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Title: Blood of the Samurai by Raul
Tags: Action, Adventure, Character Development, Feudal Japan, Realistic, Violence (Not In Yiff)
Wow! Another story?! Holy shiznit! Well, this one isn't exactly new, but I've not posted it here before. Enjoy this lots and lots, and remember, all the characters are copyrighted to meee! Steal them and I will end you. This will turn into a proper series, and I have started on the second chapter, so have no fear! There will be another.
Blood of the Samurai
Japan...the Land of the Rising Sun. It is said that an ancient god dipped his sword into the sea, and from its blade fell three perfect drops. These drops formed islands of Japan; Honshu, Kyushu and Hokkaido. These islands used to be ruled by a single Emperor, but after years of warring, the land is divided amongst the Feudal lords. Each lord is vying for control of the land, but none have been successful thus far. But this tale does not focus on this conflict. Instead, it focuses on a single man. A Samurai, a Ronin. Once a member of the proud Samurai elite, his lord was slain, so he wonders the country, masterless, not knowing what he seeks, but sure he will know it when he finds it. His swords are his only companions, and that is all the companionship he requires....
He was tall, taller than average at least, dressed in a purple kimono so faded it looked grey, with two swords at his belt; a Daito and a Katana. The sword's sheaths looked very used, with numerous slash marks in the black leather covering. The seasoned oak that the scabbards were made from was beginning to show through. He wore a straw sugegasa on his head, so most of his face was in shadow. He looked to be a snake anthropoid, although it was hard to tell what species. His long green tail was held just above the ground, and the tip twitched occasionally. He walked with his arms inside his kimono, the sleeves hanging loosely by his sides. His fingers were tucked into his faded lavender sash, and he seemed to be smiling about something. It was a very cold day, the cold was dry, and so the road was dusty. Not that he minded, even though it was cold, he was well insulated, having stopped to stuff his kimono with dry bamboo leaves. But even in the cold you get thirsty, so he was soon walking away from the road and down towards a small stream. He reached into his kimono and withdrew a bamboo flask. He removed the stopper and lowered it into the stream. He looked around at his surroundings. He could see rice fields in the distance, the water long since frozen. Once he had re filled his flask, he replaced the stopper, and stowed it safely in his kimono before drinking directly from the stream. Once he had sated his thirst, he went back to the road, wiping his mouth. He had not gone a hundred yards however, when there was a rustle in the bushes either side of the road. "I will assume you are bandits." The snake said aloud. A group of five armed men stepped out of the bushes, battered and rusty weapons drawn. "Oh dear. It would appear you are bandits." "Hand over your money and those swords, and we'll let you live." One of the bandits said (the leader, it would seem) "My swords?" the snake said, raising his head slightly, his arms filling the sleeves of his kimono. "Are you aware that a Samurai's sword is an extension of his body...nay, his very soul?" "Yeah yeah. Enough with the philosophy, hand 'em over." "If you know that, then you must know that once I draw my swords, I may not re-sheath them until they have tasted blood?" "There's five of us, and one of you. Don't be stupid." "Oh?" The snake said with a smile and placed one hand on the Daito's sheath "For you, only one sword I think." "Enough of this. Get him." The bandit leader said. As he and his men advanced, the Samurai slowly pushed the sword from its sheath with his thumb. "My name..." he said, causing the bandits to pause "Is Yamamoto Ikkaku." He reached up and pulled off his hat, tossing it into the air. As the bandits raised their heads, Ikkaku moved. The first one to die was the bandit leader. As Ikkaku drew his Daito, the blade slashed the bandit across the chest. Ikkaku brought his left hand up and gripped the hilt of the Daito, bringing it down on the second bandit in a double handed stroke, slicing deep into his skull. Ikkaku whirled around and disembowelled the third bandit. The fourth bandit brought his rusty Naginata round in a clumsy swing. Ikkaku simply caught the haft, and stabbed the Bandit through the heart. The final bandit had seen the fate of his comrades and was turning to flee. Ikkaku kicked the corpse off his blade and turned, flinging out his arm as he did so. The Daito flew through the air like an arrow from a Yumi bow, and went straight trough the bandit's neck. Ikkaku walked forwards and pulled the blade from the body, just as his hat landed back on his head. The Samurai cleaned the blade and re-sheathed it. "My apologise gentlemen." He said with a bow, before setting off again.
As the sun was beginning to set in the sky, Ikkaku crested a tall hill and saw an Inn a little way from the road. It was ringed by a wooden fence, with a paddock for horses to one side. The paddock had two horses grazing quietly in it, both bearing the brand of the Shogun's messenger service and wearing warm coats. As he approached, the door slid open and a sandy coloured snake anthropoid slithered out. She was wearing a plain red Kimono and carrying a paper lamp. She used this lamp and a wooden taper to light the other lamps hanging along the edge of the inn's roof. She turned when she heard Ikkaku approach "Good evening Sir." She said with a bow "And a fine evening it is." Ikkaku replied "Would you happen to have any rooms for the night?" he continued "Yes sir. Please follow me." The snake said and slithered back inside. Ikkaku followed her, sliding the Inn door shut behind him. The Inn's ground floor was large and tidy. It was well light, with low tables and cushions arranged around the edges of the room. There was a wooden staircase going up to the sleeping quarters. In the middle of the room was a large fire pit with a pan of rice and a pan of stew simmering away on it. The two messengers were sitting cross-legged at one of the tables. They had small bowls of Sake in front of them and were talking quietly. The rooms only other occupant was a Samurai seated in a far corner. His Katana was laid next to him, and there were several empty clay bottles on the table. He wore very battered black hakama, with a grey top. The only thing about him that actually looked well kept was his sword. Ikkaku didn't even need to study the wolf in this much detail to come to the conclusion that this was not a Samurai, but a Ronin, much like himself. Ikkaku headed over to one of the tables and removed his Daito from his sash, setting it down next to him as he sat. He crossed his legs and removed his hat, setting it on his other side. The snake slithered up to his table carrying a tray. She set it down in front of him, and took several bowls off it. One was filled with rice, the other with stew. There was also dish with a grilled fish on a bed of steamed vegetables. Ikkaku placed his hand over the Sake bowl when the snake went to pour him some. "I do not drink. Water shall suffice then some green tea for afterwards." "Yes sir." The snake said, and slithered off to get his water. She came back with a cup and a small clay jug, which she set in front of him. "Thank you. Itadakimasu." He said and picked up his chopsticks. The meal was incredibly good, and Ikkaku enjoyed it thoroughly. He sat with his back against the wall, observing the room with his tea and a plate of sweet dumplings on the table next to him. What held his attention currently was the drunk in the corner. He seemed to be going through a fairly peculiar routine. He would fill his sake bowl very carefully, and drink very slowly from it. Once a bottle was finished, he would place it very carefully on the other bottles. It seemed he was trying (and succeeding) to make a pyramid shape out of the empties. Ikkaku let his tongue slide out quickly in the dunks direction. This quick taste test told him it wasn't Sake the wolf was drinking, but Awamori, a much stronger rice spirit. "" he said with heavily slurred speech when he noticed Ikkaku looking at him. Ikkaku, surprised the drunk had noticed him raised a brow (although not an eyebrow, has he had none). "You have a very interesting way of drinking." He said "It'sh sho I don't drink to mush. I get...get...violent...if I drink toooOO mush." "Surely a Samurai should show a little more restraint?" "Heh...'m no Shamurai no more. Nop...not me. Not since the last rebellion against...against th' Minamoto." "I see..." Ikkaku said, sipping his tea. "Didn't like it shee...ushed to fight for...for the Hojo...but nooooo....some o' those bastards ain't honourable. I ain't gonna do it no killing from me...nop nop nop..." the wolf trailed off and laid his head on the table. Soon there were rather loud snores coming from his prone figure. "Even a Ronin should have some respect for himself." One of the messengers said "Maybe..." Ikkaku said with a smile.
When Ikkaku awoke the next morning, he saw the Messengers had already left. There was a snorting sound from the far corner of the sleeping loft. It seemed to be coming from a heap of blankets. These blankets turned out to be the wolf from the night before. "Something small and fuzzy has died in my mouth...I think it might be my tongue." He said Ikkaku pulled on his Kimono and picked up his swords. "I'd advise you to drink less then." He said and headed downstairs, placing his hat on his head and adjusting it slightly. The sight that greeted him was somewhat less pleasant than he had been expecting. He stopped quickly and moved out of sight behind the corner of the stairs. In the main room was a group of very ugly looking men. There was a window on the stairs, and Ikkaku could see a river near the bottom of the hill. There was a large looking boat on it. "Wokou...." he thought. "You owe Captain Rin money." One of the men was saying, a particularly foul looking otter. "I owe her nothing! We paid off our debts!" the barmaid said defiantly. Ikkaku noticed her sleeve twitch. The sleeves of her kimono were long enough to obscure her hands, so it made it hard to see them move. Ikkaku saw something move behind her. It was a section of bamboo screen. He smiled when he realised that only a single piece of bamboo was moving. "A Bo staff?" he thought. "This could be interesting." "You know what we did to yer master, so you'd better cough up the Ryo!" The weasel said, grabbing the snake's arm. There was a cracking noise and the otter stumbled backwards. The snake had hit the bamboo screen, causing the Bo staff to spring forwards and smack the otter over the head. The snake grabbed the staff and smacked the otter across the jaw, sending him quite finally to the floor. The snake span the staff in an eye wateringly fast circle and stopped it suddenly, held out in front of her like a spear. The other pirates looked somewhat nervous now, and began backing away. "How long do you intend to lurk there?" she said aloud. The pirates turned, and Ikkaku stepped into view, right in front of the exit. "My my...and here I thought I had been careful to hide my presence." "W-who are you?" one of the pirates asked, backing away. "Yamamoto Ikkaku. You are breaking the law. The crime for piracy is death." "Hey! I don't want any killing in here!" The snake said indignantly. "I just changed the matting!" Ikkaku looked at the snake from under his hat. "What is your name?" he asked "M-Matsumoto Tsuzumi..." Tsuzumi replied "I see..." Ikkaku said. "To attack without provocation is to attack rashly. You have no time to assess the strength of your opponent, or to devise a strategy for defeating them. In short, I am never the first to attack. You must always wait for your opponent to strike, as this is the moment he leaves himself vulnerable." One of the pirates opened his mouth to begin speaking, but Ikkaku held up a finger. "Think carefully about what you are about to say. It could be the difference between life and death." "We surrender?" the pirate said "That was the right choice. Now...." Ikkaku was cut off as part of the Inn exploded. The force of the blast hurled him very hard through the air, where he landed outside of the Inn and skidded along the ground. He blinked open his eyes, his ears were ringing and his vision was blurred. He tried getting to his feet but ended up rolling onto his side. He shut his eyes tight and shook his head. This helped clear his vision slightly, and he saw Tsuzumi lying a few feet from him. Blood trickled down her forehead and she was unconscious, but other than that, she seemed fine.
A rank, sulphurous stench filled the air as the Inn burned. "Black Powder!" Ikkaku thought as he crawled to his hands and knees. "Where did pirates get Black Powder?" He looked up, and through his blurred vision, he saw a figure walking away from the wrecked Inn. It was hard to make out any distinguishing features, but they were definitely female, wearing a bamboo sugegasa. At her hip, she wore a long straight Katana. Ikkaku knew only one female pirate that used a Katana. "Ikeda Rin..." The sound of mocking laughter floated to his ears as the figure slowly faded out of view. Ikkaku managed to heave himself to his hands and knees then fell back, landing painfully on his tail. The sharp pain immediately cleared his head, and caused him to curse loudly. He staggered to his feet and went over to Tsuzumi, rolling her onto her back. He saw she was still breathing, and smiled. It was a shame the same couldn't be said for the pirates that had been caught in the blast. It seemed they had shielded the two snakes somewhat from the blast. Then Ikkaku remembered the wolf that had been upstairs. He looked around to see if he had made it out alive, but as he got up to go and look, he winced. He looked down and saw a long wooden shard sticking out of his calf. He gritted his teeth and grabbed the splinter, yanking it out. He ripped a strip of cloth from his kimono sleeve and tied it round the wound. He stood up and wiped his face, turning at the sound of someone coughing. It turned out to be the wolf. He pushed himself to his feet with his sword. Patches of his fur were black and singed, but he otherwise seemed fine. "This is quite possibly the worst hangover. Ever." He said, and toppled backwards with a thud. Ikkaku winced.
Tsuzumi blinked, and opened here eyes. She frowned. As far as she was aware, the Inn's ceiling wasn't made out of stone. She sat up and looked around. She was in a small cave with a fire burning in the middle of it. A snow storm raged outside, so heavy in fact, she couldn't see more than a few feet out. There was a rustle, and someone came into the cave, brushing snow off a long bamboo cape. He turned and pulled on something, causing a straw curtain to fold down behind him. He lit a few lamps which Tsuzumi recognised from the Inn. In the better light, she saw that it was the Samurai from the inn. "I salvaged as much as I could." He said. "What happened?" she asked, rubbing her head, surprised to find a bandage. "Pirates. They blew up your inn." "What!? Blew it up!?" "With Black Powder." "Bastards!" Tsuzumi shouted, then looked around and saw another figure lying on the ground. He was covered with a blanket, and had a bandage wrapped around his head. His arm was out from under the blanket, and she saw that was bandaged too. "Where are we?" "A cave near the Inn, I managed to get plenty of thatching for coats before it all burned. I also found this." He picked up something that looked like a pile of matting. Tsuzumi realised it was her tail cover. Snakes with tails instead of legs had long since developed special clothing for the winter and moving around. In this case, it was a tube made out of bamboo that the wearer would slide their tail into. It had a padded straw bottom to keep the wearers coils off the ground. It also had jointed sections in it to allow movement. He tossed it to her, and she caught it. She slid herself into it and sat up. "Thank you." "Don't mention it. You'd be stuck in this cave for the rest of the winter if I hadn't saved it." Tsuzumi smiled and then sniffed. She noticed a pot was over the fire, so she shuffled over to investigate. It was Chankonabe, a stew containing whatever was on hand at the time. Tsuzumi found her mouth watering at the smell. "I suspect you're hungry." The Samurai said "You've been asleep nearly ten hours." "Ten hours! What time is it?!" "By my reckoning...nearly five o' the evening." "Why did you bring us here?" she asked. "Well, I was salvaging as much as I could after tending to you and him, when I noticed the snow storm blowing in. I tried to find shelter as quickly as possible, so here we are in this cave. I also made these coats. They should keep out the cold and the snow." "You really plan things out, don't you?" Tsuzumi said with a grin "And you don't act like a lady should." "So? I was raised by the S?hei. There isn't much room for ladies with them." "The S?hei? The warrior monks?" the Samurai said "The very same. Hence the staff, although I was saving up for a Naginata...but I guess that's all gone now." "GYAH!!!" They both whipped around to see the wolf sitting upright, clutching his head. "Worst. Hangover. Ever!" he said "Seriously...I could use that food?" The Samurai laughed and picked up three bowls. "I should certainly hope so, otherwise it would not have been worth cooking." The samurai said, grapping a ladle, and spooning stew into one of the bowls, handing it to Tsuzumi. He filled another bowl and handed it to the wolf, before filling the third bowl and picking up his chopsticks. Tsuzumi noticed a pair of chopsticks resting on the edge of her bowl, so she picked them up and started eating. It wasn't a particularly fine or well made stew, but she was hungry enough not to care. "You said your name was Ikkaku...didn't you?" Tsuzumi asked, thinking back on what had happened that morning. "Yes, that's right. And you said yours was Matsumoto Tsuzumi." "You know when you said that those pirates were breaking the law and would be executed...are you actually authorised to do that? Execute them I mean." Ikkaku laughed and set down his empty bowl, while the wolf helped himself to more stew. "No. I'm not authorised, I haven't been a Samurai for nearly five years now. But they didn't know that." "Who didn't?" the wolf asked with his mouth full, some bamboo shoots hanging out the corner of his mouth. "Pirates." Ikkaku said "Oh that! I was wondering what all that noise was this morning. That how I got all these bandages then?" "You could say that." "Names Echi by the way." He said, then stopped, as if realising something for the first time. "My Katana! Where is Akuma!?" "You mean this?" Ikkaku said, holding up a very fine looking Katana. "Yes! Please give it to me!" Echi said, reaching out for it. Ikkaku handed it over with a thoughtful look. "Tell me, Is it just that your sword has an unfortunate name, or is there a purpose to it?" "It is called Akuma, because that is what it is. A didn't manage to save any alcohol from the Inn did you?" Ikkaku smiled and tossed him a bottle of sake.
Echi caught the sake and pulled the stopper out of the bottle. He took a big gulp and sighed. It didn't quite have the same kick as Awamori, but it'd do. This Ikkaku person seemed like a reasonably decent person, saving him from the Inn (whatever had happened), and more importantly, saving his sword. He also gave him alcohol, so he can't be that bad. He also wore two swords. It was unusual outside of paintings and the nobility. Then he noticed it wasn't just a Katana and a Wakazashi, but a Daito and a Katana. "How strong are you?!" he blurted out Both the other snake and Ikkaku looked at him, and then Ikkaku looked down at his swords. "You mean physically?" "Well I guess you'd have to be pretty strong in skill to use two swords like that." "I don't boast about my strength, physical or otherwise. But suffice it to say, I am strong enough to use both." "You use twin sword techniques? Impressive." Echi said taking another swig of sake. Ikkaku smiled "Yes...twin swords...If you like." "What's that supposed to mean?" "It means you shouldn't overestimate someone's abilities." "You mean you can't fight with two swords?" "I didn't say that." Echi opened his mouth and closed it again. This damn snake was winding him up on purpose! Fine then, he could play this game too. "Okay then." Echi said with a grin "I'll accompany you until I understand what you mean." "I have no problems with that. Although I only fight if I am attacked first." "Like that's gonna be a problem. Once them pirates figure out we survived, they'll be after us again." "We never said we were attacked by Pirates." Tsuzumi said with a sly grin "What?...oh...errr...crap." Ikkaku and Tsuzumi burst out laughing.
Meanwhile, not far from the cave, someone had erected a tent using a fir tree as the central pole. Outside the tent was a small cart with handles so it could be pushed by hand. There was a hole in the wall of the tent, and a small chimney was poking out of it, emitting a steady stream of smoke. Inside was a Panda. He wore a blue kimono with white triangles on it, black hakama, and was wrapped in a blanket. He was reading a book, while sipping tea from a small china cup. He had a pair of round glasses perched on the end of his muzzle, and a long katana shaped Sabre leaned against the tree trunk. "You certainly know how to have fun." said the tents other occupant. "You certainly know how to talk." The panda retorted. "I was under the impression that Shinobi where supposed to be stealthy." He continued, looking up at the Arctic Rabbit opposite the small iron stove that was heating the tent. She wore a female travelling kimono in dark grey. But underneath was her Shinobi uniform. She also wore a metal forehead protector. It was hard to tell what else she had due to the Kimono, but you could be certain there was more. "I am, when the situation calls for it. Which it does not, Sanji." "Don't call me that! My name is Deng Ning Kuang!" "Yes, and saying that here in Japan will get you arrested or killed. Possibly both. You hired me to protect you while you explored Japan, didn't you?" "No, Furika, I didn't. I saved your life and you said you were indebted to me, and you would travel with me until that debt could be repaid." "Did I?" "Yes." "Doesn't sound like something I'd say." Kuang glared at the Shinobi over the top of his glasses, then sighed and closed his book. "How someone like you ever became a Shinobi I do not know." "You don't know anything about Shinobi." Furika said "I read a lot, and I listen to the stories. I know that they are some of the most dangerous warriors in Japan, and that they fight with stealth...." "You are aware you're telling all this to a Shinobi? really are new here. Look, in case we run into any Samurai or law men, your name is Sanji. If they discover that you're from China, then they'll suspect me as well." "Samurai don't like Shinobi?" Furika looked at the panda with a raised eyebrow. "What?" "No. Samurai do not like Shinobi. Quite the opposite in fact." "Wow...I'd better keep that in mind then. I hope not to use this much while I'm here." Kuang said, patting his sabre. "Are you actually any good with that?" The rabbit asked, stroking one of her long white ears. "I don't know if I'm the same level as one of these 'Samurai', but I'm fairly proficient. Tai Chi is not something that should be taken lightly by anyone." "Sure, we'll see if its half way decent." Kuang glared at her again and snapped open his book, reading furiously. Furika had always wondered how you read furiously, apparently, this was how.
The next day, the snow storm had abated, and Kuang and Furika where heading along the road which had about a foot of snow covering it. They soon came to the foot of a hill, and began making their way up it. As they reached the top, Furika frowned and rubbed her chin. "What's with that face?" Kuang asked "There used to be an inn up here." She said "But all I see is some blackened timbers sticking out of the snow..." "You can thank Ikeda Rin for that." Said a voice from behind them Furika turned and saw two snakes and a wolf. They were all wearing bamboo straw capes, and seemed to have come from the woods near the burned down Inn. They all carried provisions on their backs, and the Wolf was drinking from a gourd bottle. "Ikeda Rin?" Furika said. "You mean the pirate?" The tall green snake who had spoken shrugged, and as he did so, his cape rose slightly, and Furika and Kuang saw the two swords at his waist. "No, the Kabuki actor." The wolf said sarcastically. "You'll have to forgive him, he's worse sober." The green snake said. "My name is Yamamoto Ikkaku, this is Matsumoto Tsuzumi, and the wolf, is Echi." "My name is Furika, and this here is Sanji." Furika said with a bow. Kuang scowled. "It seems your panda friend doesn't like being called by a Japanese name." Echi said, hiccoughing. "It's better than Echi." Kuang said with a sly smile. Echi paused, the gourd half-way to his lips. "What was that?" he asked in a dangerous tone of voice. "I said that Sanji is better than..." Kuang was cur short when Furika smacked him over the head. "You'll have to forgive him. He still needs to learn proper respect." Furika said, glaring at Kuang. "Well then, we'd better head off!" Tsuzumi said, tugging on Echi's sleeve and practically dragging him down the road. "It was a pleasure." Ikkaku said with a bow, before following Tsuzumi and Echi. The sound of Tsuzumi scolding Echi slowly faded into the distance. Furika turned to Kuang who was rubbing his head. "What was tha..." he began but was cut off by Furika "Never insult someone's name!" she hissed "Especially not samurai!" "They were Samurai? I thought you said women couldn't become Samurai?" "They can't! But those two men were!" "They didn't look like it." "Then they were probably Ronin, but that's not the point. Even if they were Ronin, they still retain their pride as a Samurai, which means you do not insult their name! Understand?" "But..." "Understand!!?" "Yes! Okay!" "Good. Now let's get going." "By the way...what's a Ronin?"
"Who do you suppose they were?" Tsuzumi asked "Not a clue...that little panda bastard was this close from a beating though." Echi replied, swaying slightly. "Don't you think you've had enough to drink?" "Listen...I ain't even got started yet....this is nothing." Ikkaku smiled. He just knew what sort of relationship this would turn out to be. He also knew that once Ikeda Rin knew that they were still alive, she'd come after them. Although Ikkaku and Echi had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time, Ikeda Rin was the kind of person who never let someone escape once she decided to kill them. And after this attempt failed, she would most certainly come back a second time. Another thing that intrigued him was the way Echi moved while drunk. He always seemed to be off balance, but never fell over or staggered unintentionally. Every movement was perfectly balanced and almost graceful. It was strange considering the canine was pretty much off his face on sake. It'd be interesting to see how he fought in this state, the same with Tsuzumi. Although he had only seen her take one of the pirates by surprise, he suspected she was more than capable of holding her own in a fight. She was one of the S?hei after all. He just hoped that they wouldn't get attacked.
Meanwhile, Ikeda Rin was quite angry. Well, quite angry isn't really the word to describe her mood. So far she had punched three members of her crew, and stabbed a peasant through the head for not cowering enough. She then got annoyed because her sword got stuck in the stupid mans skull, so she got one of her crew to cut off his head, which she then used to bludgeon the rest of the peasants family to death. Then she burnt their house. And stole their livestock. While laughing. Maniacally. This didn't really help her mood however. She wasted a barrel of perfectly good black powder to kill that stupid snake bitch, and only succeeded in killing a few members of her crew. The two that survived the blast reported that three people had survived, including the snake. Rin decided to crucify the men, shoot the full of arrows, and then throw them in the river. Sensibly, most of her crew were staying the hell out of her way. "Captain Rin! Captain Rin!" Rin turned and saw her fist mate, a snow leopard named Ito Hideki running towards her. He skidded to a halt and dropped to his knees before her, bowing his head. "We found where they are headed!" he said "They are on the road to the port Wakasa!" "Wakasa?" Rin said, raising her eyebrow. "Maizuru-Jo Castle guards that port. We'd better be careful..." She rubbed her chin, and then grinned; her eyes seemed to come alight with terrifying light. "All hands!" she shouted "Full sail! We head for Wakasa!!" There was a great shout from her crew, and the ship slowly began to move. The massive vessel was once an Chinese imperial warship, with many levels for fighting, a large deck, huge sails and luxurious captains quarters. As the huge Junk left the river mouth, a smaller warship pulled along side it, then another, and another. Soon there were seven ships following the imperial ship in formation. These eight warships flew a flag depicting a dark blue background with a golden phoenix emblazoned upon it. Not very terrifying, until you saw the phoenix had a jet black spear piercing its heart. Ikeda Rin's ship was named "Terror", and was considered the bane of the Chinese imperial navy, and the scourge of Japan's coastlines. Now her fleet was on the way to a busy seaport. Rin stood at her ships bow, here eyes gleaming. "Time to steal! Time to kill! Time to buuuuuuuuuurn!!!" She howled to the wind. Hideki swallowed and hurried below deck. He didn't fancy being this close to his captain when she was laughing like that.
Echi stared at the sign. He'd been doing this for five minutes now, and the damn letters still wouldn't stop moving. He decided to leave the sign alone (this time) and followed Ikkaku and Tsuzumi inside. He looked around, wondering if this place had anything to drink. They had arrived in Wakasa a few hours ago, and had wondered around looking for an affordable place to stay. They found one down a narrow alley. Apparently it was used as a stop for prostitutes and their clients. Rather unfortunately, the man at the front desk had mistaken Tsuzumi for a whore, and was currently trying to scrabble away from the enraged snake, clutching a bleeding nose and missing several teeth. Ikkaku was holding her back, although this was proving to be difficult. The tails of legless snakes tended to be immensely strong; this of course, made it almost impossible to hold her back. "Can we just go up to our rooms please?" Ikkaku said, pulling her back. "Fine! But if he calls me a whore one more time..." "I only said it once!" the gecko said "Once was enough!!" Echi wondered over to the two of them and peered over the counter at the downed gecko. "Oooo...decked by a girl..." he said shaking his head, losing his balance, and grabbing the edge of the counter to stop himself from falling. Ikkaku grabbed both of them and dragged them up the stairs. He was quite surprised to see the rabbit and the panda from before, coming out of a room, which turned out to be right next to theirs. "Oi! Four eyes!" Ikkaku sighed. Echi stumbled over to the panda and poked him in the chest. "Howwww'dd you get ahead of us?! Huh?! Come on! Come ONNNN!!!" Kuang blinked "We took a shortcut." He said "Oh...okay then!" Echi said with a sudden smile. "K-know any good taverns? 'Course you don't! HAH! You don't live here! Hahahahaha!" With that, he fell over. Kuang prodded his prone body with his foot before stepping over him. "He should really watch what he drinks." Furika said, following Kuang "I've only known him for a day and a half, and I already want to give him a lecture on alcohol." Ikkaku said, before opening the door to their room and dragging the now snoring wolf inside. When he had finished, Furika and Kuang had already gone. "This guy is gonna be more trouble than he's worth." He said "Why not just ditch him?" Tsuzumi said. "As a matter of fact, why haven't you ditched us both yet?" "Well, Ikeda Rin is not going to be happy that her target survived, and we aren't exactly safe if she knows we're associated with you." "You know an awful lot about her." "We were...previously acquainted." "How so?" "Bitter rivals." "Ah." "Yeah." "Why am I lying on the floor?" Tsuzumi and Ikkaku sighed. Later that night, while the town had grown quiet. Ikkaku lay awake staring at the ceiling. People in the room above seemed to be enjoying themselves. Very loudly. He rolled over, but couldn't quite get rid of the feeling something bad was about to happen. He sighed and closed his eyes. Whatever it was, they could deal with it in the morning. At that very moment, eight large, dark shapes slipped quietly into the harbour. The harbour guards falling into the water with arrows protruding from their bodies. Ikeda Rin grinned as she surveyed the sleeping town. "Burn it. Burn it all!" she cried.
Echi rolled over. He frowned in his sleep and rolled over again, falling off his bed and rolling along the floor. He sat up and rubbed his head. Blinking, he walked to the small window and looked out. He frowned and sat down again. Then he got up and looked out the window again. He went over to Ikkaku and shook him. "Hey! Hey wake up." "Wrzz...wha?" "There's Pirates sacking the town." Echi said. He'd never seen anyone go from virtually asleep, to wide awake and vertical that quickly. He ran to the window and looked out. Lights were on all over the town, with yellow flames springing up from several houses. "Ikeda Rin! She found us already!?" he said "Well...She hasn't actually found us yet." "Shut up. We have to get out of here." Ikkaku said as lights came on in the inn. "Too late." Said Tsuzumi's voice from somewhere near the floor. She was lying on the floor, with the side of her head pressed against the floor. "They're already downstairs." She said, looking up. Ikkaku and Echi looked at each other and drew their swords simultaneously. There was the sound of people coming up the stairs, and then the door was kicked open. A large pirate stood there, brandishing an axe and a burning torch. "Hello fatty!" Echi said cheerily, staggered to the left, struggled to regain balance, and cut off the pirates head. It hit the floor with a thud and rolled a little way. "Holy shit!" The three looked out of the door and saw Kuang standing there with an odd looking Katana. Another pirate came up behind him, but before anyone could shout a warning, a kunai hit the second pirate square between the eyes. Ikkaku, Echi and Tsuzumi ran out into the corridor and saw Furika. She was wearing dark grey trousers with enclosed slippers. The toes had iron claws attached to them, and she wore a dark blue tunic with a black waist band. She wore a machete at her waist, and had a number of Kunai strapped to her thigh. "I knew it!" Echi said "You're a fucking Shinobi!" "No time for this now!" Ikkaku said running past them holding the torch the first pirate had. "We need to get down to the docks and find a boat." "But that's where the pirates'll be!" Kuang said running after them. "Yeah, we'll just steal a pirate ship." Ikkaku said with a grin "That'll piss her off." "But where do we go from here? The pirates are everywhere!" Furika said "They'll mostly be headed to Maizuru-Jo Castle to deal with the soldiers stationed there." Tsuzumi said as they emerged onto a main street. The lanterns that were usually stretched across the street were either on fire or lying on the ground. Pirates were smashing doors and windows, overturning carts and slaughtering people. Ikkaku snarled and ran down the street, lowering his sword by his side. The others followed him, Furika drawing her curved machete. A pirate came out of a building holding a spear, and saw the group running towards him. He was about to strike at Ikkaku when he realised he was no longer holding his spear. He then realised his arm was lying on the ground a few feet away, and that there was a large slit in his stomach, out of which his organs were pouring. His eyes glazed over and he slumped to the ground. "Any pirate that gets in your way, don't hesitate to kill him. But if you see Ikeda Rin, run away." "How do we know what she looks like?" Kuang asked, pushing his glasses up his nose. "Oh trust me, you'll know. Now, we have to get to the docks as quickly as possible, without attracting her attention. A large group of us like this will get discovered pretty quickly. Furika, Sanji and Tsuzumi, you head down that alley. It should take you to the main street and then down to the docks. Echi and I will carry on this way. It takes a bit longer, but it leads to the docks as well. We'll meet you there." "Hold on." Kuang said. "I don't recall ever taking orders from someone like you." "Oh shut up! Just do as he says you little chinky bitch." Echi spat. "H-how did you..." Kuang said, somewhat astonished. "You're accent." Tsuzumi said. "Now let's go!" She headed towards the alley Ikkaku had pointed to, Kuang and Furika following; Kuang glaring at Echi over his shoulder.
Ikkaku looked at Echi. "What?!" Echi said "You had to go and say that didn't you?" "Yeah." "Forget it. Lets go." They both turned and headed along the street; Ikkaku reaching down and drawing his Katana. As they rounded a corner, they came across a group of pirates. Some of them were armed with bows. They turned at the sound of running feet and saw the two Ronin, saw the drawn swords, and reached for their arrows. Ikkaku was slightly surprised when Echi stumbled, lost balance, and fell towards the floor. But as he hit the ground, he rolled twice and sprang to his feet, right in front of the pirates, cutting a bow in half as he did so. He swayed slightly and staggered to his right, grabbing a pirate for support, while stabbing him through the stomach. Ikkaku had heard of a Chinese martial art that practiced acting drunk to confuse the enemy, but he'd never heard of someone actually being drunk, and using a sword. He decided not to dwell on it and joined Echi in the fray, slicing outwards with his two swords, killing one pirate, and wounding another. Echi had fallen to the floor after pulling his sword from the pirate he had slain. He rolled towards another pirate and stabbed upwards, taking the pirate through the groin. Echi staggered to his feet and wiped the blood from his face. "Talk about a warm shower." He said, spitting. "That's disgusting." Ikkaku said, kicking a corpse from his Daito. "You don't look any better." The wolf retorted Ikkaku looked down at himself. He had blood stains covering his kimono. "Lets worry about this later shall we?" he said, and continued on down the street. "Okay...Oh wait..." Echi said, and stumbled over to a wall, throwing up. "Gods? Why do you forsake me?" Ikkaku sighed exasperatedly.
Meanwhile, Tsuzumi, Furika and Kuang were standing at the mouth of a dark alley, looking at the main street. "That's a lot of pirates." Kuang whispered. "Oh yes." Furika replied. "We'll have to go through them." Tsuzumi said. The other two stared at her. "What?! You're a Shinobi aren't you?" she hissed at Furika. "And...well whatever you do, I hope you know how to use that." She said to Kuang. "Of course I do! I just don't think...." "Then don't." Tsuzumi said, and span her Bo staff a few times, before slithering into the street. The first pirate to notice her was cracked across the side of the face, and sent sprawling to the floor. Several beleaguered looking soldiers looked up at this, and grinned in relief. Tsuzumi tripped another pirate over, and drove the tip of her staff into his spine. Furika followed the snake, slashing another pirate across the face. She placed one and on his shoulder and vaulted over his head, landing behind him in a crouch, holding three shuriken. She let fly, two hitting one pirate, the third slashing another across the wrist. Kuang followed somewhat tentatively. He'd never actually killed anyone with his sabre before. He'd fought unarmed, that was easy. But he didn't think he could actually kill someone. He sighed and sheathed his sword, he doubted he could ever be as ruthless as a Shinobi or a Samurai. This train of thought was interrupted by a pirate attempting to behead him. The panda grabbed the pirate by the wrist, and twisted, forcing the bull to drop his sword. He forced the much larger anthropoid to his knees, before letting go and kicking straight up all in one fluid movement. The bull was sent reeling backwards, missing teeth and sporting a broken jaw. He looked over at Furika and Tsuzumi, who were looking at him with a mixture of awe and respect. "Damn!" Furika said "That's one mean kick you got there." Tsuzumi said. The pirates around them had noticed this, and where now bearing down on them. "Well, I think its time to go!" Furika said, and ran down the street towards the docks. The three of them emerged from the smoke onto the cobbled waterfront. All the storehouses had been broken open and emptied. But there didn't seem to be anyone around. They made their way along the dockside looking for a small enough boat. They spotted one of the pirate ships. It was a small, fast looking war ship, and had a single sentry on board. As they approached, the sentry yawned, and received a kunai through his mouth. He slumped to the deck. The three of them climbed aboard, and Furika quickly unfurled the sail. "Have you noticed..." Kuang whispered "That we seem to be right next to the flagship?" "How can you tell?" Tsuzumi whispered, tugging on a rope. "It's the biggest?" Kuang said. "He got that right!" The three looked up, and Ikeda Rin landed with a thud on the deck. "Oh....bollocks!" Furika breathed. Ikeda Rin drew her sword. It was long and straight, with a black blade. The sharpened edge gleamed silver in the moonlight. "Who would have thought my caution would pay off like this? That some people would be brave enough to approach my ships? You have guts...but soon you won't...Because I'll be the one gutting you!!" She said with a deranged laugh, and lunged towards Kuang. The panda had never seen anyone move so fast before. He was only just able to move, the katana cutting his arm. Saw she missed out of the corner of her eye, grinned, and sent Kuang sprawling across the deck with a powerful backhand. "Denkouissen is hungry tonight!" She hissed, licking Kuang's blood off her blade. She didn't even look when Tsuzumi swung at her. She simple caught the staff and twisted it out of the snake's hands, and hit her in the stomach with it. Tsuzumi doubled over, wheezing. Ikeda turned to Furika and grinned, her eyes wide and bloodshot; her pupils were small black pinpoints. The rabbit had never seen anyone look so insane. "Just you and me now bunny-wunny!" she cackled. "Tell me. Have you noticed something?" Furika said. "I notice how you're about to die...and then your friends will follow." "Yes, well, I was just wondering if you noticed that we're moving." "What!?" Ikeda said, and looked to see the side of her ship sliding past. "Maybe you ought to pay more attention to your surroundings?" Echi said. He was sitting at the back of the boat, holding the mooring cable. The night breeze was filling the sail and carrying the boat quickly from the harbour. "You bastards!!" Ikeda howled, and lunged for Echi. Her sword was hit by something else so hard, sparks flew. The other sword slid down Denkouissen until Ikeda brought it up and locked. She glared into the calm stare of Ikkaku. "Hello Rin. Long time no see." "Ikkaku...You fucker!!" Rin shouted and pushed Ikkaku back, swinging at him. Ikkaku stumbled, but brought his second sword round to counter the blow. He recovered his stance and struck back with both his swords. The force of these two blows hitting Rin's sword made the boat rock. Rin snarled and span her sword, deflecting Ikkaku's blades away from her, and towards the ground. She punched the snake across the face as he went over. He hit the ground but rolled upright again. Rin was immediately on the attack again, striking a series of blindingly fast blows. Ikkaku was hard pressed to defend himself under the onslaught. Rin hit hard, and sent the Daito spinning out of Ikkaku's hand. "You still fight the same! Have you not improved at all!?" Rin sneered "More than you think." Ikkaku replied with a grin. "Bullshit." Rin snarled and lunged forwards again. Her blade slicing Ikkaku's cheek, Ikkaku grabbed her sword arm and, using her momentum, swung her over his had and brought her crashing to the deck of the boat. Rin rolled away from the snake, and got to her feet, clutching her side. "That was new." She panted "When did you learn that?" "Just now..." Ikkaku replied, wiping blood from his cheek. "You're leaving yourself open, Rin!" "Not half as open as you!!" Rin said, and flung out her arm. Something small and very heavy hit Ikkaku in the stomach, knocking him off his feet. Rin snapped her arm back, and caught the lead ball. It was attached to a long wire, which was hidden up her sleeve. She flexed her arm and the wire retracted with a 'zwwwip' noise. She walked towards the snake, raising her sword. "Now you die!" She hissed, and brought the blade down.
There was a loud clang and a shower of sparks. Rin blinked, and looked at the Wakazashi blocking her sword. Ikkaku looked up at her and grinned. His tail was wrapped very firmly around the Wakazashi's hilt. He kicked out, knocking Rin's legs from under her. As she toppled forwards, Ikkaku rose from his prone position, swinging his katana as he did so. The blade caught Rin in the side, spinning her round. She landed with a thud on the deck, blood seeping from the wound. "Gaaah!" she cried as she tried to roll over, pushing herself to her hands and knees. "!" she gasped "That's me." Ikkaku said, and hit her across the face with the hilt of the Wakazashi. Rin slumped to the deck, unconscious. Ikkaku straightened up, sheathing his Katana. He winced as he rolled his shoulders back. "Damn...she got better." He said, walking over to his Daito and picking it up. He examined the blade before re-sheathing it. He span the Wakazashi round in his tail, and re-sheathed it in a hidden scabbard on his back. He turned and saw the looks on the others faces. "What? What'd I do?" He asked "You sir, are quite possibly the best fucking Samurai I have ever met." Echi said. "Aren't you going to finish her off?" Furika asked. "No. Take her below with Tsuzumi and Kuang and bandage her wounds and see to the others." "What!? Why?!" "Because she's my sister!" Ikkaku snapped. "Woah...your mother was definitely having an affair." Echi said "Shut up." | FSE |
Title: Don't tell Daddy Ch. 04
Tags: brown eyes, brunette, daddy, daughter, double penetration, mmf, older man, threesome, voyeur
\*\*\* This is a fictional account of a real life acquaintance. Her continuing story takes Katie deeper down the rabbit hole of May/December relationships than she ever imagined possible. Names again have been changed but every sparkle in those brown eyes is real. Chapters one and three are useful for knowing the background for this particular chapter. \*\*\*
Like most homeowners these days Mike Wilson had installed a doorbell camera at the front door of his home. He was almost out of the habit of checking the footage but did so occasionally when his only child Katie was home alone. She's not a child he grumbles to himself. She's way too grown and at twenty-two just as rebellious as her mother was at that age. Also, the spitting image of the woman he fell in love with all those years ago. A lean beauty from the years of school athletics that left her tone and firm from head to toe. He silently groans to himself each time he sees her in her work uniform. His wife Karen there to remind him that their deal was she would pay for school and they would provide room and board.
"She's made enough in tips to more than cover her expenses." Karen would always remind him.
This particular day as she'd left he caught a glimpse of more of her ass than usual. The skirt seemed shorter than normal. He watched as she gathered her things getting ready to leave. "Can't you change into that at work?" He complained as she approached and got on her tiptoes to give him a peck on the cheek. Mike blushed slightly when he realized that he was staring at his daughter's ass as she left the house.
"Love you daddy!" She called back turning and catching his stare but thinking nothing of it, because after all he hates the uniform.
His build more like a retired defensive end than assembly line supervisor at a local aircraft manufacturer. Standing 6'6" and weighing a very solid 260 lbs, his football days were well in his past. His post typically afforded the person an opportunity to sit in the cockpit of the fighter jets his plant assembled as they "rolled off" the line but he mostly declined because of his size. His buddy Scott ussually took the honors as they powered up and tasked the electronic systems while transferring control of the aircraft to the military for its series of test flights. A short tow across the tarmac to an opposite hangar but still a pretty cool ride.
Having just returned from the mother-in-law's where Karen had him complete a honey do list the app on his phone was alerting him of Katie's departure and reminded him that he hadn't checked on her weekend visitors. He takes a seat on the sofa to check. Hopefully not that little shit Jackson, Mike thought to himself. There were several of Katie coming and going but then Saturday afternoon, after Katie got home from work there was one that surprised him. Scott and Johnny stopped by and went in the house? Scott had done this a few weeks earlier but didn't know Mike wouldn't be home and left 45 minutes later. He and Katie had always been close, so this wasn't unusual and he had borrowed a drill. This time was different though, the two of them knew I was gone and he looked at the time stamp, an hour and twenty minutes? What the fuck? he thought to himself. When he saw them leaving, they looked different and each leaned into the doorway, that's Katie's arm. Okay, she's hugging them. I guess? Somethings off, his brain kept telling him as he would rewind the clip and watch again and again. Was that her tit that barely came into view? His mind raced and he fumed at the thought of his two "friends" with his daughter but worst of all he had a raging hard as he tried to freeze the one frame with the flash of skin that he thought was Katie's breast. "Fuck! it's too blurry." He mumbled.
Karen surprised him at that moment "What's wrong?" She asked peaking over his shoulder.
"Nothing Babe, just deleting videos from the doorbell." He answers forcing a smile. He begins planning his next steps immediately in his head. Pulling up a search for hidden surveillance cameras on his phone. If he places one in the family room and one in the hallway he can monitor the comings and goings without violating too much of his daughter's privacy. Satisfied with his choice, he makes the purchase of two motion activated cameras that can be easily hidden and with a surprisingly high resolution for something so small. He thought that he'd also let his daughter know that he'd seen his two friends come by and ask her what they wanted? This would serve another purpose he thought, force them to come in the back door. Thinking if they come over again at least some of the activity will be in the back room. There you go he thinks, if they're trying to sneak around, they'll use the backdoor. He hopes that he's wrong but he's afraid that he's going to see his worst fears realized. What's even worse is his cock is still twitching in anticipation.
Later that week Mike Wilson has installed and checked the angles on his two hidden cameras and told his wife that they have to return to her mother's that weekend to complete one of his projects. She had thought his plans were to complete it later that month but she let her mother know and that they would be there Friday evening. Mike had a few things left to do in preparation. The first was letting his crew at work know that his wife had commandeered another one of his off days turning him into free labor. He witnessed Johnny pull Scott aside shortly afterwards and the two talked for several minutes. Next was Katie, he assumed one or both of his friends had already let her know but for now he'd play dumb. He called her into the family room Thursday evening, thankfully she was dressed conservatively making it easier for him to concentrate on what he had to say.
"What's up Daddy?" She smiled at him as she often did, those brown eyes sparkling.
He lost himself staring into them and hoped again that he was wrong. "Mom and I have to go to grandma's again tomorrow." He finally said.
"Okay?" she almost shrugs at him wondering if that's it.
"I wanted to talk to you about Scott and Johnny." He sees the panic almost betray her but she recovers quickly.
"What about them? Did something happen at work?" she asks.
Nice recovery, he thinks. "No, it's just that I saw that they came over last week." He flashes the doorbell app which he has pulled up on his phone in her direction. "What was that about?" He asks searching her eyes.
"Nothing really." She says trying to play it off. "They had been drinking, you know at Earl's and had to use the bathroom. I guess it couldn't wait? They shouldn't have been driving anyway so I made them stay awhile." She broke eye contact and asked "was that it?" Did he see me telling them goodbye? Damnit! she screams inside her head .
He ponders her answer and thinks that's actually plausible but he doesn't quite believe her. "Well if it happens again call them an Uber. I don't want those two hanging around you if they're drunk."
"Daddy! I'm a big girl, I can handle myself." She pouts at him slightly as she starts to head into the kitchen to complain to her mother.
"Hold on, hold on, I know that you're a big girl, an adult." He corrects himself. "That's part of the problem, everyone's noticed. I just still want to protect you that's all."
"I know, I just don't want you to worry about me." She almost flings herself at him wrapping her arms around his neck. "I love you Daddy!" she says with a tight hug. "Thanks for always looking out for me."
Mike Wilson's heart melts a little bit as it always does when she calls him daddy. To the point where he is having second thoughts about his plan. Do I really want to see what I think is going on? he thinks. Then feeling her body pressing against his, he has to pull away before she causes a reaction that he's not ready to admit to himself that she could easily trigger. "I know Katie" He replies as he holds her at arms length and leans over kissing her forehead. "I love you too baby." He turns away not wanting her to see the look in his eyes. A look somewhere between lust and disgust as his brain struggles with conflicting thoughts.
Mike and Karen load up his truck under the watchful eye of his daughter Friday afternoon following work and prepare to leave as planned. Karen giving Katie her usual instructions, even though they hadn't changed since the first time they had left her home alone during her senior year of high school. "Get the mail, turn on the porch lights, don't make a mess, check all of the locks before you go to sleep and don't forget to turn on the alarm."
"I know mom!" Katie groans in response.
"How'd you get a Friday night off?" Mike asks suspiciously.
"Sammie wanted my shift, so I switched with her for Sunday night." She lied.
"Doesn't seem like a good trade to me." He grumped. "Don't you make more money on Friday nights?"
"Daddy, I can always go and pick up a shift if you really want me to go into work." She teases her father exchanging grins with her mother.
"I DO NOT!" He states emphatically. This gets a giggle from both ladies. "Be good." He says climbing into the driver's seat, avoiding his daughter, as he thinks about what she might be planning with a scowl on his face.
"What's wrong with Grumpy?" Katie asks her mom, the two giggling again. "Love you Daddy." she says which gets a terse reply.
"Hmph, love you too." He can't look at her.
Karen gives him a sideways glance as she climbs in her seat. Looking back at Katie, shrugging her shoulders, "See you Sunday." She waves goodbye after shutting the door and Katie watches them depart before returning to the house.
Casting a glance at the camera on the door frame on her way inside. He knows, she thinks to herself.
Johnny and Scott are drinking a beer at Earl's and impatiently awaiting the all clear text from Katie. Scott's phone rings and he looks at the screen. "Mike", He states loud enough for Johnny to hear but not really directed at him. "Hey Mike, what's up?" Scott asks.
"Nothing, never mind. Forgot what I was going to ask." He lies, still struggling with his thoughts. Too late now he tells himself. "I'll call you back if I remember."
Scott feels his phone buzz with the much anticipated text. "Alright buddy, Y'all have a safe trip." He tells his friend as his mind wanders to what he and Johnny are planning to do to his daughter.
Fuck you! he refrains from screaming into the phone as he hangs up by punching the button on his steering wheel.
His wife Karen looks at him, "What's going on with you?" She asks.
"Nothing," He mumbles in reply. Staring blankly ahead he mulls turning around now but if it's already happened, what difference would that make? It would just drag his wife into a situation he'd rather she never knew anything about. It's a quiet two hour drive and he is tormented by his thoughts every second of it.
Having been warned to avoid the front door, Johnny pulls into the driveway of the Wilson home at the back of the house. Katie hears the truck pulling in as she lies naked on the sofa awaiting her two "Uncles." She had double checked her mother's location using the find my iPhone app just to make sure and they were in fact several miles outside of town now. She's propped up on her hand looking towards the door as the two enter. All three now have huge smiles on their faces and none aware of the motion sensitive camera which has been recording everything since Katie entered the room.
Scott and Johnny quickly begin to discard their clothing while Katie watches. She beckons them closer as she sits up and then moves to her knees in front of the couch. "How long do you have?" She asks the pair.
"As long as Ashley or Michelle (Johnny's wife) don't show up at Earl's looking for us or start calling we should be able to stay until midnight or so." Scott replies looking down at Katie as she grins up at him. Scott winning the race to her mouth as she takes his stiffening cock into her hand, which she quickly engulfs, she feels him continue to grow in her mouth. Johnny soon takes up a spot next to him more than a little envious of his buddy but knows that he's next as she grabs his cock with her free hand and starts stroking him.
It's not long before she pops off the tip of Scott's cock and smacks her lips looking up at Johnny. "Your turn." She says with a giggle before sliding her lips past the head of his cock and circles it with her tongue before sucking him all the way to the base. Katie gags on his girth as she tries to hold him deep while looking up at him, his hand resting on the back of her head. She continues to alternate between the two cocks, sucking and stroking each as they moan and watch in awe, this eager young girl greedily slurping on their dicks. Her own juices flowing as she finally tells them to "fuck my mouth until your ready, then I want you to spray me with your cum."
Johnny takes the lead forcing his cock deep into her throat and begins to thrust as she uses her hand to stroke him. "Fuck, who would have known you were such a cum hungry little slut." His moans match hers in intensity as he edges closer and suddenly pulls out. She pumps furiously with her hand as he holds her head still and begins to unleash thick ropes of white cum across her face and chest.
Scott who had continued pumping his own cock while watching the two can't take it any longer and as she turns to face him. "Cumming!" He warns seconds before spraying her face and open mouth with his cum. Katie shocked slightly by the first shot quickly positions her tongue under his tip as he aims for her open mouth, successfully hitting the target with all but the last stream which hits her chin and drips down onto her chest.
Katie looks up at the pair and blows a cum bubble. Showing them some of what she's holding in her mouth before swallowing what's left. She then sucks and licks each of them clean. When she finishes the smile on her face shows the pair that she's truly enjoying herself. "I think I need a shower guys? Anyone care to join me?" Her hands smearing the cum across her chest.
Neither of them protest as she takes one of their hands in each of hers and leads them down the hall to the bedrooms. The two men exchange looks as she passes her room and pulls them into her parents bedroom where they disappear from view of the second camera which had been placed in the hallway. "The shower in here is big enough to hold us all" as she explains their unexpected destination. Katie turns on the water and stands under the stream of water rinsing the cum from her face and chest. The two watch her tight young body bending and stretching as she uses a sponge to soap herself. Scott feels the life surging to his cock and enters the shower embracing her from behind, his hands quickly finding her breasts as he plants soft kisses on her neck. His fingers teasing her nipples as he traces over them. He bends her over forcing her to brace herself on the bench on the back wall. She feels his cock head rubbing along her slit from behind and teasing her clit briefly before pushing into her. "Oh yessss! Fuck me Scott!" She exclaims. Looking to her right as Scott thrusts into her she sees Johnny stroking himself as he watches on the other side of the glass, not quite fully errect but getting there. She makes a mental note that while Johnny is by far more aggressive, Uncle Scott has the quicker recovery time, which will definitely work to his advantage. Scott's hand slaps her ass as he thrusts hard into her from behind, almost as if he'd heard her thoughts. "Owww!" she moans with a hint of her trademark giggle. Taking this as a positive sign Scott swats her ass again, this time with a little more enthusiasm. "Fuuuuck!" she screams, "that hurt!" As he pumps his cock in and out, she feels her first orgasm start to wash over her. The constant "oh, oh, oh's" begin that Scott loves to hear as her pussy clenches around his dick. When she finishes, she stands and turns to face him kissing him softly on the lips, her fingers playing in his chest hair as the water coarses over them.
Johnny reaches in and turns off the water offering her a towel. "Scott and I have been talking about trying something different, if you're game?" Katie arches an eyebrow at him as she dries off. "We thought you liked the two of us at the same time so much, that you might enjoy a different configuration?" He watches her waiting for a reaction.
Her mind works out the statement and her mouth gapes open. "Ummm, I don't think so!" she laughs.
"I'm not really giving you a choice." Johnny tells her feeling a little left out after not joining the couple in the shower.
"Johnny, neither of you will fit in my ass." she tells him.
"We'll fit. You've got lube, right?" Ever the aggressor he pulls her still a little wet from the shower and leads her back into the hall briefly before taking her into her bedroom. His aggressiveness turning her on and making her want to do it regardless of the pain that may be involved. He sits on the edge of her bed and tells her to "get the lube!"
She complies, Scott enters the room and watches as Katie brings a small bottle from the nightstand with her and kneels between Johnny's legs. She pulls and sucks on his now hard cock while Johnny looks down at her. She coats his dick with saliva and then pours a clear liquid from the bottle into her hand and transfers it to his cock, stroking him lightly. Satisfied with the coverage she stands and applies the remaining liquid on her hand to her tight hole. "Good girl" she hears Johnny say in approval. He lays back and watches as Katie spreads her legs on either side of his and backs on top of him slowly. Her hand reaching back and positioning his cock against her asshole. She pushes back against him and nothing. Again, she tries and nothing, then Johnny grabs her hips and pulls her back while she pushes.
""Ouch" she blurts out as the head pushes past the sphincter muscle and enters her very tight ass.
"Mmmm, fuck she's tight." He says out loud as Scott watches the discomfort on her face.
Katie notices that Scott is in front of her stroking his cock back to life and lays back on Johnny's chest as she gets him all the way inside of her. "Give me a minute." she says looking at Scott. The intense look on her face seems to be a mixture of pleasure and pain. Grinding against the cock in her ass, she pulls her feet up flat on the mattress and back as far as she can to give Scott room, her feet on either side of Johnny's hips he's trying to bounce her up and down but she fights him, trying to stay still as she gets used to the cock in her ass. "Ahh, fuck, that's different." She gasps. Scott moves forward and gets in position in front of her rubbing his cock head over her clit which puts her over the edge again and she starts to scream. "Oh fuck!, oh fuck!" She cries out as Johnny tweaks her nipples, groping both of her tits as he holds her down on top of him.
Scott smiling down at her watching her squirm just from the simulation. "Seems like Katie Kat likes it up the ass Johnny." He presses forward easily sliding into her once he gets his cock at the right angle.
Johnny gives her a satisfied grunt in her. "She just loves these big dicks is all. It doesn't matter where we put them."
Katie leans back and attempts to kiss Johnny but Scott's dick hits the right spot at that moment. "Oh fuck yessss!" She screams. Rolling into a second orgasm and feeling like she's going to explode from being stuffed beyond her capacity. As she relaxes Scott begins moving in and out the best he can, given the position of the three of them.
Johnny getting the benefit of Katie's orgasms even though she's not squeezing him like happens when he's in her pussy. She still squeezes his cock around the base as she cums. The squirming on his cock and oddly another cock brushing against his causes too much simulation for him to hold out. He groans, "I'm going to cum!" and Katie feels the thick cock in her ass begin to pulse.
Scott begins to fuck Katie with a little more aggression. He realizes that she has rolled into another climax and that he's unable to move freely in and out of her because of the contractions. Her constant moans unintelligible now and she is trying to brace herself between the two.
"Cum in me Scott!" She pleads. A grimace covers her face as she is being stimulated in every spot possible. "Please!" she adds.
He can't hold out even though he doesn't want this to end, as again Katie gets what she wants. Scott pushes deep, the close quarters with Johnny long since forgotten. His cock shooting his cum up into her as he pulls her up enough to push his tongue into her mouth. One of her arms draped around his neck and the other behind her supporting body between the two friends.
Katie collapses back onto Johnny as she comes down from her multiple orgasms and being stuffed with cock. She appears to be on the verge of unconsciousness as Scott pulls out of her, moving back with some concern in his eyes. Johnny's deflating cock slips out much easier than it had gone into her ass. He pulls her to his side and then stands helping her fully onto the bed. "I'm going to get us some waters." He tells Scott "I think she maybe a little bit dehydrated.", casting a glance at her as she curls up into a near fetal position.
"Agreed" He says looking at her laying there. As Johnny leaves the room Scott climbs into the bed with Katie, spooning her from behind. She pulls his arm over her and across her stomach. "You okay Katie?" He asks stroking her hair with his other hand.
"Yes" She giggles at him sleepily. "You two just literally wore me out." They exchange a kiss as she turns her face towards his.
Johnny returns and watches the two cuddling for a minute before making his presence known. "I guess we should go and let you get some rest?" She only mildly protests holding onto to Scott's arm weakly as he moves to stand.
"It's getting late anyway Katie Kat." Scott says giving her a kiss on the cheek and moves to give Johnny room to do the same. The two men leave her room to retrieve their clothes as she drifts off to sleep. When she wakes up in the middle of the night she's alone and still groggy from the night's events. She stumbles through the house naked, turning off lights checking locks and turning on the alarm. a sleepy grin crosses her face as she stumbles in front of the hidden camera unaware that the footage from earlier had already been reviewed.
Mike Wilson's screen on his phone lights up with an alert that there is new activity on his cameras. It's silenced so it doesn't wake up Karen but Mike wasn't sleeping. How could he after what he's seen? He goes to the bathroom and shuts the door. Watching his naked daughter moving through the family room and back down the hall to her bedroom, his cock becomes errect again. He pauses the video and groans at the nude image of Katie on the screen thinking about the images of her face and chest covered in cum, servicing his two friends. His hand begins to pump involuntarily up and down his shaft as he imagines her doing the same to him... | literotica |
Title: Fox News Anchors Get it On
Tags: celebrity, celebrities, news, news anchor, news reader
Fox News Interviews and Questions
The Fox crew were in Iowa for their interviews and question. Once completed, Martha McCallum and Bill Hemmer headed up to Martha's room. She made the excuse about changing her outfit after the undercard debate.
Bill took a seat on the sofa in her suite as she went into her bedroom to change.
After a minute or so Martha called out to him, "Bill would you like a drink? I'm mixing a pitcher of martinis?"
He was a little leery about going into her bedroom. Over the past couple of days, the sexual tension between the two of them has grown considerably. Their naught banter had reached a fever pitch this morning during their show and right before the debate, he had a hard time concentrating on the questions to ask the candidates. Suddenly he decided to throw all caution to the wind. Standing up, he walked into the other room, "Yeah, sounds great Martha, I'm going to hit the bathroom first, but yeah, I'd love one." He hurried into the bathroom, used the facilities and looking around, he found a hanger. He kicked off his shoes and pulled his socks off. He removed his shirt and tie, slid out of his pants and shorts, he hung them up and looked into the mirror and took a deep breath. His eyes caught sight of his stiff cock and stroking it several times, he loved how it expanded and he knew Martha would struggle with the thickness. He chuckled thinking they had all night to use it properly and he knew from what her husband told him about her, she loved thick cocks, something her husband lacked. He took a deep breath and opened the door. Looking out, he was glad Martha was still standing at the tiny bar, her back still to him. He stepped out and came up behind her. He placed his hands on her hips and drew her slender, lithe body against his naked form. He dipped his head and nuzzled her neck.
Martha stiffened at first, but when she felt his lips on her neck, she let out a long sigh and tipped her head to one side, giving him easier access to use his mouth on her body. She reached up and swept her shoulder length light blonde hair from her neck. She let out another moan when she felt his tongue dart out and flick at the sensitive flesh between her shoulder and jaw. She let out a little shutter and her moans grew louder and more constant when she felt his hands leave her hips and slide up to her ample breasts. She let out a gasp when she felt his fingers nimbly flick the buttons on her simple black, button up shirt-dress.
One by one, Bill released the buttons. When he reached her waist, he pulled open the wide belt and letting it fall, he resumed undoing the buttons of her dress. He slowly drew up the dress and released the last two buttons on the dress. It was open from collar to hem and his hands slid under the open dress and began caressing the soft supple skin of her belly and lower chest. All along, his mouth and tongue was active along her neck, ear and cheek. He let out a groan when he felt her hand slide back and palmed his stiff cock without turning around.
Martha was panting wildly as she felt his lips on her neck and ear. When she reached back and closed her hand around his thick, huge cock, she nearly fainted. She heard around the newsroom that Bill was big, but never expected it to be this big. She immediately felt a rush of wetness flooding her pussy. She just hoped she would be able to accept his huge cock. She felt Bill's hands sliding her dress from her shoulders. It slid down her arms, but she didn't have the will to release his cock to allow her dress to hit the floor. When she felt her bra go slack and follow her dress, she released his cock, but just long enough to discard her dress and bra.
Bill loved how Martha's long, slim, soft fingers felt around his cock. He let out a gasp when she closed her entire hand around it and began stroking it up and down. He loved that she knew exactly what she was doing. The way she reversed her hand and kept her long, lithe body pressed against his naked form make him think it was going to be a nice, long night. He can't remember how many days during their show, he glanced and took in her slender legs, her ample chest and what he loved most about her, were those luscious lips of her. Her tiny upper lip, he had countless nights just imagining them wrapped around his cock as it slid in and out of her mouth. He shuttered just thinking of gazing into those translucent, bright blue eyes of hers as she bobbed up and down on his cock. He let out a moan, thinking about those eyes looking down at him as he settled between those slender legs of hers and he licking up and down her juicy cuntlips, stabbing away at her hole as she came on his tongue.
Martha slowly turned in his arms, her hand stayed glued to his cock and when she stared up into his eyes, she broke into a bright smile, "Are we just going to stand here or would you mind if we took this over to the bed?" She licked those full red lips and she leaned forward and pressed them against his. She moaned lightly when she felt his lips on hers and she let out a gasp when she felt his tongue slip out and gently run along her lips and slowly darted in to mingle with her tongue.
Bill imagined this countless times and wanted to take it slow and savor every second of this experience. He moved over to the bed and Martha playfully pushed him back and he landed on the bed. She slipped to her knees and examined his cock, moving it from one hand to the other. She leaned in and pursing her lips she planted them on the shaft and began sliding them up and down his huge length. She marveled at its thickness, hoping she would be able to take it in her pussy. Over the next ten minutes, she made love to his cock with her lips, tongue, mouth and hands. She had it completely coated in her saliva. Rivers of spit ran down the length and collected at his large, swollen balls. She smeared his cock all over her cheeks, chin and forehead. She continued bringing it back to her mouth and tried over and over to take his entire length down her throat, but was never able to do so. Her mascara ran down her cheeks as her gorgeous blue eyes teared up and ran down her cheeks as she tried to take his entire length down her throat.
Bill was close to cumming, but he wanted to fuck this luscious blonde. Pulling her up by her arms, she protested, but relented and slid onto the bed. She lay flat on her back and stretched out and smiled up at him. He hovered over her and reaching for a tissue on the nightstand, he gently dabbed the smeared mascara from her cheeks. He followed it up with his lips, as he kissed her face and covering her lips with his, they darted back and forth exchanging tongues and saliva. He broke the kiss and peppered her neck with hot, wet kisses. He moved to her C-cup, firm tits and sucked feverously at her swollen nipples and pushing them together, he managed to get them both onto his mouth at once. This drove Martha wild and she enveloped his head in her arms, pulling him tighter to her full tits.
Bill broke free and moved down her lithe body. When he reached her drenched panties, he pulled them off and inhaled their intoxicating scent. He dropped them to the floor and buried his face in her dripping folds. He was eager to taste what he inhaled and drank down her tangy juices.
Martha couldn't hold off any longer and she exploded, drenching his lips and tongue with her hot juices. She nearly broke his neck, squeezing his head and neck in her vice-like thighs. After several minutes, she quit quivering and her legs released his head. Her legs fell to the bed, spread out wide hoping he'd take the invitation to crawl up between them, he did just that.
Bill settled between her plush thighs, he kissed her and was surprised that Martha licked all of her own juices from his lips and chin. She fed it back to him and her mouth opened wide when she felt his cock begin to slide into her tight pussy.
Martha arched her back and spread her legs as wide as she could. She never felt anything that large filling her pussy before. She tried to scream out in pleasure, but Bill's mouth stifled her screams. She clawed at his back and her legs came up and locking her ankles, she began thrusting upward, meeting his equally feverous thrusts. She strummed her heels against his back and ass as she raced towards an explosive orgasm.
Bill sucked in his breath as he felt Martha's nails dig into his back. He was urged on by this and pounded harder into her. He would slam in and out of her several times and then stop and grind his cock and pelvis against her. He knew this caused greater pressure against her stiff clit. When he did this, it also caused his cock to scrap across sensitive areas of her womb. He knew his huge cock was hitting places in her that never had been touched before. He leaned in and began sucking on her soft breasts. They were not as firm as they were when she was younger, but her nipples were as stiff and as perky as ever. His tongue flicked around and sucked from one to the other. He released them when he felt her cumming around his cock. He slowed until he felt her orgasm cease. He slowly drew his cock from her sopping cunt. He leaned in and planted a hot kiss on her lips.
Martha was panting wildly as her orgasm waned. Her arms and legs released him and let out a groan, "Oh no, Bill, don't leave me. Oh fuck, I've never had a cock that thick or that large in me ever before, I want more!"
He knelt up and rolled her over onto her belly. He loved that lovely sexy giggle she always did on their show. It was even sexier when she was naked on the bed beneath him. Her giggle was always when she inhaled and it was muffled when she buried her gorgeous blonde head in the pillow beneath her. He gripped her hips and drew her slender body up onto her knees. He stared down at her trim body. His eyes settled on her gorgeous ass, he smiled and reared back and gave it a semi-hard slap, it turned pink and it quivered. He did it again and again and her lily-white cheeks turned a bright pink.
Martha rose up on her elbows and looked back at Bill, "Please no more, it you want to play, how about shoving that cock back in me from behind, it is my favorite position." Her bright blue eyes were twinkling and shining at him, her smile was plastered across her face. It turned to a puckered look and she let out a long, "Ohhhhhhhhh!"
Bill did as she requested, he shoved his cock in her. He buried his cock balls deep in her and began swirling his hips around. When he did this, it caused his huge cock to scrap across her inner and upper part of her womb. He hit her G-spot over and over again and Martha was shaking like a bowl of Jell-O.
Martha immediately started cumming again. Her orgasm was stronger and longer, and with every scrape across her G-spot, it grew stronger and larger. She dropped her head and shoulders to the bed; her face was buried in the pillow. She screamed out and continued cumming.
At the entrance to the bedroom, a dark figure stood there, her jaw dropped to her chest as she watched her good friends fucking on the bed before her. She came in after Martha gave her the extra key to her room. They were supposed to hit a few nightclubs after the debates. She was there just after seeing Bill sink his huge cock into Martha's weeping pussy from behind. Her hand drifted down to her short leather skirt. She drew it up higher and managed to untie her skimpy thong. She allowed it to fall to the floor and her hand went immediately to her tight, bald pussy. Her dark blue eyes were locked on Bill's tight ass as it flexed and released as he pounded in and out of Martha.
Megyn Kelly's other hand found the zipper at the collar of her extremely tight black, leather dress. She bit her lower lip as she shoved two fingers into her tight pussy. She let out a gasp and tugged down the zipper. It came down and when it reached the hem of her dress, she gave it a shrug and the dress hit the floor. Dressed in black heels, black thigh-hi stockings and a lace black bra, she slowly approached the bed. She held her breath as she reached out and placed her cunt-cream, covered fingers on his flexing ass, she pulled away when she felt him leap and pull from Martha's weeping pussy.
Martha screamed out from the sudden emptiness in her cunt. She whipped her head around and her protest turned to a smile when she was the half-naked Megyn standing at the foot of the bed. She let out one of her giggles, "Hi Megyn, I was wondering if you were going to make it. Wanna join us? From the way you're dressed, I would think the answer is yes. Come on up here and join the two of us, you don't mind do you Bill?"
His stiff cum coated cock was swaying back and forth and it was dripping with Martha's creamy cunt juices. He shook his head, "No I don't mind Martha, as long as you don't mind sharing."
Megyn slid like a sexy snake onto the bed and slid up alongside Martha. She leaned in and planted a hot, wet kiss on Martha's lips. Her tongue ran along Martha's fat bottom lip and darted in. She caught up with Martha's tongue and she began flicking back and forth with hers. She reached down and cupped one of Martha's swaying tits that hung down from her body. She felt Martha's tongue become more active when she felt Martha's body being pushed and pulled, Bill resumed fucking her and whenever he pushed into her, she felt Martha's tongue and lips being more active.
Martha was in nirvana, she continued having her cunt plundered by Bill's huge cock and Megyn mauling her mouth and tit from above. She let out another high-pitched squeal as she started cumming once again. She was too weak to kneel any longer; she fell to the bed, trapping Megyn's hand between her tit and the mattress. She came disconnected with Megyn's mouth and Bill's cock. She was mellowed out and was unable to move any longer.
Megyn glued her eyes to Bill's huge cock, it was completely coated with Martha's cunt juices. She scooted back to where he knelt and rolling onto her back, she gripped him by the hips and drew his dripping cock down to her wide-opened mouth. Her lips closed around the head and she drew him down further. She took him into her mouth and throat. Inch by inch she swallowed him whole. Her lips were dripping with Martha's cunt juices. They ran down her chin and across her cheek and ran down her neck and settled in the hallow of her neck. Her eyes were locked on his, she tried smiling up at him, but her lips were stretched so wide, it was nearly impossible. Her twinkling eyes telegraphed how she felt. She turned slightly and began gagging. She pulled back allowing one-third of his huge cock to escape her mouth. She twisted more and now was flat on her belly, her neck and head were pushed back and she gripped his tight ass cheeks as she tried taking the rest of him back into her mouth. Her tongue joined in on the action. She left part of his cock out and was now flicking her tongue all along the shaft and taking him in again; her tongue darted out and tried to reach his cum stained balls.
Bill wanted nothing more than to fill her mouth with his hot load, but seeing that slender, tight body straining on his cock, he wanted to sink his cock into that incredible bald and glistening cunt. He reached down and popped open her bra. He smiled when she jerked it off and tossed it aside. He cupped her one tit, it was smaller than Martha's, but a lot firmer and her nipple was crinkled from nursing her children in the past years. He tugged and rolled the stiff nip and he was rewarded with her mouth licking and sucking even more urgently on his cock. He chuckled, "How about you releasing my cock, Megyn. I'd really love to fuck that fine pussy of yours, what do you say?"
Megyn didn't want to release his cock, it had been too many years since she encountered a cock this fine and large, but she knew he was right. She would love to drink down his cum, but really wanted to know if the sounds that came from Martha's throat were real, or just an act. She rose up, sliding her swollen lips off his cock. It was now completely coated in her saliva as she leaned back and was now on her back. She extended her arms, beconing him to join her.
Bill knelt between her slender legs, still encased in those black, thigh-hi stockings. He loved her dark blue eyes as they stared up at him. Her pert, firm tits rose and fell from her labored breathing. Her slightly rounded belly also rose and fell, but her tight cuntlips is what drew him in. They were glistening and a fine line of fluids were seeping out. He leaned in and gripping his cock, he swept the fat, mushroomed head up and down the tight slit. He pushed forward gently and he was amazed how those lips slowly parted and nearly sucked him into her hot, furnace-like pussy. He stopped after sliding four inches into her. He looked up at her and her eyes were open wide, she was biting her lower lip. When he pushed again, sending another couple of inches in, her jaw dropped down and her mouth was open wide, a loud grunt came out.
"Holy fuck Bill, it feels like you're tearing me in two. I would swear I was a virgin again." She giggled, 'We all know that can't be true, please take it slow, but don't you dare back out now!" She let out a grunt and bellowed out as Bill shoved another couple inches into her.
Martha rose up on one elbow and watched in amazement as the tiny blonde's body tensed up and quivered as her first orgasm overtook her slender body. She scooted closer and ran her fingers through Megyn's short, butch-type hairdo. She swept the damp locks from her forehead. Leaning in, she planted a soft kiss on Megyn's forehead, them her eyelids, cheeks and finally, her lips met hers. She increased the pressure of her lips and her tongue darted out and forced her way into Megyn's mouth. Her tongue met Megyn's and they fenced back and forth. She loved kissing Megyn; her hand drifted down and found the stiff nipples Bill loved playing with earlier. She tugged and twisted the stiff buds and she smiled when she heard a gurgling sound come from Megyn's throat.
Bill finally had his entire cock buried in Megyn's incredibly tight pussy. He held it there until she got used to this feeling and the depth of the invasion. He ground his pelvis against her, rubbing her sensitive clit, bringing about her second orgasm.
As Megyn recovered, her arms and legs gripped Bill's sweat covered body. She couldn't believe how full she felt, she thought it was nearly in her throat again, but from the other end this time. He was hitting spots in her pussy, she never knew existed and with each tiny movement, he set fires off in new areas of her quaking pussy.
Martha's long blonde hair floated over Megyn's shoulders and she heard Megyn let out a groan when Martha's lips clamped on one of Megyn's puckered nipple. She ran her tongue around the stiff aeroule and her teeth nipped at the fat nipple. She sucked harder when Megyn's hand left Bill's back and ran through Martha's silky blonde hair. She felt her fingers tighten in her hair and crush her face harder against her straining tit.
Bill was now pounding as hard and as deep as he could go. With each downward thrust, he felt Megyn's cunt muscles clutch at his cock and release as it surrendered to his love muscle. He could not believe how tight she was, but with the huge amount of cream she expelled, it gave him enough lubrication to continue his onslaught. He felt Megyn's legs drop from his back and saw her feet flat on the bed. He pulled back further now and plowed into her faster and faster. He attacked Megyn's other breast and Martha and Bill left her tits and they kissed passionately. When he broke the kiss, he resumed sucking on her tits, while Martha slid up and kissed Megyn, her mouth was open wide, her moans and groans were getting louder and more often.
Megyn drove her tongue deep into Martha's mouth and sucked wildly at Martha's. She ripped her mouth from Martha's and screamed out, "Oh fuck me Bill, I'm going to cum again, fuck me, fuck me harder, yeah, yessssssssss, just like that. I'm going to cummmmmmmmmmm!" She shook violently and exploded around his thick, long cock. Her eyes popped open wide, "Oh please Bill, cum in me, please. I have to put the fire out you started and it will only happen when you shoot your hot load in my cunt!"
When Bill heard this, it put him over the top, letting out a loud grunt, he slammed into her one more time and holding it in her deep, he exploded, he saw red and black as he nearly passed out from the intense orgasm he was having.
When Megyn felt him shooting in her, she went into an even stronger orgasm. She bit down on Bill's shoulder and nearly drew blood. She collapsed on the damp sheets and panted hard as she felt Bill continue to fill her womb with his hot, creamy cum.
When Bill finished cumming, he leaned back and allowed his cock to slowly slip from her pussy. It made an obscene sucking sound and as he pulled out, it left a huge void in her gaping pussy. His cum began oozing out and Martha saw this erotic sight.
She slid across Megyn's glistening body and planted her mouth directly over the river of cum flowing out. She lapped away at tasty concoction of both of their juices. She let out a squeal, but continued to lap away. Even though Megyn was a weak as a new born baby, she couldn't resist licking at Martha's pussy that was directly above her face.
The two of them started out slow, Martha a little more active, seeing she was resting for a while. She lapped up all of the juices that flowed out of Megyn's gaping pussy. Once cleaned up, she dipped in and began licking, sucking and nipping at Megyn's hole, lips and sensitive clit.
Megyn began with just planting tiny kisses along Martha's lush thighs and puffy pussy. As her temperature began to rise, her kisses turned more urgent and she licked and sucked harder on those fat lips and uncovering Martha's magic button, she strummed it more and more, ending up shoving her tongue deep in Martha's pussy as they both raced towards another orgasm.
Bill started regaining some of his stiffness and crawling to the head of the bed. Straddled Megyn's short, sexy haired head, he managed to dislocate Megyn's tongue from Martha's pussy. He shoved hard and sank easily into Martha's cunt.
Martha let out a loud grunt and sucked even harder on Megyn's pussy. She shook violently as another explosive orgasm coursed through her body. She loved having Bill fuck her as Megyn tried to continue eating away at her pussy.
Megyn relinquished that task and began lapping away at Bill's nut sack as it brushed back and forth across her pretty face. Her hands reached up and gripped his ass and she located his puckered hole and began playing with it. When her orgasm overtook her, she came all over Martha's face and shoved a finger deep into Bill's ass. She grinned as she heard him let out a grunt.
This put Bill quickly over the top, he slammed into Martha's pussy faster and deeper. He let out a scream, "Oh mother fucker, my God, that feels incredible, fuck, oh fuck, I'm cumming, fuck me, oh shit Megyn, I'm going to shoot my cum all over your pretty face!"
With that being said, he pulled back and gripping his cum coated cock, he pointed towards Megyn's smiling face. He started to shoot his load and it covered her face and splashed against Martha's juicy pussy. It dripped down and coated Megyn's face and dripped down into her hair. Totally spent, he fell away from her and watched in awe.
Martha reached back and scooped up the cum that splashed all over her pussy. She licked her fingers clean and turned around and began kissing and licking the cum Bill deposited all over Megyn's face. Once done, she kissed Megyn open-mouthed and allowed all of the cum she collected to drool out of her mouth and fed it to Megyn.
Megyn took it willingly and they swapped it back and forth until it was completely in their bellies. They hugged and caressed one another. After a few minutes, they sat up, Megyn slipped out of her damp stockings and tossed them to Bill who was sitting back watching the two of them. Megyn grabbed Martha by the wrist and tugging on it, pulled her off the bed, "Come on Martha, let's go take a nice long shower together." She turned to Bill, "You're invited, but give an about ten minutes or so before joining, I'd like a little girl on girl time alone."
Bill nodded, "I just hope I don't fall asleep while I wait." He did just that and the two blondes returned to the bedroom about half an hour later, their hair damp from their frisky time in the shower. They managed to wake Bill and ended up in another long bout before all three of them falling asleep in the large bed. Their legs and arms tangled together and completely satisfied and loving their time in Iowa. | literotica |
Title: Dr Tracy and I
Tags: gynecologist
My face is blank. My eyes stare calmly ahead, but my mind is racing. I'm sitting in the waiting room of my gynaecologists office, trying to think of anything but my discomfort and excitement. The seats are hard with a squishy cushion - the kind that makes noise every time you shift your weight. I'm frozen. I wore a short jean skirt today, something that is strangely uncommon for me, but I completely forgot I had this appointment. My yellow tank top complimented my tan skin and my black hair, just freshly cut and styled with layers and side bangs. I caught a glimpse of myself in the reflection of the door. I was sitting up straight, chest thrust outwards, legs crossed and clenched together with nails gripping my thighs.
My body language screamed "horny".
The last time I was at my gyno, there was a new doctor named Tracy. It was taking one look at her that made me realize I was bicurious. She had long curly blonde hair with blue eyes, and a full C cup that she wasn't afraid to show off in the comfort of the examining room. I felt like an idiot undressing infront of her, and even more of an idiot when she started touching me. Everytime I jumped, she giggled like a school girl instead of the professional that she most certainly was. She used her gloved fingers to feel inside of me first, and I almost died when the walls of my pussy contracted around her index and middle digits. I might have imagined her slight smile, but I refused to look her in the face for the rest of the exam. At the end, I dressed quickly, made my next appointment and rushed home to rub my clit until I came hard not once, but three times.
I looked at myself again. I realized in horror that my nipples were hard, and protruding through the thin material of my tank top. I grabbed my purse and started rummaging around, looking for something to distract me from the fact that I was about to me fingered by a hot woman and I couldn't do a damn thing about it.
I found my strawberry roll on lip gloss and began to apply it. Slowly, I ran the ball of the applicator across my lips. Even this act was getting me hot. I kept imagining it was Dr. Tracys clit being rubbed onto my mouth - hard, tasting sweet and getting wetter by the minute.....
Oh. My name was being called. I gathered up my silly horny body and followed an older woman into the room as she took my stats. I sat on the fresh crinkly paper, adjusting my skirt so the woman couldn't sense how worked up I was. She raised her eyebrows at my rigid posture and instructed me to undress from the waist down and wait for Dr Tracy.
The old nurse left and I quickly undressed and draped the paper blanket over me. I looked down and saw my nipples were even more erect than before, poking through hard and swollen. Dead giveaway that I had the thoughts of a bisexual slut.
I glanced at the closed door and cautiously raised my hands up to relieve some of their tension. I stroked both my breasts and scraped my finger nails over the fabric and shuddered at the shock it sent my pussy. I could feel the paper under me getting wet as I rubbed my fingers in a circle, lightly pinching until I gasped slightly.
I jumped up and dropped my hands like a kid caught stealing a cookie.
"Uhm, I'm sorry, what?"
Dr Tracy laughed lightly from the doorway. "I was just wondering if you were cold. My patients are always freezing in this room, so I wanted to make sure you were comfortable."
I nodded mutely. I hope she didn't see me squeezing my tits like a teenage boy. If she did, she didn't let on.
Dr Tracy continued speaking, "Me, I'm always hot in here! I take this awful coat off as soon as I walk in, first chance I get. Its so unflattering! But then again, you do have less clothes on than me. It must be chilly!"
That must be gyno humor.
I finally turned to look at her. I think I may have stopped breathing for thirty seconds. Her lowcut hot pink dress dipped down in a V between her lovely tits, and clung to the rest of her body. It was cinched at the waist with a black patent leather belt with matching high heeled shoes. Her legs were toned and muscular, as were her arms. Her makeup was perfectly glam, dark mascara lining her blue eyes, and her hair was full and curly. Oh god, this was going to be the longest appointment of my life.
"Let's see what we have here. I saw you 6 months ago, yes? No changes in menstration, or birth control? No? Ok great. Hmmm. You lost a bit of weight" she looked up from her black rimmed glasses. "You look good".
I shifted on my seat. I realized I hadn't said one word. She's going to think I'm daft.
I cleard my throat, but it still sounded husky when I spoke: "Yes. I have been working out and doing yoga a lot since my boyfriend and I broke up".
She nodded, interested. "I see. Yoga is a good way to relieve stress, among other activities. When was the last time you were sexually active?"
I bit my lip and blushed. "3 months ago".
Dr Tracys eyes slightly widened at this admission and quickly looked me up and down. "I see." she paused, letting the air hang heavy. "Well! Let's take a look at what you have for me here."
I laid back on the table, wanting to say 800 dirty responses to that comment. But I bit my lip harder and shut up. In the process, I tasted strawberry which made me think of her pussy and I felt myself get wetter.
Oh god.
"What was that?"
Did I say that outloud?!
"Oh nothing, nothing!" I exclaimed and she started situating my heels on the stirrups. She pushed my legs open a bit too roughly and I gasped loudly.
"oh gosh! I'm sorry! This things are so slicked with oil, they moved really easily. I didn't mean to startle you." She took her glasses off and peered at me. "Missy, are you nervous?"
I realized I was on the verge of crying. It wasn't from nerves, it was from me wanting her so fucking bad I could explode.
But I decided to be the damsel in sexual distress. "A bit." I said, playing it off with a new air of confidence. I put on an innocent pout. "Its just that I haven't been touched by anyone in months, so I'm a little jumpy".
She nodded and clicked her tongue. "Poor sweetie" she murmurred as she stroked my leg lightly before pressing on my stomach.
I never knew what medical purpose this part of my exam held, but all I know is it was driving me a bit crazy. My boyfriend used to do this while fucking me with his thick cock and it got my blood flowing faster. She HAS to know the effect its having!
She continued to massage above my pelvic bone with gentle hands, her lovely lips pursed. She rolled away on her chair to retrieve her gloves.
"Alright, Missy. I want you to just relax. I'm going to examine you with my fingers first."
I took a deep breath and smiled at her. "Ok."
Her first touch was a lightning bolt through my body. She ran down my slit and eased her index finger into my pussy. It slid in easily. I tried to concentrate on not moaning, but I must have whimpered a bit.
"Relax" Dr. Tracy said softly and she moved her finger around, exploring my cunt. She rested her other hand on my lower stomach and applied pressure. I involuntarily sighed as she moved deeper. My clit twitched and grew double the size. She smiled at me. "You have strong vaginal walls, Missy. And you also didn't need any lubricant prior to the exam. I was able to slip right in".
On the last word, she pushed another finger inside of me and my pussy contracted, drawing her in deeper. I sighed and started shuddering. She stopped suddenly.
"Oh, dear. It seems you're getting a bit anxious." She looked at me with concern. "I'm going to call my nurse practitioner in here to calm you down"
My face almost fell in disappointment. I hope to the heavens it wasn't going to be the old woman who looked at me like I was a prostitute smelling of sex.
Tracy pressed the intercom button. "Jillian? I'm in need of your assistance in room 3B immediately."
I was about to tell Dr Tracy I was fine, I didn't need someone to sit with me, when the door opened.
A young girl with short angled brown hair and bright blue eyes walked in, a clip board in hand. I knew I was gaping, my my hormones were on overdrive....please tell me this isn't Jillian? Or please tell me it is!
"Yes Dr. Tracy? Did you need my assistance?"
"Actually, Jillian, Missy does. She's a bit nervous and I need someone to sit by her while I conduct the exam. I need to start examining deeper and she has the tendency to....react"
Jillian looked at me with her piercing blue eyes, and smiled. "I see. Ill be glad to sit with her"
Jillian pulled up a chair next to me as I laid back down on the table. Dr. Tracy situated herself back between my legs. My pussy was soaked, dripping down my ass, and I could smell my desire in the room.
Dr. Tracy said "I'm going to begin now. Missy, close your eyes and relax"
I closed my eyes and felt Jillian stroking my forehead. Dr. Tracys fingers spread me apart, and Jillian leaned in next to my ear and whispered "Get ready, Missy. You're about to be fucked"
My eyes flew open as I felt the buzz from vibrator being eased into my pussy. At the same time, I felt Dr Tracys hot mouth on me, licking it up and down. I bucked my hips to her face, but Jillian shushed me.
"You see, Missy, Dr. Tracy here loves womans pussies, which is why she chose this profession" I cried out in lust as Dr Tracy nodded her head in agreement, shoving the vibrator farther up my cunt, hitting my gspot. She grabbed ahold of my huge clit with her teeth and began sucking slowly.
"She also loves sex. So, when you walked in here with your short shirt on, with your tits bouncing and high heels clicking, and Dr. Tracy wanted nothing more than to have your sexy legs around her head". Jillian began to play with my nipples idly as she talked. Dr Tracys face was dripping with my cum, and she withdrew the vibrator from my pussy and placed it on my clit, wiggling it slightly.
I moaned and groaned. "oh god, oh god".
Dr Tracy stopped. "Your not going to orgasm yet, Missy. I came in here, and you were pinching your nipples hard and rocking back and forth in heat, and I want to watch you writhe and twist with need. I saw the way you looked at my tits." She squeezed them and pulled one out of her dress. She wasn't wearing a bra, that dirty whore. "Do you like them?"
I watched her squeeze her breasts together and my hand flew to my pussy, wanting to get off more than anything in the world. Jillian grabbed my arms and placed them in an iron grip.
"No way" she ordered. "you are Dr. Tracys toy right now. You do not touch yourself".
I nodded and moaned, shaking my head back and forth with need.
"Jillian, you may use Missy as you'd like right now. I'd like to sit and watch." Dr Tracy hopped up on the counter and spread her lovely legs wide, stroking her wet cunt.
Jillian wasted no time in leaning in to kiss me. Her tongue slid in my mouth as her hands found their way between my legs. She began rubbing me hard as she bit my ear, calling me a dirty slut and asking me if I liked having my clit played with. I could only pant in response.
She hiked her pencil skirt up and climbed on top of me, facing Dr Tracy. I was staring at her pussy, glistening amazingly. I reached up and grabbed her ass, pulling her cunt to my face. I dove in furiously, sucking her clit and fucking her with my tongue. She rode my face and watched Dr Tracy use the vibrator on herself, getting off on watching her nurse practitioner fuck her patients face. I heard her start grunting on top of me, high pitched squeaks, and I clamped down on her hard clit and sucked as she came on my face. She fell forward and started kissing my thighs, still suspended in the air by the stirrups.
Dr Tracy could sense I was going crazy. My hips were rolling forward involuntarily, my pussy pulsing with desire. As Jillian continued to kiss the inside of my thighs, Dr. Tracy moved forward and lowered her beautiful face to my cunt. My clit was engorged and popping out of its hood, so she took two fingers and pinched it, jerking it up and down. Jillian climbed off of me, behind Dr Tracy and began fondling her tits. It was so hot to watch.
I was crying out, not caring if the whole world heard me.
"Please.....lick me......please please, I need it so fucking bad!"
Dr Tracy giggled and Jillian said, "Your going to like this, Missy. She loves to eat cunt" and pushed Dr Tracys head roughly into my pussy.
"Yes!" I screamed.
Jillian began talking dirty to me while fingering Dr Tracy from behind.
"yeah Missy, do you like that? Do you like Dr Tracys head between your thighs? Your pussy is so wet, her face is covered in your juices, I can smell you from her. You've been such a dirty slut, touching yourself in the doctors office, I bet you want to hump her face and cum hard don't you? You look so hot laying there, playing with your tits and having your pussy licked."
My face was all red, my tits were swollen from me abusing them with pinches and squeezes. "Yes! Yes! Yes!"
Dr Tracy lifted my ass up and buried her face deeper, shaking her head back and forth quickly. I felt my clit being bitten hard.
"I'm going to cum!"
And I was cumming, shaking, screaming, bucking uncontrollably. I felt myself ooze cum all over, and my clit was pulsing under her tongue.
Dr Tracy fell away from my pussy and Jillian grabbed her and pulled her to the floor, grinding their pussies together and kissing passionately. I watched as they coupled on the floor, pulling eachothers hair and scratching.
I grabbed the vibrator and placed it on my clitoris while I watched them 69 on the floor. Dr Tracy was really finger fucking Jillian hard while she licked, and Jillian was having a hard time keeping her face in one place, but finally locked her mouth on the right spot.
We all came together hard shortly after. The room smelled like sex and was thick with lust.
Dr. Tracy sat up, perfect blonde hair touseled sexily. She left Jillian on the floor and came over to me, ignoring my panting and kissed me, squeezing my tits gently until I cried out.
"It looks like you have a very healthy pussy, Missy". She stroked me between my legs and pinched my lips together. At her touch, I tensed and came slighty again.
"Make a follow-up appointment at the front desk. I'm glad we were able to get you to relax enough so I can get the job done"
Jillian and Doctor Tracy giggled, and together they walked hand in hand out of the office, leaving me with one hell of an experience to masturbate to for a long time. | literotica |
Title: My first pokemon - the bra fitting by HornyBunny
Tags: Anal, Bestiality, Deep Penetration, F/Herm, Growlithe, Hyperphallic, Internal, Knot, Oral, Pokemon, Swallowing, Transformation, Vaginal
My first pokemon - the bra fitting
As we walk through the forest, I can feel my huge boobs bounce with each step and I can feel my new cock and balls sway with each step. My pussy starts to moisten, but I push my arousal aside until later in the day. Finally, we leave the forest, we stop for lunch and when we finish it, ditto transforms back into my skirt and we head the nearest city.
A few hours later, we walk into a town and stop by a store to ask for directions to a clothing stop with this knowledge we head for the clothing shop. We enter and go up to the counter "Excuse me, I need a bra fitting," I ask the sales woman.
"Oh, my, you are well endowed for someone so young" she says as she turns around. "Ok, right through here, my name is May," she says as she opens a door.
"I'm missy," I tell her following her into the backroom.
She starts measuring my boobs and squeezing and fondling them whenever she thinks she can. "Oh, yes keep rubbing my boobs that feels good!" I moan as her hand brushes over a nipple. I feel my cock start to swell then she pinches a nipple with the measuring tape and my cock jumps in too view.
"Um...that's a big cock," she says as I see her nipples harden.
"I'm sorry, but with you playing with my boobs I can't help, but get aroused, especially with someone as attractive as you doing it" I tell her and reach down and stroke myself a few time watching her eyes follow my hand.
"That's alright I know what's like to be aroused by another woman" she says and I smell a musk in the air.
"May I help you with that swelling?" she asks as she reaches down and rubs my cock, then lifts her hand to her nose inhaling deeply and moans at the smell. "Your cock smells great, I have to get a taste of it," she says as she drops to her knees and licks the head of my cock.
"Ok, ditto you did well, now you can turn back to normal," I tell hir and my skirt glows silver then changes into a ditto.
"Yes, May, suck my cock, rub my balls, rub my pussy," I moan as bolts of pleasure shoot through my body.
May starts licking around the head of my cock wiping any the drop of pre-cum she licks her way down the shaft, sucks each ball into her mouth, and hums on each one sending vibrations trough my cock. She lifts my ball out of the way and starts licking my clit teasing me making me moan. "Oh, stop teasing me, suck my pussy, and make me cum, make my pussy gush then you can drink my cock juice." I moan as she shoves her tongue deep in my pussy.
May starts jabbing her tongue deep into me making my hips buck and heave. She shoves a finger deep into my ass making my hips buck even harder and my pussy starts squirting pussy juice on her face making her gasp in surprise and getting a mouthful.
"Now, suck my cock, I need to cum, my balls are aching to drain their juice please, suck me, drink my cum." I beg her stroking my throbbing cock.
"No, I'm going to ride you and I want to feel your cum deep in my pussy." she says as she gets up and strips
May gets up, pushes me back onto the bench, and gets up impales herself on the huge, hard, throbbing cock and moans loudly as her pussy is forced open. "Oh god, that feels amazing I've never had a cock this big in me before," she moans as I feel her tight pussy sucking at me. She pulls up to the head and drops back down and repeats it repeatedly banging my rock hard cock against her cervix moaning loudly with each impact getting closer to penetrating it. One especially hard thrust her cervix is wedged open and my cock head stretches her womb wide open. "Oh god, I've never had a cock in my womb, I love how it feels, I want to feel your cum in my womb, please cum for me" May groans as my cock throbs in her womb squirting pre-cum. Then I feel my cock start swelling making her moan even louder as my cock explodes in her filling her with my cum.
We both moan and scream with each jerk and throb of my cock. After a dozen hard thick blast of cum my cock stops shooting and dribbles the rest. That is when she gets off and sucks my cock drinking the last drops from my balls. I get down, pull her into a sixty-nine, and suck her pussy clean drinking my plentiful load from her womb.
When I finish licking her pussy clean she lays on top of me resting until she gets up. "Their will be no charge for the bra, you are an EEE cup, quite rare for that to be a natural size on someone so small. I'll need to make the bra myself," she tells me as t sit in a chair with my legs spread wide-open showing off my softening cock.
"Can you make one bra that's sexy?" I ask her watching her get dressed
"Sure, I can" she answers.
"Thanks that was fun, I'll be staying at the poketel down the street, bring it by when you're done and I'll give you a special tip for the bra." I tell her giving her a kiss and grabbing her ass and running a finger up her crack.
We leave the shop, go down the street to the hotel, and check in. When we get into the room ditto suddenly changes into a dragonite. Hir cock is rock hard from the earlier show. Shi grabs me and pushes hir cock deep into me I bite into hir shoulder to muffle a scream and she starts fucking me harder then shi has before. "I can't believe how hard shi is fucking me, but I love it," I think as the pounding continues. Hir cock swells bigger, I bite harder in hir shoulder, and taste blood as hir cock explodes in my pussy. The pressure forcing all the hot cream into my womb, by belly expanding with each blast "Oh god, pull me off let me drink it, I can't take any more." I shout into hir shoulder.
Shi pulls me off and drops me at hir feet and I scramble to hir spurting cock drinking all that I can. Hir eruption ends and I lick the cock clean. Shi picks me up and licks my body clean of every drop. "God that must've been a gallon of cum" I say after I recover from the hard fuck.
"I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted, let's go to bed," I say crawling into bed and feel ditto snuggle next to me.
The next morning we wake up to a knock on the door. I get up and answer it. "Here are the custom made bras, I made a dozen and three sexy bras, so you won't run out anytime soon" May says when I open the door.
"Ditto wake up we have a guest and we need to give her a tip," I say. I pull her into the room and kiss her pushing my tongue deep into her mouth and biting her lower lip making her moan. I drop to my knees, unzip her pants, and lick her through her panties getting her wetter with each lick. I look back at ditto seeing hir awake.
"Transform into my growlithe" I tell hir shi glows silver then my growlithe appears "get over here and help me with her" I tell hir. Shi comes over and starts licking May's ass making her giggle. I pull down her panties and dive into her pussy licking her clit. She grabs my head, pulls it harder into her crotch, and moans.
"Oh, lick me, make me cum, and don't stop!" she moans pulling me harder into her pussy smearing her sticky juice all over my face. I pull away from her and switch places with growlithe and I spread the cheeks of her ass and lick her asshole. Growlithe starts licking her pussy fast, his rough tongue feeling like heaven on her clit. I push my tongue deep into her ass tasting her ass juice and loving it, I start scraping the walls of her ass getting as much as I can. Suddenly, her ass grabs at my tongue as her pussy explodes squirting pussy juice in growlithe's face.
I pull her into a sixty-nine and mentally tell growlithe to come around to me. She licks my pussy and fingers my ass. I lick her clit and guide growlithe's cock to May's pussy.
I wrap my legs around May's head to stop her from pulling away from us. Growlithe starts thrusting into her, hir knot starts swelling stretching her pussy lips with each thrust then on one deep thrust hir knot takes hold. She is stuck on hir. I crawl out from under May and lay down in front of her with my pussy right under her mouth.
"Oh, this feels amazing, I've never had sex with a pokemon before, shi's tied to me and it feels simply amazing!" she moans before licking my clit and jerking my cock. She gasps and moans as the second knot catches "what's that does shi have a second knot?"
"Oh yes, keep doing that, I love how that feels" I moan as she licks my clit and tightens her grip on my rock hard cock.
Growlithe pushes as deep as shi can and unloads in her womb. "Oh god is shi cumming in me, it's so hot, and I feel like I'm melting!" she moans as her pussy fills and then explodes around the cock milking it. She plunges her lips down my cock taking the whole thing. She gags on it causing me to cum deep in her throat, feeling it milk my cock with each ripple of her throat. When our orgasms end, I crawl around and lick her pussy clean of the entire load of dog cum. I get on my knees and pull her on to my cock pressing my cock against her ass.
"No, I've never had a cock in my ass," she begs feeling my cock poking at her virgin ass. I shove the head of my cock into her ass and stop, letting her get used to it.
"Growlithe get over her and lick her pussy" I tall hir and shi jumps over in front of May and starts lapping at the dripping wet pussy.
I start to push my cock into her ass making her moan as I go deeper. When I reach balls deep, I start flexing my cock in her. "Oh, that feel good I have never felt that before, don't stop, I want you to fuck my ass" she moans. Growlithe mounts her shoving hir cock deep into May, stretching her pussy. Both of us start thrusting in a rhythm I thrust in growlithe pulls out.
I reach around and tug on her nipples getting a moan from her, and then I move a hand down to her clit rubbing it feeling her ass grab at my cock. Suddenly, she stiffens and I feel growlithe's knot rubbing my cock and she starts cumming. "Oh god, don't stop, I love this feeling, keep fucking me, I want that second knot in me, I want to feel your cum in my ass and pussy, fill me to bursting with your cum, just don't stop!" she screams as I wrap a hand over her mouth to muffle her screams.
Growlithe keeps pushing forcing hir second knot in then I feel hir cock jerk and that makes me start cumming filling both of her holes to the brim. When our cocks stop jerking and spiting cum in her we pull out I get up and pull her into the bathroom and both of us start pissing on her washing the sweat away, when our bladders are empty we lick her clean. All three of us go and shower, she sucks another load from both of us, and we dry each other off. We get dressed "thanks for the bras that'll help out a lot, but now, I need some panties to help hide this" I say pointing to my cock "ditto can hide it, but I need real clothing" I say pulling out a pair of panties and pulling them on showing May the obscene bulge in them.
"Well, I can help you with that too, come by my shop later and I'll take the necessary measurements and make some panties that'll hide that huge piece of meat" May tells me and gives my bulge a squeeze.
Later that day, I go into May's shop and she takes the measurements, so my cock will not show through my clothes after she finishes. I leave to pick up ditto and explore the town waiting for my clothes to be done. After an hour I get a call, my clothes are done, so I go pick them up. I try them on. "Wow, I can't see a thing, thank you this is perfect" I tell her and kiss her.
Ditto and I go back to the hotel for lunch and a nap. When we wake up, we decide to leave tomorrow morning and enjoy the town while we are here. We look through the shops and get the supplies for the next day, that night we go to sleep early.
Next is My first pokemon - the forest
The End | FSE |
Title: Twisted Minds by Kaleb
Tags: Fighting, Gym, Highschool, M/M, Violence, Young Love
"Damn, Max, am I drunk?" â€" the fox asked, his eyes locked at J's romantic gaze. The wolf laughed and replied: "Damn, dude, what did that vixen do to you? Either you both jointed, or it's something worse...Actually, I wanted to ask, did you have any sex?" Trevor turned with a look of a satisfied vampire: "Oh, you bet we did. And you know what? She is...umm...was a virgin!" â€" Trevor was proud of his act, finally standing up as a grown up fox. Sexual maturity was tied with adulthood. Whenever some boy fucked a girl, he was no longer a "boy". And the girl...well, it was considered she is ready to give birth.
Max watched with a small frown. He was a virgin, he was older, but still was a virgin. He turned his gaze to a girl, sitting by Jane. A young dragoness â€" Tania â€" she was brownish, one eye red, the other one â€" blue. Her hair was short and messy with a deep purple color and short green stripes. Max was in love with her...
"Ya like her, don't ya?" â€" Max's drooling friend said, with his sight still looking at his mate. "Yea...She's beautiful..." â€" the wolf was cut off by his friend very fast: "Dude, you're not the only one, Punk the hyena, he wants to fuck Tani for a long, long time." With those words said, Max clenched his fist and led out a small groan. "Punky... - it seemed like the wolf said those words with joy - ...he's dead." "Max, dude, stop it, no fighting in the buss." â€" Trevor spoke with cautiousness, knowing what might happen.
Punk was lounging at his seat and was telling a story of how he almost killed a "goddamned fag", who tried to squeeze his ass. Trevor's school was full of Bi's, but no one was irritated from them. Although no one could prove that the hyena himself was straight, no one could say the opposite. "Punky" as most of his classmates called him, was just relating how he smacked Buck the otter, when Max shouted from the back of the buss: "Hay, Punky, how ‘bout the time you had to lick my legs, because you lost that be...what was it again..." â€" before the wolf could finish the sentence, Punk got up, came closer to him and said facetiously: "Oh yea, I recall the bet was about who could jerk off faster?" "Yea â€" The canine replied â€" you proved you were a wimp." "Really? I think I proved I'm not getting horny from men." â€" all of the boys who could hear the talk at the back side of the buss laughed simultaneously. Max showed a bit of his teeth, growling slyly, but he kept him calmness and continued. "Punky, Punky, even if you have made the bet with a girl, you would still run off with that excuse..." â€" the last gag took more applauses that the first. Max smiled proudly, and Punk returned to his seat, yelling "Fuck you, McLowsky! At History you'll get fucked!" The bus driver turned his head to reveal a huge giggle. It seemed the microphones in the bus captured everything...
"History, DAMN, FUCK, Fuck Stable! I have no homework..." â€" with those words, weird images started to form in the wolf's head. "Trev, may I ask you something?" The fox knew what happened when the wolf started talking like that. Max always needed Trevor's help for his mischevious plans to work. The fox did not know what would happen, but if, by Max's words, the wolf was "out of order", Trev had to think up an excuse...
The school buss arrived, thus starting the painfully long day...Half of the students on the bus had History, the other half â€" Maths. Punk had Maths while Max had History so theoretically they couldn't start a fight...but only theoretically. Trevor thought about the lack of grey matter inside Max's head when the wolf began to scratch himself behind the ears before he took out a cigarette. "Max what the fuck r'ya doin'?! â€" Trevor asked â€" You want another detention?" "...maybe..." â€" the wolf replied as he inhaled the tobacco smoke and breathed out a cloud of nicotine, death itself. "Aw, fuck, the guard's out! Put out the damned thing!" â€" Trevor whispered; Mr.Yankovitz, the school ... erm ... "discipline control" loved guys like Max...The nearest entrance to the school was behind the guard. "So, what's up, Maxie? â€" Yankovitz asked â€" What'cha got there?" "Nuffn' â€" Max replied â€" just some soothing-ness, want some?" â€" the wolf handed the cigarette to the big Doberman. Yankovitz pulled the smoke from the filter into his lungs and started to make circles from the nicotine. "Yup, thanks ol'budy, now you gots to go wiz meh!" â€" the Doberman tried to make out a punkish â€" snot-nosed accent and failed miserably, after that he grabbed Max by the shoulder and took him into custody, so to speak. The wolf waved back to Trevor, winking as he did. This was a sight, it meant that Trev didn't have to make out anything, he would only enjoy the day...sort of.
The History class went rather well, both groups (everyone single student from the bus) had PE next. The school yard was massive enough for it to take up to 150 students, so 32 of them weren't much of a problem. Trevor, who was speaking with Jane about something carelessly, saw Max coming out from the same black door he came out the last time he was caught smoking. The wolf seemed quite happy from his stay in detention and Trev tried to ignore the calls of his name, but the wolf was rapidly shortening the distance between them. "Hiya Trev!" â€" The fox couldn't ignore his wolf buddy much longer and decided to quit: "What the fuck did you think you were doing?! Why, why, why?" "Well, mr. Brown pants, I thought it would be better to spend 45 minutes with Yakovitz, than in History class, I fucking love that guy!" â€" Max answered, not satisfying is friend's question though. "Anyway â€" Trev continued â€" so are you gonna do with Punky?" â€" to be honest, Trevor wanted to see the outcome of the whole "infatuated idiot versus swaggering bastard" thing. Max didn't answer the last question.
The sports teacher, a pumped-up brownish-white dingo with a sensible australian accent, was running in one spot, waiting for his students to get ready. "A'right then kiddoes, everyone worked-up, jacked-up, spun-up and ready to goww now?" â€" Mr. Derek Sean spited up the sentence in a flash and no one actually understood that, and, taking in mind that his accent was strong enough to kill a kangaroo, he repeated himself: "Donn lemme getcha wimpin'-pimin' honey-lickin' pipsqueeks foolin' aroun' in my class! Caam' on, le's goww! One, two, three, foaa'!" â€" and the 32 pupils started running behind what seemed a classical case of caffeine addiction... After a few cycles around the stadium, the boys were separated from the girls and the males headed to play rugby, while the girls were given the hard task of playing volleyball...
The match was going good until the ball got in Max's hands and Punk was running against him. In pure instinct, the wolf pounded against the whimpy hyena, and Punk reacted the same way â€" by instinct. Both students started fighting in the middle of the game. Everyone took off their helmets, stepped around the boys and started yelling, part of them for Punk, and a part for Max. Trevor instantly jumped to part the animals, but got hit in his exposed vulpine head. "Headshot" â€" somebody yelled and the crowd started laughing. Max regained sense and saw his friend lying motionless on the ground. He jumped to grab the fox, but was held tightly by Punk. The hyena held the wolf by the belt, pulled him on the ground and started beating him insanely. A small drop of blood flew from the wolf's nose, who on the sight of that exploded inside, pushed forward, and the animals switched places. As Max pumped fist after fist on the hyena's head, mr. Sean jumped from out of nowhere, grabbing Max, pulling him away from Punk. The dingo then checked the bloody hyena, who apparently didn't care and jumped back on Max, but this time Buck pulled the wolf into the crowd and smacked Punk in the face: "Fuck you, Punk!" â€" the otter yelled and kicked the hyena in the stomach. "Guyz, guyz, ee-nough! â€" the dingo started â€" Don'cha know you could kill the innocent creature." â€" Max smiled as he heard those words; The teacher was fucking with the bastard! Derek was on the bus when they argued, maybe he heard the talk. "Now now, â€" Mr. Sean continued, laughing â€" let's leave him alone, he needs a painkiller or two... - the dingo kneeled by Punk â€" Ya allright boy?" â€" he asked, but go spat at in the face with bloody saliva. "I hate you..." â€" Punk mumred. The teacher got up and wiped the spit from his muzzle. He sighed, then said: "Come one, let's leave the bastard here." â€" Max laughed at those words and the dingo came up to him next. "Well, I hope youz gonna be more friendly. Ya okay?" Max just smiled and patted the teacher on the shoulder, wiped the blood from his nose and arose. The dingo laughed again and said: "If ya give him a nice beatin' later, I won't tell anyone." â€" Derek winked, then looked at his watch and released everyone a few minutes earlier.
In all the commotion everyone forgot the fox. Trevor lied on the grass motionless. Max picked him up, cached up with Jane and said: "Would you help a helpless kitten? â€" smiling, the wolf offered Trevor to the vixen â€" Trust me, sometimes he looks like a kitten." Jane got the idea and kissed Trev on the forehead. The fox immediately opened his eyes, looked at Jane and said "Hi.", then he kissed her on the muzzle. Max sighed and released Trevor, leaving the fox to fall on the ground. The vixen gave Max a grumpy look, then helped Trevor up. Max approached Tania, held his breath and said: "Tani, hay, how ‘bout ‘bout I buy you a coffee later?" â€" The dragoness smiled and replied approvingly.
The boys headed to the showers; Punk was nowhere to be seen. Everyone patted Max, shouting with joy. The wolf smiled, headed to hid locker and, smirking, took out five cans of beer. Everyone whooped and Max handed a can to Tom, a domestic cat, his second best friend, to Joe, a white stallion, great "finess-freak", as Max called him, to Kaleb, a black leopard who could hack the CIA's computer network if he felt like it, and, of course, to Trevor. "Cheers, to Punk, may he always be here when I feel like kicking someone in the ass!" â€" Max shouted, taking out another whoop out of the crowd and then drank the whole can on one breath. His friends though, took it slower.
When all of the males finished their work in the showers and headed to the Physics class, Max left behind, because the beer hit him in the head again. He didn't notice the otter, Buck, still there too. "Max â€" Buck started â€" I want to ... thank you â€" the otter moved closer. - ... for the beating Punk received... - the otter kissed the wolf on the muzzle with blinding speed, then he turned and waked away, leaving Max half dead. | FSE |
Title: Room 69 by BloodRedFox
Tags: Anal, Cock And Balls Torture, Dragon, Fox, Gore, Harsh, Hermaphrodite, Hyperphallic, Other/Herm, Pain, Rape
\_Before you read on...
I wanna make this into a bit of a story series, moving on from jsut this horrible rape to something a bit more funny. Give us some rates and comments.
Things I want answered; Do I repeat some words too much? Did you find I dragged it out a bit or was it a little too jumpy? Was that big old SCREAM of a disclaimer needed?
Otherwise, enjoy.
PS, Juicy bits further down.
PSS, Thanks for reading, you're awesome. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
It was a good party. An incredibly good party. Amazing what happens when you take a lot of repressed office staff, canteen workers, receptionists, bellboys and the other half of the staff that no one really knew what they did but what they did must be important or they wouldn't still be employed, stick them in a dark room with loud thumping music and start everything off with the owner of the hotel yelling "No rules, you cunts!" before stage diving back first on to the ground. Thankfully our young canid hotel owner survived this severe cock up or this story would be incredibly short.
The canid in question, a smart looking dark red fox in a suit, will be this story's subject. Young, yet slightly short, standing at an amazing 5 foot seven inches, with a head full of red hair, slightly over one eye, in keeping with the latest fashions, looking mildly out of place in his bright red suit; he's a good subject. Our subject owns a hotel, the old Novotel in Ipswich that he got from his father after the old man kicked off. He soon bought the hotel for himself from the Novotel ringleader, after a clever bit of market manipulation and a few tax evasions, and he now owns one of the nicest hotels in Ipswich. Which is a shame because there's really bugger all to do in Ipswich so getting any frequent custom is damn near impossible. The hotel had been renamed when he first took over, "Devil & Co. Hotel", after himself, Devil Mellis Amada, and his company, anyone he had to give a check to. What's extraordinary about this though is that he's only 18.
The hall Devil & Co. are in is the main ballroom, great venues nightly, now emptied of it's usual higher class brass instruments and expensive furniture, replaced by a disco up front and some old furniture that could happily carry the scars of a massive party swiftly to the local dump. Which was good because someone had just thrown a chair across the floor, sending large splinters of wood everywhere. The music playing is on request so the songs have ranged from Blood Sugar by Pendulum to Labyrinth by Enter Shikari. A long blue and white banner was hung over the sound system which read "That Old Cow No One Likes Has Finally Kicked It!" Under that banner a smaller one read "Also, We Won A Certificate For Something Or Another".
Back to the party, if you don't mind, and we're back to Devil in the middle of the room, dancing with his employees, a bottle of WKD in one paw, a handful of air In the other as he jokingly gave his best mate the wanker sign from across the hall. As he danced like a person who stood on a nail he was also checking around the hall for the one thing that'd make this night totally worth it, crumpet. Birds. Women! Much potential in the room, so much potential. Lucy from accounting, Chloe from the cleaning staff, that cute, if not slightly tonk, red dragon from the front office...
In the darkness a pair of red eyes gleamed, like cats eyes, watching Devil carefully as he fell on his ass once again that night. The slit pupils in the devious eyes suddenly shrank so thin you could barely see them as something dragged the owner out into the light. The now revealed six foot something, 20 something year old, dark red dragon stood out in one of the spotlights, rubbing her red eyes as they adjusted to the light. Her red scales shifted to gold on her belly and her huge double D breasts, other places too, but I'm assured you don't need to know about that. She was a beautiful specimen, with her well kept, long, blonde hair and her slightly muscular frame, no one could understand why she wasn't married yet.
As her vision cleared she looked into the face of her friend, a young, hyperactive, dark furred civet, grinning smugly up at the dragoness. "Come on! Don't be such a shadow-stalking misanthrope and get out here!" A small civet paw had grabbed the dragon's claw and started pulling desperately. One swift pull later the civet was back where she started.
"I'm not being a "misanthrope", you know me better than that Lucy," She said calmly as her crimson red eyes darted around the room trying to relocate Devil. "I'm just looking for someone... from the dark..."
The civet just stood there for a second, thinking about it then nodded her head knowingly.
"I see what's going on..." She quickly went beside the dragoness and followed her line of sight, finding herself staring at Devil too, who had just challenged one of the managers to a game of walk-around-in-tight-circles-as-fast-as-you-can-looking-down-with-your-forehead-resting-on-a-pole-and-then-try-walking-straight.
"You serious? Him? He's the hotel owner! It'll start with casual sex, and then you'll get extra luxuries at work and then a promotion! And if anyone found out you were laying t-" Lucy was suddenly cut off as a scaled finger softly rested on her lips.
"You worry too much, go get a drink," Said the dragoness calmly, smirking slightly. Lucy wandered off rolling her eyes and shaking her head.
As the dragoness looked back to her query she saw him staring back at her. She quickly looked away, acting nonchalant. At least as nonchalant as you can be in a dark corner of the room with no one for company, an obvious blush crawling over your face as you studied the floor. She looked back and saw him walking towards her, tail slinking behind him as he took rather wobbly strides. She quickly fixed her hair and took a deep breath before he arrived and then she turned to greet him. "Hello sir, wonderful party tonight!" She practically screamed at his face.
"Isn't it just, I just saw Tom porking Angela out back!" Devil yelled above the music, trying to restrain his laughing. "And don't call me sir outside of work, it's not very social."
"I just wanted to talk to you about porking actually, Devil," The dragoness said, trying to keep calm. "Could we talk in private?"
"Sure, Ms.-" Devil's eyes darted about as his mind tried to put a name to the face.
"Butler, Rosie Butler," She replied confidently before moving very close to one of his large fox ears before adding, "Remember it, you'll be screaming it later..." A blush quickly started to spread across Devil's face at that last little comment, his tail wagging smoothly behind him as he thought about what might be yet to come.
Rosie smirked as she watched Devil register what she had said, revelling in the feeling of teasing someone so much smaller and weaker than herself. She raised a claw and patted the fox on the head. "Good boy," She murmured, starting to walk towards the main lobby.
Devil stood transfixed for a second, staring at her fine ass as she walked away, before he regained his composure and followed her slyly, dodging past a couple of wolves who had decided to try and fight each other with wayward table legs.
Together they reached the large, marble decorated, lobby and took a key from behind the reception to room 69, one of the higher class rooms and where Rosie stays when she can't be bothered to go home, firstly because her normal house is usually empty and secondly because she gets money off renting a room for being an employee. They climbed the stairs together, chatting casually about work, the party so far, the sound proofing that'd been put in room 69 earlier that day and the current state of economic affairs. Soon they were at the door, soon enough the door was open and then they entered.
The room was of good size, small living room with a nice LCD TV, a small door way lead to the kitchen and on the opposite side of the kitchen was a locked door that led to the bedroom. It had that hotel smell in the room, Devil noted as he walked in behind Rosie, and he loved that smell.
Rosie pushed Devil on to the couch and winked at him, churring softly, as she went into the now unlocked bedroom to get ready. Devil took off his clothes in the living area piece by piece, first his jacket, then his shirt and trousers till he's left just in his lime green and brown boxers, a printed pattern, I can assure you.
Rosie returned just as Devil slung his trousers onto the couch, now wearing a skimpy red leather bikini, barely covering her erect nipples or her sweet nether regions. She was blushing as she walked up to Devil, one foot directly in front of the other. Devil stared at her slack jawed, surveying the beauty in front of him, making him aroused but, for some reason, slightly intimidated. She had the same effect as a fast approaching fire with boobs.
Once he worked up the nerve, he moved up close to her wrapping his arms around Rosie's body before kissing her passionately. Rosie kissed back and churred, quickly reaching down and scooping up Devil's legs to carry him into the bedroom, a modest room sporting a mainly red velvet king sized bed, it wasn't the first time she'd had someone up here. She laid him down on his back and quickly ripped off his boxers with one powerful tug. Devil looked up at her, the kiss long broken, as she humped her covered sex against his stirring sheath, making him blush and moan quietly. Soon his tip was free, shortly followed by the rest of his long-ish canid cock, from the confines of his sheath but something had changed.
Rosie lay a top Devil, humping his rear as she held his tail up by the root, almost painfully. Devil laid dumbstruck, his muzzle smooshed into one of the pillows as the sounds of soft leather slapping against furred skin was heard behind him. After a few seconds of furrowed eyebrows and broken story flow he turned his head to the side so he could talk without getting a mouthful of pillow.
"Rosie? What are you doing...?" There was a note of disappointment in his questioning voice.
"Umm... Nothing?" She pathetically lied, as she slowly stopped humping and flipped Devil over onto his front again. "Now where were we?" The last part had the tone of seduction about it. As she spoke, her claw was reaching around to her back as she slowly undid the knots that kept her crimson bikini top on. It fell onto Devil's chest as the knot around her neck came loose, her large breasts falling less than a centimetre, remaining firm and supple even without the support the bikini top offered. Gods, she is perfect! Devil found himself thinking as she lowered herself to rub her chest against his own lightly toned chest. His cock stood proud and soon the dragoness had lowered her still covered cunt onto it, moving her hips so that her bikini rubbed the tip of Devil's member, teasing him as he started to get desperate, his hips involuntarily bucking forwards as he got more aroused by this hot, curvy dragoness, he wanted to be pounding in to her right now!
That's when he noticed her paw undoing the knot that kept her skimpy bikini. The knot came loose and the bikini bottom fell as Devil put his paws on either of Rosie's hips and thrust forward, pulling her down. He didn't know if it was bad trajectory or a communications break down that made him miss his mark and instead rub his tip painfully across her golden-scaled belly. It tuned out it was neither as Rosie had easily broken his hold on her and had moved her warm cunt out of his way. She was now smirking down at the sexually frustrated fox, who was panting from the strong arousal he had going by now. Devil's hormone addled mind only really registered something was wrong when he was back on his front, his stomach supported by some firm pillows as Rosie laid over his back, licking his neck and churring happily.
"Rosie...? Dear...? It's happened again, are you sure you're feeling O-" Devil Looked back at her as he spoke, his butt blocking his view of his dragoness.
"Oh, Devil. I'm OK, I'm better than Ok, I'm perfect. Soon though, you will not be fine, far from it," The dragoness was using a condescending tone, like mother to son. This was swapped out quickly for a more harsh tone of voice as she hissed into his ear. "Do you know how long it's been since I last got my rocks off? This is going to be a long night for you Devi boy!"
Devil didn't know whether to whimper or laugh. Was she just trying to be controlling or was there something more? He remained in thought for a while as Rosie continued to hiss threats into his ear.
"You don't get your rocks off, you're a dragoness, a girl, you don't have rocks!" he finally blurted out, swallowing quickly as he felt Rosie shake with laughter and heard her giggle through her sharp teeth.
"That's where you're wrong, I'm a very special dragon you see. You're a man who likes science, what is the third classification of gender?"
"Trans?" He'd said this honestly but knew he'd been wrong as a claw came down squeezed his cock so hard it burned.
"Try again!"
"Hermaphrodite! Please stop!" He felt the pressure alleviate when he got the answer out and was instead treated to a couple of pleasurable strokes. "See? You're not completely stupid," Rosie whispered calmly. "Now, what do you think this is?" As she finished her last sentence something rubbed along the underside of Devil's foxhood. He felt it rub across his tip and then keep going as he ducked his head to look across his body to where the dragon was. *Fuck!* Devil thought as he watched that...thing growing ever longer, *It's got to be over 20 inches long!*
A mammoth black cock was snaking its way out of a large slit, usually hidden by scales, just above the herm's dripping wet cunt. It had a pointy, tapered tip, much like Devil's canid shaft, and then, just as it seemed that this cock would never stop emerging, a large barbed knot popped out of the vent and it's owner churred softly.
"I think this is rape and I'm not sticking around!" Devil yelled defiantly, about to struggle away. He was straight! He wasn't going to have that in him! He wanted to live! Just as he put his paws out drag himself out from under hir a horrific pain caught him. He looked at where the pain was coming from, the tip of his cock, and found a red claw there, with a single clawed finger trying to wiggle its way into his cock, tearing it up inside.
"You sure you want to run?" Hir voice leaked malice as the finger started to push in to Devil's cum slit, making him whimper and squirm in pain.
"No! No, I'll stay! I'll take it! Get that out of my cock!" He whined but he finger continued to slip forwards roughly.
"You'll be calling me mistress from tonight onwards and if you ever tell anyone about this I will break you more than I will tonight. And don't think it will be just tonight. I will rape you every chance and reason I find. Who knows? We might find a relationship in all this," Shi laughed at hir last comment, a laugh so cold it chilled Devil to the bone. The finger was now up to the first joint in Devil's poor sore cock but then it was suddenly torn out. "Do we have an understanding or..." Rosie reached into hir bedside cabinet and pulled out a long, thin metal pole with a key in the end. "Do I have to use this?"
"I agree!" He quickly barked, not wanting to know what that was for and never wishing to find out either.
The herm had won, you could tell by the smug smirk she had crawling across hir muzzle. Shi had the same smirk as shi dragged hir monolithic black cock back across the underside of Devil's own comparatively tiny cock. The smirk was gone, however, when the spaded tip of that monster was resting on a whimpering, shivering Devil's puckered anus. Hir muzzle now sported a look of dire concentration as shi started to apply pressure.
Devil's mouth hung open, drool slowly dripping from around his open maw as he started to whimper louder and louder. The pointed tip was now buried in his ass, he was preparing for the worst. Any second now shi was going to...
There was a primal roar from above him as the herm managed to shove at least half of her throbbing draconic cock straight past Devil's unlubed tailhole and into his tight rear passage. There was no noise available to him to express the pain he felt as his tailhole ripped open by that giant cock. Whimpering wasn't powerful enough yet neither was a scream. He just remained in his position and went dead inside, the only thing he could feel was the pain as that huge organ was pushed inside of him, making him shiver violently.
Rosie on the other hand was loving it. The shivering flesh around her dark obelisk of cock felt so fucking good! To her, Devil was now the equivalent of a very large, warm and fluffy vibrating cock sleeve. For a second she almost wished she'd used lube, just to make the entry a little easier. Regardless she pushed on, arms wrapped around Devil's chest as she slowly pushed more of that ass wrecking cock into his strained passage and anus. Not being able to take this teasing much longer shi bent down and whispered into his ear "Keep smiling," at which Devil subconsciously let a watery smile spread over his face. A short lived one though because the next thing he knew the dragoness had pulled hir cock out till only the spaded tip was left in before ramming forwards again with another roar, making Devil tense up and tighten around the intruding member which was now in all the way up to the barbed knot, the deeply buried tip causing a grotesque bulge on his belly.
Devil found his voice this time and screamed as he felt his straining anus finally give in and rip in multiple places around the circumference. Devil continues to scream and even audible swear words made it in as the sharp pain slowly faded, the dragon waiting for Devil to calm down to an erratic pant before shi started to speak.
"Don't worry, hun, that was the hardest part," Rosie said to the still shivering and now actually crying from pain Devil. "Oh who am I kidding?" She said as she pushed forwards slightly, the knot stretching out Devil more with a sound a little like wood creaking under stress. "That'll be the hardest part!"
Shi laughed that malicious laugh again as she ripped her cock out again, leaving small gashes and huge cuts in Devil's colon, before thrusting back into the protesting Devil's tailhole, eliciting more terrified and pained screams. Rosie growled lustfully when she thrust into Devil again and again and again. Soon the growling stopped and it was replaced with light moaning but Devil didn't hear it. All he could he heard was his own pain induced screams and oaths.
Suddenly, after what seemed an age the thrusting stopped and Devil saw the face of his rapist float into view out of the tear clouded vision of his right eye. It was kind of eerie, the light bending, making the head look disembodied. He blinked so he could see hir clearly. Shi was sweating and blushing with effort, the effort of tearing Devil's ass open for hir own sadistic pleasure. Hir mouth barely looked like it was moving when shi spoke next. "Remember what I said in the ballroom, before we came up here?" Shi asked the shuddering crying husk of Devil. "Y-yes, Mistress, you're name is Rosie an-and that I should remember it because I'd b-b-be screaming later..." Devil was stuttering due to the horrific pain flaring from his ass. "Well then..." There was a sudden sharp pain as if someone had stabbed Devil's sore, bleeding colon with a hundreds of pins. The dragoness's cock had just sprouted small barbs, all around hir length. Shi moaned lightly as the barbs sprouted and said in the calmest tone possible, "Start screaming my name."
Shi ripped it out and the barbs scratched at Devil's sore passage. Shi thrust it back in as the barbs ripped long ravines into the quivering flesh.
"Mistress Rosie! Please! The.... The barbs! They hurt!" He screamed. "Get rid of them! Mistress!" Shi wasn't listening. Hir sensitive barbs running up and down his tight passage was making hir moan loudly. Shi moved hir claws to his shoulders a dug them in, blood dripping from the wounds, making Devil whimper.
"You're the best fuck I've had in a long time, "sir"! So bloody tight!" Shi moaned as she continued to slam into the now ruined and bleeding sphincter. "You ever been tied before? Like a vixen in heat? No? First time for everything, right?" She whispered into his ear, head back down next to his ear in an instant, before biting the scruff of his neck. Shi started to take deep shallow thrusts, hir barbed knot smacking against his torn anus.
Devil wasn't replying to hir, he was too busy sobbing under hir. He could feel warm blood dripping from his tailhole, over his sac and then heard it dripping on the bed. At least it was some kind of lube.
"Mistress... No... It can't fit... It won't.... you'll kill me..." He croaked between his sobs as the knot slowly stretched him open, starting to pass out as he hyperventilated. He was brought back by a sharp pain between his legs and a horribly fleshy rip as his tailhole split wide open, a fine rip from the bottom of his anus to a point just under his sac. The knot had ripped him as it got half way in and then suddenly stopped, before being torn out again. Shi wasn't done with him yet.
Shi went back to long thrusts, going from the tip to shoving about half the barbed knot into Devil before pulling out and thrusting again. Shi was doing this incredibly quickly and powerfully and then there was a crack. Devil's eyes shot open as his pupils turned into pinpricks in a sea of red iris. His pelvis had just snapped and splintered. The pain sneaked through his body and it wasn't until a few seconds after the sickening sound did he finally cry out in anguish.
"Whoopsie!" Rosie giggled as shi continued thrusting into him "Beg me! Beg me to cum inside you and all this will be over!"
Devil slowly nodded his head as he managed to speak through the mind blowing pain, "Please, Mistress! Tie with me...cum in me... Make me your Vixen...!" He sobbed as he waited for hir to finally slam home.
And that's just what shi did, quickly burying hir huge obsidian cock into his torn up passage and finally mashing hir entire barbed knot in. The barbs on hir knot jutted out a few inches, burying themselves into the muscle as Rosie felt hir urethra distend with the oncoming tidal wave of cum she was going to put inside him as shi experienced one of the most explosive orgasms of her life!
"I hope you're ready... This is going to burn!" Shi screamed in orgasmic and sadistic pleasure
Devil felt it to and he whimpered, his whimpering swiftly becoming muffled screaming as he bit into the pillow whilst the first spurt of cum sprayed over his internal wounds, the salty solution burning when it made contact with the sore and exposed nerves of his colon. He shuddered with sobs as the cum pumped into him, distending his stomach as it had nowhere else to go thanks to the huge knot keeping him and hir together.
It was at least ten long minutes before shi finally came down from hir orgasmic high, having pumped so much cum into Devil it threatened to come out of his mouth. Devil had long ago gone soft with pain, his urge to yiff was now gone as he laid panting on the bed, the weight of the heaving and sighing dragoness atop him.
"I've never cummed for that long in ages...I love you," Shi said sweetly, licking Devil's ear and neck.
"I-I need to s-s-see a doctor..." Devil whimpered from below hir, obviously less than impressed with the whole experience.
Rosie slowly pulled out, Devil whining as he felt every inch of hir blood covered cock slip out of him, and went to the bathroom to clean hir huge shaft before getting ready to take Devil to the AE ward at Ipswich General Hospital. Devil just remained laying on the bed as a dull pain throbbed inside him, his mind finally shutting down from exhaustion and stress. He heard Rosie walk back in and pick him up with a loving tenderness, whispering into his ear, "You'll be so happy when we're married."
*Wait, what? Oh bugger it...* he finally passed out with a smile on his face as he felt himself be carried away. | FSE |
Title: in your dreams by dbj_rab
Tags: Dog City, Gay, M/M, dogs
Ace hart yawned after having gotten done with another thrilling episode, this time featuring his creator elliot shag. It was a interesting episode to say the least, meeting each other "face to face" for the first time and his wacky cartoon antics.
"Well elliot, that was a very interesting episode we just did. Was nice to meet you face to face, so to speak and I look forward to doing it again," Ace said, as he looked up to chat with elliot from the drawing board.
"Yeah that was very nice, despite I was dreaming most of it. " Elliot replied back, as he browsed through the mail he just recently received. "huh, damn it that was suppoused to have been only between us" he muttered at a letter.
"what is it?" Ace asked curiously, trying to peek at what it was.
"well you remember that certain off the air show we did for that fan? Apparently he told a friend about it and said friend just sent us $1,500 to do a personal episode for him as well," Elliot replied.
"Well we could certainly use it for emergencies. What does he want us to do?" Ace inquired.
"Apparently he liked the in your dreams episode, and really liked the idea of us being together "face to face". He wants a x-rated episode of the two of us," said Elliot.
"Oh. Another gay one huh?," Ace remarked, pondering it over. "Well I'll admit the first one was odd, but uhh.., I think I'd feel more comfortable with this one since it's you," he said with a blush.
"Oh really?" Elliot said surprised. " Well it would be nice to have some money to keep ahead of things as needed and it is only just for this certain fan and no one else to watch." He coughed slightly, a bit embarrassed as he had in fact at times envisoned what it would be like to have sex with his own creation, albeit with a life of his own.
Ace stretched and wondered how it would go, and recalled what Elliot looked like naked while showering, and knew that he had a very nice big cock even when it wasn't hard. " So how do you want to get things started?" he asked in anticipation.
"I'm not sure yet. I'll have to think on it some, and compare with what notes he sent along with payment," Elliot answered.
Ace nodded, and scratched himself slightly as he idly recalled the first x-rated fan episode that was commissioned. His pants started to tent slightly and he admitted to himself he couldn't wait to get started as he did enjoy it, despite still holding out for Rosey, but decided he is bi at lest since he did have sexual desires for her as well.
"Ok, let's get started," Elliot said, after finally getting things down in his head how it should be.
Elliot soon started drawing things down for the opening sequence of the show, feeling slightly odd that he was awake this time to draw himself in the episode.
After the usual opening credits, Ace Hart stands pondering out the window of his office wondering about how Elliot was doing after their little spat they had earlier and was close enough to kiss while they were arguing.
Elliot meanwhile is seated at a near by café, and sipping on some tea while glancing at times up at Ace's painted on window with his name and private eye dog sign. He sighed slightly, thinking how almost made a mess of things with that silly argument they had about how should do what and how they barely escaped.
As he sipped, he pondered what to do to make it up to Ace, idly glancing around at his surroundings and noticing some certain shops he'd never seen before. He finished his drink, and decided to go into the alley nearby where a small shop caught his eye, barely seeing it.
As Elliot neared closer he saw the sign more clearly, which read "Doggie dometrix shoppe for all your doggie on doggie desires". He gulped slightly, and decided to browse around.
The door opened with a slight jingle, and a handsome nude, but in harnesh and leash/studded collar attire approached him. "hi welcome to doggie dometrix. How can I be of service?" he said, with a slight wriggle to his hips, showing off his plump sheath and balls.
Elliot slightly gawked at the non abashed dog before him, showing off his genitails. "well ur uhmmm," he stammered slightly, "I'm just looking around, at the moment thanks," he said with a slight smile.
"Of course, if you need any help with anything, just let me know cutie, k?" the dog said. "Name's Kevin, by the way".
Elliot nodded, and gulped a bit more as he saw rows of sex toys and vids for dogs of all types and sexes. He blushed as he walked by a few female manneguins of very sensual looking bitches, and browsed through some of the doggie dildos and miscellaneous porn laying around, as he pondered what Ace would like.
He finally decided on a decent looking gay porn video, and a nice green rhinstone collar for Ace. As he turned to head back to the counter, he slightly bumped into the dog salesman, feeling his sheath brush against his clothed on. "oops, sorry didn't notice you behind me," Elliot said, with a blush as the dog salesman slightly grinded against him, before turning away.
"No problem sweety. I should have said something," he replied before giving Elliot's ass a quick squeeze, and turned to the counter. "so will this be all?" he asked, as he rang up the few items Elliot picked out.
"Yes those are fine for now, thank you" he responded back, and soon promptly paid for them. He paused slightly, and suddenly gave in to his hormones and asked where the bathrooms were. "Just down that aisle and to the right," Henry responded.
Elliot nodded his thanks, and went into the restroom. Truthfully he did have to use it, but shuddered at the thought of the sexy dog coming in and doing things to him. As he finished peeing, the restroom door opened and Henry stepped in. "Sorry I have to go as well," he chuckled and started to pee on the other side of the hydrant.
Elliot was washing his paws, while sneaking glances at Henry's huge dick as he got done doing his business. As he dried his paws, Henry did the same, and then quick grabbed Elliot by the shoulders and kissed him hard. Elliot murmured surprisingly, but didn't put up much of a fight.
They panted slightly into the kiss, and Henry pulled him into one of the stalls, and immediately pulled Elliot's pants done. He mrrrred as he saw Elliot didn't wear any underwear and started to immediately lick and suckle on Elliot's balls and sheath.
Elliot gasped, and shuddered from the sudden sensation. He moaned slightly, and started to thrust a bit into the eager dog's muzzle, while feeling himself hardening and popping out of his sheath.
"Oh dogs this feels sooo good," he thought, as his dick started to pre against the dog's talented tongue. He moaned as he reached down to stroke the other dog's penis and balls, feeling him preing already against his paw.
"MMMnnnn that's good," Henry moaned, as he sucked harder on Elliot's hardening length, and thrusted into his paws. Soon he started sucking more up and down, and swirled his tongue in circles around Elliot's cock tip, slightly rubbing his swelling knot.
Elliot gasped even more, as he shuddered and twitched from the pleasuring sensations, and started to buck his hips harder into Henry's muzzle, while moving to suck on Henry's own impressive length of 9".
Henry moaned around Elliot's now fully hardened length of 10 and ½" of dick, and squeezed his knot hard. "oohh dogs, so hot," he panted, as he pred even harder into the hot muzzle, and sucked even harder on Henry's cock, while squeezing his knot as well.
Henry shuddered and grunted as he thrusted hard in and out of Elliot's muzzle, while squirming and getting closer to cumming. He panted around Elliot's hot dick and suddenly shoved a finger into Elliot's twitching anus.
Elliot gasped even more louder and grunted, as he twitched and not able to take it anymore, started to swell and suddenly cum hard into Henry's muzzle. "oonngghh fuck yyeessss" Elliot shouted out as he spurted his dog cream, and fingered Henry's hot tight hole as well, while sucking even more, and making sure to squeeze his knot hard as he could.
Henry grunted and shuddered, as his cock swelled and thrusted hard into Elliot's muzzle as he shouted and suddenly creamed hard and deep into his mouth. "oohhh dog yess" Henry yelled as he spruted hard into Elliot's eager muzzle and fingered him deeper to get all his cum as he could.
Elliot soon panted and groaned as their orgasmns subsided. "Oh man that was hot. Thanks for the action," he said, and gave Henry a quick snug, as they untangled from each other.
"My pleasure, and I do hope to see you around here again for more," Henry said with a wink. "if you'd like to get in touch with me, here's my card. I mostly work until 10pm."
"Great I'll keep that in mind," Elliot said as he pocketed the card, and soon left the store.
Ace meanwhile, decided to nap and was snoozing in his chair, in his underwear as Elliot padded up the stairs to his office. "Hey Ace, wake up. I got something for you" Elliot said as he walked in, and saw Ace snoozing.
"Huh ? wha? " Ace said at being suddenly woken up. "Oh hi Elliot. What's that? You go me something? Oohhh what is it?" he asked excitedly.
"Come into the bedroom and I'll show you," Elliot replied and moved into the room next to Ace's office which served as his sleeping quarters.
Ace yawned and stretched, as he got up and walked into the room curiously. He saw Elliot fiddling with the vcr hooked up to his tv, and idly glanced at Elliot's hot sawying ass.
"So what'd you get me?" Ace asked eagerly.
"Well first off, I got you a new collar to say sorry for the argument earlier, and then I got something for the both of us to enjoy" Elliot said with a slight smirk. He then reached into the bag and handed Ace the new green collar with his id attatched.
"Oh wow, this is great Elliot. Thanks a bunch" he said, as he tried it on. "Snazzy".
Elliot smiled and said you're welcome and remarked that green brings out Ace's eyes better. He then patted the bed, mentioning Ace to join him, as he started the video and started to get undressed.
"Wha, why are you stripping Elliot?" Ace asked curiously and suddenly blinked as he saw what was on the tv screen. Two very male dogs suddenly going at it. Two of the sucking each other in 69, while fingering their asses.
"wo... wow" Ace said, at a lost for words as he watched, and suddenly felt Elliot rubbing his groin. "Ohhh Elliot.. wh.. what are you doing?" Ace moaned at the touch, and felt his sheath swelling up, and suddenly realized Elliot stripped without any underwear on underneath. He glanced at Elliot's also swelling sheath and huge balls, as he tentiavely reached out to fondle his loins, while watching the dogs sucking harder and suddenly fingering each other deeper as they neared climax.
The dalmation on tv suddenly cried out as he shuddered, and cummed hard into the Rotweiller's eager muzzle, while the Rotweiller cried out and did the same thing. Ace squirmed as he felt his german sheperd length hardening and pop out of his sheath.
Elliot panted slightly, as he pawed Ace's throbbing member harder, and felt his own swelling into Ace's paws. He moaned as the dogs on screen suddenly switched to fucking each other, using their cum as lube.
Elliot squirmed, as his shepred dick pred at the hot close up of the rotwellier's hung 12" dick pushing into the tight looking dalmation's anus, and pawed Ace'd hardening german shepred cock faster up and down.
Ace moaned as he watched the rotweiller's huge dick thrust harder in and out of the squirming dalmations twitching tailhole, and saw huge amounts of pre leaking around the hung length. As he thrusted slightly into Elliot's paws, he squeezed Elliot's cock base, and freed his swelling knot.
Elliot moaned as he felt his knot pop out, and shuddered from the sensations, as he did the same for Ace's knot. They both moaned as they pawed each other off to the suddenly rotwellier's hard shoving of his hung dick and knot into the dalmation's tightening anus and his swearing as he was cumming load after load into the eager ass.
They both gasped as the rotweiller suddenly pulled out and his cum was leaking heavily from the twitching anus, and he suddenly started to lap it up, causing the dalmation to suddenly cry out in pleasure and he started to spurt all over the floor, as his ass was eaten out and the huge dog slurped up his cream.
Elliot not able to take it anymore, suddenly shoved Ace down onto the bed and started to kiss him hard. He moaned into Ace's muzzle as he started to tongue him slightly, and ground their loins together.
Ace moaned into the kiss, as kissed him back, panting hard as he pawed their preing lengths together, while rubbing Elliot all over. "mmmnn Elliot, dog this feels so fucking good," he panted.
"Yeah.. mnnn dog yeah," Elliot murmured as he suddenly turend around and started sucking on Ace's near 9" dick, while rubbing his own length against's Ace's muzzle.
Ace groaned as he thrusted upwards slightly into Elliot's eager muzzle. He shuddered as he suddenly started to suck and swirl his tongue around Elliot's hung near 11" of dog meat. "uunnhh dogs your dick is tasty" he said.
Elliot flicked his tongue in circles around Ace's cock tip and squeezed his knot, as he said thanks and so is yours, making Ace squirm even more in pleasure.
Ace panted, as he suddenly fingered Elliot's virgin tailhole. Elliot yipped and jumped slightly at the sudden sensation and moaned. They both panted as they idly glanced at the tv and noticed the dalmation was now fucking the rotwellier.
Ace groaned as he fingered Elliot's hot ass deeper, and shoved a second and then third finger in. Elliot spasmned in pleasure as his ass tightened and relax around the digits, and he fondled Ace's balls and cock base harder, while sucking even more up and down on his length.
"Oohhh Elliot.. " Ace panted, "I need your ass... dog I need your ass around my cock," he groaned.
Elliot moaned, and grinned suddenly straddling Ace's hips and lined up his hot cock tip with his twitching anus. "nnngghhh doooooggggg yeeaahhhh.. oh fuck yesss" Elliot yelled as he slowly pushed himself onto Ace's twitching and preing heavily dick. He shuddered trying to relax himself more, as he pushed down harder against Ace's hips.
Ace gasped and grunted as he feels Elliot's tight ass slowly envelope his twitching length. His 8 and ½" throbbed hard as he suddenly thrusted a bit into Elliot's hole. Elliot's own 10 and ½ " pre'd even more heavily from the sensations and he shuddered, suddenly feeling Ace's pubic fur grinding against his ass cheeks. "ohh gods Ace this feels sooo fucking good," he panted as he waited to get used to the hot cock in him.
Ace grunted in agreement and moved to paw Elliot's twitching dog meat slowly, as he started to thrust in and out of Elliot's twitching tailhole, spasming each time he pre'd hard and deep, feeling his knot swelling even more eager to get into his ass.
Elliot panted and gasped, as he moved with Ace's thrusts into his anus, and tightened himself as could, while bouncing up and down against Ace's hips. He shuddered as he felt Ace's paw wrap around his own twitching length and bucked hard into his paw.
Ace suddednly grinned as he pawed Elliot off faster in time to his deep thrusts, and then suddenly stopped, pulling out briefly. Elliot groaned and shuddered as he felt Ace's hard dick plop out of his twitching anus and his knot throb in anticipation.
"why'd you stop?" he asked as he waited eagerly for what was next.
"No reason," Ace replied and brought Elliot down to kiss him hard against, while suddenly thrusting his entire length in one go into Elliot's ass, shoving his knot in and out as fast and hard as he could, while keeping Elliot down.
Elliot yelled into their kiss as he felt Ace's huge knot popping in and out of his already stretched anus. "oohh oohh fuck Ace.... Do it. Tie me, " he panted and grunted as he shoved his ass down as hard as he could against Ace's hips. Ace growled as he couldn't hold back any longer, and held onto Elliot's hips, as he suddenly yelled out and shoved his knot and swelling cock in deep as he could, spasming as he suddenly cummed load after load of his doggy juices into Elliot's tightening anus.
Elliot gasped and twitched, as he felt Ace's hard 8 ½" inches and knot shove in deep and suddenly spurt into his ass. He panted and shuddered, suddenly cumming all over Ace's chest and face as he couldn't hold back any longer from the sensations.
They both just moaned and enjoyed the afterglow as their climaxes slowed down to a stop. "unnhhh dogs Elliot that was intense," Ace panted as he snuggled him close, giving his ass a squeeze.
"mmmnnn yeah it was, but we're not done yet," Elliot replied with a smirk as his cock was still rock hard and he grunted, feeling Ace's knot finally swell down and his hung dick and cum leak out of his tailhole.
Ace moaned and said "oh? What else did you have in mind then?" he asked.
Elliot grinned and suddenly flipped Ace over onto all fours, and started to immediately lick and tongue his twitching tail hole.
"oohhh oohhhh dogs Elliot," Ace gasped. "oohh fuck that feels incredible." He panted as he wriggled his ass against Elliot's muzzle. He moaned loadly, as Elliot stopped briefly to suddenly finger his anus deep and hard.
Elliot mrred as he tongued Ace's twitching tailhole deeper and slightly sucked on his still big balls, "Dog how I wanted your sexy ass for awhile now" he remarked, as he pulled away and started to line up his still cummed covered dick against Ace's puckered star.
Ace just panted and grunted from the sensations, and started to feel himself getting hard again and eager to feel Elliot's hung 10 and ½ inches in him. Elliot soon slowly pushed himself into Ace's anus, lifting his tail up higher. They both moaned as Elliot slowly filled up Ace's ass.
Elliot grunted as he suddenly hilted into Ace, and felt his hips flush against the german sheperd's ass cheeks. He moaned as he fondled their balls together briefly, while Ace panted and wriggled against him, pawing his own length in pleasure.
Elliot soon started to thrust himself in and out of Ace's hot ass. "oohh Ace, I love you," he panted as he thrusted deeper and harder. Ace moaned out that he loved him too, and shuddered as he moved against Elliot's thrusting hips and into his own paw, as his cock throbbed and dribbled pre all over.
"Oohhhh dogs Ace,,, I .. can't .. hold .. back," Elliot groaned as his knot swelled harder and kept popping in and out of Ace's tightening anus. "MMmnnn yeah Elliot. Dog yeah fuck me... tie me," Ace groaned in pleasure.
Elliot started squirming and feeling his 10 ½ inches swell even more, as his knot shoved in deeper and swelled even harder against Ace's insides. Ace growled and tightened himself hard as he could around Elliot's hung dick and knot. Squeezing his own as he spasmned and suddenly shouted out "Elliot.. uunnhhhhh I'm cuummmiiinnngggg" he moaned as twitched and suddenly spurted all over his bed.
Elliot gasps loudly and twitched as he yelled out, " oohhh dog Ace yyeess fuccckkk yyeeessss... I'm cuummmiinnnggg " and snuggled Ace tightly as he felt his cock swell to the fullest and unleashed rope after rope of his doggy cream deep and hard into Ace's tailhole, feeling his own throb as his lifted up his tail, while grinding hard against Ace's ass.
They both panted and shuddered, still cumming hard into and onto each other even after 5 minutes had passed from them doing so. Elliot nuzzled Ace softly and licked his cheek as he felt himself finally slowing down to a trickle. Ace grunted and licked him back as he enjoyed the afterglow and Elliot's hung dick up his ass.
"mmnnn dog that felt soooooo good" Ace said.
"you said it Ace," Elliot replied back, and slowly pulled himself out of Ace's tight ass. He shuddered as his still hard dick plopped out and throobed against' Ace's own throbbing cock and they snuggled closer, kissing a bit and enjoying each other's warmth, as night fell deeper on them. They soon both started to drift off to dream land, wrapped in each other's arms tightly and with a smile on their faces.......
"Whew, wow that was more experience than I was expecting," Elliot said as the commissioned episode was finally done, and he started cleaning up his spooged up paw as he couldn't hold back but to paw off while making the episode, despite wishing he really was able to fuck and be fucked by Ace.
"you can say that again Elliot," Ace said. "Well at least you enjoyed yourself," he said with a wink and licked his lips at thought of cleaning his cock off.
"yeah. Hopefully that will be the last one for awhile. Not sure if I could handle doing that again anytime soon," Elliot remarked. "well I'm off to shower and then bed. Good night Ace. Sleep well, and thanks for putting up with these requests."
"No problem Elliot," Ace said as he too showered and then fell asleep in his spooged bed. | FSE |
Title: For the love of a Dragon by DemonDragon
Tags: Abduction, Anal, Cuddling, Death, Dragon, Hyena, M/M, Oral
He didn't resist when they caught him sleeping in the caves, he didn't resist when they jabbed at him with spears and spurred him forward to their small village near the cliffs edge, he didn't resist when they encased him in metal restraints, he knew he'd break free easily, but for now, he waited and bided his time. He'd been flying earlier that day, but hadn't noticed the updraft ahead, and it'd caught him by surprise, and as a result, he overcompensated, and strained a muscle. It'd take a month at most to heal, so he'd taken refuge in the cave, one of the village must've seen him, as they were upon him within hours, there was little chance of escape, and he had no interest in harming them.
The first day was rather rough, he'd noticed them, watched their race, females were larger, by a fair amount and seemed in control, shoving the smaller males and shouting in some god forsaken language, the males in turn cringed and whimpered pitifully. It didn't take me long to realize they were a matriarchial society, but he did find it odd, since the females still stayed indoors mostly, and barked out orders from their windows, or their seat.
He could only imagine how mating with them could be, how males here, must have cringed in fear for being the most attractive, and being chosen, the horrors the females put them through in their bedrooms, leading to war stories, rather then jokes about bragging with whom they'd bedded.
The first evening, a large pile of meat was brought to him, something that would have fed at least half the village by his count, it had a horrible odor, but he didn't let on that he could smell it, he instead dug in, and pretended like he was starved, the female overseer, and male guards seemed pleased, and once they'd left my field of view, he tossed the rest hard, towards the cliffs edge. He knew the scent of Dragonsbane, something used to weaken dragons and keep them that way, he knew the odor by heart, and the meat must've been saturated with the flower.
It was later in the evening, that he smelt something getting close, he barely slitted his eyes and watched the intruder, it was a male of the species, small, brown fur, dark spots down his pelt, certainly a odd creature. It came close and inspected him as he pretended to sleep. The male come close, sniffing at the dragons throat, then his chest, as the males muzzle lowered the dragon got worried and let out a soft yawn to announce his being awake. The male backed away and stared at him, gauging the dragons movements, the dragon only smiled, and looked at him.
The dragon looked over his shoulder, the two guards were talking quietly and looking over their own shoulders, probably watchful of any female guards coming to check up on them, and himself. He smiled and turned back to the younger male, tilting his head, the beastman smiled back and moved closer, he must've been...17...maybe 18, barely an adult by the dragons standards.
He leaned in close and sniffed the dragon again, chuffing softly before sitting back, looking at the taller reptile, before whispering "Veran" the dragon nodded his head and whispered back "Dragon" the male looked confused and shook his head, pointing at a guard "Korrin" then the second "Serie" then he pointed to himself again "Veran" he looked at the dragon expectantly, before the dragon replied "Dragon" he smiled to himself, knowing what the younger male wanted, but was unwilling to give his name, for if the male knew of the dragon oath, he'd be in a much worse predicament.
Veran moved close and pressed close to the dragon, the soft warm fur against his scales, it made the dragon smile and relax, he'd been laying down and now had a small male, maybe...two or three foot smaller then himself trying to cuddle with him, while the rest of his village most assuredly...had other plans for his scaley hide. He shut his eyes and put an arm around the young man, this must have made Veran happy, because he started to purr, the dragon thought.
They stayed like this for several hours, the smaller male speaking in his native language, going on and on about something or other, the dragon had no idea, but he listened, it seemed the young male needed someone to listen, and being a prisoner, the youth must've thought the dragon had no where to go. He could smell many scents on this young fellow, some female, some....not female, none of the scents flattering, and for the most part, obvious what they'd done with the young male. He tightened his arm around the young male, making him murr or purr, whatever noise he made, louder. Veran nuzzled into the dragons neck again, and whispered quietly "Dragon" and smiled, before he kissed the dragons neck and slowly stood up, sneaking around the side of the village to not be noticed.
The next day was much the same, the female brought another stack of meats, with the same odor and he devoured almost a fourth before she left with the guards and he tossed it over the side, it was no question now. They had intended on drugging him with dragonsbane, and fattening him up with the meats, his lifespan was most assuredly going to be shorter then what he intended, unless he started formulating a escape plan, if his wing wasn't strained, he could break the metal bonds effortlessly and just fly away. But it wasn't, and there was little else he could do.
After nearly a week, of the same routine, get fed, dispose of most of it, lay around and listen to the others shout and bellow orders, the terrified look of males as females would approach, and drag them off. The return of Veran, each evening, they'd lay together in the cool night air, the young male speaking for hours and hours in his language, the dragon, never understanding a single word. He must've wanted the dragon for more then a willing ear, as each evening, the male would press close, his back to the dragons chest, with the males rear pressed against the dragons groin, and always, Verans little stub tail would wag profusely when the dragon hugged him close.
It made him smile each evening, when Veran came to see him, though neither understood one another, it was the simple comfort of anothers presence that was all either really needed. Love was likely not felt on either side, just the need for companionship. It was a mutual feeling, the dragon thought, but he could never understand the males words, perhaps it was so much more to Veran, then it was for himself.
The following evening, when he waited anxiously for Veran to arrive, the guards came over and inspected his restraints, he'd taken care not to tug too heavily on them, lest he give away that he wasn't eating his meals, and aware of their plans, once they were satisfied, they went back to their posts, and Veran didn't show up that evening, he started to fear the worst, what if they'd caught him coming over, and thought he was freeing the dragon, or perhaps they'd thought he was doing something else, and were punishing him.
A pang of guilt hit the dragon, the young male had only wanted comfort, and someone to hold him, the dragon knew that feeling all too well, and was agitated that they'd punish the male, he'd wait for tomorrow and if Veran didn't show up, he was going to try and find him. He shut his eyes that evening, having a somewhat restless sleep.
The dawn broke with it's usual banter, the beasts changing shifts, the sickening laughter from them filling the air, he kept his eyes shut as he heard them doing something in the middle of town, and he was fairly sure what they were doing. He kept silent and faked being asleep for most of the day, knowing by now, that the dragonsbane in his system, should have him near death, if he'd ate it all like he had pretended to.
When dusk came, he kept his nose sniffing lightly, waiting for Verans scent to approach, he was relieved when he did, and he looked over, the young male didn't look hurt, till he came closer, and the dragon saw the bruises, busted lip, blackened eye. The scent of another male was all over Veran, covering him, and hiding his own faint musk, the dragon had a good idea what had happened now. Veran ran to him, not even caring if anyone saw him this time, it seemed, as he pressed close to the dragons warm scales, the dragon in turn hugging the male, holding him tightly, and nuzzling the top of his head.
Verans tears soon stopped flowing and he began to murr lightly again, the dragons claws gently raking down the males back, and Veran moved to sit into the dragons lap, while the male had a large amount of awe for the dragon, he no longer feared him. The thought of that making the dragon feel better, as he gave the male a soft squeeze, he smiled and Veran leaned back slowly, looking at the dragon, then, down.
The dragon wasn't sure what Veran was thinking but, when he felt the paw moving down his chest to his garment, it was all too clear, the dragon thrummed in his chest softly, and with the guards under the impression he was unconscious, they'd not posted guards tonight, giving the dragon the impression, that tomorrow would be his last sunrise.
He stayed as silent as he could, before he felt the young paw unclasping his leather belt that held his loincloth on, his own musk was fairly strong by this point, having no access to a bath, or water aside from what little he was offered. The young male let out a delighted whimper, and his muzzle delved between the dragons thighs, causing him to moan quietly, and spread his legs apart.
The young muzzle didn't know where to begin, but started around his heavy scaled orbs. Dragging his tongue over them and collecting the salty taste that had gathered down there, the dragon, having not had any attention in this manner for...many days, leaned back, placing his palms down. His sheath giving up it's thick contents eagerly, the red arousal pushing upwards and laying against his stomach as the smaller male licked and suckled at his seedmakers, making the dragon squirm lightly.
The dragon coo'ed softly and looked down at the smaller male, smiling, before his claw gently stroked his headfur, Veran looked up and blushed heavily, seeing the dragons arousal hanging so heavily over his stomach. He swallowed and leaned forward, letting his smooth tongue trail from the lip of the dragons sheath, upwards to the crown, where his lips parted further and the warm muzzle started to engulf the dragons arousal, he hissed softly and stroked his claws over the back of Verans head.
The younger male was eager to please this dragon, his muzzle taking as much of the dragons lenth as he could, before he leaned back, then forward, sending little shivers of pleasure through the dragon, making him groan and writhe faintly. It only took a few moments, before the dragon was panting, with Verans paws on his lenth, stroking up from the base, to where his lips could reach, then back down, getting the dragons hips to lift time to time, he wasn't going to last, if this was how things were going to be, the dragon reached down, and cupped the males chin, pushing him away slowly.
Veran whimpered and looked up at the dragon, confused. The dragon smiled and reached over unclasping the furry males own loincloth and smiling, as he stroked a claw over his rear. Veran understood immediately and blushed, removing his garments and pressing close to the dragon again, pressing his lips to the dragons own. His soft furred paws massaging and stroking the dragons neck and chest as he moved close, standing over the dragons arousal, before he moved to sit in the dragons lap. The dragons claws already holding his lenth upwards, so when Veran lowered himself, his lenth was gently nudging the males hidden tailbud.
Veran tensed up, and let out another whimper, the dragons free claw stroking the males side and rear, helping to calm him, it was a painful first step, but after Verans soft whimpers and the dragons faint growls of pleasure, his arousal had started to fill the younger males rear, with the dragon holding his lower half, Veran all but surrendered, letting the dragons strenth decide how fast his rear was used for the dragons pleasure.
It wasn't long at all, before both males were moaning quietly, the dragons arms guiding Veran up and down his turgid arousal, as it disappered into the furry crevice and sunk into the smaller males body. Veran, his paws gripping the sides of the dragons neck as he licked and kissed at the dragons snout, softly groaning with each movement, and his own arousal, bouncing with each press of dragon shaft, inside of him.
Veran was the first to tense up, and let out a restrained howl of pleasure, into the crook of the dragons neck and shoulder, hot spurts of seed erupting against the dragons chest and stomach. The dragon, driven by his need for release, pulled Veran further down, pushing his member further into the spasming male, growling and groaning, nearly to the hilt, before he tensed and held Veran tightly. The smaller male whimpering submissively, as hot pusles of dragon seed flooded his rear, marking him as claimed territory, much like what the dragon assumed had happened the day before.
Both males sat in the warm afterglow of release, the dragons claws gently rubbing up and down Verans back. He smiled and kissed the furred male softly, before slowly lifting Veran, who pushed the dragons attempts away, resigning himself to having the male in his lap, he went to lay on his side, and the smaller male shifted around, so his back was against the dragons chest again, and his rear pushed firmly down around the lenth, wanting to keep the feeling of warmth and the dragons show of affection within himself, at least for tonight.
The dawn came earlier then expected the next day, shouts and angry barks of hate filled the air when the dragon felt himself stirring, he awoke with Veran still in his lap, his arm around the smaller male protectively, he looked over and noticed several females and males all with spears and and bows at the ready. Veran stirred soon after and whimpered, he looked at the dragon then at the two dozen others of his race, shouting something, which most of the males gasped at, and the females glared hatefully.
The dragon had a good idea of what was said, and knew Veran would be killed after he was, he looked at the gathering, then at Veran, he leaned down and kissed Verans forehead, whispering softly "I'll protect you little on" he slowly pulled himself from Veran, while not fully hard, he was still somewhat unsheated inside of him. He slowly got up and shook his back and muscles, most of the females seemed unhappily shocked by this, and gripped their weapons tighter as he growled, he stood up on his hind legs, and stretched, the chains snapping harmlessly and dangling from the manicles around his wrists and halfway down his tail.
He turned to Veran and offered his claw, then looked out over the nearby cliffs edge, Veran looked to teh dragon then the cliff. He smiled, before turning to the rest of his village, shouting something in their language, before he took the offered claw, and pressed close to the dragon. Both smiling softly as the dragon picked up the younger male, and started for the cliff, the females screaming as several arrows and spears were thrown, the arrows hitting his scales bounced off harmlessly, and the spears whizzing past on either side of him, he lept from the cliff and spread his wings.
Veran smiled and nuzzled close against the dragons chest as he felt the air rising around them, he looked at the dragon and hugged tightly, trusting him completely. When the dragons visage turned from one of joy, to one of dread, and fear, Veran was worried. He looked at the dragon, then at his wing, one was fully extended, and the other, wasn't moving hardly at all. Veran understood the implications, and whimpered, but pressed tightly still, at least he was with his dragon.
The dragon shut his eyes, feeling the wind ripping past them, it would only be a matter of moments before they ran out of sky to fall from. He looked at Veran and shut his eyes "Forgive me Veran....there is no other way" he whispered, and rolled his weight, letting his back aim downward, as he looked into Verans eyes, a soft smile, as tears welled in his eyes, he squeezed Veran tightly then released him, a orange glow encompassing the male as they fell. He watched Veran's eyes, terrified as he was released, and he smiled at the male "The love of a not without it's price" he smiled still, trying not to cry, he didn't want Veran to remember him crying.
Veran sat by the dragons side, crying his eyes out, the dragons eyes left open in a sickening look of death, his body in a odd contortion as he'd hit the ground, Veran knew little of things outside of his village, and certainly had no idea what the dragon had said, but his safe landing by the dragons dying body, covered by the orange haze that soon dissipated as soon as his feet touched solid ground told him all he needed to know. He held the dragons claw and cried still, watching the life slowly drain away from the male that had saved him from his village, and from his eventual death, for bedding the dragon the night before.
Veran knew he had to leave, it would take the village at least a day to go around the valley and get to where they were, and he didn't have time to properly bury the dragon, or do anything to spare him the fate that he knew the village would do to the dragon, he had nothing with him, not even a stitch of clothing. He hugged the dragons maw, before turning and running down the valley, away from where he knew his kind would come from, going to fully use the gift the dragon had died, to give him, and live his life, in the dragons memory. | FSE |
Title: el cumpleaños de paard (1 parte) by loki288
Tags: Bisexual, Dragon, Gryphon, Horse, Lion, No-Yiff, Spanish Language, Story Series
\-hola hijo-saludo la madre de Sebas -hola madre- respondió Sebas con tono cortante -que pasa?- -no pasa nada- -hijo te conozco se que te pasa algo porque no me lo cuentas?- -es que Draco se comporta como si ya no me quisiera, quizás sea que tiene a alguien más- -oh, no, no creo que sea eso hijo, él dijo que te amaba y se dejo golpear solo para demostrártelo, debe ser algo más- -talvez pero no se que es lo que le pasa, ya ni siquiera hablamos cuando salimos del colegio- -dale tiempo quizás tanga algún problema en su familia o de pronto es el viaje a España- -si, de pronto sea eso- dicho esto subió a su habitación convencido de que no era el viaje a España, conocía bastante bien a Draco como para saber que eso no era, no, era otra cosa, pero que sería?.
En casa de Draco este subía a su cuarto pero antes de que lograra llegar sus hermanos lo detuvieron. -que ustedes no deberían estar en la universidad?- -deberíamos pero no estamos allá- dijo su hermano -si estamos preocupados- dijo su hermana- hace ya más de un mes que Sebas no viene ni tu vas- -que es lo que pasa?- pregunto su hermano -no pasa nada- respondió Draco -si claro y yo me llamo clara- dijo su hermana- vamos puedes contarnos, somos tus hermanos te ayudaremos- -no, ustedes no pueden ayudarme, nadie puede ayudarme- dijo Draco -claro que podemos para eso estamos los hermanos- dijo Drache -no, ustedes no entienden- dijo Draco -pues explícanos- pidió su hermana -es que ahora no estoy tan seguro de que en realidad ame a Sebas- respondió su hermano -estas hablando en serio?- preguntó su hermano -si- respondió Draco -vengan vamos a la sala- dijo María Bajaron a la sala y cada uno se sentón en el lugar que acostumbraban. -bien ahora dinos que es lo que te pasa y porque dices que ya no estas seguro de amar a Sebas- dijo Drache -pues supongo que se acordaran de Camilo- -si, pero no veo como es que él tiene que ver en esto, lo dejaste hace años- dijo su hermana -pues si lo deje pero en realidad aun no lo he olvidado- Sus hermanos guardaron silencio así que continuó. -verán en mi armario hay una pequeña cajita verde donde tengo algunos recuerdos de él- Sus hermanos continuaron sin siquiera modular. -hace un poco más de un mes volví a abrir esa pequeña caja, en cuanto vi de nuevo la foto de él sentí como si volviera a amarlo, desde entonces en mi mente se debaten dos ideas: la que dice que amo a Sebas y que solo me siento así porque él me hizo pasar muchos de los mejores momentos de mi vida; y la otra es la que dice que en realidad amo a Camilo y que solo estoy obsesionado con Sebas- María se levantó y se dirigió hacia Draco, se inclinó un poco y luego lo abofeteo en la mejilla derecha para luego darle otra en la izquierda. -era eso? Solo era eso?- preguntó su hermana con lagrimas de ira cayendo por sus mejillas Draco solo guardó silencio, aun estaba paralizado por el par de cachetadas que su hermana le había propinado. -respóndeme- grito María y luego lo tomo del cuello de la camisa y lo obligo a verla a la cara- respóndeme- volvió a decir su hermana -si- Su hermana levanto la garra derecha para propinarle otra cachetada pero Drache la detuvo. -déjalo así María no tiene caso, que harás? Golpearlo hasta el cansancio como hizo mi padre cuando afronto la realidad de que su hijo era homosexual?- María bajo la garra y luego soltó a Draco. -eres patético- dijo María y luego se fue de la casa -tu también piensas que soy un idiota verdad hermano- -si te dijera que no te mentiría- dijo su hermano sin siquiera mirarlo, luego continuo- tu hermana y yo pensamos que habían tenido alguna pelea o que habían terminado o algo por el estilo como para que nos salgas con la estupidez de que ahora crees que no amas a Sebastian- -pero tu no entiendes- dijo Draco en lo que fue casi un susurro -entonces explícame- -que quieres que te explique? Que en algún lugar de mi ser aun quiero a Camilo? Es tan difícil de entender eso?- -para serte sincero si- ambos callaron pero luego Drache continuo rompiendo el incomodo silencio- acaso crees que no nos molesta verte pensando de nuevo en ese que una vez te hizo sufrir tanto? Crees que no nos duele verte sufriendo por un idiota como ese que seguramente ya se habrá conseguido a alguien más con quien satisfacerse y que seguramente ya se habrá olvidado de ti? Crees que no nos molesta demasiado ver como es que piensas tanto en algo tan estupido?- de nuevo se hizo silencio y de nuevo fue Drache quien hablo primero- dime ¿serías capaz de cambiar el amor que te tiene Sebas por el placer que te dio Camilo? Porque si es así mi hermana no será la única que te golpee- dicho esto Drache también salio de la casa dejando solo a Draco y a su conciencia. "ellos tienen razón, es algo ten simple, la respuesta estuvo siempre frente a mi y no la vi, claro que no puedo cambiar el amor de Sebas por el placar de Camilo" dijo una de las voces dentro de su cabeza "seguro que no es amor lo que sientes por Camilo?" pregunto la segunda voz "apostaría mi vida a ello" respondió la primera vez Luego de esto Draco se sintió terrible por como se había comportado en todo ese tiempo seguro que Sebas debía odiarlo o al menos estaría mucho peor que él, quería ir y pedirle disculpas quería decirle que todo había sido una confusión que no quería que nada cambiara que deseaba que todo volviera a ser como antes pero su orgullo no lo dejo, así que decidió subir a su cuarto a pensar un poco mejor las cosas.
En casa de Paard este se preguntaba que le había pasado a James, desde hacía una semana que no sabía nada de él. En esos momentos su celular sonó, lo tomó y vio que era James el que lo llamaba. -alo- dijo Paard -hola amor- -James, donde estas? Porque no fuiste a clases esta semana?- -estoy en mi casa y es que estaba preparando una cosa- -una cosa, que era tan importante como para que te perdieras por toda una semana?- -ya lo veras pero por ahora necesito que empaques ropa para 5 días- -que? Pero para que?- -ya verás eso te lo diré mañana, pasare a recogerte a la 1:00 de la tarde bien?- -espera James dime que estas planeando- -no puedo amor, eso lo dañaría todo, solo confía en mi bien?- -bien tu ganas, nos vemos mañana- -bien, chao amor- -chao- Paard se quedo de pie en su habitación contemplando el celular mientras pensaba que estaría planeando James " no me preocupare por eso, después de todo en dos días es mi cumpleaños, no me amargare el fin de semana pensando en eso, seguro que mañana James me cuenta de que se trata" luego se dirigió a su armario, saco un maleta y comenzó a escoger y empacar ropa suficiente para 5 días y algunas mudas más por si acaso, Lugo de esto se fijo en el reloj 7:56 pm así que bajo, se hizo una hamburguesa, subió, se lavo los dientes y luego se fue a dormir. Al día siguiente Paard despertó más temprano de lo normal, lo que James estaba planeando le había estado dando vueltas en la cabeza desde la noche anterior. Sintió que su madre estaba en la cocina así que decidió bajar a saludarla antes de comenzar a prepararse para irse. -buenos días madre- -hola Paard, dormiste bien?- -ni tanto, ayer James me llamó y me dijo que empacara ropa para 5 días pero no me dijo el porque y eso me inquieto- -así que no te lo dijo, bueno seguro quiere que sea sorpresa- -tu sabes de que se trata?- -si, hace unos días me llamó para avisarme- -ah, bueno me iré a arreglar para cuando llegue-
En casa de Sebas este y su madre terminaban de guardar las cosas que iban a llevar a la finca, debían terminar antes de las 3:00 de la tarde, como decidieron adelantar el viaje tenían que apresurarse.
Mientras tanto Draco aun se encontraba en su cama pensando en lo que sus hermanos le habían dicho el día pasado. "de verdad que soy un idiota, como fui capaz de pensar en algo como eso, cambiar el amor de Sebas por el placer que me da Camilo, ahora que lo pienso bien es toda una estupidez" Luego de pensar esto se levanto y se dirigió al baño, tenía la intención de ir a explicarle todo a Sebas antes de que se fuera para la finca.
Los minutos pasaron rápidamente, y antes de que Paard se diera cuenta James ya estaba allí. -hola amor- dijo James y se lanzo a los brazos de Paard -hola James- dijo Paard y lo beso -ya esta todo listo?- dijo James, rompiendo el beso -si pero me podrías decir para donde vamos?- -no, es una sorpresa- dijo James y luego entró por la maleta de Paard- señora ya me llevo a Paard- -claro, cuídalo por mi bien?- dijo la madre de Paard -esta bien, lo cuidare muy bien, no tiene de que preocuparse- luego salió llevando la maleta de Paard -mamá segura que estarás bien?- -claro que estaré bien no te preocupes tanto, solo disfruta del viaje- respondió -amor nos vamos- grito James desde el auto -bien ya me voy- beso a su madre en la frente y se fue -amor ahora si me dirás a donde vamos?- dijo Paard mientras se montaba al auto -no- respondió James mientras colocaba en marche el auto -al menos dime a cuantas horas esta- -a cuatro horas, mas o menos- -bien creo que dormiré un rato-
En casa de Sebas su padre ya había llegado por ellos y estaban subiendo las maletas al auto. En esos momentos Draco terminaba de arreglarse para ir a casa de Sebas. Al terminar bajó las escaleras, le dijo a sus hermanos que se iba pero antes de que abriera la puerta su hermana le hablo desde la sala -a donde vas?- -iré a casa de Sebas, corregiré mi error antes de que sea demasiado tarde- Luego abrió la puerta y se fue; caminaba a paso rápido pues quería decirle a Sebas lo que pasaba lo antes posible. Caminaba distraídamente por la acera, estaba a unas cuantas calles de la casa de Sebas, en esos momentos escucho el motor de una auto y levanto la mirada, en una prado plateada iba la madre de Sebas y a su lado un león de ojos cafés claros, de pelaje amarillo rojizo y de unos 40 años, en la parte trasera iba Sebas mirando distraídamente por la ventana del auto. Cuando el auto pasó por el lado de Draco las miradas de este y de Sebas se cruzaron por un momento, cuando Sebas logró reaccionar y mirar hacia atrás solo logro ver como Draco observaba como el auto se alejaba y luego agachaba la cabeza. -hijo quien es él- preguntó el padre de Sebas -él es Draco su novio, recuerdas que ya te había hablado de él?- -ah, así que ese es Draco por lo que vi al parecer no le dijiste que el viaje se había adelantado- dijo su padre -pues a decir verdad hace unas semanas que casi no hablamos- -y se puede saber porque?- preguntó su padre -pues en realidad no lo se, un día simplemente comenzó a comportarse de una manera un tanto extraña y luego nuestra relación se fue deteriorando hasta el punto de que casi no hablamos así que por eso no se lo dije- -ya veo, y no crees que él iba en estos momentos a intentar arreglar las cosas?- preguntó su padre -es posible aunque no estoy muy seguro, creo que ya no lo conozco- luego de decir esto miró hacia el cielo y continuó- padre, no te molesta que sea gay?- -pues veras, cuando me lo contaste lo pensé muy bien pero decidí decirle a tu padre que era lo que estaba pasando, al principio no quería aceptarlo, incluso fui varias veces a visitarlo para mejorar las cosas y con el tiempo lo fue aceptando. Este viaje aparte de que es para disfrutar es para que tu y él tengan tiempo de hablar- dijo su madre
En esos momentos Draco entraba de nuevo a su casa. -hermanito? Que haces aquí tan pronto?- preguntó su hermana -pues al parecer adelantaron el viaje y Sebas no me lo contó, cuando iba llegando lo vi en un auto con su madre y el que conducía debía ser su padre- respondió Draco -y yo que creía que hoy te íbamos a ver sonreír de nuevo- dijo su hermano -pues me tendré que aguantar hasta el final de las vacaciones-
Mientras tanto James manejaba por la autopista que se dirigía hacia el norte, llevaban más de dos horas de viaje y Paard aun no despertaba. "al parecer no durmió mucho anoche" pensó James En esos momentos Paard soñaba con que él y James hacían el amor en la casa de James. Los minutos pasaron y Paard despertó del mejor sueño que había tenido en toda su vida. -hola dormilón- dijo James- con que soñabas?- -que? Porque lo preguntas?- preguntó Paard -por eso- dijo James y luego señalo la entrepierna de Paard- es lo suficientemente grande como para que se pueda notar incluso con ropa- Paard miró su entrepierna y noto que estaba excitado, le pareció normal después de ese sueño. -ahora si me dirás con que soñabas?- pregunto James -si tu me dices a donde vamos- dijo Paard -pues mira hacía tu derecha- dijo James Paard miro y vio unas montañas con un pasto de uno color verde claro, a lo lejos se veía una casa de un piso pero bastante grande. -vamos para esa finca que ves- dijo James- ahora es tu turno- -pues soñaba que tu y yo... pues- -no termines ya me lo imagino- dijo James y luego viro a la derecha y se toparon de frente con una verja de hierro, en lo más alto de esta había dos palabras "valle verde", James se bajo del auto, se acerco a la verja, saco de su bolsillo un manojo de llaves y quito el candado, luego abrió la puerta y volvió a entrar al auto. Al llegar a la casa una familia de antílopes salio a saludar. -señor James, que gusto verlo de nuevo por aquí- dijo el que parecía ser el padre, un antílope de color café con una mancha blanca en su pecho, bastante alto, musculoso, de ojos cafés oscuros y que tenía alrededor de los 25 años, detrás de él había dos pequeños hijos machos muy parecidos al parecer eran mellizos ambos tenían 8 o 9 años, con un pelaje café igual al de su padre excepto porque no tenían la mancha blanca en el pecho, de ojos cafés oscuros igual que su padre y su única diferencia era que uno tenia una mancha blanca en mitad de la frente y el otro en el cuello, atrás de ellos se encontraba la que parecía ser la madre, de un pelaje café más claro, ojos azules, un poco alta y de unos 23 años. -Jack, como estas?- dijo James y le estrecho la mano -muy bien y usted como se encuentra señor?- preguntó Jack -estoy bien pero ya te había dicho que no me dijeras señor, me hace sentir viejo y no soy ni siquiera mas viejo que Lion- -en eso tiene razón cariño- dijo la madre -y como estas tu Mariana?- -yo estoy muy bien, gracias- respondió ella -y como están ustedes par de traviesos?- -nosotros estamos muy bien- dijeron ambos al unísono -James, si me permite preguntar, quien es él?- pregunto Jack -Paard ven aquí, chicos él es Paard mi novio, Paard ellos son Mariana, Jack y ellos dos son Diego y Santiago, el de la mancha en la frente es Diego y el de la mancha en el cuello es Santiago- -hola- dijo Paard -un placer conocerlo señor- dijo Jack -Paard es un nombre extraño- dijo Santiago -si suena extraño- dijo Diego -pues es porque es holandés- dijo Paard -mamá donde queda holanda?- pregunto Diego -en Europa hijo- respondió ella -Jack crees que nos podrías ayudar con el equipaje?- pregunto James -claro- respondió Jack -niños vamos adentro, James les gustaría algo de comer?- dijo Mariana -claro Mary- Mariana y los mellizos entraron en la casa mientras que James, Jack y Paard tomaban el equipaje y lo llevaban a la habitación más grande de la casa. -gracias por tu ayuda Jack- dijo James -cuando gusten- respondió Jack y luego se fue -amor vamos quiero mostrarte algo- dijo James Luego ambos salieron de la casa y comenzaron a caminar por un camino que iba en zigzag por una pequeña colina que se encontraba detrás de la casa. Cuando llegaron a la cima Paard vio porque la finca se llamaba "valle verde", a sus pies se extendía un valle con un pequeño río que serpenteaba en el centro, a sus lados praderas que comenzaban a subir y formaban las montañas que rodeaban el valle, al final del valle se veía un pequeño bosque que bordeaba el río y que luego se perdía tras las montañas. Comenzaba a atardecer así que el agua cristalina del río tomaba un color rojizo y los verdes pastos se comenzaban a tornar un poco amarillentos. Paard contemplo la escena por unos momentos antes de sentir como James se abrazaba a su brazo, cuando giro la cabeza para mirar a James notó que había un camino que llevaba a una casa un poco mas pequeña que en la que se habían instalado pero aun así se notaba que era grande, después de esta el camino seguía hasta otra casa igual que la anterior pero esta en vez de techo azul lo tenía de color rojo, luego el camino seguía hasta una casa igualmente grande de techo amarillo y luego el camino pasaba al otro lado de la montaña. -amor hasta donde llega esta finca- -mas allá de estas montañas- -que? Cuanto mide?- -esta es la más grande con 450 hectáreas, luego le sigue "campos de paz" con 376 hectáreas y por último esta "bella vista" que tiene 230 hectáreas-dijo James -pero eso es mucho terreno, tu familia cuando compro tanta tierra?- -pues mi abuelo fue uno de los mejores ganaderos de la zona y pudo comprar toda esta tierra- -vaya- -bien bajemos, seguro que Mary ya nos abra hecho algo de comer, si quieres mañana podemos ir a ver el resto del valle pero hoy ya esta muy tarde- -claro me encantaría- dijo Paard Comenzaron a bajar la colina, unos minutos más tarde ya se encontraban en la casa nuevamente. Desde donde estaba Paard pudo reconocer el olor a jamón y huevos. -parece que Mary ya nos preparo la comida- dijo James Fueron al comedor y Diego y Santiago estaban terminando de colocar los cubiertos. Poco después entro Mary con dos grandes platos con jamón, huevos revueltos, arepas blancas y un poco de arroz. James y Paard se sentaron en la mesa y luego Mary y los mellizos se fueron. -no comerán con nosotros?- preguntó Paard -no, ellos nunca comen aquí sino en su casa- Paard y James comenzaron a comer, el viaje había sido largo y no habían comido nada desde el almuerzo así que rápidamente terminaron. James recogió los platos y los vasos y los dejó en el fregadero, luego él y Paard se fueron a su habitación. James comenzó a desvestirse hasta quedar completamente desnudo, el miembro de James flácido medía fácilmente 3 pulgadas, Paard disfrutaba de la vista mientras James terminaba de colocarse el pijama. -te gusto lo que viste?- -claro- -pues- dijo James y luego se acerco a Paard- te tendrás que aguantar hasta mañana para poder verlo de nuevo- Paard sacó de su maleta su pijama y se desvistió, era la primera vez que James veía a Paard desnudo como también hacia unos momentos Paard había visto por primera vez a James desnudo, James noto que el miembro de Paard superaba fácilmente las 7 pulgadas, Paard se terminó de colocar el pijama y se acostó, James se acostó a su lado y lo abrazó, como ya se había vuelto costumbre, James colocaba su oído en el pecho de Paard y este lo abrazaba fuertemente contra su pecho, así se quedaron dormidos en pocos minutos.
Mientras tanto en esos momentos Sebas y sus padres acababan de terminar de instalarse en la finca, los mayordomos, una familia de osos, los había ayudado mucho. A Sebas le toco la segunda habitación más grande de la finca, a sus padres les toco la más grande. Sebas salió de la habitación y se encontró con un tigre blanco, de ojos verdes claros, de 1.86, bastante musculoso, de 16 años y de mirada dulce. -hola- dijo el tigre -hola- respondió Sebas -como te llamas?-pregunto el tigre -Sebastián y tu?- -me llamo Camilo, mucho gusto- -el gusto es mío- Ambos comenzaron a caminar con dirección al comedor mientras se contaban sobre ellos. Al llegar al comedor la cena ya estaba servida así que se sentaron uno al lado del otro y comenzaron a comer. Cuando terminaron salieron de la casa y se dirigieron a un pequeño kiosco que se encontraba un poco apartado de la finca. -me gusta este lugar, es muy natural- dijo Camilo -si a mi también me gusta- dijo Sebas mientras se sentaba -y dime, tienes novia?- -que? No- dijo Sebas y se sonrojo un poco -jajaja- -de que te ríes- -es que te sonrojaste- -que? Pero como te diste cuenta si esta muy oscuro?- -soy un tigre veo bien en la oscuridad- -bueno y tu tienes?- -no tampoco, en estos momentos estoy solo- -bueno al parecer no soy el único que se sonrojo- -jaja, si tienes razón- Durante un rato se quedaron viendo como las luciérnagas iluminaban el pasto. -Sebas?- -si?- -eres gay?- -que? No- -si claro- -bien entonces dime porque piensas eso- -pues porque te sonrojaste cuando te pregunte que si tenías novia y eso no es normal, además durante la cena note como me mirabas insistentemente a mi y a aquel jaguar, y porque estas tan rojo como un tomate- dijo esto y se rió un poco -ha, pues... yo, bien y tu que? También te sonrojaste cuando te pregunte que si tenías novia- -pues verás yo si lo soy y no me molesta que lo sepas, si a ti te molesta puedes irte nadie te obliga a estar aquí- -bien como tu dijiste si soy gay- -y que? Ya tienes pareja?- -si- -como se llama?- -se llama Draco- -y que es?- -es un Dragón de escamas negras brillantes y de ojos verdes- -espera Draco Ospina?- -si pero como supiste que su apellido era Ospina?- -yo lo conozco, estudió en mi colegio hasta el año pasado, éramos muy bueno amigos, incluso llegamos a ser novios- -novios?- -si- -porque nunca me hablo de ti?- -no lo se- -y porque cortaron?- -no lo se, simplemente un día me dijo que ya no quería seguir siendo mi novio y luego se fue y no lo volví a ver- -ha bueno- luego Sebas miro el cielo, la noche se había despejado y estaban en luna creciente- bueno será mejor que me vaya ya esta muy tarde- -espera antes de irte, te molesta que Draco y yo hayamos sido novios?- -no, eso es pasado, ahora él esta conmigo- dijo eso y luego se fue Camilo se quedo un momento en su lugar y luego se levantó con una sonrisa en el rostro, después de todo lo que David le había dicho era cierto, y además antes de que Sebas se fuera noto cierta expresión de decepción en su rostro, eso solo significaba que estaba desconcertado por lo que se acababa de enterar, comenzó a caminar pensando en su siguiente paso para seguir deteriorando la relación de Sebas y Draco, y cuando terminaran él llegaría donde Draco a consolarlo y seguir en donde se habían quedado.
La noche paso y James despertó en los brazos de su hermoso caballo, no importaba cuantas veces lo viera dormido siempre le parecía hermoso así, como hacia siempre que Paard estaba dormido, lamió su cuello hasta que este despertó. -buenos días bello durmiente- dijo James -buenos días amor-dijo Paard y lo beso -vamos, recuerda que hoy iremos a explorar la finca- James se levanto y se dirigió al baño, tomo una de las toallas que había en una silla y entro. Paard lo pensó durante unos minutos pero decidió que sería mejor esperar un poco mas, así que se levanto y salió de la habitación, camino por el corredor hasta que llego al final de este y luego se dirigió hacia el comedor, cuando llego vio a Santiago y a Diego jugando fuera de la casa, continuo su camino, al salir de la casa vio a Mary en la casa de los mayordomos tejiendo algo, continuó caminando hasta llegar al camino que subía la colina, comenzó su trayecto, unos 15 minutos después se hallaba en la cima de la colina observando el pequeño valle, James había dicho que su abuelo había conseguido mucho dinero porque era ganadero pero no se veía ganado por ningún lado, pronto dejo de pensar en eso y se sentó a contemplar la escena, luego de un rato escucho un batir de alas pero no le presto atención pero el sonido se hizo mas fuerte y parecía provenir de atrás, Paard giro la cabeza y un poco el cuerpo para ver que los producía, James se encontraba volando por encima de él y también se dirigía hacia donde se encontraba. -hola amor- dijo James cuando llego -hola- -pensé que estarías desayunando- -no, decidí que vendría a mirar un rato el valle pero como tu ya saliste del baño me iré a bañar- dicho esto se levantó y comenzó a bajar la colina "creo que esta un poco emocionado, bueno es normal no siempre tienes la oportunidad de pasar tu cumpleaños en una finca como esta y menos con la fursona que más amas" luego de pensar esto James se levantó y miro el valle durante un momento luego giro y vio a Paard entrando en la casa, extendió sus alas y saltó tan alto como pudo, luego dejo que el viento lo llevara al valle donde de niño vio morir a su mejor amigo. Paard salio del baño y se vistió luego salió de la habitación y se dirigió hacia el comedor, al entrar vio a James desayunando y su desayuno también ya estaba servido. Cuando terminaron de desayunar James llevo a Paard a la habitación y le dijo que tomara una de las mochilas que se encontraban en el armario y que empacara ropa para dos días. Luego de empacar salieron y se dirigieron a las caballerizas, afuera de estas se encontraban dos caballos ensillados, uno era de un color blanco que al parecer se llamaba Bragi y el otro era café oscuro y de nombre Atlas, a Paard no le agrado mucho la idea de tener que montar un caballo pero no tenía otra opción así que se trago su orgullo y monto al caballo café. -bien será mejor que nos vallamos si queremos llegar a la primera casa antes del medio día- dijo James Así que como había recomendado James se despidieron de la familia de antílopes y luego se fueron.
En esos momentos Sebas y Camilo se encontraban charlando en la piscina, Sebas se había enterado de muchas cosas de Draco como por ejemplo que era un fetichista. -Sebas vamos al pueblo, camina- dijo su padre -bueno hablamos luego- dijo Sebas -si- dijo Camilo Sebas salió de la piscina y se fue a la habitación a arreglarse, mientras Camilo tomó su celular y marco el primer número. -alo?- dijo una voz -hola David- dijo Camilo -ah Camilo, como van las cosas?- -pues bien, al parecer Draco no le había contado nada a Sebas de lo que tuvimos- -bien- -también parece que Sebas y Draco tuvieron un problema- -que bien y sabes porque fue?- -no- -bien no importa solo asegúrate de que sigan peleados- -bien pero recuerda que cuando terminen yo me quedo con Draco- -no lo he olvidad y aun así no me interesa, al que quiero es a Sebas tu puedes hacer con Draco lo que te plazca- -bien te llamo luego- -bien-
hola a todos, espero que hayan disfrutado de esta historia. como siempre me gustaria pedirles que coloquen sus opiniones o criticas todo vale. write you later. | FSE |
Ah, beloved, the hour grows late, and you grow weary. Do not deny it, dearest, for my eyes are keen and can see each and every one of your mortal frailties. If it pleases you, I shall tell you of what you ask. But remember there are things that are better off being unknown. There are things out there in the planes. Monstrous things beyond the likes of which the common tongue's vocabulary can describe.
I would share the experience with you, beloved. You know that I can open my mind to yours, to let you browse the width and breadth of all I am like an open book. I can, but I plead with you to not ask this of me. There lies within me a fragment of a greater creature, a mere shadow of a reflection of a mote of her majesty. She has no name, dearest, for where she dwells she is everything. She is the beginning, she is the end, and whatever is not of her is consumed and devoured until it is. Like I was.
To truly know of what I am, you must know what I was, and what I strove to be. As apropos as my name is now, when I was born it was a title meant to instill a grand destiny. My name is and was Atrocity Kajara, my love, and my birth was the first of the midwife had witnessed in my Emperor's court.
You would not have heard of him, dearest. For to reach out to where he reigns is to slip in between the barriers of existence twice over. The name of our world was lost to the sands of time, as the Empire was ripped from it as a page from a notebook. Ours was a struggle between good and evil, an eternal war fought balanced on the head of a pin.
In every generation there was born a King of Darkness and a King of Light. Each was destined to gather allies to their side, to eventually lead the vanguard of an army against the forces of the Other. All was in balance, dark gave way to light who then in turn gave way to dark. Dawn, day, and dusk. And then? Then my Emperor cheated.
Through manipulating the bloodlines, manipulating his own blood, he was able to draw out power hidden within. Patterns of ancient magic lying dormant within the lineage. It was with this new sorcery that he extended his own life far beyond what was possible with mundane sorcery, for our realm had no undead. Ours was a world for the living.
And the next time the King of Light drew forth, he found himself opposed not merely by a King of Darkness, but the King of Darkness standing at the right hand of the Emperor of Blood. There was no longer a dawn.
With nothing but time until the rebirth of the King of Light, my Emperor busied himself in the blood. The Kajara Line was his masterpiece. From all the men and monsters of our world, my Emperor wove together a tapestry of raw physical and spiritual power.
With my kin at his side, the Darkness grew until it nearly subsumed the Light. Until that holy blood was all but purged from existence, until there could no longer be a King of Light. Upon that day, upon the day when the last child of light first drew breath, the greater gods of our world decreed that the imbalance could be tolerated no longer.
The Empire was cut from the fabric of reality with the sharpest and cleanest of cuts. The gods surgically cut the growing tumor of Darkness from the world they had worked so hard to create. But the power of my Emperor was great. Not great enough to prevent the severing of our existence, not great enough to prevent our casting into the Void.
You know of Planes, dearheart, but do you know of the Void? Eternal stillness. Eternal nothingness. Eternal cold. Infinite in scope. Beyond even the comprehension of those that dwell upon the infinite Abyss, or the infinities of each layer of Hell. For they are not truly infinite as they imagine. How could they truly comprehend infinity and continue their petty little squabbles, their grabbing for the souls of mortal beings.
Know you of Eberron? Or Krynn? Or Toril? Or any of the myriad worlds that the planes seem to coalesce around, the anchors that give the other planes meaning. Imagine, dearest, the greatest of these. A magnificent sphere of rock, of soil, of water, of ice, and of magma, titanic in scale. Now imagine, dearest, the radiant sun. An incredible fire so large and so dense that it collapses inward upon itself, burning and crushing the very air around us again and again until it becomes iron. That fire is a million times bigger than the tiny orbs upon which mortal men dwell.
From that incredible pyre to its nearest sibling is an even greater distance still. A distance so great that it can be measured only by taking the movement of the fastest thing known to mortal minds, light, and measuring the distance that it travels in the span of one year. Four of them. Four years it takes for the light shining from the nearest star to reach mortal eyes.
Imagine a hundred such stars. A thousand such stars. A million. A billion. A trillion. All of that? Not even a speck in the face of infinity. There are trillions of those not-specks just in the blackness that can be seen. In the face of this, it is no wonder that the gods and outsiders turn their gazes inward to the small affairs of a handful of worlds and the planar bubbles centered around them.
Now, think of that great mass of an incomprehensible scale and it as a grain of sand on a beach. One possibility upon a beach of possibilities. All of immense, unimaginable, eternal creation branching off with each new event, each of the tiniest potentials that could be. In this writhing mass of what is, what was, and what could be, nothing could exist outside of it. For it encompasses all there is.
But you can step beyond, beloved. Perhaps not you personally, but some have the power to tear open the very fabric of reality and step into the nothingness that does and does not exist between what is, what was, and what will be. Within the nonexistence are things, that even in nothing exist nonetheless.
The very gods had ripped us from existence, the memory of what we were gone in its entirety. An entire continent that had been, never was. But my Emperor's power preserved us. In the eternity between moments within the Void his power brought us into existence again. A newly born world upon which our discarded scrap of reality settled. A nest of some unimaginable cosmic jackdaw who cherished the gleam and sparkle of the Emperor's power.
Like any other world it had its gods, its demons, its powers, its inward-facing patrons. With the new world came new blood, collected from other scraps of cast-off realities. The Empire grew glorious with new wonders and new horrors alike, crafted by my Emperor's hand. And I? I was one of them. Destined to be a horror, beloved, an Atrocity. The Kajara were made to serve the Emperor in so many different ways. But only a chosen few earned his favor.
His hand in our creation, our birth, was not enough to warrant the honor of serving him truly, to become the faintest droplet of the Blood. We would need to be reborn. Reborn through the elements, through the Void.
With all that I know, with all that is within my capacity to describe, my love, I still lack the means to properly convey the sensations as my Emperor placed his hand upon me, sending his power through me in order to remake me anew.
My body and mind were torn apart. I was sand upon a beach, my body no longer a body, but a smattering of dirt and dust that no longer knew existence. A mind that ripped and shredded and tore itself apart, beyond bestial rage, beyond animal cunning, beyond even instinct to no longer even be. I ceased to exist. I had no mind, no body, no soul. And yet I still was.
Cut adrift from all existence, not in the void, but the dust of my non-being scattered to the winds over unwanted tidbits of reality, cast aside by megalomaniacal gods. It was there that I found her, beloved. It was there that I found... my goddess. That word is an insult and I weep at my limited magnitude of comprehension and utter inability to describe her magnificence.
She dwells in the Void, beloved. She has been there for time untold. Time beyond time. She merely is. She consumes the scraps that the gardener gods cast aside, the unwanted, cancerous reality that they decree must not be. She is life. She is death. She is everything. She is nothing. She is She Who Thrives Between, and she devoured the nothingness that I had become.
I weep even to think of it, beloved. I weep tears of water from my eyes, just as every fiber of my being weeps with her essence. For a glorious instant and a horrific eternity I was a part of her. I was but a single atom of a being of unimaginable power. She is a single being so vast as to defy infinity, and yet I felt her vibrant embrace.
She took the dust of nothing that I had become, and made me something again. She is something like a plant, like an animal, like a fungus, like a bacteria, like a virus, and yet nothing like any of them. In seconds and eons I grew from nothingness. I had a mind again. A feeble one with no more intellect than a cockroach. I had roots, I grew, I fed, I hunted, I devoured.
And in time and in nothingness I was, once again. I had a self, an identity, an instinct. She took the pieces that my Emperor created and sculpted something with them, with a touch of her own image. In her unimaginable mind she knew all that I had known, all that I would ever know, all that my delicious scrap of a world could ever be, or ever have been.
And so she completed me, even though I had failed my Emperor. I lacked the will, the strength, the stamina, call it whatever you will to hold onto myself through my journey into the void and beyond.
I was sent into the void the moment before my death, as my Emperor ripped out my heart and placed it in my own hands, beloved. I was reborn in the nothingness, in the between that does not exist. After eternities I realized that I drew breath, that I was fully existent once again.
The round worlds of the material plane were strange and unfriendly, their skies empty of the corkscrewing moons and gleaming comets. The comforting expanse of the rest of the world no longer curved comfortably up at the horizons. The impossible donut of my home was gone, and in all my searching I have never found the merest trace of it.
Nor did I expect to, dearest. My beloved Empire had been cut away for what is, was, and could have ever been real. I doubt even the gods who cut us away remember. But that matters little. Though I have failed to prove myself worthy of my Emperor's favor, I've known the love and compassion of She Who Thrives Between. A piece of her came with me when I arrived here, after all. With such a tiny mote as myself it will take eternities before these planes are fertile enough to draw in her roots, her teeth, her tongues. Everything will know her wonderful, beautiful, horrible, caress. In time.
Ssh. There, there beloved. There is nothing for you to fear. My heart belongs to you, and to you alone. So soft and warm, is it not? Comforting. Such a beautiful thing, my heart is. So smooth and polished and gleaming. Flesh made stone made metal made crystal made soil made wood made sap made amber.
I told you, dearest. I told you that some things were better left unknown. You wished to know of me and my heart. You can see for yourself how black it is. How could it be anything but? My heart is a fickle thing, dearest, and you know as well as any what can be done with it. It is not wise to wear my love on your sleeve, but rather best to keep it concealed and cozy, my love for you hidden away from the world.
You stole my heart, beloved. And now I belong to you. For my love will never die, and neither will I. Though they have tried, dearest. Oh how they have tried. And you would know this better than anyone.
You and your friends fought quite valiantly. I do apologize for the mess I made of them. I applaud your ingenuity in recognizing that with possession of my heart comes my loyalty, my affection, my love, and my eternal devotion. Or as eternal as it comes with mortal beings, so soft, so swift, and so fragile.
It is a shame that young woman in white was the first to fall. But the recently departed lich did have quite a keen intellect. If only the devotees of your sun god were a bit less... shall we say flamboyant in their style of dress and their pride in showing off his symbols?
Just lay on your side, beloved, let the coughing expel the fluid. Your body is a fertile ground for my essence to take root and grow. Your wounds have weakened you, my dear. I would restore you, if I could. But the blood that runs through my veins does not truly belong to me, but to Her. Your warmth, your vibrancy brings about her coming just the most miniscule bit faster.
Your poison-using friend and his lacking mental defenses are as much to blame as I. Were it not for his poisoned dagger, you would be able to expel my lady's caress from your body. You have another hour, perhaps two before you succumb. You need not be concerned, dearest, you have fulfilled your vow. As you requested, his phylactery is now dust. You have accomplished what generations have not. Doing so much with the short amount of time you've been given.
Yes, I will see to it that they all receive a proper burial, and you as well. My heart is not my own to give, dearest, you know that, but if there is any individual in particular that you would desire for me to bring your remains, that could certainly make sure I don't 'fall into the wrong hands' as it were.
I am at heart a wicked thing, my love, you know that. I have all the time in the world, and the next, and the next. My lady's will shall be done in time. But she is patient. If this person is as you say, than my heart will be in good hands.
No more words, beloved. Your body is weary. Close your eyes and sleep. You have earned your eternal rest. I do wish that we had not met under such dire circumstances, you have the wit to ask the right questions, and the curiosity to tread right into dangerous subjects. I have not been able to share so much about myself for so long now.
Sleep, beloved. Shed your mortal shell in peace and let your soul begin upon its journey. Sleep. | yiff-extreme |
(F partial TF cow, M TF bull)
It was mid summer and Mike was driving an empty milk tanker out to Farlane Ranch some ways out of the city. It was his first time driving the milk truck out this way, and he was fairly new to the job in general. His boss was usually the one to drive out here but he was off sick, forcing Mike to take the wheel a bit earlier than planned. He could do the job just fine, but it was a bit of a surprise to the ranchers having a younger man arrive instead of the usual driver. This was no trouble for most of his route. He drove faster than his boss did and because he was younger he could pitch in and help the ranchers easier loading the tanker, so Mike was actually ahead of schedule, which was also a nice thing for most stops. Untill he got to Farlane that is. Mae, Maggy, and Mary were the self proclaimed milk maidens of Farlane, and seemed a bit flustered when Mike arrived considerably ahead of schedule. They told him he would have to wait, they still needed to shift things around and do plenty of lifting. Mike of course offered to help them immediately but for some reason they refused, just telling him that the barn wasn't set up for visitors and they would be fine on their own. It made Mike feel a bit awkward, seeing three women doing so much heavy lifting and not being able to lend a hand. This was the last stop for the day though, so he had nowhere else to be.
Now idle, the inside of the truck was starting to cook in the sunlight so Mike wandered around the huge empty milk tanker. He was still starting to sweat even out in the breeze the wind was warm too. He was not allowed in the barn, and he did not even want to ask if he could sit in their house, he would feel way too intrusive even if they let him, so he wandered over to some trees. There was a row of apple trees at the edge of the fencing on the outward facing side of the ranch, hiding the fields from view from the outside and providing nice shade between the house and the barns. The property was gigantic, but Mike did not actually see all that many cows. For the ammount of milk they shipped and the land they had to fill, there was a surprisingly small number of cows. Usually ranches packed their lands to crank production as high as it could go, but these cows were living large with plenty of room and accomodations for each. Mike sighed at the immediate releif from the sunlight in the shade of the apple trees. Since it was summer there was no fruit on these trees yet- they would not bloom till early autumn. He chuckled at the sight of the cows out of the field divided into two groups, laying around two wide, squat trees out on the field for shade as well. Too much heat even for their thick skin.
What Mike seen the next moment though took his breath away. Literally- he forgot to breath for several seconds. Another woman was running back to the house from the barn he did not see at first. She was younger than the other three, and was not listed as one of the owners. Her skin glistened with a fine sweat, clearing having been helping the other women, but even more notably her middriff was exposed thanks to her breasts holding her shirt so far away from her body. As she ran her boobs wobbled around wildly within her clothing. She was wearing a bra, but her tits were so gigantic the poor undergarment could not possibly hold them still even if it was made of metal. Her boobs were so big she must have accidentally pressed them up against something because there was wet patches right where her nipples would be- he could faintly see her bra through her shirt where it was wet. Her hair was straight to her shoulders, and her bangs were left far too long- long enough that it looked like she should not be able to see anything, her eyes were covered. It was black like the other women, but hers had a big white streak over either temple. Unusually white- getting it that perfectly white in those two places by bleaching would be extremely difficult... and terrible for the hair. Before Mike knew it she vanished into the house. Damn, she was gorgeous. And stacked. He completely forgot about the milk truck for now and was just waiting for the mysterious beauty to return. Impatient, Mike wandered toward the house, seeing if he could see any activity through the windows- forgetting his manners in the moment.
He immediately heard the door as it opened again a few minutes later and she came back out- having dried off the wetness on the front of her shirt. Her breasts seemed smaller than when she ran in too. Maybe it was an illusion created from all the movement, or maybe she tightened her bra? She was still huge either way. Mike was pretty small for a man, and she was the same height he was, so her huge tits looked especially big compared to the rest of her. The girl immediately spotted Mike- not only for being out of place but because he was too smitten to not stare openly at her.
She smiled a bit nervously. "Can... I help you?"
Only then did he realize he was gawking at her unblinking. "O-oh sorry, spaced out. I am Mike, the new milk truck driver. Boss is sick so I had to swap in on short notice. You one of the workers here?"
"Uh ye-well... family. I am Molly."
She shook his hand and he had to try his hardest to not allow his line of sight to fall down the cavernous cleavage jiggling infront of him. Mike thought it was a cow he heard, but the jingling he ignored before apparently came from Molly herself- hanging over her collar bone was a classic, boxy cow bell. It attached to a flexible black lace choker instead of a rope, but it was definately a bell generally used to track cows. Her hand was so soft and warm when she shook his! Her skin was powder soft, pale peach. Her mouth seemed small on her face and her lips were pale pink and pillowy for their small size. She did not wear makeup but also clearly did not need it, she was beautiful! She gave him a bit of a sympathetic look, as if understanding his bewilderment at her appearance, but unfortunately for Mike, told him she was also rather busy and could not talk to him really. She told him he could wander around if he wanted but not to go into any of the buildings.
Mike waited patiently in the shade of the trees again, though his mind constantly wandered now to Molly. He wondered what she was doing in that barn. There was three large barns, the truck was parked at the farthest one where the three women helped each other set up the pump to transfer the milk from their cooling units to the trucks tank. But Molly went into the nearest barn, she wasn't helping the other women, but had been in a hurry anyway. Mike's cock jumped in his pants at the sound of a breathy suppressed moan from the barn! He wandered closer to the wall of the barn and could hear Molly breathing heavily inside. What was she doing? He then heard the distressing sound of cracking and popping bone and she cried out quietly again! Oh no, she must have tried to lift something too heavy and broke something! Ignoring the request to not enter any of the buildings, Mike quickly dashed in through the side door.
"H-hey, are you ok? I thought I heard something break."
Molly was standing in the middle of a terrible clutter, and quickly turned her back to him, grabbing at something quickly to hide from him. She did not seem hurt at all... he could have sworn he heard shifting bone.
"You know we are supposed to help customers too, right? Hasn't my boss been helping you guys out with loading the truck and that before? I feel like I am only doing half my job here."
Her voice was a bit breathless, and only sounded nervous. "Hah...h-he also isn't this early usually. He arrives at the exact same time every time. We are fine. You shouldn't be in here."
"Ok, ok. I just wanted to help, it sounded like you were in trouble. I am not a loudmouth, it isn't like I am going to go blab trade secrets or anything."
He did glance around though since he was already in here. The middle barn was the one for animals, the last one for milk processing and storage, this one... he did not even know what all the stuff was. There was strange arcane arrays and what looked like alchemical materials destillers, potion cool storage and lots of other such equipment that seemed a bit out of place on a ranch. He went to leave but could not take his eyes off Molly. She was frozen stiff... was she actually hurt and just did not want him to find out? It was then he noticed a tube running around her hip... from her tailbone. That was what she grabbed to hide from him when he came in. She refused to turn and face him because she was hiding it still.
"Is... that... a tail?"
Molly let go of her tasseled tail and let out a squeak of surprise, not knowing what to do now that she had been found out. The tasseled end was black with a single white streak... like the hair on her head. The others would kill her if she blew the lid off this secret, she had to do something, fast! Molly very slowly turned to face Mike, doing her best to look seductive. Molly was nervous as hell and felt like a goof doing it, thinking it was a total crap shoot, not realising she did not have to actually try at all to wrap Mike around her finger. His brow twitched in confusion, and he even squinted a bit, thinking the dim barn lighting was playing tricks with him. Her breasts again seemed smaller, her shirt lowered a bit more, and there appeared to be a bulge in the front of her pants, just a bit of its soft pink surface visible from the waistband. Her tail flicked around randomly behind her and her hair flipped up seemingly on its own for a second as two long leaf shaped ears emerged from under it. Her hips swayed with her steps as she walked toward him, one foot in front of the other. But as she stepped he realised she had no feet at all. As soon as she lifted her leg her socks and shoes fell off and what emerged was a dainty cloven hoof- a cows foot. She had a fine cow fur just over it, covering her ankles but went no higher than that. Molly glanced down at her jiggling tits as she walked, deliberately getting his eyes to follow and stick to her chest. Her hooves clicked on the wooden floor in a rhythem. She placed her hands on either of his shoulders and he realised she was taller than him now. Because most of her leg was still human, but she was ungulate now giving her more height since she was effectively standing on her toenails. She giggled and smiled at him, distracting him as she guided him back step by step unknowingly. She faked tripping, shoving him backward a bit before kicking forward quickly with a hoof and catching a canister with the sharp hard edge of a hoof. It released a pressurised vapor and misted Mike.
"Oh geeze, I am so sorry! What a mess! I am a bit clumsy on my hooves it seems. Here- lets go outside the sun and wind will dry that off."
"O-oh, ok. What was in that thing anyway?"
"Oh... don't worry about that."
She quickly scooted him outside back into the shade of the apple trees, and the temperature difference outside was much better. It was musty and hot in the barn. She lead him to a tree, pressing him up against it before lowering her head and chuckling a bit. When she did, he noticed she now had two small horns on her head, poking up through her hair!
"Ok, you have to keep this is a secret, ok Mike? A big secret. You can never tell anyone, not even the other women here that you seen me, ok?"
"Oh...k. But what... I mean, why do you have... ears like that? And a tail, and horns...?"
"Oh? Is that all I have? Wanna know an even bigger secret Mike?" Her voice was breathy in a mock whisper.
She moved her face close to him and he could see her nostrils had gotten a bit bigger, and her nose wider. The end of her nose was starting to turn and adorable candy pink. She used a free hand to pull the waist of her pants out and down, letting the bulge out to sit on the wasitband.
"I looove being milked~"
The bulge she released as a cow udder, the size of a half soccer ball sticking out of her crotch! The teats were just fat nubs, no where near the size of an actual cows. He did not see her breasts tightening and flattening against her, her bra falling loose and her shirt finally starting to lower. Mike was too mesmerised by the udder he was now gawking at, because as he watched it grew fatter. Milk veins throbbed on the surface where it met her torso, already the milk glands full to capacity, demanding release or more growth to put it. The teats started to get longer, and Molly gently rocked her hip back and forth causing them to softly flop back and forth as beads of white formed on them. The udder itself bloated, getting rounder and heaver, pulling farther out and down from weight.
Mike's erection was harder than it had ever been at the sight, and he was far too infatuated with Molly to notice his cock was actually stretching longer than normal. His balls started to inflate quickly, stretching the scrotum as it covered with a fine sand colored fur. Molly pushed down on his shoulders, guiding him into a sitting position, and used her other hand to cup and gently jiggle her udder for him, inviting him to drink of her sweet cream. Molly was not sure if it was the sound of straining fabric or flesh, but she audibly heard stretching as Mike started to grow bigger just as he took a teat in his mouth.
Her udder was still growing bigger and fatter, heavier. Big enough that she would have to walk with an awkward gate to give it space, and heavy enough that she could not remain standing for long if it was not emptied. Thanks to inhuman calcium levels, her bones were hard as steel, but her muscles were not metal infused. Her face continued to shift, her upper jaw sticking out just slightly as the bottom of her nose sort of merged with it, giving her a partial cows face- though it did not stretch out into a muzzle. She could feel her tongue fatten up in her mouth getting much larger too. She had to stop. She was willing herself to stop, it was hard once things got going- momentum and all that. Her ears were also huge on her head now, a long eared cow. Her fingers stiffened in preparation of turning to hooves but did not change, she managed to stop it before that. Her breasts were a normal human C cup now so her top actually fit loosely and covered her entire torso like it was supposed to.
Molly and Mike's eyes went wide at the sound of cracking bone again and Molly gently took the back of his head and forced him farther onto her udder, smooshing his face into the silky smooth, hot rubbery flesh of the bloated organ. His feet were stretching out into hooves like hers, she could not let him find out yet. When she looked down to see his changes, she also noted the huge bulge in his pants and her heart hammered a little bit faster. After a few moments he started to jerk his head back, and she realised she was unintentionally smothering him- he couldn't breath properly. She let him go and he pulled off, gasping for breath for several moments while she sat in the sun warmed grass. He thought she had gotten holstein spots, but it was actually just the sunlight filtering through the leaves above, creating splotches of light and shadow on her. She started to squirm on the soft grass and strip out of her clothes entirely and Mike's eyes went wide as he silently watched. He was oddly absentminded. Unaware his thoughts were actually simplifying a bit. His entire body felt a gentle but persistant pressure, and it felt stiff because of it. Like he was too big for his own skin. His cock throbbed hard enough to shove the waist of his pants out of the way as it stretched longer, now poking up out of his clothing and the glans were being stretched out, losing definition against the shaft, becoming more of a tapered phallus.
His clothes filled up very quickly as he slowly continued to grow larger, pulling tight against him as his muscles also pulled tight with his flesh. The curvature of his new muscle mass became more and more visible as the skin was pulled into the crevices between, and the seams of his clothing deepened as the fabric became overstuffed with too much man.
"I feel so... weird. Why don't my clothes fit?"
"Why are you even wearing clothing? I am not~" She let her panties drop off her fingertip as she said that- the last item she removed. Her huge bloated udder obscured the view of her fat pink labia though teasingly.
"Yea but... I am just here on business... what about... hrnnnn~" He hunched over a bit and his shoulder and upper back muscles bulged, causing the back of his shirt to rip in half! "What about..." His voice started to deepen. "The other women?"
"Eat what is on your plate first, big boy. Aren't I enough cow for you?"
"You aren't... well..."
"I am. Its ok, you can call me a cow. That is why you are changing, ain't it?"
"W-wuuh? Oooh uurr..."
His hips widened, straining his pants and his genitals bulged even bigger, squeezing far too tight in the clothing. He frantically tried to get his pants off but his hands did not work correctly. It was only now that he seen they were changing into hooves, and that his feet had already fully turned!
"What is hapuuuhning to me?" His voice continued to deepen, sounding thunderous by now. His neck was thickening greatly.
"You are letting loose, like me. Aren't you? You aren't afraid to admit you are just a big bumb bull, right?"
"N-nuuuh, I am human! I don't know what is happening to either of us!'"
"Well..." She twirled the hair on her tails tassel idly. "I am a cow. I can look like a human, but that doesn't change what I really am. And you are a big strong bull, obviously."
Mike squirmed into a squat and then onto all fours finally as his pants exploded appart, releiving his poor squished crotch. His hands were almost completely hooves now though, and now that his clothes burst off he seen his genitals were very different! His balls were giant and so heavy they stretched the scrotum out quite long. He now had a furry sheath that ran up his crotch and stomach a bit before finally giving way to his cock, which was bright pink and tapered now, and very long. He felt a gentle tingle and involuntary muscle twitches in his lower back and glanced back to see his tailbone starting to grow out.
"Nuh, Mik- me- I am huuuman! I am not suppose... I not turn bull." It was hard to think with his raging erection, especially now that it was exposed to the female! And she was fully explosed to him. She was so pink and soft and smooth!
Molly sat on her legs and pressed her hands down onto the top of her udder. Her teats all stood up as she pushed down and the pressure shifted forward into them, and the long teats started to drizzle milk on their own. "Then why would you drink milk straight from a cow?"
Mike could not fathom a response to that. She wasn't a cow though... was she? He supposed she certainly looked like one now, but she was fully human before... what... was she, really? Mike groaned with a voice so deep it almost sounded like a growl. His entire body started to grow bigger again. His hips started to shift form, making it impossible to stand even if he tried. But he did not want to try yet, he needed to talk to Molly to figure out what was happening. And be with her. Have more of that delicious milk. She seemed to like him, so she wouldn't let anything actually bad happen to him... right? She might even let him mate... er, breed- NO. Date, her? Was that the human word for it? Why was it so hard to figure that out. Why did he just reffer to it as a 'human word' like it was alien to him?!
"Huuughmun..." His voice sounded strained, mirroring the sound of stretching muscle tissue as he grew still larger.
Molly giggled in her melodic voice. Mike could see a breif glimmer of her seafoam green iris behind her hair when the breeze took it and the light filtering down from the leaves caught. Mike was breathing very heavily as his nostrils expanded trying to keep up. So hot. It was hot out, the change created heat, his cock gave off heat like a radiator coil, and Molly was hot. SO hot. He wanted to just flop ontop of her, to feel as much of his hide against hers at once as possible. To be as close as he could be to her... to be IN her. His cock connected to the ground infont of him by a glistening strand of pre as it bobbed back and forth as if aggreeing to something.
"But you want me... don't you?" She bat her eyelashes in a false pout. "You want to fuck a cow?"
"Yusss... wait! Nuh, I... hnnnnngh." He grew bigger, his huge muscles deformed the shape of his torso, barreling out and losing human definition.
"Yes, or no? It can't be both., silly. If you were a human, why are you getting so bent out of shape over a cow like me? You're loosing your human shape completely."
"Hnngh... Mike nuuh ani... animooo... cow. But want Mooolly."
"Well of course you aren't a cow." Mike sighed in releif, trying to stand properly on all fours, his body was scrunched up awkwardly because he did not change his stance when his body got longer. "You're a BULL. I am a cow."
Mike groaned loudly again as his heart increased in size greatly, hammering as if in responce to her calling him out for what he was. The pressure exploded up into his head, causing his vision to go a bit blue as his neck bloated up tremendously with thick pulsing veins and stretching forward as his face mirrored it. His nostrils now giant, stretching his nose out wide, his nose and upper lip met like on Molly's face, but unlike on hers, his continued to press outward. Lunging forward at the opportunity she silenced his weak protests with a kiss, and their cool wet noses bopped together. As she kissed him she continued to try and walk forward, putting all her strength into it as he held his front hooves as if they were still hands. She managed to force him up onto his butt and then with a nudge their kiss broke as he fell backwards and slammed on the ground with a massive thud that shook the earth around them. If there was apples in the trees yet, they would have likely been showered with them. Before his much slower bull mind could comprehend what happened she was ontop of him and the feeling of her rubbery udder flesh smooshing against him immediately took up all the brain cells he had. He wanted to hug her even closer to him and smell her hair but his torso grew longer, and did not allow flexibility, he could not sit up at all. With a coy smile Molly slid back, sliding his long cock into her fat pussy lips and swallowing it into her. Her torso and hips were still human so she could not take all of his cock in her, but she did manage over half still. Mike was already bombarded with so much pleasure and strange sensation that he immediately started to skyrocket toward orgasm just at the thought of being in such a beautiful cow. Human? Female human... what was the word...? Was she human? She said she was a cow, that was why she was a perfect fit for him. Mike wanted to be a perfect fit, he wanted to stay in her more, so she had to be cow. Bulls fuck cows, it made sense.
Molly furrowed her bushy eyebrows behind her long bangs- he seemed to mentally cave in, but his final physical changes were being stubborn. Maybe he did not have enough brain cells to mentally will it forward anymore.
In the cutest tone she could manage she spoke up, sitting up tall to press down hard into his cock and smoosh her udder into him. "Mooooo~!"
Mike looked at her, a bit confused. Did Molly want something...?
The bull out in the field mooed back. Molly glanced at him annoyed. "Not you, Tank." She looked back into Mike's eyes. "Mu-oooooh~! Moooou."
"Muh!" Air started to rush up from his lungs in bursts, as if trying to forcfully push out. "Muuuuh..."
His neck started to throb longer and his face filled with massive pressure and started to stretch further and further out. Was he turning bull, or human? Which was he turning into now? What was he before this? Bull? But he was arguing about that with her. Was he arguing? He did not want to argue with Molly. Maybe it was only playing?
She rocked her hips back and forth, shifting the pressure of his cock from fron to back of her pussy. "Oooh mooooo~!"
"MUHOOOO" His face pressed out even more in a huge surge, finally turning completely into a bull's head. With a few final grunts he bobbed his head and two horns burst out, sliding quickly from his flesh. Mike was completely bull now.
Mike thrust one final time without even thinking, with what little mobility and strength he could manage to get his huge heavy hips off the ground to ram into her more, and he exploded in orgasm. His balls waved up and down one after another like they were bobbing on a wavy ocean tide. She ran out of room to hold it all and the cum burst out around the sides of the cock, painting his own groin. Still gasping for his breath, Mike rolled onto his side and Molly quickly hopped off, not wanting to get squashed under him.
She wiped the sweat from her brow and quickly tried to get dressed again as quickly as she could. "Good thing my hips did not change- I doubt your shooting blanks."
Molly started to slowly turn back to fully human as she dressed. The smaller her udder shrank, the larger her breasts ballooned, once again lifting the shirt off her. Once fully dressed she started pacing back and forth looking rather worried. She needed to figure out what to do next with this now half sleeping bull.
Mae came around the corner without her even seeing till she had been watching for several minutes. "Molly, what the hell is this bull doing here?!"
Molly visibly jumped as she turned to face her aunt. Not all of her cow features were suppressed yet. "The driver! He was snooping around! My potion is starting to wear off, I tried to dodge him but he disobeyed and came into the barn and seen me. I had to do something."
Mae's brow slowly started to soften. "Ok, makes sense I guess. What version of the potion did you hit him with?"
"The latest."
Mike looked at Mae and she went over to him and waved a hand infront of him to see how 'there' he was. "Did you explain to him WHY you turned him into a strong, dumb animal?"
"Uh... I am a cow, so if he wants me that much he must be a big dumb bull! I explained it in bovine terms."
Mae facepalmed. "That is both somewhat insulting to yourself, and a real non-explanation." Mae turned to Mike and spoke slowly, hoping as much as possible stuck in his devolved mind. "Ok, to put this simply- you seen too much and Molly did this to make sure you were physically incapable of telling anyone what happened here. You see, us three sisters, me, Mary, and Maggy had to use a combination of magic and alchemy to turn ourselves into demi cows to increase the production of the ranch ourselves to pull it out of a downward financial spiral." Mae blushed. "It worked so well we just kept doing it, thus our high output. Buuuut, Mary once turned herself fully into a cow once, like you are a bull right now... and also accidentally got knocked up. She gave birth to a calf- Molly. So, we put our enginuity to work and created a backwards version of our original potion based spell. We created a potion to turn a cow into a human." Mae motioned over to Molly who just timidly waved back. "Molly literally is a cow. When the potions effects run out she starts to turn back into a bovine. She can resist it somewhat but eventually it will wear off regradless and she needs another dose to remain human. You caught her at the tail end of her last dose, so she was starting to turn back into her true self."
Molly started to shift from one foot to the other nervously. "So... what do we do with him now?"
Mae glanced at the semen in the grass near the bull, then to Molly. "Do you like him?"
Molly blushed brightly. "I barely know him! Besides, I can't just keep him as a pet!"
Mae laughed. "Well, technically yes you could. Morally, no you can't. I don't know... he will slowly start to turn back to human when it starts to wear off in about half a day, we can try to work something out with his human mind before too much of it returns at once. I mean, he must have been pretty fond of you so we got that to work off of."
Mae went to return to her sisters, and gave a firm slap on Molly's ass as she walked past. "And I won't tell your mother you fucked a bull."
"I-I didn't..." By the time she turned around Mae had already turned the corner of the barn. "Hrmm..." She glared at Mike who just lowed at her. "This is your own damn fault."
Mike just lowered his head again on the soft grass. This patch was warm with sun. Grass comfy. Mike like it here. | yiff-extreme |
Title: A Beginning
Tags: anal, forced, reluctant, non-consent, blackmail, hands tied, hair pulled, bdsm, dominated, submissive
'You know how to sew, right Chelsea?' Dean asked.
Chelsea had had a little crush on Dean for as long as she could remember. They had done martial arts together as teenagers, and now that they were studying their post-grads at different universities, the only time they saw each other was at yearly gathering with the old teammates when everyone was back in town for Christmas.
Chelsea felt her cheeks grow warm as Dean addressed her.
*God, he's looking right at me with those gorgeous deep brown eyes.*
'Yeah, I mean I can take pants up or sew on a button.'
Dean grinned, his perfectly straight teeth showing. 'Awesome! One of my favourite shirts had the pocket torn off on Christmas day by my little niece. Reckon you could swing by and take a look? See if its salvageable? The wife has another family shindig tomorrow, and I'd love to wear that shirt...'
*Oh yeah, Dean's wife...*
Dean's wife was a genius, and a stunner to boot. Because of course. But she was always super aloof and distant in regards to her husband whenever Chelsea had seen her. She thought Dean deserved to be treated a lot better, but that was none of her business, and they seemed happy enough.
Chelsea put thoughts of Dean's wife aside and smiled.
'I can definitely take a look. I've got no plans and a pocket shouldn't take too long anyway. If it's something I can do I could easily have it back to you later tonight or early tomorrow morning. The motel I'm staying at isn't far from your old house. Actually, I think it's just across the road. But no promises! I'm not exactly a tailor.' She smiled self deprecatingly.
Dean looked relieved. 'You're a lifesaver Chels!'
'No promises!' she reiterated, not wanting to let him down.
Two of the other teammates announced their departure. Chelsea checked her watch. 8pm. *We're getting old* she smiled to herself. Though they had spent a few hours at the restaurant, caught up on the news of the past year. Some of these friends had kids at home and family to catch up with. Chelsea thought a little bitterly of her own, not exactly estranged, but definitely distant family. And lack of spouse. *One day when I'm a little less shy, I guess. But for now, at least I have an excuse to spend a bit more time with Dean and dream.* She felt her cheeks warm again. *God, I hope no one can see that...*
'I think I'm ready to call it an evening too.' Dean declared to no one in particular. 'Hey Chels,' he turned to her 'if you're good to go, why don't you come straight back to mine and you can sus out my shirt situation? Pretty please?' He grinned so that his dimples showed.
*Could I ever say no to that?* 'Sure, no problem.'
The rest of the crew said their goodbyes for another year and the two of them headed to Dean's old house. As they walked, He explained how his parents sold it to him a year or two ago, and how he rents it out for most of the year, but keeps it unoccupied so he can use it for the holiday season.
'Oh, this is me.' Chelsea indicated the cheap motel across the road from Dean's street. 'Just let me grab my little travel sewing kit.'
She darted in and swiped her kit into her handbag.
'All good!' she gave Dean the thumbs up across the little carpark.
'Of course, you take a sewing kit with you when you travel. Never change Chels.' Dean grinned and shook his head.
*Oh god, he thinks I'm so lame! Ah well, hell appreciate it when I mend his shirt.*
As they walked though Dean's front door, they recounted the more amusing conversations of the evening and reminisced about old times in the dojo. 'I remember the basics and most of the self-defence, but things like escorting someone off premises and subduing an intruder, I haven't had to practice at all, so I don't really recall' Chelsea was saying as Dean kicked his shoes off.
'Oh, that's easy' Dean said, chucking his keys in the bowl on the hallway table, and taking his wallet and phone out of his pants. 'I haven't had to use it of course, but I do remember it, Here, I'll show you.'
Chelsea popped her bag down and slipped off her heels. She gave a small chuckle. 'Alrighty then, and then I'll take a look at your shirt. So,' She stepped slightly closer to him and reached her hand out towards his wrist. *I wonder if his skin feels as good as he smells?* 'If I'm going to escort you I grab your wrist and- '
'I think its easier if I show you.' Dean interrupted. He grabbed her wrist gently, but definitely firmly, twisted it back on itself and took her crooked elbow in his other hand. Using upwards pressure forcing her to walk on her tippy toes to avoid the awkward sensation of her arm bending in ways it shouldn't.
'Ah, I see. I was almost right' She nervously smiled *I hope he can't tell I'm blushing. His hands are so strong.* He guided her into the master bedroom down the hallway.
'And that's how you do it' Dean released her.
'Well hopefully I never do need to use it, but thanks for the refresher.' Chelsea looked around and realised the rest of the house was dark. 'Is the missus still out or something?'
'Carly is staying with her family a few suburbs away tonight. Her sister just had a baby so they're all busy fawning over the new bub and helping prepare for the massive influx of cousins and distant relatives tomorrow.'
*So, we're here alone.* Chelsea felt her face turn hot again. *There's no way he can't see it this time. Gotta change the subject!*
'So where is this shirt? Ill see if I can't do a quick hand job on it.' Dean's eyes sparkled with mischief, and he cracked his signature half grin, one dimple showing. Chelsea's face dropped. *you fucking knob* she thought. 'I mean, like, hand-stitch it, not like... I didn't mean... obviously...'
Dean's grin just got wider. Chelsea looked at her feet, trying to hide her very obviously red face.
'First,' Dean started 'I'll show you the second bit, and then we can get to the hand job hey?' he laughed.
*Oh good, change the subject. Fuck, you fucking awkward fuck Chels...* she berated herself, beginning to look up.
She felt a weight on her back and realised she was face down on the bed.
'Wha-' *oh, that was really quick*
'Too fast?' Dean asked, his breath hot on her neck.
'Oh, the whole "subduing an intruder" thing...' Chelsea managed to compose a sentence. Dean's whole body was pressing hers into the bed. He held her arms behind her back with one hand, the other pushing her head against the bed with just enough force to subdue her movement. 'I didn't quite catch how you did that.' *Oooooohhhhhh fuck he's right on top of me. Too much.* She felt the heat between her legs. *Too much... he totally knows... He can't not know, it has to be completely obvious.* 'Maybe I should take a look at that shirt pocket and- '
'There is no shirt,' Dean stated matter of fact-ly.
Chelsea froze. Her brain not quite as quick as it should have been. Still face down on the mattress, Dean's weight still pinning her down. *No shirt* she thought. *But that's why I'm here...* The thought echoed for a few moments. *Why would he ask me to fix his shirt if there's no shirt to fix...? He's still on top of me.*
'Umm...' Chelsea's thoughts almost came together. Then she felt the bulge. Her feet were still on the floor, spread apart by Dean's legs so she couldn't find any real purchase. Her legs pressed against the side of the bed, her rear protruding off the edge and her torso and upper body face down on the mattress underneath Dean's. And between her legs, between her cheeks, she felt a definite, hard, bulge.
*Holy fuck. Was that always there? Maybe that's just what guys feel like when they're pressed against you like this.* She felt the heat in her rising again. *You're delusional girl. But why did he ask me over if there's no shirt... He's been pinning me down like this for a while now, what's the go? Is this... flirting? You fucking awkward fuck Chels...*
'Chel-sea' Dean's singsong voice right above her ear interrupted her scattered thoughts. Her heart stopped. And then wouldn't stop, beating faster. She felt her pulse in her wrist, where Dean's hands held hers immobile. She felt it in her neck, just beneath Dean's mouth, his breath hot and moist on her skin. She felt like her racing heartbeat must be completely visible through her skin.
'I... I don-' She stammered. *I don't understand. No way he's into me. No fucking way. And Carly. What is happening?*
'You seem confused Chels.' He breathed into her ear
Chelsea tried to turn over and get up. She barely had any wiggle room beneath Dean. He wasn't a big guy, but he had a strong physique and she felt the weight of his muscles on top of her. As she moved she was reminded of the hardness pressed into her backside. She felt a prickling, tingling sensation creep over her scalp and her arms. The beginnings of perspiration. She knew adrenaline was kicking in. A distinctive moistness arose between her legs. *Keep it fucking together, he's clearly just playing around. Just old teammates having a laugh...*
She giggled nervously, her confusion and uncertainty evident in the tremor in her voice: 'You gunna let me up? I didn't even follow how you "subdued me."'
Dean's response was blunt and flat. He was calm and in no way uncertain. 'You don't seem to understand. I lured you here under false pretences. And I now have you completely at my mercy.' Chelsea heard the smirk in his voice. 'I'm not joking.' He added, just in case Chelsea was hanging on to any illusion that Dean was messing with her.
*Shit. Is this happening?* Dean tightened his grip on her wrists. Chelsea uttered an involuntary 'unh' in response. Then she felt him grind his bulging mass into her backside. She gasped. *He didn't hear that. God, I am not enjoying this,* Chelsea thought. But another part of her pleaded *more.*
'No...' she tried to protest. 'Dean,'
"Here's what's going to happen. I am going to do whatever the fuck I want with you. With your body. I am going to make you do things. I think you're going to enjoy it. I can feel your heat.' He pressed hard against her. She felt sure that the wetness in her panties must surely start to show through the thin fabric of her dress soon. She resisted the bodily instinct to push back against him. *I did not agree to this. Not like this.* The feeling of vulnerability was paralysing. *This isn't Dean. This isn't real.*
Dean continued "But you do have an option. If you say, "caramel milkshake" I will stop. You'll be free to walk out of here. You can fill out a police report for sexual abuse, rape, whatever.'
*Like a safe word?* 'Ca-' Dean allowed Chelsea to get a single syllable out before clamping his hand over her lips. Chelsea's eyes widened, realising the extent of control Dean had over her.
'There will be consequences though.' Dean took his hand of her mouth and reached into his back pocket. He threw a small pile of home-printed photos in front of her face. Chelsea struggled to focus on the images, her face so close to them. When her eyes adjusted she recognised herself. Naked. Eyes closed. Kneeling on the motel bed, and very visibly enjoying one hand pleasuring her pussy, the other hand with one finger obviously buried in her asshole. Chelsea's stomach leapt into her throat. The photo was slightly pixelated, obviously zoomed in, the photo being captured from an angle that was just right to see over the top of the bookshelf that obscured the majority of the view from the window, and from some distance *Like with a zoom lens from a two-story house just across the street...* but there was no mistaking the identity of the woman or what she as doing. *And I was fucking thinking about Dean too.* The sweat beaded on her forehead, threatening to trickle down the side of her face.
Dean continued: 'If you don't want to cooperate, I know a certain conservative Christian microbiology professor who would probably not appreciate being sent compromising photos of one of his employees. Especially if that employee would be about due for a promotion...' Dean took his hand away from her mouth and wiped away the bead of sweat from Chelsea's temple with a gentle finger. 'I sure don't want to have a negative effect on your career.' Dean let the end of his sentence linger, the threat palpable. *He's blackmailing me? My boss... Would he do that?* Chelsea realised she didn't know anything about Dean. *He spied on me. He saw me... He took pictures!* Chelsea felt indignation overtake shock. And yet part of her mind turned in another direction. *He's into me, too. He wants me.*
Dean began talking again. 'So, you do have a choice.'
'I hardly see how' Chelsea retorted.
'You know what you have to say to make it stop. If you don't say it, then what were doing is perfectly consensual'. Dean practically purred into her ear.
'You're fucking blackmailing me!'
'More like a bit of extra motivation.' Dean undid the tie from around his neck with his free hand.
'this is...this is... rape...' Chelsea's voice trailed off, barely audible, her accusation lacking conviction. Dean just scoffed, the smirk on his face audible to Chelsea though she couldn't see it. He released his grip on her arms as he wound his tie around her forearms. The silky material felt cool and sleek against Chelsea's wrists. As he finished tying off the knots that bound her arms behind her back, Dean planted a chaste kiss on the back of her hand. 'We'll see.'
With her movements restricted, Dean lifted his weight off her body. He took a step back from the bed. Chelsea just lay there, feeling incredibly defeated. She knew a myriad of ways to defend herself, but they were all useless when she had willingly allowed herself to be overpowered. A few moments passed before she was consciously aware of no longer being pinned down underneath another body. She moved her neck to look at Dean.
'Beautiful' he observed, regarding his view of Chelsea bent over the bed, legs spread, arse up, arms bound behind her back.
*He's still stupidly gorgeous. How infuriating.* Dean undid the top buttons of his shirt. Chelsea wasn't sure why she wasn't moving. His fingers made their way down his shirt buttons, but his eyes never moved, and his sly grin never fell from his face, even as he pulled his shirt back and slid his arms out of the sleeves. Chelsea could see his muscles move as he moved, his body taut and poised as if to strike his prey at any moment. And still his gaze was as intense as ever.
'On your knees' He spoke softly. Chelsea shifted her eyes from his body back to his face. 'Now. Slide off the bed and get on your knees.' He reiterated.
There was hesitation in Chelsea's movements. She started to move and then halted, considering what she was doing. *Do I just do what he says? What if I don't? Would he hurt me? I can say the safe word. But the pictures...* She shuffled a little bit, pulling her feet together, but slowly. Buying time. Thinking. As she moved she could feel the slickness between her legs. Her heartbeat had slowed a bit, becoming accustomed to her situation. Now it sped up again. *Holy shit. I don't want this. Why is my body so turned on? Would it do this for anyone else? Shit. Can he tell?* Her stomach slid past the edge of the bed. She bent her knees and folded into a kneeling position facing the bed. She didn't dare turn her face for fear Dean would see her thoughts written there.
She felt his hand snake around her pony tail, firmly wrapping it around his fist. He suddenly pulled downwards, forcing Chelsea's face upwards, exposing her throat. She gasped. It was surprise, but even to Chelsea's ears it sounded sensual. She felt Dean lean close to her. Smelled his subtle cologne mixed with an unmistakably manly musk. *Ungh, that's hot.* the thought arose unbidden. *Shit, get it together. No, this is not okay.* She started to form words to tell him to stop, but Dean spoke first, his lips so close that they tickled her ear lobe:
'Do not. Hesitate. Again.' He emphasised every word. His meaning very clear. He traced a finger from the hand that wasn't holding her head back from her jawline, slowly drawing a line down her throat, passing the dip where her neck met her torso. He continued down her chest. Pulling the line of her dress forward as if taking a peek down her cleavage. He released the fabric it settled against her skin once more. Chelsea thought her heart must be getting close to flatlining it was beating so fast. With Dean's attention focussed on her chest, she was very aware of it rising and falling rapidly with her breathing, almost panting.
*Get. Your. Fucking. Shit. Together. Woman. Who cares if your boss sees those pictures? He can't do shit because of anti-discrimination laws. I've done nothing wrong! No, shit, do not think about Dean near your boobs. No. no. nope. Not thinking about that. Why don't you say the word?* Chelsea squeezed her eyes shut. Trying to deny the predicament she was in. and then he let his grip on her hair go. She was aware of Dean taking up position directly behind her. His hands moved over her shoulders. Slowly. Gently. *That doesn't feel... Rapey...* Chelsea felt the touch of her old friend, the guy she had a crush on for years. *He's good. God he's good. Why couldn't this happen differently? Why did he have to marry that* woman? *Why couldn't he have asked me...* Chelsea wished. His hands moved to the straps of her bra. Finding their way to the centre of her back where he pulled the clasp away to unhook it. *But I don't want it like this. Its wrong. This is wrong.*
'Ss..stop...' Chelsea surprised even herself with her protest, weak though it was. Dean's hands didn't stop though. They slid around to her front, slipping the straps pf her bra off from underneath her dress. His hands slithered between her skin and the fabric, freeing her breasts from their support. His fingertips skated over her nipples. They were hard. His fingertips felt slightly rough to Chelsea, and she supressed a whimper that tried to sneak out of her. And then his hands were moving back up, guiding her bra straps down over her shoulders. 'No,' he responded, 'I don't think I will stop'. He sounded smug.
\*sniiiick\* the sound of scissors closing on the strap of her bra, severing the thin strip of material so that he could remove the lingerie completely, without untying her arms or even removing her dress.
*He could really hurt me if he wanted to...* Chelsea considered that she was completely at Dean's mercy, the things he could cut with those scissors not limited to fabric... She heard the dull thump of her bra being tossed to the corner of the room where it landed on top of Dean's own discarded shirt.
*No.* 'Nnn... uhhh' Chelsea drew in a sharp breath, a response to the surprise of Dean once again pulling her hair back. She quickly shut her mouth to prevent any more involuntary noises escaping.
'Shhhh' Dean placed a firm finger against her lips. 'Shh' he repeated less forcefully. He released her hair again but she couldn't bring her head back down for Dean's finger planted on her mouth. She remained facing upwards, neck bared. His finger moved slightly, shifting the pressure. Down just enough that her top lip allowed his fingertip to feel a hint of the wetness in her mouth. He moved it to the side a little, then back to the centre, relaxing her mouth further. A second finger pressed against her lips and pushed down a bit, guidingly. Cheldeas bottom lip followed, her mouth opening slightly. His face was in front of hers now and she looked in his eyes. They were focused on her mouth, his own mouth silghtly ajar, completely focussed on what he was doing. One finger continued to hold her bottom lip down while the other finger slowly wriggled its way between her lips, inside her mouth. It pried her teeth apart with not too great an effort. First the fingernail, up to the first knuckle. Chelsea felt the slight roughness of Dean's fingerprint on the tip of her tongue. He worked it in a little further. He moved it about inside of her mouth. It was up to the second knuckle now. inside was squishy and wet. Chelsea detected a faintly salty taste, and realised she had never felt more violated than she did in this moment, with a man's finger inside of her against her wishes. She saw Dean's tongue move inside his own mouth. Ever so slightly licking his lips. He swallowed and withdrew his finger. Their eyes met again. Chelsea felt powerless to look away as he put his finger into his own mouth and sucked her saliva off it, then smacked his lips as if savouring her taste.
*He knows exactly what he's doing. He knows my body is fucking turned on as hell right now. But it's involuntary! Does he think I want this? Do I want this? Why aren't I saying the word? I could -* Dean stood up and stepped away from her.
'Stay.' He ordered. Chelsea heard his footsteps pad over the carpet. She stayed. She wasn't sure if it was out of obedience or simply paralysis from shock. But she stayed. She didn't know for how long. She heard the footsteps return, and wondered why she hadn't even turned her head to look. Surely, she was free to do that much without fear of consequences? *Am I scared of what he would do, or what he wouldn't do?*
'Good girl.' Again, the smile on his face was evident in his voice. Chelsea trembled slightly with the praise. *You have fucking issues woman.* But part of her was happy to have pleased him. She did have the hots for him for so long.
'Stand up.' More than a suggestion. She did as she was told. *Just say the word Chelsea.*
'Turn around and face me'. Dean's voice was steady. The man simply exuded confidence. *And power.*
As Chelsea turned, she lowered her face to the floor. *Say the word dammit. I don't consent to this. I do not consent!*
'Look at me,' his words were calm and demanding. But Chelsea felt she couldn't lift her head. It wasn't weakness. It was *shame.*
*What am I ashamed of? I've done nothing wrong!*
'look at me.' He repeated in a slightly deeper voice. Chelsea wondered what sort of animalistic growl that voice could be. She peered up at him through her eyelashes, not quite raising her face. She could see his muscled torso. The small amount of hair there. His dominating posture. *He's got a better body than I imagined. Fucking great.*
She noticed Dean held the scissors in his hand. She looked down to the floor again. Panic.
*Say the word.*
He stepped closer and raised the tool to the strap of her dress. \*sniiick\*. One strap fell away. A slight relief came over Chelsea as she realised he didn't have anything more sinister in mind than cutting cloth. At least for now. He cut the other one, but the dress still clung to her. It was rather form fitting after all and she did have curves for it to hang on to. Dean pursed his lips and exhaled though his nose. Then he knelt in front of her.
Images of him between her legs sprang into Chelsea's mind. Sweaty bodies entwined in passion. Rhythmic motion. *No.* Chelsea supressed the unbidden thoughts. *Those are just old fantasies. This is different. Make it stop. Say the word.*
He raised the scissors to the hem of Chelsea's dress, and started cutting upward. He moved slowly. Agonisingly. *I'm going to be naked. He's going to see my body.* Chelsea thought with dread. And then she remembered the pictures. A different kind of dread replaced it. *He's already seen it. Spying creep. But he wanted me. But this is psychotic.* So much conflict in Chelsea's mind.
Dean continued cutting. Now level with his face. He continued to part the fabric of her dress, exposing her skin beneath. The scissors reached her navel and he paused. Chelsea felt his nose press against her mound through her panties. She heard him inhale deeply. She wasn't sure how, but Chelsea felt embarrassment join the feelings of shame. Her heartrate not slowing.
*Can he smell me? You could just knee him in the jaw right now. You could-*
Dean gripped the two sides of her dress, leaned back and yanked outwards. The remaining clothing tore and fell to the floor before he yanked it away and tossed it aside. He stood and stepped back once more.
'Look at me'. Still calm. Quieter this time though. Chelsea paused. Only just now realising she missed her chance to attack her attacker. And now she was bare but for her insubstantial knickers. She felt her chest moving slightly with her shallow breath, making her even more aware of her breasts and their stiff nipples.
*Its cold* she lied to herself. *Say the word. Run. Do something!*
She did none of those things. She looked up.
'I told you not to hesitate. I won't warn you again Chels.' He wagged a teasing finger in her direction. He was quiet as he took his measure of her. Chelsea felt like he was examining every private inch of her under a magnifying glass. But he didn't move. Just looked. When his eyes came up to her face again, his gaze seemed to narrow and become focussed again. Chelsea looked down once more, not able to withstand the intensity of his deep brown eyes. His hands started to work on unfastening his belt. She didn't know how, but Chelsea's heart leapt even more. It threatened to choke her as she felt it jump into her throat.
*This is serious. The word. Say it now.* And in another part of her mind, other thoughts: *Even if you said something, even if you said the safe word, he wouldn't stop. He's lost to his instincts now. You saw the look in his eyes. No, you need to just run.*
And again, Chelsea did nothing.
'Kneel.' Chelsea looked up again at Dean. He slid his belt out of his pants and chucked it onto the growing pile of cast-off clothes. He nodded his head slightly, indicating to Chelsea that she was to get back down on her knees.
She couldn't explain it, but her legs moved. She knelt. Chelsea watched his fingers move over the fly of his pants as he took small but deliberate steps towards her.
Chelsea knew then that she wasn't going to say the word. She wasn't going to run. Her body wanted this. She wanted this. She had for so long. She concentrated as Dean withdrew his hard member from his pants.
'I know you offered a hand job earlier but as your arms are currently unavailable, I'm just going to have to fuck your pretty little mouth.' Chelsea felt an urge to rub her thighs together, to feel the wet slickness developing there. But she refrained. *I can't let him know that I'm into this, like some fucking sicko.* Instead she tried again to protest
She was interrupted. Dean held his thumb over her lips preventing her from speaking.
'You're worried about how you would manage to say the safe word if your mouth is full of my cock?' Dean smiled. He was doing a lot of that, smiling.
*Is it possible to blush so hard that my face explodes? I feel like that's something that's possible. He has to know what he's doing to me. There's no way he can't tell.*
'I know you can wink. I won't take my eyes off you. If you wink twice in a row, ill know you want me to stop. And I will stop.' To Chelsea, Dean's words now almost felt like a threat.
*I don't think I want you to stop.* Chelsea almost admitted it to herself. She could admit that she was turned on by a situation. But confessing to actively wanting it felt...*It feels... dirty.*
'Do you understand?' He asked her.
*Oh god, he wants me to respond. If I say I understand, I'm essentially consenting right? He fucking knows, the bastard, he knows what I'm thinking!*
Chelsea gave the slightest nod, almost imperceptible. But Dean saw it. He was taking in everything, focussed on her like an insect caught in his web. Prey. He saw Chelsea incline her head oh so faintly. And he laughed. Chelsea looked away again. The shame was unbearable.
'Good girl Chels. Atta girl.' Chelsea felt her sunken stomach lighten with the praise. She knew it was messed up. And then his thumb shifted, guided the tip of Dean's cock to her mouth. Pressed it against her lips. The feelings stirring in her loins were strong. It *ached.* She parted her lips slightly under his insisting member.
*Its so warm. So hot.* Millimetre by millimetre, she reluctantly allowed him into her mouth. Painfully slow. She wanted more. She wanted to take all of him. *but I can't be doing this. Its wrong.* Dean groaned above her. Chelsea refused to look up, knowing that his eyes were on her, just in case she winked. *I can't possibly look him in the eye. How will I ever be able to look anyone in the eye?* He brought his hands to either side of her head. *No, you should look up Chels. You should look at his face and wink. That's what you fucking should be doing. Instead of sucking dick like a fucking whore.* His hands pulled her toward him a little more. Chelsea felt the tip reaching towards the back of her mouth. His hands tugged at her head so that her face angled up a little bit. Her eyelids lifted. She looked at him. the hunger in his eyes was so ferocious that Chelsea felt as if it burned her and tears began to form in her eyes. But she didn't wink. With each second that passed without her winking. Chelsea felt even more mortified. *I'm as good as telling him. I'm basically fucking asking for more. Wink you bloody harlot!*
As if feeling that Chelsea's mouth couldn't extend any further, Dean pulled back slightly. And then he pushed forward even more, past the back of her mouth, into her throat. The tears in her eyes swelled as Chelsea held back on her gag reflex, her eyes wide. She struggled against her bondage, arms bound inconveniently behind her back. Dean's hair tickled her lips and he used his hands on the back of her head to push into her. Chelsea made small choking noises around the organ in her mouth as she struggled to breathe. Dean's eyelids fell, but his eyebrows lifted in an effort to keep his eyes open and locked on Chelsea's. He exhaled purposefully, clearly regaining the modicum of composure he had lost. Then he pulled Chelsea off him slightly. Just enough for her to draw breath.
And then he did it again, pushing her down, forcing himself into her as deep as he could, as deep as she could. And again. And Chelsea felt *proud.*
*I'm making him feel good. Fucking Dean, "the" Dean, is fucking my fucking face.* Chelsea almost laughed at the simplicity and immaturity of her thoughts.
He varied the tempo. Speeding up and slowing down. He made grunting noises and noises through gritted teeth, maintaining control over his own pleasure. Never taking his eyes off her.
Dean stopped before he came. His hands pulled Chelsea's head backwards as he took a half step back himself, pulling his cock out of her mouth with a sighed 'Fuuuuuuck' and throwing his head back, savouring the sensation. He no longer needed to maintain eye contact, with Chelsea's mouth free to speak if she so wished. It was the singularly most sexy thing she had ever seen. This domineering figure, shirtless, sweaty, enraptured by the pleasure that she had provided. On her knees. Hands tied behind her back.
Dean exhaled as he looked at Chelsea again, and took in her nearly naked form. Her makeup was messy from her watering eyes, lipstick smudged from the rough use of her face.
'Stand'. He demanded. This time, his voice betrayed a small amount of exhaustion. Dean was a tad short of breath from having stopped himself so suddenly. Chelsea brought one foot underneath her, and raised herself to standing. Feelings of vulnerability and nakedness came over her again and she looked down, the blush returning to her cheeks, though they were already flush with the effort of moments earlier.
'Turn around, face the bed'.
She did as she was bidden. Then his hands were at her wrists, fiddling with the silk tie. Her hands were free. *I'm free - I can push him away, strike his face, defend myself, I can get out of here!* But again, she did none of those things. She brought her hands in front of her and rubbed her forearms. She hadn't realised it through the adrenaline, but the muscles had become a bit stiff being forcefully restrained. Dean pressed his body into her back. She felt the heat from his skin, the dampness of their sweat mingling. He gripped her biceps and put his mouth to her ear.
'We both know you're going to do exactly as I say. And its got nothing to do with being tied up or blackmailed'. Dean whispered conspiratorially. Chelsea felt it like a punch to the gut - her fears of Dean knowing her mind were confirmed. *I may as well have lit up a neon sign* She thought bitterly, feeling defeated. Just as she felt like she was regaining a sliver of her equilibrium, Dean spoke again.
'Touch yourself'
Her body stiffened. Not that it was relaxed before but now a wave of new adrenaline rocked through her body.
*He wants me to... I can't possibly...*
Dean must've felt her terror. He repeated himself: 'Touch yourself and show me how wet you've become'. He slid his right hand down her arm, initiating the movement. Chelsea continued, slowly moving her hand towards her navel, reaching down to the lace of her only remaining piece of clothing. Her stomach flipped.
'Show me' He insisted.
Chelsea's hand slid delicately beneath the polyester and snaked its way through the bush on her mound. Dean's hand no longer guided hers, having already overcome the inertia that held her back. Gingerly her fingers probed at the top of her most private of areas. She slid a finger between the lips there, and they were met with the slickest moistness that she could recall encountering. She explored a little further, noticing how easily the juices allowed her digit to glide over sensitive flesh. Her probing left a wave of tingles in its wake. *Have I ever been so wet before?*
'Show me', once again, Dean's voice lowered. *He doesn't like to repeat himself.* Chelsea's inner monologue relented, and her observations became simple as her body transitioned away from panic station, shifting into a more primal mode. She removed her hand and began raising it upwards. Dean gripped her wrist. It almost felt like a massage after the lack of blood flow from the previous bondage. He brought her hand up and bent the fingers back over her shoulder. Chelsea's eyes followed its movement and met Dean's as he examined the slipperiness covering her fingers.
'Good' was his only remark. Chelsea's neck was twisted back, her eyes wide to follow the movements of her own hand. Then he brought her fingers up to his mouth and sucked the juices from them and Chelsea gasped.
When he took her fingers from his mouth, he shoved her carelessly back onto the mattress. She landed with a bounce, her legs still hanging off the end. Like a flash, Dean pulled her panties straight down and off. She was completely naked. And she had never felt more naked in her life.
'Get up on your hands and knees' His voice was still low, but not with frustration. It was *sensual.*
Chelsea still moved slowly, bringing her knees up onto the bed and underneath her and pressing her body up on her hands. She knew she was obeying. She knew it wasn't logical. *This is insane.*
'Dean, wait, I-' her meek voice was interrupted by Dean's once more.
'No, you don't get a say. Unless you make this allll stop with the magic words. Spread your legs a little wider.'
Chelsea complied, readjusting her position. The cool air met with the warm wetness that was practically flowing from her, increasing her awareness of just how aroused she was. She was grateful that Dean had her facing away from him. She was sure the humiliation she was feeling was plainly evident on her face.
She felt the mattress dip as Dean's weight was added. Then she felt his hands on her arse, felt them run smoothly up her back to her shoulder and as he trailed his fingers back down her spine, back to her rear, her flesh quivered. Chelsea felt goose bumps forming all over her body from the stimulation. And suddenly he grabbed her behind, one cheek in each hand, and squeezed. It was such a sudden change in sensations that Chelsea's head drew back with a sharp intake of breath. And then the sharp sting of Dean's right hand connecting with her cheek caused her to almost squeal, and her body buckled with the surprise of the attack. It wasn't a hard blow, but she could feel the blood rushing to the area that was struck. She knew a visible red handprint was probably already showing. Dean's hand was rubbing gently over the area, easing the sting. She felt the soft touch of his lips as he planted a small kiss where he had hit her.
'I don't like it when you make me repeat myself, Chels.' Dean's voice penetrated Chelsea's skull. She knew that smack was her punishment for minutes before, when Dean had guided her through touching herself. Chelsea came to the realisation, for what felt like the 50<sup>th</sup> time that evening, that Dean had power over her like no one ever had before, and she must do what she said, or suffer the consequences. *But you don't have to Chelsea, you could say 'Caram...'.* Chelsea couldn't even think the words, her mind felt so naked that she was sure Dean would know she thought it and would call an end to whatever he had planned. *As if you can't tell what his game is. He's having his fucking way with you Chels, like some fucking toy. And you're doing jack shit to stop it, because you're loving it, you slut.* Chelsea's monologue harangued her as if she were some external observer, untouched by the situation. *Maybe it's a coping mechanism or something?* She thought, while simultaneously knowing that she was getting off on this, and it was no coping mechanism.
'If you follow my directions, I think you'll find you enjoy this a whole lot more.' Dean explained, as his hand followed the crease of her arse cheeks, down to where the slickness originated from. He traced a light trail all the way through her slit to her clit, where his fingers circled with a feather-light touch.
'mmMMmmnnnnnn' Chelsea whimpered. She felt like she hadn't been touched there for a lifetime, and Dean's touch divulged his expertise. *He's probably done this to hundreds of girls. They always have loved him. Just like me.* Still softly circling, he increased the speed. Chelsea's knees felt weak and she was glad she wasn't standing for her to collapse. And cruelly, he stopped. Chelsea felt her eyebrows knot together in frustration and schooled her face into the most passive expression she could muster, determined to at least try to maintain her composure.
Dean laughed light-heartedly. 'Aww, did that feel good? Did you want me to keep going?'
Chelsea only breathed a little louder in response, not sure she had the heart to respond truthfully, nor to lie.
'I asked a question Chels' Dean forcefully dragged her head back by her ponytail again, and growled into her ear 'Or do you want me to stop?' He practically shoved her head forward as he released his grip.
And there was the sting again, on the left side of her arse this time, as unexpected as the first time. Again, Chelsea's head shot up and she gasped. Dean had taken a bigger swing this time. That was definitely going to leave a welt.
'I expect to be answered.' He said quietly, in contrast to the loud pain that was still ringing in Chelsea's backside.
'No.' she plainly stated. She wasn't really consciously aware of forming the words, but there they were. 'No, don't stop' She breathed. The words were out there now, and she couldn't get them back. She felt the shame overwhelmingly now. But Dean wasn't finished.
'Sorry, couldn't hear you. Did you stay stop? He was smiling, she could tell without seeing his face. He knew what she had said. He *wanted* her to feel the shame, to be humiliated.
'Please, don't stop'. Chelsea gave him what he wanted. She had already reached the peak of mortification. The only way it could be worse was if he did stop, and left her hanging without any release. Part of her knew that she would feel differently once this night was over. But for now, she was consumed with the tantalising possibility of pleasure.
'hmph.' The smirk was plain without needing to be seen on his face. His fingers snaked their way into her fold again, brushing once past her clit. Chelsea felt her body relax, feeling relief that she had said what Dean wanted to hear to get him to touch her like that again. Then his attentions moved backwards. He paused, 2 of his fingers resting at the entrance to her pussy.
'last night, when I took those photos, you were touching yourself here. What were you thinking about? 'Dean enquired almost innocently. Chelsea felt the tension immediately return to her muscles.
'Nothing... Porn.' She lied instantly.
\*SMACK\* Dean's hand on her right cheek again, managing not to shift his other hand poised at her entrance at all.
'No lies now Chels. What. Were. You. Thinking about?' The deep voice again. The powerful one.
'...u' Chelsea answered, inaudible.
'AAAHH' Chelsea screamed that time. 'YOU, YOU! I was thinking about you!' *Shit shit shit shit shit shit. Can't take it back now.*
And he slipped a finger inside her, deftly, nimbly. The natural lubrications more than adequate. It was so easy. He slid it back out and replaced it with two. And he knew the spot. Knew where to stroke. Chelsea *melted.*
'Tell me exactly'
*I was thinking of Dean taking me from behind.*
'I... I... uunghhhh' She started to answer but was distracted by Dean's ministrations. *My arse can't take another strike...* She gathered what wits she could and responded: 'I thought about you, you were behind me, uuuunnghhhh... we... you...' The shame *burned* in her face. 'I imagined you fucking me like an animal.' Chelsea was only a little shocked by her frankness. She had imagined far more depraved scenarios. But voicing them out loud, and to the object of her desire nonetheless, now that was something else.
'Did you now?' he sounded happy. *He enjoys being able to manipulate me. He knows how much power he has right now.* 'What about this?' Dean removed his fingers from her honeypot and drew a tantalising line directly up, where he used it to draw little circles around her arsehole.
Chelsea felt like her brain would lose all function forever. The trail of moisture his fingers left in their wake made the air feel that much more cool. The little circles became smaller and smaller until his fingertip was delicately probing her hole.
'Do you like this?' Dean finished the question by planting his mouth over her cunt. His tongue made broad motions over her pussy, savouring the juices, only penetrating by an inch or so.
'Unnnggghhh uuhhhhh' It wasn't really an answer, but it was all she could manage. She desperately wanted more, but held onto enough self-awareness that she maintained control over her hips. *I can't push back. He's making me do this. The blackmail.* She knew it was a lie, but she didn't give in.
Dean brought the finger from her arse back to where his tongue was working its magic. Just enough to cover it in more lubrication. His mouth resumed his efforts, a bit more forward, flicking broadly over her clit, while his once-again-wet finger returned to her other hole, and easily penetrated an inch, up to the first knuckle.
'No... Wait... Dean...' Chelsea whispered between breaths. But he ignored her. Without meeting much resistance, he pushed further.
'nnngggghhhh' Chelsea's arms waivered. They splayed out underneath her and her upper body collapsed onto the bedspread. And Dean didn't stop. He moved his head slightly form side to side, varying the angle. Chelsea felt the abrasiveness of his stubble on her inner thighs. He pushed his finger as far as it would go, wiggled it slightly, feeling Chelsea's squishy, tight hole.
'Mmm' Dean smiled. Chelsea felt it, his face between her legs. It made her even more turned on somehow to think that he enjoyed doing this to her. She felt the energy gathering in her insides. She was getting close. *He's gunna make me cum.* The seemingly ever-present warmth in Chelsea's cheeks intensified - the feelings of violation returned as she realised she was going to let her attacker, this man she had had a crush on for years, the same one currently abusing her body, she would let him bring her to climax. She was so close now, almost impossible to turn back from the brink.
Nothing. His finger in her arse was absent. Dean's face no longer buried in her crack. The growing wave subsided rapidly.
'Urgghh' Chelsea gurgled into the bedsheets in frustration before she regained self-awareness. The frustration was quickly replaced with indignity. More blushing. She pushed herself up on her arms again, head hanging low. Sweat dripped from her nose onto the sheets. She felt the Bed move as Dean got off, onto the floor.
'Get up on your knees,' Dean's voice was unnervingly calm. *How can he do that, do those things to me, and not be any different?* Chelsea pushed off the springy mattress into a kneeling position. Her body was shaking. She still felt cheated out of an orgasm. Dean climbed back onto the bed with her and she knew he had taken his own pants off. She felt the intense heat of his erection pressed between her arse cheeks, his chest against her back as he knelt behind her. He grabbed one of her arms roughly, and with his other hand he seized her throat, pulling her head up and back. It wasn't enough to choke her, but a reminder that he was very much in charge.
Dean's voice was steady when he spoke again 'was it like this?' He released her arm and used his now free hand to guide the tip of his penis into her slit, barely touching but making her aware that the head of his cock was very much poised to enter her. He bit her ear and sucked the ear lobe, His hand still on her neck. 'is this the way you imagined it?' Chelsea closed her eyes and swallowed hard.
'Y.. yes' She managed to stammer. It was difficult, not only because of the mix of nerves and adrenaline, but because Dean's hand largely kept her jaw immobile.
He ran the tip of his cock up and down the length of her opening. And then slowly, agonisingly, he pushed it inside of her. It wasn't hard with how wet she was. But he took his time. His teeth grazed along her neck. 'Is this the way you wanted it?' He used his hand on her hip to pull himself completely inside of her. The hairs at the base of his protruding erection tickled Chelsea's skin and Dean groaned as he reached her innermost depths, the walls of her vagina squeezing him. 'Is this how you thought of me, filling up your cunt?'
'mmmpphhh' It wasn't exactly an answer, but it was the best she could manage. She breathed heavily through her nostrils, Dean's grip on her throat not allowing her to open her mouth comfortably. As he gradually pulled out, leaving only the tip inside of her, he shifted his grip on her neck so that two of his fingers were able to force their way into her mouth. He pushed his cock back into her pussy, not with great speed but forcefully nonetheless.
'nnngggghhh' Chelsea made incoherent noises around Dean's fingers in her mouth. She felt a small bit of drool leak over her lip and down her chin. *I must look like a mess.*
After drawing almost all the way out of her again, Dean thrusted a bit faster, Chelsea was becoming accustomed to the fullness and her insides were becoming slightly more pliable. In again. A bit more speed. Dean inhaled through gritted teeth, and let out an 'aaghhhhhh'.
He started to pump in and out, and Chelsea's body began to move with the rhythm.
'Is this how you thought my cock would feel inside you?' He let go of his grip on her neck, his fingers ceased their assault on her mouth. Dean pushed her forward, her hands failed to catch her weight and her chest fell onto the bed. The angle allowed Dean to penetrate even deeper. He leant over her while sawing in and out, and brought the hand that previously held her neck to her cheek, pushing the side of her face into the mattress. 'Is this how you pictured me fucking you?' he growled.
*Pretty much* Chelsea thought, but she didn't vocalise the words.
The sting on her inflamed backside resounded with the loud smack. It wasn't as hard as the previous spankings, but Chelsea felt it intensely. Red skin on red skin.
'Answer me!' Dean demanded.
'Yes, yes!' After she responded, his fingers returned to her mouth briefly, coating them in saliva once more. He brought the moistened fingers back, back to circling her arsehole. Only twice, and then he forced his index finger all the way in, little resistance was met. It drove Chelsea wild. The inserted digit wagged as their bodies sawed back and forth. Dean spat at her arse, adding his own lubrication and pulling back and forth on her backdoor. His balls slapped her gently with each movement.
Chelsea tried to adjust herself, tried to use her hands to push up. It was fairly difficult with Dean pushing her face into the linen, but even as she gained a minute amount of purchase, he took his hand from her head, and pulled his finger from her arsehole with a small popping' sensation, and swiftly pulled both of her wrists behind her back once more. He was then able to hold her that way with only one of his large hands.
'You don't move unless I give permission.' Dean's voice was a low whisper again. He thrust one more time and then withdrew completely from her. Chelsea felt the absence keenly, her pussy throbbing with blood flow and dripping with fluid. Her arsehole twitched as she took stock of the various sensations.
'Sit up' Dean let go of her wrists and allowed her to get into a comfortable kneeling position. She avoided making eye contact with him. Dean laid down on his back, resting his head up on the pillows. His completely naked body was visible to Chelsea for the first time. The muscles that she suspected were underneath his clothes were more pronounced than she imagined, and they seemed to ripple with tension as he shuffled up the bed. His skin had a sheen to it, perspiration. His cock almost rested against his stomach, his erection making it seem to almost defy gravity. He pulled one arm up to rest behind his head, his bicep showing as he moved. His other hand came down to manoeuvre his cock into a more vertical position.
He looked *delicious* Chelsea thought.
'Come and suck it. Suck your juices off it.'
She chanced a look into his eyes. They stared back at her through heavy lids. She only took a moment to consider before crawling forward and softly grasping the hard shaft. It was slick and warm. So warm. And rock hard. She thought that it must surely hurt a man to have so much blood in one area. She brought her head down, her mouth closing around the tip. It was a kind of salty taste. Sweat mixed with her own flavour. Her tongue circled the glans. Dean groaned. *You don't have to Chelsea. You can just get up and leave.* Her mind still harassed her to do the reasonable thing. She was past that though. Well past. And she did know it, even if her conscious mind plagued her and the guilt of giving in to her assailant was ever present, she couldn't escape the fact that she wanted it. She took the length of him into her mouth, into her throat. He had showed her how earlier. She supressed the instinct to gag.
'Enough'. Dean sighed. 'I want you to ride me'.
Blush again. *How is that even possible, I don't think I've* stopped *blushing.*
'You ... want me to...' Chelsea sought clarification.
'I want you to climb on top of me, on top of my dick, and fuck me.'
Blush on top of blush on top of blush. Chelsea crawled joltingly forward. Her nerves making smooth movement impossible. One knee planted on either side of Dean's hips, Chelsea straddled him. her breasts swayed slightly as she adjusted her position so that the tip of his cock was once again curiously poking at her pussy. She lowered herself an inch. She didn't know were to look.
'No.' Dean spoke up. Chelsea eyes shot to his face. *Those deep brown eyes.* 'No, I want to take your arse.'
Mortification. Chelsea was not expecting that. She hadn't really expected any of this though. 'What? No, Dean- I can't. I-'
Chelsea's protests were cut short. The sensation of pain in her nipples so suddenly snapped her into silence. She drew a deep breath in, mouth wide. Dean's fingers squeezed and twisted her erect nipples. She straightened instinctively, trying to avoid the pain. But Dean pulled her in closer, so she was leaning over the top of him. Chelsea closed her eyes, not knowing what else to do.
'What were you saying?' He asked maliciously.
'I never... I haven't...' She couldn't quite form the words.
'You've never had anal sex before?' He lessened the force he was using on her sore nipples.
'Nothing more than a finger.' Chelsea offered timidly. With the pain easing, she felt more articulate. *Why am I embarrassed to admit that though?* But even as she asked herself, she knew the answer: *because I disappointed him.*
'In that case...' Dean grunted as he flipped her over, rolling on top of her. He never finished the sentence, but his meaning was fairly clear. He meant to be her first. He spat on his hand and rubbed it over his throbbing cock, aiming it at Chelsea's tight hole, never before penetrated by anything nearly so large.
'No, Dean, No. Stop!' Chelsea's hands fumbled to push his body away, her legs trying to propel her backwards, but her hair was brushing the bed head, there was no where to go. Dean paused what he was doing long enough to pin her hands to the wall above her head, preventing her feeble attempts to stop him.
'You don't want me to stop Chels, if you did, you would be talking of a particular flavoured dairy beverage.' He teased her.
*He's right.* 'No, wait! Stop!' *liar.*
'You want to put up a fight, so you can feign innocence. I know better though Chels.' Dean positioned himself again, leaning over her a bit having to restrain her hands.
Chelsea continued to offer meaningless protests as Dean applied more pressure, urging his cock to penetrate her sphincter. Finally, it gave way and her body traitorously permitted the head of his cock to enter. The shock of it silenced her.
'mmmm.' Dean paused, savouring the warm squeeze. It afforded Chelsea the opportunity to acclimatise to the unfamiliar sensation of fullness. Her mouth formed an "O" as she exhaled, not realising she had been holding her breath. Dean pushed in a tiny bit.
'hahhhh' Chelsea inhaled. It was a completely different feeling to regular sex. She thought it was supposed to hurt, but was surprised to find once the tip was in, it just felt *snug*.
As if feeling when she was accustomed to the invasion, Dean reached further inside of her, little by little. Each time allowing her a period of grace to adjust to the awareness of being completely stuffed. Before she felt the tickle of his hairs on her backside, he began to pull out. Just enough that she would feel the unusual fullness all over again when he pushed even further. Chelsea felt the tip of his cock hit a certain spot inside of her, as if reaching through the walls of her insides to hit her G-spot. And then he retreated again, almost all the way. It felt as if her arsehole gripped so tightly that he couldn't quite manage to remove the ridge of his glans. It felt like a tease.
'Dean...' Chelsea wasn't sure what she meant to say exactly. But he wasn't paying too much attention anyway. He resumed his slow push into her arse. This time, all the way to the hilt. He closed his eyes. It was obvious that the cozy hole was a pleasurable enough experience for the man. He paused there for a moment, then he started a slow rhythm, in and out. Never quite leaving her. Chelsea was amazed at how easy it seemed, and at how good it felt.
*Why isn't it hurting? How can I take so much?* From another corner of her mind: *Because you like it, you're so fucking turned on you could probably take two cocks.* 'No' She said. *No, I'm not like that...*
'Oh yes.' Dean countered. Then while he was deep inside her, he let go of her hands and held tight on to her hips with both hands, tumbling on to his back and dragging her on top of him in the process. Gravity forced Chelsea down, and the hard member inside of her pushed a little deeper.
'mm' A small, high-pitched whimper came from her throat. *So good.* She didn't dare move though. She couldn't make herself complicit in the act. Dean disagreed.
'Move your hips.'
'Dean, I-'
His hand around her jaw, squishing her lips into a fish face. He pulled her close, her back bending. Her hands splayed out over his chest, preventing her from faceplanting on top of him.
'Move. Your. Hips.' There was no patience in his speech. He expected complete submission. Chelsea felt a slick puddle form where her pussy rested on his lower abdomen. He pulled her face a little closer. Their lips mashed together, and Chelsea felt his tongue in her mouth. Warm, searching, passionate. Her fingers curled slightly on his chest. Her arsehole twitched around his dick. He ended their wet kiss by pushing her away. She pressed herself up form his chest, her tits bouncing a little. And she shifted her weight so that her hips moved forward. She felt Dean's cock in her, following her movements. She slid backwards again. It was *so good*. There was no way she could stop now, grinding on top of his pelvis, back and forth.
'Good girl' Dean voiced his approval. His breathing became heavy with her motions. His hips matched her movements. They were in perfect harmony.
'Cum for me.' He breathed heavily. 'Fucking cum with my cock in your arse, Chelsea.'
Chelsea picked up speed. The juices from her pussy flowing freely, her clit gliding over Dean's happy trail. She wanted it to last forever. The warmth in her belly rose, strong and fierce.
She felt a light slap on the side of her face. Dean's strong hand gripped her neck again, not crushing, but with enough force to remind her of what he could do. 'Fucking cum for me you slut.'
Chelsea felt the waves radiating from her centre, crashing through her whole body. She knew distantly she had stopped moving, her body paralysed with the intensity of her orgasm, save for a small tremor in her leg. Dean kept bucking underneath her, adding momentum to her climax. As the waves began to subside, she opened her eyes and saw Dean's face. It started to scrunch up, his own release imminent. Chelsea resumed her grinding, her insides twitching, her arsehole gripping his cock tightly. She was incredibly sensitised after such a strong orgasm and she felt the unmistakable heat in her arse - Dean's hot load shooting into her. The last wave subsided, and she collapsed on to his chest.
Spent, Dean withdrew himself gently from her still convulsing hole and wrapped his arms round her body. All her hairs still stood on end, goose bumps under his fingers. The afterglow of her climax still alive. Underneath her, Dean shuffled her weight off him, so she lay prone on the bed. She remained passive, not knowing what else to do. She brought her hands to cover her face, so she wouldn't have to think about where to look or what expressions she was making.
Dean said nothing, but she heard him rummaging in a drawer nearby. Then she felt his weight on the back of her legs as he sat astride her.
*More?* She thought incredulously. But he only planted a chaste kiss where he had spanked her earlier. Chelsea felt his hands smoothing some soothing substance over the stinging flesh. She sighed, and said nothing as he tended to her tender skin. It felt like a sharp contrast to his treatment of her just minutes prior. *But just as sweet* She observed.
'Come' Dean said warmly. Chelsea chanced a peek from behind her hands. Dean sat on the edge of the bed, his hair all mussed up in the most endearing way. He offered her his outstretched hand. Chelsea extended her own, and let him help her up, guide her to the ensuite. She stood still as he let go of her to start the shower. They said nothing. Chelsea thought nothing. As steam rose around them, Dean gently lead her into the large cubicle. The warm water on her sticky, sweaty chest was heaven. Dean stepped in behind her, embracing her in a gentle bear hug. He ran his hands smoothly over her arms, kissing her neck affectionately, as a lover would.
Chelsea felt the swoon of post-orgasm ecstasy fade, and her grip on reality return. She turned around slowly, facing the man. *I thought I knew you* she thought at him.
'Dean...' She had no idea what to say. The silence extended.
Finally, Dean spoke for her; 'You didn't say the safe word.' He observed.
*Was that... awe, in his voice just now?*
Dean's eyes were large and twinkling and Chelsea was surprised she didn't feel the urge to look away.
'No.' she responded simply.
'I never intended to share those photos with anyone.' He explained.
'I know.' And Chelsea did know. She had known the whole time.
'But you still didn't make me stop.'
*Because I've never been more turned on in my life...* Chelsea said nothing.
'You enjoyed that didn't you? Maybe even more than I did, I think...' Dean smiled cheekily. Chelsea lowered her head. Her cheeks were growing warm again.
'...How did you know?' *How did he know I liked it? How did he know that would turn me on?* Chelsea's voice was quiet, but the enclosed space enabled Dean to hear her words.
'Well, I kind of stumbled across your reddit account...' His smile was wide.
*Reddit? No, he can't have. I'm completely anonymous...*
But he went on. 'you posted a picture on Facebook, and then I saw the exact same one on reddit, on the Australia subreddit, and I knew it had to be your account. I snooped on your subscriptions. Con-non-con? Strugglefuck? Seemed like your kinks matched mine to a tee!'
*You're fucking shitting me.* Her stomach was doing little flips. She suddenly noticed how little strength remained in her knees. Dean must have noticed because he took hold of her again. The hot water pattered over her shoulders.
'Truth be told, I couldn't resist a little snooping though. I can't remember how long I've had the hots for you.'
*No. fucking. Way. He's teasing me, making fun of me. He found out my darkest secrets and... and...*
'But... Carly?' Chelsea didn't think she had ever been so confused.
Dean threw his head back and laughed heartily. His perfect teeth flashed. 'Oh, we're not actually married!' He said nonchalantly. 'She's a lesbian. We pretend to be married so her family would stop harassing her. She's a good friend though.'
Chelsea just stared.
*.. what??*
'We don't even live together,' Dean continued. 'We keep up appearances when we're back in town, so her folks don't catch on, but other than that, we just hang out with the same group of Uni mates. She's a great chick, but she could care less about me being with you. Except maybe being a tad jealous of me.' Dean winked. 'She thinks you're super cute'.
The warmth in Chelsea's cheeks progressed to hot. She knew she just turned from pink to bright red. Dean stole a kiss, leaving just a slight wetness on Chelsea's lips. 'You really are too adorable' he remarked.
*I have to be dreaming.*
'Stay the night' Dean half offered, half demanded. Ever the one in charge. 'I want to hear why you didn't use the safe word. And I think we could have a bit more fun.' His eyes flashed darkly, and Chelsea knew she wouldn't refuse. She nodded her agreement.
'Good girl' Dean said again, smiling.
Chelsea smiled too. | literotica |
Title: Outside The Walls chapter 3 by crazybeagle
Tags: Anthro, Death, Gore, Series, Violence (Not In Yiff), War
Well time for another chapter, Thank you for posting. Enjoy the new chapter! :)
As the badly injured wolf lands beside me I stand up and grab my bow off the ground a few feet away. I look back at the wolf as James retrieves the knife out of the wolf's chest. The wolf stops moving and one of the wolves that was helping the Jaguar sprints towards the unconscious wolf to stop the bleeding.
I walk over to James as he was cleaning the knife and I say "Thank you for saving my life, what do we do now?" James looks at me with a puzzled expression and says "No problem, I think when those wolves are not looking, we make a run for it." I say back "Sounds great, but where would we go? There are probably more where we live, and I don't want to risk getting killed to find out if I am right." James replies "ok, we can try to go further into the forest." I nod and say "It is better than staying here."
James pokes my shoulder and points to the wolves. The wolves seem to be looking the other way, we quietly get up with our stuff and turn around to face away from the wolves. We walk into the forest, we keep looking around to see if they followed us, and to watch for other Anthros.
The wolf looking after the Jaguar.....
"OK, Nick it looks like you are good to go, you're lucky that human missed the artery and tendon, or you could be in worse condition." said Jack (A brown wolf Anthro). "Thank you for your help." Nick says to Jack. Jack replies "No problem."
Nick stands up he sees that the two humans are gone. Nick says "The humans are gone." Jack yells "What!" and uses his nose to find the path the humans took. Jack says as he points into the forest "they went that way, they only left ten minutes ago" Nick looks where Jack is pointing and says "I will follow them to see where they are going."
Jack says "Try not to get hurt, remember they have weapons and next time I might not be there to help." Nick says "What do you want done with them when I catch them?" Jack says "You got hurt by them, so you decide, if you are going to kill them only kill the blond haired one since he shot you, but make it painless, and only kill the brown haired one if he runs away. We may be at war but we are also trying to make peace with them so at least give them a chance."
Nick says "Sounds good, bye." As he ran as fast as he could with a limp after the humans.
Zach in the woods (Nick finally caught up to them, and is following them while listening).........
James and I have been walking for almost twenty minutes. I say turning my head to face James "So what do you think they will do to us if they find us?" Jack looks worried and says "I don't know, but you might get it better then I will, you only injured the Jaguar, I probably killed the wolf."
I say "I hope the Jaguar is ok, I can't believe I got him with an arrow, I feel so bad, I never wanted to hurt anything. He just scared me." we kept walking and didn't say anything to each other. I had the strange sensation that we were being watched.
(thinking only) "So the blond human did not mean to hurt me, maybe I won't kill him, I mean if it was an accident and I did scare him. I might go easy on him." I was thinking as I followed the humans further into the forest. "We are getting a little close to my town. I should stop them while they don't have their weapons out or loaded." I thought to myself as I got ready to catch them.
In the distance we could see a clearing with some huts. I turned to James and said "Maybe they can help us." James replies "Well we can......" He was cut off by someone grabbing our shoulders. We are scared out of our minds, also hoping it was someone from the army.
The person turned us around and we saw the Jaguar from before, the Jaguar then says "Where do you two think you are going?" James looks petrified so I try and answer "U-um we w-were walking a-and saw the town, s-so we were going to hide there." The Jaguar says as he looks at me "you shot me, why did you run away?"
I was about to answer but James said "It was my idea to run, he just followed me." The Jaguar says "That was brave of you to take the blame for running away. By the way what are your names?" I reply "I'm Zach." And James said "I am James." the Jaguar smiled and said "And you can call me Nick, you both will have to come with me to my town, also I will have to take your weapons." James and I both look to the ground, and give Nick our weapons and start walking with Nick behind, us making sure we don't run.
Nick says "In the town we are heading to, the rules say that 'The Injured person, is to be the only one who will punish the person who Injured them' so James you will be punished by my leader once he gets better. And Zach I will be the one that gives you your punishment for hurting me." I look over at James and he looks terrified, he was also looking around.
James turned around and punched Nick in the face and ran off, I was stunned as Nick took the bow and readied an arrow, I saw James running as nick let the arrow fly. I almost cried as the arrow found it's mark, the back of James's head. James fell over dead, and I was in shock, my best friend was dead.
Nick looked at me and said "Sorry about your friend, I was told to kill him if he got away. If it will make you feel better we can bury him." I said "OK." And we spent the next hour burying him and started to walk again.
Nick was now walking beside me and asked "So you saw James run away, why didn't you follow him?" I replied "I guess I was too stunned that he would do that, to be able to follow him." Nick replied "Oh, ok."
We got to the town, which was actually the town we were going to ask for help. I look around to see young Anthro children playing around, only to stop when Nick and I walk by them. I see an Anthro wolf with a bandage around his chest walk up to us. Nick says "He is the leader of this town, his name is Matt." Matt looked angry as he looked at me. Matt says to Nick "I thought you were going to kill both of them." | FSE |
(M tf Bull, hyper muscle, uncontrollable orgasms)
Gerard had been trying to satisfy his girlfriend Bell for some time now, succeeding on one front and failing another. In terms of making her happy in general, he was succeeding- they made a good pairing. When it came to the bedroom however, Bell was left wanting. It was not from lack of trying, or that his equipment was ill suited for her, she just had... unusual tastes. They tried all sorts of things to spice it up, bondage, roleplay... props. Bell's unfortunate introduction to male anatomy was the internet, which tends too only highlight extremes. She enjoyed hyper endowments, uncontrollable orgasms, and a slew of other fetish material that could unfortunately not be replicated in the real world. So the only things that REALLY got her off... don't exist. At least, not naturally. That is where her friend Lorelei came in.
From the start Lorelei was very hesitant to go along with this, insisting Gerard did not know what he was getting into, but he was determined to give his girlfriend what she wanted. Bell had invited Lorelei over to use magic and turn Gerard into a living wet dream for Bell. Gerard wanted to go all out- to become absolutely perfect for Bell at least once. Lorelei came over and plopped down on the couch in the living room as Bell got her some snacks and drink to get comfy. Lorelei needed to be in the house to cast the magic, but did not need to be in the same room. The magic is her voice. Her normal human face was framed with tiny gold scales, as well as her very long narrow ears. She gently slid her fingers under the overly huge ornate collar around her throat and it clicked open. Lorelei is a Siren- the collar allows her to talk like a normal human, but once the collar is off her voice itself is a powerful magic and hazardous to use simply to speak. Once she was settled in, the two lovers went off to the bedroom to have some wild fun. Gerard really was underestimating the severity of Bell's kinks.
Gerard was going to get undressed but Bell quickly stopped him, telling him to keep his clothes on and she slipped out of hers instead, climbing onto the bed. She instructed Gerard to put on a little show for her, while they waited for the magic to kick in. Gerard did his best to pull off a sexy dance, but as he did he felt the magic start to work, and could faintly hear Lorelei speaking to no one in particular back in the living room. He felt a strong tingle through his body from top to bottom that was only half the feeling of magic, and half feeling his muscles twitch in a motion following the wave of magic. His body seemed to tighten as his muscles involuntarily clenched. They bulged out a bit as they tightened, but then as they relaxed they remained just as distended, and then tightened again. In small pulses all of his muscles swelled, and his body started to feel quite warm from the rapid cell growth. He went from simply fit to looking athletic, and then actually muscular. The skin tightened on the surface as the soft curvature of the muscle groups below the surface started to become visible. His erection under his clothing started to pulse on its own too- the veins throbbing to the point they stretched thicker. At that point, Bell told him to whip it out and he opened his pants up and flopped his goods out on display- his balls holding his underwear down. Bell got on all fours on the bed and sexily crawled toward him, her eyes locked on his crotch with a big goofy smile on her face.
As she approached him the growth started to transfer- the now much fatter, pulsing veins on his shaft started to bloat the shaft thicker than before, making it tingle from the stretching on his nerves. His urethra started to stretch wider as well- so he would be able to cum larger volumes in less time- Bell might have a sliiiight obsession with the taste of cum. In a soft warm pressure, his balls started to grow slowly as well, just in time for her to reach him at the foot of the bed and cup them gently in her hands. She kissed his glans and then without opening her lips, pushed herself down till it popped in her mouth. She tugged back, snagging her lips on the corona playfully before advancing down his shaft. Already she was enjoying it more with the added soft curves of the bloated veins on the surface. A bit more intense a feeling that the shaft thickening, it started to get longer now- feeling a bit like someone gently pulling the shaft and somehow unreeling more from inside of him! She could easily take his entire shaft in her mouth, but then she had to bob a bit more carefully as it got longer. Then she had to concentrate a bit more as Bell now had to take some down her throat to fit it, and then she simply could not fit all of it. At least a half inch was outside of her mouth at the best. It remained a bit thicker at the base than it did the tip, giving it almost a slightly cone shape to it. His balls went from chicken eggs all the way up to softball sized. She could rest them both in one hand but only lightly before either nut started to roll off the sides of her hand. Using both hands though- each was a perfect fit for her palm. The scrotal flesh had no problem keeping up and becoming a bit more thick itself, so there was still plenty of pliable flesh around them. The pleasure seemed to ramp up quicker than usual as if he were more sensitive, but it held at a mid-point without ramping up too quickly, so he still held out for a good amount of time in spite of her expert mouth. When his dick tightened in orgasm she held her breath and did her absolute best to ram the entire thing into her. Both of their faces turned red as he fired a huge load straight down her throat- bypassing her mouth entirely. It lasted longer than usual as well, so he supposed those bigger balls were not just for show.
She licked off any remaining cum as she slid off his dick, so it came out of her mouth squeaky clean. "Mmm, so good! It's much thicker and heavier!"
Gerard looked himself over- his clothes fitting quite snug around his muscular form. "So, you like muscle studs then, huh?"
"Oh, it's not done. Your changes just plateaued here momentarily because that was the end of the easiest changes. The changes your body could have pulled off normally."
Gerard was going to reply 'oh' but it turned into a long groan as he felt his muscles tightening and swelling up again! The crevices between muscle groups deepened and veins started to bulge out on the surface of his skin as it was pulled even tighter around the muscle. Gerard wobbled in place a bit, partially at the mercy of his muscle's involuntary movement as it grew. His voice got a little bit deeper and he started breathing heavier when his body started to feel even hotter. He felt a tremor inside his body as his right leg join dislocated for a moment and then re-set almost instantly, then his left leg. When he focused his attention on it looking down he noticed he was even taller than Bell than he already was! He wasn't just getting more muscular, his entire body was actually getting bigger! His bones shuffled around, jarring his body a moment with each pop since they did not all grow at the same rate- causing the joints to momentarily dislocate. It was at this point that Gerard started to worry a bit- looking down at his girlfriend who was increasingly small compared to him.
He started to bow forward as his back muscles expanded in a surge from bottom to top, getting stronger the higher up it went, straining and then ripping his shirt down the middle! He unintentionally let out a grunt from the pressure release, and noticed his voice got deeper again! His torso then started to push back the other way as his abdominal and pectoral muscles swelled bigger and tighter! Gerard went to grab the sundered shirt and pull the useless thing off, but as soon as he moved his arms the muscles flexing burst his sleeves open and the shirt fell off entirely on its own! He groaned and felt the tightness surge down his arms in the wake of the shirt's death and his arms swelled up giant! Gerard's upper body was so huge he wobbled a bit again from being so top heavy, and took a step back to steady himself. It was then he realized just how tight his pants were strangling him- he could barely move his legs at all; his jeans were strangling them.
Bell caught his broken shirt and took a deep breath in the torn fabric to take in his scent before smiling at his current dilemma. "Try doing a squat."
Obeying, Gerard tried squatting and groaned as the fabric did not want to cooperate. It pulled hard as rock around his calves and thighs and in a loud, dry popping sound the seams burst!
Bell's smile only got wider. "Let me try somethin'... cum for me." Gerard furrowed his brow not knowing what she meant, did she want him to masturbate? "Cum for me, cum big guy, cum.." She started chanting, and every time the word cum left her lips, he felt a small pulse of pleasure in his dick!
With every utterance of the word the pleasure pulsed stronger, and his hips started to buck a bit as well involuntarily. In a massive surge, his body got still bigger, his muscles a bit larger, his pants exploded off completely and he came explosively without anything even touching him! His second orgasm was even a bit longer than the first! Since he was already awkwardly squatting when he came, he fell completely over during and actually shook the floor with the impact. He took some time to catch his breath. Looking his body over, he seemed a bit hairier too. His chest, forearms, and shins all had a mat of hair on them now, and his pubes trailed up to his belly button!
Lorelei's voice was heard quite close- she must be just on the other side of the bedroom door. "So... are you sure you want to press on, Bell? The human form cannot take any more than this, so if you push him farther his human shape will start to deform." The sound of her voice was deep, womanly, and almost musical- but also slightly disorienting to hear, because it was magic in nature.
Bell paused a moment with a more serious face, but then nodded. "Yea. Keep going."
Gerard awkwardly got up. His body was so tremendously strong, he felt like he could fold brick walls. It was also tremendously bulky, and awkward to move in, and everything seemed so damn small now. He put a hand on the wall to steady himself as he stood up and noticed his hand was almost at the top of the doorway! He was so huge he was bigger than the door! He would have to bow over and probably shuffle sideways to even fit out of the door!
"W-wait... this is a bit much, isn't it? I can't even fit out of the door properly..."
Lorelei shrugged on the other side of the door. "Sorry Gerard- I am here for Bell. You will need her to throw in the towel if you want this to stop."
Gerard looked to Bell but then teetered and fell onto all fours from another onslaught of change! "W-woout, woait... toouh... big." His voice got even deeper!
