed down if you catch my drift" William said. Kamiko blushed, and Zoe snickered to herself. "Nicolas here carries the gene...maybe it's a predator thing?" Vincent said. Felix rolled his eyes. "Hardly...if that were the case then should we see more giant harpies?" "Heh, Isn't it harder to fly when you get bigger? They're gone like the Dodo" Vincent suggested. "Oh yea? It's not a problem with greater wingspan!" Zoe nudged Sasha and snickered to herself. "You see what you've done?" Toby tried sneaking away not wanting to be a part of the unending argument on gigantism, but Jean did not try to stop him. Bernie watched Toby wonder over to the buffet before Zoe and Sasha followed suit. "Do they bicker like that usually?" Sasha whispered. "Meh, it happens. You do like to pick our brains on things we don't have answers to" Zoe said casually while she plopped a huge steak on her plate. "Some people are just not comfortable in not knowing things, so they just make shit up to explain it. Truth is...the leaders aren't usually the smartest of the bunch" Sasha laughed to herself. "Yea, that would explain how Toby became Alpha" Toby looked over at them and raised an eyebrow before she waved at him. Zoe shook her head and laughed. "Oh yea, he's so damn stupid he doesn't know when his act isn't working" "Really? I can hear you, ya know?" Toby spoke out in a huff. "Love ya!" Sasha shouted while giving him a wave. "Why are you so far ahead anyway!? Shouldn't you be here with Sasha talking with her?" Zoe teased. "I'm really hungry!" He shouted back very irritated before he went back for the food. Sasha giggled before Zoe tapped her over the shoulder. "I'm going to get Percy" she told her before she left to extricate the terrified boy from his seat. "Okay, just don't hurt him!" She muttered before she was pushed to the ground by female. At first, she thought it was a mistake, but Toby heard her fall to the ground. He was about to check her wellbeing until he was cut off by a swarm of females. "Hey, Toby...don't you remember me?" one of the girls said in a flirtatious tone. Toby looked around for Sasha, but he saw nothing but the lust filled females attempting in futility to try him on for size. He had a roll stuck in his mouth staring up at them blankly before he started mumbling, "Rarra!?" The girls laughed evilly as they encroached upon him. "Oh, Toby you are so strong! And so big!" The girl was a couple years older than him, and she wore a form fitting dress hoping to compete with Sasha's curves. "I'm Sophia! Don't you remember me from middle school?" she asked. Sasha wrestled her way in and grabbed onto Toby's hand. "Hey, I don't know if you know this, but...he's not on the meat market anymore" she said before scowled at her. She was not sure if she could take this woman, but she was getting infuriated with her not taking the hint that Toby was not interested took her. "Oh? Well, you wouldn't mind sharing him would you? We just want to give him a try, and he's all yours!" Sophia said. Sasha rolled her eyes. "You couldn't handle him anyways! There's just too much pain for a little gal like you to endure. If you want, you can try with a coke can and see how it feels then!" Toby nearly choked on the dinner roll, but Sophia laughed at this. "Cute!" she muttered sarcastically. She had been sizing up Sasha the entire time, and she knew she had a better time taking her on than she did with Zoe. She transformed into her anthro form and raised her paw up before Sasha swiftly flicked her on the nose. Sophia let out a yelp before an immediate reach in to rub her nose in pain. "Ouch! Fucking bitch!" Toby chuckled to himself as he grabbed onto either side of Sasha's shoulders. "Sorry, but she's keeps me happy. I don't need sex for that" he said before she looked up at him feeling reaffirmed with how he feels about her. Sophia backed up into Zoe before she heard knuckles being popped. "She's right though...he's too much for you. Now move along. I don't wanna have to explain it with my fist! Nuff said" "F-f-fist?" Sophia muttered before she looked at the other girls who cringed at that thought. "Ow! Maybe we should just leave 'em be. I don't want my insides rearranged!" one of them said as they all wisely backed off. "Coke can?" He whispered. Sasha blushed and looked up at him. "Don't worry about it. She's just a size queen" He looked towards Zoe confused only to see her sadistic grin and Percy's vacant expression halfway between disgusted and amazement. "But she never said what form, I was..." "Just eat your fucking dinner and stop talking about it!" Sasha shouted as everyone now stared at them. She was glad that her grandparents did not have as great of hearing as a werewolf; however, her mother did her best not to hear. A moment passed before everyone lost interest; although, their attention was drawn to the altercation and not the content of the trash talk and taunts. Toby devoured his meal, while sitting beside his mate at the table. Zoe and Percy sat beside each other across the table from them while they ate more slowly. "So, how many more episodes are you doing with Toby?" Percy asked meekly. "I dunno...I was hoping to show grooming tips when spring comes around, but...I really need to do some more research on the whole shedding thing" "Speaking of research...you do know that we have to start thinking about what country we're going to do a report on in Social Studies" Percy mentioned. "I already got mine" Toby said. Zoe and Percy looked at him oddly, and Sasha looked up at him curiously. "What's you're report going to be on?" "I'm going to do a report on Human/Werewolf relations between 1600 and 1850" He said proudly. "Why would you do that? You think that he's going to believe you if hand a paper like that in?" Percy protested. "You go to school to learn don't you? I'm just going to give them a little piece of history...maybe Zoe and Sasha could cover more spans of time?" Toby said before he gave them a stern look. "If he don't believe it, I will transform in front of him!" Zoe laughed it off, but Sasha knew he was dead serious. "Hold on...maybe we can do this in a less threatening way? Maybe Mr. Ulrich can help break the news to him?" she hinted. "Tch, Threatening? I was only going to transform my hand. It isn't like I was going to go all Lycaon and maul him" He retracted. Sasha sighed heavily thinking back on the time he once swatted that poor kid and cracked his head like an egg. The thing in common with his cases of aggression was the lack of a sated appetite. She did know she already had a great deal of influence on him thanks to observing his mother, except she had her own take on it. The inflection in her voice let him know she was not going to hold back on him, and he saw how her mother and grandmother treated their husbands. He quietly went back to eating, and Percy looked between them not sure what had transpired. "Okay? Well, if you are going to do that, I'm going to ask if we can form a team and make the report more comprehensive. I don't think that we could do it justice in one report when it's taken Sasha, what? Twelve 20 minute videos to explain the basics?" he asked. "Yea, that sounds like a pretty good idea. I'd love to dive into the culture" Sasha said eagerly. "And I'll...uh, go into social hierarchy and law?" Zoe muttered. "Great, if it all works out, we'll get an A easy" Percy said with pride. Once Toby finished his meal, and he got a moment to unwind, Sasha nested her head into his shoulder. "Thank you, Toby" She said warmly. She tried to stay as close as she possibly could in order to reap the rewards from winning her conflict with the females. She wanted them to see and understand that he was taken...by her. Jean laughed noticing Sasha's defensiveness. "Turning on that ole wolf charm, eh, Toby?" he asked. Toby's eye twitched. "Werewolves don't have charm! That's like saying Vampires sparkle!" he muttered. "Werewolves do if done properly as for Vampires well they do sparkle when they are on fire" Zoe said rather amused. "Burn" Toby said before he smirked. Toby went back to eating his food, and Sasha looked at the others adults talking to each other, and the older pups playing in the corner. The Lanterns on the table flickered and added a traditional quality to the pit of what it once was. The walls were lined with brick and some of the pups were drawing on the wall with chalk. "So how big is this place really?" she asked. Jean chuckled. "Well we like to dig so there are many levels of dungeon, so it's huge. There are several miles, which I dug a little of" he said proudly. Sasha watched forty pups leave with three of the teenage females. They were rowdy and hyper. "Where are they going?" she asked. Jean looked towards the pups and chuckled. "The werewolf park..." "The werewolf park?" she muttered with confusion. "Well, it's what the pups call it...it's a really nice park for the pups to play and the parents to relax. The pups love to play in the fountain or run around the trees. It's a really nice place" Jean said before he looked towards Toby and Zoe. "I know you loved it Toby" "I want to see it now" Sasha pleaded. Toby laughed. "Well, the streetcar goes right by it...I'll show you on our way back" he said proudly. Sasha smiled. "Kay..." she said happily. Toby finished off his plate and was soon full. He looked a little drowsy before he shook it off, and Sasha laughed lightly. "You full?" She teased. Toby nodded. "Boy...I think I'll need a place to lie down. I'm stuffed silly" He said happily. A pup came up to Jean tugging at his overcoat. He looked down at the pup amused. "Yes, young one?" he asked. "Can you tell us the story of Shampoo?" the pup asked. John smirked and chuckled. "I suppose I can tell you about Champoeg" he said before he looked back at Toby and Sasha. "Well looks like it's story time again...Ever since Ian has shown up, the pups and the older ones want to hear more about Champoeg and the Battle of Hayden Island" he said. "Come on!" the pup yelled tugging at John's overcoat. Jean laughed allowing the little one to overpower him. "Okay, okay" he said. He walked slowly with the pup, and he looked back at them amused. "I'll see you two later" he said. The older pups grabbed an empty chair and brought it out in a semicircle. John sat down and started to tell his stories to the pups. Toby yawned. "I'm beat...let's go home" He said wrapping an arm around her trying to be smooth as he grabbed her rear. "You sneaky wolf..." she said pushing him away playfully. An elder walked up to Toby with a fur cloak, a new mask, a bag full of stretchy clothing, and armor. "Here, this is your Alpha uniform. We thought you could use one that fitted better after your couple of growth spurts" He said offering them to him. Toby tried on the tribal styled wolf mask and cloak transforming him into a very intimidating figure. The elder chuckled. "Oh yea, and I almost forgot to tell you. This mask comes with an updated voice encryptor, two-way communicator, self-contained breathing apparatus, and it's bullet resistant. Some of our gammas have the newer models already. I'll be sure to have Bernie help you get it working!" he said. "Lookin bad ass there Toby" Zoe shouted in approval. "Wow, you got the same uniform don't you?" Percy asked. "Not exactly the same...This one's got all the bells and whistles on it" "This looks like military style gear...did SAD provide you this?" "Beats me" "Actually, Jean has close ties with SAM, and they've been providing us a limited supply of gear for key figures. We had Zoe's held off until she had her procedure done. Hers should be coming in within the next coming days" The elder said. "Wait, so do my Grandparents know Jean?" Sasha asked. "I don't think so...only those high up in the ministry know about him. From what I gathered, your grandparents worked with him but anonymously. They use codenames mind you" "Make sense..." "So is SAD helping at all?" Percy asked. "No, they're late to the party as usual. We've always had better relations with the British anyway" The Elder finished. "I don't understand how SAD won't work with you guys" "The men who get appointed as the Head of SAD are usually ex-hunters. They rarely try to change the rules. There is no input from the supernatural community. They want to make the spirit of the hunt alive. The only real protections we get are from the Agents who know what they are doing, but the Head can screw them over by giving them bogus unnecessary work. The district here is unreasonably large, and that wasn't on purpose either. You can understand why most of us left with Peter. A lot of us have been slain and had it covered up. We used to be less tightly clustered together, but in order to strengthen our response times, a werewolf pack cannot be greater than a mile from another. It used to be five. In the old days, you didn't have to worry about where to settle down" "Man, I knew being a werewolf sucked, but...I thought SAD was supposed to be mediators" "I wish they were, but sadly, a foreign agency is the only help we get these days" "Well, if I become the Head of SAD, then I'm going to put a change to that" "Heh, good luck! You already have a file with SAD, and you know the President appoints the Head? He'll read about your background, and they'll see that your girlfriend was a werewolf. If you don't have the cash, they won't even bother to pick it up anyway. That means only big game hunters get the job more easily" Percy gave out a heavy frustrated sigh, and Zoe nudged him. "I know you mean well, but you should start appearing in Sasha's vlogs with me" "I guess, but what can I do that Sasha hasn't?" "Well, you can give your take on things. You are a human male...that's like completely different than a human female's perspective" "Won't they find me weird?" "Why? Cause you like strong women?" "Well, won't they think I have a furry fetish?" Zoe laughed and slapped his back. "Who cares? That's between us not with the comments section" "Don't worry, I get comments about my weight, my boobs, and weirdos asking me to do a porno" Sasha added. "I had comments about what werewolf genitalia look like and if I lick my balls" Toby added. "I'm glad you didn't show them. The hand drawn pictures were priceless though. Too bad I had to blur it out though" "Heh heh! Got me every time when you blurred it out in the middle of him drawing a panel, and he just kept talking like it was Sex Ed!" Zoe said before Percy squirmed. "Got the most views" Sasha chimed. "Why am I not surprised?" Toby muttered. "Best title card ever! I like how you held up a huge chili pepper and acted all shocked while you blocked Toby's naughty bits" Zoe muttered. "Yea, Clare and I tried to get Toby placed perfectly...he's gotten pretty big now. I didn't think I could get him scratching his head looking cute, but with him leaning forward with his head cocked like that was comedic gold!" Sasha explained. "I've noticed the production quality improve. Do you have a staff?" The elder asked. "Oh yea, Kari helps me with make-up and fixing Toby's fur. Clare's great with writing a script and camera work. Percy works behind the scene with all the editing stuff, and Zoe is our co-star" "Well, I can say they have been getting more entertaining to watch. I can't believe you worked in Toby Milking a Thunderstorm in your bad ideas segment" "Yea, I had no idea Toby got struck by lightning until Zoe showed me the video, then I had to show it" "I told Toby he was being stupid, but you know how kids in middle school act" Lilian said as she and Haley walked up to him. "So how is patches?" Toby asked. "In short...you turned his insides into pulp. It's going to take him a while to heal from it" Haley stated. "How long is a while to you? Weeks? Days? Hours?" Percy asked. "Well, I would say several hours is a while to us" She clarified before she giggled to herself. "He's under a lot of painkillers and sleeping pills. Just so you know, he's probably the Sixth worst patient that I've ever had to deal with" she said with a big evil grin. "Sixth? Who are the other five?" Sasha asked. "Well, you're standing next to two of 'em. My father and Terry are the top three, and then there's Toby's father. They all have their own special way to piss me and Lilian off. Although, Toby is starting to take after his old man. I should have known we were going down a dark path when we tried Toby's burn wounds from his thermite experiment" "What the hell? Are you sure this is the same Toby I know and love?" "The one and only, and do you know who got him mixed up in this mess?" "Zoe?" Zoe looked at Sasha offended and crossed her arms over her chest. "Hey, my brother and his friends were always responsible for the shit that happened to us. We were like thirteen...we had no idea that Terry watched something on YouTube before he wanted to try it. We thought this was stuff he learned from high school. We just wanted to be cool" "At least we aren't as nasty as they were" Toby said. "That's because your mom is awesome" Haley said as she wrapped her arm around her shoulder. "Thanks, but I really couldn't have done it without your mom" Lilian said modestly as she looked towards Yvonne watching over Nate and Todd. After the conclusion of the party, everyone headed out. Toby stopped climbing the ladder for a moment, and he looked down at Lilian in the dimly lit shaft. He growled and climbed up even faster. "I better not get a spider to the face" he muttered. Toby lifted the latch and flung the door open. The light shined through the shaft, and it unveiled that it was dark outside. Toby looked down the street after hearing a screeching noise. He knew there was another streetcar coming, so he helped everyone out in order to catch their ride. They took their seats after they got on, and Toby looked at Sasha concerned. "So I heard your dad has woken up" He said. Sasha looked up at him worried. "...what do you mean by that Toby?" She asked sounding a little shaky. Toby sighed. "I mean, he's starting to remember what he did...what happened to you...what he did to me. Doctor Lovejoy says he's an emotional wreck right now" he said. "Oh...Can we go see him?" she asked. "Yea, I think that would be best" He said before he looked towards her mother. She was split with herself whether to go or not. She knew her husband was different now, but she did not want to discover he had become someone she did not recognize. "Toby, I'm scared about this whole war thing. What happens if you...die? How could I go on living without you?" She asked sounding heart-broken. Toby looked at the floor and sighed heavily. "I don't intend on losing..." he said. He looked at her sternly. "I don't think I could go on living without you either. You're my companion, my best friend, and my lover. My emotional bond with you is so strong that not even a diamond edge blade could cut through it" He said firmly. Her heart melted, and she touched the side of his face leaning in to press her lips against his. "I feel the same way. I know I can depend upon you, and you'll put my needs before your own" she said before she laughed to herself. "We're going to take care of each other because we're both altruistic people" she said while she looked deep into his eyes. "I want for us to be together...you changed me. You've always been there for me and my family" she muttered. She touched his chest happily. "My boyfriend is the Alpha...How crazy is that?" He blushed and looked out the window pointing to a park with many children playing in the water. Tai was out playing with the Orphaned pups which brought a smile to Lilian's lips. "There's the park I told you about" he said pointing out the window. Sasha looked out, and she smiled. "They look so happy" she said. "Yep...this place is great for daycare. The pups love this place" "Yea I bet" She said watching how quickly some of the kids running all over the park. The buildings passing by soon obstructed the view, and she looked back at him with wonder. "What did you do when you were a little kid?" she asked. He paused a moment trying to recall all the good memories of his early year. "Well, my dad took us out on these trips with his friends, The Beach, the mountains, the lakes...mostly in forests, but sometimes in the desert. Dad and I have talked to the Coyotes and wolves on our trips. We went to parks and assemblies like the gathering we had today...though...that's what my life was like before my dad died" he said starting to sound depressed. She gave him a big hug and rubbed his back. "Don't go there Toby...you don't have a reason to be sad anymore. You got me remember?" she said. The three soon got off the streetcar, and walked down the street to transfer onto the light rail. A group of 5 guys walked up, and Toby growled to himself seeing the chip on their shoulder knowing their intentions straight away. One of them bumped into Toby. "Hey you just bumped into me..." he said. "You bumped into me" Toby said without a care. One of the gang members pulled out a butterfly knife. "You just disrespected me..." he said. Toby laughed. "Really? You're just going to pull a knife out like that around all these people watching?" he asked. "Hey! Hey! It's called the bystander effect homie! We can stab you and no one will do a thing!" his friend said. "Oh yea? But I will!" Sasha said defiantly as she stepped in front of Toby. The gang members looked at each other and laughed. "You serious dawg? You're going to let a girl protect you!?" The guy with the knife shouted. She huffed and rolled her eyes. "No, I'm protecting you from him!" she raised her voice as she crossed her arms over her chest. "You don't want to rile him up if you know what's good for you! I've seen him do horrible things to people. So I suggest you turn back if you don't want your grey matter scrapped off the pavement" Two of them took notice of the clear size difference between Toby and their leader. Sure their leader pushed past 6'3" but Toby was a foot taller and a hundred pounds sturdier. "Yo, he's not worth it. She don't look like she's foolin ya" one of them said. "I can take him!" Their leader said. "How fucking stupid are you!? He's a got cantaloupes for biceps, and you're going to fight him?" Sasha's mother shouted. "Not a bright idea" Sasha's grandmother told them. "Hey! Shut it! I'm the champion underground street fighter! Do you know what happens to a street fighter when they turn down a fight!? Well do ya!?" "You have a knife you fucking wanker! Now fuck off!" Todd looked up at his grandmother surprised with her language, but he was not afraid of the man, which the gang members took notice. To their horror, their leader thrusted his knife at Toby's chest. Sasha grabbed the guy's arm, and she gave him a very annoyed glare. She gave a swift palm strike to the side of his elbow completely destroying the ligaments and cartilage with loud pops that sounded like someone twisting off a bubble wrap. The leader let out a horrendous scream dropping the knife and grabbing his maimed joint. "You won't be fighting anymore" she said coldly before she wrapped an arm around her man's lower back. "You bitch!" He shouted reaching under his jacket. He pulled out a gun, and Ulf was there in plain clothes with his own gun drawn. "Drop your weapon!" He shouted. The Leader did as he was told after he looked back straight into the barrel of Ulf's service pistol. Ulf came in and kicked the gun away and rammed the leader's face into the ground digging his knee into his back. He forced the leader's arms behind his back causing the man to scream even more as he was being handcuffed. Toby looked at him oddly. "Aren't you off duty?" he asked. "Negative, I'm on duty right now" He said before he pulled out his radio. "10-52, SW 11thand Morrison. I have apprehended the shooter" "10-4" Dispatch said before they came back on the radio. "How many injuries?" "Just the shooter, No other injuries" "10-4" Ulf looked at them sternly. "I'm going to have to get statements from you, so please don't leave" he said before Toby groaned. Ulf shook his head at him. "Look, it might be inconvenient for you, but this is how the justice system works" After, Ulf interviewed everyone, they got to the platform, and a white sleek train with blue and yellow in the midsection of each unit pulled up. Sasha inched up close to Toby before she rest her head onto his chest. "I'm glad you didn't go berserk on us" she said. Toby wrapped his arm around her and chuckled to himself. "I didn't feel threatened...but I did like seeing you kick his ass" he whispered into her ear. She moaned and closed her eyes before she touched his jawline to turn his head into the perfect position to kiss him as they got on the train. They sat down in the back of the train car where it joined up with the other car it had a nook design to replace where the train operator and control panels would sit. It was the perfect spot for him to stretch out his leg while Sasha slept soundly against his chest. During their bonding time, Toby looked back into the train car behind them, and he saw what appeared to be his father reflection in the window. His eyes widened in shock and looked toward where he would expect his father to be, but no one was there. Lilian cocked her head at him noticing his dazed expression. "What's wrong?" she asked. Toby looked towards the front of the train and there his father was. He stared at the entity for five minutes until they got out of the tunnel, which his father disappeared as soon as the light hit him. He remained silent, and his mother looked scared believing he was having a petite mal seizure. "Toby!" she yelled nudging him, which it was enough to wake up Sasha. He looked at her confused. "Ya, I'm fine" he said calmly. She frowned not buying it. "Are you sure? You were looking like you were having seizure" she said. He looked at her annoyed. "No, I thought I just saw someone" he said before he looked into Sasha's tired eyes. "I'm fine" he said before nestled her head back into his chest and went back to sleep. The train soon stopped at the station, and he shook her arm. "Hey wake up..." he said warmly. She groaned in protest as he stood up, but she followed after him seeking out his incredible warmth and addicting musk. They all got off the train and headed towards the elevator where she got reunited with her favorite spot. When they got into the car, he sat in the back with her, and she cuddled him after they got buckled in. They pulled out of the parking spot, and they left the garage in a bit of a hurry. Lilian looked at Sasha noticing Toby had his fur cloak covering her. "Lilian, when do you think we can see my dad?" Lilian looked towards the clock on the center panel, and she sighed. "Well, it's a little too late for him to be seeing visitors...maybe in the morning you can see him" she said before they were caught off guard by a bright flash low in horizon the east. It was brighter than all the stars combined, but the light persisted. Sasha's phone started to ring, which she noticed it was Percy calling. "Did you see that!? Flash? A star just went supernova!" he shouted over the phone. "What?" Toby muttered before he pulled out his phone to check the headlines. The first thing on his feed was the article, "VY Canis Majoris on its deathbed, Astronomers forecast Hypernova within a month" "Hypernova? VY Canis Majoris? What does that mean?" Sasha asked. "It means that one of the biggest stars in the known universe just blew up" Percy answered. "So are you saying that my boyfriend killed a star by breaking those chains?" "It's doesn't work that way!" Zoe shouted away from Percy's phone. "Well technically the Star blew up a long time ago, the light from it just got here. Just think that behind all that light is a huge black hole drifting through the galaxy consuming everything in its way even light itself" Toby corrected them. "You really have a knack for making something bright and magnificent into something dark and macabre don't you son?" Lilian teased. "What? They're talking about a star dying, and I'm just saying a black hole was born. How can a birth be macabre?" He protested. "Toby, you know what Black holes do" "Yeah, but our sun is orbiting a Sagittarius A-star, and that's a Supermassive Black Hole and it's even closer to us than VY Canis Majoris" he said as he read the article. "Thank you Toby for helping us feel better" Lilian said sarcastically.
#10 of Short Smuts Another short crude thing. I left it open ended with some details. Fill in the blanks with what you think is hot. This is just some little practice. - "Night, Gabbie." Michelle told her on her way out. The office was always cleaned out of people by 3 on Fridays. No one wanted to
[ "Cheating", "Condom", "Heterosexual", "M/F", "Office", "Straight", "Vaginal" ]
"Night, Gabbie." Michelle told her on her way out. The office was always cleaned out of people by 3 on Fridays. No one wanted to stay late. The last people out of the office was herself and her boss, Marshall. They all worked as a part of a web hosting service. They were just a big collection of IT and customer service reps. This building was strictly customer service. All their servers and IT guys were housed in a different location with better facilities for tech work. "Night, Michelle." Gabbie was at her cubicle finishing up some paperwork for the new mailing list. Just a bunch of updated offers for services to be sent to existing and potential clients. She wanted tea. The break room was small but very well stocked with coffee and tea. Gabbie drew hot water from the coffee machine and dropped her favorite tea packet in. It was piping hot and unfit to drink, so she let it steep while she walked over to check on her boss. "Ready to head out, Gabbie?" He asked her when she appeared in his door. It looked like he had wound down from his work and was looking at something on his computer screen. "Just about. Made some tea to wake me up. I have that movie date with my boy later." She told him and he nodded. Her 'boy' was her long term boyfriend of three years. She'd been working with the company for about five. She had a very good relationship at both. "You in a hurry?" He asked her, and she blew on her tea and pulled out the packet to drop it in his trash can. The cleaning crew would come in on Saturday to empty out all the bins. "Not really. I just want to be a mess when I leave. A lady has to look a little bit presentable if she's going out." Gabbie told him and he chuckled. She watched him reach over to a drawer in his desk and open it. He fished in with a hand and pulled out a silver wrapper. Gabbie sat her tea down on a empty space of desk for it to cool off while Marshall stood up to come around to her side of the desk. "Bend over." He told her, and she bent over and carefully scooted her skirt up as to not leave a wrinkle. Gabbie put her elbows on his desk and spread her legs. The sound of the wrapper being torn open came from behind her, and then she saw the wrapper get tossed over into the bin. "So when you going to dump him?" "You wish. He's much too good for me." Gabbie told him with a laugh. She listened to him slip the condom over himself and she shut her eyes to imagine it. When he was down she felt one of his hands come to rest over her rump and rub her through her skirt. "You say that." Marshall added. Gabbie felt the blunt tip of his cock press against her entrance through the thin fabric of her thong. "And yet you always bend over my desk." He pulled her panties aside and slipped his cock into her slowly. Gabbie groaned as he opened her up for what must have been the thousandth time. She'd been the boss' office bitch since the third month she started working here. If all she wanted was sex she'd never have picked up a boyfriend, but Marshall was married and he needed a younger dame to vent his nuts into. His wife had gotten awfully cold with him, and when they first got started fucking it was a fun way to please the boss and get kickbacks in return. "I couldn't refuse you if I tried." She said with an exhale as she felt him hilt himself in her. He was thick and blunt. Thankfully her boyfriend was a virgin when she met him and so he never noticed that her cunt was loose as fuck. As far as he knew this was what a pussy was suppose to feel like, and all that 'tight' talk was just to make porn sound hot. "Atta girl." Marshall slipped both of his hands up under her blouse to grab her by the waist. She waved at him briefly, and he stopped. "Let me get a sip of tea." She said and she took up her cup and blew over it. She could feel the cock buried so deep into her, and how needy it felt even if its owner was chill as a cucumber. A man could always be read by the stiffness of his cock. It didn't know how to lie. Gabbie took a meager sip and found that it was still a little too hot. She sat it back down. "Alright, sir. Loosen me up for the weekend." With that she felt a sudden force knock the wind out of her as her boss plowed into her. The heavy wooden desk shook lightly as he fucked her over the desktop and she had to grit her teeth to keep from screaming. Sleeping with Marshall was like bedding a tank. A powerful and rock steady machine that wouldn't be stopped by anything. Like a tank, Marshall rode right over her with his cock pistoning in and out of her until she was soaking wet and in need of a good toweling. Even with him wearing a condom he got her so wet it was like she'd been cum in by a horse. "Good." He grunted. "Girl." Marshall was dominant with her. He was holding back since they were in the office, but if she had been alone with him, like when they went to tech conferences to run a booth, then he would have brutalized her in his hotel room. He gave Gabbie everything he couldn't give to that ice cold wife of his. She couldn't understand why a woman wouldn't want this. Gabbie arched her back and pinched her lips, then felt her legs start to twitch. She had to lift herself up off her elbows and grope at the table. Her orgasm had hit her suddenly, and the slick runoff from her cunt was dribbling down her bare thighs. Marshall hitched his hips up in her and held firm as she came off her orgasm. She had to struggle and fight to contain herself less she make it clear to the rest of the building that something extra was happening in Unit 404. "That's one." He told her. And she settled back down onto her elbows to rest. As soon as she put her hands back down to the desk he started sawing back and forth in her again with a slow tempo. Still coming off her climax she swallowed hard and kept her teeth clenched as she breathed hard through her nose. He could keep this up forever. The man was a marathon runner, after all. He had damn fine endurance for the long races. He ran her track like there was a olympic medal at the end of it. By the time he fucked the second orgasm out of her she was gasping and panting on shaky legs. She had to wave him to stop and he slowed himself down and hilted up in her again as she cooled down. "Your tea is probably cooled off." It probably was, and she reached out to grab it. Her hand was shaking as she carefully to her lips. It was warm, and she drank it down with a series of hard swallows. Gabbie gasped as she finished. Marshall was massaging her waist with his hands. "Got you down for two, now." "H-how." She felt out of breath. "How many you going to get?" "How much time you got?" He asked her. Gabbie thought and asked him what time it was. She felt him remove a hand to check his watch. It was just passed 330. She thought about it. Movie was at 7 and her boy doesn't get off work until 6. Dinner reservation at 830. Yeah, she had time. "F-fuck me til 4 or 5, daddy." She told him. "That's the baby girl I know and love." He told her and she groaned out pitifully as she felt him start his hips up again. The constant pummeling her cunt received left her writhing over the desk and soon she had to clap a hand over her own mouth. The third orgasm hit her like a brick, and her cunt was already sore. Her knees locked together and she could feel the thick dick in her getting pinched by the pressure and she hoped it'd slow him down. She was crying and biting down on her thumb as she inhaled sharply. "Good, girl, baby. Cum for daddy." He told her as her cunt spasmed around his prick and soaking her thighs even more. She felt her cunt juice dribble down to her ankles. "Three." She laughed harshly into her thumb as he stroked her sides and kept slowly rocking into her. Gabbie was going to need to retreat to the bathroom to clean herself up before she could even consider leaving the office. It took her so long to come down from her high that she hadn't noticed that Marshall had quickened his pace gradually. He was again rutting her hard and she gasped and let g of her thumb briefly. "Daddy!" He cried and he hitched his hips into her pussy several times until she felt her tears renew as she made a greater mess of her mascara. The black mascara ran and stained her fur as he worked her abused cunt over for the 4th time. Gabbie gave up and thrashed back and threw her hips back into his. He grabbed her tail and she stood upright on wobbly legs. Him grabbing her tail was a signal. Gabbie felt his fingers slip into her mouth and she started sucking on him obediently. "Good girl." He let go of her tail and started fucking her again with his free hand slipping around to press against the front of her belly. Standing on her tiptoes she felt like a worn out jacket hanging off a coat rack. He growled into her ear before dipping his head lower to lick at the back of her neck. She dipped her own head down to expose her neck to him, still suckling at the two fingers in her mouth. Gabbie felt his teeth nibble at her scruff before biting down. She squirmed and rolled her eyes back as he took her into a mating bite. His hips never stopped moving until she started shuddering again. "Four." Gabbie whined and whimpered as her latest climax hit her from all sides. He'd left her limp by the time she was coming to her senses, exhausted, and very abused. Marshall's cock was throbbing inside her. The thin latex condom trapped his load and kept him from knocking her up, but it wasn't enough to stop her from feeling the gushing sensation as the spunk pelted the inside of the condom and filled it like a balloon. When he let go of her neck she dropped her head down and panted. She watched as her drool dripped down from her lips and hit the desktop. He pulled her back and stepped around until he was sitting himself down on the desk and she was looking back to the office door. Marshall pulled her off his cock and let her collapse to the floor. The horrible sensation of his cock slipping from her made her cry out. She was like a puddling on the floor and Gabbie was quick to try and recover and turn to face her daddy. "You aint got time to fuck around, baby girl." He told her. Gabbie pulled herself up his leg and rubbed her cheek against his knee. His cock was still hard and twitching gently in front of her. Standing proud, and clad in a clear condom, his dick looked gorgeous. She touched the slick surface and pulled herself closer to do her job. Gabbie tilted his dick down and she left kisses across the side of his shaft while she pulled and tugged at the condom to remove it without spilled a drop. As the rim worked down his shaft she was there, exhausted as she was, to lick clean every stray bit of cum he'd given her. When she'd finished removing the condom she held it safely in her hand, as to not spill its contents, and she planted a kiss on his tip and licked the bead of precum there. "Good girl." He told her. She spent another minute cleaning his dick completely with her mouth before looking up at him, mascara running and eyes red from crying, and stuck the open end of the full and heavy condom in her mouth. Gabbie sat up on her knees and planted her hands on her thighs. "That's my baby." Marshall reached down to scratch her behind her ear and she smiled around the condom. Gabbie watched him reach lower and grab the bottom of the condom and lift it up. Up it went until she could open her mouth and let the cum drain down her throat. She sucked the remains out of the condom and licked her lips for him. "Thank you, daddy." She told him. "You're welcome, baby. Now git. You've got a date." Marshall told her and she rubbed her cheek against his knee again affectionately. "Yes, daddy!" She said happily. Gabbie always felt so much better after getting fucked at the office.
One Last Boo by Jeeves
As a child, the monster under the bed was terrifying. Now a grown woman, that same monster offers a very different kind of thrill. - This story was written for Kio Redsen as part of my "Between the worlds" themed Patreon Request Day. \<3 It contains masturbation and sexual acts between consenting
[ "Cat", "College", "Cum", "F/solo", "Fingering", "Masturbation", "Monster", "Orgasm", "Rough Sex", "Snow Leopard", "Tentacles", "Wet" ]
This story was written for Kio Redsen as part of my "Between the worlds" themed Patreon Request Day. \<3 It contains masturbation and sexual acts between consenting adults, and spoopy goings on. :3 **One Last Boo** For the first time in almost a year, the bed was occupied. After months upon months of silence; many full moons passing in which the beast had dragged itself out from under the bed to find that there was no-one present to torment with his hideous visage, at last there was someone present. The beast listened to the old wooden bed frame creaking and shuddering, flicking its tendrils and licking its long, squid-like beak in excitement. Was this a child? A child jumping up and down upon the bed with the youthful enthusiasm that would soon turn to terror when it made itself known? Oh, what a treat that would be. What a chance. One last hurrah, before it crept off in search of a new bed under which it could live as some new child's monster. Out it slopped and slithered its way, its oozing, jelly like form rippling in the pale light shining through a gap in the drapes. It was too impatient to wait for the being above to sleep. To stop her giddy bouncing and retire for the night. It was too eager to simply have reached up and teased at an outstretched ankle with a sloppy, clammy tentacle. It wanted a big scare. One last occasion upon which to sear itself into the mind of the room's owner, leaving her always wondering... always asking herself, had it just been a nightmare? Some strange and horrific dream that seemed so real she couldn't even remember waking up from within it? Or... could it possibly have been real? Dragging itself over to the wardrobe, where the beam of light shimmering through the drapes was at its broadest, the monster drew itself up to full height. It exposed itself fully, cowled in its own slime like the outstretched wing-like flesh of a flying squirrel, razor-fanged and many eyed. Its tentacles thrashed and whipped, snapping at the air, and it drew in a breath to let loose the sort of wild, unearthly howl that over the eons had driven many a child to wet the bed *long* after their parents believed them to be trained out of such immaturity. As glowing green venom dripped from its circular maw, a spined tongue flicking back and forth within, it turned its fiery red eyes upon the bed ready to unleash itself in all its otherworldly horror, and... The bed kept on creaking, and a long, whimpering moan echoed around the bedroom that froze the monster in its tracks. "Oohh... deeper, d-deeper, please..." The figure on the bed was no child, no mere adolescent even. They were grown. They were an adult. Eighteen... maybe even nineteen years old, now the monster actually took the time to inhale the mortal scent that was surprisingly thick and heavy in the air. They, or rather, she, was lying on her front; shoulders hunched down against the bed, up on her knees, and totally naked. Both hands were resting between the clouded leopard's legs, beneath two quivering buttocks and a tail that whipped through the air, and while the fingers of one savaged her clitoris with rapid saw-like strokes back and forth, she plunged the digits of the other into her spread open and glistening damp pussy with shameless, desperate urgency. "C'mon. C-come *on*! Fuck. **Fuck** , j-just cum..." She wailed in a voice that was muffled by the pillow into which she was crying, but which echoed in the monster's mind like she was screaming not only at the top of her lungs, but directly into its ears. She was so plaintive. So pitiful. It was almost like her inability to achieve the satisfaction she craved was... scaring her. And yet, the monster whose whole purpose was to torment whomsoever occupied that bed took no joy in her desperation. It was meant to cause fright through intimidation, sure, but all to a purpose. To instil in a child the fears of those things that nature no longer was able to provide an innate training against. Strangers. Dark and unknown places. All the dregs of society that were far, far worse than some mythical idea of a monster under the bed. What it was witnessing here... this was a different kind of fear. A lack of control not over the outside world, but over the mortal woman's own body. It was horrifying to behold, and much as it enthralled the beast to witness a mortal woman's self pleasure, it would almost have rather been back under the bed than see her unable to achieve the release she craved. Unless... Its tentacles flicked. Its eyes widened. It was such a taboo. Unthinkable. And under any normal circumstance, the thought would never even have crossed the monster's mind. But, these weren't normal circumstances. This creature was no child. She was an adult not just to the monster's eyes, but those of her own society. "Oh god. O-ohhh god, please..." Again she wailed miserably, strained and helpless as her hands obviously began to tire, her wrists aching from the angle at which they were twisted to try and satisfy whatever passionate fires were burning out of control through her trembling, naked body. She begged. She called out for someone, for *anyone* to help quell that heat which her fingers were obviously ill-suited to manage. The monster slipped forward, shivering, dripping, oozing and bubbling as it crept towards the bed. Its tentacles wriggled and rippled through the air. They reached out towards the mortal woman. Towards her curling toes and jiggling buttocks. Towards her thrashing tail, and the fingers jabbing wearily at her soaked but seemingly insatiable loins. The mortal didn't cry out in terror as the beast's tendrils wrapped around her wrists and dragged her fingers free, only to replace them with a thick, oozing tentacle that reached deeper, and thrust harder than she could ever have managed. She wailed in shock, sure. And as her neck snapped around, muzzle wide open and gurgling in pleasure as her eyes rolled back, she *looked* at the monster with disbelieving horror. And yet, at that same moment, there was a flicker of recognition. Of memory from her childhood. From the long, dark nights of her youngest years... fearful of that which lived under her bed. "Y-you?" She grunted, clawing at the bedding and barely stifling a now wholly unmuffled scream as the tentacle stuffed inside her pussy wriggled and twitched, pushing in and out even as it dragged across her g-spot. "Please... I... I'm not afraid. I'm n-not... oh god. O-oohhh... just... please, fuck me. Deep. Hard. *Fuck* me." Out of her mind with lust, the grown woman begged to the vicious and monstrous creature. And with a hiss, and a blinking of its many, glowing red eyes, the monster obeyed. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* It was more than an hour later by the time the clouded leopard's screams finally began to fade, and she sank to the bed with a goofy, weary, but above all else satisfied little giggle. She purred as the monster oozed and slopped its way down to lie beside her, and cuddled up to it, caressing the cheek of its fanged and many eyed face. "I... t-that was... oh fuck... thank you." She shuddered, giggling again with bashful delight as the monster's tentacle started to withdraw from her pussy. Her legs clamped down around it, and she shook her head. "L-leave it in. Just... hold me. Stay with me. In me." Biting her bottom lip, it was obvious the feline woman was considering saying something. The monster's eyes roamed up and down her plump, curvaceous body, and hissed with encouragement. She smiled, convinced that she was obviously in safe hands... and claws... and drippy, oozy tendrils. "I left my favourite toy in my dorm. It must sound so stupid, like I need a toy to masturbate. But... fuck, since I got it? My sex life... even solo, it's been... *fuck*. Y'know?" The monster said nothing, but a couple of its more minor tentacles reached up and caressed the feline woman's cheeks just as she was stroking its own. The clouded leopard smirked. "I guess I've gotten a bit spoiled. I didn't think it would be such a big deal. When I started though... god, I've never felt so... helpless. So afraid. I couldn't cum, and it was like that orgasm was the only thing I needed. More than air. More than *anything*. And you gave me that. You saved me." She sighed happily, wriggling against the thick tentacle still pressed into her pussy. Scooting a little closer to the monster, she pressed her lips to the oozing flesh just above its gaping and toothy maw. It was like she didn't see the horrific visage that presented to the world. Like she truly didn't care how physically repellent it was *born* to be. The monster didn't know how to feel about that. But finally, at long last, that kiss forced it to say something. Forced it to speak. In a bestial, serpentine hiss, the monster whispered to the mortal woman words that should have disgraced it and sickened it to even think. And yet, in that moment it meant every last one of them. "I'm sorry that I scared you when you were younger." The naked, blushing cat giggled again, and shrugged simply. "I'm not." She rolled over, not away from the monster, but towards him. Over him, straddling its body. She wiggled her hips with playful encouragement, and moaned as the monster took the hint, beginning to slide the tentacle buried inside the clouded leopard back and forth once again. "O-oh yes. Ahh... in fact?" Nuzzling and pecking delicately at the monster's features over and over again, the mortal woman gasped in breathlessly intense pleasure, far more sweet and fulfilling than anything her favourite dildo had ever granted her. "T-there might be room under my dorm bed for a full time monster... once the holidays are over and I go back, I mean. Then... *ah*... t-then you can pop out whenever you want. Say *boo*. Give me a **scare** whenever you want. Mmhh... ohh, yes. *Yes*. I want you to scare me e-every night. Scare me hard. Fast. Scare me over, a-and over. Oh god. Ohh... ohhhh **god**. Scare me. *Scare* me... m-make me... aaahh! Make me screa-... \_ahhhhhhh **yes** \_!" By Jeeves Like my stories? Want access to stories weeks before they appear on other sites as well as exclusive request days to get stuff written for yourself? Consider supporting me on patreon! [https://www.patreon.com/jeevesroo](https://www.patreon.com/jeevesroo) :D
Diplomacy by DRLa
I decided to take a bit of a break from the human and feral big cat series. Instead I wanted to write something with anthros and ferals. I went with a different style and tried some new themes. Don't worry, it still contains plenty of gratuitous gay big cat sex. - Under the shade of the dense
[ "Anal", "Anthro", "Bestiality", "Feral", "Jaguar", "M/M", "Mind Control", "Orgasm Denial", "Panther", "Sex", "Zoophilia" ]
Under the shade of the dense canopy, a darkness moved. It padded about its realm: footsteps muffled by the forest litter, inaudible under the cicada's overwhelming drone. Above, birds dashed from branch to branch, shrieking chaotically. A dragonfly zoomed by, chasing down a mosquito faster than the eye could follow. But all this flurry did not perturb the shadow. Master of the woods, it flowed between the trees. Every trunk was swiftly and expertly inspected: its sovereignty was not to be challenged. Any faded outposts were restored with efficiency acquired through years of routine. The nebulous form maintained illiberal authority over its domain, and would not hesitate to pounce at any prospective alien. Every ruler surrounding understood this fully, and thus the borders remained uncontested. But they only respected strength and tenacity: none would hesitate to assault if they sensed weakness or neglect. Equilibrium had been achieved, and though not all were happy with their share, a tense peace held. But an unusual force had appeared, which was to collapse this fragile balance. Unnoticed, it had followed the black beast with desire. The voyeur enjoyed every glimpse of his under-tail as he raised the thick appendage to mark the spot behind him. Although the dark fur rendered indiscernible shapes, a couple patches of bare flesh presented themselves for every jet of urine projected into the spongy moss. A crimson tip protruded briefly from its protective sheath to aim at the target, and above a dark red pucker contracted with every squirt. Patiently it stalked, waiting for the appropriate moment to reveal itself. It knew the shadowy animal's route, and had already scouted the perfect place to execute its plan. The melanistic jaguar arrived at the base of a large strangler fig. Long ago a small sapling had germinated on the upper branch of another jungle tree. Fast it grew, extending thick roots to the ground far bellow. As its tendrils coiled around the unfortunate host, it competed for the sunlight. They fought for a hundred years, but the ancient tree could not keep up with the vigour of the parasite, and slowly rotted away. All that remained now was a tall cavity, which the feline entered through a gap at its base. The space was a common hiding spot for all kinds of animals, and thus subject to regular scrutiny. Fortunately the hollow was empty. Had the tree not been at the edge of his territory, it could have made a convenient shelter. But as is, it was just another curiosity. The big cat turned around, as his entrance was the only gap large enough for him to fit through. Peering out of the interstice, a pair of eyes stared back at him. The expressionless face of another jaguar shined from the portal, into the shade of the chamber. The beast had been taken by surprise. How was it possible for another jaguar to have sneaked up without him realizing? Where did it come from? There were certainly no smells of other felines in the area. Slowly he crept forward, on the verge of attack. Any signs of anger from the stranger would be a declaration of war. The tree made an excellent bunker, giving him confidence in his approach. Yet he recoiled in shock when the other jaguar suddenly leapt out of frame. Realizing he must have scared it, the black cat squeezed out to chase the bizarre apparition. But outside he found no trace to follow. It had vanished as easily as it had manifested itself. The event had brought great concern to jaguar with regards to the safety of his land. He no longer felt in control. Behind the tree now stood the mysterious figure, out-of-sight of the agitated feline. Perhaps it was time for a reveal. Hesitantly the black cat made his way around the tree, to resume the tour. Watching carefully for any signs of the ghost, he noticed a silhouette forming at the edge of the trunk. It had odd feline features, but was taller than any animal he knew. Still on the edge from the last encounter, the jaguar padded carefully closer. Stealth was of no use though: it was gazing right at him. The head was the same he had seen in the tree; that of a fellow jaguar. The body also shared very similar features: short white and gold fur with large black rosettes, strong digitigrade legs, and a long flexible tail. Yet it stood only on two feet in a very natural manner, unlike that of a four-legged animal attempting to be upright. The fore-limbs did not seem suitable for walking either. They were thinner and dextrous, with extended digits and opposable thumbs. Despite being about the same size, the creature's stance made it appear immense. It looked sinister with its blank stare, but a detail made the entity's intention clear: at the junction of its legs, a pink-red tapered phallus jutted halfway from its sheath. Bellow it hanged a pair of testicles enveloped in a tight scrotum. The anatomy was identical to that of a normal jaguar, except it was undoubtedly twice as large. Despite never having thought about such acts, the black jaguar knew exactly what the odd-looking one wanted from him. No attempts had been made at any sort of communication between the two individuals, as it was not necessary. The standing beast imposed his godly will to other animals without need for word or consent. Language was of no use anyways, as felines did not speak. Instead the avatar could simply suggest whatever he desired, life being bound to honour its deity. Even his most capricious impulses were met with submission. The dark cat obeyed the subconscious drive that had entered his mind. He turned around, and began climbing up the strangler fig. Stretching his limbs around the massive trunk, the jaguar hooked his sharp claws into any convenient nook. Strong back-legs pushed him upwards; muscular forelimbs pulling himself even higher. As the beast scaled the tree in short bounds, he could hear the clacking and raking of a second set of claws behind. The other was following him, so close that his hanging tail would often collide against the quasi-jaguar. Too close: he sometimes felt a warm breath against his rear. Just as the obeying animal neared his induced target, which was an opening in the trunk high above the ground, a clawed hand latched onto his hind-end. Although the sharp nails had not pierced his skin, the melanistic jaguar stopped abruptly to growl in pain. He felt an intruding muzzle slide underneath his tail, up to his vulnerable genitals. Without restrain, a broad and rough tongue took a single wet lap at his sheath and balls, continuing even higher to slide lasciviously over his anus and base of his tail. Then it promptly retreated; the vicious hand also letting go of his butt. Quickly the black cat resumed his ascension, wanting to distance himself from the lewd follower. Reaching the niche, the black cat crawled inside. It was large enough to easily accommodate him, and the strange being right behind. Quickly the man-jaguar jumped onto the other feline, who had no escape path. Mounting the unfortunate animal, he leaned over to bite at the nape, while he thrust his hips against the dark jaguar's rear. The beast growled and tossed in protest, but was soon overwhelmed by the need to comply. The creature atop wasted no time pushing its erection against the bottom's rear, trying to slide it under his tail. As it slipped around it left a thick trail of slick liquid. Every time the avatar missed his mark, more of the substance soaked into the black fur, wetting both testicles and sheath. As the suggestion pushed itself deeper into the animal's mind, the feline began to lift his tail higher, until his pucker was fully exposed to the dripping tip of the deity's animalistic penis. When the member finally met the vulnerable flesh, it sunk in with a strong thrust of the hips. A yowl and hiss were shouted from bellow, but only resulted in a tightened bite on the neck. The dominating feline kept pushing, but he could not penetrate more than an inch with such resistance from the submissive one. Although it was only a matter of time before the black jaguar would cede. Already he could feel the pucker twitch weaker and weaker. With pre-cum still flowing at an unnatural rate, his tapered length buried itself deeper slowly, until it finally hit the halfway point. Satisfied with the initial penetration, the man-like beast pulled out most of the way, before swiftly pushing back in. Ignoring the complaints of the black panther, he repeated these motions. Every thrust went in deeper, and every objection got fainter. It wasn't too long until full depth was achieved; their sacks coming into contact. While the four-legged feline quietly sat underneath, overwhelmed by the large erection filling his rear end, the jaguar on top reached back to wrap an arm around the bottom's lower abdomen. Now holding the hips firmly in place, he got to work engraining the dark cat's submissiveness. The thrusts started mercifully, the abnormal amount of natural lubrication allowing a rather smooth glide in and out of the panther's anus. But to ensure a proper surrender, more vigour was necessary. Gradually the humping became careless and relentless, their bodies audibly slapping together. The melanistic jaguar's mind was changing: growls became low moans. When the arm let go of his torso, instead of curling away from the intrusion, he pushed back and spread his legs wider, wishing for a deeper reach. Each time the rigid member buried itself deep into his rectum he felt a jolt of pleasure. All restrains had evaporated. Anyone peering into the tree's alcove could see the pair's passionate love-making. Above, the half-jaguar's member repeatedly plunged into the stretched tail-hole of the black feline, and bellow his arousal now grew, peeking its crimson tip. As their act neared its climax, the penetration became shorter and faster, until finally the jaguar-man stopped fully buried, grinding into the black feline's rear. With his nape still held between the strong jaws, the panther could only whimper at the feeling of the top cat's erection twitching and filling his guts with a generous amount of semen. After an interminable pause, the jaguar above dismounted. Pulling out, a thin string of seed followed, then collapsed onto the black fur bellow, leaving a single white streak across dark one's genitals. It took a few seconds for the panther to realize he was now free, but he couldn't accept it was already over. His own penis had reached full hardness, but frustratingly he was nowhere close to his release. The feline turned around - awkwardly in the confined space - so he could beg for more. Yet the deity had vanished once more. Irritated, the black beast descended the tree, reflexively clenching his anus to prevent the semen from leaking down onto his tail. With every motion of his rear legs, his muscular buttocks rubbed against his hard member; a result of the odd placement of feline genitals. The downward climb was torturous: lust made it hard to focus on the demanding task. Back on the ground, there were still no traces of the strange creature. The leaf litter was unperturbed; there were no scents to follow. However the panther could still feel the presence of the divinity. His thoughts were hazy and filled with foreign ideas. Perhaps he could lure out the half-jaguar. There was indeed something to be tried: the black feline closed his eyes and lowered his front to the ground, in a submissive posture. He then lifted his tail high up to further assert his subjection. For maybe a couple seconds, nothing happened. Then, without any notice, a long and stiff object was thrust against the base of the cat's tail. It was immediately joined by a pair of large hands, one on either side of his hips. The half-jaguar was back for more, and this time he had full dominance over the animal. As the dark beast moaned in anticipation, the depraved god took time to enjoy the outcome of his perverse influence, by slowly rubbing his erect member against the surrendered hind-end. Still, it was hard to resit claiming it right away, and so the deity carefully aligned the tip of his phallus against the panther's messy hole. With a single hard push, the jaguar-man's entire erection sunk into the melanistic cat's loosened anus; the semen within lubricating the motion. There was no need for cautiousness now. Their bodies met with a slap, somewhat muffled by the thin fur. More quickly resounded in the forest, as the pair engaged in sloppy intercourse, in front of a few curious jungle creatures. Opening his eyes, the black panther caught a glimpse a third jaguar, lazily hidden a few meter in front of them. Only part of its face was discernible through the vegetation, but it was visibly staring at him. The dark beast shut his eyes again in shame: he who had been a fierce and feared predator, deeply respected by his rivals, was now willingly submitting to the male behind him. The feline-like creature above didn't care about the voyeur; he was too busy watching his hard member bury itself in the yielding tail-hole of the black jaguar. With every pull-out a bit of semen would leak, staining the black fur with thick lines of white. A lot more would soon be added. The avatar lowered himself onto the jaguar bellow, pushing his hips down. The dark beast complied, but kept shoving back up into the top cat, in search of deeper pleasure. He was still yearning for his climax, with every thrust edging him on. Nevertheless he could not surmount his limit, and instead kept shooting beads of clear pre-cum from his rock hard penis. Just like any four-legged feline, the quasi-jaguar bit down on the neck of the cat bellow, as he pounded the panther's tail-end a few more times. Then, just in time for his orgasm, the deity pulled out to spray his thick seed over the black cat's rear and back. Numerous ropes of the white substance matted down the fur, as the creature shot an amount greater than any man or feline could. The end result was long gooey stripes, all pointed towards the base of the dark jaguar's tail. They covered not only his lower back, but also drenched his thighs, with an obscene amount soaked into his sack and sheath. The abused black jaguar collapsed onto his belly as the semi-cat above dismounted. But despite his soreness and exhaustion, he was restless: his rigid erection had yet to spill any seed. With strenuous motions, the panther stood back up and turned around, only to realize that the avatar had disappeared once more. Except this time it wasn't to play games with the disoriented animal: the black panther no longer felt any imposed will or command. But the foreign thoughts had not left his mind either, instead they had become his own. There was no more need for a compelling force; desire had taken over. Without a partner, the dark cat had been left to his own means. He rolled onto his back, pausing for a few seconds as he imagined another male on top of him. Self-fellatio felt like a disgraceful way of ending things, after all the marvellous mating. But he had no other options, and so curled up in a half-sitting position to lower his head between his hind legs. The strong scent of sex left there by the jaguar-esque creature made him shiver and burn with lust, as he examined the mess covering his rear end. A sudden muffled sound in front of the melanistic cat made him raise his head. The mysterious jaguar from earlier had sneaked up on him. He had been too distracted by his urges to notice the large beast, until it was only a mere meter away from him. Previously such ingress into his territory would have lead to violent fighting. Now though, the panther simply felt attraction towards the fellow cat. It crept forward cautiously, clearly perplexed by the change in attitude of its ex-rival. As their faces came within touching distance, both took in each other's smell. The black feline mewled when he recognized the odour of a young adult male: strong, musky and virile. The stranger only became more confused: he could discern the scent as male, but it clearly had the characteristics of a female in heat willing to be claimed. The situation became extra bizarre when the black jaguar reclined back to offer his body. In his mind, the gold-and-black feline knew what he had to do. His body was agreeing too, as his member began peeking out of his sheath. Yet he could not shake off the feeling that something was wrong. Why was there a strong pink erection jutting from between the other cat's legs? Had the strange jaguar-like beast been mating with another male? Despite his apprehension, the younger feline was also falling under the spell of the aromas floating around. He could not repress his desire to mate. Moving forward, the spotted jaguar mounted the jet-black one, biting the side of the neck carefully. He then lowered his hips to push a stiff penis against the offered hole. Initial attempts failed, as he instinctively aimed higher for the vagina. Instead he poked the other cat's sack, who impatiently snarled at the other feline's incompetence. Eventually the animal on top corrected his target. Now thrusting lower at the anus, his phallus sunk easily into the slick and loosened flesh. The golden jaguar humped eagerly, overwhelmed by his natural urge to mate. His erection buried itself at a fast pace within the submitting panther's rectum. It was no were near as large as the two-legged's, but it did not matter to the cat bellow. All he needed was the feeling of being bred. His own member twitched with renewed vigour, spraying thin jets of pre-cum between their bodies. He could feeling coming. Just a few more thrusts, until finally his climax arrived. His gut contracted strongly around the invading erection, triggering the other jaguar's own orgasm. As a few shots of semen spattered into the white belly fur above, a more generous amount flowed into the black panther's tail-hole, mixing with the impressive quantities deposited earlier. Just as with other species of big cats, this was only the beginning for the new couple. They would spend the rest of the day mating. --- Dim light filtered through the thick vegetation of the canopy, barely revealing a black form roaming the forest floor. A strange looking jaguar was scouting its territory: it was melanistic, except for long streaks of white fur on his back and hind end. Possibly a case of vitiligo. The large feline stopped at the base of a tree, having caught an interesting smell. Another male had just left its mark and was certainly nearby. The big cat followed the scent trace eagerly, his reddish excitement visible underneath his tail.