Bell shook her head and gently grasped the sides of his face to look into his eyes. His face was almost level with hers and he was on all fours on the floor, and she was on all fours on the bed! "Shhh, don't worry, it won't hurt. I can make it as far from hurt as possible. Lorelei made it so you cum on command!" Saying cum again caused a small pleasure pulse. "So why don't you... cum for me?" He groaned as his groin muscles twitched and another strong pulse came. "Cum on, cum big guy..."
She started chanting again and it did not take too many repetitions to force him to cum a third time now! The orgasm felt too good, causing his body to relax which caused the magic to surge as a result! Having a climax lowered his body's defenses! He got even bigger, and even more muscular! He was a giant now- no human could get that big! His hands and feet however did not grow, causing them to be disproportionately small. They started to numb a bit, and then dull muffled cracks and snaps could be heard as the muscle sinew inside tightened and shifted, forcing the bone to reshape and compact! His hands and feet were devolving!
"Buuuell, stoope thus... uut's tooouh much! T-toouh buhg!" His voice was thunderously deep now!
Even his neck swelled with muscle now! His thick, rock hard veins throbbed all over his body, trapped between his extremely tight smooth skin and his inhumanly bloated muscle! He felt strong enough to crush stone in his bare hands, but so tight and bulky that he could also barely move in the first place! Bell's hands felt so tiny on his face!
Lorelei quietly stepped into the room, around behind Gerard. She softly blew on his rump, and his extremely over-tight underpants turned to vapor and vanished into the air. "Easy big guy. Perfection is hard, isn't it? So big and strong... but you can be better, can't you?"
"Whut are yoouh... oooh..." His head felt warm and tingly- her voice was so potent it made you feel momentarily drunk from the sound.
Gerard tried to stand up but did not realize from the partial numbness that his limbs were too badly changed to use properly at the moment. His muscle mass had grown so hard and large that it locked his spine, and his upper back muscles were so large it almost looked like he had a hump back! He could not stand up at all, he was locked into all fours! Every time he tried to get onto his feet, they thudded a bit harder on the floor. What had been skin was now a keratin shell. His largest and smallest toe on either foot as well as his thumb and pink from his hands had devolved into useless nubs, becoming dew claws. The rest of his digits compacted into two larger, but less flexible digits becoming cloven hooves! He still wore socks, but the hooves had cut their way out the bottom! He has never walked around on the hooves yet, so their edges were actually very sharp from never being worn down on anything. Gerard wanted to turn and face Lorelei to see what she was trying to do, but even turning his head was much more difficult than it should have been! His neck swelled tremendously with muscle, matching and starting to swell even thicker than his actual head! His face turned red from swelling blood pressure as his heart started to actual grow bigger in his chest! His ears started to become pointed.
Lorelei gently touched his balls from behind, using both hands and very softly ran them around the curvature on either side- they hung quite heavily in the scrotum. Surprised by her touch, Gerard tried to move forward momentarily forgetting the bed immediately in front of him and Bell brought her face down to touch her forehead to his, hushing him like she were trying to subdue a small child.
Lorelei dawned a small smile at the warmth she felt radiating from the huge, musky balls. "Sooo heavy, aren't they? I can help you."
She cupped the bottom of either ball and lifted them up a bit in the scrotum. Gerard partially closed his eyes and let out a moan that sounded like a mix between a moo and a growl because of how impossibly deep his voice was. He had not even realized how much weight they were till Lorelei removed the weight from his groin temporarily. In soft warm surges though- his balls started to grow bigger! They rolled around in Lorelei's tiny womanly hands but did not roll out of them thanks to the scrotal flesh. She had to be careful not to prick him on accident- her fingers are clawed. They were already the size of soft balls, then the size of ostrich eggs, then basket balls! As their weight increased they sunk lower because Lorelei did not change the amount of weight she was willing to heft. The scrotum was stretched lower and tighter, but also thickened. His foreskin fattened tremendously as well, getting even thicker than his now enhanced scrotum! As it grew though, the flesh tightened at the base till it fused with his crotch! From bottom to tip, his entire enlarged foreskin started to fuse to his body! His pubic hair became shorter but thicker as it converted from hair to fur, and started to advance around the entire foreskin, becoming long and wispy at the very end. Gerard's hair started to turn to fur everywhere on his body, and slowly start to advance out from where it grew to consume more of his form! His upper back grew an especially shaggy mat of fur.
Lorelei rolled her hands around, causing the giant heavy balls to roll gently on top. "Such a big, strong boy. Why don't you reward yourself?" She brought her face a bit closer to the huge scrotum from behind. "And cum?"
Unlike Bell, Lorelei need only say it once. His prostate rung like a tuning fork as Lorelei's voice on his balls felt like a vibrator turned up to 11. She smiled as the weight started to vanish from her hands. Without moving her hands at all, the balls slowly started to lift up off of them. His penis was forced longer and longer by the blasting pleasure exploding out of him, overtaking the giant foreskin that was now a sheath! The sheath alone traveled most of the way up his gut. His penis got even longer than that, and then longer again! It grew in length but not girth, causing its form to stretch and its formerly human shape to disappear as it became a long tapered pillar with a slightly crooked tip just as he erupted in another orgasm! This time it lasted even longer! Gerard bellowed and struggled to remain standing as the pleasure drained the strength from his limbs and practically whited out his thoughts!
Lorelei stood up straight again and gently used three fingers to pinch his tail bone over and over, massaging it and causing the skin and muscle to stretch out, longer and longer. She tugged a long narrow tail out of him, and once it had grown about a foot out of him she grabbed the base gently and slid her hand down the entire length causing him to moo in pleasure again. Once her hand popped off the end- a bushy tassel appeared on it. He felt a pressure starting to build up in his face, especially the bridge of his nose as his nostrils flared. He tried his best to fight it, knowing it would be the end for him.
"Toouh big! Hnnn~" His body audibly groaned and several pops could be heard from his spine as his entire torso started to bloat longer. "Huh... hah... no muuuoar..." His eyes widened as he heard his nose pop and watched the bridge expand massively. "Ouh no! N-nuuuu. Uh am huuumun, huuuu... muh..."
His nose started to take up most of his vision and then in an explosion of growth his skull stopped resisting the change and in several rapid fire cracks, it stretched tremendously. Even fully transformed his head still wasn't as thick as his bulging neck. He was able to see past his nose better again as his skull expanded, changing the angle his eyes were at- being farther apart allowed them to see around the long face. His lips and nose took on the same black coloration and his nose turned cool and moist on the end, becoming slightly more textured. What had been a short bristly beard turned to feeler hairs on the chin as fur advanced around his face- the remnants of what used to be the hair on his head. His tongue swelled up huge and thick to fill the now long jaws and still have length to spare to reach out. He tried to talk but it was no use- even if his vocal chords were still intact the new mouth structure and tongue would make speaking like a human impossible. Between how massively bulbous his muscles were and how minuscule the room was compared to him, Gerard did not even know if he could move. Two brief pricks could be felt on his head followed by the gentle tickle of two blood drops trailing down either side as budding horns grew. His thoughts seemed cloudy, and then sparse. His mind itself started to feel lighter, his thoughts getting more simple and farther apart. The bigger and longer the horns grew, the smaller his mental capacity grew. When they finished, he grunted and grumbled a bit trying to put together a cohesive thought, and you could see the moment he gave up trying when his iris expanded hiding the whites of his eyes, darkening them like an animal. Gerard was a colossal bull now! His basketball sized nuts swinging around in a scrotum so long it nearly brushed the ground. He was such a behemoth breed, Bell looked like a doll in comparison. She slid right off the end of the bed and directly under her boyfriend, sliding his long neon pink meat pillar into her mouth as far as she could manage.
Lorelei smiled with a cocked brow at Bell's thirst. "Jeez how much cum could one wom-"
Lorelei put her hand over her mouth to silence herself when Gerard reared his head back and bellowed as his balls immediately began to lift themselves up in his long loose scrotum. Lorelei accidentally said cum in his presence, she really needed to get her collar back on before Gerard caused flood damage to the house. | yiff-extreme |
Title: Sold into Slavery by JeRiRena
Tags: Bondage, Digimon, Kidnapping, Rape, Rika, Slavery, Torture, Virgin
Rika Nonaka was on her way home from school. She had a lot on her mind, most of her thoughts were focused on a certain Yellow Fox named Renemon, Rika's digimon partner, at the beginning the two partners only wanted to focus on gaining power. They went from digimon to digimon deleting them and loading data believing that it would make each other stronger. As time went on the two soon worked out a healthy friendship and started treating one another with respect.
'Renamon...would you have stayed with me if I had stayed the same. If I had never changed.' Rika thought as she walked past an old poster of her mother, Rumiko Nonaka, famous clothing model.
'I do not know Rika.' Came Renamon's reply. The two had figured out they had a mental link with one another at the end of the Parasimon battle.
Rika continues her walk not noticing the strange man in the black trench coat following her. Up above where Rika was standing on a building stood Renamon. She noticed themn getting closer and closer to Rika the further she walked. Renamon wanted to tell Rika about it but she thought the man was just in a hurry and didn't sense any IMMEDIATE danger about him. Renamon noticed to late when the man pulled out the chloroformed soaked rag.
'RIKA RUN!' Renamon's cry came to late as Rika felt the rag get slipped over her mouth and nose cutting off all the airways she could use, and dragged her into a nearby alleyway.
"You'll fetch me a good price. My clients all like there girls young....and flat chested." The mans voice was low and deep.
Rika struggled in the mans grip trying not to breath in the Chloroform on the rag. Rika tried pushing the man away but his grip was to strong. She couldn't hold her breath any longer as her mouth opened and she breathed in the chloroform. The man looked down at Rika as he removed the rag from her mouth and nose.
"Your a strong boys like there woman deity." The man chuckles as he drags the now limp girl over to his car and throws her in the open trunk. He pulls her arms in behind her back and ties them together with some rope, he does the same with her legs. He doesn't seem to notice Renamon watching him from above as he drives out of the alley and away from the Shinjuku area.
'...Rika, I will find you don't worry.' Was Renamon's last thought before she disappeared into the night. | FSE |
Title: Man Vs. Planet Chapter 5 by FeuerfoxKA8
Tags: Fanfiction, Fantasy, Human, Krystal, Other, Sci-Fi, Starfox, Story Progression, Story Series, Violence (Not In Yiff), Vixen
Chapter 5: Butterfly Effect.
I wandered into the cellar, thankful that I had grabbed my flashlight. With the power not working and nightfall having arrived it would be a nightmare to navigate. I flicked it on to stare down into the packed, unfinished storage area that comprised the house's basement.
What I found instead was pure chaos. It was as if a bomb went off under my house and left a crater where most of the concrete floor had been. I was picking through rubble and boxes of junk I had stored from my previous house, when my flashlight hit something I didn't think I'd find down here.
My uncle was supposed to move his gun safe to his fiancé's house a couple of weeks ago. He had even said he would have been by last Saturday to do so; a day I was out with friends. I hadn't had the occasion to be in the basement until now. That meant the majority of *his* firearms were here, as well as mine. He was also looking after a coworker's guns as well, since he was undergoing a nasty divorce and didn't want his psychotic wife selling them or shooting him with them. After going through a similar ordeal a few months ago, I couldn't say I blamed him.
However, the safe could have held several full-auto assault rifles and thousands of rounds of ammunition for all it would do me. I stepped around the crater and tested the handle. Locked. I didn't know the combination, and it wasn't like I could call my uncle up and ask him what it was. Shit.
With a sigh I turned my attention to the crater. Something told me I was looking at what had somehow placed me smack dab into the middle of \_StarFox Adventures.\_Hell, I even had Krystal changing upstairs, and I wondered if in the slim chance I got back to Earth anyone would believe any of this. I'm pretty sure some depraved person would believe me and think I tried to get into her pants or something. Yeah, right. I was still debating if this was all a figment of my imagination or not.
I shined my flashlight down into the crater and caught a glimpse of metal in the bottom of it. Gingerly I lowered myself down into the hole, perhaps four feet or so. I reached down and tugged at the piece of metal, surprised to find a good-sized lockbox entangled in a tree root. It took me extracting my Swiss Army knife and sawing away several chunks of tree root, but I got the crushed, dented lockbox free. I'd take it back up a little later and look at it in the daylight, but for now I needed to hunt for any supplies I could find down here to help us.
Even though my uncle had officially moved out a few months before, a good chunk of his stuff was still there; the product of moving into a place with a smaller basement. If I could be labeled a gun nut he was an entire Planters factory; he was involved in several different types of hunting and sport shooting. I had sat down here countless times, watching him reload his own ammunition.
Wandering into the small back room that held my uncle's workshop and reloading tools, I was relieved to find that he hadn't taken most of it. However, the majority of his stuff was .223 Remington and 6mm. If I could get a hold of an M16 I'd have more usable ammo than I could shake a stick at; he had at least two thousand rounds loaded in ammo tins and coffee cans for varmint hunting purposes. His coworker's ammo was stored back there; seven-hundred 7.62x39mm rounds for an AK, five-hundred 9x19mm, and a few boxes of 7mm Magnum. I had hit the mother lode back there, but the problem was that I couldn't use *any* of it. None of my weapons fired the stuff.
The back of the room held some success, though. I found an entire duffel bag full of shotgun shells and another loaded with various tactical equipment; probably the coworker's by the looks of it. John was one of those survivalist types; a little nutty but he was prepared for just about anything. I also collected a few boxes of .38 rounds from some shelves in the back; that would fuel the Taurus I gave Krystal. Besides some .22, I couldn't find anything else I could use.
There was no way I was getting into that gun safe, either. Attempting to shoot the lock off would just trip a safety mechanism and lock me out anyway. It was too tough to hammer through, also; I doubted Krystal's staff could put a dent in it. I knew that safe held John's AK clone, a couple of handguns, several shotguns and a few custom hunting rifles that could look at a military sniper rifle and laugh, but there was no way of getting to them. However, it was a safe bet that between that safe and the two sturdy, locked metal fire doors that led into the basement in the first place, the Sharpclaw weren't about to get them either.
I glanced through the things I had sitting down here as well, even though I didn't have any firearms or ammo down here. After digging through a side room that held boxes of my old stuff from years ago, I saw something propped against the wall: an old sword I had purchased at a garage sale years ago. I doubted it would do me much good, but I grabbed it anyway. Loaded down with the duffel bags, lockbox, and sword, I started to make my way up.
I stopped when I saw her silhouette framed in the doorway. Once again I had to admit; take away the anthropomorphic attributes and by our standards she had a pretty attractive body. However I saw at once what she was holding in her left paw... my DS. My mind raced; what had I played last? Oh, *fuck.*
"You and I need to talk." Krystal's voice was all business as I hauled my findings outside, locking the doors as I went. She had dressed in a set of my jeans and one of my AIC concert T-shirts, making the image even more surreal. "You need to explain *this* to me, and you need to explain it *well*." Her tone of voice was somewhere between angry and righteously pissed, and I was pretty sure I knew why.
"You fired that game up, didn't you?" Her nod spurred me on. "I guess you have a lot of questions, and I'm not even sure how to answer them." I took a deep breath and moved to the steps leading up to the house, taking a seat upon them. I motioned for her to sit as well, which she surprised me by doing so. I glanced into her eyes, noticing the tears she was trying to hold back.
"Am I just... this, where you come from? A fictional character? One who gets stepped on and stabbed in the back?" She shoved the DS in my face, its screen stuck on a scene in \_Command's\_prologue: the one where she had tears in her eyes, turning away from Fox. The tears falling from her emerald eyes and soaking into her fur mirrored the game's art with uncanny accuracy; it was like looking into a sad reflection.
I couldn't tell anything except the truth. "Yes. Where I come from, this is all a game. I don't know why I'm here. Until this morning, all of this was computer code and a story cooked up by some Japanese game developer." I took a deep breath, echoing my frustration out to her. "Until then, I would fire up this game and use Fox to beat Sharpclaw up with your staff. Now they're out to bash my head in, and instead of beating them in a damned game I'm pumping them full of buckshot."
"What does all of this even mean?" She inquired, lowering her head and looking away. "Finding out that you're some character in a game; that your life's story has already been written by someone else?" Her voice started soft and pained, but as she spoke her anger grew into a full-on growl. It was frightening. "This planet, no, this entire *system* has been through full-scale war! Millions have died here; even *I* know that! And your race treats it like *entertainment?* What sort of sick, depraved creatures \_are\_you!?" By the end of it she was just about in my face, her features filled with anger.
I went on the offensive. "Well, excuse *me* for thinking this was a damned piece of fiction rather than someone's reality! It's not like my species hasn't been through similar atrocities, either!" Seeing her emerald eyes still boring into mine gave me cause to continue, if at least to set the record straight. "None of us had any fucking clue that this was \_really\_going on; it was all a game's storyline! Maybe if the designers of said game had an idea that this is actually real and they're profiting from it, yes it is wrong... but don't blame me for that as I didn't know it was real until I almost had my head hacked off this morning!"
The vixen sighed at me, the fact she was quite exasperated apparent on her features. "Then if this is really a game... what was going to happen to me?" Her inquiry cut like a knife. "What else is going to happen to me, other than being betrayed by a famous space merc? You owe me at least that." Despite being angry and the tears still streaming down her face, she still faced me. She had guts; very likely a better serving of them than I did, at any rate.
But, could I really tell her? I had to explain *that,* first. "Before I begin, there's something I need to explain. There's a movie--an entertainment program of sorts--that explains this quite well." The vixen blinked tears from her eyes and looked up at me, expectantly.
"In the movie, the main character finds out he can go back to several points in his past; points at which he could potentially change the future. However, changing it has drastic effects. With one choice he inadvertently kills the one he loves; in another he is severely maimed and his life is ruined. His attempts at making things better always comes with a hidden cost; one which is usually worse than how things were supposed to be." I paused for a moment to let that sink in. "My knowledge of future events in the Lylat System is potentially dangerous. My presence here is already changing things around, and not for the better. I just don't know how much, yet."
"How are you changing things?" She paused for a moment, her expression changing as she thought it through. I really didn't know if that was a shocked look or if she was completely furious, but she put two and two together pretty quickly. "You rescued me from the beast in the Palace! I was supposed to be captured by it, and you rescued me. But... why? If that changes things drastically, why did you?"
It was my turn to sigh. "Because I need your help, Krystal. I've played this game a few times before. I know what to do and where to go to do it. But, I'm just one person. I'm not a trained, experienced mercenary like Fox. I don't have your experience, either. I work at a damn gift shop, for Christ's sake. I just happen to keep a weapon for self-defense and others for going out with my friends for some target practice. That's it. I don't know the language here and I can't blunder my way through it, either."
"Alright." She sighed, casting her gaze to the stars before returning it back to me. It was quite strange, actually; her expressions and mannerisms were human, even though she very obviously wasn't. "I'm a Guardian and I'm bound by duty to help you, especially since you are attempting to help the Saurians overthrow their tyrant." She paused for a moment, locking her eyes with mine. "I have one condition, however: I want you to tell me what you know about me."
I closed my eyes. She was a telepath and could find out the entire story anyway. I really didn't want to tip my hand on this too quickly, but if she was willing to help then I could at least tell her the truth. "Okay. Make yourself comfortable, then. This may take a while." Krystal nodded, and I started her tale. "In the games, not much is known about you before about up to the point we met. You're from a planet called Cerinia, you're a telepath, and you're searching for whoever killed your parents. Speculation is that your entire planet was destroyed, but you'd obviously know better than me if *that* happened."
The mention of that caused her to look down, shaking her head as she did so. "No... Cerinia isn't destroyed. I may be a Guardian, but my parents were high-ranking nobility in my society..." she paused for a moment and looked up at me. "I was what your kind would have called a princess, though I rejected the title and trappings. It was what saved my life."
My unspoken question didn't go unanswered, which made me aware of the fact she wasn't holding back her telepathic abilities, either. "My own story would take a while, too... and it's filled with pain. All you really need to know is that I'm chasing those responsible for attacking my home and killing my parents."
"Alright." I responded. It didn't take her abilities to understand that she *really* didn't want to talk about it. "My presence at the palace changed two things. One of them was you." I paused for a moment, trying to dredge up the complete story from the back of my mind. "That thing would have thrown you into the path of that beam, where you would have been imprisoned in that massive jewel."
Krystal shuddered as she heard that news. "So... I would have been trapped in there? There's not much space for air; I could have suffocated within hours, or starved to death. T... thank you for saving me from that fate." The anger and edge behind her voice softened considerably.
"That Krazoa spirit you released kept you alive. Meanwhile, an Earthwalker managed to fire off a distress signal that reached Corneria. Upon hearing it, the leader of the Cornerian military, General Pepper, decides to hire the Star Fox team, consisting of Fox, Slippy, and Peppy."
"Ordered not to use blasters, Fox soon finds the staff you dropped on your way to the Palace. Using it, he ends up recovering the Spellstones which kept this planet together as well as collecting the Krazoa spirits. He discovers your plight and he frees you. After the final battle to free Sauria, he invites you to come with them and join the Star Fox team."
"Wait." Krystal interrupted. "You said you changed two things. What was the second?"
"I came across a group of Sharpclaw who killed an Earthwalker near some Lylatian equipment. I think the fact that they were up against an unknown with some firepower spooked them and they were trying to lay an ambush. Either way, that Earthwalker got caught in the middle. I had the element of surprise so I decided to attack; in the process I missed one and hit the equipment with a shotgun blast."
"The equipment was likely the communications gear." Krystal finished. "That means we're on our own, here. Star Fox isn't coming. We may be the only ones able to stop General Scales and save the lives of all these Saurians."
"Exactly." I glanced up to the night sky. It was late, but I blamed the interstellar equivalent of jet lag as my body was telling me it was late in the afternoon. I hadn't been here long enough to tell if Sauria had extremely short days; in the game an entire day/night cycle lasted perhaps half an hour or so. "That pretty much covers what was supposed to happen to you in the next several days."
"So you know what's supposed to happen next, right?" Krystal inquired, looking to the myriad of equipment I had brought up from the basement. "What did you find down there? Anything that can help us?"
"It was kind of a crap shoot." I gestured to the pile. "There's a few more weapons down there, but they're locked in a safe and I can't get to them. I found a bag of what might be gear and some extra ammunition, but precious little else." I bent over and picked up the lockbox, hefting it in my hands. "And then there's this. It was apparently buried beneath my house, but was laying at the bottom of a crater that was somehow created down there."
"You think what's inside brought you here." Her statement carried an air of finality to it, but her next took the cake. "I'm sensing something from it, but it's very faint. This is either a very powerful artifact that has already been used, or one which was pretty weak to begin with. She held her paws out to me, gesturing for the box. "May I?"
I shrugged and passed the box over to her. The padlock was already mostly rusted away; it took her only a stiff tug to break it off. Her gasp of surprise as she opened it caused me to startle; she apparently recognized what was within.
The object was once some sort of globe, made of clay and decorated with intricate runes and other symbols. It looked like it was a set piece from some sort of New Age television show, had the crushing action from years of assault from tree roots not crushed the box enough to break it into several large chunks. A folded, tattered piece of paper also lay within, but Krystal's incredulous expression and gasp of shock tore me away from examining the note.
"The markings! This is Cerinian!" The vixen picked up a few of the chunks and gave them further scrutiny. The brownish-tan shards revealed much more to her gaze than it did mine, although her accusation that it was from her homeworld was puzzling. "The language is quite archaic, but it seems to be some sort of transportation object."
"Meaning what?" I replied, starting to unfold the paper. It was brittle and yellowed with countless years of age. The script upon it was in English, yet the very tight, delicate handwriting wasn't a style which was used very often these days. John's new girlfriend was a major enthusiast of Victorian clothing and practices; her handwriting was *very* similar to what I was seeing. "The sixty-four thousand dollar question right now is how a Cerinian artifact managed to get buried under my house, wouldn't you agree?"
The vixen nodded, casting a puzzled gaze to the note in my hands. "There is much I don't know about our history, Adam. This looks to be the work of some sort of spiritual sect, perhaps an offshoot which was labeled as heretical and banned by the High Priests as well as the Guardians. The fact that this object was on your world suggests Cerinians either visited or sent these objects to other worlds. Something like this would have been removed and buried very deeply." Her emerald eyes meant mine, a worried expression taking place on her features. "You have to understand. This kind of knowledge is extremely dangerous. If someone discovered the knowledge to jump from world to world it could cost us dearly. We would have destroyed every trace of this knowledge, by force if necessary."
That was a sobering thought. It was highly unlikely anyone on Cerinia, including Krystal, had any clue how to send me back home. To say that wasn't a good sign would be an understatement. "Yet if this is a Cerinian artifact, why was I sent here rather than there? Unless they were set to put whoever used them on Sauria for some reason?"
"It could have been a safety measure. They may have maintained a presence here..." Krystal looked thoughtful for a moment, her tail twitching as her voice trailed off. "I would think the Krazoa might have the answer to those questions, and the next time we come across one I'll need to ask them some things."
"Sounds good, but this letter might shed some light on this mystery." I pulled the aging piece of paper apart as best I could without breaking it apart; I barely managed. Yet as I began to read, a chill shot up and down my spine.
\_ I write this to be buried with this infernal thing, this object which has caused me no end of confusion, embarrassment, and heartache over the past three months. I have ordered a few trusted men of quality to hide it; the plot of land which it will lay will be near my residence. It shall be far enough away from me to stop the nightmares and voices, but it will be close enough where it can be looked after. Such an object should not be uncovered for fear of endangering the public welfare.\_
\_ This letter is to beseech whomever should dig this from the earth to leave it be. If that is not possible, please return it to Professor Martin Kennings at the college just up the road. If you do not, I cannot be held responsible for the madness which this object may bring. If you are not so inclined, let my story be a warning.\_
\_ I came across this object in one of the Utah copper mines where I made my fortune. It was in a natural offshoot which turned out to be a cave system blocked by years of rubble. Thinking it to be an Indian artifact of some sort, I kept it for a museum I am planning to open in some years' time. This globe was inscribed with writing the likes of which I had never seen. I planned on discussing it with the aforementioned Professor Kennings to determine which tribe could have recovered it, or if perhaps it was an artifact brought here by the Spanish so long ago. Yet, as I studied it further I started hearing whispers; distinct voices in an indecipherable language. Intrigued, I attempted to study it further but much to my dismay the whispering worsened. The visions came perhaps a week later, nightmarish ones. I will try my best to describe them on paper, but I will admit the story is quite fantastic.\_
\_ Imagine, if you will, a battle played out among the very stars; the vessels more majestic than even the most modern steamer in the Navy. They were ships of the air, yet not the fragile things written about in the papers back East. They exchanged volleys not of cannon fire but of pure light; the beams of light being weapons of immense force and power. Two powerful navies saw fit to battle amongst the stars. I have no insight on what the battle was for.\_
\_ One would assume this may be a window into the future for our lot, but those behind the controls of these majestic ships of the stars were not man, they were animal. These animals walked like us, spoke like us, and fought like us; common dogs, cats, frogs, apes, and foxes fighting in these impossible craft. I cannot speculate on what this means, if this is a glimpse of the future or if this object's madness is manifesting itself in my thoughts.\_
\_ What I do know is that Professor Keating couldn't translate the inscriptions upon it; he couldn't even wager a guess as to what language it was written in. If a man educated in language at the best halls of learning in Europe as well as Harvard and Yale cannot translate this, then perhaps nobody can. He made mention of one other possible artifact of this nature, somewhere in Russia. However, the prospect of travelling halfway across the world to chase a possibility is not to my taste. Here this object shall remain, if I have a say in it.\_
\_ This madness nearly cost me my respect, my standing in the community which I have adopted as my own, as well as the attentions of my dear Julie. If this is found, beware this object as its visions will certainly drive your life to ruin as it has nearly mine. This is neither a lie nor is it a buried treasure of mine; this is a dangerous object! Please respect my wishes on this; you will be rewarded if you seek money, but **leave this object alone!** \_
**\_ \_**
*\-S. Penrose*
\_ \_
*September 17, 1904*
As I reached the end of the note, my hands trembled. I recognized the name as one of the founders of the city I lived in. He found this just sitting in a cavern his miners had broken into, and somehow gave him visions of happenings in Lylat. And, apparently, he buried it deep under land which would later hold my house. What a lucky fucking break, huh? With a sigh I folded the note back up as neatly as I could and tucked it into my wallet. Krystal sensed my change in mood and placed a paw upon my shoulder. "What's wrong?"
I shrugged her paw off and stood up. "Y'know... I'm fucked. I'm truly proper fucked here. I'm stuck in this God-forsaken hellhole, surrounded by lizardmen just itching to bash my head in. My only ally is an anthropomorphic vixen who I thought was just a video game character not even twelve hours ago. So, to answer your question? Nothing's wrong! I'm just all rainbows and butterflies here!" With a flourish I snatched up the bags and my sword then marched back into the house.
I really didn't know what to say. I was stuck here, for better or for worse. I really couldn't see how it would be any better. I just wanted for me to wake up to my alarm and get ready for work, but that wasn't going to happen. What really pissed me off was that I was *right* about these things. I was fucking up the events of the Lylatian timeline just by being here, and I was fucking up my own damn life while doing so.
But, who was to blame? Spencer Penrose for burying the fucking thing under my house? Some unnamed ancient Cerinian who decided to leave their calling card in some hole in Utah God knows how many years ago? Or was it me, who decided to change shit around at a chance for survival? I honestly didn't know, but I surely gave a fuck.
I dropped the bags inside my darkened living room, picked up my rifle, and stormed out of the house. I was pissed off worse than I had ever been pissed off before. I was ready to murder someone. So many things stood in the way of me getting home, and I viewed Scales and his Sharpclaw as target number one.
"Wait!" Krystal's voice shot out from behind me. "What are you doing?!" I continued out of the house, drawing back the Enfield's bolt to ensure there was a round in the chamber. I could hear her footsteps as she followed after me.
"I'm going to start making things right around here." I growled, hefting the old bolt-action in my hands. I was going to war, with Krystal or without her. "You might want to keep following me, because I have a present for you." I changed course for the copse of trees off to my right; her staff would be there. She would know how to use it much better than I would.
"What do you mean by a present? Unless you know whe..." She trailed off as I stopped next to the golden rod which jutted out of the ground like a Cerinian version of Excalibur. The staff glittered in the moonlight like a jewel from the earth, just waiting to be retrieved and used. "You... knew it would be here?" Her tone of voice was excited yet laced with disbelief; disbelief which soon faded as she pulled her weapon from its resting place. "I don't know what to say."
"You don't have to say anything." I replied, casting my eyes over to the temple-like structure ahead of us. Two torches stood to illuminate it; twin spots of light standing against the darkness. Shadowy figures lay ahead: Sharpclaw milling around. Their actions puzzled the hell out of me. They knew we were here, yet they remained content to guard the temple? The Earthwalker Queen was there, yet she was weakened and not much of a threat. Krystal was a threat due to her telepathy and hand to hand combat skills. I was a threat due to my firearms and knowledge of the game. Yet there they were, oblivious to our approach.
Krystal's paw once again found my shoulder and her voice whispered into my ear. "Wait." Her demeanor had changed like she had flipped a hidden switch; she went from confused and concerned to cold and businesslike. "We need a plan to deal with them."
"I already have a plan." I whispered back, tightening my grip on my rifle. "We're about fifty yards back and in decent concealment. I'm just going to treat this damn place like my personal shooting gallery and pick them off like flies. That stone fence around the temple will keep them from flanking us while I blow their damn guts out."
"That's what they're hoping you'll do." Krystal shot back, pointing into the inky darkness off to our right. "There's several more of them hiding in the shadows, behind that wall. They're waiting for us. If you start shooting we'll be flanked by ten of them."
"Then what do you propose we do about them? With numbers like that I'm surprised they didn't bum-rush us while we were dicking around at my place." I tucked the Enfield's stock against my shoulder as my imagination went slightly wild; I thought I saw shapes amongst the shadows ahead.
"They are afraid there's more than just us, and they're fearful of an opponent who can kill them before they can close in." The vixen's hushed voice carried experience behind it; she was decidedly *not* the naïve Cerinian Fox encountered in the game. I noticed that even back at the Palace; her demeanor was much calmer and more professional than I thought she would have been. She wasn't the scared vixen I wrote about or the clueless one in the games. She was confident and determined. She also had a much better grasp of her telepathic abilities than I thought. "I understand your anger and pain, but you and I must overcome it and work together if we're going to survive here."
"What do you mean?" I shot back, trying to make out details in the dark, but there were precious little to spot. The Sharpclaw were either adept at hiding or my night vision was completely shit. I suspected the latter.
I could feel her pull a little closer as she kept her voice down; I could feel her warm breath tickling my cheek as she spoke. "You're angry at having to be here, Adam. You feel lost, overwhelmed, and hold little hope of finding your way home. I can't guarantee you will, but if we work together I will do my best to keep you safe."
I let out a sigh. She had a point, but I was worked up enough to open up on the bastards, regardless. They may not have been the reason why I was here, but they were in my way. Well, *our* way from how she was talking. Even with my knowledge of the game as well as my firepower, I wasn't exactly breezing through things. The Shapclaw were formidable opponents, they might have been a bit on the stupid side but they had numbers and physical strength. I rescued Krystal from whatever tried to capture her; I would be stupid to refuse her help now. "Alright, you win." I grumbled. "What do we need to do?"
"We need to come up with a plan." Krystal paused for a moment, but I wasn't about to turn my attention from the waiting Sharpclaw to see what she was doing. "How far will your weapon reach?"
"I'm confident that I can nail one of them at two hundred yards with iron sights during the day, possibly three if you don't mind a couple of misses." I replied, keeping a close watch on them. "In this darkness, I don't feel too good about hitting them consistently past a hundred, and they better be well-lit. Are you thinking about moving back and popping them from a distance?"
"That might be an option, but they're guarding someone important. I can't tell who they're guarding; they might be shielded by something." I could tell a tinge of frustration crept into her Estuary accent. "They're expecting us and have orders to kill their prisoner if we attack. We need to divide their attentions, but how?"
I offered a half-baked idea to her ears. "We need to distract them enough so that they pull away from the temple. They're guarding the Earthwalker Queen; they kidnapped her son and we're going to have to rescue him after this little spat." I took my right hand off of my rifle and pointed to the ground. "I'm thinking that if we set a fire here, they'll poke out to investigate. We can then sneak between them and the queen and keep them from harming her?"
"There's bound to be a few that will remain behind. Are you willing to follow my lead?" The vixen tugged on my shoulder, motioning me to follow. I turned around to watch her lithe frame retreat into the darkness. I crept behind her as best I could, hoping like Hell I didn't make enough noise to draw the Sharpclaws' attention.
We made our way from the copse and across the creek. In the darkness I could just make out where we were headed; an ancient, crumbling building which once housed a massive well which fed Thorntail Hollow. The new location gave us another view of the temple the Sharpclaw were guarding; one which gave me a much clearer line of fire.
"I need you to stick right next to me, Adam. When we reach the stone fence, let me come in first; I can keep the ones in the courtyard occupied." As she spoke, her paw pointed out the Sharpclaw soldiers milling about in the courtyard. "The others will have a hard time getting over the fence. When you are able to, start shooting them." I started to turn towards the reptilian enemies, but Krystal stopped me by wrapping her paw around my arm. In the darkness her eyes locked onto mine, her voice remaining serious but laced with concern. "Are you sure you are ready for this? Our lives are in each others' paws; if I get overwhelmed I'll need you to rush in and help me."
I took a deep breath and nodded, my hands gripping my rifle tightly. "I'm as ready as I'm going to be, Krystal. I'm just praying I don't screw this up." All those tales I heard about going into battle were going through my mind; the ones where I had been told by family, friends, and strangers alike that if you weren't scared, you were a fool. I *was* scared, just like before. Yet there was no other way around it, we were going to war. "Let's just do it and be done."
"It'll be okay, don't worry." The more experienced vixen slowly moved forward, sliding into the creek and across with a fluidity of movement evocative of martial arts films. I tried to mimic her actions but couldn't; compared to her silent motions I was nearly like a bull in a china shop. I guess I did well enough that my sloshing around didn't alert any of the Sharpclaw.
By the time I had finished fording the creek Krystal had reached the stone fence. I slid into position behind her, taking the safety off my Enfield as I did so. The Cerinian reached out and placed her paw back on my shoulder, offering a reassuring smile. Even then I could tell she was ready; her entire body radiated energy as if she was a wound-up spring looking to be released.
She leaped into action, and I mean that quite literally. She launched herself into the air and came down next to the group of unsuspecting Sharpclaw like a cerulean missile sent from the heavens. Her staff collided with the ground and some sort of pressure wave shot out of it; the five lizardmen in the courtyard sent to the ground in a maelstrom of limbs and tails as she touched down.
I tucked my rifle against my shoulder and braced it against the top of the fence. Sure enough, more Sharpclaw started scrambling over the fence on the opposite side of the courtyard. I settled my sights on one and fired. The Enfield's report drowned out the rest of the battle; the Sharpclaw I targeted falling back over the fence. Forcing my fear back into the pit of my stomach, I concentrated on working the bolt and pulling the trigger.
Meanwhile, Krystal was wading through the other Sharpclaw like an angel of vengeance; her staff a blur in her paws as she deflected clumsy blows from their clubs and swords and delivered powerful, crushing attacks whenever she could see an opening. By the time I started firing she already had two of them on the ground.
The others were still piling into the courtyard. I couldn't keep up; I had sent six of them back to Hell but they still kept coming. I slammed another round into the chamber and took aim at one that was trying to creep behind her. The rifle's report and recoil rattled me as the bullet took the reptilian antagonist to the floor.
The scuffling of feet to my right snapped my attention to the battle, and I realized at least one of them was coming after me; deciding to skirt around the fence to try and flank me. I muttered a curse under my breath and swung the rifle around, working the bolt once again. My sights fell on the attacker and I pulled the trigger.
The *click\_produced by the firing pin striking an empty chamber somehow sounded louder than a gunshot; the realization that I had run dry at a critical moment nearly immobilized me with fear. "\_Fuck!*" I spat, dropping the rifle and struggling to extract my .45, scrambling backwards to futilely put distance between myself and the now charging Saurian. As if it were sent by Zeus a flaming mass streaked in from my left and into the lizard's chest, sending it to the ground as a mass of howling, smoking lizard. I filled my hand with my pistol and shot it for good measure, vaulting over the wall to return to the fray.
Krystal was facing off against the remaining four Sharpclaw, who had grown very wary of her fearsome staff and fighting skills. To be completely honest she could have probably fended off attacks from Chuck Norris and Jet Li all at once; she was \_extremely\_quick. Her telepathic abilities were likely a great asset to her combat skills; being able to know what your opponent's next move would be gave her a major advantage.
Her staff blocked a flurry of blows from the Sharpclaw that surrounded her, their swords, club, and spear unable to snake past her defenses. She wasn't making any headway against them, either; I assumed she was hemmed in by them when she fired at the one who attacked me. I had to help her out, so I steadied my pistol and planted its sights on one who was attempting to circle behind her. I fired two shots; the .45 barking its report into the night air. Her attacker fell backwards, allowing the vixen to once again spring to the offensive.
Her staff became a blur in her paws; the golden weapon deftly parrying her opponent's attacks while delivering crushing counterattacks. One Sharpclaw received a vicious swat on the forearm; the sound of bones cracking carrying to my ears even above its howl of pain. That howl was cut short by her staff viciously connecting with its throat; another sound of snapping bones announced the Saurian's departure from the living world.
I stood there, my body tensing up as I saw her motions. Seeing her in action was somewhat unnerving; it was as if she was a completely different person in combat than she was normally... although I had known her for a grand total of a few hours which meant there was no 'normal' I could base her behavior on. The blows she landed on the other Sharpclaw were brutal and efficient; she dispatched them both within seconds. Her cold emerald eyes scanned the silent courtyard before falling upon me. "Good work." Her response still carried that cold professionalism behind it. "Thank you with that last one; I wasn't sure how long I'd last being surrounded like that."
"Jesus." I breathed, surveying the damage. We had both held our own; seven Sharpclaw had fallen to her staff and another seven by my gunfire. "I didn't think you were so... skilled." My voice or my thoughts betrayed the mix of awe and trepidation behind my words, as she was quick to respond.
"We're not saints, Adam. Guardians train to protect the innocent against bandits, rogue nobles, dangerous beasts, and the forces of evil. In order to do that we cannot show mercy to our opponents unless they yield." As I approached, her eyes locked onto mine; her gaze cold yet determined. "You're living by the same mantra. Kill or be killed."
That cinched it. She was definitely not the naïve, inexperienced vixen that the game portrayed. She had a hell of a lot more combat experience and training than I did, at any rate. Either way I was glad she was on my side of the equation; with skills like that I *really* didn't want to run into her in a dark alley at midnight. "I guess what's left for us to do is talk to the Queen Earthwalker and go rescue her son."
Krystal gave me a nod, glancing around at the Sharpclaw bodies littering the ground. I did the same, my mind not particularly at ease with the carnage we had created. They were the enemy, but at the same time they were also caught up in this whole sordid mess.
I did a double-take as one of the bodies seemed to fade out of existence. The others soon followed suit, prompting me to turn around to find the battlefield littered with their weapons and bloodstains. "How in the hell...?" I inquired, my mind now officially blown. I thought that little detail was simply something in the game code and not something replicated in reality.
"It's the magical energies on Sauria, Adam." Krystal's explanation carried to my ears like a judge's verdict. "Whenever someone dies here, the planet's energies simply absorbs the body; a form of recharge. It's similar to how our High Priests back on Cerinia offered themselves to powerful artifacts or totems; their bodies help fuel them. It's similar to how my staff works."
"So your weapon works off of lifeforces or something like that?" I inquired, shooting her a puzzled look. "Like a vampire?" I hated to admit it, but if that was true I'd be keeping the hell away from that thing.
"Not exactly." The vixen pondered a moment, looking just like a college professor who had been asked a very tough question. "The staff channels my own energy, but it doesn't sap it away. It takes years of training to use one effectively, but someone not trained in its use can power it using certain magical storage devices." At that last part she locked her eyes on mine. "If we come across one I will point it out to you, just in case you need to use it."
"You do realize that I'd more likely kill myself with that thing before even taking one of them out, right?" I wasn't exaggerating. The reason why that sword sat in my basement instead of hanging up in my room was due to a rather nasty incident that happened years ago. I slammed it into my knee while trying to teach myself how to use it; fortunately it was as dull as a butter knife which meant it hadn't taken my leg off. After half an hour of writhing on the floor I put it into storage and subsequently forgot about it. "Given the choice I'd rather plug them and be done with it."
I thought I heard a sigh echo from her lips, but I wasn't sure. "Your weapons will run out of ammunition eventually, and as you said that safe will be very hard to get into. You might not know how to use a weapon such as this, but you must learn how to. It will be the difference between surviving and dying."
"But for now I'd rather prop up my lack of skill by taking shots at them from a distance." I shook my head and turned away, giving her one last glance before taking a step towards the house. "Make sure the Queen Earthwalker's okay. I'm going back to the house."
"Why?" Her voice betrayed her puzzlement, that as well as a little bit of irritation.
"Gotta find a coat and gloves for you. I hope you're prepared for ice and snow, because we're headed up there." I stabbed a finger at a silhouette in the distance; we were about to tackle Ice Mountain in a few moments and I hoped to God that we were ready for it. | FSE |
Title: Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt. 04
Tags: sex drug
*"Don't worry about it"*
Of course, I knew nothing of this at the time. As I travelled home, I had plenty on my mind as I reflected on the day's events. Connie's ass-gymnastics had been spectacular; Fran's reaction was lower-key (as indeed Fran was a far less demonstrative person than Connie) but the rapt, doe-eyed, goofy gaze had been so utterly uncharacteristic of her, and so similar to the look that Connie had given me, that they must have had a common cause. And now I came to think of it, I had noticed Wendy giving me the same sort of look at home that morning but had assumed it was merely the afterglow of her spectacular orgasms.
Some men, I suppose, get this kind of attention from women all the time, but I was not one of them. Even as a younger man, when I carried far less weight and boasted a full head of hair, I had never been what you might call a babe magnet. There were points in my favour -- I am well built, standing over six foot (height seems to count for a lot with women), and I benefit from a decent education, a functioning brain, and a certain wit that plays well in some quarters -- so a few girlfriends duly came and went before the arrival in my life of Wendy. And it must be said that she fell like a ton of bricks the first time she met me -- and she certainly had other admirers available if required, so I must have had something. But at no time in my life have I been able to get the hang of that maddeningly elusive quality known as charm (although Wendy has it to spare, when she can be bothered to deploy it), and over the years male-pattern baldness and too much indulgence in Wendy's cooking have combined to extinguish whatever sex appeal I may once have possessed.
It was in this context that the reaction of three very different women stood out so strikingly. Until the last day or two, no woman had looked at me that way since Wendy stopped doing it about ten or twelve years ago. The sudden rekindling of her wifely affection might conceivably be explained away, but the response of Fran and Connie had to be something to do with FUCK.
But what exactly was it doing? Its effects on my libido and my capacity for sex were obvious enough -- the newspaper on my lap concealed from my fellow passengers yet another growing stiffy -- but I struggled to understand the effect it had on other people.
"*Proximity*," I thought. "It's got to be something to do with close physical proximity for a reasonable length of time." But there had to be more to it than that. I had also spent some time closeted with Brian (my boss: nothing much in the way of intelligence or drive, but a consummate office politician, hence his rapid rise) and Linda (the Personnel Officer: with the company since the dawn of time and due to retire shortly; tall, skinny, and efficient), but they had not behaved in any unusual way. Moreover, I was wedged on the train between a scruffy teenage boy and a hatchet-faced middle-aged woman, neither of whom gave any sign of finding me irresistibly attractive, or even of noticing me at all. There had to be more to it than simple proximity.
I was still pondering the matter as I walked up my front path. I was about to rummage for my keys when the door opened and Wendy, who must have been watching for me, hauled me inside, slammed the door and jammed me against the wall as she started pulling at my clothes and seeing how far she could get her tongue down my throat. In a reciprocal spirit I fumbled to try to remove her clothing only for my fingers to find nothing but bare skin.
I know I should have been taken aback by this but to tell the truth I had half expected something of the kind, especially since I had spent far more post-FUCK time close to Wendy than anyone else. Our joint efforts rapidly relieved me of my clothes, with a cry of lustful delight from Wendy when my engorged cock sprang free, and we fucked on the hall floor like animals.
After we had lain there for some time, our urges sated (for the time being), normal sensation began to return to me and I realised how uncomfortable the floor was. Also, I was feeling hungry, so I struggled to my feet.
Wendy followed my efforts with her eyes but was so blissed-out that it took her a moment to find the words to ask where I was going.
"To the kitchen. I need a cheese roll or something."
She looked alarmed. "No, no," she said, and tried hard to stand but was unable to achieve the necessary muscular co-ordination. I helped her up. "I'm planning something," she said. "Please try to wait. I'll be as quick as I can." She motioned me towards the front room, then stumbled off kitchenwards, apparently unconcerned by the great globs of white spunk trickling down her legs.
I slumped on a chair and idly watched the television news (we were in for a heatwave, apparently) while sounds of food preparation issued from the kitchen. Wendy, wearing a few clothes now and moving more normally, but still with an expression of radiant happiness on her face, appeared at intervals to bring me tea or assure me that I had not much longer to wait. Once or twice she stayed long enough to sit down and gaze lovingly in my direction, totally ignoring the television even when my channel-hopping happened upon one of her favourite shows.
Eventually she called me to the dining-room, where I found a superb meal laid out. She had roasted a large joint of pork and served it up with apple sauce (obviously freshly made, not out of a packet) and all the trimmings, with sautéed potatoes and a range of beautifully cooked vegetables.
It was superb. It was also very odd. I knew full well that the joint of pork and many of the other ingredients were things we had not had in the house. She must have planned the whole thing and made time to go shopping specially; no wonder she had wanted me home on time. And she must have worked really hard to prepare such a meal in so short a time; all right, the pork itself was probably cooking on a low heat while we rutted in the hall, but everything else must have been done while I slobbed in front of the television. Nor was this all; when I had cleared my plate of my second helping and positively refused any more, she bounded off to the kitchen and returned with a magnificent dessert to which, stuffed with food as I already was, I was sadly unable to do full justice.
I had to go to the bedroom and lie down to recover, and ponder this new development. It was no revelation that Wendy could cook, but this was the same woman that always proclaimed (with perfect justice) that she worked as long and as hard as I did and certainly was not going to spend her precious evenings in the kitchen; hence our weeknight regime of TV dinners.
There is not much more to say of the evening. When we went to bed we had another bout of glorious sex. And, just as the night before, I awoke in the small hours with another raging hard-on demanding to be relieved. But this time, I woke Wendy up; I had a feeling she would not object. Nor did she. And nor did passionate sex at three-thirty stop her from (successfully) demanding a repeat in the morning.
I lay in bed recovering after this final bout while Wendy showered and got ready for work. When she returned to the bedroom to kiss me goodbye, she was still smiling radiantly but looked puzzled.
"James, darling, what do you think is going on? Don't think I'm complaining," she hastily added, with an appreciative smile that confirmed her lack of objection, "but why are we suddenly so -- well, you know -- all the time?"
I had feared this. Hitherto she had given no indication that what was going on was in any way out of the ordinary but clearly at some level she had been wondering about it. I could hardly tell her about FUCK, so I should have to play ignorant and try to fob her off somehow. I was not optimistic of my chances; Wendy's persistence was one of her most striking characteristics.
"I don't think you should worry about it," I cautiously began. I was about to add that I was puzzled as she, but it would probably wear off and meanwhile we should enjoy it; but I checked myself when I saw her quizzical look instantly replaced by one of reassured relief.
"OK," she said, kissed me warmly, and left. So this brief exchange left me with yet more to ponder.
My priorities for the rest of the day were to see Uncle Albert's solicitor and try to make a start on sorting out his house. I was seeing the lawyer at ten o'clock so I showered and breakfasted quickly. I was not surprised to hear Kylie Rico let herself back in next door shortly after her mother had gone out. Maybe she did this every day.
Mr Lucas was a solicitor of the old school, in a stuffy, traditional office. Normally, I quite like this kind of environment but the promised heatwave had arrived and I should gladly have exchanged the red leather upholstery for some modern air-conditioning. Mr Lucas was also struggling, I could see, but continued gamely. He said that his late client had not been very forthcoming about his affairs, for instance refusing to discuss whether he had made a will. But he assured me that if no will existed, I was Albert's only close relation (there were some second cousins in Canada) so I should inherit his estate. He offered to contact Uncle Albert's bank to explain the situation.
"However," he cautioned, "do not expect very much besides the house. Despite his outstanding abilities, your uncle seemed willing to work for a surprisingly modest salary, and I fear he was quite intemperate in rejecting my advice to seek rights over the commercial exploitation of his many discoveries."
"Yes," I replied. "I had a similar experience. I don't think money was really very important to him."
Mr Lucas shook his head in bemusement at his late client's eccentricity, and we went on to look at the details of what I had to do to resolve Uncle Albert's affairs.
I was glad when I could escape into the open air, although to tell the truth, as the sun blazed down it was scarcely an improvement on the stuffy office. Given my new-found need for sexual release every few hours I decided to head for home for a cup of tea and a nice wank before proceeding to Uncle Albert's.
With commendable restraint and self-discipline (as I told myself) I decided to make the tea before having the wank. As I idly glanced out of the kitchen window while waiting for the kettle to boil, my eye was caught by the strange sight of what appeared to be a beached whale in next door's back garden. A second look revealed that this was Kylie face-down on a sunlounger, wearing only a skimpy bikini. Obviously she had decided to take advantage of the weather to top up that Grancanaria tan.
With hindsight, it must have been my raging sex drive that urged me into the garden for a closer scutiny. Despite my liking for a few curves, I had thought of Kylie's "pregnant hippo" look as living proof that it is possible to have too much of a good thing. But now, as I tried to combine ogling over the fence with giving the impression that I was simply enjoying a casual stroll, I felt myself strangely drawn to those massive thighs, those proud buttocks and spreading hips, and those blossoming breasts whose bulge was so clearly visible under her procumbent body.
It was not just the warmth of the day that was making me sweat. I was terrified that she would turn her head and see me. It was a great relief when I realised that she was snoring like a hog. Although it hardly increased her allure, the sound emboldened me to stand right next to the fence. She was not five feet from me now. I could see how little droplets of sweat would form on her well-oiled skin before running down her mighty flanks. I could practically smell the bacon sizzling. I stood there enthralled.
Suddenly, she gave an extra loud snort and stirred. I hastily ducked out of sight, and through a small gap in the fence I saw her slowly turn over. If she decided to lie there awake, I thought, I might be trapped here for hours.
She sat up, squeezed a large dollop of sun lotion into her hands and started rubbing it in. The sight of her oily hands kneading her billowing form was almost more than I could bear. My cock was enormous now, begging to be allowed to explode. And then Kylie, as if to worsen my plight, and reasoning (I presume) that her garden was overlooked only by mine, and that Wendy and I were safely at work all day, removed her top so she could do a thorough job of massaging the lotion into her monster tits.
Freed of all restraint, they were mammoth. I had had no idea she had grown so big. When she had finished oiling one of them and let it drop back into position, it did so with an audible slap. Crouching uncomfortably behind the fence, unable to move a muscle for fear of making a noise to give myself away, and with easily the biggest and hardest stiffy of my life straining against my trousers, I was in an agony of lust.
Finally she resumed her sunbathe. This time she donned sunglasses and lay on her back, not bothering to replace her bikini top, so her vast oily bosoms sagged into position either side of her. Still I dared not move. And then to my inexpressible relief, I once more heard the sound of snoring.
Very slowly and carefully I stood up. I knew I should return to the house, relieve my needs, and start clearing up at Uncle Albert's place, but I still found myself unable to move away from Kylie. To be frank I wanted to leap the fence and ravish her.
Then she stirred. For a terrible moment I thought she was waking up again, but then she gave an unmistakably sexual moan and I realised she was dreaming. "Ooooh! …. Oh yes! Yes!" Now one hand squeezed her breast, while the other fumbled under her bikini bottom. As she fingered herself towards climax, she writhed and moaned like a whore.
I was gripping the fence so hard my knuckles were white. It was only a flimsy barrier; I could easily force my way through it. If I did, I was going to take her. There was no doubt about it. The law might call it rape, and so it would be, but I should not be able to stop myself. In desperation I unzipped my trousers and released a cock so huge and red that it looked deformed. It was so sensitive I could hardly touch it but I managed to rub my fingers along the shaft and almost instantly I felt a massive charge of semen about to explode. Somewhere in my brain I realised that if I hit the fence the spatter would be visible on the other side, so I spun round and sent bolt after bolt of hot sticky cum flying all over my lawn, where it lay in glistening trails. ("Darling, I think we've got slugs," Wendy told me when she next went in the garden a couple of days later. "Huge ones, by the look of it.")
Dimly as if from far away I could hear Kylie's yelps of orgasmic ecstasy as she too climaxed a few feet behind me. I did not stop to see whether she was awake or asleep. I hastened back into the house, my cock hanging out of my trousers and still dripping cum. Hurriedly I tidied myself up and went upstairs to peek out of the bedroom window. Kylie was sitting up on the sunlounger looking blissful, and thankfully she showed no sign of awareness that anyone else might have been about. I was just congratulating myself on a very narrow escape when she alarmed me by turning to look in the direction of our house. I say "in the direction of" rather than "at" the house because it was not the searching, intense look she would have given if she had thought she might see someone; it was more of an unfocused gaze. She looked happy but slightly confused. For a moment I feared she would see me at the window but I realised that with the sun on the glass it would be impossible to see anything in the shade of the bedroom. After a few moments she shrugged, smiled in a dreamy sort of way, shook her head and lay back on the lounger to soak up some more rays.
I backed cautiously away from the window and tried to exclude from my mind such extraneous considerations as the way Kylie's tits had shifted shape and position when she shrugged, and concentrate instead on what was happening to me. I began to shake with anxiety as awareness swept over me that I had been within a hair's breath of ravishing a eighteen-year-old schoolgirl without caring whether or not she consented. I realised too that I was only beginning to understand what FUCK could do. Kylie's sudden passion could not have been coincidental; whatever FUCK did to women it had been able to do to her in the open air at a range of several feet. Although I wanted nothing more than to lie in a cool dark room and try to recover from the last couple of hours, I knew that I had to go to Uncle Albert's and try to discover what I had unleashed on myself, how long it would last, and how on earth I could control it. | literotica |
Title: Belar the Mighty: The Lost Sister Ch. 02
Tags: fantasy adventure, medieval, blowjob, fantasy novella
**I would like to thank my editor and those who provided me valuable feedback!**
Chapter Two
Belar entered the stables to find Taria standing beside two horses, saddled and ready to go. A sleepy eyed boy stood next to her, hands filled with hay. His eyes never left her as he raised the hay to the horses' mouths. Taria had shed the white robes of the Amur and was dressed in a dark green tunic and brown riding pants. The tunic and pants hugged her body, showing off curves that the robes had hidden. Gone also was the hood, leaving her jaw-dropping face exposed. Belar hoped they did not happen across any highwaymen; one look at her and there would be trouble. A knife was buckled to her hip and Belar saw the bulge of another near her ankle. Those would be worthless against the Onekyh, but he would let her keep her false comfort.
"It is about time," Taria said with her hands on her hips.
Belar gave her a look that said he was not in the mood and walked to the larger of the two horses. He opened the saddle's pack and took a quick inventory of the contents: two healing potions, two stamina potions, a water flask and a couple bundles of cheese. Belar wondered how many more potions were in Taria's pack. He would try to get them from her later.
"Pay the stable boy and let's go," he said as he pulled himself into the saddle. The horse whinnied in response to his weight.
"Serving Amur is all the payment he needs," Taria replied and gracefully mounted her animal.
Belar turned and gave her a level stare, "Pay the boy."
Those crystal blue eyes remained locked on his as she reached into her tunic and pulled out two bronze pieces. The boy snatched the coins from the air and smiled. Neither rider said a word as they dug their heels in and galloped from the stable.
The orange haze of dawn was only just peeking over the horizon and at that time, they were the only riders leaving Lanos. The surrounding farmland provided no cover and anyone in the city would have been able to see them for miles. Belar ignored the endless fields and focused on the road ahead. He felt the fatigue of the long night and reached into the small pack for one of the stamina potions. He needed his wits about him for this journey. The bottle popped when he pulled the stopper free and Taria looked over at the sound.
"We should save the potions for tonight. It will take a day and a half to reach the Onekyh."
"I know where the Onekyh live," Belar replied, downing the potion, "We will take a shortcut that will have us there by evening."
"What shortcut?" Taria asked, her eyes narrowing.
"We'll cut through Blackrock forest."
"Blackrock forest? Are you insane?"
"Do you want to save your sister or not? A day and a half is too long," he replied, anger seeping into his voice.
The mention of her sister silenced her complaints. He saw the beginning of tears in her eyes before she turned away. He watched her while she looked away, trying not to let him see her cry. Once again, he was enamored with her beauty. Her auburn hair was pulled back in a ponytail, away from her delicate face and neck. Her skin looked so perfect and smooth. Nothing like the serving wenches of the taverns he frequented. His eyes crept along her neck and across the two mounds below that bounced with every stride. He had heard that most priestesses shunned men and lived without ever experiencing a man's pleasure. Judging from her actions, Belar assumed Taria was probably among them.
"When did you start training to become a priestess?" Belar asked, trying to lighten the mood.
"I was taken to the farm when I was six," she replied continuing to stare down the road, "My parents were killed when Bologs raided our village."
"You survived a Bolog raid?" Belar asked in surprise.
"My mother hid me in the pantry and covered me in flour."
*Clever woman*, Belar thought.
"A priest of Amur found me later and took me to the farm."
"You've lived at the farm ever since?"
Taria locked those blue eyes back on him, "For the most part yes, I have traveled some in Amur's name."
"Do you have a husband?"
Her face changed to one of disgust, "Amur is the only partner I need."
Belar laughed, he doubted she even knew what a man's sex looked like.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing," he replied, still chuckling.
Taria gave a loud harrumph and turned back to the road.
By the time they could see the end of the city's fields, the sun's top could be seen peeking over the horizon. Ahead, Belar could see an unmarked trail branch off from the main road. The trail was overgrown with weeds and there were none of the many tracks that covered the main road. It weaved up a steep incline and disappeared into the tree line of Blackrock forest. Belar turned onto the trail and led Taria up the incline. *At least we won't have to worry about highwaymen,* Belar reasoned.
The climb did not take long and within minutes they were engulfed by trees. Gone were the farms and the burgeoning sunlight, replaced by leafy vines and uncountable branches. The path was lighted by the few strands of sunlight that somehow weaved their way through the overgrowth above. Chirps and hoots from unseen creatures filled the air. They slowed their horses to a trot and continued down the trail. Taria looked back and forth nervously, but Belar remained unfazed. He often hunted these woods and he knew that nothing they would have to worry about would be this close to the edge. The real danger was found within the forest's heart. The building pressure in his bladder caused him to pull his horse to a stop. He felt as if about to burst from all the ale he had consumed earlier.
"Gotta piss," Belar grunted as he dropped to the ground and noticed Taria rolled her eyes. "What? Are priestesses too good to piss?" he muttered to himself and started to unbuttoned his trousers.
He turned to see her looking away, face red.
"Can't you at least have the decency to do that behind a tree?"
Belar shook his head, "Fine."
He pushed the intertwining branches apart and stomped off the trail, cursing the little thorns that scratched his hands and arms. Once he had a few trees between himself and the trail, he pulled his pecker out and released a thick stream into mossy ground.
"Ahhhhh," he sighed in relief. The branches continued to poke at him while he peed, "Damn priestess and her damn modesty," he grumbled and gave one of the branches a shove.
A rustling within its leaves caused him to jump back. A green snake about the width of his finger fell to the ground. It hit the ground and lifted its head high, hissing. Belar lunged at the snake with an animal-like quickness and grabbed the serpent by its head. He pinched its mouth closed and lifted the wriggling creature into the air. Its tail found his wrist and coiled tightly around. His thumb and finger came together and the head collapsed with a sickening crunch. Insides oozed from between the fingers and the body slumped from his wrist.
*Amur be damned, that was a poisonous snake,* he realized by the markings on its' back. He doubted they had antidotes. She could have gotten him killed by making him piss out here. He was about to close his trousers and give her a piece of his mind when a thought occurred to him. A mischievous grin crept onto his face and his pecker twitched.
"Ouch!" he yelled.
His penis was still hanging free and he was cursing loudly when he burst from the trees. Taria was in a panic trying to figure out what all the shouting was about. Relief washed over her face when she saw him, but shifted quickly to disgust when her eyes dropped to his exposed manhood. She turned away, her cheeks crimson.
"Put that thing away," she demanded.
Belar ignored the comment and dangled the dead snake in front of her, "I was bitten."
Taria looked at the snake, trying to ignore his exposed manhood. She continued to blush furiously.
"You know what this is?" Taria shook her head and Belar shouted, "This is a poisonous tree snake. If we don't get its poison out I'll die."
Taria's eyes went wide, "I… we don't have any antidotes."
Belar barely maintained his serious demeanor; he had hoped as much, "Then you'll have to suck it out."
Taria looked like a cornered animal, "What… what do you mean?"
Belar grabbed her by the tunic and pulled her close, "If I die, your sister dies."
Her face filled with resolve, "What must I do."
Belar felt his cock twitch in anticipation. It was about to be sucked by a priestess of Amur. He released her tunic and pointed to his penis. She followed his finger and turned away in embarrassment. He cupped her chin and turned her head back towards him.
"It bit me while I was pissing," he explained, "The poison has to be sucked from the bite."
Taria cringed and looked down at his penis. It twitched excitedly under her gaze. He guided her down with his hands and she kneeled before his naked penis, her face contorted with revulsion. She inched towards it and quickly recoiled back when her lips came in contact with the tip. Belar savored every second. She took a moment to regroup before inching forward again. Her lips brushed against the tip and he felt the air being drawn in as she inhaled.
"That won't work," Belar told her, "You have to put it in your mouth."
She backed away and looked up at him with distaste. Belar gave her a cold glare and motioned for her to hurry up. She looked back to his cock, took a deep breath and moved forward. The head of his penis slipped between her soft lips and they closed around it. He felt her suck inwards.
"Not like that," he said with frustration, "You have to work the poison out."
He reached behind her head and pulled her towards him. Her eyes went wide as his cock plunged deep into her mouth.
"Like that," he said when her mouth was completely stuffed, "Now suck the poison out."
Her lips tightened around the shaft and her jaw started to move as she sucked on his cock. He grabbed her ponytail and eased her head backwards. The pressure from mouth remained as her lips slid back along shaft and he shuddered with pleasure. He stopped her when she reached the tip.
"Perfect, now this time use your tongue as well."
Belar could not help but smile as she nodded in understanding. His cock disappeared into her mouth once more and this time he felt the soft caress of her tongue along its bottom. His eyes rolled up in pleasure as she worked her way back. He had never experienced anything like this. These were not the broken lips of some dockside whore, but the gentle lips of a priestess. When she reached the tip a second time, she looked up as if to ask if that was right. He nodded and motioned for her to continue. She closed her eyes and plunged down the shaft once more. Everything else faded away as he watched her milk his cock. The Onekyh, her sister, it all suddenly seemed non-existent. The only thing that mattered was this gorgeous creature kneeling before him.
Jolt after jolt of pleasure shocked through his body and he began to moan his approval, "Yes, yes, that's it. Keep going."
Taria continued to work his cock, ignoring the encouragement. Belar shivered, she was getting better. Her lips now slid easily over the wet surface and her tongue was in constant motion. Belar began to hungrily move his hips, pushing his cock deeper and deeper each time she took him in. Excess saliva escaped her lips and trickled down her chin. He slid his hand behind her head and forced her to speed up. Her head bobbed faster and faster and her ponytail brushed the back of his hand as it swayed with the motion. His seed threatened to burst free and he clenching his butt together to try and hold it off. The pleasure from those amazing lips was too much and he knew he could hold it off no longer.
He felt his seed surge up the shaft and into Taria's unsuspecting mouth. Her eyes opened in surprise and she shot backwards. His cock popped free and continued to convulse, white liquid spurting from its tip and onto her cheek. Belar pointed his face skyward as the orgasm coursed through his body. He felt more semen push free before the orgasm died down. He looked down to see Taria kneeling on the ground spitting the white liquid out of her mouth. A grin split Belar's face.
"Good work," he said, "I think you got it out."
Taria's head shot up angrily and Belar noticed a glob of his semen stuck to her cheek. He liked the sight.
"For a dying man, you sure seemed to enjoy yourself," she said accusingly.
Belar shrugged, "Its not my fault the snake bit me there."
Taria wiped the sticky glob from her cheek and looked at it in disgust, "Is this your seed?"
"Aye, it was the only way to get the poison out."
Taria's eyes narrowed as she wiped her finger on the ground, "We've wasted enough time."
She rose and stormed towards the horses without another word. Belar chuckled quietly and stuffed his limp pecker back into his trousers. *Francis was right; it is worth having a priestess of Amur along!* Taria had already mounted when Belar started walking. He gave his horse a gentle pat and pulled himself into the saddle. Taria snapped her reins before he finished and surged forward. Belar laughed and followed her down the trail.
Neither one spoke as they traveled deeper. Their surroundings grew steadily darker as less and less sunlight broke through the trees above. Belar pushed the pleasant memories from earlier to the back of his mind and focused on the job at hand. He was on high alert as he scanned the dark gaps between the trees. Taria must have been able to sense his apprehension as she began to look around nervously.
The tiny stone in his pocket quivered and Belar yanked his horse to a stop. Taria pulled beside him and opened her mouth to speak. His hand clamped around it, silencing her. He slowly turned his head and scanned their surroundings. Judging from the light, they were not yet in the forest's heart. The tiny stone continued to shudder and Belar heard the crack of a branch. Whatever it was, it was close. He jumped to the ground and pulled the war hammer free. Taria stared at him, eyes wide with fear.
He tossed her his reins and whispered, "Try to keep the horses under control."
She nodded and clutched them to her chest. The stone was now shaking furiously. He dropped the hammer's head to the dirt and started drawing a circle around them.
"Tell me about the Bolog attack," Belar whispered as he drew.
"Tell me what they did," he said more forcefully this time.
Belar did not look up, but could hear the pain in her voice, "They came in the night; it was the screams that woke us. My mother came to my room and rushed me to the pantry. It was too small for both of us, so she told me to wait inside and she would come for me when she could. She said I had to be strong and no matter what I heard to sit as still as possible. I tried to ask what was happening, but she just put her finger to my lips and told me I had to be quiet. She then emptied a jar of flour over me and closed the door."
Belar stood in the center of the circle and listened to her story. He envisioned himself in the house and that Taria was his daughter. Anger began to course through his veins.
"Shortly after, I heard the crack of a door splintering. I knew whatever had come was trying to get in. I heard my father yell, followed by an ear shattering squeal and his screams. I can still hear those screams."
Rage gripped Belar now. He could see the Bolog breaking into his home, attacking his family. He could hear his family's screams. The branches to his left broke apart and a large beast bounded out. Coarse black hair covered its wolf like body and saliva dripped from its toothy grin. Its yellow eyes burned with hunger. Beside him Taria screamed.
Belar set his feet and brought the hammer up as the beast lunged forward. It slammed into an invisible wall just before it reached them. Belar unleashed a primal roar that it would have been hard pressed to match and charged forward. His eyes were blood red and he was filled with rage, with hate. The beast had only just regained its footing when he burst from the circle. The hammer whistled as it blurred through the air, arcing towards the beast's head. It barely reacted in time and the hammer flew harmlessly past. The beast sprang towards Belar an instant later, hungering for human flesh.
In Belar's heightened state, the attack seemed almost as if in slow motion. He saw the beast leap towards him, maw opening wide. He released the swinging hammer, knowing he would be unable to bring it back in time, and instead dropped his shoulder to charge the beast. His shoulder smashed into the open maw and he pushed the animal backwards. He felt sharp teeth puncture his tunic and dig into his flesh as they started towards the ground. Belar used his weight to drive the beast into the dirt and felt bones break beneath him. The teeth slid free of his flesh and the beast howled in pain. Lost in his rage, Belar lunged at the beast's throat. His teeth found the soft flesh of its neck. Hair and blood filled his mouth as they dug in. The howl turned to panicked yelps and Belar felt claws scrape across his chest and thigh. He ignored the pain and bit deeper, searching for the beating artery. He swung his fist around and pounded the beast's head.
Blood spurted from the corners of Belar's mouth and the claws slowed to a stop. He continued to pummel its head with his fist until a gentle hand touched his back. The limp body fell from his mouth and Belar shot to his feet. Dark blood streamed down his chin. He roared and spun towards the new threat.
"Belar, no!" Taria screamed.
His fist stopped inches away from her outstretched hands and the blood drained from his eyes. His mind cleared and he realized what he had almost done. He slumped to the ground, drained.
Taria rested a hand on his shoulder, "Are you okay?"
Belar closed his eyes and breathed deeply, releasing his rage. Pain flared throughout his body as senses awakened. The beast's claws had left deep cuts in his chest and thigh and his shoulder was in tatters. Belar winced as Taria touched the broken flesh. Warmth began to seep into the wound and he heard her chant.
"Amur bless this wound. Amur bless this wound."
Belar's rage flooded back and his hand shot to her throat. She opened her eyes in surprise and gasped for air as he lifted her from the ground. He could smell her fear. Fueled by the rage, he began to tighten his grip. It was her blue eyes that brought him back. They pierced through the blood lust and ignited his memories. She was Taria, his ally. His grip relaxed and Taria fell to the ground.
"Do not use your magic on me," Belar said through clenched teeth.
Taria nodded between teary-eyed coughs, her chest rising with each deep breath. Belar turned away from the painful sight and limped to his horse. He could not believe the horses were still there. He would have to ask her how she had managed that. The horse whinnied at the blood covering him, but he calmed it with a gentle pat and opened the saddle bag to retrieve one of the healing potions. He popped the stopper free and drained the contents. Hot fire flooded his veins and his hands balled into fists. His skin felt as if two giants were using it to play tug of war. The pain was excruciating. Tears filled his eyes and he fell to his knees.
He rocked back and forth on the ground as the potion took its course. After what seemed lifetime, the fire in his veins started to diminish. The pain dwindled to a dull ache and Belar's hand went to his shoulder. Solid skin met his touch and he verified his chest and thigh as well. Everything checked out. Belar silently thanked Francis and rose to his feet. Taria was still on the ground where Belar had dropped her, sobbing. Belar crossed to her and extended his hand. She backed away like a frightened animal.
"I'm okay now," he said gently.
She looked into his eyes a moment before warily taking the offered hand. He pulled her upright. She wiped the tears from her eyes and looked at the bloody remains of the beast.
"What was that?"
"A dire," Belar replied, "And judging from its size, an old one."
Taria shuddered, "Are… you okay?"
Belar nodded and showed her the skin underneath the ripped holes in his tunic, "The potion did its work well."
Taria gave him a weak smile.
"We need to get moving. The smell of blood will attract more," he told her.
Belar could see she had more questions, but she did not argue. He retrieved his hammer as she crossed to her horse. With the hammer was back in its holster, he checked the dead beast. Vacant eyes stared back at him as he pulled the head up and pried open its mouth. Many of the teeth were shattered from the fall, but he found a few still in good shape. He broke them off and shoved them in his pocket. Dire teeth fetched a good price with the alchemists. He released the large head and it thudded back to the ground. Belar ignoring Taria's inquisitive stare as he mounted his horse. A flick of the reins set the animal in motion and they headed deeper, towards the forest's heart.
*To be continued…* | literotica |
Wrath of Serpentess
Elana let out a shrill shriek of joy as she clutched the large package to her chest. She was worried that they wouldn't arrive in time for the big day. Her morning and afternoon had been the usual drudgery, but the 'large object' insert in her mailbox had stirred her hopes and the sight of the large box itself had her nearly cackling with delight, though she had waited until she was in the elevator to let out her raucous cry of celebration.
Her own ReNA costume; using a mix of industrial nanotechnology and some quirks of materials science, DeGares Industries had taken an expensive manufacturing and plastic surgery tool and made it accessible for the masses.
Well, at $500 for the outfit, it wasn't quite affordable for the masses yet. But considering there were already a few hacks for them on the net, Elana's slinky, serpentine Halloween costume would probably end up serving a number of uses during the rest of the year. The outfit was supposed to have a 24 hour time limit before the nanites shut themselves down, but there were simple tweaks to charge them back up again, so long as you didn't wear the outfit for a whole day.
She was tempted to rip open the box in the elevator and try her suit on right then and there. The only thing that stopped her was the off chance that someone might come in while she was in her underwear, and another minute or two of waiting just made the end reward all the sweeter.
In the last few years there had been supermodels sporting redder than red hair, the most alluring golden eyes, scintillating silver skin, and more. The addition of non-human traits to magazine models had begun to creep more and more into the mainstream. The ReNA costumes weren't actual generic rewrites, merely nanotech-infused clothing that could look incredibly detailed and lifelike. It was the same stuff they used for special effects in movies, though more than one horror movie actress had decided to get a tail job done once filming was over and they were suddenly bereft of the fifth limb that had adorned their backside for the better part of several months.
Not surprisingly they'd showed up in porn even sooner than that. Having to hide the boob job scars was a thing of the past, and all sorts of strange fetishes were being catered to. And of course the moment she brought to mind the term "strange fetish" it was like speaking the name of the devil, summoning before her her flatmate, Kevin, from the shadowed netherworld of the living room.
"Awesome! My costume came!" he said, delighted, pulling the box from Elana's arms and pulling out the renn-faire knife from his belt that he wore around the house. Elana winced as he used it to slit the tape holding the cardboard box shut.
"Thank you for your purchase of a ReNA costume kit! Simply wear, press the activator on the back of the headpiece and voila! Instant Halloween fun!" came a pleasant female voice from inside the box.
Kevin reached in and scooped up the small chatterbox device and tossed it in the trash as it began its legal disclaimer.
"Do not machine wash. Suit charge will only last twenty four hours before depletion, so be sure to remove the suit after that time. If worn longer, please consult a physic..."
Kevin slammed the door to the trash closet shut, cutting off the babble. He reached in and shoved the vacuum sealed plastic bag containing the black outfit aside, snatching his own orange one from the box.
"Woo! I'm going to be the hottest thing at the Cavendish party!" Kevin cried, darting with his prize in hand.
Elana shook her head, the idiot had not shut up about his "Awesome tiger costume" since he'd sent in the order form for the two suits. He'd also joked and teased Elana mercilessly about being his 'girlfriend' since the two had used the couples discount to get a reduced rate.
With a sigh Elana pulled out her suit and took it to the bathroom, as Kevin had seen fit to return to the living room and began stripping. The dark haired young woman reminded herself that her normal roommate, Jane, would be back from Europe sometime in January. Kevin was nothing more than a stopgap measure so she could keep paying her rent.
She made sure the door was locked behind her as she removed the suit from its wrapping, shortly followed by the clothes from her body. She unfolded the sleek, black, hooded latex catsuit, a small domino mask accompanying it, just as had been pictured. It didn't look like much of anything now, but once the nanites fired up, she would be the scourge of the collage campus Halloween party, the sinister Serpentess!
Rather than going as heroine or villainess that someone else on campus was likely going to have an outfit of, Elana had went and designed her own sleek, sexy supervillain. The snake suit was merely the main part of her outfit, boots, bracers, gloves, a cape, skirt, and leotard would complete the look.
She slipped a finger into the nano-seam along the side; it would vanish completely once her outfit was on until she wanted to take it off again. Until she wanted it to, she'd completely look the part of a scaled snake. No Godzilla-like embarrassing zipper to ruin photos. And no panty lines either.
She slipped a foot down the leg of the suit, and then the other. The material gave way at first, but once it was properly situated on her form it clung tightly and comfortably. She slipped one arm into it, ducking into the hood.
Properly unfolded the costume revealed its simple detailing, a bright red band around the waist, and the cobra-hood symbol upon her back in the same. The costume tightened as she slipped her right arm into the sleeve, the nano-seam closing on its own; merging black latex perfectly with black latex.
Elana picked up the mask and slipped it onto her face. It covered everything from her cheekbones on up in shining red latex, the mask designed as the silhouette of a striking snake's head, the fangs coming down her cheeks.
Her reflection in the mirror already looked the part of a costumed villainess, but quite soon there would be so much more. Elana closed her eyes and took a deep breath, pressing the activator one the back of her head at the point where spine and skull met.
The outfit tightened around her, fitting to her form like a second skin. The nanites within began their work, transforming smooth latex into textured snakeskin, adding the small claws to Elana's fingertips and toes, transforming her hair from dark brown to brilliant red and letting it emerge from the hood. It lengthened to a degree that Elana could never achieve on her own; any length past her chin and her hair would become a serpent's nest of tangles and split ends. Her fiery mane came to rest between her should blades, outlined by the U shaped mark upon her back.
She watched as her eyes turned orange-yellow, her pupils slitted, feeling the weight of her tail, feeling the sensation over its surface as she moved it through the air. It felt like she'd had a tail her entire life. It felt incredible, awesome, a wonder of modern technology that any artificial limb could be developed with such detail, perfectly mimicking the real form and function.
Elana admired herself into the mirror, scowling a little as she watched her bust begin to expand. Despite comic book women having enormous jugs at times, Elana had wanted to avoid the sad, attention getting trope. Since she was rather sure that there would be girls there with their nano-boobs blown up to beachball size that would make her only look insecure with added mass onto her mummeries.
She furrowed her brow and was about to deliver an enraged shout to summon the devil in human form that had changed the schematics for her suit when she hadn't been looking. But the familiar cry of "Kevin, you pervert!" died in her throat as Elana felt a strange stirring between her legs. There was an almost sub-audible hiss as something snaked up upon Elana's groin, it looked like a snake, a foot and a half long, an inch or two thick. It wriggled and turned in the air, eventually facing forward.
If you took the head of a phallus and placed it upon black latex serpent, you would have exactly what Elana sported between her legs. The snake-cock's hood flared as Elana felt a mix of anger and lust rise within her. The back of the cobra-like hood upon her cock had the same U shaped cobra insignia that Elana had ordered upon her back.
Though a pervert, Kevin never had shown himself to be particularly creative in his malice. It seemed more likely that there had been a mix up in the suit's construction. Elana grinned, though confused at her own predicament, she was filled with malevolent glee at the potential problem that Kevin might be having with his suit.
After all, her outfit had a skirt. No longer feeling angry and having ceased admiring her reflection in the mirror the serpent-shaft seemed to calm down, retracting partially back into Elana's body somehow. It was still a good seven inches or so long, but she could... mmm... yes, she could indeed curl it back between her legs. Her leotard and skirt would cover it.
But Kevin, poor Kevin, would have a hard time trying to hide a pair of tits with just the loincloth and furry boots he'd bought. Elana let out a malevolent chuckle as a girlish scream came from the living room. She'd investigate later.
"Greetings User, I am ReNA Serpentess Suit #0001, fully online and operational. My interface for neural-synergistic biocircuitry is online. Do you wish any behavioral modifications or within-template parameter physical changes at this time?" said an oddly familiar female voice within Elana's mind.
This was the part that had delayed release of the ReNA technology for public consumption, assuring that a user couldn't give themselves, or others, mental scars using the technology. It was already banned from athletic competition, the physical alterations the ReNA technology could provide, as well as the use of the suit's onboard computer in order to calculate precise, optimal movements had lead to the suspension of hundreds of athletes in all sorts of sports.
Though the Monster Football League, which was half scripted spectacle and half actual athletic competition by ReNA suited teams, was battling toe to toe with the National Football League in ratings and was selling more merchandise to boot.
"Wh-what sort of modifications?" Elana asks aloud, turning once more to look at herself in the mirror.
She could feel the artificial serpent skin now, the cool air of the bathroom getting to her, making her nipples stiffen. The feeling caused her serpent-shaft to do much of the same. It throbbed softly, aching to be touched. Elana was curious, but she held back from touching the thing.
"Based on the character profile you submitted, several default packages were created for you by the DeGares Corporation's trained and talented programmers. Defaults one through three are available, option one..." said the voice.
"Sure, let's go with option one." Elana said.
"Option one; slutty supervillainess." The voice cheerfully replied.
"No, wait!" protested Elana, but she already felt something strange happening to her. It was like something had crept into her mind, something warm, dark, and comforting. She let out a soft, sultry moan in a voice that wasn't quite her own. She could feel the nanites altering her body, breasts, hips, and cock.
"Oh yeah," she purred, her voice more sexy, cocky, and confidant, "That's the stuff!"
Her protests were immediately forgotten as unfamiliar feelings of pride, confidence, and the urge to dominate and manipulate others rose within her. She was still Elana, of course, but with all the traits she associated with Serpentess cranked up to ten.
She grinned and admired her scaled form in the mirror, "Suit," she said, "What sort of additional enhancements can you make to the cock and tits portions of my anatomy?" she said, licking black lips with an equally black, slightly forked, tongue.
"I am capable of increasing your phallus in length by fifty percent, reducing it by thirty three percent, modifying width and girth parameters by the same. Your bust is currently at maximum parameters allowed within the guidelines of use." The suit explained.
Elana rubbed her chin with snakeskin covered fingertips, the suit made it so real, with artificial muscles and nerves. She grinned, showing elongated canines that hadn't been a part of the base package she'd ordered.
"Maximum size, give me a big, slutty serpent-cock." She said, preparing for the rush of sensation.
And oh what a rush it was, the rubbery flesh swelling, surging forward in almost angry thrusts, pressing itself against the smooth flesh of her belly, slithering up between her tits. She felt the new nerve endings grow into the expanding flesh, sending spikes of knee-weakening pleasure through her body.
The hood flared once more and the almost venomous tip had positioned itself just in front of her mouth. Elana, no, Serpentess, grinned and gave her cock a kiss. She could feel herself loosening up, morals and inhibitions cast away even further. The suit's default package settings had made her a bit loose, but her request had turned her from a version of herself with loosened morals and a bent for villainous mischief into a supervillain she-serpent with a raging hard on looking for somewhere to strike.
Slutty serpent-cock activated.
Serpentess ran her hands over her length; delighting in the intense thrill she got, not merely from the pleasure, but from knowing that her mild mannered alter-ego, Elana Mendez, would be more than a little squicked out at this turn of events.
While Elana might have been horrified at the plan that the venomous villain was about to carry out, it was far more likely that she would eagerly and willingly have gone along with it. Kevin had made an ass of himself for far too long.
Serpentess' serpent was slithering, surging, and ready to strike. She just needed a proper victim to penetrate, and since it was a possibility that Kevin had caused the problem in the first place, it was more than fitting that he become the solution.
The latex serpent turned to walk from the bathroom, "Are there any other additional modification parameters that can be accessed?" she asked her suit's computer.
"There are many but they are not authorized. Activation may or may not succeed and suit stability is likely to be compromised." The voice said, which Serpentess realized was eerily like her own now, save for its calm, placid, and emotionless tone.
"Oh it's only for one night; throw the warranty out the window. Spill the beans; is there anything you think I'd like?" Serpentess demanded as she placed her hand upon the doorknob, faint sounds coming from the other side.
"With the proper nutritional and fluid resources, bust size can be increased by a factor of 200 percent. Your tail can be increased in scale by a similar margin, and once more utilizing nutrition and fluid for additional mass, could serve to replace your legs with a serpentine tail." The suit offered.
"Height can be varied only a few inches due to bone inflexibility, however. Any attempts to go beyond that are not advised, due to the possibility of irreversible physical alteration." The suit explained.
Serpentess grinned as she opened the door, they were all things to keep in mind for later. She stepped out into the hall and saw Kevin crouched at the end of it, between the doors that lead to the two bedrooms. He was taking advantage of the full length mirror positioned there, one hand working over an impressive cock, the other gripping a heavy, plump, tawny-furred breast.
The she-serpent could see the suit finishing up, delivering the last feminizing touches upon her roommate. It was good to know that her hunch had been correct, and that she was not the only one with unexpected alterations to her suit.
Kevin's green slitted eyes widened and he... she... spun to face Elana, not knowing that she had fully fallen into her role as Serpentess. The shemale tigress fixated upon the wriggling, writhing cock, full, lush, porn starlet lips open in a soft gasp at the sight of the thing.
Serpentess recognized him... her immediately. Not Kevin, she already knew that, but the fiery-lustful feline he'd become. His MMORPG character; Pawstruck, bust and hips sliders all the way up on a customized body rig ripped from a Japanese holo-porn game, tweaked out to have all the unnatural proportions dreamed up by the male libido.
The eyes, lips, breasts, and hips were all too big, the waist a little too narrow. But freed from 2D textures on a polygonal frame, with real fur and real hair, Pawstruck looked incredibly stunning. So sweet, so soft, and oh so fuckable.
Her tits were huge, unrealistic, beachball balloon-jobs that had floated and defied gravity in the game, but only drooped every so slightly made real. Kevin's massive knockers were still half again as big as Serpentess' own could be, even increased beyond normal parameters, as the suit had instructed.
Kevin licked her lips, mouth watering at the sight of the serpent-cock. The male human within tried to take control, but odds are he'd loaded up the default personality program, wanting to be the big, buff Conan-esque tigerman he'd originally wanted.
"Nnn! No, no!" he whispered, Serpentess coming closer and closer.
"This is your fault, isn't it?" the villainess purred, reaching down to run a clawed finger over a triangular ear, making it twitch.
"No! Well... yes... kind of! But not really!" Kevin protested, "I was just goofing around with the settings after we ordered, just seeing what was possible. I don't know how it happened, this wasn't what I ordered! I didn't even think I saved the settings for these." She whimpered.
Kevin was a stick thin, scrawny nerd, the proverbial 98 pound weakling. But with Pawstrucks padding, rounded curves, and feline sleekness, it took Kevin's build and made the most out of it. He made a drop dead gorgeous girl.
It was rather fitting that the somewhat chauvinistic geek ended up as his famed 'combat dancer" character. Half his gear in the game had been given to him by other players who had admired the feline going through her moves in the skimpiest armor allowed on the main servers.
She felt good, the urges to command, to control, to dominate flowing through her. It felt thrilling, felt freeing, felt like oh so much more fun than anything Elana did on her own. She loved being Serpentess, and she wished the suit was capable of more so she could fully hide her human face behind a reptilian muzzle, masking her true identity even more.
Kevin cried out softly as pointed nails tightly constricted her breast in pained pleasure, tears filling her large, feline eyes. "I... I just wanted to raid better." She said softly, a lock of platinum blonde hair falling into her face as she lowered her head in shame, "And I just wanted to see what was possible with the..." she let out a soft mewl as Serpentess suddenly twisted her grip, making the feline shiver. "I just wanted to see what all the options were." She said with a soft whimper, pouty lips turning black, platinum tresses creeping down the reach the small of her back, the suit still carrying out small tweaks to the Pawstruck form based on Kevin's fantasies about her. Her idiot roommate now sported the body of a shemale porn star, it was absolutely delicious, and also not an opportunity to be passed up. Serpentess' cock lunged, making Pawstruck wince, covering her face with her handpaws, but that hadn't been the snake's target.
Snake and tiger both cried out in bliss as the serpent shaft engulfed the feline's own. Serpentess knelt before the sex kitten, running her clawed fingers through Pawstruck's hair.
"Be a good kitten and pleasure your mistress and maybe I'll forgive you." Serpentess said softly to her plaything. The catgirl lowered her ears and bowed her head in submission, whimpering softly as the latex villain thrust against her.
"You'll love it; your altered form is designed for it. Say it for me. Say that you're a good, slutty sex kitten." She growled.
Pawstruck cried out, arching her back, the snake-shaft undulating rapidly, siphoning every jet of seed it could coax from her to use as a template, to fill its own reservoir.
"Say it whore!" Serpentess growled, gripping Pawstruck's ears, "Say it or I'll drag you down to the lounge and fuck you in front of everybody!"
The tigress's fur fluffed in a blush, she clenched her eyes shut, shivering as mental programming slipped into place. "But the party! I... I..." she whispered.
"Say it!"
"I'm a slutty kitten." She whispered, eyes going wide, "Sex! Wait, sex! I'm a slutty sex kitten!" she said, not wanting to be punished for saying it wrong.
Serpentess smiled and withdraw her cock, a thick line of seed trailing from it back to Pawstruck's own member. She looked up at Serpentess with a smile upon her face and a vacant look in her eyes.
"Mmm... I'm a slutty sex kitten." She purred, nuzzling her mistress' belly, rising up off her knees to run her textured tongue over a pitch black breast. "Your sex kitten, my mistress." She said, wrapping her arms around Serpentess' waist, nuzzling her belly.
The she-snake grinned, reaching down and rubbing gently behind her pet's ears, "Yes you are, my sweet." She said, able to feel the computer of Kevin's suit go to work on him, making him more and more perfectly Pawstruck at her own urgings.
"Networking interface version Alpha .026 fully online." Said her own computer, a slight hint of emotion in its artificial voice, almost sounding amused and gleeful.
Serpentess went to the hall closet, removing the collar and leash that Jane's cousin had left her when she'd brought one of his big dogs, fastening it around Pawstruck's neck, leading her into Elana's bedroom at the end of the leash.
She could see it made the sex kitten pant with desire, her thick, black cock proudly erect once more, the tip glistening with a bead of precum.
The latex serpent smiled, "Put that feline flexibility to work while I get dressed." She said with a chuckle, taking a beat up old bra in one hand, a little applied nanotechnology forming it into a perfect match for Pawstruck's loincloth and boots. "And then once you're done putting on a show for me, you can get dressed and we can go to that Cavendish party." She said with a grin.
Leona Cavendish had the family's estate to herself while her parents were off touring Europe for the fall and winter. And with this just being their summer home, nothing was particularly valuable and could easily be replaced. So there was no reason NOT to have a party with several hundred college age boys and girls the tip top of the socio-economic ladder, though Elana, now Serpentess, wondered how Kevin had gotten an invitation.
$500 was petty cash for those people, so ReNA suits would be common, and there would be even more advanced models there, which Serpentess could siphon off some nanites and programming from to enhance her own abilities.
"That is correct, Lady Serpentess." The suit's voice said pleasantly, "I have also taken the liberty of adding network interface capability to Pawstruck's computer so that she is also able to bring others under your thrall."
Serpentess laughed, a true, proper, villainous laugh, "I'm going to have the wealthy twenty-somethings of this town eating out of my taloned hand." She said, her forked tongue flicking out.
"Exssssssselant." She hissed. | yiff-extreme |
Title: A New Light by Drayne_the_Wolf
Tags: Highschool, Human, M/M, Modern, Oral, Story Series, Transformation, Wolf
(Just a quick note, I shouldn't even have to say this but don't read this story if you're under eighteen or whatever the legal limit is where you live but I'd bet my tail that there are plenty of people here who are illegally on this site and if you are one of those people then just don't get caught. Lock the door or do it when you're alone or something. Trust me, getting caught feels like hell. Anyways, now that that's over with, please enjoy the story!)
"Whatcha drawing Scott?" My quick approach into the lunch room must have startled my adopted brother as he jumped nearly a foot off of the bench of the table.
"Woah! Chris, please be careful, I don't want to mess up on this!"
"Hehe, sorry brother." I said, brushing a lock of black hair away from my eye. "So you gonna answer my question or what?"
"Just another anthro wolf." He replied. Scott was an openly-declared furry and often was tormented from it. I had to come in and save his ass from a beating on more than one occasion.
"Another?" I responded with a laugh. "Dude, you do know that those things don't exist, right? That us humans are the only sentient beings on the planet?" I was obviously joking because Scott obviously knew this, but he responded anyways.
"For now, maybe. Maybe a few years of evolution or some government science project will bring them around."
"But for now..."
"For now, they don't exist"
"Good answer." I was a five-foot ten black-haired human teenager. At sixteen years of age, I was the same age as my best friend and adopted brother Scott. My family had adopted Scott two years ago after his parents were killed in a car wreck. We couldn't bear to watch my best friend thrown into some orphanage and never see him again, so I convinced my parents to adopt him instead. It was pretty easy; my parents loved Scott like a son. Well, now he was their son. He was an inch shorter than me and had hazelnut-brown hair.
"I can't get the damn head to look right! The muzzle always looks flat and the ears are always positioned wrong." Scott complained. I looked at the head of the wolf. The muzzle was perfectly rounded and the ears couldn't be more lined up. "Why can't I ever do this, it's so unfair."
"Dude, you've gotta chill out. It looks great! You're just imagining those things."
Scott grumbled to himself. "Calvin makes it look so simple. That dude can draw an anthro anything, in any position you want. Why can't I?"
The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. "I don't know man, but we'd better get to math before Mr. Oran hands out the tests."
"Oh right, we have a test today! Yes!" Scott excitedly punched the air.
"Why are you so excited about an algebra test? Algebra sucks ass!"
"I know, but algebra homework sucks even bigger ass, and test today means no homework tonight! Booyah!"
I couldn't help but smile at him. "You know, you honestly are a really cool guy."
He held up his clenched hand for a fist-bump. "And don't you ever forget it!"
Alright, now that we've gotten the introductions of me and my brother over with, I'm going to skip school and go directly to a part that you readers will actually want to hear about!
Scott shut his locker door and pulled his back-pack over his right shoulder. He turned around to leave and was met face to chest with the biggest bully in school; Brett Commons flanked on each side by two of his equally brutish friends. "Where you off to in such a hurry, Wolfy?" He asked Scott in a puppy-dog voice.
"Home, actually."
"Ohhh, can I come along?" he sarcastically asked. "We could do homework, watch movies..." with each thing he mentioned he approached Scott another step, along with his four friends, closing a circle around him. "Play videogames, have a snack here and there..." the wall of muscle closed around Scott to the point where he had his back against the lockers. "And maybe pummel you into the ground while we're at it!" He pulled his entire right arm back slowly, balling his hand into a fist. "Gay wolf." He spewed at my friend.
The entire time, I had been sneaking up behind Brett. Just as the brute was going to introduce Scott's face to his knuckles, I grabbed Brett's arm and spun him around to face him. I punched the bully square in the stomach, knocking him to the ground. His friends, seeing how easily I dispatched their leader, ran. I reached down and hoisted Brett up to his feet and looked him dead in the eye. "Get the fuck away from my brother, you worthless piece of shit." Brett did as he was told. "You okay?" I asked Scott, who nodded.
"Yeah, he hadn't touched me yet." He looked down at his sneakers. "Thanks for saving me, again." He said humbly. I guess I forgot to mention that Scott was also openly gay, all the more reason for people to beat him up. Whenever someone asked me, I would tell them that I was straight, but truth be told I never really gave it any thought.
"Don't mention it. Now let's go home." We walked the ten minutes that was required to reach our house. When we arrived at the house we threw our bags down at the foot of the stairs. We didn't have any homework tonight so we went straight to videogames. (The only homework we ever got was from math and chemistry, but our chem. teacher had heard that we didn't have math homework and decided to give us the night off. She was really cool. I wish you guys could have had her too.)
The night proceeded relatively normally with the exception of no homework. Our parents returned home at six o'clock and we ate dinner half an hour later, then continued typical teenage guy stuff until ten thirty when we went to bed. Call us crazy for going to bed at such a time, but we liked to be well rested for school. We said goodnights to everyone, went to our individual rooms, stripped down to our boxers, and went to bed.
The Next Morning...
My alarm clock went into its horrid buzzing spree at six o'clock that morning just as it did every morning. I lazily reached a hand over and hit the button, glad that I didn't accidentally smash the God-damned thing into the nightstand. I slid my hand away from the clock and rolled from my side to my back. I placed my thumb and index finger on my temple with the attempt of giving it a short massage, but I stopped when I felt something rough touch my temple on the exact same place that I was about to touch.
I retracted my hand and the rough objects retracted as well. I opened my eyes and looked at my hand. Yep, that was freaky. My hand, somehow, was covered in dark gray fur with the exception of black pads covering my palm and fingertips and the short black claws. I couldn't help but gasp. Then, I noticed something else odd in my vision. An unidentifiable object was stuck to my face where my mouth and nose was, and it was the same color as the fur of my hand with the exception of another black pad on its tip. It was when I noticed that the pad was moving in time with my breathing that I realized what the protrusion was, but I couldn't believe it until I saw it.
I threw aside my sheets, catching a glimpse of the equally gray arm that was throwing them. I jumped out of bed, sparing a glance at my furry legs and my clawed and padded feet, which were now paws. I ran to my closet with remarkable speed and flung open the door, gasping when I saw myself in my full-length mirror. I was a wolf, only human at the same time, like something out of Scott's sketchbook. I had grown six inches overnight, going from five-ten to six-four in a matter of hours. My fur was a dark gray color all over with the exception of the light gray but not quite white fur that seemed to cover the underside of my muzzle, my neck, my now noticeably larger pectoral and abdominal muscles, and my groin area.
In fact, all of my muscles were noticeably larger. I flexed my bicep in front of the mirror and noticed that it bulged significantly more than before. After flexing the rest of my chest muscles, I guessed that I had gained at least twenty percent more muscle mass. I tested out my newly acquired features in order. I pricked my ears, rotated them, and flattened them back against my skull. I twitched my new nose, slacked and closed my jaw, finally ending by swishing and flicking my tail this way and that. I ran a padded hand through my short chest fur. It was the softest coat I've ever felt, and surprisingly, I didn't feel hot.
"I've got to tell Scott" was all I could think of. I padded over to the door of my room, glad that I still fit in my boxers, opened the door, and slipped quickly into Scott's room. My human brother was still sleeping (I got up first because I showered first), so I had to wake him. "Scott," I said, glad my voice was still the same, "Scott get up quick! I've got to show you something!"
"Chris? I-Is that you? What are you doing in here..." my brother stopped his sentence half way because he had opened his eyes. He looked at me with shock, awe, and worst of all, fear.
"Scott, don't look at me like that, please. It's me, your brother!"
"C-Chris? How... what... What happened to you? That isn't some costume, is it? That'd be low, dude."
I opened my jaw wide, revealing my maw to him. It was obviously real. "Holy shit!" he exclaimed. "What the hell happened?"
"I don't know, okay? Last night I was fine and this morning I woke up and," I held my arms away from my body with the palms facing up, "fur!"
"You mean..." he said, oddly sounding like he was holding back tears, "you just... woke up like that? You didn't get bitten by anything or drink any radioactive shit or something?"
"Not that I know of!"
"Dude... you're jacked!" he said indicating my muscles. "Even through the fur it's obvious, I mean, did that happen overnight as well?" It was a stupid question because the answer was obvious, but I responded anyway.
"Yeah!" I said, getting more excited by the minute despite my circumstances. "I just woke up and boom! I didn't drink anything, I didn't take anything, and I didn't get bit by anything. It just... happened!"
My brother's jaw dropped. "How the hell are you going to break this to Mom and Dad?"
"Actually, I was kind of hoping that you'd tell them. I don't want them taking a look at me and freaking out."
"Sure, sure man. I'd be happy to help." I noticed that his voice still sounded odd. He's probably just freaked out, I thought. I know I am! Anyways, Scott jumped out of bed wearing only his boxers and I crept back into my room to get dressed as well. I sifted through my dresser trying to find something that fit my new body. The only things I could find were a white tank-top and some jeans that normally were too big for me. The tank-top was tight and revealed my muscles to anyone who happened to look, but I think I'd be getting some pretty odd looks today anyway. The jeans were too long, but that was good because it accommodated for the extra joint that I now had in my leg.
A few moments after I picked out my clothes Scott knocked on the door. "It's me." He said.
"Come in."
Scott entered and shut the door behind him. I already had my jeans on and the tank-top was lying on the bed. "Mom and Dad are in the kitchen." He said. "I didn't tell them anything yet, so throw on your shirt because we have to break the news." There it was again, that same tone. I don't know, it didn't sound like a weirded-out kind of voice, I couldn't recognize it. I didn't have time to think about it, there were more pressing issues to attend to.
We both emerged from my room and walked down the hall. Scott patted me on the shoulder as if to say "It's gonna be okay" and then made the turn in the hallway to go too the kitchen. I stayed behind so that Scott could get my parents prepared, then I'd show them.
"Scott," I heard my mother say to my adopted brother, "where's your brother?"
"Yeah," my father said, "you two are going to be late to school."
Scott gulped, still standing in the bend of the hallway so I could see him. "Dad, Chris and I can't go to school today."
"Oh yes you can," my father replied, "and you will. Now go find Chris so you two can get your butts to school."
Scott gulped a second time. "Mom, Dad, Chris has to show you something, it's very important, but before you see I need you to understand that however ugly what you see might be, Chris is still your real flesh-and-blood son, the one you're actually related to, and he loves and would never hurt you." My parents started to get worried, and it showed on their faces. "Scott," my father said, "what's going on...?"
"Please Dad; just have a seat next to Mom on the couch." My father did as he was told. Scott turned to me. He looked into my lupine eyes and I looked into his human ones, and after a moment of silence Scott withdrew to the corner of the hallway. He averted his eyes to his feet and interlocked his hands in front of him, not being able to bear the look of my parents' faces when they saw. I gulped, sucked up a deep breath of air, and turned the corner.
My parents gasped and their eyes widened. I didn't avert my eyes. I wanted to, I hated the horrified looks they were giving me, but I couldn't. I had to be strong. After a thirty second silence, Dad was first to speak. "C-Chris? Is th-that you?"
I nodded my lupine head. "Yeah Dad, it's me." I said, choking back tears. My father slowly stood from his chair and walked up to me. The whole endeavor lasted about fifteen seconds, but seemed to last an eternity. When my father was finally within arms reach of me, I knew he was going to hit me. He would lash out, strike my face and stomach, he would kill me out of fear, anger, rejection, and hatred. My fears would be confirmed. What really happened almost made me melt. My father lifted his arms and wrapped them around my shoulders in a tight bear-hug.
I lost it. I pulled my furry arms tight around my father's broad shoulders and held him close, crying into his shoulder. I was almost an inch taller than him now. "What happened, son?" my father asked me almost apologetically.
"I don't know Dad. I woke up this morning and I was like this."
At this point my mother stood from the couch and also wrapped her arms around me. I took one arm off my dad and draped it over her shoulder. "You're so soft..." was all she said. I smiled and said thank you. We remained in the hug for almost a minute. I completely forgot about Scott, who had been standing in the corner facing us, still staring at the floor but with his hands in his pockets. A frown had grown across his face and a single tear had slid from his eye.
I released my parents and my mother laughed at something. I looked behind me to see that my tail was wagging. Both my father and I laughed now too; I was beginning to like this change. I was soft, excited, young, and totally ripped. Yep, this might just be kind of fun! I couldn't wait to see the look on Brett Commons' face when he took a look at me now. And he thought I was threatening before... "Well there's no way you're going to school like this." My father said.
"I'll go call the school and tell them that Chris will be absent today." My mother responded.
"Ahem." Scott cleared his throat to get her attention. I turned to see that he was still in the corner, but this time leaning against the wall on one foot with the other against the wall and his arms crossed across his thin chest. "If you think that I'm leaving my brother's side for one minute of this then you've got another think coming." He said. I couldn't help but grin and wag my tail at my brother's show of affection.
My mother smiled too. "Alright, I'll tell them that neither of you will be there."
"So what are we going to do about this?" I asked.
"Well," my father said, "the first thing we're going to do is go down to the hospital and make sure you're okay. Then... well, we'll figure the next part out."
"Hello," my mother said into our phone, "this is Clair Ellis speaking. I wanted to inform you that neither of my sons will be attending school today... Chris Ellis and Scott Newman... sir, if I told you why you wouldn't believe me... no... alright fine, you want the truth? Here it is. My son Chris woke up today with fur and claws and we're taking him to the hospital... I told you you wouldn't believe me... then meet us in the lobby of Johnson Memorial Hospital in fifteen minutes and see for yourself... alright, see you then." My mother hung up the phone and addressed me, "Your principal will meet us in the lobby in fifteen minutes."
"Alright." I replied.
"Let's roll." Scott said his signature ‘let's-go' line and headed for the door, followed by my parents and me.
In order to prevent people from seeing me and freaking out, my parents sat in the front seats with my father driving and Scott sat in the left-rear seat. I lied down across the back seats with my head in Scott's lap. It was probably just my imagination, but I swear I felt him get hard beneath me. Again, it was probably just my imagination.
We arrived at the hospital and after some explaining a few nurses took me in. People in the lobby gasped and took out cell phones, cameras, and camcorders. My mother waited for my principle in the lobby while I was escorted to my doctor along with Scott and Dad. I kept my eyes focused straight ahead (a difficult task due to the many people staring at me with pieces of recording technology) and soon I walked into my doctor's office. "Holy son of God..." was the doctor's only response at seeing me.
"It's good to see you too, Doc." I replied sarcastically. Doctor Paterson was our family doctor and he had known me since birth, literally.
"Chris, wow... I mean, they told me over the phone but I couldn't believe it!"
"Neither can I, Doc."
"Well I'll be damned... ahem, yes, well then, shall we begin with some x-rays?"
"You're the guy with the white coat. Where do you need me?"
"This way please." The doctor led the three of us to an x-ray room, leaving a nurse behind to redirect my mother and principle to the room.
Scott spoke up, "Everything okay bro?"
My nose had been twitching ever since we walked into the hospital. "It's this place. It smells awful, like buckets of alcohol and iodine were dumped all over the place to clean it down. I hate it."
"Heightened sense of smell. It's a wolf trait."
"You know that?"
"I draw them; one would think I know shit about them too."
When we finally arrived at the x-ray room the doctor instructed Scott and my father to stand inside the shielded booth and me to undress completely. I did so, and was soon standing stark naked in front of the camera. It was then that I noticed what Scott would call my 'sheath'. I had never seen one before, and was immediatly curious. I didn't examine it though, because based on the fact that it was in the same place as my cock had once been, I figured that taking a closer look would have to wait until later.
Doctor Paterson took the pictures and I redressed. Finally we returned to the examination room where the doctor tested various things about me while we waited for the pictures to develop. He instructed me to remove all my clothing except my boxers. Scott and my father offered to leave but I told them that they could stay. Scott seemed fascinated with my bare body, probably because he was so into anthros, he was probably using me as a reference for muscle positioning or something.
"Your reflexes are amazing." The doctor said frankly. "You have twenty-twenty vision, an already-established heightened sense of smell, and ears that could pinpoint a fly from across a crowded room. The amount of muscle you've put on overnight is amazing, too. You've got enough strength in your arms and legs to best an Olympic sprinter, and you could probably bench a couple hundred pounds too. If you had obtained these results through manual efforts, I'd tell you to keep it the hell up!"
After a few minutes Mom entered the room followed by my Principal, Mr. Hartman. Like everyone else to have laid eyes on me, Mr. Hartman gasped. I leapt up from the examination table and held out a paw for my principal to shake. "Hey Principal Hartman, how's it going?"
"And you thought I was trying to sneak him out of school." My mother said to him. He was no doubt extremely flabbergasted, but came to after a moment and weakly shook my paw.
"H-Hello Chris. Nice to s-see you again..."
"Good to see you too sir."
At that moment a nurse entered the room holding a manila folder. She handed it to Paterson, who opened it. "Ahh," he said intrigued, "the x-rays are in." The doctor put the photos up against a light-box suspended from the wall and illuminated them. "Fascinating..." he said, "It appears that your bone structure has adapted to be a more agile hunter. Overnight, your entire leg assembly changed to match the rear legs of a quadruped, along with most of your skull and neck. And, obviously, you grew a tail. Most fascinating indeed, I'd like to take some blood if it would be okay." The doctor did as he had asked and had the vile of blood analyzed. "Absolutely stunning..." the doctor went on, "your DNA has been mutated to a level I've never seen before. It's like overnight your genetic code completely shifted to include that of a wolf. Half wolf, half human as a result. There's something else. Your DNA seems to act almost like a parasite. From what we can see, it appears that your DNA can transform other DNA into creatures like yourself."
"What," the principal said, "you mean it's contagious? Like someone could accidentally ingest a bit of his fur and become a wolf like him?"
"No, live DNA in large amounts would be required. Shedded fur is dead and wouldn't be able to change an organism, and even if the fur was live, one would have to consume large amounts of it in order for it to be effective. Honestly, I don't see how it would do it at all. It's simply an observation, not a concern at all. From what I can see, I'm afraid the effects are irreversible, but rest assured we'll try to find a cure. I'll also alert the police who will then post a media announcement informing people not to fear or attack you; that ought to make your life a little more painless."
My parents and I took turns thanking the doctor and we all left the room. "I don't see why you should be kept from school." My principal informed me as we walked toward the parking lot. "Your mind seems perfectly normal, and as long as you're comfortable I see no reason to withhold an education from you.
I smiled and wagged my tail. "Great, I'll see you tomorrow."
The principal returned the smile. "I'll prepare both staff meetings and a quick assembly this afternoon to inform teachers and other students of the dilemma. In the mean time I suggest you go buy some new clothes as it doesn't sound like you'll be going back to human anytime soon. I'm sorry."
"Don't be, it's actually kind of cool!" after I said that I heard Scott emit a strange sound from his throat. "Scott, you okay bro?"
"Yeah," he said, sounding like he was going to cry, again, "I'll be good. I just had something stuck in my throat."
The rest of the day was spent shopping for new clothes for me, followed by simply relaxing at home. "How do you feel?" Scott asked me.
"No different." Was my reply. "Despite this coat I don't feel warm, and I can hardly control the tail and ears, it's like they have minds of their own."
"Damn it." I heard my mother say from the kitchen.
"What's wrong Mom?" Scott inquired.
"I forgot to call Judy to say that your father and I won't be able to attend a meeting tonight."
"Why not?" I asked.
"What do you mean ‘why not'? I'm worried something will happen while I'm gone."
"You heard the Doc., Mom. He said I'm perfectly healthy."
"You defiantly are not ‘perfectly healthy'." She said. I winced at her words and pressed my ears against my skull, looking down at the floor. "I'm sorry honey; I didn't mean it like that. What I meant is that we don't know what's going on with you and what if something was to happen while I was gone?"
"Scott is here, Mom. He would know what to do. Besides, the doctor said that I'm healthy. I'll be fine, go to your meeting."
"Well," she said, pondering it, "alright, but if there's any problem you call at once! I'll leave some money on the counter for food. Order whatever you want as long as you clean up the mess. Oh, and please get to bed at a reasonable time too. It's a school night." She kissed both me and Scott goodbye. "I'll call your father and tell him what's going on. Don't forget to catch the bus in the morning, Chris you could probably run and make it on time but Scott couldn't and I want you two to stick together. I'll see you tomorrow. Love you both."
With that she left the house. I plopped down on the couch with Scott lowering himself into a chair facing ninety degrees away from the couch so he could see me. "Yep," I said, folding my arms behind my head and reclining against the backrest of the couch, "this is probably the best thing to ever happen to me."
At that point Scott did something I never would have expected; he burst into tears. "Scott, Scott what's wrong?" I asked, seriously concerned for my brother.
He turned to face me through his watering eyes, and seeing that it wasn't any use hiding from me anymore, he cried out, "It's not fair!"
"What's not fair? Come on you can talk to me!"
"It's not fair that this happened to you! I've been a furry since I was nine! I've taken shit for seven years from bullies for hoping that exactly what happened to you would happen to me. I went through all the pain, the suffering, the torture, and you get to roll in the reward! It's not fair! I should be the changed one, I should be the wolf! Not you!"
He leapt up from his chair and spun to face away from me. "It's not fair!" He shouted again, tears running freely down his cheeks, "It's just not fair." He said the last bit softer but still obviously in torment.
I cursed myself for being so oblivious to Scott's pain. The odd tones of his voice, they weren't weirded-out tones; they were jealous tones. "Scott I didn't even think... I mean I... I... I'm sorry. Scott, I'm so sorry." I stood and approached him from behind. When I was close enough to him, he spun around and wrapped his arms under mine in a tight hug. I returned the hug, pulling my brother close with my exposed furry arms. We were silent for a moment.
"Mom's right, you are soft."
I smiled. "Thanks." Scott pulled away from me. "How do you feel?" I asked him.
"Better for letting it all out," I smiled when he told me this, "but like shit for dumping it all onto your shoulders. I didn't mean to explode like that; I didn't mean to make you feel guilty. It's not your fault."
"It's alright, you just needed to vent. That's what I'm here for."
We spent the rest of the afternoon watching television, talking, and playing videogames just like it was a normal weekend day, not even caring about the next day of school that we faced. After a while we ordered some pizza for dinner, adding extra sausage at my request (wouldn't you guess that my craving for meat rose?).
After another three hours it was ten thirty we decided that we should be good little students and go to bed. I was about to head into my room when Scott stopped me with a question. "Hey, Chris, can I ask a favor? It's kind of weird but I'm hoping you won't mind it a whole lot."
"Sure, what can I do for you?"
"I was wondering, well, I love the feeling of your fur and all, and I can't help but wonder, well, what I mean to say is..." Scott finally let out a sigh. "Would it be okay if we slept together?" I admit I was a little surprised at the question and Scott could tell. "Just for tonight, I mean, no pressure, feel free to say no, I was just wondering..."
I clamped a padded hand over Scott's mouth. "Sure, anything to make you feel better, brother." I removed my hand from his mouth.
Scott smiled. "Thanks man, I owe you one."
I returned the smile. "No you don't."
I pulled the tank-top off over my head and discarded it onto the ground. "Damn," I heard Scott say behind me, "they're even hotter than I imagined."
"Thanks." I said playfully.
Scott looked appalled. "Did I say that out loud?"
I smiled. "Yeah, but I don't mind, I take it as a compliment." Scott shrugged and pulled off his shirt and we both pulled off our pants and climbed into my bed wearing only our boxers. I ran a hand through my chest fur again; no wonder Scott wanted to sleep on me, I really was soft!
Scott scooted up as close to me as he could get, nuzzling his human face into my furry pectoral. He wrapped an arm around my waist. "Mmm... so soft." He said. We lied there for a moment or two before he spoke up again, "Chris, I'm sorry but I have to ask another favor, and this one's even weirder than the last."
"Ask away."
"Well, I can't help but wonder, I mean, I've read about them online and I've learned how to draw one but I've never seen one in real life, nor did I ever think I would, and I've wanted to do this ever since I became a furry and now that I have an opportunity I don't want to waste it so I wanted to know if..."
"Spill it, bro!"
He sighed again. "Alright, can I give you a blow job?"
Now, this request really caught me off guard. My jaw dropped and I stared into his human eyes. "I'm sorry." He said, quickly averting his eyes. I couldn't believe it; did he really ask me if he could blow me? More importantly, was I actually considering it? I had always told people I was straight, but was I really? I had never really thought about it. I did get hard sometimes when I saw Scott in his boxers, and it wasn't really incest because we weren't really brothers, just adopted ones, maybe I was gay. "I'm sorry," he repeated, "I'm gonna go back to my room, I don't want to be a burden..."
He sat up to leave but I caught his wrist, locking him in place. I couldn't believe that I was about to answer, "Yes."
Now it was Scott's turn to drop his jaw. "Really? You mean it?" his face lit up like a Christmas tree. I simply nodded my head yes and told him that I never really knew if I was gay or not and that it was about time I made up my mind and maybe this would help me choose.
"Alright." He said, climbing out from under the sheets and pulling them down to my knees. He reached up and ran his hands along my furry sides, rubbing his human flesh against my lupine fur. I couldn't help but let out a soft mur. "Just relax," He said to me, feeling how tense I was, "I'll take care of you." I did as I was told and relaxed my body. Scott reached up to my waist and gripped the strap of my boxers. "You ready?" I nodded yes.
My adopted brother pulled down on the strap and relieved me of the white undergarments. "Woah," he said, "your sheath is beautiful."
"My what?"
He looked up at me and remembered that I didn't know furry terminology. "Your sheath. It's this furry piece of skin here that covers your dick. When you get hard, it slides out. I've read of some cases where the lupine penis has been much larger than the human one, I hope that's the case..."
It was then that I realized that Scott was refering to what I had 'discovered' in the x-ray room at the hospital. "Well I guess you'll have to please me and get your reward to find out!" I couldn't believe I had just said that, was I talking sexy to my brother? Now that I think about it, I kind of enjoyed it!
"I guess so." My brother grinned and took my sheath in his hand, running his thumb along the underside.
"Ohh... Scott, that feels so good..." he kept rubbing with his thumb, applying more and more pressure until my red tip finally poked out of hiding. "Woah, I've never seen a wolf cock before. It's red, weird..."
"Oh, you'll see and feel a lot more in just a minute." Scot took his left hand which had up until now been massaging my furry thigh and cupped my lupine sac. I let out a long and lustful groan as he toyed with my baseball-sized sac, sending my balls weaving between his fingers.
"Holy shit, ohhh you're good at this..." I let out a pitiful whimper as he teased me. Scott laughed.
"Aww, the puppy wants more?"
I let my tongue hang out of the side of my mouth and panted, slowly nodding my head in agreement. Scott grinned even wider than before and rubbed my partially exposed member. The thing wasn't even halfway out and was already five inches long! Scott rubbed the tip of his human nose along the bottom of my lupine shaft, taking in my scent. He lowered his head and took my entire sac into his mouth, sloshing my jewels around in his warm cavity.
"Mmm... oh hell yeah..." I moaned. The whole time this had been going on Scott had been simultaneously jacking off my sheath, trying to coax my member out of hiding. "Holy shit I'm big!" I exclaimed happily, admiring my own size once my member had fully emerged. Overnight I had gone from being seven inches long and an inch wide to eleven and a half inches long and two inches wide. This wolf thing was getting better and better. I couldn't wait to see the load that those monstrous balls would dump on me.
Scott gently licked and teased the tip of my member with his tongue, gliding elegantly over the first inch of my erect penis. I moaned, a wordless beg for Scott to let me in. He finally acknowledged, taking a good portion of my erection into his mouth. I gasped as he ran his tongue over the last four inches of my wolfhood. "What's going on?" I asked.
Scott pulled off. "What?" I pointed at the large bulge growing at the base of my red member. Scott smiled. "That's your knot. It means you're forming a load. If it's forming now, then I'd better get back to work before your God-sent dick gets tired of waiting." He grinned widely and opened his mouth, taking the four inches of my length back into his warm cavity. His tongue glided perfectly over the surface, grazing over every nerve, leaving no sensitive point untouched. Short bursts of pre were ejected from my tip, each one coating the roof of Scott's mouth with the salty fluid.
Scott never let up. He licked and lapped at my lupine penis like a child would a lollipop. "Shit, ahh fuck yeah!" I moaned loudly and placed a padded hand on the back of Scott's head, coaxing him to bob along my member but never pushing farther than he could take. After all, my hard-on was ridiculously big compared to what it was twenty-four hours ago, larger than most adult humans, and I was only sixteen.
Scott bobbed on my shaft, lapping and sucking as hard as he could. I was in a state of ecstasy that I had never reached before by simply jacking off. My member twitched and throbbed within Scott's mouth. At long last my poor lupine balls couldn't take it. Scott released my sac and squeezed my knot, leading me to climax.
I let my head fall back as if I was a puppet that had just been dropped and howled at the ceiling. My back arched and I held myself up with my forearms and hands. My massive wolfhood twitched inside my friend's mouth, and finally I let loose. Three thick jets of hot wolf seed shot like bullets into my friend's warm, moist cavity before he was full and had to pull off. I then launched another half dozen of the long, thick strings of seed across both Scott's face and my lupine chest and muzzle. It was the most ecstatic moment of my life.
Scott swallowed and collapsed onto my drenched wolf chest, panting heavily just as I was. "That was a big load, Wolfy." I said.
"You were amazing. Did you catch it?"
"Heh, I caught enough to fill me." He ran his tongue along my chest, then moved up to my muzzle and licked my own seed off of my jowls. "I hope you liked it."
"Liked it? That was the best cum I've ever had! I fucking loved it!"
"Well, what do you think?"
"About what?"
"You think you're gay?"
I pondered it a moment. "Yes, yes I think I am."
Scott smiled at me and rested his head on my chest again. "Now it's my turn to ask an awkward favor, Scott." I said to him.
My friend lifted his head and gazed lazily into my eyes, sleep ready to take him at any minute. "Sure, what is it?"
"Would you be my secret boyfriend?" I was just as surprised at myself as Scott was. Was I moving too fast, reacting on the heat of the moment? Did I really want this? Was I really gay? I looked into Scott's eyes and noticed how they shone for the first time. The twinkle in his eyes sent me into a lustful state; I wanted to do more with him, explore new sides of myself that I never knew existed. It was then that I knew that I wanted this. I wanted my adopted brother to be my lover, and I know he wanted me as well. It explains why he kept looking me over when ever I was half naked; he was attracted to me.
"Like, secretly going on dates and kissing and having sex when no one's around?" he asked. I nodded my head yes. "Damn, you mean it?" I once again nodded yes. Scott looked away from my eyes at the wall, considering what I just asked him. "Yes." He answered with a yawn. "Yes I will." And with that he fell asleep on my furry chest and I on my pillow and we slept soundly for the rest of the night. | FSE |
Title: 48 Hours on Blue Bayou Pt. 20: Julie
Tags: slave, training, master, humiliation, position, anal, domination, auction
Julie, Scene 13, Part 20
*Author's Note: Our Heroine, Julie, has been exiled to the Intake Unit Slave Corridor for use pending an auction where she is to be "sold off" for the crime of thinking "escape." Her "schedule" here will not be the same as it was in Master's apartments and offices.*
* *J Spe*
Chapter Thirty-Seven: New Day, New Schedule
I am awakened by something clanging against the bars of my cell. A new Guard is grinning at me. "Good morning, slave! Up and at them, now! Morning Ritual in ten minutes!"
It takes a moment to realize I've slept through the night. Next, I realize I'm still wearing the butt plug. Finally, I've got to pee.
I squat over the drain and relieve my bladder. A small rinse from the hose leaves the area clean. I mentally send a note of appreciation to last night's Guard for his tips and chance to practice. OK, I'm ready for whatever the new day has for me.
This surprises me. I'm ready? I think for a moment and understand that, when I was "upstairs," my trainers were constantly leading me. We worked together, which is different from "now." Fifteen isn't coming to show me what clothes to wear; I won't be wearing any clothes in my Master's Intake Unit Slave Corridor. I'm going to be learning about slavery on my own. In a way, I'm not worried. In my old law office, I worked on my own on particular aspects of the Partner's cases. I do know how to do this.
At least, that's what I tell myself. The cell door rumbles open and I scramble to kneel in my sirik. The new Guard is a woman, a few years older than I am. From my quick glance, I don't get a "read" from her expression.
She's all business. She has me stand erect and turn slowly so she can assess her charge completely. She has me move my arms and legs to demonstrate the bounds of the sirik. "All right, slave, face away from me, bend forward, straighten your legs, and grab your ankles. When I pull on your butt plug, I want you to bear down. That will help relax the sphincter, just like when you move your bowels. Do you understand?"
Her commands came so fast that I'm not sure I've got all of them, but I want to be helpful in getting rid of the plug. I provide a quick "Yes, Ma'am, this slave understands" as I get into position. This time, I'm facing in the proper direction, at least!
She grasps the disk of the plug and begins to twist and pull. I bear down as hard as I can and the plug pops out easily! I'm about to express my thanks when I realize this Guard hasn't given permission for any speech yet.
She orders me into Position One, which I manage pretty well. She runs me through a series of Positions that my trainers had taught me just two months ago and seems satisfied. I end up in Standing Display position: I am erect, with my feet slightly apart, my head up, and my hands locked behind my neck, my elbows out to the side. I kind of like this position because it presents my breasts quite nicely.
Too nicely. The new Guard uses her crop to apply a slash to each breast. I am so shocked I don't move or even scream. Actually, I'm too busy trying to breathe. She doesn't speak until I'm back in control and then she explains: "Those cuts were for the demerits you accumulated yesterday. In this corridor, we try to keep your tally down to zero, because a slave who is fearful of her punishment can't work as well on learning her new skills."
So, here they speak of "punishments?" What happened to "corrections?" Even this newbie knows not to ask such a silly question.
"Did anyone explain Morning Rituals to you?"
That's easy: "No, Ma'am."
"OK, listen up. From the time we wake you until Food Service comes with Morning Nutrition, you have about 30 minutes for Morning Ritual. You need to get the cell spic and span. You need to pee. If you need to shave, you need to request a shaver. You make the request like any other: raise your hand for permission to speak; when permitted, speak clearly, and follow any command the Guard gives you. If anyone comes into your cell, you will go to Position One. Do you understand?"
Another easy one. "Yes, Ma'am."
"Now, your Morning Ritual has another procedure for you. To help with your anal training, you are to give yourself an internal cleansing every morning. That means an enema. I'm going to show you how to do this quickly and safely. It's also the easy way. The tools are in Drawer Three."
She motions me to open Drawer Three and I retrieve a liter-size bottle with a screw-on spout. I learn how to fill the bottle almost full, leaving some air to help push the fluid in. She has me practice lubricating and inserting the spout in my rosebud and squeeze almost all the fluid and air into my bowel. She is clear that the fluid must remain inside for three minutes, suggesting a count to 180 as a marker. Finally, and most important, I must be careful in discharging the fluid and bowel contents over the drain. The hose will have cold water to rinse the cell floor clean.
She has me practice insertion four times before she is satisfied. Then, she watches as I fill the bottle to the recommended level and squeeze the water into my bowel. I gasp as my abdomen becomes tight and I feel some cramps. She sees this and counsels simply: "Fill your bowel slower." I do three fill and empty cycles before she is satisfied with my technique and the cleanliness of the discharge.
So far, I've felt lots of feelings in my anal canal, but none of them has been erotic or arousing. I wonder what it will feel like when it's a live cock. It's an old wonder but I know it's actually meaningless. Anal sex is not so much for the female's pleasure as it is for the male's pleasure, right? It is a way for the male to dominate the female, right? I'd like to ask this female Guard, but this slave doesn't have permission to speak.
The Guard goes through the rest of what will be my Morning Ritual. I notice no mention of tooth care but, again, I am still not permitted speech.
Food Service Protocol is next. A cart will come into the slave corridor. My door will open and I will step to the door, but not out into the corridor. A Guard will signal when I may approach the cart. I will be shackled to the cart during Food Service. In turn, each slave will be given a stainless steel bowl filled with Chef's fully nutritious food. Usually, there will be some bread I may take from a breadbasket. There will be no utensils, so I may use my hands, fingers, tongue as needed. I will return the empty bowl when the Cart Attendant asks for it. The bowl will be empty because no slave will reject the fully nutritious food provided by her Owner. In turn, the bowl will come back with a drink. At this time, I may be asked for my choice of drink. It will be about my only free choice all day. I will empty the bowl a second time. With either the first or second bowl, my Owner will provide some medications. These may be vitamins or minerals or even contraceptives. I will not waste these either. When all the slaves have completed their diet, I will be unshackled from the cart in proper order and will return to my cell. From the time the cart arrives in the slave corridor until it departs, no slave will say anything except as the Cart Attendant asks.
The Protocol is stern, but not brutal or mean. I accept it.
That's when the Protocol wants my teeth brushed. I can see the reasoning. My teeth will be cleaned just after having chewed through "fully nutritious food." I'm sure this will be more pleasant for anyone I work with during the day.
The female Guard adds that there is no formal mid-day meal, although there will be nutritional supplements between the morning and afternoon classes and tasks. I smile; my Master really is taking care of me!
A chime sounds and a cart rolls into the slave corridor. The Guard watches as I go through Morning Nourishments, managing all the steps of the Protocol properly. The bowl contains oatmeal today, but without any of the fruit toppings I have used at home. Given the choice of milk, water, or apple juice, I select milk, thinking it would provide more substance. I am inordinately pleased by the opportunity to exercise a choice. I understand that I am actually making the choice to accept my slavery. After a little reflection, I am not bothered by this. There is little else I can do, right? Who knows what will happen after my upcoming auction?
In mid-morning, as I judge the time, a new Guard arrives and huddles with the Security Station Guard. There are some papers shuffled and some tapping on a keyboard and the new Guard opens my cell. I am already in Position One before he speaks.
"Slave, the schedule calls for you to work in the Laundry today. I will take you there now. While there, you will obey any command given you by the Staff. You will obey promptly. I or another Guard will come for you at the end of the day and return you to this corridor. Do you understand?"
These are getting easier and easier: "Yes, Sir. Laundry today."
This Guard clips a leather leash to my collar, tugs twice to signal me to rise, and I follow him to the elevator and another floor, where he delivers me to a grandmotherly lady who is clearly in charge. He unclips the leash and leaves with the command: "You will obey Madam Chan."
He doesn't ask if I understand. Just briefly, I am puzzled. Then, clarity. A slave's job is to obey, right? For this question, how could a slave need any answer besides assent?
\~ \~ \~ \~ \~
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Sort. Wash. Dry.
Madam Chan speaks a heavily accented English, but she takes her time instructing me in my first job: sorting laundry. I am amazed at the number of towels the Enterprises use in a day, and further surprised at the variety of sizes and qualities. Master's apartments only showed the highest quality, I find out. There is also a huge number of tablecloths. Most are white, but we have a rainbow of other colors. A bit of thinking and I suspect that these come from the conference rooms, where display tables, buffets, and so forth were always draped professionally.
About the time I get these sorted, Madam Chan shows up with a liter bottle labelled with my name. I guess it's my Mid-day Nutritional Supplement. Madam watches as I drop a curtsy and drink the bottle dry. I look for where to put the bottle, but Madam Chan holds out her hand for it. I wonder if it is proper for a superior to dispose of some waste for a slave, but Madam Chan's hand is insistent. I drop another curtsy, smile, and say "Thank you, Madam Chan."
She thinks this is funny, because she starts with a giggle and quickly moves up to a real belly laugh. I have no idea whether she is laughing *with* me or *at* me. From my position as slave, I know that the difference between a wave and a slash from a crop or whip is just as slim as a supermodel's arm.
This must be a *with*, because Madam Chan takes my arm and shepherds me to my second job: filling and running a pair of washing machines. This station has a few piles of towels, all sorted by quality (possibly even sorted by the new slave on the job?). Madam Chan selects from one pile and shows me the detergent to use for it. She pairs a towel quality level with a particular detergent. Who knew there was so much difference in soaps?
Madam Chan disabuses me of this idea quickly and succinctly. I put the proper detergent on the proper pile of towels and wait, kneeling, for her approval. I must have gotten it right, because Madam Chan produces a world-class grin and a string of Chinese that I interpret as Yes. Then, it's just a matter of Load, Wait, Unload and then Repeat. The machines make a variety of sounds as they cycle, sounds I have never heard before. But then, "before" was when I was running between tasks, checking e-mails, and planning what to unfreeze for dinner.
As I am unloading the last wash of towels, Madam Chan shows up, smiling, and takes me and several baskets of wet wash to a bank of dryers. I am told the towels usually need 20 minutes but the tablecloths need about 30 minutes because they are a heavier material. I return Madam's smile and turn to loading a dryer. There is a line of baskets with other wet stuff waiting. Well, I'm good at waiting.
I keep the five dryers going. I fold the towels easily but the size of the tablecloths makes them more difficult to manage. Still, I get them all folded and ready for the ironing station, which I guess is my next job.
Wrong again!
Madam Chan appears with another liter of fluid, which — after hours slaving over a hot machine — I now really need. I down the first half quickly, kneel, and settle into a sipping rhythm for the rest. Madam Chan finds a chair and joins me. "You worked in Laundry before?" she asks. I smile, shake my head, and answer, "Please, Ma'am, no. I have only cleaned my own clothes. Thank you for your instruction."
Madam Chan looks me over carefully. "My daughter also. Just her own clothes. Now, she travels all over world, so has assistant for clothes."
A penny drops. I hug the bottle for "protection," and dare ask a question. "Your daughter is Vivian Chan, the singer?"
Madam Chan lights up like a Christmas tree. "You know my daughter?"
Now, I have to suppress a small laugh. "Please, Madam Chan, I was at the Opera office and I saw a poster for a concert featuring Vivian Chan. Everyone said she is a great singer."
Her grin tells me I have made a friend for life.
Still, she has her own job to perform. As soon as the bottle is empty, her hand is out and I give the bottle to her. Still wearing a pleased smile, she signals me to rise and follow her back to her desk. I am not surprised to see the Guard who brought me here coming down the corridor. This job has unfolded with precise efficiency. A lot of people in my Master's Enterprises seem to meet the "high standards" they tried to tell me about.
\~ \~ \~ \~ \~
Chapter Thirty-Nine:
The Guard clips the leather leash to my collar and I trot behind him back to the slave corridor, the chains of my sirik jangling from our pace. He checks me in at the Security Station, retrieves the leash, and the female Guard from this morning sees me into my cell. It takes only an instant for me to notice the addition to its furnishings: a pillow. I look to the Guard and she smiles, adding, "You did well today. Madam Chan has high standards and she says you met them. If there's one thing I've heard in this building more than any other, it's that meeting standards brings profits. Today, that's your pillow."
I'm finding out more about my Master's Enterprises down in one of his slave corridors than I did in his top-floor apartment!
A chime sounds and Charles marches into the slave corridor. He stops at the Security Station for a moment and then comes to my cell, taps a code into the kiosk and waits for the door to rumble open. I am kneeling in Position One before he crosses the threshold. Just a step behind, the Guard brings a chair into the cell. He thanks her and she leaves, closing the cell door. Charles positions the chair a meter in front of me, settling himself comfortably. He has managed to replace the horror his face showed last night, but I'm not yet clear with what. I remain silent, head bowed, all to show submission and acceptance.
Charles starts with a demand. "Slave, I want your report on today's assignments." His tone is much more formal than the easy friendship we shared "upstairs." I don't suppose I met his "high standards" either.
I do my deep breath thing and list the day's events, starting with Morning Ritual, including the butt plug removal and "internal cleansing," the two cuts to square my list of demerits, Morning Nourishment, and my jobs in Laundry. I do not omit the details about Madam Chan's daughter Vivian.
He nods and continues. "Do you have any complaints about today?" I'm instantly on guard. The law office taught me to stay away from invitations like this. And, if I'm candid with myself, I don't have any complaints — not with my chains, my cell, my butt plug, my Nourishments, or my job in the Laundry. First, they are all appropriate to my status as a chattel. Second, my crimes justify this sentence to slavery. I did not meet my Owner's high standards.
I have taken too long! Charles leans forward and searches my face. "Slave, do I need to repeat my question?" His tone has changed; he seems genuinely worried.
I rush to provide the answer. "Please, Sir, this slave has no complaints, Sir. This slave begs forgiveness for taking too long to report. Thank you, Sir."
Charles sits back and tries another tack. "Slave, do you have any questions?" Now, I do have a question: What happened with my intelligence from Sharon and Marie? But, in the present circumstances, am I cleared for such information? I manage to formulate a compromise.
"Please, Sir, I reported some business information from a luncheon at the Empress' Headquarters. If it is thought proper to share it with this slave, has it proved useful?"
I can see Charles relaxing. His face lights up and I *know* the information was good! In a moment, however, his formal demeanor returns and he announces that, Yes, the information was considered helpful, together with other data, in understanding some maneuvers. More results are awaited.
I offer my gratitude for this tidbit of information. Inside, of course, I'm dying to learn all the gory details, but I know that a slave is told only what she needs to know and when she needs to know it. At present, that time is a long way off for this slave.
Charles hitches his chair forward and leans close to my ear. He whispers that he's really broken up about what happened to me — as if I hadn't done it to myself! He whispers that he has friends up and down the Enterprises, and some of them are also upset with how I've been treated. They are working on a plan to help me escape from Martin, from Hong Kong, from slavery itself. He warns me not to say anything to make anyone suspicious. My auction is in just a few weeks, and they are hoping the plan will spirit me away before that event. He covers this conversation with a few strokes on my hair.
Well, I like the strokes, of course. But can I believe a word he's said? Charles is one of my Master's oldest and most loyal lieutenants. No matter how open any news is, it takes time to put together a cabal planning an escape. Who can be trusted with the secret? Who needs to be in on the maneuvers? I see that he has started some work: he has gotten some of the codes for the slave corridor kiosks, like the one that opens a cell door. The mind of a slave, however, is trained to see what my Master really needs. My thoughts flash a sign to me: this is another test!
But, then, the mind of a free woman from a Chicago law firm claims attention. *Fool, dummy, idiot! Charles has all the keys, all the levers of control in this Headquarters Base. He was the one who understood Master and knew the story of the Legend! If he says he can do it, it is almost like a money-back guarantee. Give him the go-ahead, moron!*
It takes just a few moments for all this to swirl around and sort itself out in my mind. With my Inner Goddess smiling encouragement, I take my deep breath, lean into his strokes, and whisper back, "Are you out of your mind? You are one of Master's two trusted lieutenants, a position you've earned by years of loyalty and competence. I can't let you throw all that away just for a not-too-bright slave. My Master considered my crimes and made his ruling as is his right. I have been looking back since you brought me to this corridor. It's probably a wonder Master put up with me for so long. Please, Sir, tell the others that this slave accepts her Master's ruling. Please, don't let anyone get into trouble over this. In a few weeks, a month at most, the auction will be history and this slave will be only a footnote in it. And, please, Sir, tell my trainers particularly: this is my fault, my inability to accept this new life. They all worked so hard with me and I'm so embarrassed that I, no one else, have let them down. Please, Sir?"
Charles holds his pose momentarily, then asks, "You're sure?" I nod and he sits back in his chair, thinking.
I hold up my head, trying to direct his attention. "Please, Sir, if it is allowed, Sir, please carry a message on behalf of everyone." I know I'm on thin ice, as it were, but I want my Master and my trainers to know that that the faults are all mine. They provided the training I needed. I had just not accepted my new life, not really, not inside me.
I say these words in a normal tone, certain that the cameras and microphones will pick them up. The video must show that this is Truth!
Charles has taken in my confession and returned to his usual serious mien. He makes a few more strokes, tells me he will make sure "everyone" upstairs understands, and turns to leave. The Guard has been observing, of course, and keys in the door open command. In moments, he is gone and there is silence in the slave corridor.
Not quite. The Guard takes her place on Charles' chair and looks inquiringly at me. I'm unsure whether I've crossed some line, but she announces that, according to Protocol, a slave must report any visits from anybody outside the Security Service. She doesn't threaten me with punishment for withholding anything or for lying to her. She doesn't need to. I understand that, as chattel, this slave has no rights, including any right to privacy. If a slave could lie or withhold anything from her Owner, that would show disrespect and would impair her Owner's ability to care for her.
I relate the details of Charles' visit, including his offer of an escape. I leave out nothing. The Guard takes it all in, then stands, collects the chair, and leaves. The cell door rumbles closed.
I kneel on the straw pallet considering Charles' visit. Did I do the "right" thing? Don't slaves, as other prisoners, have the right, maybe even the duty, to escape? My Master had paid good money for me; had I cheated him the past few months? Would all those people Charles referred to understand that, now, this slave is truly accepting her slavery?
This reverie is interrupted by my trainer, Igor, stomping into the slave corridor. He pulls up to the Security Station and tells the Guard, in a too loud voice, "Honey, I've come to do the exercise training on your new slave. Can you get her for me?"
There is a split second of silence and the Guard answers, her voice as sweet as honey, "Sir, I don't know who you are so, first, you will have to swipe your Enterprise ID card through this reader. Second, once you identify the slave you need and enter the purpose and destination of your project using this keypad, I can direct you to the proper cell and open the bars for you, but Security Protocols bar Guards from 'getting' slaves for anyone. Third, Security Protocol does not recognize the title 'Honey' within the Security Service. Would you care to rephrase whatever it is you think you need to do in this corridor?"
I am mortified, of course. Since my arrival on Master's yacht, I have never heard anyone address my trainer in this way. My Inner Goddess points out that, by the book, she's certainly within her rights. But, against Igor?
My trainer is silent for a few heartbeats and then starts laughing as hard as I've ever heard him laugh. He winds up sagging against the counter! The Guard remains impassive. At last, he stands at attention, smiles engagingly at the Guard, and apologizes! "Please, Ma'am, I'm one of Master's trainers. My name is Igor. If you would help me with the ID card, I think I'm too weak to manage it properly in an unfamiliar reader. Please show me the list of slaves in this corridor — I'm not sure how she's being labelled at this time. And, I appreciate your courtesy in handling the bars of her cell. Thank you, Ma'am."
Just as I was shocked by the Guard's speech to my trainer, I am just as shocked by his complete surrender to all of her demands. This is the trainer who used his crop to make me make love to his machines! Who never let me complete a training session without at least one slash!
While Igor and the Guard are fussing with the Security Station computer, I'm wondering if Igor, having been embarrassed by his entry, is going to rebuild his dignity with cuts from his crop on this slave. When I was very new, everybody explained that this is simply part of my job description. Anne had told me that, in early times, after a husband would whip his wife for some error, the wife would whip a slave. It developed the term "whipping boy." In my law office, it was known as the Rule of Crap Runs Downhill.
Wrong again! Sorry!
The bars open and Igor comes into the cell. He circles me, inspecting carefully, then orders me to Standing Display position, works a small key in the padlocks of my sirik until I can hand him the chains, and inspects some more. "Slave, you have more marks, and over more skin, than the three cane marks we sent you out with. Who put them on you?"
I answer simply, "Please, Sir, the Empress wanted to play with me after my interview. These are from her single-tail whip and her flogger, Sir."
"They're nicely laid, parallel and well-spaced. I suppose you were fastened?"
"Yes, Sir. Suspended upright and spread-eagled, Sir."
"Any drugs used?"
"None that I could tell, Sir."
"Any hypnosis used?"
"This slave is not aware of any, Sir."
"Not really, Sir. Just seemed like insect bites or an itch."
This exchange closes with a muttered "Damn!" from my trainer.
"Transport Mode, now!" My hands are moving with his first syllable. While the handcuffs are more restricting than the sirik, the weight of the chains is a constant trial. Igor has a leash for my collar and I follow him out of the cell and down the corridor, past the elevator, to a plain door marked only "Gym." Igor unlocks it and lights come on as the door opens. The room is smaller than Igor's gym upstairs, but has similar machines crammed into every inch. Igor points to a counter and orders, "Cloth. Disinfectant. Wipe down each machine."
I start at one machine and work around the room. Igor takes me through my usual routines, offering a comment or encouragement as I progress. I notice that he hasn't increased the loads on the machines, but he has raised the number of repetitions in each set, especially for my upper extremities. He has me working harder than ever!
In one way, it makes no sense. I'm not going to be performing for Master at this time next month, so why the progression? Another way, however, suggests that he is toning me for any testing buyers at my auction might require. He is helping me to sell well!
By the time Igor is satisfied, I am sweating and I can feel my heart pounding. Still, the monitors show my heart rate within my usual limits. Igor has always used that as a mark of my fitness. If so, I'm doing well! Igor taps the monitor's readout and remarks, "Whatever that Empress did, it didn't degrade your fitness." He smiles as he directs me to my "cooldown" walk on the treadmill.
My mind strays to his last comment. He had asked about pain from the Empress' use of her whip and flogger, and I had answered truthfully. Now, thinking about all the marks, many still colorful, I wonder how such use could *not* be painful. Nobody has said anything about the results of the blood tests they drew when I came to this slave corridor, so I have to discount any drug effects. My memory searches for any hint of hypnotic trance. By the time I've done my cooldown routine, there is one memory that stands out. I raise my hand, asking for permission to speak. Igor nods.
"Please, Sir, there is one memory, but I'm not sure of its meaning. When the Empress took me into the room, she told me it was her playroom and she waved a hand in front of me. I remember she had a large ring on one finger. I remember focusing on the elephant mounted on the ring. It was the same when we left her playroom. Another focus on the elephant."
Igor's smile lets me know this memory is a key. He tells me he'll discuss this upstairs, but not to mention it to anyone else. If there are any more memories, I am to report to the Guard that "I have another report for my trainer."
Again in Transport Mode, I am returned to my cell. I have a few moments to use the hose as a shower and Igor replaces my sirik. He pauses at the Security Station to have a word with the Guard, who nods and makes an entry in her computer. The bars to my cell rumble closed as my trainer leaves.
For a few moments, there is quiet in the slave corridor. A rumble from my cell door tells me something new is coming. The female Guard enters and waves her ID card at the kiosk, closing the doors. She's locked herself inside, but for what reason? It doesn't take long for the reason to become clear. She opens a button and slides a zipper and her skirt is gone. She reclines on the straw pallet and spreads her legs.
Have I mentioned I'm not a moron? No commands are needed here, are they? This slave goes to work for my Guard, dragging her panty down with just lips and teeth. By the time I've got it off, my Guard is breathing more deeply. I start at her ankles with my kisses and little nips, moving from leg to leg and a bit higher every few moments. Above her knees, I add licks with my tongue. I take all the time in the world to get to the sweet spot at the juncture of her thighs, by which time she is moaning quietly.
Her bush is also trimmed, but into a heart shape. I grab a few hairs and tug, and she squeals nicely. My tongue traces her outer lips, front to back and then back to front, left side and then right side. She is beginning to buck a bit as I change sides, clueing me that I've got a good timing and rhythm. Eventually, I move my attention to her inner lips, which are now puffy and engorged, just like a man's cock coming hard and erect. My Guard's clitoris is also getting hard and erect, peeping out from its hood.
I bring my hands up, careful of the sirik chains, to hold her open while I attack her clit. My tongue moves it side to side, up and down. I vary my pace, trying to prolong my Guard's pleasure. Anne has taught me that a Good Slave is sensitive to the rhythm of her Master or Mistress and their arousal. I sense that my Guard is enjoying and participating, not trying to hold off her climax, not trying to make my job more difficult. After all, the point of arousal is climax, right?
I slide my tongue into my Guard's slit, looking for her G-spot, but, naturally, my tongue is not long enough to reach it. She giggles, and tells me to make her cum. I am licking up her juices as fast as I can but this command redirects my efforts to her clit. A nibble and a nip, just suggesting use of my teeth, is enough to drive her over the cliff. I maintain some suction on her nub as she thrashes through her climax, voicing only some squeals.
When she has come down from her peak, I gently lick her clean and remain between her legs, waiting for her command. We lie quietly, together, until she murmurs, "Position One, slave." I back off a pace and assume the position. Slowly and gracefully, my Guard rises and recovers her panty and skirt. She dons just the skirt, waving the panty at me as a Thank you. Another wave, with her ID card, opens the bars and she returns to her Desk, the bars rumbling closed.
As I've been trained to do, I review my technique. I may have been a bit late in bringing my hands into play, and chalk that up for my next service. As a slave, I know there will always be a next service. And, my question has been answered: the Protocols do allow Guards to use slaves.
There is a shift change at the Security Station, and the Guard who checked me in returns. The two Guards take a quick walk around the slave corridor, making sure, I suppose, that I'm the only slave in residence. There is a short conversation, with the evening Guard nodding his head. I guess that he's being told how serviceable their resident is. Well, that's part of my job description, right?
The door chime announces the arrival of the Food Cart with Evening Nourishments. It is the same stew as yesterday. Did Chef's recipe only cover multiple meals? Because it's good stuff, I lick the bowl clean again.
The evening stretches out before me. There is no "homework" for me to do, no First Lady's List to review, no planning for tomorrow. I think about the Opera for a while, wondering what I might have done for that institution. There is no news feed to check what is happening in the outer world. My world, a slave's world, starts with my sirik and extends only the length of this slave corridor.
The Guard looks up from his computer at one point and reminds me: "Evening Ritual?"
I haven't been in the cell long enough to mess it up, so the checking and cleaning takes just a moment. Nothing is "malfunctioning," so there is nothing to report.
I see him pick up the case of butt plugs and quickly go to the All Fours position, ready for the next step in my anal training. He manages a "Nice position" comment and begins to apply the lubricant. He is not hurrying, for which I am grateful. I managed yesterday's plug, but what size will he use today?
I get more grateful as I feel his fingers moving over more than my cheeks and rosebud. He is massaging my thighs and up onto my mons. There has been no question and no permission to speak, so I don't ask what he's doing. As if a slave had any right to ask what a superior is doing!
By the time his hands have lubricated and explored my pussy, I am lubricating that area on my own. The Guard continues his slow exploration, and my Inner Goddess starts to gripe about "Move it along, buster!" A few moans escape my efforts to remain silent and the Guard taps my butt. I try harder to remain silent. As his fingers move around and into my slit, this becomes harder and harder, as does my clit, but I substitute writhing and bucking movements for sounds. Pretty soon, he gets to my G-spot. In this position, it's kind of hard to miss that lovely spot! It doesn't take much stroking before I gasp "Permission?" I am afraid I've left it for too late, but the Guard answers "Yes" and I allow myself to climax. It goes on for a surprisingly long time, I think. Has my new acceptance of slavery changed how my arousal and climax work?
Finally, my shudders and heartbeat come back to normal. My Guard returns to my rosebud, fingering the sphincter and pushing more lube into my anal canal. The cool touch of the plug reminds me to bear down, and the damn thing practically falls into my backside!
My Guard washes his hands and closes the plug package. He doesn't tell me anything about the plug, its size or length, but he does remark that the muscles in and around the pelvic floor all work together. I can attest to that!
There doesn't seem to be anything more on my schedule, so I stretch out on the straw pallet, push the pillow into position, and get ready for sleep.
My Guard has entered his completion of the butt plug activity in the computer and has some time before his next "rounds." He brings a chair into the cells, drops his trousers, and sits, his thighs wide apart.
OK, a slave's work is never done, right? My sirik does not impede my production of a first-class act of fellatio. Neither of us has to be in a hurry, so I go slowly, moving to the next higher level as his gasps and grunts signal. When he erupts, I catch all his cum and hold it in my mouth until he gets a good look at it and orders me to swallow.
I repeat the part of Evening Ritual involving a toothbrush and consider that the Protocols are OK when specifying Guards' use of slaves. At least, he didn't say anything like "Here's a crème dessert."
\~ \~ \~ \~ \~
Chapter Forty: Another Day . . . and then Room 204
I guess I've slept well, because I don't wake up until that clatter against the bars of my cell jolts me awake. This is certainly not like Fifteen coming for me!
Morning Rituals and inspection go as yesterday, except that I don't get any slashes from the Guard's crop. I'm amazed that I have at least one day of meeting the Enterprises' high standards. The butt plug is removed and, as I clean it, I think it's the same one as yesterday. The Desk Guard puts my hair into a ponytail.
The same Guard as yesterday takes me to Madam Chan's Laundry. She greets me with a great smile and, again, starts me at the Sort Position. She watches for just a few moments, probably until she's sure I'm doing it correctly. The load today is about the same as yesterday and, again, I'm impressed by the quantity and variety of linens this place uses. Just as I'm finishing the piles, Madam Chan reappears, smiles, and hustles me to a new Position: Uniform Ironing. She has another woman standing by who shows me how to iron the shirt and pant uniform of the kitchen staff, I think. There is starch in the shirts, but not the pants, thankfully.
I'm glad about the extra reps Igor required yesterday because I know I can do this. In the end, however, my arms are aching from pushing and pulling the heavy iron across stiff material. Still, I haven't burned either the uniforms or myself, so I rate this as meeting the standard. I'll find out if I am correct in due time, I know.
The woman returns me to Madam Chan with just a few words in Chinese. Madam nods and smiles at me. "You do OK, today. Thank you."
A manager says Thank You to a slave? I don't recall that happening before! I am pleased that my present feeling is that one of "pride and satisfaction" my Master and trainers tried to tell me about from the first.
My Guard comes up, clips his leash to my collar, and, again, I trot musically back to my cell.
If my schedule is to be a copy of yesterday's, Igor should be coming in for another workout. It's not. The female Guard comes for me, clipping her leash to my collar with something like an annoyed expression on her face. I'm scared that I'm the source of this annoyance — for a slave, I now know, anything upsetting a Master can be traced to the slave. It makes Masters' lives simple.
She gives the single-word command, "Follow," and takes me down the slave corridor to the elevator. A few floors later, I am led down what looks like a hotel corridor: low lighting, thick carpets, a bit of music from small speakers in the ceiling, and a series of numbered doors. She stops at No. 204, puts me in Position One, and rings the chime. With my head bent, I can see only a pair of men's shoes as the door opens. My Guard announces "Welcome to our Enterprises. This slave should fit your specifications. If there is any difficulty, please don't hesitate to call your concierge."
I feel the leash being transferred to new hands and see my Guard march back down the corridor. I wait for the tugs that will command me to rise; it seems to take a very long time. The man holding my leash murmurs, "That gal has a nice arse." I register the British accent. Finally, I am taken into the suite.
We begin a sort of dance. The man positions me in the center of a fairly large salon and drops my leash. I stand, erect, with my hands at my sides as he circles me, inspecting. I know he could have taken a seat and told me to turn and display myself, but slaves only do *exactly* what their Masters want.
"Hands up," he orders. I push my arms up, forgetting the ache from the ironing job I have just finished. This Master is not interested in my previous service, is he? The chains of the sirik rattle a bit.
"I see you wear a sirik. Is that supposed to mean something in Hong Kong?" he asks. His tone in inquisitive, not aggressive.
My answer is simple. "Please, Sir, it was what my Master ordered." By leaving out any explanation, I am telling him that, whatever the reason my Master ordered the sirik, this slave has accepted her Master's order as right and proper, and does not reflect any comment on her Master. After all, slaves do not have the right to comment on their superiors.
Actually, I'm a bit impressed by this man's notice and understanding of my sirik. Most anybody would be familiar with handcuffs, but a sirik is not usually seen on TV shows. Its history is as a punishment for recalcitrant or disobedient slaves, the weight of the chains often as much as fifty pounds. Try carrying that around for even just a few days!
He grunts his acceptance of my answer and asks me to show the extent of movement I can make. I go through a series of Positions, moving as smoothly and gracefully as I can. This also makes the clatter of the chains more musical, I think.
The man goes to the wet bar at the back of the room and starts fixing a drink. "I'm here to do a small deal with your Enterprises. The Welcome Packet I got before I left home asked for "Specification of a Consort," as they called it. It was pretty general, but you certainly fit the specs. Congratulations."
This last word is said a bit sarcastically, but with some humor. A slave is always sensitive to a superior's mood and tone of voice, because it could be the difference between a soft stroke on your back and a stinging slash of a whip. I remain standing, awaiting a command.
"I've just arrived, so I first need you to unpack. There are two cases in the bedroom. Folded stuff goes in the dresser. Hanging stuff in the closet. OK?"
I guess that's the same as the usual question, so I smile and reply, "Yes, Master. Unpack. Thank you, Master."
The bedroom seems like a standard hotel room, but I can tell from the sheets that this is a bit upscale. This man is being wooed by my Enterprises. I'm not pleased by this. Any goof I make will have bigger repercussions, and some of those will likely mark my skin, and without the Empress' ring to help. I shake out the "hanging stuff," two sport coats with contrasting slacks, a pin-stripe dark blue suit and a handful of silk ties. The "folded stuff" is a half-dozen sets of briefs and t-shirts and a variety of dress shirts. I don't recognize the labels, but I'm not stopping for a close inspection. In a few moments, I've also got his toiletries in the bathroom, which is all marble, with a huge shower, suitable for partners.
I return to the main room and find the man at the desk, studying some papers, his drink half-finished at his hand. He looks up, a surprised expression on his face. It's a nice face, I tell myself.
"Yes, Master, clothes in closet and dresser, toiletries in bathroom. Thank you, Master."
An eyebrow rises quizzically. "What's with all the Thank yous?" The tone is curious, still not unhappy or angry.
"Please, Master, it is as a slave speaks. This slave has been trained that Service is Life." My Inner Goddess asks where I got that from; I don't know; it just seemed like a good thing to say.
He grunts and points to a spot in the center of the room. "Kneel and wait." This I can do for hours, so I go to do it with a smile.
He takes his time with his papers, and then files them carefully in a leather attaché case bearing the Horse and Carriage logo of Coach, Inc. My man is not a lower-level flunky!
"OK, kid, here's the drill for tonight. I'm going to take a shower. Get the suit and a nice shirt ready. Pick out a tie that shows a bit of contrast. I'm going to dinner with the folks who invited me. The idea is to present a capable executive at their level, or maybe better. OK?"
This is going to be fun! "Yes, Master, executive look. Thank you, Master."
"This dinner is supposed to be in something called The Casino. Do you know this place?"
Of course I do! It's where I wore the Plume de Chanel and impressed everyone, especially my Minister! I try to keep my voice neutral as I report, "Yes, Master. It is the formal dining room here at Headquarters. It is on the Main Floor. Anyone can point it out to you."
He considers for a moment. "I take it you've been there before?"
I'm caught! Whatever in my voice tipped him off, I've got to answer his direct question. I don't think a tale of a First Lady is going to be helpful here. I manage a weak smile and answer. "Yes, Master. This slave was at an Enterprise Project Review dinner a little while ago."
"I see. How's the food?"
Well, that's an easy one! "Save space for dessert, Master. And, there will probably be a glass of wine for each course."
"Your suggestion for dessert?"
This is getting relentless, I think. Is this man pushing me until I let something slip? Or, make some snippy reply? I rely on my best behavior. "Please, Master, this slave enjoyed the Grand Marnier Soufflé."
"That will need to be ordered ahead of time, won't it?"
"Please, Master, this slave is not certain about that. This slave does know that Enterprise dinners are not rushed events, so this slave supposes that Chef will try to present any request at its best time."
The man produces a smile and heads to the bathroom, stopping only to undress. I get a quick look at his body: it's not slack, so I'm fairly sure he will have some endurance later. I'm a slave, right? I know there will be a "later."
There are a few minutes of buzz from a shaver, followed by splashing in the shower. I'm a bit disappointed that I wasn't asked to wash this man. That could have been fun, I suspect. But, I can see how this man is being careful, keeping himself ready for whatever negotiations the night might bring. After all, who goes to a dinner and doesn't even mention the business that brought them to the Island?
I hang up the jacket and slacks he was traveling in and get the suit ready with a few swipes from the brush in the closet. I try to ignore the flogger that, nicely wrapped in plastic, is hanging on the door. The shirt is a bit more difficult, but I notice one with French cuffs, so I go for that one. The tie is a problem, so I hold one after the other up next to the suit. I have just chosen a regimental stripe tie when the shower quiets and I hear Master drying himself. I'm sure I'm going to see that towel tomorrow. I get a pair of briefs, a t-shirt, and a pair of socks ready. I am kneeling by the closet when he comes from the bathroom, naked. This time, I manage a glance at his package. It also is not slack.
He dresses "efficiently," I think. No rush but no wasted movements. As he settles into the shirt, he tells me, "Cufflinks are in the toilet kit." I rummage there for a few seconds and find a pair of large gold links, bearing the initials CAT. He extends an arm and I fix one cuff, repeating on his second arm. He ties the tie I selected, nodding approval as he snugs the knot up. I help him into the suit jacket and he checks his image in the full-length mirror. I hand him the "necessaries" he has taken from his traveling jacket: wallet, cellphone, comb, handkerchief. He pockets them, and looks closer at me.
"OK, kid, what's your routine while I'm at dinner?"
What "routine?" This is my first time as a "loaner." Of course, I can't tell him that. I simply smile and try: "Please, Sir, this slave will wait for your return. Thank you, Master."
He shrugs and starts to turn, then comes back. "Slave, have you had your evening meal?"
I'm startled by this man's concern! I manage to sputter, "Please, Master, I'm sure my manager" — my Inner Goddess suggests I don't tell him I'm managed by Guards from the Security Department — "will arrange for that. Thank you, Sir."
He issues another grunt and leaves; I hear the extra click as he sets the door lock.
So, OK, I've gotten this guest of our Enterprises ready for his dinner with some managers of some department working on some project. He's likely to be gone for several hours. What *is* my routine for this time?
I'm still a bit rank from the day in the laundry, so I run myself through the shower. OK, it wasn't ordered, but it wasn't proscribed, right? Along the way, I clean the bathroom, dump the used towels in the hamper and set out fresh ones. I use the pre-prepared comb to untangle my hair and leave it down for ease of drying. I pick up the man's used underwear and shirt and have the idea to wash them. In moments, they're hanging in the closet for air drying. I straighten up the bathroom and bedroom and am starting on the main room when my eye falls on the man's attaché case. The documents he was studying are right there, only a small lock away.
Business intelligence! My mind reviews his movements and I don't remember seeing him take the key with him. It must still be in the room. A look in his toiletries kit is unproductive. I search his traveling jacket and find the key nestled in a side pocket.
Now, what is it proper for a slave to do? I am "loaned" to this man, so he has the status of my Master, to whom I owe absolute allegiance. I am also the property of the Enterprises, so I owe them absolute allegiance. If the man returns and finds I've been in his case, he's probably within his rights to flog me to death. What would my Enterprise owner do if I didn't spy on this man? They have invited him here, so they owe him the privileges of hospitality, right? I mean, they're wining and dining him in the Casino, right? But, they also lured him here to be manipulated into giving them a good deal, right? I mean, they could have delivered me to him *after* dinner, couldn't they?
*Author's Note: Our Heroine is struggling with quite a common problem for a slave: how to balance one duty against others. If you have some insight or guidance, please post it in a Comment so that it may assist Julie in her service. Hopefully, this "cliffhanger" won't last too long.* | literotica |
Title: French Connections
Tags: seduction, coercion, voyeur, oral, strap on, blow job, threesome, fingering, breast sucking, caught on camera
*This story is based on reluctance and coercion in an interracial lesbian setting. It's fantasy, for the enjoyment of people who take pleasure in such themes. But if this type of storyline is not for you, thank you for stopping by but please pass on.*
Chapter 1
My moans urged Pierre on as he thrust down into me. This was the first time my husband had fucked me in our new home and with the moonlight peeping in through the partially open curtains, it was even more of a thrill than I'd anticipated.
What twenty-five year old girl wouldn't be turned on by fucking in a four poster bed in a French mansion? Pierre had lived there for several years and now it was my home, too.
He grunted as I wrapped my feet around his heavily sweating back. With an affectionate growl, I dug my heels into his ass and pushed him even deeper inside me.
Suddenly the air was full of expletives. Pierre couldn't hold back his language during moments of extreme passion and it never failed to increase my arousal. Was there a sexier language than French? It was that accent that had first attracted me to him. We'd been making love for well over half an hour and sweat was dropping from his forehead onto my body. Despite the twenty year difference in our ages, his stamina matched mine. I closed my eyes, momentarily reflecting on how good life was.
Everything had happened so quickly.
We'd only met six months ago and now I was his wife. It had been a whirlwind courtship, carried out across Europe while he pursued his goodwill Ambassadorial duties for the French government and I carried out my modelling commitments. We'd managed to spend most of that time in one another's company, apart from one weekend when he was delayed in Zurich while was on various catwalk's in Milan.
Pierre was panting hard now, a sure-fire indication he was closing in on his orgasm.
"Let me on top, darling," I told him, wanting him to last just a little longer.
I slid from underneath him, manoeuvring our positions so that I could settle on his lap. His eyes went to my freckled breasts and I shook them at him before bending forward to allow him to suckle each erect nipple in turn. That always made me cream.
If I sheathed him again he'd cum almost immediately and I wasn't ready for that. Before he could react I shuffled my body upwards, leaving a damp trail of juices across his stomach and chest as I slid my sex towards his face.
"Just for a few moments, Pierre," I told him.
He needed his orgasm but I wanted satisfaction first and with my knees clamped over his arms, he had no way out. An Irish girl at University loved bringing me to orgasm this way and while that was a few years ago now, how could I forget?
Marie O'Flanagan had been eighteen then, the same age that Pierre's daughter was now. I hadn't seen Françoise since the wedding. The eighteen year old was as beautiful as her father was handsome and we got on well together, thank God.
It would be early tomorrow morning when she arrived with a friend of hers to spend a long weekend with her father and I. That had given us tonight alone to enjoy ourselves. Pierre was not only a good lover, he was charismatic, wealthy, and had already taught me much about the finer things in life. We were a perfect match.
I clamped my thighs around his head, gripping his hair with one hand and encouraging his mouth to my sex. The French had a real talent for cunninglingus. When he stretched his neck upwards and ran his tongue across my clean-shaven opening, I shuddered.
"Yes, darling, like that," I moaned, grinding down onto his Gallic lips. "Just like that..."
His arms curled under my thighs, holding me in position as I began to gyrate. He knew how wild this position made me and I began to growl as I rode his face. As he sucked my clit between his lips I leant backwards, resting one hand on the bed and circling his thick girth behind me with the other. I wanted him hard for when the time came.
Just as it had always done under the oral ministrations of the red-haired Marie O'Flanagan, my orgasm quickly sprinted through me. I always came harder this way and I waited until Pierre's experienced mouth had sucked up my juices before slithering back down his body, scraping my breasts and hard nipples along his sweaty chest.
"Such a good boy," I whispered, sheathing him and jerking down on his hardness. "Now it's your turn..."
Pierre was already out of bed, conversing in French on the telephone as he paced the bedroom floor. There was some problem in Brussels and his advice was being sought. I slipped the cream silk robe around my naked body and left him to it, sauntering out onto the large balcony and allowing the warm morning sunshine to hit my face.
This was my new home and I breathed in the glorious French air as I rested against the stone balcony rail. The view across the grounds was stunning, a series of rolling hills with not another building to interrupt the vista.
Could life get any better?
A noise from below caught my attention and I leaned forward to gain a better view. Two young women were stretched out on the sun beds beside the large outdoor swimming pool. The curly haired black girl in the red bikini had a voluptuous body but it was the honey tanned white girl I recognised instantly.
The short cut blonde hair was unmistakeable, as was the slender athletic body on display in the skimpy gold bikini. I'd suggested to Pierre that she could easily make her way in the modelling world and I'd already sounded out a couple of photographers. Ever the pragmatist, he wanted her education completed first.
The two of them were casually spread out on their sun beds, chatting, when suddenly the black girl pushed up into a sitting position. As she reached for the bottle of sun tan oil her full breasts bounced tantalisingly inside the loose confines of the bikini top. I felt my nipples rise in approval. I hadn't been into girls since Marie O'Flanagan, but my reaction during Fashion shoots confirmed I could still appreciate the female form.
Some of the other models had stunning figures but none of them quite like this one.
With a frustrated sigh, I began to turn away and chastise myself, but I caught further movement out of the corner of my eye. Françoise's young friend had handed the bottle to her and was casually unhooking her bikini top. I quickly turned back, an unwanted voyeur. Her naked breasts—surmounted on their crests with chocolate, almost perfectly circular nipples—defied gravity as they thrust proudly from her young body.
A pool of appreciation formed between my thighs.
Pierre's voice made me jump. The thought of being caught watching his daughter and her friend flooded my body with guilt and I began to swing away before I realised he was simply informing me he was about to take a shower. The warning should have been sufficient for me to return to the bedroom but as I heard the en-suite door close I was unable to prevent my gaze from glancing downwards again.
Both girls had changed position. The black girl, still topless, lay back on the sun bed, both hands behind her head. Françoise was kneeling beside her, holding the bottle of sun oil over her stomach and allowing the dark liquid to trickle slowly downwards onto that ebony coloured flesh. There was something intensely sensual about the scene.
When a small pool had formed on the girl's skin, Françoise began to work the oil across the glistening skin of that flat teenage stomach.
I imagined the young girl's eyes were closed but beneath the dark sunglasses it wasn't easy to tell. It occurred to me that if she looked upwards it would be impossible to miss my head craning over the balcony and I leant back a little and checked behind me. Pierre couldn't to return to the bedroom without my hearing the en-suite door open but even so, my voyeuring guilt made me nervous.
There was a definite sensuality to watching one woman oil another and when Françoise's hands rose upwards to cup and massage the oil into those delectable black breasts, I felt my breath catch. Any pretence at simply applying some suntan protection had gone. Her movements were sexual as she kneaded those magnificent swells.
I told myself to return to the bedroom but I was hypnotised.
Françoise's fingertips came together with each sweep to delicately pinch those chocolate nipples and the girl's back arched a little under each touch. When the faint sound of a mewing noise floated up to my ears, I felt my own nipples begin to tingle.
Suddenly the black girl spoke again to Françoise. I couldn't quite hear what was being said but she was giving an instruction. Pierre's daughter nodded obediently and reached for the ties on the girl's red bikini bottoms. With a theatrical, almost slow motion pull of her fingers, she freed each in turn. My breath caught in my throat.
The girl lifted her ass so that Françoise could pull them from her now naked body and I felt a surge of static electricity as my eyes drifted down to her cleanly shaven pussy, the skin a deep ebony colour like the rest of her body. Most of the models I worked with preferred the bare look, too, while I held an affection for my own dark landing strip.
Françoise trailed her hand across the girl's baby-smooth sex, her white fingers providing an erotic contrast to the black flesh. Her movements were lazy and unhurried, and it was clear this wasn't the first time they'd engaged in such a practice.
The girl spoke to her again—another instruction?—and a smile creased Françoise's face as she nodded. She bent forward to suck one of those delicious nipples into her mouth at the same time as sliding a single finger inside the girl's sex. It occurred so gently, in such a matter-of-fact way that, at first, I wasn't sure it had happened. But then the black girl's hands were gripping the top of the lounger behind her as her body began to gyrate on the working digit.
My heart was pumping and I couldn't resist the urge to reach inside my robe and run my fingers across my rapidly emerging clitoris. Watching them was an incredibly illicit sensation and it was difficult to judge if guilt or arousal was my primary feeling.
The girl spoke to Françoise once more and I gasped as Pierre's daughter withdrew and then licked her finger. As she shifted position so that she lay between the girl's legs, it instantly became clear what she had in mind and the shock hit me like a thunderbolt. Despite the privacy of the mansion, they must have known that either Madeleine—the housekeeper—or even her father or I could interrupt them at any moment.
If they did, they didn't care. The black girl caressed Françoise's hair just as Pierre's daughter's tongue was beginning its journey across the dark, glistening opening.
The sound of the en-suite bathroom door opening made me jump out of my skin. My husband's sense of timing was wretched and the thought of him finding me watching his daughter go down on her friend sent blood rushing to my face. I leapt up and quickly headed back into the bedroom, guilt written all over my expression.
"What's wrong?" he asked, towelling his hair.
When his eyes flicked over my shoulder towards the balcony, I thought for an awful he was going to check out there and my survival instinct kicked in. I grabbed his arm and pulled him with me to the bed, opening my robe as I fell onto my back.
"I need you," I mumbled, opening my legs. "Lick me..."
Pierre and I had emerged for a late breakfast and were immediately joined—their bikinis covered by kaftans—by his daughter and the black girl, who was introduced to me as Sherrilyn. The young teenager turned out to be a 'close' friend who Françoise had met at their all-girl private College. Pierre had told me that they'd become inseparable lately and I was beginning to understand why.
Despite their activities by the pool, neither showed any undue affection for the other and I would have swallowed the friendship story had I not known otherwise. Thank God that Pierre had no idea. Even though he was imbued with the normal French laissez-faire approach to most things, I couldn't even guess at what his reaction might be.
Throughout breakfast the two teenage girls bombarded me with questions about my career and wanted to know the ins and outs of the modelling world. Françoise was her normal gushing self while Sherrilyn was more reserved, very much in control of herself and her emotions. When she spoke to me she made a point of looking deep into my eyes as if she was listening to my thoughts as well as my answers.
When, eventually, Pierre said he intended to drive into Deauville to visit the local wine dealer, Françoise asked if she could accompany him. She hadn't seen him for ages, she pleadingly said, and it would give Sherrilyn an opportunity to get to know me better. Her teenage friend had just smiled at me, those penetrating black eyes not missing a thing.
Before they left, Pierre led Sherrilyn and I to the conservatory and made sure we were settled comfortably. He gave me a soft peck on my lips and then asked Madeleine—the housekeeper—to bring us two glasses and a bottle of expensive red wine from his collection. He promised that they'd return within the hour.
"Do you think I could make it as a model?" Sherrilyn asked, once Madeleine had departed and we both had a full glass of burgundy in our hands.
I smiled, but felt goosebumps running up my spine at the recollection of her naked body.
"Absolutely," I replied.
I kept my voice steady. Was it the image in my mind's eye of Françoise going down on her that made me feel nervous? Being so well travelled and used to seeing all sorts of things going on when the other models partied, I normally took things in my stride.
She rested her glass on the small table beside her. Smiling at me, she gracefully rose to her feet and stepped out of the black kaftan she wore over her red bikini. Without a hint of embarrassment she sashayed across the room, stopping at the far end to send me a model-like stare before walking directly towards me. One hand in her hair, the other on her hip, she stood not more than a couple of feet away and raised an eyebrow.
I fought back the tightness forming in my chest. This wasn't an audition; it was some sort of sexual challenge. Pierre and Françoise had been gone for less than ten minutes and the teenager was deliberately displaying her body to me. Why would she do that? She couldn't have seen me watching the two of them, could she?
"You have a good figure, Sherrilyn," I non-committaly said, "but there are lots of young women with good figures who want to get into the industry."
I kept my voice soft and cold as I delivered the put down. I had no intention of being intimidated by a teenage girl.
"Mmm-hmm?" she murmured, cocking her hip to one side.
She studied my expression as she picked up her wine glass, as if trying to get inside my mind. After taking a long drink she replaced the glass and, without warning, her hands went to the back of her red bikini top. My eyes widened in surprise she untied the back and pulled it from her body. As she wanted, my gaze was drawn to those well-nigh perfect black breasts as they bounced and settled.
"What about my tits?" she asked, as she provocatively cupped them with both hands. Her black eyes didn't move from mine as she rolled them in her palms. "Some women think my ass is my best feature but others love my tits. What about you, Adrianna?"
I took a few seconds before answering. The girl knew which spots to hit.
"There's a lot of demand for well-endowed models nowadays," I said, trying to keep the conversation within the context of my career. "But it's not just about your breasts. It's the whole package, your body, look and personality. How you look on camera."
"You misunderstand me," she dismissively answered.
Her hands went to her hips, exposing her full breasts to my gaze again. They bounced before settling and despite myself it was impossible to stop my startled eyes from admiring them. Her chocolate nipples were so hard...
"I was interested in your personal preference. You like women, after all."
I felt my breath catch. She was deliberately pushing my buttons and there could only be one reason for her comment. I'd been seen.
"No I don't," I lied.
My eyes dropped to my glass as I swirled the wine around the insides. It was obvious to me where this conversation was heading and I refused to meet her intimidating gaze as I desperately tried to think of a way out. She didn't give me one.
"Did you enjoy watched Françoise service me by the pool, Adrianna?"
The words startled me. Service her? Those were a word that Marie O'Flanagan used when she was in a mischievous mood.
"I saw you watching us from the balcony."
I played dumb but the flush of my cheeks betrayed my embarrassment.
"The balcony?" My heart was palpitating. "I wasn't watching you, Sherrilyn. I was just taking the air."
She simply smiled and we both knew that I had been caught in a lie.
"I was watching you all the time you spied on us," she calmly responded. "That's why I told Françoise to go down on me. It was quite a turn on, having her service me while you watched. I could sense how turned on you were."
She turned her back on me and swayed back to her chair. My eyes dropped to the way the skimpy red bikini bottoms clung to the firm cheeks of her black buttocks. They were fractionally too big for her body but that only enhanced her appeal.
"Did you tell her father?" she asked, swinging around and flopping down into the chair.
The question took me by surprise. "Of course not."
"Good. He wouldn't approve."
I felt a prickle of annoyance. How would she know what Pierre would approve? So what if his daughter was gay or bisexual. Most young women were into experimentation nowadays. She read my mind.
"At college, my friends and I have are members of a club we call Black Sorority. We each have a little white girl we let go down on us. Françoise is mine, although we do share them around from time to time."
Shock was written all over my face as I struggled to comprehend her words. They were clear enough, but difficult to believe. She'd been playing with me until now and that disclosure was almost a knockout punch.
"So you see, Françoise's father wouldn't approve, would he?"
I shuffled in my seat. The girl was only eighteen and she had me speechless.
"Did it excite you, Adrianna?" she asked, increasing the pressure. "Watching us?"
My mouth was suddenly parched and I took a sip of wine to ease the dryness as well as give me time to think. She took advantage, sliding her fingers inside her bikini bottoms.
"Do you want to watch me now?"
"Sherrilyn, stop this, we both know it's completely inappropriate. Whatever you and Françoise get up to is between yourselves. Don't—"
I paused as she slouched lower on her seat and I found my gaze drawn between her thighs. I could see the curl of her fingers under the thin red material, the way her arm was flexing. Her breasts swayed slightly with each movement. I should have instantly told her to stop but the words wouldn't come out. She took advantage of my confusion.
"Most young white girls can't get enough black pussy. What about you?"
I felt my cheeks burn. She was sitting there, only a short distance between us, masturbating while she talked dirty to me. Thoughts of my time with Marie O'Flanagan flooded my mind. The way she used to make me go down on her with just a few well chosen words. I could see her sex in my mind's eye as I sank to my knees to worship her. Only this time it wasn't her. It was a black pussy.
I could feel was a fire burning deep inside my loins. Sherrilyn must have felt it too.
"It's in the eyes," she said, pulling her hand away from her lap.
Was that disappointment I felt?
She slowly rose from her seat, her black breasts swinging as she sauntered across the short divide between us. As she drew level she touched her fingertip to my mouth. I reflexively drew away from her but not before I had unwittingly licked at my lips. It was a taste I hadn't experienced for a long time.
"We both know what you want, Adrianna," she murmured, implanting the suggestion deep in my mind. "The eyes always give it away."
Her teenage hips swung from side to side as she headed out of the room. She was so confident that my gaze was fixed on her ass that she didn't even look back to check.
As soon as she was out of sight, I licked my lips a second time.
I watched spellbound through the conservatory windows as Sherrilyn emerged outside by the pool. She casually pulled loose the ties on her red bikini bottoms and then, naked, dived fluidly into the pool.
Madeleine appeared at the door from nowhere, asking if she could help me in any way. It struck me that her full figured body was a deeper shade of black than Sherrilyn's and I shook away the thought before telling her I intended to take a nap.
Once in my room, I doused my face in water and filtered everything that had happened through my fevered brain. Why had I allowed her to control the conversation like that? Was it guilt at having been caught watching her and Françoise? Or was it some inner need that had lain dormant ever since Marie O'Flanagan had returned to Ireland?
I could still taste her on my lips and as my tongue eagerly flicked across them again, I caught my reflection in the mirror. Guilt was written all over my face, but so was arousal. This was wrong, wicked, but I had no choice. I slowly and deliberately eased my hand under the hem of my dress and down inside my panties.
The immediate sexual charge was almost overwhelming.
I desperately tried to conjure an image of Pierre, of Marie O'Flanagan even, but all I could see was Sherrilyn, that voluptuous black body, and the way she'd so openly masturbated in front of me. What had she said?
"Most young white girls can't get enough black pussy. What about you?"
It was impossible to contain the growl that emerged from my throat.
I widened my legs and planted my feet firmly on the ground, giving myself leverage as I lifted onto my tiptoes. My clit responded as images of a naked Sherrilyn filled my mind as she settled her sex over my face. A finger slid inside my wetness like a knife through butter and my orgasm begin to swirl. A second finger and it was there.
My eyes closed as the spasms wracked my body and I could hear Sherrilyn's voice again.
"We both know what you want..."
Chapter 2
I twisted around on the large bed, frustrated by the events of the last twenty four hours.
I'd watched Françoise go down on her friend by the pool, an insane act considering they were out in the open. Sherrilyn's influence must have been absolute for her to agree to such a thing when her father could have interrupted them at any moment. Yet not only had she agreed, she'd performed eagerly, as if she was being granted a favour.
As for me, I should have been appalled and yet I'd watched the two of them from (what I'd thought) was the safety of the balcony. Worse still, I'd touched myself under my thin robe while savouring every lewd moment of their overtly sexual activity.
Little had I known that Sherrilyn, beneath her large sunglasses, had observed my voyeuristic interest and made Françoise put on a show for my benefit. I wondered whether she'd confided in Pierre's daughter that I'd been there, observing them? I needed to know and while I couldn't openly ask Françoise, I could look for signs. Her demeanour would give it away, surely?
Then there'd been my conversation with Sherrilyn. She combined the body of a voluptuous teenager with the mind of a Lolita-like character. I was still unsure about the Black Sorority, as she'd called them. Could that be true? It had crossed my mind to mention it to Pierre, but he'd be furious with Françoise, and she in turn would probably never speak to me again. Besides, my voyeurism would then raise its ugly head.
I was in a no-win situation, which was probably why Sherrilyn felt so confident in telling me. I felt little pinpricks of nervous energy cover my body. There was only one reason for her to confide in me and that was to attempt to draw me into her web.
As a result, I'd resolved to stay as far away from the two teenagers as I could during their visit this weekend. Until the phone call Pierre had received from the French government. His sudden need to be in Geneva overnight had complicated matters further. He'd been extremely apologetic, but had rushed away late afternoon with a promise he'd return in time for dinner this evening.
I hadn't slept much during the night as without him my body was aching for release. Sherrilyn had lit the fuse and the growing heat between my legs was becoming harder to ignore. With a frustrated groan, I settled back into the piled pillows and reached again for my trusty vibrator. How many times had I used my 'special friend' during the night?
I was so wet that once I'd switched it on, it took very little effort to slip the long shaft deep inside my needy sex. I let out a second groan, this time longer. But just as I tilted it slightly to vibrate against my clitoris, the telephone rang.
Talk about bad timing...
I hurriedly switched it off but left the shaft inside, unable to resist the wonderful fullness as I grabbed for the phone,
"Did you sleep well without me?" the sexy French voice purred.
That surprised me. Hearing from Pierre when he was engaged in any sort of diplomatic mission was a rarity.
"I spent half the night awake," I complained. "When you return I'll show you exactly how much I missed you."
His laugh was a warm Gallic sound.
"I don't have long, darling, there's a storm brewing here. The British don't want to give an inch and neither do the Germans. But I just wanted to check on how you are."
"I'm fine, Pierre," I lied.
"And the girls? They're more than old enough to entertain one another, I know, but I hope they weren't too much trouble?"
They were more than old enough to entertain one another? A vision of their 'entertainment' entered my mind. My breath caught in my throat as I raised my hips from the bed and thrust the phallus deeper.
I'd stayed out of their way early evening, explaining to Madeleine that I had a few phone calls to make from my room. By the time I reluctantly emerged, I found to my surprise that Françoise and Sherrilyn had decided to visit a local casino and nightclub. They'd still been there when I'd retired to my bed.
I was unsure whether I'd felt relief or disappointment.
"No trouble," I began to explain. "They went to a club together—"
But he was no longer listening.
"Sorry darling," he interrupted, his voice suddenly distracted. "They're waving me back into the meeting. I'll be home tonight without fail. Au revoir."
His voice was replaced by the dialling tone before I could reply and for a few moments I held the telephone in one hand before dropping it back onto its base.
"Sorry darling," he interrupted, his voice suddenly distracted. "They're waving me back into the meeting. I'll be home tonight without fail. Au revoir."
His voice was replaced by the dialling tone before I could reply and for a few moments I held the telephone in one hand before dropping it back onto its base.
My thoughts returned to Françoise and Sherrilyn and before I realised what I was doing, I felt the vibrator buzzing deep inside and I was slowly pushing it in and out. Lulled by the delicious friction, I slid a little deeper into the pillows and started to raise my hips to meet the movements of my hand.
I tried to think of making love to Pierre but the problem was that as I grew more excited it was not his image that came to mind but that of the two teenagers. I tried to dismiss it but my efforts were only half-hearted and each time I surrendered to the illicit thoughts I felt myself getting ever nearer to a climax.
One hand rose to my breast, my fingers caressing my sensitive nipples as I began to piston the vibrator in and out. What had started as a slow tease had quickly changed to an uncontrolled frenzy and I squeezed my breasts in time with my thrusts as I thought of 'black pussy'. My body gleamed with perspiration and I tried to stay quiet, but what started as a stifled groan grew louder with each passing second.
When the tide finally broke inside my overheated body, I almost cried with the intensity of the orgasm. Lying back, heart palpitating, I let myself surrender to the repeated orgasmic waves as they beat against the shore.
When, eventually, they receded, I convinced myself to get ready and head downstairs. I couldn't stay out of the way forever...
I'd showered, applied a liberal amount of perfume and changed into my skimpy black bikini. It was the most revealing of all my swimsuits but the need to display my own body was as overwhelming as it was confusing.
Was I trying to impress Sherrilyn?
It took only a few short steps to the balcony to confirm that the two teenage girls occupied two of the loungers by the pool. Françoise's body looked hot in her striped bikini but it was Sherrilyn who drew my immediate attention. Her white bikini presented a breathtaking contrast to her black skin and heat formed between my thighs at the thought of joining them.
Hurrying back to the bedroom, I checked myself in the mirror again. The skimpy top barely held my cleavage in check and my nipples were already pushing through the thin material. Turning sideways, the small triangular strip of black material contained very little of my firm buttocks.
I nodded in approval and gathered up a towel, shades, my IPOD, and some sun tan lotion. Madeleine stopped me on my way outside, wanting to know my preference for dinner that evening. She kept me talking longer than necessary, her eyes continually flicking across my body as we conversed.
I felt my nipples rise further under her gaze. Was it the fact that she was black that brought goosebumps to my skin, or because she was admiring my body so openly? She hadn't been so brazen during our previous meetings, but then I hadn't appeared semi-naked in front of her before.
Whatever, her admiring gaze confirmed what I needed to know. I looked hot.
Sherrilyn was alone when I headed outside and casually sauntered across to the pool. I glanced around in a vain attempt to find Françoise but couldn't see her.
"She's getting us a drink."
Sherrilyn raised her sunglasses onto her forehead as she spoke, shooting me that now familiar smirk. It wasn't the first time she'd read my mind. I deliberately turned away and deposited the belongings I was carrying beside the spare lounger. She spoke again.
"That just has to be the best white ass I've ever seen in my life."
The words sent pinpricks of heat through me but I wasn't going to be intimidated.
"Thank you," I nonchalantly said, turning slowly and raising my hands to pin my long brown hair behind my head.
She dropped her large shades back down, settling them onto the edge of her nose as she allowed her calculating eyes to lazily wander across my body.
"And tits, too. White girls with bodies like yours are in demand in the Black Sorority. My friends are going to love you."
She half-raised herself from the lounger as she spoke, her heavy breasts threatening to spill from the barely adequate white bikini top. She stayed that way for a few moments, deliberately displaying herself and defying me not to stare. When my eyes betrayed me, flicking to those full breasts before rising to meet her gaze again, she gave a knowing smile.
"You'd like that? Meeting my friends? Can you imagine it, Adrianna?"
There she went again, planting suggestions again into my ridiculously susceptible mind. I swallowed hard, telling myself I wasn't going to play her games.
"Don't be silly, Sherrilyn," I snapped. "You've had your girlish fun and I suggest it's time to put an end to it. Françoise's father would be distinctly unimpressed by this talk and you don't want him complaining to your college, do you?"
She casually swung around on the lounger, resting back on her elbows. With her legs splayed wide, her voluptuous body was fully exposed to my view.
"You won't tell Pierre."
She spoke with a calm confidence and I felt frustration rise inside me at her open defiance. I didn't immediately respond, sitting down on my sun bed before speaking again. It was important to show I wasn't rattled.
"I wouldn't be too sure of that, my girl."
She seemed to ponder my words and I thought I'd hit home. But then her face broke into a smile. My frustration turned to anger but she was speaking again before I could repeat my threat.
"I'd say Françoise's sexuality is her business, wouldn't you? She loves being controlled and adores the times I loan her to my friends. She once went down on four of us in succession. Think of that, Adrianna. All that black pussy. Lots of white women crave it and she's one of the favoured few. Is that so bad?"
Her face remained impassive and she spoke so confidently, so rationally, that I couldn't immediately find a response.
"You're excited by the thought, aren't you?" she murmured, taking advantage of my hesitation. "It's okay, Adrianna, you can admit it."
My heart began to pound and for a few moments the lightness in my head made me feel dizzy. Yet again, the teenage temptress had hit the nail on the head. The images that were forming in my mind were proving difficult to shake away.
"Of course I'm not excited," I snapped, the protest tumbling out of my gaping mouth too quickly. "And you don't really expect me to believe all this nonsense, do you? I'll talk to Françoise and—"
"Talk to her all you like," the grinning girl interrupted. "But I have a better idea. Françoise, come here..."
I turned my head to see Pierre's daughter walking across towards us. She carried a silver tray holding a jug of orange juice and some fresh tumblers.
"Put the tray down and come sit here," Sherrilyn instructed, tapping the end of her lounger with the tip of her toes.
I shuffled nervously on my sun bed as I watched Françoise carefully place the tray on the ground between us. Somewhere in the far reaches of my mind, I think I realised Sherrilyn's intentions. But no, that would be unbelievable...
"I need some attention."
The teenager said the words to Pierre's daughter but her eyes stayed on mine. With a twist of her hips she untied both sides of her bikini bottoms and dragged them away from her body. She lewdly opened her legs to display her tight glistening lips.
"Black pussy," she huskily murmured, smiling at me. "What did I tell you? Look how much she wants it."
I glanced at Françoise, my heart in my mouth. She was licking her lips as she stared hypnotically between the ebony coloured thighs.
"That's it, baby," Sherrilyn continued as my stepdaughter slid to her knees. "Why don't you show Adrianna just how good you can be..."
Françoise didn't hesitate, not even for a second. It was as if I was even there. Her hands settled on Sherrilyn's thighs as she dipped her head forward. I watched, transfixed, as her tongue slid out and traced its way across that delectable black mound.
"Yes... lick it... like that..."
Sherrilyn's hands found her short blonde hair, curling a few strands around her fingers. But her eyes were on mine. A smirk covered her face as she held my gaze as she lifted her hips to meet the worshipping tongue.
"Such an obedient little thing," she murmured to me. Her smile widened as she watched my eyes narrow. "I've trained her well, don't you think?"
My pussy was flooding with arousal and I could hardly breathe, let alone reply. I was mesmerised by the sight and it was all I could do not to touch myself.
Satisfied that they had my full attention, she wrapped her fingers around the top of the lounger behind her and stretched her body to the full. With a soft sigh, she pushed her hips up from the sun bed and began to gyrate on Françoise's face.
I almost creamed there and then. Marie O'Flanagan used to rub her sex on my face like that...
Suddenly it was all too much. My hand slithered down my body, inside my bikini bottoms, and I began to rub my fingers across my clit. I licked my lips, recalling the taste as Sherrilyn had fed her juices yesterday. All of a sudden I had a finger inside my wetness and, astonishingly, I was already close to an orgasm.
When I turned my head back to the two young women I found Sherrilyn grinning at me. She had one hand on the back of my Françoise's head, holding her in position as she lazily rotated her sex on my stepdaughter's perspiring face.
"Black pussy," she sexily mouthed to me across the divide, her full lips curling around each word. Her black eyes were clouded with arousal and she raised her voice. "Want to come and get yourself some?"
The invitation hit me like a sledgehammer. It was like watching a porno movie and yet it was pure beauty, like seeing the true face of eroticism for the first time. My sex began to pulsate at the thought of crawling between Sherrilyn's thighs and I swear I was about to give in to the need when a sudden movement caught the corner of my eye and jerked me back to reality.
Someone was watching from the kitchen window! Madeleine?
I panicked, but even so it took every ounce of self control to drag my hand from between my thighs and raise myself from the lounger. What had I been thinking? I couldn't be discovered like this! What if Madeleine told Pierre?
I turned away, needing to find refuge as quickly as I could. Racing across the patio, I hurried into the house and rushed up the curved stairs to the sanctity of my and Pierre's room. Once inside, I threw myself down on the bed.
My hand worked with a frenetic urgency as I spread my legs. Gasping for air, I twisted my body on the bed and gave in to the wonderfully lewd images flittering across my fevered mind. In less than a minute, I was spending uncontrollably over my pumping fingers.
Chapter 3
Pierre had returned from Geneva later than he'd anticipated. The delicate and intense discussions had dragged on and on and even after they'd been successfully negotiated, his homeward journey had been fraught with difficulties.
I'd been apprehensive when Madeleine had prepared some supper and then brought him up-to-date with a few housekeeping matters, but to my relief she'd made no mention of my encounter with Françoise and Sherrilyn. Nor had her demeanour been any different on the occasions when she and I had spoken at various times throughout the day.
I'd begun to think I was mistaken in thinking our lewd behaviour had been overlooked.
I'd practically attacked Pierre's body as soon as I had him in bed and had driven myself to three much needed orgasms before I'd allowed him to rest.
Once he'd fallen asleep I'd known he was out for the count. Particularly stressful days always had that effect. For my part, sleep hadn't come easily. As the fears I'd nurtured all day about being exposed had receded, the vividness of my encounter with Françoise and Sherrilyn by the pool had increased. I'd seen a number of sexual situations during my modelling career, but nothing like that.
Even when I had dozed off, I'd woken from my sleepy state with my hand between my legs and two fingers deep inside myself. I soon worked myself to another climax while I'd allowed my fantasies to wander where they shouldn't go.
I drifted on and off in my sex-fuelled dreamlike condition and remained in a state of high arousal when I eventual awoke. I could hear Pierre in the shower and when my thoughts had inevitably turned to the two teenagers again, I realised I had involuntarily begun to finger myself once more.
With a cry of frustration I dragged my fingers away. I had to find to put these unwanted thoughts out of my mind. The solution hit me instantly. I'd spent the night making love to Pierre and with my husband beside me, I felt secure. It was men that interested me, not women—whatever their colour—and the only man I wanted in my life was naked, in the shower.
I practically rushed out of bed and slipped quietly through the en-suite door.
Pierre's eyebrows raised in surprise when he saw me and I slipped a finger between my lips and gave him my most mischievous smile.
"Want some company, darling?"
I stepped into the shower with him and took the gel from his hands, tipping the bottle so that the liquid covered my palms. I worked them into the creamy lather I needed to cleanse my mind as well as his body.
"You're insatiable," he told me, in that sexy French accent of his.
I giggled and started by sweeping my hands over the smooth skin of his chest. His hands found my breasts as I soaped him and I emitted a throaty growl. I momentarily wondered if Sherrilyn's nipples were as sensitive as mine and violently shook my head to free my mind of the resultant images.
"What's wrong?" he asked, frowning.
I didn't answer but dropped my hand to his cock. This was what I needed. He moaned as I began to stroke his shaft and it grew impressively with each jerk of my curled fingers. When I brought my other hand to his balls, his body twitched.
"Nice and clean," I teased, pulling both hands away.
I leaned closer, reaching around him with both arms and trapping his semi erect cock against my stomach as I caressed the liquid into his back.
Our eyes met as I flirted with the top of his ass and we smiled at one another. I slid my hands down and onto his hard buttocks and worked the gel into the crevice of his asscheeks. He moaned again and I leaned forward to run my tongue around first his right nipple and then his left.
Closing my eyes, I indulged myself for a few moments until my imagination took over and they were chocolate coloured nipples I was pleasuring.
I slithered downwards in attempt to rid my mind of the image and the water cascaded over me like a waterfall as I dropped to my knees. It dripped off my wet hair, dropping onto my face as I licked along the length of his hard cock.
Sherrilyn didn't have one of those...
I took my time, staring upwards into his eyes as I licked from root to tip. This blow job would be my best ever work, defining me as a person and emphasising my sexual preferences. It would cleanse my mind of all other illicit thoughts.
I took the head into my mouth and curled my tongue around his crown. That always excited him. He widened his stance as I gently sucked and then he grunted when I took his hard balls in my hand. The water bouncing off our bodies heightened the moment and I coated him with my saliva, letting it drool down his length before working it into his stiffness with both hands.
"Good, darling?" I asked, slurping off his cock.
For some reason I need his confirmation, his approval.
Pierre glanced down at me as I sucked around the head again. I loved that dreamy look in his eyes. It confirmed everything I needed to know. I playfully ran my tongue around my lips and then lifted his cock upwards, holding it there for a few tantalising seconds before licking along the underside of his shaft.
He groaned out loud and cursed in French.
"Do you enjoy watching your wife do this?"
There I was again, seeking approval. When his grip on my hair tightened, I slid my lips down to his balls. One by one, I sucked them into my mouth. The way his cock jerked told me he wasn't going to last much longer.
"Cum for me, Pierre," I slurped. But that wasn't enough. I wanted to be humiliated. "On my face and in my mouth..."
I frantically swallowed down on his entire length again. This time the need to tease had gone. His grip tightened in my hair and saliva dripped from my mouth as I frantically worked on him. I gripped his balls more tightly and took the thick base of his crown between my teeth, growling like a dog with a bone.
He sent a volley of curses into the air and tried to drag my head away. But I wasn't going to be denied my prize.
I momentarily held him there, trapped between my lips, while my eyes flicked upwards into his. We both knew the moment had come.
When I plunged my mouth downwards again, he planted the soles of his feet on the floor of the tub and roared out his first release. The sensation was almost overwhelming. I swallowed hard then jerked my head away, taking the second blast across my right eyelid. The next hit me across the base of my nose and I reached up with my tongue to lick it between my lips.
Still, he wasn't finished. Neither was I. With a snarl, I took him between my lips again, urging out the final blast. I almost creamed between my legs as it coated the insides of my mouth.
Sitting back on my haunches, I panted hard as I stared upwards into his creased face. My mind was consumed with an overwhelming sense of relief. I loved cock, not pussy. Françoise and Sherrilyn were returning to college tomorrow.
No more temptation.
Getting through the day had been easier than I'd anticipated.
Maybe it was the blow job, but more so because the teenagers had been on their best behaviour throughout. I knew I should have taken Françoise to one side and had a woman to woman chat, but it was as if yesterday hadn't existed. She seemed so natural around me that I didn't have the heart to raise the subject.
Besides, her sexuality was her own business. That's what Sherrilyn had said. I weakly ignored the fact that going down on another woman in public wasn't exactly the best way to express that sexuality, nor was servicing four black women, one after the other, as part of this thing called the Black Sorority.
Why did that thought make my body temperature soar?
But ignoring those extreme acts was a convenient way out of my predicament. Why create a problem by raising the subject when she'd soon be back at college?
Sherrilyn's attitude had been different, too. She'd reined in her blatant sexuality and I was shocked to realise that part of me had been disappointed. I'd found myself watching her, craving another helping of the sexual interplay, trying to find a way to manoeuvre some time alone with her. If it had been her intention to turn the tables, she'd played her part to perfection.
Alcohol was partly responsible for my state, of course. Too much drink induced an intense feeling of horniness whereas it invariably sent Pierre into a deep sleep.
Because of his visit to Geneva, he had promised Françoise and I that we'd have his full attention today. Apart from a couple of morning telephone calls, he'd been as good as his word. The four of us had enjoyed an unhurried lunch at a local tavern and that's where the drinking had started. By the time we headed back to his mansion, we'd consumed several bottles of expensive wine.
More drink had followed throughout the rest of the day while we'd discussed Françoise's future, some of my more glamorous modelling shoots and a number of Pierre's more extravagant adventures. By the time we needed to change for dinner, the four of us were in various states of intoxication.
I'd had Madeleine bring us some black coffee when we'd retired to our room. I didn't want Pierre falling asleep during dinner. I'd drunk some, too, in an attempt to calm myself. I'd have fucked him again but it wouldn't have removed the itch that had crept back into my system.
Get through the evening, I told myself. That's all I had to do.
"Dad's always funny in this state," Françoise suddenly announced.
We'd met again on the patio for pre-dinner drinks half an hour ago. Despite our intentions to slow down, we'd all enjoyed a couple more glasses of red.
"People think he's stuffy, having such an important job," she slurred to Sherrilyn and I. "But he knows some great jokes."
Naturally enough in the circumstances, Pierre responded by telling a couple of humorous stories, but then egged on by his tipsy daughter he began to go through his entire repertoire. It was so awful and yet so funny that the four of us were soon in stitches even at the weakest of his jokes.
That was when Sherrilyn made her move. It caught me by surprise. Françoise and her father were in animated conversation while they helped themselves to more red wine and the young black woman took my arm and pulled me to one side.
"What d'you think?" she asked, holding out her hands.
With anyone else it could have been an innocent gesture. But not with her. The invitation was to admire her body, not the short yellow sundress.
"You look good," I simply said.
It was the truth. Her gleaming breasts thrust proudly against the material and the two buttons she'd left undone allowed her heavy cleavage to spill over the top.
"Thank you, Adrianna. Did you confess to your husband?"
I played dumb. "Confess?"
Sherrilyn smiled. "About his stunning wife masturbating by the pool while watching his daughter go down on me. That was even worse than spying on us from the balcony, don't you think?"
I pulled myself to my full height and ignored the pitter-pattering beat of my heart.
"I'm not having this conversation, Sherrilyn."
"Did you finish yourself off when you reached your room?"
I bit down on my lower lip. If only she knew.
"I told you I'm not having this conversation..."
"Tell me this. What made you run away so suddenly? I was only offering what you wanted. I told you, it's the eyes that are the give-away. It's there now, that look. You're craving for it all right, aren't you, Adrianna?"
"Craving for what?" I defiantly asked.
Did I actually want to hear the teenager say the words again?
"What lots of white women crave. Black pussy."
The words evaporated every piece of good intention in my body. How could she make me feel like this? So quickly?
"My husband's listening," I lamely replied, feeling weak at the knees.
"He's talking to his daughter," she said, stepping closer. "She's so cute she can wrap him around her little finger. Look at them."
I glanced in their direction. Françoise was sitting on her father's lap now, arms wrapped around his neck, and the two of them were laughing uproariously. The hem of her white dress had risen up her leg to expose most of her tanned thigh and any casual observer could have mistaken them for lovers.
"Besides," Sherrilyn continued. "He's far too drunk to know what's going on between us."
I stared at her. She looked like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth and yet the sexual vibes she was transmitting were hitting their mark.
"Nothing's going on between us," I blurted.
"There's not?"
She ran a finger across my cheek and along my lips, smiling into my eyes as I partly opened my mouth to her touch.
"Remember my taste?" she asked.
She took my hand as, facing me, she moved directly between Pierre and I. Not that it mattered. He was too busy with his daughter to take any notice. Holding my wrist, she slowly pulled my hand under the hem of her dress.
"No, Sherrilyn," I gasped.
My objection made no difference. I could have resisted, tried to pull away, but I did nothing. She placed my hand onto the cool skin of her lower stomach.
"No panties," she whispered, retaining my gaze.
Her grip guided my hand downwards. The feeling of her smooth, soft flesh was intoxicating and everything began to close in at once.
"Feel me," she instructed.
My gaze flickered to Pierre and Françoise over her right shoulder but my hand couldn't resist the invitation. My chest tightened and I breathed through my mouth. When I cupped her naked mons venus, I felt dizzy with adrenalin.
"Do it," she told me, her breath hot against my cheek. "Finger me..."
I should have resisted, but she had me. My whole body was on fire. I pressed my fingers into the soft, yielding flesh and when she pushed her hips forward, I slid a single finger inside her sweet wetness.
The groan she rewarded me with found its way between my moist thighs.
"Black pussy," she teased. "Those beautiful eyes tell me everything."
She slowly pulled my hand away and held it up between us, directing it towards my mouth. I knew what she wanted. I wanted that, too.
Staring into those deep black eyes, I began to suck on my finger as if it was a penis. She nodded in silent encouragement and I sucked harder, savouring the taste of her teenage juices as I drew them into my mouth.
"Tastes good, huh?" she tantalisingly whispered, pulling the hem of her yellow sundress dress back into place again. "Just wait until you drink from the well."
I'd been like a zombie throughout dinner. My emotions were being pulled apart. I wanted to avoid the voluptuous black girl until she'd left our house and yet I wanted to experience everything she had to offer.
Fortunately, Pierre had been far too inebriated to realise that anything was wrong and both Françoise and Sherrilyn had kept him entertained with stories of their friends and some of the things they got up to at college. Everything sounded tame, of course. But I knew the true story.
I'd refused any further alcohol, though it was far too late for that to have any effect. Pierre, on the other hand, continued to imbibe all evening long. It was as if Madeleine had been given specific instructions to keep his glass filled.
Sherrilyn had constantly included me in the conversation, but she had an ulterior motive. Each reference brought with it a soft touch of my skin by her hand, fingertips, or a surreptitious brush of her leg under the table. If her intention was to ramp up the sexual frisson floating around my body, she was successful.
My mind had eventually wandered off into a world of its own when I felt a soft tap on my arm. It was Françoise, standing beside me.
"Doesn't dad look sweet?" she giggled.
I turned my eyes towards him. He was slumped back on his chair, eyes closed, gently snoring. Goodness knows how long he'd been that way.
"I've just told Madeleine," she explained. "She'll make sure he gets to bed."
"Good." Sherrilyn smiled at me as she brushed her fingers through her black curls and pushed back in her chair. "Time for some real fun..."
Chapter 4
I stood on wobbling feet, asking myself what I was doing in Sherrilyn's bedroom, even though the answer was etched all over my sex-fuelled mind.
The combination of alcohol and anticipation making me feel disorientated and I rested a hand on the table beside me to steady myself. Sherrilyn sat on the bed, sexily swinging her long legs from side to side as she watched me. The coy smile on her face left no room for misinterpretation.
"Feeling it, Adrianna?"
She flicked open a third button on her yellow sundress as she spoke. More of her ebony coloured cleavage tumbled free and my heart began to palpitate.
I swung around as I heard the sound of the key being turned in the lock behind me. Naïvely, it hadn't occurred to me that Françoise was still in the room. She leant back into the door, as if confirming I was trapped between the two.
"Don't worry, Adrianna."
It was Sherrilyn's soothing voice. She could see the uncomfortable look on my face at the sight of my stepdaughter and I thought she was reassuring me. But as usual her words were designed to increase the sexual heat.
"She's got off a couple of times on the thought of her new stepmother eating black pussy, haven't you baby?"
My body almost melted. I opened my mouth to speak but no words would come out. Then Françoise was suddenly behind me, her hands on my bare shoulders. Before I knew it she had slipped her fingers around to unfasten the buttons on the front of my dress. She allowed it to fall to the floor and then slid her hands to my back. My nipples hardened as she released the clips of my bra.
I turned my gaze back to the bed and found that Sherrilyn had removed her dress. My breath caught in my throat at the sight of her magnificent naked body. She crooked a finger at Françoise.
"Come here, baby."
When Pierre's daughter obediently moved towards her, she cupped her black breast and offered it to my stepdaughter. Françoise eagerly fell forward and sucked one of those chocolate coloured nipples between her lips.
"See how much she loves my tits?"
Sherrilyn's voice was throaty as she asked me the rhetorical question. She raised one foot onto the bed, opening herself to my gaze, and stroked her sex expectantly.
"You're going to love this, too, Adrianna. Come here, baby."
I tried to remain where I was but the instruction was undeniable and the sight before me was intoxicating. I felt my legs move forward of their own volition.
"On your knees..."
I sank downwards as ordered. The control she exerted was as much a part of the moment as the black skin that so excited me. Up close, her sex was even more enthralling than it had looked by the pool.
"Come and get it..." she cooed, crooking a hand behind my head.
I gasped for breath as she drew me forward and my tongue licked across my lips in anticipation. The first hesitant touch of my tongue on her glistening black flesh unbelievably sent an orgasm flashed through my own body.
I was actually cumming just from the feel and taste of her sex!
Sherrilyn stroked my long brown hair as if she understood, allowing the tremors to work their way through my body before pulling my face back to her body.
"Black pussy makes you that hot, Adrianna? Show me what you can do..."
I instantly responded, unable to resist the glistening folds in front of my face. My fantasies had now reality and I lapped along the length of her labial lips, savouring a taste that was better than any fine wine of Pierre's. I worked slowly to begin with but after a short while my arousal took over and I began to lick frantically, like a thirsty cat being offered its cream.
"Take your time," Sherrilyn corrected me, tugging my hair. "There's no hurry."
I had to force myself to hold back, such was my intense need. I slowed my pace, licking along the whole length of her sex, delighting in the way she stroked my hair in encouragement. My eyes rose upwards to find her smiling down at me. Her other hand was cupped around Françoise's head as she suckled on one nipple and then the other. I wanted those black breasts in my mouth too.
"Wait a moment," she suddenly said.
I paused at the instruction, inches away from her most intimate of places and obediently waited for permission to continue. She whispered in Françoise's ear and my stepdaughter reluctantly moved away, out of my sight. Turning back to look at me, she stroked my cheek.
"Keep looking at me with those eyes..." she murmured.
She pushed her body back on the bed, crossing her arms under her head as she lay back and made herself comfortable. When she stroked her fingers across her sex, I understood the instruction instantly. Crawling up and onto the bed beside her, I settled myself between her thighs.
Dipped my head back to her waiting sex, I flattened of my tongue and traced the contours of her prominent mound. With a lustful growl, I covered every inch of flesh available to me, unaware of what she had planned.
"Smile for the camera..."
It took a moment for the words to resonate. When they did, a cold chill ran through my body and I jerked my head to the left as I heard a click Then another.
Her whispered instruction to Françoise was suddenly clear. My stepdaughter stood beside us, camera in her hand, capturing every expression on my face. She clicked again as Sherrilyn raised her sex to my lips, and continued to fire off one shot after another as the teenager dragged my head back in place.
Both hands around the back of my head, she held me there.
"Don't stop... this black pussy needs you, baby."
I heard another click but it was too to object. Besides, the thought of being photographed in such a compromising position was as exciting as it was shocking. What was wrong with me? I ran the tip of my tongue across her wet folds again, bringing a soft whimper.
Her seductive taste was captivating and I sucked in her oily juices with each lap of my tongue, rolling them around the inside of my mouth and then swallowing. The tightness of her sex reminded me of Marie O'Flanagan and when I worked my tongue inside it was clear I was starting to get to her.
Her grip on my hair tightened and, as she looked down at me through the valley of her breasts, she began to gyrate on my face.
"That's it, baby... just like that... faster... harder..."
A strand of my long brown hair fell across my face and she gently swept it aside. She wanted to watch my eyes. I stared upwards into hers and as her undulations became more, I twisted my head so that my mouth found her clit.
"Oh, yes baby, you've done this before..."
She pulled my head away so that she could stare deep into my eyes.
"How 'bout that, Adrianna... does your husband know?"
She laughed at my expression and then pulled my head back to her sex, holding herself a fraction away and making me work for what I wanted. I stretched my neck muscles and reached out with my tongue.
"That's it, Adrianna," she moaned in satisfaction. "Come and get it..."
I couldn't hold back. Grabbing one of her legs, I dragged it over my shoulder and licked faster, upping the pace. The contrast between my white flesh and her black skin had my body on fire. Remembering what turned Marie O'Flanagan on the most, I worked my tongue from her wet opening all the way to the little rosebud between her tight round buttocks and then back again.
Sherrilyn jerked as if she was being given an electric shock.
Then she squirted...
It was the last thing I'd expected and I almost orgasmed with her. I could occasionally make Marie squirt but not often. Having the black teenager gush all over my face was the most intense sexual moment I'd ever experienced.
When a second and then third burst of her wonderfully tangy juices assaulted my face, I opened my mouth and eagerly swallowed as much I could.
It took her a while to recover and I lapped at her wetness, using my lips and mouth to entice every last jolt of pleasure from her. Eventually, she eased my head a fraction away and held it there while she rubbed what remained of her glistening juices over my nose and mouth.
She was marking out a territory she now knew to be hers.
I was drunk. On alcohol. On sex.
And I was intoxicated by the control that an eighteen year-old black girl was exerting over me. Other than with Marie O'Flanagan, I'd never thought of myself as a submissive person. Was I only that way with other women?
I stared up at the naked teenager as she fastened my right hand to the corner bedpost. She hadn't asked. She'd held up the two ties and told me to lie back on the bed. I'd obeyed instantly, desperate to experience what she had in mind.
Her movements were lazy, unhurried, and her Playboy breasts swayed as she worked. I couldn't draw my eyes away. She saw me looking and smiled at the effect she was having on me. That self possession of hers was beyond her years and made me feel like the teenager. I tried to still the rapid beating in my heart.
"Who would have thought you'd be that good..." she mused while she worked, making me blush again. "Making me squirt, all over that pretty white face. Loved it, didn't you?"
I opened my mouth as if to speak but couldn't find any words. Not that it mattered. She knew full well and didn't need an answer. She dangled her breasts in front of my face, teasingly keeping them just out of reach as she tested out both of the ties around my hands and then nodded her head in satisfaction.
"All that lesbian tension simmering beneath the surface, Adrianna... all that wanting deep inside..."
She knew exactly what she was doing with her word games and I found I was breathing quickly. Every word was hitting its mark.
"You'll get copies of the photographs we took, by the way. Make sure you keep them safe. We wouldn't want them appearing anywhere by accident, would we?"
Her meaning was clear and I felt a shiver cover my body. I'd put everything on the line as a result of my infatuation for this young woman.
"And whoever delivers them will need a reward. Do you understand?"
I nodded. Did I have a choice?
"And you'll soon be visiting our Black Sorority, Adrianna. My friends are going to love you..."
As if to emphasise the point, her assured fingers roamed onto my sex. I gasped under my breath as she used a single fingertip to stroke my labia. The delicious frisson made my body tremble. She moved her mouth close to my ear and whispered seductively.
"I see the thought of servicing more black pussy excites you, baby..."
Her fingertip moved a little faster as she spoke and her breath was warm against my neck. She placed a single delicate kiss on my cheek as she slid her finger inside me with teasing slowness. Using the pad of her finger, she massaged a spot just behind my clitoris. I found myself lifting my hips as my orgasm began to approach, but she realised the moment too and withdraw her hand.
"All in good time," she said, making me whimper in disappointment as she drew her finger away.
She touched her fingertip to my mouth and I obediently sucked it inside, tasting my own juices. She rewarded me with another smile and ran the back of her hand across my cheek.
"Everything we do tonight, you'll be doing to my friends..."
She picked up a pillow and eased it under my head. Her black eyes shone into mine as she gracefully knelt across my body, her full breasts swaying proactively as she bent at the knees and pinned my shoulders with her knees.
"And believe me, Adrianna; I'm going to need a lot of satisfying..."
She paused as she lowered herself further until her sex was inches from my face, allowing me to gaze upwards at her moist folds.
"See anything you like?"
She smiled down at me with a look of triumphant satisfaction and then sank her glistening labial lips down onto my willing mouth.
Life was returning to normal. It had been a week since Sherrilyn and Françoise had departed and I hadn't heard from either of them. It was almost as if the whole experience had been a dream.
Almost, but not quite. Memories of my long night with Sherrilyn still burned brightly in my mind and I found myself masturbating to each recollection. The fire she'd lit remained inside my body and even when making love to Pierre, my mind was on the black teenager. The indefatigable Marie O'Flanagan had been an amateur compared to the young temptress.
I'd been on tenterhooks as each day had passed, expecting delivery of the photographs any minute, or a summons to visit Sherrilyn at her college. But my nerves had begun to calm with the lack of contact and I was eventually able to relax. And with Pierre away this weekend in Amsterdam, for the World Peace convention, I had two days to myself at the mansion.
He'd actually asked me to accompany him, despite the fact that he'd have little free time. I told him I'd rather stay here. It would be a chance to familiarise myself with the place and start to feel that it was our home and not just his.
Today had been wonderfully relaxing and had been the first time I'd sunbathed by the pool without my imagination running riot. I'd just taken a shower and was drying my hair with a towel when I heard a knock on the bedroom door.
"Adrianna, it's Madeleine. I have something for you."
There are moments in your life when you know, just know. I think it was the way Madeleine used my name. Pierre never allowed her to be that familiar with either of us and by taking a liberty, she was sending me a signal.
My hand shook as I opened the door. I was dressed in the same robe I'd worn that fateful moment I'd stepped out onto the balcony and overlooked Sherrilyn and Françoise. My nipples hardened at the recollection, pushing against the thin material. Every fibre in my body was on edge. Had Sherrilyn sent her?
She stood there for a moment, fixing me with her sultry French gaze. Normally she wore a black uniform but she was dressed in a flowery cream blouse and black trousers. The unusual change of routine reinforced my suspicions.
There was a short pause before she spoke.
"I have a delivery."
She handed me the thin package and my life passed before my eyes. I had no need to break the seal to know it contained the photographs. She was watched me closely, as if waiting for me to open the package. I stared at it, moving it from hand to hand while I regained some composure.
"Thank you, Madeleine. That will be all. I won't be down to dinner tonight."
A knowing smile appeared on her face and then she allowed her gaze to slowly cover my body, making me blush. It was the same look that she'd given me the day I'd worn my skimpy black bikini and watched Françoise go down on Sherrilyn.
She surprised me by stepping towards me and stroking the back of a single finger beneath my chin. Her eyes locked with mine before she took it away.
"We both know that, Adrianna. Neither of us will."
I could smell her perfume against her skin as she continued past me into the bedroom. The strong spicy aroma infused my nostrils and for whatever reason there was a definite sexual undertone to the scent.
She turned to face me once she reached the centre of the room and I suddenly realized that she was not wearing a bra. She had a full figure but carried her weight well and the breasts I could clearly see through her cream blouse were full and firm. When her hands went to the buttons and she slipped the first two open, I found myself swallowing hard.
Was I becoming aroused because she was black, like the teenager who had made me service her all night? Or was it the control thing again and the anticipation of what was to come? Sherrilyn's words came back to me.
"Whoever delivers the photographs will need a reward. Do you understand?"
I felt a sudden light-headedness and I had to fight to keep my balance. She had continued to unbutton the blouse and pulled it from her shoulders. Her large breasts bounced before settling and I felt the heat between my thighs.
"You understand what is required, Adrianna?"
The question took me by surprise and my eyes reluctantly pulled themselves from her pear-shaped black swells and returned to her face. She was staring at me, waiting for an answer. I could have pretended to object but we both knew she had the upper hand and that I had no place to go.
"I want this to be different."
She nodded, her hands going to the belt of her trousers and flicking open the top button. My eyes were drawn to her fingers like a moth to a flame. They drew the zip downwards and I gasped out loud. Whatever my expectations were, I hadn't anticipated the thick black strap-on phallus she triumphantly set free.
"Different..." she repeated, her right hand rubbing up and down the black shaft.
She allowed the trousers to drop to the floor and gracefully stepped out of them, her full body naked except for the large strap on dildo.
"I think we'll start with you leaning over the balcony, Adrianna, looking down on the pool. That's quite appropriate in the circumstances, don't you agree?"
THE END | literotica |
Title: 1, 2, 3.. As Easy as ABC Ch. 06
Tags: group sex, seduction, novella
"That's what we need to get for Jean's room," Becks said sotto-voiced to Tess, making sure that Jean wasn't close enough to overhear her remark.
"What? Where? What the hell are you talking about?" Tess asked in genuine confusion
"That," Becks' replied, pointing to an old, antique ballpark turnstile, the kind that counted entrants.
"Hmmmph," Tess remarked, "Poor old thing would probably fall apart from overuse," meaning it when saying it.
The First Annual Girls Night Soiree was a huge success beyond the three house-mates' wildest dreams. Yes, it took the three of them two long days of cleanup to return the house to acceptable condition, but they got it done.
All three gals heard nothing but compliments from many attendees throughout the following week. More than a few of the uninvited, having heard of the Soiree, begged to be invited to the next one, several stopping 'just short' of offering to prostitute themselves to the gals if it'd get them an invite.
So, yeah, it was a huge success.
Today, The Three Amigoes were at an outdoor flea market, mostly looking for eclectic 'junk' to fill various nooks and crannies that were bare or needed 'something' to make the house pop. It was Becks to decorate as she saw fit since her daddy-kins bought the house soon after the girls moved in as an investment, he said. Actually, his intent was to deed it to Becks upon her graduation so, yeah, she could do what she damned well pleased.
In reality, they were also killing time before their various evening plans. Becks had a team practice that night but also, a date. Well, sort of a date. Okay, more of a hotel sneak-fuck with the married lady that had caused Becks to flunk the Biology course that landed her in Jean's class.
Yeah, that one.
The married lady sought Becks out, again, after seeing her play in a Volleyball Tournament that she had attended with her husband, an alum of Becks' school. So, every few weeks or so, when the married lady got horny for Becks' exquisite pussy, she called, set up a meet at a hotel, and spent several hours as Becks' Bitch.
The married lady liked being Becks' Bitch.
Jean? Well, Jean's plan for that evening was very simple. She was attending a very private, inititation ceremony of one of the Sororities on campus. Her function at the secret ceremony? She was to perform cunnilingus on the initiates and, afterwards, she'd probably bounce from bedroom to bedroom for a few of the Sorority 'honchos' that were running the ceremony. If I'm lucky, Jean thought when first approached, I'll get my mouth on a half-dozen pussies that night.
From Jean's point of view, it was a good thing.
Tess? Well, Tess was staying in that night. She was fixing dinner for Soo and a 'curious' friend of Soo's. After dinner? Well, there was nothing 'specific' planned but Soo was hoping to get her 'curious' friend into bed with her and Tess. Soo had even scored a small bit of weed to help get everyone 'in the mood', she said to Tess.
So that's why our intrepid trio were at the Flea Market, killing time, before their various evening plans started.
"You know we're going to have to talk to her eventually, don't you?" Becks asked Tess, referring, of course, to their house-mate, Jean.
"Yeah, yeah, I know and I feel like crap that we do," Tess replied.
Tess was feeling guilty, now, for having seduced Jean when they were dorm-mates last year. She felt guilty for turning Jean from a nice, midwestern 'girl next door' into a pussy eating machine that was getting quite the rep on campus for being 'easy' with other gals. A rep similar to the reps gals get who spread their legs for the football team, you know?, that kind of rep.
Truth is, Tess might have opened that door but it's on Jean that she chose to walk through and keep on truckin' down that road beyond the door. But that really didn't make Tess feel any better.
"Next week, sugar; we'll have a sit-down, get-down, serious session between the three of us, okay? We owe her that and I like her too much to ignore it, okay?"
"Okay, I know you're right but still......." Tess said in reply, her voice trailing off to silence.
"Oh, hey, there y'all are," Jean's voice called from behind Becks and Tess, "Y'all find anything we could use at the house?"
Looking to each other quickly, both thinking about the antique turnstile that Becks made the comment on, Tess answered for the both of them, saying, "Yeah, we did but decided it wouldn't hold up under use," causing both Becks and Tess to bite their tongue to keep from laughing.
"Aww, too bad. Well, who's hungry? I could use a burger or something," Jean replied, ready to go, obviously.
"Good idea, let's go eat," Becks agreed.
Walking out of the Market together, our three coeds were each thinking about their night ahead......
"It's unlocked," Becks heard in response to her soft knuckle-rap on the hotel room's door. Walking in, Becks closed the door behind her, locking it and placing the safety chain in place.
"Got anything to drink, bitch?" Becks asked her lover, well, her lover that night anyway.
"Yes, I, sit here while I fix us a drink," Sondra said, standing and indicating that Becks should take a seat on the suite's divan.
"I got Blue Sapphire, just as you asked, and tonic and limes, I didn't forget those, either," Sondra said, hoping that those details would please Becks.
"Turn around, let me look at you," Becks said quietly.
Stopping the stirring of their drinks, Sondra brought a drink to Becks then stood back, almost at attention, doing as Becks asked her to do, hoping that Becks would be pleased in her choice of dress for the evening.
Tonight, Sondra, the forty-two year old married business executive, was dressed as a French Whore, complete with fishnet stockings, just as Becks asked her to do. Her skirt hugged her ass, her very toned, forty-two year-old ass in a most provacative way, the slit on the side of the skirt leaving little to the imagination. Her blouse was opened to the skirt waist, and shear, almost as if it were not there, her ample breasts begging to be touched under the shear material.
Sondra took great pride in her body, in how well she looked for a woman of her age. Not that her husband appreciated it, no, Mr. Big Man had too many business irons in the fire to appreciate what was under his nose. If only, Sondra thought, then she probably wouldn't be here, in a hotel suite, about to be fucked by this young, black woman. This woman that Sondra couldn't get out of her mind after that night, so long ago, when she got drunk and had the best night of orgasms that she's had in forever.
Oh well, his loss, was her feeling on the matter.
"You like?" Sondra asked Becks as she did a model's turnaround, in place.
Oh yeah, Becks liked, Becks liked a lot. Smiling, Becks took in the sight and liked what she saw.
Tall, five foot ten; no more than one-thirty-five usually; legs that stretched forever from that gorgeous ass and a pair of suprisingly firm thirty-eight D-cups that absolutely drove Becks wild with lust. Couple all of that and add the honey-colored hair and big, pouty lips, well you just had to fuck that, was Becks' way of thinking.
Taking in the vision of Sondra, Becks slowly sipped her Gin and Tonic, giving Sondra permission to also drink with a slight head-nod towards the untouched drink sitting on the vestibue of the small suite.
Silently, Becks stood and taking Sondra by the hand, walked them into the bedroom, drinks in hand, lust in hearts......
Nice, Jean thought to herself, when led into the large, dimly-lit meeting room by one of the Sorority officers, the three initiates standing, blindfolded, with just a plain white toga as dress. Three, this time, Jean thought as she gazed at the three blindfolded girls; nice, she told herself, again. The last time she did this for the Sorority there was only one initiate.
"Remember, keep silent as they take their oaths," Jean was reminded by the 'Prez' as she liked to be referred to, voices low, in whisper.
"I know," Jean replied, feeling her horniness beginning to ramp up as she looked upon the unsuspecting freshman coeds, the soon-to-be pleasure that her mouth and tongue would experience.
"Don't forget," Prez whispered as she prepared to conduct the ceromonies, "After you're through with them, you need to satisfy me and my girls," referring to her two Veeps of the Sorority.
"Have I ever not?" Jean relied with a smile.....
"Son of a Bitch!" Tess howled to the empty house after forgetting to use the oven mitt to grip the handle of the skillet, to move it to a slower fire.
"Dumb cunt!" She derided herself as she ran cold water on the stinging burn, not a bad burn, more of a 'dumb-shit' burn that irritates.
Okay, she wasn't the handiest thing in a kitchen but what she did cook, she cooked well. In this case she was smothering some bits of pork in a green enchilada sauce, trying like hell to keep everything flowing right, to time everything just right.
She was cooking tonight for her newest conquest and a friend of said conquest. According to Soo, when the friend (Jan?) heard the story of Soo's adventures with Tess at the Bash, she got very horny, stating over and over how much she (Jan) wished she had been there.
"I damn sure would have found a way into some gal's bed," Jan said to Soo over coffee on the Monday after the party.
Jan went on to say that she's been curious for years about making out with another girl but never had the guts to act on it.
"Wouldn't take much for me to try it," Jan reiterated to Soo, dropping another hint.
Ya' think?
So that's how Soo came up with the idea to bring Jan to meet Tess and, well, see where it would lead to.
"I mean, Jan's not bad looking at all, kinda' cute, actually," Soo said between licks of Tess' pussy that Monday night.
"So, a threesome is what you're saying?" Tess responded, ever the pundit of the obvious.
"Yeah,"...lick..."Could be fun"...slurp..."I'm game if you are,"...insert tongue into pussy and moan contentment.
"Set it up, baby," Tess gasped, grabbing Soo's head in her hands and pulling it tighter to her pussy which was about to erupt with a body-shaking orgasm.
Not bad looking, my ass!, Tess thought when introduced to Jan, when the girls arrived, a few minutes after burning her hand. She's a fucking doll, Tess thought further, her mind already fast-fowarding to being between Jan's legs with her mouth.
"Wanna' smoke or a beer?" Soo asked after she comfortably kissed Tess in greeting, a deep, tongue-probing kiss, a kiss designed by Soo to provide a bit of visual excitement for Jan.
"Beer. Let's save the smoke for later, after dinner, to help us all relax," Tess replied, her eyes hard on Jan when she said it.
Giving one of Tess' tits a slight pinch on the nipple through the tee-shirt material, Soo smilingly replied, "Works for me. Three beers coming up," opening the fridge to retrieve the ice-cold beers.......
They were, indeed, quite the vision of Black & White contrasts, in the soft, low hotel lighting of Sondra's suite. If one was able to view them from directly above Sondra's bed, they would present a picture of a 'curl', of an almost perfect human sixty-nine form.
Curled together with both of their heads buried between the opened legs of the other, Becks and Sondra made love to each other's pussy, both nosily and wetly, both eager for another climax, both determined to provide that to the other.
For Sondra, Becks was her first taste of 'black', literally and figuratively, and thinking of the adage that we've all heard, Sondra wasn't sure that she 'could ever go back'. No, she wasn't sure at all. She's been fucking other guys and gals, behind her husband's back for, what now? Five years? Couldn't remember, didn't care that she couldn't; she did care that this pussy, that Becks' tasty, sweet pussy was the first one that she could not stop thinking about since her first taste a few months ago.
Becks' mind was buzzing with confusion as well, getting in the way, at times, of her focus of the taste of Sondra's cunt. She's fucked other white girls, and women before, that wasn't new, not new at all. What was new was the fact that she was fucking a married broad on the sly, on the downlow and damn if that just didn't provide her with thrills she never saw coming.
"Motherfucker....." Becks' groaned into Sondra's pussy as the first waves of orgasmic release began to wash over her, to start her body shaking with the quake of satisfaction, causing her to try to bury her face in her partner's very wet pussy.
"Mmmmmmmph, mmmmmmmphh," was all that Sondra could moan as her own climax grabbed her and began to shake her in a most delicious way. Knowing that her black lover was coming at the same time just made it that much better for her........
Jean sat back on her heels, her knees on the floor, waiting as the third, and last, initiate was led to the cushioned chair in front of Jean. The coed was still blindfolded, as were the other two before her, and like the other two before her, the coed was now naked, except for the blindfold. Like the two before her, the coed was sat down by her 'handlers', then her arms were strapped to the chair-arms in faux-fur lined restraints. Remembering what she had been told, like the two before her, the coed said nothing, asked no questions.
The two initiates before this one were gone from the room, whisked off by their handlers after receiving head from Jean. They, nor the coed seated before her, would ever know 'who' exactly it was that performed cunnilingus on them as part of their initiation ritual. No, only Jean, and the two handlers, this time the Prez and her first Veep, would know the identity of the mystery pussy eater.
Righting herself from her seated position on her heels, Jean leaned forward, sliding her hands, lightly, up the bare thighs of the coed who had a sharp intake of breath at the unexpected touch. Gently griping the thighs of the coed, Jean leaned forward and, one at a time, kissed, sucked, and licked the rather nice-sized breasts of the coed.
The initiates were forewarned about silence throughout whatever the last ritual was, but Jean could tell by the change in breathing whether or not what she was doing pleased them. It did. She knew this, and she enjoyed that as much as she enjoyed eating pussy.
Pulling her mouth from the coed's, now red and wet tit, Jean bit down slightly on the nipple before trailing her tongue down the coed's flat belly, stopping just above the coed's clit.
Standing off to the side, Prez and Veep, stood transfixed, their eyes absolutely glazed over with lust and want as they watched Jean do these things to their new members.
Circling the coed's clit with her tongue for just a bit, teasing, enjoying how the coed struggled to control her breathing, her excitement, Jean finally lowered her mouth, surrounding the coed's clit with it, her tongue now dancing all over it.
As she had done with the first two, Jean prolonged her release as much as possible. Not for their pleasure, oh hell no!, but for her own. Her eyes closed, Jean was off into her own little world as she always was when eating somebody's pussy. Feeling a bit of a squirm from the coed's hips, Jean knew that she was going to pop at any second, which only made Jean redouble her efforts to get the girl off.
She did; the coed got off, biting her lips as she struggled mightedly to maintain her silence when, all the while, the coed longed to be able to moan the satisfaction that washed over her in wave after wave.
Through with the coed, Jean sat back again on her heels as the handlers unstrapped her and the Veep led her off to wherever. After the door had closed and they were alone, the two of them, Prez helped Jean from her knees. Taking Jean into her arms, Prez kissed Jean hard, lustfully, sending her tongue diving into Jean's opened mouth while her hands filled themselves with Jeans' breasts and ass-cheeks, Prez's grunts and moans filling the dimly-lit room, the sounds echoing it seemed.
"Go to my room, wait for me, I'll only be a few mintues seeing to the girls," Prez said after breaking off the kiss, the words coming between gasps of hard breathing from the excitement that the Prez was feeling.
Jean knew the way to Prez's room, entering it, taking off her clothes and then climbing onto Prez's bed to wait..........
"Damnnnn, this is good shit," Tess said as the last of her 'hit' leaked from the corners of her mouth, passing the joint to Jan who was seated between Tess and Soo.
Dinner was good, cleanup was quick, and the three gals were in the living room on one of the sofas, sharing the joint that Soo had brought to the 'party'.
Jan and Soo agreed with Tess, each exclaiming the joint's virtue at one point or another. When the last bit of roach found it's way to Tess, she turned to Jan, saying, "Face me, I'll give you a shotgun," positioning herself to do so. Taking a huge hit, then swallowing the roach, Tess pulled Jan's face to her own, placing her lips over Jan's and blowing the herbal smoke into Jan's mouth.
And, as had been her plan all along, Tess evolved the shotgun into a kiss, soft at first, ramping quickly to open-mouthed Frenching by them both. Sliding closer to Jan's back, Soo began kissing the back of Jan's neck while her hand reached around and fondled Jan's nice-sized tits which caused Jan's muffled moans of contentment to ease from her mouth which was still covered by Tess' own.
Breaking off the kiss with Jan, Tess locked eyes with Jan as Soo continued with her kisses to the nape of Jan's neck, her hands, both of them now, fondling and feeling Jan's breasts as she did so.
"Wanna' go upstairs with me and Soo?" Tess asked softly of Jan, knowing that the answer would be yes.
Nodding her head, Jan stood when Tess did, and with Soo following, the three coeds walked up the stairs to Tess' room, Tess closing and locking the door behind them.
Tess and Soo surrounded Jan, both kissing, touching, feeling Jan up as they took off first, her clothes, then, their own. Leading Jan by her hands, Tess and Soo placed her on Tess' bed, between them.
There was no script for what happened next unless you count that both Tess and Soo, and yes, Jan too, wanted to make love to her, with her, with each other.
As Soo kissed and sucked on Jan's tits, Tess licked her way down Jan's body until she was between Jan's legs, softly kissing and sucking on Jan's dripping wet pussy, Sliding her tongue in and out, Tess was loving the sweet taste of Jan's pussy, her eyes taking in the sight of Soo's suckling of Jan's breasts. For her part, Jan had her head thrown back in unbridled pleasure and excitement, her eyes closed, her body tingling with electricity, it seemed, from what Tess and Soo were doing to her.
Moving so that she could munch on Tess while Tess ate Jan, Soo had her head deeply buried between Tess' legs after she had positioned Tess so that she could do so.
And in a move nobody expected, Soo felt Jan positioning herself so that she could, for the first time in her life, taste another woman's pussy. They hadn't thought of or planned a daisy-chain, but yet, here they were, in one, everybody getting their pussies' eaten and everybody eating pussy..........
"When can I see you again," Sondra asked as Becks took her time in getting dressed.
Sondra was still on the bed, naked, her white skin showing redness where Becks had bit her, softly, not painfully, her shaved pussy still glistening with the wetness that Becks' mouth had produced.
"I don't know," Becks answered as she looked at Sondra, liking the lust that was still in Sondra's eyes as she swept them over Becks' body, "Call me in a couple of weeks and we'll talk."
"Couple of weeks?" Sondra repeated, "Not any sooner than that?"
"Couple of weeks, bitch; got it?" Becks repeated firmly.
Bending down, Becks kissed Sondra hard, holding her head back by her hair with one hand, Sondra's moans of excitement a backdrop of sound for them.
Breaking off the kiss, Becks looked down at Sondra for a moment more, then turning, she walked out of the bedroom of the suite to the hall door, closing it behind her as she left.
Still sitting on the bed, Sondra's eyes stared at that door, stared hard at the path that Becks had walked when she left..........
Well, this is different, thought Jean, when Prez walked into her room, her two Veeps in tow. Before, Jean went to their rooms; tonight, Prez brought her Veeps to her own room for Jean to pleasure.
And, each in turn, Jean did pleasure the Veeps, laying them on their backs then slipping between their legs to have her way with them, was Jean's thinking. As Jean happily munched away on the Veeps' pussies, Prez and the other Veep stood, watching, the lust building as they took in the tableau before them. When the second of the two Veeps climaxed from Jean's excellent oral abilities, it seemed as if the poor girl hadn't had time to stop shaking from orgasm before Prez hustled the two Veeps out of her room, locking the door behind them when they left.
Jean had rolled over onto her back when the last of the Veeps was pulled from the bed to leave by Prez, her feet on the floor, her pussy and ass on the edge of the bed.
They were alone now, Prez and Jean, no one else in the room, no one else to witness Prez ripping off her ceremonial clothing as she walked towards Jean, Prez's eyes focused, now, on Jean's snatch which was wet from arousal and excitement. Kneeling between Jean's legs, Prez lowered her head until her nostrils could smell the flowery scent wafting from Jean's pussy. Placing her mouth over Jean's pussy, Prez indulged her desire that had been eating away at her all night, slipping her tongue easily into Jean's pussy while her hands found, and fondled, Jean's breasts as her mouth and tongue tasted pussy.
No, of course not, Prez wasn't a 'lez', a 'carpet-muncher', no, not at all was Prez's thinking. She had a boyfriend, for God's sake, a studly speciman of manhood who was Captain of the School's Football team after all. What she was doing to Jean, what she and Jean would do with each other before Jean left Prez's room was nothing more than 'play', private play that was just a part of the ceromonial rites of the evening. It didn't count for anything, Prez thought to herself, it was just 'play' she reminded herself, the thoughts leaving her mind as she aggressively assaulted Jean's sweet-smelling, sweet-tasting cunt, her mouth emitting coos and grunts of pleasure as she tasted Jean's womanhood.
When Jean climaxed, Prez lifted her mouth from the wet pussy, and pulling Jean by her hands until her head was on the pillows of the bed, Prez crawled over Jean's body until they were in a position to sixty-nine each other. Lowering her pussy to Jean's head, Prez lowered her mouth once more, her moans, soft and primal, as their tongues found each other's pussy..........
Well, this has turned out rather well, thought Tess as she slowly rubbed her pussy up and down Jan's mouth and tongue as she 'sat' on Jan's face, her hands holding onto the headboard of her large, king-sized bed. Behind her, Soo was busy between Jan's wide-spread legs, tasting, biting, her tongue slipping in and out of Jan's snatch.
Jan's desire to quench her curiosity about gal-gal sex was being met, Tess thought further, Jan not needing to be coaxed into the sex-play that the three of them had done since coming upstairs to Tess' room. Smiling to herself, Tess closed her eyes and let the orgasm crawl up her body until it was ready to claim her, to wrap its arms around her, causing her body to shake with pleasure as she pressed her pussy harder against Jan's, oh-so-willing, mouth.
It wasn't until the wee hours of the morning that the three gals called it quits, mouths red and somewhat sore, pussies and libidoes, fully sated. Lying between Jan and Soo, Tess felt herself slipping into sleep as Jan and Soo clung to her body on either side of her, each with one of Tess' tits in their hand, her arms around them both, hugging them to her.
Tess didn't hear either Becks or Jean come home a little while later, separated by fifteen minutes or so, each going to their own rooms, quietly slipping into their own bed to find, and capture, much needed sleep, all three house-mates drifting off with the memory of their evening still fresh in their minds.......... | literotica |
Title: Custodian history lesson. by Rawcaw
Tags: History, Sci-Fi
Welcome: USER
On behalf of the Custodian Alliance, thank you for accessing Custodian inter-gate net service. (Speeds may vary due to local wormhole traffic.)
Retrieving requested data now...please hold... Data received at: 22.34.468/B
A brief summary of the Valdari history and their interaction with the Alliance, by professor of psychohistory Roths dam-Cordesta. //// Approved and amended by the Custodian Commissioner for clarity of Information for public viewing. ////
The Planet Valdar lies within an area of space close to the fringes of what we call known space, at the edge of the Custodian sphere of influence and the Oondodie borders. The people of that planet only began their first tentative exploits into interstellar space as the Alliance was reaching it's peak, placing them several hundred years behind even the youngest civilisations within the Alliance. For some time they stayed around their home star, establishing a small stellar empire with their homeworld at it's centre. They remained at this point for some time, as the area of space that they originally inhabited was quite sparsely populated with planets, limiting their level of expansion. Even though they were a reasonably advanced race technically their social structure had remained primitive, still centered around an almost absolute religious monarchy and an emperor who had overall power on the running of government. In Valdari society there was a ruling family, at it's head is the Emperor and his nobles. All major decisions came by the imperial seat of power on Valdar, or by imperial decree from Valdar. The majority had little or no say in how their lives were run.
Despite this, a relatively short time, in civilisational terms anyway, they began to expand further. Eventually getting close enough to the Alliance's sphere of influence to start to receive the radio traffic coming from there. The first official radio contact was made with the Valdari Empire over 100 years ago by the Alliance. Since then the Valdari made contact with a few other races, most notably the Oondodie, although at the time this was not considered to be significant. The Empire contrasted hugely with the Alliance, one being an autocracy and the other being a democratic alliance of many races. The Alliance began as the combined strength of several large and wealthy trader civilisations that combined their collective resources and power to protect their interests from piracy and invasion. Since it's initial foundation, the Custodian Alliance has incorporated many other civilisations, some by it's economic power, some by choice and few by invasion or force.
The Valdari continued their tentative expansion across space, their population growing faster than they could find accommodate for living space and food. Naturally, our great and generous Alliance offered to trade them technologies in space travel and medicine in return for what little resources they could offer. This was came as a slight surprise to Valdar; as a people they had always favoured the rule that the strong must survive, this was shown in their predatory nature and backward belief in a religion. This was not the only thing that surprised the Valdari about our great Alliance. The thought that leaders were chosen by the people, and that different races could elect one leadership to govern them was something totally alien to them. Even that people in the Alliance disagreed and sometimes even went against their government. They saw it as a weakness.
Using the added spaceship technology from the Alliance they began to travel further from their homeworld, greatly expanding their empire and their knowledge of the other races. They also found that it was possible to acquire advanced technology through much less diplomatically controlled means. They saw that, as there were those in the Alliance who thought differently from their official rulers, they could acquire other technologies, ones that the Alliance wisely chose not to share. Thus as the Empire grew, illegal technology trading began along it's ever increasing borders. The Emperor was willing to pay a very good price for any technology, most notably weapons, that the Alliance didn't want to share. The Emperor of Valdar could pay for all this because he had at his disposal the entire treasury of the Valdari people and one of the largest stockpiles of gold mined from the 8th planet of the Valdari home system (which was unusually rich in the metal). All that gold inevitably attracted pirates, thinking that their superior ships would give them the upper hand. They were right, the Valdari ships were no match in the early days of the expansion and trading, but once the bandits set foot on the ground they found the Valdari foot soldiers were not the same. Although they were less well armed, they were fanatical in their devotion and fierce in combat. Every time a Valdari world was pirated the story was the same, the ships would have no trouble in space, but once they landed the crew was over run by ground forces, either being boarded or being forced to leave empty handed. Most pirates soon gave up the attempts, preferring black market trade to costly attacks.
With this influx of new technologies the Empire grew rapidly, undergoing one of the fastest technological changes ever witnessed in any civilisation. This expansion was driven by a growing famine within the Empire. All of it's efforts continued to focus on military and scientific development, rather than caring for it's rapidly expanding population. Food riots were common, for the first time there was actual talk of revolution on Valdar. This all reached a tipping point when the Emperor of Valdar, Ismth the 8th, was assassinated by a lone dissident. It was at then the remaining Valdari government acted to preserve the Empire. The first thing they did was to use their new medical science to bio-mechanically revive the Emperor after he was killed, that staging a theatrical revival that was broadcast across the entire Empire. The effect this had on the Valdari people, already deeply religious and superstitious despite their level of advancement, ended any planned revolution. Across the Empire of Valdar the cry rose up "Aye'an Lactah Praeh" translated into standard as "All praise to the Immortal Emperor". The Valdari people now knew that they were the strongest, other peoples changed their leaders only they had the strength of the immortal leader behind them. The Empire was ready, technologically and most importantly psychologically for another great expansion, even a war. They sent out their fastest ships to seek out new areas to expand into, they knew that our great Alliance could easily resist even a surprise attack, but there were others who were weaker.
The Oondodie are an old race, older than any other know to still exist, though they are at a technological level similar to the Alliance. In appearance they are cervine, silvery in colour and delicately and elegantly framed. They are one of the more graceful races in known space and are very proud of their appearance. Their civilisation was vast and sprawling, with little military other than the usual police force and no real tight control from their central goverment. Their attitude to the other races, even the Alliance, is one of polite disdain and aloofness. They considered themselves above all others because their culture was so ancient, and were a people of romantics, adventurers and socialites. They had little interest in trade or conquest considering themselves to b above such things and being far too ancient and respected to be attacked. The Oondodie military was powerful, with one ship easily out-matching any Valdari craft in speed and firepower, but they were few and most were simply used to keep pirates at bay or for show. Overall the Oondodie were not ready for any sort of major conflict, their command structure being outmoded and the bulk of military might being used for posturing to the other races.
When the first Valdar scoutships entered Oondodie space, they were largely ignored and politely asked to leave. When they continued to survey the area they were threatened with destruction and did eventually leave to return to Valdari space. Once they returned to the empire they reported to the military commanders and to the Immortal Emperor. This is a short extract from that report. "The prey known as Oondodie, their civilisation was extremely large and populated with fertile, verdant planets. Their military was un-prepared for any sort of conflict and the raw materials extracted from there would end the starvation in our Empire. They are so sure of their superiority they will not expect an attack of this magnitude, we will show them who is the superior race... All praise to the Immortal Emperor!"
Within the years that followed, very little was heard from Valdar and all wormhole gates leading to there were kept under strict control by the Valdari military police. They resisted all attempts at diplomatic discussion and only traded through third parties, buying large amounts of raw materials and equipment. The populations on the outlying planets seemed to decrease sharply, and some wondered if the outlying colonies were succumbing to starvation. What had actually been going on inside Valdar was made clear to the entire of known space not long after. All the incoming wormholes to the Valdari Empire were blockaded by newer more powerful military craft. The missing population had all become soldiers, every member of Valdari society committed themselves entirely to the war effort, either becoming the soldiers and navy of the military or the workers that built the ships in the great shipyards. The Immortal Emperor himself had committed the entire of his civilisation to this one goal, all others were unimportant. Almost all of the natural resources of the empire were used to build up the military to a level never before seen in such a new civilisation. The first wave of the Valdari Imperial navy set off towards Oondodie space.
The initial stages of the invasion went well, the Oondodie were taken aback, unprepared and affronted at the idea that someone could think of attacking them. Any initial resistance to the Valdari invasion was barely effective, the Oondodie ships were outgunned and un-coordinated. The ground invasions were equally as one sided, the fanatically religious and zealous Valdari soldiers easily overwhelming the mostly civilian population of the first planets they took. The Valdari did not think they were cruel or unfair when they attacked civilians, it was the right of the strong. To them it was only natural, simply a means to an end to save their people from starvation. They had the will of the Immortal Emperor behind them, they had what they considered to be divine right.
The sweeping success of the Valdari did not last long, the Oondodie soon revived their aging military and began to hold the line at more systems. Their ships were now more equal in number to the Valdari, and still technologically superior in terms of speed and maneuvering. The war that both sides thought was going to be a sweeping victory turned into a long and drawn out conflict. The casualties on both sides were high, but the Valdari had the weight of effectively their entire population behind them and were still pushing the Oondodie back, defeating them on the ground and being able to match them in space. The Valdari also used illegal cybernetics, much like the techniques used on their 'Immortal Emperor' to resurrect soldiers bodies only and return them to the battlefield. These soldiers, known as 'Praehtors', although uncommon, were the most deadly on the ground and in space. They were heavily augmented to become the ideal weapon. Little is known about them as very few were recovered, but it is not believed that the mind of the dead soldier is saved, only their body. These partly mechanical soldiers gradually started to turn the tide further in favour of the Valdari.
The Oondodie were losing ground fast, they had run out of options and had to petition our great Alliance for military help. They justified this by revealing that the Valdari had been committing war-crimes such as executing prisoners of war and the mistreatment and killing of non-combatants. The Alliance agreed to aid the Oondodie in the conflict after a price had been settled, but refused to invade from it's own border with Valdar. With the help of Alliance ships and resources the Oondodie were once again able to repel the invasion. However the arrival of the second wave of ships from Valdar prompted the alliance to act directly, giving military aid to the Oondodie fleet in the form of the 2nd Custodian fleet.
When the second wave arrived at one of the central worlds of the Oondodie, the combined strength of the Alliance and the Oondodie fleets totally destroyed over two thirds of the invasion force, the rest returning to Valdar or scattering. One of the ships destroyed was the Imperial flagship, on board was the Immortal Emperor. His final death, coupled with the total loss of the Valdari army and navy caused the remaining officials to order a retreat from Oondodie space. The Empire of Valdar was broke, leaderless and on the brink of starvation. When our great Alliance sent the 2nd Custodian fleet to offer to assimilate them into the alliance, they had to accept. All of the old Valdari military hardware was seized and placed under Custodian control or destroyed. However many ships are still unaccounted for, their crews fleeing into the depths of space to join pirate forces or form small militias of their own. The number of soldiers who left the Empire or are unaccounted for is much higher, many form gangs in the rougher parts of space, still hateful to the Alliance. More still roam the slums of Valdar, declaring a sort of mob rule and resisting the integration into the Alliance. Most disturbingly of all, there are rumored to be a few surviving pieces of the military hardware known as 'Praehtors' still in hiding. //// The rest of this report has been deemed unfit for public viewing. The Custodian Commissioner for clarity of Informationwould like to take this opportunity to remind you that if you know of any illegal military hardware, report it immediately to your nearest Custodian official. There will be a reward for any information leading to it's acquirement. //// | FSE |
Witch’s Curse “Ma’am, I’m so sorry! I promise I’ll replace it! I promise!” Jill pleaded.
The statuesque woman with dark hair looked down at the mess. Groceries lay across the ground, the milk spilt across the hard concrete, and broken eggs were everywhere. “Yes, you will replace it.” She said quietly in a way that sent shivers up Jill’s spine.
“Just let me just run to the store,” Jill started to pick up her bike, hoping to ride off before things turned worse.
“No.” The woman’s voice came sharp and hard.
The younger woman blinked, her bike falling to the ground again. “What?”
“Those were not store bought, and I will not tolerate store bought. They were farm fresh, and I need them for a recipe right now.” She turned her dark gaze on the shorter woman.
“Can I go to the farm then? I promise, I’ll go right away!” Jill’s nerve felt all on edge.
“No, I have a better way.” She said, as she waved her hand in a curious fashion at Jill. Clicking her tongue once she started towards a stately old house that loomed above them.
Jill’s body seemed to have a mind of its own, and she felt herself begin to follow the woman away from the discarded food, and her bike, on the sidewalk. Instead, she walked up a trimmed garden path bordered by blooming flowers and small bushes. The house itself was an old queen Anne home, its walls were a rich tone of purple, and it trimmed in black painted wood. The woman lowered her hand, and Jill felt herself grow still, waiting. The woman’s fingers just brushed the brass knob, and the door swung open with barely a whisper. Her hand raised again and she beckoned the young woman in with a smooth gesture. Unable to resist whatever force was guiding her she complied, only to hear the door close with a quiet snick behind her.
“I will take you up on that replacement now.” She said calmly, her voice carrying a dark menace to it.
Jill blinked; her body still unresponsive as she stood there. “But, uh, how?” She asked, confused.
A sharp laugh met Jill’s confusion as the woman turned to set down her other bag. “Have you really not figured it out? I’m a witch. I have my ways of getting what I want.”
“A witch?” Jill’s mind reeled as she comprehended that her following the woman was not of her own free will, but rather the compulsion of something unthinkable: magic.
“Yes, a witch. Now, let’s see, what I want is the milk and eggs you ruined replaced. Now.” The last word rang in Jill’s ear, harsh and commanding. The woman’s fingers flicked in her direction, as if throwing something small, unseen.
Her body freed of its paralysis the young woman who doubled over as her guts churned. The first sensations were as if the insides of her lower abdomen were rearranging themselves. Parts of her twisting and shifting. This was followed by the feeling of the worst bloating of her life, as if everything below her navel were expanding. She cried out as the sensations become more tangible, the button on her shorts exploding free as the fabric gave way to the slow expansion of her lower guts. A bulge grew outward; pink and round, expanding with each breath she took. “Oh, I’d get rid of those pants if I were you.” The witch commented, now standing in the nearby kitchen sorting various cooking implements as she waited for her handiwork to complete.
Jill could only watch as small dimples appeared on the protruding mass. Only for each one to press out with sudden pops that felt both pain and relief as long teats erupted from the sensitive stretching skin. Falling to her knees she struggled with the tight band of her shorts, and her panties that continued to constrain the growing flesh. She struggled with the fabric, uncaring that she was stripping in front of the strange woman. All she cared was that she relieved the constriction.
The relief was palpable as she finally managed to pull her shorts and panties from around her growing udder. But this sensation was not to last as the udder continued to grow larger and heavier. It felt taut and stretched as if it were full, begging for release. The weight dragged her forward, until her elbows hit the floor. The long teats dragging against the ground, each brush sending little tremors through her flesh that both excited and revolted her.
The witch looked up. Clicking her tongue, she came over with a bowl and towel in hand. Putting a hand up on her stomach she forced Jill’s back to arch slightly, lifting the udder from the floor long enough to slide the large bowl under, and wrap it with the towel. “I don’t want milk stains on my nice wooden floors.” She said as Jill shivered with the cool touch of the glass bowl against her teats.
Worse, her insides were not done with her. She could feel pressure there. Deep within she could feel the clenching of her vaginal walls as if anticipating. Moistness was already collecting between her legs as she began to drip. She groaned slightly, swaying a bit, sending more shivers through her as her teats continued to slide against the bowl, their tips starting to leak fluid. Pressure continued to build inside her, like something more was ready. Her body spasmed as the first object pressed against her cervix, forcing itself from her womb. Down the pressure moved through her, forcing itself against her vulva. She could feel her lips bulging. Once, twice, thrice, as the object forced its way out, dropping into clothes the she’d discarded with a soft wet plop noise.
“Ack!” Jill let out a confused sound, unsure if it was pleasure, surprise, or pain at the expulsion of the small rounded object. But she wasn’t done. More pressure built, more objects forced their way out, one by one. She almost didn’t notice when the witch sat down and began milking her in earnest, her long fingers wrapping around the teats as she squirted more and more milk into the bowl from the swollen udder. Soon it became a rhythm, the hissing of the milk as it sprayed into the bowl, the soft sound of each egg clacking against the growing pile, and the deep moan of the woman as her body swam with powerful feelings of release.
Soon the witch seemed to have all she wanted, letting the poor girl fall forward on to the towel, exhausted. Jill could feel her udder was drained, and the phantom clenching of her vagina as she twitched, but no more eggs. She lay there a moment or two completely lost in the sensations that had just washed over her body.
“You may go.” The witched waved at her, but this time no compulsion reached out to Jill.
Instead, she hoisted herself up on her knees, feeling the damp stickiness in her shorts as they lay wrapped around her calves under her. She looked down at her swollen udder, diminished only slightly in size. “But the?” Jill started.
The witch cut her off. “Oh, I think you should keep that a while. It’ll be a good lesson for you. I’d suggest milking yourself daily, and just to make it fair, I’ll buy any eggs you want to sell me.”
“Eggs?” Jill gulped. “Oh yes, you’ll be laying them regularly now.” The witch’s smile was harsh. “In fact, probably for many years to come.”
Jill wanted to scream how unfair it was, but all that came out was a stammered response. “But…?”
“But what? Would you like a tail to go with this? Or perhaps some horns?” The eyes of the witch flashed brightly for a moment; dark violet flames that cast shadows that danced in the brief moments of her fury.
“Uh, no ma’am!” Jill sputtered, stumbling to get to her feet.
“Good, then.” The witch turned away and waved her hand. “You may go.”
Jill hastily pulled her clothes back on as best she could, the pink udder flopping oddly atop her shorts, and her lady parts feeling damp and ill- used from the laying of eggs, not to mention the sticky mess left from her expulsion of them into her panties. Ducking out of the house she wondered how she’d get home without being noticed, let along explain her new features to her boss on Monday.
Stradling her bike she stared down at the piled of discarded eggs and milk that lay across the ground, wondering how much her life had just changed because she dodged a squirrel, only to run into a witch. | yiff-extreme |
Title: How Do You Spell Relief? Ch. 06
Tags: incest, mother, son, oral, sex, becky owens, tommy petersen
*Ummm. Okay, I figure the best thing to do is start with an apology. I can't believe it's taken this long to get this chapter together. I am embarrassed and disappointed and all I can do is offer the weak excuse that life keeps getting in the way of any spare time for writing.
Once again, thanks to everyone who has taken the time to leave feedback. I'm sorry for making you wait so long for the next installment, I just hope it's been worth it. Reading through it now, there just seems to be an awful lot of sex.
The sickening part is that I can't even guarantee that the next one is going to come along any quicker than this one. All I can say is that if people want it to continue I'll do my best. I still have quite a few ideas. It's just a case of making time to get it down.
As always, all credit to Bobby T, the master and creator.
Apologies again, BBV*
The sky was clear and it was nice and warm as I walked to school on Monday morning. I was in another world. The last three days had been amazing. Since Becky had visited our house for dinner on Thursday, mom and I had shared our bed every night; hers, mine and the guest bed.
We had decided that the best thing was for us to use the guest room from now on for sleeping together. It was kind of neutral territory and I liked the idea of having one room in the house that was 'special' for us. Not that we had limited ourselves to making love just in the guest room; oh no, we'd done it in my room, moms room, on the lounge floor, the kitchen bench, the dining table, the stairs, in the downstairs shower and in the upstairs bath. We'd even done it at midnight Saturday in the middle of the back lawn with all the lights off in the house (mom insisted, so the neighbors wouldn't see).
My body loved sex. I felt so good and I couldn't wait to get to school and get into another day. Mom and I had made love again that morning before she'd left for work. She had gotten up ahead of me to be ready in time to hit the road for the morning commute but I was awake by the time she'd had her breakfast and shower. I lay in bed in the guest room and watched her get dressed in front of me; I loved watching the way she moved, applying makeup and perfume and putting on her underwear and outer garments. My cock was hard by the time she'd finished and she came to me to give me a goodbye kiss.
"Bye bye baby." Her lips were soft and warm on mine. "I'm so sorry but I don't have time for a blowjob this morning." True regret filled her voice. "I'll make it up to you tonight, I promise."
I pulled her down to me for another kiss.
"Do you have a dirty pair of panties I could use to maybe jerk off into?" It was something I'd thought of trying several times, but now that mom and I had taken our wonderful big step jerking off was something I hadn't done much of lately.
I saw her eyes light up and she smiled as she glanced around the room.
"Of course, here you go." She grabbed a rumpled pair off the floor from where I'd thrown them the night before. I took them and carefully turned them round until I could sniff the gusset. Her scent was like special perfume to me and she watched me, still smiling. I looked at her.
"Baby, I can't. You know I want to but I have to go. I'll be late."
"But mom..." Before she could move, I lunged and grabbed her around the waist with one arm.
"Tommy!" She giggled as I held onto her tightly while I quickly slid out of bed. "My goodness, young man. What an awfully big penis you have! My goodness me! What on earth are you going to do with that?" She grabbed hold of my shaft with one hand and we smiled at each other as she began stroking me playfully.
"I'm going to use it to fuck you, Mrs Petersen. I'm going to fuck you and give you a load of hot cum to see you through the day!"
"Oh, my! Really? What...? What are you doing? Oh! Oh...!Well, I never...!" I pulled her knee-length business skirt up over her hips and grabbed one of her curvey little ass cheeks, squeezing it hard through the thin fabric of the hipster knickers I'd watched her pull on minutes before. I pressed her against me, bending my head to kiss her again as I grabbed at the elastic band at the base of her tummy with my free hand, pulling the fabric away so I could get my hand inside, in to her sweet honey. She parted her legs and I slid my middle finger into the soft folds of her pussy.
Over the last few days mom had taken the time to teach me some more about playing with her and now I felt her getting wet quickly as I stroked and teased. I slipped a finger into her and was rewarded with a gasp. I pulled my hand out of her panties and offered it to her. She gave a low moan as she licked my fingers and sucked her liquid down her throat.
"I have to fuck you mom."
It wasn't a request.
I grabbed the top of her knickers with both hands and pushed them down over her hips, then I grabbed her by the shoulders, turning, lifting her bodily onto the bed before me. Mom kicked her knickers down her legs. They slid easily down the sheer white stockings she was wearing and onto the floor as I lifted her.
She was so small and light I was able to position her exactly how I wanted her, bent over on her knees on the edge of the bed with her thighs parted and her gorgeous ass and glistening pussy sitting at just the right height. She fell forward onto the bed on her elbows and I pushed the hem of her dress up out of the way. Her firm warm flesh felt so smooth under my hands.
"Fuck me, Tommy!" she panted. As I moved behind her she reached down and spread the pink lips of her pussy. "Fuck me! I want your cum inside me while I'm at work! Fuck me, quick!"
I grabbed the head of my thick cock, pointed it straight at her tight slit and then with constant pressure I pushed the whole length of my shaft up inside her until the bulbous fat head was buried deep between her soft lips and my balls swung against her hand where it still held her open.
I was feeling guilty about delaying her, so I didn't waste time. As soon as she realised I was in her to the hilt, I put both hands on her slim waist and began fucking her. The absolute best thing about this position for me was that I had an unrestricted view of her sweet sexy ass. I loved watching her butt cheeks shake stiffly at the end of each of my thrusts.
"Oh baby, I love it when you fuck me!"
"I love your pussy, mom. I want to fuck you every day!"
"Yes...yes, oh fuck! Yes, baby. Fuck me every day! Fuck me, darling, fuck me! I'm your little whore! Fuck your whore, darling, fuck me. Fuck my cunt...Oh, that's it, yes...uh huh. You can get in so deep like this can't you, baby? Oh, fuck I'm a slave to your cock!"
"And I'm a slave to your pussy, mom! I love making it wet and sliding my cock up into you. I love filling you with my cum. I love watching you jerk off with my cum leaking out of you and I love going down on you and making you cum with my tongue!"
"Oh, Tommy! You make me so fucking hot when you talk like that!"
She braced herself against the pile of messed up bedclothes and began pushing back against me, meeting my thrusts so that we really slammed into each other at the end of my strokes.
"Deeper baby! Push it deeper! Oh it feels so gooood! Oh, your fat cock...!"
Mom's pussy got wetter and wetter as we continued. My balls swung about and crashed into our thighs and then I saw her arm move again to slide up between her legs. I knew she would be caressing and stroking around her lips as my thick shaft pumped away inside her. She was masturbating again. Suddenly, she lifted her head.
"Stop, Tommy!" It was a command.
"What! Mom, why...? Please, don't you want...?"
"Of course I want you. Get out of me, now! This instant!"
Suddenly I was worried. Of course she had to get to work, but she was enjoying this just as much as me! With some considerable effort I pulled my hot slippery length out of her. As soon as she was free she scrambled off the bed and grabbed me.
"On the floor! NOW!"
"Tommy, do as I say. Lie down on the floor!" She pointed and then, as I began to do as she said, she turned and grabbed the pillows off the bed.
Just before my head hit the floor she was there, arranging them behind me.
"I want you to be comfortable," she said as she squatted by my head.
"But mom, what's wrong?"
She stood and looked down at me.
"You just don't get it, do you? I want my cunt full of cum! Full, do you hear me?" As she talked she pawed the bunched-up fabric of her skirt back down below her hips and then reached behind her. There was the squeal of a zip being yanked down way too fast and then she was kicking it off.
She straddled me, looked me square in the eye and squatted, grabbing my cock and lifting it off my stomach as she lowered herself. She didn't break stride at any moment; it was all one fluid motion and the next thing I knew she had impaled herself on my thick rod. It went so far up inside her that the soft skin around her slit flattened my pubes! Her eyelids flickered and she uttered a deep groan from the back of her throat.
"Fuck, yes!!" she hissed through clenched teeth. With the pillows behind me I could see perfectly. What a fantastic sight! Mom began fucking my cock like a woman possessed. I never suspected she could be so physical. She closed her eyes, put her hands on my chest and began pumping her tight little pussy up and down my cock much harder than I would have dreamed she could manage.
"Fucking hell, mom!" I said in amazement. My voice came out all jerky and uneven because she was leaning on my ribcage so hard. "Fuck, you really know how to fuck!"
"Yeah, well..." Her voice was husky with lust. "Your father wasn't the only guy I fucked before I got married, you know. Now mommy's gonna fuck *herself!*"
Her beautiful long black hair flew about her head as she thrashed and pumped her hips up and down, making her tight pussy milk my cock furiously. She took one hand off my chest and carried on massaging her clit, like before. This was too much for me. After about five minutes I knew I was going to blow and I knew it was going to be a big one.
"Yeah, baby?"
"M...Mom, I'm gonna..." Jeez, she was bouncing up and down so hard I had to time my words so there was air in my lungs. "Mom, I'm gonna cum."
"You're damn right you are, you horny little motherfucker! Fuck me on the bed, will you? You gonna cum? Baby gonna cum for mommy?" Her voice became hoarse as she pounded her hot slit up and down on my cock. "Fill me up, honey! Fill me full of your hot cum! Right up inside, oh yes! I know baby can get his cock right up inside mommy so her cunt gets filled with baby's hot load!"
Sweet Jesus! This was a side of mom I'd never seen before, ever. I tried to keep up.
"Mommy want a hot load from her boy, does she?" I looked at her with my eyebrows raised.
"Yeah...oh fuck, yeah!" She was watching me through eyes narrowed by exhertion.
"Want a pussy full of cum? Want me to squirt inside?"
"Yeeeeaaah...Gonna cummmm..." It was a long, drawn-out moan through clenched teeth.
"Oh, yeah!" I yelled as my hips spasmed up off the floor, driving me deep into her as she crashed down on top of me.
"FUCK!" she screamed. I grabbed moms hips and held her trembling body down on my pulsing cock as blast after blast of my jism shot into her squeezing pussy, filling her tight passage with my cream. She screamed again and I felt her go rigid on top of me, her face and neck blushing pink.
"Baby...oh, baby!"
"I love you, mom! Oh, I love your pussy!"
She collapsed on top of me, craning to kiss my face and neck and mouth passionately.
"Tommy, I love feeling you cum inside me! It makes me so happy I could cry!"
"I love you so much, mom!"
She reached her arms around my neck and held me tight as I slipped my hands down onto her perfect smooth firm ass. She was still panting rapidly from her orgasm and I could feel sweat on my face and forehead. We held each other and waited for the aftershocks to subside. I loved the feel of her ass cheeks and I spread them a little further, playing my fingers back and forth over her little rosebud. She laughed and cooed into my chest, kissing the skin, working over to first one nipple and then the other, teasing them with her teeth and tongue.
"Hmm..." I said. "So Mrs Petersen, what do you think of my awfully big penis now?"
"Mm-mmm. I love your awfully big penis, young man." She giggled and then stopped, placing a concerned hand over her mouth.
"What's wrong, mom?" I asked, suddenly worried for her.
"Baby, when I pull off you all your cum is going to run out. I want it to stay inside me! Ooh, what am I going to do?"
I thought fast.
"Here, put your arms back around my neck."
I put one hand around her waist and held her tight against me.
"Oooh, Tommy! I like the way you're so strong with me."
"Hang on..."
I pushed with one foot and gently eased us over, rolling her until our positions were reversed, she on her back and me above her. She laughed delightedly and opened her legs wide, lifting her feet right up off the floor.
"Wonderful, darling! Now pull out of me slowly, I don't want any to leak out yet."
I shifted into a better position and then gently lifted my hips, pulling my tingling dick out of her.
"That's it, sweetie. Ooohh, lovely!"
Once I was clear she put both hands in her crotch and parted her pink lips. From where I was I could see her vagina was full of thick white cum. Geez, she looked sexy!
"Am I full? Can you see it?"
"Uh huh. Oh yeah, it's there alright." I said. I couldn't help myself and I started grinning like an idiot. Mom smirked at me.
"You're a horny little fucker, aren't you?"
"So are you!" I shot back playfully. She grinned openly this time.
"That I am. It's all because of your beautiful cock, though!"
As I watched, she dipped two fingers into her hot slit and pulled them out, coated with my cream. She sighed.
"Oh Tommy, I love your cum!" And she lifted her hand to her mouth, licking the fingers clean with obvious delight before going back for more and then again for yet more. I shook my head in wonderment and she smiled at me.
"I know I've said it before mom, but you're amazing!"
Her eyes went soft and liquid.
"You're so good to me, Tommy."
"And you're so good to me, mom. I'm so happy we're doing this with each other."
"So am I and...oh God! I'm so late!"
Mom scrambled to her feet and began frantically pulling on her knickers. I grabbed her skirt and held it out for her.
"Thanks baby."
She pulled it on.
"Let me get the zip," I said, moving behind her.
"Okay, quickly."
I zipped her up and she spun around, kissed me on the cheek and bolted for the door.
"Don't forget, I want you to help me start cleaning up this evening. Susan and Callie are arriving on Thursday and I want the house tidy before then!" she called from the hall, then I heard the front door open and close and the house was silent.
I had kind of forgotten that my Aunt Susan and my cousin Callie were visiting for a few days. Callie was training as a dancer and had a recital at the city college as part of her application for next year. There were several girls from her high school applying and they had orgainsed a group trip for it so my aunt and Callie were going to stay with us to save the cost of a hotel.
At first I was looking forward to seeing them, since I loved both of them so much. Callie was a month older than me and we had always got on well as we grew up but Mom and I hadn't seen much of them for the last three or four years after Susan's marriage had split up and she had moved away for work. Then I started to wonder what mom would want to do about our sleeping arrangements. Susan and Callie would get the guest room and I figured mom would not feel safe about us sharing her or my bed with them in the house. Then I realised it would make things difficult for us to enjoy each other.
I thought about it all as I showered and got ready for school. In the end I figured that we would sort something out and if it meant I had to 'relieve the pressure' by myself I could make that sacrifice for mom.
The morning seemed to drag on forever but the bell for lunch eventually rang. I grabbed my bag and headed for the library. April was sitting behind the desk again, which caught me off-guard. Did she live there or what?
"Hi Tommy," she said cheerfully as I pushed the door open and walked through with my bag on one shoulder. She seemed to be the only one there again.
"Oh, hey April," I smiled in return. Her long blonde hair looked really nice and she was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt that was open at the neck. I'd never noticed she had so much cleavage before. "Uh, is Ms Owens out again?" I looked around.
"No, she's in her office. Are you here about that book again? Hasn't it come back yet?"
"Book? Oh, yeah right, the book. Ah...yeah, I was wondering if it was back, yeah."
"Can you remember the title? I can check again for you."
She dropped the magazine she was reading, pushed her glasses up her cute nose and straightened up in front of the computer, looking at me. Man, how had I never noticed how good her boobs looked or how blue her eyes were before?
"You know what?" I said, trying not to stare at the top of her shirt, "I'm such a doofus. I can't remember. Maybe you should ask Ms Owens to come out and see if she's got it."
"Well, hang on. I can check and see if she's made a note on your file. It won't take long."
The ache in my crotch was getting unbearable. I'd been thinking about Ms Owens' pussy all morning. My mouth was literally watering at the thought of going down on her again and here I was talking about the location of a made-up book.
"Oh, I'm sure..." I trailed off as April shifted in her seat and began typing. The stool she was sitting on was quite high behind the desk and she leaned forward, watching the screen as she punched the keys. Her shirt fell open and I caught a shot of the whole of her right breast, even the nipple! She wasn't even wearing a bra!! I slid my bag off my shoulder quickly and held it in front of my crotch as my cock jerked in my pants. Luckily I had pulled on a pair of my loose-fitting denim shorts that morning so the thicker fabric made it a bit less obvious.
"Nope. There's nothing new on your file." She sighed and looked back at me. "I'll have to go get her. Wait here a minute." She smiled as she slid off the stool and headed off down the back to Ms Owens' office. I took a moment to take a couple of deep breaths. Wow! I wondered if April had a boyfriend. How good would it feel to squeeze those puppies and feel one of her plump nipples in my mouth?
"What can I do for you, Mr Petersen?" I jumped as Ms Owens came round the end of one of the aisles of books with April following behind.
Far out, even in the business suit she was wearing, with the shirt and jacket buttoned up and a skirt down to her knees, Becky looked so hot.
"Oh, hi B...Ms Owens. I, um...I was wondering if that special book you told me about was back yet?"
"Oh yes, the Franco-Prussian War Encyclopedia? It came in on Friday so I put it aside for you. It's in my office, come this way please."
She turned quickly and marched back the way she'd come. I hurriedly stepped around the corner of the desk and followed after her. Before we turned down an aisle of books Becky stopped and turned back to April.
"You may as well enjoy your lunch-break, April. There's no need to watch the desk for me. Go and find your friends, it's a beautiful day. No need to waste it sitting in here."
"Oh," April looked a bit disappointed. "Okay Ms Owens, if you're sure."
"Yes, yes." Becky waved a hand at her. "I'll be fine as soon as I've dealt with young Mr Petersen." And she turned and walked off towards her office. As I followed along I gazed at her ass. Her legs looked amazing, wrapped in tight black stockings. The high heels she was wearing made her hips swing inside her gray skirt and I couldn't wait to hold her cheeks in my hands again.
Ms Owens pulled the door to her office open and held it for me.
"Come in Tommy and sit down. I won't be long."
I sat in the chair by the corner of her desk as she shut the door and locked it. Then she pulled the blind.
"Just a minute, darling."
I watched as she hurried across the room and disappeared through another door. After a minute I was starting to wonder what was going on. After two minutes I was really wondering what she was doing in there. After three minutes I thought maybe I should knock on the door and see if she was okay. I waited as long as I could and then, just as I was about to stand up and go to the door, it swung open.
Holy Lord, what a sight! Ms Owens stood in the doorway dressed in the sexiest, tightest, skimpiest nurses uniform I'd ever seen (not that I'd seen many nurses but hey, for a sexy nurses uniform I'm sure it was right at the top of the list).
She still had the high heels and black stockings on but the suit had disappeared and the white dress she had on now stopped short enough for me to see the suspenders that were holding the stockings up and the triangle of thin black lace that covered her pussy. Only the bottom two buttons of the front of the dress were done up and it fell open, exposing most of the mountains of her boobs either side of her cleavage. The bra she was wearing was also thin black lace. I could see her fat nipples through the fabric. They were hard and they poked at the cups holding them in place. She had this tiny little white cap on her head with a red cross on it and her lips were ruby red with lipstick.
"Wow..." I said hoarsly.
"Mr..." She looked at the clipboard she was carrying. "...Petersen? Hello, I'm Nurse Becky. I'm just going to check a couple of things for the doctor and do a preliminary diagnostic. The doctor will see you shortly."
She came over and placed a hand on my forehead.
"No temperature," she said to herself and made a note on the clipboard. She looked into my eyes and pulled my mouth open, looking inside with a frown. "Well, nothing obvious."
She sat down in the chair behind the desk.
"What seems to be the problem, Mr..." She checked the clipboard again. "...Petersen?" Man, she was good!
"Well, ah, Ms...I mean Nurse Becky, um..." I was determined not to be the one to let the side down. "See, it's kind of embarrassing. Like, it's kind of a guy problem, you know? I was really hoping to see the doctor."
I tried to make it sound like I was really uncomfortable talking to her. Man, I just wanted to rip her dress off and sink myself into her wet pussy but I could see from the gleam in her eye that playing along was exactly what she wanted.
"Come, come now. I'm a trained professional." She straightened up in the chair and pushed her boobs out even further. Her nipples were hard and thick, poking at the lace bra. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about. I'm here to help, but I can't help if you won't tell me what's wrong. You must talk to me and remember: you must be specific. Give me as much detail as you can."
"Well...okay, if you really want me to. But I gotta warn you, it's pretty gross."
"That's better. And I can tell you, I'm sure it's not as gross as some of the stuff we learned at nursing school. Now come on, out with it."
"Well, see, lately I've been feeling kind of uncomfortable down here, sort of. I was wondering if the doctor could give me something for it?"
"Uncomfortable where? In your stomach?"
"Ah, no. A bit lower down."
"In your pelvis?"
"Well, kinda. It's sort of here, in the front." I moved my hand down over my crotch. Even through my denim shorts, my hard cock made a bulge down the side of my leg.
Ms Owens stood up and came round to my side of the desk. Her huge tits bounced and swung as she moved and when she perched on the corner of the table her legs parted enough for me to see her lace knickers again. I could see her finely trimmed bush through them and even the pink lips of her pussy straining against the fabric. I cleared my throat and looked back up at her face as she started talking again.
"How would you describe the discomfort, sir? Is it a pain or an ache, or something else?"
"Well, I'd call it an ache, ma'am."
She nodded and leant forward. Those tits of hers were really something else. I don't know what they make bra straps out of, but it must be damn strong! She gently ran a hand along my thigh and squeezed.
"So, you have an ache in your groin. Do you play any sports?"
"Ah, yes ma'am. I play"
"Hmm. Have you injured yourself lately?"
Talk about spinning it out!
"No, not at all."
Ms Owens slipped off the edge of the desk and knelt in front of me.
"Okay, so I think what the problem is here is something that lots of young men around your age suffer from. It's perfectly natural and it's definitely nothing to be embarrassed about. In fact, it's quite wonderful really. I just need to check something. Can you move your hands away for me? Thank you."
She leant forward and unbuttoned the fly of my shorts.
"Now remember, I am a professional. As I was saying, lots of young men begin to experience strange sensations in their groins. It's because they're beginning...Oh my Lord! What...?"
She looked up at me with an expression of playful shock on her face.
"Mr Petersen! Oh my! This is most unexpected!" Her hands skilfully opened my pants and eased my throbbing shaft out of my boxers. She gasped in pretend shock as she gripped it firmly, stroking and squeezing as she gazed at the purple head.
"Well, I never! This is a most impressive specimen!" She looked up at me again. "I don't think we need to bother the doctor with this, I can handle it just fine. What we need to do is relieve some of the pressure. Now, there are several ways we can do this but I think this is an extreme case. I took an oath to devote my body to medicine and I am prepared to use it to help you. Do you agree to follow my instructions?"
"Yes, ma'am." I nodded eagerly. This was starting to sound real good!
"Very well. The first thing you need to do is take off your clothes. Stand and strip, please."
Nothing in the world has ever moved as fast as I did getting to my feet. My shoes were off, my shirt was on the floor and my pants and boxers followed it in seconds.
"Oh my!" said Ms Owens admiringly. "Even more impressive when unencumbered by clothing!"
She reached out and cupped each of my balls in turn with one hand as the other went back to slowly stroking my cock. "I see you are in perfect proportion too. And I can see clearly that this is where the problem is. Your poor sac is full of sperm so we simply must get it all out."
"Nurse Becky?"
"Hmm, yes dear?" She looked up at me dreamily from gazing at my cock.
"I have to eat you."
Her mouth fell open in shock.
"Good heavens, Mr Petersen! How inappropriate! Lie down on the floor at once!"
For the second time today? You must be kidding! I lay down on the floor. Becky got to her feet, hiked up her dress and pulled the scrap of fabric that were her knickers down her thighs and kicked them off over her high heels. Then she turned and positioned her feet either side of my head. Holy crap, what a view!
"You simply must lick my vagina for me, Mr Petersen," she said and then quickly squatted over my face. In an instant my whole world was smothered in hot fragrant pussy. She tasted even more heavenly than I remembered and the feeling of her plump lips on my mouth drove me crazy. I grabbed her soft curvey butt cheeks in my hands and squeezed and kneaded as I pushed my tongue into her opening. I moaned as I felt her hands grasp my hard shaft again and then her warm wet mouth began sucking and slurping on the head.
It didn't take long before my face was coated with her pussy juice. Becky moaned and wimpered above me, almost in time with my tongue as I licked her soaking twat as fast as I could. I remembered how wet she had been at home and I wondered if her pussy was always like that when she got turned on.
"Oh Tommy! Oh, Mr Petersen! Baby, I'm going to cum!"
I licked and sucked even faster. The thought of her cumming in my mouth again, of drinking her thick juice, made me steel-hard. I felt her butt stiffen and I pulled her down closer, opening my mouth as wide as I could to plant it on her pink slit, sucking as hard as I could. Her wet mouth felt amazing on the helmet of my cock and she gripped it tightly with one hand as she jerked me furiously as well.
Becky's whole body was shaking now, I could feel it as she knelt over me. My face was wet and slippery with her pussy juice because there was so much I couldn't keep up, despite the fact that I was sucking harder than a vacuum cleaner. Her other hand was tugging and pulling on my balls and that was really getting me going too. I knew it wouldn't be long before I was ready to fire off a load of cum. Just then I felt her go rigid as she squealed around my cock and ground her hot slit hard against my face.
Everything started to happen real quick. Her hips shook in my hands and I groaned as I felt the first salvo of my cum explode in her mouth. I heard her choke as she tried to swallow it as a flood of juice poured out of her and dripped into my mouth. I had to lift her off me so I wouldn't suffocate, she was pushing herself onto my face so hard. I swallowed hard but I just couldn't keep up. It flowed down over my cheeks and chin and as my cock jerked and launched another load she lifted her mouth off me and moaned.
"Tommy...oh, Tommy...!"
Her cunny hung above me, dripping thick liquid over my face. The skin of her inner thighs glistened and her close-cropped, trimmed pussy was soaked in juice. I groaned as another wave hit my groin and I felt my cock stiffen. Becky groaned again too as hot cum shot out going I don't know where and then I felt her lips enclose my head, sucking strongly as she gulped and slurped.
She squeezed my shaft and swallowed the last of my cum as my body relaxed. I was happy to lie on the floor and lick Becky's sweet pussy as she sucked my semi-hard rod. Her body felt so good where we touched, soft and warm. I ran a hand up over her waist to her back, feeling for the catch of her bra.
"It's on the front baby. Here, let me."
There was a click and then I felt the flesh of her tits flop down onto my belly. My hands went straight to them and I lifted each one, sliding my fingers under until I could pinch and tweak her plump fat nipples.
I moaned into her pussy; it was all I could do, because my mouth was full of her big lips. I hadn't really softened up at all and Becky was doing such a good job with her fingers and tongue that I knew I needed to be inside her soon.
I lifted her off me again.
"Nurse Becky?"
"Mmm hmm?"
"I still feel a bit uncomfortable." I couldn't help grinning at my cheekiness.
"Do you really, Mr Petersen?" She lifted herself off me and I struggled up to sit beside her as she rolled over and sat heavily on the floor, leaning against her desk.
I took one look at her and gaped.
"What?" Becky asked.
"You need to take a look in a mirror!"
Her face was a mess. Lipstick and cum were smeared all around her mouth and cheeks. A thick rope of white curved from under one ear down her neck towards her boobs and another one went from her forehead up into her hair. The little white nurses cap had come off and her long dark hair was all messed up.
"Oh no! Why? Am I all messy?" She scrambled to her feet and dug frantically in her bag, pulling out a little makeup mirror. "I know I've got your cum on me, young man. I felt it hit in a couple of...Oh my Lord! Oh, I look terrible! Thank God your mother isn't here. She'd think I was such a slut!"
I shook my head.
"It's okay, Ms Owens. Really, it's fine. I don't think you're a slut!" Well, not unless you want me to call you one, I thought.
"Don't you? I feel like one. Oh!"
She grabbed a handful of tissues from a box on her desk and began wiping my thick jism off her face and neck.
"All in my hair and everything!" She giggled and looked down at me."Heavens above, Mr Petersen!"
Here we go again.
"It helped a lot, Nurse Becky. Really it did. But I...I kind of feel like I need something else, too. Is there anything else you could do to help?"
Man, she looked so hot! Even having cleaned herself up and wiped all the lipstick off, the tight uniform just made her hips and ass and boobs look out of this world.
She squatted in front of me with some fresh tissues and began wiping my face clean too. That position made her legs splay open and the little skirt rode up her thighs. Her saturated twat called to me and my dick ached to be inside her.
"Oh, I made such a mess!" she said, laughing guiltily.
"I don't mind, Becky."
"That's Nurse Becky to you, sir!"
"Oh, sorry."
I slid a hand up her thigh into her sticky slit. My fingers entered her easily and she leant forward, her lips crushing mine as she opened her mouth and her tongue slipped out and licked and skipped about playfully. I moaned and put my hands on her hips, pushing her as I rose onto my knees and then got to my feet, pulling her with me. I grabbed her tits and mashed them, lifting the nipples to my mouth so I could suck and chew them. They were so fat and juicy and I felt her hand on the back of my head.
Out of the corner of my eye I looked at her desk. There wasn't a lot of stuff on it. I reached out and shoved a container of pens and paperclips out of the way, swept a notepad and the box of tissues onto the floor and then lifted her onto the edge of the table top.
"Yes...yes, fuck me baby!"
Becky leaned back with her arms behind her, bracing herself as she bent her knees and lifted her feet to spread herself for me. The aroma of her wet twat filled my nostrils as I grabbed my stiff shaft and moved towards her. I heard her breathe out as I slid into her and her hot slippery tunnel slurped and sucked at me as I pushed the sensitive head of my cock right up into her. I looked up at Becky; she had lifted her head and had her eyes glued on her groin.
"Oh, Mr Petersen. You're in me sooo deep!" she whispered.
"Am I doing it right, Nurse Becky?"
"Yes, indeed! Your penis is so big and hard, you must fuck me now and release more of your sperm. All young men need that relief, but I think your need is greater than most. Fuck me, my dear. You must use me to ease the pressure."
"Like this?" I asked as I pulled myself out. The entire length of my cock glistened with her juice and I jerked my hips, plunging back into her until my hips slammed into her inner thighs and her whole body shook in front of me.
"Oh! Oh, yes! That's it, darling. Keep going, fuck me as hard as you can! Yes!"
I slid my hands down her thighs and grabbed each of her firm ass cheeks under the straps of her garter belt, gripping the flesh tightly. With Becky's legs open before me I was able to lift her slightly and pull her to the edge of the desk, positioning her so that the soft lips of her pussy were perfectly in line with my hips.
"Oh! Mr Petersen! Oh! Oh! Fuck! Fuck yes!"
"Nurse Becky, your pussy is so beautiful!"
We began fucking in perfect time, Becky rocking forward on her hands as I pulled her hips towards my fat cock, sliding her tight wet vagina down over me until we slapped together. The thick juice from her hole coated both our groins and our pubic hair was all slick and sticky with it.
"Fuck me! Fuck me, yes!"
I tightened my grip and stared at her as I pumped my rock hard cock into her, filling her with every stroke, making her cry out as I reached the end of each thrust and the thick base of my shaft slammed into her stretched lips. Her eyes were wide and her mouth hung open as she panted rapidly, making her tits heave and bounce before me. I thought for a moment about the fact that I was fucking the school's hot librarian in her office during our lunchbreak and then I felt my shaft harden even more as the tingling started in my balls.
"Nurse Becky..." I knew I had to keep playing the game. "I'm going to cum."
"Fuck me, Mr Petersen. Fuck me, I want your cum in my wet little cunt! Fuck me darling."
"Oh fuck, Becky! Oh! Oh fuck, I'm going to cum!"
"Do it! Do it! Yes! Oh, yes!"
I pulled her juicy wet lips down my shaft one last time and then I felt my cock start blasting hot sticky sperm all over the inside of her tight hole.
"Fuck me, Tommy! Fuck me! I love your cock darling, so fuck me, come on!"
I thrust again, yanking her towards me on the desktop and I felt her pushing too, trying to get me right up inside her. I shot another load into her and she moaned happily as my dick pulsed and twitched, pumping the last bit into her.
Both of us were gasping for breath and I gently eased Becky back down onto the desk. I was still buried in her and she looked up at me with a triumphant smile.
"There you are, Mr Petersen! I'm sure you must feel better now!"
"Oh, yes ma'am. Thank you." I held onto the edge of the desk for a moment and waited til my legs were steadier.
"That's right, sweetie. You should always say 'thank you.'"
Her pussy still gripped me tightly and it seemed to suck me as I pulled out of her. My shaft hung soft and glistening, coated with our mixed liquid.
"Darling, you have such a beautiful cock," Becky said, still smiling.
"Thanks, Ms Owens. I think you're so sexy, too!"
"Do you, dear? What a lovely thing to say! Although I'm sure you'll forget all about me when you start conquering all those gorgeous young ladies!"
"I'll never forget you!" I meant it. "You're amazing!"
"Oh, you dear sweet boy!" She leaned forward on the desk and kissed me softly. "We'd better get cleaned up. You need to be back in class soon."
Cleaning up took longer than I expected. Becky had gotten so wet that we both ended up using the little sink in the tiny bathroom where she had got changed into the nurses uniform. I helped her get her business suit back on and then she gave me one last kiss.
"See you tomorrow, darling?"
"Sure!" I said. "Wow, do you mean it?"
She giggled.
"Of course, as long as your mother doesn't mind."
"I'm sure she wouldn't, but I can check." The last thing I wanted to do was something mom didn't like.
"I don't think she would too, but I think it's best if you do. Now hurry along, dear. We have to make sure we don't arouse any suspicions."
Outside the library door, I realized I badly needed to use the bathroom. There was one just around the corner so I turned on my heel and headed that way. I went in and, out of habit, went to the stall furthest from the door. I'd just unzipped myself when I heard a funny noise through the wall beside me. I froze and listened hard. There it was again. I put my ear against the wall and held my breath.