Fresh Meat In The Dog Pound by Joshiah
Life isn't too kind to those who are forced into incarceration, and the inside of a dog pound wasn't much different than the inside of a prison: You had to pass initiation, no matter what your story was. Such is the tale of poor Trix, an anthro wolf who finds himself wrongfully tossed into a dog
[ "Anal", "Bisexual", "Cum", "Cunnilingus", "Dom/sub", "Domination/Submission", "Double Penetration", "Exhibitionism", "Face sitting", "Female", "M/M/F", "Male", "Oral", "Pegging", "Penetration", "Sex", "Story", "Strap on", "Threesome", "Virgin", "Virginity Loss", "ass to mouth", "cum inside", "eating out", "initiation" ]
There were worse things in the world than a trial by fire. Other such trials existed, of course, and sometimes, the odds were completely stacked against the incoming party. That was the way of life in a lot of social circles, ranging from private schools, to large corporations... ...And even dog pounds. "Got a new one for you guys to play with!" came the voice of a warden that none of the dogs had ever seen, but somehow, they knew that his word was law, and none **dared** to oppose him. He ruled the world outside of the pound with an iron fist, as far as they knew, and because of that strong, unrelenting control, the dogs were allowed to roam free in the common area of the pound, only ever being placed in cages at night. In the middle of the afternoon, canines rolled the large, open floors of concrete in small packs; bonds were formed by force, by time, and occasionally, by desperation. Though metal, cement and poor lighting were the elements around them, the dogs within this particular pound nearly reverted to their baser instincts, and anyone who had the privilege of seeing their abusive society would think that they were watching wild animals running around in the woods, rather than stray dogs who were brought to a false sense of justice. That was the way of the world for those poor creatures, who had evolved to the point of walking around on their hind legs. Though they looked almost as human as the people who still claimed to own them, these poor canines were still treated like second-class citizens and rounded up when they went astray. Intelligent enough to know what kind of abuse they were enduring, but still subservient from birth, the passion for freedom was often a deadly one, and many of the upright animals ended up in pounds by virtue of some kind of lashing out, or a brutal, *vicious* rebellion. They knew that this was their fate, and with only limited years to spend on the earth, they made the best of a bad situation, when they were forced into it. "Fresh meat on a Friday? I never would have thought we'd live to be so lucky," rumbled the deep, throaty voice of a thick, powerful canine. Of all of the packs in the pound, he might be considered the foremost alpha, and second only to the warden, his orders were not to be disobeyed. The rare, albeit occurring attempts to rise up against him and take control of his pack were always met with monstrous force, and those foolish enough to try and take his title were usually found in a puddle of their own blood, curled up and shaking in a corner. Some of them, however, weren't shaking...they weren't even **breathing** when all was said and done. "Think they'll learn to just take it, Gerald?" asked his right-hand woman, as she walked just slightly behind his gait to show him the respect that he deserved. "Or do you think we'll have to break him in the old fashioned way?" Gerald wasn't a fair ruler. He was an alpha in every sense of the word, and the only justice that he allowed in his domain was physical at the least, and more often than not, it was terribly brutal. A doberman that was slimmed by the terrible treatment of the warden, but still riddled with muscles that defied his undernourishment, Gerald stood taller than any other dog in the pound, and though only one of his eyes remained open, people could feel the hatred radiating from the other eye, scarred closed from a lifetime of abusive owners. In the pound, **he** was the owner, and he treated everyone, even his own pack, as though they were worlds beneath him. "I don't really care if he's willing or not, Milla. Everyone has to pass initiation if they want to live in **my** pound." Some might have believed that just because Gerald was in charge that the pound took on the form of a full patriarchy, but that couldn't have been further from the truth. A German Shepherd with pools of pent up rage in her eyes, Milla acted not only as Gerald's preference of mate in the pound, but as the woman who enforced any orders that he gave, and when Gerald was taking an afternoon nap, she was the one barking orders at everybody else. Her body was thick, regardless of how little she ate, and matted, dirty fur did nothing to hide the proud, full breasts upon her chest, or the glistening juices of her womanhood...a passage that only Gerald was ever privy to enjoying. "...He's barely worth your effort, baby. I can already tell." Gerald and Milla came to stand before a crumpled body, as the poor creature had been tossed right into the middle of the open atrium. Shaped much like a prison, a common area was lined with tables, surrounded by the cages that the poor animals were forced to sleep in every night. Packs were roaming, each keeping their eyes on Gerald and fearfully awaiting his orders, should he make any, but on this particular Friday, he was in better spirits than even Milla was used to seeing him in. "Now, Milla...just because he's already basically **broken** doesn't mean he isn't worth my time. He only becomes a waste of time when he starts **fighting back.**" Shaking nervously, so much that he was hesitant to look up from the somehow comforting sea of gray concrete that he was gazing upon, a canine sporting an overcoat that mingled between different shades of brown and clay was still getting used to the idea of his fate. He was actually born in the wild, and though he knew some basic language and some of the constructs of modern society, he still didn't understand why he'd been rounded up and thrown into the pound. He wasn't breaking any laws, and he wasn't a runaway...he was just an unlucky canine who happened to be wandering in the same place as a frustrated dog-catcher. Now, as he finally gazed up from the floor, he saw perhaps the only thing worse than a frustrated human being: A vicious pair of canines that were eyeing him like he was a succulent meal. "Welcome to the pound, kiddo. Looks like you're in for the long haul." A natural born wolf by the name of Trix, the poor creature couldn't stop shaking, as he looked up at the scarred, frustrated face of the Doberman above him. Gerald wasn't the type to give a warm welcome in the first place, and his appearance didn't really help matters much. Slurping her own jowls and wagging her tail, Milla might have offered a little more comfort than that, if her eyes weren't narrowed so sharply upon the new resident. "Why...why are you looking at me that way?" Two sets of eyes, each a slightly different shade of brown and amber, were set upon Trix as if he were the only person in the room. Though the other packs roamed the small area as if there were something else to do, they were all slowing down, and some were even coming to a total stop as they eagerly waited to see what kind of punishment the novice was going to endure. "We're just sizing you up, stranger. What's your name?" Gerald asked, and on those words, everyone in the pound stopped and waited. Any sort of dissent from the trembling wolf would be met with a swift and devastating punishment, no doubt. Some watched in panic, others watched with excitement as they could see Gerald's paw clenching into a fist already. "I...I'm Trix...I m-mean my **name** is Trix!" In the face of someone as domineering as Gerald, it was tough to look brave, and even stringing words together was a difficult task for poor Trix, who could sense the fury pouring off of the larger, stronger canine. That aura of rage stayed subdued just a bit longer, however, as Trix answered the question without showing any sign of an attitude. Just by the process of being forced into the pound, he was already slightly broken, making things almost **too** easy for Gerald and Milla. "That's a fucking **stupid** name," Gerald replied, "But, if you're a good little boy, I just might let you keep it..." Being born and raised in the wild of nature, Trix was in touch with his survival instincts on a level that many of the other dogs in the pound simply weren't. They were raised in households with order, pride, and a sense that their place was determined not by how well they could survive, but how well they could listen. Trix might have some sense of pride, but much stronger than that, he had a sense that he *needed* to comply with Gerald, if he was going to survive long in his new environment. "H-how...how can I be g-good, mister?" Trix asked, and as the last words left his muzzle, a thick, vein-riddled paw slammed down around his neck and squeezed. Gerald narrowed his functioning eye until only the burning hatred of his iris was staring down the nervous, muted orbs of his new capture. "My name...is **Gerald**...do you understand?" he asked, though he squeezed even *tighter* around the neck of the smaller creature, refusing to give him the breath to speak. "You'll call me Gerald from now on, and if you so much as cross me again, **I'll tear your fucking throat out!**" It really was that easy to upset Gerald, and even some of those who were watching from a safe distance trembled with fear as Gerald went on his outburst. His grip slowly released the neck of the pinned wolf. "*Guuuuuh...*" he sucked in a deep, hurried breath, as his eyes shrunk down fearfully, and he tried to keep from going into a full panic. "Y-yes...G-G-Gerald..." "Atta boy...you're learning already!" Gerald praised him, though his voice was laden with just enough sarcasm to show that he wasn't genuinely impressed. "Maybe you won't have such a hard time with initiation, after all..." Everyone else had already figured out what kind of initiation Gerald was talking about, but poor, innocent Trix was still clueless to the same. He gulped down a ball of nerves as Milla swung her body around to his upper half, and with a wink, she slammed her body down upon his muzzle and straddled his face, forcing the drooling, pouting folds of her sex to settle upon his nose. She wanted him to **drown** in those sensations, knowing that he'd never get the chance to penetrate her...but he was certainly worthy to service her, while she held him down. "Just lay back and take it, Trix...and *maybe* he'll go easy on you," Milla explained. Her paws shot down in a blur of black and tan fur patterns, and just that quickly, Trix was completely trapped to the floor. He could just barely breathe, and only found it easier to do so when he finally opened his muzzle and slipped his tongue against the delicious petals of her sex. His wrists were pinned behind his head, and in his overwhelmed state, he didn't **dare** to try and throw Milla aside, even if he could have. Warm, slick fluid took his attention back to the lower half of his body, where Gerald was already kneeling, and lifting Trix's legs into the air. Refusing to look for a more proper lubricant, the Doberman was sitting right between Trix's thighs and spitting his saliva onto the untouched, virgin tailhole of the wolf, and in turn, spitting a bit of the same onto the growing length of his cock. Emerging from his sheath with a bright, red flash, Gerald's cock was every bit as big as Trix feared, and the knot at the base was easily the size of a baseball, something wider than the poor creature could imagine taking. He was smart enough to know what was coming, by then, and his only chance at mercy was to pleasure the alpha's mate, all while being completely railed from the other end. *This day just keeps getting worse,* Trix thought, as his head bounced gently against the concrete floor. Milla refused to hold still on his muzzle, opting to ride the warm, moist surface to enhance her own pleasure. Looking back over her shoulder, she grinned playfully at her dominant lover and lifted her tail, giving him quite the view to enjoy as he finished preparing Trix for his initiation rights. "You gonna fuck him or what, baby?" Milla asked, and though some still gasped at such words, she was the only one who could get away with challenging the authority that Gerald controlled. As Milla shuddered with delight and pounded her hips right into Trix's face, the wolf wasn't allowed to focus on the sweet, floral scent that was filling his nostrils. After all, **nothing** could overpower the feeling of a tapered, drooling tip pressing against his naturally lubricated anus, and seconds after, the feeling of his resistance being shattered by a deep, jabbing thrust. If not for the fact that Milla was muffling his screams, the warden might have actually come back to investigate what was going on. *That's too big...it's too much! I can't take it!* Trix whined mentally as Gerald took a tight grip on each of the pinned wolf's ankles and slammed his hips forth. Being gentle simply wasn't something that he was capable of, and one he found the spot that he was looking for, all bets were off: Gerald went right back to his proper, canine instincts and began to pump his hips rapidly, slamming into Trix with a pace that the submissive wolf couldn't possibly match. "I can't believe how tight you are back here! Milla...I think we've got ourselves a virgin here!" Gerald taunted their capture as his hips continued to hammer away at what was left of Trix's resistance. The wolf could barely breathe, feeling his insides almost warping around the full, thick cock that was penetrating him, and worse still, Milla was grinding back and forth against his muzzle and tongue, giving him even less of a chance to catch his breath. Perhaps worst of all, he was finding himself enjoying the treatment just a little bit, and naturally, masochism wasn't something that was explored in the wild. He **never** could have known that this was something he would enjoy, and in the back of his mind, he still wasn't sure that he actually did, but judging by the small, bright teal tip of his unique, exotic cock emerging from the sheath, he had to be enjoying the treatment on some level. Gerald wouldn't indulge that fact, however, and he certainly wouldn't acknowledge it, either. He was too busy drowing in the pleasure of wrapping Trix around his cock over and over again, and the tight, inexperienced squeezes of the once-virgin wolf only added to his ecstasy as he watched his mate nearly smother the poor creature. "Think I should...s-should fill him up, baby?" Gerald asked, finally allowing some signs of his pleasure to shine through as a few quick, panting moans slipped through his gritted fangs. "I think it'll j-just pour right out of him..." "*Ooooh*...d-do it, Gerald! Give our slutty little newbie a big, **thick** creampie!" Milla suggested, finding it difficult to contain her own moans as Trix learned his oral skills on the fly. He couldn't see anything, as the undersides of her breasts hung over his vision, but Trix was starting to get a feel for which parts of her sex were the most sensitive, and blindly, he circled his tongue over her clit every time that he could reach it, drawing deep, trembling shakes from the domineering German Shepherd. Perhaps that act was the reason why Gerald decided to show even a sliver of mercy to the defeated wolf, as he stopped his knot from popping inside of his fellow canine. He gripped the base of his thick, inflated flesh and held it tight in his paw as a sudden torrent of cum sprayed inside of Trix, painting his inner muscles with a heavy, healthy coating of virile seed. "If you l-let any out," Gerald muttered through heavy panting, "I'll make you lick it up off the f-fucking floor..." Trix felt his eyes go wide with shock, but the warning didn't matter. His tailhole was already stretched and gaping, even as Gerald began to pull his manhood back and away, and though the last pulsing spurts of his yield spilled upon the underside of Trix's sack, there was already small, flooding stream of the same mess spilling onto the concrete floor from Trix's well-fucked asshole. "I guess you've got *quite* a mess to clean up," Milla pointed out to the exhausted wolf, as she stood up from his face, letting small, dangling strings of mingled saliva and feminine arousal drip down from her cunt, to settle on his face. "But I don't think you've passed initiation just yet...what do you all think?!" Milla's call to the crowd brought a thundering, resounding " **NO!**" in reply, and even though she knew such an answer was coming, she still bounced with glee as she waved to one of the roaming packs. "That's what I thought you guys might say...someone toss me my strap-on!" Living in the wild his whole life, Trix had never heard of a strap-on, or any sort of sex toys, really. He could only gulp nervously as he watched someone toss a harness with a phallic object attached to Milla, and hastilty, she clasped it in place around her backside and knelt down where Gerald was before. "Sorry, kid. The crowd thinks you need a little more punishment before your initiation is over..." With his tailhole still drooling her mate's cum, it was easy for Milla to penetrate Trix with her toy. She squealed with delight as she felt barely any resistance to her advance, and Gerald, refusing to miss out on any fun, squatted down over Trix's muzzle the same way his lover had before. "She might be sorry... **I'm not.** Get cleaning, you little bitch..." Trix had no idea how much longer the punishment would go on for. His concept of time was already flawed, and it was only getting worse as he felt his ass being pounded into over and over again, while the scents of his own tailhole drifted into his nostrils, right before his muzzle was pried open and forced to taste them. The poor wolf might not believe that there were worse initiations than his own, but as Milla kept his tailhole stretched with long, deep thrusts, the nearly unconscious Trix swallowed helplessly around the huge, throbbing length of his new master, only able to hope that the second night in the pound would be better than his first...
Kyle: First Time for Everything by Scandal
#4 of Kyle Smut, character development, and two hot doggos fuckin' around! What more could you want?! - Long time no read! Between my hecktic days, I've finally got this next chapter out. Finished it on a plane coming back home. Had a little note tagged to my laptop screen that read "_I'm writing
[ "Belgian Malinois", "Blowjob", "Doberman", "First Time", "M/M", "Massage", "Messy", "powerbottom" ]
Long time no read! Between my hecktic days, I've finally got this next chapter out. Finished it on a plane coming back home. Had a little note tagged to my laptop screen that read "*I'm writing 18+ stuff, friendly passenger inevitably looking over my screen. I'd advise not reading!*" It worked! Anyways, really liked writing this chapter, and it only gets better from here! --- Kyle woke with a start, eyes wide and scanning the ceiling of an unfamiliar bedroom. His heart began to speed up, a whine of panic was just supressed... and then he felt a warm body snuggled close, and his nerves stilled. Smell came back. Alcohol, and *his* smell, the one he'd become acquainted with late last night. He settled back down into the pillow and let his arm rest against Mason's chest. He was safe. Dreamless sleep overtook him. \<\>\<\>\<\> When his eyes opened once more light filtered in through the blinds, shining over the humble accommodation; the room was nothing more than a glorified broom closet. Kyle wondered why Mason chose this room out of any of the other suites in his half-brother's mansion. What time was it? He turned his head to look at the digital clock by the bedside and felt a sharp pain from the back of his head. Noticed then that beside the clock was a bottle of aspirin and a glass of water; had Mason done it? Kyle's memory could only go as recent as downing his fourth boot after that bathroom escapade. Time after that blurred, but as promised, Mason had made sure he got somewhere safe and in one piece. Sighing gratefully the Doberman took a long drink from the glass, leaving just enough water to down an Aspirin. As Kyle panted to catch his breath he felt paws wrap around his midriff and pull him back. In fact, he just had time to get the emptied glass on the table before he fell backwards, landing in Mason's chest fur and looking up at sleepy, smiling eyes. "I woke up early to get that." Kyle looked Mason in the eye and smiled. "Thanks." Silence. Kyle settled into the larger dog's chest and closed his eyes. A moment later: "Want a massage?" Kyle's eyes flicked open and he nodded, rolling off of Mason and onto the mattress. The Belgian rose in his underwear and straddled him from behind, bringing digits down to kneed the muscle around the Doberman's shoulders; elicited a blissful huff. "Believe it or not, I'm enjoying this as much as you are." "Ye-" Mason hit a tender spot and Kyle melted "Yea? How's that?" "You've got a nice body. Anyone ever told you that? And your short fur... well, I'm a sucker for short fur." He moved down lower: the shoulder blades where they met the neck. "Leaves nothing to the imagination." Kyle blushed, suddenly feeling self-conscious. He looked down his body from the pillow and noticed he still had his jeans on from the night before. "Pythia seemed surprised when you started dancing with me." "I did what?" Kyle rolled over--inducing a temporary halt to the massage--and fixed Mason in a wide-eyed stare. "Danced with me. Get back on your stomach." Kyle obliged and Mason resumed, working over the two large back muscles on either side of his spine. Electricity tingled from his toe-tips to ear-tips. He'd never been massaged like *this* before, never with such a strong dog on top of him; every motion went deep and left him drifting in relaxation. "You were on your fifth boot- that was the last one of the night. The band started to play a smooth song, and I got you to slow-dance with me." "Jesus, how drunk was I?" "Drunk enough to not care when Pythia came over with our bill-" "Oh, shit... did I pay it?" Kyle hoped he had. "No, I covered." "Dude..." "You gave me a good night! It was worth dibbing out a few more dollars." Mason shifted his focus to working out the stiffness around Kyle's lower back, right where it started to curve towards his taught Dobie butt. "Relax." But Kyle couldn't. One of the things he hated most was feeling like a leech. "If it's really twisting your balls you can pay me back, ok?" Kyle let out a sigh of relief and nodded, letting his muzzle sink into the gap between his and mason's pillow; blew aside some shed fur that had collected there. "Better..." Mason fanned his paws out and rubbed in small circles, electing a whine of satisfaction from Kyle. "Did I find the sweet spot?" The Doberman let out a grunt, but the slightest wag of his stubby tail gave it away. Soon his friend's paws had move further down, right to where his underwear band was. "Are you ok with..." "Yea. It's not like you haven't seen me without them in the past." "So you remember the bathroom, huh?" the Malinois said as he helped Kyle take his pants off; they got caught at his ankles but a swift kick sent them flying over the foot of the bed and into a pile on the floor. The cool breeze from the ceiling fan washed over him like high tide until Mason, tail to Kyle, started to work at the base of his spine. No one had touched Kyle there in the past and it showed; everything south of his lower back was a mess of knots. Kyle lay quietly as Mason went to work ironing out his burdens. "I remember the bathroom, don't think I'll ever forget it, either. It's the first time I've ever been in a scenario as strange as that." "Well, you were being stubborn." "I can be-" Kyle let out a whine as Mason's paws moved to his buttock and he tensed once more. "You still ok up there?" "Mhm." He'd sniffed and nuzzled Mason's cock, it'd be silly for him to be triggered by a casual butt-rub; besides, it felt amazing. As Mason kept at it, the pleasure of being treated so well changed into a bit of the other kind of pleasure, the kind that got Kyle into all of this in the first place. *And to be a problem now*, when Mason was so close he could have a cold and still smell whatever Kyle was giving off. He thought of getting Mason to stop, but it felt like he'd already crossed the point of no return; he would let whatever was going to happen next, happen. The only indicator that Mason gave to tell that he knew what was going on was a sharp sniff and--unseen by Kyle--a tentative wag as he witnessed this sexy dobie getting more comfortable with his own sexuality. After finishing up on Kyle's rear, he played it cool and encouraged Kyle to roll over, pretending to not notice the growing wet mark on the dogs spotted boxers as he began to work on the line of muscle between Kyle's pecs and neck. Below, his endowment hung just low enough to touch the bulge Kyle was sporting... until he rose up and sat down on the doberman's sheath to better access his abs. Kyle yelped slightly in surprise as Mason fell onto him, resting on his engorged cock like it was no big deal. He kept the massage up, but it was much less purposeful. Kyle knew now that Mason had definitely picked up on his escalated state, and was probably going to capitalize on it in one way or another. A week back this would have disgusted him, but now, he felt a foreign feeling of pleasurable taboo: it felt good to be bad. He shifted his position on the bed and felt Mason's weight induce a feeling of tightness all over his doghood. His knot began to swell and he looked up uncertainly into the muscular Malinois deep green eyes to locate his elusive ultimatum. In Kyle's peripheral, Mason's own display- sticky purple underwear and a very noticeable tent made it known that the feeling was mutual. "Mason, I-" but before he could finish his sentence the Belgian leaned over top of him, rested his paws at each side of his head, and brought his snout down to kiss. At first Kyle's muzzle was unyielding, as if rusted. Some tongue work later, however, and Kyle found himself as engrossed in the sloppy kiss as Mason was. As they held each-other close the larger dog began to grind his wood against Kyle's, stimulating the breathless Doberman in a way he'd never felt before. He whimpered and humped helplessly into Mason's advance; the tightness of his underwear grew unbearable. Mason seemed to be in the same state, as he broke the kiss and pulled his underwear down, stroking himself until Kyle did the same. When they grinded their cocks together again it was skin on skin, a sensation alien to one, and familiar to the point of monotonous to the other. No, Mason wanted something more. "Get up against the headboard, Kyle. It's time we get you in the know." Wondering what was to be expected of him Kyle reciprocated, pulling himself up on his elbows. "Good, herrr-" Mason gave himself a frantic, tight stroke across his aching endowment, shooting a line of pre across Kyle's short, gray chest fur. "Good boy. Now give it a lick, would ya?" "Will it taste bad?" Kyle's innocence would be the stuff of sexual fantasy for Mason for weeks to come. "Don't know until you try." Mason winked and clutched behind his knot to steady his spluttering rocket, leaning in so Kyle wouldn't strain his neck. With an apprehensive growl Kyle did as he was advised and brought Mason's tip to his lips, immediately jerking back as he tried to decide how he felt about it. A few more lines of Mason's precum splattered over his nose as he debated before he concluded that it was tolerable... just like everything else he'd thought was going to be horrid about gay sex. *You don't know until you try...* Imitating the girl's he'd seen online, he covered his canines with his lips and took Mason's shaft into his mouth. "Close your lips around it. Porn stars are wimps. I don't mind a bit of teeth if you can give me a better blow." Retracting his lips so that he could suck more than bob, he attempted to go as far down on Mason as he could, which happened to only be two thirds with how unaccustomed his gage reflex was after the cock cleared his muzzle. Feeling useless he tried to force himself down further. "Take it easy, mutt." Mason chided, but Kyle tried again anyways, gagging harder. "Hey, hey, this isn't a competition. Kyle, look at me for a moment." Kyle pulled off of Mason's dick and looked up, licking away a strand of saliva hanging from his lower lip. "It's my first time... ever... with anyone." For the sake of transparency, it had to be said. "I know it is, and you're doing well. I don't know what those pornos tell you, but you've got to be enjoying this as much as I am or it doesn't happen." "Re-really?" Kyle had always assumed that the bottom... "Yea, really. Try again, *doggy*." Kyle playfully growled. "You do know how close your dick is to my *sharp* teeth, right?" Mason laughed. "There we go, that's what I wanted to see. Try again." Kyle fixed Mason's cock like it was a juicy bone. "Can I...?" he wanted a go at Mason's knot. "It's all yours." The Belgian approved, letting his paws drop. "Th-thanks." Kyle brought a shaky paw up to grip Mason's knot, the base of the Belgian's doghood went between his index and middle digits as the knot itself was enveloped by his paw pads. He'd do this to himself to push him over the edge, and it was exceedingly easy to replicate the action when the cock was in front of him, and not between his legs. And about that cock. It was stiff as a flagpole and shooting copious amounts of precum-cum-semen across his waist and the back of Mason's legs. Feeling determined, he again brought his muzzle to the larger dog's dirty tool, sliding it this time into the gap between his top and bottom canines; enveloped it all with his moist, black lips. Mason groaned at the sensation, encouraging the Doberman to continue exploring his length with a slight hump and Kyle let himself be wrapped up in the sensation of taking another males cock. The stuff that spurted onto his tongue had a faintly pleasant taste, like honey way watered down. As he began to suck, rolling his strong tongue all around Mason's shaft and pointed tip, he felt lightheaded. What he was doing, it felt *right* somehow, and Mason, or in this case Mason's cock, seemed to agree as the fluid content began to thicken; the flavor, bolden. It legitimately tasted like honey. Making sure to maintain Mason's mock knot, he jerked ruthlessly at the base of his swollen gland and reveled a bit in how tense the sooty dog's calves were, as if they were just holding back powerful thrusts. And even these defences started to weaken as he took a bit more of the length in enabling him to cover the Malinois entirely with his two paws and muzzle. "K-Kyle. I'm gonna cum really soon if you-" Mason let out a cute little awooo as he *just* reigned himself in. "If you keep this up." But Kyle had gotten a taste for it now, and didn't want it to end. He lessened the overall tightness just a bit until, after a bit of experimentation, Mason's hips stopped twitching. The big Malinois above him could only pant, gripping the headboard above Kyle's head for stability. Finding that that was his cue to continue Kyle alternated his blowjob's intensity between lesser and tighter until Mason began to pelvis twitch no matter what pace he was going at. Feeling accomplished he took all of the stoppers out, gripped down hard, and prepared for whatever came shooting out of that hung doggy dick next. It happened to be full-blown cum, and Mason braced bitterly against the paws that toyed with his knot and held his swollen cock, just holding back that primitive signature of an ancient feral dog trying it's very best to get a few solid humps in before breeding. Kyle pulled back after a mouthful of the viscous semen coated his maw (coughing it up as he was very unaccustomed to swallowing that much), and with his knot-holding paw pointed Mason's cock off to the side, bringing the other down to tie himself into a vicious orgasm that made him drop the other's endowment forgetfully and ride out his own kind of bliss. Mason's doghood pulsed, shooting lines of cum across the headboard and himself while Kyle closed his eyes ecstatically and covered his dick, letting his entire paw become covered. They retained only a little, and so his seed began to pool around his dick, dripping down the shaft to hang off his twitching tailhole and, finally, find its way down his stub tail and then to the mattress below. \<\>\<\> "So, how did it feel?" Mason finally broke the peaceful silence between the two; it had begun after they recovered from their orgasms. Kyle froze with half a bacon strip hanging from the corner of his mouth. Chewed meditatively before answering. "Good." "A dog of many words." "I'm still a bit breathless. Did that really just happen?" "As real as the rut I can *still* smell on you. Didn't you shower?" "Yes! But I was filthy. You made me filthy." "You made *yourself* filthy, Kyle. Cumming all over your fur like you did, I think it'll take a \_few\_showers before passerbies can't smell how dirty you were." "I don't know how I feel about that." "Hold it. You shouldn't get caught up on how you 'feel' about how others will look at you. Own it. You'll be a paw up on everyone else if you just relax and own it." Kyle snorted "Like you owned that goofy mask, huh?" "I thought it was bizarre at first, too." "What's it all about, anyways?" "The mask?" Mason specified. "Yep." "It's a pup mask." "Wait, so like young dog roleplay?" Kyle didn't want anything to do with it if that was the case. "Not really. The only puppyish thing that overlaps is cuteness and bidability." "Like listening to orders?" A curt nod from the Malinois. Taking his fork down to the yolk of his second egg he burst it, dipping in a piece of toast. And then moments later and out of the blue: "I think you'd be a great power bottom." "A what?" The doberman was clueless. "Pseudo submissive. You're in the traditional positions of a sub, but *you're* the one in control. Imagine a big, tough Dom getting put in his place by who he thought was the subby! It often leads to interesting results." "Something tells me you have experience in the position." "I have experience in all of the positions," Mason admitted. "And what have you settled on, eh? "I can't tell you everything on our first date." "First date, huh?" "I know, it's gone on for a bit longer then I'd supposed." "Wait, did you plan all of this: the bowling, the food, that confrontation and my inevitable admittance after a few drinks?" "I might have, but as for everything that's gone on so far today, it's all been improvising." "I don't know if I should be creeped out or impressed by the scale of your luring game." "Then be neither and just accept it! Our history starts now."
One Bat's Discovery by chillpenguin2j5
We find ourselves near a small town that was settled close to a sandy beach attached to the sea. Lots of furries were walking around in the town doing various things. Shopping, going for lunch, among other things. But one of them was busy reading a book while walking down the sidewalk near the
[ "Bat", "Cumming", "Eggs", "Male Pregnancy", "Mate", "Mating", "Milking", "Mindlink", "Oviposition", "Tentacles", "cum in ass" ]
We find ourselves near a small town that was settled close to a sandy beach attached to the sea. Lots of furries were walking around in the town doing various things. Shopping, going for lunch, among other things. But one of them was busy reading a book while walking down the sidewalk near the beach. A fruit bat was wearing a red sweater and green shorts, wearing reading glasses and sandals as he walks. He had his head in the book and managed to evade anyone else he passed by without looking away. Mainly because his ears are more sensitive to hearing so he can tell if someone or something was in his way. 'Hmm, not bad.' he thought as he stopped and closed his book. 'Good thing I read it on my walk or I'd never finish it.' He looked to see that he's at the beach. 'But it always ends with me being at some random place of course.' Seeing as how he still had time before he had to go home, he put the book away in his sweater's pocket before walking down the stairs and onto the sand. He stared at the wide open water listening to the water washing onto the sand. "Maybe I should take some time and go for a swim this weekend." He thought as the summer spring warmth felt nice on him. But before he could turn around to leave, he noticed something in the water near the shore. Curious about it, he tries to get a closer look. He walked over and saw it wasn't a rock, but it was small like one. "What is it?" he asked himself as he reaches out for it. He grabbed it and picked it up and saw it was black and felt a little squishy with what looked like small tentacles dangling below it. "Weird... looks like a early sea anemone but...' He pauses. "Hmm, maybe it's some breed I've never read about. Maybe I can take it home and study it on my own." He took a water bottle and filled it with water, 'Good thing I bought a fish tank so I can get a fish later on in advance.' he held the thing up and dropped it in the bottle before closing it and walked up the stairs and back onto the sidewalk. He walked on the way home and entered his room, taking the creature and carefully putting it in the fish tank. He made sure it was filled with fresh water and took a notebook and pencil. "Day 1: Encountered a strange aquatic creature. Filled one container with salt water at one part and submerged it with freshwater when I came home." He looked at the creature to see how it's faring in different water. It rested there, but did give a twitch or two. "It seems to not be use to this, will wait until further days to see if it adjusts to this or if I need to keep it to saltwater or freshwater, depends on its reaction." He finishes the notes as he looked at it. "I wonder how to feed it? Normal fish food?" The small creature just sat there while the bat pulled some out and sprinkled a little into the tank. "I don't know if you can eat this, but I'll figure something out if this doesn't work." he tells it. It raised one of it's tentacles out and the bat saw it snap at the flakes which disappeared each time. "It seems to eat through the appendages around it's body." he wrote down. "Impressive. It's certainly not a sea anemone." he looked at it and rubbed his chin. "I'll see if you're around in the morning, hopefully you can endure it for one night." (Next day) The bat woke up with a yawn, rubbing his eyes to get the sleep out of them. He grabbed his glasses and slid them on before turning to the fish tank. "Morning little guy? You okay?" It was still on the bottom, but seemed to be rocking a little bit. The bat takes the notepad out and started writing. "Day 2: It's survived the night, but now it's rocking a bit instead of twitching." he rubbed his chin. "This means it might be more suited to saltwater and the fresh water is irritating it." He takes a couple of water bottles. "Okay, I'll be right back with saltwater." The bat said as he headed out. He left the house and rushed back to the beach before he started refilling each one with as much as he could fit. He then headed back to his home. 'I kinda feel like a researcher doing this.' He carefully put a hose in the tank and drained some of the water out before refilling it back up with the bottles. "There you go, feeling better now?" It slowly stopped rocking and remained still. The bat smiles as he sees the results of his theory. He moved back over and scribbled down the results. "Salt water it is, anything else annoys it and could have possible lead to death." He looks at the creature with interest. "But what are you though?" It just sat there while giving off a few air bubbles. "You're not transparent enough for a jellyfish, and you don't look like a squid..." he stated. "Maybe as you grow, you might show more characteristics." It didn't respond while he just started to slowly draw it in his notebook. 'I'm no artist, but it'll get the job done.' After half an hour he got the sketch down and grabbed more fish food before sprinkling it in the tank. "Eat up little guy." It started eating the flakes again with it's tendril. "I would say it was an a member of the octopi family, but it brings food underneath them to their mouths, but this isn't original." he wrote down while tapping his chin. "If this fella is a new species, I could give it a new name. Hmm.. how about... Octuquid?" The creature didn't move in response. "I don't see a no, but I don't see a yes either, I suppose I'll go along with it for now." The bat said. "David! Supper!" called his mom. "Coming mom." the bat named David said as he places his notebook down and headed out the door, He sat down at the table where his mom was setting the table and where his older sister, who was texting on her phone in a blue tank top and yellow shorts were sitting. "Hey Michelle, how's it going?" David asked. "Can't talk, texting." she spoke without looking up from her phone. David sighs as he shakes his head. "Is dad coming home soon?" he asked mom. "He'll be running a little late." The female bat answers. "But why were you in a rush to get out of here? And with water bottles?" "Oh well..." David paused. "Promise you won't get mad or upset with me?" "Why would we do that?" asked his mother confused. "Well... At the beach, I found this strange creature at the shore and I'm researching on what kind of species it is." David said. "I'm keeping it in my room." "Really? What kind is it?" "Not sure yet, looks like a cross between a squid and an octopus." David answered. "Gross!" grimaced his sister. "Why'd you bring something like that in here?" "Well it looked cool, plus I want to see what it could be. For all I know I might've discovered a new species." David said excitedly. "Well I think it sounds wonderful." smiled his mom while his sister gagged before going back to her texting. David takes out another book to read as he waits. He ate dinner using one hand while unaware that in the tank the small creature grew a little bit. Soon their dad arrived and joined the family for dinner. "Sorry I'm late." he said to them. "It's alright dear, you should hear what David told us." / "Oh? Something happened?" he asked looking at his son. "I found something which might be a new form of marine life." He answered sounding excited, "I'm taking care of it in my room and noting down my findings and stuff." "Well just be careful, the last thing I want is you getting poisoned if it's dangerous." "I will dad." David promised. "Have you come up with a name for it?" "For a species, yes. A actual name, no." David answers. "Well what's it called?" "For the time being, I'm referring it as an Octuquid. A combination of an octupus and squid." David said. "Gross." grimaced his sister standing up. "I'm gonna go back to my room." She immediately headed upstairs as she finishes her sentence. David chuckles, "Girls." he said. (Next day) David woke up and checked up on the creature as he did last morning. And that's when he noted it looked bigger than yesterday. "Whoa, looks like you certainly grew a few inches. And in only two days." He takes out his notebook and looked over it more to see if anything looks new. He noted some of the tentacles were longer and there were a few more. "Day three: Specimen grew a few inches since last night. Tentacles grew longer and even sprouted a few more." he wrote it down on the notebook. He grabbed some more fish food and put some more in while seeing more than one tentacle reach up to snap at the food. "Huh?" he got out in confusion. "Does it have more then one mouth?" He sprinkle a little around the creature to test it. The tentacles snapped and the food was gone in a second. David stared at the creature, amazement in his eyes. "In such a short time it's grown more than one mouth and is getting faster. Impressive." He said as he jotted it down. The creature didn't move as the tentacles dropped down and David looked at his tv before getting an idea. "I wonder how you'd react to television." He asked it before picking up the remote. "Well, in for a penny, out for a pound is what they say." he turns it on. The small creature made no sign, but a small eyestalk rose up with an eye in it and looked at the lit up screen through the tank. David gasped at such a sight. He grabbed the notebook and started writing it down. "Now the specimen has just grown an eyestalk! Is it possible to rely on instincts or electromagnetic waves before or was it relying on nature and senses before it could grow it?" David couldn't keep his hand from stopping even if he tried as he drew the creature as he finishes the note, gleeing like an excited child. The creature itself kept staring at the tv while stunned as it just wrapped it's attention up. "Well obviously a sea creature won't understand what's happening." he stated. "But still, growing an eyestalk? It's definitely no squid or octopus. Maybe the internet might have an idea?" He went to his phone and looked up sea creatures with eyestalks. But as he tried looking up the traits the creature had, he found nothing that matched. Despite this, David's grin grew bigger. "Then that means I truly discovered a new species!" he looked and walked over to the tank. "Ya here that? I'm gonna learn all I can about you and we're gonna be famous!" The eyestalk turned and stared at the excited bat. "Let's see what you like." he held the remote up and started switching from channel to channel while seeing how the creature reacted. He started at the news channel, as it discussed about the weather and recent events. Then changed it to the movie channel where an action movie was going on. The eyestalk stared at the screen intensely. "Alright, so you might be a fan of action." He pressed the remote and landed on a romance channel. They saw a couple slow dancing in front of a sunset. David giggled at the scene as he looked at the eyestalk. It tilted itself while looking confused. "Yeah, romance is kinda confusing at first glanced." David said to it. He changed it to the animal channel where it showed a lion chasing a gazelle. "Yikes! I probably should change this." David pointed out. The creature's eye stalk shook while moving closer in the tank to look at the tv more. "Is it intelligent enough to understand words?" David asked. "Um, can you understand what I'm saying right now?" The eyestalk looked at him and nodded. "Unbelievable!" he smiled before grabbing his notebook and started writing. "Not only is it's biology prone to quick growth, but it can grasp english! This is the breakthrough of the century!" He smiles as he adds. "Now the question is, can it be able to communicate back more than just emotions?" he asked as he wrote it down. The creature's eye stalk looked around and spotted the container of fish food just outside the tank. It's hunger wasn't satisfied and moved one of it's tentacles up the top and down before wrapping around it. David got the info and set some more food into it. "I guess you'll need more than what I gave your previous days huh?" The eyestalk nodded while the tentacles snapped the food up. 'Phew, a couple days passed and I'm writing down a lot in just an hour after I just woke up.' David thought. "Alright little guy, I've got some stuff to take care of, so I'm gonna leave the tv on so you can watch." he looks at the screen. 'I suppose the animal channel will do.' he places the notebook down and headed out the room. The eyestalk watched him go before turning at the channel which was starting to talk about the mating habits of various species. From the fetus growing in the womb in one point to laying eggs in a makeshift nest. It felt it's inner instincts awaken as it recalled it had to lay its own eggs somewhere, preferably inside a male or female. It's thoughts turned to the bat who was with it earlier. He seemed enthusiastic about learning all he could about it, perhaps he'd be open to the idea of being filled with it's eggs. Considering the bat's gone for now, he'll have to wait for the right moment. It relaxed in the tank while dumping more of the fish food in to keep it busy and stay filled. (Some time later) David returned to his room to check up on the specimen. Said specimen was still watching the same channel before noticing him coming back. "Hey there little guy. Made any changes since we last met?" he asked it. The eyestalk shook from side to side. David shrugged as he smiled. "Well, we can't have every new discovery every hour." he stated as he looked at what was on at the moment. "Mating habits of snails?" he looked a bit surprised at that. "Boy, of all the things to put on." The creature watched David as he sat down at his desk while turning his computer on. It ponders how to get the bat's attention on the subject. If it tries to force it upon it, the bat will try to call for help. It understood that it's current self was too small to properly reproduce, meaning the best solution would be to wait until it could properly develop eggs before attempting something with it's current handler. Until then, it just waited and watched the bat on the computer. (A week later) David continued to monitor and care for the specimen, changing the seawater to more fresh sea water when needed. He also jotted down how big it had gotten, which was nearly the size of the tank which meant he either had to get a bigger one, or put it back in the sea. "You're getting bigger you know? If I can't get a bigger tank soon, I'll probably need to release you back into the sea." David said, moving to pat the creature. It gave a gurgle sound while nodding it's eyestalk. David took a look at the notes. "I had a great time researching you. This should be enough to go on." he spoke with an excited tone. "I guess I'll have to let you out somewhere around the beach, but it's gonna have to be at night or people are gonna stare. That'd spoil all the planning I have in mind." He looked at the specimen and his notes. "At your rate, I might only have 3 days, 4 tops to make a decision." The creature made another gurgle sound. David sighs as he takes the fish food and poured some into the tank. The creature gobbled it all up in no time before a tentacle grabbed the container and poured the rest in the tank. "I'm gonna need to get more then. Probably two containers." David spoke. "But you gotta healthy appetite though." It gurgled while the eyestalk retracted back into it's body to show it was going to take a rest. David smiles as he let out a yawn as well. "It's been a long day, a nap wouldn't hurt." David laid down on the bed. "I gotten a lot of info on it, but there's still one thing that's on my mind." he spoke as he slowly closes his eyes. 'How does it reproduce? It would be nice to find out but...' he closes his eyes as his body relax. 'It's not possible with just one of those creatures here.' The creature waited till it could sense David's breathing go lower before it's eyestalk rose back up and looked at the sleeping bat. He saw that while he was covered in clothing, he can point out the bat's slim form very clearly. It raised several of it's tentacles and stretched out of the tank and moved them over to the holder. The tentacles landed on the bat carefully, two on the legs, arms, one on the stomach area, and one at the head.The ones on his legs trailed up and down against his skin with the arms doing the same thing. The one on his stomach trailed against his belly button with the one near his head moving near his ears, rubbing them sensually. Said bat hums from the nice feeling with a smile as he relaxed. The creature noted how soft his fur felt with the ones near his legs and arms slowly moving up under his clothes. David giggles from the ticklish feeling while the tentacles moved across his chest and around his groin before letting out a gasp as the ones near his groin gave his dick a slight poke. The creature gurgles as it finds out the bat is male from the examination. This meant it would only be able to use one hole, but at least it was something. The tentacles at the chest started rubbing the bat's nipples slowly. This made him hum some more while the creature made the ones near his groin slightly rub the flaccid cock. David's face started reddening in response to the feeling. He groaned and moved a little bit, but didn't wake up. The creature kept going, exploring and rubbing every part of the bat' body. The tentacles near the dick felt it start to twitch and slowly rise to show David was unconsciously getting hard. The eyestalk noticed him moving around a bit and his eyes twitching. Fearing he was going to wake up soon, it slid all the tentacles back carefully and got them back in the tank. David groaned and opened his eyes before sitting up with a yawn. He looked confused as he looked at his groin. "What a weird dream." The creature's eyestalk slunk back into it's body and knew it would have to wait. David sighs as he lay back down to rest. (Five days later) David was feeding the creature as he wrote down in his notebook. "The day has come where I need to release the specimen. I can't get another tank with my money and if I leave him in there any longer he might die from lack of space. So it's with a heavy heart that I take him back to the sea and see if I can possibly keep an eye on him from a small sea cave near the beach." David smiles as he continues. "I'm not sure how much I can keep adding to his, but I'll try to see if any other occurrences happen to it. I'll wait until night time to release it." he shut the book and looked at the creature who was so big it's tentacles dangled out from the top of the tank. "You certainly been a fascinating specimen. I'm really gonna miss ya you know?" David smiled. It gurgled in response. "Well, I'll try to spot you whenever I'm around the beach." David looks at the clock. "Alright, we'll go after dinner, how's that sound?" It gurgled in response. David sighs. "I wish I can understand you better." he said. "I just hope that's a yes." The eyestalk gave a nod. David took a sigh of relief. "Want one more round for the road?" he asked offering the fish food. The eyestalk nodded again. David poured some around the creature and set the can down and headed to the kitchen. 'Tonight....is....time.' thought the creature with it's eye narrowed. At dinner, Everyone was eating as David sighs. "What's wrong son?" asked his dad. "My tank's getting too small for the creature to stay in, so I'm going to release it back into the ocean." David answers. "But I thought you were excited about keeping it?" asked his mom. "I was, but it grew faster than I expected. I can't purchase a bigger tank in time." David pointed out. "Plus I don't think the store sells any tanks bigger than the one I already have." "I see... Sorry to hear about it. I know how much this means to you." His mother said softly. "I say good riddance to that gross thing." spoke Michelle with a shudder. "Michelle." Their father said to her. "Can you at least be a little considerate to your little brother?" "But it's true. Did you see how big and slimy that thing is?" "At least David had control over it. I think that's pretty impressive." "Whatever." Michelle groans as she continues eating. 'I just hope it'll manage to survive since I've been keeping it in a tank this whole time.' (A couple hours later) David looked down the streets in a dark hoodie and was pulling the tank in a wagon down the sidewalk while making sure no one would notice him since it was pitch black out. "Phew... I'm glad I got a wagon when I was a kid, otherwise I might've thrown my back if I had to lug the creature to the beach." David said. The creature gurgled as David grunted while tugging the wagon. 'But it's still a task.' David thought as he looked at both sides of the street before crossing. Slowly he reached the stairs down to the beach and had to carefully make sure the wagon went down without shaking and dragged it across the sand. "Almost there.... Probably have to submerge the wagon and tank so you can get out safely too." David said as he moved across the sand. He had to pull it near the end of the beach where there were some rocks and grunted as he reached a path that lead to a secluded sea cave. He made it as he sat down for a moment to catch his breath. "Man....I hate being skinny." David tried numerous times to work out and get stronger, but he never had the diligence to keep on. The creature gurgled while seeing the water so close. "Just a sec... to catch my breath." David requested. After some minutes he caught his breath. "Alright, brace yourself." He notices some place deep enough to submerge the wagon and tank, so he maneuvered the wagon into the water carefully. The water made it easier as the creature climbed out and left the tank while slowly relaxing from the proper temperature. David takes the tank and wagon out and dumped the water out of them. "Glad to see that you can get accustomed to the water quickly." It made a gurgle while the eyestalk nodded. "Well I hope you can handle the rest from here." he gets up and grabs the wagon. "And I hope we can meet again soon." The creature saw David turn and start walking away before two tentacles lashed out and wrapped around his legs. "Huh?" David looked to see the creature holding onto him. "Are you not wanting me to leave?" The eyestalk shakes 'no before it started pulling David back. "I don't want to leave either, but I gotta head home. I'll visit here every day if that'll be good, but I gotta go." David explained. He tried moving forward, but the arms tugged him and he fell on his stomach before two more lashed out and grabbed his arms before they all hoisted him in the air. "H-hey, what's this?" David asked caught off guard. The creature gurgled before more tentacles rose up and started sliding into the sleeves and up the pants. "H-hey, what are you doing?" He shuddered from the feeling. "Stop that!" he squirmed feeling them across his fur and felt two move across his chest and the other two near his groin. As David tried to speak, he had a weird feeling, 'Hey, this feels oddly familiar..' The creature felt all around his body, rubbing his fur and ears. He felt David try to move away while sliding another tentacle up his pants to rub it directly against his cock. "Aahh!" David yelped from the feeling. "S-Stop that!" he got out. 'Where's this action coming from, and why do I feel like I felt this recently?' 'No....' came a garbled voice in his head. "Hah? Oh no!" he looks around fearing someone's watching them. He didn't see anyone near the entrance and looked around wildly in confusion."I thought I heard someone's voice." 'Right....here.' David looks around again carefully, but doesn't see anyone. "But there's no one here except me and... you..." he looked at the creature's eyestalk with wide eyes. The eyestalk nods his head when Danny figured it out. "Oh my god....telepathy.....you can speak using the mind!" he cried out with even more awe. 'Oh wow, I got to write this down in my notebook... just as soon as I can get free of course.' David blushes as he forgotten his predicament amid his excitement. "Um, why are you holding me up like this?" 'Showing... appreciation... in caring for me.' it responded. "By rubbing me all over?" David asked, feeling flustered. "I mean, it feels nice and all, but my chest and my.... groin was a bit much." 'Growing close....to mating....season....need to lay eggs....inside.' "Okay so why do you need.. me... for....." Danny paused as his face reddens at the realization. "Wait, you mean-" The Eyestalk nods while the bat looks embarrassed and flustered, but doesn't do much in terms of resisting. "Wh-why me? I mean they're others out there." 'Only ones left....are father...mother....and siblings....need fresh warm....person for eggs.' David looks at the creature in surprise. 'Not much of them are left?' he thought in sorrow and concern. "But, why not some other animal? I mean there must be some dolphins that could do the job better." 'Too... agile... moves a lot... so fast... might harm eggs.' it answers. 'Also.... can't communicate... unlike you.' "So you need to put them all....in my ass?" 'Yes...' it answered. 'Oh no.' he thought before gasping as he started feeling his dick get hard from the tentacle rubbing it. 'He must've been rubbing me from a week ago. No wonder I felt odd.' 'Decent....size.' David blushes feeling rather happy by it. "Thanks... will it hurt?" 'Not sure...never....done this before.' 'Figured as much...' David thought feeling rather uncomfortable about this, but also worried if this doesn't continue, the creature might go extinct otherwise. Before he could say anything he found his hoodie get yanked off followed by his shirt, leaving his chest bare. "Whhaaa!" David got out as he shivered a bit from the cold. The tentacles kept him up while the ones in his pants started tugging them and his underwear down next. "Well.. it'll be bad if you have to risk getting you or the eggs hurt if you try to find another..." David blushes as he continues. "I'll bare your eggs." 'Thank you...holder.' "My name's David, by the way." he introduced himself. 'I'm aware....of your name.' David looks amazed. "You really are intelligent." 'I....have no...name.' "I supposed since no one knows what you are. What are you anyway?" David asked. 'My species....has...no name.' David looks amazed, 'Do you have any problems with Octoquid?' 'No....I...like it.' "Okay. An Octoquid it is." David decided. 'This is....for work.' it raised it's tentacle up before it opened up like a flytrap and moved down near David's semi-hard cock before slowly engulfing it. "Ooh?" he gasped in amazement at such a scene and how it made his body jolt from a spike of pleasure. "Ooohh!" he gasped out as his body trembled. He felt the insides were warm and squishy while it gripped around his dick and was held in place by the other tentacles. "W-wow, the insides feel amazing!" he got out drooling a bit. 'It's like my dick is being massaged all over.' 'Been with... anyone?' the Octoquid asked the bat. "N-No, no one." he groaned out while gasping as he felt what felt like a smaller tentacle flick against the tip. "Huh? What- oh! are you doing?" 'Enjoying...taste.' David moans in pleasure from it as he can't help but smile about helping out this Octoquid. That and feeling amazed at what just one of his tentacles was capable of. David then noticed two more tentacles moving to his chest. They opened up like the first and moved over his nipples before he felt a sudden sucking sensation on them. "Haah... whoa." David blushes from the feeling. 'Sensitive.' David was moaning softly as his whole body felt so warm. The tentacles made his body tingle in ways he never dreamed and moaned as the one around his cock started getting tighter before it moved up and down his genitals. "Aaahh!! Oh yes..." David panted as he was burning with lust. 'Enjoy...it?' it asked looking at David carefully. "Yes...oh god yes." he cried out. "So good!" he was trembling in the tentacles as he felt some rub his two ears. 'W-Wait! Those are sensitive!" 'They... are?' it asked as it rubs them carefully. David gasped and shuddered feeling them rub behind the ears and moaned louder. "Ahhh..." The creature rubbed them even more while moving another tentacle up and moved it between his ass cheeks. David gasped as he looks behind him "I... I think I'm gonna cum soon." 'Then....cum.' David moans out loud as he reached his climax, cumming in the tentacle. His back arched from how good it felt while the tentacle slowly swallowed each load. "W-wow..." David said with half-lidded eyes. 'Feeling...relax?' David nods his head to the eyestalk. 'Then....you take in eggs.' David blushes as he feels a tentacle spreads his ass cheeks apart to show the bat's hole. He felt the tentacle rub against it and gulped at what was gonna happen. "T-try to be gentle with me... okay?" he asked nervously. 'Will....try.' the octoquid said, stroking David's cheek soothingly. Said bat smiled before gasping as the tentacle started pushing against his anus and made him clench his teeth and ass as it slowly forced its way inside him. David grunted and bit his lip as he did his best to endure the pain and not scream. 'It's so big!' As he endures the pain, he also gasped as he can feel the tentacles at his nipples and cock resumed sucking. 'Must be... trying to give me pleasure with it.' 'I am.' David smiled as he take deep breaths, usually exhaling a pleasure filled moan almost every time. And each time he felt the end of the tentacle wiggle around inside him. Soon the pain was numbed away and was replaced with blissful pleasure. "It's so big!" His mouth was wide open as he groaned. 'Good...nice and tight.' It said rubbing David's cheek. 'Will hold....many eggs.' 'Never thought I'd be a researcher and incubator at the same time.' David admitted. He felt the tentacle pull back in his ass before pushing back in which made him moan. 'More than... incubator.' "Then...what am I?" David asked looking at the eyestalk. 'Mate.' "Hmm..." David thought of what he meant and then he blushes redder. "Wait... you mean you see me as-" he was cut off as the tentacle pushed inside him deeper while the ones on his nipples and cock sucked faster. 'Bride... to an Octoquid?' He thought with amazement. 'I never even had a girlfriend, but now a new creature has made me his mate!' 'You... very caring... helped me... when young.' "Well, to be fair, you weren't too young for long." moaned David with the tentacle in his ass sliding back and forth. 'Still... cared for me...' it spoke while moving the tentacle in and out faster while another tentacle moved up near his face with a tongue sticking out before licking the bat's cheek. David blushes. "I couldn't.. Leave some creature to die." David said. 'Caring....bride.' David blushes with a smile as he then let out a gasp at his prostate being touched, with the tentacle with a tongue moving and slipping in David's mouth. He felt it lick and rub against his own while his cock spewed out his second load into the tentacle. 'S-so... nice.' 'Eggs...nearly....ready.' David nodded his head. 'If I took the penetration well, the eggs shouldn't be a problem.' The creature made a gurgle sound before David saw spheres move up the tentacle in his ass and groaned out feeling the egg start pushing into him which started widening his asshole. 'I can... handle it.' 'Bride will take....hundreds.' it spoke while the first egg slowly eased on inside David's rectum. 'H-hundreds?' he thought looking a bit worried. That's when he saw more move up the tentacle and groaned as another one started pushing into him. "W-wait.. I don't.. Think I can take a hundred." he got out groaning. 'Will try....for all.' "W-wait..Oohh!" he groaned out as he started to feel a line of eggs get pushed into him while he clenching his hands. (A few minutes later) David panted while feeling close to fainting as his stomach looked bloated and he had kept cumming inside the tentacle over his dick to the point he felt drained. "Un...bel..ievable.." he panted as he said that. 'Bride....full?' David looked at the Octoquid. "Can't you tell?" he asked back. The eyestalk looked at the bloated stomach and nodded. 'All eggs....inside now.' Even patting the stomach carefully. 'Yeah... still can't believe I fit all of that inside.' he thought as he tried to get up. He groaned from the weight and was stuck on his back. 'I might need a moment before my strength returns.' He took deep breathes while feeling extremely tired and debating on whether he would even be able to get up and get back home at this point. 'It's gonna be a pain...' he sighs. 'Bride...should rest...regain energy.' 'I know, but I need to get home. Otherwise my parents would get worried.' David explained, barely managing to get onto his feet. "Can you help me with my clothes?" The eyestalk nods as he lifted David up and carefully put the clothes back on the bat. After he was done he gave said bat's ass a pat who turned and started trudging on out of the cave, bringing the wagon and tank with him. 'Believe me, making it back home will be a piece a cake compared to my next task.' 'We'll....meet again....bride.' David smiles as he headed off. (Some time later) Getting back home was easy, but now David had to deal with an even tougher challenge. "What happened to you?!" cried his mother with wide eyes. "Oh um...:" he paused trying to think of an excuse. "I had a big lunch." "In the middle of the night?" frowned his father. "Yeah, it sound more like an added dinner most likely." David corrected. "I didn't think I would take so long, but carrying that creature back was heavier than I thought." "David, tell the truth." "I-I am." David insisted, starting to get nervous. 'Please don't make me tell you.' Both his parents crossed their arms while not backing down. David groans as he sat down on the chair, "Returning the creature to the beach... wasn't uneventful." "Did it do something to you?" asked his mother in horror. "It didn't hurt me, but it had a request." "Which was?" "It's species was endangered, and the only way they can have more kins is they need a warm person to lay eggs in." he explained. "Wait, you mean....it.....oh my god!" "Calm down, everything's okay. I'm completely fine." David said reassuringly. "But I mean...were they...oh good lord." groaned his mother looking close to throwing up. "It's okay, it didn't hurt. Actually, it felt... pretty good." David blushes as he admitted that. "How can this be good? I'm getting my keys and we're going to a doctor to get those things out of you." frowned his dad. "No, it's not necessary. I'm perfectly fine. There's no need for that." David said. "Plus they might die if I have to have surgery to get them out and that'd just be endangering his species more." he added that part urgently. "Oh really? Do you know how they come out? For all you know they could be like those things from that movie where they burst from your chest!" cried out his mom looking close to fainting. "There's no such thing as aliens. And I never heard of anything happening like that in real life." David answered. "My best guess is after hatching they'll just....slide out." "Slide out where?" his dad asked. David blushes. "The same way they came in." And cue his mother passing out and thankfully landing on the couch. "I can't blame her from fainting like that though. I'll have to apologize to her when she wakes up." "David even if it's some new species, being the host for it's eggs is just too much. What if this scars your body for life? What if they're too big? Men weren't made to...do that." "I'll admit it caught me off guard when it mentioned something like this the first time." David said scratching his head. "But it was very small when I found it the first time. I won't let them grow inside me to a point it'll cause pain and scarring." he assures his dad. "Plus it wouldn't tell me this if it didn't trust me. It could've just forced me into it, but didn't." "Wait, told you? You make it sound like it spoke to you plain as day." "Not spoke directly. It can communicate telepathically." David said. "It was so cool!" And cue his dad passing out next to his mom. "....Ok I probably should've mentioned that earlier." David said sweat dropping. (Few days later) David made a few more adjustments to his notes regarding the specimen he was caring for. He was eating his second bowl of cereal while putting down how his appetite had been growing. Thankfully, he looked up signs of pregnancy and discovered cravings was common. And this also lead to him looking up other stuff and pondered on whether he'd be able to let all of them out when the time came considering just giving birth to ONE child was a hassle. "I'll probably have to go to the beach earlier in advance so I don't make a mess here. Also I rather not have my sister know about this. She'll make my parent's freak out look calm." he remarked while rubbing his belly. 'She'll probably just think I got really hungry and started gaining weight.' He made final adjustments to his findings. Baring mind not to mention about how he was a host to the creature's eggs. "I want to sound like a researcher, not some kind of pervert." But as he looked at his stomach he pondered to himself. 'I wonder if each of them are gonna be the size like the first one? Maybe then it won't be as bad as I think.' he thought smiling. 'Though I need to speak to him about limiting it. It's nicer than I thought, but I rather not go through this every time looking like I had eaten a horse!' After finishing his cereal he got up with a groan and lay down on the bed and watch some tv. He needed to take it easy for now or else he might damage an egg or two. 'Maybe once I feel some wiggling, I'll head out.' (Next day) David woke up slowly and did some light stretches to ease him awake. All the while he yawned while patting his bulge. Then went to rubbing it carefully to check the progress of it. So far he felt the egg shells while some of them would occasionally move. "Hmm, they're moving, but none seemed to have hatched yet. After maybe feeling a couple or few kicks, I'll head out to the beach. Until then, I'll record the findings." He said as he carefully went to his desk. He grabbed his notebook and started inputting the info down. "Some eggs moving, but none of them hatched, Will continue monitoring until further signs of development." After finishing he sat in his chair while relaxing. Smiling as he rubbed his belly soothingly in the process. 'I think I'm starting to feel like a mother, I mean I don't' want them to get hurt, but that's the same as a researcher.' he let out a giggle at that thought. 'What's next, I start lactating?' He laughed a bit at that. "Oh man, I crack myself up." that's when he felt a sudden kick. David gasped a bit at that felt, placing a hand where he felt the impact. "Woah, was that one of them?" He asked himself, becoming rather excited though. 'If they're already hatching, I need to get to the beach, now.' He got up and started heading out the door, making sure no one was around. He rabbed his goodie to try and obscure the bloated belly before heading out the door. 'Okay, gotta get to the cave and wait there until the birthing begins.' he thought as he started walking. He tried to speed walk while keeping a low profile. He soon reached the sidewalk separating him from the beach, but the walk light was red so he had to wait. 'Come on, if they start hatching now I'll never make it and people might see me and stare.' he thought as he can see a few people coming to the same waiting spot he was at. One or two would glance at him and he tried to act natural without saying anything. 'Don't speak to me. Don't speak to me.' he begged repeatedly as he noticed the traffic light going to yellow. "Hey dude." spoke a wolf with a beanie. "No offense, but...might wanna go easy on the fries." "Huh?" David turned to the wolf. "Oh right, yeah I had a bad craving." he responded. 'Ok, granted they'll see me as a big eater first, that's okay. ' "You ever try ab crunches? They can really burn off that extra fat." "Never heard of them." he replied before the light turned green and he quickly walked away. "Gotta get going. See ya!" 'Huh, weirdo.' David took a sigh of relief as he made it to the beach. 'Almost there, now to the cave.' As if hearing him he felt two more kicks. 'Just settle a bit till I get there.' he thought as he walked faster. He spotted the cave and carefully moved into the cave before he started taking his hoodie off. "Phew, glad I made it without anyone catching on to me." he sighed as he took his shorts off as well. He slid his shirt off last and carefully tested the water which felt and made him shudder before making his legs go under and slowly submerged the lower half of his body. "Oohh, it's quite cold." David shivers. He tried to keep from jumping out and held onto the edge while feeling more kicking. "The birthing's gotta be close." David muttered. 'Mate....' came the familiar voice as David saw the water start to bubble. 'Oh.. you're here." David said as he saw the eyestalk rise up and looked at him. "They're almost here." he said to it. "They've been kicking several times." 'You done.... Good.' It said stroking the bat's cheek. 'Spread...ass.' David moved his legs away and breathed steadily. "Anything else?" 'Push.' David takes a deep breath as he starts pushing, clenching his teeth in the process. He started feeling something move in his ass and groaned feeling something slimy. "It..it's going through me..." he gasped as he takes a deep breath and pushes again. The creature looked and saw a small tentacle slip out from the bat's anus. David made one more push and soon it slips out with a pop. He keep it up as more slid out of him. (30 minutes later) David panted and felt his ass gaping as the last baby octoquid slip out from him. He lay his top half on the stone. "All... done." he got out. 'Good...work....mate.' The Octoquid made some tentacles to stroke David's back and sides soothingly. David smiles as he moans softly. "T-thank you for the compliment. Happy to help." 'Have more....eggs for you.' David looks surprised. "Already. How often and fast do you get more eggs?" he asked. 'Every...few days.' 'Wh-whoa...' David thought in his mind. Two tentacles held David's legs open before a third one moved over and rubbed against his cock. "Um... l-listen." he got out through moans. "I'll help you, but can you lighten up on the amount this time?" 'Why?' "It was difficult to get back home last time, not counting times when I had to bring the stuff back." David explained. "I'll let you give all of them to me most of the time, But I'm pretty sore still. Is that gonna be okay?" '....fine.' David smiled and went to stroke the tentacles with his hands. "Thank you for understanding. I really appreciate this." The tentacle nodded while one of them moved back over and started rubbing against his dick again. "Aahh\~" David smiles as he relaxed in the water and enjoys the treatment. "But this I can accept." He even moved his hands to rub the tentacle rubbing him. 'Figure I give it a massage for all this.' He felt it gurgle while one moved up and rubbed against his face. "I take it you like what I'm doing?" 'Yes...now suck.' David smiles as he opens his mouth wide. The tentacle sliding into his mouth afterwards. He tried relaxing to make sure it fit and was stunned since it really widened his jaw. 'Ngh.. A lot bigger than I thought.' 'Moist and...warm.' David smiles as he sucks on it carefully and slowly. The other tentacle rubbed his cock which started getting harder. "Mmmm." David groaned around the tentacle as he started thrusting forward. The octoquid gurgled before another tentacle moved up and prodded against his anus. Causing the bat to shudder from the touch, but relaxed and waited for the Octoquid to proceed. It slowly pushed back into the gaping hole just as the one near his cock slowly wrapped around it. David moans in pleasure as the birthing made him loose, making the penetration pleasurable. "G-Go in deeper." It gurgled as the tentacle moves forward inside more, even bringing a second tentacle to prod the stuffed anus. It slowly pushed up with David gasping with wide eyes before he moaned out as both of them slowly filled his backdoor. "Oooh\~ I feel like I could melt." David moans out with a muffled voice. 'Both of them are actually stuffing my ass!' The Octoquid gurgles from the response. He pushed the second one deep enough to where the other one was before moving them both back and forth together while the one around his cock moved up and over the cock. At this point, he was in complete bliss and unable to say anything but moan in pleasure. The ones in his ass pushed in deeper to where he felt them rub against his prostate which made his cock hard as a rock. 'Ngh... I can't hold it!' David cums as his body spasms. The sperm gushed into the air while feeling the tentacles in his ass rub against his prostate even harder. David panted as he slowly catches his breath as the tentacle slides out of his mouth. "Wow.".he moaned as his cock got hard again while feeling the tentacles inside him slowly twist around together into one big makeshift appendage before pushing in hard enough to where it was rubbing furiously against his prostate. "Ah! It's huge!" he groaned. 'More eggs....ready to...pour in.' David nods his head, blushing red. He felt one of them slowly slide out while seeing several eggs move down the one still in him before he felt them start to pour into him. 'That... that's a lot of eggs.' David thought. 'Will hold back...for now.' "Th-thank you..." he smiles warmly. He felt his belly get filled for a few minutes before it slowly stopped. Danny felt full, but not as weighed down as before, though he was still winded. "I think that's plenty." The tentacle rubbed the round belly carefully when he said that. "Well, I better get back home." He got up and got dressed. "Take care of yourself okay?" It gurgled before two tentacles moved over and had tongues before licking both sides of his face. 'You too...Mate.' David smiled while patting one of them before heading out. (Years later) David was now a full fledged researcher with the help of the notes he took when he was a teen. He wore a long concealing lab coat and was in his own home writing down info for a new species of anglerfish. He recorded his findings regarding the light it mades, how long it can last, their diets. But as he finished one page he heard the timer go off which is something he set up a while ago. "Oh is it that time already?" he asked smiling. He put his pencil down and stood up before leaving his studies and headed down the stairs which lead to his basement and stepped near a metal door. He typed in a code before the door opens and he went inside. He flipped a switch on the wall which turned the lights on which showed the interior had a small area with a window at the end of the cave it was built into with surrounding walkways and a pool of seawater in the middle. "Alright, I'm here." he said heading to the edge of the pool. "It should be here any minute now." And cue a spot of bubbles before a dark shadow slowly rose up from the bottom. "Afternoon, I see that you are well?" David asked smiling. The large shadow, which was the creature but much bigger gurgled while it's eyestalk rose up. "And I thought you were at your full height when I was fourteen, but you were full of surprises." David nods his head. 'You...too.' it spoke before the eyestalk narrowed and one of the tentacles lashed out towards the bottom of the coat, causing it to fly up a little to show his bare legs. 'No clothes...underneath....mate eager.' The bat blushes at the octoquid's observation. "Yeah, I was missing our moment those days ago." 'Last moment...was.....two weeks ago.' it reminded him with a gurgled chuckle. David covers his face to hide his blushing face. But that's when he felt the coat get yanked off him, leaving him naked. David smiles as he stares at his brown fur. 'It's been years since my first.' 'Will not....be last.' it spoke before two tentacles lashed out around his legs and held him up in the air to where he was dangled upside down. "Wha? This is new." he got out looking at the creature. 'Will now...pour....triple amount....inside.' David blushes at the words. Since he has grown and gotten more accustomed to the Octoquid's treatment, his body is more stronger and able to hold more eggs. "I probably won't be able to move afterwards." 'Then I shall...not hold back.' it spoke while a tentacle rose up, only with a pink head and looking three times bigger than any of it's others. David blushes at the size of it. "I... I never seen it that big." the other tentacles spread his legs open while the giant one moved over and rubbed against his ass. "Any idea how your species is doing?" he asked wondering if it knows. 'As far as I know.....species is slowly growing.' David smiles at the info. "Look like it's going well... even if I couldn't go fully at it." The giant tentacle started pushing against his anus and started to slowly get jammed into him while his eyes widened and his mouth opened in a silent scream. 'Ahhh!... It's huge... God.' David thought fighting the urge to cry out. He bit his finger to try and keep himself to ignore the sudden pain, his body trembling from the massive tentacle. 'Will impregnate....forever.' David blushes from the words. "F-forever's... a very long time." he stutters. 'But I'm not exactly against the idea.' He strokes the large tentacle as he finishes. "Come on big guy, you can start really moving." When he said that, the large tentacle started moving in and out of David's butt slowly. Each time it made his puckered hole strain around it while trying to accommodate it. The bat groans and pants as his cock hardens from the sexual pleasure. "C-Come on, I can take it!" The eyestalk nods as it increase the pace, thrusting faster and deeper. David moaned with his cock flopping from the thrusts and swore this size could split him in half. 'How many eggs...this time?' he asked. 'Hundreds...this time.' "Oh.. It'll really make moving around quite difficult." David blushes picturing himself really bloated with eggs. He kept moaning with each movement while the tentacle started twitching. "Y-you're... twitching.." He moans as he feels near his limit as well. 'Take...all....eggs.' David smiles as he moans out in bliss, having his climax come. His sperm dribbled down just as he started to feel a flood of eggs start pouring into him. "Hahh... I can feel them entering me!" David moaned excitedly as he held onto his stomach. It slowly grew bigger while his sperm kept shooting out. His anus quivers as he felt egg after egg enter him. "So many...eggs." (Moments later) He panted and moaned as he was weak from the session. He was laying on his back on the walkway while his stomach was enormous. "W-wow... might be 250 eggs inside me." David said rubbing his stomach. 'Will give more....later.' "O-okay." David said trying to get up, but feeling too heavy to do so. 'I figured this would happen.' 'Rest....mate.' 'That might help but...' He looks at his massive stomach. 'How am I gonna get up?' 'Rest...until eggs...hatch.' David looked concerned, but felt the Octoquid's tentacle rubs his belly and his ears softly. "Alright, but it's gonna be tricky. I still have an extra supply of food and water down here, but I still need to call work to let them know I'll be taking some time off." 'Help in... any way... I can.' "Thanks." he rubbed his belly while looking outside the cave entrance. 'I still wonder, where did this fella come from?' Far far away from the town is where we see a small island with a grass hut beside a beach with a small fire going that was cooking several fish on sticks. There was a male fox, looking around mid thirties, checking on the fish. He was slim and wore a simple white cloth that was wrapped around his waist and with a single white strip in between his legs which did nothing to hide his dick and showed off his firm ass. "Should be good enough." he said as he took it away from the fire and let it cool off for a second before beginning to eat. He grabbed another and walked over to the shore where a creature like the first one rose up, but twice as big before the fox tossed the fish up, watching as one of the tentacles lashed out and swallowed it in one gulp. "I hope you liked it, I feared it might've been a little overdone." he said. 'Delicious.' it spoke in the same gurgled voice. "Glad to hear." He looked around the island. "Nice place, plenty of walking room. Thank you." 'Bride....deserves more.' it spoke while a tentacle moved over and wrapped around the fox's waist in a hug. "You don't have to do so much for me. I'm already very happy." he smiles. He gave the tentacle a hug while kissing it before it picked him up and set him on top of the creature. He rubbed the top of his 'husband' while looking at the vast sea. "Hey." 'What is it?' it asked. "You ever wonder how the kids are doing? Do you think any of them have survived and found some hosts to reproduce with?' 'I feel... our species growing.' it responded. 'Slowly....but surely.' The fox smiles. "That's good to hear." He looks over the ocean again. 'Ready....for more?' The fox smiles. 'For you... anytime.' It gurgled before several tentacles rose up as the camera panned away with the sounds of moaning as the screen went black.
Dragon Harem (Reboot) Chapter 10: A Visiting Friend by draconicon
#14 of Dragon's Harem FA: DrakeHavok is incredibly generous, continuing to fund this series, and this is another chapter where he makes an appearance, though in his dragon form rather than in his converted human form. If you enjoyed this story, please consider dropping me a tip at
[ "Character Development", "Dragon", "Dragon harem", "Harem", "M/M", "Magic", "Mouse", "Nudity", "Overlords", "Plot Development", "Series", "Sharing", "cock ring", "no sex", "strategy" ]
Dragon Harem Chapter 10: A Visiting Friend For DrakeHavok By Draconicon Draconicon grumbled as he, once again, pushed Joshua away from him. The mouse had gotten ever more amorous during the last sixteen hours, and he knew precisely the reason. *Just because I can't cum doesn't mean I've become a walking dildo,* he thought as he ended up tying the mouse up with some of his magic. The black fire surrounded the rodent's wrists and ankles, lifting him off of the floor and leaving him hanging from the ceiling. As the slut whimpered, Draconicon laid back on his bed, closing his eyes and taking a few deep breaths to try and center himself. It wasn't so easy with a magic ring around the base of his cock, particularly as it was throbbing like mad, but he managed it. He drifted away from the now and into the back of his mind, focusing on the problem at hand. *Aldedran, Shisan, and an inevitable war. Two possible alliances, and no way of staying out of it.* Which would have been the ideal solution, he admitted. More than anything, he would have liked to see his neighbors and rivals kill each other off and weaken themselves while he kept building himself up. Just a few years, and he'd have something that would be not only a near-impregnable defense against other dragons, but also an offensive network that would keep others from bothering him lest they come under its focus. However, neither of them would give him that time. Turning both of his neighbors down would only invite one of them to attack him first, either out of spite or out of practicality, eliminating a potential danger. It was the only sensible thing to do, with a war in the offing, and he wouldn't blame them. He'd do the same thing. At the same time, accepting either offer of alliance would mean making an enemy out of the other. Either Aldedran would make good on his threat to expose the magi-tech that Draconicon was working on, or Shisan would show off the full power of her massive spy and assassin network. *I'm good, but she's been in the business of plotting and assassinating others for years. I don't put long odds on surviving that,* he thought. *But if Aldedran does expose me, that means that even more of the overlords will turn against me, and I might just get stripped of my status...* It was a conundrum, and not a good one. And not one that was made either by the confusticated throbbing below his waist. The black dragon let out a long, slow sigh, forcibly restraining his hands so that they wouldn't go down and make it worse. "Trust Shisan to find a way to make a male problem that much more bothersome..." "Oh, she's good at that." Draconicon opened one eye, looking towards the window on the far side of his chamber. A scaly silhouette stood on the large windowsill, looking in at him while being shaded by the sunrise. He chuckled. "Long time, no see, Havok." "Heh, how did you know it was me?" "One of the only dragons able to mask his own magical aura, AND able to get past all the mundane securities that the people here have set up? The list is slim enough, and you're the only one that wouldn't have tried to kill me first." He rolled out of bed as his fellow Overlord stepped inside, ignoring the mouse's confusion as he embraced the white dragon. He patted him on the back a few times before letting go. "What brings you out here?" "Well, I was coming here for the beaches -" "You'll want to hit the other side of the peninsula for that." "- but I also heard that you were having a few issues." "...Trust the spymaster to find out things before the rest of us." He chuckled as the white dragon rolled his eyes, but it was more or less the truth. Though one of the technically weaker dragons of the Overlord rank, Havok was one of those that had shown he had a brain and knew how to use it better than the average dragon. Most showed off power, while the white dragon made sure that he never had to exert more than a little bit of it, always heading off situations before they could become something catastrophic. Draconicon was also one of the few that knew Havok hadn't stopped with the spying when he became an Overlord, either, out in the Bluegrass Range. There were agents all across the continent, and probably a few outside of it, that reported back to the white dragon. If there was anyone that was overly informed about what went on in the world, it was him. He gestured towards the hallways, and Havok nodded. The pair of them started walking away - "Master?" "I'll be back later, Joshua. You hang in there, and you might get a little fun later." Closing the door behind him, he fell in step beside his friend. A simple spell summoned one of his robes, covering him and his perpetually throbbing cock up. "So, why the dramatic entrance? Looking to make an impression?" "Oh, not so much. I just thought that I'd skip all the lines and procedures." "Not to mention how badly the whole ambassador thing went for you last time." "Oh, please, don't get me started on that. The whole manipulation thing doesn't work when you're a fucking control freak." "Shisan makes it work." "Yeah, how's that cock ring working for you?" "...Changing topics, I think, would be good about now." As the white dragon laughed, Draconicon pulled them towards a different hallway, shifting directions towards one of the public balconies. Not so much because of the topic, but more because he knew that if they kept walking in a straight line, they'd eventually reach the harem quarters. Considering how things could go there, he didn't want to take Havok there just yet. He wanted to talk, not start an orgy. Soon enough, they were in the open air, looking down on the city from the top floor of his makeshift palace. The black dragon leaned on the railing, shaking his head a few times. *I really am getting too attached to this place,* he thought. He'd expected there to be some difficulty in dealing with the locals, admittedly, particularly with getting used to ruling over humans, but this was something entirely different. Despite all the aggravations they kept heaping on him, despite all the things that they did to try and keep hold of their old ways, they still endeared themselves to him. There were enough progressives out here that were embracing some of the dragon ways to impress him, and when it came down to it, he had less to complain about than most Overlords. Besides that, he felt protective of them. They had slowly started to serve him willingly, and he, in turn, had accepted them as more than possessions, but as a responsibility. It was...interesting, in a way. He hadn't had that in the old world. 'People' there had been limited to dragons, with the many magical and non-magical servants being more replaceable. Here, they weren't so expendable, and were more distinct. He shook his head. "This world is going to change us all, Havok." "Heh, you're just figuring this out now?" He looked over his shoulder at the white dragon. "Just because you were the one that decided he'd start walking around in disguise all the time doesn't give you an excuse to be a smartass." "No, but I think I can be the one that said 'told you so.'" "Yeah, I guess." Draconicon shook his head. "How long did it take you to get used to the fact that humans are so..." "Unique?" "Let's go with that." "About three months, I guess. Didn't sink in until I actually tried to get some information from a widow of an old soldier. I let her think I was him, and...Well, let's just say that it was an experience." Nodding, Draconicon tried to imagine how that would have gone. His own experience had been much slower than Havok's, if that was the case. He'd learned over years what the difference between humans and their subjects in the old world had been. Having it smashed in his face... *Heh, no wonder Havok's one of the more progressive Overlords.* He looked at his city for a few more minutes before finally shaking his head. "I know you're not here just to see the beaches, Havok. Why are you really here?" "...Really, just to see the beaches, but I'm open to other things." "Heh...Then, how about we go to the good one?" "I'm good with that." Draconicon nodded, and reached inside. The magic was there, as it always was, and he let it flow down his arms in thick, black cords of fire. It stretched out from his fingers, forming a hole in mid-air that grew bigger and bigger as he poured more magic into it. Within seconds, it was as tall as he was, and getting brighter. He focused on a mental image, and it flashed. When it cleared, there was a coastline in view, with several standing rocks in the distance. The waves lapped along the shore, and it was completely open and clear. "After you, Havok." "Always the gentleman." They walked along the edge of the beach, leaving large footprints in their wake that even the waves had a hard time getting rid of as they moved along. The black dragon led the way, his hands clasped behind his back as he let Havok have some time to enjoy the beach. It was a good one, he had to admit. It was one of the only places he'd seen where large pillars of rock shot up off of the coastline, creating a rather mystical look to the whole place. He'd considered at one time setting up a small, secondary retreat out here, but he couldn't bring himself to spoil the natural beauty, and he didn't have the mind to put together something that worked with it. As a result, it was a very empty place. Even the animals were quiet as they walked around, keeping to themselves as the waves crashed down against the shore again and again. He kept himself quiet as well, letting his friend have his time with the sun and the water, letting him have what he came for. Havok darted around more than he did, anyway, the white dragon running up towards the water, and then running away from it like a bit of a hatchling. He ran up the beach for shells, and then back with some of the better ones, and even seemed to find some joy out of the little tidepools in the area. Admittedly, when the place was still new to him, Draconicon had felt similar things, but it had been a long time since he'd felt quite that sense of wonder. As Havok pulled himself away from the third tide pool, shaking a crab off of his finger, Draconicon chuckled. "So, getting your fill of sun and sand?" "Starting to. Definitely getting my fill of pinches. Do humans actually get hurt by those things?" "Not so much by the little ones, but the big ones have a bigger set of pincers for that sort of thing." "Yeah. I can see that." The white dragon shook his head - and his hand - one more time before looking back at him. "So, what are you going to do about the whole Shisan/Aldedran thing?" "I thought you just came here for the beaches?" "I did. But that doesn't mean I can't ask a few questions, right?" Draconicon chuckled, shaking his head. He found a rock to sit on, and did so, pushing his feet through the sand and burying them in it. "I don't know. I'm tempted to just bury myself out here and just wait it out, but that'd mean that they'd take over, and we all know that sort of thing wouldn't be good for anyone." "Yeah, not really, no." "So, that means I have to pick one side or another, but either one will bite me in the ass." "...Not necessarily." The black dragon arched an eyebrow, and Havok held up a hand. "Hear me out before you judge it, but there might be a way for you to play them off of each other." "Only way I can think of would be to accept both of their alliances." "Well, that was the idea." "...Are you insane? There's every likelihood that they'd both want me dead on sight. I can't hide the fact that I'd accepted the alliance from both of them." "Then don't." Draconicon blinked, shaking his head a few times. He held up a finger, rubbing his forehead with his other hand. "I'm sorry, what? You want me to tell them that I'm stabbing them in the back by allying myself with their enemy as well as them?" "Heh, I didn't mean it like that, admittedly." "Then perhaps you better get a little more clear." "Alright." Sitting back, Draconicon watched as Havok picked up a stick and started writing in the sand. The white dragon drew out three letters - a D, an A, and an S - and then connected the D with the other two in back and forth lines. "What we have here are two dragons that utterly despise each other for different reasons. They both want the other gone, they both want the prize of the land on the other end. This need is going to leave them a little less sensible than they'd usually be. "Now, if you tried to be sneaky about it, hiding the dual alliance, they'd think you were a traitor. But we both know that Aldedran is far from a genius -" "Pretty brutish and slovenly, if cunning." "Yeah, that's what I thought. And he'll be happy to believe that you fooled Shisan, considering that he loves to see her brought down a peg. Play up how smart you were about it, and he'll probably take it as a given that you were able to deceive her." "...Admittedly, you're probably right, but it doesn't explain how to get around Shisan." "The dragoness wouldn't fall for something like that, it's true, but she likes the idea of being in charge. I bet she even thinks that any alliance with you would still end with her on top, with her commanding you like a general rather than being co-directors of the war." Draconicon nodded. That had been the impression he'd got from her. Particularly as she'd also been riding him at the time, or rather, her ambassador had. Even with that distraction, her goals and her needs had been painfully clear. She would be the one in charge, and he would be the one that followed, come hell or high water. Havok nodded in return, dropping the stick. "Then you're set. You just play into that. Tell her that you took a step forward, becoming her spy in Aldedran's confidence. She'll enjoy the initiative, feel that she has the leverage to take you down if she needs to, and feel like she's not under any particular threat." "Wouldn't she have the leverage to take me down, if she just talked to Aldedran?" "Not if you played it up with him right. He'll see your 'agreement' with her as part of the lies that fooled her. Anything that she tells him will reinforce your lie, making you look like a stronger ally than ever. And anything that you tell her will make her believe that she owns you more, while anything that Aldedran tells her becomes something that she needs to verify through you. "Admittedly, it all hinges on just how well you make that first alliance and lie to them both, but...set it up right, and neither of them can break it. All they can do is make it stronger, make them need you more than ever." Draconicon looked down at the display on the ground, pondering the whole idea. It was surprisingly brilliant, though he should have expected that from Havok. The white dragon had a talent for reading a situation and finding a surprisingly good outcome from it. Were there any downsides? A few. He would be stretched much thinner for the next few months, working both ends against the middle, and he'd have to make sure that he kept very good mental notes over what was needed for both sides. He'd need to make sure that he used their forces against each other rather than his own, ensuring that he didn't end up fighting himself, and that would take some work. Yet, at the same time... *Havok's really found the solution here,* he thought. *Shisan is too paranoid to just put aside that sort of tool, a direct pipeline of information from an enemy court, and Aldedran just loves to believe that others aren't as smart as they appear to be. If I can sell this...* Well, it might just give him the lands of both of them, rather than just one. It would set back the plans of the defense network that he wanted to set up, considering it would need to cover a bigger border than was initially planned, but at the same time, he would have far more resources to work with if this actually did come together properly. He smiled. "Havok, I have to say, you're a genius." "It's not like it's that hard to figure out." "Yeah? Well, I didn't." "Like I said, not that hard to figure out." "...Keep that up, and the courtesy harem isn't going to happen, little tail-raiser." "Oh, now, come on. Don't take it like that." Standing up with a chuckle, Draconicon patted his friend on the shoulder, and then pulled him into a hug. A very tight, very powerful hug that squeezed the air right out of the white dragon's lungs. "Thanks...I was getting pretty freaked out about whether I'd even be able to salvage this, and you've given me a way to do it. I owe you a lot." "Well...maybe...you can...give me something..." "Name it." "First....let go...air..." He released his friend immediately, and Havok stumbled backwards, gasping for breath as he cleared his lungs a few times. Despite sharing a species, Havok didn't have quite the same capacity for physical strength as most dragons did, and Draconicon always forgot that. When his friend had gotten his breath back, Draconicon repeated the offer. "What can I give you?" "Heh, well...that courtesy harem is one thing. But I'd like to make a request." "Of course. You only have to ask." "I hear that you have a white dragon among your own harem?" Draconicon groaned. "Seriously? That's just Drake. He's someone that -" "Someone that you made look just like me?" "Before you start thinking I have a crush or something, he wanted to be a dragon, and you were the first example I thought of. He's just a fan of the card game and a fan of us." "Well, then, I'm sure he'd be happy to start humping his idol." "Such a tail-raiser." "As if you aren't familiar with it yourself?" "Noooot the point, and not for a long time." Draconicon blushed a bit, regardless, remembering the few times that it had happened. It didn't help that he was getting all sorts of pent up, either, and with this long without an orgasm, anything that gave pleasure was starting to sound good. His cock continued to drip and leak in his robe, as a result. Havok didn't help with his chuckles, and the dragon rolled his eyes as he offered his hand. "Fine. Payment for the plan, you get to have Drake for the night and morning. Fair enough?" "Drake, and the stallion." "In the mood for something big, huh?" "Aren't we all?" "Heh, fine. Drake, and the stallion, and I get to say that this plan was mine." "Deal." They shook hands, and Draconicon set to making the portal back to the palace. It was a simple enough spell, though it drained a lot of power when it was cast, even for that short of a distance. He'd have to see if he could tweak it; he had the feeling that he'd be doing a lot of traveling in the future. The End
Bed Time Ritual by Vaurien
Story written for the artwork done by the wonderful SqueakyElCachorro ( https://www.furaffinity.net/user/squeakyelcachorro ) on FurAffinity. It seems that Vaurien's Sir has a strange idea of what 'bedtime' is, and Squeaky is not too happy about it! Will the two make it through the night? Read on to
[ "Bondage", "Gag", "Milking", "Tiger", "Wolf", "straitjacket" ]
Squeaky looked a bit incredulous when he heard what Vaurien had just said. "You've got to be kidding me, right?" "Uhm, no, it's what my Sir tells me." Vaurien blushed deeply and looked towards the ground. "I don't make the rules; he does." Squeaky just stared at Vaurien, unsure of what to say. He'd visited the tiger for the day just to hang out and play some games, but time had gotten away from them and it had gotten late. Instead of trying to make the long trip home, he asked if he could stay the night. He was relieved when Vaurien's Sir, Kai, had said okay; but there was a catch. Vaurien told Squeaky that his Sir said there was only the tiger's bed available and would need to be shared between the two, and that a certain amount of gear would need to be worn. "So, uh, what kind of gear?" asked the pup, now a bit worried. Vaurien gulped. "I'm not sure. Sir said it was going to be a surprise." Now Squeaky looked particularly worried. "A surprise?" The tiger softly nodded, blushing more. The pup sighed and said "Fine, I'm tired, can we just get this over with? I don't want to stay up any longer, I need some sleep." The look in Vaurien's eyes concerned him a bit, and he paused and asked "We... we will be getting sleep, yes?" The tiger looked around a bit and stammered "Yeah, yeah.. sure." Vaurien gulped again and quickly followed up with "C'mon, let's get ready for bed." Vaurien led Squeaky to his bedroom, where the pup was immediately taken aback at seeing a set of five large straps wrapped around the bed. In the corner of the room he could see a large pile of what looked like some very extensive leather restraints, a small pile of padlocks and a somewhat large pile of bandanas of various colors. Squeaky looked worriedly at the tiger, asking "Are we going to be wearing all that?" "Yes, little pup" a soft but firm voice behind them uttered. Squeaky turned to see Kai standing behind them, having come quietly into the room a few moments earlier. The big tiger's grey eyes were piercing as he looked at the pup, but there was a gentleness behind it. "You don't need to worry, Squeaky, I promise you'll be okay. You may opt out right now if this really makes you uncomfortable, but I figured there might be some interest after overhearing some of your conversations with my kitten." The pup pondered a moment, then looked over at Vaurien, who had an expression of embarrassment mixed with a look of hopefulness. "I.. suppose it will be fine, Sir Kai." Squeaky gave a small sigh of resignation to what he expected would be an interesting night. Kai smiled at both his kitten and the pup, then firmly said "Strip, you two. Time to get you ready for bed." Both Squeaky and Vaurien did as asked, and once fully naked Kai went over to retrieve the leather gear. Kai laid the main items out on the bed: two leather straitjacket/sleepsack combinations. The larger, dark purple one was obviously meant for Vaurien and the smaller green one was for Squeaky. They both had thick leather straps that went around the ankles, legs, waist and chest with bicep pinions attached to the last one. All the strap's buckles were lockable, and each suit looked quite intimidating. Kai set about attaching the straps to the ones secured to the bed, which meant once everything was strapped up there would be very little movement allowed. "Climb in, boys, time to get you ready for bed" said Kai, giving a smirk. Vaurien quickly scrambled into his, but Squeaky paused for a moment, looking up at Kai then back at the straitsuit before finally cautiously sliding into the gear. Once both were fully in, Kai began to secure all the straps on the pup's straitsuit. They were pulled snug to prevent Squeaky from moving around much, but not so much that they would be uncomfortable for staying in the bondage for the full night. A final small strap was placed through some loops on the chest area to secure the arms to the pup's body. After Kai had ensured everything was done up properly, he grabbed a handful of padlocks and swiftly locked all the buckles on the straitsuit. Squeaky watched as Kai moved over to his kitten and went through the same procedure in securing the straitsuit. Once everything was strapped up nice and snug and the padlocks had been applied, the big tiger went and retrieved the bandanas. This time he went over to Vaurien first and balled up one, saying "Open, kitten" before packing the soft bandana into the poor tiger's muzzle. Another rolled up bandana was tied in tight and knotted firmly behind the head, then a folded one was wrapped over the muzzle, followed by another and another. A final one was wrapped bandit-style over Vaurien's muzzle, and then three bandanas were tied snuggly around his neck, making the poor kitten very, very quiet. Kai walked around the bed, holding another wadded up bandana. "Please open, little pup" he said to Squeaky, who once again hesitated briefly before doing as asked. As Kai began to gag the pup the same way his kitten had been gagged, he casually said "Just so you know, Squeaky, this was all really Vaurien's idea. He wanted to have you tied up and gagged with him very badly, and being my cute kitten, I just couldn't say no." Squeaky gave an angry glance over at Vaurien who looked a bit horrified and tried to speak, only to have low, muffled grunts eminate from his thickly gagged muzzle. The big tiger smiled as he finished the gagging and continued "Oh yes, he wanted you bound and gagged with him, and especially wanted you to share in his favorite part of his play: a good, long milking!" The pup gave a half terrified look and started to buck and strain in the bondage, growling and snarling into his gag. He looked over again at the helpless tiger next to him, his eyes filled with rage. Squeaky started to make loud grunts into his gag, obviously trying to say not so nice things to Vaurien. He bucked and struggled for a bit before going limp, exhausted from all the thrashing. Kai reached down and gently stroked Squeaky's hair. "It's okay, little pup, I know you'll love it. My kitten said you would!" Vaurien shook his head frantically, trying to speak again with no success. It was obvious that his Sir was getting the poor kitten into major trouble, and enjoying it immensely. He just whimpered and looked worriedly at the pup next to him, who continued to drill into the tiger with his glaring eyes. "I think I'll let you two settle into your bondage for a bit. I'll be back in a few hours." Kai tenderly patted Squeaky's and Vaurien's heads, then left the room, closing the door behind him. Squeaky started to growl and struggle again, all the while shooting daggers at Vaurien with his eyes. The tiger also struggled, looking away as he blushed very deeply and whimpered softly. Both tugged at their secured arms and tried to twist their legs, the locks making jingling noises but their bodies making very little movement. Kai had done an extremely good job at ensuring they would be immobile for the night. The next two hours were mainly the soft noises of the locks, the leather creaking and the muffled grunts and growls coming from the two helpless forms on the bed. Once the two were both sufficiently exhausted from the struggling, Kai re-entered the room, smiling as the pup and kitten were panting heavily into their gags, sweat on their brows from all the struggling. "I think it's time for the real fun to begin tonight. I know this is my kitten's favorite part of the experience!" Vaurien's eyes widened in fear as his Sir said that, and both him and Squeaky watched expectantly as the big tiger reached under the bed and pulled out a black device with two long tubes attached, both with latex lined cylinders connected at the other end. "Are you ready for the milking, my pets?" Kai chuckled. Squeaky shook his head violently and growled and hollered into his gag, but no intelligible words were discerned. Vaurien just shuddered slightly, having experienced this many times before. Kai carefully undid a small zipper located in the crotch area of each of the straitsuits, and gently pulled out the pup's and kitten's cocks which he then began to gently stroke with his gloved paws. It didn't take long for both to become fully erect, at which point the big tiger lubed up Squeaky's cock and gently slid the milking cylinder onto it, securing the device with a small strap that wrapped behind the pup's balls. Kai did the same for his kitten's member, and then reached down to the device. A small clicking sound was heard and the cylinders came to life, gently riding up and down on the two cocks. Low moans were heard as Kai slowly increased the speed of the device until the optimal setting was achieved, at which point Kai once again stood up, a satisfied look on his face. "Well, my pets, I think that should do it. I hope you enjoy your evening and I'll check on you in the morning in about, oh... six hours or so?" Kai said as he looked at the clock in the room. The tiger's comment was responded to with muted howls and muffled begs as both Squeaky and Vaurien tried to plead with him to not leave them like this all night. "What's that? I can't understand either of you, so I will assume you are both extremely happy to be this way and are begging me to leave you like this so you can enjoy yourselves." He smiled and added, "And that I will do now. Good night, my pets!" Kai then dimmed the lights and left the room. As he closed the door, a click was heard, indicating he'd locked the door behind him which meant that this was a room that was not intended for one to be able to leave on their own. The pup and kitten both began to whimper and struggle as their first orgasms hit and the hypersensitivity on their cocks set in. As the hours passed there were many muffled whines and whimpers, along with a lot of creaking leather as the two struggled helplessly in an effort to get the milkers off of them. Vaurien was trying to avoid looking over at Squeaky, for every time he did he could see the pup glaring back at him, the pup's eyes indicating that the poor tiger would be in deep trouble when he finally got free. As morning approached, the panting got heavier and the whining got even louder, but the milkers continued to relentlessly work their now very sore cocks, and there were a few times when both began to dry shoot for a while before starting to come again. Morning finally came and a click was heard as the door was unlocked and slowly opened. Kai stepped in and smiled at the two now very exhausted pets on the bed. Vaurien's eyes were glazed over, but Squeaky's eyes were smoldering. "Did you have an enjoyable night, my pets?" chuckled the big tiger. Vaurien made a soft whine, looking desperately up at his Sir. Squeaky gave a low growl and tugged at his restraints, looking extremely annoyed. This make Kai chuckle some more before reaching down and shutting off the milking device. Soft sighs of relief were heard from the pup and the kitten, who both relaxed as their panting abated. Kai gently removed the cylinders from their cocks; each gave a gasp as their sore cocks suddenly were free once again. The big tiger laid the devices on the floor, then leaned over and gently stroked the pup's and the tiger's hair, helping them to calm down and relax more. Once both were calmed sufficiently, Kai retrieved the key for the padlocks and started to remove the ones on Squeaky's restraints. Squeaky watched intently, glancing over angrily at Vaurien every so often still which made the helpless tiger shudder a bit. Soon all the padlocks were off and Kai undid each of the straps, finally releasing the pup from his long bondage session. Kai helped Squeaky out of the straitsuit and gently massaged various parts of his body to help his circulation fully recover. The pup murred softly into his gag as the big tiger caressed him. When he went to reach for his gag to remove it, Kai stopped him. Squeaky looked up, a bit confused, until the big tiger smirked and said "You know, little pup, since this was all my kitten's idea, maybe you want to properly 'thank' him for such a wonderful night?" An evil gleam came into Squeaky's eyes as he looked over at Vaurien, who now began to wildly struggle and whine, shaking his head vigorously and trying desperately to beg, with just muffled whines and grunts being heard. Squeaky turned back to Kai and eagerly nodded. Kai grinned widely and said "Well, I think my kitten should be the one to remove your gag, don't you think? But we shouldn't undo any of his restraints just yet; oh no, he needs to figure out how to remove your gag while still tightly bound." Squeaky nodded excitedly and laughed into his gag as Vaurien whined louder. "Ah yes," Kai continued, "my kitten definitely needs to stay this way for now, and I think he needs a bit more relief down there, too." The big tiger pointed to his kitten's cock, now getting hard again, betraying Vaurien to his real desires. Tears were forming in Vaurien's eyes as the realization of what was to happen began to sink in. Kai went over to a small dresser in the room and retrieved a simple leather outfit for Squeaky: a pair of chaps, a vest and some gloves, along with a muir cap. The pup eagerly put the gear on and then hopped back onto the bed, laying next to the helpless tiger and grinning evilly under the gag. The big tiger handed a bottle of lube to Squeaky, who calmly poured a generous amount onto Vaurien's swollen, erect cock and started to gently stroke it. While he did so, he lifted his tail and let the tip gently brush against the helpless kitten's balls, causing Vaurien to yelp and shoot nearly two feet into the air. Squeaky immediately began polishing the tip of the kitten's cock to cause Vaurien to howl and thrash as he shot again. "Good pup!" exclaimed Kai. "My kitten is so happy with your thanking, I think I should let you do this as long as you want. He has nothing that needs doing for the day." Squeaky nodded at Kai and turned back to Vaurien with an evil glint in his eyes, not letting up on the stroking and polishing while his tail continued to tickle the poor kitten's balls. "I'll leave you two alone and check in this afternoon." said Kai as he smiled and got up to leave the room. As he got to the door, he paused and turned back to the two on the bed. "Oh, Squeaky, my kitten would be \_extremely\_ thankful if you'd demand him remove your gag. He just loves hearing angry grunting at him while he's being 'thanked', it makes him so very happy." Squeaky turned and nodded at Kai, then turned back to Vaurien and began to angrily grunt into his gag which made the bound and gagged tiger shoot even harder, now starting to howl. Kai smiled as he saw his kitten give him one final desperate look before he turned away again and left the room. As he closed the door, the sounds of angry grunting and soulful howling could still be heard.
Beta-Testers: Epilogue by draconicon
#15 of Beta-Testers The ending of the series, though perhaps not the end of the world. Some people have shown interest in getting side stories in the game. But for now, this is the end of the Beta-Testers, and the end of this patreon series. I hope you enjoyed. If you enjoyed this story, please
[ "Character Development", "Domination/Submission", "Dragon", "Fellatio", "Feral", "Jackal", "Lioness", "M/F", "M/M", "Master/Pet", "Mmo", "Oral", "Patreon", "RPG", "Series", "Skunk", "Various Species", "Video Games", "Virtual Reality", "epilogue" ]
The Beta-Testers Epilogue By Draconicon It was three months since the *incident,* as the courts were calling it. Insidious Interactive was drawn into the court case as soon as Hank and the other players were pulled out of the game, and had been involved in ever more desperate defenses after the main culprit had been identified, sued out the ass for all sorts of negligence cases. It got to the point where they sold the rights of *Lords of the Spire* to a different company, Endless Horizons, and today was the day the game came to market. Hank smiled as he pulled at his wallet again, itching to get his copy of the special headset that came with the game. Ever since the first settlement, he and the surviving beta testers had been set for life. He had almost a million in his accounts now, and he'd given almost all of it to a proper money manager. Just saving enough for some daily costs...and this. *Mr. Lee said that Endless Horizons fixed the hell out of the game,* he thought as the line continued to progress forward. *Here's hoping that it's still got all the...all the guys that didn't make it.* His smile faded as he thought back to them for a second. Rumiir, Teryx, Torin, Bruha; a lot of friends that hadn't made it out, a lot of people that - But...but they were still around. In a way. He had gotten emails from them at least a few times a week leading up to the game's release, and he knew that they were still in the game. He just hoped that all the others were there, too. He walked up to the front of the line, placing a card on the counter. "Lord of the Spire headset, please." "Sorry, we're all out." "...You better be kidding me. I pre-ordered that thing." "Yeah, we sold the pre-orders. Too many -" "No, you don't...you don't understand me, here. I, uh, I think I need to make this clear." Hank leaned across the counter. In the three months since the end of the game, he hadn't just been looking forward to the game. He'd put some work towards actually losing the whole 'basement nerd' look, including putting on enough muscle to get a good grip on the clerk on the other side of the counter. He pulled him in close. "You see, I was one of the people that had to go through hell to make sure that this thing actually got to market. I was in that game, I almost died, and I saw a lot of other people not make it out. So, how about you go back and *find* one of those pre-orders I know you still have, or I start breaking that non-disclosure agreement left and right until everyone goes out of the store, and I'm the only one you can sell to, anyway?" "...I'll be right back, sir." "That's what I thought." He let go, watching the skinny little guy disappear into the back room. It wasn't much, but it was something. *Guess the game got to me more than I thought,* Hank thought as he picked up his card. He twiddled it between his fingers, spinning it around a few times as he waited. *Couple of months back, no way I would have bothered. I'd just have gone home and complained. Now...Well, at least I'm not a -* "Whoops!" His card went spinning out of his hand, shooting over his shoulder - * and into her hand. Sarah smiled as she held it out. "You drop something, Hank?" "Yeah, sorry about that. Hey, when did you -" "When you were typing something on your phone. Still don't pay any attention to anything unless it grabs you by the neck, huh?" She chuckled as he blushed. It never took much; usually a reminder of some nights in the game was enough, and sometimes she didn't even need that. The redhead looked around him and pointed at the clerk. As he got back to buying his headset, Sarah reached into a pocket and pulled out a little roll of quarters, tucking it into her palm. She'd heard what the little shit had said, and if he decided to try the same thing on her, she didn't plan to be quite so nice. She'd already claimed a couple of geek teeth from the people that tried to make fun of her time in the game; she didn't mind taking a couple more. Still, it wasn't as much of a rage as she used to have. Something about the game had...well, it hadn't mellowed her so much as it opened her up. It took a little longer to actually get her to that full level of rage, and that was mostly because most of the people in real life weren't so stupid or shitty as the things that she had to go through in the game. *All about perspective, I guess,* she thought as she shook her head. The line behind her bustled and shuffled, and she kept having to elbow the guy behind her to keep him from reaching too far forward. Every so often, the pimply fuck looked like he was about to dart around her, and she kept blocking him until - "Can't you go buy Harvest Moon 5 somewhere else, lady?" "...Excuse me?" Sarah slowly turned, taking her time until she was looking down at the smaller nerd. He stood with his hands on his hips looking up at her, glaring. "You heard me. We're all here for the real game. Why don't you stop wasting our time and just wait to get whatever -" "Sarah?" That would be Hank. She waved her hand at him. "Yeah, tell everyone else I'm gonna be late." "Ten minutes late, or 'Had to take a ride to the police station' late?" "Ten minutes." After looking over her shoulder and giving the clerk a glare as she told him to wait a few seconds, she grabbed the mouthy little jerk and dragged him off, pulling a copy of Harvest Moon 5 off of the shelf in the process. Not only was it a good game, but it was very good to slap the shit out of someone with, as well. The courtroom was surprisingly quiet as Mr. Lee stood up, bowing at the waist before adjusting his sunglasses. "As the secondary representative of the plaintiffs, we are thankful that you find in our favor, Your Honor." "This is bullshit." He turned to look at the defendant's table, where the lawyers for Insidious Interactive, as well as their rogue programmer Timothy Markswell, were sulking. He smiled slightly. "I'm sorry, did you have something to say during my statement?" "Yes," said the company rep. "This is bullshit. I don't know where you found any of your evidence, but this can't be legal." "Nor was Mr. Markswell's behavior. My sources have been cleared with the judge, and by your lawyer. It is not my fault that the gag order was layered over your lawyer, as well." *Though it's a good thing it was, considering how we got the information,* he thought to himself. The fact that Bruha was able to match the coding around the portals in the game to the same parts of the game code in some of the dungeons, and thus giving them a stylistic match to a specific programmer, had been a boon of immense proportions. Markswell had been locked up as a mass murderer, and the company was liable for not putting down any safeguards against what he'd done. It still wasn't quite enough, but it was sufficient for Mr. Lee to feel as though he had discharged his duty. "Now, if I may continue?" "I'll tell you what -" "Continue, Mr. Lee." He nodded at the judge's order, and bowed his head. "Once again, I thank you for finding in our favor, Your Honor. While there have been some worries about where the case was going, you've given us the free and honest chance to plead our case. On behalf of the other surviving beta testers, I offer a collective, and sincere, thank you. "That said, I want to make one more gesture at this point." He walked across the room, and placed a letter down on the table in front of the rep in the cheap suit. Nudging it across the table, he said two simple words. "I quit." With that, he walked out of the courtroom. The proper lawyer could handle the rest of the situation, considering that it was all mopping up, now, and he had an appointment that he needed to keep. It was the three month anniversary, after all, and with the game out, they had something that they needed to do. \# Hank found it quite a bit easier to slip into the game, this time. The helmets were a lot easier than the pods, though he could still vaguely feel his body back in the real world. He was given the option of loading into his old file or a new one, and he actually felt some temptation for the old skunk body. However, he quickly turned that option down, instead going through a new character creation process. He made it nearly identical, even going down to actually choose the new sexomancer class, but he didn't want to take anything from a file that might still be corrupted from the old game. The one thing he did change was a little accessory to start with. Not much, just a simple collar around his neck. The skunk popped into being in the middle of Guild Street, with the buildings back to normal and the sun shining high in the sky. Other players were popping in at a rapid pace, making the entire square sound like people were walking on bubble wrap, so he took a few steps to the side, getting out of the way. It wasn't quite as seamless as moving around in the pods, constantly reminding himself to think about moving rather than trying to move after he kicked the footrest of his bed, but he was pretty sure that he could get into it after some trial and error. He leaned against the old Guild building. Ronald's Pride, no more, but one that was waiting for one of the new guilds to get up enough money to buy it. Ronald hadn't quite 'died' in the old game, but the old man had retired from gaming after he had been rescued. It was too harrowing for him to return to, and Hank could understand that. It took him a long time to work up the courage to do it himself. More and more players popped in, starting to explore the world in stops and starts. Some with poorer connections glitched from one place to another, sometimes stopping and leaning against the wall as they felt sick from the motion blur, others getting used to it rather quickly. *Heh...feels more like a real game, now, imperfections and all,* he thought. "So, you're here too, huh?" That was a familiar voice. He turned, and smiled as he saw Randolph walking down the street. The jackal looked like he'd gone back to his pre-corruption weaponry, with actual bolts and darts rather than vials of poison and parasites running down his various bandoliers. "Hey, Randolph. Wasn't sure that you'd make it in." "You kidding? This is the best game that was ever invented...particularly since I got a fat bonus for this." "What do you mean?" "Yeah, there was this whole...thing...Endless Horizons wanted this game instead of Insidious Interactive, and -" "Corporate espionage?" "That's what it was supposed to be. Ended up not needing to happen, but they still paid me." "Well, that explains why you were so good at everything." "Heh, doesn't it?" They leaned against the wall together, the jackal looking out towards the horizon while Hank looked at the people. It was so...bizarre, really, to see so many players after having so few during the beta testing. Despite his best efforts, it took a lot to keep from worrying that they might all die, that something would go wrong again. Desperate for a distraction, he kept talking. "So, uh, what are you going to do?" "Well, first I'm gonna see if I can find Torin. That slutty little drake looked like he wanted to keep up the whole master/slave thing we started at the orgy. After that...well, let's see how the PVP is." "Heh, keep an eye out, or some barbarian might sweep your legs out from under you." "Hey, I got a better balance check than you think." The jackal patted him on the shoulder. "See you around, Hank." "See ya." As the jackal left, the skunk shook his head. It was a whole different game now. Not quite the epic fantasy that it had been, nor the sexual craziness that it had become. It was more like a medieval fantasy sim, he supposed. Lots of quests out there, lots of fights and factions, with that sort of real life sex stuff that could happen between the players and NPCs. No need to just be one or the other; just enjoy what they wanted. With no sign of Sarah, Hank shrugged and turned down one of the other streets. He heard that Teryx would be around to welcome some of the newbies, so he supposed he could go take a look while he waited. Sarah popped in, but not quite in the city. She'd paid very close attention to when she was building her character - more of a fighter/rogue mixed class, this time - and found that there was an option for people to choose what zone they popped in. The lioness smiled as she looked up at the city from outside, and stretched her arms over her head. "Heh...good to be back and *not* have to worry about all that shit this time around." She was about to take a step forward when she heard the soft thud of a wingbeat above her. Sarah groaned, and threw herself forward. It wasn't quite enough, as a set of toothy jaws grabbed her by the ankle and threw her up in the air. She didn't dignify it with a scream, instead crossing her arms under her chest as she went spiraling up and backwards, further and further from the city - SPLASH! Until she landed in a lake. The lioness grumbled as she swam to shore, her fur dragged down over her face and neck, and if it hadn't been for a pretty damn good swim check, she would have been dropping her starting inventory all over the lakebed. As it was, she was still out of breath when she got back to shore, and it didn't help to have the big, blue, feral dragon waiting for her there. "Hey, Rumiir. How about letting me get used to being in the game again, huh?" "How about a fuck-off when you're not cheating with perpetual heat?" "Yeah, how about no?" She shook her head, rubbing the water out of her eyes and then squeezing it out of her fur. It was a hell of a lot more exhausting than she thought it would be. She might not have had a mane, but drenched fur in any form took forever to get dry, and no one thought about how fucking heavy it was. She was almost dry when the dragon whistled. "Oh fuck youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" That tail. That stupid tail. This time she landed right in the middle of the lake, and slowly surfaced. She saw red as she glared at him, looking at the way that he just cheekily grinned back. *You wanna play? I'll show you play...* The lioness ducked beneath the water. She somewhat regretted the loss of her fire powers, but it was for the better this way. After all, a fighter had the skill of *Adrenaline Rush,* and a rogue had the early skill *Disappear.* Let the dragon try and find something that he couldn't catch or see. She swam across the lakebed, holding her breath for as long as she could and using her daggers to pull herself along the floor like a series of handgrips. It didn't take long to reach a spot only a few dozen feet away, and she could tell that the dragon was still staring at the spot she'd come out of before. *Thank you, pre-order bonus,* she thought as she reached into a side pocket. It wasn't something that'd do all *that* much to Rumiir, considering he was one of the game's boss monsters now, but it would still get him. She reared up and threw a black ball, aiming right for his head. She ended up missing by a few inches, and hit his horns instead. The black ball burst into a series of writhing latex droplets, and as the dragon threw his head back in surprise, it locked with his back. The unbreakable bindings locked in place, and suddenly the big blue dragon's head was frozen, pointing back and leaving his flexible neck locked at a 180 degree angle from where it normally went. Sarah sputtered with laughter, holding a hand over her mouth to stifle some of it, but she still ended up flopping onto the side of the lake with a fit of giggles. "Yeah, yeah, really funny. How long does this last?" "Thirty...hehehe...thirty seconds..." "You better start running, Sarah. I'm gonna get you." "Yeah...yeah...heheheheheh...gimme a...a minute..." \# Mr. Lee stepped into one of the mountain caves that had been added during the game's final development cycle. The peaks that they'd crossed in the beta were now closer to the city, and loomed over it rather than just being a part of the landscape in the distance. The snow leopard started to take a step inside, and then stopped. He leaned down, tapping a finger against one of the little bells that hung from a string at ankle level, and listened to the sound echo through the cave. Sighing, he took two steps to the side, and waited. When the inevitable rush of fire came shooting out of the cave opening and exhausted the trap against visitors, he stepped inside. "You realize that you'll 'kill' a hundred new players before they know what you've trapped that with, right?" "You mean it didn't get you? Color me surprised, admin." "I believe those specific privileges are gone, now. I am just another player." "Heh, yet you still -" "Let's not go into that. I am just very good at what I do." Mr. Lee walked into the chamber at the far end of the tunnel, and shook his head at the orc inside. Rather than a normal stone wall, the whole screen was covered in various monitors and projections, with one of them having an image of a familiar demon feline. He sighed under his breath. "I see that you are still working directly for her." "Why not?" The orc shrugged. "After all, she's the one that figured the whole thing out, and saved the rest of us here. Heh. Plus she makes sure that I get a few dragons coming by every now and then. If the only thing she asks in return is for me to be a bug-spotter and patcher, that's fine with me." Mr. Lee nodded a few times, though it was still a strange concept. While Insidious Interactive had been up front with the idea of advanced programming and things on the verge of artificial intelligence with the original game, they had never been clear over whether this AI had been in existence before or after the birth of the game. Nobody seemed to know, or at the very least, they hadn't been telling during the court case, and even Bruha hadn't been able to find anything to prove it one way or the other. More, Endless Horizons didn't know about the AI, either. He'd been very careful about his handling of the case and the information associated with it - including the various depositions and interviews with the other testers - to keep that from coming up. Despite the AI's possible value elsewhere, he knew that there would be too many complications with her discovery during the court case. Either she would be taken out of the game entirely, blamed for the event, or she would be highly limited to prevent people from worrying, or simply removed and studied. In each case, there were massive risks to the player files that remained in the game, so it was better for her to remain...anonymous. As long as Bruha kept that possible, he would be satisfied. He walked over to one of the screens, looking over the information as the orc kept working. The streams of green on black were quite striking, though it meant little to him considering how fast it worked. Bruha hadn't been kidding before; he was quite skilled with programming, and seemed ideal for this. "I assume you'll be leaving shortly to see Hank again?" "Heh, I saw him log in. Don't worry. I'll be putting that skunk in his place again." "I imagine. He's put a collar on, already." "Has he? Heh...well, nice to see he's ready for me." "Is that a blush on your face?" "Shut it before I mod your mouth off." Mr. Lee smiled to himself, and turned away from the screens. He was about halfway towards the tunnel out before he felt a tingle down his frame. Arching an eyebrow, he paused the game and flicked towards his character sheet. A familiar little symbol had just re-appeared by his name. "Is there a reason for that, Bruha?" "Just figured you took care of enough shit before. Why not have an experienced admin on the team?" "...Thanks." "Don't mention it. Ever." Hank found Teryx, alright. He hadn't expected to find him like that, but there he was. The two-toned blue dragon was a feral, these days, though a rather friendly one. He walked down the streets of the city, his tail clearing a path behind him for merchants, and he wore a sign around his chest and showed various different prices. At first, Hank thought that Teryx was just showing off his whore costs, like he had been in the game before, but that wasn't it. Or at least, it wasn't all of it. The skunk walked up to the bigger rain dragon, waving to get his attention, and Teryx turned with a smile of his own. "So, you finally came back, hmm?" "Heh, I guess I couldn't stay away after all, Teryx. How are you doing? Four legged form treating you okay?" "Very well, actually. I'm enjoying this sort of shape. It's strong enough to do anything I need, and it's very good for helping out the newbies." "Helping them out?" Teryx gestured at the sign around his neck, and Hank reached for it. Scrawled down in what looked like claw marks were little prices. Small ones for flights around the city, bigger ones for bodyguarding in the surrounding area, and a higher one for a helper on dungeon crawls. He flipped it over, and immediately blushed. "Tongue to tail services? Tail raising practice? Lunging lizard?" "All quite legal practices these days, I assure you." "Yeah, 'legal' the way that the red light district is legal." He let it go, reaching up and giving the big dragon a hug around the neck. The skunk let out a slow sigh, squeezing gently. "Sorry that we couldn't get to you. I...I didn't want to let you get stuck here." "It's okay. I mean, my life outside wasn't the best...and I do miss my old body." "Heh, was it that good?" "I spent years making it look as good as I do here. I was a beautiful human." "Well...at least now you're a stunning dragon." Teryx smiled, lifting a forepaw and preening it a little as Hank let go. The skunk shook his head a few times at the vain behavior, and patted his friend on the side again. "So, what are you doing?" "Oh, just looking for a few more people to help. I heard that there were some newcomers looking to head out to the far side of the plains, see the new expansion with the wizard keep. I imagine they'd like to speed up that journey." "They've got a wizard keep now? Awesome." "You want to join us?" Hank considered it, but shook his head. "Nah, I'm still waiting for Sarah to show up. Kind of a reunion, you know?" "I understand. I'll be back around sunset, if you want me to come by?" "Please! I'd like all of us to be together again. You seen David or Dexter around?" "I think they're currently tag-teaming a lot of newbies in PVP, leveling up." "Alright. I'll go find them. Good luck with everything." Sarah groaned as she finally got out from under the dragon, doing her best to ignore Rumiir's smirk as she dunked herself in the lake one last time. Dragon cum was sticky at the best of times, and the damn blue seemed to have so much of it. After three dunks up and down in the water, she finally resurfaced and managed to feel clean. Rumiir loomed over her, chuckling. "You looked better the other way." "Yeah, you'd think that, you big lizard." "...So, are we okay?" "..." She looked up at him, cocking her head to the side. "Are we okay? Hmmm, let's see. Well, the last time I saw you, you were a beast that was fucking the ever-living shit out of me without my consent, after almost destroying the whole damn world because of something you wouldn't share with the rest of us... "But the last time we talked, you had explained that, and even though you didn't apologize in so many words, you did say enough good things." The lioness reached up, patting him on the nose a few times...then punched him right in the lip. "*Now* we're okay." As the big blue dragon groaned, rubbing his face, she got out of the water the rest of the way and put her armor back on. It wasn't much, but at least she wasn't leaving it drenched with all the other goo that came pouring out of her in the last game. As it settled and dried, she pulled the armor a bit tighter. "So, you ever hear of what happened to that Mr. Grant?" "Heh. You want to come by my mountain and see?" Sarah blinked. "What, you mean - you seriously know?" "Of course. I was the one that found him after the game settled down and he lost all his admin powers." "...Please, please tell me that he's on shit-shoveling duty or something?" "Better. He's the goblin bitch in my lair." "He's the bitch of the bitches of the bitches of the lord king dragon, huh?" "Yes. And he's not allowed to talk. I found a gag that fits him so he can never tell a story again." Sarah laughed, leaping up onto the big blue's snout and hugging him around it. She squeezed tight enough to leave him grunting as she looked him in the eyes. "You know, that's almost good enough to let me give you another round." "Mmm?" "Almost. You're gonna have to -" "He's also got 'PlayWRONG' branded on his forehead." "...You know just what to say to get a girl in the mood, big blue. Alright...one more round...then we get to the city. Big meet-up tonight." Mr. Lee walked down the streets of the city as the sun began to set. A number of casual players had already logged out, judging by the pops that still filled the air, and he could see that most of the other players were settling up in the inns around the city. None of the places on Guild street had been bought...yet. He walked up to one of them. It wasn't the one that Ronald's Pride had held, or any of the others. It felt wrong to try and start a new game with that; a new world, a new group, deserved a fresh start. With full admin privileges, he requisitioned one of them for the night, and sent out a mass email to all those that had survived. They showed up in twos and threes, and then fives and sixes. The survivors piled through the doors, finding their way inside. Nobody spoke, and the smiles on everyone's faces slowly disappeared as the memories started coming back. *You held it at bay with new faces and new people, new places and bright light. But now, you remember. Three months, and it's still as fresh as ever,* he thought as they came in and saw each other. Everyone looked at the door, like they were considering leaving, but none did. There was too much to remember here, and - like him - they all seemed to feel like this was something they had to do. As the remaining players to arrive dropped to less than ten, there were two thumps outside. Mr. Lee opened the door, finding Randolph leaping off of a feral Torin. The golden dragon looked rather dizzy, as though he'd been spinning around in the air...or been huffing a fair bit of a strong scent. Mr. Lee waved them in, holding both of the doors open. Randolph led the dragon in on a leash, dragging him over to a corner where the jackal pulled down his pants for a little...appreciation. *It seems that some of us have made our accomodation with this after all,* he thought with a slight shake of his head. It would have been interesting to see Mr. Grant around, to see if the other former admin had any regrets about what he'd done, but perhaps it was for the best. No need to anger himself over that. As a few others took Randolph's behavior as a bit of permission for them to engage - either with Torin or with each other - in similar acts, he heard another, louder thump outside. This time, he simply stepped out rather than opening the door. He knew Rumiir wouldn't fit for that. Waiting for Sarah to dismount the bigger dragon, he gestured towards the stable. "There's a door from there to the main room for you, Rumiir." "Heh, you already modified it, huh?" "Let's say that I considered this." "Thanks." *Of course, the door only will fit your head, and the rest of you will barely fit in the stable, but that will have to do,* he thought as the big blue walked out of sight. He chuckled to himself as he heard almost immediate complaints as Rumiir got himself stuck, but he felt justified. A tiny bit of revenge. He was about to walk back into the guildhouse when he heard some soft pitter patters moving by, and the snow leopard lunged out. Almost immediately, he heard gasps and groans. "Try not to sneak by a monk. Our listen checks are very good." The pair of otters in hand - hanging by their ears - groaned as they came back to visibility. Dexter and David shook their heads, trying to get free, but he managed to maintain his grip until he could toss them in through the front door of the building. It was almost everyone, now. It only left - "Hey, snow-cat." *And that would be them.* He turned around, offering a small smile to the orc and skunk coming up the street. Bruha walked with an arm around Hank's waist, and the skunk was in a slight state of blushing. Probably from the constant pawwing of his rump that the snow leopard could make out from his position. Mr. Lee nodded at them, and then cocked his head to the side at the golden tag on the end of Hank's collar. He gestured for permission, then reached out to read it. "Return to Bruha if lost. If used, prepare to face the curse of emerald wrath." He looked up. "Do I want to know what that is?" "Let's say that I might end up making a few more orcs in the game - temporarily - if people start messing with what's mine." He sighed. With Bruha being in as tight as he was with the AI, there were certain privileges he had in the game modification arena that nobody else did. But, he supposed, the AI would keep the orc in check. He hoped so, at least. Waving them in and following them, Mr. Lee made his way to the small bar at the end of the guildhouse. He poured a glass of the wine from a bottle that was kept behind the bar, and slowly started pouring out another, and then another for the hundred-some people in the room. Gradually, people pulled themselves out of their memories, their reveries, and their revelries to come and take a glass, and as he poured the last one for himself, the room had fallen silent. Mr. Lee lifted the glass, turned it a bit, and then spoke. "We lived through a world that should never have been. Some of us left it. Some of us remain." He looked at Bruha, Torin, Teryx, everyone that had fallen. "For three months, we've lived with the knowledge that things will never be the same. We've lived with people saying that it was 'just a game.' That we were lucky. That we should be grateful. "We've lived with being apart, with our memories, with our own horrors. We've visited therapists, we've taken drugs, we've gotten drunk, we've done whatever we possibly could to cope. "Some of us reached out. Some of us closed ourselves off. I make no judgment, and neither do the rest of you." He looked at the glass, turning it. "Tonight, we come together for the first time in three months. No matter how different we are, we all shared this experience. Whether we lived, or died, we're bound by this. Tonight, I ask that we enjoy each other for as long as we can, as much as we can. "I dedicate tonight to the Beta-Testers, those that lived, and those that fell. In the world where we can all be together, let's remember each other, and enjoy each other." He lifted his glass as far as he could. "To the Beta-Testers." "To the Beta-Testers." Everyone drank...and then the party really got going. The End
Legacy of the Pridelords: Oaths of the Past by Cheetahs