On the other side someone was panting really quickly. I closed my eyes, still listening.
It was muffled but unmistakable, a girls voice, strained and gasping.
"Oooohhh...oooooohh, Godddddd..." High-pitched, still panting rapidly. I heard a scraping sound, as if she was moving something and then,
"OH G...!" Really loud, but pinched off, as if she didn't want anyone to hear. My heart was thumping in my chest. It sounded like...but it couldn't be, could it? Surely guys were the only ones who...
"Oooohhh...Yes, yes..Now! Oh, oh, oh...Oh fuck...!" So quiet now I could only just make out the words through the wall. I was flattened against the sheet-rock, listening intently.
"Oh...!" and then a tiny squeal and another scrape of something moving. "Oh, yes! Oh. Oh, God yes! Oh...Oh...Oooooohhhhhhhh" Slowing down now, the breathing less laboured.
"Mmmmmm..." Quiet again. No sound. Then, so loud through the wall it made me jump, the sound of a toilet flushing. I suddenly realized where I was. I still needed to go, myself.
After I'd finished I stepped cautiously out into the hall, looking both ways. Further along the hall was another door to the girls restroom. Of course! There was one right next door to the guys. I was itching to hang around and see if anyone came out but I knew I shouldn't. I stood there like an idiot, dithering, when suddenly the door swung open. I panicked, jumped into action and hurried along the corridor like I was late for something, which wasn't far from the truth. The next class started in about five minutes and I was in totally the wrong part of school. I had my head down and I didn't even see it was April til I bumped into her.
"Oh man!" I cried. "I'm so sorry...! Oh, hey April. Let me help."
I got down and helped her pick up the two books she'd been carrying.
"It's okay, Tommy. Really, it was my fault..." She sounded flustered.
I got back to my feet and helped her up. Her perfume wafted over me and I breathed the scent; it smelled like spring flowers.
"Wow," I said without even thinking. "You smell good!"
"Really?" She looked flustered and her skin glowed pink.
I looked at her more closely as I handed her the last book.
"You sure you're okay?"
"Yes, fine thanks. Sorry for barging into you."
"Hey, anytime," I said as she turned and hurried off.
I stood and watched her go. Yes ma'am, anytime, I thought. Why hadn't I noticed how beautiful she was before? She was a bit taller than Becky but not as curvey. Not that that was a bad thing. She still looked real good, hurrying off down the corridor. I would see her again at the end of the day; our last class was History and I decided to sit somewhere I could see her properly. | literotica |
(F TF multi-animal hybrid)
Chloe was on her way home after a sadly uneventful shopping trip. It was only a few days till her anniversary with her long term boyfriend- Aden- and she was hoping to find him a gift. She knew this anniversary was going to be special, because she was pretty sure his gift to her was going to be a diamond ring on a bent knee. Aden was a simple guy and easy to please, which ironically made finding a meaningful gift for him very hard. It was at the point where she was going to have to resort to gifting herself, show him a wild night, maybe make a special dinner for him... though that didn't seem all that unique of a gift- he was at least sure to enjoy it.
Chloe remained searching stores till they closed for the day, still not finding anything that really stood out. She left in the shadows of dusk, heading home as the sun set, still empty handed. She hesitated several times, looking around but not seeing anyone else. Chloe felt eyes on her, but there was very few people around at all given the time. Most people wrapped up shopping a while ago and were already at home. She was going to pick up her pace and hustle home before it was completely dark out, but gasped and stepped back as a very suspicious figure stepped out from a dark lane. A very tall, masked magician stood silhouetted in the street lights that were bleeding into the dark alley.
"Such a glum face on such a pretty woman. Such a waste. What troubles you so?"
"Who are you, and what do you want?" She really had to stop forgetting her mace at home.
Chloe's heart rate increased as the magician briefly moved his mask to reveal... nothing. He had no nose, no eyes, no mouth- not a crease, wrinkle, or pour on his entire head! It was then Chloe realized his voice had no direction- he had no mouth- the voice was in her head but so vivid she was incapable of distinguishing it from actual sound! The magician bowed while removing his top hat with a flourish. From within, a small pitch black bunny popped its lop-eared head out to look at her. Look through her. Judge her continued existence with its red eyes, glowing like dying embers. Somehow Chloe knew in her head, that the magician was only a husk- the rabbit was the master.
"Who am I? Adorable, obviously. I am not going to bother explaining much to the likes of you. I am not a being but rather, a force- I am known as Occult. As limited as my generosity may be, I do hate to see still another frown in this already dreary world. For you I shall offer a single wish of whatever you desire... in exchange, you stop that moping."
Chloe stuttered a bit, terribly confused and caught between asking him questions or screaming and running like most sane people would do when a literally faceless stranger and an evil psychic bunny offer you something. Though calm to nearly the point of being mechanical, his voice somehow had a conveyed commanding tone. If he was powerful enough to grant wishes, she did not want to know what he was powerful enough to do when upset. She only pondered a wish for a moment, afraid of what taking longer may evoke from Occult. With her failed shopping attempt still fresh in her memory, she wished she could get Aden something he really wanted. A single hollow chuckle echoed in her mind as the magician flourished his free hand and a crystal vial appeared full of a dimly glowing pink-purple liquid. Holding it out toward Chloe, Occult explained it was a potion that would give Aden's desire a shape. To use it, she need only get his DNA and place a small bit into the potion to bind its effects to him. Once she drinks it, it will transform her body to be more appealing to him. The magician then flipped his hat back onto his head with the bunny inside and with a bow- his entire form scattered into the breeze as black ash, leaving only the potion in his wake.
Chloe turned the vial hesitantly, hefting its weight to convince herself it was not just a hallucination. When she looked around the corner into her living room she thought something was off. Was she doing something in the living room? When she turned back around she expected to see the alley, but only seen the foyer of her house. Why did she think there would be an alley there? She realized she could not remember what she had been doing at all. Shopping that night seemed a distant memory. She recalled meeting a cute but odd black bunny named Occult, who gave her the vial she now held. She remembered how to use it and what it did, but did not think any of that was odd, though she knew she should. Unlike only a minute earlier, she fully believed the effects of the vial- somehow knowing it was not poison. She had a fleeting thought that she was being manipulated or at least influenced by Occult still, but could not bring herself to care and unintentionally passed off the thought.
She went to the bathroom and recovered a single hair from Aden's comb, slowly lowering it into the vial. The hair vanished as it touched the liquid as if being vaporized into a potent acid, which was an unsettling thought. Aden was not, and would not be home tonight, he was out of town on business till late tomorrow night- which was why she chose this night for shopping. She lifted the vial jarringly and paused almost immediately. Her hand was weighed down by uncertainties- even incapable of questioning the potion's effects she had many concerns. Turning the vial in one hand she noted a label on one side she could have sworn was not there before. It reiterated the usage instructions, had warning icons in some arcane tongue she couldn't decipher, and also noted the potions effects would take a short time- and wouldn't appear all at once and that the potions effects remained active for a full twenty-four hours. This half answered one of her concerns; is it permanent? If it lasted a full day, she would have time to make alterations as needed presumably, even if it was cemented in afterward. This was her body here- she liked her body!
Chloe had straight earth brown hair and autumn gold eyes. Her skin was a rose hue with a rare few freckles on the backs of her hands, bridge of her nose, and across the tops of her pert C cups. She was quite small overall as well, which made her breasts seem quite impressive on her small frame. Aden fell in love with this body... how much would he really want to change? The transformation couldn't be too much at all. That was both a relief and a problem. What if the potion did nothing at all, because he wouldn't have her any other way? Romantic yes, but it means she blew her wish and was back to square one with gift ideas. She stood perfectly still in front of the bathroom mirror for several minutes with her brows scrunched, her thoughts pulling her in too many directions to act. With a shrug she finally twisted off the small ornate cap from the vial and gave herself a confident nod in the mirror. Aden loved her so whatever he liked would make her more like her inner self! Her body would no doubt become more awesome for both of them! With a preemptive swallow to belly her doubts she put it to her lips and downed the entire vial in one go. It actually tasted really good, though it was a unique taste she could not think of a comparison for. She stood wide-eyed in the mirror, getting up close to watch for changes but nothing seemed to happen. It said it would be gradual but she expected... something! She sighed and looked past herself in the mirror to the clock some distance away, out the open bathroom door on the living room wall. She told herself aloud it was late and she should probably go to sleep for now. She thought she felt an odd tingling in several places on her body, but it could just be her mind playing tricks on her as she quickly fell asleep.
Chloe started to wake slowly, but then startled herself fully awake when she remembered what she did before bed. Her feet were filled with an odd tingling. It was not pin-sharp like a sleeping limb coming back but a blunt and prominent tingle, almost like numerous fingers tapping her lightly over and over. Or small muscle spasms. She tossed off the covers to examine them but they looked the same still. After several moments of examination she concluded her legs seemed a bit longer, but the tingling indicated they were probably still changing. Her head shook back and forth as she looked around for any other changes and noted her fingernails seemed thicker and a odd grey color for some reason, but her attention was stolen immediately as she spotted her hair at the sides of her vision! She dashed to her door and shut it to look in the full body mirror on its back. Her hair was full of ringlets, and absolutely massive! It reached the back of her knees! It looked amazing, though she dreaded the difficulty of maintaining such volume of hair. As she was sifting her hands through the tidal wave of hair, she noticed something else odd. Her ears seemed to be a bit pointed at the tips, and now that she stopped moving her hair around on top of it she could tell the tingling was in them as well. She felt she needed to stretch her legs and get something to drink to help clear her head- but that wasn't right either! Her feet felt like they were already stretching involuntarily. It felt like she was on her toes but she wasn't. Chloe thought this had something to do with high heels, since Aden knew she could never pull them off before, but this was a bit too extreme!
Nearly her entire leg narrowed and lengthened, and especially the area between her ankle and toes, causing her sense of balance to fly out the window. She needed to place both hands on the door on either side of the mirror to keep herself up. It felt almost like her bones and skin were reduced to a putty to freely mold without harm or consequence. It did feel a bit like her past attempts at high heel shoes- it was like her toes were being forced together as they tried to fit down a too narrow passage. As she continued to wobble a bit in place to get her balance, the proportion of her legs continued to shange, and her thighs bulked up a bit. Her toes started to feel numb so she lifted a foot carefully and tapped it to the floor- the hard tapping sound alone caused her to jump off the door, stagger and fall backwards half onto the end of her bed. She shakily brought up a leg and her heart froze as it looked like the bones were being pushed out the ends, but she settled more on the side of confusion when she actually recognised the shape. It wasn't a foot anymore- it was a hoof!
"C-cow hoof? Wait... legs are too long... hoof is too narrow." She drew her leg in and ran her fingers over the surface of the hoof, feeling every contour, hardly believing she was it's owner. "Deer. This is a deer hoof... but... why?"
She froze when she felt her hair move on its own. After a pause to concentrate, she remembered her ears from a minute earlier! She heaved herself up momentarily forgetting her new legs and hurt herself trying to hurry to the mirror again. Ungulates do not stand with their ankles anywhere near ground, she had to stand on the hooves which to a human was basically balancing on your toenails. It sort of felt like a toenail too- she could feel the hooves, just not directly, and they were very solid. It seemed precarious at first but the legs were solid and held her up on the narrow hooves without issue and the mirror was only a single stride on them from the base of the bed. Sure enough- her ears were now double the size they were before! She let out an emotionally exhausted sigh at her reflection and told herself that at least her earings were still in- the piercings would likely have been lost in the change otherwise. She was about to call them out as pig ears but noticed a fine fur growing on the backs of them to match her hair color, and they seemed to still be growing! She had no knowledge of what sort of beast these ears belonged on. It also took her a few moments to learn how to use the new threads of muscle strung in them that allowed her to pivot the ears around to face sounds she wanted to hear with better clarity.
She could feel the tingling slowly creeping into her butt area and told her reflection that it better be a cute bubble butt on the way. It was in looking down that she spotted Occult in the mirror, this times sans the magician avatar. He was between her legs but a foot and a half back, admiring the view. She had worn nothing but an oversized T-shirt to bed, so he could see plenty more than she wanted anyone to.
"YOU! You turned me into a freak! Fix it, please, this isn't funny."
"Do... I look like I am laughing? I told you before my generosity is limited, yet still helped you out. Now you want more fine tuning? Please, I am not a magic vending machine. Take what you get and appreciate it, you ingrate. I only came to check on you because that potion was in storage for a while and I never checked the expiration date. But it seems to be working just fine." He hopped back and forth while never breaking eye contact with her form. "Certainly not as cute as me, but then, what is."
"You turned me into a freak, this isn't what you said that thing would do at all!"
"I didn't do anything, besides give you a potion. And the potion is linked to that... Anus or whoever."
"Close enough. The point is I didn't turn you into anything- Aden did." He chuckled emotionlessly at her stuttering confusion. "I am guessing you never actually looked in his porn folder... did you? You drank a potion to become more like his desires... without knowing what his desires are? And I thought I was wreckless."
"Porn folder?!" She spat the words at the tiny devil bunny, offended he would accuse Aden of such a thing without even knowing how to pronounce his name only a moment before.
"...You really are catastrophically naive arn't you? Well, that's not my fault, and not my problem."
She turned to confront him to his little face but he wasn't actually in the room, only his reflection was. Turning back though- his reflection was missing as well, he abandoned her to the potions clearly misguided effects. By the time she looked back into the mirror her huge hair had gotten even longer, now touching the floor even with her longer legs. Her butt was much bigger as well as her hips though, so at least she got that request- but touching it told her that wasn't all. She also had a small horse-like tail growing above it with hair identical to her head- ringlets and all- and the tail was gaining size at a speed that told her it was going to be huge.
"Of course it's a tail, because why not? That would be how today is going!"
She flicked the tail to the side confirming she had full control of its motion- though the size of the tail versus the amount of hair growing off it gave it very limited motion. She wanted to ignore Occult's words and not give him the gratification of checking the computer, but she couldn't think of anything else to do while waiting out the transformation. Her eyes glazed with tears, confused as to why and what was happening to her, and being helpless against it. Before any tears broke free from her eyes she took a long, deep breath and tried to gather herself. She noted her nose looked a bit pink and wasn't sure if it was because she was brought to tears or because it was changing. At this point she would not be surprised if she looked back later and seen a pigs snout in its place! Careful not to trip over her own hair, she walked... trotted(?) over to the living room and the computer in the corner. Neither Chloe or Aden used the computer a lot but it was a convenience. She was getting really hungry- no doubt because of her body being strained with change- and ordering pizza would be out of the picture. She could not face the delivery guy, so she ordered some chocolate covered berries online instead on a rush order. It was already paid for online so they would just leave the package at the door. She paused a moment wondering if her going for the berries was a result of her transformation- turning her into a herbivore. She shook her head though, she always liked these, she was just being paranoid now.
Once the order was placed for her food, she glanced at the browser history not expecting to see anything, and was not disappointed. She felt for a moment like someone was trying to lift her up- her upper half was under some pull while the lower remained undisturbed. She squirmed a bit in the odd feeling before there was a sudden popping feeling and she was jarred up and forward slightly by the sensation. A vertebrae! She just grew an extra- she was getting taller! At the very least none of her transformation had been painful in the slightest, most was the opposite in fact. Her back expanding created a loud, dull pop that certainly sounded painful but still wasn't. She was getting a little moist between the legs now that she was sitting, an unexpected side effect of the radiant sensations from her hips and tail growing around the area. As if queued by her thinking about it, her hips gave off several cracks and expanded quite a lot in one burst! She leaned back heavily enough to nearly topple the chair and was forced to reach down and lift herself a bit with her hands! Her hip bones were so wide it felt like the chair was getting crammed up her ass when her full body weight was on it. Her body came up with a solution for that quickly enough though- with her arms taking some of the weight off her tush, her butt cheeks inflated quickly with both fat and muscle, becoming huge to match the hips, and give her the padding needed to sit. It felt like she gained another two or three inches of height, just from how padded her ass now was. Well, a bigger, rounder butt wasn't bad, right? That was a human trait at least, finally. It was a little insanely sized for a human though. She gave her cheeks a few pokes and a light slap. They were pretty damn solid, there was definitely muscle in there.
Trying to remain as focussed as possible on the computer, she clicked through folders looking for something suspicious. Speaking to no one in particular she asked what Occult expected there would be on it. Chloe had a habbit of talking to herself when she was nervous.
"There is no porn on here, he hardly even uses the computer in the first place, except for when he needs to work late from home..." As if to prove it to unseen eyes she opened the folder named 'boring work stuff' and was greeted with about 4GB of porn images. "...Oh lord, I really AM naive!"
She could hardly believe what she was seeing, which seemed to be the running theme with her life currently. She wouldn't have a problem at all if Aden had a porn stash, it was the fact he lied about not having one in spite of how close they have been. Still more distressing is that only half the images were human women. Some were furries and most were images of animal bits. Some of just the animal- not even anything sexual in the image, yet there they are, in with the porn. Thanks to her slightly disturbing rapid-click tour of his folder she identified her now huge ears as those of a long eared species of cow. Fully grown, they were shaped like and about the same size as footballs. As she took her hands off the keyboard she also noted her fingernails were dense and black and she may very well lose her hands soon to another set of hooves. By the time her tail finished growing dragging on the floor two feet behind her, the berries she ordered arrived. She shut all the curtains in the house so no one glimpsed her form. It was a bit after lunch by then, so her hunger was justified. Absolutely stuffing her face as she fell onto her back on the couch, she finally allowed herself to relax just a little. Chloe momentarily drown her worries in melted chocolate and berry juice.
She looked down at her bestial legs half pulled in, up in the air from her falling back so hard on the couch. And oddly, she wasn't bothered by their appearance. They did not look bad, and her tail was luxurious... though annoying at times. She realized it was more the repercussions and oddity of her form that bothered her- not the actual body. Already so huge, she did not notice her ass had gotten still a little bit bigger, but more importantly her anus got larger and puffy as well, turning to a bright pink plus ring. A horse's ass to match her tail. She felt a slight warm pressure in her breasts and anticipated them growing bigger most likely- another change she actually had no complaint of. Her pussy was still a bit moist as she thought she would actually like this if there wasn't the imminent threat of perminance. There was also the factor that she had no control of this at all. She had realised too late that Aden had hidden desires, and she did not understand what they were. Animals, apparently. But not even just one, many animals. So she had no idea what changes would happen next, or if it was over or not. She did not even notice among all the other things that her vagina was shifting slightly, facing downward more, as the outer labia turned vibrant pink and started to inflate like soft balloons. Discribing them as pillowy would be an understatement as they projected quite some ways from her now and took on a triangular shape. Engorged till the opening was a tight Y shape... she had the pussy of a dog.
There was a tightness in her belly, so she forced herself to stop eating even though she was still very hungry. Her back gave another pop and extended another half inch. When focussing on that odd tightness she realized a tightness she had felt in her breasts for a while was now gone. She pulled up her baggy shirt by the collar and seen the opposite of what she had been expecting- her breasts were gone! She swore aloud at that, having enjoyed her bosom greatly and been anticipating them changing to get bigger, not smaller. So far her transformation was everything she never expected... did she really not know Aden? Another pop from her spine, and another inch. She thought they were a step off from being married, but there seemed to be an entire side of him she was completely in the dark about. She was sad at that thought but her thighs squeezed together at the thought of Aden himself. The tingling had never entirely left her hip area. Her mind slowly cleared itself of cluttered thoughts as her breathing deepened and her fingers wandered the contours of her not so familiar body. Her body seemed to want to tease her though, as she realized she could no longer reach straight down. Her torso was very slowly, but steadily getting longer and the distance was greater than her reach. And as soon as she realized that, another new vertebrae popped into existence and added another inch to her.
She slid her head off the arm of the couch and lifted her narrow legs up into the air. She was long now, but also extremely flexible, with her hips up in the air she nearly folded herself over and practically came lip to lip with her own vagina! The streamlined torso shape of a mink. Chloe ran a hand up her shirt to pinch a nipple but came across it much sooner than expected. To her amusement she realized that in place of her breasts was instead three sets nipples. Still very much human nipple and areola, they were more perky and prominent than her old two. She waved one hand up and down her chest slowly, bending her six stiff nipples and feeling them bounce back erect after her hand passes over. Each rebound of a nipple sent a pulse of pleasure- multiplied by six- her whole torso felt like a pleasure zone. She had to go slow as the sensation was too much otherwise, if she went any faster she would render herself breathless. Small beads of sweat formed across her taught skin as she moaned and squirmed in her self discovery. Aden was not home and there was a good distance between Chloe's house and the neighbours so she was planning to let loose and be as loud about it as she wanted. She had a modest sized toy under her bed, but figured she better use her hands while she still had them. Even now she felt the distance from wrist to fingertip very slowly growing longer as her hands compressed in occasional dull clicks as the bones reformed. She would be worried about that, but Chloe was past that now. At some point you become numb to the chaos.
Her clit throbbed in her changed pussy, drawing her attention in. It was a good thing it was in her face now or she would likely have never figured out what had become of it. Even then, it took her a few guesses to put together what it had become. It is easy to tell on a dog, but seeing it on a human's body is another thing alltogether. It was hardly in her field of vision but she could see enough of her nose to know it was widening and changing now to. Her deep, hot breaths deepened still more, and when her clit pulsed her breaths spiked nearly making a beast-like snort she couldn't help but smile at even in her horny delirium.
"Ha-aaah." Her lips tightened shut and she almost burst out laughing at herself as her initial laugh came out half as a sheeps 'baah'. "If I lose maah ability to talk I aaahm going to flip mah shit."
With one hand on her chest idly pressing and squirming over her multitude of nipples, her other rested onto her overly plush new honey pot. Her love juices were running down her arm due to her position and dripping off her elbow. Her entire vagina was throbbing now along with the clit- pulling in farther than when it pushed out in an attempt to devour her hand penetrating it. It clamped shut finally, squeezing her fingers hard to force the blood in her hand into her fingertips. Her entire body seized up a moment in orgasm. Normally she would continue a bit after and ride the waves but it was too powerful this time, her entire body felt like it was about to implode for a moment and a spritz of liquid burst from between her fingers trapped in her clenched lips. Her body then reversed its condition, becoming totally relaxed and limp in momentary exhaustion. She flattened out on the couch as best she could, her chest heaving to regain her breath. She used to fit on the couch but due to her changes she was hanging over the edge in several places.
"Muh... Mmmmooo." Chloe's eyes rolled into her head at the sound she unintentionally made, starting with a moan and ending in a moo.
Her voice seemd to want to 'lock in' to sertain pitches. When her tone raised too far she gained the strong reverberance of a goat, if it dipped too low it started to sound like a cow. Whenever she hit one or the other, returning to normal felt like she was trying to make a voice- like the animal voice she was using was her normal one, hence the feeling of being 'locked in' to that pitch. It made Chloe a bit worried she might forget what she is actually supposed to sound like and lose her original voice entirely. At the very least she could still speak english using both the cow and goat voices.
She was still a bit horny, though not to the point of consuming her attention now. Chloe doubted she would have been able to force herself to not touch her pussy much longer if she tried- it felt like a volcano about to blow- like it would burn her up if she didn't release it. Chloe would have remained still for longer but her entire body seemed to give a pulse and the tingling became magnified considerably. It spread through her entire body, snaking around and caressing her insides as it dragged and expanded tissue in its wake. As if growing impatient to finish her bodies growth, it went into overdrive- lengthening her by several inches all at once and then the tingle died down entirely in her back. Not all the length was given to her back- her neck was slightly wider and quite a bit bit longer now as well. She twisted herself in place to push herself into an upright position and examine herself but paused as soon as her arm pressed down on the couch to lift her. Her hands were gone now, likely finished when her vagina had a death grip on the one. They were not deer though- not at all a matching set. Her hands were not deer, but rather a pig's trotters. She had been envisioning pig parts from the start as the more emberassing animal to draw traits from that she could think of off the top of her head- now she really did have part of a pig. Luckily a very minimal part.
She blushed as she examined them. "Nuh mooore fingers but I suppose I can still sort-of grip things. S-sort of like having my hands in bondaaahge. Baaah." She made the second sound deliberately to examine the reverberance in her voice that existed solely in that cry.
She grabbed the pillows on the end of the couch and jammed them up against her rump. Resting her now longer neck on the arm of the couch- she heaved her rear into the air again and forced the pillows further under herself to help support the position. She hesitated a moment as her mind was in a more rational state now but threw her normal morals to the wind, and figured in her current state not a lot mattered- so she was going to go for full out pleasure. If she is going to be stuck like this, she is damn well going to enjoy it. Testing her flexibility, she managed a perfect circle with her body- a stunt that would have snapped her in two previously. She abruptly bumped her vagina right into her face leaving her nose and mouth area wet with her juices. Now ready for it, both sets of her lips met in a kiss. She stuck her tongue inside while pulsing her lips firmly against her labia. Her tongue went farther than expected, and sure enough it continued to stretch deeper. She pulled out momentarily to take a deep breath of her musky scent and caught a glimpse of the tongue. The deep indigo coloration immediately gave it away as a huge, long giraffe tongue.
She tried to press her face back in her hot box, but found she couldn't quite reach it now. The pressure on her gut from before was back with a vengeance and removing a bit of flexibility from her. She thought it was something wrong with her stomach related to her eating, but now realized it was a transformation. It wasn't IN her stomach at all, just near it. The entire area between her vagina and belly button became a vibrant pink and four small nubs appeared as nerves and mammaries below the surface veined out from within. The swelling there prevented her from bending herself into a circle again, to her frustration. She was nearly able to give herself head! Her hunger as well hit her back with intensity and knowing there was nothing wrong with her stomach, she dove back into the food. Shovelling many into her mouth at once, she devoured her entire supply in only a few minutes. With each swallow the tender pink flesh on her lower parts surged, the pressure expanding the soft mass. It was a satisfying sort of sensation similar in feeling to a good stretch. Because of its location though, it also put a feeling in her vagina like someone running their finger firmly across the surface, dragging the flesh gently. Even before it really started to take shape she immediately knew it was a cow's udder on the way. She smiled to herself as it would be a decent replacement for her no longer existing breasts. Because her body was still more human shaped than animal, the bottom of the udder grew out so excruciatingly close to her vagina that its growth gently tugged at it and fired signals through the same pleasure receptors. She was somewhat paralysed by the pleasure- still able to resist but not wanting to.
When Chloe emptied her head and just took in the pleasure from the changes, two nubs broke the skin over either temple and quickly started to grow into horns without her even noticing at first. As they grew out the blood and feeling in the flesh they broke drained, so she had no direct feeling in them. She only noticed and glanced up to partially see them when they had become big enough that their weight gave them away. They grew up and out then gently curved back in, then darkened to black at the tips where they bent back outward quickly, a type of cow horn, but not quite. She could not see her own horns well enough, but noticed when she rubbed them with her hands that they were textured- they were ribbed like sheep horns. She could also only sort of see her transformmed nose, and would not be able to identify it without going back to her mirror. It was broader and a bit flatter- a deer nose, with a cool damp black front. Her front teeth also became a bit bucked, and since they were scaled up to a human it was impossible to tell whether that was a donkey or rabbit, beaver, or any number of other animals with large front teeth. Her nose extended a bit farther out, causing her jaws to extend a bit as well but only very slightly, for the most part her face was still the same. Her pupils had stretched out horizontally though- like a goats.
Chloe did not even finish her udder growth when she heard a car door shut and realized there was headlights dimly visible through the curtains. She immediately panicked! She had no idea what time it was, and had completely lost all track. She had no idea she had been pleasuring herself leisurely for hours now! She just knew the visitor had to be Aden! It was later than she thought and he was home early! Not prepared at all on how to present her... situation to him, she grabbed the blanket folded up on the back of the couch to cover herself quickly. It did not even cover all of her- heck she surpassed the couch itself in length.
Aden entered and glanced at her a moment and smiled as he turned to hang up his jacket. "Hey! How has my sweetheart been holding up? Sorry I finished off the milk just before I left- I had no idea we were out already."
"It's fine... I got plenty of milk." She caressed the soft surface of her udder as it still grew under the blanket. The warm weight increasing in it already indicating it was working hard to produce.
He nodded and hurried toward the hall to dump his briefcase in the bedroom, stopping to kiss her quickly. He licked his lips after as he continued. "Mmm, chocolate."
Chloe was surprised and licked her lips with her large tongue when he vanished around the corner. She had been shovelling food into her face so ravenously she still had warm molten chocolate on her lips, giving Aden a candied kiss. Had he not been in a rush to get rid of his briefcase and the lights been on he surely would have noticed she was radically different. Even in the dark he would have seen her horns if she wasn't resting them against the arm of the couch to try and camouflage them. Chloe knew he would see her changes as soon as he walked back and looked at her for more than a second. She was able to recover her nerves quickly- she is still horny and now her man had returned, so the fun can only increase from here. On top of that, her body- as bizarre as it is- is now perfect for him! He should practically melt in her hands... or hooves, whatever! She listened carefully to his footsteps on the floor only now noticing that her large droopy ears could hear much better. She felt her skin sort of squirm and quickly slid a hoof down to her udder to feel the soft contours of huge milk veins webbing across its surface, each about as thick as her former fingers. They did not just cover the udder though, they trailed a bit onto her body as well. Aden returned and stood at the end of the hall which was between the living room and foyer. He smiled as he scanned the room for the source of her sweetened lips as he was hungry himself.
"Aw, eat it all already?" His eyes were still adjusting to the near nonexistent lighting in the room.
"How aahbout seafood? Feel like some clam?" She turned over while never breaking eye contact. She had to be careful not to strangle herself with her hair. "Got aah big surprise for yooou, baaahd boy."
Aden's pants tightened at the tone of her voice and suggestion, but he froze up when she baahed like a goat. Did she somehow find his porn folder? But he hid it so well, and she hardly used the computer! He would have a hell of a lot of explaining to do if she did, but she didn't sound upset at all... maybe she secretly was also into that sort of stuff? His heart froze in place and a bead of sweat trailed down the side of his face as he seen her deer leg slowly rise straight up and slip from under the blanket. She slowly rolled over to place the raised hoof to the floor and slide out from cover as gracefully as she could manage. She had to shift close to the edge when she rolled from on her back so her udder fell over the edge and she didn't roll on top of it as it was quite sensitive. The blanket fell from her before she was fully up because of her height. She was surprised with her size compared to his, wondering if he liked tall women or if it was just a side effect of her animal side. Aden used to be so tall compared to her that her face only met his upper chest, now she was taller than he was. She leaned back a bit as she lifted and tossed her shirt away to display her triple-set of nipples standing in attention. She locked her eyes on his face to read his expression but even she glanced down as she shifted her pelvis forward to display her udder. The main bulk of it was about the size of a medicine ball, and about as heavy as one too. The teats were uneven, the top two were gigantic compared to the bottom two and she realised it was only half a cow's udder! The top part was a bit less bloated, but the teats were giant and fat, taking on a cone-like shape. The top half of her udder is a goats, the bottom is a cows- with thumb sized teats. Aden opened his mouth tracing words he couldn't verbalize. Chloe imagined this is what she probably looked like when she encountered Occult.
"D-do you like what you see? It took a while to get ready." She sighed. "...and it is nonrefundable."
"Is it... real?! I mean... how... what?" He took two steps closer but paused, not sure if what he was seeing was even real.
"Long story short, I met some magical... thing, and it gave me aaah potion that would transform muuh into your ideal partner... and well, this is the result. Crazy I know, but clearly it's real. I uhm... found your porn stash toooo after I started to wonder, you know, why I was turning into an aaahnimal!" Her tone sharpened as she spoke the last part accusingly.
Aden raised his hands defensively. "Woah! Wait, it isn't like that! I mean I don't like animals like that! Well, I mean I would never think of doing a beast in real life."
"So those images just got mixed up in your porn by chance? There is more pictures of animals in there than actual porn!"
"Yea but what a guy likes in his porn and what he looks for in reality are two different things! Its..." His face was bright red by now but there was certainly no point in keeping anything secret at this point. "It started when I was younger, had a thing for breasts, what teen boy doesn't right? But then I found out about the breast expansion fetish, which lead to other expansion and then to the broader transformation fetish which... gave me an appreciation for... certain aspects of animals." He motioned over her body. "Notice how you didn't actually turn into an animal? You just gained parts from here and there."
He became silent as his eyes scanned her over and over. This was the sort of thing you would only see in a wild story or art at best, and she was in this form in flesh and blood! Chloe walked right up to him touching her cool black nose to his and pressed her udder against his crotch, feeling the stiff rod through his pants easily.
"Well, I became the perfect woman for you, you going to just stare or actually put this body to work?" She did not wait for him to respond before kissing him deeply, being careful with her tongue, since it was long enough to choke him if he wasn't ready for it.
She attempted to unbutton his shirt by the time they broke off the kiss but only managed to get two off, since her hooves were not exactly dexterous. With a smile he grabbed into the opening she created and snapped the rest off with a yank. He lead her back toward the center of the living room so there wouldn't be a risk of knocking against the coffee table and gently turned her while running a hand down either side of her body, pausing on the slope of her now impressive hips.
Her face turned a bit red as she realized he must be planning to do her from behind, but she wanted to see his face! "Doggy style?"
Aden shrugged motioning toward her nethers. "The udder."
Then she realized it- her udder was big enough to rival full grown dairy cattle. Several sexual positions would now either be impossible or just terribly awkward. She knew she couldn't raise her tail straight up as it would still be many feet too long, so she raised it and with a strong flick she shifted the long hair to the side. She crouched down and pressed her wet crotch into his on the way down, leaving a dark wet path down the front of his pants. Chloe got down on all fours and stretched out each limb, realizing she was terribly lopsided! Her lower legs and rear hooves were deer, her front hooves were pig, but her arms and upper legs were still human! Her arms were only a third of the length of her legs. She was about to say something of the awkwardness till Aden's hand came down firmly on her muscular rump. If she held this position- her vagina and butt were practically aimed into his face. She could feel her clit starting its rhymic pulsing again. Aden thrust into her and the muscles of her vagina's inner walls caved in onto his cock instantly, trying to suck it deeper. She angled her front hooves to perfectly brace the impact of his powerful thrusts against her firm ass. It did not take long for them to synchronize so his inward thrusts matched the pulse of her clit, his balls slapping the rear curve of her silky smooth udder flesh. Her mind nearly blanked entirely, consumed with the sensations. She did not mean to but each time he thrust in, her outward breath was so forceful that she was snorting lightly, and did moo several times- but that was deliberate. It felt good to let the animal sounds out. She tried to hold them back before at risk of promoting the changes even more, but now she did not care. The feeling of her man thrusting in her, her heavy swinging udder... it was too good to care about anything else.
Her legs buckled and her ass unintentionally lowered as she soaked his balls with a deluge of her liquid love. Her entire body became stiff a moment and vibrated. Aden paused to wait for her to recover, using the moments to prolong his own climax. When he resumed he bent over her, 'covering' her as a beast would its mate. He gripped her chest from one side, pinching her central nipples between his fingers. With his other hand he grabbed firmly onto her horn and used it like a handlebar to pull her head back, causing her to 'baah' in surprise, then a soft 'muh' of content. When he finally came it was with a mighty thrust that buckled her rear legs again, this time so far that she fell back on his cock driving it in as hard as possible as they both fell back. They were both out of breath, and he remained in her for some time, groaning happily and lightly feeling her body. Chloe sat up off him and she rolled onto her back. Cradling his head into her lap, Aden's lips found their way to one of her teats as he reached up and grabbed another between his middle and index fingers backwards. His head was in a spinning haze somewhere closer to heaven than earth. The udder weighed a ton and was taught with delicious and sweet human milk. For Chloe the pleasure was double- her teats were just as sensitive as her actual nipples as well as the entire udder, but the release of the warm pressure from within as she was milked was amazing as well! The milk Aden was drawing from the other side of the udder was spraying onto his chest, trailing down his torso, and pooling in his naval before overflowing across his stomach onto the floor. They were making a hell of a mess of the floor but neither of them could force themselves to care right now. That was to say nothing of how wrecked the couch probably was as a result of Chloe doing herself over before Aden even got home.
Chloe seen her man at half-mast and squirmed her way over him without drawing her teat out of his mouth. She had to be careful not to smother him with her huge mammary- he was too blissfully dazed to avoid it himself. Using her long legs to keep her udder hovering over his head, and lowered her head to his crotch. This position would be hard on her hands, but her hooves were fine like this. She lifted the cock with her tongue alone and hugged it with her lips while her tongue coiled the entire shaft's length. As explosively as his orgasm had been, it did not take too much convincing for his cock to sign up for a second verse. She bottomed out easily on his seven inch shaft- a trick she could always do- and pressed her soft deer nose into his softer scrotum to take in a deep draft of his musk. His balls drew in tightly a moment in response to the attention and bumped her nose, causing her to giggle with the cock still in her throat. Aden felt the ocean of beautiful hair wash over in its curled waves as Chloe pulled free on either end and positioned herself over him. She pressed her pig hooves into his shoulders to pin him in place and give herself all the control. She lowered her vagina down his shaft carefully, revelling in the sensation. Riding him like this meant the natural upward arc of his penis pointed like a compass to her G-spot. Her udder slapped down on his lower belly, luckily now it was considerably lighter now with less milk. Its soft mass jiggled as it slapped against him, bouncing just slightly. She only survived a few heavy drops before her back started to arc backward with pleasure.
"Mmmmoo! I love yooou Aden!"
He had to speak between drops as she was knocking several breaths of air out of him. "Even... knowing I have weird fetishes?"
"I don't really care- it's the fact yooou lied about it and hid it from me thaaaht was upsetting. But knowing what it was in that folder, I can sort see why you did. Was still baaaaahd."
She was approaching her limit already, and his balls were starting to draw closer, they were both hyper sensitive from the continuous romp. She remained down and instead started to roll her hips back and forth on him. Aden shot a second load into her when she rocked forward one last time putting him as deep into her as possible. The final surging tightness of his cock inside her was the final straw for her and set her off as well. She was so drained she literally just fell backward off him. They both lay in the middle of the floor ass to ass with their legs tangled together. Their chests heaved to regain their breath. As much as Aden would love to be able to make a round three, he was ready to pass out and there was no way his penis could stand again without hurting. Since she started early- this was already technically Chloe's third go at it.
Chloe looked across the room at the clock, though her vision was a bit blurry now. "H... hey, if thaaaht clock is right, the potion should still be in effect for a few more minutes- if you want to make any final revisions..."
Aden let out a breathless laugh. "Can't complain 'bout that sex, I don't think it can be improved!" He stared at the roof for several seconds while feeling her eyes on him, before he met her gaze. "Besides it doesn't matter what body you are in. I told you, that porn is just... porn. I don't need that stuff, I just want you- Chloe. And you are the same in whatever body you inhabit!"
They were both surprised when her eyes flashed a bright pink and her entire body started to glow brightly. In a final burst she stood up and the light sluffed off her body as a dissipating mist, leaving only her normal human form behind.
"Holy shit!! I am back to normal! I guess you meant what you said, heh."
They ran into each others arms and hugged tightly. Aden was keeping tight lipped wondering how long it would take to notice.
She spoke muffled with her face buried into his shoulder. "My hair is still stupid long... isn't it?"
He blushed. "W-well, you can always cut it!"
And with that, Chloe's trial was at last over. Her and Aden would forever be drawn still closer together, and would have fond memories of what was quite likely the kinkiest sex possible.
Occult pulled his nose back from the window to allow the blind to fall closed again. "Did she actually think this story wouldn't have a happy ending? She really is naive." | yiff-extreme |
Title: A New way of Life by HellhoundCerberus
Tags: Anal, Blackmail, Dragon, Fear, Fighting, First Time, M/M
\*Another attempt at trying something new. Hope you enjoy\*
"So this is it . . . this is Dragon Haven." Ray spoke to himself as he looked down at the great fields below.
Ray was a dragon, but he was a dragon unlike any other. For one, he was not raised in Dragon Haven like the others were. This automatically made him weaker then any other. The Dragons in Dragon Haven went through rigorous training, and each had to fend for themselves. This in return made them more powerful then any other species. This wasn't the case with Ray. When he was still a baby, two wolves had found him and raised him on their own. They of course, were not aware that Ray was a Dragon at the time. It was forbidden for any creature to interfere with the life of a newly born dragon. Those who did usually lost their lives to the dragon they took in or else they would be tortured for all eternity.
Ray looked more like a wolf with the standard colored fur when he was young, but as he grew it became obvious that he wasn't. His tail grew long and he started to grow wings. His size wasn't that much of an indicator because he was equal to his two parents in height by time he turned 18, his current age. His parents knew the risk that would come about the longer they kept Ray, and the more he changed into his dragon form. They didn't care because they came to love Ray as their only son. Ray on the other hand did care. He didn't want anything bad to happen to his parents, let alone by him. He told them the sad news that he was going to leave them. His parents were persistent that he stay, but Ray eventually managed to convince them otherwise. His parents, wanting the best for him, told him about Dragon Haven. They did not know where it was, but knew Ray somehow had to. They spent their last day together doing all sorts of fun activities, and when the next day came, they saw Ray off with a smile.
Ray immediately went back to the area his parents found him, knowing that Dragon Haven could not be too far off. He searched for days and finally found it.
"This place is very beautiful. It's a shame many cannot come here without being brutally killed." Ray shook his head, flying down towards the fields below. As he landed he felt a claw on his shoulder. He turned to be greeted by a dragon his size. It had a friendly smile on it's face.
"Who may you be?" The dragon said in a friendly but serious tone. Ray looked at the dragon as if he were lost, but he did answer. "My name is Ray. Who are you?" The dragon laughed and gave Ray a Friendly nudge. "Call me Tank." Ray gave the older dragon a look over and could see how he could get a name like that. He was very muscular and looked as if he could rip Ray in half. Tank noticed and laughed a bit.
"I can tell you're not from around here. You look like another outside dragon." Ray looked like he was heartbroken at hearing that line."
"What do you mean by that, Tank?" Ray asked hoping it had nothing to do with his physical appearance. He was the strongest kid in his school, though now looking at Tank that meant nothing.
"Well all you outside dragons seem to be missing something that all of us in Dragon Haven have. That certain something would be strength and independence. See, all of us here have different shapes and sizes, but we can fend for ourselves. You look like you wouldn't last a week without your parents."
"Im here aren't I? I left my parents . . . only to come to this place." Ray sighed and looked out over the fields, already missing the two that had raised him.
"Who's your parents?" Tank asked curiously. He knew every dragon in Dragon Haven, and he knew how to use that knowledge.
"You wouldn't know them. They were wolves." Ray replied. He started to shake from what he just said and turned to face Tank who had a confused look on his face. "Please don't tell anyone that! They raised me ever since I was a cub, and they have protected me."
Tank only looked at Ray, not saying anything to him. This made Ray nervous, and he did not know whether he would simply try to silence the other or not. He could try, but Tank definitely wasn't going to be an easy target. Ray sighed at his thoughts, knowing them to be strange at times. As Ray thought to himself, Tank noticed his various expressions. He seemed confused by Ray but he didn't bother showing him any more emotions. His expression became blank, and he looked into Ray's eyes.
"Well . . . you could raise that cute tail of yours for me." Ray was somewhat surprised by that and he looked at Tank with a slight glare. He wasn't the type to do that with another male. If he did, he definitely wasn't going to be the bottom.
"Im not gay." Ray stated coldly. His thoughts were simply that if he was with another male, he could not have a child. He wanted to have a child more then anything, and he wanted to raise it with the knowledge that he had learned. Tank laughed and smiled at Ray
"Don't worry, im not either. You can ask any one of my four female mates." Tank said and gave Ray a pat on the back. "That was a test and a warning if you view this situation correctly. Most guys here like to take advantage of the weaker dragons, or basically anyone with secrets they don't want out. I like to tease some of the males and even play with them, but that's rare. Only the ones who strike me as handsome can have the luxury of having my dick up their ass." Ray didn't even blush at what the male had said, and he even seemed to be glaring at him more. "You qualify as handsome. Sadly, I have somewhere else to be." Tank stated, spreading his wings and preparing himself for flight. "Ill leave you to learn the lands." He said before beginning to take off.
"So your one of those dragons then." Ray said, catching Tank's attention.
"I have my moments. Besides, I know when to stop. Some of these brutes don't. Keep that in mind kid, and don't let anyone find out your little secret. I have a few, and I have kept them to myself. Hell, if you can figure one out, ill let you fuck me anywhere and however you like." Tank teased and laughed at Ray before taking off, eventually disappearing in the distance. Ray shook his head and took flight also, going in the direction Tank had. Tank obviously knew where he was going and it couldn't hurt to follow behind him. It didn't take long for Ray to start to notice other Dragons, mainly those who looked as if they would attack him without hesitation. They each growled at him as if they could see something on him. The truth was that Ray had that scent they all hated...the scent of an outsider. A outside dragon only enraged the older ones since they would have more competition to deal with and yet another young soul to break in. It was kind of discrimination. No one liked a outside dragon, and most were mainly treated like slaves until they proved they could fend for themselves.
Ray landed in a small village like spot where several muscular dragons were. Most were male, but there were a few females too. Ray looked around, noticing that the males were wearing tight shirts, and only shirts. Some were half erect, fully erect, and some didn't have erections at all. Ray was amazed at how big some of the dragons were, but he surely didn't make it obvious that he was noticing their hardons. The females were completely naked, except for some jewelry some might have been wearing. Ray didn't understand why, and didn't take the time to ask. He walked down a path trying to ignore the fact that everyone was glaring at him. Not able to take it much longer, he walked near what seemed to be a lake, free of all of the glares.
"Finally.." Ray stated and took a breath before noticing sounds coming from around him. He looked around and noticed that there were indeed more dragons around. Some were in trees, some were actually in the lake, and some were in the tall grass surrounding the area. What Ray noticed kind of took him by surprise. Most of the dragons were mating. It was strange for him to see males with males and females with females. Mostly it was a male and a number of females though.
As Ray looked around in almost disbelief, he noticed Tank was one of the dragons that were mating. Tank wasn't with a female though, he was with two males. The males were as muscular as Ray was. Each were servicing Tank...eagerly licking at his large dragon dick. Tank seemed to be enjoying it. He had his eyes closed, and he was stroking both of the males heads. Ray leaned forward and looked across the field to see a heavily muscular dragon flying over towards Tank. Seeming to not be ashamed, he got on his knees and began to lick at the dicks of the two males servicing Tank. Ray didn't know what to think and turned to leave...but not before Tank opened his eyes and seemingly glanced across a large lake all the way over at Ray. It seemed that Tank was trying to call him over, but Ray decided to leave without anymore hesitation. He walked back to the village and noticed that dragons were mating there too. Ray didn't notice this before because he was trying to ignore their glares. It was different now, seeing as how Ray was examining The others.
"What the fuck?" Ray whispered to himself, though he was heard by nearly everyone around him. The dragons that were mating tried to pay no attention to Ray, but the ones that weren't couldn't take their eyes off of him. What Ray soon noticed was that the fully erect dragons were the ones who were mating, and the ones who were half erect seemed to be waiting to find someone to mate with. The ones who weren't erect at all were the ones who were staring at Ray. They were the ones who didn't seem interested in mating. This was only Ray's theory though, seeing as how the half erect dragons were also the ones who were being mated and the fully erect dragons were sometimes just posing to most likely show off their manhoods. It started making sense why the dragons wore nothing, and why the ones who did only wore shirts. Ray came to Dragon Haven only wearing a pair of shorts. He was doing things backwards it seemed. Ray didn't care though, and he again spread his wings to go off to another location. He found a nice quiet spot where there really were no other dragons. It was shady, and a perfect spot for him to take a rest. Ray sat down against a tree and closed his eyes, thinking about everything he saw. He was turned on by some of the females he saw, and that was encouragement enough for him to paw off. A bulge became noticeable in his shorts, but he showed restraint and resisted jerking one out. He closed his eyes and was close to napping, but was woken up when he heard noises coming from around him. Ray Stood up and began to look around, hoping that it was simply a small creature. He was wrong, and two dragons appeared on either side of him. They didn't look happy at all to see Ray.
"Outsider..." One of the dragons spoke, way taller then Ray was.
"Go back to your own land..." The other smaller, yet muscular dragon spoke. Ray looked at them both but didn't reply to them. He had already made a choice of coming here, and he would be damned if he went all the way back. Why everyone hated him was a sure mystery. Ray had done nothing to anyone, and he didn't try to show off in anyway.
"This is my land." Ray replied. The others began to growl and move towards Ray but he stood still. "I came a long way...and I wont leave now because of idiots like you." The other dragons stopped in their place, knowing they would get in severe trouble with the big man if they attacked a outsider that had some restraint.
"Your different then the others..." The blue dragon said and moved next to Ray, though no longer growling.
"Yeah, you actually have control.." The silver one said and stood in front of Ray. "Any other outsider would have attacked us." The dragon extended his paw to Ray. "Im panther by the way." Ray didn't take the dragon's paw and simply stared at him. "That over there is Tiger."
"You can call me Ray." Ray spoke, not entirely happy with the two dragons.
"Im one of the powerful guardians of this area. I protect the people who are within my clan. You can definitely rely on me if you need help." Ray noticed now that Tiger was sniffing at him. "Tiger is the more...less reliable of us. I wouldn't advise trusting him with something valuable. He would simply waste the effort you had put into getting it." Tiger looked up at Panther and growled at him
"what do you mean by that?" Tiger said, slightly upset by that comment. Panther shrugged
"You're a waste of time." He stated coldly, continuing from where he left off. "There's one other Guardian. His name is Blitzkrieg, but he likes to be called Blitz. He's the fastest out of us three, and he is definitely the most wild." Panther chuckled and smiled at Ray. Ray still wasn't sure about these two strange dragons, but if they were guardians then they couldn't be all that bad.
"Its nice to meet you." Ray stated.
"Same here." Both dragons replied.
"You must have been raised by two great parents." Tiger asked while sniffing at Ray's lower body. Ray sighed and moved back slightly
"Yeah, they were great wolves." Ray said, focusing more on the sniffing Dragon.
"Oh really? Two wolves?" Panther spoke. Ray noticed that both of the dragons had smirks on their faces now. "That sounds highly illegal to me." Ray focused his attention on Panther after hearing that.
"What about it? You can keep that to yourself, cant you panther?" Tiger said, chuckling to himself
"I don't know Tiger, I don't keep things from the big guy. Besides, im sure Blitz would love to know about this. Why don't you go get him for me?" Panther spoke, watching Ray's reaction carefully. Tiger shrugged and took flight, heading back in the direction of the village. Ray now only had one dragon to deal with, which made things somewhat easier. It would have been greater if Tiger had stayed and Panther went. Tiger looked easy to manipulate, but then again it could of been an act.
"Well? Are you going to remain quiet Ray?" Ray glared at Panther and shook his head.
"What is there to say? Do you expect me to beg you not to say anything? It wont happen." Ray was determined to try and change the dragon's mind about this. He knew showing fear was what panther wanted.
"Actually yeah, I do. Being raised by two wolves is highly illegal. When Blitz finds out about this, your so called parents are going to die. What's funnier is that its going to have to be by you." Ray began to growl, but he knew better then to attack a guardian. "Though, I am willing to make a deal with you. Me and Blitz are lovers. Tiger is our son...sorta. Anyway, you make me happy and im sure I can do the same with Blitz. I could convince him to keep your little secret." Ray stopped growling and took a deep breath, not really having any other choice at this point.
"What will make you happy?" Ray spoke softly, not seeing any point in going into a state of rage. This was exactly what Panther wanted. Getting Ray in this kind of position would seriously help in controlling him.
"I don't know. What do you think would make me happy?"
"Burning in hell?" Ray stated and shrugged. Panther only laughed and shook his head
"Maybe some other time. Why don't you guess again?" Ray noticed the dragon's dick starting to appear. He tried his best to ignore it because he knew what it would lead to."
"I become your son?" Ray suggested, merely trying all of his options.
"You? As my son? I don't think that would ever happen. Blitz would probably tear you apart if he even heard you say that." Panther seemed to be getting tired of the guessing game and he grabbed Ray, forcing him down towards his dick. "Now, take a final guess." Panther was already half way erect and he was still growing.
"My final guess is that you're the bitch in the relationship. You don't look like you know how to fuck someone and next to that, you don't look like you have the size for it." Panther blushed and snarled, grabbing Ray's head and forcing it to take in his dick. Panther had barbs that he could control, but he purposely left them extended. He wanted Ray to remember this one way or another, even if it meant leaving a permanent mark. Ray had a disagreement though. The dragon touching him...and even forcing him onto a barb covered dick was all it took. Ray bit down on Panther's dick and forced him to flinch. As his grip loosened, Ray ducked down and away from the massive male.
"Ow! Your gonna-" Panther didn't have time to finish his speech. Ray stood up and spread his wings, jumping towards the male and tackling him down to the ground. He wasn't thinking any of this through, and he just did what his instincts told him to. He turned around on the muscular dragon and kept him pinned down. Ray's dick started to slip out of his sheath now. It was one of the few things that stayed with him as he aged, along with his knot.
"How about you make me happy instead?" Ray said as he came out of his sheath more, his dick starting to poke against Panther's chest. Panther wasn't as easy to keep down as Ray thought though. without much difficulty he managed to throw Ray off of him. Ray was slightly shooken up but he recovered and re-focused on the dragon coming back at him. Panther grabbed Ray and threw him to the ground, exciting a yelp from him.
"Not a chance. I see im going to have to teach you your place outsider." Panther spoke and placed one of his footpaws onto Ray, placing his heavy weight on Ray and even digging his claws into him. Ray was in pain, but he couldn't let Panther know that. He grabbed Panther's foot and forced it off of him. It took all of his strength just to get that one foot off of him. From that point onward, Ray knew that this little brawl would already be one sided. He stood up and started backing away from Panther. "Where you going? Don't tell me your running away already. I haven't even used any of my abilities." Panther spread his wings and leaped towards Ray, tackling him and throwing both of them into the pond. Ray couldn't believe this was all happening on his first day in Dragon Haven. Everything seemed messed up to him.
As Ray tried to stand up in the water, he was forced back down into it by Panther who was holding him down. The dragon didn't seem interested in showing mercy, and he planned on drowning Ray unless he submitted. "Hmm, now who are you going to serve for the rest of your life?" Ray didn't reply and he struggled to get free of Panther's grip. Panther's strength was amazing, and was sadly being used against Ray. He didn't have much longer to make a choice since he was already beginning to choke. Ray was sure he was doomed, but at the last second Panther's weight was removed from him and he was able to stand up. He wasn't sure what happened.
"You should know better then to try to kill a new outsider Panther." Ray heard someone say. "What kind of a guardian are you?"
"A damn good one." Panther replied and seemingly started to fight another dragon. Ray still stunned tried his best to shake it off. When he finally managed to, he turned and looked for the others. He saw that Panther was fighting another muscular dragon. Ray didn't know who the dragon was at first glance, but it soon became obvious to him. That dragon was Tank. By the looks of it, Tank was owning Panther. He had him pinned on the ground.
"I cant kill you panther, but I can surely hurt you." Tank stated, starting to have problems with holding down the dragon. Ray immediately took flight and leaped over to the two. He joined Tank and helped him keep Panther down.
"Your both making a mistake. You will pay dearly for this...especially you Tank. You may not have the balls to kill me...but I definitely have the balls to kill you." Panther wasn't happy that Tank was assisting an outsider. He was just as surprised as Ray was though.
"You two know each other?" Ray questioned.
"know each other? Were brothers. Trust me, he's always been a bully." Brothers? What the hell was going on around here? The two dragons looked nothing alike to Ray and they weren't even near the same size. This place was strange to Ray, but it was where he belonged. At this point Panther stopped trying to get free. He had a smirk on his face and simply stared up at the two.
"Brother, you have never learned what it means to get your ass handed to you. We will teach you now."
"We?" Both Ray and Tank asked. Nearly following panther's statement, they heard roars and turned around, only to be tackled and thrown away by both Tiger and Blitz. Blitz appeared to be the strongest of the three, and he was definitely the largest. He was a white dragon. Both him and Tiger moved to Panther and helped him up. In return Panther gave both Tiger and Blitz deep passionate kisses, paying no attention to the others.
"Thanks guys. You two can handle Tank. I have business with the outsider. Treat Tank as if he were a traitor, and eliminate him if you have to." Tiger and Blitz nodded to Panther, each moving to attack Tank. Ray looked surprised and shocked. Panther was willing to kill his own brother. He had no loyalty to his family.
"Your horrible." Ray spoke to Panther. He only laughed at Ray and glared at him. Ray didn't know if he was still stunned or not, because he started to find it harder and harder to move his body.
"I know I am." Panther said proudly and walked behind Ray, grabbing hold of him as he began to take flight." Lets go somewhere else, shall we?" Ray didn't have a choice. He couldn't move and try to break free.
"Would you really let them kill your own brother?"
"Ill let them kill anyone who opposes me. By time we return, Tank should be bloody." Ray couldn't believe anything he was hearing. How could this guy be a guardian if he killed so openly? Ray had so many questions, and every time he asked one, he became more and more aggravated with the dragon, though this seemed to make him more and more proud.
Panther stopped a considerable distance into the air. "Mmm, lets try this again. Lift your tail for me." Ray growled.
"No way! Im not going to submit to you."
"Have it your way then..." Panther released Ray and he began to fall down towards the ground. Ray had lost control of his body, and he could not use his wings to save his life. It was simply a matter of time before he hit the ground...hard. He began to yell out now, distraught at the fact that he could do nothing but spin in the air and wait until it happened. Panther was watching to see Ray's reaction, and it was the exact one he wanted. He swooped down and caught Ray upside-down in the air. His dick was placed directly in front of Ray's maw, and Ray's ass had been in front of Panther's maw. "Are you going to suck my dick now, outsider?" Ray said nothing and shook his head. "Stop being so damn stubborn. Ill forgive you for everything if you become my slave and pleasure me. If you don't..ill kill you. After your good and dead ill tear the flesh from your body and give whatever is left over to Blitz. When im done with that, ill get the word out about your parents. Their scent is over you, and I can easily track them down." Ray heard the dragon's words and opened his eyes, staring at his fully erect dick. It had a strong musk about it, one that could scare away someone who knew no better. "Its your choice." Ray began to whine, seeing no way out of this. He would not allow innocent lives to be taken because of him.
"If I do it will you promise not to tell anyone about my parents?" Panther smirked
"Why of course."
"And will you promise to not kill Tank?"
"I cant make any promises on that. Its out of my hands now." Ray continued to whine and grabbed hold of the dragon's dick. The barbs on it was fully extended. He had no real choice though, and he leaned forward to take the tip into his maw. "Good boy. Now move your tail." Ray moved his tail away, allowing full access to his tail hole. He couldn't believe this was happening. Why did these things always happen to him?
Panther laughed, knowing now that Ray would eat his shit if he ordered him to. He moved his maw down to Ray's entrance and began to lick over it. He wanted Ray's tail hole nice and wet. "Take it in deeper, outsider." Ray sighed and took more of the dragon's musky meat into his maw. If the odor and taste wasn't bad enough, Panther's sharp barbs made it difficult for Ray to take in most if any of it. He knew Panther purposely had the barbs out though, and only wanted to Torment him as much as possible.
Ray shivered as he felt something penetrate him. Panther's tongue wasn't warm like most others, it was much hotter. Surprisingly, it slipped right into Ray with the slightest of ease and was able to go deep into him. Panther's tongue stopped a ways into Ray before it started to lick around his walls. Following its examination, it pulled directly out of Ray so that Panther could talk.
"Mmm...someone seems to have a secret." Ray began to growl on Panther's dick, but was silenced when Panther thrusted himself forward to choke Ray. "I can taste it...everything you have eaten, everything you have gulped down, and everything that has been up there." Ray didnt know what Panther had found, and he didn't want to know."I wont say it if you deep throat me good enough. Ill be moaning too much to usher it..." Ray closed his eyes and began to push himself down on Panther. He truly tried to take it all in, but those damn barbs prevented him from doing so. "Seems you cant even do that. ill just be sure to tell that to Blitz and see what he thinks." Ray felt like crying at this point. Again there was no choice for him. He swallowed his pride and tried again, ignoring the pain the barbs brought him. He made sure to take in every bit of the dragon's manhood, and he made sure to cover it in his saliva. He worked his tongue around the pulsing shaft in his maw to try to get Panther to moan. Each lick got him a cut on his tongue though. Ray hoped that this would be good enough.
"Oh wow...that's way better. Its not good enough though. Maybe if you choke on my dick it'll get me excited enough." Ray couldn't even hold back his tears anymore. He opened his eyes and let them stream down his face. He moved his maw in a way that made him choke on Panther's dick. He gagged and even vomited slightly, but he tried to not let Panther know that. "Yeah, that's way better outsider. I think im close to filling that hot maw of yours. Stay on my dick and suck on my balls and then maybe you'll get something for it." Ray pulled back slightly so that he would stop choking. When he stopped, he moved back down onto Panther's dick and went deep enough to be at his base. There was no way for him to suck on Panther's balls, so he managed to worm his tongue outwards and got it to lick at them instead. "Damn! That's close enough." Panther said and roared out, now shooting his thick cum directly down Ray's throat. He forced Ray off of his dick and let the rest of his seed flow directly over his muzzle. He didn't want Ray to swallow it. He wanted Ray to feel it on his face so he would get the feeling of having no control.
Ray said and did nothing. He allowed Panther to cover him completely in his musky seed. Panther was enjoying this to the fullest of course, but Ray obviously wasn't. As Panther finished up with his seed, he began to take flight higher into the air. "Now, how about I fuck your hot tail hole next, outsider?" Ray starting to think he was in hell. After everything that was going on, what else would he think? At the last moment though, Ray received some hope. He noticed that he was able to move again. Panther had not been paying attention and he most likely wasn't focusing on the paralysis he was causing Ray. Thinking this one out, Ray slid down under Panther and around to his back, now holding onto him from behind. He had abilities of his own, and he surely was ready to use them. Panther was surprised and began to growl, but before he could do anything, he felt his own wings turn cold and eventually they became numb. His ascending speed quickly turned into that one of a descending one, seeing as how Ray could not hold both of them into the air.
"Its my turn now." Ray stated and spun the two so that they were in a diving position. He spread his wings as they both flew down towards the ground.
"What are you doing!? Release my wings or we will both perish."
"I wont be killed because I have a nice cushion to land on. You on the other hand will feel the full impact of the ground and my weight. I doubt you will die though. You seem like the type that never does." Panther growled and tried to get Ray off of him but failed miserably. He looked down and gasped as the ground became all the more closer.
"What do you want from me?"
"Revenge." Ray said and braced himself. Panther did the same, but it would prove to be useless in the long run. Panther closed his eyes as he finally made contact with the ground, stirring grass and dirt everywhere. A loud boom could be heard for miles, and a huge crater was created within the ground. Panther had felt it all, and he had been considerably damaged. Ray was damaged also, but not as bad as Panther was. Ray was shooken up and stayed down to the ground, first wanting all of the debris to clear.
The debris finally cleared up after awhile and Ray got off of Panther. He walked around the dragon and checked to see if it was still alive. Panther's eyes were shut, but it was evident that he was still breathing. The impact must of knocked him unconscious.
Ray shook his head. He thought it was sad how some dragons grew up and became like this. They would be willing to hurt their own family. Ray spread his wings and was about to take flight, but noticed that Panther was moving. He opened his eyes and began to try to get up. Ray was quickly noticed and Panther began to glare. "You'll pay for that also." Panther spoke, struggling to get onto his feet. Ray didn't give him the chance though. He moved behind Panther and forced him to get on all fours.
"I don't think your in any position to make threats." Ray spoke softly. His dick was still out and it was overdue for some fun. Ray bent down and raised Panther's now dirt covered tail. It had done well to keep most of the debris away from his tailhole. Ray wasn't really into getting intimate with a guy, but if it made Panther pissed he didn't care. He moved his face to the loose entrance and began to lick at it. He mimicked exactly what Panther did to him, and he made sure to stick his tongue in deep. Panther moaned, but it seemed to be more from pain. Ray had no intention of easing up though. This was his first time rimming another, and he definitely enjoyed it. It was only partially from arousal though. Most of it was from it being familiar. Maybe it was something that had to do with the dragon's sweat and strong scent. Whatever it was, it made it difficult for Ray to stop. Ray knew what was going to happen and he decided to pull himself out of the dragon's tasty hole.
"Addicting...isn't it?" Panther muttered. Ray shrugged and gave the dragon a pretty hard slap on the ass. Panther flinched and roared. He knew Ray did that on purpose and was trying to hurt him just as he did. Ray moved back slightly from the roar, but smirked and grabbed hold of the dragons dirt covered ass. He didn't want to be anywhere near gentle with Panther. Ray almost instinctively began to thrust into Panther, getting a lot of roars out of him. He ignored them though, and wildly fucked the dragon's ass. Ray was a virgin when he came to Dragon Haven, and now because of Panther that had been changed. He wanted to lose his virginity to a female he truly cared about, and a female that he knew he would spend the rest of his life with. He couldn't do that now, and he wanted the male responsible to pay in every way that he possible could. All of these thoughts in Ray's head only angered him more, and in return he sped up into the inviting entrance. Panther began to cry out and Ray noticed he had tears streaming down his face. Panther's head was down and his eyes were closed. It looked as if he actually had regret. Ray looked away from him, because he knew he would began to feel pity and regret himself. Oddly enough, Ray was already turned on from everything that had happened earlier. Maybe it was because he was inexperienced, or maybe it was because he wanted to humiliate the dragon. Whatever it was, Ray found himself approaching his orgasm extremely quickly. His knot was already formed and it was only waiting to slip inside the hot entrance. Panther felt it against him and began to talk through his groans and roars. " Don't cum...inside of me." Ray ignored Panther again and continued. Even if he wanted to stop he was in too much bliss. Ray began to pant and didn't seem to have control of his actions anymore. His feral side took over, and it wanted him to thrust into this bitch and breed him. Rays knot slipped into Panther's ass without a problem, locking the two together. While Ray was in his own little world, Panther was shocked. He started to feel Ray's dick pulse and shoot its new seed directly into him. Panther couldn't believe what Ray had just done. He shook his head sadly and cried silently to himself. Ray couldn't help but notice and began to feel sorry for the dragon.
"You did this to yourself. Someone who kills their own family will most likely get hurt." Panther just shook his head in response. He lifted his head and looked back at Ray.
"I didn't kill anyone. Im a guardian..." Ray glared down at the large dragon.
"What does that mean? You ordered your lover to hurt your brother." Panther shook his head.
"Blitz...wont actually harm his brother." Ray sighed.
"Just because Tank is in your family doesn't mean your lover wont hurt him. I know a few situations where a guy hurt his mate's family." Panther shook his head once again
"No...your misunderstanding. Me, Tank, and Blitz are blood brothers. Tank is the youngest and Blitz is the oldest. Im the middle child."
"How is that possible? I thought Blitz was your lover." Panther sighed softly
"He is. Blitz has always been there for me...and he has always kept me safe. We spent most of our time together growing up. One time I was bit by something poisonous...and guess who was by my side the whole time to ensure that I recovered. He did everything to heal me, and I am eternally grateful for that." Ray looked at Panther confused. "As time went on, it became evident to me that I couldn't stand to be without him. He had mates before me...and I was jealous of each one. They were all females. The thought of seeing Blitz with another...and seeing him without me just made me depressed, even though none of his relationships worked out. In a way I was happy, but I was sad because the male I loved was sad." Ray felt his knot shrink, but it wasn't small enough for him to pull out yet. This whole story was kind of weird to him, but it was interesting.
"By the sounds of it Blitz is straight. How did you two come together?"
"Well, one day Blitz noticed how depressed I was. He asked me what was wrong. I couldn't lie to him though. I cant bring myself to do such a thing when it involves him. I told him how I felt...and he said nothing to me and left. I expected him to. At the time he hated the idea of two or more males being together. I knew I was taking a risk when I said so. I was risking the friendship of the one male I truly cared for."
"So your gay?"
"No, im not. Im bisexual. I was straight before, but I became confused every time I thought about Blitz." Ray was still confused. Panther's story didn't make much sense to him. If Blitz was truly straight and he rejected Panther the first time, why were they together now.
"So how exactly did you get together?" Panther still had tears flowing down his face, but he wasn't crying as much as before. He even seemed to be healing.
"The night of the day I told him, I went to my favorite spot. The exact spot you were in when we met is where it is. Anyway, I was surprised to see Blitz already there. He was leaning against the same tree you were the same way too. That's why when i saw you at the tree, I originally thought you were Blitz. Anyway...when I landed Blitz glared at me. He asked me how long I have felt that way about him. I replied ever since I was born...and that I would continue to love him for an eternity. He snorted and said that an eternity doesn't last as long as one would expect it to. That's when I took another chance and moved in to kiss him. He stopped me, and said he needed time to think about it because we both knew how he felt about such things...and he rarely ever contradicts himself." Rays knot was small enough now and he pulled out of Panther.
"And then what happened?"
"Well...a few days went by without us saying anything to each other. I couldn't take it, but I knew it was for the best. The same silence repeated itself for a few months. I felt like crying by this time, because I didn't know if Blitz didn't want to have to do anything with me anymore. A few more months went by and I really couldn't take it anymore. I...I actually began to cry every time I went back to my spot." Panther laughed a bit and more tears started to stream down his face. "I started to expect him to be there waiting for tell me that he didn't hate me and simply needed some time alone. That never happened though. Those months eventually turned into years, and that's when the silence between us was broken. Blitz approached me one day while I was at my spot crying. He brought two females with him...and each were one of his mates. Blitz only stared at me while the two females were laughing. He finally asked me a question that I could never forget." Ray's ears perked up and he had a sad look on his face. He couldn't believe he was actually feeling sorry for this dragon of all people!
"What was the question?"
"He asked me if I would do anything for him. I said yes. He replied by asking me if I was willing to take on the two females as my mates also. I nodded and said that I would take them on as my mates, but my loyalty and my love would only be within him." Panther took a moment to wipe his face before continuing. "What Blitz did after that surprised me. He smiled at me before raising his paw and moving it in a dismissing manner towards the females. 'Im done with you, go and find someone else to be your lover.' That's exactly what he said without even looking them in the eye. His focus was on me only. He was staring into my eyes in such a way that you could never be mad at the person. The females wasn't happy at all though. They each starting talking and arguing with Blitz...but he didn't care. He growled at them while keeping his eyes on me. They got the message, and they left without saying anything more. Getting on Blitz's bad side wasn't isn't something you want to do." Panther began to smile and his tail regained motion behind him.
"Let me guess, he said he loved you afterwards?"
"No. He kept staring into my eyes...and I stared back into his." Panther laughed again. "We stood looking into each other's eyes for at least half an hour. Even though we didn't say anything to each other, I think we knew what was on each others mind. Words couldn't even describe how I felt at that moment, and Blitz knew it. Finally, he decided to walk to me. He gave me a kiss...a passionate one that led to more then one thing later on. Anyway...that's how we met and came together. Blitz said he was still straight, but that I was the one and only exception he would make." Ray was definitely impressed. This cruel dragon actually had compassion within him.
"Where did Tiger come from then?"
"From that moment, Blitz knew that I was the one he wanted to raise a child with. He was still against the idea of two males being together though." Panther took a breath before continuing. This story would prove to be somewhat complicated. "To fix that, he said that we would go to the village and mate the females we saw worthy to pass on their genes. We each did." Ray's ears perked up.
"So does that mean you have a lot of children?"
"No, we do not." Panther sighed and shook his head, the look of regret returning. "Some females became pregnant, some didn't. The ones that did each had a child with their genes included. If Blitz didn't like the genes a certain child had..." Panther fell silent for a moment.
"Then what?" Ray inquired
"Then....then we would kill it."
"You what..!?"
"Of all the children we had by females, only one appealed to Blitz. That one was Tiger. That is why I said he is sort of our son." Ray was speechless at hearing what happened to others. He shook his head in disbelief that someone would kill all of those newborns. "Tiger...isn't a only child though."
"Well I think you covered that, monster."
"No, I mean he's not the only living one. As time went on, me and Blitz thought that it wasn't fair that Tiger had to grow up without any siblings. It had been quite a ways into the relationship, and Blitz's previous ideas had changed. I was kind of surprised when he came to me...and held me in his arms. He whispered in my ear that the next child we had...would have both of our genes. Basically, after that talk, we had a lot of sex. Tiger sometimes watched cause Blitz wanted him to learn everything he knew."
"How old was he when this started...?"
"Tiger was just becoming a teenager. Anyway, after a long time of fucking...I finally became pregnant."
" is that even possible?"
"Im a herm. Its hard to explain, but im the only one in this generation. Anyway, when I was pregnant, it became harder for me to assist blitz when we became guardians. Eventually, he was left out on his own. I think this is when he started to become the wild and crazy dragon we know now. This is also when we noticed that raising another newborn would become difficult." Panther had tears beginning to run down his face again. "The time eventually came when the child was born. This child wasn't like most others though. Me and Blitz both decided with everything going on that we would not keep the child...but we would not kill it. Blitz took the child and left it outside of Dragon Haven, to see if it could survive on its own." Ray was really curious now. Panther seemed really upset.
"What was wrong with the child? What happened to it?"
"Nothing was really wrong, except that it looked like a wolf pup." Ray raised a brow, starting to see where this was going. "As for what happened to apparently was taken in by two wolves, and it grew up to be a normal dragon. One who is new to dragon haven." Panther looked up at Ray sadly. Ray on the other hand glared down at him. He started feeling so much anger and rage. Without even paying much attention to his actions, he gave a swift kick to Panther's side.
"Don't you dare imply you were my birth father! There's no possible way! We don't look alike, we don't act alike, and..."
"and to be able to tell our child from another, I placed some of my cum into him...where it wouldn't interfere with his growth, but where it could be reached and seen by another dragon." Ray turned to see Blitz and Tiger standing behind him. It was blitz who had talked though. They both went over to Panther and helped him up.
"That cum was what I tasted inside of you was faint, but it was definitely familiar. It was Blitz's cum." Panther spoke. He seemed to have recovered from the fall, and his moment of regret seemed to have ended. He had that same smirk back on his face. "Say hello to your younger brother, Tiger." Ray shook his head again in disbelief. Things did start to make sense though. The reason Tiger was sniffing him was because he had Ray's scent from before. He probably couldn't remember that it was his brothers, but he knew it was very familiar to him.
"Your horrible...and your liars!" Ray turned and spread his wings, almost immediately taking off. He didn't know where he would go, but he wanted to clear his head of everything. The three guardians didn't follow after him though, and neither said anything to stop him. If everything was true...then Ray had one hell of a family. It was one family he didn't want to be apart of though... | FSE |
Title: Ambush by Aidan Zarak
Tags: Blood, Love, Other, Sci-Fi, Space, Violence (Not In Yiff), War, Wolf
**"Dark. Dark, cold and lonely that's how the universe is like."**
Today started like every other day. Nothing special really. The huge mass of alloys, cables, engines and computers that formed the ship made its way through space. Small, colourful splodges that seemed to be nebulas of some kind could make anyone dream about the wonders, planets and life forms distant galaxies might hold if theyd have time that is. Despite the fact that it was still morning, at least for what the clock could tell, everyone aboard was already awake and covered in work and their daily duties. After all this was a battleship and as such it had to be manned and ready for anything anytime.
In a moderate pace, the captain was making his way through the wide corridors, sunken on the data pad he was holding in his right hand. The people that were walking past him all seemed busy in some way and although he didnt look up from his pad very often, he managed not to crash into someone. After some minutes the grey wolf reached the elevator at the end of the corridor. He greeted the soldiers on each side and pressed his thumb onto the screen right of the doors. After the identification process was completed, the doors slid open and he entered, letting the hand he was holding the pad in hang loosely at his side. One of the things he never liked was to check the various statistics about engine power, generator output, weapons-, hull-and ammunition-checklists, information about the nightshift, communications logs and even more crap. Once the doors were closed he sighed.
With all these advanced computers and integrated systems you should think one wouldnt have to be bothered with reading this crap every day
Just able to finish his sentence, the lift had already reached the next level and the doors opened again. Before he went on, captain Zarak made sure to stop at his room so he could get rid of the pad. Some seconds later he walked in on the bridge.
Captain on bridge!, one of the officers shouted.
Everyone stood up from their chairs and saluted him.
With a disgruntled sigh he replied:
Damn it! I told you how I think about this part of the insignia. This is a goddamned battleship, not a ceremonial cruiser for old, suspended veterans! Keep your eyes on the screens! This is war! The enemy could already be on attack course by now without anyone noticing!
For a moment there was a total silence. Some were looking at each other, others just remained motionless.
Sorry captain, I think were still not used to it. Dont forget about the training everyone has gone through.
The wolf raised an eyebrow and his eyes fell on the shape of a quite beautiful female. Even the strict uniforms everyone wore couldnt really take away from her pure beauty. She smiled as she noticed the kind of puzzled look on the mans face and continued:
They were taught to follow the insignia because it reflects discipline. And without discipline we can shoot ourselves in the head right now. Your words, captain.
The wolfess smile broadened at the end of her words. Slowly at first, but then at once, a smile formed on the captains face as well.
Who else would dare to contradict the captains words, but the First Officer
Both smiled to each other for a bit longer, then Aidan ordered everyone to proceed and sat on his chair. It was situated in the middle of the bridge, with the Navigations Officer on the left, the Weapons Officer on the right; the First Officer had her place behind the captain. Some metres in front of the captain, seven big screens framed the wall; the largest one in the middle, the others left and right of it; three on each side. Together with the cameras they were covering everything around the ship this way: front, left, right, back, up and down. At the moment the main screen was displaying the view of the front camera as usual in standard flight mode. Not much to see right now besides the ships dark hull and some of the many communications devices and antennas cruising through the cold depths of space somewhere far outside the Sol-System. The captain turned his chair to the side, just enough to face his First Officer.
Did I really say that?
Grinning, she replied : Yes captain. She was still amused about the fact that her supervisor tended to forget some things every now and then. It made him so much more human, whereas human might not quite be the right term. Both of them, along with some other soldiers that formed the Allied Fleets Task Force, a specialized little team, consisting out of genetically enhanced elite soldiers from all kinds of battlefields and origins. They were said to be earths best answer to a similar project they encountered during the long war against some unknown menace that turned out to be an enhanced, cruel soldier himself. The really disturbing thing about him was that he commanded a powerful fleet, all state-of-the-art, and was obviously aiming to attack earth itself. But right now, the battle-shaken ship was merely floating through quiet space and as it was war became a bit more distant again.
Huhwellso in that case its right, of course
He turned his chair again, now facing the screen connected to the armrest of his chair and touched some symbols on it.
Anything to report?, the wolf asked.
No, nothing to report, captain, the answer came from the white furred wolfess who was already taking care of other things like the latest battle reports and so on.
Estimated time till we reach the colony?
6 hours and 34 minutes.
Thats too long. We received the distress call already nine hours ago.
His fingertip touched one of the buttons on the screen.
Engine room, here bridge.
The voice of a male sounded through the speakers as the response came: Engine room reporting in.
We need more power to the engines. Some mumbled words could be heard, then, suddenly another voice came up.
Captain, we are already at maximum speed. We cant take out more of the engines without risking to damage them.
Dirk those people depend on us. The more time passes, the more lives are in danger. We do need to arrive ASAP.
The man in the engine room mumbled.
Okay, Ill see what I can do, but dont you make me responsible for any damage on the engines, Ive warned you! Engine room out.
With a beep, the comm went dead.
Ill be in my room if there should be anything.
Aidan stood up, left the bridge and entered the room to the right. Plunging in the chair, he took the pad again and continued to read. The minutes passed and once he was sure he had sighted all the important data, he closed his eyes and rubbed them with the fingers of his right hand. There were several big, fortified windows at the wall behind him. Usually theyre open, but when the ships under attack a heavy armour plate emerges to cover the windows securely. Slowly, the comfortable chair turned towards the window right behind it.
Space always seems so peaceful lies
As always in silent moments, his thoughts started to drift off again. They circled around and made him think about things like this. Mostly they were just about the war, the last battle, when they will run into the next, if its all worth it He always came to the same result : Yes. Yes, it is worth it. It is worth it because of all the things that make life good. Things like nature and its beauty, flowers, sunny days, children and love? No, loves not one of them. People say one day love will come to everyone lies!
But even through those thoughts, deep inside, he knew that he was just angered about everything involving love, because he, himself, couldnt find someone that would take the their place in his heart, yet.
I dont get it Im not bad looking, I have good manners well, sometimes, and I sure am not a freak genetics aside meh maybe in another life, at another time feh.
Saying this, he forced his mind to choose another theme to think about. This is war and war doesnt care about the individual, it only cares about life or let life.
The wolfs fingers touched the screen nearby and a calm but happy melody was filling his ears. Still looking outside, he fell asleep, slowly. You should think as captain you have a lot of privileges and free time, but even though he knew it wouldnt be like that, he never guessed this job to be so draining. Maybe it wouldve been a lot easier if he wouldnt be the leader of the Task Force at the same time. But in lack of experienced captains, Fleet Command couldnt do without assigning two positions to him. To make it worse the last days have been filled with away missions. At least he could get in touch with fresh air again. The filtered air aboard the Harmony always had something impersonal about it. Nothing could replace the smell of flowers, trees and grass.
The shrill noise of an alert shocked him out of his dreams and just when he turned his chair around, the doors opened and his First Officer ran in.
Captain, our sensors spotted an enemy fleet portside!
Without giving a reply, he hurried after the wolfess. He never understood why the girl preferred to report to him personal, instead of just using the comm, but that sure was just one of her quirks. On the corridors the red lights were already flashing, as they did in every part of the vessel. Reaching the control centre, Zarak jumped on his chair.
Gimme the fleet on the main screen!
The screen changed its view and the cameras zoomed in, showing a massive fleet.
How many?
Two battleships, one carrier and six frigates., the voice behind him replied.
Damn! Distance?
8000 kilometres, coming closer.
Time till interception?
At current speed 7 minutes 42 seconds.
Where did they come from?
I dont know, they just showed on the sensors all of a sudden they mustve been waiting for us!, the sensors officer tried to explain.
How long to the colony?
One hour and thirteen minutes., the wolfess said.
Tactical view!
Two seconds later the main screen was showing an overview along with models of the ships involved, distances and circles around every large ship, which were standing for its effective range of fire.
This cant be just by accident. They mustve known where to find us. They mustve known that wed pass this sector. Their formations just too organised and concentrated on one point Its an ambush !, the captain resulted.
Orders, captain?, Celestra asked.
Lets play pretend make it look as if we have malfunctions. Engine room, the speakers beeped, I want the engines to look damaged. Slow down to 80 % and fire them up to 100 % every 20 to 30 seconds.
Aye, captain.
Shall I activate the weapons, sir ?, the Weapons Officer asked.
No, not yet. Keep em offline until I say so. And let the energy system look damaged as well. Switch to passive, but keep the active radar flashing. And would someone stop the alarm, finally?!
With his eyes fixed on the main screen, he was watching the enemy fleet coming closer and closer. He knew the enemy captain couldnt be a novice, no, a novice would split the fleet and attack from different angles at once, hoping they would maximize the damage and reduce the own losses at the same time, just as its been taught at the academy. But the Celestial Harmony was not like any other ship. Attacking from the front would mean that they have less time to deal any damage as the ships main turrets would shred their hulls in no time. An attack from both sides would just maximize the ships own firepower. When it was built, they put much thought into the design and thanks to that there is very few if any angle the ship could not fire at. The weapons themselves have been mounted to both sides equally. This way it could teach anyone a lethal lesson that thought they were an easy deal.
Three minutes till interception.
Calmly, the grey wolf was watching the happening on the main screen. He knew what to do, he just had to hope for the enemy captain to know that as well.
2500 kilometres, still coming closer.
2000 kilometres theyre holding position!
Suddenly, an oppressive silence laid upon the whole bridge. All eyes were focused on the big screen at the front. And even though it was just two minutes that passed, it felt like hours. Hours of insecurity about what would come. But amongst them was one that knew very well what would happen.
Multiple radar contacts!, the First Officers voice cut through the silence like a sharp blade.
I can see 260 no 450 enemy attack ships approaching! What kind of and numbers?, Aidan asked and he couldnt hide an evil grin. 320 fighters, 110 bombers and 20 corvettes. Shall I activate the weapons, captain?, the Weapons Officer was already holding a hand over his
console. Stand by for orders. 1500 kilometres. 1000 kilometres. Captain, theyll be in range in less than 30 seconds! 25 seconds. 20 seconds, Captain! Just a little more 15 seconds! Activate flak batteries 1 to 3, multiple targets, priority on bombers! In less than 3 seconds the heavy doors slid open and the portside batteries became visible.
Each battery held 20 flak turrets, which were aiming at the wall of approaching spacecrafts.
Batteries ready! Restore power to the radar, switch back to active, engines to full power! 4 seconds! Fire! Almost within the blink of an eye, the double barrelled turrets opened fire.
60 smaller war heads made their way towards the enemy vessels and a small chemo electrical explosion caused them to burst, only to unload their, considering light armoured spacecrafts, deadly freight: thousands of high velocity shrapnels. Each turret had already picked a target, before the fire order came and as they all fired at the same time, the line of enemy fighters lightened immensely during the first attack flight. Explosions lit the screen, about 50 at the same time, dipping the dark ship hull into a sparkly gloom ranging from white to red with all its varieties in between. Just now they came in range of their weapons and their bullets hit the ships thick armour like a swarm of small insects. The ship quaked just a little from the impacts of the bombers torpedoes. Bombers and corvettes, those were the only ones of them that could do real damage to the ship.
The rest of the formation crossed the ship at its side axis and dashed past it. But before they could come in range again, the starboard batteries had already been activated and they ran into another curtain of shrapnels that delivered dozens of deadly hits . Again torpedoes exploded on contact with the Harmonys thick, armored hull.
Thanks to the immense counter fire they had come against them, none of the pilots was able to lock on less fortified or vital spots and thus the damage they caused was just minimal.
For the second time the portside batteries picked their targets, hungering for victims. Millions of shrapnels pierced through the line of enemy fighters, continuing their work. They had no chance; they retreated.
During these first 30 seconds, almost 1/3 of the enemy ships had been taken down, some of them through explosions of ships close to them, a few through collisions with damaged vessels.
All stations damage report!
Captain Zaraks gaze was fixed to the ships on the screen. His plan seemed to have worked; he grinned just a bit.
Minor hull damage,, the white wolfess fingers swirled over the console in front of her, some high pressure pipes have been damaged. Automatic block engaged. Reports of light injuries from all over the ship. At all nothing serious, captain.
Phew seems like were still alive, she said jokingly with a sarcastic smile on her lips.
And not only that, weve been able to deal out some heavy losses to them, too. Right, FO?
FO he loved to use abbreviations like that one, she thought to herself before replying. She knew what he intended to hear with that remark. Over the time theyve been together now, out on the field and on so many away missions, Aidan, Celestra and everyone else from the Task Force grew closer to each other. They knew they could rely on each other and in these times they had no chance but to do so.
Enemy losses come to 54 fighters and 83 bombers. None of the corvettes has been destroyed, but they took medium to light damage.
The grey figure in front of her just let out a thoughtful hmm.
Usually now would be the time to start own fighters, plot a direct course towards the enemy ships and hit them with hard strikes or to take the own retreat. Still the enemy did outnumber them at least 3 to 1, no matter how strong the Harmony was. Ears all over the room were waiting for their commands, not daring to look away from the lights blinking on the screens in front of them. But he hesitated. Something just didnt seem right about it. They were still holding their positions, out of range of the large battleships main turrets. None of them was moving, neither towards them, nor away. And this was the strange part about it.
What are they planning?, he said finally.
Captain?, it was the Weapons Officer that looked up to face the captain.
Theyre not following any usual schemes they must be planning something must have an ace in their backhand Anyway, we dont have time to loose! There are people dying! Get us back on our last course, full power!
Aye, captain.
And the ship started to move again. Aidan couldnt stop gazing on the tactical overview in front of him. The fleet still wasnt moving. He watched them disappear in the dark; the sensor contacts slowly faded, one by one.
Any signs were being followed, FO?
Nope, no signs to read, captain.
But those words couldnt calm him down. Deep inside the back of his head he just knew something had to be wrong. Could he be mistaken about that? The minutes passed. Nothing did happen.
Shall I power down the weapons again, captain?
But the Weapons Officer didnt get any reply.
Erryes yes, deactivate weapons.
And the alarm?
Yes, switch to standby.
Celestra pressed a button and the red lights made place for strong, blue light that emitted from organic diodes. Standing up, the captain took a last look at the main screen and walked over to his commander. She was slightly smaller than him, her dark, almost black hair always well-tended. As she turned her head to look him in the eyes, his mind made up the image of those deep blue circles with the hair flowing in the wind and some streaks covering her face like he had seen her weeks ago. There was something about her; something he couldnt name, yet. Just some seconds later, that image had faded again.
The bridge is all y
Weve got contact!, the voice of the Radar Officer interrupted him.
He hastened back to his chair and Celestra looked back on her screen.
The sirens raised, their ear piercing sound alarming everyone, the pilots, that have just left their spacecrafts, ran back and got ready for take off again. Senses sharpened, adrenaline started to rush through the body -even after the hundredth time you cant totally get used to it. On the screen, several small red dots were showing, all coming from portside.
Bring batteries 1 to 3 online, WO. Aye. How many? His ears caught the soft voice from behind him, still calm like a professional. Looks like the remains of the enemy fighters but But? That makes no sense, captain! Whyd they attack again, flying to their certain death?! Suddenly the girls voice sounded doubtful. I dont know, but I know that theyre coming from the worst vector they couldve chosen. Meanwhile, the red dots came closer. They were looking the farest from being threatingly.
Shaking his head, captain Zarak was waiting for the upcoming battle no, skirmish at its best. To maximize their firepower and to protect the bombers, they were flying in a widespread, staggered formation. Nothing seemed to be strange about this but the fact that they are attacking. From one second to the next, some of them broke up the formation and darted away in a 20 angle.
What the deserters? Wheretore they flying? There are neither planets nor stations they could reach on their current course. Maybe a hidden base ship? Possible, captain. Theyre leaving sensor range. Okay, gimme a close-range view! A short, acknowledging beep later, it was showing on the main screen.
The spacecrafts came in range and the batteries opened fire, but this time most of them were able to evade it. This skirmish would be over soon and end up with the total defeat of the enemy vessels But they didnt give away the slightest sign of a retreat.
Theyre coming back! What? Who? The deserters; theyre coming in a direct angle towards our engines. Are they insane? What are they intending to achieve with that? They must know their weapons
wont do any damage! I dont know, maybe they want to capitulate. Theyre not flying at attack speed, but quite slowly.
Yes, captain.
Well, first we have to take care about the rest of them, anyways.
Red dots vanish from the screen. With every couple of seconds more of them stop showing up. It was now, when the wolfs eyes came down to have a look at the few fighters nearing stern slowly. Slowly, his brain started to draw connections.
Captain?, First Officer Silver asks with one brow raised.
How fast are those fighters at our tail?
175 km/s.
Damn! Immediate start for all fighters! I want them to take down those ships!
Aye, still confused, but without reluctance the commander gives the flight deck clearance for start and passes on the orders.
Captainmay I get to know why were attacking possible renegades?
175 km/s, FO!
Idont understand
Thats the velocity of an ABST!
At those words, the wolfess goes wide-eyed, her jaw dropping. New contacts pop up on the tactical overview, but this time green ones the fighters have been launched. All remaining enemy fighters are setting them as new priority targets on first sight. Most of them are unable to execute their given orders, not with another fighter on their tail. They get drawn into dogfights. Nonetheless, a handful manages to slip through the enemy lines and is flying towards their targets. By now, the suspected renegades are just about 3000 kilometres away. At 1500 kilometres they meet each other. The experienced pilots flying the fighters stationed at the Harmony aim for their targets and open fire. Captain Zarak was right, it was a trap. Their fighters were just hiding the torpedoes by flying closely above them. Unfortunately, the 5 own fighters that could brake through have to face the escort now. Every time one of them tries to concentrate his fire on the torpedoes, they have another enemy at their tail, clinging to them like a tick. Finally, one of them takes down one of the 8 torpedoes.
Another one dies down in its explosion. Without time to celebrate the lucky pilot gets shot. The vengeance follows right after : one of the enemies crashes into another torpedo, the other one explodes after several hits. On his chair aboard the Celestial Harmony, the captain watches everything. Just 2125 kilometres away, the heavy warheads are still holding their course.
Damn! They wont make it! Emergency tack!
With a yellow flame, the power jets portside front and starboard rear fire up, setting the whole ship in a slow turn.
30 seconds till impact!
Two more torpedoes get destroyed, but for the loss of another fighter. Quite helpless, the captain and everyone else on the bridge are doomed to watch.
But the pilots wont give up easily, theyre still continuing their efforts -not without fruits. Aidan could see another one of the torpedoes vanish from the screen.
The grey wolf hits the communications button on his screen.
To all fighters : cease actions and get on a safe distance from the ship! Everyone else prepare yourselves for impact!
The fighter pilots punch in their afterburners and the ones that were chasing the torpedoes shoot away over the battleship. Everyone at the command centre grabs the arm rests of their chairs or anything else close enough thats promising enough hold.
The torpedoes hit their target hard. The whole construction shakes with the force of an earthquake and an oppressive silence is floating in the air, then the smashing noise of the detonating explosives penetrates everyones ears forcefully, making them dumb for anything else. Right after a mighty, destructive shockwave rolls through the ship. Ammunition explodes, pipes break, walls bend, rooms deform, fires start everywhere, followed by screams and people running. Just slowly, the shockwave and the ring in everyones ears fades. The wolfess, who is holding the rank of the commander, opens her eyes again, which she had squeezed shut. Some people fall around at the bridge. Then, the demanding, still damped voice of the captain screams at the top of its capacity:
Status report !
Forced to regain control over herself quickly again, she begins to search the screen for the damage reports.
Severe damage to the thrusters engines offline stern armour down to 46 % several reports of fires, damaged bulkheads, minor hull breaches, lots of wounded; some of them severely. Weve lost 13 fighters, the remaining ones are taking care of the last enemy spacecrafts. Main power still functional. Weapons waiting for orders.
A red drop fell on her screen. Her hand reached to touch her forehead. Shed taken a laceration. Her eyes travelled through the bridge. Some were still about to stand up and get a clear head again. Fortunately, no one has been seriously injured. The captain himself seemed to be glued to his chair.
Damn! Any readings on the radar ?
Not for the moment, captain.
NO, I wanna see a completed 90 turn!
Aye, captain.
The ship turned and once the 90 have been reached, the damaged jets powered down again. Meanwhile the pilots of the Celestial Harmony have taken out all enemy fighters that were left on the radar. Having their task fulfilled they took positions around the ship for guarding purposes, standing by for further instructions. Aidan felt betrayed; betrayed by his own mind. He shouldve noticed earlier! But its too late now and hes the one responsible for the big mess theyre all in now. Without its engines, the ship was quite vulnerable. They still had weapons, but their ammunition isnt infinite and the enemy captains already calling in more ships, for sure. Not only that, there were still the colonists, desperately waiting for the support they had asked for. The captain sighed.
And this day just started like any other day
Captain?, the commander asked.
He stood up and turned around to have a look at the bridge. Some screens the officers around him worked on were broken, others were just black and useless. Steam from a cooling pipe that broke through the ceiling was hissing at him. And then he noticed the injuries. Most of the officers were wounded at the head, some bleeding noses, a bleeding lip and the red stream of blood running down his First Officers face. He walked up to her, put a finger below her chin and turned her head so he could have a better look at the wound. Close to her place was a first aid kit, which he grabbed and opened to take out a bandage and scissors. He cut off a small piece and used it to clean the wolfess head of the blood. Then he took another piece and put it on her wound.
Youll need to press that against your forehead., he uttered and her fingers replaced his.
She looked in his eyes and he gazed back. After some time a grin formed on his face.
Didnt mama tell you not to make a mess with your ketchup ?
Even though that joke wasnt real funny at all, she smiled cutely at him and his grin widened. Seeing this she had no chance but to laugh. Content about that, he got back to his chair and browsed through several sub menus. He had underestimated that captain, that was for sure, but this wouldnt happen twice! The tactical overview beeped as it pinged the three enemy battleships along with their escort.
Coming to catch your prey already?, Aidan mumbled, well, youll find this prey to bite back just as hard! Activate primary and secondary weapons!
The human at the weapons control, who was still attending to his injury, pressed the bandage to his nose and entered the given orders one handed. With a hearable, dull, but still mighty and deep growl the four Terminator turrets extended. Their sheer dimensions combined with the huge barrels could turn anyones face theyd be pointed at to red. A thud later, they were in place and ready to fire, the tracked turrets on the wings were already waiting.
Looking at the main screen, Aidan watched the dots nearing.
Either theyre totally stupid or they have another ace waiting
Wordless, he was waiting for anything to happen; a manoeuvre thatd give away their plans, the start of more torpedoes or fighters, anything. Those ships, as they came closer, seemed like angels of death dark, gigantic; bristling with weapons. But, he thought to himself, if theyre angels of death, then the Harmony, even in its current state, is an archangel of light. And as such, we do well know how to defend ourselves. Concentrated, the captains eyes were monitoring their every move. Closercome closeryeah, thats rightjust like that, his mind commented. Surprisingly, they expected his wish, as if he had mind control over them. If so then just to a certain point; the ships fired their front break jets. One of the battleships came closer, but stood out of range to the main weapons.
Incoming transmission., Celestra reported.
This enemy ship, captain., and she was looking to the main screen that was showing said battleship.
Put it on the main screen!, Aidan ordered, Lets see what they want.
One digitized order later, the screen was displaying the bridge of another ship. Lounging on his chair, its captain started to laugh evilly before he stood up,
looking straight into the camera aboard his ship.
Mywhat do we have herethe famous captain Zarak, commander of the A.F. Celestial Harmony., he paused to grin wide and mockingly, seems like you have a little problem with your engines, havent we ?, he laughed again.
Grrr, captain Zarak growled while he gnashed his teeth and his claws gouged into the armrest, but he managed to swallow his hatred. Blowing out hot air, he calmed himself and replied with a calm, steady voice : Not a problem we couldnt fix easily. -Well, since you seem to know about me, I guess itd be just fair if youd tell me about yourself now.
Again a laughter raised on the enemy bridge.
Captainmy names not of interest. But you shall know that neither you, nor your ship will make it to that colony! Not in one piece at least, the nameless captain smirked.
What! What do you want?
Ohhhnow youre disappointing me, captain ZarakI want you, of courseyouor your ship. See? Im generous! Im leaving the decision to you, hehehehe.
Aidan couldnt resist to let out another growl, but that just amused the human captain on the other side of the screen.
What do they say about barking dogs again? Oh, right! They dont bite! Nahahahahaa., he was in fact laughing about his own bad joke, but it didnt miss its purpose. It raged the wolf. The other captain steadied himself quite fast again : Im expecting your answer within the next five minutes! Not a single minute longer! He sat back on his chair and presented an attached, big red button.
You wouldnt want me to push this one again, would you?
The comm went dead. Aidan was still sitting there, wordless, shivering in hatred. He knew what that was meaning. They wanted him. The worst imaginable scenario a captain could encounter: being the target. But what if hed not comply? Of course he already imagined different outcomes, but each ended up with either the total destruction of the Celestial Harmony or her crew getting caught or, even worse, killed. Even if hed deliver himself to the unknown, a sacrifice he and everyone of his team was willing to take without question, no one would guarantee that they wouldnt destroy the ship nonetheless. Five minutesjust some time ago they seemed to pass in slow motion, the same way like every time youre waiting on something to happen. Right now, though, the time ran away. What should he do? No matter whathe couldnt win, not without heavy losses and an 80 % chance of the Harmony to get blasted to bits. He couldnt allow that to happen. The Task Force under his very own command along with that ship were the last fortress that stood between the dark forces and earths doom; not only earths, but mankinds. What use the Task Force had, a team in which every member was well rehearsed on each other, a strong chain, without one of its links?
Whatever, itd still exist. The rest of them would still be there and they would do good, maybe find another leader, a replacement, yeah, he was replaceable; maybe not at ease, but sooner or later theyd come up with someone else. The decision seemed to be made, but he wasnt at his wits end yet. Fortunately, only 2 minutes had passed til now and of what he could tell, the enemy was feeling real confident. Hed never expect an attack from a damaged, outnumbered ship. That plan was crazy, but it was just as crazy that it could work. After all, captain Zarak was known for his unconventional methods.
Engine room, how bads the damage?
Here engine room. Looks like they hit us hard, captain. Weve got many wounded and the rest of us is trying to get the engines back online. How long would that take? I cant tell at the moment, but probably several hours. I have to bypass lots of damaged
conductors; not to talk about the damage on the thrusters. Someone will have to get out and fix them somehow. That alone can take hours. What about the secondary engines? Sorry, captain, they got damaged as well.
Damn! If I had the men I need hmm I just got an idea captain. Theyre damaged, but not as bad as the main engines. With enough men I might be able to fix them in less than an hour. But we wouldnt make more than 30 % of max speed.
Better than nothingwhat about the power jets? What about them, captain? If wed use the starboard jets all at once, we should be able to move the ship, wouldnt we? Theres nothing speaking against it, captain. But wed be more than slowI think something
around 5, maybe 10 % of max speed. Good, concentrate on the repairs now, Ill give you the men you need. Acknowledged, engine room out. Sohow can we get in range?, the captain mumbled after he ended the call. Suddenly, it hit him like a slap in the face: The front power jets! Captain?, the commander laid her head to the side, looking at him. Aidan turned: The front thrusters! They have enough power to build up a counterforce to the
engines to stop the ship. I can imagine thats enough to come in range to their fleet. Thatthats insane!
Maybe, but its our only chance. Prepare everything for such a manoeuvre.
Ayecaptain., the wolfess shook her head, but she didnt dare to say anything against it. She knew it were those ideas that saved their lives more than once, so she silently made the preparations instead.
Nav, on my command, youll perform a high speed turn, showing them our tail, then youll bring us close enough to open fire, followed by a 180 turn. I dont care if that means to damage the power jets, just do it.
Aye aye.
The grey wolf opened a comm-channel: To all fighters, well engage the enemy. Stay away from the ship. Well do a high speed turn. Once the turns complete, form up above and below the ship. Your task will be to eliminate all incoming torpedoes. Other than that try not to get hit and dont, I repeat: dont attack the enemy!
Here squadron leader alpha, confirmed.
Squadron leader beta, confirmed.
Here leader gamma, acknowledged.
Leader delta, confirmed.
Weapons Officer, aim for the weapons generators on both of the battleships. Open fire at my command!
Yes, captain!
All stations ready?
All officers gave green light.
Okay; lets do this hellride! NOexecute!
With great skill, his experienced Navigations Officer used the digital controls to turn the ship. The additional fuel thats being rerouted to the jets accelerates the manoeuvre at the factor ten. The conduits hold, but they wont for a long time. Emergency manoeuvres like that arent named like that for nothing. Different parts experience extreme stress, something theyve not been build for. All fighters stay on distance and as the huge thrusters at the front of the ship begin their work, everyone knows whats at the bottom of the orders. Elegantly, the gigantic colossus reaches great speed at ease. Before one of the enemy captains could realize what was going on, the Harmony had already turned again, flying in between the two battleships.
One command and the firestorm started. All of the four main turrets fired three heavy, armour-piercing bullets.
They hit the first battleship with devastating force. The thick armour on it could take some shots, but 12 at once were just too much. Two of them hit the ship in the same place, punching through the outer hull and exploding inside. Other hits destroyed a big part of their crew quarters and ammunition depots below the hull. Even though they couldnt make it past the armour, the shockwave sure did. The battleships main turrets were useless after that devilish rain. Four torpedoes left their tubes, just before a chain reaction started, hitting the ships main reactors and overloaded them. A big explosion from the inside broke it apart. Its hull ripped open, the vacuum sucking out the men that were still alive. Energy systems connected to the generators overloaded as well, generating new explosions all over the enemy ship. Its countless parts remained silent. Drifting through space, the rest of what used to be a vessel didnt mean a threat any longer. Four more torpedoes had the Harmony set as target. A cluster of fighters darted towards them. But the carrier and the battleship that were left, along with their escort, which had been damaged through the explosion as well, activated their engines and opened fire. Their heavy turrets made the ship shiver with every impact. Though their fire was random, the immense bomb carpet alone dealt out a lot of damage, some of it heavy.
Meanwhile at the bridge of the Celestial Harmony, everyone had to fight against the rumbling, making sure not to fall.
Hull stable, but decreasing. Currently at 84 %!, Celestra shouts.
Aim for their turrets!
The heavy guns fired again. Crushing waves washed over them; two turrets were lost on the carrier. A frigate took a hit, disabling it at once. The following wave could destroy one of the big turrets on the battleship. But they repeated fire and hit one of the anti frigate turrets. With a hole inside its armour, it denied its duty. Unfortunately the frigates took care about the fighters that were assigned to intercept the torpedoes, giving them a hard time. The Harmony fired four own torpedoes. But it was worthless. The escort of frigates and their weapons, which have been designed to track quite fast targets, shredded them in no time. Still there were six torpedoes on course.
Evasive manoeuvres!
The ship managed to fly out two of them, the fighters took down another one at the last second. Heavy impacts on the ships front and portside broke pipes along the whole ship; inside an explosion. The quaking wouldnt want to stop. Everyone was falling around. Many of those that were stationed at the damaged parts got killed on impact. Fire ran through the corridors and demanded its sacrifices. The automated fire extinguish system activated itself and avoided further intrusion. Bulkheads closed to seal off the still intact parts. The portside was now dominated by a large, frayed hole.
At the command centre, most of them managed to stay on their chairs, they knew the drill for this time. Smoke from cable fires polluted the air.
Extinguish the fires!, the captain yells.
Rushing to a mobile fire extinguisher, he helped them doing so. The air filtration system did the rest.
We took heavy damage! Portside armour down! Many sections have to fight the fire; lots of losses; even more wounded! Weapons down!, she was coughing as she made her report.
Damn!, the wolf hit on his armrest real hard.
Incoming transmission!
On screen!
Njeheheheheeecaptain.what a bad decision. How foolish one must be to think he could stand against us. Really captain, you couldve avoided those losses and the heavy damage to your ship. My sensors tell me that your weapons are down. Surrender now or be destroyed! I await you aboard my ship! If we should find any weapons on you Im sure you can imagine , the transmission ended.
Aside from the crackling that came from short circuits inside the systems and the hissing of steam, the bridge became silent. Captain Zarak closed his eyes, sitting up straight on his chair. When he was like that, you could mistake him to be completely calm and relaxed, but deep inside a fire was blazing, strong enough to overwhelm one. He took a deep breath and his head leant down a bit. Being forced with your back against the wall without any other way left than just the one you knew ill would be waiting for you, lurking in the shadows, ready to strike any second that was something he couldnt stand. The ultimatum was clear: deliver yourself or die with the rest of your crew, your friends, the ship. More even, take responsibility for the loss of earths last defence. There was only one thing left he could do now. He knew it the other captain knew it and, even if they didnt want to believe it, the officers knew it as well.
Hangar, prepare a shuttle for launch.
But captain, the runway is blotched with debris.
Then get rid of them, goddamit!
Aye, captain.
Outbreaks like that were rather rare on him. He didnt even want to yell at the man; it wasnt his fault, he just tried to inform his captain correctly. Though thats the least of his worries right now. Aidan stood up from his chair; slowly, making sure to feel its cloth with his hands. Strange enough, the screens in front of him managed to stay mostly unharmed; just some
cracks along their surface. Around him, everyone had taken some lighter injuries; the computers, consoles and interior was not so lucky. In fact everything was looking so beaten and depraved as if the ship would be one of those you can find on a scrap yard, nothing more but disused witnesses of earlier wars, waiting for someone to revive them, to restore their glorious history and to reward them for their good services, the many injuries and dead they had seen, the many bullets their hulls had taken. But no one would ever come. Once so proud and brave, they just became something people wanted to get rid of. Their memory, their history, everything they were standing for became forgotten, as did mankinds heroes of once.
The wolf snorted mockingly. He made his way towards the door.
You you cant be serious with that, captain!, the commander shouted.
The door slid open in front of him and he remained there. Looking over his shoulder, back to her, his only words were:
The ships yours. Try to get away ASAP or to disable the enemy ships somehow. Ill try to keep them busy as long as I can, but Im sure theyll fire again once they received further orders.
With his right hand he unfastened the two straps of the holster on his leg and his handgun fell to the floor. Like that he left the bridge and the door closed behind him.
Unsure about what to do, the wolfess stood there, motionless, looking into astonished faces. She knew what Aidan was about to do, but something told her that she couldnt allow that to happen. Sick of waiting and pondering, she ran out the door and caught up with him half way to the elevator, but the captain didnt want to stop.
Captain! Its too dangerous to leave!
Its too dangerous not to leave., he answered calmly.
I cant allow you to go!
Feh! I dont need your allowance.
Its a trap! Theyll kill you, most likely!
A sacrifice Im more than willing to take.
Rule three, officers booklet: Never let your commanding officer run into obviously dangerous situations or situations with the risk that hes getting caught by enemy forces.!, she shouted, angry about his stubbornness.
He stopped walking and turned around, facing her : Rule one, captains booklet : Do everything necessary to avoid loosing your ship and the crew! There is no discussion about that! Aidan was glaring into her eyes, leaving no doubt that no one could stop him.
The captain turned around again and continued his way.
Commander Silver sighed and closed her eyes. Her hand opened the button on the holster and grabbed the handle of the pistol. In this caseyou leave no chance to me than to absolve you from your command. She aimed the weapon at him and he stopped, not turning around. Oh pleaseI know you wouldnt pull the trigger Its against your personality.
I know you too good for that by now. Her eyes opened wide. How could he know that? Leaving her like that, the captain went on and reached the elevator, calling it. A couple of metres behind, Celestras arms, which where still holding the gun aimed to the point the captain was standing just seconds ago, started to shiver he was right.
Realizing what has happened, she threw the gun away and followed him, running. As she reached him, he was already about to enter the elevator. Captain! Pleasedont go!
Seeing her storming closer, a big portion of astonishment laid down on him. He thought that he had said enough already, but still not enough as it seemed.
I have to. As his fingers reached to touch the controls, she took a stand between the doors, so it was impossible for him to use the elevator. Captain Zaraks eyebrows rose.
Would you step aside now?, he said, his voice reflecting his irritation. No captainII cant. What? Would you prefer to get blasted with everyone else aboard including the whole ship?! She blinked. Her brain told her that the one in front of her was right. It was just logical to let him go
and thus possibly save the Harmony and its crew. But there was something else telling her not to let him go, no matter the results. The wolfess became more to more desperate facing the facts. Below her ribs her heart was beating against her chest nervously. Her eyes became watery.
CapAidanpleasedont gojuststay here What was wrong with her? He couldnt understand the whole situation. Theres no other way Butdont leave me alone The captain sighed : Get yourself back in order again, commander! Icant, the tears started to flow. It saddened her that he just didnt seem to understand.
You cant why?
But instead of a reply he was met with silence. The commanders head was hanging down, eyes closed, tears running down her cheeks.
If youd excuse me now, he hit the control. Before he could put his arm back again, the female stopped him. Her hand was taking a grasp of his wrist and he didnt try to resist. She moved her head to face him.
Because, her voice softened, because I love you.
The wolfs face cricked.
Wellerrits nice of you to act like that but its not necessary to try to cheer me up.
YouYou think Im just faking it?
I dont see why you shouldnt.
Suddenly, she wrapped her arm around his neck, took a step closer, cocked her head and pressed her lips to his, kissing him long and passionately. Taken by surprise, the captain was unable to do anything else than giving in, his eyes wide open at the kiss. For a while he was just trying to understand, but eventually his arms wrapped around her waist and back and he kissed her as well, closing his eyes and just concentrating on the moment. He even forgot about what was happening around him. Everything felt so right; the world seemed to be in order. Her free hand went up his back, feeling him gently while their kiss deepened. This kiss told him that she was not faking and for the first time in his life he was feeling loved for real. It ended too quick for his tastes. Her arms were hanging loosely around his neck and her face was in front of him, looking down. Aidan noticed that she started crying again, even though her eyes were shut. With his hand, he softly wiped away the streams on her cheek.
Saddened, he raised his voice: Ihave to, you know.
Celestra nodded. She tightened the grip on his neck and hugged him tightly, her cheek pressed against his shoulder. The grey wolf put his chin on her head, snuggling her softly as he pet her right cheek. He enjoyed the warmth emitting from her as well as the smell of her hair and fur. This moment he realized that he loved her as well; he did so all the time, he just couldnt tell that it was love he was feeling for her. Now he knew it for sure. But that knowledge wouldnt help him. He whispered into her ear.
I love you too, Celestra. ButI have to go now. Please try to understand
She wasnt willing to let go of him, and so wasnt he, but he had to leave before the fire would start all over again. He forced her off him as gentle as possible and she gazed into his eyes, wordless.
Thank you. Thank you for all., the captain said as the doors slid closed.
Ill be waiting for you!
Celestra put her palm on the closing doors and so did the one behind them. Those deep, blue eyes on him were the last thing he saw before the elevator began to move. It didnt make it any easier for him. Far from it; now he had to fight real hard not to start crying himself.
His thoughts were circling around that image of her. All the times shed made him laugh, the many fights they had fought; a buzzing shook him awake again. The doors gave way to the corridor and he went down to the hangar deck. Theyd already taken care of the debris and the shuttle was ready for launch. Slowly the captain took one step by another, climbing up the stairs that lead to the shuttle. He hit the button on the inside and the door closed. Once inside, Aidan started the engines and checked the systems. Everything was ready; ready for this meaningful, last flight.
Unable to bear the feelings that were awakening inside him, he couldnt wait for the hangar doors to open and started as soon as there was enough room for his shuttle to fit through. Taking a last look back to the ship through the shuttles windows he sighed, his gaze resting on the spot where its bridge was, still thinking about what has happened just some minutes ago.
The shuttle was quite fast and so he reached the battleship in no time. With his heart heavy, he entered their hangar and landed somewhere close to a door. The guards were already getting in position around the vessel, heavily armed. For a second he imagined to jump out of the shuttle and acquire one of the guards rifles. But they were just too much for one alone. Theyd shoot him faster than he could look. No, he couldnt risk his live that easily, he had to survive as long as possible. He owed it to the people aboard his former ship and, whats even more important, he owed it to the one waiting for him. She didnt say it just for the words simple meaning; no, he knew what it meant.
A loud metallic hammering told him that the soldiers outside became impatient. The grey wolf opened the door and descended to the hangar floor. Surrounded by them, the ones to his sides took his arms by force and used handcuffs to lock them together behind his back. One in front of him started to search him for any kind of weapon. That guys hands scanned his body intimately without missing a part.
Clear!, his voice raised, looking to someone who mustve been their commander.
Take him to the bridge!, the reply came.
Wordless, he got supported by two soldiers that were forcing him to come along.
After endless hallways the men reached their assigned destination; their captain was already waiting for them. Again one of his mocking grins defined his face.
Welcome aboard, captain Zarak. I hope your travel hasnt been too uncomfortable. Not really. Goodgoooood. He glanced to the one commanding the troop of soldiers and nodded to him.
A little later a dull pain at the hollow of his knee almost caused the wolf to kneel down. In the last moment he managed to shift his weight, but it was worthless. The same pain jumped to his other leg and forced him to the floor.
YeahI think thats more appropriate. Kneeling in front of your capturer. Mywhere has all your proud gone, captain? Aidan bared his teeth and growled at the guy. If it wouldnt be for the soldiers around you wouldnt be acting like that He just laughed again. A cue of his and the soldier punched him across the face. Where are your good manners, captain?
FEH! I crap on your manners! The grey wolf got hit in the face once more. His lip bursted. Once his head was back in place again, the blood began to run down his muzzle. It tripped from his chin and soaked the dark grey floor plating.
You better comply and tell us what we want to know or youll regret it! Well see about that Behind him, this annoying soldier was about to prepare for another punch, but before he could act,
the ships captain stopped him. Wondering about his sudden generosity, Aidan looked up at him with a little surprise.
Damn!, he thought, that smile of his is starting to become really annoying! Once he was done smiling, he announced the reason pretty self assured : Its alright, Lieutenant. Hell have lots of time to learn. But for nowintroduce ourguest to his newapartment.
The Lieutenant saluted and he and his man shoved the wolf up to his legs and pushed him forward, exiting the bridge. What about their ship, captain?
Yeah, I guess now would be a good point of time to destroy their all so great battleship once and for all, before they trouble us again.
The ships Commander turned around and glared into his First Officers face.
You dont get paid for thinking! Who are you to tell me what to do? Do you really think destroying that ship would make him talk?! You idiot!, he walked closer, looking him directly in the face, Moron! Thats just the reason why Im commanding this ship and not you! I have the brains for it! Does it look like they could run from us? Does it look like they could attack us? NO! So whyI ask you why should we destroy that ship, he pointed to the screen, and loose our only pressurizing medium against him?! Do you really think hed still be talking once his crew and all his friends aboard would be dead?! NO! So shut up and justcontinue what you get paid for!
The man in front of him didnt dare to reply. Too high was the risk he would get replaced by someone else. Worse even, the captain would shoot him right at his place.
Some decks below a prison cells door got opened; a heavy, reinforced compound of steel, carbon and some other chemicals. Captain Zarak landed on his face as they threw him inside and the door got locked behind him. Getting up, he growled back at the door, but no one would hear it anymore. His eyes travelled through the room. It was small, dark and spartan. There wasnt more than just a bed, a toilet and a basin along with the corresponding implements. Above his head a rather dark lamp was buzzing lightly. The handcuffs still hindering him, he sat down on the bed and prepared himself for a long stay and the possible treatments theyd come up with to make him talk. He was planning on making it as hard as possible for them to get to know anything at all. But he also knew theyre known for their cruel methods of extracting info.
Okay guys, we need possible solutions any ideas?
The females gaze travelled from one to another, then she sat down.
Dirk. Hows the status of the engines?
Uhmwellerrnot so good I think. The repairs are still taking time.
And the weapons?
The generators still offline, but were working on it.
How long till we have weapons and drive again ?
I cant tell by now, but Im assumingsomething about two to three hours at least.
Celestra sighed, her head supported by her hands and arms which where rested on the table in front of her.
Okay. How many losses?
Data are still not completely in, yet. But at least 142 after last estimates., the blonde arctic vixen spoke. Commander Silver shook her head lightly, then looked up again.
Time for some good news now, isnt it? What about the comm-relay? Its functional, but it seems like theyre jamming our signal, so we cant make contact with the fleet., Luke answered that question.
Could you find a way to make it work anyways?
Id have to reconfigure the basic I / O parameters, switch to another frequency and maybe boost the signal, but yeah, I guess it could work. How long?, she asked, her voice reflecting a bit of impatience. Too long, I think. More than an hour. Any other ways? Something like a plan b? Hmmthere is another one. As far as I know Response Force Lyre 1 had been relocated to a
nearby sector. Theyre just consisting of some frigates, corvettessome fighters as escort, but if we could send them a transmission, we could have them passing it on to the Fleet HQ and they could send reinforcements.
Sounds good. How much time would you need for that?
I wouldnt have to boost the signal and I could also shorten the work on the I / O system, soshouldnt be more than 20 minutes. Very well, you better get going then. Okay., he replied, leaving the room in a hurry, not caring to salute or anything. On to the weaponsI think itd be best to concentrate on getting them online again. If Id detach the men working on the engine we could probably manage to rebuild the damaged
conductors, reroute the power and restore the generators output. I hope that wont take as long as it sounds like We have enough men; it wouldnt take all too long. Maybe an hour or two. Just we couldnt work
on the engines at the same time. That doesnt matter, we couldnt get away anyways. But weapons do sound good now. Im just worrying about their reinforcements arriving here faster than ours, so we have to have a
plan b. Nonetheless Im counting on you and your men to get them to work as soon as possible, were running out of time here. I double that. Best Im gonna go start working then. I think so, too., Celestra nodded, looking after the black wolf with long hair as he left through the
Hmmgood. So far for that. Now we have to discuss on how to rescue Ai.the captain. The captain?, Joe looked at her surprised. Where is he?, asked the buff guy on the other side of the table. Hehe delivered himself to the enemy. What?! Everyone of them starred at the female in command.
None of them could imagine that hed do such a thing. He had no choice. He did it for earths sake -for us! Theyre probably already torturing him while were speaking., said the youngest of them, a
wolfess with grey fur and colored hair, while she was looking around.
Celestra swallowed, those words were penetrating her ears painfully. She didnt like that thought and it made her heart gear up. Chris, Tamara glared at her. What ? We mustnt think like that. Lets rather focus on how to get him outta there., Joe threw in. Minutes later the plan was made up and the members of the TF were leaving the meeting room.
At that time, the whole room was looking dark and depressing.
The parts of the table which were dark in color, the dark red on the chairs, the dark walls and floor.
The overall colour scheme deposed on Celestras mind.
She stood up and positioned herself at the nearby window.
Even the surrounding universe was dark.
She sighed and tried to find consolation in the bright stars and the far away colorful nebulas.
Much to her dismay she found little to none.
Too much her thoughts were fixed on the fate of her captain.
But he wasnt just her captain; he was more to her she really loved him with all her heart.
She didnt want to imagine loosing him.
Hopefully everything would work out the way they had imagined it.
Like your new apartment, captain Zarak?
Not that fucking grin again, he mumbled to the wall.
Where are your fleets?
The figure in the cell remained silent.
You dont want to tell, right?
More silence.
Good good. I was looking forward to get entertained by you.
The doors lock gave sound and the door slid open. Soldiers came in and forced him down a corridor to a larger room. On the way he could catch a view of the other inmates. He saw their faces: broken, fallen and poor beings, just waiting for death. It didnt daunt him, no, it raged him. Right now he wished he could get rid of those handcuffs and go beat that captain to pieces for the things he did to them. Not even the women were save.
Bastards!, he shouted and gnashed his teeth.
The hatred captain, who was leading the way turned his head to smile. Obviously he enjoyed doing that. Large, heavy doors opened and gave way to a threatening room, fresh blood still on the floor and walls at some places. No one seemed to care about that. Why should they? It had this special touch to it and the psychological effect was even better. The air smelled mouldy and rusty metal mixed with that along with the copper like smell of the blood. Really not a pleasant place to be. But they didnt leave him any choice. In the middle of the room stood a chair made of metal. It had cuffs attached to it to restrain the victims wrists, ankles and neck. They tied him to that chair and made sure everything had a tight fit. Once that has happened, bright, dazzling lights turned on, robbing him of his sight. In front of him, the enemy captain took a seat, lounging on his chair. Two hefty soldiers flanked the wolf. He knew what would come next so he closed his eyes and his mind loosened from his body. It was part of the training he went through. Of course everyone knew about the possibility of being caught by the enemy and so they also knew about their questioning methods. Thanks to the intelligence reports theyd been able to put together a training with the aim to make their soldiers and especially the officers as resistant as possible to mental and physical pain.
Thats exactly what he could use now. The two men aside him got to work. Merciless they exchanged each other in punching. Dull bashes hit the captains face left, then right, only to start again. His head flew from one side to the other and soon their knuckles and fingers were coated with blood. Aidan could feel the pain, but the training reduced the feeling enormously. His mind was dizzy as the beatings stopped and his head hung loosely. Both cheeks were bursted open, the streams of blood running down the sides. The parts of his face that were not covered in blood were covered with bruises. It felt like his cheeks were burning as if some kind of acid would be cauterising through the flesh.
Now, dear captaindo you feel moretalkative now ?
The reply didnt come.
I see you have made your decisionbut there are endless ways to make you talk. Ehehehehe.
The soldiers freed him from the chair and shoved him to a nearby wall with cuffs.
He got lifted and the cuffs locked around his wrists and ankles. It was by no means a relaxing pose. He could see them taking out their knives and the blades cut through his clothing. Just a bit later he was stripped of them and his ears caught that damned laughter again.
I hope its not too chilly for you, because it will get much colder in a few moments.
Meh Of course he didnt lie. Big nozzles extended from the ceiling and the wall. Once they were in place, ice-cold water shot towards him. The pressure was enough to make sure itll get everywhere and the nozzles were all set for his torso. Within seconds he could feel his body temperature drop. After a minute, he was shivering badly; even the fur couldnt shield him from that. As his lips became pale, the man on the chair pushed another button and the water temperature raised from 10 to 60 degrees. Everyone who ever played in the snow till his hands were so cold he almost couldnt feel them anymore and then let hot water run over them knows about the stinging pain it caused. Multiplying that with something about 50 to 100 results in the pain the captain had to sustain. It was hell. He gnashed his teeth and leant his head to the side, the muscles in his face clenching. His circulation couldnt deal with the fierce burden; it collapsed and took his mind away to a place without pain.
You are really disappointing me, captain
The man ordered the ships doctor to bring him back as soon as possible and the doctor came, already equipped with all things necessary.
Meanwhile Lukes fixes on the comm were nearing its end. He was a bit over time and the commander was already swishing from left to right behind him.
How much longer?
Not much. Im almost done.
Hurry please!
The fox nodded in reply as his fingertips were rushing over the keys. A final beep and he was done.
Okayeverythings set up and working. We could give it a try now.
Good. Lets hope its working., Celestra said as she stopped walking around and leant over the console, one arm resting on the backrest of Lukes chair. She was following his every action and her view changed between his fingers and the screen. It just had to work! No failure allowed; not by the things that were at risk.
Heres the A.F. Celestial Harmony! To all friendly ships in range: we took severe damage and are currently hold by enemy forces! Our communications are blocked and we need immediate support!
The fox paused his calls for possible answers, but instead there was just a hissing on the frequency.
I repeat: This is the A.F. Celestial Harmony on distress call! To all allied ships in range of this transmission: we took heavy damage and are being hold by enemy forces! Were requesting immediate support!
But again there was just a hissing. The white wolfess looked into Lukes face. Whats wrong?! Did you choose the right frequency? There were very few they didnt block. I had to take one which hasnt been used for years now. Are you even sure the signal comes through? He shook his head: No, Im not. Technically it should be able to interfuse their jamming signals. Is there a way to find out? Wellerrwed know for sure if wed get an answer Try again! The red fox nodded and repeated his call with the same result as before.
Damn!, Celestra shouted. With all her hope taken away, she supported her head with her arms and desperately leant over the console. Luke sighed and shook his head; he also didnt see a sparkle of hope anymore. The channel was still hissing, but suddenly the hissing changed, rose in intensity and began to sound like a voice. After a while the guy at the console blinked. His ears perked and his head raised again, his eyes opening wider the higher his head got.
We got a response!, he exclaimed happily. Celestra stood straight again and as she was still wondering about what he was talking about, the
smart fox was already boosting the incoming signal and put it on the speakers. A male voice filled their ears with hope. Here captain Muller from the frigate A.F. Vertex. We received your signal. Can you read me? Wagging, Luke was looking at the female to his side, smiling widely at her and waiting for the
permission to answer. Her right hand was holding her forehead while her left hand was put below the elbow of the right arm and she shook her head, laughing softly with closed eyes.
You have the permission to answer. Heres the Harmony, captain. Great to hear your voice! Hows your status?
Weapons and engines are down; our communications are being jammed and were surrounded by an enemy battleship, a carrier and some frigates. Our signal isnt strong enough to reach the FHQ, but we need reinforcements!
What are your coordinates?
Ill try to send them to your computer, captain.
He pressed some buttons and a bit later captain Muller acknowledged their arrival.
Harmony, well take care about that. My Communications Officer is already contacting the fleet. But itll take a while for them to arrive. You can bargain for them in 40 minutes the earliest. If theres anything else we can do for you
Confirmed. Other than that I dont think theres something you could do for us, captain.
Okay, but well stay put if you should need us. Vertex out.
I thank you, captain. Celestial Harmony out.
Wow, commander Silver sighed, those are the best news today so far!
Just as the communications have ended, the Fox could feel a slight pressure on his right shoulder and he turned his head to look.
Good work, Luke!, she smiled, I knew we could count on you!
He couldnt find any words, so instead he just smiled at her. Celestra gently rubbed his shoulder a bit, then turned and walked over to the captains chair. Slowly her hand slid over the chairs material before she sat down in reservation and struck by memories. She took some deep breaths to get acquainted a bit.
This is the commanding officer to all: our communication trials have been successful and were expecting reinforcements in less than an hour. Were still not through yet, but Im very confident that all of us will be back to safety within the next few hours. Till then stay alerted! FO out.
Did she really just say FO? Shes never used that before, at least not that she had noticed. So why did she just say that? Was it for her thoughts just fixed on that very aim to free her captain from the grasp of the enemy? Or was it just due to her being called like that for so often now that she just got used to it? She couldnt tell.
All over the ship meanwhile soldiers and crewmen were pleased with those words of her. Since the captain had left she kept the crew informed about what was going on. It would turn out to be a good decision, because many already started to worry. The more time passed, the more anxious they became, but the constant updates on the ships status cooled their minds and the latest one even managed to raise their spirits. The overall moral was at its best at the moment and everyone was eager to work, eager to give their all so they wouldnt have to just sit and wait.
Never underestimate the power of moral one of Celestras guidelines. The captain always loved how she could manage to fill peoples hearts with adamantine will and passionate courage.
No matter how dark the clouds would hang, no matter how outnumbered they were, how lost the battle seemed to be, she was the one to encourage them and to make them believe in tomorrow. If it wouldnt have been for her talent, most likely they wouldnt be alive today, anymore.
Unfortunately, she couldnt manage to cheer up herself. Usually the captain, who also had a talent for motivation, would do that. Both of them complemented one another all so well with their talents but the captain wasnt here.
Itd still take at least half an hour for the power of the weapons to be restored and right now there was nothing left to do for her. All the people at the bridge, cheering around her, didnt help, either. She stood up and left the bridge, her tail hanging loosely. At first she intended to go to her own room, but then she crossed the door to the captains. She was about to enter when she restrained herself. Everything inside that room would remind her of him and thus sadden her even more. But maybe the closeness to that room was just the relief she was hoping for. The door slid open and gave way to the large table with the screen on top and the big armchair behind it. On the left a small lounge with smaller armchairs, a low glass table and a comfortable couch. Also on the left side, but a bit hidden and at the opposite wall of the room: a small bar.
She took a step forward and looked around. Never before had this room been so oppressive, solifeless. Her steps navigated her to the large windows behind the table. The black of the universe seemed so final, so cold and so lonely. Even the stars couldnt change that feeling. She put her hand on the reinforced glass and starred out into the darkness, wondering how her love would be doing right now. Being like that, she felt herself connected to Aidan, her soul entwined to his. And her worried, saddened mind began to sing a song, one her lips and voice joined to sing after a while.
Would you do it with me Heal the scars and change the stars Would you do it for me Turn loose the heaven within
Id take you away Castaway on a lonely day Bosom for a teary cheek My song can but borrow your grace
Miles away, the drugs began to take effect. Like an almighty invader, the chemicals found their way to the right synapses and shook the mind of the tormented grey wolf awake again. Immediately, with penetrating speed, an immense pain flooded his every limb. It became unbearable, but at the same time the drugs denied him another peaceful unconsciousness. The doctor smiled toothily. He enjoyed seeing the pain spread among their enemies and he loved extending their pain to endless.
The water had been turned off before the doctor arrived, but the guy on his chair still had far more cruel ideas at hand. Of course he wouldnt want to make his own hands dirty.
Therefore, almost unnoticeable for the blurred vision of the tied victim, another of his henchmen had been ordered to the room. Just a black figure behind a bright light, a shadow, nothing more. On a hand sign the doctor went away and the dark figure stepped closer. But the way it did was different from the one of the soldiers. It was slower somehow more delicate and tranquilizing. As the lamp was able to highlight its body, the captains eyes slowly adapted and as the figure was close enough, he could see by the tight chemise accentuating its bust that it was a female. More even he saw something like a tail.
A tail?!, his mind was asking that question very slowly, almost letter for letter.
It couldnt be! There were rumours about Haxton developing more of his kind; once usual men and women turned into deadly efficient, merciless and cruel beasts. But despite his expectations, her face was quite beautiful, not at all threatening. Her fur was colourful and it held all tones of brown and beige a hyena to guess. She extended her arm and ran her index finger slowly and gently from the wolfs chest up to his chin. The room between both their faces disappeared as she drew her head closer to his. Her dark golden eyes became hypnotising to his debilitated mind and so he was unable to fight when she started to kiss his lips and her tongue invaded his mouth. With her left hand she was rubbing his furred chest in a gentle manner; her right hand joining it soon after.
Suddenly, the face in front of him seemed so familiar. Not like the hyena anymore, but more like yes like a wolf a white wolf. And her voice changed along with her look. The female broke the kiss and began to utter some words :
So dear captain, why dont you just tell me what I want to know?
But all she got in reply were several blinks.
Well, the sooner you tell me the sooner we could have some fun
She pushed herself closer, her full breasts now rubbing against his chest, seducing him with a womans weapons. His mind, drugged as it was, together with his lonely heart made him impersonalise his deepest wish and within seconds his sight became clear again and the one in front of him changed into his First Officer Celestra. Bewitched, he was open for her influence.
Come onI know its your desire
Again her lips travelled closer, this time to his neck, gently running up and kissing softly. Aidan closed his eyes and started to hum lowly, enjoying the treatment as everything else around him was erased from his thoughts. Her hands travelled lower to his stomach.
Tell me the positions of your fleet
Huh ?
Your fleet. The positions...
His eyelids sprang open again. Why would his FO ask such questions? Slowly the thoughts connected and threw up even more questions. Would his FO really do such things? After all hes the captain and both of them knew that there are rules forbidding such kind of behaviour and relationships that outreached more than just a professional level in general. It took a bit time and blinking, but eventually the eyes followed along with his mind and overwhelmed the effects the drugs had on him.
You! Do you really think Id fall for your tries? Ill never tell you!
The hyena smirked and took a step back.
Too bad captain. You couldve had it the easy way, but now Im forced to really hurt you.
She leaned a bit closer again, a devilish smile on her face as her right hand brushed up his chest and, with a fast, sudden move diagonally down to the side, her sharp claws cut into his skin. The blood ran from the four long lines and drenched his fur. But she wasnt finished, yet. That hushed growl the wolf let out was not satisfying enough. Another strike followed and then another one. The captain grit his teeth and breathed slowly, but heavily, not willing to give any of them the satisfaction of having made him scream. Still the hyena was continuing and she loved slashing her victim. It didnt took long until the blood was covering the floor to her feet and the wolfs body was red of blood and littered with cuts. She licked the blood from her claws while watching her work, smiling at him evilly. The time that passed seemed endless to the tortured wolf; but also for the ones on his ship.
Walking around nervously, the same way over and over again with her tail dragging after her, Celestra became more to more impatient. She couldnt bear to be unable to do more than just waiting for the repairs to be finished. A look to her watch told her that the estimated time was nearing its end. Finally !, she thought. The seconds seemed to slow down the closer they came to the set time. Once her watch gave her satisfaction, she called the head-engineer immediately.
How farre you with the repairs?! Her voice was shaking as she yelled.
Grrr.yeah, yeah, yeah! Almost done! just a little more, okay?
Damn! Hurry up! The longer we need the likelier it is that well loose him!
Okay, Dirk growled, Ill get back to you in a minute
A minutenothing under normal circumstances, but right now a lifetime. She was about to start walking again when her eyes met Lukes. He looked quite irritated and just now she realized what she was doing. The wolfess sat down on the captains chair, trying to calm herself a bit. Slowly, her claws dug into its armrests and her whole body started to tense as she was counting down the time. Images of torture, blood and pain rushed through her head, threatening to overwhelm her.
... what sufferings he must be experiencing right nowI should be there at his side, butIm forced to be here, she said to herself. Repairsre done, bridge. Standing by for your orders. Those words where a relief to her. Good work! Well need you here if there should be any problems! Understood. Andbring him back, alive I will.
Attack group, get ready! Well meet at the hangar, immediately! The communication ended and the commander swung up from the chair, smiling slightly. The latest news made her heart jump and she found new courage, believing in her own words. Yes, she will bring him back, alive. When she reached the hangar deck, she was fully equipped with bulletproof armour and an assault rifle. Although they tried to talk her out of it she insisted on leading the attack, herself. She eyeballed everyone; the fast and heavily armoured shuttles were waiting at the soldiers backs.
Okay everyone! You know what to do! Youve been briefed quite intense about this! I know as well as you do that youre professionals! The targets set, so go in, do your job, bring our captain home and were back in the blink of an eye! Times running out, so MOVE !
The troop-leaders nodded and ordered their men to enter the shuttles. Everyone turned and climbed into the big transports on the double. As the heavy ramp closed behind the wolfess, she grabbed one of the loops at the shuttles ceiling.
Everything ready?, she spoke through her micro.
Turrets locked on target and ready for activation.
Pilot, were ready for take off!, she noted the man in control of the shuttle.
The sideward engines, which where already running, emitted a sudden flash of blue light and the
noise level rose as the ship started hovering and then flew closer to the hangar doors. Just in front of them, it got into waiting position. Okay, restore the energy to the weapon systems and wait for my command.
Standing by. Probably theyd have already noticed that their weapons were activated again, and in fact they did, but it was too late
Hit em hard! Only about a second later the four main turrets started to lay down a firestorm upon the remaining battleship. The first salvo took out several of their smaller turrets and had a direct hit at the enemy
ships bridge. While the hangar doors drove open, the next salvo was already about to get fired and when the ships left the hangar deck, the heavy turrets gave their bridge the rest. It blew up in a nice explosion, robbing their ship of every defence-and attack-capabilities. As soon as the troop transports had left the Harmonys hulk, all enemy frigates started their engines, heading towards the ships location, and their carrier provided cover fire. The fighters got in formation with each shuttle and they continued their way to the disabled ship in front of them. But the enemy fire wasnt unregulated; the frigates aimed their guns and were now trying to take down the attack crafts. In reply to that, they started their evasive manoeuvres, making it really hard for them to place a hit. One bullet missed the commanders shuttle for just some inches and she almost slid as a result of the quick reactions of the pilot.
A bit disgruntled, Celestra contacted the mothership: Dirk, cant you take off that heavy ship, dammit?!
Yeah, yeahgive it a second!
The frigates came closer, but the main turrets had been assigned to other tasks and so the smaller double barrels had to take care of their group.
To all fighters: leave formation and concentrate fire on the frigates turrets, but make sure not to get in the way of our own fire!
The leaders of the different echelons acknowledged the order and broke the formation, trying to take the frigates fire away from the transporters. While the shuttles headed further towards the damaged ship, they locked their guns on the turrets and fired the small amount of rockets they had been equipped with. What seemed to be the leading frigate didnt draw its fire away from the main targets and so didnt the rest of them. One of the shuttles took a graze, but fortunately, thanks to their quite heavy armour, it only damaged the portside engine and thus just reduced its speed. Just seconds after that shot, the front-turret of that frigate bursted into a fireball after several direct rocket hits. The fighters were able to deal out some minor damage to the frigates as they passed them, just in time for the heavy guns firing again. As the next salvo hit the group of frigates, for them it mustve felt like flying through a minefield. Three frigates, which have been the closest to the Harmony, took heavy damage, two blew up in large explosions as a result of the damage they took. The middle one came to a rest after the hits and the damaged one further at the rear of their formation, along with the remaining two frigates, slowed down and tried to escape the following rain of death. But the way was clear now and the antifrigate turrets did quite well. Several hits pierced through the hull of the outer one, others destroyed half of the middle ones portside hull, leaving a long scar along its centre-line. Completely coverless and too heavily damaged, they couldnt do more but remain motionless. Shuttles one and two already reached the hangar doors, but they were still closed.
The carrier tried to win ground and activated its main engines to take the fighters into cross fire. With a decent respect for its flak-batteries they fell back while Luke, on board on one of the shuttles, tried to hack the hangar door controls on the battleships safe side which was facing away from the carrier.
It took a little while, but eventually the shuttles were able to enter and behind them the heavy doors closed. In no time the hangar deck was under control. Celestra stepped down the ramp and inspected the large room.
You, and she made a gesture that enclosed all soldiers of the shuttle she had exited, come with me, the rest proceeds as discussed!
Every group left the deck through a different door and they found little to none resistance. Most of the crew was still unaware of the boarding parties, because without their bridge, the whole ship wasnt more than a huge, lifeless animal awaiting its redeeming stab.
Bridge?! BRIDGE GODDAMMIT RESPOND!!!.. Fuck!, the captain, whos been so confident of victory some minutes ago, slammed his fist against the wall.
You twogo check whats going on there and tell those idiots that Ill boot them all personally once Im done here!
The soldiers nodded and left the room, leaving a worried captain behind who grew more nervous, though he tried to hide it.
Becoming nervous, captain?, the hyena smiled a devious smile.
Errnotheres no reason to. My men will have the situation back under control in no time. And then well teach them a lesson by executing the ones that were responsible for this little annoyance.
You knowthatd be just in your own interest, captain.
Outside, the damaged Harmony fought a rancorous battle with the still mostly unharmed carrier. At normal conditions their ship wouldve had an easy game with a carrier, but in its damaged state, odds were slightly on the carriers side. Carriers didnt have torpedo-tubes so they could host as much crafts as possible; a fact everyone aboard the facing ship was happy about, because another one or two hits of them, three at the most, at damaged areas wouldve given them the rest.
While firing with no rest, the giant turned around 180 to have its weak side turned away. Smaller explosions hit its hull all the way: bullets of the enemy ship that couldnt pierce through the thick armour, but instead blew into bits. The big projectiles though, which flew back at infernal speed, could do some damage. One of it punched through the carriers armour plating as if itd be nothing, drew a large tunnel behind it and came to rest inside the monsters belly. A cut-through cable harness around the hole twitched with electricity, a deformed joist extended into the inner parts of the ship and everywhere around was fire and explosions. But the attack didnt cease. In fact, they seemed to double their efforts. A hit destroyed one of the Harmonys frigate-turrets and others dug gorges into the hull, but nothing all too serious.
The battle still lasted when the wolfess in her battle-armour was running through the ships corridors, lit by the red, flashing light of the alarm, the marines following her. Still the surprise was on their sides as most internal communications fell out with the destruction of the bridge.
Very few soldiers crossed their way; even fewer were able to point their weapons at the leading wolf. With deadly precision she killed everyone who dared to try to shoot her. Corpses were soon plastering the way. Only the ones who didnt have a reaction quick enough to draw their weapons got knocked out and thus came away with their lives. While she was running and fighting, sweating and panting heavily from this endurance-draining trial, she didnt even notice how her body was already longing for a break, a little rest and she just ignored it when her muscles were starting to hurt from the long ways through this mass of steel. She had an aim in front of her and she wouldnt stop before she had reached it. The men behind her, securing her back and taking care of everyone coming from a crossing corridor, were already falling back; but she didnt notice, she was too fixed on her mission. Blood spattered on the walls, floor, her armour and face as she continued her way to the cells.
Whyre they not responding? The dark figure became really nervous by now.
They shouldve already reported
Well, maybe they cant, the hyena said sarcastically.
Cant you go and take a look?
The female smiled a cunning smile.
But of course I could. The question is: do I want to?
Youre mired in this as deep as I am, so itd be in your interest as well as in mine!
Again she smiled and then left, swaying her rear seductively, pistol ready.
There it was! The bulkhead that was leading to the cell-wing was right behind this crook! Carefully, the commander leant against the edge of the wall and spied around it. Two soldiers were still guarding the door. Obviously they had strict orders, otherwise they wouldve already left their position to investigate the reason for that alarm.
Okay girl steady your breath... You have to get past those guys No problemhehreally, she tried to calm herself mentally.
Another peek certified her sighting. Indeed there were two strong looking, tall soldiers with assault rifles at hand, guarding the entrance.
What was that? Something liquid-like was covering the visor and dripped down on her muzzle. With her hand she wiped it away, intending to have a clear view again. Unfortunately, it had the opposite effect and she just smeared it around. She lifted the visor and inspected that liquid closely. Blood!
But.where? . When?!.Did.did I really kill so many people? I cant believe that it was, theres no time for doubts now. Theyre cruel men, only out for destruction and slavery! Theres been already so many innocent theyve killedit has to be stopped!
Her mind prevailed over the doubts and thus her will to get past the soldiers by all means reinforced.
One of the soldiers grunted. Do we really have to stay here while the whole ships in motion ?
Our orders were clear: Dont leave your posts, no matter whats going on.
MehI hate being treated like an idiot! He knows were good soldiers! We should go and see whats going on!, and he was about to leave his position when the other soldier interfered: Okaysure go and take a look! It wont be my head thatll get blasted afterwards
He went back to his post and glared to the guy to his side. Sure, he knew about all that. And he also knew that he was right but that angered him, nonetheless. He couldnt stand him being always the one to be right. Nonetheless he didnt rebel against his mate and just got back to guarding duties. Suddenly, something that sounded like a whistle cut through the thick air that was lying heavily in the corridor in front of them. One of them raised an eyebrow, not really getting what was going on. But the following silence let them ease again. Another whistle. They pricked up their ears and turned them towards the direction the noise came from.
You heard that as well?, said the left one, the one that seemed to always be proven right.
That noise
You mean that whistle?
Wowsomeone whistledwe should investigate, huh?, the right one said and he put quite some sarcasm into his words. But maybe he would at least have an excuse for leaving his post that way.
Mhyeah, of course we should! And now stop playing around and have a look already!
Yeah yeahsheesh
Inwardly, the guy smiled to himself. Seems like he was able to outrun his mate for once. He had what he wanted; he could leave his position. But the luck wasnt on his side for all too long. Once he passed the corner and left the sight of the second soldier, a numb hit took him off. His vision faded to black and little stars started to dance.
Obviously, the hit had caused too much noise and as the answer of his friend was a long time coming, he readied his rifle and came closer. She knew the lifeless body on the floor would betray her, so she wasted no time and hid it nearby. As the soldier peeked around the corner, there was nothing there for him to see.
Not on first sight at least, but he wasnt one to overlook something that easy. In the dark he could make out just the shape of a boot; but not just a simple boot, one attached to a leg! And when he was about to near, in the corner of his eye he could make out a reflection in a hidden figures eye. Quickly, his weapon was pointing towards that spot.
Raise your hands and come to the light! No games or Ill nail you to the wall right here!
Damn!, the commander thought to herself.
Being caught by that guy wasnt her plan. In fact it shouldve went the opposite way, but there she was now, a gun pointing at her face. There was nothing she could do at the moment, even though she tinkered with the idea of just trying to disarm him. But the distance was far enough for him to react before she wouldve been able to, most likely. She dropped her gun, raised her hands and slowly came to the light, making eye contact with him. A grin lightened up his face.
Nowwhat do we have here? Jackpot Id say! Im not surprised you were able to take out that idiot, but seems like I was too smart for you, aint I?
Lucknothing more.
Mhhh, he eyed her slowly from tip to toe, cmon, show me your face! I wanna see it as long as its still unharmed.
Hesitantly she complied, making sure to look him straight in the eyes again once the helm was taken off. Once more he eyed her.
HeheheI think Im gonna have some fun with you before Im reporting my catch And nowdrop all your weapons!
She let go of the helm that she was holding still and her rifle, pistol and knife followed it. Each of them echoed through the corridors in another way. In this moment Celestras senses were as sharp as a razor and every cell of her brain was working on a solution; a way that she could regain control again.
Good. Seems like youre one of the smarter ones, eh?, he smiled to her and then kicked away the weapons, to have them out of her reach. With a flash in his eyes he turned her around and slammed her on the wall, forcefully. The cold metal of his weapons was digging into her back. He took her hands and tied them together with a cord, then he turned her around again. Now that she was defenceless, he had the time to take a closer look at his prey. His left hand came up to her cheek and held her in place while he was examining her.
Mhhhehehe, such a pretty faceso untouched and innocent Itll be my pleasure to wash that off you!
The commander squirmed in his grasp when her ears caught his words; words of perversion that made her feel repulsion for this man. To top it, he started as well to paw her armour now.
You wont need this any longer
Inside her, the anger raised with each of his actions, each of his words. It became obnoxious. And while he still tried to take off her armour, he brought her over the top. Okay! Thats it! Now youre going to pay!, Celestra yelled to herself and the last part of it to her capturer as well. Before he knew what was going on, her knee hit him in the crotch hard and he almost sank to his knees, but had enough strength of will no to. His grip loosened a bit, but not enough to get free. Soon the pain faded into pure rage. The answer came quick. In a fast motion he punched her in the face that hard it made the skin of her left cheek burst and her head strike against the wall. Still panting from the pain he endured, his lips curled, and with the rage clearly elevating his voice he flashed his teeth at her.
You.Damn.Bitch! Ill show you whos in control!
The soldier didnt give her time to recover, but instead punched her in the guts as hard as he could. Fortunately, the battle-armour swallowed most of the impact, but it was still enough to force her on her knees, coughing and almost unable to breathe. Her head was lifted cruelly by her hair; in a way she had to look up to him.
Like that bitch?! I see were not so bold anymore, are we?
F.Fuckyou!, I have a much better ideaIll fuck you!, came the threat while he pulled her head back.
Celestra bared her teeth and flashed her fangs, growling threateningly at those words.
The one in front of her didnt like that kind of behaviour and so he drew his knife and put the tip to the corner of her lips.
Now nowbad doggy! That face could stay
To reinforce his threat, he dragged the blade from her lips all the way to her cheeks, the edge barely touching the skin below her fur. But the wolfess didnt stop growling, at least not till he yanked her head back and pressed the tip of the knife onto the skin on the side of her muzzle, penetrating the skin.
You really think Im just giving empty promises, right?!
Slowly, the blade moved towards her upper lip, the pressure not easing. A sharp pain reassured that a nice, long, accurate, red slice now defined her muzzle. More the surprise than the pain caused her to stop growling and to open her eyes wide, instead. No matter what the trigger for that was, it had the desired effect. With a mad grin he turned to her again.
You learn fast! Good bitch!
The soldier patted the top of her head like youd do with your dog and let go of her hair. For the moment he was satisfied with that little success, though he was aware that shed not stop fighting that easily.
After all she was a soldier; that he could tell by the look of her armour and the weapons she was carrying. To his surprise she seemed to have come very far. Somehow she had managed to be right there in front of him now. Maybe shes even part of some kind of special-unit. But that wasnt the point at the moment. Quickly his thoughts swung around again and he got back to his abhorrent game.
Soif you know whats good for you doggy, then you better do what I say now
Obviously the wolfess didnt care about giving him an answer. With a fast motion his hand was at her throat and yanked her up to her feet just to press her hard against the wall and cause her to choke.
I didnt hear you
Still there was no answer, only light choking-noises. That was unacceptable and he dug his hand deeper into her throat, shaking her. This time she tried to answer him. It took some time, but eventually she managed to reply.
Yes: that was the word he wanted to hear from her. 2:0, he thought to himself as he chuckled. The first thing Celestra did when he released his grip, was to gasp for breath. Her throat was sore, but that was just a minor problem. At least he let go of her, which raised her chances to escape.
Do you promise not to try running or anything else when I free your hands now? His voice was strangely calm and even, no sign of rage anymore. She knew the best way to get away was to have him encased in a false misk of self-confidence. That way he would drop his guard over time and become open for influences or unable to strike back a quick attack. Slowly, he fumbled the knot open with one hand while he pressed the muzzle of his gun to her chest.
No tricks!, he growled.
Agreeing in silence, she waited patiently for him to remove the cord. At the moment, as unpleasant as it was, she was completely at his mercy. The mans grip eased and he took a step away from her, his greedy eyes gluing on her shape.
Betterand nowI think we dont need that armour anymore. I want you take it off!
Wordless, her own eyes locked on his in a glare; she started taking it off, beginning with loosening its straps. The soldiers smile became dirtier the more she lifted it and thus slowly revealed her trained, flat belly to him. Seconds later she had lifted it to the bottom of her bra, well aware of his arousal. With every centimetre she lifted the armour, his gun dropped a bit more. His eyes were too busy sucking in her curves, her breasts and the fur on them that protruded over the hemline of the cloth as well as her sexy belly; his mind was already framing images of all the things he would do to her.
She expected it; she knew that he was distracted for the most part now. The time was right. Its now or never. And, one has to admit, now sounded much better than never. Once the armour was over her head, she grabbed its edge and, in a quick turn, slammed it in his face, sending him staggering and then, before he could get rid of the jacket-like clothing, pounced onto him and grabbed his wrists. He was already reaching for his rifle, which he lost during the pounce, but Celestra was quick enough to interfere his plans. Applying her whole weight in order to keep him on the floor, she sat on his stomach and held his wrists in place.
Freeing me was a failure! The last one you ever did!, she menaced him with a deep growl.
Below her, the soldier was wiggling and struggling to no avail at first. However he was stronger and weighed more than her. She tried hard to keep him down. Her long, dark hair hung in his face and it moved around with his motions. With every second it became harder for her to maintain the needed amount of pressure and strength. His struggling made it even harder for the wolfess. A quick motion later, her sharp, pointed teeth dug into the mans nose painfully. The adrenaline made him immune to pain, even when her jaws pressed together harder. Little streams of red ran down his face, but he didnt care. This was not the time to care about small injuries. In the end he managed to roll over with her, bringing him on top and while he did, he pulled away his nose from her teeth, leaving deep wounds in his flesh. After he made sure she wont escape his grasp, he addressed to her, angered beyond reach with the flame of rage burning madly in his eyes.
Thats it! Youve overdone it!
He took his knife in to his right hand and pointed its tip to her chest. Now youll die you bloody dog!
Celestra tried to get free again, but he was just too strong for her. Her heart raced as she struggled desperately below the weight of the soldier. She saw the blade of his sharp knife blinking in the air. There was no escape anymore. Her muscles relaxed and she closed her eyes as the knife came down at high speed. Then a loud noise and voices everywhere. Her body felt so light all of a sudden. Was she dead? Slowly she opened her eyes again; a blinding light stole her vision. As her eyes adjusted, she noticed several men standing around her, yelling. She blinked several times. What has happened? One of them lifted her into a sitting position and she took a look around. The man that was so close to kill her just milliseconds ago was lying on the floor beneath her, bleeding heavily. And herself? Obviouslyshe was still alive. The reason why, she was being told by one of the soldiers.
Dammit Commander! Youve been lucky we finally managed to catch up with you again! Just a second later and you wouldve been dead! You really shouldnt have left our group!
So that was what happened, she thought to herself, still a little dizzy, they mustve shot him just before he was able to knife
The wolfess took a deep breath, inhaling the filtered air of the ship, the smell of fresh blood, a gun that has just been fired and sweat lingered in the air -she sighed.
Good workonce were through with thisremember me to recommend you for a medal
As he leant her a hand to help her stand up, he smiled : I gladly will, commander. Once she was back to her feet, she smiled back to him and grabbed her armour, which another soldier was holding out to her, and put it back on. Pistol and knife were put back to their assigned places again and she went on to the main door that was leading to the cell complex. She pushed the button locked.
Your assignment., she pointed her face to the one with the explosives in his equipment and stepped away from the door. Wordless, the soldier came near and kneeled on the floor in front of the bulkhead. As he glued the explosives to the door and set up the timer, everyone else retreated to the wall behind the corner. The soldier at the door followed them shortly after on the double. He ran behind the wall and just about 5 seconds later a loud explosion had taken care about the reinforced door. As the dust had vanished, they checked the door. The metal was ripped apart in the middle and around the hole it was bent inside the following room. Leading the troop, Celestra was the first to step through the door and examine the cellblocks. While the soldiers secured the ways, she spent the time with checking the different cells. Most of them had inmates, poor beings they mustve captured on different planets on their flight or from other ships. All of them had scars, wounds, and all kinds of injuries and were in a miserable condition -most likely the consequences of torture and their cruel treatment. They were almost unable to move a single finger; that weak they were. It touched the wolfess heart and saddened her to see how cruel men can be. She felt ashamed for her own kind. Own kindit sounded so unreal like the whole situation here was looking. With the inspection of the last cell, it was clear that the captain wasnt held here. But where else could he be? With that question her heart began to race again. What if they were already torturing him in the most brutal and unimaginable ways? Or worse: theyve already killed him?
Whatever it wasshe had to find outquick. Hopefully it wasnt too late already. She had to hurrybut where to search? The ship was huge and they could be anywhere. Maybe the inmates were the key to that question and thus she picked one and asked him for the location of the torture-room. It was a middle-aged black man. He was lying on his stomach and a look at his back revealed the reason for it. They mustve whipped him about a dozen times. Long cuts were situated all over his sore back. He raised his head a little to look her in the eyes and spoke to her in a low tone and with shivering voice signs of how weak he was and how immense the endured pain mustve been.
She had to listen carefully and understood just about 2/3 of it, but fortunately the man knew the way.
Thank you., she smiled warmly.
Yes, maam?
I want to see those men free and taken care of! Assign some men to bring them to the shuttle and attend to the worst injured as best as possible!
Yes, maam!
The rest follows me!
Shortly after, the captain had men assigned to the task, leaving himself and what seemed to be his best men to escort the First Officer.
A long way with many twists and long corridors further, a well-known humans nervousness increased with every noise his ears could make out and with every minute that passed without notice from either his men or the hyena. His eyes wandered through the room, from one wall to another and, obviously, he was sweating.
Goddamn animal! His teeth grinded against each other.
Zarak slowly raised his head, his drugged vision and mind becoming clearer again. But as the effects of the drugs passed, the pain took their place. Fighting it as much as possible, he perceived his enemys inner unease. With all his remaining strength he pushed against the restraints nothing. Still the other captain hadnt noticed that he was awake. Right now that wasnt of advantage nor of disadvantage, though. He had to do something; but what? His only option was to converse with him; try to anger him, to raise his nervousness and thus maybe cause him to do a mistake thatd get him free somehow.
HehanimalAre you really that different of her ?
A bit shocked and surprised by the captains words, whom he had already forgotten about, the man turned around. Although he didnt like the wolfs words, they brought enough diversion to make him forget about the rest for a moment.
You! Animal! What do you know? You know nothing! There are many people that would pay quite a sum for you with a collar and leash attached!
I always knew that I was popular, but that is new; even to myself., Aidan grinned.
And that grin was just enough to anger the other guy. With direct, determining steps he walked in front of his captive, a club in his hand. Aidan already prepared for the blow, but it didnt come. Instead, the club was pushed hard against his chest to hinder his breathing .
Dont forget whos in charge! If you wouldnt be of more value alive, youd already be dead or experiencing the worst pain of your life!
I knew it had a reason you just dared to tickle me till now., he smiled at him.
Grrr.dont overdo it, doggy! Or I might forget about my orders and just tear you apart!
To that, the wolf laughed.
Hahahacmonyou and forgetting about your orders? Youre too much of a coward as that youd actually do so!
Saying that turned out to be not as good of an idea for the reply was as simple as it was painful. The club hit him hard across the face, causing his brain to become benumbed.
SHUT UP YOU DIRTY BASTARD! You know nothing about me! One more word and Im going to show you!
Captain Zarak just gathered enough energy to speak up once more. think yourestrongbuteveryone can be a hero whenfighting someone that is bound to a wall you coward!
And that was the last straw. The once so cool man ticked out, threw the club into the corner with such force that it noted its new location with a loud, noisy sound, and freed the captain of his bindings. Once that has happened, he dropped to his knees as the gravity was tugging on his legs.
So?! Is that all?! I though you wanted a fight, doggy!
Aidan took some time to regain control over his senses and his body, before he made an attempt to stand. Slowly, his figure built up and eventually he stood upwards a bit shaky maybe, but standing.
He took a defending stance and locked his gaze on the hatred enemy, waiting for his first step. The human on the other hand was still raged and his fists flung around nervously. As the wolf in front of him still didnt have taken any other actions, he couldnt stand it any longer and jumped forward to place a hard punch with his right. Although Aidan was prepared for something like that, he wasnt able to block the punch; he was just too weak and still shaky on his legs. He got hit in the face again. The wounds on his left cheek, that had already stopped bleeding, broke open again and he could feel the warmth as blood ran down his cheek. The captain let out a soft moan and grunted as he resumed his former position again. He tensed the muscles on his forehead and muzzle which deformed his abused face and made him look like a beast; one that could jump on that hated enemy and rip him apart limb by limb any second.
Again it was his capturer that attacked; but this time captain Zarak was able to block the hit and, in a quick, but nonetheless powerful punch, hit him hard in the side, causing him to stumble backwards coughing. Aidan though didnt want to end it that quick already. Nohe would be patient and analyze his technique before hed make him pay for all that guy has done to him.
Nnnarghnot bad, he coughed out some blood and wiped it off his lips, captain But youll need more than that to defeat me!
Seeing that his opponent was still all, but far away from being defenceless, he shifted a gear back and went on in a slower, more deliberate pace. This time, he waited in an attack stance and eyed the wolf carefully before he dekeded with his right and then stroke with his left. He grinned as he took a step back again and saw that the captain was trying to not loose his balance.
Seems like youre still underestimating me, captainwhat a pity., he said mockingly.
The grey wolf just grunted in reply and glared at him. What this coward can do, he also could and thus he dekeded as well, but he placed a much more powerful hit on him as his foot flew towards him at a high speed and reorganized his guts. It sent that fool down on the floor, coughing blood and gasping for air. Satisfied, Aidan glanced down on him, smiling to himself. Yes, by no doubt it gave him pleasure to see that bastard like that.
.youngh.youfufucking sonofabitch!, he yelled, still choking.
Captain Zarak was still smiling down on him, but suddenly he felt an immense pain in his left thigh. It came from a knife that coward mustve drawn when he didnt look. He was still holding it, but the adrenaline was gulping a good portion of the pain and so the captain was still able to stand. With the back of his fist he slapped the kneeling guy across the face, forcing him to let go of the knife that way. He was already limping a bit, but he also wanted to go on by all means. The battleships captain stood up again, pissed that he wasnt holding the knife anymore. Once he got rid of the blood on his mouth he stormed towards Aidan, intending on ramming him with his head. Before he was close enough, the wolf had taken a step aside and, as he passed, grabbed him by his neck, turning around together with him and threw him against a nearby wall. With a sound of bones slamming against metal, he fell back on the floor. It didnt take him long until he was standing again and considering his next steps.
The grey figure in front of him meanwhile felt the pain come through more to more. When the human finally ran towards him again and tried to hit him with an attack of his leg, he blocked, gripped it and twisted it in a painful way. But his opponent was able to free himself and, in the same turn, kicked the captain of the Harmony hard on the chest and prepared for a punch. Short of air, Aidan was fighting the results of that hit. In the last second, he was able to evade the punch. For the next seconds, he made sure to leave enough room between himself and the bad guy; enough for him to regather his breathe. When his capturer realized his chances werent good enough, he gladly took every chance to play unfair. Once again, one of his attacks ended in a merciless punch in the face and he decided the time would be just fine for the little plan he made up. The grey wolf prepared to block another punch, but it was just fake. Instead, he felt the great pain his enemys shoe caused him, when he was hit in stomach. That not enough, while stumbling, the human grabbed hold of the knife again. Slowly he started to twist and turn it around in the wound and within a second the pain grew to a level that rendered the wolf motionless and he fell on his knees and then on his back. His sight turned black and just a small tunnel remained through that he could render the scenery.
Slightly, he could feel something cold pressing against the skin of his neck. His capturer was already sitting on top of him, making sure he wouldnt be able to get away again. Numb, the voice pierced through his ears as he spoke : Now.prepare to die! The captain laid his head on the side and all he could see was the blade, pointing at his throat, coming down on him. His vision gave place for total darkness, his ears failed and his mind became silent.
A lightthere was a light in this endless darkness It grew brighter and bigger. Also it seemed to come closer. Was that the light people were talking about all the time? The one you see once youre dead? Deadso he must be dead then What else could be the fact? There was no way he couldve survived that. All around him was still, motionless and cold. Although it didnt feel chilly, the darkness itself was enough to make him feel that way. The only warmth that seemed to be there was this bright light in front of him. He took a step forward, it felt like floating. There was nothing below his feet. Yet he moved.
Hmphfunny, he thought.
He extended his arms and felt the warmth emitting from that strange light. As he took another step, it seemed like he had passed several metres with just one motion.
The distance to the wall of light shrunk away with every step. But suddenly he stopped.
Waitis that even a good idea? I dont even know whats inside that.that light-bulb!
Low voices pierced through the bone-crushing silence. He wasnt able to make out what they were saying, but obviously they werent the voices of evil. Curious, Aidan continued his path and the voices grew louder. By now he could say for sure that they were female, interrupted by strange noises and some kind of constant beeping.
As he came closer, the white in front of him turned out to be interspersed with very light tones of grey, a bit yellow. The colours became more intense as he walked on and so did the voices, which died away several times. Suddenly the colors seemed to form a bigger wholesome kind of sceneryone he knew, but wasnt able to allocate. The picture grew clearer and there was something that was looking like a table. He wondered about that when he noticed wallsalong with blinking lights. There was also a bed.
What the fuck?!
The perspective he had on that bed was strange to say the least. Almost as ifas if hed be lying inside it! All of a sudden, a shape that was looking quite female passed the scenery. She was dressed like medical personal and that assured him of what he was thinking.
Thethe sickbay?!, his mind shouted, How the hell?!
The wall of light was already directly in front of him. Still hesitating a bit, he stepped into the scenery.
The next thing he knew was that he opened his eyes and blinked several times til his eyes adjusted to the environment. He was breathing heavily from the pain he felt, but it was much less than what he already went through. The beeping was still present; it came from the right. Already expecting it, his eyes beheld the monitor that was displaying heartbeat, frequency, blood pressure, pulse and even more things. Still a bit disbelieving, he snorted. A second later his attention was drawn to the shape of a head that was lying on the bed; some inches higher than his knee. Its long, dark brown hair fell loosely on the sheets and white-furred arms gave it a bit comfort. As his eyes travelled her figure, he realized it was his First Officer.
She didnt leave your bed from the moment weve put you in it.
Aidan turned his head to the left where a vixen was standing and smiling at him, now. Obviously it was Doc Chase, how everyone used to call her, but close friends also called her Foxy. It fit her smart mind very well. She already solved many problems concerning medical issues. Under her care there was no other option than to get back on your feet again.
He never met a more passionate medic.
Howhow long
Two days. Your injuries were quite bad and youve lost a lot of blood. But weve been able to patch you up again.
Upon ending her phrase, the vixen looked at the sleeping commander.
Anyway, you still need a lot of rest before youre able to get back on schedule again. And Im sure you two have a lot to talk about., she smiled.
If you should need anything, just push the button on your right.
She turned around and vanished from his view; most likely attending to other patients.
As her figure faded away, the captains eyes went back to the pretty female at his bed. The slow, deep breathing along with the little motions of her chest were really tranquillising. In the embrace of the artificial light her slightly wavy hair sparkled in all different shapes of brown. Somehow, he couldnt explain it himself, a sense of optimism and calm, but strong, life-restoring energy was radiating from her. Aidan was really happy to be back again, but seeing her rose that feeling even more. In this moment he couldnt have thought of anything more beautiful to behold.
With some effort, due to the way he was laying in the bed, he extended his right arm. He could feel the air leaving her nostrils and brushing over the fur on his fingers like a soft touch. Just noticing it, he stroked away a strand of hair that was hanging in her face and combed it to the side of her forehead. For a moment he paused, just fondling her face, her muzzle, her ears with his eyes. Then his fingers stroked through her hair as gentle as he was able to manage to. A content, deep-drawn hum like a sigh ran through her throat and a little, hardly noticeable smile accentuated her face.
Suddenly she moved and Aidan feared waking her, so he took back his hand and laid his arm on the mattress, at his side. Not a second too late as it turned out. The motion descended into a stretching, which was accompanied by a long yawn. Celestra raised her body without opening her eyes at first, but once she had blinked off the sleep from her eyes, two sparkling blue orbs were observing him. Although they were hypnotising, they were also smiling at him with all tones of light blue around the iris. Her smile broadened and in a rush of feelings and sensations she hopped forward and wrapped her arms around his neck. For a moment her head was resting with her cheek on the soft fur on his chest and she hugged him tightly as if never wanting to let go again. Obviously she was overjoyed and it made him happy to see her like that. No matter what he had to experience this sight was totally worth it. As she realized what she was doing, she opened her eyes in a rush and backed off and sprang to attention.
Sir!, she saluted, Good to have you back again!
Still a bit confused, the grey wolf looked up at her as he brushed over his chest, something wet spreading over his fingertips. Celestras eyes were still a bit shiny from the tears she didnt succeed in fighting back.
Thank you, the captain pondered about how to call her,FO. And you dont need to be so formal.
Hearing the abbreviation again made her smile as she replied : Yes, sir.
Pleasetake a seat
Slowly she seated herself on the chair that was standing aside the bed.
Wellerr..., he was looking from side to side shyly, searching for the right words, it comes Im stillstill alive?
The wolfess smiled to him as she answered: Lets just say me and the men arrived just in time. Which doesnt mean youve not been close totojust a second later and you wouldnt be lying here and talking to me.
Ohso youve saved my life. I dunno what to saya simple thank you wouldnt quite fit here.
Its okay. Im sure you wouldve done the same for me.
Wellyeah, of course. But stillAnywayswhat about the ship ?
The ships fine considering the circumstances. We were able to restore power and get a transmission through thanks to Dirks and Lukes talents. Theyre both genius. We carried you back to the shuttle immediately once we found you. Thank god your blood-loss wasnt too much and Foxy was able to stabilize you. I dont even want to imagine what wouldve happened if ...
She took a short break to think it all over again and then continued: Oh, weve found many prisoners. I thought itd be an good idea to bring them to our ship. As we set off and left their ship behind, our reinforcements arrived. Of course theyve missed all the fun, but the Auroras torpedoes gave their Carrier the rest. Otherwise your lady would be in a well not so healthy condition by now. But dont worry, its nothing you couldnt fix with a little hammering and bending.
Thats good to hear.
Celestras face was reflecting a certain devotion as if remembering all the losses they took. But nonetheless it was comforting and her eyes were burning with sheer willpower and happiness at the same time. Willpower to go on and do her job, happiness about having her captain back.
Uhmsaydid you see a female hyena coming your way on the enemy ship?
There was a female hyenaShe wastrying to squeeze me for information
OhIm sorry, but we didnt see anyone like that.
But Dirk said the sensors caught a small spacecraft darting away from the bilge just before the reinforcements were close enough to intercept. Hmminterestingwhat happened to the other captain? Is he still alive? No, she said dryly, I had to take him down. OhwellIm just wondering who it was that made the plan for this rescue-mission. It was you,
wasnt it?
A bit shy she turned her head to the side and smiled : It wasnt my plan alone. The others also helped working it out and they had good ideas, as well! Her modesty caused him to smile: Well, but it was a good plan nonetheless. Wordless, her only reply remained a cute smile and he wished this moment wouldve lasted longer,
but it was now he had to tell her that they werent allowed to build up a relationship in any other way than a friendly one and it saddened him. After a whole while of silence, he attended to her.
Uhmwhatwhat you said when I left the Harmony, it wasnt easy for him to find the words and he paused. Yes?, the wolfess asked with an ensuring tone. diddid you mean it or was that just for motivation? Before answering that question, she took a deep breath and then shook her head.
No, that wasnt just for motivation. II did mean it. Wellerryou know that the rules are prohibiting any kind of intercourse further than a friendship Celestra sighed and her gaze went down to her thighs.
Yesyes I know. Captain Zarak was looking at her and thinking quite a lot before he continued.
Pushing her away would break his heart and it would rob him of every sense of beauty in the world, of that he was aware. Well, you knowaccording to the rules Id have to apply disciplinary measures now. Her body remained motionless and all her happiness seemed to have been taken away within a
second. Butbut theyre rules that have been made for standard situations and for a crew thatd stay in space for 6 months at top. I dont think they apply to our crews situation. None of them had seen solid ground for more than a couple of days since weve started. Its been over a year now and no one knows how long this war will last.
Hearing that, the wolfess ears perked slowly, but then in a single motion and her head rose again with a smile growing on her lips.
And besidesbesides I know the memory of you and your last words before I left the ship was what kept me alive there. Youve been the strength inside me that kept me alive.
But the commander didnt allow him to finish his words. In the blink of an eye she was holding him in a deep embrace. This time she didnt hide her tears of joy.
Oh thank you captain! II was hoping you would say that! II dont even know what to sayIm just so happy!, she sniffed and the tears were flowing down her cheeks.
Again a bit puzzled by her outright actions, he slowly wrapped his right arm around her and returned the embrace, closing his eyes.
Shhhh., he whispered in her ear, you dont need to say any more.
The embrace lasted for a long time and gently he wiped away her tears.
Funny how two people, working together for so long now, need such a long time to discover their feelings for each other, huh?
Rubbing her soft cheek against his she acknowledged with a hum. Then she lifted herself a bit and looked him straight in the eyes. His right hand came up to stroke over the small scar on her muzzle.
Youre injured...
Its nothing. Wellnothing compared to your injuries.
Those words made him proud of her and he smiled, stroke away another branch of hair from her face and uttered the three words that are meaning the world: Celestra, my little warrior-girl I love you. As if those words were adding to her already over-the-top joy, she grinned a wide and happy smile.
I love you too!
And then she leaned in to kiss him. It was a deep and passionate kiss and the wolf joined in just as passionate. This sure was a divine moment for the both of them. And suddenly, everything that has happened over the past days, every pain and misery that has been caused, it all seemed like nothing compared to this very moment in which no words were needed to express how each of them was feeling for one another.
p.10, l. 20: ABST short for Anti-BattleShip-Torpedoe p.12, l. 4: NO Navigations Officer p.27, l. 27: FHQ -FleetHeadQuarter
Lyrics by Nightwish. Story, characters and universe copyright Daniel Giebel Proofread. | FSE |
Title: Seventeenth Straight Sheridan Spring Spaghetti Social by Squirrel
Tags: Bat, Character Development, Comedy, Mouse, Romance
"There's no olive oil ... "
"Are you SERIOUS?" Field went to the cupboards (in, this, the kitchen of the Sheridan Friends Church), and sniffed about. Nose and whiskers! Wide-eyed.
"Mm ... we'll just have to get some," Adelaide reasoned. "Calm down, huh?" A giggle.
Tonight (Saturday! At 7:30!) Was the Seventeenth Straight Sheridan Spring Spaghetti Social at the little Quaker church. Attendance would be ... fifty-odd furs. Maybe. Last year, it had been 42 ... the record was 63 (three years ago).
It was 5:45. Said the battery-powered clock.
The mouse sighed, pacing (a bit). Thin tail dangling behind him like an errant fishing line. Silky, soft ... ready to be reeled in. "How'd we get wrangled into ... heading this shindig, anyway?" He stopped pacing. Looked to her. The bat. His mate.
"Cause, sometimes, darling ... " She closed the gap between them. With a silky, assured walk. Her stubby, rudder-like tail ... behind her. Her angular ears swept back. "You're too polite to say no ... when asked." A sly grin melted onto her muzzle. "Mm ... not an entirely bad," she whispered, "quality." A paw went (gleefully) ...
... grope! GROPE! On the mouse's rump.
"Eek!" Rising to the tips of foot-paws. "Adelaide ... " His eyes darted. As if paranoid. God was watching them, for sure ... was it okay to be goosed in a church?
A giggle. Eyes bright. "Mm ... Field ... " She eyed the mouse with hungry possession.
He tried to keep a serious expression ... but couldn't. And giggle-squeaked. Backing away. "I told you what happened last Sunday, right?"
... six days earlier ...
Field picked up his Bible. Gathered his things from the old, wooden pew. Filtered toward the back of the five-room church (worship area, study area, kid's room, kitchen, bathroom).
Some of the old lady mice ... filtered around the young farm mouse (if 21 was considered young anymore). The small congregation consisted mostly of mice (and the town of Sheridan itself ... mostly consisted of rodents: mice, squirrels, chipmunks. But also a good number of rabbits. Adelaide was the only bat, though. And she drew her fair share of attention. As did Field ... for being mated to her.
"Field," an old mouse asked.
"Mm?" He looked up, seeing he was ... well, going to have to hold a conversation. Damn. He had been hoping to reach the door without being drawn into one. Adelaide was already in the truck, waiting for him.
"Your mate's a bat ... "
"Yeah ... " His whiskers twitched. Nose ... sniffed!
"She, uh, has a lot of ... energy," said another lady mouse. Middle-aged. Wearing a straw hat (which her big, dishy ears ... stuck out of). And a flower-patterned dress.
The lady mice of the church ... all liked Field. He was shy, soft-spoken, polite. And of rural heritage (as they were). They thought he was cute. He didn't act like most males ...
"I guess," was Field's puzzled response.
A third lady mouse continued, "She's very ... toothy."
Field blinked.
"Is she, uh ... demanding?"
"You know ... " A bit of a nod. A bit of a wink-y hush-hush motion. "Does she ... mm ... make 'demands' of you? Mm?"
Field's ears turned the deepest shade of rosy-pink. Oh. My. Gosh. What're they asking me ...
"Is her fur pink all ... "
"I have to go," Field stuttered, weaving around the ladies ... slipping outside, hearing giggles back inside.
Adelaide, leaning against the sink, shook with mirth. "That's ... hilarious. Oh, that's ... oh, Field," she said, eyes sparking. "Let's egg them on. Seriously. Let's ... okay, tonight, during the meal, I'll start licking my fangs ... stealing glances at you. You just do your mousey thing ... blush, twitch ... then I get up ... I'll pause a few paces from your chair. You look up. I nod. And I go into the kitchen. You follow me after a few minutes ... "
" ... no. No!" He giggled. "No way."
"It'll be funny. They'll all be watching us."
"They'll think ... " A giggle. A sigh.
"We're not really gonna ... we'll just go and ... check on the food. Or bring more out. But we tease them into thinking we're leaving to ... "
"I know what you're saying," he interrupted. "But I'm not doing it."
"Aw ... " But still grinning. Showing her fangs. Continuing, after a moment, "That IS funny, though." She tugged at the shoulder straps to her simple spring dress. A lavender-colored thing.
"Well, it was really uncomfortable." The mouse dressed in worn-in blue jeans and ... a plain-colored button-up short-sleeve shirt ... with the sleeves a bit frayed.
"They only tease you cause they like you. It's cute, really. Old lady mouses ... all doe-eyed over you."
"Why, though? I mean ... mm ... "
"Cause you ARE sweet. And ... attractive. And nice. And young ... and in love. With me. With a bat." A gentle shrug. "To them, I'm exotic. I make them curious."
"I don't know ... "
"Well, I do," she insisted. "I'm telepathic ... "
"I know," he replied. As he always did ... when she felt the need to remind him of that. Oh, he knew ... and ... liked it. That they could brush minds, and ... more. More, even, during ...
"They're teasing us ... not to be mean. They're just ... we're different. They don't know how to react to us."
She, the pink-furred, rural bat ... born in Australia to Christian missionaries. With telepathic abilities that ... were not common knowledge. She of the dominant, playful, very strong-willed personality. She who had wings. And him ... he, the honey-tan mouse. The submissive, wispy mouse. The artistic dreamer. The innocent one. The one who'd been hurt so badly ... so many times. Who had found, in her, a healing. A hope. And she, in him ... finding a soul to nurture and care for. Proving to herself (and everyone) that she could take care of someone. After being told (by so many) that she was too flighty and brashly independent ... to ever be trusted with another's soul. Add that to: bats were rare, and ... their gender roles were flip-flopped. She was the dominant partner. He ... the submissive one. And they made such an intricate duo. On the outside, at first glance ...
... maybe just another pair of mates.
But look closer, and the colors ... were so vibrantly different. They thrummed. Their spirits must be ... giving off radiation vibes.
Must be.
Such need. Such purpose.
Field took a breath. Released it.
"Anyway," she continued. "Anyway, you'll receive your 'demands' ... later tonight." Licking her fangs.
"Just saying ... "
A shy smile. "Well ... thanks for the warning."
"No problem." A giggle. "Now ... olive oil? Do we really need it?"
"Yes ... to put in the water we boil the noodles in."
"What happens if we boil the noodles in ... oil-less water."
"I don't know. I don't wanna find out. I want this meal ... to be perfect."
She gave a nod. "Course ... " A smile. "Mm ... " A head-tilt. And a pause. And, then, "Well ... " She fished at her purse. Withdrew some money. She managed their finances. She was better with numbers and ... stuff ... more so than Field. Field's head was all words and images and ... " ... ten dollars. The IGA on Main Street. A bottle of olive oil and ... a couple more loaves of French bread. We have enough noodles and butter and garlic and tomato sauce and ... "
"Okay ... "
"So ... "
Field nodded. Took the money.
"Be back soon?" she whispered softly, hopping up to a sit on the counter. Paws folded delicately in her lap.
A nodded promise. And a spring in his step.
The IGA. Field wasn't sure was the "I" stood for ... was it "International" Grocers' Association? Or "Indiana" ... "Indiana" made more sense, but ... it was a small-town grocery. For a small town. (There were also IGA's in Lebanon, Thorntown, and ... a few other places.)
Field, the needed food items in tow ... reached the checkout lane (there were two, both empty). He went to the first one, which was being run by Assumpta. The snow leopard. A northern transplant to Indiana.
"Hi," Field said shyly, voice a bit wispy.
"Mm ... I'm, uh ... we're doing the shindig," Field explained, as Assumpta cooly eyed his groceries.
"I see."
"Mm ... "
"No Dum-Dums today?" she asked. Field often, when in town ... would stop by for a bag of Dum-Dums. Little flavored suckers.
"Mm ... I only end up chompin' 'em ... same with peppermints. I buy all this hard candy, and I chomp it. Can't be good for my teeth."
"Why would you crunch," she wondered, "a sucker?" The feline had a very crisp, elegant demeanor. Icy-blue eyes. She had the sound of ... Northern poetry ... in her voice.
"An oxymoron, I know. Crunching a sucker," Field admitted. And gave a weak glance. "Don't know. I'm odd ... like that."
"I do not think you are odd."
"No more odd than the rest of us."
A shy giggle. "Mm ... well ... thanks. I guess."
"I am curious, though ... " She started to run his groceries over the scanner. Beep-be-beep ... beep ...
"Yeah?" His whiskers twitched.
"What is ... a shindig?"
A bright giggle. "Uh ... " Giggle. "Don't know, really. It's ... I guess it's a rural thing. It's ... a shindig. Um, like, a blow-out ... of food, of ... well ... alright, so the spaghetti supper isn't a blow-out. But it's ... it's a shindig. Don't ask me what it is. It just ... IS," the mouse explained.
Beep-be-beep ...
"Mm ... you're welcome to come. Bring Azure," he said, referring to the snow leopard's mate. Who was a squirrel. They were quite an odd couple, those two. Predator and prey. Predator/prey relationships rarely worked. Predators were steely ... operated on detachment. Prey were very needy. Very emotional. But ... those two had been together for a year, nearly. Just like Field and Adelaide. And Field guessed ... well, he and Adelaide were an odd couple, too.
"I do not get off work until 8 ... "
"Well, the supper doesn't start until, like, 7:30, so ... no one will mind if you show up late ... "
The snow leopard considered. "It is ... short notice."
"I put up flyers ALL over town ... come on," Field ribbed. "I mean ... Seventeenth Straight Sheridan Spring Spaghetti Social? I mean ... you know, I actually considered taking the alliteration to, like, eight or nine 'S' words, but ... I thought that might be straining credibility."
A sage nod on the snow leopard's part. "I agree." She pressed at the till. "Your total comes to $9.47 ... "
"Cuttin' it close," Field whispered. Only having ten dollars on him. The ten that Adelaide had given ...
The snow leopard quietly bagged the mouse's items. Her fur snowy-white. Striped with bits of gray. She was strong. Was tall. Was lithe. Was a feline. And, Field, a mouse ... was intimidated by her. Intimidated, but ... not scared. He used to be scared of her. But ... she'd become a friend.
"Bad storms, lately ... mm ... "
She looked up.
"Well, I mean ... tornado warnings, like, three weekends in a row. Three Fridays in a row, you know? During that storm last night, I ... poked my head outside. I got too curious, and I ... got hit by all this pea-sized hale."
"I like listening to the storms. They have ... character. They are humbling."
"They are humbling, yeah, but ... well ... they scare me," Field admitted weakly. He would start out pacing ... then pacing with a flashlight clutched in a paw. Then sliding into tears, burrowing into the sheets. Adelaide having to cradle him. "You've not lived here your whole life, you know?" he said quietly. "You don't know what they can do ... " The thought of the sirens sounding, and the red on the weather map, and ... the weather-furs on the static radio, or on the flickering television ... saying things like 'under the gun' and 'seek shelter immediately' ... " ... and," Field added, "you're not a mouse."
She blinked.
"But, um ... yeah ... you coming to the shindig?" He grabbed his grocery bag. Shaking thoughts of storms and being odd and ... crunching on suckers ... out of his head.
"I cannot say," was her quiet, contemplative reply. "Are you just having spaghetti and garlic bread?"
"JUST spaghetti and bread? Assumpta ... it's a shindig!" The mouse paused, frowning a bit. Shindig. It was one of those words that, if he said it a few more times ... it would make NO rational sense. Best put it on the back-burner for now ... pull it out when he REALLY needed it.
She blinked.
"No, we're having ice cream, and cookies ... everyone's bringing their own desserts. Soda and stuff. But it's ... it's more about the conversation, and ... being with other furs, you know. It's not really about the food. The food is just a means of ... getting us all together. You know?" Ironic, though ... Field thought. Me helping head a social get-together. But it was good for him ... he knew it was. And Adelaide enjoyed working with him. Enjoyed planning such things with him. Enjoyed collaborating with her mate.
Assumpta nodded quietly. It made sense.
"Anyway, it's open to you ... I mean, there's actually, though, a ten dollar fee at the door. Not a fee, but, like ... it goes to help with the church. To keep the building running, and pay for electricity. Our congregation is small. We don't have a lot of resources. That's why we hold these things ... "
"There are five churches in this town ... you know ... and this is a small town. And our church is the smallest."
The feline listened with interest, but ... Field had already trailed. Was already picking up his bag and moving for the door.
"See you around?" he said.
A nod. An eye-smile that only a predator like her ... could ever do.
And Field scurried out the door.
Nearing 7:00, and the meal being prepared ... the bat and mouse having warmed the ovens. And bringing pots of water to boil on the stove.
"Alright, so ... "
" ... first furs should start showing up in about ... ten or fifteen minutes," Adelaide guessed. "You set all the tables, right?" The tables were ... simple card tables. With folding chairs. Set up in the study area.
"Yeah ... yeah, and ... silverware, napkins. Cups. Everything."
A nod. "Alright ... " The bat leaned against the kitchen counter, watching the water on the stove. Waiting for it to boil. Waiting for it to bubble with steam (and with olive oil).
"Watched pots," Field whispered. Smiling shyly.
She turned to look at him. "No?" she whispered back. "Have you ever tested it out?"
"Not really ... pot-watching isn't, you know, one of my ... spectator sports." A pause. Which reminded him ... " ... there's a race on tomorrow, right?"
"Should be," she said. She watched the races with him ... whenever they were on. Whenever they were able. They snuggled on the couch with popcorn, soda, and ... in their bare-foot-paws. Him without a shirt. Watching auto races.
"Mm ... " Adelaide was quiet. "You know what we haven't done in a while?"
"Played Pooh sticks ... you know," she reminded. "Like Winnie the Pooh ... you know, we each get a stick. We find a stick, and we stand on a bridge above the creek or something. We drop our sticks, and ... whichever stick wins the race downstream ... you know, that fur wins."
"I remember the game," was his soft voice. Dreamy-like.
"We haven't played it in a while," she repeated. Stirring the near-boiling water in one of the pots. Not really cause it needed stirring (cause it didn't).
"Haven't had the chance. The weather, and ... "
"I'm just saying ... we should play it. Tomorrow." Tomorrow was Sunday. They both had tomorrow off. They both had, in fact, the whole weekend off ... for a change. And summer was coming. And ... it would get better. This would be the best summer. Such were their hopes ...
"Alright," Field agreed. Quietly. Warmly. Sidling up to her.
She turned her neck a bit. Fur so soft, so ... silky ... to the touch. So pink. So feminine, so vibrant. And her mind ... so strong. And her filmy, velvety wings. Wings that could sustain her body weight. Was their air in her bones ... where the marrow should be? A question he often asked ... and her answer would be ... that her lightness was due to her love. "Our love," she would say, "makes me light. It is burden-less."
Field leaned forward. Head tilting, and lips ... oh, so near. So near her own. And he whispered, "We can leave the window open tonight. No rain. No storms. We can leave the window open ... put the screen in." All the night-bugs at the creek ... they'd come back. They were back. Already. And the frogs. The frogs were, too. Not in full force, but ... the riparian symphony was warming up in nature's orchestra pit. Waiting for the curtain to fully open. And they could hear the promise of it ...
"What about the mockingbird?" she whispered, breathing out ...
... as he breathed in. Of her scent. Of her softness. Her paws had been slicing and buttering bread with the knife ... for the past half hour. She smelled like a bakery. And like flowers. And like ... country things.
"The virtuoso never swoops onto the scene ... until the show is well under way," the mouse told her.
"No mockingbird?" she asked ... with feigned sadness.
"Wait 'til May ... or June."
"What do they say about April ... " Her nose nuzzled his cheek. Brushed his whiskers. "April showers bring ... flowers?"
"Flowers ... May flowers."
"May ... flower. May our love, dear God," was her quiet, whispered ... spoken prayer. In the kitchen of this church. Half an hour before the Seventeenth Straight Sheridan Spring Spaghetti Social. Her whispered prayer to the Lord was, "May our love flower ... and grow stronger with each shower. And be purified." Field stole her breath ... at that moment. Pressed his lips to hers ... at that moment. Kissed her.
At that moment (with eyes closed) ...
... she kissed back. Lips soft.
Soft, sweet smack-smack sounds. Surpassing seventeen straight Sheridan spring spaghetti socials ... sweeping splendidly ...
... to a record, a name, a history ... all of its own. Oh, no. No, the Seventeenth Straight Sheridan Spring Spaghetti Social ... and all the alliteration and noodles it entailed ...
... oh, it had nothing on this!
Nothing on a kiss. A kiss in a kitchen by a stove. On an April evening. With the promise of night-bugs. Of creek-sounds. The promise of cool sheets in the bed at home. The promise of little huffs for air ... of hot, warming fur. Of tangled limbs. Of her and him.
And maybe that was why Adelaide drew so much attention in this town ... and why Field was teased so much ...
... for love needed no flyer.
When it was evident, it would be found. Would be noticed.
And it was evident in them. So purely so. That even nature was jealous. Sending tornadoes to scare the love out of them (like trying to scare hiccups out of a fur) ...
The kiss broken, they breathed deeply. Hotly. Standing (oh) so closely. Arms loosely around each other's backs.
"Now," the bat whispered. "Let's give the best spaghetti social ever ... and when we get back to the farm, we'll ... open the window," she agreed. "And let the creek-bugs and the creek-frogs ... be jealous of all they hear. For, tonight, they'll listen to the music ... we," she whispered, "make."
A giggle. A shy, eyes-darting giggle.
Amen to that. | FSE |
Title: Before Work Whoppie
Tags: john jade, massage felt, watching jade, floor balcony, licking honey, jade continued, minutes jade, knew seconds, backwards meet, front jade
One morning I was walking into the office, through a residential area, when suddenly I heard the sound of claws on metal. I looked up and saw a large black dog running down the stairs of a small two story apartment building. When it reached the ground it started running towards me. Dogs don't usually bother me, but this one was very large, and didn't seem too friendly. It stopped in front of me and started barking and growling. Not wanting to show any fear, I tried to keep walking. The dog didn't try to bite or anything like that but it sure didn't seem to want me there. As I passed the building someone came out on a second floor balcony and started yelling at the dog to stop. After a couple more moments, and a feigned move for my foot, the dog backed off and headed back to the apartment, apparently satisfied that it had driven me away.
I still wasn't too far from the building, and when a woman's voice called out in apology I turned and looked back. I was not quite prepared for what I saw next. There, on a second floor balcony, maybe 20 feet from where I stood, was very beautiful woman with long brown hair and a great figure, wearing only a short, see though teddy. Since she was on the second floor, it was obvious to me that she wasn't wearing any panties. That only became more obvious when she turned around and reached down to grab hold of the dog's collar, and I was treated to a great view of her bare ass.
Maybe, I thought, I would stay and talk a little more. I wasn't in a huge hurry to get to work, and another view of her would be a great way to start the day.
She turned back to me to start explaining why her dog had gotten away, but I wasn't really listening. A gust of wind picked up the hem of her teddy and treated me to a nice view of her neatly trimmed pussy. She had to know how exposed she was, since the wind was blowing right between her legs. But she didn't seem to mind.
She called down to me, "Are you okay?"
My voice still a little shaky from the scare her dog had given me, I replied, "Yea, fine."
I think she could tell I was still a bit shaken up, and she seemed to genuinely feel bad, so she said, "Gosh, I'm really sorry about my dog. He never does that sort of thing. He's usually very friendly."
'Sure, that's what that all say,' I thought to myself.
"Would you like to come up for a coffee, just to help you calm down," she continued.
Beautiful, nearly naked woman invites me to her apartment for coffee. Gee, let me think about this. Really difficult decision. "Sure, that would be nice," I replied, trying not to sound too enthusiastic. After all, maybe nothing would happen. Maybe she would go in and put on some big bath robe and cover that gorgeous body of hers. Maybe my imagination was just running in overdrive. But hey, where would we be without dreams.
So I turned back to the apartment and headed up her stairs, trying not to bound up two at a time in excitement.
When I reached the top she was still bent down, holding the dogs collar. Her teddy fell away from her chest, giving me a fantastic view of her tits. I liked what I saw.
I just stood there in her living room while she followed me into the apartment. She was still bent over, leading the dog to a bedroom or something in the back. 'Nice legs,' I thought to myself as she passed by. She was gone for a moment, and I hoped she wasn't covering herself up. When she came back out still only wearing the teddy I think my heart skipped a beat, and my cock started to harden. 'Hmm,' I thought, 'should I just call work now and tell them I will be late?'
She went into the kitchen which was behind the living room. Feeling a little uncomfortable standing alone in the living room, I followed her into the kitchen. I was treated with another great view of her bare ass as she reached up to get down a couple of coffee mugs. 'Was she trying to be an exhibitionist,' I wondered, 'or does this sort of thing just come naturally to her.'
Finally the coffees were ready, and as she passed me mine she said, "My name's Jade, by the way."
"I'm Greg," I replied, and she led me back to the living room.
Jade sat in a large easy chair, and I sat opposite her on the couch. She tucked her legs up under her, pulling the teddy almost completely up her thighs, and allowing me a view of her pussy.
"I really sorry again about my dog. He's never done that sort of thing before. I live here alone and he's pretty protective of me, but never like that," Jade said.
"Maybe he smelled my lunch in my brief case," I said, trying to lighten the mood.
She laughed, then asked, "So where do you work?"
"With a high tech company a few blocks from her. I like to park around here so I can get some exercise, and to save a few bucks on parking," I told her.
I am a computer technician, you know, the type that runs around everybody's office, making sure the systems all keep running. When Jade found this out she asked if maybe I could help her out with a problem she was having with her computer. I hate questions like that. As soon as someone finds out you know something about computers, they start telling you about all their problems. I think I know how doctors must feel.
I agreed to help her, so we stood and walked over to her computer desk, which was in the corner of her living room by a big picture window overlooking the street. God her ass was sexy when she walked.
As she sat in the chair and booted up her computer I wondered, 'Is this just going to be a house call for Dr. Greg, or am I going to get to touch that body of hers. Doesn't she know she's driving me crazy wearing that thing!'. I stood behind her, and as she leaned over the keyboard I was treated to another nice view of her tits. 'Niiice nipples,' I noted.
Once Jade explained the problem to me, we switched positions, and I sat in front of the computer. I was pleased that I wasn't some silly problem. She really seemed to know her way around a computer, and fixing it was a bit of a challenge.
After about 10 minutes of tinkering, I seemed to have the problem fixed. As I sat there and waited for her computer to reboot, Jade placed her hands on my shoulders and started to gently massage them. Hours on the computer each day really gets to the shoulders, and her massage felt great. I moaned a little and complimented her on the excellent massage.
"Thanks," she said, "I work at a restaurant and write a little on the side, but its always been my dream to be a massage therapist. I could never afford the schooling."
"You should try it someday, you'd be great at it," I replied, sincerely. Then I added, "If you ever need someone to practice with, I'd be happy to help." What a thankless job that would be, guinea pig for a beautiful woman studying massage therapy.
She didn't say anything, she just continued massaging my shoulders while I did some final checks on her computer. I was about to say that it was all fixed when she started to loosen my tie and undo my shirt.
"A massage always feels better on bare skin," Jade said quietly.
She then led me from the chair to the middle of the living room. She told me to take my shirt off and loosen my belt while she closed the blinds and put on some soft, new age kind of music. She then laid a blanket on the floor, and asked me to lie on my belly on the blanket. She then disappeared from the room for a couple of minutes, returning with a couple of small bottles, presumably of massage oil.
Jade then sat, straddling me, just below my butt, and started to massage my back. For the next half an hour I was in heaven. This woman really knew how to give a massage. It felt incredible, and before too long all of the aches and pains in my back melted away. It felt so good that I forgot how gorgeous and how almost naked she was.
When she was finished she leaned down and whispered in my ear, "How was the massage, Greg?"
As she leaned down and said this I realized that I couldn't feel her teddy on my back as she leaned over. I turned my head to try to get a glance at her, but before I could get a glimpse of her she answered the question in my mind by slowly dragging her nipples across my back. Sometime during the massage she had taken her teddy off, and now she was completely naked as she sat on my back.
My cock had gone limp during the massage, but realizing that she was naked, it started to harden again.
Jade continued to sit on top of me, and she pressed her tits into by back while beginning to nibble on my ear, and blowing gently into it. God I love it when women do that to me!
After a couple of minutes of this, she got off me, and, while continuing to nibble on my ear, started to work my pants down my legs. I lifted my hips to help her, while saying, not quite loud enough for her to hear, "Yessss."
Once Jade had my pants and boxers off, she whispered in my ear, "Roll over Greg, it's time to have a look at the rest of you."
I eagerly agreed, since I wanted to have a good look at her too. She moved back, and as I rolled over on the blanket my cock sprung out, firm and hard and ready for action. She seemed please with the effect that she had had on it.
"Time to service your hardware," she said, then sat straight down on my cock on one fluid motion.
'God, doesn't this woman believe in foreplay,' I wondered. But maybe she didn't need it, since she was already so wet that I slid into her easily.
She then leaned down and gave me a long sensuous kiss while she ground her pussy into my cock, then whispered in my ear, "This was just to give you a taste of things to come."
With that, she rolled off and lay beside me. What a beautiful sight she was. The sun shining in through the thin curtains on her window made her skin glow. She had a near perfect figure, with beautiful firm tits, probably about 38D, large, hard nipples that stuck out at least half an inch, a nicely trimmed bush of brown hair, and gorgeous legs. All that and a great tan with no tan lines.
As she reached over and started to stroke my cock I thought, 'My God, I've died and gone to heaven!' She then snuggled in closer and we resumed kissing. I began running my hand up and down her body, gently caressing her while I decided which erogenous zone to focus on first. Tits seemed like the obvious place, so I rolled her over onto her back and began to caress one of her tits while I gently took her other nipple into my mouth. She reached under me to continue stroking my cock. After a minute or two I kissed my way across to her other tit, and began to slide my free hand lower, slowly, tantalizingly approaching her love box.
She was moaning softly, enjoying the sensations and eagerly anticipating what was to come. While continuing to gently kiss and suck her nipple I moved my hand down between her legs, caressing the insides of her thighs and gliding it gently across her pubes, just barely touching her. After a couple of minutes of this she took hold of my hand and held it to her pussy, saying "I want to feel your touch."
With that, I inserted a finger into her pussy, and when it was wet with her juices, I withdrew it and gently spread her lips apart, using her own juices as lubricant. I then found her clit and started to rub my finger-tips over it, making it swell and come to life. I worked over her clit slowly, and gently, beginning her long build to orgasm.
In the meantime, Jade reached down between my legs and began to caress my cock and balls, ensuring that I was hard and ready.
After a couple of minutes, Jade started to pull my lower body towards her. I took that as a hint, and slid on top of her in a 69 position. Immediately, I felt the warmth of her mouth on my cock. She started working her tongue around the head of my cock, and then down to my balls, and back. At the same time, she was using one hand to continue stroking my cock, while the other caressed my ass.
This lady really knew how to give head. It felt incredible. After she had my entire groin area covered in saliva she slowly, sensuously, sucked my cock into her mouth, right to the base. Inside her mouth, her tongue moved gently back and forth along my shaft. She then established a slow, steady rhythm, working my cock in and out of her mouth, teasing her tongue around the tip of my cock each time she withdrew. Exquisite!
So exquisite that I have having trouble concentrating on what I was doing. I love eating pussy! It's almost more fun than intercourse. Almost! I just love being able to make a woman cum, feeling her squirm over my face as her orgasm approaches. I could do it every day, especially with a fox like Jade.
I slowly explored her pussy with my mouth, running my tongue over her clit, all along the folds of her pussy, and as deep as I could into her cunt itself.
"Oh yea," she moaned, "God that's good. Keep going. Don't stop!!"
'Why would I,' I thought to myself, as I plunged my tongue deep into her cunt.
She was still slowly working my cock in and out of her mouth, but I wanted the feeling to last a little longer. So I suggested she slow down a bit. I made that pretty hard to do though, because as soon as I said that I began to focus my tongue on her clit, while I brought my hands into the action too. With one hand I started to work three fingers in and out of her pussy, while with the other, I used her copious juices to lubricate her asshole so that I could gently work a finger into her ass as well.
With my two hands going at her, and my tongue beating a steady rhythm on her clit, Jade was now fast approaching orgasm. She started breathing harder, and moaning loudly, urgently. She needed to cum. She took my cock from her mouth and pushed at my lower body. I took the hint and shifted off her. I then look up to see that she had started playing with her nipples, and she started trying to sit up so that she could take her nipples into her own mouth, adding to her own pleasure. Man, do I ever love watching a woman such on her own nipples. What a turn on!
Jade was frantic now, desperate for her orgasm. I knew it too, but I kept up a steady pace, trying to delay her orgasm as long as possible.
When finally my jaw was aching I started my final attack, driving at her clit with my tongue, while using my hand inside her cunt to rub back and forth across her g-spot. In the meantime, I had a finger completely buried in her ass.
"Oh fuck that's good. YES, YEEESSSS," she shrieked.
After that yell, the neighbors certainly knew she wasn't spending another lonely morning in her apartment! But I didn't care, in fact I love it when a woman screams like that as she orgasms. I think it enhances the feelings.
"Yes," I said in reply, "scream it out. Let the whole world know what an orgasm you're having!! Make them all jealous!"
And cum she did. She was bucking so hard I had to hold on to keep my tongue on her clit to the end. Her juices were everywhere.
Finally, spent for the moment and breathless, she pushed me off of her. She lay there for a moment, catching her breath, while I sat, leaning against the couch.
Then, she sat up, and with a twinkle in her eye, said, "Your turn!". With that, she practically dove at my cock, and swallowed it instantly. She worked my cock in and out of her mouth, and before I knew it I was on the verge of cuming. This time, she wasn't into slow and gentle, just fast and hard. In moment I could feel the pressure building in my groin, and I knew I was seconds away from exploding. I thought to warn her, but concluded that she was the type who didn't need a warning.
She didn't. My cum erupted deep in her mouth. She kept fucking my cock with her mouth as I came, then slowly let my cock out of her mouth. She then lay her head on my leg and kissed softly at my cock.
After a couple of minutes our breathing had gone back to normal, and she said to me, "I need a shower, care to join me?"
There's an offer I never refuse. Two naked bodies. Water. Soap suds. Heaven!!
So we stood and she lead me by the hand to the bathroom. It wasn't a very big apartment, but no expense had been spared on the bathroom. The shower stall was big enough to hold both of us comfortably, and there were four separate shower heads, as well as a bank of 8 massaging shower heads on the back wall. WOW!!
She fired up all the shower heads, and we stepped into the cascading water. 'Expensive, but worth it,' was all I though, making a mental note to install something like this in my house some day.
"I love this shower," she said, "after a hard day at work, there's nothing like it. And when I feel the need, it's a sure fire place to masturbate. Huge orgasms every time." With that, she turned and faced the bank of massaging shower heads on the back wall, letting the jets of water pulsate all over her upper body, from just above her tits, to her pussy. She then took one of the hand held shower heads, turned the dial to set it to a fine massage, and aimed it straight at her clit. With her free hand she started rubbing her clit under the stream of water from the shower head.
The sight of this naked, wet woman, getting herself off, had me hard again in no time. Her beautiful, round, tanned ass, glistening with water, as an obvious invitation. So I moved close behind her and thrust my cock between her legs.
"Oh shit, yes," she said, "that's it." She then grabbed my cock and stuffed it into her cunt. I thrust into her as far as I could, held my cock deep inside her for a moment, and then began to slowly fuck her from behind. Each time my cock withdrew, I could feel the water from the shower head on my shaft and balls, adding to the sensations.
"Oh fuck that feels goooood," I shrieked. I had never experienced anything like that before, and I was amazing. I highly recommend it.
The sensations were so overpowering that I knew I wouldn't last more than a few seconds, and I really didn't want this to end that fast, so I withdrew my cock from her pussy. I knelt down, positioned my head between her thighs, and started to tongue fuck her, while she continued to spray the shower head across her clit. With a free hand I reach up and started to caress her tits, working her nipples between my fingers as the water sprayed on them.
With all this attention on her erogenous zones, she reached climax in no time. She started to shake, and squeeze my head between her thighs, and then, as I plunged my tongue deep into her pussy one last time and she sprayed the shower massage on her clit from point blank range, she started to scream, "Ohhhh, yeaaaa, don't stop. Ohhhhh, I'm cuuuummmmming. Fuck, doooon't stop. Yesss, yessssss."
I sure hoped the neighbors didn't have any kids around. After all that screaming, they'd really be asking questions.
As Jade's orgasm subsided, she released my head from the thighs, and she dropped the shower head. I stood, and turned around, with my back to the bank of jets on the wall of the shower. I then moved her around in front of me, back on, and gently pressed down on her shoulders. She dropped down on all fours, I knelt behind her, and in one mighty thrust drove my cock deep inside her pussy.
I started to fuck her in a steady rhythm, while reaching down around her to play with her tits. Without that shower head spraying on my cock, I knew that I might now be able to fuck her for more than 30 seconds without exploding. Each time I thrust into her, Jade thrust backwards to meet me, and I could feel my cock head against her cervix. She would then clench her cunt muscles around my cock as I slowly withdrew.
Shit was she ever a good fuck!! Even without the shower head, I was soon closed to coming. I picked up the pace, fucking her ever more urgently. Just as I was about to cum, I felt her start to shake again, and her cunt clenched even tighter around my cock.
"Fuck meee, Greg, fuck meeeeee, ohhh yessss. That feels sooo goooood. Your cock feels soooo goooood. Oh yessssss." After that she started to moan and shriek as her orgasm consumed her.
In one final push, I thrust me cock deep inside her, and as her orgasm subsided and her cunt relaxed, I could feel my cum flooding into her cunt.
When I finished, I pulled out and helped her stand up. We then stood hugging and kissing in that amazing shower for at least another 5 minutes, basking in the afterglow of our mutual orgasm.
"Shit that was good, Greg. I haven't been fucked like that in months."
I just smiled, and then sort of smirked any said, "Thanks for sending your dog after me." She just laughed.
We then turned the shower off and dried each other off with huge, thick, puffy towels. When we were dry, we went back to the kitchen. By then we were both famished. She put some toast in the toaster, and pulled a jar of honey from the shelf. While she worked, I sat at the table in the corner and enjoyed the view. He kitchen was very bright, with large patio doors and a large window. I'm sure if any of the neighbors were home, they were treated to the same view of her naked body as I was.
As she turned and walked toward the table I had a good look at her body in the sunlight. The lack of tan lines made her look even more stunning. I had to find out what beach she hung out on.
She sat at the table across from me, right by the patio door, in particularly plain view of anyone in the house that backed on to her apartment. She placed her plate of toast in front of her and passed a second plate to me. The toast was covered in such a thick layer of honey it was dripping off the sides. As she lifted the first slice of toast to her mouth, several drops of honey fell to her chest and started to run down between her tits. I love honey, but the golden nectar running down her chest between her tanned boobs looked far more appetizing than the toast in front of me. Jade made eating a spectator sport. So I sat back in my chair and watched. With each bite, more honey fell to her chest. She managed to splatter it all over herself, including both nipples. Something tells me that was her plan. It was becoming apparent to me that this woman had an almost insatiable desire for sex. My mission, if I chose to accept it, was to satisfy that desire. At that moment, looking at the honey streaming down her chest, I chose to accept the mission. Oh the crosses we must bear in life!
After she finished the first slice of toast she looked up to me and asked, "What's the matter? Not hungry?"
The look on her face was so innocent. As if she had no idea how sexy she looked with golden honey dripping down her chest. But she knew exactly how sexy she looked.
As she started eating her second piece of toast, with more honey dripping onto her chest, I reached across the table and, using my finger, caught a drip of honey as it was about to fall from the tip of her nipple. As I brought my finger to my mouth to lick off the honey, I looked down and saw that the honey running down her belly was collecting in her pubic hair.
I licked the honey off my finger, and reached back and scooped more off her other tit. Looking her straight in the eyes, I licked the honey slowly and sensuously from my finger.
I then got up from my chair and walked around beside her. As I walked past the end of the table I saw a glint of light coming from a window of the house across the back. I briefly glanced up and saw a pair of binoculars pointed our way. We now had an audience. I decided it was time to put on a show.
Jade had now finished her second piece of toast, and she picked up the bottle of honey -- it was one of the squeeze bottle types -- and squeezed honey all over herself. For a grand finale, she stuck the bottle in her cunt, and squeezed what seemed like half the bottle into her box. She then looked at me and said, "NOW are you hungry?"
No answer was necessary. I stood beside her in plain view of our spectator, and I slowly lowered my head to her chest and started licking off the honey, starting just below her neck, and working my way down between her tits. Honey has never tasted so good.
When I finished the area between her tits, I started on her left boob, the one farthest from the window. As I started licking her nipple she let out a low moan and raised her arms above her head, stretching, cat-like. Veeerry sseeexyy.
I finished all the honey on her left tit, then licked across to her right tit. As I moved across I glanced up and noticed that the neighbor was holding the binoculars with one hand. He had removed his cock from his pants, and was stroking it with the other hand. Not sure if Jade had noticed him yet, I said, "I see one of your neighbors is enjoying a free sex show."
Without hesitation, and without even opening her eyes, Jade replied casually, "Oh ya, that's John. He's probably been watching since we were in the shower. I tease him all the time. I think he thinks he'll score with me one day, but not before hell freezes over. He's a bit of a creep, but I find it a real turn on to tease him like this."
With that, she reached down and started to stroke my cock, while I continued to lick her tits clean.
When her chest and tits were clean, I pulled her chair out from the table, and turned her around so that she was facing the window. I then moved around and knelt between her legs, and started licking the honey off her belly. While I did this she started gently playing with her nipples.
When her belly was clean, I moved down and licked the honey from her legs and inner thighs, and even from the chair. Ever so slowly, I moved closer to her pussy. The smell of the honey and her juices was intoxicating, and I could barely resist the urge to dive into her pussy like an animal. But I didn't want to miss any of the honey.
Finally, the only place left to find more honey was her pussy. I started lapping the honey from her pubic hair, starting from the top and working my way down. She started making a sound almost like a cat purring. She spread her legs further, and slumped down in the chair, allowing me complete access to her delicious pussy.
And delicious it was. A sweet combination of honey and her pussy juice. It delved ever deeper into her pussy, cleaning the honey from around her clit, and all the delicate folds of her labia. I pulled her forward a bit further, putting her pussy at an angle so that no more honey would leak out of it. I then resumed cleaning her up, moving down past her pussy to lick between her pussy and her anus. As my tongue tickled the bud of her anus, her moaning and purring intensified, but now I hungered for that last reserve of golden honey, deep inside her cunt. So I moved back up and started probing my tongue into her pussy, source of her juices, and store house of the remaining honey. The honey inside her was warm, and I was able to lap it up and suck it up with abandon.
She started grinding her pussy into my face, and I looked up and noticed that she was again sucking on her own nipples. This was one hot woman!!
I cleaned her pussy as deep as my tongue could reach and then, using my hand, scooped out the honey and finger fucked her at the same time. I alternately licked and sucked at her clit, and devoured the honey and her juices off my hand.
Just as I seemed to run out of honey, Jade began to orgasm. She bucked in the chair, started rubbing her hands frantically across her tits, and moaned and shrieked uncontrollably. I kept up the intensity, and juices were pouring from her pussy. The chair and the floor underneath were soaked, as were my hands and face.
When her orgasm subsided, I moved away, spent. My jay ached and my tongue was raw. This was certainly the most sexual activity I had ever engaged in one day, and my stamina was wearing down.
But Jade's wasn't. After she started breathing normally again, she picked up the jar of honey, looked at me with a gleam in her eye, and said, "Your turn."
I almost said no, but decided I wasn't that stupid.
She told me to lie on my back on the table. As I was getting onto the table we both looked down to John, and much to our surprise, saw that he had company. A fairly attractive looking woman, with a nice figure, was naked, kneeling in front of him, giving him a blow job! In the meantime, he was still watching us through the binoculars, while reaching down to caress the woman's tits. All right John!! Jade said that she had never acknowledged him before when he watched her, but she decided that this was the time. So we both looked down at him and waved, and I gave him a thumbs up. He put down the binoculars, and looked up at us, beaming. John was obviously also having a fantasy fulfilled.
But back to my fulfillment. Jade took the bottle of honey and squeezed it liberally over my chest and abdomen. She then squeezed a generous amount on my cock, using her hand to make sure that my cock and balls were completely coated. When she was satisfied that I was sufficiently sticky, she started to work, methodically licking all of the honey from me, started at my chest and working her way down, as I had done to her.
Despite this vision of loveliness working her way over my body, I was curious to see how John was doing. I looked out the window and saw that he was now completely naked. The woman was lying on her back on an ottoman or something, and he was kneeling between her legs, fucking her. He actually seemed to know what he was doing, and it was quite the turn on to watch them fuck. But not as much of a turn on as watching Jade lick me clean. So I watched her work her way down my body, stealing periodic glances at John and his partner to see what they were doing.
Finally, Jade had licked up all the honey except that on my cock and balls. In doing so she had managed to get me rock hard again, despite the fact that I had already had two strong orgasms that morning. Satisfied at my hard state, she went to work on my balls, slowly licking all of the honey off them, and gently sucking them into her mouth one at a time.
Before she started cleaning the honey off my cock, Jade climbed onto the table, and, almost urgently, planted her cunt on my mouth, as if she was desperate for yet another orgasm. While she started to go down on my cock, I went to work on her pussy, while rubbing her nipples with my hands.
After two orgasms that morning, it was going to take her awhile to bring me off again, but in no time Jade was bucking on my face and moaning as her fourth, or fifth, or hundreth, orgasm approached. She just couldn't get enough. I'd have sworn she hadn't had sex in a year, but I just knew that wasn't the case. As I worked my tongue over her clit and she sat upright and started playing with her tits and licking her nipples, I thought to myself, somewhat deliriously, 'Why me, why did she pick me?!' Ours not to reason why.
My musings about my good fortune were ended with her scream, "YESSS, YESSSS, don't stop. Fuck me. Fuck me with your tongue. YEESSS, OHHHH, YEEESSsss." Her scream faded away as she gasped for air, and her orgasm took control of her body. She arched her back and flung her head back. With one hand she started to frantically rub her nipples, while with the other she started to rub her clit. My mouth and tongue were so sore from all the oral sex that I actually wanted to stop. No doubt a once in a life time sentiment. But I kept going because it was such a turn on making this woman cum.
Spent, she collapsed on top of me, breathless for a moment.
She then started softly licking at my still hard cock, almost as a cat would lick its fur. While continuing to lick me, she turned her head and looked out the window.
"Holy shit," she exclaimed, "ol' Johnny's still going at it!!"
I looked, and sure enough, there was John and his mystery woman, going at it in a 69, both completely naked, and outside, on his back deck, in plain view anyone who cared to look!
"Fuck, that's my neighbor he's with!!" Jade added, sounding stunned, "she must have seen him jerking off, and decided to go down there and help him out. She's been awful quiet next door lately, she must have been getting desperate for a screw."
"Two lonely hearts, or is that lonely groins," I replied.
I must admit that I was turned on watching them, and clearly Jade was too. She continued licking my cock and balls, and we watched them for a couple of minutes. Roles had reversed. Now we were the voyeurs, and they were the exhibitionists. It was the first time I had ever seen anyone having sex, except in movies, and my attention was riveted on them. I watched intently as the woman's head bobbed up and down on John's cock, and I could see her two large breasts hanging down between them, like soft, fleshy pendulums. John had his face buried in her pussy, with fingers up her cunt, or ass, or both. They we clearly enjoying themselves.
Jade lifted herself up from the table, then went and opened the screen door in her kitchen, which led to a small balcony. Immediately, we could hear the woman moaning. "I love listening to people have sex, don't you," Jade said.
I've only had the opportunity to hear other people having sex a couple of times, both times when I was out of town on business and staying in a hotel, but I had to agree that yes, being able to hear John and Jade's neighbor going at it did make the voyeur experience even more exciting. Jade stood at the screen door, still totally naked for all to see, and watched John and the woman pleasing each other. I slide off the table and snuggled up behind Jade, pushing my cock between her legs, and resting my chin on her shoulder. While I stared at the events unfolding in John's backyard I reached my arms around in front of Jade, and caressed her tits with one hand, and her clit with the other.
After a couple of minutes of that Jade's pussy was dripping wet, and ready for more action. I whispered in her ear, "I need to fuck you."
"And I need you cock filling my cunt, let's go to my room."
"No," I replied, "I want them to see us. I want to fuck you outdoors, on the balcony."
"But we are on the second floor, it could be a lot more than just John and his slut that get an eyeful of us."
I could tell from the way Jade replied that she really wasn't opposing my suggestion, just teasing. "I know," I said, "the more that see us, the better. I'm a very lucky man getting to fuck a woman like you. I want the world to be jealous."
With that, she half moaned, half purred, and flung the screen door open. We tumbled out onto the balcony, making enough noise in the process to immediately draw the attention of John and his lover. They stopped what they were doing and stared up at us, and I heard the woman say to Jade, "You go girl!!"
Jade had a patio chair on the balcony with a removable cushion, so she took the cushion off, laid it on the concrete floor of her balcony, and knelt down on it. She then wiggled her sexy little ass in the air, offering it to me, and the world. I knelt behind her, and in one motion, thrust my cock into the depths of her cunt. While John and his lover switched positions, so that he could fuck her and they could both watch us at the same time, I started to fuck Jade fast and hard. I knew it was going to take a long time for me to cum, so I had the luxury of going as fast and as hard as I could, for as long as I could. While I fucked Jade, I reached around in front of her and fondled her clit.
After two or three minutes of very intense fucking, Jade started madly thrusting backwards to meet my forward thrusts. I could feel my cock reaching into the very deepest parts of her cunt. As she reached her orgasm I could feel the muscles of her cunt clench hard around my cock. If I hadn't already had two orgasms that morning, I would have exploded right then and there. But I kept right on going.
I continued fucking her after her orgasm subsided, and resumed playing with her clit. After a moment, she said in a broken voice, "In my ass, fuck me in the ass."
I was beyond asking silly questions like, 'don't you need any lubricant first?' I just pulled my cock from her cunt, and pushed it against her ass. Her hole quickly yielded to the pressure, and I sank deep into her ass.
"Ohhh yaaaa, that's it. I loovvvveee getting fucked in the ass."
Almost as soon as the words escaped her lips, we heard, "Oh John, fuck me up the ass too. I want to feel your cock up my ass." We both looked down into John's yard as the woman got on all fours and presented her ass to John. He buried his hand in her cunt for a moment, presumably to collect some of her juices as lubricant. He then rubbed his hand all over her ass and his cock. When he was ready, John slowly pushed his cock into the woman's ass. She moaned, "Yes John, yes, that's it. Put it all the way in." He quite happily obliged.
The tempo of my own fucking dropped off as I took in the scene below me, but as John began to fuck the woman in earnest, Jade pushed her ass back again my groin, urging me to fuck her harder. At Jade's continued urging, I fucked her more and more intensely, while she reached between her legs and fingered her cunt.
Incredibly, the sensations of me fucking Jade's ass while she played with her cunt we too much. I could actually feel her fingers rubbing my cock through the thin layers of tissue that separated her cunt from her ass. After a couple of minutes of this, with sweat pouring off of both of us, I thrust deep into her ass one last time, and came. It wasn't exactly explosive, but it was my third orgasm of the morning, and all things considered, it felt pretty fucking good!!
We both collapsed on the balcony, exhausted, and continued to watch John and his lover. A few minutes after we stopped, John, moaning loudly and muttering about how tight her ass felt, started to shudder. Her thrust into her, paused, and then pulled out, having fired his load deep inside her.
After that, they just lay on his deck, exhausted, and stared back at us.
After several minutes of just staring at each other like some mutual adoration society, Jade rose to her feet, stuffed her hand in her pussy, withdrew it, and then put it to her lips as if blowing John a kiss. She then took me by the hand, helped me up, and we went back into her apartment.
Jade led me to the living room, where she turned to face me. She threw her arms around my neck, gave me a huge hug and a kiss, and whispered, "That you so much. I really needed a good fuck. It had been months. When my dog first chased after you I really wasn't thinking about sex, but when I saw you down there in the street in your suit and tie, you looked so handsome, I just though, what the hell, the worst that could happen was the you would say no to my offer of a coffee and be on your way. Thanks for accepting, I don't think I've ever had such a great session of screwing in all my life. You were incredible. You really know what gets a woman off"
I just looked in her eyes, dumbfounded by her beauty and her sexual appetite. I thought for a moment, trying to come up with a really good response, but my brain really wasn't functioning anymore, so I just held her still naked body to me and whispered, "Thank you, Jade, thank you."
*To Be Continued...* | literotica |
Title: Me and My Boy Ch. 12
Tags: gay, gay male
The three of us lay on the bed naked having just fucked daisy-chain style and Paul had said he had a "proposition" for us. I was intrigued so said "Go on, what proposition?"
"How about you get some breakfast done and I tell you then, unless you're up for another go?" Paul said. He was playing with his cock which had started to harden again. It looked tempting but after having cum three times in a couple of hours there was no way I could muster up another load or even get hard. My ass could be fucked again but I figured Paul would like something in return.
"Easy there tiger. Three loads already this morning, I need to replenish. I'll get breakfast organised." Billy agreed and said he would grab a shower while I cooked. We both bounced off the bed leaving Paul slowly stroking his now rock hard cock.
While I was cooking breakfast of bacon, eggs, sausages and beans, Paul joined me in the kitchen just wearing his tight shorts that hardly contained his semi hard cock and started telling me his "proposition". Turned out, he had started his own bricklaying business a couple of years previous and it had been quite successful. He wanted to expand into the South of the country and wondered if a) I was up for investing; and/or b) I was interested in managing the new office. He already had two bricklayers working for him who were interested in moving down South. Seemed they were both originally from London but had moved up North for work and were now eager to get back, and Paul had already got the first project lined up for them.
I didn't know anything about the bricklaying trade which I told him, but Paul was more interested in me managing the office, scheduling and allocating the workload, looking after the accounts and eventually employing more staff if the new office was successful.
My job at that point had lost all interest and appeal for me so I thought "why the hell not" and said I would invest and be manager, provided we could employ Billy. I wasn't sure if Billy would be interested but at least it would get him out of the house, and by mingling with colleagues and customers, it would start to develop his interaction skills. Paul was all up for it, but added he couldn't pay Billy much due to his inexperience and age. I said that was OK, it would be a shitload more than he was getting on jobseekers allowance.
At that point Billy came into the kitchen wearing just a towel around his waist, and I served up our breakfasts. While eating we all discussed the proposition, Billy seeming a little hesitant at first but then getting enthusiastic when it became clear he would be getting paid for working as an apprentice, learning a skilled trade and working partly with me.
The rest of the weekend flew by, consisting of eating, fucking, pissing, lots of cum, and sleep. On Sunday evening Paul drove back up North, and just over a month later he was back ready to show us the new office which was only 15 minutes drive away from where we lived. We were also going to meet Dan and Alex, the two guys he had mentioned when telling us his idea.
The office itself was nothing special just a typical builders yard office - it had a couple of desks, filing cabinets, two computers, printer. There was a small yard to park the van and a separate kitchen and shower and toilet room at the far end of the yard. But the two guys were something else, both the epitome of straight builders.
Dan was in his late 20's, about 5'6", a mop of brown hair that looked like he hadn't combed it for months, blue eyes, slightly bucked teeth, but when he smiled his whole face lit up. His body looked solid with a little belly fat. He was wearing a grey t-shirt and grey loose fitting flannel shorts that hung down to his knees. When he walked over to shake my hand I could see his cock bouncing as he walked. I guessed he was going commando and the outline of his soft cock looked like he had a nice piece of meat.
Alex was in his early 30's, stood about 6', dark close cropped hair and beard, beautiful brown eyes. He was wearing a low cut white t-shirt that showed off the hair on the top of his chest and bright green hi-vis long pants. I could see the waistband of his Calvin Klein underwear peeking over the waistband of the pants. The pants gave nothing away about his package or ass but fuck me, the guy was hot.
After we had chatted for awhile and got to know each other a bit better, Dan and Alex left. We organised to meet up back at the office on monday morning so they could take Billy with them on the first project that was lined up, and start showing him the ropes.
Billy and me started quizzing Paul about the two guys - were they gay, had he fucked either or both. Paul said he had no idea about their personal lives or if they were gay, all he knew was they had shared a flat together up north, and were good at their jobs. He told us to feel free to investigate but not on company time.
"How about we christen the office before I head back up North?" Paul said, unzipping his pants and letting them fall to the floor. He was going commando too, his hard dripping cock stood straight out in front of him. I wasted no time, pulling the back of my shorts down exposing my ass, and bending over one of the desks.
"Get that hard cock in my cunt Paul. I prepared earlier and lubed up my ass so you should be able to ram it in." Billy got on the floor under me, freed his cock from his pants and started sucking on my hard cock meat and playing with my balls. Paul lined up his cock head with my hole then started rubbing my hole with his cock, teasing me, getting me hot and hornier. After a couple of minutes I yelled "Fuck me you bastard, get that fucking cock inside me and FUCK ME!" With that Paul rammed his cock all the way inside my fuck chute till his balls were nestled against my ass cheeks, then started to pound me hard, each forward thrust pushing my cock deeper into Billy's hot mouth.
"Fuck your ass is hungry, it swallowed my cock" he said. He fucked me hard and fast, banging my ass over and over for about 10 minutes. Then he rammed his cock deep inside me and started pumping his spunk into my guts. I could feel his warm seed filling my ass and dripping out of my hole where Billy caught it in his hand and proceeded to rub it over his rock hard dick.
As Paul's cock started to pull out of my ass, a large dollop of his spunk leaked out and dropped onto Billy's cock. I pulled my cock out of Billy's mouth and squatted, lining up Billy's cock with my loose gaping cunt, then sat straight down plunging his huge cock balls deep into my slick and spunked-up cunt. I rode his cock hard as he wanked my cock, until I felt his cock start to unload his cum in me, then I shot my load all over his shirt.
Afterwards as Billy and I drove home, Paul having left to go back up North, the smell of cum on Billy's shirt and my ass leaking cum into my pants, I said "You will be with Dan and Alex the most so it's up to you to find out what you can. And if they are team players, I'd prefer you not to let them into your ass when I'm not around."
"Spoil sport" he replied. "But OK, agreed. The way Dan's cock bounced around in his shorts looked like it could be a nice fuck toy to play with though."
"Well if they do bat for our side, I'm sure you will be able to get his cock in your ass, but I want to be at least watching."
"Fuck dad, that would be so hot. Me getting spit roasted by them while you're spying on us." He got his hard cock out of his pants and started wanking while I drove us home. As he started to cum, I put my hand over so he could unload his seed into my palm, then I greedily lapped it up as I drove, eagerly swallowing his hot boy juice.
It was less than a week later, late in the day when the three of them returned to the office after finishing up. Billy almost ran into the office from the car while the other two headed for shower room. "Bingo" he said as he ran inside the office. I raised a quizzical eyebrow at him and asked him to explain.
It seemed he had been teasing both guys all week, getting his cock hard while working or pulling his shorts low on his hips and showing off his ass crack as he was bending down or squatting on his heels. On this day, he had gone commando in his cut-off denim shorts so when he got hard, his cock poked out the bottom. He'd seen both guys glancing at his cock, not saying anything but smirking at each other. Dan's cock had tented his work shorts quite openly, and Alex's bulge was clearly bigger in his hi-vis pants.
"Dad, Dan is packing a huge cock. When we drove back all of us sat on the front bench seat of the van with me in the middle. Dan's cock was standing straight up tenting his shorts up so I could see his low hanging balls. I couldn't resist. I put my hand up the leg of his shorts and held his cock. It is fucking HUGE and thick. It was hot and throbbing. My cock was hard and sticking out the leg of my shorts, and Alex started fingering it just under the head where it's most sensitive. I almost shot my load but then we got back here. I wanna go join them in the shower room." He was fairly bursting with excitement.
"Go go. Leave the door open so I can watch though." I kissed him and shoved him out the door with a slap on his bum.
I watched as he walked to the shower room, stopping outside the door and looking inside, then looking back over his shoulder at me he dropped his pants and entered the room. I gave them a few minutes to get things started then quietly walked over to the doorway. Billy had left the door partly open so I could get a good view of what was going on. He was naked on his back on some towels on the floor, with his legs being held high and wide in the air by Dan. Alex was naked and reverse straddled across Billy's body so his hairy ass was in Billy's face. Billy had parted Alex's firm looking ass cheeks and was licking the pert little brown rosebud of a hole, occasionally pushing his tongue inside Alex. I could just make out Alex's hard cock pressed between them - it looked thick and fat but not very long. But when I turned my attention to Dan I was stunned.
Billy was right - Dan's cock was enormous! Hard, thick, cut with low hanging balls and neatly trimmed pubes - he must have been easily 9" or more. There was a slight upward curve to his cock and it was wet from spit or precum or both. His body was hairless and he had a little tummy fat, but fuck me he was hot. Lucky Billy boy I thought - he is gonna get impaled on that huge cock.
"You're a fucking tease aren't you Billy" Dan said. "Teasing us all week, showing us your ass crack and staring at our cocks. You've been dying for this cock up your pussy haven't you? Hope you've been fucked before boy 'cos I ain't gonna be gentle, you fucking slut."
With that I watched as Dan positioned his enormous cut cock head at Billy's hole then push forward sinking his cock balls deep into Billy's cunt in one go. He didn't stop to give Billy a chance to get used to the massive piece of hard cock meat inside his ass, but started power fucking my boy straight away. He fucked Billy so hard, I could hear his balls slapping against Billy's ass with each thrust.
Alex repositioned himself and shoved his hard uncut cock into Billy's mouth and started fucking his face as Dan continued to bang Billy's ass. I knew my boy - he would be over the fucking moon being dicked at both ends. My cock was hard and leaking into my pants, getting them soaked from inside. It was hard for me to watch my boy getting spit roasted by two virtual strangers but I wasn't going to stop his fun. I loved him and wanted him to be happy and if that meant random cock, so be it. He was young and needed to experience lots of cock and ass fucking.
Alex was first to cum shoving his cock deep into Billy's mouth and unloading his balls. As he finished and pulled his cock out of Billy's mouth, a bubble of cum gathered at his piss slit which Billy eagerly licked up. Just then Dan yelled "I'm gonna cum slut, am gonna fill your cock hungry pussy with my jizz. FUCK, FUCK ... take it you slut!" He rammed his cock inside Billy and stopped pounding. I could see his balls pumping the jizz into my boy's fuck chute for what seemed a long time, I'm guessing 7 or 8 huge squirts of juice going into my boy's ass.
After a few minutes Dan started to pull his cock out of Billy's cunt. It was so fucking hot watching that huge piece of cock meat slowly come out of Billy's ass covered in cum and ass juices. Dan stood up, turned towards me in the doorway, and said "Hope you enjoyed watching us fuck your boy, boss man. You wanna get over here and clean my cock?" | literotica |
Title: Mile High Club by Nar
Tags: Anal, Bondage, Gay, M/M
"Mile High Club" ( c ) 2006 By Narilva Greymantle
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Nar softly whined as he adjusted the pack on his shoulder, making his way towards his seat, 24B aisle in the cramped plane. His hard silver laptop case bumped into one of the chairs, making his shoulder wrench back at an uncomfortable angle. He sighed as he finally reached his seat and let his heavy case drop from his shoulder against the chair. At about than 130 pounds and a couple inches shy of 6 feet, he was quite a thin wolf and if not for his bright white fur, easily ignorable. Even his eyes didn't call attention. He adjusted the collar of his tight gray collared shirt, the sleeves rolled up to the middle of his upper arms and the top button undone and sat down in his seat, opening his case and pulling out his laptop before he shoved the much lighter case into the overhead bin. He sighed as he watched the other passengers get on board, a flurry of fur, scales and skin before he plugged in his headphones and opened the laptop computer, turning it on. The other passengers shuffled aboard silently as the wolf turned on his music, drowning out their footsteps and the screams of their children. His eye idly wandered the crowd before a flash of metal caught his eye. He followed the flash, but wherever it was coming from disappeared on the other side of the plane. He shrugged and looked back towards his screen, idly playing with a puzzle game as he waited.
After about twenty minutes or so, the stewardesses were demonstrating the rules of flight, the lights and alarms and what to do in an emergency. The wolf looked up momentarily before he ignored them. He had heard it before and knew that all they were trying to do was to get the passengers to not panic. He shivered. He hated flying. It was so claustrophobic and the slightest tremble would make his stomach turn, imaging the worst of every situation. He turned his attention back to his screen as he played the puzzle out on his screen, trying to match up colored balls as they spun around in a circle for the next hour or so. Soon he could see the fasten seatbelts sign had gone off and the captain was making an announcement from the cockpit. He looked out the window. The sun had set hours ago and nothing but clouds and darkness met his gaze. He smiled slightly. At least he wouldn't get sick if he couldn't see anything. The wolf took a breath and adjusted his peripheral vision to look at himself in the reflection from the window. Suddenly his breath stopped in his chest as he caught the gaze of the most brilliant blue eyes he had ever seen. Directly across from him on the other side of the cabin was a black skinned dragon with red tribal marks across his face and neck meeting a brilliant mane of red hair that ran down to his shoulders and disappeared in a skin tight black shirt hidden beneath a leather jacket, his wings folded neatly behind him to form a soft homemade pillow and his tail draped out of the corner of the chair and wrapped around the back of his chair. The dragon's eyes were locked on the little wolf as he calmly closed his laptop and opened the overhead bin, fishing out his case and quickly packing up his computer and making his way for the bathrooms, his heart racing as he tried to find an unoccupied stall. He quickly opened the door and stepped inside, shutting the door behind him and leaning against it.
He was scared and excited. He could feel that the dragon didn't mean him any harm, he just had an intensity in his eyes and in his stare that made him and wanted. He liked it when people flirted with him and admired him, it made him feel special. But the glare of this dragon was just too much. It was so passionate, so wanting...
His thoughts were interrupted when he was shoved forward onto the lidded toilet by the door behind him. Before he could regain his balance in the cramped space, his field of view was filled by his antagonist, the black and red dragon. He quickly tried to scamper into the corner, furthest away from the dragon, but found just how small the bathroom really was. The dragon smiled warmly, the look on his lips belying the fire in his eyes as he spoke to the terrified wolf.
"Don't worry pup, I'm not going to hurt you." He said, his voice melodic and consuming to the wolf's ears.
Nar looked up fearfully as he began to relax, sitting down on the seat of the toilet. "W-what do you want then?"
The dragon cocked his head then chuckled. "What do you think I want? I know you felt me staring at you tonight."
Nar smiled nervously then his eyes caught sight of a silver chain hanging around the dragon's neck, a fair sized dragon pendent hanging there. That must have been that glint I saw. He thought to himself.
"But why do you want me?" Nar asked.
The dragon grinned wide and licked his lips. "I have a weakness for wolves." He whispered as he leaned forward and began to lick the little wolf's neck. Nar gasped and leaned backward, slightly moving out of the dragon's reach. The dragon stopped his advances and immediately backed off.
"I-I'm sorry. I'll leave if you want me to..." The dragon stuttered, suddenly feeling very out of place and awkward. The wolf giggled a little at the sudden change. A minute ago he was a mysterious undeniable force to be reckoned with, now he was an apologizing gentleman, intent on making things right. Nar smiled and stood up, pressing his body close to the dragon's and moving a paw down to his pants to feel his already rock hard erection. There was no mistake that this strange dragon was alluring and sexy. Nar could bearly stop his paws from moving down to the dragon's zipper.
"Why would I want that?" He said lowly. The dragon grinned wide and leaned forward, locking himself in a deep, passionate kiss with the wolf, pushing him backwards onto the plastic sink counter into a seated position.
Nar yelped softly into the kiss as the dragon took the lead, his claws moving down the back of Nar's shirt and hooking into his belt and jeans. The white wolf whimpered as the strange dragon slipped a paw around the base of his tail and tugged slightly as his other claw moved to the front of the wolf's pants as he quickly stripped his chosen mount for the evening, letting his pants fall to the floor of the already cramped space. The wolf gasped as his slowly hardening wolfhood began to poke at the bottom of his shirt as the dragon dropped his own blue jeans around his ankles, exposing his bobbing and dripping shaft to the eyes of the surprised wolf. Nar panted softly in lust as he breathed in the heady scent of the mysterious dragon as his paws moved down to remove the big male's shirt.
Within minutes both lovers had stripped down to scales and fur as Nar began to stroke his paws over the pulsating length of the dragon hunched over him. The dragon growled in the wolf's ear, making him shiver in delightful fear. Nar's nervousness had been washed away in a wave of lust and mystery. He didn't know anything about the dragon standing naked before him except the size of his maleness, but it turned him on in ways he couldn't seem to reconcile. Nar smiled as he felt hot puffs of breath in his ear.
"Mmmm...such a sexy little wolf. Tell me wolf, what do you like?" He whispered softly as he put both hands on the mirror mounted behind Nar to steady himself.
Nar parted his legs and wrapped them around the waist of his soon to be dom, locking him close to his prize as the wolf's tail moved out of the way. "Everything."
"Then little bitch..." The dragon whispered as he gripped the wolf's jaw. "open up your tail hole for me to fuck."
Nar felt a spasm pass through his spine at those words as he lowered his ears flat onto his head. This dragon knew unquestionably who was dominant in this short relationship as they both prepared to join the Mile High Club. Nar leaned backward on the sink, pressing his furry back onto the cold mirror as the dragon humped forward, spearing the wolf on his thick 8 inch length. Nar yelped softly, trying to quiet himself, but knowing he wasn't fully able to be silent when being mounted. The dragon slowly hilted himself in the tight male hole beneath him and looked his partner in the eyes. Nar whimpered, somewhat loudly before the dragon moved his paw up to the wolf's muzzle and covered his lips with his claws. Nar whined louder, his cried being silenced by the dragon's hand as he began to pull out of the wolf's hot, tight ass and push back in. Nar moaned deeply as the pain sliced through his rear, the pleasure he so craved riding the edges of the sting. He relaxed himself to make way for the thick intruder shoved up his ass as his own leaking cock slapped against his belly.
The dragon, sensing that he was in full control now and knowing the wolf would make no further hassles, began to roughly and quickly hump up into the trapped wolf, silencing his cries with his paw as his other began to quickly paw on the little wolf's knot. Nar whimpered again as the dragon began to motor into his body, shoving himself as deeply inside as he could before pulling as far out as he could without smashing his rump into the door. Nar quickly opened his legs wide to expose his hole without impairing the dragon's ability to pull out as he closed his eyes as he was fucked, licking the dragons hand and concentrating as the thick, unlubed shaft began to steadily pound into his rear and plow through his molten insides. He hadn't been mated like this in ages, much less in such an unusual place. The dragon's eyes were aflame with pleasure as he pounded inside his little female, his hips a blur of scales slamming into the snow white wolf's ass, making the entire sink tremble with his efforts as he whispered dirty things into the wolf's ear.
"You like this don't you little slut?" He panted out as he shoved deep inside the canine. "Tell me you love it. Beg for it."
"Oohhh god I do..." Nar whispered back, his voice muffled behind the paw of the big dragon. "I want more. I...ohhhh...want you to fuck me harder..."
The dragon grinned wide and licked his lips. "Tighten yourself NOW little bitch. You're getting too loose from being such a little slutpuppy."
Nar whimpered loudly and immediately tried to tighten the hold his insides had around the throbbing and dripping cockmeat of the rapidly humping dragon, trying his best to satisfy his dominant male. Nar yelped as the dragon's tip found his prostate and almost screamed in ecstasy if not for the silencing dragon's hand. The dragon's other paw went to work on the wolf's neglected shaft, stroking and tugging on it in time to the dragon's wild thrusts into the tight orifice below him. Nar yelped again as he felt the dragon lean over his body and whisper into his ear, his panting breaking up his sentences.
"Wolf...I'm going to...pant....gag that ok?" He gasped. Nar opened his eyes and nodded yes as the dragon removed his hand, licking away the wolf's saliva from it as he reached down to the pile of clothes and pulled out a small handkerchief from his pant's pocket, wrapping it around the wolf's head and sealing his muzzle as he moved both paws to the wolf's hips and snickered, licking the gagged wolf's lips before he shoved himself roughly inside again, splitting open the tight wolf as he began to really mate the wolf, slamming inside him so hard that he thought he might bruise his legs. Nar howled into the gag as he felt his insides fully opening to the dragon's rampaging shaft as he gripped the sides of the sink. The dragon began to softly moan as his shaft twitched inside the hot wolf before he leaned forward and locked his jaws around the wolf's shoulder in a mating hold. Nar meeped and went completely still from the waist up as the dragon began to finalize his mating, slipping into and out of the tight wolf with everything he had, fucking his little bitch like he would any female in heat. Nar moaned even louder, his voice easily coming through the gag and echoing slightly in the tiny space as he felt the dragon slam into his sensitive prostate for the last time as he came, his seed spraying all over his chest and the mirror behind him as his insides began to flutter around the now desperately fucking dragon. The big male began to shudder and moan into the wolf's fur before he slammed himself home into the small wolf one last time as he came, filling the wolf's intestines with hot sticky dragoncum. Nar's writhed slightly as he felt the warm flood inside him, whimpering desperately as he rode out his orgasm to the end. The nameless dragon before him panted heavily before he released the wolf's soaked shoulder and simply leaned against the wall to rest. Nar grinned wide and pulled off his own gag so he could lick the drops of sweat from his lover's face.
"What's your name anyways sweet wolf?" The dragon said softly as his "female" licked away his perspiration.
"You can call me Nar." He panted out between licks. "And yours?"
"You can call me Wraith." The dragon said with a smile.
"Pleasure to meet you." Nar said, giggling slightly.
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(First story in a while, I know. You all thought I was dead huh?  Anyways, wrote this for my mate Wraith. More story goodness coming soon.)
(Oh, and I never really edited this, so it's in a really raw form right now. I may update if I become unlazy)
\~Nar | FSE |
Title: 3: Scars Remain Ch. 03
Tags: luke, kaylee, ptsd
**V -- Beauty And The Beast**
Frustration had been building up in Kaylee for the last several weeks. The unusually grey skies and relentless rain over Northern California seemed to make her temperament even worse.
Of course it didn't help that, despite helping Luke take baby steps in his journey towards recovery, he still refused to get help. It wasn't until a serious no-holds-barred argument that she made it crystal clear to Luke that she wasn't about to back down. She had never torn into Luke with as much ferocity as she did when it came to getting him back to the counselor, and it was enough to begrudgingly convince him to go.
"Promise me," she said, brushing her bangs out of her face, pacing back and forth in her apartment refusing to take her eyes off of Luke. Arguing with him had built up quite a sweat.
Luke glared at her. He wasn't happy. "Don't push it," he snapped back. "I said I would go, period."
"*Promise*," she exclaimed forcefully, refusing to back down. She'd stand toe-to-toe with him if she had to.
Luke sighed angrily. He gave in, just to avoid arguing. "Ok, fine. Promise."
At first Kaylee was thrilled, but there was something on Luke's face that stunted her excitement. He seemed reluctant, or maybe it was uncertainty. Luke was never uncertain.
It occurred to her that she might have pushed him too hard in an effort to get her way, even if her way was the right way and more importantly the most beneficial for Luke. He needed to get help, but she worried she may have browbeat him harder than she needed to.
Luke abruptly turned away from her. "I'm gonna go lift. Need to work on my shoulder," he said, briskly walking down the hall to her exercise room. He wasn't exactly sulking, but he looked tired, as if he was ready to throw the towel in not just on their argument but on everything. Which was very uncharacteristic of him.
She couldn't help but feel bad. She scampered after him, placing a hand on his shoulder, gently turning him to face her. "Wait up, cowboy!"
Before he knew what was happening, she caressed his face and planted her lips on his. The kiss was electric. She knew it was for Luke because of the surprised look in his eyes; for her, it was simply because it was always electric whenever they kissed.
"I'm sorry," she pouted in her best baby voice. She knew he couldn't resist her, especially when she talked like that, but the truth was she wasn't stringing him along. She was serious, and her apology was serious. Wrapping her arms around a stunned Luke, she kissed his chest and nuzzled against him. Kaylee practically purred when she felt Luke stroke her head, lightly running his fingers through her hair.
With her eyes closed, enjoying the physical touch from Luke's fingers, she sighed, "I shouldn't have been so hard on you. It's just that... well, I want to protect you, too. The same way you've *always* protected me. Let me do that, please?"
"I guess it's only fair," Luke said, trying not to let her see a small upward curve of his lip. "Do you want to go see a movie? I guess I can work out later," he asked her.
Kaylee squeezed him even tighter. He was always thinking about her, and she loved that. "I'd love to! I just want to be with you right now, wherever that might take me."
"*Slow down, Luke!* We're not even late," Kaylee screamed, reaching for the dashboard after being thrown back against her seat, clearly startled as Luke gunned it down the freeway ramp.
That brat! It was intentional, too; he deliberately slowed to five miles per hour at the base of the ramp before slamming the accelerator and throwing it into third, fifth, and then sixth gear within mere seconds.
Clutching his leg, she bit her lip and said, "You know I hate it when you do that."
"It's not like we're going to go back in time; this model came without the flux capacitor. Besides, I'm not speeding. I just got to seventy-five real fast. That's our legal interstate speed limit," he said calmly as the screaming Challenger soared. "Ok, so maybe I'm five or ten over. That doesn't change the fact that you *love* it when I do that; we both know it turns you on, baby!"
Kaylee tried to stifle a giggle; there was no way she'd let Luke know he was right. "'Turns me on, baby'? What happened to the shy boy when we first started dating our senior year, the one who wouldn't dream it was possible to say something like that, let alone recklessly break the speed limit?"
Luke shrugged, "Don't know. I guess I've changed a lot. Do you miss him?"
Kaylee thought for a moment before smiling, "Yes... but no. It's like your mom always says, 'God made you to be you, so don't be anyone else', and I think she's right. You'll always be you, even if some of your habits have changed, and even if your confidence has grown. I don't care if you drive fast today or slow tomorrow, you're still the man I love. The one thing I ask you don't change is your love for me, Luke Patton."
Luke glanced over as if she was crazy. "Impossible. I never could do that," he said bluntly, as if it was a hard and fast fact that she should have known.
Of course, she already knew that, but she liked hearing it anyway.
"Wait, where are you going," Kaylee asked, looking out the window at the exit Luke passed. "You just missed our exit."
"We're going to a different movie theater," he said.
Perplexed, Kaylee tried to read his face in an attempt to figure out his angle. Luke simply smiled; they both knew he had her on her toes.
Several minutes later, Luke pulled in to a drive-in theater.
"I didn't even know we *had* a drive-in! How long as this been here?"
"A while, as far as I know," Luke replied.
"Well, you're lucky it stopped raining this morning. So, why a drive-in, Mr. Patton," Kaylee asked with a raised eyebrow and a seductive look in her eyes. "Does someone have dishonorable intentions?"
A devious smile appeared on Luke's face, "If you make me watch one more chick flick, I figured maybe I could turn it into a positive thing. Did you notice the blankets in the back seat?"
Kaylee's eyes grew wide and her jaw dropped. She turned around to look in the back seat, but nothing was back there. She hit Luke's shoulder. "You tease! Don't you dare lie to me again! Especially about that. You already know how I feel..."
Luke laughed, "Sorry. That doesn't mean I won't slide the seat back and put you on my lap."
"Mmm, I like that," Kaylee moaned.
Luke parked the car and opened his door. "I'm going to hit the concession stand. You want anything?"
"I'm not sure. I'll go with you; it will give me a chance to stretch my legs. I thought my muscles were going to seize up on me the way you hit the ramp," she said, getting out of the car.
Taking Luke's hand in hers, she said, "This place is kind of old, but it's nice. I didn't think these things still existed. I'm also surprised how many people are here." Kaylee took note of all the other people at the drive-in, most of which were teenagers or young twenty-something's. Over half of the lot was full and several more vehicles were still trickling in. Even the concession stand line was surprisingly long.
Kaylee blushed, "You're sneaky and conniving, Luke Patton, but I'm kind of looking forward to our... um, to when the movie starts."
Luke snickered, "Me too. I love you, Kaylee Reed."
Her heart fluttered. It wasn't often she got the big 'I love you' from Luke, so she treasured each and every time he said it. If she had a way to record those three little words, she'd play them over and over every minute of every day.
Leaning in towards Luke, she kissed his cheek.
Kaylee fully intended on confessing her love for him in return, thinking of the best way to deliver 'I love you, too' back. But before she could, a thunderous *BOOM* went up as one of the cars driving past them backfired.
Luke jumped, but immediately tugged Kaylee's hand and pulled her downwards, covering her body with his as he crouched down low. He wrapped both arms around her tightly in a protective bear hug.
*Holy shit!*
Kaylee thought fearfully, *Not again! This can't be happening!!*
He yelled at Kaylee, "Stay down!"
Kaylee could hear him grunting through rapid short breaths. She tried loosening herself in his arms despite his iron grip, barely managing to twist her body so she could face him. His eyes were squinting tightly and his jaw was clenched; his entire body was shaking but he held his position firm, protecting Kaylee. He was reaching for something, desperately grabbing for something that wasn't there -- she guessed he thought he was reaching for his sidearm.
She could feel the eyes of everyone in line upon them. A couple of guys were even laughing.
Embarrassment wasn't even a consideration for Kaylee; it never even occurred to her. The old Kaylee would have died from humiliation, but since she met Luke, he impacted her life so much that anyone staring and laughing -- specifically at *her* -- didn't bother her.
What bothered her was the staring and laughing at Luke; her face grew red with explosive anger. It took all she had to ignore them and instead focus on Luke, who needed her badly.
"Luke, it's ok," she wheezed out calmly, trying to breathe, his strong arms still wrapped tightly around her. He relaxed his grip just enough for her to raise her hand and gently place it on his cheek. "Look at me, Luke," she whispered, breathing a little easier.
It felt like she was trying to tame a wild beast. She didn't know if she could do it, but she would stop at nothing to get him to snap out of it and bring him back to reality. Luke began to shake harder, and started to stand up frantically. An intense rage lit up his eyes in a way that Kaylee had never seen before; he let loose a guttural growl, almost as if he was possessed.
Moving in closer, her nose within inches of his, Kaylee desperately placed both of her hands on his face and raised her voice just enough to get his attention, "Luke, Luke, Luke! Look at me, baby."
Luke dropped back down to his knees, still shaking and confused. He momentarily glanced at Kaylee; it was as if he didn't recognize her.
One of the onlookers laughed, "What the fuck is his problem?"
"Holy shit, are you seeing this," another chuckled, filming the unfolding event with his camera.
Grinding his teeth, Luke tried to look around but Kaylee held his head in her hands, gently but firmly, refusing to let him look away from her gaze. As terrified as she was inside, she knew she had to be strong. Tears formed in the corner of her eyes as she witnessed the hurtful words fall upon her boyfriend's ears, watching the one she loved more than life itself suffering from invisible demons.
As calmly as she could, she cooed, "Luke, look at me; no one else. Stay with me baby. Stay with me... I'm right here. You're angel is here... remember me? Your radiant angel? Stay with me, please..."
Putting her acting skills to the test she tried to remain calm for Luke, although in reality she was terrified. For him. She blinked rapidly, trying to make her tears go away. It took everything she had to put her worry aside, not to mention her rage towards the few onlookers laughing at Luke.
All she could do was pray he would forget the environment around him, and bring him back to her. The amount of pain Luke was in made Kaylee want to curl up on the ground and bawl until she was out of tears, but she knew she had to be strong for him.
After all, he had always been so, so incredibly strong for her. Tremendously strong. It was the least she could do for her cowboy.
His head didn't move, but his eyes were darting all around him, gradually beginning to center. Kaylee didn't back down; she held him until his eyes found hers.
The beast was starting to leave him; her Luke was returning. As his awareness came back, a look of embarrassment and shame crossed his face. It broke Kaylee's heart. "You have nothing to be ashamed about," she whispered to him, kissing his lips.
Luke's eyes were watering. He cast his eyes downward. Kaylee gently took his chin and raised his head. "You're a hero, Luke. Even before you went overseas, you were always my hero. I mean it; you have *absolutely* nothing to be ashamed about."
She wouldn't let him avoid the issue. "Luke, I love you, and that's all that matters to me. Do you love me, too?"
After a brief pause, Luke nodded his head in acknowledgement. She wasn't sure if he believed her, but she still smiled through her tears as she witnessed his confidence returning little by little. The emotions coursing through her was intense, but she knew it wasn't a fraction of what Luke was feeling.
"Of course I love you. I... I'm sor..."
Kaylee cut him off, "Luke, you do *not* need to apologize for that. There is nothing to apologize for."
Again, Luke reluctantly nodded, but she knew he was hurt.
"We're working through it. You'll get better in no time. And I'll be by your side, the entire way."
Kaylee stood up, coaxing Luke to do the same. She threw her arms around him one last time. "We can go home if you like; we don't have to stay for the movie."
Luke shook his head, quietly whispering to her, "We can stay." Despite his embarrassment and reluctance, he was willing to stay. Kaylee marveled at his strength, but she wasn't so sure that staying was a good idea. She regretted even giving him a choice.
While she wanted to believe the two of them were swept away into a fantasy world where only the two of them resided on planet Earth at this exact moment in time, the truth was Kaylee could still sense the camera filming the two of them, and she could tell in his skittish eyes that Luke knew it was there, too.
"Can you go wait for me in the car, baby," she asked him, trying not to sound agitated. "Don't turn around; just look for the Challenger and keep walking towards it. Just trust me that I'll be right there. I'm right behind you."
With a deep breath Luke ran his fingers through his hair, nodding as he turned to leave. Kaylee impatiently waited as long as she could, watching him walk away as a mother might watch her children on the way to the school bus.
She could only hope he was just outside of earshot. Quickly wiping away a few tears, her peaceful, loving face dramatically turned into a snarl.
Kaylee turned around.
It was time to unleash.
Staring down every one of them, she screamed, "*What the fuck is WRONG with you people*?" Before she realized it, she lurched forward, snatched the camera out of one of the bastard's hand, and threw it on the ground as hard as she could.
"HEY," he shouted angrily, dumbfounded at what had just happened.
Kaylee swiftly struck with her knee right between his legs and shoved him backwards as hard as she could; he dropped like a rock and bellowed out a high-pitched scream. His two friends were no longer laughing; they stared at her with wide-open eyes, completely in disbelief. All color in their faces had drained away.
She could tell they weren't expecting that, and they weren't sure how to handle her. One of them hollered, "You crazy bitch! What the hell?" They both backed up as she stepped forward; they were pissed off but unwilling to provoke her further, risking the same fate as their buddy who laid on the ground in sheer agony.
Kaylee stomped on the camera with her heel, digging it into the ground, releasing all of her tension and anger. She reached down to grab the broken camera, pulling out the flash card out just in case it had somehow survived. Surprisingly, it did look intact. Maybe she hadn't done a good enough job smashing the camera after all. Kaylee would fix that problem -- she spiked it on the ground as hard as she could.
"Crazy? You haven't begun to see me crazy," she yelled, "but if you ever, *EVER* laugh at my boyfriend again -- a war hero, by the way, who provided you three pathetic assholes the freedom to act like the losers you are -- then you'll see me *fucking* *PSYCHOTIC.*"
Kaylee stomped off with her nose in the air. She turned around once more, pausing to look at the three thugs one last time. She pointed her finger at them as if it was loaded with bullets, almost daring them to challenge her. They didn't say a word. In fact, she could hear all of the other onlookers snickering at them. She at least felt a little better.
Spinning around so quickly her hair whipped across her face, Kaylee walked off, carefully brushing her golden locks to the side. Kaylee never had an adrenaline spike of that magnitude; she felt like crying for Luke and smiling for putting those losers in their place, all at the same time. Most of all, she wanted to run to Luke and make sure he was ok, but she wanted him to see the calm side of her so she restrained her pace to a brisk walk.
"You're shaking, hon," Luke told her, leaning against his Challenger. It was ironic; considering what had just happened he was calmer than he should have been, and yet she was the one that felt like steam was rapidly escaping out of every pore in her body. Then again, she knew he was always calm whenever she was riled up.
He held his arms out to her, wide-open and inviting. She instinctively collapsed into them but not before noticing a silly grin on his face. Rolling her eyes, somewhat embarrassed, she sighed, "You heard that, didn't you. I thought I told you to wait in the car."
Luke gave her a week smile, sarcastically telling her, "Well, gosh, I was going to, but I couldn't seem to open the door with these clumsy paws of mine. Besides I just would have torn up the interior with my spiked collar and sharp teeth."
"You know what I mean," she pouted, closing her eyes. It felt wonderful in his arms; she wrapped hers around him in return.
For a few moments, Luke simply held her in his arms. He wasn't smiling anymore. "Kaylee," he said quietly, "what's wrong with me?"
She squeezed him tighter, "Nothing is wrong with you, baby."
"Kaylee," he murmured, "you know that's not true. There's a lot wrong with me. I'm broken. We both know that."
Kaylee sniffed, unsure what to say. She didn't want to demoralize him, but she couldn't pretend nothing happened. She told him, "You just saw some bad things. You went through a lot. It won't be like this forever; I swear! I'll be with you, and we'll get you through this."
Luke nodded, but she wasn't sure that he was convinced.
He told her, "What you did for me was simply amazing. I can't explain it any other way. I don't know what I would do without you; you've always been there for me. You're a precious gift from God, you really are. My heart aches for anyone like me that doesn't have someone like you. Thank you." He squeezed her even tighter, lightly kissing her forehead. "*Thank you,"* he whispered, reemphasizing his heartfelt gratitude.
Her face lit up, "There's no need to thank me, baby. There will always be idiots like that, just like we dealt with in high school. Don't let them get to you. Let's see where they are at in ten years; if they're not buying and selling drugs, then they'll be fighting each other to leave the grill so they can get promoted to cash register at the corner burger joint."
Luke gave her a weak smile, "People can change, Kaylee. Maybe they'll grow up."
"Maybe, but they'll never be a hero like you."
He tensed up. Luke told her, "I'm not a hero, Kaylee; I've told you that."
"You don't get to decide," she told him flatly. "True heroes never decide that they're a hero. Other people decide when the evidence is clear. Just because you've tried your hardest to keep a low profile doesn't mean anyone forgot what you went through."
Luke was about to say something, but Kaylee countered, "Don't argue with me. We'll get through this. I'm just so glad you're going to go to counseling again and that you're letting me help you."
Luke sighed, "Don't remind me. I love you, Kaylee." Luke opened the car door with one hand and sat down, sliding the seat back, holding Kaylee's hand the entire time. Kaylee giggled as Luke roughly dragged her down onto his lap. "Movie's about to start, angel."
Kaylee gasped, "Why Luke, if I didn't know any better, I would have thought you pulled me down on the Challenger's stick shift. Tell me, kind sir, what am I sitting on?" She batted her eyes at Luke, trying to break down his barriers.
With a groan of frustration, Luke kissed her cheek and said, "When I get a ring on your finger, you'll find out."
Her heart stopped. Or, at least it felt like it did. Just when she thought Luke couldn't surprise her anymore... *BAM!*
Turning around towards the movie screen with wide-open doe eyes, she replayed that sentence over and over in her head. *When I get a ring on your finger... when I get a ring on your finger...*
She bit her lip and sunk into his chest, praying for the movie to start as soon as possible. She seriously needed a distraction from reality.
**VI -- Shattered**
Kaylee was thrilled Luke was finally going to counseling. Not that it would solve all of his problems overnight, she knew, but at least he could learn how to deal with his emotions and safely process everything that had happened to him. It was a start. After several weeks, Kaylee was comfortable enough with Luke's progress that she decided to enroll back in school after what she called her "Luke Break" -- implying she wasn't going to school because she wanted-slash-needed time to spend with him. He wasn't as amused with the term as she was.
Psyche 101 was particularly eye opening. As the professor mentioned PTSD during one of his lectures, better known as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, she sat straight up in her chair. Unpredictable outbursts, inability to process stress, uncontrolled anger... it was as if the professor was describing Luke! Kaylee had already known something was going on with Luke, but now that she had a name for it, she felt hopeful. The scope of what Luke was really facing finally sunk in. She knew it wasn't his fault, but now she could justify it! Ever the impatient one, Kaylee was half-tempted to bolt from class right then and there so she could begin her own research.
Luke never talked about his deployments; she learned that was also a hallmark trait of PTSD. She tried working up the courage to ask several times, but she always chickened out at the last minute. No matter her intentions, there was a fine line between giving him genuine help and potentially setting off a powder keg. She even remembered reading how you can't help someone until they are ready to be helped. Her instinct told her to leave it alone; Luke would come to her if and when he wanted to talk about it, and she would be ready.
She wasn't always good at going with her instincts.
"So," Kaylee asked over the high volume of the movie on her 50 inch LCD television, "what was it like over there?"
It didn't even sound right as the words came out of her mouth. She immediately winced with regret. Leaning back into Luke's arms, she nestled herself against him and reached one hand back to stroke his head, as if to let him know she was there for him; after all, she only wanted the best for him.
Still, she honestly wasn't sure why she asked. It was a nagging question that popped into her head a few days ago, one that seemed to have come from nowhere. She suspected it was because of her uncontrollable impulse to do anything it took to help Luke -- granted it was an impulse that got her into trouble more than once.
"What do you mean," Luke asked with a little surprise in his voice, perhaps at the random timing of the question.
Kaylee backpedalled, deliberately pausing before replying, "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I was just curious."
She could feel Luke tensing up behind her. He grabbed the remote control and turned the volume down, understanding she wanted a serious conversation.
"Well, I think I told you the basics. There was practically nothing but the color brown out there. Brown sand, brown dirt, brown trees, brown mountains. But, in a way it was kind of nice because all I had to worry about was eating, sleeping, flying, and working out."
She chuckled, "Every man's dream."
"Yes," he answered, somewhat melancholy, "Although it could never be a complete dream without you in it."
The glow on her face lit up the room despite the dark movie-theater atmosphere; she beamed from ear to ear. "Awww!"
Kaylee thought for a moment. She asked, "Do you miss it? I mean, the Air Force, the flying?"
Luke thought about it before nodding, "I do. There was nothing in the world quite like flying. Thousands of feet above the earth, slicing through the clouds, admiring the world below.
"Still, I'm glad I'm on terminal leave. It's given me time to think, and most of all time to be with you."
"Is it wrong that I'm ecstatic that you've been... forced out of the Air Force?"
Looking up, she saw a sparkle in his eye while clearly reflecting on his time served. He told her, "No, of course it's not. I completely understand why you feel that way. I'll miss it, believe it or not; my career was over just as quickly as it began."
"Do you think you'll go back to college, maybe do something with computers? You were always good at that. You know I just started back up; there's probably still time for you to enroll if you want. Maybe we could even take some classes together..." Kaylee forced herself to stop. "I'm rambling again, aren't I?"
Luke smiled, "It's ok; the longer you talk, the longer I get to avoid your deep thought-provoking questions."
He turned serious for a moment. "College... I don't know. I should, I'm just not feeling it right now, and not sure if I want to get back into computers. As for the rest of my time out in the desert, I was fortunate enough to work with some great guys and girls. When I first arrived, everything was fine. But when the big operations started, it got bloody, even before the crash. After I went down..."
It hit Luke hard after that. It was evident to Kaylee that he didn't want to finish talking. "That's ok," she said, trying to defuse the situation. "The important thing is you're safe now, with me."
Luke didn't say anything. He stood up, carefully moving Kaylee off of his lap, and went into the kitchen.
Kaylee just sat there, nervous and wide-eyed. Something wasn't right; it was like Luke flipped some kind of switch. But it was subtle. She tried to think of what else she could say to him. Quietly she stood up from the couch and peered her head around the corner to check on Luke.
He had taken a glass out of the cabinet and held it under the faucet, his back towards her. As she took a closer look, Kaylee could tell his hand was shaking so badly he couldn't fill it more than halfway before the water began to splash out. He set the glass down and took a deep breath.
He tried a second time. The same thing happened again. He just couldn't seem to keep his hand steady enough.
What happened next was unlike anything Kaylee had ever seen in her life.
Luke bellowed out a growl that couldn't possibly have been human, grasping the glass and throwing it across the room as hard as he could. It shattered against the wall as hundreds if not thousands of tiny glass shards and water droplets exploded in all directions. Luke stormed into the dining room, grabbing the solid wooden table and, with one quick motion, violently overturning it.
Kaylee was terrified; she had never seen anger manifest like this in anyone; the last person in the world she expected this from was her calm and mild-mannered Luke Patton.
But the worst part was that she was absolutely petrified of Luke. As much as she wanted to rush in and stop him, or at least try to calm him, she couldn't move her legs. As if her body tried to warn her that she would get hurt. Maybe it wasn't instinct; maybe it was genuine fear.
He grabbed one of the chairs next to the upside down table and raised it above his head.
"LUKE!!" Kaylee shrieked, tears flying down her cheek.
Conflict swelled within him: Dwindling sanity versus uninhibited wrath. Every muscle in his body flexed as he held the chair above his head, fighting every part of his ignited rage that wanted to slam it down.
"Luke, no..." she whimpered through her tears.
His entire body shook and his legs wobbled. He dropped the chair and collapsed to the ground, sobbing.
Seeing how shattered Luke had become within a matter of seconds broke the spell over Kaylee. She ran forward to Luke, draping her arms over him, weeping just as hard as he was.
"Shhhh; it's ok," Kaylee coaxed him, repeating it over and over.
Luke lay on her lap; he could barely choke out, "I'm sorry, Kaylee; I'm so sorry."
"You don't need to be sorry; you didn't do anything wrong, baby," she told him through the tears.
"You don't deserve this," Luke replied, still shaking, "I shouldn't be here. I should have died; all I'm doing is making your life miserable."
Kaylee was shocked, but more than that she was hurt. "Luke Patton, don't you dare say that! Don't *ever* say that to me again," she cried.
Luke didn't say anything, but he did squeeze Kaylee tight.
There was an incredible feeling of sorrow within Kaylee, and she blamed herself. She should have kept her mouth shut in the first place. "This is my fault, baby, I'm so sorry. I should never have asked..."
Luke shook his head, indicating his disagreement, "It's definitely not your fault, baby."
She held him even tighter. She didn't believe him; how could he see it wasn't her fault? It was! She knew bringing up the past was risky, and it blew up in her face.
"Luke, don't blame yourself, ok? It's not like you can control yourself. This PTSD... it's a mental illness. I've been learning more about it, not just with the counselor but also at college. I knew better to ask but even so, none of this is your fault. Okay?"
Luke didn't nod in agreement -- she wasn't so sure he was accepting of PTSD -- but he did relax. He was exhausted, his chest heaved up and down, gradually settling down.
Neither of them was exactly sure how much time had passed. Finally Kaylee stood up, telling him she'd be right back. She quickly grabbed a few pillows off of the couch and a blanket from the closet, making a temporary bed right where Luke lay. Quietly she stood up with the intentions of cleaning up the water and glass, but Luke grabbed her arm. He refused to let go, gently pulling her down next to him, wrapping his arms around her.
Kaylee decided the mess could wait. She surrendered herself, snuggling into his awaiting arms. Gently she kissed his cheek, sighed heavily and closed her eyes.
Sleep didn't come quickly for either of them, but the rest of the night Luke didn't say a single word, and neither did Kaylee.
"I feel kind of dirty. We shouldn't be here," Ryan told his son.
"Dad, I like Ford. Besides it was your idea," Luke replied.
"I know. The things I do for your mother. I can't believe she's still driving her old Mustang; that thing needs to be put out to the pasture. She better love me for this."
Luke chuckled.
The weather had turned out to be really nice; there wasn't a cloud in the bright blue sky and the gentle breeze kept it from being too hot. And Luke was grateful; he had enough of the heat ever since he was stuck with a constant one hundred and twenty degrees Fahrenheit while deployed. As a bonus, because Ford dealership was always closed on Sundays he and his dad could enjoy looking at the vehicles without having to worry about sales reps hovering over their shoulders. They were only doing their job, he admitted, but it was nice not having to deal with anyone.
"Dad, look at this Shelby," Luke said, admiring the Shelby GT 500. "Blue with black racing stripes. 650 horse, 600 torque. Are you really telling me you'd pass this up just because you have discrimination issues with an auto company?"
Ryan laughed, "Hey! It's not discrimination. I have nothing against the Mustang, except for the fact it's not a Challenger. Lets face it; the Challenger looks better with its vintage 60's muscle car style. I prefer the way it feels and handles over a Mustang, too."
Luke looked at his father, as if disappointed with his answer.
With a sigh, Ryan looked over his shoulder, as if making sure there weren't any witnesses. He whispered, "Of course I'd drive that, in a heartbeat. Yes, I prefer the Challenger, but I mostly do it just to harass your mother."
"Are you serious? You mean after all these years, you're telling me that it's nothing more than getting under her skin?"
Ryan gave him a devious smile, "It's good for her. It keeps her on her toes. I'd hate to risk our relationship becoming stagnant."
"So you're saying if I want things to improve with Kaylee, choose the opposite of something she really likes?"
"Now you're getting it, buddy," Ryan grinned, proudly putting his hand on his boy's shoulder. "By the way, how is Kaylee doing? Now that you're back, we seem to see her less and less."
Luke winced, thinking of his meltdown a few nights ago and the ensuing torture and pain he put Kaylee through. But now wasn't the time to get into specifics with his dad. "She's doing ok, for the most part. It's hard to tell with her. She's so invested in me and trying to help me back on track; I worry she's not focusing on herself. And I'm definitely not helping things. Although I will say she did finally decide to resume her college classes and continue towards her Associates Degree; I'm grateful for that. It's interesting; she's quite different now than she was in high school. Her care and compassion seems to grow exponentially as each day goes by."
"I think Kaylee's great for you. Your mom does, too. Is she going with you to your appointments," Ryan asked, deliberately avoiding the term 'counseling' even though Luke knew his dad was being subtle. He always was.
"She's been going to every other one with me. The funny thing is she thinks she's going to help me, but the counselor spends a lot of time on her, helping her processing her feelings and emotions. For a smart girl, she hasn't quite caught on to that yet," he said, grinning.
"Well, I'm glad she's getting help, too. Even if it is indirectly," Ryan said. "You know, I never told you much about my first wife, did I?"
Luke grew quiet. He knew his dad had been married before he met his mom, but he was never really told the full story. His dad never talked about it, and he never asked. Why was he opening up now of all times?
Luke shook his head no.
It was obvious that his dad had become solemn, thinking back on a difficult past. "I know I told you that we had a son together. Adam, your older brother. That's how you got your middle name. Amanda and Adam were both killed by a drunk driver right before I was scheduled to come home from Afghanistan."
"And just like that," Ryan snapped his fingers, "My life had drastically changed. I thought it was over. My brand new family, waiting for me back home, were gone without warning. Just that quick."
Luke listened quietly, his attention fully fixed on his father. He knew of Amanda and Adam, but never heard what happened to them until now. His father was never comfortable bringing them up, at least in to him and Faith.
"I'll never forget when my commanding officer told me. We had just finished our patrol. The moment I stepped out of the Humvee and saw the Captain, I could tell by the look on his face that something was seriously wrong. Honestly, with all the shit that was going on over there at the time, I figured one or more of our troops had been killed. I had no idea that the devastating news I was about to find out involved people I loved back home."
Ryan was having a hard time holding his emotions back, digging up the painful memories of the past, which caused him a great amount of heartache. "I didn't think I could continue. I didn't want to move on. For a while," he said, taking a long pause before deciding to continue, "I thought about ending it all."
The shock on Luke's face manifested immediately but he remained silent, willing to listen. Ryan lightened the mood with a soft chuckle, adding, "Don't worry, this story has a happy ending. Mostly." Putting his hand on Luke's shoulder, he said, "I have your mother, I have you, and I have your sister. Life couldn't get any better for me. But that was a dark time. In fact, when I reached my absolute worst was about the time I ran into your mother."
Ryan smiled, clearly remembering the first time he met Jessica. "The funny thing was, I was mad at God -- I mean I was furious with Him -- and to make things worse, your mother was just as confused about life as I was at that point. Yet even with all of my anger, God didn't give up on me even though I initially gave up on Him. He healed me little by little, day by day. Not enough for me to see at the time, but looking back on everything I went though it became crystal clear that He was with me every step of the way."
Ryan thought for a moment and said, "Do you remember that poem called 'Footsteps'? Well, it was like that. That was me -- my life was a textbook case of that poem. When I was with Amanda and Adam, life was perfect. God and I were walking side by side on the sand; I'd look behind me and see two sets of footprints -- His and mine. After my wife and son died, leaving me to fend on my own in this world, I looked behind me and only saw one set of footprints. I asked the Lord, 'Why did you stop walking with me? Why did you abandon me?' I was in anguish and couldn't understand why He left me in darkness. It wasn't until several years later that I realized he never did abandon me. It was I who couldn't walk. I never noticed it, but God was carrying me the entire time. *He* left the footprints behind us."
With a slight grin, Ryan said, "Despite all of my mistakes and poor decisions -- and trust me, I had made some *extremely* poor decisions -- He used Jessica to help me get back on track. I was worried I would hurt her, and I tried to push her out of my life, but she stuck with me long enough for me to wise up and see what I really meant to her. And I'd like to think that He used me to make her life better, too."
Looking squarely in his son's eyes, he told Ryan carefully and deliberately, "You know, after everything I went through, your mother was the one who eventually convinced me to see a counselor. Does that sound familiar?"
Luke immediately thought of Kaylee and her unrelenting persistence, pushing him to get help. His entire family pressed him to go, over and over, but Kaylee was the one that finally got through to him. "Yes, it does," he confessed.
"Make God number one. And if you're as serious about Kaylee as I think you are, make her your number two. Everything else in this life comes after. If you remember only one thing I've said this entire conversation, remember that."
Luke nodded, "Ok, dad."
Ryan put an arm over his shoulder, escorting his son to the next potential Mustang for his lovely wife. He prayed silently in his head that Luke would absorb his fatherly wisdom, unaware if his words had any impact.
Luke was quiet the rest of the day as they continued looking, but allowing everything his dad told him to sink in. He had a lot to think about. | literotica |
Title: A Dog Named Travis: Chapter One by BlackSmoke
Tags: Contemporary, German Shepherd, Hospital, M/F, No-Yiff, Prologue, Science, Transformation
[I needed some motivation, so I'm posting this for feedback. If you like where this is going, as inferred by the tags, please leave a comment. This was partially inspired by the song "High and Dry" by Radiohead]
Chapter One: Hospitalities
"Mister Shiloh," softly came the voice of a young nurse. She was a student at the San Francisco Center for Cancer Studies. She entered into the sterile room of Mr. Shiloh, one of the facility's many patients. He lay in his bed, looking forlornly out the large window which let the natural light of the beautiful day filter through unadulterated. It partially heated the room. There was little to smell. The plastic decorative flowers on the particle board bookshelf had no perfume, and the faux-wood baseboards of the room only served to agonize Mr. Travis Shiloh further.
"Yes?" I replied weakly. I'm Travis Shiloh. No one who knew me then would know. I was in this study center with cancer wracking my body, and no treatment so far had worked. I dreaded chemotherapy, and knew that even if I lived, I would never be the same. In the prime of my life, I was beginning to die. I was losing everything, and I could feel my life draining.
"Mister Shiloh, someone is here to see you," she said, almost timidly.
"Send them in, if it isn't a life-insurance broker." I replied disdainfully.
The nurse left, to go fetch my company. I was left to ponder things. I suppose I thought about life and death, and realized how I was falling into despair. I was becoming cynical, I knew it, and I saw that, as of late, I had been pushing away everyone I loved. My parents, my girlfriend, my brother... Out of spite and bitterness, like a wounded animal that knew it would soon die. I thought especially of my girlfriend, who I planned to marry. But it would be no use now.
It seemed to take too long. Eventually there was a knocking at the door, and, though it took some strength, I called to the visitor and told them that the door was unlocked.
To my surprise, a very sophisticated-looking man in a suit emerged from behind the synthetic door. He was tall and thin, with a hairline that retreated from view to the top of his head. He wore a sincere looking smile, and carried a tan briefcase that seemed to come from nineteen seventy. I immediately became defensive; cursing the nurse for letting a solicitor into my room to bother me on what I thought was my deathbed.
I watched him set the briefcase down, and turn his shining, optimistic eyes towards me. I disliked that look. I couldn't help but think to myself that this man had an unthinkably sinister agenda, as I had never seen a solicitor with such a genuine grin and such a twinkle in his eye. He looked me over, and held out his hand to mine.
"My name is Fred Sohare," He said to me, holding out his hand. I thought to myself, 'Sohare doesn't have so much hair.'
I reluctantly took his hand in mine, and gave it a brief shake. He looked me in the eye, and I became unnerved. I fancied that he was one of those brainwashed corporate slaves, like the too-happy employees seen in offices and at Walmart. I'd swear they worked for the Soylent Green Biscuit Company.
"Travis." Was all that I replied.
He took his time to reply. I became impatient as he looked around the room, and gazed out the window. I didn't retort when he said, "Nice day, huh?" though, I wanted to. I slowly grew from pessimism to irritation, as he looked over the one picture I had of me with my family, when I was healthy. That wasn't me anymore. I hardly ever smiled.
Some one-sided small talk took place. He talked, I just glared. Eventually, after what seemed like hours, he turned to me with a serious look.
"You want me to leave, Travis," He said earnestly, "You think I'm here to sell you something."
I simply nodded. The carpetbagger bowed his head, and paced around the foot of my hospital bed. I was beginning to get uncomfortable under the sheets from my lack of movement. I fancied I could feel the blood clots forming in my legs.
"You're a cynical man, Travis. I know you know that."
I couldn't help be crack a sarcastic grin. "No, sir. Everything's diamonds at the moment."
He seemed offended slightly. I was proud of myself.
"Listen, Travis, I know you want me to cut to the chase. Or maybe you don't. But just hear me out, here. I work for a neurologist who specializes in the human central nervous system." I nodded. I didn't understand where he was getting at. How could a neurologist help me? I didn't have brain cancer; I had other kinds of cancer. The kind that spread and didn't die under chemo, lasers, herbal therapy, or whatever other crazy voodoo that the local San Fran hippies said would work. But I was bored, and could use a good laugh. I let him continue.
"Travis, I read your case. You're a young, proactive, intelligent man. You deserve more than this. I'm not here to sell you anything. In fact, you'd get paid for accepting my offer." "I'm sorry, mister," I said bitingly, "But I don't do endorsements or public announcements."
"Will you hear me out? My boss is a neurologist- he's been working on a new treatment--"
"I don't have brain cancer." "You don't need brain cancer. Listen, you're going to die soon, we both know that. So I tell you what, you can either agree to participate in this experiment and live for fifteen more years, or you can die next year, alone and decrepit."
I was taken aback by his bluntness. Surely there was no way that this could work, no matter what it was. Nothing short of a miracle would save me. I glared hatefully at this suited man before me, confused and indignant, not wishing to be taken advantage of again.
"Go on," I said.
"Alright, Travis," the man said as he went to his briefcase and opened it up. I looked at the clock during this brief requiem. It had already been almost forty five minutes. He returned to me with a pamphlet, printed on fine stationary, with a diagram of the central nervous system on the front.
"I work for Gene Franksten, Ph.D. He's received a multi-million dollar grant for his research in therapy to stimulate the reparation of nerves. I know you don't think this can help you, but his research has hit a breakthrough. Doctor Franksten knows the tragedy that cancer has, and pulled the names of fifteen participants from the various cancer research facilities around the nation."
"As it says on the cover, here... Now, I assume I got picked, right? Whoopdee-doo. Cut to the chase."
"Well, you ungrateful... I mean, Mr. Shiloh, you were picked. This sounds like magic, but what Doctor Franksten has discovered is a way to safely transplant a human brain from one body to another."
I nearly choked when I heard that. This was playing out like a bad sci-fi movie. Once I was done staring incredulously at the psycho Borg fan in front of me, I found my voice which I had seemed to misplace momentarily.
"Transplant... a brain? Doctor Franksten? Don't you mean Doctor Frankenstein? You must be delusional, sir. Get out of my room and get back to your padded cell, I'm not in the condition to deal with you or your fucked up sense of humor!"
The man frowned at me. "Whatever you say, Mister Travis. Call me if you change your mind. I'll tell Gene that you needed time to think on it. My number is in the back of the pamphlet."
He closed his suitcase and left promptly, leaving me to stew in the fumes of my anger and hurt dignity.
\*\*\*\* \*\*\* \*\*\*\*
Two days later, I felt better. The day outside was overcast and dark, so that my eyes didn't hurt from the light or the beauty of creation. I marveled at how this sudden change in moods left me happy. I sat in my bed, watching the people in the small landscaped park across the street, bundled in their jackets and parkas, even though this was just an inconvenient spell of cool weather in the fall. It wasn't even that cold; it was around fifty degrees. I thought to myself, if I could go out there, I would need nothing more than a long-sleeved tee shirt and a pair of jeans. I would revel in the feeling of the cold and the fresh earthy smell of the park.
I looked over to the bedside table. There was the pamphlet that was given to me by that man in the suit... I hardly believed what he said, but in the darkest moments of the night when I was too sick to sleep, wracked by pain and shortness of breath, I thought about it, and the more I did, the more verisimilitude it gained in my mind.
I felt so hopeless, that I was truthfully considering this as a viable option.
"Mr. Shiloh, your girlfriend is here for you. Do you feel well enough to see her?" the nurse asked. I had long since forgotten my curses against her, and was now thankful for her assistance.
"Yes, please bring her in." I said.
It was only a few moments before she walked in, not leaving me time to ponder the sinking feeling in my chest, and the dizziness I, for some reason, was experiencing.
Her beautiful, slim frame came in to greet me. She wore one of the leather jackets that I'd bought her for when we went motorcycle riding together, and carried a wet umbrella in her hands. Her brunette hair was tied back, and covered with the cap she wore. I felt comforted by the fact that she wore no makeup, the lack of which being a symbol of her trust and ease with me. She came to my bedside and kissed my forehead, and I gently pressed my hand on her shoulder, and kissed her cheek.
"Hey, baby." She said to me, staying close. I looked back at her, not really knowing how she'd perceive my expression. It must have been obvious to her that I was troubled by ponderous thoughts.
"What's wrong?" She asked, genuinely worried. I was nervous to admit to her what I was thinking. She'd probably think I was crazy.
"Nothing's wrong." I said as calmly as I could, as I took hold of her hand. "I'm just wondering about something that I heard..." "Did the doctors tell you anything?"
"Nope, nothing new. They strongly recommend chemo again, but I'm scared... I don't think I'd make it this time... Say, Alex..." I began. My hand started to shake. Over the last few days, I'd had a change of heart. My doctor had told me that the only option was chemo, and that there was no guarantee that it would indeed work.
"Yes, baby?" she replied. I looked into her soft hazel eyes. It sounded gimmicky, but I had to try it. To live. To live for her.
"Alex, a few days ago, a man came into my room... He was an agent working for some Gene Franksten, some neurologist or something. He said he could give me a new lease on life..."
Alex had the same skeptical look that I did when I first heard, but she was far more patient than me. I continued.
"He said that this Gene dude could transplant my brain into another body..."
She was shocked, but I begged her to let me finish.
"I'm going to give them a call... See if I can meet this Gene Franksten. I want you to be with me. We'll see what it's all about..." | FSE |
Title: 18 by Horse_furry
Tags: Horse, Incest, M/F, Mare, Stallion, Voyeurism
By Horse\_Furry
Mandy laid in her bed, not able to sleep. She tossed and turned in her bed with her eyes closed, trying to escape into the dreamworld so that the next day would come soon. She opened her eyes and looked at the red numbers that were displayed on the alarm clock on the table next to her bed. '11:30 pm' she read. She couldn't wait for tomorrow, it was going to be her 18th birthday. Mandy was excited even more because it would be on a Saturday so she wouldn't have to go to school. But unfortunately her parents were never home because they were always away on business trips, them owning their own business and all. The mare flicked her ears as she heard the humming of the ceiling fan from outside her door. Mandy sighed, deciding that she wasn't going to be able to sleep that night. She rose up from under the covers and headed over to dresser, pulling out a small, tight white shirt out of the dresser. Mandy slept in only a bra and a thong, so she needed to cover her slender, athletic body before she headed out. Mandy slipped on her tight shirt, which clung to her large but still developing breasts. Next she grabbed a pair of her short shorts that read 'Juicy' on her ass. Her sister had gotten it for as mostly as a joke. But she had found it was nice to sleep in it and as a dress quickly option. Mandy slipped her legs through and tugged it up before giving her rump a playful smack. She smiled and giggled as she shook her rump.
"Mmmm...No guy is gonna be able to resist me," Mandy said with a silent giggle. She had waited for a long time for her 18th birthday. She had made a vow a long time ago that she wouldn't do anything sexually until after her 18th birthday. So as her friends went, lost their virginity, and in one case got pregnant, she teased and kept her vow. But now she was turning 18, and she could join her friends in the sexually active club. Mandy even knew who would be first. She had her eye on Chad, the large stallion senior who was the stud on the high school varsity baseball team. She had watched his games, wondering if it was his cup or not that was creating the giant bulge in his baseball pants. Mandy had found out through the high school grapevine that Chad had his eyes on her too. So now she was planning her first move on him.
Mandy smiled as she walked out of her room and towards the kitchen so she could get some water. She went down the stairs of her two story home and turned on the lights in the kitchen and preceded to get a drink. While she took her sips, she looked onto the refrigerator at the pictures that were hung up on its doors. Pictures of her older brother and sister doing their activities. Her older brother, Jack, and her older sister Clara, along with herself showed memories of past times from the past few years. Jack in his army fatigues with a couple of buddies, the desert in the background and M-16s in their hands. Clara in one of her bikinis at the beach with dark sunglasses on and the waves behind her. Mandy looked to see pictures of her too, seeing the action shots of her running in various sports over the years. She took a sip of her water as she looked them all over. She then thought how glad she was that her older brother had come back on leave for the next two weeks and he would be spending his time with Clara and her at home.
Mandy took a look up to the clock. '11:45, only 15 more minuets till I'm 18.' She thought to herself. She felt very excited inside, thinking of all the opportunities that she'll get when she became 18. She smiled and took the last sip of her drink and lets out a satisfying sigh as she placed the glass back down into the sink. She turned and headed towards the stairs, thinking about what she would do the next day. Spending it with her older siblings and her friends would be cool, but she just wanted to make sure that she had some fun. As she reached the top of the stairs, her ears flickered as she heard a quiet noise in the distance. She stopped and looked in the direction of where she thought the noise had come from. Mandy looked down the hall at the door that was slightly ajar.
'Did I just hear a noise from Jacks room?' Mandy thought to herself. But she heard nothing after that. She shrugged it off and headed down the hall towards her room. Her room was right next to Jacks'. Mandy stood in front of her door, just about to push it open when her ears flickered again, hearing a noise off to her left. She slowly turned her head to the left and looked at her brothers' slightly ajar door again. She could have sworn that she had heard a noise this time. She paused for a second, thinking whether or not she should look in and see what the noise was. But her curiosity took control of her thoughts as Mandy heard another sound come out of Jacks' room. She slowly turned her body and went down onto her knees and slowly peered into the dark room. Mandy started to hear a steady flow of noises as she scooted her way forward, slowly and quietly opening the already slightly open door.
Mandy couldn't see too well inside the darkened room. Her eyes still used to the light in the hall, they still needed time to adjust to the darkness. After a while, her eyes were able to see through the darkness. She slowly moved her head around, trying to see what the noises were. Mandy looked at Jacks' closet, his floor, his bed...
Mandy's eyes went wide as she looked up onto the bed and saw the last thing she would have expected. There, in all their glory, was Jack and Clara on top of the bed with each other. She saw as Jack was on his back and Clara was moving up and down over his waist. Her mouth felt like it was going to drop to the floor as she watched her sister having sex with their brother. Mandy wanted to run out of the doorway, go into her room and try to forget what she had seen. But for some reason she couldn't take her eyes off of the pair as their bodies grinded together. Mandy watched with wide eyes, looking the both of them over as they grunted and groaned. Their short brown fur glistened in the moonlight that poured into the room through the large skylight. Their faces stared into each others as they gasped for the cool night air as Clara moved herself up and down on top of Jack's lengthy cock. Mandy watched astonished, she never knew that her brother and sister were doing that with each other.
'Oh my god,' Mandy thought to herself. 'Th...they're having sex. That's...that's...' Her thoughts started to stray as she continued to watch her brother and sister on the bed. Mandy felt herself start to heat up all over her body. She felt as legs began to feel a little weak, and in between her legs, her hands had absentmindedly began to roam. She leaned into the room, trying to get a better view of the action. Her eyes slowly roamed up and down her brother's body. Before Jack had gone off to join the military, he was pretty muscular. Mandy used to join him in his workout at their gym when she was a freshman in highschool. But this was the first time that she had seen his body after the military, and now she couldn't believe it. His body looked like a Greek statue of a Hercules, chiseled, well defined without an ounce of fat anywhere. Mandy could feel herself getting wet through her shorts as she seemed to study over Jack's body. Soon her eyes trailed down and there she saw her sister Clara in her full glory. Mandy's eyes worked her way up Clara's body, looking it over slowly. Clara had long, slender legs that were laid out on the bed as she sat on top of Jack. Her nice, firm ass stretched against the intrusion of Jack's large equine cock grinding up into her. Her long, blonde tail draped over her rump, flicking once in a while. Mandy then saw her large breasts, larger than her own, as they bounced against Clara's chest. Clara's long blond mane reached down slightly past her shoulders, moving with their lovemaking.