**Message of Interest: I have lots of interesting YCH stories available for a special price. Check them** [https://www.sofurry.com/view/1144531](https://www.sofurry.com/view/1144531) **Story Description:** Anyra learns from the past in order to prepare for the future.  **                            
[ "Balls", "Cat", "Character Development", "Feline", "Feral", "Innocence", "Licking", "Lion", "Lioness", "Love", "M/F", "Messy", "Musk", "Non-Anthro", "Plot Development", "Ritual", "Scent", "Series", "Sheath", "Story Series", "Waterworks", "affection", "marking", "scent marking", "urine" ]
**Message of Interest: I have lots of interesting YCH stories available for a special price. Check them** [https://www.sofurry.com/view/1144531](https://www.sofurry.com/view/1144531) **Story Description:** Anyra learns from the past in order to prepare for the future. \*\* \*\*\*Legacy of the Pridelords Chapter 4: Oaths of the Past\*\*\*\*\* The two lions played with each other until noon, when they made their way back to the pride. Like before, Veran met them alone. Almost alone. A cheetah lounged near the old lion. He got up when he saw them approaching, his scrawny form eclipsed by the great pride leader. "Go now. Be swift. Tell the swamp king his daughter will be ready." "Ready for what?" Anyra asked as she watched the cheetah depart. "I will tell you shortly. Son, accompany the messenger to our border. Make him feel welcomed in our lands. Cheetahs have always been remarkable allies." "As you say, father." Anyra didn't even give her mate a licky farewell. She went straight to Veran, looking him straight in the eyes. "What is it? Did something happen to my father? Is he-" "He is well, young one. Misses you quite a lot, actually." "He's the one who..." "Mrrhm, yes," Veran growled softly as he turned towards the heart of his territory. "Come with me. There are some things you need to know about the truce that's keeping the lion prides united." He led her towards the base of a shady tree. A place to rest, were it not for the concerns gnawing the insides of her stomach. "Sit." "I prefer to walk. Calms my nerves," Anyra circled the tree for the fourth time since she got here. "There is no reason to be nervous." "Then tell me!" She growled, louder than she intended to. "I need to know how my father feels about my absence. He doesn't know when I left. I...I lacked the strength to tell him myself." "I'm sure he understands." "No, you're not," the lioness started pacing all over again. "I was very close to him. As close as I am to your son. We used to spend so much time together...and I betrayed his trust by leaving without a proper farewell." Veran considered her words. "I met your father a few times." "You did?" the lioness' paws fused to the ground. "Mrrr, yes. He was the first one to accept the renewal of our treaty. This peace between the lion prides had been sealed many generations ago, but some of our fathers wanted to break away from the choices settled by their own sires." "He never told me this..." Anrya crawled towards the old male, pushing her head into his considerable mane. "So my father continued the peace then?" "Yes. He understood the importance of unity, and was the first who pledged his pride to the cause. Together, we went from pride to pride, sealing this unity in the same way our ancestors did. It is thanks to our father that we enjoy this age of peace." "How is he doing? Did he say anything about me?" Veran turned his head to look her in the eyes. "He wants you back, young one. Not as a visitor...but as a token of our renewed peace. You see, we needed a way to keep the prides together. What good is peace when everyone seals the borders of their territory? A pride that grows alone is a pride who never learns the value of friendship. So to maintain this peace and remind everyone the benefits of this union, we all agreed to send a member of our pride to appease a king in need." "In need? In need of what?" Anyra tilted her head with confusion. "Companionship. Love. A long walk through the savannah. Anything he desires." "And my father wants me?" "He requires you," Veran said. "I do admit a measure of weakness in this particular choice. You are his daughter, but you are also my son's mate. It does not feel right to send you away." "He's my father!" the lioness snarled. "I don't care how angry he is. He won't hurt me." "No, my dear, that he won't do...but he will spill his seed inside you, or at least require you to pleasure him in whatever ways he desires." Her fierceness dulled its edge. "Mate...mate me? But...he can't. He's family." "I am afraid the rules of our treaty are less specific than you desire. A king can have anyone he wants, as long as they belong to a different pride. That includes my son, or even me. If I accept this, you will return to your former pride not as a daughter, but a token of peace, to serve the whims of your father." "What happens if you decline?" "The prides may turn their backs on me. Call me liar, traitor, maybe even return to their warmongering roots. I can't risk war, but at the same time, I cannot have you bear the cubs of your own father. I will do anything I can to protect you, even if that means-" "War?" Anyra cut in. "You risk your pride's life. Your son's life. For what? A few days spent with my father? That is foolishness. I choose to go." "You understand what that choice implies?" Anyra kept her stance. "As long as it keeps the prides united and my mate safe, I don't care." The older male nuzzled into her neck. After a few rubs, she too pressed her head into his bushy mane. He smelled different than her father, but he felt just the same, a pillar of strength that could support her wavering paws. Growls slowly dwarfed the chirps of the birds. Big as he was, the male had no qualms enjoying the simple pleasure of playing. Rolling on his back, he pawed at Anyra's head, and the young lioness delayed not in giving herself to such a kind, fatherly figure. "You are so small..." the male said, then rolled his raspy tongue along the female's head. "I love my sons dearly, yet I always wanted to have a daughter. She didn't have to be a huntress, or a particularly witty sort. She could be small, like you..." "I always admired my father," Anyra rested her head against his mane, her breath ruffling a few of the darker strands. "Though I care about my mothers equally, I preferred to join my father into some of his adventures. Patrolling around the borders of my territory, learning about the world around me...I wish I can bring those times back, when my father's paws felt like the this tree," the lioness gazed at the scratched trunk while the warm pads of a paw slowly caressed her back. "It is normal to appreciate those who are better than us. That's how we learn to improve. Become even better than them." "I don't want that. Hunting never intrigued me." "Yet you must hunt in order to survive." "Catch rabbits is what you mean," the lioness playfully nudged the old lion's chin. "My father told me about a female's duties, and I will fulfill them, but right now, I just want to love him. And my mate. Even...even you..." Veran's paws pressed her tighter against his warm, fluffy chest. "Rest, young one. Think. If it is love you seek, then I shall try to bargain with your sire. Rules cannot be changed, but perhaps we can bend some of them so you can live the life you want." Anyra's heart fluttered. She knew this lion for less than a day, and he was already willing to risk so much for her. She licked along his chin, then warmly rubbed her head against his before looking into the male's calm gaze. "My mind is made up. If my father requested my presence, then I shall go and do whatever he asks me to. I deserve that for disappearing on him. He loved me, and I betrayed him." "Oh, young, silly lioness...it takes a lot more than a mistake to wash away a parent's love. I kept my sons warm during the nights. I walked with them as they took their first steps, advised them, watched how they turned from the young cubs that I knew into proper lions. They are a part of me, and that will never change, no matter which path they choose." A lump formed in her throat, and the more she stared at the male beneath her, the more she thought about her own father. "I've seen that. You and Veranor..." "I know, dear one. I know," the male said calmly. "I lived far too many seasons to ignore the whispers of the wind." "Then why...why didn't you..." "Stop?" Veran started caressing her head. "I have never denied any pleasures to my sons, and I was not about to start doing so just because we had an unexpected visitor. He was enjoying my touch, I was enjoying him, and if you wanted to join, we would have welcomed you within our embrace." "To mate?" Anyra asked as lewd warmth traversed her golden fur. "If you desired, yes, but I was thinking of simpler pleasures. My son never told me if you did anything together." "N-no," Anyra stammered. "I mean yes. We tasted each other's scent, but we never did more than that." "What about your father?" "Mrrr?" Anyra growled, slightly confused as the male stared expectantly at her. "Oh...excuse me. I forget prides set their own rules. Perhaps he wanted you to discover this on your own." "Mating? You're talking about making cubs?" "Pleasure, dear one. It is tradition in my pride that the father takes the first release of his sons upon his tongue, tasting their seed to know if they are worthy successors to his reign. The mothers do the same for their daughters. I assume you are untouched, then?" "I...I licked myself. To clean. But I never...I don't think I can pee seed, pride lord." The lion growled, amused by her innocence. "You will learn, my dearest. A long life awaits, filled with more possibilities than you can ever imagine. I would show you how females react to pleasure, but our time together is almost at an end. Your father had summoned his token, and I must prepare you for the cycle of unification." Anyra cocked her head. "What do you mean prepare me? I know the way back." "And walk back you shall...covered in your pride's scent, as is the custom." The lion's great paws slowly unwrapped from her back, and Anyra slid on her side, watching how the great male towered above her. "My dear, you're looking at me like a rabbit that's about to get pounced," the male's barbed tongue rolled along Anyra's cheek. "The rite is simpler than you realize. You sit there on the ground, and I stand above so I can mark you with my scent." "That's all?" "That is all," the male said with his calm voice. "Now stand as still as you can, and roll only when I ask you to. It is imperative you wear my scent upon your entire body as a sign of respect and fealty to your new pride." Anyra dipped her head and pressed her belly against the hard ground. The ritual commenced with a steady trickle of urine that quickly permeated the air around her. She heard the male's paws shift along the ground, raking grasses and lines into the dirt as they often did when a lion marked his territory. Veran did the exact same thing to her, his warm urine spraying in short, uneven bursts upon her golden fur, slowly going from her rump all the way to her head. She closed her eyes when the bitter substance coated her muzzle. Anyra never found the taste particularly pleasing. Even breathing was a challenge with a few pungent particles latched onto her whiskers. She should have expected a king's musk to be as strong as his stature. What she failed to anticipate was the simple command that followed. "Roll on your back," the lion pawed at her side. "I need to cover you whole, dear one." Anyra saw his sack as she shifted. It looked so heavy from here, two sizable fruits snuggled together in a tawny pouch that probably felt very enticing to the touch...though not as enticing as the tapered head of the lion's member. It was wet, firm, with tiny protrusions surrounding the twitching tip. A drop made its way between her eyes. Anyra sealed them shut just in time to protect herself against the hot spray that followed. The lion wasn't holding himself back at all. Spurt after spurt splashed on and around her muzzle, barging its way through her unprotected nostrils. Anyra sneezed with all her might. Drops of sharp urine sailed upon the wind along with particles of her own saliva. Her nostrils cleared, but that comfort came at a stinging price. "Keep still. I'm almost done." Hard to when the inside of your mouth tasted like a swamp. Anyra tried her best to keep her wry head in place as the male moistened her. He sprayed her belly, went over her paws... Then spat two quick jets right against her gender, the warmth of his urine triggering an unreasonably strong response from her lips. "Grawwwrrr!" Anyra grabbed at the air as her muscles twitched with four consecutive spasms. "It's over. It's done," Veran's warm voice draped over her ears. "Rise now, our prized token. Follow the way of peace. May your touch calm the king and your love shield his heart against violence." "He won't hurt me." "That is how the saying goes, young one. Fear not your father's wishes. We all want what's the best for our successors...even if that means sending them away to other prides so that their seed can take root into foreign soil." Anyra bowed her head. "Thank you, pride lord. I will return swiftly." "You will return when you need to, mate of my son. Walk well, and carry my scent across the wind. Only when you reach the swamplands you are allowed to cleanse yourself in the water. Not before." The lioness gave a firm nod, and with that, Anyra turned her back to her king's gaze to set her eyes upon the distant lands of her own pride, where another kind of king awaited her arrival. \*\* \*\*\*End of Chapter 4\*\*\*\*\* **Liked this story?** Please throw in a fav and a comment if you did. Or, if you love my works enough to consider getting your own story commission, go for it! I earn my living from writing so I'd be thrilled to work with you! Simply send me a PM to get started, or check my profile for other ways and means in which you can support me. [https://cheetahs.sofurry.com/](https://cheetahs.sofurry.com/) If you simply love my writing and want to keep the stream of stories flowing, then I'd be overjoyed to have your support on Patreon! Every pledge helps! [https://www.patreon.com/cheetahs](https://www.patreon.com/cheetahs)
The last Son of Janus by Nahualmorph
Set one year after "The final stand" and the fall or the Chicago A.R.M.E branch. Ashwin is now tasked with hunting the remaining experiments of Project Spectrum. - THE LAST SON OF JANUS   By Nahualmorph   Set one year after "The final stand" and the fall or the Chicago A.R.M.E branch.  Ashwin is now
[ "Anal", "Crocodile", "Elephant", "Gay", "M/M", "Oral", "Violence (Not In Yiff)" ]
THE LAST SON OF JANUS By Nahualmorph Set one year after "The final stand" and the fall or the Chicago A.R.M.E branch. Ashwin is now tasked with hunting the remaining experiments of Project Spectrum. Wanna know what the hell is all that? Read the stories here: [https://www.sofurry.com/browse/folder/stories?by=759&folder=50211](https://www.sofurry.com/browse/folder/stories?by=759&folder=50211) This is the last fanfiction story of James' characters...for now. Disclaimer: Do you really need it at this point? Sex, violence...stuff. 3528 AD The early morning sun reflected on the waters of the Thames as the city of London woke up to yet another day of struggle for existence. Figures of all shapes and sizes already crowding the subway stations. The city's security cameras in every corner capturing thousands of faces every minute as the Londoners hurried to their work. One of the tiny HD cameras focused on a group of four saurians. An Allosaur, a Parasaurolophus and two stegosaurs. "Subjects in sight, they are heading towards the west Ruislip station" said a guy reading a digital newspaper on a tablet. The bear adjusted his glasses and the tiny camera in them scanned their bodies. "Sensors show no trace of weapons or chemicals, The Allosaur seems to be even naked under that robe. Is he a priest of some kind?" asked a female voice. "He's a member of the Sons of Janus cult. A Pangaeist cult that worships some stegosaurus dude. He was supposed to be the first saurian created after the holocaust or something." said a voice with a heavy Scottish accent. An elephant was sitting on a table on a café, holding a cup that looked ridiculously small in his huge hand. He had a camera on top of the table, and as soon as the saurians passed by, he moved it slightly. The camera captured high definition renders of their faces and expressions, sending the video directly to the S.A.S headquarters, where they relayed it to every intelligence agency involved in the case. They had been following this group for the last 3 months, and had gathered enough intel leading to an attack in a public place. One year after the fall of the A.R.M.E. and the discovery of Project Spectrum. Ashwin and a small group were tasked with finding and securing the remaining Saurians that were used as experiments and enhanced with nanotechnology. They were ordered to capture the subjects alive...whenever that was possible. Ashwin still had nightmares about the number of reptiles he had killed in the last year. Everytime he aimed his gun at a raptor all he could think of was... They discovered the experiment only worked on saurians, theropods to be more precise. They had been close to perfecting it when the entire Chicago Incident occurred. Now, the A.R.M.E. was no more, but their experiments were still running loose. Sold to the highest bidder. S.A.S. intelligence said around 1000 test subjects were sold as brainwashed soldiers to several private armies and extremists groups. In the last year, Ashin's teams had managed to locate 800 of those subjects. They managed to capture 200 of them alive and send them to rehabilitation to have the nanos extracted. But the other 600... "Ashwin, look alive man, they're about to reach the Central Line." The elephant finished his coffee and grabbed his camera, walking towards a black SUV that was already waiting for him. Once inside, he took a laptop that displayed the video he got from the passing Saurians. "Oi don't like this...They look...nervous...or excited." The four saurians entered the West Ruislip subway station, passing by the metal and chemical detectors without triggering a single alarm. "Are we sure they are striking today? They're not carrying anything." "Intel is solid," said a doberman monitoring the screens. "There's a Football game today. The stadium is not far from Stratford station, I think we should assume they will use the subway there and acquire either weapons or a bomb before they enter the stadium. Maybe they're already hidden somewhere in there" "Take me to Northolt station, I'm getting on that thing," said Ashwin to the driver. "Venka, we have it covered, we have our guy following them and there's cameras in every car, they're not armed, there's nothing they can do", said the Doberman placing a paw on the elephant's shoulder. "Just do it." "You're the boss," said the driver and turned the sirens on, speeding to catch Northolt subway station before the train. The human following the four dinos sat on the same wagon as them, trying to seem as inconspicuous as possible. The four dinos were standing close together, talking low. They looked more nervous now, like they were anticipating something. The undercover agent had a comm device, but he couldn't talk without raising suspicion. He could, however hear the orders from command. "Davis, Ashwin is getting on the train on the next stop, just keep tailing the suspects and don't do anything else for now." The train stopped at Northolt station and Ashwin boarded, quickly finding a spot two carts away from the suspects and taking a seat, both tusks framing his head, glinting underneath the pale subway lighting.He was also receiving audio from the doberman checking the cameras in the subway. "They're moving closer together now, they're forming a circle." Davis watched in awe as the Allosaur's hands started glowing and the people close to them moved away in surprise. The blue light around the dinosaur's hands started shifting and solidifying, taking the shape of a weapon. "What the fuck? Ashwin! That guy just created three rifles out of thin air!" The other three dinosaurs immediately grabbed the assault rifles the Allosaur created, moving to distribute along the entire train. Ashwin quickly stood, but the panicked furs and humans trying to get away from the suddenly armed dinosaurs made it almost impossible to move to the next car. "Davis, don't engage them! Wait until I can back you up!" Too late, the human was already up and aiming his pistol at the dinosaurs, He managed to take one of them out before the other two opened fire. Davis died almost instantly. The other two armed dinosaurs moved to round the passengers, leaving the robed Allosaur in the tail car. As soon as the stego opened the door to the next wagon, a big, grey hand grabbed his hand holding the rifle and another hand held his neck. Both hands squeezed hard, breaking the stego's neck and wrist. Ashwin picked the discarded rifle and used the dead Stego as a shield to catch the few shots fired by the Parasaurolophus. The elephant aimed and fired a single shot. The bullet entered the dinosaur's shoulder, causing him to scream in pain and drop his rifle. Ashwin quickly tackled him, smashing the dinosaur against the wall and knocking him out. The elephant aimed at the Allosaur next. The remaining dinosaur didn't even made an attempt to hide or fight, he simply stood in front of Ashwin and grinned. "Get on the floor, hands behind your head, NOW!" The allosaur lifted his hands, his entire body started glowing. Ashwing cursed and fired, the high caliber bullet bouncing of the dinosaur's scales. The dino's body stopped glowing, his scales changed color from a dull brown to a slate grey. Ashwin fired again with the same results. It seemed like his entire body was covered by metallic scales. "You mammals are so stupid, there's nothing you can do to stop me now...or to save the rest of the passengers." The allosaur crouched, placing his hands on the metallic floor. Ashwin could see small metallic webs protruding from the dinosaur's claws, merging with the metal from the car. Ashwin could hear the passengers screaming from two wagons away. "Ashwin! He's made a metal wall, the thing is moving through the subway, forcing the passengers to move closer to the carriage you're in...what...?" The feed from Ashwin's comm died as the screams and cries from the terrified passengers got closer. "This entire train is mine now, and it is the vessel which we'll all use to meet with the great Janus...he shall pass judgment upon all mammals and welcome all reptiles into his warm and sunny paradise." The Dinosaur's body started glowing again. Ashwin felt the air around him getting warmer and the dinosaur's glow changed from blue to red. He could hear the passengers getting closer to the carriage, pushed by the organic looking metallic wall. The dino's intentions were more than clear now. Ashwin fired again, this time aiming at the reptile's eyes. The bullet didn't hurt the Allosaur, but caused him to turn away in annoyance. The elephant dropped the rifle and moved fast, tackling the dinosaur and slamming him as hard as he could against the carriage door. The door broke, and the heavy metallic dinosaur fell from the train unto the subway tunnel. Ashwin barely had time to drop to the floor before an explosion caused the tunnel to crumble, the explosive wave shattering every window in the last two cars. A couple seconds after the explosion, the train stopped and the Doberman's voice rang in Ashwin's earpiece. "Ashwin...Ashwin, are you ok? Comms and video are back on, The metal wall seems to have dissolved too." Ashwin groaned, slowly getting on his knees and checking his body. He was covered in a few bruises and cuts, but nothing major. "Mmrrhh!...Oi'm fine...ears hurt like shit...are the passengers ok?" "Yes, whatever he was doing stopped when he blew himself up, the front carriages stopped in a station, we're leading the passengers out." Just then the door to the carriage opened and the Doberman entered followed by half a dozen agents. Three of them jumped out of the train and started walking through the tunnel towards the place where the dinosaur blew himself up. The dog helped Ashwin get on his feet and sighed at the sight of agent Davis' body. "He was using nanos Bren, that Allosaur was part of Project Spectrum," Ashwin shook some dust from his clothes and they started walking out of the train. "How is it possible? I thought they could only create ammo, maybe basic weapons...this guy...this guy is not like the others we've encountered." "He 'ad full control of them, Oi've never seen them do that...not even James." "Someone's going to want a full report on this." "There is still no official statement on the accident on Subway Central Line this morning, The preliminary report indicates it was a spark that ignited gas from a lead on an adjacent pipe. The area is still closed and service might not come back for the rest of the day. So far, it seems nobody was hurt in the accident. We'll keep following..." The picture of the female fox on the TV switched to a cartoon show of three human brothers playing a prank on a chubby bear. Fernando sighed and placed the remote on the counter as he returned to the stove and stirred the vegetables he was currently salting over a huge bowl. Feeling the warmth from the oven over his groin. The crocodile chuckled at the cartoons and moved to the fridge to pour some ice into a glass of water, bringing it to the dining table of the ample apartament. He set the glass on the table next to a couple aspirins over a napkin and retrieved a first aid kit from the bathroom, setting it on a small table in the living room, right between a couch and the TV. Fernando was wearing just a pair of plain jogging pants and a black shirt, walking barefoot around Ashwin's apartament. He had just finished salting the veggies when he heard the sound of keys and the turn of the lock. The door opened and a weary looking, slightly bruised and yet imposing elephant walked in. Ashwin looked around and lifted an eyebrow, smiling at the crocodile that walked towards the door and received him with a warm hug. "Hey there Ash. You look like shit." Ashwin laughed and closed the door, removing his slightly torn coat and hanging it on a perch on the wall...He would probably have to trash it. "Aye, noice to see you too bud. Heh, I was going to call you tomorrow to let you know I was in town." Ashwin walked towards the table and took the glass of water and the aspirins, downing them as Fernando went back to check on the oven. "Well, you called last week, said you'd be in town. Then I saw what happened in the subway. I just had to put two and two together. And I know your bold and careless ass would be dropping here after a shit ton of paperwork, all bruised and tired and hungry so...that's meatloaf and pasta in the oven by the way." Ashwin laughed loudly this time, dragging Fernando into another hug as he kissed the crocodile's forehead and gave his rump a firm grope. "Awww, that's why oi love ya. You bugger, yer the best mate." Fernando blushed lightly at the implications of the word mate. Returning both the hug and the grope. "You'll get plenty of time to thank me. Now go take a quick shower while I check on the food. Then we'll have dinner, I'll lick those bruises and cuts. Then we'll have us some nice sex and we'll take another shower together. How's that sound big guy?" Ashwin growled and wrapped his trunk around Fernando's tail, giving it a pull. "You're just too good fer me mate." The elephant disappeared into his room as the reptile returned to check on the meat. It was almost ready. It had been a little over ten years since he and Ashwin met in Mexico. Fernando was a homeless teenager doing small chores for a few pennies and Ashwin was a soldier on deployment looking for clues on a drug cartel. After his entire unit was killed and he saved Fernando from being sold as a sex toy, Ashwin brought him back with him to England, helping him find shelter with a nice family, paying for his education and staying as close as he could despite his new position with the S.A.S. They stayed in touch, and spent together as much time as possible whenever Ashwin was in England. But the elephant made it clear they could never be more than very close friends. Ashwin felt his job would not allow him to have a normal relationship. Always deployed in other countries and with his mate constantly worrying about his safety. Fernando accepted, even if he wanted to take it further. He understood Ashwin's reasoning, but still promised himself he would always be there for the man that saved his life. Once the meat and pasta were ready, Fernando served the dishes. He was just finishing pouring two glasses of wine when Ashwin walked back into the living/dining room wearing just a small towel around his waist. His muscled chest showing two clear long burn scars across it, amongst several smaller ones. "Hope you don't mind the outfit. Too damn tired to get me tuxedo." "And I hope you forgive the lack of roses, candles and sappy instrumental music. Now get that ass here before the food gets cold." Ashwin sat and devoured the first serving hungrily and in silence. It wasn't until halfway through his second serving that his hunger was placated enough for him to make small talk. Fernando Knew he couldn't say much about his job, so he didn't ask for details about this morning's "accident". Instead they both talked about the places Aswin visited during his missions and Fernando's job as a chef...yes...a chef. "Shit. oi'm tempted to invoke rank privilege at the S.A.S and take you with me on every deployment just so oi can get a decent meal every day." "Yeah, and having croc ass available every night would probably be a nice bonus too." Ashwin moaned as a bare webbed scaled foot sneaked between his legs and pressed against his impressive flaccid uncut member. Fernando chuckled as he felt it twitch and fill with blood, catching the meaty foreskin between two toes and giving it a playful tug. "Later you horny lug. Let's check those bruises first. Don't worry about the dishes, I'll clean those tomorrow." They moved to the couch, where Fernando already had the first aid kit handy. Ashwin removed the towel and set it over the couch, sitting over it with arms and legs spread. Fernando sat next to Ashwin, tracing a finger through the large tusks. "Heh, you look better with both of them whole." "Aye, it's 'ard enough for an elephant to seem inconspicuous, oi 'ad a surgical regrowth last week." Fernando grabbed a swab with fast acting antiseptic and examined the most visible small cuts, cleaning them carefully, applying a few band aids. He noticed a scar on the elephant's hip, it looked like a puncture wound and the crocodile had to fight the urge to frown. "Hey, that's a new one. Do you collect them or something?" Ashwin chuckled and ran a hand over the scars on his chest. "Yeah, oi get a free beer at Benny's for each new scar. Two if it's more than an inch deep." Fernando laughed and leaned to plant a small kiss on the new scar. How he hated those scars! Everytime Ashwin got home with a new scar or wound Fernando felt as if it was him getting them. He knew the Elephant had a dangerous job, he knew what those scars meant, and he knew each one of them was a price Ashwin was more than willing to pay for putting foot to ass for his country. So Fernando hid his pain, just doing his best to keep his friend comfortable in the small periods of time they were together. The crocodile put the antiseptic down and grabbed a tube of ointment meant to relax muscles. Fernando poured some of it on his hands and then rubbed them together, looking for the biggest bruise and working on it first, just placing the palms of his hands over it, letting the warm ointment slowly seep into the bruise and work its magic. Then he started rubbing his hands in circles. Ashwin moaned and closed his eyes, loving the treatment and feeling the warmth already spreading through his body. "Mmmrh! You spoil me too much." Fernando didn't answer, instead leaning over and kissing Ashwin's neck as his hands continued rubbing the ointment over the muscled torso. He smiled when he felt a broad hand slipping inside his sweatpants and groping his naked rump, giving it a nice squeeze. "I see you're not that tired after all." "Ye know me mate, never too tired for croc tail." Ashwin chuckled and moved to remove Fernando's clothes. The elephant licked his lips at the sight of the naked and aroused crocodile, quickly wrapping his strong arms around the smaller male and tilting his head so they could press their lips together. Fernando reached between them, grabbing both members with his hands and rubbing them against each other, shuddering at the feeling of 11 thick inches of uncut cock rubbing against his more modest 7.5 inches. Ashwin growled lowly and his strong hands started rubbing all over the crocodile's back, tracing the hardened plates and letting his tongue wrestle with his lover's. The hands moved lower until they cupped Fernando's rump firmly and the elephant got up, lifting him without effort. They continued kissing all the way to the bedroom. Ashwin laid Fernando on his back, laying on top of him and moving his hands to caress the scaled legs as the crocodile's hands roamed all over the muscled back. "Fuck...I need it so bad big guy...I'm on fire." The elephant smiled and reached inside a small drawer next to the bed for the bottle of lube, kneeling between the crocodile's stretched legs and pouring a good amount on his fingers. Fernando moaned and smiled at him, slowly jerking his own hard cock and moving his tail to tease Ashwin's balls. Ashwin pressed two thick fingers firmly against the crocodile's tailhole, sinking them in, causing Fernando to arch his back. Ashwin moved them in and out a few times before coating them in more lube, sinking them back in the warm tunnel, making sure Fernando would be nice and ready. The room started filling with the scent of both aroused males as Fernando's cock dribbled precum over his toned stomach and the elephant's huge member dribbled over the crocodile's tail. Ashwin pulled his fingers out roughly and spread more lube over his cock. Moving a hand to Fernando's face. The crocodile took Ashwin's hand between his teeth and they both looked into each other's eyes as the elephant guided his erection to his lover's prepared anus. Fernando's scream was muffled by the strong hand between his teeth as the thick cock spread him much more than the previous two fingers, causing his legs to twitch and every muscle in his body to tense against the elephant's body. Ashwin pushed in slow, firm and merciless, feeling the scaled body beneath his shudder and the tight hole clenching. He stopped until he felt his massive balls touch Fernando's scaled swollen taint, feeling the crocodile's rock hard member rubbing against his muscled abs. Ashwin removed his hand from Fernando's mouth to replace it with his lips in another passionate kiss as he started pulling out very slowly. A few drops of sweat already running down his face to his lips, to be shared between the kissing lovers as the strong arms wrapped around Fernando's back, pressing their bodies harder together. Fernando moaned and broke the kiss, licking the elephant's neck and chest, letting out gasps and sighs as the huge member inside him moved slowly in and out, no more than two inches at the time as he got used to having Ashwin inside him. Fernando grabbed Ashwin's hand and kissed the knuckles before placing it in his mouth again, looking at Ashwin in the eyes and nodding. The elephant smiled and nodded as well, pulling almost all of his cock out and tensing every muscle in his body, offering Fernando a beautiful sight before slamming back in, causing the crocodile to cry and clench his teeth around the thick hand in his mouth. "Nnngh!! ...mmmfffhfgh!" The crocodile clenched his eyes shut as a single tear ran down his left cheek. The elephant bared his teeth and clenched his muscled rump, slamming his cock in and out of the smaller male, causing the entire bed to shake with the strength of his thrusts as he jackhammered his huge meat into Fernando's stretched hole. The crocodile could feel Ashwin's chest hair getting covered in sweat and rubbing against his own scaled chest, his own cock rubbing against the muscled stomach and causing the foreskin to move back and forth, exposing the sensitive underside to the grinding abs. He felt a bit of a coppery taste and realized his sharp teeth had pierced Ashwin's hand slightly, drawing a couple drops of blood. Ashwin continued thrusting nonstop for a good ten minutes, causing Fernando's rump to feel a little numb before the elephant roared, slamming as deep and hard as he could and the crocodile cried around the hand in his mouth, feeling the heavy jets of hot cum filling him. His own climax rocking his body as his smaller cock throbbed and coated their stomachs in seed. Ashwin removed his hand from Fernando's mouth and kissed the crocodile passionately again, pulling his still hard cock out slowly and kissing his way down Fernando's body, licking the mix of sweat and cum from the scales before sealing his lips around the uncut member, keeping it hard as his fingers returned to Fernando's tailhole, keeping him stretched and feeling the thick cum dribbling between them. Fernando was panting heavily, but with a huge grin adorning his face as the thick elephant tongue pressed against his erection insistently. Ashwin gave Fernando's cock a playful kiss before moving to lay on his side, holding the crocodile on his side as well, lifting one of his legs and entering him again. The rest of the night was nothing but a series of grunts and moans, the wet sounds of sticky bodies grinding and slapping together and the creaking of the sturdy bed as they made passionate love over and over again. Outside London, in a big country house... A buff brachiosaur opened the door to the huge library, stopping politely a few feet behind the saurian reading a book on a soft padded chair. The only thing the Brachiosaur could see from his vantage point was a brown scaled hand holding a glass of wine. "The attack was stopped, it was him again." "It was him again..." the seated figure repeated, bringing the wine to his lips. "This...person is becoming quite an inconvenience to our operation. We are getting close to the promised date. He must be dealt with swiftly" "He is S.A.S. They have been on our tails since the Chicago incident. We don't know how they found out, or how they got involved, but he seems to have a personal interest. I've seen him in almost every operation that has failed." "Do you know why I have all these books?" asked the sitting reptile lifting a hand and waving it around. The library was huge, probably holding the largest collection of books in this day and age. Some of them had slightly burnt covers or pages. One scaled hand caressed a thick book laying on a small table almost lovingly. "I could have every single one of them in the palm of my hand in a memory chip or a holo pad. But it feels so different to read from a real book...you can feel the ink over the paper...you can smell the leather." The hand lifted the book and the brachiosaur could hear the strong inhaling sound. "They can be so beautiful, hold so much knowledge, and so much harm...truly enchanting if you think about it...so fragile and perfect balance..." The Brachiosaur rolled his eyes. He knew better than to interrupt his boss when he started rambling like that, but he also knew he was supposed to listen through the entire thing. His boss usually had a point to make...usually. The hand lifted the book and showed the cover to the Brachiosaur. It had a painting of a pantheon of Gods and the words Bhagavad Gita at the bottom of the cover. "You know, in Hindu culture they worship this God, Ganesha...he is an elephant, He is supposed to represent the removal of obstacles...hhhahahaha! And now we have an elephant being an obstacle to our plans. But what fits our friend a little more, is that Ganesha is also the God of beginnings...so that makes me feel a little hopeful. Never dismiss symbolism Lucas, always watch for the signs...If my dear cousin had done that we would have already reached our purpose..." "Sir?...ummm...about the Elephant..." "Yes...yes, forgive me Lucas, I sometimes get too absorbed in thought. I just love how different cultures are so similar when it comes to creation. Almost as if...anyway...contact our followers, call Miller and find out as much as you can about our friend. I will pay Anseed another visit." "Yes sir." The brachiosaur bowed and left the library. Lucas Bachman had a rough life. Always teased due to his height and his muscled body, the brachiosaur was stereotyped as the dumb jock at school. He even believed it at a point, but he was actually a very smart guy. Finished college with high grades and was actually considering looking for a job at a pharmaceutical company. It all changed when he saved the man that was now his boss. Now he was his butler, bodyguard...and couldn't be happier. Why?...Simple...very soon he would be alive, and all those mammals that couldn't see him as more than a stupid dinosaur would be dead. "So, we were roigh' in the middle of the desert, just me and Tusk, both completely out o' water an' the poor guy feels like he'll burst into flames with 'ow hot it was. We finally reach a cave an' he falls to the ground an' starts twitching. The only thing oi can think of is, if oi don't lower his temperature he's going to get brain damage. So...oi just whip me dick out, an' start peeing all over him...hahaha. And oi really been holding it in fer hours!" Fernando laughed and hit Ashwin with a pillow. "That's...gross!" "Hey. It saved his life...besides, oi'm sure he liked it, he definitely got a hardon under his pants." "Wait, isn't Tusk straight?" "He says he is. Maybe oi should 'ave given him a drenching while changing in the lockers to see 'ow he reacted and know fer sure." "You have the weirdest kinks man." The crocodile chuckled and absently rubbed a muscled, scarred and sticky chest. "Just saying you can't dismiss it until you try it..." A rough hand moved to grab a naked scaly rump and give it a nice squeeze. "Maybe when i get back from my briefing we can just get into the shower, you get on your knees and open your mouth...aah." Another scaled hand found its way between the elephant's balls and gave them a not so gentle squeeze. "Sometimes I don't know if you're serious or not...but how's this? You come back from your briefing and we go to the movies, sit in the back row, and I'll get frisky on you...if you can through the entire movie without cumming I'll say yes to whatever you want to do in bed tonight." "You kinky fucker..." Ashwin leaned over Fernando, wrapping his trunk around the crocodile's neck and bringing him closer for a passionate kiss. "Oi better get going or oi'll be late...heh, you can stay in bed if you want buddy, you've earned it," said Ashwin as he got up and walked naked towards his ample shower room. "Damn right i earned it," muttered Fernando rubbing his sticky and sore ass. "You were really pent up last night." Ashwin came out of the shower ten minutes later, chuckling at the snoring comatose crocodile on his bed. The elephant quickly got into his formal clothes and left his apartment. The black SUV was already waiting for him outside the building. Bren grinned as the elephant got into the passenger's seat. "Is that...? Yeah...that thing you're doing almost passes for an actual smile! Looks like somebody had a very good night," said the doberman punching a solid shoulder. "Yeah, the morning wuz even better, your mum makes a killer breakfast. Says she misses you, you should call her every now and then...yer dad too." Bren laughed loudly and started the engine. The Doberman handed Ashwin a tablet. "That's the intel on the perps from yesterday's attack. You were right, they belong to The Sons of Janus cult. That allosaur was some sort of high priest. We've tried to contact other members of the sect, but they seem to have vanished. It's like a fucking secret club or something." Ashwin flipped through the electronic pages. The allosaur's name was Patrick Renton, born in Scotland, 40 years old. Joined the extremist group at age 30 after his entire family was killed in a riot. Disappeared for five years, probably secluded and indoctrinated into the cult. Typical extremist terrorist. Then Ashwin gasped and almost dropped the tablet. There was a picture of the Allosaur in a conference about Pangaeism. He looked like he was leaning in to talk to someone shorter. The features of the person Renton was talking to were blocked by the body of another dinosaur, so all Ashwin could see was half of a brown snout...a brown snout with a purple stripe. Ashwin had to take a double take on the picture and checked the date...three years ago. "That's impossible." "What is it?" asked the Doberman without taking his eyes off the road. "We need to know how is it that The Sons of Janus got involved with the strays from project Spectrum. The A.R.M.E. were a bunch o' goons, but they weren't religious fanatics, a mix of both can't be good." They both reached the S.A.S headquarters and Ashwin got out of the SUV. Instead of following Bren inside the compound he walked to the parking lot. "Venka, where are you going? The boss wants a full report." "The boss wants the case solved, oi'm talking to the only person that can throw some light into this shit." The elephant pulled a remote keychain from his pocket and the engine of an expensive floating car came to life. "Oi'm going to see Anseed, clear it with the MI5!" "Ash! Wait!" Before the Doberman could say more, the car was already hovering away from the parking lot and into the assigned highways for floating cars. "He makes it sound so easy," grunted Bren walking inside the building. Thankfully, hovering cars were still extremely expensive and scarce. So that gave Ashwin pretty much a free way to drive towards Doncaster Prison, in south Yorkshire. "Leave it to SERCO to survive the fucking apocalypse." He chuckled at the sign of the company at the entrance. Ashwin parked his car in the space selected for hovering vehicles. He showed his credentials to the guards and stepped inside the receptionist and weapon storage. "Venkatanarasimha from S.A.S to interrogate Dr. Derek Anseed." The human behind the desk raised an eyebrow, looking at the screen. "You guys should coordinate better, some guy from another agency came for him too. He went in like 30 seconds ago...big dino guy...what the hell does the government feed you guys?" Ashwin wasn't paying attention to the last part. He waved his ID card right in front of the computer scanner and a message appeared in every guard's visor, displaying the elephant's face, name and rank. Ashwin unholstered his gun and pointed at two guards, a bull and a wolf. "You two, with me!" He ran inside the facility towards the interrogation and temporary holding area. Dr Anseed was sitting in interrogation room 2. The human wearing the orange prison jumpsuit was looking at the table and scratching his cuffed hands nervously. He had told every imaginable agency everything he knew about the A.R.M.E. and project Spectrum. He had no idea what they could want at this point. Yet, on the other side of that huge double view mirror, in the adjacent room, was yet another agent ready to make the same questions for the hundredth time. Anseed didn't even look at the mirror. The agent was probably looking at him...looking down on him as if he was some piece of garbage stuck in his shoe. Anseed sighed and closed his eyes. After what he did to that raptor and his mother, he knew he deserved that and more. A noise from the other room made him jump from his inner thoughts. It sounded like something hitting the bullet proof reinforced glass. Anseed got up from his chair and jumped as he heard a crashing noise. One second later, the dark glass broke into pieces and two bulky figures burst through, landing over the table and smashing it to pieces. He instantly recognized the elephant trading punches with a brontosaur. "Mr Venka?!" The door opened and the bull guard dragged Anseed out of the interrogation room. "Come on!" The wolf aimed his weapon inside the room, but was slammed to the wall by the two fighting titans before he could fire. The brontosaur grabbed Ashwin's tusks with both hands, pulling the elephant's face down and lifting his knee, hitting him in the face once, twice. By the third time, Ashwin grabbed the dinosaur's leg and lifted the almost 500 pound body, slamming him against a wall and breaking through it. They both got up and the brontosaur charged, Ashwin caught him in a lock and they smashed their heads. Ashwin delivered a pair of solid punches to the bronto's ribs, making him groan. "You came here to off Anseed, didn't you?" asked Ashwin, kicking the dino's stomach "that means he 'as information oi can use." The bronto tried to punch Ashwin, but the elephant quickly grabbed his arm and threw him on the floor. "And now...now oi have you too mate, and believe me when oi tell ya...yer gonna fucking tell me everything." The brontosaur groaned again and spít blood on the floor, looking up at Ashwin and lifting his hands in surrender. "Lucas Bachman, 38, biology major, dropped college two years before graduating. He got into an argument with an evolution teacher...has a hardware store in Dublin. Nothing else, always pays his taxes, good neighbor, greets everyone. A fucking model citizen...except he got into a prison impersonating a Chicago detective and tried to kill Dr. Anseed and a certain thick headed asshole that seems to love delegating all the paperwork to his partner." The very annoyed doberman tossed the digital file on the passenger's seat of his car. Bren sighed as he and Ashwin watched Lucas being taken inside an armored hovercraft escorted by a dozen well armed men. "Oi want three escort cars in the front and three in the back, nobody talks to the prisoner or touches him, don't take off until oi give the order." Ashwin talked through his comm unit, oblivious to the paramedic stitching a cut on his right ear, standing next to his car and overlooking the operation. The prison was swarming with activity after the attack. Ashwin invoked S.A.S. rank to have the dinosaur and Dr. Anseed moved to another facility for interrogation. The human was currently sitting in the back of Ashwin's car, looking visibly shaken after the attempt on his life. "Venka, the path is clear, response teams are ready and anti-EMP fields are up, we're good to go." Bren moved to the passenger's seat and Ashwin got in the driver's seat. "All units, green light, commence transport." The elephant started the engine and the hovering car slowly moved behind the convoy. "Are you going to tell me why a brontosaur tried to kill me? And why you're taking me to the exact same place where you're taking him?" asked Anseed finally. "No," answered Ashwin drily "but yer gonna tell me how is it possible fer a project Spectrum subject to overload all his nanos an' become a walking bomb." "What?! That's not possible, none of the test subjects ever finished the conditioning phase, nor got proper training. Other than four or five prototypes. The only ones to ever completely master the nanos were James Campbell and Roy McGregor. You already took out the prototypes, and James and Roy..." Ashwin handed Anseed a pad with the video from the subway attack. "That happened yesterday. That fucker made an iron wall, produced ice shards, covered his body in steel and overloaded his nanos. All in less than five minutes." Anseed watched with interest, examining the face of the allosaur. "Ah, yes...I remember this one, our one and only volunteer. Once he knew what we were trying to do, he was more than eager to be a part of project Spectrum." "And you forgot to mention him when we brought you in?" asked Bren. "I didn't mention him because despite his eagerness, he never showed any particular progress. I'd even say his development was slightly below average. He would struggle to create the simplest things. This...this isn't below average." Ashwin laughed, causing both Anseed and Bren to look at him. "Oi can't believe you guys didn't see it, you got a fucking mole. He infiltrated the A.R.M.E. just to steal your project. He played his cards right, kept a low profile, an' returned to the fucking cult when the shit hit the fan." "And now we have an apocalyptic extremist cult with access to weaponized nanotechnology," added Bren. "What oi need to know is 'ow he did it. An' what are the chances or more like him in the ranks of The Sons of Janus." They finally reached the S.A.S. headquarters where a full contingent was ready to receive both Lucas and Dr. Anseed. A zebra wearing military clothes was waiting for them. Ashwin and Bren took the human with them and saluted the zebra. "Commander Miller." "Private Venkatanarasimha. I heard you ran into unexpected trouble during your visit to Doncaster." "No trouble sir, it was actually a strike of luck that we captured a member of the cult for questioning." Ashwin pointed with his head at the Brontosaur being escorted out of the hovercraft "Oi brought Dr. Anseed to assist in the investigation. We'll need access to the files and equipment confiscated from project Spectrum, and he'll need access to our files as well." Anseed thought for a few seconds Ashwin was joking. A private asking a commander to give a convicted felon access to sensitive information and confiscated equipment from an international case? However, the zebra only raised an eyebrow, looking first at Anseed and then at the elephant. "Ok, I'll have a room set up in a few minutes. Will you be interrogating Mr. Bachman?" "Yes, have him stripped, searched and scanned. Move him to room 12 and turn off all cameras and microphones." The commander nodded and went to give orders to the soldiers. Bren placed a paw on Anseed's shoulder and lead him inside the building. "Come on doc, it's back to playland for you." As they were walking through the white, simplistic corridor, Ashwin took a turn, leaving the dog and the human alone. Anseed finally got the courage to ask. "Ashwin is not a private, is he?" Bren chuckled and answered without turning to look at the human. "He is a private. He is the private that saved the entire royal family during his first S.A.S. deployment. The private with a carte blanche from her majesty to invoke executive privilege whenever he deems necessary. And after project Spectrum...the only private that has full authority and command to diffuse any nano-terrorist threat." "That...explains a lot." Ashwin was sitting in his office, typing at his computer with a cup of coffee at his side. The elephant sighed and opened a drawer, pulling a leather wallet and opening it. Inside were two pictures. One was of Ashwin and Fernando a few years ago, when they spent a full week in Australia to celebrate the crocodile's 21st birthday. They had asked some guy to take a picture of them. In the last second, Fernando grabbed Ashwin's crotch, causing the elephant to flail his arms and wrap his trunk around the crocodile's chest, dragging them both down to the floor. The picture showed the exact moment Ashwin jumped and the crocodile wearing a huge grin. Ashwin chuckled every time he saw that picture. The other picture was of a brown raptor with two purple stripes across his snout. He was sitting on a table inside a bar holding a glass. He was talking to a female dolphin and a male human. The raptor seemed to be telling a joke as the other two were laughing. The picture had been taken from outside the bar and from some distance, as the faces were just slightly blurry from the zoom effect. After the Chicago incident, Ashwin got into every government database, searching and erasing every trace and mention of James Robert Campbell. That slightly blurry photo was the only evidence that he ever existed in that world. "Venka?" A soft knock in the open door made him turn to see Bren standing in the doorway. "Bachman is ready." Ashwin returned the wallet to his drawer and got up. He stretched and cracked his neck. Lucas Bachman stood completely naked in the middle of an empty room. His impressive length hung flaccid at 8 inches, swaying as he walked back and forth, just waiting for what he knew was coming. He had been stripped, having every cavity searched. They even went as far as to sticking a sound in his urethra. Then they took a sample of his blood and used a scanner on his head and heart to make sure he wasn't wired with nanos. The slide door opened and Ashwin walked in. The door closed again behind the elephant. Ashwin tossed a picture to the ground. It was the picture of the Allosaur from the subway attack at the Pangaeist conference, three years ago. "That's you next to Patrick Renton. You are linked to a terrorist. You attacked a federal prison, killed three guards. You reptiles have a long life span, but there's no way you're getting out...but you already know all that." Lucas simply stood in the middle of the room with his arms at his sides, looking forwards. "We also know you're going to play tough guy and endure all kinds of torture during your interrogation. We're not going to break you. Then the government is going to try to make a deal, offering you to walk out in exchange of information. But you're a believer, you're willing to rot here, or to die for your cause...unfortunately for you, oi don't play by the book. Oi'm going to pump you so full of drugs, your brain will fucking melt. You won't even know what you're revealing in your delirium." "Or you could just skip the crap and ask me who that raptor with the purple stripes is and how he relates to James Campbell," interrupted the dinosaur with a smirk. Ashwin's eyes widened. Lucas smiled and crossed his arms. "He wants to talk to you. He wants to answer all your questions. We know why you are so interested in this case Mr. Venkatanarasimha." "Oi don't like to play games, "said the elephant dryly. "But you will play it nonetheless. Because you don't have time. You can go to Willoughby Chateau, ten minutes outside London, through Pullman Road and have all your questions answered. Or you can try to break me." The brontosaur grabbed a finger from his left hand, grinned and twisted it grotesquely until it snapped, dislocating the knuckle joints. Lucas moaned and Ashwin noticed his penis twitched and lengthened slightly. The dinosaur laughed and gave himself a grope. "If you're going to interrogate me, I suggest you remove your clothes, they will get sticky." Ashwin growled and turned to leave, but Lucas spoke again just as he opened the door. "Mr. Venkatanarasimha. He is already waiting, but his words are for you only. Go alone...or he'll disappear and you'll get nothing." The elephant didn't say a thing and closed the door. Bren and two guards were waiting on the other side. "That was quick, either he broke real fast or didn't break at all." Ashwin didn't answered, addressing the guards instead. "No one but me gets in, oi want a guard 'ere at all times." The guards saluted and Ash and Bren walked out. "What now?" asked the Doberman. "Now we wait, let him stress naked with no bed or food, talk to him tomorrow. In the meantime, we follow other leads. Let's give Anseed some time to work too." Back in the cell, Lucas Bachman smiled and fixed his finger, leaning against a wall and holding his hardening member, closing his eyes as he started stroking slowly. Ashwin and Bren stopped outside the elephant's office. "Go home, oi'll send you some foiles on project Spectrum subjects and members of the cult. Oi want you to cross reference them. See if Patrick Renton was the only mole or if we 'ave more super soldiers religious nuts to worry about." Bren growled and rolled his eyes. "You couldn't just send me home without homework, right V? I have a wife too, you know? Husbandly obligations." "I'll send you the files tonight, you'll 'ave all evening to fuck." Ashwin walked into his office, getting behind his computer. He did a search for the address Lucas gave him. It was a country house just outside London. Registered at the name of a Liam C. Burroughs. Deceased 15 years ago. The house was out in the open, making it practically impossible to approach unnoticed. The surrounding trees were probably full of cameras and sensors. Ashwin's screen beeped indicating he had a text message. He opened his mail box and the message popped up. "We also have 24 hour satellite coverage of the compound. I'll know if you don't come alone." "Motherfucker," muttered Ashwin, unsure at first if he should reply. He finally gave in and typed. "Who are you?" "Come visit me and you'll know." "Why are you doing this?" "We'll have tea and talk, wear whatever you feel comfortable in." "How do you know about James?" "Be here at 5, bring Fernando if you want." The last message sent a chill down Ashwin's spine. He left his office, stopping a guard in the hallway. "Take my computer down to tech, have them check it for bugs and get everything they can about the last e-mail log." "Aye sir." The elephant got into his car and connected his phone to a scrambler device, calling the number of his come. After just a couple rings, a familiar voice answered. "Hello?" "Fernando, do you 'ave any plans for today?" "Oooh? Are you asking me out? I was going to go out with Edgar, but if you want, I think I can convince him to have an evening of three-way fun." "That's not...sorry. Listen, oi 'ave a favor to ask. Don't go out today. Invite Edgar over, 'ave fun, but stay home." "Ash? Is everything ok?" Ashwin gritted his teeth, clenching the wheel harder. "It's just work stuff. Oi'm sorry, you know oi can't talk about it. Just, please do this for me ok? Oi promise oi'll make it up to you." "...ok man, we'll stay inside." "And...ummm...don't open the door to anyone." "Yes mom." Ashwin grunted and hung up. That crocodile was just too good for him. Ashwin had called him with unusual requests more than once, and had cancelled more than one date. And still, every time he returned home, Fernando would be there, waiting for him with a smile. The elephant felt a lump in his throat and shook his head, dialing another, much larger number. "Hello?" "Jenny, it's Ashwin, is Sarah there?" "Oh! Hey Ashwin! Sorry, she's out buying some groceries. Do you want me to ask her to call you back?" "Nah. Hey, you 'appen to know if James is visiting soon? It's been a while since he left an' oi still owe him a beer." "Well, you're in luck, he's actually coming either tonight or tomorrow. So, if you're in town, maybe you two can have that beer." "Shit!" "What?" "Nothing. Just spilled me drink. Anyway, oi'll call you guys later." Ashwin hung up and revved his car's engine, taking the freeway out of London towards Willoughby Chateau. The elephant stopped his car just outside the huge metallic gates of the manor. Considering if he should ram the gates, storm the place and get his answers. Or try sneaking and capture whoever was playing with him. Instead, the gates opened welcomingly. Ashwin felt no choice but to drive inside the compound, parking right at the entrance of the luxurious building. Ashwin double checked his assault rifle and handgun before stepping out. A strong-looking triceratops wearing a butler's suit was waiting for him. Ashwin felt rather stupid to stand there wearing combat boots and pants, kevlar vest and holding an assault rifle, but he wasn't about to throw caution out of the window. The butler bowed slowly. "Welcome sir, My master is waiting for you in the garden. This way please." Ashwin followed the beefy dino butler without lowering his weapon, studying the layout of the house and the beautiful garden surrounding it. The butler lead Ashwin to the back of the house, where a table and some chairs were set on a small clearing next to a pond. A tray with pastries was laying on the table and there were empty porcelain cups in front of every chair. Occupying one of those chairs was a raptor with brown scales and two purple stripes across his snout. He was wearing a tailored suit, and was typing on a portable computer while holding a book with his other hand. There was a certain resemblance with another raptor Ashwin knew all too well, but this one was of a more slim build. He looked almost...frail. Ashwin noticed a cane next to the chair where the raptor was sitting. The dinosaur closed the book and nodded at the triceratops. "Thank you Julius, please bring the tea. Would you like to sit Mr. Ashwin?" "Oi would like some answers," replied the elephant raising his rifle at the raptor. "Who the fuck are you an' how do you know James?" "Luckily I can answer both questions at the same time. My name is Martin Campbell. Son of Liam Campbell Burroughs, brother of Gerald Campbell...James Campbell is my cousin." The raptor smiled at Ashwin's surprised expression. "You should probably take a seat. It's a long story." The guard outside Lucas' cell barely had time to react. All the lights in the compound were out and he heard the electronic locks from all the holding cells opening. The rhino tried to grab his sub machine gun, but a meaty, gray scaled hand grabbed his arm, dragging him inside the cell. Another hand grabbed his neck and slammed his head repeatedly against the metal wall until his skull cracked. The naked brontosaur grabbed the guard's main gun and sidearm and waited until he heard screaming and a series of explosions. He left his cell and started running, catching a glimpse of a carnotaur charging at a group of soldiers, pressing a switch he was holding and exploding into pieces. He continued running, shooting at anyone that wasn't a suicide cult member. He reached the temporary lab that had been assigned to Dr Anseed. He entered and quickly found the human cowering under a desk. "It is time, good doctor." "You see, my uncle Gerald wasn't in good terms with the rest of the family. He failed to see the liberating power of the Pangaeist faith" The butler returned carrying a porcelain pot, pouring hot tea into the cups in front of Martin and Ashwin, completely ignoring the elephant still aiming his rifle at the raptor, leaving a small cup filled with sugar cubes and a small spoon. The elephant was now sitting in a small lawn chair in front of Martin. Once the butler left, Martin continued, typing in his computer every now and then. "I do recognize grandpa was a bit...passionate about his beliefs. But my dad sort of filtered them for me, helping me see only the truly important things. When uncle Gerald moved from Canada, the family kept track of him. They followed him closely." The raptor took a sip from his tea, taking a butter cookie. "The thing about cults...if you play your cards right, you have almost unlimited resources. It turns out it paid very well." Martin lifted the polished wood cane, staring at it sadly. "You see, when i was born, i was given one, maybe two years to live. I was diagnosed with Osteogenesis Imperfecta, a variant that only affects reptiles, something about my mother not getting enough sunlight...I was 1 year old when uncle Gerald and his wife died. My dad and grandfather came here, watching the funeral and burial from afar. I can only imagine their surprise when they saw little James alive and well. The last thing they learned was that James was very ill with linear scleroderma. My father started investigating and stumbled across my aunt and Dr. Anseed's research. They procured a sample of the nanos and..." The raptor waved his hand, gesturing towards the purple marks in his snout. "It wasn't enough to cure me, my bones are still ridiculously fragile, but here I am. The cult got interested in Anseed's research, so they continued following his moves. Then they learned about project Spectrum and about James Campbell and Roy McGregor. We immediately planted an agent of our own. I'm sure at this point you can pull all the pieces together." Ashwin, who hadn't touched his tea, frowned and got up. "You got a test subject, both as a weapon an' to fuel the belief in the cult. Some of the members probably don't even knew Renton's powers came from nanos. The fact that you let 'im sacrifice himself in the subway means you got a way to create more like him." Martin nodded with a smile. "So far, so good." "What oi don't get is why use someone like Patrick Renton for a petty subway bombing. He was too powerful, you could 'ave used him fer something much bigger." "Yes, I have to admit that was the original plan, but you see...this weak body of mine keeps decaying. Once Renton returned after escaping the A.R.M.E. I extracted a sample of his nanos. I have to say...they are incredibly stupid at the A.R.M.E. creating an entire secondary circulatory system for them! I did a little tweaking. A bit of programming here, a bit of reconfiguring there. It's both boringly technical and fascinating at the same time. In any case...Patrick Renton fulfilled his purpose...which was to get you interested." "Me?" asked Ashwin tightening his grip on the assault rifle. "Yes, but don't worry. I'll explain everything once Dr Anseed arrives." A chill ran down Ashwin's spine once he realized the raptor's plan. To keep him distracted while Lucas Bachman escaped the S.A.S. building with Dr Anseed. Before the elephant could fire, a surge of electricity traveled through his body, forcing him to drop his weapon and fall to the floor convulsing. The current amplified as it traveled through his metallic Kevlar vest, making him feel like his heart was about to explode. "Aaargh!...urk!...what?...how?" A few crackles still came from Martin's hand and he shook it, dispelling the leftover voltage over the air. "How can i use electricity when that's exactly the weak point of every project Spectrum subject? My dear Ashwin, you have not been paying attention." The raptor finally got up with a groan and some effort, holding his cane and walking towards the elephant. "Only Patrick was from the original batch of test subjects. I perfected the nanos. I hybridized them, made them half organic, able to mix with the body perfectly, communicating directly with the brain without the need of any interphase. Faster and stronger response...none of the weaknesses." The raptor gave Ashwin another discharge, making him roll over the soft garden grass as the current heated his vest to almost unbearable levels. The butler came again and removed Ashwin's sidearms and any other potential weapon. The elephant reacted quickly, grabbing the triceratops' horns with both hands. He twisted hard until the dinosaur's neck snapped. He was rewarded with another discharge, roaring in agony as his clothes started smoking. The discharge stopped and Ashwin fell again, twitching and drooling. He could hear footsteps approaching from the path coming from the entrance. "Ashwin!" He turned to see a naked brontosaur leading a scared looking human holding a portable computer. Lucas let go of Dr Anseed and the human ran to examine the barely conscious Ashwin. "Did you have any trouble?" asked the raptor. "None besides the ones we anticipated. Everything is going according to our plan. Jacob and Marcus are ready to pick the other one." "Keep them on standby. I want our guest to be a bit more conscious for this. Remind them they are to take the crocodile only. Kill the other one." "Your boyfriend sure knows how to spice an evening date," said a wolf loudly as he pressed a button in the blending machine, nicely mixing the concoction of milk, coffee, ice, caramel and chocolate. "Come on, we were going to spend the evening at the movies anyway. This is the same, with the difference that if you get frisky, we won't have to sneak into the theater's bathroom stalls for a quick blowjob," said Fernando with a chuckle as he placed two huge bowls of caramel popcorn in front of the T.V. "And Ashwin is not my boyfriend." The wolf poured the drinks over two oversized cups and moved to seat on the couch. "Right. I'm only keeping my clothes on because getting caramel on fur is a bitch." They were both wearing only their shirts and underwear. "And he totally is. I've seen the way you look at each other when the three of us go out together." Fernando sighed and flopped on the couch next to Edgar, grabbing a handful of popcorn and eating them. "Oh man! I wish...how I wish for that to be true." The crocodile lowered his head and stared at his mochaccino. "We've never really talked about it, but i don't think he wants that kind of commitment. Sure, we have lots of fun whenever he is in town, but he always has to go back. He gets deployed all over the world, always on dangerous missions. I think he is scared of hurting me if we become serious. I mean, the possibility of him not returning is very real." Fernando started shaking, placing the cup over the table and rubbing his arms, fighting back the tears. "Whenever he comes home with a new scar I feel someone is stabbing me with a hot iron. That's why I'm always waiting for him with a smile! Because I want him to feel loved! I want him to know those scars mean something, that he means something! I just want him to feel loved before...before...fuck!" Fernando placed a hand on his head, unable to hold his tears back any longer. Edgar simply grabbed the crocodile and hugged him lovingly, rubbing his back and letting Fernando bury his face in the wolf's warm chest fur, letting him cry freely. Once the sobs subsided, Edgar lifted Fernando's chin and looked into the reptile's eyes. "I'm not going to offend you asking how much you love Ashwin. But i will say this... all those things you said you wanted him to know...he knows. He might not express it much. But after a mission, after killing and bleeding for his country and getting a pat in the back and his next mission, you are that light that keeps telling him this is worth it. He will keep going and fighting, and getting new scars, and you will keep waiting. Just being here for him, kissing those scars and devoting your entire self to him every second you spend together, until he gets called back on duty. I know you know the answer to this question, but you need to hear yourself say it. Is it worth it?" There was no hesitation in Fernando's voice. "Yes!" The wolf smiled and gave the crocodile's cheek a playful slap. "There you have it. That's love man! Now let's watch some movies, and then i'll expect you to coat my chest with more than just tears." Fernando laughed and started tickling the wolf. They tickle wrestled each other for a good five minutes until they were interrupted by a knock on the door. Both males froze and Fernando's face paled. "Mr. Rivera? I'm Marcus Fisher, from S.A.S. there was an incident regarding Mr. Venkatanarasimha. I'm afraid he...listen, could you open the door?" Outside Ashwin's apartament, two dinosaurs were waiting on either side of the door, their pistols ready to fire. Ashwin groaned and rubbed his eyes before opening them. He hated being captured. The elephant checked himself and his surroundings. At least he wasn't naked and chained this time. Someone had removed his vest, leaving his muscled and scarred chest bare, but he still had his pants and his boots on. He wasn't in any cell either. He was laying in a rather comfortable bed, in what appeared to be a guest room. Dr Derek Anseed was also there, reading a book on Pangaeism. The human had changed his prison orange jumpsuit for dress pants and a grey button up shirt. He noticed Ashwin was awake and got up, walking towards the elephant and offering him a plain white shirt. "He wants James, Mr. Venka. He wants to harvest his bone marrow and his nanos, and use them to cure himself." Ashwin growled and got up, walking towards the door, but Anseed stopped him before he could touch it. "Wait! The door is wired, if you open it we both die!" The elephant stopped, considering to break through a wall instead. But Anseed grabbed his forearm. "He's a genius. He probably has a trap waiting for you if you do that." Ashwin growled and took the shirt the human offered. "He hacked into the S.A.S. system weeks ago, taking over slowly and subtly. He got all the info he needed, tapped every phone. Then he staged the subway attack to get you involved, and sent that brontosaur to get me, knowing you'd get us both into the S.A.S. That's where he got the last thing he needed. The hard drive with all the information on James' experiment, which you took from the evidence room and plugged into the mainframe he was controlling...now he knows everything about James." The elephant put the shirt on, the fabric hugging his muscled torso nicely. "So...the phones were tapped as well. He knows James is probably coming to Chicago tonight." "Yes, and he plans to use you to lure him into a trap. He has two agents outside your apartment. He plans to use a friend of yours as leverage." Ashwin didn't seem to mind much about it, as he started searching around the room, looking for anything that could be used as a weapon or help him escape. "Looks like the two of you spent a lot of time talking." "Pretty much the two hours you were unconscious. It was important for him that I understood what he is trying to do...he wants my help to improve the next generation of project Spectrum...pretty much every cult member is loaded with his hybrid nanos, but only a few of them are able to use them." The human clutched Ashwin's strong arm with a look of panic and desperation. "I'm not a strong man, if he tortures me or threatens me, I'll do what he wants. Mr. Venka...you have to kill me now! I don't want to be responsible for more madness. Please! Just snap my neck or something!" Just then, the door opened and two rexes entered carrying rifles. They aimed at Ashwin from a prudent distance. The sound of the wooden cane on the polished floor preceded the entrance of Martin Campbell, closely followed by the Brontosaur, Lucas Bachman. "I see you two were catching up, please come with me. I hope I don't have to ask you in an uncivilized manner." The guards cocked their guns and both Ashwin and Dr Anseed walked submissively out of the room. They were escorted out of the manor, where four black SUVs were already waiting with more armed dinosaurs. "You'll come with us doctor, you seem a little on edge." Dr Anseed, Martin and the Brontosaur got into the first car. Ashwin and the two rexes got into the second one, one rex sitting with Ashwin in the back and the other in the copilots seat. The rest of the armed dinos got into the other two cars. A split screen turned on in the back of the driver's seat and Ashwin cursed. Martin's face was on one side of the screen, and in the other...a live feed of the security cameras he had installed in his own apartment. Right now, he could see Edgar and Fernando in the kitchen making popcorn and frappe. Martin chuckled. "It wasn't hard to access the feed. The security protocols for some of those companies are a joke. As you can see, your precious crocodile is doing fine just now, and he will continue to be as long as you do exactly as I ask." Ashwin continued looking at the screen. Both, the hidden cameras and the screen had audio. "You boyfriend sure knows how to spice an evening date," Ashwin heard Edgar say through the noise of the blending machine. The elephant witnessed in silence the following scene, watching the crocodile crying his heart out and confessing his feelings. A couple minutes later, both males were playfully wrestling and trying to tickle eachother. "You are so fortunate Mr. Venkatanarasimha, I'd say he is definitely a keeper. And he doesn't even need to know his life's in danger. All you have to do is come to Chicago with us and lure my dear cousin to the abandoned A.R.M.E. building." Ashwin noticed they were traveling through London Bridge right now and quickly got an idea. He laughed thunderously, causing Martin to raise an eyebrow. "You planned this all so carefully, made us dance to yer fucking tune...and now your entire master plan will go to shit for the one thing you couldn't expect..." Ashwin's eyes narrowed and his stare pierced deep into the raptor's soul. "My boyfriend is not a fucking damsel in distress." The T-rex next to Ashwin was ready to react in case the elephant tried something...and that's exactly what Ashwin was counting on. The Rex activated his nanos and created a metal spike with his right hand. Only, he was a second too late. Ashwin grabbed the dino's wrist, and by the time he formed the metal spike, Ashwin used it to stab the rex that was in the co-pilot's seat through the back of his neck. Ashwin reached forwards and reached for the steering wheel with his trunk, wrapping an arm around the driver's neck, sinking his tusks in the back of the driver's seat. The slender parasaurolophus gurgled as the tip of one tusk burst through his chest. Ashwin groaned as the surviving T-rex delivered a solid punch to his ribs and and used his trunk to turn the car's wheel. Martin Campbell watched as the last car of the convoy swerved violently to the left, crashing past the contention wall and plummeting down towards the cold waters of the Thames river. Martin immediately grabbed a radio, talking to the men outside Ashwin's apartment. "Get him now! Kill the wolf!" "Mr Rivera? I'm Marcus Fisher, from S.A.S. There was an incident regarding Mr Venkatanarasimha. I'm afraid he...listen, could you open the door?" The door buzzed as Fernando unlocked it and one of the dinosaurs got in front of it, kicking it open and quickly aiming his pistol inside. A green scaled hand grabbed his wrist and twisted it before he could react. Another hand easily took the gun as Fernando expertly twisted the dino's body around, using him as a shield as he aimed the gun at the other dinosaur still outside. Fernando fired twice without hesitation, killing the raptor immediately with two precise shots to the chest and neck. The second raptor struggled to break free, gasping as he felt the shot entering through his right side, breaking a rib and piercing his lung. Fernando released the dinosaur and shot him in the head, quickly going outside and checking the hallway to make sure there were no other assailants. He quickly dragged the raptor's body inside and closed the door, taking the second raptor's pistol and frisking both bodies for ammo, id's and car keys. "What...who...the fuck?" Everything happened so far that Edgar was still trying to process it. "Put some pants on." Fernando ran inside Ashwin's room, emerging a minute later, fully dressed, with a pistol in the waistband of his pants and carrying a backpack. Edgar was still frozen on the couch, staring at the bleeding corpses of both raptors. "Fer...what just happened? What the fuck is this?!" "I'll explain on the way, we have to go now!" The crocodile grabbed Edgar's arm, dragging the half naked wolf from the couch. "Go where?! ...wait...my pants!" The door closed and the only movement the security cameras registered was the slowly growing pool of blood from the two dead raptors on the floor. Martin shut the life feed down. His entire body shaking as he controlled himself to avoid roaring in frustration. Dr Anseed chose to wisely remain silent, even if his slight smile spoke volumes. "This changes nothing, he can't stop us now." The driver received a message directly into his comm and turned towards the raptor. "The jet is ready sir, it's just leaving the hangar." "Good, take us there." The World of Scarves. The small store full of colorful scarves next to the Thames river was close to closing time. The human clerk had just finished mopping the floor when the wooden door opened and the small bell at the entrance dinged. The clerk groaned and rolled his eyes at the idea of mopping again. He walked from the back of the store to the counter and dropped his mop at the sight of the completely soaked elephant, wearing a ripped shirt and pants, dragging the body of an unconscious...or dead t-rex by his tail. "Good evening sir, oi need to use your phone." The phone in Fernando's bag ringed twice before he answered. They had ditched the car Fernando took from the Raptors and the crocodile was now driving a jeep through a small dirt path. "Estas bien? (are you alright?)" It was strange to hear Ashwin's voice speaking in Spanish. They agreed some time ago when Ashwin was training Fernando, that if anything like this happened, they would only communicate in Spanish through that old cell phone that Ashwin made sure couldn't be traced. Fernando would leave the city and hide in a secret bunker under Ashwin's cabin outside London. "Si, estoy bien. Edgar tambien, ya vamos en camino. ( Yes, I'm fine, Edgar too, we're already on our way.)" He looked at the sleeping wolf in the back seat, still wearing nothing but shirt and underwear. Edgar had been so nervous and panicked Fernando had to give him a sleeping pill. "Cierra todo y espera a que yo llegue. Tal vez un dia o dos...ummm...lo siento. (Lock everything until I get there. Maybe one or two days...ummmm...sorry.)" Fernando hung the call and sighed, replaying Edgar's words from earlier and smiling slightly as he realized...yes, it was worth it. Charles Ashford was sitting behind his desk reading one report after another. The city had been nothing but chaos for the last couple days. He was expecting a call from the prime minister any second asking how he could let that happen. A subway bombing, a prison attack, a suicide bombing into an S.A.S. building, and now an incident at London bridge that also seemed to be related. The lion snuffed the cigarette butt on the oversaturated ashtray, reaching for another one and lighting it. Despite the open windows, the office was covered in smoke and full of the acrid scent of the flavored tobacco. "Mr Ashford. I have a Mr. Meck...Venkash...an S.A.S officer here to see you?" said his secretary through the speaker. "Tell him to come tomorrow, I'm too busy cleaning their shit." One second after he hung the phone, the door to his office opened, and an elephant wearing soaked and shredded clothes entered, followed by a slightly panicked female vixen. "Venkatanarasimha. S.A.S. oi require assistance from the Q branch." "Hah! After all the mess you've been causing for the last two days? A mess that for some reason we are under orders to clean and cover up. You have some fucking balls to come here and demand that I..." The lion's desk phone rang and he slammed his fist on the answer button. "What!?" A female voice that was definitely not his secretary answered. "Please wait for the prime minister." All color drained from the lion's face and he coughed, sputtering the cigarette across the expensive mahogany desk. "Ashford?" asked a firm and imposing voice on the other line. "Yes, sir?" "You have me on speaker? Pick up the phone...right fucking now!" Ashwin could see the lion's ears press against his skull as he picked the phone and pressed the receiver against his ear. "Yes sir...sorry sir...yes sir...yes...I'll see to that personally... ... ...no sir...yes sir...Thank you...good night sir." The lion hung the phone and rubbed his temples, reaching for yet another cigarette. "What can the MI6 do for you sir?" The car stopped at the furthest hangar at the London airport. The prototype supersonic jet was already out of the hangar and ready to go. Ashwin stepped out of the car, followed by a human wearing a suit. Ashwin was wearing a black flying suit and carrying a custom made helmet under an arm. "This is really exciting! I was looking for a chance to test this prototype...heh, most of the agents are too scared to try it. It needs a strong body to handle the gravity pull." The black jet looked more like a rocket and less like a plane as it was moved to a special launching platform. Instead of a take off field, it was situated on top of a long metallic rail. The jet had no visible landing track, hugging the metal rail with its streamlined underbelly. "A commercial flight takes around eight hours to reach Chicago from London, a private jet like the one Mr. Campbell is traveling in will probably make four to five hours. With this baby, you can get there in under an hour and a half. See, the rail will magnetize, reducing the friction to zero at launch, you will travel at mach 3 until you reach the mesosphere. We take advantage of the earth's rotation, and by the time you reach the apex, you start the descent." The human's excited blabbering was drowned as Ashwin put his helmet on. Go up, go down, stay conscious, eject. That's all he needed to know. The elephant climbed into the cockpit, feeling the magnetic straps practically glueing his suit to the cockpit. He plugged the oxygen feed to his suit and pressed a few buttons, feeling the cockpit elevating a few inches as the rail and the ship magnetized. "Now remember, keep your breathing steady...the pressure..." Ashwin pressed a button and the ship's engine roared, catapulting the jet at over twice the speed of sound from the beginning. Ashwin gritted his teeth and closed his eyes. He felt like one of his feral ancestors had just kicked him in the chest and stomach. The suit was designed to apply pressure in certain areas of his body to keep his blood pressure stable enough to prevent him from fainting. The real danger was that he had to endure that procedure almost three times longer than the safe amount of time. The jet reached the Mesosphere and Ashwin was finally able to take a few breaths at normal speed. The elephant adjusted the ship's coordinates and position, getting almost another blissful minute in zero gravity and pressure. He took a deep breath and maneuvered the ship to point downwards. The engines started again, this time the pressure feeling even harder. Ashwin could feel his vision threatening to blacken, having a hard time focusing on the display screen in front of him. He was right over Lake Michigan. The elephant pressed a button and the cockpit detached from the rest of the plane a second before it sunk in the lake. The pod was launched with enough strength and at the right angle to be sent over the water surface a good half a mile before ejecting Ashwin. The elephant's backpack opened, but instead of the regular parachute, it deployed a glider, which was enough to get him close to the shore just outside Chicago. Ashwin opened the straps of the glider and landed over the dirty shore. He rolled a few times and finally stopped, quickly removing his helmet and trying to hurl the non existent content of his stomach. After a few more heavy heaves, he collapsed, taking deep breaths and trying to get his body to function normally. "Dude...he's like an alien or some shit." "Don't be stupid! He's not an alien...he's more like...like that master boss dude. Remember? The one from those AURA games?" "Videogame characters ain't real dude. It's not like you can get inside a game or something, much less pull someone out." "He's kinda hot though." "Guys, guys! ...he's waking up!" "Oi wuz conscious the entire time lads," said Ashwin slowly opening his eyes and getting up. He checked his assault rifle and his other weapons were in good condition and with the silencers still on before focusing on the other people. There were two males and two females. They seemed to be in their teens or early twenties. He noticed a fireplace nearby, with two camping tents on opposite sides, a couple ice boxes and a small propane grill. Further in the back, he could make the silhouette of two vehicles. The sight of the slowly cooking artificial meat over the grill made his stomach growl. Ashwin checked his clock, grinning as he noticed he beat Campbell and the rest for over half an hour. He still had to get into the city and into the abandoned A.R.M.E. building tough. "Dude, that was some sick stunt. Was that a freaking rocket you were riding?" asked one of the jocks chewing on a hamburger. "Aye...wanna make a trade?" Ashwin stepped on the gas pedal of the sports car as he held the wheel with one hand and took a bite from the hamburger with the other one. The private jet landed at the Chicago airport, moving to a track where a group of cars was already waiting for them. The door of the jet opened and Lucas Bachman came out first, surveying the scenario before turning and helping Martin descent the stairs. Dr Anseed followed them, clutching a laptop in his arms. They got into a black van, where Martin settled into a plush cushion and Dr Anseed sat across him. The human opened the laptop and started typing. "Is the equipment ready?" asked the raptor, leaning against the cushion. "Everything is ready sir. Satellite uplink is established, the operating room is ready as well. How are we going to bring the subject in?" asked the brontosaur checking a screen. "We'll capture Sarah King and use her as leverage, but I want to finish the synchronisation project first. James might try to rescue her after we capture her. I want to be well prepared. Doctor, is the algorithm ready?" The human adjusted his glasses. "Yes, we just need to upload it to your nanos, and then you'll have to connect yourself to the mainframe and the satellite dish. We'll have to make adjustments to the ports since you don't have a neural chip." "Don't worry about that. Just set the code right." "I do this for you, and you help me improve it, right? You make the nanos work on me, then upload the same program the A.R.M.E. used for James and Roy." They finally reached the seemingly abandoned A.R.M.E. building, circling around it and parking the cars a block away, next to a red sports car. They entered through the service door, turning their flashlights on. The entire building was dark, but the members of the cult had managed to reroute power to some of the rooms in the center of the building. Keeping doors and windows covered to prevent giving their activity away. A member of the cult was standing guard next to the elevator, holding an assault rifle. He nodded at Martin and let them in. There were guards in the lobby, the 32nd floor, where the operating room was settled, and the 58th floor, where the satellite link had been set. A few additional guards were on the rooftop, calibrating the satellite dish and guarding a helicopter. The dinosaur guarding the elevator saw the doors close. Resuming his watch. The ankylosaur heard a faint moan coming from a nearby room and growled. "I swear, if Daniel and Rob are at it again during work hours, I am cutting their dicks off." He slowly opened the door, hoping to find two rexes in the throw of passion. What he found was one of said rexes laying on the floor, drowning in his own blood with a hole in his chest. The other rex, along with the rest of the lobby guards was piled up dead inside the room. Before the ankylo could react, a pair of strong hands grabbed his neck and snapped it. Ashwin closed the door carefully and checked the elevator indicator, noticing the light stopped at the 32nd floor. Martin and the rest entered the improvised operating room. A table and several monitors were already set, along with a brand new computer loaded with all the emulators Anseed used previously. "Is this everything you need for the transplant?" asked Martin as the brontosaur helped him sit on the operating table. "Yes, a bone marrow transplant is not complicated. It will be extremely painful for both you and James though." "I think I can live with that," chuckled the raptor. "As for my cousin...he's not going to survive, is he?" "I don't think so, I'll need to remove his neural chip and harvest all his nanos to recreate the experiment on myself." Anseed smiled. "I'll do whatever it takes to get out of this world...I'm going to need a sample of your nanos to upload the synchronisation program now." Anseed took a syringe and the raptor extended his arm. Lucas stood right behind the human and growled in warning. "Careful." Anseed nodded and plunged the needle in, extracting a sample of blood infused with the hybrid organic nanos. He took the sample to a small glass and metal chamber. He took a wire from it and plugged it to his laptop. The safest and fastest way to make the information transfer was via microwaves. "Do you have the second sample?" asked the human. The brontosaur grinned and handed Anseed a tube with a clear liquid. It was a sample of the nanos in virgin, uncoded RNA, ready to be injected into a subject. Anseed took the sample to a second device and started typing sequences, giggling with excitement. "You were right, the key is to focus in RNA instead of DNA. And if we use mitochondrial RNA, it's even more flexible. We just need to encode the hybrid nanos to an individual species' genome. You're a genius Mr. Campbell!" Anseed took the first sample after the data transfer was complete, returning it to the syringe, then he looked at the brontosaur. "This could cause him spasms." The bronto nodded and Anseed injected the organic nanos in Martin's neck. The raptor hissed and laid down. His body started twitching. Martin grunted and gritted his teeth, trying to suppress the stronger spasms, knowing he could break his spine if he twitched too hard. The strong brontosaur placed his hands on Martin's chest, delicately massaging the tense muscles as the newly programed nanos transmitted the new instructions to the rest of the hybrid machines inside the raptor's bloodstream. A hard spasm caused Martin's left forearm to slam a little hard against the table's hard edge. Anseed cringed at the sound of the breaking bone and Lucas immediately moved to hold the raptor's arm to prevent further damage. The spasm finally died and Martin laid panting and groaning in pain. Anseed started looking for something to immobilize Martin's arm. It was a success. The raptor now only needed to connect himself to a satellite and he would be able to communicate with and control other nanos. Both the originals from Project Spectrum and the new generation ones he created for the members of the cult. "C-...call the roof...ugh! Confirm...the dish is calibrated...aaah!" The big dinosaur nodded and grabbed the radio. "Roof team, what's your status?" No answer. "Roof team, come in...roof team!" "Something's wrong" said Anseed. They turned towards the elevator seeing as the indicator light started moving up. "Ground team, come in...ground team, come in!" The raptor got off the table, shaking lightly. "It's him." "Ashwin? How is that possible?" asked Anseed as he finished setting a cast around Martin's arm. "We have to go. We have to reach the 58th floor." Lucas checked his gun, setting a silencer in it. "You'll have to take the stairs. Go, I'll hold him off." The brontosaur went to the other container, taking the second nano sample and placing the tube inside an injector gun. Anseed and Martin started walking towards the stairs. The raptor leaned on the human as he noticed the light of the elevator coming closer to the 32nd floor. He was so close, if only the elephant would have showed up five minutes later. Lucas aimed his weapon at the elevator's doors. A thick drop of sweat running down his brow as he saw the little blinking light coming closer and closer to the 32nd floor. The light stopped in the number 31. The brontosaur blinked a few times and cursed as he heard an explosion in the floor below. The floor he was standing on shook and he screamed as part of the 32nd floor collapsed. He fell on the 31st floor and immediately rolled to the side, avoiding the falling debris and the shower of bullets from Ashwin's rifle. The brontosaur took cover behind a pillar, returning the fire. "You are a persistent mammal," said Lucas, "but you won't be able to stop the change." He shot in the direction he knew Ashwin was hiding, moving to another spot to get more advantage. "We saurians shall take over and return to the place that was stolen from us over 65 million years ago." Lucas inserted another clip in his rifle, moving behind another pillar. "Think of that boyfriend of yours, crocs are close enough to dinosaurs, maybe my master could let him share a bit of our glory. I'm sure he would..." The brontosaur stopped when he felt the warm cannon of a recently fired gun against the back of his neck. "Oi think oi made clear you can't use him as leverage earlier...an' you talk too fucking much." The brontosaur chuckled and dropped his weapon, slowly getting up and lifting his arms. Lucas quickly turned, slamming his arm in Ashwin's rifle and sending it away, but the elephant moved faster, unholstering a handgun and shooting Lucas point blank in the stomach twice. The dinosaur doubled in pain and slammed his body against Ashwin's before receiving another shot to the chest. Both males fell to the floor in a tangled mess. Ashwin crawled from under the bronto's body and aimed his handgun at Lucas' head. The brontosaur started laughing weakly and Ashwin raised an eyebrow. Something caught his sight and he focused his eyes on an empty injector gun next to Lucas. Ashwin cursed, but before he could pull the trigger, a thick brontosaur head slammed against his, sending him against the floor and causing him to lose his weapon in the darkness. The onñly source of light coming from the hole in the 32nd floor. Ashwin quickly got up and unsheathed his knife. Lucas was groaning and thrashing on the floor, ripping his clothes. The dinosaur's muscles started to throb and grow. His fingers and toes elongated and long, vicious claws appeared at the end. A row of spikes sprouted from his back and his tail. Lucas roared and exposed several rows of sharp teeth. The naked brontosaur stood, reaching a hulking 11 feet, having to practically crouch to avoid bumping his head on the ceiling. Lucas looked at his claws and laughed as the bullet wounds on his stomach and chest started closing. "Not bad, I could get used to this theropod perk." Ashwin charged, slamming his body against the dino's. He was able to unbalance the massive mutated bronto, even pressing it against the wall, sinking his knife into the reptile's leg. A heavy punch to his face made him let go of the knife's handle. A second, painful hit to the ribs caused Ashwin to stumble a few steps backwards, before a third one sent him straight against the opposite wall. Lucas pulled the knife from his leg, easily snapping the blade in two. The wound started closing slowly as soon as he pulled the blade out. Ashwin groaned and spat blood, waiting until the dinosaur was close to attack again, jumping and landing an uppercut to Lucas' jaw. The bronto stumbled backwards and Ashwin body slammed him, sinking his tusks into the naked, muscled torso. Lucas roared and grabbed the elephant's hips, lifting Ashwin and throwing him across the room. Ashwin rolled and barely had time to move his arms and catch the massive foot coming down to crush him. The elephant bared his teeth and the veins in his muscled arms bulged with the effort to hold the brontosaur's foot. Lucas grinned and lifted his hand, extending his palm towards the trapped pachyderm. His grin died when nothing happened. "What the...? Fucking Anseed! He promised me I would be able to make fire." "Here, you can have sum of mine," said a voice behind him. One second later, a huge ball of fire hit Lucas' back, charring scales and skin, making him roar in pain. The flames scattered and reached some of the dusty furniture, revealing a pair of glowing blue eyes. Lucas turned, finally moving his foot away from Ashwin. A gust of wind and ice shards slammed against his chest, piercing the thick scales in several places and sending him flying. Several small bright orbs appeared and adhered to the walls and ceiling. "I always lahk it more with thuh lights on." Ashwin's eyes widened as he recognized the person standing next to the stairs door. A buff raptor with black scales and blue circles surrounding his eyes. He was wearing a set of sport pants and tight shirt, gray with blue stripes. One of his hands still had small ice shards stuck to it. Ashwin noticed it was made of black metal. The raptor shook his hand and approached the elephant. "Yer Roy McGregor," said Ashwin getting up. Before any of them could say more, a roar turned their attention to the mutated brontosaur. Roy raised both eyebrows as he saw the wounds and burns slowly disappearing. Roy looked at Ashwin. "Lemme guess...another A.R.M.E. pet?" "Religious cult, hybrid bio-organic nanos," said Ashwin removing his broken metallic vest and exposing his strong, scarred chest and back. "They're after James" Roy sneered and his hands started glowing again. "Fucking amateurs. Alright, ahma need some answers after we kick this guy's ass. Can you fight?" Ashwin cracked his neck and grinned. Lucas charged at them both, roaring. Roy shot a gust of wind with a hand to slow him down and a blast of ice with the other one. Trapping the brontosaur's legs in ice. Ashwin screamed and jumped, slamming both hands into Lucas' skull, sending him to the floor. He tried to get up, but a flaming raptor fist sent him back to the floor. A thick spiked thrashing tail managed to hit Roy in the chest, sending him against the wall. Ashwin caught the tail and pulled with all his strength, screaming with the effort and causing every thick vein and muscle of his body to bulge to the max. He lifted the massive mutant brontosaur body, slamming him violently against the ceiling, making another hole connecting to the 32nd floor. Still holding the thick tail, he pulled back and sent Lucas against the floor. The impact was too much for the structure and all three of them fell to the 30th floor amongst a pile of rubble. The entire hallway collapsed over them, letting the light from the strange orbs reach them. Lucas was the first to get up, his wounds closing and his bones slowly readjusting. Ashwin and Roy got up with a little more difficulty. "He's a tough motherfucker," said Ashwin panting "got any ideas?" "These nanos are bio-organic. They're in his blood right? No secondary circulatory system?" asked Roy. "Aye, that's why he can heal faster." The raptor chuckled as they both watched the brontosaur finished regenerating his wounds. "That's also his weakest point." Roy's hands started glowing again. His nanos working at full capacity and creating matter out of thin air. Two swords appeared in the raptor's hands. They had serrated blades and a darker metal around the hilt and the back of the blade, with red carvings over it. "Catch!" He tossed one at Ashwin and the elephant noticed it was much lighter than it seemed. He also noticed a strange tingle running through his hand. "Hah! You assholes just don't learn, I'll just keep regenerating and breaking your shit faster than that fucking raptor heretic can create them." Roy attacked first with a smile on his face. He seemed slower than before. Lucas caught the sword by the blade, grinning and applying pressure to break the blade. Instead of breaking, the blade got incredibly hot as flames erupted from it, both cutting and burning his hand. Roy laughed and slashed at the bronto's cheek. "Daedric metal bitch, good luck breaking that." Ashwin and Roy attacked at the same time. Lucas lifted his arms, ready to slam his fists into both of them. Roy created a tetra-shield to block the attack and Ashwin slashed the brontosaur's belly, feeling somehow some of his strength returned. Lucas tried to kick them, but Ashwin blocked the kick and held his right leg as Roy quickly crouched and slashed his left leg. Every time Lucas tried to attack, one of them would block while the other striked, leaving a fresh, deep, bleeding cut. Lucas' nanos leaving his body through his bleeding wounds, wounds that were opened and reopened faster than he could heal them. "How much you weigh?" asked Roy to Ashwin. "250 kilos, why?" Instead of answering, Roy tossed his sword at Ashwin. As soon as the elephant caught it, Roy roared and summoned a strong gust of wind, lifting Ashwin in the air and sending him against Lucas. The brontosaur roared and charged at them in one last, desperate attack. Ashwin landed 10 feet behind the huge dinosaur, both blades covered in blood. Something rolled close to his booted feet and he turned to see Lucas' headless body twitching and the arms still uselessly trying to hit the air before the body fell to the floor. Roy approached the body with both hands covered in flames. "Heal that mutherfucker." He let his flames loose on the body, incinerating it, along with any puddle of blood. Ashwin understood what Roy was doing and grabbed the brontosaur's head, tossing it into the fire to make sure all trace of the nanos was destroyed. "Now...answers," said Roy crossing his arms. "Let's start with who thuh fuck are you." They started going upstairs towards the 58th floor. Ashwin gave Roy a quick briefing on everything that happened on the way. "So...religious nut with shitty bones that happens to be FG's cousin, wants his bone marrow and has an army of more religious nuts with more effective nanos. And you're thuh guy in charge of stopping all that." Ashwin nodded as they got closer to floor 49. "Aye, been cleaning the A.R.M.E.'s mess since we stopped project Spectrum...what about you? James has been looking for you." Roy rubbed a hidden scar on his chest before answering. "Ah been...busy. Ah just returned yesterday to see how things were going. Ah wuz 'bout to leave when ah saw people sneaking into thuh building. Ah took down the ones on the roof, wuz about to crash thuh 58th floor when ah hear you and big ugly...wait." They stopped and Roy tapped what Ashwin thought at first was a wrist watch. It displayed a large amber-coloured holographic interface, which Roy started browsing through. "How did he...?" The raptor opened a text file he just received on his omnitool. "Oh man, you gonna luv this." "Is it ready yet?" asked Martin between pained grunts, leaning against the wall. "We're almost done Mr. Campbell" said a technician. Him and Dr Anseed were adding a sensor to the communications system. They needed something that was plugged to the computer and would be able to come in contact with the nanos in the raptor's blood stream. Dr Anseed took a huge needle and connected it to a wire from a weather probe, plugging it to the mainframe as the other tech configured it. "Stay...stay alert...Lucas should have returned by now...aaah! ...FUCK!" He screamed as the large needle pierced his left arm, entering his vein. Anseed lead him to a chair next to the computer. "This will hurt...but you'll still need to focus on sending the broadcast. Just picture the satellite in your mind and the nanos will do the rest." The raptor nodded as Anseed executed the program. Martin gritted his teeth as he felt the surge of electricity traveling through his veins. Out of the small room, a small army of 20 armed dinosaurs got ready to defend their leader. One floor below them. Roy finished scanning the 58th floor with his omnitool, displaying a holographic layout of the floor with the location of every enemy. "This is gonna hurt. Oi would kill for some body armour," sighed Ashwin. Roy chuckled and turned his omnitool off. He placed both hands in front of his body and focused, groaning and sweating lightly. A ball of light formed in front of his stretched hands. Ashwin watched in awe as a full set of tactical gear materialized right in front of them. Reinforced carbon fiber full body armor, assault rifle, handgun and knife. "Roight! Forgot you guys could do that. When this is over, oi hope you have some energy left to summon a couple beers." Roy laughed and created a second set for himself. The door leading to the elevator in the 58th floor exploded when the small bomb inside detonated, sending it against the group of guards. It knocked two of them and the rest fired towards the entrance. A window to their right shattered and a swift form landed amongst them. Roy quickly unsheathed his pistols and started moving like lightning, shooting several guards point blank, dodging most of their shots. The few shots that landed were easily deflected or absorbed by his white carbon fiber Turian tech armour. The door leading to the stairs burst from its hinges as Ashwin charged, quickly shooting as many dinosaurs as possibly before running for cover. After his deadly strike, Roy also got behind a pillar. Their surprise attack had managed to take out around half of the guards, but that meant the remaining 15 dinosaurs were now ready, responding fire and running into other rooms for cover. The computer beeped, indicating the process was completed. Martin was sweating and panting heavily. The new wave of spasms had broken one of his ribs, and the effort had over exerted his nanos, making it feel like he had lava running through his veins. But it was over now. As long as he stayed connected to the satellite, he could control the nanos of every single subject from both project Spectrum and the Sons of Janus. They would do whatever he wanted, anywhere, anytime. He could order one hundred of them to attack targets all over the world simultaneously, and then overheat their nanos to turn them into walking bombs, just like Patrick Renton. All he had to do was place them strategically and he could get the entire world on its knees. All he had to do now was to capture Ashwin alive so he could get to James and get the transplant he needed. Martin frowned when he tried to reach the nanos of the guards outside the lab. He could feel them, but could not activate them. They were still even dormant! A groan and the sound of something heavy hitting the floor made him turn towards the computer desk. The other scientist was unconscious over the floor, a trickle of blood coming from the back of his head. Dr Anseed was standing next to him, holding a metallic coffee maker. "You! ...ngh! ...what have you done?" Martin growled as he slowly got up from the chair. The probe still plugged to his arm. "I'm just trying to fix my mistake. The mistake i made so many years ago." The human started walking towards the weak raptor. "You're a monster Mr. Campbell. You perverted my work even further than the A.R.M.E. did. I had to play along and pretend I accepted your offer so you could give me access to the building. It's all over now, I planted a trojan program to your nanos and disguised the code as the program you wanted. Now every single nano from both projects is synchronized with your heart. If it stops, the nanos die." Martin's eyes widened as he limped back, whimpering as his cracked rib protested when he pressd his back against the wall. Anseed grabbed the raptor's cane and continued advancing. "I've never killed anyone before...hah, I've never even fought anyone before. But I think even a wimp like me can take out a half-dead freak like you." Anseed raised the cane, ready to strike, when he felt something cold in his stomach and all the strenght being drained from his body. The human dropped the cane and looked down. A huge ice shard was protruding from his stomach, and a growing red spot was soaking his white shirt and lab coat. "Thank you for explaining so thoroughly doctor. Now all I need is to rewrite the code while I'm still plugged to the system," chuckled the raptor. Anseed fell to the floor, gasping and coughing blood as Martin created a small gust of wind, lifting the cane from the floor and deposited it gently on the raptor's hand. Martin slowly walked past Dr Anseed and started typing on the computer. "You poor feeble-minded milk drinker...you have changed nothing." Ashwin and Roy stood on either side of the door leading to the communications room where Martin and Anseed were. The rest f the guards ñlaid dead all over the floor behind them. They had been passionate fighters, but lacked the military training and the years of experience Ashwin and Roy had. The elephant signalled Roy, indicating he would kick the door down and the utahraptor would provide cover fire. They never got to make their move. The door, along with the entire wall exploded with a blast of furious wind, sending them across the floor with a pile of rubble and debris. They slowly stood up and gasped at the sight. Martin Campbell was completely surrounded by a sphere of wind. The raptor was breathing with difficulty and his body was shaking. His left arm was still plugged to the satellite console. The wind carefully avoiding the wires and keeping the machine intact. They saw Dr Anseed behind the wind sphere. The human was leaning against a wall and clutching the wound on his stomach. His skin looked pale and his eyes were losing focus. Ashwin cursed and fired at the sphere. The wind was so strong, the bullets were immediately deflected. Roy was about to attack with his nanos when strong lightning attacks hit both him and Ashwin. "Aaaaargh!! Christ! ....ggghk!" Roy fell on all fours, almost unconscious and Ashwin staggered, going on one knee. The attack had been strong enough to pass even through their high tech insulating armour. Roy's natural weakness to electricity, plus the effort of having created their armor and weapons had him on the verge of collapsing. A wall of fire rose and headed towards them. Ashwin barely had time to grab the black raptor and taking cover behind a pillar. Roy was protected enough, but Ashwin screamed as the fire reached the metal plates on his left arm. He quickly removed the armor, exposing the patch of red skin over his muscled arm. "Fuck! Any ideas?" he asked the raptor as Roy created water to pour over the pachyderm's burn. "We can't get close to that. If it can deflect bullets, that sphere can tear us apart if we touch it. Ah could try to create a similar one to make them cancel each other out, but my nanos are almost drained, an' if he hits us with that fucking lightning attack again ahm pretty much done for." They curled behind the pillar as a wave of ice shards followed by another wave of fire hit it. They saw the ice quickly melting and evaporating. Ashwin and Roy got the same idea. They simply nodded at each other silently and Roy released a burst of fire at the wind sphere. The flames touched the sphere and immediately created a roaring vortex of fire. Martin gasped as his vision was entirely covered by flames. It was something he had seen before...a sea of fire, falling from the sky, drowning all lives in sorrow, creating a concert of screams and cries...the great Pangaeist cleansing...just as Janus had predicted. The raptor's pupils dilated, then turned into vertical slits for just the blink of an eye, and then dilated again as the fire sucked all the oxygen from the sphere. Martin lost control of his nanos for just one second, enough for the wind sphere to disappear. Roy was laying on the floor, panting heavily and shaking with exhaustion, and Ashwin... Ashwin was standing right in front of Martin Campbell. The elephant roared and punched the raptor with all his strength. The raptor's weak and sickened bones instantly pulverized with that one hit. Martin Campbell was dead before his body even hit the ground. Ashwin's punch went straight through his ribs and spine, causing all of his inner organs to explode inside his body. A beeping sound from the console confirmed a last command had been sent to the satellite and then transmitted to every nano machine from both projects, effectively neutralizing them for good without killing their hostages. The last vestige of Derek Anseed and Mary Campbell's research had finally disappeared. Ashwin approached the coughing human, kneeling next to him and examining the wound There was nothing to be done. Dr. Anseed had lost too much blood. Roy approached and kneeled next to the dying human. "Mr. McGregor...\*gasp\*...did you get my message?" "Ah did. It's over now. Thuh kill code was sent." "I...\*cough\*...I'm sorry...ughk! ...It seems like you and James are trapped here. The code killed your nanos too." Roy smiled and raised his hand. It sparkled briefly before being covered in flames. "Me an' FG got more than a few upgrades along thuh road. Our nanos are roughly thuh same as when the experiment started." "Good...\*cough\*...It means you...are...free...too." Anseed's hand fell limp and he exhaled one last time as his eyes closed forever. Roy made the sign of the cross over the human's body with his metallic hand and murmured a small prayer in Latin. He got up as the approaching sound of sirens reached their ears. "Shit! Ah think we'll have a lotta explaining to do." Ashwin grinned and placed a hand on the raptor's shoulder. "Oi don't think so, just let me make a quick call." The door to the Two by Two bar opened and the female dolphin smiled warmly, wrapping her arms around the brown scaled raptor and kissing his snout. They both entered and closed the door. The small stealth drone across the street followed them, hovering over the roof of the adjacent building. Roy smiled as he watched the video feed from the drone's camera on a computer. He was sitting on a comfortable chair in front of a table in a luxurious looking hotel suite. The raptor was wearing only a pair of blue boxers shorts and still had a damp towel around his shoulders. The door to the bathroom opened and Ashwin walked in, still drying behind his huge ears. He was holding a phone in his other hand. "Ya terminó. Bren va en camino en helicóptero para recogerlos...estas seguro?...si, tienes razon...de acuerdo...regresaré pronto...te...te veré pronto." (It's over. Bren is on his way with a helicopter to pick you up... are you sure?...yes, you're right...okay...oi'll be back soon...I...I'll see you soon.) He removed the towel around his waist and started putting his clothes on. "James is here...wanna go say hello?" asked Roy, feeling a little pang of pain. James looked so...happy. Happier than he'd ever seen. The utahraptor sighed, hoping he would feel just like that soon. "Nah. I miss my buddy, but seein' me would probably bring back some not too pleasant memories," said the elephant fastening his pants. "Heh...sound lahk James alrigh'," said Roy turning the computer off. Ashwin opened a chest where his weapons and gear were stored. Despite knowing that had been the purpose of Project Spectrum, it was still hard to believe all that had been created from nothingness by Roy's nanos. He grabbed one of the daedric swords and ran a finger through the carving. "You sure you don't wanna take all this with you? Oi'm gonna have a hard time explaining sum of this shit," he said, lifting a piece of the high tech armor. "Ahm done fightin'," said the raptor with a heavy sigh, "from now on, ahm holdin nothin' but farming tools. Mah lady is waiting for me at our farm...but you look like you could still use some of those." Roy chuckled. "Besides, from what you told me, you don't have to explain shit to anyone." Ashwin put the stuff back in the chest and closed it, taking a look at the raptor's exposed body and taking notice of the many scars, some of which looked very recent. Roy returned the stare. There was a moment of mutual understanding as they both read each other's story through their scars. "Well, don't keep yer lady waiting Mr. McGregor. You deserve yer happy ending too," said Ashwin as he finished buttoning his shirt. "What about you? Don't you have a happy ending waiting for you too? Ashwin thought for a full two seconds before answering with a smile. "Yeah...oi do." Fernando wiped the sweat from his brow and hung the axe in the tool rack, stacking a few logs inside the storage shed behind the cabin and carrying the rest to the main building. The setting sun offered a beautiful sight of the lake, making it look like it was made of gold. The crocodile took in the sight for a few seconds before walking inside the cabin. It had been a week since Bren showed up to pick him and Edgar and take them back to the city. Fernando had already told Ashwin he would stay at the cabin and wait for him. Ashwin's apartment was still technically a crime scene, and both the door and security system would need a long look over, and Fernando's own modest house was simply too cramped for an elephant to feel comfortable. Edgar was happy to go back tough. The wolf hugged Fernando and added jokingly that he would send Ashwin the bill for his psychologist. Bren didn't seem too happy, but Fernando assured him he would be fine. The crocodile placed the logs next to the fireplace, going down to the underground shelter to pick a few supplies. He returned to the living room, turning the TV on and wrapping himself in some blankets he got from one of the bedrooms upstairs. There was still light outside when the crocodile heard the sound of tires over the dirt path. A scaled hand moved to grab the gun under the couch, the other holding the TV's remote, switching to the security feed, focusing on the one in front of the cabin. Fernando sighed in relief when he saw the elephant climbing out of the car. Ashwin grabbed his duffel bag from the back of his car and walked towards the front door. He was still unsure of what to say or how to apologize to Fernando. The door opened and Fernando stood at the entrance, waiting for him. Ashwin stopped once they were within arms reach and dropped his bag. Ashwin was wearing blue denim shorts and a white shirt. Fernando was wearing only a pair of shorts. They both stood just staring at each other for a few seconds, letting the amber rays of the setting sun wash over their faces. There were no words needed. They immediately understood what the other was feeling. Still, this was something Ashwin felt he needed to say. "Fernando...I love you." The crocodile's answer was to wrap his arms around Ashwin's neck and lock their lips in a passionate kiss. The elephant wrapped his arms around Fernando's waist and easily carried him inside, not bothering with the door or his duffle bag. The main bedroom in the second floor was filled with light moans and kissing sounds. The naked males on top of the covers were covered in sweat after half an hour of nothing but passionate kissing and caressing. Both members painfully hard and dribbling precum profusely, but remaining untouched until now. Ashwin moved to lay on his back with Fernando on top of him. The crocodile shuddered as he felt their hard, uncut cocks rubbing together. "Fernando...please." The crocodile smiled and nodded, understanding what Ashwin wanted. He leaned and started kissing his way down, starting with the elephant's thick neck, letting his hands caress his lover's body. He looked at the scars on Ashwin's chest with curiosity, they seemed smaller somehow. Ashwin would later reveal that he started a treatment to fade his scars. In a few weeks, the smaller scars would disappear. The large ones in his chest and back were impossible to erase, but they would be much less prominent. Fernando gave each pectoral a kiss, promising himself he would return to those erect nipples soon. He moved the elephant's erection aside, slowly stroking it with a hand as he kissed and licked the firm abs, feeling his own cock twitch at the taste of skin, sweat and precum. Ashwin propped his head against a pillow, moving a hand to the back of Fernando's head, loving the sight of the crocodile using his tongue and lips on every inch of his body. Fernando gave the elephant's cock and balls a few licks before moving even lower. He placed his hands on the muscled legs and Ashwin eagerly spread and lifted them lightly. Fernando nuzzled under the massive, musky balls, feeling slightly jealous for a second that his own testicles were internal, giving the sweaty and swollen taint a long lick, dragging his tongue lower until it touched Ashwin's tight tailhole. The elephant gasped and moaned, holding his legs with his hands to give Fernando better access. The crocodile gave the fleshy pucker a loud kiss before pressing his tongue against it, pressing his hands against the elephant's muscled rump cheeks, spreading them. The thick, crocodile tongue entered the tight tunnel, causing both males to moan and nearly cum. Ashwin because of the rare feeling of submissiveness and the almost alien stimulation of his sphincter, Fernando because of the mix of arousing and masculine scents and the muscles he was touching, and both of them because they were simply too close after such a long make out session. Fernando continued rimming the tight and tasty hole for a few more minutes as Ashwin slowly stroked himself. Ashwin growled a little louder and Fernando knew what was coming. He pulled his tongue out of the elephant's tailhole and wrapped both hands around his cock, pulling the foreskin all the way back and sealing his lips behind the thick glans. He squeezed the base of the shaft and was rewarded a second later with a thick jet of warm seed hitting the back of his throat. The crocodile swallowed and sucked hard, milking the elephant for everything he could give. A few trickles of cum dribbled between his lips and ran down the thick, dark grey shaft. Fernando finally opened his lips and let go of the heavy member, watching it pulse and release the last few drops over Ashwin's sweaty abs. Fernando grabbed his own neglected cock and started masturbating, feeling he would only need a few jerks before reaching his own release. "In...inside," said Ashwin between heavy pants. The request only drove him closer to orgasm. He barely had time to shove half of his cock into the tight hole before his body tensed and his internal testicles contracted, coating the elephant's hot tunnel with his seed. Both males remained hard despite their previous climax. Fernando pushed all the way in until he felt the elephant's massive balls touching the scales of his lower stomach, his cum acting as lubricant. He remained hilted inside Ashwin, lifting the elephant's muscled legs and placing them over his shoulders. He spent the next few minutes thrusting very lightly, kissing and licking whatever he could reach of Ashwin's legs. Ashwin moved his legs away from the crocodile's shoulders, wrapping them around his waist and pressing the seven inches inside him even deeper. Fernando got the message and lowered his body, trying to hug the huge, muscled torso and raising his rump, leaving only the hooded head of his member inside Ashwin. A massive hand went to Fernando's back, another on the back of his head, pressing his face against sweaty and thick pachyderm hide. He found a nipple and sealed his lips around it, sucking and nibbling as he started slamming his hips as hard as he could. Ashwin growled in delight and hugged the crocodile harder against his body, feeling his own thick cock grinding against Fernando's belly scales, coating them in precum. Fernando's hands kept roaming all over the elephant's muscled body, feeling the strong heart beating against his lips as he sucked, licked and kissed every inch he could reach of Ashwin's chest. Ashwin started moving his hips as well, grinding his erection more insistently against Fernando's stomach. He could feel his meaty foreskin sliding back, causing his frenulum and the sensitive underside of his glans to rub against the precum and sweat slickened scales. Fernando's breath quickened and his moans became louder. Ashwin sensed this and squeezed harder around the crocodile's cock inside him. Fernando pushed one last time, tensing his entire body and crying cutely with his face buried in the cleft of Ashwin's pectorals as his member throbbed hard and unloaded again inside the warm fleshy tunnel. Ashwin groaned and shuddered, feeling his own strong climax coating their torsos with his thick cream. Fernando was about to pull out, but Ashwin's hand moved from his back to his rump, keeping him hilted inside the elephant. Fernando lifted his head, Ashwin kissed him on the lips twice before rubbing their cheeks together. "Thank you...thank you...thank you," whispered the elephant between pants with a slightly cracking voice. Fernando kissed him again and continued gently and lovingly rubbing and massaging Ashwin until the tired elephant slowly drifted into a peaceful slumber. Fernando stayed awake just a little longer, resting his head over Ashwin's chest, feeling the muscles expand and contract with his steady breathing. To be his anchor...to watch over his sleep...to hold his heart safe whilst he was away fighting and to let him know he'll always have someone waiting for him ready to say "Welcome home" ...yes...totally worth it.