Mandy in the past had thoughts of whether she liked girls or not. A couple of her friends were bisexual and told her stories of their bisexual encounters, which peeked her interest. But she still didn't know about it yet. But for now, she couldn't keep her eyes off of her older sister's body. Mandy was now up onto her knees, trying to get a higher view of the action. Suddenly Mandy lost her balance and with a slight yelp, fell forward and slamming against the ground and hit the door, causing it to slam against the wall.
The sounds on the bed suddenly stopped. The two faces on the bed turned suddenly towards the door, their movements stopped as they looked with shocked and surprised looks. Mandy landed on the ground with an thump. Mandy quickly looked up to see the stares from her older siblings. Jack spoke up first.
"Wha...what are you doing here?"
To Be Continued... | FSE |
Title: Chapter III, Wrath of a Jackal by Pierce
Tags: Cock And Balls Torture, Fingering, Jackal, M/M, Panther, Rape, Violence
Chapter III, Wrath of a Jackal
(Plese note that I have not wriiten in a long while so my grammer may be a bit rusty)
Sibuna would not deny the fact that he was a wee bit quarrelsome, he would not even deny the fact that sometimes he was the one to start a fight. But to send him to the gallows because he cleft a guard's head! After all he had drawn his sword first and tried to make a new hole in the jackals head. The night in question when Sibuna had spilt the bull's skull was till blurry in his mind; the pain of being beaten to a pulp and about four mugs of strong ale had made the image fuzzy. He could remember watching the fights and then planting his Axe between the Bull's eyes.
Little of that mattered at the moment as he was bound in the nude and lying on his belly on a large skinning table; his arms bound and his legs useless at the moment "I'm gonna skin ya an make a new belt..." Sibuna stopped listening half way thru the rant. He was eyeing the surroundings looking for anything that could help; he saw his axe, but it would do little good seeing as his hands were bound behind his back. He saw a small dagger lying out of the guard's line of sight, unless he was going to hide it in his ass his naked body wouldn't hide shit.
The other guard sat sharpening his blade grinning smugly to himself, he had laid all of the skinning materials out. He had successfully convinced the jailor to let them execute the prisoner. He had learned of the jailer's cruelty early on, even in the corner a dead beggar sat motionless, and on the wall sat tanning the skin of a wolf cub.
"You're gonna make some nice leather boy," The Panther laughed. Sibuna scowled he hated being called 'boy'. The panther grabbed his left side and flipped him on his back "Wonder what else we should make with this leather Hurg?" Both began to laugh. Sibuna sneered and kicked his left foot into the panthers face as hard as possible, after falling ass over end the panther picked himself up "HURG! Help me tie meat over here down!" The two guards struggled to get the kicking legs tied down into the manacles. Both the guards began laugh.
"Eat me," Sibuna spat "Maybe after were done... boy," the panther said smugly The large jackal began to snarl. "Hay Hurg, Take a walk I wanna have some fun alone with meat over here," The boar grinned and exited through the thick wooden door. The panther grinned, Sibuna was about to spit a comment out but the word froze on his tongue.
"Oh I'm gonna make a nice coin purse out of this," The Cat said as he gripped the jackals ample nutsack. The long feline fingers lewdly rolled them in his hands before giving a hard squeeze "you like that don't cha?" Rage was boiling up, Sibunas face was curled into a snarl but his eyes were pinched shut from the pain in his sack. The cat's insults grew worse. His other hand began to fondle his fat sheath. What the cat was doing in touching what was considered almost sacred by his people was bad, but to try and make the jackal enjoy it was more then the dog could bear. The panther was getting immense satisfaction in teasing the jackal, normally he would take one of the seized women but as he secured the prisoner last night he had noticed that the jackals tail had been bobbed, a sign of countless barbarian tribes. Normally this would have only been the sign of a warrior but the axe had bore a crescent moon stamped upon the blade, the mark of the tribes of The Sunstone Wastes.
He knew for a fact that making another male enjoy your touch of this barbarian's tribe was a sign of dominance "that's right, you love this touch don't you?" he laughed cruelly. The male below him snarled. His black cock began to peer forth from the ebony sock. This was torture to Sibuna, he tried desperately to resist the pleasure of his sweet meats being fondled, but his breathing became heavy and soon he was panting. The cat smiled his clawed finger traced along the large black piece of meat. Pre flowed from the tip of his cock obscenely; Sibuna wanted nothing more at the moment then to tear the face from the panther. To him and his people this was an unacceptable insult. This was to be something almost celestial, a meeting reserved for lovers and mates. His memory went back to his first time, another hunter named Hunaa, they had both gone off out to the plans to hunt for meat, him 15 Hunaa 16. They had both felt the molten release of each other and felt a complex loyalty felt only by clerics and their gods But this... not only had the guard tried to assert his dominance over him, but he had stripped something holy from it, he had taken the love and respect from it and made it something filthy and evil. A blood-curdling snarl emerged from his throat.... This would not be tolerated.
The concept of love was not lost on the Rashanian, though it took a much different meaning. But sex was regarded in his culture as a pastime a best, simple heir producing at worst. So he thought only that it was the assertion of dominance over the captive. But had he known the true reason of the barbarians rage most likely he would have continued with more malicious glee. His now musky fingers released the lemon sized nut and slipped into his muzzle, he drooled over the unique savory flavor of the velvety seed orbs and made sure to coat them in a thick slimy layer of spit. He moved his other hand to lift the squirming captives balls.
He looked down to se a new field of dominance. The puckered hole stood like the last gate of dignity of Sibuna. His rump had not been felt by another male in years, when the jackal saw the panther remove the index and middle digits removed from his mouth a creeping anger swept across him, he wouldn't dar... hid thoughts were cut off when the wet probe began ramming against his hole. He gasped, the feel of penetration set his nerves on fire. Slowly but surely the panther sunk the digits into the hole. Sibuna thrashed about trying to remove the intruder from his pucker. The guard laughed hard aside from the glee that came from stealing the pride of his victim his own cock began to fill with blood. It strained against his loincloth. He felt his zeal grow with each piston of the arm.
Sibuna writhed within the ropes. He strained as hard as he could. As much as he hated it his rampant erection leaked clear ooze onto his chest. The panther began to chuckle "You like this, you can put on the intimidating façade all you want but deep down you're a filthy whore," The cat let the large orbs fall onto the back of his hand before removing the two fingers as well, he wiped the saliva and other moister on his kilt, but seconds afterwards he let his cloth fall to the ground reviling his aching hard member.
The panther leaned close to his snarling captive "You know, People say you savages are the best psychical specimens on earth, they say that you can cut them a hundred ways and they wont bleed... lets see if its true," the panther lifted a single claw, it gleamed sharply in the dim light. A sadistic smile flashed on the cats face, Sibuna could only guess what evil was concocting in his captors mind; unfortunately he did not have to wait long before he felt the sharp slice of the claw. The Jackal Gasped when he felt the pin sharp claw carve into the tender flesh of his cock. It was never clearer to the canid that something was wrong inside this man, something sick at his vary core. A childish giggle erupted from the guard as he pressed his claw like a needle into the bulbous knot at the base of the thick cock He began to yelp like a hurt puppy; this only brought more zeal to the sadist and in a sick imitation of a pet slowly dragged four of his razor sharp nails over his throbbing black shaft.
Now Sibuna's rage had reached its zenith of rage and his hands pull as far apart as they could, unbeknownst to the cruel panther the manacles had began to crack and with each jolt of pain the crack widened. The Feline was lost in passion and bloodlust his other hand reached out and grabbed the ample nuts again a squeezed as hard as he could, The warrior could take no more and let out a deep cry of agony, hot tears streamed from his brilliant green eyes. The Panther was grinning ear to ear, nothing intoxicated him more then another's pain. He released the battered nuts and ceased his claw rakings. Sibuna managed to look up from his tear-blurred vision to see the panther sit there and grin. "Huh, some warrior... brought to tears," Then raising one eyebrow said the word that sealed his fate "But then again I guess that all you're mongrel kind are probably like that, if you're that much of a bitch I can only guess what you father wa... HURK!!"
The chains that bound the jackal lay in two pieces on the ground and the hands they kept down were wrapped around the Neck of the cat and the Jackal was shaking the guard like a ragdoll. With equal force the chains around his legs snapped too "Never... Talk... About... MY FATHER!!" and with mighty force he hurled the frightened guard against the back wall with such force that two of the panthers ribs snapped like twigs.
The Jailer groaned as he attempted to sit up; the pain in his side was unbearable, and the sadistic glee was replaced with a feeling felt by his many victims... fear. When he forced his almond slatted eyes open the face of the enraged warrior was mere inches from his, and before he could scream the powerful paws of the dog slapped against the sides of his head. "How ironic, a creature who has caused so much misery is in no way fit to take the vary thing he takes so much delight in..." the musing came out chillingly cold and low. "MERCY! MERCY!" the cat cried. But no response came from the stoic lips of the jackal instead his hands began to press together "NO! NO! PLEEESE!!!" But the face of the canid remained emotionless, silent "You took something that is sacred to my people and turned it into something filthy and cruel... And I cannot let such a transgression go unpunished or your victims unavenged..." The replies came out cold like ice, and the pressure to the sides of his head became harder.
Sibuna's mind flashed to a young wolf boy who had been dragged off screaming in the day by this cruel creature and suffered the same fate meant for him, His crime... trying to steal bread to feed his starving body. The image of a coyote girl raped and thrown into another cell, a beggar beaten to pulp laying dead in the corner... this monster had to die. And with terrible force he gave a mighty crushing squeeze and the Panthers head was crushed like an egg; blood ran down the hands of the Jackal. He calmly stood up and gathered his belongings; his axe last and turned to the door. To leave...
"Jarn, you don with meat ye..." the boar stood in horror as he looked at the bloody remains of his companion...
Sibuna crept silently along the wall until finding a window, after slipping silently out he crept into the ally; he had not encountered any guards and would now sneak out of the city... he had had quite enough of Rashan, he looked up to the sky as he had always done for comfort, his father had instilled a great love of the stars into him... and tonight he was quit lucky he saw a shooting star in the direction of Thran...
Chapter III, Wrath of a Jackal
Tales of the Wanderers | FSE |
Title: 48 Hours on Blue Bayou Pt. 41
Tags: slavery, domination, sapphic relations, shibari, cbt, anal play, pillory, daisy chain
*Authors' Note: At last, it is time for the Men's Party, Niamh's suggestion in support of Julie's Opera Project. Will the men (and the Empress) be impressed with Martin's potential First Lady? Will the three "Acts" go well enough to generate fundraising for the Project? Will Dagmar, the newest slave, manage to disrupt the Party in some way? These questions will be answered in this Part. (Possibly, the next Part will handle The Meaning of Life.)*
*J Spe and Taliesin1*
Chapter 104: Getting to the Yacht
The day for the Men's Party arrived. The planning was done, so far as possible, to the last detail. Julie and One, who seemed permanently attached to the Culinary Service as Chef's "personal assistant," supervised the loading of food and drink, as well as some "toys," into the small fleet of trucks that would supply the *Ocean Star* for the evening. Julie was nervous, naturally, and fussing around all the preparations. This was an important milestone in her preparation for the First Lady position as well as for the fate of the Opera Project.
Chef growled, "For goodness sake, Julie, this isn't the first party I've catered."
Julie grinned and relaxed. She realised that she didn't have to do it all on her own. Chef's team and the Security team would watch her back, and Niamh and Sally would also be there to support her. She was still a bit concerned about Dagmar, but she hoped the newest slave was intimidated enough not to make any trouble.
Pat and Anne checked the four slaves — houris, for this evening — before bringing them to the lobby of The Enterprises' Headquarters. Martin, Edward, Charles and Igor were there to see them off, not before giving each a "good luck" kiss. Julie thought her trainer, Igor, looked a bit pensive. She mentioned it to Niamh, who shook her head. "No way! They're sending off a team of slaves to a fundraiser with a million-dollar goal on somebody else's yacht. Why on Earth would anybody be worried?"
Sally chipped in with a similar outlook. "It's not like we're going to run off with the cash, is it?"
Even Dagmar cracked a smile. She had been mostly quiet in the week, learning what the Sexual Arts trainers were trying to teach her in an accelerated schedule. She had passed each test, usually with plenty of credits to spare. Still, Julie wondered, was she harboring some plan for disaster?
The Chief of Security marshalled what seemed like a huge detachment of troops, both men and women, along with the usual fleet of SUVs, each a sleek and elegant conveyance, and one Mercedes Sprinter passenger van, windows curtained for privacy for this trip. Nevertheless, he told the slaves, the standard multi-point restraints would be in place for the trip to the yacht. Security crews came forward with the handcuffs for Transport Mode. Each slave was taken to the van and seated carefully. A short chain was clipped to the handcuff link. The three-point seatbelt was applied. Ankle shackles were clipped to D-rings at both sides of each seat.
For Julie, Niamh, and Sally, this was a familiar part of the Security Protocol. But, Dagmar remembered the van used when The Enterprises rescued Claire and her from the slavers; then, they were held by only a seatbelt and a single ankle cuff. Now, rather than fewer restraints along with a party atmosphere, there were more restraints and the atmosphere of going to war.
Sally sensed the despair in her sister slave. "Dagmar," she said softly, "you never were going to escape. Now, think a bit differently. The Enterprises has a huge investment in high-value assets — that's us — moving through rush hour traffic. If anyone tries to hijack these assets, how do you think The Enterprises is going to defend us? These restraints will, at least, slow the hijackers down until the cavalry rides to our rescue."
Sally could see Dagmar's eyes widen. "High-value assets? They really value us so much?"
"Yes, they do. You have to stop seeing everything only from your side if you're going to make it as a Good Slave. Otherwise, you'll miss the good things that can come, even to a slave."
The Chief of Security was finally satisfied with the passengers, the crews, the vehicles, and goodness-knows-what-else. The procession started off with a final wave from the Concierge staff.
Having made several trips to the Opera office, Julie and Niamh were ready for the starts and stops of rush hour traffic. To their surprise, the procession moved smoothly, if not with speed. Julie said something about the traffic and the Security crew riding shotgun grinned. "Little lady, traffic in every big city runs by computer these days. This trip is big enough to catch the eyes in the Transportation IT department. We should have a nice smooth ride all the way."
Niamh and Julie exchanged surprised looks. Who would have thought a Security type would explain anything to a slave!
When they reached the wharf where "their yacht" was docked, the van moved to the base of the gangplank and the escort SUVs parked around it. Security crew opened doors, released shackles, unbelted belts, and unlocked handcuffs. Working in pairs, they moved each slave up the gangway, along with the support staff for the evening, and into a fairly large Reception Area where each slave was transferred to a ship's crew. In moments, The Enterprises' Security staff and vehicles were gone, leaving no markers to show where the "high-value assets" were placed.
Sally voiced a thought. "You know, they did that job with professional skill. We should arrange something to thank them." Julie and Niamh, at least, smiled their agreement.
The Captain made an entrance, with the ship's crew coming to attention. The slaves caught on quickly and followed suit. The Captain's smile signaled that this was the proper procedure.
"Good afternoon to our landlubber friends," the Captain announced. "We're here to help you with your project. The sailor with each of you will show you to the stateroom we've assigned to you. You'll find your costumes, equipment, and toys are already stowed in the cabinets, so take a moment to familiarize yourself with their location. Your sailor will bring you up to the Main Salon, where we've set up the Dinner Buffet. We've got kneeling pads with each of your names alternating with regular chairs for your guests. Please seat your guest to your left, so that you will be to his right. Otherwise, the pad pattern will be screwed up. Do you understand so far?"
Julie and Niamh, who had worked on this pattern, quickly answered "Yes, Sir." Sally, with a mysterious grin, answered, "Aye, aye, Sir." Dagmar, clearly late, murmured her "Yes, Sir" quietly.
The Captain swept onwards. "After dinner, we have two possibilities for you. You can take your guest back to your stateroom or you can use the Playroom, which has another set of equipment to answer any of your needs; our ship's Engineer will be available to help with the lighting or lifts. I understand that the last part of the program will be held in the Playroom.
"Just one note more. This ship has extensive electronic surveillance assets. I understand that's one reason it was selected for this event. Your Security Department is keyed into all the places where you and your guests are likely to go. This is, of course, for your protection. If your guest tries to take you somewhere that is not well-lighted, that may be because surveillance is not available. In any case, check with your sailor for any questions; they have orders to be nearby and easily called, but not to interfere in any of the events you have arranged. Do you understand?"
Again, the four slaves made their understanding clear.
Escorted by a sailor, each slave found her stateroom and checked its "furnishings." Then, they explored the Playroom, where each slave was impressed by the thought that had gone into designing such a space. "There's more room here than in any of The Enterprises' Correction Rooms," observed Niamh.
"Yes, but The Enterprises has a lot more rooms with 'special equipment,'" answered Sally.
Julie checked with the ship's Engineer for the use of the lifts and cables in the Playroom. "We'll be using these towards the end of the evening." The Engineer went over Julie's Outline of Activities and promised, "Ma'am, it looks like smooth sailing for this program." The two shared a laugh at the pun.
As the time for the men to arrive approached, the slaves returned to their staterooms and dressed for the reception. Anne and Pat had worked on the wardrobes for the evening. The first dress was actually a cocktail dress, the Hunter Mini Dress from X by NBD, the "party girl's go-to brand," a modern makeover for the cocktail dress. Just 26" from the sweetheart neckline to the mid-thigh hem, the lacy black overlay showed a mesh of cut-outs. The elastane-containing lining, a contrasting nude color, provided the feminine essence. Martin had observed, "This dress is exactly how to start a party: long legs and short skirts."
The slaves assembled in the Reception Area where each picked up a silver tray bearing a frosty flute of Champagne and formed a line. Again, the Captain swept into the area, but this time he was stopped in amazement by the slaves' presentation. Sally thought she could see the thoughts flowing across his face: *I know they're just a coffle of slaves, but — Davy Jones! — what a bunch of bodies!*
Recovering, the Captain announced, "Folks, there's a bunch of cars just come onto the wharf, and it looks like your guests are getting acquainted before coming aboard. I've sent a sailor to invite them aboard, so they should be here any moment."
And it was so. Four men, each with an expression of curiosity on his face, entered the area and paused, a bit uncertain of the proprieties. This, the Captain could deal with!
"Gentlemen, welcome aboard! Please allow me to introduce your hostesses for this evening's party. First, is Julie, who is the manager for the overall Opera project. Second, is Niamh; this party was her idea. Third, is Sally. And fourth, our newest member is Dagmar. Each of these lovelies has a flute of Champagne for you."
Julie had worried about how to assign each guest as the evening's Master for each slave. The Empress had sent a short biography and a photo of each man and Julie had scrutinized these for hints on their assignments. Finally, she decided the slaves should be assigned by lot, to avoid any possible suggestion of playing favourites, or that she picked herself an easy man. The Concierge Service had prepared a Welcome Packet for each guest, labelled with the name of a slave, appropriately embellished, and packed them in a vintage Chinese lotus bowl, presented on a wooden stand.
With a flourish indicating the lotus bowl, the Captain invited each man to select his slave.
As each man drew a packet, he was rewarded with a beautiful and attentive woman, who handed him a flute of Champagne and engaged him in light-hearted conversation. First up was Sally, then Niamh, and finally Julie and Dagmar were paired up.
Niamh thought the Captain's speech a bit flat, but then, how many times had the Captain had to introduce a team of sex slaves to some new Masters? She chuckled inwardly at the brief confusion among the men.
But, these were leaders in their businesses. With only a word or two, each identified the slave he had won and the group approached the slaves. Julie's man introduced himself with just a name: John, then added, "I'm a commodity broker." Niamh's man was a Japanese who introduced himself as Master Takana. Sally was selected by a short man named Tom. Dagmar's man was a young man who introduced himself as Derek. Each took the flute of bubbly and, pocketing the keycard, saluted his prize.
Julie had a moment of panic when Dagmar, the newest slave, was drawn by the least experienced Master, the young man who had been nominated by the Empress and would be Act Three. Her Inner Goddess merely laughed and said, "Murphy's law ― you'll just have to wing it." Dagmar, by this time, had decided that her best course was to play along, at least for the moment. She curtseyed prettily and offered the flute of Champagne. Relieved, the other slaves gave Dagmar a quick smile.
Raising a hand to excuse herself from her man for a moment, Julie greeted Derek, the Empress' Young Man. "Sir, we're very pleased you have joined us tonight. We're looking forward to later this evening."
The Captain's invitation to dinner moved the group to the Dining Salon. As each of the slaves led her man across the buffet, it was clear that these were "meat and potatoes" types: each signaled for several slices carved from the standing rib roast; not much salad was taken; steamed carrots and broccoli were the only vegetables favoured. From the quantity of food loaded onto the dinner plates, it was clear that each man knew he was responsible for feeding his slave.
There was no confusion about seating arrangements: each man went directly to the chair to the left of the kneeling pad labelled for his slave. As the dining began, the slaves were pleased that their temporary Masters seemed comfortable with the arrangements. And, each slave felt comfortable after her feeding. Sally, whose experience with dinners alongside a Master was the most extensive, noticed that the men seemed at ease, both with each other and with a serving slave. As might be expected, the conversation was mostly about the impressive yacht, their gratitude to the Empress for their invitation, some recent sports headlines, and — very peripherally — some international politics.
Julie was pleased to answer one question about what was the next production of the Opera, but no one reacted to the news that it would be Mozart's *Magic Flute*. She began to worry whether this group would be receptive to the fundraising remarks she had prepared?
There was also time to notice that Dagmar seemed to be fitting smoothly into her man's conversation as well as feeding efforts. Julie thought it ironic, but fitting, that the newest slave was working with the man who was going to "try out" slavery later on.
\~ \~ \~ \~ \~
Chapter 105: Act I Begins
Dinner over, it was clear that the men were ready for Act I. Julie rose from her kneeling pad and announced, "Gentlemen, thank you for your kind attentions during dinner. Now, on behalf of the institution we're here to support, our local Opera company, the Empress and The Enterprises welcomes your use of these delightful damsels. Your Welcome Packet has your keycard for your personal room or, if you'd like, the Playroom is open. Let's all return to this Salon in about an hour, please."
Julie's man smiled thinly as he took her hand and led her to the Playroom. "Julie, I believe the first command would be for you to strip, right?"
The slave smiled and said, "Yes, Master." Wearing not much clothing, there was no sensuous striptease, but the balletmaster's training showed Julie's moves embodied grace and control. She moved to Standing Presentation, with her feet shoulder width apart, her head level, and her hands locked behind her neck, elbows out to the side.
As the man circled his slave, he recounted the commerce of his day. "Julie, I'm a commodity broker; I send ships with stuff all over the world. The US Fed made some moves that made gold and silver drop today. China is having problems in its steel industry, so iron and steel prices fell today. The Bank of England is fussing with the pound sterling and the Bank of Japan is still trying to move the yen. On top of these, the Baltic Dry Index, which assesses the price of moving raw materials over 23 standard sea routes, plunged. The BDI is a leading economic indicator because these raw materials are headed someplace to become finished products, what you buy for your house or factory. It's supposed to be pretty efficient as an indicator of future economic growth and production. Do you understand what kind of day I've had?"
Julie recognized strain in his voice, along with doses of anger and worry about the future. "Yes, Master," she replied. "But, don't these statistics and indices move with some volatility?"
She could see surprise and some curiosity in his eyes. "Hmm," was his reply.
Then, "The problem is that none of these numbers is actually worth anything for predicting the future. The Baltic is supposed to, but the supply of ships is so inelastic, while it's pretty easy to decide to buy or not to buy a load of coal or steel to run through your factory. That makes for lots of volatility. And that might be nice for economics professors, but it's Hell on wheels for brokers.
"So," he finished up, "I've had a lousy day and I'm not in the mood for games. What I'm in the mood for is a simple whipping girl. Do you understand?"
Julie understood. The Playroom's main "feature" was its size: the width of the yacht and the height of two decks. It was designed for a Master or Mistress swinging any sort of whip they fancied.
The standard slave question hovered in the air for just a second before Julie managed an answer. "Please, Master, this slave understands. My Owner has trained me to know that my mission is to serve, to be of service, to be used. My Owner has placed me here tonight to serve, to be of service, to be used by you, to meet your standards."
The expressions crossing the broker's face seemed to show his surprise and then his pleasure. Gradually, his smile widened until it reached his eyes. To Julie, it seemed that he accepted his slave's dedication and would be pleased if she met his standards for responding to the whipping he was proposing.
*Well, I've had a caning — OK, a small caning — and I've survived strokes from a variety of whips during my training; I'll probably survive this.* Julie realized the logic wasn't exactly Aristotelian, but it would have to serve.
The man issued a stream of orders and Julie moved to comply. She found a hank of rope suitable for tying her hands, used a remote unit to let a cable down from a ceiling beam, and collected a range of instruments for her Master's inspection.
He opened the hank of rope and found the midpoint quickly. He placed Julie's hands palm to palm in front of her and, using the bight of the rope, tied a larkspur knot just above her wrists. He wrapped the doubled rope twice just above the knot and finished the binding with a cinch between her hands.
Carrying the free ends of the rope to the cable, he threw a half-hitch and then a half-hitch on a bight onto the ring holding the snaphook at the end of the cable. A touch on the remote lifted Julie's arms over her head, but did not stretch her. That, she knew, would come when he had selected the instrument of her whipping.
Julie watched his examination of the whips carefully. She recognized the care he took with each whip, testing the handle for a comfortable grip, testing the instrument for balance, and testing it for its ease of swing. Her Master was able to draw a loud crack from each instrument. For a moment, Julie wondered if she would be able to hear the crack separately from the crash as the lashes landed on her body.
The Master selected an old model whip, the standard cat-o'-nine-tails: two feet long, with one-third handle and two-thirds the tails that would mark her. Master's touch on the remote control lifted her arms to the regulation "Stretched" position. Julie just had time to notice the lashes were of rope before her Master ordered, "Slave, turn around. I want the first strikes to be on your back. I find that, when a slave cannot see the lash coming, it has a more powerful effect. Also, your back presents a broad canvas for painting my strokes. I learn from these so that the later strokes on your front are more decorative."
Emotions Julie thought "dead and buried" flooded the slave as she turned. This Master was going to "learn" as he whipped her back? Did this guy think a strike from a cat could be erased if it didn't "look right?" Anger was the first emotion she recognized. With sorrow, she recognized despair and hopelessness following on the heels of anger. Was her back only as valuable as a page in a sketch book?
Her Inner Goddess was her only support, and all that worthy could say was that this was simply a part of her Job Description. Martin and The Enterprises had valued her highly, and even this evening was a part of a grand project she had suggested and they had adopted.
It didn't prevent the first strike from splashing its fire from her right shoulder down to her left hip. Julie concentrated on taking another breath before she could give the standard response: "One, Master. Please, may I have another?"
Master silently watched as the welts blossomed. He had hesitated to use the cat on his own slaves, worried about disfiguring marks and about the emotional toll such marks might make on his slaves. On this slave, however, he was impressed that almost every one of the nine tails had left at least a short mark. The pattern itself was pleasing. He took a breath and delivered the second strike a bit lower than the first.
This strike caught Julie a bit unprepared, and she let slip a small cry. It was not what she wanted to do and she hurried to announce the count: "Two, Master. Please, may I have another?"
Again, Master watched the welts bloom. But, although the pattern was precise, it was not satisfying. This slave had made no error, done no crime, missed no standard. In fact, a small voice told him, she'd followed his orders exactly, not giving any sign of rebellion as he announced and then prepared her for the whipping. And her small cry? He'd heard louder and more heartfelt cries from a simple spanking. He stopped, his whip hand falling to his side, the falls caressing only the floor. For some reason, which he could not fully fathom, he was unable to continue whipping this slave. Her submission had been perfect and complete, her discipline impeccable. That cry, on reflection, had been more surprise than protest.
He felt a bit cheated. He'd wanted to work off his "bad day" with a good whipping, but this was not happening. Wasn't that what a slave was for? The small voice suggested that, perhaps, one reason was that this was someone else's slave. *Yes,* he supposed, *that too.* Another thought, one that he entertained most unwillingly, crept into his mind. He thought of his wife: elegant and beautiful, yes, but no more so than the slave suspended before him. His wife was often aloof, absorbed in her own interests and causes; uninterested in his business problems, as if they were not the source of wealth which made her easy life possible. He remembered, guiltily, that he had sometimes wished he could give her a sound flogging. This reverie ended with a start, as he noticed the reddening back of his borrowed slave, resigned to a thrashing that came from no fault of her own.
The slave he was watching was becoming concerned. The third strike should have come already, judging by the timing so far. When the Master ordered her to turn around, she was both pleased and sad. Master was satisfied with the practice strokes she had endured; now, Master would mark her front, almost certainly marking her breasts. Her Inner Goddess suggested that she was performing up to The Enterprises' standards. That was only a little encouraging.
As she turned, she felt the cable lowering her arms. Was the Master thinking of a different position? a different binding?
"Julie," the Master announced, "you've performed up to my standards, and I shall tell Martin, your Owner, exactly that. But, this whipping isn't making my day better. Come over to the table; I think they've put out some ointments to help with the pain and marks."
A single pull on the half-hitch on a bight and the knot to the cable dissolved. Master grinned at the flash of surprise on his slave's face. "It's a simple knot I learned as a kid. Putting it on a bight maintains the knot but one pull on the working end takes it apart."
Just a few moments were needed to free her hands. Automatically, Julie moved to Position One and "expressed her gratitude" that Master had found her efforts "up to standards."
The broker gave a short laugh. "Well, yes, my dear, but I've still had a bad day. Now, hold still for this ointment stuff. I'm told it feels cold on application."
It did, but it was just what Julie needed to make the pain recede into the background. Master was silent as he worked the ointment into the stroke marks. Julie and her Inner Goddess thought about the mission statement Julie had quoted earlier; part of it was that the slave should be ready with whatever Master was going to need in the next moments, right? What could they do to help Master?
"Please, Master," Julie began slowly, "you mentioned a Baltic Dry Index, something about sea trade routes? But, the Baltic isn't that big a sea, is it?"
The broker's laugh was more jovial. "Julie, that's not where the name comes from. The name comes from the coffee shop on Threadneedle Street in London, where merchants and shipowners arranged for shipment of cargoes, many of which came from what Britain called "the colonies" in the New World. Now, the index covers shipping world-wide and breaks it down by the size of the ship, from Handysize around 15,000 tons, to Supramax at 50,000 tons, to Panamax at 60-80,000 tons, and the Capesize over100,000 tons."
Julie sensed an opening and decided to press a bit. "And which of these is the most important?"
The broker was engaged. "Well, the Capesize is the smallest number of ships, but it carries almost two-thirds of world commerce." He felt more comfortable talking about something that he knew he was good at, probably even an expert. He told Julie about the first time he'd arranged for one of the Capesize cargoes: it was some kind of exotic lumber from Africa bound for furniture factories in the American South. He'd sweated practically an ocean until the ship had docked and unloaded, but he'd made a solid profit and created a bit of a name for himself.
Julie liked the story and, prodded by her Inner Goddess, asked about other cargoes, other voyages. "We never think about all the stuff that moves from where it's grown or found to where somebody makes it into something we buy in a store."
"You're right," answered the broker, adding, "Nobody appreciates us," in a mournful tone.
His slave caught the try at humor and responded with a giggle, something she couldn't have imagined doing just a little while earlier.
As conversations will go, the broker told story after story, with his slave responding to each and asking a question for clarification every so often. They realized that their part in Act I was over when the other men and their slaves began to gather in the Main Salon.
\~ \~ \~ \~ \~
Chapter 106: Niamh's Party Master
After dinner, Master Takana had taken Niamh by the hand and led her away from the Dining Area.
"Slave, your name is quite foreign to me. What is your background?"
"If you please, Master, my background is from Ireland, where my name is not unusual."
Master Takana considered for a second. "How charming. Apparently, the Irish enjoy making a name into a puzzle."
They entered a storeroom, though it now seemed empty.
"Have you ever been tied, Niamh?"
"Yes, Master. I began bondage training quite recently."
"And what kind of bondage have you experienced?"
Niamh thought for just a few seconds, mentally counting of the kinds of restraint. "Please, Master, I have had wrist and ankle ties, hog-ties and tied to a post, both back and front."
Her Master laughed. "Then, I think this will be a new experience for you. Are you familiar with the terms *Kinbaku-bi* or *Shibari*?" He took up a large bag that had been placed by the wall, saying, "These are my paint brushes and art materials."
"Master, I don't know either of those terms. Are you going to paint my portrait?"
"Yes. In a way."
Niamh was intrigued as he unzipped the bag and produced lengths of bamboo and many metres of rope.
"A good portrait should be nude, don't you think? Please get undressed."
She slipped out of her dress, which was all she was wearing, and thought, *I'd better go to the Presentation Position, standing straight, hands behind my head and my legs parted.*
"Very pretty," Master Takana said, "but you can stand naturally for now." Niamh relaxed as he continued, "*Kinbaku-bi* means beautiful tight binding; it is the art of Japanese rope bondage. In the West, it is usually called *Shibari*, which just means 'tying,' usually a parcel."
Niamh remembered that she had, long ago, seen some pictures of Japanese women, usually half-clothed, tied up in what looked like very uncomfortable positions. She explained this to Master Takana in a way she hoped conveyed her misgivings, as well as her acceptance of whatever he intended to do. She had no intention of refusal, which would certainly bring dire consequences, but she also was hoping for reassurances.
He laughed at Niamh's sly assertions. "While it is true that *Kinbaku* derives from ancient methods of torture, you need not have any worries. I am *Nawashi*, a master rope artist. I hope you will find this actually a pleasant experience. I will take some beautiful photographs to give to your Owner, as a memento of this evening."
All the while, Master Takana had been preparing his ropes. Now he said, "Lift your arms to the front, parallel to the floor, and I will begin with a simple chest harness. This is called *takate kote*." He passed the rope twice around Niamh, beneath her breasts, then, from the back over each shoulder in turn, forming a knot, and then, cinching the two shoulder ropes, passed the rope around her again, under her armpits and above her breasts.
He talked to her all the time, telling of the history of *Kinbaku*, how it had originated with the ancient Samurai practice for holding prisoners of war, to more erotic implementations in the late 19th century.
"Since the war, it has migrated to the West, and it seems that now anything goes. Some of the ties are purely decorative and do not restrain the 'captive' at all."
Niamh was feeling a lot more comfortable now. In fact, the feel of the rope and the touch of the Master were becoming more and more sensual. She felt emboldened to make a quip.
"Master, I hope you will not resort to anything so un-traditional."
The Master laughed long and loud. "I can see you will become a very good *Kinbaku* model. Perhaps I will buy you from Martin."
Niamh didn't know whether to take this seriously or not, so she put on her most demure smile and replied, "*Che sara, sara,* Master." Of course, she had to explain this idiom, so ancient that its roots were lost, to the Master, who laughed uproariously and stroked her breasts, causing her nipples to spring to attention.
"It is rumoured Martin once *almost* sold a slave. But, perhaps we should not speak of this?"
Niamh knew the answer to that question. "Master, it shall be as you wish."
Master Takana finished the chest harness by passing the ends of the rope around the junction of the ropes above Niamh's breasts, the shoulder ropes and the column joining the loops below her breasts, forming a three-sided medallion of rope. When he had finished tying this figure, he turned a screen, which had a mirror on the other side. Niamh saw herself in bondage, and, for the first time, appreciated the aesthetic qualities of an art she had previously found only tedious, or uncomfortable, something she endured because her Owner had ordered it.
"Master, that is beautiful!"
"Are you surprised? This is only stage one. I'm going to take some photographs now." He re-arranged the lighting and shot her from every angle, and from full figure to minute detail.
"Are you feeling relaxed, Niamh?"
"Oh yes, Master. The binding was like stroking, and now I feel I am being tightly hugged."
"Very well, the next phase is more restrictive. Please place your forearms behind your back and kneel up on the platform." She clambered up on the platform and presented her back, arms linked behind. Master Takana proceeded to wind a new rope around each wrist, then bound her wrists together, with one bite of rope under her thumb and over her palm on each hand. The rope then travelled up to join the harness between her shoulder blades, and bound in her upper arms.
Niamh was now quite definitely captive, and virtually immobile. She could perhaps scramble to her feet — with difficulty — but, if she then fell over, she would have no way to break her fall. For a few moments, she felt her heart begin to race, but she also realised that her Master had been gentle with her and had explained each step and tie as he performed it. She remembered the lesson on power exchange: she was dominated, helpless clay in the hands of her Master, but he, on the other hand, would do everything for her, protect her, and guide her through the experience.
She relaxed and allowed herself to be moved and posed like a plasticine model, as he shot a long series of photographs.
"Has your Owner allowed your orgasm tonight?" he asked.
"He has promised us all a nice orgasm, Master."
"Well then, I'm sure he will not object if you have another. There is time to add a simple suspension, so I will see what can be achieved." At this stage, Niamh felt sure that Master Takana could, if he set his mind to it, achieve almost anything with rope.
The next rope wound around her hips, then around the top of each thigh, crossing with a twist over her crotch, exerting pressure on her sex. Niamh's first sensation was pressure on her bladder. *I hope I don't have to pee*, she thought, but as the binding continued, she felt a growing stimulation of her clitoris building the sexual tension that would have one inevitable end.
Her Master helped Niamh to lie prone on her belly while he attached further ropes to the chest harness, the hip binding, and then another tie to her ankles. All of these were attached to a movable bar which descended from the ceiling.
"This is definitely not traditional," he said as he activated the electric hoist, raising Niamh about a meter off the platform. "But it is very convenient." When he was satisfied, he took another series of photographs to document the event.
Niamh's weight added more tension to the ropes but still she felt oddly relaxed despite her helpless immobility and the swaying motion initiated by the hoist which brought further friction to her upper body and a delicious jolt to her sexual centre. She knew that she would soon be experiencing an intense orgasmic pleasure. *But I can't do anything for Master Takana*, she thought.
However, that thought was soon falsified.
The Master added one more tie, this time from a generous hank of her hair to the chest suspension, saying, "My dear, you look so erotically arousing, and I can see your own arousal, that I simply must enjoy you myself."
Niamh smiled to herself as she realised that her head was tilted at just the right angle to allow Master Takana easy access to her mouth. He stepped up on the platform and undid his trousers, presenting Niamh with a full erection. She opened her mouth, allowing him to slide into the cavity, greeting him with swirls of her tongue and gentle suction. He moved slightly inside her and those movements, though small, were sufficient to increase the friction on her clitoris. As she was rapidly reaching the point of no return, she was glad that her orgasm had been pre-approved, because she was incapable of asking permission. Nevertheless, she tried to ensure her Master came first, even though he seemed to have extraordinary powers of control.
Finally, Niamh could no longer suppress her body's reaction. She came, with a muffled yelp and a shudder that suffused every part of her body. At the same moment, her mouth was flooded by the Master's sperm. She could barely contain it, but somehow managed to keep most, as he slowly softened. When he disengaged, her mouth remained open, displaying his semen.
"Well done, Niamh," he whispered. "You may swallow."
She did so, gratefully, as he lowered her back to the platform, holding and stroking her for some time, before he began to unloose her ties. Helping the Master coil the ropes, Niamh snatched a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Crimson lines were appearing on her body where blood returned to the areas that had been constricted. The marks were a phantom of the harness she had worn, and Niamh knew they would last long enough to show off to the other slaves. She felt strangely proud of them, the mark of a service she had provided well, not just to Master Takana, but to Martin, her Owner.
Master Takana faced Niamh and bowed. Surprised, she bowed in return and told him, "Thank you, Master, for showing me the beauty of rope."
He smiled and took her again by the hand. "It's time to return to the salon. We are exactly on time for the next act."
\~ \~ \~ \~ \~
Chapter 107: Girl-on-Girl at the Men's Party
The Dining Salon filled with returning Masters and their slaves, once more dressed. Masters had shed their jackets and ties while the slaves had dressed in the Prima Donna Madam Butterfly Bra and Bikini Panty. Igor had selected this pair, remarking that it showed beauty and full coverage in an exquisite floral embroidered, multi-part bra and panty. The angled cup would shape the slaves' breasts while the side support panels would help center the bust and give forward projection. Igor also liked the embroidered appliqués scattered over the front and sides of the set, with an embroidered butterfly appliqué at the center of the back waistband.
The slaves got their men another round of drinks, and each man started telling the others that they had enjoyed the most beautiful, willing and responsive "companion" available. They were mildly joshing Derek, whose story seemed to indicate that he was not quite in full control of the scenario with Dagmar.
Sally whispered in her gentleman's ear and quietly disengaged from his embrace. She retrieved her accordion from the locker where she had stored it and faced the group as the light dimmed and several spotlights picked out the chanteuse and the padded mattress, really a gigantic futon, that had replaced the dining table.
Master Takana noticed the dimming lights and clapped his hands. "Attention, gentlemen!" he proclaimed. "I believe the floor show has begun."
"Messieurs et Mesdames, les chansons d'Edith Piaf!" Sally struck a pose. She explained that her songs were French classics, beginning with the story of a poor street girl who loves the musician at the dance hall. Alas, he has to go to war while she dreams that when he returns they will open a brothel, he as the boss while she takes the cash. But he doesn't return and she is alone, because the guys don't like girls with long faces. She ends up in a low-down dive, where she breaks down, yelling "Stop! Stop the music."
Then, with a brief accordion introduction, Sally began with *L'accordéoniste*:
La fille de joie est belle
Au coin de la rue là-bas
Elle a une clientèle
Qui lui remplit son bas...
Elle écoute la java
Mais elle ne la danse pas
Elle ne regarde même pas la piste
Et ses yeux amoureux
Suivent le jeu nerveux
Et les doigts secs et longues de l'artiste
There's a beautiful hooker
Down on the street corner
She has many clients
That fill up her purse
She hears the Java music,
But she doesn't dance
She doesn't even watch the dance floor
And her adoring eyes
Follow the nervous playing
And the long skinny fingers of the artist
Dagmar waited nervously for her part to begin. Niamh had begun performing a sultry dance to Sally's singing and Dagmar was to make the first move.
Sally had one particular song for the end of her bracket: *Milord*:
"The last song is about a girl from the docks who often sees an English Milord around town, usually with a beautiful young girl. He never notices the singer, until one night, all alone he sits at her table, breaks down and cries."
Vous marchiez en vainqueur
Au bras d'une demoiselle
Mon Dieu, qu'elle était belle!
J'en ai froid dans le coeur
Regardez-moi, Milord
Vous n'm'avez jamais vue...
Mais vous pleurez, Milord?
Ça, je l'aurai jamais cru
Victoriously, you walk
arm in arm with a young miss
My God, she is beautiful
I feel a chill in my heart
Look at me Milord
You've never seen me...
Milord, you're crying?
I wouldn't have believed it.
Dagmar had been primed on her part in the show, and this was her entrance cue.
She had been wrestling with her feelings since the "Commencement" where Sally had been offered her release. Now, she was both excited by the opportunity for sex with the other slaves and repelled by the thought of doing it in public, and before an audience of men, at that. She had hoped that the excursion outside The Enterprises' HQ would provide a chance of escape. If she could hide out for a few hours, she could make it back to her bank.
Her hopes had been dashed by the trip to the wharves. Security was ever present, standard restraints were in place, and the van doors were locked. Sally had sensed her agitation and taken her hand. Dagmar could see that Sally was calm, smiling, seemingly accepting their position. They had been escorted on board the yacht, not hurriedly, but firmly, and never unwatched.
*Go on with the show*, she decided, was the best thing to do.
She sidled up to Niamh, who was dancing to the song. Taking her by the hand, she led Niamh to the padded mattress, the giant futon, which was their stage. Niamh put her arm around Dagmar's waist and squeezed. They halted for a kiss. Dagmar trembled as Niamh embraced her, whispering in her ear, "Just pretend we are all alone."
Dagmar whispered back, "Don't worry, I'm all right. In fact, I had quite a good time with Derek; tell you later."
Dagmar began to stroke Niamh's back, working her way down to the buttocks as Niamh concentrated on kissing her neck. Though she was not usually attracted to other women, Niamh was happy to put on this show because she had just recently experienced an intense orgasm. She was still aroused and her skin still tingled where she had been bound. Dagmar's touches were enhancing those feelings. She suspected that Dagmar had come as well.
Sally joined Dagmar and Niamh, and moments later so did Julie. They surrounded the two, kissing their necks, nibbling on their ears and slipping their arms between them, caressing breasts and bellies. Sally and Julie began to undo the fastenings of the other slaves' lacy lingerie and slowly made them nude. Their hands were added to sensations building up in Niamh. She disengaged from Dagmar and turned to Sally, her gentle tormentor. Niamh pressed herself against Sally, feeling her firm breasts beneath the lace. Her hand deftly undid the clasps while she teased Sally's neck with her lips.
Dagmar was on her knees, pulling Julie's bottoms down and off her legs, burying her head between Julie's thighs. Julie pressed her closer, sliding down until her cunt was available to Dagmar's lips. Sally and Niamh, both naked, were down on the mattress by now. Niamh was exploring Sally's slit with her tongue while Sally employed her fingers in Niamh's folds, dipping a finger into the well-lubricated cunt. The tension was building in Niamh; she needed more! To signal this, she raised her head and playfully nipped Sally's clit, eliciting a shudder and a yelp of delight.
The desired result came in the form of a new hand that tweaked Niamh's nipple. It was Julie, signalling a change in formation. Sally moved herself about, still allowing Niamh access to her sex, while she now attended to Dagmar with her tongue. Julie took over the stimulation of Niamh and Dagmar continued her service to Julie. In this fashion, the "Daisy Chain" that had been discussed with the Empress and agreed between the slaves was accomplished.
Each girl was sucking and nibbling and being sucked and nibbled in a spiral of pleasure, assisted by the random application of hands and even feet. A seeming perpetual motion machine, that increased the arousal with every revolution, until Dagmar jerked and groaned, setting off a chain reaction of gyrations and orgasms around the circle.
The men had been spellbound and silenced by this display of raw feminine sexuality. Some leaned forward, as if to catch every nuance of action in this drama. When, finally, the moans and twitching of the girls subsided, unrehearsed — but as one — the men burst into a round of applause. The ladies gathered themselves together and, facing the men, bowed deeply.
They stood for a moment holding hands, their bodies shining with sweat, catching their collective breaths. Master Takana raised a finger. "Ladies you must have enjoyed your meal; you devoured it! I must apologize for not providing napkins, but as our mothers taught us, good manners require a clean face. Please turn to your partner and take care of this without using your hands."
After a moment's hesitation, Julie took the initiative — and Dagmar's face, planting kisses and licks on cheeks and chin. Sally leaned into Niamh. She caught a drip under Niamh's chin and worked her way to the upper lip. As the four women enthusiastically completed their task, several men found the display even more arousing than the main performance.
Julie took the lead again and pulled Dagmar into a tight embrace. Sally reacted with a deep kiss and hug with Niamh.
Sally saw to refreshing each man's drink while the other slaves slipped into Lulus' Star Spangled Ivory Backless Lace Rompers for the remainder of the evening. The short uniform drew admiring looks from the men, especially when Dagmar did a few twirls. As the other slaves rejoined the gathering in the salon, Sally also donned the white uniform.
\~ \~ \~ \~ \~
Chapter 108: Act Three of the Party
Julie and Niamh were exhausted but pleased that the Girl-on-Girl Second Act had gone so well — for the slaves — and had been received so enthusiastically by the men. Now, Act Three needed to be started.
The young man, Derek, took the initiative away from Julie, something which she was surprised to find irritated her.
"My friends," he announced, "I'd like to invite you to observe a Third Act this evening. As you may know, my family has had slaves for a few generations and I've grown up without thinking much about slaves or slavery. It was always just something there, ready-to-wear, right off the rack, to mix a few metaphors."
The other men paused and, curiosity on their faces, looked around the room for clues about what was about to happen. This hadn't been mentioned in any of the contacts or notices leading up to the party. Derek's metaphor reference eventually settled on them and they returned to their seats, expectant.
Neither Julie nor Niamh thought it wise to interrupt Derek, who seemed to know what and how he wanted to set up the rest of the evening.
"Now, while I've been setting up our business here in the SAR, I've thought about these things a bit more. Frankly, I don't really know much about this topic. So," — he paused for a deep breath and the men could see a look of resolve settle around him — "I asked the Empress to set up an *Introduction to Slavery* for me."
Everyone could hear the capital letters in his voice, which stayed strong.
"The rules are simple. This is to be as realistic as possible. There is no bar to our hosts saying or doing anything they would say or do to or with a real slave. There is no "safe word" here. I will submit as long as our hosts, and you fine gentlemen, will require it, although we all have to be at our usual offices in the morning."
This last, clearly the end of his speech, was greeted by a smattering of applause and smiles all around. In a moment, Julie felt the atmosphere change. Her nod to the engineer lowered the general room lighting just enough to emphasize the spotlight on Derek. Niamh passed a riding crop to her and Julie moved to face the new slave.
"Slave Derek," she started, "in a few moments we are going to move to the yacht's Playroom. There are a few rules in our slave corridor. Your obedience will be instantaneous and it will be complete. When I or my trainers give you a command, we will ask 'Do you understand?' This is your only chance to ask for an explanation of whatever you don't understand. Otherwise, you will answer simply, "Yes, Mistress," and you will perform the act commanded. Do you understand?"
Quickly and smoothly, Derek answered, "Yes, Mistress, ask for explanation and perform the command."
Led by Julie, the three men, the "new slave," and the Mistresses made their way to the Playroom. From her position just off to one side, Niamh breathed a bit easier. *At least, we started off properly.*
Julie started the catechism they had rehearsed. "A slave has no rights. A slave is property. A slave does not own his body. A slave's mission is to obey, to serve, and to be used. Do you understand?"
Julie thought there was just a hint of a smile on Derek's face. Was he gaining some confidence that he could manage this act?
Derek took a moment too long to answer the standard slave question. Julie applied a slash from the crop across his right shoulder. It wasn't a particularly hard slash, but it wiped the smile off Derek's face. *He's probably not so confident now,* thought Niamh, who had also detected the smile.
"Do you understand?"
The answer was rushed; one lesson had been learned. "Yes, Mistress, I am to obey, to serve, to be used."
Julie made sure her face showed neither smile nor frown. A slave must pick up clues to his Mistress' desires from almost nothing. He had a moment of appreciation for how helpful his own slaves were. But, he continued to focus on Julie.
"Your first service is to show yourself to your betters. You will strip. You will make yourself naked. You will put your former clothes into the basket Niamh will bring you. Now. Do you understand?"
He was already opening his shirt as he replied, "Yes, Mistress, strip naked." It wasn't sensuous or sensual, but it was functional and fast. Niamh's basket disappeared. He wanted to wonder if he'd ever see it again, but he closed off that thought as Julie began speaking.
"Now, slave, two more rules. You will not make any sounds except to speak when asked a direct question. You will not look directly at me or any of the Mistresses here. Do you understand?"
Again, a quick reply. "Yes, Mistress, no speaking, no direct looks." And Derek realized that he was the only one naked in the room. The men had dressed after the Act One usages and the females wore the lacy white lingerie. As with the No Speaking rule, he surmised, it was a maneuver to build some humiliation into his slave experience.
"Put your hands at the small of your back."
He felt his hands move before he could wonder what this Mistress was going to do with them. What she did was fix each wrist in a pair of shiny handcuffs.
Julie permitted herself a small smile. It was time for a "nice, soothing, word" for the slave.
"These manacles," she said, deliberately using the more menacing term, "are new. Virgin. Yours is the first skin they have tasted."
It was a test. Derek thought he should respond to such a compliment, but there had been no question. The mild burn on his shoulder convinced him to remain silent.
Julie nodded at the slave. "That was a test, slave. In the free world, you would have a polite answer. In the slave world, nobody is interested in what you think or what you think you have to say. Now, this position is what we call Transport Mode. We will use it to move you around, to get you to the places where we want you."
His mind reacted. Transport to where *they* wanted him. In slavery, he would not be going where *he* wanted to go. He felt a layer of control, of civilization, fall away from him and thought, *That's a pretty grand idea, and just from wearing a set of handcuffs.* But he knew it was true. A bit of worry started in his mind. *Where are they going to take me? Off the yacht? To some slave corridor?*
The answer appeared without announcement. Julie grabbed his prick and gave a small jerk to get him moving. She led him around to each of the other men, and then to the other females, pointing to his "package."
"It's not the biggest package we've seen, but his history shows it has worked fairly well. Our first modification for his body is to increase the length of his ballsac. For this, we will use a parachute."
Niamh brought a C-shaped disk of plastic and wrapped it around the neck of his scrotum, bringing the ends to overlap, forming a cone with its open end covering his balls. Snaps held the cone in place. Niamh hooked small weights to four rings and gently let their weight pull on the cone.
Derek couldn't see this application, but he did feel the instant pull on his ballsac. It wasn't painful, at least not yet, but he had never heard of such an application, and worry started to grow in his mind.
Julie used his prick as a lead as she showed the parachute to each of the audience. With some thickening and lengthening of his prick evident, Julie suspected Derek was actually enjoying this manipulation of his manhood. Eye contact with Niamh suggested that they were ready to move to the next test.
"Handcuffs are quite adaptable to many uses," Julie lectured the new slave as she led him to a position in the center of the room. "I'm going to change yours. When I free your right wrist, I want you to hold your arms straight out in front of you. No other movements. No shoulder movements. No movements to work out any muscle kinks. Immediately and straight out front. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Mistress, straight out front."
The audience could see a flight of emotions cross Derek's face. For one not used to Transport Position, even the short time he had been in the position must have given the new slave some unfamiliar stretches of unused muscles. But the command included no moves or shakes to get a cramp to let go. It was going to be a test for the slave.
Julie freed the right wrist and Derek swung his arms around to "straight out front." Julie quickly reapplied the right wrist handcuff and left his arms outstretched.
"Slave, you did that exactly as ordered. This is the standard we're going to expect tonight."
Niamh signaled the engineer and the whir of a cable descending from the ceiling filled the room. Niamh clipped the snaphook on the cable to the links between the cuffs and signaled for the cable to rise.
Derek followed the gradual rise of his arms as they passed his shoulders, then his face, and continued upward. He realized that the cable could go all the way to the ceiling, and had a flash of panic as he realized that would haul him off the floor, to hang from just the steel bracelets of the handcuffs.
The cable stopped with his arms pulled up, but his feet still on the floor. His mind sent out a prayer of thanks, but the worry seated itself a bit deeper. The "demonstration of adaptability" for the handcuffs must have some further point, he figured. Stretched as he was, he could think of only one reason: they were going to whip him.
Sally wheeled a small trolley to the slave. He could move enough to see it bore a basin of water and a tray of shavers. The Mistress covered his package with shaving gel — a rather comfortable, cooling sensation, Derek thought. That thought evaporated as Sally started shaving his lower abdomen and pubic region, flipping his prick from side to side as she worked.
"Raise your left leg," she ordered. Derek responded even before he figured out what she wanted to do, which was to reach the hair between his ballsack and the rosebud of his anus.
"Lower the left leg and raise the right," followed in just a few moments. Derek was not ready for the obvious command, and complied slowly. From behind him, Julie applied another cut with her crop.
Anger flared in Derek's mind, along with a short cry escaping from his mouth. He was trying, wasn't he? How fast did they expect him to go?
Julie came around to face the new slave. "I expect you're a bit upset by the cut of my crop. Slaves do not get upset. Because your Mistresses want you to understand their expectations, I will explain. You should be processing each maneuver we put you through. You should understand that we are removing your bush. You should have been ready to change legs when your Mistress ordered it. You were not ready. We think that means you were not thinking about what your Mistress was going to want. That is a failure, and it requires a correction. The correction was a cut of the crop. Corrections often hurt, but they will not harm you. We think you are a valuable unit of merchandise, of property. What would be the point of harming you? Now, a hurt will always heal. Of course, once you are hurt, you will know that you can be hurt again. This knowledge, we know, makes the correction more effective for the slave. Do you understand?"
It was the longest speech Derek had heard about slavery. He saw the logic quickly, and the worry deepened in his mind. They could use the crop, and probably other more painful devices, any time. He could have "hurts" piled on each other. But now, his Mistress was waiting for an answer.
"Please, Mistress," he started, but then realized he wasn't sure what to say. He fell back on, "I'll try better," adding "Mistress" as an afterthought.
Julie waved the crop, an action that had Derek flinching. It was impossible to ignore a simple fact: he was learning that slaves are not in control of themselves, and not in control of what positions or actions they may be compelled to take. There was less confidence, now, replaced by feeling "adrift." He wondered, *how did his slaves at home manage to survive this loss of control?*
"Did you say 'try?'" asked Julie. "Slave, you must understand that 'try' is a term in rugby —British football — or in American football. Slaves do not 'try.' Slaves perform up to standards. We will train you to our standards and you will perform up to those standards. Do you understand?"
Derek's wall of worry received this explanation with some despair. Did these Mistresses expect perfection every time? He formulated an answer he thought might satisfy. "Yes, Mistress, perform up to standards."
He noticed Julie's smile did not reach her eyes.
By the time his Mistress had his package shaved cleanly enough for her standards, Derek was feeling the cooling effects of the shave gel where his bush had been. Several hands ran over the area, testing for stray hairs. To Derek, these touches were not the pleasant and stimulating caresses of his own slaves, but tests for further passes by the shavers. His prick had stopped responding to flicks sending it one way or another. His ballsac, weighted by the parachute, was beginning to ache, and he wondered if, indeed, it was now longer.
The cable began to let his arms down, and Derek became tense. Another maneuver, another test was starting! The worry, now seated deeply in his mind, added a new dimension. Could he figure out what his Mistresses wanted, and in time to meet their standards?
With his arms at the horizontal, the cable stopped. He was told that the handcuffs were going to be removed, but that he was to keep his arms outstretched. Niamh and Julie unsnapped the cable, which retracted, and freed his wrists from the handcuffs. After just a bit of a dip, he managed to keep his arms at the horizontal until the Mistresses each took an arm and brought it around to his back.
"We are pretty sure you don't know what a boxtie is," Niamh announced, "so this is your first bondage position. We will position each hand at the opposite elbow and we want you to grasp that elbow while we apply the rope." He felt his hands and arms being positioned and grasped his elbows as ordered. "Very good, slave," said Niamh, "now just hold the position."
Dagmar brought several hanks of rope and he could feel coils of rope grasping and then tightening against his forearms. He thought he could tell that knots were being tied, but he could not feel them.
"We tie the knots where your hands can't reach them," Niamh added. "We've found that slaves are more comfortable knowing that."
Derek's only thought was that the ropes, so far, were not painful. He wondered if the coils would cut off his circulation, but then realized that that would be a "harm" and Mistress Julie had told him that there was no reason to harm a valuable "unit of merchandise." He wanted to believe her, but wondered, *would a Mistress lie to her slave, perhaps to get the slave to be more compliant?*
As if she could read his mind, Julie had a lecture ready for him. "There must be complete trust between slave and Mistress. If a slave doesn't trust his Mistress, that could lead to mistakes in understanding what his Mistress wants and needs, leading to the slave failing his duty to his Mistress. If a Mistress cannot trust her slave, how can she give him any privileges? How can she be sure she is meeting his basic needs? For this reason, your Mistresses will never lie to you. You can always trust their word. And, similarly, you must never lie to your Mistress; it is a sign of disrespect. These are nonstarters in our world of slavery."
More rope was used to wrap his arms loosely to his chest, running above and below his nipples. Fingers wrapped rope around the strands in each armpit, taking up the slack and tightening this chest harness. He had seen this in photos of some Japanese *Shibari*, or *Kinbaku*, bondage models, and now felt how powerful those extra wraps were. He could move only his fingers, and not very much, at that. Again, he was paraded by a Mistress through the audience so the men could examine, and test with their fingers, the placement and tightness of ropes and knots. One man also fingered his nipples, finding them more erect than flat. The new slave was a bit embarrassed by this familiar handling, as well as by the state of his nipples.
Julie came around to his field of vision for a moment, but disappeared as she bent to examine his parachute. "I do believe we're seeing some stretching here," she intoned in a flat voice. "Now, we have a package we can put on display."
Derek couldn't understand what she meant. She had led him around by his prick, showing his prick and ballsac to the men and women before and after applying the parachute. Could there be that much change that more display was needed? His wall of worry began to develop an arch of humiliation.
Naimh, who had applied the parachute, appeared to remove, first the weights, and then the plastic disc. "Oh, yes," she exclaimed, "this prick and balls are much prettier now!"
Mistress Sally moved a sheet-draped piece of equipment into the center of the room. With a flourish, she removed the sheet, presenting a platform a little more than a meter square with a square wooden post rising from its center. The post was topped by a fan-shaped shelf of clear plastic, tilted forward just a bit. The handle of the fan, about three centimeters wide, was extended for several centimeters, ending in a window about two centimeters wide. Just before the window, the handle showed a soft mound of black vinyl. From each side of the fan portion, a threaded metallic column rose about five or six centimeters.
The new slave had no idea what the device was, but the fine finish and clean lines suggested it was an important piece of furniture. That was enough for his imagination to infer that he would experience it as a torture device.
Niamh led him to the device, mounting the platform from the "handle" side. She pulled him forward, so the handle slid between his legs, until his thighs were against the fan-shaped shelf. She spread his ballsac on the shelf, between the two upright columns.
Two Mistresses came to his sides, and Niamh passed his prick to one of them. The other held a clear plastic rectangle with two rows of holes in the long dimension of the plastic and slots running between the holes and the long edges.
Julie began a lecture, and Derek switched his attention to this Mistress. "There is a long history of use of stocks and pillories, but people often get them confused. The short version is that stocks generally hold the victim's feet, while a pillory holds the victim's neck and wrists. This device has some features of both. For instance, the shelf holds our slave's balls on display. You can see how much this display benefits from his prior exposure to the parachute as a ball-stretcher. Now, Niamh and I are going to shackle his feet in place, so that qualifies this as a set of stocks."
The two Mistresses wrapped leather cuffs around Derek's ankles, buckling them in place. Each cuff carried a D-ring and each Mistress used a short chain to lock Derek's ankles to the sides of the platform. Of course, spreading his legs to reach the width of the platform lowered his crotch onto the fan-shaped shelf and handle. Julie checked his buttocks, spreading them so his body could sink lower onto the shelf and handle.
"Now, his balls are held onto the shelf, so this qualifies as a pillory."
The men crowding around Derek nodded approvingly, with one commenting, "Exactly so. Very nice."
"Thank you, Sir," said Julie. "Now, I'm sure everyone noticed two components of the handle to the shelf that is displaying our slave's so-nice balls. At the end of the handle we have a window and, through this window, one can insert a device that will immediately bear on our slave's anus. I'm going to spread some lube on this device" — and she showed the audience a long, slender probe rising from a thicker handle — "and pass it through the window. A little more and I'll have our slave tell you what he feels."
There was silence for a few moments as Julie gently pushed the probe through the window and up to her slave's rosebud. As the probe pushed farther, Derek gasped and exclaimed, "No! Not there! That's not right, Mistress. Take it out; take it out!"
Julie, however, continued her manipulation of the device. Niamh came to the distraught slave and stroked his face. "Slave Derek, let me remind you of what we said earlier. You have no power, no control. All the power is with your Mistresses. That means that, whatever command they give, or whatever maneuver they do, is right, is correct. A slave does not have the power to decide what is right or correct. All that power is in his Mistress' hands.
"So, you see, what you just said makes no sense in the world of slavery. Do you see that, slave Derek? Do you understand?"
Julie's probe was now a few centimeters into Derek's ass, just past the sphincter muscle that holds the ass closed. There had been little pain, probably because of the thinness of the probe, but his ass was sending him "fullness" signals he'd never felt before.
He took a breath and gave Niamh the response she wanted. "Yes, Mistress, your commands are all correct, all right, Mistress."
It wasn't what he wanted to say, but he was learning that it was the proper reply to a Mistress. That difference, between what *he* wanted and what *they* wanted — and he had to provide — was a humiliating thing. He was the scion of an important family, sent to Hong Kong to establish an opening for a global business. A few lengths of leather, rope, and chain had reduced him to a compliant nothing. He had never, even when being hazed at University, felt such humiliation. He did remember, however, a tongue-lashing from a High School teacher about a book review ... But that was long ago and buried deeply.
Julie had driven the probe as far as she desired. The ribbing on the probe and the muscles of Derek's ass would hold it in place.
"I'm sure you are all wondering about this probe. Why put something so slender up our slave's ass? Something larger, say, a dildo, would have the size to stimulate pleasure centers for our slave. Now, our slave has been reasonably compliant, so I'm going to tell you that this probe contains some revolving wheels. When I turn it on, Derek will feel a pleasure he has not felt previously. Derek, would you like me to turn the probe on?"
It was a new question. Derek's mind recognized that, logically, the "No" answer was possible. Another part of his mind, however, told him that, logically, his Mistress was not likely to entertain that answer, and her response was also not likely to entertain him.
He hung his head a bit more. "Yes, Mistress, please turn the probe on."
Niamh held the remote control for the probe, and she turned it on as Derek spoke. The strange motions in his rectal canal surprised and scared Derek at first, and he yelped a few times. But, after a minute, the rhythm of the movements became sensual and he found himself pushing back on the probe. Julie responded by thrusting the probe a bit deeper and then withdrawing it, repeating the cycle as if the probe was a prick fucking a cunt. Derek found himself rising along the rainbow of arousal and wondered if his Mistress meant for him to have an orgasm?
No such luck! Derek never knew how his Mistress could know how far up the rainbow she had pushed him, but she stopped short of an orgasm.
Julie explained. "Derek, you remember we said that a slave owns nothing, not even his body. That means you don't own your orgasms. You must ask permission from your Mistress if you want to climax. You didn't, and so I withdrew the probe.
"Now, however, we have a chance to experiment with the second feature of the pillory's handle. Derek's 'taint' — named because 'it taint balls and it taint rosebud' — is resting on a black vinyl device. We're going to turn it on, starting at a low level, and we'll let Derek tell you what he feels. You will tell us, won't you, my dear slave?"
The "dear slave" felt a flash of resentment at the condescension in the question. But he managed to voice his agreement. The wall of worry had his mind clearly attuned to what his Mistresses wanted.
Niamh tapped a few buttons and the vibrator in the handle came to life. The early sensations did not reach forward to his balls, or backward to his ass, but straight upward into his prostate. As Niamh increased the strength of the signal, he felt himself, once again, rising up the arousal rainbow.
Haltingly, he managed to put a few words together. "Mistress, I didn't know this area was so sensitive. I can't describe the sensation exactly, but it feels good."
One or two of the other men knew exactly what Derek meant, but remained silent.
As Niamh increased the signal further, however, the pleasure began to change, until Derek began whimpering with the combination of pleasure and pain common to this area. He was about to violate the rule on speaking with a plea to stop when, again, his Mistress knew he had reached a particular point. A touch of a button and the black vinyl pad fell silent and still.
One of the Mistresses came up to the slave and wiped his face with a warm washcloth. It was the most pleasant experience of the evening, Derek thought.
Niamh returned the remote to its place and announced, "Now, let's see what the other Mistresses have been doing."
The Mistress with the plastic rectangle lifted it a short distance. She had laid the new slave's prick on the plastic and, with her partner, had laced it in place with a bright red shoelace, tying a large bow at the front of the plastic. The prick was straight and markings on the plastic showed its length at eight centimeters, clearly not engorged or aroused.
"The interesting thing that can be done with this plastic is to lay it on top of our slave's ballsac. You'll notice that the two upright columns from the shelf fit into the slots in the prick plastic. Now, I have a pair of wing-nuts that fit on the threads of the uprights. As you watch, I can spin the wing-nuts down, which would compress the prick plastic on the ball display shelf. Of course, I could tighten the wing-nuts as much as desired, until the balls are crushed flat."
Derek's cry startled the fascinated audience. "No, Mistress, please, no!" Even with his feet spread and his torso pressing firmly on the device, the slave was making a surprising amount of motion.
Aware that his cry had violated one of Mistress' rules, Derek was trying to regain some control over his body. Everyone could see the flush on his face and chest as he fought this battle. Julie and Niamh came to his sides and stroked his neck and arms, moving around to his front as his gyrations softened to mild tremors.
"Derek," Julie murmured softly. "Let's take this in order, right? First, you haven't remembered that we told you that there is no point in harming a slave, right? Second, the Mistress said she *could* tighten the wing-nuts. She didn't say she was going to. Third, in fact, she didn't spin the wing-nuts very far down the uprights at all. It seems evident that you were not trusting your Mistress.
"You also spoke out despite the rule of no speaking. Now, slave, do I have all your crimes listed?"
Derek's mind was only partially listening. Mostly, his attention was still on his prick and balls. He knew his Mistress was running down a list, probably of the bad things he had done. He saw no way to contradict her because his emotions, brought into play by the Mistresses' maneuvers, prevented clear thoughts. From his wall of worry and its arch of humiliation, he could put together only a few words. "Please, Mistress, your slave apologizes. Please, Mistress, let me go." As he said it, he knew it was not right. It was not even enough. If he could have fallen on his knees and begged, he knew he would have. Only the pillory kept him upright. He was broken. Softly, he began to cry.
From the discussions Julie and Niamh had held with Pat and Anne and then with Martin and Edward, they recognized that the once confident entrepreneur was not the body in front of them. The young man had broken more quickly than they had anticipated. Instinctively, they knew that repair was now needed.
Julie took the lead. "Derek, we've been holding slaves for a long time, and we're good at it. Just this evening shows that, right? So, we're going to let you earn yourself back. If you follow my instructions, it will all be fine again. Do you understand?"
His mind grabbed at the offered way out. "Yes, Mistress," he sobbed. "Just tell me what to do."
"All right, Derek. The first thing is you have to pay for violating the rule of no speaking. I'm going to gag you for a little bit, so you won't forget, but it will clear your slate of this crime. Do you understand?"
Derek wasn't sure about his Mistress' logic, but she had said the gag would clear his slate. He knew he should trust her and he knew that meant he had to agree with her correction. He managed to put the words together: "Yes, Mistress, a gag for the speech crime."
Niamh brought the gag they had selected for this possibility. It was a bit gag, about ten centimeters wide and two centimeters thick. It was covered with a smooth, tasteless plastic. Large O-rings at each end supported two straps. The heavier strap went around Derek's head, pulling the bit against the corners of his mouth. The thin strap went under Derek's chin, holding his tongue flat. As with most gags, he would be able to make sounds but not words. And he would drool.
As the bit gag was fitted, Derek began to regain some composure. He had not trusted his Mistresses. He had violated several rules, including speech. He was being put into a gag, so speech was impossible. In this way, he would begin to pay for his crimes against his Mistresses.
Niamh picked up the conversational tones Julie had used. "Derek, for your other crimes, you need to be spanked. But, you're not a child, so we won't spank you. But we have a special instrument, a flogger, that we use for these crimes. We're going to take you out of the devices you are in and take you to a saltire. This is a place where we can fasten you so you can receive the flogging. Do you understand?"
That question! Always needing an answer. He wanted the Mistresses to just do what they wanted. He didn't want to have to think of the answer they wanted. He nodded a "Yes," and prepared to go to the saltire for a flogging. He wasn't sure what a saltire was, but his Mistress had said it was where he would have his flogging, so it must be a good thing. Mistress had said that they had all the control and power, so any command was good and right and proper. So, he would go to the saltire when they led him there.
There were a few moments of pleasant touches as the Mistresses freed Derek from the scrotal pillory and its devices. Next came release from the boxtie and two of the Mistresses moved his arms to "work out the kinks;" much of his upper extremities was somewhat stiff. When the Mistress with the warm washcloths did his face, chest, and manhood, Derek felt as if all was right with his world, almost. He was glad the bit gag prevented him from the error of speech, because he had been about to express his thanks and gratitude. The last service the Mistresses did was to buckle leather bands on his wrists, matching those on his ankles. His first glimpse of these bands noticed that they were fleece-lined — *for comfort against something,* he wondered? — and each bore a pair of D-rings.
Julie and Niamh circled him, examining for any problems. Derek wondered why they didn't simply ask him to turn around. But, he had learned enough of slave control to realize that these Mistresses were doing as they pleased. And, therefore, that was the right and proper way.
Mistress Sally pulled a cord and a sheet dropped away from a device projecting from a wall of the Playroom. It was a large χ-shaped structure, easily two meters tall. It was fastened to the wall at the crossing of the arms. The lower arms showed small platforms for the occupant's feet. The upper arms showed dowels that could be used as hand-grabs. D-rings were spaced about ten centimeters apart up and down each arm, on the inside and outside borders. It was crafted of close-grained wood and the care evident from its finish told Derek it was a well-loved instrument.
Mistresses Niamh and Julie took their slave's arms and walked him to the wall beside the instrument. "These are some of the implements we can use to beat you," Julie said. Niamh added, "Each provides a different kind of pain and leaves a different mark. I have been told that an experienced whipmaster can use a series of instruments and bring out a symphony of cries from his target."
They showed him several whips, single-, double-, and multiple-tailed, of differing lengths and thicknesses. There were also different straps, some of leather and some of rubber, which Julie explained left larger and, sometimes, permanent marks. A tall canister contained several canes soaking in brine, which, Niamh explained, made them more supple and heavier, so that a caning was an experience to remember.
Julie finished the tour of the wall by selecting an instrument with many "falls," as she called them. "This is a flogger. The general plan is to have many falls so that even a light blow delivers a definite sting and thud. The leather may be thinner, as in this instrument which has falls of deer leather, or heavier, as with elk or cattle falls. Some prefer a wider fall, which has more thud, but this instrument has a more standard width, which tends to give more of a sting. Some floggers have a few as a dozen falls, but I've seen some with 40 falls. This one has 24 falls. We've selected this one because it is nicely balanced, which makes it easier for the Mistress to use, and it produces a nice balance of sting and thud."
Derek's insides were churning by the time his Mistresses finished their "educational séance." He supposed part of it was simple intimidation, and he wasn't currently interested in whatever else was going on. He wondered if his own slaves ever got to this *"Let's get it over with"* state. If his Mistresses had not been holding him, he thought he'd just run up and mount the saltire.
Finally, his Mistresses did lead him to the instrument. He assumed he'd climb aboard with his back facing into the room, but they turned him around and backed him onto the saltire.
The four Mistresses cooperated on fixing their slave to the saltire, each working with one extremity. In addition to the wristlet and anklet tie-points, he had a wide belt around his waist attached to the crossing point of the device.
Julie picked up the educational discussion. "The saltire is also known as the St. Andrew's Cross. When St. Andrew was to be crucified, he pleaded that it not be on the same type cross as his Savior, because he wasn't as worthy as his Savior. The adjustment still led to his execution.
"The proper procedure for a slave being whipped or flogged is for the slave to count each stroke, express thanks to his Mistress, and request another stroke from his Mistress. However, we would like to keep your bit gag in place. It will save you from saying some humiliating things, we have found. So, one of the other Mistresses will count, thank, and request for you. You should remember to thank her later. And, of course, there will be a later. Despite how you feel or think during your flogging, there will always be a 'later.'"
Derek had just a moment to consider what he was feeling and thinking at this point. He was a bit angry that he was going to be flogged; he hadn't really done anything so bad, had he? He was a bit humiliated to be exposed so completely to other men of his social class. He was even more humiliated that it was slaves who were doing this to him. Still, he had been considering his request to the Empress for some time, and this seemed like a convenient time to put it into action. He realized that he had learned much more in the past minutes than he could have gained from some books or an internet search.
On balance? On balance, he didn't want to be where he was, but he was satisfied to be where he was. Crazy? *Well, that's life.*
The Mistresses, all slaves themselves, had known that he'd come to this state of knowledge because each of them had followed more or less the same path. The loss of personal control was the most difficult lesson for each of them to learn. The different protocols from different slave corridors or different training schools were not really all that different. The Master or Mistress commanded and the slave performed according to the standards to which they had been trained. Each of them felt fortunate to be at The Enterprises now. Some had heard tales from other slaves that didn't bear repeating. Some Owners were cruel; many were uncaring or unthinking. The Enterprises was definitely a better place to be.
Even Dagmar, who had been a slave for less than a month, understood this. She wasn't sure about all her Masters and trainers, but she was sure about Julie. Whatever that one would ask, Dagmar would move heaven and earth to accomplish.
And so, it was with some pride that Dagmar had accepted the job of counting for any flogging or whipping that Act Three would entail. She took her position just to the side of the saltire and waited for Julie to begin.
Julie had no illusions about this flogging. Derek was going to hurt, but she knew that hurts heal. Whatever he had wanted to learn from this *Introduction to Slavery*, she hoped she had taught. She hoped her Master and the Empress were satisfied with her performance of this assignment, but she was satisfied she had done as much planning ahead of time, and as much thinking during this Act Three, as possible. As with any slave performance, her Master would tell her what she needed to know when she needed to know it.
She raised her arm and the flogger jumped forward, striking her target: the slave's left thigh.
"One," counted Dagmar. "Thank you, Mistress, may I have another?"
A slight adjustment and the flogger flew forward, marking the right thigh. "Two. Thank you, Mistress, may I have another?"
Then, it was the right shoulder, followed by the left shoulder. She was careful not to mark the neck. These welts would not be mistaken for the "hickeys' of her teen years.
She had considered whether to continue the targets in a predictable pattern. That preparation might have been easier for Derek to take, but the Empress had emphasized the young man's focus on "reality." She compromised by going in the reverse order for the next cycle of strikes.
During the third cycle, Julie realized that Derek wasn't cringing or crying or moaning. He was taking each stroke as if it was a badge of courage. The Laws of Slavery flashed in her mind: *A slave never wins.* It was important for Derek, while a slave, to realize this. He had thrown down a gage of battle; her Masters and the Empress were relying on her to pick it up — successfully.
She didn't increase the force of her blows, or speed up the rhythm of the flogging. She began to seek out targets in a random order, removing Derek's advantage in preparing for a strike. She glanced at Niamh and was certain that Niamh had picked up the same challenge. A barely perceptible pair of nods confirmed her intent. A line from an old NASA moonflight came to her: *Failure is not an option.*
She knew that time was on her side. Even if she made no adjustments, eventually the weight of all the strokes would break Derek's resolve. We all have limits, she knew. But, she didn't want this to go on endlessly.
It was a strike on his left breast, right on the nipple, that drew the first sound from the slave. Julie put the next strike on a thigh, and there was no reaction. She went back to the right breast, again targeting the nipple, and drew another sound. They weren't screams or cries, but that was the strategic area.
Slowly, with an occasional blow elsewhere, Julie painted Derek's body from his nipples downward. There were a few blows directly to his navel, usually a sensitive spot, which rewarded her with twitches and more sounds.
As she passed to his lower abdomen, she thought the slave couldn't fail to realize her ultimate target: his prick and balls. A shot to the shoulder elicited a cry; Derek had been fooled by the random target, but he clearly knew her plan. The battle continued, with Dagmar announcing the count, thanking the Mistress, and requesting another.
Julie wondered if any of the men understood the battle going on. A quick look at them showed a smile or two but intense concentration on each of their faces. Yes, these men knew. And they were on her side. Derek might be their business partner tomorrow, but tonight he was just a slave.
The march toward his prick continued, with Derek's responses becoming louder and longer. It was not yet the hopeless surrender that Julie required. She detoured around his package to stripe his upper thighs and thought she saw a bit of sag in his posture.
She wanted it to be over. It had to be done; there was no other possibility. Still, she had admiration for a "worthy opponent." She let fly the first blow to his prick, and heard the cry she had been waiting for. A handwave to Dagmar cut off her announcement with just the count.
As they had prepared, the four Mistresses worked to free the student-slave from the saltire. Julie and Niamh worked the bit gag out of his mouth as the others unbuckled the wristlets and anklets. Finally, Dagmar embraced him, whispering that he should follow her to the showers.
When Derek was gone, the three men surrounded Julie, smiling and offering thanks and congratulations. One said, "I didn't expect he'd be so tough, he's only just past being a kid. But you did exactly what I'd expect you to do. It was beautiful. I suspect you've got some cameras around, and I'm sure he'll treasure this hour or so for a long time."
There was a lot of milling around, with the men inspecting all the devices the girls had used and asking questions about the girls' feelings, especially during the last battle. Thankfully, none of the slaves said anything discourteous or stupid. Julie wondered why the men, all with empires of their own, were not just making their way out. After the emotions of the battle, Julie wasn't sure a fundraising appeal was the best idea to close out the evening.
The appearance of a fully-dressed Derek explained the milling about. As one, the men and the slaves applauded the young man who had the courage to ask a question, make a request, and then follow through so completely.
Derek came up to Julie, who was not sure she could face the man. She was about to drop into Position One when he took her jaw in a gentle hand and kissed her.
"Julie, I think I know how hard this was for you. It is probably the hardest assignment Martin has had for you. You managed the last battle with care and insight. You reflect great credit on your Owner and trainers, and I'll be sure to tell them and the Empress just that."
Julie felt the tears rising, but she managed to keep her voice strong as she said, "Thank you, Sir. Your words mean a great deal to this slave. I will always remember you, Sir."
Turning to the other men, Derek grinned and announced. "I've had the best night tonight. Now, you know this was supposed to be a fundraiser for the Empress' favorite institution, the Opera. I've heard a bit of the plans and I think it's a great idea. My family and I will donate a quarter-million dollars — that's US dollars —toward the project, and I'd like each of you to join me."
Niamh jumped on Julie, embracing her friend and teacher. "That ought to satisfy our Owner!"
"And the Empress, too," added Julie.
The men accompanied Derek down the gangplank and to the parking area where their cars were waiting. The waves and handshakes were testimony to a successful business event.
Pat, Anne, and a Security crew swept into the room and added their congratulations. Even the Captain of the yacht, who had hardly any responsibilities in the evening after the dinner buffet was set up, came in and delivered a kiss to each of the slaves. "Anytime you get a day off, just come visit us," he announced to a round of applause.
As if slaves get a day off.
The Security crew put each of the slaves into Transport Mode and, in a few minutes, cars and vans from The Enterprises had these actors and their troupe moving back to The Enterprises' headquarters.
*Authors' Note: The Men's Party is over. How do you, Dear Readers, think Julie and our other slaves have done? Will her performance be satisfactory for the Empress to allow Julie to become Martin's First Lady? What else will be disclosed during the inevitable debriefing? Your opinions and suggestions, as usual, will be welcome!*
*J Spe and Taliesin1* | literotica |
As the memories came rushing in, so too did Vivian’s awareness of her own self, the new body that her ascension had created in order to house her infinite magnificence… though, “body” might not exactly be the best descriptor for it. She certainly looked the way she did before, albeit with far more exaggerated characteristics. Her species’ traits were on full display: the fur patterns were pretty standard, even her paws were exactly the way they were supposed to be; in fact, at first glance, one might be forgiven for thinking they were just a really, really big Delphox, but in truth, she had no real body to herself… or rather, the thing that she had wasn’t a physical form so much as a metaphysical manifestation of her willpower, imposed upon the substrate of super-reality in a way that would make sense to her.
She was, after all, new to this whole goddess business, at least when she wasn’t fully aware of the fact that she’d obviously always existed, so it was likely she’d end up shedding her form into something a bit more transcendent… eventually. For the time being, this more comprehensible shell around her true self would have to do, especially when she realized just how much of existence was being held together as a consequence of said shell existing.
It took a while before she tuned in to the lower realities, given that her sense of self operated on a scale so vast that it was difficult to even conceptualize anything that didn’t have to be measured in the lengths of multiversal clusters. An initial scan of her avatar revealed that its proportions were suitably exaggerated beyond the realm of what could even be considered possible: first off, her tail expanded with so much fluff that it just ceased being after a certain point, melting away to become the very background upon which all of everything was kept safe and warm; this went magnificently with the way that her ass had billowed outwards to effectively become all of the not-space “behind” her, making it difficult to tell just what was her body and what was not.
The exact same happened out in front, with her tits being little more than a wall of pure softness that she could lean onto and use for comfort, though not without potentially endangering all the little ones living on it; though initially surprising, a few moments of thought were all she needed to come to the conclusion that yes, it did make perfect sense for all things that were, had been and ever would be to come to reside within her bosom. It was poetic, in a way that she very rarely got to think about, and it was probably the way her godlike mind came up with so that she could pay attention to everything that was now hers to look after, as the top goddess to end all other divinities; at the end of the day, if the entirety of existence had been placed upon her butt, she’d constantly have to look back to check in on it, and that’d just be a mess.
No, it made perfect sense for her to look into her bust and see every single instance of reality, every bubble that made up every universe, collecting together into vast structures marking a single multiverse, each of which would then find another one to link up to. Vivian could tell where these links were made, strands that to her looked small, but which in reality would be enough to siphon entire cosmos’ worth of matter without much difficulty; perhaps, in time, one civilization among all others would figure out a way to travel using those links, and then maybe they would fully understand what kind of existence it was they lived in. For the foreseeable future though, this wonderfully beautiful lattice was Vivian’s and only Vivian’s to appreciate… though it did remind her of something that had slipped her mind up until then: her own universe.
It was hard to spot in between all the others, and at times during her search the Delphox considered putting her fingers in there and carefully nudging all those other existences out of the way, this before coming to the conclusion that doing so might prove disastrous for whoever lived there; she didn’t trust herself enough to enact any large-scale change to the very fabric of meta-existence (yet), so it fell on her observation skills to pick out her former home from amidst a collection of possibly literally countless iterations of the same universal formula.
The twinkling lights, for that was all that they were to her at her size, all mixed together in a twinkling display that at times made it difficult to even see her bust at all; it would occasionally fade out of existence just enough for her to become one with everything, and where just before had been a well-defined, semi-physical pair of breasts would then be a vast, empty nothingness serving as the cradle for everything that was and would be. It would turn back around eventually though, and Vivian would then have to work extra hard to keep her mind on track, it being difficult to focus when one’s brain wasn’t really in a state of physicality and one’s soul kept trying to push through to proper formless divinity; but the Delphox had something to do, and this one certainty was enough to help her march onwards, even if she had to stop for what felt like aeons at a time just to catch her breath… or whatever counted as that for her “body”.
She would, eventually, run into it: her home reality, or at the very least what remained of it. With equal parts terror and dismay, Vivian realized that her ascension had left her home dimension just the slightest bit broken and bent out of shape; it wasn’t completely destroyed, but the spatio-temporal distortions running rampant through it all-but guaranteed that anyone stuck living inside of it was not having a good time. What was worse, the more she looked, the more her attention revealed to her something ghastly: that particular universe was stuck in a loop.
It would seem that her using it as a proverbial egg had effectively left that little bubble without a reason to exist beyond the moment of her transcendent second birth, so whenever its history reached the point where she broke free from its bounds, it would go back to its own beginning and play itself out, again and again, for all of eternity if nothing was done about it. Vivian was on the verge of tears as she thought about all the lives she had accidentally ruined, all stuck in an endless cycle that they were unable to break free from, a cycle which she could only hope they weren’t aware of. But, just as she was about to start wiping her eyes, she realized something, something so basic that the Delphox felt like slapping herself on the back of the head for having failed to see it until just then: she was a goddess.
It felt like such a simple statement, and yet the true meaning and consequence of it hadn’t dawned on her until that exact moment. She was a goddess, the goddess, a creature of such impossibly vast magnificence that to even attempt to understand her would be folly; her being was of such a scale that to comprehend it would require several degrees of divinity itself, her power unmatched, her will the very substrate upon which the interstitial not-being that served as a medium for the things that were resided.
If that sparkling, endless collection of lights was the garden of life, she was the planet upon which the garden was located, and that meant she had access to a certain few perks, such as the ability to simply reform realities if she so desired. It wasn’t something she wanted to do, because if nothing else, Vivian at least respected the independence and free will of those littles one inhabiting the many universes she cared for; but, the more she looked at her old home, the more she came to understand how broken it truly was, the more she realized it had to be done.
Thankfully, it wasn’t exactly hard for her to reform existence in accordance with her desires and whims; in fact, it was quite literally as simple as her tuning into one of these realities and merely remembering how things had been, tapping into the existing history of that particular universe and giving it a good reboot as it played through her head and she got rid of all the bits that didn’t help anyone. Now, she didn’t really intend for any changes to take place; after all, the whole point of resetting her old home dimension was for Vivian to make sure that the ones still living within it, her mom included, would be able to keep living their lives past the point where she ascended to the halls of divinity. She’d come up with a way to visit them later, after things were fixed and she didn’t have to worry about things going to hell just by her paying closer attention than usual, but for the time being, the plan was to just put things back where they belonged and see where they went from there.
Was, because it no longer applied. While little more than an inclination at first, the inkling of a fragment of an idea, this nebulous core began to ferment and solidify as the Delphox waited for her home universe to go through a full cycle so she could catch it at just the right moment. It was a tiny voice in the back of her voice, eventually metastasizing into a whole chorus, expressing to her a need that Vivian wasn’t even aware she had: the need to put herself into the story. In truth, some part of her regretted having ascended as quickly as she had; not because it was bad, per se, but mostly due to it having taken place so unexpectedly that the rest of her universe didn’t get to go through it like she did.
Hell, Vivian herself only vaguely remembered the details of that infinitely-stretched moment, let alone others who weren’t as blessed and empowered as her; therefore, as she waited for history to repeat itself for just long enough that she could start rewriting it properly, the idea formed fully in her head: what if, instead of simply putting things back the way they were before, then worrying about how to insert herself into the story later, she just… placed herself in the narrative beforehand? It’d made for a perfect testing ground for later fun romps, plus she could always go back and fix things if they went out of control; besides, it would fix the main issue, which was that she never actually finished a shoot to begin with! It sounded so silly to worry about that of all things, but there was still a fragment of her that really, truly wanted to go through an entire film shoot just like she’d promised her mother she would, and if this was a way for her to do that, then Vivian was going to hold onto that opportunity like her life depended on it.
With a smile, Vivian snatched her home dimension from her bosom at just the right time, exactly at the point of her ascension; this way, she could ensure she had the entirety of its history to play around with, to insert herself in just the right moments that she could spread the glory and pleasure of her divine self with all those that now lived under her care. Closing her eyes, the Delphox began to divest herself from her avatar, allowing her true self to seep into that one tiny, glinting firefly-like pinprick of light.
They would soon know her for what she was. And they would rejoice. | yiff-extreme |
Title: Unnatural Selection - Ch 1: The Choosing by Dikran_O
Tags: Action, Assassin, Bat, Canine, Cheetah, Cunnilingus, Deep Thrust, Espionage, Fingering, Fox, Hermaphrodite, Kangaroo, M/F, Vixen, Wolf
FOX Academy VI - Unnatural Selection
Chapter 1 - The Choosing
The village of Wronki in Western Poland, population eleven thousand, is home to the country's largest prison, aptly called 'Wronki Prison'. It is a three-story, cross shaped red brick structure, surrounded by a three-metre high brick wall that is topped with barbed wire and broken glass. It is run by the Sluzba Wiezienna, the Polish Prison Service, under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice. Far from the capitol of Warsaw, it is usually reserved for violent prisoners passing longer sentences. Occasionally, however, a political prisoner will be sent there temporarily, to soften them up.
Such was the case on a sunny day in early June, where the typically Polish population of bears, wolves, coyotes and lions was flavoured by the presence of a blond kangaroo.
The kangaroo huddled in one corner of the gloomy common cell where the violent inmates were brought in shifts for their hour of exercise a day. He sat hunched over watchfully, but not fearfully, with his small arms wrapped around his long legs. Something about him, maybe his cold pale eyes, maybe an aura of authority, maybe the thick tail and powerful legs, kept the regular prison population back. Something was familiar abut the big marsupial, and they muttered and mumbled among themselves, trying to figure out who he was, why he was here ... and if the guards would interfere if they raped him.
The sound of boots on cobblestones brought quiet to the cell. A guard was coming. From the scuffling sound that accompanied the footsteps the guard was bringing a new prisoner. Fresh meat. The long-term convicts licked their lips in anticipation. If it was someone small and soft they could forget the disturbing white kangaroo and have a little fun. If it was a muscle-bound thug they could solicit his help in holding the kangaroo down.
The iron door separating the cell area from the corridor clanged open and a tall cheetah in a guard uniform stepped through, dragging a smaller black fox by the ear. The entire population, except for the kangaroo who never moved a muscle, gasped at the sight. Not only was the guard a female, a rare thing in this all-male prison, she was built like a brick przybudówka.
The feline was blonde, busty, and wearing a uniform two sizes too small. The buttons on her bark blue blouse strained to the breaking point, the summer shorts disappeared between the cheeks of round, full ass. Her hips rolled, her butt bobbed, her tits bounced and the large silver cross that dangled between them swayed as she sashayed forward to open the barred gate separating the guard's zone from the cell. The hardened criminals were frozen in fascination.
"Wej??, dupek!" She exclaimed, as she shoved the fox through the gate. He turned and protested, in English by the sound of it, but she ignored him. Without another word she slammed the gate shut, turned her lovely ass toward the watching mob, and left. Her departure was marked by several spontaneous orgasms.
It took a minute for the convicts to recover. In that time the small black fox, a teenager by his looks, sized up the crowd and wisely moved away from the sweaty, dirty, slobbering, tattooed professional criminals and toward the kangaroo.
The roo's level of alertness had changed when he heard English coming from the kid. His ears were up and forward. His tail, which had been lying limp beside him, was stiff and raised, ready to be used in defence if necessary. But he made no move as the young fox came closer.
The kid was dressed like the typical western adolescent, in baggy black denims that exposed colourful boxer shorts, skateboard shoes and a dark hoodie that was zipped up. He wore a red ball cap with the shade turned to the back. It had the logo of a popular sports chain on it. The kangaroo wondered how the fox had ended up here.
The jailhouse queens were closing in on the kid, and he backed up to the lone bench where the kangaroo sat on a folded blanket. He looks scared, the marsupial thought, and rightly so. Once those thugs got their paws on him he was just a meat sandwich for them to wrap around their cocks. Poor blighter, but still, he resented the fact that the kid was drawing the crowd his way.
"Better stay away from me kid." He startled the fox by speaking English from behind him.
"Why?" The fox's head swivelled left and right as the cons spread into a semi-circle around the two foreigners.
"People are out to kill me. That's why I was put in this cell." The kangaroo sounded almost smug. "What are you in for?"
"Skateboarding on some dumb old monument ... and having a bag of weed on me, and some meth, a couple of tabs of ecstasy, two ounces of heroin, a grenade .... you know, the usual bullshit." The young fox turned to look at the kangaroo close up for the first time. "Say, ain't you that FurryLeaks guy?"
"Yeah, that's me, Gillian Buttmange." The kangaroo said, proud to be recognized. "I was Picked up for an extradition hearing on some trumped up sex charge and left in this cess pit where anyone can get to me." He slid to one end of the bench and indicated that the fox could join him, but at the far end. "Not to be offensive, but do you mind keeping your distance? They want to silence me for good."
"Who's 'they'?"
Before the kangaroo could answer one of the prisoners, a bulldog cross covered in obscene tattoos and numerous scars, broke from the pack with a stream of curses and rushed the bench. Buttmange tensed for the coming fight, certain that it would be a life or death struggle. The fox, bending to move an empty food tray to make room on the bench stood at the sound of rushing feet and turned with the metal tray held up defensively. The rising tray caught the con under the chin, driving his head back with a sickening crack. He collapsed in a heap on the floor. The rest of the mob took a step back in awe.
"Oh Jesus, I think I killed him." The kid looked like he was going to throw up. "Who was it?"
"A Bulgarian, from his speech." The kangaroo said, relaxing slightly. "The Russians probably sent him. They always send Bulgarians."
"Why do they want you dead?"
"They think that it will stop the postings on FurryLeaks, but they are wrong. Everything is automatic, and the secrets will continue to be exposed even after I'm gone." The prospect of martyrdom seemed to appeal to the large marsupial. "All will be revealed, even Putin's most sordid secrets."
Buttmange went on about how the people had a right to open government, a right to know everything that their leaders knew, a right to be informed. The fox's eyes began to droop and he yawned widely. Several of the convicts pulled the body of the Bulgarian back to their side of the large cell and started going through his pockets.
A tall muscular wolf with close cropped fur that had been hanging in the back of the pack stepped forward. Unlike most of the rest he was clean, and his clothes fairly new. He approached swiftly, but cautiously, his paws held in a fighting stance. His forearms were protected by some sort of carbon-fibre guards that had sharpened triangular spikes protruding. He ignored the little fox and went straight for the kangaroo. The kid squealed and dove under the bench.
Buttmange was familiar with the martial art his family had brought back from ancient China and adapted for Australian species - Butt-Kik-Ng, but he was no master. In a flash he was back on his tail, his powerful legs ready to deal killing blows, but a worried frown furrowed his brow. He had rarely had to fight, and never against an opponent of this calibre. If he could get one good kick in first, he thought desperately, he could have a chance.
Long tawny legs shot out, only to be blocked by the armguards. The wolf swiped at the retreating limbs, but the deadly spikes only snicked the roo's fur. Buttmange bounced from the back to the floor and back again. The wolf spun and flipped and closed the gap, cutting down the kangaroo's room to manoeuvre. The prisoners made bets and shouted encouragement to one or the other.
After two minutes the kangaroo was sweating and gasping for air. The Wolf wasn't even breathing heavy. Money was already being passed from paw to paw on the other side of the cell. Buttmange was backed into a corner, too weak to leap over his opponent. The end was near.
The wolf, totally focused on his prey, did not see the little fox roll out from under the bench. The kid tumbled out in a tight ball and struck the larger canine in the back of the legs, sending him falling forward. Buttmange took the opportunity to launch a double kick to his assailant's chest, sending him back toward the crouching fox at high speed. As the semi-conscious wolf passed by the fox struck out with a stiffened paw at the wolf's larynx. There was a crunching sound and the wolf grasped his throat; his face turning red, and then blue. In another minute all was still again.
"You cane to the rescue." Buttmange noted, his voice full of suspicion.
"I saw a spider under the bench." The kid said sheepishly. "Then I just sortta got tangled in his legs ..."
Buttmange bent over the body. "See these tattoos? Ex-US Special Forces. A mercenary. That means he was hired by the CIA; they always use contractors for the wet work these days. He was very good, but not too good for you it seems." He stared hard at the small fox that had now dispatched two professional assassins.
"A lucky blow?" The kid shrugged, and then changed the subject. "I thought you already released all the American material you had. Why would the Yanks want to kill you?"
"Revenge. I've embarrassed them, but also because I've refused to tell them what I know about others in exchange for a pardon." When he had first seen the little fox dragged into the cell Buttmange had assumed that the kid was an American. But his calling them 'Yanks' rather than 'my government', 'my people' or even 'the Americans' made him reassess the diminutive canine. He decided that he could trust him, a little at least.
"The really, really good stuff is yet to be posted." He confided. "The Americans want it, and they want to keep the information to themselves." Buttmange sat up straighter and the righteous look returned. "But, as I said, the information is for everyone. I have servers around the world standing ready to post the articles, and killing me will only guarantee its release. The only way to stop it is with the access code that only I possess."
While he had been talking a sly figure had worked its way up to near the front rank of prisoners. A paw appeared, a weasel's paw, and a grey cylinder rolled across the open space toward the corner formerly occupied by the kangaroo. As it came to a rest thick white smoke and sparks began to pour from it and it produced a loud whistling sound, like an artillery shell falling from the sky.
Buttmange reacted naturally, diving away from the sound and the light, straight into the waiting arms of the weasel. The slippery creature had used the distraction to circle behind the crowd to the other side. He wrapped himself around the large marsupial's neck and pressed a syringe against the kangaroo's throbbing carotid artery.
"The code!" It hissed. "Give me the code or I'll inject this acid into your brain."
That was as far as the weasel got. His eyes suddenly rolled back in their sockets. His head followed, tilting up and back. His limp form dropped away, revealing the little fox and the short, thin bladed knife that he held in his paw. The handle was black, like his fur, the blade was red, like weasel blood. The kid's eyes were yellow, flat and emotionless.
"You call that a knife?" The Australian quipped, pointing to the small blade.
"No, I call that a shiv." The fox said as he wiped the blood on the weasel's shirt. "Knives are bigger. It does the trick though."
"Where did you pull that thing from?"
"I'd show you but the queens over there might get the wrong idea about us. Who do you think this guy was?" He said, indicating the weasel.
Buttmange examined the body. There were no tattoos or scars. No papers or symbols to identify his affiliation. Finally he pulled the weasel's trousers and underwear down to reveal a circumcised penis. "Israeli." He pronounced. "The Mohel's technique is unique, much more even than the few surgeons that still practice it in the West. He was from the Mossad. That means the Vatican."
"The Vatican?"
"Yes. They are desperate to stop the release of the correct version of the bible, and they always hire the best, either the Israeli Mossad or FOX, the Canadian espionage agency. This weasel was Mossad, and since you killed him, you must be from FOX, aren't you?"
The little fox sat back and his posture changed. All pretence of a lost and troubled adolescent fell from him. Buttmange could see now that he was not as young as he looked. He was, in fact, an exceptionally fit albeit short and lean adult. Not at all like the large, muscle-bound type they used to recruit in Canada, he thought. Obviously FOX had diversified since the last time FurryLeaks had any data on them.
"Yes. I've been sent here to protect you." The agent said.
"Canadians are nice, but not that nice." Buttmange relied, unconvinced. "What you really want is my information. Did you think that I would just give it to you?"
"No. I guess not." The fox shrugged and stood up, the knife disappearing so fast Buttmange had no idea where it had gone. "Would you like me to leave you alone?" He indicated the silent crowd across the cell. They were regarding the fox respectfully, and the kangaroo hungrily.
"No." Buttmange said quickly. "I guess I do owe you. I can give you some information that won't come out on my site for a least a couple of weeks. What would you like to know? What the price of oil will be next month? You can make a killing on the market with that. How about Where Jimmy Hoffa is living, or Elvis? Something you can use against your American friends perhaps?"
"What was your first pet's name?"
Taken off guard, Buttmange was surprised into answering. "Nemo? My goldfish Nemo? Why do you want to know that?" Panic began to set into his voice. "How about I tell you where the moon landing was filmed? What they really did with Osama's body? Wait ... the Ark of the Covenant! Everyone wants to know where the Ark of the Covenant is!"
The small fox ignored him. He had a paw to one ear, and seemed to be listening to a voice in his head.
"Four letters ... try it all caps with a bunch of zeros after... it works? Cool." The fox dropped his paw and looked sadly back at Buttmange. "Crappy choice of codeword pal." Before Buttmange could react he grabbed a prison blanket from the bench and leapt at the marsupial. Flipping over the kangaroo's head he lassoed Buttmange with the blanket and landed behind him, already tightening the improvised noose. Finding his last reserves Buttmange leapt, bounded and bounced around the holding cell, trying to scrape the fox off his back.
The fox rode him like a skateboard, standing on his paws when the kangaroo flew up, landing lightly on his back when he came down, spinning around and out of the way when the marsupial slammed against the walls or the bars. He continued to twist the blanket tighter all the while.
In less than two minutes the kangaroo dropped to floor, exhausted and starved of oxygen. After three more minutes he ceased to twitch. The fox held the blanket tight for another five, just to be certain. Then he lifted the dead weight of the large Australian up off the ground, a feat that brought sighs of awe from the convicts, and looped the blanket trough the bars. When he let go the corpse it was hanging conveniently from the barrier, waiting for the next guard patrol to find. He turned to face the prisoners.
"Samobójstwo." He said. Suicide. It was one of the few words of Polish he had learned for this mission. He emphasised the word by producing the shiv from nowhere again, like magic. The prisoners glanced at the four corpses he was leaving them with and nodded their heads in agreement.
"Samobójstwo." They chorused. Who wanted to argue with the angel of death?
The knife disappeared again. In its place the fox now held a key. He strode to the cell door, opened it, passed through, closed and locked it again before any of the permanent residents could think to follow. His key likewise opened the door to the main corridor, and that was the last the inmates of Wronki Prison saw of the little black fox.
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
Marcel, recognized by extreme sports fans the world over, except Australia it seems, as Anthony Foxx ran down the dark corridors of Wronki Prison. He had practiced his escape in a mock up they had built in a barn back at the Foreign Operations eXecutive base, hidden away in Ottawa's Central Experimental Farm. Someone had killed the power to the prison seconds after he had left the holding cell but he had practiced in total darkness and he knew how many paces between each turn, twist, and intersection in the old prison's passages.
One last interior door and a final corridor, long unused, before the portal that was supposed to lead outside. As the count in his head reached one hundred and seventeen Marcel stopped and extended his arms. As expected they came into contact with mould-covered wood. Feeling for the latch, he inserted the copy of the master key that his junior agent the cheetah Geno had managed to get from the warden and turned it. The door opened easily and silently, Geno having gone before him to lubricate the locks and oil the hinges. Bright sunlight streamed in, blinding him for an instant.
A paw shot out and grabbed his wrist. Although he could not see he reacted instinctively, producing the shiv and slashing at the wrist the paw was connected to. He was stopped by another paw, and a familiar voice.
"It's me lover." Geno whispered in his ear. "The guard is on the wall right above us, so keep quiet."
Marcel relaxed. His vision was returning. The ancient doorway was recessed into the thick outer wall of the prison, and Geno was huddled inside it, wearing civilian clothes now. That is to say, wearing her version of civilian clothes: A ragged shirt that exposed more boob than it covered, leather straps criss-crossing her torso and on her upper arms, strips of colourful cloth instead of sleeves, and jeans cut off so short that you would need a microscope to find the strip of material holding the front and back together. The large silver cross still hung between her large breasts.
Geno watched the shadow of the wall that was cast on the grassy slope. It was marred by the silhouette of a guard that had stopped in his rounds to catch a smoke out of sight of the supervisor's station. After a few more puffs he tossed the cigarette butt to the ground four meters below. It landed on the grass right in front of their hiding spot. The guard's shadow mimed him opening his fly and pulling something out. A second later a steaming stream of yellow piss worked its way across the grass to fall on the smouldering butt, extinguishing it. Geno pressed back against Marcel to avoid the spray. Finished with his business, the guard moved on.
Geno waited until the shadow of the guard had completely disappeared and then counted to five before breaking cover. Everything about this mission had been planned down to the tiniest detail by Silver, the F.O.X Chief of Staff: the isolated exit door, the angle of the sun so they could verify the guard's position, the time of day, late enough so that the morning dew would have evaporated, otherwise they would leave footprints in the grass. She knew exactly how long it would take for the guard to turn around at the end of his circuit, and how long it would take them to reach the safety of the woods. There was very little margin for error.
Once they were deep in the shadows under the trees Geno stopped and peeked back at the prison. The guard was making his way back along the wall, not looking in their direction or at the ground. She breathed a sigh of relief as she turned to lead Marcel to the getaway car, but kept silent until they had closed the doors and started the engine.
"That was tense." She said as she pulled away from the curb. "I thought he was going to drop his pants and take a dump there for second."
"Shitty way to end a mission." Marcel said dryly.
"Yes." Geno agreed, and fell silent as she concentrated on her driving.
Geno always drove when the two went on a mission together in Europe. For one she had more experience behind the wheel and secondly she was originally from Poland, so she understood the European traffic signs better. On this particular mission her local accent and unfettered boobs would also help if they got stopped by a roadblock. But the alarm had yet to go out, and they managed to cross the Warta River and get on highway 184 south to Poznan with no problems.
Poznan, with a population of over half a million, was Poland's fifth largest city, and a much easier place to get lost in than Wronki. Geno parked the car, which she had stolen earlier in the week, in a seedy neighbourhood, leaving the keys inside and the doors unlocked. The two of them hurried to a FOX safe house over a cabaret called the Black Knight Club. The Academy had owned the apartment above the strip joint since the last days of the cold war.
Geno's cover for this mission was as a dancer in the club. There she could gather information from the police officers and prison service personnel that frequented the place. Marcel had only arrived the night before, after she had obtained a copy the vital key, and now he just had to stay out of sight until the heat died down. Another week perhaps if the Poles decided to believe the suicide story. Longer if anyone was looking for a small, dangerous black fox.
It was early, and Geno did not go on stage until the lucrative evening shift, so she joined Marcel in the apartment. "You want a beer?" She asked.
"Whatta we got?"
"Zywiec ..." she said peering into the fridge.
"Naw, too fruity."
"How about Tyskie?"
"Hmmm ... maybe. Anything else?"
"We've got Lezajsk ..."
"Too malty."
"Or Lech."
Lechwas a crisp, middle-of-the-road beer, popular with the working class.
"Sure, that sounds good." Marcel flopped in a chair out of sight from the bay windows. Geno tossed him one of the distinctive green cans. She looked back in the fridge. It was full of Lech, with only a couple of cans each of the other brands; she knew her guy's tastes. She grabbed a Zywiec for herself. She pulled out her cell phone as she sat in a chair closer to the window and started punching keys.
"Whatcha doing?" Marcel asked.
"Sending the 'mission successful' code to Silver." She replied. "He and Vikki are somewhere in Europe, ready to go in with Plan B if you weren't successful."
"Was there ever any doubt?" Marcel burped as he waited for her to compliment him on a job well done.
"You mean like in Johannesburg last spring?" She asked, deflating his ego.
"Hey, anyone could have made the same mistake." He protested. "They said that the target was a zebra, so I killed a zebra. How was I supposed to know that there are like half a million of them living in the same neighbourhood?"
Marcel had earned his status as a senior agent only a little over a year ago. Geno, his lover since an inadvertent meeting drew her into his world of espionage, was a junior agent assigned to him. She was also the best field analyst the Academy had. Unfortunately she had been assigned to another case when Marcel went after the zebra's gang of diamond smugglers. He had had to kill five of them before he got the kingpin of the operation. It wasn't exactly a failure, but not his best moment either. Bringing it up had put him in an argumentive mood, just as she had intended.
"You never told me how you got the key from the Warden so we could copy it." He said, his eyes narrowing suspiciously.
"I used my feminine charms." Geno replied wiggling her bosom at him. She knew that he hated her cover as a stripper, especially since she seemed to be making twice as much money as the other dancers for some reason.
"You probably seduced him." He said, leaning forward, the volume of his voice increasing. "What did you do? Suck his cock? Let him play hide the Polish sausage?"
"For an older guy he was pretty good." Geno taunted him. She had not actually let the warden stick anything in any of her holes, but Marcel when he was angry was one hell of a lover, and she had missed him these last few weeks.
Marcel had missed her too, and he was up on his feet in an instant.
"Slut!" He grabbed her by the wrist.
"Nimrod!" She grabbed a paw full of his tight ass.
"Trash!" His body was pressed hard against hers.
"Amateur!" Her other paw came up between his legs.
"Uh ... uh ... Did I call you a slut already?"
"Cunt!" He screamed, and their mouths sealed together, cutting off any further insults.
Her paws roamed over his back, pulling his tee-shirt out of his pants and sliding his hoodie off his shoulders. His paws moved with the lightness quickness that had first attracted Silver to recruit the homeless fox. With practiced ease they found the various buckles, snaps and buttons that held Geno's flimsy outfit on. In less than a minute she wore nothing more than a bright yellow thong, Marcel's favourite, which she had put on especially for the after-mission sex.
She loosened his belt enough for his baggy jeans to drop to the floor. Marcel stepped out of them as he backed her towards the sofa. Something stiff and long was already straining against his boxers. Geno slipped a paw though the opening in the front of them and tugged on it gently.
She stopped when the backs of her legs came into contact with the overstuffed sofa, but Marcel pushed her back until she was sitting on one of the big round armrests. He shuffled forward, forcing her legs apart, and leaned over her, never breaking mouth contact until she lay with her head hanging over the back of the sofa. Marcel trailed kisses down her throat, between her breasts, and along the soft fur of her abdomen, until he came to the tiny triangle of yellow lace.
The material was ever so thin and almost transparent; Marcel could clearly make out the tuft of blonde fur above her sex. It clung to her like a second skin, tight enough to outline the swelling mound and the tips of the inner lips that had already begun to protrude. If it became moist it would be virtually invisible, no barrier at all to sight, smell, touch, or taste. Marcel licked his chops and then drew his tongue, heavy with saliva, cross the yellow silk.
Geno shuddered at the contact. Marcel's tongue was one of his more talented appendages. Even through the silk she could feel it parting and probing, searching for the elusive clitoris. His paws, never idle, moved slowly over her while his tongue searched. Squeezing a breast here, tracing a trembling thigh there, tweaking a nipple, teasing her tailhole. Those digits were the other thing she liked about him. If idle paws did the devil's work then it stood that busy ones did the work of the lord, and Geno could vouch they his had sent her to heaven on more than one occasion. Three times in a row on one memorable night, actually.
Marcel liked the taste of the silken thong, but he liked the taste of Geno better. Hooking a claw under each of the tiny straps that held the postage stamp sized triangle in place he slowly pulled them down to mid thigh. Once they were clear of her sex he ducked his head under and returned to licking, lapping, and sucking on her snatch. Geno shook the thong the rest of the way off, using one foot to toss it to the other side of the room, where it landed on the laundry basket. It would be washed and ready for action again by the next day.
Marcel's tongue had found his target, a hard button of flesh hiding high up on her pussy. He teased it with the tip of his tongue, enticed it with a digit while he came up for air, and sucked on it until it stood out on its own. While he worked her clit his right paw, his strongest, slipped in under his chin and explored the moist cavern below it. One digit, and then two, slid inside her. Soon she was wet enough for three, and even though he did not have a big paw, he could feel the walls of her twat straining when he drove it in.
The smallest digit of that paw stuck out and rubbed that strip of skin that separates twat from tailhole. Each time he drove his paw in the tip of it traveled over the sensitive ring of flesh below her tail, spreading the moisture that dripped from her. As she responded to the ministrations of his tongue her hips rocked and her butt clenched, and her tailhole puckered and reached for the taunting digit. With a sudden twist of his wrist the digit entered her anus up to the first knuckle. Already sopping, and with her glands adding more lubricant, the next thrust of his paw sank it to the second knuckle. The third time saw it fully seated inside her.
Marcel lifted his head and let his thumb take over on her clit. The rocking motion of his paw was enough to keep the pressure going on all three of her lower erogenous zones. He could not move it any more if he wanted to anyway, because as soon as he pulled his head away her mighty thighs clamped down on his paw, trapping it there. He knew what that meant.
Marcel gritted his teeth and got down to business. He forced his other paw between her thighs, making enough room for the one buried in her to move more freely. He glanced once at her, noting how her firm breasts shook with each thrust, how the sweat stood out on her upper lip as she moaned in ecstasy, then he closed his eyes and worked by touch alone.
His sensitive digits followed the signals her body was sending him. Pressing here, rubbing there, tapping the growing pad of flesh deep inside her vagina until it was swollen so much that he could not wiggle his digits anymore. He squeezed her mons together with his other paw, making her clitoris stand out where his thumb could get at it. Now and then he leaned down and lapped the taut mound with his tongue, lending warmth and moisture to his paw's efforts. Below them all his little digit kept pumping her ass for all it was worth.
Geno felt the orgasm start deep inside her vagina. It began to tingle, and then to burn in a delicious way. Bolts of lightning shot from her clit to join in, and waves of pleasure radiated from her tailhole. When the three sensations all joined in a sympathetic harmonious chord she exploded, screaming and spraying hot cum all over Marcel and the arm of the sofa.
But she wasn't finished with him yet. Geno spread her legs and held her arms out, grouping for him. Marcel stepped in, his erection aching in anticipation under the cotton of his shorts. Geno bent forward and ripped the boxers from his body. She hooked her ankles behind his hips and pulled him forward. Marcel looked down, grabbed his cock to aim it at her gaping twat, and plunged it in.
His prick slid in easily, all the way to the hilt. Geno sighed as the tip passed over the sweet spot inside her, and she gasped as the solid triangle of muscle at the base of his cock came up against her tingling clit. He pulled back and shivered with delight as the cool air of the room made his wet cock shiver. He paused when just the tip was left inside, but Geno, feeling neglected, flexed her powerful legs and drove him back in again. Since she was handling the thrust, and he didn't need to hold on too tight to pull back, he reached out and took a big breast in each paw and squeezed them gently.
He rode her easily. The arm of the sofa put her twat at a good height for him and her helping with her legs allowed him to conserve his strength. He languished in the feel of her, so warm and wet now that she had already cum. She was so slick that there was hardly any friction, so he did not have to worry about cumming to soon himself. Marcel's breathing fell into the same rhythm that it did when he was competing as Anthony Foxx as he settled in for the long haul.
By the time the clit slamming, cunt reaming thrusts started the sparks inside her again ten or twelve minutes must have passed, with Geno slipping down the arm of the sofa a tiny bit with each one. By then Marcel had to lean over her with his muzzle buried between her breasts and grip the soft back of the sofa to keep from falling off. The angle made his whole length drag along her clit and it not only provided more stimulation for her, it also made the head of his cock pop in and out of her tight twat, sending shudders through him each time. He fought to hold back the flood as the sensations doubled, then tripled, making him cry out each time the rubbery lips of her cunt resealed around him as if with pain.
"Drive it in me Marcel, drive it in." She moaned. "You are not stopping until I come again. God damn it, drive it home."
Marcel did his best, but after another two minutes he cried out one long, last time. His hips shook wildly as great wads of cum filled her. Each twitch and shimmy sent electric shocks through his cock until he was sure that his heart would burst; but he did not stop. He fought for control, positioned himself for maximum contact against her and continued to pound her pussy with a rod that was still as hard and hot as when he started.
"You bitch." He snarled into the fur of her chest as he fought for breath. "You bitch. You bitch, you bitch, you bitch, you ..."
His athlete's endurance, his knowledge of her body, and perhaps his fierce words, fuelled her second orgasm. This one was just as loud as the first, if somewhat less messy. When it was done they slowed to a halt and collapsed on the sofa, tangled in each other's limbs. Soft paws made slow circles on backs, butts and sides as they let the evaporating sweat cool their bodies back down to normal operating temperatures. It was almost half an hour before either of them made an attempt to move.
"Want another beer lover?" Geno asked as she rolled out from under him.
"Sure." He replied sleepily. "Whatta ya got?"
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
The premier opera house in Venice, one of the best in all of Europe, is called 'La Fenice' the Phoenix. An apt name considering that it had burnt down and been rebuilt at least twice in the last three hundred years. It was Famous for its ornate decoration, the quality of the opera company, and the fact that the famous lover Casanova had kept a box there. That particular box was occupied at the moment by a pair of foxes.
The male, a silver fox with more white than black in his fur, was on the tallish side of average height, but had very broad shoulders tapering to a narrow waist. The back of his left paw was marred by a puckered burn scar, and he also had a small vertical scar cutting through the brow above his left eye. The eyes themselves were unusual for a fox, pale grey-blue, the colour of untreated gun metal. He was wearing a black tuxedo and bow tie, and sat with his left paw resting on the railing of the private box.
The female was a typical red fox, but with very vibrant markings. She was tall, several inches taller than her companion, and slim, elegant even. She wore a shimmering emerald green gown that matched her eyes. She had on white silk opera gloves, the kind that went up past the elbow. Strangely, the left one looked more worn that its partner, as if she wore it more often. She sat in the other plush chair by the railing with her paws folded on her lap.
The show being presented that night was "La Bohème", a Puccini Opera popular in Venice. Most westerners would have recognized the plot; the Broadway show "Rent" had been based on it. At the moment the actors were lighting a real fire in an iron stove on the stage, a bold move considering the history of the theatre.
Up in the Casanova box something began to vibrate in the silver fox's pocket. He pulled a blackberry out and held it below the level of the rail so as not to disturb the actors with the light from the screen. The box was situated in the back of the theatre, and other patrons could not see in without leaning impolitely out of their boxes. It was also high enough so that if one were to sit in the back of the box, on the conveniently placed chaise lounge for example, not even the actors could see what you were doing in it. It was also the only box equipped with an interior dead bolt and curtains.
The fox slipped the device back in his pocket and returned his attention to the stage.
"Who was that Silver?" His companion asked in a quiet voice.
"Sable. Mission accomplished." He leaned over to whisper in her ear.
Sable was the agency code name for Marcel. All of the senior agents had colours for code names. It helped to differentiate them from their British counterparts with their double 'O' designators and the Americans with their acronyms. Silver had been the last surviving senior agent from the cold war era before being promoted to Chief of Staff. Gold the former Chief of Staff was now the Director. Vikki Beausoleil, the vixen beside him, was the senior agent known as Ruby. She was also his mate and the mother of his only child.
"Good." She relied. That meant that they could relax and enjoy their stay in Venice. There had been too little time for that since the birth of Leslie, their kit, and their respective promotions. But that was the life of a top-ranked espionage agent and government assassin, once you infiltrated some plot to take over the world and snuffed the evil genius behind it there was always another popping up the next day. If only the Government would authorize them to increase the number of agents, she sighed, wrapping her right arm around his thick bicep. But Silver had been trying to get in increase in the budget for the last two years, to no avail.
Down on the stage two of the characters were falling in love. The scene took place in a loft bedroom. The two were sitting on a chaise lounge very similar to the one in the back of the box. Vikki let her paw slip down to Silver's thigh.
"Did you notice the dead bolt on the door?" She asked, knowing that Silver had not only noted it, he had probably memorized the serial number and figured out how to disable it from the outside by now. His mind worked like that. She rubbed the inside of his leg to let him know that it was a rhetorical question.
"According to the brochure, this is the only box with that particular feature." He informed her. "The same for the couch and the curtains." He added. His arm slid around behind her and his paw settled just under her left breast. It felt warm, even through the silk of the gown.
"When is the intermission?" She inquired innocently, rubbing harder and higher up.
"Not for another hour." Silver answered, his voice cracking the slightest bit as she rubbed his penis through his trousers.
"But we will still be able to hear them singing, with the curtains closed?"
"Oh yes. Definitely."
"Well then." She said, leaning across to bring her muzzle beside his. "Why don't we ...." She felt the vibration of his Blackberry against her hip, and sat back, disappointed. Duty calls.
Silver retrieved his left paw and pulled the device out. He kept it low again as he regarded the screen. Instead of cancelling the message and putting it away however, he began to type in a reply. Vikki noted the furrow in his brow. It appeared only when he was worried about a situation and did not have enough data to come up with a proper plan. After he was done he returned the Blackberry to his pocket and rested his left paw on the railing again.
"What's up now?" Vikki asked apprehensively.
"Gold got the mission successful message and wants me back in Ottawa. Something about changes at the Academy that he doesn't want to send over the encrypted network. You will have to monitor the Poznan situation by yourself honey." He said apologetically.
"When is your flight?" She demanded, knowing that Silver's secretary would have changed the bookings already and added the new itinerary to Gold's message.
"Midnight." He answered.
"Then we have time to finish the opera." Vikki declared as she leaned forward suddenly and drew the curtains closed. Then she stood up, took two steps toward the door and draped herself over the chaise lounge. "Don't we?"
Silver smiled. "Mia bella."
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
The boxes closest to the stage were the least expensive, because of the restricted view of the stage. The chairs in the back of them were actually sold as 'listening only' seats. As such, they were usually unoccupied.
Tonight though, one of the cheapest boxes, on a level just above that of the Casanova box, was occupied by a solitary patron, one that had paid for privacy by buying all six seats. But the creature within it was not watching the stage, it had trained its opera glasses onto the box where the curtains had just closed. It kept them focused there until the silvery paw with the old burn scar was pulled back and out of sight.
Needle sharp teeth appeared as a grin split the creature's face. It was easy to image what the muscular fox and the tall vixen were up to behind the curtain, and wouldn't it be fun to participate? But there was other, more important business to consider.
Like the surprise that lay in store for the silver fox back in Ottawa.
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
Silver arrived back in Ottawa early on Sunday morning. His vehicle, a new one acquired just before the trip, was parked in the long term lot because he had expected to stay at least a week in Europe and return with Vikki. He took the shuttle to pick it up and make the short drive to the Academy. There was no traffic on the airport parkway, and his agency could get a traffic ticket killed easily enough, so he opened the throttle, anticipating the exhilaration of pure speed.
However did not get the familiar adrenaline rush, despite the fact that the vehicle was a Porsche. Silver had never actually owned a car since he joined the Academy some thirty years prior, but he had been assigned a few Porsches, a couple of Mustangs, several Firebirds, and an Eclipse. All of his former vehicles had four things in common: they were powerful, they were fast, they were convertibles, and they were painted silver. This new one was powerful, and it was silver, but the comparison ended there. Vikki had convinced him to order a Porsche Cayenne, the sports-utility model of the line, arguing that it would be much safer for driving their toddler Leslie around in. It's not like he needed it to seduce foreign female agents anymore she pointed out.
It wasn't even the turbo-charged model, because the Academy had to cut back like all the other departments during the economic crisis. Silver got the heavy SUV all the way up to 100 kilometres per hour in the eighty zone before he felt guilty and slowed down to more acceptable ninety. Damn responsibility, he cursed.
He parked in his designated spot behind the headquarters building. Even though it was Sunday he noted that Gold's Mercedes and their shared secretary's Miata were both there already. Silver used his access card to go in the back way; a privilege that only the three of them shared.
Their secretary was the deliciously decadent French-Canadian party poodle, Mademoiselle Chienne-Caniche, commonly referred to as 'Miss CC'. She was all white, except for her black ears and two black ovals so low on her back that you had to be intimately involved with her to see them; as most of the agents had. She had been with the academy for a number of years now, and had a long career with the RCMP before that, yet no one was quite sure how old she was. But she still had the same impressive self-sustaining bust and an ass that caused regular accidents when she walked by people drinking hot beverages as when she first arrived. Silver suspected that she was friends with Cher.
Entering the executive wing silver tossed his hat neatly onto the top of coat tree in Miss CC's office.
"Formidable! Such technique! You should join the Academy lawn darts team." The busty poodle said sarcastically, having seen the trick several hundred times already. "You have a pile of papers to sign, four personnel evaluations to finish, the budget to approve, and Gold wants to see you right away."
"The fun never stops." Silver commented dryly as he entered the Office of Tancred Williams, the Director of FOX.
Tancred Williams, Tanner to his few friends, code named Gold, was a tall golden-toned fox with the build of Arnold Schwarzenegger. He was nearing sixty, but could pass for a fox in his thirties. Silver knew that this was mostly due to a healthy diet and intense work-out program, and partially to an expensive tanning and dying salon Gold frequented. That was one secret FurryLeaks would never reveal now.
"Morning Silver, how did the mission go?"
"Like clockwork. Marcel and Geno make a good team, despite their personal relationship."
"How was the opera?" Tanner knew his old friend's hidden passion for musical theatre, and wondered how he liked the more cultural version of it.
"I missed most of it." Silver said truthfully. "Vikki had to shake me to get me up before the intermission." Actually it had been more like rubbing, but Tanner did not need all the details. "What is going on here that is too sensitive for the encrypted email system?" The Academy's electronic genius, Kain Algorath, had designed the algorithms himself, and the code was as unbreakable as you could get. It was a rare thing to have to discuss something face-to-face now.
Gold's eyes flicked down to a thick red-trimmed folder in the middle of his antique desk. He looked like he did not know where to start.
"What is it Tanner?" Silver asked with concern. "Another evil platypus?" Silver shivered at the thought. The last one had been bad enough.
"Worse." His friend answered.
"Terrorists with a dirty bomb?" That was every intelligence agencies nightmare. They were so hard to track, and if they set it off before you could find it and disarm it ... goodbye funding.
"Too tame."
"The return of red threat? Has Putin unleashed his KGB cronies?"
"That would be a blessing compared to this."
"My God." Silver exclaimed, finally impressed. "What is it?"
Tanner slid the folder across the desk. "Government diversity and equality reports. We failed again."
Now Silver understood. The annual audits of how well each department matched the national demographics for species diversity, religious diversity, ethnic background and official languages was dreaded by every bureaucrat in the nation's capitol. Careers rose and fell according to a departments rating, and it did not matter if you whacked the audit team and buried their bodies so deep that an archaeologist couldn't find them; Silver knew that for a fact. They had just replaced the team with another half dozen faceless automatons in fur and started over again.
"How badly?" He asked timidly.
"Take a look."
Silver opened the folder as if it was wired with explosives. The report had an overall tally in the executive summary. It was shown in orange, indicating that there was plenty of room for improvement. Silver would have preferred yellow - needs development. Further in, each category of employee was addressed separately. Silver's eye was drawn to the section marked 'intelligence officers' the euphemism that covered secret agents, government assassins and seducers of foreign officials. It was red, with black trim. Critical failure.
He looked at the breakdown. Of all the agents, station officers and other field qualified personnel, seventy eight of them were *Vulpes Vulpes*, the common red fox, which included colour variants like the black fox, the silver fox and the golden fox. One was listed as *Vulpes Alopex*, an Arctic fox, that would be Kain Algorath, Silver thought. Another was listed as *Vulpes Urocyon*, a grey fox. There were several others that were fennecs or kit foxes, but of all the field personnel listed, the only one that was not a fox was Marcel's junior agent, the cheetah Geno.
"This is not fair." Silver complained. They didn't include Sommer. As a cloud leopard she should count for four at least."
"She is officially deceased. You killed her, remember?" Tanner reminded him. Sommer had joined FOX to seek revenge on Silver for the death of her father, wrongly as it turned out. But she had killed a fellow student in the process as well as her abusive husband years before, and she either had to die by Cabinet order or be returned to Virginia to face American justice. Silver had offered her a third choice. He would fake her death if she would assume the identity of the world's premier killer for hire, a mysterious creature known only as 'The Perfect Stalker'. To ensure her loyalty he had administered a poison that required an antidote the Academy controlled. Now was worked for them deep, deep under cover; so deep that she could never return as Ophelia Cassidy Sommer again.
"A technicality." Silver argued weakly. There was no denying it. FOX had too many foxes, especially young English speaking red foxes working as agents. "Maybe we can assign Miss CC, Rusty, Gus and Doctor Jones to field positions." He suggested. "A poodle, rottweiler, racoon and albino wallaby should shut them up for a year or two."
Tanner shook his head wearily. "That kind of paper shuffle is expressly forbidden."
"Well, you could go back to the field. Doesn't being gay count in our favour?"
"And who would you list as Director?" Tanner asked. "Joel?"
"Now there is diversity on the hoof." Silver said enviously. The perverted little lemur who served as the Academy forger had so many fetishes and sexual quirks that he qualified as his own sub-culture. "You sure that the forger isn't a field position?"
"HR says no." Tanner confirmed.
"Oh well." Silver signed as he tossed the folder back onto the desk. "No bonus for me again this year I guess."
"It's worse than that." Tanner said pulling another, thicker, file from his desk.
"Wha ... what could make it worse?" Silver asked, stunned.
"Your request for more agents came through. We are authorized to take ten recruits."
"Hey." Silver smiled. "That's good news. We should have at least twenty files on hold from the last batch we processed." He rubbed his paws in anticipation. Visions of ex-special forces troopers, heroic police officers and valiant CSIS agents filled his head. "How many do we have to choose from?"
"None." The word fell like a brick from Tanner's mouth. "The auditors have chosen for us. These are the files of the ten they selected."
Silver was shocked into silence. He slowly reached out a paw and brought the folder around to rest in front of him. He opened it and began to read. His eyes went wide when he saw the details on the first file. His ears dropped when he read the second. By the time he was done the third his eyes were watering. Tanner looked away before his old friend started crying openly.
"My God Tanner, they can't do this to us! Have you read these?"
"Yes I have."
"Well look again." Silver said, his anger rising. He was very proud of the Academy and guarded its reputation fiercely. That meant enforcing rigorous and exacting standards, and when it came to the quality of the recruits he was unbending.
"This one, Grey Muzzle, what kind of name is that?"
"It's an old French name, originally spelled 'Muzzal', meaning 'weasel like'. His parents emigrated to the States when he was a baby." Tanner explained. "Grey as a male's name comes from the same part of the world, like Grayson. His parents did not have a firm grip on the English language and did not realize how the combination would sound."
Silver had a similar experience with the name his Armenian and French parents had bestowed on him, but he was not about to concede. "The guy is as old as us Tanner, for Christ's sake, and he's a writer, and he's a red fox. I thought the recruits were supposed to be diverse."
"Age discrimination. Taking the oldest candidate shows that we don't have it." Tanner said wearily. "He also knows automatic weapons and how to mix drinks."
"Maybe he'll work out." Silver said grudgingly, being able to whip up an acceptable martini in adverse conditions was a standard secret agent skill. "This Arctic wolf, Sam O'Leary, doesn't look too bad either. Martial arts background. Bounty hunter. Par Kour. Says her he's an Asatruist?"
"He worships the Norse Gods, so he counts for species and religious diversity." Tanner pointed out.
"Let's see who else we have here." Silver mumbled. "Ansin Faraday. A bat. Another American. Did CIA wet ops. Looks kind of skinny. Wait a second." Silver looked up at his boss with wide eyes. "It says here that he is legally blind!"
"But not totally blind. He uses echo location. He is a qualified assassin, and another Asatruist. That's species, religion and disabilities diversification all in one."
"He plays the banjo." Silver said sadly. "You know what the difference is between a Banjo and a Harley Davidson?"
"No, what?" Tanner played along.
"You can tune a Harley." Silver looked at the next file. It was another American, a female this time. Her file said that she was ex-special forces. Silver noted something strange and looked up at Tanner. "Aglaia, no last name?"
"Apparently not 'Silver'."
"Says here that she is a blue fox. Never heard of that breed."
"*Alopex Lagopus*, it's a variant of the Arctic fox."
"Oh." Silver skimmed the place of birth summary. "Why do you think we have so many American applicants?"
"Part of NAFTA." Tanner replied, referring to the North American Free Trade Act. "Free movement across the borders for employment purposes of certain professionals like actors, journalists, lobbyists, business consultants, spies ...."
"Hrmmph. We have plenty of vixens already." Silver pointed out. "What is so special about her?"
"Check the 'sex' column again."
Silver did. Both the boxes for 'male' and 'female' were checked. "You mean ...?"
"Yes. Tanner nodded. "She is a hermaphrodite, although the doctors use the term 'intersexed' nowadays. She is a true hermaphrodite, fully functional in either sex."
"You would think that her parents would have made choice, before ... you know." Silver was clearly uncomfortable.
"At one time parents of kits like her would choose which sex to raise their child in." Tanner conceded. "Some even went as far as ordering surgical 'normalization', but it often had adverse medical and social consequences. Imagine growing up as a male inside and a female outside, then finding out that you could have been a functional male if they had waited a few more years for your sexual identity to develop."
"You know that this is going to cost us." Silver changed the subject back to the Academy. "We'll have to send her to both the male and the female seduction techniques classes. That means twice as many instructors and interactors for the practical test."
Tanner made a note in his reminder book. It said "Silver - sensitivity training."
The next candidate was Anabel Balfor, an English toy terrier. She was a gymnast and martial artist who had experience with bladed weapons. It would be interesting to set her up against Marcel to see what he could teach her, Silver thought.
Her file was followed by that of one Charles Matty, a kit fox from DINGO, the Directorate of Intelligence and Non-attributable Governmental Operations, FOX's sister agency in Australia. Silver supposed he had gotten in under the Commonwealth exchange program.
Then there was Thomas Roark, a timber wolf who was an ex-US marshal and helicopter pilot. "This wolf speaks Russian, Mandarin and Farsi." Silver noted. "That could be useful. But the psychological report from Doctor Gordon says that he is a pyromaniac."
"He can run the barbeque during the weekly social gatherings." Tanner countered.
The seventh file was another wolf, a Canadian for a change; one Zachary Ember. He was a welder, machinist, gunsmith, and ... "What the hell is Poi spinning?" Silver asked. "Is that, like, ceramics or something involving clay?" The love scene from the movie 'Ghost' flashed through Silver's mind. He suppressed it.
"It's a type of dancy, ritual, fire thing." Tanner tried to explain, but he was not quite sure himself.
The next to last file was a Malaysian refugee named Sanmer Soon. Silver was relieved to see that he was a husky, a Kenpo expert, and into hang gliding, always a useful skill for infiltrating hostile areas. Doctor Gordon's comments indicated some symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in the canine but Silver shrugged it off. OCD was minor when you had to deal with paranoiacs, maniacs, pathological killers, and other acceptable applicants.
"Well I guess it could be worse ..." Silver began as he started to read the last file. It was another intersexed American candidate, but he/she was only functional as a female apparently. Saira Rasielle was an engineer, which was good, an actor, which was useful, and a weapons maker, which was not bad. A bit of an inventor, by the look of it; there was something about a flying motorcycle and being able to take wing for short distances. Silver glanced at the species to see if there was any diversity there and froze. Tanner saw the look of shock in his eyes.
"What's wrong Silver?" He asked, although he could guess since it had not come up yet.
"Is there some mistake on Saira Rasielle's file?" Silver asked in a low, steady voice.
"No, I don't think so." Tanner pretended to be cleaning his claws.
"Then why is there two species listed here?"
"Two species? You sure?"
"It says 'cat' and 'bat' quite distinctly. Take a look."
Tanner glanced at the page Silver was holding out. "Oh no, that is all one word ...'catbat'." Tanner said. "Like cockapoo, pugle, or liger. You know ... a mixed breed."
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but cats and bats can't cross breed as far as I am aware. Something about a different number of gene pairs, being separate species and all that." Silver waved a paw for lack of the proper scientific terms.
Tanner leaned forward. "What I am about to tell you is Top Secret." He said in a low voice. Rasielle is the product of gene splicing experiments the Americans conducted when they were trying to develop the perfect soldier. They merged the DNA of gazelles for speed with tigers for fierceness. Canines DNA was thrown in for tracking ability. Alligators for toughness. Frogs for underwater work. All their experiments failed, except one."
"Mixing many species produced only miscarriages, so they tried doing only two at a time. They tried dozens of combinations, using various techniques, before they produced a litter that lived. It was a mix of cat and bat. Cats have thirty eight chromosomes, no matter what breed. Bats on the other paw vary from species to species. I understand that they first cross breed various bat species to match the feline chromosome number and then spliced them in a thousand different ways until they came up with a viable combination. The DNA was replicated and injected into host eggs that had been neutered, and then those were planted in a surrogate mother. Six ... uh ... kittens survived to delivery. Rasielle is one of that litter."
"The kittens were raised by the American agency that had sponsored the experiment." Tanner continued. "They were hoping to have powerful, stealthy, flying warriors with built-in radar and good night vision, but it was not to be. Besides being born hermaphrodites the gene manipulation stunted their growth and robbed them of the feline musculature. In addition, none of them showed any aggressive tendencies at all. They were failures as soldiers, so they were placed elsewhere, far apart, to pursue their own fate."
"How did this one come to apply to FOX?" Silver asked, fascinated.
"She was the last to leave the program. They thought that her interest in engineering and weapons design might make her useful on a Special Forces team, but the troopers had difficulty adjusting to her presence." Silver could image the testosterone-fuelled Special Forces troopers trying to deal with the strange little intersex catbat. He could not image it ending well. "We took her as a favour to the Americans." Tanner concluded.
"Are you okay with all this?" Silver asked, indicating the folder, his voice full of concern.
"Yes, I am."
"Then give me some of the meds you're on, because I cannot believe how calm you are."
"It's not drugs, Silver. It's resignation. While you were away I went as high as the Prime Minister's office to fight this, but it's no use. Taking these ten will keep the auditors off our back for five years; long enough to find a more acceptable assortment of diverse species for training as agents."
"You think that they will increase our allotment again if we take these ten?" Silver asked doubtfully.
"No. The oversight committee made it quite clear that ten positions were all that we were getting." Tanner replied calmly.
"I don't understand." Silver's brow was furrowed again. "How do we get ten better choices after we fill the positions with the ten they choose for us?"
"We have to train these ten." Tanner emphasised the word 'train'. "But there is no guarantee that they will graduate. You know how high the failure rate can be."
"Ah-ha." The smile returned to Silver's face, then faded. "You wouldn't do that Tanner, I know you too well. What aren't you telling me?"
Tanner took another folder from his desk. It was much thinner than the others, and bore a red 'X' from corner to corner, designating it a Top Secret file. He slid it silently across the desk. Silver flipped it open. Read the single paragraph on the lone sheet of paper that it contained and closed the file again. Before he slid it back to Tanner he took out a pen and initialled the file, as everyone that read it had to do. Other than his scrawled 'S' and Tanners elaborate 'W' for Williams the area for initials was blank.
"I see." Silver said.
"Now take these home and study them." Tanner tapped the folder with the ten files. "They have already been in processing, isolated from one another, for a week. The course starts tomorrow."
To be continued ....
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
The FOX Academy series:
Book I - The New Breed
Book II - The Werewolf of Odessa
Book II.5 - The Love who Spied Me
Book III - The Curse of the Yellow Monkey
Book IV - Wait for No One
Book V - Dawn of Vengeance
Kain Algorath © Marcus X Light
Ophelia Cassidy Sommer © Devil Kitty
Joel Grigori © Joel the Lemur
Geno © Coyotek
Dongo Fett © Dongo Fett
New Characters Appearing in this Book:
Saira Rasielle © SilentRampancy
Sanmer Soon © Sanmer
Zachary Ember © EmberWolf
Thomas Roark © That Creepy Guy
Charles Matty © Lonewolf17
Anabel Balfor © Devil Kitty
Aglaia © Aggy
Ansin Faraday © Ulrik the Fell Handed
Sam O'Leary © Commander Eagle
Grey Muzzle © Grey Muzzle | FSE |
Piper was a good looking guy, and a nice person to be around. He had ice blue eyes and short forward swept black hair. His body was solid and well toned but not especially muscular. Many weird events happened in his home town, with many weird rumors to follow them. Like most people he did not believe in any of them, and perpetuated some himself simply in jest. But when he was in highschool he had started to question some of the stories. He had been shut down by a girl he previously turned down. One day she had small breasts, the next day they were huge, and the day after that they were small...or, smaller again. How could such an event take place without the use of magic? That event both made Piper a believer and made him rethink how he approached women. He is now 26 and has been dating a beautiful woman by the name of Bell.
Piper held a job and life like most, but every so often he would wander around the less explored corners of the city and slip into the library to read up on the old legends around this city- of which there were numerous. This day he found himself in the oldest part of the city. The shops and homes in the area alike had fallen into disrepair for so long that they were all empty and condemned- abandoned in favor of the modern side of the city. On the shop signs around here were weird runes. Long ago Piper thought they were just odd logos, but now he knew they were something more. Thanks to age and weather alike, the huge grate that covered an open sewage drain did not cover it enough anymore to keep him out. Inside was not a sewer as one may expect but what looked more like an ancient cistern. He followed rune etched stone walls by the daylight filtering through grates above. The narrow paths formed a maze along water logged halls. Finally he found a chamber- a location that was not yet another hall! As soon as he went to step inside though, he paused mid-step when he seen the 'ground' move. It was too dark for him to have noticed properly till it moved, but in its movement he could see enough light glinting off the surface to see the shape of scales! A snake! A...huge snake. The tail was as thick as his body, and the entire room was filled with it's writhing coils. It did not hiss or rear, it did not see him. Against logic, Piper's curiosity got the better of him and he grabbed the sides of the door and leaned in to see, being sure not to bump the coils with his legs. He certainly did not expect to see the Venus dimples of a woman's backside in there! The coils did not end in a snake head but a nude woman.
She turned toward him by chance alone, and as soon as she seen Piper she gasped sharply and shut her gorgeous purple eyes. Piper's own heart froze when he seen her hair writhing at the sides of her head, tipped with snake heads. She is a gorgon! Her lips and nipples were colored the same dark grey as her smooth scales, though the rest of her flesh was normal human skin tone. She was beautiful, and Piper kept glancing to her petite face in spite of the danger.
Her sweet voice echoed sharply on the adamant stone walls. "A visitor! Welcome. You will have to forgive me, I cannot look you in the eye or you will be turned to stone."
"I actually seen your eyes when I walked in...they are...quite beautiful actually."
She giggled softly. "You can look at me, and I can look at you, but our eyes cannot meet at the same time. It is safer I just keep mine closed- I can see from the eyes of the snakes on my head anyway. So! What brings you to this forgotten nook anyway? My name is Chorus by the way."
"Exploration, I guess. My name is Piper."
He had drawn a hunting knife when he leaned in initially but wasn't about to use it now that he knew it wasn't a snake head at the end of it all. It wasn't a fight he could have won anyway- one look and he was a statue! Her tail started to spill out around his feet, slowly slithering around him. It was both soft and hard. A snake's tail was nearly pure muscle in order to have full control of it, which meant it was soft and slippery feeling, or sharp as knives and hard as stone, depending on which way you touched it and whether it was relaxed or flexing. Her eyes quickly narrowed as her tail wrapped around Piper, sealing him firmly in her coils to his hip to lock him in place. His grip on the knife behind his back loosened in surprise and Chorus flicked it from his hand with the tip of her tail.
"A knife! A good sized one at that!"
"It's not what you think! I was going to put it away but I didn't want you to see it and get the wrong idea!"
She shifted her tremendously long body so her torso was just in front of him. "You were going to stab me, and try to kill me!"
At this distance, Piper could see the bone ornaments she wore. A huge choker that encased her throat in bone segments, and three bone rings on her right hand set with a shard of blue amethyst, white quartz, and amber. Little did Piper realise the relics were etched from the bones of a slain God- Harm- and housed a fraction of the God's own power. Chorus looked more offended and hurt than angry but that did little to settle Piper's fears. She could squeeze his internal organs out of his body like a tube of toothpaste if she wanted to.
After a frighteningly long pause, she sighed angrily. "I know how I will punish you. I discovered this curse on accident, trying to grant a friends wish." She tapped two fingers to his chest and he felt very strange for only a moment, and the amber and amethyst shards of her rings briefly shone a dim glow. "I will not tell you the curse, but like the threat with your knife, it will wear off. By this time tomorrow you will be free of it, but until then..."
Chorus's quartz ring flashed brightly and by the time Piper's vision adjusted enough to see anything he was back on the surface, alone. He wished he could try to explain himself better, or at least get his knife back but knew better than to step foot in the cistern again. He checked himself over but found and felt no differences. Had she just given him bad luck or something?
He returned home and tried his best to forget about it. It was just a misunderstanding anyway. Once Bell got home he brightened up quickly enough. She had a petite but well shaped butt and nice handful C cup breasts with perky eraser nipples. She was sassy and playful, and always full of energy. It was hot out so she has been wearing increasingly thin, form fitting clothing. Before Piper could make a move she anticipated it and told him she was heading out with some friends for dinner, and wouldn't be back till late. Piper had work in the morning so he wouldn't be able to stay up that late, so there goes that idea...maybe he was cursed with bad luck. After she was gone, his boner remained and he decided he would have to take care of himself for tonight. He got comfortable and flipped open his laptop on the nightstand to watch some choice porn, and picture Bell's butt in her yoga pants while listening to the women moaning in the porn. His attention was called fully to his dick though as it felt weird. It was like he was getting an erection but he already had one. The glans were stretched out as far as they could go and a deep purpled-red, and the veins along the shaft were puffed out and rock hard- he could roll them around through the skin with his finger a bit. Piper guessed he never had a full on wood till now, because this was a step above anything he had before, this was like real rock hard, painfully erect. His body was trying to force more into his cock than it could actually take. As sore as it felt though, his touch on its surface was all the more pleasurable. He could feel the stiff throbbing of his shaft straight through between his nuts and along his taint! It was so stiff the shaft couldn't even buck, it just vibrated. When he came, the pleasure was much more intense than what he was used to, it was a wave of pleasure that swept over his entire body getting stronger the closer to his dick it got, and exploded out the end. He wished it lasted longer and shot more than usual too, but sadly that remained unchanged. He cleaned himself off and returned to bed, falling asleep quite quickly.
Bell did not wake him when she returned home that night, but she did wake him slowly in the morning. He awoke feeling pleasure down below and tried to recall if he had a erotic dream, but quickly woke enough to realise it was Bell's doing. She giggled under the sheets as she gently rolled his balls in her hand, caressing the underside before taking his morning wood into her mouth. He was extremely rigid again in her mouth, but at least this time it was more justified. He did not last long between bumping the back of her throat and being coiled in her tongue. He remained erect after however, though slightly less so. She sat up quickly, still totally covered by a bed sheet.
"Hey! You must have gotten a late growth spurt or somethin'!"
She gazed at his crotch in the morning sunlight that filtered through the sheet. "Your cock's bigger!"
Piper yanked the sheet away to look at it, and sure enough, it did look bigger! It looked a full inch and a half bigger at least! Was this the doing of Chorus? How would this be considered a curse? In what universe is a bigger dick a bad thing? Bell immediately mounted his poll and slid down to the base carefully. Once she knew she had the space in her cooch to pull this off she started to grind her meaty nether lips into him, and then started to rock her hips. She reached around herself and grabbed his nut sack above the balls and tugged them back- she always liked playing with his nuts and Piper certainly had no complaints! He lasted a bit longer for this ride but not by much. Again the orgasm was intense, he could feel the flow from much farther back than he should have and could only assume he was getting bigger again. It felt like someone grabbed his cock and was somehow pulling more of it out of him from its very roots, stretching farther out from way back at his prostate. Forward was not the only direction it went though, because it fattened as well, with each powerful throb his heart managed to find just a little more blood to make it swell. Bell had to reposition her grip on his sack partway in because by the time his balls relaxed again, they too were just a bit bigger. Bell fell over onto him without pulling off, and rest her head just below his, with a nice meaty layer of tit flesh sandwiched between them. Piper just lay still, catching his breath and staring vacantly at the roof. Even the bed felt more comfortable somehow, like it was more springy than it had been. His nuts felt gigantic hanging lazily between his legs.
Bell finally sat up, slowly sliding off his shaft. "So what did you do to get bigger!? I thought all those bigger dick ads are bullshit."
"Nothing! I mean...well this person I bumped into got angry and said they were going to curse me or whatever but pffft, right?"
Bell laughed as she got up and headed to the bathroom. "Well if this is their idea of a curse, you should piss people off more often. I am going to make you some breakfast stud- you'll need to replenish all that energy."
Piper remained where he was for some time, having reached a dangerous comfort level where he couldn't quite seem to muster the will power to sit up. He finally rolled his legs off the side of the bed when he smelled bacon and eggs. The drop from the bed to the floor was bigger than usual, he was right, the bed was more comfortable! He looked at it puzzled for over a minute. It looked identical to their bed but it was definitely bigger...but why didn't she tell him she got them a new bed and how on earth did Bell get it in here and set up without him even knowing? He looked around the room and got the distinct feeling something else was off as well. It wasn't till he touched the doorknob as he was leaving the room that Piper realised he was what was off! He went to the kitchen in a hurry and seen right away that Bell was slightly taller than he is- he shrank! He is supposed to be at least a half foot taller than her! That's why she took his huge dick so easily, it only looked huge because he was smaller- it certainly was bigger but not as big as he thought. So the curse made his dick bigger and him smaller? That's an even stranger curse than he thought! What was the point? To make it so his clothes didn't fit properly for a day? It was going to wear off early evening if Chorus was telling the truth, so again this hardly seemed like a punishment at all. Oddly, Bell didn't even seem to notice him being shorter, or perhaps she was avoiding bringing it up. She was plenty thrilled at the size of his member now, that much was apparent. Piper called in sick from work and decided to chill on the couch with his girl today. Today was going a hundred times better than he was expecting.
It didn't take long before Bell stole the remote and turned the station to a saucy movie, and promptly grabbed at Piper's sausage through his underpants, since that was all he was wearing. All she was wearing was a T-shirt. Not even entirely full mast, the beast was at level with his knees as it snaked its way out one of the boxer's legs. Bell licked her lips and dove right in, pulling it back, up, and out of his boxers and just heft it a few times in her hands as it returned to diamond stiffness. To her it was huge, to him it was inhumanly gigantic. It looked even bigger than it was before! She proceeded to give him a slow, loving handjob, keeping low enough to gently lick beads of pre off its swollen head on occasion. She was absolutely loving this. He loved the way she looked when she glanced up at him from his dick, but she kept pushing back on his chest trying to get him to watch the low budget movie and relax while she worked his bone. She was taking her sweet time caressing and practically worshipping his cock now, after he went off faster than usual in bed. Piper groaned at the stiffness and powerful throbbing against her hot and soft feminine hands. He closed his eyes entirely and felt like he was sinking into the cushions. It took him way too long to realise he sort of is sinking in- he was shrinking again! When he opened his eyes he was face to face with his massive swollen purple cock head! It was as tall as he is now! Granted, he was now as tall as a ten year old. Bell was now the only accurate gauge he had to how big it really is, and it was big enough that her admittedly small hand could only reach halfway around it. Piper had a mini panic attack and tried to convince Bell to stop playing with it as it only seemed to be speeding the process forward. She didn't seem to see the down side of it. When he asked her if she even noticed his body was shrinking she only giggled and said he looked cute. Fortunately she did leave him alone, at least for the moment as she went to get something to drink, but something told Piper she was going to be back for more soon. He had to slip out and get somewhere isolated to get his thoughts together and prevent his achingly hard cock from getting any more stimuli.
Chorus used two rings to curse him! One must be stealing mass, the other gives mass. His dick is getting bigger with mass stolen from his body- in a way his penis was eating his body. The thing he feared right now is that Chorus said the curse would be dispelled by early evening, which will be the 24 hour mark. She didn't say its effects would be dispelled. What if the curse was gone and his body was just locked in the shape it was when the curse ended? Piper's underwear didn't even come close to fitting him anymore so he just kicked those off his legs and slid off the couch, wincing as his rigid cock made a heavy bow from its greatly increased weight. This was awkward- its weight made it hard to balance and its erection and size meant it was swinging in front of his face as he walked so he could only partly see where he was going. He was glad he didn't have to take a piss because god only knows how that would work in this state. It was raining out now, weather attracted by all the sudden heat recently. He didn't like the idea of going naked into the rain, but Bell seemed mesmerized by his cock and he didn't want to end up any smaller. He was careful to make as little noise as possible as he slipped out the sliding glass doors and dashed through the backyard to the woods behind the house. They were not too big, but plenty big enough to conceal him at least and hopefully shelter some of the rain. He leaned against a tree panting. His legs were shorter now and the added weight of a huge phallus made jogging any distance very hard. He could feel his rapid heart rate as an ache in his dick, and stared at it for several moments before concluding it was growing with each pulse, just very very little. The cool rainwater didn't quell his erection at all! Where would all the blood go though? Maybe it wasn't even possible to become flaccid anymore. Piper arched back, hoping that keeping his dick off his body and exposing it to more rain would finally cool it down. He watched the beads of water collecting on the big rubbery glans and trail down over the bruise-purple corona and trace the edges of the projected, throbbing veins on the shaft. A bubble of pre joined the rainwater and Piper bent a bit to bring the cock closer again to help him realise its growth was increasing if anything when exposed to the rain! The touch of the rain drops was doing it! It was so huge and sensitive now that even a good breeze would stimulate it at least a bit!
He found the bushiest tree and took shelter under it, sinking down and taking a seat on a root to wait this out, and pray the effects would leave him too. He tried his best to get his mind off it but the cock was literally right in his face, and every throb brought his thoughts back to it. What other than sex would one think of while looking at a penis, especially of this size? And when he did, it throbbed a tiny bit bigger and he a tiny bit smaller, which only made it harder to not think about! The root was hurting his tail bone so he shifted forward, but that put the weight on his taint and caused his shaft to throb powerfully. Out of surprise he gripped its base to prevent the glans from smacking him in the face. As soon as his hands gripped the base, he could both see and feel the gap between the fingers of his hands grow as he shrank and a powerful tingling pleasure swept up his shaft like a wave from his touch, tickling the cock's roots. Piper let out a long moan, half in frustration and half in pleasure as he collapsed forward onto his hands and knees- sort of. His hands took most of his weight as he realised his balls took up a bit more space than his knees could allow. Even with his arms fully extended his shaft touched both his chest and the ground, and he had to look up to see his cock head now. The cock throbbed powerfully again, jetting out a good amount of pre and lifting his body slightly for a moment.
Piper was stuck now. His legs couldn't lift his scrotum off the ground and any movement at all at this point would only stimulate the shaft more against the slick ground! With or without the help of any outside forces Piper wondered if he would survive all this. Would it stop? Did it have a limit? Would he shrink indefinitely or vanish entirely once he became too small? Not that either scenario was a good one. His heart jumped when he heard rustling in the bushes. Was it some wild animal? Even a squirrel at this point could be a threat but he was actually hoping it was an animal. Before he was able to react, Bell came rushing at him from out of some bushes, and placed a hand on his back to pin him to his phallus. She giggled, saying he was a naughty boy for trying to run off, as if he were a pet! Piper was about as big as a large doll at this point, and his cock the size of a novelty giga dildo- the kind that are more of a kinky decoration than anything a sane person would attempt to use. She gasped as she resumed her worship of the huge dick, gently feeling it over, tugging at his scrotum and tracing the contours of both. Piper pleaded with her to stop as the throbbing increased again but now she ignored him entirely. She rubbed an entire hand on the huge head, with her thumb hooked around the corona, occasionally squeezing it between thumb and index. Her other hand traced its way up his churning balls and one comparatively huge finger poked him in the butt, squeezing the hair-trigger overtaxed prostate! He was lifted up by the arch of the shaft and his mind went blank and his vision pure white as he exploded with orgasm. Dizziness took hold as the curse went to work again, and only prolonged and amplified the orgasm even though the unmodified size of his prostate meant his actual load was tiny. By the time it stopped bucking him around like a mechanical bull and his senses returned, Piper sat up in horror as he realised his cock was as big as he was, and he was now as big as his cock used to be! It did not soften at all, and again Bell seemed completely unconcerned with him, and totally enamored with his dick. There was no possible way for him to escape her- his legs didn't even reach around half of the upper curve of his wet balls. She picked him up by the cock alone, ignoring the fact there was a man attached at all and hugged it to her chest, squeezing the shaft tightly and rolling it between her tits with only a thin wet shirt between. The huge balls sat cradled between her feet and she kissed and sucked on the head, moaning and groaning as if someone were eating her out while she did it. Piper was both terrified and nearly whiting out from pleasure overload at the same time! Everything around him seemed to get bigger, but especially his cock as it continued to grow and strain larger and larger. Now that he was so small he could even hear it growing, it sounded like stressed leather. Only five inches tall, then a throb and buck and four inches. She rest him on the ground and stood up, putting the shaft on an angle to meet her pussy and slid down, pinning herself between the cock and the tree. There was no way she could humanly get it inside herself, but her pussy was still spread open and grinding along the smooth wet head. And another inch lost. Only three inches tall, one of his own testicles could crush him to death if they rolled backward onto him. The throbbing rocked his entire body now, and he knew all was lost as he shrank still another inch, and his penis swelled another inch fuller. He couldn't even formulate words to speak anymore through all the pleasure, like the cock was drawing in his thoughts as well now, consuming all he had to swell still larger!
He blinked and everything was dark. Had he finally shrunk himself into non-existence? He could think clearly again at least. He could hear, see, and feel nothing. With the time it took to involuntarily blink again- he was back in reality, looking a very confused and wet Bell in the eyes. Her eyes! He stood up and twirled around with his now flaccid dick swinging in the open air. He and his penis were back to their old sizes! He wasn't able to tell because of the cloud cover but it was early evening and the curse had run out! Bell had no idea why they were outside or why he was naked and overly happy. She had seemingly no recollection at all since waking up this morning, like Piper's penis actually hypnotised her. Not wanting to explain the whole thing, he simply told her they got hammered and made out in the rain...close enough. One thing was for sure, Piper wasn't going to the old end of town anymore. Whatever magic was out there, he would rather not be a part of it. | yiff-extreme |
Title: Meeting Mother
Tags: orphan, mother, adopted, milf, genetic sexual attraction, son, older woman, younger man, father, incest romance
I've sometimes wondered how my life would have been if I'd never tried to find my mother, but at the time I had this aching curiosity about her.
I didn't see it like this at the time but I suppose being brought up in an orphanage, and lacking the sort of love that ideally you get one on one with a mother, I wanted to know why I had been deprived of that love.
I was twenty one and I'd been out of the orphanage for three years; life seemed to be as good as I could expect and I was doing well in my university studies, so why I got this sudden urge to meet my mother is a bit hard to fathom.
Whatever the reason, I got in touch with the authorities and was put through the bureaucratic mills. First it was a social worker contacting my mother to ask if she wanted to meet me. When she got a yes I was allowed to send her a letter through the social worker and got one back by the same route and next it was a telephone call.
After that officialdom dropped out of the scene and we exchanged several telephone calls. The objective was that we should meet each other, and although we both expressed the wish to do just that, we kept on delaying it. I suppose when it came right down to it we were both scared of what we would see and how we would feel if and when we did meet.
I was surprised that we both lived in the same city and we wondered if we'd seen each other in the street or in a shop, or somewhere like that. In the end it was mother, whose name was April Blake, who took the step, and we arranged to meet in a café -- neutral ground I suppose.
My name is Mark Applegate but how I got the name Applegate I don't know. Perhaps it was my father's name or one they gave me at the orphanage. I decided I'd ask mother when we met what my father's name was. But then I changed my mind. It's an odd thing, but I didn't seem have any interest in my father, only my mother.
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
I arrived early at the café and sat waiting for her at a table outside. We had not made any special arrangement, no signals, no wearing a flower or holding a newspaper, and I wondered how I would recognise her. I remember my stomach felt as if it had, not butterflies, but large birds flying around in it and my throat seemed to have got something stuck in it.
She arrived about half a minute before the time arranged. She told me later that she'd arrived half an hour before time but was so nervous she couldn't sit still and had been walking around trying to compose herself.
It was strange because as I saw her approaching I recognised her immediately; not physically but - how can I put it? It felt like a jolt of recognition. There was only one moment of doubt as I thought, "It's not possible she's far too young."
I thought I detected reciprocal recognition in her eyes and as she afterwards told me, "I think I would have known you anywhere," and when I told her about the strange sensation I'd experienced she said, "Yes, I felt that too."
She was wearing a smart black skirt and a white blouse, three buttons at the neck undone. Despite the simplicity of her outfit she looked the sort of woman who could manage to make yards of haphazardly arranged coloured silk look like the very latest fashion. She was not particularly tall, but very slender, with short chestnut hair framing a perfectly oval face.
I wasn't sure what to expect at this first meeting. Would we burst into tears, fling our arms round each other saying things like, "At last I've found you?" If I'd been expecting that, then I was due to be disappointed because our greeting and what followed was quite cool if not formal.
As I hesitated she came straight to me and said, "Mark...Mark Applegate?
I stood up and said, " Blake?"
She replied, "Yes, I'm your mother; shall we sit down?"
We sat and she took control of the situation immediately. "I think we should have some coffee." She called the waitress over and gave the order.
We spent the next five minutes talking, of all things, about the weather and trying to surreptitiously examine each other, which from my point of view was difficult because she had the most piercing green eyes I'd ever seen, and they were focused right on me.
Her chestnut hair was cut short in a rather mannish fashion but it seemed to enhance her facial profile. She had an unfashionably long nose, but straight and beautifully shaped. Her mouth was small with plump lips, her lower lip protruding very slightly. Her neck was long and graceful and her unbuttoned blouse gave a hint of her cleavage that indicated quite small breasts.
She had the look of a professional woman which was later confirmed when she told me she was a lawyer.
She was inclined take the initiative and I was glad of this because having been the initiator of this meeting, and having gained my original objective, I didn't really know how to proceed. There was only one burning question I had in mind, and that was why she had given me up, but I wasn't sure how to put it to her.
The coffee arrived and she when she had paid for it she began by asking me about my life in the orphanage. She listened intently as I told her that it had been okay -- not a bit like a Dickensian orphanage.
She went on asking questions that brought us right up to date. She seemed to be pleased that I was studying law at the university and it was then she told me she was a lawyer.
She asked, "How are you managing now...I mean...financially...where do you live?"
I went into a bit of detail about this, telling her that I'd taken out a government loan to be repaid once I'd graduated plus a bit I earned working evenings at the "Happy Chicken House," and I'd got a room in a boarding house.
Having failed to ask what for me was the vital question it was she who brought it up.
"I suppose you want to know why I let you go."
"Yes," I said cautiously, "I had wondered."
She looked at me steadily for a few moments as if trying to assess in advance how I would respond to what she was about to say. When she spoke what she said seemed unrelated to the subject.
"Tell me," she said, "are you all right?"
"All right?"
She seemed to hesitate before going on and then obviously trying to sound casual asked, "Any health problems; any learning difficulties, anything like that?"
Taken by surprise I stammered, "H-health problems? N-no, although I did have a cold once."
"No I mean serious problems," she said.
"Ah, not that I know of, but if you mean intellectual disabilities I did score a hundred and twenty five on an IQ tent once."
She looked relieved and went on, "I was too young."
"Er...too young for what?"
"To keep you."
Oh, how young?"
"Very young," she replied, without specifying an age. That accounted for why I'd thought she was too young to be my mother when I first saw her.
Taking the plunge I asked, "Did...did you ever think about me?"
So far she had behaved like an efficient professional woman in a business meeting, but for a moment she looked as if she was going break up and cry. Then clearly trying to overcome her emotions she said, "Yes, often, but particularly on your birthday." She managed a wan smile and went on, "It was strange, but on your birthday the weather was always gloomy."
"Well it is in the middle of winter," I said, trying to sound cheerful.
"Yes...yes," she said, "I suppose that's it. Did you ever think about me?"
I would liked to have told her I'd thought about her constantly -- dreamed about her -- but it wouldn't have been true.
Truthfully I said, "Not really; I suppose being in an orphanage and most of the other kids not having parents you don't think about it much. Some of the kids who did have parents told horror stories about them, and so I didn't want to know."
"But you wanted to contact me?"
Yes, it was about a year ago when I started to imagine who you were, what you were like and...and..."
"Why I'd given you up?"
"Do I look anything like you imagined me?"
I laughed and said, "Do you really want to know how I imagined you?"
"As long as you don't mind telling me."
"Well, I had all sorts of ideas about you. In one you was living in poverty after being deserted by the man who..."
"Fathered you?"
"Yes, but I had another idea. You were the daughter of an immensely wealthy family and you'd got into what people call 'trouble,' and so they made you put me into the orphanage."
She managed a little laugh and said, "Well I don't belong to an immensely rich family but we weren't poor either. Both my parents were lawyers so it looks as if law runs in the family. So do I look like the way you imagined me?"
"No, not really, I thought you'd be much older."
She made no comment about that, but I felt confident enough to ask the question that I'd previously decided not to ask. "Applegate, was that my father's name?"
"Oh no," she said, "your father's name was...was...not Applegate, they must have given you that name at the orphanage."
"Yes, I suppose so," I said. I knew she had nearly told me his name but had checked herself just in time.
"Now we've met," she asked, "do you want us to keep in contact?"
Although her manner had been mostly brisk, as if keeping me at one pace distant, I liked her, and so I said, "Yes, I would like us to meet and talk again, if you want to."
I must admit my motive for wanting to keep in contact was not entirely filial. When I learned that she was a lawyer I thought she might be able to do me a bit of good once I'd graduated.
"Yes," she said slowly, "I think I would like us to keep in touch. Suppose we exchange telephone numbers; perhaps we could meet again and go out somewhere together?"
We exchanged numbers and then she said, "I have to go now, work you know."
I had a lot of questions I wanted to ask her but they would have to wait. "Er...what should I call you," I asked, "mother?"
"," she said after a few moments thought, "I don't think I've earned the title mother, so I think April will be better, don't you?"
"Fine," I replied.
We stood, and there was a few moments hesitation about how to say goodbye. We started to shake hands, but that turned into a kiss on the cheek.
"I'm so glad we've met at last," she said, looking tearful again.
"So am I," I answered.
I watched her as she hurried away until her trim figure was lost among the crowd.
I ordered another cup of coffee and sat thinking about our meeting.
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
I wasn't sure if we would meet again and I decided not to take this initiative this time, I would leave it to her to make contact. She did so four days after our first meeting, telephoning in the evening.
She wondered if I would like us to have dinner together in a restaurant. "Another neutral location I thought." I hesitated to say yes, especially when she mentioned The Golden Goose I knew it was way out of my financial league.
She must have detected my hesitation and understood the reason because she said, "It'll be on me." That got a "Yes" from me, and so a date and time was arranged. I didn't have a car, and she made no offer to pick me up. I assumed that this meant she was still keeping that space between us. Anyway, who was I to let that stand in the way of eating at the Goose; I might get to eat well for a change.
I hadn't much in the way of clothing so I wore a pair of black trousers, white shirt and a black tie I been given when I worked as a waiter for a while in an Indian restaurant. That was the best I could muster.
I took the bus that went past the Goose and this time she was waiting for me. As soon as I saw her I wished I hadn't come. It was not that she was elaborately dressed; she was wearing a simple neck to knee red sheath dress and she looked absolutely stunning. Beside her my sartorial offering looked like something from a secondhand clothing shop, if not worse.
As we met she kissed me on the cheek and said, "I'm glad you could come."
A waiter wearing what I've always thought of as a claw hammer evening suit conducted up to a table. I got the feeling that he was viewing me with disapproval, no doubt wondering what April was doing with a scruff bag like me.
The drinks waiter arrived and she asked me, "Do you drink wine." My only drink hitherto had been an occasional beer, but trying to sound sophisticated I said yes, I did drink wine.
"The '96 Arnold," she told the waiter.
"Aha," I thought as the waiter almost bowed himself out of her presence, "she's a regular here."
This was confirmed when the food waiter arrived and she asked him if his daughter had recovered from her virus.
Our orders were given, and I confess that during the evening I ordered everything I decently could from the menu.
The wine was like nectar of the gods, and relaxed by its influence I dared to ask a question I'd had in mind. I had noticed she wasn't wearing an engagement or wedding ring but that doesn't necessarily signify so I asked her, "Are you married?" After all, if she was married, that meant I had a stepfather."
When she didn't answer immediately and the smile she'd been wearing went in behind a cloud, I thought I'd blown it.
When she did answer she said slowly, "No, I'm not married, I was, but not now."
I wanted to pursue the subject and would even liked to have asked her if she got a man in her life, but I knew that it would have really been pushing my luck, so I let it go. In any case, if -- and it was only if at that stage -- we went on meeting, I'd probably find out.
I'd obviously touched on a raw nerve but she recovered and started to talk about her work and asking which branch of law I intended to follow. From this she branched out into my likes and dislikes, music, theatre, films, sport and so on. It was strange; she seemed to get the information out of me without my even noticing.
When the meal came to an end, which was roughly when I couldn't eat any more, she said, "I'll drive you home." Considering it was late and the bus only ran every hour at that time of night, the lift was welcome.
When we got to the boarding house she asked, "Can I come in and see your room?"
I didn't exactly live in squalor but I didn't like her seeing my somewhat Spartan accommodation, but I couldn't think of an excuse to say no.
When she saw the room she didn't make any comment about it, but did ask, "Do you like living here?"
"It's okay," I said, adding with a grin, "After all, things can only get better after this."
She made a sound like "Humph," and said, "Then I'll say goodnight, I'll give you a call." I got a kiss on the cheek and she was gone.
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
She was as good as her word, and for the next four weeks we went out together to places I'd never been to before, like theatres and concert halls, to hear and see things I'd never seen or heard before, all at her expense. I think we got to like each other -- well, I certainly liked her and I don't mean just because she did all the paying -- but there was no real intimacy between us apart from the kiss on the cheek.
I felt as if I knew quite a lot about her, but not the things that really mattered. What I mean is, the sort of things a son would normally know about his mother, but I suppose I could hardly expect that, given we hadn't known each other for twenty one years.
It therefore came as a bit of a surprise when having been driven home from the theatre we sat in the car for a while and she said, "You know Mark, I've got the feeling I'd like to try and make it up to you, I mean," she laughed self consciously and went on, "be a mother to you."
"Oh," was all I could muster by way of reply.
"How would you like to come and live with me?" she asked quietly.
I hadn't seen where she lived, but as I've said, anything would have to be an improvement on where I was.
"If I did," I replied, "would we be able to get on with each other?"
"I don't see why not," she said, "and frankly I don't like you living in that dump."
Well she was nothing if not candid, and she went on, "We can give it a try, and I promise not to come the heavy mother. It won't be set on concrete, and if it doesn't work out, well..." she ended with a shrug.
It seemed like the best offer I'd had since the day I was born, or to put it another way, I was getting the silver spoon in my mouth, not at birth, but belatedly. I accepted the offer without further discussion.
We arranged for me to see the house, and when I did I could hardly believe my luck. Not that it was some huge mansion, but it was a very romantic colonial style four bedroom house set in what people call "a leafy suburb."
"This is the old family home," she explained. "I inherited after my father died."
"He would have been my grandfather," I said.
Unusually for her April looked flustered and I asked, "What about my grandmother."
"Oh, she died...died some years before my father...cancer."
The subject was not pursued and I was shown my room, or rather, rooms; two of them, one to sleep in the other to study in. Luxury was piled on luxury as I was shown the en suite. No more sharing a shower alcove and toilet with a dozen other people!
I had arrived in the Promised Land; I had found favour in the sight of the gods; or at least in April's sight.
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
Once settled in, almost inevitably April and I drew closer. There was however a difficulty I was experiencing. I was living with a woman who was biologically my mother, but a woman who looked too young to be my mother.
In addition, she was to say the least very attractive and inclined to be a bit casual about how she dressed at home. However formal and business-like her clothes when she was out and about, at home she was relaxed -- very relaxed. She often drifted around the place wearing only panties and bra. This had me somewhat confused about how to relate to her; after all, I wasn't intended to become a monk, or I didn't think so.
April also got a bit more tactile, going beyond the kiss on the cheek to an occasional hug and kiss on the lips. I wondered if this was what it meant to have a mother.
Still, I had little cause for complaint. On leaving the orphanage I'd been equipped with two of everything clothing-wise. Two T-shirts, two pair of jeans, socks and underwear, these had to be washed and dried on a daily basis, but now no longer.
April had taken me out on a shopping spree and now I wasn't sure how many I had of what, and I didn't even have to wash them myself, we had what April called "A daily" do that.
There still lurked in my mind a question that April had initially avoided about my father. This avoidance only added to my curiosity and I knew I would have to ask it again some time.
Whether when I did ask it the time was well chosen I don't think I'll ever know, but the answer I got revealed to me why April was so reluctant to answer it.
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
It was a warm evening and we'd been sitting in the lounge, me in an armchair and April curled up on the sofa with her peignoir wrapped round her. We had been talking about what sort of a day we'd had, and as that talk drifted to a stop, I chose that as the moment to question about my father.
"April, I said, "you've never told me about my father, was it really so bad?"
She made a nervous movement and the peignoir fell open slightly to reveal her thighs, and this had the usual effect on me, I started to get an erection.
"It was good and bad," she replied.
I suppose I expected her to tell me about a vile seducer who, having got her pregnant had deserted her.
"How was it good and bad?" I asked.
She seemed to be looking back into the past, remembering what had happened, and it was a long time before she said, "I suppose you'll have to know or you'll go on wondering and asking, or find out some other way, and it can't hurt him now."
" could it hurt him?" I asked.
She drew in a deep sobbing breath and said, "To put it simply, your father was my father."
I was staggered and I struggled for a response.
" mean the man who should have been my grandfather was really my father?"
"Yes," she replied, even looking a bit relieved now it was out in the open.
"My God April, he raped you and made you pregnant."
"No Mark," she said sharply, "it wasn't like that. I know people always think it has to be like that, but it wasn't for me. He was so gentle and loving, and I did love him, very dearly."
"You mean wanted him to do it?"
"Yes, even before my mother died I wanted him. It took a year after her death, but one night he came to my bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed and touched my hair. Then he said, 'My beautiful girl." I knew what he wanted to do and I wanted him to do it. I even said to him, "Daddy, I love you and it's all right."
"We became lovers, sleeping together. After the first time I was going to go on the pill, but it was too late; he'd made me pregnant that first time. If it got out about our relationship that would have ruined his career and so I never told anyone who the father was. When you were born they told me I was too young to bring you up, and so I signed things and they took you away. That's how it happened."
"Did you hate him after that?" I asked.
She looked at me uncomprehendingly for a few moments, and then said, "Hate him? Of course not, I told you I loved him and wanted him, and he was a wonderful lover. I went on the pill and was his lover until he got ill and died."
Her hand went down to her genitals and rested on them as if she was remembering those times when her father had been her lover.
I was trying to get my head around all this, and so while trying to find a response I sidetracked saying, "You said you'd been married, what happened?"
"Oh poor Harold," she sighed, "he was such a nice man, but I just couldn't."
"Couldn't give him the emotional satisfaction he needed."
"You mean the experience with your father had traumatized you?" I said, remembering things I read about incest and its aftermath.
"For goodness sake Mark, I've told you I loved my father, I enjoyed sex with him. There was no trauma; it was simply the case that I felt there could never be anyone to take his place. I shouldn't have married Harold, it wasn't fair to him, but I did think we could make it at the time. I tried, but he knew I was trying, and when you're making love with someone you don't want to feel they have to pretend."
"And so you divorced?"
She shrugged hopelessly. "Yes, he found someone who didn't have to try or pretend with him. I believe they have three children now."
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
We both fell silent, she probably wondering if she should have told me, and I still trying to come to terms with it. Finally, for want of something better I said, "So my name is really Blake?"
"And you've never regretted the...the..."
"Incest?" she supplied. "The only thing I've ever regretted is that I didn't keep you. Knowing you now I think of all the things I've missed...we've missed. Watching you grow up, doing all the birthday and Christmassy things with you, the holidays we might have had and...and...oh, it's as if there's a big black hole in my life I didn't fully realise was there until we met."
"You're sorry we met?" I asked.
" sorry because after all I can see that you've grown up and there's nothing wrong with you."
It sudden struck me why at our first meeting she had asked me about my health and mental well being; because I was the child of an incestuous relationship she'd thought I might be defective in some way.
I smiled at her and asked, "Have I grown up satisfactorily?"
"Yes," she replied, "and your so like my...your father."
She started to cry and I didn't know what to do and what I did, I suppose, was pretty inept. I said, "Well, we've got a lot of catching up to do."
That made her cry even more and she sobbed, "How can we catch up, it's not possible, you can't call back lost years."
"No," I said, "but we can make the most of the time we've got."
"Yes," she said, "but I can't have you as a baby, and a child and a teenager."
"No," I replied, "but you can have me as an adult and I think I've grown to love you."
She stopped crying and taking some tissues from a box on the table beside the sofa she wiped her tears and blew her nose.
She looked at me quizzically for a few moments and then said, "Do you mean that?"
"That you love me?"
What could I say? "Yes, of course," I replied.
"Why...why do you love me?"
That had me floundering. I don't think I'd ever told anyone I loved them before, and if I'd thought about it at all I suppose I'd assumed you didn't need to explain why. Should I tell April that I loved her because she was so attractive, that I wanted to fuck her; that I dreamed and fantasised about being her lover?
No, that wasn't love, it was lust, although I suspect that a lot of people think its love, but I wanted to reach out beyond that, but didn't know how, I suppose because I'd never had any practice at it. You might get a lot of things in an orphanage but you don't get a great deal of practice with loving.
I said rather lamely, "I suppose I love you because you're my mother and you've generous."
She was looking at me now rather like a cat watching a mouse and making up its mind if it was lunchtime.
"Do you think I love you, Mark?" she asked.
Now I didn't feel so much like a mouse as newcomer in a strange city without a street map, not knowing which way to go. I think April understood my dilemma so she said, "Just tell me what you really think Mark no matter what it is."
I could see my answer was important to her and I could also see that our relationship was at a pivotal point. I could see that we were two people in need of love, but also two people in an ambiguous relationship. A mother and son who had known nothing of each other for more than twenty years, and we were struggling to find a basis on which we could relate to each other.
Taking the plunge I said, "Yes, I think you do love me."
"You know, Mark," she said quietly, "we haven't hugged or kissed properly since we first met."
Was that an invitation to do just that now? I wondered.
"'t know if you'd like me to do that sort of thing," I said cautiously.
She extended her arms to me and said, "Why don't you come over here and find out."
Wondering where this was heading I went to her and sat beside her. She put her arms round my neck and kissed me. I wasn't sure what a mother's kiss should feel like, but I got the distinct impression that this didn't feel like one.
She began to stroke my chest with her hand and then kissed me again, and this time I was sure the kiss wasn't motherly.
"You know Mark," she whispered, her lips very close to my ear, "My father and I had the best of both worlds."
"Did worlds?"
"Father and daughter and at the same time lovers. Can you think of anything more beautiful?"
I actually could think of something if not more beautiful then at least as good, but I wasn't about to say what it was.
"It must have been," I said somewhat shakily. The erection I'd had for the last half hour had taken on a particularly insistent and throbbing reality.
"It was very satisfying," she said.
"Even though it was incest?"
"I sometimes think that an incestuous relationship is the best of all," she replied, especially when it's an act of love, what do you think?"
That left me floundering again for a few moments. How do you answer a question like that if you haven't had an incestuous relationship? I pointed this out to her and she said, "I think you'd like to have an incestuous relationship, wouldn't you?" she asked, laying a hand on my thigh.
"W-would I," I stammered.
"That lump in your trousers tells me you would, Mark. Why don't you kiss me?" she whispered.
I leaned into her and kissed her rather tentatively. It quickly became something more than tentative because when we broke from the kiss we looked at each other and then kissed again and again and again.
I felt her hand undoing the belt at my waist and then pulling down the zip of my pants. She pulled up my shirt and began kissing my stomach, working her way down until she reached my penis. She murmured something about, "It's been a long time," and kissed its head.
She ran a finger delicately over it making me groan as the nerves sent their messages.
"I think," she said, looking up at me, "mother and son as lovers could be as exquisite as father and daughter, don't you?"
Before I could answer she had the head of my penis in her mouth and began to suck it. I thought I'd found my way into Shangri-la.
She stopped sucking and looking up at me said, "I think it would be a good idea if we undressed."
She stood and let her negligee fall to the floor. Her body was superb but before I could take it in fully she said, "Well come along, stand up, it's your turn."
I was trembling so much I had difficulty in stripping off, so she had to come to my aid. When I was naked she pulled herself close to me, her small but nicely-rounded breasts pressed against my chest.
"Sit down" she said, giving me a little shove so that I plumped down on the sofa. She sat astride me and said, "A pity I haven't any milk to give you, but you can suck my nipples." With that she pressed a nipple to my lips. I took it into my mouth and suckled her.
"Does that taste like a mother?" she asked. I didn't answer because I was busy tasting that peculiarly sweet flavor of the female nipple, although I did silently agree, she did taste like a mother.
She was doing something with my penis and then it was slowly slipping into a warm, wet, satin smooth milieu, clinging to my length and sucking me in. I thought she was trying to swallow me completely.
I had to stop sucking her nipple as she began to ride my penis, slowly at first but with increasing pace. She was looking at me as she moved and kissing me intermittently and she was making faint murmuring sounds, "Mmm...mmm...mmm..."
Suddenly she cried out, "Oh my God..." and arching her back she began to pound frantically up and down in me crying out, "Come in me...come in me...I need it...come...come..."
I'd been struggling to hold back my orgasm but her invitation ended that. Sperm rushed up my length and burst into her. She must have felt it because she gave a long wailing cry, "Ooooowaaaa..."
I pounded my seed into her until I'd emptied myself. Her movements had slowed and she was breathing heavily and gasping, "I love you...I love you...I need you..." until her cries faded and her movements ceased.
Her hands were fluttering over my body and face and she said, "Welcome home my darling."
I made a half humorous response, "I think I'll stay home in future."
She smiled at me and said, "I don't think you'll need your bedroom in future, you belong to me now."
I knew then that I had the best of both worlds, a mother and a lover.
"I won't let them take the baby away this time," she said.
Well, in novels it's all about sex, but in real life it's about babies. | literotica |
Title: Downsizing Ch. 07
Tags: breast augmentation, meeting parents
Dani and Stacy woke the next morning raring to go. Showed shaved and dressed, they started to make their way to the airport. Long term parking was fairly empty so they were able to get a parking stall near the door, which made them happy that they wouldn't have to drag the baggage any further than necessary. A couple of the guys heading into the airport for business trips offered their services carrying bags for the pair. Quite surprised by the reaction of other travelers, Dani and Stacy once at the ticket window made a sort of small talk about their astonishment.
Much to their delight, once they had their boarding tickets taken care of and their bags had been checked, they saw Lucy waiting for them near the boarding gates, as far as she could get without having a ticket herself. Ms. Stanton wanted to make sure they got a personal send off on the way to New York. Lucy wasn't there just for the personal sendoff, she was also there to inform as well. Ms. Stanton having nearly a week to prepare had a thought cross her mind. She had realized there might not have been enough time for Dani to talk to his family about the changes in his life. She had Lucy look up some of Dani's contact information and found his next of kin in his file. She had taken it upon herself to talk to his parents in person. She knew Dani was making a huge step, and there were a couple people that should probably be filled in with the course he had chosen for his life.
Dani and Stacy were totally shocked about the information Lucy had passed along. Then it hit Stacy that her family hadn't known what was happening either. Lucy, in her explanation, filled Dani and Stacy in on arrangements were made by Ms. Stanton so that Dani and Stacy would have the evening they arrived in New York to speak with his parents. It was their decision to fill them in on the changes that were coming, or they could decide not to fill them in until it had all happened. The decision Dani and Stacy made on the plane was to fill in his parents, as well as phone Stacy's parents to fill them in on changes that were about to happen in her life.
Looking at the folder that Lucy had dropped off before they boarded, Dani saw that arrangements had been changed a bit. Instead of staying at The Plaza, they would in fact be staying at The Peninsula New York. Included were some of the hotel's amenities, which Dani and Stacy looked over in awe. Knowing they got a sweet deal with Dani's promotion, they could sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of the flight.
When the pair landed, they made their way to baggage claim and found their luggage. Stepping outside, as they were getting ready to hail a cab, Dani felt a nudge in his side. Stacy was pointing to a limousine with a man standing next to it in full chauffeur uniform. The sign the man was holding said "Ms. Danielle Davis." Smiling appreciatively Dani turned to kiss Stacy on the cheek and they made their way to the limo. Once the chauffeur had loaded up their luggage, they got in the car and the driver pulled away from the curb. The ride to the hotel wasn't fast, but at the same time, it wasn't long either. Their chauffeur said his name was Ted, and informed them on the ride that he would be working specifically for them and had his own suite in the same hotel for whenever he was needed. He also informed them that he would take care of their luggage and make sure it went to their room, giving them a bit more time to relax than they had expected.
When they entered the room utter amazement is all that can describe their reaction to the size and spectacularly lavishments. The size of the room was so immense they thought it could possibly take the whole month they were going to be there to see every inch of it. Dani made jokes of it being a country all of it's own and they the ambassadors.
With the time feeling suspended for several moments, they were startled back to reality when they heard the knock on their door. Upon opening it, their luggage had just arrived at their room. Once their luggage was stored properly, they looked over the folder Lucy had given them earlier, as it had the plans for the evening and the meeting with Dani's parents in it. Ms. Stanton had set it up so Dani's parents would meet him and Stacy in the Hotel's restaurant. As Dani was reading the plans for the evening, it struck him that they had brought along none of Daniel's clothing. All of his apparel had been for Danielle.
Dani suggested that they take a shower together, then get dressed and go find something a bit more appropriate for the dinner with his parents. "I'm not sure my parents could handle meeting Danielle without knowledge of her existence," he said. When they had showered and started getting dressed, something caught Stacy's eye. Two manila envelopes were tucked under the pillows on the bed. One said "Dani Only," likewise the other said "Stacy Only," written in what appeared to be a red sharpie.
Stacy stopped getting dressed without even pulling her stocking all the way up to tear open her envelope to see what was inside. She ripped one edge of it off, and picked up Dani's and tossed it to the end of the bed where he was pulling on his blouse. She was looking at Stacy Only on the envelope when she opened the letter inside and started reading it.
"Dear Stacy,
By now you are in the hotel suite and plans have been made for atleast the evening tonight. As you may have seen, you and Dani both received similar envelopes, please do not discuss the contents with each other. We at Today's Cosmetics™, have put a lot into this pilot program, and this is our way of thanking Dani and yourself for your contributions to the company. Dani for agreeing to go along with the program, and you as well. It would never have come to such a fine day in the history of our company; had you not superceded the dress code, finding a way for Dani to keep her job with our company. Even if it was only a temporary fix until Daniel could find a new place of employment. I am guessing that was the original plan, but I must say I am glad that she has stayed with us.
Enclosed you will find a credit card with a $20,000.00 limit on it. That is only a portion of the benefit of your actions, but it does allow us an opportunity to expand into a new aspect of this business. This is not an advance or a loan of any type. Nor will it show up on your check stub as reportable income. This is a company card that is of your discretion as to the use of it. Be it something you need such as makeup, or if you want to get raunchy and get something at an adult store, no questions will be asked. Please do return the card to me after you have used it, as we will use it for other needs at a later date.
In closing, I would again like to thank you for your contribution to Today's Cosmetics™.
Elizabeth Stanton"
When Stacy finished reading the note, she put the card in her purse, then resumed dressing. Sitting there getting dressed, she was half watching Dani finish up getting dressed, and half staring off into space, clearly deep in thought. When Dani finished dressing, he picked up his envelope and opened it up. Like Stacy's there was a card in it, as well as a letter. Dani put the card in his purse, and pulled the letter open so that he could read it.
"Dear Dani
Now that you have made it to New York City, and are starting to settle in, I would like to thank you yet again for taking the position as the representative for the TC's Conversions. As you may have seen, Stacy received one of these envelopes herself. I would ask you the same thing that I asked her not to discuss the contents of the envelope. As a representative myself, I know what you are about to go through. I have been there myself and I am grateful for what I have learned in the program. I will not fill your head with the glamour side of it, for it is the work part that this letter concerns. Many times over the next 4 weeks, you are going to be wondering about what you were thinking accepting the position. While yes the benefits of the program can help you along in your career modeling, and representing one of the finest cosmetics companies in the world, it is not always easy. I want to beg of you to stick with it. Compared to the benefits, the few hard parts of the next 4 weeks will be well worth it in the end.
Enclosed, you will find two credit cards. One of the cards simply says Danielle Davis, the other says Today's Cosmetic's, Danielle Davis. The card with your name only is a six-month signing bonus; it is a standard card that we provide to our models and representatives. The other card has an unlimited balance, to be used specifically for work related expenses. If you are on a business dinner, by all means, use the company card. If you are doing something that is truly personal, such as a theme park then it would come down to the personal one. I was wondering too, have you had a chance to get an ID for Danielle, if not please use your employee badge if you are to charge anything to either card. Should you come across an instance where they need to verify, I believe my number is listed as the official contact for it, so it is not likely you should have any trouble.
On that note, enjoy New York City, and we shall see you in a month
Elizabeth Stanton"
Once Dani had finished reading, he put the note in the nightstand on his side of the bed, grabbed his purse and looked at Stacy. She was still staring off into nowhere, which made Dani smile. Clearing his throat brought her back to present time. She too picked up her purse, as Dani was calling Ted to let him know they needed to go out, as Ms. Stanton had set up a meeting for which he had nothing appropriate to wear.
Once in the limo, Dani told Ted they needed to go somewhere for men's apparel. Ted really had not realized quite yet who is charge was for the month. Abandoning Danielle's voice for a moment, he explained his situation with his dinner with his parents. Ted caught on right away this time, and pulled out from the curb. Surprised when Ted pulled onto Broadway, it all clicked when he pulled over in front of Brooks Bros.
Inside the store, Dani and Stacy were pleased to see that the store was similar to Lady's Business, in that they weren't run over by an over zealous sales staff. They had been browsing for about ten minutes when a salesman came by to make sure they were ok. Not wanting to go into a long schpiel as to why he needed some more appropriate attire, Dani simply told the salesman there was a costume ball, and "she was going as a man." Stacy accompanied Dani to the fitting rooms, once out of earshot, they had a good giggle about his excuse. When Dani stepped out of the dressing room in the Brooks Bros. suit, Stacy smiled and nodded her approval. Dani removed the suit, shirt and tie, found some shoes, and they made their way out of the store.
Back in the limo, Dani voiced his thoughts that Stacy seemed to not care for the suit nearly as much as she does when he puts on a woman's suit. She confirmed his suspicion as to her preference for Dani's apparel. Dani told Ted to head back to the hotel, then Dani rolled up the divider window between them and Ted. He immediately turned to Stacy and addressed her preference to his attire. They talked about it on the way back, and Stacy reassured him, she wasn't any less in love with him as Dan, she just found that he was sexier as Dani. As she told him, Dan blends into crowds, and groups, and along the street, though he is a good-looking man, he did not have that male super model appearance. Yet as Dani, quite stunning is one of the least of the compliments she is deserving of.
Back at the hotel, instead of going back to the room Dani asked Ted to make sure the packages made it to the room. He and Stacy went looking around for a bit. Something caught Stacy's eye, she asked Dani if he would mind just meeting her in the room at six. Dani said he wouldn't mind at all, and they went their separate ways discovering all of beauty and design of the hotel.
Dani took at look at his watch and it was gently nearing six p.m. He finished up in the gift shop and started walking towards the hotel elevator. As the door of the elevator opened, he was looking right at his parents. His father a tall handsome man with salt and pepper hair, shortly trimmed. Edwin Davis was a smart businessman, who had no trouble paying for his youngest son's education in computers. Ila Davis, was a retired hairdresser, she had retired when Edwin was able to pick up a few clients of his business that would necessitate him to travel to one client or another. She wasn't going along to keep an eye on her husband, she was going because they could now enjoy life, and trips to and from several major cities allowed them to see the world together. Dani smiled at them as they switched positions, him in and them out of the elevator. Dani overheard his mother asking his father; didn't she look familiar to you? When the door closed, he giggled to himself.
Dani put the key card in the door and walked into the room. Stacy was already in the middle of getting dressed for the dinner with Edwin and Ila. As she was pulling the stocking up her left leg, Dani relayed the elevator meeting with Mom and Dad. Stacy laughed so hard she put her leg right trough the stocking. The look on her face and her inability to stop laughing, put Dani in the same mindset. He fell on the bed laughing with her, just as one had calmed down, a look at the other would set em both back to laughing till their sides hurt. As Stacy was pulling the stocking off of her right leg, Dani pulled a new pair out of the drawer for her to put on.
Dani jumped in for another quick shower to wash off the makeup before getting into his new Brooks Bros. suit, quite possibly the last one he would ever wear. Now dressed in the suit, he pulled his hair back in a pony tail, much like you see many business men with long hair do. Not really knowing of a male style with longer hair hadn't given him many options, it being apparent that it is much easier for a woman to figure out something to do with longer hair than a man.
The clock on the wall indicated that they only had about twenty minutes until their reservation, they decided to head down early and see if they could be seated already. The hotel restaurant wasn't too awfully busy, and the Matradee showed them to their seats promptly. Before the matradee left, Daniel explained his parents would be joining them very soon. The matradee bowed as he left the table.
The waiter was standing next to the table just minutes after they had been seated. When asked if they would like some time to look over the menu, Dan ordered a bottle of wine, and 4 glasses. The waiter asked to make sure if there would be more arriving for tonight's dinner and Dan just nodded. The waiter said, "Very well," and excused himself to fetch the wine and glasses. When he returned Dan informed him that he would wave him over when they were ready to order, so he need not keep checking in, allowing him to help is other customers until they were ready. As the waiter left, Dan poured two glasses of wine, while he and Stacy made small talk waiting on his parents.
Edwin and Ila weren't from Dan's memory the most prompt couple, so Dan was concerned that they would drink all the wine before Mom and Dad showed up. Tonight however, the couple was right on time. As the Matradee escorted the couple to Dan and Stacy's table, he pulled out Mrs. Davis' chair until she was seated then bid them a good evening.
Dan got up from his seat, and first walked around the table to embrace his parents, since he had not seen them for quite some time. After the hugs were done, as well as his mother smothering his cheek in kisses, he poured his parents a glass of wine and refreshed his and Stacy's, then resumed his seat next to his fiancé.
Edwin and Ila had not yet had the pleasure of meeting Stacy. Dan took a minute to do some introductions, followed by the news of their engagement. Both of his parents were quite happy for the beautiful couple. Ila had tears of join running down her cheek, her baby boy was getting married. It wasn't likely that anything could make her happier than she was at that very moment. Edwin had sat up with his shoulders back, quite proud, similar to that of the cock that ruled the roost with two dozen hen. Though his parents were happy for them and proud of their son, they had no idea of the bomb that was about to drop.
A good portion of the evening was catching up, Edwin had gotten into telling the young couple about the business' expansions as of late, when the focus of the subject of career moved to Dan. They had been having a great evening up to that point, but now Dan and Stacy were trying to figure out how to soften the blow. Stacy suggested the long version of the takeover, so as to best fill-in Edwin and Ila as to what was to happen.
Hearing the way Stacy set up for how the career was going had Edwin's face twisted in some strange contortions. He felt it necessary to interrupt at that point. As he began to speak, it became clear that he was confused. "I don't know what you have to tell us, but it sounds like it's not a good thing," he said
Dan interrupted his father at that point, and went back to the very beginning, right to the point when he was applying for the analyst position. Dan explained the takeover, then the dress code change. His father interrupted him on that about the legalities of it. Dan went into the legalities, and this is where Stacy's idea became the relevant part of the evening. His parents were awestruck when they found out how he kept his job without looking like a fool, both in the office and on the way to work. Dan had not got to the part about the promotion, when his mother started crying. This emotional outbreak caught all three of them off guard. When she composed herself, she explained that she had always wanted a girl, though they ended up with two boys. And that her youngest son dressing as a girl to keep his job, just threw her for a loop and she couldn't help the cry.
All three of them nodded their heads and said they could understand how that could happen. Dan handed her a napkin to blot her tears with, then went on to explain he had been promoted, the very promotion that had them all in New York City. This new information had his mother choked up again, she kept napkins close by. As he explained that he would have to be dressed as the cosmetics rep for the job, he was expecting his father to go through the roof, demanding him to join his business to keep his son. What he got was totally opposite. His father put his hand on his mothers back in a patting motion, saying to her, that this may be the daughter she had wanted.
After consoling Ila, and her regaining her composure, he turned to his son. "I am an important man Dan," he said. He went on, "I have two sons that I'm very proud of. I do believe it's going to be a bit difficult to get used to, but you have made a very serious choice, and you have atleast appeared to put a great deal of thought into it before coming to that decision. Had you not, I would be inclined to stick you in a nut house somewhere. If this is what you really want, We will stand behind you one hundred percent." The words nearly knocked Dan, Stacy as well as Ila out of their chairs. Not one of the three expected such a reaction. Edwin continued, "When I speak of you, I can say that you did nothing more, nor less, than making a sound decision for your life. No father can really say much more than that, not even Mr. Trump."
Suddenly Dan had an astonishing realization. He panned his head at the others and said, "You know, I can run upstairs and meet you in the lounge, so u can see what Danielle Davis looks like. You will know when you see a billboard, or a commercial that it's me." The others agreed it would be a good idea. Dan pulled out one of the cards to pay for the meal, he noticed that Danielle was on the card not Daniel. Stacy looked at the card and started to laugh. She then went on to explain that Daniel doesn't have a card for the expenses, only Danielle.
Edwin waved him off, and said he would call it a business expense, as he'll now be investing in TCco stock. When the waiter came over, he explained that it was on the company's account; Lucy already took it care of it, at the home office. Stacy couldn't help but think, she's way too good.
Edwin offered a right elbow to his wife, and the left one he offered to Stacy, as they made their way to the lounge. The wait for Dani had his parents anxious, they had no idea of what to expect, nor did they know that they had seen her just before they went to dinner. Sitting down at a booth, the waitress came over to introduce herself, and see if she could start them off with something. Edwin ordered a scotch and water, Ila went with a strawberry daiquiri, and Stacy stayed with wine.
As Dani walked into the lounge, only Stacy could see him. For that matter, only Stacy knew what he looked like. He made a shhh motion with his hand, to which Stacy then looked away. Walking just a couple booths past them, he called the bartender over, and ordered a wine for himself.
Sharp as ever, his mother noticed him and pointed him out to the others, saying again, doesn't she look familiar? A second time it was heard by Dani, as he took his glass of wine and headed to the table, "Well Mother, I should." As he sat down, his father stood up, much like the gentlemen of old did when a lady sat. Apparently his appearance had even tricked his father's subconscious.
As they sat in the lounge, Edwin and Ila had filled Stacy in on some of Dan's colorful antics when he was growing up. All of them laughed and drank, it was a great evening. It wasn't until Ila had a yawn escape that any of them realized the time. It was nearly three in the morning when they started talking about turning in. As they were getting ready to stand up, Stacy put a halt on it temporarily. She said, "I wasn't sure when would be the best time, but there is something I would like to give Dani, and I think it best with the two of you here." With that she pulled out a diamond engagement ring nearly exactly like hers. When she slipped it on Dani's ring finger, both Dani and Ila started crying. Tears of joy were claiming their share of eyeliner and mascara this evening, making it one of the best evenings any of them have seen. Stacy explained when they split up coming back from shopping, it was the jewelry that caught her eye, and she felt that since Dan would be spending most of his time as Dani outside their home, or those of friends and family, that the engagement ring seemed fitting.
As they made their way to the elevator, the four of them agreed to meet in the lobby the following evening at seven again for a dinner out. They got in the elevator and made their way to their respective rooms, and bid each other a good night. In the room; skirts, blouses, shoes, and much more went flying. Between Dani's parent's approval, and the new engagement ring, Dani and Stacy were extremely hot for each other. There was a bit of heavy petting while they were engaged in a passionate embrace. Dani broke the kiss first and started traveling south, leaving kisses on nearly every inch of Stacy's body. He lingered for several moments on each breast, showing them some gentle attention. A smile crossed his face as he saw the lipstick marks he was leaving behind.
Stacy was getting a fluttering feeling in her stomach; though she was used to this kind of sensual treatment from Dani, it still gives her butterflies. She wasn't able to take it anymore, and flipped the two of them over so she was on top. She mimicked Dani's actions as she started moving down his torso. His nipples seemed to be extra sensitive today. It wasn't only Dani that was noticing his involuntary arching of his back, Stacy had noticed too, even though she had her full concentration on bring Dani as much pleasure as possible.
Neither of them could stand to hold out much longer, nor did they want to. Both near climax without venturing into more intimate regions of their bodies, Stacy quickly moved up to sit right on top of Dani's groin. As soon as Dani felt Stacy's heat, and visa versa, a moan escaped the pair of them. Dani felt his cock twitch when Stacy grabbed it to guild it into herself. As hot as his dick was, he wasn't expecting the heat that engulfed him and Stacy sat on his rigid cock. They were both near cumming the instant they were joined but both of them held back as often as possible. Not only was Dani driving up into Stacy, but she was also dropping down quite hard herself. The noises from their combined grunts, groans, and moans, as well as the squishiness from her box was almost deafening. They had been going at it for fifteen to twenty minutes when neither could hold back any longer. It was a mind-blowing explosion when they each let themselves go. Much like their first time they had sex together, it was very rewarding.
When they came down from their sexual high, Stacy reminded Dani to take another pill from his prescription. Afterwards, they took another shower together and got dressed for bed, they had each picked out outfits for bed that happened to be matching outfits. The coincidence made them both giggle. Stacy had made a mental note to call her parents and fill them in on the changes in her life, and the changes that were to come. She wasn't sure how they were going to react, but she knew they atleast needed to know. She had also wondered to herself if Kieth, Dani's brother would hear the news soon, and who would be the one to tell him.
Getting up early in the morning most days, so that both of them had time to get ready, neither of them was able to sleep in very late. By nine in the morning, Dani and Stacy were dressed and ready to hit the town to see what New York City had to offer them. Unlike the previous night, they weren't wearing similar outfits. Dani was wearing a khaki business suit, black shoes, as well as some jewelry to go along with his new engagement ring. Stacy had on some similar shoes, a white blouse and a black skirt. They grabbed their purses and head for the door to see NY for the first time really, though they had been out, it wasn't for sight seeing. | literotica |
Obviously, none of this could possibly take place without Toma catching wind of it, and while he was initially reluctant to accept that his wife had suddenly become some kind of gluttony monster, a quick scan of the area via orbital monitoring revealed that his underlings hadn’t actually lied to him, leaving the jackal feeling slightly concerned about things going forward… especially after the husky began to chow down on the many baskets of fruit delivered to her and grew even bigger than before, spared from immobilization purely because she used her shapeshifting powers to divert most of the extra mass towards her rump, leaving her with a frankly colossal rear that refused to stop jiggling no matter how much she held still.
When Lady Everest got up, however, announcing that she was going out for a walk and wouldn’t be back for a few hours, that’s when Toma had to do something; practically panicking, he ordered a pod be prepared for him so he could head to the planet’s surface, hoping to get there before anything irreversible happened. Unfortunately for him, the contamination had spread far and wide, doubly so once some of the addictive treats were beamed up to the station itself and it turned out that the “tastings” had spread like wildfire, leaving the jackal stuck in orbit with a bunch of increasingly-useless blobs, forcing him to prepare the launch sequence himself, and giving Lady Everest just enough time to get away from near the command bunker down planetside; that this was most likely a deliberate attempt on her part to sabotage his attempts at reining her in didn’t escape Toma, and if it weren’t for how brilliant of a masterstroke it had been, the jackal might just have been mad about it.
Instead, he simply scowled for a bit before focusing on getting his transport ready, all while the husky giant herself made her way towards the mountains where the orchards lay. With no one to stop her, and indeed no one capable of stopping her, the gigantic canine slowly waddled over to the same trail she’d used a few hours previously, even managing to find the same stream… and being beset by the same need to gorge herself on the water that she had before. Sadly, at her current size, actually bending down far enough to be able to drink from it was all-but impossible, and even her paws couldn’t be used to bring the fattening liquid up to her muzzle, given how they were larger than the stream was wide. Thankfully, she recalled a few maps of the region she saw before coming down, and how the waterways emerged from a larger lake further up in the mountains; if she only managed to make it through to the end, then surely this body of water would be big enough to hold her, big enough that she could swim in and consume as much of the delicious drink as possible. Hell, just the thought alone already made her spine tingle from the possibilities.
Amazingly, she found that her stamina had actually gone in the opposite direction of what it should have… or perhaps she was simply so determined in making it to the orchard that her brain had overridden the signals telling her that she was supposed to be tired, which frankly felt far more likely. There was but one goal in her mind, and that was reaching this heavenly, paradisiacal place where the fruit grew freely and the waters flowed in large quantities, that she might gorge herself twice over and never have to worry about anything again; sure, it meant that she had to fit through passes tight enough that her ass got stuck in them, and it also meant forcing her body to keep walking long after it was clear it had to sit down and have a rest, but every pawprint she left behind also brought her one step closer to her goal, or at least that’s how Lady Everest chose to interpret it.
Indeed, she was making progress, for even though the sun had already gone down by the time she reached the mountain lake, she did reach the mountain lake, her body drenched in sweat from the exertion, her tongue lolling out and hot breath rolling from her open mouth as the husky tried desperately to regulate her body temperature in whatever way she could; her colossal new form was very much not prepared for that sort of strenuous exercise, so much so that once she confirmed that the lake was there in front of her, any thoughts of making the experience last longer by deliberately dragging it out washed away from her mind, as the only thing she wanted to do was drink something as quickly as possible.
That said, she still had to deal with the fact that her immense self made doing such a thing mechanically tricky at best, requiring her to slide into the lake itself and then drink from there, and this meant quite literally testing the waters; with some trepidation, the husky plunged one of her paws into it, hoping that it wouldn’t be too icy for her liking… only to find out that the fluid itself seemed to have the same effect on her body just through contact as it had when she drank it! It almost felt too good to be true, but as she looked down at herself, Lady Everest could clearly see that the paw she dipped into the surface of the lake was growing before her very eyes, almost as if it was absorbing the water into it without actually affecting the total volume of liquid. And if that was true…
Mere seconds passed between this thought crossing her mind and the husky throwing herself into the lake, not even thinking about the consequences as she both dunked her entire self into it and opened her mouth to gorge herself on the delicious mannah. It was terribly cold, but she didn’t care; as soon as the growth began in earnest, nothing else mattered, especially when the husky could clearly see the water levels around her start to go down, not because of it rushing directly into her body like one might expect, but purely thanks to her maw becoming so colossal as to be able to drain the whole thing down her gullet like someone had just unplugged a hole at the bottom of the lakebed itself.
It was amazing, in that she never felt full, despite intellectually knowing that she really should; instead, the more she drank, the more fluid she invited into her increasingly stretched stomach, the more she felt parched, and the more her body told her to keep drinking… until, that is, the amount of water around her reached such a low level that she couldn’t do so anymore, leaving naught but her paws to soak in the tiny trickle coming down from the mountains all around her… or below her, as the case may be. It had happened so quickly that Lady Everest didn’t even realize it, but as her eyes opened again, it was evident that she had become far too big for her own good, big enough in fact that she most likely outsized the biggest form she could’ve mustered beforehand; even better, her powers seemed unable to make her any smaller (or any bigger, sadly enough), leaving her stuck with a body that invited so many lovely thoughts into her mind that she couldn’t help but moan contentedly at the sheer excess of it all.
The cherry on top of it all was the seismic tremor produced by her sitting down; the combination of her weight and the absolutely gargantuan, arcology-sized ass she sported behind her, created such a powerful shockwave that not only did the ground underneath her crumble almost immediately after she made contact with it, but the surface collapsed all the way down to bedrock, leaving her stuck there, in a cheek-shaped hole, until someone came and fished her out of it. Perhaps she could move out of it if only she wriggled hard enough, but in all honesty, she had no intention of doing such a thing, especially not when, off to her side, the husky could see a few trees bearing some very familiar fruits on their branches; it took a bit of stretching for her to reach over, not even stopping to think how she was casting a shadow over literal miles of terrain, but as soon as the first tree was uprooted and brought over to her mouth, as soon as the first snack was eaten, it was all over.
The hungry pit in Lady Everest’s stomach, created by the very fruits she was using it to fill it (and inadvertently widen it further), demanded that she eat more, demanded that she gorge herself on the fattening treats, even when it became clear that the more she ate, the more she wanted to eat. That it was an unstable equilibrium the husky already knew, in some remote corner of her mind, but it was also something that had ceased being relevant the moment that she had her first mouthful of fruit plucked straight from the very ground itself… even if it wasn’t exactly a mouthful as opposed to just a couple of chewing motions.
Luckily for her, she wasn’t going to be alone for much longer, given Toma’s frantic attempts at getting down planetside before the orbital station was knocked out of commission by an increasingly useless, fattening crew. With the husky being so colossal that parts of her could be seen poking out of the mountaintops in the distance already, it didn’t take much sense of navigation to know where she might be, and thus, the jackal set to work gathering the few people who had resisted the allure of the fruit, organizing them into an impromptu strike squad, and then setting out towards where Lady Everest was happily gorging herself on whatever food she could get her hands on.
Predictably, this would end up thoroughly exhausting her options within minutes; given that she was both ravenous and huge enough that even a tree’s worth of fruit barely qualified as a light snack, it wasn’t altogether surprising that even an entire orchard would do absolutely nothing to even begin to satisfy her… and given how she had become too fat to really move, the canine found herself stuck in a rather uncomfortable position, especially since, at her positively gargantuan size, communicating via conventional means was all-but impossible. Thus, when she heard shouting coming from down below, then vaguely recognized it as the jackal’s voice, her first instinct was to breathe a sigh of relief, for at last, the food delivery was there! That was, of course, what Toma was there to do, because the idea that he might’ve decided to come waste her time with anything other than a further offer of sustenance was, frankly, ridiculous; he’d never do that, not to his precious Lady Everest!
“What did you do?!”
This was what she heard, shouted at her at the top of Toma’s lungs, after he and his small squad got their atmospheric craft working and flew over to a spot close enough to the husky’s face that they could actually communicate with her. This was made slightly difficult by how said head had already begun to sink into an increasingly flabby neck, visually melting into a small ocean of fat folds rolling over one another until Lady Everest’s beady little eyes barely stuck out enough to be seen; mercifully, her puffed-up, stuffed cheeks helped to clear some room out, even if they made it harder for her to actually speak.
“I was hungry,” was her only response, gurgled slightly before she remembered to swallow properly, “and if you know what’s good for you, you’ll bring me more.”
It wasn’t a suggestion. In fact, it wasn’t even a threat: it was a statement. She was going to get more food, she was going to get it delivered to her, and she was going to get it posthaste, or else the universe itself would suffer her wrath. It was a kind of attitude that she very rarely displayed, but one that Toma knew better than to test the limits of, lest he find himself looking down the barrel of an incredibly deadly gun with no recourse other than to beg for mercy… though, at the same time, this did create a wonderful opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. After all, his entire operation had been subverted by the locals dumping their fruit on his hands and letting him deal with the consequences, with his wife being naught but the latest, biggest “victim” in the sequence of events; it stood to reason that these natives should be punished in some way, but with a large majority of his troops already corrupted and busying themselves with becoming ever fatter, then the only thing left was to take all of these useless people and find a use for them.
More specifically, they would be given a brand new goal in life, that of feeding his wife’s ravenous, endless appetite, in an extremely direct and most likely highly illegal way; then again, who was really counting or paying attention? Certainly not Toma, certainly not the GC, and, as soon as he was done herding the locals into place, certainly not them either.
The process itself took several weeks, since getting the entirety of a planet’s population, comparatively small though it may be, into one place took a lot of resources, a lot of time, and ultimately, a lot of spent shells and thousands upon thousands of warning shots. The point wasn’t to actually kill anyone directly, since that would only ruin a potential meal, but to corral the natives in such a way that they could be given a taste of their own medicine; after all, they themselves weren’t immune to the effects of the fruit, they had simply learned to boil it away, so once the jackal called up emergency reinforcements from HQ and suddenly the planet was surrounded by military-grade vessels crewed entirely by people in hazmat-level combat suits, the issue of contamination stopped being an issue altogether.
There was still the old crew assigned to the project, but seeing as those had long-since succumbed to the allure of the fruit, all that was required of them was to keep eating, keep fattening themselves so that they may become an even more delicious snack for when Lady Everest finally got around to consuming them… and in the meantime, Lady Everest herself would be given everything she wanted and more.
At the end of the day, her desires were quite simple: more fruit, more fruit, and occasionally a bit of the magically fattening spring water flowing down from the mountains around where she first consumed a lake; she had to be relocated, of course, lest the entire mountain range topple over thanks to her oozing all over it, but with an increase in manpower on the field, it was easy enough to establish a constant supply line from the snowy peaks down to the increasingly cramped valley that served as the husky blob’s throne. Seeing as the planet was clearly going to be a loss in terms of habitation, Toma saw no reason not to just uproot the whole ecosystem and throw it into the metaphorical meat grinder; in this particular case, no real reason not to have his troops collect the entire world’s supply of the fattening fruit and gradually dump it into Lady Everest’s increasingly large maw, something that became significantly harder the more she ate.
While her body kept getting bigger by several orders of magnitude every other day, certain parts of her remained the exact same size as before; this presented a problem when her skull (and, therefore, mouth), was completely enveloped by her own neckfat, leaving her both unable to breathe properly and eat anything else. It was a testament to the sort of transformation she had undergone that the latter was considered a more pressing matter to the husky, at least in her distressingly rarer moments of lucidity, but thankfully, they both had the same solution: with some help from one of its engineering sub-contractors, Shadow Dragon devised a new system of “biomechanical struts”, a fancy name for what were effectively modified support systems based on the ones used to keep mining operations from collapsing in on themselves, except as applied to what the techies were calling a “fat cave”.
In essence, Lady Everest’s face was buried underneath so much flab, that there was simply no way for any of them to get anywhere close to it unless they built some sort of access path, and seeing as this involved trudging through what was effectively parts of her neck and torso, then they had to build something that was both sturdy and comfortable; ultimately, they decided on a design that looked more akin to exoskeleton joints… except stretched across a couple of hundred yards at the entrance to this “cave”. Anyone wanting to actually speak to the husky, or the unfortunates who had to handle the constant influx of food via the nutrient slurry pumps, had to make their way across this distance using little more than basic protective gear and gas masks with oxygen tanks attached, because if there was something that even the most well-trained and drilled soldiers and engineers couldn’t handle, it was the musk.
Though the planet’s equatorial band was just warm enough to be liveable when compared to the rest of the frozen ball, it was still warm, and seeing as Lady Everest hadn’t actually moved on her own ever since being transported over to her current location, plus the fact that she’d done nothing but continuously gorge herself, the sweat problem had become something that no one really wanted to deal with. Though the natives were put to work cleaning her at every hour of the day, there was just too much of the husky to go around; the populace had enough trouble just dealing with what was visible, let alone the myriad of overlapping fat folds and what were, at that time, probably miles of hidden flab being covered up by her rolls, to say nothing of how the fat cave leading up to the wall of husky where her face jutted out from refused to stay clean for more than just a few seconds after a wash.
Her metabolism had reached such a peak that her entire body radiated enough heat to melt down ice in just a moment or two, enough that several work shifts had to work in constant rotation just to prevent heat stroke… and this was only with the fruit. All of this, all of the colossal husky growth that had turned Lady Everest from a moderately pudgy canine into something resembling a mountain of living flab, had come purely from eating the fattening snack and downing it with copious amounts of spring water, even if, past a certain point, both of those things came pre-blended and delivered to her in the form of pressurized paste in a tube. But that wasn’t enough; at least, not past a certain point.
With Toma being more concerned with giving his wife as much of the stuff as he could find, and there being no regard for sustainability, it didn’t take more than a couple of weeks for plantations and orchards across that planet to run dry, and for the species to effectively become extinct; this was obviously an issue, since the samples extracted by the research teams would take some time to analyze and replicate, time that they didn’t have if they wanted to keep the husky well-fed. Thankfully, this is where the second half of the jackal’s plan came in.
After all, he spent quite a few resources in maintaining a “captive” group of natives whose entire job was to consume the fruit and grow fat off of it, at least until all material supplies were diverted towards Lady Everest and these second-rate meals had to be given equally second-rate nutrient paste. Still, they were all immense, though not as much as the husky herself was… certainly not big enough that they couldn’t fit inside of her surprisingly stretchy maw, especially not when she was asked if she wanted something more substantial and her response was to gobble up the poor technician who happened to be closest to her.
Thus, when the procession of snacks began in earnest, when a whole train of fattened-up, smaller-scale blobs was transported up the mountainous body of the husky, when she was informed that tens of thousands of eager volunteers were about to be given to her, for her delight, for her pleasure, that she might eat them and grow even fatter… well, suffice it to say the sweating got bad enough past that point that Toma outright gave up telling people to clean up.
In the end though, this was all just kicking the can down the road. A voracious appetite like that could never truly be sated, and thus Lady Everest would just keep demanding more and more, forever and always. But, in a way, that too helped the jackal’s plans in the long run.
After all, what better way of getting rid of his many enemies? | yiff-extreme |
Title: Wet games you may unintentionally invent in spring... by Zakanfien
Tags: Cuddling, Ejaculation, Other/Herm, Panther, Threesome, Tiger, Vaginal, Watersports, Zoophilia
This story involves sexual activity between a female human and male big cats and some "water sport". This is a pure work of fiction. The events I describe here didn't happen. No resemblance between the characters involved and any person, living or dead, is intended, even if some parts of the story may look very much that way. This story may be distributed freely but may not be sold, or changed, or used in any commercial way.
Finally, if you try to do this for real, get turned into fresh tasty kitty food and eaten for breakfast or get yourself complete addicted to big cats, don't blame me! I deny any responsibility for the actions your take after reading my erotic fiction :-)
### Wet games you may unintentionally invent in spring... ###
Time went rapidly by and the bond between my four lovely kitties and me got even deeper, deeper than I could have possibly ever imagined. We knew each other for about four years by now but to me it seemed that we knew each other for all our life.
It's quite a strange situation for me. Taisha, my Siberian tiger, is the oldest cat in my little wild cat show. I know him now for about five years of my life and sometimes he still behaves like that curious teenager kitty I had to take care of but he has reached his full grown 800pd predator size. For me he somehow still is and ever will be the small little kitten I knew from his birth on and had so much fun playing with...
We grew up all together but my kitties got five years older every year more I reached in my own life. It feels very odd to think about it. I get a very hurting feel in the back of my heart every time I think about our aging difference. I will for sure live out all of them. How should I linger on in the far future without my four beautiful lovers? I can't imagine how. Every day without them looks like pure agony for me from my current point of view. I love all of them so very much and can't imagine being a single day without their company...
Well, whenever I think about that very hurting idea Baggy comes over and tries to kiss me softly out of my sad mood. He usually starts to lick my face very carefully and takes a look deep into my sad eyes with his own green beautiful cat eye emeralds. I'm close to break apart into tears every time he tries to get me out of my sad mood. He doesn't mean it, he only want's to comfort me but by his lovely acting he gets me even more aware that I can't possibly live on without their company. I'm part of them as they were part of me. We belonged together, in love, in death, forever.
This sunday I also had a hard struggle to stop myself from shattering into tears because I had fallen in that sad thinking about the future mood again. I patted Baggy softly on his beautiful soft velvet head, forcing my mind to NOT look into the far future but enjoy the very present moment with lovely him. I started crawling Baggy softly behind his ears in uttermost gratefulness for his mental support he showed me and he softy licked over my cheeks. He was such a sensitive friend and lover, he felt every mood of me without needing a glance. He simply felt the same way as I did. If I was depressed, he got depressed. If I was happy, he was.
It was a very bright sunny sunday and I decided that it was absolutely stupid to think about the future on such a lovely day. I forced away every thought and decided that it was time for my kitties to enjoy the sun and have some water play. I knew at least three big kitties that would be very delighted to hear that. Taisha, Rajah and Baghira loved to play with water. They enjoyed getting wet all over and enjoyed even more to get dried by me afterwards with many soft towels and a very passionate rubbing all over their furry bodies.
I stood up and walked to the trailers door, already inside my special black water proof working overall. Baggy followed me and I told him that it was time to enjoy a cool shower in the bright sun outside. He got the meaning of my words instantly and got in such high spirits, I softly giggled about him. He very much liked to play in the hot sun - I always wondered how he could possibly stand the heat below his black velvet fur - and he much more enjoyed to get cooled down by a refreshing fresh shower of water.
We walked outside and I called for all my cats. I slowly walked over to the faucet and bent down for the hose. Taisha and Rajah came out of their cage, recognized the direction I was heading into and the meaning of this and instantly all hell of fun broke loose when they got aware of the water hose in my hands.
At first I aimed at Baggy but he was to fast for me. He hid behind a bale of straw. My next aim was Taisha. He was an easy target and I made him quite wet but he enjoyed that very much. He never stopped a second to hide behind an obstacle but continued steadily walking towards me and finally stood in front of me, dripping wet from head to tail tip. I knew what he had planned and tried to escape my doom but he was to fast. He showed me his flank and at once started to shake the water out of his soaked fur. He not really needed a hose, he had thick wet fur that stored an enormous lot of water that he could now throw against his target - me - like a wall of dripping wetness.
After he had shook his fur nearly dry I was wet from hair to toe. That was too darn funny, I laughed a lot. He really was a clever big kitty. I aimed at Rajah next but he cleverly covered behind broad Taisha's flank. Wohooo! Baggy had silently sneaked behind me and had gotten hold of the hose with his teeth. He pulled the hose and it slid through my wet fingers. Now it got completely funny - and very WET.
Baggy dropped the hose and it instantly started spinning around wildly by the water pressure. We all got completely soaked. Every cat tried to pin down the gone wild hose and catch it and they all got very wet in trying. Just for your information, that was no ordinary garden hose to water plants, it was more like a fire fighter hose and could be handled roughly by my kitties without getting damaged too badly. Finally Baggy got another grip of the hose's headpiece and carried it along in his mouth, getting us all by accidentially - or intentionanlly! - aiming with it loosely in our direction. We all scattered and took cover behind the nearest obstacle in reach but he simply looked around it and got us again. After a while Baggy lost his interest in the hose and dumped it back to the ground. The hunt for the spinning around hose was up again. I cleverly had walked out of the way because two playful 800pd tigers could not that easily run and stop on very slippery wet grass.
After nearly an hour of continued fun with the hose I finally switched the water off and rolled up the tormented hose. After I was done with that I walked over to my trailer and got out the pile of prepared kitty towels, many of them. I shook out a large sheet and put it onto the dry ground in the middle of the fenced space. All my cats came over, even the very water shy Leo that had witnessed our stupid wet fooling around with the hose came very reluctantly nearer and we settled down onto the sheet. I took some bigger towels and started rubbing Baggy, Taisha and Rajah dry. It was quite a challenge to please them all at once with my soft towel rubbing but I somehow managed it - thanks to my very good private training lessons with Baggy.
We looked pretty much like a rolling and struggling around mass of wet fur. It was real fun, at least as funny as playing with the water hose. They stole the towels from another and pulled on their edges just for the fun of it. Taisha, because he was the biggest cat, had conquered quite a lot of them but Rajah had sneakily theft some from the pile behind his back. After some time of struggling around, playing with the many towels and rubbing against each other we settled down quietly and enjoyed the hot sun that rapidly dried all the remaining wet spots.
Leo had settled down a bit away from us stupid "wetties" and now came over to rest with us on the sheet. He walked directly into our midst and comfortable tumbled down there on his flank. We looked like a mixed tribe of various big cats taking a nap together inside the bright midday sun. I snuggled into Taisha's soft belly fur and had my arms wrapped around Baggy. Rajah rubbed his big head against my cheeks and Leo licked my bare feet. I giggled softly and pulled away my feet a bit because I was quite ticklish there. We enjoyed the warmth in the midday sun and let the time slowly went by. After a hour of a cuddled up napping together some of my big fellows got restless again and began playing with their toys that I had put out in advance for them. Rajah amused himself with the big leather ball I had rolled out and that he now pushed around with his head and front paws. Leo stood up and walked directly back into his lion cage to get a drink, take a rest in the cool twilight inside or whatever. Lazy cat, you know.
I got somehow chilly. It was still early spring and as soon as the sun had passed the noon position in the sky it got chilly very quick because of the very cold air and soft breeze. An idea sprung into my mind when I saw some straw bales laying around nearby. I stood up, went over to them and dragged them one by one over to our resting place. Baggy helped. He got the idea and with his very muscular body had not the slightest problem at all by dragging the big bales of straw around. He grabbed the string that was holding together the straw with his large fangs and pulled the bales backwards like they had no weight at all. After five minutes we had build up - with Baggy's great help - a nice strew bale wall around our large resting sheet.
Yes, that definitely felt much better. The chilling wind got completely blocked out by the big straw bales around us. I relaxed back on the sheet once more and Baggy joined my side. Taisha had not moved a muscle and was still resting in one corner of the large spread sheet, his head placed comfortable on his front paws, his eyes closed, a very content look on his lovely tiger face. The warm sun shun upon my black overall and I felt very comfortable, warmed up again all over, pretty much like I was resting in my bed with a soft warm blanked covering me but the very bright sun shining directly into my face. I had a nice wall of strew around me and two of my lovely kittens nearby. What could one wish for more? I closed my eyes and enjoyed the quiet sunny day.
I felt the sunny warmth spreading through my whole body. That warmth reminded me of another warmth I loved to feel, a warmth I had become very fond of. A wonderful warmth that often spread through my whole body and that had made me the satisfied person I was, a warmth combined of a pleased body and contend soul. I opened my eyes, sat up slowly and looked over the straw bale wall blinking, quite dazzled by the bright sun that had been shining into my eyes through my eye lids. I looked around but nobody was anywhere near us or near the fence.
My next look moved over to Baggy with a silent hint of longing in the depth of my eyes he knew and needed no explanation for. He knew me, he knew my thoughts and he always was ready for a deeper heating, a deeper most satisfying warmth he enjoyed so much to share with me. He gracefully stood up, stretched his wonderful muscular feline body besides me and left my side, moved over to the nearest strew bale of our little self made wall and lay down there on his back, looking at once over to me, blinking. The pointy tip of his tool peaked out of his furry sheath while he shifted himself in a very relaxing position, cuddling and rubbing his cheek into the straw bale to his right he was resting against.
I took another careful and completely innocent appearing look around. There was still nobody near us, everything was dead quiet. The only thing you could hear was the singing of the birds and from time to time a whinnying of show horses that were stabled nearby. I slowly crawled over to him on all fours like I was a human panther. When I finally reached him I softly rubbed his tummy with my finger tips and maneuvered my right leg elegantly over his belly and between the strew bale and his right flank.
That soft finger tip belly scratching triggered his usual response and his member emerged slowly from it's protective sheath. I moved my hip down onto his and guided his vertical in the air penis with delight between the two black leather strips that were secretly build into my trousers crotch. His member slid very softly through the two separating leather strips and into me without any more guidance needed. I rested my right arm comfortable on top of the upmost strew block and started a rhythmical sliding along his stiffening penis, slow and delightful back and forth on his soft silken hip that kept brushing against the crotch of my overall's trouser, up and down along his wonderful warm tool that was slowly getting larger and harder inside me with every fluent move I made along it.
I instantly got exited, very hot between my legs, very lustily in my mind. That "Everybody may see me now but they can't possibly see my lovely Baggy below me and they can't even imagine that he is so hot, wet and delightful deep resting with his penis inside my hot juicy box..." idea made me unbelievable horny. I rode him slow and gentle, was enjoying every long wet slide along his whole member like it was the very first time we ever did this. After around twenty to thirty of my delightful engulfing slides on top of him - I not really focused in counting them - Baggy's body started to shutter very softly beneath me. Shortly afterwards he trembled and shot his sticky cum powerful and deep into my awaiting warm and complete wet by now love tunnel. Having sex with him here in the open, directly in the free fresh air and under the hot sun and feeling him ejaculating deep inside me just that very moment while everyone could watch me sitting there, looking completely innocent relaxing my arm on the straw bale in a sitting position and enjoying the sun with closed eyes was so uttermost lustily, it nearly drove me into doing something very stupid, something I would have loved to do right now together with beloved Baggy. I more or less did a fuck with Baggy in the public and I would have loved to fuck with him like crazy, to cum together with him, to scream aloud and moan in pleasure on top of him, to feel an orgasm raging through me like a hurricane...
I unknowingly tensed my vaginal muscles very tight around his softly twitching and spurting member and continued my soft sliding back and forth on top of his hip while he started to tremble very hard below me. His completely erect spines rasped along the soft encompassing walls of my love tunnel and he couldn't help it. He shoot another big load of his hot cum into me in an instant response to my unknowingly reflex, growling softly in a very satisfying relieve below me. There was nothing that I loved more to do for him, to grand him in great delight, to enjoy together with him like this very soft and slow milking of his feline member inside me.
Taisha had flung opened his eyes in no time when he had heard Baggy's lustily satisfied soft growl of relieve. He knew that sound and it meant a pleasure that he didn't want to miss for anything. He scrambled up to his feet very fast, came over to me and started licking my face while I was still sitting on top of cute Baggy and feeling his stiff pulsating member inside me ejaculating in tiny wet spurts of fluid with every single nerve I had there. That turned me on even more, getting in touch with two lovely cats at once was new and very very thrilling. I told Taisha to lay down somewhere while I gave Baggy a quick tummy scratching with my fingertips. Very slowly I slid his still softly pulsing and dripping member out of me. His penis left me with a wet smacking noise and the two black leather stripes build into my black overall crotch closed overlapping shut behind his leaving tool. They very softly massaged and cleaned up his sensitive love rod while it slid out of me between them, very much to the great delight of Baggy who relaxed himself back and clearly visible enjoyed life very much.
Now I was free for lovely Taisha. He had lain down in front of Baggy and was permanently sniffing the air and inhaling our strong combined smell of sex in uttermost delight. He clearly was waiting for me there, his much larger, bigger and completely unsheathed pink rod glittering vertically in the air like a polished wooden cone, ready to be used for pleasure. God I loved my life! My cats clearly loved me and they knew that I loved to share my love with them so very much. I moved my right leg back over Baggy and kneeled beside him while I felt small amounts of his seed dripping out of my slit and running down my trousers inside. Slowly I slid on my knees over to Taisha, got my right leg over his furry hip pretty much in the same manner I had played with Baggy and settled very gently down on his unbelievable hard and long member. It slid through the two leather stripes of my trouser and into me very deep with a soaking wet noise at the first try, thanks to Baggy's very good lubrication. I was so wet and nicely lubricated inside that I felt Taisha's large pleasure tool instantly rubbing along all the length of my whole love tunnel, pleasing me very much with the soft gliding of two very sleek surfaces on each other. Baggy stood slowly up, walked besides us, tumbled down there and started to cleaning up his still softly dripping member with much delight, deliberately doing this directly in front of me!
That presentation gave me an enormous kick of lust. It was a visual representation of the wonderful feelings I experienced through Taisha's enormous sleek member inside me. I had without thinking started to ride Taisha tool very slowly in the same manner I had done with Baggy and enjoyed his deep reaching into me very very much. He enjoyed my slow sliding along his wonderful tool as much as I did because he started softly trotting the air in front of me with his soft furry paws in a coordinated response to every very soft slide I made, making a fist with his paws when I did a slow enjoyable slid down, relaxing his paws and partly showing his sharp claws when I pulled him softly out of me and let his semi erect spines rasp along the whole length of my wet vagina walls. Taisha has a very large member compared to Baggy, I could feel him reaching deep into my love tunnel and his still not fully extent spines scratching spots Baggy could have never touched with his smaller tool even if he wished for it and tried very hard. That view of Baggy while he cleaned his vibrating member in lustily strokes with his rough feline tongue drove me nearly insane. He clearly did that by purpose! I know he did! He teased me and tried to get me more exited while Taisha's member was buried up to the furry sheath inside me and stimulating me in wonderful waves of pleasure. And unfortunately his clever plan succeeded...
Taisha suddenly growled softly below me and I had been too darn fixed on Baggy's glittering wet member the whole time to become aware of Taisha's state at all. I had continued to ride him very slow and deep, had slid along his large member with my more and more contracting together vaginal muscles while I had been fascinated watching Baggy's passionate cleaning of his unsheathed softly dripping penis in front of me. Like a sudden explosion a very huge and powerful burst of hot tiger cum shot deep into my womb and the sticky flood splashed everywhere inside it. I was dangerous close to an own orgasm and I didn't want to be that close at all. Baggy had lured me into this by his very stimulating self cleaning in front of me and the pictures he induced with that show into my already very arose mind. At once I very carefully tried to pull Taisha's penis out of me because I feared that I could not hold back my own orgasm much longer when he stayed inside me with his twitching wet, burning hot but wonderful lovely wooden hard rod that kept rasping softly along my whole blazing vagina. My own orgasm was so darn close, it would have been very difficult to suppress it with him staying inside me and stimulating me further every second.
Wham, Taisha got me cold by accident! He pulled back just that very moment that I had also decided to do this in a much more careful way than he did. His by now fully extend spines rasped very hard along the whole length of my ablaze vagina and he stroke completely over my sensitive clit with the stiff pulsating base of his enormous broad member. I knew that I had lost now, that I couldn't manage to hold back. My whole body already shuttered softly in response to that hard stimuli and I slowly - to not cause attention if anybody was watching me by unlucky chance - bent down my upper body onto his belly and hid behind our self made strew bale wall. Oh gooooood...
I felt my orgasm hitting my body and my senses very hard at the same time. A burning warmth shoot through my whole vagina and into my body, I came on top of him and Taisha did the same once more deep inside my hot tunnel that kept contracting wildly around his tool without any control from my side. He got so very stimulated by that rasping of his spines inside my contracting love tunnel that he shoot another hot pulse of his seed into me. Now that I had reached an orgasm I cared for nothing any more and pushed backwards, very hard into his stiff erect tool of immense pleasures. I wished to feel it completely deep inside me because I already had lost that struggle against my own orgasm and everything was unimportant right now except that immense pleasure I loved so much to feel, taste, smell, experience. I got everything I wished for from him like he had read my mind. He pushed his hip in one hard powerful stroke into me and his member shove in to the very hilt, forcing apart the leather stripes and pushing his furry tickling sheath between my vulva. I moaned as soft as I could somehow manage and my body quavered all over in pure delight of that wonderful sticky warmness, fullness and wetness I was drifting along and felt spreading inside myself like a steady wave.
I felt my orgasm reaching it's very height and I lost control over my shaking body. I lay flat and shaking on top of his belly and suddenly felt Baggy behind us, licking all around my crotch and over Taisha's furry sheath and balls while his huge penis rested pushed to the hilt inside me, twitching and moving softly. That sudden strange sensation drove Taisha instantly into another release of a small wet spurt inside my pussy and I reached unknown heights in my own orgasmic universe. Every single nerve inside my cunt and all along my spine was set on fire and kept burning me. On the edge of my consciousness I felt Taisha spraying another big load of his hot seed into me shortly after that first shot of surprise while a rough feline tongue reached into the gap between the leather stripes and massaged my vulva over and over again and all around our very deep and passionate point where we were melted together. My own pleasures tortured me! I knew without thinking that I should hold back another orgasm and that I was in grave danger to be found out fucking around with my cats but I couldn't do anything against that wonderful immense pleasures I was drifting in at the moment. I was a puppet moved by other forces, forces of lust and wonderful irresistible pulsating wet hot lustful experiences.
Somehow - I really can't tell you how - I managed my both hands over my mouth and forced it shut, moaned very loud behind my closed hands in that wonderful feelings that flooded through my whole body. Baggy was really killing me with his licking and he did that on full purpose. I couldn't believe that! I fell deep into another huge orgasmic height and could do nothing against it. Taisha was content and spent at that time and got very limb below my body, relaxing after that very fine, long and strange fucking experience. He felt like a very soft pillow below me and I was resting on him like I was lying on a fluffy cloud drifting in the sky. I closed my eyes - I had lost focused sight a long time ago and small pearls of sweat kept running along my forehead and dripping into them - and tried to concentrate on something absolutely NOT erotic, absolutely BORING or DISGUSTING but I simply couldn't manage. That wonderful feeling to be near two such beautiful and lovely cats, to be in deep fusion with one while the other one licked passionately around my private parts called everything else meaningless and blocked my mind from anything else.
After some very tough mental struggle - I had tried hard to calm down from my orgasmic heigh at least so far to recognize my surrounding again - I got aware that Baggy had finally ceased his wonderful massage of my vulva that he had been doing all the time around Taisha's stiff member with his rough feline tongue. That was a great blessing because my second orgasm still burned so unbelievable darn hot inside me that I started sweating all over inside my black overall, even the hollows of my knees inside it got completely wet and sweat was running down my whole body, down my back and along my spine like a small river. It felt like I was taking a very hot shower but at the same time I was burning from the inside in a strong fever of lust.
And than Baggy really killed me! Out of a sudden he was on top of my back and without any warning slid his member into me, directly on top of Taisha's still deep inside me resting one! He cunningly used Taisha's member like a guide way into me and his much smaller member slid along the huge base of Taisha's long love rod. He did very fast, very quick stokes and pretty soon had managed to plunge his penis completely into me on top of Taisha's still hard one. Taisha also snapped back into action, very stimulated by that sudden movement along the top of his tool and both cats mated with me together in a perfect harmony, a symphony of natures forces. I was placed between them like I was the cream of the cake. Taisha started licking my face from below, catching my sweat pearls, while Baggy gave my left cheek and ear a good licking from behind.
My third orgasm - I should better say the reenforced blazing second one - hit me so unbelievable damn hard, I screamed loud behind my both hands and if I hadn't forced my mouth shut the whole circus crew would have been there in an instant to rescue me from my complete agony they would have believed me in. And it was agony, agony of unknown unearthly pleasures. Baggy and Taisha had managed to cum inside me together, their hard stiff rods pulsated inside me and massaged my whole contracting pussy like nothing else had ever done before. I felt Taisha brushing with his furry sheath over my vulva while Baggy scratched along my love tunnel entrance, pressed Taisha's furry tickling sheath hard against my burning hot clit with his tool and massaged all over Taisha's member with his own exposed sharp spines. They together felt so big, so huge, they filled me out! I simply have no words to describe that feeling properly. Their two members added up just like they belonged together. Taisha reached deep into me with his very large tool while Baggy's penis massaged my entrance with short rough strokes, driving me and Taisha crazy in doing so. And they both performed in a perfect harmony like they had been doing this fuck with me their whole life long and were experts in it. Indescribable! It drove me so fucking unbelievable crazy, I yelled loud in pleasure and dismay about that orgasm I never wanted to reach but couldn't deny to be the greatest, best one ever behind my forced shut lips I hold close as hard as I could manage.
After some period of time - long or short, I can't tell, I completely lost my feeling for anything concerning my life - Baggy stopped his moving and relaxed on top of me while I rested with my whole body weight inside Taisha's tight body hug around me. He didn't mind our combined heavy weight on his belly at all but enjoyed his deep stay inside me. I lay on top of my very soft Taisha cushion, somehow paralyzed in lust and there was brushing fur all around me and heat, unbelievable heat. My senses came back very reluctantly and the very first thought I had was that I had to do this fuck completely naked next time! And that there had to be many next times. That threesum was so darn fucking unbel...
Baggy started a lustily growl that vibrated through my whole spine and got completely limb on top of my back. I feared for the worst. "Please Baggy, don't even think about this now. Not now, please! Oh my god, don't do this Baggieeee, please dooo..." I whimpered aloud in despair behind my still forced shut mouth. Baggy wanted to finish this adventure with a bang, a new sensation he very recently had invented and had enjoyed very much together with me. I felt his stiff penis starting to twitch softly inside me and I knew what was about to happen. A burning hot fountain of his feline pee suddenly erupted powerful into me and flushed me, spraying hot along Taisha's large member and into my womb. I grunted loud in complete disbelieve...
Ok, I definitely was dead now. That was the end. Out of a sudden my mind was blank, gone, my senses were offline and I could only experience pleasure, heat, burning hot heat all around me and inside me and lust flooding over me without really feeling it, could recognize it inside me, could perceive it everywhere, engulfing me, drowning me like a flood suddenly bursting over me. My vision exploded in colorful sparks. I don't know how I managed to hold my mouth shut, it must have been a pure reflex of holding onto the last thing I had been doing before.
Suddenly I felt even more limb as Baggy on top of me and Taisha beneath me, my whole body shivered harder than it had ever done in my whole life. I was trapped between the furry bodies of my cats, burned alive in pleasures. Every single muscle inside me twitched uncontrollable and I got pushed on top of a wave of the very biggest hardest orgasmic sensation I every had sensed in my whole darn life. And exactly at that moment Taisha understood what he was feeling along his tool and joined Baggy, marked his territory together with Baggy. They both relived themselves inside me and powerfully flooded my whole love tunnel with hot fluid and filled my whole womb up in no time with warm pulsing jets that sprayed hard against it's walls.
Well, I didn't really feel that anymore and just make up what I was possibly experiencing. From that very hot feeling inside my whole vagina onwards I don't know what exactly happened. That colorful sparks in my vision very suddenly turned pitch black and my whole recognition followed them there. I came back to my senses a good deal later, looking completely startled into the blue sky and seeing fluffy white clouds drifting by. Both my lover kitties were licking my face and had already dismounted me in some miraculous way. In which way Taisha had managed to get me off his hard member and belly I can't really tell you. I was laying flat on my back in the sun and both cats looked very anxious while they very softly licked over my face. I had faded out that time for real, it was the only explanation that came into my spinning mind. That powerful sensation of their hot fluids spraying hard and deep into me and flooding every single bit inside me must have been far to much for my already overloaded senses. I struggled up into a sitting position - pushing my back slowly up with my both arms behind it - and got aware of a very huge wet spot beneath my crotch. Oh wow. God damed. WOW!
The sheet we usually rested onto was totally soaked beneath me. I very slowly scrambled forwards onto my knees - all the time fearing another black wave of unconsciousness swapping over me in a sudden. I felt a very hot stream of mixed liquids pouring out of me, along the two overlapping stripes of leather and in small amounts between them and onto the sheet. They both had filled me up to the very maximum possible. I slowly struggled up onto my shaking feet and their burning hot fluids kept streaming down the insides of my water proof overall trouser, down my legs and over the tops of my bare feet. Darn, I had to punish them hard for what they had dared to do with me. I had to torture them the best way I could imagine, torture them in private, torture them with exhausting long group sessions. That I swore to myself. They really deserved that kind of HARD punishment from me.
My legs still were shaking softly so I crouched down again in front of my both worried kittens and crawled into their cheek fur with my fingertips while I rubbed my face over theirs and stroke them softly where ever I could reach them. They got the meaning and became marry cats again. We cuddled together in pure joy. "That was very very DANGEROUS you two..." I told them in a played angry tone "...but you couldn't hold back. I know. Neither could I. I love you so very much my kitties and I hope you know. That was so unbelievable a sensation, we have to do that again in private. PROMISE!". They for sure got the meaning of my quiet words. I still felt parts of me linger in an enormous afterglow of that orgasmic extreme like a junky experiencing a hard flashback. Everything around us looked calm and normal, nobody had seen us doing it. No, not nobody!
Leo and Rajah lay on top of the stacked straw bales and looked down to us and directly at the wet spot of the sheet between my legs. They both had observed everything in full detail. I could tell because they still had peeking out ones pushing softly into the straw below them. And they had left small marks in the straw, you clearly could see that, too, wettish marks. They both struggled up, jumped down from the straw and joined into our cuddling. I was so blessed. Loved by big cats, loving big cats. Everything I had ever wished for was completely meaningless. My life was perfect, more then perfect if that was somehow possible. | FSE |
Title: How James and I Started Together Ch. 02
Tags: creampie, anal, cum eating, sissy, crossdressing
The next morning I awoke to the smell of pancakes and bacon filling the air. It was glorious. And then I remembered where I was. I was still laying in James's bed. Only, these weren't the sheets that had been there when I fell asleep. Had he picked me up and moved me out of the bed and changed the sheets? Not that I didn't mind, I mean, the sheets were covered in cum and I probably would have been stuck to them if it had dried up. Then I remembered the tampon he had put in my ass the night before. I reached down to feel for it, but the only thing i felt, was almost like a diaper inside underwear. I pulled the blanket all the way off and looked down. To my shock, I was wearing panties! When I pulled them off, I saw that there was a cum soaked maxi pad attached to them. I brought it too my nose and sniffed it. It smelled of salty sweet delicious cum, and a little bit of the lube that James had used.
"Does that smell good?"
I looked up to see James standing at the door with breakfast on a platter. "You have no Idea!" I said. "I don't know which smells better, your cum or your cooking! I guess I'll just have to try both and see."
"I'm sorry I had to put those panties on you. It's the only thing I had that would hold the maxi pad close enough to absorb all the cum." He said.
"It's ok! I don't mind...really! They felt soft on my skin, I kinda liked it. I noticed you changed the sheets too. How'd you get me out of bed?"
"Well, after I left the room last night, got fresh sheets and came back in, you were already asleep. Sleeping pretty deeply too. So, I moved you to the sofa for a minute, changed the sheets and wiped all the cum off your legs. That's when I noticed that the tampon was leaking from all my cum in you, so I grabbed a maxi pad, put it in a pair of panties, pulled them up your legs, and carried you back in here."
"Wow, you did all that for me?" I asked.
"Yea, I kinda felt bad for taking you bare back without telling you. But like I said, We can go to the clinic and we'll both get tested. But I promise I'm clean! I got tested just last week. See! Here are my test
I picked up the paper. After scanning it for a minute, I found what I was hoping to see. A list of tests done, all negative.
"James, I don't think we need to go the the clinic. This says your clean, and you were right about me. Up until last night, I was a virgin. I had never even been with a girl. I was just scared that you could have something."
"It's ok. I totally understand." He said. "Just eat your breakfast! I cleaned up your clothes for you. They're in the bathroom on the counter. Feel free to take a shower. There's fresh towels in there too."
"Thanks." I mumbled. "The breakfast does look really good."
"Well, eat up. I'll be in the living room whenever you're ready for a ride back."
I quickly ate the meal and then set the tray down on the night stand. I got up and went into the bathroom and sure enough. My clothes were there, all folded and everything. I thought to myself: "Wow, he really knows how to treat a lady right!"
Why would I think that though? What made me want to think of myself as a girl that he had slept with. I was just a normal gay guy, not a girl...right? I stepped into the shower and started to think about all that had happened. It was a refreshing shower. As I reached down to scrub my ass, I noticed that the tampon was still in. I stepped out of the shower for a minute and sat down on the toilet and pulled it out. As I pulled the tampon out, another steady drip of cum began to come out. I was in shock. He had injected so much cum in me! So much that it was still in me. I pushed the rest of it out, jumped back in the shower and finished scrubbing up nice and clean. When I shut the water off, I heard a knock on the door.
"Hey Alin, you ok in there?"
"Um, yeah... Why do you ask?
"Well, you've been in the shower for about 30 minutes. I was just coming in here to make sure that you were ok."
Had it really been half an hour? It couldn't be. Could it? "Um, yeah, I'm fine. I just lost track of time. I'll be out in just a minute."
"Ok. Well, I have to run over to my neighbors house for a minute. Will you be ok in here by yourself? I shouldn't be more than ten minutes, and I'll be right next door."
"Oh yeah, go ahead! I'll be fine. I'm just gonna dry off and I'll be out."
"Ok. I'll be right back then."
I heard James's footsteps going out of the room, and then a few seconds later, I heard the front door open, and then shut. I was alone in the house. Call me messed up, and maybe I am for doing this, but as soon as I heard his door close, I threw open the bathroom door, went out his room, and into the spare room across the hall. When I opened up the closet, I saw that it was filled with girly clothes, and all over the floor, were different sizes and styles of women's shoes.
"Oh my god!" I thought to myself. "I have to try some of these on!"
As I pulled out a pink skirt, and a white blouse, and selected a pair of black stilettos, I spun to see a short but long dresser. It was a nice looking white dresser with 9 drawers. I opened one of them, and found it was full of panties! Any color and combination I could think of! I quickly grabbed a black with white lace pair of boy short panties, and pulled them up my legs. It felt so good to have the material against my skin. I could feel my little girly penis getting hard. I opened the next drawer and found it was full of pantyhose and stocking. I grabbed a black pair and pulled them up to my thighs. I knew the next drawer had to be full of what I hoped for, and it was. I grabbed an amazingly light, cream colored bra, and laced it up on my chest. I completed the outfit and stood there looking in the mirror. MY hair wasn't particularly long, just about down to my shoulders, but I was surprised at how feminine I looked.
As I was admiring how I looked in the mirror, the reflection showed the door begin to open, and there stood the tall muscular figure of James.
"EEP!" I squeeked. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I had to see what was in this room, and I just couldn't help myself when I found out! Please, please, please, please, please don't be mad at me." I said as I hung my head.
James moved over and placed his hand on my shoulder, and one under my chin, bringing my gaze to meet his.
"Alin, it's ok. Honestly, I think you look great. Way better than my old roommate ever did. If you want, you're more than welcome to try as much on as you like. She left about 2 months ago, and I've been trying to get her to come back and get her stuff, but she insists that she doesn't need it because her new boy friend buys her anything she wants."
"Really? So she just left all her clothes? I asked in disbelief.
"Yeah! She just picked up one day, handed me a months share of the rent, and said goodbye and that I could keep her stuff. She left her makeup and all her feminine hygiene stuff too. It's under the sink in the main bathroom."
"Wow! So you really don't mind that I'm dressed up like this in her clothes?"
"Not at all." James said. "Personally, I think you look sexy as hell!"
"Well, I'm not gonna lie, I do feel really girly and pretty. Maybe I can try some of her makeup on for you!" I said.
" I have a better idea. How about we don't just use her, clothes. Lets see how soft her bed is."
At that, James began to slowly push me toward the bed. I felt my legs hit the bed, and I fell backwards onto it. James almost pounced on top of me when my back hit the white comforter. Our lips soon locked and we began to kiss deeply. I felt his tongue start to dance with mine as we locked lips once again. I felt my little cock getting hard in my panties, and I knew James had to be getting hard too. I tried to ease my way back onto the bed a little, and then I wrapped my legs around James' middle. His powerful midsection helped me up as we moved fully onto the queen sized bed.
Soon, we were kissing like passionate lovers and I felt his hand come up my skirt. He pulled at my panties, and slowly exposed my boy parts. I reached into his pants and grabbed his monster, and whispered in his ear as breathily as I could; "Why don't you treat me like a real girl and put this in me again?"
These must have been the words that he was waiting for, because he immediately stripped off all of his clothes. I saw the he was again not wearing any kind of underwear, because he's massive cock jumped right out of his sweat pants. His shirt was off in a flash, and I could see his massive chest muscles, veiny as they were, he was the definition of a real man. I looked down at my girlish figure, and felt inadequate. Almost as soon as I felt that though, James was back on the beed, kneeled down over me. He reached up my skirt again, grabbed the soft material of my panties and pulled them down and off my legs, and threw them on the floor.
"Are you ready baby?" He asked.
"Of course I am."
With that, he began to push at my boi pussy with the helmet of his big black cock. It was a little painful, but not quite as bad as then night before.
"Mmmmm, baby, fill me up! I need you inside me so bad!"
I felt him begin to push harder at my hole, and then pull back. Then forward, then back in again a little deeper each time. I could almost feel my hole getting moist from my juices. I knew it had to be some of his pre cum too. Soon, James was all the way inside me. Pounding me like we were the lovers we had always dreamt of being. I could feel him slide in and out of me, and I could feel how tight I still was. It felt amazing, we were in total sync with each other, I'd move down the bed, as he would thrust in, and then I'd move up, as he pulled back out. With each time his head neared leaving my ass, I'd start to feel a little empty, but then, the heavens would light up again as he rammed his cock back into my hole.
It must have went on like this for a very long time, because I noticed that James was getting sweaty. It was so hot to see him perspiring while fucking his bitch. I knew that I wanted to please this man. I wanted to drain him of his load all day, everyday.
"Baby, let me ride on top of you!" I said.
"Let me ride it! I want to feel like a real sissy cock slave, and to do that, I have to ride your cock like a little bitch."
"Ok, lets do it." We moved to switch positions on the bed, but as we were both on our knees on, we brushed bodies and some of his sweat got soaked into my blouse. I could smell the sweet smell of manly musk on him, and as soon as he was laying down on his back, I jumped onto his cock, and began to ride it like a cowgirl. The first time I let myself completely come down on his love spear, it went deeper than it had ever gone before, and a girly moan escaped from the back of my throat.
"MMnnuuuggnaahhh!!" I moaned. Your cock is amazing in my ass hole! I have to have it!" I yelled.
"It's all yours baby!" He yelled back. "Take it all into your amazing pussy!"
He began to thrust up as my body would sink down onto his, making his dick go ever deeper inside me. Exploring depths that I had never gone to before. I leaned my body down, and I began to kiss James's chest, as his cock rammed in and out of my hole. Before long, I couldn't help myself, with the smell of his musk, his cock hitting my "g"spot, and the feel of the woman's clothing I was wearing.
I began to spurt little drops of cum out of my cock onto James's stomach. This must have send James over the edge too. I felt my ass hole get smaller, or his cock get bigger, as it filled up with semen. Suddenly, I felt him erupt like a volcano in my ass pussy. Just like the last time, it felt like a fire hose filling me up with sweet sticky seed. As it began to flow out of my hole, I quickly jumped up off of him. I stood up, moved back one quick step on the bed, I kneeled down and took his cock into my mouth. It was the first time I had ever tasted a real cock, and to have it still flowing over with cum, made it perfect. I quickly worked to swallow as much as I could. I felt the gooey load oozing down the back of my throat. When it finally stopped, I went to work gathering up all the cum that had leaked out between when it exploded in my backside, and when I devoured it like a hungry cum slut.
Before I could finish cleaning James's cock, balls, and the bit of cum that had run down his musky crack, I felt myself start to leak his precious seed out of my hole. I clenched up as much as I could, but there was just too much, and it ran down my leg anyway.
"Do you want me to go get you a tampon my slutty little girl?" James asked me.
Mmmmnn baby, please do. I don't want to loose all this. The thought of wasting your jiz is unbearable."
"Believe me, none of it is wasted if it goes in your pussy."
With that, James left the room for a minute, and came back with a box of tampons, and a package of maxi pads. I took out a tampon, and slid it inside me, pressed the plunger in, and felt the tampon slide out, and into my cum soaked colon. James picked up the pair of panties he had pulled off of me earlier, and handed them to me. I graciously accepted, slid them up my week legs, just far enough to put the extra absorbent maxi pad in them, and then slid them all the way up my legs. I felt like a used sissy cum slut, and it was the best feeling I had ever had. I looked up and James and smiled.
"I think we might have to stop calling you Alin my dear."
"Oh really?!" I asked in a flirty tone. "And what should my name be then?"
"Well, I was thinking... Alison. Yeah, I think I like the sound of that. James' cum slut, Alison."
"Hmmm, actually, I kinda like it too. It's girly, and pretty, and it fits me."
"Well then Alison, it's nice to meet you. What would you like to do today?"
"Oh, I don't know, but I'm sure we could think of some things!" | literotica |
Title: Dr. Awful Ch. 02
Tags: transgender
Greetings all; the characters in my stories exist in my head, but there might be real life inspirations for some of them. Who knows?
Anyways, my regular readers know that I enjoy writing about the transgender experience from different perspectives. I try not to misstate the reality of being transgender too much.
I wrote Dr. Awful in the style of a three act play. It was about a straight man named Ike Turner, who was abducted by Dr. Awful and made into a transgender woman without his knowledge or consent.
Ike initially considered himself to be a man in spite of having a female body. In time the female hormones he was taking began to give him feelings and emotions like those of a woman. At the same time the hormones transformed his appearance from a pretty man to a beautiful woman. At that point it only made sense for him to began presenting as a woman, and to change his name to Rachel. He also changed his gender marker to female.
Now that she was Rachel, she still considered herself to be a man at her core, but the hormones either caused or allowed the attraction she'd always had for her best friend Fred to come to the surface. Their friendship then turned sexual and so she moved in with him. That was where the first story ended.
I was already interested finding out where life would take Rachel. When I received positive a bit of positive feedback from a reader I decided to write a sequel to Dr. Awful.
Act 1.
Once the initial passion for Fred passed, Rachel decided that giving him the occasional blowjob was fun, but the female hormones didn't make her feel female enough to be giving him her pussy. They then settled upon being friends with occasional benefits, and both of them could do whatever they wanted. The decision was more Rachel's than Fred's.
However, after taking female hormones for another year, the pull of her female nature became stronger. Then one day she noticed that she was attracted to men. It was a realization that displeased the man still inside of her.
Act 1.
Scene 1; Rachel starts liking men.
Rachel was eating a bowl of oatmeal, while sitting at the breakfast bar in the kitchen. She was wearing a pair of men's boxers and a beater shirt, with her hard nipples visible underneath the fabric. Fred looked at her from his seat at the kitchen table. His former road dog Ike was now Rachel, and as hot as a Saturday night special. A year and a half on hormone replacement drugs had worked wonders on the pretty boy she used to be. You would never know she'd ever had a man's body, and now that her hair was shoulder length, she was absolutely stunning.
A short time later he stopped by her bedroom to tell her he was about to head out the door. She was sitting cross legged in the center of her bed with her laptop and a stack of papers. "Don't work too hard today," he said, from the doorway.
Rachel looked up at him and smiled, before beckoning for him to come closer. She then reached for his arm and pulled him to her and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. Fred stayed bent over with his lips puckered after the kiss had ended. "What are you waiting for?" she asked. "That's all you're getting, now go to work."
That was the way they were with each other, playful, comfortable, and loving in a best buddies who used to be guys until one of them had his nuts cut off, his penis turned into a neo-vagina, and then having to take female hormones so that at least he'd look like a beautiful woman kind of way.
"Do you think you're going to your high school football game tonight?" asked Fred as he turned to leave.
"Yep," she replied as her fingers tapped on her computer's keyboard.
"It's supposed to be rainy and cold," warned Fred.
"That's ok, I won't melt," she assured him. "And I'll dress in layers." She then realized she sounded like her late mother.
Act 1.
Scene 2; someone's at the door.
Fred went to work and Rachel buried herself in writing computer code. It was nearly lunchtime when she heard the doorbell chime. She looked at an app on her cell phone and saw someone standing there holding a box. Thinking that perhaps the delivery guy needed a signature, she grabbed her ratty terrycloth robe and pulled it on as she strode toward the front door. The robe was hanging from her shoulders and untied. Her hair looked like a bird was nesting in it, and she was still wearing boxers and the beater. She was dressed like a pretty typical guy, as that wasn't unusual for her.
When she opened the door and said, "Yes?" her mouth dropped open when she saw the good looking younger guy she'd often seen running through the neighborhood. He was gorgeous, even to her.
"This package has your address, it was dropped off at my folk's house," he said.
His voice sounded as good as he looked. Rachel suddenly felt her female nature. She grasped one side of her robe and then the other with her right hand. At the same time she was combing her hair with her left hand.
Kyle smiled back at her. He'd seen her before too, and he thought she was a big-boned sexy girl with a curvy athletic body. One of the fellas in the neighborhood had told him she was really a guy, but he damned sure couldn't tell it.
Rachel quickly pulled herself together and said, "Thank you, um?"
"Kyle," he said while extending his arm.
He was handing the box to her but she didn't take it, instead she asked him to bring it inside and sit it beside the door. She didn't know what had come over her but she closed the door as soon as he was inside. "Thank you so much Kyle," she said.
When he looked at her then looked at the closed door she fumbled for something to say until she came up with an explanation, "Well I couldn't very well stand there with the door open while I'm not wearing much of anything, could I?" She was flirting. With a man. A man at least ten years younger than her at that.
"Uh, right," he said.
"Kyle, I'm Rachel," she said while offering her hand to shake.
When Kyle offered his hand in return, he immediately noticed that her hand was big for a woman, and she also had a strong grip. At the same time her hand was soft and smooth. He also noted that she didn't let go of his hand for a long moment. When she offered him anything, anything at all to be exact, then he knew for sure, she was flirting. His thoughts immediately went back to the rumor about her.
Rachel could see the apprehension on his face and in his eyes. It stung a little, but she took it in stride and said, "I tell ya what, the next time I see you run past my house I have a cold bottle of water for you."
"It's a deal," he said, as she opened the door for him. As he walked a few steps along the walkway he could feel her eyes on him. When he turned around she closed the door. At that moment he could have kicked himself. He didn't know for sure what she was really offering, but she was offering more than water in the beginning. He couldn't see himself banging a girl that used to be a guy, but damn she was hot.
Rachel resumed her perch on her bed but she was now confused by her behavior. She'd pulled a move on Kyle that her male self would have tried on a pretty girl. That was a new one for her. So was the pain she felt when he looked at her like she was a freak. He was the first guy she hadn't told that she was a man, and ironically he was the first to look at her like that. She resolved to not make that mistake again.
Act 1.
Scene 3; Fred comforts Rachel.
When Fred got home that evening he was expecting to see the package Kyle had delivered. After checking the address label he walked to Rachel's room where she was putting on layers of clothes in order to deal with the fall weather while at the football game. He watched her for a moment as she struggled to pull a pair of tights over her big bubble butt, then said, "Sweet lawd Jesus. Girl you got a big fine ass. Holdup, what's up with you wearing makeup?
She looked at him briefly before continuing to get dressed. "Hey Fred," she responded. "You have your box."
"Yeah," he said while glancing at it. "It's a pocket pussy. It should have been here yesterday. Say, who was that guy I saw on cam bringing it to the door? He didn't look like a delivery guy."
She was now in her closet looking for her knit cap and gloves when she looked over her shoulder and said, "Kyle brought it by. That's not really a pocket pussy is it?"
Fred raised an eyebrow.
"If it is you're never touching me again you perv," she said.
"Yes I am," he responded. "You'll get horny eventually."
"That's what my fingers are for," she replied with a smirk. "Besides, I know you've been fucking that bartender from the Long Branch Saloon who calls herself Miss Kitty."
"Hm, a man needs some trim every now and then," he said, before asking, "Who's Kyle?"
Rachel rolled her eyes then walked into the living room and flopped down on the couch before she said, "Kyle lives in the first house on our street. I've seen him jogging before, and even said hi to him. To be honest I thought he was cute." Admitting that she felt that way about a man made her grimace. She then continued to describe what happened, "Today when I opened the door and looked into his eyes I wanted him."
Fred got serious for a moment as he listened to his friend. "How did you want him?" Did you want him to bone you?" he asked, as only Fred could in that situation.
Rachel glared at him for a second then shook her head before responding, "No Fred, I didn't want him to bone me." After another pause her tone of voice was more subdued when she said, "I wanted him to talk to me, to flirt with me, to desire me the way a man feels about a woman he's attracted to. I guess I would have made out with him if it had gone that far."
She then looked at her hands as she fidgeted nervously. "When I asked him if there was anything I could do to thank him, he looked at me like there was something wrong with me. I'm sure he knows I'm a man."
"It's his loss," said Fred.
They left it there for the time being and Rachel stood up to leave. The early evening had rolled around and it was chilly outside. Fred tried one last time to get Rachel to stay at home. "Why don't I order Chinese food to eat and we can watch basketball on TV?"
"I'm out," she said. Just before she headed out the door, Fred handed her a flask containing several shots of brown liquor to help keep her warm.
Act 1.
Scene 4; in the stands at the football game.
Going to high school football games was one of the things she loved when she was a male, and she still felt that way. She thought about the innocence of the young people and loyalty of their parents as she walked past them. She made her way to her normal spot high up in the bleachers on the 40 yard line, where she setup her stadium seat. She acknowledged the people sitting closest to her then settled in to watch the game.
She could feel someone's eyes still on her after she'd said hi to them. She looked to her right and busted him. She'd seen him at other games and thought he was cute, but this was the first time he talked to her. "What are you staring at?" she asked with a smile.
"You," said the man.
"It's not polite to stare," she said with a smirk.
"I apologize," he said. "I'll look at the game now, but if you catch me staring at you again, just know it's not my fault."
"Thank you. I accept your apology," said Rachel graciously. "Now do you mind telling me who else would be a fault for your wondering eyes?"
"You of course," he replied. "You shouldn't leave your house looking like that."
"Excuse me," she said. "It's not my fault that you can't control those eyes of yours." He was cute, but she wasn't going for any pickup lines. She knew them all, the good ones anyway.
He must have sensed it because he changed his approach. The first thing he did was to watch the game. He then began to make comments about the action on the field at appropriate times. He finally melted the ice she'd encased herself in when he brought her a cup of hot chocolate when he returned from the concession stand. He knew he'd made the right move when she offered him a shot of brown liquor to pour in his cup of chocolate.
They chatted amicably for the rest of the game without exchanging names. She felt like there could be a connection, and she was quite comfortable carrying her side of the conversation as if she were a lady. Before they'd parted company she realized that she hadn't told him who she was. "I'm Rachel," she said while extending her hand.
"I'm Marvin, Marvin Albert," he responded as he accepted her hand and held it firmly for a second. He was now keen not to offend her and ruin any chance of getting to know her better. As he watched her walk away he couldn't be completely sure, but it looked like there was a fine big boned woman under all those clothes she was wearing. He preferred a physical specimen like her. The fact that she was kinda sassy didn't hurt either.
As Rachel practically skipped to her car, it occurred to her that not once had she thought of herself as being a man while she was talking with him. It also occurred to her that she'd have to tell him who she was and the thing that had been done to her when she talks with him at next week's game.
So, now there were two men she'd been interested in in one day that without her male side protesting and reminding her that she was a man.
Act 2.
Scene 1; Saturday morning in the streets of Rachel's neighborhood.
Kyle had kicked himself figuratively all afternoon once he left Rachel's house. "Why had he run away like that?" he asked himself. He considered himself to be open minded, and he'd had friends of all stripes while he was in college. So what if Rachel had once been a man, she didn't have a dick now. And as far as his knucklehead friend goes, he didn't need to know Kyle's business.
So that was it then. He'd go jogging every day until he saw her again, and then he'd make a move on her.
Little did he know that a dozen houses away from his parent's home, Rachel was also thinking about him. Suddenly something had been awakening in her and she was interested in men, at least she was interested in certain men. As badly as it had gone with him the day before she still wanted him, though she didn't know exactly what she wanted to happen between them.
It didn't take long for either of them to get a chance to hit on each other, because on that Saturday morning Rachel was taking a walk when Kyle went for his run. As soon as he realized it was Rachel approaching from the opposite direction at a brisk walk, his balls began to swell and his cock pulsed. He immediately broke into a big smile, and as if by reflex Rachel smiled back at him.
Once they were a few feet apart Kyle stopped jogging, and Rachel stopped as well. They were standing just a couple of feet apart, and now without the awkwardness he'd felt the first time they met, Kyle realized how impressive Rachel was. He was so busy checking her out in her compression top and bottom that was full to overflowing, and displaying every curve she had, he forgot to speak..
"Good morning," said Rachel with a smile.
"Morning," responded Kyle. "I didn't know you were a runner."
"I'm not, I mean I used to be, but that was a while ago," she said, stopping herself from saying anything else.
Kyle then stuttered before apologizing, "I'm sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have left your house like that."
"Right, well I figured you knew about me, that's why you got out of there fast," said Rachel, keeping her promise to herself that she'd put it out there the next time she talked with him.
"I really don't care about that. You just caught me off guard, but when I had time to think about it, it didn't matter," he explained.
Rachel was standing there with her arms folded underneath her big round breasts. Her eyes scanned Kyle from head to toe before she tilted her head to the side and then said, "Would you like that bottle of water I promised you after we're done?"
"That'd be great," he said.
For the next hour or so Rachel power walked and Kyle kept pace. She shared a p g version of her story. He was amazed that she'd been straight when she had a man's body. He was equally amazed that she'd ever looked like a man. She told him that her gender and her sexuality were fluid, and that she tended to not be attracted to women, though she still liked coming. She laughed out loud after she said that.
He quickly realized that college hadn't prepared him for this. Lots of students experimented with their sexuality, but Rachel was a grown person with a real and unique experience. He didn't know if he could handle it or not.
He didn't have a story near as interesting as hers. He'd finished college a few months ago and was living at home while he saved money from his new job. He'd found an apartment and was going to be moving in at the end of the month.
They finished their workout and Rachel suggested that Kyle come to her home after he'd showered. She promised to have a bottle of water waiting for him.
Act 2.
Scene 2; Rachel's struggle to identify her sexuality creates chaos and confusion for her.
Since she never desired to be female she clung to her identity as a man, while carrying herself as a woman for the sake of convenience. But looking like a woman, presenting as a woman, taking female hormones, and no longer having her nuts have combined to cause her to feel like a woman both mentally and physically. It's a matter of figuring out what her boundaries are.
Fred was online gaming when she walked into the living room. "How did it go?" he asked. "Did you see your boy-toy Kyle?"
"Mmm Hm, he's gonna come over after he showers," she responded with a smile that showed that she was pleased with herself.
"Hm, I guess you can pull as a woman," wisecracked Fred.
"Hush," said Rachel as she grabbed the other game controller. "Let a pro show you how its done."
The next few minutes flew by and before she knew it Kyle was at the front door. When she greeted him and he saw Fred sitting on the couch, he was a tad bit unsure of the situation he'd walked into. Rachel sensed it right away and said, "Kyle, this is my best friend, Fred. Fred, this is the Kyle I told you about."
"Hey bruh," said Fred, reaching to bump fists while holding the game controller in his hands and still shooting zombies. "Good to meet you man."
"Yea, nice to meet you to," responded Kyle.
Fred's chill attitude put his mind at ease and he turned his attention to the zombie shoot-em-up game instead of Rachel. She looked at him, the game on the TV, and then Fred. Neither of them was paying attention to her so she figured it was as good a time as any to take a shower. Maybe twenty minutes later she came back into the living room and found both Fred and Kyle shooting zombies. She figured what the hell, and sat beside Kyle and waited her turn to shoot the walking dead.
About a half hour later Fred let his character get eaten by the zombies, then he looked at Rachel and said, "Its your turn to play. I'm gonna get changed then go shoot some hoop." And then he winked at her. His dick got hard when he looked at her sitting there in a loose fitting t-shirt, no bra, and yoga pants.
Act 2.
Scene 2; Fred inadvertently kills the mood for Kyle.
A few minutes later Fred came out of his bedroom with his gym bag and sat it on the floor before grabbing a sports drink from the refrigerator. He then said to Rachel, "Alright dude, I'll see you later."
"Bye, big head," she said sweetly.
He bumped fists with Kyle before heading out the door.
Kyle then looked at her like what the fuck.
Rachel smiled wryly and said, "He likes using male pronouns with me." Then she shrugged.
Fred's calling Rachel dude distracted Kyle from playing the game so much; he got eaten by zombies pretty quickly because he kept glancing between Rachel's legs to make sure there wasn't a manly bulge down there. She would spread them every time her character was in danger; as if maneuvering her body would help her kill the flesh eaters. Her gyrations allowed him to get a good enough look to see the crease of her pussy.
Act 2.
Scene 3; Rachel goes for it, and then she and Kyle cockblock themselves.
They played the game a couple more times and then Rachel felt the desire to play a different game. She put the game controller down, then laid on the couch with her head on the armrest and one leg across Kyle's lap. He looked at the impish grin on her face and nearly leaped on top of her. She hadn't felt that way since the first time Fred fucked her.
Kyle was between her thighs balancing himself with one hand on the arm of the couch and the other hand on the edge of the seat. He was grinding his hard-on against her crotch while kissing her deeply. Her lips and tongue felt pretty-much like other women he'd been with, but her body was firmer and more muscular than theirs.
By now Rachel was breathing heavily and starting to sweat. When Kyle kissed her cheeks, ears, and neck, she tried to reach between the two of them and pull up her t-shirt. She wanted her breasts sucked and played with. Kyle rose up off of her stomach so she could pull her shirt up above her chest. When he looked at her titties they looked natural enough, but her shoulders were broad for a woman.
As he sucked and licked her nipples Rachel felt her womanhood engorge, and she had a need to feel something rub her inner walls.
In spite of his best intentions, the entire time Kyle was loving on her he was still thinking about the fact that she was a man with a woman's body. He was kissing and caressing, hugging and squeezing her, but his dick was only half hard. When he slid his hands into her pants and cupped her hairy mound, he couldn't get past the fact the pussylips he was touching had been her dick, and his dick went soft.
Rachel felt like she was ready to give him some pussy, but when he slid his hand inside her yoga pants and touched her between her legs she froze. She wasn't ready to let a man other than Fred put his dick in her man-made vagina.
Seconds later she was reaching for his hand to stop him, and coincidentally at the same time he was pulling his hand out of her pants. When she said, "Kyle you have to stop. I can't do it with you," Kyle was relieved that nothing was going to happen.
But he was more pleased that he didn't have to be the one to stop it. When she asked him to stop, he sat up and said, "Ok, I understand."
"I'm really sorry Kyle, I thought I was ready to do this, but I'm not," a very emotional Rachel said to him. "I know it's not fair to you."
Kyle didn't really understand what she was talking about, but he could see that whatever it was she was upset about it. At that point he wanted to exit gracefully stage left. "No, don't worry about it, I'll be fine. Are you gonna be alright?" he asked while he watched her get her clothes back in order.
"I'm good," she said as she wiped away a tear and stood up. "I just need to be alone right now. I'm sorry."
When Fred came looking for her a couple of hours later she was curled up on her bed hugging a pillow. She turned her head slightly to look at him, then said, "I need you to hold me."
Act 2.
Scene 4; Rachel visits Dr. Johnson seeking help.
Dr. Johnson agreed to see her on the following Wednesday for a few minutes. He greeted her warmly when she walked into his office wearing a blue plaid long sleeved dress with leggings. It was a simple look, but feminine. Her hair was styled in an updo, and she was wearing a minimal amount of makeup.
"Good afternoon Ms. Turner," said Dr. Johnson. "It's so good to see you again. Please sit down."
"Good afternoon Dr. Johnson," she replied as she sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk. "Thank you for taking me. I know your last appointment is at five pm."
"Of course Ms. Turner," replied Dr. Johnson. "Your case is quite unique and I'm very interested in monitoring your progress and helping you in any way I can.
"So tell me Ms. Turner, what's concerning you?"
Rachel pressed her lips together before she spoke. "Dr. Johnson, something has changed in me," she said to him.
Dr. Johnson waited for a long moment while expecting her to continue, until she raised her eyebrows at him. He then realized she wanted him to ask her specifics. "Oh, um," he said. "Could you be more specific Ms. Turner?"
Before responding to his belated question, Rachel looked closely at Dr. Johnson and surmised that he'd probably been a beautiful woman. She then said, "Dr. Johnson, lately I've started applying blush to my cheeks. What the hell is that about? I mean, I use to wear boy shorts for her, now I'm wearing cute panties." She then looked at her hands that were on her lap before fidgeting with her fingers, as she's prone to do when she's nervous. "That's not all. I want men to desire me, and now I desire them too. Worst of all, it doesn't make me feel disgusted with myself as a man."
She then took a deep breath before continuing. "I was with a man the other day," she said as she glanced at Dr. Johnson for a second. He was sitting there expressionless with his right elbow on the arm of his desk chair, and his chin resting on his thumb. "I wanted him to make love to me, but when he touched my cooter I made him stop," she continued.
At that point Dr. Johnson finally spoke. "Was this man your friend Fred?" he asked.
"No," replied Rachel, speaking softly and sneaking a quick peek at him just in time to see him raise an eyebrow at her. She knew she didn't owe him an explanation, but her female sensibilities caused her to feel it was necessary to explain hers and Fred's relationship, so the doctor didn't think she was a slut and a whore. "Fred and I are buddies, pals, friends for life, but we're not a couple," she explained.
Dr. Johnson nodded his head once.
"Fred knows him," she said before she caught herself.
"What the fuck Rachel," she scolded herself in her head. "When I was all man I would have been bragging about getting some strange, but here I am as a thirty something year old female trying to protect my reputation."
"Please go on Ms. Turner," he asked.
Rachel held her face in her hands for a moment until she got it together. "Excuse me, I'm sorry about that," she said. "But you see what's happening to me. Well as I was trying to say, I was involved with this guy that I really wanted. Everything was going well until he touched my pussy. I nearly freaked. Part of me wanted him to finger me, but the other part considered him to be touching my dick. I still want him, but I can't face him after I acted like a fool. Not to mention the fact that I sent him away with a pair of aching nuts."
At that point she stole another look at Dr Johnson who appeared to have a bit of a flush to his face and neck. She then went on. "And then there's the guy from the football game," she added. "He tried a cheesy pickup line on me that I didn't go for, but he was cute. If I see him again I'd like to take a run at him, but I don't want to start something I can't finish. So that's why I'm here. I need for you to tell me what's happening to me. What should I expect to happen in the future? And how do I get past this mental block and allow myself to use my female body like it's meant to be used?"
Act 3.
Scene 1; Rachel has a plan.
Dr. Johnson gave Rachel a lot to think about, and Rachel had a decision to make. She took a long lunch and went to a nearby jewelry store. As she browsed for wedding ring sets, her male self told her to get a diamond that everyone will notice. When she tried on ones that were multiple carats her male side said don't be obnoxious, so she settled for a single carat diamond and a simple gold band.
When she came home that night she made dinner for her and Fred, then watched the Thursday night NBA basketball game with him. He was stretched out on the couch and she was sitting with her lower legs folded underneath her in the recliner. She picked up the remote and muted the TV before she spoke.
Fred looked at her and said, "What the fuck man?"
His outburst didn't faze her at all. "Don't you know enough about basketball to know what's going on without the announcers telling you what you're looking at?" she asked, while stretching her eyelids wide and staring at him for a second. "I want to tell you something."
Fred cut his eyes at her, then said, "Damn man, you sound like a woman. What are you going to say next; we need to talk."
"Shut the fuck up Fred, and listen. I went to see Dr. Johnson yesterday about how I've been feeling lately. He said that I'm fine, that the hormones aren't taking over my mind, and I'm not gonna turn into a woman against my will.
"He'd told me that before, but either he did a better job of explaining it, or I did a better job of understanding it this time."
"Ok," said Fred, taking his eyes off the tv for a second to look at her. "So what's the verdict?"
"He said, he said the thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions, and desires that are trying to come out of me now were always there, but I suppressed them. The female hormones have only made me be more responsive to my feelings the same way most women are. He suggests that I be honest with myself and own that I had these desires my whole life." She then turned the sound back up on the tv.
"Who didn't know that?" thought Fred. "He'd always been aware of her subtle femininity when she was in her male body. The only difference in her now compared to then was, his best buddy was way more complicated now that she was female. He was pretty sure what he'd just heard her say wasn't worth missing a few minutes of play by play commentary on the tv.
Act 3.
Scene 2; Rachel takes ownership of the desires the female hormones have set free.
Later that night; Fred was in the shower spitting rhymes when Rachel walked into his bathroom naked as a jaybird. He stopped washing himself and looked at her from head to toe as she got into the shower with him. His dick got hard in an instant. "What are you doing in here?" he asked.
As soon as she saw his erection she started grinning mischievously. She then looked into his eyes and bit her bottom lip before saying, "Dr. Johnson said I should decide what I want, and own it. Well I love sucking dick and I'm going to do it more often. And since you're so good to me in so many ways, I'm gonna give you some pussy from time to time too.
He thought she was reaching for him when she reached over his shoulder at the container on the shelf in his shower. She took it in her hand and inspected it. "Now I'm going to show you the difference between this pocket pussy and the real thing," she said.
Her words were barely out of her mouth before Fred's dick started drooling pre-cum.
"Turn off the water," she said to him before getting onto her knees and putting his cock in her mouth. She licked and slurped it until she was sure it was good and wet from her spit. With his dick now well lubricated, she took the pretend pussy out of its plastic tube, and slipped the pink lips of the pocket coochie over the tapered head of his crank. She then used the handheld vagina to expertly jack his junk for about a couple of minutes, before replacing the synthetic sugar walls with her mouth. She expertly sucked on its head and licked it while tugging his balls with her hand.
When he started hunching she got off his dick, stood up, turned around and grabbed the handrails so Fred could address her from behind. He penetrated her shallowly at first, then to his surprise his bat went in balls deep when he gave a firm push. She grunted involuntarily when she felt him seat himself deep inside her. It was surreal to her to feel her buddy's hips smacking against her asscheeks as he gave her a good fucking for a couple of minutes.
Her insides were soft and warm, and she felt very similar to a natural born woman down there, but he still made it his business to be careful not to hurt her. As his cock slowly pistoned in and out of her, the thought of how intensely pleasurable it was to feel her tight pussy grip his dick briefly passed through his mind. In comparison, the sensation he received when he wallowed around in the roomier receptacle between Kitty's thick thighs was rather mild.
When Rachel felt his grip on her tighten, she knew the friction on his dick that resulted from it entering and exiting her manually constructed love tunnel had him on the verge of busting his nut.
After a few animal like grunts, Fred pulled his dick out of her and watched as globs of his cum leaked from her pussy onto the shower floor.
Act 3.
Scene 3; Rachel embraced the female role with Fred last night, and the sun still rose the following morning.
The next morning Rachel was at her usual spot eating oatmeal when Fred came into the kitchen. "Morning bro," he said. "How'd you sleep?"
"Good morning Fred," she responded, smiling. "How do you think I slept after the good fucking you gave me," she said, laughing.
"Ha Haa, that's what I do." he said as he opened the microwave to get the breakfast Rachel had made for him. "What ya got planned for today?"
"I'm working from home," she replied. "Then I'm getting outta here by 4 pm. My team has a road game tonight. I want to get to the high school so I can be part of the caravan of parents and fans following the team bus to the game."
"Do you think you'll see lover boy at the game?" asked Fred while teasing her.
"You suck," said Rachel laughing. "I'm gonna stop telling you my secrets. I don't know if he'll be there, but I hope so." She then put her dish in the sink and said, "I'll clean the kitchen after you leave. Right now I'm gonna get to work so I can get done on time. Come in there and give me a kiss before you go to work."
About fifteen minutes later Fred came into her room and gave her the peck on the lips she'd requested, then said, "Play safe."
"Don't worry, he's not getting any of that," she replied, before giving him another kiss.
Act 3.
Scene 4; Rachel takes her show on the road.
Rachel was so excited about seeing Marvin the day seemed to drag by. She must have looked at the clock a hundred times. When it finally came time to get ready for the game she chose to go with a full length leather coat and less layers. She took a few extra minutes to put on her makeup. Her last move was to slide on her wedding set.
Act 3.
Scene 4; Rachel allows Marvin to chase her until she catches him.
There was a large group of parents milling about the parking lot, but Rachel was only interested in one dad if she could find him. It wasn't cold outside yet so she was able to mingle with the fans while wearing just her jeans and thick turtleneck sweater. Her curves were on full display and the men noticed, giving her compliments and introducing themselves.
She found that wearing her wedding ring gave her the sense of security she'd hoped it would. Now she didn't feel the need to tell anyone she was a man. She could simply flash her ring anytime a man tried to flirt with her. That way she couldn't be accused of tricking anyone. There was also the added benefit of showing anybody who thought negatively of her, that there was someone who wanted her.
A short time before the caravan was ready to leave Marvin found her. "Hello Rachel," he said from behind her.
She turned around with a huge smile on her face. Hopefully it would give him enough encouragement to move on her. "Hi there Mr. Albert," she said as she extended her hand. "How are you?"
He was immediately put at ease by her warm smile and found it easy to think of something to say. "I'm great thanks," he responded energetically. "How about you?"
"I'm doing really good, thanks," she responded
"I've been looking forward all week to seeing how the kids will play tonight," he said while still holding her hand.
"Me too," she said while returning his gaze until they finally let go of each other's hand.
They chatted a little longer about this and that until it was time to go. When it looked like Marvin was going to get into his SUV Rachel said, "I hope all of us don't get separated when we get into rush hour traffic."
Just as she'd hoped Marvin invited her to ride with him. After a moment of insisting that she didn't want to impose, she accepted. They had a one and a half hour drive that gave them time to talk about any and every thing. The main thing the time with him did for Rachel was to give her a chance to figure out what if anything she wanted from him.
He was divorced with two kids. One was a player on the football team and the other was a cheerleader. He showed their mom to Rachel during the game.
Rachel said she was married and she saved her girl's night out privileges to use during the season. When she felt comfortable enough she told him enough of her story to let him know who she was. She was certain that him believing she was married made being around her less awkward for him.
As for Marvin's opinion of her, he wouldn't have lost his mind if any female were to give him the same news she'd just told him. However if he were honest it was easier to keep talking with her because she was married. And if he was really, really honest, she looked so good to him till he probably wouldn't have cared that she was transgendered, married, or not.
They talked about the action on the football field while they watched it. By the end of the game that was won by their team, the complexity of her gender seemed to have been forgotten.
The more they talked and laughed, the more comfortable he felt with her. He debated with himself some during the game and finally decided fuck it, she's good looking. If it wasn't for her wedding ring he'd have taken a run at her.
That was what he kept telling himself, but with the excitement of the team winning, and the scent of her perfume filling his SUV, his dick had been as hard as the rock on her ring finger since they started the drive home.
Thankfully they spent half the ride home rehashing the game. However when they were about half way back to the high school Rachel put her hand on his thigh and said, "Marvin, I can't thank you enough for tonight for being understanding and accepting of me. You're a good man, even though you tried that cheesy pickup line on me." She said it with a laugh.
"Was it really that bad?" he asked. "I thought it was pretty smooth." He then looked at her and grinned sheepishly. He also took note that her hand was still on his thigh.
"I've heard worse," she offered, then she moved her hand back to her lap for the moment. "Heck, I've used worst ones than that," she said with a feminine sounding chuckle.
Marvin then looked at her and said, "It is hard to believe you're not a natural born woman. You look amazing.
Rachel looked at him then bit her bottom lip while debating whether she should go for it. After a long moment she said, "Thanks, I need to hear that as often as possible." She then leaned over to kiss him on the cheek. As she leaned she also put her hand on his thigh again, but this time she put it far enough up his leg to touch his cock, that happened to be rock hard.
She didn't move her hand after she'd given him a peck on the cheek. In fact she did the opposite; she started playing with his dick through his pants. When he didn't object she said, "If you think you can keep us on the road while I do it, I know how I can thank you for tonight.
She then maneuvered his pants down far enough so it was easy to play with his cock and balls. There wasn't enough light to see it very well, so she gave him the sniff test down there. He smelled clean mixed with the manly scent of his nuts. She ran her hand over his pubic hair, then without warning she engulfed his entire six inch cock so deep into her mouth that his hairs tickled her nose. For the next few miles, and probably ten minutes she enjoyed sucking his dick probably as much as he liked having it sucked. She'd suck it some, then take her mouth off of it and say something sexy to him while she stroked his peter with her hand.
When she could tell he was getting close to the end she took her mouth off of his pecker and playfully talked to him. "Marvin you're ready to bust your nut aren't you?" she asked as she teased the head with her hand. "Are you ready Marvin? Are you? Are you?"
"Yes, yes" he said urgently.
She quickly plunged his dick into her mouth and sucked as hard as she could. She literally felt his ball-sack get smaller as he emptied them down her throat.
When they were done and back to themselves, Rachel said, "Marvin you have to promise me you won't tell any of the other parents about this."
The final few minutes of the drive were quiet ones. When they were back in the high school's parking lot and saying goodnight, Marvin asked her if she'd be at the next game. She told him she would, and asked him to save her a seat.
Act 3.
It turned out that Dr. Johnson was right. As a man she would likely never have sucked a dick or allowed a man to fuck her. But her willingness to play dress-up with her sister when she had a male body was perhaps a clue that Rachel was inside all along.
Once Rachel stopped judging her thoughts and behavior as though she was a heterosexual male, she was able to accept that the female hormones only exposed the desires that were once buried by her masculinity.
Now she happily gives Fred some pussy on the regular. She's also found that posing as his wife gives men the cover they need to let her suck that dick even after she tells them her history, and thereby gives her access to a massive amount of cocks to suck.
And, oh by the way, she adjusted her way of thinking of herself. She's now a man living the life of a woman. | literotica |
Title: Hostle(r) by FluffyPony
Tags: Abduction, Captivity, Cuddling, Diapers, Domination/Submission, Enema, Human, M/M, Slavery, Stallion, Training, suppository
The young have a tendency to find themselves lost. Moreso in the remote portions of Austria. This account is a fiction-based notation upon their plight...
In the captivity and power of vindictive slavers.
Hostler: archaic term for groom/stable keeper.
Hostle(r): modern term of an equine slave master who treats small helpless beings to the trappings of equine-hood.
Greg thought it would be a good idea to traverse the countryside of furry Austria, after all, most violent actions occurred elsewhere; like the United States, for instance.
No, nothing about this expanse of countryside ever divulged the precursor for violence or sadism as it had for many others. But, he wasn't traveling alone, as he had a few buddies going along with him on this trip.
Jeff, a fiercely independent guy who was intending to come along to show off his "wilderness" skills. Greg and him had been good friends since their third semester in college. Opposed to popular belief, sometimes you don't meet your best friend the first week, but sometimes much later.
Cheerful Olly, though. Nothing about that guy qualified as normal-or human. Olly they met at the airport. Normally not inclined towards strangers-especially in foreign countries, they eventually acquiesced to the charming company of the jovial happy fjord stallion.
"I shit jha not, Ameree-cans! Good puss, good puss, in this valley we go!" He declared happily, carrying that giant pack upon his withers as though it were nothing.
Greg and Jeff had more problems with theirs, then again, they didn't have the strength of a mutant pony.
"Wait up dude, we weren't born with your kind of prowess!" Jeff protests, stumbling through a tangle of moss trying to catch up to the marching pony.