Were-the... by Jiblits
Were-the... (Ku dent sleep -\_- zzzZZZ...)  Organizing memories lost among foggy thoughts & sensations I look back to see how lost to expect the future generations  Time a delusion, a must, a dream never to be woken I settle into the moment content, knowing what may soon be broken Secluded in this
[ "Poem", "slice of life", "thought" ]
Were-the... (Ku dent sleep -\_- zzzZZZ...) Organizing memories lost among foggy thoughts & sensations I look back to see how lost to expect the future generations Time a delusion, a must, a dream never to be woken I settle into the moment content, knowing what may soon be broken Secluded in this thought, I find so few seeing the tragedy yet to be The few that meet eyes only breathe easy knowing they expect the same from me Trembling at the sounds so silently growing I relax instead of embracing what all must be knowing Any infinity now, the pricelessness of life will collide with itself to make possible what should never have been Reassuring fate, again, it needs to reclaim what happened only then To exist, to bend motion into moments we make clear For hope to breathe once more, we must wake again the purest of all fear Intention at a single mention, each vein must expect pain Torture a cure for a heart anything but pure Let the regret blossom in the monster so sure Insanity, physical profanity The building blocks of something incomplete....perfection....humanity... What life knew along its road to the end The ever present friend, offering an inexcusable hand to lend What shows as problem to an answer not given without a toll What keeps all life in control ...that word, that reality nothing can escape without never being... ...the thing we hope to one day meet peacefully without ever seeing... The one forgotten till the mind can no longer hide What we fight with every breath till it stops us from inside The needed, the ever never wanted That something that keeps us dead... "Soul, body, mind, all worth not a dime... All is forgiven, forgotten, when payment is our due time..." \---Thanks for reading--- \---Always---
Rumbling Reports by draconicon
A story commissioned by FA: Sanmer to introduce one that's coming a bit later. Doctor Fox is treating a few police patients when something starts annoying him. He decides to put an end to this annoyance... Sequel here: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1147393 If you enjoyed this story, please consider
[ "Anal", "Bear", "Blowjob", "Fellatio", "Fingering", "Fox", "M/M", "Mind Control", "Oral", "Police", "Sanmer", "Stallion", "Superheroes", "Unicorn", "medical" ]
Rumbling Reports For Sanmer By Draconicon Doctor Fox hummed and sighed as he flipped through the various personnel files of the city law enforcement. Policemen, superheroes, vigilantes, everyone that he did business with had a record here, and every now and then, he needed to refresh himself on the details. After all, it wouldn't do to mistake a fire-breather for an acid-spitter, or vice versa. It also gave him a rather convenient excuse to enjoy the attentions of Chief Barbender, a grizzly bear that was even now under his desk and giving a happy little suck to his cock. "Hmm. Yes, doing quite well down there, Chief. Suck deeper." Obedience was so ingrained in the grizzly that the doctor didn't have to do anything else to enforce it. It was the same for everyone in the station, by this point. As the psychologist and the physician for the entire force, as well as most of the heroes that operated in this part of the city, they were all used to obeying him as a matter of course. The ones that weren't quite so well inclined...well, that was where his own abilities came in. Obedience begat obedience, and the more they obeyed, the more that they wanted to obey. The more they wanted to obey, the better it felt to do it. The repeating cycle led to everyone feeling quite satisfied to fall on their knees for him whenever he asked. Even the bigger heroes tended to do it, and the villains as well, after he had the chance to talk with them. The bear's slick tongue worked along the underside of his cock as he flipped over to another file. It was a new one, since he'd only recently started working with the unicorn stallion, but he'd already done quite a bit of work. *Paladin. Superpower, hard-light projection and manipulation, upstanding member of the community, and one of the best endowed heroes I've ever seen,* he thought as he looked over the case history for the equine. Certainly one of the more fun lays he'd had, for that matter, and with a rather open mind. He'd managed to open the unicorn's mind to be fucked on the first check-up, and had taken it even further over the subsequent two sessions that they'd had. Chuckling, Doctor Fox closed the file and reached down, patting the chief on the head. The grizzly immediately stopped sucking, looking up. "Don't stop. Keep sucking." Simple commands worked best, he'd found, particularly for those that had been under his command for a while. They started to worry if they had to solve what he meant, and so he kept things as minimalistic as he could. The chief in particular had a problem with that, but as long as he kept reinforcing it, it worked out in the end. *It's always nice when their minds do the work for me,* he thought. The need to obey touched on both his own commands and on societal norms. As soon as they were told to go back to their normal business, long-term conditioning took over. There was no need to pull them back to a normal state of mind, as some hypnotists were required to do. All that he did was allow the mind's natural need to obey its own conditioning to reassert itself. It made for a much cleaner sense of things. He closed the files as Paladin stepped in, the big unicorn still in his armor, if one could call it that. It was more a series of metal-lined cloth that wrapped around his hips and upper thighs, and around his pecs. The rest of his body was far more bare, though the doctor had heard that the unicorn used his hard-light abilities to armor himself as well as fight. Whether that was true or not, he didn't care. This appearance was more appealing to the eye, and he smiled as the unicorn shut the door behind him already. Well trained, indeed. He patted the chief on the head again, sending him out of the room. The unicorn didn't even seem to notice the chief's nudity. "Report." "I'm doing well, Doctor Fox," the unicorn said immediately, not even taking a breath as he obeyed. "Four criminals brought in, all of them found in the middle of an act. Two of them unconscious, one bruised, and one in a bad way." He nodded. He didn't particularly 'require' any of the heroes and cops to injure their captives, but it did make it easier for him to work if they were brought in with a small wound or injury that would need tending. It allowed him to start seeping the need to obey into the criminals as well as the police. "Strip." The fox stepped out from around his desk, not bothering to hide his cock as he started to strip off his own clothes. With Paladin already slipping into the obedience head-space, there'd be no questioning the need to do what he was told, or any questioning at all. Doctor Fox smiled, brushing his hand down his white fur to his rump, wiggling a finger or two under his tail. Yes, he was still sufficiently lubed from an earlier encounter. Not quite as fresh as he would like, but hardly insufficient in amount. "You deserve a reward today, Paladin. Step up to my desk." The fox leaped up onto it, sitting on the green padding in the center of it as the stallion walked right up. His subject was already getting quite stiff and hard, and he smiled as he reached down and started stroking that sheath. It was quite the large specimen, and he was rather proud to have a toy like this for himself. Even if Paladin had only been moderately sized for a unicorn, he would have been fun, but someone this large... "Ring yourself." The hard-light powers activated, and the superhero groaned as a glimmering cock ring sprang into being around the base of his cock. Immediately, the horse's medial ring flared a bit further, and the veins along it started popping a little more strongly. Doctor Fox nodded in satisfaction, turning around so that he was on his hands and knees. His tail went up over his back, and he reached back, spreading his ass cheeks for the stallion. He could feel the soft, bobbing bumps of that thick cock rubbing against his rear, and he smiled as the tip started dripping over his hole. "Slide in." He groaned softly as he felt the thick head press past his hole, the earlier experience sufficient to keep it moving. The fox smiled, letting his hands slip away from his rear as soon as he felt at least six inches inside of him, and rested them under his chest instead. If Paladin had been free to think, he wouldn't have allowed this sort of thing. However, with his control, not only did these fuck sessions go precisely the way that he wanted, but he knew that they would last as long as he liked, as well. He wiggled his hips, settling himself a bit further down on that horse cock, and let out a soft moan as the medial ring popped past his rim. "Mmmph...yes. Get it in there." "Yes, doctor." The feeling of that thick shaft working itself in deeper and deeper was quite a lovely one, and the fox doctor groaned as it slid in further, and further, each thrust taking it a few inches past where it had been before. The sensation of the medial ring popping in and out of him was just as good, and he could feel some of the lube running out of his hole and over his sac. He resisted the urge to thrust back, instead taking some time to just enjoy the feeling of being filled, of being fucked. He rolled his hips back occasionally, but by and large, he just let the horse do the work. Doctor Fox was a little past the halfway point when he heard a knock on his door. "Hmm...I thought I cleared my appointments...Paladin, move sideways." The white fox moved with it, taking himself ninety degrees so that he was laying along the desk rather than across it, and called out. "Come in." The already-tranced officer stepped inside, looking utterly oblivious to the fucking going on before him. Which he was, the doctor supposed. "Report." "There's a roughed-up prisoner that someone brought in. Pretty bad, doc. Looks like some anal rape or something." The fox grumbled. It was one thing to have his own perversions indulged. It was another to see that someone was taking it out on the criminals before he could. Not to mention interrupting his own fun. "Alright, I'll see to it. Take him to medical." As the wolf walked out, Doctor Fox looked at his watch. There wasn't really enough time to finish his fuck with the stallion, so he'd have to cut it short. With a whispered word, he slipped off of the thick shaft and jumped off of his desk. He pulled up his pants and slid on his coat, and stopped at the door of the office. "Get dressed, then go back to work." He left Paladin to do as he was told. The roughed-up rat was easy enough to take down into trance. Anyone that was already injured was happy enough to comply with a doctor if it meant that they weren't going to be in pain, and this rodent was no exception. He was just about glazed over as the fox examined him, not complaining about having his legs up in the air in a set of restraints. Doctor Fox shook his head as he stroked a gloved finger over the rat's hole. It was clear that he'd been fucked rough and hard, and without any simple precautions. There were several tears along his rim, as well as bruising along the inner walls. "Describe your arresting hero." "He was a rhino, sir," the rat said in a soft voice, his mind sounding further away than usual. "Big and crude. Not much beside super strength. Looked like a school bully. Called himself Rumble Rhino." He shook his head. Not just crass, but unimaginative. He supposed it went with the territory. Then again, Rumble had been a small problem for a while. Not quite new, but not quite that settled yet, the rhino had been abusing *his* criminals quite a bit. Doctor Fox had needed to tend to a good five of them in the last two weeks, and it was getting annoying. "Spread yourself." The fox gently rubbed some soothing cream over the rat's hole as the rodent spread himself a bit wider. It wasn't much, but it would at least sooth him a little. *Now, I have to deal with him. Some indulgences are fine, but now he's starting to get annoying.* The End
The Rising Fallen Star 3 - Charlie by Z-JAM-C
#3 of Koopin Kennidon: The Rising Fallen Star Life in the day of a chain chomp isn't all it's cracked up to be. The simplest most innocent creature James ever encountered and loved, would find his own great story in the midst of Koopin's fall and rise to the hero he became. PHEW...hokay, this was a
[ "Koopa", "Mario Series", "Supernatural" ]
"So, you having a good day?" *"Yesh, very shunny, lotsh of good shmellsh today!"* "Hmhmhahah, no plans later on?" *"There ish a shmell near treesh I will inveshtigate, might be dangeroush!"* "But you not afraid aren't you?" *"Nope, I ish brave! I keep my daddiesh shafe!"* "You ever really go anywhere besides thuh back yard?" *"Go shee granny and grandpa in the deshert! Maybe go into town, shee lotsh of new people, lotsh of new shmellsh but I musht behave! Daddiesh tell me to be good when in town!"* "You're a good boy ah hope." *"Yesh, daddiesh tell me not to bark at new people, unlessh they ish bad people, waaaah!* The black raptor chuckled simply as he kept on working in James' little garden patch. Swinging down the hoe into the soft earth, he kept a cautious look upon the silted dirt to keep it down in line with how it should look. He carefully measured his strokes of sifting dirt to not upset the vegetables next to him, already well-planted and set in roots ranging from turnips to carrots to the odd lettuce. He hadn't the first idea on gardening itself, but James had left him vivid instructions which he kept in the pocket of his farming overalls. They were a little snug on the utahraptor, but the boots fit nicely as he turned towards the black chain chomp smiling at him from outside the fence wire around the patch. "Your dads should be back later today by thuh way." *"Ish daddy okaysh?! He ish very shick!"* "Aww he'll be fine, trust me, NUTHIN' can take down your daddy James for long, ah seen him go through a lotta things." *"Like whatsh uncle Roy?!"* "Ooof, lahk big fires, nasty huge monsters, mean mean people. No matter how many try to take him, he always manage to survive so a little bug lahk this ain't gonna knock him down fer too long." *"Daddy Jamesh ish very shtrong, shtrongesht daddy ever!"* "You must have been with your daddies a long time huh?" *"Yesh, they adopt me! I wash happy to have new daddiesh, waaaah, now I hash YOU ash well uncle Roy!"* "Hahaha, yep you have me too, so how long you been with them?" *"Many MANY daysh, I protect my daddiesh every day even when I firsht came!"* "Really? Whut happened?" *"A fuzzhy! Shupah shmelly fuzzhy, very bad fuzzhy, tried to climb over fenshe and take my daddy'sh shiniesh but I shtopped him! Nobody takes my shiniesh OR my daddiesh!"* "You know, I knew your daddy James a good while, an' ah never thought he would have a boy lahk you." *"Daddy Jamesh ish very brave and shtrong! Daddy Koopin ish brave and shtrong too but daddy Jamesh ish shtronger!"* "How'd you figure that?" *"Becaushe, when daddiesh play, daddy Jamesh alwaysh on top of daddy Koopin!"* "Uhhh play?" *"Yesh in bed, they likesh to play, lotsh of wreshtling waaaaah!"* "...uh...I um...eheh yeah soooo uhhhh we never had much chance to talk so, why don't you tell me about whut you lahk?" *"I likesh to play in the shunshine, I likesh the deshert too when we shee granny and grandpa, the shand feelsh sho shmooth on my belly!"* "You lahk water Charlie?" *"NO! No I hatesh it! Water very bad, very VERY bad for chompiesh!"* "So how do you get baths?" *"Daddy Jamesh givesh me speshal oil, makesh me all shiny, SHUPAH shiny!"* "Ahhhh, ah see." Roy finished up with one row of dirt after having dug small segmented holes systematically along the dirt. Wiping the sweat off his brow with a handkerchief from his pockets, he brought out a small packet of seeds and began carefully putting one into each new hole that he had made. Once he had covered them up with dirt, he picked up a small blue watering can near him and began to softly make the rain come over the buried seeds. "Theeere, thassit. Alrigh', ah think that's good time for a small break." *"Yesh!"* The raptor turned to open the fenced door behind him as he took the watering can and hoe with him before locking it tight. He quickly went into the shed to take off his boots, overalls and also put away the tools before putting back on his clothes which hung on pegs inside. "Thaaaat's more lahk it. Damn them overalls are sorta tight, keep cutting into mah shoulders." *"You ish MUCH bigger than daddy Jamesh!"* "Heh, you're right." *"You know daddy Jamesh really well, daddy Jamesh NEVER letsh me into hish veggiesh!"* "An' why is that?" *"Because I likesh to DIG! I bury my bonesh, daddy Jamesh tell me that it'sh not for bonesh, it'sh for veggiesh!"* "Least you got your part of thuh garden to bury things, righ' Charlie?" *"Yesh, but I won't tell yoush, it'sh a shecret to everybody."* The chomp grinned with a beaming pride of self-worth as Roy sat down on a garden chair to bask in the sunlight, with Charlie settling down beside him as his chainlink tail wagged behind him. "So, how did you handle things whilst daddy James wuz away?" *"I wash shad! Daddy Jamesh wash gone for sho long, I wash very shad!"* "Awwww...ah know Koopin wuz sad too." *"Daddy Koopin wash very shad too, granny and grandpa help him too to make him happy but we waited for daddy. Daddy wash brave, sho I had to be brave too, like when daddy Koopin wash attacked and I protected him when daddy Jamesh wash away!"* "Wait hold on Koopin wuz attacked?! Really?!" *"Yesh, by a monshter! But I protectsh him because he ish my daddy, waaaaah."* "Huh...ah never heard that story, mind if you tell me?" *"Okaysh, I tell yoush. Did daddiesh tell you about the big trip to the shnowy plashe?"* "Yeah, they told me about that. Koopin an' you got taken up to Shiver City, then he got a job at the office, he met his friend Shybert-" *"Tiny man, sho shcared when we met!"* "Wait, you were scared?" *"No, tiny man he wash very shcared becaushe of me, waaaaah!"* "Hahahaha, alrigh' so...whut did happen with you an' this...this monster?" *"It all shtarted a long time back, very long time, many daysh after daddy left..."* Roy smiled patiently as he watched and listened to Charlie's story, curious to see what strange events the little chain chomp could possibly have known or witnessed in those odd four years as his tale unfolded from a different perspective. One that only he would ever know of. --- ***The Rising Fallen Star*** **Chapter 3: Charlie** A wondrous spring morning greeted Charlie as he bounced out the front door with Koopin behind him. The smell of budding leaves, sweet pollens and freshly cut grass went spinning into his nostrils with a cool wet minty scent. It was a slightly warm morning, the sun glistening down upon his steel chain and black iron body as his daddy walked him out towards the town. "Come on Charlie, daddy needs some new things so you better be good." *"Okaysh daddy!"* Charlie knew in some primitive sense that he could not understand everything the koopa said, and likewise he knew also that Koopin could not understand him but the chomp had other ways of knowing besides hearing. How he smelt was most important as well as other more instinctive senses without a name that told him how Koopin had been feeling more happy than usual. He bounced along the travelling road slightly behind his koopa daddy, watching him with pure adoration and a panting long tongue from his sharp curved teeth. People passed on by and Charlie smelt them all briefly in their passing. Most of them were happy, one of them was upset, and two were very angry at each other for some odd reason. Occasionally he met one or two other chomps, greeting and sniffing each other as he panted at one older grey chomp who panted back in turn beside his own owner, a female toad. *"Hallosh! Ish a lovely day!"* *"Yesh, it ish, how ish you pup?"* *"I ish good, going to town with my daddy!"* *"That'sh good, I'm going home with my mummy, she hash bought food for me."* *"HHHH! I wantsh food too! I hopesh daddy feedsh me my favourite later!"* *"Hmhmhmhm, you should be careful pup, there ish more to life than food."* *"Like whatsh!? What could be better than food, and play?!"* *"Peashe. And love."* *"I hash lotsh of love, daddy lovesh me every day, waaaaah!"* *"Hmhmhm, I am shure he doesh. I hash to go, goodbye pup."* *"Okaysh, bye bye!"* "You're a good boy aren't you?!" said Koopin. *"Yesh, I ish good!"* "Saying hello to that nice old chomp like such a good boy." *"Daddy getsh me food? YAY!"* Heading up towards town Charlie remembered little of the places that Koopin visited, constantly focusing on the smells of sweet patisseries, sweat and deodorant from people that passed him by as well as wafting scents from every direction of the main square. To the east was the smell of trees he had become so familiar with. To the west, the musk of goomnuts in the forests beyond. The north gave a cool mist and slightly perfumed odours that trickled down from the grand white castle in the distance, and lastly the south gave a rather jarring mix of steel rust, oil and salt from the sea. Charlie tried to lead Koopin towards the bakery but he knew better and pulled the chomp over towards a less interesting place full of steel shiny boxes and grey floors with a metallic scent. Words drifted back and forth between Koopin and the lakitu clerk as time passed in the blink of an eye before they left, with a new small bag Koopin held that Charlie prodded. *"That'sh not food, what ish that?!"* "Noooo Charlie that's not food, it's for daddy." *"But, I know ish not food, you cantsh fool me, waaaaah!"* "Mmmmm okay, it's not fair to take you here without getting you something, come on." Koopin let Charlie lead slightly towards a butcher's shop, the wondrous meaty scents even when raw delighting him with excited bouncing as he watched Koopin order some beef slices in a bag before leaving the town. People reacted differently to Charlie ranging from the kind-hearted who cooed at him with gentle sounds to the squealing children pointing at him, as well as the odd disgruntled-smelling type who had no time for silly chomps. Charlie did not like those people, but he ignored them as they soon left to head back down along the road. It was only then that Koopin decided to divert them off the path and run briskly ahead of Charlie shouting: "Charlie! Charlie come on, come on boy!" *"YESH daddy, I wantsh to play!"* The chomp bounced on towards his daddy Koopin, watching him run ahead and easily catching up to him as they started to pace each other's speed, running off into the sloping grasslands of the Mushroom Kingdom. The sun cast beautifully across the fields now stricken with summer light, as Koopin kept running alongside him down and down further into what had once been an old farmland, now long since taken back by nature as a slightly wild overgrown field of grass. The chomp chased after his daddy back and forth, the grass seeds spilling across his smooth black steel carapace with every flump and bounce he threw himself into. Koopin occasionally hid, but Charlie always managed to find him behind a tree, or even laying down in the taller grass by the smell of warmth and kindness. Eventually Koopin had tired himself out, and so rewarded Charlie by pulling out a slice of beef to throw at him, "Here Charlie, CATCH!" *"YESH, DADDY FOOD!"* He snapped upwards as the beef flew over across his head, catching it perfectly as he chomped it down between his thick glistening white teeth. He watched Koopin throw another slice of beef which he caught easily as the first, gnashing it within seconds before swallowing until the third and final one he caught pre-emptively, which fell onto his face with a thick meaty slap. "Hahahahaha, Charlie you're a silly boy!" *"Waaaaah shilly food, get in my belly, NUM!"* With a singular snap of his teeth he had finished eating his food almost instantly as he wagged his tail chain behind him staring up at Koopin expectantly who now sat under the shade of a tree. He soon realised he had no more food left to give and began to root around for more in the bushes. The sky turned a sweet amber pallor that gleamed on Charlie's head, snuffling around in the dirt intrigued by the smell of creatures local around the new scrubland. At one point Charlie lifted his head and saw something flickering in the forest nearby across the opposite side of the grassland. He caught a scent of someone familiar, a tinted strong musk that made his eyes widen. *"Who ish that?"* He ran off towards the trees by an instinct deep in him, sensing somebody was close as he watched a strange lean shadow of brown move between the forest trunks. *"Who...ish daddy?! Daddy!?"* The stranger disappeared as Charlie headed in, the forest turning darker by the sunset as the smell of summer started to fade from his senses. The trees smelt of rain, cool and sweet as the crunching of leaves underneath signalled to him a new season turning. The sky above had been replaced by an orange sea of leaves, twisting and billowing against the auburn woods as a cold breeze started following him in. The shadow continued moving deep into the forest as the chomp chased after him. *"Daddy! Daddy waitsh!"* He knew it was him, there was no mistaking that strong scent, something almost otherworldly that he could not quite comprehend but knew was something special. Something only he had, and with every step that he took deep into the forest, he lost his way just a little more as the shadow moved sleekly between the trees but Charlie was never fooled. He had his scent, and there was nothing to shake him from it as the wind began to pick up, scurrying a vicious storm of leaves to spiral round him forcing him to blear his eyes peeking between the streams of red and yellow streak. He burst through the breeze and chased after the shadow further as evening soon came upon him. Darkness was just a moment away with each new step he took as the world became a more burnt shade of auburn, monotone and crisp when he came upon a clearing with some strange object sitting in the midst of it. A long wooden cage with metal fencing across the front that looked so familiar to him as voices came from around him. *"You have any type in mind?"* *"Someone that's easy to handle, but not like sleepy all the time, we want someone that needs to go out every once a while, something to give us a reason to stay home and relax."* *"Hmmmm, well it's up to you really, I mean we've got some quiet ones and perky ones, one or two are REALLY excitable, I'm not sure which one you'd be more interested in-"* *"Hey, look at this one!"* Spiriting above the cage was a dozen leaves full of dew from misted water droplets, glistening like pure stringed pearls that suspended in the air to form the shape of two creatures almost like ghosts. Pale clear outlines of foggy shoulders and hunched bodies bending over the cage. *"This one looks cute."* *"Awwww he does, hi there little feller!"* *"YAP YAP! YAP!"* *"He's not too excitable right?"* *"Mmmm no he's actually quite a gentle boy, actually that's the first time he's barked today."* *"Awwww look he's licking me! ...I want him."* *"A-are you sure?!"* *"Totally, I want this one. He's a happy little boy and he just wants someone to show him that he can be."* *"How do you know that?"* *"......I just know somehow. I want to keep him like this. I want to keep him happy before...alright, we'll take him."* *"Very well, you uh...got a name in mind, we'll have to sign the adoption paper."* *"...Charlie. His name is Charlie."* The water and wind twisted through the trees as the chain chomp looked up, barking with surprise as he followed after the mist that lead him deep beyond the woods. Colder the world became as the trees turned barer around him with shedding leaves constantly. Falling upon his head he shook them off as he caught the sight of something flickering, glowing across the way. He chased off towards the strange light finding a whirlwind of fireflies all coalescing at one point. Upon his presence, they changed into another two clearer shapes above him as he gazed upon the stars through a small breach in the forest canopy. The stars became the eyes of his fathers. *"You think he's tired out yet?"* *"Oh yeah, I bet he won't forget this day. I had no idea chomps liked the desert so much."* *"We should take him up more sometime, my mom and dad love him."* *"Yeah...Klair was right, he really does bring some kind of stable...feeling to this place."* *"I guess it's like having a kid but...not as stressful."* *"You sure about that? He is our baby now."* *"That's what YOU call him James."* *"What, he is! I dunno why but I love this little guy, I've never even seen a chomp before but god something about him just-"* *"You feel a connection of some sort?"* *"Maybe. Maybe I just understand him because I was adopted too."* *"...you said something, when we were picking him up about...wanting to keep him happy. What did you mean?"* *"I meant...let's just say I know what can happen to someone innocent like him."* *"What do you mean?"* *"I just...I just don't want him to lose his innocence like I did, when I was younger. I want to give him the family that I never had."* The stars burned out from the sky soon plunging the forest into a steady seep of darkness, dripping like oils from a fresh painting as the fireflies started falling before him. One by one, their lights began to flicker and die as their wings failed them. The last light glinted towards the east, and so Charlie saw the strange shadow once again with the scent he always knew. *"Daddy!? DADDY MY DADDY WAIT! I WANTSH TO GO WITH YOU DADDY! DADDY WAIT!"* The shadow did not stop as he chased after him, following the scent with flaring nostrils and panting breath as he reached a sudden slope that made him fall into a tumbling. His body rolled smoothly crushing branches underneath until he stopped landing amongst the snowdrifts. All around him the world had become pure ceaseless white coating the tree branches above as gentle snow fell upon his head. But Charlie felt afraid for some reason, feeling water underneath in the form of a frozen tiny brook once babbling but bade silent by the hushed voice of winter. Fearful whispers across the wind startled Charlie as he struggled to find the scent, the cold biting damp affecting his senses as he whimpered turning round in a brief circle to try and find the stranger, but there was nothing. Then, he saw something, a disturbed part of the snowy earth revealing a reptile's footprint. The fresh scent should have been clear upon its birthing but there was nothing, not a trace. Another foot pushed deep in front of him down into the cold dirt as Charlie followed the trace of an invisible footstep. Crunching down further ahead he struggled to keep with its long pace, as if someone were stretching out its legs in full uneven strides before him. Slowly the prints made their way around another slope, easier than the one previous as it somehow twisted around what felt like a spiral hill down further into the midst of the forest depths. Deeper he went as darkness came, the chomp soon couldn't even tell where the trees came apart as his senses failed him, first his scent and then his sight. Eventually the footprints stopped forming but Charlie continued onwards in some vain hope that the one he sought would be waiting for him at the path's end. At the bottom of the hill, there lied an icy lake stretching far across in front of Charlie, pure crystalline black as a light shone thickly from above beyond the heavens it seemed. Bearing down on the other edge of the lake, the light came down upon the one he had been searching for. A brown-scaled creature wearing jeans of blue and a long thick tail. *"Daddy...daddy I'm here for yoush!"* The raptor turned with green eyes smiling upon him, the purple marks shining bleak from winter's light. "Charlie. Come here Charlie. Come on." The ice was too thin. Charlie could not even hear the crackling underneath as he plunged into the watery depths seeing briefly the vision of James fade from the other side of the ice, into a blue shimmering spark out of existence silently. The water was deep as he struggled to howl but nothing came from his throat, his piercing cries rendered mute by the water filling inside of him as he sunk weighted down by his own form. The light pierced through the lake showing only a fraction of the abyss as two mounds of sand. Charlie landed with a thud disturbing the mounds as they shook free partially, unearthing a hand from each of them that fell in front of him. One was of brown scale with three claws, the other smaller with four yellow fingers. Their hands were separated by only a few inches, never to touch each other as Charlie felt something sink deep within his heart. Something he had never felt until this moment truly. He nuzzled against the hands of his fathers, whimpering and licking them. They were cold and lifeless without their scents to guide him. Charlie had no words left as his body he pressed his head against the two hands and began to sleep, feeling the water seep inside and eat away at him like acid. He began to rust, losing his steel gleam of black and grey to become brown and flaking within minutes from his tail up to his eyes. The water burned holes into his body as he fell apart at the seams of iron, crumpling into pieces of worthless metal between the graves of his fathers. It was the day he realised that daddy wasn't coming back. "Charlie? Charlie?" His eyes opened up, blearing from his dream to see Koopin looking nervous. "Come on Charlie it's time for food." The bowl of food was offered to him. But Charlie turned away curling up with his chain in the corner of the room. "...oh no." The first thing Koopin understood about Charlie was that he was never off his food. Not once until this day had he ever refused food as he rushed to the phone and called for the vet. Charlie never noticed, turning away from the world itself to stare at the wall as time faded from his memory. It almost felt like a moment later that he heard the door open and the vet walked in, a female toad wearing a blue button shirt carrying a small medical kit. He hadn't smelt her in years, that oddly clinical scent of a dozen animals wrapped within a ball of sterilisation. "Afternoon." "Hi listen, thank you for coming out but my chomp is not...he won't eat." "Has he ever refused food before?" "No never, and he's never slept in the corner like that, it just-" "How long has he been like this?" "Since this morning, I thought he was just not feeling right but he's been in that corner not eating or drinking the entire day, I just came back from work and uh, my neighbour told me he wasn't eating." "Has he been sick at all? Vomiting?" "No, nothing, he just turned away from the food and went to sit in the corner." "Okay let me see." The toad made her presence clear with firm footsteps to not surprise him, but he did not care. Gently she peered over to his eyes, blankly staring and only looking at her once. The toad reached into her kit to pull out firstly a fresh slice of beef. Not even a curious sniff which made her frown as she then brought out a tuning fork and tapped it on his head hearing the soft key that rang out from it. "Hmmmmm...has your chomp been through any distressing events?" "N-no." "Any recent sudden changes occurring in his life or yours even?" "...there is one. See, my boyfriend and I um, he...he left to return home to fight in a...conflict involving his...family and I...Charlie was very close to him." "How long has he been away?" "...about four months it's been." "Ahhh. Well, the tuner confirmed my suspicions that your chomp is suffering from depression." "Wh-what?! Oh no!" "The tuning fork registered D minor in the key of C. That's the second saddest key, or at least one of them." "Wh-wh-second?! How did you-I-" "Chain chomps have rather unusual bodies, their moods can affect their metallic structure in subtle ways and essentially create different notes like this. Normally a chomp should be registering C, F or G major in the key of C." "I...I-i-i-i can't believe. Oh my stars Charlie I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel like this, I-i was in a...depression myself but I had no idea Charlie was going to pick up on it he's always so...blissful!" "Chomps can be rather sensitive to other people's emotions. Some more than others, do you have any idea when your boyfriend will return?" "No," said Koopin sombrely, "we...we're both still waiting for him." "I see," replied the vet, "well clearly it is affecting him and obviously the most dangerous thing about his depression is him not wanting to eat, so what you need to do is to find what does make him happy and stick with it. Don't feed him special treats or lavish him with affection because he'll think you're rewarding him in this state, just try to coax him back." "How?" "Well, usually when a chomp is coping with the loss or absence of a companion or owner, a good way to bring them out of it is to either find another companion or take him out on more walks, spend more time with him. But not in a lavishing way, just let him try to be himself." "A-alright. I just-it's just I work at the office now, my neighbour usually sits for him but I'll see if I can take him out for regular walks when I get home." "That's good. If he hasn't eaten anything within two days, call me and we'll try to feed him." "Okay. Thank you." The vet soon left their house as Koopin knelt down beside his beloved chomp, carefully hugging him just for a moment as his smooth steel body shivered with a deep exhale. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Charlie, it...it's my fault, I should have...I should have realised you would feel this way too, I...I'm sorry." His tears gently rolled off of Charlie's body until he got up and dried his eyes gently, before he went to the phone again and decided to make an emergency call to at least two people that could help. Time passed, the chomp barely noticed, huffing softly and sleeping where he sat with another day passing without food or water. Koopin struggled to bring him out the door into a gentle walk after work, taking him around the small town with soft sluggish pace. It felt as if he were going through the motions, numbing himself to everything, not even trying to sniff the trees or the grass. His body started to lose its lustre, the cool sheen of his steel carapace now fading to a dim softened glint as the longer the day went on, the more Koopin began to miss his smile, his bark, as if someone had kidnapped his Charlie and replaced him with this soulless impostor. The second day after the vet's visit, she returned to help Charlie eat, bringing out a rather smooth platter of chomp-safe food which had been mixed with certain spices that made it powerfully irresistible. He struggled, but he ate by the sheer will of his primal need to eat the bowl of soft meats sprinkled with herbs that his stomach begged to taste from the scent. The herbs were powerful however, the vet advising only to give him a mixture of such every two days. His strength was slightly regained the next week as a slight peak of his mood encouraged him to start walking further away from home, coaxed by his daddy Koopin until around two weeks after his initial state, that he managed to take him to the desert where his parents lived in Dusty Dunes. But even the hot sun and shifting sands underneath did little to improve his mood though his pace did quicken upon the sight and smell of his grandma and grandpa. He acknowledged them, but still no bark, no grin of warm bliss as he hobbled his way in with the family setting down to dinner as Klair pulled out the best of her culinary prowess to make food impossible for Charlie to refuse, even without the herbal supplements as he watched them numbly from beneath the table. "Thank you so much for this," said Koopin gratefully to his parents. "It's alright dear," said Klair smiling, "I know a thing or two about keeping a sad boy from an empty tummy." "Y-yeah...I mean just maybe a week away from home might help him you know, stop thinking about him and what with all-" "It's fine, no need to explain. Too many memories and whatnot." "I just never thought Charlie would be affected like this, he's always so happy and...nnnngh, I guess this is taking a toll on both of us." "How are you doing?" asked Shelldon. "Are you doing alright?" "I'm great, well, better than usual. I got myself a new Mailbox around two weeks back so I can upload my music." "That's good, and how's that going for you?" "There's this site called Bandkoop where you can just make a profile, put up your music and see what happens. Had one or two people give me a thumbs up, saying they like it! My supervisor also-" "He doesn't know who you are right?" "Oh no course not I kept my profile vague." "What was your DJ name again?" asked Klair. "Koopa-Bloopa. I like the sorta rhyming thing it has, rolls off the tongue pretty good." "I was hoping you'd go with that one I thought up, Terrorpin." "Mmmmm that sounds more like a supervillain." "Well why not your music is scary dear!" "She's right," added Shelldon, "I don't know music like your mother but it definitely scares me. She tells me that it's good though, calls it...cathartic." "It sure is," replied the son, "since I been working on music I feel a lot better and less angry about things but...now I have to help Charlie get out of this funk." "If we managed to pull you out of yours, I'm sure we can help him out of his." "I'm just glad the office let me have the week off, I told my supervisor and he was actually pretty nice about it, said I did so much work more than most in my office that he said I earned it." "Hmhmhm...that's my boy." The smell of pride came briefly from Shelldon as Charlie tried feebly to eat what he was given. His hunger waned like the moon but he tried his best, the desert temperature helping him surprisingly so with chain chomps being so affable to the scorching hot dunes. They did not leave the Kennidon house that day as Koopin decided to sleep upstairs in his old bed with Charlie beside him, feeling that a change of scenery in a house of pleasant memories would soothe his troubled mind. The chomp had rarely been in Koopin's old room but it still retained the rich scents of his koopa father from every walk of life he had been through. The old bed whilst clean and fresh in its sheets and blanket had kept the younger scents of Koopin upon the wooden structure, to which the chomp found himself being more sated with. The first night passed without incident, but Charlie stopped eating once again which worried Koopin at first, but Klair reassured him that he wouldn't resist her food on an empty stomach later on as both mother and son sat at home to relax and enjoy normality, whilst Shelldon headed off to work at his store. For the rest of the morning Koopin and Klair switched between doing house chores and watching TV, mostly by watching the catch-up episodes of Shell City from the previous week as they reminisced about their favourite characters. The chomp looked on from near the table seeing that strange box flickering its images of faces he had seen every day, but never becoming familiar to him, "Remember when he used to be good?" asked Koopin. "Oh certainly," replied Klair, "now he just can't stop trying to crash and burn in the most awful ways." "He really never got over his wife, I mean, you'd think somebody would wanna reach out but-" "He just pushed everybody away, now he...well, I think that he's going to end up as some odd hermit and never leave his house again." "What about that bob-omb from the cafe, surely he cares." "Ohhhh I don't think that will happen the boy is much too shy to help." "But maybe one day he might." "We can only hope. Ever since the killer bride came and caused a six-car pileup on the road, everything has been going off the rails." "No kidding, you got the one witness who saw everything but he's all senile so, even if they find out, is it ever gonna get as far as the court?" "I certainly hope so, that awful woman is just beyond redemption." "At least she felt bad for, yanno, causing all those cars to crash." "Because she hurt other people she didn't mean to after throwing her groom off the bridge, or because she was going to be found out?" "I don't think she even knows the vicar saw her mom." "Well we'll just have to see," said Klair emphatically. "You know I actually miss having this, you and me watching the soaps." "Me too," added Koopin. "It's...nice actually to get away from the house for a bit and..." Slowly the youngest Kennidon raised his head to look over at his chain chomp. They briefly acknowledged each other's existence as Koopin sat back down sadly. "He hasn't moved." "He'll be fine dear, we'll try again when it's lunch, let's not give him mixed messages, so long as he feels nothing has changed then it should all be fine." The second day began blurring into the third. Charlie did not eat until the night of the third day when Koopin carefully mixed herbal supplements into the food his mother gave to the chomp which became too much for his stomach to bear resisting. When Koopin went up to his room to sleep, Charlie did not follow this time, feeling too morose as he slept under the living room's table wishing for the days to pass by faster than before. He was awoken briefly by the sound of a fridge opening, the light spilling from the kitchen as slipper-clad feet shuffled around the night. "Need a little top-up?" asked Klair. "Just a little," mumbled Shelldon, "brain's...ugh." The sound of a bottle being unscrewed and pouring liquid did not intrigue the chomp despite his eyes blinking up towards the kitchen to see Shelldon hunched slightly over the kitchen table. Klair and him shared a small drink of something smooth with alcohol burning slightly in Charlie's nostrils as the husband sighed deeply. "Unacceptable. This...is completely unacceptable." "Hmm?" "Dealing with my son is what I expected to do, to pick up the pieces when he left but now his pet is going through the same misery." "That's hardly anyone's fault-" "You know very well whose fault it is Klair. I trusted him. I trusted James to be a good and upstanding citizen but he can't even put his business in order and leaves our son broken-hearted, and now his chomp is suffering the same which only brings Koopin back INTO that state!" "Koopin is dealing with his chomp and we are simply helping him as a member of our family-" "You suggested they buy a chomp specifically to keep them grounded, now he's practically abandoned him like an unwanted child!" "That's enough!" The bottle came down firmly with a thunk on the tabletop. "None of us could predict that James had a duty to serve his people, not even him. You can't blame him for this!" "I damn well WILL blame him for this because if he wasn't such a short-sighted buffoon to disconnect himself from his old life then none of this would have happened! Koopin would be happy, Charlie would be happy, now all of us are wallowing in this cloud of misery that HE has left behind!" "Why...what...what is this Shelldon? What..." She gently shuffled around towards him as Charlie peeked closer to see Shelldon clench his knuckles hard against the kitchen table. "What is this really about?" Klair asked. "What do you mean?" "You're never usually this...upset unless we are talking about James, is this something personal?" "Of course it's personal! He left my son, broken-hearted, and now his pet is suffering the same so he has left TWO broken hearts in my son's house! Why are you not more upset about this?!" "Because I know that pointing the finger at somebody who isn't there, or able to defend himself, is not going to help anyone!" "What do we do then?! Nurse our wounds until he comes back, IF he does?!" "Yes, that is exactly what we do, because our son is hurting and we must help him. Do you think I'm doing all this for James, I absolutely am not. I am doing this for our family, for my son and I want you to start thinking about helping him, regardless of what the future is." Shelldon sighed deeply, his hands clasping together into thick white knuckles that shook with bitter fury as his voice shook to control himself. "...all I want...is my son to find a man who would love and respect him. Is that too much to ask?" "No, of course not." "Then apparently it is for James." "He RESCUED our son, how can you say that?!" "And if he ever shows his face around here again I will make him learn ***dearly*** on what price he has to pay for ever hurting my son." "Stop it. Stop. It." She leaned towards his face with a look of quiet outrage. "You are not some Mafioso, you are Koopin's father. Do you not think I feel insulted, hurt and betrayed? I loved James, he was a sweet and wonderful gentleman who always helped me whenever I needed it, no matter what time of day it was. He looked up to you, he respected you as the father of his love and you speak as if he threw our son off a cliff!" "He's thrown my son's heart off a cliff. Now...now he's working in some soulless office because it's easier for him to just keep his head down and wear a tie and watch his dreams die on a *stupid spreadsheet.*" "......Shelldon." Klair gently wrapped her arms around him as she realised his pain. "It's not going to be like that. You know it won't be." "N-no I don't. I don't, Klair." Shelldon took off his bifocals as he clasped a hand across his eyes. His breath started turning funny as he struggled to control his tears. "I d-don't want my son to lose his light...because of someone else's mistakes." "He won't, dear. I know he won't." "H-how? How do you know?!" "Because we're not raising him the way your father raised you. This is about you isn't it?" "......I'm sorry." Slowly the two embraced fully as Shelldon started heaving with dry sobs. "I h-hate this...I h-h-hate these clothes, I h-hate these numbers in my head and I don't want my little boy to turn into me. I love watching him wander out into the world, telling me all these things that I have never seen. I was so proud of him to strike his own path out into the wild blue yonder because I never wanted this wretched PRISON I call a grocery store to house my son and I will NOT let him be a prisoner in an office!" "Shelldon. He's not a prisoner. He is still your son, look what he's doing now spreading music into the world." "I just want my boy to be free...I just want him to be free...h-hoh...K-klair...I'm sorry. I'm...I'm sorry I let my-" "Shhhhh...it's alright dear. I understand." Shelldon began to calm himself as they went off to bed. Charlie slept once again, mulling over the conflicted sorrow and anger that he smelt from Shelldon along with Klair's frustrated anxiety. It was the first time he had smelt anything other than happiness from them, except that one time granny Klair came over with heartfelt sadness for his daddy Koopin. *"It wash becaushe of daddy," said Charlie knowingly, "that everybody wash shad, or angry that he left."* *"Did you understand why?" asked Roy.* *"Becaushe they misshed him, like I misshed daddy too. Nobody wanted daddy Jamesh to leave but daddy had to be brave, becaushe he ish sho shtrong he hash to protect other people!"* *"So, how long did it take for you to uh, recover?"* *"When me and daddy Koopin came back to our houshe, he found me a friend."* *"A friend? Who exactly?"* *"Another chomp, jusht like me, waaaaaah."* "Thank you for doing this," said Koopin gratefully. "No problem," replied Lynn T., "I understand how a chomp can get, I mean I've had Terry ever since I was like a teenager." "Really, wow." "Hmhmyep, he's getting to be a pretty old boy right now so he's real relaxed and chill around puppy chomps." "I just-Charlie is the only one left who's still living with me, both of us loved James, it just never occurred to me that he would be suffering the same as me." "Well I think they seem to be getting along well, so I hope it helps." Koopin sat at the park bench watching his black chomp feebly root around the grass next to the larger older grey chomp that Lynn T. owned. The goth purple-shroomed toad from his workplace exuded confidence which helped settle Koopin as the chomps investigated their surroundings cautiously. *"Thish tree ish very old,"* said Terry, *"I ushed to bite it when I wash a pup."* He did not hear Charlie speak, the younger chomp staring at the blades of grass. *"You have been shniffing that for many timesh."* *"Mmmm."* *"What ish wrong pup? You do not shmell shick."* Terry hopped over with gentle nuzzling to coax Charlie into speaking. He smelt of a neutral sorrow as if trying to shut everything inside. *"You were happy when I firsht met you, going into town with daddy, I remembersh you. You hash sho much to shee, sho many daysh to live for. Why are you sho shad when you are sho young?"* Still Charlie did not speak. He laid down beside the tree and curled up waiting to be taken home as Terry followed and laid beside him. He did not push the younger pup into speaking his troubled woes and simply kept him warm by his presence. Every second day over the next two weeks, they would meet again at the park as Koopin and Lynn T. arranged better dates between them, bantering about their days in the office or odd stupid things that their co-workers did whilst Terry guided Charlie around the park area. A simple sprawling enclosed area for chomps to enjoy, the park laid somewhere out of the ways of the usual paths between Toad Town and the koopa villages for the sake of safety, both the chomps' and other people. It was a small slice of untamed beauty with large trees and overgrown patches of grass with thick bushes to hide in. It even had many sand pits for chomps to roll around in as Terry showed Charlie his favourite places. *"Thish wash where I dug up a shoe. It wash very tashty, becaushe it had a shock in it. And thish ish where I shmelt a raven for the firsht time in my life, big shcary black bird. ...thish park hash many memoriesh for me, little pup."* The younger chomp did little to pay attention, simply rolling himself into a sand pit where he found a small golf ball. He sympathised with its forgotten plight. *"Thish ish not my favourite shand pit,"* said Terry, *"but it ish a nishe one. Perhapsh it will be your favourite too, one daysh."* *"Mmmm."* The older chomp walked carefully around the small dip in the land to not hurt himself, taking the safer option to walk into the sand bunker. *"Why do you come to thish plashe, when you do not shpeak to me?"* *"Mmmm?"* *"Why come to thish plashe when all you want to do ish lie in the dirt and forget? You could do that at your houshe but you come out here every two daysh when you can lie at home and be shad all you wantsh."* *"Daddy makesh me."* *"Oh! You shpeak!"* *"Daddy...I don't want to make daddy shad."* *"And why notsh?"* *"B-becaushe...becaushe daddy wash already shad wh-when my other daddy left."* *"Oh! You hash two daddiesh?"* *"D-daddy Jamesh...he had to leave. But I...I don't know why he wanted to leave. He made my daddy Koopin shad. He made my granny and grandpa angry. Wh-what if they don't want daddy to come back? What...what if my daddy doeshn't want ME back?!"* *"Do you know why he left?"* *"He...h-he-I don't know!"* *"Wash he shad when he left? Wash he angry, happy?"* *"No, no he wash very shad! Very very very shad even before he left, like he wanted...wanted to...h-h-he alwaysh played with me, even gave me hish food when he wash shad and shcared from hish big journeysh from the shea."* *"He loved you then. You know he doesh deep down inshide that he doesh."* *"No I don't knowsh that! If daddy loved me then he would have taken me with him, taken me and daddy Koopin, why did he leave ush!? I want my daddy! I WANT MY DADDY!"* Charlie began to whine with gentle sobbing whimpers as Terry nuzzled him, laying down beside the pup as his presence began to soothe him. *"You shaid that, your daddy gave you food?"* *"Y-y-yesh."* *"And did he lovesh you, when he wash with you?"* *"Yesh, daddy took me out for walkiesh and, and, and we went exshploring too!"* *"Then why do you shay your daddy doeshn't love you?"* *"...I don't knowsh!"* *"Where were you born pup?"* *"I...I do not remember, I wash very shmall. I wash in a big plashe, with lotsh of cagesh and very nishe people, lotsh of other chompsh in cagesh too, lotsh of shmellsh."* *"Ah, sho, your daddiesh adopted you?"* *"Yesh, yesh they did!"* *"Then that meansh they lovesh you."* *"...whaa?"* *"Good people do not adopt chompsh if they do not want to love them. Becaushe they know that a chomp ish for life, not jusht for birthdaysh."* *"...I....I remembersh...daddy Jamesh wash...the firsht one who shaw me, and did not even...he did not even look at the other chompsh but choshe me."* *"And why ish that pup?"* *"...I do not knowsh. But I remember hish shmell...sho...shtrong but shweet...like he...like he really wanted to takesh care of me, like-"* *"A daddy?"* *"......yesh. Like...like daddiesh do. He wash sho shad when he left, and it...he did not wantsh to leave, I...I remember nowsh. He had a different shmell when he left. Like he wash..."* Charlie's eyes blinked with a new realisation. Something that hadn't clicked in the constant rush of emotions he had always felt since. *"It wash...like daddy Koopin'sh shmell too! Like he really wanted to shtay with ush! He did not wantsh to leave!"* *"That meansh your daddy will come back. But now you musht know a very important duty you hash."* *"What?"* *"That your daddy, left you to protect hish plashe. To protect your other daddy from bad people. You told me your daddy ish very brave and shtrong, now you musht be shtrong too! You musht protect the plashe that he lovesh, sho he will have a home to come back to. That ish your duty, like every good chomp. That ish why we are here, to protect thoshe who keep ush shafe and give ush a family. Do you undershtand little pup? You musht protect your family, and they shall protect yoush."* Charlie sensed a great awakening of clarity down deep within his being as he felt a weight been uplifted off his body. A bold sense of duty came with it as he crawled himself out of the sand bunker to the voice of someone near him. "Charlie! Chaaaaaaaaarliiiiiiiie!" He heard Koopin's voice lilting across the green as he bounced his way forwards to greet him. The sudden change of pace almost gave him a head rush as Terry followed along after plodding with aged steps, both of them greeting the koopa with big panting smiles on their face. "Wh-wha-Charlie, are you...are you alright? I heard you whining are you okay?!" *"RUFF! RUFF-RUFF!"* "OH...ohohoho my stars you're, you're barking again! Oh my gosh Charlie!" Koopin hugged his chomp tightly with arms wrapped round his steel carapace as Charlie licked all over his face, snuffling against his ear as he muttered: *"I knowsh daddy Jamesh will be gone a long time...but I will protectsh you, becaushe we don't have to be shad together. That'sh not what daddy Jamesh would want."* *"And that ish how I shtopped being a shad chompy," said Charlie proudly. "Becaushe we had to keep our home shafe until daddy Jamesh came back to ush."* *"Th-that...awww d-damn Charlie."* *Roy sniffled with tears stinging his eyes as he wiped them.* *"Ahm sorry you went through all that, little guy lahk you ah ain't never upset you don't deserve that."* *"But now I knowsh what I hash to do, and that wash to protect the houshe and daddy too!"* *"So uh when does this monster show up?"* *"Not yetsh! That ish later, becaushe there wash another exshiting day, for Charlie waaaah!"* Koopin arrived after work one day to greet his next-door neighbour along with Charlie now in good spirits once again. The chomp wagged his chain tail at his daddy coming home as they went out for their usual walks to keep their bond strengthened and also to prevent Charlie from relapsing just in case. The sky seemed more blue than usual, the trees a touch brighter and the smells more sharp even as Charlie explored around the chomp play park with Lynn T.'s older Terry. Little was said between the two chomps who simply frolicked and chased and sniffed around the undergrowth with increasing excitement of adventure. Strangely the younger chomp's enthusiasm rubbed off on the older chomp who started adding a spring to his step, running around with vigorous energy as both their owners pleasantly thanked each other for how much these small dates helped their chomps. They continued to schedule their dates once every two days with the exception of bad weather or clashing schedules until at least two months after Charlie's mental recovery. "YES! HOOHOO YES, that's it! That's IT!" The sound of his daddy crowing with excitement made Charlie look up to see him on the bed with keyboard flat across his knees. He never understood what sort of toy it was, it smelt strange to the chomp, and it looked much too large to throw and retrieve plus his daddy always put it away in the closet where Charlie could not reach it. Not that he wanted to even nibble it for its odd plastic scent. "Okay, now to save it...and...there. Hoo, okay now uh where did I...ah." The Mailbox 3DS he had right beside him was a very recent toy, and one that Charlie knew his daddy did not want him to touch for being very important. He always kept thinking about beef every time he saw that strange rectangular red device, but it smelt like the keyboard did so it always confused him as he walked over to Koopin who took a small black USB stick from the keyboard to the 3DS. But then he saw Koopin's face beam ever wider with excitement upon reading his messages "Guess what Charlie," said the koopa gladly, "your daddy's getting popular!" *"Rrrrrf?"* "Somebody just messaged me asking if I wanted to DJ a party over at the Boo's Mansion...and...I think I finally got a handle on how to distort the music to make it sound cleaner. Clarity of tone rather than the purity of the source!" *"When ish food, daddy? I wantsh beef."* "Hahaha, sorry I know you don't get this, I'm just really excited, can you believe my FIRST gig?! And this is at the mansion I mean okay they're wanting somebody cheap and, somebody who's not currently busy at some club but you know just, baby steps. You don't think people are getting tired of dubstep do you Charlie?" *"I don't knowsh, where ish the beef?! Daddy I wantsh beef, waaaah I ish shtarving!"* "Hmhmhm okay okaaaay...I suppose you earned yourself a treat even if I did just feed you two hours ago." Koopin got up towards the kitchen as Charlie watched the fridge open up. His eyes glinted with such wonder at how his daddy was able to make food just instantly appear inside that cold strange white box. Many a time he had tried to pry it open but somehow he couldn't. He wondered if daddy perhaps had some strange magic lock that only he and daddy James could open. Koopin made himself a few sandwiches whilst also leaving some beef to the side for Charlie who snapped it up. The two sat down in front of the TV to relax looking curiously up at the time, whilst Charlie in turn looked up at Koopin with pleading eyes towards his sandwich. "Sheesh it's only six. I can't believe I got that song done soon as I got home. Course I did finish like a half of it yesterday. ...I'm gonna need some sort of disguise if I go out to that party, can't let anyone know it's me." The TV was currently covering the prince of the Koopa Kingdom's birthday as the royal celebration went off in the form of an extravagant party, to which Bowser's son was at the very centre of as he danced and cavorted wildly whilst wearing his signature face-clothed neckerchief that had a crudely painted scary mouth in front of it. *"Daddy hash food?"* "Nooo Charlie that's my sandwich. You had your food." *"But, ish gone nowsh. I wantsh food."* "Charlie don't be greedy, I'll feed you your usual time now sit." *"But...awwwwsh."* The chain chomp obediently looked away and sat back down tasting the beef still on his breath. It was however going to give him the energy needed at the sound of a door knock. "Who's that? Coming." Koopin got up but Charlie followed on seeing breadcrumbs falling off the sandwich that he lapped up behind his daddy's boots. And then he saw it. A strange dwarven beast with glimmering mask of soulless eyes whilst in a robe of deepest crimson. The world went briefly in slow motion as the voice of the intruder distorted in Charlie's mind. **"HHHHHEeeeeeeeeeelllllooooooooooo Kuh-oooooooopiiiiiiiin."** The visitor put one single foot down inside the house perimeter. This was unacceptable, this was the very height of violating the great sanctity of his home, that treasonous filth who so dared to invade his territory and make advance towards his daddy would rue the day he ever came to face Charlie, the bravest chain chomp in the world! *"DADDY LOOK OUT ISSHA MONSTER!"* "CH-CHARLIE WAIT!" *"I WILL PROTECTSH YOU, BEGONE FOUL BEASHT!"* "W-W-WAIT, WAI-WHAAAAAAH!" Before anyone even realised what would happen, Charlie dove between Koopin's legs and stormed through the front door chasing after the small strange-smelling intruder across the green fielded centre of Koopamuir. Hearing his daddy chase after them, Charlie assumed that Koopin was running with the pack as he kept his eyes pointed on the red stranger. "WH-WAAAAAAH, *WAAAAAAAAAAAAH!*" *"COME BACK YOU TINY BEASHT I WILL BITE YOUR FASHE!"* "CH-CHARLIE, *CHARLIE COME BACK HERE STOP! STOP IT CHARLIE!*" But the chomp was lost to his own enthusiastic rush as he bounced all across the wide open plain of the town. The devious intruder was fast with tiny legs scattering like leaves on the wind as he dodged sliding underneath a wheelbarrow full of garden sod, but Charlie simply barged straight through which sent clumps of dirt flying all across his face much to the panic of the toad gardener pushing it. "WHA-HEEEY!" "S-SORRY, SORRY!" cried Koopin. "CHARLIE STOP IT, BAD BOY CHARLIE!" With Koopin starting to flag behind, Charlie barked incessantly after the intruder, who hopped over a white fence into someone's front yard before falling face down into the pond on the other side of it. Staggering out whilst dripping wet, the red runner dodged various lawn ornaments in front of him like an obstacle course whilst Charlie splashed down hard into the pond which briefly flooded the small yard as he kept hot on the invader's trail. The stranger hopped over the next fence, then the next and the third after with adrenaline-fuelled acrobatics, staggering and rolling into the grass whilst keeping his pace up as the chomp leapt over each and every hurdle. At one point he stopped and jumped over a swinging tetherball that two children smacked wildly back and forth, the orb flying round the pole as the intruder began to frantically dodge the swinging sphere. "AH, OOOH, EEEH, HWAAAH!" Jumping over like a skipping rope, bending his body backwards like a limbo dancer, he quickly found his exit through and dove past to keep running with Charlie hot on his heels. The chomp ignored the ball and smacked the tetherball so brutally with his forehead that the ball went spinning wildly above the children's heads like a helicopter. Then the pole itself flew away like a helicopter much to the shock and chagrin of its two players. Scrambling over yet another fence, the red-robed robber would-be found himself being grappled by a wild snake leering up from the grass with vicious steel head and a long serpentine green body of banded rubber as he kicked the small bronze faucet it was connected to, before it suddenly burst with thick sluiced water from its mouth. The small shy bandit was nearly strangled by the hose as its wily coils tripped him underfoot and soon becoming tangled inside its wicked embrace whilst Charlie yelped with frightful panic. *"NOESH, NO ISSHA SHNAKE, BAD WATER SHNAKEY, WAAAAAAAAH!"* He suddenly altered his course to evade the jets of water spitting from the hose as he ran whimpering across the next yard to escape its deadly range. Meanwhile his target was being turned and tossed about by the water pressure bumping him every which way, his tiny arms flailing as his masked face screamed blankly. "HEEEELP, H-H-HELP PLEAAASE THIS IS VERY UNCOMFORTABLE!" "H-HANG ON, I'M HERE!" Koopin rushed to the intruder's rescue as he dodged into the coiled wreaths of rubber that slowly squeezed their captive inside almost of its own will. He grabbed the nozzle and pulled it away as best as he could whilst reaching over towards the faucet to turn it off. But in his frantic wrestling against the faux-venomous "snake" in the yard he tightened its coils harder around the red intruder, so tight that he popped out the top like squeezing a roll of toothpaste. "*WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!*" The red dwarf went shooting up towards the sky and over the roof of the house that occupied the yard with the hose as he landed straight down into the chimney top with a smoggy cloud of soot bursting out of the top. The sound of frantic furniture being clattered and shoved straight out of the way whilst the owner's voice shouted and ranted with a furious indignance. Koopin finally turned off the hose fully and gently got up to knock on the door. "*WHO IS THAT?!*" "U-UMMM, it...it's mister Kennidon, sir, I live-" "I DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE I'M DEALING WITH A BLASTED NINJI IN MY HOUSE!" "N-NOOO, NO I'M NOT A NINJI, HONEST ENGINES SIR!" "*GET THE SHELL OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SCRAP!*" The door opened as suddenly a black small mass went booted straight out into the garden, landing upon a thick puddle of mud which had been fully flooded by the hose. Charlie was nearby looking up both shameful and proud of what he had caused as he simpered with a foolish sweet look of innocence. *"I caught the bad man daddy..."* "...Charlie." Koopin gently picked up Shybert from the mud who looked very dazed and confused before heading over towards his chomp. "That was VERY bad, bad Charlie." *"B-b-but he, he wash in my houshe, I did not knowsh who he wash!"* "He is daddy's friend from work, do NOT chase after him, or else you get no treats! I'm serious Charlie!" *"Sh-shorry daddy..."* The look of pitiful whimpering softened Koopin enough to think he had learnt his lesson as he heard the sound of someone clearing their throat with foot-tapping glower. He dreaded turning himself round to see the devastation caused by Charlie's rampage through three separate yards and one single house which had a soot explosion all over the front of the living room as Koopin said: "Alright...I'll help clean this up it...was my fault, let me just put my chomp...away back home so he doesn't get into any MORE trouble, oh-KAY?" He said this last part to his chomp who looked sheepishly up at Koopin until he was walked back home with the door closed on him to think about what he had done. An hour and a half later after Koopin managed to help clean everybody's yard back to some normal state, he helped his supervisor clean off who then finally gave him the news that he had been wanting to deliver. "A new office branch?" "Yes," said Shybert, "we managed to open a new branch in Rogueport just last month hwoh!" "Um...a-alright but, what's this got to do with me?" "Well we've chosen you, that is, I chose you, to represent our office and to get everyone all up to speed there. We would email them all the stuff but, they don't have computers yet so-" "Wait what? They don't got computers?" "No it's...very new and not especially well-financed, in fact we got the property rather cheap after finding some good real estate. Well, I say good but it's more like it was affordable at last." "Is it that expensive in Rogueport?" asked Koopin. "It's more finding a location period," replied Shybert, "rather than the actual price. But we need someone to send all the files and legal documents over to ascertain their status as part of our group." "But I'm just in administration, why not get somebody from our legal department or-" "W-well...they're all rather busy with other projects." "What other projects?" "Oh you know, the major branch opening in Port Prisma, the restructuring of Crescent Island's branch, the fiscal conference at our headquarters and-" "So basically all the more important stuff." "Yes. Hwoh." "And you asked me because?" "Well, I was handed down this it's actually for me but I thought that you would make a more suitable candidate for helping them get set up." "Wait hold on, this is your assignment but you're offering it over to me?" "Um, a-actually yes, that's about it heh h-hoh...sorry Koopin." "Why do you not wanna do this?" "Because I'm a supervisor, I-i-i don't know anything about handling people outside the office, I never worked on social interactions or office connections, it wasn't in my training!" "But I've only done-I-i haven't done anything like this." "I trust you to do far better a job than I would. Please, don't be upset, it's not some feeble pass-the-buck thing I'm trying here, I really do believe you would do a much better job of office integration than I could." "Why?!" "Because you're better at social connections than me! You were out in the field, you've walked and talked with over a hundred people every week and manage to keep up with it, I couldn't do that, that's just not what I was trained for and for that I think you would be a more significant candidate for our outreach to the new Rogueport branch, hwoh." "Alright. O-okay, I...I understand, I know you wouldn't just pass the buck or something, you're not really that sort of person...are you?" "No, of course not, I just love to work on new projects all the time except that...well, if this involved me just sitting at my desk and if they had email services I would but since they don't...I will vouch for you considerably as a star employee after this, I guarantee it, maybe you might even get promoted!" "Heh, I've only been back at the office for five months Shybert I don't think I'm getting a promotion." "You never know! You certainly do more work than most people under me, hwehoh. I would ask Sher T. honestly, he's had more experience than you for starters but I trust you. If anything I trust you more than I trust myself, hehoh." "Alright. I'll do it, it's just me delivering some files right, that's it?" "That's it and nothing else, you can get in and out of Rogueport in a single day." "Then I'll do it." "Thank you Koopin." It was a strange thing for Koopin to arrive back in Rogueport, as he stood in front of the square with backpack covering his shell watching the clouds skim swiftly over the cracked roofs. He did not want to see this place again after a long three years since his last visit, not because of the fact that the city ran on an open-ended policy that crime does indeed pay, but because it would be his first time visiting the city on his own. That is until he remembered who was nuzzling at his leg. "Now stay close to me okay Charlie? This place is not very safe, and there's lots of bad people." *"Bad people, waaaaah!"* "Remember, just behave like we're in the town." *"Yesh daddy, I will behave."* The chomp had never been to Rogueport in his life but already he found it a dreadful place. The stench of alcohol, sea brine and clothes unwashed brought together a very acidic musk to his nostrils that made him sneeze with discomfort. The people around him either walking or sitting down on the street peddling their broken dreams smelled different from the happier populace of Toad Town. So many smells of pity, anger and jealousy with the odd sorrow mixed in like a rotting fruit salad with only one good fruit left dying inside the whole mess of ingredients. The chomp drew eyes towards him but he turned away, not wanting to meet people's gaze as Koopin kept a tight hold of his chain like a leash. At least the locals knew not to mess with somebody who had a chomp in favour of other easier targets to pick, which Koopin appreciated as people kept a steady distance. The address of the TGA building did not at all help when he barely knew which street was what, trying to cross the central square of Rogueport in front of the harbour. The gallows stood in the very centre as a grim reminder of the city's ruthless history as Koopin and Charlie headed east towards a pink wiry-muscled yoshi loitering with hands behind him in front of a cafe. He smelt like powdered milk and dry grass. *"Daddy noesh he shmellsh angry."* "Um, excuse me?" "......what." "Do you know where Brittle Lane is?" "...do I LOOK like a tour guide, kid?" "No, but you looked like a local so I thought-" "Wrong. Exactly, now git lost." "Alright, fine jeez." *"I don't likesh you. Naaaaaah!"* Turning away without a word Koopin and Charlie went over towards the west as he caught sight of the Pianta Parlor where two yellow-skinned piantas wearing business suits stood outside of. He remembered some old advice given to him about such people and briskly walked up to them with a spirited surge of confidence. They smelt very clean and strangely calm which eased Charlie as he panted at them in greeting. *"Hallosh nishe people."* "Excuse me, sirs?" They barely turned their heads but Koopin knew their eyes were watching him underneath their sunglasses. "Yeah?" "Do you know where Brittle Lane is? I'm from the Tour Guide Association and-" "Oh, you one of them TGA folks?" "Yes sir." "Alrigh', see that road up there? Take the second right, then turn left, then when you gets to the junction, turn right again." "Oh, thank you!" "No problem kid, have a good day." "You too!" Taking the legitimate businessman's directions to heart both Koopin and his chomp navigated down towards the deeper backstreets of Rogueport, seeing very few people even cross paths with them among the narrow passages which not even sunlight could come through amidst the tall stone buildings of brown and auburn shades. After five minutes winding through the near-labyrinthine alleys of the city, they soon caught sight of the TGA Rogueport offices as a rather downtrodden place. The building looked like a crumpled wet paper towel stuck to the side of a bin in its faded crackled white exterior as Charlie sniffed the surrounding area curiously with the junction of four roads in each cardinal direction made only different by the placement of wide storm drains in the side of the buildings that channelled rainwater deep into the underground. It smelt cleaner than the rest of the city did up to this point, yet at the same time there was a bitter metallic scent he could not quite place as Koopin walked in with his chomp. *"OH, it shmellsh like clean clothesh!"* Surprisingly it was the cleanest place he had seen in Rogueport, the first room having a row of seats and a toad standing at a windowed receptionist's desk. "Hi there," said the toad, "how can I help you?" "Hi um, is this the Tour Guide Association branch?" "Yep it sure is." "Oh, good...wow it's really clean in here." "Haha, yeah we get that, it used to be a dry cleaner's but they moved a couple of months ago." "Ahhh gotcha, my name's Koopin Kennidon I'm here representing the Toad Town branch." "OH, great can I see your ID?" He walked forwards and presented his identification as Charlie sniffed round the wonderfully-fresh wooden floor taking in the old scents of detergent and lemony freshness. He heard something scratching beneath the floorboards which alerted him, sniffing out for rats or maybe fuzzies lurking underneath. "Yep that's all good," said the toad, "I'll just let you into the back so you can hand over our papers." "Thanks um...sorry I had to come with my chomp from home, do you mind if I just have him here, I won't be long." "Sure no problem!" "Great. Okay Charlie? Listen, I need you to stand guard and be a good boy, no running off. Daddy just needs to deliver some papers now you stay here, that understood?" *"Yesh daddy, I protectsh you from the fuzziesh."* "Alright, good boy." The little he understood of Koopin's words came through clearly as his daddy went into the backrooms of the TGA office to do his business, whilst the chomp kept his eye around the floor looking for any possible treats or smells he might have missed. Occasionally he eyed the window leading to outside seeing the street corner was walled in with one alleyway in front of him that he came from leading west, and another alleyway that went up north to his right. No one came through except the wind, the sky strangely overcast as there came a sudden pressure from the air that turned Charlie rather sleepy. He yawned and decided to lay down slightly rolling his face closer to the ground as he kept waiting for Koopin, his eyes softly closing. Then he heard the scratching again which woke him into readiness, sniffing around the wooden floor as the scratching turned loudest at the corner next to the window that looked outside. There was something odd he smelt, a strange metallic tint as the scratching started up again. "Now remember," said Koopin coming back, "I wrote down our supervisor's number so you can call him and he'll relay you to the department you need, alrighty? Right well g'bye then! And good luck! Charlie?" *"OH daddy, there ish a funny shmell!"* "Come on boy it's time to go." They headed out after closing the door behind them whilst smiling down at his chomp. "You doing okay?" *"Daddy, I shmell shomething, maybe fuzziesh in there!"* "Haha, okay then come on let's get out of this place. I know you hate it." *"This plashe ish bad, it SHMELL bad, waaaah."* "When we get back I'll make you some nice hot chicken strips for dinner just to warm you up-OH HEY!" "WHU-HEY, WATCH IT!" Startled by the presence heading up from the south, Koopin backed off upon seeing the pink yoshi from earlier snarl at him, which sent Charlie into a barking fit briefly. *"NO, NOESH, BAD YOSHI, BAD!"* "Watch where yer goin' shell-head!" "S-sorry!" cried Koopin. "I didn't mean-" "Whut you doin' round here anyway sneakin' round back alleys like sum punk?" "I was TRYING to find Brittle Lane, which I did no thanks to you." "Yeah? Whysat, lookin' to sell your mutt for a doorstopper?" "Don't talk to my chomp that way!" "You wanna backtalk me kid?" The yoshi brought out his right arm which had been behind his back up to this point, giving Koopin a fearsome sight for the fact it had been amputated and replaced by a small wooden pulley that ended on a vicious hook. "You best choose your next words carefully or else you'll be swallowin' your teeth." "Are you threatening me?" "I'll make it more than just a threat if you-" "Ey-ey yo what's yo prob-lem?" The voice of an infinite swagger came from behind the yoshi as he slowly moved away, revealing a gaudy-looking pianta of orange skin and white tank top. His hands glistened with pure bling, every single finger shining off a crack of gold glint from the ring on his pinky to the two bar-length fool's gold knuckles that read **DELF JAM** when put together. He also had a silver bangle on his right hand with a small bell dangling underneath He had the smell of fifteen different flavours to Charlie, all of which were disgusting and foul like some crude poisonous oil. "Just a punk sir," said the yoshi. "I got this." "Nah-ah son ah don' think you need to got this. Kid's just passin' through, ain' botherin' no one, werentcha koopboy?" "Um...y-yeah I was," mumbled Koopin. "See, don't gotta git all up in errybody's face, cuz anybody we meet is a potential customer." The yoshi sighed bitterly through his nostrils and said nothing crossing his arms as the pianta walked forwards. "You ain't from round here, arentchoo?" "No, I'm just visiting." "Then ah presume that you don't know who ah am on account of you not being so...starstruck." "Can't say I do, no." "Name's D-Mob, Delf Jam represent." "I'm...K-kampbell. Nice to meet you." "You'll has to forgive mah associate, he got 'imself a little ornery when sum goom don' get his order righ'." "Uhhh it's...fine, no problem sir." "HEH, sir. Lookit that, he only know me fer about one minute an' he already know how to address sumbody right. Ah hope you enjoy your stay in Rogueport mister Kampbell." "I'm not staying too long unfortunately, I'm just here on business." "Hmhmhm, all work an' no play makes Kampbell gone astray, that's a lesson you best remember. Why not enjoy yo'self, got sum good sights an' sum real good parties if you gots the need for speed." "What...kind of parties?" "Why don' ah start you off with a little sumthin' spesh?" He slipped out a CD from his pockets and handed it over to the koopa, the bell jangling desperately from the pianta's right arm as Koopin looked at the single cover showing a faded monochrome photo of D-Mob looking his best to be mysterious and aloof. Charlie became distracted by the sound of scratching continuing again from nearby, hopping over towards a wide storm drain that peered deep into the darkness, a large gap beneath a building. Something further crawled within as the scratching sound came nearer, the glint of something white peering towards Charlie as he growled. "Keep onto that kid," said D-Mob, "gonna make you money one day when I's famous an' you gonna have a sweet rare single of mah best hit." "Um, th-thank you. So you're a musician, what kinda music?" "Ahm a poet of the streets, music is mah paper an' mah voice is thuh ink that spatters across thuh canvas. We talkin' old school, we talkin' Lost Levels 'bout thuh hard-hitting truths of this ol' town." "I...I never really heard much rap in my life but...first time for everything, thanks!" "Heh, thas good, you wanna keep an open mind in this town, don' wanna get all stiff lahk them parlor folks in their suits." "Heheh, yeah. Well um, I shouldn't delay you any longer you must be busy so I'll just go." "Mmmhmmm, you know issall abou' the heller yeller coinage, righ'-" *"YIIIIE!"* The shrieking yelp from Charlie startled everyone as he suddenly backed off from the storm drain with something white and soggy slapped across his face, blinding him temporarily as he barked incessantly until Koopin ran over to help him. "H-HEY HEY, hey Charlie calm down, c-calm down it's just a piece of paper!" *"DADDY I ISH BLIND, NOOOOOESH!"* The crowd around D-Mob simply laughed with derision at the chain chomp's staggering panic as Koopin managed to peel the paper off of Charlie's eyes, shaking his head free as the pianta cackled with his entourage. "HHhhehehehehahahaa, awwww li'l ball boy got a fright?" "H-he's just nervous," said Koopin defiant, "he's not been to Rogueport before this is all new to him." "Heh, ahm sure it is, little wide-eyed boy he is, looks kinda lahk you." "I'll take that as a compliment...sir." "Heheh, alrigh' later kid. Peace out." The pianta walked away towards the train station with his small entourage behind him, a motley mix of thugs who didn't look at all pleased to see a "new customer" as he waited for them to pass. Once they were gone, he started to head back towards the square as he looked down at his chain chomp. "You okay Charlie? You got a fright didn't you looking for rats down that nasty drain?" *"But...daddy, it wash...I shmelt shomething bad!"* "Come on boy, let's go. I don't like this place either but hopefully we'll never have to come back here again." *"Awwwwwsh."* Charlie walked away listlessly and confused for some reason that he could not fathom. The paper strip simply blew back into the storm drain as the sound of scratching claws returned once again, followed by a crumpling noise. The Boo's Mansion was always less terrifying than Koopin expected it to be, despite having not returned to it in a longer space of time than he had with Rogueport. The sense of loneliness that he felt from the city did not come to him here despite his memories of the place, a lone foreboding manor deep within Forever Forest as he stepped up towards the gate, wearing a grey cloth around his beak to cover up his face with a bigger backpack on his shell. Charlie had also come with him as Koopin became more fearful of leaving him on his own for too long. "Now Charlie, I want you to be good. It's just like the town but...inside a big house, you got that?" *"Hmmmmf."* "...what's wrong? Are you sad?" *"Nnnnnnnhhh."* "It's okay, we'll get back home soon, just going to spend a night out is all. I know you don't like being out at night but daddy needs to do this so don't worry." The gates creaked open amidst a dark rumbling sky with black deadened trees circling around the dreadful estate. He walked up to the front door and carefully knocked on the front door which was soon answered by a rather stiff-looking boo with pursed moustache and a cloth draped over one arm. Boos had a weird scent for Charlie, one that was fearfully cold and at the same time oddly almost-sweet like ice cream that had gone off. "Yeeeeeees?" "Uhhhh yo, I'm Koopa-Bloopa, you guys hired me for the party?" "Aaaaaah yeeeeees. The disk jockey." He said this with the same tone one would say "the ex-politician". "Very well, please come in-...ahem, sir, is that your chomp?" "Uh yes, yes he is." "We do not allow pets inside our estate." "Oh. Dang um, it's just I had no one to babysit him so, uh...is there a place nearby he can hang out until the show's over?" "Perhaps sir may wish to try Professor E. Gadd over down the western path. He is also not permitted within our estate so I am quite sure that your pet and him shall get along swimmingly." "Alright. I'll be back in a bit." "Boo take your time. Sir." They headed down towards the western part of the forest, a long dusty path that took at least a good two miles to reach a small homely shack, somewhat rickety-looking and more resembling an outhouse with an extension but he remembered the place well. Taking his face cloth and stuffing it into his pocket, he knocked on the door as he was greeted by the enigmatic professor himself. The white-clothed strange human had glasses with bizarre swirls and what remained of his hair looked like a wispy white flame as Charlie smelt a whimsical tint of sugar, ammonia and ink. "H-h-hello? OH, goodness it's rather cold today." "It's always cold out here professor." "Yes well, um...can I help you?" "Um...it's Koopin, Kennidon? James' boyfriend?" "OH! OHOHO my yes of course come in mister Kennidon, how ARE you?!" "I'm doing great, thanks. It's been a while since we last talked, and how are you?" "Fantastic! I have discovered new means of tracking spectral resonance fields and it is QUITE exciting!" "That sure sounds exciting...do the boos really not mind you way out here?" "So long as I don't go within five-hundred yards of the mansion they do not mind me no. Don't ask, fwahahaha now, what can I do for you?" "This is kind of an awkward thing to ask but, I need a favour." "Oh, but of course anything for James' beloved, after all he has done for me I would be remit in not returning some small favour to you." "He really helped you that much?" "Why yes, indeed! Helped me get back my research and my old camera prototype which I lost in Himuro Mansion...did I ever tell you about that?" "I think James told me about this, yeah. So uh, I really wanna go to this big party up at the mansion, they got a DJ that I'm a real fan of but they won't allow chomps in." "Ohhhh yes, I bet that snooty Bootler was right at the door wasn't he?" "Hahah yeah exactly. So, could you look after Charlie until I come back from the DJ party?" "Absolutely, I will take good care of your chainine companion, fwahaha!" "Hhheh, heheh, awesome thank you so much I'll make it up to you-" "No no! Noooo repayments necessary, I am simply doing my duty as paying back what I owe, so please take care and enjoy your party." "Alright, good. I'll be back soon Charlie, now be good and don't cause any trouble for mister E. Gadd." *"Daddy noesh, he shmellsh like wee."* "If you're VERY good I'll get you some treats, promise okay?" *"Food? Oooh I likesh food. Okaysh daddy."* Koopin made his leave as Charlie sniffed around the simple laboratory reluctantly seeing the odd various machines stacked up along the walls, as well as a large wooden table that reeked of blotted ink. The smell of steam and something close to the scent of boos but not quite was also apparent as the professor made his new guest welcome. "Now little chomp, I don't think you are quite the academic as I am but I do hope that you appreciate respecting other people's property. That means noooo touching, no eating, no biting. I may have some food for you but first let me take you someplace warmer downstairs." A trapdoor laid at the back of the small shack revealing what was the actual house he lived in. Beneath the ground itself, after a small flight of disturbing dark steps that echoed their footsteps, was a brighter set of living quarters that smelt much more pleasant to the chomp as he caught the scent of cookies wafting through the air. A small living room with two chairs and a sofa with TV at the back, a kitchen towards his left, a bedroom plus bathroom to the right, and through a twin set of halls in front of Charlie past the sofa, was the main laboratory itself. The smell of tingling electricity made his body shudder something fierce, but luckily Gadd had a small bowl of cookies to help keep his mind off. "Theeeeere you are, now you just sit tight while I work on something in the lab my good pup." *"You ish very nishe man, you gave me food! I likesh you."* "Be back soon!" He petted the chain chomp fearlessly before heading into his lab, the sound of generating forces beyond making the room throb briefly as Charlie began to wolf down the cookies. The soft cushiony sofa despite its slight mustiness was very soothing for him to lie on as he hopped up and laid sprawled out to snooze. He didn't know how long he slept, but it felt like a good hour after when he heard the sound of something scratching. *"W-waaaah?"* The strange familiar sound roused him from sleep, hearing it coming from the laboratory itself as peeked through the doorjamb to find the largest room in Gadd's house, which almost frightened him by its wide ceiling shaped like a dome for some odd reason. But it was the centrepiece of the room that made the chomp most wary of the subdermal vibrations he felt inside this place. A giant glowing green gate that was mounted on the wall before him, resonating some strange energy that would make hairs stand on end if Charlie had any to begin with. The gate was shaped like a circle and had some sort of energy inside of its ring with various laboratory equipment on six tables circling around the room from beakers to test tubes to Bunsen burners. The smell of ammonia was strong in this room as Charlie rooted around thinking perhaps he might be cooking some food, the professor now standing in front of the twelve-foot portal as he wrote things down into his notebook. "Hmmmm...I'm missing some element here for this thing, now what could it possibly be, let me checklist this. The spiritual amplifier, check. The phantom attractor, check. The sub-spatial barrier transmitter, check and double check. The resonance chamber is all working fine at full capacity, what could POSSIBLY, there's something I have missed-" *"You ish making food, waaaaah!"* "Yeees yes I know there is some THING missing from my own blasted contraption but what?!" *"It shmellsh like wee, you ish shmelly!"* "I DID check everything, it all came together like a fresco painting it just clicked...but something is not there and I only wonder if-w-w-woah!" Something shuddered from within the portal as Gadd stepped back into a clumsy fall next to Charlie. The chomp felt a presence come fleeting as the grand circular gate started to pulse with a deep trembling sound throughout the whole laboratory. He saw an image faintly in the green miasmic energy before it faded once again as the professor stood up curiously feverish. "Th-th-that's it! That's it, what just caused it, who could have-......hmm. What's this now my boy?" He bent down towards Charlie whilst pulling out a small device that looked like a remote control with pronged antenna, clicking like a Geiger counter with increasing rapidity as it scanned over the chain chomp. "Well now, that's VERY unusual I must say. Fifty Eekawatts, that's very high resonance for someone to exhibit, it seems you have some sort of attraction my dear boy." *"I wantsh more food, shmelly wee man givesh food and makesh me hish friend."* "This will require some recalibrating to make certain you don't uh...suffer any side effects obviously, we must be VERY cautious even if you are a Catenus Dentatus, fwaha." *"You hash hair like a shilly birdie. Shilly birdie wee man."* "Would you like to become my temporary assistant Charlie? Hmmm? I will gladly reward you with more cookies." *"Yesh, food for Charlie, waaaaah!"* The professor pulled out a cookie from his lab coat as Charlie ate it up, gladly agreeing even if he did not truly understand what he was in for as they spent the next entire hour working within the laboratory. Charlie was simply told to stay put and be a good boy in front of the portal whilst E. Gadd shut it down before recalibrating his resonance chamber to focus on his new subject. He worked back and forth along both sides of the ringed steel gate cautiously turning with his wrench until the safety levels were set, before venturing over towards the main switch for reactivating. "Now I'm certain that Koopin won't mind me borrowing you a bit, this won't do anything. But I simply want to know what sort of resonance one attracts, especially one such as you." *"Big shpinny thing ish too big for me to fetch!"* "Your daddy should be proud of you, why you're about to embark on a great escapade of scientific endeavour! Don't worry I shall credit you in my paper should this work." *"I getsh food shoon!? Daddy alwaysh feedsh me at night!"* "Now, are you ready?! I have made every precaution possible, I have tested this on a chomp before and he was completely fine! Except he lost his chain, just completely rusted off but THIS time I know what to do so here we GO!" He turned on the spectral resonance gate, as Charlie watched the green portal start to pulse almost breathing with strange tenebrous energy. The sound of the universe came filtering into the underground as a deep ethereal hum but not one that he could hear. It felt like his soul was hearing it instead of his body, a primal reverberation that made him see things he had only dreamt in his deepest subconscious. Wild untamed hills of deepest red, valleys of stretching endless mountain cliffs, deserts beyond with shifting dunes that never stayed in the same place like a constant mirage but there was one thing that always remained. A scent on the breeze, something flowing from the gates within as something cold and metallic poured through to his nostrils. Something dreadful. Something sorrowful. Something so very, very cold. "CH-CHARLIE?!" The chomp heard his daddy's voice, turning to see Koopin with shock at the scene like something out of an old horror movie as Professor Gadd approached him. Behind Charlie the portal started to fluctuate with darkening tone as a voice came whispering across the room. "WH-WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY CHARLIE?!" "NOW DO NOT FEAR KOOPIN! YOUR CHOMP IS PERFECTLY SAFE!" *"DADDY LOOK, I ISH ALL TINGLY INSHIDE, ISH FUN WAAAAAAH!"* "SEE, HE'S VERY HAPPY TO ***help,*** IT'S JUST AN EXPERIMENT, NOTHING WILL HAPPEN-" "*ARE YOU SERIOUS?!* YOU DO NOT EXPERIMENT ON MY CHOMP YOU STUPID IDIOT NOW TURN IT OFF!" "PLEASE, RELAX IT IS PERFECTLY FINE, YOUR CHARLIE IS HAVING A GOOD TIME!" "HE DOESN'T KNOW ANY BETTER NOW TURN THIS DAMN THING OFF AND FIND SOMEBODY ELSE TO ***h-help*** YOU!" "NO NO IT'S FINE I ASSURE YOU, I JUST NEED A FEW MORE MINUTES TO TEST IT-" "*THIS IS CHOMP ABUSE!*" ***h-help*** The smallest word became the most deafening sound, as if the voice of a giant echoed across the room. They all turned towards the shimmering dark gate as the voice spoke again which silenced the portal's rumbling. ![phwXfI6.jpg](http://i.imgur.com/phwXfI6.jpg) "...wh-what is that?" "Is it possibly...c-can it be-" ![QMwZQAh.jpg](http://i.imgur.com/QMwZQAh.jpg) Everything shattered at once as Koopin and Gadd were slammed into the wall by a screeching force, piercing through the entire earth as a thousand birds flocked through the sky above. "WH-WHAT WAS THAT?!" "CH-CHARLIE, GET AWAY!" *"DADDYYYY!"* Somehow the chomp was not affected, standing in the midst of the portal's path as something burst slowly through the ether of another plane. "*CHARLIE! CHARLIE GET AWAY!*" [![WqV8jJH.jpg](http://i.imgur.com/WqV8jJH.jpg) The voice screamed again with such strength that Koopin fell unconscious along with Gadd from a sudden shock through their nervous system, as if they were electrocuted as Charlie shrieked: *"DADDY!"* He looked back towards the trembling gate, as someone's image could be seen from within. A long face with horrendous gaping mouth, eyes sunken deep like the bottom of an icy lake. A foul scent of bitter agony coursed through the room sending Charlie into frenzied panic. *"WH-WHO ARE YOUSH!? D-DON'T COME NEAR MY DADDY, I WILL BITESH YOU!"* ![asPPjIH.jpg](http://i.imgur.com/asPPjIH.jpg) *"WHAT!? WHAT DOESH HE KNOWSH, YOU DON'T HURT MY DADDY, NOW GO AWAY!"* ![QzEIJbD.jpg](http://i.imgur.com/QzEIJbD.jpg) Barking with fright and fury he stood against the trembling nether as it started to undulate, pulsing like water before a screeching blast of light shot towards Koopin. Charlie jumped straight into the light's path. *"DON'T TOUCH MY DADDYYYYY!"* **Darkness blinded him. His eyes felt open yet the void was crawling in. He felt cold, and weighted like a sunken body rotting beneath a lake. A light shone above his head as he saw the crack of ice. A dream from long ago.** *"Daddy? D-daddy where are yoush?! DADDY!?"* **A shadow drifted in front of him, darker than he could see but its outline just faded across his vision. Skittering. Scratching. Sobbing. A cold breeze snaked across his chain.** *"Daddy?! Isshat you daddy!? Daddy I'm shcared, pleashe daddy h-help me! I can't shee anything daddy help me!"* ![phwXfI6.jpg](http://i.imgur.com/phwXfI6.jpg) **He felt someone's voice within his stomach. Crawling. Creeping. Crying. He felt sick as something lurched in his throat.** *"D-d-daddy!? D-daddy, I feel shick, DADDY! I wanna go home, d-daddy I wanna go home!"* **Charlie started whimpering from the pain that burnt up inside his body. Then he felt it. Something forced itself from his teeth as he started vomiting. His body heaved as something dug sharply into the sides of his pulsing throat like broken bone. Charlie started screaming, howling like a bleeding dog as the retching blocked his throat causing him to choke. Suffocate. Like the cold lake water drowning him.** *"DAAAAAADDYYYYYYYY! PLEAAAAASHE MAKE IT SHTOOOOOP IT HURTSH DADDYYYYY! DADDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!"* **But no one came. Charlie was alone until he felt something pull free from his throat. A hand scratched his face with bony fingers between his teeth, then another hand pulled through. Charlie couldn't see until finally the thing dislodged itself, heaving desperately for sweet air as he shuddered with one last retching push of his throat muscle. Something crawled in front of him, a pale long face with thin arms and gaping eyeless sockets and crooked mouth in the shape of a claw.** *"WH-WHO ARE YOUSH!? WH-WHERE ISH MY DADDY, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY DADDY?!"* ![SKmpPsW.jpg](http://i.imgur.com/SKmpPsW.jpg) *"GIVE ME BACK MY DADDY! I DON'T LIKESH YOU, SHCARY MONSHTER!"* ![Ozyeuxv.jpg](http://i.imgur.com/Ozyeuxv.jpg) **The creature suddenly lunged towards Charlie as he dodged jumping upwards, crushing down on the strange skull before violently tearing his teeth into the spinal cord with vicious rending teeth. Crushing and twisting the bone, he snapped it clean in half as two giant hands came swooping from either side of him, like shrieking bats from within the dark punching Charlie both sides of his body as he yelped rolling to one side. He steadied himself as the hands plummeted down upon his head like a hammer, desperately evading the crushing blow as the torso suddenly lifted itself in front of him by its legs, ragged brown cloth being its only semblance of clothing left. Cracking the knees upwards, the legs twisted out to splay on either side of the body as the bony feet dug into the ground beneath. It began to crawl with insane speed, skittering like a horrid insect as the chomp barked furiously out of fear rising inside of him. The feet dove towards his face like daggers scraping his steel hide managing to cut deeper than he had ever felt, a pain newly awakened as he howled with shock of agony. Charlie dodged its fourth attempt at slicing his face by rolling halfway to the left before chomping ruthlessly down upon the exposed leg. Pure teeth cracked the lean-legged bone in three places, shattering and snapping as he shook his head viciously until he felt something twist into his tail cruelly. Yelping with a sudden anguish, he felt a deep razor-bladed edge carve slowly into his chain tail. The head and the spine had wrapped itself in between the links, the sharp vertebrae slicing through his metal tail as he turned and snapped ferociously to grab the head.** **Slithering out of his chain like a ghostly serpent, the head reared itself and gathered all of its parts together once again by reforming its skeletal visage despite its now broken spine and mangled leg as it staggered clutching his stomach. It looked down, gasping breathlessly before inhaling a deep wretched scream before falling onto all fours and suddenly falling onto all fours with its body doubling in size. The darkness screeched as it charged towards the chain chomp with a swollen skull, leaking thick stardust from its eyes in deepening shades of crimson. Every touch of dust that fell upon Charlie was death to his outer body, hollowing through his hide like acid oxidising his steel carapace as he screamed and ran from the sobbing darkness. Tears of red continued to threaten him, the dust shining briefly before rusting parts of his body as Charlie could hear nothing but the scratching from behind ever constant. Scratching. Crawling. Screaming.** **But then Charlie realised something. Running forever within the infinite void with no sight or scent of his daddy anywhere to be found made him think that he truly was now alone. Alone forever. But he knew what that feeling was like, and he despised that feeling. Hated it. Just like his father before him, he refused to go back into that dark place as he turned and stopped running. He wasn't going to be sad or scared ever again as he barked forcefully at the giant phantom. The creature stopped, rearing its tear-laden skull before swinging downwards to crush Charlie underneath its pale forehead. The chomp rolled himself backwards before a jumping turn, spinning his body to slice his chain link tail hard across the skull which made the beast react with startling pain. He watched the hands sweep trying to crush him between its palms but Charlie rolled out of the way before timing his ferocious bite, chomping hard upon one of the fingers as the monster tried to shake him free. Then it decided instead it would simply eat him, raising its hand above to shake Charlie free and send him down inside its eternal gullet. The chomp released his bite early and crashed down straight against the spinal cord beneath the lower mandible. It was too big for him to twist like before, but he incessantly crushed his jaws fiercely as if tearing somebody's throat, snarling with fury as the creature screamed before falling on its back. The moment its back landed into the darkness, everything turned to white.** ![pna6xmY.jpg](http://i.imgur.com/pna6xmY.jpg) "Charlie? Charlie, wake up. Wake up p-please. Please Charlie." His eyes opened to see a strange room around him. Several shadows gently crowded him but one in the very centre was the one scent that he knew. A tender-hearted mint with the softness of a baked pastry that had been crafted with love. Warmth and kindness. *"Daddy?"* "It...i-it's okay Charlie. Come here. Come to daddy." He hugged his chain chomp tightly as he nuzzled him. Charlie was confused feeling listless for a brief second, before he started to lick across Koopin's cheek, tasting his hot tears. His hands were shaking. "I found you...hhhhoh stars I...I found you. Hhhhohh I'm so glad you're safe." *"I beat the monshter daddy. I shaved you. I will alwaysh protect you daddy."* "My brave sweet little Charlie...I am so sorry. I will never leave you. Never, I promise." --- *"And that ish how I shaved daddy from the shcary monshter. Theeee endsh."* The chomp said this with such a sage knowing nod that it caused Roy to nearly smirk from laughter suppressed in his gut. "Hhhhmhmhmhm woooow whut a hella story that is." *"And to thish day, I protectsh my daddiesh alwaysh."* "Ahm sure they feel safe knowing you always around...but uh, whut exactly DID that monster do, an' whut kinda thing wuz it that came down an' attacked you-" *"Wah, wait! Ish my daddiesh!"* The sound of feet from the front of the house signalled that Charlie's daddies had returned as the chain chomp skidded through the place to sit right in front of the door as it opened. *"Daddiesh!"* "Hahaha hello cutie!" Koopin bent down to smooch the chomp on his head with Charlie licking all over him as James staggered through with gentle pats on the steel body. The raptor was looking better than before, but still rather worn-out from just being outside as he slumped down into his bed. "Heeeey Charlie." *"Daddy hash food?! You shaid, you promished you bring me foodsh!"* "Nnnngh hey Roy, howsit going?" "Good!" replied MacGregor. "Got all your plants squared away an' kept Charlie company." "He wasn't any trouble I hope," asked Koopin. "Nawwww we just told each other stories an' such." "Hmhmhaha, awww was uncle Roy telling you stories?" *"I told uncle Roy about when I shaved you, waaaaah!"* "Haha okay okayyy I know you want it, just let me put my stuff away. You gonna stay Roy?" "Naw ah need to head off," he said, "promised two new recruits that ah would give them sum help round the end of their shift. two brothers actually, shy guys." "Hah wow, I never heard of shy guys being in the guard before." "Oh they do pretty damn awesome at it, should see their moves but ah better go. See you round FG!" "Bye dude," murmured James, "thanks for gardening an' looking after my stuff." "No problem." The utahraptor headed off down the road with his thoughts turning over on the strange fearsome story that Charlie gave him. He did not think that it was make-believe, certainly far too vivid for such a chomp to be anything but reality. But he now wondered on the greater scope, thinking on what sort of creature would come out of the ether just to invade upon a simple chain chomp. He hoped at least one of his daddies would know the answer another day.
Belly Buddies (Part 1) by Rahheemme
Cora is scheduled to take part in her first surrogacy and makes an unexpected friend in the process Cora belongs to my friend Coffeecow on FA - The waiting room was uncomfortably empty and the air conditioning was turned up too high for that time of year. Even Cora, raised originally in Scotland,
[ "Clean", "Cow", "Cute", "New York City", "Pregnancy", "Pregnant", "Squirrel", "Story Series" ]
The waiting room was uncomfortably empty and the air conditioning was turned up too high for that time of year. Even Cora, raised originally in Scotland, was becoming uncomfortable by the cold air. It wasn't the kind she was used to. It felt sterile, artificial, like she was sealed inside of a test tube. She crossed her legs underneath her black dress, trying to retain some warmth without any thicker clothing. She rolled her eyes, blaming herself and her ego for not leaving the house in something warmer. Cora was the first patient to arrive that morning, even standing outside the clinic doors and waiting for the opening nurses to unlock it. They filtered past groggily, clutching cups of coffee, their fur still frizzed out with bed-hair. Cora wasn't exactly chipper, but getting up in the morning was no great leap for her. She'd grown up working on her parent's farm, after all. As much as she despised the morning work, it was one of her few pleasures at home to stand outside among the morning dew and watch the sun slowly rise. It was something she could barely replicate standing on her apartment roof in the morning, but not fully replace. New York City was a big change from the rolling green fields she'd grown up with. The young cow was jerked out of her memories by a rustling movement behind the reception counter. She glanced up to see one of the grumpy nurses, a gray rabbit with her ears tied back into a makeshift ponytail, setting up paperwork on the front desk. She glanced up, meeting Cora's eyes, then shook her head before walking off. The staff was at least nice enough to let her inside, but the clinic wasn't officially open for another half hour. It left Cora alone with her thoughts, which she both dreaded and was thankful for. She sat next to the coffee table of magazines and absentmindedly grabbed one, wringing it together in her powerful hands without even bothering to open it. She considered briefly whether a stress ball would be a good investment. The reason Cora was at the fertility clinic so early in the morning was because she was being inseminated in a few hours. It was a hell of a thing to think about, that she'd be coming into the clinic at 7:30 in the morning and leaving pregnant at 8:30. What bothered Cora more than anything else was how often her thoughts and feelings seemed to clash with one another. While part of her was anxious of her decision to be a surrogate once more, another part of her eagerly looked forward to experiencing the satisfaction of pregnancy again. Part of her wanted to get up and run back home and forget she'd even considered the program, but another part of her wanted to knock on the clinic door and tell the nurses to hurry up so she could start carrying as soon as possible. None of these thoughts seemed quite 'right' to her, which left her more unsure than she would have been otherwise. She wondered if her anxiety would be enough for the nurses to send her home, which would be both a relief and a disappointment. While she was making ends meet working as a barista during the morning and a waitress during the weekends, Cora wasn't making the kind of money she expected to after moving to the city. The minimum wage was higher and the business was steady, but it only equaled enough to barely cover her rent and food expenses. She had finally gotten into the trade school she wanted, but wouldn't be able to start classes until the next semester. Until then, she had roughly six months to figure out how to pay for it. In a panic a few weeks ago, she found herself idly searching through the website of a local surrogacy service. She'd carried for a friend a few years ago back home in Scotland. She remembered enjoying the experience and having an easy time with the pregnancy, but the reaction from her parents and the teasing she got from her friends was enough for her to never consider it again. But now, thousands of miles away, in an anonymous city where no one knew her name, it was starting to look like the best option. But was it? While at least Cora's mother was accepting to see her daughter doing something so 'womanly' for once, it was her father's reaction that affected her the most. It was one of the only times he shouted at her for being so reckless. While he later calmed down and accepted her decision, he remained confused and bothered why his tough, tomboy, working-girl daughter would 'tie her apron high' for somebody else. It shook her confidence for her father to not be on her side for once and it was partially the reason she worked on the farm for an extra year before moving to New York. She sighed, shaking her head to cast aside her thoughts and focus instead on the old magazine she was in the process of destroying. After sitting in more silence for nearly fifteen minutes, right after the air conditioning finally turned off, the front door of the clinic swung open, the dying electronic *'bing-bong*'drawing her attention. She jumped at the sound as it pulled her so quickly out of her ownthoughts. She stopped rolling the magazine up on itself and unfolded it on her lap like she was reading it. Backing through the open door was a skinny,copper-red squirrel girl, her enormous fluffy tailappearing around the door frame first. She woresweatpants, a faded blue tank top, and a Yankee's cap pulled low over her head, her round ears sticking through the fabric. She held a Starbucks cup in one hand and her phone in the other, using her paw to shut the door behind herwith afamiliarity like she'd been there every day of her life. Without even looking up from her phone, she crossed across the room and dropped into the chair on the other side of the coffee table, effectively right next to Cora. She settled around her tail, the hair wreathingher like she was saton a throne of fur. Cora glanced away from her awkwardly, looking down at her own clothes with embarrassment. She was badly over-dressed. In an attempt to make herself feel more feminine at the clinic for her insemination, she wanted to show up looking the part in the only dress she owned that fit her. Of course, it didn't help that her muscular arms bulged uncovered out of the sides or that her powerful legs were even more visible. Cora looked like she ate steroid cereal every morning. In an effort to look even just a little less conspicuous, she flipped over the magazine and thumbed the inside to turn to a random page. Before she could, she caught a glimpse of the cover. A barely-clothed, disgustinglythin jaguar woman posed on the cover of the issue of *Cosmopolitan*,beside the words 'LIFT A TAIL: 102 SEX TIPS TO MAKE HIM GO WILD' in block capitals. She dropped it almost immediately, the shallownessof it nearly making her sick.Grabbing another magazine, she flipped it over to find herself reading an issue of *Men's Fitness* instead. She groaned quietly, finding themuscle-bound egotism of the magazine as maddening as the \_Cosmo\_and wondering why there was even an issue of it in a fertility clinic of all places. Cora turned quickly past an article titled 'HORNS: THE NEW SYMBOL OF MALE POTENCY,'hoping to at least find some diet tips. The squirrel in the seat next to her tapped her screen impatientlyas her phone lost signal in the isolated waiting room,freezing in the middle of her Twitter feed. She dropped it into her lap and sighed, making an idle chittering sound as she scanned the room for something to occupy herself with. She glanced at Cora, her eyes traveling down the cow's bicepsand ending on the magazine between her hands. Cora noticed the girl's eyes on her and simply pretended not to notice. "Don't bother with the weight training," the squirrel said with a heavy lisp, leaning back and slinging a leg over her chair. "I don't, anyway. They're toofocuthedonguyth." She clicked her tongue and pointed at the magazine. "The cardio workoutth are tholid, though. Thome of that agility training will kick the shit outta you." Cora nodded quietly, not feeling up for much conversation. "I like to get the issueth around bathketball theason," the squirrel nodded, talking mostly to herself. "\_Tonth\_of agility workoutth.Thothe are my favorite."She gestured toward Cora, drawing her attention. "What'th your routine?" "I don't have one," Cora said shortly, staring intently at an ad for cologne featuring a famous bull football star she would never admit she had a crush on. "No shit?" The squirrel said, raising an eyebrow. "Thothe are *thick* gainsthough. You thupplement?" "No," said Cora. "No fuckin way," she said, shaking her head. "You tellin me that'th all-natural? I don't goddamn believe it. What gym you go to? I gotta thee what you're doin." "I don't work out," Cora said, coldly, thinking that was the end of the conversation. "...What?" The squirrel said, chuckling. "Are you theriouth? You're cut like a fuckin Greek God over here and you're tellin me you don't even work out?" "No, I don't." Cora sighed, having to explain it for the hundredth time to someone. "I just naturally build a lot of muscle. It's how I'm built." "For real?" The squirrel asked.She whistled somehow from behind her massive teeth. "Damn, where can I get geneth like that?" She laughed, shaking her head before flexing one of her deceptively muscular arms. "Nah,I'm fuckin around. I like workin out too much. It'th my fuckin drug, yknow? I even like workin off the baby weight after I get knocked up. It'th a good challenge and I'll get extra hormoneth to bounce back." Cora blinked, looking up from the magazine before turning her head to the squirrel. As they stared at one another head-on, the squirrel furrowed her brow and cocked her head curiously. She pulled the chair away from the wall and set it facing Cora, sitting hunched over with her hands dangling between her knees. The girl squinted, as if trying to remember something. "You look hella familiar," she said, frowning. "...You go to high thchool up nearAstoria?" "No..." Cora said, feeling the same familiarity. "I'm...not from around here. I just moved last year." "You uthe Meetup?" she asked. "The webthite, yknow?" "I don't know about it..." "Hmm...shit..."The squirrel's tail twitched above her as she thought,surprising Cora at how something so huge could move so quickly.She gasped and smacked her forehead beneath her baseball cap. "Oh, fuckin *duh*! Your profile! At *Heartbeats**!*"she exclaimed, referring to the surrogacy service Cora had signed up for just a couple weeks ago. "You jutht thigned up, right?" "I did...wait," Cora set down the magazine on the table and looked the boyish squirrel up and down. "You're a *surrogate*?" "Hell yeah I'm a thurrogate!" the girl said, sitting back and slapping her flat stomach. "I'm goddamn *thuper-womb\_over here!" She laughed at her own joke and sat forward again, taking off her hat and shaking free her messy, short hair. "Nah, I'm fuckin around. I'vebeen with \_Hearbeats* a long time now." She extended an arm to shake. Cora took it and found an unexpectedly strong grip in the squirrel's fingers. "Name'th Daph. Short for Daphodille, but only my friendth know that." Daph winked. "Cora,"she said. "Cora O' Reilly." "'O' Reilly?'" Daph repeated. "That Irish?" "Scottish,actually." She explained. "My parents and I come from around Dalry, a little bit south of Glas- "Oh!*Oh!*" Daph pointed excitedly at Cora, her eyes lighting up. "You've got an *accent*!I can hear it! That'th fuckin awethome!" "It's...It's not that great," Cora mumbled. She already stood out enough in the city as a six foot tall, muscle-bound cow,so she played down her accent most of the time totry to fit in at least a little more. "Yeah it ith!" Daph said, sitting back. "I wish I had an accent thometimeth." "Um,"said Cora, not sure if it would be wise to point out Daph's obviousNew York cadence. "I got a buddy from Ireland, but you probably don'tknow her, then." Daph added "Probably not." "Bummer,"Daph said, sniffing nonchalantly. "Tho, Cora! You getting the 'thquirt' today?" "Uh...the 'squirt?" "Yeah! I know, I ain't tho good with 'etheth'...'etheth." She stuck out her tounge and shook her head. "*Essess*.I been goin to thpeech therapy for a bit, but it'th like, people can already underthtand me fine, yknow?" "Oh sure, sure," Cora nodded. "But uh...what's the 'squirt?'" "Oh! Oh fuck," Daph laughed and slapped her knee. "It'th a joke from the forums...the 'thquirt!' Like, yknow,"She held up a hand to mimemasturbation. "Baby batter!...You getting\_intheminated\_ today?" "O-oh..." Cora swallowed, blushing but nevertheless smiling at Daph's crude metaphor. It was very American, if nothing else. "I-I am but...I hope it isn't that...uhm...*invasive."* \_"\_No! No no no, it ithn't," Daph shook her head. "That'th jutht a...dirty joke I made up.No, it'th thuper professional. Which doctor do you have?" "I...um," Cora dug in the tiny pocket her dress had and pulled out a folded piece of paper. "...Dr. Mankiewicz?" "*No fuckin way!*" Daph shouted in the small waiting room, far louder than necessary. "Me too! *And\_I'm getting knocked up today! And I'll fuckin \_bet* we've got the thame checkup schedule!" She slapped Cora affectionately on the arm, grinning behind her overbite. "I never get the thame schedule ath another thurrogate! We're gonna be fuckin *belly buddieth*!" "'Belly buddies...'" Cora repeated, incredulously. The thought of seeing the excitable squirrel at every checkup was making her tired already, but the thought of going through the surrogacy with someone else did give her a small amount of comfort. "Thtick with me," Daph said. "I've been puttin my uteruth up for hire \_five timeth\_now. Thith ith fuckin routine for me by now." "*Five*?" Cora exclaimed. She instinctively looked Daph up and down. Aside from her relatively wide hips, the squirrel didn't look like she'd ever had even \_one\_baby. Daph laughed, but still nodded proudly. "Well not like, *right away\_or anything. It wath over a few yearth, yknow?" She pulled up her phone and started to scroll through her social networking apps. "There'th a buncha pictureth on Facebook. I got fuckin \_huge* with the latht one, you wouldn't even believe it." She frowned, tapped her phone a couple times, then groaned and put it away. "Ohhhhhh, right. The reception thucks in here." "How do you even manage that?"Cora breathed. "Go through \_five\_pregnancies-" "Four," Daph added, holding up four fingers. "Thith one ith my fifth." "But how? You look like...um..." Corahesitated, trying to find the right way to word her thoughts. "...You're in very good shape." "Thankth for noticing," Daph grinned, flexing. "But I'm...I dunno." She shrugged. "I'm jutht \_good at it\_yknow? I thinkI'm built for baby-makin. My body bounceth back really quick. Pluth I like to exercithe after the birth to work off the baby weight. It'th a perthonal challenge. It feelth good!" Daph sat forward in her chair and nodded to Cora. "What about you?" "What about me?" Cora responded, probably a tad too defensively. "How'd you like it? Bein all knocked up?" "Uh...um..."Cora stammered. She wasn't what Daph meant by it, but the question was far more personal than the squirrel probably knew. "W-well...I suppose-" "Wait." Daph said, holding up a hand and sitting back. "Thorry,I didn't wanna make you uncomfortable." She smiled with her buck teeth and slapped Cora on the arm again. "No reathon to get all fuckinemotional before we're even pregnant, eh?" Behind them, the door next to the reception desk opened, revealing awhite-furredfox nurse holding a clipboard. "O' Reilly?" She called, looking at the two of them. "Yeth, I'm Mrs. O' Reilly" Daph called over her shoulder, grinning. The nurse shook her head and sighed. "It's too early for this, Daph." "Lighten up, Felicia," Daph said, shaking her head. She turned back to Cora and put a hand on her knee. "Don't thweat it, Cora, it'th a piece of cake. You're gonna be fine." "...A-alright," stammered Cora. She hadn't noticed how tight her hands felt and how much she was shaking. "The Doc'th gonna be with you every thtep of the way and tho am I. And if you don't think you're up for it, later on...you can alwayth put it to a thtop." "No," Cora said, glancing horrified at Daph. She shook her head emphatically. "No, I wouldn't do that." "That'th what I like to hear," Daph nodded, clapping Cora on the shoulder. "I don't ever thtart thomething I ain't gonna finish." "Miss O' Reilly," the nurse Felicia said, impatiently. "Don't thweat it," Daph said, looking Cora straightin the eye. "Thith ith easier than you think." Cora nodded, finding the comforting words of a stranger she had met ten minutes ago to be surprisingly calming. She swallowed, then stood up, smoothing her dress over her legs. As she crossed the room to the nurse, Daph called out behind her from the waiting room. "Tell the Doc that if he's gonna get you pregnant, he should at leatht have the decency to buy you dinner!" Daph snorted laughter at her own joke right as the nurse shut the door. "She says that every time," Felicia sighed. "Right this way, Miss O' Reilly. If nothing else, Daph was right about one thing; the procedure was clean, professional, and as non-invasive as possible. Dr.Mankiewicz was soft-spoken and calm, but as experienced as he seemed. He sent Cora home feeling slightly queasy from nerves, but overall much more at ease. He warned her not to take any medications or engage in any sex for the next few days to ensure conception. On the way out through the waiting room, Daph was nowhere to be seen, apparently already going through with her own insemination. On the subway back to her apartment, Cora let one hand grip the railing to keep steady, while the other stayed glued to her lower stomach. She tried to swallow the idea that she was pregnant, but found it too much to wrap her head around. Impregnated. Fertilized. Knocked up. In the Family Way. Every syllable and euphemism she could think of raced through her mind like passing lights on the highway, each one blinding her. In a nearly-empty subway car in one of the biggest cities in the world, Cora felt more exposed than ever before. After leaving the subway andwalking a few blocks, her phone exploded in a flurry of notifications from inside the dress's small pocket. Pulling it out, she found friend requestsand follower alerts from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, 4square, Skype, Google Hangouts, and a few more accounts she had but never used. Every single request had a different account picture, but were all named some variation of 'Daph-o-ILL Westinfold.'Cora smiled a little, happy for an ally in the same struggle as her, even if she did come on a little too strong at times. A couple months later, Cora found herself back at the fertility clinic. It wasn't quite as early as herfirst visit, so the waiting room wasn't entirely empty. A few couples sat togetheralong the walls with some scattered individual women reading magazines and checking their phones. Cora quietly entered, trying to soften the sound of her thickhooves upon the thin carpet. She had to duck slightly to get under the door frame, which a few other patients took noticed up, despite her embarrassment. She was dressed more comfortably in a large jacket andslightly-too-tight blue jeans, but that was mostly an attempt to hide her body from passers by. She crossed the room and settled back into the same chair as last time,next to the magazine table.Cora buried her hands into the front pockets of her jacket and gazed inattentively at the ground. It wasn't a particularly cold day, nor did Cora get cold very easily in the first place. She wore it mostly so she could discreetly put hands on her stomach without getting strange looks. There it was. A few inches below her navel. If the two months of intermittent vomiting and muscle soreness hadn't been clear enough signs, the firm little bump in her stomach, beneath a soft coating of curly fur and slight chub, was enough to prove she was pregnant. Sheidentifiedit faster than the first time, where she hadn't truly noticed much until the calves were already kicking. Perhaps it was just the benefit of hindsight, buther surrogacy was going to be a much more observable change in her body. Cora wasn't quite sure why this excited her, but sheanticipated the baby's growthall the same. Anotherdigital tone sounded as the door opened to the lobby. Cora and the other patients glanced up automatically at the sound to see two female cats walk inside. The rest of the room glanced away absentmindedly, but Cora found herself transfixed on the couple. The gray striped feline lumbered in first, wearing a bright yellow, floral sun dress that was precariously draped over her full-term belly, ready to drop at a moment's notice. She waddled carefully inside, stepping gently on the carpet with her softpawsand being helped along by her blackand white-spotted companion,who wore a loose pair of bell-bottoms, striped shirt, and bright red glasses. The black cat carefully led her hugely pregnant friend inside, with a peck on the cheek revealing they were a bit more than just friends.She put a hand on the bottom of the gray cat's belly as if to lift heroff the ground, only to beplayfully swatted away by her lover's paw. They crossed the waiting room slowly enough for Cora to continue watching them, wide-eyed, as they settled into the seats directly across from her. The black cat leaned on the shoulder of the other, the two of them settling their hands on the gray cat's belly as they shared a moment feeling their unborn kittens squirm inside. "Yo." Cora jumped out of her mesmerized gaze on the feline couple as a red mass of bushy fur passed in front of her vision. Daph dropped into the chair opposite Cora with a *thwump*,popping the topof a can of Sprite. While the two hadn't seen each other since their insemination, they'd kept up communication through Facebook, with Daph posting the odd article or self-help guide to morning sickness on Cora'swall, along with videos of French parkour runners on her own.Daphtook a sip of her drink, sighed, then raised a coy eyebrow at Cora. "It ain't polite to thtare,"Daph said with a smirk. "O-oh...Um...I...I was..." Cora spluttered. She hunched her shoulders, trying to bury herself in her jacket. "...Was it that obvious?" "Kinda," Daph shrugged, glancing at the couple across from them. "But they're cute ath fuck. I'd thtare." Cora looked up from herself to glance at the cats. The two of them were giggling at the bouncing kicks from inside the gray cat's womb, poking and prodding their kitten to encourage it along. Suddenly, the black cat glanced up, meeting Cora's gaze. She nudged the other with her elbow, who looked up from her belly to find both Daph and Cora staring at them. They glanced at one another before giving an awkward, simultaneous wave. While Cora wanted to burrow inside her own torso to escape embarrassment, Daph instead flashed a toothy grin and waved back. "Congrath," she said. "When ya due?" "Ten days," the gray cat said in a dreamy voice, smoothing the dress creases over her belly and smiling. "You look about done," Daph nodded. "You uthe a donor?" "Um..."the gray cat glanced at her girlfriend, confusedly. "...Yes?" "How would we *not* use a donor?" the black cat asked, incredulously. Daph paused, then started to laugh. "...Oh! Right. Ha ha.Well I don't know your life, yknow?"Daph grinned. "Name one after me, kay?" "Oh, uh...we already have names picked-" the black cat began. "Name'thDaph. Short for Daphodille." The gray cat turned wide-eyed to her girlfriend and shook her arm excitedly. "Sasha!" She hissed. "Sasha, that's *cute*!" "We're good on names, thanks." The reception desk door swung open, revealing a petie bear nurse Cora hadn't seen before. "ElizabethYoungwood?" she called, staring at a clipboard. The black cat stood up first, helping the gray one to her feet with a stiff groan. As they walked back, the pregnant feline turned over her shoulder and waved back at the two of them excitedly while her girlfriend hurried her along. "Fuck, that'th cute," Daph said, after they'd left. "'Hashtag: Goals,' right?" "Y-yeah," Cora said, not quite sure what she was comfortable to admit. "I can't wait til I get that big again," Daph sighed, twirling a finger around her stomach. "You?" "Oh...well um..." She glanced up at Daph, who waswatching her expectantly.Cora sighed, deciding to let her guard down a little bit. "...Me either." She sighed, smiling quietly as she looked down at her baggy jacket that hid the tiny baby bump underneath it. "I'm really looking forward to it." "That'th what I like to hear," Daph said, punching Cora's shoulder encouragingly. She pointed to Cora's hands buried under her jacket. "I know what you're doin under there. C'mon, stand up, lemme thee it." "Wh-what?" Cora said, inching away from Daph in horror. "It'th baby bump show and tell today, dude," Daph said, motioning forherto rise. "*C'mon*! Show it off! I wanna thee!"She bounced in her chair like a toddler, excitedly pulling Cora to her feet. After realizing Daph was ready to put up even more of a commotion if she resisted, Cora sighed and stood up. "Holy fuck," Daph said, craning up to look at her face. "...Were you alwayth tho god damn tall?" "Were you always so little?" Cora shot back. "Yeah," Daph said, grinning. "I'm itty-bitty. Now *c'mon*!" She tugged on Cora's jacket. "Show me, show meeeee!" Finally relenting, Cora stepped to the side and unzipped her jacket, revealing the simple gray shirt she wore underneath. She pulled it back, as tight as she could, to show Daph the roundedlittle dome right at the bottom of her belly. Daph chittered excitedly and scooted up to the edge of her chair, reaching up to feel. "*HAH!"\_Daph laughed once, loudly enough to cause the rest of the patients to jump at the sound. "Thith big at two months? Fuck, Cora, I thought I was jealouth \_before*." "Is...is it big?" Cora stammered, twitching as Daph's fingers tickled her stomach. "I wouldn't know." "I'll fuckin thay," Daph said. She poked at the bump, pressing through the layer of fat to feel the hard center of Cora's womb. She squirmed uncomfortably. "Do you have to do that?" Cora asked. "No," Daph said, looking up. "But I wanna." In a quick motion, Daph pulled up the bottom of Cora's shirt to run her hand over her fur. "Oh! Hey!" Cora protested, but it was too late. Daph was already exploring the size of her growing bump while feeling her curly fur. "*Heehehehehe*," Daph giggled. "You're tho *thoft*! Like a carpet!" She scratched Cora's belly, making her squirm again, before patting it. "Yep. There'th a bun in that oven. No doubt." "Can I sit down now?" Cora asked. "Hang on, one more time," Daph said. She raised Cora's shirt again and gave her a quick belly rub over her sensitive navel. "Okay, now you can thit down." Cora lowered herself carefully into the chair, having had previous experience with breaking them under her weight. She couldn't imagine it supporting her weight once she was full-term. Her mood fell slightly at the idea, herfar hand gripping one of her lovehandles as she quietly sighed. "My turn!" Daph said. She set down her drink and hopped up to her feet, tossing her running jacket aside. She stretched exagerattedly, shaking out her strong legs. Cora had to agree, Daph was far shorter that she looked while sitting down, with her gigantic tail adding to the illusion.Turning to the side, she pulled down her tanktop undershirt tight against her stomach and smoothed out the fabric around her own bump. Daph didn't have Cora's natural body fat, so her growth was far more obvious. A lumpy, round bump was starting to form from her pelvis up barely into her sternum.She pulled up her shirt to expose her lighter-furred belly, smoothing the fur down with the palm of her hand. "Impressive," Cora nodded. "Fuck yeah it ith," Daph agreed, circling it with her fingers. "I hope it'th twinth again. I'll bet it'th fuckin twinth again. That'd be fuckin awethome." "Can I..." Cora extended a hand, before drawing it back. "I'm sorry, that's-" "Of courthe you fuckin can!" Daph said. She pulled Cora's hand over her belly, pressing her wide palm into her fur. "It'th only fair, right?" "I guess it is," Cora nodded, still feeling the afterimage of Daph's rough prodding. What little belly there was fit fully under Cora's palm. She felt self-conscious about her wide, masculine hands over Daph's soft fur, so she pulled away, quietly embarrassed. "What'thup?" Daph asked. "You can feel longer than that, if you want to, yknow." "I know, I just didn't..." Cora looked down at her beefy fingers, so much better suited to pulling a fence post out of the ground than holding a baby. She flexed her fingers, sighing. "Oh come on," Daph said, forcibly pulling Cora's hand back over and planting it flat over her belly. "Thith ith about the only time you're gonna thee me thith little." She guided Cora'shand over her stomach, letting her feel as much of her bump as she could. Cora had never felt a belly other than her own before. It was unexpectedly intimate for Daph to be so open to her, so easily vulnerable. She imagined the tinysquirrel somewhere beneath the furry stomach, asequally small as the growing calf beneath her own. She wondered if they'd meet one day, like the women carrying them.After a moment, Daphlaid her own palm flat against Cora's, comparing their fingers and somehow whistling through her teeth. "God damn, Cora. You could fuck up a coconut with thothe hands." And there it was. Stuck with shame and a shock of embarrassment,Cora frowned and immediately pulled her hand back, settling both of them back in her pockets and turning away from Daph. The squirrel stood there dimly, her undershirt still hiked up over her belly. She pulled it down and sat quietly back in her chair. "...Thorry," Daph said, quietly. "Did...did I thay thomthing?" Corastayed silent. "I mean...I like, I talk a lot, yknow? And thometimeth I thay a lotta dumb shit thatI don't mean to and like...I don't wanna hurt your feelingth or nothin." Daph paused, tapping her fingers together. "...Wath it about your handth? I didn't mean anything by it, yknow? I wasjutht...I dunno, I'm thtupid I guess and thaid what wath on my mind. I didn't know youwere...Um...thenthitive about it." She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair, her tail fluttering. "I'm thorry." After a moment, Cora finally sighed, looking down at her hands. It wasn't fair to take out her own insecurities on Daph, whoup to then had been nothing but friendly, if a little on-the-nose. Cora turned back to Daph, forcing herself to smile. "No, it's alright. You didn't know...I have some issues about...my body, I suppose."She looked down at herself and tried not to pay attention to her most hated problem areas. Instead she, slipped one of her hands under her jacket and shirt to softly rub against her belly. "I'd...I'd like if we dropped the subject, if you don't mind." "No fuckin problem," Daph said, giving a thumbs up and a toothy grin. She was obviously relieved to have not offended her new friend. "Tho you got any kidth?" Daph asked, changing the subject. She scratched her petite bump absentmindedly and cupped her hand around it, as if protecting it. "Noooo...no no no," Cora shook her head emphatically. "I wouldn't know the first thing about raising a baby." "No kidding?" Daph said, raising her eyebrow. "\_Heartbeats\_doesn't let you into the program if you haven't carried to term before. I kinda athumed you had a baby of your own or thomething." "Not me," Cora shook her head. "At least not yet. Right after high school, back home in Scotland, I carried calves for a family friend who couldn't conceive." Cora laughed to herself and shook her head. "Funny enough, she ended up pregnant at the same time I did, so they've got three little bulls running around their farm. How they manage, I can't imagine." "Hey, I did the thame thing!" Daph said excitedly. She pulled out her phone and keyed in the unlock code. "'Cept she never wound up having kidth of her own. I jutht gave birth to their second kidabout a year ago now. It wath through \_Heartbeats,\_but the firtht baby wath totally off the bookth." Daph leaned over and handed the phone over to Cora. "I thaved the phototh ahead of time to show you!" Cora took it and was met with a small photograph of a brightly grinning Daphodille with longer hair and visibly a few years younger, arm-in-arm with another blonde squirrel woman.It was a mirror-selfie taken in the bathroomat some kind of restaurant. The two of them beamed happily under the flourescent lights. Daph was enormously pregnant, her stomach spilling out of her tight shirt into the hands of her friend. The blonde squirrel had her hands over Daph's belly, as if holding it up, while Daph herself took the photo from her cell phone. Along the bottom of the photo, in block capitals, read "MAMA+ BABY + BABYMAMA." "I got fuckin huge, right?" Daph said, proudly. "And that wath only my first time." "I'll say," Cora agreed, eyes falling over Daph's belly in the photo with something strangely resembling envy. Daph reached over with her finger and swiped left, pulling up a more composed photograph of her at full-term, flanked on either side bythe blonde squirrel on her left and a tall, dark-furred, vaguely muscular male squirrel on her right. "Thothe are the parentth. She's Georgia and he'th Darwin. He's a thweet guy and she's been my bestie thince fuckin kindergarten.Couple yearth ago, they hit me up, thay they're afraid Georgia can't conceive, right? They think about a thurrogate, but don't want it to be thome broad they don't know. Tho they call me up, invite me over on one of my heat cycleth and thee if I wanna get all fuckin knocked up for them. I thay yeah, obviouthly, we go into bedroom, one thing leadth to another and..." Daph makes a popping sound with her tongue and gives a thumbs-up motion. "I walk outta there with a bun in the oven." "Um...wow,"Cora said, setting the phone down. "So...you just...he..." She glanced at the photo, then back at Daph, then at the photo again. "You mean...your friend, Georgia, she just...she just \_let\_him have sex with you?" "Pfft," Daph blew a raspberry and waved a hand. "\_Let\_nothin, she \_wanted\_him to. We had to convince him to go through with it in the firtht place. He felt a lot better about it once Georgia was there, of courthe." "So...so\_she\_was...'part of it?'" Cora whispered, her eyes wide. "Oh hell yeah, there wath no way in hell we coulda kept Gerogia outta the room, even if we wanted to." Daph held up three fingers and entwined them together. "The three of uth had kind of a 'thing' goin on when they were in college.It wathn't weird or anything." "But he just...Darwin...he just fucked you...*naturally*?"Cora said again, her head reeling. "Well yeah!" Daph said, raising an eyebrow. "What elthe were we suppothed to do? I'd never had a baby before, tho we had to do it 'off the bookth.' What about you?" "We went to the doctor's office..." Coramumbled. Glancing down at the picture, she stared at the nice, smilingcouple and sighed. "I'm suddenly feeling very far away from home." "It all went okay, though!" Daph said, defensively, sitting up straight. "They took good care of me up to the birthand every time after that wath legit!" "Maybe I'm just old-fashioned, then," Cora mumbled. "Oh c'mon," Daph rolled her eyes. "You ain't 'old-fashioned,' Cora.You're younger than I am!" Daph reached over and plucked the phone back,slippingit back into her bag. "You jutht need to loothen up, yknow? Thith ith New York, dude. If you ain't flexible, the city'th gonna break you." The next second, one of the nurses came to the door, the turning handle drawing the attention of everyone in the room. She cleared her throat and held up her clipboard. "Saldez?"She called out. With a movement to the right of the main entrance, a pair of young otters stood up, excitedly holding hands as they scurried into the back with the nurse. "Not yet," Daph said absentmindedly. She turned back to Cora and shrugged. "What brought you into the city, anyways?" "School, mostly," Cora said, shrugging herself. "Change of scenery, too.I just wanted to get away from the farm at home." "Never been on a farm," Daph said. "What'th it like?" "Flat," Cora said. "Green sometimes. Brown most of the time. Always falling apart. Never enough hours in the day to do anything about it." "Yuck," Daph remarked, sticking her tongue out. "What you going to thchool for? Gynecology, I'll bet." She reached over and gave Cora's tummy another firm pat. "Gettin in thome first-hand experience?" "...Small engine repair, actually," Cora said. Daph blinked, looking up at her with a moment's surprise. "...Huh.Alright, rad." Daph said, pulling away. "Didn't really expect that." "Nobody does," Cora sighed. "The only thing I liked doing on the farm was fixing the equipment. I loved taking it all apart and putting it back together." "That doethn't thound very 'ladylike,'" Daph teased. Cora furrowed her brow and shot her an angry look.Daph threw up her hands and chuckled. "I'm kidding! I'm fuckin around!Do I look like a goddamn 'lady' to you?" Cora blinked, then sighed, relaxing her shoulders and laughing a little herself. She made a mental note to not be so defensive. "...Sorry," Cora nodded. "That's just something my...nevermind. Sorry." "No prob," Daph said. "That'th cool ath fuck, though. I don't know any girl mechanicth. You ain't ever gonna go hungry, that'th for sure.Ethpecially if you keep poppin out calves in the meantime." "Well, I'm mostly doing this just to cover the tuition," Cora said, rubbing her stomach. "I spent most of my savings just getting across the water and finding an apartment." "That can be fuckin killer," Daph nodded. She leaned forward and looked slyly at Cora. "But that ain't the \_only\_reason, right?" She wiggled her eyebrows. "...I don't follow." "Look, motht girlth who do the whole thurrogacy thing only do it like onceand never again. It'th a weird job, yknow? You have to kinda \_like it\_to wanna do it more than once, right?" "That's a bit of a stretch, Daphodille," Cora frowned. "I been knocked up five timeth now, and only one of 'em wath jutht for the money. Thith ain't a job you jutht *do*. Not if you ain't *into it*." "What, like...sexually?" Cora said, frowning incredulously. "Nah, not like that. I mean, for \_thome\_people, yeah. I got a friend in the programwho...well..."Daph trailed off and shook her head, whistling through her teeth. "But it'th not alwayth a sex thing, yknow? It ithn't for me. Not really, anyway." "Well..."Cora looked down at herself, her hands over her belly. "...I don't really know...The first time was aneasy pregnancy, but...I never really thought much about it." "Well you got about eight more months to think about it again,"Daph said, stretching in her chair. Before she could continue the conversation, the door opened, with the same nurse from before stepping out with a clipboard. "Westinfold,"she said, looking straight at Daph. "You know who I am, Felicia!" Daph called over her shoulder, grinning. "Please," the nurse said, in a flat and unamused voice, "call me 'Nurse.'" "You know you love me, too!" Daph responded. She leaned over and patted a short drumbeat on Cora's thigh beforegetting in one more belly rub. "I'm 'bout to slaythis motherfuckin ultrathound,dude."She stood and stretched, her shirt riding up over the fur of her baby bump, cupping one hand around it. "I'm hittin the gym after thith, tho I probably won't thee you. Hit me up if you wanna chill, though. Later!" Daph spun on her pawand jogged to the doorway, holding up a hand to high-five Felicia, who very deliberately ignored it. Once she was gone and Cora was once again blessed with silence, she glanced down at her hands, still absentmindedly cupped around her tummy. Holding them up, she took another look at her broad palms, thick fingers, solid knuckles, and thick calluses from years of working on the farm. They weren't very ladylike, Cora thought, but did they have to be?
Terrifying Reality Part 2 (2018) by farellfoxx
#2 of Larkino's Residents Welp, this was an interesting one, more dark; as was the first part. Never written anything like it; but as with the first, I was in a depressive state when I started. Anyway, now this is out of the way; I'm feeling much better. So there's that. Please do not take this
[ "Breeding", "Cock sleeve", "Creampie", "Cum", "Cunt Boy", "Domination", "Fear", "Female Ejaculation", "First Time", "Forced Sex", "Gangbang", "Humiliation", "Implied Incest", "Interspecies", "M/Intersex Male", "Mating", "Messy", "Minotaur", "Multiple Orgasms", "Muscle", "Non-Consensual", "Orc", "Orgasm", "Otter", "Passed_around", "Penis", "Pig", "Possible impregnation", "Public", "Rape", "Slave", "Squirting", "Stockholm syndrome", "Tagteam", "Transgender", "Tribal", "Vaginal", "Virgin", "Wet", "cumdump", "semen" ]
The first thrust broke through the fragile otter's hymen with a stab of pain. The second merely burned, the fourth and fifth just stung. Lorle had cried himself to the point he could no longer shed tears. He couldn't move himself any further; he just lay limp as the minotaur ravaged him. It held Lorle's legs up to it's own shoulders, pulling him back and forth over his pointed red cock. The beast snorting and growling; it's red eyes raping Lorle's very soul. Lorle almost had no more fear left, he felt so numb. It hadn't missed a beat in it's rapid assault for some time, so rapid Lorle's back had begun to grow hot from friction. It was seeming like he was going to snap in two; then he felt a strange feeling internally. He felt it before, but suddenly it grew again. The minotaur had been providing most of the lubrication, and it felt like it was working... Lorle felt oddly heated, he suddenly didn't hurt as much. His back arched as he silently realized that he'd begun to enjoy this. Whether he liked it or not, his body was reacting to being reduced to a fleshlight for the bull; his clitoris swelling and his inner walls growing wet and contracting around the beast's engorged spear. Lorle felt his body shuddering as he began to pant, much to the crowd's delight. Exclamations of "He's into it now!" and other primal noises erupted amongst the jeering orcs as they moved in closer to watch for Lorle's breaking point. As though it were cued on by the uproar, the Minotaur began to thrust slower, but with more reach than before. Lorle clenched his small jaws as he began to pant, the jolting pleasure beginning to peak. The monstrous Bull rolled his hips slightly upward, making sure to press against Lorle's most sensitive places for the grand finish. Soon he was bumping up against Lorle's cervical opening; and the Bull began to make low grunting noises. It bent over him and put Lorle's legs around it's waist and pulled the small otter's pelvis to his groin. The sounds of the sticky connection filled Lorle's ears as they lowered to his head. Gruesomely wet, sloppy slapping sounds filled the room. The agitated monster soon roared out in pleasure as he went still, he had begun filling the small otter with his potent seed. Crying out, Lorle hit his own forced orgasm. Nearly screaming in pain and pleasure, squirting his feminine juices over the minotaur's pulsing shaft. Convulsing, his cunt ached, he ached, but he moaned against the pain. His mind shattering, the bull thrusted once or twice to ensure the mating was successful. Lorle stopped moving, he couldn't respond any more. He passed out, impaled on the Minotaur's just softening penis. The beast backed up, pulling out as what seemed like a gallon of semen poured from the reddened, burning vagina of the otter he had just bred. The shaman of the orc tribe put two fingers up to the outpour, and tasted the fertile fluids. He raised the fingers and the crowd of orcs cheered wildly. He muttered something and the minotaur had once more become a tamed, but still somewhat wild bull. He was led out by his handler, supposedly to a stable to rest. As for Lorle, he had only been through one breeding for the time being. The teary eyed, exhausted otter would eventually be taken by every member of the tribe, near destroyed by the poundings he would endure. He soon grew fond of the chief, and was made a sort of bride. But that's another tale, and this one has tired me out. --- The older orc noticed his son's erection growing over the course of the detailed tale, he couldn't have possibly not. He was growing handsomely, soon he would find his own partner. As the crouched by the fire, his son began to inch closer to his father, lust in his eyes. "More 'training', eh?" The handsome, muscled youth nodded eagerly. "Fine by me, come here." He reached out with a large green hand for his son's groin. That was the night's adventure for now, but his story is maybe to be told, maybe not.