"Shit, look at him go!" Jeff muses with a surprised wheeze.
"Yeah, man! Who said cockroaches would inherit the world after humans were gone?" Greg declared, as the fjord grinned proudly, horniness driving him hastily.
Eventually, Olly would have to stop, unless he wanted to go without his "wing-men".
"What iz it thee ameree-cans talk about now? Global warming? What iz ze problem? Now ve Norwegians can get a tan like everyone else!" Declared the dun and stripe-tailed pony with a horsy laugh as he picked out dirt and rocks stuck on the bottom of his hooves.
They were sitting at a broken footpath, upon a fallen rotting log. The trees surrounding them allowed the barest glimpses of sunlight in, making this area appear to be overcast at all times. Dry leaves rustled about with the movement of insects and small animals rummaging underneath.
In short, the wilderness of Austria was picturesque and pristine, just as it should be for hikers.
"Yeah a tan with chemo. Maybe furs can't get skin cancer with all that hair, but it would really suck for us to live like that!"
Something above snapped loudly, a thick object crashing down like a flash of lightning.
"Sheeeet! Look out!" Screamed Olly.
A tree branch as thick as the one they had been sitting on slammed to the ground-and Greg's leg with a wet snap of breaking flesh and a thud of dry earth and crinkle of dead leaves.
Greg was unconscious from the sudden agony of this traumatic injury, Olly taking a closer look at the wound.
"Ja, es broken. Ve won't move ze branch."
"Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit What do we do?!" Jeff freaks out.
"Ve have to leave him and send ze help." Olly declared.
Jeff looked at what he could see of the wound, of the blood seeping out between the white of split bone that had sprouted violently from the flesh.
"Oh shit, man. Do you know how-how to bandage that?!"
It was strange to see how calm Olly was in a situation such as this.
"No. I vill go for help, you vatch him. The place ve vere going-it is a mile away. I can make it." The stallion declares, reconsidering.
"Don't make any "poon pit-stops", man. We need to get Greg to a doctor!"
"Ja, I agree."
Property And Playthings
The fjord was small and lithe compared to the mound of firm toned flesh before him.
This new stallion was pure black with amber eyes and wearing a lab-coat with white dress pants.
"Hello, there, little kin. Where are your presents?" The black stallion muses.
The fjord shakes his withers nervously, under the serious gaze of the larger stallion.
"An unexpected event, big brother. I brought two."
"And where are they? Surely not invisible?"
"No Sir, just zat vun has broken his leg, and ze other watches over him." He cringes, as if to take a hard blow to the face.
The black stallion laughs heartily, grinning widely.
"By this admission of yours, why, we only have one we have to auction!-the other one I own automatically-until he heals up-,because I am the doctor here, after all! I am happy, for then I can save my chits!"
The fjord looks up shyly.
"Then I am happy only to serve my stallion kindred."
"But you still must be punished. You will have your twenty chits per head, but because of your sloppiness allowing this accident to occur, I sentence you to five days on "the auction block"."
"No, master! Please no!"
"I believe it was Dex who saved up all his chits for such an occasion, and few will be interested in bidding against him or else, if they are on the block themselves, they will be given the same cruelty by Dex as revenge."
Twilight and darkness had broken through the canopy of trees, the sun gone, everything in murky blue-tinged light signaling the coming of night. Greg was in such horrendous pain, his breathing was rapid and he tried hard not to move any part of himself as he lay on the leaves.
Nearby, a snapping of twigs drew their attention to three large forms coming toward them;
It was...
Furtive funnel ears, long faces, muscular bodies.
Stallions; three large muscular stallions.
One wore a doctors' coat and carried a bag at his side. He was pure black, his eyes a soft brown.
"Where is my patient?" He asks in a jovial voice, a smile upon his muzzle.
"Over here. He's got his thigh broken. What happened to Olly?"
The other stallions, one a big brown and white paint, the other a silver-eyed red roan, both wearing back support belts took up opposite ends of the log and lifted it with amazing strength, carrying some distance off to get it out of the way even as Greg screamed out for mercy from his horrible trauma.
"Here, I did come with Morphine for this such emergency." The black stallion takes a small syringe already prepared with fluid, stabbing Greg in his leg, injecting a significant dose of the drug into him.
"And Olly?" Jeff repeated, concerned.
The doctor laughs.
"He'll be getting more action than you can imagine!"
Jeff sighs, relieved, "Bastard couldn't wait any longer, huh? I don't blame him. He got help, so that's all I care about."
"You are not angry that he dismissed and forgot your friend?"
"He doesn't know us. I understand if he isn't sympathetic. I'm just glad he got you guys."
"And we are equally glad that he got the two of you!" The doctor gently retorts, the two busy fellow equines grinning at the jest.
Before Jeff can enquire about the meaning of that comment, the other stallions have Greg's leg splinted and are ready to carry his miserable self the mile or so back to compound.
An hour, two, they come to the edge of a clearing where they see the enormous gray building of some complex.
"Home, sweet, home. Or at least, it WILL be for the two of you."
"What? I don't understand." Jeff stated.
Greg stirs a little from his fevered drug experience, also not sure if he heard the statement correctly.
"That's alright, mustangs; we don't expect you to know anything when you're first brought here to be broken in and trained."
"Wait, what?"
"Firstly, my name is Dr. Bigluv or Master, whichever you prefer. Second, you've been brought here to be our livestock and pets where you will be properly trained for obedience."
"No fucking way! I'm not here to be a goddamned horses' slave!" Jeff protests.
"You act as if you have liberties. But captured feral equines have no rights, do they, my ever rebellious peon?"
By the muscles of that black horse, Jeff withdrew his pride and anger, shivering as they walked to his new prison.
"What-what are you going to do to us?" Jeff nervously asks.
"That depends."
"On what?"
"Who buys you. You see, we have devised a system to allow us to share our toys. Each morning you will be auctioned off to whichever stallion bids the most chits-chits are our currency, here. So, you will only be sold to the one who wants you the most for that day. Dex has expressed his intentions in trying you out first."
"God, I can't handle this."
"Understandable. We've had escapes in the past. But ultimately, whether you like it or not now, you will love being a slut once you've been properly trained."
"Training! You talk about that like I'm some fucking animal!"
"Aren't we all?" The doctor declares with a grin.
A new idea struck Jeff, an idea borne of desperation.
"Then I COULD run away."
"Yes you could, but you won't."
"Why not?"
"Who was your guide who got you safely here? Who is your friend who needs your support. At this point, escaping is highly dangerous and selfish. We would be less lenient upon you than we would have been in other situations. We can almost understand and sympathize with a frightened animals' urge to run away. But cowardice and selfish whims we do not abide by."
"What are you going to do, kill me?"
"We neither abide by death nor damaged goods. Negating some psychological pain, you will be kept untarnished and free of horrendous is important you understand this."
"Why? That sounds better than being captured by south American revolutionaries."
"You don't understand-you are here only to serve our pleasures. A scarred fucktoy is not beneficial to any of us, less so, a dead one."
"Are you saying-"
"The two of you will be our new mares."
"If you touch me, I swear I will fucking kill you or anyone who has this idea!"
"Spunky. Lot's of will be BREAK!"
Jeff flings his arm in anger, trying to punch the doctor walking at his side.
"Bastard!" Jeff screams, angry and humiliated, and confused.
The stallion catches his elbow easily, poised to bend the joint outward and break or dislocate it, his hot hands flexing with muscle, almost biting into the skin.
"In the future, you will learn not to do that. Now, beg for me not to break your arm."
"But you said you didn't-that you didn't deal in damaged goods!"
"In training a wild animal, why do you not think they call it "Breaking them in"?"
"The spirit! They spoke of the spirit!" Jeff pleads.
"But the spirit can be broken-with enough pain-enough agony-enough bones."
As the stallion had him under his power, he didn't know if the horse was serious about either of the things he said;
At his confused look, the doctor smiled.
"Bones heal. The question is, how many do I have to break before you realize that we cannot be fought?"
"My government-they will pay your ransom! How much do you want?!"
"We cannot be bargained with." The doctor said, squeezing harder.
"But my government might send help-maybe the navy seals!"
"We do not respond to threats-say goodbye to your arm."
The stallion unwinds the elbow outward, as Jeff cringes from the increasing pressure.
"Please, no! I-I-please no!" He swings his other arm around to punch, but it too, is caught easily.
The joints creak, the tendons and muscle stretch and warp out of shape, some of the smaller tendons beginning to snap apart.
"Please, I-I'm sorry!"
"Yes, I am waiting. You know what I want to hear; lose your pride or your arm."
"I-SHIT!-please stop...................master."
The horrible pressure is immediately released, the stallion nodding with confidence.
"Good. The ripped tendons of your arm will keep you a day or so off the auction block, but in the meantime, I can be a demanding caretaker. When the morning follows, you will see how bad it truly is to be property."
A bay stallion with a large grin is standing upon a quite elaborate little stage, Olly, naked and held in place spread-eagled with his arms and legs affixed by chains and manacles to two parallel wooden poles at his sides.
Taking a closer look, one could see a decently sized pony at the front of the enormous crowd, staring speculatively at the pathetic whimpering fjord through a pair of black framed glasses. This pony also had on black rubber gloves and a white shirt with pencils and pens in a front breast pocket.
You would think such a creature was somewhat nerdy, but this was Dex, and he was unforgiving of such insults, as evidenced by the wide berth given him by the crowd.
Dex was a young stallion specializing in the more advanced and dangerous techniques of bondage; electricity.
This was a dangerous thing to experiment with, but if done right, could either be the most pleasurable experience-or complete miserable hell.
No one ever gave Dex problems, except Olly, many a time ago, which was why the dangerous little stallion in his scholastic attire waited patiently to bid upon his enemy, and show him what revenge and a grudge truly meant.
Dr. Bigluv, though, was a horse of a different color (pardon the pun), as he was wiser by experience, and by his training of the medical arts. Bigluv was an intelligent engaging fellow. He understood the methods of training at an integral-almost instinctual level, and he had the wisdom to be just cruel enough to make a lesson known without being a complete brute.
"We'll start the bidding at three. Three, do I hear three chits?"
Dex raised his arm.
"Three chits, three chits. Any more bids? Fine fjord flesh, my friends, use it however you want!" Declared the bay, lifting up Olly's tail and digging a finger in his helpless black-skinned hole.
"Four!" Yells a palomino.
"Four chits! Do I hear five? Nice tight ass, good for a nice fucking!" Then the bay slaps Olly hard on one bared cheek.
Dex calmly raises a hand, nodding, his eyes intense-almost psychotic.
"Five chits, five on the table! Anyone else want a chance to satisfy themselves on this little disobedient bitch?"
A great noriker makes his bid, gray coat, black mane over his eyes.
"Five chits! Five chits! Care to up the ante? It's not often you get to have a stallion as a slave!"
Finally, Dex smiles, sauntering arrogantly up to the stage, wagging his long white tail about.
When he is on the platform he faces the audience, grinning.
"I bid ten! And if any of you try to top that, I will do to you what I plan to do to HIM. This is my personal grudge, so stay out of my way until I resolve it."
All was silent. It was clear this little pony-almost feminine-commanded a lot of fear and respect.
He turns back to Olly, smiling widely like a lunatic.
"Just wait little bastard, until you see what I have planned for you." Dex whispered.
Olly only whimpered in response.
"What the hell was that?!" Demands Jeff, shocked at the degrading treatment of Olly.
The doctor laughs, amused, as he bandages the unconscious Greg's leg, fitting it for a full cast.
"That was the auction. I told you all about it."
"Yeah, but-fuck! It was worse to see it in person!" Jeff protests.
"For you, of course, because you will be next tomorrow, right after Olly."
"What the fuck?!"
"This is a job; a service slaves provide us, and each day, the whole thing begins anew. Eventually, unless you are well liked by respectable equines, you'll go lower down the totem pole as the high bidders lose interest in you and you are bid upon by the more sadistic shady fellows."
"Like Dex?"
"Granted, Dex does have a certain cruelty to him, but he is more flexible and civil than you imagine; ponies always are, if a bit mischievous. The ones you better worry about are the stallions who stay toward the back in the audience during an auction. Now, no master is allowed to kill, maim, or seriously injure any of our toys, but sometimes-sometimes there are methods of cruelty and depravity even you would not appreciate."
"No master, no! I'll be good! I promise!" Olly screams in desperation, crying pathetically, as the gray pony smiles in amusement.
"You promised we would be lovers forever, and then you dumped me for that sorrel, Frederick! Why should I be merciful, after I waited so long for revenge?"
Olly whines, helpless in padded stocks, his bared ass naked before the pony, his dun and black dorsal-striped tail tied out of the way like a mare ready to be inseminated by a vet.
"I have something special for you, little traitor. It is nine inches long, it plugs into a wall socket, and it is not a vibrator, though rest assured, you certainly WILL be vibrating to this little toy of mine."
"No master! If you put it in, I will be helpless! I won't be able to cum unless you let me!"
"Exactly, what is a worse punishment than being so sexually "charged", and not being allowed to orgasm.?"
Olly grits his teeth, hair shyly over his eyes, as the gray pony comes toward him naked and sporting a decent length of erect shaft. The toy he referred to was a long chrome phallic-shaped device that had a cord coming out of it. The cord went to a small black box on a table which was also plugged into a wall.
Dex casts a wicked look at the helpless fjord, rubbing his black and golden colored forelock and mane.
"Who's my little filly? You'll love being bred by me, won't you?"
Olly snorts in response, trying to ignore his temporary master with a shy close of his eyes and a nervous shake of his head.
Dex gives a cruel laugh.
"Filly is shy, is she?"
He feels along the soft bronze of Olly's bare ass, kneading the dun skin with firm rough strokes of his hand, as the muscles shiver underneath nervously.
"Yessss. What a nice ass, she has, too." Dex purrs.
"Please don't master!"
Dex takes the metal probe, licking the pointed tip, running his tongue slowly up and down the sides, blowing the object.
"Time to be taken to stud, little horse slut."
Then he sticks his fingers in his mouth, rubbing each sensuously around his lips.
Before rubbing them on Olly's bared hole to lubricate it for passage, as the little fjord squealed in desperation, fighting the restraints, trying to desperately shake from the padded stockade, his legs restless and kicking out in panic. One nearly strikes Dex easily.
"Dirty little slut. Showing all the signs and suddenly going unreceptive when I get ready to breed you. Bitch will pay for that. You will never orgasm tonight, no matter how horny you get!" Dex growled.
"No master, please. I didn't mean it!"
Dex ignores the Norwegian horse, placing the tapered end of the probe against the soft dun skin of his slave's hole, as the fjord shivers from the slight tingle of cold from the unheated steel against his most delicate place.
Then Dex shoves it all the way in, watching with satisfaction as the probe is devoured completely into the waiting depths of Olly's ass.
"Now my machine will breed you, whore-mare."
Olly was drooling in ecstasy at the large pressure of it deep within.
"Yes master, use me like a slut."
"But you will not cum, ever. Will you slut?"
Olly only pleads with a begging whimper, as Dex sticks heart monitor stickers to his amber furred chest.
"And the probe will cut off automatically when it senses that you are close to orgasm. You'll be at the edge thousands of times tonight, helpless to sate yourself-ever."
The pony grinned widely, enjoying the sight of the cringing muscles, the jerking black skinned phallus, each cry of desperate lust-as the pleads followed Dex into the long night.
Toys For The Boys
"Tonight, I have a few things planned for you, but they aren't strenuous or painful-at least not painful to me." Dr. Bigluv mused, grinning at his jest.
Jeff looked around briefly at the little darkly lit medical clinic; an examination table with leg stirrups and arm straps, an I.V. stand with an empty black one gallon rubber bag, different sized steel syringes with blunted nozzles, a locked case of numerous drugs, and a number of cabinets with padlocks which were clearly off-limits.
"I don't like the way that sounded." The human declared, to which, the stallion laughed in response, beginning to sing in a foreign language; clearly German.
"Sind die Freunde mir gewogen"
His lustful eyes focus on the human before them, the stallion casually digging in his pocket for a jingling set of keys, using one to unlock a cabinet up above a metal sink.
"Die weibe Fee spannt ihren Bogen"
He takes from the cupboard a pastel purple box that looked like one for tissues, but instead, he tore a pair of powdered dark purple gloves, a chestnut stallion, one of the two guards, proceeds to hold them open so Dr. Bigluv can put his hands in them.
"Schiebt meiner Sorge ins Gesicht"
The latex snaps into place easily, tight over the furred black wrists, fingers well pronounced behind the rubber.
"Und auf den beiden Helften bricht"
Then he takes a thin plastic case, popping it open to expose a hygienically cleaned scoupal, taking it delicately in one hand as he nods to his two guards, who then rush forward to pick up and shove Jeff hard against the surface of the table, much to his surprise, as they begin to sing in the strange guttural language as well.
"Der Vater aller Spiegel" The two forceful equines declare, grinning in their own way, as their black leather pants began to get tight with stallion-size erections; aware of what was going to happen.
Dr. Bigluv comes close with the scoupal, easily slicing along the fabric of Jeff's clothes with not a single scratch to the skin. Jeff began to shiver, on a cold metal table in only his underwear by the time the big stallion practitioner got through with him.
"Er winkt mir und ich beug mich vor"
The stallions toss his ruined clothing to the floor, the chestnut lewdly licking along Jeff's chest with his big rough tongue, the horse sighing in pleasure.
"Er flustert leise in mein Ohr"
The two guards take his feet, shoving them on the stirrups and binding them in place despite all his weak attempts to struggle away, leaving his plump ass a little over the table edge, even as the stallions eyed that rump hungrily.
"Du bist das schonste Kind"
Declared Bigluv, as his blade nicked along the rear of Jeff's underwear, splitting the fabric wide open and leaving his ass open to violation, as his feet were perfectly stretched and restrained out of the way, his anus plainly exposed to the frigid clinic air.
"Von allen" Say the guards in chorus, watching the depraved scene with delight.
"Ich halt dich wie mein eigen Blut"
The doctor takes a good-sized tube from the unlocked cabinet, squirting some clear viscous jelly-like substance into one gloved hand, working it all over the fingers, as the guard stallions pulled a roller chair up in front of Jeff's hole, inviting Dr. Bigluv to have a seat.
"Du bist das schonste Kind"
He takes one finger delicately, working it coldly into the helpless opening presented before him so conveniently, even as Jeff struggled as much as able with all the restraints in place.
"Von allen" Say the two horny excited stallions, throwing the leather strap over Jeff's belly, holding ever more fast; resistance now pointless.
"In mir ist auch das Bose gut."
"Hey, asshole! Get away from there!"
The two unsated guards immediately take a black object from a nearby utility hook, now shoving a black rubber ball into Jeff's resisting clasped mouth, and fastening the gag in place with a strap around his head; protests angry, yet muffled.
"Die Neugier meinen Traum verlengert"
The black doctor takes pleasure in licking the vulnerable opening with his long lewd equine tongue, even as the guards watched, their ears cocked forward with obvious interest.
"Die weibe Fee sie singt und lacht"
The act is so defiling; all Jeff wants to do is scream and cry as the cruel horny stallion ravishes his bared helpless hole.
"Hat gewaltsam mich geschwengert"
He actually DOES cry, each stroke like black ice into his soul.
"Und trechtig quelt mich durch die Nacht"
Then Bigluv works his oversized cold slick fingers in there hard, practically ramming them in with coitus-like thrusts.
Oh, so good they felt, but in a bad way, even as Jeff cried, even as he got hard from the vicious jabbing of his prostate by cruel piercing fingers, he could not help the responses to this most sudden of rapes as a stallion took from him his most intimate of secrets.
"Der Vater aller Spiegel" Go the stallion helpers, one sucking noisily on Jeff's shaft, the other pinching his nipples hard with those wicked chestnut brown fingers.
"Er winkt mir und ich beug mich vor"
The force of three invading over-sized fingers are almost too much, as his hips jerk and send a long string of pre down the waiting throat of the black and white pinto eating his shaft like some obscene sausage connoisseur.
"Er flustert leise in mein Ohr"
The stallions all smile as they sing Rammsteins' "Kokain", visibly impressed by the hot little male body before their randy attentions.
"Du bist das schonste Kind"
Dr. Bigluv takes obvious pleasure and cruelty in the desecration of the flesh before his forceful prying equine fingers, the hole now wide enough that he can-
"Von allen" The two stallion take the lubricant tube from Bigluv, as the doctor holds the hole wide open with both his hands; one of the stallions shoving the end of the tube hard up there, and squirting much into Jeff's bowels, now making him feel greasy and slick inside, as Bigluv works more of his fingers-up to five-in the hot flesh to be savored.
"Ich halt dich wie mein eigen Blut"
He has his wrist in there, as he feels the rectum nervously convulse over his hand with tight waves of sudden protest and pain tinged pleasure.
"Du bist das schonste Kind"
The stallion shrugs with displeasure as he encounters the first balls of waste, pointing at the I.V. bag nearby.
"Von allen" The pinto mumbles between his hungry suckling, as the chestnut takes the empty bag and fills it with water, attaching a thick hose with a giant plug, and coming back with the enema and a purple cleaning bucket.
"In mir ist auch das Bose gut"
Jeff stared at the big filled transparent bag of tap water, trying ever harder to squirm out of his bonds as Dr. Bigluv elicited an amused laugh, accepting the enema gracefully from his 'nurse.'
"Und wie ich mich der Wehen wehre"
Declared the black furred doctor, spanking the bared supple ass flesh before his questing and probing eyes, Jeff cringing from the sudden painful snaps, plug ready to be plunged in with most rapid viciousness, as was the nature of the stallion during sexual play.
"Auf dem Kinderbett noch gehurt"
Jeff screams into the gag as the big equine works the latex plug into his much battered opening, no gentleness taken in the process as it met with great and painful resistance even if the passage had been well lubricated from before.
"Seh dabei wie ich begehre"
Bigluv shoves it all in with prompt eagerness, inflating it quickly with pumps of an attached one-way bulb, Jeff now feeling the butt-plug fill him out like a short stubby phallus, the black and white stallion holding up the bag with not so much as one second of attention or care, all his focus upon the rigid human flesh bared in his rough velvet cheeked maw.
"Und freb die eigene Nachgeburt"
Jeff feels the horrible pressure of it build in his body, filling out all vacant spaces, opening all passageways with hydro perplexity, undaunted in the discomfort of being full with cramps mounting, and an urge to evacuate, but all was held with obvious distress and panic by his frantic quivering belly. He can't hold it in-he doesn't want it in-let it all go.
"Du bist das schonste Kind..."
Dr. Bigluv puts the purple bucket up against the human's ass as the pinto gets done with his own amusement, deflating and ripping the plug out with one deliberate ass-shattering twist, a sudden flashing brown torrent empties easily into the bucket.
All empty, free of waste, but Jeff still felt unclean and understandably far from refreshed by the act of a forced clyster; the water which cascaded through him felt like the most intimate rape he had ever felt.
Then the big stallion doctor smiles, kissing him on the forehead, before going back behind and dropping his pants-exposing a quickly erecting shaft of tar black thoroughbred flesh. Then the other stallions go nude, too- forming organs glistening with sex fluids.
Jeff now wished he had never let the relief of the evacuation buoy him, as it was only the beginning of the depravity enacted by one intellectual horse with a too instinctual grasp of the human body.
"As far as me and you are concerned, you are nothing but a spoiled little filly begging and teasing my cock, and I am a veterinarian ready to take any step to make you my most splendid facilitated pleasure."
He takes the bucket and throws Jeff's own waste in his face, much to the humans' disgust and shame.
"And you are nothing but a vessel for my pleasure, so you better just lie still as I fuck you-stupid spoiled mare." Bigluv sneered, greasing his shaft with a sixteen ounce bottle of mineral oil; the shaft and head slick as saran wrap, as he emptied the viscous fluid there and-inadvertently without care-on the black tiled floor.
Jeff cringes, afraid of what will most likely come next; here it comes, that stallion was going to rape him with his big dick!
"Filly doesn't want it; she must be unreceptive. That's fine, one of you can enjoy it while we prepare something else special for the whore."
Bigluv jams his cock hard into the bared tailhole of the pinto with sudden intensity, as the painted horse drools and grunts with every stroke of force in his body. The thrusts rock his body with sudden splashes of pleasure. While this is done, the chestnut stallion takes a big one-gallon syringe from the cabinet, proceeding to masturbate his shaft, licking his fuzzy muzzle with some sinister thoughts in his head.
Then the pinto squealed with urgency toward the chestnut; who ran over to the other stallions carrying a large glass pitcher, positioning it right over the head of the black and white stallion, who whinnies loudly, filling the container halfway with his frothy warm bubbly seed with successive powerful jets like a cow with wide openings in her udders being milked.
The chestnut faithfully sucks it up in the syringe, filling it up a good ways-then he stands submissively, his brown tail to the side, as Bigluv grabs him by one shoulder from behind him and impales him hard with his black cock like the sudden thrust of a samurai sword; the chestnut horses' butt jiggling rapidly to make way for the wide organ.
The pinto happily drinks the little bit of cum left in the glass container, licking the froth from his lips like it were milk.
"Mmmm. Jawohl!" Before positioning the pitcher at the gleaming black and pink colored cock-head of the brownish horse.
Jeff could not understand what was going on; were they going to make him drink all their semen? Or were they going to shove it up his ass with that gallon syringe with the blunted nozzle? He could only guess, and he wished whatever they intended, it would not hurt or sicken him too much.
The brown horse screams, rubbing his shaft as the big black doctor fucks him savagely-then Jeff sees it; a shitload of cum sprays wildly from the big horse in steamy whitish torrents neatly filling up the container almost to the brim, which the pinto sucks up into that same apparatus with a loud slurp of suction, enjoying the taste of the leftovers as he did before.
Finally, Bigluv rips his own cock out hard, smiling savagely like a horny wide-eyed warrior.
"Now, my turn."
The two subordinates humbly go to him and lick along his shaft slowly with fervor, practically worshipping the flesh even as they played with his giant furry horse balls.
The brown holds the container, but the pinto has his mouth locked over the urethra, until Bigluv slaps him smartly in the ear.
"No, you greedy bitch; you know what we are doing with this load. If you want some seed for yourself, as is your kink, you can harvest it from the human later. For now, I need every gooey, stringy, viscous pint to teach our little slut friend a lesson in manners he won't soon ignore."
The pinto only whined in protest, relinquishing the fleshy black skinned head. Dr. Bigluv grinned as he swatted his tail to the side, motioning to his black anus.
"Anietam. Fuck me hard, I want to feel your dick in my stomach!" Bigluv demanded, laughing.
The brown stallion gave a smile of his own, taking the lubricant tube and squirting the rest of the clear jelly contents all over his cockhead in sticky strings of surgi-lube, letting it run down along his shaft in viscous streams, mixing with his few ounces of semen dripping from his piss-slit.
When the brown stallion was satisfied, he eyed the tight black hole with lust, seizing his rod in one hand to help guide it to the puckering black eye of delicious stallion fuck flesh.
Dr. Bigluv gave a loud horny grunt as Anietam penetrated him hard with one vicious shove of his lance of a cock, working the passage over with deep thrusts and vicious randy grunts.
The white and brown pinto watched-and caught-each jet of the throughbreds' cum into the large container, obvious hunger in his eyes as he licked his lips.
When the doctor had finished shooting his fluid into the container, he grinned, using the syringe to suck up the rest of it, then handing the great gallon syringe to the brown horse, even as he proceeded to bend over on all fours, prepared for the enormous torrent of cum to surge through his stallion-sized bowels.
The brown furred assistant prodded the doctor slowly with a very gradual penetration of the thick bore nozzle, and took great pleasure in teasing the doctor by only allowing a trickle to enter his great black ass-
Before ramming the plunger down hard and jamming his insides full of spooge in a manner of seconds, before removing the nozzle from the doctor's hole, dropping the empty apparatus to the floor with a thud.
Then to Jeff's surprise, Bigluv began to dance and run about the room; even doing exercises like push-ups and sit-ups, as the bloat of false pregnancy jiggled on his cum-filled belly.
"Anietam, prepare patient for fluid transfusion STAT!" The black horse remarked, even as he began to jog in place, bowels gurgling loudly.
Jeff screams into his gag nervously, knowing what was going to happen.
The brown stallion took one end of an enema hose with thick tubing; each end was a double bardex nozzle, complete with pumps and safety valves, shoving it hard into Jeff's ass and inflating both balloons to the limit.
The assistant nodded, satisfied, as he slapped the human hard enough on the ass to sting.
"Ready, doctor. Transfusion is a go."
Bigluv nodded, dragging a wheel-less chair in front of Jeff's splayed helpless ass, climbing up until he stood on it, facing his ass toward Jeff even as he swished his obsidian tail and cast his helpless patient a wry grin.
"Time to take your medicine, Jeff. All of it. Commence enema transfusion!"
The brown horse shoved the other end into Bigluv's ass with a loud squirting noise, blowing up both balloons to keep the tube in place.
"Transfusion ready doctor. Commence when ready." Then Anietam gave a crocodile grin, enjoying the scene playing out before him.
Bigluv took a few minutes to enjoy his cringing patient, and the begging looks of those eyes-
Before he grunted hard, defecating his spooge and liquefied manure enema down the tube into Jeff's own bowels, the liquid thick and creamy, looking like broccoli and cheese soup as it squirted down the clear tubing into Jeff's helpless unresisting hole, even as the human squirmed and gagged and felt like he was going to puke as the rancid mixture filled out his internal snaking passages quite easily.
They had an amusing time laughing and joking as Jeff fought and resisted, becoming pale with nausea.
It gurgled and swirled inside, twisting uncomfortably in the manner of diarrhea; burning warmly through him with sickening nausea.
Above, he watched the flow of a gallon or so of the mixture drain from Bigluv's big ass into his own with unceasing torrents of fluid. Soon, as his belly bloated and the enema began to taper off, he bit into the gag nervously and fidgeted in his bonds as he felt the cramps begin with hard cruelty upon his sensitive insides.
"I have a surprise for you."
Bigluv got off of the chair, tugging the hose free of his ass but holding it high so the contents would not leak out of Jeff. He gave the hose over to another stallion who began to blow softly into it for fun, making the human even more uncomfortable.
Ducking into a cabinet, Bigluv returned with a giant butt-plug which was much wider than the ones used before.
"We are going to put this in him and then send him off to the stable to be groomed and prepared for rest. Tell the groom to take this out of him only when Jeff is prepared in harness and ready for sleep."
"Ja." Anietam agreed with a horny nod.
Bigluv smiled himself, creamy manure cum dripping from his flayed tailhole, oozing in little streams to the floor and some sticking to his fine black tail.
When he was behind Jeff, he twisted the inflated plug-nozzle out with a hard jerk, making the human filly squeal, as he then rammed in the new plug as hastily as he could.
"You must have to go so badly, but I'm afraid that you won't be given that luxury until our stable keeper allows you to."
Then with a click of his tongue, the two stallions unbind him and drag his tired body down the hallway, many other stallions gawking at his full enema belly and laughing.
When they reach a door where the outer hall smells like hay, they pound on the door impatiently and dump him to the floor.
Jeff nearly pukes as he slams against the tiles with a sloshy thud, his insides going crazy with the sudden jolt and displacement of water.
They leave as another equine male of a palomino color takes the sticky note off the door one of the guard stallions had put there. He then reads it carefully and nods, dragging Jeff inside.
"Whatever you did must have really pissed off the doctor, little filly boi. Don't worry, though; I am a patient and understanding caretaker."
The big smiling horse drags Jeff gently in by his arms and puts him in a stack of itchy straw.
"Bathroom-bad." Was all Jeff could get out with his nausea, before he collapsed facedown into the bedding with a tired-almost primal-whine.
He could not move or anything, each cramp hitting him like a sickening punch.
"I see. My new pony has got the colic bad. I can't groom and take care of you like this. If all you can do is just lie there and retch and get ready to puke."
"I don't think so. You're all dirty with sweat and manure, plus we still need to fit you for your new tack. The only solution I see is that we end this punishment early."
And Jeff sweated and grunted as he felt those big muscular fingers dig into his anus to try and work around the monster plug buried deep in his ass. Eventually, it slid out with a slurping noise, his ass collapsing painfully back into the empty space that it left.
Then he was free, but not really. He was naked needing badly to shit in front of a grinning appreciative happy stud.
"Can I get privacy?" Jeff quietly pleaded, feeling the enema begin to gurgle out in little slimy stinky trickles as he rubbed his belly.
"Privacy-for pony-"
"Nah. You think WE had privacy? You just ignore me and do it like a horse." The palomino urged with a snort as Jeff cringed with all his cramps.
"This ain't gonna go away. I'm not gonna leave you. So you can just take as long as you like Mr. prissy pony, cuz I ain't gonna leave you alone."
Jeff squealed, and got on his knees, turning away from the horse and trying to put the groom out of mind as he felt his insides tear apart and squirt hard from his body in a loud painful torrent of fluids and manure clumps.
When he was satisfied it was over, he got up and stepped away from his mess in the straw.
The horse appraised his mess with a smile as he picked up a pitchfork and proceeded to clean up the human's mess right in front of his own eyes, which embarrassed Jeff immensely.
"Good boy. I think pony deserves a carrot." The groom declared as he finished shoveling the used straw into a wheelbarrow nearby.
Then he went over to Jeff and rubbed his neck with that powerful hand, having him follow right behind to a room done in ceramic tiles.
"We'll clean you up in here."
Then Jeff watched as the big white-haired horsie with the golden fur got a hose working and ran the sedate-yet cold-stream over his naked human body, particularly paying attention to wash the feces from his body and buttocks. They all fell to the floor, coloring the water green.
Eventually, as the stallion lets him get used to the chilly water, he takes a bottle from a shelf affixed to a nearby wall and begins to squirt quite an amount of Mane & Tail shampoo into his hair and skin even as the hose continues to run as it temporarily lay on the scuffed tile floor.
The shampoo smells good, and the cleanness of it almost allows him to forget his previous gringiness, but he cannot forget the way he was sodomized by the doctor stallion.
"Almost done..."
He runs water over the frothy areas, working water into the shampoo mix, before he finally shuts off the water and towels Jeff off with firm strokes of those hands.
Reasonably dry, the horse has him lay in the straw again as he begins to brush Jeff's body with different bristled objects, working around the skin slowly with firm strokes to clear the dead skin and make the new skin glow.
After that, the palomino begins to untangle and comb his unruly hair as he lies there in the straw tired.
With all the attention, Jeff is lulled by it all into sleep like it were a massage. When the stud realized this, he asks with a laugh;
"Don't you want your carrot, pretty pony?"
"Keep it." Jeff tiredly mumbled, then fell asleep.
The jolly horse, with much mercy and gentleness in his heart, allowed the new pony to sleep where he lay.
Maid To Order
The next day, he feels something nudge him awake. He stirs, but barely as someone calls out orders. Then his tired sleepy form is dragged forcefully a long distance, as Jeff is not awake enough to have his eyes open.
But finally, he yawns and looks around-
And realizes he is up for auction!
Stallions fawn over his apparent tired cuteness with laughs, as he feels his body ache from the strange exhausting cold of nakedness.
Nearby, the bay stallion is content to just smile and point as he went through his heckling routine.
"Virgin ass for the taking. Do I hear ten chits?"
"Ten." Declared one appaloosa toward the front, kissing his wooden engraved pieces of 'money' for luck
"Fine rebellious bronco ready for some breaking. Spirit enough to be fun. Twelve chits. Do I hear twelve?"
"Fifteen!" A rather sordid and shy Icealandic horse did declare.
"Fifteen, fifteen. He hasn't been played with, and you don't have to share! Do I hear twenty?"
"I hear thirty! Nice tight puckered asshole to play with! Butt soft enough to squeeze for some good fun."
"Yes, yes. Forty-five. Who else wants a chance to break a man in before everyone else gets sloppy seconds?"
"Sixty! We haven't gone THAT high for two years. You must want this breathing fuck-toy boi bad! Anyone else?"
Short pause.
"Anybody? One...two...three...-sold to Lord Poneh for sixty chits! Want your new toy giftwrapped, my lordship?" The bay stallion teased, making an obvious rich joke out of it.
A few hours after the auction, Jeff got to meet his buyer.
Master Poneh was a nasty soul of a diligent sort; Jeff knew that, now. He stood nervously in place as the pony circled around and examined him casually-like he were a replica of a somewhat famous painting.
"I don't like your ears, your brisket hangs out too much, and-oh, yes-that rump of yours is too small for me."
Jeff was subservient to the little stallion who stood two feet taller than him, remembering the disgusting things Dr. Bigluv had done to him.
The eyes were so very haughty and proud-the lips on the muzzle were arrogant-the way Poneh stood; as if he were a king amongst his peons.
Poneh wore finery of an odd sort; a red ascot tucked into a fine black velveteen jacket with frills on the sleeves; gold buttons adorned the cufflinks; his pants were tan jodhpur breeches; his hooves were polished with black smears of fine oil; his tail had been braided nicely with strings of black and red streamers of woven and well tailored silk.
His fuzzy brown ears were wide and attentive, his mane wild, yet conservative in the paradox of a Beethoven-like style. His face sported a white blaze of a stripe right down his muzzle to the nape of his neck.
"I've bid upon thee, but your purposes which I can see are so limited. Perhaps after I make a proper maid of you, you will give me much more amusement than the obvious pity I see before me, now. What do you know about cleaning, little man bitch?" Remarked Lord Poneh with a snide cruelty to his words.
"Anyone can clean; that's why having a job as a janitor sucks-there's no job security."
Lord Poneh rubs his brown whiskered chin. Jeff would think he was cute, if he didn't have those intense 'too good for you' eyes like a prince or duke.
"Any idiot can mop up vomit, to be sure. But what about washing dishes without removing a fine gilded finish upon the ceramic surface, or dusting with a feather brush around fragile things like figurines and my fine display of Fabrog'e eggs?"
"Better luck next time?" Jeff mused, knowing that the brown pony would not appreciate his humour.
"'Better luck next time' is what I will say when I am whipping the bloody hell out of your arse after you so much as tap one of my priceless treasures!" The pony exclaimed, his eyes alight with impatient nobility as he whips the air hard with one strike of a black leather-bound riding crop.
The pony had the look of a noble, there wasn't any doubt about that. The very look of his eyes was of stoic snobbishness.
"Am I to be reminded that most of you common-born American whores think that you are more deserving of a royal title than I? My lineage remains pure; long lines of ancestors from Her Majesties' stock-tempered by years of elegance and generations of noble breeding."
"In-breeding." Jeff mumbles, trying to suppress a laugh.
"Silence peon!" The pony responds with a horrified whine.
Jeff did not know what was more amusing; the way the Shetland was dressed, or his delusions of grandiosity which could not be true if such an important equine were living-even rather comfortably-in a run-down place like this.
"You must be a cousin three times removed to have this type of money, but be living out of a dump. What's your title, Poneh? Official ass-kisser to the queen?"
Jeff felt pain blossom through his cheek, staggering backward with surprise as a black shadow zipped out of nowhere-
Then just as suddenly, another strike of the whip slaps across his other cheek in rapid painful undignified style.
"What-" And he was crying a little; not because of the pain, but because the crop against his face was so humiliating.
And Lord Poneh was grinning slightly with a righteous smirk, his eyebrow jerking a little; daring Jeff onward.
"Perhaps you will learn your place if I hit you enough times. It's no different than training a dog."
"Fuck you." Then Jeff spat at Poneh, who took the gob right in his face unamused with a scowl, clawing it off disdainfully with one gloved hand.
"A dog indeed-sit boy. Kneel in front of me if you don't want another taste of leather across your face." He sneered viciously through those petite pony incisors.
Jeff turned to go-
And received a painful whip across his naked ass by the cheeky pony. He jumped forward, the area smarting.
"O, ho! Care for me to try that on your balls?"
Jeff turns, feels the black of the stiff leather crop begin to lift up the limpness of his unerect penis.
Hungry eyes like a sadistic wolf stare at the flesh, amused.
"Hmm. We both know how much it will hurt if I flog this area, don't we?"
Jeff began to sweat nervously, not moving any part of himself as the horse had him at his mercy.
"Good. Some order in this household. Maybe you aren't a loss for a maid, after all.
His balls began to itch in nervous ticklish waves from the sudden helplessness to a despotic pony master.
"You can get dressed immediately. The clothing is in that closet over there."
He points to a wardrobe and leaves, releasing Jeff from his immense power. Jeff can hear the pony sit down daintily in a chair and begin to leaf through a book or news journal.
Pulling back the door of the portable closet, he sees dozens of copies of the same French maid outfit put up on hooks.
This was embarrassing. Was it worse to be naked, or dressed like someone's female sex servant?
Jeff did not know if he wanted to wear so much feminine garb.
There was the dress, the gloves, the stockings, a garter belt--
And the thong-
The thong itself was black with white lace trim, just like the hem of the skirt of the outfit. In fact, it looked like it was made for a man (or stallions') cock to fit snugly inside without any problem.
Then, when he felt the chill of the air conditioning begin to soak into his bare skin, he finally realized he had no choice.
He changed in the apparel with great shyness and went to see the master, whom was reading the issue of National Geographic featuring the articles on miniature horses and toxic waste dumping sites.
"Hello..." He said, waiting as all he could see behind the magazine were brown ears and the lower torso of the pony.
A moment passed, a page flipped noisily, a tired gust exited his nose.
Finally, after a few minutes, Poneh put down his reading material and eyed Jeff in his slut finery with a capricious attention to detail.
"Yes, there's a maid. What is it, now? I don't think I told you to report to me after you got dressed." Poneh declared.
"I-well, I wanted to know what you need cleaned." Jeff offered, standing there hollowly and ashamed looking like a doll.
"And after that discourse of janitors and such. So spirited in your convictions on what the job of maintenance sooooo required. Dust, bitch. You can start with that. I dust myself, but I've gotten bored with doing my own work. It's much more fun to have someone else do it while I stimulate myself with more becoming affairs."
"Like what?"
"Not even a butler with a pension with me for twenty years of good service would not have the gall to ask that!"
"If you paid me, I would be more willing to mind my business, but since I'm a slave, why should I care?"
"BECAUSE-I will rape you hard in the arse if you trouble me further, sirrah!"
And with that, Poneh gave Jeff a kick in his bare thonged ass to send him away.
Outside Poneh's study, Jeff eyed the décor of the living room. There was no t.v. to speak of, just bookcases and lots of little knick-knack finery like figurines and those eggs they make suck a big deal out of.
From his garter belt he pulled the feather duster and began to clean ever cautiously about the fine ceramic and fragile objects on display all about. At one point, he accidentally tore off a finger from a little angelic looking Pegasus, and he hoped Poneh wouldn't notice it, but he probably would later and get all pissed off.
As long as he didn't drop something, he would be good. He couldn't imagine what Poneh would do to him if he broke something instead of just tipping off a piece of a bigger figurine.
But then, another part of him wanted to break something just to enrage the arrogant pony master. Just to get back for all the humiliation.
Is a five-thousand dollar display object worth all the pain he put me through?
"What the hell are you doing, dusting with a cricket bat?!" Goes the snarling finicky voice of the master in all his high and mighty glory.
Then he charges into the room and looks at the broken ceramic Breyer horse in contempt, browsing all the fragments on the floor.
"You broke it, so you must be punished." He swats his palm with impatient slaps of his stiff riding crop.
He flicks his tail in a haughty horse way and proceeds toward his parlor. From his back comes his voice;
"Clean that up and come see me for your discipline, slut maid."
Jeff grins as he sweeps the little painted fragments into a dust pan and dumps it into the trash.
When he is finished, he goes before the pony who is now reading "The Equine Enquirer."; a magazine by horses for horses.
"Did you have fun breaking that collectible? I believe it was worth fifty dollars, so I am going to give you fifty whacks on your tender butt to compensate for the damages."
Jeff looked on, knowing that if he fought, the pony would have a tough time trying to whip him.
"Eat shit."
"Impudence in my home. Did you forget that I could send you back to Bigluv for stricter punishments if you disobey? Be thankful your just getting spanked. This will be less severe than whatever any of those full-sized brutes can do to you."
Poneh then tapped his lap expectantly, arranging himself in the armchair to accommodate the act.
Jeff hesitates, unsure what to do in the face of the coming pain. He hadn't been spanked in a long time, and to prostrate himself helplessly for a pony to do so would be quite embarrassing AND damaging.
"I hate you."
"I don't care. Just shut up and obey me, ruffian."
How demeaning it felt as Jeff crawled into the warm supportive lap of the pony as the master laughed in good fun over Jeff's humiliation.
"You should be glad you didn't break something more valuable. Fifty strokes is nothing. I once spanked a slave so many times that they passed out."
"I hate you."
Jeff blushed as the pony lifted up his skirt out of the way and rubbed his butt with soft molesting strokes of the whip before-
Pain stung through his bum like a cascade of putrefying fire.
Then more agony pierced through him ever more hotly than the last.
The burning sensation of it filled all his being with sharp stinging soreness and tears down his face.
After ten stripes, the pony rests his hand by placing the whip handle into Jeff's anus while he stretched his arms. Jeff's face burned with shyness from the strange humiliating intrusion.
Then, twenty, thirty, forty-
The whipping and his red burning asscheeks became his entire world, as each twinge of muscle or movement of his tired legs caused further agony.
"Almost there, maid bitch." The pony sneered happily in his cruel way.
Fortieth stroke blossoms on his ass like acid, burning into the hot fevered skin like a bad horrible memory-
Followed by another-
And another-
And another.
Each welting bruise of pain zaps dully into his head like silenced lightning, his body numbed to all other interference as the stinging flogs take him to oblivion-
\-crack!- (like an echo from hell)
And beyond that into the truer torments of the deeper purgatories of falsehood.
Echoes. Just echoes, now. Resounding off his being like soft thunderclaps in the distance.
Further he retreats from the pain and the agony of his punishment.
He tries to ignore all the bad sensations as they eagerly follow him; nibbling on his ass like hungry wolves.
Almost over-almost over before he can rest and pretend he was not taken so savagely by a horse.
Rest uneasily among the echoes of pain and the taps of discomforting blistering welts on his rump.
Meanwhile, while Jeff was in a straw strewn stall being taken care of by a perky provocative palomino, Greg awakens tiredly from his own pain-filled slumber to the amused attentions of the doctor.
Playtime and Playpens
"Your name is Greg, isn't it?" Mused the black stallion doctor.
"Yes, where is my friend?" Greg asks, his eyes delirious and fatigued.
God, he was so fucked up right now! The broken leg and the constant flow of morphine had his head all muddled up; he was as helpless as he could ever get.
"You have nothing to worry about. In fact, you've got nothing at all to worry about. For today, I thought I would give you over to a nice friend of mine who always wanted to be in this type of situation."
"What situation?"
"With that lame leg, why, you're as helpless as a..."
A great enormous horse with black fur and white feathering on his wrists and ankles came into the clinic, a giant pink duffel bag slung on one shoulder, a pearly smile of his white incisors displaying some impish delight.
"Baby." The giant shire finishes, laughing with a cruel amused whinny.
Only now did he see that the shire was actually carrying a diaper bag.
"Oh, fuck me!"
"A nice thought,' mused the great stallion with a laugh, 'but let's start off slow, shall we?" He declares, digging in his tote for something.
The stallion came out of the bag holding a strap-on pacifier, leaning in close to put it on Greg.
"First, my little foal, babies don't talk unless I let them."
But Greg, confused as he was, resisted, shaking his head and lashing weakly out with his arms.
The stallion went on, undeterred, shoving the rubber of the binkie between those soft stubborn lips and a brisk snap of leather, keeping the degrading pacifier-shaped gag in place.
"Hmmm." The big shire turns back to Dr. Bigluv.
"Do you mind if I take him to my quarters now, and change him there?"
Greg squealed in muffled protest as he heard the obvious plans of the horse that intended to put him through infancy again.
He couldn't imagine what that treatment would feel like, but he wasn't far from finding out what it entailed, either.
"Absolutely. I insist upon it. Normally, I'd keep him, but I have a strict personal code against raping lame animals, and I know that you are more interested in the fetish than the sex. Besides, you're the most gentlest of us living here. I can trust you to be slow and patient with this one, as he needs to be broken slow. His friend is different; Jeff is too headstrong to accept us without force-I could see it in his eyes."
"Damn you're good." Stallion daddy mused with a sigh of surprise, laughing.
"No, I'm just a stallion with a special instinct for seeing temperaments of men. Greg is willing, but he has the doubt in his body for this type of love. Jeff is a violent bargainer-if he can't negotiate his way from a bad situation, he tends to threaten with violence."
" Greg is..." The shire asks.
"He'll resist, but he won't have the hate in his heart for being denied his pride. Jeff will be someone else's difficulty. I recommended to Lord Poneh that he should bid on Jeff in the auction-to teach the arrogant bastard some humility and etiquette, but it's ultimately up to whoever wins the bidding war who gets to deal with the problem, but I personally DO prefer Poneh next."
"Me too; that Victorian snob with his crop/riding whip and maid slut training-the pony master does good work."
Greg had very little choice as the giant equine with the muscular bod picked him up and carried him out of the clinic and down several shady hallways; many doors on both sides. Careful not to jostle the broken leg, which had been bandaged only at the thigh to keep the shin and knee flexible, and four cold steel bars bound to the appendage to give it support, the stallion finally came to a door painted in an odd rainbow assortment of colors.
Inside was a decent living space decorated in the most lamest, gayest of ways; it looked like some sick-ass paradise for pedo's.
There was a fire-truck crib, a giant rainbow colored playpen in the center, infantile toys scattered all over the floor.
The shire brought him over to a good-sized plastic picnic table, laying Greg on his back, rubbing his muzzle, thinking, before ungagging Greg.
"Fuck, dude! This place looks like child molester heaven! Why the fuck did you decorate like this?!"
The big horse frowns, his eyes taking on an edge of impatience for one breed so normally known for calmness.
"You shame me, Greg. There are no stallion pedophiles in this place. This is all set up for adult baby play; it has nothing to do with children at all. This is just a harmless fun little kinky fetish for two mature adults-like us."
"Fuck that; I'm not your baby-I prefer being continent and sane!"
The stallion took out two giant diapers from his tote; one was blue, and the other was pink. He held them both out for obvious display.
"At this moment, you are faced with an interesting choice; Dr. Bigluv said that you were a more complacent fellow than that stubborn idiot friend of yours."
"What choice?"
"This is the way we're going to do it. Normally, I don't give two road apples about how I treat most of the humans who I bid on, but since this is your first dominance situation-you can either promise to be a good boy for me, and we can play and maybe have a fun time together. The alternative is to be a spoiled bratty girl, and you'll be miserable, and the only one having fun will be me-from your torments. I really don't want to humiliate you that badly, and you must realize that my control over you is total and undeniable-you can go with it, or get swept away; but I prefer the former because I'm a very cuddly friendly nursie."
Greg took some time to think about that. The choice was obvious, if resistance was impossible. But to submit so willingly to any of this was still degrading, anyway.
"My dignity..." Greg breaks off, uncertain.
"Dignity is stupid. In this place, ego will make things harder, and ultimately, everything will hurt more, anyway, when you lose that pride and submit. It is usually easier if you give up, now. That way, we can go easier on you when we see that you are earnestly trying to make the effort to meet us halfway."
Stallion Daddy cuts him off.
"Most of us who live here are very nice; there is compassion and mercy and understanding for sincere consenting slaves."
"Please don't hurt me."
The eyes of the giant towering stallion took on a glimmer of sympathy, hearing the utterance of those words. Realize it or not, Greg just inadvertently confessed that he was completely helpless to the shire.
"You are weak and helpless; that is all I desire. I merely wish to be a caring guardian."
Then as Greg wiggled there on the table with some certain amount of fear, the horse slid off his boxer shorts-his pants had been completely sheared off for the creation of the cast.
Stallion Daddy looked at the naked crotch and took a tender lick of Greg's limp penis, making the man shiver-before he threw the pink diaper to the floor, and held up Greg's ankles in one hand, taking great care to put all the pressure on the unbroken leg, lifting that delicate tiny human butt in the air.
The shire easily slides the diaper under those sensual buns, lowering Greg slowly into the soft cotton pad of the strange apparel. Greg whimpered shyly as he felt the material on his rear, nervous as hell.
Stallion Daddy immediately stops, picking up the scrawny Greg in his great black arms, the shire's body naked, muscular, and astonishingly beautiful. The shire hugs him, and he whispers soothingly, and he takes time for a kiss on Greg's cheek.
"Shhhhh. Don't worry baby Greg; I love you, I won't hurt you in any way."
The horse puts him down on the outstretched eggshell blue diaper. Daintily seizing a white container from nearby and sprinkling a generous silky shower of white powder onto Greg's crotch, which tingled like a soft rain upon his delicate bared skin and genitals, before setting it down and lifting the front part of the diaper and fastening it tightly in place on the human's hips with little tape ends in place.
Greg felt the thick material of the giant disposable diaper; heard it crinkle with every tiny movement of his legs and breathing. It felt so embarrassing to be forced to wear the article, but he knew that if he resisted, not only would he fail, but things could have been even worse. The stallion was right; as bad as this is, he could make things much more uncomfortable.
Stallion Daddy shoves the pacifier gag back into Greg's mouth and fastens it in place quickly, picking the human up and carrying him over to the giant playpen in the middle of the room, placing him in with a thud on his padded thick cotton butt against the soft bed-like material of the playpen floor.
"Why don't we play with your blocks?" And as Greg saw the horse wink, he knew that there was some hidden meaning to that comment.
Greg looks at the blocks; normal wooden blocks with letters and numbers on them, but a little bigger than normal. He picks one up; uncertain.
Then the answer snaps quickly into his mind like a rubber band breaking-
Letters on blocks; this was how he was supposed to talk!
Greg grinned wryly, pacifier astray at his lips.
Spelling that out so plainly was almost satisfying and fun.
The stallion rubbed his whiskered white and black chin.
"Hmmm. I think I'll pretend this once that baby doesn't know what he's spelling, and that was a fluke, your frustrations at this moment considered."
Greg shivered, remembering the blue diaper was an act of mercy and that the shire could easily have him in pink and do all kinds of kinky horrible things to him.
He looked at the other things in the pen with him; One of those lame-ass loop stackers. A Jack in the crack. A little car steering wheel. One of those retarded elementary school phones-well, that last one wasn't so bad-if he got bored of being trapped in this crappy place, he could use the cord of the phone to strangle himself to death.
It was funny that babies found these things so entertaining; then again, Greg was officially a "big boy", so he didn't need this crap.
He needed a good woman, a few rounds of Halo, or maybe even a few bouts with a boxer at the Y-but this was almost disgusting to a mature man.
The soft kind eyes of the shire seemed to agree, as stallion daddy rested his arms on the top of the very high rail of the pen, gazing patiently in, swatting his short tail about which betrayed his inner impatience.
Greg stared at the horse, unsure what the stallion was waiting for. Until the big horse finally sighed, reaching those thick arms in, picking up a plastic ball, and rolled it towards him.
Greg let it tap his thigh and rebound away, unfazed; uncaring.
"At least TRY to enjoy it." The horse declared, flustered greatly.
When Greg continued to sit there on his padded butt, unmoving, the stallion snorted and wagged his finger, now looking more stern a caretaker.
"Baby Greggie weggie-if you don't try to have some fun, I'm going to go to Dr. Bigluv for a disposable glycerin micro-enema so I will at least have fun changing you."
When Greg did not respond to the threat, stallion daddy smiled with some mischief, as was his way when formulating some plan of action which would be considered extreme and somewhat cruel, but never violent-unless one counted the spankings.
"Greggie doesn't know what glycerin is, does he?"
Then the stallion laughed, amused by this new fact, as he stroked his chin and thought about it some more.
"But you want to know, I'm sure; so that you have good reason to be afraid. Well, baby, glycerin is a very powerful glucose related byproduct of soap-making. It irritates the rectum so bad, that in a majority of users, a bowel movement is uncontrollable-particularly in the later stages of the drug's effect. It is easy to resist for awhile, but eventually like a tide, the urge gets closer, and closer, and closer-until your bum's all wet!"
Then the shire laughed, grinning at the shocked expression of his charge. Greg shivered, thinking of the disgusting feeling of shitting himself-and not in a toilet-like a baby.
"So I think we understand each other?" The stallion prompted, to which Greg emphatically nodded.
He took another look around the pen and found something he might be able to have fun with.
Greg picked up and aimed a gun at the big horse!
In response, the stallion raised his hands high in the air, bumping them into the ceiling accidentally as he chuckled heartily in his deep rumbling voice.
"Does baby wanna blow bubbles at daddy?"
A rainbow colored weapon with two rippling reservoirs on the top, a battery likely in the plastic handle, and a nozzle at the end with a hoop.
Greg wished he had the courage to use the real thing, but for now-
Shining rainbow spheres floated through the air with each press of the yellow trigger. It was somewhat fun to watch the bubbles shoot out in streams of bouncing friendly phantoms of viscous soapsuds.
Equally, Greg wished he could laugh without the gag in place as he watched the stallion-big as he was-dodge many of the attacking spheres nimbly like a dancer, few popping against his furred hide and creating damp little circles amongst his body.
Finally, Greg ran out of ammo, and as the last bubble left the muzzle of the toy, stallion daddy easily crouched down and snorted, gently launching the bubble back. It popped on Greg's nose with a tingle and a hint of the smell of diluted solution.
"What joy! What else would baby like to play? I know-why don't we get Greggie something to eat?"
Then the shire left him by himself in the room for ten minutes or so to do something. While the horse was gone, Greg cleared out a space for himself in the playpen free of any objects. Instead of playing with Honk Kong's finest crap, he gave himself over to thoughts of escape-which wasn't easy with a broken leg. While the playpen looked like nothing to stallion daddy, to Greg it was an inescapable monolith of infantilism doom.
Stallion daddy came back with a blush on his cheeks, a sheath smeared darkly with some shiny oily substance, and a warm steamy baby bottle of ready-made formula.
"Fresh milk for baby!" He announced, bending over the playpen rail to undo Greg's pacifier, and gently hand him the almost toasty bottle.
Greg looked at the contents, unsure and quite nervous.
"Finish your ba-ba, or daddy will give you a glycerin now, and another glycerin tonight before you go to bed so you have to sleep in your mess until morning." Then he began to tap the polished white painted wood of the rail with impatient taps of his hoovie fingernails.
Greg began to suck on the bottle, mystified by the flat viscous taste of what drank like a bland warm milkshake. After he got used to the taste and the ropy thick sticky gobs rolling down his throat, he managed to drink down his formula earnestly until there was nothing left, and he shyly handed it back up to the giant horse towering over him.
"Does baby want more? I don't know if daddy has it in him!" Mused the horse, grinning, but he took the bottle and left the room once more.
Strangely, the formula rested well in his stomach and made him a little sleepy. There weren't any drugs in it, it was just that it was so heavy and it caused that response; like becoming tired after eating a large dinner.
Greg lay on his back, arms under his head as he thought about Jeff, wondering what they might be doing to his friend. The thoughts turned to worry almost immediately, as he remembered the tough times with his college friend.
What are they doing to Jeff? What are they going to do to both of us?
Greg wished he had never gotten the idea to follow one ridiculous exuberant pony into the wolf's den of sexual depravity. For now, Greg was lucky to have a caretaker who was gentle, but how would they treat him once his leg mended itself?
And...what other acts will he and his buds be exposed to in the coming days of darkness?
Minutes later, the stallion would return to the nursery with a worried expression, dropping the full bottle of "milk" to land with a dull thump on the floor, and immediately reaching his arms into the crib to take up Greg into his satin warm-furred chest and welcoming muscular pecs, nickering softly into the ears of the crying man.
"Shhh. Shhh. What's wrong, Greggie?" Stallion Daddy whispered to the tiny form held delicately in his toasty strong arms.
"It's-It's...It's-M-m-m...friend..." Greg managed to get out.
The shire did not respond, closing his soft almond colored eyes, and snorting soft gusts of his nares onto the bare flesh of his baby in light teasing, tingling caresses.
"And me..." Greg finished.
"You ARE afraid, aren't you? I understand; a new lifestyle change is very scary when you are given no choice but to accept it."
Stallion daddy strokes Greg's unkempt hair back, rocking him back and forth. He feels as his baby grabs shyly for his long chest fur in reassurance.
"I didn't want to accept it." Greg whispered, calming some.
"Sometimes, great men cannot predict the course of their lives. Sometimes, it is hard enough to make your own decisions, that being given no choice is even worse. Great men rise above persecution of the body with strength of the mind. I admire you humans for that; we equines must take whatever we are given and be content with it, but humans always have dreams of better things for themselves."
Greg's teary eyes looked at the closed eyes of the equine behemoth, amazed at the insight of the draft stallion.
"Humans can dream, and they can see the future good. Horses can only live happily for the moment and take whatever they can for the sake of pleasure and small purposes. Greater purpose in life; my kind do not think as you do; our kin do not plan for the future, we take pleasure in the present. I suppose that's why people compare horses to hedonists, but we know no better-it is our way."
Then the stallion positioned Greg in such a way that the human was held by his underarms, feet and diapered torso hanging limp in the air, before the shire tossed him up against his chest, one hand on his bare back and the other firmly grasping his padded butt in a light grip.
Stallion daddy grinned, his and Greg's faces close in the unequal embrace, sighs of electric emotion tingle through both of them at the touches of something so intimate.
And this was where Greg found comfort-
Falling into trusting slumber as the stallion whispered kind nonsensical things soothingly into his ears like a lulling verse of a lullaby.
Greg awoke later with a yawn, uncertain of how long he had been asleep. Looking through hazy half closed eyes, he saw the red bars of the fire truck crib, a mobile above spun with little plastic non-anthro horses frozen in various running positions.
He had his head on a big sky blue pillow, and was covered up to his ribs by a thick comforter with stars and moon cartoon pictures on it; all of them smiling like Greg being a baby was the biggest joke in the world.
Greg made a movement as if to roll over on his side to get more comfortable, when he bumped into something big and warm-stopping himself uncertainly. Turning his head, he saw the giant horse was sleeping in the enormous crib with him, a hoovie thumb in his muzzle, his eyes closed tiredly, and his chest heaving with calm relaxed breaths of sleep. In his arms was held a giant stuffed brown horse-
Looking down with shock, Greg could almost laugh!
The big stallion wore a big starched white cloth diaper about his waist, clear plastic pants pulled up tightly over the garment as if to hide it unsuccessfully. Another odd thing was the giant safety pin holding it all together; which was little larger than Greg's own hand.
Greg had a difficult time believing that stallion daddy was really just a big baby himself.
For someone so powerful-for someone who can exert so much force over others-he was really just a giant gentle creature who enjoyed his own fetish.
If stallion daddy were an asshole, if he just enjoyed doing this to others because it gave him power trips or ego, Greg could have no problem disliking him-but this was different; it was like the stallion's own way of trust.
By letting Greg see him this way, the shire had made himself an equal; not a master or guardian. Both in diapers. Perhaps if it was a shared experience as opposed to something strictly happening to Greg alone, he could come to accept the big black and white stallion as his caretaker...
\-Suddenly, Greg felt a little different-
The usual cheap padded cotton of his own disposable diaper was replaced with the cloth and plastic panties like the big horse wore.
It was hot, and the edges on his thighs itched a little bit, but Greg was willing to accept it, as long as he wasn't forced to use them-or at least not any time soon.
He tried to straighten out the wrinkled garment, adjusting the waist some as his eyes caught the reflective almond of the shires'. He stopped immediately, squeezing his buns against the cloth of his diaper and shivering.
"Greggie's anus smelled good as I was changing him. I liked it."
The horse snorted a teasing breath into Greg's face, proceeding to hug his plush close to his black furred chest and roll about on his back, plastic panties crinkling loudly, as the horse sighed in bliss and rubbed his face in the soft fabric of his stuffed animal.
Then to Greg's surprise, Stallion daddy tosses the stuffed animal and reaches for him instead, huggling him close to that dark heaving warm chest, giggling with joyful neighs
"Hmmm. I love my baby."
Greg felt both muscular arms clasped about his back as the big horse rocked side to side. Greg had his own arms against that big chest, placing his head on fur to hear the low beat of the shire's giant heart. Greg rubbed the soft haired and firm body in wonder and pleasure, his head restless against the black hairs of daddy's muscular pecs.
It felt so good, and somehow, Greg was learning to trust-love the big creature.
"Daddy..." Greg began uncertainly, his cheeks red from embarrassment. He didn't know how to ask, as it was such an awkward thing for him to say.
"Yes, Greggie?" Then he licked the human affectionately on his cheeks, rubbing his diapered bottom with firm strokes which made Greg sigh with bliss for a few moments; unable to concentrate on anything else.
"Daddy...I...I want..."
"It's okay. Shhhh...take your time, lovely little colt."
Greg felt himself melt confidently into the arms and strokes and fur of the warm friendly stallion, almost ready to collapse and fall into rest again, but his request burned through him; denying any sleep.
"Daddy...I want to mess myself for you...but I'm nervous."
The shire licked his face tenderly, the up and down heaves on the horse's chest hypnotic and lulling.
"I'll help you with a Bisacodyl suppository, if it is alright. The dose will be five times larger than normal, but it's for baby's own good, okay?"
Greg nodded shyly, cringing protectively against the silky black fur, shivering a little in apprehension and fear.
"If it's for my own good." Greg declared, consenting coyly with a cute wag of his large padded bum, to which the shire laughed gaily.
Greg wiggled as he felt the horse lift up the back of his diaper and plastic pants; a breath of fresh air blasting into the humidity of the normally closed diaper. Then the horse took something out of his own pillowcase; a clear thick thing which looked like a finger and was wrapped in a sandwich bag.
Removing it, he took it in one hand, reaching his other arm down the dark steamy depths of Greg's waiting cloth dipee, curving the suppository into position with ease and sliding the greasy self-lubricating piece into Greg's protesting ass, even as he felt the chemicals burn his anal rings as it slid through the stubborn opening.
"Now baby, trust in me, and I won't leave your side until this is all over."
And with that, stallion daddy dropped the dipee and panties back down with a light reassuring pat of his wide palm.
At first the heat was like a light candle deep inside his butt, begging to be let out. He continuously contracted his rectum to try to ignore the fiery sensation, and it worked for awhile. But slowly, the fire grew and spread like a horrible powerful blaze of undeniable loss of control. He squeezed his buns and rectum simultaneously to try to smother the force eating deep within, but each waking second as his body struggled and writhed on the shires' comforting fur, the suppository demanded to be released, and it was escaping with friends-the contents of his ass if he let it!
Tiny pecks of cramps like bird beaks echoed through his lower bowel, making him convulse further.
The urge itself was coming easily through his butt with the painful sizzling of the sun at close range. It was so intense to hold it in; why did Greg bother? It was only going to get worse until he lost all control and messed himself, anyway. Then Greg realized with horror that this was not so different than his own plight-by resisting the stallions, he only made things worse. By accepting his fate, things were better for him.
He felt as stallion daddy put one hand against his butt; ready to feel when Greg started filling out his diaper. The shire used his other hand to rub Greg's back and shoulder blades, nibbling softly on his ears, as Greg breathed hard through his teeth as his body rocked from the undeniable force of the laxative.
"Resisting a stallion is like resisting a laxative; you can get away with it for awhile, but eventually the pressure always builds up and gets worse until you lose." Greg observed, cringing with a grunt as he tried in vain with racking jerks of all his taut muscles to keep his diaper clean.
Then the sudden blast of his own rectum immediately pushed the contents of his bowels out into the cloth of his waiting dipee, as he panted hard with each new cramp and shove of his bum.
He actually began to sweat and pant hard through the rough ordeal!
Soon, he was empty, but his ass was still going; trying to desperately squeeze out anything, but he was vacated, and the urge to shit met with nothing more than emptiness and the occasional squirt of almost clear jelly-like rectal lining; which was not too serious as long as there was no blood or tears or perforations in the bowel.
Finally, Greg was exhausted-he felt as bad as his own shit-as he collapsed completely on the big horse with a deep loud sigh, his sweat dampening his hair and making his diapered butt and crotch itch almost unbearably.
"Daddy. I love you."
Then Greg fell into heavy exhausted sleep almost immediately.
The next day found Greg unawares. He had been rediapered with a fresh nappy, his hands and feet had been covered in silken light blue mitts, and he had been dressed in a shirt with a ufo on it.
He blinked his eyes several times at the horse standing above in his own nappy, holding a normal removable pacifier in his hand.
"Open wide baby." He said in a whisper, his eyes half closed adorably as he smirked with those big lips.
Greg, knowing the alternative, did not resist; allowing the big horse to put it in his mouth almost immediately.
"Good little foal. Let's have a fun breakfast. What would you like to eat?"
Greg shrugged uncertainly, rolling over to go back to sleep, to which the shire laughed heartily.
"Baby must be tired!. Okay, I will wake you up from naptime in a few hours."
Greg snorted lightly and went back to bed.
Greg awoke to tongue clicks and the sound of his name being called. His mouth was wide open and parched, the pacifier had fallen out and was now scratching against the back of his head like a hard lump. His mittens had been removed.
"Greggie..." The horse whispers gently, giggling coyly as he watched Greg stretch and yawn.
He looked up into the delicate amber eyes of the stallion and smiled, licking his chapped lips.
"Thank you for changing my dipee daddy."
The shire reached in and rubbed Greg's chin.
"Thank YOU for giving daddy something to change. I know how hard it is for you to want to mess yourself, and I am glad you did it as a present to me."
Greg rolled around a little. Enjoying the fresh thick nappy on his butt. It wasn't so bad or humiliating once you got used to it.
"Does baby want to watch the t.v. while I make lunch?" Stallion daddy cooed.
Greg nodded in response, sitting up in the crib; thick diaper and plastic panties making him look like a plump little baby pony without a tail.
"You are adorable! Here!"
The stallion lifted him out of the crib and carried him over to the playpen. Once inside, Greg noticed that Stallion daddy had installed a new t.v. into the wall; a nice medium-sized LCD with silver trim borders.
The horse handed him the remote (which had the battery compartment heavily taped over), turned on the flat screen, and left out the door.
Greg flipped through the channels, but saw that the t.v. skipped some; like they had been blocked or something. Eventually, he found that he could only get ten or so channels. One channel he could watch was CNN.
So, he sat there watching the news until daddy came back holding a plate and a mott's juice box, putting both on the picnic table.
"Time to e-"
Then the horse's eyes focused on what Greg was watching; a CNN documentary special on the crazy rantings of Kim Jong Il.
"No baby! Here, watch this instead." Then he reached in real fast and stole the remote right from Greg's hand, facing it at the t.v. and changing the channel to blue's clues.
"That bad man is too scary for baby. Give baby nightmares at beddie bye time tonight."
"Baby no wanna watch blue's clues." Greg protests.
Stallion daddy crossed his arms, looking a little ridiculous standing there in a giant horse sized nappy.
"Okay, stinky pants. What does Greggie wanna watch?"
"The A team?" Greg shyly offered.
"A team is too mean for baby. Why don't you sit in my lap while we watch daddy's favorite?"
Daddy's favorite? Now, Greg was intrigued. What show do horses in diapers like to watch. The stallion put a DVD into a player on a high wall shelf nearby, turning the channel on the t.v. to the VCD channel.
"What does daddy like?" Greg asks, curious.
The big horse took him out of the crib, set him on the floor in front of the LCD screen, and went to go get his lunch, sitting right behind him with a big hissing thump of his large diaper. Then he was lifted on top of daddy's lap, whom sat with his legs crossed.
The stallion snuggled close to the human on him, rubbing his satin furred muzzle all about Greg's face and upper torso, reaching about to hug the small man tight to his black chest in affectionate embrace, as he pointed the remote at the DVD player and pressed play.
"Here baby. I hope you enjoy it."
Then daddy blushed as he bounced Greg lightly on his silky dark thighs, taking a soft lick right up the man's back with his warm soft tongue.
On the screen, things started with the usual F.B.I. copyright warning crap and their prosecution policies and everything like that-then there were those stupid commercials for other videos or t.v. shows available.
Then stallion daddy's eyes were half-closed, and he was blushing and drooling, as it finally started.
"I always loved this show; it gave me such happy memories."
Greg smirked wryly; he should have already known what they would be watching, as different colored little horses raced each other; some with wings, some with horns-while a little pink dragon struggled to keep up.
"SpikeTM totally got gypped by those roomies." Greg mused, as the intro resolved into a giant rainbow with the title;
"My Little PonyTM."
1980's; old school-none of that new crap where the ponies look like pigs, almost.
"I always did wonder why he stayed. It must have been awkward for a dragon to hang out with a bunch of ponies." The shire observed.
Greg lay back into the warm fur and padded plastic diaper like a recliner, as the big horse whuffed his nostrils through his hair with tickling sensations of whiskers and breath.
"I liked WindwhistlerTM; she was the smartest one there. And her voice was really nice."
"You mean sexy." Stallion daddy teased.
"Not at eight years old!" Greg protests with a laugh.
The intro resolves into "The Revolt At Paradise EstateTM" episode, where they try to fix up their crumbling house.
"What cute little horses." Remarked the shire.
"I always did like horses." Then Greg frantically covered his mouth, blushing.
"I mean...watching the show was very interesting; I liked how they did the animation." He reiterated coyly, coughing.
Stallion daddy hugged Greg, bouncing him lightly on his thighs and giving an affectionate whicker.
"I KNEW there was a reason why I liked you. It wasn't so obvious when I watched your reactions, but when you come out and say it like that, I'm glad I got you as my foal."
Greg blushed as he looked frantically about. Finally, he picked up a peanut butter and jelly sandwich which was three times bigger than normal. On the one foot diameter plate was also a giant chocolate chip cookie.
He bit through the enormous sandwich trying to cover his shyness, almost choking it down a few times.
The shire placed his head on Greg's shoulder, looking him in the eye with his own.
"You don't have to be coy about it; we horses are graceful beautiful creatures."
But then the stallion laughed gently, each blow from deep within.
"Since baby loves daddy so much, perhaps he will submit to another thing I intend to do."
Greg only sighed as he ate; his joy, now, was only to please his caretaker with the obsidian black fur.
"Yes, daddy?" Then he shivered as the love and the affection for the big shire coursed through his small helpless human body.
"Just eat your lunch and watch t.v. with daddy. We'll do it later." The shire gently assures, rubbing those naked light-skinned arms softly in reassurance.
Greg went back to eating, easily consuming the sandwich, cookie, and pint-sized apple juice box with a loud burp, to which the horse laughed with much mirth.
They had watched the adventures of the ponies for an hour or so before stallion daddy finally asked for his favor.
"Time for Gweggie's butt plug!" Declared the horse with amusement.
Greg looked back apprehensively at the heaving muscles and the fibrous thick powerful neck, but he knew the horse would never hurt him.
All along, the stallion had known that Greg did not respond to pain; that he was a vessel of trust and sensitivity if only treated the right way.
"The effective dose of ex-lax I put in your cookie will activate in six hours from ingestion, but that is much too soon. I want to change your diaper in ten hours. If you let me plug you up, you won't be able to mess yourself unless I let you. We'll use a very thick one to make sure only I can remove it and it doesn't get expelled early by accident."
Greg could not help but drool and melt back into the horse submissively.
"Yes, daddy."
"Lie on the floor, baby. I'll do this as gently as I can, but I know you aren't used to being stretched like that."
Greg twisted about, rubbing his face all over the furred chest of the big horse, blushing and feeling like a slut, but unable to control the feelings.
Just like being diapered, loving a horse was also something that Greg was fondly getting used to.
He crawled slowly from the stallion's lap, careful not to put any weight on his broken leg, as he lay with his belly on the carpet, and his limbs all splayed out in surrender.
"Hmmm. What a delicious diapered rump you have. I had a delightful time fondling it during your two previous changing's." The stallion observed, peeling the back of his diaper and plastic panties down, baring his naked bottom to the suddenly refreshing cold air.
Stallion daddy licked along Greg's crack, making him shiver from the sudden pleasure.
He felt that long muscular horse tongue dig into his anus as those big powerful hands held his buttocks to the side, digging so deeply that he felt the velvet slickness of the appendage slide hard and almost painfully against his prostate, making Greg squeeze his buttocks and thrust hard against the front of the diaper and floor with his quickly stiffening cock.
"Baby likes that, huh? I thought so. Do you want to cum, baby? Do you want me to let you cum in your dipee just this once?"
Greg drools from the assault of that tongue, worshipping the power of it's caress.
"Please daddy, let baby cum!" Greg begs, horny after days of sexual frustration and broken promises from a life before.
"If I let baby cum, you don't get a dipee change until after you mess yourself. Is that okay?"
"If you let baby cum, I will let daddy change me and make me mess anytime he wants."
Then when Greg heard the magic words, it almost made him blush, as he felt the tongue do wonderful things to his insides;
"Okay, baby, here comes the airplane!"
Then Greg's body shook from a massive bone-crippling tongue lashing and light finger-fucking; his ass hungry and horny and taking all of it with little resistance or pain, as the horse claimed Greg for his desires for all of eternity, even as Greg heard the dim audio of the t.v. above; of a little baby pony who loved her stroller more than anything.
Greg was a baby pony slut, loving every minute of it; almost oblivious to anything else.
Greg awoke minutes later, the front of his diaper all sticky and wet with his own cum, as he felt the big object stuffed up his bum; irremovable and reminding him of his sore butt with lingering burning wafts of cinnamon-like pain.
As he crawled on his elbows, something tickled his feet. He looked over to see a long black horsetail leading from a hole in the back of his diaper, and likely attached to the mildly uncomfortable girth of the giant latex plug in his rectum.
Greg was almost ashamed to have a tail longer than daddy's; talk about inadequacy issues; even if it WAS fake!
Two big arms flipped him over onto his back, as a white and black furred muzzle covered his belly and began to blow raspberries on the tender skin, making Greg laugh loudly from the tickling sensation of the big mouth and the flatulence noises.
Then the hands grabbed his sizable length of ersatz tail and tugged it gently, making Greg's butt throb with delight.
"Time for baby pony's tail brushies!"
Greg drooled with pleasure as each pass of the curry comb on his tail gave the plug a tiny tug; enough to rub him the right way; maybe to another orgasm if it lasted long enough!
Talk about stroking someone to climax!
"Here baby, you dropped this." Coyly and lovingly remarks the shire, putting the blue plastic of the pacifier back in his mouth.
Greg lay back, sucking on the binkie, and let the big horse do whatever he wanted, each inch of Greg's skin sung with pleasure and ecstatic need for attention.
Then daddy's special cookie hit-
Greg felt the mush collect and slosh around his colon and upper rectum, a little bit of cramping proceeding it all.
The human cringed involuntarily from the discomfort; the bowel movement tried to escape as it swirled through his insides with powerful horrible squirts of pain from the internal workings of his snaking lumen.
Stallion daddy stopped immediately, putting his ear to Greg's tummy and hearing the rumbling and grumbles from within.
"There's that cookie I promised you." The shire declared wryly, rubbing Greg's abdomen in reassuring caresses.
"Can Gweggie hold it for another two hours?"
Greg cringed, unsure if he could, as the serpent of messiness twirled through him, trying to escape.
"Let's watch some more of my favorite show."
Then the stallion picked him up and had Greg in his lap as before, but this time rubbing Greg's belly with slow massaging strokes in an attempt to temporarily placate the force within the human's bowels...
But all Greg wanted to do was lie down and try to ignore the pain-perhaps by napping.
When the stallion saw the human roll over in helplessness right in his lap, trying to sleep, the horse nodded, and took Greg to his crib.
"Okay, sweet thing. I'll try to help you rest through it."
The horse climbed the rails easily, putting Greg down and placing the comforter over him, kissing Greg on the face, even as the human groaned out.
Greg thought he could handle the pain of the horrible diarrhea sensation if he found a way to rest and ignore it.
Greg felt the hot fur of the horse against his supple human body, taking much pleasure in the simplicity of his equine daddy's embracing loving arms.
It was a restless two hours of tummy rubbies and watching the mobile above twirl to the upbeat noise of the t.v. still active with what sounded like a MLP marathon.
Here comes the airplane...
Greg awoke to the sensation of something rattling. At first he thought it was daddy's breathing, but as he was stirring, he realized he was moving!
Looking frantically about, he saw with some fright that the big horse was pushing him around in a giant baby buggy, a soft pastel blue bonnet tied to his head, pacifier in his mouth, and comforter drawn well up to his chin. For a moment all he could think of was the thick plug up his butt, but soon the curiosity of their destination struck him witless.
"I'm going to share my new baby with the neighbors." The shire wryly remarked, making Greg's cheeks burn with embarrassment, helpless to do anything about it except lie back and be a baby out for a stroll with daddy.
He wanted to ask what was going on, but the pacifier was strapped on. He wanted to take out the pacifier, but he had mittens over his hands which he was helpless to remove. He wanted to kick off his thick hot comforter, but his booties over his feet gave him no traction to do so; Greg was truly helpless to the great equine.
"What's this?" Remarked an amused voice.
Greg looked into the rainbow hued shining eyes of a curious white furred ivory horned unicorn stallion with a long braided beard/goatee. Under the intensity of those interested eyes, Greg wanted to hide.
"Ah, hey there, Rovas. This is the new baby that Dr. Bigluv left in my care. Isn't he the cutest wittle pony colt?" Remarked stallion daddy with obvious pride.
"Can I take a peek of his wittle dipee?" Enquired Rovas with a lecherous chuckle, pointing down into the carriage at Greg with one of his hoof-like fingertips.
"Sorry, Rovas. I don't think my baby would appreciate that too much." Warned stallion daddy in a firm tone, his black ears back.
"I...see." Rovas remarked, put off by the sudden threatening tone of the shire.
To Rovas's departing withers, stallion daddy remarked; "A nasty fellow. He hides behind elegance and the beauty of his species, but his heart is blacker than a shadow's worth of coal dust. Don't worry, little foal, I won't let anyone like 'Rovas the rapist' near you." Then he gave an affirmative gust of his nares.
A few more minutes, and numerous curious horny staring equines later, stallion daddy came to the clinic of Dr. Bigluv.
The pure black stallion was pleased to receive both of them with much starkly visible joy and haste, the amusement most obvious in his horsy complexion.
"Baby has a present for you, but we need three glycerin micro-enemas for Gweggie to get it ready. Would you go get them while I prep him?"
The thoroughbred shrugged his withers with a laugh, turning to his top cabinet above the sink and taking down a green and white cardboard box that contained four of the little burning laxative doses. He dumped three into his palm, and put the last back into the cabinet with a soft shut of the wooden black door. He held them out as if to hand them over to stallion daddy.
"It has been some time since you worked as my nurse with a specialty in effecting incontinence. How does the new role of parenting go for you?" Bigluv declared, his thoughts heavy from early memories.
"It's fantastic. We both know that how I have it with Gweggie right now is the way I like it."
"Daddy likes himself a little boy?" Bigluv mused, resting his hands on the rim of the stroller, peering in.
"Not to have a real one, as we both know I am quite gay, and let's be realistic; what kind of place is this for a kid I would adopt?"
Bigluv shivered, not oblivious to that horror.
"This place is barely suitable for the adult humans we capture." Bigluv admitted with a haunted grunt.
"Perfect for a horde of horny stallions, but hardly the place for the innocent-we both agreed on that-and all horses living here agreed on that; we only take fully mature adult men, and we lure them here with promises of sex; we just do a bait and switch-instead of them fucking horny women, we fuck horny men!" Remarked the shire with a wry chuckle.
Then Greg felt as the big horse pulled down the thick sheet, exposing his almost naked diapered body to the air. Then, right in the stroller, those big arms turn him over and pull down his dipee and plastic panties-then prepare to pull out the plug.
"Ready with those Dr.? When I take his plug out, I want you to squirt all those into him as soon as you can-then I'll pull his diaper back up so we can wait for the big messing to begin before we change him."
The doctor grinned, only the white of his incisors and eyes visible in the dim light of the clinic amongst his black furred naked body.
Greg blushed as daddy tore the wide butt plug from his tight greedy ass with a gasp of his grasping anus, the plug is soon replaced, one after another, with three squirting-burning nozzles, the liquid-like fire melting painfully and irresistibly through his diarrhea filled caverns.
So this was why the shire wanted him to wait before evacuating his bowels of the ex-lax cookie.
Daddy pulls up Greg's diaper with a playful snap upon his tender hips and lower back, patting his baby lightly on the head as the two stallions patiently waited and made conversation.
Because Greg's hole had been stretched so well by the plug, he had very little control over his ass except to squeeze his buttocks together and hope to hold the force briefly back-like daddy preferred.
Yes, the past day of living as the baby of a horse had taught him that the shire enjoyed a genuine bout of incontinence instead of one so inclined to expel the laxative early when they still had control and thus ruining the effect.
Greg knew it, now; in true incontinence of the bowel, there is no control, and no chance to hold anything back-everything was going to empty into the nappy, no ifs ands or butts.
In a strange way, by consenting to these oddities of the shire, they had shared something special between each other. Something Greg could look back to in later years without regret-
Like clockwork, the laxatives distracted him from his thoughts and made him think of their powerful effect on his insides, but he also realized that he had more control over his body, and glycerin was nicer than the Bisacodyl which had been shoved in him earlier.
Be thankful for that; glycerin doesn't hurt so much. In fact-
Greg blushed shyly with the next unbidden thought-
He felt happy with the idea of soiling himself for the shire who was his loving caretaker.
"Wow. Your charge has an amazing capability for control. I'm almost jealous." Bigluv joked with a laugh.
Stallion daddy stroked Greg's chin with soft affectionate rubs of his big furred hand.
"He's doing it because he loves me. Smart little bastard figured it out."
To Bigluv's shrug of incomprehension, stallion daddy snorted a blustery gust and gave a chuckle.
"He is going to wait until he has ABSOLUTELY no control-then he will mess himself like a shitting machine. It takes true incontinence to completely empty the rectum and colon; there won't be anything left in him by the time we get to changing him."
The doctor smiled wryly, his eyes twinkling.
"We could always fix that with a soapsuds enema. You're never squeaky clean until you take an enema."
The shire cast the black stallion a glare which inferred that the glycerin and the following diaper change would be enough for Greg; more humiliation would be unneeded and prove cruel, particularly since they knew Greg was behaving well beyond their expectations.
Greg shivered as he felt the heat melt through him like a firestorm, every ten seconds his rectum convulsing; ready to expel whatever nasty things were in his ass-
Give it time-
Soon, his ass wanted relief almost every second, and his very butt burned hotly like a ton of cinnamon oil had been poured in there.
He cringed, and his muscles were restless with strain and concentration as he resisted onwards to the true state of incontinence, struggling the whole way to keep his rectum from going off too soon and ruining it for both him and the shire waiting above with his grin and his kind patient eyes.
Stallions are like laxatives; the longer you can resist their power, the more fulfilling it feels once you capitulate.
It was time-
The two stallions could not hide their amusement when they heard the loud wet noise of poopy farts in the closed space of the clinic; of the grunts and straining noises of Greg's body; of the sight of a diaper which was quickly growing in bulk and contents along with a pungent foul odour.
"That was certainly fun to watch. What should I do with the movie I took of this little event?"
Then the doctor pointed up towards the ceiling at a camera.
"Burn it or keep it to yourself doctor; this was a special private show just for the two of us. If you show that movie to anyone, not only will it cheapen the original event, it will also make Greg look like an undignified whore."
Dr. Bigluv crossed his arms, sighing with a loud snort.
"Am I given to understand that you are getting overprotective of this lecherous over-dignified bitch of a human?"
"I made him a promise. If he agreed to be sincere in trying to please us, then I made the inference that the stallions of this compound would be much nicer to him."
"How could I forget; Our little 'mercy for man-fucking' program. Okay, I can't promise where that movie will end up, but I think we need to change our big baby, don't we?" He remarked, pointing at Greg, whom was shivering and laying on his side with a diaper which he had completely filled with his mess.
"True. It would be cruel of us to leave him there in his filth after all the things we did to him, he consenting the whole way to our kinky activities."
The shire took him easily from the carriage, setting him down-back facing the gyno/examination table.
Greg watched as daddy took a fresh nappy, powder, and petroleum jelly from the diaper bag affixed to his strong left arm-even as the doctor pulled down his plastic panties and recoiled almost immediately from the nasty smell of his messy diaper.
"What did you feed him? That's more potent than most of the consistencies of scat I've dealt with." Bigluv grunted in disgust, tossing his mane and blowing his nares in an attempt to remove the rank odor.
"You're one to talk. Nobody ever wants to use the bathroom right after you go number two. At least with a human, there is less crap to deal with." Stallion daddy countered, rolling his eyes.
Bigluv undid the safety pin, unfurling the corners of the cloth diaper, and he took his time in looking at the mess, treating the whole affair like Pandora's box; curious to see what the big deal was, but also afraid that something bad would happen.
At Bigluv the thoroughbred's hesitation, stallion daddy bumped him playfully out of the way with his big diapered tush, easily changing Greg with the removal of the used nappy, cleaning the area with hygienic wipes, rubbing the jelly into Greg's buttocks and crotch, and powdering the whole area in a thick white blanket like snow.
"Here complainer, wanna finish this up?" Daddy teased, swishing his short little tail and shaking his big padded bottom.
The doctor grinned in response, "That honor I leave to you; you did most of the work already."
The shire shrugs, putting a new diaper under Greg, fastening it together, and pulling the plastic back into place, smiling over his work.
As Greg felt the shire pick up his tired body and put him in the stroller, rolling away back to the nursery, he couldn't suppress the grin on his face from the present stallion daddy had left his old boss; a used diaper right on top of his nice clean countertop.
Greg napped, resting easy in the knowledge that he had someone in this messed up place that cared about him.
Greg awoke with a sleepy yawn in the crib, but the lights had been turned out, and a big snoring affectionate presence had his vulnerable body embraced in it's powerful protecting arms.
Even in sleep, the love and protection of the giant being never ended.
Greg crept close to the big calmly gusting nostrils of the shire, kissing the horse on his whiskered muzzle before he collapsed eagerly to the contentment of that furred heaving chest.
"Night Daddy."
That night, Greg had dreamed big. | FSE |
Title: Free at Last Ch. 02
Tags: gay romance, gay, gay male, mm, gay sex
Nikolai woke up and felt the tight feeling in his arms. He looked down to see his arms in stitches. He sighed and tried to move his hands again. The same result occurred and Nikolai sighed. He was beginning to think he would never get the use of his hands back.
"Hi, Nikolai." He heard from the doorway. He turned and looked to see the ever so beautiful Clark standing at the door.
"To what do I owe the pleasure of having a fine young man such as yourself at my door?" Nikolai rolled his eyes, he was feeling bitter today. Clark seemed to flinch but didn't seem to hurt by Nikolai's remark.
"I heard you were getting surgery the other day and wanted to stop by to see how you were doing." Clark shrugged. Nikolai stared him down, eyes slightly squinted.
"Why?" He asked. Clark seemed taken aback by this and searched for an answer.
"Well... I consider us friends." Clark said. Nikolai raised an eyebrow and thought about Clark's answer. He eventually just shrugged.
"Where's Ana?" Nikolai asked.
"She's not feeling to well today." Clark said. There was a shadow in his eyes that showed the pain he was going through.
"She'll be fine." Nikolai said. Clark suddenly burst into laughter.
"What?" Nikolai asked.
"That's the first truly nice thing you've ever said around me." Clark smiled, he walked inside and sat on the chair near Nikolai's bed.
"So, I didn't know you spoke Russian." Clark said.
"My name is Russian. I thought it would be cool to at least speak the language." He shrugged.
"I never learned how to speak a foreign language. I bet it's cool." Clark chuckled. Nikolai shrugged again.
"Do they hurt?" Clark asked, Nikolai saw he was looking at his arms. He turned his arms so they were palm down.
"Don't make me go all Geico on you." Nikolai said.
"Come on, you've seen the commercials." Nikolai said. When Clark stared at him blankly he sighed.
"You know, can you really save 15% on your car insurance by switching to Geico? And then guy says something stupid followed by a literal clip of what he just said. Like do woodchuck's chuck wood, and is shows the woodchucks throwing wood into a lake. Or does the buck stop here and the buck just stops walking right behind him. Or does it take two to tango and it shows three people trying to tango and it just looks awkward. Or... what?" During his whole speech Clark was slowly laughing more and more until he couldn't contain himself anymore.
"You couldn't have just said yes?" Clark laughed. Nikolai looked down and a smile slowly spread across his face until he was really laughing for the first time in a long time.
"Can you tell me what happened?" Henstridge asked.
"Why, it doesn't matter." Nikolai said.
"Yes it does." Henstridge pushed.
"Does it? Does it matter if it was one guy or two guys or a girl, or a fucking Popsicle stick. Does it matter what happened? Just that it did..." Nikolai snapped.
"Yes, it does." Henstridge repeated. Nikolai sighed and rubbed his forehead.
"Why?" He whined.
"Because, if you cant even talk about what happened to you..."
"I cant do this. Someone get me out of here, please?" Nikolai shouted. A nurse cam in and began wheeling him out of the room.
"I'll see you tomorrow." Henstridge called out. Even down the hallway she could hear Nikolai groan. She chuckled to herself as she got ready for her next patient.
"Hi, Nikky." Ana sat down on his bed. He sighed.
"Hello, Ana." He grumbled, though she seemed unphased by his grouchiness.
"Hi, Nikky." Clark came bouncing into the room exactly like Ana had, sitting on Nikolai's bed. Nikolai rolled his eyes and glared at Clark, who just giggled.
"What are you doing here? shouldn't you be working or something?" Nikolai asked.
"I took the day off, it's Ana's birthday tomorrow." Clark smiled.
"Happy Birthday, Midget." Nikolai smiled down at the young girl.
"She wanted to come see you." Clark had an apologetic look on his face. Nikolai nodded that it was okay and turned to Ana.
"I wanted you to come out for my birthday with us." Nikolai raised his eyebrows and looked at Clark, who rubbed his neck while looking at his shoes.
"Don't you want to spend the day with your dad? Just the two of you?" Nikolai asked.
"No! I want you to come." Ana played with his hand.
"I don't think I can, Ana."
"Why not?" The small girl questioned.
"I'm allowed to leave." Nikolai shrugged.
"But its only for a day."
"I still don't think I can leave, Ana. I'm sorry." Nikolai apologized
"But it's my birthday..." Ana was almost crying now. Nikolai felt his heart ache for something other then his own pain for once.
"Ana I'm sure Nikolai has other-"
"I'll see what I can do, Midget." Nikolai said. Clark looked up at him and they shared a glance before they turned back to Ana who was singing happily.
"I need to leave tomorrow." Nikolai told Henstridge. She looked up from her clipboard and stared at him for a long moment.
"Why?" She asked. Nikolai fidgeted.
"It's Ana's birthday." Nikolai muttered.
"Let me get this straight..." Henstridge had a smile on her face. "You want to leave the hospital... WHILE you're on suicide watch, to go to a little girl's birthday party." Henstridge nodded her head.
"She has cancer. Are you going to deny a little girl with cancer her one and only gay depressed Russian? That's just cruel." Nikolai said.
"Doesnt she have another one that can come to her birthday?" Henstridge joked.
"I'm the one and only." Nikolai said.
"I'll see what I can do." Henstridge said, making a note on her clipboard.
"Wait what? You're seriously considering this?" Nikolai expected a flat no.
"Yes, I think it's good that you're caring about something. It shows that there's still something left alive in there." Henstridge nodded her head at Nikolai's chest.
"Don't get all shrinky on me. We were having a nice moment." Nikolai glared at her.
"I'm sorry." She laughed.
"No! It's to late, It's ruined." Nikolai shrugged. "Oh orderly!" He called in a high voice. The orderly came in and began wheeling him out.
"Wait, you're really going to leave before we even start talking about anything?" Henstridge asked.
"Ta ta!" Nikolai waived over his shoulder.
"Hold on just a second." Henstridge chased after the orderly. She followed them down the hallway, trying to keep pace with the orderlies long steps.
"If I get you permission to leave tomorrow, I want two things in return." Henstridge said.
"And what's that?" Nikolai continued looking forward.
"I want you to promise you will come back."
"And I want you to stay for a full two hour session."
"Hmm." Nikolai thought about this.
"That's it?" He asked.
"That's it." Henstridge nodded.
"Really?" Henstridge stopped walking.
"Really really." Nikolai called out as he was pushed into his room.
"How did you do it?" The nurse asked.
"Do what?" Nikolai blinked innocently.
"How did you get the 'okay' to leave for the day?" The nurse buttoned his shirt for him.
"I have the bestest shrink in the world! Which isn't really saying much. That's like saying you have the best hermit crab in the world. No one cares." He shrugged. The nurse tried not to giggle but couldn't stop herself.
"You know, if you put as much energy into getting better as you do into being an asshole, you would be out of here by now." The nurse said.
"But being an asshole is so much more fun." Nikolai smiled. The nurse bent down to tie his shoes and when she was done, checked his bandages one more time.
"Now, no putting stress on your arms. Not even lifting up a drink, not that you would be able to. If you start feeling dizzy or lightheaded then come back. And if-"
"I know mom. If any of the other boys pick on me I'll find an adult. And don't get into the van with any strange men, look both ways before crossing the street, and never eat yellow snow." Nikolai looked at the nurse who scowled and straightened his jacket.
"You need to be back by eight." The nurse said.
"Yeah yeah yeah." Nikolai rolled his shoulders, enjoying the freedom. He took a few more practice steps around the room and was doing well when Clark walked in.
"We just wanted to say goodbye before we head... Hey look at you go." Clark smiled.
"Nikky!" Ana hugged his legs, nearly knocking Nikolai over.
"Happy Birthday, Midget." Nikolai smiled.
"Glad you could come." Clark smiled.
"Me too." Nikolai looked away to hide the blush on his cheeks and saw the nurse smiling while she folded his hospital gown.
"What." He snapped.
"Oh, Nothing." She rolled her eyes and walked out of the room. "Have fun." She called out.
"Oh my god! This is beautiful!" Nikolai shouted.
"It's just pizza." Clark laughed. Nikolai grew serious and looked at him with intense eyes.
"Have you ever had hospital food, Clark? Ask Ana. Ana, is this not the best food you've ever tasted?"
"Mhm." Ana nodded her head with a mouthful of pizza.
"We gotta get you two out of that place more often." Clark laughed.
"Quiet you! You don't know our own personal hell." Nikolai said with much remourse, holding Ana to his chest who was giggling.
"Why don't you go play, hon?" Clark pointed to the play area.
"Mkay." Ana said and ran off to play with the other children who inhabited the ball pit.
"So I see you're getting use of your hands back." Clark pointed to Nikolai's right arm.
"Yeah. Just the right one, but it's better then nothing." Nikolai laughed.
"So spill." Clark smiled, putting down the piece of cardboard pizza.
"How did you get your shrink to let you out for the day?" Clark asked. Nikolai blushed.
"I had to promise her I would come back." Nikolai laughed.
"And what?"
"She doesn't get anything out of that, there has to be more." Clark smiled. Nikolai sighed.
"I promised her a full two hour session."
"Oh you mean you're going to stay the whole time?" Clark laughed.
"Yes." Nikolai groaned.
"Come on it cant be that bad. She's trying to help you."
"You don't know her. She's just so..." Nikolai searched for the word. "Perky." He growled.
"Misery loves company, right?" Clark smiled as he sipped his soda.
"I guess." Nikolai shrugged.
"No one wants to be alone. Especially when they're miserable." Clark said seriously. The two men shared a look and Nikolai felt his heart surge. The sensation was strange to him. He forced the feelings down and took a sip of his soda through a straw.
"So, I start physical therapy tomorrow." Nikolai said.
"Nice, are you excited?" Clark smiled.
"Nervous. It's not supposed to be fun." Nikolai grimaced.
"Yeah, back in highschool I jacked up my leg really bad in a motorcycle accident. I had to do physical therapy for awhile. Definitly not something to laugh at."
"I didn't know you rode a motorcycle." Nikolai laughed.
"I used to, until my accident." Clark shrugged.
"Did you like it?"
"I loved it. But after the crash..." Clark shrugged again.
"You cant let something like that ruin something that you love to do."
"I don't know. It just never happened again. I had Ana a few years after that and I hung up the leather and never looked back I guess."
"It's a shame. I bet you look hot in leather." Nikolai enjoyed the blush that crossed Clark's cheeks.
"So what about you. Besides her being perky, how is the therapy working?" Clark asked.
"I don't know. I don't think so."
"Are they putting you on any meds for the depression?" Clark asked. Nikolai looked up and smiled.
"Not very shy are you?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"No, it's fine. Most people don't like talking about it. They get all awkward and fidgity." Nikolai shrugged. " They have me on a whole cocktail of meds."
"I guess they're working. I feel... I don't know..." Nikolai shrugged.
"Give it awhile. You've only been at the hospital for a month right? It's got to take longer for them to work, right?" Clark said.
"Yeah, I guess."
"Why did you do it?" Clark asked frankly.
"That's going to far." Nikolai answered honestly.
"I'm sorry." There was an awkward silence for a moment before Nikolai spoke.
"Let's just sum it up to boyfriend troubles." Nikolai sighed.
"I see. Relationships are tough. But..." He paused and looked at Nikolai. "You cant let something like that ruin something you love to do." He smiled.
"What is it ruining that I love so much?" Nikolai smirked.
"Living." Clark said. Nikolai had no reply for that. The silence that came this time was not one of awkwardness but of thought.
"How do you know I love living?"
"I can see it in your eyes. Not now. But some other time, you loved life. You loved the beauty of it. The sounds, sights, smells. You loved people. I don't see that anymore. But you can find it again. I'm sure." Clark said.
"How do you do that?" Nikolai asked.
"Do what?"
"See me." Nikolai said.
"I just do." Clark said.
"Nikky!" Ana called out.
"Have fun, Midget?" Nikolai smiled.
"Yeah. Can we go home now?" Ana asked.
"Sure, we got presents." Clark smiled.
Nikolai looked around the clean home and could easily picture Clark and Ana living there.
"Presents presents!" Ana bounced around the room.
"Okay okay okay." Clark laughed and tried to walk around the excited little girl.
"Present number one!" Nikolai said as Clark handed Ana her first present.
They spent the next hour eating cake and opening presents until Ana couldn't handle anymore birthday fun.
"Thanks for coming." Clark said, as he helped Nikolai slip on his jacket.
"It was fun." Nikolai smiled.
"Maybe you don't need so much company if you're not to miserable." Clark smiled against Nikolai's ear.
"A little girl and a studly guy should do it." he nodded. Clark chuckled against his ear and Nikolai felt a shiver go up his spine.
'What am I doing?' He thought to himself. Nikolai and Clark spent the next hour drinking beer and talking about their lives until Clark looked at the clock.
"It's time I take you two back to the hospital." Clark scooped up Ana and began walking outside to his truck. He let Nikolai get in first and put Ana onto his lap.
"So do you really think the full therapy session is going to be that bad?" Clark asked once they were on the road.
"Yes." Nikolai grumbled.
"Come on, Nikolai." Clark smiled. Nikolai felt his heart speed up when Clark said his name. It sounded the way melted chocolate tasted.
"If you were a kind man you would drive me far far away from here." Nikolai pouted.
"I guess I'm kind of cruel for wanting you to get better then." Clark didn't take his eyes off the road.
"Just a little."
"It wont be so bad. Just open up, it will make things better for both of you."
"Make things better in the way that it'll be worse." Nikolai nodded.
"Do you want to be miserable all of your life?" Clark glanced at him. Nikolai looked uncomfortable. He paused before answering.
"No." He said quietly.
"Then open up." Clark said as he got out of the car. He scooped Ana up and waited for Nikolai to climb out before closing the door.
"This is going to suck." Nikolai stared at Henstridge.
"It doesn't have to." She smiled.
"Why did I agree to this?" Nikolai frowned, looking down at his lap.
"Because you do have a heart, and you care about Ana." Henstridge said.
"False." Nikolai frowned. Henstridge chuckled.
"A full two hour session doesn't mean an hour and fifty-nine minutes of awkward silence and a minute of you being wheeled out of the room." Henstridge said after a moment of silence.
"Okay fine. Go ahead."
"Do your shrinky thingy." Nikolai waved a limp hand.
"It takes more then one person to do my 'shrinky thingy'" Henstridge smiled.
"Okay, what do I have to do."
"Open up." Henstridge gestured. Clarks voice popped into his head.
'Then open up.'
"Well I cant open up if we don't have a topic to open up to." Nikolai snapped.
"How about the rape?" Henstridge got serious.
"Ugh, could we start with something less awful?" Nikolai whined.
"How about your ex?"
"Okay." Nikolai sighed.
"So basicly, he broke up with you because you were raped?" Henstridge asked.
"Care to elaborate?" Henstridge urged him on.
"I was a virgin when we met. He was my first." Nikolai said quietly.
"Was he?"
"No." Nikolai laughed. "He had been with a ton of guys. After he left I realized he was their first too."
"So he had a thing for virgin guys?"
"I guess. When I was... after I was attacked the guy just left me on the street. I managed to get home and he was there. I told him what happened, I asked him to help me..." Nikolai felt tears coming to his eyes.
"What happened next, Nikolai?"
"He wouldn't touch me. He was trying to pretend he was okay, but he wouldn't even help me up off the floor. I asked him for help... and he just stared at me like I was disgusting." Nikolai couldn't stop the tears from falling this time and he felt the warm liquid trail down his face.
"Because you had been with someone else, he didn't love you anymore." Henstridge said.
"I don't know if he ever loved me."Nikolai sighed. "I was an idiot."
"No, Nikolai. You weren't an idiot. Everyone is looking for love and you thought you had found it. He let you down when you needed him most." Henstridge said.
"I don't need a man to make me happy. I was stupid to rely on him so much." Nikolai said.
"You're not stupid for needing someone. We all need someone at some time in our life."
"Yeah? And who do you need?"
"This isn't about me."
"Come on tell me."
"I'm married, my husbands a wonderful man. But we're getting off topic." Henstridge said. Nikolai nodded his head.
"Who can I rely on now, then?" He asked.
"You have Ana, and Clark. And I'm always here when you need me." Henstridge said.
"Great, the only people I have in the world is a dying little girl, my shrink, and a drop dead sexy man who would never want someone who's damaged goods." Nikolai spat.
"Just because your ex was an asshole doesn't mean that every guy who you're interested in is." Henstridge said.
"We met in the hospital. The hospital that his sick daughter is at and I'm in here for trying to kill myself." Nikolai said like Henstridge was an idiot.
"That doesn't mean you cant be loved."
"Who would want to love me? I cant even use my fucking hands!" Nikolai nodded down at his arms.
"That can be fixed. You have physical therapy after this." Henstridge smiled. Nikolai groaned.
"Why do you hate me?" He preteneded to cry.
"We got off subject."
"It's to late, we cant go back. You let me wander and now I'm done opening up." Nikolai spat.
"Truthfully, it was more then I hoped for." Henstridge laughed.
"CAREFUL!" Nikolai shouted. "I thought I saw a sliver of personality. Need to watch yourself now."
"Okay, we're done here." Henstridge shut the notebook she had been keeping notes in, trying to hide a smile.
"Aw but we were just having fun, Henstridge!"
"Don't call me that."
"I told you that first day, it's to late. You have been named!"
"Well I don't like that name, change it."
"Havent you ever read the bible henstridge? She who is named by suicide patient shall keep thy name until the end of days." Nikolai said.
"I'm fairly certain the bible NEVER said that." Henstridge got up, and began pushing his wheelchair out the door.
"You need to double check that." Nikolai said.
"I'll get on that."
"Wait, where are we going?" Nikolai asked when they turned away from his room.
"I told you, you have Physical therapy." Henstridge said.
"Yeah, you said after our session. Which was supposed ot last two hours which really only lasted forty five minutes. So I should have an hour and fifteen minutes to hide." Nikolai said.
"You should know that I know you better then that." Nikolai thought about what that meant and sighed, frowning.
"You knew I wouldn't make it a whole session." He growled.
"God damn it." Nikolai growled.
"You ended it early. You could have kept going and missed your therapy."
"I changed my mind lets go back. I want to talk about shit."
"Emotional, heavy, important, shit. Henstridge please!" Nikolai begged.
"I need you, I think I'm having a breakdown. I see that bottle of pills over there and all I want to do is swallow them all like pez. Help me!" Nikolai grabbed her shirt as best as he could. Henstridge tried to hide her smile as she pushed open the door the the physical therapy room.
"If you really cared about me. Henstridge, you would know I'm in a very fragile state."
"Uh huh." Henstridge wheeled him up to a table with a large looking man. "Have fun."
"Wait, Henstridge, HENSTRIDGE! Don't leave me here!" He locked eyes with the large man before turning in his wheelchair and reaching for a retreating Henstridge with limp hands.
"I'm Jackson." The large man said. "You're not going to have fun." He smiled, showing a row of gleaming white teeth.
"Help me." He whimpered to himself.
"Ugh." Nikolai grunted as the orderly covered him in the thin hospital sheets.
"Rough day?" Clark laughed as he leaned on the door frame.
"Shhhh." Nikolai held up a weak arm. "Your voice is making my arms hurt." He let his arm fall down to the bed.
"You had your two hour session with the shrink today, right?" Clark asked. Nikolai nodded weakly.
"Yup, and she tricked me." Nikolai said.
"How?" Clark sat down in a chair.
"She schedueled my physical therapy session for halfway through our own."
"Ah, so if you weasled out of it-"
"I charm my way out of it, theres not weasling." Nikolai gave a weak hand a wave.
"Right." Clark chuckled. "So if you 'charmed' your way out of it, you got to go to Physical therapy." Clark laughed.
"How was it?"
"Have you ever sliced through all your nerves and tendons with a razor blade?" Nikolai asked.
"It hurts. But you know what hurts fifteen times more?"
"When a large man named Jackson tries to play the recently repaired tendons like a violin. Using a hot piece of metal as the bow."
"I doubt he did that." Clark smiled.
"No but it felt like it." Nikolai whimpered. Clark laughed. And squeezed his shoulder.
"Hi, Nikky!" Ana jumped onto his bed.
"Anna-Banana, I think Nikky is a little tired today." Clark smiled sympatheticly when Nikolai only squeezed his eyes shut harder.
"He worked really hard yesterday." Clark laughed. Nikolai opened an eye, he took in a deep breath and fought with his sore muscles to raise his arm. Once the arm was fully raised he struggled to leave only one finger up.
"See look, it's already paying off." Clark smiled.
"What's that mean?" Ana looked up at Nikolai's raised finger.
"It means Nikolai is really grumpy and we will come back tomorrow." Clark laughed and began nudging Ana out the door.
"Alright, time for your physical therapy." the nurse came in. Clark could hear Nikolai groan from the hallway.
"No." He drew the word out in a long high whine.
"Yes." The nurse mimicked him.
"I just had my first day yesterday, don't I get a break?" Clark tried to hide his chuckle.
"Okay, fine. One day, and then it's back to work."
"Come on, Ana-Banana. How about I read you a book?" Clark scooped Ana up into his arms and began walking away. Ana let Monty dangle from her arms as she watched the door way of Nikolai's room fade back.
"Watch this." Nikolai said. He began picking up the stray paper clips from the table and placing them in the small box.
"Damn, you're getting good!" Clark smiled. Nikolai smiled back and continued to put the paper clips in the box. He missed a few but got the majority into the container. It had been over a month since the day after his first day of physical therapy.
"How is your other arm doing?" Clark pointed at his left arm.
"Not as well, but it's improving." Nikolai attempted to use his other arm. It was a great deal better than it had been before, but not anywhere near his good arm.
"Got moved off of suicide watch, been staying full therapy sessions, improving in arm mobility. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you getting better?" Clark smiled.
"What? No." Nikolai waived a hand dismissively.
"Oh yes you are!" Clark laughed.
"False." Nikolai dumped the paperclips out and began putting them back into the container.
"True." Clark gave a smirk when Nikolai looked up at him. After a week or two of Nikolai using the single word sentence to dismiss something, Clark had finally come up with an answer to use every time Nikolai said the word.
"So, what are your plans for tonight?" Nikolai asked.
"Oh you know, the usual. Ben and Jerry's Fish Food Ice cream, and a House marathon." Clark smiled.
"You need a man." Nikolai paused what he was doing with the paperclips to look at Clark. Clark sighed and pushed out his bottom lip in a pout.
"I know." Nikolai chuckled and got back to his work.
"Why are you still doing that?" Clark laughed.
"I promised Jackson that if I did this for an hour a day for each hand then I could miss a day of therapy every now and then." Nikolai chuckled mischievously.
"Charmer." Nikolai pointed out. Clark ruffled his hair and Nikolai cursed at him.
"There are children in this hospital, Nikolai." Clark said in a hushed voice.
"Speaking of which, where is the Midget?" Nikolai glanced around at the floor dramaticly.
"She had treatment today." Clark's face lost the smile it had only a few seconds ago.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"It's fine, we're open with eachother right? You talk to me about everything." Clark said. Nikolai shrugged.
"What theres something you havent told me?" Clark said surprised.
"Well, you know... why I did it." Nikolai shrugged.
"Oh... Well I don't care about that." Clark said.
"You don't?"
"No, we talk about everything else. That one little thing is only-"
"The reason we met." Nikolai interupted.
"Okay, but it doesn't matter to me. It was a dark time in your life and as far as I'm concerned, the fact that you're getting over it is enough for me. If you ever want to tell me That's fine, but if not then That's fine too." Clark said. Nikolai smiled and dropped the last paperclip into the container before putting it aside.
"Well, thank you for that." Nikolai said.
"Why are you like this with me?" Clark asked suddenly.
"You're such a... well you're just... I mean with other people you..."
"Are an asshole?" Nikolai laughed. Clark blushed and nodded silently.
"I don't know, you're different." Nikolai said.
"You don't spare me the sarcasm though." Clark laughed.
"Now what kind of fair god would I be if I didn't treat you the same as all of my other loyal subjects?"
"King or God?" Clark laughed.
"C all of the above?" Nikolai cocked his head to the side.
"How about D, handsome new boyfriend?" Clark asked. Nikolai stopped chuckling.
"Is this your way of asking me out?"
"Yes." Clark said seriously. Nikolai looked down at his hands with a frown.
"It's okay to say no. I'm a big boy I can take it." Clark said.
"It's not that." Nikolai said.
"Then its a yes?" Clark beamed.
"So its a no?"
"No, its not a no!" Nikolai sighed.
"Then its a yes?"
"I don't know!"
"Wait what?" Clark looked confused. Nikolai sighed.
"I don't know, can I think about it?"
"Of course, you don't have to answer now." Clark said. He grabbed his jacket. "I'll leave you alone for awhile to think about it. There's no pressure. If you say no... I'd like to still be friends."
"I'd like that too. But that's not saying I'm going to say no... I just want some time to think. Okay?"
"Okay, I'll talk to you tomorrow?"
"Yeah." Nikolai gave him a warm smile and Clark returned it before walking out the door.
"Clark asked me out." Nikolai picked at the leather couch.
"On a date?"
"No, he wanted me to see this really cool cloud outside. Yes out on a fucking date." Nikolai snapped.
"Okay, okay." Henstridge put her hands up diffensivly. A silenced passed between them before Henstridge spoke. "What did you say?"
"I said I wanted to think about it."
"What the fuck do you mean why?"
"Why do you have to think about it, what's the problem?" She asked, waiving a pen as she spoke.
"Have you not been listening the last two months or so?" Nikolai growled.
"I have. But we've been over this. Has Clark done anything to make you think he isn't a nice guy?"
"No." Nikolai said quietly.
"Has he ever hurt you? Physically or mentally?"
"Do you like his daughter?"
"Do you want a boyfriend?"
Nikolai stayed silent.
"I... I want to be happy." Nikolai said quietly.
"What makes you happy?"
"I don't know." Nikolai said, throwing his arms up in frustration.
"Does being with Clark make you happy?"
"Does being alone make you happy?"
"In a way."
"In what way?" Henstridge was scribbling things down as they talked.
"I want to feel independent. I don't want to have to rely on someone." Nikolai said.
"Nikolai we talked about this, everyone needs-"
"Everyone needs someone some time. I know. But I don't want to HAVE to rely on someone. Clark is there if I need him. But I want to know that I can stand on my own two feet first." Nikolai said.
"You don't think you can?"
"I don't know yet."
"Ultimately it's a decision you have to make, Nikolai."
"I know."
"Not to pressure you... But we've been sitting here for fifteen minutes making small talk." Clark blushed.
"I know."
"This isn't good is it?" Clark frowned. Nikolai bit his lip.
"It's not that I don't want to, Clark."
"Then what is it?" Clark asked, confused.
"I just need..." Nikolai tried to find the words. "I need to learn to stand on my own two feet. Or at least make sure that I'm capable of it. I'm interested, trust me... But I need to make sure that I'm not going to rely on a man to keep me steady. Do you understand?" Nikolai asked. Clark nodded. He looked disapointed, but understanding.
"I know what you mean. And I respect you for that. It shows that you're really making an effort to get your life back on track." Clark said.
"Thank you. I'm glad you understand." Nikolai smiled.
"But we're still friends, right?" Clark asked.
"Of course. And friends help friends, right?" Nikolai bit his lip.
"Right..." Clark said cautiously.
"I get out of here in a few weeks." Nikolai started.
"Thats amazing! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you." Clark hugged Nikolai. He felt Nikolai give him his strongest hug back and when he pulled away Nikolai finished speaking.
"And my landlord refuses to let me back into the building because I caused a ton of property damage what with the blood and what not." Nikolai winced.
"Uh huh..." Clark was cautious again.
"I've looked for a new place. But none are close enough to the hospital, or they're to small, or to expensive, or-"
"What are you getting at here, Nikolai?" Clark asked. Nikolai tried to keep himself for melting when Clark said his name. Of course he failed miserably.
"I need a place to stay. It would only be temporarily. You live close enough to the hospital and I promise I'll find a new place as soon as I can and it's fine if you want to say no and-"
"Nikolai, Nikolai. Calm down." Clark laughed.
"I just don't want you to think that I'm trying to mooch of you I just-"
"Nikolai." Clark laughed harder.
"What?" Nikolai shouted.
"It's fine, I would love to have you stay with me." Clark said, with a smile.
"Oh." Nikolai said simply.
"Oh." Clark laughed.
"It wont be for very long I promise I'll get out of your way." Nikolai said.
"It's okay." Clark smiled.
"okay." Nikolai repeated.
"Okay." Clark smiled back. Clark got caught up in Nikolai's eyes and before he knew it their lips had met. He was about to pull back when Nikolai returned the kiss.
"I'm sorry." He said once he seperated.
"We just talked about this." Nikolai smiled slowly.
"I know. We suck." Clark chuckled.
"We? You started it." Nikolai poked him in the chest.
"You were't trying to stop." Clark poked back.
"Okay, maybe I didn't but I shouldn't have to. You shouldn't have started it." Nikolai raised his nose. Clark rolled his eyes and ruffled Nikolai's hair who only cursed at him and tried to bite his hand as he pulled away.
"No one told me you bite." Clark said, pulling his hand back just in time.
"It's only nibbles." Nikolai pouted.
"I could look forward to that." Clark raised an eyebrow.
"Me too." Nikolai smiled. " But later! Stop dragging me back into your love trance of death." Nikolai frowned.
"Is that what I'm doing?" Clark chuckled.
"Weasel." Nikolai turned his head away from Clark.
"Charmer." Clark smiled. | literotica |
(M TF Equine-like creature)
Soluna had strawberry blond hair and cyan eyes. She was fairly tall, fairly athletic, fairly busty, and in a decidedly unfair situation. She sat in a large box shaped cage on the back of a wagon as it clattered constantly from the very uneven ground. It was navigating a forest now so there was no real road- just padded down ground. It was warm in the day but now evening fell and the stars were just starting to shine. Her clothing was torn in several places from the tussle before she had been tossed in the cage. The wagon was being drawn by a single behemoth of a horse and driven by a single behemoth of a man. His dark chocolate skin and defined but sleek muscles would have turned her on, if she were not so damn mad at him. His head was bald and tattooed with a map of the globe. He had a long barrel bolt action rifle by his side with over twenty notches in the side of the barrel from all his successful hunts.
Soluna leaned once again on the front of her cage and grabbed the bars for balance. "So... what is your name anyway?"
"Wayne, Wayne Van Harthlin. Sorry for the bumpy ride by the way. You're probably bouncing around like a billiard ball back there. This is the next closest path to Stormund, without going around the mountains... and that would take a week."
"Could take me out of the cage so I don't crack my head open on one of these bars."
Wayne chuckled. "Not gunna happen."
Wayne is a bounty hunter, Soluna his current hunt... or at this point, prize. He just needed to get her to Stormund where she is wanted. Unfortunately for him, his capture came at an inconvenient time for everyone- the bridge back to the city had given out. There had been a lot of rain to the east which caused the river to flood all the way down here- the flooding washed the base of the bridge away causing it to collapse. The path they rode on now was fine for people walking, but a wagon was a bit too heavy, the wheels occasionally sank into a softer pocket of land causing the whole thing to rock violently, and even the horse occasionally stepped on uneven ground and reared up in protest. Horses are meant for the plains, not forests.
"I am innocent! Is the money on my head worth killing an innocent woman?"
"I'm not going to kill you. If I wanted you dead I could have shot you long ago... and you'd have been easier to transport. And if your innocent, they won't kill ya neither."
Soluna sighed and shivered a bit, clutching her ravaged clothes to herself. "It don't work like that. If the guards can make my head roll to say their jobs done, they will. I am just a bar wench, no one but me cares if I die. I have no one to vouch for me. Guilty till proven innocent."
Wayne bowed his head silently for over a minute. "Might be that's true. I am just following orders though. The law asked you be brought in, so I am bringin' you in. If I let you go, I'd be breaking the law myself." He chuckled again. "Then I'd have to turn myself in. Wonder if you can claim a bounty on your own head?"
Soluna felt so exhausted. She had been making a mad dash for days to get away from Stormund to avoid capture. As soon as the guards told her to stay put for questioning she started eavesdropping and found out she was a suspect. As soon as Soluna heard that she knew she was doomed if she stuck around. No friends or living family to vouch for her, anything she said herself would be disregarded. It did not even make sense when you think about it- the man who was murdered was not a small nor weak person. Soluna was pretty tall and not exactly weak, but she is still a woman- a barmaid, did they really think she could overpower that guy? Not to mention if she stole his riches, then where are they? Her home is tiny, it isn't hard to search and figure out there is no valuables there. Soluna slouched down with her back to the front of the cage. She likely would have passed out there if her head didn't get clacked against the bars every few seconds when the wagon rocked. She seen a shooting start high above, immediately wishing on it to have her freedom back. She was desperate enough to rely on fairy-tale legends to come save her. To her surprise though the shooting star seemed to suddenly flash brighter a moment... and then change direction. It came at them so fast she barely had enough time to even comprehend what was happening and then everything went black.
Soluna woke up slowly. The ground under her was cool but the sun was warm and comforting. Wait.. ground?! She sat up quickly looking around and seen splintered trees and an annihilated wagon. The cage she had been in was destroyed- something extremely powerful struck the top corner of the cage and tore a third of it clean off. The wagon lost the right back wheel from the impact which sent the entire thing toppling onto its side, which caused Soluna to roll out the missing section of the cage onto the ground. She looked herself over and seemed no worse than the night before, aside from a few small burn holes in her clothing joining the several rips that were already in them. It was evening, almost night when that all happened but it was clearly day now, so she had been unconscious all night! As she stood up she seen Wayne, and he also seen her at the same time, immediately pointing his rifle at her, though he was not holding it in a way he could fire it at the moment.
"Don't get any ideas. We are in the middle of the damn forest, you have better odds of getting lost and starving to death than you do of gettin' away."
"What the hell even happened?"
"A meteor fell and almost hit us. Wagon isn't moving, and the horse ran off while I was unconscious so we have no way out of the forest other than on foot, but we are really deep in. We run off in any old direction we will get lost and die. I am not much of a survival expert but I know not to take risks, the wilds aren't forgiving. Especially around here- there are manticore in these parts. So if you want to survive the beasts of the forest, you need a weapon. And I have the weapon. So don't run." He motioned to the twisted cage. "Because I have nothing to put you in anymore."
"So... what do we do?"
Wayne shrugged. "Walk. Keep an eye out for anything edible." He pointed away from the back of the wagon. "That way, stay just ahead of me so I can see you and also cover our asses if something approaches. The horse was spooked by the meteor and bolted so we are no where near the trail, but going so quickly chewed the ground up a bit, the wagon made visible tracks we can follow back, at least part way to where we were." Wayne sighed. "Really am sorry 'bout all this ma'am. We both got bum luck now."
Soluna tried not to gawk, but Wayne's own shirt got badly torn in the accident, so it only covered his gut and one arm- most of his chest and one arm were bare. She could swear he looked even more muscular. Maybe it was just because he now had a bag of supplies slung over his shoulder that he salvaged from the wagon. As they walked, Wayne was having a bit of trouble. The muscles in his lower legs kept twitching and his ankles kept getting sore quickly, forcing more of his weight on the front of his feet, which made him walk a bit weird. He looked himself over when he woke up and there did not seem to be any injuries. He felt a tightening in his chest too that he could not place his finger on. Bruised a rib, maybe? Wayne had a hard time concentrating, and Soluna noticed immediately. He had been pretty talkative on their ride, trying to comfort her and failing to. Now he was almost silent though. She glanced back every now and then and he usually did not even notice. He seemed to be breathing heavier than he should- they were not walking very quickly. Every now and then they would spot a mushroom growing in the shade or a berry, but then just look at each other nervously and keep walking- neither sure if it was poison or not and not wanting to take the risk. As Soluna walked in front of him, Wayne did think it was a shame she was a wanted criminal. She was very good looking. He was almost tempted to ask her out, but given that she could be executed as a criminal soon, that seemed like a poor investment. Since he was holding her captive she was more likely to bust him in the teeth than agree to anything he said. Wayne winced and shifted his weight forward again, now almost walking exclusively on the fronts of his feet. They needed to break soon, his body was aching. When Soluna finally spotted a large raspberry bush, Wane suggested they stop there and make camp. Wandering around a bit to look for firewood he also spotted a rare Roseblush Cranberry bush as well- a shame they had to eat them to survive, the rare pale pink cranberries were worth a lot of money. He asked her if she had any wounds from the crash as he lit the fire for their days camp, but she said no. It seemed baffling. He was sore in several places and she was fine? She was bouncing around in a solid metal cage when it happened, how the hell did she get out perfectly fine?
Bored and worried, they rest at the camp from late afternoon onward, eating berries for their dinner. Wayne seemed fine, but he was unusually tired for having been unconscious for almost the same time Soluna had been, and she was more tired when she initially got knocked out. Wayne produced a pack of cards he had in the supply bag to keep them entertained till the night was on them.
Soluna smiled timidly toward him and seemed to be staring, causing Wayne to raise a brow at her across the fire. "What?"
"Like what you see?" She crossed an arm under her bust and hefted them under her torn shirt.
Wayne blushed. "You are a looker, but you aren't negotiating your way out of this with that body of yours. Besides, we need to focus on getting out of here alive first."
"Mmm, well, you just seemed... happy to have my company." She nodded toward him, looking at his crotch. Wayne glanced down then quickly stood up to leave into the dark.
"Where you off to in such a hurry?"
"Anywhere- just... around. Stretch my legs." He hustled into the darkness.
"... wasn't he complaining his legs hurt just a bit ago?"
As soon as he was a safe distance from the campfire he quickly opened up his pants. He had a small panic attack when she pointed it out- there was a huge bulge in his pants! Bigger than it should have been able to be. He took his junk out and sure enough, it was bigger. His shaft only in a semi chub was much thicker and looking a bit pink. His balls were much bigger than they should be able to be! Balls are not supposed to ever get bigger! He gently prod it with his fingers, thinking it was swollen from some reaction to something, but it did not feel swollen or more tender than normal. His examination woke up his already started erection and caused it to rise up. Once at full mast he noted it was longer than normal too. He needed to tame this thing before he returned to camp or she was going to be all over him and complicate matters. He sat on a stump and grabbed up his shaft and masturbated in the cool night air. Being fresh in his memory and indeed quite good looking, he visualized Soluna as he masturbated. He cradled his now very large balls in his other hand, noting where his scrotum met his taint the skin was abnormally thick and stiff. He needed to see an apothecary when he got back to the city. Likely due to the enlarged size of his nuts, he came explosively almost stumbling off the stump. Wayne fixed himself up the best he could, tucked his enlarged junk back in his pants and returned to camp, going to sleep soon after.
In his dream, he was confronted by one of the Stormund city guard, asking him if he had anywhere he could take Soluna to live. Wayne answered that he owned a modest plot of land in the town of Tallground she could live on if they needed somewhere to put her. The guard then ripped his clothes and skin off revealing Soluna underneath. She cried out in glee like she had just found her freedom. He wasn't going to take her there! Wayne raised the rifle to tell her to stop trying to manipulate things but the words that came out of his mouth were instead 'your face is beautiful'. Confused and a bit afraid why he couldn't control what he said, he pulled the trigger on the rifle but rather than a bullet, it shot a rope of cum at her! He abruptly woke up the next morning, just staring into space for several minutes wondering what the hell sort of dream that was. He then noticed Soluna laying right beside him looking at him.
"W-what are you doing here?"
"Lost in the forest, remember?"
"I mean beside me."
"What, don't like my company? It was cold so I wanted to share warmth, we don't have tents. Jeeze, it it bothers you that much..."
She went to stand up but he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Its... fine. I was just confused is all. I have been feeling off for a while now. The crash must have scrambled me more than I thought."
Soluna hid her grin well. While Wayne was still very much confused and a bit out of it, Soluna had a clear head and was starting to put it together. It seemed insane but it was the only explanation she could think of- the shooting star granted her wish! It looked like it changed direction mid-flight, and it was a meteor supposedly that derailed them. And while she got out of the crash with no additional wounds, Wayne was having problems. Everything seemed to be aligning in favor of her escape. On top of that, something strange was happening to Wayne. From being unconscious most of yesterday and then them setting up a camp pretty early, she was not too tired, and too caught up in awe to go to sleep, and watched Wayne as he slept. The hairline on the back of his head seemed to grow down his neck slightly, the bridge of his nose became wider, and his ears were now pointed. He groaned several times in his sleep too and shifted around, and several of those times when he moved his legs around they made several audible pops like his joints weren't sitting right. She had no idea what was happening to him, or how it related to her freedom, though.
Wayne sat up slowly but then looked around nervously and told Soluna he needed to go to the bathroom before hustling off again. His morning wood was so big it wasn't even in his pants! It was under his shirt, having exceeded the space available in his pants. His legs felt so weird, they seemed... longer? He absolutely could not stand on any part other than the front of his feet, but most pressing was his genitals. Did he rub his crotch against some deadly exotic plant or something?! He stopped at the minimal safe distance away, since his legs were not cooperating and he took his genitals out again. His balls looked a little bit bigger again, and a lot pinker, making them look odd against his dark skin. His dick was so long it reached past his naval a bit, and was quite thick, making it seem bloated, and it was also a lot pinker. He examined strange bumps on the shaft too, but they formed a perfect line down his shaft and were perfectly even spaced- too uniform to be some random breakout. He lifted a leg to get a look at what was happening there and his heart skipped a beat when he seen how oddly shaped it was! His thigh muscles looked bigger, but from toes to ankle his foot had grown and lengthened tremendously! He took his shoe off and examined still closer and his toes no longer moved individually. They were compressed against one another, looking like someone had squashed his foot somehow, but it did not hurt at all. It only hurt when he tried to walk like he used to- because his leg was no longer shaped to walk that way. This was no reaction to plant life. It seemed like strange magic, but there was no one out here to cast spells- Soluna was a barmaid, she can't even read, let alone cast spells. He needed to get back to civilization and get this checked out before it spreads! If his legs keep changing he may not even be able to walk and be trapped here! Wayne put his junk back in his pants the best he could, having to sit his cock sideways along the inside of the waistband hoping it would be restrained enough.
He quickly hustled back to camp as Soluna was dousing the fire. "We need to get moving!" Soluna raised a brow at the urgency in his voice. "Yea I know, I am putting the fire out to get moving."
"Y-you don't understand, something strange is happening to me, I need to get to an apothecary or... maybe a magister?" He turned his side to her and hiked up a pant leg for a moment to show her his deformed leg.
Soluna gasped. What was the fallen star doing to him?! "Does it hurt...? What is even happening to you exactly?"
Wayne shook his head. "It only hurts if I step on it wrong. The bones... ache a bit, not too bad. My joints feel stiff... they are probably still changing."
They once again fell in line, with Soluna in the lead and Wayne taking up the rear with rifle in hand. He made sure they hustled now, going at a faster pace today. He did not tell her, but he was not entirely sure he could still operate the rifle. His ring and index fingers were locked- half curled and divided from his other fingers, and they no longer responded to any input, though the rest of his hand worked fine. You could technically operate a gun with two fingers and a thumb, but not well, and the fact his body still tensed in impending changes did not fill him with confidence. The last thing he needed was for Soluna to take control of the gun, hold him up, take their supplies and leave him in the forest for dead. As they walked he shifted uncomfortably as his clothes seemed to rub him the wrong way constantly. It took him a while to realize it was because they were tighter on him than they should be... he was slowly getting bigger. They were about the same height before, but now he was noticeably taller than Soluna. He started to walk a little bo legged as he felt some strange growth behind his balls, where the stiff skin had been the other night. What on earth was that?! His pants hugged too tightly on his waist and he felt something... twitch, his tailbone moved slightly. Without a word to Soluna in the middle of the afternoon he turned to shift his pants and the greater movement in his leg caused it to pop and the bones to shift again, which caused a spike of changes. He quickly fell to the ground on his hands and knees. He cried out in surprise more than pain as his hands started to forcefully shift shape. It sertainly looked painful, but actually the only thing that hurt was his fall. Soluna of course stopped and turned immediately as soon as he cried out. She had been turning and peeping at him as they walked the whole day.
His hands almost looked like they were ripping in half but it was just the mass moving around, drawing into the center and then being redistributed. His ring and index were almost entirely unaffected by it, though his thumb was drawn toward the center getting changed now too. He straightened his legs at the sensation of them growing and sure enough, his feet dragged across the ground as his legs stretched longer. His thighs became extremely muscular. He found feel his toes all pressing into one another, then the mass that used to be his toes surged in size, and then it felt like something solid sliding out of them quickly! He lifted both in turn to kick away his now useless shoes and get a look at the contents and his heart jumped at the radically different shape. What the hell was he even looking at. In place of his toes was now a single narrow hook shaped bone! He still had two toes left, with extra thick nails on them, but they had very limited mobility and sort of just dangled at the base of the hook just below his ankle's new position. He cried out in surprise again and was forced to fall forward a bit to his elbows as his entire arms grew a bit bigger and quite a bit longer. His hands were changing to radically, and his eyes went wide as he recognized the feeling. What had been his pinky and ring fingers joined together with his thumb in the center of his hand and then from that a huge, narrow bone hook grew again like his feet. The difference between foot and hand now was the two remaining digits were in the back with a backward facing hook on his feet, and on his hands the hook faced forward and the two remaining digits in front of that were considerably larger and more mobile. He flexed it several times, trying to figure out how it was supposed to work. The hook was technically his thumb, and it still worked like one, just... with a gigantic claw. Then he remembered ungulates walk on what is basically their toe nail. She shakily started to stand up again, placing weight on the hooks and they automatically locked their joints in place. It worked! He could stand on the hooks like they were hooves. The hooks and the bulky nails on his digits were all dark grey. Because it was not in his line of sight, he did not notice his hair was starting to fade to grey as well.
Soluna had been standing stunned the entire time with her hands cupped over her mouth. "Are you... ok? Can you stand?!"
Wayne tried to get up but on all fours was as far as he could get, asking her for help. Soluna helped him get up, and once on his feet he could stay up, though it was a bit precarious. This was the moment he was afraid of. He motioned down to the supply bag and gun on the ground. He did not want to trust her with the rifle, but there was absolutely no way he could operate it with mutated limbs like this, and someone needed to use it if a monster found them. He could still carry the supply bag over his shoulder at least, once she helped pick it up for him. If anything he was stronger and could carry it easier than ever. Wayne's midsection was showing more and more as his clothing fit him less and less. He was still slowly growing bigger. It was not too long after this that they had to set up camp, early again, again because he was having difficulty walking. Soluna was worried for him now as well. She was still pretty sure whatever was happening is because of the shooting star, but she had no idea what it was doing to him. This night they had no food. There was nothing nearby she could find for him and insisted he not push himself further right now. Had had been trying to comfort her when she was his captive, but now she was the one comforting him. She sat right up against him as they watched the fire, and tried her best to comfort him.
After a while it was followed by a long silence. Soluna could not help but reach out and touch his chest. Not only was it torn in half, his shirt was now also stretched skin tight on his growing body. His pectoral muscles were huge and firm. His arm muscles had grown too, and his upper leg muscles. He did not know what to say about the soft dainty little hand feeling up his chest so he said nothing. She slunk her way in front more and came up for a kiss, stealing it before he could react.
"W-woah! What do you think you're doing?!"
"Oh c'mon. Like I can't see the massive bulge in your pants. If it gets much bigger it's going to explode out on its own!"
She shoved him back playfully and it did not take much for him to lose his balance and roll off the back of the log they had been sitting on and Soluna climbed onto him. Straddling his hips she reached down to pull his pants down and they were both surprised at what they seen. His balls and dick were pale pink and bright pink- neither coming anywhere close to matching his skin color. Even stranger though, his balls were cupped on the bottom by what almost looked like a beetle shell- it was made of skin but was very thick and hard. She pulled back on one half and the testicle moved with it. The scrotum was fused to the underside of the armored skin. His dick was working up from half erect so it was still much thicker than long, and looked still more different. There was soft ridges around the shaft, at the front of each one was one of the bumps from before, but now the bumps were all larger and firmer. The glans were stretched wide, losing a lot of its definition from the shaft, as if it had not grown with the rest. The bands on his dick sort of reminded Soluna of the medial ring of a horses cock... except there was a lot of them. She watched it, mesmerized by it as it became fully erect, and then shrugged- a dick is a dick.
She slid her own torn pants off and mounted him, letting him just lay there and rest while she rode him. Soluna also dropped her tits out of her shirt to give him a show. She slid herself down slowly, not sure how something like this would feel, and not having taken something so large in her before. The ribs were the hard part, she had to pause at each one. They were much more solid than the shaft itself, and the bumps stuck out and dragged against the walls of her vagina. It felt good once it was inside of her, but hurt a little popping each one in. To ease him in she had his dick at an angle and was leaned over him, nudging herself back to push a little more in every second or two, each time causing her boobs to wobble just over his chest, close enough that her erect nipples rubbed on him. He was breathing heavily as she approached bottom and he started to thrust gently into her, without even meaning to. His hips jerked a bit on their own from the pleasure. His breaths were so deep- his lungs were now much larger than normal. Once she was fully on him she started to bounce on his crotch and he groaned and moaned in pleasure. He was so verbal of his enjoyment she almost could not hear his bones pop. The veins in his neck throbbed and his entire neck got thicker and his vertebrae popped as new segments were created. His tail bone started to get a bit longer and forked. Soluna started to cry out a bit louder in a mix of pleasure and panic as she realized his cock was doing more than just throbbing- it was starting to grow a little big longer again. His balls grew bigger again as well, and the two armored segments started to grow tremendously, though not in thickness. Soluna had to scramble awkwardly forward a bit, and then a bit more as he came dangerously close to pounding her cervix, which would hurt- a lot. She also noticed now closer to his head, his eyes looked a bit.. milky. His neck was getting huge, and all of his muscles seemed to tense up at once. He slammed into her one more time and she was almost ready to jump off to avoid getting her internal organs realigned, but he was at his limit- he wasn't going any deeper than that. He came explosively and the blood rushed to the head of his cock almost painfully. It stretched even wider, and rounder. It grew three times in size, looking almost identical to a horses flare, except with a smooth corona, aside from a single huge bump on the bottom. He lay there breathing heavily and looking off with a dazed expression so Soluna just let him rest. He faded to sleep and she snuggled up beside his huge body to sleep herself.
The next day Wayne woke startled, yelling in a panic for Soluna to help, waking her up immediately with him. He could not see! And he could not feel his legs! Soluna quickly found the source of his leg problem- he had grown so large in his sleep his pants were cutting off the circulation to his legs! She had to quickly get a knife from their supply bag and cut her pants off of him. His legs were immediately filled with prickly tingling as the blood returned and slowly woke them up. He still could not see barely anything though. As he looked around he noticed he could see shapes, but that was about it. Everything looked so tremendously blurry, and all colors were so badly faded that he could barely tell what anything was. The only reason he could see Soluna is because he assumed she was the only thing that was moving. She told him about his eyes- they were covered in what looked like a grey film. His hair was also grey now, and his facial hair had grown in alarmingly fast... and felt oddly soft. He also grew in thick hair on his chest and forearms that felt more like fur than hair. Though they grew in during sex, they both only just now noticed he had a tail of pale grey hair. It looked like a braided horse tail, but actually it was two tails coiled around one another.
What Soluna did not realize is that like Wayne told her before, her odds of escape by herself on foot were dismal. But she also could not go free if she was with Wayne. So to create a solution the fallen star was turning Wayne into a mount for her to ride to freedom on. He had another dream of his seldom visited property in Tallground- a place Soluna could be brought to be safe. The problem is, being a shooting star, it was from a different part of the universe, it doesn't know any of the species on THIS planet. So its transforming Wayne into a beast from another planet altogether. Its eyes are decoy- the creature is blind, so Wayne's sight will continue to leave him, and his eyeballs will become solid objects, almost like glass. The reason it has two tails is because it uses its tails like a brush, to paint a pheromone trail onto the ground, controlling its intensity by tightening the twist between the two tails or loosening it. The creatures relied heavily on communication with one another, and scent was one of the methods. Wayne also had a bone spur sticking out of the middle of his forehead, a budding horn, but not looking like much of one yet.
Wayne again needed Soluna's help standing, and even then his increased body weight made it hard to remain upright, he leaned forward quite a bit. The creature is quadruped- but his hips have not changed yet. Soluna could not help but look at his crotch to see the huge equipment jostle around but found she couldn't. Overnight the protective shell continued to grow and now encapsulated his entire groin. She lifted a segment off a bit just to take a peek- the inside was lined with pink flesh. The pinkening skin ended where the shell did- the creature does not have a sheath like a horse does, so to protect its genitals and keep them still when running, it closes this shell around them. When it relaxes to open, the two segments become limp and just hang behind its balls like two cloth segments- the blood drains from them into the shaft. Once they were done examining his changes, they once again set out to try and find their way from the forest. Wayne was entirely naked now, his pants cut off, his shirt just shredded off on its own while they slept.
They started to smell smoke, and tried to hustle thinking they had found someone else camping in the woods, but they found what looked like the aftermath of a small forest fire. Wayne's joints felt stiff again. His body started to groan quietly, like he was growing too big for his own skeleton. His body was trying to change more. They soon found why, when they got to the edge of the crater. The actual meteor was only about as big as Soluna's torso, the crater it made was as wide as three homes, and all the trees in an even bigger radius were scorched, splintered, or burned completely away. Even the ground was black from a brief taste of cosmic flames. Wayne started to groan loudly as his bones creaked. Soluna asked if he was ok, even though she knew what must be happening. Being so close to the fallen star is inducing more changes. It also meant they were on the right track- they diverged from the path when the star fell, which means the path must be nearby.
Wayne fell onto all fours, letting out a loud grunt as he winded himself a bit. His hips shifted, popping and cracking loudly as they grew tremendously, widening his stance a lot as his glutes swelled gigantically to keep up- giving him a giant muscular ass. His anus puffed out a bit just like a horses. These creatures have a wide stance in their rear legs because while they are unable to walk on two legs- they ARE able to stand on two legs, which in turn allows them to use the digits on their front limbs to hold or manipulate things. Unfortunately this meant Wayne could not walk on two legs anymore- now that his hips shifted his posture and build would not allow it. He felt a sudden outburst and made a strange shrill cry, followed by another only with heavy reverberance, then let out a long loud sound that was half a human moan and half the reverberating cry. His neck started to grow longer, his hairline advancing down it in the other direction to give him a mane, and his entire torso started to grow a little bit longer. After crying out without even meaning to he inhaled deeply to replace the air, but when his lungs should have been full he kept going. His ribs clicked and he gasped, and then again, and then again. He kept taking in more air and his chest kept exploding in size, barreling out and completely obscuring any human shape it had.
The creature's body shape was identical to a horse, except for one minor detail. His chest felt like it was tightening back in for a moment, and then a sharp pain struck him for only a moment, as a bone blade erupted from the middle of his chest pointing up- or since he was on all fours, pointing forward. The sharp bone blade protected the creatures's collar. Unseen by either of them was also his heart, which was both huge and oddly shaped now. The creature's predators relied heavily on sound, so it had the ability to stop its own heart for several minutes to avoid its beating giving away the location. Its voice was shrill, but it rarely used its voice.
Wayne's eyesight faded the rest of the way, and long antennae looking things grew from his brow. There was four of them, the shortest barely sticking out at all, and the longest narrow stalk was about two inches. This is how they communicate mainly- they can transmit and read neural signals. Wayne's ears continued to grow out, developing the muscles at their base to pivot around as they became large and leaf shaped, curling in at the edges. His nose started to grow larger, his nostrils got longer but remained the same size. His facial hair turned fur started to overcome his face, and the fur mat on his forearms and chest consumed his upper body. The bottoms of his legs now had fur as well and a mat of fine fur advanced from the base of his tails covering his rump. He was panting heavily, but the changes seemed to stop. Not that there was much left at this point. Some patches of nude skin and his face was the only parts still left human. The hair on his head and tail continued to grow more pale, looking near white now, while the rest was base grey.
Soluna waved her hand in front of his face. "Hey... can you... still see me?"
Wayne spoke some... almost english. Not close enough for Soluna to understand mind you. His voice was strained as the reverberating sounds of the creature was mostly all he could produce, creating a jumble of the two that neither species would understand.
*So he can't speak anymore even... wow, that sucks.*
Wayne furrowed his brows. *That was not my thought...*
It took them several minutes of confused half-thoughts to realize he could communicate telepathically. It took him a bit longer to realize how to turn it on and off so he was not just open to any thought from anywhere, because that would get confusing really fast.
*I am ok... for now. No idea how to fix this thought. I can't even look at myself.*
"Totally blind?"
*Yea, but I... sort of know where things are anyway. I don't know how or why. Move around for a second." Soluna quietly moved a few feet to the left, his face followed her exactly. *Yea, I don't know how but my mind seems to know what is going on around me automatically.*
"So... what do we do?"
*The same thing we have been doing. Get out of this forest. Maybe its the forest itself somehow that is doing this and I will turn back when we are out. We can't do anything IN the forest, so step one is leave. Then we can work on getting you to safety. I mean, transporting you to...*
There was a long pause. "To...?"
"N-never mind, lets get going."
His mind seemed foggy, but she did not dwell on that thought long, at risk of him hearing hers. The transformation may be more than just physical. It took Wayne a bit to get his balance, not being used to walking on all fours, especially not on bone hooks. Whenever he stepped down it felt like they should probably buckle, or the joint would hurt but it never did- they lock in place to prevent that from happening. Even though they are the same size, these creatures likely could not carry as much on their backs as a horse, but could match or exceed a horse in speed.
Wayne and Soluna walked for a bit and found the trail again finally. Soluna actually noted that Wayne did not say anything, or react to finding the trail. She assumed he would be very happy about it. She had to point it out and then explain why it was good before she got the reaction she was expecting. His mind really was slipping. And his horn was getting bigger now to. It was like the horn was sucking his intelligence out. She felt really bad for him. She supposed he wasn't in any pain, but she also did not expect this to happen to him, and it is sort of her fault it happened. After following the trail for a bit Wayne started walking close to her, sniffing her hair as they walked. She looked at him and immediately noticed his horn much bigger- it actually looked like a horn now. Actually, it looked like a blade- it was narrow but broad like a sword blade, but made of dark grey bone like the hooks on his feet. She asked him why she can't just ride him instead of both of them having to walk. Wayne could not think of a reason so he bowed his front legs and let her climb onto his back. They walked for some time and finally got back to the main road. Not far south was the three way crossing and the path they originally tried to the collapsed bridge. Then it occurred to Soluna- the bridge was still being rebuilt, they STILL couldn't take that path. The trail they went on in the woods was the next closest, and the only option left to Stormund is all the way around the mountain range that cradled the forest on the north side. That would take a week at absolute best... they have no food and virtually no money. Soluna grinned a bit.
"So, where to, now that we are finally free of that cursed forest?"
*Forest cursed...?*
"J-just asking where we are going now."
* place I was bringing you to. The job said I should take you there.*
"To Stormund? Or... Tallground?"
*Tallground is good place!*
"Then lets go there first!"
There was a long pause and Soluna bit her lip nervously. Was he going to fall for it? She is a wanted woman in Stormund- no one knows who she is in Tallground, which means if she says she is a relative of Wayne and claims inheritance of the land, no one could say otherwise. Especially since Wayne himself isn't even human anymore. Was he human enough to see through the plot though? She heard creaking bone and leaned to the side, seeing his face was scrunched up in effort. He started grunting and snorting and the bones of his face started to click as it pushed out. His horn grew as his mind thought something was amiss but could not place it. The larger the horn grew the quieter those thoughts became. The horn looked like the blade of a claymore at this point. In a jumbled mix of sounds no one could interpret this face exploded outward quickly growing beyond any signs of humanity. The creatures finished face was very similar to a horse, except in place of two huge nostrils it had four. The nostrils had a flap of skin that allowed them to be closed off and invisible, and while they were extremely narrow they were also very long. They needed a fine sense of smell to pick up the details of their pheromone trails, so when one set of nostrils started to adjust to the local smells they close it off and switch to the other nostrils- so their sense of smell can never dull.
Without saying anything, Wayne shook his head, snorted and started to walk toward Tallground. Soluna was free! She nearly became another victim of lazy 'law enforcers'. She was so desperate she wished on a random shooting star- placing her fate in the hands of flying space garbage. And it worked. She was free! Soluna could take over the land Wayne owned and... she supposed keep him as a pet... with benefits? He seemed to keep his attraction for her, and that was made obvious thanks to his neural transmissions. She tried to speak to him a few more times along the way to his home in Tallground but she only got a few words here and there- 'what' or a 'mmhmm' till eventually he stopped responding at all. He slowed his walk and glanced back at her, so he heard what she was saying and listened, but no longer had words to reply with. He only transmitted emotions now- understanding, attraction, calm. He couldn't be a bounty hunter anymore but Soluna can make sure he is still happy regardless. And she promised- the next shooting star was his. | yiff-extreme |
Title: The Summer of a life time: Chapter 2 - Dreams Of A Nightmare by Gentaro
Tags: Gay, Love, No-Yiff, Tiger, Wolf
Inside James's house both furs lay asleep in bed, nestled under the covers, hiding in the dark, hidden warmth of their beds. Tom was sleeping heavily, like he always did, lying on his chest face down into the pillow. He was snoring lightly, with his feet hanging just over the edge of the bed. Until his foot and leg twitched at the sudden light touch of a finger, gently tracing it's way up his foot pad, and along the back of his leg. After getting just over half way his eyes slowly crept open as he started realizing there was something gently stroking up the length of his leg. In a sudden movement he flipped his whole body over to and before getting a chance to react to what he saw, the naked wolf that lay just over him reached out to his head and pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss. Holding his head still he arched his back and moved in closer to the stunned tiger. Locking there muzzles together, letting tongues loose to roam free, twisting and twirling in passion as the two furs lock arms around each other in a loving embrace. Until they slowly broke off from the kiss and stared into each others eyes, watching each other stare straight back.
Tom wanted to say something too the wolf lying over him but he just couldn't bring himself to say anything from being stunned by the sudden attack against his lips. The wolf looking down at him suddenly grinned, with a look of fire upon his eyes. And within a sudden movement the wolf thrusted his mouth onto the tigers open neck, biting hard stabbing his teeth into the skin. Tom screamed out with pain as the wolf lying over him continued biting down hard against his neck. Tom was sent into pure agony from the vicious wolf atop him biting down into his neck with such a force as to rip his way in. After getting just enough into his muzzle, the wolf above him quickly lifted his head fast ripping up the skin and fur on Tom's neck tearing it off in one vicious movement. Tom fell flat under the wolf not being able to move or even think from pain.
With one last motion Tom raised his whole body up and screamed out waking the wolf lying in the bed just on the other side of the room from Tom. As he saw nothing in front of him and looking around, his whole body shook with fear as thoughts and images of the Horrible Dream he'd just had flashed through his mind. For reassurance he instantly clasped his hand at his neck to feel if it was still there or not.
"What's the matter? What's wrong? Tom!? Are you ok?" James quickly jumped out of bed rushing over to the distressed tiger that was still full of fright and fear with what had just happened...... or, at least what he'd thought had happened. Within seconds the wolf was at his side holding him in a tight embrace, trying to calm him down.
"Shhh, its ok, its ok......" After things got a little bit calmer James looked into Toms eyes. "Are you alright now?" James asked Tom, who was still clinging on to James out of fear.
"Yea..... Yea, I... I'm ok." Tom managed to get out, panting heavily as his heart raced.
"I... I'm sorry I woke you." He said as he looked down from the wolf slowly with a sad expression on his face.
"No, no, don't be, it's quite alright. You had a bad dream; in fact from the sounds of it I'd say you were having a nightmare." James said, speaking out softly as not to startle the already confused, scared and upset tiger sitting next to him.
Tom sighed with comfort and happiness as his friend held him close, speaking in a soothing gentle tone to him. And if he had his way, he'd never move from that spot ever again. But knowing in time that they were gonna have to, made him feel a down a little bit.
After hearing his sight, James hugged him a little bit tighter at the hopes of helping his friend feel better, and having Tom reach round to hug him straight back was a sure sign that it had worked.
"Right, well it's still kinda late.... We should probably be getting back to bed." James said slowly releasing his grip and pulling his arms away from the tiger.
Tom felt cold again as James's arms left his body, and as much as he hated to admit it, he sorta liked having James holding him close and keeping him warm.
"But.... What if I have another one?" He asked shyly, like a frightened little kid who just had a bad dream.
"Uhh.... Well, if it makes you feel any better, you could.... Well, sleep next to me." James was feeling a little stupid after saying that to Tom. Thinking Tom might ask him if he was gay or something, and as much as he didn't mind it. James wasn't ready for people to find him out yet. Well, not after last time anyway.
"Well, if you don't mind me...... Uhh, you know." Tom stood facing James with another nervous look.
"Yea, I won't mind if it'll help you get some rest, you don't have to if you don't want to, it was just a suggestion." James said hesitantly hoping that Tom doesn't ask if that's the full reason he said it.
"Well I don't mind, m... may I?" Tom was beginning to feel nervous about asking at this point.
"Sure you can" James smiled at him, trying to seem as nice as possible to make Tom feel a little less awkward about it. Well, the way James saw it was. If it's perfectly normal for two guys to sleep in the same room, then what's wrong with sleeping in the same bed?
And with this they both went over to James's bed and each climbed in, curling themselves back under the covers. Tom felt much more content and relaxed when he was with James, and being under the warm covers of a double bed with him only made him feel even closer to him. If only he knew how Tom felt about him. But how would Tom tell him? What would he say? He thought to himself.
"Hey, you can move further into the bed you know, you don't have to hang off the edge." James spoke out to him, "What's the matter? I don't bite." James said with a chuckle. Tom however was not laughing at this, but stared at him with a look of horror.
"What?" James said as his laughing slowly came to a stop. After realizing that Tom was still in slight shock, probably from something he'd just recently said, he reached over and placed his hand onto gently his shoulder.
"Tom, it's ok, alright?"
After snapping out of his thoughts and back into reality, Tom stopped staring and realized that James had his hand on his shoulder.
"Yea... Yea I'm ok I guess."
"Are you sure everything's ok, it seems to me that something's troubling you."
Tom was hoping that he wouldn't ask if there was anything else.
"Yes, I'm fine, let's just got to sleep for now, ok?"
"Sure" James said not wanting to upset the already distressed tiger anymore than he had been.
And with his final words they began to rest once more, and went back to sleep.
\*The Next Morning\*
Waking up after a good nights sleep. (Well, after having a dream where someone you have feelings for bites your neck open anyways.) Tom stretches lightly before realizing that he and James are lying next to each other, arms locked around on another. As much as Tom didn't want to move, he couldn't let James wake up to see that he'd clung against him in his sleep. But before he had a chance to try and sneak his way out from James's grip he began to wake up. Tom quickly placed his arms at his sides and began to think of a plan to get him out of it. And with a light yawn James woke up, looking directly into Tom's beautiful crystal, ice eyes as his own eyes opened and adjusted to the morning lights.
"Morning, James, you have a good sleep?" Tom asked with a cunning plan to make James feel more embarrassed than he was already beginning to feel.
Smiling lively James answered. "Yea, I slept well thanks."
"Yea, I thought you might have, Ohh.... By the way, you can let go at anytime you know." Tom said smiling widely with what he'd said.
"Huh?" After thinking about what Tom had said, he noticed that his arms were wrapped around his chest and sides, with his hands locked together behind his back.
Pulling away quickly, James began to rant on till he could find some way of explaining this. "Ohh God, Shit, I'm so sorry about that, I... I... I don't know what happened, I..." James stammered to find an answer to why his arms were wrapped around Tom's chest.
Tom Chuckled in delight watching the young wolf struggle to find a reason as to why he was holding him, but decided to not take it far enough to make him feel bad, after all, he did help him calm down from last night after he had the dream about him. Only, James didn't know that it was him Tom was dreaming about.
"James..... It's ok, I don't mind, there comfy, and they kept me warm during the night." Tom smiled to him.
"WHAT!? YOU WERE AWAKE WHEN I PUT MY ARMS AROUND YOU!?" James began to feel even more embarrassed knowing that Tom was awake when it happened. And with that he lowered his head in shame.
"Awww..... James...... Its ok, don't feel bad about it. If I'd not wanted your arms holding on to me like that I'd have gently woke you up and asked you to move them?" Tom spoke out to him, trying his best to make the wolf feel better.
James looked up at him again, staring into his eyes with a still depressed face. Tom Just smiled and hugged him, like James had done in the night.
"There, feel better?" Tom asked
"Surprisingly, yes? Yes I do feel much better."
"There, you see? It's nothing to get embarrassed about, besides, it made me feel like I had nothing to fear, and helped me relax, and eventually fall asleep. And I was only awake when it happened because I couldn't sleep from fear that I'd have another bad dream." Tom said looking right into the wolfs eyes with his paw holding his muzzle up so he'd be looking back and not look away again.
Feeling Toms hand against his muzzle, and having him hold him close like he did a moment ago was beginning to make him blush from feeling so close to him. After thinking over his feeling's he was beginning to think he had fallen in love with his friend, and the worst part about his feelings was that he couldn't tell him.
Seeing some sadness dwelling within James's eyes he begins to speak out to him. "James? Is there something wrong?" Tom asked him in a quiet, yet comforting voice.
After a moment to regain his thoughts James snapped out of his Zone, and suddenly began rushing everything at 100 miles a minute.
"Yea, I'm ok, do you want breakfast? What time is it? I think we should get up. Do you......"
"JAMES!!!?" Tom shouted out to him.
After jumping at the sound of hearing him go off like that he'd nearly fallen over. "What?" James asked not even thinking about what he was doing.
"Slow Down!" Tom stated, "Why are you rushing everything like we have to be somewhere? Just relax a little and take it slow, ok?" Over all, thinking about it, Tom did have a very good point. They weren't going out anywhere, and didn't have any reason to be rushing, so why not take it slowly.
"Yea... I guess you're right. Well, I'm gonna go make us something to eat for breakfast, what you fancy?"
"You" Tom said without even thinking about what he was saying being too busy staring at James from behind as he started walking off towards his draws.
"What?" James said in confusion as he turned to face Tom.
"Err.... I mean, I'll have what ever you're having." He quickly got out before James had a chance to question what he'd said. James just turned off, looking down again and started rummaging through his draw.
The first thought that came to Tom's mind after that was "Phew! That was close."
Getting up both furs Put on some cloths, Tom just put on the same a yesterdays not having gone home to get a fresh pair of cloths to wear, The one's he had on yesterday were clean on, so they could last another day. Once dressed the two furs went down stairs together to get breakfast and think of something they could do to waste the last 16 hours of the day.
"Ok.... What do you want to eat?" James asked politely
"Anything will do James, just as long as it fills me up" Tom stated with another one of his casual Chuckles at the end of his sentence, as that was the way his humor worked. James on the other hand found his laughter from making jokes towards other people when there around. But the way he gave them all a soft smile at the end of it, they all knew that he didn't mean to have meant anything bad. After all, it's just a joke?
James figured that seeing as how they had all day, why make a quick breakfast. With the amount of time they had, James decided to go for a Big breakfast, just for Tom.
After making breakfast, serving it and sitting at the table with a full plate of food each and toast with butter, jam, chocolate spread and marmite at the side like at a B&B.
"Well, Dig in then?" James said with a grin thinking he'd made a good job of what he'd made for breakfast.
"Wait? You're telling me this is all Breakfast?"
"Yes? What else would it be?"
"Dude, I am so coming to you're house next time you're cooking breakfast." Tom said with a smile that looked almost mystified by the food on the table, as if it was all just some sort of dream. And with the way he felt about James, he was praying that everything was real. "Well, it tastes real" he thought to him self as he ate the incredible meal placed in front him. He was beginning to feel a strange sensation within his chest as he ate, and thousands of thoughts began to flood his mind. But out of everything his head was asking him, about what he was feeling, and what it was telling him. He knew exactly what it was all telling him, about what he thought and felt, together as one. He felt like for once in his life, things were going perfect, and he couldn't get that out of his head until he began to hear a faint voice. After looking up surely enough, James was talking to him, and he soon snapped out of it and began listening again.
"Huh? I'm sorry; I guess I kinda wasn't paying attention." Tom said looking into James's eyes from across the table.
James only sighed hearing this and started again. "I said, What do you want to do today? Like, after you're done with breakfast?"
"I'm not sure, but at this rate, I don't think I'll have finished breakfast by the end of today."
"Tom!!!!! I'm being serious."
"Ok, ok, Hmm......" Tom began to ponder about what they could do today, but the only thing that came to mind was to go Shopping. And not many guys liked doing that as something in a day out with there friends. And then it hit him, there was a new Mall built recently, and it was only opened about 2 weeks ago. He'd heard that it was said to have Everything any fur could possibly want. (Well, anything you could buy anyway)
"Hey, there was a new Mall opened recently, I haven't been over there yet, we could go and check it out. And don't worry; you don't have to buy anything." Tom exclaimed, thinking that this could be a great opportunity for him and James to have some fun together, and maybe find out what interested him.
"Yea, and don't worry, I've got some money to take, we could share it."
"Ohh... you don't have to lend me any money." Tom was slowly starting to blush at the way James wanted to give him money, and not expect anything in return. It was unusual for people to just give someone something, but in the end, James insisted.
"You don't have to give me anything?" Tom said, feeling slightly bad about taking his money.
"No, it's ok; I want you to have it. You can buy anything you want with it."
"Well, ok." Tom eventually agreed with James and accepted his offer.
"Great, now, I only have one question......"
"Hmm... And what's that?" Tom asked, seeming slightly intrigued, wondering what the wolf might want to know.
"How are we going to get there?" James stated, with a grin on his muzzle. Inside his mind right at that moment he, was trying to guess what kind of a snide remark Tom might come out with, as like a sort of game to pass the time.
"Ohh... Don't worry about that. I'm sure my ride can pick us up." Tom said with probably one of the widest Grin's on his own muzzle James had ever seen.
"Ride?" James looked at Tom with slight confusion.
"You'll see." Tom said, holding his grin, and reaching into his pocket to get his phone. He began pressing a few buttons and with in seconds he'd sent a message off to someone else's phone.
"Hey!!!!! I thought you didn't have any credit?" James looking slightly annoyed.
Tom only chuckled at the look on his face, "I have free texts, but I can't ring with them? Ohh...... And would it be ok if I could have you're...... mobile number?" Tom seemed slightly worried about asking this, incase James said no.
"Sure.... 01723798745" James was good with his memory, so phone numbers were easy to keep track of.
"Thanks, Breakfast was lovely by the way." Tom said, before sending another text out and putting his phone away again.
Hearing this only made James feel incredibly warm inside and he felt like his face was going red.
"Ok.... My Ride's going to be here in 10 minutes, so I think we should quickly clear this all up and get ready."
"Ohh, yea, I'll just take that thanks." James took their plates over to the sink and began washing them up before leaving them on the drainer to dry. Once he'd finished that they went into his room quickly to see if they could get some money that James had. After finding where his dad had placed it, he opened this small metal case and began removing what amount of money he had left in it, it wasn't too much, but it seemed to have quite a bit in there.
"Ok, here, this is the money I'm giving you to spend." James held out his paw with the money in it to Tom, who seemed hesitant at first, but took the money in the end. Suddenly, hearing what sounded like the horn from a car was heard out side. Both furs rushed straight down the stairs, after James had quickly grabbed a chain with a key on the end that was sitting on a small pair of draws next to his bed, so he could get back in once the day was over. Rushing out side they both stopped and looked to the road side where there was a red van parked and another tiger sitting in at the driver's seat.
"Well, what do you think? It looks better on the inside, trust me." Tom lightly nudged James's arm and both furs scrambled into the vehicle together.
The radio was on nearly full blast, and the driver was just another Young adult like James, only a bit older, about 19 or 20. He was Tom's older brother, Scott, and he was also new to town as he used to live with his family. But was kicked out because he dropped out from everything, and even though his parent's didn't want to support him. His little bro did. Every ounce of pocket money or birthday money he got from his family. He gave to his older brother. And once he'd past his test, he paid him to drive him around. But would walk every now and then, as the fresh air relaxed him and the walking helped him to think more.
"So where are you two headin?"
"Just the new mall that was built, you know where it is? Right?" Tom said
"Yea, of course I do? Why? What have you been smoking?"
"Shut Up!!!!!"
James just laughed at this. "Seems your older bro's got the same sense of humor you have."
"Yea, tell me about it."
"Well Anyway, I haven't got all day, so strap in guys, Ohh... and New guy...... when I say strap in, It Mean's, Strap In."
"Yea, Trust Me, You Really Want To Strap In When He's In A Hurry." Tom Said with a smirk.
And with everyone ready to go, Scott Instantly Slamming his foot down on the accelerator and there gone off into the distance and out of sight within seconds.
Well, here's part 2 of my series, Sorry for the wait, I wrote it as fast as I could. I hope you all Enjoy it, And Spelling and Grammar Isn't my best area of English, so please be gentle. \*Puts on a cute face\*
And I'll try and get part three out as soon as possible, so be sure to keep an eye out.
(The Phone Number In This Story IS NOT REAL, Please Do Not Ring The Number Thinking It Might Work) | FSE |
Title: Beetlesmith's Ch. 16
Tags: mother daughter incest, mother daughter sex, mother, daughter, lesbian incest
Lisa and Barbara went back to their home around two-thirty in the morning.
It was a stunning night, one that will go down in the annals of debauchery for all time. Caligula, Nero, Casanova, the Marque de Sade, and that weird looking guy from 'Dangerous Liaisons'—fucking unimaginative, sexual eunuchs compared to me. Okay, okay, a bit of an over exaggeration. There were no decapitations and very little blood.
Unfortunately, I don't have the time to relay the details, nor all the highlights, only broad brush strokes of some of the events will have to do. I have a party to plan and a wife to punish.
I told Lisa twenty minutes, but it only took me ten to get home after the Goth girl. Yeah, I was racing. Fortunately, the donut shops were still open, so there were no cops on the road.
As expected, Lisa and Barbara were waiting for me, sitting on the couch in the living room. Funny, neither of them seemed to expect anything out of the ordinary, especially given our recent histories. I thought at least Barbara would be bit nervous, young as she was and still naïve about some things in the world—all manner of sex, benign or depraved, not being one of them any longer. Karen saw to that. Still, I thought she might be worried, what with her mother there, and Karen 'sweating bullets' next to her, but she was as calm as I've ever known her.
Karen was another story. She was freaked. Rushing up to me as soon as I entered the house, she asked in a harsh whisper so the others wouldn't hear, "What the hell is going on?"
I could read Karen's mind like a book, and I didn't need any special powers for that. Thoughts of what I was going to say to Lisa about her and Barbara flooded her mind, and it terrified her.
Not daring to look at her cheating face, I rudely dismissed her by saying, "Go sit somewhere away from me, and try and make yourself useful for once by keeping your lying mouth shut."
I settled in the chair opposite from where Lisa and Barbara sat. I didn't say anything to them. I just stared at them while thinking all those delicious acts that I've been denying myself for too long.
Almost immediately, they both broke out in a fevered sweat. Lisa was wearing a tight-fitting pair of white shorts, and I saw a growing stain darkening the fabric between her legs. Although I couldn't see between Barbara's legs because of the way she was sitting, I knew her panties were soaked as well.
That's all it took. A few moments of thought, and mother and daughter were 'hot to trot.'
Not only were all my acquired powers back at full strength, they had grown exponentially. I felt I could move mountains. I felt I could give the whole shitty world, and every fuck-head in it, a shuttering orgasm with just a single thought—and still have strength left for corn flakes.
*Yeah—Total Recall—bitchin' movie.*
After another few moments under my gaze, Lisa and Barbara were panting, fidgeting, pushing their fists into their stomachs, clamping their legs together, doing anything to stem that rising tide, but I pushed them both to climax right there.
I didn't care who knew it now. Let all of them see my power. No one would believe their lying eyes anyway. Why should they? I'll just tell them what to see, how to think, what to feel. I am the director. They—my actors...
*...And if they know what's good for them they'll shut the fuck up, spread their legs and enjoy the ride.
I've been played the chump for too long—Mr. Nice Guy...Mr. Chump. Well, it's payback time. Yeah, the world is in for one big ass fucking, and it starts tonight, and it won't end until I say stop!*
I said to mother and daughter, "I don't like hair on my pussies. Go upstairs and shave yourselves. Then wait for me on the bed."
Barb pulled her mother off the couch, and they raced to the bedroom, laughing. As I heard their footfalls pounding up the stairs, I wondered if they knew, or guessed at the incestuous debauchery I had in store for them. Was thought possible for those under my power—thoughts about the moral and ethical implications of their acts? Or was it just an overriding emotional reaction totally void of any thought?
Oh well, I can't be bothered with that now, I'll leave those questions for the philosophers to figure out.
Karen got up to follow.
"Sit down, bitch! What makes you think I want you in my games?
"You've already had your fun, while making a fucking fool out of me. Now, I'm going to show you what it's like to have someone you love shit on you.
"When I'm done with those two sluts, they'll be begging to have my children, and all you get to do is watch. Do you understand me?! Cunt! And as I have my way with them, the Cunt's not to talk...The Cunt's not to touch herself...I don't even want to hear your cunty moans! If you do anything other than watch, I'll lock you in the fucking attic with all the other rodents."
Watch she did, from her vanity chair, stripped of all her clothes, as well as dignity. The whole time the Grants and I played, she sat rigidly in that chair like a good little cunt, watching, stewing, seething, and dripping. The only sounds that could be heard from her quarter of the room were that of heavy panting, and the slow drip of her arousal pooling on the carpet beneath her.
*Just as in my dreams.*
For the first hour or so, I let Barbara and Lisa get to know each other more intimately. I mostly watched their raucous dance together, although I did interject the occasion verbal and, of course, mental command from time to time; but really, I was curious to see just how creative they would get on their own accord.
Surprisingly for me, the daughter immediately assumed the dominant role over mother. Well, maybe not so surprising, given that Barbara was the more sexually experienced now. Still, I found it odd that Lisa never once tried to interject any motherly control over any situation. She played the most demure and compliant submissive.
As for Barbara, it was as if every parental slight, real or imagined, borne by her since childhood was thrown back at Lisa during their romp. She was, at times, vicious in her treatment of Lisa, and berated her mother at every turn if she wasn't satisfied by Lisa's tonguing or fingering. Moreover, each time Barb slung down the insults as she ground her pussy hard into her mother's face, I could see Lisa becoming more docile, more submissive, and more aroused.
It was Barbara's overarching need for revenge for constantly being under mother's thumb that was the true music of their dance, and far more the sexual instigator than my occasional suggestions.
Barbara's sexual venom wasn't on display more so than when she had Lisa on her back, while she straddled her mother's head. Usually in this position, Barbara faced her mother's feet so that she could tease Lisa's clit on occasion with a finger or tongue. The tease was never enough to give mother release, but more than enough to send her into greater sexual frenzy.
Lisa responded aptly to the tease. Gripping Barbara's buttocks hard, she would lift daughter's ass off her face, spread her cheeks wide, and suck feverishly at Barb's vulva.
Lisa's fingers and tongue shifted quickly about her daughter's vitals. A long suck and quick flick her, a forceful prod into Barbara's pussy there. Lisa's tongue, lips, and fingers moved in perfect harmony. It wasn't long before Barbara's arousal glistened heavily on mother's face.
It wasn't just Barbara's vulva she enjoyed, as Lisa occasionally took long swipes with her tongue at her daughter's tight, pretty pink asshole.
Yes, she went their—with only a little mental direction from me...
*In for a penny, in for a pound. Wasn't that the old saying?*
...Once the incestuous cat was out of its bag, there was no point in having other boundaries between mother and daughter.
Lisa never lingered there for long. Just enough to get Barbara moaning loudly and flex her ass cheeks around mommy's tongue.
When the golden moment arrived, it was always the same. Barbara would arch her back, point her face toward the ceiling, and moan sweetly, "I'm coming Mommy."
How many, 'I'm coming Mommy's,' did I hear during that first hour? I don't know. Who counts that stuff? All I know, I didn't hear one, 'I'm coming Dear.' Lisa exhibited perfect, motherly self-sacrifice
They ended their solo session on a tenderer note, by just kissing and caressing each other with soft hands and softer lips. A catharsis had finally occurred between the two. Barbara's punishments had washed Lisa clean of her sins, and she was made pure again in the eyes of her daughter.
It was really quite moving to watch.
We continued with the games, so many games varied in rule and tempo, but too numerous to relay now. However, to give you at least a taste of the evening's events, my favorite game came just after their catharsis.
I had removed my clothes by then, and was lying at the head of the bed. Barbara and Lisa were still lying together at the opposite end. They watched and waited patiently, like faithful pets, for what I would have them do next.
I called Lisa up to me. Barbara uttered a little whine at not being chosen first, but I hushed her, telling her to continue to be patient.
As for Lisa, she had the most delectable smile—playful yet still demure—as she crawled toward me like a cat creeping closer to an unsuspecting bird.
Slipping my fingers through her short, blonde hair, I pulled her lips gently into mine. Her kiss was slow and passionate, full of anticipation and barely reserved, percolating arousal.
She nibbled at my tongue with her lips, as if she wanted to draw all the sexual essence out of me and savor it like a fine wine.
Pressing harder into me, she sucked my tongue fully into her mouth while letting her hand slip down to gently brush against my cock. I was so very hard, and so very massive.
She moaned loudly at its feel—a rough moan of anticipation, greed, and want for that object she lovingly stroked with her fingers. I felt the unmistakable quick rise of her climax. Her arousal stopped just below the tipping point and stayed there, boiling feverishly, waiting for just the right touch to set it off.
That kiss alone almost made her come. I slipped my palm over her mons, tamping down her arousal for now.
Holding her cheek close to mine, I asked, "Do you remember my phone call?"
She giggled, nibbled my earlobe, and said softly, "Yes."
"And do you remember what you said to me?"
"I said lots of things..."
"Come on," I said playfully, "Don't be coy now."
Again, she giggled and bit my earlobe, "Yes, I remember."
"I thought you would. And did you bring it?"
Sheepishly, she said, "I forgot."
"Naughty girl," I said, kissing her.
Then to Barbara, who was sitting back on her heels watching me play with mommy, I said, "Barb, be a sweetheart and get the lubricant for your Mom. I don't think I need to tell you where it is, given your time with Karen."
That last part was just a little vague dig at Barbara and Karen's bit of selfish infidelity, and it wasn't lost on either Lisa or Karen. Lisa cocked her head toward Karen and stared hard at her for a moment, but remained silent.
As Barb scampered away, Lisa fell back into the kiss. Her fingers continued to dance slyly about my cock, reminding her of what she now coveted. As such, she didn't stay at my mouth too long.
She slid down my chest, licking and kissing me the whole way, just like her daughter had done from that other night.
Once she got to that thing she coveted, she took her time, savored every bit of the delectable experience with lips, tongue, and fingers. Along these ends, not once did she put me in her mouth, spending that time Barbara needed to prepare her, by nuzzling, caressing, kissing and licking me softly and sweetly.
Barbara returned with the lube, and stood behind her mother, shrugging her shoulders at me in a, 'What's next,' manner.
"You should know what to do, you dope. You've done it enough times with Karen. Get your Mom ready for me."
It was another dig at their treachery of me, not nearly as subtle as before.
Barbara tried to make like she didn't hear me, but she did and hoped I wasn't angry with her.
Karen trembled each time I brought the subject up, knowing I wasn't nearly through with her punishment; she was experiencing real fear of what I would finally do to her when I got the chance.
Lisa's reaction, on the other hand, was much different than before, she became aroused at hearing the slutty treatment done to her by Karen. Of course, it helped that I pushed salacious images of Barbara acting the slut into her mind while ramping up her arousal. Still, there was quite an odd dichotomy of emotion and thought that played out in Lisa's mind. On one hand, there was the maternal instinct to enact revenge against Karen, the one who violated her daughter's chastity; and yet, at the same time, she was getting aroused by the very thoughts of Barbara's raped innocence.
I watched as Lisa applied a quick, lustful tongue flick to the underside of my shaft, and asked nonchalantly, "It excites you to know Barb's taken it up the ass, doesn't it?"
Her tongue continued to flick as she looked into my eyes, trying to hide her feelings from me.
"I wish I could tell you it was me doing all that ass pounding of your daughter. But it was only my cheating, slut of a wife with a dildo, who fucked Barb every day in the ass. Do you want to know how long those two cunts have been at each other?"
Lisa, still looking dispassionately into my eyes while licking my shaft, nodded hesitantly.
"They romped together every day since we had that wonderful time together on my front porch. And in all that time, neither of those selfish little twats thought to ask me to join them."
Lisa became visibly upset hearing of her daughter's selfishness and treachery toward me.
Barbara began crying while trying to defend herself, "I wanted you there, but Karen said you couldn't be...And that it wouldn't be a good idea to ask you...And that we should just...You know...Just do stuff together, alone..."
"I wasn't talking to you, Barb, my slut. You should just concern yourself with getting mommy ready for my cock."
"Sorry," she said, meekly, returning to the task I set for her.
"How many fingers have you worked into Mommy's ass?...Barely two? You need to be doing it better than that sweetheart. Add some more lube."
She did, and started to push in three fingers.
"Add a bit of your spit to it also, my little slut. That usually helps."
I couldn't help but feel pleased, watching Barbara hang her head directly over Lisa's asshole, just like a bombardier sighting in a ground target, then letting a large dollop of spit fall from her mouth onto her mother—bulls eye, right on target. She quickly pushed her three fingers in, right after the spit bomb.
"It also helps to take Mommy's mind off the pain. What other things does Karen do to you when she gets you ready?"
"She likes to suck and finger my twat!" Barbara blurted out, happy that she could be so helpful.
"See, you knew all along what you need to do," I said, as I watched Barb push her face into Lisa's vulva. From then on out, the only thing I could hear was loud sucking sounds and Lisa squealing in pleasure.
Lisa had momentarily stopped her tongue and lip slides over my cock due to her daughter's skillful attention to her pussy. I tapped my cock lightly against her face in a teasing manner, while saying, "Hey sweetheart, don't forget about me. Unless, of course, you don't want any cock for the rest of the evening. I'll have you sit in a chair alongside that other cunt and both of you can watch me fuck Barbara until she passes out."
"Sorry," she squeaked, and holding me firmly down at the base of my shaft, and renewed her licking of my cock with all the focus and fervor of a child licking a popsicle on a hot summer day.
"That's nice, Baby, slobber all over that cock-head like a good little cock slut," I said soothingly as I stroked her cheek, and then to Barbara, I asked "Now how many fingers?"
I heard Barbara spit into Lisa's ass before answering, "Almost four. How does it feel, Mom?"
Lisa swallowed hard, and mumbled something inaudible.
"Good girls, both of you. Not like my slut-cunt of a wife, who never seems to be helpful, and is always disagreeable and selfish."
Lisa found a certain encouragement from my words. That, or else they excited her into new levels of arousal, because her little lick-kiss, cock sucking technique changed from long licks of my shaft, to short, forceful flicks of the tongue just below my cockhead. She threw in soft sucks and tongue rolls on occasion, and it was like heaven.
"If you keep doing that I'm going to come all over your pretty face."
She stopped her flicking to ask, "Just like last time? Promise?"
Then turning, she winked at Karen, and said, "I've never seen a guy come harder or faster. Not even in the movies. Will really made me feel I'd done something extraordinary. He made me feel special. And you, you stupid bitch, you had it all, and now look at you." She laughed in Karen's face, before returning her flicking tongue to my cock.
I must admit, I got Lisa to say those words to Karen, particularly throwing in the humiliating laugh at the end. I think those words have more power, and have a greater, humiliating effect when they are said by a third party—don't you think?
*Oh yes, they certainly do!*
Karen's just sat there like a good cunt and took the abuse, although her face was cloaked in a crimson-colored mask of miserable jealousy, rage and shame.
"That should be good enough, Barb. Come around here now, sweetheart, and grease me up real good with the lube, and then you can stay and watch my cock slide into mommy's ass."
She knelt alongside me, and dribbled a liberal amount onto my cock-head. There was the brightest glow and smile on her face as she watched the lubricant trickle down along my shaft. As the viscous fluid neared the base of my cock, Barb quickly scooped it up and smeared all over my erection. She giggled as the sensation made my cock jump a number of times out of her gentle grip. Then, while applying more lube to my shaft and head, Barb lowered herself down and drew my balls into her mouth with one easy swipe of her tongue.
Lisa watched in fascination—but with a little revulsion mixed in—as her daughter preformed acts that she, herself, had rarely, if ever, given thought to, and preformed those acts with an ease and guiltless naiveté as one would garner from boiling an egg.
She didn't ask how Barb came to be such an expert in carnal pursuits. I think she was too afraid to, preferring to keep her head in the sand and not explore too deeply into her daughter's debauchery, but she could guess. Every so often, I could see her sneaking a sideways glance at Karen with a look of utter contempt plastered on her face.
It's funny how Lisa ignored *my* obvious culpability in the corruption of her daughter. Then again, maybe not— innocence as well as arousal can be instilled into the actor's head by the director.
The moment of truth had arrived for Lisa.
I cupped her head between my hands, and said, "Come up here, baby, and give us a kiss."
Her heart pounded madly in her chest. Her face turned a deep pink as all the blood rushed upward. I could feel each 'thump' and 'pulse' of her beating heart through her lips as she pushed them hard into me.
"Penny for your thoughts," I said quietly.
She almost said something, but just shook her head in embarrassment.
I guessed what she wanted to say, and asked, "Remember what I said to you over the phone about this moment?"
"That I couldn't back out of it?"
"That's right, so here's what I want you to do. Turn the other way around, so that you're facing away from me. While you straddle my hips, just slowly sit down. It's as simple as that."
She gave me a comical, 'simple as that, my ass,' look before doing what I asked.
As Lisa repositioned herself, I said to Barbara, "Why don't you help your mom, and hold my cock still until she slips me in."
Due to my extended length, Lisa couldn't straddle me by kneeling, which led to an amusing bit of banter between mother and daughter when we made that discovery.
Straddled across my hips, Lisa pressed her backside snug up against my erection and waited...And waited some more, thinking that Barbara would start to slid me into her.
"Mom, what are you doing?"
"I'm waiting."
"Waiting for what?"
"Waiting for you to...You know...Put it in me."
Barbara began slapping my cock repeatedly against her mom's ass and lower back, while saying in a not too sardonic tone, "Mom, do you feel that? That's his cock. The end is hitting you way above the crack in your ass. You're going to have to shift and lean forward so that I can get him under you."
Lisa shift forward a bit.
Barbara continued to slap her as a reminder, "Mom."
Lisa shifted and leaned forward again.
Another back slap from Barb, "Mom!"
Another forward shift by Lisa, and still not nearly enough.
"Jesus Mom! Do you act like a total 'doof' with daddy, too? No wonder he's always working."
Lisa answered with a familiar, frustrated motherly tone, "Would you just tell me where you want me to put my ass, and quite with all this guessing shit. Christ, just like your father! Both of you can never give me a straight answer on anything"
"Gees, don't have a spaz, Mom. Sit down closer to his knees...That's better!"
Better for them, maybe, but not for me. Given Lisa's distance from me, and that she ended up leaning far forward, Barbara had to bend my cock far forward in order to put it into her mom's hole. It felt like she almost snapped my dick off in her first attempt.
*All of this must be killing my little anal expert, Karen.*
"Okay, okay, okay," I said quickly, and in distress, "This isn't working." Even I hadn't learned all the anatomical difficulties inherent with having a big cock, but it's fun educating myself.
"Lisa, turn around and face me...That's right...Come all the way up...All the way, Baby, and stick those big tits in my face...Yummy."
Right away she saw this was a better position, and like a smart ass, said so, "Why didn't we do it this way first?"
"Because, with the other way I get to watch my cock slide into your ass. That's always fun for me."
She giggled, and said while kissing me, "You're such a silly, bad boy."
As her daughter held my cock, Lisa slid back ever so slowly. She barely got my cock-head in before she stopped her advance.
A look of distress passed across her face, as she apologized, "I think this is going to take longer than I thought."
"Take your time, sweetheart. Take all the time you need," I said, soothingly.
Putting on a brave face, she said trying to sound calm, "I know. We've got all night to get it right. Right?"
I felt her push back a little more, but instead of pushing my cock further in, all she ended up doing was make it bow in the middle. It just wouldn't slide in any further.
I pulled her forward so that I was out of her again, and told Barb to squirt more lube over me, over her mom, and into everything.
Lisa slid me in again, and slowly pushed back. She got me in a little further than before until she had to stop.
That's how it went for a long while. A little backward advance, a sudden stop, wait a good minute, pull out and squirt some lube, and try it over again.
Oh, what a slow agonizing process this was for Lisa. I've felt really snug asses before, but she was an order of magnitude tighter than I had ever experienced. I don't think it was just my size alone that was causing the problem; Lisa had an unusually tight sphincter that just wouldn't release. It's no wonder she never took it up the ass before.
She had me about halfway in, and that seemed about as far as I was going to go. We tried several times, pulling out and applying more lube, spreading her ass cheeks wider, but my cock still wouldn't advance any further.
It wasn't for a lack of trying on Lisa's part, either. I always felt her apply strong, backward pressure, accompanied with a hard wiggle of her ass, as she tried to push me in, but all it did was bow my cock some more, and cause tears of pain to trickled down her face.
Finally, she gasped through pain and frustration, "How can anybody find any of this pleasurable or fun, and would you please tell me how the fuck can anyone take you up the butt?"
I tried not to laugh, and said calmly, "It takes time, especially the first time. It's a lot like riding a bike. Hard to learn at first, but once you do, you never forget. Trust me, when that tight little ass of yours finally relaxes, it will be a smooth ride from then on, and your sweet ass will never forget how wonderful it felt."
It will, too—I'd see to that. I was going to give her the pussy-drenching, anal ride of her life, if we could just get my damn cock all the way inside.
Given how much time this was all taking, Barbara had resigned herself in watching mommy's agony while resting her head on my chest. Quiet and still as she was, I thought she'd fallen asleep, but occasionally she'd stroke her mother's thigh in sympathy.
"Barbara," I scolded, "Get off your lazy ass and help her."
"What should I do?"
"First, sit behind her and comfort her. Then pull her up and back into you so that she's sitting more upright."
It was a joy to watch Barbara comfort her mom. Cupping Lisa's breasts gently in her hands, Barb pulled her hard into her back. When she got Lisa in an upright position, I heard her whisper into her mother's ear, "Relax Mommy, I so much want him inside you."
That seemed to be the trigger—a daughter's sweet, yet slutty words of comfort.
I felt Lisa's tension evaporate and her sphincter slowly release. Gravity did the rest as I watched my cock completely disappear inside of her. Lisa finally came to rest, her ass flush against my pelvis.
*Now for the real fun! This slutty cunt will never want to waste a cock in her pussy ever again.*
The second after she touched bottom, I wiggled my hips, causing the barest shifting of my cock in her ass. Touching near her mons, I sent her arousal screaming up toward climax, and held her well above the point of release.
She didn't scream, she didn't moan, she didn't even breathe for the long moments I held her arousal boiling above her boiling point. She just sat stiffly, mouth slack-jawed, and her eyes bugging comically out of her head. Then, I let her go.
Lisa shrieked, "Fuck!" Just as Barbara had done during our double penetration together so many weeks ago—mother, indeed, so much like daughter—her ejaculate sprayed as a fountain.
Upon hearing her mother's scream, Barbara clamped her hands tighter on Lisa's tits, and screamed herself, "Oh Momma!"
Three times I pushed Lisa into rapid and intense orgasm while wiggling my hips, and three times she shrieked that magic word as fluid gushed across my torso.
Tears and sweat poured over her face, but I wasn't done with her. Now, we were going to have some real fun.
"Sit up straight, Baby...That's right, so that all your weights resting on your knees. Now, tighten those sweet buns around my cock."
When I felt her ass grip my cock hard, I began a long, slow pump of her asshole, and for each long stroke into her, I ratcheted her arousal ever higher. Five or six times I'd pump her ass, then send her into orgasm. She punctuated each squirt with loud and abrupt shrieks of, "Fuck!"
I did this countless times to her until she was in near sexual exhaustion, but I still wasn't done yet. Now, it was time to have some real fun, and with Barbara.
I released her from my mind. Momentarily set free, she sat down hard on my waist, exhausted. Her knees and thighs must burn from exertion, having the tensile strength of overcooked macaroni. Comically, although her lower torso felt as a leaded weight against my legs, her upper torso continued to vibrate as a tuning folk held against the correct pitch as wave upon wave of continual post-coital climax gently swept over her as a tide.
"See, I told you it would be wonderful."
She only panted a reply, while grabbing a tight hold of her daughter's cupped hands on her breasts. I saw her body relax back into Barb as she sighed deeply, and I felt the slow, warm seepage of her ejaculate on my stomach, as it continued to trickle from her pussy.
"Don't get too relaxed, Sweetheart, we've only just started. It's time you did some of the work for a change...Come on, get that cute ass moving and start fucking me...That's good...No rush...Just a nice slow fuck with your ass, Baby."
Again, I started ramping her arousal toward climax, but this time a much slower, but more pervasive ramping that affected her whole lower torso.
To be honest, by this time I didn't have to push her much with my mind. She was doing things nicely on her own. Though, every now and again I'd prod her arousal along—making it a continual, inexorable ascent of arousal, and each time the ramping-up ended with such an intense climax it caused her to violently shake and collapse into what can only be described as an upright, fetal positions.
With Lisa started nicely, I tuned my attentions to Barbara.
"Come here, Baby. You've been such a good and patient daughter, helping mommy achieve bliss. It's time for a little reward. Be a good slut and sit on my face."
She giggled brightly before hopping on my head, facing her mother.
Oh, how wet, sweet and luscious her cunt was, dripping with that warm, dank, musky aroma that tells one it's ripe for picking—so close to squirting. Add to it her large, protruding clit—such an easy target for my deft tongue—I hardly had to work sending her over the edge.
So pent-up was she with imbued arousal, I barely flicked a tongue across her hardened pebble before she he yelped like a little puppy and came. Four quick climaxes followed in rapid succession, each accompanied with that sweet, puppy dog yelp that grew louder with each new climax.
By Barbara's fourth, Lisa was bouncing up and down on my stick hard and fast. Coming intensely, each time she collapsed forward into that sitting, fetal position, with her head resting on my chest and below Barb's frame. Then, as Lisa righted herself in order to renew her joyful bouncing on my cock, Barb would push her tits into her face, demanding that mommy suck on them.
The dominant, daughter bitch was back, and 'badder' than ever. She wrapped her arms hard around Lisa's head, forcing her mother between her tits, "That's right, suck on my titties Mommy...Ooh, I can feel another bingo...!"
Barbara let go another puppy shriek as I tasted her warm, salty, ejaculate filling my mouth.
*Jesus, that was five in as many minutes, and I wasn't using any of my mind control on her. I needed to cool the bitch off a bit.*
I sifted my tongue away from her clit, and started a slow tongue fuck of her cunt hole.
That seemed to do the trick for now, and although I could feel her arousal building toward another climax, her rise was much slower this time.
I loved parroting the acts Lisa had performed on Barbara when she was in the same circumstances, lifting Barb's ass off my face at times and spreading her cheeks wide, all while taking great, wet licks across her vitals. I loved the cute little squeak that escaped her lips each time my tongue tickled that tight asshole of hers. And I just loved the salacious dialogue she used on her mother, a combination of the hardened dominant mixed with just the right amount of childlike innocence—once again, daughter had become mother's little, pixie dominatrix.
Lisa quickened and intensified her bouncing, suggesting she was nearing another climax.
Lisa's approaching orgasm wasn't lost on Barbara, who intensified her dialogue, "Fuck that big cock, Mommy. Is it bigger than Daddy's? I bet it is, thicker, longer and harder as it slides in and out of your tight butt. There's nothing better than a big, fat cock, is there Mommy? I bet even Daddy would love to watch that big fucking cock fucking you in the butt as he jerks off. Come on Mom, think of Daddy jerking off as Will fucks your butt. That's it Mommy...Fuck Will hard...Harder!...Oh, I want you to come, Mommy...I want you to come. Can I come too? Please, Mommy!"
Barb's words put both of them into frenzy. Lisa increased her bouncing, pounding down hard on me as she neared the tipping point. Barb was grinding her ass hard into my face, and forcing my tongue deeper into her pussy, while my nose tickled that tight, pink asshole. Both had their arms locked around each other in a deep, open-mouthed embrace, their breathing coming forced and loud around intertwining tongues.
At that moment, they were no longer mother and daughter, they were lovers.
The fireworks really started when I told Lisa to play with Barbara's clit. When I felt Lisa's fingers rubbing her daughter's button, I gripped Barb's ass hard, holding her hips steady, while shoving a thumb into her asshole and jammed my tongue as far into her pussy as I could.
It's hard to say who came first, but both mother and daughter ended up violently shaking in the others' arms before collapsing, scrunched up tightly into that fetal position, their heads resting on my body.
The whole interplay between Lisa and Barbara had me redlining, and I was suddenly gripped by a fever I had rarely experienced even when using the elixir directly.
Both were still breathing hard, but giggling merrily into the other's ear.
Not saying a word myself, I pushed them off me.
I picked up Barb as if she weighed no more than a feather pillow, and threw her onto her back. Pressing a hand down into her chest so that she couldn't move, I picked up Lisa with my other arm with equal ease, and set her on top of her daughter so that they were in the typical sixty-nine position.
They screamed out of surprise and panic at my rough treatment, and tried to wiggle away, but I held them fast with just a finger pressed into Lisa's back.
Then a voice came out of me. My voice, of course, but then again, not mine; deep, dark and melodious it sounded, seemingly outer worldly in resonance and tenor, though still retaining my character.
"Don't be frightened my pets, my slutty little cunts. I won't hurt you."
My assurances calmed the two down, as I felt them relax against my finger.
"Barbara, my little slut, you've been such a naughty girl toward your mother. Suck on her pussy until she begs you to stop!"
In a flash, Barb wrapped her arms around Lisa legs. Then holding her mother tightly, she began taking great, lustful, licking bites of Lisa's pussy while smearing her face with her mother's arousal.
Squirting more lube into and around Lisa's asshole, I plunged hard into her. Grabbing her by the hair, I pulled her head back so that it was close to my own, and said to her in that same deep voice, "And you, it's time you quite being the mouse. I want you to teach your slutty cunt of a daughter how to behave!"
Lisa grunted in answer, throaty and guttural, as if it originated deep within the recesses of her body.
"Didn't you hear him? Suck me you bratty, little slut," she barked at her daughter in that same guttural voice. The tail end of her words morphed into a loud slap as she spanked Barbara's thigh.
The slap was like a starter's gun—we were off to the races.
I maintained my grip of Lisa's hair the whole time, as I slam-fucked her ass like I did the Goth girl's, and like the Goth girl, Lisa started screaming the moment I started pumping. Every four or five hard plunges I made into her ass she'd scream, and I'd feel her warm ejaculate bathing my thighs once again.
A crescendo of melodious tunes reverberated about the room. What with Lisa's screaming and continual spanking of Barbara's thighs, to go along with Barbara's loud sucking sounds and yelps to Lisa's thigh slaps. Add in the sounds of my thighs slapping against Lisa's ass, and we had rough harmony to go along with the Grant's melody.
I briefly looked over at Karen. Although she had closed her eyes to the scene, there was no way she could shut out the sounds of what was transpiring, and I hope our sounds of shameless depravity echo in her mind for many weeks to come.
However, the sounds weren't enough punishment for her. I also wanted these images burned into her thick skull as well.
I stopped fucking Lisa for a moment to roar at Karen, "Look at us!"
Her eyes snapped open, and they were filled with hate and jealousy.
I continued to roar, "Don't you ever take your eyes off us, you cunt. Watch us and think: this could have been us! We could have shared all of this, but no, you had to be a selfish cunt instead. Well, this is what happens to selfish, disobedient, little cunts; they have to watch!"
Surprisingly, given their recent treachery together—or maybe because of it—Barbara started to taunt Karen, ruthlessly.
I heard her lips pop off her mother's clit, before she said, "Hey Karen, you should see Will's cock from here. You can't believe how hot it makes me, seeing that huge prick of his sliding deep into my mom's butt, and hearing her begging to be fucked harder. I just wish you could come over here and suck on my pussy."
Then Barbara lifted her head and sucked both of my balls into her mouth. She made the most obscene and loud 'yummy' sounds as she played with them with her tongue.
Karen fumed, but what grated on her the most was that she was powerless to do anything about the young one's taunts.
Between long licks and short sucks of my balls, Barb continued to loudly taunt, "Oh, Mr. Henry...Your sack's so tight and firm against your balls...You must be filled with a gallon of cum!...Sir, when you're done fucking mommy...Can you jerk all that cum into my mouth and all over my face?...Then fuck my butt, too?"
*What a wonderfully deceitful panache she had—on her way to becoming a true master of humiliation. Almost surpassing me.*
I looked at Karen one last time, seeing that Barbara's words had totally stripped her of her dignity, I commanded in the same, dark voice as before, "Don't shut your eyes to us again or I'll tape your eyelids to your forehead!"
It wasn't long after Barbara's taunts that I noticed what lube remained in Lisa's ass was becoming tacky, and building up friction. Lisa felt the discomfort as well, and began flaying her arm about as a signal that I should stop.
I pushed hard into her one last time and held her ass against me, while Barbara rapidly shifted her fingers hard across Lisa's clit.
Lisa uttered one last shriek, quickly followed by another drenching burst of ejaculate, before collapsing onto her stomach, crying, "No more...No more...Please, god, no more!"
Barb crawled out from beneath her mother's still shivering form, and lay alongside me.
"Before you get too comfortable, Sweetheart, and while your mom's still gyrating, would you get me a warm washcloth, some soap, and a dry towel?"
When she came back with the items, I told her, "Clean my cock. I have a special something for you and your mom."
Throughout this whole time as Barb and Lisa experienced countless, pussy-squirting orgasms, I held back my own climax. I held back for that moment that moves me like no other, and I couldn't hold back any longer—it was time for their baptism.
I wasn't going to settle for just any blow job, however. What my cock ached for, and what only they could provide, was the soft, Sapphic touch inherent between a mother and her daughter.
Finished with my cleaning, Barbara sat on her heals, and asked, excitedly, "What's our special surprise, Sir?"
"You'll see," then nudging Lisa with a foot, "Come on, Lazy. It's time to get up."
She dreamily groaned an acknowledgment, but continued to lay face down on the bed, her torso still contorting and shivering. Her ass was slightly raised seductively in the air—such an inviting target.
I spanked it hard, and yelled, "Up!"
She moved quicker after that.
I held both at the back of the head, and positioned them facing each other with my fat, burgeoning cock between them.
Misunderstanding my intent, they both opened their mouths wide in order to swallow me whole, but I stopped them, "No my pets...No mouth...No lips...Just tongue, just quick, soft brushes of your tongue right under my head. That's right, no need to go down my shaft or lick the top, just stay right where you are."
As they quickly flicked their tongues at that part of my cock where the head meets the shaft, they looked as small kittens lapping up cream—if only their tongues were as raspy, now that would be paradise.
They were serious in the task I set. Not a word, or moan, or giggle did they exchange between them as their tongues darted quickly and purposefully at that sensitive spot. Their dedication to the task was such that a wonderful quiet descended in the room, where only the sound of their soft lapping and quick breathing could be heard. Even Karen remained mute through the act as she watched, almost spell-bound from the chair. Hushed they all were, almost reverent, as they concentrated on that one thing they knew would give me pleasure.
And what pleasure it was. A delightfully, yet agonizingly slow ride to bliss. The feelings they imparted began subtly and broadly, throughout my lower torso; but as their licking and flicking continued, the pleasurable sensation seemed to draw toward an apex and focus exclusively at my cock-head.
And such a wonderful job mother and daughter were doing to my cock-head, as well. They had licked and flicked it to an unprecedented size, growing it far larger and more bulbous than I was used too, while turning it a bright purplish hue; the color of which seemed to glow softly, an illusion created by a sheen cast of its slickened surface from the overhead lamp, illuminating the faces and flicking tongues of my two darlings.
At the very peak of the head, a small drop of clear fluid glistened in the dim light of the bedroom, as if it too, were winking an approving eye at my two pets' oral manipulation. And with each flick of their tongue, the drop grew ever larger, fed by an ever constant flow of pre-ejaculate. It would sit precariously for a moment, large and still, until a stiff brush of their tongue caused it to slide off and slowly trickle down my shaft. Before too long, another clear drop would materialize, and start the whole process over.
The women sensed I was near the end, and quickened their pace, flickering their tongues with such maddening, tortuous speed that my mind fell deep into a fog. All I could feel from then on out was that growing, focusing bliss right where they tormented my cock.
Subconsciously, I slowly lifted my hips off the bed, arching my back as if trying to meet that growing pleasure above me. The women followed me up without breaking their stride or missing their intended, bulbous target. Further and further I pushed my hips upward, pushing closer to that focal point of bliss, until I couldn't raise my hips any higher.
It was then that the girls allowed themselves one small voice of satisfaction. Still flicking their tongues, they giggled sweetly to each other, for they knew they had me.
There I lay for what seemed an eternity, with my back bowed sharply off the bed and my cock straining upward toward the pinnacle of ecstasy, waiting for that one, gentle push to send it over the edge. However, as the moments slowly bled by in pleasurable agony, that push never came—not until I almost screamed form the madness.
I think it was Lisa, but it could have been both of them, who finally flicked her tongue over just the right spot, the sweetest of spots that triggered my release.
I groaned once, loud and abrupt, and fired my first salvo straight and high into the air. It landed with a loud 'splat' on my stomach. My second salvo shot up as high as the first, landing as a thick string across the bridge of Lisa's nose. My third was equally as strong, but I never heard where it landed.
*I shot an arrow into the air...*
Even after that third volley, Lisa and Barbara kept up that torturous tongue flicking. All I could muster, was a harsh and raspy, "Suck you sluts," to get them to stop the torment.
Barbara drove on me first. A quick suck, but with heavy suction as she pulled me into her mouth, while taking my next heavy shot with ease. Then as quickly as she put me in, she drew me out of her mouth again, leaving a thick trail of cum flowing down my cock. She ended her quick bob by sliding her cum-covered tongue all the way down the underside of my shaft.
As Barbara descended, so did Lisa, pulling me into her mouth in almost the exact manner as her daughter, and taking my next shot to the back of the throat. She too, did the quick bob, which ended with her sliding her tongue down my shaft, and leaving a trail of cum in her wake.
Over and over, mother and daughter sucked, bobbed and slid their tongues down until they could no longer feel my forceful ejaculation. By then, my hips were resting comfortably flat on the bed.
I lay there motionless, still hard but momentarily satisfied. They spent the time of my quiet repose to cleaning what cum remained on my cock and balls with their still ravenous tongues and lips.
That marked the end of that first session with them.
They lay close to my feet, their heads resting on an arm. Both stared at me, unmoving, transfixed, waiting for what I wanted to do next, and in all that time, a ravenous light of total sexual submission burned in their eyes.
It was that light in their eyes that affected me the most. It was the true reason none of this would ever grow old or tiring to me. Why I would never turn jaded from the easy access of everything I could ever desire sexually from another.
Above everything that I've done these past months, and with whomever I did things with, it was seeing that ravenous light in their eyes that I found to be the most satisfying. Whenever I command them to spread their legs wide for me, or to bend over and grease their ass for me, or to open their mouths and jerk all the cream out of me, that ravenous light was always there, spurring me on to create more inventive acts of sexual depravity. And with each new act, the light would glow all the more brightly in anticipation for the next act—and the next—and the next. Now, that light glowed very bright, indeed.
"Lisa, let's get started lubing up your daughter's ass. Turnabout's fair play, don't you think?"
She smiled sweetly while patting her daughter's rump—so started our second session for the evening.
I lost track of the number and types of games we played—played hours on end, until we all lost track of time.
It wasn't until Barbara and I had just finished another double-fucking of her mother—me through the backdoor, Barb through the front with the strap-on—that Lisa noticed the hour, and said to Barb, "Oops, we should go. Your father's going to be home soon."
They dressed quickly, but instead of going, they just stood, staring at me with that same ravenous light.
Without them saying a word, I already knew what they wanted to ask: when can we do this again?
I said to Lisa, "Like I said over the phone, I'll call you in a couple of days."
She smiled knowingly. It was almost a smile of relief.
I kissed each, long and hard, and then asked if they could see themselves out as I had things I needed to talk over with Karen.
They were almost out the bedroom door, when Lisa stopped in front of Karen.
She stood there for a long while, silently waiting for Karen to screw up enough courage to look her in the eye, but Karen kept her head down. Finally, Lisa slid a finger under Karen's chin and tilted her head up. Karen's eyes were wide, full of spite and jealous rage. Her defiant stare didn't last long, as Lisa wound-up and slapped her hard across the face. I haven't heard a blow delivered with such force since Karen slapped her sister Dawn for calling her a cunt.
Lisa let go of Karen's head, kissed me again while running a teasing hand along my cock, and breezed out the door with a smile.
Karen sobbed uncontrollably with head down after that.
Sarcastically, I said to her, "Well, that was a most fitting and humiliating end to a night full of humiliation for you. Though I can imagine what it must feel like being slapped by the woman you just watched fuck and suck your husband in all ways imaginable. You must feel like I did, when I had to smile in the face of the 'dickhead,' knowing he was fucking my wife."
I let her cry for a minute or two before giving her my first ultimatum.
"Look at me!"
The defiant look she gave Lisa was gone.
"I'm going to bed now. I don't want you to move from this chair. For the rest of the evening until morning, I want you to relive in your mind everything you've witnessed tonight. I want you to relive every fuck, every suck, even every moan. Relive their screams of pleasure, their pleas for more, their vows of undying obedience to me; most of all, I want their humiliating laughter at your predicament to reverberate inside that thick skull of yours until it drives you mad with jealousy. Maybe then you'll finally understand what I've dealt with knowing about all *your* fucking betrayals. Maybe then, you'll understand how much shit I swallowed from you; swallowed for the good of our marriage, you ungrateful cunt!"
She let her head drop forward onto her chest, and began sobbing all over again.
"We'll talk in the morning."
I left her alone, and immediately fell asleep in one of our guestrooms.
I didn't sleep long, about three hours, but it was a deep, restful sleep without any dreams. The first I had since I can't remember.
It was just getting light outside when I entered our bedroom.
I found Karen as I had left her, sitting in the vanity chair with her head resting on her chest.
I first noticed the hole in wall my fist made. Then, my eyes were drawn down to a large, dark stain on the carpet between Karen's feet, the dried remains of Karen's arousal.
I'm sure it will never come out, which made my glad. Let it, and the hole, be a reminder of her betrayal for as long as we live here.
She lifted her head up when she heard me sit on the bed across from her. Her eyes were bloodshot and red from a lack of sleep, and, I suspect, from crying. She didn't say anything, just stared back at me, unblinking...Waiting.
"Anything to say?"
My question acted as a switch, turning her from cautiously docile to terrifyingly remorseful in the blink of an eye.
Tears and snot gushed out of her, "I'm sorry!...I'm sorry!...I'm sorry!...Sorry!...Sorry!...," she wailed, repeatedly, "I promise...I pra...Pra...Pra...Promise..." Her words fell into an indistinct series of choking cries and gut-wrenching wails.
In my former life, I would have been moved to forgiveness hearing her anguish, but that was the person that I *was*. I wasn't that kind of fool anymore.
"What good are your 'sorrys?' I've heard them before, millions of them, and they meant nothing to you; just like I meant nothing to you."
Her wailing continued anew, "No! I'm different now. I...I...I promise to...To never do that again! Please!"
I stared back at her, dispassionately. Her cheeks shined from the trail of tears flooding from her eyes. Snot and tears mingled thickly around her mouth and chin. She closed her eyes tightly against my stare, not daring to look at my indifference toward her. She began to shake violently as the crying fits took hold of her again.
"You have no idea how close I was in forgetting about you and the 'dickhead.' I was so close to completely trusting you again."
"I'm sorry," she squeaked.
"Stop saying that! You're not sorry! You never have been. Even after I found out about you and the 'dickhead,' you weren't sorry!
"Jesus, not only did you fuck my boss, but you fucked the one guy who was trying to destroy our lives...Yeah, that's right, *our* lives, you stupid bitch! What do you think happens to you when I lose my job, and that cocksucker blackballs me from getting another one? You think he would take you in? Give you a helping hand? No! He'd fuck you in the ass one last time before kicking you to the curb.
"You want to know why he would do that, because he could, because it would make that sick twisted soul of his happy to destroy another person and his family for no reason.
"And to think...You...Fucked...That! It was only by sheer luck I got the better of him.
"And what did I do after finding out? Did I run to the lawyers? Did I humiliate you in front of your friends and family? Did I stop loving you or hold back the love I have for you? I didn't do any of that. Instead, I started to forgive you. And I kept forgiving you and sharing with you. I let you back in my heart without reservation.
"I even let you fuck Cope, thinking...I don't know what...Thinking it would only be fair to you since we shared Gloria and Jackie, that you should explore your own fantasies...But explore them...With...Me! That was the key, although you were too stupid or too selfish to see it, what you want to do and what I want to do, we were to do together!
"Anyway, even though I had reservations, I let you sow your wild oats with Cope...And Jack. I gave you your fantasy of two guys hoping that it would quell your curiosity, quell the thing that drove you to the 'dickhead.' And it seemed to work. Things brightened for us after that night. Funny, but I really started down that long road toward trusting you after that night.
"Sure, it was a slow walk back, and you became frustrated with my slow pace, but at least I was moving in the right direction, toward you and toward forgiving...And more importantly for me, toward forgetting.
"Then we had our argument at the coffee shop, and I'm thinking that maybe I *was* being too harsh on you. Maybe I could do a better job of forgetting about it. And you know what, I did. Like the stupid, soft-headed, dumb fuck of a chump that I was, I thought I was being too hard on you, so I let go of all my anger, jealousy, and mistrust for you.
"Didn't you notice that those 'looks' were gone, the ones that reminded you of your guilt? Couldn't you tell that my snide little innuendos, as you called them that time...My little comments about your affair, never came up again?"
She nodded her head slowly. More tears gushed forward and she began wailing.
"Yeah, of course you did. But you didn't give a fuck! You saw that I had forgiven you, like the stupid asshole I was, and as thanks you went back to acting like the greedy, little cunt that you are. You pissed on me and our marriage, and for what?! Because I denied you pleasure?! When?!"
"God damn it, don't you say it! Don't you dare say it! All it does is remind me of what a conniving, little twat you are."
She wailed in frustration, "What am I supposed to say? What can I do to show you I'm not that person anymore?"
I laughed at her statement about changing, and said, "You've changed? After one night sitting in a chair? I doubt it.
"But I've changed. Oh, you can't believe how I've changed, but it took more than one night. I changed when I realized it wasn't about you fucking someone else. The 'dickhead,' Cope, Jack, Barbara, they don't matter. What really mattered, what really hurt the most, was that you thought you were above it all, that you could continue to piss on me without fear of consequence. Well, that was my fault for being a stupid asshole and trusting you too soon. But that changes today."
She had stopped crying. Her face was a mess as the tears and snot began to dry, forming a flaky white film along her cheeks and around her mouth. I was moved—god help me, I was—for through that horrid mess, her beauty, and more importantly, her love for me, still shone. It was because of her love—and it was love, no mistake—that I was giving her one more chance.
Staring back at me with those misty eyes, there was a faint look of hope, because she saw the faintest glimmer of pity in my face.
"I asked just one thing from you, no more neighbors' kids, especially Barbara. But you couldn't even live up to that small demand."
"I couldn't help myself..."
I cut her off, and mockingly said, "Aw, you lost control. That's the excuse is it? The last refuge of an asshole, 'I couldn't help myself, I lost control.'
"I'll tell you about control, bitch; control is spending weeks in hell, purging myself of all my impulses and vomiting into waste cans for my trouble, all because of the pact I made with you. A pact, by the way, I thought you deserved to have, and one I felt obligated to keep. And what did my fucking promise get me? Two weeks in hell. All because that same...Fucking...Cunt of a wife I made promises to, refused to fuck me while she's fucking the neighbor's daughter!"
She was sobbing, again.
"You asked what you could do to show me you're not the cunt you once were. Are you still serious about that?"
Karen nodded her head vigorously, "Yes! Please...Oh please...Let me show you I've changed."
"You understand there will be no half measures. Once you've accepted my conditions, there's no stepping back."
Another vigorous head nod, causing bits of flaky, dried mucus to fall off her face and onto the floor.
"I mean it Karen. This is the last chance for us. If you disobey me even once, lie to me, refuse to perform even the tiniest of tasks I set for you, then I'm out of your life, forever."
Undaunted by my threat, she blurted, happily, "Yes, anything!"
I smiled at her, and leaning over, kissed her forehead. Her skin felt hot and moist against my lips.
"Alright, first I want you to take a shower and clean yourself. But, no touching yourself in that wonderful way that makes you purr. Never, ever, touch yourself again without my permission. I always want you fresh, and clean, and untarnished.
"After you shower, do your hair and put on makeup. Take as much time as you need. Make yourself as pretty as you can, and we'll see what follows."
Karen came out of the bathroom after about forty minutes, wearing a robe. She wasn't just pretty, she was stunning.
"I'm sorry it took so long," she apologized, meekly.
"You're lovely. It was well worth the wait."
She blushed, then fell into me and breathed deeply. She caught the heavy scent of Lisa and Barbara covering me. It excited her, as I felt the rush of adrenaline coursing through her.
Gently pushing her back, I said "First things first."
Untying her robe, I let it slip off her and onto the floor.
Naturally, she took it as a sign that the punishment was to begin, and dropped to her knees.
Reaching toward my groin, Karen's eyes were filled with that same ravenous light I saw in Barb and Lisa's eyes last night.
I stopped her with a hand to her forehead, and said sternly, "No! No cock for you. It's for the other bitches that don't disobey me, but it's not for you. And no pussy, either. Not even your own. You're not to play with yourself until I say. Before you get anything, you'll have to prove to me you're a changed bitch. Is that understood?"
She nodded her head in answer and then tried to stand, but I pushed her back down with a hand to her shoulder.
"You're to stay down on your hands and knees whenever I'm with you! Is that understood?"
Looking down at the floor and nodded.
"Like I said, this isn't a game anymore. If you ever stand in my presence without my permission, I'm gone. I will happily leave you and seek comfort and a new life elsewhere. Is...THAT...understood?"
Tears started flowing as she nodded in answer.
Even though she continued to cry, I could tell she thought the worst of my demands were over. It was then that I hit her right between the eyes with all my powers.
"You played with yourself in the shower, you fucking, selfish cunt."
She started to deny it, but when she saw the look in my eyes, she knew she couldn't.
"That's right; I can smell it on you! You used that sponge you like so much, and squatting in the hot spray of the shower, you worked it around until you came. Even after I warned you against touching yourself, you went ahead and did. I can see you're a lost cause..."
"No," she wailed, as she wrapped her arms around my legs, 'I'm..."
I slapped her hard across the cheek, and said with quiet malice, "Don't even attempt to say that phrase again...Ever."
I slapped her again from the other direction to make sure she heard me the first time. I added a third slap, just because mother did it that way—three good slaps followed by her reprimand. It always made us boys listen. It certainly made us learn.
Bright impressions of my hands, glowing red, erupted on both sides of her face. Stunned motionless, torrents of tears smeared her fresh mascara, causing dark lines to run down. Their color mingled with the already flushed, back-drop hue of her injured cheeks—crimson into black.
Karen wrapped her arms about her—seeking comfort from the only person in the room who would give it to her.
I spoke slowly and deliberately, "Are...You...Sorry...Now?"
Karen didn't speak, she didn't even move or flinch—she didn't dare.
"Look at me, bitch...Look at me! I said this isn't a game, and you're all in! I'm not going to tolerate your lies, your smug disobedience, or your slutty, cunty behavior anymore! Now...Think hard...Are you ready to listen to me?"
Between wrenching sobs, she was able to squeak out a 'yes.'
"Thanks to you, I learned a few things during my weeks in hell. It's ironic that now you will be the beneficiary of those lessons.
"You are never to dress. Whether I'm home or not, you will remain as naked as are now. If you need anything from the store, or we need groceries, you will call me and provide a list, and I'll pick them up."
Still sniffing back tears, Karen asked, "What...What if someone comes to the door?"
"I recommend you not answer it, or answer it as you are now. Either way, you are never to cover yourself, not even with a dish towel. The only thing I ever want to see you wearing is my diamond chain around your waist."
She started to whine, again, "What if Linda or Carol drop by...,"
"Jesus, you just won't listen..."
She opened her mouth to say those words again, the ones I've come to detest with the white hot, heat of a thousand suns, but she caught herself when she saw the look I gave. Closing her mouth, she folded her arms into her lap, dropped her eyes from my gaze, and started to cry again.
I waited until her crying jag was over before continuing, "Look at me! You are always to keep yourself clean and fresh, but no perfume. That lovely bath soap or your own natural scent will be sufficient.
"You are always to make yourself pretty and presentable. Your hair will always be done, and you will always wear makeup, but no jewelry except for my chain. You're not even to wear your wedding ring, so give it to me now."
"No, pl..." she cried, but before she could finish the second syllable, I slapped her hard again.
"If I have to slap you again, it's over. Now, give me your ring!"
It took some doing, but she eventually pulled her ring from her finger. When she handed it to me, I said, "You'll get it back when you've earned it, and not before. Is that understood?"
I waited for her to nod in response, then continued, "You will keep the house spotless, and my clothes washed. Don't bother with my suits; I'll take them to the cleaners when needed.
"You will always have a meal prepared when I come home from work. Even if I'm late, or even if I haven't eaten your dinners for several nights in a row, you will always have a nice dinner ready.
"Above all else, you are never to pleasure yourself. That's for me to do and me alone!
"Trust me; I will know if you play with yourself, just like I knew what you did just now in the shower with that pedicure massager."
She looked at me wide-eyed. It was something she'd never done before, never even talked or thought about doing before—using that slowly revolving tool of hers with the soft brush, making it dance all around her pussy as she fingered herself with the sponge—yet I knew.
"Like I said, this isn't a game anymore. If you violate any of the conditions I've set, our marriage is over. If I even catch a whiff that someone else has been in the house, like I did last night with Barbara, our marriage is over. If you leave the house without my permission, then don't bother coming back, our marriage will be over!
"I'm going to take a shower now. I expect that foul stench in the kitchen to be gone by the time I'm dressed."
The dishwasher was humming nicely when I entered the kitchen. Karen was at the counter, just finishing the last detail by scrubbing out the sink. When she saw me, she dropped to her knees, and lowered her eyes.
"Come here."
When she started to get up to comply, I roared, "On your fucking knees, bitch!"
My anger startled her. She dropped quickly to the floor with a loud, abrupt cry, and stayed their shivering like a frightened animal.
I softened my voice, "I know the tile is hard. If you need to move about the kitchen when I'm here, you can stay in a squat and shuffle around on your feet."
She did as I said, moving quickly toward me in a squat-shuffle, and giggling happily like an idiot child that I spared her knees from the hard floor.
Kneeling at my side, she asked, meekly, "What time should I have dinner ready, Sir?"
'Sir,' that was a nice innovation by her. I hadn't requested any such formality in my conditions.
"I shouldn't be late. Let's have something light, maybe a salad with some fruit and yogurt. Do we have those things?"
She shook her head.
"What does that mean, we don't have those things or you don't know."
"I...I don't know, Sir."
"Then go look and see if I need to pick something up from the store."
She quickly shuffled over to the refrigerator.
"We have an apple and a nectarine, three oranges, and a whole bunch of grapes."
"That will be fine. Any yogurt?"
She nodded her head vigorously, pleased that we had plenty, and then added, "We only have a ranch dressing for the salad, Sir."
"That will be fine, unless you would like something else."
She hated ranch dressing about as much as I hated her little, 'I'm sorrys,' but she shook her head, anyway. She didn't dare put me out any further by asking for another kind of dressing.
She quickly returned to kneel at my side using that same squat-shuffle.
"Once you've cleaned up the kitchen, I want you to apologize to Lisa for your treatment of Barbara. You're to do this only over the phone. I don't want you seeing her, or anyone else. After you apologize to her, you are to give her permission to fuck me anytime she wants. Better still, you're to say you *desire* she continues to fuck me. Is that understood?"
"Yes Sir," she answered, meekly, "But what if she won't talk to me?"
"A distinct possibility I'm afraid, given what you did, but keep trying anyway. If she still won't talk to you then I'll say something to her after work."
I kissed her lightly on the forehead and left her naked in the kitchen.
I know what some of you are thinking, that it was too quick. It was too easy for me to turn someone into a 'docile,'—into a 'slave,'—particularly an independent, head-strong 'someone' like my wife.
You would be correct, of course, if not for the power I had. It doesn't just affect the sexual realm, my powers work across the entire emotional spectrum, as well.
All I needed to do to help Karen see the wisdom of being more obedient, was push a few, sordid images into her mind: truthful images of her getting fucked over by everyone in the divorce, especially by her weasel-dick lawyer; pathetic images of her unable to find a job having a living wage, because she had no marketable skills; dismal images of the drafty, rat-infested, single-wide trailer, the one sandwiched between a meth lab and a crack house, and the only one she could afford on the shitty alimony I almost never paid; disgusting images of her sucking the puny dicks of fat, greasy, interstate truckers for the price of a cheeseburger; cruel images of her laid out at the morgue from overdose, just another dead, broken-down and toothless crack whore in a city full of them.
Moreover, I projected an all-encompassing feeling of dread and hopelessness with each image, making them more than just depressing illusions, but absolute inevitabilities in her mind if she didn't do what I demanded.
You see, it's easy to bend someone's will in any direction you wish—just give them a glimpse of hell. | literotica |
Title: A Wolf in the Dark by Revresbo
Tags: Cuddling, Gay Relationships, Love, Mate, No-Yiff, Sad, Short, Wolf
The chilled air in the room caused me to shiver, shaking loose the liquid orb from my skin and sending it to conjoin with my pillow. Another tear followed the trail carved by the first and joined its brother in the soft fabric. There was no one reason that I was weeping alone in the darkness of my room. Rather, it was a collection of things. All the little problems I faced day to day were filling my thoughts and spilling out of me through my tears. Night was often hard for me. Something about the end of the day brought out the negative aspects of my life and cloaked the positive. This night, though, was worse than most others.
The computer screen blurred through my tears as I lay in my bed. There was just too much stress. University, family issues, a small support base: it was all taking energy from me until I felt overdrawn. My normally active tail lay still, and not even my foot twitched as it usually did. The only motion came from my slow breathing and my tears succumbing to gravity. I didn't even browse the web as I usually did at this time at night. All I did was stare, unseeing, at the computer screen before me.
Eventually, my bitter thoughts grew too much for me, and my lips drew back as I let out a quiet sob. I turned from my side to my stomach and burried my muzzle in my pillow as I shook with sporadic sobs. My mind was stuck like a broken record. I couldn't find a way to solve my problems, which only fueled my despair. My eyes shut as tightly as I gripped the pillow as I fell victim to my grief. I was alone in the dark, a small candle blown by a strong wind. I was sputtering in my life, tossed by the winds of change without harbour or even an anchor to secure me. I tried to steer to safer climes, but felt like I had lost my compass. I no longer knew which way to turn. And so my ship was tossed, and I slowly drowned in the salty water of my tears.
I cannot tell you how long I lay there, heaving out muffled sobs into my pillow. There was a clock in the room and the time on my computer, but I looked at neither. Eventually, though, my ears perked as my computer made a chime. Someone had signed on.
I raised my tear-stricken muzzle to the screen and blinked to clear my eyes. After a moment, my eyes adjusted enough to read the screen. My expression remained wretched, but my heart leapt a little as I saw who had signed on at this late hour. I went to click on the name, but suddenly a window opened, beating me to the punch. Three words were written in some neutral typeface at the bottom of the box, but those words were enough to bring the hint of a smile to my wolfen face: "Hello, my love."
The problem with instant messaging is that you have to respond with words, but the wonderful thing about words is that they can denote action. I knew he would not hear me speak the words but rather see them acted out when I replied with "\*throws my arms around you, burying my head in your shoulder\*"
We were almost 7000 kilometres away from each other, yet I could feel his arms around me as he returned my embrace. An ocean separated us, but I could hear the concern in his voice when he asked me what was wrong. He was eight hours in the future compared to me, yet he went out of the light to cuddle with me in the dark. I was the metaphorical night to his day, but he lay down beside me and chased away the shadows of despair. If I closed my eyes, I could feel his strong arms around me and his stomach fur merging with the fur on my back. I could hear his gentle reassurances as his lips brushed my ear. I could smell his calming scent. I could taste his tongue as he kissed my muzzle. It was only words and astericks on a screen, and yet it was everything to me in that moment. I was no longer alone and scared. I was no longer on a stormy sea, tossed by the wind, but rather on still waters in a safe habour. As he nuzzled me and licked my neck, I could feel the stress dying away. It was not entirely forgotten, and some stubborn threads of melancholy stuck to me, but I felt a hundred times lighter. A gentle smile lit my countenance. My tail started to slowly wag behind me and my ears came forward again. I was calm again.
My eyelids started to droop. My breathing began to slow and quieten. I didn't realize it, but I was falling asleep now that I was freed from my worries. My last conscious thought was, *I love you, my mate*.
I won't go so far as to claim this story to be a one hundred percent accurate retelling of any portion of my life, but it certainly reflects reality. This story is dedicated to my beautiful mate who has helped me through so much despite the relatively short time we've known each other. I'm sorry I drag you through the valley of darkness with me, but thank you for bringing me safely out again.
This story was also written with two songs in mind: You Raise Me Up, as performed by Josh Groban, and How Sweet It Is, as performed by Michael Bublé. I've listened to both songs countless times and love both of them. Both now inevitably make me think of my mate. So, after listening to them once again, I decided to stop and take a moment to write this story to thank my mate. And I know I put sad in the tags, but that's really only the start of this. It ends happily, especially for me.
Anyway, I've hoped everyone else enjoyed my work, too. It's shorter than what I usually write, but I like it regardless. Although that may just be spillover from the happiness I get from just thinking about my mate. So please leave comments and constructive criticism. Hell, just let me now you've been here and tell me something about what you think. I feel better when I know people have read my work and have something to say about. So please leave a comment! \*puppy dog eyes\*
Oh, and as a post script. Sorry, Babe, for all the times I've fallen asleep on you mid-conversation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Love you. | FSE |
Title: 3: Scars Remain Ch. 05
Tags: luke, kaylee, happy ending, romance, healing, ptsd
*This is the final submission for my "Diary" series. Thanks to all who read, voted, gave positive and/or constructive negative feedback, and of course to Random Librarian for his editing.*
*\-Spartan 22*
**X -- Healing Wounds, Invisible Scars**
"I can't believe how fast you can run with that thing," Luke huffed, pumping his arms in rhythm with his stride. He always maintained focused when he ran and rarely talked, but he had to commend Clint's ability to run as fast as he did with his prosthetic leg.
Clint panted, "Took me a while to get the hang of it. Took longer to go from the rubberized track to the street. Remember the first time we went on a run?"
Luke wheezed out a small chuckle, "Yeah; we were running away from a burning helicopter, getting shot at, and completely disoriented with our location. And that was seconds after waking up from my unconscious state. Nothing like getting shot at to take a full minute off of my annual 1.5 mile test, had I stayed in..."
"Speaking of which," Clint said, "I think I might have a contracting job lined up out of Lewis-McChord."
"Really? Army or Air Force side?"
"Air Force. Out of the Wing. The commute will suck, though. Traffic on the interstate is awful around here. Take a right when we get to this intersection," Clint said, pointing up ahead at the crossroads.
As Clint and Luke turned down the road, Clint asked, "So, did you call Kaylee yet?"
"You won't let up, will you," Luke said, exasperated.
Clint smiled, "I promised I'd take you in, but I didn't say anything about refraining from sticking my nose in your business. I know I've never met Kaylee, but I know she doesn't deserve what you're putting her through. Especially if she's as amazing as you've described her."
Luke clammed up for the remainder of their run. He knew Clint's tactics; apply steady and deliberate pressure, and odds were he wouldn't let up any time soon. All he wanted to do was purge every single thought and memory he had of Kaylee, whatever it took to get her out of his mind. Before he went insane.
Maybe it was time to move on.
He could smell the perfume on her neck. He remembered that wonderful fragrance... it was the same kind she wore in high school. Even while half asleep he suspected it was a dream when he felt her press her skin against his. The mixture of emotions -- excitement from finally having her back coupled with the sorrow in knowing he would soon wake up and she would be gone forever -- weighed heavily on him. He didn't want to wake up. Ever.
All it took was a few blinks, and as he was teleported back into the bedroom. Kaylee had vanished into thin air.
It was dark, but he saw the silhouette of someone standing only a few feet away from his bed. His arms, stretched over his head, felt numb. He tried to sit up, but his wrists immediately met resistance. The sound of metal against metal rang out. Had he been handcuffed to the bed?
"It's about time you wake up, you selfish prick."
It was the sound of the sweetest voice in the world, but in a not-so-sweet tone.
The sting across his face instantly brought him back from dreamland.
"*THAT's* for making me look from Mexico to Canada just to find you, *you bastard*!" Every word Kaylee shrieked was through a stream of tears. Leaning down, she aggressively took his face in her hands and leaned down to kiss him. Her lips and tongue danced with his, just as passionately as she ever had before, her tears smearing against his cheek.
"That," she said with a considerably meeker tone, her bottom lip quivering, "Is because I thought I would never see you again."
Trying his hardest to catch up, disbelieving the evidence before his very eyes, Luke gasped, "Kaylee?" So she hadn't vanished into thin air after all.
The sting on his face had caused an adrenaline surge, but her follow-up kiss drained it away completely. It was possible he had never been more confused in his life. Looking up at both his wrists, he asked, "Kaylee, what's going on?"
"Get used to it," Kaylee smirked, sitting on the bed next to Luke, reaching up to jiggle the cuffs. "I'm taking you home with me, like it or not. And if I have to chain you up every night for the rest of our lives to keep you from attacking me, guess what?" Kaylee leaned down as if she was going to kiss him but she paused, her lips inches away from his. She was so close he could feel her breath on his skin as she seductively whispered, "*I'm* willing to make that sacrifice."
Tussling his hair with one hand while placing the other on his naked chest, she exhaled and softly said, "Luke, you have a lot of apologies to make. But I do too. I'm so sorry for my part. I shouldn't have... turned away from you. You know... after what had happened. I've regretted that moment every night since, and I've have had a lot of empty nights in my own bed to think about what I did."
Luke said, "You don't need to apologize. You were scared, and after what I did..."
Kaylee interrupted, "It doesn't matter if I was scared or not; that's not the point. I will always take the bad with the good, despite your promise to leave me." Tearing up again, but trying to sniff back her tears, she said, "I knew you were going to leave that night, but I thought you were going to be back the next morning, at the latest. You put me through a nightmare! Living these last nine months, not knowing if you were dead or alive, has been pure torture. Not knowing..." her lip quivered.
"Kaylee, I'm extremely sorry. I never meant to hurt you -- I would never *dream* of hurting you. Believe it or not, I left to prevent you from hurting. I'm still not so sure it's a good idea for me to go back with you. You have so much potential in your life; you are beautiful and sweet and could have anyone you wanted. No one would ever love you more than I, but despite my best intentions I'm afraid my love is not enough. All I'm doing is dragging you down. I dragged you down in high school, I dragged you down when I joined the military, and I dragged you down when I came home. You're life would be so much better without me in..."
Interrupting again, Kaylee snapped, "Oh shut up! That's not true and you know it. You've done more for me than everyone else in my entire life combined. You've loved me like no one else has. It's time you wake up and finally see that! Twice I've thought you died, and this time you simply vanished, which is just as bad if not worse."
Kaylee sniffed, "I haven't seen you in nine months, and the last thing I ever did to you was... flinch... afraid of what you had done. And I will always regret not being strong enough in that moment." Her eyes narrowed, reflecting an immediate mood swing, spitting out her next words venomously, "But that was *no excuse* for *you* to run away."
Luke sighed, uncertain of how to respond. He still wasn't sure what to think, "Kaylee, how did you...I mean..."
Reading his mind, Kaylee said, "How did I find you? Expensive software, worthless detectives, and a boatload of money. In the end it all came down to traffic cameras. After hours and hours of watching footage from traffic cameras across nearly all of Northern California, I finally caught your Black Challenger heading North on I-5.
"After doing some math..." Kaylee stopped herself and glared at Luke after an amused smile crept up on his face, "And *yes*, I did some math and if you never tutored me I probably couldn't have figured it out and never would have found you. So, your fault. So, after guessing your speed and the time you probably left -- and allowing for a ginormous 'deviation', meaning I had to watch more grainy non-HD film than I ever thought possible -- I finally caught you on camera heading North on the I-5 around Eugene. And then Portland. So I thought to myself, 'who lives up this way? Why would Luke possibly be heading up to Washington State?' At first I thought you were heading for Canada. Like you couldn't live in the same country as me anymore. But then I remembered something big: Clint lives in Seattle."
Luke grunted. Sensing his displeasure, Kaylee said, "You should know Clint lied to me, every time I called up here. He said he didn't know where you were. He's a pretty good liar, but then again, I am too," she winked. "Takes one to know one, I guess." Kaylee smirked, looking up towards the ceiling and acting as if it wasn't a big deal and said, "So I told him we were getting married right before you left, just to soften him up. Make him feel guiltier." Luke looked shocked. "So I used my powers for evil. Sue me," she giggled shamelessly.
"He even lied to my face when I pulled up, demanding to see you. It wasn't until I pulled out the marriage card that he weakened. You'd be proud of him; after he told me where you were, he said, and I quote: 'I'd trip an old lady for Luke; you have to understand he made me promise and I seriously owed him. So go easy on him.' So, yeah, compared to what I wanted to do, you did get off easy with a little slap.
"So, I'm revoking your promise to leave me. That's not how the story ends. Hopefully you got this little hissy-fit out of your system and are ready to come back with me. I promised I would be by your side, and we would do this together. I'll be there for you to talk to me, to lay your head in my lap, to cry on my chest if that's what you need."
She took a deep breath and said, "If you want to leave me down the road because you get bored with me or because of my bitchy attitude, fine; I understand. But you don't get to leave me because you think you're protecting me in some backwards kind of way," she said, looking into his eyes.
"Get it, mister?"
Luke was about to protest, until she held a single finger to his lips. She raised an eyebrow and lowered her chin, as if daring him to defy her.
Caught in her unrelenting gaze, Luke bit his tongue and thought hard. She was hard to say no to; she always had been. After taking a deep breath, he reluctantly nodded.
But reluctant or otherwise, it was still a yes. Kaylee almost squealed with joy.
"Um, Kaylee," Luke asked, looking up at the handcuffs and giving a slight tug to get her attention.
Kaylee pulled out the key, but instead of unlocking the cuffs she cruelly dangled it in front of him. She sighed, "You want this, do you? Well."
She gently raked the key across his chest, trying to look at him seductively but a giggle escaped as he sharply inhaled. She bit her lip and slid her hand down his chest and past his stomach, stretching over him until her hair lightly brushed against him. Kaylee told him, "You're coming back home with me but before we drive back, I think I'll keep you like this for a little while longer, after all you've put me through. Too bad for you..."
It was obvious that Luke had missed Kaylee. Despite that, he was reluctant to immediately head back to California but at the same time he wasn't about to let Kaylee leave without him. Kaylee could tell that he was still conflicted and held a lot of pain over what had happened. She tried her hardest to soothe him, constantly reminding him that she wasn't going to leave. In turn, Kaylee made it clear that he better not think of *ever* leaving her again.
Luke wanted to fulfill his promise to Clint to help finish the fence; Kaylee completely understood. She was more than supportive, especially after realizing how much Clint had helped him after he left California. Besides, it didn't matter where they were; it only mattered they were together.
She stayed by his side almost the entire time, conversing and catching up on the last several months as he hammered the boards into place. At one point, after suspecting Luke was probably too busy to socialize, Kaylee left and headed towards the house. Luke quickly popped his head up and set his hammer down.
He looked so sad, Kaylee thought; almost like a lost puppy. It broke her heart, but at the same time it was adorable. "I'm just going to make up some lemonade for you two; I'll be right back," she smiled. It took him a few seconds to break eye contact and return his focus back to the fence.
*He does miss me,* she thought to herself, smiling from ear to ear all the way back to the house.
"My wrists are still sore, you know," Luke told Kaylee through the speaker system, one hand holding the steering wheel and the other rubbing the opposite wrist.
"Don't be such a baby. You did it to yourself," she replied from her BMW; she sounded snotty -- and meant to -- but was grateful he couldn't see her actually smiling. "You're lucky I didn't cuff you to the steering wheel. Oh, and by the way, before I forget: When we get within an hour of your parents house, we need to stop so you can buy them flowers. Like enough flowers to fill up the living room. Especially your mother and Faith."
Luke winced and sighed, "I know."
He remained quiet. Kaylee bit her lip. Maybe she was being a little hard on him. He deserved it, but still. "I'm glad you're coming back home with me, cowboy," she purred. "I've missed you."
"I've missed you too," he said sincerely. "You're falling behind again," he reminded her, looking in his rear-view mirror. "Can't keep up with American muscle, can you?"
"Oh, shut up. If you get a ticket for speeding, Mr. Leadfoot, I'm not stopping for you. *Then* we'll see who makes it back home first. Besides I could take your Challenger if I really wanted to. Whatever happened to my snail-paced slow driving boyfriend?"
She could hear his laughter as he replied, "Maybe he has a lot of pent up energy."
Kaylee smiled. *Oh, I like the sound of that,* she thought to herself.
"So how many babies are we going to have," Kaylee asked Luke out of the blue, her back straight and butt sticking backwards in the downward dog position. She made yoga look so easy. Luke, also in the same position except with bent elbows and knees, nowhere near Kaylee's perfect form, just about fell over. "Kaylee, are you insane? You told me this yoga stuff is supposed to be relaxing."
"Of course it's relaxing. And peaceful. Especially now that we're back home. Besides, it's also helping to stretch and heal your shoulder. You need to keep it strong."
Luke told her, "Well, the doctor did say, despite his initial analysis, I almost have my full strength back. He thinks I'll be back at one-hundred percent if I stick to his physical therapy routine."
Kaylee sighed, "I know, that's what I keep telling you! That's why we're doing this!"
Luke blinked, "Maybe we should just lift weights instead; it's much simpler and less embarrassing."
"Time for crane," Kaylee said, ignoring Luke's comments. She simply stepped forward, placing her hands on the ground, knees on the back of her arms, and slowly raised both feet off of the floor.
She made it look so easy. Luke shook his head, reluctantly following her lead. Carefully he raised one foot, tried to stabilize his wobbling body, somehow managing to lift his other foot off the ground. He held it for four seconds before toppling over. Kaylee still maintained her motionless form, as if she were a statue. "You still didn't answer me," she cooed breathlessly without moving a muscle.
"Um, we're not exactly married, Kaylee," Luke said, trying to get back into the crane position.
"You're no fun," she whispered, coming out of crane and sitting down cross-legged, grabbing for her towel and water bottle.
"Well," Luke said, following her lead and sitting down, "Why don't we focus on getting you through class first. Are you still sure you want to be a counselor?"
"I am," Kaylee said. "Trust me; I've had plenty of time to think about it. It's been floating around in the back of my mind for a while. First, it's a noble profession, and I want to do something meaningful with my life. I want to help people." Luke nodded in support. "Also, when I have children some day," she added, deliberately staring Luke down with narrowing eyes, "And after I've done this for a while, I should be able to work my hours around their school schedule. Wouldn't that be nice?" Luke quickly turned his eyes away. "So, I'll get my psychology degree in a few years, then hopefully get a job somewhere around here."
Kaylee thought for a moment, and then asked Luke, "At least, I assumed I'd look for a job around here, unless you had something else in mind?"
Luke smiled, "It's hard to predict the future, but I wouldn't mind staying in the area. It makes sense until we finish up school. Seattle was nice, too; I wouldn't mind ending up that way either. I haven't thought about it much, to be honest."
Luke hesitated before asking, "What about when I start classes? Do you think I'll do ok in seminary? I keep feeling like God is calling me towards the ministry... but a guy like me?"
Immediately Kaylee jumped on Luke, "Don't sell yourself short! You're an amazing man. You've been to hell and back. You've cheated death more times than I can count."
"I know, I know," Luke interrupted. "But there's more to it than that. I truly believe our prayers, along with help from my counselor, have helped me get my rage under control. But sometimes it manifests, and it probably always will. I swear more than I should, especially when I get angry. The funny thing is I never used to."
Luke winced, "I've... done worse than that. *Much worse!* You know that, Kaylee." He struggled with his words, blurting out, "I've... *killed* people, for crying out loud! There should be some kind of law about accepting people like me into ministry."
Kaylee didn't flinch. She reminded him, "Well, so did Moses. Heck, Paul killed Christians before he was saved. Besides what you did was much, *much* different! You were defending your country; you know that! If there's one thing you've taught me, it's to trust God and his plan, ask for forgiveness, and if you feel He's calling you on a certain path, then you'll be alright as long as you trust and follow Him."
Luke took a deep breath. "Maybe your right. It just feels like there are people better than me that should be doing this. I'll always carry these invisible scars. Scars that no one will see, yet they are with me. And I can't help but wonder if they should prevent me from ministry."
A serious look surfaced on Kaylee's face. "We both have many invisible scars, and in fact some of them are matching. Not all, but we've shared some of the same wounds. So, while I can't imagine half of the horrors you have been through, I can relate to the other half. And remember, a scar is a wound that has already healed and is nothing more than a reminder of our past. It doesn't dictate our future. If anything, a scar is an experience we can learn from."
She sat up on her knees and slowly started to unzip her yoga jacket, "I was going to show you this later, but maybe now is the right time. I want you to know what I think of you."
She peeled her jacket off, revealing a white t-shirt underneath that said, 'Not every girl is lucky enough to find the man of her dreams... but I'm dating one.' A red heart surrounded 'I'm dating one'.
"I... don't know what to say," Luke said. "You truly humble me, Kaylee." He scooted over, placing one hand on her cheek and leaned in, giving her a deep, passionate kiss.
Kaylee moaned and took his head in her hands, kissing him back with just as much fervor.
"Oh, Luke," she whispered softly. "You know," she said as seriously as she could while wearing a smile, "The *other* t-shirt is on backorder. Wait until you see that one."
Luke, already blushing, asked, "What other t-shirt?"
Cocking her head to the side, she said, "The one that says, 'Not every girl is lucky enough to find the man of her dreams... but I've *married* mine."
Scratching the back of his head, eyes cast downward, a small smile crept up on his beet-red face.
**XI -- One Last Question**
"I don't think I've ever seen the drive-in this packed," Kaylee told Luke while reclining the passenger seat, watching car after car pull in and park.
Luke nodded in agreement and said, "Actually I'm surprised, too."
Kaylee asked him, "What movie are we seeing again?"
After a brief moment of hesitation, presumably trying to recall the name of the movie, Luke answered, "Well, it's something of a romance."
She thought it was odd he didn't remember the name, but casually dismissed it. It had been a long week for both of them. Kaylee considered herself lucky that the college administration allowed her to make most of her classes up, given the extenuating circumstances, but with a full eighteen credits the last thing she wanted to do was think. It was just nice to simply relax with her boyfriend.
Boyfriend... she smirked at herself, realizing how much she had downplayed that term. Luke was so much more than that, but there wasn't a word in the English language to truly explain how much he meant to her.
"You look tired. You're not going to fall asleep, are you, baby," Luke asked her.
Kaylee laughed, "No promises."
"But I heard it's supposed to be really good."
"Well, I'll try hard to stay awake. Just don't play with my hair or rub my forehead or else you'll put me right to sleep," she giggled.
Luke paused, and then asked her, "Well, can I at least put you on my lap before you crash?"
Kaylee slid onto his lap without hesitation and purred, "Ok, cowboy; that I can do. Gladly!"
The drive-in screen went dark and a hush fell over the crowd. Luke said to her, "I think the previews are over. Ready for the movie?"
She smiled, nodding in reply.
As the screen came back to life, a vintage countdown clip appeared, working its way backwards from number ten before momentarily going black again.
Kaylee, a little perplexed, whispered in Luke's ear, "That was different; it doesn't normally do that. Did they change ownership here or something?"
Without so much as a blink, Luke shushed her.
Suddenly, a voice boomed across the drive-in, "Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight's movie isn't just a regular Friday night romance movie. Tonight's movie is the ultimate story of true love, great sacrifice, gradual healing and peaceful restoration."
A bright blue sky progressively came into view on the big screen. The view panned down slowly to a brown brick high school surrounded by trees; the flagpole in front of the school with the Stars and Stripes waving in the wind was the central focus on the screen.
"This is where the beginning of our story takes place," said the narrator as the opening music dramatically began to play.
"Wait..." Kaylee said, taking in the scene. Suddenly it clicked. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped as she could've sworn she recognized her old school and asked, "Luke, isn't that Remmington High?"
Luke didn't respond.
Inside the high school, students walked the halls actively, many of them hustling as if they were running late for their next class. The screen cut to several overlapping scenes, each one featuring the students of Remmington High. Some of the students were shown in front of their class, solving equations on the board. Others were featured in the chemistry lab, mixing various solutions from one beaker to the next. Another scene showed the Mustangs playing their rivals in soccer while another showed a small group studying in the library.
As the scene switched to a Friday night football game, the camera zoomed in on the cheerleaders -- one cheerleader in particular.
Kaylee gasped, "Luke! Oh my gosh, that's..."
"Kaylee Reed," the narrator announced as the young cheerleading captain rallied her girls, "Freshman and head junior varsity Mustang cheerleader, the desire of every male and envied by every female at Remmington."
"LUKE! What's going on," Kaylee shouted at him. "Is that Aaron's voice? Is he narrating the movie? Luke..."
Luke tried to stifle a smile, focusing his attention on the screen. "Shhh! You're ruining the movie. I love watching that girl, the way her hips move as she does her cheer. That's my favorite part."
Dumbfounded, Kaylee watched intently, wondering why Luke wasn't as surprised as she was. It was like he knew what was going to be on the movie screen.
The camera quickly swept across the football field as the Mustangs scored another touchdown. The voice behind the camera said, "Dammit, Luke, I missed their touchdown thanks to your cheerleader fetish. I'm never gonna be good at this filming thing."
The younger Luke told him, "Well, technically it's not a cheerleader fetish, it's just one girl..."
The camera continued to pan between the cheerleaders and the football game as the movie narrator said, "Adored from afar by Luke Patton, Kaylee had no idea just how much he would turn her life upside-down."
Luke stood against at the rail, fidgeting and nervously adjusting his glasses as he tried to find the right words to say. He was grateful the cheerleaders were watching the game, their backs towards him. It gave him a little time. Summoning up all the courage he could muster, he sputtered, "Uh, h-hi, Kaylee."
Kaylee turned around with a puzzled look on her face as the nerdy kid with the messy hair addressed her. Confused, she raised an eyebrow and said, "Uh, hi?"
Luke opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Kaylee was still baffled, but at least a small smile crept up on her face.
"I'm...," was all Luke could get out.
Kaylee smiled, "Um, right. I hope you enjoy the game... you." As she started to turn around, he shouted, "Luke!"
A goofy smile crossed his face, "I mean, my name is Luke. I think you're doing an amazing job, by the way. You've nailed every move so far."
Kaylee awkwardly laughed and told him, "Thanks, um, Luke. See you around." She quickly turned around. The cheerleader next to her took a quick look at Luke and whispered something in Kaylee's ear, laughing. Kaylee's face turned red; she laughed and shook her head.
Horrified with her freshman-self onscreen actions, Kaylee gasped. Her hand covered her mouth as she recalled what Cindy whispered to her -- "The only thing he wants to nail is *you*!" And Kaylee's reply of "Never in a billion years" made her not only feel extremely guilty, but part of her actually wished that a billion years had actually passed.
The narrator continued, "Luke knew he could never have an angel like Kaylee. He was simply from a different world. Still, he had no idea that his hard work, intellectual level and ability to understand mathematics better than most teachers would wind up pulling Kaylee into his world."
The camera shifted scenes; Luke had become the focal point. "No way! Kaylee, as in Kaylee Reed? Dude, I can't believe you're going to be tutoring her! Say something for the camera," Aaron excitedly told his friend in hopes of getting an amazing response on film.
"Aaron, put that thing away," was all Luke gave him. "I'm trying to study."
Aaron asked, "What did she say? What did she do? What was she wearing?"
Luke said, "Ok, you want the truth? She's insecure, but she puts on a front like she has it all figured out. That's why she comes across as a spoiled brat. I feel sorry for her because she chooses to be one.
"But she's absolutely gorgeous. I've never seen a smile like hers -- ever. I mean, when she wants to, she can brighten up a room. I'm telling you, Aaron, she might even be the most beautiful girl in the world. Hey, I said put that thing down. You're not actually filming this, are you?"
"No, of course not," Aaron said as the scene came to an end.
With her hands pressed up against her face, Kaylee peeked through her fingers, her eyes glued to the screen. She was fully aware that several hundred people in the drive-in were watching the same exact 'movie' that she was; it wasn't possible for her face to be any more red.
As the scene shifted to the school courtyard where Luke and Aaron sat on the bench, Aaron once again behind the camera, the narrator said, "With an incredible amount of patience, Luke dedicated all of his free time to tutoring Kaylee. As challenging as it was, he enjoyed every single minute studying with the Mustang cheerleader.
"But Kaylee also buckled down and studied hard. Once on the verge of failing math and chemistry, she took a gamble on Luke -- he was her last resort. Kaylee passed her midterms with flying colors, and in both math and chem she earned a 'B'!"
The drive-in erupted with cheers causing Kaylee to blush intensely. Smiling ear to ear, her eyes watering, she couldn't take her eyes off of the screen. Kaylee glanced over at Luke. He had already been looking at her and flashed a very uncharacteristic devious kind of smile. Luke affectionately reached over and put his arm around her shoulders.
The movie continued with Luke and Aaron in the school courtyard. Aaron pointed the camera at Luke and asked him, "So how do you feel now that midterms are over?"
Luke shrugged, "Fine, I guess."
"Fine? That's all you have to say for my documentary?"
"Um... really fine?"
Aaron sighed, unimpressed with his lackluster response. "Dude, you're killing me. I know these tests aren't hard for you, but say something at least. Most people are ecstatic that midterms are over, like they can see the light at the end of the tunnel."
"There's not much to say. I took them, I got an A on all of them," he said casually. "Well, here's something, now that I think about it. Actually I did a lot less studying and preparation for midterms, probably the least amount of my life. I pretty much only had time to study for my college classes."
Aaron sounded surprised, "That's not normal for you, Luke. Why?"
"Probably because I've focused most of my time tutoring Kaylee. Probably more than all of the other students I've tutored combined. As a result, I stayed up later catching up on my own homework, but I didn't put in as many hours as I normally would."
Aaron snickered childishly, "I bet you 'tutored' her. Way to go, Luke! How was she?"
Luke rolled his eyes, "It's not like that. She wouldn't give me the time of day if I asked to kiss her high heels." He narrowed his eyes and looked down and to the side, engaging in deeper thought, "Don't get me wrong, though; she's a nice girl whenever she stops thinking about popularity and social circles. Lately she's reminded me more of that carefree first-grader I used to be friends with. She puts up a front so she can be one of the popular girls, but deep down you can tell she is kind and giving and compassionate. Kaylee's really a sweetheart."
"Then why is she with that douchebag, Brad, over there? I'm sorry, I mean 'Bradley', the more feminine version of the name Brad," Aaron said, swinging his camera to the large senior on the other side of the courtyard with his arm draped around Kaylee. The camera swept back to Luke, capturing a great look of disappointment on his face, almost wincing as if in pain. He couldn't take his eyes off of Bradley and Kaylee; they looked so happy together. Aaron's question didn't seem to sink in.
A bunch of "Aww's" and "Ohh's" echoed throughout the drive-in as Luke seemed to win over the hearts of the majority of the female audience. Kaylee would have slumped further into her seat if Luke didn't stop her. "I don't remember doing that... I hate that part," she pouted with a guilty look on her face, but she held Luke's hand tighter.
"Just keep watching," Luke calmly told her, even though he seemed a little awkward watching that scene himself.
But onscreen, she seemed so happy; she was talking and laughing with Bradley, Audrey, Cindy, and Mick.
"Well, I guess now that midterms are over, things are back to normal. No more tutoring, no more Kaylee. At least until finals come around, huh, Luke?"
Luke shrugged, "It seems that way. At least my body will be less sore from now on without her Nazi-style boot camp. Well, it's great to see her so cheerful; she obviously didn't fail any of the classes she was worried about. I'm happy for her." A slight upward curve arose on his lips, breaking the crestfallen look on his face, despite his head hanging low.
Aaron got quiet for a second and lowered his camera. "Dude, I hate being the one to tell you, but you know she's using you. Right?"
Luke didn't respond.
"I mean," Aaron continued, "she's not in our league, man. And there's nothing wrong with that. You're a good guy, man. Just don't get your hopes up about her. It'll never happen, and I'm telling you as a friend. A girl like that... she's not from our world."
Luke gave him a delayed nod, "Maybe. You're probably right. I know at first she started out using me, and that's fine, but I just can't quite tell if she was or not at the end. She probably was, but only subconsciously at least. I mean, she definitely reciprocated, buying me clothes and taking me to the gym. The human mind can be a tricky thing. Did I tell you she apologized to me once?"
Aaron was shocked, "Really? For what?"
Luke smiled, "Long story."
The narrator continued, "But was Kaylee really using Luke for her grades, or was the angel -- as Luke called her -- developing feelings for the Remmington Mustang recluse?"
The scene shifted once again. "So what did you get for Christmas," Kaylee exclaimed, obviously on Christmas morning a few years past. This time, the view of Kaylee was somewhat distorted; the camera didn't appear to be focusing directly on her as she was only halfway in the frame and a little out of focus. The audio was much clearer.
"This phone, for starters," Audrey said, fumbling with the buttons. "I love it, but I can't figure out how the camera mode works. What about you?"
"Oh, the usual stuff from my parents," she calmly said. Her voice quickly turned into a squeal as she told Audrey, "but Luke got me the most adorable stuffed yorkie! He even bought a little plaid collar for him with a cute silver name tag!"
Kaylee came into view of the camera; Audrey must have set it down, unknowingly recording her best friend. Audrey asked, "That sounds adorable! So what did you decide to name it?"
Kaylee blushed, "Luke named it, actually. As kind of a joke. He even inscribed on the tag, 'Veruca', and on the back, 'Since you always wanted a sister, here you go. Just like her big sister, Veruca is beautiful, playful, loving, and *SPOILED*.'"
The audience laughed. "*Rotten*... spoiled rotten. But I couldn't get all of the lettering to fit on the tag." Luke whispered, unable to contain his smirk. Kaylee punched his shoulder.
Audrey laughed hysterically, "Veruca, as in the spoiled brat with the rich dad in Willy Wonka? I guess Luke does have you pegged. *And* he has a sense of humor!"
Clearly embarrassed, Kaylee ran her fingers bashfully through her hair and said, "Even when he sees my flaws, he understands me and accepts it. He called me Veruca a long time ago and I had no idea what he meant or who that was. I was furious when I Googled it two weeks later and realized I was being insulted, even if it was in a playful manner. I would have torn his head off if I weren't so worried about chasing him away. He's lucky my grades were still suffering."
Audrey laughed again, "Even back then I think there was something deep down inside you that wouldn't let go of Luke! Don't even try to pretend it was for your grades."
Kaylee sat down at the table and didn't say a word. Instead she placed her chin in her hand, wearing a smile from ear to ear, seemingly daydreaming thoughts of happiness.
Squinting through a tiny slit between two fingers, yet unable to take her eyes off of the movie, Kaylee exclaimed, "I... remember that! I had no idea Audrey recorded that!"
Audrey and Kaylee vanished as the scene slowly faded into black.
The music slowly morphed into a somber tune, foretelling that the entire movie was about to change. The narrator solemnly said, "Their recent discovery of how they felt about each other wouldn't have a chance to blossom."
An American Flag against a backdrop of a blood-red sky slowly waved in the invisible wind. "Now an adult in his own right, Luke joined the United States Air Force." The flag faded away, replaced with U.S. fighter jets soaring across the sky.
The screen flashed with miscellaneous back-to-back images. The night sky exploded in bright green as flares deployed from a C-130, the scene filmed through a night vision lens. Bombs dropped on enemy targets with precision guided by crosshairs. Artillery filled the night sky with tracer fire guiding a steady stream of ammunition. Soldiers fired while being fired upon. Missiles launched from the underbellies of pair of F-22 Raptors. A flight of HH-60 Pave Hawks deployed Special Operations forces fifty feet down the cable and to the desert floor within seconds; other Spec Ops soldiers simultaneously laid down cover fire from the door.
The helicopters hovered over the desert sand as the narrator announced, "Luke Patton would leave Kaylee before they even had a chance to explore their feelings and adoration for each other. Luke found his way across the vast blue ocean and into a foreign land, and on the other side of the world as Kaylee. His nation called and he answered. Luke would serve and defend, fighting enemy forces and risking his life for his brothers and sisters in arms. He would face the greatest tragedy of all, witnessing the fall of his brethren. Shot down over enemy territory, he ran for his life, narrowly escaping the clutches of the adversary. For weeks, the United States Armed Forces launched the biggest search and recovery operation in history. They were unsuccessful."
The screen went black.
"All that was found were his dog tags. Luke Patton was declared dead."
Kaylee's eyes flooded over causing mascara to run down her face. She looked over at Luke, noticing his head pointed towards the movie screen but his eyes settling below it, deliberately focusing elsewhere to avoid the painful memories.
A KC-10, a military tanker and cargo jet, appeared against the backdrop of a bright blue California sky. The narrator said, "But there was still hope. After evading the enemy for weeks, Airman Patton found a way to reach out to his rescuers, reminding them he was still out there."
"He suffered injuries but his heart still beat strong. He was alive. And soon, he would be brought safely home."
After the jet landed and pulled up to the red carpet, the door opened and out came Luke, one arm waving to the crowd while the other remained in a sling. He was immediately greeted with an emotional, tearful embrace by his parents and sister.
The entire audience began to cheer, both on-screen and off-screen, celebrating Luke's return. Several car horns echoed throughout the drive-in parking lot. For Kaylee, it was like celebrating his return all over again. Watching him come off of that plane a second time was enough to make her heart skip a beat. Kaylee smiled as she watched the events unfolding, reaching over to Luke's hand, already on her shoulder, and squeezed it tightly.
"Luke Patton was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for his actions of heroism and the Purple Heart for his sustained injuries from enemy forces," the narrator continued. "The impact he made against terrorists who would seek to find a way to destroy the United States was nothing short of devastating. He served his country proudly, destroyed enemy insurgents, and protected those he loved.
"Now, finally, he was home. And he was safe."
The tone of the voice turned somber as the picture once again faded to black, "But his war was not over."
Kaylee held her breath, dreading what was coming next. She was afraid. All of the best and worst moments of her life were highlighted on the movie screen for all the world to see. Why was she being tortured like this? She could barely control her emotions -- good, bad... *all* of her emotions.
The scene shifted to an erratic and unsteady video camera shot. Just along the edge of the screen, Luke and Kaylee stood in line at the drive-in.
Kaylee instantly recognized the drive-in; it was the very same one she was at right now. She felt like sobbing, remembering what would soon happen. In her mind she could hear the car backfire a split second before it happened onscreen.
The thunderous sound was enough to cause the camera to shake. Luke jumped, but immediately tugged Kaylee's hand and pulled her downwards, covering her body with his as he crouched down low. He wrapped both arms around her tightly in a protective bear hug.
"STAY DOWN," he yelled at Kaylee, shielding her with his body. Down to his core Luke was shaking but he held his position firm, protecting Kaylee. He was reaching for something along his waist, desperately grabbing for something that wasn't there.
Everyone in the line stared at the couple. Most were frozen with shock, but a few were laughing.
Kaylee gritted her teeth, her eyes puffy and red. It hurt watching, reliving that painful moment once again. If Luke were not with her, she would have bolted from the drive-in.
He could obviously hear her sniffing and see her tears. Luke pulled her gently towards him until she settled onto his lap, caressing her head as it fell back into his chest, looking away from the screen.
Luke squeezed her tightly, knowing exactly why she was hurting, and said, "I'm ok, honey. That's in the past. Haven't I been getting better?"
She paused, sniffing. She nodded her head, still buried against his chest.
"Are you ok? Will you watch the rest of the movie with me?"
Slowly picking her head up, she nodded.
"Good. You don't want to miss the next part. Do you want to stay in my lap?"
Again, she nodded, turning her attention back to the screen.
"Post Traumatic Stress Disorder manifested within Luke in an ugly way," the narrator explained. "The horrors of war had finally caught up with him at home. Every night his head filled with nightmares and every day things that seemed insignificant, like crowds or loud noises, were enough to traumatize him."
Kaylee desperately tried to get through to Luke. Moving in closer, her nose within inches of his, Kaylee desperately placed both of her hands on his face and raised her voice just enough to get his attention, "Luke, Luke, Luke! Look at me, baby."
Luke dropped back down to his knees, still shaking and confused. He momentarily glanced at Kaylee; it was as if he didn't recognize her.
One of the onlookers laughed, "What the ---- is his problem?" It was obvious which key word had been bleeped out.
"Holy ----, are you seeing this," another chuckled.
Grinding his teeth, Luke tried to look around but Kaylee held his head in her hands, gently but firmly, refusing to let him look away from her gaze. Tears began forming in her eyes, his suffering almost too much to bear for her, his mind clearly stuck in a foreign land.
As calmly as she could, she cooed, "Luke, look at me, no one else. Stay with me baby. I'm right here. You're radiant angel is here... remember me? Stay with me, please..."
His head didn't move, but his eyes were darting all around him, gradually beginning to center. Soon, he found Kaylee's eyes.
The beast was starting to leave him; Luke was returning. As his awareness came back, a look of embarrassment and shame crossed his face. It broke Kaylee's heart. "You have nothing to be ashamed about," she whispered to him, kissing his lips.
Luke's eyes watered and he cast his eyes down. Kaylee gently took his chin and raised his head. "You're a hero, Luke. Even before you went overseas, you were always my hero. I mean it; you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed about."
She wouldn't let him avoid the issue. "Luke, I love you, and that's all that matters to me. Do you love me, too?"
After a brief pause, Luke nodded his head in acknowledgement. She wasn't sure if he believed her, but she still smiled through her tears as she witnessed his confidence returning little by little. The emotion running through her was intense, but she knew it wasn't a fraction of what Luke was feeling.
"Of course I love you. I... I'm sor..."
Kaylee cut him off, "Luke, you do not need to apologize for that. There is nothing to apologize for."
Again, Luke reluctantly nodded.
"We're working through it. You'll get better in no time."
Kaylee stood up, coaxing Luke to do the same. She threw her arms around him one last time. "We can go home if you like; we don't have to stay for the movie."
Luke shook his head, quietly whispering to her, "We can stay."
Watching the affair unfold onscreen, Luke smiled while running his fingers through her blonde hair. "My turn to ask. Now that our movie star couple appears to be doing better, do you want to stay and see what happens next?"
Kaylee giggled weakly, wiping away the few remaining tears and nodded, "We can stay."
The narrator said, "Kaylee, the dream girl that once made fun of the young high school boy, stood by Luke every step of the way. No matter how damaged he may have been, nothing deterred her from remaining by his side. Her love for him was unconditional, and she knew he felt the same way about her. The young girl that once could have never imagined studying with a nerd was now head over heels in love with him and was willing to go any length to make sure he was safe."
Once Kaylee was certain that Luke was within arms reach of his Challenger, Kaylee stormed back towards the crowd. Her once calm and peaceful face, put on display for the sake of Luke, instantly turned into a snarl. Staring down every one of them, she screamed, "What the ---- is WRONG with you people?" Even with a very emotional but absent word, her lips were easy to read. She quickly lurched forward, snatching the recorder out of the hands of the cameraman, and threw it on the ground as hard as she could. The screen immediately went black, but the narrator added, "With love so incredibly strong for Luke, Kaylee became not only his biggest supporter on his road to recovery, but also his protector."
Laughter rose up from the audience; a few whistles and even a "go Kaylee!" went up from the crowd. Luke whispered in Kaylee's ear, "That's my firecracker. And that's also the reason I'll always stay on your good side."
Kaylee bit her lip and smiled despite her red face, shaking her head in disbelief, "I thought the memory card was destroyed when I threw that camera down."
"Well, looks like someone was able to repair it," Luke said nonchalantly. He added, "See? I told you you'd want to stay for that part."
A new face appeared on the screen.
"Are you filming," Cindy asked, nervously looking at the camera and uncomfortably fidgeting in her chair despite the warm and comfortable environment containing a rich walnut bookcase and two thriving houseplants in the background.
"Whenever you're ready; take your time," the voice behind the camera said -- the same voice as the narrator.
Kaylee noticed that unlike most of the footage so far, this wasn't a high school version of Cindy; it looked like it was filmed in the present day.
"Ok, so. Kaylee Reed. What can I say about her? We were... pretty good friends in high school all the way up until senior year. Me, her, and Audrey were pretty tight, kind of like the female version of the three musketeers," she said with a smile.
"At first, anyway. We did everything together; cheerleading, drama, you name it. But," she hesitated, "we were kind of stuck up snobs. We really were; not so much Audrey, but especially Kaylee and I. So, when I found out she was being tutored nightly from Luke Patton," she said, eyes downcast on her guilty-looking face, "I *really* gave her a hard time for it. I mean, it's amazing how immature we all were back then -- especially me. And it kind of cost us our friendship"
She earnestly looked at the camera and said, "I really regret that. I have for years. I wish we were still friends."
Kaylee was clearly saddened by Cindy's honest confession. If her eyes were wet beforehand, they weren't about to dry out any time soon. She had missed Cindy's friendship too, and wondered why she hadn't tried to reconcile with Cindy after all of these years. Maybe it wasn't too late.
"I guess Luke helped Kaylee mature faster than I did." Shaking her head, Cindy said, "no one could have imagined what Luke would become." She quickly elaborated, not wanting to be misunderstood, "I'm not just talking about him being a hero. I mean everything about him -- who he is, the compassion he displays. Everything. I saw how he bent over backwards to help Kaylee study in high school, and he wasn't really getting anything out of it."
Cindy sighed, "I even had the privilege of... kind of... going out with Luke a few times during the rocky parts of his and Kaylee's relationship. I know, I shouldn't have, but he had turned from zero to hero so how could I resist? I'd like to think I had grown up a little by that time. Maybe not. A-anyway, Luke was the perfect gentleman both times. Although when I made him take me to that pool party, he couldn't keep his eyes off of Kaylee no matter how hard he tried. I hated that."
Her scowl turned into a laugh, "Still, he was so nice and attentive; every girl's dream. It was just too bad his heart was with someone else."
It was Luke's turn to blush. Kaylee turned to him with a smile, kissing him on the cheek. "She's right about you. Every word. Especially that last part."
Looking at the camera, Cindy smiled from ear to ear, "So, Luke and Kaylee, if you are watching, I hope you know I wish you two the best. Love you both!"
The screen quickly shifted to Clint Wayne, formerly Luke's lieutenant, standing in the forefront of a small private poolside bar.
"Airman Luke Patton; what can I say about him," Clint said with a knowing smile. "I really don't even have the right words. I mean, what can you say about the guy who saved your life? Not only that, but he risked his life to do so and nearly got himself killed. I was hit multiple times and he laid down fire, drawing the insurgents' attention off of me."
Clint paused, taking a drink from his chilled glass while he tried to figure out what to say next, "We were already evading; it wasn't like we were supposed to engage the enemy. He could have bolted, or hid, or at least fallen back to take fire from a better covered position, but he held his ground to buy time for search and rescue to show up. They airlifted me out of there, but... Luke was left behind."
The look on his face showed discomfort as he reflected back and said, "I've always regretted that. Before all of that, we at least had each other to rely on, but now he was alone."
His face changed, a subtle smile creeping up, "Still, and I have no idea how, but he made it out of there. I can't imagine what he was going through alone, but he made it out. So, imagine my surprise when several months later he calls me out of the blue, looking for a place to stay."
The cameraman asked him, "Did he tell you why?"
Clint shrugged, "No, but I could tell why. I knew why. I'd been there before."
Stoically, Clint said, "He was in a dark place and he didn't see any way out. Even people in the worst of circumstances find comfort in sleeping, or simply closing their eyes. With Luke, that just made it worse because you can't keep your guard up when you're eyes are closed. I didn't know exactly what he was going through back in California, but I was more than willing to take him in for a while."
Scratching the back of his head, he gave the camera a guilty look and said, "I was ok with it except for the Kaylee part. He told me I couldn't tell anyone he was up here; especially her."
Kaylee scowled at Luke. He turned his head away, rubbing her shoulders as if maybe, some how, it might actually take the sting away.
"I mean, I get it; he didn't want to hurt her anymore. But he couldn't see by that action, he was hurting her even worse. I told him it was a bad idea but when all was said and done he did save my life, so I was in his debt. I still feel guilty for lying." Clint looked directly at the camera and awkwardly said, "If you're watching this: Sorry, Kaylee. I know I've told you before, but I really am," as if he was looking right at her.
With a slight curve to his lip, forming a half-smile, Clint turned back to the cameraman and said, "Still, she ended up finding him, anyway. Smart girl."
Turning back to the camera again, Clint said, "Luke and Kaylee, you two deserve happiness, especially after all you've been through. I can't think of anyone who deserves it more than you two. I wish you the best."
The screen once again shifted. This time, both Audrey and Faith were being filmed side by side.
Audrey asked, "Ready?"
The cameraman must have nodded, signifying he was ready, because Audrey started speaking. Nervously waving to the camera, she said, "Hi Kaylee, your two best friends are here. I don't think there is anything we can say that you don't know. I know you and I were there from the beginning, and I think we've grown up a lot. You certainly have, no doubt. Of course, with the whole sandbox thing, you didn't really have a choice. As much as everything that happened to Luke tore me up, I can't imagine what you felt. I just want you to know how proud of you I am, and how strong I think you are. I know you've told me time and time again that you don't deserve Luke. Well, the old Kaylee... not so much. But the new Kaylee, the one watching this on the big screen; you both are so amazing and have been through so much! You definitely deserve each other!"
Audrey continued, "And Luke? I can't think of a better person for her. It's clear how much you adored her from day one, and how much you still do. Take care of my best friend!"
Kaylee sniffed as she watched Audrey pour her heart out. She couldn't have asked for a better friend.
"Kaylee," Faith said, "you might not know this, but I've always looked up to you, since I was a freshman. Well before you knew who I was."
Luke snickered, "Like you didn't know that already."
Kaylee, choked up, pretended to elbow him, "Be nice! That's your sister! You don't know how lucky you are to have her."
Faith continued, "Even when Luke first started to help you study, well before the fireworks incident, you still made me feel important. You took the time to go shopping with me, gave me fashion advice... everything! You really went out of your way to humor me, and somehow along the way I was fortunate enough that it turned into a real, genuine friendship. I just want you to know that Luke is the greatest big brother ever, and he's lucky to have you." It took Faith everything she had to resist crying. She tried to say something else, but she shook her head and waved off the camera, clearly choked up. Audrey put an arm around her.
The scene shifted to Aaron. It looked like he was at a park; a large lake served as the main backdrop.
"Careful with the camera," he said before clearing his throat and putting on a serious face for the audience. "Luke and Kaylee," Aaron said. "I don't even know where to begin with that one. No one on planet Earth could have seen it coming. The nerd and the angel. The loser and the princess. The...,"
The voice behind the camera -- this time Luke's voice -- interrupted, "I think they get it, go on."
Puzzled, Kaylee blurted out, "That's your voice! Is that you filming Aaron?"
Luke shushed her, "I can't hear anything! Quiet, girl!"
Quiet, girl? Defiantly, Kaylee stared Luke down and seductively growled, "Ruff!"
Kaylee had been overwhelmed with a variety of emotions throughout the 'movie', but no other moment so far found her more amused than she was now. Finding it funny and strange and unexpected all at the same time, Kaylee tried not to giggle too loudly.
"Ok, so, that's like every fantasy come true for guys like us." He shook his head, "I don't know how you did it, but well done Luke. You give all of us underdogs hope. You know, it's like you said; girls like that aren't from the same world as guys like me and you. Then again, you've done some amazing things. I suspect you somehow broke free from that world, just to find hers and not only enter it, but turn it upside-down. You've done what no one thought was possible -- probably not even her. Congrats, Luke."
Aaron smiled, "And Kaylee? With all of that being said, I don't think you could have found anyone better."
Kaylee smiled and Luke squeezed her tightly. "He's right," she beamed.
Aaron reached his arms out to take the camera, carefully flipping it around one hundred and eighty degrees until it found a backdrop dominated with pink. Cherry blossoms gently floated down from the trees like raindrops in slow motion, gathering on the ground while Luke stood in the forefront.
Luke smiled, "Kaylee, I've thought long and hard about what I wanted to say to you. I was never good at telling you how I feel in person, so hopefully this will be a little easier for me. There is so much I want to tell you, and it would take all day. So let me summarize, but I have to start at the beginning.
"I've changed so much on this journey we call life. I owe my foundation to my parents; I was really lucky growing up. They taught me to study hard and to focus on my goals no matter what I wanted to achieve. They loved me unconditionally, and encouraged me to be whatever I wanted to be." He breathed in deeply, "And then came first grade. From the first moment I saw you, even back then, you were the epitome of perfection. And then we went out separate ways, but when I saw you again in high school, I knew my life would never be the same. I never imagined I would ever have you on my arm, don't get me wrong. But the feelings I've had for you... it made me feel alive. I'd never experienced anything like it before or since then."
He hesitated, "Do you want to know the truth? I was *terrified* when you asked me if I would tutor you. I knew it would not end well. I almost said no, but in the end, I couldn't do that because it wouldn't be right, and it wouldn't be fair to you. You simply needed my help studying, and who was I to deny that? I tried to be myself, even though I was crazy about you. You were with someone else at the time, and the last thing I wanted to do was butt in." Luke laughed, adding, "Not like I had a chance with you. Nonetheless, you made it much more challenging for me to focus on my own homework. You weren't mine, but somehow you made me feel stronger. Somehow, we ended up as friends. And then, to my surprise -- and everyone else's -- we became a little more than friends."
A guilty look crossed his face, "And then I joined the Air Force. You probably don't want to hear it, but you gave me the strength and confidence I needed to do that. It's a good thing, though. The military made me stronger. Of course, you remember the rest. Helicopter crash... Missing in Action... returning home. By the time I made it back to you, I had changed so much I'm surprised you recognized me. I didn't even recognize myself. I'm surprised you even wanted anything to do with me, as damaged as I was. In a way... still am.
"Yet you stayed with me, through everything. Despite showing you my worst. Even though I felt like I had changed into a monster, you never gave up on me."
Luke paused for a moment and said, "You changed, too. But all of your change was for the better. You've developed into the most compassionate, caring, loving person imaginable. One of the best parts about being in the Air Force was realizing that I was making a difference in people's lives, especially being over there in the desert. Even more gratifying was the thought that I was not only protecting them, but that I was protecting you. What I didn't realize was that even though I was protecting you over there, you protected me when I came home. When I needed you the most, you were there."
Clearing his throat, Luke took a deep breath.
The camera followed Luke as he bent down on one knee.
Kaylee gasped, eyes glued to the screen and oblivious to the fact that Luke had opened the car door and carefully scooted her off of his lap.
"Kaylee," Luke began to ask, still looking at the camera, "I can't imagine going a single day without you by my side. I want you to be a permanent part of my life. I know I do not deserve you, but my heart couldn't stand it if I never asked. I guess there's only one way to find out if you feel the same way."
Luke pulled out a black velvet box and opened it as Aaron zoomed in. "Kaylee," he said...
Whispering softly in her ear, bending down on one knee just outside the Challenger and holding the same black box featured on the big screen, Luke asked her, "Will you marry me?"
Inside was a gorgeous clear princess-cut diamond, carefully sitting upon the prongs of a white-gold ring.
Kaylee, squirming in the driver's seat, brought both hands up to her mouth and silently gasped.
After a few seconds, she wrapped her arms around Luke and erupted in a fountain of tears, squeezing him so hard he was almost knocked over.
He stood up, outside the car, holding Kaylee in his arms. She held on tightly, wrapping her legs around him. There wasn't a patch of dry skin on her face. Luke smiled and whispered, "I'll take that as a positive sign, but you officially have to answer the question!"
Kaylee, having overcome her initial shock, nodded her head against his shoulder. She blurted out, "Yes! Yes, Luke, Yes! I will marry you!"
Kaylee heard the entire parking lot erupting with cheers and blasting their car horns. Out of the corner of her eye she saw herself hugging Luke up on the theatre screen; it was a live shot.
Luke gently took her cheeks in his hand and began to kiss her. Sliding one hand behind her neck and the other behind her waist, he didn't let up. Taking a step to the side, Luke leaned his girl against the rear door while her legs wrapped even tighter around his waist. Luke had kissed her before, but never like this. She was surprised but not enough to stop her from kissing him back so passionately he would remember it for the rest of his life.
Kaylee thought that several minutes had gone by, but everyone was still cheering and Luke was still kissing her. She didn't want it to stop. There was so much she wanted to discuss with Luke; their wedding, their honeymoon, their flock of babies, and even growing old and gray together. But there would be time for that later. They had forever.
After all they had sacrificed, or at least after all that *he* had sacrificed, it would be well deserved.
*Thank you, Jesus; thank you thank you thank you,* she prayed, over and over. Looking into the eyes of the man of her dreams, after all she had done to hurt him in the past, her prayers of thanks came naturally. She couldn't live without him, and he -- for whatever reason -- wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.
Maybe she didn't deserve Luke, maybe she did. But either way she knew they had been greatly blessed. Given the mountain of obstacles they had faced, there was a time she would have felt a sense of entitlement but now all she felt was thankfulness. Besides, their trials, burdens, and testing of their faith developed perseverance in them both. She was convinced that anything they might face during their marriage they would tackle together, making it no more than small, simple hills. No; actually, more like speed bumps.
After he stopped kissing her, Luke said, "I love you, Kaylee Reed."
"I love you too, Luke Patton," she replied. With a subtle smile, she said, "Next time you say it, it will be 'I love you, Kaylee Patton!'" She couldn't help giggling. Even as she put her wobbly legs back on the ground -- still leaning against the Challenger -- her heart still fluttered over him.
And she knew he felt the same way. She could see it in his eyes. She could always tell by his eyes. As she leaned forward to kiss Luke again, she noticed out of the corner of her eye a picture on the movie screen all too familiar to her. Kaylee had her arms around Luke's neck as the two kissed in a warm embrace after he stepped off of the jet, having just returned from his deployment.
"You set me up, Luke," she cooed.
Luke gave her one of his very rare devious smiles. He simply nodded. "It's not often I get to set you up. But I have to be modest and admit I had a lot of help. I had no idea how many friends -- and even friends of friends -- that you had. But thanks to social networking, Faith and Audrey did a pretty good job filling up the parking lot. But I digress; let's focus on more important issues, like when do you want to get married?"
She sighed with a smile, "I don't care when; just sooner than later."
"I can't promise you we won't have any problems, or that I won't keep having nightmares. I'm better, but I still have a ways to go," Luke said warily, looking at her nervously.
"I told you I'll always be by your side, and we'll get through this -- through *anything* -- together. Besides, I can still cuff you to the headboard so you can't hurt me. I told you baby, you're not getting rid of me that easily," she laughed. "I'll love you until the day I die, Luke Patton."
Luke gave her a knowing look and said, "You and those handcuffs -- you'd like that, wouldn't you?" He smiled, adding, "I'll always love you, Kaylee. I always have, I think. From the moment I first laid eyes on you, if I'm honest with myself. Regardless, I *know* I always will, for the rest of my life."
Luke's statement made her curious about herself; about when the moment she first fell in love with Luke might have been. More than that, she wondered when the moment was that she knew she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him.
She stole one more glance at the picture on the screen, remembering when Luke came home and how she lost complete control of herself, giving him such a passionate kiss and then running away, afraid for their future.
She had her answer.
"Kaylee Elizabeth Patton. I love the way that sounds," Kaylee smiled, brushing a few golden strands of her hair out of her face as the crisp cool breeze slightly picked up.
The newlyweds strolled down the beach, focusing solely on each other despite the grey overcast sky. Her left hand intertwined with Luke's right, but she still couldn't help periodically touching her wedding band with her thumb as if she had to make sure she was still married to the most wonderful man in the world.
It must have been obvious because each time she did that Luke would give her hand a quick squeeze, as if saying, "I'm still here."
Her sandals dangled from the fingertips of her free hand, allowing her to walk carefree and barefoot in the cold sand. Every couple of seconds Kaylee stole a glance at Luke, her husband, who had become her world.
Her love for him was so deep that she wondered how she managed to keep her hands off of him -- and the other way around. "How on earth did I let you take me to the marriage bed pure? I'm not sure if that was part of my plan," she blushed.
Luke may have been blushing an even deeper shade of red. "I thought after our first time I'd never be able to walk again. Remember that scene from Bambi where his legs wouldn't work? Yeah, that was pretty much me."
Kaylee giggled.
"Do you regret that we waited," he asked.
She emphatically shook her head no. "Quite the opposite," she said, her face turning red. "I'm glad we waited, as hard as it was for me to be patient. It couldn't have been more special. Thank you again, Luke. You may be the most chivalrous man I know." Kaylee leaned in, kissing him softly on the lips.
Luke smiled. It wasn't the same bashful smile Kaylee remembered from when they first started dating; it was a smile of pure joy and happiness. As if he could embrace the fact that he had finally found his soul mate. "You know, I'm still surprised you wanted to go to the beach for our honeymoon. I was expecting France or Italy or something."
Kaylee laughed, "I told you, this feels... well, it feels right. Actually, I think 'perfect' is a better word. It feels perfect. Just you and I, finally reunited on the same side of the ocean. Look at how big, blue, and beautiful it is. We have the rest of our lives to travel Europe."
"Besides," she added, somewhat timidly, "with mom and dad cutting me off, and you and I wanting to start a family so soon, we need to save up."
Luke stopped walking, pulling Kaylee into his arms. He didn't look too happy. "Kaylee! Are you telling me for your one and only honeymoon, you passed up Europe just because of money? We've been married for two months now!" Luke and Kaylee mutually decided to delay their honeymoon until after she finished up her last couple classes. "We had time to save up a little more to make that happen. And you know mom and dad would have helped out..."
Kaylee put a finger on his lips, smiling from ear to ear. Luke's serious lecture didn't make her flinch one bit. If anything, it amused her.
His eyebrows furrowed and his eyes narrowed, trying to figure out what she was hiding.
"Kaylee," Luke said slowly. "What aren't you telling me?"
Kaylee giggled, biting her lip. Her laughter was adorable; it was so playful and carefree. Even though she was playing 'I have a secret' with Luke, he couldn't help but feel that everything was finally perfect. She had been through so much, and deserved to be happy.
And she *was* happy.
Kaylee took off, running down the shoreline as fast as she could, kicking up a wake of sand behind her and giggling the entire way.
"Hey!" was all Luke could get out, taking off after her. Despite Kaylee's two-second head start, thanks to Luke's shock, her husband took off at a dead sprint and was on her in no time.
Kaylee screamed playfully, falling into the sand but not before dragging Luke down with her.
Rolling onto her back and tugging on Luke's shirt, she planted a kiss on his lips; it was so passionate time seemed to stand still.
Luke almost forgot why he chased her down; he was hypnotized, completely captured and under her spell. He might have forgotten if Kaylee didn't give him that same look, the 'I know something you don't know!' stare.
It was driving Luke crazy; out of principle, more than anything. He wasn't one to leave a puzzle unsolved, and the look on her face was definitely a puzzle.
"What? Will you just tell me already?"
Kaylee didn't say a word. She took Luke by the hand and gently placed it on her stomach.
He patiently waited for a clue. Kaylee laughed and shook her head again. The tip of her tongue poked out between her teeth as she smiled.
"Do you need another clue," she asked him in her sweet, soft voice.
"Another clue?"
Her laughter was bordering on uncontrollable. Luke was becoming exasperated.
"What were we just talking about," Kaylee said cryptically. "Think back to only a few moments ago."
Luke thought hard. Kaylee encouraged him, nodding her head as he began to form the puzzle pieces together.
Verbalizing his thought process, Luke said aloud, "Talking about Europe... mom and dad helping to pay... saving up money... for..."
Luke's eyes opened wide, as if he just made the greatest scientific discovery known to man.
Bending down, placing his head against Kaylee's stomach, Luke exclaimed, "We're going to be... How long?? What is it??"
"Settle down, cowboy! It's still early, we don't know if it's a he or she just yet!"
Luke kissed her stomach over and over with soft, gentle kisses. Kaylee ran her fingers through his hair. Boy or girl, it didn't matter. All that mattered was that it was hers and Luke's, and they were going to start their family.
It tickled when Luke's kisses turned into butterfly kisses, sweeping his nose across her belly the way that only a father could.
Lying on her back, Kaylee looked up to the clouds, holding her husband close to her. In that one brief moment, she reflected on her entire life. She grew up rotten and spoiled, making bad decision after bad decision. She blew second chances and third chances. She was absolutely horrible to Luke; back in high school, anyway. Yet somehow, through all the pain and all the storms in her life, God forgave her. And He blessed her. He brought her through the pain, and He continued to heal Luke, little by little, every day.
This was as close as anyone could ever get to the fairy-tale ending that many so desperately wanted, but few ever seemed to get. Sure, there would be difficult times ahead of them, but there wasn't anything that they couldn't do together and with the good Lord's guidance.
She closed her eyes and mouthed a silent, "Thank you, God."
The gentle breeze picked up and a single ray of light began to break the cloud cover, shining down over the couple lying in the sand. At least it seemed like it was shining on them.
*Yep,* Kaylee thought to herself, *Europe can definitely wait.*
Everything was too good to be true. If this was a dream, she didn't want to wake up. Even though, a long time ago, Kaylee didn't initially recognize him as the man of her dreams she finally found out (and fortunately before it was too late) it was really Luke all along.
But Luke was so much more than the man of her dreams.
From the moment Luke began educating Kaylee, he gradually transformed -- in her eyes, at least -- from loser, to underdog, to hero.
He really was a hero all along; *her* hero. She just didn't see it at first.
But now she knew, and she would get to spend the rest of her life with him.
Could it get any better?
Gently touching her hand to her tummy, dreaming about her future with Luke, she thought maybe it could...
*\-Fin* | literotica |
Title: A Lazy Eye by Squirrel
Tags: Bat, Character Development, M/F, Mouse, Oral, Romance, Sci-Fi, Squirrel, Vaginal
... three years ago ...
"Field ... "
No answer.
A sigh. Paw knocking (oh-so-gently) on the door ... " ... I know you're in there. I can hear you sniffling."
A sniffle. "I'm not here," was the muffled reply.
Wren pressed the 'open' button ... and the door wouldn't budge. Locked. "Field, you are, too ... come on ... let me in."
A shaky sniffle.
Wren fidgeted, using his paws to try and pry open the ... double doors. Which, normally, would swish and retract into the walls, but ... pry, pry ... and he stopped. This was hurting his paws. He returned to the door's control pad, taking the cover off the door chime, and ... hot-wiring the circuits. Forcing the door to "swish!" ... open ...
Field looked up. "Hey," he said, in a defeated way. Not angry. Not accusing. Just ... noticing he'd made it in. The mouse's eyes were red. He'd been crying ... for how long, Wren didn't know. Probably hours.
"Hey," Wren said back, with equal gentility. Stepping in (and the doors sliding shut behind him). Spring light streamed through the window. And dust motes and ... other things ... danced in the beams. A window was open, letting cool air in ... otherwise, the room was quiet. Except for Field's sniffling, and his ... swallowing, and his ... rustling (as he turned away from Wren). The mouse was on his side in bed, wearing just a tattered pair of jean shorts. His country clothes ...
Field just breathed. Saying nothing.
And Wren sat on the side of the bed, hesitating, before saying, "Um ... I'm worried about you ... "
Field, unblinking, stared at the wall.
"Tell me what happened ... please ... " He reached a paw out. Stopped. Withdrew it, but ... reached it out, anyway, and ... put it on the mouse's bare side. Clutching weakly at the fur. Slowly beginning to stroke up and down his side ... " ... come on, baby ... tell me. Please ... "
Field swallowed, cleared his throat. And cleared it again, speaking (in wispy whispers), "They found out." He sounded haunted. A sniffle. "They found out ... "
"What?" Wren drew a breath. "What do you mean ... when? How did ... "
"I told them." Field's voice was barely audible. Still, his eyes staring (unblinking) at the wall.
"Why?" Wren asked, confused. "Field ... "
"I don't know ... I don't know. I shouldn't have. I just ... I did." A shaky exhale. His eyes finally closing (hurting). "They, uh ... freaked out. Said I'm going to hell ... " A swallow. Clearing his throat again. "I believe in hell, you know ... I ... I ... my own ... f-family, they told me ... I'm ... " His words broke down. Into sobs. Into ...
"Hey ... " Wren's voice, friendly, soothing, and echoing the mouse's pain ... spoke into his ear. And his paws went round him in a hug. The squirrel lying behind him, beside him. Holding him. "You're not going to hell ... "
"They said I was," the mouse quivered. "They told it ... right to ... me ... "
"Hush ... hush ... you're not going to hell," Wren repeated, his belly and chest snugged to the mouse's bare back. And his fingers scritching at his belly-fur. Which was a lighter, almost creamier color ... than the rest of him. "What about ... "
" ... Fuzzy? He dumped me." A sniffle. A pause. "He didn't know ... I was ... I became too much a burden," Field said, eyes open (again), and staring (again) at the wall. "I was too much a burden for him. He didn't ... have anything to say. I was ... I was sobbing. I was in so much pain, and I ... he just looked at me and shrugged and said ... said ... " The mouse closed his eyes again. Obviously, not wanting to remember it. It was too fresh. Too hurtful. But he needed to get this out, didn't he ... lest he explode? "He said it's 'just the way it goes,' and ... he didn't cry. Didn't ... show any emotion. Just ... he was so cold ... he said it was over ... I only came out for him. Cause I wanted to be with him ... and he dumped me!" There was a desperation in the mouse's voice. "It was for nothing ... all this pain ... what ... I ... I ... " The words fell apart.
Wren could've said any number of things. Could've said 'your mate was a predator ... a lion ... he didn't want you for your heart, or your ... mind ... he just wanted fun ... predators don't know how to feel emotion, Field, and you're as emotional as they come ... I don't know what you saw in him ... I don't know why you allowed it to happen ... ' Wren could've said that. The squirrel could've told the mouse that it was to be expected, such a reaction, such a ... thing. That maybe Field had been too naive, and ... too innocent. To think that he could mate with a predator ... not just a predator, but a male one ... could've told the mouse, 'you would've been better off with me' ... but he didn't. He loved Field too much ... to say anything that could possibly hurt him (in his already fragile state).
He just hugged and continued stroking Field's belly, whispering into his ear, "Don't let him get you down ... don't let your family ... don't let any of them," he whispered, "to extinguish your light. You've ... you've," Wren whispered, "such a shy, gentle spirit. You're so kind ... you're special, okay?" He nibbled on Field's ear. "You're very special ... I won't let you be destroyed by this. I won't let you hurt yourself," he whispered, knowing of the mouse's ... what Field did to himself. How he could starve himself. How he had ... how Wren had to make sure he ate ... how Wren checked on him every day, to make sure he was eating.
Tears were streaming down the mouse's cheeks, matting his fur there ... clinging in little droplets, which then fell and soaked into the sheets. One of his own paws reached for one of Wren's ... fingers clumsily meshing between the squirrel's. The mouse had such a weak grip. And the squirrel squeezed his paw ... squeeze ... squeeze ...
"You ... gonna be okay?" Wren whispered.
"My family doesn't ... wanna see me anymore," Field said blankly. "They think I'm ... going to ... corrupt my siblings." A pause. "They ... I don't understand. I don't understand," he said. "I ... I'm not bad! I'm not trying to ... " More sobs. More shakes.
"You're not bad. You're not ... okay? You're not ... some furs, they just ... they get scared of what they don't understand."
"I don't even understand, though! I don't, either ... I don't ... either, and ... I'm scared, too, and they're ... acting like ... " A squeak of frustration! Words stopping. Replaced by erratic breathing. "I've lost my family ... and my mate ... in the same morning," Field whispered ... sounding haunted. "I don't know ... what to do. My faith ... what if I lose my faith, too?" There was panic in his voice. Pure terror. "What ... what will I do? I can't lose that, too ... "
"You won't," Wren assured. "Field, you won't ... it's gotten you this far, and it's survived everything. You're not gonna lose it. There is life after death. Don't be afraid." The mouse had fierce anxiety problems. Was afraid of dying ... was terrified of getting sick, or ... so often, his faith was his purpose. Was his greatest hope. It gave him so much comfort, and ... identity ... and if he lost it ... " ... don't be afraid ... " And Wren knew the words were a bit hollow. Field couldn't stop the fear ... " ... maybe your family will soften ... maybe ... "
"You've met them," Field whispered. "Do you honestly believe that?" A sniffle.
Wren hesitated. No ... he couldn't say he did ... but ... he didn't want the mouse to buy into any sort of cynical mind-set.
The mouse let out a shaky breath. "It hurts ... I can't do this anymore. I kept it a secret for so long, and I buried it from everyone but you, and ... I don't want ... to have this burden. I can't carry it," he whispered. "Not for my entire life. I'm not strong enough ... "
"Field, don't let them ... "
" ... change me? Don't let them ... change me? This ... this is a choice," Field stammered.
"Field, it's not ... "
"It is," was his feverish response. "It is. I can be ... I'm not going to go through an entire life," he whispered, "of this pain. I can't ... I need to be open ... emotional. I need ... this lifestyle, it's ... so heavy. I can't ... I can't ... " Weak twitching. Twitching ... " ... look it what it did to me."
Wren hugged the mouse tighter. Oh, he loved Field ... more than how one should love a friend. Wren's own struggles ... dealing with his sexuality, the secrets, the lies, the hard searches for a mate who would commit to you ... leading double-lives, his family, his faith ... the mouse was now professing ... that he couldn't take it anymore. And Wren suddenly felt ... a panic. And he didn't understand why.
"I'm going to change," Field said. "I can't ... change my personality, or my ... my ... but ... I need peace. I need ... my faith, Wren. I can't lose my faith. I ... I ... my ... everything. What am I supposed to sacrifice to ... feed these desires? Are they going to consume me? When does it stop? I'm NOT ... a fighter," Field whispered, sniffling. "I don't want to fight ... anymore. I don't want to ... I can't defend myself. I ... I've tried. I've tried so hard, and it's not ... you can call me a quitter if you want, but ... I've seen what this ... is doing to me, and to furs around me, and I ... I want to change. It's not worth it ... " A sniffle. "I can love a femme ... they're pretty. They're nice. I can love them," Field assured.
Wren listened with swiveling ears ... not knowing what to say. Not knowing ... whether Field even KNEW what he was, himself, saying ... wanting to tell him that it was impossible to turn straight after being gay. That everyone who had common sense ... knew that. Wanted to tell the mouse to calm down and ... take a few days to think things through ... but he knew Field. Field was stubborn. Field was obsessive-compulsive. If Field said he was going to do this, then ... he was going to. The rural, religious mouse would ... secretly revel in proving everyone wrong. If Wren told him it was impossible, the mouse would only get more stubborn ... but Wren simply didn't know what to say to Field's words. What did one say to that? He knew that Field was very intelligent with words, and would be able to counter anything ... the squirrel said. So, Wren said nothing ... just listened. Just let the mouse loose his burdens ...
And the squirrel, himself, had been ... having problems. He loved Field, but he ... loved another, too. Kodiak. A rabbit in med school here ... at this school. All of them in this academy ... to train to join the fleet someday. Wren loved more than one fur. More than one male ... but Field, he was so pure, so spiritual ... and Kodiak, he was so ... loose. So crass. So ... fun. But his fun was a ... wild kind of fun. Addicting. Tempting, but ... the things he made Wren do. Or, rather, the things he convinced Wren to do ... that Wren did ... sexual things. Alcohol. Whatever ... risky things ... Wren had gotten himself into things, and couldn't get out. And he felt that ... if he clung to Field, and threw the bulk of his love on Field ... that maybe the mouse ... would rub off on him. Maybe Wren could escape all this ... with Field.
Maybe, together ...
" ... together," the squirrel whispered into Field's ear. "We'll get through this together ... okay ... " ... a swallow. A breath onto the back of the mouse's neck. And a gentle kiss there. Which turned into a ... mouthing. A sucking.
Field was wordless. Just breathing. Eyes half-open, knowing what Wren was doing, and ... not stopping him ... right now, so fragile, so traumatized ... that the whispers, the gentle caresses, the soft light coming through the window ... all this tender quietness ... had lulled him into some kind of protective bubble. And if he stopped Wren ... right now ... if he stopped him, the bubble would burst. And all the pain would stab back into him ... and ... and ... he didn't want Wren to stop ... they were friends ... but they'd never ...
Soft, little smack-smacks ... and sucks to the mouse's neck.
Field's eyes went to a slow, complete close. As Wren's body began to drape over his own ... moving Field to his back, and ... the whisper of, "I'll help you ... and you'll help me." Rubs of the mouse's chest. Whispers. "It'll be okay ... alright ... you're my best friend." A squeeze of the mouse's paw. "You're my best friend ... " Leaning down and licking at the mouse's whiskers ... which twitched. And tasted of salt.
Field's eyes, watering ... and his paw squeezing back ... he started to quietly cry. He was in so much pain.
The mouse may have lost everything that mattered, but ...
" ... you won't lose me," Wren promised. "Got that? I'm gonna get a ship of my own one day, okay, and ... I'll take you with me ... "
"You can't promise that ... "
"I can ... "
"I'm scared of ... heights."
A chuckle ... " ... then ... why are you at school ... to join the fleet, then, mm?"
"Cause I'm a mouse, and ... I'm insane." The mouse had entered into the artistic program. There were many opportunities in space ... for artistic endeavors. Photography, reporting ... many deep-space outposts and colonies ... needed sources of art and entertainment. Needed artistic furs to come there and ... take root. Art was necessary for any society's survival. Field had entered into that, but ... was thinking about changing to the command track. Not that the mouse was very assertive, or very ... strong. But he had the ability to gain the trust of others, to work well ... with others. Furs trusted him. Furs liked him. And ... he didn't know ... He didn't know what he was gonna do, or where he was gonna go, but ...
" ... we'll stick together," Wren told him. "I promise ... I'm gonna get a ship, and ... I'll be the first rodent to have my own ship. And I'll make you my first officer."
"That's ... silly," Field whispered.
Another chuckle. "Well ... all the same ... " A sigh ... and he laid down with the mouse, wrapping his arms around him. Just a minute ago, his desires had been such ... that he would've yiffed with Field then and there (and he'd nearly started to do so) ... and Field would've let it happen. The mouse, indeed, was submissive ... he would've let it happen (even if he would've regretted it afterwards) ... but ... somehow, they both held back. Somehow, they both ... reigned themselves in. And through their words, through this sudden, light conversation ... they regained their perspective.
"I'm afraid ... Wren. I'm scared," Field whispered.
"I know, baby ... " Caressing his chest ... " ... I'm not going anywhere. I'll stay with you all day."
"What about ... our classes?"
"We can skip one day ... this is more important, okay?" was the whisper. Nibbling on Field's ears again (because it gave Field pleasure, and ... because he wanted to). "You need to rest. You never let yourself rest ... "
"I can't ... I can't shut it off ... " He didn't elaborate as to what 'it' was ... could've been a hundred things. His mind, most likely, but ... with Field, you never knew ... if his words were metaphors for something else ...
"Just close your eyes," the squirrel whispered ... drawing the blue, cool sheets ... over their furry bodies. "Get some rest. We'll both ... get some rest."
Field closed his tired eyes, and ... nodded slightly. "I'll try ... "
"Don't lose your hope ... this will get better," Wren promised.
A swallow. A nod. "I pray that it will ... "
"What?" Wren looked up ... at his desk. In the present.
"I pray that it will," Field repeated, sitting on the couch. In the captain's ready room. "That a home will come our way ... "
"Mm ... " Wren looked back down ... staring at his computer screen before tapping the power button. Turning it off. "Well ... " He looked back up. "It'll have to. We've only ... less than two weeks of supplies, of energy ... we gotta find something."
"Well, I ... I do pray about it," Field insisted. "Every day. You should, too ... it helps," he whispered.
Wren gave a little smile. He'd never been sold on the power of prayer ...
Field twitched a bit. "You don't think it works."
"Well ... "
"I can read your mind. Remember?"
A sigh. "Field ... "
"It works," he insisted, a steely gaze in his grey-blue eyes. A look of ... devotion. Of having walked through fire. "He listens."
"I didn't say I ... doubted His existence."
"Well, I'm just ... if we all pray about it, and ... I'm just saying ... it might help."
Wren nodded.
Field took a breath. And let it out.
"How's Akira?"
The mouse nibbled on his own paw for a moment, eventually saying, "She's better. She had a little ... cough ... but ... a little cold, or something. But she's better."
"She was shaken up by what those other bats ... were like. What they tried to do to the away team ... "
"Yeah ... I read everyone's report."
"Most bats aren't like that," Field assured, as if ... feeling he had to defend his mate's species. "Most bats aren't ... "
"I know," Wren assured.
Field nodded. Needing to make sure ... Wren knew that. That everyone knew that. "Mm ... well ... she's fine. She's had the past few days off-duty, you know." A pause. "I ... I wanted to ask you ... something."
Wren's ears swivelled. "Yes?"
"I ... I feel, lately, like ... I've become a cipher on this ship."
"A cipher?"
"I'm the waif-like ... mouse ... the cute, effeminate mouse who ... everyone likes," Field said, "but no one takes seriously." A pause. "Rella would make a better first officer than me ... you should give her my position."
"What?" A face.
"You should ... "
"No, Field ... no ... first off, Rella's chief of tactical, and I need her there. Dotna's good, but she's not ... senior officer material. Rella is. I need her at tactical."
Field nodded quietly.
"Second, everyone does like you ... and they DO take you seriously. No one on the crew," he said, "comes to me when they have an issue with something, Field. They go to you first. Every fur on this ship, down to the paw-ful of predators ... when they have a problem, or when something's wrong, they don't come directly to me. They go to you. And then you relay it ... to me."
"Well ... "
"Well, they trust you. Alright? They care about you. I don't think everyone would bare their souls ... to Rella. Or myself. But they do it with you ... they open up around you, because you open up around them. I need my first officer to be close to the crew. My first officer," Wren said, "has to have his paw on the pulse of this ship ... the furs on it. And you do. Every day, we have these briefings, and you tell me what's going on with everyone on the ship. I wouldn't know this stuff ... otherwise."
The mouse said nothing. Just held his own tail in his paws ...
"You are vital," Wren assured, "to the morale of this crew ... you brighten everyone's day. Your smile, your softness ... your hope, your spirit ... when furs talk to you, they feel better. You ... you may not be the best fur to be in command during a crisis," Wren said, "but ... we're a family here, okay? No one fur needs to ... be everything. If a crisis occurs, as it has before, you have help all around you ... so, you needn't fear that ... "
Field flushed.
"You're a fine first officer. And you've been spending more time off-duty, taking care of your baby ... and letting Adelaide run Ops ... that's fine. I'm fine with it ... I know Akira needs one of you with her ... at all times, basically. So ... you know, however you and Adelaide wish to stagger your work schedules, that's fine by me."
Field nodded.
"Okay?" Wren whispered.
Another nod, and a shy smile ... "okay," Field whispered.
"You're still my friend," Wren told him. "You're the first officer, and ... a very important part of this crew. And you always will be. Don't convince yourself otherwise, okay?"
A shy smile ... eyes darting. "Okay," he whispered again, feeling better ...
Wren thought for a moment, and said, "And I'll ... say that prayer," he said. "For God to ... lead us to a home."
The mouse beamed. "I think it'll help," he said gently, genuinely.
And the mouse's innocent smile ... so contagious. Wren caught it, and ... chuckled. "Mm ... well ... you can go, now. You doing your daily tour of the ship next?"
"Mm-hmm." Field, daily, went on a walkabout ... around the ship. Checking in with each department head. Getting a status report. Making sure everything was okay ... normally, he did his walkabouts before the briefings with Wren, but ... he'd gotten a late start today, and ... was having to wait until after. "I'll come back later, okay, and ... give you my report ... but I, uh, gotta stop my quarters first ... "
Lips in a loose, wet ring, her muzzle bobbed, bobbed ...
The mouse's eyes rolled back a bit ... eyelids fluttering ...
... bobbed on his sheath-less mousey penis. Proud, pink ... poking the roof of her mouth, and her long, versatile tongue ... slip-slithering on the underside. Lathering him up with saliva. As if basting prime meat ... mm ...
A squeak passed through his own lips ...
Adelaide had bet him ... he couldn't orgasm without moaning. Squeaking ... he could squeak. Squeaking was allowed. But the bet was ... no moaning. There was nothing riding on the bet ... it was just a fun excuse to have sex at 1:43 in the afternoon ...
Huff, huff ... ears flooded with blood, swiveling ... pulsing at every sound. His hearing was heightened during yiff. His ears became erogenous.
She had been avoiding the head. Been giving him a false sense of security, but ... her tongue lapped over the rounded, sensitive flesh of his cock-head, right over the slit ... tasting of salty pre. Lick, lick, tongue running over the top of the head, over the ridge that led to the shaft ...
The mouse sagged ... leaning forward ... sitting, no pants, on the counter-top in the kitchen area of their quarters. Foot-paws dangling, not reaching the floor, and tail limp ... he arched, squirming. So ... so ... sensitive ... huff!
Bob, bob ... grabbing his furry ball-sac with a free paw. With cock in her muzzle, with balls in paw, Adelaide opened her pink eyes ... and flashed a cheeky look upward. It wasn't over, but ... Field was going to lose. They both knew it ...
She was sitting on her knees on the floor, making a meal of his maleness ... or his mousey-ness, rather. She began to roll his balls, tug his sac ...
Puff ... huffy-puff ...
Suck-suck ... suck! Giving him muzzle ... and doing it with such delicacy (cause of her fangs ... having to keep them from getting in the way).
Tail starting to snake (like a live-wire), and squeaks reaching higher pitches ... unconscious, instinctual signs ...
... that the shaft of flesh, that the warm, wet organ marinating between her lips ... was about to ... was about to ...
A shiver seized his body. His head went back ... eyes went shut ... tail went erect ... and the moans came. He came. "Uh ... uhn. Uhhhn ... ohh ... oh, oh ... uhhmm ... "
The first moan, the second ... and, on the third moan ... came the gentle spurt, spurt ...
"Ohhh ... "
The white, creamy seed ... shot right onto her tongue, running down her throat ... suckle ... " ... mm ... mmm ... " She let the fluid pool on her tongue. Collected it ...
Field, matted with light sweat ... sagged, huffing weakly.
A few more bobs, a suckling of the head ... and still not swallowing, with semen dribbling out of her lips, down her chin ...
"Mm ... "
... and she pulled off, nose flaring, weakly getting to a stand ... lips to his, dribbling the cum into the mouse's maw. Tongues touching, fluid stringing ... both of them sighing, swallowing, tasting ... until she parted, sinking back to her knees, licking her lips, looking up at him. "You moaned," she said, grinning.
"Does ... does that mean," he asked, in mock disappointment, swallowing his own taste, "we have to yiff again tonight?"
"Afraid so," she said, grinning. And then giggling. Moving back to a (wobbly) stand, and leaning against him ... into his arms.
The mouse wrapped his arms around her. Hugging her close, and swallowing ... putting his nose on her shoulder. His mouse-hood still more erect than not, and resting against her waist.
She closed her eyes, brushing her mind against his. Radiating of love, of need ...
"Adelaide ... "
"Yeah?" she whispered, still in his hug ... and she had no desire, currently, to wrest away from it.
"I'm ... I'm sorry if ... sometimes, I'm too needy, and too helpless," Field said quietly. "I want to be strong for you. Like how you are for me ... "
"Oh, darling ... " She nuzzled his neck. "You are strong ... we're each strong in different ways. You keep me grounded," she told him. "You give me perspective. You keep me ... you keep my heart from going idle," she whispered (right into his cooling ear). "I need you ... badly. Every day. You're the only one who I can ... brush minds with. You're the only one," she said, "that I want. I bore your child," she whispered. "Don't doubt, even for a moment ... how much I need you. Sometimes, I may put on a ... toothy, I-can-do-anything act, but ... I can only do anything ... cause I know you'll catch me when my wings fail me. You're my net. You're my ... gravity," she breathed. Sighing into his ear.
He shivered. "Oh ... okay," he managed, throat dry. Swallowing.
"Okay?" she whispered.
A nod. "Okay ... "
She smiled warmly and pulled back a bit ... and met his eyes. And ... helped him off the counter. So that they were both standing in the kitchen area. "Now," she said, with a growing smile ... and a paw groping (and then lightly slapping) his naked rump ... "now, get some pants on, and ... resume your walkabout of the ship. I'll see you," she promised, with shining pink eyes, "later."
A giggle! "Mm ... alright."
She smiled as she watched him dress, and ... as she watched his bright, shy smile ... trained on her. As he scurried for the door, pausing in the frame of it, giving a little wave at her ... biting his lip, tail hanging behind him like a fishing line. As he blew a devoted kiss to her ... with all his warmth and love and ... desire. Emotional, mental, physical.
He didn't just want her in one way ...
He wanted her in every way.
And it was so evident in his eyes.
And it meant so much to her ... to be needed like that. And ... she'd come to need those things from him ... in return.
Oh, but love ... what it did ... what it was doing ...
And Field scurried out of the door, resuming his ship-wide tour ... leaving Adelaide to flop on the couch, sighing with satisfaction as, with the taste of him still on her tongue, she thought of him ... as she slid her paw down, down ... and rubbed at herself. Priming herself for tonight's ... activities.
Field stepped into sickbay, looking around. Nose sniff-twitching ... and ears at their normal swivel-swivel. Until he spotted Denali.
"Hi," said the otter, looking up from some read-outs. "Mm ... you okay?"
"Yeah," said Field. "Yeah," he went, stepping forward. "Mm ... no lollipops?"
The otter frowned. "Um ... what?"
"Lollipops. When Akira and I left the other day, we didn't get our lollipops."
The otter, still, was befuddled.
"I thought doctors gave lollipops ... to good patients. Unless we weren't good patients."
The otter chuckled, looking to the floor, and then back to Field. "No, you were fine patients. I just ... never heard of that one before. Doctors giving out lollipops."
A shake of the head. "Never ... "
"Must be a rural thing ... "
"You're a rural mouse?"
"Born and raised ... on a farm. Yeah." A quiet nod.
"Must've been nice," was the otter's reply. "You must miss it."
The mouse's eyes went distant for a moment. "Mm?" He blinked. "Oh ... yeah ... " He cleared his throat. "Anyway, I, uh ... I got you some."
"Some what?"
"Lollipops ... silly," said Field, stepping forward, and showing a little canister of suckers. "You have to let me swipe a few, though."
The otter chuckled. Picking up the glass canister, looking at all the suckers in their colored wrappers ... the color of the wrapper indicating the fruit flavor of each lollipop ... " ... you get these from a food processor?"
"Yeah ... I had Juneau program the specifications."
"Wow ... thanks," said Denali, putting the canister on his desk. Smiling, staring at it ... for a few moments. And then looking back up at the mouse. "Really ... thanks ... "
"You're welcome," whispered Field, with a shy smile. And he took a breath, looking around. "So, everything's okay in the medical department, I'm to assume?"
"Yeah ... pretty much."
"Pretty much?"
"Well, I just ... it's not what I wanted. I rather liked being in the science lab all day. Here, it's different. I don't know. It's ... taking me a while to adjust."
Field nodded, holding a few lollipops in his paw ... " ... well ... I mean, I understand. I know how that is." A momentary quiet. "I guess we just ... you know, we can either look at things with a lazy eye, and see them the same as before, and ... not try and ... adjust to the present. Push away change. Or we can ... turn that lazy eye ... to the horizon. And watch as we grow. As things come toward us, and as we ... react to them. I don't know. It's ... just gotta deal with it. Just gotta make it through."
A quiet nod. "Yeah," the otter whispered. "Well, easier said than done."
The mouse nodded ... knowingly. "I'm aware of that," was his whisper, and his eyes darted to some of the blinking monitors. He fixated on them for a minute. And then let out a breath. "I ... I just know you'll do a good job. And, if you need help, you've ... all the rest of us," Field said, saying to Denali what Wren had (in essence) said to him an hour ago ... " ... you've got a whole family on this ship. You've got support. If you need help ... ask for it. You'd be surprised how many furs care ... "
Denali fiddled with the lollipop canister. "Yeah ... mm ... thanks," he whispered, offering the mouse another smile.
Field smiled back, and ... lingered, and turned for the door. "Well ... I'm gonna scurry. Got five more decks to stroll, and ... stuff," he said, smiling. And, soon, was out the door, and in the corridor on C-deck. Nearly bumping into Pyro.
"Oh," Field exclaimed, putting a paw over his heart. "I didn't hear you ... "
"Heh ... " Pyro stopped. Looked him over. "With those ears?" A grin.
"Well ... guess I was preoccupied," he admitted.
"What with?"
"If I said I couldn't ... say it out loud, in the corridor, you'd ... "
" ... probably guess it has to do with ... something pink. Yeah?"
A giggle. Eyes darting. "Mm ... yes," was the admittance. "Mm ... " A pause. "You okay?" he asked the wolf.
Pyro had been a bit upset about the incident on the rogue planet. Assumpta had predicted that, should Dotna be threatened, Pyro (who was prey) ... would lash out in a predatory way. And he had. And, since then, no further predatory flares ... but ... he knew now, deep down ... something predatory was inside him. And he wasn't sure what to make of that ... he didn't want to end up like the 'predators' from his universe. Or even the predators here. He would much rather be prey, thank you ... the last thing he wanted to do was scare Dotna ...
"Mm ... yeah," said the wolf. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just ... a bit confused. A bit tired."
"Mm ... have a lollipop," said Field brightly, extending a paw (with three lollipops in it). "Have TWO," he insisted.
A chuckle. "Wow ... suckers. Two?"
"Lollipops," Field corrected.
"Suckers, lollipops ... haven't had one in ages. What flavors you got ... "
"Watermelon, strawberry, and ... cream soda ... "
"Which one you want?"
"I can synthesize more ... "
"Well ... watermelon, and ... cream soda. You can have strawberry," said the wolf, taking the watermelon and cream soda lollipops. "Wow," he said, sniffing. His sense of smell was very good, and ... mm ... fruity candy. Sugar. Suckers!
Field giggled as he watched the wolf.
"Thanks," Pyro said, looking up, smiling.
"You're welcome," the mouse replied brightly ... " ... I'll see you later, okay?"
"Sure! Heh ... " Pyro continued in the direction he'd originally been going in ... lollipops in paw.
And, Field, with the remaining lollipop (the strawberry) ... took off the wrapper, and put the sucker in his mouth. "Mm," he sighed ...
... and flopped (from her grinning shove) to his back ... in the bed. On the strewn-about sheets. Orgasm-induced pussy juices dribbling down his lips (and in droplets on his whisker-tips) ... and the mouse huffing, her scent inhabiting his nose ... making him heady.
"Oh ... oh," the bat breathed, moving to a straddle of his waist.
Field huffed, remaining still ... tasting the femininity on his tongue. And milk. He'd suckled milk from her left breast ... for five minutes ... until, giggling, she'd pried him off ... " ... you're gonna drink me dry," she'd accused. But she always found it incredibly erotic ... him doing that ...
"Mm ... okay, Field. Mm ... " She tried to regain her bearings, but she could taste her own mating milk ... leaking from her needle-like fangs. "Darling," she panted, reading his mind. "You're not ... too submissive. I ... I waited years for ... oh ... I like being dominant. It gives me ... " She sank down on his cock, the blood-gorged tip of which ... parted her furry folds, sliding right into the slick, steamy muscles ... of her vagina. " ... oh ... oh ... p-pleasure." She sighed ... at being filled. At being on top. And she rose, fell ... sat for a minute ... " ... you know ... I've never heard you use ... the f-word ... Field."
"I ... you know ... I don't curse."
"No, but ... it's not a curse ... during yiff. It's ... " She rose and fell. "Uh ... uh ..." She rubbed at herself ... while she rode him. "Mm ... "
Whimper-squeaks ...
"Oh ... oh, say it ... with me, Field ... " She rose ... and fell ... " ... uh ... fuck," she exhaled, the mouse's penis burying inside her, rubbing her walls ... making her wet. The give and take of their organs ... making squishy, squelching noises. Very gentle sounds ...
"Uh ... "
" ... fuck," she supplied gently (encouragingly). Rise ... fall ... breasts heaving.
"Uh ... oh ... " He held back ...
... and she took two hard bounces, putting the claws of her thumbs ... on his mousey nipples. Pressing them like buttons.
Causing him to squeak and arch, breathing (wispily), "Oh ... fuck ... "
"There ... we go! How ... how did that ... feel," she asked, rising, falling ... oh, riding him!
"Um ... mm ... g-good," he panted.
She giggled. "Mm ... you sounded so adorable, saying that. Mm ..." She slowed the pace of her riding. Ready to lick and numb his neck ... so she could sink her fangs into his neck.
It would take her a minute to numb a spot for her bite ...
... and while she licked and lapped, Field closed his eyes. They were still physically joined. About to be ... FURTHER physically joined, as well as mentally, emotionally joined. Oh, she was beautiful ... the pink of her. The pinks of her, and ... her filmy, stretching wings, and her sharp teeth, and her ... stubby tail, and her ... oh, everything ... physically ... and mentally ... how smart she was. How confident she was. How assured she was. How ... she was everything Field wanted to be, and how ... they each had something the other needed. More than needed. Wanted. They each wanted each other, and ... though love (like life) could get messy, and ... could take its wayward turns, time was only bringing them closer. Was only increasing the want. And need. And ... it made it pure ...
"Adelaide," Field whispered, eyes still closed. He loved her name. Loved saying her name. "Adelaide ... " It was like poetry.
She paused ... the lapping of his neck-fur, which was matted now ... with her saliva. "Yeah ... "
"I love you," he whispered, exhaling it ... as if saying those words ... induced a loss of breath. As if the force of those words deflated his lungs. "I'm so grateful," he whispered, "for ... how you ... let me be myself. How ... how you take care of me."
"Darling," she breathed. "Darling, I ... love you, too ... and it's not a problem. I'm glad," she said, "to take care of you." For years, she had longed to ... have a mate. Not just a mate. Not just someone to love, but ... someone to love and NURTURE. To help. Someone ... someone like Field ... someone she could exert her more aggressive bat-like impulses ... with. "And you let me be myself ... with you, too," she told him. To be this vulnerable, this close, this intimate with someone ...
... was worth it. Was so worth it.
Field was SO different from how a male bat would be ... and maybe that was (also) part of his appeal ... bats were few, and ... she'd left home. Taken this assignment, knowing full well she'd be the only bat aboard. Field was the furthest thing from a bat ... and yet ... genetically, mice were the furry species most closely-related to bats ... hence their being able to have a baby ... Field was so different from her, and yet ... echoed with certain similitudes. He was a mystery, and ... a comfort. All at once. And so gentle, so ... submissive ... which she adored. For she was strong-willed, and ... very confident in herself ... and enjoyed it ...
Adelaide continued lapping. Continued prepping his neck for her bite ...
Field breathed, closing his eyes. Clutching at her. Paws in the middle of her back ... gripping her. Holding her. So warm. So solid. So soft. So real.
"Ready ... "
Field gave a tiny squeak ... in response. Taking a breath. Preparing for their mental/physical merging ... the flood of sensations, emotions, memories ... everything. For their shared pleasure. "I'm ... ready ... " He had been ready ... for his entire life. Ready for happiness. But he'd been waiting ... waiting ... failing ... and then she came along. And it had been over a year, and ... the mouse had long since ceased his waiting ...
She ... bit!
The images ... the sensations ... came!
And, together, they went for a ride ... both of them closing their lazy eyes. And, with crazy sighs, sank into the sheets. Feeling they could melt ...
... for their hearts were aflame. And not even close ... to ever burning out. | FSE |
Title: Death's Master. Chapter One. (Terror's of War.) by Kilan
Tags: Blood, Catboy, Last Wishes, Resurection
\*\*Author's Note.\*\*
this story contains Blood, Suggested Violence, etc, If you find any of these things "Offensive" Please click the back button now. And for those of you who welcome said things i would like to welcome you to the world of Heinal.
Felo sat on the once grassy hill, Now muddied by the blood of the innocent city dwellers, Some of which his friends. He watched the fires burn out of the sacked town, His face void of emotions as his former life crumbled to ashes in his hands. His tail twitched, The only movement in his whole body other then his hand fingering the hilt of his newly aquired double-bladed sword. *"The bastards will pay.*" He thought to himself, The voices of the dead swirling around him, Their hands gripping at his clothes and asking for a sweet rest that he could grant them.
"Life is a cruel thing is it not?" Felo spun around, His sword ready for an attack that was not forthcoming. "Calm down, Though your body is young your eyes say elsewise. I can only imagine what you've been through." Said the old fox, Leaning upon his walking stick.
"Who are you?" Felo asked, Not relaxing his grip.
"I am many things, I have many names, But for now I am no more then an advice giver." He said non-chalantly, Waving his hand dismisivly. "You may call me Venins." The man finished.
"And you may call me Felo." The cat boy said, Sheathing his sword.
"Inklam, They are the one's who attacked this place are they not?" The old one asked, sitting down in the grass. Felo nodded, His expression turning grim. "Then go for your revenge, Don't let anyone stop you, 'Master Of Death'." He cackled, Disappearing in a cloud of grey smoke.
Felo sat under the cloudless sky alone once again, watching the smoke Venins had left behind drift into oblivion. After the smoke had disappeard he looked at one of the bodies very close to him, Imagining what he could do with his newly aquired powers. He knelt by the corpse and poised his hand over the dead man's heart. *"Rise From your grave, Come back to the world of the living."* He said in an almost prayer like chant, Letting his newfound instincts take charge. He felt the warmth of the soul he had managed to find go out of his hand and back into the dead man, Bringing him temporarily back to life. The once dead man grabbed at the sword wound he had sustained to the heart, Gasping in sheer terror as he remembered the horrible things that had happened.
"Mary!" He screamed loudly, Clawing at the air madly, trying to save the wife he had lost in the battle.
"Shhh my friend, It is to late for such things." Felo said, Grasping the dead man's arm trying to calm him as much as possible.
"Felo? How did we survive?" He asked innocently, Not realizing yet what had transpired.
"We didn't, Not a single person survived the attack." Felo smiled half-heartedly at the man who's name he did not know.
"Then how are we alive? I know for damn sure i didn't strike a deal with the devil!" Said the unknown man, Scrambling backwards away from him.
"Neither did I, My salvation was I defeated the Grim Reaper." Felo explained, Fingering the well fought for weapon at his side.
"Well i've known you for many years and trust you, So if i'm dead i have one last request. Lay me to rest with my beloved." The man requested. Finally Felo remembered the fellows name.
"As you wish Vincent." He smiled, Helping the man up as they searched for his lover's body. "Here she is." Felo called out, waiting for the man to join him. Finally the squirrel joined him, Laying down with his lover.
"Send me back Felo, I'm ready to join her." Vincent smiled, He had never seen someone so eager to leave this life.
"As you wish Vincent, Sleep in peace." He smiled one last smile to the man as he withdrew his soul and sped him on his way to heaven. Felo stood up, Letting his powers send the citizens of Veman to their rightful final resting place. *"Now it's time for those who did this to pay."* He thought to himself, Growling as he walked away from the life that had bruned to the ground.
\_-End Of Chapter One.-\_
\*\*Comment's, Feedback, Suggestions, Anything is welcome. As long as you don't troll on my story. \>\_\<\*\* | FSE |
Title: Don't Look Like a Seal Pt. 02
Tags: detectives, fight, michelle, navy seal
*Thanks to **Devir Ginator** for the edits. Any errors found are all mine.
A special nod to my friend **Jessica** who has made me want to be a better person. Sometimes I believe it's working.
Thanks for reading, voting and commenting!*
**South Myrtle Beach
The Voss Estate**
The Voss Estate was a palatial property that sat by itself in the richest section of housing in South Myrtle Beach. It was made up of a large main house, a smaller guesthouse, pool, tennis court, wine cellar, several floral gardens and its own private beach. I whistled my appreciation of the place as I drove up the winding driveway. I spotted Alex's Jag gleaming in the sunlight and pulled to a stop beside it. Alex was chatting with one of his guys when he glanced at his watch then at me.
"I'm not late," I said as I got out of my car.
"Imagine my surprise," He commented as he walked over to greet me. "This place sure is something isn't it?"
"What's something is that pat down I got at the front gate. I think the gate guard and I are legally engaged in this state now," I complained.
"Their guys are being a little overzealous since the incident," He shrugged. "Can't say that I blame them all that much."
"No, I guess that I can't," I nodded.
"It was probably the most action you've seen in a while, am I right?" Alex joked.
"You always were an asshole, Alex," I answered him.
"I learned from the best," He nudged me. "Are you ready to have a look around now?"
"I'm already pretty familiar with the layout," I answered him.
"Just how are you familiar with this place?" He asked confused then shook his head. "You did your research, right? Did you stay up half the night or all of it?"
"Half," I answered. "I don't sleep well anyway. What else was I going to do?"
"Call up that waitress and wear yourself out on her. Just the first thought off the top of my head," He stated.
"It would be," I chuckled. "This place look kind of familiar to you?"
Alex shrugged, looked around then paused.
"Now that you mention it," He stated.
"Have you found a secret tunnel in the wine cellar yet," I asked him. "You're the one that sniffed it out last time."
"That guy had great taste in wine. I nearly wept when we had to set the charges to blow the place," Alex recollected.
"You managed to snag some great souvenirs from that cellar as I recall," I smiled at him.
"I may have procured a couple of bottles that I have somewhere in my apartment waiting for just the right occasion," He smiled.
"Speaking of apartments, what in the hell are you doing in living in one?" I asked him. "A smooth operator like you, I figured that you would have a place like this by now."
"Apartment is a loose phrase," He corrected me. "It's more of a loft and it's nice."
"I'll bet. That Jag of yours is pretty amazing too. Handles like a dream," I smiled.
"Ugh, don't remind me," He said as he rubbed his stomach.
"She was in good hands," I told him.
"Yeah, it seems like you haven't lost your edge when it comes to driving, I'll give you that," He commented. "When was that last time you went to the range?"
"My groupings are still tight if that's what you're asking. You think I'll have to shoot somebody?" I asked him.
"They didn't hesitate to put three into Scott," He pointed out.
"And I won't hesitate to return the favor if the opportunity presents itself," I assured him. "Are we going to meet the family now or do you want me to show off my shooting skills first?"
"Keep it holstered," Alex stated. "Mr. Voss is on the tennis courts. Come on."
"Lead the way." I gestured.
We walked across the manicured lawn with its lush green grass that was laid out before us like a carpet. Paradise turned out to be an apt description. The air even smelled cleaner but that could have been the overabundance of flowers that were planted all over.
"Thanks for dressing up by the way," Alex said and managed to sound only mildly sarcastic.
I tugged at the tie that was doing it's best to strangle me then rubbed a hand down the arm of my dress jacket while I hoped I didn't feel any frays. While I walked next to Alex, who looked like he stepped out of some men's fashion magazine, I felt even more out of place.
"Just be glad I'm not wearing a t-shirt and shorts," I informed him. "Not all of us can look like we stepped out of GQ.
"You look more like you stepped out of Mad Magazine. Clothes make the man, Grayson," He smiled at me.
"You cover the cost for those Men in Black suits your people are wearing right? When do I get my mind eraser thingie?" I asked.
"You're an idiot," He sighed. "They are going to love you around here."
"If they need me to dress up for some shindig or whatever I can rent a suit. They still do that right?" I asked.
"Don't you ever want to fit in some place, Grayson?" He asked.
"Look around you Alex," I said as I spread my arms. "This is your world I'm just visiting it."
"It is and it could be yours too is all I'm saying," He stated.
"Uh huh," I shook my head. "Sure it could."
In the distance, I heard what sounded like a basketball being bounced. I glanced at Alex who shrugged and continued to lead me on. We reached the fence that surrounded the tennis court where Mr. Voss was shooting hoops. He dribbled the ball, stepped back beyond the three-point line then took his shot. The ball rattled around the hoop for a second before it fell in.
"Nice shot Mr. Voss," Alex called out.
"Thank you, Mr. Kortesis." Mr. Voss nodded as he retrieved the ball and walked toward us.
Mr. Voss grabbed a nearby towel and wiped the sweat from his brow as he appeared to size me up.
"So you're the new guy Alex was telling me about?" He asked.
"Yes sir," I nodded and offered him my hand. "Kenneth Grayson. It's nice to meet you, sir."
"It's nice to meet you as well, Mr. Grayson," He stated as he shook my hand. "Alex tells me that you were on his Seal team along with Mr. Brannock."
"Yes, sir," I nodded.
"You were injured in the same incident as the others," He asked. "Anything that would impair you from protecting my family?"
"Nerve damage. Left forearm," Alex answered before I could. "It won't be a problem."
"It doesn't even affect my jump shot," I smiled.
Mr. Voss smiled at that and handed me the ball. I dribbled it a couple of times then took my shot. The ball rattled in and Mr. Voss nodded while Alex shook his head. I walked over, retrieved the bouncing ball and passed it back to Mr. Voss.
"Nice shot," He commented then passed it back to me. "Did you play much ball?"
"When I was younger, I spent a lot of time on the court. Anything that kept me out of the orphanage was a godsend," I answered as I took the ball, dribbled it then passed it back to him.
He spun toward the rim and popped a jumper that went in.
"Did you play any college ball?" He asked.
"No sir, I uh... enlisted when I turned eighteen. I was a pretty decent grenade thrower though," I smiled and Alex audibly groaned.
"Well hopefully we won't need that particular skill around here anytime," Mr. Voss chuckled.
"You won't have to worry about that, sir," Alex assured him.
"Alex, can you head up the house and tell my girls that we'll be up shortly?" Mr. Voss asked him.
"Yes sir," He said then looked at me quizzically for a moment before he walked away.
"I know it may look like I'm insensitive to the situation with your friend but I assure you that I'm not," He started.
"I would never presume to think you were insensitive, sir," I assured him.
"I appreciate that, Ken," He nodded. "While I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Brannock, Lissa is like a daughter to me. We are discreetly taking care of all of his medical expenses."
"I appreciate that sir and Scottie's as tough as they come. He'll pull through this," I said.
"I hope that you're right about that. Shooting hoops helps me think and I have a lot to think about," He stated.
"Like who wants to kidnap your daughter?" I put forth.
He handed me the ball and I took a shot that swished the net. He picked it up on the bounce, turned and put up a jumper of his own.
"Something like this and you look at your potential enemies list. It's worrisome when that number reaches double digits," He sighed. "It makes you wonder if this is all worth it."
"Alex is thorough, sir," I told him. "I'm sure that he's already narrowed the list down to the most likely candidates."
"How worried should I be?" he asked me.
"I'm not sure I should be the one to answer that, sir," I said.
"You strike me as a person that won't bullshit me, Mr. Grayson," he said. "So please indulge me."
"The threat level is pretty high right now simply because we don't know who we're dealing with," I stated. "Was this a simple snatch and grab for ransom or was this business motivated? Are you political in any way?"
"An occasional donation to a campaign here or there but that's all," He shared.
"Then we can probably begin to rule that out as a motive but not entirely since you are an influential presence. Sir, we just don't know enough yet," I said. "Hopefully Detectives Young and Lang find something more at the crime scene today they can use to find these guys."
"You've met with the detectives?" He asked.
"I stopped by the crime scene this morning on my way here. I wanted to have a look around for myself and see how it happened," I explained. "They found there was a third vehicle that looked to be involved with the kidnapping attempt. They called in their crime scene techs to go over the area. Hopefully, that will produce some leads."
He tossed me the ball and waited for me to shoot. I do and this one rims out.
"I need to know that you will be here to protect my family, Ken, and not off trying to get some vengeance for your friend," He said.
"Nothing is more costly, nothing is more sterile than vengeance," I quoted.
"Why does that sound familiar," he asked me.
"Winston Churchill. An odd choice I know but we had some training with the British SAS and their team leader told me that one time. Guess it stuck with me," I explained.
"I was always partial to if you go out searching for vengeance dig two graves, one of your enemy and one for yourself," He shared.
"I like that one too, reminds me of an old Clint Eastwood western. All I'm saying is that revenge isn't something I go out looking for. So while I may assist the police in catching these guys I won't be going off like some action movie star looking for a showdown," I assured him. "My job is to protect your family and that's what I'm going to do."
"A man's got to do what a man's got to do. That I can understand and I appreciate your honesty," He nodded then looked at me for a few moments as if evaluating me. "All right, son, let's go introduce you to the family."
He led me to the backyard where the pool was located. I spotted Alex standing next to a table where three women were seated. Detectives Young and Lang were standing there as well along with a couple of men that I didn't recognize. The one in the dark suit that wore sunglasses and a stern expression when he saw me I figured was the head of Voss' usual security team. The other man was in an expensive looking but rumpled suit. He looked worried but most of the people here looked to be on edge. Kidnapping attempts had that effect on most people.
"We've got our crime scene guys going back over the attempted abduction site at the moment," Det. Young was stating to the others as Mr. Voss and I walked up.
She looked at us and nodded toward me.
"Since Mr. Grayson here was so helpful to point out the possibility of a third car being involved so we're hoping that discovery will yield some new clues," She finished.
"They just happened to be there this morning as I was driving by. I just stopped to see if I could help," I stated mostly to Alex who glared at me for sticking my nose into the investigation.
"He was very helpful. Mr. Grayson gave us something new to look for and thankfully we found it," Det. Young said and glanced at her partner. "We should be heading back out there to see if the techs found anything else."
"Detectives, if you'll allow me to introduce Mr. Grayson to my family and then we'll walk you out," Mr. Voss told them.
They nodded in response and each accepted a glass of tea that was offered by Mrs. Voss.
"Anna, Addison, Karly, this is Mr. Kenneth Grayson as you've no doubt figured by now. He's going to be working the night shift on our security detail," He said by way of introduction.
I nodded at the three women gathered at the table. Mrs. Anna Voss looked as though she could be royalty the way she held herself but I could see lines of worry playing across her lovely features. The daughters could both be fashion models. The eldest daughter Addison whom I'd already met had dark auburn hair like her mother and was curvy and on the short side. Karly, their youngest, had dyed her hair a strawberry blonde with darker red streaks in it. She was clearly the rebel of the family with her Ramones T-shirt and torn black jeans. The family resemblance was strong between mother and daughters. Before I could greet them the guy in the dark suit spoke up.
"Mr. Voss, we need to run a background check and discuss bringing in new people first," Cassidy Williams, head of the Voss' normal security said.
"Ken, this is Cassidy Williams," Mr. Voss introduced. "He's the head of our security as you most likely have figured out."
"Nice to meet you," I said and offered my hand.
Mr. Williams glanced at my offered hand then glared at Alex who just smiled back at him. He reluctantly shook my hand then folded his arms back across his chest and glared at me.
"You can run your checks on Mr. Grayson at any time, Cassidy," Mr. Voss stated. "As of right now, he's on the night shift until further notice. Understood?"
"Understood, sir," Mr. Williams nodded curtly.
"It's nice to meet you both," I said as I turned to Mrs. Voss and Karly then turned to Addison. "Nice to see you again, Miss Voss."
"Jesus Addison, don't you have enough guys watching your every move already!" Karly snapped as she got to her feet before she stomped off clearly upset by all the attention her older sister was getting.
"Karly Renee!" Her mother called out as the door to the house slammed shut.
"I'm so very sorry Mr. Grayson, Detectives, she isn't normally like that," Mrs. Voss assured us.
"No worries ma'am," Det. Young smiled. "Lang and I both have little sisters and know what a handful they can be."
"And the stress of all that has happened doesn't help matters," I added.
"Agreed," the man I hadn't been introduced to said. "This has all been exceedingly stressful for everyone."
"Ken, this is my CFO, Frank Nelson," Mr. Voss stated. "He's here to go over some things since I'm taking some time away from the office."
"Mr. Nelson," I offered my hand.
He shook it briefly without looking at me.
"I know, Frank, I know," Mr. Voss waved his hand before Mr. Nelson could speak. "Just a few more minutes."
"Thank you all for your understanding," Mrs. Voss stated then decided to ignore the outburst for now and question me. "Mr. Kortesis tells us that you haven't worked for him long. Is that correct?"
"No ma'am I haven't," I answered and intended to tell her that I haven't worked for Alex at all but he interrupted me.
"We were on the same SEAL team with Scott and Mr. Grayson is a private investigator also, so he's well qualified for this sort of thing I assure you, Mrs. Voss," Alex told her.
Mr. Williams let a dissatisfied grunt slip out but he was mostly ignored.
"He's fine Anna," Mr. Voss said to his doubtful looking wife and smiled. "We can trust him."
"Had a little bonding moment already did you?" She asked with a slight smile.
"You know how I like to conduct my interviews, honey. Mr. Grayson here passed muster just fine," Mr. Voss answered.
"Mr. Grayson, I don't shoot a basketball like my husband but I do crochet so if you want to bond with me I guess you'd better grab your knitting needles," She smiled at me.
"While I can do a little sewing I'm afraid knitting is beyond my grasp," I smiled back.
"It is a learned skill but with sewing, you are well on your way to knitting all sorts of things," she said. "It seems as though I'll have some time to teach you since you are going to be around. When do you start."
"I'd like him to start tonight," Alex answered and glanced at Cassidy. "I'm sure that you can work him into your rotation, Mr. Williams."
"I'll see what I can do," He answered through gritted teeth.
"If I may make a suggestion," Det. Young chimed in. "If there isn't anyone currently staying in your guesthouse why not have Mr. Grayson move in there for the duration of this. It will give Mr. Kortesis his own onsite security twenty-four seven to compliment Mr. Williams crew."
"We're currently remodeling the guest house I'm afraid. We're making it a gym so most of the amenities have already been taken out," Mr. Voss explained.
"It still has the bedroom upstairs that hasn't been disturbed along with the bath that's attached," Mrs. Voss added. "There isn't a kitchen but ours is more than adequate here in the house."
"I suppose that it is though we should ask Mr. Grayson his thoughts on the matter," Mr. Voss stated then looked over at me.
"I really don't see the need since you already have your head of security onsite already," I nodded toward Mr. Williams. "I'd just be in the way I'm sure. It's not that far a drive for me to get here anyway."
Alex gave me an odd look but I chose to ignore him.
"If you think that's for the best but know that the offer still stands for you if you change your mind. I'd only need a day to have construction stopped so they won't be barging in on you the next morning," Mr. Voss stated.
"With this threat I would suggest that you stop construction today," Det. Lang interjected. "Limiting the number of people who have access to the estate would give the kidnappers less of a chance to slip in unnoticed."
"I'll contact the company as soon as I get in and let them know," Mr. Voss nodded.
"I can do that for you," Mr. Nelson said.
He pulled out a cell phone and stepped away from the group to make the call.
"Excuse me. I should take this," Det. Young said as her own phone began to ring.
"Karly isn't going to like that. Stopping the construction I mean," Addison pointed out having noticed her younger sister taking a shine to one of the construction workers.
"I know that she was eyeing one of the workers but she'll just have to get over it," Mrs. Voss stated. "It's only a few weeks until she's off to London for school anyway so it's for the best."
"That was one of the techs at the crime scene," Det. Young stated as she hung up her phone. "They have some questions for Lang and me."
"We should get going then," Det. Lang nodded.
"If anything comes from what we found this morning we will be in touch," Det. Young assured us all.
"Thank you, Detective," Mr. Voss said. "We appreciate all of your efforts in this matter."
"I should show Ken here around before his shift starts unless there's something else that you need to discuss," Alex commented.
"Nothing I can think of. Do you have any more questions for him, Anna?" Mr. Voss asked.
"None that I can think of but I'm sure if I think up something he will make himself available to me this evening," She stated.
"Yes, ma'am," I answered her with a nod.
Mr. Williams led the detectives toward the house so Alex decided to take me back to my car by walking around the outside of the large house.
"Avoiding Williams," I asked him once we were out of earshot of the family.
"He hasn't been all that welcoming of my guys," Alex pointed out. "And he seems to really dislike you already."
"Want me to charm him?" I asked with a chuckle.
"I've seen your version of charming so no, you can't shoot him," Alex sighed. "You are an idiot, however. The suggestion the detective made can be used to your advantage."
"How am I an idiot?" I asked.
"You got invited to live here for a while," He said and spread his arms. "Here of all places and you spout some lame excuse to not do it."
"It wasn't a lame excuse," I defended. "It's the truth. I'm not that far away."
"Okay so maybe it is the truth but this place is about a thousand times better than your condo was even in its prime," He pointed out. "Maybe you have another reason for not wanting to stay here."
"What are you talking about, Alex?" I asked.
"I saw how that Det. Young was looking at you," He answered. "I guess you made quite the impression on her today as well. Maybe the two of you need some privacy that this place can't provide."
"You're imagining things," I told him. "I mean sure she's attractive..."
"And blonde," He interrupted to point out.
"Uh huh," I sighed and waited for him to continue.
"You have a weakness, Ken," he chuckled.
"I have several and listening to you is one of them apparently," I remarked.
"Whatever, Grayson," he shook his head. "All I'm saying is that it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if you tried to have an actual relationship with someone. One that doesn't start with you tying on a pair of beer goggles then apologizing for having whiskey dick."
"I don't tie on beer goggles, Alex," I stated. "I thought that I proved that point last night."
"Okay sure, you proved that point but I'm just saying that you and Young could..." He started but I interrupted him.
"Det. Young is just being nice to me because I managed to help them out," I told him. "No other reason."
"You sure about that?" He asked.
"I am," I answered.
"If you say so, but I say you're making a mistake," He stated. "She's kind of hot and has her own set of cuffs."
"Wouldn't be my first mistake, won't be the last one I'm sure," I sighed. "You haven't changed a bit, Alex."
"Why would I?" He smiled his million dollar smile. "I still can't believe that you passed up the chance of moving in here."
"Why don't you ask them to put you up for a while since you like the place so much?" I asked him.
"Because I'm not the one that needs to experience this sort of living, I already am," he said. "You, on the other hand, could benefit from staying here."
"I think it's you that wants to experience what Addison Voss has to offer. You have a weakness too Alex," I pointed out.
"Have you seen a doctor about these hallucinations that you're having?" He asked.
"I'll bet you can describe to me everything about her," I smiled. "It shouldn't be too hard for you since your eyes didn't really drift too far from her."
"I looked around," he tried to defend himself.
"Sure you did, Alex," I stated. "I'm not blaming you or anything. She is a gorgeous woman. Reminds me of Rosie Huntington Whiteley just with darker hair."
"Hmm, you know you have a point there," He nodded then sighed. "You are going to talk yourself right out of this job, you know this right?"
"All right, I'll stop messing with you for now," I conceded.
I caught a glimpse of the private beach and nodded my head toward it.
"Think they'd mind if I took a swim there after my shift ends?" I asked.
"You are part fish, Ken," He shook his head. "I swear anytime you get near water you'll find a way to get yourself in it."
"Not always," I countered.
"That time in South America, that time in the Rocky Mountains, that other time in Vegas, Vegas for God's sake and you still found water," He argued.
"That was the hotel pool and you assholes locked me out on the balcony," I pointed out. "What else was I supposed to do?"
"Not dive into the pool from three stories up," He stated. "Don't pull that here, Ken. I'm serious. No jumping from the balcony into their pool."
"Only if it's absolutely necessary," I promised him. "I'm too old to go jumping off balconies."
"Uh huh," Alex responded. "At least let me put you up in a hotel near here so your drive isn't as far. I want you close if something goes down here."
I nodded my acceptance but wondered where Alex was planning to put me up at since the closest motel was a good fifteen-minute drive from this part of the city. I know because I timed it out on my way back to my place to pack up some stuff.
While I was packing for my stay at whatever no tell motel Alex found for me Jamie heard the commotion I was making and invited herself in.
"Hey, Kenny. Whatcha doing?" She asked from the doorway of my bedroom.
"That night shift gig turned into something a little more complicated," I answered without looking up from my dresser. "Looks like I'll be away for a little while."
"How long do you think?" She asked as she belly flopped onto my bed.
My attention was drawn to the slamming sound of the bed springs and that's when I saw that she was wearing a pair of extremely short cut-off jean shorts that showed off her rounded bottom exceedingly well and a button down shirt tied just over her pert breasts. I swallowed hard and turned back to my dresser.
"You didn't go to class like that did you, Jamie?" I asked.
"Of course not, silly. The teacher has enough trouble when I wear tight jeans," She answered with a giggle. "This outfit would make his head melt."
"That it would," I agreed. "How are they going? The classes I mean."
"I still want to kick you and Jas's butts for making me go to business school but I'm picking up on it pretty good," She admitted.
"We just want what's best for you, Jamie," I told her.
"I know you do and I appreciate it. So how long are you going to be gone?" She asked.
"I'm not sure," I answered. "Could be a couple of weeks. Maybe a month."
"And where are you going?" She questioned.
I glanced over my shoulder to answer and my eyes went straight to her cute little butt. She caught me looking and shook it a little with a giggle.
"You are too sexy for your own good sometimes, you know that?" I chuckled as I shook my head.
"Yep I know but you like it, I can tell," She laughed. "So where are you going to be in case I need you."
"The jobs in South Myrtle but I don't know where I'll be staying yet. You've got my cell number in case you need me for anything," I told her.
"I call, you come?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Always," I smiled at her.
"I'm assuming this is some security gig," She stated.
"Yeah, that friend of mine you guys saw, he runs a security company and needs some help with a job," I explained.
I turned and tossed some clothes on to the bed which Jamie took upon herself to fold up for me then placed them in my lone suitcase. I took out my pistol, grabbed a couple of boxes ammo and added them to my duffle bag that was on the dresser.
"Are you thinking this gig might be dangerous?" Jamie asked.
"You can never be over prepared I've found," I answered her. "Besides you know how cautious I can be."
"I can't get you to pull the trigger that's for sure," She joked.
"And yet you keep trying," I laughed.
"You know what they say. We always want what we can't have," She smiled.
"I'm familiar with the sentiment," I acknowledged.
"We'll miss you, ya know? Jas and me I mean," She told me.
"I know sweetie. I'll miss you too but I'll come back and check on you both. Often. I promise," I assured her.
From behind me, Jasmine had entered my apartment as well looking for Jamie.
"Remember what I told you about men and their promises, Jamie," Jasmine said from the doorway.
"Hey, Jas," I welcomed her with a glance and a smile.
Jasmine was dressed a bit more conservative than Jamie was. She was in a yellow, floral patterned sundress that accented her espresso skin perfectly.
"You going somewhere, Kenny?" She asked after she noticed the bags.
"To South Myrtle. For a month," Jamie informed her in her pouting voice.
"Or less," I reminded her. "Think you can watch the place for me Jas? It's not much but it's home."
"I think we can manage that," She assured me. "So what is it that you're promising my girl here?"
"The moon, the stars, to cross an ocean for her should the need arise," I smiled. "You know the usual stuff."
"Smart ass," Jasmine commented as she slapped me on my ass. "Cute ass, too."
"Very much so," Jamie smiled wickedly.
"Stop it, Jamie," I warned her then turned to Jasmine. "I promised her that I will keep in touch with you both while I'm gone and that I will come running should you need me."
"Think I can trust him Jas?" Jamie teased.
"Yeah, I think so. He hasn't steered us wrong yet," Jasmine agreed.
Jamie handed me my suitcase a little reluctantly. I pulled it to me and she came off the bed with it. She wrapped me in a tight hug for several minutes before she backed away.
"Don't be a stranger, okay?" Jamie whispered.
I pulled her back into my arms and kissed her tenderly for several long moments. Jamie was surprised at first but then she quickly rubbed her body against me while her tongue swirled around mine. When she reached down to try and stroke me through my jeans, I broke the kiss and stepped back.
"I will never be a stranger to you, sweetie," I promised her.
"Kiss me like that again and I'm not going to let you go, Kenny," She smiled wickedly at him.
"Take care of Jas for me and watch out for yourself while I'm away Jamie," I told her.
"You know that I will and you be safe," she said.
"Do I get the same going away kiss?" Jasmine asked with a giggle.
"Gladly," I smiled back at her and she shook her head.
"You're crazy if you think that I'm doing that in front of my girl. She'd kill me," Jasmine laughed. "I will take a hug though."
I wrapped my arms around gave her a squeeze. She leaned in and gave me the briefest of kisses before she pulled away.
"Watch yourself out there, Kenny," she said. "Girls like Jamie and I need you around. You got me?"
"I got you, sexy," I winked at her.
"You better be or I'll have to break your arm," Jamie joked.
"But then you'd have to be the one to take care of me," I reminded her.
"Mmm, sponge baths," She smiled wickedly at me.
"My bodies been through enough Jamie without you rearranging my bones, Jamie," I told her.
"I know one bone I can rearrange for you," She winked at me.
"Not right now you can't," I said. "I can't go limping into my new job while trying to hide an erection can I?"
"You cannot," Jasmine laughed. "You had better go, Kenny, before Jamie gets another shot at groping you."
I nodded and reached for my duffel but Jamie already had it in her arms. They walked me out to my car then hugged again after I had dropped the bags into my passenger seat. I gave them a wave as I drove off and headed back toward the Voss estate.
When I arrived back at the Voss estate I was greeted by Mr. Williams. He looked about as pleased to see me again as he did the first time we were introduced. I was surprised that he didn't pull that Smith and Wesson that was bulging from beneath his tailored suit jacket and point it at me as I approached.
"Mr. Grayson," He said curtly.
"Mr. William's," I nodded and wondered if he was sizing me up like I was doing to him.
"Kortesis said that you were going to be working the night shift," He said in more of a statement than an actual question but I answered him anyway.
"Yes, sir," I nodded.
"Not to start us off on the wrong foot, Grayson, but this reporting to you after I've been here with the Voss' for a couple of years now doesn't sit right with me," He stated.
"I didn't hear anything about you reporting to me," I told him. "Maybe Alex was trying to say that if you could keep me up to speed on anything that happens on day shift that I, or rather he, should be made aware of. I don't think they meant for you to give a report of the events of the day or whatever."
"If I think there's something you need to know then you'll be told and that's that," He stated.
I nodded and reminded myself that I shouldn't make waves on my first day on the job. Or night on the job? Whatever.
"Mr. Voss said that he wants to speak with you in his study. I'm sure you can find it," He told me then walked away.
"I'll do my best," I muttered to his back as I got the distinct impression that he didn't care too much for me.
After only two failed attempts, first into a guest room then a closest, I found the study and the waiting Mr. Voss.
"You wanted to see me, sir?" I asked from the doorway.
"Ken," He nodded as he looked up. "Come in please and take a seat."
I nodded and did as requested while I looked around the spacious study. Bookshelves ran along three of the four walls and also ran from the first floor to the second. A spiral staircase led up to the second-floor loft. Mr. Voss' sizable desk dominated the room and behind it, he was an imposing figure.
"How can I help you, sir?" I asked him.
"Anna and I had a talk while you were gone and we would prefer that you stay in the guest house," He stated.
"It's not that I wouldn't love to stay here, sir, but I wouldn't want to step on anyone's toes," I told him.
"I assume that you're referring to Mr. Williams?" He asked already knowing the answer. "He's my concern, not yours. Your only concern is keeping my family safe and you can best do that if you are here twenty-four seven."
I could tell that I wasn't being asked to stay. I was being told that was what was happening. I also knew enough that you don't tell a man like Mr. Voss no.
"Yes sir," I nodded. "I have my bags in my car."
"Excellent," He nodded. "While you get that I'll inform Alex that you're staying and show you to it."
I grabbed my bags from the car and when I turned Alex was standing beside Mr. Voss at the front door.
"Once you're settled in, you can pull your car down to the guesthouse so it's more convenient for you," Mr. Voss stated as we started walking. "I've called the company that's renovating and told them that something came up and we need to hold off any more work for a while."
"Thank you, sir," Alex commented. "That was a good suggestion from the detectives."
"The company was vetted by Cassidy's team but I feel better without having any strangers having free reign of the place right now," Mr. Voss stated as we walked across the back lawn. "I am aware that Mr. Grayson is a stranger but you both know what I mean."
"Yes, sir," Alex and I both answered.
The guest house was clearly under construction. Scaffolding was up on two sides of it along with plastic sheeting that looked to be there to catch construction dust and debris. Mr. Voss unlocked the door and Alex and I followed him inside.
"I'd apologize about the mess but it's not as bad as I thought it would be," He stated as he looked around.
The first floor had most of the interior walls removed except for where the bathroom and a new large steam shower had been installed. The rest of the first floor was an open area with several pieces of gym equipment already in place. In what used to be the living area hung a punching bag off to the side, two treadmills in one corner, a set of free weights in another corner along with a weight bench and mats in the middle of the open area. The place smelled of fresh paint and sawdust with just a hint of plastic from the hanging sheets outside.
"This won't be a problem for you will it, Ken? The paint and dust I mean?" Mr. Voss asked.
"No, sir," I assured him. "I'll open the windows and air the place out while I work out. If it's all right that I make use of the equipment here?"
"As long as you're living here you can have the run of the place," He told me. "The only problem I thought up was that we gutted the kitchen that used to be in here. I suppose you can get a mini fridge for upstairs but any cooking you want to do will have to be in the main house."
"I'll get by," I stated. "I may make use of the kitchen and try to stay out of everyone's way."
"It'll be fine," He nodded.
Alex was giving me a strange look but I ignored him for the moment as Mr. Voss continued the tour. We climbed the stairs to the, as of yet, untouched second floor where there was a master bedroom with bath and a second bedroom that looked like it functioned as an office at one time.
"We hadn't decided on what exactly we wanted to do up here yet so there hasn't been any work done," He stated as we looked around. "My architect has an appointment to come by sometime next week to discuss it but we can postpone if needed."
"That shouldn't be a problem, sir," Alex stated. "We can run a check on him and..."
"He's a she and she is very good," Mr. Voss stated.
"Did she design the gym?" I asked.
"The gym, the study we were in earlier and wait until you see the kitchen," He smiled.
"She's more than good," I commented.
"Speaking of good," Mr. Voss said. "Will these accommodations be sufficient for you, Ken?"
"Far more than sufficient, sir," I answered.
He nodded and smiled as I put my bags on the floor beside the bed.
"I can put my stuff away later," I said. "Alex, do you want to show me the security setup and introduce me around now?"
"We can do that as long as Mr. Voss is finished with us," Alex stated.
"I'll leave you to it then," Mr. Voss said.
We walked him downstairs and Alex stopped me at the door and allowed Mr. Voss to walk away. Once he was out of earshot Alex shook his head.
"I used to think that you had a rabbit's foot shoved up your ass because you were so damn lucky," He chuckled. "Now I think there's a whole rabbit up there."
"How would it still be lucky if it was up my ass? It doesn't sound so lucky for the rabbit," I joked.
"You know what I mean," He sighed. "I get you to volunteer for a crappy night watch shift where you can cause a minimum of trouble and you somehow finagle that into moving in!"
"I told them it wasn't necessary but Mr. Voss insisted and that's not a man you just tell no," I told him. "What was I supposed to do?"
"Volunteer that I should be the one moving in," Alex said.
"If you want to live here, just say the word. I hear you have this loft with a nice view that I will gladly crash at," I said.
"No this is fine," He stated. "I'm sure Mr. Voss has his reasons for allowing you to move in and not me."
"Probably because I wasn't the one making eyes at his daughter," I chuckled.
"What?" He asked as he nearly stumbled out the door.
"Even if what you think you're seeing is true; I think you need glasses by the way. She's a client, well daughter of a client and I just can't go..." He paused at a loss for how to convey his thoughts.
"Laying pipe in your bosses' house," I supplied with a grin.
"Fuck you, Grayson," He murmured.
"I think your heart belongs to another good sir, it just wouldn't be right," I stated with a laugh.
"This is what I get for coming up to North Carolina to get you huh?" He sighed.
"I guess that it is," I answered. "You could have just left me to drink my life away but no, you had to help."
"Next time I try and offer to help you just shoot me," He stated.
"Your new girlfriend might get pissed at me if I do that," I said and nodded toward the second story of the main house.
He looked up and saw Addison out on her veranda that overlooked the families pool but she wasn't looking at it. She was looking at us. Alex put on his best smile and gave her a wave. She smiled and gave a curt wave before she went back into the house.
"Not my girlfriend," He muttered at me.
"We'll see about that once all this is over with," I told him as he steered me into the main house to introduce me around to his team that worked the day shift.
Alex's team were almost entirely made up of ex-military and they all appeared professional. I still had my reservations about the guy that he had on Addison but I didn't bring it up. I figured that I would keep my eye on the guy and make corrections where needed.
"Williams caught you on the way back here didn't he?" Alex asked as we walked through the house.
"Yes," I nodded. "Mr. Warm and Welcoming was waiting for me at the front door when I got back."
"He thinks I'm here for his job," Alex sighed. "He's been told a dozen times that isn't the case but you know how it is."
"Two alpha assholes butting heads," I grinned.
"Pretty muc... wait, you just called me an asshole," He stated and shook his head. "I was going to apologize for what Williams is going to put you through but now, I hope it's ten times worse. Jerk."
"Only ten times, huh?" I chuckled.
"Don't punch the guy out all right?" He asked. "That's the last thing I need on this job."
"My days of punching guys out ended long ago, Alex," I assured him. "I've mellowed."
"You and I have totally different definitions of mellowed then because a mellowed person doesn't drive their friend's car like you drove mine," He pointed out.
"You could be right," I smiled. "Damn it was fun though wasn't it?"
"Very different definitions of fun too," Alex shook his head.
Alex led me upstairs, down past a few bedrooms until we came to an unremarkable door.
"This is our security ops center but before I show it to you I need to warn you about Navarro," He stated. "He's... unique."
"Unique? What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I asked.
"First off, the guy knows his stuff. I'm talking upside down and backward but he's never been in the military. Hell, I don't know if he's ever been outside for more than ten minutes at a time but he's solid. He's just..." Alex paused as he searched for the right word.
"Unique," I supplied.
"Exactly," Alex nodded. "You'll see what I mean."
He knocked at the door and we heard a voice call out.
"For the last time I will not put security camera's in Addison's bedroom," A male voice said as he approached the door. "No bedrooms at all so you can stop Alex?"
A short Latino had opened the door to the two of us and was looking at us with a dumbfounded expression on his face. He was not dressed like the rest of Alex's team. Navarro had on baggy shorts and a t-shirt with a saying from a popular television show emblazoned on it.
"At least he's loyal to the family," I pointed out to Alex.
"Sorry boss, I thought it was one of the other guys messing around," He said to Alex.
"Are they still giving you a hard time, Joe?" Alex asked.
"The better question is who's asking for camera's to be placed in the bedrooms," I told Alex.
"Who are you?" Joe asked.
"Joe, this is a teammate of mine. Ken Grayson," Alex introduced me. "I've brought him in to help out on the overnights."
"Cool," Joe nodded.
"Was the guy asking about the camera's joking or was he serious?" I asked him.
"At first I thought it was just a joke ya know, but he's been getting more insistent," Joe answered.
"He needs to be gone, whoever he is," I said to Alex who nodded.
"He's not taking this threat seriously enough and he's a pervert on top of that," Alex said. "Who is it, Joe?"
Joe hesitated for a moment then lowered his head.
"Eddie," He sighed. "It was Eddie."
Alex nodded then headed out to find Eddie.
"Thanks, Joe. That was good work," I told him.
"Doesn't feel like it," He sighed. "Feels like I'm a snitch."
"Guys like Eddie are guys that get people killed," I pointed out to him. "You did the right thing and that's all you need to worry about."
"So you're going to be staying at the guest house," He said then pointed to a nearby camera when I looked confused.
"Right," I nodded. "Eyes and ears nearly everywhere."
"Something like that," He said. "I try not to listen in too much but it happens."
"I'll try and remember that," I chuckled.
"How is it? Bunking down in a gym I mean," he said.
"Better than my place," I laughed. "The second floor hasn't been touched yet so I've got a bed and bathroom all to myself whenever I'm there."
"No wonder Cassidy was giving you the Death Stare when you got here. He wanted that place for his own before the Voss' decided to turn it into a gym," Joe explained.
"I have a feeling that he's going to make my life hell while I'm here," I admitted. "At least I now know why."
"Just one of the reasons I'm sure," Joe added.
"Sounds about right," I nodded. "Want to show me the security set up?"
"Shouldn't we wait for Mr. Kortesis to get back?" He asked.
"We can but Alex has already seen it, right?" I asked. "Why wait around for him to get impatient and try and hurry you along?"
Joe chuckled then acknowledged my logic. The room that he led me into was noticeably cooler than the rest of the house. It looked like it has been an office in a former life but now it resembled the heart of the security system. There was a desk in the center of the room with a couple of keyboards and several energy drink cans. On the back wall, there were twenty monitors that showed various areas of the house including the front gate, area's around the interior of the home and several exterior areas.
"They're all in high def color so no grainy black and white bullshit," Joe told me as my eyes drifted over the various monitors.
"Night vision?" I queried.
"Night vision on all the interior ones and thermal on the outdoor ones," He answered. "Mr. Kortesis wanted all the latest toys."
"Looks like he got those and then some," I stated.
"This room was converted into the security center that doubles as a safe room just in case it's needed," He continued. "It's basically the heart of the system and also where I spend most of my time."
"What kind of time frame are we looking at from an alert to full on lockdown?" I asked.
"That's dependent on where the family members are should the need arise," He answers. "We have two safe rooms available to them to minimize the time frame. I'm sure that Mr. Kortesis will show it to you on your tour."
"I'm sure that he will," I nodded.
"Both rooms have independent oxygen supplies and can run off battery power for forty-eight hours if need be," Joe stated. "Each safe room has a Press Me button on the wall that seals the room if I'm not at my keyboards for any reason. It's located there by the door."
He pointed over to a red button on the wall that had a sign that told to press the button and be clear of the door.
"Nice and red so even us meatheads can't miss it," I chuckled.
"I didn't say that," He smiled.
"You don't have too, Joe," I said. "We're basically meat shields at the very least. Good enough to soak up some fire while the family gets to safety. Harsh reality but it is what it is."
"Meat shields huh?" Joe asked.
"I'm certainly not looking to get shot or shot at anymore. I'm too old for that stuff," I told him. "What I need is someone with brains like yours to make sure this place stays secure."
"That I can hopefully do," He stated.
"Well that's done," Alex said as he joined us in the room.
"I'm guessing that it didn't go over well," I stated.
"About as well as one could expect," Alex answered. "I told him that he'd been overheard making undesirable comments about the family. He tried denying it until I pointed to the cameras and reminded him that I had it all on tape. He walked after that."
"That's good," I said.
"Joe, delete his access and make sure that all the codes that he knew are wiped from the system," Alex ordered. "Tell everyone that we'll get them new codes soon."
"Deleting his access codes now," Joe nodded and went to type at his terminal.
"Make sure both teams know that he's gone and he's not allowed back onto the property," I suggested.
"Will do, boss," Joe answered me as he continued to type.
He finished his typing then handed me a small earbud.
"One of my own designs," He said proudly. "The transmitter is in the same piece so I can hear you without you having to talk into your wrist and look like an idiot."
"So I get to stand perfectly still and have what would look like a conversation with my imaginary friend instead?" I chuckled.
"Or that you just talk to yourself," Joe defended. "I haven't come up with a way to read your thoughts yet, so this will just have to do."
"You don't want to read his thoughts, Joe," Alex warned.
"Dark things?" Joe asked.
"Worse," Alex said then grinned. "Disco tunes."
They laughed while I shook my head.
"Funny," I commented. "You always thought you were a funny guy, Alex."
"Come on Grayson, you've tortured poor Joe enough let him get back to work," He told me.
I nodded and put my earbud in place. Alex told Joe to let the teams know that there would be a mandatory meeting and he gave him a time for it.
"You can skip it since you'll be settling in and you already know about Eddie's departure," Alex assured me.
"Sounds good," I said then nodded at Joe. "Keep an eye on me, Joe. I don't want to screw up and reflect badly on Alex here."
"Aw, Ken, I'm touched," Alex commented.
"I'd hate for him to lose his new girlfriend before he's had a chance to ask her out," I smiled at him.
"I knew I spoke too soon," Alex sighed.
"So you've got Joe calling you boss already huh?" Alex asked as we headed back downstairs so he could show me the location of the second safe room.
"I thought he just called everybody that," I answered.
"He doesn't," Alex shared.
"He seems to know his stuff pretty well but he isn't exactly what I expected," I shared.
"You had expectations?" He smiled one of his smiles. "You have changed."
"Shut it," I told him. "How did you find him?"
"Joe designed a system for a friend of mine. I took a look at it and put him on my first call list if something came up that called for his expertise," Alex explained. "He was my first call once I spoke to Mr. Voss."
"Good call," I nodded. "The guy knows his business even if he's a little out of place with the rest of your team. They do look good in those dark suits though."
"We need to get you fitted for one of those," He said and sounded serious.
"A dark suit in this heat? Are you insane?" I asked him as I shook my head. "I doubt I can afford one anyway, Mr. GQ. What did this suit you're wearing cost you anyway, about a year's worth of rent?"
"Probably a year and a half at that hovel you live in but I'm the one that makes this look good not vice versa," He stated then brushed the sleeves of his jacket.
"This place has gone right to your head hasn't it?" I said.
"I'm not the one moving in," He grumbled. "After a couple of days here you'll never want to leave."
"I'm already getting that distinct impression," I admitted aloud to us both. "Better wrap this up quick before I completely lose myself into this world."
"Don't you mean that the police should wrap this up quick, Ken?" He asked. "You are here in a bodyguard capacity. I told you to leave that investigator badge of yours at home."
"I did," I lied. "I only wanted to see if I could glean anything about what we might be up against this morning. The cops being there were just a coincidence."
"Uh huh," Alex sighed. "You have enough here to stay busy day and night so let them do their jobs and you do yours."
"You think there's enough here to keep me occupied huh?" I asked him.
"The beach alone will keep you occupied," He laughed then added. "Wait until you see the car collection, the private jet and yacht."
"I'm gonna need one of those mind wipe things when this gig is over, you realize this right?" I asked as I shook my head.
"You and me both," He agreed. "Shouldn't you go get some rest before tonight?"
"Guess I should try," I nodded in agreement.
"I'm going to have my meeting then head over and check on Scottie," He shared. "I'd invite you along but..."
"You know how I am with hospitals," I finished for him. "Let me get settled in here then I'll see about going back to check on him."
"Hey, if you're lucky you might run into their hot blonde friend when you go there," He chuckled.
"Better not say that too loud," I warned him. "Addison might hear you talking about her friend and get the wrong idea about your intentions."
"You're an asshole," He sighed. "Have I told you that lately?"
"Probably but I never have listened to you," I smiled.
"Even when it was to your benefit," He argued. "I told you those timers took a hit but you just had to use them."
"Don't remind me," I sighed. "I'm glad that my ears have finally stopped ringing. Now get to your meeting, let me get some shut-eye so I'm ready for tonight."
I returned to the guest house and found the door unlocked. I was confused as I thought we had locked it but when I walked in I saw why it was now unlocked. The youngest Voss daughter was perched on the base of one of the treadmills and she still didn't look happy.
"Sorry, I didn't know anyone was in here," I apologized as I tried to remember her name.
"I guess I shouldn't be now that you're here," She answered as she blew out an exasperated breath. "I'm just pissed is all and needed a place to hide out."
"Feel free to hide out all you want," I told her. "This is your family's place after all. I'm just visiting. Is it okay with you if I test out the other machine?"
I pointed to the other treadmill beside her and she shrugged her shoulders and gave me a whatever as I went to the treadmill. I looked over the control panel for a couple of seconds until I found how to power it up. I started it and set a steady pace.
"You're not like the other ones," She turned, looked up at me and said.
"Other ones?" I asked.
"You know the other guards who look like they just stepped out of a Michael Bay movie. Dark suits, darker shades and that carved in granite look they all have on their faces all the time like they're perpetually sucking on a lemon," She explained to me.
I had to slow down as I started laughing at her apt description.
"You look more like my broke uncle who comes to visit us when he wants a loan," she continued.
"Uh thanks, I think," I shook my head.
"Jeans, sneakers, the wrinkled shirt," she ticked off her list of my imperfections. "At least your face shows expressions and you actually called me by my name too which I never hear from the other ones. It's always, daughter two or the redhead one. Sorry, I didn't mean to insult you or anything with the broke uncle, wrinkled shirt thing. I love my uncle."
"I know, you're just pissed off right?" I said. "Mind if I asked why?"
"Ask all you want, I may not answer you," She told me.
"Fair enough," I nodded. "So what's got you so pissed?"
She was surprised that I asked and I could tell from the slight gasp that escaped her lips.
"Uh... lots of things," she answered noncommittally after a moment.
"Uh huh," I said. "Anything, in particular, bothering you right now or are you just generally in a bad mood?"
"Trying to determine if I'm the bitchy one huh?" She asked.
"Not at all," I answered. "I wasn't very happy when I was a teenager. It happens."
She watched me for several seconds then got to her feet and started the treadmill that she had been seated on. Soon she was jogging beside me.
"You weren't happy huh?" She asked.
"Life had been... tough for me so no, I wasn't happy at your age. Angry was a better term for what I was back then," I shared.
"And now?" She asked.
"I'm wearing jeans and a wrinkled shirt in this paradise," I pointed out. "What have I got to be angry about?"
"Right?" She asked then giggled. "So my problem is there's this guy..."
"Construction guy?" I asked.
"My blabbermouth sister strikes again," Karly sighed as she sped up her jog to my pace. "Consider that a warning. Anything you say in front my sister is fair game and will be repeated."
"Good to know. So because I'm here, you can't see Construction Guy?" I asked.
"Slice," She said.
"Excuse me?"
"His name is Slice. He's in a band," She explained.
"Like a slice of pizza?" I asked with a chuckle.
"No, like he'll slice you with a knife," she said.
"Was stab already taken?" I asked.
"Sounded too much like Scab," She told me.
"I take he's in the band too?"
"No, that's the name of the band," She laughed.
"Uh huh, so Slice has a real name I assume," I said.
"Duh," She answered then paused.
"It can't be worse than calling yourself Slice can it?" I asked her.
"I don't think that he ever told me what his real name was," She stated.
"And you know that's not a good sign right?" I asked her.
"It wasn't like I was planning on marrying the guy," She giggled. "I was just pissing off my sister anyway."
"You like to live dangerously huh, Red?" I asked.
She found herself nodding before she realized what I called her.
"Did you just call me Red?" She asked.
"Kind of fits you and your attitude. Fiery and dangerous," I chuckled.
"You can admit that you called me that because of my hair color ya know," She stated. "Not that I don't like your reasons but come on."
"Are you saying that you aren't fiery and dangerous?" I teased her.
"Stay around a little while and I'm sure that you'll find that out for yourself," She laughed. "I'll try and take it easy on you though at least until I come up with a nickname for you that is."
"Ken is fine," I assured her.
"That's boring, lame and not worthy of my fiery disposition," She remarked then grinned. "That's right. The rich girl has a vocabulary. You are in trouble, Ken."
"I can just call you Karly," I said. "It's not that big of a..."
"Just give me a little more time around you and I'll think up something good for you. Don't worry it'll be a heck of a lot more clever than Red," She teased.
I knew better than to argue with the determined eighteen-year-old and shrugged.
"All right, Red, you win," I conceded. "Just try not to make it too embarrassing for me please."
"I make no promises, Mr. Grayson," She smiled at me as she stopped her machine.
I shook my head and stopped my machine as well as she headed for the door.
"She had a boyfriend named Slice, what the hell have I gotten myself into?" I muttered aloud after she closed the door.
I shook my head then went upstairs to shower off and try and catch some shut eye before my shift started.
My first night on duty started with Joe chatting in my ear.
"You ready for your debut, Mr. Grayson?" He asked as I made sure I had all my buttons buttoned.
"As I'll ever be I guess," I answer back as I finish buttoning up my shirt.
I checked my pistol then tucked it and my knife into their respective holders. I reached for my sport jacket then weighed whether or not I should put it on. The humidity of the air won out so I tossed it back onto the bed and headed downstairs. I opened the door and almost ran into Mr. Williams who looked down at his watch then back at me with a look on his face like he had just sucked on a very sour lemon.
"At least you're punctual," He snorted as he crossed his arms.
I didn't fail to notice that he was wearing a jacket despite the weather and felt underdressed but screw it. I didn't work for him anyway.
"Can't be late on my first shift," I commented. "Is there any place, in particular, you want me stationed?"
"I want you sweeping the perimeter of the fence line. Start at the beach gate there and walk the whole thing," He pointed to the gate. "Good exercise for a former military man like yourself."
"Yes, sir," I nodded and started to walk toward the gate.
"And Grayson," He called out. "If you ever want to move from outdoor duty to indoor I'll expect you to dress the part."
"If I did that then I wouldn't remind Karly of her favorite uncle," I answered over my shoulder.
In my ear, I could hear Joe cracking up with laughter and I shook my head.
"Joe, that was one of those times when you were supposed to make sure I didn't mess up," I told him. "This laughter just encourages me and don't we technically work for this guy?"
"Technically we defer to him on scheduling but he can't fire you if that's what you're asking," Joe said. "He'll complain to Mr. Kortesis and either he will talk with you or nothing will happen."
"That sounds like Alex," I stated. "I take it that the resident perv had perimeter duty tonight?"
"For being an ass, yes," Joe answered. "Mr. Kortesis likes guys to move about and not have to do the same thing over and over."
"That's something we learned on embassy duty. Doing the same thing over and over can start you to slack off so it's best to have a change every now and again," I explained.
"That's what Mr. Kortesis was telling me," He said. "He wanted me to make up three different jobs for our guys so I've got ground sweepers, in and outs and gate guard."
"Wow, I must have been out of the game longer than I thought. Other than gate guard what the hell are the other two?" I asked.
"Those are just my terms I made up, meat shield," He chuckled.
"Touché," I commented.
"Ground sweepers are the guys that walk just the grounds. Perimeter sweeps and such which is your job tonight," He shared. "In and out men sweep areas of the house as well as the areas outside the doors."
"I got it," I stated as I reached the beach gate. "Starting my sweep now Joe just chime in and tell me what I'm screwing up."
"I doubt that will be an issue but I'll be around just in case you decide to do something you shouldn't," He assured me.
"Like hop this fence and go for a swim for example?" I suggested.
"Not with my earbud in," Joe warned me.
"Wouldn't dream of it," I stated then took one last look at the crashing waves before I headed up the fence line.
Cassidy knocked on Mr. Voss' office door then waited a beat before he opened the door. Mr. Voss looked away from his computer screen and up at the doorway.
"Sir, can I have a moment?" Cassidy queried.
"Sure, Cassidy," Mr. Voss answered and pushed back from his desk. "Come in, have a seat and tell me what I can do for you?"
Cassidy walked into the plush office and took a seat in front of the large desk. Mr. Voss held up a glass that inquired if Cassidy would like one. Cassidy agreed and accepted the offered glass. He swirled the amber liquid around the glass for a moment then asked his question.
"How much do you know about the new guy that was brought in today?" He asked and took a sip.
"You're referring to Mr. Grayson I presume. Has there been a problem?" Mr. Voss asked.
"No sir, no problem to speak of it's just that with the attempted kidnapping I'm not sure that we should allow strangers to stay on the grounds," Cassidy answered.
"Mr. Navarro has taken up residence in that security center they threw together and you haven't spoken up about a problem with him," Mr. Voss said.
"I've been keeping an eye on Mr. Navarro," Cassidy stated and took another sip. "He's no threat."
"But you think that Mr. Grayson is?" Mr. Voss asked.
"I don't like unknowns," Cassidy answered. "Especially ones as skilled as Mr. Grayson's background check makes him out to be."
"His skills look to be exactly what we need, Cassidy. Now more than ever," Mr. Voss stated.
"You had someone looking into his record?" Cassidy asked.
"Of course," Mr. Voss answered. "He's going to be guarding my family and everyone here so of course, I had him checked out. His record is one of the main reasons that I insisted that he move into the guest house in the first place."
"He's a very dangerous man, sir," Cassidy stated.
"Mr. Grayson is not a danger to any of us. I trust him, Cassidy. You should too," Mr. Voss told him.
"I'll make an effort sir," Cassidy nodded reluctantly. "It's just that I've been with your family for a while now so I don't like strangers coming in when there is an outside threat."
"I understand and appreciate your loyalty, Cassidy, but right now we can and will use all the help that is available to us. Understood?" Mr. Voss asked.
"Yes sir, I understand," Cassidy nodded.
"They're not here for your job," Mr. Voss assured him with a smile. "You've been nothing short of excellent for us and we appreciate it but they are wrapped up in this situation because of their friend. I want them close in case they come up with some answers before the police do."
"I thought they were just here to beef up security?" He asked.
"That too but Mr. Grayson has already helped the police find out about a third vehicle being involved so despite what they're told I know they will try and find out who tried to murder their friend," Mr. Voss shared. "And when they do, God help the people responsible."
"Break time," Joe announced as I was on my fourth lap around the perimeter.
"There's a break time?" I asked as I paused at the beach gate.
"Everybody needs to eat, boss," Joe answered.
"Good point," I said. "Is there any place in particular that the hired help is supposed to go?"
"Most of the guys hang out in the garage. It was converted into a sort of break room for us but since you've got the run of the place from Mr. Voss himself I suppose you can go wherever you want to grab a snack or whatever," He said.
"Yeah, I guess that I can. Thanks, Joe," I said then headed for the main house.
I wanted a look around the place to get a better lay of the land. The door I opened led me into the kitchen where the smell of dinner still hung in the air. It smelled of tomatoes and cheese with a hint of Italian spices. In the dining room, I could hear the family talking as they enjoyed their meal. Not wanting to interrupt them I walked away from the sound of voices and opened a side door that bypassed the dining room and took me straight into a long hallway. I took my time strolling the hall and checked out each room to familiarize myself with what room was where. The door at the end of the hallway opened up into a grand foyer with a Y-shaped staircase in the center of it. I took the left stairs up first and in the next hallway, I found that the first two rooms were Karly's and I assumed the other was Addison's. Karly's was easy to spot as she had her name spelled out on it in pink block letters. I reached for the handle to confirm my suspicions when Joe chimed in.
"That's Addison's room," Joe called out startling me.
"Jesus Joe, does anyone gets used to you just appearing in their ears like that?" I asked as I stepped away from the door.
"I never thought about it," He answered. "You said to warn you before you screw up and going in there would be a big time screw up."
"Copy that," I said. "Anything I should know about the room?"
"The architect is currently working on it. Well not *currently* currently," He amended. "She's reworking the bathroom that could probably fit your condo into it."
"Doing a little background check on me huh, Joe?" I asked.
"I uh... I was asked to run a check on you," He answered.
"And here I thought that we didn't work for Mr. Williams but I suppose I'd have more of a problem if he didn't ask you to do it I guess," I chuckled. "Did you learn anything you want to ask me about?"
"I only took a quick peek but I get the distinct impression that if you tell me anything you might have to kill me so I'm good," He answered with a chuckle.
"Yeah it's a fascinating read of black lines, isn't it? They still have that much of it redacted?" I asked.
"Cassidy was impressed and pissed at the same time at all the stuff that he couldn't read," Joe answered.
"I don't think he likes me too much but if there's anything you or he wants to know all you have to do is ask. If it's a have to kill you at the end story I'll warn you beforehand," I joked.
"I'd appreciate the heads up," He laughed.
"Excuse me," Addison called out from behind me. "That's my room you're standing in front of."
"Sorry about that Ms. Voss," I apologized. "I was just familiarizing myself with the layout of your home."
"My room is not a place you need to worry about familiarizing yourself with," She told me.
"No, ma'am," I answered.
"That will be all," She dismissed me with a wave of her hand then stepped into her room.
"I guess that it will," I chuckled to myself and turned to leave when another voice called out.
"You'll get used to that," Karly said as she walked up to me.
"Used to what?" I asked.
"Her treating you like you just served her a latte instead of being here to get shot... oh... sorry, Ken," She apologized. "I didn't mean to bring up what happened to your friend."
"It's cool, Red," I assured her. "Scott's a tough guy and he's survived worse. Believe me."
"That's how he has that plate in his head, huh?" She asked me.
"Yes. That was a very bad day but he survived that and he'll survive this," I assured her.
"I hope so," she said. "Lissa's a sweet person and from what I've heard about your friend, he is too."
"He's saved my life more times than I can count," I shared with her then nodded towards Addison's door. "At least you're nice to me, Red."
"I'm the rebel remember," She smiled. "I was shown that I should treat people the way they treat me. You've treated me nice so you get the same treatment in return."
"I knew I liked you for a reason," I smiled at her.
"Whoa, hold on, sweetie I'm not ready for another serious relationship so soon. I've got to get over this Slice thing first," She said with a giggle.
"I'm sure what the two of you had was something very special," I smiled at her.
"Yes, it was like Romeo and... who am I kidding, the guy didn't even tell his real name!" She exclaimed. "Slice. What the hell was I thinking?"
"You can't help who you fall for," I sighed.
"Ooo, sounds like there's a story behind that statement," She commented.
"A long one but my break is almost over," I shared.
"Saved by the bell, huh?" She teased. "Well, I will get that story out of you at some point, Ken. It sounds too juicy to pass up!"
"I don't know about all that," I said.
"I'll be the judge of that," She answered. "Now if you'll excuse me I need to go bug my sister."
"Have fun," I told her.
"Always," She laughed then headed into her room.
A few seconds later I heard the thumping of music coming from behind her door and smiled when I heard Addison yelling her sister's name from her room.
The rest of my first night was pretty quiet save for a brief moment of excitement when it was announced that a vehicle had approached the gate. Cassidy's crew rushed towards the gate while Alex's team held their stations just in case it was a diversion. It wasn't. It turned out to be a friend of Addison's that had been at the hospital visiting Lissa and Scott. I briefly wondered if it could be the blonde Alex was telling me about. I was curious but decided not to try to catch a glimpse of her. I had enough to worry about already. One by one the lights in the house went out as the family settled in for the night. I checked my watch when the last light was extinguished and it was just shy of midnight.
"Joe, are you still up?" I asked as I strolled past the bluish lights of the pool area for the tenth time.
"That I am," He answered. "What's up, boss?"
"Are you as bored as I am?" I asked.
"Nah," he answered. "Just watched one of Cassidy's guys trip over one of the sprinkler heads near the gate. The highlight of my night since he didn't hurt himself."
"How're the numbers divided between Alex's team and the usual guys?" I asked.
"In case we lose a guy to a sprinkler mishap?" He chuckled.
"Something like that," I answered.
"Mr. Kortesis has added three guards for the day shift and five for nights. He thought they were overloaded on days but added to it so the night guys wouldn't be left out of the loop," He explained.
"Alex always was the cautious one," I quipped.
"If you're bored there's a card game going on in the garage slash break room if you want to sit in," He shared. "Both sets of guards participate in it so you'd be welcome."
"Some things never change," I chuckled. "Cards aren't really my game, Joe."
"Hey, Mr. Voss has a pretty extensive movie collection there in the den. You could check that out to pass the time," he suggested.
"Movies huh?" I asked as that piqued my interest.
"It's a pretty extensive collection," he said. "Mostly older stuff from what I understand but if you want to kill some time I'll keep my eyes on the camera's."
"Maybe I'll check them out when I'm not on perimeter duty. Don't want Mr. Williams to catch me slacking on my first night," I shared.
"I'm thinking that I'm not going to be one of those people that he warms up to but thanks, Joe." As tempted as I was to go in and check out Mr. Voss' collection I didn't. I continued on my rounds with just the sound of the surf to keep me company. The sky had started to lighten up as the sun rose on the horizon when Joe spoke up.
"Shifts over," He yawned.
"You need some sleep, Joe?" I asked with a chuckle.
"Just a few hours," He sighed. "My replacement should be arriving in a few so I'll pass out then."
"Sounds good," I commented. "Thanks for all that help last night, Joe."
"No problem, boss," He answered. "If you need anything just pop in your earbud and Aaron or I will help you out."
"Good to know. Talk at you later," I said and pulled the earbud out as I headed to the guesthouse.
I started to climb the stairs to the bedroom where the bed was calling my name but with a glance out the window, something else was calling louder. I stripped down and grabbed my swim trunks from my luggage then tugged them on.
"One quick swim," I told myself as I grabbed a towel and headed back downstairs. "I'm sure I'll be ready to sleep after a swim."
Michelle on the Beach
"You know you're trespassing right?" A female voice asked as I jogged back up onto the Voss' private beach after my swim. "I mean there's a fence and everything."
I picked up my towel and took a glance at my accuser who was standing ten feet away. She had her long blonde hair pulled up in a messy ponytail. She wore a pair of cute glasses but I was able to make out her striking blue eyes behind them. She pushed those glasses cutely up the bridge of her pert nose and her adorability level went up a thousandfold in my mind.
"There is huh?" I asked with a smile. "How did you manage it then?"
"Me?" She asked. "I'm a friend of a friend."
"Friend of a friend huh?" I asked skeptically.
"Something like that," She answered, stepped closer and offered me her hand. "I'm Michelle Ripley and I'm Addison's best friend. Well, one of her best friends really."
"Kenneth Grayson," I answered as I shook her head. "I'm working security here on the night shift. Sorry to be in your way this morning but I'm new here. I was just trying to find a way to unwind after my shift and the ocean looked so... inviting."
I paused because my breath hitched in my throat when she dropped the cover-up she wore and revealed the one-piece suit she had on underneath it. Yes, bikinis are very sexy but some people can make a burlap sack look sexy and Michelle was one of those people. She started to stretch out for her swim and I forgot how to blink and breath.
"Don't stare at the woman, look at the ocean. Don't stare at the woman, look at the ocean," I kept repeating in my mind but it didn't help.
I glanced as she stretched to loosen up and she caught me but smiled shyly instead of getting angry.
"Busted," I muttered to myself anyway.
"Well don't let me stop you from enjoying the beach," she said. "It's a big ocean after all and I don't mind sharing the beach. The family rarely use it anymore. Seemed like a waste so I started coming here in the mornings before classes begin. With permission of course. Duh, right?"
She babbled and I found it endearing how she rambled. I toweled off a little more and she quickly looked away which was a dead giveaway that she was checking me out too. At least we were kind of even.
"Of course," I nodded. "Well I'm done for the day but if you don't mind I could always use a swim buddy. If you're out here about the same time that is."
"A swim buddy?" She asked and raised a questioning eyebrow at me from behind her glasses. "Is that really the best line you can come up with?"
"Line? Did that sound like a line to you?" I asked. "I was being serious. This area of the Atlantic is notorious for all sorts of dangerous marine life."
She gave me a brief stare down as if she was trying to figure out if I was being serious or not.
"I should tell you that I'm finishing up my degree in Marine Biology so that line was even worse than the swim buddy one. Just so you know," She warned me.
"Finishing up your degree huh," I asked. "So you wouldn't buy into the danger of the Box Jellyfish around here huh?"
"Box jellyfish? Here? Not even close," She answered. "Next."
"How about the dangerous stonefish?" I asked.
"Stonefish. The most venomous fish in the world. Resides in tropical Indian and Pacific oceans," She recited. "Pretty far from here. You are zero for two so far."
She smiled or rather smirked at me and it looked to me like she was having fun with this banter. I knew that I was. I stroked my chin thoughtfully for a moment then threw out my last option.
"Great white shark?" I asked.
"Great whites are rare around here," She stated.
"Wouldn't I need an expert such as yourself around if I ran into one though?" I asked with a grin. "How else am I suppose to survive such an encounter?"
"Don't look like a seal," She stated matter of factly.
"That might be a little hard for me but I'll try," I laughed.
She gave me an odd look as she tried to figure out why I was laughing at her advice.
"With you being a Marine Biologist," I changed tactics. "What would you say my chances are if I were to head back out there and see about swimming to England?"
"Why would you even try something like that?" She asked.
"Well, I made such a fool of myself already with you that I'm trying to decide whether I should try that or go out for a minute then come back and start over with you," I explained.
"Your choice, but I will tell you that if you try and swim to England the Gulf Stream will probably push up towards Iceland. Unless you run into one of your Great whites or Bull shark first that is," Michelle answered. "You wouldn't make it far with either of those nearby."
"So what you're saying I should come back out with my game face on then?" I smiled.
"Too late for that don't you think, Kenny?" She asked.
I liked that she had gotten informal with me so quickly and gave her a smile.
"I mean I already know that you have no game so you'd just end up embarrassing yourself all over again," She finished.
"Oh ouch," I stated and placed my hand over my heart. "Do you always kick a guy when he's down, Michelle?"
"Only when he's intruding on my private beach time," She smiled a radiant smile. "I guess that I should cut you some slack seeing as how you just came off your shift though."
"Thanks for that," I said. "I don't suppose I could press my luck a little further and ask that you not reveal my lack of game to anyone. If the rest of the guards found out they'd never let me live it down."
"I don't know," She answered tapping her chin with her finger. "I guess that since we are going to be swim buddies I shouldn't start us off on the wrong foot. All right, I won't say anything about your lack of game to anyone as long as you keep me safe from the dangers of the box jellyfish while we're swimming."
"No worries there," I smiled. "I have it on good authority from this incredible marine biologist that we're totally safe from those here. Really nice woman. I think you'd like her."
"Careful," She warned with a smile. "She might not be as nice as she appears."
"I'll bet that she's even nicer than she appears to be," I stated. "I should probably be heading in but I hope I see you again soon."
With that, I tossed my towel over my shoulder and headed toward the house leaving her to watch me depart.
"I hope so too," She whispered to herself.
I turned back toward her and her face flushed slightly at the thought that I overheard her comment. I had but I knew better than to let on that I did. Instead, I smiled at her and gave her a nod.
"And Michelle," I stated. "Thanks for keeping my secret."
She smiled that amazing smile of hers and gave me a nod before the walked down to the incoming tide.
I had just finished my shower when I heard someone climbing up the stairs. I tugged on a pair of jeans, glanced at my pistol on my nightstand but thought better of grabbing it in case it was Karly popping in for another chat. I did grab a shirt and started to button it as I started down the stairs. Alex was at the base of the stairs but hadn't started climbing yet.
"Look who made it in before ten a.m," I said with a grin.
"Well you got me thinking that I should spend more time here," He answered as he walked back into the open area.
"I don't think I can take any credit for that," I said. "You, my friend, also have a weakness and her name is Addison Voss."
"I told you that there's nothing's going on there," He stated as he shook his head.
"Yet," I added. "There's nothing going on there yet, Alex," I told him.
He ignored me by looking over the nearby weight bench.
"So how was your first night?" He asked.
"Could have been better. Could have been worse," I answered. "I will tell you that I know every inch of fencing around this whole place."
"Cassidy, had you walking the perimeter last night huh? Don't worry about having to do that the whole time you're here. We rotate duties among my guys at least," He assured me.
"Just like at the embassies," I nodded. "Joe mentioned that last night."
"Not much to do around here at night but get brought up to speed I suppose," He commented. "Little early for a swim isn't it?"
"I worked all night so technically it would be a little late for a swim for me," I said. "I think I met the blonde you were talking about before, out on the beach. Great smile, amazing blue eyes, really witty and sweet."
"I uh... wasn't exactly paying attention to her face, Ken," He shared.
"And that ladies and gentlemen is why Alex Kortesis hasn't found a woman to settle down with," I announced.
"Oh fuck you! Like you focused on her face with her in a bathing suit," He countered.
"Blue eyes, a little sprinkling of freckles across the bridge of her nose and the left side of her mouth lifts first when she smiles," I stated with a smirk.
"You always were the one with the details, Ken," He commented and shook his head. "Little sprinkling of freckles huh? Just on her nose or were they... elsewhere?"
"At least I noticed they were above her neckline, Alex," I sighed. "I had a nice conversation with her and I'm honestly hoping to get a chance to have a few more with her. She's very sweet."
"Maybe you met someone else then because the blonde I met wasn't wearing glasses and definitely wasn't talkative. She barely said two words anytime I asked her a question," He stated. "Lissa introduced us but I forgot what her name is... something with an M... Micayla, Micheline, Madison?"
"Michelle maybe," I prompted with a smile but he shook his head.
"Come on, Ken," He said. "We've got an Addison, a Lissa and a Karly with a K do you really think we're going to have someone with a mundane name like Michelle?"
"Well the Michelle that I met was anything but mundane," I shared.
"I know that look," He grinned.
"What look?" I asked.
"The one that tells me that you're interested in this woman," He said.
"I thought I was making it pretty obvious that I'm interested in her but I don't have a look," I protested.
"You have a look," He assured me. "You asked her out right?"
"Dude I'm working and for you for that matter. It'd be pretty unprofessional of me to do that with one of Addison's friends wouldn't it?" I asked him.
"If she's into you then I say go for it," Alex stated. "What's the worst that could happen?"
"She could seduce me for a story then stab me in the back when she got what she wanted," I stated. "Ring any bells?"
"Alarm bells yes, but every woman you meet isn't Kris. You gotta let that go, man," He told me.
"Maybe," I sighed. "She... Michelle mentioned that she was in college. College, Alex. I'm too old for her."
"Yeah cause you're a fossil," He commented. "Addison is, what, about three years younger than us give or take?"
"You'd know that better than me. I'm sure that you researched her extensively," I grinned. "You can probably tell me what position she likes to sleep in by now."
"Point is," He said ignoring me again. "We aren't that much older than them. She's not a freshman in college is she?"
"She said that she was finishing up her degree in Marine biology and..." I answered then regretted that I did a minute later.
"Does she need some one on one time with a seal to complete her degree?" Alex chuckled.
"Alex, do you need anything else cause I just came off my first shift and my swim did it's job so I can really use some shut-eye," I told him.
"Fine," He sighed. "I just wanted you to know that the Voss' have this party planned for two nights from now and it's a black tie so you'll need a suit to work it."
"Is that really the best idea?" I asked. "I mean a party means a lot of people coming in and out of here. The construction was stopped for that very reason and now there's a party."
"The party is a fundraiser for Mrs. Voss' charity and it was planned well before all this happened. It can't be changed. I tried. We're just going to have to grin and bear it in the hopes that nothing goes wrong."
"Hope huh?" I shook my head.
"There's no canceling the thing," Alex restated. "I've already tilted at that particular windmill."
"I hear you," I tell him. "Better make sure that the safe rooms are stocked up."
"Already done," He answered. "I'm doubling up security for the event and I'm running a drill every shift to see how fast they can get to one of the safe rooms."
"I'll wear my running shoes then," I pointed out.
"I guess I should let you get some sleep but I'll be around today at least until your shift starts," He told me. "You need to rest if since I'm going to make that old creaky body of yours run."
"You're still not the funny one, Alex," I told him. "I'll see about getting a suit."
"Don't forget. Cassidy will probably have you parking cars or something if you do," He instructed me.
"He'll probably do that anyway," I shared. "The guy doesn't like me much."
"You do have that effect on some people," he chuckled as he was leaving.
I went back upstairs then went around and closed all the blinds trying to make the room as dark as possible. I paused at the last window, the one that overlooked the beach beyond and smiled to myself.
"Not on all people," I thought as I closed it, stripped down and crawled into bed.
"I'm such an idiot!" Michelle stated to Addison and Karly as she paced around Addison's room.
After her swim, she had gone to Addison to find out more about the guy on the beach. She wasn't thrilled with herself when Addison explained who he was.
"He must think I'm just the stupidest person he's ever met," Michelle sighed. "I may be the stupidest person he's met."
"No you aren't," Addison assured her. "You're just blonde and that's excusable."
"Not helping Addison," Michelle complained.
"He's a pretty cool guy. I'm sure he doesn't think you're an idiot or that you're stupid, Michelle," Karly stated as she got to her feet and stopped Michelle from pacing. "Now sit before you wear a hole in the floor."
"I told him not to look like a seal and he was a SEAL, Karly! How does that not make me look like an idiot?" She asked as she sat on the bed.
"Because he didn't introduce himself as Kenny the Seal did he?" Karly asked with a grin.
"And you're blonde like I said. How would you know if he's cool or not, Karly?" Addison asked her sister. "You stormed off before you even met him."
"We had a chat later," Karly stated but didn't elaborate.
"I should go apologize to him," Michelle stated and got back onto her feet.
Karly stopped her and sat her back on the bed when Addison chimed in again.
"For what?" She asked. "Not knowing that he's friends with Scott? How were you supposed to know? Besides, I don't see what the big deal is? He's a security guard and that's like two steps up from a mall cop so who cares what he thinks anyway?" Addison asked as she plucked a nail file from her bedside table and started to file her nails.
"I do for one," Michelle stated.
"I just don't understand why you're so bent out of shape over this guy you just met, Michelle," Addison commented.
"I'm not bent out of shape," Michelle defended. "I'm just... it's just... I don't know what it is right now."
"It's out of character for you that's for sure. I mean Michelle you talked to a guy by yourself," Addison pointed out. "I don't know if I should alert the media or take you to the hospital to get checked out!"
"I've talked to guys before, Addison," Michelle complained.
"Uh huh and how many times do you initiate the conversation like you did this morning?" Addison countered.
"I don't... that's not the point," Michelle stated. "The point is I owe him an apology for the way I acted."
"No, you don't," Karly chimed in. "I'm telling you guys that Kenny is cool. He probably even likes you, Michelle. It certainly sounds to me like he's at least interested in you."
"How would you know if a guy is interested or not and why are you calling him Kenny?" Addison asked.
"She treats me like I'm still five at times," Karly said to Michelle. "I call him Kenny because that's his name. He calls me Red so I need to think up some kind nickname for him. Michelle, do SEAL's have nicknames or such?"
"I don't know, Karly, you'd have to ask Lissa about that one," Michelle told her.
"Froggies," Addison called out. "I think I saw that in a movie once."
"And she calls you blonde," Karly giggled and was glared at by her older sister.
"I think that you're thinking of frogmen, Addison and I don't think that applies to Seals," Michelle said.
"I could call him Kermit. Like in Kermit the frog," Karly suggested.
"That's cute but he doesn't really look like a Kermit does he, Karly?" Michelle asked.
"No, not really but then sexy eyes doesn't really work as a nickname does it?" Karly asked.
"Karly!" Michelle and Addison both shouted.
"What? I'd have said ass, but I didn't want to freak anyone out by stating that he obviously has a nice one," Karly said.
Addison again yelled her sister's name but Michelle blushed then giggled.
"Now who's not helping Michelle?" Addison asked.
"Well, she has a point. About his eyes I mean not his... rear. Maybe he does but I didn't look," Michelle stammered.
"Oh you are so busted, Michelle," Karly shouted then started laughing as Michelle turned redder. "You looked at his butt!
"Not intentionally!" Michelle argued. "I may have glanced when he walked away but we..."
Addison started to giggle and Michelle silenced her with a glance.
"We were still chatting so I can't be blamed," She finished.
"It's very nice right?" Karly giggled.
"Addison, help me out here," Michelle said.
"Oh no, I'm not getting involved in this. You made your bed Michelle, now you have to lie in it," Addison told her with a wicked grin.
"With Kenny," Karly giggled.
Michelle shook her head then looked to Addison for help.
"Addison, please," She begged.
"Oh all right," Addison sighed. "Karly, enough teasing. Treat your pretend sister nice and, Michelle, I think this guy sounds too dangerous to be left alone with either of you. There's no telling what could happen."
"I'm always nice to my pretend big sis," Karly said. "Seriously, Michelle, don't worry about apologizing to him. If he treats you like you're dumb or something just tell me and I'll set him straight for you."
Michelle smiled and hugged the younger girl.
"I think I can handle it, Karly, but thank you," she said. "I love you, little sis!"
"And I love you too, big sis!" Karly said and hugged her back.
"And what about me?" Addison asked.
"I love you too," Michelle replied.
"I tolerate your existence," Karly stated then started laughing.
Michelle fought a valiant battle but lost it and started laughing along with her. Addison stuck her tongue out at them then joined in with the laughter.
After her conversation with Addison and Karly, Michelle had felt better. Confused but better.
"I can't believe I was flirting with him like that. Did I not just tell Lissa that I wasn't in the market for a guy right now? It wasn't really flirting, I was just being nice, that's right, I was just being nice. It's just a coincidence that he happens to be a guy. An attractive guy but that doesn't mean I'm attracted to him right? No of course not, you just happened to open your mouth and start talking to him like you knew him. That doesn't mean that you're attracted to him except for the fact that you definitely checked him out and you liked what you saw. Argh!" She told herself then sighed as she found a parking spot in the hospital's parking garage.
She parked, got out and started to walk toward the hospital's entrance. When she arrived in the ICU Lissa was nowhere in sight so Michelle grabbed a month old magazine and took a seat to wait. While she flipped through the pages she wasn't paying attention to anything on them. Instead, she looked around the waiting room at the people gathered there. All around her sat families awaiting word about their loved ones. A husband waited to hear about his wife. A mother with tears in her eyes while the doctor updated her on her daughter's condition. It was a room filled with hope and hopelessness at the same time. Lissa exited the patient area with T. J. whom she'd met here the other day. She gave them a little wave then stood and hugged Lissa.
"What are you doing here? I figured you'd have had enough of these uncomfortable chairs," Lissa asked.
"Like I would ever let you go through this on your own, Lis," Michelle told her. "Do you need anything?"
"You being here with me is plenty, Michelle," Lissa told her.
"You've got Mr. Vincent here too, Lis," Michelle pointed out.
"Please call me T. J.," He said. "Mr. Vincent is what my instructors used to yell at me anytime I screwed up."
"Okay, T. J.," Michelle nodded then turned to Lissa. "What are the doctors saying about Scott today?"
"Mostly the same stuff," She sighed.
"I'm sorry Lis," Michelle said as she reached over and rubbed her friend's shoulder for support. "No news is good news right?"
"I don't know," Lissa sighed. "This morning the doctors said that the longer he stays in a coma the less likely he is to come out of it. It's been two days and I'm getting really scared, Michelle."
Lissa started to tear up and Michelle pulled her into her arms. T. J. laid comforting hands on both of their shoulders as Ramon returned from the cafeteria.
"What happened?" He asked worriedly.
"Nothing's happened. That's sort of the problem," T. J. explained to him what the doctors told Lissa.
Ramon knelt down in front of where Lissa was seated and patted her knee.
"You want I should go back there and give him a kick in his rear for ya? That'll get him up and moving," Ramon suggested.
"Man, you're little ass-kicking him would be like a gnat biting him," T. J. joked. "Now if I go and put my size fourteen's against his rear he will most certainly snap to."
"No kicking, Scottie," Lissa told them as she wiped her eyes.
"I might have an alternative suggestion that doesn't require physical abuse," Michelle said then pulled Lissa closer to her so she could whisper it in her ear.
She related her idea and tried not to blush.
"Michelle!" Lissa said louder than she intended then whispered. "I didn't know that you thought like that!"
"Will it work it or won't it?" Michelle contended as she flushed red.
"I might get thrown out of the hospital if I do that!" She said which piqued both Ramon and T. J.'s interest.
"Do what exactly?" Ramon smiled.
"I can't even repeat it," Lissa said which made Michelle blush even more.
"I meant that you should suggest it not do... it," Michelle clarified.
"Oh... oh shit," Ramon whispered while T. J. stared at Michelle with a new found respect.
"Oh duh," Lissa exclaimed. "For a second there I thought you'd completely lost your mind, Michelle!"
"Not my mind, just my dignity," Michelle sighed. "Look I was reading an article online last night at Addison's and it said that it had been tried with some coma patients with some surprising results."
"I think you were on a porn site and not a medical one but, hey I'll try anything once," She stated then looks at Ramon "Don't you get any ideas, Ramon."
"Busted," T. J. chuckled.
"I'm going to try your idea, Michelle, but if I get thrown out of here I expect you to sneak me back in," Lissa told her.
"Don't worry about a thing, Lis," T. J. assured her. "We get Alex and Ken in here along with me and we'd have you in Scottie's room in five minutes. Ten if we brought along Ramon. Dude would be hitting on nurse after nurse which would slow us down."
"Just because I like cute nurses is no reason to think I'd dawdle on a mission. Ken would bust my chops if I ever did that," Ramon said.
"He sure would. After you got her number, of course," T. J. laughed.
Michelle almost asked for more information about Ken as they called him but decided that now wasn't the time. She decided instead to keep quiet and keep listening. Across the room, a lone man got to his feet and walked toward the hallway leading back to the main part of the hospital. He pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number.
"Make it quick," a voice hissed in answer to the ring.
"He's still in the coma but he's got visitors," The man said.
"They aren't anything to worry about," the person on the other end answered.
"He's got a guard at his door at all times and a pair of his friends are here at almost all times," The man shared. "Ex-military by the look of them."
"More of them? I guess I should have expected..." the voice trailed off.
"I can probably get back to his room if I wanted and make sure he doesn't wake up and get chatty," The man suggested.
"No," the person said. "Continue to observe but nothing further. I'll call in a favor and have a local swing by and do it so we can't be connected to this."
"I can handle it," The man protested.
"There's too much at stake!" the person exclaimed. "Follow my fucking orders and do nothing more. Is that understood?"
"Under-fucking-stood," The man grumbled. "I'll keep eyes on and alert you to any changes."
\* \* \*
I woke up gradually and checked my watch. I had been asleep for nearly eight hours.
"I guess the swim helped," I thought and noticed that the room was darker than it should be for mid-afternoon.
I looked outside and saw that some dark clouds were rolling in from the East and that a light rain had started to fall. I popped in my earbud for an update and Joe was talking only a few moments later.
"There he is," Joe greeted me. "I was sure that I would have seen you pop up a few hours ago."
"Yeah, I took a swim after my shift," I shared. "I guess that it worked better than usual."
"Better you than me. Oceans creep me out," Joe admitted. "Did you need anything, boss?"
"Just wanted to check in and see if I slept through anything important," I told him.
"Not much," He answered. "Mr. Voss went into the office today so that caused a huge shift in the protection detail. It worked out fine and he's back now. Mrs. Voss and both daughters stayed home at least and took turns lounging by the pool. There's a weather alert for this afternoon and into tonight so I'm having the generators topped up and tested just in case."
"Got it," I told him as I tugged on a shirt. "I'm going to head out before my shift starts. If you need me, I'm sure that you've got my cell already."
"You know it, boss," He chuckled. "See you when you get back."
I walked downstairs and found that I had another visitor. Karly was seated on the very same treadmill as yesterday apparently waiting for me.
"Is everything okay, Karly?" I asked as I approached.
"I thought I was Red?" She asked.
"You are," I said. "Unless it seems like something's bothering you and you appear to be bothered so what's up?"
"You don't think my friend is dumb right?" She asked.
"Well, he does call himself Slice," I answered.
"Not him. I know he's dumb. Duh. I mean my friend Michelle. Well, my sister's friend but..." She paused. "Just answer the question, Kenny."
"Michelle? No, I don't think she's dumb. The furthest thing from in fact," I answered. "Why would I think she's dumb?"
"The seal thing," She stated.
"I thought that was pretty funny. Don't look like a seal," I said with a chuckle.
"So you weren't offended or anything by it?" She asked.
"She didn't know I was on the team with Scott. We were just making small talk," I told her. "Why does it matter?"
"Like I said, she's my friend... well technically she's my sister's friend but the way she's always looked out for me, I feel like she's more my sister than my actual sister sometimes. I know I sound like a goof right now and I came to argue that Michelle's not one, guess I'm not doing so hot huh?" She asked.
"You're doing fine, Red," I assured her. "I don't think either of you are dumb or goofy. I think you both are very sweet people."
"That's good but keep that between us, all right? I've got a reputation to uphold," She grinned.
"I'll take that secret to my grave," I smiled. "What else do I need to know?"
"Only that Michelle will apologize to you at some point for this morning," She answered.
"She doesn't have to do that," I said.
"I know she doesn't, you know she doesn't but she will. That's the kind of person she is. She's special that way," She told me.
Her emphasis on the word special didn't go unnoticed.
"I could tell that by our brief conversation this morning. She's very quick-witted too, I liked that," I told her.
"So do you think you and she could... ya know... become a thing?" She inquired.
"I figure anyone that's as beautiful as she is already has a steady guy in her life," I said without thinking.
I regretted it as soon as it left my mouth because I could see a twinkle light up Karly's eyes.
"You are not allowed to repeat that," I warned her quickly.
She smiled a devilish smile and nodded her head.
"Okay, I won't repeat that," she said.
"I'm serious, Karly," I told her.
"Sir, Yes, Sir," She said and gave me a mock salute.
"Your salute needs work, Red," I said as I shook my head.
"Better than the one finger salute," She pointed out.
"I suppose I have to agree with you there. I'll be back soon Red," I told her as I started toward the door before my mouth could spew out any more incriminating information.
"She's not seeing anyone you know," Karly carried on as she walked out with me.
"You gonna walk me all the way to my car?" I asked.
"Maybe," She answered. "I mean you seem to want to know about Michelle's dating status."
"I didn't say that," I said.
"Sure you did. Someone as beautiful as she is already has a steady guy in her life," She said while she mimicked my deeper voice.
"Do I really sound like that?" I asked.
"No changing the subject," She said. "Michelle had been dating this guy. I think his name was Ryan but he was kind of a jerk. Anyway, he cheated on her, she caught him so that's over and done with. That was about... wow... nine months ago. She's probably pretty lonely about now."
"Karly, I'm not sure that's information she wants you to just go around telling people," I said.
"I'm just telling you, Kenny," She stated. "She deserves someone who will treat her right."
"And for some reason, you think that I'm the guy that will do that? You don't even know me," I said.
"I know enough for now," She smirked. "You're definitely leading the pack so far."
"Thanks, I think," I said as I noticed the teasing smile on her face.
We reached the driveway and stopped at my car.
"Did I mention that I like your ride?" She asked as she looked over my black Mustang.
"Not yet," I answered. "I'll take you for a ride sometime."
"Ride hell, I want to drive!" She giggled.
"We'll see, Red," I chuckled as I climbed inside.
I shut the door and rolled down the automatic window. Karly stuck her head inside, looked around quickly and took a sniff.
"You aren't a smoker so that's a plus," She said as she crouched down to continue chatting.
"Not a smoker," I answered.
"Makes you pretty kissable then. Michelle will be pleased," She giggled.
"Seriously?" I asked as I cranked the engine.
"She's into healthy kind of guys, Kenny," She giggled. "Be safe out there, okay?"
"I'll do my best," I sighed.
I headed to the hospital to check on Scott's condition. Despite my dislike for the places, Scott was my friend and I owed him. The flashing lights of police cars greeted me as I pulled into the parking deck but I didn't think too much of it until I got to the hallway that led to the ICU and there were uniformed officers standing guard.
"ID please?" One of the officers asked me.
"He's all right," A familiar voice called out from behind me.
I turned and saw Det. Young who was walking up to me.
"What happened here? Are Scott and everyone all right?" I asked hurriedly.
"We're not entirely sure what happened but everyone's fine more or less," She answered. "Walk with me."
I nodded and fell in step with her. She led me by the officers that were guarding the hallway then into a side hallway before we reached the waiting room.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"The emergency room," she said.
"Why are we going there? I thought everyone was all right," I said.
"I said more or less," She answered. "As former SEAL's you guys must have made a few enemies am I right?"
"More than a few," I answered. "Do you want a list because it would probably fill up a notebook."
"That's not necessary. I went and tried to read your files when I got this case and all the black lines started giving me a headache," She stated.
"That's not surprising," I stated. "Did you get a call from the DOD or CIA yet?"
"From the DOD just this morning in fact, how did you know?" She asked.
"A lot of our missions are still classified. Hell, we'll all probably be ten years gone before some of them see the light of day despite the freedom of information act." I said. "You go poking around them, red flags start popping up and people start making phone calls."
"I got an earful that's for sure," she said. "I know that you can't give me any mission specifics but would say a drug cartel could be after you guys?"
"Cartels, terrorist cells, a few would be dictators," I listed off. "Lots of people hold grudges against us, professionally and personally."
"Is there anyone, in particular, come to mind when it comes to Mr. Brannock?" She asked.
"We did our best to remain anonymous but things happen in the field that you don't expect," I shared.
"Anything happen that Mr. Brannock didn't expect?" She inquired.
I took a beat to think up who would most likely be after Scottie.
"There was this one guy, Columbian drug lord, Hector Chavez," I answered. "He would love to see Scottie in the ground but this isn't his work."
"How can you tell?" Young asked.
"The distinct lack of bodies and bullet holes for one thing," I answered and shook my head. "Hector is a hot head and doesn't concern himself with collateral damage. If he'd tried to off Scott he would have rolled in here with fully automatic weapons and fired more shots than it took to win the Civil War."
"This wasn't Chavez," A voice stated from very close behind us.
Det. Young and I both turned and saw a man in a dark suit and sunglasses. I recognized him and gave him a smile.
"Jesus, Henry. How do you keep those old bones of yours from creaking while you sneak up on people?" I asked.
He took off his shades, slipped them into his pocket and returned my smile.
"When you get my age you'll rattle like a tin can with all the crap you put yourself through, Grayson," He replied.
"You talk like I don't do that now," I chuckled. "You know the whole black suit and man with no eyes shades are out of fashion now."
"True but it's good for spooking the locals," Henry stated. "No offense detective."
"None taken," Det. Young said. "Who are you?"
"Henry will do fine I think," He answered.
"Henry is CIA and his real name probably isn't even close to that but that's what you get when you deal with them, Detective," I explained.
"Nature of the beast I'm afraid. Shall we?" He asked and opened a door we were passing.
The room was empty of course and I shook my head as I entered. Det. Young followed me in with an incredulous look on her face.
"How'd you know this place would be empty?" She asked him.
Henry looked at me with a look that conveyed that he was annoyed at the question so I answered for him.
"From the moment you tried looking up our records he could tell you what kind of creams you use on your face and which position you like to sleep in," I told her. "Knowing what room in this place would be empty would be child's play for Mr. Spooky here."
"Don't start that crap with me again, kid," Henry said. "It didn't work out well for you if you remember correctly."
"I remember you missing," I shrugged.
"If the wind hadn't have shifted I'd be talking with Kortesis right now instead of you," He pointed out.
"You should be thankful," I chuckled.
"I am at times," He grinned.
"Do I even want to know what you two are talking about?" Det. Young asked.
"Probably not," I answered.
"It sounds like the less I know the better off I'll be," she said then changed the subject. "You say that this wasn't this Chavez person?"
"Grayson was right about there not being enough bullet holes and bodies for this is to be done by Chavez," Henry told her.
"Doesn't mean he couldn't hire a professional," she suggested.
"Hector was an eye for an eye kind of guy and he would have wanted a shot at Scottie for himself," I said. "We barely left him enough money for a bus ticket so I doubt he's rebuilt funds enough to hire a hitter."
"He hasn't. Chavez isn't your problem," Henry stated.
"Want to toss out a name that could be involved?" I asked him.
"All I can tell you is that it's no one that your team had dealings with in the past," He told us.
"That doesn't narrow down your suspect list very much, Detective," I said to her.
"Not really," She answered me. "Would you be willing to help out with this investigation, Henry?"
She turned toward where he was previously standing but Henry was no longer there. The door was just closing when she looked back at me.
"Seriously?" Det. Young asked me as she grabbed the door and yanked it open.
We both stepped back into the hallway but Henry was nowhere in sight. Det. Young had this strange look on her face and I just shook my head.
"How in the hell did he do that?" She asked me.
"He has a knack for this sort of thing," I answered.
"Not being helpful or his little vanishing act?" She complained.
"A little of column A, a little of column B," I answered. "Him showing up at all was enough though."
"Meaning?" She queried.
"Meaning we've been warned off of snooping around our past missions," I told her.
"Just on the say so of that guy?" She asked as we started our walk back to the emergency room. "If that was a threat he wasn't very clear about it."
"The message was more for me than you," I shared. "Henry's a good enough guy most of the time but there are other times..."
"When he shoots you," She finished.
"Shoots at but he did miss," I confirmed.
"Nice friends you have, Ken," She commented.
"My friends are fine. It's my former colleagues that you have to watch out for," I corrected her. "Of course Henry could have been lying about everything he just told us. It's happened before."
"Well, that's just great. We don't know anything more than we did before Mr. Man in Black popped in," She muttered.
"We know that the CIA are now paying close attention so we shouldn't snoop around any of our old missions unless you want to get black bagged by them," I stated.
"Is that where they roll up in a van, throw a bag over my head and I wake up in some kind of off the book site way underground?" She asked.
"They're not all underground," I pointed out.
"Out of all your teammates, I get stuck with the one who thinks he's funny," She sighed.
"People have laughed before," I said.
"Sure they have," She stated.
We walked along a little further before she spoke again.
"What if they were trying to take Ms. Joiner and not Ms. Voss? Leverage her to get Scott to call in you guys and take you all out at one time?" She asked.
"You're thinking outside the box, that's for sure but come on. I mean if they want Scott to get us together why try to shoot him dead in the street? And why involve one of the richest families on the eastern seaboard if Ms. Joiner is your target all along?" I asked. "They could have snatched her at any time but they wait until the day she's picking up Addison Voss. I'm not buying it. Besides, we would have been a lot easier to kill individually."
"I just like to have my bases covered is all," She told me. "Someone did try to finish off your friend today so the thought occurred to me that we could be looking at this all wrong."
"Wait a second. You said that everyone was all right," I stopped her.
"I said more or less," She answered. "Scott is fine. Better than fine from what I've heard. We are going to see your other friend. Mr. Vincent."
"T. J.?" I asked.
"Yes," She said then nodded toward a nearby door. "He's in here."
I step past her and pull the door open without preamble. Inside it, T. J. is shirtless and seated on a bed while a nurse was looking over his hand. She jumped back when she heard me enter.
"Guess I can't leave you alone for a minute huh?" I asked.
"This one is not my fault, Ken," He stated then winked at the nurse who looked embarrassed as she turned to leave.
"Not your fault huh?" I asked him as I looked down at his wrapped up hand.
"It looks worse than it is," He told me as he held up his left hand.
"You were sliced pretty good with that scalpel, Mr. Vincent," Det. Young said.
"Ken, can you make her stop that? I'm having enough problems today as it is," He sighed.
"Please call him T. J.," I told her. "Or Mr. V."
"Don't you start in, Ken," T. J. warned me. "Injured man here and all that."
"I thought that it wasn't so bad?" I teased him.
"It was a lot worse with the nurse in here," He chuckled.
I turned to Det. Young and nodded toward T. J.
"You were saying about getting stuck with the funny one?" I asked her.
"I stand by it," She answered.
"So what all happened this morning and someone please start at the beginning?" I asked them.
"Yes sir," T.J nodded. "I had noticed this guy earlier. He didn't stand out but he was by himself and I never noticed a doctor or anybody talking to him. I thought that was kind of strange so I kept my eye on him. Well after Michelle left, you've met Michelle right?"
I nodded and tried not to smile but failed.
"Should have known that you would have. She is blonde after all," He laughed.
"Moving on, T. J.," I told him.
He smiled at Detective Young who also happened to be a blonde. She smiles and glanced at me as she tucked a stray lock of her hair behind her ear.
"Right, so Lissa comes back and tells us that Michelle's suggestion seemed to be working on Scott. The doctors wanted to run some tests so she came back out to sit with us. That's when I noticed this other guy had come into the waiting area and my gut told me that something wasn't right. The guy was putting off some bad vibes or something so when he followed this other family when they were buzzed in I knew something was wrong. I hung back and then got one of the nurses I know here to slip me in with her. The guy was almost to Scott's room when I caught up with him. Dude was fast, Ken, I mean really fast. I was about to ask him who he was when he spun around on me and sliced my hand open with a scalpel. He didn't say one word. He just swung. Nearly tagged me a second time but I managed to dodge it and clock him in the face with one of those tray things they've got lying around back there. He took off after that and I tried to give chase but he just straight up vanished."
"Trained or lucky," I asked.
"Trained," T. J. answered after a second. "I didn't really take the time to study his technique or anything but the only person I've ever seen with luck like that, if it was luck, is you. One thing is for sure, he knew how to get out of here awful quick. I couldn't have been more than twenty yards behind him but he turned two corners and vanished."
"There's an exit door in that area," Det. Young stated. "It leads out to the loading dock so we figure that he had a car there waiting."
"I could have had him, Ken," T. J. complained. "Damn it, I had my hands on the guy and he got away."
"Got your hand almost cut off," I pointed out.
"I've scratched myself worse when I shave," He grumbled. "I just wish I nabbed the son of a bitch."
"Don't worry about it, T. J.," I told him. "You probably saved Scott's life and that's what's important. Besides, they couldn't have you bleeding all over the ICU I'm sure."
"Guess I'm getting slow in my old age," He chuckled.
"Well you never were very fast to begin with," I told him. "Too many muscles slowing you down."
"You know that's because the ladies love this right, Detective?" He chuckled.
"Let's just say that I know who to call whenever I can't get a jar open," She smiled at him.
"Yeah don't call Ken here, he'll either shoot the thing or it will explode in his face," T. J. laughed.
"Was explosives your expertise, Ken?" Det. Young asked.
"Ken is a jack of all trades but he sure can wreak shi... stuff," T. J. shared.
"Don't you need a shot or something?" I asked.
"Man, I'm up to date on all that," He told us.
A knock sounded at the door and the nurse from earlier poked her head back into the room.
"Mr. Vincent," She said. "I need to stitch you up now."
She stepped toward him and Det. Young gave my shirt sleeve a tug.
"I think that's our cue," Det. Young said. "Try and get some rest, Mr. Vincent... I mean, T. J."
"Thanks, Detective," He nodded at her.
"I'll check back in on you in a little while, T. J.," I told him.
"I'll be back in the waiting room of the ICU whenever you're done. You'll find me there," He told me.
As we were walking back to the ICU, Det. Young commented on me not bringing up Henry's visit.
"I notice you didn't tell him about our visitor," She told me.
"T. J. and Henry never did see eye to eye on most things. I didn't see any reason to mention his little appearance. It's not like Henry told us anything worthwhile anyway."
"Just a warning," She sighed. "None of you guys are like I imagined."
"We're not huh?" I laughed. "Let me guess. You were expecting a group of alpha male assholes."
"Was I that obvious?" She asked.
"You weren't but it's something that happens whenever people find out who we are," I answered. "We had our moments to be sure but after a while things change you. I'm sure you changed after your first ugly crime scene."
"I did," She nodded. "It made me realize that Death is always just waiting for us all. You can either learn to live with that or you can try to ignore it but sooner or later, he comes for us all."
"That he does," I nodded.
"I take it that you were the lead on your team?" She asked to change the topic.
"Why would you think that?" I asked.
"T. J. called you sir in there," She reminded me.
"Did he? I didn't even notice," I shrugged.
"So were you?" She prompted as we continued walking back to the ICU area.
"We didn't really have a command structure on the team. Everyone just knew their job and we went from there. T. J. probably called me sir just to try and get a rise out of me," I told her.
"It didn't seem like that was the reason," She pointed out.
"How would you... oh yeah, detective... I nearly forgot," I chuckled.
"I busted my butt for my shield, Ken. Don't forget it," She warned me playfully.
"No, ma'am," I nodded.
"And don't ma'am me either or I'll slap these cuffs on you and haul you over the 4th myself," She stated.
"Can't let that happen," I laughed. "No bail money this week, so just Detective then?"
"You seem to be doing all right with that for now but I don't want to give you too much leash. God knows where you'll run off to if I did," She flirted then checked her watch. "I'm going to check in with Bobby. I left him with the tech guys to see if they could pull anything usable from the video in the ICU. I'm worried that he might have shot them by now. Do you plan on being here long?"
I checked my watch and shook my head.
"Afraid not," I answered. "I'm due back on duty in forty-five."
"Just enough time to check in on your friend," She stated.
"True," I nodded.
"If my partner or the techs come up with anything I'll track you down either here or at the estate," She told me.
"I'd appreciate that," I assured her.
"Be seeing you then," She nodded and I watched her as she walked away.
"Yes, you will," I said to myself before I headed toward the ICU.
A flash of lightning illuminated the mansion followed closely by a loud crash of thunder that felt as if it shook the whole mansion.
"This turned into one heck of a storm!" Joe said in my ear.
I had been on duty for a few hours already. I had been assigned to walk the fence line again but when the storm kicked up I, along with the others that were working outdoor duties, were pulled inside due to lightning.
"Yeah, I thought that it might when Det. Young and Det. Lang stopped by a little while ago. The clouds were getting darker and darker just before we lost the sunlight," I commented.
"Did they have anything new to share?" he asked.
"Just that they had a decent shot of the guy that showed up at the ICU and they were running it through their databases," I answered.
"Let's hope that works out and they catch the guy. He can lead them back to who is behind all this and it'll be over," He stated.
"I hope it's just that easy," I said. "Det. Young didn't sound too positive about it."
"I noticed that the two of you had a nice little chat while you walked her to her car," He chuckled.
"Big brother is always watching huh," I commented. "I going to have to remember that."
"Probably a good idea," He shared.
"She wanted..." I started to tell him then paused. "This stays between us for now. Cool?"
"As the other side of the pillow," He assured me.
"She wanted me to snoop around Scott's place and see if I could find anything that could... help," I answered.
"Sounds sneaky," He commented.
"Yeah," I nodded then shook my head as I tried to peer out the glass doors in the kitchen that led to the backyard.
I could only see about three feet because of the heavy downpour of rain. Another brilliant flash of lightning lit up the night sky and caused me to see spots for a few seconds.
"Remind me again on how we're set if the power fails?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes to try and clear them.
"The main generator kicks in after thirty seconds of the power going out. Smaller ones kick in to power emergency lighting so we aren't trapped in darkness. The one that powers this room is the other that kicks in asap so we don't lose data or have to reboot. Sorry but you're on your own in the guest house if the power goes out. Want me to head over there and get your teddy bear before that happens?"
I chuckled and continued to gaze out at the rain.
"Two days on the job and you're already giving me grief huh Joe? What makes you think I left my teddy bear in the guesthouse, anyway?" I asked.
"Ex-Navy SEAL with a teddy bear. That must be one heck of bear," A familiar female voice called out from behind me.
I turned slowly and found Michelle standing in the doorway backlit by the faint light seeping in from the living room. Even though her face was in shadow I was already imagining the wide smile she must have had.
"So first you learn about my lack of game and now this," I remarked.
Joe in the meantime was about to go into convulsions from all the laughing so I dislodged my earbud to avoid having him damage my hearing any further.
"Pretty soon you'll know all my little secrets," I told her.
"Just like your teddy bear does I'm sure," she replied.
There was a unique cheerfulness in her voice that I found surprising for someone that was awoken by the storm.
"Mind if I hit the lights?" She asked me. "I kind of want to see how red your face is right now."
"You're going to do it despite what I tell you so you might as well go ahead," I told her.
She reached out and, to my relief, only turned on the lights above the island in the kitchen which bathed the area in a soft golden hue.
"Well?" I asked as she stepped closer to me.
She paused for a moment and seemed to really study my face even pushing her glasses up to the bridge of her nose which I found endearing.
"I thought it'd be worse," She frowned. "I guess you hide it well."
"Either that or I'm not as embarrassed about my teddy bear as you think I should be," I smiled.
"I guess I should be the one that's embarrassed," She sighed.
"I would agree that Tinkerbelle pajamas would be a little embarrassing but you make them work for you," I commented.
She looked down and seemed that she had forgotten what she was wearing. She frowned then looked up at my smiling face.
"I'll bet your teddy bear is pink isn't it?" She accused me with an angry look on her face.
"Pink can be a manly color," I answered with as straight a face as I could manage.
"Uh huh sure it is, Kenny," She said then shook her head. "Damn it, I'm doing it again."
"Doing what again?" I asked.
"Scott's your friend and he's fighting for his life right now and here I am acting like... like...," She stammered for the right word.
"Like a friend," I supplied for her.
"I was going to say idiot," She said.
"You're not an idiot," I assured her.
"What about the whole don't look like a seal thing?" She sighed and leaned back against the counter.
She folded her arms under her breasts which pushed them up and created an impressive amount of cleavage in her Tinkerbell tank top style top. The frown that was on her face told me that she wasn't doing it flirtatiously but rather it was a defensive posture. I leaned back against the counter and forced my eyes to her lowered head.
"I thought the seal thing was pretty funny but it was kind of mean that I didn't explain that I didn't explain the double meaning to you I suppose," I said.
"So you're saying that I can blame you for this anxiety I've been carrying around today?" she asked as she looked up.
She looked a little surprised that she didn't find my eyes on her chest when she looked up. A smile briefly appeared on her lips as she met my gaze.
"I guess so?" I answered with a shake of my head. "Hey, did you come down here to apologize to me only to turn the tables and have me apologize to you? Oh, you're good, Michelle. You are very good."
"No, that was just a happy coincidence," She smiled.
"A happy coincidence huh?" I said.
"Still think that soon to be marine biologist is still as nice as she seemed to be?" She grinned.
"I heard that she helped my friend with some suggestion of hers so I think I was right about her being even nicer than she appeared," I answered.
"Okay, I made you blush and now you've made me blush so let's call it even," she said. "Scott is my friend too so there's really no need to thank me. I'm just glad that it worked. He's a great guy and he makes Lissa happy so anything I can do for them both, I'll do it. I owe her a lot."
"I know how you feel," I nodded. "Scottie's saved my life more than a few times so I owe him big time."
"Oh, is that why you're here now?" She asked.
"Paying off part of that debt? I guess you could say that's one reason I'm here," I answered.
"I was in Orlando when I got the call about what happened. I hopped the first plane out to be with Lis," She shared.
"Oh, you live in Florida?" I asked.
"No, I live here. Well not *here* here. Myrtle Beach here. I have a place, a house actually, well my parents have a house but it's mine now. Well, it's still theirs but I live there now or again. God, I sound like such an airhead!" She exclaimed.
"I promise you that I don't think you're an airhead," I told her. "It does sound like you might have had too much caffeine which explains why you're up at two in the morning."
"Thank you for not instantly thinking I'm some dumb blonde because I was babbling," She said. "No caffeine except for with my morning coffee. I have insomnia. I've had it since I was nine."
"Nine really? Wow, that's a long time to deal with something that tough," I said.
"I guess that I'm just used to it," She shrugged. "I usually watch some movies or something."
"Movies huh? I've heard Mr. Voss has quite a collection of movies," I commented.
"He does have quite the collection," She shared. "I'll watch some old Bogart or Hitchcock movies here when I can't sleep. I watch them late at night because Addison isn't a fan of black and white movies."
"And you are?" I asked surprised.
"You sound surprised," She giggled.
"I am," I answered. "You don't look like any film buffs that I know."
"Can't judge a book by her cover, Kenny. I've always loved films. They even inspired me to become a Marine Biologist," She shared.
"You're going to need a bigger boat," I quoted the movie Jaws and her eyes lit up.
"I love Jaws! It scared me so bad when I first saw it that I wouldn't even take a bath! I insisted on showers for about a month until mom got me a book on sharks. I read it cover to cover about a gajillion times and became fascinated by them," She enthused.
"A gajillion huh," I chuckled. "I'm not entirely sure that's a real number."
"Sure it is," She smiled then paused for a second. "Okay fine, it's not but I did read it until the cover came off."
"That I can believe," I said.
"Because I look all nerdy?" She asked.
"I didn't say that," I countered. "I think you look quite... uh, you said something about movies."
"You are a smooth one, Kenny," She grinned then let me off the hook. "I did. I have spent a lot of my sleepless nights watching movies from Mr. Voss's collection. I know most of the dialogue by heart!"
"Maybe if I wasn't on duty, I'd take you up on a friendly contest of who knows what movie best," I told her.
"I can keep an eye on things for you," Joe said.
Both Michelle and I jumped at the sound because he was standing in the darkened kitchen doorway.
"Jesus, Joe, having you yammering in my ear is one thing but popping up in the dark is unnerving," I told him.
"You haven't put your earbud back in. I just came down to make sure you didn't forget," He told me then looked a Michelle. "Hi."
"Hello," She said and gave him a slight wave.
"Michelle, this is Joe, he's the genius who came up with this security system," I introduced them. "He can see everything that goes on in this place but just happened to not mention that you were creeping up on me."
"I was not creeping," She defended. "I was merely coming down for a glass of water. You're the one standing around in the dark talking to yourself. That's creepy, Kenny."
"Weren't you supposed to be apologizing to me?" I asked. "I could have sworn that someone said they were going to apologize and not be horrible."
"You haven't seen my horrible, Kenny," She warned me then turned to Joe. "It's nice to meet you, Joe. I guess he wasn't exactly talking to himself I suppose."
"Nice to meet you too, Michelle. And no he was chatting with me about the storm and looking creepy standing alone in the dark," Joe said then turned to me. "Sorry about that, boss. I thought it'd be funny to see if she could sneak up on you but if you prefer to embarrass him but beating him in the movie trivia or whatever, feel free to. I'll keep an eye on things and give you a head's up if anything's going on as long as you put your earbud back in place."
"Yes, mother," I teased him. "I'm putting it back in place now."
"Cool," He nodded. "Now I can get in touch in case I need you or you need help with your movie lines."
"No cheating," Michelle told us.
"I wouldn't dream of it," I answered innocently. "Night, Joe."
"Yes, goodnight, Joe," Michelle said. "It was very nice meeting you."
"You too," He said then headed for the stairs.
"I was not being creepy," I said as we left the kitchen for the theater room.
"You were being very creepy," She responded.
"I was watching the storm," I shared.
"Uh huh," She nodded. "Sure you were, Kenny."
"I was. You can't see out there with the light on in here which why I was standing in the dark," I explained.
She cocked her head and listened to the rain outside. It was coming down so hard that it was a dull roar even inside the massive house.
"It's raining so hard that you couldn't see outside with it like this anyway," she said.
"You do have a point there," I conceded.
"So you were just being creepy then," She smiled.
"I... I'm not going to win this argument am I?" I sighed.
"I don't see how you could at this point," She laughed.
"Me either," I shook my head. "So do you still want to watch a movie with a creepy guy that stands in dark kitchens?"
She paused in the hallway and pretended to think it over for several long moments before she shrugged.
"Karly did vouch for you earlier so I guess that I could show you the benefit of the doubt and watch one with you," she said.
"Karly is an excellent judge of character," I commented.
"Have her tell you about Slice sometime and you'll rethink that opinion," She told me.
"Slice. Right. Almost forgot about that guy," I said. "You've got me there I guess but how about you get to pick the movie we watch?"
"Very gallant of you, Kenny," she said.
"The bet is off if you trick me and pull out some Katherine Heigl flick for us to watch," I warned her. "I don't have clue one about the dialogue in those movies."
She turned to me, smiled and told me, "I'm sure that your pink teddy bear knows all those lines though."
"You're in luck, Kenny," Michelle called out as she flipped through the movie selection. "No Heigl movies though there is an inordinate amount of Reese Witherspoon flicks here though."
"Would you say that it's a creepy amount of Reese Witherspoon movies?" I asked with a grin.
"Cute," She said as she looked at the titles. "I think they have every movie that she's ever been in."
"Addison's?" I asked.
"Addison likes things like Dune and Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Oh and if she ever tries to get you to watch this movie called Eye's of Fire, do yourself a favor and just run," She warned me.
"That bad huh?" I asked.
"You'd rather spend a day at the DMV while having a toothache as they do construction inside the building than try and sit through that movie," She stated.
I cringed at her description.
"Sounds like I should run if she suggests for me to watch a movie with her," I said.
"As fast and as far as you can," She smiled.
She spent another couple of seconds looking over the collection then found the one she wanted.
"How about this one? It seems appropriate," She commented as she showed me the title.
"Key Largo, huh?" I asked then launched into a little of the dialogue from it. "You don't like it; do you Rocco, the storm? Show it your gun why don't you? If it doesn't stop, shoot it!"
I did my best Bogart impression with the line and saw Michelle's eyebrows rise with surprise. She eyed for a moment then shook her head.
"You're a Bogart fan huh? I should have figured," She said. "I think I might be in trouble with this bet."
"You can pick another movie if you want," I told her.
"No, I'm good and like I said it feels appropriate," She said.
A peel of thunder rumbled overhead just then as if it agreed with her.
"Winner gets to mock the loser right?" She asked.
"I don't know. I mean you've been mocking me since we met. I'm not sure how much more I can take," I chuckled.
"Then I suggest you don't lose," She winked as she pressed play on the movie.
I took a seat on the opposite end of what I still think was the comfiest couch I had ever sat on while Michelle sat on the other.
"Someone should have made popcorn," She stated as the movie started.
"I'm going to be in enough trouble with Mr. Williams if it gets out that I'm watching a movie," I said. "If popcorn makes an appearance things will just be worse I think."
"Cassidy's not so bad," She said. "Don't you work for Mr. Kortesis though?"
"I do but since we're here to supplement the onsite security we defer to Mr. Williams as lead," I explained. "He was not a fan of us coming in especially where I come in it seems."
"That's odd, he's always been very friendly to me." She shared. "You ever think that maybe it's just you?"
"Only everyday since I was around ten," I chuckled.
"Well Karly and I think you're okay," She smiled. "You're bordering on all right even."
"All right, huh?" I laughed. "I'll do my best to get there then."
We spent the next several minutes doing dialog, her for Bacall and me for Bogart, with neither of us messing up too badly.
"You really know this movie," I commended her.
"While it's not a classic per say, I still like it. I mean, it's got Bogart, Bacall, Robinson, Barrymore, mobsters, a hurricane and a shootout on a boat," She enthused.
"And it was Bogart and Bacall's last movie together," I threw out my bit of trivia about the movie.
"Exactly," She agreed showing her own knowledge. "I like To Have and Have Not a little better but this one's still great. I've watched most of these movies about a dozen times each over the years."
"I guess that you have a lot of time to watch them with the insomnia and all," I guessed aloud.
"When I was younger that called them night terrors now it's insomnia but it's always the same. I get to sleep just fine and then... something happens causing me to wake up in a panic then I have trouble getting back to sleep. Movies help. Sometimes," She shared.
"I kind of know where you're coming from," I said. "I'll wake up in my bed covered in a cold sweat after some nightmares about things that happened while I was in the service. Sometimes I can go back to sleep but not most times."
We watched a bit more of the movie quietly for a few moments. I wondered if she was wondering why she was opening up so easily to perfect stranger. God knows that I wondered myself.
"Cat naps help," She said. "I catch one here or there during the day."
"I can't ever sleep during the day," I commented then did a line of Bogarts then added. "I've tried for years but I just can't do it."
"Blackout curtains help," She told me then switched gears. "Any special meaning behind your tattoos?"
I missed her question because I was doing one of Bogart's line.
"I'm sorry, I missed that," I apologized. "What did you ask me?"
"Your tattoos," She repeated. "I noticed that you have the same shark themed one as Scott and was wondering if there was a significance to them."
"It doesn't mean we're going steady if that's what you're asking," I joked.
"Aw too bad," She smiled. "You'd make a cute couple."
"Funny," I laughed. "We all wanted to get something as a team and well that's what we came up with as our unofficial team emblem of sorts since we can't go around with SEAL team emblazoned on our arms. The bad guys would love for us to identify ourselves like that so we had to come with something of our own."
"You guys know that sharks eat seals right?" She pointed out.
"You've met all of us now. Do we seem like the kind of guys to think those sorts of things out?" I asked.
"Yeah, you really don't." She stated with a grin. "I mean you did wonder about the dangers of Stonefish here of all places."
"And the box jellyfish," I said. "Let's not forget about that one."
"Oh, I haven't. What about your other well thought out tattoo? There's something familiar about it to me but I can't place it why I know it," She said.
"You ever hear of Iron Maiden?" I asked.
"I think I have," She answered. "They sound familiar at least."
"This is their mascot dressed up from one of their songs called The Trooper," I explained. "A chopper pilot we had turned me on to them because he played a couple of their albums constantly. I think he did it just to scare the locals half the time."
"Scary huh," She remarked. "I'll have to give them a listen sometime and see for myself."
"You do that and let me know what you think," I told then went back to watching and reciting the movie.
As the movie neared the end I noticed that Michelle's stopped doing lines. I looked over at her and saw that she had fallen asleep curled up on her end of the couch. I shut off the TV and found a nearby blanket to cover her with smiling down as a cute little snort escaped her lips.
"Sweet dreams, Michelle," I whispered as I quietly left the room.
"I take it that I didn't miss anything Joe," I said after closing the door to the theater room.
"Not much," He answered after a moment. "The storm has moved off but there's another that might swing our way soon. Everyone is staying in just in case. That and it is still raining cats and dogs out there. You and Michelle did have a visitor in case you missed it."
"Karly," I stated. "I saw a flash of red hair when I thought I heard the door opening."
"Yeah, she came down, got some water and sneaked a peek in on you two," He answered.
"She didn't see anything inappropriate did she?" He questioned after a pause.
"You already know the answer to that, Joe," I told him. "You've got a camera in there. I spotted it on the monitors when you gave me the tour of your office. You probably watched the movie with us."
"I can neither confirm nor deny whether or not that occurred," He chuckled. "I will just say that Edward G Robinson makes for an awesome villain."
"Yes he did," I agreed then stretched to loosen up as I stifled a yawn.
"Only a couple more hours to go," He advised me.
"Yeah," I nodded. "How bad is it really raining? I kind of want some fresh air."
"Pretty hard but you can head into the breezeway by the pool if you want," He shared. "You won't get rained on there."
"Sounds good," I responded and headed for the pool but then paused at the door. "Joe, keep an eye on her for me."
"Can do, boss," He answered then added. "You know it kind of sounds like you have a thing for her."
"Not enough time together to say one way or another," I admitted as I shook my head. "There's a definite connection but who knows. It's still early yet, right?"
After my shift I changed into my swim trunks and was back out on the beach getting ready to head into the surf when Michelle came jogging up behind me.
"You weren't gonna wait for your swim buddy to join you?" She asked with a smile. "What if you ran into a Box Jellyfish out there?"
"Oh I have it on good authority that there are no Box Jellyfish around here. Just yesterday, this nice marine biologist told me I had nothing to fear from them around here," I said. "Besides you were sleeping so soundly when I left you this morning, I figured you'd be out until noon. I thought that I'd just have to take my chances alone out there."
"Not a chance, Kenny," She told as she started to peel her shorts down her long legs.
Her cotton shorts slipped down her tanned thighs like honey dripping down off the end of a spoon. She could feel my eyes devouring her, she had to, but she didn't act offended under my gaze. She even turned a little to the side giving me just a slight peek at her wonderfully tight rear end.
"I was sleeping really well but since I missed the end of the movie I guess I forfeited the bet huh?" She asked as she kicked her shorts to the side.
"Bet? There was a bet?" I stammered as I swallowed hard and tried not to stare at her hot body.
"There was," She answered in a way that I knew I was busted but she just laid her towel down then laid her glasses on it. "And I think you just took your prize for winning said bet."
"I'm sorry about that, Michelle," I apologized. "You just caught me off guard."
"A bodyguard caught off guard. Not a good look for you, Kenny," She teased me. "It's cool though. I mean I did check out your tattoos and all. Guess that makes us even. Race ya!"
She laughed and raced toward the waves and I jogged behind her because this is one race where being in second place felt like winning. Her toned butt bounced with each stride she took and I was marveling at just how perfect it looked in her swimsuit.
"If she looks back you're dead," I thought to myself so I picked up my pace.
I got even with her and we hit the water at the same time. We splashed through the first set of small waves then I dove over the next set into the deeper water. I swam under for a moment before I popped up and wiped my face. Michelle was right with me. She wiped the water from her face as well and was smiling at me.
"Wow!" I exclaimed. "I forgot how cool the water can get after a storm."
"It'll get warmer as we get out a beyond the breakers," She reminded me as she dove under the next wave and swam further out.
I followed her out and started my swim a few yards from where she was. After about a half hour I slowed my strokes then started to tread water. Michelle noticed the I had stopped then pushed herself to close the last few feet until she was beside me.
"Now that was a work out," She said. "You really had me pushing myself to keep up with you."
"Sorry, I meant to take it easy on you but I guess I got a little carried away," I told her. "I kind of zone out a bit when I'm swimming."
"I usually do the same but it was nice to have someone to zone out with," She smiled.
"It definitely was," I nodded. "At least I know I'm going to be sleeping good when I hit the sack in a few minutes. That was good workout."
"Are ready to head in?" She asked as we bobbed in the ocean swells.
"Whenever you are," I told her.
She nodded, turned and started for the beach. I fell in with her until we both body surfed a wave into the shallower water then walked back to our towels.
As we're drying off I asked her, "How often do you spend the night here?"
The words were barely out of my mouth when it hit me how that sounded.
"Oh God, now that was a horrible line," I added then adopted a Chechen accent. "You come here often? I buy you drink, you be my friend, huh?"
Michelle stared at me for a moment with a shocked expression then she started to crack up laughing.
"Oh Vlad is joke to you, huh? His money is no good to buy you drink huh? All American women all the same they no like Vlad," I continued with my accent.
She sat on her towel and was laughing so hard that tears started to spill down her cheeks.
"Stop!" She cried out as she rocked on her towel. "I can barely breathe!"
I nodded and continued to dry off. After she calmed down and caught her breath she looked up at me.
"God, I haven't laughed like that for awhile. Was that supposed to be Russian?" She asked.
"Chechen," I answered. "I haven't had to use it for a few years, so I might be a little rusty."
"If it was I couldn't tell," She assured me. "That was funny, Kenny. Who knew you were a funny guy as well."
"Oh come on, you know you wanted to laugh when I mentioned the dangers of the Box Jellyfish and Stonefish being around here but you were being polite," I said.
"Don't try and play off your lack of knowledge about the ocean. I mean if you knew all those things then it really would have been a line, right?" She grinned at me.
"It kept you talking to me didn't it?" I asked.
"Kenny," She paused for a long moment before she continued. "You should know that I'm just not looking for anything romantic right now. My last relationship with a guy... well it ended pretty badly and I don't think I'm ready to try again just yet."
"You don't have to say anything more, Michelle, I understand," I told her trying my best not to sound disappointed. "My last relationship wouldn't win any awards either. I guess we've all been there before."
"We can still hang out though," She said.
The way she said it sounds like a question and a statement at the same time. I gave her a smile and a nod.
"You and I can, but I think you might have hurt Vlad's feelings," I winked at her.
"Think you can put in a good word for your swim buddy with him?" She smiled.
"I can try," I sighed. "The guy can be temperamental but I'll see what I can do."
"Thanks and maybe if you let him know that I'm here all week while my house goes through some fumigation maybe he'll be more forgiving," She put forth. "You know. Since he asked."
"Yeah, he isn't one to hold a grudge," I chuckled.
"So I'll see you later?" She asked.
"I hope so... I mean as long as nothing's going on security wise, I'll see what I can do," I told her.
"You do that. I might even let you pick the movie tonight," She said as she started to pull her jogging shorts back up her legs.
This time I didn't ogle her as she did it. She had set her limit and I wasn't going to cross it no matter how much I may have wanted to.
"As long as it's not a Ben Affleck flick," She added as tossed her towel over her shoulder.
"I make no such promises," I replied. "He killed it in Daredevil."
"Daredevil, seriously?" She asked. "Phantoms maybe but Daredevil, not even."
I watched her as she walked back to the gate. I may have felt that I should honor the line that she had drawn but I was still a guy.
Addison woke up earlier than usual and tugged a robe on over her silky pajamas before she slipped out of her room. She tapped on the guest bedroom door then peeked inside. She wasn't surprised when she didn't find Michelle inside. Most of the nights that she stayed over, even when they were still in high school together, she usually found her on the couch in her father's den with the television on watching his old movies. She stretched, yawned and stepped out onto her veranda to feel the morning sunlight and smell the ocean air. Looking towards the ocean she saw a pair of figures that were walking in from the surf. One she instantly recognized as Michelle from her blond ponytail and one piece swimsuit.
"Out swimming with the new guy obviously," Addison sighed and went back inside.
By the time she got downstairs Michelle was walking into the kitchen still toweling her damp hair.
"Good morning, Michelle," Addison said as she pulled out a box of cereal from the pantry. "Where's your new friend?"
"Kenny?" She asked. "He's back at the guest house I suppose. Why?"
"Michelle, he's the help. Why are you hanging out with him?" Addison exclaimed.
"The help... Jesus, Addison, he's here to protect you and your family, not dust the furniture, or wash the cars!" Michelle argued.
"So?" Addison asked.
"So I've seen you making eyes at that Alex guy," Michelle said.
"Alex owns the company," Addison stated.
"Making it different, how exactly?" She asked.
"Have you seen his suits or that watch he wears? Ooo and that Jaguar he drives?" Addison asked.
"No I haven't and all the things you mentioned are material things. Do you know anything about the man himself?" Michelle asked.
"Who needs to know things like that?" Addison argued.
"I do for one. I like to be with people that I have things in common with," Michelle responded.
"And what do you have in common with an ex-Navy SEAL who's now a security guard?" Addison challenged.
"So far I've found that he and I have a few things in common," she answered.
"Really? Like what?" Addison smirked.
"Are you really going to argue with me about making a new friend Addison?" Michelle asked.
"As I thought," Addison sighed. "You have nothing at all in common."
"You want to play it this way, fine," Michelle stated. "We both like to take morning swims for exercise. We both enjoy watching old movies. So much so that we can both recite the lines in them verbatim. We both have tattoos. He can be funny and I like to laugh. We both know Vlad. That's just the tip of the iceberg."
Addison held up her hand as Michelle was ticking off items on hers.
"Whoa, hold on a second," She said. "Who the hell is Vlad?"
"He's mutual friend of ours," Michelle grinned. "Maybe you'll get to meet him."
"Michelle, I know all your friends and none of them are named Vlad," Addison said.
"See, I made two new friends all by myself. My mother would be so pleased," Michelle grinned.
"She'll wonder who abducted her daughter and put this new you in her place," Addison said.
"No she wouldn't," Michelle sighed. "Mom knows I'm friendly."
"With this Kenny guy it appears that you are getting very friendly with him," she giggled.
"You can stop that right now. He and I are just friends," Michelle said sternly.
"Sure he is, Michelle," Addison said.
"No, not *sure Michelle* . We're just friends," Michelle reiterated. "I'm serious."
"If you say so Michelle," Addison grinned.
It was a grin that Michelle knew all too well. She bit her tongue for a moment, turned and grabbed a bowl. She poured herself some cereal and grabbed a spoon before she spoke.
"I do say and after what happened with Ryan I will gladly thank you to drop this now," Michelle warned.
Addison immediately stopped talking. It had been almost nine months since Michelle had walked in on Addison and Ryan, Michelle's boyfriend at the time, fucking in an upstairs bedroom at Addison's going away party. Michelle had gone off in search of Addison and found her on a bed, on her hands and knees with Ryan plowing into her from behind. Michelle had gasped and they stopped.
"Michelle, I told you how sorry I was that I let that happen." She apologized.
"Addison, you didn't *let* anything happen. You went up there with him willingly, got him naked and then screwed him all the while knowing he was still my boyfriend," Michelle pointed out.
"He told me that you and he were on a break," Addison shared.
"Even if that was the case it still doesn't make it okay, Addison. I know you know that but I am willing to forgive you unless you keep badgering me about Kenny. Then I may have to rethink the whole forgiveness thing," she offered. "Now are you willing to drop it?"
"Drop what?" Karly asked as she bounced happily into the kitchen.
She snagged the bowl of cereal that Michelle had just poured then shoveled a spoonful into her mouth.
"Karly," Addison scolded her sister then reached for the pilfered bowl.
Karly playfully slid it just out of Addison's grasp then snorted laughter as she reached for it again only to be met with the same result.
"It's fine," Michelle stopped them and grabbed herself a new bowl. "If I can't share with my little sister who can I share with?"
"Thank you, big sis," Karly smiled around her mouthful of cereal.
"You guys know I hate when you do that, right?" Addison sighed.
"Why do you think we continue to do it?" Karly asked as she grinned then got back to her point. "So what was getting dropped again?"
"Nothing," Michelle said. "It was already dropped. Right, Addison?"
Addison kept her mouth shut and nodded but she cut her eyes toward the guesthouse as Karly so she would notice. The redhead smiled and shook her head while thinking that her sister was about as subtle as a cannon rapport.
"So, Michelle, how was Kenny this morning?" Karly asked with a devious smile.
Michelle glareed at Addison who held up her hands in submission.
"I didn't say a word," She argued.
"You gestured," Michelle accused.
"Did not," Addison tried to argue but she giggled.
"You so did," Michelle sighed. "Karly?"
"Hmm, I have to take up for my big sister but the question is which one?" Karly asked thoughtfully.
"Blood is thicker than water, sis," Addison reminded her.
"Your head is thick," Michelle murmured as she slurped up a spoonful of her cereal.
Karly heard her and giggled but Addison missed it entirely.
"Michelle did share her cereal with me though," Karly pointed out.
"It doesn't matter if I gestured or not," Addison argued. "Michelle's just avoiding the question."
Michelle contemplated starting another argument but decided that she wasn't feeling up to it.
"Kenny was fine this morning, Karly. Addison, I swear if you even so much as exhale funny...," Michelle warned.
Addison put her hand over her mouth but her eyes displayed her gleefulness at Michelle getting put on the spot.
"He didn't treat you like you were dumb at all did he?" Karly asked to get the conversation back on track.
"No," Michelle answered. "He was the nice guy that we both know him to be."
She made sure that she gave Addison a look when she emphasized *nice guy* .
"Told ya," Karly said to her sister.
"I guess everybody just makes nice with this new guy then huh? What's so special about him?" Addison asked.
"Maybe if you tried talking to him like the rest of us and not treating him and the other people that work here like they don't exist you'd find out why we think he's special," Karly stated.
Addison looked stunned and turned to Michelle who just nodded toward Karly.
"She made my argument for me," She shared.
"All right, I'm not going to take two against one this early. I'm heading up for a shower. Michelle, you and I can go to the hospital and check in on Lissa after you wash the ocean, sand and whatever off you," Addison told her with a smile.
"Addison..." Michelle growled but she had already hurried out of the kitchen.
Once she was gone Karly leaned over and whispered to Michelle.
"I know you two watched a movie together last night too," She confessed.
Michelle struggled not to snort milk from her nose but had to cough to keep it from happening.
"What?" she managed to choke out once she caught her breath.
"The storm woke me up and I came down to get some water. I heard someone in the theater room. I thought it was just you at first but when I peeked in I saw him sitting there with you," She shared.
"We were just two people watching a movie, Karly," Michelle quickly said. "That's all."
"Did I say it was anything more? It's not like I caught you two kissing or anything," Karly stated.
"Don't say that too loud," Michelle shushed her. "The last thing I need is your sister hearing anything remotely like that happening and she'd blow it all out of proportion."
"Sorry about that." Karly mimed locking her lips closed and tossing away the key. "Besides you and he make a cute couple. I wouldn't want to jeopardize that."
"We're not going to be a couple, Karly. I made that clear to him this morning," Michelle shared.
"He didn't try anything with you did he?" She worriedly asked.
"No, just some harmless flirting is all but I wanted to make things between us clear. So I told him that I had recently broken up with someone...," Michelle started but got interrupted.
"Nine months ago isn't recent, Michelle," Karly jumped in.
"When you catch him nailing your best friend during her going away party, it takes awhile to heal," She wanted to tell her but didn't want to drive the wedge between the two sisters even deeper.
"Maybe not but I'm still stinging from it. He understood where I was coming from and we're still planning to hang out," She assured her.
"Good," Karly said. "You guys do that for now and when the time is right then you can jump his bones."
Michelle dropped her head to her hands and shook it.
"Can men and women not just be friends?" She sighed.
"Of course they can, Michelle. Just remember that you are talking to a hormone driven teenager," Mr. Voss commented as he entered the kitchen.
"I'm not hormone driven, Dad," Karly argued. "I do believe that men and women can just be friends but some people, when you see them together you can just tell they're meant for something more."
He pondered that for moment while Michelle stared daggers at a grinning Karly.
"I suppose you're right about that," Mr. Voss decided. "So who is it that you think Michelle can't be just friends with?"
"I don't think she wants us to discuss that Dad," Karly back peddled not wanting to get anyone in trouble.
"She means Kenny and me, Mr. Voss," Michelle admited to him which surprised Karly. "Trying to tiptoe around it makes it sound like I'm doing something or rather we're doing something that we shouldn't be and we aren't, sir. I met him the other morning on the beach and we had a nice talk. He kept me company last night when I couldn't sleep then we met again for a morning swim. I figured that I have made a new friend and nothing more but certain people just can't understand that."
"Do I need to have a talk with him, Michelle? Man to man so to speak?" Mr. Voss asked seriously.
He had always taken a fatherly role in Michelle's life even when her mother remarried. He still felt that she was just as much his daughter as his actual flesh and blood ones were.
"No sir, that isn't necessary. Kenny's been kind and understanding since we met," She assured him.
"Then what is the problem?" He asked.
"Your other daughter obviously," Karly laughed.
"Addison's probably just being over protective of you, Michelle, and I know how annoying that can seem," He said as he looked pointedly at Karly who rolled her eyes. "Just remember that she loves you and if you want to be friends with Kenny then I'm sure she'll come around once she gets to know him better."
"I'm sure that she will. She just manages to get right under my skin at times. Thankfully I have Karly here to help keep me sane. Sometimes," She added with a playful glare.
"Always big sis," Karly laughed.
"Just practice patience and everything will work out fine in the end," Mr. Voss told. "Which movie did you and Mr. Grayson watch last night?" He asked.
"He had his ear thing in the whole time," She stated quickly. "Joe said that he would let him know if he was needed so he wasn't just shirking his duties."
"I'm impressed that you're on a first name basis with the security people at all, Michelle," He chuckled. "I'm not going to get upset over a little movie watching and he I assume that he was watching over you so he was doing his job. At least in spirit."
"I'll bet he was looking over..." Karly started to say but Michelle cut her off.
"Key Largo," Michelle said quickly as she shook her head at Karly who tried to stifle her giggles.
"Ah one of my favorites," He commented and then started humming the song Key Largo to himself for a moment before he switched to singing it aloud. "We had it all... just like Bogie and Bacall..."
Michelle and Karly started laughing at the impromptu concert as Mrs. Voss entered the kitchen. She was immediately pulled into her husband's arms and swung across the floor.
"James, what's gotten into you?' She tried to ask as he twirled her around still singing.
She shook her head and allowed him dance her all over the kitchen while the two at the table continue to laugh. She looked at the two girls and passed along a warning.
"If he starts singing The Pina Colada Song next, girls, you should run," She warned.
"I think we should run anyway," Karly stated and hopped to her feet.
She grabbed Michelle by the hand and pulled her up to her feet.
"Bowls first, Karly," Michelle reminded her as she reached for both bowls.
Karly snagged her own bowl first then Michelle's before the deposited both into the sink.
"Better hurry girls," Mrs. Voss called out. "He's got that look in his eyes."
"I was tired of my lady... we'd been together too long..." Mr. Voss started to sing as they headed out of the kitchen to the safety of Karly's room.
Scott's Recovery
Lissa was seated at Scott's bedside lightly dozing when she heard someone trying to say her name. It sounded gravelly and came out as a whisper.
"Lis?" Scott repeated.
"Baby," She asked suddenly awake. "Scottie, I'm here!"
She leapt to her feet and hit the Nurse Call button on his bed as she leaned in close to his face. His eyes were a little unfocused be he smiled at her.
"What can I do?" She asked in near sobs.
"Water?" He whispered.
She nodded and grabbed the nearby pitcher. Her hands were shaking so badly as she poured it she nearly missed the cup.
"Careful," She whispered as she lifted the cup to his lips. "Just try to sip it."
He nodded as she helped him drink down the cool, soothing liquid.
"Thanks, baby," He whispered and sounded better.
She leaned down and kissed him lightly on his lips as the door opened behind them.
"Trying to wake up Sleeping Beauty with a kiss, Lis?" Addison asked as she spied her friend bent over the bed.
Lissa turned with tears in her eyes and saw her two best friends had entered the room. Michelle was the first to spot the tears on Lissa's face.
"Lissa, what's...?" Michelle started to ask but before she could finish her sentence Lissa was up and hugging her tightly.
"He's awake!" She cried out nearly squeezing the breath from her friend.
"That's great, Lis, but why are you hugging me?" Michelle asked.
"Because she might kill him if she grabbed him like that," Addison pointed out as she moved to the bedside. "How are you feeling, Scott?"
"I've been better," He coughed but gave her a smile as she nurse walked in.
Once she saw her patient was awake she ordered the three out.
"Ladies, I need you give me a few minutes with him. I'll have the doctor come out to the waiting area once we're finished examining him," She told them.
Lissa gave him another kiss. "Baby, I'll be back as soon as they let me."
"Love you, Pumpkin," He managed to say as he nodded.
"Love you too, Sailor man," She called out her voice cracking as she exited the room. | literotica |
Title: Medusa: Fate's Game Ch. 01
Tags: lamia, monster, monster sex, nonhuman romance, monster romance, large breasts, fantasy, adventure, greek mythology, squirting
*Author's Note:
This story is a rewrite of my original story about Medusa and Darian from years ago. This time, the story is fully planned out, and it's going to be a long one. Hang tight and enjoy the ride.
Medusa: Fate's Game is a fantasy adventure story, heavy on the romance and the erotica, but also on action and violence. If you like a slow-building, epic story with a lot of character, I hope you'll give it a shot. See my Bio for details and updates.*
Blood poured from her scales onto the smooth stones of the temple. There would be no hiding, not while she was marking the path behind her like a bleeding deer. Artemis would have laughed.
"Get back here!" The warrior's voice echoed throughout the temple, empty as it was. No one but her, no one. Except for these fools.
The four of them poured up her steps, past the garden of statues worn with time, and into the vast nave. It too was filled with statues, but instead of the warriors that decorated the stairs of the temple, these were statues of simple men, women, and children, clamoring over each other to escape something from long ago.
She slithered as best she could among these statues, hiding in the dark, as pointless as it was. They had torches, they had spears and shields, and they would have no trouble dealing with her amid the standing stones. Each time a flicker of fire light crossed the faces of the dead, she looked away from their petrified eyes, and trembled.
"Found you!"
One of the warriors squeezed through the standing statues before lunging at her with both hands upon his spear.
"Leave me alone!" She twisted, veered, and slithered between the array of standing dead with practiced speed. The spear's tip dinged harmlessly off of one of the stone, but the warrior was not alone. The three others were behind him a moment later, and were circling around her, using the statues of the dead as cover.
She slammed her tail behind her, ignored the pain and splattering red of her blood, and cracked its tip toward one of the warriors who approached. The bastard was too fast, and hid behind the stone dead as soon as she swung her tail. The weight of her body was far greater than the young Athenian could anticipate though, and the statue they hid behind cracked apart like a pebble on an anvil. Bits of the once loyal servant of the gods, now nothing but stone, shattered against the temple walls. The warrior on the other hand had managed to duck, and he dived back down into the shadows cast by their dropped torches.
Another warrior nearest to her, brave, or cocky, took advantage of the distraction. He leaped up onto the statues, and bounced on several pairs of shoulders before throwing himself into the air toward her.
She stared at him, and let the monster inside out. Her face bent, twisted, and elongated. Her jaw grew pointed, huge, her neck grew thick, and her fangs grew massive. Where there was once skin, snake scales emerged and covered her face, neck, even her arms and torso. Her voice came out only as a harsh hiss, and her snake hair grew into a mane of pythons as long as a man was tall.
They wanted to see the monster. Then let them see.
A bright, burning light of gold erupted from her horrible, mutated snake eyes. It lasted only moments, but it was more than enough to cast half the temple in the powerful gaze. The other three warriors were quick to hide themselves behind the many pillars of Athena's once great temple, but the one in front of her had no such option. He landed only several feet away from the base of her snake tail, and was trying to stab his spear down into her with both arms.
But then he raised raised both his hands into the air, slowly, and with a grinding scream of pain to follow it. The crunch of the transformation was louder than breaking bones, and sounded like rock cracking under flame. With each stomach-turning snap, the Athenian bent and twisted in pain, and each time it was a little less as he was turned.
In only took a few seconds, but it was a few seconds of pain and misery, and she had to watch every unending second of it. The warrior was staring at her, eyes wide, mouth open, screams of pain his last moment before he was nothing but stone.
The deed done, she closed her eyes, and the monster hid itself back into her. Her skin reemerged, and her face molded back into a human's shape. She was still half snake, but at least the monster no longer devoured her face, and she breathed deep with the effort, exhausted.
"Vile creature! Submit before the will of the gods and die!" Another warrior, hidden, creeping and blending in with the dead. Like wolves prowling among the trees.
"Leave me alone! I just want to be left alone!"
She tried to get breath into her as fast as possible, but there was no time to rest. She could still see glimpses of the others, the edges of their armor and weapons around the sides of the pillars. She bit down on her teeth until her jaw hurt, and snapped her tail, the whole length of it. The nearby statues, with their horrified faces and gaping mouths, gave way to the weight and speed of her body. They broke as ashes; she could mourn them later. For now, she had only one goal.
Her tail wrapped the nearest pillar with the harsh snap of a whip. The pillar shook from the impact, body parts from the destroyed human statues scattered across the temple floor, and Medusa clenched down on the massive muscles that filled her tail. She'd caught one of the intruders in her grip. The warrior on the other side of the pillar struggled for a mere few seconds before his crushed insides ruptured, and vomited blood spilled over her scales.
"Die, monster!"
She made a mistake. Her tail unwrapped from the pillar, and she tried to get away as fast as she could, but another Athenian hidden behind a statue of Athena capitalized and jumped toward her tail. His spear skewered through her scales, worked into the muscle past the ribs of her snake body, before her pained thrashing snapped the spear's wooden shaft and knocked the warrior backward away from her.
"Please! Let me be," she said, and started to drag herself away from the two remaining hunters. Don't look at the spear sticking out of you. Ignore the stab wounds. Ignore the blood. Get away.
But she only managed to reach the pulpit of the temple before she collapsed. Her blood was leaking out of her, stars filled her vision, and her breath came out as nothing but pants. When she looked up, all she saw was the crying face of the temple's largest statue of Athena. Medusa too started to cry.
"You defiled this temple, whore. A hundred years is too long for a monster such as you to live."
The one who stabbed her, this time he had a sword and shield, and his face was crazed with rage and bloodlust; his Corinthian helmet could not hide them. He stepped closer and closer to her, up to her tail, past it to walk toward her human half, and he left sandal-prints of her blood behind him. The olive tree carved into the bastard's armor, gentle and proud, stood in sickening contrast to Medusa. The sword gleamed against the last traces of light that broke into the tainted temple, and his shield glared at him with Athena's face.
She spit on the shield, directly onto Athena's cheek, and the warrior glowered in disgust. He raised his sword.
The crunch of twisted bone and flesh caught both Medusa and her would-be killer by surprise. She raised her downcast head to look toward the sea of statues, and the Athenian turned to do the same. They both gasped.
The twilight hour buried everything in massive, blurry shadows that twisted in torchlight, and the temple's array of dead only added to the confusion, but both of them saw the other warrior collapse forward onto his knees. His head was facing the wrong direction.
Someone in the shadow took a step forward, someone with white, glowing eyes.
Not once in his life could Darian remember ever being this dirty.
He was trapped in a cage like a filthy mutt, complete with shit-covered feet, and dirt in every crevice and orifice. Fitting, he supposed. There were wood planks beneath him and ocean air misting through creaking wood, so that the cage had that pleasant odor of rot and fish. Each and every moment, he grew more and more unclean; a never ending journey of increasing foulness.
Darian put his back to the bars and turned to look at his guests. They were all much larger than he, either in height or gut, and hunched over with sleep or boredom. All of them - Darian too - wore the same rags for leggings and shirts of stained brown. No sandals to speak of. Sandals were too good for them. Splinters were apparently an intended form of punishment by their captors.
"Hey kid."
Darian raised his head. He did look like a kid, or at least a young man. Unlike the fat, lumbering oaf calling for his attention, Darian was a fit and lean little thing. His brown hair was a mess of dirt and oil in his eyes, and his beard had grown scraggly from an obviously unkempt life. With his brown eyes and tanned skin, he must have looked like a farmer's boy, all ready for the harvest.
"What marked you?" The fat one approached him. His skin hung off his face with age, but his arms were massive and his scars spoke much. He came closer and reached out; Darian tensed, but the fat one simply put an arm to the bars behind Darian, well over his shoulder.
"Back off." Darian put his hand against the fat bastard's chest, and pushed against his rags and carpet of chest chair to get him away. Disgusting.
"Awh, the little boy has bite." This time, the fat man put his calloused hand against Darian's chest and pushed him back. The returned favor easily put the smaller man against the jail bars with enough force to rattle them. Darian was only a small thing after all, and this tall, thick trunk of a fat man was likely nearly three times his weight.
"I said, what marked you? What put the boy in here with a slave mark?" the fat man said.
"Yeah, what'd you do to get ruined so early in life?" another man said. This one was bald with burn marks over his skull. His teeth were gone, one of his eyes was nothing but a huge scar, and his lanky form was almost disturbingly bony. Another criminal who lived on stolen scraps, most likely.
"Ahahehee, I bet he banged someone's daughter. Look at the pretty boy, not a scar on him. Well, except for that one." And three made the triumvirate of his companions. The third was, what could most concisely be described as a lecherous old goat, complete with a long white beard and bug eyes. Those disgusting eyes were looking at the small V on Darian's forehead, right between the eyebrows. He was the only one who had the mark.
"Slave for life is a pretty harsh punishment, little boy. Come, tell us what you did. We're all family now, destined for slaves in Athens." Back to the fat one. Coincidentally, or at least fittingly, he had a fat tongue too.
"... just leave it be, fat man," Darian said. His voice was cold and his stance firm, even against the rocking of the ship.
"Ooho! Scary!" The old one let out a sloppy laugh and pat his own knee from his seat in the corner. Splashes of waves from the outside managed to creep down through the planks of wood and drip down onto his bald head, but he didn't even seem to notice.
The fat one apparently didn't like to be called fat, and demonstrated his frustration with some loud knuckle cracking. Darian didn't budge or break his gaze, and kept his hands at his sides with clenched fists. Attack me, please, I dare you.
But he didn't. Instead the fat one just shrugged and returned to his wasted idling. The old man though, he motioned for Darian to come closer.
Darian shrugged, but acquiesced. An old man could prove an unlikely ally, or at least a source of information.
"I recognize you?" he said.
Darian grit his teeth. "Not sure what you mean."
"You seem familiar to me. May I know why you got marked."
"No no. Something is familiar! You... you... fucked some king's daughter!"
Everyone burst into laughter, old man included, until they were in stitches and trying to stop before they hurt themselves. Even Darian smiled.
"You think I'd be here if that was true?"
"Maybe. No king would risk the wrath of the Erinyes and kill a guest. Maybe you were a guest?"
It was Darian's turn to laugh. "You're a fool if... never mind."
No father would walk away from that.
He shrugged, turned away, and put his hand to the bars. They weren't worth getting upset over, just a few nameless prisoners on the way to Athens, same as him. At least they weren't slaves for life, as he was.
The floor creaked with the rocking waves, a little louder this time, enough to draw his attention. Maybe a storm was coming? Under the deck, he couldn't see anything, and the cell had no windows. The smell was atrocious.
"Poseidon seems angry. If we're forced to abandon ship, I'm leaving the four of you to drown." A guard sat across from them, the bars between him and the inmates, and he fiddled with a knife with all the care of a child. Athenian, he wore a basic breastplate, and some robes underneath, but that was all. The poor fool did not hold even a helmet. His loss.
Just one more day, Darian thought. Just one more day to Athens, and he would be free again. It would be a simple matter to trick the guard to coming near, and then he would smash the bastard's head into a mess of blood and bone against the bars. He'd fight his way out, he'd done it before, and then he'd vanish into the forest. Corinth was to the West, perhaps he'd head there?
The ship rocked to its side, this time with enough force that Darian had to catch the bars to keep from falling back. The others in the cell were quick to grab onto whatever was around them, but all they had was a bench, and other than the old man, the rest of them fell over with the sudden rocking. The guard too fell over, and was on his feet a moment later to fix his stool.
"Blessed Tartarus, that is a wicked storm. Captain! Everything all right?" the guard said. Of course, it was all buried underneath the growing roar of the sea. The moaning of bending wood, and the howls of blowing winds were becoming all too bold, to the point the guard gave a groan of frustration and started up the stairs to the main deck.
A cold shiver caught Darian's spine. Had they found him? Darian pried at the bars; no good, even with his strength. He tried to stick his head between them to see if he could see up the passageway and perhaps get a glimmer of the outside, but the bars were too close together. Again he tried to peel the bars apart, tried until his knuckles turned white and he started to see stars. The slightest bend, but not enough to mean a damn thing.
"The hell you doing kid?" the fat one said. "Ain't no getting out of here. Besides, slave's life ain't so bad, and you'll be worth some copper I'm sure. Guard won't let us drown."
"Least of my worries." Darian took a breath, and started to shake the bars back and forth. They didn't even shudder. Whoever built the ship, or at least the cell, really had an art for the craft.
"Watcha mean?"
No point in answering, they were all dead anyway. He'd survive though, if he had anything to say about it. But the ship's rocking only grew, and the howls of the wind ascended to a crescendo that started to rumble the bulkhead itself. Each moment he was trapped in his cage, with that storm growing stronger and stronger, was a moment robbed of his chances to escape and live.
If it was even his life the storm was after; it could have all been in his head. But another wind howl, shrieking a banshee's cry, said otherwise, and the crack of thunder that followed it shook him to his core. Eyes were on him, he could feel them. More eyes than the ones in his cell could account for.
He started shaking the bars again. "Help me you damn fools, before we drown!"
"We're not going to-"
Darian turned and gave the fat man a 'I will fucking kill you' glare, and it shut his face fat up in an instant. As if to emphasize his rage, the storm howled again, and this time the ship shook with something harder than waves. It felt like something hit it.
"It's coming, so get over here and help me before-"
Too late. He really should have just asked for their help earlier. Hubris indeed.
The explosion of water and splinters crashed into Darian before he could even move. The side of the ship collapsed inward, metal bars and wooden beams broke under the weight of something large and dark, and the outcry of cracking wood erupted through the water until Darian could feel it in his bones. He couldn't see what was happening, he had to close his eyes, but he could feel himself bounce against the lower deck, then something sharp against his leg, and then his head against what could have been anything.
The water pulled back with the same aggression, but he reached out to grab onto whatever it was he just collided with. Sure enough, when the water flooded back out through the giant crack in the ship's hull, Darien was left holding onto one of the beams, outside of the cell. As the water rushed to and fro, he collapsed from a height and landed on his knees against the deck floor; the water must have crushed him against the ceiling.
He coughed and sputtered on the salt water as it burned his lungs. Get up. Get the fuck up. He would not be this thing's prey. He would not allow it.
Opening his eyes took a few seconds, and he had to blink several times to make sure he wasn't seeing just an elongated blur. But no matter how hard rubbed at his eyes, hoping it was just an eyelash on his pupil, the colossal thing was still there. A giant, long slab of seafaring flesh, colored a blue so dark it would have blended with the deepest of the seas. Barnacles covered its skin, like freckles of white along its shape.
The sea groaned, and the giant limb moved in a slow, lumbering way. It was easily ten feet across, and wherever it started and ended were lost in the darkness of where it came from. It had crushed the ship under its weight, and had smashed the cell he was trapped within, only for the rushing water to send him and the others about in a whirlpool. His lean body had slipped through the damaged walls.
The others were not so lucky. The fat man was dead, crushed and filling the water with red. The bald one with the burns was snapped like a twig. The old one was trapped.
"Oh gods... oh gods oh gods!" he said. Terror and pain were in his wide eyes, and he was pressing his hands against the giant limb. His legs were underneath it, but the creature's tentacle had cut down through the deck; the old man's legs were probably just strands of flesh and clothes by that point, and much of the blood pooling around the fat man was probably the old man's too.
"K-kid! You gotta help me! Come on!" He grabbed at some of the raised and splintered wood, pulled, and got nowhere. "I-" The limb moved, and dragged the old man a foot further back into the water, enough to pull his head under the splashing waves. He kept flailing though, flailing and begging.
Darian got up and started to force his way through the rising water. The icy sea bit at him, and knocked his light body side to side while he gripped at the wooden beams around him. He gave a sideways glance to the old man and the growing pool of swishing blood, and kept going.
He's not worth it, just another sheep. Just keep going. Survive.
The stairway up to the deck was like a waterfall, and every time the sea took a breath, it flooded down over him so hard his feet flew out from underneath. He had to keep his grip on whatever bits of broken, bent, or sharp wood was nearby, and let the water rush past him between breaths. Progress was slow, and splinters started to build on his hands where he had to squeeze for his life, but it didn't matter. Pain didn't matter. Just keep moving.
What surprised him most was the blackness. It was supposed to be midday, where was the Sun? Did even Apollo curse him? The thought made him smile for a moment, but a crashing wave woke him. And then, the sound of screaming.
"We're going to die!"
"Get up Lucas!"
"Another comes from the East!"
"Get your swords up! It-"
The exploding sound of cracking wood and rushing water was all he could hear, until again the sea took another breath. Athenian soldiers were running around with their swords and shields, but the deck of the ship was a mess of chaos, with whole sections of the ship missing. More of the giant limbs were there, circling the massive ship like pythons, and strangling the ship to its last sliver of life.
Where there should have been a sun, there was only rolling crowds that snapped white against black with lightning. The thunder was just as deafening as the roaring waters and snapping timber around him.
"Zeus and Poseidon both rage against us!"
"Athena, what have we done to deserve such wrath?"
More pleas from the panicked crew. Many were just sailors, but the soldiers and guards were just as panicked and worthless. They screamed, cried, and swung their tiny swords at the giant tentacles that circled the ship, but they did nothing.
Darian took a slow breath, and walked out onto the deck. The masts had all been destroyed, snapped like twigs, and their sails were scattered over the chaos; he kept to the outside of the mess, and used a hand against one of the sail's to balance himself while he approached the railing of the ship.
"Is this all you can do?" he said to no one. No one could hear him anyway over the death screams and the madness. But he smiled anyway, and cast a snarl at the sea maelstrom, and another at the raging sky. "You'll have to do better than that."
The sea was listening. The water started to rise, like a dark mountain before him, and kept rising higher and higher until it blocked out the lightning clouds above them. Water poured over its mass like a waterfall until more and more of the thing's skin appeared underneath. It was as if the very sea itself decided to stand tall and face him.
Darian never did know how to keep his mouth shut.
Another mountain of water rose and split apart like an oozing wound over another of the thing's limbs. Thrashing waves of white scattered against the broken ship, rocked against it so Darian was forced down to a knee, even as he held onto the torn and toppled sail to keep from falling into the sea. Wind blinded him, stabbed him with biting cold that did not belong, and tried to lift him into the air.
Athenians, guards and soldiers alike, scampered and screamed like dying foxes before the wind ripped them from the deck and tossed them into the sea. Other prisoners lucky enough to get out of their cages cried even louder, their moment of joy and chance of freedom ruined as the ship groaned with its death. Only a few passengers still fought against the tentacles that engulfed the vessel, and they roared with worthless courage while their swords and spears bounced from the sea beast, or got stuck in its hide.
The monster had teeth, that much Darian could see in the chaos of the storm. High above and near the clouds, it faced down toward the vessel, and it roared in return. The heat of its breath and the stink of its meals forced struck Darian's stomach as much as his body, and the sound shook the waters until the vibrations dislodged broken masts into the churning death.
Darian just smiled. It was the only thing he was legitimately good at, after all.
A moaning so loud it deafened the storm forced Darian to bring his hands to his ears. When he looked up, the monster raised what could only have been an arm; massive as it was, everything it did was slow in contrast to its colossal shape. The motion of its hand moved the air, and blinds of light cast between its giant fingers from the lightning storm beyond it.
Its hand collided with the ship, and Darian watched on as the huge thing crushed a dozen men before it cracked the vessel. Like a child in a stream, crushing a twig against pebbles and shore. Darian, and the corpses of many flew through the air, scattered by the explosion of water, wood, and air.
Funny, all that waited for him was dark water filled with blood and splinters. And yet, he couldn't stop smiling.
Sea water burned the lungs like a breath of hot smoke.
He woke up coughing on pain, and he raised his hands to his throat before rolling onto his knees and a palm. His coughing was loud and wheezing, and he tried to keep it down before he summoned whatever or whoever was within earshot. No luck. He only made things worse, and the salt burned in his throat all the more.
But ten minutes later, he was sitting up, and looking out over a beach. Sand covered much of his body, and his ragged clothes had somehow managed to achieve a status beyond ragged. He must have passed out under the sun for some time, as the great light was already setting, and his skin had burned a little under Apollo's brightness. Seaweed was in his hair and beard too.
He stood up, plucked out the seaweed, brushed off the sand, stretched out his muscles, and laughed. He laughed, laughed louder, and laughed until his voice could probably be heard by everyone everywhere. But fuck them all, he didn't care anymore.
"I live! I live! Fuck you!" He picked up a rock and threw out into the sea. It went far, very far, until it nearly disappeared over the horizon. They could try, but they'd never kill him. It wasn't going to happen. He wouldn't allow it.
He took another sigh before scanning up and down the beach he was on.
"An island...." The pebbles that lined the beach were smoothed against the sand, and beach wood was scattered everywhere. The Aegean sea was full of islands, and he had seen many of them, but this one didn't tickle his memory. "No idea then." No idea where he was, marooned on an island, with the sun setting, and an empty belly. Delightful.
He turned his back to the sea and looked at what would probably his home for a while, until he could figure out what to do. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to just hide from the world for a while. The V on his forehead wasn't going to just vanish after all. Slave for life. The thought made him grit his teeth until his jaw clicked. Slaves could often eventually earn a living, or even freedom, but he had no such opportunity now that he was marked.
He would kill Proetus and Iobates if he could ever get his hands on them. Glorious images of their brutal deaths danced through his mind, their wriggling bodies skewered on spears. People would call him the Kingslayer. Did he care if people called him that, or even knew? A part of him cared if they knew; old habits die hard after all.
He knocked himself in the temple with a knuckle. Stop thinking about the future and fantasies, think about now. Survive. First thing's first, explore and search for some water. Food, even shelter could wait; they meant nothing if he was dead from dehydration.
There were a few trees along the karstic landscape, just small cliff faces of white stone, worn with time. The center of the island seemed to rise into a mountain, and it was lined with trees that must have hidden pools of water; these sort of islands always did. And that meant some wildlife. Better than nothing.
It was a longer island than he figured it'd be, and he started to jog along the beach as he tried to circle it. There were other islands on the horizon, but he could see no landmarks he could recognize from the distance. No ships either. Trade ships could come by, but they might not. He could very well be trapped. Maybe he'd die an old hermit? The thought made him laugh again. Would that be just deserts? Maybe.
But, the island started to form shape. Far in the distance against the beach edge, he could see a rising crest, something that stood tall and buried in the silhouette of the island's center mountain. It was definitely something man-made, or god-made, and as much as it pained him, that meant he had to know. It could be his way off the island. It could mean a trip to Athens to be sold. He kept walking toward it.
A statue, connected to a dock of stone and wood. The statue itself was something weird, some strange shape he could not understand, but it stood well over fifty-feet tall. And, as he got closer, he could see that it was actually two statues, and they were poised ready to pounce upon the ships in the dock. A terrifying sight and beautiful craftsmanship, but the statues had no legs with which to pounce.
That wasn't entirely true. He approached the dock with peeled eyes, and using what little light was left from dusk, he crept closer to the dock. Only one ship was moored, a small one, and only a few sailors were on it. He recognized it as an Athenian scouting vessel, and no guards, no soldiers, no one of risk was on it. But the ship was moored with long ropes, far too long for him to use as a bridge or ladder, as if the sailors were afraid to be near the island; he would not be able sneak aboard the vessel. So close, yet so far.
He kept to the bushes, and looked up to the statues that faced the nearly empty dock. Two gigantic gorgons, nude, with scaly skin, snakes for hair, horrifying, distorted faces, and huge fangs. Instead of legs, they had long, long snake bodies that melded into the earth, as if they were part of the very island itself.
"... Stheno... Euryale." Immortal gorgons indeed. The artist responsible for the design of these gorgon statues was inspired. Unless it was Hephaestus's work, then it was just a sick joke.
Beyond the two statues was a stone stairway, long and wide, that scaled up the mountain that crested the island. At first, it seemed like dozens, maybe hundreds of people were walking the stairs, but they weren't moving. At all. They were perfectly still.
Darian gulped. Sweat started to grow on his palms. His knees started to shake.
A joke. It was all a sick joke. He survived so much, spit on the gods, spit on kings, spit on the strange creatures that walked the world and hunted for men. And now, he was trapped on an island... with her.
He walked toward the stairs, too far from the ship to be spotted. The stairway was lined with huge columns, each with a snake carved into its shape and coiling up its height. They made the winding stairway seems so grand, so amazing, so... terrifying. And at the top of the stairway, far in the distance and up the mountain, he could see the grand entrance of a mighty temple.
And yet, he kept walking, up onto the stairway of carved and smooth white stone. He passed a statue, a warrior from Thebes, and another statue, this one a warrior from Sparta. There were other statues too, older, worn down and smoothed with what must have been decades of storms, statues that were running away from the temple. His mouth went dry.
But he kept going.
He knew he shouldn't. He knew what was happening, that he was being drawn to the danger. But his feet just kept taking more steps. He passed a woman, holding a baby wrapped in cloth to her chest. Stone. He passed a screaming child, mouth wide and tongue exposed. Stone. He passed a cluster of people holding each other's hands and running, except the group were all knocked over, as if they had turned to stone mid run. Parts of their bodies were scattered over the stairs.
The stories were true then. And yet, he kept walking.
The amount of people on the stairway grew, and their expressions of terror grew in tandem. Worse, the amount of stone warriors on the stairway facing the temple also grew, and almost all of them had their shield up to block something. Shields would not stop death from her gaze. If they could be considered dead.
Maybe he could get onto the vessel in the dock? Maybe pretend to need rescue? Maybe.... His eyes drifted back to the temple at the top of the stairway, bathed in the final waves of light from the setting sun. Was Medusa really in there?
He gulped again. It felt like swallowing large pebbles. He'd fought many things, but something that could turn him to stone with a glance? That wasn't something even he could fight. He didn't want to fight! Just, no matter how much he tried to pry his eyes away from the temple, he couldn't stop walking toward it.
So he crept forward, and entered the temple. The nave was grand, with massive walls of glorious stone carved with more snakes. Why snakes? What happened that had actually earned an artisan's efforts to build these grand structures? Between the magnificent columns, there were statues of Athena, and in each one of them, she had her hands to her eyes, as if saddened.
A crying goddess, surrounded by snakes, in a huge room filled with more dead. Chills danced down his spine and into his bare toes. The nave was almost packed with stone people, each one of them frozen in a moment's terror, all with their hands held up to try and block something. Their eyes were wide, and the temple walls had managed to keep the years from deteriorating the horror in their faces. Looking at the gaping mouths and wide eyes set his heart racing. One wrong move, and he'd end up like that.
"Found you!"
He jumped and turned toward the temple pulpit, where the largest statue of Athena stood. There was movement, weaving between the dozens of stone people, and the slap of sandals on the floor. And then, the sound of spear and sword against stone.
He got down low, crept among the stone bodies, and hid among the shadows. The sun had set, and Apollo's glow on the distant horizon offered the slightest light through the template door. But inside, torchlight cast wicked, flickering shadows of the dead along the walls. The walls nor pillars held torches though, they were being held by men.
"Leave me alone!"
A woman's voice. He moved toward it, not thinking at all, just reacting like he always did. It'd get him killed, but fuck it, he wasn't dead yet, so he kept following his instincts, and stalked forward in the shadows of the frozen bodies.
A soldier, a warrior, dressed in Athenian armor and wielding a spear, crawled onto one of the statues, and jumped straight over Darian. The man looked up just in time to see the other overhead; the warrior didn't see him. Instead, the warrior jumped from the shoulders of one statue to another, and then leaped high into the air before pointing the spear down.
Darian stuck his head up enough, and gasped.
Medusa. The snake woman was slithering between the statues with surprising speed, with a long body of green scales coiled and bracing against pillars and statues alike to push herself forward. So long, easily thirty feet, and followed by a trail of blood.
The creature turned to face Darian's direction, and for a split moment, he thought he was dead. But, he wasn't stone, not yet, and he couldn't look away.
She looked human, at least from the waist up she did. He could see her hair was made of snakes, an array of a hundred snakes in the same way as the statues by the dock, and her eyes were yellow snake eyes, complete with the black slit down the center.
But it all changed in a single second as the legendary woman cast her gaze upon the leaping warrior. Her face distorted, twisted, morphed, and stretched into the nuzzle of a grotesque mixture of a snake and human features. It was like one of the gods had failed to correctly combined two creatures, and a hideous thing emerged from the failed result. Then the woman's eyes glowed, glowed so bright that Darian threw himself down so he could not see anything between the hundred legs of statues. The yellow glow filled half the temple, as if Medusa had cast a cone of magic wherever she could see.
A single man's scream filled the room, and there was a sickening crunch of... something, something he couldn't recognize. But when the glow faded, and Darian poked his head out over the shoulders of the statues, he could see where the warrior had landed. And now they too, were stone.
"Vile creature! Submit before the will of the gods and die!"
Darian crouched low again. Another voice, another warrior. In fact, as his eyes adjusted to the growing darkness, he could see three warriors, all of them hiding behind pillars and bodies like he was. So Athens had sent four of these warriors to fight Medusa. Some pointless quest to prove their worth, no doubt. The thought made his stomach turn.
"Leave me alone! I just want to be left alone!"
Her cries were filled with sorrow. He knew cries like that. When he looked her away once more, the grotesque distortion of her face had gone. She was panting with fatigue; the short-lived transformation must have exhausted her. Still she had snake hair, still she had snake eyes, and still she was snake below the hip, but she was anything but grotesque. This was the creature of renown horror, wickedness, and ugliness? She may have looked disturbing when casting her magical gaze, but when she wasn't, she was....
The sound of cracking stone snapped his eyes back to Medusa. Her tail, thick as the span of her shoulders, had snapped around like a whip, cracked through a couple of the human-turned-stone statues, and sent their remains scattering across the temple floor. One of the Athenians had been hiding, and dove out of the way just in time. But the gorgon was quick to snap her tail again, this time in different direction, and wrapped around one of the giant pillars with a vice grip. The warrior hidden behind it could not even scream, instead he could only gargle on the vomit of blood that erupted from his mouth. Crushed like a bug between the pillar and her tail.
He was dead in seconds. The long, thick tail of green scales that circled the pillar let go, now soaked in the warrior's blood, and joined the trail of serpent blood Medusa left behind as she slithered further away. Her slithering wasn't nearly as fast as it was before though; she really was exhausted.
"Die, monster!" One of the warriors jumped out from the growing shadows and toward the middle of Medusa's long body. His spear sank deep through the muscle before the wooden shaft snapped at the middle.
Medusa screeched in pain, and from what Darian could see, she tried to cast her gaze again. But, nothing happened. Was she too tired? She kept trying to slither away, but with the spear stuck in her hide, her speed was reduced to almost nothing, and with the amount of blood Darian could see, she must have been stabbed multiple times.
She collapsed at the base of the pulpit to Athena, and sobbed openly from her yellow snake eyes. "Please, let me be."
Looking at the Athenian approach the wounded woman had Darian grinding his teeth until his bones hurt. His fists had tightened until he could feel his fingers stabbing into his palm. His body was shaking. His mouth had run dry. He could taste his anger, burning his tongue and his eyes.
It had been a long time since he'd killed anyone. Old habits die hard.
"You defiled this temple, whore. One hundred years is too long for a monster such as you to live." The warrior walked beside Medusa's long snake half, and as he approached her human torso, prostrated across the Athena altar, he drew his sword. The other warrior, also armed with a sword and shield, walked up Medusa's mid section of her long, thick, bleeding tail, and raised his sword, ready to chop her apart like fire wood.
Darian wasn't sure when he had come out of hiding, but he didn't care. He was just going with his instincts, going where his blood told him to. And his blood told him to walk up behind the warrior near Medusa's tail, and snap his worthless neck so hard, the fool's head was turned around completely to face him.
There was a single moment of recognition in the dead man's eyes before they went blank.
The old thrill crept up Darian's spine like dancing fire. He clenched and released his fists slowly to listen to the cracking of his knuckles, to breathe deep the kill, the sensation of flesh and bone breaking under his grip. He looked down at the collapsed fool, his backward head, and he put his bare foot against his breastplate in the most primal act of victory.
A familiar white started to blur the edge of Darian's vision, an old friend that hid in the corner of his eyes whenever he let the monster out. Time for another kill.
The crack of the warrior's neck was so loud in the dead silence of the temple, both Medusa and the single remaining warrior looked his way. Darian knew he was in the shadows, and would only be a silhouette to their eyes. He also knew they would be able to see his eyes, and the white glow that filled them. He must have looked like a spawn of Tartarus come to kill them. And it made him smile.
He reached down, grabbed the sword of the man he'd just killed, and started to walk toward the remaining warrior.
"By Zeus! Who are you? You... Marcus! Marcus!" they screamed. Raged flooded their face, overriding their fear, and blood-drunk with anger, the warrior charged Darian.
Darian gripped the sword with both hands, and slammed it down toward the oncoming sheep. The Athenian blocked the attack as expected, but the warrior did not expect the power Darian put behind it. Darian's attack was not only enough to knock the fool to the ground, it was enough to push Darian up into the air a few inches before gracefully landing upon his bare toes. The shield rang loud until the temple echoed the force of the impact. Darian took the opportunity to jump forward, and with both hands, slammed the sword down at the fallen enemy.
But the warrior was skilled, trained, and rolled to the side. Darian's stolen weapon broke against the stones, the blade flying off into the shadows, leaving him weaponless. Damn. The warrior saw the opportunity, roared with courage, conviction, and all the typical garbage Darian expected of an obedient peon, and charged Darian again.
Darian stepped into the charge with the speed of a striking viper. There was a sudden moment of shock on the warrior's face, and Darian used it like a sign. How many had he killed with that expression on their face? That single second of shock that costed them their life? Every time, it was the same result, and every time Darian danced in that single second where he ruled. He drove his right hand, open-palm, straight up into the larger man's neck, and gripped his throat tight. His left hand was free, and he used it to grip the man's sword wrist, and squeezed. His wrist snapped with a loud, dull crack.
The warrior tried to scream in pain, but Darian's grip was absolute. He squeezed harder, hard enough to strain the warrior's muscles, tear at skin, and block his breathing. He pushed up harder too, hard enough to lift the larger man into the air, and then walk him back against a nearby pillar, where Darian pinned his body. The fool was so surprised, he did not bother to kick at Darian, or hit him with his shield arm. All he could do was grip at the fingers crushing his throat with his only remaining hand. Futile.
"You come here," he said, and he squeezed both hands harder, "to kill in the name of Athena? Or some other god? Or for some king? Or just because you want glory?" He shook his head, and stared into the panicked eyes of the dead man. "I heard her, you heard her! She just wants to be left alone!" He could taste the kill, beckoning him, burying any mercy he may have had in a torrent of adrenaline and bloodlust. "So fuck you. Fuck your gods. Fuck your kings. And die."
A crushed throat was too good for this filth. A crushed throat was a warrior's death, and this warrior deserved an insect's death. Darian raised the man higher, grinned at him, and slammed him back against the pillar hard enough to crack his skull inside his helmet. He let go of him then, and the man collapsed onto his butt on the floor, only for Darian to put a hand against the side of his helmet, and smash it against the pillar again. And again. And again, until the blood was pouring from the bastard's nostrils, and Darian was sure that all could be found inside his helmet was pulp.
He stepped back from the dead man, and breathed deep. Two more kills, and they tasted sweet. He wanted more, but when he glanced over his shoulder, the sight of the wounded woman struck him sober. Get air into the lungs man, calm down, let the blood settle. The white that circled his vision started to fade. The hunger in his hands for violence dripped away, along with the blood of his kill onto the temple floor.
Until, after several moments, there was nothing but the silence of the temple, his quiet breaths, and the panicked breathing of Medusa.
"D-don't... don't come near me! Get away!" The great serpent tried to slither away again, but was struck with enough pain to make her scream in frustration and misery. The trails of curved blood stains she left behind were plentiful.
He turned to face her, but lowered his eyes when the reality set in. He scared her. He had scared her, him, he had scared Medusa. The gods were probably laughing at him.
"I... I'm not going to hurt you Medusa. Please." He walked toward where the half-spear till jutted out from her scales, and reached for it.
"Don't kill me! Please, just leave me alone... I...." She was terrified, terrified and bleeding to death. Her massive snake half was pooling red blood everywhere, and he had to stop it if he wanted to save her.
And of course he wanted to save her, like a damn fool. It made him smile again, but he washed the smile away quickly, and reached out to steady her snake half. Her scales were so beautiful, even where blood was smeared along the vibrant green.
"I'm not going to hurt you... well, removing this will hurt. But please, Medusa, I'm not going to kill you." No use in bracing her for it. Just get it over with. So before she could even respond, he yanked the spear head from her body.
She screeched again, pain making her whole snake length -- damn it was long -- shake and wriggle with muscle convulsions. But, after the worst of it passed, and Medusa's noises had reduced to whimpers instead of cries, she stopped trying to slither away.
"I... you... I don't believe you! Liar! Li-"
"I'm not lying! Look!" He gestured to the two dead warriors, and then to the V on his forehead. "I have no desire to hurt you, or get back to Athens. I... just please listen to me. Come on, I have to dress these wounds before you bleed out. Are there any dressings in this temple?" he said, and he walked up to her human half.
So close, he found himself staring, and his mouth parted a sliver. Her hair of snakes were green like her snake half, with black patterns of spiraling triangles, and their eyes were yellow like hers. Her belly scales were a soft bronze, not unlike the sand of a beach, and her human skin was pale, a stark contrast to his. Her lips were gentle pink, and her eyebrows were actually two subtle lines of scales. She wore a common white wrap tight around her large breasts, and her hips sported a tight white wrap too, covering where her human half and snake half met.
She was beautiful.
"You're... not.... going to... kill me?"
"No! No but if you don't tell me where I can find some dressing, you'll be dead anyway!"
"I...." She was staring at him, jaw dropped. He could see her huge fangs curled back inside her mouth, and her forked tongue. "Um... there are blanketsss. They are very old, but-"
"Good enough."
He knew the temple structure well. He still had no idea why it was so obviously a temple dedicated to Medusa though, with its crying Athena statues, snake carvings, and gorgon colossi -- none of those things were found in temples dedicated to Athena -- but at least he knew where to check in the back for the rooms temple servants would use. The temple was almost entirely just the nave for worshiping, but there were at least several rooms, including a vestry, and they had blankets. Old, but still sturdy.
When he came back out into the nave a few minutes later, it was very dark, with only a bit of fire light from the Athenian's dropped torches in the distance, and it took time for his eyes to adjust. Medusa was still there, but she had managed to bring her snake half closer together into a loose coil. With over thirty feet of snake length, and a human half, she truly was massive.
She looked at him with the same shock as when she first saw him, but her breathing slowed a little after a moment, and after she saw the several blankets he carried in his arms. "You're... you're real."
"Of course I'm real." He approached the first wound he could see, closer to the tip of her tail. It must have been the first wound she suffered in this encounter. "We'll need to wash these later, but for now...." He reached down, lifted her snake body up -- she flinched openly when he touched her -- smiled at the sensation of her smooth, dry scales along his skin, and wrapped the blanket around the wound before tying it into a tight knot. He'd never dressed the wound of a snake before, and he barely knew how to dress a wound in the first place. He could only hope it was better than nothing.
"You can't be real." She shook her head and tried to stand, or at least what a gorgon would do when standing, but she just collapsed back onto the altar at the Athena statue's feet again. "Your eyes... are you a ssspirit?"
He laughed, softly; it seemed like the right kind of laugh for the situation. "I am no spirit. Flesh and blood, same as you."
"But... I don't underssstand. How did you...."
She had a hard time with her words, he could tell. She hissed a little on some of them, and considering how much solitude she experienced on the island, and how long she'd been on the island, she probably didn't talk much. Her voice was soft.
"Marooned here. I had no idea you were here."
"I had no idea you were even real. Thought you were just a myth. A one hundred-year-old myth."
"One hundred years... has it... been that long?" She raised her hands and looked at them. They were perfectly normal, human-looking hands. And she herself looked no older than thirty. It was quite the curse, that she must live for so long like that. And yet...
"You don't look a day over twenty-five to me." He smiled at her, the nicest smile he could muster behind his dirty face and ruined beard, and moved toward her next wound with another blanket.
She blinked at him, and a mixture of expressions crossed her face, as if he'd said something unfathomable. So he just kept smiling -- what he did best after all -- and tied another blanket around her snake half, nice and tight.
"I... I don't...." She shook her head, and the snakes on her head drifted around as if bewildered. "I don't understand. Why are you helping me?"
"Why wouldn't I?"
"Because! Becausssse... because I am cursed. Athena's curssse."
Darian rolled his eyes and moved to the final wound. This time, he had to step over a couple loops of her body to get in the center of her coils, closer to her torso again, and he grimaced a little when Medusa recoiled. Any time he moved too quickly, lifted a hand too fast, she braced herself for an attack. So he kept his movements slow, and started to wrap her wound with as gentle a touch as he could muster.
"Athena can fuck a goat. Athens can go fuck a goat too," he said. "All I know is the story of Medusa. And... I heard your pleas." And I could never say no to a woman begging for mercy.
Real, genuine anger crossed the gorgon's face. Darian's heart stopped, and for a moment he thought his life was over. All she had to do was hit him with that serpent's gaze to instantly kill him, but it apparently drained her horribly to use it. And, as her anger faded, he breathed a sigh of relief; she didn't seem to want to use it on him anyway.
"What... is the story?" she asked.
Oh, she didn't know. Shit. Shit shit."Um... that... Athena cursed you for defiling the temple," he said, and gulped before the final part, "... because Poseidon..." raped you in it.
Her eyes opened wide, and again he thought he was dead. But she reached out, and this time it was her touching him, her tight grip on his shoulders. "They... they sssay that? They all know!?" Then, over the course of painful seconds, an invisible weight dragged her down and made her shoulders slump. "... of courssse they know. I should... I knew but I didn't want to...."
"Um, they-"
"I... I... Poseidon, he...." Her head lowered then, her fingers released him, and she collapsed back onto the altar. He wasn't sure if she was exhausted or furious, but after a moment, he could hear her crying from behind where she laid her head in her arms. Her snake hair laid flat against her neck and shoulders, and their yellow eyes cast their gaze downward, in what could only be a snake's way of showing sadness.
Her wounds were bandaged, as best as he could manage anyway, so he got up, and sneaked out from her coils with careful steps between each loop of her length. She was sobbing, and it was because of him. He shouldn't have said anything about the legend; he never did know when to shut up. People were shit for just accepting Athena's punishment of the victim, god-fearing shits.
"I..." He scratched at the back of his head where his hair had grown long, and was matted with dirt and strands. "I'm sorry."
"Sorry!?" She screeched at him again, putting her fangs on full display along with her forked tongue, before lowering her head back to her arms again. He froze, deathly still for that moment he thought he was dead -- again. Her energy was returning, at least.
He looked at her with a tilted head, let out a slow, heavy breath, and turned to leave.
"W-wait... I'm... sorry," she said.
He looked over his shoulder. Her yellow snake eyes reflected just a fraction of light in the dark, and tears were on her cheeks. She pushed herself back to sit up straight, if being coiled up could be called sitting, and tried her best to give him a smile. She failed horribly, with tears dripping off her chin.
"Please. Don't go." She looked out to where he'd bandaged her, and put her hands on the improve bandages. "You, you're... the first one in so long, and... please. Ssstay."
Gods, her snake eyes were so damn beautiful, and seeing them ache with sorrow the way they did tore his heart apart. He really was so damn easy to break; all it took was a sad woman's eyes to turn him into a helpless fool. But, right then, he really didn't mind.
He walked over to her, and sat down on the altar next to her. A grave insult to the gods, but that was half the reason he sat on it. "Have you really been on this island for a hundred years?"
She wiped away her tears, but nodded, and even managed a tiny smile. "Yessss." The drawn out yes was accompanied with a small flicker of her tongue, as if it was perfectly natural to taste the air with your tongue. "Athena cursed this temple... and me. All I remember is a great white light, and then the temple had changed." She gestured to the crying Athena statues, and the coiled snakes on the pillars. "It was the middle of a ceremony, and...." She gestured to the array of stone bodies that filled the temple.
She was struggling to say it, Darian could tell. The words must have stung in her throat, and as she said them, he could see more tears build in her eyes. Was he really the first person she'd gotten to talk to about this, or in general, since it happened?
"That's horrible," he said.
She nodded again, and her snake hair nodded with her. Darian tried his best to not smile at how ridiculously cute that was, it really wasn't the time.
"She cursssed me, because-"
"You don't have to say it. It-"
"No!" she said. Darian went wide-eyed at her sudden volume, but she looked desperate, as if she had only this one chance to speak to him before he vanished. "One hundred years ago, I served this temple. I served the gods! And one night when I was alone here, Poseidon, he...," she looked away, and the shame on her face was palpable. "I am cursed for his crime!"
Darian clenched his fists until his knuckles cracked. It wasn't right for him to embrace this anger as if he was personally slighted, it was arrogant of him and greedy of him, but he couldn't help it. It was all fuel for the fire.
He didn't say anything though. It wasn't about him. This was about her. The least he could do for the poor soul was listen. When she looked up to him, him still sitting on the altar, he offered her a weak, sad smile. What else could he do.
"You...." She forced herself up a little, until she was a little higher up leaning against the altar, and she wiped away her new tears. "You... you're...."
He tilted his head to the other side, and waited for her to speak on her own.
"I've.... I've always wanted to... tell someone," she said. "For so long, it's just been people... coming for my head. They never listen to what I have to say."
Even if they had listened, Medusa, they already knew. It wouldn't have stopped the mindless sheep from serving their gods, and trying to kill you.
"I'm sorry. I can't imagine what that's like," he said.
"And you, you...." She gestured to the bandages he'd made for her, and the corpse by the pillar. "You... out of nowhere, you show up, and... your eyes... your strength."
Darian tried to hide his frown. Medusa was pointing out the obvious he was ignoring: this wasn't a coincidence. He escaped Zeus, escaped Poseidon, only for... no, don't think about it. Just ignore it. None of it mattered. They couldn't get him here. Hopefully.
"W-who are you?" she said. "How did you get here? You sssaid you were marooned?"
He pointed at the V on his forehead. "Slave, marked for life." And of course, that was a story he didn't want to tell, and he hoped pushing past the subject was enough of a hint for her. "I was on a trade ship and being taken to Athens, when something in the sea attacked it."
"Something in the sea?"
"A creature of some sort. Big enough that it destroyed the whole ship. I washed up on the shore here." He gestured at himself, his dirty, bloody rags, horrible hair, scraggly beard, and tanned-to-burnt skin. "I doubt I would have tasted good."
Medusa giggled, just a soft, tiny noise mixed with a quiet cough and residue sob, but an actual laugh nonetheless. "And your strength? Your eyes too; I thought for sure a demon had come for me. Are... are you related to Cadmus?"
"It's... it's a blood thing, yeah. Probably not Cadmus, but you never know." It was true, sort of. He could tell her the details later, just not now. No reason to drag her into it. "Something in the blood that lends me the strength of a... well, not a god, but enough to deal with vermin like them." He motioned to the dead warriors.
"... you must really despise the gods."
"You don't?"
She looked down at herself, then at the warriors, and then to him. "I did, and I do, but it's been so long, and... with only myself to talk to for ssso long, I...." She leaned out over her coils, and put a hand on one of the wounds to press against where it bled. "It faded away."
Faded away. He chewed on the idea for a moment. Letting the hate fade seemed wrong, but then, he hadn't spent a hundred years alone. Damn, it was such a long time to be alone.
"I'm Darian."
"... Darian." She smiled at him again, tear-filled yellow snake eyes on full display. "T-thank you."
"You're welcome." He hopped off the altar, and started to walk to the recent dead. "I'll deal with the bodies. Some sailors were waiting by the dock, and-"
"They come every decade or so. They will leave when their heroes do not return."
He nodded. That made sense. "Are you going to be ok? You were stabbed... multiple times."
"I'll be fine. I heal well. And...." She pressed down on the wound again, and winced a little, but she was smiling all the same. "I'll be fine, thank you. And... you... you won't...."
He quirked a brow at her, but realization dawned on him. Her eyes were downcast, her hands fidgeted along her scaled length, and her hair drifted about with its noses pointed at him. She was worried to the point of fear.
So he did what he did best, and smiled. "I'm not going anywhere."
She watched the man walk off, with a corpse over each shoulder. He was strong for a small man, strong for a man in general. Strong, and brutal. He hadn't just killed those two men, he had ruined them. The first, he'd almost torn his head off, and the second's head was nothing but soup inside his helmet. She shivered a little with the memory of it, of those white eyes and his silhouette murdering with such savageness in front of her. Terrifying.
But this Darian was anything but terrifying. He was... cute. He was short, and lean, and he most desperately needed a bath, a trim, and a haircut, but those brown eyes of his, they were so confident.
And it had been a century since she had talked to anyone. By the gods, she needed to talk to someone.
As the minutes went by, and she stroked the horrible wounds her snake half had suffered, she started to panic. Her breath came out faster, and her eyes started to flick up to the temple entrance over, and over, and over. Please come back, please come back, please come back.
"Sorry, I realized I had no idea where to take the bodies, so I threw them down the mountainside."
Relief washed over her when the man came back into view, the night sky's stars behind him at the temple entrance. He carried an air of carefree to him, like a boy who knew the world was his toy, but she knew there was more it than that. He had avoided details about himself, she noticed, but she wasn't going to push him on it. Anything, anything she could do to just have someone to talk to, if even for a little while.
"Thank you. You're... thank you." It was more than she had talked in so long, she was running out of words.
"I don't suppose you have a place I can sleep? I think we could both use some rest, considering." He approached her, and she flinched a little. Just seeing movement coming her way still shocked her, and she had to take a breath to force herself to relax.
"Um, yes... there's a home behind the temple, where I... yes, yes you can sleep there. Come." She started toward the the side entrance, and almost fell over. The muscles in the long length of her snake half struggled to bend and weave like they wanted to, with the three holes that had been cut into them. She had to concentrate to slither forward, and not contract the muscles that had been stabbed. It took control, but she'd had a long time to practice. A long, long time.
"You sure you're alright?" Darian said. He matched her pace beside her, and he was casting glances back at her slithering shape. He wasn't repulsed, he wasn't scared, he wasn't even disturbed, he was just concerned.
More than once, she caught his eyes looking her emerald scales from tip to hip, and each time, his gaze showed only intrigue. Intrigue! She almost vibrated with excitement. No sleep would come for her, not tonight. She wanted to talk! She wanted to do anything!
Outside the temple, they were high up on the mountain of the island, where there were few trees. The horrible storm that she had seen way off to the West was gone, and now the sky was completely clear. The stars were shining brightly.
It was disgustingly perfect, and every part of her expected her first moment of happiness in a century to be dashed against the rocks of the mountain side. What had caused all this, a man coming to her island, saving her life from a potentially deadly fight, and now... no, stop. Don't think about. Stop ruining it. Just stop.
It wasn't much of a house really, just a single floor home made of white stone. It no longer had a door, lost to the centuries, and only had a large, single room within and a couple store rooms. But, there was a reason the temple had been built on the tiny island, where nothing else was to be found. And it was the spring.
Along a cliff face of rock, there was a huge crack, and from it poured water. Clean, clear, crystal water. A pool had been built, carved into the rock beneath them and smoothed under an artisan's hand to let the water fill a large basin, large enough even for swimming, before the water poured over a spout that lead it down the mountainside to create a tiny stream. The lifeblood of the little island, and the small amount of life it supported.
"H-how is this... what?" Darian stood at the edge of the water, jaw dropped, and stared.
"Some said it was Poseidon's blessing, others said it was Athena's." She shrugged, and slithered over to the water to scoop some up with her hand, and drank it. "I do not know where it comes from, only that it has been unending, since even before my time."
"That's amazing." He got down his knees and also took sips of the water. His face brightened, and he took another sip, and another, and another. The poor man must have been thirsty. It warmed her core to see her water help him.
"It's the only reason I could stay on this island. And," she said, and slithered over to the open entrance of the home, "this is where I sleep. And... it's, um...."
Darian got up to join her, a new bounce in his step she noticed, and stood beside her. When he looked inside, he laughed. And not just a small laugh, or a tender one, like he'd been careful to use around her. This one was almost a roar, and he put a hand on the stone wall to steady himself.
She blushed so horribly, she could feel her face about to ignite. The room, what once held furniture for people to sit and eat, was now filled with nothing but blankets. A giant pile of blankets, which she slept on and had made a glorious mess of.
"Th-th-there's another room... and, uh... you can... here!" She slithered into the room, winced at her forgotten wounds, and reached down to find one of the most recently washed blankets. "It's clean! I... yes, please. Please follow me."
So awkward, so terribly awkward. But, when Darian followed her into the home, she breathed a sigh of relief, as if crossing the threshold would have somehow whisked away the illusion. But Darian walked right up to her, smiled, and took the blankets from her, like it was the most normal thing in the world. Did he not realize no one had ever, ever looked upon her in this form without hate or fear in their eyes?
"Thanks. I think I'm going to pass out in seconds. Are you sure you're going to be alright? You were bleeding badly, and you looked... it was bad. I thought you were going to bleed out. You don't want to clean those wounds right now?"
"I will be fine. This has happened many times before. My snake half is... it is no concern. It will heal."
"Alright, if you're sure," he said. Then he smiled again, like they were endless to give, and turned to head into the small room off to the side. It too had no door, but the room, once a storage room, was empty, and it had plenty of space for him to lay the large blanket out and sleep upon it. He poked his head out, gave her another nod, another smile, and vanished again. When he laid down, she could still see his feet, just the edge of them around the doorway.
Half of her was ecstatic, and boundless energy poured through her from head to tail. She wanted to go to him, stand him up, and start talking again. She wanted to ask about Athens, and Thebes, and Sparta, and Corinth and Argos and Boetia and even Macedonia and Thessaly. She wanted to ask about any new poems or stories she may not have heard. She wanted to ask about anything! She'd talk about the weather, anything.
But, exhaustion grabbed her. In the rush of so many things happening at once, her body had forgotten the battle from earlier, and the wounds it had sustained. Ache joined it, and she found she had to lay down. The large room really was filled with blankets, old but soft, and she coiled onto the familiar softness as any snake would. With her head on her arms, her arms on her snake body, she closed her eyes. Excitement fought off Hypnos and his sleep, but only for a few minutes until weariness dragged her under.
Waking was always a slow process. The night was a little cool, and that meant her body cooled with it. It wasn't until the dawn started to warm the mountain that she woke up, and a little while after that before she warmed.
She ached. Why did she ache? She pushed herself up so her weight was on her hands, hands on her coils. Some blankets were wrapped around her snake half at a few different points. Right, she'd been stabbed when some more 'heroes' had come to kill her. And the ache in her chest came back with the memory. More people she had killed.
But she hadn't killed all of them. Two of them someone else had killed. Someone else.... Darian! She looked to where the man had slept, but she couldn't see him. And when she got closer, the room was empty. Was it a dream? Please gods no, not a dream. Please don't let it be a dream.
She slithered out the front door, into the clearing behind the temple where the pool was. The sun had just finished rising over the horizon, its warmth energizing her, and she looked around with a hand held up to her eyes to block its light. Where was he? Did he exist? What -
Only a few feet away, Darian sat. He no longer wore a shirt, and his waist had one of the temple priest loincloths she had never bothered to throw away. His legs were dangling in the water, and his hand held up a mirror in front of his face. In the other hand, he held a small dagger.
He turned the mirror then, and she caught his gaze in its reflection.
"Good morning," he said, like he'd said it a million times to her before.
She had almost panicked, afraid that it had all been a dream. But he was there, smiling at her in the mirror, and... shaving his neck. Not only that, he had cut his hair too, short like the Athenians did, and from what she could see, he had trimmed his beard down short as well. Short, and groomed.
When he set the mirror aside and turned to look at her, she caught her breath. Now, with his tan skin clean of dirt, his hair and beard trimmed and shortened to a mere inch, his brown eyes shown through. The small man was delightfully cute, and shirtless. His small stature betrayed the muscles of his body when he was clothed, but now that she could see everything, she found herself blushing. His lean form hid nothing. She could see the indentation of each muscle along his back. His body lacked for body hair as well, as if someone had rubbed his skin with a pumice stone to groom him; perhaps his youthful appearance was to blame? He had no scars either! He looked more like a well-groomed prince.
She blushed all the harder. She liked what she saw. How could such a young fellow have been so brutal the night before? His smile was beaming, and his brown eyes carried a confidence she could not fathom.
"... g-good morning," she said.
"You were taking a little while to wake up, so I explored the temple. I hope you'll forgive me. I just had to deal with this mess though," he said, and gestured to his head and face, "and take a bath."
"You...." Could she compliment him? Would that be weird? "You... it suits you."
He chuckled. She blushed, regressed to the wee girl of her youth from so long ago. A hundred years of solitude had done many things, but it had also robbed her of her ability to talk. Darian didn't seem to mind though, he just smiled some more. It was a handsome smile.
"Thanks. I was working as a prisoner in a quarry for almost a year, before they shipped me off to Athens. I have a year's worth of grime to wash off." With a sigh of joy, the man pushed his weight forward, and let himself sink into the pool his legs were dangling within. The water stopped at his chest, and he turned to face her. "You have no idea how thankful I am. Not just for the pool, I mean, but a place to rest my head, and good company."
She had to look away then, and combed her snake hair to hide her obvious embarrassment. Could the man not see what his overt and social demeanor was doing to her? She would have to ease into this.
"You are w-welcome. But, good company?"
"Yes, good company! I expected Medusa to be a wicked and ugly creature, based on the legend, but you are not wicked, and are certainly not ugly." He turned around a few times in the water, even splashed around a little, and she watched from the corner of her eye. His hands wiped at his skin, apparently trying to wash away dirt he had already washed off. But, if he had spent a year working in a quarry as a prisoner, she could not blame him his need for cleanliness.
"Not ugly? Did you not see me... transform... when I turned that Athenian to stone?"
"I did. That was scary, I admit. But that lasted what, three seconds? I see you now and all I see is a beautiful woman with some snake features?" Again, he shrugged, not a trace of blush or embarrassment or shyness to him. "And besides, snakes are elegant, lovely creatures."
Too much, way too much. All she had known for so long was the occasional hateful group of men, calling her monster and trying to cut off her head. This man and his words, cast so lightly at her as if they were obvious, were threatening to make her explode from how much she was blushing.
She took a long, slow breath. Talking. Humans talk with each other. And despite her snake half, she was still largely human. She slithered over the last remaining feet to the pool edge, took another breath, and settled into a coil.
"The... transformation. It takes over when I cast that... gaze."
"I am sorry. That is a horrible burden to bear." He shook his head, and scratched at his neck where he had cut the beard to almost nothing. "After what you told me last night, about Poseidon, I... it really is."
The memory of it made her whole body tense, every last, scale-covered inch. So long ago, so damn long, but she could still remember the awe that went through her when a god had come to visit her, one lonely night in the temple. She could remember kneeling and bowing her head to the great and mystical entity. She could remember him pinning her down, and the twisted grin on his face.
She had lowered her head, she realized, to avoid Darian's sad gaze, but the man had swam up closer to her. He raised his hand as if to touch where her scaled length was nearest the pool, but he stopped short when her eyes met his.
For a moment she thought maybe he was afraid to touch her; he would not be the first one. But, the look in his eyes carried no revulsion, no fear. He was just... sad for her.
Part of her wanted to be angry about that. How dare someone be sad for her? But that part of her had faded long ago, when she had accepted the truth of the situation. She'd been raped by a god and cursed by another for something not of her own doing. She deserved a little self pity, and maybe even a little sympathy from others. She just never expected to get it.
Get out of your head, Medusa. For the first time you have someone to talk to. Do it.
"Do you... truly not find this a monstrous form?" Her hands ran down her hips and followed her scaled tail, until she had turned about to continue tracing her coiled length. "Or this?" She ran one of her hands through her hair of snakes again, each with its own snake head, and each with its own desire to expose her every emotion. "Or... this?" She leaned toward the man in the pool below her, just a little, and widened her eyes at him. Yellow snake eyes, speckled with almost invisible green undertones, all around black vertical slits. She didn't even have eyebrows, but just several more green scales that lined where eyebrows should have been.
And for the whole thing, the small hero in her pool kept his hazel eyes on her. In fact, when she had leaned in, he had swam a closer again, and stared straight at her with an unblinking gaze.
"No. I don't." Another smile. "And I've been meaning to ask, just... a little presumptuous of me, but can I ask a favor?"
"P-please do."
"Can I stay here? For... well, until I've worn out my welcome? I've nowhere else to go, not really, just a pile of pain and misery waiting for me back in Lycia and Tiryns. I'm in no rush to deal with it, if ever."
He wanted to stay! But, that would mean she would have to share her island with someone, her home. Someone else, a man no less, would be near her while she slept, while she ate! Her solitude would be lost, both the misery it brought, but also the protection, and the cave for her shame.
Were it long ago, she would have said no. But now, she had to stop herself from diving into the pool and squeezing the man in a snake hug. Too much, that would definitely be too much.
"Of course! Yes, I... there is...." She scratched at the scales near one of her wounds. "There are plants to eat here I think, fish, bird, and boar. I think it can be done."
His face brightened like a child's. "Thank you! But, uh, you sound surprised about the plants and fish and bird. What did you eat while you lived here?"
She blushed again, but this time a frown followed it. "I survive as a snake would. Once every couple of weeks, I devour a creature whole. Usually wild boar."
"That... is amazing." He pulled himself up over the rock to stand up beside her, as close as he could with several layers of coils between him and her torso half. "A whole boar. In one gulp? Damn. So you-"
"Yes, I must transform, as with the stone gaze, to eat."
"Right. I uh, then I can understand if you'd want privacy while you do that. But... you know...." He rubbed at his chin with a finger, and offered her another one of those confident smiles he had in endless supply. "If you are comfortable enough to show me, I would like to see that."
The next week went by with unusual speed. Normally, her days were long, empty, and incredibly dull. It was a snake's life of laying about and watching the sun or stars go by, and every so often eating something. A hundred years of such dullness had nearly driven her insane.
But then suddenly, every day had become full of surprises, full of dialogue, interaction, full of possibilities. It was such a little thing, she realized when she thought about it, that one outcast on a lonely island had become two, but it didn't matter. A gift's value was in the eye of the beholder, and Darian's confidence and enthusiasm were not only unending, they were addicting.
She knew there was something hidden behind that happy, childish smile of his, private thoughts that ate at him. But as the days went by, her fear that it was about her relented. Whatever it was, it was personal, and she did not wish to violate his trust.
Her wounds did heal quickly, so quickly that Darian assured it was more than just natural. Perhaps it was because she had been touched by a god? For better or worse, it would appear. At least she could find the silver lining in that.
She helped show Darian where animals could be found on the island, and how the mountain contained a deceptive amount of animal life in its twist and turns. She knew them all. Darian showed her how to spear fish on a beach, which required some trickery and amazing reflexes. But, whatever changes that had happened to her body had drastically changed her taste for food; no fish for her. Birds though, they interested her, and Darian used his unusually good aim to down several with throwing rocks.
Capturing a boar though, that was her domain.
It was just before the dawn. Medusa slithered down along the grass and bush, and with a century of practice, she did it without making a sound. For her, hunting required a more savage and reptilian approach, and that meant she had to get down onto her stomach and hands. Normally she would slither while her torso remained upright at the hip, but now she needed to crouch low, as low as the grass. Instead of her soft, white wraps she normally used for her breasts and hips, this morning she went nude, and let the monster out. Her skin, all of it, had become snake scales; she could press her stomach straight into the ground without hurting sensitive parts anymore. Her neck had spread out much like a cobra's, and her snake hair had grown into huge pythons that grabbed nearby branches and brush. Her face was an elongated, hideous combination of snake and human, and much larger than either, but that didn't matter, she couldn't see her own face without a mirror. And it wasn't her that wanted a massive meal, it was the beast inside.
She could see the large family of boar. There were several families on the island, and they had no predators, none except for her once every few weeks. Her only source of food before Darian had arrived to help. Perhaps she would treat herself?
She struck out from the brush with the speed of a viper. It was only for twenty feet, and for twenty feet she could strike with a speed even Darian could not. Thirty feet of powerful snake muscle launched her forward.
The family of pigs squealed and bolted, but surprise was on her side; she had waited until they were asleep. They all took to the brush in random directions, panicked, but one of them did not.
This one was fatter than the others, slower, and normally she would have avoided eating it for fear it would hurt her with its size and thrashing. But not this time. She sank her huge teeth into its neck, gripped it with her now scale-covered hands, and started to wrap the thirty feet of her length around it in coils. More and more she circled the huge, struggling monster of fur and flesh, until it had disappeared inside rings of her body.
And she squeezed. Bones snapped, and with her teeth lodged onto the boar's neck, she could hear them break as if they were her own. But she'd long lost her squeamishness; this was her lunch. Tighter she squeezed the struggler, tighter, until it could no longer move. Tighter again, until it could no longer breathe. Tighter, until it was dead. To kill it took a long time -- it was a huge boar -- but after well over ten minutes of wrestling, it was at last nothing but a dead thing trapped in her coils.
Then, for the final act of animal brutality. She pushed her head forward toward its body, unhinged her jaw, and began to devour the beast head first. And that too took a long time, much longer than she liked. Fifteen minutes of vulnerability, fifteen minutes of just laying there while she slowly worked its massive girth into her gullet. It must have been over three-hundred pounds.
But there were no predators on the island, none except her. The boars feared her, huge as she was, and would not attack her even when exposed like this. So she took her time, did it right, clenched and unclenched her whole length's array of musculature until the meal was past her stretched and malformed upper body, and down past into the deep, long canal of her snake half.
Only then could she relax, and let the monster return to its slumber. Her human torso reemerged from the armor of scales, her neck and head returned to their normal size, and her snake air did too. She patted her body to make sure the transformation was complete; she was always a little afraid she'd never return to her normal self. As normal as a gorgon form was, at least. Better the half-snake than a giant snake monster.
"Wow," Darian said. The small man approached from her back, a small courtesy for her nudity. From behind, all there was to find was her back, and the scales of her snake length that met her just above the hip, and below the small of her back.
"See? It's a grotesque act."
"Surprising, sure, but grotesque? It was like watching a giant snake with arms eating." He hoped down from his tree -- agile as a monkey, he was -- and landed down next to her snake body. "That's so much food!"
"Yes, it...!" She gasped at the sight Darian was staring at. There was a bulge ten feet down into her snake body where the boar sat in her digestive track. She threw her human half in between the unsightly display, and at the same time covered it with her hands. "Don't look! Please, it is embarrassing!"
Darian nodded, turned, and looked away, complete with a whistle. But she could see he was struggling to not laugh.
By the end of the day, the horrible display of stretched flesh and scales along her snake belly was gone, thank the gods. Part of her was angry at Darian for his small teasing, but many parts of her were happy that, after only a week with another person, she could socialize like that again. She was even smiling again.
Tired, sleepy from with the morning's hunt, and unable to completely hide her constant smiling, she coiled up next to the pool. With a satisfied sigh, she laid down her human body along her scaled length, hugged her arms underneath her head, and rested. Comfortable, fed, and oddly at peace with the gentle sounds of Darian swimming in the pool.
Plus, she liked to watch him swim. Such a delicious, lean, muscular little creature. She pictured coiling around him, holding him, and just easing herself down onto.... She shook her head. Don't be ridiculous.
"Medusa," Darian said, "can I ask a question?"
He swam up to her, but avoiding touched the tip of her tail that was dipped into the water. He never did touch her, ever.
"... if you will answer one of mine after." She bit her bottom lip, worried.
But the offer only made Darian's beautiful smile grow. "If you think you're up to it."
"I am!"
"Alright." He swam back and forth in front of her in a slow and leisurely way. "Do you hate people? They know that you are the victim, and they still hunt you."
She shook her head, sighed with the weight of that question, and rested her chin on her arm along her coiled body. "People. They... they are good people. Afraid of the gods, and... and... just afraid."
Darian winced with her answer. He seemed dissatisfied. "People are mindless, god-fearing insects. You give them too much credit."
She tilted her head at that, and it was her turn for a question after all. "... why do you hate people so much? I... I saw what you did to that warrior from Athens when we met. You had defeated him, but then you... destroyed him." And I could practically see the hate pour from you when you turned his skull into a splattered mess inside his helmet.
Maybe it was too much to ask. Fear swept through when she saw Darian stop swimming and look away, but after a moment, he looked back to her and sighed much the same way she did.
"...I was betrayed by many people. Betrayed by family, betrayed by kings, betrayed by... everyone." He pointed to the V burned into the center of his brow. "Betrayed because they are fools who mindlessly follow the gods, gods unworthy of any respect or loyalty, let alone worship." Again he sighed, and he sank his face into the water before raising it. Water dripped down his tanned skin, along his nose and his lips. He normally looked so young, but right then and just for a second, she could see an age to him. "The world of men and gods is just... I want no more part of it."
"I ssssee." Darian had a twisted history then. Perhaps she could find out more, later.
Darian got up out the pool and started to walk past her, naked except for his loincloth. Something on his face, something stern, something angry caught her eye, and she slithered after him to catch his hand.
"Darian, I meant no offense. Please."
He stopped. She stopped. Everything froze. He turned his head slowly, and for a second she thought she'd see an angered Darian for the first time. But, his face carried only a hint of sorrow, and also... surprise? His gaze, she realized, was pointed at where she held his fingers in her palm.
"I'm sorry, I-"
"No, I'm sorry," he said. "Just, it's a sensitive topic, and I'm the juvenile brat who gets upset about it. I don't know how you deal with it. I can't even think straight when I remember my betrayal, and... it makes my blood boil."
Oh gods, if only he knew. "I have had many, many years to deal with mine, Darian."
"Heh, true." He smiled at where their fingers touched, and his thumb stroked her knuckle. It was the first time he had ever touched her since the night he'd treated her wounds, but now his thumb, wet with water and softened by it, just lightly grazed along her finger.
She almost melted.
"You... you always avoid touching me. I thought... I thought I.... I don't know, I revolted-"
"I didn't want to upset you."
"Upset me?" she said.
He turned to face her, but now it was him holding her hand, and his usually loud, boasting smile had softened into a gentle thing. "After what happened to you, I figured the last thing you'd want is a man you just met touching you."
Oh. She should have believed him when he said he wasn't repulsed by her; the man was just trying to avoid offending her.
"For a time, I did think of men as... vile, sick creatures," she said, and she gazed down at where their fingers were touching.
"We are."
She blinked, and her snake hair lowered before pointing its many heads at the man. Darian had looked away again, down at his bare feet, and a sad frown had replaced his smile.
"You... did not strike me as the brooding, serious type, Darian."
That got a smile from him. "Sorry. Happens to the best of us."
"And... I do not think you are vile."
His smile brightened even more, until he was almost back to his usual self. "How can you be so nice? A hundred years? If I was you, it could be a thousand and I'd still be hating the guts of every god and any thing with dangly bits between the legs."
She tugged on his hand a little and brought him a few inches closer. "I can't help it. Aphrodite and Eros were those I looked to with fondness, but it was Eleos I held most dear."
"Oh wow, you worshiped Aphrodite and Eros?" Darian scratched at the back of his head with his free hand again, and laughed with his usual warmth; whatever storm haunted him had passed once more. "If I had known you were one of 'those,' I would have been trying to get into your bed from day one."
"Do not tease me, Darian!" She frowned at him and yanked on his hand a little. From so close, she could stare at him with her snake eyes like an angry mother hen.
"What, you don't think I would?" He wiggled his eyebrows at her.
Wait, was he serious? Could he possibly be serious? She frowned again, but his smile did not waver. He met her gaze with unrelenting confidence, and where they still held a hand, he caressed the back of her fingers with his thumb, and winked at her.
Her heart stopped. Her eyes went wide. Her mouth parted just slightly, just enough that she must have looked a fool. As if turned to stone herself, she stared at the beautiful man who had just challenged her. He couldn't have been serious. He must have been kidding. What if he wasn't kidding though? What if all she had to do, was keep hold of that hand, and pull him toward her bed. What if all she had to do, to have something she wanted so badly, was just take it.
His smile turned into confusion, and his right brow quirked along with it. After a time though, he lowered his eyes and tried to step back.
"I'm sorry," he said, "that really was rude of me. Now I feel horrible, saying that after what you've been through."
He tried to let go of her hand. She didn't let him.
He couldn't have been serious. But he had said she was beautiful, that he thought snakes were beautiful, and more than once his eyes had drifted to her clothed breasts. Was it all a game to him? Or did he actually want to....
"... Medusa?"
She tried to say something, but nothing worked or made sense. She could just proposition him back, but it seemed so absurd, so ridiculous, a monster asking a human for.... She bit her bottom lip, careful to keep her massive snake fangs within her mouth, but enough to chew on her lip nonetheless. Darian was such a nice man too, the nicest she had ever known. All it took was a few words from him to turn her into a silly child, and now she felt like a girl just barely old enough to crave a man, and overwhelmed by it.
"Medusa, you alright?"
She gulped, and opened her mouth one last time to say something, but all she could find was silence. She would not throw this away though, this gift, this chance. So get out of your head Medusa, and do something.
With a lowered gaze -- eye contact was impossible at this point -- she started to slither towards the small home that contained their beds.
She did not let go of his hand.
"Whoa, Medusa, I didn't mean you should-"
"You... do not want to?" Finally, words!
"I do! But I put you on the spot, and-"
She started slithering toward the house again, this time a little faster. He wanted to. He wanted to. The words made her giddy; she could feel her snake hair practically dancing on her scalp.
"Medusa, I'm trying to apologize!"
She ignored him, afraid he'd say something to put her burst of courage to an end. Instead, she pulled him along into the dark room, and further, and further, until he was in the center of her pile of huge blankets. Then, with jitters trembling up and down the length of her entire body, she started to circle him, and circle him, and circle him again until she had circled him thrice. There was still plenty of room for him within her coils to move about, but for her, it was as if she had created walls to protect them both from prying eyes.
She lowered herself down into the center of the coil, and faced the small man. His confidence was shattered, and he looked very nervous, as if a snake had just captured him and was ready to devour him. For a moment, she thought perhaps he truly was afraid, but a moment later, Darian took a step back, rested his palms against the smooth scales of one of her coils, and looked up to her with wide eyes. He looked... entranced, even in awe. And that made her smile more than she thought she could.
Darian was dressed only in his loincloth, soaked as it was, and every bit of his body was open to her. So close, so very close, she wanted to reach out and touch his lean and defined body, his tanned skin, his... everything. And like as if a bubble had burst inside her mind, she realized with a wave of exhilaration, that she could do just that.
So she placed one of her hands upon his neck, and the other against his chest, and she squeezed with just enough pressure to feel the hardness of the warrior's body. He was a little short, and his shoulders did not have the width of the typical warrior; and yet, it was all so... perfect. It fit his soft but confident smile, his short and trimmed beard and hair, his playful gaze that could turn cold when it wanted to. It was most definitely not cold then.
She lowered both her hands, one to drift down his arm and tease along his bicep, elbow, and down to his wrist. The other traced the indentation of his abs, and when she noticed his breathing was getting faster, she rested her hand against his stomach to feel his breathing quicken.
He was excited too.
"Medusa, we don't have to-"
The hand upon his arm reached for his face, and she pressed a finger to his lips to shush him. But once there, she shivered at the sensation of his lips and breath upon her skin.
Her boldness surprised her. Everything about this surprised her, and she knew it was all this man's fault, teasing her, making her laugh, making her smile. She wanted to return the favor, and she wanted to enjoy returning it.
She reached to her neck with both her hands, and behind it to undo the knot that held her wrap in place. It slipped free, letting the weight of her heavy breasts pull down against her ribs, before she tossed the fabric aside.
Darian's gaze lowered to her bosom, eyes even more wide than before, bewitched. Her breasts were quite large, heavy, and they pulled down with their size, but that did not seem to bother the man trapped in her coil. She could feel the heat started to rise inside her; her nipples were already hard and swollen atop puffy, pink areola.
Then she reached down, and undid the knot of the wrap that hugged her waist and hips tight. With that tossed aside she was completely naked, and all her fears were laid bare. The snake half of her reached up to her pelvis and wide hips, even replacing her butt. But, at the bottom of the V where human flesh and snake met on her front, the base of her pelvis and her pubic bone, the last trace of human was her womanhood.
"I... this... I don't have legs." Blushing did not begin to describe how red her skin had become. "And so it... the angle...." Her sex sat flat against the base of her pelvis and was pointed forward, toward the man in her coils.
Darian's eyes had fallen to stare at the pink flesh she had just exposed, and Medusa had to fight the urge to cover herself. But, when she looked down at Darian, she could not help but notice that his loincloth, still dripping with water, was now wrapped tight against his erection. This man, this strange, carefree man, was aroused looking at her naked body.
She licked her lips. Fear and apprehension and shame were thrown down the mountainside. All that was left was one very, very aroused gorgon.
"D-don't... move, please? I...." She placed her trembling hands onto his body again, and massaged with tender touch along his chest and stomach. "I know I said I was ready, and I am, but... please don't move?"
He nodded, only barely, his mouth still parted and gaping. Those dark, brown eyes of his raised to hers, and then drifted back down to her naked human flesh, then back up to her eyes, and then down again. Like a young boy, he could not control his gaze.
A small memory dug itself from her mind. She could see herself, a tall woman, curvaceous and young, serving the temple and catching the eyes of men and women. It had delighted and excited her then, and it excited her now.
Poseidon would not take this joy away from her. She would not allow it.
She lowered herself a little more, until her torso hovered only a few inches higher than the man's. Her hands found his hips, and she held them as handles to guide her while she leaned in.
Darian's gaze was caught inside hers, and this time, it did not break. He just stared at her, the tiniest smile on his open lips.
She put her forehead to his. Her snake hair explored Darian's neck and hair with slow, sultry motions, but their flicking tongues managed to pull a little, ticklish chuckle from the young man. Not a drop of disgust or fear or even annoyance on his face with how her host of snakes nuzzled into his warm skin, along under his jawline, against his cheek, his collar, the back of his neck.
Then she licked his lips with the tiniest, quickest flick. Her tongue was long, thin with a forked tip, and it flicked at the air the same way her snake hair's tongues did. And still it did not bother Darian. He just returned her testing with a quiet laugh.
Satisfied, excited, and boiling, she finally pushed her lips onto his.
She had told herself to make it a small kiss, a fleeting thing -- this was just about the sex after all -- but it did not happen. Darian's eyes drifted closed, yet she could not fully close hers. She had to see, had to watch what he did, had to be absolutely sure. But, all she found was the relaxed and enticed face of a man.
She could tell he was trying to not move, but he raised his head just a little, just enough to meet her kiss and offer her lips a gentle nudge. And she returned it with a loving sigh.
Her hands, still on his hips, hooked into his loincloth, and undid them.
The kiss finally broke, and they rested their foreheads against each other, both looking down. The man's cock had already raised to stand, hard, waiting. His pubic hair was wet and flat to his pelvis, and looked so very different compared to her hairless skin.
"Medusa, you-"
She put one of her fingers against his lips again before she gripped his waist, and brought her body closer to his, and closer, until she could feel the underside of his cock resting against her folds. She was wet, and it wasn't from the water on his body.
She stayed there, and let the head of his member rest against her clitoris. A small movement, up and down in a controlled, swaying motion by her hovering body, and she was able to keep it against the swollen flesh while massaging it. She took his body with both hands again, and leaned back while she kept her pussy pressed to him, and she stared down at where his cock rubbed against her. Each small movement of her hips sent blissful waves of pleasure from the swollen flesh into her body.
She was dripping. Part of her wanted to be embarrassed at how easily she'd become deliriously aroused, but it was a very small part. The heat had gone to her head, and now all she could think about was the sensation of his cock against her, and how she was rubbing her clit against it. Gods, she really was so very wet.
She raised herself a little higher, and pressed her body forward a little further. The angle pushed Darian's member against his stomach, so she reached down with one hand and wrapped her fingers around his girth. Darian inhaled sharply, and she let go the instant he did.
"I'm sorry! I-"
"...don't stop," he said. His breath came out in quiet pants, and his own face was red with blush; it was the first time she'd seen him really blush.
And hearing him beg like that, it would have made her knees buckle if she still had them.
She gripped his shaft in her palm once again, her other hand on his shoulder to hold her hovering torso steady, and she aimed his member away from his body to point it straight at her. So close, so very close, she took a little time rub his cock against her soaked lips, and even prod just barely at her clenching entrance.
"You... you're quite the tease." Darian still hadn't moved, and she could see it was getting harder for him. Tiny groans slipped into his voice when she nudged his glans against her wet flesh, and his grip against her snake length where he kept his hands was getting tighter. She had put him on that edge of need where, as far as she knew, a man would lose control and start thrusting with reckless abandon.
But Darian did not. He wanted to, she could see it in his flexed arms, his hard and rising stomach, and his pained expression, but he didn't attack her. Instead, he did not move, not a single inch.
"... I am teasing you," she managed to say. Her, teasing someone, holding their sexual need in her hand literally and figuratively. How she had changed in such a small time since he arrived.
The least she could do was reward him.
She raised her hovering torso a couple inches, just enough to align his member with her, and she started to ease herself down and forward onto him. Darian groaned gently under his breath, but Medusa found she could no longer keep quiet. The sensation of his body opening her and penetrating her, all while she was in control, was intoxicating. Tingling waves of pleasure spread through her core and down into her snake body until the whole of her was shivering. Deeper. She let her body sink down onto the small man until she could feel every last inch of him within her clenching, dripping body.
When she managed to catch her breath and looked at Darian in the face again, she couldn't help but let out a small, moan-filled giggle. Her breasts, annoyingly large as they were, overwhelmed his chest and pressed into his collar with the odd angle. She pulled back a bit so they could fall to her ribs once more, and with a little distance between them, it gave them both the angle needed to admire each other's bodies. And she liked how Darian admired her body, eyes glued to her breasts, and where her pussy's lips were spread open around him. She almost giggled with the euphoria and bliss of it.
"When... I was young," she said between quiet moans, "there was a temple to Aphrodite that I visited. One night, I found a man and woman, naked in the garden, touching each other between several statues of the Erotes." She found a pleasant rhythm that was perfect for running Darian's hard girth along her tender, swollen insides before pushing further into her, and she exploited it in slow, deep motions. "I was... fassscinated, and I watched... couldn't look away. And after... what happened, I thought I would never experience thisss...." Her body sank down onto him, further, and she pressed her pelvis toward the man in her coils until she could feel her folds against the base of him. "And... I really wanted to... experience this... sssssslowly... gently."
It was like someone else had taken over. The words just came out, and they didn't even sound like her. Whoever was talking was using a deeper, sultry voice, and they made no effort to hide their hisses.
She pushed her scaled hips forward, along with some of her snake length underneath her. It tightened the coil that circled them both, shrinking the space for her poor, captured human to stand in. It also edged some of her snake length toward him, and where a human woman would have legs, she instead pushed her snake length between Darian's knees. She was in charge, she was in control, she was doing the thrusting between his legs, and it was blissful Elysium.
She hadn't even noticed she'd started thrusting harder, faster, but before she knew it, she had tightened her grip on Darian's hip with one hand, and the nook of his neck with the other. Faster.
Poor Darian. He was trembling slightly, his breathing was shallow, and tiny beads of sweat were starting to form on his chest. His hands had tightened into fists, but he still kept them behind him, bracing his weight against her nearest coil. His usually confident smile was gone, and instead his parted lips and begging eyes made her ache. He must have been so close. So very close.
She stopped.
"Ah... h-hey...." He almost lifted his hands, but even on the edge of orgasm as she was sure he was, as she was, he managed to stay still. Perfect.
"Hold... ssssstill." She leaned back with one hand still on his shoulder, but the other released him and instead reached down to find her clitoris. Swollen and sensitive, it took only the lightest touch to send powerful jolts of sharp pleasure through her core and up into her chest when she grazed it. Darian was still inside her, buried to the hilt with her muscles squeezing on his girth between pleasure waves, but despite all that, he continued to hold still even as she massaged her clit. Her pussy clenched tight on his length, and with how she was leaning back, it made her body shudder and her breasts tremble against her, all on display for Darian's gaze.
It took little time to bring herself to orgasm. On fire as she was, she'd been teetering on the edge for so long, so only a gentle, loving massage of her clit for a single minute had her cumming. She let go of the swollen flesh, put both hands on Darian's shoulders, and collapsed forward against him while the orgasm tore through her. She quivered like a leaf, let out quiet mewls mixed with hisses, and hugged Darian tightly to her while she came. She soaked him in her juices, wriggled on him, clenched and squeezed his cock in rhythm with the waves of pleasure that worked through her, and through it all the poor man in her grip held perfectly still.
Eventually she managed to place her hands on his shoulders again, and push herself back so she could look at him once more. Still trembling with orgasm aftershocks, she tried to get her breath before speaking, but each attempt was met with quiet moans.
Darian looked ready to burst.
"You... must be... close," she said.
"You have... no idea...."
"Ssssorry. I... really wanted... to...." To be in control and just have you watch while I cum all over you. Her own thoughts embarrassed her more than the mess of juices she had made on the man.
"It's ok. And... wow." Darian managed to smile at her, but she could see how he grimaced with frustration at being so near.
"... you... you deserve...." She took a deep breath, reached for his hands, and guided them to her scaly hips. His hands were on her now, a man's hands. There was a single moment of fright again, like a snap of whip on her back, and it made her freeze.
Darian did nothing though, except for smile, and wait. "You sure?"
That damn smile of his melted her into a puddle, and she again fell against his chest and pressed her breasts to him. This time she wrapped her arms underneath his, grabbed his back, and held him to her as much as her to him. With her face buried in his neck, she just held on, and let herself relax against him.
It was the first time she had relaxed in a long, long time.
Darian nudged his cheek against the side of her head, snake hair and all, and started to push his hips against her while using his grip to pull her into him. She mewled softly into his neck with each gentle thrust; everything was still so sensitive and wet, each motion sent another blissful wave of pleasure down through her body, into the tip of her tail.
Then he pushed a little harder, just a little, just enough to make her squeak. His aggression earned another orgasm from her, a smaller one that had her wriggling again on his cock. This time though, each of her little waves of pleasure were met with another thrust from the man, dragging out her orgasm for a few seconds longer, until at last the man stopped.
This time it was his turn to make noise, and he groaned quietly into her ear. He had stopped thrusting, but his hands on her hips kept moving her back and forth in a gentle rhythm. He was shaking too, not as much as her, but with her arms hugging his back, she could feel him shiver lightly as her pussy, still clenching like a vice on his girth, was pushed back and forth an inch by his hands on her hips. He was cumming inside her.
After a few more moments of gentle bliss, he let go of her hips and put his hands back onto the scaled length he was leaning against.
"No, wait. Please... you can touch me...." She took his hands again, put them back where they were on her hips, and she stood up straight once more before putting her hands on his neck.
"Are you-"
"More," she said, and she started the ritual once more. She squeezed on his cock, wriggled her body forward to devour it to the hilt, and held him there while she eased herself up and down in a subtle dance. "More."
He woke up before she did. That was understandable he figured, given that she was a snake; she probably spent a lot of her time sleeping or laying about likes snakes do. Half snake. No doubt about the half part.
He smirked at the naked woman. Both of them had fallen asleep on her pile of blankets, and he had fallen asleep in the middle of her coils; she'd left him enough room to fully lay down on the blankets though. And with the sun only thirty minutes into the day, he got to watch the room fill with light and bathe her scaled body in the glow.
Such beautiful green. He reached out with a gentle touch, ran his fingers along the scales of some of the massive length of her snake half, and marveled at the smooth sensation of it on his fingertips. And those bright emerald greens, the patterned blacks, the sand-colored belly scales, it was all so beautiful.
And then of course there was the human half that was laying down on top her nearest coil, only a few feet from him. She was on her side, facing in toward the middle of her circle, and him. The way her snake hair also slept was absolutely adorable, curled up and coiled against her ears, neck, and cheek.
He leaned in closer to inspect her naked body; it was his right for waking up before her, after all. She really didn't have a single hair on her body, scales for eyebrows, snakes for hair, and smooth pale skin everywhere else until the V of her pelvis, where the snake body devoured her hips and replaced her butt. Her mouth was open a little, and she was drooling a bit too. Better yet, her forked tongue was hanging out of her mouth, and every so often she took a deep breath that made her open her mouth so wide, he could see those massive, curled-back fangs inside.
She was a curvaceous woman, he'd noticed that the moment he met her, but it was a different thing entirely to see curves behind clothes, then see it naked and in your arms. Wide hips, a flat stomach, large breasts. Aphrodite would have bean jealous.
He frowned and grit his teeth. Poseidon had raped her, probably for the very things he was admiring.
But then, that's why last night had happened the way it did, he thought. She'd taken control, and he'd been more than happy to relinquish it. Images of the curvy, slithering woman jumped from memory into his mind, her hips between his legs, practically dancing on him. And to be circled by dozens of feet of her powerful body through it all, like a trapped and all-too-willing participant. It had been a long time since he'd enjoyed someone's bed as much, if ever. He was already starting to get excited again.
"N.... sssssss."
He chuckled, but did his best to keep it quiet. Gods she was cute. "Medusa, it's morning."
After a restful minute of gentle prodding, the sleeping beauty raised her head, and blinked her yellow snake eyes at him.
"I... what? What... oh!" She stood upright with a jolt, or as close as she could to standing, and brought both hands up to her mouth with curled knuckles. Her face turned bright red again too.
She really was such a shy creature, Darian thought. A different person had come out last night, very different, someone he had not expected. The one at night was definitely a sexual creature, but this one made him laugh and smile more than anyone had in a long time.
"Good morning."
"Darian! I... oh gods I am... oh gods."
She looked around for her clothes in panic, but Darian had them, hidden behind his back. Part of him wanted to hold onto them, just to keep her nude, but the morning after sex with a shy woman like her was not the time for such mischievousness; that could come later. For now, he held them out to her, and Medusa scooped them up while trying to keep her back to him.
"I'm so embarrassed. Last night, I... we-"
"Nothing to be embarrassed about." He got up, still naked himself, and stepped a little closer to her. "You are a very, very seductive woman."
"I... I am not!"
He smirked at her. "Extremely seductive. I loved every moment of it."
That brightened her up a bit. She'd managed to get both the wraps back onto her waist and around her breasts, and had turned to face him again, but she was still covering half her face with her hands.
"... really?"
Gods, such a deadly and magnificent creature was such a shy and timid thing? It hurt that tragedy had befallen her. He wanted to pity her and tell her what Poseidon did wasn't her fault, that wounds heal with time, but he stopped himself. She didn't need any of that shit dumped on her. And she was doing fine getting over her past without his meaningless platitudes.
"Really." He smiled -- his one true talent -- and stepped in close to her. "I half expected you to coil up around me until I couldn't move, and take complete control."
She shook her head like it was the most absurd and ridiculous thought in the world, but he saw that glimmer of intrigue in her eye. And of course, her snake hair laid her true feelings out for him to read with ease; they had all started slithering in his general direction with flickering tongues.
"... next time?" she said. Her voice had lowered to a quiet whisper, as if speaking in a hushed voice would hide the meaning of her request.
Medusa finally lowered her hands, and her shy grin took over. She leaned forward a little whenever she slithered, and she leaned forward then while she circled him in a slow, determined path. It wasn't long before he was again surrounded by thirty feet of her powerful snake body.
He'd forgotten he was nude, and she was getting more than an eyeful. But he was also shameless, and he stood there with his ever faithful cocky smile. He knew what he looked like, a young man, small of frame, hardened to almost nothing but muscle, and not a single scar on his body except for the mark of his forehead.
And the snake woman was looking at him with hungry eyes.
"Now?" he said.
She nodded. "I... I have much time to make up for."
The silver lining; with an ageless life comes second chances.
"I'll try, but you d...."
The telltale beat of a wings forced him to look up. Just a soft thing on the air, but they'd grown louder, and louder, and now the raised sun cast long shadows from the bodies that approached along the sky. Darian looked up, but the sun would not let him see.
He didn't need to. Three pairs of wings beat louder, and louder, and as the bodies grew louder, his smile faded. He knew these wings.
"What... harpies?" Medusa said.
"No. Worse."
The gorgon hissed. More than hiss, she put her torso in front of him, and raised it up high. A snake ready to strike.
Before him, the three flyers came down to the stone in as slow and pretentious a flight as he was sure they could muster. They wore robes of white that flowed with the wind of their white wings, and their sandal-wearing feet touched down as a feather. Upon their heads, snake hair sat not unlike Medusa, but their snakes were dead, corpses on their scalp. The see-through robes exposed beautiful bodies, but their faces were mangled and distorted with unnatural age and hard, grooved skin like a Nile crocodile.
Medusa hissed again, but Darian could see the surprise on her face. More monsters. For all the horrible fates that had befallen her, she had spent her life in near-solitude from all. Her eyes were wide, and her tail was shivering with adrenaline and anxiousness.
Darian, on the other hand, just groaned. "Even here you find me. Was the attack on the ship not enough?"
The Erinyes looked at each other, confused. Maybe it wasn't them? He found the thought hard to believe.
One of them snarled, spoke in some twisted tongue of slurring sounds, and the others returned the alien sounds. Then, with one hand, each of them held out before him their masters.
Each of the flying monsters carried in their right hand a large spool of thread, and from the thread dangled a mask. Metal, carved with lines of chaos and insanity no artisan could craft, and each mask was strapped to a skull. The skulls were not crafted, but actual bone. The masks' metal mouths were parted, their eyes open, and through their eyes and mouths Darian could only see a glowing white, soft, and dripping from their orifices like heavy mist. A very familiar white.
"It has been over a year," one of the masks said, "since we have looked your way." A woman's voice, but layered with an inhuman rumble that filled the air. Darian imagined the spirits of Tartarus would sound similar.
"Bullshit. Barely over a week ago and the sea, sky, and everything in it struck the ship I was on. You're telling me that wasn't you?" He slipped over Medusa's coils, and tightened his fingers to fists as he approached the Erinyes. The horrific women looked at him, but they were just messengers. It was the dangling, metal masks they held he wanted to smash.
Another mask cut in. "We have-"
"Fuck you! If it wasn't you, then you told Poseidon and Zeus where to find me!"
One of the winged women used her free hand to draw a sword when he got too close, a glorious thing with a handle that looked similar to a spool of thread. But it didn't strike him, instead it held the mask in front of it, and each time the mask spoke, the glowing white of its eyes and mouth glowed brighter.
"We have left you to your delusions, child, and have spoke to no one of them. Zeus and his siblings know not where you are. And they do not care."
Of course they don't. Darian reached for his sword, but rage had made him forget: he was naked. It was probably for the best, before his anger got him into more trouble.
"Then what? What attacked me? Why are you here? What-"
"Enough!" The Fates spoke as a triumvirate, and the glow of their masks casts Darian and Medusa under a white light so bright it was blinding. "We have not come to apologize to the likes of you!" Their voices grew in volume until it was a choir of death, and for a brief moment, Darian thought he was hearing the voice of that giant sea creature again. So loud, he could feel the ground vibrate. He couldn't see anymore, not with how the glow of the masks grew brighter, and brighter, until his eyes were watering and he had to close them. Their voices grew to a shriek, earsplitting, painful, and Darian fell to a knee before covering his ears and closing his eyes.
When he opened his eyes again, Medusa had lowered her torso to hover next to him, even with her hands covering her ears. They barely knew each other and she was already ready to fight mythic entities with him. It made him smirk; she was as stupid as he was. But at least the masks of the Fates had grown silent. The Erinyes were undisturbed by the death choir; they truly were disgusting abominations from the Underworld.
Darian gritted his teeth and stood up. "Then what do you want?"
"We have need of you, Bellerophontes." | literotica |
(M tf Triceratops/Stegosaurus)
Jack slipped around the corners of a narrow alleyway. He has been dating Milly for three years now, and was well aware of her fetish for large reptiles. When she was little she was obsessed with dinosaurs, and even now had a collection of dragon plushies. The organization known as AWE appeared years ago promising their research could help restore extinct creatures, but what they failed to mention is it would come at the cost of human lives. AWE was brought down by the authorities, dashing her hopes of ever seeing one of the great lizards in the real world. Or so most people assumed.
Jack approached a shady figure waiting for him in the laneways. Jack's friend had told him about this shady character who had been scavenging the fallen AWE satellites apparently before the authorities could properly control the crash sites. He had intact AWE prehistorical gene vials.
Jack clutched the wad of bills prepared in his pocket. "What have you got for sale?"
The man looked him up and down a moment, hidden entirely in a shabby tattered cloak. "Right now, herbivores and some very small carnivores... I doubt you came to me looking to become smaller though."
"Mmmm, yes... are you sure you want to go THAT big? You will no longer fit inside of a building. Heck you might not even fit on a road- if you use it while inside of the city you will cause some severe property damage. I mean, I get your money either way so it is your call- I don't care if you flatten the place."
"How about... Triceratops? It has those badass horns."
"About two meters tall and nine meters in length, if your apartment has high roofs you might actually fit indoors- barely." The man opened the cylinder case he was carrying- it hissed and billowed out frozen mist as he removed a single vial from a collection. "Problem is- the sequence is hybrid. There was a complete genome for triceratops but I was unable to scavenge it before the... 'authorities' stole it. This one is half triceratops and half stegosaurus. Prorsus and Ungulatus sub-species, specifically."
"Same cost?"
"Yup, they are all the same price."
Jack tossed him the wad of bills and the man carefully removed the cork from the vial and replaced it with a syringe tip, locking it in place and then handing it to Jack. "Use it when you are already at home or the pigs will just wrangle you up before you can get anywhere to do anything in your new form. It works extremely fast."
When Jack returned to his place, Milly was giddy with joy when he told her what he had found. He left out the part about how much it cost him- but honestly for what it does and how exceedingly rare something like this is, the price was actually insanely low. With AWE no longer around, there was only a few surviving vials in the entire world- not to mention the extreme difficulty in getting the DNA sequences from creatures that had died aeons ago in the first place. The two of them had a romantic dinner to celebrate; both eager to try out their find. Milly was looking forward to it because she loved giant lizards, and Jack was eager to please her- he also wanted it for a power high. Dinosaurs are huge and powerful; he wanted some of that too. Milly got undressed and crawled onto his huge round bed waiting for him. His bedroom was quite large so he had no doubt he would still fit after transforming. His place was only one floor, but it was still quite large and was built on a cliff overlooking most of the city. Me smiled as he approached the bed, Milly had legs for days and was showing them off to him to lure him in. Jack stuck himself with the syringe and pressed the button. It made a soft hissing sound as it pressurized the vial attached to it and used the pressure to fire the liquid into him.
He felt a sort of tingling like his left arm was falling asleep, but as it moved into his shoulder and then torso and spread out he got goosebumps from the subtle movement. The feeling seemed to concentrate into his spine making him shiver a bit from the odd feeling. His spine started to swell larger- the bones becoming larger and more dense- this pushed his ribs forward more and caused pressure around her sternum as well as his shoulders and hip where the spine linked to the rest of his bodily structure. Pressure built from both the bone and muscle in his lower back as his tail bone started to extend into an actual tail. The new muscle structure branched from existing muscles- so he felt the movement through the surrounding area as well. All the muscle movement and growth generated heat, making his lower back and forming tail pleasantly hot. Cartilage started to build up around his vertebrae, causing his spine to project further and form a stiff ridge down his back. Jack could not see it himself obviously, but turned to the side for Milly so she could observe it projecting out more to see that the Neocells were doing their job.
Cradled at the base by a dense cartilage ridge, bone spurs started to form; growing through the skin over them and pushing it out as they expanded rather than tearing the skin after the fact- so they caused no bleeding. Spurs evolved into disks, and then into diamond shaped plates. At this point both his shirt and the upper parts of his pants were standing up off of him some distance. He wore nothing on his feet and had no underwear on but he left his shirt and pants on deliberately. He wanted to outgrow them, to feel his body become too much for them to contain. Jack wanted to feel the power of his new body and being uncontainable by his clothing was step 1. The plates were not at all sharp, so they stretched the fabric away from him but did not break through.
Jack made some stuttered moans as he was caught up in the feeling of his tail getting bigger, and meatier. The muscle growth and formation basically made it impossible for him to control as it was growing- the muscles contracted erratically causing the tail to curl and uncurl entirely on its own through reflex. As the base expanded, it stretched his anus horizontally and the thickening meat from his pelvic floor caused his testicles to suddenly pop back inside of himself! They ached a bit for a moment as his ball expanded while inside of himself- and automatically forced themselves to slide deeper inside because of a lack of space. His actual pelvis started to expand outward. The bone itself became thicker and slowly started to grow in size, but its shape also branched several times. Two narrow 'wings' grew from the front, causing the base of his dick to shift further back. It drew up inside of him as the skin at the base thickened and it joined into his anus, creating a cloaca where his hip and tail met. Due to the size of their genitals, most reptiles stuff the mass into the bottom base of their tail.
Jack's spine started to get longer, pulling his body longer, making it very hard for him to stand. He leaned forward heavily, teetering a bit as he attempted to keep his balance. The growing mass of his tail was actually the only reason he was able to continue standing at all- the tail acted as a counter weight. His thumbs started to regress- the bones getting softer and shrinking- the same was true for the large toe on each foot. The remaining four digits however swelled in size and length, forcing them to space out better, and the flesh on the palm of his hand and the sole of his feet swelled up, forcing Jack to stand with more of his weight on the front of his feet only. Another rounded bone wing grew forward from the top of the pelvis to help brace his midriff better, allowing him to keep his balance slightly better. His rib cage extended now as well as his spine, but he still had a good distance of midriff. This took after the stegosaurus more than the triceratops- stegosaurus have narrow ribs much higher up, while a triceratops' huge rib cage covers most of their underbelly- their stomach area projects rather than sinks inward.
Jack was loving this feeling of changing. He could feel the anticipation of growth in his bones in stuttered pulses before his muscle grew and stretched his skin outward, creating a gentle pleasure as it tickled the nerves. The nervous system was not really programmed to pick up on rapid growth, but since the input was not harmful to the body it was interpreted as pleasure. Once his muscle and skin swelled outward, the bones groaned and increased in size. The bone plates on his back grew even larger and finally pulled the shirt too tight in the back and tore it in half! Jack moaned loudly with a smile on his face as the shirt finally gave up. The plates on his back still were not even remotely sharp, but they were narrow and very, very large. Each one shaped is like a kite. The plates link by cartilage, the bone itself does not directly connect to the spine- so they are actually not that solid. They act like a minor deterrent to predators, but their primary purpose was actually thermoregulation- as stegosaurus are cold blooded. Their array of plates basically act like solar panels- and during mating season, a point of pride.
The veins in his neck suddenly swelled and became rock hard with pressure, causing his vision to turn blue from pressure being his eyes. His heart beat several times much louder than normal and swelled in size in his growing chest. Now fed with much more oxygen, the muscles in his neck swelled pulling on his back, which then caused his neck to grow both wider with muscle and longer with new vertebrae. Jack turned when he felt a pinching sensation and seen four fat bulges on the end of his tail on either side- eight in total. The pinching feeling increased to a stabbing sensation for a moment as eight spikes emerged from each bulge! Once they broke the skin the pain was removed and replaced with a sensation more akin to scratching an inch as the bone slid further out of the skin! The spikes grew out wide with a soft upward arch, and became very long, very fast. Unlike the plates on its back, these were a stegosaurus' actual weapon. Their tails are very long, muscular, and in spite of their length, the vertebrae in their tail are actually relatively small- which means their tails have a lot of flexibility. They can whip their tails very quickly and with a lot of force, allowing them to use the massive spiked end like a brutal maul to impale would-be predators hard enough to puncture bone.
Jack started to groan and moan loudly at the bizarre feeling of his skull changing shape. While his entire body and head had already been growing- his brain actually shrank a bit. Both triceratops and stegosaurus have extremely tiny brains compared to their body size. They follow an early version of the herd mentality- to the point where they will preform actions simply because others around them are- not because they have any idea why they are actually doing it. His voice became distorted and deep, with an almost hollow tone to it as his nostrils expanded. His face pushed out rather quickly, stretching his top and bottom jaw. The bridge of his nose became less defined against the rest of his face as it pushed out under it; equalizing the two. As his jaw extended though, his back teeth grew larger and a gap formed between back and front teeth. His skull was extending backwards at the same pace too though- the top and sides stretching backward to form a crest. The skin on Jack's face felt so incredibly tight, so his mouth hung open during this- tensing any of the muscles in his face was too much pressure on his skin. So much so that the tightness left no room for hair follicles, causing his human hair to fall out from back to front as the crest continued to expand.
The crest growing off the back of his skull was solid bone, and the very base of it actually started from the sides of the skull, down by the hinge of his jaw. As the crest grew larger, so did the muscle operating his jaws- giving his bite some extreme chomping strength. To make his bite even more brutal- the top and bottom jaw were different sizes! While his teeth were flat, the bottom fit inside of the teeth on the upper jaw, so the sharp edges of his teeth passed over themselves like the blades of a pair of scissors! The edge of the massive bone frill grew smooth bone knobs that formed through the skin due to how tightly it was wrapped around the massive extension. It was so large, if he raises his head, the crest completely covers his extended neck- shielding it entirely from harm. His eye sockets became stretched as his skull moved forward, causing indentation in front of them to appear which helped him better look down the increasing length of his face. Jack's ears regressed to a dish shape, then to just a ridge, and finally to nothing more than a simple hole.
The shape of his skull better matched a stegosaurus- small and very long and narrow. The features growing from the skull however were very much still triceratops. When his stego face finished forming, another surge of growth filled it! The surge traveled down his face and built quickly in its end, which then flared huge at the nostrils! His nostrils grew in size, causing him to reflexively breath in large, quick breaths and caused his lungs to swell in size. The end of his face became diamond shaped, and the top point especially grew up- becoming more narrow and more sharp. The front teeth that had distanced themselves from the rest now fused to his lips! His lips started to harden, making properly pronouncing any human words virtually impossible. The lips formed a hard ridge which joined into the hardening and darkening end of his face. The tiny bottom jaw hooked up, and the large upper jaw hooked down- forming a large sharp beak at the end! Triceratops were only able to eat plants low to the ground- but had extremely strong jaws and their beak and brutal tooth arrangement allowed them to eat hardened plants other species would be completely unable to process. Rather than compete for food, they found food little else was able to eat in the first place.
The ridge on Jack's nose started to grow out fully through the skin as an almost blade-like horn. At first it almost looked as though his eyebrow ridge was growing, but it was a separate growth in the bone just over them, forcing the hair of his human eyebrows out now. The ridge went from back to front and lanced the skin quickly, creating a sharp but short lived pain. They grew into two horns, then two huge horns like a long-horn cow... and then they grew even larger than that! Jack was quite surprised, thinking they would have stopped and yet did not. They grew past the length of his face and kept going! They were like two jousting lances strapped to either side of his face! A fact many people miss; a triceratops' horns may look quite big in a museum- that is just the bone core of the horns. The very base of the horn, not the horn itself. The horn itself is MUCH larger than that.
With a hollow, rumbling moan Jack finally fell all the way forward as his body became far too bulky to stand on two legs. The bottom of his feet swelled larger, forcing his weight forward till it properly squished out. Now he was standing on his tip-toes, while also fully resting on his soles as well! Like the foot of an elephant, it has fully formed digits but the foot around it is so thick with stiff, hardened flesh that you cannot outwardly see any part of its digits other than its nails along the outside of its pillar-like limbs! The rest of his leg started to bulk up to match its girth, causing his pants to slide further down from where his tail already shoved it down, and then the material caught and overfilled, bursting apart down either leg and falling away finally. This exposed his oddly twitching cock for Milly who now sat up, eyes locked on it in fascination.
Jack's cock was getting thicker at the base, and was now a shade of bright pink. The more tender flesh inside of his foreskin was now basically his entire shaft- he no longer had a foreskin. His shaft almost looked like it was slowly squirming, the growth inside and the surface flesh did not align perfectly, causing surges of growth to force it to bend this way and that before catching up and straightening back out. As it expanded though the glans became stretched into obscurity- the ridge of the corona lost against the rest of the shaft. It became a lot wider than it did long though- in length it was only about a foot right now but in width it was as big around as a 2L bottle of soda. Then they both seen a shift in shape. The urethra had closed up at the end- the indentation was there but there was no actual hole in the end! The indentation started to get deeper and suddenly the more solid structure of the inner shaft branched, yanking the end in two different directions! The forked end got more severe- the divot between the two progressing down but stopped before it got to the base. At the very base, his cock was still a single unit, but the urethra still split all the way down and back- each urethra lead to a different testicle. The split portion alone now grew much, much longer, but remained the same width as the base of them divided by two. His cock became three feet long- three and a half if you include the base! The less mobile a creature is, the longer its dick needs to be to make up for it. Like most reptiles, Jack now had a hemipene, shaped almost exactly like a tuning fork!
His legs continued to expand, and his arms now did the same. Jack watched his hands as his fingers lost mobility- his palms swelled larger till they rest on the ground, and the shape of his hands vanished entirely, leaving only the large blunt nails exposed at the end. His nails all became more solid white as they thickened, but their shape actually did not change all that much from human- they are just a hell of a lot larger and thicker. It almost felt like someone was picking him up by his rear end and trying to make him do a front-roll. His legs and arms were not at all expanding at the same rate. A stegosaurus has much shorter front limbs than it does back- but because its rear legs better match a triceratops, that is also where the most overlap occurred! A triceratops has bones almost twice the size and density as a stegosaurus does, which only caused his legs to expand even bigger than they were already going to get! His thighs became massive! All four of his limbs were like pillars now, but the back legs were absolutely massive, but not with fat. They are tremendously heavy creatures but had an estimated run speed of about 65mph. The amount of force they would transfer by running into you with that much weight, at that speed, is already more than enough to kill a human instantly even without any horns or spikes.
Jack's steep posture was causing blood to pool in his head and make him dizzy- his ass was high in the air and he could not stand on two legs to fix it that way. His spine groaned with pressure and started to get longer again! The spine of a stegosaurus is a very large arch. This caused the plates on his back to expand still larger, and it also put his front and back legs further apart, making the slope between back and front more gradual, allowing his heart to equalize blood pressure. The gigantic kite-shaped plates on his back were so large that they overlapped, and since they grew from the same place (the spine) this caused them to alternate which direction they leaned in; right, left, right, left, etc.
Jack's flesh started to change coloration, and bubble up, stiffening into scales. It did not all grow in equally however. Most of his body was covered in pale brown, perfectly round scales. These were broken up by large hexagonal scales however every so often down its side which had a long fleshy thorn-like protrusion. This anomaly would evolve into the base of a quill for feathers on some sub-species, but the triceratops specifically would never evolve far enough for this to happen to itself and the stegosaurus had no such adaptations at all. On his underbelly however, the scales projected further and became more solid- like bone rather than hard rubber. The underbelly scales developed into scutes, similar to the hide of a crocodile! The coloration on its scales transferred to the plates on its back as well but the brown was darker, and each plate had a red ring on its side! On his face, the end of his face turned black where it hardened into the beak. The crest on his head however looked like someone spilled red and white ink on it! The brown, white, and red skin formed almost tie-dye patterns across the crest. While it did protect the neck from predators- the predators would not take long to simply attack somewhere other than the neck, making its usefulness as a defense rather negligible. What the crest was primarily used for was flagging mates- the vibrant colors were to attract others of its kind. And like modern cattle and deer- while its horns can be used easily to ward off predators; what they end up being used for more frequently is to lock horns with others of its kind to fight over mates. With scutes protecting its underbelly and plates on its back; this hybrid could only be effectively attacked along its sides- the entire rest of its body was armored, and being at its side put you into the attack range of its tail! Jack has completed his evolution into a Tristegosaurtops!
He lumbered over to the bed- shaking the entire house with each footstep. He was extremely heavy, but had plenty of muscle so while he looked very bulky; Jack was still able to move perfectly fine. He liked the feeling of swinging his brutal tail around, but had to be careful not to hit anything with it; the eight spikes on its end were not for show. He put one hand up on the bed and then ended up falling forward and shoving down on the bed with his large head to keep it down! As soon as he put weight down with his hand he almost flipped the entire bed over himself because of the weight, and had to use his head to hold it in place to he could climb onto it without catapulting Milly across the room! He sunk so far into the bed he was surprised the frame did not just explode out from under them. The fabric trying to push back up under him, between his legs made getting under him too difficult though. Beds were not built for dinosaurs. Milly told him to flop on his side so she could have access, and as soon as he did the entire bed flipped along with him! Jack flopped over onto his right side, causing the left side of the bed to stand straight up into the air, tossing the bedding over them and causing Milly to fall onto his side.
She laughed when the initial surprise wore off and told him to just stay like that. She rolled off his side and fell between his legs- so although the bed was standing up; Milly was between him and the bed. His giant prehistoric cock became erect from its changes, and remained erect from his power high and pleasurable changes. She bent it outward a bit by its base and then scoot herself down- pressing her right boob into the crook between shafts! His cock was now cradling her breast from below! She took his right shaft into her mouth, and the left shaft into her right hand, while grabbing the united base with her left hand. He grunt, gusting hot hair out around her. Jack's moans and grunts were very deep and hollow sounding because of the size of his nostrils. He could not grip her with hands anymore, but still clutched her in a sort-of hug, holding the sides of her body with his front limbs. He was careful to let her do most of the work because she was sooo tiny compared to him now. He brought his tail around and penetrated her pussy, surprising her from below! In this position the spikes on the end of the tail faced away from her, and there was enough bare length on the end to get several inches into her! When he thrust his tail into her soft pussy, she involuntarily bent further forward which pressed her boob down firmer into the crook of his twin dicks! The pleasure of getting a blowjob, titfuck, and handjob all at the same time sent him over the edge real quick. Till that moment, they had both forgotten his balls had gotten considerably larger since retreating deeper into his torso. Without any evolutionary tricks to help fertility, they simply used volume. Each stream of cum from either shaft lasted a full second on its own, and there was nearly twenty, with only a fraction of a second between each blast! Milly swallowed a bit, but it still overflowed her mouth and filled her cleavage with a pool of prehistoric sperm, and the other shaft painted her shoulder and the bed beside her!
The two of them curled up and fell asleep like that- too tired from all the excitement and sex to bother trying to clean up for now. Jack was big and powerful like he had always wanted to be, and now Milly finally had her giant lizard boyfriend she had always fantasized about! Their fun with this wasn't going extinct any time soon. | yiff-extreme |
Title: Sirius - Book Three: Project EPSILON - Chapter 9: The Natives by WhiteArcticFox
Tags: Action, Alien, Drama, Fox, Gecko, Sci-Fi, Violence (Not In Yiff), Wolf
I have no excuse: I just suck at updating.
New chapter: YAY! \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
Chapter 9 â€" The Natives
A quiet hiss rose in the air, passing over the sleeping village below. Small, circular buildings built of brick, mortar, and metal nestled up against one another in a loose spiral. In their windows was darkness, no lights flowing out of any buildings except the largest, in the centre of the spiral. Twisted, organic-looking lamp-posts stood in the streets, and the occasional night-walker could be spotted when they stepped under the diffuse glow of the spheres nested in their tips; and the only light save those was the faintest violet reflected off of the massive gas giant nearby.
A light wind blew through the area, rustling the small amount of cloth that clung to one walker's frame. Serpentine features graced its face and a long, thin tail traced a line in the ground as it dangled behind. A well-hemmed loincloth protected the creature's modesty as did a matching mantle protect it's warmth as it's powder-blue skin rippled with lithe muscle, bands of red and white and black upon it's arms and ankles. It just strode through the streets, in it's immaculate clothing, oblivious to the hidden figure stalking in the irregular alleys the round buildings produced.
"They appear to wear clothing for the same reasons we do," Jasyn spoke quietly into his headset, peering around the wall at his mark, and with swift-and-silent footfalls he ran to the next dark corner to observe. "They also seem to be brightly coloured..." he rasped, keeping an ear on everything else around him. *"Keep me informed, don't get caught Jay,"* Phillips reminded him.
"I'll call if something comes up, Emitt out," he whispered, and inched along into his next dark crevice. 'I'm glad I'm downwind...' the wolf thought, as his cerulean eyes focused in on the creature. About to move, he froze and fell back into his hiding spot as the door of the building he was against was opened. Out stepped a pair of the creatures in what Jasyn could only possibly think was a laughing fit as they ran across and into the building opposite. A sharp scent rose in the air, and the wolf's nose wrinkled at the smell. "Okay... maybe not so glad..." he told himself, grunting as he inched back out and looked to where his mark was.
Seeing nobody, he panicked and sprintted noiselessly down the spiralling street for a few metres, leaning into the middle to get a better view around the buildings. "Dammit... where'd you go," he muttered, looking between the sides of the street. Some native insect chirruped loudly in the distance, and a chorus followed suit soonafter. The eerie noise was punctuated with something between a groan and a hiccup as some black-quilled avian fluttered overhead.
Jasyn stopped his sprint between lights and looked back and forth between alley and street. He slowly curled his fingers around his firearm and listened intently for some clue where the creature he was tracking had gone. The click-click of clawed feet against the ground rose in his ears, a low hissing noise growing closer as wolf tried to pinpoint exactly where it was. He froze, and slowly turned his gaze backward.
There, walking along the street, was the creature he was searching for. Illuminated in the streetlights, Jasyn could see the being's features more clearly. It's face was downpointed, but a long broad nose extended downward, the contours soft as the powder-blue lizard just kept it's eyes down.
Jasyn stayed still a moment longer, not in the light but clearly not invisible, and wondered how he hadn't been seen yet. He darted noiselessly into another alley; but he half-tripped over a discarded piece of litter and barely held his yelp. Tucking into the darkness, he turned and saw the lizard just walk on past. 'Must be thinking about something *really* important...' the wolf's thoughts trailed.
And still the figure moved, in that ethereal purple glow, down the street between street-lamps. Slowly it meandred through the street, clearly absorbed in thought; or-barring that-hypnotized by some unseen force.
Just as Jasyn made to move, the lizard stopped, darting it's eyes from side to side as though jolted from it's reverie. Ducking back behind weft baskets in the alley, the wolf watched the creature as it's eyes turned back, and he was sure the figure knew he was there from the way the gaze lingered, then darted further back. Jasyn perked his ears to listen, and the faintest sound of calls and cries reached him from well beyond the township's outer reaches.
In his ear, the wolf suddenly heard the shout of Phillips as she warned, *"Jasyn, get back to the ship. We've got Crag signals on the scopes."*
But the wolf didn't need to hear that to know that, as on the horizon he saw a single fighter. This was not a Crag Swarmship, this was much bigger; and it was headed right towards him. The lizard saw it too, why wasn't it cloaked? He cared not though, stepping out of the shadows and rushing off down the street, back towards his walker.
Many loud screeches reached his ears as a ball of flame lit up the night sky, and the wolf turned to see the massive structure in the township's centre engulfed in it. He saw the Crag ship unleash another volley, and pummel the buildings away from it as it flew overhead, and he followed it with his eyes as it went away through the sky. As it banked he yelped aloud, and started to run for his walker again, cursing the town's design.
*"Jasyn! Answer me!"* Phillips yelled into his ear again, and the wolf lifted a hand to reply. The creature he'd been tailing had seen him, and sped toward him as the Crag ship unloaded a spray of pulses, peppering the ground. The wolf froze briefly, like a deer in headlights as the shots grew closer and was thrown violently out of the way as a somewhat small, scaly, powder-blue lizard tackled him.