Viper the Assassin - Chapter 3 (Commissioned Story) by Malakye
#3 of Commissioned Stories This is a commissioned story for cdsowden85. It features his fursona and my own. This is the third chapter and perhaps more is to come if he is wanting to continue the story in the future. Malakye and other characters belong to me. Viper belongs to cdsowden85. Do not use
[ "Anal", "Commission", "Death", "Dragold", "Dragon", "Hybrid", "M/M", "Malakye", "Multiple characters", "Story Series", "Viper", "Wolf", "Wyvern", "killing" ]
**CHAPTER 3** "FUCK!" Grum cursed as he tripped and fell muzzle first into a puddle. The badger scrambled back up and continued to run, his clothes and fur now sodden and brown with mud. He was breathless, his lungs on fire with exhaustion, not used to the physical exertion that came with running for his life. He paid good gold for the mercenaries that had escorted him to Malakye's humble peasant home; a survivor and victor of the Colosseum. After Malakye had supposedly defeated and killed a highly trained assassin his master had hired, Grum had been forced to take even more drastic measures. His master wanted Malakye's land and his master always got what he desired! The mercenaries had been confident that they could handle a single fur, even if that fur was once known as The Crimson Shadow. Three dozen armed mercenaries against a single fur? How could anyone hope to win against odds like those? But no one had anticipated Malakye having an ally. But what had shocked Grum the most was when he identified Malakye's ally as the very assassin they had hired to kill him! Before Grum or any of the other mercenaries had noticed the blue wyvern he had felled half a dozen mercenaries. The confusion of his sudden arrive spread chaos through the ranks of the mercenaries, and in a few short moments the pair of them had cut down more than a third of the mercenaries numbers. "Fucking cowards!" Grum spat angrily as he remembered how many of the mercenaries began to flee. Grum was running for the carriage that was parked a ways down the road. He had wanted to gloat as he arrived with a small army behind him. He wanted to see the dragolfs expression as he realised that he had no chance of winning and didn't want to miss it while he was exiting the carriage; so he had walked the rest of the way. His pride was going to get him killed! He looked over his shoulder and saw three of the mercenaries were following him. He was barely outrunning them due to the fact they were weighted down by the armour they wore. But behind them was the blue wyvern! The cold gaze of the assassin as they pursued him made Grum squeak in fear. A cry of pain reached Grum's ears. He knew that one of the mercenaries behind him had been caught. He prayed silently to any deity listening that their death would buy him enough time to escape. The carriage was now in sight, the two guards that served his master that he had ordered to remain behind had already drawn the swords and were running to aid him. Another cry from behind him, followed quickly by another. The other two mercenaries had been caught and quickly dispatched by Viper. Grum could practically feel the wyverns breath on his neck! He didn't want to die! As he reached the two guards, he didn't slow down. He ran right past them, leaving them to deal with the assassin as he jumped into the carriage which had already begun to move, the driver anticipating the need for a speedy getaway. "Go! Go! Go!" Grum shouted breathlessly as he leapt into the carriage. A crack of a whip later and the carriage took off down the road at top speed. Grum gasped for breath, his entire body shook with a combination of fear and physical exertion. He daren't look for the fear of seeing the assassin pursuing them. He wouldn't be able to relax until he was safely within the walls of his masters home. The fifty plus guards would make any would be assassin hesitate. The carriage shook and creaked as it sped down the road, every bump and dip causing the badger to jump uncomfortably in the back of the carriage. Normally he would curse and swear at the driver for any level of discomfort, but right now speed was the most important thing. It had been several minutes since he had jumped into the carriage and his breathing had more or less returned to normal, but he was still shaking. Suddenly the carriage jerked to a halt. "What the!?" Grum grumbled as he jolted forward. The badger got up from his seat and hammered on the wall of the carriage angrily before shoving open the door. "What's the big idea!?" He yelled glaring at the driver atop the carriage The wolf glanced nervously at him and then pointed. Blocking their path, standing in front of the bridge the only crossing over the river for miles, was Malakye. The ground around him littered with three bodies of mercenaries. The blade of the sword he held dripped with blood, telling the fate of the three furs on the ground. The black scaled dragolf stared at Grum with a cold stare, the blood splattered dragolf looked like a demon. As he began to move towards them Grum yelped in fear and leapt from the carriage. He ran for the tree line at the side of the road. A flash of steel crossed in front of his muzzle, Malakye had thrown the sword and it struck the tree Grum had been running towards. Grum ran muzzle first into the swords hilt which was now embedded in the side of the tree. He fell backwards, his snout bloodied from running into the sword. He stared up at the sword, dazed from the impact and fall. It took him a few moments to gather his wits and to scramble up onto his foot-paws. As he stood a paw grab the scruff of his neck and threw him into the trunk of the tree. He slumped to the ground and stared up at the dragolf standing over him. He couldn't see anything but the cold glare from the emerald green eyes, the rest of Malakye's body seemingly fading into shadow as Grum was frozen in fear staring into his eyes. Suddenly Grum felt small. He had always felt superior to the dragolf, and even though he was aware of his reputation for fighting he had never been intimidated by Malakye. But now he knew he had never truly seen the true face of the fighter known as The Crimson Shadow. "Please don't kill me!" Grum begged. "I'll never bother you again! I-I-I... you'll never see me ever again!" Malakye reached for the sword embedded in the tree trunk and yanked it free with one smooth, powerful motion. He pressed the tip of the sword to Grum's throat. The badger squeaked in fear, his entire body tensed, his eyes shut as he waited for the cold steel to cut his throat. He felt a strange warmth spread down his legs. He had wet himself. "I consider myself a merciful drake." Came the slow, deep voice. A spark of hope flashed in Grum's mind. "But if I let you live someone I care about will die. And I can't allow that!" "No! Ple..." Grum's plea was silenced by a flash of steel. The sword wielded by The Crimson Shadow cutting his throat with one easy motion. He stood there and watched as the life faded from the badgers eyes, his life blood spilling to the ground. He turned round and glared at the grey wolf sitting atop the carriage, frozen in fear as he looked on. He slowly walked over to the carriage, the wolf yelped in fear and attempted to shrink out of sight. Malakye struck the carriage three times with the side of his sword. Slowly, hesitantly the grey wolf raised his eyes to look at the blood splattered form of dragolf once famously known as The Crimson Shadow. "Tell your master that this will be the fate of any he sends uninvited onto my lands." The wolf nodded his head rapidly, eager to convey his understanding in the hope that it meant his life would be spared. With a simple motion of his paw Malakye ushered the wolf on his way, an opportunity the wolf did not hesitate to seize. Malakye watched the carriage disappear from sight before turning and walking back into the woods; heading back home. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Viper stepped out of the tree line and Malakye's home came into view. This had been the spot where he had lain in wait for his former target, Malakye, to fall asleep so that he could slip in and kill him. Back then the sight of the humble home of the dragolf had meant nothing to him, but now the sight of it brought forth warm memories and emotions that he was still trying to understand. He had grown fond of the dragolfs company, he knew that. But every time he saw him, every time they touched, every time Malakye smiled at him, every time they had sex... he felt something in his chest tighten. He had heard of love, he had even used his targets emotions against them, but he didn't truly understand his own emotions. They had been beaten out of him by the assassin cult that had raised him. He didn't want to lose this life. He didn't want to be apart from Malakye. So for the last hour he had been hunting down the mercenaries that had fled into the forest. The badger had gotten away in his carriage, but Malakye had assured him that he would deal with the badger. He trusted Malakye, he was the only one he had ever felt capable of trusting. He was still worried though. If the badger, Grum managed to make it back to his master then their secret would be out. Once he knew Viper was alive, the assassin he had hired, he would report back to the assassin guild and then Viper would have to live on the run for the rest of his life. There was no forgiveness for those who failed their mission. You either succeeded in your mission or you died. As Viper rounded the side of the hut he saw Malakye. The dragolf was busy loading the bodies of the mercenaries onto a cart. Malakye saw him and smiled. Viper smiled back and waved. "Good hunting?" Malakye asked. "I think I got everyone." Viper replied. "Couldn't find any more trails. Found eight and caught all of them. The last one had managed to make it into the village to the North, but I got them." Viper had tracked them down to the local inn. The panther had been drinking at the bar, telling anyone who would listen his story. Most had laughed at him, declaring that if he had truly fought the warrior known as The Crimson Shadow he wouldn't be here to tell them about it. Disgruntled from the lack of sympathy he had received he purchased a bottle of wine from the bar and headed upstairs. Viper watched as the panther approached, and waited for him to come to him. As the panther rounded the corner he spotted Viper. It took the panther a moment, but as his eyes went wide in realisation it was already too late. A single crossbow bolt struck him in the chest. Before the bottle of wine struck the floor Viper had already slipped out of the window he had used to sneak into the building. "Lets dispose of these bodies." Malakye said, wiping bis brow with his forearm. "But what about the other bodies? What if a patrol come by and see them?" Viper concious of the bodies he had left on the road when he had chased the badger. "Already dealt with." He grinned confidently. "All the bodies are hidden in the woods. The guards won't find them. The only bodies left are here." He patted the ass of a large bull that lay atop six others on the cart. "What about the badger?" "Dealt with." Viper felt any worry he had felt drain away. With the badger dealt with there shouldn't be anyone left to identify him. If any mercenaries survived then it was unlikely they would go back the badgers master to report their failure. It was unlikely they knew who the badgers master was. "Come on, lets go wash up!" Malakye smiled putting an arm round Vipers shoulders. Viper felt himself blush and nodded in agreement. A short walk from away, just beyond the treeline was a small river which had formed a deep pool of water. It was perfect for bathing in, despite the natural chill of the water. Viper took great pleasure in watching the dragolf strip, watching his muscular body flex with each movement. Malakye noticed him staring and smirked before wading into the waist deep water. Viper quickly followed him and as he began to wash the blood off he felt Malakye embrace him from behind. "How about we get a little dirtier before cleaning up?" The simple touch of the dragolfs body, the pleasant warmth that radiated from him, had made Viper hard within seconds. Viper writhed in pleasure as the dragolf kissed and licked his neck, one arm held him close while the other slowly slipped down and grasped his cock. There they stood for minutes, hours... days? Time was a lost concept to Viper, all he cared about was this moment, the sensation of being in the arms of his lover. A familiar hardness pressed under his tail. There was no intention for it to penetrate him, not yet, but the way it sat between Vipers cheeks sent a thrill through the wyvern. Viper was completely lost in the moment, so much so that he was startled as Malakye pulled away from him. He looked on dumbfounded as the dragolf walked past him towards the edge of the pool. Malakye looked over his shoulder at him and smiled. "How about we do something a little different?" He suggested suggestively. Viper was about to ask what he had in mind when Malakye leant over and raised his tail for him. Any questions Viper had were wiped away with that simple pose. Malakye was offering himself to the wyvern. Despite the numerous times that they had fucked, not once had Viper ever topped the dragolf. He had thought about it, but it hadn't bothered him since he enjoyed feeling the dragolf inside him. But now was his chance, an invitation to discover a new sensation. Eager to try he smiled and came up behind the dragolf and grabbed his hips. "Go easy... it's been a while since I've had anyone back there." Viper simply nodded and began the process of stretching his lovers tail-hole, just as he had done to him so many times before. Viper licked, poked and stretched Malakye's tail-hole, trying to replicate the actions Malakye had often used on him. His attempts were clumsy, but he was eager and passionate, and soon had his lover panting in pleasure. "That's enough!" Malakye panted, eager for what came next. It had been a long time since he had been taken. "Fuck me!" Viper eagerly responded to the command. He positioned himself behind Malakye and lined himself up and pushed his hips forward. There was a moment of resistance but a second later his tail-hole gave way and half of Vipers length slipped inside Malakye. Malakye hissed in discomfort. Viper groaned in pleasure. In a matter of moments the pair were locked in a passionate rutting. Each one lost in their own pleasure. Despite the discomfort Malakye was lost in the pleasure as Viper expertly fucked him. Whether by intent or natural skill the wyvern was striking that magical spot inside him with each and every thrust. After a few minutes of the fast, relentless fucking Malakye cried out in pleasure as he came. He couldn't remember the last time he had cum without his cock being balls deep in another, or without a muzzle of paw wrapped around it. As he came Malakye's tail-hole tightened as his body was racked in orgasm, and with only a few more thrusts Viper also came. He spilled his seed deep inside Malakye. The pair of them stood motionless for a few moments, lost in the after glow of their mutual orgasms. Slowly they came apart and embraced each others, still standing in the waist deep pool of water. The sun was casting the last of its light over the land, the two lovers basking in the final rays of the day. Today they had fought for the right to live as they choose, to be together. They had won a victory today, but this was but a single battle, the first battle in a war that was about to begin. It would be a long and bloody road, but both of them knew they would fight side by side until the final battle.
Rumble Gets Tumbled by draconicon
Commissioned by FA: Sanmer as a sequel to the story Rumbling Reports (Found here: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1147391 ) we have the results of Doctor Fox's decisions, dealing with an asshole hero that's decided villains didn't have rights. Well, neither does he. If you enjoyed this story, please
[ "Anal", "Cum", "Fox", "Humiliation", "M/M", "Mind Control", "Non-Consensual", "Not quite", "Nudity", "Orgasm Denial", "Rape", "Rhino", "Spitroasting", "Stallion", "Superheroes", "Threesome", "Unicorn", "alley" ]
Rumble Gets Tumbled For Sanmer By Draconicon "Heh, yeah, you better run, you fucks!" The rhino laughed as the miscreants started running off, fear writ large on their faces. It was always a pleasure to see them understanding how outmatched they were, knowing that they had no chance if he got anywhere near them. Not that he would be going after those kids. They weren't doing all that much, after all - just spraypainting the side of a building - and besides...his tastes didn't swing that way. He preferred people that wouldn't be believed when he had his fun with them. *Heh, like that rat, yesterday,* he though with a chuckle. *Nice tight ass, plenty of squirming going on...I bet he got one hell of a stretch by the time I was done.* Rumble Rhino smirked as he fondled himself, not at all caring if anyone saw. After all, someone with his strength operated under a different set of rules from the rest of society. He was bigger, stronger...better, for lack of a better word. He was allowed some liberties. And besides, it wasn't like he was fucking other heroes or civilians. The only ones that got fucked over by him were the criminals that had it coming anyway. If they weren't ready to accept some extra consequences for their actions, they shouldn't have been running around and causing so much trouble. That was how he saw it, anyway. Unfortunately, the rat had been the only break he'd gotten for over a week, and he hadn't done nearly enough to empty his balls before the station had called him in for a status report. He would have wrecked that hole a good five more times before he'd turned him in, if there'd been time. *Well, here's hoping that there's someone else causing trouble today...* The rhino pulled his hand away from his crotch, adjusted the bright green spandex he wore, and started walking down the street. A pity that he wasn't assigned to the poor parts of town today - they were always filled with problem people - but he figured that he'd find someone eventually. If there was one thing that was certain, it was that crime never stopped. Except, apparently, when he wanted to find one. Rumble Rhino grumbled to himself as he punched the sidewalk, sending cracks up and down the whole length of it. Several people walking their dogs were forced right off by the vibrations, and they started yelling at him. Nothing that a glare didn't stop right in its tracks, though, as he walked on. "You gotta be kidding me. Where's all the fucking thieves, and muggers, and everything else this city is supposed to have?" Probably on the other side of the city entirely. While there were plenty of rich targets and houses in the area, he would just bet that they were stuffed with just as many security devices. The criminal trying to rob that would either have to have a ton more gear than the average crook, or be much stupider than normal, and the stupid ones might just try and report him, rather than keep quiet. The rhino stomped off, barely keeping his own strength in check as he made his way down the street. The whole point of being a hero was to break down the criminals, but when there weren't any criminals, what was he supposed to - Wait. He saw a flicker of light down one alley. Too early in the day for that to be a flashlight, and too late in the day for it to be some sort of fire going on from overnight. The rhino walked over to the edge of the alley, looking down it, and grinned. *Oh ho, jackpot.* Another hero - Paladin, he thought the unicorn's name was - had apprehended some sort of fox. White-furred and tiny, from the look of him. Probably someone that had just grown up and started to cause some trouble, from the dirty looks that he was giving the hero. Someone that was not too well off, either, from how his clothes looked. And a fox, for that matter. Rumble Rhino had had a number of rodents, and even had some time with a wolf in the past, but he'd never had a fox before. Heh. He doubted that the little slut would even complain once he got his cock past those little ass cheeks. "Hey, Paladin, right?" The unicorn turned, still covered in that weird light armor of his. He looked down his muzzle, shaking his head. "What do you want?" "Hey, I got some free time. Why don't you let me take that fox in to the station for you?" "Why would you want to do that?" "Well, if I remember right, your patrol route's all the way on the other side of town. What, you end up chasing him all the way here?" "Something like that." "Hey, I'm right here, you know. Talk to me, not above me." Rumble Rhino chuckled, turning his head to look down at the fox. "You want me to talk to you? Fine. How about we talk about how you're going straight to the station and getting locked up?" The fox looked back at him, and for some reason, he almost seemed to smirk. Rumble Rhino put it out of his head. Probably just some cocky kid that had no idea of what he was getting into. Most of them usually didn't. He shook his head. What was he doing? Right, talking to Paladin. "So, why don't you let me take him? Ain't gonna get away from me, and you can get back to work." "I suppose that would work out." "Yeah, it will. Now, gimme." He held out his hand, and after a few seconds, the unicorn passed the hard-light cuffs on the fox's wrists over. "Make sure he gets there quickly. He is a tricky one." "Don't worry. I'll get him there as fast as I can." As the unicorn left the alley, the rhino chuckled, pulling his crossed fingers out from behind his back. "Not." "You gonna keep talking to yourself? Talk to me." He slowly turned, looking down at the fox again. He was almost twice the runt's height, not to mention almost twice as thick with all his muscle's and the fox's natural slenderness. The rhino chuckled, pushing the fox against the wall. "You got a smart mouth on you, boy. You think that you can just mouth off to me?" Ignoring the strange tingle that went down his back as he talked, he brought his free hand down to the fox's pants. They were barely more than loose jeans, and they went down fast enough. They were as good as shackles with the fox's hands pinned together, and he chuckled as he started groping that fuzzy ass. "Hey! What are you doing?!" "Treating you like you deserve, you little bitch." Smirking, he pulled those ass cheeks apart, grinning as he saw a tight but slick little hole. Not a virgin, this fox; probably had been whoring himself around or something. Wouldn't surprise him in the least, considering how horny these fucks were. He slid a finger up that hole, and the fox gasped, arching his back. "Ah! What...get that out of me!" Why not? There were better things to put in there, anyway. He pulled his hand back, grinning to himself as another tingle ran from his head to his toes, his cock starting to get rather hard in his spandex shorts. "Alright, foxie. You know what's gonna happen now?" "You're gonna take me to the station?" "Heh...I will, but not before I get some fucking relief." "...You're kidding..." "Be grateful you're lubed, boy. Otherwise, this'd hurt a lot more than it will." It only took a second to work the zipper of his outfit down, letting his cock flop out. It was a good ten inches long, and thick as his wrist as he started stroking it. The tip was already damp from looking at that foxy butt, and as he shoved the runt's head against the wall, he got a good view of that tight little pucker. He ground his cockhead against it a few times, feeling the heat there, and the tightness that was just waiting for him. "Heh...looks like you got a bit of practice taking dick, huh? Well, let's see you take mine!" Rumble Rhino shoved himself forward, groaning as he felt that ass just open for him. It didn't rip like the rat's did, but damn it was tight, squeezing his cock all the way from the tip to the base. He leaned forward, resting his hard chest against the fox's back as he started thrusting, dragging his cock in and out. The little bitch's whimpers faded pretty quickly, just as he thought they would. Foxes were all little sluts and bitches; he'd just bet that this was a reward for the little criminal. *Heh, well, you better take it, you fuck. You think that this is going to be just one round? I'm gonna fuck you right into the ground,* he thought, grabbing the fox by the back of the neck. "You want more, bitch? Beg for it." "Fuck me!" The rhino slammed forward, groaning at the tingle that went down his back, his cock harder than ever. He chuckled, slowly pulling back - "Ram it in, please!" Another thrust as the fox begged for more. But...was he the one to slam it in? Why - "Keep on fucking me! Slam it in, make me bounce!" Even though it was exactly what he wanted to do, Rumble Rhino groaned, feeling his mind going a bit colder each time he followed the order, his thoughts and his need slowing down, replaced by something...something else. Something was - "Again! Fuck me! Fill me up!" One thrust after another, and one command after another, each one followed by an increasingly fading tingle that robbed him of a bit more of his thoughts. Yet, despite that, Rumble Rhino's cock never went down. If anything, it got harder and harder, oozing more and more pre into the little fox. He slammed in hard enough to lift the fox off of the ground, and the little bitch wriggled down on his cock, slamming his ass up and down from the tip to the base. The rhino could only stare, his hands paralyzed. "Don't think!" And he didn't. All his curiosity faded, leaving him with just one instinct, to keep on fucking the fox. He slammed in and out, in and out, his hips moving like pistons as he used the little slut. In and out, in and out, fucking that tight hole, filling him up with everything that he had, his balls smacking off of those white-furred cheeks, the tail pressed against his chest to the point where it was almost getting crushed. Even when he came, he couldn't stop, his hips moving faster and faster, the discomfort a faint sensation compared to the need to follow orders. In and out, in and out, his hips moving as fast as they could possibly go, his balls swaying painfully between his legs as he felt himself losing everything. "Stop." And just like that, he did, leaving only the head of his straining cock inside of the criminal beneath him. The fox slowly slipped off of him, his cockhead making a pop as it slipped free, and then dropped down. At the edge of his consciousness, he realized that the hard-light on the fox's wrists were gone, and he only knew what that meant when he felt a much bigger set of hands working the spandex costume the rest of the way off of him. As the fox pulled his pants back on, Rumble Rhino felt himself being positioned, leaning forward at first, and then pushed down to all fours. He groaned as he was left sprawled out, his head pulled back to look up at the fox. "I would have some sort of advice for you, Rumble Rhino, but I think you'd just ignore it. Like you ignored every other sign of danger here. But I suppose that's the sort of hero you are. All brawn, no brain. Of course, there is a need for that, but not so great a need as you might think." The fox chuckled a bit. "Of course, I don't think you're understanding me here. Brainless as you are, you didn't have much to lose. Let's change that. Obey, but think." The tingle ran through his body like some sort of electrical current. Rumble Rhino jerked, but couldn't move. His muscles below his neck wouldn't do anything, no matter how he pulled. They just didn't obey. *Obey.* His eyes went wide, and he looked up at the fox. "You...who are you?" "I'm just a doctor. A doctor that tended to the rat that you wrecked yesterday, as a matter of fact, and someone that didn't particularly appreciate being pulled away from what he was doing to make him feel better." "Why -" "Because you're an idiot, and because I can't afford to have someone like you running around and causing trouble." He couldn't believe this. Outmaneuvered by some slut of a fox. He was able to look back, and saw Paladin standing behind him, but not in a way that he had ever seen the stallion before. The unicorn's lower armor was gone, and his cock was out...and throbbing. It was fucking huge, bigger than his by a third at least, and more than large enough to wreck... "You've been fucking him?!" "I'm rather thankful for that, I admit. It meant that I barely felt your cock." "Hey!" "Just the truth, Rumble Rhino. But let's see. You think that your victims need that sort of punishing, do you? Let's see how you handle a proper 'stuffing' of your own." "Wait, no, please, we can...we can talk about this!" "Shut up." The tingle hit him, and his mouth shut before he could do anything else. He even *wanted* to shut up, which terrified him. How did this fox do this? It was like magic, almost, making him not just obey, but want to obey. A white-furred hand stroked his head, and he felt thick fingers grabbing at his ass cheeks, pulling them apart until he felt something warm and slick pressing against his hole. The rhino had never, ever, ever taken anything back there, and having seen what the unicorn was packing, he knew this was going to - "Enjoy this." The cock slammed in, and he gasped, his eyes rolling back as he felt his hole pulled open by the thick horse cock. It spread wider and wider, and he moaned and whimpered...and he started getting hard. Somehow, someway, that cock was actually making him get an erection as it forced its way past his ass cheeks, pushing itself deeper and deeper inside of him. Rumble Rhino groaned, whimpering past his clenched jaws, but he couldn't do anything to stop it. The unicorn mounted him without the slightest bit of trouble, and he could feel that cock getting deeper, deeper. It didn't help that the fox was slowly jerking off in front of him, a thick red pillar of flesh dripping just in front of his nose. Every breath he took was stained with the scent of a horny fox, and he couldn't get away from it. "Open up, but don't talk." The tingle forced his mouth open, and he tasted the cock in addition to smelling it. A soft musk, but powerful, ran up his nose into his brain, and the salty taste of pre flooded his mouth. Slightly metallic as well, making it impossible to ignore. The pair of them started thrusting in tandem, rocking him back and forth as his cock was forced erect, harder and harder as the fox kept telling him to 'enjoy this.' Every time he heard the phrase, his cock throbbed to a greater height, and his balls seemed to find more to force through it as a drip to the alley below. They started dragging him back and forth, forcing him down to the base of the fox's cock, and then down to the base of the unicorn's, making him grunt every time they hilted. The wet smacks of their bodies against him, the feeling of being full, was...horribly satisfying, and he didn't want it to be. Rumble Rhino was losing himself, and he couldn't stop it. "You know, Rhino, I think that you should remember this for a long time. I doubt that you could even forget this, but I want to make sure that you remember this lesson. There's something to be gained from controlling other people, but you didn't remember this part. "You make sure that nobody can find out what you've done." He shivered. He thought he'd covered that, but he never reckoned on someone having this sort of power, this ability to draw someone's cooperation past any sense of self-preservation. Who would have thought that someone would find out? He looked up past the cock in his mouth, staring at the fox as he kept talking. "Here's your first command, then. You feel how hard you are now? You will never be that hard again, unless you're sucking a cock. Suck cock, get hard. Fuck cock, get off. Understand?" Rumble Rhino shivered, almost feeling like that was being pressed into the back of his mind, forcing itself to be part of him from now on. It was impossible, though. Nobody could just command - "Pull out." The phrase made no sense, but he realized that it was being said to Paladin. The two of them pulled out, and for a moment, Rumble Rhino felt some sort of relief. They weren't fucking him anymore - But then he felt it. The sudden sagging down below, his cock falling flat before slowly retracting. It was going softer faster than ever before, but...but the feeling of need was still there. He gasped, groaning as his hole started twitching on its own, clenching on nothing, and he felt himself start drooling as he looked at the fox cock just a few inches away. *What did...he can't have...* Yet as the fox stepped forward, grinding his cock against the rhino's face, Rumble felt his cock shooting right back up. The taste of the shaft, the feeling of it sliding into his mouth and sliding over his tongue, left him harder than ever. He could feel it smacking against his belly, throbbing and desperate to cum like he had in the fox's ass just a bit ago. Even so, he couldn't move, even when the horse pulled himself in close again. The thick cock still terrified him, yet the pleasure was all too real as it slid back into him, spreading him wide. He arched his back as he was told to, and shivered as they started fucking him faster than ever, forcing him up and down their cocks, the fox's knot slapping against his lips. "Orgasm isn't possible for you until you've made your partner cum." He felt the tingle, his body obeying even as his mind begged for it not to be the case. He groaned, his eyes closing tight as he felt his own need locked down. It was right there, the chance for climax just out of reach, and he wiggled his body for some sort of relief. It didn't come. Not until he felt the dribbling of cum into his hole, and tasted the fox blowing down his throat. As soon as he felt their seed entering him, his own orgasm just...exploded. Rumble Rhino came harder than he'd ever cum before, his back arching and his balls pulling up tight against his crotch. His eyes rolled back in their sockets, and he shivered as he squirted against the ground again, and again, and again, each shot of cum almost as much as he would have shot during a normal orgasm. It felt like he was being drained of everything that he had, his entire body wracked with bliss and pleasure. He kept cumming and cumming, his cock throbbing up and down, slapping against his belly, painting his face with cum, his chest, his costume, the alley floor. Everything in reach was splattered, and the only reason he didn't hit the fox was because he was still just out of reach, standing out of the way. He came, and came, and came, until there was nothing left in his balls, and even then his cock kept twitching for about half a minute. "Very good, Rumble, very good. Return to the station in one hour, and I'll give you a check-up to make sure that you are still in good health." *Station...check-up? He's the...* He shivered, his slow brain gradually fitting the pieces together. This fox had to be the doctor that he kept hearing about, the one that kept putting people back together and was so good at his job that nobody remembered why they were there... He must...he probably had the whole station under his control. That's what Rumble would have done, if he had this power. If that was the case... *I can't say anything. Nobody will understand.* "You won't talk about this. Ever." And even so, the fox wasn't taking any risks. He felt the lockdown, the tingle that sealed the order. Rumble lowered his head. "I'll let you remember this. And I will watch you, see how you handle it. If you're good, I'll see to it that you are given cock from time to time. If not...I'll have to take stronger measures. Wait here for ten minutes, then get dressed. I'll see you in an hour." He nodded, listening as the fox and horse got dressed and walked away. When the ten minutes were up, he did as he was told, and then leaned against the wall, trying to pull himself together. *How...how do I...what can I even do?* The End
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 110: A Long Time Before Normal Becomes Normal (Revival Part One) by Worlds Apart
#111 of Counter Earth Chronicles Last Chapter After their return, Alex and Lady Ursa are debriefed by Lord Tiger, Lady Vermin, Sir Ram and Sanda. During the meeting the fierce ursine warrior and her human pet recount what happened to them during their time away from the empire. Despite being
[ "Aardvark", "Adventure Series", "Aliens", "Ass Dance", "Bears", "Buffalo Calves", "Communal Bathing", "Counseling Session", "Curfew", "Dog", "Dream", "Epic Adventure", "Ermine", "Fondling", "Giant Cloud", "Hugging", "Humans", "Hyena", "Kissing", "Licking", "Lioness", "Long", "M/F", "M/M", "Mongoose", "Plot Development", "Puffins", "Reunion", "Sharing of Experiences", "Shock", "Story Series", "Trance", "terror", "triceraton" ]
Counter Earth Chronicles **Chapter 110: A Long Time Before Normal Becomes Normal (Revival Part One)** Day 929 (Night) "I had been thinking about those two." Lady Ursa said as we made our way through the numerous messages professor Stern and Corbin had left. We then decided to contact the two. An image of an energetic mongoose soon appeared on the viewscreen. "Big brother, momma bear! Where have you been?!" "Oblivion." I responded to my little brother. "Madam knight, Alex. You two look like you have just emerged from the business end of a grinder." My sister's doppelgänger said. "We have." My she beast said to her secret operative. The human female and the little mongoose boy just stared. "It is a long, long story." Lady Ursa said. "I am exhausted telling it." "You know that vacation we took in December of 031 YOE?" I said. "Yes?" Corbin nodded. "We just came back from it." I admitted. "That must have been some vacation." The blond haired female said. "It altered our lives." I said almost too candidly. "Enough pet. Do you have any news for me professor?" My warrior bear said redirecting the conversation and where are you?" "Much has changed since you were gone. My permissions to the site have been revoked." "The curfew?" I asked the two. Corbin nodded. "However, I have learned somethings, madam knight. But I don't want to talk about it here. I would prefer that you and Alex come visit. We have much to discuss." The professor said. I looked at my bear. "With the curfew in place across the five cities, no one is allowed out at night. Alex and I have an appointment in the morning. So let's meet in afternoon." Lady Ursa said. "That will be great!" Corbin said. "I can't wait to see you!" "Same." I said. My mistress and I spent the rest of the evening cleaning up the lair. With what we learned in the Maximum it didn't take as long as I thought it would have. We also took frequent breaks to review video messages we had received. There were many from the Consortium, The trio, professor Love as well. "It is going to take some time to go through all of these." My warrior bear said. "Are you saying we should call it a night?" "I am. We should bathe." I followed my she beast to the shower. "You first Alex." She said as she had me spread my legs and place my arms against the shower wall, like I was being frisked. From there she started lathering my body starting at my neck, then shoulders, arms, back, torso, waist, groin, rump, legs and then feet. \*OAH\* "That feels wonderful, magical!" I moaned. "It has been too long!" "I take it my doppelgänger was not a suitable replacement?" "No." I said. There was an awkward pause. "We should switch." My fierce ursine warrior took my place on the shower wall as I started lathering her beautiful form. I started at her neck, then moved on to her shoulders, arms, back, torso, waist, legs saving her bosom, rump and groin for last. "Alex?" "It has been too long since I have touched these." I murred. "Pet?" My fierce ursine warrior said. "I have to make sure that these are very clean." I said oogling her magnificent rack. "Weird, they weren't that dirty." "Boris made sure to keep his pretty lady bear clean." My she beast said imitating her cell mate and assigned breeding partner. And again there was that awkward pause between the two of us. It continued as we dried off and then went to my she beast's chambers. "I know you have been looking forward to this for a long, long time." I said as my warrior bear climbed into her bed. "If that means being in my chambers and not having to share my bed with anyone else other then my pet. You are right." She said motioning me to join her. We laid on our sides facing each other as I moved in to rest my head on my soft pillows at last. She ran her paws to grope my bottom. "How I missed these so, so, so much." I moaned. "So have you thought about what you are going to do with your time off mistress?" "Try to persuade the commander to return me to service sooner." My she bear moaned. "I don't think that is going to happen as quick as you like." I said nuzzling her. "Yes, pet I know." "We have both been through something quite profound, it challenged, tested and brought us to our breaking points. I would say it even broke us." I said to my bear knight. "I understand what you are saying pet, but I would rather be working." "Not while we are still messed up, that is why we have been ordered to see Lea for counseling; it is going to be some time before we are whole again. If ever." "Who is to say that I am not now?" Lady Ursa asked me. "Are you telling me that you can bottle up everything that we have just went through and lock it in a closet somewhere?" There was that silence again from her. "You maybe, but I can't. In a very strange way, I miss Bertha and Spirit." I readily admitted. "Oh?" She asked me. "I thought you said she wasn't a suitable replacement for me?" "As bizarre as this is, both of them are on my mind." "Why is that pet?" "Despite the fact that I was intimate with the both of them- repeatedly. I considered them friends you know? They were very kind and looked out for me during a very difficult time. Now we are back where we belong and they are still stuck at the Maximum." "Are you sure pet? You were forced into breeding with Bertha daily and then she used you to help the patient she was treating. What did Sprit call you- his comfort animal?" "Yeah he did. In a strange way, both of those two made a horrible situation less horrible." "You were developing feelings for them?" "You know towards the end, I think I was- I guess the sex was part of that, maybe Bertha's anatomy very similar to yours, sans the fur, claws, snout and tail was another. If I looked past that, I could imagine that she was you. And Spirit, he had that cute face, the brown eyes, the white streak down his nose, the orange colored cheeks, his brown fur, the orange colored groin and the brown colored penis with the orange colored tip that I liked to watch emerge from its sheath." "You mean the same one he used to sex you with- repeatedly?" "I didn't really like that, but I did like feeling his flanks, his bottom, nuzzling his nose and the way he licked me on my neck after sex. Wow! I guess I was developing feelings for him towards the end." "With all that you had been through, it isn't surprising." My lady bear said non-judgmentally. "I just hope that the two of them are ok and that the wrath of the warden didn't rain down on them after we left." Lady Ursa looked at me. "I mean given Bertha's, Kathryn and Nikki's crimes- I know why they are there. But Spirit doesn't belong there. I mean how is that going to help treat his condition?" "You are suggesting that he needs to be elsewhere Alex?" "Some where, where his issues can be treated so that he can function in society and not take out his frustrations on others if he is in another failed relationship. He is a nice guy once you get past the lewd sex, the multiple positions and all the hugging and groping." "I am still thinking about Boris." My she beast readily admitted. "You are are you?" I said to my bear knight. "Among other things." "Really?" "I wouldn't admit it to him, pet- but it was really nice having another of my kind to talk to. Even if he was a criminal." "Do you miss him?" "Alex!" "He told me once that you only tolerated him in order to obey the warden." "I did. Unlike you, I did have a bunk bed to myself as did he." "So when it was time to comply with the warden's orders whose bed did you do it in?" There was that awkward pause again. But it was good that we were talking about this. We needed to talk about this and not keep it bottled up. "Mistress?" "He would come to mine pet. I would be sleeping and he would sneak in behind me. Then I would receive gentle kisses to my neck, then he would massage my neck, shoulders, back, legs, rump and tail." "That sounds quite nice." "At some point the foreplay would end and he would whisper that it was time." My bear knight reluctantly admitted. "So what happened next?" "He would reach around and play with my chest and then wedge his penis between my legs to touch my lips." "Lips?" "Not the lips you are thinking of." She meant the lips at her cave of wonder. "And that is when you would mate." My she beast nodded. "He would lie on me, kissing me on the head and neck encouraging me to wrap my arms and legs around him. I would tease him for having a small butt and he would say that was the way he was built- but he would compensate for his deficiencies." "Which would lead to a lot of \*UNF\*, \*UNF\*, \*UNF\*." I said giggling. "And the inevitable Boris is going to cum pretty lady bear or Boris can't take any more here come cubs!" Lady Ursa said imitating him again. "And then he would vocally express his extreme joy of ejaculating inside his pretty lady bear." "Precisely pet, at first I was revulsed. But as we acclimated to our routine I eventually accepted it. Some times he was on top, some times I was on top." "Did it feel good?" "The after sex was tolerable. Toward the end I did like being embraced by him and we started copulating in positions you and I couldn't." My mistress readily admitted. "For instance?" I asked her. "Doggie style." "I guess you are right." I said. I could only play with her rump and lower back because of her height while Boris could reach her neck and breasts while in the same position. "Do you miss him?" There was that awkward silence again. "I do pet. But remember he is a criminal and cunning thief who chose not to obey the master's rules." "Do you think he could be reformed?" "If he chooses to." My warrior bear said rolling on her back and pulling me on top of her. "It is time for rest Alex." "Yes it is and mistress?" "What is that pet?" "Welcome home." I said laying me head down on my soft pillows. We slept comfortably for most of the night despite some lingering after effects from our experiences. \*POOF\* "It is almost dawn my little comfort animal." The Tian mountain dog said as he nuzzled me. "Spirit let me sleep." I whined from within Bertha's embrace. The spotted dog had stretched out laying on me so that our bellies were touching as he looked me squarely in the face. "So does that mean you are planning to give our ex-wrestler your ALL this morning?" "Uh, no." I said groggily. "Then we should get started." "Um how are we going to do that?" I asked as he got up and turned around. "Just watch." The crazy canine kneeled straddling my legs and started swinging his thin rump side to side like he was giving me some type of nudie show. (Yuck) Spirit's ass dance went on for a minute or so before he turned around to check on me. "Not exciting you huh?" He asked me. "Nope." I whispered trying not to wake Bertha. "Hmm..." He then straddled my legs again kneeling just below my groin. "How about this?" He said grasping my penis and bringing it to touch his sheath. "Eh." I said very candidly. "So what does excite you?" The spotted dog asked me slightly annoyed. I turned red when he asked me. "Well if you must know, rubbing your flanks when you are sitting on my lap. Squeezing that narrow rump of yours during foreplay and watching your penis emerge from its sheath at the end of foreplay." (Did I just say that?) "Here." He said moving my hand to touch his scrotal sack. I just loved his coloring down there. Gently I stroked and massaged his testicles until his penis finally made an appearance. "So the secret is finally out." He said kissing me on my forehead. "I guess so." I said. "My turn." He said sliding down my body. He moved his snout from my forehead to my penis and started licking it. \*AH\* I moaned. In by inch he eroded my flaccidity. "There we are butt buddy, nice and ready." Spirit said climbing just above my waist so that he could lower himself onto his target. Your silent defiance of warden 'grey skin' begins today." I grunted in response. "Now when you jizz, I want everything inside these." He said grabbing my scrotum. "Don't leave her anything." With those orders the Tian mountain dog started raising and lowering himself up and down my shaft. I just leaned my head back on Bertha's chest and moaned enjoying the pleasurable sensations, up and down down and up until.... \*\*OOOOOOHH!!!\*\* I came hard inside the spotted dog. "Oh that was so, so nice." He said kissing me on my head again. "That is the other thing I like." I moaned. "What is that sweetie?" "Your after sex kisses." "So glad you like them." He grinned. "He is all yours." "It is about time." The dark skinned woman said as Spirit backed off of my groin. "How long have you be up?" I asked my breeding partner. "I think since \*AH\* \*AH\* \*AHHHHHH- AH\*" She answered. "So this is your new plan to delay the inevitable?" I nodded. "It is a smart one." She said turning me over. I aligned myself to her entrance and slid in. I gently started rocking back and forth inside her trying to bring myself to a second orgasm that morning. After a little nuzzling, a little fondling and some groping I finally did ejaculate inside the dark skinned female. The amount was very very very small." (Screw you warden!) Bertha moved both her hands from my lower back to my rump spreading it wide preparing me for the third act. "EYAHH!!! Spirit! What the hell?!" "We have to keep up appearances." The crazy canine said. "Besides I want sloppy thirds!" \*POOF\* (It was a dream, a passionate dream about the days after the warden's assembly and before our rescue.) I wasn't the only one dreaming. Beneath me my warrior bear was tossing and turning. (Perhaps dreaming about her he bear?) I licked two of my fingers and gently slid them in and out of her cub tunnel. To my surprise she settled down. Right, we were still deeply affected by our experiences at the Maximum. Day 930 It was around 6 AM when my mistress' communicator went of off. She reached over toward her night stand careful not to disturb her favorite pet that who was still sleeping on her. She answered it. There was the usual un-huhs before she returned it to the stand and started grumbling. "Something wrong mistress?" I asked looking up from my pillows. "Yes, I am still relieved from duty until further notice." She grumbled. "You and I are to have our first counseling session with Lea this morning and every morning until she says otherwise." "That is understandable." I said as my she beast growled. It was then she received my finger tip to her mouth. "I know you hate being idle mistress. So let's use this time to reconnect with our friends and see what has happened during our absence." I said kissing her. "Very well." She grumbled. "And quit being a sour puss. We are free from that damn prison, away from that Dowd and most importantly our bodies belong to us again." I said hugging her. And so we got up and started our morning routine. After nineteen months it was hard to get into the groove again. We exercised, showered and ate breakfast. During that time we went through the video messages on view screen. "Well we responded to professor Stern and Corbin." My she beast said looking at the monitor. "Who is next?" "The consortium." I said. "They left about 32 messages." So we went through them one by one. They were from Dongo, Bess and Tess wondering where I had disappeared to and if I was ok. After seeing their level of concern, I decided to contact Dongo at work. A picture of a hyena in a technician's uniform appeared on the screen. "Hub service site four Dongo Dingo speaking." "Hey." I said to the hyena. "Alex! Where have you been? Bess and Tess heard the knights reported you missing!" "Greetings Dongo." My warrior bear said to the hyena. "Madam knight." The hub technician said greeting my mistress. "It is great to see the both of you again but where have you been?!" "Oblivion." I said to the leader of the consortium. "Dongo it is a long story. The short version is that we went on vacation and just got back yesterday." "What vacation lasts that long?" "One like you have never experienced." My she beast said. "We are still acclimating to what has happened while we were away." "Yes the empire is in disarray and the economy in recession. The consortium is having a meeting tonight about that." The hyena said blushing. "Great where?!" I asked. "It will be via the hub." He said to me. "That is right the curfew." I said smacking myself on my forehead. "That has limited everyone's ability to go out and have a good time." "What time is the meeting?" Lady Ursa asked. "8 PM sharp and hour past curfew." "Ok I will see you then. You and the others can fill me in on the last year and a half." I said to the hyena in the tech uniform. "More importantly the group wants to hear where you have been." Dongo shot back. "Fair enough." I said. "See you then." "It is nearly 8 AM pet, we should be going." My she beast said as she prepared to put on her uniform. "Remember mistress, you are not on duty." My warrior bear grumbled as she put on her something less official and more casual. From there I started heading toward Lea's lab. "No Alex, she wanted us to meet on the roof." My she beast said. "Ok the roof then." Lady Ursa and I met Sir Ram's sexy lab assistant on the roof of the castle. Which was the perfect meeting place on this late summer morning. "Alex, my lady, thank you for coming." The beautiful young lioness said. "Anything for you gorgeous." I said to her. (Man, did I miss her!) "Enough pet, Lea can we just get this over with?" My warrior bear asked our healer. "It won't be that simple. You two have a seat." She said pointing to two lounge chairs. "Ok." I said sitting down. Lady Ursa joined me. "I was thinking about what we should do for your first session." The sexy she beast said. "And?" My warrior bear said crossing her arms. "You two both have been traumatized. In order to heal you, we need to identify the trauma before you can come to terms with it." "So what did you have in mind?" I asked the hot lioness in the white lab coat. "I am going to put both of you into a trance to help you recall your memories." Lea said. "I remember everything that happened on the sky ship." I said. "But it would be nice for Lady Ursa to recall what they made her forget." "Precisely. Dear we are going to reconstruct what they made you forget. Only then can we help you with your trauma." "Very well." Lady Ursa said. "How do we proceed?" "Lie back and give me you paws." The young lioness said. "Close your eyes and think back to the that evening- really think. You and Alex were trying to prepare for dinner, you saw the sky ship, Alex signaled it, the alien creatures signaled back before taking you aboard and then...." "I- I saw the beings all around me poking and prodding. They took some type of crystal device and ran it over the strange markings on my foot paws and armpits." My lady bear said trying to remember. "What happened next?" Lea asked further entrancing my she beast. "I noticed there were other beastials in the room. They were being experimented on as well. I screamed. Alex is in the room too, he called out to me before disappearing in a beam of light." Lady Ursa said as she remembered the moment the greys returned me to the planet. "So they sent Alex back?" "One of them told me they have no interest in humans. But they were very interested to see me. I was then taken to another room. It had large oval doors." "What did you see behind those doors?" I asked growing concerned. "I saw them examining a avian family. They were puffins, a mother and father and their three children. All five of them were plastered to the wall of the room by some green substance. The greys had just stuck two large needles in each of the parent's eyes and and were making their way toward their young next...." My she beast gasped as she woke up from the trance. "Do you remember anything else?" The lioness asked. My warrior bear shook her head. "It is a start. Little by little we will reconstruct your memory until you can remember it all." Lea focused the rest of the morning on me. I couldn't recall any more details than what I had already said to the knights at the debriefing. "Good session." The sexy lioness said. "We will continue this tomorrow." "Thank you gorgeous." I said hugging the sexy she beast. "Yes thank you." Lady Ursa said trembling. "We better be going pet if we want to have enough time to catch up with professor Stern and Corbin." "Yeah it is almost noon." I admitted as I started following her to the loading dock. Since my mistress was on sabbatical we couldn't use the prototype- the knights were using it on missions to maintain order, instead we used her hover bike which had been recovered from just outside the Dark Forest. Lady Ursa performed some systems checks before boarding it. "Everything ok?" "Yes pet. It is in excellent condition." With that we proceeded to professor Stern's house on the north end of the city very close to the park where that gang of bad beastials were turned into trees. "Momma bear! Big brother!" A very energetic mongoose boy said pouncing on us. Lady Ursa and I hugged and hugged the little guy. "You seem to be well." My she beast said to her 'cub'. "I am. When you two disappeared the professor adopted me!" "Congratulations Corbin. You have a home and a family now." I said as professor Stern met us at the door. "How is motherhood treating you?" Lady Ursa said greeting my sister's doppelgänger. "Good. He is no trouble to look after at all." "So you have been stuck here?" My she beast observed. "Come in." The blond female said. "With everything that is going on her permissions have been revoked. That happened when the master instigated the curfews to clampdown on the unrest." Corbin said. "So I took as much as I could back to the house and have been continuing my research here." The archeologist said leading us to a sun room off of a nice looking kitchen- her whole house was nice looking. She had us take seats there offering us lunch. "But more importantly where have you two been?! I was worried sick!" The little mongoose boy said. "Have a seat it is going to be a long story." I said to my little brother and his guardian. Yet another detailed recap later.... "WOW....." The little mongoose boy said removing his shirt and shorts. "That is completely unbelievable." Professor Stern said. "All of it is true." Lady Ursa said. "Are you two undergoing therapy or counseling for what happened?" Lady Ursa and I both nodded. "We heard that it is best to talk about what happened all of it." I said. "Uh, Corbin what are you doing?" We watched as the little mongoose boy searched his body to make sure that he didn't have any strange alien markings- any where. "There is nothing on my neck or back is there?" "Um no." Lady Ursa said. "What about my...." "Um, little brother I don't think the alien creatures wouldn't mark you there, it would have to be some place easily accessible." I said stopping the little mongoose from searching his unmentionables and showing us his 'little elephant'. "Like here." Lady Ursa said showing the blond female and her cub the alien markings on her foot paws. "Remarkable." The professor said. "How long have you had these?" "Since I became a beastial." My bear knight said. "What were they like, were they friendly?" Ms. Stern asked. "Such a flake!" Corbin huffed. "If they were friendly professor they would not take any beast against their will." "I found them deliberate, cold and calculating- like they had a job to do and we were nothing but research subjects to them. They performed their tests, collected their data and returned us." I said. "What is to prevent them from returning?" The blond female said. "Nothing." Lady Ursa said. "They told Alex that they would check on me in a few years. Even if I didn't want them too, there is nothing I can do about it." "She will be taken restudied and returned when they are finished with her." I said. "Or maybe not- they kept one of the members of the Animalitia after they let us go." "Do they still have him?" Corbin asked. "Has there been any news about Triceraton in the last year and a half?" I asked. "Nope." The professor said. "Then it could be possible they still have him." I said as my she beast put her paw on my shoulder. "I am sorry mistress. I know this is upsetting." "Professor what progress have you made?" My she beast asked. "I finished mapping the lost city. Here, look at this." The professor said producing a halo map of the underground structure. "It is completely self sufficient; they made it that way." The little mongoose boy said. "This over here beyond the houses was a storage silo- for food. This structure over here stored drinking water and this over here was for waste extraction." The professor said pointing to each item. "So the humans lived underground from the for quite some time from the giant cloud, professor- but what can you tell us about it?" My fierce ursine warrior asked. "Yes the giant cloud or phantom cascade has visited several times before on this world. The event four years ago to start and then about a hundred fifty years ago and seventy five years before that which was around the time the lost city was built." "So the lost city is about two hundred years old?" My she beast asked the archeologist. "Approximately. It was inhabited during the time the mural was constructed. But as far as I can tell those were the three times the giant cloud event happened and it was right where the empire now resides." "The professor believes that the giant cloud has been 'appearing at intervals." Corbin said. "But I haven't figured out the pattern. I also believe it has visited prior to recorded history on this world. But I can't be sure- there is just no record." "To what end and for what purpose?" I asked. "Do we know where it came from?" My lady bear asked. "Still unknown. For all I know it could be a weapon launched by the alien creatures." The archeologist said. (Now that was a disturbing thought.) "What about effects from its visit?" I asked my sister's doppelgänger. "The books I was able to translate talked about some sickness that caused the remaining populace to flee, but details are vague." "Do we know if and when it will happen again?" Lady Ursa asked. "It hit four years ago, are we good for another seventy-five? A hundred?" I asked piling on. "That is about as much as I have been able to determine." Ms. Stern said. "It is a start you two, good work." My she beast said complimenting her operatives. We ended up staying most of the afternoon catching up with Corbin and the professor. It was so good to see them again. It was around six in the evening when my mistress and I departed for home. We didn't want to be caught outside after curfew. On the way back to the castle we noticed that traffic in World One was lite as the populace also started to return home. Back in the lair, my fierce ursine warrior pondered what her operative had discovered. "What she found is quite disturbing pet. But has also lead to more questions. Questions that won't be answered until she is allowed to return to the site." "It is going to take some tack to get past the curfew to get her back to the lost city." "Yes pet I know." We continued to talk until it was time for the consortium's meeting. "Alex!" Two buffalo calves said greeting me on the view screen. "Hi you two, how have you been?" "More importantly where have you been?" Bess and Tess asked in unison. "It is a very long story guys I will fill you in due time." I said. "Dongo and Doria World Two signing on." "Bess, Tess and Alex World One signing on." "Hey Doria how is it going?" I asked Dongo's main squeeze. "It is alright Alex, I brought her into the fold." The hyena said blushing. "Wow." I said. "With everything that is going on, how could he not?" The brunette said. "What did you do when you found out?" I asked her. "I told my hyena I was proud of him. He has come a long way from that reckless bestial that torched my apartment." "Niko World Five signing on." A cute all white female ermine(?) said joining our call. "Cinder World Four signing on." A young Aardvark boy said joining the call. During my absence it looked like Dongo, Tess and Bess had filled the vacancies for World's Four and Five. (I wonder who the consortium found for the vacancy in World Three?) I thought to myself. I didn't have long to wait. "Neil Winter World Three signing on." \*GASP\* "Everyone, this is Alex- a long time member. He joined just after Bess, Tess and I did." Dongo said starting the meeting. "Oh hi Alexander." Neil said staring at me. "Say big brother, when did you get out?" To Be Continued....
Kit Cloudkicker's Lustful Deal by GerboiseBleu
Kit Cloudkicker makes a deal with Shere Khan for amazing women to fuck. - Kit Cloudkicker was walking the streets alone and angry. He couldn't believe he was so stupid. He didn't think Rebecca Cunningham would wake up so easily. He just wanted to feel some real breasts and she was sleeping. Now he
[ "Clementine Clevenger", "Kit Cloudkicker", "Shere Khan", "TaleSpin", "rebecca cunningham" ]
Kit Cloudkicker was walking the streets alone and angry. He couldn't believe he was so stupid. He didn't think Rebecca Cunningham would wake up so easily. He just wanted to feel some real breasts and she was sleeping. Now he had to walk home himself at night. "Stupid Rebecca..." he said out loud, "It was just a touch. I mean sheesh don't you know I'm a growing boy with hormones?" He hears a laugh in an alley, one that's too familiar. Shere Khan walks out and smirks at him. "I couldn't help but overhearing your frustration." he said dryly. "I've been trying to look around to make deals to make sure your team didn't interfere in my next business...we'll say venture...but I believe we can make a deal ourselves now that you're here." "What kind of deal?" asked Kit cautiously. "How'd you like to be able to touch Rebecca Cunningham all you want?" he proposed. He smirked and awaited the answer he knew would come. "...how would you be able to do that?" Kit wonders suspiciously out loud. "I have my ways," answered Shere Khan, "But I am a tiger of my word. In fact, take the night to think about it. Then come to my office, top floor, ten in the morning." he walks away. Kit Cloudkicker then finished his own walk home, contemplating his answer. However by the morning he wanted to touch Rebecca so bad he took up the offer. He arrives at Shere Khan's office in time and walks to the desk where he's sitting with a smirk. "It's a deal Shere Khan!" said Kit, "I'll make sure Baloo and I look the other way for a while. But I want to be able to touch Rebecca, hell, I want to fuck her!" Shere Khan laughs then waves his hand. Two familiar women walk out smiling and in skimpy outfits. Rebecca Cunningham and Clementine Clevenger lustfully stare at him and Shere, awaiting orders. "H-how?" "Like I said, I have my ways." he answered, "I even brought another woman to spice up the fun. I'll join you and also record this to make sure the deal is kept. It's one thing for a rich business mogul who can pay off the press to be caught fucking women, it's another for you to fuck Rebecca, your own employer. Because sadly I can't keep her our fuck slave forever. She will have to be back to normal in 24 hours. But she is for now a fuck slave to our desires and for the next 12 hours immune from pregnancy." Kit Cloudkicker grinned, he didn't care about all of that, he was just glad he could fuck the hottest women he knew. Shere Khan smirked. "Let's get started then." Clementine Clevenger sat on the couch and smiled. Kit Cloudkicker began stripping while Rebecca Cunningham did the same. Kit Cloudkicker walked to the couch and pointed to it, signalling Rebecca to lay across, her head in Clementine's lap and her pussy being displayed to his throbbing erection. Kit Cloudkicker without thought began fucking her rather passionately. They both moaned, enjoying every thrust. The camera rolled behind the couch, capturing it all as Shere Khan stood behind it smirking. Kit Cloudkicker forced his tongue inside Rebecca's mouth but she quickly learned to love it and made out back. Clementine continued to sit while smugly smiling at Kit while she let one breast reveal itself right in front of him. Kit finished the french kiss then grabbed the breast to feel it with one hand while his other felt Rebecca's breast. Kit then grunted and came inside her. "Wow\~" he panted. Then he grinned and saw Clementine strip and then once Kit backed off of Rebecca, Clementine got on top. She looked back waiting for approval from her temporary master. Kit nodded and then fucked Clementine while she had some lesbian fun with Rebecca. The combination of Kit's thrusting with Rebecca's tongue licking Clementine's breasts caused what Kit thought was the sexiest moan he had ever heard. "D-damn you two sluts are great at this." Shere Khan himself got a boner from the scene and decided it was his time to join in. Shere Khan stripped to reveal a very fit body. For a businessmen he never failed to make sure he wasn't of an Olympian build. The sluts blushed at seeing him then he simply walked to their end of the couch and let his hard cock dangle over Rebecca's mouth. "Lick it and suck it, whore!" he ordered. Rebecca lovingly obeyed and did so. Shere Khan panted from the warm and wet feelings on his cock. Kit began fucking Clementine harder and then Shere Khan decided to have Rebecca ride him. He sat down and Rebecca slowly sat on his cock and sank down, moaning softly along the way. Then she began bouncing and he grunted in pleasure. Eventually both men came inside the sex slaves and panted. Kit then stood on the couch and ordered both slaves to blow him. They did so, with Clementine's hand stroking Shere Khan's cock. Kit's first blowjob felt so amazing he came within seconds and both slaves lovingly took as much as they could. Kit panted then sat on the couch panting. "That...was amazing. Thanks Shere." Shere Khan goes to turn off the camera. "Glad you enjoyed yourself. Since they're mine for 24 hours, feel free to come back in the evening if you wish." he offered and began putting his suit back on. "Thanks Mr. Khan!" said Kit as he got dressed. On his way out he saw a powder packet on a table. "What's this?" "That's...one of my methods." admitted Shere Khan. "Keep it to make sure you tell know one about this." Kit smiled and nodded then left the office. Later Shere Khan strips and gets in his bath. "Alright bitch get in here." Clementine purrs and gets in the bath to join him. She strokes his chest and kisses him. Almost indifferent he puts his arm around her. He then contemplated his deal. He remembered that while he said the slaves were his 24 hours, he actually gave them enough drugs to where their slutty feelings would be permanently inside them. They may revert to their past lives, but their slutty natures would remain if anyone tried anything. He wondered if Kit or Baloo might ever take advantage of that should they find out. In addition, with a packet of drugs in Kit's hands, he could make himself another slave. It didn't matter now, he now wanted to use his slave for a special purpose. He needed a business heir, and the twelve hours were up. He grabbed Clementine's face and made out with her then carried her out of the tub and laid her on the floor outside the rim of the tub, as the tub was in the ground. He then stood up and had his figure overshadow her then bend over to kiss her neck as he fucked her. Clementine moaned and took in his cock over and over. Shere Khan may be a cold business mogul but even to his slaves he tried to please. He caressed her breasts, kept using his tongue to please her, and made sure he fucked the right way to guarantee she would squirt her juices in pleasure. Eventually he roared and came inside her. He panted and smiled. His heir would be on its way. At headquarters Kit Cloudkicker was walking around. Baloo wasn't back from his mission yet but Rebecca summoned him. He gulped imagining she was back to normal and ready to yell at him again for grabbing her breast the other day. But to his surprise she was smiling. "Thanks for coming Kit," she began, "I wanted to apologize. I yelled at you for grabbing my breast but...admittedly...looking back on it for some reason I realized I enjoyed it." Kit's eyes widened. "I know that sounds weird, but anyway, I didn't deserve to yell at you." Kit smiled then began thinking. Was it possible? Did...whatever Sheere Khan use...not completely go away? He needed to know for sure. He then slapped her butt. "It's ok Rebecca." he chuckled. Rebecca continued to smile. She didn't slap him in the face! He then put two and two together again: could he order her around still? "Make it up to me by sucking it." Rebecca blushed then got on her knees. Kit blushed heavily, this was a dream come true! He lowered his pants eagerly and grinned as Rebecca licked his cock then sucked it lovingly. "Mmm\~" she moaned as she took it all in. Kit came down her throat and she backed off to show strings of it flowing down her throat. "Anything else?" Kit then had a lustful idea. "Actually, yes." he replied, "Bring me your daughter."