Jasyn's headset fell from him at the force of it, and the ground just shy of their tails was kicked up from the force of the weapons-fire, but this creature had for some reason seen fit to keep him from a deadly fate. It got up slowly and hissed and clicked unintelligibly, reaching a clawed hand out to the wolf as Jasyn too tried to stand. But that fighter had made another banking turn, and loosed another missile.
Kicking the creature's feet from under it, Jasyn caught it on his shoulders and dove out of the path, as the projectile slammed into a nearby house and engulfed it and several others in a bright green fireball. The creature fought briefly, but seeing the devastation it relaxed, and Jasyn set it down.
Using every ounce of common sense he had, Jasyn pointed at the figure and himself with both hands, then using both he pointed down the street. The beast canted it's head from side to side very quickly and then started off, Jasyn in hot pursuit.
Drawing his firearm, he looked up at the sky for any sign of the Crag ship, and heard it's howling engines roar just overhead. The lizard saw it too, and suddenly ducked into an alley on the outside edge of the street with Jasyn stumbling after it. He had no clue where he was going, but he saw as the small, smooth creature tucked confidently through the winding, not-at-all straight-lined alleyways.
They swiftly emerged on the outermost ring of the spiral village, the buildings here not alight, but more of the lizards pouring out and starting to panic and flee from the town. Jasyn just tried his hardest to keep up with the little blue creature as much larger ones ran through his field of view. They didn't even seem to notice him, but he certainly saw them, as he lost sight of the small blue bundle.
He pushed through, growling low as his grip tightened on his pistol, and he managed, finally, to slip through the crowd. "Shit," the wolf grunted, not at all knowing where the small thing had run off to. He looked up and down the street as the howl of the Crag engines roared overhead again. A spray of phased pulses peppered the ground again, and felled several of the large beasts to a mass-shriek from the rest as Jasyn ducked his head at the sound of another building burst alight in emerald fire.
A powder blue arm extended into sight, and he lifted his head to see the small lizard urging him forward with more of it's clicks and hisses. It was pointing towards another alley, and Jasyn saw the faintest hint of grassland between the oddly shaped buildings. He nodded and took the 'kid''s hand, before they took off in a run again. "Phil, Phil!?" Jasyn called, but got no reply. He reached up to his headset, and finally realized it was missing. Pistol lain along the side of his face, he grunted, shook his head, and broke through the city as the small blue creature led him off into the plains.
The Crag ship banked again and Jasyn heard another series of explosions, thanking the gods that it hadn't given chase.
Sunlight was on the horizon, day threatening to break as the pair walked through the tall, sparse grasses. They had met with a river, and stopped to drink, but Jasyn stayed ever alert. Now, though, they had found some rocky hills and they stuck to them. "My walker's probably in pieces..." he grunted, and he saw the creature's head turn to watch him.
More clicks and hisses that Jasyn couldn't understand, and a few softer sounds that seemed more like letters he knew, but he still did not understand. He had gathered, though, that the little rapid head-tilt was a yes.
Walking slowly through the rocks, as the sun began to rise, Jasyn watched the lizard with a quiet fascination. The dim light from the distant star still cast much more across the plains than nothing at all, and he again thanked the gods for that. The powder-blue beast gave off a faint scent that Jasyn couldn't quite place. It was not acrid like the other one was, and his companion seemed gentle enough that it seemed to fit them.
As the distant sun rose, much quicker than Jasyn had anticipated, it basked the plains in a dim, almost dusky glow. Slender hips, very lean. This little lizard could well have been an orphan. Jasyn watched the long tail flick from side to side as it used both arms and legs to negotiate the rocky terrain, head perking from side to side.
Jasyn stopped, and looked around himself. 'Best get my bearings now... before I get so lost they can't find me...' he trailed, turning back towards the way they had come. He could barely see the still-burning township, like a star on the horizon. 'If I'd paid more attention...' he sighed softly.
He felt a hand on his wrist and turned to see a curious look upon the lizard's face. That long tongue flicked as the creature made a few noises. Jasyn sighed softly and looked down at the ground. Getting an idea, he knelt down and drew in the sand a little spiral. Pointing at it he looked up at the lizard, who knelt down to look, and then pointed at the smouldering town on the horizon.
Then he drew a little squiggle some ways off, and a bunch of triangles past that, before looking up at the loincloth-laden figure. As it knelt, it reached out a clawed finger and drew a line from the spiral, to the squiggle, then to the triangles before pointing at Jasyn and itself. Glancing up at Jasyn for approval, the wolf canted his head the way the creature had done before.
Jasyn grinned inwardly, before he pulled the canteen. He looked at the lizard, before he poured a little bit into a dip in the rock. The clear liquid got quickly murky, but Jasyn pointed at the squiggle, the river, and then at the falling water. He made a wooshing sound and then pointed at the river again, hoping the creature understood.
It looked down at the squiggle, then up at Jasyn before blinking twice and canting it's head this time in confusion. The wolf sighed.
Pointing at the squiggle, he said aloud; "River..." then waiting a few seconds repeated himself "River..." Canting it's head, the lizard pointed at the squiggle and in what Jasyn saw as imitation it spoke with it's hisses and chirps.
Jasyn shook his head and pointed at it some more. "River"
The creature blinked again and then quickly stumbled on the foreign syllables. "Ry... ryva?" it said, pointing at the squiggle.
Jasyn nodded, then quickly changed to tilting his head. Moving his finger, he dipped it in the little pool of murky water he'd formed and ran it along the squiggle. "Water..." he said, repeating it a couple of times.
"Wuh...Waht-tur," it said, it's voice soft but punctuated with the slightest hiss.
"Water in River..." he dragged his finger through the river again. Then he removed it and poured a little more of his canteen out so it would flow over the edge of the rock. "Waterfall" he said, pointing at the dripping water. He sat back and pointed at the waterfall, then at the river again.
The creature lifted it's head and blinked a little. Slowly, it looked at the crude map before reaching out and making a dot in the fine layer of sand. Jasyn gasped a sigh of relief. 'Wasn't sure that'd work...' he thought, before reaching out and rubbing the lizard's skull gently. Looking at the 'map' he recalled where the waterfall had been when they had flown in.
Dabbing his finger at the map in the general area he thought the Phoenix had set down in, he dragged it towards the village. He pointed at himself, then the lizard, before pointing at the marked spot again with both fingers.
The lizard lifted it's head from the map and looked around, before pointing off away from the waterfall and across the plains. "You're sure?" Jasyn asked, before he realized the creature didn't understand. He looked at the map again, drawing his own conclusion briefly and nodded. "Better head that way then..." he resigned, lifting himself up and dusting off his flight-armour.
The lizard stood and seemed to mimick Jasyn's dusting himself off, before looking up at the wolf with a canted head. Jasyn chuckled and slowly turned to set off towards where he hoped his ship was waiting.
By the time the night had begun to fall again, Jasyn and the lizard had made it to where they couldn't see the hills anymore. He lowered his head and sighed slightly, looking around for something he could burn. A shrub, Jasyn dropped down and started to pull grass from around it. Clearing a small spot, he watched as the little Lizard canted it's head again. 'This thing is kinda cute...' the wolf admitted in his head, before he drew his pistol again. Waving his companion closer, he wrapped an arm around it and fired a couple of blasts into the shrub, which promptly began to catch fire.
Startled by the weapon's fire, Jasyn felt the little creature cling to him tightly and he smiled softly. Stroking it's head, he safetyed his weapon and holstered it, before slowly sitting down. The Lizard laid against his side, and Jasyn smiled a little more before a low grumble left his stomach. He hadn't eaten all day.
The lizard's head lifted and it looked up at the wolf, while Jasyn just shrugged and looked back down. He had no idea where to get something to eat, but the creature hadn't complained thus far about food *or* drink. Jasyn ran his paw down it's side and just laid back against the ground, looking up at the stars as they twinkled high above. With the lizard nestled up against him, he eventually passed out.
Sunrise greeted him with no company. Their bush had died out, and thankfully hadn't started a grass-fire, but the wolf was completely alone. He stood and looked around, growing a little worried by the lizard's absence. That's when he spotted the shuffle of the tall grass, and stood up a bit straighter to catch sight of the flat-sprawled critter.
On it's stomach in the grass, the lizard seemed to prowl towards something Jasyn couldn't see. With a loud chirrup it lunged forward and Jasyn heard the distinctive dying whimper of some small animal. The lizard stood and turned back, spotting Jasyn and lifting up some small fuzzy animal by the tail. Very stubby legs made sure the poor thing had no chance of fleeing. It's what Jasyn saw in the other hand that worried him.
Hand reaching down quickly to his belt, he felt for his knife and was rewarded with a void slap. "Oh... shit..." he muttered, his other hand finding his pistol where it had been left. 'Well... he didn't kill me,' the wolf thought, opting to refer to the little blue companion as a male.
He hadn't any proof yet, but that didn't stop him. He watched as the lizard walked back and held the knife out, handle first, for Jasyn. The wolf quickly took it and examined the kill. Somewhere between a rabbit and a squirrel is what Jasyn pegged it as. Small, brown, long eared, and bushy tailed. The little Lizard had carved off one of the legs already and was munching the raw meat, and Jasyn pulled a face as he let hunger overtake him and did similar.
They began to walk again not long after, and over the next hill Jasyn heard more wildlife sounds. As he finally managed to look over it, he saw stout little trees, all of the leaves held high as they fought to capture as much of the sunlight as they could. They were all still taller than Jasyn, and his companion just kept on marching toward them.
Nightfall came quicker this time as the trees grew dense, and soon it was too dark to see. Jasyn knew he couldn't light a fire here, but he found a small area clearer than the other areas and leaned against a tree. His company wrapped his arms around the wolf, and Jasyn chuckled inwardly at how friendly this little powder blue critter had become.
Settling down, Jasyn ended up falling asleep against the trunk of that tree with the small 'boy' nestled in a tight ball over his legs.
Slowly, the feeling of something between his eyes roused him, and Jasyn opened them to see the lizard's clawed hand rubbing his head. He blinked a couple times and laughed as the Lizard held out another small animal. Jasyn's ear flicked as he heard the distinctive sound of one of the Phoenix' fighters rumble overhead, but thanks to the canopy he could not see it, or be seen. He cursed lightly and tore a bite off of the critter, as he stood and listened to where the craft had gone towards.
Turning the opposite direction, Jasyn felt his companion's strange fingers wrap around his hand and he smiled as he started off through the woods.
It had taken him about twenty-minutes with the walker's thrusters to get to the village, but Jasyn did remember these woods before the plains. The base of the waterfall was still at least a day's hike away at this rate.
He kept his eyes shifting, knowing that this planet housed many dangers he wouldn't be able to recognize immediately. His little companion seemed to do the same with his gaze, either imitating Jasyn or knowing better of the dangers in the woods.
By what Jasyn had figured was midday, the sunlight was only breaking through enough to make the woods look like almost night, the gaps in the canopy small like stars appear on the sky. He heard something like a cable snapping from his left and dropped to a readied crouch, his little companion doing similar.
The sound repeated once more, similar to a whip cracking but this time accompanied by a loud gurgling shriek. A new noise reached them moments later; slow, wet, and slurping, as though one thing was trying to swallow another thing whole. Jasyn got the feeling he didn't want to be here anymore, and silently stood to a crouched walk as he began to continue his trek.
The powder blue lizard stayed close, trying his hardest to be silent as they crept through the woods. The noiselessness of it was a sense-deadening event, Jasyn trying to concentrate on the sounds to the detriment of his sight. He could barely hear the shifting dirt beneath his companion's feet, and even that was drowned out as a light wind picked up above the tops of the trees.
The air around them still, Jasyn reached out and wrapped a paw around his companion's shoulders, pulling him close as he drew his pistol and continued his quiet walk, his ears perked up as his eyes continued to scan the area.
The whip-like sound caused him to drop to a crouch again, and from the corner of his eye, from the way they had come, he saw it finally.
It was big, long arms gripping the trees around it as it seemed to almost walk on them, just under the canopy. Jasyn lifted his head to get a better look at it, and slowly started to inch backward.
He could make out at least six long, spindly legs with taloned ends and many joints, armoured with thick scales as it traversed. A smaller, ball-shaped segment away from the main body twisted around as though it were scanning the world below it, and it stopped in one moment, causing Jasyn to stop as well.
The two of them stayed still, it's emerald carapace not moving at all as Jasyn's eyes watched it intently. Even the lizard knew not to move as he pressed only lightly against Jasyn's chest.
A minute passed, and slowly Jasyn saw it begin to advance towards them, it's legs bringing it lower as a long and deadly tail came into view. He saw it flick, and the whip-crack it made told Jasyn he really aught-not to mess with this creature.
He could almost make out a wide maw on the main body now, and see the faintest shimmer in five slender, bug-like eyes on the smaller. He pressed his index and second fingers against his charge's ribs quickly in alternation, and got a press backward in response when he pressed three of them against him.
He gripped the pistol tightly and let his grip loose a little on one finger as he remained locked onto the creature, it's descent continuing.
He took a silent breath through his nose as he released the second finger's grip and felt the press become more insistent.
In a rush of movement, Jasyn pushed the lizard around behind him to get him running, turning on place and levelling his pistol at the creature, One shot, then two, before he broke off in a sprint.
Both hits landed just above the central eye, surely blinding the bug momentarily as he charged after the little blue reptile. His feet carried him swift as he could, and he could hear his footfalls interspersed with desperate gasps of breath from his companion. The whip-like noise returned, and Jasyn dared not look behind as he heard trees creaking from the quick motion of the predator.
He just pushed himself, knowing that the kid could at least keep up as he made stride at the lizard's tail. His ears flicked down as he heard the crack again, and this time he did look back. The bug was closing, even with it's bulk to slow it down. He had to think quickly, find shelter or something.
He turned back just in time to see a root sticking out, jumping awkwardly over it so he wouldn't trip. Landing in a roll he twisted and fired another two shots across the bug's face, dazing it again as he stood once more and kicked himself into overdrive. Quickly catching his charge, he wrapped a paw around his hip and pulled him into a hollow, holding him tight to his chest as he placed one paw over his mouth. He buried his face against his charge's head to keep from making noise himself, his fingers on the lizard's stomach gripped at the gun again as he rubbed his thumb gently against the toned tummy.
The whip-crack was loud when they heard it again, and the shadows just beyond their hiding place were shifted briefly as the bug shot past in the canopy, eagerly trying to catch this clearly cunning prey.
The sounds grew further, and Jasyn let his hands fall from his charge's face as he breathed a sigh against his skull. He still held him close though, fearful of him leaving the structure yet.
The lizard didn't seam to mind, pressing back into the embrace and sighing in a very lizardlike way. The tail wrapped tightly around Jasyn's leg, and the wolf found it a comforting gesture as he slowly turned to step past and peek out of the enclosure.
The tree was wide, but their hollow was narrow and slowly Jasyn let his head emerge, looking in the direction the shadow had gone. He could again see the faint silhouette of the bug, it had stopped moving again, just like that first time, and Jasyn quickly pulled the lizard out into the open and ran off to the right of the path they had been taking.
The noise of it returning spurred them to run a few more minutes away until both were sure that the beast had given up.
Jasyn held his charge close for another hour, protectively stroking his thumb over the smooth skin of his hip. He didn't know what else to do, just wanting to keep the kid calm as they walked. Eventually they reached a cliff face, the wall of rock standing tall above them.
He could barely make out the sky along the edge, the light still bright enough for it to be day. He released the little blue lizard and slowly started to walk along the cliff face in the same direction they had been. At least here they couldn't get snuck up on.
His charge just kept close anyway, tail twisting behind 'him' as they made towards what he thought would be the Phoenix.
As night fell, so too did their ability to push forward. Jasyn heard the first complaint from the little lizard as it spoke. "Wah-tur" it said after they had stopped, and Jasyn looked back to see him pointing to the canteen questioningly.
He couldn't refuse, and swiftly unscrewed the cap as he handed it over, watching as his companion tipped the contents into his snouted mouth thankfully. He only drank about a mouthful before he handed it back, and bowed his head thankfully.
Slowly, Jasyn took a swig for himself as he leaned against the rock face. The light was almost nonexistant under these trees, but for Jasyn that wasn't too problematic. He could see the outline of the kid and that was good enough. As he stowed the canteen at his side again, the wolf held out an arm to the kid and quickly felt a body against his.
"If you were right, we'll be there tomorrow." he spoke softly, sliding down the rock face to sit with the little lizard. He got nothing but a quizzical look in return, and slowly he stroked the powder blue spine.
"Sleep," he said with a bit of authority, smiling in the darkness.
This was one word the kid understood, slowly settling down in Jasyn's lap and falling swiftly to sleep. The wolf just stayed awake, his tired eyes focusing on everything in the darkness to try and keep that way.
As daylight broke again, Jasyn jostled the little Lizard awake with a bit of a resigned sigh. He heard no complaint, not even a noise out of the roused kid as they exchanged brief glances. He hiked his head towards the direction they had been going and slowly made to stand as he felt the weight lift off of him.
A supporting hand found his spine as the kid walked alonside him, eyes ever alert to compensate for Jasyn's being not so much. Stepping at an even pace, they simply walked along the cliff face towards an uncertain destination.
Another rumbling noise rose from the unseen horizon; the sound of the Phoenix' fighters doing a final recon, Jasyn guessed. Lifting his hand and his head, the wolf pointed his pistol toward the sky and closed one eye as he waited. Waited till he could almost taste the noise, till it was right there, before he fired three quick shots straight up, through the canopy, over the trees and away from the rock face. He saw the fighters zip past moments later through the holes in the foliage, but whether they'd seen his 'flares' or not was another question. He was moving in the right direction, though.
He waited for several seconds, his charge looking quizzicaly at him as he lowered his gaze to look back. He broke a smile, a tired, desperate smile, and leaned in to kiss the top of his head.
The sound didn't fade, it seemed to grow louder again as the fighters doubled backward. Jasyn flicked his ears up and lifted his gun again, shooting this time a constant stream out of the foliage in a narrow arc.
This time one of the shots clipped one of the fighter's wings, and Jasyn grinned knowing that now they knew he was down here. He didn't feel himself falling, but swiftly after that second volley he fell to blackness.
When he woke, the sound of a soft hum greeted him. Beyond his eyelids the blinding glare of artificial lights threatened to break through. He opened his eyes a crack and groaned vocally as he was greeted by their full intensity, throwing his head to one side and rolling the same.
He blinked away the stars and saw a person walking over to him, a hand quickly resting against his shoulder as the white-coated being shone a light quickly between both eyes.
His hearing seemed to fizzle back into reality and the wolf winced a little.
"...feeling, Commander?" asked the voice, familiar to the barely-awake wolf.
Jasyn lifted his head and looked up to see that caramel-haired doctor from the ship standing above him. Silently he sighed relievedly and let himself fall back against the pillow.
"Gods I'm glad to see you..." he spoke gravelly, growling low as he closed his eyes.
"Hard thing to say, eh?" the doctor joked, taking a step back. "There's actually a few people glad to see you, Jasyn."
He felt a pair of arms almost excitedly wrap around his midsection and the familiar scent of his mate filled his nose. He kept his eyes closed for a second too long, hoping when he opened them it would really be him. His chest felt wet as he moved his own arms around the little white bundle, and as he lifted his head to look down he figured out why.
'He's... crying?' the wolf blinked and brought a paw up to run through that thick hair. His eyes closed again as he hugged the body closer, and smiled softly. "Glad to see you too, Kit."
"You scare people a lot, I hear?" came Alpha's voice, and Jasyn lifted his head again to look at the fox. His smirk was wide as he stood there arms crossed. "Epsilon wouldn't leave your quarters for more than an hour the entire time you were gone. He'd just keep looking out the portal like he could see you out there."
"If he's gone any part of Axis' powers, he'd have known I was out there..." the wolf smiled, nodding.
"Whenever we asked him what he was doing, he'd turn briefly and say your name before looking out the window again..." the fox admitted quietly.
"You mean-" Jasyn cut himself off and closed his eyes again. "He's started to do it while awake?" He asked, and he felt the Doctor rub the middle of his shoulders.
"You've been gone for roughly 72 hours, Jasyn. The trauma of having you away from him might have jostled his memories of you," the doctor explained, "or he could just miss you a lot when he's asleep."
"Jasyn" came Axis' voice, and he looked down at the fox looking up at him. He saw a bit of a smile peek and he hugged the kit tighter.
"Yeah, I'm here Kit," he smiled wide and leaned down to touch his nose to the Fox's.
As they touched, the wolf suddenely remembered something. Lifting his head he looked immediately at the doctor. "Where's the kid?" he asked sternly.
"The little gecko? He's with Beta right now. He was released a couple hours ago after I examined him but he didn't seem to want to be away from you," explained the doctor.
"What happened? I remember shooting at the fighters and then... here."
"From what I hear," Alpha started, walking over and placing a paw on Epsilon's head. "Your little friend grabbed your gun, scaled the cliff face with one hand and both feet, and shot at the fighters till they landed. He seemed to recognize that the symbol on your suit was the same as the ones on our fighters because he didn't shoot the pilots."
"He stepped to the edge and pointed down to where you were, unconscious. We thought you'd fallen at first," the doctor started. "But we realize now that you were making your way back to us. The pilots ordered a transport and rappelled down to you, and we got you back here."
"And I blacked out because..."
"Lack of sleep coupled with a rush of adrenaline. You're fine to go but I wanted to watch you till you woke up," the doctor said with a chuckle.
"I brought a shirt and pants from your room for you to change into," said Alpha with a smirk as he canted his head towards the foot of the bed where a white dress shirt and a pair of black jeans waited. "And then I think we need to find out what happened at that village."
"Right..." Jasyn nodded, sitting up straighter and smirking as the Kit sat astride him. The wolf blushed slightly at the familiar sensation, his eyes catching those of the fox. In that moment he could taste his fox on his lips, and for a split second he thought he saw him in those almost blank eyes.
"C'mon, Kit," the other fox said, rubbing his hair as he stood up. The two of them walked past the privacy screen, as did the doctor, and Jasyn got dressed.
"So you're telling me that it was a Crag ship?" started the Captain with a sigh.
"I'm sure of it, I recognize their design style any day. This thing was mean, but it didn't have any cloak that I saw, or at least didn't see fit to use it," Jasyn answered, sitting across from her in the briefing room. The waterfall they had landed at the foot of was framed by the window and Jasyn grinned slimly at the sight.
"They must have either traced the transmissions to your headset or stumbled across them by accident. We haven't seen any more signs of them. That ship could have been following us for light-years for all we know."
"But then why would it just raze Charge's village like that?" Jasyn asked with a canted head. He flicked his nicked ear and levelled his eyes at Phillips.
"Charge?" she asked, shaking her head. "You're calling him Charge?"
"Until he can give us a proper name, yes. That's what he was from the moment he pushed me out of that strafing run; my charge," the wolf explained with a grunt.
"Fitting enough, I guess. At any rate our scouts dispatched to the planet nearby have found that it's rich in many combustable gasses and that we can convert a few of them into readily usable forms of fuel for our engines. It'll be a little different but my engineers don't have any doubts that we'll be able to handle the change."
"Think we should try and find that ship?" asked Jasyn with another canted head.
"No need, we saw a slipstream event not a sunrise ago. If there were more Crag in the system they'd have found us by now so my guess is the ship escaped to somewhere else," Phillips sighed as she rubbed her forehead.
Jasyn thought for a long moment, his ears folding to the sides a bit as he concentrated on the middle of the table. The hum of the ship's workings was all around them, though silenced a little by the acoustics of the room. "Well, what do we do now?"
"We refuel for as long and as much as we can, and maybe get your charge to speak to us. If this has happened before, he'll know about it," Phillips smirked with just her eyes, pushing away from the table to stand. Jasyn just kicked off the wall in kind and nodded.
"I'll assume that's what Beta has been doing?" the wolf grinned, walking to the door to trigger it and gesture the Captain out.
"Precisely, Jasyn," the Captain smiled.
"Wonderful..." the wolf sighed briefly as he stepped out onto the bridge. | FSE |
Title: Digital Adventures Chapter two. The first fight. by Razul
Tags: Digimon, Fanfiction, Fighting, Human, Violence
Chapter two. The first fight. ------------------------------------------------------------ OK so here is my second story. Hope You like it. I am going to need some help with the next story. If any of you people know a good place where I can find information on digimon like evolutions and attacks. And also a place where I can genorate digimon send me an e-mail. Put digimon in the subject. Also if you have your own idea for a digimon send it to me with a desciption and if I like it i will most likly fit it in. Ok that is it. Hope you like Chapter Two. ------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter two. The first fight. Looking back on it now I don't understand how I was calm about all of this. I mean, I had hoped for the longest time that digimon and here was my proof. Standing right next to me was a real-life digimon. Not to mention she was hot too, but that does it matter right now though, so let's get back to the story. I don't understand how was able to stand, let alone a walk, after what happened with that "dark" flamedrmon, but somehow I was fine. So I decided not to dwell on it for now. We were walking back to the field so that I could get my car since that would be the best way to get around for now. There was an awkward silence so I decided to ask Renamon a question. "Renamon?" "Yes, Ray." "Do you have a name? Like a name other than Renamon." "No, why are you asking?" "Well, I as just thinking that it might be a good thing if you had a name so to keep you separate from over Renamon we may meet." "I think that is a great idea Ray. Did you have any particular name in mind?" "Yeah, I do. What do you think of the name Reana?" I think that is a lovely name Ray." "Ok, Reana it is then." Just then we get with in view of that park when I see that there is a problem. There are too many people around to just walk to my car with Reana so I had to come up with a plan. "Ok Reana I need you to stay here while I go get my car. Then I will drive over to get you. Got it?" "Aright Ray but please try to make it quick," Reana says. So I went and got my car. It was easier than I thought because everyone was focused on the park that no one even saw me or heard my car. So I drove back to where Reana was and opened the passenger door for her. "Come on and get in," I said to her. She gets in and has a hard time getting comfortable. "Sorry about how small the car is." I drove us to a place where I thought it would be a good place to figure out where to go next. "Ok Reana, I think this is a safe place to talk and figure out where to next." We both got out and Reana started stretching to get out the cramps from sitting in the car. I leaned on my to think and put my hands in my pants pocket when I realized that there was something in my pocket that I didn't remember putting in there. "What's this I wonder?" So I pulled it out and looked at it. At first I was not sure what is was but then it hit me. "Oh, cool! It's my digivice. "What," Reana asked behind my, now leaning on the car as well. I turned around to look at her. "It's my digivice," I repeated. "What's a digivice?" "Well if I remember correctly a digivice is what I use to help you to digivolve." I looked back at and continued to say, "This one seems to be a little different from the shows though." "What do you mean?" "Well this one looks like it is a PDA." I start looking though some of the features. For the most part it was a normal PDA with the biggest difference was one of the main icons had the caption of "digital data." At the time it didn't do any thing but I figured it would do some thing a t some point in time. Then I saw that there was another icon that seemed to by out of place. It read as "radar." So I clicked on it and this one did some thing. I looked at it and as its name implied it was a radar it was interesting because I was able to zoom in and out. When I zoomed in really close to the center I found it had a blip on the screen. Then I realized what kind of radar it was. "Wow! It's a digimon radar." "How can you tell," Reana asked. "Well I have it zoomed in to about a few meters and there is a blip practically on top of the center so that must be you." "That's cool!" "Yeah it is. Hu? What's this?" Just then on the bottom a message said, "New contact found." The blip was out of the current view of the radar but I could tell that is was to the south. "Reana, get in the car. I think we should check this out." "Ok." When I got into the car I asked Reana to hold the "Digivice Assistant" or DA for short. We followed the blip on the radar and it toke us to Springfield we drove to within half a mile of the digimon and parked the car in a back ally. We then got out and ran the rest of the way there. When we got there the place was a mess. Most every one had gotten out of the area so Reana and I didn't need to worry about any one else getting hurt. At first we don't se any digimon there. Then we heard some thing and ran towards the noise. What we saw was a Guilmon. At first it did not see us there. It was just looking around for some thing to eat. That was until it saw us though. Then it attacked us. The attack wasn't that hard to dodge because of how far apart we were but I am glad Reana and I did do to all the damage it did. "Well Reana, It looks like we have our first digimon to fight. You ready?" "I am if you are." "Then lets go." So we entered the fight ready to take on anything. Reana was amazing in that fight. She was so graceful. It was amazing to get to watch her fight. It was like she was dancing. She would make a few slashes at the Guilmon then flip out of the way when he would do his special attack. After a few repetitions of this the Guilmon was looking really beat up. "Reana, use diamond Storm." So after Guilmon did one more special attack, Reana used hers. Crystals formed around her then flew straight for the Guilmon. It tore the Guilmon's body to pieces. Then there was just the data floating in the air. That's when I noticed that the DA was glowing. I brought it up to get a better look at it and that's when it did some thing amazing. The DA absorbed the Guilmon. There was then a message that read, "New digital data downloaded." "Wow! That was cool. Are you all right Reana?" "Yeah, I'm fine Ray." "Ok then lets get back to the car." We used back allies to get back to the car to avoid being seen by anybody. We got lucky and were able to get back to the car with no problems. On the way back home I was thinking about all of the things that had happened so far today and trying to think how things were going to go from here. My mind jumped all over the place from school to my part-time job. Then I realized that we were almost at the exit off the highway that I needed to take. "Wow! Were already almost home." "What are you thinking about ray?" "Not much really. I was just trying to figure out where you are going to stay tonight." "What do you mean? Am I not going to stay with you?" "Yes you are the problem is my family. It is going to be far to complicated to try explaining it to them." "Oh." I snap my fingers since I just got an idea. "That will do it." "What?" "Well it is so late that no one should see you outside. So you could climb on to the roof and I will let you into my room that way. Ok when we get back to my house I will show you where my window is. Then you wait there for me ok." "Alright Ray." We drove for a few more minutes and then we're final home. "Ok Reana my window is the one on the far side at the northern end. I will get there as fast as I can ok." "Ok Ray." Reana heads to the window trying to stay hidden wail I head for the back door. As soon as I walk into the house I am overwhelmed with a feeling of dread. (Oh no. They are mad). I keep walking hoping that I can get up stairs with my parents not seeing me. No luck. "Raymond! Where have you been," my mom asked with a booming voice. (Ah Hell) "I went to the mall. I'm sorry if I had you worried." "Next time remember to turn on the cell phone and call when you're going out." "Ok I will" (I just dodged a bullet.) I went up to my room and closed the door behind me. I went straight to the window, opened it up and stuck my head out. Quietly I asked, "Reana are you out here?" "Right here Ray." I looked to the left and there was Reana sitting down. "May I come in now?" "Not just yet Reana. I need to do a few things first. It will not take very long ok." I get back into my room and figure out what I needed to do. First, I turned on my stereo. Next, I made sure that people would have to knock before they could get in. Last, I found a sweatshirt and a pair of shorts for Reana to wear. I stuck my head back out the window and looked to Reana. "Ok, now you can come in." I pulled my head back in and Reana climbed in through the window though I am looking the other way do to the fact that I don't want to see curtain parts of her body in fear of doing some thing really stupid. After Reana climbed in she should that I am looking the other way and proceeded to ask, "Ray?" "Yes Reana." "Why are you looking the other way?" "I will tell you why if you do a favor for me first." "What?" "Do you see the sweatshirt and shorts on the bed?" "Yes." "Could you put them on please?" I could feel myself starting to get red. "Your embarrassed of the fact that I am not wearing any clothes." (Gulp) "Yes." I barely got it out. "Ok if it will make you feel more comfortable ray, I'll put them on." "Thank you Reana." I can hear her putting on the clothes behind me. "Ok ray they are on." I turned around to see her. The clothes did not fit that well but it was better than nothing. After that I got over the fact that Reana would be sleeping in my room and her just being there period. I realized how tired I felt. I let out a big yawn and then told Reana how we were going to take care of sleeping tonight. "Ok Reana I need to make some rules for tonight so that I don't have an problems with my family." "Ok, what are they?" "Ok really all it is that I need you to be really quiet. If some one knocks on the door don't make a sound. Really that all I am worried about, do you think that you can do that for me?" "Not a problem." "Let me just clear out a place on the floor for you to sleep and then we can both get some well needed rest." (What a day, nearly got killed by a digimon only to be saved by my digimon partner. Well things were starting to get to be a little routine so I guess it's not that bad. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.) Then I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Did you like it? Leave a comment or send me an e-mail. As always if you see an error or some thing tell me. I need the input. Ok Thanks for reading this far. | FSE |
Title: Chapter 2: Restart My Life Anew by Foxgear
Tags: Bunny, Canine, Fighting, Fox, Handjob, M/F, Machine, Transformation, Wolf
Hello Chapter two is here now. Hope you all enjoy this!!
Kyo woke slowly but surely as he looked around several times noticing he was in a room on a bed as he looked to the window and peered out of it as he grabbed his head as it throbbed with pain as he groaned as he looked a glass of water by his bed as he reached over and took hold of it taking one giant gulp and draining the cup and replacing it back where he got it when he looked over to the mirror and saw himself as a muscular husky. He stared for several seconds until his attention turned to the door as a young fox girl was standing there about the age of fourteen.
"Everyone Everyone come quick the stranger is awake now HURRY!!" the girl screamed as she ran off past the door when he looked back to the window as he started to wonder if he did something wrong but that thought was interrupted as a old woman and a young woman came into the room. The old woman walked closer and took his hand and checked his heartbeat as he watched allowing her to do so because he just didn't think about it. The old woman was Fox as well as the young woman that came in with her.
"Tell me boy how are you feeling better?" the old woman said as she began to check his eyes with a small flashlight.
"I..I'm...fine" he said as he watched her do her work then turned to the door where the younger fox stood. The young fox turned around to catch the little fox that was standing in the door before turning her away.
"Well you see to be very health..I'm Mona I'm a doctor and this is my daughter Victoria" she said as Victoria bowed slightly to him as he did the same.
"Tell us what is your name now young man?" she said with a slight smile as she stepped back and waited for his answer when he began to think then he gripped his head again.
"I..I...don't know" Mona sighed "I thought as much the wound to your head was a very bad one...we extracted a bullet from the wound on your head and that's why your head hurts right now" he gripped his head again and nodded in agreement.
"Well I must go and tend to another patient on the other side of town so Victoria will be here to help you and serve you dinner as you must be starved being asleep for two weeks" his eyes widened at her comment about him being asleep for two weeks when he cringed in pain again from his head.
"Well mother there was his collar that said Silver am I not mistaken" Victoria indicated as she stepped closer "Your right Silver does that name spark any memory?" Mona looked back to him as he slowly shook his head and then Mona sighed as she turned to the door to be off to her next appointment. Victoria followed her mother and left Sliver alone to think about everything that occurred but instead he decided to go back to sleep.
Some time later he was woken to find Victoria setting a tray down beside the bed as she helped him to the sitting up position when he watched her movements and then looked to the food as she sat down.
"So whats that last thing you remember Silver?" she asked handing him a bowl of soup as he thankfully took it and ate some before looking back to her.
"The last thing I remember was being here...I'm sorry I don't remember" he looked to the soup and went back to eating it as he quickly finished it off with ease because of his hunger.
"Well that's ok take your time you just have memory loss and maybe you'll get it back when your wound heals better" Victoria looked over to the door as the little Fox was standing there with a broken game and a tool box with spare plugs and sparks for it.
"Sister you said that you would help me fix my game!" the little fox said as her sister sighed "Emma I told you I'm not a mechanic I have no idea how to fix it" as she said this Emma looked down slightly in disappointment.
"Wait...can I have a look at it?" Silver motioned to Emma as he held out his hand to receive the game as Emma looked at him and watched Silver then looked to Victoria to tell her if it was ok only to receive a shrug.
"Here you go it should work now" handing the game back Emma pressed the on button as the game shot on making her very happy as she began to play as Silver smiled. Instead of getting a simply thank you Emma jumped up and hugged him as she ran away leaving Silver rubbing the back of his head.
"Emma really likes you know but I think you just made yourself the repair guy hehe...but I guess you know how to fix things so maybe you were someone that repaired things before you lost your memory" Victoria looked over to Silver as he nodded in agreement. Silver then reached for the drink which was on the tray and drank it and smiled"
"Well I guess if your feeling alright we can walk around and maybe we can go meet up with my friends and go to the movie...uhh I would say your about my age so lets just say your eighteen ok" Silver nodded as he smiled again as he threw off the covers and stood up only to wobble a little since he hadn't used his legs for two weeks but then Victoria helped him along as he got his legging back very quickly and then was walking all by himself. Victoria took Silver to the door and opened it as he walked outside seeing how the forest was behind the house and they were heading into town made him think of where he was found but didn't want to ask as he followed Victoria. Several minutes later Victoria stopped and looked around for a second leaving Silver to look around as well at all the things in this new world to him until she heard Victoria say hello to someone followed by a few hello's.
Silver turned his gaze to two girls that began to come closer as he watched. The first girl was a very fine wolf as she came up and hugged Victoria with a smile as the second girl did the same she was a bunny and very large rounded parts to her as a figure of speech not to mention she was wearing very showing clothing.
"Lana...Rachel how are you girls doing ready to go out tonight?" Victoria said as Lana the wolf stepped up and looked over to Silver.
"Well I'm always up for it but who's the stud you brought with you a boyfriend finally?" she said with a laugh "No what are you thinking he's recovering and I though it would be good for him to get out of the house after being bed-ridden for two weeks" she looked over to Rachel but then found she was in front of Silver.
"Well if he isn't your boyfriend I'll take him" Rachel said when the other two girls said "You slut!" which made Rachel blush as she agreed making the other girls angry.
"Uhh I'm Silver I think I should say because I know you now" he nodded some as to say hello "Come on were going to be late!!" Lana said as they all agreed and made their way to the movie and Silver began to think what he got himself into.
They arrived at the movies and purchased the tickets and went in. Finding seats was easy and Silver was placed next to Rachel which might have not been the best idea seeing how right when they sat down she rubbed his leg. The movie started as Rachel became very touchy with Silver as he decided just to go to the bathroom to escape.
"Man whats with that girl" he was sitting on the toilet not doing anything just sitting there until he heard a noise. After it went quiet again the door to the stall he was in as it made him blush.
"Do you not like me Silver?" Rachel said as she came closer to him making him back up to the wall "No its not that its just...I mean I just met you and well I mean" Rachel placed her finger on his lips as she lowered herself to his crouch as he blushed when she rubbed him some. Silver shook his head not really knowing what to do he didn't know that rules maybe this was the way to become friends or something but all he knew at the time was that he was getting hard. Rachel smiled and unzipped his pants releasing his penis from its confines as he shook his head again but Rachel didn't care as she began to massage him slightly.
"Oh...god...I think this is kinda wrong!" Silver said until Rachel looked up "Don't worry I won't have sex with you or anything that's not until the first date!" she began to move her hand faster as he could tell she was very skilled in what she did. His climax was building and he couldn't stop it as she increased her speed even more. He began to tremble some as he let out a moan sending a wave of his seed shooting out at her as she caught it with her mouth and face.
" you lasted longer than most...and your is so thick and musky its intoxicating" she said as she licked her hand cleaning the cream off as Silver ran past her zipping up his pants along the way leaving Rachel laughing.
"Just wait my lovely husky you will be my sex slave even if I have to break your legs and force you to do it because your the most pure guy I have ever met" Rachel cleaned her face then returned to the movie.
After the movie Silver was silent even after Victoria asked him what he thought as he could just feel Rachel's eyes all over him. It was very dark and Victoria thought it would be a good idea to take a shortcut down an ally. But then as they walked a man blocked the exit as they turned around to go back even more men stood there. The men began to grab the girls and one of them punched Silver on the cheek sending him flying into one of the trashcans as they began to rip off the clothes of the three girls. The men took all the steps and gagged the girls so they couldn't talk.
"You bastards" Silver said slowly trying to get up only to be slammed back down by a big male Tiger.
"Don't worry I like guys so you will have some fun to" the tiger said as he ripped through Silver's shirt. But Silver was focused on the fact that Victoria was about to get raped, which made him want to fight more. He then began to think about getting more strength to get this tiger off him and help the girls as he pushed against the tigers chest closing his eyes the tiger began to panic as Silver opened his eyes seeing he was holding him up with one metallic hand.
"Wha...What is this?!?" Silver said throwing the big brute into the group of guys making them forget about the girls for the time being. Silver stood with the arm still metal as he rushed one of the guys throwing a punch and completely breaking his jaw and making him smash is head in the wall as the rest of the men looked very scared after seeing that some ran the others picked up things to fight with as they did. Silver found it with ease to dodge their attacks and deal damage of his own.
Only minutes later all the men were on the floor except one who was rushing Silver with a metal pole. Silver turned to meet him catching the pole with his real hand and sending his metal one through his body. Tendon and muscle snapped and broke as his arm protruded from the other side of the man as he bleed profusely upon the ground. Throwing the body aside Silver began to shake and looked at his hand covered it blood as he began to wish it all away and thus falling to his knees.
"Please let me wake UP PLEASE!!!" Silver got up as he slammed his head into the wall sending the wave of pain through his body making the arm disappear and allowing him to black out as he just began to shake with fear of himself.
(Ok everyone this is going to be one of the longest one's you may have to read but its good I think I may have rushed a bit but Chapter three will be almost flawless!) | FSE |
Title: Meeting Anita Ch. 02
Tags: anita, bdsm, ropes, bondage, rimming, analingus, chocolate, food
A few weeks back I wrote my story "Meeting Anita" looking forward to our meet. Well, we got together and we had an amazing encounter. Anita has given me her recollections of the day. All I can say is Roll on next time!
Anita's Account...
I am ready. Following his instructions, kneeling on the floor, back straight, hands behind my back, head bowed. His text says he is only a minute away, and I scramble into position. The floor is cold and hard on my knees, and I am trembling as this moment, which I have been anticipating for days, is finally upon me.
I hear the sound of rubber on gravel, and then of doors opening and closing. I must keep my eyes down and eventually the door opens and a pair of feet come in to view. I fight the urge to speak and remain still and submissive.
A finger appears under my chin and my head is tilted upwards, enabling me to see my master for the first time. His face is stern and forbidding and the urge to smile and welcome him falls away like a shadow fading as the sun goes behind a cloud. This is not like any of our previous meetings.
"I am glad to see you are ready for me, my slave. Who do you belong to?" He asks.
"You, my master," I reply, quietly, slightly hesitant, as I get used to my role.
"Have you followed all my instructions?" he asks me.
"Yes Sir, I think so Sir," I respond, hoping I have not forgotten anything. He bends down and puts my collar around my neck, ensuring it fits snugly in place. It feels strange for a minute but I am surprised how quickly I get used to it and welcome it's presence.
Also by my side is the harness he bought me at our last meeting. It takes a little time but eventually I am dressed to his liking and allowed to stand. I am glad to end the discomfort of the hard floor on my knees and wonder how I will cope with the day ahead if even this small action causes a degree of pain to my body.
"Where is your butt plug?" he asks and I retrieve it from my bag. I had thought as he fitted my harness that I might be spared this step but I should have known better; my master does not forget things.
He tells me to kneel again with my forearms on the floor. My arse is now pointing up at him, presenting itself to him. He runs his hands over my cheeks, running a finger down the crack and I am instantly aroused.
"Hold your cheeks open for me," and he circles my rosebud with a finger, applying the cold lube around and into me with gentle strokes. He starts to ease the plug into me, and I try to relax as each of the two sections are accommodated into my tight passage. I have practised this several times since purchasing the plug at his request, just the day before. It is easier than I had anticipated, and I breathe out, finding that I had been holding my breath without realising.
"Are you ready?" he asks; a question with so many levels of meaning that I shiver involuntarily and I concur, putting on my coat and patting the scarf in it's pocket, checking it's presence. I am allowed to wear it to cover my collar when in public.
He carries my bag and escorts me to his car. I settle myself into my seat, thinking that it is finally happening; the adventure that we have planned for several weeks is actually underway.
My master wanted to photograph me in a location of my choosing and I gave him directions to a quiet road that runs parallel with a nearby motorway. We parked and I undid my coat, ready to get out, when a post office van came round the corner. I quickly ducked down and was very relieved he hadn't appeared just 30 seconds later, when I would have been fully exposed. I got out of the car and assumed a variety of positions as instructed by my master, who was busy with his camera. We followed a track up a hill to a bridge over the motorway, with a slatted concrete fence.
"Take off your coat," came the instruction, and with cars and lorries clearly visible below, I did as I was told, enjoying the challenge and smiling into the camera. It was cold, with a hint of dampness in the air, but I was warm with adrenaline and had a dampness all of my own.
We returned to the car and set off for Heathrow. Or so I thought; my master had other plans!
"We are too early to check in so I thought you would enjoy stopping for a coffee," he said with a glint in his eye. This had not been in our original plan but I was excited from the photoshoot and agreed without demur.
We pulled into a service station and I got out carefully as there were men standing very close. I was happy that my master had not tested my resolve by instructing me to reveal anything to them. I suddenly remembered my collar, which had almost become a part of me, and hastily fastened my scarf around my neck. The butt plug was still nestled securely inside me and I walked confidently into the building.
There was a choice of seating and my master allowed me to pick, not wanting to push my limits too far. The comfy seats were inviting but I wasn't sure how easy they would be to get out of decorously, so I chose the safer option of the upright ones.
We sat and chatted out of role while we had coffee but all the time we were both aware of the image the world could see and the hidden reality under only a thin coat.
Once on the motorway, my master instructed me to undo the buttons of my coat and spread my legs wide so that he could claim my pussy for himself. He played with me constantly, bringing me to the edge of orgasm, and then pulling out again, over and over. He kept reminding me that I was not allowed to cum, and I had to grip the edges of the seat in order to keep control. There were not too many lorries on the road, but I was fairly sure that one lorry driver at least had seen what was happening! I didn't have time to think about how this made me feel, whilst I was riding the edge of ecstasy, but in hindsight, it makes me smile to know that he got an eyeful!
We completed our journey to the hotel, and arrived there after check-in time. My master went in first to complete the paperwork, and then came back to the car to fetch me.
By now the butt plug felt less secure, and I had to walk very carefully to ensure it stayed in place. We reached our room, and I quickly removed my coat and scarf as my original instructions had told me to do. We unpacked the various items we had brought with us.
My master is very skilled with ropes, and arranged a system on the bed that would enable me to be fastened to it in a variety of ways! He did this calmly and quietly, and the knowledge of what was to come started to build inside me, raising my heart rate, and no doubt my blood pressure too!
He then sat in a chair, and commanded me to kneel before him.
"I need to know if you have been a bad girl since we last met," he said. "Have you been with any other men?"
"Yes, master, your slave has been bad!" I replied, with my eyes downcast.
"Tell me about it," came the reply.
"Last week I had two men, master, and had my first experience of sharing a cock! I was sucking a cock, and then there was another man licking it with me! I spent my time kissing him and sucking the cock alternately and, Master, it was very exciting!"
"And have you followed my instructions? Have you cum at all since yesterday?"
"I am so sorry Master, but I came this morning! I was talking to a friend on the phone, and he made me cum. He said he will take the blame, but I know that it is me that will be expected to take the pain!"
"So you disobeyed my instructions? You let another man have control of my pussy!
You know that you must be punished for that! Turn round and bend over the bed so that your hips are on the edge."
I had already seen the cane that my master had brought, and I knew that now I was going to feel it too! This was the part of the adventure that I was most apprehensive about. But I knew my master would have my best interests at heart, and we had agreed a set of safe words that would enable me to let him know when I was reaching my limit. I wanted to know what it felt like, and was determined to see it through.
I put myself into position and waited.
My master knew that this was the part I was most worried about, and I trusted him to be gentle, but it didn't feel like that! I was instructed to count each one and thank him. And that helped; it gave me something to focus on. But each one stung more than the previous one, especially if they fell on the same cheek one after another. I managed 20, as I was determined not to call a halt if I could possibly avoid it, and my master decided that I had paid the price for my transgressions. The feel of his cooling hand rubbing me better afterwards was so welcome; knowing that he cared about me was so important!
Now I was instructed to put myself on the bed, face up, so he could attach me to the various clips and make sure I was spreadeagled, with nothing to prevent him doing exactly what he wanted to me.
He was still fully clothed, whilst I wore nothing but my harness, collar and cuffs, and that in itself is an amazing turn on. The thought that I am entirely at his disposal, his cum slut, his cock whore, his fuck toy, is enough to make me wet just thinking about it. I asked for my blindfold, to heighten the whole experience, and then I really didn't know what was coming next.
He played with every part of me, nibbling my nipples, licking my clit, making me writhe and squirm and beg for release! It didn't take long before I was begging to be allowed to cum, and eventually I was given permission. Waiting all that time had lifted my orgasm to a new level and I shuddered and twitched, as wave after wave of pleasure surged through my body. There was a noise of rushing wind in my head, even without the blindfold I would not have been able to see, and my whole body was just encompassed in this feeling of release and extraordinary pleasure.
There were pauses, and I realised he must be undressing, because soon the blindfold was removed and a cock was placed in front of me. I couldn't quite reach it, and was teased with the sight and the smell of my master's member, whilst being denied it's touch and taste!
Soon I could make contact with my tongue, and then it was thrust into my mouth. He was forceful, pushing it deep into me, making me gag, which is something I am not used to. But he was kind, and eased off, so that I could enjoy the sensation of such a hard, slick stick sliding in and out of me. He knows how much I enjoy sucking his cock, the smell, the taste, the delight of knowing that it gives him pleasure.
Now he slides it into my cunt, so I can feel it, hard and thick inside me. It is so hard to grip him while I am tied down But all too soon it was removed from me and I was turned over so that now I was face down.
My skin is very responsive to a touch that is as light as a feather, but I had never been played with with an actual feather. So my master had bought some and spent the next little while teasing me all over with a pheasant feather.
It was amazing. Down my spine, round the sides of my body, at the base of my armpits, all such sensitive spots. Across my striped arse cheeks, arousing and soothing. And then into my pussy, teasing my clit, soaking up the juices as they were released by my cunt.
And I couldn't move, couldn't stop it, even if I had wanted to. The feeling of immobilisation, of being absolutely incapable of controlling the situation in any way at all, that was so arousing. Again I was brought to the point of orgasm and again made to wait, but eventually given permission to cum and I delighted in all those sensations, all over again. Once I have cum my body becomes increasingly sensitive, the skin responding to the slightest touch. It is such a wonderful place to be in.
Sir now turned me back again so that I could really enjoy his cock, freeing my hands as well. I love the feel of a cock inside my mouth, love the close contact, love knowing that I am making my master feel so good. It builds and builds to that point where I know he is going to explode in my mouth, and he certainly did. Pumping stream after stream of hot seed into me, shaking and quivering as he did so. I love the sensation of holding more and more cum in my mouth until I have it all, and only then do I swallow. He sank onto the bed with that release that comes after ejaculation, and I moved quickly to kiss him so that he could taste us both in his mouth too.
We laid side-by-side, more as equals now, no more in role, and just thinking about the experiences that we had had.
We dressed for dinner and went downstairs, had a drink in the bar and then ate. This was a time of normality, of talking about the things we had done since last we met, of putting the world to rights and sharing experiences of past and present. A gentle time, a relaxing time, a time of friendship.
After dinner we returned upstairs to the next phase of our sexual encounter. This was very different to the earlier part, as this is where really I took control. In fact I find that for me, it is easier to give to someone when I am myself, and not in role as a sub. It's much more effective to give when it is my choice to do it, rather than have it expected of me.
We opened the bottle of pink fizz that I had brought and poured a couple of glasses. After drinking some, he laid down on the bed on his front with pillows under his tummy.
I took four after eight mint chocolates and slipped them into his arse crack, allowing them to soften and melt while I massaged his back.
Lots of almond oil, and firm massage around the shoulders, the neck, the tops of the arms, enabled him to release the stress and tension of a busy job and demanding week.
He adores being rimmed, says the word is completely inadequate for the amount of sensation and pleasure it brings, and I have a love of chocolate! So in our planning, I had suggested that this time I combine the two together, and he was all in favour.
I worked down his back, and then from the backs of his knees up his thighs. But all the time ignoring his arse. I could see the chocolate softening, dribbles appearing and working their way down to his balls. I knew I was going to have a wonderful, if very messy time.
The time had come now to start to play in earnest. I removed the first mint at the top of his cheeks with my teeth and passed it to him, for him to taste and eat. The second one I ate myself. The third and fourth were buried deep in his arse crack and were no longer solid enough to pull out. So my licking began in earnest. The soft, silky feel of the chocolate, the minty taste, and then the even softer area of skin where he wanted me to be was just fantastic!
I had the biggest smile on my face as I heard his murmured reactions to my tongue hitting the spot, and revelled in the pleasure that I knew he was now receiving. My tongue worked hard, licking and pushing deep into him, as deep as I could go. My finger scooping out some of the chocolate as I ate it; the tastes all mingling. Listening to his moans of delight added to the whole experience, and we played like this for sometime. I was covered in chocolate, my hair, my cheeks, chin, and even my neck! It felt decadent, and dirty, gentle and caring all at once, if that is possible. As my master, he had worked so hard to bring about my fantasies and explore them with me, and now it was my turn to give him what I knew he loved most.
Eventually I cleaned up what was left with wipes, and moved back up the bed to lie next to him, my head on his chest, while we gently touched each other and talked about nothing. That late night feeling, where sleep beckons, but you don't want it to end just yet, is wonderful, and in some ways was still the best part of the day for me. At last we turned out the lights and drifted off to sleep, thinking about all that we had done and shared, and for me, at least, the delight of the contrasting parts of the day added up to a whole that was bigger and better than anything I could have imagined. | literotica |
The customary ten hours of sleep had done very little to take care of the distended gut he had been blessed with, though frankly, that was to be expected after what he did to get it in the first place. In fact, had Pololi woken up with his belly the way it used to be, it would’ve been seen as a portent of ill luck, a sign that the gods hadn’t truly chosen him as their prophet of gluttony; with him having been the first true victor of the Games in what might very well have been centuries, such a state of affairs would be terrible for morale, perhaps even enough to justify grieving, as clearly the gods had abandoned them if that were the case.
Thus, Pololi was determined to make sure this wouldn’t happen to him, that he would serve the gods to the best of his ability and come out of it an even fatter, rounder ogre because of it; that was his purpose, after all, his fate and destiny, the reason why he entered the Island Games to begin with! He’d always been on the larger side, and from an early age had been the subject of a great amount of speculation; their tribe’s mystics had perhaps too much enthusiasm when it came to declaring someone an “aspirant”, someone who might one day undertake the ritual to commune with the gods, to the point where they occasionally had to be reminded that there couldn’t be multiple aspirants at the same time, in accordance with their own religious scripture.
In Pololi’s case, however, things weren’t so simple that he could be dismissed, as not only did he grow much faster than the other younglings of his age, but his appetite was ravenous even by the tribe’s own standards; his parents were lucky that the island they lived on was as bountiful as it was, for otherwise they might’ve had genuine issues keeping the poor lad fed! As it stood, however, the colossal isle of Akea gave the ogres everything they could ever possibly want, to the point where none were obligated to perform labor to keep the tribe fed; all it took was for them to walk into the jungle outside of their village and pluck whatever food they wanted from the trees or the bushes, knowing it would regrow within a few hours. Those who actually put in the time to hunt or fish were seen as performing the gods’ work, taking time out of their lives to bring even more mouth-watering dishes onto the communal table; it was, after all, seen as rude for one to eat alone within the privacy of their own home, not when there was just so much to be shared, not when the very concept of gluttony was such a fundamental part of the tribe’s belief system.
For them, lunch time, dinner time, mid-afternoon snack time and the seven other points in the day where they all got together to eat en masse were sacrosanct, so much so that their mystics began each meal by blessing the food and the very ground upon which the banquet table sat. There, in the middle of their village, was where everyone congregated, each and every ogre bringing with them an armful of food of their own choosing to add to the potluck, with special spots of honours being reserved for meat and fish acquired since the last meal. In many respects, this was what the tribe’s life revolved around, as the moment they were done with one meal they had to immediately start preparing the next one, and with endless quantities of food at their fingertips (even the wildlife seemed more interested in being easy targets than offering resistance or hiding), it became a constant cycle of emptying the communal table, cleaning it up, then promptly filling it back up again for the next feast.
It was there that aspirants were truly confirmed, there that those whose innate qualities made them candidates for the gods’ blessings were put to the test: could they out-eat everyone else? Could they devour so much food that it was seen as legitimately impressive, even by their own tribe’s incredibly high standards? If so, then this prospective aspirant might just be selected for their Island Games, a rather straightforward name for what was, effectively, an even grander eating competition: once every few years, the elders would get together and decide it was time to see if anyone in the tribe was truly blessed by their gluttonous gods, thus being worthy of the great ritual which would have them ascend to join with the rest of the pantheon, that they might gorge themselves on endless feasts for the rest of eternity.
It had been so long since anyone rose to the challenge and managed to beat it that no one alive remembered the last time anyone was subjected to this ritual; there’d been plenty of Island Games, yet at no point did anyone manage to complete all the challenges and eat enough to qualify as the victor. The details of the ascension were thus committed solely to bricks of clay, carved an unimaginably long time ago, untouched by all except their mystics, who insisted on performing the Games with such incessant regularity that, once again, they had to be reminded to mind their manners and learn some patience. Preparing for the Games was, after all, an endeavour of such complexity and scale that it dwarfed even the greatest of feasts prepared during the tribe’s holy days, enough so that the island actually looked barren after the ogres were done collecting all the food they needed… at least for a day or two, before everything sprouted back into place.
The rules for the Games were quite simple: contestants would go through a series of eating contests where they were tasked to devour as much of a type of food as possible, with the catch being that they must go through every single recipe known to every single person alive in the tribe at the time. Naturally, this resulted in hundreds of individual contests with absolutely no room for rest in between them; the texts were quite clear when they said that a true aspirant should be capable of consuming several times their body weight without needing to take even a second to recuperate. This, inevitably, meant that very few ever had the opportunity to participate in even a fraction of the full Games; much as the ogres of the Akea tribe were huge, gluttonous and ever-famished, they had their physical limits to deal with, and most of them simply lacked the ability to pack on that much food, with the remainder always tapping out some time before the end once they practically stuffed their windpipe after their stomachs filled to capacity… that is, until Pololi came along.
Just as his early development caused others to see him as a truly extraordinary specimen, so too did his puberty make it clear that he was several cuts above the rest; by the time he came of age, he was nearly five feet taller than the next person down on the height ladder, and several more feet wider than even the fattest of hedonistic gorgers. He was immense, and that was his default state, requiring no particular feasting; not that he could stay that way for long, as a body like his required a constant intake of food in order to function, only adding to the problem as he grew bigger and wider with every passing month. It was his presence that spurred the elders to call for the Island Games to be held, believing that, at long last, they had found someone worthy of the gods’ blessings; and after months of preparation, months of gathering and hunting, months of preparing the banquet and using their magics to preserve the meals until they were ready, Pololi stepped forward and took his place at the contestant’s table, along with twenty other aspiring young ones… and then proceeded to thoroughly blow away even the tribe’s sky-high expectations by seeing each and every last one of his competitors leave before he even bothered to think about complaining of being full.
In fact, hours after the Games began, when there was just him and another male left, when Pololi had eaten so much that not only was he several contests ahead but had also bloated to nearly fifty times his regular size (mostly in belly weight), all he had to do was look to the side, pat himself a couple of times, and utter four words:
“Could go for seconds!”
This was more than enough to let his fellow competitor know they were thoroughly outmatched, prompting them to throw in their support behind him and join the ever-growing crowd cheering Pololi’s name; of course, this didn’t ensure victory, as the Games only truly ended when either everyone quit, or someone finished. So… he did. Pololi kept eating, even past the point where he physically couldn’t feed himself any longer and thus required the whole village to step up and help him out; there was a moment of trepidation when he stopped reaching for the food, as he’d already become colossal, making it a disappointment of literally epic proportions if he’d given up just then… that is, until he burped, his whole form seemed to shrink a couple of inches, and the ogre colossus promptly asked for someone to pass him the next meal.
He was a titan of blubber, a blob of such colossal proportions that several other smaller ogres were actually caught in the folds of his gigantic belly, requiring assistance not to just become lost in there; it was a trek to get to his head, practically melted into a neck so flabby that it had turned into a bowl of sorts, with Pololi’s head at the bottom where food could more easily be shovelled down. It was as if his very biology was working to transform him into an eating machine, someone who couldn’t quite eat by himself, but could certainly command enough respect to have others feed them, not to mention one possessed of a stomach so deep it might as well be bottomless… which, just so coincidentally, matched perfectly with the tribe’s notion of how their gods looked like.
They weren’t stupid, they knew that their bodies should be unable to grow that much, which could only mean that Pololi’s (and select few others’) ability to do so must be divine in nature, and seeing as gluttony was so important to them, and they lived on the bountiful Akea, then surely it made sense that those feasting for eternity in the heavens should be a reflection of their endless hunger. In fact, this alone convinced the elders that Pololi had to be a true aspirant, for no matter how much he ate, no matter how much he bloated, the ogre always demanded more; he seemed to be hungrier when he was done than when he started, and if not for the fact that he was stuck and incapable of even so much as moving a single muscle thanks to all the weight on him, the giant most likely would’ve devoured the whole island several times over.
Instead, he was lulled into a ritualistic sleep through the spellweaving of the tribe’s mystics, in preparation for the ritual to be performed the following day. It had been so long that even the most fanatical of the faith had to take some time to read the instructions, especially when it came to the incantations themselves; it was designed, at least in theory, to allow one lucky ogre to commune directly with their tribe’s gods themselves, the spirits of gluttony who determined the fates and wove the very fabric of reality; technically speaking, anyone could try and do so, but it was accepted knowledge that only those worthy of ascending could accomplish this without having their souls burned from their bodies from the strain of contacting the divine.
Thus it had happened before, as the mystics were well aware that all members of their pantheon but one were all once mortals, just like them, who had ascended to become something greater by virtue of their own endless gluttony and hedonistic self-indulgence; so it was that Pololi would, hopefully, become one as well, under the auspices of the Great Father, the one who kept the divine feasting table stocked with literally infinite quantities of food, each piece so delicious and filling that it would keep their tribe alive for hundreds of years with only a single bite. Thus it was decreed and thus it was decided… the problem being how to get Pololi out to sea, which was where the ritual was supposed to be performed.
It’d be one thing to just do it where he sat, and indeed it would be very convenient, but the clay tablets were quite clear when it came to that point: the aspirant would need to be placed on a raft and sailed off to sea, where the ritual, once complete, would have them commune with the gods themselves. The construction work required for this was such that whole chunks of the jungle had to be cleared out; if not for the fact that the trees would grow back within a few days at most, it would’ve been a genuine loss. Alas, it was necessary, even if it would offend the spirits of the land, for an opportunity like that one simply did not present itself with any kind of regularity; Pololi was an aspirant, of this the mystics and elders were certain after communing with Akea during the preparatory ceremonies, and they weren’t going to let go of this one chance to have a member of their tribe become a literal god through ascension by gluttony.
No, the trees were a small sacrifice to make, and surely the spirits wouldn’t mind it too much if the proper care was taken; thus it was that most of the village worked through the night, chopping down and carrying log after log towards the beach, where the greatest raft ever created by ogrekind was assembled under the supervision of their fishers, the only people there who even slightly understood the principles of navigating on water. Thankfully, the raft itself wouldn’t need to be controlled, just pushed in one direction and swept away by the tides, as for whatever reason, the currents always seemed to pull away from Akea; it made fishing a dangerous profession, hence the respect paid to those who embarked upon it, and it would make Pololi’s departure even more complicated, as all it would take would be a stray wave for him to be tipped over, especially with how much weight would be on that thing.
It wouldn’t just be Pololi, but also several offerings of food as well, nearly as massive as the aspirant ogre himself, and according to the tablets, not a single crumb could be wasted; to resolve this, the tribe’s fishers agreed to bring their own ships, tie them to the raft, and then guide it out to sea, before retreating back to a safe distance. It was unorthodox, and probably not in the spirit of the ritual… but there was nothing in the letter of it that forbade them, so why not?
Might as well try something that had a chance of succeeding than a method guaranteed to fail, so after some re-reading, the mystics agreed to the proposal, and the grand raft project was suddenly even grander than before. Now all they needed was to bring Pololi himself over, which was, to put it lightly, far easier said than done; the ogre was already big by default, even without his usual gorging, so him winning the Island Games had left the guy in… quite a state. | yiff-extreme |
(FtM Pig, public, WG)
Abbey is a stunningly good looking young woman. Her first year of college and she was already quite popular. Her looks attracted people's attention, and her playful personality made friends of them. She had C cup breasts, which would normally be plenty though she is quite tall for a woman, making her breasts seem smaller in comparison to her overall body size. Her legs were lean and taught and her abs solid- her belly button was in a long narrow divot pulled by the lean muscle below. She did a lot of jogging and always paid close attention to what she ate to watch her form. Abbey is an anthro cat- so where nails would be were instead narrow, hooked claws, still encapsulated in metallic blue nail polish.
The end of her nose was slightly upturned and neon pink on the end like that of a cat- and she had an array of whiskers between it and her upper lip. Her ears were higher than a humans but not quite as high up as a feral cat and the backs had blond fur to match her hair color. Her hair was a platinum blond; a yellow so pale that in bright lighting it looked white and a single streak of blue was dyed into the left side. Her tail was long and covered with blond fur but the fur was short, and there was several hair scrunchies on her tail- she used her tail to hold spares. Both her hands and feet had neon pink paw pads on the ends and base of each digit, but were otherwise still structured as human hands and feet. She wore knee high stockings and knee length white skirt with a blue stripe along the hem. Her top was a sky blue long sleeve with a high cut bottom to expose her midriff, and had a white stripe along the hem. She did not wear a bra, and her nipples were often aggressive- she was deliberately being a bit lewd in appearance.
Abbey was a nice person but unfortunately rather lazy, and accustomed to getting her way with things. If she seen a chance to get something for free because of her looks, she will never hesitate to get it. In Highschool she passed several of her classes using sob stories and making the teacher take pity on her. She would not bother to do assignments on purpose, then beg for extra credit work at the end of the semester, and pass while having done only a quarter of the amount of work as anyone else. Or she would claim that she handed in assignments she never did to make the teacher feel guilty for having lost her hard work! Now in Art Theory class she seen an opportunity. The regular professor was now gone on maternity leave and replacing her is a gorgeous unicorn man. The substitute professor Blackwood had long glossy black hair, neatly coiled around a single spiraled black horn from his forehead. His leaf shaped ears held up the arms of small gold glasses. Though most of his body lacked fur, all of his skin was black to match the places that were covered. He wore no shoes as his legs ended in golden, cloven hooves partially hidden under long black fetlocks. His tail was long and narrow with a bushy black tassel on the end. He had a very stern looking expression on his face most of the time but the women students immediately swooned over him.
Abbey was planning to hit on him! He was acting as a substitute as his training for a permanent position- he is younger than all the normal professors, making him prime prey. She was going to make him fall for her, then use that to get easy grades. She signed up for Art Theory to fill in a blank on her schedule, assuming a class on art would be easy, and them quickly found out she was very wrong on that front. She made subtle passes at him the last two days but he seemed completely oblivious to them. It did not help that all the other women in the class were also trying to get a piece of Mr.Talldarkandhandsome. So today Abbey remained behind quite some time so she would have Blackwood all to herself, and then strut down the rows of seats like a model down a runway.
Blackwood seen her coming, looking at her at first with a rather bored expression, but found himself captivated regardless. She placed her soft padded hands on his desk, leaning forward to put her breasts as far forward as possible. Though not especially large, her shirt was form fitting and flexible- hiding absolutely nothing.
"Heey~ I cannot believe you are our teacher for the next while! You are so good as a teacher but also so handsome! It feels like you are a person we can actually trust ourselves with..."
"Mm, well I am happy you are happy. I will do my best to educate you all."
"But I was wondering if you maybe... wanted to do something outside of classes? This is embarrassing, because you know, we are student and teacher and all... but since you are only our teacher temporarily I knew I only had a limited time to ask, and did not want to-"
Blackwood cut her off, motioning toward her seat in the third row and several dim glowing rings of energy projected from his hand. Each ring acted as a lens, looking at a period of time further and further back. When all rings had formed and you looked through them all overlapped- it was an image of Abbey whispering to her friend about how she was going to seduce Professor Blackwood later on. Since everyone else had cleared out of the class by now, their conversation was very easily heard now in the empty class even though they had been whispering.
"I am guessing your question had something to do with that, Miss Furlace?" Abbey was so flustered she could not even think of what to say and her face turned neon red! "I am a unicorn- we have innate magical prowess. In any case, trying to seduce and bribe a professor is not looked kindly on by the school board."
"B-but I didn't do anything!"
"You intended to, and were literally in the process of doing it."
"So what, you're going to expel me?!"
"No. Like I said, I am here to do my best to educate everyone, and removing you from the school environment would punish you properly, but it would not at all help you learn. Instead, I have a proposition."
She grumbled in frustration, placing a hand on her hip. "I'm listening..."
"Since you seem so eager to show off your body, come with me to the other room for my next class. You will model for them."
"S-so I have to sit real still for a while and let them paint me and you'll... forget this encounter?"
Blackwood nodded. Abbey was brought to the art room, much smaller than the lecture hall and much more cluttered. Canvases were stood up in a circle radiating out from a circle shaped platform with a pedestal in the middle. There was a large basket of fruit on the pedestal from their last paintings but Blackwood plucked up the basket and told Abbey to have a seat. As the students filtered in for the class they at first thought Abbey was just sitting there as a joke, but then grins and hushed chuckles started to spread as they realized she was actually being made to model for them. They knew something Abbey did not.
Once everyone was at their canvas Blackwood nodded. "Very well. I suggest making loose sketches perhaps as you go to capture any and all stages your subject may progress through, but it is your piece so I leave it ultimately up to you how you wish to capture it all. I expect some representation of the process however- do not simply choose a single point to capture." He motioned to Abbey. "Alright then, you can get ready now."
"I-I thought I was ready? Don't I sit on this pedestal?"
"I mean, yes, but you can't model properly like that. They are here to paint you, not your clothing."
Abbey only now realized why everyone else was so laugh-happy when they realized she was modelling for them. She is supposed to be modelling nude! Her face turned bright red again and her ear tips felt like they were going to burst into flames. She had no choice- her plan backfired and was now being played in reverse. Now he had the blackmail material and she had to strip naked and let an entire class paint her like that unless she wanted to be expelled for trying to manipulate a professor! She asked Blackwood if she could keep anything on, like her panties at least, but no. He let her keep superficial covering on- her shoes, stockings, the scrunchies on her tail but anything covering her body had to go. She stripped quickly, trying to get this over with as soon as possible. Blackwood never gave her a specific pose to take, so as soon as her clothes were off she sat on the pedestal with her hands between her thighs- covering her breasts with her arms and her crotch with her hands. Her tail clung to her right thigh as if to try and cover as much flesh with it as she could. Her ears were lowered to stick straight off the sides of her head and her face in an angered pout.
Blackwood circled her, but his attention was on the canvas of his students, not Abbey. Once he seen them get going enough on their work, he cast another spell and Abbey felt the magic pass through her body! Startled she quickly looked to Blackwood and asked him what he was doing now.
Blackwood shrugged. "Transformation spell. I assume you would rather I start this earlier on, before anyone has had a chance to detail in your facial features, yes? Opposites complement through contrast. A pastel pink against a pitch black, a red against a blue. Dark and light, hot and cold! Contrast conveys intensity and commands attention, the higher the contrast the more intense the conveyed emotion! And so they will be doing their best to capture both of your forms either at once, or individually within the same piece. A slim, appealing female form, an unappealing, fat, male form."
Abbey leaned so far forward she nearly fell off the pedestal! The muscles in her body squirmed. Pressure and subtle movements appeared and vanished over and over in random places in her body, like the changes were testing for a weak point in her current form. If this wasn't embarrassing enough as-is, she is being painted during this! They will probably keep one of them in the art room- so even future generations of students will see her embarrassing situation! She quickly leaned as far back as she could while still covering her front with her arms, because her butt and thighs started to swell bigger, which was causing her to roll further forward in her leaned forward position. Her nipples stiffened against her will- which was not entirely unexpected, they are naturally aggressive and stand in attention at pretty much anything. What was considerably less expected was the two nipples below that... and then below those, and those. She lifted her arms out just enough that she could look down her lean torso and see the red-pink nubs forming down her entire body! Ten nipples in total formed down her body, the last were so far down they were practically on top of her pubic mound! Luckily they were lined up so perfectly she could still cover all of them the same way she was already covering herself.
It was hard for Abbey to notice at first because her blushing was making her ears so hot to begin with, but they started to grow quickly in size now. They remained triangular, and their structure did not reinforce so once they became large enough, they tips started to fold over; too heavy to hold themselves up entirely. As the ears stretched larger and larger her facial expression scrunched up from the feeling and she started to shake her ears up and down a bit, trying to relieve the odd feeling from them without using her arms and uncovering herself. As she bobbed her ears and up and down however, the fur started to slough off! More and more naked pink skin was exposed on her growing ears, till they were larger than her entire hand from wrist to fingertip- and entirely nude.
Abbey straightened her back and you could see the muscles in her lower back flinch from the sensations. Her tail started to do the reverse of her ears- shrinking! The scrunchies held on for some time, since they are elastic, but eventually they started to loosen and slide around on the tail as it involuntarily twitched. The fur on her tail started to fall out. Abbey looked at it over her shoulder with a distressed look on her face; she liked her tail! Abbey let out a distressed cry that almost sounded like a pig squeal as her face felt bizarre. Her nostrils suddenly expanded from the tip inward, stretching the entire bridge of her nose wider! She experienced what almost felt like a rumbling in her lower body as her thighs and butt started to swell up again. Their taught, toned appearance softening quickly! They were not growing larger, they were growing fatter! Her heart skipped a beat when she glanced back to her tail again and recognized its form over her growing ass! Now completely nude, her tail was thick but short and made two loose loops, creating a loose spiral- the tail of a domesticated pig!
The rosen hue of her areola started to fade, and the curvature of her breasts started to vanish- though the fat did not. Rather than her breasts regressing, the body fat of the rest of her torso started to expand, causing the breasts to be equalized with the rest of her and lose all definition! Her taught midriff was softening, the tight divot her belly button was in started to shallow. It kept going where you would think it would have stopped, causing even her naval to flatten out. Her stomach started to look soft, then slightly pudgy. Since her gender was going to shift as well, her ten nipples started to soften, becoming a bit regressed, though still present. She groaned and then straightened and squealed again at a sudden cramp inside of herself! She had to finally move her arms out of the way because of growing bulges in her torso! At first Abbey had no idea what they were- two bulges forming inside her lower gut, feeling stiff and painfully cramped.
Deep inside her ovaries the egg cells started to squirm and divide. Their individual mass shrinking greatly but their number exploding in size! They stretched and started to wiggle around as tails grew long and thin, and each egg cell transformed into multiple sperm cells! This stretched and bloated the walls of her ovaries, forcing their mutation into testicles while still inside of her- the painful cramp was an utter lack of room for them! As eggs evolved into sperm though, her desires became distorted as well. She became more worried about what the women present thought of her situation rather than the men. She started to find herself attracted to them, even though this hardly seemed the situation to be thinking of anything of the sort- but Blackwood's spell was affecting her mind as well as body. Abbey's clit throbbed and grew in size, popping out of its hoodie on its own! She inhaled suddenly from the surprise which caused her to unintentionally snort! Her nostrils expanded again, stretching the bridge of her nose even larger! The end of her nose flared out a bit and her jaws made a muffled click as they grew slightly outward.
Abbey wobbled, now holding her arms out to try and balance herself as her torso itself stretched longer, making it harder for her to balance herself. No longer able to use her arms to cover herself, the artists quickly got to work filling in the details she had kept hidden till now. Taking turns, her clit and the hood over it grew, inching their way upward. When the clitoral hood expanded it guided the clit, forcing it to grow up along her lower body. Her urethra was now missing from her vulva, having been re-routed to travel up the clit as it evolved into a phallus in stuttered bursts. The bulges in her torso sunk lower from weight and lack of room, but were still getting bigger, causing her to grit her teeth and breath heavily. Her vagina was rapidly shrinking- the womb at its end already withered to virtually nothing. The labia was started to fuse together over the vagina, forming instead into a scrotum and catch the descending orbs. The bigger the mutating balls inside of her throbbed though, the more her desires clouded her thoughts. Abbey was trying to resist thoughts of what other women in the class would look like if they were more porcine. She was starting to think of other pigs and getting aroused by it against her will! The tip of her evolving phallus remained just ahead of the expanding sheath, dribbling pre now down the side of the pedestal she balanced on.
Abbey squealed loudly and then snorted twice, causing the blush on his face to renew. His balls finally popped out into the scrotum, surprising him though also causing the painful cramp to vanish. Each testicle was as large as a softball already, and they were still slowly growing larger! The bigger they got, the hornier he became and his mind was being simplified at the same time, making it quickly impossible to resist the invading thoughts. Abbey was officially male now. His face started to pull longer as his nose especially expanded larger. The already outward slanted end of his nose turned even further, facing completely forward and flaring into a heart-shaped end. Because his nostrils were so large and long he could not help but snort repeatedly. The only way he could breath in with his nose without snorting would be to breath very slowly and the feeling of the changes, embarrassment, and simplifying horny mind made that impossible right now.
His sheath was rather tight and narrow and cut a path through his pubic hair before the rest fell out entirely. His testicles swelled larger and larger, flooding and drowning his thoughts in a whirlpool of hormones. They filled as they grew, the sperm demanding to get out, to explode into a sow! So much of it, too much to hold in! The scrotum started to run out of room for the huge spheres and he squealed again, wobbling and then falling forward right off the pedestal entirely! His scrotum pulled backward, catching on the edge of the pedestal and forcing him too far forward for him to remain seated! The scrotum pulled tight backward, drawing the balls behind his thickening thighs! A pig's balls are far too large to hang freely between their legs- they would not be able to walk properly without crushing their own nuts, so the scrotum is tight to their torso and holds them behind their legs. Each one stopped growing at the size of an ostrich egg each- roughly about the size of a cantaloupe.
Abbey spoke some sort-of words, but his thoughts were too degraded to have any coherency. Only in trying to speak his protests aloud did he realize he had forgotten many words- too many words for him to put together a complete sentence. His voice was also degraded to grunts and squeals making any words he did speak very hard to interpret anyway. When he hit the ground, Abbey caught himself on all fours but it felt like someone tried to shove him further down, pressing him into the floor. It was an illusion of his further changes though. All four of his limbs were compressing. Their overall mass did not change in size but their proportions changed radically. His claws started to grow massively in thickness, causing his nail polish to crack and burst off. His digits regressed quickly, getting shorter and the joints more simple. Thumb and pinky regressed and pulled together, devolving into dew claws. His middle finger regressed into nothingness entirely, lending its mass instead to the two flanking fingers which devolved to complete a cloven hoof! The cloven hooves of a pig are small and compact enough that even the dew claws almost reach the ground. He made a few quiet grunts of frustration as the last few crumbs of nail polish fell off the hoof segments that used to be his pretty claws.
Now reduced to being on all fours in front of everyone, Abbey had no pride left to hold onto. On one end his huge balls were on display, on the other his slowly stretching and forming face. Blackwood placed the fruit basket down on the round stage beside him, and Abbey immediately sniffed it and started eating! He was stress eating, no longer smart enough to know how it would affect his transformation. He no longer had hands, so he had to collect the fruit in his mouth and eat face-first, which also meant he had to chomp through the skins too. His stomach gurgled as he started swallowing the fruit and his body surged in size so suddenly that his skin made faint stretching sounds, and blushed pink from being stretched! His limbs were getting shorter and shorter, causing him to sink lower to the floor and food- and further beneath the rest of the class. His entire torso started to lose definition under the swelling meat and his butt ballooned outward- the meaty corkscrew tail twitching back and forth.
His phallus started to slide out from the sheath further. The pleasing taste of the food was a good distraction from his embarrassment, further distancing his thoughts from any of Abbey's former mind. The shaft was narrow but quite long, and when it first emerged it resembled a wine-opener. The end was twisted in a corkscrew like his tail, but quickly became less twisted the further you went down, transitioning to a spiral like on the body of a screw, and then a straight shaft with the outer flesh twisted around the surface, and then completely straight at the very base. There was a thicker layer of skin sheathing the base just outside of the actual sheath which housed even that. The tip was somewhat pale from internal pressure, but the shaft got more red the further down it went, before transitioning to the sheath which was bright pink like the rest of his body now was. His cock now drooled pre constantly, occasionally flicking upward sharply.
Abbey buried his face into the fruit bowl completely, not even going for any fruit in particular, just opening his mouth and shoving forward to get as much of anything into his mouth as he could. To accommodate this, his top and bottom jaw continued to let out dull clicks as his skull lengthened, stretching his already large nose out into a snout! His human hair started to fall out- the platinum blond hairs collecting on the small stage below him. It was virtually impossible to tell this beast had ever been Abbey at this point. Even his whiskers snapped off from his expanding face. There was no longer enough of her original mind left to even attempt to resist the changes, or try to cover them in shame. The shorter his limbs got, the fatter they became- the extra mass converting to fat and causing them to bloat into dense haunches. The underside of his entire torso started to get rounder and press further out, forcing his dick into a downward angle and pressing it into the stage under him from lack of room. He started to hump reflexively at the feeling, not even aware of how it 'should' be embarrassed at its lewd actions in front of the class.
Even Blackwood was considering stepping in at this point- this was a bit lewd even as an art piece, but since Abbey had been devolved mentally as well, trying to stop him might not be a good idea- Abbey might just bite him in retaliation. Abbey's torso was like a fat tube now, and starting to bloat even further into an oval! He was looking chunky even by porcine standards. He started to thrust more aggressively- his penis wedged between the stage and his own rounding gut. He was snorting louder and more rapidly and finally squealed as his balls clenched and he erupted a dense, waxy cum across the stage from under himself! His body was still swelling up fatter though, causing his gut to press into the stage under him even as he continued to orgasm! Pigs orgasm for a very long time- now that he hit climax he cannot stop! His body became fatter and fatter as his cock continued to erupt, eventually forcing him to flop heavily over onto his side! His underbelly was distended so round that it exceeded the length of his short, fat limbs! Abbey could not even stand on all fours- he was too fat to stand at all! When his face finished fully devolving into a pig snout, even his cheeks rounded out stretching his face wider, and his neck bloated to almost wider than his actual head! His hooves almost looked comically small compared to how fat and round his legs were. He was getting so fat it was hard to move at all! He continued to thrust even though he was trapped on his side- his huge belly was pushing out so far it was still forcing his phallus at a downward angle; so humping forward still rubbed his cock against his own gut to perpetuate his ridiculously long orgasm.
Some students drew a halfway point, some drew both the anthro cat and feral pig versions of Abbey side-by-side, and some painted one inside of the other or overlapped. Abbey would be returned to normal after the class, but Blackwood was confident she would not be so eager to flaunt her body anymore. Her embarrassing punishment was witnessed by an entire class, but also immortalized in paintings forever. A contrast of forms, female to male, anthro to feral, thin and athletic to fat and sluggish. Either way, she had the body of a model. | yiff-extreme |
Title: A Raw Beginning by Taromer67
Tags: Bondage, Bull, Gay, Hermaphrodite, M/Herm, White Tiger, Zebra
It was another sleepover with Jon, Kyle and Tyler. They're all over Kyle's house who's parents are out of town for the week. They're in his room watching TV, Tyler being a zebra and is too big for the bed, is on the floor with some covers for a makeshift bed. Jon and Kyle being smaller are sharing the bed, Jon is a white tiger and Kyle is a bull. They've all known each other for a long time and are best friends and aren't shy about much with each other. Tyler is 15 as well as Jon and Kyle is 16.
During the show Kyle speaks up "damn this is boring... any of you guys got any ideas for what to do?" Tyler responds with a chuckle "we're the guests, you're supposed to be entertaining us." "Heh, smartass" Kyle says thinking for a minute, "hey... I got an idea" he says with a smug grin, "I'll be right back" he leaves the room for a moment ruffling around in the other room, Jon and Tyler look at each other confused "any ideas what he's doing?" Jon asks "no idea" Tyler says just before Kyle gets back. He's holding a box full of random stuff "what is that?" Tyler asks. Kyle grins widely "it's my brother's stash. He thought he hid it well, its got all sorts of good porn in here" Jon looks at him wide eyed with a small smile forming "oh yea? Like what's he got?" "Take a look for yourselves" he sets the box down.
Tyler and Jon look through it finding magazines, movies, and even toys "uhh, I can understand you getting the movies and shit... but did you have to include these too?" Tyler says holding up a gag and handcuffs. Jon laughs, Kyle just shrugs "hey I was in a hurry, so you wanna watch one or what?" Tyler blushes being shy about this sort of thing, Jon grins "hell yea!" he holds one up which has Straight and lesbian furs in it. "Yea sure I'll watch it" Tyler says still a little unsure of this but goes along with it. Kyle puts it in and plays it, first up is a female kangaroo with a male wolf slowly rubbing each other's half naked bodies.
Kyle and Jon already start getting off by this as their pants start to tent, Tyler is on the floor still covered by the covers. He doesn't get hard but does find it arousing. Kyle reaches into the box pulls out a few condoms "use these and don't make a mess" he says tossing them around. Tyler looks at it oddly "come on Kyle... you know I don't like doing that in front of you guys..." "Oh come on Tyler, you know you want to. If it makes you feel better than just keep it under the covers" Kyle says pulling down his sweats and putting the condom on his large shaft. Jon starts doing the same, they both stroke themselves watching the wolf eat out the roo.
Tyler watches this and starts getting really turned on, he reaches down and starts rubbing his crotch. As he rubs he starts getting wet, he goes farther down and rubs his pussy lips. He knows he's different and has no idea how Jon and Kyle would react to it. He keeps it a secret to everyone except his family. He pretends to put the condom on, once he successfully fools them he starts fingering himself making it look like he's stroking. It's difficult but he manages, the scent he puts off is also drowned out by the amount of covers he has around him.
Kyle grins finally getting him out of his shell, "there you go" he and Jon stroke faster watching the wolf now plow into the roo's hot, tight pussy. She moans loudly clawing into his sides as her tongue hangs out slightly. Tyler smiles widely fingering deeper and faster, his juices flowing down his leg and onto the sheets. He pants as he gets closer, Kyle soon blows his load into the condom, Jon isn't far behind. Tyler takes a while longer but eventually he cums panting hard and pouring his cum all over the sheets making a huge wet spot on them.
Kyle and Jon pull off their condoms and throw them away and pull up their sweats, Tyler takes his and throws it away quickly to avoid them seeing it. As he's moving around the scent starts escaping the sheets, Jon notices it first "hey... what's that smell?" he inhales deeply knowing he likes it but doesn't know what it is. Tyler freezes up "um... what smell?" Kyle sniffs the air then catches it "yea I smell it too... it smells like..." he pauses "a woman's arousal" "huh? Why would you smell that?" Tyler asks nervously curling up and covering more to avoid the smell getting worse.
Kyle looks at him oddly then notices the wet spot in the sheets "dude! What the fuck is that!" he points at it. Jon looks and gets confused "did...did you piss yourself?" Tyler perks up "what!? No!" Kyle speaks up "no...that's not piss... it's your cum isn't it?" Tyler blushes madly "um... yes..." Jon gets more confused "but... you had a condom... and why is the spot by your legs even?" Tyler pauses knowing he's been caught and that there's no way out of this, he has no idea how to begin telling them.
"Well? What is it?" Kyle asks, Tyler swallows hard and hesitates "I'm... not like other guys...." Jon looks a bit concerned "what do you mean?" Tyler takes a deep breath "I'm... a herm..." he watches their reactions closely. Jon looks confused "a what?" Kyle speaks up "it's when a person is both a man and woman so to speak... so you have both sets then?" Tyler shakes his head "no, just a pussy. Works just like one and everything" Jon looks curiously at him "so you can get pregnant too?" Tyler nods "tests say that I can. But I can't take birth control because it'll release too much estrogen"
Kyle rubs his chin kind of interested "that's interesting." he smiles reassuringly "heh, it took you this long to tell us?" Tyler looks up at him relieved they're taking this so well "I wasn't sure how you would react, so you don't think I'm a freak?" Jon smiles "we're your best friends, why would we?" Tyler exhales deeply sitting up "I don't know, but I'm glad to have you as my friends" he smiles. Jon pauses a moment, his sexual curiosity getting the best of him "sooo... can we see it?"
Tyler looks at him in shock "what? Are you serious?" Jon blushes putting his head down "well yea, I mean it's just between friends" he pauses and scratches the back of his neck "besides... I've never actually seen one in person... porn can only go so far with that" Tyler pauses "yea true... I don't know... It seems weird though" Kyle cuts in "come on show us, you know we won't try anything" Tyler takes a deep breath, a long moment passes before he responds "alright... but this only stays between us ok? No one can know about this" Jon nods "of course" Kyle nods soon after "promise"
Tyler hesitates "alright then..." he slowly stands up and pulls down his sweats to his thighs so they can see his still wet pussy. He blushes madly, Jon looks at it with much more of interest than Kyle seems to. He takes a good look at the sight, the still moist lips with a small black patch of fur just above it. He starts getting turned on again "it's... it looks so nice..." Tyler smiles shyly "heh, thanks" Jon hesitates, as Tyler starts pulling his pants back up Jon speaks up "wait..." Tyler pauses "can i... t-touch it? Just a quick feel?" Tyler's eyes widen in shock "are you serious?" "Please? Just a quick one? I've never felt or even saw one before.... And this is just between friends."
Tyler pauses for a moment thinking hard about it. Kyle just looks at him starting to give a dirty look, he starts feeling both anger and jealousy. Tyler and Jon don't notice "i... I guess so... just don't go too far with this ok?" Tyler says nervously. Jon perks up excitedly "yea I promise" Tyler takes a deep breath, he then pulls down his sweats past his ankles and steps out of them. He stands there watching Jon as he stands up walking over to Tyler. Jon's heart beats rapidly as his breathing picks up, he reaches out his hand inching nervously closer to his prize. Tyler's breath picks up too in nervousness, never has anyone else touched him there so he has no idea what to do. Eventually Jon's hand makes contact cupping Tyler's pussy, for a moment Tyler completely freezes up not even breathing as his eyes widen.
Tyler looks down at Jon's hand touching him, his breathing picks up again. Jon starts to slowly rub his pussy, once he does Tyler's mouth opens slightly. He begins to enjoy the feeling of Jon's hand and starts thinking how much better it can be especially from watching the video earlier. He slowly brings his head back up and looks at Jon who in turn brings his head up. They both lock eyes just staring at each other for a moment, a small smile forms on Jon's face. He starts rubbing more causing Tyler to spread his legs a little feeling more comfortable. With his legs spreading he starts getting wet again having his juices flow onto Jon's hand.
Jon smiles more, he slips a finger inside. This causes Tyler to quickly gasp and widen his eyes breathing more heavily. Their eyes are still locked "you feel so good..." Jon whispers as he thrusts lightly and carefully. This causes Tyler to moan softly at the amazing feeling, he soon smiles as well "thank you.." he whispers back. They pause another moment, Jon starts moving his head closer leaning in to kiss Tyler's lips. Tyler is stunned both knowing what he's doing and not sure how to react. Before he knows it their lips lock as Jon closes his eyes kissing softly and pressing into Tyler's muscular chest.
Tyler freezes just staring at Jon, he feels very awkward about kissing another guy but at the same time he somehow likes it and has no idea why. He just lets Jon do this enjoying it all. Kyle glares at them, he then snaps "so, you done playing around?" he says quickly and sternly. Tyler breaks the kiss blushing "um... sorry... guess we got a little carried away" "I'll say you have. Not only are you a freak but you're a little slut too aren't ya?" he stands up. Tyler glares "what the fuck Kyle? I was just helping him out!" Jon lets Tyler go and steps away "I-I didn't mean for it to go that far..." he says hunched over in worry.
"Oh no, you didn't do anything wrong, this fucking freak of a slut is just leading you on and not giving much in return." Tyler gets furious "what the hell are you talking about!?" "Shut the fuck up whore!" Kyle yells and quickly throws a right hook with his massive fist to Tyler's face who doesn't have any time to react. It hits the side of his head and he falls down hard hitting his head on the dresser. He's knocked out for a moment as he lays there with a little blood trickling down his head, Kyle grins "Jon help me out, time to take what's ours from this slut" he goes into the box he brought in and pulls out a few things. He goes back to Tyler's still out cold body and handcuffs his hands behind him "um.. Kyle we shouldn't be doing this. This isn't right" Kyle quickly shoots him a look "either you help me or your next!"
Jon swallows hard, he doesn't want to hurt Tyler at all but he also doesn't want Kyle to beat him. To avoid getting beaten Jon hesitantly helps tie up Tyler. They put the gag on him and tie his legs together, to be more cruel Kyle puts on a strong electric color on him with a leash. Tyler starts coming to not long after they get done bonding him, Kyle is out of the room and Jon is sitting there in fear. Tyler looks at him, he tries to talk but his words are muffled. He starts freaking out trying to break free.
Jon sees him and comes over slowly "I'm sorry... I didn't want any part of this..." he's almost on the verge of tears seeing him like this. Tyler just glares, he muffles more words as he struggles. Kyle soon comes back in and his pants are off with a full hard on. He grins "well, about time you woke up slut." Tyler looks at him, his eyes are full of fear having no idea what Kyle's planning to do. Kyle get on his knees having his cock right in front of Tyler's face. Tyler turns away from it but Kyle grabs his mane hard and forces his face to press into his hard shaft.
Kyle removes part of the gag which still holds Tyler's mouth open but allows access for a blow job. Tyler starts yelling and struggling harder but Kyle quickly turns on the collar, Tyler screams in pain as he squirms. Kyle shuts it off "shut up and take it like the bitch you are!" he shoves his cock hard forcing it down Tyler's muzzle and throat. Tyler gags trying to pull away, his eyes water. Kyle thrusts his hips hard grunting "go ahead Jon, pick a hole."
Jon looks at Tyler whose tears are falling down his cheeks as he chokes and gags. Jon shakes his head "no..." he says softly "I won't do it" Kyle looks at him still thrusting "you better! Or ill literally tear you a new one" he pauses looking back at Tyler with a sinister grin "just like I'm gonna do to him." Tyler whimpers hearing that, soon after Kyle thrusts deep down Tyler's throat and cums hard. Tyler widens his eyes but has no choice but to swallow it choking.
Kyle holds himself inside for a bit before pulling out "mmm that's a good slut." Tyler gags and coughs, he soon pukes. Kyle laughs at him, Jon gets a serious look "Kyle stop it! Leave him alone!" Kyle stands up and turns toward him "or else what?" he takes a step towards Jon. Jon's look drops and it gets overridden with fear "o-or....or I'll call the cops!" Kyle freezes, he glares at him "you do that... your dead..." he punches Jon hard in the stomach knocking the wind out of him. As Jon stumbles and gasps for breath Kyle starts beating the ever living shit out of Jon.
Tyler looks over and sees this, he starts crawling over to the box hoping to find the keys to the handcuffs. With the box to his back he has no idea where to feel for the key, the box tips over spilling everything that was inside. As he keeps searching Kyle hears the box tip over and looks over "what the fuck do you think you're doing!?" he gets up and walks toward Tyler who sees him coming but keeps feeling around. Kyle grabs Tyler's mane dragging him away as he screams.
Kyle gets an evil grin "let's see how tight you really are!" he lifts Tyler's bonded legs high and looks at his ass and pussy, he quickly gets hard and positions his cock onto Tyler's pussy lips humping a little but not penetrating to see the look on his face. Tyler squirms and clinches up, he can do nothing but watch in horror as Kyle has his way with him. Heavy tears start streaking down his cheeks as he sobs and whimpers.
"You don't want it there?" Kyle says taunting and sinisterly. Tyler does nothing but just stare into Kyle's eyes full of fear. Kyle grins, inching a little bit in to stretch Tyler but not enough to tear him. Tyler screams out squirming again, Kyle pulls out "if not there... then I guess I'll take your ass!" he repositions and thrusts hard into Tyler's rear, Tyler screams out in extreme pain and struggles more. Kyle soon hilts with a grunt "mmm, you're so tight!" he starts thrusting hard without mercy.
Tyler just screams knowing he can't do anything else. Jon begins coming too after being knocked out, battered and bloody he grabs his phone from his pocket and calls the police. He can barely talk, the operator on the line hears the screams and manages to trace the call "the police are on the way" she says calmly. Jon grins, he looks at Kyle "hey..." he says weakly "the cops are on the way..." he passes out again. Kyle hears him but keeps going until he finishes, he hilts deeply and cums inside Tyler. Tyler feels truly disgusted by this but is thankful that it's at least not in his pussy.
Once he's done cumming he pulls out, its then when he hears the sirens. Kyle makes a run for it, the front door gets bashed in and the police rush in. They don't manage to find Kyle but when they go into his room and see the sight they're mortified by it. They quickly untie Tyler and cover him with a blanket while another officer examines Jon who's still unconscious. They call in for a paramedic which shows up very quickly. Both Tyler and Jon are loaded up and taken out by stretchers, Tyler keeps looking over to Jon hoping he'll be alright. They're sent in two different ambulances to the hospital.
That was the last time Tyler ever heard from Jon, a few days later after Jon recovered his parents took him away. He's heard nothing of Kyle except he got away and units are still on the lookout. Because of this event, which will scar both Jon and Tyler's family for life, Tyler cannot trust men so easily. Now he only hangs out around girls keeping his secret safe and never mentioning what happened. | FSE |
Title: The Name Is Black, Jet Black, Part Two by Wolfie Steel
Tags: Biker Mice, Character Development, Mouse, Story Progression, Story Series
The Name Is Black, Jet Black. Chapter 2.
The Birth of MI6, Mouse Division
It had been twelve months since our most wonderful James Bond Marathon. It now seemed as though Commander Black was here to stay, my house renovating business was booming, I now had more money than I knew what to do with. Enter Commander Black.
It was a bright, sunny and warm Sunday morning, I had taken advantage of a little me time and had set up a seat, a table and a sun shade, on the table was a glass of ice cold root beer, in the seat was me complete with my copy of the Sunday newspaper. I began to read my paper, So much death and destruction, what is our world coming to? I thought, I was suddenly brought out of my thoughts by a soft and calm voice behind me, the voice was that of Commander Black.
Jet spoke, "Oh Vin, sorry, your having some quiet time, I will come back later". I replied, "Commander, it's ok, I was just reading my paper, and becoming more and more depressed so you've actually done me a favour, now what can I do for you?", "Before I start Vin, please don't take what I'm about to say the wrong way, you and the guys have taken me into your lovely home, and I'm grateful, I really am". I came up with my reply, "There's a but coming isn't there?" Jet's gaze fell to the floor, he could not even look at me when he spoke again, "As always, you get right to the heart of the matter. I am bored, I need something to do to occupy my mind". I asked, "Did you have something in mind?", "I want to become James Bond!", came Jet's response. I considered my reply, to try and soften the blow that I was about to deal the Commander, "Right, ok not to pour cold water on your.......musings, but you do realise that James Bond is a fictional character don't you?" Jet looked a little bemused and replied, "Of course I do Vin, what I meant was that I want to become a Secret Agent!" Again I considered my reply, "Well, and please don't take my comments the wrong way, but I'm pretty sure that they won't allow a mouse into the Secret Service".
The commander now looked totally dejected, he hung is head and started to slink away, one would almost say that he looked like a five year old child that couldn't get their own way.
I looked at the Commander and saw his totally dejected and defeated look, "Commander, I didn't say anything about not giving it a go, I know some very influential people, some of which owe me a few favours. I will make a few enquiries on your behalf". A nervous smile now returned to Jet's muzzle, "You mean it, you would do that for me?" I reasured the Commander that I would at least try, but I informed him not to get his hopes up too high.
I rose from my seat and made my way back to the house and entered my study, making sure that I shut and locked the door, I was going to need all of my concentration and diplomacy to pull this mammoth task off.
I made a few calls, most of the people I spoke to just gave me the polite brush off, then suddenly paydirt, I hit the mother load, well sort of, my final phone call was to a very dear friend of mine deep in the government, as I feared he told me that the secret service would not allow mice to join, but he did give me an idea, why not start a new department?, the idea was so crazy that it might just work. I decided to take my friend up on his idea, he assured me that he would back us all the way. This was it, the birth of MI6: Mouse Division, and since it would be my money backing the venture, I was to be in charge, my new codename M000 (M triple zero).
I ended my call with the usual pleasantries one usually uses when talking to a respected member of parliament, and went in search of the commander to give him the news. I found the commander in Charley's garage, sat quietly in the office, he had borrowed Matt's replica of the golden gun and was probably thinking about how good it would feel to hold one. I knocked politely on the door and entered the office.
Jet's eyes met my own as I spoke, "Commander, I'm sorry but it was as I feared, there is no room for mice in the secret service". Jet replied, "Damn, oh well, at least you tried your hardest, thanks Vin". My reply brought back the nervous smile from earlier, "Now wait just a minute Commander, I didn't say that it was a totally fruitless call, you are still going to become a secret agent, we all are, I have started a new secret agent division, you, my young friend, will hence forth, be known as Commander Jet Black, M001. Throttle becomes M002, Vinnie is M003, Modo will become M004, Rimfire is to become M005, Josh is M006 and Matt becomes M007. Toby will become the Quartermaster or Q, and unlike James Bond, you will respect young Toby, because if I hear of any shenanigans between you two, I will dispose of you, and it won't be pretty. Am I understood Commander?" "Completely sir", came Jet's reply. I continued to speak, "Now, tomorrow, I will travel to London, to the MI5 building, I will meet with my friend and set about getting us some office space within the MI5 building. Commander, I would like you to travel with me, because after all, you are the main reason why we will be having an office in London".
I decided to call a meeting for the rest of the mice and Charley to let them know what was going on. Upon hearing the ambitious plans, all the mice were now sporting deeply shocked looks, though I could tell that deep down, they all wished that they had thought of doing it sooner. It is now Monday morning, the day of the journey to London, it had been decided that not only would Commander Black be joining me, but Matt and Toby would be coming too.
After a three hour journey, we made it to the centre of London, we met up with my MP friend, Jonathan Hogben-Smythe, and made our way to the prestigious and very secretive building that is MI5.
Jonathan unlocked the entrance door with his special keycard and allowed us all to enter. He led us to the reception desk.
The Reception Clerk looked up from her papers, "Good morning Mr Smythe, what can I do for you today?" Jonathan spoke to the clerk, "My friends here are starting up a new division of the secret service, and as such are going to need a very large office and workspace". The clerk replied, "Ah yes, the Prime Minister has informed me of the new division and has asked me to source the office and workspace, you will be pleased to know that I have managed to get your friends one of the penthouse office areas. I will just call a guide for you who will lead you to the new offices".
The Clerk called for the guide and asked him to lead us to what would become our new offices. After a few minutes the lift arrived at the top floor.
The guide informed us that we were now at our floor, "Penthouse Floor, MI6: Mouse Division" My jaw hit the floor when I looked through the glass walls of the elavator and saw the size of the space that we had now gained, from I don't know where I suddenly found my voice, "Whoa, you mean we got the complete penthouse floor?" The guide replied, "Indeed you have sir".
The lift doors opened and we all piled out of the lift, there was a large office at one end of the corridor, on the office door was a plaque which read, MI6: Mouse Division, underneath the title was my new codename M000, I opened the door to my new office and we all entered, there was a hive of activity with decorators and engineers making my new office ready for me to take the helm of the new division.
The guide continued to inform us, "Now sir, as with all the offices in this building, as well as the main lift there is a secret lift which will take you to a top secret secure area, for use in an emergency".
I looked to the far wall where there were some engineers working and could see the open shaft that would become my secret lift. We now left my office and walked into the next room, larger than my office and again full with people milling about decorating and installing things, this room would be Toby's, sorry, Q's lab.
I took Toby, aka Q, to one side and spoke, "So Q, do you think this place will be big enough for you?" Toby's eyes lit up and he replied, "Are you kidding? I could get lost in here, and not be seen for years". The guide continued to speak, "You will also be gaining a team of highly trained lab assistants, who will carry out your every instruction". Toby now looked at the guide and spoke, "But I'm a mouse, does anyone have a problem with that?" "Sir, your assistants have been trained to follow your instructions and not to ask questions", came the guides reply. Toby looked at me, "Hey Vin, did you hear that, he called me sir". I looked back at Toby and replied, "Get used to it my young friend, as you'll be hearing it a lot".
With our tour of our new offices complete, I decide that it was time for something to eat and drink, so we thanked our guide for showing us around and made for the entrance to go into London for some late lunch.
The Reception clerk managed to catch my attention, "Excuse me sir, before you leave, you will be needing your new office keycards".
The clerk handed me a box with a load of keycards in it, each card had our respective codename embossed onto them.
She continued to speak, "Do not lose these cards as you will need them, you will need to swipe them through the card reader at the entrance door to gain access, then, at the lift, again swipe the card in the card reader, the lift will arrive and take you straight to your floor".
I took the box of cards from the clerk's hands and we left the building.
Jonathan now spoke, "Those cards also get you into the secret parliament entrance, which is under Big Ben. Now I know that you are hungry and thirsty, but these cards will even cover that too".
We entered the secret parliament entrance, Jonathan led us to a posh restaurant.
Jonathan continued, "You are secret agents now, it is not safe for you to eat or drink out in the public domain, at least here you know that you will have a meal and a drink that won't kill you, unless the chef is having a bad day of course".
After we had eaten our fill, Jonathan made his apologies for being a busy man and left.
I looked at my three bro's and spoke, "Well guys, we should head home, we have got lots to talk about".
We all made our way home back to the Isle Of Man. We all sat down and talked about the day that me, Matt, Jet and Toby had just had, I handed out the security keycards to the rest of the guys and gave them the instructions for there use.
Today we had seen the future for the Biker Mice From Mars, who would now be known as The Secret Biker Mice From Mars. | FSE |
Title: Startide III -- Intro by solaxy
Tags: Ferret, Fox, No-Yiff, Sci-Fi, Skunk, Startide, Story Series
This is a teaser beginning for a story series I've been wanting to write. I'm not sure if I have the skill to really bring this story to life, so I figure I would try with a shortened part of the first chapter, which doesn't have much to it aside from set up. This is not a full story just yet, but I would love to hear if people wouldn't mind me expanding on this, as I might just do so!
Darkness and cold, the two sensation that first greet either when getting frozen or waking back up. Both of those sensations greeting Daniel as his nervous system came back out of cryo-sleep, joined quickly by a faint beeping noise. The albino skunk twitched just a bit, eyes heavy as he slowly opened them to the blurry, frosted cover of the tube.
"Co... Comp... Computer... Reporsh..." The sounds seemed almost alien, coming from the tired larynx of the Chief Medical Officer. His thoughts still blank had slowly been filling with information. His name was Daniel Szyreth, he was born in the Europeon Union. Chief Medical Officer aboard the colony ship known as 'Startide'... what was it he was supposed to remember when he heard that beeping?
"Computer... Report!" The command this time was more confident, the post-cryo cocktail of stimulants and extra nutrition were getting added to his bloodstream. There was the chirp of recognition from the computer this time.
"Morning, Officer Szyreth. Emergency thaw is underway, please stand by." The computers female voice still sounded synthesized, despite being driven by one of the most state of the art AI systems availible... how long ago? It all still seemed fuzzy to the skunk.
"Computer, time in tube. And while you're at it, run a diagnostic on my neuralware, it doesn't appear to be functional." The skunk twitched a bit, the years of being frozen having made his muscles decidedly uncooperative. There was a sudden feeling of pins and needles throughout his body as his memory crystalized.
"You have been frozen for 72 years in transit. Your neuralware is coming online now, Doctor," The female voice sounded a bit more interested in him now that he could form reasonable questions. The frost of the tub was starting to dissapate as well, the beeping gaining in intensity as the skunk's ears started to respond better... or that hearing aug that he had was finally getting it's sweet electronics online. And it wasn't just beeping... it was a klaxon alarm.
The skunk's neural display kicked online at this point, taking a moment for the lines on the display to sharpen as it adapted to the state of his eyes. A quick check over his biomonitor and he understood. This was no sedate wake up, it was an emergency defrost. Of course, the computer had said as much earlier, it was only now sinking in. "Computer, run a diagnostic and prep medical bay one. Begin defrost of Captain Diogen, and Chief Engineer Hurdley. Route time table and any errors to my times square system. Authorization code Delta Sierra Four Seven Quebec. What is the life support status?"
There was a chirp as new information began to scroll into place in his vision, showing a read out of the time it was going to take in order for the other two officers to defrost. Another line flicked into place, before moving off to the side of his vision, scrolling the information by as his medical equipment was brought back to life. He also very suddenly felt... cold. "Must be almost done..." A faint hiss could be heard as the tube itself opened to the outside pressure, before popping forward with the clunk of soviet designed hydraulics, leaving the skunk to take his first step back onto his ship.
It wasn't much of a step. his legs didn't cooperate, and the white-furred skunk fell forward onto the cold grating that served as the floor on this level of the cryo-bay. A second later, his tail fell into place over his head. Well, at least the blue dye was still there... pushing the tail away with his hand, he twisted and massaged his legs, a few thought commands working to alter his biochemistry to help wake him up. At least, as the first person up, no one was around to see his graceful face plant. Not to mention, he was essentially in a set of bikini briefs and a few strap on sensor packs!
The cryo-bay was designed in 10 levels, pods of colonists and crew stacked up like the cargo they were. Walkways and scaffolds were strung through the rows of pods to give access to people for repairs, as well as for the newly thawed to exit with. The lighting was always dim, as eyes took a moment to adjust to being used again, but with the emergency lighting on it was even more true. The only real light was the faint blues and greens from the various status panels on the pods, and flickering red that raced along the walkways towards the exit stairs. A faint mist was slowly swirling around his feet from the base of the skunk's cryotube.
Pushing himself to his feet, the skunk tested his knees out, the gave his tail a flick. Well, his tail was still mostly useless, but his legs were working, and that was the important part. "Computer, Life Support status?"
"Life support is coming online in the habitat module right now, Doctor. Medical Bay One has full life support, Engineering module and connecting decks twelve through eighteen are reporting hull breeches. Automated repair is underway," the computers voice did not bring the best of news. A hull breech would certainly explain why he was woken up without so much as a cup of coffee!
The skunk walked towards the staircase, bare claws clicking against the metal grid underneath them. He wasn't quite walking straight, but he was getting better at it as he went. Steps however, proved to be a bit more of a challenge. One foot at a time, going down partially sideways to keep from falling. "I hope my uniform is still where I left it..."
Two flights of stairs later and he was tapping his foot impatiently at the cryo-bay airlock door. Both of the cryo-bays were designed to be ejected from the main hull if there was a catastrophic issue, designed with solar arrays to keep the occupants blissfully unaware until they could be picked up. This however meant that getting this airlock open was a pain in the tail! "Computer, get this door open!"
"Acknowledged. Be aware doctor, heat levels are still insufficient in the rest of the habitat module. Open anyway?"
"Yes! I need to prep for this wake up," the skunk's voice showed a hint of irritation, the two lines of in progress wake-up letting him know exactly how little time was left. A heavy thump sounded from the door locks before the main lock bolt turned to disengage the mechanical seal. A hiss as the pressure equalized before the two heavy airlock doors began to grind open, revealing a dimly lit entry lounge filled with two couches and several racks of robes in different sizes.
Slipping one of the robes on, and still navigating by touch along the walls, Daniel shook his head. "And here I passed on the light amplification upgrades so I wouldn't have to replace my eyes..." With a little sigh he made it to a panel, and tapped it a few times before the lights started to come up just enough for him to see. A brief check at the top of the panel to remember where he was in the ship, and he began to walk towards one of the corridors on the way to medical; thankfully it was right next door.
The heavy grinding sound of the cryo-bay doors echoed behind him as the door to the hallway hissed open, leaving him in a dimly red lit corridor. A bulkhead was shut to his left, which was fine by him, medical was to the right. A few steps on the soft carpet of the hallway made his feet remind him that they did not like metal. Shoes... he would need to get his shoes.
Medical was an unassuming door, aside from the blue tint and the medical symbol off to the side. His hand flicked over the inset panel and there was an affirming chirp. "Welcome to Medical, Doctor Szyreth." The doors hissed open and the sudden illumination made him squint. At least it was warmer inside! Waiting for his eyes to adjust he glanced over the bay. The carpet here stopped at a small waiting area, and the rest of the medical bay was stainless steel and rubber grip material, with eight of the most state of the art medical beds created. He should know, he designed most of the robotics for them! Beyond that were two isolation wards with their armored glass fronts and closed filtration system, and opposite was his office, behind a door and some windows.
Daniel's office... he found himself missing it. He walked towards it, the door hissing into the wall as he walked in. There was his uniform, right where he left it. The black uniform with the blue shoulder and his rank pips, as well as the Startide III symbol on the opposite shoulder. First however, he did have a sonic shower in here.
Feeling much cleaner and quite a bit more defrosted, Daniel slipped into his uniform, carefully threading his tail through the back. A brief check on his internal display gave him another ten minutes before he had to be in the cryo-bay for the last part of the wake up cycles. Settling in behind his desk he ran his hands over the plastic and brushed metal furniture, before tapping at the side to bring the pop-out screen ready. "Computer, life support status." He started tapping at the input pad, bringing his medical bay back to full life.
"Life support is fully operational within the main hallways to the bridge, as well as the Crew Lounge. Half of the habitat level is currently sealed off due to the hull breach, and the life support is offline there," the computers voice almost sounded curious as to why the skunk was requesting this information.
"Good good, set illumination through the ship to half brightness," Daniel's voice sounded much more fluid now, his body having finally recovered partially in thanks to his own implants. His fingers continued to tap over the desk input as two of his tables lit up and began to hum, going through a final self-check. "Best see to our Captain then, and our Chief Engineer."
Sliding back in his chair, the skunk stood back up and walked into the medical bay proper, letting a hand glide over the edge of one of his tables before striding out into the hallway, the dull hiss of the doors sliding open and closed announcing his movements. Turning left and back into the Crew Lounge, then in front of the cryo-bay doors once more. "Chief Medical Officer Daniel Szyreth, unlock cryo-bay doors and keep unlocked for the next 4 hours."
A chirp before the door lock turned once more, unlocking the bay. Several echoing thumps could be heard as the module's ejection system was moved to standby. "It certainly is dark in here... Computer, set cryo-bay illumination to ten percent."
As the lights came back online, a few of them flickering for a moment, the expansive cryo-bay revealed itself. It really did look like a warehouse of bodies, each one suspended in a capsule. He made a turn at the first intersection, and walked over two rows, then to the second block. "Good morning gentlemen, and welcome to your ship..." His fingers flicked over the control panel of the pad with the word 'Captain' stenciled-painted onto the top of it. He then did the same to the Chief Engineer, two pods down. "... it needs your assistance, and I'm here to make sure you can give it your best."
Softly, a hiss could be heard at the Captain's pod as the doctor pulled out a small hypo, loading it with a stimulant batch. As the top receded upwards, the skunk shook his head, a faint vibration could be heard; the slide was sticky... He looked into the pod and grinned at the red fox currently laying in the pod. "Hello Captain Diones. Can you hear me?" The fox stirred just a bit, both eyes opening up a crack. "You'll be a little stiff, we're undergoing an emergency defrost and your body has been brought out under quick defrost. This will help." The hypo flicked over against the fox's neck and hissed as the stimulants were pressed into his system.
"Str... streakths?" The foxes eyes were still unfocused, causing the Medic to bring out a light and check them both. "Streaks, what on earth is going on, and why do I feel like I've been run over by a hover-sled?" The fox flicked an ear as the skunk lent out a hand.
"Yes sir, I'm here. We suffered a hull breech some how. You're coming out of cryo under a fast cycle, so you'll be stiffer and sore. Any implants you have will take a few more minutes to come online. The bridge and the connecting hallways have already cycled up their life support, so as soon as you can, figure out what's going on for me?" The skunk gave a small smile at the fox, then patted his Captain on the cheek, "You should have the worst of it out of your system shortly. I have our Engineer to get out next."
The fox simply nodded. He was taller then the skunk, moreso when elevated in the cryo tube, and carefully stuck a bare foot out against the metal grid of the floor. "When did I get these tight pants on...? I hate tightness there."
A faint chuckle came from the skunk, "Its regs and your know it, no matter how much you want to make everyone jealous when you come out of your tube." The skunk turned to where the next lid was already opening, his tail flicking by the fox's shoulder as the Captain did some stretching to get his muscles working again.
"Good morning to you to, Chief Engineer Lenmoth..." The cryotube had opened to reveal a rather thin looking ferret, the halter top and tighter-cut coverings the only real indication that said ferret was in fact a girl. She looked far too androgenous for her own good, although her talent with machines was never doubed. "Time to wake up, your ship needs your delicate touch."
"Urgh, let me sleep in ten more minutes..." The ferret bright a rather clumsy hand up to her face to try and block out the dim light, only succeeding in giving herself a smack to the face. "... where am I?"
"The Startide Three Cry-Bay, rack level one, port side. My name is Doctor Szyreth, remember me?" The skunk checked her eyes rather quickly, seeing as they both gave a metallic reflection he knew they'd come back to life shortly. "Your implants should be cycling online here momentarily. We're undergoing emergency defrost."
The ferret's ears flicker a few times before her tail fluffed up, then went back to normal, "Urgh, why is my link up so bad in here? We hit something..." Her pupils gave a faint red glow for a moment, before her irises changed to their normal sedate purple rather then the metallic undercoating color. There was a faint hiss from the hypo against her neck.
"I have no idea, that's why you and the Captain are awake. I got to wake up first so I could make sure both of you felt better then I did," Daniel's grin was full of humor. "Half of the Crew Module on this side of the ship is down, as is engineering. Bridge controls are up. Supposedly... and automated hull breech repair is underway, but beyond that its all up to you. Feeling better yet?"
Kristie Lenmoth pulled herself out of the tube slowly, shaking her head, "Not yet, but I'm processing the information from the repair systems right now. You expect some vertigo when you do that. I'm still half offline under here." The ferret closed her eyes for a moment, as some of the mist leaking out of her pod swirled up around her, wrapping her in a black jumpsuit. "There we go. Now I feel less naked. Well, off I go, then!"
The ferret took off at a jog towards the main airlock, giving a salute to the Captain who was still working the sensations of cryo out of his system. Captain Diones turned to the skunk, "Well, I assume since I wasn't thrown into the bridge while waking up things aren't too serious?"
"I don't know yet Captain, but the AI did not include any emergency codes during the wake up. Whatever it was, the ship seems to be more worried that we hit something then any real damage was done. We lost a few decks worth of life support, but nothing that was inhabited. No injuries to report. What would you like me to do?" The skunk's tail gave another flick, the doctor still grinning just a bit at the ferret's run off to the bridge.
"Prep for a full post-cryo physical for myself and our bouncing Engineer for after we get a full status update. We may need some more personnel, and wake up the Security Chief so we can get ready to bring out more crew. Beyond that? Doctor, see if there's a way to get any real coffee made? Its that kind of morning." There was a swish from the Captain's tail before he turned to head into the lounge as well.
"Well, one more to microwave and some diagnostic work to do, sounds like fun!" The skunk chuckled and headed up the flight of stairs to get to the next level of tubes, checking over the numbers until he could find the Security Chief. "And another body back to life." The skunk keyed in the authorization number, before moving to walk back into the crew lounge with a faint yawn. A quick mental command to his implants in order to stave off any more, and he went to go sit down on one of the couches. There wasn't much for him to do in the next half hour... except possibly make some coffee for the Captain. | FSE |
Title: Eternal Blue 6: Mission Revealed by Stinkdog
Tags: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Hyena, Magic, Mild Drama, Otter, Rat, Violence (Not In Yiff)
Tireal took another step; electricity crackling between his fingertips. Quint's finger squeezed the trigger and his heart shattered as sparks ignited behind the only bullet he had left. The small explosion from the gunpowder stored in the rear of the metal slug sent the deadly projectile forward; spiraling down the barrel of the gun on its fated course. Tireal formed a ball of lightning between his palms as the bullet left the barrel and shot towards him. The electrical ball flew from the otter's hands and connected with the bullet; sending bolts of electricity to the floor before both projectiles exploded. The hyena and otter were thrown backwards from the blast; Tireal slammed back first into a pillar and Quint slid along the floor painfully.
The hyena opened his eyes slowly, gasping in pain.
"I'm getting too old for this..." he groaned softly as he slowly pulled himself onto his feet.
Tireal lay unconscious about ten feet away and the hyena circled the prone otter's body like a mouse circling a sleeping cat. Quint nudged the prone otter with his foot, but all that came from Tireal's mouth was a muffled groan. Quint decided to risk everything.
"Tireal?" He said tentatively.
The otter mumbled incoherently before rolling over and slowly opening his eyes. He blinked and looked up curiously.
"Q-Quint?" He stammered. "How did you get here?"
Tears crept into Quint's eyes and he lifted the otter into his arms; the pain in his body disappearing.
"I thought I'd never find you," The hyena said. "Either that or when I did... you'd be..."
Tireal put a finger on Quint's lips; silencing him.
"It's alright, Quint." Tireal said hoarsely. "I'm a little bruised and I hurt all over, but knowing you cared enough to come looking for me makes up for it."
Quint smiled and his tears slowly stopped flowing. He lowered the otter to the ground and looked around the ruined room.
"Well now what do we do?"
The torches went out.
Quint yelped as a heavy something caught him at the base of his skull and he crumpled to the floor.
Back in the conference room, Zas smiled inwardly as the screen in the center of the table disappeared upwards and the other rats around the table looked to each other uneasily.
"So," Zas said, "He is an acceptable candidate, is he not?"
The other rats nodded in agreement. "Yes, General."
"And you all see that the two are inseparable?" Zas had the senate in the palm of his hand.
"Yes, General." They said somewhat reluctantly.
"Good, then I assume we can continue with our plans, correct?" Zas looked across the table; smiling openly now at Senator Charr.
"Correct, General." The senators spoke in unison save for Charr.
"Senator Charr, do you not agree with my decision?" Zas asked, the smile never leaving his lips.
The rat at the other end of the table, who looked more like a military officer than Zas did, clenched his teeth in anger. Charr's features held a calm exterior but inside, the rat was boiling with rage. Charr wore a uniform like Zas, but the fabric was better kept and each medal shone with unique brilliance; a startling contrast to Zas's old and clearly uncared for uniform. Charr's fur was mottled gray, though he had a patch of black on the top of his head. His eyes; piercing, emerald green; gazed back at Zas defiantly.
"No, Zas." He said reluctantly as the other rats breathed a collective sigh of relief.
Charr tended to disagree with most of the plans and ideas that the General had. He clearly didn't appreciate Zas's attitudes or his ruling style. Zas lifted his hand.
"Then it is decided, we shall go ahead with the situation as planned. Meeting adjourned."
Charr met Zas in the hallway after all of the other rats had left for their homes.
"I disagree with your methods of coming to this decision... General." Charr seemed to spit the word general from his mouth like a rotten grape.
"Is that so, Senator Charr?" The smile on the rat's face vanished into a smug glare. "In what way do you disagree with my methods?"
Charr folded his arms over his chest. "Torturing creatures to determine their worth is inhumane. You yourself should know this. I agree that for our task, these two are the best for the job, but altering minds and pitting them against each other is cruel."
Zas's face was now a mask of seriousness. "I did what I had to do to ensure this senate's decision was the right decision for our country, Charr, nothing more."
"You did it for your own amusement, you sick bastard." Charr growled.
Zas snarled back and grabbed the older rat by the throat; pushing him up against the stone wall.
"You had better watch that loose tongue of yours, Charr." He hissed, "You may find that such treasonous words could land you in hot water."
Charr gulped and chose to stay silent. He couldn't win this kind of argument with one who had so much political power.
"I trust that means you'll guard your words more carefully from now on, eh?" Zas' nose was inches from Charr's and the older rat felt the young General pressing his body against his. Charr clenched his teeth; hoping that the younger rat didn't do anything that warranted violence. Zas seemed to realize how close he was to the other rat and shook himself before dropping Charr off of the wall.
"Watch your tongue from now on, Charr." Zas said icily as he walked away down the hallway.
Charr watched the general leave and shuddered. What was the general thinking?
Tireal was afraid to open his eyes. The last times he had done so had been disastrous, and the thought of what might be greeting him next kept him from looking. Something poked his ribs and he squeaked involuntarily.
"Wake up, otter." He heard an unfamiliar female voice say in his ear. The proximity of the voice made his eyes snap open.
The otter was sitting in an ornate, wooden chair in a large room. He tried to get up, but his feet and wrists were held fast to the chair by metal shackles. He saw Quint sitting awake in another chair next to his and the hyena was tied to the chair in the same way. The otter noticed that his clothes had changed. He was now wearing a blue tunic and leggings that didn't belong to him. He noticed that Quint was wearing similar clothing. A large desk was in front of the two bounty hunters behind which sat a throne with a very official looking rat seated in it. Two large windows bathed the room in sunlight; silhouetting the throne.
"Welcome to the city of Kathsera," the rat in the throne said. "I am General Zas." He slowly rose from his seat. "I trust you have found your stay in my palace to be hospitable?"
Quint scoffed. "Hospitable indeed! First you have that bitch shoot me and then you capture and torture us in that sadistic maze of yours! What the hell are you trying to pull?"
Zas circled the desk as slowly as he stood. "My intention was only to test you, and you both succeeded. You should be glad that your abilities were good enough to keep you both alive."
Tireal struggled against the shackles that held him to the chair. "What do you want from us?"
Zas sat on the front of his desk; facing the two bounty hunters. "I merely wish to offer you a job. That is all."
Quint tried to lift his right arm and gave up after a few moments. "It's not like we have any choice is it?" He growled.
Zas smiled. "This kingdom and all of its inhabitants are in grave danger. Kathsera is on the brink of war, pirates. The avian country Serevix has been threatening an invasion for some time. My father, rest his soul, had been paying Serevix off in order to stave the greedy birds, but it appears that this time, they are determined to take Kathsera for their own. My instructions are as follows. I need you two to find a very special gem for me. Legend has it that the Celestial Sapphire can grant unfathomable power if used correctly. You are to find that gem and bring it back to me. It was rumored to have been in the south and, if that is the case, Serevix may have it already. There is an informant in Taldoor who knows more than we do of the gem."
Quint glared at the rodent. "What do we get out of this?"
Zas' expression turned menacing. "You are in no position to negotiate, hyena. But I suppose you need some sort of incentive. There is the fact that I won't kill you if you do this for me. Also, you get to have the satisfaction of saving an entire kingdom from certain doom. The avians are far better organized than we ever could be. That should be enough incentive for you. To make sure you don't stray from your task, I am assigning two of my personnel to guard you on your mission." The rat waved his hand and two other rats stepped forward. One of them was familiar to Quint and he snarled at her as she walked passed his chair. The other seemed familiar as well, but the hyena couldn't put his finger on it.
"How nice of you to join us, Captain Alexis and Senator Charr," Zas said. The senator was not pleased to have been chosen to go on this assignment. He had no desire to help further the General's cause.
Zas pushed a button on his desk and the shackles withdrew into the chair. Alexis and Charr lifted the two bounty hunters from their chairs and pushed them towards the door. "Have a pleasant journey, and Alexis, if any one of them acts up, you have my permission to use terminal force if necessary." Zas called after them.
As the odd foursome exited the large building that was Zas' palace, they were faced with the bustling city of Kathsera. Alexis led the group for over an hour through the busy rat-filled city to the port. Quint was relieved to see the Dodger floating at the docks, but something was odd about the ship. As the group walked closer, Quint saw creatures moving on the deck.
"Hey!" he shouted, "What are they doing to my ship!?"
"Looks like they're looking for something," Alexis mused in her thickly accented voice.
"Well tell them to cut it out!" Quint snarled angrily at her.
Alexis rolled her eyes and snapped something in her native language at the rats. All of the rodents stopped what they were doing and scurried off of the ship, standing at attention in front of her. She glared at all of them and folded her arms across her chest.
The rats gulped nervously and emptied their pockets and rucksacks onto the wooden dock. Quint's temper boiled.
"There," Alexis said, "You can have all of your supplies back, but they said they want to keep the lion."
Quint was puzzled for a moment before he remembered Vicks.
"Tell them that if they do not give the lion to us, I will personally gut every single one of them if that's what it takes to get him back." Quint spoke through clenched teeth; trying to hold back his rage. "He's our bounty and the money on his head is ours for the taking, not theirs."
Alexis nodded and yelled at the rats who quickly scurried into a nearby warehouse and brought Vicks out on the dock. The lion was bruised and his hands and feet were tied. He smiled slightly when he saw Quint.
"Hey, guys." He said. "Looks like hiding in the ship wasn't such a good idea after all, huh?"
Quint stepped forward and pushed Vicks up the gangplank.
"We're still taking you to the authorities, you know." He said to the lion.
"Yeah, yeah I know." Vicks said as he stepped onto the Dodger.
Alexis barked at all of the rats who began readying the ship for departure and Charr, Quint, and Tireal boarded the ship as well. Quint began barking orders to them to start the engine. Alexis was quick to scurry up onto the ship as the rats scampered off of it and onto the dock; the plank retracting into the side of the ship.
The Dodger was sailing once again.
Quint stood at the helm and guided the ship in the direction of Taldoor as Alexis stood next to the hyena; watching him.
"You know," Quint said nonchalantly. "The gun in my ribs is hardly necessary."
"It's a precaution." Alexis replied. "To make sure you don't do anything stupid."
Quint smirked. "I've done a lot of stupid things in the past, what makes you think you won't shoot me for the wrong reasons?"
Alexis smiled. "I'll know when you're making a fatal mistake."
"Could you at least ease up with that gun a bit?" The hyena asked. "I don't need it bruising one of my ribs, thanks. I've already received too many wounds from you."
"Aw, poor hyena's afraid of a little bruise?" Alexis smirked.
"No, but I would like to be able to sleep comfortably on my side tonight if you don't mind." Quint grinned.
"Fine," Alexis lifted the pistol from Quint's ribs. "Just know that it's still aimed at a delicate place."
Quint followed the direction from the gun's barrel to between his legs. "Interesting tactic..."
The Dodger sailed through the waters towards its destination, kept firmly on course by Alexis' constant urging. Tireal sat at the stern of the ship with Charr and Vicks.
"So let me get this straight," The otter was saying to the rat. "You don't like Zas, and he doesn't like you, so why would he send you with us?"
Charr shrugged. "My guess is that he's hoping to kill two birds with one stone."
Tireal blinked. "How so?"
"He wants the sapphire because of its supposed magical properties." Charr told the otter, "He also wants to get me out of the picture for a while because I'm the only senator not under his complete control. By separating me from the senate for a long enough time, he could theoretically become a very powerful dictator."
"So why did you come with us, then if that's the reason he sent you?" Tireal was puzzled.
Charr grinned. "I needed to get away from him anyway. Besides, I have some loyal accomplices back in the city who will do whatever is in their power to stop Zas from taking over completely. Call it a backup plan if you will."
Tireal nodded. "Well I'm not sure why I'm here. Quint's the one who does all of the work, sometimes I feel like I'm just here because he feels sorry for me."
"Don't sell yourself short." Vicks piped up. "You two need each other, that much is obvious."
Charr grinned. "I concur with the lion. You two are pretty much inseparable and you have some decent magical powers. I'm sure those have come in handy more than once in the past."
Tireal blushed. "Well thanks, but it's nothing really."
Charr smiled and looked out over the water. "I wonder how long this voyage will take."
"Well judging from Miss PMS back there, it won't take long at all." Vicks said. "Hey Tireal, are you guys really going to turn me in? I mean I did break your engine on purpose, but I didn't break the law that much..."
Tireal frowned. "All I know is that Quint found a poster that had a picture of you on it and a seventy-five thousand piece bounty. It's ultimately his decision."
Vicks looked down at his feet. "Well, could you at least untie me? I promise I won't sabotage the ship again."
"Sorry, but that's also Quint's decision." The otter looked back up towards the helm. "And it looks like he's going to be busy for a while."
Vicks sighed. "I don't want to go to jail."
"No one does. I'm sure Quint will find some way to help you." Tireal patted the lion on the back consolingly as the Dodger sailed on.
Dusk and night had come quickly, but Alexis would not let Quint slow the ship down until she was sure of where they were. When she did finally concede, the others had already gone to sleep and Quint stopped the ship on his own. He led the rat down into the sleeping quarters and pointed her to a spare birth that wasn't filled with a rat or a lion. After she was settled in, Quint entered his own quarters and slowly stripped down to his skivvies. The room wasn't very large. A desk piled with maps sat under the large bay window on the far wall. A mirror hung on the wall next to it and the walls were covered in paintings of islands and interesting nautical discoveries. The hyena's bed was no larger in width than two births set side-by-side, but there was far more height above the bed. He looked at his bandaged body in the mirror and sighed. He wondered if all of this was worth so much pain. Tireal's prone form in the reflection of his bed told him it was. As long as his charge remained alive, Quint's life didn't matter. The hyena turned from the mirror and walked over to his bed; slowly sliding into it next to Tireal. He wrapped an arm protectively around the slumbering otter and closed his eyes as well.
"Quint?" The hyena was surprised to hear the otter's voice.
"Yes?" he responded.
"I... I think I love you." Tireal said slowly.
"I love you too Tireal." Quint said.
"No... I mean I really love you." The otter sounded as if he was about to cry.
Quint was at a loss for words for a moment. "Tireal... You know I can't... You're like a son to me." He could hear Tireal start to cry. "Tireal... I'm sorry."
The otter slid out of the bed and left the room, still crying. Quint slapped himself mentally. Why did he say that? Why didn't he just lie and tell Tireal he was gay? Because he didn't want to live that way. He had lived too many lies already. He debated going after the otter, but didn't think it would change anything. Quint rolled over and sighed. There was always another problem.
END? | FSE |
Title: 4 Moms 4 Aidan Ch. 05
Tags: milf, best friend's mother, seduction, huge cock, affair, cheating
*Disclaimer: I am grateful for Utamu who have helped make my story more readable. If there still are errors, then it's my fault.
All characters in this story are of legal age.*
Chapter 05
Amanda Bratton had had a troublesome month. She had been unfaithful and cheated on her husband Simon with her son Justin's best friend. The first couple of weeks the guilty part kept coming back to haunt her and kept the memory of her betrayal ever present in her mind. She had not really talked to Aidan since he had made love to her at the lakeside. At first she had felt remorse and guilt, but as time went by she often found herself daydreaming about the young muscular teen, who had taken her to new sexual heights.
Going over to the Bratton's home Aidan was warmly greeted by Simon Bratton, while Amanda merely said a meek "Hi Aidan, how are you?" before quickly disappearing into the kitchen to prepare some food.
Aidan saw the turmoil going through her mind, knowing Amanda was worried about their affair. Still she looked staggering. As Simon started up the grill, Aidan and Justin lounged in the backyard. Moments later Amanda started to bring out the food to be cooked on the grill. She was dressed in a simple short yellow blouse and a short denim skirt. Aidan couldn't stop eyeing the hot married mother. Her long honey blonde hair fell down over her beautiful sculpted breasts. He continued to admire her from behind as she walked away. He glanced down at her ass briefly, as the skirt clung tightly to her buttocks. Her bottom was perfect, it looked like it could have belonged to one of the twenty-something girls from college, but was perhaps slightly fuller and rounder. Aidan took in her long sexy tanned legs and felt how his cock throbbed, knowing the pleasures that could be obtained between those sexy legs.
They all sat about the outdoor table, eating a leisurely dinner, but Amanda was rather quiet throughout it all. Just a few comments here and there but Aidan knew exactly what was going through her mind, especially when his foot touched her leg, he watch the shiver run through her entire body.
Amanda couldn't believe Aidan's actions. She was startled by his bold move, and she shifted her body to move her legs, far away from where he could reach her under the table. She noticed he smiled at her actions and a shiver ran through her body.
With her husband and children home, Amanda breathed a sigh, knowing that her will power would not be tested any further. She was shocked by her body's instant response to Aidan's teasing touch.
But after dinner it all went the wrong way. Simon declared, he had promised to play a game of golf with Walter Robbins. Justin had a date, and Julie had to meet her friends at the mall.
Aidan saw his chance and laughed, "Just go all of you. I'll help Mrs. B. with the dishes."
Moments later Amanda and Aidan were alone in the house. Amanda took the first batch of dishes into the kitchen. Aidan gathered up the other dishes and went into the kitchen.
In the kitchen, Amanda was real nervous as she turned on the hot water. Then she heard the heavy set of footsteps behind her. Looking into the empty backyard, her eyes closed as she heard the dishes were set down on the nearby counter. Her body shivered and she prayed that Aidan would merely go back out into the backyard, leaving her alone to do the dishes.
Amanda gasped as large firm hands grasped her by her hips, then the large hands slowly made their way up and under her short blouse. Her body seemed to just melt at that point, she groaned and her head tilted back to rest on the broad muscular teenage chest. Then she felt her lacy bra being pushed up to bare her breasts.
"No, please don't do thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis" Amanda groaned loudly as Aidan's thumbs began to flick at her stiff sensitive nipples.
Aidan smiled at this as he knew the hot blond mother was his for the taking.
"You're tense Mrs. B." The young stud said as he continued to caress her full breasts.
Amanda's breathing was ragged and she could feel her heart pounding hard inside her chest. Soon she realized she was gone. The young stud had once again made her bypass her sensible self. Aidan had clearly awoken a desire in her that she didn't know she had. Although she was about to cheat on her husband again, Amanda couldn't have cared less. This was all about her experience the passion once again. Amanda gave a moan, as she felt her young lover kiss her neck while tracing his fingers around her hard nipples. With a shudder she gave in to her feelings, and she turned to kiss her young lover.
As their tongues were dueling, Aidan pulled her into his body and started moving his hands to her skirt, unclasping it swiftly and continuing his hands into her panties.
"No, we can't Aidan..." Amanda moaned as she felt her body react to his caress.
Aidan ignored her plea as he kept working his hands down to her pussy and could feel she was already wet with anticipation. He arrogantly said, "Yes we can. Besides, it feels to me like you want this as much as me."
Amanda tried to pull away but Aidan bent her over the counter and pressed her chest down. Keeping one hand on her back while she wiggled and moaned, he used the other to reach under her skirt. Aidan pulled her panties down to her ankles and flipped her skirt up to reveal her gorgeous pussy. He pressed the growing lump in his pants into her mound, framed perfectly by her exposed ass.
"Please Aidan...not here..." Amanda's plea trailed off as she backed harder into her young lover's hips.
Aidan didn't give in and soon he had freed his hard cock from his pants. He took hold of Amanda's hand and moved it to his hard shaft.
Amanda gasped as she felt her young lover's spectacular manhood. She gave in and began stroking his hard thick shaft, already swollen to its full length. She felt a small dribble of precum oozed from his bulbous head. She was now really aroused and didn't give her marriage any thought.
Aidan took hold of his cock and lined his tip up with Amanda's slit. He smiled, when he realized the married mother of two pushed back, trying to get his cock inside her wet pussy. He decided to tease her, as the head of his dick was slick with her juices. He held her at bay with his hands and leaned forward, nibbling her ear and then groaned, "I'm going to fuck you in your home Mrs. B. I'm going to fuck you like a bitch in heat right in the kitchen, where you take care of your family. You are a bitch in heat, aren't you, Mrs. B.?"
Amanda shuddered, when she heard Aidan's wicked words. She knew, she had to stop but the words made her tremble with desire. Never had anyone talked to her in such a way. She gasped and was surprised about her own reaction and didn't know what to do.
After seconds of silence, Aidan demanded an answer as he asked "You want it, don't you, Mrs. B.? You want me to fuck you like a bitch in heat ...don't you..."
The blond beauty turned her head and looked at her young lover. Then she whispered, "Yes...yes. I want you to fuck me...fuck me like a bitch in heat."
Hearing this hot sophisticated woman tell him to fuck her, made Aidan's cock throb. He took hold of her and turned her torso around, bringing her moist lips to his. He rolled his tongue around hers, exploring every corner of her mouth while her tongue danced playfully around his.
As they kissed Amanda continued squirming back, attempting to envelope Aidan's shaft into her wet cunt.
Aidan continued to tease her, keeping his tip just barely pressing onto her swollen pussy. Occasionally he would let his tip part her lips but then withdrew immediately. He could feel her juices beginning to drip onto the floor and her hips flinching.
He pressed his huge head between her lips once more, this time allowing her hungry pussy to swallow his cock.
Amanda let out a huge moan as the engorged shaft strained to get inside her tight pussy. She felt her young lover advanced slowly.
"Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgggggggggggg..." Amanda grunted as she was fired up and started bucking her hips backwards.
Aidan picked that moment to plunge deep into the hot married woman and within seconds he was filling her amazing body with his huge cock. He methodically began pumping into Amanda. He slid the full length of his shaft in and out, massaging her pussy. Aidan kept pumping her from behind, Amanda's skirt flapping around her ass with each thrust.
Aidan grabbed Amanda's full round tits. They were a definite handful. He began rolling her nipples between his thumb and forefinger, taking the time to feel every bump on her aureola while his hard shaft felt every contour in her tight pussy. After some time he moved one hand from her breast back to clench her ass as he continued to drill into her.
Amanda had never felt anything like this. The first time with Aidan had been sensational, but this was even better. The hot blond wife gave into his fucking and she squealed as never before, "Fuck me Aidan...fuck me stud...make me you bitch...fuck me like a bitch it heat...arggggggggggggg."
Hearing this Aidan grabbed a first full of blond hair and roughly jerked her back against him while keeping her impaled on his shaft. His tempo increased to a unwavering pounding. A faint sloshing sound could be heard around the kitchen as he plunged into his gorgeous married lover. He kept pounding faster, pulling her hips into his as he thrust forward.
Amanda cupped her mouth and squeezed her eyes shut, bucking against her teen stud as he continued to plow into her. As she felt Aidan clutched her hair and yanked her head back, she arched her back and felt how he was really pounding into her. Amanda's mouth was frozen open, eyes shut, hands clenched. She attempted to let out a groan or a gasp but was unable to find the air.
Continuing to hold her hair with one hand, Aidan groped her breast with the other and pulled hard on her stiff nipple.
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggg," Amanda screamed as she found her breath with a shudder.
Aidan let go of her hair and moved his hand to her clit and began stroking her in sync with his pumping.
Amanda knew she was real close and began rocking on her toes, each thrust pushing her off the ground momentarily. She arched her back, letting her young lover hit her g-spot as he penetrated deep inside her. The teen stud was pumping into her hot body at a maddening pace and she could feel her pussy contracting.
Aidan could feel how the married mother of two started to climax around his shaft. He looked down as her nubile body shuddered with a familiar release. Amanda's pussy continued milking his cock as she screamed out loud. He felt each of her velvety spasms with ecstasy.
Amanda's body trembled as she experienced one orgasm after another. It was an amazing feeling.
"Take it all, bitch," Aidan growled as he felt his balls tightening with an impending release. He slammed his shaft up into Amanda one last time. He lowered his mouth to her delicate shoulder and bit hard into her soft skin. He pulled her body down on his cock as far as she would go.
Amanda desperately tried to clamp her legs shut as Aidan pumped thick ropes of cum deep into her pussy. She buried her ass against his hips as wave after wave of cum unloaded inside of her. She shuddered again with another rolling orgasm.
Aidan could feel the hot woman's pussy milking him dry and he continued to press into her until he had unloaded all of his sperm deep into the unfaithful wife.
The couple stood at the counter for what seemed like ages, in a cool sweat and their intermingled fluids oozing out from Amanda's well-fucked pussy.
Aidan's mouth was still sunk into her shoulder, his hand cupping her full breast, her long blond hair matted to her head, blouse disheveled and skirt crooked.
Amanda turned her head and looked into Aidan's eyes. He leaned forward and they slowly began kissing.
After some time Aidan let his softening member withdraw and turned her body towards his. Caressing her breasts as they kissed, he slowly massaged her mouth with his tongue until they both drew a deep sigh.
Amanda caressed Aidan's face with her small hands and then just said, "Wow."
"You're my woman for the time being," Aidan boldly said.
Amanda shuddered hearing this and then replied, "You're amazing, Aidan. But we'll have to be real careful, so no-one finds out."
"Trust me Mrs. B." Aidan said as he kissed her once again before he got dressed.
Then he left the house knowing he had seduced his friend's mother completely.
As Amanda stood in the bathroom looking into the mirror, she trembled as she realized her young lover had marked her body with his teeth and his hands. Leaving small bruises on her breasts. She got into the shower smiling.
Sarah, her receptionist buzzed Claire Robbins in her office, where the pediatrician just was finishing up the last paperwork of the day. Sarah told Claire, that there was a walk-in sitting in the reception and that she had to leave to pick up her kid at the daycare.
"Please make sure the door locks behind you, so there will be no more walk—ins today," Claire replied and looked at the watch above the door to her office. It was 4.30 pm, so she had some time before she had to be home. Even dressed in a doctor's coat Claire made an impressive figure. Her chestnut hair was tied up in a ponytail and her attractive face was perfectly made-up with full moist lips and striking brown eyes. Under her coat she was wearing a dress, that highlighted her luscious breasts, showing off their round, firm shape. Her dress was knee length and showed her firm legs. Even at work she wore high-heels, choosing style over practicality.
Claire loved being a pediatrician. The job was not too hectic and but still challenging. Claire always got a kick out of helping people get better. It was a rewarding and satisfying job.
Aidan couldn't stop smiling as the receptionist told him, that Claire would be out in a moment. He noticed, how the door to the office locked behind the receptionist as she was going home. The receptionist had assured him the doctor would be right out, that the wait wouldn't be long. She had been quite talkative and had told him, he was the last patient and everybody else had already left.
Aidan stared at the charts and ancient magazines in the reception room and was already beginning to fantasize about what would happen, when Claire opened the door and entered the room.
Claire was thunderstruck at the sight of Aidan alone in the reception. Startled she said, "What are you doing here?"
"Hello to you too, Doctor Robbins," Aidan grinned and continued as he got up and walked towards Claire, "I've got an ache in my groin and I want you to cure it."
Seeing her son's best friend made a chill run down Claire's spine. It had been three weeks since she had been seduced by the handsome teen. When she had woken up the day after laying next to her husband, her vagina had been real sore. She had been appalled by her own behavior and she was determined to keep her one indiscretion as the sole flaw in her marital vows. It was a one time thing and Claire had made sure, that she had not been alone with Aidan since that day.
Claire's marriage to her husband Walter had always made her content, but it had also become passionless. She'd been happy throughout her 20's and 30's, but by the time she'd reached forty Claire felt kind of stuck. She'd tried everything to re-kindle the spark between herself and Walter, but he seemed kind of disinterested in her. He was still a kind man and a loving father, but he just prioritized differently than in the first years of their marriage. But never ever had Claire dreamed that the spark of passion that had so long eluded her in her relationship with her husband would suddenly ignite with her son's best friend.
Trembling with nervousness, Claire said, "You shouldn't be here, Aidan."
"Let's talk in your office," Aidan said and walked past the hot doctor and into her office.
Claire hurried after him and as a reflex closed the door. She asked, "What are you doing here, Aidan?"
"I've missed you Mrs. R. For weeks I've thought about what transpired between us that evening. I've never felt anything like that. Your response to my caress was amazing and I just can't get over it."
Hearing this, a shiver of excitement ran through Claire's entire body. The beautiful brunette also recalled their lovemaking but tried to be sensible as she said, "We can't...I'm're Jay's best friend..."
That slight shiver of excitement had not gone unnoticed of Aidan's attention and he knew that lovely brunette was just prime for the taking. He decided to use his charm to get her into his arms again. "We have been all I could think about the last couple of weeks. I want to be with you again and experience the bliss once more."
Aidan's cock twitched with excitement in seeing Claire swallowing nervously, "Please Aidan...I'm old enough to be your mother...we can't..."
The nervousness in the mature beauty's voice, signaled to Aidan that his presence and near proximity to her made her vulnerable to his advances.
Claire was frozen in her stance as Aidan moved closer and let his strong hands grab her trim waist pulling her to him. She closed her eyes and trembling with excitement she gave in to the powerful teen as he kissed her.
After a while, Claire opened her eyes and stared into her young lover's passionate eyes. She felt worried, nervous and confused, but also really turned on. She wanted Aidan so badly, yet she knew it was wrong. She was a married mother of three and completely confused.
Aidan continued to kiss Claire and soon their mouths separated and tongues were intertwined. Lightly she laid her hand on his chest as they kissed. He was so good at kissing her.
After some time Aidan broke the kiss and smiled at his married conquest with a cocky smile. "You know don't you?" He said smugly, "You know I'm going to fuck you right now, right here?"
Claire just looked at him and nodded. Trying to hide the thrill of hot lust and electricity that shot through her when he said that. She wanted him now. She needed him now. But it was so wrong. If only it was right. She yearned to be able to convince herself it was right. But she knew she didn't care if it was or not, she was still going to do it.
As Aidan felt Claire's hands caressing his muscular shoulders, he moved his own hands onto her slender shoulders. Breaking the embrace he got rid of her doctor coat and as he felt her gorgeous body trembling in his hands, he heard her panting with excitement as he began to slide the scarlet dress from her sexy body.
Soon Claire was being stripped naked by the her son's friend, being lifted in his strong muscular arms and feeling her bare ass placed onto the cold top of her office desk. And with her bent and legs spread wide, the handsome young jock had proceeded to eat out her tender juicing pussy.
Aidan got down on his knees between the spread legs of the beautiful married woman and reached out with his hand until his fingers brushed lightly across her pussy. He pressed a fingertip over Claire's clit and started rubbing it in circles. Her body responded by gyrating against his touch. Aidan slipped two fingers inside her steamy cunt and leaned forward until he was able to flick his tongue across her clit.
It became obvious to Claire, that her young stud was an expert at the art of eating pussy, his talented tongue proceeded to drive her absolutely crazy. She started humping his face furiously. The intensity of her muffled moans and groans increased as she became more and more excited.
Aidan was eating her out with a vengeance and loved that he once again had become intimate with his friend's married mother.
Oh my Gooooooooooooooood, Aidan," Claire shrieked as her hands were clutching Aidan's hair. Aidan continued his assault on her vagina and she threw her head back, while she arched her back pushing her quivering clit into his mouth. Claire was now totally and literally in the hands of the handsome young stud as the muscles inside her cunt started to contract as she orgasm.
Aidan moved away from Claire's trembling body and got up on his feet. Swiftly he got naked and moved in between her slender legs. Looking into her passionate brown eyes he grinned as he thrust forward as hard as he could and slammed the entire length of his huge cock into Claire's sopping wet pussy, stretching and filling her completely.
Claire screamed at the top of her lungs because of the pain of being speared by such a big cock. She had almost forgotten how big her teen lover was. The last time he had been more gentle, now he had thrust deep into her and his huge manhood stretched her instantly.
Aidan loved the feeling of Claire's tight pussy around his hard shaft and he started to move in and out with long penetrating thrusts.
After some time Claire felt how the pain of the initial penetration subsided, and soon pleasure began to far out weigh the pain, and waves of passion and pleasure shot through her body. She arched her back seeking out her young lover's cock. It didn't take long before she once again felt an orgasm wash over her. Her muscles clenched and her body shook and she moaned.
Aidan loved the fact, that he once again was buried deep in this hot brunette. He loved how her full breasts were jostling on her chest as he hammered his hard cock into her clenching pussy.
"Arrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggg," Claire screamed as her toes curled up and she gripped Aidan's powerful arms tightly as she came hard.
"I take it you like having my big cock buried deep in you Mrs. R.?" Aidan asked smugly as Claire came down slowly from her orgasm.
Claire heard him, but didn't reply. She couldn't believe, that this young man once again had made her orgasm. Before her tryst with the teen hunk, she'd never experience two climaxes in a row. It seemed it was his prerogative to play her body like a virtuoso musician.
Aidan buried his cock deep into Claire's pussy and repeated his question, "Do you like to have my cock buried deep inside your tight pussy, Mrs. R?"
Claire slowly came to her senses again. She was feeling every inch of Aidan's monster cock. It was amazing, she had never felt anything like it in her life. She was absolutely stuffed full of cock. Her pussy stretched tightly around the thick invading meat and squeezed it tightly. She felt like this monster was actually in her womb and still she felt so amazingly good. Here she was...a married woman betraying her wows with a lover young enough to be her son. Christ, he was almost her son and now his huge cock was buried to the hilt within her pussy. She was being fucked on her work desk, where the family pictures still were standing to the side. Claire moaned as lust burned deep within her now, her pussy raged even more now to be fucked again.
"You're amazing Aidan. You feel so good," Claire replied with a moan and lifted her legs to wrap them once again around Aidan's waist.
Aidan smiled smugly down at her, his hands at either side of her head with her hands gripping his muscular arms. "You also feels amazing. I love how tight you are. It is as if you've never had children. I just can't get enough of you," he said and then slowly pulled his dick out of her tight pussy to the tip of the head, and once again slammed hard back into her.
Claire screamed out loud.
Now, Aidan's long hard shaft repeatedly was slamming hard in and out of the married woman, and she started moaning grunting and groaning louder and louder, and soon the lewd noises coming from her mouth turned to screams of lust. Aidan continued to piston his hard dick in and out of the beautiful brunette's very welcoming pussy with strokes so hard that the strong wooden desk creaked loudly. He couldn't believe he once again was fucking his friend's hot mother. It was awesome. Her pussy gripped tightly to every inch of his thick manhood as it continued to plow relentlessly into her, her arms were now wrapped around his neck, her nails digging painfully into his flesh as her face was contorted in absolute pleasure. Even with her eyes squeezed tightly shut and her mouth continuously moaning and groaning in between her screams of ecstasy she looked stunning. Her long wavy brown hair had been released from her ponytail and was fanned out across the tabletop. Her full round breasts shook violently from each of his ruthless thrusts into her body and her legs were locked tightly around him, trying to pull him even deeper into her.
"Oh, Aidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan...Give it to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee," Claire screamed out in wanton lust as the teen hunk continued his assault on her cunt.
Aidan loved the fact, that the sophisticated doctor was deep into his fucking. He was amazed, when she began thrusting her hips upwards to meet his thrusts. She met each of his thrusts just as roughly as he gave them to her. She thrust her pussy up as he slammed hard back into her, driving her hard against the desk top with a loud crack and the shifting and creaking of the desk itself. The family pictures were long gone and Aidan thought the desk might fall apart with how hard they were fucking each other.
"Your pussy's so fucking tight, it feels amazing..." Aidan roared out as he continued to slam his cock in and out of her grasping cunt. He just couldn't believe how tight she was, how her pussy gripped his dick like a vice, trying to milk his dick for cum.
"Tell me you want this Mrs. R.," He teased Claire.
"I want you...I want yoooooooooooooooooou," Claire responded clutching desperately at his arms.
Aidan loved, that he had this respectable mother of three panting in heat. "Beg me, Mrs. R. Beg me to fuck you like the bitch you really are." he demanded of her.
Inflamed Claire just reacted to the young jocks teasing and moaned, "Please fuck me Aidan. I want you to fuck me like a bitch in heat."
Grasping her trim hips, Aidan slammed his cock home time and time again, burying his lengthy shaft to the hilt as his balls slapped at the bottom of her curvy ass.
"Are you loving it, Mrs. R.?"
"Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssss," Claire screamed.
"Tell me, am I better than Walter? Am I better than your husband?" he asked teasingly.
Totally lost in her feelings Claire couldn't hide the truth and moaned, "Yes...Yes, you're better than Walter...So much better...So much bigger..."
Aidan loved to hear this. It was so fucking hot to hear this married woman praise him as a lover and he knew he wouldn't last long. He was fucking Claire as hard as he could, both his and her breathing came in short, heavy pants. His because of the effort of continuous fucking and hers because each time he slammed his dick back into her, he drove all of the air out of her lungs in a sharp grunt.
The desk itself was creaking loudly now. The noise blended with Aidan's groans of pleasure, and Claire's screams of ecstasy. Aidan looked down at the hot doctor, her hips were thrusting up at him faster than before.
Claire was more turned on than ever and she was losing all control of herself as her second orgasm was approaching, and it felt like it was going to be huge. She flung her head from side to side and tightly shut her eyes. Her arms now flailed about, looking for anything to grab a hold of. As her orgasm approach rapidly, her hand hit the last photo frame on her desk, that held a picture of her family, and it flew from the desk to land on the floor.
As his dick piston rapidly in and out of Claire, Aidan her felt her pussy tighten so hard he thought it would crush his dick, but he continued his assault anyway, intensifying her orgasm as it shot through her body.
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggg," Claire screamed out loud and her body shook so much that several times she lifted from the desktop only to hit her head hard as she came back down again, but she didn't even feel it in the torrent of ecstasy. Her legs pulled Aidan towards her, trying to force his dick all the way in to her.
Aidan struggled to continue his pounding and Claire's nails dug as hard as they could into his back, bringing a shout of pain from him, as her long fingernails ripped his skin, causing bleeding scratches across his back.
Claire experienced climax after climax as Aidan continued to fuck her as hard as he could with her legs gripping him tightly to her. Aidan was now ramming the bulbous head of his cock hard against her cervix. Then he felt a strong sharp contraction deep in his balls and a jet of semen pulsed up his shaft and exploded out of his bursting glans. He kept on thrusting, the primeval instinct taking control forcing his fluid into her sex organ.
Aidan roared as he climaxed and with bulging biceps he held Claire's groin hard against his own. They held like that for a moment and then he let go of Claire and she slumped back on the table.
Very slowly Claire seemed to come back down to earth again. Her back was on the desk top, and her teen lover had withdrawn from her body. She couldn't believe how good she felt right at that moment, how intense her orgasm had been, she had never cum that hard in her life. She still couldn't believe that she once more had given into her son's friend. The reality of what had just taken place set in and she got up on her feet.
"Oh, Aidan...I'm so could we do such a thing..." Claire began to sob.
Aidan embraced the married woman and looked into her eyes. He lifted her up on her desk and said, "You know, why we are doing this. It's a craving for both of us. We can't deny, what our bodies wants."
Aidan kissed Claire's tears away and soon after their tongues were dueling again.
Claire gasped and wrapped her arms around her young lover. Surprised she felt his hard cock press into her. She couldn't believe the stamina of the young stud. She was sore, so she broke the kiss and said, "I'm too tender. We have to stop..."
"I want you again, but it'll be okay if you use your mouth this time," Aidan smiled hoping he could persuade the hot brunette to give him a blowjob.
"I don't think I can..."
"I did it for you so I think it's fair, that you return the favor," Aidan insisted.
"Come on Mrs. R. You can't leave me hanging," Aidan said and pressed down on Claire's slender shoulders.
Claire got down on her knees and gasped loudly, as she looked right at the hard shaft, which had given her so much pleasure.
"Oh my..." Claire said amazed as she reached up to wrap her left hand around the thick shaft. Her fingers barely met as they wrapped around it's thickness. She moved her right hand to also grab the long cock. She was stunned by it's length, as she sat with both of her hands around it and still a lot of Aidan's cock was uncovered. She looked up at him and whispered, "How big is it?"
"Big enough," He said smugly as he stared down at the hot brunette and noticed her wedding and engagement ring on her third finger.
Claire slowly began to move her hands back and forth along the whole length of Aidan's shaft, gently squeezing as she moved her hands. She just couldn't believe how huge it was and he was only 18.
"Take it in your mouth," Aidan growled.
Claire's hands were trembling as she brought the swollen head to her lips. It had been a long time since she had done anything like this. But she felt a sense of pride, when she heard Aidan moan as she began to lick the huge head with her tiny tongue.
Aidan was in heaven. He still couldn't believe that this was all really happening, it was like a dream. He loved seeing, how Claire's full round breasts swayed as her hands pumped up and down his rock hard cock. He couldn't believe his best friend's mother actually was giving him a blow-job.
Claire leaned forward slightly to flick her tongue over the head of his cock. She looked up and her beautiful brown eyes stayed locked to his as she gently ran her tongue over and around the head and then slowly licked down the shaft. Then she open her jaws wide and slowly took his cock into her warm, wet mouth.
Aidan moved his hands to the back of her head and he gently began move her head up and down. Claire accepted this as she started to suck the head into her mouth again. Her lips bulged with the width of my thick shaft.
Claire felt how her mouth was stretched wide because of the thickness of his meat. As she continued to move her mouth up and down, she began to become more comfortable with the amount of cock in her mouth and she began to bob her head up and down a little faster and more smoothly. Claire's eyes left Aidan's and she turned all of her attention to his huge member.
Aidan smiled down at his married lover and groaned as Claire continued to suck harder and harder, moving her face back and forth on his dick. He loved the sight of his hard cock sliding between the hot brunette's moist lips, into her warm, wet mouth. Her big tits jiggled more furiously now.
Aidan knew it wouldn't take long, so when he felt his cock pushing into Claire's throat and she began to gag, he quickly pulled his shaft from her wet mouth. It made a "pop" and Aidan grabbed his club with his right hand and started to stroke it like crazy. He was pumping hard and all of a sudden he could see how the head of his huge cock was expanding and sense how his balls were tightened.
Without further warning, the huge shaft exploded violently in front of his married lover's face. Incredibly huge globs of thick, hot cum blasted directly into Claire's open mouth, coating the sides of her mouth. It made her gag even more. A torrent of cum erupted from Aidan's throbbing dick and shot thick, heavy spurts of cum onto Claire's gorgeous face and into her hair. Aidan pumped his cock as this hot mother was kneeling before him, mouth and eyes closed, as load after heavy load shot forcefully from her young lover's shaft. Cum sprayed in huge, thick ropes over her cheek, her eyes, her forehead and nose. More plastered her chin and neck, thick ropes shot into her hair, others coated her chest and cleavage, running down between her impressive tits.
After some time Aidan had emptied his balls, and he let out a deep breath and pushed the head of his cock around Claire's soft lips. Kneeling there, with his cum literally painted all over her face and upper body, her wedding ring hidden by the pearly-liquid as cum dripped between her fingers, Claire looked shocked up into Aidan's eyes.
He grinned at her and pulled her up. "Thanks Mrs. R. Just what I needed. I'll have to leave, but we'll see more to each other."
Soon after Aidan had left the office.
Claire was dazed as she walked over to a mirror. She'd never seen so much jizz in her life. She licked her lips while panting to regain her composure. She had once again been unfaithful, but she was infatuated with her son's friend. She cleaned herself up, took care of the office and then drove home to spent the evening with her family.
\- | literotica |
Title: Balto's Love Ch. 1 by Doggy_Style
Tags: Dog, Doggystyle, Husky, Love, M/F, Non-Anthro, Oral, Wolf
\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*BALTO'S LOVE\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*
Jenna opened her eyes. She stared out, over the white wilderness, accounting for what had happened the night before. Balto had made it back home safely with the anti toxin for the children. Jenna looked to her right, and saw Balto, still asleep. She smiled at him. She had never loved anyone so much. They were on the broken ship that Balto had lived on before the incident.
Jenna walked over to him. She nuzzled his face, trying to wake him up. When he opened his eyes, Jenna stared deeply into them. Balto was a little confused, but he got up and stretched. Jenna smiled and said," Balto... you're amazing..." Balto looked at her.
"Oh, am I?" he said grinning. "I'm so relieved that Rosie and everyone made it throught this..." "Well, I couldn't just sit and watch it happen." "Yes, but...Steele would never do that... You're so heroic."
"Oh, Jenna..." said Balto, and he looked her in the eyes. There was a moment of silence as they stared into eachothers pupils. Balto slowly moved his head forward, atempting to kiss his love. Jenna did the same. Their lips met. Balto slowly pushed his tounge out of his mouth and into Jenna's. He tasted her teeth, and laid his tounge on hers. He massaged her tounge slowly and carfully, making Jenna murr softly. After a few moments, Jenna broke their kiss and hugged Balto.
"Oh, Balto, I love you." she exclaimed. "I love you too," answered Balto, and started to muzzle her neck. She held her head up in the air and felt the pleasure of Balto's mouth caressing her fur.
"Jenna... I want........ I want to taste you." proclaimed Balto slowly. Jenna's heart stopped. She was startled he'd said such a thing. She looked at his face, and just said," Oh, Balto..."
Balto smiled at his husky lover, and licked her lips a few times. He padded around to her rear end. Jenna began to blush. She had never let any dog get so close to her. Balto slowly kneeled his head down, and stuck his muzzle under Jenna's tail. As his cold nose touched her cute tailhole, Jenna quivered. Balto took a few slow whiffs of it.
Jenna blushed more and murred. Balto slowly lowered his head, and looked at her vagina. Those cute, pink lips made Balto's sheath burn with pleasure. He slowly stuck his tounge out, and touched her vulva with it. He then began to take a few laps at it. He loved Jenna's taste, the scent of her arousal in his nostrals. He then pushed his lips against Jenna's pussy, and kissed it. Jenna was beginning to feel light headed, and Balto played with her with his tounge.
Jenna turned around to look at him, but all she could see was his rump in the air, his tail as well. She was enjoying this, but didn't know how much more she could take. Balto suddenly pushed his tounge against the entrance of Jenna's cunt, trying to break though. Jenna was in awe now. Balto succeeded, and as the tip of his wet tounge made contact with the insides of his love, Jenna yelped of pleasure. She laid her head on the ground, and let Balto tounge her.
Jenna's face was on fire with blush. The feeling of Balto's tounge exploring the insides of her cunt made her roll her eyes. Then it happened. Jenna started to moan deeply. Her climax was coming. Balto could see this, and suddenly and roughly made a jab deep into Jenna's pussy with his tounge. Jenna's eyes widened, and she moaned and then sighed as her cunt began to seep her juices.
Balto licked some of Jenna's cum up. He wanted to clean her, but he didn't think Jenna could take it. So he slowly began to pull his wet, cum covered tounge out of Jenna. Jenna sighed as her mate exited her body, and began to gasp. She sat down, exhausted. Balto looked at her tired face. Jenna noticed and looked back at him. She smiled a lustful smile toward her love and stuck her head between her legs. She started to lick at her vulva, trying to clean herself. Balto followed her tounge with is eyes, and sat still, watching. Jenna slowly finished, and looked at Balto, who now walked over and sat beside her.
"Oh, Balto... that was... amazing." Jenna said, looking dreamly at him. "I enjoyed myself too." he replied.
Balto pressed his lips against Jenna's, and they kissed deeply, exchanging a little saliva and Jenna's cum. Jenna broke the kiss and said," Balto... I want to mate with you. Not now, but soon. I love you." Balto started at her and licked her lips a few times. Jenna laid down beside Balto, and he did the same. With his love under one of of his paws, Balto went to sleep.
\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*The Next Morning.........\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*
Balto and Jenna awoke at the same time, awoken by a sound that didn't exist. They looked at each other. It was still very early.
"Jenna...." said Balto. "Hm?" she responded. "I had trouble sleeping, because I was thinking about what you said last night." "Really? Me too." Jenna said in a sexy voice, and she quickly kissed Balto on the lips.
Jenna looked between Balto's thighs. She was suprised. There, about two inches of Balto's penis was sticking out of it's sheath. Jenna blushed. She'd never "seen" Balto before.
Balto hugged Jenna, and slowly he walked behind his bitch. He stared at her flagged tail, in the air and out of the way. Balto bent down and sniffed Jenna's ass. Then he looked at her vulva. He licked it a few times. Then Balto did it. He clasped onto Jenna's hips with his powerful paws, mounting her. So many thoughts were racing through Jenna's mind at that point. She was about to loose her virginity to the one she loved.
Balto slowly began to push his hips against Jenna's. She began to blush again. She'd never seen Balto like this, his sex crazed mind taking him over. Balto then pressed the tip of his wet cock against the entrance of Jenna's pussy. Balto's heartstarted to beat fast. He pushed his cock through her opening, and with pressure, slowly and abruptly entered Jenna's cunt. When he did, Jenna began to groan. His cock made a wet,warm, burning sensation in her cunt. Balto then pulled almost all the way out of her, then pushed back in. It was amazing. The feeling of Balto's wet, pink cock rubbing slowly against the fleshy, inner walls of Jenna's cunt made her body quiver horribly.
After a few moments, Balto began to fasten. He started rolling his hips at a constant pace. He started to grunt every now and then, from the feeling. Jenna's body and feelings were mixed up. She could feel herself sway forward a little every time Balto's hips met hers. Both physical and emotional pleasure filled every inch of her. She had a beautiful look on her face, her eyes and mouth half open. She began to pant deeply, her tounge handing out one side of her mouth.
Suddenly Balto stopped for a second. Jenna knew what he was going to do. Balto began pushing hard against Jenna's, trying to work the knot of his penis into her pussy. With effort, the round mass of wolf meat "popped" into her, and Jenna yelped. It hurt a little, but mostly was pleasureful. With Balto's whole dick in her, about twelve inches long, Balto started quick and short trusts, his large, firm balls slapping lightly against Jenna's inner thighs. Because of his knot, Balto couldn't pull out of her, and he felt his penis growing inside of her. Jenna felt all of Balto's massive, throbbing cock. She loved the feeling. Finally it happened.
Balto and Jenna were about to reach their climaxes. Balto began to madly and vigorously pound Jenna's cunt, as she yelped after every so thrust. He was thrusting so hard that it hurt her as Balto pulled painfully on their tied sexes. But that was soon was taken over by immense pleasure.
Balto howled. His cock shot short jets of his cum into Jenna's pussy, starting to fill her up even more. A few seconds later, Balto cummed again, and Jenna was as well. Their love liquids mixed within Jenna, and Balto laid his head on Jenna's back, completely worn out. They'd be tied for a few more minutes.
With Balto out of Jenna, they both relaxed. Balto was licking at his cock, cleaning himself and persuading his cock back into its sheath. Jenna just laid there, her head on her paws. She didn't think she could move. *she thought to herself. She was filled with a loving pleasure, and didn't want it to stop, as Balto's cum dripped from her cunt, she let a look of complete beauty appear on her face. The feeling was almost supernatural. The two of them laid side by side, and rested for a few minutes. Jenna knew that she would be with Balto forever, the love of her life.* | FSE |
Title: Medusa: Fate's Game Ch. 14
Tags: violence, blood, fantasy, greek fantasy, monster romance, monster, epic, greek mythology, mythology, monster girl
"... Bellerophontes."
The world stopped. The air petrified, the breeze ceased, and the crickets and birds faded away. The world died around him until it was as if sitting atop a stage, lifeless. Cold crept along his skin until he thought his tears might have frozen on his cheeks. They weren't, but every sense in his body told him they should have been
The mask was alive. Or at least something was talking through it.
"Bell...phontes..." The voice sounded buried, like something speaking through rock and dirt, and it was a raspy voice too. Someone who hadn't had a drink in a long, long time.
"Who are you?" He forced down his tears and sobs, and got to his feet. No sword or shield to defend himself, no helmet either. Just him, his armor, and a mask.
"My sisters... sent you on mission... knew what would happen."
His sisters? Darian took a step back and stared down at the slab of onyx.
"... the Fates?"
"Yes. They... Athena... knew would kill Medusa... once Athena learned... your plan."
Darian sighed and wiped away his tears. Wetness and salt. He'd never known them before, not from his eyes.
He walked over to the mask, and stared down at it. "I asked you who you are."
"So tell me."
"... no."
Of all the insufferable shit. He picked up the mask, and stared into it eyes, into the white glow of its mouth. A white glow he was all too familiar with.
"If your sisters are the Fates, I... I don't know who you would be, or how you can talk without a conduit." The mask wasn't strapped to a skull, no one had died to fuel it. How was it talking?
"Deep within... blackness... I speak." It laughed, a hushed sound, barely more than a whisper. "Sisters... would prefer... lock me away."
He blinked at the mask, and held it out at eye level.
"... why do you speak to me?"
"Because... it was to be... the Amazon. But the Fates... I was wrong. It... is you."
Darian snarled and squeezed the mask. Whatever the material was, no strength he had was going to bend or hurt it, but as he choked down the wrenching muscles in his gut, he squeezed it anyway.
"What is me?"
"... vessel."
Darian dropped the mask with a jerk, and stepped back. "I know what your kind do when a human wears them! I've talked to the Fates, I've seen the corpses they leave behind, the skulls."
The mask sank into the ground like a large slab of stone as it landed.
"You... not die... Bellerophontes. Fate's Child... survive."
He snarled, and started to pace in front of the mask, hands in fists at his side. "I have no reason to trust you."
"No reason... to not... Help me... defeat sisters."
Defeat sisters. Defeat the Fates? Kill, not kill? The mask grated on him with every vague word.
"They fear me... Bellerophontes. Sisters... gods... bow to me... I will... ruin them."
"So you're an all powerful entity? Big talk. I have no reason to trust you, no reason to wear you, no reason to listen to any of this shit."
"I... take you... to Medusa. Be... with Medusa."
He stopped, and stared. "... at what cost?"
"... your body... will belong... to me."
Silence. Darian stared down at the mask, its soft glowing eyes, and his whole body winced. He looked up at the stars, breathed deep, and reached down to pick up the mask again.
"You want my life."
"Your soul... be with... Medusa."
Darian sighed, and fell to his knees. A joke. A big, fat joke. The thing in the mask, a Moirai, wanted his body. Wanted an avatar. He supposed that was the difference between a god and the Moirai, gods could come down to the Earth and look like a regular human whenever they wanted, hide their golden masks. Like when Poseidon had raped Medusa.
He grit his teeth, and squeezed the mask again. Medusa. He wanted her. Gods he wanted her. The ache in his gut started to grow, wrench at his insides, and twist him until it felt like he would split in half for the pain.
The mask chuckled, bits of white mist spilling over its lips as it laughed at him.
"Can you... live... without her?"
He looked away, down at the dirt around him. His arms shook with the strength he was putting into squeezing the mask, both hands gripping its edges, trying to break the damn thing in half. But it sat in his fingers, defiant, chuckling at his misery. The mask's words cut through him, seared him worse than the mark on his forehead, and flooded him with images of Medusa, of her smile, of her hugging coils, of her nuzzling snake hair, of her kiss. Of her corpse.
He couldn't live without her.
Pegasus would beat him senseless for being so pathetic, and so would Otrera, but they didn't matter. The cliché of it all. Your woman dies, so you die too so you can be with her. Damn the consequences, damn the rest, damn the others who might need you, damn the world. Damn everything.
He gulped, closed his eyes, and put on the mask.
The hooks of its contours stabbed into the flesh of his head, shooting pain through his body and sending him onto his side.
"I am Moros," it said, and buried him in darkness.
Just as he fell under heavy curtains of black, he awoke to it. He looked to his left, his right, up and down, but found nothing. Weight pulled him down, kept his feet grounded against something, but when he reached down to touch it, there was nothing. His fingers found that nothing was actually something, whatever his feet were standing on, but it had no texture, no temperature, and he could not see it in the dark.
"Poor, blind Bellerophontes. It has been so long since I've had visitors, in my corner of the realm."
The snap of fingers, and then an explosion of light. Darian raised his hand to cover his eyes as the blackness washed away and was replaced with a swirling green, then blue, then a maelstrom of crimson and purple. As his eyes adjusted, he stared at the colors, until they settled into rivers that flowed through the air, beneath him, around him, against an endless backdrop of black and stars.
Well, at least he could see now. He looked down, and frowned; all he was wearing was his tunic. Whoever this Fate was, he couldn't see anyone nearby in the weird room of colors.
Room was the wrong word. As he looked around, he gasped and stepped back from one of the nearby streams. There were faces in it, bodies, like ghosts on the surface of the colored rivers. Some of the streams went up over his head, some below, and they looked as weightless as fog. All of them carried faces, wisps of mist with eyes closed and bodies relaxed as they flowed in the streams.
"Where am I?"
"In the realm of destiny, where souls pass before they are reborn. Here, my family and I live."
Darian looked around again, and started to walk. Walking did nothing, the stars remained unchanged, the streams did not move relative to him, and his feet stepped onto nothing to pull against nothing. Disorienting. He stared down at where his feet were standing on something, but the rest of the place didn't seem to care about it. He may as well have been floating in oblivion.
"Realm... of destiny? ... of fate?"
Darian jumped back as a swirling black opened in front of him. Unlike the rivers of color, the charcoal mist seemed grounded, attached to the invisible surface as he was, and he stared at it as swaying waves of black and mist inched from its mass.
More of Moros stepped out from his hole, and as he did, Darian continued to take steps back. Tall, almost as tall as Chimera, but where Chimera was all flesh and muscle, Moros was black robes that hung from him like wet cloth. The entity had no arms, and more of the odd fog could be seen around his chest where his rob opened. He wore a hood, and where a face would be, there was the mask.
Moros. Moirai of doom, brother of the sisters. Darian forced himself to look at the entity, but there was no mistaking the cold chill that worked through him as he did. He'd given his body to the death of everything.
Fucking. Idiot. Darian.
"It is not a place meant for humans. Destiny runs through these rivers, Bellerophontes." Moros, colossal in size compared to him, walked out toward the streams, and gestured to them as he started to wander. "Your kind are colorful, are they not?"
"Colorful?" Darian jogged after the giant, black-robbed, strolling entity of doom itself, and fell into step beside him. "These rivers, this is... I don't understand."
"And so you shall never. Your mind can only understand the simplest of this realm's aspects, such as the color of your souls. Its resonance."
Souls. Darian looked out over the streams, and squinted to see more detail, but there was none to be had. Everything was hazy, and the bodies in the stream moved through each other like liquid.
"I... shouldn't be here," Darian said.
"Indeed you shouldn't. Your image now, your clothes, I have created these so you would feel more comfortable for the process."
Moros stopped walking away, and turned to face him. "I was sure it would be Otrera, the first Fate's Child to ever feel her soul." He laughed, raspy voice bellowing in the oblivion that surrounded them. "I misread the rivers. My sisters would be laughing at me." And he would too, apparently, as he chuckled once more.
"Feel my soul?" He was getting sick of asking questions, but the bastard refused to answer him. And, much as he hated it, he had to know what was going to happen to him.
Large protrusions raised from the center of Moros's robes, sort of like arms, raising different sections of the heavy blackness that hung from him. Two, three, four limbs poked out with black-mist tips, and reached out further to touch the nearby streams. How they touched them Darian couldn't figure out, when he couldn't get close to them, but Moros touched the rivers and made them bend toward him.
"Would it interest you to know, Bellerophontes, that it was I who guided Andromeda's actions?"
Darian took a step back, and glared. "What?"
The cloaked figure stepped around, and pulled in one of the streams. This one was mostly blue, with streaks of red cutting through its center that the faces within swam around.
"I whispered things to her dreams, Bellerophontes. I told of her what I'd seen, of her fate to be sacrificed to the sea creature Cetus. Of her love Perseus. Of her destiny to be his wife." The cloaked entity reached for another stream, this one darker, larger, with dots of green running through its navy expanse, and he drew it up toward them from beneath. "She thought it only a dream, until she stumbled upon the means to pursue answers. Dark magics, drops of the aether, ancient books that drifted into her hands."
Moros was proving to be a verbose entity. From how he sounded talking through the mask back in the real world, Darian expected him to talk slowly. But Moros seemed intent on talking him to death.
"With but the tiniest thread, a tiny tug at fate, Andromeda threw herself into necromancy, and other magics old and forbidden. She learned to summon an extinct race, and soon after, to infuse life into the bones of the dead. Dabbling, experimenting, obsessed, she descended into the pit of vile magics, until she learned... well, you know what sorcery she learned."
"Why tell me this? Why... any of it?" Darian said.
Moros chuckled, and reached out with shadow limbs to grab a stream darker still, of almost pure black, with traces of white on its edges. He pulled it close, and close, until was only a few feet from them, and Darian could reach it if he wanted to.
But he didn't want to. He froze as the stream, from so close, displayed more than faces, but also places.
"It would appear I do not have the exact elegance of my sisters. For sure I thought it was to be the Amazon queen and I, here and now, but instead it is you. And you, Bellerophontes, are not Otrera. This conversation will be different than I imagined." More laughter. Moros reached out and, like tearing open a deer's belly, split the river of black down its length.
Color poured from the stream, out and over the oblivion around them, washed away the other rivers until they were dots in the distance. Where the river had been black, streams of each color crashed into the nothingness Darian stood on, fell back on, and filled the area around them. Soon, for a good forty feet in all directions, the area was a scene out of the real world.
Grass. The sun high. Gentle breeze. Two teenagers playing with wooden swords.
Moros walked over to Darian, and stood beside him as he turned to face the two fighting children. "I am sure you recognize these two."
"... me and my brother, a long time ago." The Fate was going to show him this? Now?
"You did not know it then, but I believe you have begun to suspect the commonality between Fate's Children now, now that you have met Perseus." The mask looked down to him, face blank, eyes and mouth glowing white. But Darian looked back to the two boys and said nothing. "Then I will show you. Here, at its greatest moment in your life, when your power first emerged."
"Come on Bellerophon! You have to be willing to get in with your shoulder and close the distance. You don't have a spear, you can't just stay at a safe distance and hide behind your shield."
The older boy demonstrated, stepped in with his shoulder first between the younger boy's swing, and swung out. The wood hit the young boy in the ribs, and he fell back holding his chest.
Darian got up, and stood on the grass of his memory, eyes wide as he looked around, and then at the two boys. He too clutched his chest, and looked down at his hand, then to the two teenagers as they resumed practicing.
"How? Why?"
"Shh," Moros said, and he motioned with his mask toward the two.
The young Bellerophon tried again. And again. And again. But his brother wasn't letting him test the technique he'd just taught him. Lukas was laughing, and Bellerophon was too — at first.
"Lukas, I can't try it if you don't let me!"
"Well if I just let you, you wouldn't learn how to set up! Come on, faster!"
And again, the two boys dueled. And again, Lukas refused to let Darian — Bellerophon — practice the technique. When it was too much, Bellerophon screamed, and the young man struck out with the sword and hit Lukas in the temple.
He knew what happened next. It was burned into his mind, every hit, every punch, everything except the face of his brother. He'd forgotten that, as he always did with the people he killed. But this memory playing out before him showed him his brother once more, the face of him clear as day.
And every detail was perfect as Bellerophon jumped his older brother, and started beating his face in.
The vision spared nothing. The sound of crunching nose, breaking cheek bones and eye sockets, the screams and gargles, the shattering of the jaw and dislodging teeth. Moros brought the image closer, until the ruin of his brother's face was all they could see, lit by the glow of young Bellerophon's eyes.
"Stop," Darian said. He turned away and started to walk off, but walking got him nowhere. The ground slid underneath him with each step, until he gave up. Shoulders slumped, head down, he looked at the grass at his feet as he listened to the sounds of a fist cracking bone.
"A marvelous display of violence from one so young. And look, Bellerophontes. Your eyes glow white for the first time. The power of your blessing in your veins, bestowed upon you at birth. To give such a power so easily, I envy Clotho." Moros drifted around until he was in front of Darian, and chuckled. "Do you not wish to watch?"
Darian stared at the dirt beneath him. He didn't need to watch, didn't need to relive that. He'd relived it only a day ago, with Patrius.
"Why do you show me this?"
"Ah, because you need to understand, for the process to work, Bellerophontes. Come." And again the block robes reached out with several limbs, and the black fingers of mist grabbed at distant streams of color to pull them closer. The beautiful scenery, the disgusting display of gore, it all faded away, and was replaced with a home.
Lukas was there, younger looking. Darian's parents were there too, backed into a corner of their little home as a couple of thieves rummaged through what little they had.
"A Fate's Child is a strange thing indeed, Bellerophontes. You must have realized something about yourself, when you saved your family?"
Bellerophon, just a kid, stepped in from the front door, quiet, comfortable. With his motions as smooth as liquid, he walked up toward the closer thief, and stabbed him in the back, deep. He didn't just stab either, but twisted the blade a little, and dug in to the side to make sure the knife cut through meat. And he did it all in a single second, as casually as breathing.
The thief fell over, screaming, gushing crimson. The other turned around, and this one the little boy jumped. No hesitation, no delay, the boy sank his knife into the man's chest, and started stabbing. And stabbing, until he was soaked in blood, and the thief was dead twice over.
Darian looked over his shoulder to see his younger self drown in red. No glow to his eyes, just a calmness, comfortableness, with the butchery. His family looked on, and stared with wide eyes, shivering bodies huddled together in the corner. Lukas stepped out for him, but his father pulled him back.
His parents were afraid of him.
"I... didn't know why they were scared of the thieves. They were just thieves, stupid, easy to kill, if you're aggressive, quick."
"And there lies the problem for you, Bellerophontes." The scene froze, and Moros floated between the butchering boy and the petrified family. "And it was the binding element of all the Fate's Children, until Otrera."
The scene grew around them, expanded, until the little home was gigantic, the people within colossal, and their faces wide against his vision. Darian couldn't look away, not this time, from the sight of his younger self sitting atop the second thief. Moros oriented the mess of it all so the display of the young boy, covered in blood, was the centerpiece of the scene.
Young Bellerophontes was smiling. Just a little, just a tiny thing, and not because of the slaughter. The young boy didn't care about the slaughter, he cared about having succeeded in his task. Simple as that.
"I know I... I know, ok, you sick fuck? I know I can't feel for the people I kill. The Fates—"
"Did nothing." Laughing louder, Moros drifted around the display, and stared at the young Bellerophon. "Your power had not yet awakened here. Dormant. My sisters are a marvel indeed, and far more talented in reading the rivers than I. They knew this would become you."
"... they knew?"
"Oh yes, Bellerophontes. You, Perseus, the others that have come before you, and the others in distant lands. You are all like this." Moros grew the scene yet again, and again, until all that could be seen from any direction was the young Bellerophontes's eyes. Cold, hungry eyes, with a hint of a satisfied smirk.
"I am not that child anymore!" Darian swung out his arm. For a brief moment, he poured his rage and sadness into the simple motion, and as he did, his eyes glowed white. The stream tore apart, bled its colors into the oblivion around them, and faded away. He watched as his own face, the face of his brother, his terrified family, it all bled into the unending obsidian outside the rivers, until the rivers returned to their original shape.
He blinked, and looked down at his hand. The glow vanished just as quickly, and whatever his hand had done, he could not see.
Moros hissed, a loud, raspy, grating sound that poured over Darian and forced him to wince. The entity drifted back toward him, looking down at him from his great height with his emotionless mask, and started circling him, like a waiting predator. "Indeed, you are not that child."
And again the Fate reached out, and pulled across the nether to rip and tear, bend and manipulate more of the streams, until the colors combined and buried Darian's sight in a blur of brightness. He closed his eyes, covering them with his wrist, and winced as his pupils dilated fast enough to hurt.
Once the brightness settled, Darian lowered his arm. Tiryns. A stitched together tapestry of moments from his life danced before his eyes in slow motion. The day he met Proetus, and later proved he was a capable soldier. The day he beat every soldier in dueling practice. Meeting Stheneboea. Scouting the woods with Patrius, sitting around a fire, drinking wine.
"You made friends, a life, a path many Fate's Children stumble upon. But, your black hearts inevitably destroy that life, ruined for the illusion it was."
Black heart. Darian grimaced, and forced himself to watch as Moros painted a new picture. He showed him his battles, his fight against Chimera, the Amazons near Lycia, and Iobates's pleasure when Bellerophon defeated them. He showed him Philonoe, the wife he did not want, but accepted for the position it gave him. Beautiful, vile, Moros showed him the woman riding him, nude, in the bliss of orgasm, where even then a dark grin marked her lips. He showed him many of the other quests he'd set off to do in the name of Athena, Lycia, and whatever reason suited Bellerophon's fancy.
Darian fell to a knee when the scene put him high into the clouds, higher, and higher, until the ocean was a blur of navy below, and the clouds flowed around him. Vertigo tore through him, and he sucked in his breath to keep nausea at bay.
"Tell me Bellerophontes. Why did you challenge the gods so? I understand that, as your ego grew, so too did your desire to be free of gods and their rule."
Darian forced in each breath. So high, and he was standing on air. It was all an illusion, he told himself, but the details he'd long forgotten, the streams of color had not. Lukas's face, a dusty haze in his mind, had been crisp and clear in the painted scenes. So if they were illusions, they were not based on his memory. They were based on reality.
The realm of the Fates. Destiny.
Then he knew what scene Moros was reconstructing for him. The beat of Pegasus's wings came as no surprise, and as Darian forced himself to stand, he looked out to the sky around him.
Bellerophontes came from the clouds, dressed in beautiful armor gifted to him by the people of Lycia, by King Iobates. And Philonoe. Darian gulped down the wretched memory, and stared out at himself as Bellerophontes climbed higher, hands tight on Pegasus.
"I challenged them... because I thought... their power was a lie. That they are useless and meaningless without their worshipers."
"So you thought to help your fellow man, and free the sheep of their bonds?"
Even the ten-foot-tall mask-and-robes entity called them sheep. Medusa died for those sheep.
"... no. I wanted to free myself of their bonds, and if possible... obtain their power, their fame, for my own."
"Ah, and such is the mindless pursuit of many Fate's Children, of such damaged people."
He stopped and looked to Pegasus, flying higher until a storm started to brew, until the clouds darkened and thunder could be heard in the distance. No warning was given, no argument, just a momentary glimmer of a man with a gold mask floating above him in the sky for a single moment. A flash of pure white blinded Darian, forced him to cover his eyes again, as lightning cracked the sky. Pegasus roared, the feathers of his wings scorched, and his fur singed from head to toe. And Bellerophontes fell.
Darian watched himself fall, and gulped. His own body had been burned, but the burn wasn't the scary part. The scary part was the fall. Down Bellerophontes and Pegasus went, but as they fell, the windstorm grew, and over the ocean an updraft caught them. Not enough to spare them the broken limbs that came with hitting the water, but enough to spare them death. Normal creatures would have died on impact, but not the magical horse, and not Bellerophontes.
"And as many before you, you are struck down for your arrogance. That you did not die here, at Zeus's hand, was a stroke of luck indeed. Perhaps my sisters were at work? I do not know." Moros reached out and dashed the sky away. The clouds and winds, the lightning and thunder went with him, and again they stood among the streams of color and endless stars.
"You said I was damaged."
"Quiet, human. Patience."
The following scenes were a sad, sad tale. Darian looked on, unable to tear his eyes away from the horrible scene of his fall. His body washing ashore, limbs mangled. People bringing him to a temple, where the priests learned of what he did — he didn't know how. Maybe Zeus had given them a vision? Spoken to them through one of his statues? They said he was to be punished. They pinned him down while he was weak, and burned a slave mark into his forehead. But they knew about him, his demigod body, and they burned it in deep, a dozen times, until it stuck.
The next was him, in a quarry, with chains so thick he could not break them. For a year, he worked, stayed quiet, biding his time. No friends, confiding in no one. Just scheming for the day he'd get revenge on the gods for his torment.
The next, the boat. Him in a cell, shaking the bars, right before the sea creature attacked. Darian raised his hands to block the oncoming waves, but the illusion did nothing to him as it rushed him with sea water. Instead, he got to watch, and he winced as the men in the cell were crushed. The old man begged for help, and Darian left him to drown.
Moros took a moment longer, lingering the painted memory upon the dying old man as rising water overtook him.
"Delectable," he said.
Darian scowled. "I had to. I would have drowned along with him."
"Yes, you'll get no argument from me." Again Moros laughed — really sickening sound at this point — and with a swipe of a few of his arms, the image of the ship and sea vanished. An island replaced it, with two giant statues at a dock, with snake bodies below the hip.
"... don't."
"But this is the focus of why you're here, is it not? The reason you and I are speaking." Moros pointed to the island, and as if they rode the wings of a bird, they flew in toward the temple, within its embrace, and into the room full of statues. Medusa was there, panicking, shaking, and a small, dirty warrior was dressing her wounds.
Darian looked away. Ache started to creep up his body, and the tears of before forced their way into his eyes.
"You're... you're real."
"Of course I'm real. We'll need to wash these later, but for now..."
"You can't be real. Your eyes... are you a ssspirit?"
"I am no spirit. Flesh and blood, same as you."
The other Darian tended to Medusa's wounds, touched her, calmed her, and the terrified gorgon at last started to accept him.
The first time he'd ever talked with a monster. The first time he'd ever suddenly found himself wanting to help someone in pain.
Why? What was it about her that struck him so? He didn't know her then, just recognized the sound of a woman in distress. He'd heard it a million times, in cities, in the hands of monsters, everywhere. But her voice caught him differently.
From the very moment he saw her, he wanted to be near her, talk to her, be with her. Such a beautiful woman, and her snake parts only made her more beautiful in a strange way he loved. And as the illusion carried on, his eyes fell back to it, no matter how hard he tried to look away. He wanted that back. Gods, he wanted that back.
"It is such a strange thing. The Fate's Children are chosen because they are damaged, Bellerophontes. Their minds are flawed. Empathy is something any human can feel, but a piece of it does not exist in you. Obsessive tenacity has replaced it; a valuable tool in creating tales for the telling." Moros drifted closer, and Darian took a step back. But moving away did nothing, and the huge entity grew closer until it reached out for him, and its shadowy fingers took his chin. "You do not feel, not to the extent a proper human does. You were born a broken thing. But..."
Darian tried to pull away, but Moros's grip was absolute, and when he tried to shove him, his hands fell away from the monolith of darkness and ice, powerless. Moros chuckled, and with more arms, drew another scene from the color rivers.
The simplest scene in the world. Medusa coiled up, staring up at the night sky, and Darian sitting in her coils, leaning back against her. So comfortable, so perfect.
Darian's tears tore at him, and he swung his arm again, this time with a scream. For a brief second, his eyes flashed, and Moros jumped away as a slash of white light cut through the space of Darian's hand. The entity snarled, but his blank mask only stared.
"Medusa said it herself, that she is your missing piece. Never in the history of the sisters has one of their chosen managed to discover that part of themselves. Most are like Perseus, and think they know empathy, think they know what it means to feel the language of the soul, even as they climb over the bodies of thousands to reach their goals. Fools, psychopaths. But you, you have finally managed to tap into that part of yourself." Moros chuckled, circled him, and with a swipe of his arms, destroyed the perfect image of Darian's lost happiness. "And it took the love of your life's death to awaken it."
Darian reached up to his face, and touched the tears there.
"Was this... all some sort of sick game to you?"
"... yes." Moros hovered away, exposing the obsidian fog that made up the underneath of his robe. "The Fate's game. A Fate's Child is the only one capable of hosting the power of a Moirai, after all. My sisters are content to play the game from their perches above, without touching the world of flesh. I prefer to get my hands dirty. It was such fun the last time."
Every time Moros chuckled, Darian grit his teeth until his jaw clicked. Sick, disgusting thing. Being near the Moirai was making Darian see white, and each word the abhorrent creature said sent searing fire into his skull.
"You said you'd show me Medusa, let me talk to her, let me be with her."
"You are here because we are making a deal. Made a deal. You wear the mask, and you are now mine. Your soul will go to where Medusa's is as promised, and you can be together."
Too easy, too perfect. Darian frowned and started circling the giant mass of onyx, just as Moros started to circle him.
"And where is that?"
More chuckles. "The underworld."
"You say that as if it's a single place. I want to know where Medusa's soul went in that realm."
"I supposed as much. To know where your soul goes, that is the ultimate question is it not? And the purview of the gods and Fates, I—"
"Where is she!?" Again Darian swept out one of his hands, and cut through the growing black that leaked from Moros. Obsidian mist and fog shattered like glass, and Moros stepped back as Darian stepped forward.
"... Athena has demanded her soul be dragged to Tartarus, to be tormented for a thousand years before it shall be released back into the aether for rebirth."
Darian stopped, and raised a hand to his lips. The sudden information about reincarnation registered for only a moment before his mind caught onto the scary part. A thousand years?
"What? She... she can't do that, she—"
"Your limited understanding of the gods, and what those creatures do, their motivations, is not my concern, Bellerophontes. We have a deal, and now that you understand the gravity of your actions, your body is mine."
"You expect me to let you have my body now?" He reached for his sword, and groaned. Realm of the Fates, whatever that was, wasn't solid like the real world. His armor was gone, he had no weapons, just a tunic and his hands.
Moros floated higher, and waved out several of his arms, heavy robes draping over foggy limbs. "You are just a human, Bellerophontes, but a Fate's Child as well. The only one of your kind who can feel the soul to its greatest depths; the Amazon could, perhaps, but fate has brought you and I together." He laughed with his joke. "My avatar would be useless to me if I could not appreciate, feel, taste the doom, the death and destruction I will spread."
So that was it then? Because Medusa's death was tearing him apart, he suddenly fit the criteria for this entity's avatar? Darian snarled and tightened his fists. His eyes started to glow, and he circled the hovering monstrosity once more.
And Medusa, she was being dragged to Tartarus by Athena. Tartarus, agony, pain and torment, burning flesh and misery. For a thousand years.
He shook his head, looked down, and squeezed his fists until his knuckles cracked. "... no."
"Excuse me, little human? Unless I am mistaken, you just... denied me? You already wear the mask, idiot child. The lessons I have taught you here and now were a part of the process, not my attempts to convince or corrupt you. Only with full understanding can I rip the soul from your vessel, I—"
"Then come, and take it." He spit on the oblivion beneath him, and breathed deep the nothingness of the new arena.
Medusa would not let him do this, not let him let this thing kill others because he was too weak to go on alone without her. And Athena, sending her to Tartarus? No, he would not allow this. Could not allow this. He growled as he stared up at Moros, as his eyes started to glow brighter, and the world of color rivers started to bend and quake around him.
The world responded to him. He noticed it earlier. And Moros noticed it too. Hard to read a mask, but as its mouth and eyes glowed with the same white as Darian's, the Fate's Child grinned and paced back and forth in front of the robed thing of mist and fog. Moros made a mistake, thinking his avatar was going to be Otrera, not him. And he'd made a mistake again, thinking Darian would just accept this absurdity.
Then again, he was a Moirai. What can you do against that, Darian?
Fucking plenty.
Moros raised his arms, and started to grow in size. The monolith of black mist and robes rose higher, and buried the world around Darian as its blackness crawled along the emptiness beneath his feet. Stars vanished from the void, one sparkle at a time. Devouring the world — or whatever it was — the black mist spread out, poured over the bottomless oblivion around them, and thickened until it was the creature's robes, not the black mist, that spread out as far as Darian could see. The mist rose along with Moros, until the rivers beyond them were hidden in the walls of onyx.
"... so be it."
"You don't think he'll... do something rash, do you?" Gallea said.
Otrera shrugged, and continued to stroke Chimera's hand. She'd never seen the big guy take so long to heal. A dozen men and her own strength were required to set his bones, get joints back into their sockets, and move him to the empty area they were in. People had insisted on bringing him to the temple, but she knew he'd want to be touching the earth as he slept.
So she sat by his arm, and stroked her fingers along his massive knuckles. Scars, so many scars. He made her scarred skin look smooth in comparison.
But he was alive. She'd seen him crushed, but the bridge had been crushed along with him when the creature's hand hit the wood too. The sea creature must have driven him into the water, instead of flattening him into paste against the bridge. So very lucky. So very gods damn lucky.
She sniffled a little, and looked up and down the beast's huge body. Lying on the earth in their cozy area near the city outskirts by the main road, it was quiet, and the group of them could talk as Chimera healed.
She did her best to not look at Medusa's corpse, not too far away. They'd thrown several blankets over her — it — to cover it up, and they would wait until Darian gave the word before they buried her, or burned her, or however the man felt best to deal with her body.
What would he do? Wasn't like he was going anywhere, stuck in Aethiopia until Gallea summoned Charon's ship, or until Pegasus healed; she couldn't see him leaving without Pegasus. And judging from how the horse was letting his wing hang, it'd be a while for the delicate limb to heal. Weeks maybe.
"I can't imagine what's going through his head," Pinna said. She and Gallea were both sitting near Otrera now, their little spat a memory gone. "If you died, I'd... I don't know. You're a pain in my ass, but I think I'd have trouble living without you."
Gallea chuckled, but the weight in his voice ruined it. He set his head down against his wife's shoulder, and the two of them looked at the sleeping Chimera.
"How much of it did you see?" Otrera said, and she glanced over her shoulder to Pinna before returning to Chimera.
"I... it was hard, not getting caught in the battle. But I saw everything. I saw what Patrius did."
"So... how's the story going to go then?"
"I don't know. Gallea and I have to talk with the Fates. We can't just say whatever we want. We write the story, they revise it, and we tell it. It... I'll try everything I can to make sure Medusa is treated with respect."
Otrera laughed and shook her head. "You know she's going to be recast as a manipulator, deceiver, or straight up villain."
Gallea and Pinna looked at each other, and Otrera could feel them sigh, even as they did it silently. She knew she was right, and she shrugged as she ran her hand up and down Chimera's arm.
Pegasus walked over to her, and leaned down to nudge against her head. It wasn't the first time, and each time, she found herself choking on more sobs. What was it about his eyes that cut through her so easily? She'd owned horses before, but Pegasus was no simple horse. His dark eyes penetrated her, and when she met them, tears welled up. Her fingers stroked his head, underneath his chin, and back against his neck. A huge horse, with more to pet than she could reach.
He nudged her again, and looked to the road.
"Oh, Darian. He... he's had it bad since you were split up, Pegasus." But she wasn't a good storyteller, and she cast a glance to Pinna and Gallea.
"Bellerophontes became Darian, Pegasus, after he escaped from a prison quarry. He wanted to start a new life." Pinna got up, hopped over to the horse, and started to comb his mane. "Didn't know what had happened to you or where you'd gone. But by chance, he landed on Medusa's island, and... the two fell in love. Really, really deep in love."
Pinna continued the story, and told the winged horse of all the things that had happened. Horses didn't have facial expressions, not the same humans did, but even Otrera could see the look of shock on Pegasus's face.
Otrera tuned it out after a while, her eyes stuck on Chimera and his rising, falling chest. Even when she'd stabbed the giant in the back a dozen times, he hadn't gone unconscious. Now the giant was so injured, he wasn't waking up at all. Gods, if he didn't ever wake up, she didn't know what she'd do.
You've known the beast for barely more than a month, Otrera. You sound like a little girl, swooning.
Yeah well, she wasn't a little girl. She was a full grown woman, starting to get on in her years. She knew what she wanted, and she wanted the big guy lying next to her. Someone with a brain, even if he did have a habit of thinking too much. Someone with—
A scream echoed through the air. Not human, but not the manticore or the undead either. A strange sound that boomed across the sky and shook the trees as it hit them, and all of them jumped up. Chimera remained unconscious, but the rest of them looked around in a panic.
Nothing came at them, nothing attacked, but the air came to a standstill. What sounds the nearby birds were making were gone, and the crowd in the city went silent. Otrera felt her body go cold, and her eyes dart around for her weaponry. She'd heard people die before, by the hundreds, and as the scream continued, all she could think of was the layered screams of many dying people, combined.
She stood in the road, and stared up at the sky. The sun had finished setting, and where there should have been a night sky, a light was growing, white and powerful. It was coming from where Darian had gone.
"What's going on?"
Sophia's voice. Otrera looked over her shoulder to the woman, and the oncoming crowd behind her. She looked terrified. Understandable, given they'd only just obtained their freedom, and the death screams filling the air sounded like something come to take it away.
"We don't know... it... Darian!" Shit. Shit shit shit. The mask. She hadn't told him about the mask. When she'd retrieved it, it hadn't said a word, and after what happened to Medusa, she didn't want to bring it up. Better everyone just not know the mask could talk. Better that no one knew a Fate's Child could wear it.
Stupid stupid stupid.
"He... he didn't... Everyone, wait here." Sighing, wincing, Otrera sheathed her sword, put her shield on her back, and started walking toward the growing white light in the distance.
"Wait!" Sophia came up behind her, and grabbed her wrist. "Wait, what's going on? Where's Bellerophontes? What's that sound?"
Tritus and his friends, even Hieremias came closer, and Rhea too. The crowd grew, and they all looked afraid.
"It's... just... just wait here. I'll go settle this." But she didn't get far before Pegasus was beside her. "You really should stay here Pegasus, he—"
The horse swung his head and hit her in the side hard enough to knock her back a few feet. She blinked at the horse, and Pegasus stepped in closer, stomping his hooves.
"... alright, let's go."
"We're coming too."
Otrera raised a brow at the two satyrs. Oh gods everyone was coming. Friends to the rescue? The death screams in the background destroyed any possibility of a chuckle.
"Fine. Everyone else, stay here, watch over Chimera. We'll go deal with this. We're not about to let shit go to Tartarus after all the lives lost to free the city," she said. The collective sigh of the crowd made her smile, and she offered them a nod and dismissing wave. They'd started looking at her differently since the battle, and more like her sisters did during her queenly years.
The thought made her a little sick to her stomach. A few days ago, she said she was ready to let the whole city die, for all she cared. And now she was going out of her way to help them again, even console them. Guess you just can't get away from who you are, Otrera.
She nodded at Pinna and Gallea, and started walking. Why didn't she say anything? Why didn't she tell anyone? That voice, rasp and ice buried, it cut through her when it spoke, and she'd never forget it. Stupid idea, to hope it wouldn't be an issue.
Lightning cracked the sky, and thunder ripped through the earth a moment later. Close enough, loud enough, it was like the battle on the mountain, and the lightning that marked Andromeda's summoning. It stopped Otrera in her tracks, and when the thunder rolled under her, she made a little jump.
The screaming only grew louder.
She gulped, and pressed on. The light ahead was on the road, still a ways away, but as they came closer, the light got brighter. The trees cast black shadows, the wind picked up until branches cracked against each other, and clouds of dirt caught in the wind ran over her feet. The closer they got, the more it turned into a windstorm, and the three of them had to raise an arm to block their eyes from the dirt. Poor Pegasus had no such option, and he lowered his head to keep it behind Gallea's back.
She wasn't sure what she was doing. She wanted to get to Darian, help him, and she had no idea why. The fuck happened to have her doing this, marching toward what was clearly a choir of death screams? She got what she wanted, revenge against Andromeda. And more besides that, she got a lover and some respect from a city too. Done. She was done.
Well, if that was true, she wouldn't be walking toward the man who'd killed her, hoping to help him.
As they rounded the next turn in the road, they all stopped, and stared at the sight before them. Darian was on his knees, but leaning back with his arms dangling at his sides, face pointed up.
He was wearing the mask, and the death screams were coming from him. Glowing white surged from the mask, its eyes and mouth, and poured over the nearby trees.
"Shit! Shit, we have to get that off of him!" Otrera ran forward, but an explosion of wind sent her flying backward, rolling over herself. Again lightning cracked, and struck the mask with an ear-splitting explosion of sound that had all of them on their knees, holding their ears with their hands.
The light coming from Darian's eyes, the masks eyes, erupted. A blazing wave of light cut through the sky, and what signs of night there once was vanished as the forest was bathed in light.
"You won't have me!"
Darian's voice, cut and mixed with banshee screams. His body wasn't moving, except for the occasional twitch of his muscles. Through the chaos, through lightning strikes that hit his mask, through the explosions of sound and thunder and wind, even as a crater started to grow around Darian's body, he didn't move. There were no clouds above, no rain, nothing to allow lightning to come from on high. And when Otrera, still on her stomach from getting flipped over, forced herself to watch with squinted eyes, she saw the lightning strike up and out from the mask, not to it.
Pinna and Gallea were hidden behind trees, far as she could tell, and Pegasus was low to the ground and doing his best to not get knocked over by the random blasts of wind. Any moment now, she expected people from the city to come rushing up the road and make things worse, but none came. They listened to her, thankfully.
The four of them stared at Darian, eyes wide, tears in their eyes from the cutting winds. What was happening? He put on the mask. He said 'you won't have me.' She slapped herself in the forehead. This was all her fault. Gods damn it.
Fingers against the dirt, she started to crawl forward. More lightning struck out from the mask, up against the sky where it tore the darkness in half, then spread out like veins. Another strike snapped out against the tallest trees, splitting one of them down to the trunk. White fire erupted, splashed over the nearby trees and road, and faded away. But the exploding bits of bark and nearby rocks forced Otrera to cover her face, and she winced as they dug into her arm.
The wind was only getting worse, and so were Darian's screams.
"What's going on?" Gallea said. The little man was hiding behind a tree near his wife, a big one, as smaller trees were starting to bend and crack with the onslaught.
"I don't know! The mask has something inside it! Darian must have—" Otrera's jaw dropped as Pinna vanished. The satyr adjusted her horns a bit — or something near her horns Otrera couldn't see — and then went poof. Mental note: ask her about that later, and don't be nice.
Pegasus started to push forward. Otrera tried, digging at the ground, but every attempt to get up was met with tearing winds that cut her skin with rock and dirt. And the horse was getting cut too. He folded his wings tight to his body, including the damaged one, and pushed forward. Progress was slow, as each step was met with a powerful gust that pushed him back, but he kept at it. Step after step, the horse started to bleed across his shoulders, his back, and all along his white fur the crimson started to trickle and smear as Pegasus pushed himself toward the growing crater.
Lightning struck the sky, the trees, rained white fire onto them. If things got worse, they'd have a true forest fire on their hands. Thunder mixed with the shattering of rocks and splitting of trees, and the host of explosive noises joined Darian's cry.
"I won't let you!" Darian's voice again, and each syllable shook the ground around them.
But Pegasus didn't stop. He pushed through the windstorm and the banshee screams, pushed through the flying rocks and shaking ground, and collapsed onto his knees against Darian.
The horse lay there, his neck against Darian's chest, and his wings forced away and open by the tide of unending force. Otrera tried to get closer, maybe use Pegasus as a barrier between her and Darian, but the energy pouring out of him had other ideas. Every attempt to get closer to him ended in failure, and she could see Pegasus getting torn apart.
A final lightning crack shot up into the sky, loud enough to deafen Otrera. Her ears, ringing and aching, searched for other sounds, but found none. The wind died down, the lightning stopped, and the skin-splitting rocks ceased. She looked around, to Gallea, to Pegasus still sitting against Darian, and tapped herself on the ear. Ears still ringing, but they worked, and she got to her feet.
No more lightning, thank the gods. She looked up at the trees around them, and many of them were cracked and split. The crater around Darian had grown, wide and deep, with fissues spreading out into the nearby earth, into the woods, and further down the road.
Groaning, Otrera got up and walked toward the two of them. But as she grew near, she smiled as the ringing in her ears faded, and was replaced with a gentle murmur.
"I'm... I'm ok," Darian said, and his hand stroked Pegasus's bloodied mane. "I'm... I'm in control."
She'd heard that before. But, he did sound normal... ish. His voice, while Darian's once more, also carried a bit of echo and depth that made him sound large. And for a moment, looking down at the kneeling man, she thought of Chimera and his booming voice.
"You ok?" she said, and hopped into the crater. "You — oh! You're..." Darian was still wearing the mask, and the small hooks on its edges were digging into his flesh. But no blood. A small, consistent glow of white came from his eyes, and when he spoke, white light came from his mouth. When he didn't speak, she couldn't see his lips through the mask, only an endless void.
"I'm fine. I... oh." He looked around, at the crater now some twenty feet wide, the cracked trees, some of them burning. He looked down at himself, the horse still leaning against him, the two of them on their knees, and the chaos of destruction the mask had caused. "I could feel your warmth," he said, and he stroked Pegasus's mane. "Thank you Pegasus. Thank... thank you. Moros, he—"
"Moros?" Otrera jumped back, and stared at the masked man before her. "Moros is in the mask? The Moros?"
Darian nodded, and stood up. Pegasus tried to stand as well, but a flurry of little cuts and along his fur, face, and wings had rendered him a bloody heap. Otrera and Darian both got underneath him and tried to help prop him up, but a horse wasn't an easy thing to carry.
But Pegasus pushed through it. He shook his head, drove his hooves into the ground, and got up. Wavering, bleeding, but up.
Darian patted the white horse on the neck. He leaned in, but pulled away; probably realized he was wearing a mask.
"We'll get you back to the city. They'll treat your wounds. I had no idea what was going on outside, until... until your stubborn ass." Chuckling, the Fate's Child looked Otrera's way. "You too?"
"Yeah... me too." She shrugged. "We heard a shit load of screaming, came running."
He looked around, eyes a consistent glow, breathing slow, and deep. Wearing his Fate-gifted armor, it was a perfect match for the black mask, and Otrera found herself unable to look away from him as he scanned the area. The mask was terrifying.
He shot out his arm, and grabbed something. Nothing there, just the air, but his hand squeezed around something anyway, and drew it near.
"Pinna," he said, "you... oh. I see." His other hand reached out, and if he truly was holding Pinna and not just going insane, he grabbed where her horns would be.
Pinna turned visible, eyes so wide she looked like she was about to die of fright. Her hands held Darian by the wrist, and she struggled and kicked. But Otrera could see from how Darian was holding the now suddenly visible satyr that he wasn't choking her.
"What... what are you..."
In his other hand, a cap appeared. Small skulls, no bigger than a fingernail, dangled from the edges of the black leather, and gold lines swirled across it in patterns not dissimilar to Darian's mask. He held it to the side, and looked at it through the glowing white eyes of his mask.
The mask's eyes glowed white, surged with light in a blinding flash, and the cap erupted into white fire. Otrera jumped away, and blinked down at the bits of burning leather.
"What was that?" she said.
Darian emitted a slow, deep rumble, a sound he should not have been able to make, and looked back to Pinna. She was still struggling to escape, and as Darian's other hand reached for her neck, she really started to panic.
"No! Don't! I—"
With a flick of his finger, Darian yanked something from her neck. Otrera heard it snap, and she stepped closer as a tiny thread became visible on Darian's fingertips, dangling. And then it too burned away in a snap of white fire.
He let go of Pinna's throat, and the little satyr fell away. She was shaking, and staring at Darian's fingers where the thread had been.
"You... you... I can't... I don't understand."
Darian redirected the hand toward Gallea, and pointed at him. "Come here. Now." Again, the deep rumble of his voice came from the glowing white of the mask's mouth.
Gallea, gulping so loud Otrera could hear it, hopped over to stand by his wife. Darian reached out, plucked something hidden from the satyr's neck, and as it snapped, the tiny thread flickered visible for only a moment before Darian incinerated it too.
"You are both free of the Fates. Do... do whatever you want."
Gallea fell down to his knees next to his wife, grabbed her hand, and stared up at Darian. "You're... Moros?"
Darian shook his head, and patted Pegasus's neck when the horse nudged against him. "You, stay here. Whatever Moros did, this place, you, look like you've been torn apart. I said stay here, now stay here with the people." He knelt down in front of Gallea, close, mask only a couple feet from the two satyrs' trembling faces. "Gallea, I have a favor to ask."
"A-anything! You freed us, I... can't believe you freed us. If I can do it, I—"
"Summon Charon's ship, and once I've boarded, send it to the underworld."
"W-what? Why!? You don't want to go there Bell — Darian! The living can't go there! You'll be—"
"Let me worry about me, Gallea."
Pinna leaned in. "But why? Why are you going there?"
Darian stood up, looked to the sky with his mask-covered face, and took a deep breath.
"I'm getting Medusa back."
The ship obeyed Gallea's pan flute, and slowly but surely, emerged from the water. Huge, and with the veil that hid it gone, visible for all to see.
And all was everyone. Much as Otrera had tried to insist the city people stay in the damn city, many of them had come down to the shore to see what was going on. A lot of them gasped when they saw Darian wearing the mask, and a lot more gasped when they saw what had happened to Pegasus. Poor horse was covered in a thousand cuts, many hidden in his coat. It'd take a lot of people to get him back to the city, and sit him next to Chimera. At least a horse's flesh wounds were easy to care for, compared to the giant.
Darian had nearly killed his companion. Not Darian, Moros. Moros was inside the mask. The Moros. Otrera glanced Darian's way as they waited on the shore for the ship to arrive, and felt another shiver go up her spine. It happened every time she looked at the man, and the mask he wore. He was wearing the mask of Moros, the all-destroying Moirai, the bringer of death and ultimate end to everything. Bringer of doom.
And yet, he was in control. Darian stood there, arms folded across his chest, patient, calm, while Charon's ship approached. Without its veil up, the people on the shore got to watch the mighty, massive ship near, and once it was as close as it could safely, a small boat rose from under the water next to it. The undead upon it, with their green glowing eyes, were visible to everyone, including the dangling green lanterns.
"The undead!" Sophia said.
Gallea nodded, and squatted down by a fire they'd built on the shore. Middle of the night, after all.
"Charon's ship is how we got around Greece without people seeing us. And... I guess it's how Darian wants to get to the underworld."
Every damn time Gallea said the U word, the crowd gasped. Otrera rolled her eyes, but joke as she might to herself, going to the underworld was giving her just as much a chill as knowing she was doing it with Moros. And she was going, no matter what Darian might say.
"Bellerophontes, I... I feel I should apologize, about Patrius, I—" Tritus stopped when Darian raised a hand.
"You didn't know. He didn't even know. Just... just remember what happened truthfully, will you? Remember that Medusa gave everything to save a woman she didn't even know, and Athena killed her for... for nothing." The masked man lowered his head, and let out a long, slow sigh. When he did, white mist escaped from the mask's mouth before fading into the air. "Think twice, before you mindlessly obey a god. They're not what you think they are."
Not what they think. Otrera shivered again, and ran her hands along the white bow. No reason to not take it after all. She even had Perseus's sword — not the shield though. That thing was ridiculously massive, and while she could lift it, she couldn't wield it with her height. She'd brought Darian's shield instead. But where they were going, she doubted the magical weapons would do shit.
"You... want us to betray Athena?" Sophia said, and she stepped up next to Tritus.
"I want you to use your damn heads." Darian turned around, and swept out his hand. A gush of wind poured out of his arm, crashed into the crowd, knocked many of them over, and silenced the crickets once more. The masked man sighed, bellowing voice coming out softer as the area grew still again while the crowd got back to their feet. "I want you to stop being sheep. Use your heads. Think for yourselves. That's it." And like that, he turned around, and jumped up onto the small boat with the undead.
Otrera jumped in after him.
"You really want to do this?" Darian said.
"I... no, not really. And yet here I am." She shook her head, buried her face in her palm for a bit, and sat down near one of the mindless skeletons. "Not sure why. Cause I'm a dumbass. Feel like I owe Medusa, maybe. Feel like... seeing this through, mostly."
"I can't guarantee your survival," he said, and he looked down to his hands, opened and closed them in front of himself, as if seeing his hands for the first time. "I... I can feel it, Otrera."
"Feel what?"
"... something greater than death, in my fingertips."
She gulped. Lot of that going around, gulping.
"... Darian, I—"
"I'm sorry, Otrera."
She blinked. His voice was heavy, and it wasn't the mask and the unnatural weight it gave his voice. No, his voice had a weight of its own, and he looked down over the edge of the boat as he talked.
"For what?"
"All set?" Gallea hopped down the shore, wife beside him, and the two satyrs leaned over the edge of the small boat. "They have their instructions. They'll take you to the gates of the underworld. But once you're on the river Styx, it'll..."
Pinna reached out for Otrera's hand, and squeezed. "It'll be dangerous for even a Fate's Child. The things there... the Erinyes alone will be unstoppable, and then there's Cerberus, and Charon himself, and—"
Darian waved his hand, and discarded their worries. To dismiss the greatest fears of all humankind so easily made the satyrs blink and look to Otrera. But all she could do was shrug.
"Alright then, I guess... we um..." Gallea scratched his head, his horns, and looked around. "You freed us, Darian."
"We owe you everything." Pinna hopped a little in place, big smile on her face, hand on her husband's wrist where it rested on the boat. "We couldn't tell you about the thread, or they'd know. And... and now, we can go wherever we want, do whatever we want, and they can't stop us!"
"Not unless you do something to become indebted to them once more." Darian nodded, and tapped his finger on the edge of the other side of the boat, where he stared into the water. "Stay out of trouble then, at least for a while, and... watch over Medusa's body while I'm gone. I'll need it."
Gallea and Pinna nodded, and the wife had a big smile on her face. "You really going to Hades to get back Medusa's soul?"
"Yes. And if someone tries to stop me... anyone... anything..." Again he looked at his hands, and he squeezed the air while staring into his palms through the white, glowing eyes of his mask.
The boat started to move. Sophia, Tritus, and the satyrs waved from the shore, and so too did others. Rhea, Hieremias, Tritus's two companions, and many of the people who were near the front lines during the battle. Those that had survived the sea creature's attack through sheer luck. They waved goodbye, and some even had tears in their eyes.
Darian turned to them, and gave a small wave in return.
Before long, it was just the two of them, waiting for the slow boat to reach Charon's ship.
"You were saying?" Otrera said.
"Yes. I wanted to apologize for many things. But mostly, I wanted to apologize for when we fought during the war."
"You already—"
"No... no, I apologized before, but it... rang hollow. It didn't sink it, didn't really mean anything. Just words. But now, I... I remember them, Otrera. I remember the faces of your sisters as we fought."
"You didn't before?" She got up from her spot near a skeleton, and came to sit beside him at the bow of the ship.
"No. Once they were dead, they were just meat, just a corpse." Again he squeezed the air in his lap, both palms toward him, and his fingers moved as if... as if combing hair. "Now I... it's..."
Not a word to say, she watched the man who destroyed her world confess his remorse to her. But he was right, it wasn't the same, and she found some tears working their way into her eyes again. His voice grabbed her, cut into her, and dug up all the memories. Memories of her sisters, of her time as queen of her tribe, they tore her apart until she was sobbing again.
"I'm sorry," she said, "I... I don't know what's wrong with me. Been crying on and off all day." She wiped her tears away, but more joined them, and she lowered her head to let her hair fall over her face.
Darian turned around, and hugged her.
She froze, blinking, staring past him at the vessel they approached. He was hugging her. The mindless, rabid dog, was hugging her. Not only that, her old enemy was shaking too, the tiny little shakes you got when holding back your own tears.
"I never knew," he said, "what it was like. I just... I didn't know. For you to... after everything I've done to you, to help me? I..."
"Good gods, Darian, what happened to you when you put on the mask?" She tried to laugh it off, and smile when she pushed him away a little so they could look at each other, but laughs turned into more sobs. She was really getting sick of crying, but it kept happening.
"It wasn't Moros. He challenged me. He didn't know what it was like... inside..." The man held a hand to his chest, and pressed his fingers against his breastplate. "The creature is just a parasite, feeding on humans, feeding on our emotions, our souls. He didn't know what it meant to get inside... a mind like mine."
"But you said—"
"It was Medusa. Moros just made me see... what Medusa..." He took a long deep breath, a few more again, and as the boat pressed to the side of the large vessel, he started climbing the rope ladder up. "I have to get her back."
"Yeah." She nodded, following after him, and hopped up onto the deck of the ship. No one around, nothing, just a big, huge, empty deck, and a bunch of rowing dead underneath them beneath the wood. "Airhead needs saving, and I can't let her rot in Tartarus."
"Ah... one of my sisters used to say that about... ah nevermind." A real smile broke through her tears, and she wiped the last of them away as she approached the bow of the much, much, much bigger boat. "So, um... you have the power of Moros?"
"It would appear." He came up to join her, and the two of them looked over the water as the giant vessel started to move. "Moros is trapped. I can feel that worm, so called 'entity of doom' fighting to escape. Like ants biting at my toes."
"Sounds horrible."
He breathed deep, squeezed his hands, and looked to the water. "He said the plan... that it was for you. You were supposed to be his chosen vessel. You're not damaged."
"He... what?" She winced, and looked out to the water. Darian wasn't normal, she knew that. If Moros had planned to take her over, would she have been able to defeat Moros?
No. Darian was... different was too weak a word for what was different about him. Killed his brother, beat him to death, when he was only a kid? And that was only the most identifying mark on the man. Andromeda had told her many things about what Darian had done. Part of the reason she got nervous whenever she looked his way. Rabid dog.
Not so rabid anymore.
As Darian explained Moros's plan, how he manipulated Andromeda, tried to obtain a vessel, she held up her hands.
"Wait wait. Why didn't he just create a Fate's Child from a regular human?"
"I'm guessing only Clotho can do that, normally, or maybe because the other Moirai sort of trapped him. I don't think Moros gets along well with his sisters. Moros must have tricked Andromeda into creating you with the ritual and sacrifices, so he could... use you..."
She shivered and rubbed her arms. "She must have been tortured by the dreams he gave her. You think they were real? That her fate was real?"
"Maybe... maybe. But it doesn't matter. I wear the mask, and I am going to tear the underworld apart, piece by piece, to free Medusa."
The vessel pointed down, and submerged.
The dark water rushed up to meet them. Otrera jumped back with a yelp, and Darian held out his hands. Didn't expect their new journey to start with them drowning.
But as the water poured over them, they didn't. He stared through the eyes of the mask, and readied himself to be lifted off the boat, but it never came. He looked down at his sandals; still rooted to the deck of the ship. He looked at Otrera, but her eyes were up and looking around at the new insanity that greeted them.
The water flowed over them, around them, but it did not affect them. He moved his hands through it, but it was as if the water wasn't there at all. Or he wasn't. The ship went deeper, cutting through the sea surface and waves, burying them in the darkness of water and the endless depths.
Green started to sparkle around them. Lanterns made of bone started to light themselves at various postings of the ship, a large one in particular at the nose. The green light offered little more than their ability to see the ship's deck; whatever lay beyond the blanket of darkness around the vessel was hidden.
But they could hear it. As they got deeper, and deeper into the black of the sea, rumbles, groans, started to fill the water and their bodies. Shadows against the green light, shadows so large they defied reality — not, not anymore, not after the sea creature. And Darian breathed deep as the black around them blurred with shapes and movements of things as large as the ship they rode.
"We're... in the sea," Otrera said. "In it. Not on it. In it."
"I wondered how the ship would take us there, Gallea knew it could. I guess he and Pinna have taken this trip before."
"Those two, slaves of the Fates, but you freed them. Snapped your fingers and undid the work of the three sisters." Otrera put a hand on the railing and leaned out into the water. Things moved past them, things with long tendrils, things that lacked bodies. "Thought you hated those two."
"I... I was just paranoid. Couldn't imagine anyone was telling me the truth about anything anymore." Darian stepped up to join her at the bow, and leaned over the other railing by the nose of the ship. The white glow of his eyes struck against the water, but managed only maybe ten feet before the denseness of the black around them blocked the light.
"Understandable." She reached out and touched his arm. "And... well you should know, this is the first time I've felt like... talking with you was like talking to a human. Strange, right? You've got that mask on and everything."
They both laughed, and he reached up to run his fingers down the obsidian mask stuck to his face. He could feel him, Moros, crashing against the walls inside him. But the mask was the body of the entity, and it was Darian's now. Every breath, every glance, everything carried an edge of possibility to it it never did before. He could feel it in his breath, feel it in his fingertips.
No matter what it was, no matter who or where or why, if he wanted to destroy it, he could. What would Moros had done if he'd wandered the world wearing Darian's body, instead of the other way around?
"I... have to get her back." The only reason Otrera was talking to someone human now, was Medusa.
"I wanted to ask about that." Otrera came closer, put a hand on his shoulder, and turned him to face. She'd grown comfortable touching him. It was a nice change. "You're going to save Medusa. What about others?"
"I... I'm saving Medusa because she's being sent to Tartarus. Athena rigged the game, and I'm fixing it."
"So if Medusa was going to Elysium, you'd let her be?"
He winced, and his gaze drifted down. "I don't know. I like to think so? If she'd be happy, if she'd... if I could... If she was in Elysium, then with the power of this mask, I'd join her. But she's not. She deserves to be, but she's not. I have to do something." Dodged the question. If he had no way to join her, would he pull her out of Elysium to be with him? Athena killing her was unfair, but life was unfair. Why should Medusa get special treatment?
The Amazon nodded, and squeezed his hand. "I get that. Just... I know if I was you, and I was suddenly given the power of Moros himself, I'd be sorely tempted to do a lot of things. Destroy the underworld? Take on the gods and Fates?" Her gaze fell away as well, and her fingers tightened on his. "And I know if I saw my sisters there, I'd be tempted to pull them out of the underworld, to try and somehow find bodies for them, to... do anything I could to have them back."
He squeezed her hand in return. "Another reason I'm glad to have you with me, Otrera. Need someone to keep me from... ruining everything. No matter what we see, I... I could... ruin everything, for everyone, just to have her back. And Medusa... she—"
"She'd never speak to you again, if you broke the world."
If you broke the world. Darian looked at his free hand, and rubbed his fingertips together. It felt like he could.
"If you see me about to, make sure to stab me in the back."
She laughed. "Will do." But, she didn't let go of his hand, and she offered it another squeeze as she looked back at him. "I do kind of hope I can at least see my sisters again."
"I... don't want to go down that road. I don't want to see all the people I've..."
The two turned to face the bow of the ship once more, holding hands. Otrera squeezed his fingers every so often, and glanced his way. He did as well. He tried to look confident, courageous, unstoppable, and with the mask blocking his face from view, he felt like it should have been easy. He was the harbinger of doom, after all.
But he was going into the underworld. The gods and Fates, the monstrous creatures, none of that worried him. Seeing the face of his brother, of his kills, of the people he'd let die, of Patrius? Chilled him to the bone.
The darkness ahead started to peel away as green dots looming in the distance grew larger and larger. It took time for the ship to get deep, an hour of its constant descent, and the things in the water grew thicker, larger, and more grotesque. At first it was just bits of dirt floating by, but soon it was the creatures floating by that ate them. Things that could be seen through, things that glowed, thing with ribs on their outsides, and things with parts dragging along behind them that looked like entrails.
The depths of the sea were not a pleasant place. But it all started to fade away, and the water grew clear once more as they approached the green lights. The blackness melted, and soon the two of them were buried in the light of tremendous, hanging braziers, lit with green fire. Pillars made of bone, enormous bones, shaped like ribs but taller than any temple lined a path along the sea. When Darian looked over the edge, he frowned at the sight beneath them: more bones, and nothing but bones, covered the sea floor. Human bones.
The ship moved between the giant bone pillars of white, and forward along the path laid out, not dissimilar to a snake's ribs protruding from the sea floor, if the snake were the size of a large island. Lower they fell, until all that was ahead was the path of giant ribs, dangling green fires, and red. Where the bones came out of the sea bottom, the endless floor of human bone, crimson liquid started to join the dead. The red kept to the bone path instead of spreading out into the water, and as the path of giant ribs went on, the red became a river.
With the gigantic green fires lighting the path ahead, they could see far. And yet, all they could see was the unending river of red, with the colossal rib bones acting as their guide.
"I guess this is Styx," Otrera said.
They weren't underwater anymore, or at least it didn't seem like it. Now they were riding a river, and as Charon's ship descended from the air into the stream of crimson, it sailed upon it. As if the water around them had ceased to exist, and instead, the ship was floating upon the river Styx. Under the sea, and yet not. The realm of the dead.
Otrera squeezed his hand tighter when wailing cries started to emerge from the silence. They both looked over the railing, and drew back with a wince.
Bodies in the river, corpses. But not dead. With open mouths gargling on blood and crying out, corpses around the ship clawed at the wood as they drifted along the red river.
"Help us!"
"Save us!"
"Please, help us!"
Otrera squeezed Darian's hand again. "What... what's going on?"
"I imagine Charon felt these souls... deserve this."
"Gods. For how long? Should we he—"
"No. Otrera, we can't... we can't."
"I know! I know." The Amazon didn't sound so sure though. He looked her way, and the doubt was palpable. She glanced over the edge of the ship several more times, and winced openly with each crying wail the river of the dead made.
It went on, and on. The dead were no in rush to get anywhere, Darian supposed, but hearing the mournful wails, pained screams, the begging voices, started to wear on him. His other hand squeezed the ship railing tighter, until the wood started to bend with his grip. They'd only just arrived, and the sights of Hades were getting to them.
While the air — or sea water — around them had become clear, the boundless sky above them was still black. Endless, constant black, without a star to be found, blocked by the sea above. The only light was the green fire of the lanterns on their ship, and the enormous braziers of green fire hanging from the bone pillars the vessel took them past. The amount of dead that clawed at the ship grew larger, but they couldn't get a grip, and the boat pushed through the river of red without slowing. He could hear the sound of the boat crushing bodies as it moved.
Ahead, another gigantic bone lay in their path, but this one was smooth, like a dome. As they approached, Otrera drew back a step at the sight of a human skull, stained red with cracked veins, blocking their path. It was as large as the ship, and the glow of the green lanterns cast titanic shadows across the crimson river.
As the boat drew near the giant skull, a hand fit to match its size forced its way out of the river of corpses. A hand as big as the sea creature's Medusa had killed. Bloody bones gripped the pillars of the river, and pulled against them to drag more of the skeleton up from the bodies that buried it. There should have been an earthquake, or vibrations, or something to match the movements of the enormous undead, but only the sound of crunching bodies was found. Blood dripped off its ribs, bodies fell and cracked against it as more of it's mass forced its way above the red, until the skeleton loomed over them.
It only managed to pull itself halfway up its ribcage before the skeleton ceased its ascent from the depths of the river, and it leaned in closer to them. Its eyes glowed with the same green of the undead that served on Charon's ship, and it moved with the same lifelessness.
"... Moros," it said. A dead voice, devoid of tone or depth. Instead, a rasp of a great wind mixed with banshee wails fell over them. The skull, with teeth bigger than Darian's whole body, came closer as it leaned over them. "You... you stole my ship? You dare... The sisters will lock you away once again, and you will not see the soul rivers for ten thousand years." The ship stopped moving as the colossal entity moved near. Slaves to their master's will no doubt, the skeletons underneath Darian's feet had stopped rowing.
Otrera had inched herself a little back, and a little closer to Darian, so his shoulder was between her and the skull the size of the enormous ship, let alone the rest of his body.
"You are Charon," Darian said.
"You... you are not Moros? Lachesis asked for a ship, for the next tale, for..." The skeleton leaned in closer, and as the rain of blood dripped from its bones, several bodies from the river fell as well. The denizens of the river melted into blood upon landing on the deck, and they screamed as they did. "You are Bellerophontes."
The skeleton squeezed the bone pillar, shifted its weight to adjust, and got closer to the boat's side. Each motion, colossal in scale, forced the river to move with him, for the bodies and blood to splash against the boat, and for the Amazon next to Darian to tremble; he did not blame her. Each word was a booming wind that hurt his ears, and the mix of rasp and wailing sounds in the voice put goosebumps on his skin. This is what ghost stories were made of.
But he wasn't afraid.
"Get out of my way, Charon."
"Ha!" Charon leaned back, and coughed a death cry of a laugh into the endless black above. "Truly, if the seat of Moros has been taken by a Fate's Child, then chaos reigns. Tell me, Fate's Children, why are you here?"
"Athena has wrongfully killed, and wrongfully manipulated Medusa's soul to Tartarus. I have come to return her."
Charon nodded, and rubbed his chin with his fingers. The motions were slow, his size making everything a laborious action.
"Yes, Athena was here. Medusa did not take one of my vessels, but instead, Athena took her soul herself."
Otrera reached out with a shivering hand, grabbed Darian's shoulder, and inched herself forward until she was standing next to him again. "Why?"
"Why what, Fate's Child?"
"Why... does Athena hate Medusa so much?"
The river turned, shifted, and the bodies within cried out as they were lifted into the air. Another one of the skeleton's arms rose from the depths of crimson, and reached out to hold onto one of the pillars. If Charon tried, could he actually stand up? Darian looked around from the pillars, to his hands, to his skull, and at the splashing rivers of blood that crashed against the bone. Only his arms, his skull, and a portion of his torso had emerged, and he already dwarfed their enormous ship five times over.
"I am but a humble servant, Fate's Child. If you wish for answers, then ask Athena herself."
"Then you'll let us pass?" she said.
Slowly, Charon shook his head. "No. You are not welcome here, Fate's Children. Only the dead, or beings of the soul rivers may enter. Your audacity and arrogance intrigues me, but you will not enter the underworld."
Darian stepped forward toward the skull towering over him, and relaxed his arms at his sides.
"Then stop me."
Charon looked down at him, the green glow of his skull eyes pouring over the deck until the little green lanterns their vessel sported may as well have not existed.
"You dare, Bellerophontes? You are—"
"Get out... of my way, Charon."
The undead released a slow breath. Odd for a skeleton, but it rumbled its displeasure nonetheless, and its rotten breath flowed over the two of them until Otrera started coughing.
"You risk the wrath of beings beyond your understanding, Fate's Child."
Darian grit his teeth and tightened his hands into fists. "Let the ship pass."
"... how much are you willing to sacrifice to bring back your loved one, Bellerophontes?"
"You try my patience." Darian stepped toward the giant skull hovering near him, and it recoiled as he raised a hand. "Athena has brought this upon you all. And if I have to destroy you, her, and the gates of the underworld to set things right, so be it."
Charon lowered his head, and pulled away to look down upon them from further. "You may find it comes to that, Fate's Child. Beware the power your wield, or you will bring doom upon us all. It is Moros's way. Worlds have fallen to him, and left the Moirai and the gods starving."
Charon shook his head, let go of the pillars that supported his enormous size, and started to sink into the river of blood and corpses.
"I pray Moros's avatar is not the bringer of yet... another... apocalypse."
Otrera and Darian both stepped toward the railing, and looked down at the river Styx as Charon sank into its depths once more. Slowly, the massive skeleton disappeared under the bodies, giant fingers drifting underneath and dragging the crying dead down with him.
"Is it just me," Otrera said, "or... did he just suggest... there's been a world before ours? And that, umm... Moros destroyed it?"
"He also said it left them starving."
"Yeah, why would Charon tell you that? Why would he give you that information?"
Darian took a deep breath and leaned out over the bow of the ship once more. "Guessing he hopes I'll show mercy."
Mercy, for the gods. Mercy for Zeus, for casting him down. Mercy for the other Moirai for manipulating him. Mercy for Poseidon, for raping Medusa. Mercy for Athena, for ruining her life and her death.
He looked down at his hand again, and squeezed the fist before opening it. Mercy was in short supply.
The ship pressed on, down the river Styx, and the two Fate's Children looked to the bone pillars that lined it. The wailing cry of the endless corpses became white noise, the background of their journey. And as they grew closer to shining lights ahead, the cries of the river started to fade away.
"Be careful," the Amazon said at last. "I know you want revenge, but killing a god, killing the Fates? You might—"
"Start something catastrophic." He nodded, and reached up to touch the mask hooked to his flesh. "I know."
Ahead, the river of blood beneath them turned to blackness. No more corpses, no more blood, instead, a deep glow of blue, purple, navy, and red mixed together in flowing streaks. Like drops of oil in water. Darian looked down, and squeezed the railing tighter. Faces in the river.
Before them, the massive gates awaited. The endless black above and around became walls of solid rock, black, with dangling lanterns of bone. A running motif in the underworld, except these bore blue flames, some maroon, some red. But by far, oppressing navy washed away the green lights of their ship as the river took them between canyons of rock. A cave, size beyond understanding surrounded them, with jagged onyx jutting out of the black water.
The faces in the dark liquid had closed eyes, and they were drifting into the gate of Hades. The faces rose up above them, around them, bled into the colors, and the colors flowed with the non-existent wind. Like wisps of dandelions, the faces swirled around in the air, for miles and miles, until they poured down and into the gates before the two of them.
The gates of the underworld. Tall, metal, tipped with sharp barbs, and bars as thick as temple pillars. The wall of bars ran from one side of the cave's entrance to the other, and high enough that Charon would have had trouble climbing over the fence. The drifting faces — souls, Darian figured — drifted through the bars near the center of the great barrier, where the face of the gate stood.
The river of souls ceased, stopped against a dock of black stone, and the boat settled against it. No need for the smaller boat, the two Fate's Children tossed down the rope ladder, climbed down, and landed upon the black rock before the underworld.
"Gods," Otrera said. She held out her hand, and the drifting faces along the streams of color passed over it, around her fingers, over her shoulders, before moving onto the gate before them.
The gate of the great barrier stood as wide and tall as a city all its own, with three enormous faces carved of a metal he could not guess. Dog faces. High above them, the faces of Cerberus stared down at them, eyes alight with blue fire. Its mouths were open, the base of the gate made for its paws, and each claw was a sharp thing stabbing into the ground.
Beyond the gate, was the underworld. In the distance, the cave's floor glowed with a host of colors, but again mostly the depressing navy that coated everything. Structures lay far off, too far for him to tell what they were, but unless his eyes were playing tricks on him — a real possibility given the locale — the structures looked like three giant people of black stone, with mountains growing out of them, and a beam of light standing vertical between them. Other structures stood by the three giants, but from so far, he could only barely make out more of the hanging blue flames, and what looked like temples.
"I um... don't think we'll be able to open this." Otrera stepped closer to the high gate, and stared up at the mighty dog beast, and its three heads of fangs. The faces didn't protrude so much as they were squashed against the tall gate bars, to fit the architecture of the great barrier. "I guess Cerberus really does guard the entrance. We're not going to be able to get this gate open with its claws down. Not that we'd be able to push it open even if they weren't. Besides! Look at these bars, there's a good six feet between them."
She reached out for the empty space, but Darian snapped a hand out and grabbed her wrist.
"Don't." Shaking his head, he reached out, and touched the empty space between the bars.
His finger incinerated. A flash of pain, and he pulled his hand away to stare at the missing finger. But as the pain hit him, it fled as quickly. Bone, flesh, skin, they warped over themselves, extending from the removed digit, and rebuilt the finger in a matter of seconds.
Otrera blinked at him. "Whoa."
The souls continued to move through the gate, around where the metal-like material formed the giant dog's paws. She was right, they wouldn't be able to open the gate. As if it were taunting them, Cerberus's three mouths were open, fangs exposed, and the beast stared down at him with six eyes.
The Amazon stepped around him and looked around at the cave walls that surrounded them. Cave wasn't accurate; Athens, Sparta, Thebes, and other cities would have fit into the cavern twice over, together. The walls were far enough they were almost lost to darkness, but for the massive fires that dangled from their rocky curves. The ceiling too was high enough to be almost beyond visible, except for the thousands of hanging stalactites, each the size of Charon's ship, each holding a dangling arrangement of spiked hooks, holding braziers of the same blue flame.
The decorator needed to be fired.
"Surprised no one has come to greet us. Figured we'd be fighting Cerberus, and Eurynomos, and gods knows what else." Otrera walked back over to him and looked the colossal gateway up and down. "And I guess this gate only blocks the living." Eyes drifted over the souls that floated past them.
"Someone will come, and when they do, I want you to stay out of it."
"Stay out of it? Are you serious?"
"Yes. I let you come because I... I need someone to stop me if I... Just stay back when the fighting starts."
When the fighting starts. He said it like he knew how that would go. But, as he looked down at his palms again, he knew it'd go his way.
Deep breath. Let the mayhem begin. He stepped toward the gate until Cerberus's vast mouths hung directly over his head; if they could drool, he'd be covered in it. But the metal dog was silent, and Darian pointed his palms upward toward its jaws.
His hands started to shake. The eyes and mouth of his mask glowed brighter, buried the immediate surroundings in white, and forced Otrera to raise a hand to her forehead, blocking some of the brightness. She stepped back when the noises started, deep bellows that shook the ground around them, and then the gate, and then the cave itself. The soul water behind them started to churn, and splash black water up onto the stone.
The souls that drifted by stopped, and turned to him. Their eyes opened, wide, and many started to change color to a deep, dark blue, almost black, as they stared at him.
All dispersed when the gate smashed inward. From the top of the gate, hundreds and hundreds of feet above their heads, the bars bent in for a single moment before the effect tore down through the rest of the gate with explosive, cascading force. Crashing down from the top to the base where Cerberus's claws dug into the stone, the gate shredded the cavern floor and flew inward. Otrera jumped back and covered her ears, but Darian stared ahead at the onslaught, at the burst of force as the gates of the underworld exploded inward, and the mighty barrier slid across stone. Each of the grand pillars that comprised the gate, each a temple pillar in width, each hundreds of feet tall, flew across the air before crashing and tearing into the floor, unleashing a tearing sound of metal and impact.
To see such a massive structure crumble was something he'd never known. Just as Charon and the sea creature moved in slow, laborious movements, the bars of the gate, the bits of Cerberus's body, they all fell to the ground in what appeared to be a slowing of time. But as the bars finally landed, the erupting earthquake that shook the whole of the cavern proved time continued to pass normally. As bits of the gate crashed and bent, tore up more of the cavern floor, it took several long moments for the colossal array of metal to finally stop.
"Darian! Gods, I..." Otrera got up, stood beside him, and covered her gaping mouth with her palm. The gate wasn't just opened, it was decimated. Hinges the size of homes, dozens of them, were ripped open. Cerberus, cracked in half, lay before them, claws torn from its paws, and pieces of its faces scattered over the stone floor. The gate had opened for a split moment, before its hinges had given way, and enough metal to crush a city lay destroyed.
Darian squeezed his fist tighter, and looked at it as the glowing white of his eyes, of the mask's eyes, faded away. Such a small part, such a fraction of what the mask was doing to him, and it had rendered the gate of the underworld, Cerberus, nothing more than ruin.
No one was going to stop him.
She had no idea how she'd be able to stop him.
Darian, Bellerophontes, Moros, stepped into the underworld. Otrera followed behind, careful to avoid the ditches cut into the stone by Cerberus's claws. One of his paws was the size of a temple, but Darian had smashed the whole of the beast, and the gate all together, into pieces. What could she do to stop him, if she had to, like he'd asked? What could she possibly do?
She followed, the only thing she could do, and stayed behind him as the avatar of doom walked into Hades. Just yesterday, she was leading a mob of citizens against a vile sorceress, and she'd thought that'd been too ridiculous to be true. Now? She trembled with every step, and kept her bow ready. The bow might help, magical and all, but she doubted it.
The rivers of souls drifted down to run along the cavern floor, guided by waypoints of white flame lanterns. After a certain distance, the rivers of faces fell into canyons, and became proper rivers that poured through the cavern. They changed color sometimes, and sometimes some of them would crawl out of the river and back onto the flat cave floor.
"Living..." One of the souls said, before it — he — fell back into the river.
"Alive. Alive."
"Still alive."
"Please... I want to be... alive."
"My son! Please, you have to find my son, tell him..."
"My wife, tell her I—"
"I want life! Give me life!"
Souls splashed against the riverbanks, and the rivers ran parallel toward the three colossal stone statues in the distance, and the pillar of light they circled. A good long walk, with souls hounding them. Wonderful.
But Darian waved a hand, palm down, toward the rivers. The souls shrieked, and fled back into their waters.
"You um... you're taking to this avatar of doom thing pretty easily," she said.
"I know."
He knew. Well that was good. Made things easier if she had to start yelling at him for destroying everything and everyone.
The rivers of souls converged, far ahead of them, but in such number she could see what was happening from miles away. A vortex. A maelstrom? A tornado of some sort lay at the center of the place, made of the soul rivers that they followed. It changed colors as it went deeper into the cavern, into something beneath them, but also rose high, until the tornado of souls pierced the cavern ceiling. As they drew closer, they could see the cavern ceiling as its center was hollowed out, and a giant tunnel had been carved going upward. Souls of a brighter color went up, souls of a darker color went down.
Before Darian and Otrera, a great city came into view. Sort of a city. It was hard to understand what she was looking at, but enormous buildings, temples, and platforms were carved into the stalactites and stalagmites. Some seemed like they were added onto the titanic stone pillars, but that couldn't be possible. The temples, the domed roofs, the pillars within, they were all so much... bigger than needed. Not big enough for that Charon fellow, but big nonetheless. And many of the buildings and platforms were at different levels, with no bridge to connect them. Souls drifted around them, through them as they went up or down the tornado in a slow drift. It didn't seem like the souls got to stay in the weird city, but sort of pass through it as they either bled down into whatever was underneath the tornado, or went up above.
And the three giant statues stood around the great vortex of souls, motionless. Each as big as Charon, the judges were as lifeless as Cerberus, but the souls changed color as they neared them, and altered their course in compliance.
Big, bright lights circled the tornado, each a different color. They latched onto the tornado with tendril arms of light, and like an octopus, the odd things held on. They... sucked on the tornado, as far as Otrera could tell, as the souls drifted past them.
"W... what... what are those? I—"
Shrieks in the sky drew their eyes, and they both stopped as flapping wings started to emerge from behind the blue fire above. Women, beautiful, with great white wings started to descend over them, each armed with a sword and shield identical to Darian's. See-through white robes, and for a split moment, Otrera smiled at the sight of their figures.
But as they came closer, she frowned in disgust. Beautiful bodies, but horribly ugly, withered faces. And as they landed, beautiful ankles within glorious sandals of black and silver, she recoiled. They had snake hair like Medusa, but their snakes were dead.
There were twelve of them, and they were all frowning.
Three of them stepped forward, with masks dangling from silver thread. Moirai masks, all similar to the one Darian was wearing. She was meeting the Fates.
She readied an arrow. Darian's advice be damned, she knew the bow was magical, Fate enchanted by a sorceress. Maybe it could take out one of these Erinyes. Maybe.
"Moros... how dare you... Only you could have released our two servants."
"You have found a vessel! How? Bellerophontes... should not be suitable!"
They didn't know? They were the Fates, shouldn't they know everything? No wonder Chimera thought so lowly of these things.
The masks drifted free of the grip of the Erinyes, hovering. Black robes fell from their black masks, and carried the masks upward until they stood ten feet tall. Bits of black mist leaked from where the Fates walked, robes flowing over the rock beneath them as they moved. The Erinyes got to a knee, stabbed the tips of their swords into the ground, and held onto the grip as the Fates moved past them.
Otrera nocked her arrow, and pointed it at the ancient entities of legend. They ignored her, and circled the two of them, ten-foot-tall robed things, with their lifeless masks staring at her, at Darian.
"Please brother, reconsider your madness! We will not survive another apocalypse. We will starve. You still starve!"
Darian growled, and swiped his hand to the side.
"I am not Moros."
The three entities jumped back, and hissed as serpents would. The Erinyes responded in kind, and the dozen of them leapt toward Darian.
Otrera could still remember the horror stories her parents liked to scare her with, about the horrible things the Erinyes did to people who betrayed their parents. The sort of ghost stories to tell around a campfire. Everyone knew of the deadly power of the Erinyes.
Darian waved a hand, and the dozen monsters, cthonic creatures of vengeance, exploded.
Feathers fell around them, bloodied. Bits of snake and skull and robe landed next to them, and coated everything in blood. Something about blood, heavier, thicker than water, warm, made the contrast of the cold, dead underworld almost poetic. But the blood melted away, drawn into the stone where it faded and sank into the cracks of onyx.
"Bellerophontes!" The Fates had a woman's voice, but layered with gargled rumbling. They backed away further, and their black, shadowy limbs raised from their heavy robes, many folds of the black fabric falling down over their arms as they waved them in what seemed like panic. Hard to tell, with the masks they wore showing no expression. But it did seem like they were cowering.
"You... you captured... Moros?" one said.
"Impossible. A Fate's Child... just a human! A—"
"Sister, we did bestow him with the power."
"A fraction! Insignificant!"
Otrera blinked and looked at the man next to her. First Charon, now the Fates. These all powerful ancient entities were very verbose. Or did they just think humans were too stupid to extrapolate from a bit of information?
Darian stepped toward them, over the feathers and bits of the Erinyes, and pointed his palm at the three sisters. "You... you knew what Athena would do once she found out. You knew... you die." | literotica |
Title: My Guardian, My Freedom by Ciriaxis Draconis
Tags: Character Development, Death, Dragon, Dragoness, Love, M/F, Oral, Romance, Vaginal, Violence (Not In Yiff)
Notes: I tried writing with a different style for this story, using first person with tense changes(signifying live thoughts). Frankly, I should just stick with writing extensive pages of yiff =P. It was fun experimenting though, so have fun! Don't mind small errors if you find any...Lazy as I am I breezed through editing xD
He stood in front of me; arms folded wings spread. His harsh words pierced my scales, feeding my anger more and more.
"So, poor Alyera called daddy to exile me? Only some psychotic bitch would do that. I knew you offered nothing. That's why I'm with someone who gives a damn about me" the dragon said callously.
What a loser. I replied with such fury in my eyes. It felt like I saw stars; red stars of anger. "Give a damn about your filthy lies and deception? You're nothing more than scum and mold to me. You deserve being exiled you deceiving little bastard! Now leave my kingdom forever!"
I see his eyes roll. My sword seems to beckon me. Slash, slash! Down he goes.
"You're nothing without precious daddy!" he ridiculed.
Ok, that's it. I found myself unsheathing my sword. I calculated: 11 paces ahead of me. Fiegn left, dodge right, a brilliant pasato, then a nice montante up his filthy body.
"Lady Alyera, are you alright?"
I snapped out of my imagination, tears streaking down my azure scales. I began to softly sob; my legs just gave in. I fell onto the ground, my chest tightening in painful pressure like a baler crushing its lifeless contents. "Belladonne, I need him. I need someone to comfort me in times like these. Why did he have to be such a deceiver?" My vision blurred, only seeing a dash of green color rushing towards me. A warm paw gently wiped away my tears.
"He's gone. Forget about him. He deserved exile, and you need to conquer this feeling of regret and remorse. Please my lady, I can't stand to see you like this. Your father included." Belladonne comforted me, and as much as I appreciate her care, I still felt like I needed any warm cuddling male to embrace me. Mmm, his curious, oblivious eyes stare at mine, wondering what is wrong. He would comfort me lovingly, regardless of the reason for my grief. Ugh, an image of my ex-boyfriend. Go! Leave! Die, for all I care!
Belladonne seemed to read my thoughts perfectly. She whispered softly in my ear. "You know, I was once married to a fine dragon. However, I discovered his deepest grotesque secrets and he blamed me for digging it up. What ignorant, incompetent husband thinks his wife wouldn't find out about his gang business? I divorced the lying bastard. Moral? Most dragons are simple, deceiving traitors who only want pussy."
Her words cheered me up. I laughed at such dry humor. Funny, yet utterly true.
Sniffling slightly as I wiped the remaining tears from my face, I couldn't name the painful feeling searing through my chest like wildfire. Once I could find that feeling within the oceans of my body, I stored it safely in my heart; my body free again of constraint.
I turned to see Belladonne still standing at my doorway. "Your father requests you to meet with your new guardian. He is the one whom he trusts that will protect and serve your daily needs. You're almost of age; your father knows how independent you are. He'd feel more comfortable if he had someone close to you for your protection."
Hah! I thought the exact same thing with Guame, my useless ex-boyfriend. Oh well, what harm can a bodyguard do?
"Yes Bella, I understand what my father wants. I'll be down in a minute. Thank you." I said. A smile? Yes, a smile spread across my face. I don't need him anymore. Guame: nothing but trash. Males in general are trash. Only chivalrous, honorable dragons like my father and his friends are gallantly noble.
I undressed, picking my garments carefully. I have to look formal, pretty, well-dressed. Ugh, I need to get out of here. Playing this "king's daughter" charade really aggravates me. I guess my father knows how constricted I feel. I guess as long as I have my guardian near me, I can freely explore the world. The radiant landscapes, the fascinating wildlife; I have yet to fully explore Ehrisalune: my kingdom, my home. I stared into the mirror, presenting its vision of me. My violet eyes were still reddened from my tears that left my pained body. I was covered in brilliant azure scales from head to toe, my wings stretched, spread like an eagle. The bluish hues varied across my curvaceous body with lavender streaks spread all over my gleaming scales. My horns grew modestly on the top of my head, hanging close to them was my long, violet hair that could touch my back, as well as ceremonial feathers that hung along the side of my face, down level with my breasts. I looked down. My sex was pink with delight, releasing pheromones into the air. I knew I was in the heat, and I needed something to restrain my hormone-washed body. A large, muscular dragon appeared suddenly in my mind, covered in mysterious shadow, but radiated with warmth and adoration. Oh take me. Please, I beg you to fill me with your glory!
Alyera, snap out of it. I'm done with males for now. Concentrate on your explorations.
I felt weak, numb, helpless. I knew I would cave in helplessly to deception and lies. Stay strong, Alyera. You're the king's daughter. I can conquer such simple emotions.
I sighed, storing my feelings into a small ball and placed it in hole in my mind, sealing it. I looked again at the mirror, only to find myself dressed in my elegant mauve dress...backwards. I laughed at such clumsiness and fixed myself. I really need to focus now. No more Guame. Forget love. If I can't put on clothes properly, what else can I do right? I chuckled mockingly at myself as I walked down the castle stairs to my father's royal chamber.
A rather large black dragon stood near the marble pillars of the great chamber. His red eyes glared up through the open roof the courtroom. The moon was a ghostly galleon sailing brightly, illuminating the black night sky. The dragon traced the light back down to the courtroom, only to see an elder, dressed in long blue cloak, standing under the marble archway. The black dragon folded his wings as he paced slowly towards the elder. He knelt on one knee before him, his head bowed. The elder approached the black dragon, the luminous moonlight reflecting vividly off his silver scales.
"King Tanerkus."
The elder held out his palm, signaling his acknowledgement.
"Stand, Sir Jaurok. My daughter's will arrive soon."
I pushed the chamber doors. The creaking noise startled the two dragons which stood in the middle of the room; one of which was my father. He laid his peaceful eyes on me; his smile flushed a sea of warmth across my body. I suddenly frowned as I turned my head to see my guardian. His stern, red eyes stared, drenched with evil. He had a large stature, his naked, muscular body only covered by a loin garb. Two great swords were strapped onto his back behind the magnificent leathery wings that were marked with blue symbols. His jet scales seemed to steal the luminescence of the room as he bowed deeply towards me. I felt disgusted. This was exactly how I met Guame: the traitor, the deceiver.
"My daughter, please meet your guardian, Sir Jaurok. He has had a brilliant history in combat and guarding. He fought valiantly during the civil invasion of the Bamit" my father said, his paws behind his back.
He winced. Jaurok winced, right when he heard the word Bamit.
"Pleased to meet you my lady" the black dragon said as he gently clasped my paw and kissed it.
Let go of me. Rip my hands away from his filthy ones. I didn't want to disappoint my father, so I resisted; the insufferable feeling of hate boiled my blood once more. This is déjà vu. Guame had introduced himself the exact same way. I turned my head away in disgust, my hair and headdress flickering away.
"Sir Jaurok will accompany you throughout your journeys. He will keep his distance, but will only interfere if you're in great danger" my father said with his silky voice.
"I can handle myself." I grabbed the shaft of my trident lance strapped diagonally across my back.
"No worries my lord, I will protect your daughter with my life" Jaurok said.
Enough. More bullshit. Guame said almost the exact same thing. I stormed out of the chamber, those red stars beginning to appear tauntingly in my vision. As I slammed the chamber doors shut loudly, hearing the hastened footsteps of the black dragon behind me.
The village of Ehrisalune was always bumbling with excitement. The anticipation of battle tournaments, the village carnival, the archery contest; I always loved the free feeling that I shared with all the villagers when I stroll through the crowds. Jaurok stood a safe distance behind me. Infuriated, I turned around and power walked towards him, shoving my paw digit on his chest.
"Listen, I can take care of myself ok? I don't need you snooping around my every moves. Just go. Hide yourself. As long as I can't see you, I'll be happy."
He nodded and walked away from me, disappearing within the crowd. Guilt began to grasp my chest, but I shook it off and continued down the path. Guame would try to fill me with his bullshit trying to seduce me. Oh well, he's gone. On with life.
I stopped by several shops, gathering supplies for my travels. I continuously refused discounts as the merchants persistently offered discounted merchandise to me. I appreciate your respect, but you need the gold, not me. Suddenly, I felt a cold paw on my shoulder. Ugh, what does this Jaurok want now? I turned around only to see a cloaked stranger, his evil grin flashed his ugly, yellow teeth.
"Now, what is the daughter of the king doing all alone? I'm sure the king would pay any price to save his precious one" the hostile said with a raspy voice.
Alert, I drew my lance, spinning the spear counter-clockwise close to the floor. The stranger flipped backward and landed with a soft thud, his knives were held in both his paws, reflecting the afternoon sun. I heard nimble, accelerated footsteps behind me. I sighed as I placed my lance back behind me.
"Alyera!" the deep voice called.
The stranger hesitated, then jumped onto the roof of a home and dashed away. Jaurok stood beside me, both swords in his hands.
"Did I tell you to stay back?" I was absolutely enraged. This guy has to disappear. I have to get rid of him. "For a guardian, you're doing a horrific job. You didn't listen to my requests, did you?"
Jaurok sheathed his swords, and bowed frowning. "Sorry my lady" he said before turning away. The villagers stared. Guilt overwhelmed me a second time. Was I too harsh? No. Whatever. I don't need him.
I walked into a bar for lunch, the musty smell of rotting wood and coffee filled my nostrils. I sat down, ordered, and waited for my meal. I looked around to see everyone in the bar with someone, some of which were couples. I felt the wave of loneliness coursing through my scales. My friends were all on errands, out of the kingdom. I choose to use the time in their absence to spend time with Guame and travel. Well Alyera, I guess I'm stuck with traveling alone. Good job exiling your only companion.
Shut up, Alyera, he deserved to go, the cheating bastard. I was startled at my insanity. Talking to myself simply brought me into further confusion. It was then I realized a pair of red eyes sitting in the dark corner of the room. Sighing, I had no choice. I wanted company. I beckoned the black dragon, and he obediently stood next to the table.
What a stiffie.
He sat down without a sound. Quiet as silence.
I tapped my fingers on the table, the awkwardness killing me. "You could talk you know?"
Silence. Only the clattering of pans in the kitchen.
I guess I'll just drown him with my angst. "Well, I just broke up with my cheating boyfriend. I thought he was the one, the love for me. He kissed me, showered me with gifts, and praised me every day. Until I was attacked by the Kamodan gang, he did nothing to protect me, cowardly running away to safety. I fought the gang myself and sustained enough injuries to land me into the infirmary. While I needed support, he simply spat the news that he had found a more loving female during my sleep. Ever since I've been utterly bitter and hateful to all males, most of which are probably exactly like my ex.
Silence. He simply stared at me.
I sighed and rolled my eyes. "You don't talk much, do you? You should loosen up. Never experience life with a stiff back. Be free, be liberated. Don't let constraint hide your personality."
Jaurok shifted in his seat a bit. A long pause distanced itself between us. The black dragon finally spoke with his deep voice. "My lady, it would be also best for you to not let such unfortunate circumstances cloud your personality. Your father would not enjoy seeing you like this."
I stop my breathing. The words sink deep through my scales. My, my, I am harsh.
I replayed all my encounters with Jaurok in my head. I couldn't believe it; I was simply trying to revenge my emotions of Guame towards another dragon like him. I can't believe I am venting my anger like this! I shook my head. Be strong Alyera, keep cool. Jaurok is still much like Guame, just keep in around like an object so I can dispose of him later when I can.
"I know you wish to never see me, my lady, but I'm sure you know your father's concern, and I cannot betray his request to protect you." Jaurok suddenly said, interrupting my thoughts.
Great. He knows exactly what I'm thinking. Not many males can do that. I wish he minded his own business. I decided to turn the spotlight on him. "So do you have a dragoness back home?"
He winced, turning his head towards the ground. His mouth opened slightly, but silence came out.
Suddenly, the bar door burst open, the sunlight streaked lightly in. The familiar stranger paced forward with his gang behind him. Kamodans.
"Beautiful Alyera, we meet again. Your father will receive his ransom requests soon. Let's play our game, shall we?" the leader said in his coarse voice.
"Let's play go play put dirt where it belongs in the ground. Oh my, it seems you're out of place." I said calmly.
The Kamodans drew their weapons, slowly circling our table. Pathetic. Jaurok stood up with his weapons drawn. I rolled my eyes, held out my paw casually and snapped my digits together. A surge of wind burst throughout the bar, blowing away the Kamodans out of the bar. I drew my lance and rushed outside. One of them was on the floor, recovering from my spell.
Stabby stabby for you, sir.
I pierced my spear deep into his throat, blood spurting out of his neck onto his lifeless body. I tried pulling the spear out of his neck when I heard an earsplitting screech to my east. I turned around as an enormous ogre raised a spiked club, bringing it down while my hands were glued to my weapon.
This is it. My travels ended short by some idiot ogre. Well, I guess that makes me the idiot.
The deep voice boomed with rage. Jaurok held his swords tight with his paws, bloodied from slaughtering 5 of the Kamodans that lay lifeless on the ground. He jumped at me, tackling to the floor with his wings blanketed my body.
The ogre swung down, connecting its blow upon Jaurok's back and left wing. I felt the pressure of the blow crushing me under his chiseled body. Jaurok cried out in sheer pain as the spiked club pierced his scales, rivulets of blood trickling down his body. The dragon turned around, thrusting a kick into the ogre's face, stunning the beast backward. Jaurok crossed his swords in front of him, the blades surrounding the ogre's neck. Dashing forward, the black dragon supinated his wrists, flailing his arms outward. The blades slashed through the ogre's neck, the decapitated body falling heavily on the dirt ground. I stared helplessly as 5 more Kamodans rushed Jaurok, their weapons raised. Jaurok swept his swords in a circular motion while rotating his body counter-clockwise. Parrying most of the blows, some slashing deep into his scales, the bloodied dragon swiped the ground where two Kamodans stood. While falling, Jaurok executed an overhead deathblow, instantly killing both before their corpses hit the ground. He ducked and dodged two more of the slashes, stabbing the two hostiles deep in their stomach. Jaurok was now defenseless; the last Kamodan executed a perfect uppercut through the dragon's body. He fell onto the ground, blood pouring out of his scales. The Kamodan raised his sword, ready to complete his final deathblow.
Time stops around me. My spear waits in my hand. Fury, dominates.
I cried out at the top of my lungs, rage flooding through my veins. I rushed with my lance held tightly in my hands. Right there, the heart. With infuriating power, the spear impaled itself through the last Kamodan, the blades dripping with blood on the other end. The Kamodan paused and dropped his sword. The blade dramatically fell on to the floor with a clattering sound. I tugged my spear out, ripping his insides once more. He fell, face first on the ground, his face turned to its side. Blood trickled out of his mouth.
Time slowed again. I heard the gasps in horror around me; the villagers panicked, trying to seek aid. My focus landed on the dragon on the floor, bleeding profusely.
I rushed and knelt beside him. His chest slowly rose up and down. Time suddenly rushed beside me, the villagers seemingly running at impossible speeds. I tightly wrapped a large cloth around his upper body. The blood instantly seeped through the fabric and seeped through my fingers. No. Impossible. This isn't happening.
Medics rushed to the scene and picked Jaurok up and rushed him to the infirmary. I just stared on my knees in horror. The blood stained my blue scales on my paws. I fell forward, losing control of my body. Before I blanked out, I felt paws carry my body carefully into the darkness.
My eyes open wide. Sweat trickles down my body. Run, fast, to Jaurok.
I flew out of my bed and into the room next to me. My father stood, his face grim, over the bed where my guardian lay.
"Alyera..." he said, his eyes sullen with woe.
"Please father, let me be alone." I said as the tears began to bead in my eyes.
He nodded, and left the room as I rushed towards the bed, kneeling beside my savior.
His breathing was slow, but sharply short. Bandage was dressed massively around his body, the stains of red blood visible through the layers of wrapping.
"S...Sorry my lady. If you request that I leave your presence, I might have trouble doing so" he whispered.
I laughed quietly, wiping the tears from my eyes. Even at his wounded state, his body seemed less stiff; his voice was free. Boundless.
"No, please Jaurok. Stay with me. I...I don't want you to go this time."
Jaurok opened his eyes slightly and turned his handsome face to gaze into my eyes. "I have not told you my story, have I? I wanted to tell you in the bar, but I thought you would chew my head off."
I laughed again, realizing his voice seemed utterly changed from when they spoke in the bar. I clasped his paws with mine, nodding.
Jaurok breathed heavily. "I was in love with a glorious dragoness like yourself. Back in my home in the Thubian Mountains, we married and had offspring. My young were raised to be a scholar, a warrior, a priest. They were brilliant in my eyes, growing up fast and learning quickly. Shylia, my wife, always thought I was too tough on the children though. She told me: You should loosen up. Never traverse through life with a stiff body. Be free, be liberated. Don't let constraint hide your personality."
A droplet of water from the ocean of memories soared into my open palm. Had I said those words to him?
"You remind me so much of her, Alyera. Your warm smile, your shimmering scales, your occasional burst of chewing my head off."
I laughed softly, grasping his paws tighter against mine. I listened to his story, tears continuously blearing my eyes.
"Her advice stuck with me, for what I thought, for eternity, until I was called to duty to fight against the Bamit. I regrettably left my home. My wife. My children. My family. Everything. I trust their protection with the hands of my tribe. During our battles, I wrote to my wife. Her letters described how my children all successfully entered their primary schools, their voices were full of laughter, spilling out what they learned to their mother. Shylia always ended her letters with this: Be free. Be liberated. Those words echoed in my head as I continuously fought the invading Bamit; our wins multiplied. It was over. We won."
"I traveled back to my home, my head swimming with exhilaration to see my wife and kids again. How much they've grown, how much they've learned."
He paused. His eyes became watery.
"But my home, it was gone, burned to ashes. I struggled through the rubble for life. Nothing, only dust and the echoes of fire. It was then I saw, my wife and children, laying murdered innocently on the ground."
He looked up, tears strolling down his cheeks. I cried. I couldn't control my anguish, my sorrow.
"I was sent news of their murder. Extremist Bamit attacked the village, killing all on site. My liberation, my freedom, vanished into the air. I was silenced and lifeless. I felt my life no longer had purpose."
I wiped the tears from his eyes, resting my paw on his chest.
"Until I met you, I was tied, bound to emptiness. You made me feel free again, Alyera. You freed my soul. Thank you, I'll never forget you."
Tears were now pouring out of my eyes. I sniffled trying to control my emotions. His eyes began to close slowly as his breathing slowed.
I shook him lightly. His mouth opened for a last breath of air, before his chest slowed to a halt.
No. Impossible. This can't be.
"JAUROK! No...please don't do this! I...I'm sorry for mistreating you. Please Jaurok , speak to me. I beg for your forgiveness."
My body freezes. Breath quickens, my vision blurred. Breathe, Jaurok, my love.
"Jaurok, speak to me..." I shook him a little. Nothing.
"No...NO! No, no, no! please! Don't go!" My breath sharpened as I violently shook the still body on my paws.
It was hopeless. I broke down in tears, my cries echoing helplessly in the air. Medics walked in and checked his pulse. One shook his head, the other nodding and warping his body with blankets.
I looked up. "What are you doing? What are you doing with Jaurok?"
The medics stared at each other for a moment, and then continued to prepare the carrying of the body. My father held my palm. "He has gone to a better place, my love. I know you cared dearly for him but..."
I ripped my hand away. "NO! Don't you lie! I feel his presence. Jaurok, don't go!" I rested my face on his lifeless chest, tears of sorrow sprinkled down his body. I whispered softly. "Please...I...I love you. I love you Jaurok. Don't leave, please..."
The medics began carrying the body out. I held my hand tightly against his.
"No! Stop!"
A firm paw grasped my hand. My father held me back.
"Alyera, please! Control yourself! Let go!"
My grip from Jaurok's hand began to slip. His digits slipped through mine as the medics continued to pull him away from me. With my last fingers of hope, his paws were separated from mine. My breathing stopped. I fell still on the ground, wishing for the same fate to strike me.
His gaze meets with mine. His smile melts my body. My love, my Jaurok.
I opened my eyes and gazed into the stars above me. I lay in my bed, the moonlight piercing through the skylight. I feel. I feel him.
A green dragon held me down, her paw on my forehead. "You've been out for 2 weeks my lady. Don't get up to fast or you'll begin hallucinating." Belladonne said softly.
"He's here, I know it!" I cried. I rushed out of the bed, dashing out of the castle down towards the village.
"My lady!" I heard Belladonne cried, but I was already on my way.
My dress glided across the night wind, my hair flowing across my back as I dashed into the lively crowd below. I bellowed. "Jaurok? Jaurok!"
Nothing. Only villagers staring and muttering to themselves.
"Jaurok! Sir Jaurok!"
I saw. A black dragon was walking towards the horizon. I scampered towards the figure. I tripped along the way, the dirt smearing across the scales of my face. I caught up and put a palm on his shoulder.
The dragon turned around. The sight pierced my heart violently.
"Princess Alyera, you look delirious. Shall I escort you back to your castle?"
It was a stranger, not my Jaurok. I dashed towards the illuminating moon.
I ran, far and fast, down the grassland plains. Calling. Calling. I collapsed on the cliff, the shores of the Djipi Sea were battered by the waves of water. He's gone. Don't fool yourself Alyera, he's gone.
I wept silently on the cliff edge, kneeling as the moonlight glistened itself on my scales. I want to see him. The cliff is high. Maybe...just maybe.
"Come back, please?"
A dark, shadowy figure closed in behind me. Good, kill me. I have no purpose in this world.
"My lady, I thought the same, but you changed that. You freed me."
My sobbing paused. I slowly turned around. The dragon stood behind me, his naked body stood tall towards the moonlight. He had burgundy scales that spread across his muscular body, with only his chest and belly a cream color. His wings were widely spread across, stretching many times his body size. Another layer of wings spread diagonally on both sides on his back, forming an arc shape lined with gray. The unfamiliar, hazel eyes gazed into mine. His face was calm, bearded at the bottom with long horns stretching behind his head. His mature and stern, yet serene and tranquil expression soothed me, as I continued to gaze mysteriously on the stranger.
It then hit me. My heart leapt out of its dormancy. Could it be? Yes. He was different, but his tranquil face definitely belonged to him. Tears began to stroll down my cheeks once more.
The large dragon nodded. He stretched his oversized wings.
He simply blinked. "It was you, Alyera. You tell me how?"
It didn't matter. My joy sent blissful tears across my face. The elation sent ripples of happiness down my body.
I ran towards my love, the one who gave his life for me, his promise unbroken.
I threw myself onto him, tightly wrapping my arms around the muscular body. I dug my face deep into his chest, weeping for his resurrection. My legs gave in. I was ecstatic, yet woeful. Jovial, yet gloomed. The mix of emotions sent me into a whirl of confusion as I fell onto the ground. He knelt down before me, keeping his tight embrace. His large wings wrapped around my body as I closed my eyes, sobbing softly in his chest.
"Shh, it's ok. I'm here. I'm not leaving."
I opened eyes and looked at my love, the moonlight glittering behind him. Tears continued to stream out of my violet eyes. "I never had a chance to apologize for my...misbehavior before."
He chuckled. I felt his chest expand and contract lightly as he kissed my forehead.
"I love the way you are. Don't change it. Don't constrain your personality. I rather enjoyed your harsh words when you're annoyed."
I laughed all of a sudden, sniffling afterwards. "You..You reminded me of my previous boyfriend. It enraged me. I can't believe I let my emotions of him onto you."
He simply smiled. I felt his heart beat rhythmically as I held my head on his chest. "I...I love you Jaurok. With all my heart. Please never leave me again."
He looked down; his handsome face gazed peacefully at mine. "Alyera...I love you too, for..."
I interrupted him with a kiss. A kiss that deepened itself. The moon radiated its light upon us as we kissed, my passions rising exponentially. The light kiss turned passionate, as I held him tighter with my paws, his tongue intertwined with mine. Our tails curled around each other as we continued to fervently kiss, the romantic moment enhanced under the night sky. I felt the familiar urge, the one I had during my emotional flood of thoughts while looking at the mirror. As heavy as he was, I pulled Jaurok down on top of me. Our kiss broke temporarily as he stared at me in shock. Silly dragon, don't be all-so innocent on me. I wrapped my paws around his head and neck and once again brought his head to mine, kissing each other deeply. I quickly undid my dress and threw it aside, our naked bodies pressing against each other under the moonlight. I pawed around his muscular chest; his wings still widely spread, parallel to the ground. I broke this kiss, sniffing around his built body, his musk filling the air in my nostrils. I knew my pheromones drove him crazy, as he began lustfully licking the top of my head.
I was ready. He would be my first. I never mated with Guame, the deceiver that he is. But now, my virginity would be willfully taken by the one true to me, my love.
"Jaurok, I beg you. Make me yours. I am willing for you to take me to be yours, forever."
He gazed passionately in my eyes, gently licking my face and down my breasts, before he was kneeling in front of me, his thick legs in between mine, which I spread for his approval. His large sheath and balls hung close to my pelvis. I lightly fingered my sex, stroking its contours and edges as it became wet with my fluids. He muzzled it, sniffing my scent deeply. He let out a lustful roar, making me giggle as he lapped my pussy thoroughly, his thick tongue sent shivers of pleasure through my body as it traced its way around my vulva. His gorgeous dragonhood emerged from his sheath, its thickness and length further aroused me. I was curious to whether all of it will fit within me, as I mewled at him.
"Take me now, Jaurok. Make me yours!"
He obeyed, as he gently grasped my waist with one paw, the other stroking his black shaft. Holding it still, the tip touched my vulva. I felt his pre already leaking out of his cock. He leaned forward and nipped my neck gently as he penetrated the first few inches within me. I hissed and arched my back, gasping in pleasure. I felt the hard shaft sliding tightly against my vaginal walls as my glands continued to send fluids to lubricate the entrance. He moaned softly above me as he slowly and continuously inserted inches of his penis deep within me. It was tight fit; my walls wrapping tightly around his length as I convulsed slightly for every inch he puts in me. Finally I felt his pelvis touch mine with his testicles, touching the pink of my other hole and his tip brushing against the surface of my cervix. We then looked at each other passionately, before kissing again as he withdrew his length slowly. He gritted his teeth and moaned loudly as he tried reinserting his malehood deep within me, but my tight walls hindered it as he had to push hard, his shaft sliding tightly against my walls. Jaurok's cock was completely enveloped within me, my pheromones driving him to an ultimate arousal. He enjoyed the warmth, the wetness surrounding his cock. He began to withdraw and reinsert continuously, beginning a rhythm as he rocked back and forth within me. I bucked my hips up in pleasure, synchronized with his thrusts. His invading organ impaled deeply with in me, firmly massaging my inner vaginal walls and clitoris, sending surges of pleasure across my body. With his hands on both sides of me, Jaurok began to pant heavily as he continued to thrust himself in and out of me, the tightness of my walls milking all of his pre, lubricating his entrances and exits. I looked down, watching as the thick, black shaft disappeared within me, then reappeared as his balls slapped casually under him. I was in a blissful ecstasy, his musk simply rendering me helpless under him. My pheromones drove my mate wild as he thrust harder, deeper, and faster, the rhythm increasing.
"Plant your seed deep with in me, my love!"
Jaurok continued to thrust avidly at my pussy as fluids began flowing out. He moaned uncontrollably above me as his meat was consumed within my walls. The tightness with every thrust he made him want more; the feeling of warmth and wetness surrounding his cock along with the tight feel around the shaft continued to feed his lustful wants. I felt his climax near as he grunted with his eyes tightly shut, his thrusts becoming much more passionate and deep, rubbing fervently against my clitoris and inner walls. I couldn't hold back. My orgasm climaxed, sending waves of pleasure down my spine, then diffusing across my body. I screamed loudly in ecstasy, the orgasm seemingly lasting forever; the origin within my loins spread in my body like fire. My vaginal walls convulsed, releasing more of my fluids out of my pussy onto his thrusting, wet cock. My contracting inner muscles massaged his invading member, vibrating constantly as he made his final hard and deep plunges within me. He let out a fiery roar of pleasure as he made one final thrust. My vaginal walls, that vibrated tightly around his cock from my orgasm, was much too much for him as his dragonhood twitched before spurting out streams of thick dragon cum deep inside me, the warm pearly liquid splattering my walls. I orgasmed one more time, buckling my hips up to suck in the rest of his cock within me as my inner walls convulsed wildly again against his penis, milking every drop of his dragon seed before he collapsed on top of me. Both of us were gasping for air after our ultimate pleasures.
"Thank you...." I cried, tears of happiness streaked down my sweaty face as he gave me one final kiss before withdrawing. The suction from the fluids inside me held my hips up as he pulled out, then back down again after finishing. A stream of semen flowed out of me, his dripping cock covered in his own seed throbbing above me. I got up and knelt on all fours grabbing his shaft around my paw.
"You need some clean up." I giggled.
Jaurok gasped as I rubbed my paw up and down his thickness, the other squeezing his balls lightly and tracing a digit around the base of his cock, deep within his sheath. Jaurok sat in front of me, his eyes closed with pleasure as I inserted his tip in the outer edges of my mouth. I suckled for a minute, before tightening my lips and wrapping my whole mouth around the drizzling shaft. Loud suckling noises echoed the air as I bobbed my head up and down, faster and faster, twisting my head slightly each time to increase his pleasure. Jaurok moaned and grabbed my horns to guide my head up and down his penis. The felling of my warm mouth enveloped around his malehood sent floods of pleasure within him, his cock coated with my saliva and his pre. I held my head still with my mouth firmly around the meat inside me, my lips tightly around him on the outside. He held my horns tight as he thrust in my mouth, releasing more moans from both of us as the black length quickly disappeared and reappeared in and out of my mouth, his thrusting quick and to the point. My tongue lathered its saliva around the tip when he was only slightly in my mouth, then licking the base of his cock within his sheath as the whole thickness was deep down my throat. After many consecutive thrusts in my mouth, I finally was awarded with his thunderous roar as I squeezed his testicles lovingly as it withdrew new his body. His shaft warmed, then shot ropes and ropes of thick, warm semen into my mouth and down my throat. I continued to suckle his cock tightly, earning me more of his offering, my tongue continuously massaging his tip.
Panting heavily, Jaurok pulled me on my side as he thwamped beside me as well, his heart beating quickly on my back as he wrapped his wings firmly around my body like a blanket.
"Thank you, Alyera" he panted.
I chuckled softly, his warm paw exploring my breasts as he lay behind me.
"You run out of energy fast my love. I shall take advantage of that next time."
He grunted as he dominantly licked my muzzle.
I looked up to lick him back, only to stare at his face once more. "I can't describe the joy I feel seeing you again. The thought of losing you forever would destroy me."
He paused, then snuggled closer to me. "Liberate your feelings, my love. Be free. Don't let such emotions encapsulate your vibrant personality.
I smiled. The warm breath above me slowed down as we both slept softly under the full moon. | FSE |
Title: Hotel Hooker? Ch. 1
Tags: cum swallow, stranger, hooker fantasy, shower sex, prostitute
Sue was on her knees, naked except for stockings. The fingers of her left hand gently tweaked her erect nipple, while the middle finger of her right hand quickly fucked her dripping wet pussy. Tim's cock slid in and out of Sue's hot sucking mouth. "God damn baby," Tim gasped, " you're the best cock sucker that I ever had. Take my cock deep. I'm going to cum soon, I want to cum in your mouth."
Removing his cock out of her mouth for a moment Sue panted, "Yea baby I want you to cum in my mouth. I want to swallow your sweet cum." She had never let any of her boyfriends shoot in her mouth before; yet here she was, telling a man that she only met a couple of hours ago that she not only wanted him to cum in her mouth, but she wanted to swallow it. She felt Tim's cock swell in her mouth. Sue knew that he was about to cum. To her utter amazement, Sue was excited not revolted by the thought of eating Tim's seed. She wanted, no needed to know how his semen tasted.
"Oh baby, suck me baby. Tim moaned. I'm there, I'm cumming. Goddamn, suck me dry." Tim's cock jerked, and began to shoot his thick hot jizz into Sue's hungry sucking mouth. Sue sucked and swallowed the first couple of squirts, completely enjoying the sharp, salty taste. Then a dirty idea flashed through her thoroughly horny mind. Sue held the remaining shots in her mouth. After Tim finished cumming and removed his cock from her mouth, Sue leaned her head back, open her mouth, showed Tim his cum pooled in her mouth. She swirled her tongue in the viscous white fluid, then closing here mouth, she swallowed visibly.
"That was truly hot," Tim gasped, still breathing heavily from his orgasm, "now it's your turn."
He gently lifted Sue to her feet, kissed her, and led her to the bed. Once in bed Tim and Sue began to kiss passionately, tongues intertwined, hands gently stroking. Sue's hand caressed his back, working her way down to his ass, and around front to grip his already hardening cock. Tim's hand had quickly found Sue's soft, firm tits. With thumb and forefinger Tim massaged Sue's erect nipple. Her tits were small, but they were incredibly sensitive. Sue moaned into Tim's mouth. Taking his mouth from Sue's, Tim began to kiss his way down her neck towards her heaving tits and swollen nipples. As Tim's tongue swirled around her hard, half inch long nipples; his hand made its way toward Sue's passion swollen labia. As soon as Sue felt Tim's finger touch the outer lips of her pussy, she thrust forward driving his finger all the way into her. "Oh God Tim," Sue almost shouted in her passion, "suck my tits baby, finger fuck my hot pussy. Finger me faster Tim, I'm almost ready to cum."
Tim released her tit from his hot sucking lips, and finger fuck Sue as fast as he could. "Cum for me Suzy," Tim ordered, "squirt you girl-cum all over my hand."
With her back arched ass held high, Sue was trying to impale herself on Tim's deeply fucking finger as wave after wave of ever increasing pleasure washed over her. "I'm cumming Tim, I'm cumming," Sue was really screaming now. Tim could feel her cunt muscles contracting as Sue's orgasm reached it's peak. When Sue's orgasm finally subsided, she wanted a softer kind of touch to ease her down. "Kiss me darling," she said with a satisfied smile.
Tim withdrew his finger from Sue's steamy cunt; and began to move his finger back and forth between her sopping wet pussy and her tight puckered ass hole. He was using her pussy juice to lubricate her nether hole.
Sue wasn't sure if she liked the idea of something in her ass, but as Tim's finger penetrated deeper her fears ebbed and her passion re-ignited. "That's nice Tim," Sue breathed, "I like it when you fuck my ass with your finger."
"Let's see if I can make you cum by fucking your ass with my finger," Tim said. Shifting position slightly Tim began kissing Sue around and below her navel. "Is there somewhere else that you might like me to kiss?" Tim asked with leer.
"Yes Tim, yes," pleaded Sue, "kiss my clit, suck my pussy, fuck me with your tongue."
Licking his way down to the seat of Sue's passion, Tim's tongue found the hard bud that was Sue's clit. Tim flicked his tongue across her love button a couple of times, causing Sue to shudder and moan with pleasure. "Timmy that's wonderful," Sue intoned, her voice low and husky with her building passion, "suck my clit, make me cum again." Sucking her clit into his mouth, Tim gently grazed it with his teeth. At the same time his finger was swiftly fucking her tight ass hole. Sue's was pushing her pussy into Tim's hot sucking mouth. Her ass was lifting off of the bed as her orgasm reached the boiling point. Sue grabbed a pillow and covered her face as she screamed out the most powerful orgasm of her life.
"OH MY GOD TIM, I'M CUMMING, GOD I'M CUMMING SO HARD!!!" Sue's voice, somewhat muffled by the pillow, was still almost a shriek. Sue continued to moan for several seconds as Tim removed his finger from her ass and eased his mouth off of her love button.
"I guess you kind of liked that?" Tim asked playfully.
"No one has ever made me cum like that," Sue panted, still out of breath.
"I've just gotten started," Tim returned, "and you've only just begun to cum." With that Tim dove between her still spread legs, opened her pussy lips with his fingers, and fucked his tongue into her steamy box as far and as fast as he could. Almost instantly Sue began writhing with pleasure, her breathing becoming faster and faster.
"Jesus Christ Tim," cried Sue, hoarse with passion, "what are you doing to me? I'm going to cum again. Eat me baby," Sue begged, " fuck my hot pussy with your wonderful tongue." Tim could feel the muscles of her pussy contract, Sue thrust forward trying to get as much of Tim's tongue into the throbbing, turbid, target that was her pleasure center. "Oh, oh Tim, oh I'm cumming again Timmy," screamed Sue, as wave after wave of intense pleasure washed over her, "oh God, I'm cumming so hard again." As her orgasm ebbed, Sue begged, "Stop please, I can't take anymore."
Changing positions again Tim asked with a grin, "Are you ready for me to replace my tongue with something longer and harder?" But before a wide eyed Sue could even answer, he had thrust his hard cock to the hilt into her tight, dripping wet, incredibly hot pussy.
"Fuck me," Sue gasped with a combination of surprise and ecstasy, "fuck me like I never been fucked before."
"Christ," exclaimed Tim, "you have the tightest pussy I have ever fucked."
Tim leaned forward to kiss Sue. She responded by pulling his whole weight down upon her, and wrapping her arms around his neck and crossing her ankles over his ass. The impassioned pair thrust at each other for all they were worth. After several moments of intense fucking, mouths still locked together, Sue moaned out yet another orgasm.
Tim responded to Sue's thrust and hold, by stopping his own jabs. When Sue's spasms waned, Tim broke their kiss and asked, "Would you like to get on top?"
"Do you mean it?" an eager Sue returned.
"You better believe it," Tim said. Even as he spoke he was lifting Sue and turning them both without pulling his hard cock out of her sopping love tunnel. "I want to see your pretty little titties above me," Tim went on, "and I want to watch your beautiful pussy devour my hard cock as we fuck."
"Do you really think I have nice tits?" Sue breathed, as squeezed her sensitive mounds.
"I think you have two of the prettiest titties that I have ever seen," was Tim's honest response, "and I love watching you feel yourself up while we fuck." Removing her hands from her heaving chest, Sue leaned forward, "Suck my titties while I ride your hard pole," Sue demanded. "I love the feel of your big, hard, throbbing cock buried deep in my pussy," whispered Sue, as she repeatedly lifted herself up and nearly off of Tim's cock, only to slam herself down hard, fully impaling herself on Tim's up-thrusting love muscle.
Releasing her lust swollen nipples from his hot sucking mouth Tim lay back down. "Ride my cock baby," Tim grunted, his words almost an animal growl, "fuck yourself on my hard pole, I'm gonna cum soon."
Picking up the speed of her thrusts Sue cried, " I'm cumming now." Leaning all the way forward Sue locked her mouth onto Tim's as she moaned and shuddered in orgasmic pleasure.
Her orgasm ended, Sue got off of Tim. Got on all fours next to him and said wantonly, "I want you to fuck me doggy style." As Tim got into position behind her, and shoved his blood engorged cock deep into her lust soaked fuck hole Sue cried out, "fuck me, fuck hard, fuck me like a bitch in heat."
Pounding his hard rod into her pulsating pussy as hard and as fast as he could, Tim yelled out, "I'm cumming, can't wait any longer. Yea, here it comes baby."
"Yes Timmy, yes," wailed Sue as she felt his scalding hot semen shoot again and again into her well fucked love tunnel, "fill me with your hot cum. Send your seed all the way to my womb. Yes, oh God yes, I'm cumming too."
Tim pressed forward, firing his full load deep inside her inner most chamber. His arms wrapped around her tiny waist, hands holding her small breasts. As he pulled her back to him she raised herself up and pushed back against him. Locked in their embrace, the couple came together as they shared a powerful mutual orgasm. For fleeting seconds that seemed like a blissful eternity they held together, finally the two lovers collapsed together on the bed.
Exhausted but happy, Sue lay in Tim's arms marveling at how a woman who had never fucked on a second, much less first date, found herself having intense, thoroughly satisfying sex with a man she met only a couple of hours ago. Her mind wandered back to when she first saw Tim...
Sue Henson was sitting at the right hand corner of the hotel bar when Tim Nickles walked in. She was a local professional woman who worked near the hotel. Since it was Friday, Sue decide to stop in for a couple of drinks before going home to an empty apartment. Sue was vaguely aware that the hotel had a reputation, but she thought of the place as a neighborhood bar.
Tim was a visiting businessman who decided to start his last evening in town at the hotel bar. He had heard that the bar was the occasional pick up spot for the best, most expensive, and least obvious working girls in town. Tim had been told that the hookers who worked out of the hotel bar dressed very conservatively. Just to look at them, he was informed, you would think that they were business or professional women. That they usually sat alone at the right hand corner of the bar was the only other clue that he had been given. Tim had never hired a prostitute before, but tonight, he thought, might be the right time.
As he approached the bar Tim realized where Sue was sitting. She was dressed as a business woman. Sue was wearing a matching jacket, and knee length skirt. Under the jacket she wore a plain white blouse.
Tim chose a seat in the middle of the bar. Sat down and ordered his drink. After taking a couple of sips from his drink, Tim called the bartender over and asked him to offer the young lady at the corner of the bar a drink. When Sue accepted, Tim walked over and stood next to her.
"Hi," Tim said with a smile as he offered his hand, "I'm Tim. You look like you could use some company."
Sue shook his extended hand. "You're right," she smiled back at him, "I could use someone to talk to. My name is Sue."
Sitting down next to Sue Tim began, "I have never done this kind of business before; so I guess I should start with finding out how much for the whole night?"
It took a second or two for Sue to realize just what Tim was asking, but with that understanding came the memory of where not to sit if she was alone here. Sue was not angry. She considered Tim's proposition to be an honest mistake. At first Sue intended to tell Tim that he had made an error, that she was not a prostitute; but then another thought occurred to her. Why not have some fun with this idea.
"Well," started Sue, "I don't usually do all-nighters, but for fifteen hundred I might be persuaded." She was sure that with a price like that Tim would back down.
Tim had no intention of changing his mind. He thought Sue was very beautiful, incredibly sexy, and yet had an air of innocence that made her even more desirable. "Sounds like a good deal to me," Tim said with a smile, "of course for that price I expect that you will do whatever I want. I am not," he continued, "into pain or bondage, so you should feel perfectly safe."
To her utter surprise, Tim excepted her offer. Sue could not believe how turned on she was by the idea of selling her body to this stranger. She had never even considered sleeping with a man on a first, or even second date before. Yet here she was, getting ready to have sex with a man she just met, and for money no less. Leaning over, and rubbing her small tits against Tim's arm Sue whispered, "So when do we get started."
"I'm starved," Tim said with chuckle, "so the first thing we are going to do is get some supper."
"Sounds wonderful," replied Sue as she took Tim's arm, "I haven't eaten since this morning. Where are we going?"
"The hotel has a great restaurant," Tim informed her," and this lounge has live music that will start in about an hour, so we don't need to go anywhere."
The hotel restaurant suited Sue just fine. Although the bar's reputation was less than perfect, the restaurant was considered one the best in town. Should anyone she knew see her, she thought, they would simply think she was out on a date.
The couple entered the restaurant and asked for a quiet table for two. As they were being seated, Sue took her jacket off. Tim could clearly see Sue's white lacy bra through the thin material of her white blouse. Thinking that this would be a good time to get things started, Tim leaned forward, and speaking quietly, said, "I want you to go into the bathroom, and take off your bra, panties, pantyhose, and any other undergarments that you are wearing."
"But Tim, " a startled Sue responded, "this blouse is so thin that if I take my bra off, you will, I mean, um."
"You mean," Tim interrupted with a lascivious grin, "that everyone will be able to see your tits? That is exactly what I want." Wondering why a hooker would care about someone seeing her tits, Tim went on, "Is there a problem with my request?"
Even as a part of her mind was balking at Tim's plan, another part was getting even more turned on by the idea. "No, no problem at all," Sue smiled back at him, "you just caught me by surprise. I'll be happy to take off my underwear. Just one question though," she continued, "I'm wearing thigh highs, not pantyhose, do you want me to take them off too?"
"Thigh highs are sexy," grinned Tim, "they can stay. However, you won't be wearing your jacket anymore tonight."
"I know," this time it was Sue's turn to grin, "if I'm going to show off my tits, then wearing the jacket would be silly."
Just then waitress arrived and took their order. As soon as the server left, Sue rose to her feet and said, "If you will excuse me for a moment, I am going to the ladies room."
Once in the ladies room, Sue entered an empty stall, turned, closed and locked the door behind her. She then lifted her skirt reached up and pulled her white cotton bikini panties down around her knees. Another quick movement took the panties down over her shoes, off and into her handbag. A moment later her bra followed. Having completed the main reason for being there, Sue did her second. She peed. Wiping herself with a piece of bath tissue after peeing had always been just a necessary chore, but not this time. Because she was already so turned on, the simple act of wiping herself made her shudder with pleasure. Deciding to take further advantage of the situation, Sue dropped the soiled tissue into the bowl; and began to gently massage her clit. Within seconds she was dripping wet. Slipping a finger inside here steamy hot pussy, Sue finger fucked herself to a fast silent orgasm. Thinking that she had been gone long enough; Sue composed herself, grabbed her purse, and left the stall.
A quick stop at the mirror to check her hair and make-up showed Sue just how see-through her top really was. Her silver dollar sized dark aureoles were plainly visible. Even more obvious were her nipples. Fully erect due to her excitement, they were almost a half inch long. Sue paused a moment, not sure if she could go out in public like that.
Lost in thought, Sue had not heard the other woman walk up next to her. "God," the stranger uttered, "I wish I had your courage."
"What do you mean?" asked a startled Sue, glancing at the intruder.
"I'd never be brave enough to wear a top like that without a bra," the woman answered. "Maybe," she continued, "I could if I had breasts as beautiful as yours."
"Beautiful?" surprised, Sue looked at herself in the mirror again. She had always considered herself to be reasonably attractive, but she had never been happy with her tiny breasts. "Beautiful?" She asked again, " you think my tiny little A-cuppers are beautiful?"
"Oh yes," the woman replied with evident feeling, "I'd trade my C's for your A's any time.
"But why?" an astounded Sue inquired, "all men love big boobs, and you fill out clothes so much better."
"You might be right about the clothes," the stranger chuckled, "but not all men are into big ones. As for the ones that are, the only way you could get them to look you in the eye would be to put eyes where your nipples are."
When she stopped laughing, Sue smiled brightly at her new friend and said, "Maybe you"re right. Let's see if he likes theses." Shoulders back, head high, chest out, Sue walked proudly out of the washroom and back to her table.
Tim's strong hand had been gently caressing her tits as she reflected on the night's beginnings. The pair had been spooned together with Sue in front. Now Tim's touches became more intense, and he began kissing and nibbling on Sue's neck and earlobe.
My God, she thought, as Sue felt Tim's cock growing and hardening against her ass; he wants to fuck again. She had never before done it more then once in a night. With a mixture of surprise and anticipation, Sue responded by grinding her ass against Tim's throbbing member.
"I see your not ready to quit yet," Sue purred, her pussy already becoming wet and ready.
"Not at all Sweet Cheeks," Tim replied, "but let's start with a shower. It will invigorate us for round two."
"You're the boss," Sue affirmed, "a shower sounds heavenly."
The two lovers entered the bathroom. Sue, seeing the toilet said, "I've got to pee, why don't you adjust the water." Sue slid her stocking off, and sat down to pee.
"Do you like water sports?" Tim asked as he watched Sue peeing.
Realizing that Tim was not talking about lakes, rivers, or the shower, Sue answered truthfully, "I've never tried. I'm not sure if I'd like it."
"Never mind," Tim said, turning back to the water, "if we ever get together again we can talk about it then. Waters ready when you are."
As she got up and stepped towards the shower, Sue replied, "I'm coming."
"Not yet you're not," Tim returned with a chuckle, "but you soon will be."
As Sue entered the shower, Tim pulled her to him. Under the soothing spray of warm water the couple's lips met, parted, and their tongues touched, and danced together as their mutual lust began to build anew.
"I'll wash you first," Tim suggested as he picked up the soap, " turn around so I can start with you back."
Tim's soapy caress was better then any massage Sue had ever received. He washed her whole back, arms, neck, and ass cheeks before he moved around to her front. His large hands completely covered Sue's small tits. Soapy fingers repeatedly brushed over pebble hard nipples. Reaching behind her, Sue grabbed Tim's already hard cock, and slid it between her legs. The head of Tim's manhood rubbed against Sue's nether lips as he dropped one hand to soap her cunt hair and clit. Hips grinding into hips, soap slicked hand caressing blood engorged flesh soon took Sue over the edge.
"Cummmming, Cummmming!!," Sue exploded. "Good God Tim, how many ways can you make a poor girl cum?" Sue panted, as the couple broke their embrace.
"Don't know," was Tim's offhand response. "I haven't even started washing you below the waist yet," he added as he knelt down and began to wash her legs. Tim washed each leg. He started with her dainty foot and worked his way up to her crotch. When he finish, he gently pushed her legs apart and started to wash and rinse her clit, pussy, and ass hole.
Still on his knees, Tim said with a smile, "Now it's time to see if I did a good enough job." He licked across Sue's slightly parted pussy lips and up to her enlarged clit making her start a bit. Then to her surprise, he turned her around, spread her butt cheeks, and stabbed his tongue her into ass hole. This was an experience that Sue had never had before, and it was definitely one she liked.
"Oh Tim," Sue exclaimed, "that's wonderful. Lick me, lick my ass hole darling, I'm almost there already." It took mere seconds for Sue to start cumming. "Damn, I'm cumming again."
Sue turned, knelt down and embraced Tim. "That was a terrific bath," she beamed, "now it's your turn."
Sue knew what she wanted to do, so she quickly washed Tim from the waist up. Then knelt and followed Tim's example and bathed him from the feet up. Now she was where she wanted to be. Slowing her pace, Sue carefully washed Tim's puckered ass hole, cum swollen balls, and rock hard cock. Taking another page from Tim's bathing rules, Sue grinned up at Tim and said, "Now to make sure you're clean."
Lifting his cock, Sue started licking at Tim's ball and tongued her way up to the mushroom head of his erection. Once she reached the top, Sue swirled her tongue around the bulbous tip, then slid the head into her mouth.
"You are such an incredibly good cock sucker," panted Tim, "one might think you love being on your knees."
"MMMM," mumbled Sue, her mouth still full of cock. Releasing Tim's phallus from her mouth she said, "Perhaps I do." Even though she said it in jest, she knew it was also becoming true. Reaching the final chapter of Tim's bathing technique, Sue turned him, spread his cheeks and tongued his bung hole. Yet another first in tonight's growing list of firsts.
"AAAAAAAHHH," groaned Tim, as he pulled away from Sue's tonguing. Turning, he bent and lifted Sue to her feet, kissing her tenderly he said, "You are one talented little bitch. Lets dry off and get comfortable."
"Tim?" Sue began, "would you be angry if I said I was thirsty and wanted to get something to drink?"
"No," Tim responded with a smile, "I wouldn't mind a little something either. What would you like?" Tim ask as he pulled his pants on.
"An ice cold Coke would be wonderful," cooed Sue.
"Sounds good," Tim acknowledged, "I'll be right back."
As Tim walked out of the door, Sue remembered the rest of how this strange and fantastic night began. ... After the pair enjoyed a light supper and some pleasant conversation, they returned to the bar. They took a booth in a dark corner. As soon as the waitress left with their drink order, Tim slipped his right arm over Sue's shoulder, his hand cupping her right tit.
Sue had never been fondled in public before. One part of her mind wanted to make him stop, but another liked the sensations created by his gently caressing hand.
Meanwhile, his left hand had found her nylon clad knee. Once there, Tim's hand slipped under her skirt, past the top of her stockings, and on to her exposed, wet, and ready for his touch, pussy.
Sue realized that she like the idea of being groped in a public place. The naughtiness of it, and the possibility of being caught added to her growing excitement. Besides, she told herself, she was supposed to be a hooker. So as Tim's hand headed for her pleasure center, Sue did what she thought a prostitute would do. She opened her legs to his touch.
Tim's fingering had only just started when they were interrupted by the waitress returning with their drinks. Just as the server walked away the band began to play a slow song, Tim got up, took Sue by the hand, and led her to the dance floor.
Dancing close, Sue's head resting on his chest, Tim decided it was time to tell Sue how the main event would begin.
"Before we get to my room," Tim told Sue, "you will have removed your shoes, and pulled your shirttails from you skirt. If we are alone in the elevator, and I will try to arrange it, I will completely unbutton your top."
Lifting her head from his chest, "Okay," was all she said.
"There's more," Tim continued, "once the door of my room closes behind us, and before we get all the way into the room, I will take off your blouse and skirt. As soon as your skirt is off you will drop to your knees, strip me from the waist down, and give me your best blow job. Not only do I expect you to swallow when I come in your beautiful mouth, but I want to hear you ask me to."
For one brief moment Sue considered telling Tim the truth, but she was more turned on then she had ever been in her life. She could not say why, but Sue felt certain that Tim would satisfy her as no one ever had before. "I'll do whatever you say," her voice soft and submissive, "tonight, I belong to you completely."
A quiet tap at the door brought Sue back to the present. She hopped off of the bed and almost ran to answer the knock. Remembering that she was naked, Sue hesitated at the door a moment. "Tim?" she called quietly.
"Yes," was his muffled response.
Sue suppressed her desire to hide behind the door as she opened it. Instead she stood boldly in the open doorway, proudly displaying her nakedness to Tim.
"What took you so long?" Sue asked with a grin, as she took the soda Tim offered, "I was getting lonely."
"Lonely, or horny?" he taunted, returning her smile, as the couple returned to the bed.
"Hmmm," Sue seemed to consider, "perhaps a bit of both. "Tim," she continued, as she stroked the growing bulge on Tim's trousers "I'm naked, and you still have your pants on. That doesn't seem right."
"You're so right," Tim beamed back at her, as he stood and reached for the snaps at his waist.
Quick as thought, Sue dropped to her knees, pushed his hands away, and said, "allow me. Remember how much I love being on my knees for you." Sue swiftly remove his pants, took a long drink of her soda, and covered Tim's erection with her ice cold mouth.
"Eeyow," Tim barked, "I'll fix you, you little bitch," Laughing, he picked Sue up, and threw her on her back on the bed. Straddling her midsection, he used his knees to pinion her arms to the bed. Grabbing a soda can, Tim pressed the cold bottom of can first to one tit and then to the other.
"Oh, you bastard," Sue was laughing and twisting, trying to get away, "that's fucking cold."
Tim held the cold can to Sue's nipple, suddenly he replace the icy can with his hot mouth.
"What a sensation," Sue cried, "do the other one." Obediently, Tim placed the cold can on Sue's other tit. "Ooooh," she shivered, "now suck it and make it all nice and hot."
When Tom released her tit from his warming mouth, he smiled at her and asked, "maybe I should do the same thing to your sweet pussy?"
"Hmmm," Sue considered, as she eyed his erection, "don't you have something else nice and hard that you could put there?"
"Well," Tim replied playfully, "I have a hard cock, but it hot, not cold."
"I don't know," Sue retorted, trying to sound doubtful, "do I want a cold can, or a hot cock?"
"Since you are having trouble making up your mind," Tim chided, "perhaps I should just use the can."
As Tim move the soda can towards her pussy Sue cried out, "No, no, the cock, give me your cock."
Laughing, Tim rolled off of Sue and stretched out next to her. Snuggling up to her, he whispered in her ear, "Do you really want my cock again, Suzy?"
Hugging herself tightly to him, Sue responded with feeling, "Yes Tim, I want you to fill me with your cock again. I want you to fuck me long and hard. Tim," Sue added, "would you sixty nine with me first?"
Tim kissed her, deeply, passionately, "I'd love to eat your sweet pussy while your talented mouth sucks my cock," he said as he kissed his way down her body. In a moment his mouth was over Sue's dripping honey pot, and his hard cock over her waiting mouth. Tim's tongue dipped between Sue's lust swollen cunt lips to taste the heady nectar that seeped out.
At the same time, Sue was pulling Tim's hard cock to her mouth. Seeing a drop of pre-cum forming at the tip, Sue licked it up enjoying the flavor. Sue then took as much of Tim's cock into her mouth as she could. Tim began to buck his hips, and Sue to bob her head up and down fucking her mouth as if it were her pussy.
Meanwhile, Tim's mouth moved rapidly back and forth between sucking Sue's hard clit, and fucking her steamy pussy with his tongue. Moistening his little finger with her cunt cream, Tim began probing Sue's tight puckered ass.
Moans and heavy breathing, the sounds of licking and sucking, were the only noises the couple made for many minutes. Tim knew when Sue came. Even though she had made very little sound because her mouth was filled by his cock, he knew. He could feel her tense, shudder, and then relax.
Sue withdrew Tim's cock from her mouth, "Timmy," her words almost a moan, "I want to eat your cum. Please feed me your sweet cock cream again."
Tim got up, turned around, moved between Sue's beautiful, spread legs, and speared his raging hard-on into her girl-cum drenched box. "Suzy, I would love to cum between you sweet lips," he panted, his voice hoarse with lust, "but just in case I can't get it up again tonight I want one more good fuck."
Sue was thrilled to have Tim's throbbing manhood thrusting inside of her. She knew it would not be long before she was cumming again. "Fuck me Tim," Sue sighed, "I love way your cock feels fills me up."
This time Tim's thrusts were long and slow. Sue could feel her orgasm building the same way, long and slow. It was starting in her fingers tips, and toes, and in the follicles of her hair. Building like a tidal wave, as it approached the molten core of her pleasure.
"Make me cum Tim, make me cum," Sue begged, "I'm almost there."
"Me to baby," Tim panted, the speed and power of his strokes increasing, "I'm almost there too."
"Tim," Sue pleaded, "don't cum in my pussy. I still want to eat your jizz." The tidal wave broke, and Sue had the most powerful orgasm of the night. "OH, GOD TIMMY, I'M CUMMING," Sue was screaming, and bucking like a bronco, "FUCK ME, I'M CUMMING SO FUCKING HARD. FUCK ME BLIND." Her orgasm finally subsiding, Sue renewed her request, "Cum in my mouth Tim."
By this time Tim was moving forward to give Sue what she wanted. No sooner had Sue taken Tim's pulsating member into her mouth, then he started to cum. "Suck me dry," Tim howled, as spurt after spurt of thick white cock juice filled Sue's mouth, "oh baby, you are wonderful."
"That was one hell of a finish to a great fuck Sue," Tim complimented her, "but you did not have to. I would have been perfectly happy filling up your perfect pussy with my seed."
"I know," Sue murmured, as she cuddled up to Tim. "The first time you came in my mouth," Sue explained, "I had to do it. Not that I minded," she added with a smile, "but this time it was because I really wanted you to. I am glad though, that you decided to fuck me one more time. That fuck led to several small and one unbelievable orgasm."
"I'm please that you had a good time. I don't know about you," Tim sighed, "but I'm thoroughly fucked out and ready for sleep."
"Me too," was Sue's quiet reply, "I'd love to spend the night in your arms if you'll let me."
"Nothing would make me happier Sue," Tim returned with warmth, "but what about business?"
Sue had all but forgotten that she was supposed to be a hooker, "the morning will be fine to take care of it," whispered, nuzzling Tim, "sleep now."
"All right," Tim said drowsily, "I have to leave about eight to catch a morning plane, but the room is paid for until noon. You can stay until then." Sleep quickly overtook the exhausted pair.
Sue awoke to thin steamers of light filtering through the widow curtains. A glance at the clock told her it was six thirty, her usual wake up time. Looking at the sleeping man next to her made her replay the nights adventures quickly in her mind. Sue was completely satisfied. She began to run her hands along Tim's sleeping form, to her surprise he had an erection. On finding this, her only regret was that her poor pussy was to sore too fuck or even be sucked now. This did not surprise her, after all she had been fucked more and harder last night then in the last six months put together. Not wanting to waste a good hard cock, Sue tossed the blankets out of the way, moved down and slowly slid Tim's cock as far into her mouth as she could. Sue was in no hurry. Her actions were slow and deliberate. Just as slowly as she sucked it in, Sue withdrew it. She had repeated this action twice when Tim began to stir.
Sitting up to get a better view, Tim asked with a grin, "Are you on overtime?"
"No silly," Sue smiled back at him, "I have this rule. Any man who makes me cum more than a dozen times in one night, and lets me sleep with him, earns a free, non-reciprocated blow job.
"I'd hate to break the rules," Tim chuckled, "work your oral magic. Tim got comfortable, and Sue crawled between his legs.
Taking up where she left off, Sue took Tim's hard cock back into her wet mouth. After sucking him deep a couple of times, she worked her way down his throbbing shaft to lick and suck his cum swollen balls. One at a time, she gently sucked each of his gonads into her mouth. After she had given a little attention to both balls, she carefully lifted Tim's ball sac; and licked the sensitive underside. Sue worked here way further down. Teasing her tongue near, but not quite touching his ass hole.
All this time Tim had only been making animal noises. Now he broke his silence, "do it Suzy," Tim begged, "tongue my ass hole, lick my poop shoot. You're incredible."
Sue obeyed, flicking her tongue over Tim's shitter. Then pushing her tongue into his ass as far as she could. "That's great lover," Tim exclaimed, "now go back to sucking my cock." Happy to comply, Sue moved from Tim's ass to take his throbbing cock back into her eager mouth.
Pausing, Sue looked up at Tim and said with a smile, "I think you're getting close. Do you want to feed me again?"
"I'd love to feed you again if that's where you want it," Tim returned.
"Would you like to see yourself cum in my mouth?" Sue inquired, remembering something she had seen in a porn flick.
"You bet baby," Tim called enthusiastically.
Sue got up from between Tim's leg. Propped her head with a pillow, and told him, "Fuck my face baby, fuck my face until you cum."
Tim straddled her chest, and shoved his cock into Sue's waiting mouth. A dozen strokes and Sue knew Tim was about to cum. Sue moved his erection a couple of inches out of her mouth. Pointing Tim's piss hole at her wide open cum hungry mouth and jacking him off as fast as she could Sue begged, "feed my Tim, feed me your hot delicious cum."
"Yea Suzy, jerk my cock," Tim commanded, "I want to fill your hungry mouth with my cream." Tim started cumming. He watched as the first five shots fired from his cock straight into Sue's eager mouth. Then Tim grabbed her head, and pushed his still spurting cock between her lips. Sue's lips closed around his member, and sucked until he stopped cumming.
Sated, Tim fell back on the bed, with a sigh he told Sue, "Every time I think I know how good you are, you find a way to show me you're better."
"That's the nicest thing anybody has ever said to me," Sue confided. "It's getting late, you had better start getting ready." After a quick shower, and a small room service breakfast, Tim was ready to leave. Tim opened his wallet, and counted out fifteen one hundred dollar bills. These he placed on the dresser. He smiled at Sue. She was still naked, and sitting on the bed. "Last night was one the best times I've ever had," touching the pile of bills Tim added, "and worth every penny. I have your number, and I will use it when I get back here."
Sue looked at the money. Just as she was about to admit that she was not a prostitute, and that Tim should keep his money, Sue remembered that living room set that was a thousand dollars more than she could afford, so she said, "I'm going to miss you Tim, I have your card. I promise if I'm ever in your town I will look you up."
Waving a final good by, Tim left. Sue did not know it yet, but her old life was over. Her new journey would begin when Tim returned in a few short weeks. | literotica |
Title: Meeting After Ten Years Ch. 02
Tags: big tits, lactation, milk, milking, swollen breasts, leaking, big breasts, milky breasts, swollen tits
Following their chance meeting after ten years, Mike and Becca fell into an intimate but odd relationship. He was enthralled to find that Becca had developed huge breasts and started to lactate as an unanticipated side effect of being enrolled in a drug trial. She was pleased to have him sucking on her within hours of their reunion. They saw each other every day thereafter with everything focused on her tits.
Becca was just getting used to having a top heavy body. Previously she'd been very fit and sported "B" cup breasts on her small frame which was how Mike remembered her from college. Everything about her body had stayed the same except for her tits. She now had what looked to be oversized implants. Her body was every guy's wet dream.
She confessed to enjoying her "DD's and the even more recent phenomenon of lactation. Producing milk felt very womanly and she liked it. She also enjoyed the countless orgasms it had caused. Drawing out her milk was highly arousing- even when using her breast pump. Mike's involvement had made the whole experience even better. Mike's lustful suction was obviously far sexier than the pump.
Mike couldn't get enough of her big tits. From the day they met Mike milked Becca's breasts twice a day Monday through Friday. He stayed at her condo on the weekends and milked her four to six times a day. Sexual pleasure was a part of each session for both of them. She had multiple orgasms during his sucking on her sensitive tits. After draining her breasts Mike would tit fuck her or fuck her pussy if he wasn't still spent from their last session. Though his orgasms were limited to two or three per day he was in sexual heaven. A loving relationship quickly grew out of what was initially lust and biology but Becca's tits still dominated all of their interaction.
Mike's daily sucking caused Becca's milk production to almost triple over the first two weeks. Her breasts didn't get much bigger but the increase in milk caused real discomfort within about three hours. She needed relief from Mike or was forced to pump every few hours when Mike wasn't available. She could barely sleep through the night and was then desperate to have her swollen tits milked immediately after rising in the morning.
Becca talked to her Ob-Gyn. The doctor said the breast enlargement and lactation caused by the experimental pill had obviously surprised everyone. Given her lactation, however, increased milk production wasn't a medical problem and was a normal occurrence. Mike's repeated suction had increased the amount to somewhat beyond that of a mother with a large baby or twins but it wasn't unhealthy. The doctor couldn't rule out further increases in her milk production; Mike was sucking her dry every time and her body would do its best to meet the demand. There wasn't a medical remedy except that when she ended the medical trial in a few weeks her lactation might gradually disappear. However, with continued regular suction the doctor felt her supply would probably continue indefinitely. As Becca understood it, hormones might be needed to get the milk started but the baby's repeated suction is a bigger factor than hormones in keeping it flowing. That's the only obvious explanation for those mothers who nurse for multiple years beyond giving birth.
On returning home Becca outlined the doctor's advice and told Mike she didn't know what to do. While she had hoped to keep lactating for a few months after the drug trial she couldn't keep draining her breasts every 2 to 3 hours. The lactation was taking over her life. She literally had too much of a good thing.
Mike paused and then said, "From your journal and my personal observations we know it takes about ten minutes for the pump or my mouth to drain each breast. If we repeatedly stop the milking process after 5 to 7 minutes perhaps your body would cut down its production. It should be the reverse of the increased production my full emptying has created. You'll undoubtedly have some discomfort since you'll never be fully emptied but hopefully it will pass in a few days. Call the doctor to see if this might work and if it's safe."
Becca made the call. The doctor was intrigued but said she wasn't aware of any study or other information about reducing milk production. She felt there'd be no harm in trying Mike's approach.
Hearing the doctor's answer Mike told Becca to give him an hour while he thought through a plan. A little while later, Mike suggested they try a gradual reduction over several days. They'd need to take time off from work and be diligent. For the plan to work Becca would have to agree that he was in total charge. She'd have to do as he directed. Becca nodded her assent.
Mike said, "We'll use a kitchen timer to control each milking session. On the first day the sessions will stop after 8 minutes; on the second day after 7 minutes, on day 3 after 6 and after 5 on day 4. Then we'll continue with 5 minute sessions indefinitely. By my logic proportionately less milk will be extracted in the shorter sessions which should send the reduction message to your body. If your supply decreases we can tinker with the length of the sessions over the longer term- perhaps going back to 6 or 7 minutes. For the early days we'll each need to be highly disciplined to stop all suction when the timer chime goes off. There can't be any fondling or other cheating that might prompt leakage."
Mike and Becca agreed that if the plan was going to work they'd need at least five days of reduced milking to give it a fair chance and that Becca would probably find these days very difficult. They each arranged to take a few days off from work so that with the weekend they'd have six days to devote to the plan. Mike would stay with Becca for the training period.
Mike designated himself as Becca's coach, helper and policeman. He said he was now in charge of Becca's breasts. She was not to touch them and would be wearing her sturdiest nursing bra full time; he'd open and close the flaps for the designated milking periods but otherwise her tits would be encased in the heavy cotton bra. There would be a strict milking schedule. In addition to reducing the duration of the sessions by a minute each day, the schedule would seek to gradually lengthen the time between milkings. He said he would stay away from Becca's breasts except for the milkings. She had to do likewise; in fact, he'd keep Becca's hands in bondage for the six days if that became necessary.
"Yes," said Mike. "If we're going to do this you will follow the rules. I won't hesitate to put you in cuffs if that's what it takes."
"Do you have cuffs?"
"Yes. I have leather bondage cuffs and a bondage belt and lots of other things we might explore if you're so inclined. For now though, I'm only concerned with keeping your hands off those swollen tits. If I can do that I'll improve my chances for having your milk filled tits at my disposal for months."
Becca hesitated and said, "I think I'm seeing a different side of you and it's hot. You just made my panties wet. I've never been involved with anything like bondage but my body seems to like the idea. I also like the idea that you're going to help me keep my milk flowing. It's weird but being forced to provide milk for you and at your direction is a very erotic scenario for me."
"For me, too," said Mike, "so over the next week I'm going to train your tits do what we both want."
Mike anticipated that the most difficult times would be immediately following the forced ending of each session. He told Becca that planning a distraction would be wise and asked how she felt about anal sex.
Becca laughed and said, "As I understand it I'm going to have aching breasts- half full of milk all of the time. While I'm enduring that, your sacrifice is to fuck my ass?"
Mike smiled. "I'm sorry but I can't help with the milk. Presumably you're going to be horny as well as sore. I can help with that and make sure you keep away from your breasts. I thought my being behind you- away from your breasts- and having my cock in your ass might help distract you from your discomfort."
"Well, I guess you're right. I've never had anal sex so it'll certainly be a distraction."
Mike then said, "I think we'll alternate anal sex and doggie position vaginal sex. In addition, if you're well behaved I'll go down on you. Lying back with me sucking on your clit should be a great distraction. I want to give you so much pleasure that you won't be thinking about your tits."
Becca replied, "Mmmm. I like that thought but lying on my back and being aroused I'll really want to play with my tits; in fact, if I'm aching with milk I'll want to squeeze them and express more milk."
"Yes, I thought you might. That's why before we start each session I intend to bind your hands at your sides. You'll stay bound until I'm convinced you have self control. I'm thinking you may need to sleep in the cuffs and belt. I wasn't exaggerating when I said you might be bound most of the time."
In a small voice Becca said, "Oh. That sounds very sexy."
Mike brought Becca to his house saying he needed to pick up some things but not specifying what. He brought her into his bedroom and told her to take off her jacket and blouse and wait for a moment. He removed a large box from his closet but Becca couldn't see its contents. Mike removed a set of leather cuffs, exhibited them to Becca and said she'd be wearing these for the next several days. She wouldn't necessarily be bound all of the time but he wanted the cuffs in place full time starting the next day.
He also showed her a wide leather belt. He placed it around her waist confirming that it was too large by an inch or two. He then retrieved a leather punch and added two rows of additional holes to the belt to accommodate her narrow waist. Trying the belt on her again he closed the clasp and said, "That's better." He left the belt in place.
Mike then retrieved two short leather cords and tied one to a "D" ring on the side of the belt. He pulled Becca's arm down to her side and pinched the cord at a point near her wrist. Holding the point on the cord he tied a small clasp onto the marked location and cut off the excess cord. He then used that cord to fashion a second one of the same length which he then attached to the opposite side of the belt.
Removing the belt he said, "Starting tomorrow I'll connect your wrists to the belt with these cords for each milking and for as long thereafter as I think is necessary. This should leave you enough slack for comfort but not enough to reach your chest. I could simply hook your wrists together behind your back but that's uncomfortable for long periods. Pulling your wrists back also pushes your chest out. I'll enjoy that in the future but for the next few days neither of us needs your chest to be more prominent."
Becca whispered, "Oh my, you've just made my pussy moisten again. I was turned on just by learning you had leather cuffs and a belt. The idea that you customized the belt to fit me and that you've decided I'll be bound is very sexy. Bondage beyond the needs of this week is also intriguing."
Mike returned to the box and retrieved a canvas bag. He put the belt and cuffs into the bag and added several other items from the box which Becca couldn't see. Mike said, "I have a leather bondage bra in there too but it's not big enough for you and obviously it would be in the way. We need you in the nursing bra." He opened his hand to reveal three tiny locks and a key on an elastic cord. He put the cord around his wrist. He then retrieved the punch he'd used on the belt and approached Becca's bra. He punched holes on either side of the front clasp and near the closures for the flaps. He then threaded the shackles of the locks through the sets of holes saying, "These should make your breasts more secure. I'm going to lock the flaps closed and unlock them only for the scheduled milkings. You'll be sleeping in the bra too. Does that moisten your panties?"
"Oh, yes," said Becca. "I can't explain it but all of this kinky stuff is really getting to me."
"Good," replied Mike. "I have a friend who works with leather. After you're finished lactating and we think your breast size is stabilized I'm going to have him make you a leather body harness and a leather bra. I think the black leather will look spectacular against your fair skin. They won't be for every day wear; they'll be for special occasions as defined by me."
As they left Mike's home he took the canvas bag. He also scooped up a small coffee table and brought it with them. Becca questioned the table's use and he simply told her she'd see.
They returned to Becca's condo and finished the day with two 8 minute milkings. Mike followed the timer and locked her bra flaps closed when he was done each time. Becca wasn't uncomfortable and felt almost fully drained. Mike explained that since her tits were the fullest in the morning they'd have another 8 minute session in the morning. They'd reduce the timing each day beginning with the milking that occurred nearest noon each day.
The couple agreed that if the milk didn't start to lessen by the end of six days she'd probably have to abandon lactation. The doctor had pills designed to stop lactation in nursing mothers. She wouldn't prescribe them unless Becca also stopped taking the experimental birth control pills. This would probably result in her breasts shrinking. She didn't want to go back to her natural "B" cup and was afraid Mike would disappear from her life if it happened.
Mike assured her that he wasn't that shallow but secretly he wondered how their sex life would be if Becca didn't have such great tits. They were the focus of their sex life. Mike reflected on his budding love for Becca beyond her tits and his interest in BDSM which he hadn't shared with Becca beyond some suggestive ideas. Perhaps the impending changes in their routine presented an opportunity to explore some alternative sexual paths.
The eight minute sessions went well. Becca felt almost fully drained. She was horny after each session but Mike decreed they weren't having post session sex that day. He wanted to save that for the next day when distraction might be more important. Mike restrained her hands behind her back for each session but released her a few minutes after they were done. Becca wanted to play with her tits but resisted the temptation. They agreed that the next day would be more difficult.
In the morning on the following day Mike attached a leather cuff snuggly to each of Becca's wrists. He sucked on her for 8 minutes per breast without using the belt. At noon he told Becca to strip so he could put the bondage belt on her. With the belt cinched around her, Mike hooked her wrists to the respective 8" leather cord that hung from each side of the belt. Instinctively Becca pulled against her bonds and found that she was securely bound but had some freedom of movement in her hands.
Mike brought Becca to the bed and helped her to a reclining position since she was incapable of using her arms in the normal manner. Mike stripped and assumed his milking position near her breasts. He reached out to start the timer which he'd earlier set to 7 minutes and enveloped Becca's left breast with his hungry mouth. Becca's body reacted to his mouth with even more passion than usual. She gasped and moaned with excitement as her milk flowed readily. Becca whispered, "There's something very exciting about being bound while you suck on me. I think I could really get into this bondage thing."
Mike couldn't respond as his mouth was filled with Becca's large tit and he was frequently swallowing her milk as his mouth refilled. Becca had several orgasms and then to the surprise of both parties the timer chimed. Mike pulled back and Becca moaned saying, "Oh no; I'm not done yet." Milk leaked from her nipple but Mike dutifully avoided it. He told Becca to roll back slightly to expose her other breast and after restarting the timer he enveloped her second nipple. Becca again became aroused and reached orgasm several times before the timer chimed.
Becca moaned as she realized her breasts were still heavy with milk. They weren't full but she was definitely aware of the milk that remained. As she reflected on the prospects of feeling this way for several days Mike locked each of her bra flaps closed. He rolled her onto her back and spread her legs. He moved down between her thighs and slowly brought his mouth to her pussy. The thoughts of her milk dissolved as Becca felt Mike's tongue exploring her pussy. It was a new pleasure since in every other encounter Mike's attention had been limited to her tits. Mike definitely knew what he was doing at her pussy. His mouth teased each lip and the folds of her pussy and drove her crazy as it neared but didn't make contact with her clit.
Becca squirmed on the bed as Mike worked her pussy. She moved rapidly to a state of full arousal- soon seeking to reach a climax. She thought of how nice it would be to fondle her sensitive tits and squeeze her big nipples but then remembered her bound hands. Being restrained added to her arousal. Her breasts were uncomfortable; they cried out for attention but couldn't be touched. Mike's tongue was certainly distracting her but it was a struggle to ignore her heavy tits. His tongue was driving her wild. Mike had pegged her pretty well and the combination of oral sex and bondage had been an excellent idea. An orgasm swept through her and she marveled that he hadn't even touched her clit.
Within thirty seconds of her first orgasm she realized Mike wasn't done, He was now teasing her clit-not attacking it directly but getting teasingly close. He then left her clit and trailed his tongue all the way down to her ass. He seemed to know exactly how to touch her and she was soon building to another climax. Becca's body was lifting off the bed with excitement. Eventually- just as she thought she couldn't take anymore, Mike's mouth descended on her clit and stayed there. Becca succumbed to an earth moving orgasm.
As she floated through that climax Becca felt Mike rolling her onto her side with his body behind her. His hands began to roam over her thighs and hips and it felt good. As his hands explored her hips and ass she pushed back seeking more contact.
Becca felt cool lotion at her anal cleft. Her mind wasn't very clear but she remembered Mike's mentioning anal sex. She deduced that he was beginning to prepare her for that. The cool substance had to be lube. She'd never imagined her ass would be lubed by a man. It was erotic. Being bound naked and getting fucked in the ass was definitely a hot way to spend time with your lover. Becca was aroused before she even felt the first penetration by his finger. When the slippery finger pushed inside coated with the lube it felt more odd than arousing but the forbidden nature of the act was surely exciting. Becca focused on the thought that this was going to happen whether she wanted it or not and was surprised by the increased excitement that fact brought. She liked being helpless.
One finger became two. She felt stretched and afraid. After a moment the fingers were gone and she felt Mike's cock slowly insinuating itself into her tight opening. A girlfriend had once told her having your ass stretched by a hard cock was 'painfully sexy'; she now knew what her friend had meant. The mild but frightening pain soon morphed to pleasure. He was all the way in and was beginning to pull back and push in again. She'd just lost her anal virginity and it felt good. Mike's hand reached around and began teasing her clit. She pressed back to get his cock deeper inside. Between the new sensations of having her ass stuffed by a cock and his touch on her clit Becca was soon overcome by a huge orgasm. Her body convulsed wildly except where it was held by his hand and impaled on his cock.
Becca felt weak; the strength was sapped from every muscle. As she recovered from her climax she focused on still being bound. A new chapter was opening in her life. Mike controlled her breasts and her whole body. Her glands were already making milk but she would have no control over releasing it. Mike would decide when and how much she'd be milked. He'd also decide whether he'd eat her pussy, fuck it or fuck her ass. It was all new but it felt good.
As Mike's cock softened he pulled out of Becca's ass causing her to gasp. Feeling empty for the first time was as shocking as feeling full had been.
Mike got out of bed and reached for her arm. He said they were going to shower together. They'd keep her hair dry but both of their bodies could use a cleaning. He removed her bra, cuffs and belt and said she had to keep her hands down. If he saw them anywhere near her breasts she wouldn't be showering for days. She nodded in agreement. Mike started the shower and adjusted the temperature. Becca stepped into the shower. The water felt great on her tired body. She moved to face the showerhead and stood with the water pounding her chest. Mike noticed and said, "I see you're cheating already- you're using the water to play with your tits. Turn around."
Becca turned saying, "I'm sorry. It felt good. You have no idea how much I want to touch them."
"Okay, but you understand why you can't. It would be like scratching a bug bite- a temporary good feeling but making things worse for the longer term."
Mike washed Becca's body except her breasts. He was very tempted to run his soapy hands over them but knew this shower would set the precedent for the next several days. Self discipline was critical.
Following their shower Mike helped dry Becca's upper body and insisted on putting her bra back in place before she could finish drying off or dressing. He inserted absorbent pads and relocked the bra's flaps. He then carefully positioned the cups over her sensitive breasts to minimize the friction of moving the garment over her nipples which were erect and dripping slightly. When her breasts were secure Mike announced they were going shopping so she should put on something to wear out of the house.
When questioned by Becca as to where they were going Mike told her it was to buy some sexy panties and garter belts. He said, "I didn't fully appreciate it before today. Your ass is exquisite. It's not large and bulbous as some men like but to me it's perfect. Your thighs are muscular and your ass continues their lines. It's very sexy. Some nice panties, garter belts, stockings and higher heels will display it perfectly."
"Do I get a vote?" asked Becca.
"No," replied Mike. "I'll be the judge of how best to display your body." The comment stunned Becca but she liked their new roles.
Becca's remaining milkings that day proceeded in a similar way. After each session Mike went down on her and gave her a huge orgasm. After one session Mike used a dildo in her ass and vibrator in her pussy bringing her off a second time. She was surprised by the toys and later learned Mike had brought them from his home in the canvas bag.
Becca slept with her wrists bound to the belt for the first time that night. She was wearing only her bra and panties which made her feel almost naked. Getting comfortable took a long time but as Becca fell asleep she felt good about how the day had gone and was excited for the upcoming changes that might occur with Mike in charge.
In the morning her 7 minute milking left her partially full breasts uncomfortable but she didn't complain. Except for their daily shower together she remained belted and bound all morning.
At noon Becca was feeling very uncomfortable but was anticipating relief soon. When she called Mike's attention to the clock He said, "I know what time it is. Today's milkings are not going to be as often. They'll be at one o'clock, 6 and 11."
Becca protested that there'd be only four for the day and she'd been doing 5 and sometimes 6. Mike replied, "Obviously, I know that. We're trying to send your glands a message. They need to produce less."
Becca started to cry and Mike held her lovingly. When one o'clock finally came Becca was desperate. The milking was uneventful except that when the timer sounded after only 7 minutes for each breast, Becca moaned and was close to tears. Mike pleasured her orally and she loved it but that only lasted for a short while. She knew she was facing a long afternoon with heavy breasts.
On the next day Mike said it was time for a little variety. He undressed Becca, unlocked her bra flaps, and unhooked her wrists from the belt. He lay down on the bed naked with the timer set and within reach. He asked for Becca's help and lifted the small coffee table he'd brought from home- placing it on the bed over his torso. His shoulders, arms and head were exposed on the one side and his lower body was on the other side.
Mike told Becca to kneel over his hips and then lie across the table with her breasts near his mouth. She was to use her arms to help position her left breast at his mouth and to support her upper body as needed. When she was in position Mike opened both bra flaps and her breasts hung obscenely from her chest.
Mike started the timer and sucked on her left side.
Becca found the position strangely erotic. She felt almost like a cow as her breast hung at Mike's mouth and wondered if she should be insulted. In fact, however, it felt good to have her heavy breast hanging and being sucked. She concluded it was a pleasurable- if kinky- variation. As was the norm Becca enjoyed several strong orgasms as Mike sucked on first one breast and then the other for seven minutes each.
When the time was up, Mike told Becca to kneel upright, lift the table while he rolled out and then to put the table back where it had been. She did as instructed. Mike then told her to lie down over the table again keeping her hands on the mattress for support and where he could see them. Becca moved onto the table and realized her half full tits were now both hanging freely several inches above the bed. The position was even more obscene now that Mike wasn't beneath her.
Mike then moved behind Becca and ate out her pussy while her breasts hung free and dripped sporadically onto the bed. Becca found the combination of her breasts swinging freely and his oral attention to her pussy incredibly arousing. Watching droplets of milk form at each nipple and then drop to the bed was tantalizing. She stared at her nipples even though she knew she shouldn't. Becca cried out in passion and told Mike how heavy her tits felt. She called Mike a cruel pervert and pleaded with him to touch her breasts. Mike ignored her outbursts except to remind Becca that her hands were to stay on the mattress. Her protests evolved into cries of passion as she was overwhelmed by the largest orgasm of the past several days.
Mike moved up to kneel behind Becca. He grabbed her hips and buried his cock into her exposed pussy. She screamed as he thrust into her with long hard strokes. Her tits swung wildly and droplets of milk flew off toward the head of the bed. Becca's eyes lost focus but seeing her milk arc over the bed was truly obscene. She could see the cuffs on her wrists and reflected on her being Mike's milky sex toy. She'd been in bondage for countless hours and was now only free so Mike could suck and fuck her in a new position. She had to brace her arms to hold her position as Mike pounded into her. Becca's mind centered on Mike's big cock in her pussy. He'd never fucked her this hard. She definitely liked this new chapter in her life.
As they neared the end of their shared days off from work, Mike said, "When we go back to work we'll be able to do three milkings at home but one will be in the middle of the work day. I considered giving your friend Mary a copy of your bra key but decided we could meet at midday instead. Memorial Park is about halfway between our offices. You can drive there in 15 minutes. I can do it in 15 to 20. Each day, unless you call me to reschedule, you'll leave your office at exactly 12:30 and I'll meet you in the left rear corner of the parking lot."
"You're sending me to work with the padlocks on my bra and you're going to milk me in public?
"Yes," replied Mike. "The parking lot is pretty empty during the week. I'll suck on you, lock up your bra and you'll be on your way back to work. I'm not proposing sex in public- just nursing.
"As to the locks, I could probably trust you not to touch yourself but I like the imagery of the locks. I especially like the little 'clicks' when I lock each flap. It reaffirms my control. That's how I want to send you off to work- locked up tight until I unlock you."
Becca said, "You're definitely a perv. Fortunately, I am too. My pussy just clenched when you mentioned the 'clicks' I like that little noise, too."
The couple carried out Mike's plan for the workweek without incident. Each day involved a milking at home before work, a quick meeting at the park, an after work session at home and one at bedtime. Post milking sex was generally limited to the after work session. No bondage was required but Mike hooked Becca's wrists together behind her back for a few milkings. When Becca observed that it wasn't needed, Mike replied, "I didn't say it was. It's just how I want you."
On Saturday morning Mike put the bondage belt on Becca which she accepted without comment. He cuffed her wrists to the belt which again she accepted. Following her milking Mike took his time teasing Becca's pussy orally bringing her off twice. He then fucked her ass for his pleasure.
After his climax, Mike spooned against Becca's body and said, "I think we've tamed your milk flow. What do you think?"
Becca responded, "Yes, I guess we have. I've adjusted to the four sessions a day and my breasts haven't exploded."
"No, they haven't," replied Mike. He hesitated and then continued, "I have a proposition for you. Don't answer right away. Take an hour or a day if you want."
"Oh ...That sounds serious."
Mike then said, "What I'm about to say obviously depends on some biological things we can't control. If your milk stops after you stop the pill, so be it. I'm guessing, however, that so long as you have me sucking on you, your milk will continue.
"Assuming that, I'm proposing a formal contract by which you agree to produce milk under my control and for my pleasure for twelve months starting now. I will continue in full control of your breasts- how they're milked, clothed and when we go out how they're displayed. My control will be absolute except that I will not pierce or tattoo you. As a practical matter I'll probably let you use the pump during your workdays. You'll be on the honor system to pump only for the time I've specified. This would also apply if I have to travel or if I'm sick. I'll be staying at your condo and will suck your breasts at every scheduled milking that I can.
"I might keep locks on your bra some of the time but for when we're together I'll be dressing you in much sexier bras. You'll be on the honor system to not play with your tits unless directed by me.
"The contract will give me full flexibility with your milking schedule. I think I'd like to try seven minute milking sessions for a while. Staying with 4 sessions per day that may leave you somewhat full and uncomfortable part of the time but you will not be permitted to relieve yourself. I might change the schedule. I don't necessarily mean I'd change it to make it easier. I might make it harder.
"I love the idea of controlling your supply. I get excited knowing your tits are swollen with my milk and that I control your relief and sexual pleasure. It may be perverted but putting my mouth on you when you're really full is all the more exciting. I may want to push your limits a little- making you hold more."
"Oh my," replied Becca.
Mike then continued, "The strict limits of the past ten days have been important. They'll remain the core of our contract. From time to time- at my discretion- I'll put aside all limits and suck you dry. I'll ravish your breasts for pure sexual pleasure. That might be for one milking session or for a whole day but then I'll require that we go back to the strict limits of the schedule. Controlling your flow on a regular, disciplined schedule with periodic unlimited lustful sucking should address our mutual needs. I believe that's the best twelve month plan."
"Yes," breathed Becca. "I like the ravishing and lustful part."
"The contract will give me full power to control what you wear. You won't be hiding your body under business suits all of the time. I will select all of your bras. I know your big tits need support but we're going to find sexy bras. I may get a seamstress to modify the straps so the cups can be turned down for milking access but the bras won't be your matronly nursing bras. You'll also be wearing higher heels and tighter skirts to show off your ass and legs more than in the past. The contract will require that you wear whatever I direct; you'll have to trust me. I'll respect the bounds of good taste for your workplace.
"Finally, it's understood that I do not want to dehumanize you. While I may be kinky and perverted I will treat you with respect. Neither of us will ever use the term 'cow' or anything demeaning like that. Similarly, I am not a 'baby' nor are you my 'mommy'. The proposed contract is about sex. It's between me and a very sexy woman who's blessed with huge milk filled breasts. You want to keep them as they are. You need a loving man who is obsessed with your tits and is happy to service them regularly. That's me. I want to control your breasts and enjoy them sexually. Actually, we should both enjoy them sexually. I want a 12 month commitment. The contract assumes you welcome my control and will submit your tits to me for a full year. That's the proposal."
Without hesitation Becca replied, "Prepare the contract and bring me a pen." | literotica |
Title: beginnings by dbj_rab
Tags: M/M, Rabbit, Transformation, Wolf
The human whimpers as he crawls/runs into the darkness of the woods... afraid... crying as he runs..faster..faster..from the inevitability of his "curse.."
He pants... trying to outrun whatever it is that's "chasing" him... "no no nooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he shouts.. "I am not like that.. I am not one of you.." he cries.. tripping over a root, falling to the ground.
Heavy breathing is heard as the "beast" gets closer... He soon looms over the human.. eyes glaring at him.. "Why do you run little man? I am you.. this is what you truly are... do not fear it.. " the black stranger said..
The man whimpered.. "But why is this happening now?"..
"There is a change coming... and you need to be free... free to reveal your true self... which is what I am... you must face facts that you are a furry.." he said.. coming closer...
"Please.. this is so new to me.. I.. I've never experienced this before.." the man replied..
"Well just embrace your true soul little man... " the being said as he bent down to hug him close.. whispering.. "things will be just fine... you'll gain many new friends to help you out.. ".. hugging him closer... merging with him.. soon becoming one.. as a flash of light flares around his body.. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"WE are now one.. welcome to the furry world.." the being said as he disappeared...
Narik moaned as he emerged from the forest.. now noticing things sharper.. clearer.. closer..
He glanced down at his now furred naked form.. wondering in amazement and fear...
He moves his paws and flexed his wolf claws... growling softly.. feeling his tail move back and forth.. moved his paws softly over his body.. shivering as he caressed his now furry balls..and sheath...
He pants as he ponders what to do... wondering if he can still be the same... He soon decides to go home and rest.. "This is all a dream.. I'll be back to normal soon.." he thinks as he crawls into his window and climb into bed.. snoozing as his head hits the pillow.....
Narik woke up to the sun.. feeling nice and warm.. he pads into the bathroom.. and screams as he sees his furry form.. "AAAAAAHHHHH" thought it was a dream he thinks to himself..
He paces.. glancing at his paws.. wondering what to do... He glances out his window and hears several screams like his own.. a few newly frred furries rush out.. dashing around and knocking into each other...
"huh.. so I'm not the only one.." he thinks.. as he decides to head out and join his newly furred "brothers"..
He notices a rabbit leaning back.. shaking it's head.. "Hmm.. how come he's not going about like a lunatic?" Narik thinks as the wolf pads towards him...
"Hey friend.. do you know what's going on?" he asks as he approaches.
The rabbit merely nods. "well care to tell me?!? " Narik growled...
"Oh I could.. but doubt you'd understand.." the rabbit replies.. smiling softly...
"What ! why you.." Narik growled and made to lunge himself at the rabbit as the rabbit jumped over his head and landed behind him.. kicking him making him sprawl down on his face...
Narik growled a bit.. feeling his rage burning up.. but soon calms down...
"Ok fine.. be that way.." he said as he turned around and looked for others who were more... talkative..
The rabbit giggles slightly.. thinking.."Hmm cute wolf.." glancing as his swaying ass...
The rabbit sighed as he turned to head towards his home. He walked in and turned on his computer... "Such fools.." he thinks as he begins to log on and search for a chat room..
He soon finds the one he's looking for and starts to "talk".. clicking on his cam.. to make sure that those talking on other screen are actual furs and not humans posing and pretending to be one of them....
After chatting for a bit.. he leaves his computer on .. waiting for a download. He then studies a bit and takes a nap...
Meanwhile Narik was walking around..wondering what the fuck was going on..
He was so confused.. oh sure he felt something... he thought it was mainly spiritual thing that he had a wolf's soul.. but didn't think he was an actual fur.. freaks he used to call them... oh sure they gained pop popularity when they first surfaced.. mainly as sex objects.. which some haven't complained but lots wanted more and started to go back to their lives as normal.. most "humans" accepting them.. not knowing that it signaled their end of this world a the beginnings of a new one.. where the world will be thrusted back into the way it was and should have been....
Narik ponders this was we walks around.. wondering what to do.. He then decides to go back home...
He goes into his room and turns on his computer.. deciding to chat with others...
He logs in and goes in search of a room... "Hmm this looks promising.." he thinks.. wonder how easily fooled these guys can be? " he thinks.. deciding to play a joke with them all.. his supressed anger and human raising.. began to surface as he lured some furs into a promise of friendship.. claiming to be something he was not... something different... just for amusement...
Think I'll call myself a macro mutant... he thinks as he types and lures furs into his web of lies..
He laughs softly to himself as he picks up old pics he drew when he was feeling out of state and scanned them in.. He was taken back however by their encouragement that he should continue.. "i.. I should stop this..." he thinks... beginning to tell them that he was a fur but still mostly human at heart.....
He was again taken aback by their response.. "Huh.. these guys really are caring.. ". as he reads that they don't care.. as long as he remains true to himself and don't harm others in the process... Narik cries softly as he.. feels his anger exploding.. he then grows a bit out of it... doing things he wouldn't normally do as his evil persona took over.. ruining his life.. . "what's going on..?? why am I acting like this?" he thinks as he tries to regain control... | FSE |
Title: Freyja Inc. Ch. 09
Tags: tickling
**Chapter Nine
Birds of a feather**
Shea sat on the sofa viewing numerous videos of past fantasies as she waited for the inevitable. She watched Yanna in three different submissive scenarios and Katrina in two dominatrix scenarios before she selected one of Danielle's videos. All the while she continued to lightly rub on her breast and now exposed pussy. Each video gave her new insight into the world she now belonged to.
The light stimulation she treated herself to brought her to a plane of sexual desire and arousal just shy of uncontrollable wantonness. A place she felt was best for the moment because she didn't want to over stimulate herself before the upcoming events.
Selecting Danielle's adventure was probably not the best move she could have made but it was too late now. On the screen Danielle was busy working over one of the largest cocks Shea had ever witnessed. The thing had to be eleven inches long and thick enough to stretch her lips to half their normal width. Sucking the helmet shaped head deep into her throat Danielle rotated both of her hands around the shaft in opposite directions generating glorious friction on the man's sex organ.
Shea was amazed at how skillful she was at working such a large piece of meat. As she continued to ogle the size of the member Shea found herself opening her mouth and moving her head in rhythm with Danielle.
Fingers danced across her clit as the action on screen heated up. A faint warmth started to come over Shea as Danielle slowly licked the length of the shaft from tip to base coating it with her saliva. Shea knew Danielle was preparing him of insertion into her hot little hole as she lubed him up.
Closing her eyes Shea could picture licking the massive cock side by side with Danielle wondering what it would feel like buried as deep as physically possible in her vaginal cavity. The thought of something reaching the inner most depths of her womanhood sent a shiver through her body.
Opening her eyes and quickly removing her fingers from her moist twitching pussy Shea reinforced her control over her sexual desires. Focusing in on the screen she found Danielle laying on her back with her legs tucked under her arms spread wide in anticipation of the intrusion of that long hard cock.
As the tip slowly slipped in Shea watched Danielle's face light up with joy. Inch by inch the slick shiny rod disappeared into the warm folds of Danielle's sex. Half of the length found its way home during the first initial slow drive. Puling out then returning, the amount of cock buried inside Danielle increased with each thrust until only three inches remained. Shea could tell by the way Danielle grunted with each stroke that he was hitting the bottom of her inner walls.
A funny look was now coming over Danielle's face as the tempo of the thrusts increased. A more desperate needy look started to replace the calm sexy appearance she once had. With passion in her eyes Danielle began crying out, "More! Give me more you fucking stud!"
The man complied and began driving home harder forcing the remaining length to push past the outer lips of Danielle's hungry pussy. With her head thrown back and legs pulled even further back Danielle was taking everything the man could give her and wanting more.
Breasts bouncing too and fro along with the unforgettable image of a long hard rod impaling her Danielle looked the vision of a woman on fire.
A small amount of secretion started to escape Shea's tender lips; the amount of sexual desire was reaching a dangerous peak. Shea quickly turned off the TV in an effort to regain some control of her physical state and pondered the outcome of her future acts.
Checking the clock above the bar she realized she only had an hour before her first fantasy was to take place. Shea felt it was a good idea to freshen up before she was to be given away to Mr. von Mises.
Returning to her room she removed her dress now wrinkled and showing signs of dampness on the skirt where her juices leaked out and prepared to shower.
As the frigid blast of water cascaded down her body Shea felt the edge of her sexual flame subside slightly; the outcome was not as complete as she would have liked. Careful not to rub too firmly as she washed Shea readied herself for the night to come.
It was becoming a regular thing for her to take a cold shower these days; her work had kept her from satisfying the inner desires of pleasure. The last time she received a hard cock was the night of Tess's going away party which was far too long.
Self stimulation and sexual dreams were all she had to temper the growing need for good hard sweaty sex.
Back in her room Shea double checked her public region for strays; she had maintained a very close watch on the design she loved so much keeping it as pristine as possible. Groomed properly she went about drying her hair and curling her auburn locks allowing the heavy curls to flow down over her shoulders. A hint of delicate perfume and a small amount of color to her cheeks and lips completed the process as she wrapped herself in her robe and waited.
Sitting in her chair looking out the window Shea daydreamed of the visions she had witnessed on the screen earlier that afternoon. A call from Wesley in her earpiece notifying her of the approaching time sent butterflies to her stomach.
Shea realized that any moment she would be lead down a path of pleasure and hopefully sexual gratification. Thinking to herself she didn't want anything embarrassing to happen she went to the bathroom to evacuate her system. The thought of being tickled reminded her of the time she pee her pants in Junior High when a guy pinned her down and tickled her to the point of losing control of her bladder.
When she exited the small half bath Shea found Wesley standing by the bed holding a pure white linen cloak and the white feathered mask. Like a true gentleman he helped Shea secure the mask and draped the cloak around her shoulders tying the strings just below her neck so it wouldn't fall. Lifting the hood up and over her hair he arranged it so her face was slightly hidden from view leaving her appearance a mystery to all that looked upon her.
With the cloak secure Wesley held out his hand to lead her out of the room, "It is time my dear. Trust the ladies and everything will be just fine. Allow yourself to enjoy the fantasy and you will be surprised at just how much your body will reward you in the end."
Walking her out into the hall Wesley relinquished Shea to the awaiting ladies. Three figures dressed in black cloaks stood ominous just outside her door. A rush of fear came over Shea as the three lead her down the hall to the main room where von Miese was patiently expecting her arrival.
Entering the room Shea could see that all of the lights were off except for a spot light over a large contraption in what appeared to be an odd looking X. The lower arms extended down and out at an angle while the upper arms did the same going up towards the ceiling. In the middle there was a long extension approximately two feet in length.
The three dark cloaked ladies brought Shea to the middle of the room under the spot light and turned her facing von Mises. Standing around her they remained still until he gave them a command at which point each one in order removed their hood and dropped the cloak shrouding them to the floor.
Shea watched in aw as the gorgeous bodies of her fellow ladies came into view. Shea was still amazed at the figures these three ladies possessed; each one a beautiful temptress in their own right. With each one having their hair slicked back and in a tight braid down their back they looked the quintessential role of sirens. The feathered masks added an erotic touch to the naked form of each girl as they stood there motionless allowing von Mises to inspect each one in his own time.
Shea noticed that the only difference between their attire and hers other than the color of the mask was they all wore four inch heels lifting them up higher than her as if they had control and power over their captive.
Von Mises waved his hand and the ladies turned on Shea removing her cloak exposing her body for the first time. The rush of cool air sent chills up her spine as the fabric pooled around her feet. Walking around Shea, von Mises examined his subject verifying his approval. As he returned to his original spot a small light washed over a table just to the side revealing items he had readied for the event.
Shea quickly looked over the items on the table finding two furry gloves, four fine point paint brushes, and five feathers that had been stripped to the quill except for the top portion. Each feather had its veins separated leaving them a fuzzy spooned top of soft fingers.
Mr. von Mises retrieved the gloves and instructed Katrina and Danielle to spread Shea's feet wide and hold her arms out to the side parallel to the floor. Placing one glove on his hand he handed the other to Yanna instructing her to do the same.
With Shea spread out wide and vulnerable von Mises began rubbing the soft furry glove over her arms and shoulders with the lightest of touch. Nodding at Yanna, he gave her the go ahead to do the same on the back side of Shea's body.
The two delicately brushed Shea's skin waking up every nerve ending. The touch was just slightly ticklish but it wasn't meant to be overpowering. Shea watched as von Mises slowly dragged his hand across the top of her chest just below the collar bones. Behind her Yanna was tracing the outline of her shoulder blades and trailing down the sides just under her arms. The feeling was nice and Shea could sense the nerves of her body coming alive as they worked their way over her body.
A trail of tingles followed the furry texture as the hands caressing her body moved over very square inch. While circling her breast von Mises took special care not to touch Shea's already stiffening nipples. It was painfully obvious she was already in a steady state of arousal before she ventured into the room but touching them now would push her too far at this early stag.
The more skin touched the warmer Shea's body became; it was as if they were setting a slow burning fire in her that radiated heat to where ever the gloves traced. Yanna had made her way down to the firm cheeks of Shea's ass tenderly warming up her backside with the tricky little glove. In front von Mises was now sliding over the fleshy mound above Shea's clit; the fur of the glove snagged the thin line of auburn hair forming the flamed design resulting in a real tickle. Shea danced a little as the feeling sprang through her body.
Seeing her reaction von Mises smiled and said, "Sie bildet einen feinen Sklaven."
In Shea's mind von Mises statement translated to "She will make a fine slave."
Playing along with the fantasy Shea thought of the proper response "Only for you my master." But when her mouth opened and the words came out it was different than what she heard in her head, "Nur für dich mein Meister."
The shock of speaking another language stunned Shea for a moment as she pondered how she knew what he said and how to answer back. Concentrating on the issue she realized the lectures she had been listening to on languages must have worked. She could speak conversational German.
A pulse of pure pleasure rocked her out of this little thought series as von Mises stroked the furry glove directly over her moist hungry pussy.
A slow steady stroke over her most sensitive region caused Shea's hips to start rocking back and forth against his hand in an attempt to increase the pressure and pleasure to no avail.
Yanna and von Mises continued their nerve awakening down Shea's tone legs until they reached her feet. Once complete von Mises walked away and waved for the girls to secure Shea to the apparatus standing large behind her.
Adjusting the fur lined cuffs around Shea's ankles Katrina and Danielle lifted her arms up and locked her wrist in the cuffs high upon the X. Once bound to the X spread eagle Yanna flip the latch allowing the entire thing to swing out laying Shea flat facing up towards the ceiling. The extension rested along Shea's back just above her bare cheeks to the base of her neck leaving her head hanging over the edge and full access to her butt and pussy.
Each girl took up position at the head of Shea standing about four feet past the reach of her arms. With her head hanging down Shea was treated to a wonderful view of three very lovely pussies clean and fresh glistening with moisture. From the looks of their wet folds Shea could tell that the other girls were turned on just as much as she was with the situation.
Handing each girl a brush von Mises gave them their assignments and turned his attention to Shea. Katrina walked up to Shea's face lifting her by the back of the head and slowly started to wisp the fine bristles of her brush over Shea's lips. A Slight tickle caused Shea to smile as the gentle stroke painted over her soft facial lips.
Danielle and Yanna moved to her sides and with pinpoint accuracy brushed the outer edge of each areola forcing the skin to tighten. The light touch made Shea suck in a deep breath raising her breast even higher. The tickle was more intense on her breast than her lips bringing her nipples to full attention. Shea wiggled a little as both tender nerve bundles were stimulated. The feeling was good but Shea could tell right away that if they spent too much time on her nipples she wouldn't be able to stop from giggling.
The tickle on her lips mixed with the sensation coming from her nipples re-ignited the burning feeling she had earlier that day. Shea realized that maybe it was a mistake to deny her self that orgasm she held off on while watching the videos. As the flames began to rise across her breast a new more explosive feeling began down below.
From her vantage point Shea could see the top of von Mises centered between her legs. She wasn't sure exactly what he was doing but it felt like he was lightly brushing the area around her pussy. Slowly the circles he painted over her flesh closed in until the fine hairs of his brush were gliding up and down the length of her outer lips. The delicate touch sent waves of delight and torture through her body. Shea wiggled attempting to escape the touch that tickled her most tender of areas.
As Danielle and Yanna made their way up the sides of her erect nipples Katrina moved the brush she wielded along the slender neck of Shea bringing forth goose bumps over her arms. With the girls increasing their torment of Shea's upper body von Mises guided his brush along the edge of Shea's protruding lips down below. This new touch was intense, a slight laughter escaped Shea re-enforcing von Mises' intent as he slowly tickled her pussy.
Attempting to control her body Shea became ridged only to give way to the light touch that was driving her crazy. Soon her pelvis was shifting left, right, up, and down in a futile attempt to escape the touch.
Now as Yanna and Danielle reached to apex of her nipples Shea was squirming around in full response to the tickle. Shea could feel the heat building in her breasts as pleasure increased from the light touch. The brush strokes on her face moved from her neck to her cheeks and down to her earlobes causing her to turn her head from side to side trying to avoid contact with Katrina's brush.
Suddenly an overwhelming feeling came from Shea's backdoor; von Mises was circling her puckered hole with his brush. The nerves back there ignited like a jet engine roaring to life; electrical jolts caused her muscles to twitch and fire. The view of her tight opening flexing as the sensations overpowered her body's control brought a smile to von Mises' face for the first time today.
Shea torqued her body as best she could failing to avoid the touch as he tightened the circles until he was pressing the fine hairs of his brush directly into her squeezing hole. None of the bristles penetrated her but the tickle they caused now forced Shea to laugh out loud in a desperate cry for him to stop.
Quickly scanning the faces of the other girls Shea found no sympathy form them as they too increased the tickle administered by their brush.
Shea felt trapped at this point; the first time since she arrived that she felt completely out of control; every other time she knew that if it became too intense she could just back away for a moment allowing her self to regain control of her body. Bound and stretched as she was Shea struggled unsuccessfully as her captures played her body like it was their own personal toy.
With the constant tickle coming from multiple directions Shea's body was on fire. A rise in her heart rate and laughter that robbed her of breath pushed Shea to the edge. Just as she felt like she couldn't take anymore von Mises relented his abuse of her puckered hole and returned to the enflamed lips of her pussy. This time he outlined them from one side over to the other tracing the edge of the skin fold as it formed the hood protecting her clit.
If her ass hole was ticklish her clit was the panic button to a feeling so strong laughter couldn't explain. With each passing of his brush von Mises made sure to encompass more of the little nub. The girls were working overtime bringing their respective verve bundles to life. Shea's face felt like butterflies were flapping their delicate wings all over her and Yanna and Danielle had brought her nipples to a new definition of hard. Explosion was what Shea thought in her head as the throbbing began in her steel hard buds resting atop her round beautiful breast. The throbbing heat ready to erupt out of her nipples resembling a volcano was all she could see in her mind.
It was mere seconds from that thought that she felt von Mises fingers apply pressure next to her clit. A strong dull sensation that was welcome at this point; every nerve in her body was on fire from the light touch and Shea was screaming out now with pleasurable torture. Orgasm was not out of the question at this point.
The dull sensation down below changed as Shea could feel the protective hood covering her clit slide back exposing the bulb to the cool air of the room. Before she could register what was about to happen the first of many little swipes of the brush crossed the button sending her into a screaming fit of decadent delight. Katrina by now had released her head allowing it to fall back as she straddled Shea's head adding her brush to the mix dancing over her goose bumped flesh.
As the electric charge pulsed out from Shea's clit her body vibrated on the X making it hard for all to stay on task. Moisture was flowing now from deep within coating her sex with sweet juices. Von Mises directed his brush with more frequency over Shea's clit as he began blowing a soft breeze along the damp lips cooling her pussy as he tickled.
The levy broke with the added torment to her pussy and Shea snapped her head up in response; little did she know Katrina's very wet pussy was perched above her. As Shea's face came up eyes closed her mouth and nose rammed into a wet sugary hole surprising Katrina to the point she yelped out. Shea was in no state to render pleasure to Katrina but that didn't matter; Katrina gyrated her hips over Shea's face inducing pleasure of her own.
Seeing the situation von Mises became excited that his slave was buried face first in the honey hole of one of his assistants.
The gentle torture was mounting as Shea could feel her orgasm pressing to the forefront. Gasping for air as Katrina rolled her wet hole over her mouth and nose Shea screamed with pleas of release sending strong vibrations through Katrina's sensitive flesh.
An awkward dance of joy and a slight yelp announced Katrina's reaction to the muffled cries.
Trashing her head side to side Shea wanted, needed something to change either she would be allowed to crest the top of her orgasm or she would disrupt the torment that held her on the edge. Without thinking she bit down on the tender soft skin of Katrina's thigh just adjacent to her pussy. The clamping of her teeth was not hard enough to break the skin but more than enough to leave a bruise.
Jumping back away from Shea's head Katrina cried out with pain, "The little bitch bit me!"
This new piece of information spoke volumes to von Mises; he knew that his unusual form of torture had produced the intended effect. Halting all contact with his slave he informed each of the girls to stop and step back. Now the final phase of his fantasy was ready to be put into play.
Handing Yanna and Danielle each one feather he instructed them to position themselves next to Shea along side of each breast. Katrina was given two feathers and told to move in behind him at her feet. Von Mises centered himself between Shea's legs and again pulled back the hood of her clit and started to stroke the throbbing bud bringing her back to the boiling point she attained just moments earlier.
As he continued his manipulation of her most sensitive nerve bundle the girls alternated strokes along her ribs and underarms and across the arches of her feet. The feathers painted a wider swath across her skin than the brushes. The tactile feeling was much more intense burning a path of electrical sparks that lingered long past the delicate touch. Three different levels of tickle had been achieved tonight and Shea was now in for the tickle of her life.
Shea flopped and twisted her body in a feeble attempt to avoid the tickle; her cries of laughter soon transformed into grunts and gasps. Holding her head up so she could see Shea scanned the faces of each participant making eye contact with each. At one point Yanna looked into her eyes and she could see the pleas of a desperate woman. A look far too familiar to her as she too had been in this position before except her pleas came from a more brutal torture than the one Shea was enduring.
Yanna and Danielle alternated strokes along Shea's sides and breast keeping her torso twisting as they proceeded with there task. Katrina feeling a little vengeful set a relentless pace of tickles along the underside of Shea's feet causing her legs to shake violently without rest. In the middle von Mises kept up his never ending stroke causing a convulsion to begin inside Shea's womb that indicated the approach of a massive orgasm. Once he was able to see her opening start to contract and close as the pulses grew stronger he knew his moment was near.
With cold hearted calculation he ordered all of the girls to stop and moved away from Shea. Her pleading eyes jumped from one face to another with a desperation she had never expressed before. Taking one of Katrina's feathers he ordered her to move down between Shea's legs and kneel down so she was eye level with her pussy. Yanna and Danielle took up positions at each foot and waited for further instructions. With the girls repositioned von Mises moved to the head and finally showed the goal of his fantasy. Opening his fly he uncoiled his stiff member from its restraints and lined it up with Shea's mouth.
Standing ready he ordered Katrina to take two fingers and slip them inside Shea's leaking hot hole and press along the upper wall just behind the pubic bone. As she obliged Shea let out a loud, "OHHHH" which gave him the opportunity to slide his hard cock into her mouth muffling her audible conformation of pleasure. With his cock firmly placed in her mouth he took the two feathers he wielded and began stroking her ribs and armpits causing her to bounce on the X. Yanna and Danielle were given orders to tickle Shea's feet relentlessly as Katrina managed to keep pressure on the ruff little spot inside Shea's aching pussy. Muffled cries escaped from around his cock as he closed his eyes and continued to torment Shea into a quivering mass of flesh.
Katrina informed him that Shea's inner walls were starting to contract and relax around her fingers as they pushed her further down the path of decadent pleasure. As von Mises felt his own release growing near he told Katrina to start stroking Shea's clit again with her feather. The whisper light touches of the feather over her clit and surrounding mound shot Shea into orbit. The muscles in her stomach cramped up robbing her of breath. Struggling to suck in air around von Mises swollen cock made Shea light headed and caused her to hyperventilate as her orgasm raced foreword.
The soreness of constant muscle contraction throughout her body was setting in and Shea knew that she could hold off much longer. Try as she might the inevitable was coming to a violent end. The fire that had been building deep within her body was manifesting itself in a pounding pulsating contraction in her nipples and crotch. Shea could feel the skin of her nipples tighten with each heart beat as her nipples reached a totally new level of hardness. The rosy little buds felt as if they were about to rupture as the blood coursed through them. Her clit bounced up and down twitching from the stroke of the feather and her inner walls clamped down so hard she thought they would lockup around Katrina's fingers.
With toes curled under Shea's feet shook uncontrollably as Yanna and Danielle continued their constant swipe of the feathers. Von Mises applied even steady strokes to the ribs and armpits forcing Shea's ribcage to squeeze down upon her lungs denying breath.
Suddenly the dam burst and Shea arched her back thrashing about as her orgasm ravaged her body. The feeling of release started deep within her chest and quickly rolled down into her belly. Like a knot her stomach cramped collapsing her inner walls like a vice; the pressure placed on her trigger by Katrina's fingers elicited an eruption of orgasmic fluids that sprayed out splashing along Katrina's upper chest coating her breasts with a clear viscous sheen.
Shea's cries of ecstasy reverberated around von Mises' member sending jolts down into his balls bringing him to the moment of ejaculation. Quickly he pulled free of her mouth and ran around to her side. As Shea quaked into unconsciousness he stroked his rod with short hard pumps releasing his seed. Squeezing the base of his cock he controlled the flow of white sticky spunk tracing out a lower case "v" fallowed by an upper case "M" on her stomach. Twitching himself von Mises staggered back catching his breath as he admired his handy work.
As Shea lay there limp and non-responsive von Mises thanked the girls for their roles in the fantasy and asked when he would be able to get a copy of the video. "I have to say that was the most intense experience I have ever been a part of." He replied as they all stood around the limp form strapped to the X.
Covered in Shea's cum Katrina told him to expect a package delivery within two days of the transfer of money. With that the girls dawned their cloaks and escorted him out for is trip home.
Alone and still unconscious Shea lay spread eagle on the apparatus as Wesley and Hershel entered the room.
"Wesley I have to say you have on special little hellcat there on your hands. I hope you're able to handle her. I would hate for her to end up like the last one." Hershel said as he removed the bindings on her wrists.
As he released her ankles Wesley replied, "I sure do, and this one will be special. I am not going to let her venture too far down the path of decadence without someone there to take care of her."
Wesley lifted the dead weight of Shea off the X and slowly made his way back towards her room as Hershel cleaned the area and removed all of the evidence of what happened there tonight.
Morning came and Shea opened her eyes finding herself lying in her bed. Rolling over to get up her body screamed from the soreness that set in as she slept; every muscle in her body ached as if she had preformed some strenuous exercise the day before. Slowly she sat up and stood upon shaky legs trying to remember everything that transpired the night before. Replaying the events in her mind Shea realized she had the most intense fulfilling orgasm she had ever reached in her life. To this date nothing in her sexual experiences had ever measured up to the feeling she had last night.
Making her way down to the showers Shea soaked for what seamed and hour allowing her body to release the soreness it had pinned up. Today was going to be hard as she gradually recovered from von Mises erotic little fantasy. | literotica |
Title: Bernard and the Queen
Tags: historical
*The genesis of the story is rooted in a classic novel with a similar scene that just didn't go far enough, in my opinion. Consider this story to be set in France or a France-like nation, sometime around the 17th century. That will help explain some of the style choices. It is an initial pass at what could become a longer story.*
Bernard was entering the Queen's chambers. He was a tall, reasonably handsome young man, but so retiring in manner his pleasing appearance was subsumed by his diffidence. However, despite an aspect of timidity, this young man had risen far in the service of the Cardinal. A meticulous devotion to duty had stamped him out as man who could be trusted to attain his goal, provided the directions were clear and the duties well marked.
On this day, his duty was somewhat unusual. A trusted associate of the king, a dashing and handsome gentleman of the guard, and one in whom the king placed great trust and to whose hands were entrusted many delicate affairs, had approached Bernard with instructions which he was to follow to the letter. Meticulous observation of the rules came easy to Bernard, but on this case he was tasked with no less a duty than to call on the queen herself. The queen, Bernard was informed, may have concealed a letter somewhere in her chamber which, if found, would implicate her in the most profound scandals and plots. Bernard, as a trusted and loyal servant, was given this delicate task of finding the concealed missive, if it existed. He was, it was stressed, to leave no stone unturned. No nook or cranny unsearched.
The Queen was occupied in reading a small book as Bernard entered. The queen herself was a woman a great beauty. Not a native of France, her beauty was made up from ancestors that hailed from all the noblest lands of Europe. Her Swedish grandfather had passed along keen and glittering eyes; she shared a proud tilt of the chin and nose with a Venetian uncle; dark, curled tresses bespoke her Spanish connections on her father's side; her lips had the exact hue of an English rose, courtesy of her mother. Somewhat darker in complexion than was the fashion, the queen nevertheless commanded the attention of all, and that not merely because of her position. When she entered a room, she gathered and kept the breath of each person therein.
The lady which led Bernard in was herself not unattractive. Marguerite bloomed like a pale, golden flower. Indeed, next to the queen, Marguerite seemed crafted of porcelain. Golden hair was coiffed about her head, with one curl twisting down beside her neck, artfully drawing attention to it's graceful curve. The other two ladies in the room, both faithful companions of the queen, were Collette and Josefina. Collette had brown hair and less noble features, but had a round and beaming smile. Josefina looked far more southern - Spanish, in fact, with dusky skin and dark, nearly black hair, but a flashing smile and keen eyes.
Marguerite announced Bernard briefly, and disappeared unobtrusively to the side of the room, where the other two ladies remained, awaited their queen's pleasure. The queen looked up from her book and addressed him.
"With what purpose do you come here, monsieur?"
"Forgive me, madame, I come in the name of the king, and I must, without prejudice to the respect which I have the honor to owe your majesty, make a close examination into all your papers."
"What, monsieur, to make an investigation of my papers - my own papers! This is an indignity!"
Bernard blanched, but remained resolute. "It is on the orders of the his own majesty that I am here. I am but the instrument of his use. Surely you are not wholly unaware of his...attitude, in this case?"
The queen waved a delicate hand. "Go on, then. Search, if you must. I am merely a common criminal, it seems."
At a word from the queen, the maid Collette produced a key which served to open the many desks, drawers, and chests in the room. Bernard was reasonably sure of finding an absence of the object he was tasked to acquire, and he was not disappointed. A great lady would never carelessly leave an important letter in an obvious place. It did, however, leave him with a rather more challenging task.
Having finished his search, the queen spoke in a tone both indignant and triumphant. "Well? You have searched the chamber, you have found nothing which it is not my right to have. Will you be on your way?"
Bernard coughed feebly. "There is yet..." He found himself having difficulty finishing the sentence. His throat seemed to have closed, and his mouth gone dry.
"Impudent man!" uttered the queen. "You mean to say that you would search my royal vestments? You think that I have concealed something here?" And as she spoke the last words, she touched a gentle hand to her chest.
"I am a servant of the king, madame, and it is his will I must obey," Bernard said. Had the queen remained silent, it is possible Bernard would have had trouble putting words to what must be done, but faced with familiar resistance, Bernard was on firmer ground. His duty was his duty, and he could not shy away now.
"You would not dare!" said the queen. She stood proudly, as if daring Bernard to act. Bernard, turn with an inner turmoil, took a step forward. The queen paled, stepped back, and held up her hand.
"Very well! I yield. Let me retire with my ladies into the inner chamber, and you may have my things, so that you may search them thoroughly."
A part of Bernard yearned to allow this, to avoid any further awkwardness or danger. But, his fear of the king and his commitment to his orders would not allow it. "I fear, madame, that I cannot allow you out of this room."
"'Sblood! Am I to have nothing concealed from this man! Very well. Collette, Josefina, draw the screen, there, and I shall undress behind it. We are beset, ladies," the queen said, as she gave Bernard a firm stare, "with a man of considerable obstinacy."
The queen stepped behind the screen, which was drawn across the far corner of the room. Despite a delicate, oriental pattern, the screen was not wholly opaque. When placed in front of a source of light - here, a curtained window which brought a dusty glow the room - the screen allowed a clear shadow to be cast, visible to those on the other side. As all three of the queen's ladies-in-waiting had joined her to assist, they seemed unaware of the profile presented to Bernard.
Half of a mind to say something, Bernard found his voice trapped in his throat. Shadows of arms flicked about the queen, as the laces of her bodice were undone. In a few moments, Marguerite brought it out for his inspection. Bernard bowed slightly, and buried his hands in its numerous folds and ruffles. It was still warm in the interior, and Bernard's breath caught at the thought that he was feeling the warmth of the queen herself.
Satisfied that the bodice concealed nothing, Bernard handed it back to Marguerite. The lady curtsied, and turned to bring the it back behind the screen.
"Ah!" ejaculated Bernard. "I cannot allow..."
He trailed off again. Marguerite merely nodded in submission, and carried the bodice across the room to drape it across a small couch, before returning to collect the skirt. And so with each new garment, as Bernard searched every last item - petticoat, corset, and chemise, blushing all the while. The last items, when removed, cast a shadow most disturbing to Bernard, though he could not tear his eyes away. No longer a magnificently adorned and padded figure, the queen's profile looked decidedly slim and girlish.
"Are you now satisfied, monsieur?" asked the queen. Bernard had obviously found nothing, and she knew it.
"I am most satisfied that the item is not in madame's clothing," uttered Bernard. "But my duty compels me..."
"Yes?" asked the queen. "Say it, my noble churchman. Must my ladies disrobe for your searches as well?"
Bernard, to his embarrassment, had been so focused on the queen he had forgotten the possibility. It was indeed necessary to search the queen's attendants. The queen could easily have asked one of them to conceal the letter, and so hoped to escape. He was lucky that he had not allowed any of the three ladies to retire, else his duty might have been left forever unfulfilled.
Bernard managed to utter some word or other of confirmation, and the queen heaved a dramatic sigh, her entire profile behind the screen heaving and sagging with the sound. Bernard could not help but notice a certain buoyancy to her majesty's chest as she did so. Never had the churchman been driven to temptation by a shadow before. His breathing grew shallow and rapid, as he contemplated the possibility of not one, but four similar profiles behind the screen.
"Josefina," the queen commanded firmly. "Give monsieur your vestments. He must be utterly convinced of our innocence."
Josefina, who had been watching Bernard from around the side of the screen, suddenly smiled coyly at Bernard, and slipped behind the screen, turning into a profile once again; a mere shadow that taunted and tempted the man like nothing he had ever experienced. She wore fewer layers than the queen, and quickly divested herself of robes, petticoats, and the like. Bernard tried to hold himself back, to retain his dignity rather than to paw ravenously through the garments like a starving cur. He managed to retain an exterior appearance of placid calm, but inside was naught but turmoil and typhoons of temptation.
Josefina had drawn close to the queen, and each of her generous curves was backlit and cast upon the screen for Bernard to behold. Marguerite smiled shyly at him, a blush coloring her pale chest above the neckline, and she, too, became another tempting shadow. Collette brought out each and every item that Marguerite removed, and Bernard passed these through his hands, too. Again, he found nothing.
Dropping Marguerite's still warm chemise to the floor, Bernard looked at Collette. She smiled as they made eye contact, then she also disappeared behind the screen. Three shadows already taunted him there: the queen's, slim, girlish, but a pert bounce and curve to her chest and hip; Josefina's, round, full, more robust than the queen's; and Marguerite's, smaller and slimmer than the queen's, with barely a quivering bud at the chest and a slight roundness at the hip. Collette, meanwhile, had already removed bodice and skirt, and was draping each item over the top of the drawing screen, inviting Bernard to step even closer to inspect them.
Unable to find a choice, Bernard did so. His nostrils, too, were now filled with the aroma of temptation, as he had stepped close enough to breathe in the distinctive and priceless royal perfumes. As with each before, Bernard found no letter whatsoever in Collette's clothing. Throughout his search the queen had uttered occasional oaths or mutterings of indignation, and now she addressed Bernard directly once again.
"At last, monsieur, you must be satisfied."
Bernard longed to say so, but his mind recalled the stern and unrelenting words of the king's man that had given him the order.
"You must NOT fail," the man had said, a hand draped casually on the hilt of his sword, "as the king is absolutely certain that the missive has not left the room. Do not overlook any hiding place, monsieur, else you may find this promising career of yours...less than promising."
"I..." he managed to utter, then paused. Where else indeed could it have been concealed? He had search every corner of the room and their clothing. Surely there was nothing left to search? He began to steel himself to drain the bitter dregs of failure, when the queen spoke again.
"Mon dieu! This man is unrelenting! You surely cannot think we still conceal this missive upon our persons! What? Do you suppose I have chosen colored paper and strapped it to myself or my ladies? This is too far, monsieur! I shall summon my guards and you shall be drawn and quartered this very day!" the queen fairly spluttered in indignation.
Bernard was dumbfounded. He had never considered the possibility, but now he had to concede the queen's proposed tactic of tying the letter to her body, tight upon the skin, would thus allow them to conceal it without his knowledge. A visual inspection was, in fact, the only thing that would rule out this hiding place.
"The....the king, madame..." he managed to get out.
"We cannot cross the king, your majesty" added Collette. "And he is here at the king's command. Should the king remain passive if his servant is treated harshly? Besides, this is a man of piety. We are as good as alone in his presence. I myself will lead the way, and we can pray that God deliver us from this false accusation in time."
The air had gone out of the room, or so it seemed to Bernard. He staggered back from the screen until his calves found a chair for him, and he folded weakly into it. "Come," he croaked as he sat. His eyes bored into the screen, as if he could see straight through it. He saw Collette's shadow approach the edge. Taller by half a head than the others, Collette's hair was barely visible above the screen as she walked. The shadows of her arms wrapped themselves around her as the only sound in the room now was shallow breathing, bare, quiet steps, and an almost silent rustle of skin brushing skin.
First, a long, slender leg. Bare, it slipped around the corner of the screen. Calf and knee, then pale thigh. Bernard's eyes drank in every inch, visually caressing up the thigh, then, as it slipped around the corner, the curve of the buttock. Collette's shoulder emerged at the same time, also bare and vulnerable.
The entire side of her body slipped into view, a delicate and shy expanse of skin from heel to shoulder. All bare.
Collette then stepped around the corner, turned. One hand poised carefully above her mons, concealing the joining of her legs and it's treasure. The other arm curled across her breast, trapping and covering their roundness and the color of her nipples. Otherwise, Collette was naked.
Bernard was slumped on the edge of his chair, barely able to hold himself in place. His eyes devoured Collette's appearance, lingering on everything that had hitherto been forbidden territory for Bernard. His eyes raked back and forth, resting on the hip, stomach, shoulder, and all the skin in between. Collette walked toward him with downcast eyes.Quickly, quietly, and then she was mere inches from him. Any closer, and she would have tumbled into his lap.
"Your servant, monsieur," Collette said quietly, and turned around. Bernard simply gaped at the way her bare shoulders and back tapered to the rounded curve of her bottom, perfectly smooth on symmetrical except for a hint of roundness from the sides of her breasts. It was the first ladies' bottom he had ever seen, and he stared, fixedly, in spite of himself.
"Must monsieur check with his hands?" Collette asked, interrupting his reverie. "In case the letter is colored the same as skin?"
Bernard was dumbstruck. None of this had gone as expected. No letter to be found, and now a lady in waiting of the queen herself quivered, naked, in front of him, practically asking him to probe her bare body with his hands! Bernard managed to clear his throat and mutter a barely audible, "It is my duty, madame."
Standing, Bernard was painfully aware of the way he stiffened within his breeches, and how close this stiffness was to the curve of her rear. Lifting his hands, he paused. Where does one start when passing your hands over a lady to see what might be concealed on her person?
He decided to begin at her shoulders, and she started and gasped quietly at his touch. Then there was naught but the sound of breathing, as Bernard ran his hands lightly across her shoulders, then the nape of her neck, then down, back and forth across her back. His breath caught as he ran his hands down, down, to the small of her back, and across the firm, smooth roundness below. Almost involuntary, he squeezed gently at the fullest portion of her backside, and she jumped slightly. Had he but known, a slight smile crossed her face at the same time.
He hesitated, then dropped to a knee to feel down her long, tapering legs. This brought his face directly next to her rounded bottom, and his breath puffed across it, raising goosebumps, as he felt along the thigh and down the calf.
Finished with that search, he stood again. Still mere inches in front of him, Collette turned round. Again he was confronted with her absolute nakedness, concealed only by her hands, clutching at a mere modicum of modesty. From this angle, he could see right down the front of her chest, and the pleasing plumpness her own arm had created with her breasts as she cradled them to herself. His eyes fixed themselves of their own free will upon the upper slope of her breasts and the cleavage she had created.
Taking his gaze for a signal or order, Collette began to slowly draw her hand aside. Bernard's breath caught. Slowly, achingly, her arm slid across her breasts until the left breast was scarely concealed beneath her fingers. All at once, the arm dropped, and Bernard was gazing directly at buoyant pair of young breasts topped by brown, crinkled nipples that budded out from large round areolas - the first pair the devout young man had ever seen. For long seconds, he stared, unable to move.
At last, he tore his gaze upward, and looked directly at Collette. Her brown eyes had a merry gleam, which he mistook for apprehension. Her breath mingled with his, and her breasts heaved and jiggled slightly with each breath she took. Bernard restrained the fleshly instinct that urged him to close the distance, to press his lips onto hers. Instead, he took a half step back, bumping again into the chair he had risen from to begin his search.
Surprised, he tumbled back, sitting once again, his eyes now at a level with her breasts. Seeming to take this as further direction, Collette stepped closer, putting herself within easy reach. Bernard acted almost without conscious thought, as his hands rose and placed themselves over her breasts. Nearly involuntarily, but not without churning inward desire, Bernard squeezed and rubbed, hefting them in his palm, and running his fingers over the nipples.
Collette's breath quickened, and Bernard started. He felt he had been caught in an impropriety, and removed his hands. Not hearing any shout of defiance or complaint from the silent servant, Bernard regathered his courage, and extended his hands once more. Shoulders, arms, across the breasts briefly again, across the taut abdomen and down to the hips. Again, he stopped. Collette's hand was still draped there, concealing one last vestige of virgin shyness. He had no earthly idea of how to continue, only that he might trespass into heavenly territory if he did.
Taking his pause as a signal to adjust, Collette lifted and placed a knee on each side of Bernard, rising above him on the chair. Her breasts rested, tantalizing, inches from his face. Despite not being in direct contact, he felt as if his cheeks were warmed evenly by the dangling orbs. Slowly, incrementally, she drew her hand aside. Bernard, involuntary thrusting slightly upward with his hips, as if his midsection desired contact all on its own, was staring directly at a divine mystery. Concealed by a thick, curly patch of brown hair was the Mount of Venus. Sacred, and hitherto unscaled by the bookish young man. He sternly reminded himself of duty, and reached forward.
Brushing his fingers through the coarse brown hair, he poked and prodded, at one point rubbing the tips of his fingers through fleshly wetness. Collette shuddered and gasped. Bernard jerked his hand away, and looked guilty. Quickly he passed his hands over her thighs, and then stopped. Collette, reluctantly rose (not that Bernard perceived the reluctance), and stood in front of him, for the first time fully exposed to his hungry gaze. Bernard walked his eyes up and down her frame for a long moment, then dropped to his knees in front of her and quickly felt down her calves and feet.
Finished, he rose. Collette stayed motionless, and again they were face to face. "I shall wait in the corner until monsieur is finished," breathed Collette. "May I sit?"
She motioned toward a couch on the far wall, away from the other furniture.
"Yes, yes, of course," burst out Bernard, finally tearing his gaze away from the pleasing jiggle her breasts had made when she gestured.
"Am I to understand I am not allowed to dress again until monsieur is finished?" inquired the pretty young lady.
"Ah..." Bernard thought quickly through his options. "No, I cannot allow it. You must remain as you are."
Collette ducked a quick curtsy, then walked quickly over to the couch and sat. This time she did not bother to cover herself, letting her natural posture conceal her mons, while her breasts remained in full view.
Bernard turned again to the shadows behind the screen. Marguerite, Josefina, and her majesty the queen remained. Before he could think of who to call next, Marguerite spoke.
"Is monsieur ready for his servant?"
Marguerite was too small for any part of her to be seen above the screen, so she remained a quick, lithe shadow, darting to the edge. Again, he saw a pale leg emerge, much paler than Collette's, and then hip, side, shoulders. In the blink of an eye the second naked woman Bernard had even seen was standing before him.
Marguerite, too, had an arm draped across her chest and a hand between her legs. Instead of moving slowly, however, she stepped, one could almost say skipped, directly to Bernard. Without waiting for any command, she stopped a few feet in front of him, and dropped her hands. Pale, nearly translucent skin was everywhere visible. Golden hair cascaded down around her shoulders, and one curl posed delicately in front of the left nipple. Her breast were small, but pert, topped by small pink buds. Her pubic hair was also golden and curly, but could not conceal the pink fleshy lips of her vulva. These were swollen and a darker pink than normal, but the young man had nothing to compare it to, so this sign of arousal went unnoticed.
"Your servant, monsieur," said Marguerite, and tossed off a small and confident curtsy. Only the flaming pink color of her blushing chest and face betrayed the excitement she really felt. Bernard now knew what he had to do, and he quickly started at her shoulders.
Down, across the chest, cupping the breast and quickly brushing across the nipples, then down the abdomen his hands rubbed and brushed about her skin. Rather than stay standing like Collette, Marguerite moved as soon as he stopped above her waist. She skipped past him and sat in the chair he had formerly occupied, then spread her legs wide. Her aroused and pulsing labia parted slightly, and Bernard could detect the gleam of moisture, and the further pinkness within.
This time he started at the feet, feeling over the legs thoroughly before coming to where they joined. Marguerite jumped and giggled as he felt as the joint of her hips, and then thrust eagerly into his palm as he placed it between her legs. Unintentionally, one of his fingers penetrated slightly into the young girl, and he jerked it away, damp. Not, however, before Marguerite moaned slightly, in what even Bernard could tell was pleasure.
Realizing he would do no more from the front, Marguerite flipped willingly over, and extending her pale, rounded rump toward him. Bernard began there, rubbing and squeezing, and once more passing a finger over the lips that jutted out wetly between her legs. He then felt across her back and shoulders as she straightened, and, suddenly daring, passed a hand in front across her chest again, quickly squeezing the plumpness of her small breast and rolling the nipple in his fingers. Her bottom made contact with his breeches, right at the point where the stiffness protruded most, and his erection settled for a brief moment between her cheeks. Bernard groaned involuntarily, then jerked back.
"We have finished, madame," he said stiffly. He hoped should wouldn't start accusing him of rape, but feared that it was inevitable. Instead, she rolled onto her back and looked up at him, body on full display.
"Monsieur is most thorough. I am sure his majesty will be pleased."
With that, the pretty blonde lady-in-waiting rose, and walked with perfect posture and stride to the couch, and sat primly next to Collette. Bernard marvelled at the different qualities of the two young ladies. Marguerite, slim, white, and seemingly a cheerful spirit; and Collette, fuller in figure, with a warm more than bubbly smile. What Bernard was chiefly focused on, however, was the sight of two pairs of bare breasts, which remained carelessly in view.
It was Josefina's voice, tinged with a moderate accent. Bernard turned with a start, to find Josefina already behind him, covering nothing, with a purposeful look in her smoldering eyes. She held her arms away from her body and turned around slowly. "Your servant."
Bernard soaked in the frontal view she first presented him. Dusky skin, with dark nipples atop gloriously round, full breasts. Her tapered waist flared out to full hips, and as she turned, a similarly full posterior and long, supple legs. Her dark, straight hair fell straight down her back, and she put her arms out to the side, as if inviting Bernard to begin. When Bernard did not step forward right away, she turned her head to glance at him, and flashed a mischievous smile.
"Come, monsieur. I await your pleasure."
Bernard couldn't help but hear a double meaning. Nevertheless, after a deep breath, he stepped forward and ran his hands over the dusky Spanish beauty's shoulders and back. He was caught by surprise when she titled her upper body forward, then, thrusting her buttocks into his hands as he probed lower. He could hardly help himself at this point, and groped and squeezed generously, even letting his fingers caress the dripping wetness he felt at the joining of her legs.
Without turning around, Josefina grasped his wrists, and pulled his hands in front of her. Thus pulled close, Bernard breathed deep of her intoxicating perfume and hair, while she placed his hands directly atop her breasts. Giving up a pretense of searching, he clutched and kneaded generous handfuls, finding and caressing her nipples with tips of his fingers. She pushed her rear hard into the crotch of his breeches, and his erection jumped and twitched with the stimulation.
Bernard felt one of his hands led firmly downward, into the dark curls between her legs, and the dampness behind them. This time, more aware of what he was doing, Bernard lets his fingers dance and prod about the labia, and voluntarily pushed the tip of one finger through the slippery lips more than once. Josefina moaned and muttered something in her native Spanish. Things may have gone much further, and quickly, had not the queen's voice shattered the damp and heavy silence.
"Monsieur, I hope that you do not take liberties with my ladies."
Bernard jerked back as if bitten or struck, and wiped his fingers dry upon his coat. Tongue-tied, he was relieved to have Josefina answer for him.
"Madame, he is but careful and deliberate. You have nothing to fear."
She turned back around to face Bernard, and smiled coyly, placing a finger over his mouth as if to bid him be silent. She pressed her naked body against him, and kissed him lightly on the cheek, her breath tickling his ear and the side of his face.
"Do as her majesty asks, monsieur, and all will be well," the Spanish temptress whispered, and then whisked away, to sit with her fellow ladies-in-waiting on the couch, equally on display.
"Nevertheless," came her majesty's voice from behind the screen. "I should like a proof of his good faith before he may inspect my person. Collette, Marguerite, remove the gentleman's garments and make absolutely certain he doesn't not display any improper arousal. I shall not let such a man inspect the queen."
Bernard was dismayed. Not only did he display a raging erection, clearly bugling the front of his breeches, but the front was also dampened, partly from Josefina, and partly, he was ashamed to admit, from himself. He had never felt himself so churned with arousal, and felt he could burst at any moment. Before he could respond, the tempting bodies of the two companions the queen had named were at his side.
"Hush, monsieur, it will be but the work of a moment," assured Collette, as she went to work on his cloak and doublet. Marguerite, without saying anything, had already begun to unlace his boots. Unwilling to play along, but equally unwilling to make it stop, Bernard found himself balanced in inaction. The response was taking by the two ladies as consent, and Bernard quickly found himself divested of cloak, doublet, boots, and stockings.
As they prepared to expose the more personal garments, Bernard attempted to utter a protest, but Marguerite sensed his discomfort, and had already drawn close. To his surprise, he uttered barely half a word before the blond, cheerful servant pressed her lips to his. He found her kiss soft but firm, and felt his manhood twitch again as her lips partly slightly and her tongue probed the outside of his lips, which remained shut. She broke off, satisfied that she had quieted him, as indeed she had.
His resistance overcome, Bernard weakly allowed himself to be stripped of his half shirt and breeches, leaving in only a flimsy pair of drawers, which did nothing to hide his arousal. With a shared smile, Collette and Marguerite each seized a side, and whisked it to the floor. Far from where things had started, Bernard now found himself naked, with a pair of naked women, and and erection fuller than he had ever thought possible.
The queen seemed to sense the disrobing was complete, and spoke again.
"Well? Is this faithful servant of his majesty aroused in an unseemly fashion. Does he swell or show excitement?"
Bernard was more aroused than ever, but also filled with fear. The moment the queen saw him, she would have him sent away - imprisoned, executed, perhaps even tortured. He had allowed himself to be trapped, outmaneuvered, he felt, and he had failed his duty. He was shocked to hear Marguerite call out.
"Nothing of the kind, my queen."
At the same time, Collette grasped his penis firmly and began stroking. Her other hand traced gentle circles across her breasts and pubis. Marguerite winked at Bernard, and cupped her small breast as she did so. One hand drifted between her legs.
Bernard's brain exploded with this new arousal. A hand - someone else's hand! - a beautiful woman's hand! - was on his penis, and he was staring at all the parts of a women he had never allowed himself to dare think on. Involuntarily he thrust his hips against Collette's rhythmic stroking, back and forth again and again. He panted and uttered a small cry and he felt his loins build with pressure, then surge forth with release. Semen sputtered forth from him, spattering the clothes the two women had stripped from him shortly before. Some seed spilled on Collette's hand, and she shocked him to his core by bringing that hand to her mouth, and licking it clean.
Bernard was spent - shocked and exhausted. He was unable to resist anything these ladies might do. Sirens of Satan, temptresses, succubi, whatever they might be, he was in their power.
The queen spoke again.
"Bring our faithful inspector here. Let him finish, and declare my innocence."
He had felt himself unable to be shocked, but his mind jolted and his eyes shot open wide. The queen herself, unclothed and bare, was summoning him to inspect her body. Bernard knew not what to do. However, he did not need to. Taken at each arm by Collette and Marguerite, and propelled from behind by Josefina, who had drawn close behind him when he was disrobed, he was led firmly, inexorably, toward the screen - the last scrap of material that concealed the nude figure of the queen.
Hardly knowing what to do, Bernard shut his eyes tight, and let himself be led.
"Stop," commanded the queen. Bernard was pulled up short.
"Now, you may finish what you have started, monsieur," she continued.
Terrified of what he might see, but unable to deny his great and burning desire to see nevertheless, he slowly opened his eyes.
Long, pale legs. A delicate hand, poised for modesty just between the legs. Hips and waist looking as though they were carved of marble. An arm, draped across the royal bosom. An elegant and curving neck. Dark, curling hair, spilling about the head and shoulders. Keen, piercing eyes, cutting to his very soul. Had he looked more closely, Bernard may have noticed a coy gleam to the eyes, a faint glimmer of mischief.
Only after several long moments did Bernard recall his own exposure. His body, too, was laid bare, except he had done nothing to conceal himself. Despite his recent release, he could feel the stir and tingling swell begin to manifest between his own legs. Desperate not to be caught in arousal, Bernard advanced with a "pardon, your majesty."
The queen moved not a single muscle as he began his inspection. Far more hesitant than before, Bernard lightly touched his fingers to her shoulders, arms, sides, and then quickly down each leg. Despite the queen's modest posture, his eyes drank in the curved slopes of her royal breasts, the hairs that curled about her hand between her legs, and V shaped slope that led to that same hand. While his eyes were thus occupied, his brain filled with visions of lawyers, prosecutors, dishonor, criminal trials, and the executioner. He could not conceive how his search could have come to this, and he could not more conceive escape from this without the queen calling for his head. Despite this, every part of him yearned to see more.
His breath came from him in short bursts, and he moved carefully around behind the queen. He could scarcely bring himself to behold her, but could neither tear his gaze away, not if the king himself had been in the room. His eyes rolled over the queen's bare, regal shoulders, down her sloping back, and to her tapered waist, and there, the first royal derriere he had ever beheld. Every bit as round and plump as her ladies, but somehow more majestic in it's ivory beauty.
Though Bernard had lost himself a bit with those ladies, he could not imagine doing the same to the queen. His fingertips barely touched and brushed against her skin, flitting lightly across her back, dancing across the rounded slope of her posterior, and again down the legs, quickly.
He stood back. He had found nothing. Surely he was finished now? There could be nothing left to search. He moved around the queen again, ready to take his leave. To his surprise, it was the queen herself who extended his search.
"My good monsieur is so completely thorough," she uttered with a tone of reproach, "he obviously will not leave one inch unsearched."
At this, she let slip the arm across her breasts. Ivory mounds, with pink buds atop them. Bernard gaped. Stared. His eyes roved every inch. Then the other hand dropped. The dark curls scarcely concealed the reddish pink slit, glistening with a sheen of moisture. Bernard's gaze dropped, and held. Long moments passed.
"Are you satisfied, monsieur?" the queen's voice finally breaking through the haze filling the poor man's head.
Bernard started, and wrenched his gaze to the queen's face. "Your majesty has been most cooperative. I have found nothing, and am convinced the document is nowhere concealed in this room. I shall report as much."
A slight flash of anger or perhaps frustration flashed across the queen's face, but it was gone in a moment. She extended a hand, not attempting to cover herself. "Monsieur is free to go. Collette will see you out."
Bernard took the hand, and pressed his trembling lips to it briefly. Then he was escorted quickly back to his clothes. Collette shook her head.
"Tsk, monsieur! These are soiled. We must bring you back to your chambers by another route."
Josefina and Marguerite, still uncovered to Bernard's lustful eyes, dipped and uttered their farewells. Collette drew Bernard, both still utterly naked, to a tapestry on the wall. Her hands tugged at a piece of plaster moulding, and the wall behind the tapestry slid silently away.
"Come, monsieur."
Bewildered at this suddenly excited, Bernard followed meekly. He found himself in a thin passage, not quite wide enough for two people. Despite this, Collette had remained next to him, rather than leading or following behind. He found himself pressed against her side, and she flashed an impish grin.
"Monsieur intends to lead the way with his cock?" she asked.
To Bernard's embarrassment, Collette's warm skin and touch, combined with the lack of nerves now that he was out of the queen's presence, had reawakened his manly urges. His penis strained and stiffened against her thigh. He attempted to utter an apology, but Collette merely slid coyly against him as she slipped in front to lead the way.
Taking his hand in hers, Collette led Bernard through a confusing array of passages, stairs, twists, and turns. Often she would stop suddenly as if considering her way, and Bernard would run into her, pressing against her, his shaft nestling between her buttocks. After a quick wriggle of her hips, which only served to make Bernard more aroused, she would continue.
At last she stopped, pressed a lever, and a panel of wall again slid noiselessly aside. Bernard followed her through, and found himself in his own private chamber. He gaped, shocked that such a hidden panel had been there all this time, unbeknownst to him.
"Monsieur was too good to us," spoke Collette.
"The queen is most grateful for his complete," and she gave him a significant look as she spoke these words, "discretion. Monsieur will report that the letter was not found, no more. And as a reward for your discrection..."
Collette's voice sank lower, and she drew close to Bernard, pressed her body against his. "Monsieur will be considered the most particular friend of the queen...and her ladies."
Then Collette sealed her promise with a kiss. Bernard tried to keep his lips from falling prey to temptation, but they gave in immediately. He sank bodily into Collette's soft, yielding mouth, as if she could drink him up in an instant. Her breasts pressed against his chest, their softness yielding pleasantly to him. His own hardness jutted upward, stroking across the velvet skin of her belly. He groaned into her mouth at the sensation, and just at that moment, Collette broke away.
"Monsieur will, of course, be at the queen's service, should she have need?" she asked quickly.
"Anything," muttered Bernard. "Anything."
Collette smiled, and slipped back into the secret passage without another word. The panel closed, and she was gone. Bernard was left alone, stark naked, and nearly ravenous with desire. Giving in to his needs, he gripped his own shaft, and pumped his hand furiously until he erupted for the second time that day. The second time in his life.
The next day, Bernard searched fruitlessly for some hidden button or lever to the panel on the wall, but found none. He returned to his regular duties, informed the king's man that no letter was to be found, and got naught but a slight smile for his efforts.
Collette, upon returning to the queen, beamed in delight.
"Well?" asked the queen.
"He is ours, madame," Collette replied. "Body and soul."
The queen smiled. "Excellent. He shall be of great use to us." | literotica |
Title: Meeting A Dom Complete
Tags: warm neck, felt belonged, soft velvety, car closed, facing forward, crop struck, master gasped, front sweater, felt leather, shoulder felt
The sun was shining brightly as I stepped into the driveway. I gazed into the yard and noticed a small bunny sunning himself in the grass. A smile crossed my face as I regarded this as a lucky omen. Rabbits were always my favorites and this one was here to say goodbye as I drove into the great unknown. At least that's what it felt like to me.
At 52 I was beginning a journey into a world that was both exciting and frightening. I was about to explore a hidden side of me and I had no idea what my journey would produce. It would either begin a new and wonderful experience for me or would provide yet another area in which to fail. I slid behind the wheel of the car and took a deep breath. Ready or not I was going to meet my Dom.
I pulled into the parking lot and glanced around. He knew what kind of car I drove and he had instructed me to pull into the lot, choose a space and wait. Convinced I should start up the car and drive away. Well, I told myself, submission is the giving up of your control to another. Why not start now? Why not just decide that the outcome of today was now in the hands of the man, I had chosen to be my Dom? Taking another deep breath, I decided that was just what I was going to do. If he arrived, he would be in charge and if he didn't, then I would just drive home and start again.
I was never very good at waiting and now probably more than ever, my nerves were frazzled. All of the doubts of the last week came rushing back at me at once. Would he be here? Would he like me? Could I be submissive? How would this day end? What should I do next? That part was easy. He already told me I was to remove my panties in the car and bring them in with me. I struggled as I slipped my panties off and dropped them in my purse. Now I really felt vulnerable.
For the first time the total impact of what I was about to do hit me. I closed my eyes and rested my head back on the seat. Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm myself. As my nerves slowly began to settle I thought about what I was about to do, for at least the 1000th time today. I had made up my mind and I was going to see it through, although part of me was still con was totally at ease now...relaxed and feeling safe...all of my fears and concerns of the previous week had evaporated.
The cool wind brushed across my face as the car door opened. I could feel his presence as he climbed in beside me and closed the door. I wanted to open my eyes and look over at him, but my heart was gripped with fear. I was as much afraid of his impressions of me as I was of his power. I could hear the beating of my heart and my pulse raced as I felt his presence beside me. I could smell his cologne fresh and spicy. I could hear his breath soft and steady. My mind was racing. What to do next?
Suddenly I felt a light touch on my shoulder and firm masculine voice in my ear, "Relax. Don't open your eyes, just relax."
His hand moved across my shoulder and I felt it at the back of my neck. His fingers softly massaged my neck and I could feel the tension flowing from my body into his hand. I lowered my head and moved it from side to side as he massaged my shoulders and the top of my back. It was hypnotic. I could almost feel myself drifting away.
I sighed and I felt his lips graze my neck moving softly up to my jaw and across to my lips. His touch was so soft, yet so much in command. I was powerless to stop him and did not want to. I felt myself aware of only him and his touch...lips and hands as they moved over my body. There was no other reality. The world had ceased to exist except in this car with this man.
"Open your eyes for me," he whispered. I opened my eyes to face him. I was confronted by a pair of kind yet forceful eyes, that seemed to see into my soul. He smiled softly.
"Hello" was all he said. "Hello" I responded. "Are you ready?" he asked.
I feared I would have no voice, so enthralled was I. "Yes" I replied.
He just smiled. He got out of the car and closed the door. Moving around to my door, he opened it and reached his hand inside. I placed my hand in his and slide out of the car. He closed the door and turned towards the motel. He never said a word, but never let go of my hand, as he lead me across the parking lot and into the room. He locked the door behind him still holding on to my hand and led me to the bathroom. He gently pushed me inside and closed the door behind me.
I glanced up and saw my reflection in the mirror. My face was filled with doubt and confusion. The calm and serenity I had known briefly in the car quickly deserted me.
I struggled to remember just what I was expected to do next. I moved to the sink and took down a washcloth and soap. Running warm water I soaped the washcloth and began to cleanse myself. He had said I was to refresh myself and since I was new from the shower, I felt clean and renewed. I took out my brush and ran it thru my long hair, brushing it carefully behind my shoulders. I leaned on the counter and looked deep into the mirror. I looked calm on the outside, but my insides were in knots. I just hoped I could make it thru this without making a fool of myself. It meant so much to me. I took one final look at myself in the mirror and tapped on the bathroom door.
Opening the bathroom door, I stepped out with my back to the room, my panties in my hand. I could feel him come up behind me....I could smell him.....I could feel his warmth. He did not say a thing except for the few words we had already exchanged. I felt him move closer to me and suddenly my eyes were covered. He told me he would do this, but I still jumped at his touch.
When the blindfold was in place, he pushed my hair aside and kissed the back of my neck...gentle seductive kisses. I could feel myself begin to relax again. His kisses continue as his hands travel up my back and over my shoulders.
He pulled me back into him and held me, his breath still warm on my neck. I took several deep breaths and felt my entire body relax. One final kiss on my neck and he turned me around to face him. I could feel him slip my panties out of my hand as he lead me forward. I dropped my hands to my sides, palms facing forward as he had instructed me. Taking my hand, he led me back into the bedroom.
My ears seemed to be reaching for every sound...large and small. I heard a car go by in the distance and the faint noise from a TV somewhere near us. I could hear his breathing and mine. I could sense him moving around the room. I stood where he left me and awaited his return. What would come next?
I was beginning to panic again, and he was there. It was as if he sensed my fear and came to remove it. I could feel his hands gently moving over my body - caressing and stroking. I could feel my body reaching out for his touch wanting to feel his warmth. He smelled so wonderful. A mixture of all the things that are so particularly male. His breathing was slow and steady.
Suddenly I could feel his hands on the front of my sweater. He ran his finger across my upper chest just inside the neckline. He bent and gently kissed where is finger had just been. I shivered. I felt him open the first button on my sweater. He kissed my chest as the sweater loosened across my shoulders. His hand moved on down to the next button and as he slipped it open, he kissed the newly exposed skin. His touch was electric. It set me on fire. I could feel my breath quickening, but it was no longer with fear. Now, it was with anticipation and desire.
I could feel my body responding to his touch and his kisses. I felt the moisture start to flow between my legs. I knew my nipples were already hard. I could feel them straining against my bra. What would he think when he realized what was happening to me? His fingers continued on down the front of my sweater until all of the buttons were open. I could feel a gentle chill creep over me as the cool air hit my warm skin. Or was that really the cause?
I could feel him pulling my sweater open. He caressed my shoulders and my chest with his finger . He ran his fingertips across the front of my bra grazing my nipples thru the fabric. The already hard nipples seemed to throb under his touch. Already I could feel them begging for more and my fear of what he would think had vanished.
I was lost in a world were there was only he and I and sensations. He slipped the sweater from my shoulders and moved away from me. Again I had the instant feeling of being abandoned and I found myself straining to pick up any sound of his movements to reassure myself he was still with me. He came back in front of me and pulled me into his arms. My arms immediately went up and encircled his neck. He reached up taking my hands in his and removing them from his neck. He gently kissed each palm and returned them firmly to my sides.
He said only one word, "No". It was not said harshly or loudly nor with malice or disapproval , but it left absolutely no room for misinterpretation or refusal.
His hands moved to my hips. He caressed my hips and ran his hands over my lower back and butt. He was so close and I longed to reach out and wrap him in my arms, but my hands remained at my sides where he had put them. It was like sweet agony to have him so close and not be able to touch him. I felt his hands run around the waistband of my skirt as he eased it down over my hips. It fell to the floor in a pool around my feet. He reached down and lifting one foot at a time, he removed it and walked away. The space around me cooled quickly without his presence and I longed to have him near me again.
I heard him moving around the room and my ears strained as I tried to envision what he was doing. I longed to pull the blindfold from my eyes, run to him and throw my arms around him. Instead, I stood quietly and awaited his return. I could feel him behind me as he threw my hair over one shoulder. His lips touched my neck again, placing hot moist kisses across it. He moved to my shoulders and starting at one edge, kissed his way across the top of each shoulder. I felt the shivers travel up and down my spine.
His hand moved down my back and stopped at my bra. He was about to loosen my bra and expose my badly swollen nipples. A flush of embarrassment traveled thru me. What would he think? How would he react? No matter, the choice was his now. I was his now. He opened my bra and I felt it fall away from my chest. My nipples must be even harder from the cool air now stimulating them.
Suddenly, I felt his hands one on each breast, taking it into his hand and kneading it. It took my breath away. Never had my breasts and nipples been so sensitive. I groaned in spite of myself. I felt his fingers grasp my nipples and begin to roll them back and forth. I gasp and threw my head back. The thrill of his touch did not stop at my breasts. It traveled down my stomach and into my most private regions. My already moist pussy now began to flow anew. I could feel the excitement rising in me, but could do nothing to stop it.
Just when I thought I had it under control, I felt his mouth on my right nipple. It was unbearable. My nipples tingled and yearned for more, as my pussy grew excited to the point of release. I knew I could not cum without his permission, it was an agreed on condition and I had no desire to let him know my need so early in our encounter. Instead I squinted my eyes shut and prayed he would find other sources of amusement. He did not.
When he had satisfied himself on my right breast, he moved on to the left one. This one had always been far more sensitive and today was no exception. As soon as his mouth touched the nipple and began to suckle, my pussy screamed for release. Every fiber of my being was centered on my left nipple and the expert way he was teasing it with his mouth. I held my breath and prayed he would stop. It was as if he read my thoughts and I his.
He sucked harder and seemed to say, "You need only ask for release." I ,of course ,was not about to admit defeat so soon, so I suffered in silence.
He continued to lick and suck my nipple, much longer it seemed than he did my right one, as my desire and wanting grew in proportion. Finally, I could stand it no more.
"May I please cum, Sir?" I gasped.
His mouth pulled away from my nipple and even with the blindfold, I knew he was looking at me. I would have been willing to bet his mouth wore a satisfied smile.
"No, my dear, I am afraid not," he answered. "But I will stop my attentions to your nipples."
I breathed a sign of relief. I was still on the brink of cumming, but at least I was being given the opportunity to settle back down.
I felt his hand caress my stomach and his fingertips danced across my abdomen. New waves of desire overtook me. It seemed I was just being allowed to catch my breath and he was at it again.
A sobering thought crossed my mind. If he intended to play with my pussy as he had just played with my nipples, I would never be able to control myself. I knew my clit was badly swollen and the least touch from him would send me over the edge. Should I tell him? But, I was not allowed to talk. What would the punishment for talking be? Would it be worse than the punishment for cumming without permission?
I realized these were questions I should have asked him earlier, but now it was too late. I stood in dread as I felt his hands move lower and lower. Oh My God, what was I to do?
Suddenly his hands stopped moving. He was moving away from me again. I stood very still my ears straining to hear his movements. He was quiet indeed. For a moment I wondered if he had managed to get out of the room without a sound.
Then I heard a small rustle not far away. What now? I had no idea what was to come, but I did know one thing. Never in my life had I been so sexually aroused as I had been here. Never had my senses been so keenly awakened. Never had my body responded so quickly and so thoroughly. I relaxed completely for the first time that day. I knew this is what I wanted. My fate was completely in the hands of another and it felt good. No matter what happened here today, I knew it would be the beginning of a wonderful fulfilling adventure.
A smile crossed my face as I heard him step near. My master was back again to take care of me and I liked it. I liked it very much indeed.
He leaned into me and whispered as he guided me backwards, "Step slowly backwards."
My feet moved backwards as he held me firmly. After a few small steps I felt the back of my heel hit a firm surface.
"Put your hands on my shoulders and step back up" he said.
I lifted my foot, placed my weight on his shoulders and stepped back up. I pulled up my other foot, left go of his shoulders and stood very still, my hands facing forward. I felt him step up next to me. He kissed my neck and stroked my hair. He took my right hand and pulled it away from my body slightly. He kissed the inside of my wrist and I could feel the soft touch of leather as he fastened the cuff to my wrist.
He returned my arm to my side and moved over to the left arm. It too was kissed and fitted with a leather cuff. I sensed him kneel down and felt his hand on my ankle. He moved my right foot far out to the side; then he did the same with my left. My breath quickened. I felt the same feel of leather on my ankles as he fastened two more cuffs in place. I took a deep breath and felt a leather collar being fitted around my neck.
"It's your collar," he said. "You may feel it if you wish."
I reached up and felt the leather collar that encircled my neck. I ran my fingers over it and caressed it. It somehow felt like it belonged. I could feel a large metal ring on the front of the collar and wondered if he would attach a leash to it. My fingers grazed across the spikes embedded in it. It felt warm around my neck. It already felt like a part of me. I returned my hands to my sides.
I heard the rattle of chains and felt him attaching something to my collar. The cold feel of metal touched my skin as the chains hung down. I felt him lift my left breast and loop the cold steel around it. I heard him clip the chain to my collar. He repeated the process with my right breast. My breasts were now encased in the cold metal and held out in front of me.
I felt my right hand being lifted into the air and again I heard the click of metal. He released my arm and instead of it returning to my side, it was suspended in air. He fastened my left arm also and I was bound to the two tall white columns I had noticed when I entered the room.
I felt his hands on my right ankle and heard the familiar click again. In a minute the left leg was secured also. I was bound spread eagle between the columns. I could not move. My heart was pounding and my juices were flowing. I waited to see what would come next.
I didn't have to wait long. I felt something run over my thighs. I had no idea what it was. It was stiff and cold and it trailed up across my left breast and nipple. Then I felt it across me lips.
"Hold this." he said, as he placed the crop between my teeth. I bit down on it and held it tightly in my mouth.
As I stood there bound to the columns with my breasts bound in chains and a crop in my teeth, I heard the distinct sound of a shutter being released. He had taken my picture. I felt the crop being released from my mouth and felt his fingers running across my lips.
The crop ran up and down my body and across my aching nipples. The thrill of it rippled thru my body. My head was swimming. My breath was uneven. My senses were more alert than they had ever been.
Suddenly I felt his fingers on my nipples again. He grasped both nipples in his fingers and rolled them. Not gently this time, but with a purpose. I felt a small twinge of pain, but a great wave of pleasure. I moaned and threw my head back. It seemed that was all the encouragement he needed, for he went at my nipples in earnest now. He tugged and twisted them, rubbing them with the palm of his hand. I was in sweet agony. It hurt yet it felt like heaven.
I wanted to stop him and I wanted him to never stop. My emotions were so confused. I swayed in my bonds and moaned out loud and he continued his play. My nipples were sos hard, I thought they would burst. Suddenly I felt his lips on my right breast as he continued to play with my right nipple. His teeth grazed the nipple and his lips suckled at it. The feeling was incredible.
Never had my nipples been so sensitive and responsive. When he clamped down on my nipple with his teeth, I went nuts. My hips rocked and my body tensed. He chewed and chewed on my breast and I was lost in a sea of ecstasy. I had no choice but to ask. I had let it go too far.
"May I please cum, Master?" I gasped.
"No, you may not," he answered.
I could not believe my ears. He was denying me release and I knew I could not stop. I would have to cum with or without his permission. I had to try again.
"Please, oh please, Master, I am begging you. Please let me cum," I cried out. He must have heard the desperation in my voice.
"Yes, my dear, you may cum now," he replied.
I barely heard the full response as my body was overtaken by wave after wave of pleasure. The orgasm shook me to the core. My legs got weak and my head spun. Had it not been for my bonds I would have fallen to my knees. I stood completely suspended between the columns as the waves of feeling coursed thru me.
"Thank you Master, oh Thank You," I cried as I felt the orgasm begin to subside.
I felt his lips warm on mine as he kissed me. Over and over his lips caressed mine. I was lulled into a sense of euphoria as I reveled in my pleasure.
Suddenly I felt the sting of the crop against my ass. It was like a splash of cold water in my face. I gasped and jumped. It was just a light slap, but so unexpected. It was quickly followed by another, just a bit harder than the first. I squirmed as it hit. Then a third....this one harder still.
I could feel a warmth begin to spread across my ass. It felt good, almost comforting. I felt something soft and velvety being rubbed across my ass where the crop had struck. It moved down my body and around to the front of my thigh. The softness moved up towards my pussy lips and across them. Hummmmmm it felt so soft and warm.
Then another taste of the crop hit my ass, hard this time. I jumped and tears sprang to my eyes as the crop landed once more. I cried out and tried to move away from it. It was no use; I was bound. I was at his mercy. I felt the crop one more time. It bit into the soft skin of my ass already tender from previous strikes. I whimpered and twisted from side to side. I felt the warmth in my ass. I was confused. It hurt yet it felt good. What was happening?
As I was trying to figure it out, I felt his fingers run across my pussy lips. I gasp as a strong sensation ran thru me. My ass was now warm and sensual and my pussy was excited and needy.
I tried to thrust my hips forward to force his fingers deep within the folds of my pussy. It didn't succeed. His fingers remained on the outer lips....playing up and down in a tantalizing manner. I groaned out loud. My heart was pounding in my ears. My lips were caressed by something soft and velvety. My pussy longed to be satisfied.
All feelings stopped.....until the crop struck again. I jumped and cried out, and the warmth spread....and I smiled. It felt exciting and I wanted more. I wondered if he was there watching the smile on my face. I wondered if he knew that my fear had changed to pleasure and longing. Of course he knew. I had no idea how he achieved it, but I was sure he knew what I felt and what I was thinking almost as quickly as I did. It was what made him so special. It was as if he anticipated my needs and fulfilled them before I even realized them.
The crop seared across my ass three times more and the pain and warmth, more intense than before spread thru me as I stifled a cry. The sensation changed to a gentle caress as a soft velvety feeling crossed my ass, followed by a tongue and a string of kisses. I hung on the chains as my knees went weak.
My mind was no longer grasping what was happening around me. I was drifting in a world of feelings and emotions. Kisses crossed my lower back and followed my spine up to my shoulders....across my shoulders and up the side of my neck. I could feel his warm breath in my ear. I slowly twisted my head and moaned. I willed him to go cover me with bring me to climax.
I felt the blindfold being removed from my eyes. A strong wave of bitter disappointment coursed thru me. It was over. I did not want it to be over. I gazed over at him. He had a smile on his face and his eyes shone. He ran a small piece of fur up my arm and I knew what the soft velvety feeling caressing my body had been.
He didn't say a word as he began to loosen the chains holding my arms and legs. I was free, but in body only. The chains may just as well have still held me for I had no desire to do anything but follow his directives.
He took my hand and led me down off of the platform and turned me to face him. We stood perfectly still and silent gazing into each others eyes for what seemed like a lifetime and but a moment. All sense of time and space had ceased to be. There was only he and I.....alone.....together.
Placing his hands on my shoulders, he gently pushed me down to my knees. I kept my eyes facing forward and for the first time I saw his cock. It was magnificent and it took my breath away. It was long and thick with a distinctive head. I wanted to reach out and touch it, but I kept my hands at my side. Rather, I reached out with my tongue to caress it, but it was not what he wanted....yet. His hand stopped my head before I reached his cock.
I gazed up at him with only my eyes and he smiled down at me. He ran his finger over my lips and moved closed. I felt his cock caress my cheeks, first one and then the other. I closed my eyes and savored the feel of his velvet cock against my flesh...and smiled. His cock grazed my lips and they parted slightly. Again his cock crossed my lips and I felt the moisture of his first drops of cum. My tongue ran across my lips and I tasted his warm thick cream. He rested his cock on my lips and my tongue snaked out to lick it. The tip of my tongue outlined the head of his cock working its way into the small hole on top. More of his cum oozed out onto my tongue.
His hands moved to the back of my head and eased it forward. I opened my mouth and his cock slipped inside. As I moved down the shaft of his cock, I caressed the underside with my tongue. It flicked across his cock and massaged the underside. A deep groan escaped his throat. I groaned along with him. My lips began to move steadily up and down his manhood. My lips were wrapped tightly around his cock and I sucked as it slipped out of my mouth. His balls were tighter and tighter as he threw his head back and enjoyed the sensations.
I slipped my hands around him and placing them on his butt, I pulled him even deeper into my mouth. His cock slid down my throat and my tongue massaged it as it rested deep in my mouth. I continued to make love to his cock until he gently pulled me away.
He pulled me to my feet and kissed me deeply. My pulse was racing and my heart was pounding. My head was spinning. He led me to the bed.
"Crawl onto the bed on all fours," he said.
I crawled onto the bed with my butt towards him. He placed a pillow in front of me.
"Put your head on the pillow and your arms out to the side of your body," he ordered.
I followed his instructions. Now my hips and butt were high in the air as was my pussy and they were all fully exposed to him. I was fully exposed. I never felt so vulnerable. I could feel him moving closer behind me.
"Reach back with your hands and spread your cheeks and pussy lips wide for me. It is time for your inspection."
I knew what he was going to do, but I never imagined it would be this invasive. I felt my cheeks blushing red. After all I had been through, I could not believe this would affect me so.
He was prying my lips even further apart with his fingers. I could feel his breath on my warm wet inner pussy lips. I felt everything puckering and quivering. He continued to probe and explore for some time while I laid before him holding my most intimate parts open to him. He told me this would show my submission and demonstrate the total extent of his control.....and it did. Nothing he could have done could have driven the point home more clearly. But in spite of my discomfort, I was excited.
I longed for him to stroke my clit with his tongue or plunge his tongue deep into my pussy or my ass. I felt my hips start to move seeming to have a mind of their own.
Suddenly, my cunt was full of him. Without a word of warning he plunged his cock deep into my pussy. I gasped and cried out. The feeling was unbelievable. He grabbed my hips and slowly began to move his cock in and out of my pussy. My hips began to move in rythum with him. He plunged deeper and harder into my pussy as time progressed. I was aware only of him. He filled my senses and I could feel the waves of pleasure steadily building. His balls slapped against my pussy as he moved faster and faster. He bent over me and grabbed my tits. His fingers pinched the nipples as his cock continued to drive in and out of my pussy.
Finally, I could take it no more.
"May I cum, Master?" I cried.
This time there was no hesitation. My answer was a single word,
My pussy exploded in wave after wave of pleasure. My orgasm overtook me as my pussy broke into spasms around his cock. I could feel the muscles grabbing and relaxing around his cock as the second wave of pleasure overtook me and the orgasms continued. A third orgasm broke forth from me before I felt the sensations finally begin to subside and still he pumped away.
I was full of pure animal pleasure and desire. I didn't want him to ever stop, but he did.
Pulling his cock from my body, he rolled me over on my back and walked away. I felt a tide of sorrow wash over me. He was leaving me. Ah, but only for a moment, because he was back.
"Raise your arms and legs in the air," he ordered.
As I raised my limbs high into the air, I heard the clip of metal as he bound my ankles and wrists together. Now my pussy was spread wide open in front of him and I could feel the cool air in the room moving across it.
He crawled on the bed and I could feel his breath on my pussy. Then his tongue surged into my wide open cunt. I screamed and shuttered. I was ready to cum already.
"May I cum Master?" I gasped.
"No, dear, not yet," he replied.
I could not believe he was denying me. My legs began to shake as I struggled to control my building orgasm.
"Now," he said.
The word was no sooner across his lips, then my body began to shake with an orgasm. Wave after wave...orgasm after orgasm, overtook me, and he continued to eat me. I could not stand the sensation. My pussy was ultra sensitive, but I knew there was no point in begging him to stop.
My body was his. He raised up over me and plunged into me once more. My pussy wrapped so tightly around his cock and I felt him begin to shudder with his own release. We came together and moaned together and collapsed together. He beside me, my hands and legs still in the air.
He gently released my limbs and they fell down to the bed. I was completely exhausted and had never been so sated in my life. I could never remember being so high on emotions or orgasms being so intense.
We laid in each other's arms and enjoyed the after glow of our lovemaking. We talked quietly; we laughed together. We made love again and again....I came and came. He came again. He removed the cuffs and my collar.
When my collar came off, I felt a great sense of loss. In a very short time it had become a part of me. It felt like it belonged and I wanted it back. We cleaned up, got dressed and prepared to leave.
He walked me to my car and kissed me softly. We drove out of the parking lot and went our separate ways.
The sun was still shining and there was a soft cool breeze in the air. I went over the afternoon in my mind as I drove home. Never had I experienced such an intense fulfilling sexual experience. The giving over of my power and control had harvested me with an incredible reward. I was relaxed and happy. A sweet picture of my Master filled my mind. I longed for the next time we would met. I knew the greatest adventure of my life had just begun. | literotica |
Title: Belinda
Tags: first time, erotic, erotica
*This story is inspired by, and dedicated to, a gifted young writer who posts under the tag "blin18". I would encourage my readers to take some time to enjoy her wonderfully creative, entertaining and sexy stories; and especially, (although not exclusively!), The Headmaster's Office 01, which gave me the idea for this particular tale, which is a tiny bit edgier than most of my other stories! - PS
All characters in this story who are involved in serious sexual situations are at least 18 years old - PS*
\* \* \*
Belinda turned the shower off. As she dried herself with a large fluffy towel, she was positively tingling, especially when she got to that rather warm and sensitive place between her legs!
"Finally!" she thought to herself, as she anticipated the upcoming afternoon. It had taken a lot of coaxing, (to say nothing of flirting!), to get Greg to agree to help her finalize her university course selections, which were due on Monday. They were attending the same institution, and apparently, as he had shyly pointed out to her recently, there were some concerns about a few of the possible choices. No doubt this was because, since she knew Greg at least well enough for this, he had "done his homework". And more importantly, maybe, just maybe, it might lead to him asking her out on a "real" date, not just coffee, or a quick bite, with their mutual friends. She didn't know quite for certain why she was so attracted to him, but those soulful brown eyes, and serious, quiet and genuine, personality probably had a lot to do with it.
Belinda hung up the bath towel and set to work with her hair dryer. When she was finished, she took a moment to look at her reflection in the full length mirror. She was what her mother called petite; not quite five feet tall, with long light blond hair, (she had been letting it grow to show off its natural waves), blue eyes, (her best feature), and a clear milky complexion. She didn't consider herself beautiful, or anything like that, but she thought she looked "OK". Her breasts weren't all that large, but on her slender frame they made her appear "stacked", each one adorned with a pert brownish nipple. She didn't have much in the way of hips, and she also thought her legs were a bit too skinny. At the intersection of her thighs there was a wispy patch of pubic hair that was almost as light as that on her head, which was not so often the case with other "real blondes" she observed in the shower room. It did a rather poor job of hiding her more intimate sexual anatomy, although, so far, no boy had been able to find this out for himself!
Turning from the mirror, and leaving the washroom, Belinda began a leisurely stroll down the hall in the nude. She rather enjoyed the feeling that being naked gave her, sort of sexy and free. But she rarely got the chance to indulge herself, even in the privacy of her own house, as her mother frowned on this type of behavior. They had already had several arguments about Belinda sunbathing topless on their private patio out back.
"You know that showing off like that makes your father uncomfortable," her mother had lectured her, the second or third time she had been caught mostly undressed while lounging on the chaise.
"It's only tits Mom," she had countered, "you can see as many as you want at the movies; or on TV any night of the week."
"Well, don't you dare go any farther; young lady!"
"And why not?" Belinda had thought to herself rather defiantly. She was more than a little tempted, at some point, to "push the envelope" by discarding her bikini bottom as well, so she could get an "all over" tan. So her father got to see her nude ... I mean, so what?
The "tits", once a source of despair due to their diminutive size, had now become a matter of delight; nature having mercifully intervened over the last year or so to provide her with a decent figure, and she often received admiring looks when she wore a tight fitting top. Tossing into the waste bin the older versions of her bras gave her a lot of pleasure. They didn't fit any more ... how sad!
But you never know about mothers, she mused to herself, just when you think ...
\* \* \*
"I called Dr. Bishop; he'll be seeing you next Tuesday at 4; so you need to come home from work early ... can you arrange that?"
"Dr. Bishop ... what for ... I'm not sick?"
"You're starting on the pill before you go away for university."
For one of the very few times in her young life, Belinda was completely speechless!
Sensing Belinda's astonishment, her mother explained, although she was blushing more than a little as she did so.
"When I was your age; I know you'll have a hard time imagining that ... but anyway, I was away from home, and I met a boy in psych class; and fell for him ... hard! I guess he fell for me too; and even though we were both virgins, pretty soon we started sleeping together."
Belinda could hardly believe what she was hearing ... from her own mother!
"Now look Belinda, you're almost an adult; I'm not telling you to go have sex with the first guy you find attractive ... but sometimes, at your age; things happen ... at least they did to me."
"So," her mother continued, turning even redder, "he was using condoms ... we were young, but not completely stupid ... and once, one slipped off by accident inside me; right in the middle of my cycle. Needless to say I was pretty worried; it was about two weeks of absolute hell until my period came! Anyway, nothing awful happened ... fortunately ... and afterwards I went to the Student Health Centre, and got a prescription ... we stayed together 'til early second year, and then we split."
"Belinda," her mother added in a serious tone, "it was just a campus romance, not the real thing. And when you meet the right one, you just know ... or at least I did when your father came along."
"So the point of all this is that I can't tell you what to do ... except I'm still you mother ... and the last thing I want is to get is a phone call one night along the lines of: 'Mom; I think I might be pregnant.' ... and he still has to use a condom until you're absolutely certain about STD's ... understood?"
"Yes Mom," Belinda had replied meekly.
\* \* \*
Belinda had known Dr. Bishop since she was little, but she was still a bit apprehensive about the appointment, which she knew would involve an internal exam. Her best friend Rebecca had gone through one recently for the same reason, and when Belinda asked her about it, what she heard was not completely reassuring. However, notwithstanding that, she had decided to call back his office and ask if she could get her physical for university at the same time.
"If I'm going to have to undress anyway," she reasoned, "it might as well be for Dr. Bishop rather than some stranger on campus."
The receptionist had greeted her at Dr. Bishop's office, and shortly afterwards his nurse ushered her into an examination room.
"You might as well take everything off now," the nurse explained in a matter-of-fact way, handing her a hospital gown, "because it's a lot easier for the doctor to do the upstairs part without your bra, and you'll have to take your panties off for the downstairs bit anyway."
When the nurse left her, Belinda stripped off her clothes and underwear, and wrapped herself in the blue cotton garment the nurse had provided, although she noticed that her hands were trembling a little.
"Get a grip," she scolded herself, "it's just Dr. Bishop."
The nurse returned a few minutes later with a portable EKG machine.
"Why don't you just get rid of the gown for a minute and lie down there," she ordered, "and could you take your shoes off as well please. I can cover you once I've connected everything."
Belinda got up on the examination table and, after dropping her sandals on the floor, she shed the gown, tossing it aside so that she could lie down, completely naked. The nurse, whose name tag said "Jane", and something or other "RN", began to apply the disposable electrodes to various places on her body, and then connecting them to a wiring harness attached to the machine.
"Do you want that over you now?" Jane asked her when she was finished.
"Will this take long?"
"I'm fine for now; it's pretty warm in here."
Belinda waited patiently for the machine to spit out her chart. And just as the nurse was tearing off the paper graph, there was a tap on the door, and Dr. Bishop came in. What a way to start; starkers ... and wired for sound!
"Hello Belinda; it's been a while" he said pleasantly, "... are you done Jane?"
Jane nodded her assent, and began removing the EKG paraphernalia.
"Hello Dr. Bishop," Belinda managed to blurt, as if she wasn't lying there in the altogether ... sheesh!
"Why don't you sit up now Belinda, so we can get started," Dr. Bishop asked, "would you like Jane to stay here while I examine you?"
"No it's OK" she replied, trying at her best 'big girl' voice; as if men, even if they weren't doctors, got to see her naked all the time ... right!
But Dr. Bishop was all business, offering her the hospital gown to put around her middle, which she refused.
"Bit late for that!" she said to him, trying to make a joke.
"I suppose so," he replied with a smile, "but I always must ask, just good professional practice."
He proceeded to go through the various parts of the physical, along with numerous questions, which he noted on a clipboard. Somehow it didn't seem to matter quite so much, as he listened to this, and felt that, that she had nothing on.
"Belinda I don't want to pry into your personal life, but I'm afraid I have to ask if you're a virgin before I do the rest of the exam."
"No," Belinda lied. She had known this question was coming at some point, and it was much better to tell a falsehood than admit she had long ago masturbated away any traces of her virtue.
"Just once," she added, trying to sound authentic, and looking Dr. Bishop in the eye for good measure.
"Yeah sure," she thought with some inward sarcasm, remembering the frequent sessions with the dildo she had laid claim to from the rather extensive collection in the girl's dorm, "just once, as in, just once every night when I was horny!"
"OK," Dr. Bishop replied making some sort of mark with his pen, "by the way, do you smoke?"
"No sir; it bothers me to even be near a lit cigarette."
"Good girl ... I won't prescribe the pill for women who do," and then he explained with a sly look, "sort of my way of trying to make them choose between smoking, and sex without a condom. Probably doesn't work, and probably unethical, but it's for a good cause!"
Belinda giggled, Dr. Bishop had more of a sense of humour than she had suspected!
"This is your first internal exam?'
"Yes sir."
"I figured it was, but I had to ask. Now then Belinda, I want you to try to relax. I know it's hard under the circumstances, but let me explain something to you. There are guidelines about prescribing birth control pills, and I have to follow them. I personally think this is totally unnecessary for any healthy young women such as yourself, but I don't have a lot of choice, because in the unlikely event that something was wrong, and I didn't do the pelvic exam, and you had a problem, well, I could be in a lot of trouble."
"I understand."
"You're sure you don't want Jane here for this?"
"No sir, I'm fine," Belinda replied. She wasn't; but there was no way she was going to admit it to Dr. Bishop!
"You can put that back on now, if you like," Dr. Bishop said, pointing at the hospital gown once again.
"Why ... I'm not cold," she replied, ignoring his suggestion. Whatever was coming next, Belinda was determined not to be some sort of wimp! I mean, what was the point of covering up now?
"OK ... now then, lie back down with your hips at the edge of the table and I'll help you put your feet in the stirrups. I know it's embarrassing and uncomfortable, but I have to be able to see everything. I'll be as quick and gentle as I can," Dr. Bishop said as he pulled on a fresh pair of surgical gloves from a box on a shelf, and then moved a bright light so it shone on Belinda's rather defenseless, and very exposed, personal anatomy!
"You know Belinda," he said conversationally, "as a doctor you just never know about patients; especially female patients."
"How so?"
"As you might imagine, I've done quite a few of these exams over the years. You get a few 'troopers', like you, who don't let the fact they're naked in front of me bother them all that much," he replied, "but also a lot of others that insist that I drape them."
"Whatever for?"
"I think it makes them feel that somehow or other I'm not looking at them down there."
"That's ridiculous in this situation," Belinda said, rolling her eyes, "what in heaven's name do they think they're hiding from you?"
Even Dr. Bishop had to laugh at this observation.
He had perched himself on a stool between her legs, and then he spread the lips of her sex so he could look more closely at things. Belinda prayed to herself that, no matter what happened, please God, she wouldn't get wet! She had to wait a bit for him to warm the odd plastic instrument, but it slid into her vagina without any trouble. And finally, when that part was done with, one, and then two, fingers went, "where no man had gone before".
And then it was over, just like that! And not nearly as terrible, or embarrassing, as her imagination, or Rebecca, had suggested.
"Everything is perfectly normal ... as I expected," he had said to her in a kindly way as he wiped away some of the excess lubricant with a tissue, and then helped her get out of the stirrups, "why don't you get dressed while I finish up the paperwork?"
Finally, after a short wait, she was called into his office, and when she left it, she had a starter kit of physician samples, instructions, her medical form, and a prescription; along with a compliment, and an admonition, from Dr. Bishop.
"You've turned into a lovely young woman Belinda. I suppose it's unprofessional for me to say that, even though I've been taking care of you from when you were almost a baby. And Belinda, please remember, just because you can't get pregnant, it doesn't mean you can't get a STD; so let's be careful out there, shall we!"
"I will ... thanks Dr. Bishop."
\* \* \*
Belinda was rummaging through her closet, musing about what to wear; not wanting to get so dressed up that Greg would think she was making a play for him, which of course she was; but also wanting to look attractive and sexy in a wholesome "girl next door" sort of way ... and then she remembered the dare!
"Oh, oh!" she thought to herself, as reality broke through the pink cloud that had surrounded her.
In her excitement about being alone with Greg for the first time, she had almost forgotten what she had planned. And there was an even worse dilemma; suppose he didn't ask her out ... this might be her only chance!
\* \* \*
It had started innocently enough. She had shown Rebecca her story, 'The Headmaster's Office 01', the first of a fun series of erotic stories she was working on, which she intended to post on the on-line site she frequented.
"That's really good," Rebecca had complimented her.
"But," she continued, "even if you lost a game of 'Truth or Dare', like in your story, you would never go to school without your panties, now would you?"
"How do you know?" Belinda retorted, a little bit insulted.
"Because I know you," Rebecca said with a laugh, "you're way too tame ... and anyway, even the no panties thing wouldn't be all that extreme, because if you were careful no one would ever find out you had nothing on under your skirt. So ... no big deal!"
"You might be surprised at what I'd do," Belinda said in a challenging voice.
"Such as?"
"Maybe go to school without panties, and then sit with my legs apart so some guy would get to see my pussy ... how about that?"
"You really think I believe you would be brave enough, or stupid enough, to do something like that ... stop kidding me!"
"Why not, it would just be some random guy ... so he gets to see it; so what?"
"I have a better idea," Rebecca said with an evil glint in her eye, "if you're as bold as you say you are, then next time you see Greg, go without the panties and let him have a look; how about that!"
Belinda could feel the colour rushing to her cheeks. Rebecca knew all about Belinda's interest in Greg!
"I dare you," Rebecca taunted, laughing at her.
Belinda was both speechless, and furious, she'd show her!
"OK, I'll do it," she said to Rebecca, "so there!"
"What ... no way!"
"Want to bet?"
"But you have to do it too, or no dice."
Rebecca didn't look quite so superior all of a sudden, Belinda noticed with some satisfaction.
"Has Danny ever seen you naked, smarty pants?"
"Uh ... no."
Danny had taken Rebecca out a couple of times, and Belinda had met him. Her dislike was virtually instant! Why Rebecca was wasting her time with a loser like that was beyond her. And when Rebecca wasn't looking, he had even given Belinda a 'I wouldn't mind bagging a babe like you' look; even though he was dating her best friend. What a jerk!
"So then it's fair; we both go on a date with no panties, and then make sure both guys get to see some pussy ... unless you're too scared?" Belinda taunted, getting some of her own back.
"You wouldn't dare," Rebecca countered.
"I would too!"
"OK, you're on, Miss Big Talk; but you have to prove that you did it, and that he saw everything, just like when you went to the doctor."
"How can I do that?"
"You have to get him to take a picture of it, with some part of him in the shot, so I know for sure."
"But ..." Belinda protested as the implications of this demand dawned on her.
"No buts ... that's the deal," Rebecca said in a confrontational fashion.
"And what if one of us doesn't do it?" Belinda asked.
"Then there has to a forfeit, a bad one, to make sure we both do it."
"Such as?"
"Well, let's see ... I know about this? Whoever chickens out has to give the other girl's boyfriend a blowjob while she watches, and you have to swallow it!"
"Ohmigod!" Belinda thought, shocked.
"So?" Rebecca finally said, arching her eyebrows and looking at Belinda in a knowing way.
"Give me a sec; I want to think this over."
Maybe Rebecca had sucked a guy's cock before, and assumed Belinda had as well; but she had never touched a boy's penis, not even through his clothing. If she agreed to this, she better not lose!
"OK, dare!'
This had always been their way of agreeing on something, and had been so since they were girls; although the stakes this time were considerably higher!
"Wait," Belinda said.
"Now what?"
"I need some time. You're already dating Danny, and I haven't got Greg to even ask me out yet."
"That's fair. How about six weeks, just before we go off for school? We'll meet on that Friday night, and compare pictures, if you even have one," Rebecca said with a smirk, "and then on Saturday, you can suck Danny off; I'm sure he'll enjoy it!"
The thought of being down on her knees in front of a smug Danny, his pants and underwear around his ankles, with his erect penis in her mouth, like she had seen in some porn videos, was revolting!
There was only one set of letters for this, as in "N" and "O".
"Don't worry, I'll be there ... with a picture. You can bet on it!"
\* \* \*
The doorbell rung; and Belinda rushed to answer it. She had finally, after a lot of indecision, elected to wear a sleeveless turquoise top with a loose scoop neck. If she leaned forward a certain way, it would probably let Greg get a glimpse of her breasts, with the nipples and areola barely covered by the sheer fabric of her sexiest bra.
"And that would be bad?" she thought to herself with an inward smile as she put it on.
She had also selected an off-white peasant skirt, its loose flounces almost reaching mid-thigh. It wasn't the shortest one in her collection, but when you weren't wearing panties, some discretion seemed advisable!
Belinda had decided to leave the picture request until the end of the afternoon; she thought it might be better to let Greg get more comfortable with her before she dropped that little bombshell!
She ushered him into the front hall, noting his nervousness, which she took as a good sign. If he was just here to give her help, he would probably be much more relaxed.
After she offered him a soft drink, which he declined, they adjourned to the kitchen table, where she had set up her laptop. As they reviewed the timetable options, with Greg sitting close beside her so they both could see the screen, Belinda resisted a strong urge to forget all about the task at hand, and just start kissing him!
Finally they were done, and her choices had been submitted to the university via their on-line web portal.
"I'll print them out later," she said to Greg.
"Don't forget to make a hard copy of the confirmation number," he had suggested, in his earnest way, "they have a habit of screwing up ... I saw a few pretty ugly situations from last semester on the student blog when I did my research."
"Now what?" Belinda thought to herself, as she tried to move the afternoon onto a more date-like footing.
"There's a Starbucks just a ten minute walk from here," Belinda finally said in a hopeful tone,
"maybe we could go get an iced coffee?"
"Sure ... sounds good."
It was a warm afternoon, and as they walked along, Belinda attempted to engage Greg by asking him about his course decisions. Once they had purchased their drinks, which he insisted on paying for, despite Belinda's protests, they sat at a small table to enjoy them. Belinda was very careful to keep her legs closed while she was sitting. If someone saw something, and made a remark, things could get more than just a little awkward. When they finished, they started back to her house. Greg seemed somewhat more relaxed after the coffees, Belinda observed; it was therefore definitely time to get a bit more friendly with this boy, otherwise he might just faint when she asked him to help her with the dare. So she put her hand in his, to signal to him that this was more than just a friendly afternoon outing!
The streets in Belinda's community didn't have any sidewalks, so she and Greg had to walk on the edge of the road. Just a few blocks from her house, a pickup truck approached them at considerable speed, but riding the centre of the street, more or less ignoring the concept of lanes. Without warning, as it got very near to them, a squirrel darted in front of it, and the driver swerved. Before Belinda could even react Greg had pushed her onto a lawn, falling right beside her as he did so. Disoriented, Belinda saw the driver slow, and then resume his speed, satisfied that no one was hurt. But there was another problem, she soon discovered. Most of her skirt had treacherously flipped itself up, and Greg was staring with wide eyes at her totally exposed pussy, just inches away from his face, with nothing at all left to his imagination as her legs were skewed apart!
"Oh ... ah sorry," Greg said, quickly looking away, "I thought he was going to hit us."
"That was close," Belinda replied, as she hurriedly put her legs together, while pushing her skirt down to cover her nakedness.
"You weren't supposed to see that ... yet," she offered, figuring that some sort of explanation was going to be in order. The look on Greg's face told her that he was both confused and embarrassed.
"Are you OK?" he finally asked, clearly trying to act as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.
"I think so," Belinda answered, "... thank you, we could have been killed," she added in a serious way.
"What an idiot," Greg said with some emotion, "just nuke the squirrel, not two people!"
"He probably just reacted without thinking."
"Based on how fast he was going on a residential street, I'm sure that thinking is not his strong suit!" Greg said vehemently.
There was an awkward silence for a few moments, although Greg had helped her to her feet; carefully looking away in case he might get a further glimpse of forbidden territory. Belinda decided it was necessary to bring up the obvious.
"I guess you're kinda wondering, aren't you?" Belinda said, looking down to ensure he got the meaning.
Greg didn't answer. He looked very uncomfortable. No doubt he was trying to be a gentleman, and pretend that he hadn't noticed Belinda's nudity. Good luck with that!
"Greg, it's fine," Belinda said, looking him directly in the eye, "I'm not upset about what happened with my skirt, and we both know what you saw. But, just let me explain, OK? You know my best friend Rebecca don't you?"
Greg carefully nodded his assent.
"It's kinda juvenile I guess. But anyway, she and I were arguing about how far either of us would be prepared to go with a boy, even though neither one of us actually has anything much to brag about in that department. And, I know this sounds really stupid ... but we ended up making a sort of bet. You have to go out with a boy without any panties on, and at some point you have to show him you're naked down below, or you lose and pay a forfeit. And the forfeit is pretty bad, trust me!"
She could see the total surprise on Greg's face, but she pressed on. There didn't seem to be much to lose at this point!
"So, I was going to tell all of this to you later on, at my place, and then ask if it would be OK for me to lift my skirt for you so you could see. I guess that truck just moved up the timetable a bit."
"It's not that big a deal," she added in a hopeful way, "you've seen that part of a girl before I'm sure?"
"Not for real," Greg answered, flushing, and very clearly embarrassed at having to admit this.
"Oh well, first time for everything," Belinda said, trying to be reassuring, "if it will make you feel any better; you're the only guy who's ever seen it, except for my doctor, and he shouldn't count, don't you think?"
"I suppose so," Greg answered cautiously.
"It all started because she was teasing me," Belinda said with a small grimace, trying desperately to explain further, "and I didn't like it, and I called her on it, and she said, 'OK, you're on', and here I am," she added, giving Greg a mischievous grin, "without any panties!"
Greg managed to grin back at her, looking more than a little relieved.
"You probably think I'm pretty wild ... but for sure I'm not at all like that! C'mon let's go back to my place, there's one more thing I need you to do so I don't lose to her."
"What's that?" he asked.
"You'll see ..."
\* \* \*
They were standing in Belinda's bedroom, where she had set up her digital camera on the desk.
"My parents won't be home until at least eleven; probably even later," she had already explained to Greg, "so you don't need to worry about being in here."
"Greg ..."
"Did you like looking at my pussy?" she asked provocatively, taking him by the arm to the spot she had previously selected for the picture, and at the same time giving him a little kiss on the cheek.
"I was so surprised, what with the truck and all," he admitted in a serious way, "that I don't think I really had much of a chance to react one way or another."
"Well guess what?"
"You're going to get to see it again, 'cause I need you to take a picture of it to prove to Rebecca that I went through with this. Is that OK?"
Greg nodded, but Belinda could see that he was further taken aback by what was about to occur.
"You can look all you want this time," Belinda said, undoing the closure on her skirt so she could take it off, "because nobody is going to run us down with a truck in here ... or at least I hope not!"
Greg laughed a little at this.
Belinda stepped out of the skirt, trying to be as casual as she could, although her heart was beating at about the same pace as a hummingbird's!
"Look at that grass stain," she complained; just to deflect the conversation somehow away from the fact she was mostly nude in front of a boy. And not just any boy, but Greg!
"I hope it's going to come out."
"It should," he responded in a helpful, careful, tone, clearly trying, but not entirely succeeding, to not stare at some rather interesting sights just below her waist.
Belinda enjoyed a brief inward smile at his attempt to be cool; as if there was nothing unusual about the situation; just your normal everyday encounter with a pretty much naked female ... ho, hum!
"OK," she instructed, "I'm going to set the auto timer, and then stand beside you for the first one."
Belinda leaned over the camera to fix the setting. She was well aware that this was probably providing Greg with some sort of shameless view from behind, but somehow she didn't seem to care. It was as if a different girl, one with an exhibitionist streak for sure, had taken possession of her psyche!
Once the camera was set, she rushed to Greg's side, and then waited until the flash announced that the shot had been completed.
"Just let me check if it's OK," she said, "and then we need one more ... 'cause there is no way on God's green earth I'm going to let Rebecca make me do that forfeit!"
"What is it?" Greg asked in a curious tone.
"Don't ask; and I won't tell," Belinda replied with a giggle.
"Now then," she said after confirming that the first picture had turned out correctly, "I need you to take a picture of my pussy with your hand or something close to it, to prove that you got to see everything between my legs. I know that's ridiculous, when I have the other picture, but those are the rules!"
Greg just nodded, still speechless, which was hardly surprising.
"What's that ring?" she asked, noticing for the first time that he was wearing one.
"It was my grandfather's," Greg explained, "he was a Mason ... he's dead now, but we were pretty close; so I always wear it in his honour."
"That's so cool," Belinda said, impressed, "and perfect, because it will prove that it's you, and nobody else, in the picture ... and Rebecca thought I would never do this," she added in an excited, triumphant tone.
"Here's the camera," Belinda said to Greg, "you can focus it with that little lever there. I put it in close-up mode. And then we can put your ring hand in the shot when you're ready. I'll lie on the bed; it will make it easier for you to see all of me."
Belinda lay down with her hips near the side of the bed, and then pulled her legs up so her heels rested on the edge if it. Moving her legs apart, her female charms were very fully on display for him, and she realized she was blushing more than just a little. Small wonder!
"Do you think this will convince Rebecca?" she teased, feeling very greatly daring!
"Yes," he replied, almost inaudibly.
Greg looked pretty nervous as he contemplated her compromising position. And, she noticed with a certain amount of satisfaction, there was a rather pronounced bulge at the front of his pants!
"OK, come over here and kneel down in front of me and get the camera ready."
Greg did as she indicated, although he was rather hesitant about it.
"No closer," she instructed, "you have to get your hand in the shot."
Greg moved up so that his face was only a foot or so away from her pussy, definitely almost in Dr. Bishop territory!
"Can you get it in focus?" Belinda asked. She was very surprised, now that the ice was broken, at how easy this was turning out to be!
"Uh, huh."
"Give me your ring hand, and then you can take the picture."
"OK." Greg replied, reaching forward.
Belinda spread one leg even farther apart, and then took hold of his hand and placed it on her tummy, letting the thumb rest just at the beginning of her pubic hair. It was a pretty naughty thing to do, but the contact with his hand, so very close to the most intimate part of her, was also very exciting!
There was a few seconds of delay, and then the flash went off. Greg removed his hand, but not all that quickly she noticed, which was interesting, and then she moved around until she was able to sit up with Greg still kneeling in front of her.
"Let me see, please," she said, taking the camera from him.
"Perfect," she declared as she viewed the picture. The smallest details of the lush pink folds of her sex were in ideal focus, as was the small patch of lightly coloured pubic hair; and at the top of the shot, Greg's hand with his ring!
"Thanks to you there'll be no forfeits for this girl." Belinda said, giving Greg a warm smile, "I hope you didn't mind too much helping me?"
"Hardly," Greg replied is a quiet, serious voice, "... I mean ... you know ... a girl with almost nothing on, right in front of me."
"Anytime," she teased.
There was a momentary silence, and then ...
"Yes Greg."
His voice had an uncertain sound to it.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course."
"Promise you won't get angry with me."
"Why would I do that?"
"You don't know what I'm going to ask."
"Well then ask away; don't keep me in suspense."
"Belinda ... can I ... I mean, would you mind ... uh ... can I touch it?"
"What!" Belinda exclaimed involuntarily, momentarily stunned.
"It's not what you think ..." Greg quickly added in a concerned way.
"Well what is it?" Belinda asked, recovering somewhat from her surprise.
"It's not like I'm trying to have sex with you," Greg explained in a flustered tone, "it's just that I've never ... I mean ... since you let me see things, I thought maybe that you might let me touch you ... you know ... so I would know what a girl is like."
"Oh I see ..." Belinda said, stalling for time as she considered this bold request.
"I mean other guys my age know all about girls, and what do I know ... nothing," he added in a forlorn sort of way.
Belinda looked at him, her initial surprise now replaced by a small amount of sympathy, and more than a little curiosity. What would it feel like to be explored by a man; one without surgical gloves?
Making up her mind, Belinda started pulling the turquoise top over her head.
"What are you doing," Greg asked in a confused way.
"Well," she answered, tossing the garment aside and reaching around to undo her bra, "if I'm going to help you find out about girls, you should probably get to handle everything; don't you think?"
"And Greg," she continued.
"I've never touched that part of a boy before either; so I get to do the same thing to you; OK?"
"OK," he answered softly.
Belinda noticed that his wonderful brown eyes were wide with wonder as he contemplated the now completely nude female right next to him!
"Come and stand here in front of me," Belinda ordered, "and take all your clothes off; 'cause it's ladies first!"
\* \* \*
Belinda felt behind her for a tissue from the box on her night stand ... her face, her breasts; she was covered with the stuff! Greg was just standing there, looking mortified.
"Oh God," he had said, red as a beet, "I ... I just couldn't stop myself ... I'm sorry."
"It's OK," Belinda said gently, "I guess I went a little too far with things. I don't have any experience with boys, so I didn't know when to stop."
"Just stay here," she added, patting the bed beside her, and then getting up, "I'm going to go to the washroom to clean up ... I'll be right back."
Moments later, she was using, and then rinsing, a washcloth to remove any traces of Greg's indiscretion. But before she did, she dipped a finger into some that had splattered on the top of her left breast, and carefully tasted it with the tip of her tongue. It was kind of salty, but not totally awful!
She'd seen men ejaculate on porn sites, but Greg's performance had been impressive, as he spurted all over her. No video could ever do justice to what she had just experienced. Greg's erection was certainly pretty hard, pretty big, and pretty powerful!
Returning to the bedroom she sat down beside Greg.
"Maybe I should go?" he said in a downcast way to her.
"Not happening," Belinda replied, "fair is fair; you wanted to find out about girls, and you're going to, so we're even."
"But ..."
"Let's go," Belinda said, moving over so she could lie on the bed, spreading her legs a little for him, "why don't you start with my breasts."
"You're sure ..."
"Uh, huh; go ahead, touch them," she commanded.
Greg gingerly stroked one of her breasts on the side a little.
"No, no, not like that," Belinda said, "here I'll show you."
She took Greg's hand, and put it so it cupped one of her breasts. He squeezed it a little, as if trying to gauge it size and weight. Thank goodness she now had actual tits; otherwise this could have been pretty disappointing for him!
"You can feel it like that," she said, giving him what she hoped was an inviting look, "but if you want to get a girl all worked up you need to do something different."
"Take your finger," she said, favouring him with another smile, "and run it all around the area where the nipple is. That's where you'll get the most reaction. Just be nice and slow and gentle. Most girls like that way more than having some guy just grab on to them. Or at least that's what some of my friends say. Suzy told me she likes her boyfriend to roll her nipples between his thumb and forefinger, so do that too, so I can see what it's like.
"Why are you telling me all this," Greg asked, his confusion apparent, although he was following Belinda's instructions, and he was certainly a good study!
"Because you are a really nice guy, and I really like you; that's why," Belinda answered, trying not to blush at her boldness, "and the next time you're with me, or maybe some other girl, you'll know what to do; isn't that what you wanted?"
"Uh, huh," he answered, although the look on his face certainly gave away his astonishment at what was occurring.
As Greg proceeded with his lesson, Belinda gave a little sigh and closed her eyes ... it felt very, very good, and little shock waves of heat and electricity were travelling downwards through her body towards the secret, or maybe soon not so secret, place between her legs.
"Now you can kiss them," Belinda said flirtatiously, opening her eyes, "so you'll remember them in your dreams."
Greg's expression suggested that this was a certainty!
"Now you can feel the other part," Belinda said, after Greg had planted a tiny kiss on each of her now erect little nipples.
"Give me your hand," she ordered spreading her legs more widely.
"You're sure this is OK." Greg asked cautiously, but also offering one hand to her.
"Uh, huh."
"Now, you start here," Belinda explained, taking his finger and lightly rubbing it along the outer edges of her pussy, letting it caress the soft sensitive inner lips, from where they began, and then on downwards towards the opening of her vagina, and then back again, "nice and slow, until she gets turned on enough for it to get wet inside."
Which certainly wasn't much of a problem in this case, as Greg's previous attentions to her super-sensitive breasts had pretty much done the trick already. She was already very, very aroused, but determined to give him a lesson he'd never forget, as she moved his finger, letting it tease the delicate folds more and more as her excitement increased.
"Now," she instructed, "when you think she might be ready, you can do this."
Belinda plunged his finger into the warm, welcoming furrow of her pussy, which was more than ready for him, and began running it back and forth, making sure that it grazed her clitoris in just the right way!
As she allowed this much more intimate exploration to continue for a little, Belinda became impatient, and finally pushed him a little way inside her vagina, which caused an amazing feeling of pleasure as she lay there, eyes closed. A boy, even an inexperienced one, felt way better than anything she had ever done to herself!
"Now you do it," she whispered breathlessly, "touch me some more, right there," she added, moving his finger to show him, "but first put it all the way inside me."
Greg obeyed, cautiously entering her as far as he could, and then spreading her wetness everywhere as he continued his delicious discovery of her femininity.
"More," Belinda softly pleaded, starting to lose control, and spreading her legs even more widely for him.
"Like this," she demanded breathlessly, using her hand to direct two of his fingers inside of her, which provided a wonderful feeling of fullness and satisfaction as they stretched and probed the interior of her vagina, even as she roughly pushed his thumb against her swollen clitoris, sending incredible sensations throughout her entire being. She was so completely open and exposed for him; and hot, and wet, and it felt wonderful!
Belinda closed her eyes, making some small sounds of pleasure as she submitted to the exquisite sensations of being touched intimately by a man. And then, after a few more moments of this, an incredibly strong climax engulfed her, making her pelvis contract as her muscles clutched frantically at the invaders buried deep inside her vagina. She just floated away, momentarily lost!
When she finally opened her eyes, she saw Greg looking at her in an amazed way.
"Was that ..." he asked in a cautious tone.
"Yes," she answered, giving him a gentle smile. There was no longer any question of what to do next; it was just so right, so necessary, to give herself to this boy!
"I think you better kiss me now," Belinda whispered, pulling him towards her, "because that's what couples usually do before they make love."
She had already noticed that Greg had another erection, and her female instincts were demanding that he put it to good use!
"I ... I don't have anything," Greg said apologetically, hopelessly lost in the situation.
"It doesn't matter, I'm on the pill," she replied simply.
The resulting kiss lasted forever, and about half way through it, Greg began fondling her breasts, and reacquainting himself with her womanhood, still hot and wet, and certainly very ready!
She gave out a little gasp when he finally entered her; God he was huge! She had to give him a reassuring whisper in his ear when it made him pause for a moment. And then he was moving in and out, enjoying her body, possessing her. There was no going back now, and it didn't matter, the feeling of that part of a man inside her, the warmth and intensity of it, was so, so good! And she was wild in his arms as she responded to him, wrapping her legs around his middle, and grasping at his back, desperate, determined, to have every last bit of him. And it went on, and on, and on, as he got even more deeply within her, somehow reaching her cervix with the power of his thrusts. And when he finally erupted with a visceral grunt, she could feel the white heat of him as he got his release, and it triggered another powerful climax, which made her cry out frantically. And afterwards, the two of them lay there, hot, sweaty, and spent!
\* \* \*
They were sitting in the restaurant, inhaling the giant, delicious, burgers. Apparently amorous activities made people hungry!
Between bites, Belinda found time to tease Greg, as they sat side-by-side in a nicely private booth.
"We really need to work on your dating skills."
He looked at her, totally confused.
"You've got things backwards; you're supposed to take the girl out for dinner first," she giggled, "and then try to have sex with her."
Even Greg had to laugh at this, although he wasn't totally defenseless, or without a sense of humour, Belinda discovered to her amusement.
"Most of the girls I hang out with don't bother wearing panties," he deadpanned, although there was a definite twinkle in his eye, "it saves quite a bit on laundry."
Belinda almost choked on her food as she suppressed a snort of laughter!
"Oh, I see," she finally replied, while keeping her voice low, so no one would overhear, "so tell me, 'Mr. God's Gift To Women', these other pantyless girls; do you think that they might ... assuming of course that you would lower yourself to fool around with them ... they might ... how shall I put this politely ... ahem ... respond to you, like a certain person did this afternoon?"
"Of course," Greg said, trying, but not succeeding, to supress a grin, "I have a reputation to uphold."
When Belinda finally stopped laughing, she said to him flirtatiously, "It's still pretty early, and my parents won't be home until later. After we're done here we could back to my place if you want to."
"And ..." she added giving him her very best "come hither" look, while taking his hand and stealthily directing it under the table, and up her skirt, until he made contact with her pussy, still very conveniently naked, and once again very much ready for action!
"This date isn't over, and those were the rules," she explained to him suggestively, batting her eyes!
\* \* \*
Belinda stretched in her bed. It was wonderful to lie there, naked and contented, after a rather seriously carnal afternoon, and evening, with Greg. Not exactly how a girl plans to behave on her first date, but, who cared, he certainly seemed happy; and there was absolutely no doubt about her condition!
Sex with a boy was not only good ... but better than almost anything one could even imagine ... chocolate ice cream; home baked cookies; fireworks, there had certainly been plenty of those, she thought to herself with an inward grin; the list went on and on!
Just then, her smartphone rang; it was Rebecca.
"So how was the date?" she asked.
"Perfect; and I have pictures ... so I guess Danny is out of luck ... too bad," she said with some degree of satisfaction, "... and yours?"
"He stood me up."
"He made some lame excuse, and never showed up."
"Weird," Belinda said, "I thought he really liked you."
"So did I ... but, Greg; how did he handle ... you know ... things," Rebecca giggled.
"It was fine."
"And ..."
"Um, nothing," Belinda felt herself blushing, even though Rebecca couldn't even see her.
"You are a pathetically terrible liar, you know. Something happened didn't it?"
"Well sort of."
"Oh right, 'sort of'; like you two had sex; right?"
"I guess so ..."
"I guess so," Rebecca said sarcastically; Belinda could almost see her looking to the heavens, "that's not the sort of thing a girl somehow misses in passing, now is it?"
"OK, OK, we did it ... I showed him my pussy, and then he asked if he could touch it ... and then ... well ... one thing led to another ..."
"On the first date," Belinda could hear the amusement in Rebecca's voice.
"He was very nice ... nervous ... but nice."
"Well 'no panty girl'," Rebecca said with a chuckle, "I'm impressed ... perhaps you should be offering a non-credit course at university: Nymphomania 101!"
"Ha, ha ... and it wasn't like that. I think he really likes me; so there!"
"What's not to like," Rebecca retorted, clearly relishing the conversation, "the girl runs around without any panties ... and she puts out!"
"Goodbye," Belinda said furiously, ending the call!
Glancing at her smartphone after she hung up, she noticed a message from Greg. He took a bus every Sunday to the forestry camp he worked at for a summer job, returning late on Friday nights. The work was grueling, and the hours long, he had explained to her, but the pay was way above average for a student. They were going out again next Saturday night ... something to look forward to!
"Hi, I attached this picture of a couple I saw on my way back home last night. BTW, I know the guy ... is that the same Danny Rebecca is dating? Hope I'm wrong! See you Saturday ... miss you already!"
There was absolutely no doubt about it. Danny was wrapped around a girl, one with a ridiculously short skirt, and some sort of miniscule tube top which completely precluded a bra. His hand was on her bum, pushing the skirt part way up, and causing her panties to be exposed ... at least she was wearing some! They were kissing; and unless the picture was lying, you could bet they were intent on some other forms of personal recreation.
"Don't say I didn't warn you," Belinda thought to herself grimly, as she forwarded the message to Rebecca.
It only took a few seconds before her phone was ringing again.
"I guess I should apologize," a contrite Rebecca said on the other end of the line, "I shouldn't have made jokes about your first time ... that's sort of mean ... I'm sorry."
"It's OK," Belinda replied simply.
"At least," Rebecca added with some conviction, "you did it with someone who isn't a lying, cheating, bastard! You told me over and over that he was a prick ... and I wouldn't listen."
"I'm sorry," Belinda said sympathetically.
"It's not your fault ... and I feel totally stupid! And what's worse, not only was I going to ditch my panties, like we agreed, but I had already decided to let him have sex with me."
"So maybe in a way ... things have turned out for the best," Belinda offered helpfully.
"Yes, thanks to Greg ... I guess I owe him big time!"
"No worries. You'll get your chance to show him how much you appreciate it."
"How so?"
"Remember the forfeit?" Belinda said mischievously.
"Oh God!" Rebecca groaned.
"Look at it this way," Belinda said smugly, "before yesterday Greg didn't know anything about girls. Now you're going to show him something new and interesting a girl can do for a boy! And I really, really like him; so try to do a good job ... OK?"
"You're definitely going to make me do this?" Rebecca complained.
"Of course, those were the rules ... you lost; now you pay up!"
"If you come over next Saturday around 6:30," Belinda continued, relishing her victory, "I'll show you the pictures ... did you know my pussy is very photogenic," she added with a snicker, just to rub it in a little more, "... Greg's coming by just after 7."
"I guess I don't have much of a choice," Rebecca said in a resigned tone, "since you won't let me of the hook."
"Not a chance, any more than you would have let me off if I didn't got through with it," Belinda giggled, "looks like the poor guy is going to have to do it twice next weekend, once in your mouth, and once inside me!"
"Belinda!" Rebecca protested.
"Maybe you should watch some porn videos for practice ..."
\* \* \*
"So how many guys have you done this to?" Belinda asked. They were sitting in the main floor family room, sipping on a vodka and lemonade concoction Belinda had mixed up especially for the occasion. She rather figured that her friend might need a little loosening up so she could "perform". Her suspicions were confirmed as Rebecca was already on her second one!
"Just Peter," Rebecca answered, "... and just once."
Peter and Rebecca had dated for a while this past spring.
"He wanted to have sex with me, and I wasn't on the pill then, so I wouldn't, even if he used something, although I did let him feel inside my panties a few times. So one night I decided to put him out of his misery," Rebecca giggled, "I was just going to use my hand to get him off ... anyway, there it was, and I was a bit curious about what it might be like, so I put it in my mouth. Boy; was he surprised!"
"I guess so," Belinda said with a giggle of her own.
"I didn't want to get it all over my clothes, so I let him come in my mouth, and then I went to the washroom and spat if out."
"It wasn't that bad, I probably could have swallowed it."
Just then the doorbell rang.
Belinda rushed to the front hall, opening the door for Greg and then engulfing him in a hug, followed by a rather lengthy, and very, passionate kiss ... just in case he had any doubts about where the evening might be leading! However, when she took him by the hand, and led him into the family room, he wasn't able to contain his surprise that Rebecca was there.
"Hi," he volunteered, recovering his composure, and greeting her.
"Is someone else coming?" he asked Belinda.
"No, it's just we three," Belinda said, "but there's a reason," she added, refusing to enlighten him just yet.
"Would you like some of this?" Belinda asked, pointing at her glass.
"What is it?"
"Vodka and lemonade."
"Sure ... we only ever get beer at the camp; and it's not very good beer."
Belinda went to the kitchen and poured a drink for Greg, adding a splash from the vodka bottle to strengthen it as he was obviously a more experienced drinker than she or Rebecca. When she returned with the glass, placing it beside him she heard Rebecca say ...
"... I suppose Belinda told you about the forfeit."
"Oh ... well, I lost ... and I'm sort of the forfeit."
Greg looked even more confused, especially when Rebecca lifted her top over her head, exposing a rather low cut bra.
"What are you doing?" Belinda asked in a surprised way, as the top, and then the bra, ended up tossed on a chair, leaving Rebecca half naked.
"I thought it might be less embarrassing, and more fun for him, if I did it without my clothes on," Rebecca said in a provocative way, giving Greg and exaggerated wink, as she kicked off her shoes, and stepped out of her skirt, "... you have to take your pants and boxers off too Greg, or I won't be able to pay up!"
"Just do what she says," Belinda said to Greg in a reassuring fashion, taking his arm and giving him a kiss on the cheek, "I promise she won't bite!"
"Now do you know what the forfeit is?" Rebecca said with a giggle, pulling her panties down to reveal a triangle of dark pubic hair.
Greg's eyes were as wide as the proverbial saucers as the realization of what was about to happen dawned on him ... he had also, apparently, completely lost the ability to speak!
"You have to help me ... please Greg," Rebecca said, approaching him, and wrestling with the buckle on his belt, "or she'll never let me hear the end of it."
Greg gave Belinda a "is this OK?" sort of look as Rebecca finally managed to undo the front of his pants as he helplessly stood there.
"Just go for it," Belinda said with a laugh, "I want to see how she does it."
"But save a little something for me for later," she added flirtatiously, giving him what she hoped was a provocative look.
"Take those off," Rebecca said, tugging at his underwear, "and sit here on the couch."
Greg obediently sat down, and then removed his boxers, revealing a partial erection, no doubt because of Rebecca's nudity. As Belinda watched, Rebecca got onto the edge of the sofa close beside him, spreading her legs, and then taking one of his hands and placing it between them.
"Hey," Belinda protested to Rebecca, "that wasn't part of the forfeit!"
But Rebecca was having none of it, "Why should he have all the fun," she retorted.
"Besides," she added turning to Greg with a smirk, "a little birdy told me you now know a little bit about a pussy. Why don't you show me just how much?"
"Rebecca," Belinda said in a warning tone.
"Mmm ... see how wet I am already?" Rebecca purred to Greg, as she slid several of his fingers into her sex, moving them back and forth.
"Oh all right," Belinda said, giving up her protests with a sigh of exasperation, "just do what the little slut wants Greg; anything if it will make her happy."
"Shouldn't you get busy with the main event," Belinda said to Rebecca with some sarcasm, "we haven't got all night."
In response, Rebecca leaned over and attacked Greg's now impressively stiff penis with her mouth, licking along the length of it, and then sucking noisily on the purplish helmet. After only a very few moments of this treatment, the look on Greg's face easily gave away how much he was enjoying what she was doing to him!
But whatever sensations he was feeling from the blowjob, it wasn't stopping him from taking full advantage of Rebecca's nakedness! Her legs were very wide apart, and Belinda could see that Greg had now worked two fingers inside her vagina, just like she had made him do to her, and his thumb was searching beneath her pussy lips farther up, where Rebecca's clitoris was. Fast learner!
Belinda watched, fascinated despite herself, as Rebecca aggressively got more and more of his erection, almost an impossible amount, into her mouth and throat. Greg's eyes were now closed, and he was starting to breath heavily. He wasn't going to last much longer!
"Uh ..." Greg gasped after a few more moments, scrunching up his face as he began to ejaculate. Rebecca choked a little, even as some of it dripped out of the corners of her mouth, but she held on, letting him finish, and then allowed his penis to fall out so she could swallow.
"There," she finally said in a breathless way, after reaching for someone's drink, and taking a long swig, "I did it." Greg just sat there, red in the face, and looking at her, his hand still buried in her crotch.
"Did you like that?" Belinda asked him, although she certainly knew the answer!
Greg just nodded, still flushed from his orgasm. Belinda was pretty certain what would be happening next if she wasn't present, because Greg still had a bit of an erection.
"Greg," Rebecca said softly, leaning back and pulling her legs up so that Greg could get even more access to her femininity.
"Keep playing with it," she whispered, wriggling her hips seductively while she used her hand to move his fingers back and forth inside her vagina, making some squishing sounds, "because, right now, I really need to come ..."
\* \* \*
"So what happened after I left," Rebecca asked Belinda with a suggestive giggle during a phone call the next morning, "as if I didn't know?"
"Oh, we did it ... and it was really good, thanks to you?"
"How so?"
"He lasted a really long time ... and once I ... uh ... had one, he flipped me over and started doing it to me from behind; and pretty soon it happened again!"
"Twice ... lucky girl ... and even doggy style, maybe you have a future as a porn star!"
"Hardly ... although you're not too shabby in that department either; what with the blowjob, to say nothing of what Greg did to your pussy afterwards. Did that feel as good as it looked?"
"Better," Rebecca said in a saucy way, making Belinda laugh.
"When I got home," she continued in a more serious fashion, "I was still so turned on that I had to ... well ... you know. But it wasn't as good as letting Greg play around with it, even if he is your boyfriend. And the worst of it is that I'm still a virgin, even after all that!"
"Why don't you come over next Saturday night again?"
"But don't you have a data with Greg?"
"But ..."
"Rebecca," Belinda said, cutting her off, "do you remember when we were around 9 or 10, and you got all those Barbies from your older cousin ... and at first you wouldn't let me play with some of them."
"I guess that was pretty selfish," Rebecca admitted, "but what that's got to do with Greg?"
"It's exactly like what your mother told the both of us back then," Belinda replied in a knowing way, "... you have to share!"
The End | literotica |
Title: How to Eat an Elephant Ch. 07
Tags: mother, son, incest, taboo
Sammy answered immediately after I texted him.
"Sure, Dude. With the long weekend, the whole gang will be here. Why don't you come over Saturday afternoon?"
"OK. I'll see you then. I need some advice."
"Yeah. You know. Eating an elephant. I think I'm choking on the last bite I took."
"LOL. Take smaller bites."
"OK. See you Saturday."
I got home Friday night, and Mom and Dad were in the den watching a movie. I said hi to them and walked over to bend down and kiss Mom on the cheek. I stole a look down her blouse as I did, and she must have caught me because she reached up with her hand to hold it closed."
"To what do we owe this honor?," Dad asked.
"Oh, I'm working on a project and thought I could do it better here."
Mom blushed. Good. She knew exactly what I was talking about.
I sat down with Mom on the couch, and scooted over next to her. She gave me a scowl and whispered, "Now you behave yourself. No more of that."
I patted her leg and said, loud enough for Dad to hear, "I love you, Mom. How are things?"
"Great, Honey, but I've had a lot on my mind."
Yeah. I'll bet she did have a lot on her mind. The last time I had been home I was sitting in the kitchen and she came in wearing just panties and a tank top. She went to the cupboard to get something, and I slipped behind her. Putting my arms around her, I pulled her back onto my dick. I don't know what got into me. Maybe it was what Sammy had told me, or maybe it was watching him with Bonnie, maybe it was Mom in those damned panties, or maybe it was all of them. I couldn't help it, though. I whispered in her ear, "Do you know how much I have always wanted you, Mom?"
She wasn't having it. She turned around and tried to slap me. I grabbed her hands, held them behind her on that big butt, and kissed her. Damned if she didn't kiss me right back. I let her hands go, cupping her ass, and pulled her onto my dick. She moaned in my mouth, so I moved my left hand around and cupped her pussy, rubbing my finger against it through her panties.
She pulled back. "What on earth has gotten into you, Matt? Get off me. I'm your Mother. Don't forget that."
"I know you're my Mother. I love you, and I want you. I can't help it. I dream of nothing but you." Then I kissed her again, and put my hand back on her pussy. I slid my hand inside her panties, and slid a finger into her. She was soaking wet. She couldn't have gotten that wet in the short time she had been there, so she must have been thinking about something before she came in the kitchen. Since Dad was playing golf, I wondered if she was thinking of me.
She pushed me back again. "Matt, no. Just no. I love you, but no. What are you thinking? You think I'm one of your coeds you can just grab and grope? I'm your Mother, dammit. Besides, you shouldn't be treating any woman like that."
"Then why did you come down here in those damned hot panties? What did you think I'd do? I'm a man now, Mom, and you're a beautiful woman. In fact, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."
She stammered. "I forgot you were home."
"I don't believe that. I think you wanted me to see you. I think you wanted me to want you. I think you've always known how much I want you."
"Oh, Honey." She leaned forward and kissed me gently. "Oh, Honey."
I kissed her back, making the kiss more passionate and heated than she had probably intended.
I was reaching for her pussy again when she pushed me back and went running for her bedroom. I didn't follow. Maybe I should have, but I didn't. I stood there like a dope, and then smelled my finger. God, it smelled good. My Mom's juice on my finger. I licked it, delighting in the taste.
Dad got home later that afternoon and we ate dinner together. Mom avoided me, avoided making eye contact, and was generally cool. Damn, I hoped I hadn't screwed this up. But why did she come down there in her panties? Why?
And that's the way the rest of the weekend went. I tried to get her alone, but she slipped through my grasp like a slippery eel. If she was in a room alone and I came in, she'd scurry out, telling me, "No, not again. No." The one time I did corner her, she started crying. "What have I done to you? I'm your Mother. I'm supposed to protect you, not corrupt you."
So this weekend when I got home I didn't know what to expect. I figured she'd either meet me at the door wearing nothing (ha!) or come at me with her claws out, spitting like a mad cat. What I didn't expect was what I got. Nothing. She acted like nothing had happened. She was the same Mom she'd always been. She kissed me on the cheek and thanked me for coming, and that was it. I almost had to pinch myself. Had last weekend not happened at all? Had I not had my finger in her pussy?
Saturday morning I got up as soon as I heard Dad leave, and went down to the kitchen. She had on a pair of shorts and a sweater, and she looked damned good. I went to her, took her in my arms, and tried to kiss her.
"No, Matt. No way. I'm sorry for what happened. I'm sorry if I led you on. But that can't happen again." She laughed. "Just consider that your Christmas present this year."
At least she wasn't overly angry with me. I laughed, too. "I guess Santa does listen when we beg him for a special present."
After I ate breakfast, she left to do some shopping, leaving me in the house alone. I went to her bedroom and rooted through the clothes hamper to find the panties I thought she was wearing last night. They were practically crusty. I held them to my nose, then touched my tongue to the dampness. Yep, it was the same. She may say she was sorry for leading me on, but she was sure hot when I got home.
After lunch I headed over to Sammy's house, where he, Jim, and Bill were waiting for me.
We got beers and went out to the pool to sit. Sammy didn't waste time. "So what's going on? You took too big a bite and choked on it?"
I told them what had happened with Mom. I figured I had to be honest with them if they were going to help me. I knew I was taking a risk - what if they had been joking with me before?
Sammy sighed. "We should have seen this coming. We sent you into battle without a good intel briefing. Yeah, you might have messed up a little, but it's nothing you can't fix. You have one big advantage."
"Yeah, what's that?"
"Time, little grasshopper. You have time on your side."
"But what do I do? I've got to have her now. She's driving me crazy. One minute she lets me put my finger in her pussy, and the next minute she's pushing me away."
"Did you talk with her during the week?"
"No. I was afraid to talk to her."
"So as far as she knows, you were treating her like one of the sorority girls who let you do anything. Dude, she's your Mom. All she wants is for you to love her. I think I told you before, but you can't get what you want if you don't give her what she wants first. You should have been texting her every day. It's okay, though. We'll get you through this."
Bill added, "What you're trying to do is to break the ultimate taboo, Sam. Your Mom has it in her genes that this isn't supposed to happen. She has a lot of resistance to it anyway, and you made her resistance stronger. But Sam's right. It can be done."
"When I was in your position," Sam said, "My Mom was absolutely opposed to anything with me. She made no bones about it. What helped me get there was that she already knew I loved her, and Jim and Bill here kind of jump-started it for me."
"What do you mean, jump started?"
They all laughed. "Well, we were on a camping trip, and these dudes jumped their Moms practically right in front of us. When Mom saw how much they loved their Moms, I think she just wanted me to be like that with her. I guess giving me the bootie was kind of the price she thought she had to pay."
Bill cleared his throat. "I'm not sure it's exactly like that, Sam. If she thought there was a price to pay for your affection, I don't think you would have ever gotten where you are. I think she probably wanted you anyway, and rationalized to herself that it was just a way to make your bond stronger."
"So what do I do now?"
"You go home. You kiss her, not passionately this time, but with love. You tell her you love her. You make sure she knows you love her and respect her. She as much as told you that you were treating her without respect, so you have to fix that. Love, respect, and trust - that's what you have to show her."
Jim added, "Right. Look. You're asking her to do something that is absolutely forbidden. Oh, it happens, all the time. But it's forbidden. She has to be able to know she can trust you absolutely with a secret that can never be discovered by anyone."
"It happens all the time?"
"Oh, yeah. Since Mom and me, I've been watching Moms and sons everywhere I go. I'll swear, you can tell the ones who are either doing it or well on their way to doing it. There's an affection that is obvious, once you know what to look for."
Sam agreed. "Don't you remember guys in college who seemed to be really close with their Moms? I did, and we always thought it was weird. I mean, most of us couldn't stand our parents, and these guys were holding hands with their Moms and everything."
"Yeah. I remember guys like that. I thought they were future psych patients with Mommy issues."
Jim laughed. "No, they were the ones who had resolved their Mommy issues. It's the rest of us who try to repress it that end up on the psych couch."
When I got home, Mom was back from shopping and was putting things away in the kitchen. She greeted me with a smile when I came in, and I want right to her and took her in my arms.
"Oh, no, Matt. Not again."
"No, Mom. Not again. I'm sorry I offended you. I love you and I respect you. You're my Mom. You'll always be my Mom. I just got carried away. You have to admit you were looking pretty damned hot."
She brushed her hair back and blushed. "I'm sorry, too, Matt. I shouldn't have let you do that. I don't know what you thought of me. What a lousy Mother."
"Don't say that! Don't ever say that. You're the best Mother ever. You're also the most beautiful Mother ever."
She hugged me, and I kissed her on the top of her head as she nestled into my chest. I wanted to run my hands down to the beautiful ass again, but I resisted. "Mom, I'll make a deal with you. When we're around anyone else, I'll always treat you with the love and respect you deserve. When we're alone, I can't make any promises. What I want to do when we're alone is to treat you like the beautiful woman you are, and show you exactly how much I love you and want you."
"I don't know about the second part, Matt, but the first part is a deal. You know how much I love you."
"I know, Mom, and you know how much I love you."
She was softly crying by this time, and I thought we had a sort of catharsis. I patted her butt, and said, laughing, "You have no idea how very sexy you are, do you?"
"Oh, hush, you. What am I going to do with you?"
"I could make some suggestions."
She pushed me away, laughing as she brushed her tears from her face. I went back to her and kissed her tears on her cheek. "I never want to make you cry, Mom. I love you."
"Oh, go upstairs and get ready for dinner. Dad is taking us out for Italian."
That night, she was happier than I've seen her in awhile. She smiled constantly, told jokes, and laughed.
The next morning, Dad left early, of course. I went down to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee and she was sitting at the table. She had on a short robe. Her hair was brushed, and she already had her makeup on. I went to her, bent down, and kissed her cheek. After I did, she turned her face and kissed me on the lips. "Good morning, Honey. You sleep well?"
"Yeah, pretty good. How about you?"
"Like a log."
I stood there, rubbing my fingers through her hair, then bent down and kissed the top of her head. "You've ruined me for anyone but redheads, Mom."
She laughed and started singing that old song, "I want a girl just like the girl who married dear old dad..."
"Too early for that, Mom. You'll have the neighbors complaining." I laughed a little, to soften what I was going to say. "And I don't want a girl LIKE the girl who married dear old dad. I want THAT girl."
Thankfully, she laughed, too, and stood up to get my coffee for me. I took her in my arms and kissed her, but this time it was more a chaste kiss than a passionate one. I started moving my hands slowly down her waist, and whispered, "You remember how I said I'd treat you when we're alone?" and I gently cupped her ass in my hands. "I'm sorry if you don't like this, but I can't help it."
She hugged me back, playfully slipping her hands to my butt. "I didn't say I didn't like it, Silly. I said what you want can't happen."
I squeezed her butt, "If this is all I ever get, it's good enough for me."
We spent the day together. I wish I could tell you that things progressed, but they didn't. Oh, I hugged and kissed her at every opportunity, but they were not the passionate kisses we shared that one day. They were more loving kisses.
I thought I was back on track, however. If nothing else, I had my Mom talking about fucking me. Think about it. Even if all she was saying was, "No, No, never going to happen," we were still talking about our fucking. Besides, what did I think she was going to say? "Oh, sure, Matt. I'll fuck you. How about a quick blowjob just to seal the deal." No, that was never going to happen. All I could hope for was that she would continue to think about it, want it, and convince herself that it was not going to mess us up.
Until I had my finger in her pussy, I have to admit I had not considered Mom as a sexual woman. Oh, sure, like every other teenager I was obsessed with fucking her. Now that I was older, I was even more obsessed with fucking her. But when I thought about it, it was in the abstract. I could envision fucking just about any woman, what it would look like, what it would feel like. But I had trouble envisioning fucking Mom. I always wanted it but, again, it was like in the abstract.
Had Mom even had an affair since she and dad were married? If she had had an affair, then the issue of sex on the side was a totally different thing altogether. If she had cheated before, then all I was asking her to do was to cheat again. On the other hand, if she had never cheated, then I was asking her to jump two hurdles - sex outside her marriage, as well as sex with her son. Two big hurdles.
While Mom was getting dinner together, I took a beer to the den and sat thinking. I reviewed in my mind every man who had associations with her, wondering if any of them had gotten in her pants.
Then it hit me. Uncle Joe! Mom's younger brother by two years. I remembered, when I was young, going into the kitchen at Thanksgiving and Mom and Uncle Joe jumping away from each other. It was a foggy memory, but it was there. What had they said? Seems like Mom said something like, "Uncle Joe was just helping me get something out of my eye," or something like that. Mom and Uncle Joe always seemed close. I wondered. Aunt Jane, Joe's wife, was a hot woman in her own right. Surely Uncle Joe was getting enough from her that he didn't need to look for it anywhere else, but who knows. If I had a sister who looked like Mom, though...
I knew I could never raise the issue with Mom. "Say, Mom. Did you ever fuck Uncle Joe? And if you did, why are you giving me so much resistance?" Yeah, that was a definite non-starter. But it was something to think about.
When I left the next day to go back to my apartment, Mom walked me out to the car. "I've really enjoyed this weekend, Honey," she said, and I put my arm around her.
"I enjoyed it, too, Mom. I just love being with you."
She hugged me back. "Are you coming home next weekend?"
"Do you want me to?"
She sighed. "Of course I do. Maybe we can take a picnic lunch up to the lake and watch the sailboats like we used to do."
That gave me something to think about.
Every day that week I either texted or called her. Sometimes I'd ask how her day went, other times I'd tell her I loved her, and sometimes I'd just say, "Just checking in." That was out of the norm for me because, before, I would go for weeks without communicating with her. She liked it.
"I like this new you. Thanks for checking in with me every day."
I didn't know how to respond. I wanted to say, "Well, I'm trying to fuck you so I want you to keep me in mind." I tried to think of something clever to say, something to make her know how much I wanted her. At the end, I figured she knew that anyway by now, so I just texted, "I love you. You're always on my mind."
She took the lead. "Uh, huh. I'll bet I know what's on your mind. Bad boy."
Whoa. Was she flirting with me? Was she saying she knew what I was thinking? What should I say?
"That's been on my mind longer than you will ever know."
"I know, Honey, but we've talked about that."
When I got home, I learned that Dad had a golf tournament that weekend and would be leaving early in the mornings and getting home late. I wished him good luck and couldn't help but wonder what he'd think if he knew his son was trying his best to fuck his Mother. Did Dad try to fuck Grandma? She was still pretty good looking for her age. Had he put his hands on her ass? Had she kissed him? What had they done? Had they done anything? Dad and Grandma were pretty close. He still held her hand when they were walking somewhere, and always gave her a good kiss and hug when he saw her. If I thought about it, he and Grandma were like those Mother/Son couples that the guys thought were either doing it, or on the way. Hmmm.
Saturday morning I got up and Mom was waiting for me in the kitchen. She had on a pair of shorts that were kind of loose in the legs. I flashed back to getting my finger in her pussy, and couldn't help but notice it would be easy with those shorts. She was wearing a tank top with a sweater over it. I couldn't see if she had a bra on or not.
She hugged me, asking, "Are you ready to go to the lake?"
"Sure, if that's what you want. It'll be fun. Maybe we can find some geocaches while we're there." Mom had really gotten into geocaching a couple of years before and had always asked me to go with her.
"Oh, that's a good idea. I hadn't thought of that. I've got our lunch, so we can go when you're ready."
We drove to the lake, about an hour or so from home, and found a nice little turn off that led to a meadow on the hillside overlooking the lake. The lake was already full of sailboats, and they looked pretty as they scooted along.
"What do you want to do first? Caching, or you want to eat first?," Mom asked.
Neither of those was what I wanted to do, but I thought it would be better to geocache first, then we'd have more time to eat lunch.
We found one right away, and couldn't find the other one that was supposed to be on the edge of the meadow. We tramped through the woods skirting the meadow, tramped through the meadow itself, but just couldn't find it.
Mom finally gave up in frustration. "I hate it when they do that. Maybe it's not even here any more." She was bubbly, and even if we hadn't found it, she was clearly having fun.
We returned to the car and got a blanket and the picnic basket out of the trunk. Laying the blanket under a large tree overlooking the lake, we settled down and got our lunch out. Mom had cold fried chicken, potato salad, and a bottle of chilled white wine. We feasted like royalty, and then laid back on the blanket.
I put my arm out, and Mom laid on it and snuggled into my chest. I hugged her to me and kissed her cheek. It was just a kiss on the cheek, but I put every bit of emotion into it that I could. She practically purred, then I moved my lips to her ear, kissed it, and whispered, "God, you look good today."
She didn't say anything, but hugged tighter to my body. I was throbbing hard. I was laying on my back and she was curled on her side. She put her leg over mine, and I reached down to rub the back of her thigh.
"It's hard to think of you as anything but my little boy, but I know you're a man now, Matt. That has become very clear to me lately. I still remember bringing you here when you were little, though. You always loved it up here."
"Of course I loved it. I was with you, Mom."
"You'd run around the meadow chasing butterflies. Do you remember the time you got stung by a wasp?"
"No, I don't remember that at all."
"Yeah. It stung you on your thigh, right here," and she reached down and touched the inside of my upper thigh. "I had to suck the stinger out. What that must have looked like if anyone had seen us."
Holy shit! Did Mom just refer to something looking like a blowjob? Is that what she meant?
"What do you mean?" I knew what I thought she meant, but I wanted to hear her say it.
"Oh, you know. There was a young couple on the other side of the meadow, and it looked like they were doing something very similar."
We laughed, but my laugh was tinged with desire. "What did it look like they were doing?"
She punched my chest. "Oh, you're just trying to get me to say it."
I still played along. "Say what, Mom?"
She raised her face to my ear and whispered, "You just want to hear your Mom say 'blowjob,' don't you?"
I was on fire. Hell, yes, I wanted her to say it. I took her head in my hands and gave her a deep, passionate kiss. She responded just as I hoped she would, and when we broke our kiss I whispered back to her, "Did that answer your question?"
She snuggled her head back on my chest, resting her hand on my stomach. I said, "You do know how much I love you, don't you?"
She sighed. "Yes, I do know, Matt. I've struggled with it, but I do know."
Wait. I hadn't said anything about wanting her. I said I loved her, and now she had conflated the two.
I kissed her again, and put my left hand on her right breast. The nipple was standing erect, and I noted she was not wearing a bra under her tank top. I lightly squeezed her breast, then took her nipples in my fingers, squeezing and lightly twisting it.
She moaned. "Oh, Honey, I've always had sensitive nipples. Be careful with that. You don't know what it does to me."
But I did know. I could tell. Her breathing was heavy and her face was flushed. I lowered my head to her breast and sucked gently on the nipple, through her tank top. I grasped the nipple with my lips, teasing it and sucking it. She took charge, as I hoped she would. She reached down to the bottom of her tank top and lifted it over her breasts.
I was in awe. Those beautiful, creamy breasts, covered with a spray of freckles. The areolas were a light brown, and they spread magically as I teased at her nipples with my fingers. I lowered my head, taking her breast in my mouth.
"Oh, God, Matt. You have no idea how I've longed to have you on my breast again."
"And you have no idea how long I've wanted this." I sucked, teasing her nipple with my tongue. She held my head, pulling me into her, and then moved me to the other breast. Her breathing was ragged. She was practically panting.
"You know how much I..."
She shushed me. "I know, Matt. I know how much you've wanted this. You don't have to say it. I tried to deny it. I tried to tell myself we could never do this. I just can't help it. Please don't hate me later."
"Are you crazy? How could I hate you? I love you. I love that you're letting me do this," and I kissed both nipples.
She was getting into it and we kissed deeply again, with my hands practically mauling her breasts.
I wanted to be strong. I wanted to wait her out. I knew she wanted to see my dick, and I was determined to make her go for it herself. But I couldn't be that strong. I did what I would do with any woman in that situation, and I took her hand to place it on my dick.
"Oh," she said. "Oh."
She gently rubbed the length of it, and then closed her hand around it. We continued our kiss, with me working her breasts and her working my dick. All the cards were on the table now, and there was only one way this was going to end.
I reached down and undid the button on my shorts, then unzipped them. I took her hand and put it inside my shorts and on my dick. She moaned softly, and looked in my eyes. Her green eyes were half shut, and she said, "Matt..."
I kissed her on top of her head. "You know what? I think I may have gotten stung by a wasp."
She laughed out loud. "Maybe I should check, then, huh?"
"Maybe you should," and I gently pushed her head down toward my stomach.
That's a move that is unmistakeable in its meaning. Every woman who has ever given a blowjob knows that signal. It is so hardwired in their brains that a simple touch by a man to their heads evokes the image of giving a blowjob. Kiss a woman and cup the back of her head while you're doing it, and I guarantee the image of a blowjob flashes through her mind.
She slowly continued her move down my stomach. She took the waist of my shorts in her hands, and I raised my butt up so she could slip them down. I was laying there with my dick as hard as a rock, right at Mom's beautiful face. She gently kissed the head of my dick and murmured, "Where did that big thing come from? Must have been from my side of the family," then she opened her lips and took me in.
She sucked me, moving her hand up and down on my shaft, and then added a bobbing of her head to the motion. Maybe it was because it was her, and maybe it was because she knew what she was doing, but that was the best blowjob I've ever had. She had it all. The sucking. The scrubbing of her tongue on the head of my dick. The pumping of her hand. The bobbing of her head. As she bobbed up and down, her red hair fell across her face and I reached down to hold it back so I could watch her do it.
"Oh, oh, do it. Suck it. You know how much I've always wanted you to suck me. Suck it. That beautiful face on my dick."
We say things in passion that sometimes sound pretty stupid, I guess, but truer words I had never spoken. I had dreamed of what it would be like to have that red hair falling over my dick, and here it was.
"You'd better stop and get up here. I don't know how long I can hold it."
I had gotten ahead of myself before, and I wasn't going to take any chances. "Can I touch you? Can I taste you?"
This time it was my turn to have the hand on my head, pushing down.
I slid down, kissing her stomach as I went. Her skin was so pale it was practically translucent, with a light covering of freckles. As I kissed her belly, she gave a little shudder of anticipation, and pushed my head harder. I slipped my hand into the leg of her shorts, tracing her panties with my finger, and then slowly undid the button and zipper. She raised her butt off the blanket and I pulled the shorts and panties down off her feet.
I knew that Mom colored her hair, fighting the gray, and didn't know what to expect when I got her pants off. I was blown away. Her pubic hair was a bright red, almost orange. Her pussy was a creamy pale, with light brown freckles around it. I knelt beside her, enthralled by the beauty of it. This was always my dream. When I thought of making love to her, I always imagined looking at her pussy and getting my mouth on it. And here I was. I looked up at her. She had her right arm beneath her head and was looking at me through half-veiled eyes.
"Disappointed, Baby?"
I wanted to make some clever comment, but in this moment words simply failed me. I shook my head, then reached for her pussy with my hand. This time I put as much love in my touch as I could. I lightly traced her pussy with my finger, causing her to shiver, and then gently inserted my index finger in her moistness.
Bending down, and then laying between her legs, I softly kissed her clitoris. I gave it a tentative lick, and she took my head in her hands and pulled me into her. It was glorious - I simply don't have a better word for it. Her smell was strong, while pleasant, and just the thought of smelling my Mother's pussy almost sent me over the edge. I have always liked eating pussy, and believed I was pretty good at it. If I wasn't good, I was at least enthusiastic, and I put everything I had into eating her pussy. I fingered her G-spot, licking and sucking, and in practically no time she had her first orgasm. If I expected screaming and moaning, I didn't get it. She stiffened, shuddered, and gave a soft sigh, then pulled me up to give me a deep kiss.
"Where did you learn to do that?," she asked me. "You're pretty good down there."
"I have waited my whole life to get my mouth on you. I just did what came natural."
She laughed, softly. "Uh huh, Baby. That doesn't come natural. I know plenty of men who can't do what you did."
"Can you make me better at it for you?"
"I don't know how, but I'm willing to let you practice as much as you want." She was whispering in my ear.
After a moment, she reached down for my dick. Mom's hand, holding my dick. I'm not sure I had ever imagined that, but it was wonderful. She pulled me over onto her, and placed the head of my dick at her entrance, then reached around to my butt to pull me in.
Our first time was gentle and loving. I slid in and out, with slow movements, while she arched her belly up to me. Gradually increasing the speed of my fucking to her urging with her hands on my butt, we began loudly slapping bellies. She started giggling, and then we were both laughing. "I hope no one can hear this," she said.
I looked around, theatrically. "Nobody here but us chickens, Boss," I said in my Foghorn Leghorn imitation, and she laughed again, then we started fucking again. This time there was little gentleness, but a steady and powerful joining of our bodies. She stiffened, shuddered, and fell back. "Oh, Matty. Twice. You've made me cum twice. I never do that, Honey. Thank you."
My Mom just thanked me for fucking her. I guess I was a good boy.
We laid there in each other's arms, whispering. I don't know about you, but I love pillow talk after the first fuck. That's when you can finally open up about everything and ask anything, with few limitations.
"When did you decide we were going to do this, Mom?"
"I don't know, Honey. It's like I never really made a decision. It just seemed to flow naturally. I have to tell you, I'm still not convinced we did the right thing. I'm your Mother. Mothers and Sons aren't supposed to do this, you know."
"But you knew how much I've always wanted you."
"Oh, of course I knew. Every Mother knows when her son begins to desire her. We try to put it out of our heads, but it's always there. You were always a walking erection."
"You noticed?"
"How could I not? It was always there, wasn't it?"
"But why did you decide to let me?"
"Honey, I didn't let you do anything. We're doing this together. I let us do it."
"But why? Not that I'm arguing, but there must have been something. You weren't happy with me a couple of weeks ago."
"That's because you treated me without respect. I admit I wanted you to do it, but you didn't show me any love. That's all I wanted from you. Love."
She continued. "I can't put my finger on exactly why. I gave it a lot of thought, I can tell you that. It seemed to me to be like a continuum."
"What do you mean?"
"What you wanted was clear. I realized that I wanted the same thing, but I had a lot of resistance to it. I thought about what would let me go through with it. A continuum, you know, with extremes at either pole. If a doctor had said to me, 'Your son needs to have sex with you or he will die,' then of course I would do it."
I laughed. "I thought I would die if I didn't get with you, Mom."
She laughed, too. "I know. I know. But at the other end of the continuum, there was 'Mothers don't do that, and that's absolute.' Then I started working it in. I finally realized that you really wanted it, I thought you really needed it, and have I ever been able to deny you anything?"
"You didn't get me that Camaro when I was in high school."
"What really swayed me was how you've loved me the past little while. That's all I ever wanted from you, Matt. That's all any Mother wants from her son. Maybe I was being manipulative, but I saw that offering you a little incentive got me what I wanted. I guess I went overboard, though, huh?"
I laughed again. "You, manipulative? Say it ain't so. But if this is manipulating me, then I'm all for it."
"Promise me you'll always love me like this, Matt. Promise me."
"You don't even have to ask. You'll always be my Number One, then I sang, 'I want a girl just like the girl who married dear old dad.'"
I expected a laugh, but she got serious. "That's another thing. Besides the wrong of doing this with you, I've been unfaithful to your father. I love your Dad, Matt. I always will."
"I know that, Mom, and I don't want to cause any problems between you. But you and I will always have this."
"But we always have to be careful. You can never show any sign in public that we're doing this."
"So I can't eat that beautiful little red-haired pussy in public?"
She slapped my shoulder. "You men. You're all alike. Seems like every man is fascinated by my hair down there."
"Whoa. How many have seen it?"
"Down, boy. Not that many. You're part of a very select group now."
"How about Uncle Joe?" I knew this was pushing it, but I had to know.
She raised herself up on her elbow and looked at me. "What do you think you know? Where did that come from?"
"I know if I had a big sister like you, I'd want to see her and touch her. I remember one Thanksgiving and I walked in on you and Uncle Joe kissing in the kitchen."
"I'm not ready to talk about it, Matt, but your Uncle Joe and I were very close when we were in high school and college. I love him a lot."
She took my dick in her hand and gave it a few strokes. "You ready for round two?"
This time she was much more insistent in her fucking. I put my mouth next to her ear and whispered, "Show me how you fuck Uncle Joe," and she began fucking frantically and, this time, she was moaning and whimpering in my ear. Where before, her orgasms were subdued, this time she went crashing over the edge.
"Whew. You know how to push your Mom's buttons, don't you?"
"I'm still learning, but I want to know all your buttons."
"Some of those buttons are pretty private, Honey. But I guess what we're doing is pretty private too, isn't it?"
"Will I be one of your buttons now?"
"Oh, yeah. You're a big button."
I put my mouth back on her left breast, and started sucking again. She held my head while feeding her breast to me. I was in heaven.
That night we all had dinner together after Dad got home. Mom was practically ebullient. Dad asked her, "What's gotten into you, Susan? You seem pretty happy."
"I have my two main men with me. That makes me happy."
It made me happy, too. | literotica |
Title: Frenching the Summer Maids Ch. 02
Tags: lesbian orgy, exhibition, nude, shower, lesbian, shaving, public sex, naked
*\*\*NOTE\*\* Each chapter is a self contained story. Today is Exhibition – boys tempt the main character, then girls, then basically an all girl orgy runs amok before the main character finally gets to work and the party. As ever, all characters didn't exist until they were 21. A happy sexual release to you all.-MF\*\*\**
Barbara's plan for avoiding public nudity or more worrisome, public sex had been to hide in the dorm after this, her last final. Indeed, Barbara needed a strategic plan for getting through a day without being stripped naked in public as now both men and women were using her as a striptease act. She had additional worries beyond the constant exposure and violations on this last day. The university had given her a warning that one more incident would result in expulsion.
There was only the path from her Native Dances final in the gym to her dorm room to navigate before she would be safe and this odd year would be over. Unfortunately, Barbara's boyfriend Teddy and two of his fraternity brothers were waiting outside of the gym for her. Barbara immediately wrapped herself in her arms and held on tight to her clothing. They smiled at her approach. Teddy said they were only there to share a few going away packages with her before the summer break as he pried apart her arms for an embrace.
She felt her top immediately drop in Teddy’s embrace. The too familiar burst of air over her back charged her to action. She tried to keep Teddy locked in the embrace but he instead reached down to the ground for the top which of course let her bare breasts fly into sight of all passers by. Her chest was completely exposed to the campus. It was starting again.
Barbara blocked out the sight of onlookers and instead thought regretfully of how long and hard she had looked for any coconuts that would be large enough to cover even her breasts. Crap. Her hands and arms jumped to cover her bare breasts as she squatted down. The size of her breasts made that a limited success. She grabbed for her top but was afraid to look up. She could all ready hear the girls gone wild shouts. It was hard to reach anything with the sudden volume of hands, guys, and girls trying to help her or cover her breasts.
Barbara was unfortunately more than familiar with people copping a feel of her breasts and her entire body for that fact. Her impossible measurements, blonde and blue coloring and long legs were the reason she was stuck with the nickname of Boobilicious Barbie. It also didn't help that Teddy and his frat brothers had just returned from surfing in the early June San Diego sun when a borrowed shirt could have simply ended her drama. Well, a really large, and really long, really large shirt. Her breast size and hip size were significant enough to make a regular shirt too short to help.
Barbara of course instead of hands, was frantically trying to grab hold of clothing to cover her bare breasts, preferably her top...once she could find it. But the coconuts got kicked up into the bushes in the tussle of hands and bodies. Crap. Barbara ran towards the raised enclave of bushes following the flight of the coconuts.
Teddy and his buddies looked in the top of the bushes while she jumped inside of the enclave of the lovely hydrangea bushes to hide. Only, there was more despair. When she reached into the bushes for her top; somehow her grass skirt and bottoms didn't join her. She felt her hula skirt yanked off and then even her bikini bottom ties came apart and as her bottoms were pulled off between her legs. The immediate massage of hands, leaves and fingers on her bottom and chafe of branches on her breasts told her that without a doubt she was naked and stranded once again. Oh! She had been so close!
Crap. It was happening again. Oh no, it can't be happening again. Her ass, pussy and breasts were without a stitch of coverage. The adrenaline came from nowhere to everywhere inside unleashing thought scattering panic. It was happening again.
"Teddy, give me my bikini bottoms! They couldn't have like just freakin' evaporated. I'm serious!" She didn't have to be smart to KNOW Teddy had something to do with this.
"Here they are Boobilicious, but, um, they seem to have been cut apart by the TREE. Should I ask people walking by for help?" Teddy sounded way too sincere and that was scary.
"NO! Do NOT like let anyone know." Barbara could kill him for getting her in this situation again. She had been sooo close to getting away!
"I don't know how that happened, but they won't ever tie again. Hum. Since you won't let me call for help. Here, let me see if we can rip the grass of your skirt and make it into new bottoms!" Teddy sounded so eager to help, but she knew better.
"NO! Teddy don't! I can wear the skirt as is as long as you don't rip it!" She saw the tattered remains of her skirt edge under the bush. Crap!
She so needed a do over on this naked day. How could he be putting her in this situation again? How did she even let this happen again? If she could do over the day she promised to like a tent...a big johns! She promised the powers that be that she would wear long johns if they gave her a do over on the dreadful day that had every inch of skin exposed...again.
She imagined how ridiculous she looked. Her head popped out of the bush like some cherry on a sundae made up of green leaves and purple flowers on top of a cone made of slate rocks.
With a roll of her eyes, she returned to her hands and knees spread eagle to the glory of the world while she frenetically looked for any scrap of coverage in the bush.
Every surface of her skin was blushing and pulsing with angry blood. She was going to kill him when she stopped panicking. The effect of the branches on her body was that of hundreds of fingernails lightly stimulating every fold of her most intimate skin. The effect of the leaves and flowers was that of dozens of sets of lips and tongues tickling the race of blood higher and higher. The freakin' bush was way too happy with her naked body.
Mother Nature didn't stop her Sapphic endeavors there. The huge amount of blood jumping through her skin was having an effect on her spread pussy. It was made worse by the heated gentle wind that seemed to have a sharp shooter's aim for bull's eyes and pussy openings.
The huge flowers were in bloom. Maybe a leaf would do? A really, really, really big leaf was all that she needed to find for her really, really, really big breasts. She would find a leaf and she would be safe; um actually four really, really big leaves and be safe. Crap!
"Boobilicious, you look like a buck naked Barbie doll crawling through the Garden of Eden." Teddy's laughing voice came from behind Barbara as he looked into the bush. She was reaching for the remaining parts of her grass skirt which of course was now almost thread bare. Teddy moved to the side to allow his frat brothers a better glimpse of the amazing rear view that demanded action.
"Teddy! Stay put. Someone will like see me if you move. I can't believe this is like so freakin' awful. Can you send someone to my room to grab like a shirt and shorts for me and like have them run right back please?"
Teddy thought as he took in Boobilicious amazing curves, long legs and malleable ass. Teddy immediately knew to send Matt. Matt was a do-gooder who was way too in love with Boobilicious for Teddy to maximize on the opportunity. Teddy however, only wanted to do what any man would naturally do when presented with a helpless, beautiful and naked woman in public with a spread wide pussy.
"Sure Boobilicious. Matt will be right back, won't you Matt?
Matt nodded and shot off like a bullet to the campus store. He would just buy her something to cover her nudity; a huge poster, a banner, a big book, anything, he would call his sister. It was way faster to buy something than try to figure out how to get into her dorm room without a key and touch her stuff. He forgot the key. She was too awesome to have stuff that he should touch anyway. He also really hated the way Teddy treated Barbara. He would by her a tent; no he would buy her...long johns!
Teddy was happy when he saw the last of Matt. He was even happier when he saw Barbara's fully exposed super soft pussy, pulsing and raised up from the stone edging around the bushes. The perfect height gave Teddy a perfect opportunity that was not lost on him or his remaining frat brother.
"It's a shame none of us were wearing shirts or we could help you out of that bush and cover some of that amazing skin. Funny how these things always happen to you." Teddy smiled long as he nodded to Joey, his remaining frat brother.
Barbara felt what she was certain had to be fingers brushing against her way too accessible bare pussy. Please not here!
"Teddy! Stop! Don't freakin' touch me. Not like in public!" Crap, first the freakin' friendly bush and now an out of control Teddy. Was he crazy?
Teddy took her rejection as approval and the touch began its preparations. Oh no. A second hand simultaneously began stroking up and down her curved booty and playing with her pussy lips and pushing apart her thighs.
"Oh, no you don't, no you don't, don't do that! Get your fingers out of there!" Barbara was trapped in the tree. She couldn't move to the sides, she could only go forward out of the bush and onto the commons, naked as a jay bird; which may possibly have been the only thing worse, possibly.
"Boobilicious, calm down. Matt will be here in any second. Look at it as an unexpected going away quickie with your boyfriend... and you ARE nude, and edible, and soft and helpless and have your wonderful fuck me scent and are oh so fucking NAKED!" Teddy clearly had taken a distance learning course on romance.
"Stop saying that so loud! People will know!" Crap. These things always happened with Teddy.
"Let's come together princess, I know you love it!" Teddy was practically laughing as he reached his fingers deeper into Barbara’s folds.
"NO! Oh Teddy, no please, no or I will so freakin' scream. Ohhhh, Joey don't move or someone will see!" The panic and adrenaline at her exposure was slowly being joined by the building heat as Teddy's fingers eagerly opened her trapped body further and now entirely to his pleasure.
"Boobilicious doll, you can scream and people will see your naked body or we can wait for Matt while we all come hard right here in the middle of the commons!" Teddy said way too loudly as he moved the second finger inside her pussy and began to slide around her juices and massage her lower lips. Slowly and more firmly he explored and stroked the insides of her pussy lips. He knew this always sent her reeling as long as he told her how much he loved her.
There was a second finger in her! Crap! The blood and blush rushing through her was not her ally in getting her out of this situation. First Mother Nature, then Teddy and now her own body turned on her. She felt too freakin' aroused to have a good outcome here. Oh crap.
Unfortunately the erotic internal stimulation along with the tingling stroking was having an immediate effect. Barbara's adrenaline continued to rush from the danger of the situation combined with the arousal of the fingers in her now dancing pussy. Pretty quickly, her hips were burning to the rhythm of Teddy's manipulation.
The sudden lack of protests from Barbara was not lost on Joey. Teddy's remaining frat brother moved to the front of the bush. He quickly saw the potential of the dough skinned beauty whose scent always made him horny bent there on her hands and knees. Her entire ripe body was exposed to him and powerless. He bent down and pulled Barbara's face through the leaves and to his own.
"Joey, keep the leaves closed!" Of course Teddy's forever horny frat brothers needed to make things worse. It was simply not possible that she heard laughter in the distance at her plea. No, the groping hydrangea bush was far too possessive to allow an audience. She closed her eyes and wished Matt would hurry. She should have told him about the long johns.
"You are so fucking hot, Barbie." Immediately Joey lunged into a deep kiss down into the depths of her mouth, from which she could not even back away. While he inhaled her lips, his tongue penetrated her soft mouth. As it began thrusting, he was sending a clear warning.
Barbara's arousal jumped forward when Teddy ended his explorations and began a rhythmic thrusting of his fingers into her pussy. In between each stab of pleasure from the thrusts into her pussy, Teddy continued to wiggle and dance his fingers igniting a volcano inside of her. She knew she should be ending this public fucking, but she suddenly found she could only open herself to the pleasure further.
When the gentle heated breezes swept over her pulsing skin, it seemed the final entrant of nature's elements had joined the efforts intent on her complete sensual arousal. She was wrong. It was five o'clock and the sprinklers turned on. The days hoses heated from the late May San Diego sun couldn't have possibly tossed cold water on her captors. Not today. The heated water acted instead only as encouragement. A pounding wet splashed at her clit as water sprayed over her entire body, bringing more wet for wonder and conquest. It was too much. The passion, the rush and the excitement rising from within joined the erotic stimulation of her openings and all joined further now with the titillating environmental forces. She had no choice but to open even further, and then open further freakin' still to the foregone conclusion.
The heated kiss from Joey brought her to hunger for him, even with the fear of the public exposure, when he masterfully replaced his tongue in her mouth with his cock. He anchored their glistening wet bodies by latching his hands onto her most generous breasts.
Anyone watching the bush would have thought the wet, dripping men were probably watering the lovely little purple hydrangea bush with their tools. Only when they got closer would they hear the violent thrusting, slapping wet bodies and excited moaning. They would no longer hear any protestations, as Barbara's mouth was busy going to town up and down Joey's cock. At that point, it would become clear that a body was in the middle of both men. A final inspection would show the body to be the blonde bombshell herself, Boobilicious Barbie, wet, nude and on all fours on the floor of a hydrangea bush.
Teddy looked down at his soaking hands, dripping with water and with Barbara's pussy juices. As he removed then licked each finger, he watched her dripping body rock violently from Joey thrusting his cock deeper and deeper into the startling beauty's mouth. He toyed with the idea of digging in for a taste of her oh so supple and inviting vagina, but only for a moment. There was a greater service to provide.
Teddy's next action was clear as he timed the hardened strength of his full violating thrust perfectly. His cock speared into Barbara as her pussy shot towards him, taking all of his significant size in one huge shot. Her pussy went so far down on him that even his balls sang from the smack of the soft edible ass. Crap, she was tight was all he could think of as he grabbed her hips, knowing he was the one who would drive all three of them to climax.
Joey immediately felt the increased pounding of Barbara's drive by Teddy's ramming, which also immediately increased the force of her sucking. He felt he was going to come from each of his toenails as she began to lick apart the slit opening on the top of his cock. She became a human vacuum with each violent departure, only to widen deeper with each violent push.
The adrenaline combined with titillation brought every cell of Barbara alive with arousal and searing towards explosion when Teddy repeatedly rammed into her bringing Joey even deeper into her throat. The demanding cocks obliterated all her thought and left her only raw with sensation and carnal need. The intensity from her erotic sandwiched position blared with heat from both directions. Each simultaneous lunge into her pussy and mouth brought her higher and higher to the next wildly erotic plateau.
Teddy's loving cock in her pussy drove her wave of orgasm faster and faster towards an impending waterfall with each powerful slam. The pleasure in her was climbing even higher and higher still as her entire body broke into a pounding panic sweat of impending release. Her every sense was alive and out of control and on fire. Each flame pulled in more strength to their inferno from Joey's cock and the dancing of her nipples from his molesting of her breasts. The demanding release from the punishment of her pussy by Teddy was beating closer and closer with his cock acting like a flame thrower on full assault.
The furious pounding by both men into her pussy and mouth continued to mount in force and in speed. She opened and opened her entire raw vessel to them, hungry for all of their burning white hot speed while nature's elements anointed and celebrated every exposed and very wet surface.
Finally, their combined heat climaxed into her body.
Liquid fire swept from every direction and through every cell of her fully charged existence. It was not one, but a wave of orgasms that came in response sending all three to shudder long hard won releases. There was no disengagement from her body in the pause of their accomplishments. The pause held in awe the force of the astounding showers of passion. Sweat and water and cum dripped from each as if in testament to their orgasmic efforts leaving them to steady their breathing. After the long pause, Barbara glimmered towards full awareness and finished off Joey by sucking him dry even as the sprinkler system ended.
When the din of the titanic fury dissipated from her ears she began to lick the last of the liquid fire off Joey. It was no longer the pulse of their fury she heard though. It was the unmistakable sound of clapping that immediately filled her ears as she savored the performance's last drop. Teddy's hands were both on her bare hips. Joey's hands were both on her exposed breasts. It was the sound of several dozen people clapping. Crap.
Barbara had just experienced life's best orgasm. She could die now. She wanted to die now. Could she please die now? The realization of the clapping was made clear. Death was necessary.
They wanted her to open her eyes. She never wanted to open her eyes again, ever, as both men finally pulled their cocks out of her body. She never, ever wanted to face the humiliation that was waiting for her open eyes. She could not be humiliated by what she could not see, right?
And she would have stayed there with her eyes closed forever as she planned to do, simply listening to the clapping and cheers, if it not for the familiar voice that began speaking.
"I KNOW that's Barbara Jean Johnson in there. No one else has this much trouble getting through a day without a group grope.
"Barbara because I KNOW it's you; I have brought a blanket. Because I'm sure as shit that you're going to be naked as the day you were born when you get your ass out of that tree!
"Come on. Let's have a look. Get out here!" Mr. Reynolds was the head of Campus Security. The slight grey in his mustache showed how close the African American man was towards retirement. Unfortunately, Barbara was sure that she was responsible for quite a few of those grey hairs.
Maybe Barbara could get out of the bush with her eyes closed. As Mr. Reynolds threatened Teddy and Joey with jail time if they ever came back to his campus after they graduated on Tuesday, even as alumni, Barbara was hoping that she would just please be stricken dead right there. The cheering from the crowd sealed her wish for death as they began chanting 'Boobilicious, Boobilicious' in unison.
"Can't you just like hand me the blanket since you like figured out everything anyway?" Barbara was begging. Unfortunately, her begging was met by a loud set of booing from what sounded like a way too large crowd of people.
"Barbara Jean, I swear you make me get down on my knees every day and thank the Almighty for sending me only sons." After what seemed like an eternity, Barbara opened her eyes. It was a mistake.
Without Teddy and Joey blocking access, she was pretty much on direct display for a few hundred people. It was clear also that a number of branches had been removed for better viewing. Mr. Reynolds shook his head and handed her the blanket.
When she spread her arms wide before pulling the blanket around her shoulders, two identical twins suddenly rolled onto the mud in front of her also inside the bush.
"Marry us Boobilicious!!!. Marry us right now! We're rich and we promise to fuck you like that in public every single day!" One of the boys was grabbing for her breasts while the other was pushing apart her knees when Mr. Reynolds pulled them both back by whacking them on their heads with his flashlight.
"Go watch a damned porno, will you!" He shook his head pulling Barbara out of the bush.
The spaced out smiles of the two twins leered at her as both boys rubbed their heads. "We just did."
"We'll buy the tree for you too if that would help!" The twins continued to run alongside of them as Mr. Reynolds swept her to the police car. Her walk was escorted by cheers, clapping, offers, congratulations and solicitations to make the bush into a monument.
Her guidance counselor muttered something about a convent in a penal colony when Barbara walked in wrapped in a too tiny blanket yet again. The woman's face stayed grim over paperwork. She refused to look at Barbara's chair for over twenty minutes until the two seniors Barbara had met in the shower, Janine and Christie showed up with spare clothing and towels.
"Oh! You poor thing!" Janine ran to Barbara's chair to embrace her. She squatted, splitting the tiny blanket's bottom open as she put her arms around Barbara's to let her fingers begin an indepth examination of the naked beauty. Janine pulled the surprised muddy girl to her by her waist cooing and chiding her too easily exposed friend. She kissed her forehead and hummed that everything would be okay now as she patted her naked friend's hip.
"How do these things always happen to you?" It was Christie who laughed walking from the doorway to behind Barbara's chair. She dropped the bag of clothes on the floor as she also chided her new friend about the benefits of clothing in public. She reached over to rub her cheekbone to Barbara's cheekbone and used her hands to begin massaging down starting at the girl’s bare shoulders.
Barbara had only met Janine and Christie just over three days ago. They met in the shower while Barbara was being ravaged on a locker bench by another junior as a method of job interview. After two powerful orgasms, the girls had pulled Barbara into their shower for two more. They called it a shower sandwich and they had all gotten to know each other pretty quickly. It was odd how they had been coincedentally bumping into each other again in the showers since then. She had only just left them that morning.
Janine was barely an inch taller than Barbara, had short springy brown hair, big brown eyes, a sarcastic smile over brilliant teeth and was all curves. She was an accounting major who was graduating second in her class. Janine was also an amazing kisser, almost as amazing as Samantha. Janine may have been entirely responsible for the stereotype that women were better kissers than men.
Christie was a curly red headed pixie with deep blue eyes and stood about two inches shorter than Barbara. She always had an amused look on her face around Barbara and was graduating first in her premed class. Her only curves on her always controlling bossy body were her proportionally ample boobs. The rest of her fit the pixie sprite description. Christie's talents lay lower on a body than Janine's talents.
Both women looked like they had just come from a yoga studio in strappy, braless scooped cotton tops, and tight cotton pants. Both women had Barbara spending the last four days thinking of their wonderful shower sandwiches which oddly kept happening.
The elderly guidance counselor looked at the two respected top class women who were a bit too affectionately caring for her exhausting mostly naked charge. The counselor did not want to start processing an expulsion at six in the evening after the last class of the semester had ended. Every other desk in the administration building was vacant. She too was ready for her vacation to begin. She was equally ready to die of relief when the women agreed to keep the much too naked Barbara locked in their custody for her final weekend. Thankfully, they had to stay for graduation, unlike Barbara's friends who had previously left for the summer.
The duo sweetly stroked the girl pushing away the lone blanket as they said they would be happy to keep their naked doll in mint condition, who was now once again nude. They promised that she would not be out of their hands until Monday morning. Muttering something about spending her vacation touring famous vats of alcohol, the woman walked around her desk and towards the opened office door and left for the summer without looking back.
"Oh, you naked doll, we are so happy that you called us!" Janine pulled Barbara to her to lose the girl in one of her electric kisses. It clearly turned Janine on to have a forever naked bombshell in her arms. Janine had the amazing ability to make Barbara feel utterly helpless, wonderfully lost, completely adored and instantaneously aroused every time they kissed. And that Janine loved to kiss Barbara was good. Because after what Barbara had just gone through, she wanted to wrap her soul in a Janine kiss and block out everything after those amazing orgasms and the fact that she was once again, standing in a public room without a stitch of clothing.
Christie cooed for their nude toy to relax. As Janine took Barbara's full attention, Christie kept her hands busy while she began kissing up Barbara's neck and towards her ear and commenting on how much fun they were all going to have cleaning off the dried mud up when they got back to the dorm.
Barbara had spent the last four days exploding each time Christie and Janine introduced her to a new erogenous zone or pleasure point. As much as Barbara loved her swim inside another of Janine's amazing kisses, she obediently opened herself to Christie's fiery touches. Her head eagerly moved to the side for the line of heat that Christie suckled up her neck and over her collarbone. This is what she needed to get over the incident. Just a few more seconds of this please and then she could get dressed and face the campus again, but with closed eyes.
"Thank goodness they didn't fuck that amazing scent of yours off your body." Christie's face turned so that her nose nuzzled and inhaled Barbara's face. "We're going to need to get this mud off you naked one." Christie's breathed into Barbara's ear even as she inhaled it. Barbara felt more exposed in the air conditioned offices with Christie's gradual manipulation of her breasts. The system turned off at five o'clock, but the cool air could still be felt tingling on her bare skin.
"Guys!" Barbara tried to speak out until Janine's tongue also took over her mouth. When their tongues met, Barbara found the oblivion wonderfully warm and wet and all she would ever need for the remainder of her life.
Janine's hands dropped slowly down from Barbara's pelvis after she pulled her to the end of her chair. She sensed the girl's ribcage inhale when her hands finally reached to the tops of Barbara's legs. Janine almost laughed as she realized Barbara stopped breathing entirely when Janine's thumbs began dancing inside the girl's buttery soft thighs t aiming toward the next target.
Barbara knew what was coming from her new friends but couldn't get herself to stop it. She didn't want to break the heated kisses from Janine and Christie when she felt the sensation of fingers right near her exposed pussy and begin to pull at her nipples. She could barely breathe at all their feather light touches packed with danger.
"Doll," Christie was nibbling down and up from Barbara's shoulder blade to her ear. Barbara decided she loved the effect of Christie nibbling her shoulder blade as she arched from the feel of the woman's soft lips on her back. Christie had accomplished what she wanted as Barbara’s chest shot out for more intense torture. "Why did you call us, when you could have simply worn something from the lost and found?" She whispered with a heated kiss right into Barbara's ear that sent a warning flare right to her core with a tight twist of her nipple.
"Did you audience loving body need another fucking so soon after screwing the entire school hanging from a tree in the commons?" Christie kissed the underside of Barbara's jaw as the girls' combined heat tipped Barbara's head back. Barbara felt only that she needed Janine and Christie to never stop and never remember the day ever again.
"You should learn to ask for help Barbie. Your pride gets you into so much trouble with your lack of common sense and your too trusting ways!" Christie was not masking her delight over Barbara's fallibility. She was laughing as her hands eagerly twisted and teased Barbara's abundantly giving muddy breasts. "The last person you should ever trust, naked one is yourself!"
At Barbara's arch, it was Janine however who stepped up her inspection. "Show me how just how far the dirt goes Boobilicious!" With that Janine split Barbara's legs wide. She laughed at Barbara's protests kissing over her mouth and tongue even as her fingers began to explore her glorious mound parting the softest of her rose petals. Barbara's hands fell around Janine's shoulders as she continued to try and lose herself in the woman's kiss and hands but only just for one more second she promised herself. Then she would start thinking.
Sensation and speed were immediately clouding Barbara's attempt at thought. She tried to let the girls know the facts of the day, but she stammered out too many conflicting correcting facts and her body and mind were all ready soaring again in their care.
"Well of course you didn't MEAN to fuck entire fraternities and teams upside down after masturbating with a fire hose. These things happen to everybody!" Christie and Janine were laughing in complete disbelief of the facts...maybe because they were pretty inconceivable. Crap.
"Let's get you toweled off Boobilicious. The entire campus is talking about it." Janine smiled to Christie and with a wink, each girl began to allow a rhythm to set in as they devoured their new toy’s body.
"NO! Janine, like, hurry, give me the clothes." Barbara went to move her arms from Janine's neck to pull towards the clothing bag but Janine wasn't having any such nonsense. She held up Barbara's arms and began to look over the squirming naked beauty as an inspector looking for hidden contraband.
"You gorgeous doll, is it true that the only foreplay was the fire hose before you stripped off your clothes and climbed into the tree to fuck everyone upside down?" Christie was laughing into Barbara's neck as though it was her favorite appetizer, not letting go of either heated nipple for a second.
"Move your arms sweetie and show me where they fucked you so we can do some pussy TLC." Janine demanded as she tried to pull Barbara's arms wider. With only a second's view before Barbara started to pull Janine to her for coverage, Janine started shaking her head. "I don't think I can wait to get you to the shower Doll. We may have to fuck you on the desk right now!"
Immediately, Christie and her perennially impish smile pulled back the clothes bag out of reach entirely from Barbara. Barbara's immediate thought was would it kill someone to give her a t-shirt. Her gradual thought was too scary to think when her blushes started to have a liquid effect again on even her most exposed areas.
"Janine, thank you for saving me but like I need clothes and besides, I promise we can play later. Christie, I'll even let you spank me finally, please?" Barbara tried to reach for the bag of clothes but Janine pulled her into standing embrace arching her backward over the front of the counselor’s desk. She showed she was serious about getting to work. Janine inhaled her lips and tongue as Christie spoke kissing down the length of Barbara's back as she wiped off the dirt.
"Well, okay since you said please, I promise to spank you this weekend.
"Doll, both you and your guidance counselor called and texted US two for help remember? So, this is how we help the most fuckable naked doll on earth who adores public sex. Besides, we are way better than a fire hose at the foreplay you seem to be doing without... and we can make you beg." Christie was teasing and kissing her way up and down Barbara.
It was what Janine did however, that blasted Barbara into another wonderfully welcome realm. Janine used her free hand to conduct her inspection of Barbara's body. On top of her earth shattering kisses, she was so gentle, so light..., so thorough that Barbara was afraid to breathe for fear she would stop. The softness of her softest touch was copied by Christie who was teasing every curve of Barbara's booty cheeks at the moment with her fingers, lips and teeth as even as she toweled off the mud.
"You beautiful doll, you have rocked my world in these past days." Janine smiled at her only pausing for a quick breath. Janine was astounded at the beautiful naked body that had dropped into her world and then kept coming back.
"Damn, Barbie, I think you switched my orientation. I can't stop thinking of how much I just want to screw your audience loving naked body all day long. I nearly creamed when I heard Boobilicious Barbie was swinging upside down in a tree and fucking entire teams at once in front of the campus."
Janine swallowed Barbara's confused protests with her magic mind numbing kiss.
"I even bought something better than a fire hose!" With that Christie began to towel off Christie's pelvis. Christie took a long time returning again and again to sample Barbara's indented pelvis with her mouth while hammering apart her rose petals at the peak of her clit with her fingers and fist. Occassionally, Christie would swoop down and lick inside one of the soft sweet petals and suck on her clit, and even add a small nibble.
Barbara had never known her pelvis or sides to be erogenous zones that lit up her clit before. The teasing was amazing. Teddy had been her only boyfriend and Teddy was rather quick. Barbara's drunken twenty-first birthday had expanded her sex list to almost every one of Teddy's frat brothers, who joined in every chance they could over the last few months. Until Samantha's touch a few days earlier, no one had taken the time to get her off with their hand. Teddy only ever got her started, before he finished first. Until Samantha's kiss, no one had ever kissed her that long. Until Christie's tongue entered her body, Barbara had never received oral sex. Every bite of Christie was educating her quickly into the entire wonderful sexual world that Barbara had missed. Barbara was dripping again on both women's hands again and trembling.
They were simply teasing and torturing her to death with the heat of their soft touches. Again Barbara didn't dare open her eyes, but this time it was because the girls had landed her at another wonderfully erotic place that she did not want to leave for fear of thought and reality.
There was only the smallest nagging at her that she had missed something. She couldn't really care anymore what she had missed when Christie began spacing her kisses with deep heated breaths over her exposed skin as she made her way up across Barbara's breasts and towards her nipples but leaving her hand on full strength assault of her clit.
"No, no, Doll. Let us finish cleaning you off. We deserve some reward for rescuing you. Besides, it will be a crime to put clothes on this impossible body of yours so if we must do it, let us have fun with you." Janine's fingers were killing Barbara in the most wonderful death from behind as Janine finished up a big slurp with her toungue lubricating the object of her intent.
"Does anyone ever get enough of you?" Janine said shaking her head after a break in a new round of kissing her exposed bottom. She was shaking her head more at herself as she rose to pull Barbara's left nipple into her mouth right in the middle of the deserted school office of several desks and slowly building heat. Christie was busy lapping up her inspection of Barbara's right nipple. Barbara was sandwiched naked in the middle of the two fully dressed women lapping at her enourmous breasts and fingering her every hole amid a large room of deserted desks and offices.
With a powerful gasp, Barbara made the mistake of opening her eyes for the second time that day. Not all of her completely naked body was facing the doorway. Christie's mouth was sucking off her right nipple as though it were her last meal and her hand kept cupping over Barbara's pussy to spread the wetness around and in and out. So, one breast and her pussy were covered. Oh, and Barbara' left nipple was partially blocked as Janine cupped her breast and twisted and tortured the nipple in her mouth just to see how far she could take it while no one could see her backdoor entreaties.
So, all in all not every inch of skin on Barbara's impossible measurements, humungous high breasts, tiny waist and rounded ass were visible and facing the group of gawkers crowing into the hallway door. And of course the double office doors were open today to expose her naked intimate torture. Just, of course. It had been a criminally stupid act for Barbara to open her eyes.
A woman in a business suit with hands too deep in her pants pockets and her mouth panting open actually caught Barbara's eye. She smiled and then walked into the room when Barbara screamed to have the doors shut. After ignoring with her request, the open mouthed woman looked her up and down along with Janine, obviously enjoying Barbara's arched pose and understanding where the fingers were inserted to bring about the arch.
"Wow, you really do have a body like a Barbie doll. Those tits do shoot right out at you, even more so above that tiny waist. You skin is like freakin' white chocolate and that must be some ass if the rumor stands up." The business woman wasn't speaking to her as much as at her.
"Yes, her ass is as edible as the rest of her." Christie raised an eyebrow as she removed her mouth from Barbara's wet nipple but kept up fingering Barbara’s pussy and hammering through her rose petals. "We were helping our friend dress."
Janine also raised her head, removing her mouth from the other of Barbara's wet nipples, but not halting her attempts at entry. "Is there something you need?"
Why did this always happen to her? Couldn't someone give her even panties?
The clear answer was no. And the business woman hadn't answered yet or moved. "Yes, I can see that you were doing a good job covering her tits.
"Crap, you're amazing! You even smell like gourmet sex." The woman stepped towards Barbara and lifted her hand to Barbara's cheek.
"You come see me on the first day of school next year in the I.T. department, Doll. We want to make sure there are no screw ups in your Senior Year grades." The woman speaking had inserted her high heeled foot in between Barbara's legs and was leaning over her to almost Barbara's lips when she dipped down to bite one of Barbara’s nipples.
"Don't make me wait. You taste soo good! Anita Vilardi is my name. You come on the first day of class. I've waited to meet you for five months. I can promise sooo much public sex with that body. I will fuck you every morning right on my office balcony in front of the world!" With that, she smiled and walked to the doorway, turned one more time to look Barbara and the threesome over, winked and left. The fact that the crowd of gawkers remained outside of the thin office doors was not lost on any of the girls. Not that their activities were halted.
"Damn Booblicious, do you get everyone crazy for you on purpose?" Janine asked as she put the clothing bag on the desk finally removing her finger from Barbara’s anal passage, but not before she reached down one more time to lick up the rewards of her efforts.
She pulled Barbara's arms around her own neck again and immediately began teasing the remaining mud off her breasts as she spoke, rather than walk over and close the door. Barbara finally grabbed for the first piece of clothing she could touch in the last two hours and the crowd began to boo. As Christie had not yet decreased her manipulations of Barbara’s clit for her own enjoyment, Barbara’s or the crowds…focus was a bit tough.
"Doll, we promise you as much of a show as you want. When we get you home we promise to make you come so hard in front of every open door and window and so often that you will forget about ALL those guys who fucked you without foreplay." Christie promised and Barbara felt it was time to give up trying to correct the misunderstanding until later.
"Let's get you under wraps before anyone else tries to steal our naked dolly away from us." Janine finished with a quick kiss as she took the remaining clothing out of the bag. She then reached back to arrange Barbara's breasts even as Barbara clasped the bra.
"Mmmm, I can't wait to get these huge watermelons dripping wet again in another shower sandwich." Barbara thought of showers with the two as one of the happier places on the planet and fell into another laughing, healing kiss with Janine as Christie reluctantly removed her fingers from Barbara’s pussy. Christie too reached down to lick up the rewards of her work before continuing and without removing her mouth, went to work on panties.
Christie began to pull panties up Barbara’s leg, finally! Barbara tried to squirm and pull her own panties on and said so into Janine's kisses as she tried to break the kiss. She wanted to just finish getting dressed herself, quickly...and possibly get back to the showers and run the water so hard she never thought of that friendly hydrangea bush again, the cheering crowds or the current audiences…well except for the massive orgasms.
"Oh Boobilicious, they're only panties. Stop fussing naked one. Let me just put some panties on you until we get home and then we promise to rip them right off!" Christie missed the point entirely so she inserted her toungue in deeper.
Janine's thumbs playfully went to work on her nipples, as Janine had still not ended toying with Barbara's chest, and probably never would. Barbara could feel the wetness of her pussy join the adrenaline pounding through her body at her friend's touch and moved her own hands to Janine's breasts as they kissed.
Barbara's tits were finally covered, well, um not really covered. Janine had picked out a bright red push up bra that was a size too small for Barbara. It was the curvy Janine's largest bra and she had not meant it to be so nearly useless as anything other than a display case for her nipples.
The effect was as of a bread tray offering up unbaked kneaded dough that had risen too large for baking. Of course Janine reached down and placed a hickey right on the abundant mostly exposed doughy samples as she licked Barbara's protruding nuclear nipples more fervently with a delighted smile. Barbara's breasts served up a sweet return to each pulling taste.
Christie had squatted down and gradually, haltingly slid panties up one of Barbara's long and never ending legs. Christie was slowly lingering and licking inside Barbara's long, soft creamy thighs as she teased up the panties. Each deep lick further spread Barbara's legs wider and wider apart. At the moment Janine dug in for a hickey just atop Barbara's nipple, Christie started another inside Barbara's buttery thigh.
Barbara nearly buckled from the combined force of the wonderful pressure and sensual offerings. She could hardly catch her breath from the day's third overload of sexual energy shooting from her nipples to her pussy. She turned her body to halt Christie's assault, but was simply unable to do so when Christie stopped the panties at Barbara's knee and changed the activity, audience be damned.
Christie inserted her tongue into the softest wet petals of the beauty's pussy lips and began to lick again for Barbara's pleasure and this time mostly for Christie's constant and controlling hunger. First, her tongue and lips lapped up one side of Barbara's clit, and then just as slowly they lapped up the other side of the perfect folds. With a long moan, Christie then split Barbara's clit and torpedoed the top of the tiny pink tongue longing to butterfly from its cocoon.
It would have been a never ending battle to see who enjoyed that moment more when her clit was exhibited and made bare. Barbara arched her naked body back over the desk and moaned at the amazing sensation.
Christie lingered her series of longer licks up and down Barbara's exposed tiny clit stretching it further each time both for taste and for torture and for hunger and for need. Then, she would swallow it whole, suck and lathe it before repeating the slow, drawn out wonderfully welcome and warm anguish. Barbara rewarded Christie's efforts with a gentle tremble of her pelvis.
Barbara's arousal scaled even higher and she was immediately again put on that dangerously wonderful violent orgasm wave. The forcefully building punch shot around her pleasure points and increased with each long, lingering and intense touch, repeating and reheating her barely dormant fires. Barbara arched deeper at Christie's assault giving Janine ample entry to the breast and navel buffet she was fully ready to experience.
"Oh, Boobilicious, your pussy is so soft and so fucking pretty!" With that, Christie impaled her mouth and nose into Barbara's clit. She sucked, and licked and inhaled and nibbled and bit and swallowed. With her mouth full of Barbara's folds, she then eagerly chewed and tongued the girl's tiny pink clit with an incessant appetite. Christie could not in any way get enough of the taste or beauty of this sultry masterpiece. It was a voracious craving that was serving up a full course of pleasure to all three pulsing and whimpering women as Janine inserted her hands under Barbara' ass bringing her navel deeper into Janine's mouth. Barbara's mouth simply sucked through Janine's shirt until she found the morsels to help in her release and pulled at Janine's ass and leg's to anchor their exploding pleasure.
Janine was nuzzling and kissing her trapped gift's navel when finally she rose pulling Barbara up with her. Christie's mouth did not miss a beat of the slow, continuous assault pressing her hands on Barbara's thighs to keep her canvas primed. Barbara barely registered when Janine began to bring down a white, almost transparent cropped t-shirt over part of Barbara's boobs. Indeed, Christie's magic muff diving had sent Barbara too far into the oblivion of her primal assault to care if she had privacy or was being tongue fucked in Times Square.
The cropped t-shirt barely covered Barbara's served up chest. It ended just under her nipples, but did not meet the top of the push up bra. Certainly the transparent top did as little as possible to deny viewing of the sweetest pink erect nipples ever. Janine had not planned to outfit the perfect fuck me nymph. She just lucked out at the amazing sight of the long legs spread wide and the red push up bra pushing out the most luscious nipples in creation.
Instead of finishing her slow moving feast between Barbara's legs, Christie reached out her tongue and began to flick violently at Barbara's clit. The immediate sensation of intense pleasure and pain shot through Barbara as she lurched over Christie in reaction to the sensual assault shooting her naked ass right back up into Janine’s clutch. The wave was building to crash again as her trembling, twitching hips pitched and reeled from the pinpoint ecstasy.
"Oooh, baby. You like hummingbird licks? Do you want girls to lick and flick your pink little clit and do it for an audience? Show everyone what you do when a girl tongue whips your clit?" And Christie did in her ever increasing assault, tongue whip Barbara's exposed offering as Janine pressed onward. Barbara was screeching over Christie’s engage head and into the oblivion of ecstasy as there could be no higher erotic plateau.
"Drip for Me! Spread for Me! Scream for Me! Beg for Me!" Christie menaced her commands breathing into Barbara's cunt as she shoved two fingers into Barbara's dripping vagina with each command. "Let your audience hear you beg for foreplay from a girl not a fire hose! Raise those legs so I can watch pussy juices roar forth." The slow torture was over. It was time for the furious punishment that came with speed. Instantly she began pulsing and thrusting and rushing to command the beauty's body towards an impossibly fast pulse.
Barbara had long ago surrendered, and only continued to freak out at how far and intensely into carnal ecstasy Christie was marshalling her senses. The girl pushed Barbara onto the desk, legs in the air with Janine quickly resuming her endeavors in a new location. Christie spread Barbara’s legs wide, then wider over her quivering hips and raised them to the ceiling, higher and higher as Janine sank lower and lower with her fingers and tongue.
Christie lingered in bringing the girl up to the demanded rhythm with every thrust of her sheer need. The maniac pace of the constant assault matched the abuse that Christie's tongue and teeth speared at Barbara's clit and her fingers into Barbara's pussy. The repetition was continuing at a mind blowing speed and showed in the juices pouring out of Barbara.
And Barbara began to beg for their audience and the world to hear. Then Barbara began to beg for more and to whimper for more and finally to scream for more. As Janine and Christie met over Barbara's out of control entreaties, they looked down at their handiwork, then at each other. Janine kissed Barbara's juices off Christie's smiling lips before Christie plowed her head right down between Barbara's legs to demand even more intensity from their humping and trembling captive.
"That's my doll, that's my audience slut, come, come, come for ME, come for ME, Come NOW!" With each 'come' Christie was using her free hand to slap Barbara's ass harder and harder.
When the final demand that Barbara orgasm NOW was issued, she obediently obeyed. Her legs dropped and spread wide as she arched and unleashed the tidal wave of her orgasm, her hands smashing Christies head even deeper into her cunt. The violent release came out in an unending even audible spasm to the delight of her audience.
Barbara fell back onto the desk, panting, spread wide and cascading orgamsams. Christie buried herself as a glutton at a banquet pouring forth from Barbara's shuddering crotch, getting every salty sweet drop deep inside Barbara and inhaling every feral pink pheromone along her generous pussy runway. Wave after wave crashed through Barbara as she released, and released the day's intense erotic assaults back onto the greedy Christie's tongue and Janine’s dancing fingers.
While Christie eagerly slurped and devoured each sexual wave from Barbara's pussy by trapping those longest of legs wide around her neck, Janine reached over her panting captive kissing her breasts and then kissing her dripping wet and still dirty face. When the bucking hips began to calm, she laughingly kissed Barbara's lips that were shuddering for her audience along with her entire body. "Good dolly, good soft, sensual, foreplay needing, naked dolly."
Janine kissed her even more tenderly as the cheers outside the door began to lower into their own release. "It's time to get you locked up before you start a campus wide orgy naked one." She laughed as she briefly heard the much increased hall crowd outside the door demand an encore.
Janine's laughter only continued as she hugged Barbara to her when Christie finally fell away from their naked doll in unqualified joy. Christie smiled and reached up from the floor to pat Barbara's still vibrating mound. "Good dolly indeed."
Christie popped one more kiss onto Barbara's constantly calling pussy lips as she rose to stand, and then kissed her way up Barbara's sweating and panting body to give her a delighted and a laughing kiss on her lips before briefly jumping a peck on Janine's breasts that Barbara's mouth had so fully dislodged to shoot out of the gap between bra and top. Christie put her nose to Barbara's nose and inhaled, obviously savoring the amazingly addictive aroma that seemed to surround the impossible doll.
"You beautiful knock out. I'm a straight woman who is going to be a respected doctor. Not even a week ago you dropped naked into my world and now look. You've got me tongue and finger fucking an exhibitionist bombshell for audiences while all I want is more, and more, and way more of you and your amazing body, scent and taste. What the hell have you done to me? I've gone from being the one in control to becoming instead a slave to your body!"
Barbara yanked Christie hard into her embrace, and kissed a thousand thank you kisses onto her lips for the most amazing orgasm of her life...or since this afternoon. Christie eagerly responded and promised many more to come in her servitude as she again patted Barbara's exposed mound, laughing at how long Barbara’s mound vibrated from their encounter. Only when Barbara's mound ended its audible rain of pleasure did Barbara finally close her legs, effectively closing the curtains for al the day’s many audiences.
Christie at last retrieved the red panties for Barbara to step into and pulled them up quickly over the girl's too bountiful ass. She continued to laugh, mostly at herself as she pulled Barbara to her laughing and sharing back her own juices with their tongues as their breathing calmed, with occasional bows to their audience.
Janine wasted no time in freeing as much cheek as possible from the tiny panties by pushing any available fabric into Barbara's crack. She wanted to keep her naked friend as happy and exposed as possible. She was respectably patting her highly visible work with a pleased look on her face as the two other women rode down Barbara's orgasm. In the last days she had been paraded naked, ravaged, groped and touched by even women for the first time. Maybe that was what was increasing her pleasure. She was too muddled and too happy to think yet.
Barbara had begun to think lately that she needed a guardian if her body was going to continue to act as a traitor to her pride and her brain only visited. She had not needed it before this year. She wasn't sure what changed so dramatically over the past year, then the past semester and now, obviously, over these past five days. This, as she looked over the women dressing her as a naked sex doll and thought of the applauding groups of people, was getting extreme.
"Barbie, what is happening to you today?" It was Matt flinging open the door. He had finally found her complete with a bag fresh from the campus store. Barbara unlatched her laughing tongue from Christie's tongue. She hoped, no, she prayed that there was at least a shirt in the bag that could cover her nipples pointing out like bayonets at every passing target and her mostly exposed bottom.
"Sweetie, one of these days, you just have to learn to say no." Matt shoved past the last of the doorway group. Anita wordlessly pointed to Barbara, then herself in a firm nod before Matt noticed the exchange and slammed the door shut in disgust.
"Hey Dude, we are her legal guardians for the weekend. You can't have her. Besides, it was your loser frat boys letting entire teams screw her in front of the whole campus that got her busted." Janine said as she tossed a possessive arm around Barbara's waist, taking a moment to savor the incredibly soft curve.
"It is all legal Dude. Here's the order." Christie interrupted marching around to Barbara's other side also marking ownership of the girl with a sideway embrace. "We have signed title from her guidance counselor!"
Matt took the note from Christie. While he read, Janine licked off the last traces of the orgasmic explosion still panting on Barbara's lips.
"She is not going to leave our hands until we send her off on Monday morning or they will send her to jail. That was the deal to save her naked butt after fucking your entire fraternity and everything else from a tree." Janine was patting her captive’s ass, moving the panties for her friend to pat more of the girl. She didn't stop when she turned to Barbara with a smile a twinkle in her eye under a raised eyebrow.
"Did you really need to do it from a trapeze after the fire hose, and with an entire fraternity and all the sports teams while swinging upside down buck naked from a tree?" Barbara again tried to explain only to be laughed at again. She was getting exasperated and gave up. Matt tossed the note back to Christie and pointed to Barbara's highlighted nipples, long naked waist and skimpy panties.
"THIS, is not getting her dressed and trying to keep clothes on her at all times when in public like your orders." He looked behind him pointing to the hallway. “I had to step over a hallway orgy to get in here!” He stepped back and inspected Barbara. "And CRAP, if the wind blows her clothes will pop off!"
"Matty, the girls like didn't have to help and they were just starting to like help me get dressed. Things like keep getting out of control today. It wasn't like their fault. They thought I wanted to and then like there was the amazing orgasm so like it made no sense.
"Besides, I didn't know if you would like ever come back?" Barbara did not want Matt to yell at her new friends and she didn't want him angry. He was maybe like the only of Teddy's frat brothers that hadn't tried to screw her. It helped that she was getting some misinformation corrected as Matt pulled a men's sweatshirt from the bag.
"Sorry about the yelling." Matt said contritely. "Here, I brought you a medium sized top and a medium sized bottom. My sister told me it was never a good idea to buy size large anything for a girl. Besides, they didn't have any long johns."
"Matt, thank you. I really appreciate you like doing this for me." Barbara said as she put the sweats over the tiny clothes that the girls had put on her. Of course Janine and Christie were helping her. Matt ignored the groping women and pulled Barbara around the waist after she was done dressing.
"Here is a card with my contact information. I'll be in the reserves in Phoenix this summer, but can get here within a half a day if you get into real trouble. I'll be back to check in on you over July 4th. We'll like celebrate it together and for the first time without Teddy. Please TRY and stay out of trouble until then? You are just way too cool to keep this happening all the time." Matt looked at the two women.
"But Matty, I like got to work July 4th. Its $5,000 to work the Fritz Family party and I like really need the money." Barbara only stopped explaining because Matt started sputtering. She understood what he was going through. Especially lately whenever she had so much to say and so nothing came out clear.
"TELL me you are not working for those perverts! You just can't do that. No way. Please. I'll figure something out. Join the reserves with me. Wait don't. Stay with my sister in Oregon. Become a Hare Krishna for the summer, they don't feed you a lot but they house you and you learn a lot of music. The Moonies do too and they all wear even more than long johns. Try something..." Matt would never have stopped squawking out options if Barbara had not silenced him the way Janine was always silencing her. One kiss and it worked!
"Matty, I've made some like bad decisions and have huge freakin' loans and might not even graduate and then like will never be able to make enough money to pay back those loans." Barbara kissed along as she spoke.
"Now I like have a chance to have my last three years paid for only eight weeks work. Samantha is like also going to pay for my housing, food and gym as well as like a two week vacation. Unless you can give me twenty five grand like that is not just like more debt, I gotta do it. It will be like over in one summer anyway and my life will like be so less scary." Janine would have been proud as Barbara took that moment to lick Matty's tongue with her tongue, effectively halting his immediate protests anyway.
"I can't stop you. You need more clothes. I have no right. Please say that you won't work THAT party though. They're mean, they do things with whips, and they stage things, and there are no clothes there and like you cannot tell me you know anymore about what you're getting yourself into than you ever do." Matt was shaking his head making it hard for Barbara to quiet him again. "Please listen to someone else's common sense for once?"
"Uh hum," Janine cleared her throat. "Matt is right about the Mr. Fritz and his July 4th, Barbie Doll. My family's accounting firm is based in San Diego. We grew up knowing never to deal with that family or anyone who ever even knew them. You might survive the summer with your sweet soul intact, but it would never survive that party and there would be like a real possibility that you never came back to school. Kids disappear after a summer with them. No one ever sees Mrs. Fritz and there’s some odd connection from the Fritz’s to the dungeons in Vegas." Janine finished her warning by pulling Barbara back to her side and immediately slipping her hands back onto Barbara’s ass.
"Fun, games and your naked public sexual desires aside Barbie; I do care what happens to you, and to more of you than just your amazing tits." Janine kissed her lightly on the lips as Matt just grunted and interrupted.
"Teddy, the guys and your two 'friends' here will all be graduating on Tuesday. It will be just you me and your REAL friends next year. You can count on me. I will pick you up on July 3rd at 5pm at the Fritz Estate. Don't ask me how, but I'll figure out how to get the $5k you need without putting you in debt. Plan on it. Do not work that party. I have to catch a plane now, but you have to promise to call me if you get into any trouble. Okay?" With that she nodded her very happily surprised head. Someone on the planet actually cared about more than her skin?
"You two; be kind to her! Try and get her to listen to sense. She trusts people too damn easy and thinks she's always right." Janine's hands were all ready lifting Barbara's shirt before Matt snarled. "Make sure you deserve her!" He shook his head and actually ran out of the office to get on with his summer. He closed the door.
Barbara turned to thank the girls for rescuing her as she pulled away from their hands intwinded in her underwear. She said she had to go back to the bush to look for her room key and that she was sure she would see them in the showers before they left. She then began to leave the office still a little shaky on her legs from the day's Trifecta of sex. Barbara’s plan was to walk back to her room with her eyes closed.
Barbara got one step towards the door when she felt the waist on her sweat pants pull her back into Janine's arms. In the same instant, Christie all ready had a hand stroking Barbara's hair behind her ear and was stroking her highly sensitive neck. Christie must have known it was like a magic button on Barbara and the sweat pants were gone, leaving the thong style shorts on, but unbuttoned.
"Whoa, fugitive! Your guidance counselor gave you a choice, either us or jail. She seemed to think you did not want to keep your clothes on in public and needed guardians to stop your naked body from having sex in public all the time." Barbara was actually getting out some explanations this time, only to have Janine and Christie continue to laugh at the unorganized denials.
"We get it, we get it, and you didn't mean for it to happen. All humor aside, Doll, we take written orders seriously. So, what's it gonna be naked one?" Janine was quickly getting over her laughter and began nibbling at the other side Barbara's neck removing the sweatshirt to restore the look of escaping nipples on patrol.
"Janine, Christie, you can't like be serious!" She bent her head so that both women could nibble that magic spot on her collarbone while they redressed her to their liking.
"I have to pack and get ready. I like need to find a whole bunch of stuff. I need to find out where my mother moved to as I kinda like lost her after her latest marriage. I'm twenty one freakin' years old. Like, every inch of my body is sore from too much sex, my ass is pounding from Christie's spanking and I'm not like the dress up fuck doll everyone here thinks like that I am."
"Can't you just like let me go if I promise to like hide in my room and never leave, please? Please trust me that I never ever want to do it in a tree again. You wouldn't really like call the campus police?”
Janine was leaning against the desk, trapping Barbara in her arms and kept up biting away on the girl's shoulder and collarbone. She busied her hands under Barbara's shirt by once again squeezing her amazing breasts and releasing her nipples maximizing their presence beyond the short shirt for the world to see on their journey home.
Christie leaned in to sandwich against Barbara, Janine and the desk. She leaned her pussy against Barbara's. With her braless yoga outfit over her sizeable breasts she leaned her breasts against Barbara's melons as well and began to gently sway. Her hands reached to Barbara's face as she began to peck kisses onto Barbara's bottom lip. It was Christie who set down the rules.
"Boobilicious, ever since that bowl game where your baton costume popped a seam in the middle of the field and then your team mates yanked off your thong for the entire stadium, the television audience and all your family and friends to see; you have been naked in all our fantasies.
"You are sweet, beautiful, sweet, soft, sweet, and edible and built and are oh so fun in a shower.
"I have worked my ass off for eight years focused only on academics and like you just finished my last final. In three days I graduate, only to have to focus even harder for another eight years on medical school, hospitals and building a practice, during which, I am sure any free moment of thought will be filled with will longing for you and your amazing pussy and sweet naked body non-stop.
"We have won the lottery with a three day order to keep your naked loving body in our arms, on the very three days we have time to make sure that you enjoy every minute of it.
"We will keep your sweetness safe; your beauty worshipped; your softness adored and your body occasionally clothed while we pamper your pretty pussy and feed you until Monday all with lots and lots of shower sandwiches and as much public sex as you want within the confines of our orders.
"I do not know or care if you are straight, gay, lesbian or bi-sexual. This weekend, you and your undiscovered erogenous zones belong to us so we can keep you out of jail and find all of them. We are under strict orders to call Mr. Reynolds if we lose you."
Christie began inhaling Barbara's skin again even as she continued with her list of commands and full body rub. She had all ready lifted the sweatshirt to shelve it on top of Barbara's boobs.
"If we call Mr. Reynolds he will press charges and send your perfect pussy to jail...where I'm certain it will receive lots of attention."
Christie kept her face buried in Barbara's nipples even as she dipped her hands back down Barbara's back to her booty and then traced a finger over the girl's anus.
"Besides, we have so much more territory to explore, and you've got me so fucking horny, and so..." she began gently licking the nipples that Janine's kneading hands were holding up to her mouth, "little time." Christie smiled as she danced her kisses from one nipple to the other and back and forth as Barbara gasped from the touch and tried to take in all that she had just heard.
Indeed, that was the reason why so many people acted as if her body were some common doll that must be stripped. Barbara had been rather successful in blocking that overwhelming memory. When her baton went up into the air, the arch of her back popped her seam. Teddy had assured her that a friend of his sister's had sewed it doubly tight for her. The strapless sequined body suit immediately fell to the ground. When she bent over, someone had pulled off her thong right on the field. It took about three minutes of running away naked in front of a few million people and right at the camera man it would seem, before her friends rushed forward with their band jackets.
Janine continued to nibble on Barbara even as she held Barbara's breasts to Christie's lips who continued dancing tender kisses over her sore nipples and cupping her pounding, reddened ass. Barbara was too overwhelmed to speak and could barely think. Her body was on auto-pilot for the time being. The memory of that moment always froze her right back into shock.
"Good it's all settled then." Christie announced as she finally let go of the catatonic Barbara and grabbed her purse. With one quick inspection that only the barest parts of Barbara’s pussy, ass or tits were unexposed, she pulled on her new toy and began heading back to the dorm.
"I think she's checked out. Her friends say she does that whenever someone mentions that bowl game incident." Christie said to Janine while looking at Barbara.
"Understandable, it took a while before the TV producers stopped the camera guy from zeroing in on that pussy of hers that you love so much and those tits of hers which the whole world wants to fondle. The guy didn't show her face, but the entire school knew that impossibly firm and full body.
"Having your most intimate body parts paraded across a TV screen and aired out for a super stadium would do that to anyone...well...anyone I guess except Janet Jackson."
"It's getting late. The girls are waiting for us. Should we get food first or her room key before the 'class?" Both women laughed at their joke. They were pulling Barbara along with them as they headed across the campus and picked up her key first thing.
"As we've crossed over the border into Lesbian Land this weekend, we might as well go all for it. Who knows if we'll ever visit here again? Is it too late to go toy shopping at the Exotic Erotic Boutique do you think? I'd love to keep her dressed in entirely edible garments, and we need the edible bikini for the nude beach and maybe have one of us tryout one of those strappy dick things and a paddle?"
"Good idea, though she's definitely moved me onto at least bisexual boulevard. I'm enjoying going both ways. I actually care for this sweet naked doll." Janine stopped walking and kissed Barbara who was still trying to block the thoughts of that terrifying memory. "Besides, her kisses make me so fucking hot!" Janine was lapping out Barbara's mouth again. "There's a glimmer. I think she's coming back to us."
"I think we might need to stop along the way. She makes me too horny to focus on getting her to the girls waiting in the shower. I'm ready to explode over the vision of her upside down bare tits flopping in the wind along with her naked ass then being fucked in the pussy and mouth by a fire hose and entire fraternities and sports teams."
"We'll have to create a list for the next two days of menu items and be sure to include even more outdoor activities then. Maybe she wants to hang from another tree?"
"The first thing is to get her naked. She didn't seem to want to wear the panties and her outfit isn't doing anything for me in this all too brief fantasy we lucked into."
Barbara noticed that as she walked with Janine and Christie, for the first time in months people were not bumping into her or pulling at her clothes. Though now they were applauding and cheering. "Guys, like let's talk please?" Barbara was hoping she could keep their attention long enough before someone began kissing her again.
"I can't believe you would like let me go to jail. It wasn't my fault today and I wasn't upside down and it wasn't a fraternity, but, they were from a fraternity, but not a team, but they were on a team, and it wasn't a fire hose, it was a garden hose." Barbara stopped along with the girls as Janine was opening their top floor dorm room. "I do like that you helped me not like get expelled and will like hang with you as much as possible, just not upside down. Would that like work?" Barbara stepped across the threshold of the seniors' dorm room.
Even as Barbara was speaking and stating her claims that she would stay out of trouble, her pants were pulled down, her panties ripped down and her top was being pushed up. It was only another second before Christie went to work on the t-shirt and useless bra.
"Guys, what the eff? Don't you two ever get enough?"
No. Apparently, not.
Christie said something about 48 hours was too short after fantasizing for five months then resumed stripping Barbara's remaining half. Janine was frying Barbara's brain again with her mind blowing kissing after muttering the addiction Barbara caused and it was time to shave. Stripping Barbara naked at that moment had the effect of moving her body back onto the open door and her ass right onto the handle. Crap, first a friendly hydrangea bush than a horny door handle.
"Janine," Barbara was getting better at speaking through Janine's expert kissing as she tried Matt's trick of shaking her head. "There's a door knob in my ass and my pussy and tits are on view for the world. Let me at least put my arms down?" Janine pulled back her head and looked down at Barbara's amazing and naked body.
"Lucky you!" The reply did not come from either Janine or Christie, who were still not allowing her to dislodge the overly friendly nob. It came from the dorm's Resident Advisor, Lashanda D'Rell, who had the most amazingly long, black curly hair, highest cheekbones and soulful light brown eyes that Barbara had ever seen.
"Were you afraid she was carrying concealed weapons or were you mounting her as a door prize?" Lashanda asked as she reached out to pull the loosened bra completely off Barbara and after a breathless moment at the mounted nude, handed it to Janine.
"We're just getting her ready. She hates panties.
"Are all the girls ready in the shower room?" Christie winked before squatting to peck a kiss on Barbara’s pussy right in front of the woman. Thankfully, she hadn't begun smacking anything yet.
"Hmmm," Lashanda said as she reached to stroke Barbara's side and explore the siren indentations of her pelvis. "We're all ready and the bar is even set up. They have all been dying to see this famous doll naked." Lashanda was no Janine, but when she suddenly began to kiss the trapped Barbara, damn she could kiss!
Barbara stayed spread over the happy door knob while Lashanda kissed her mouth. Janine laughed as she backed away and finally offered Barbara a robe. Clothes! Yeah!
Barbara felt the girl's fingers linger on her spent body before the robe was closed as she and Lashanda rode the explorations of their introductory kiss. Eventually, Janine stepped back and pulled off her own shirt in front of the women.
"Barbie you will so love what we have planned next for you and it's nice and public and there are no panties!" Christie reached under her robe and gave her a hard spank.
Janine was showing her impressive curves as she continued to undress and flung her clothes away with absolute glee. The sense of fun was jumping off Janine’s nudity and even making the exhausted Barbara laugh. Christie could barely get naked fast enough as everyone walked and stripped towards the showers.
Barbara took the second of calm to rush forward her protests and try and explain the day from the beginning so that the girls would understand that she simply did not want to play anymore. She began with what happened to her pussy and tits after meeting them in the shower and finally got to shout about her pussy being too sore for any more fun.
Barbara was shocked when she heard Lashanda champion her cause having heard her correctly! She was equally shocked to see about two dozen or more mostly naked women in the shower room and hear music playing.
"Of course you are sore! From what I hear you've been naked and upside down in public all day and fucked the surfing team, a fire hose, a fraternity, then all the guidance counselors and everyone on this floor knows how you three start each day. Six people even say you fucked a hyena.
"Girl! I'd be surprised if your private parts haven't moved to Canada!" She heard laughter and just closed her eyes as everyone offered even more entries onto the list of people – living and dead, animals, plants and inanimate objects that they had personally witnessed screwing Barbara in just one day. Maybe jail WOULD help her out of control life? She had Mr. Reynold's cell phone number memorized. She was sure he would be happy to put her there.
Barbara yelled to the room full of women that she wasn't fucked by a hyena, but by a hydrangea. There was only more laughter. Crap why wouldn't they believe she was fucked by a hydrangea? Oh yeah. Crap.
The long vanity counter was turned into a bar of wine buckets, glasses and vodka bottles with even a few juice bottles. Next to the alcohol; shaving gear and a small heating tray to melt wax were arranged as well as an assortment of dildos of every kind. As usual, Janine did not let go of Barbara even as she handed her a glass of wine and Barbara was sure that one of the constant hands creeping under her robe belonged to Christie.
Janine was sharing the same wine glass with Barbara always gently kissing of any drops of wine off her lips between sips. An exhausted and almost swaying Barbara barely registered the population of the shower room as it continued to increase. She headed towards the shower taking her beloved wine glass with her.
Barbara stood letting the water wash off the mud and dirt as she held her wine in two hands and Janine and a team of volunteers washed her body. She could be sure she had the cleanest breasts, pussy and anus in the room. She also realized with the day she was having, that a room full of naked and half-naked women mixed with alcohol, sex toys and an end of college party mood made her hiatus from naked sex games only a temporary reprieve.
"Let's get you shaved and begin the toy show!" Christie pulled them from them from the shower and this time, manipulated Janine instead to the now famous shower room bench that had staged Barbara’s first violation for female for the world. "We're all going to give it a try after Lashanda waxes Janine and shaves you for better viewing of the toy’s abilities. Lashanda is an expert at this and we all want to learn."
"When we learned that we got to keep you locked up this weekend, Lashanda mentioned how much everyone wanted to learn her magic Brazilian Wax art and how everyone always loved your amazing naked body and the girls in the MBA program who have been financing grad school by selling these toys and are about to graduate sooooo. So win-win, we volunteered and then volunteered you too!" Christie was offering as though Barbara's voice didn't' matter.
The girls' enthusiasm and sense of fun was infectious and she would like to care for them, but the latest situation felt suddenly more hurtful than fun. They never really heard her or cared to hear her. She almost cried at the trapped feeling that hurt more so among women she liked and she wanted very much to like her real self in return. She was so frustrated that her eyes brimmed over. She hid her face in her wine glass until Janine's hand, once again as gentle as a feather pulled up her chin. She looked into Barbara's eyes and smiled. Barbara couldn't help but shrug a grin in return as Janine reached over and gently kissed her eyes then nose.
"If we got this wrong, I'm sorry. I thought from all the morning shower sandwiches that this would make you happy. It was your guidance counselor who emailed us that you always wanted to exhibit your naked body. I thought you liked all those orgasms." She kissed an escaping tear off Barbara's chin.
"No, you didn't get it all wrong, not all of it really." Barbara's heart sang as she felt that Janine finally at least realized there was more to her than tits and skin and maybe even cared, if just a little for her feelings. It wasn't much, but it was the most humanity anyone except for Mr. Reynolds and Matt had spared her in a long time. She probably needed to think more.
Suddenly, none of the day's details mattered anymore. Barbara's heavy heart immediately felt a hundred times lighter and she found she had even possible untapped energy reserves, maybe simply because someone had given her and not just her body a half second of real attention. First Matt, then Lashanda; and now Janine. Whew! She even felt there was more air in the room.
Barbara burst out laughing and wiped away her tears as she sat down to the bench and pushed up against the wall to watch Janine command the show. Janine it seems was a bit of an exhibitionist at heart. She flung her towel, badly copying a burlesque striptease at more women who were entering through both doors. She shook her boobs and shimmied her naked ass at the applauding and laughing shower room audience. Janine finally popped into Barbara's arms. Barbara may have been laughing the hardest in the entire room at the show that she was sure, was meant as an apology of sorts.
Janine reached up to Barbara's face and gently kissed her nose. "You are the world's best kisser Barbie Doll! I never want to stop. You tell me if it's too much though. Just say something that I know is all you. Something, something like...long johns?"
Barbara grabbed Janine and pulled out another of her hot kisses even as Janine spread her own amazing body wide for the room that was leering at cheering at their impassioned kiss and putting Janine’s pussy in their sites.
"Ladies!" It was Lashanda addressing the mostly senior women in various stages of shower wear or less. "You have mentioned the desire to give the naked pussy a try and someone will need to be responsible for our toy sales next year." Her statement was met by giggling from these mostly twenty-two year old women, giggling! There was also a sound of glassware clinking.
"Okay, let's grow up as we have a respected nude expert on hand to demonstrate!" There was much applause as Barbara realized that she was the expert. She simply nodded her head and squeezed her arms under Janine's boobs flopping them for the audience and crushing her back into her embrace. "We all KNOW that famous pretty blonde pussy. After a quick pussy shaving lesson, we will all get to feel it as naked as the day she was born and learn to do our own and each others before trying out the Exotic Erotic Toy Company offerings."
Crap. Not again. Not staring at her pussy. Double crap. Of course no one would understand again. Long johns. Janine would stop this. All she had to say was long johns. Crap. They were freakin' applauding her pussy! It took a moment for Barbara to realize, they were applauding for anything. There were different states around the room of euphoria, arousal, intoxication, curiosity, relief, lust and celebration. Some women hadn't even waited for the show to start and were in showers or on laps. Crap. She knew this wasn't going to end well.
"First up however, we have the future head of Brady Family Accounting Services volunteering today to wax her pussy for your educational benefit, bless her masochistic little heart!" Janine laughed bowed her head even as she raised her legs to the ceiling and then spread them wide on either sides of the bench. The audience exploded with applause and laughter and whistles. In a world where no one but Barbie had impossible measurements, Janine's body simply got everyone hot. On top of that, everyone loved Janine.
Barbara was slowly coming to love the patient and kind Janine too, and she thanked any pagan god ever invented for helping her duck that waxing insanity. Was Janine crazy? She liked Janine. She wouldn't wish a Brazilian Wax on her worst enemy. Well, maybe Teddy after today. Thinking of which, Teddy was always trying to get her to go Brazilian. Barbara took Janine's empty wine glass and handed it to a girl, Carrie who offered to refill it. Lashanda slathered wax over Janine's bikini line, pussy and back track while everyone simulated moaning sounds. Well, not everyone was simulating them.
There were non-stop jeers about Paris fashion and gymnastic abilities and the last lesbian opportunity of a life time for the non-sorority types (from the non-lesbians) and for the perfect setting for a lesbian orgy (from the lesbians) which was met with even more laughter and applause while the wax strips dried, the boozed poured freely, and medically approved California cigarettes were shared.
No words can do justice to the pain that interrupted the festivities in Janine's primal scream after Lashanda ripped the first waxed strip of Janine's pubic hair off her pussy. It was beyond pain. Barbara actually ran to protect Lashanda as Janine lunged violently at her in response. The murder intended in Janine's eyes was all too clear.
Of course, Janine's reaction was understandable but Lashanda was Barbara's hero. She had stood up for her sore pussy and finally turned the tide of Barbara's unbelievable day. Thankfully, a few much larger girls finally subdued Janine and her half hairless pussy before blood spilled.
No one spoke. There were five more strips of waxed pubic hair on Janine's pussy. No one moved. For a long time the room was still...and really confused about what to do next.
Janine grabbed Barbara and held on tight attempting to restart her breathing. Tears streamed down her face and dripped over her naked breasts as Barbara kissed them off. It took her a few minutes before Janine first whispered to the stunned silence.
"It was the Nazis. The Nazis were the only sick and twisted enough bastards in all of history to come up with something that purely fucking evil! Fucking twat torturing misogynist Brazilian wax inventing Nazis! I know. I minored in History they all moved to Brazil." Janine was slowly breathing and now speaking just a bit louder when she finally shouted out to the room.
"Hello everyone! My name is Janine Brady and I'm going to have a hairy pussy for the rest of my natural life. Where is the fucking alcohol and dildo I just won?" Janine's pain and wonderful self-realization finally broke the universally shared fear. The room burst into laughter.
Janine continued to stream tears as Kiumi poured her a glass of wine, then Carrie an openly lesbian butch woman with infectious laughter poured her a glass of vodka. Janine drank the wine and vodka naked and two handed while staring at her crotch and accusing it of mindless vanity.
Clearly there was a need for even more of the wonderful cigarettes everyone was passing. There were quite a few special cigarettes before Janine eventually was lowered back onto the bench and into Barbara's arms. Barbara made sure she was kissing Janine as each of the remaining strips came off. Christie was the only one brave enough to pull off the Nazi torture devices. Lashanda offered Christie to share her room just in case she was afraid to sleep in the dark with Janine after then.
There was a sigh of relief when the threat of violence had passed. Janine's tear streaked face rose to her audience promising immunity from retaliation for all sadists as she poured a glass of wine directly onto her own now hairless pussy and collapsed back on the bench.
Lashanda was barely able to control her laughter as she asked if anyone ELSE wanted to try waxing. Any available airborne object immediately smacked her in the head or body as she laughingly moved on the show onto shaving.
"We want the doll!" A shout came from the group of very animated women. Christie winked from slightly behind Barbara as they faced the room. There was a sudden intensity that made Barbara's stomach drop as Christie again assumed command of the room, and her. Christie held her arms around Barbara's arms and her hands on the sash that was closing Barbara's robe. It was the only thing keeping her body private and under wraps.
"Are we ready to see our naked doll?" Christie smiled to the audience as she undid the sash and let it drop to the floor. Whooping and whistles flew at Barbara who felt blood now drop from her cheeks.
"Should we start with just the amazing tits?" Christie peeled Barbara's robe down to her elbows and left it under her breasts for everyone to see. Barbara wanted to die. What just happened? Catcalls and begging filled the air as Christie juggled Barbara’s chest for the leering room. One or two woman ran up for a quick taste. As if Christie hadn’t turned Barbara enough into a commodity, she then turned her and lowered the robe to under her ass where she began spanking over her leg for the room to see. Quite a few women joined into paddle Barbarba this time and used more than their hands in ill-fated attempts at entry. When Barbara was in tears, Christie finally and completely whipped the robe off Barbara. It stabbed her heart when Christie pointed a hand at Barbara's pussy.
The room went wild. Barbara could not believe this was happening again. How could she be so dense? Long johns. Why hadn't she said long johns? She was thinking long johns as she looked over at a still tearing Janine who was standing at the make shift bar. Lashanda handed Janine a party sized bag of ice, which Janine immediately placed on her own crotch. The ridiculous scene melted Barbara from her frozen horror and immediately brought the blood back and her stomach back to her body.
Janine and Lashanda made their way to Barbara through the crowd of women who had just made her unintentionally feel so awful. Women were reaching out to kiss and grope them both as they neared. Finally Christie rolled her eyes and grabbed the ice from her other naked friend handing it off to Carrie with a directive that Janine just suck it up all ready and quit being a ham.
Janine sat on the bench and pulled Barbara down into her arms even as Kiumi handed her another large glass of wine. Lashanda asked if the wine was for the brave Barbara or for Janine's crotch as she kissed Barbara and asked if she was ready to start. Barbara could breathe again.
Christie spread Barbara's legs and pussy wide for the applauding and cheering audience. Janine resumed feeding Barbara alcohol then kissing her lips. Barbara was slowly leaving her brief fantasy of a world populated with only Janine and Matt and Lashanda to again be pulled into the festive party air. The tiny Kiumi had begun to interject kisses on Barbara’s lips inbetween the wine and Janine’s kisses.
Lashanda immediately began massaging shaving cream and Christie the Pussy Cat was parting her folds and lifting her clit's tiny pink lip for the approving audience.
"Baby, spread your legs wider for everyone so they can all see your pretty pussy and Janine and Kiumi will give you lots more wine!" Christie said as Barbara looked into Janine's stoned face still streaming with tears of pain. Janine kissed into her ear with her arm crossed under Barbara's breasts. Barbara dropped her arms around Janine's legs as she felt the heat from Janine's open crotch and wiggled into it with her back. That Janine’s crotch was vibrating with electricity and took Barbara for a momentary surprise until she saw the cord.
Janine nibbled her ear tips and kissed the side of her head sending flames right back down to the sorest pussy on the planet. Oh wow, how had Christie and Janine kept turning on more and more erogenous zones on her body she didn't know, but even just trying to locate them was fun...even if on a shower bench in public.
Lashanda was stroking her thigh with long painted red finger nails as she addressed the questions from the audience of women gawking over Barbara's completely naked body. Okay, maybe it would be better to finally get Janine and Christie and maybe even Lashanda in a bed and alone instead of in front of an audience. Crap.
Of course Lashanda let several of the women use the razor as she critiqued their hold of pussy lips and tested their closeness of shave. Of course. Of course they asked Barbara if this or that touch aroused her as she continued openly dripping for her amused audience with each inserted finger, hand, fist and toy.
However, not everyone by this time was looking at Barbara. The packed double wide room of so many naked female bodies in full celebration mode was beginning to follow nature's obvious toy and alcohol course.
Only one girl asked to touch her breasts which Janine's hold had popping out of her arms, while other women were comparing the closeness of her and Janine's pussy lips. Other women still were shaving their own or other pussies and finally other women had completely begun to explore far more avenues of fun with devices that vibrated and plunged in every manner.
Barbara almost thought the naked tiny breasted Kiumi was offering herself up to Barbara as she lingered with her exploration. The dark haired girl blushed as she continued to stroke Barbara's pussy amid the leering heads of her closed in audience. Barbara could not help but feel the wave go from tingle to pulsing in her pussy as Kiumi sweetly leaned down and pecked a kiss her lips. "Thank you for letting me touch your pussy. I'm sorry it is so sore. You are really very pretty."
Barbara was about to get up and end what she hoped was her body's last public sex act for life, but, um, Kiumi was not moving.
"I will be gentle, can I take a taste?" Barbara finally stopped blushing and turned white. Janine just giggled in her ear.
"See, you ARE doing it to everyone!" Barbara began to close her legs over her now hairless crotch and said maybe another time when the crowd burst in protest.
"Let her lick, let her lick, let her lick!" Barbara was clenching every muscle in her body as she tried to rise when Carrie lunged forward and pushed Barbara' s legs open for Kiumi. Kiumi did not wait for Barbara's consent; she bent and began licking Barbara's pussy. Kiumi only lasted a second before she was pushed aside by the commanding Carrie.
"Barbie doll, I will make you beg! Just remember to thank me!" Carrie had a nearly shaved head of dark brown hair, twinkling blue eyes and almost rosy red cheeks while sporting a broad, strong back. She grabbed her arms around Barbara's legs and speared into her pussy.
Barbara's body immediately screamed into an arch of shocked pleasure at the sudden and unexpected assault. Janine could kiss, Christie was the Clit Cat, but this woman and her powerful and huge tongue were like Queen of the Pussy Amazon!
As the latest entrant into Barbara's pussy that day sent Barbara writhing dramatically in Janine's arms, Christie grabbed Kiumi and licked Barbara's taste off her lips then dropped and started in on the girls' clit. Christie was the Pussy Cat after all.
"Oh Barbie Doll, it is always so fucking hot watching you wiggle and dance while being fucked by another woman!" Janine's soaking wet pussy was rubbing against Barbara's back as her mouth dipped again into Barbara's to lick out another blazing hot kiss.
Barbara felt the goddess of a woman that was Carrie spear through her body up to her rib cage with each deep wonderful thrust. If this was foreplay, Barbara was ready to go die of sex with her. Barbara went to an immediate orgasmic wave and was pouring out juices when Carrie began using her hands and fingers and mouth and tongue and teeth and muscles on every opening and offering Barbara served up.
Carrie was right. Barbara began to beg. She began to beg for Carrie and the room and the girls and the day and even for the hydrangea bush. She was screaming for Carrie to keep fucking her and reached for the beautiful goddess that was attacking her pussy. She begged and begged and could only scream 'please' for more of the amazing sensual assault that Carrie offered and teased back far too long before Carrie went ahead with the strap on dick.
The only thing that silenced Barbara's begging was the only thing that could when Lashanda spread her legs over Barbara's open mouth. Janine's tongue pounded into Lashanda's clit as Barbara's mouth attempted to both fill and drain the woman's pussy.
There were too many hands touching her body. There were too many lips tasting her body. There were too many tongues inside Barbara and Barbara loved the taste of Lashanda as the pretty woman's orgasms washed over her. The smell of sex and the sounds of passion and laughter permeated the air as an entire room joined in chains of passion.
With an intense assault by Carrie, Barbara broke. It was too much. It was too far for one day. She gave as much as the women loving, assaulting, worshiping and molesting her body demanded and then she collapsed. She must have thanked Carrie a zillion times as she collapsed. Her collapse only brought about more stroking and assaults as she no longer offered even a spark of resistance. Lips upon lips tasted her juices. Barbara could barely squirm from the intensity. There were naked women underneath her and all around her.
There were dozens if not hundreds of fingers, lips, tongues and mouths on her body, but only one set of lips remained on her lips. Janine's gentle laughter rocked Barbara to her as Barbara finally opened her eyes onto the fully engaged room. This time, it was not a mistake.
Some women in robes were merely watching or just kissing. Every shower was bursting and the bar was cleared to allow for spanking on one side and a multiple muff fest on the other side. The shower nearest her had two women enjoying a shower attachment. There was a petite Latina girl on the opposite bench with several women fully engaged with her body and each other. There were dozens of women engaged in sixty nines. Lashanda and Kiumi were panting and petting after another climax. The spectacular goddess of the Amazon was in a sixty nine plus one with Christie with a long line of women waiting for their turn with Carrie.
Barbara remembered Christie being the one who earlier in the day had told Barbara that she was straight. The only event the two hadn't shared was Barbara's only straight sex of the spectacular day. Christie seemed to be attempting to double Barbara's number of sexual partners on that release charged bizarre day. As she watched Christie move on to play with the Latina girl, Barbara became certain that Christie was on Viagra. A welcome voice whispered tenderly in her ear and gently chided, "I TOLD you that you would start an orgy!"
"Are your private parts still visiting Canada or ready for some one on one?" It was Lashanda whispering in her other ear as she helped Barbara up and embraced her.
"If they are still on my body at all, it is only for lack of bus fare!" Barbara responded only breaking the exotic beauty's embrace as she reached for the robe Christie had leant to her.
"You look me up next semester when they all leave you. I'll be a graduate student in the law school. I promise to give you all the public sex you want, but just one on ones with me please." Lashanda kissed her again and Barbara didn't even bother to explain. Lashanda reached down and unlashed the tie of Barbara’s bathrobe. Looking down at her body, Lashanda remarked that it would forever be a crime to hide any part of it.
Janine and Lashanda were the first to emerge from the shower room. The fans in the shower had covered the noise that was filling the hallway and buildings and the campus just outside the windows. Campus police sirens were blaring. The hallway was populated by hundreds of cheering and screaming people, mostly men. There was not an inch to spare as the mostly masculine voices shouted out. People clapped Janine on the back and offered to inspect her hairless pussy. Many said Lashanda could shave them anytime. Both women were as red as could be and frozen. How could anyone know that the noise would travel so far? How could anyone NOT know that a shower room amplified loud, raucous, party sounds! Crap!
Barbara saw Mr. Reynolds make his way through the crowd as once again an all too familiar chant rang out. "Boobilicious, Boobilicious..." This time it went on for a quarter of an hour and did not stop until security began arresting non-residents for loitering.
For the girls, it seemed no one wanted to publicly emerge from that soon to be famous shower room. Barbara stayed hidden while it emptied out. She would have stayed hiding except that Mr. Reynolds said that if she didn't come out, he was coming in. Christie, Lashanda and Janine had returned fully dressed and were trying to grab Barbara before Mr. Reynolds could do so.
"There was never any question of COULD you start an orgy and riot in the only three hours you have been out of my sight. The question is WHY would you do this to me?" Mr. Reynolds was shaking his head.
"Do not answer that question." He was crystal clear.
"At least you don't need the blanket this time!" Barbara offered looking at Mr. Reynold's full hands.
The look she got in return showed that she had indeed given him a few more grey hairs.
"Barbara Jean Johnson I am begging you to please get knocked up and married this summer and never come back to my campus until you've got at least two babies on your hips. It's not right what happens with you." Mr. Reynolds rolled his eyes as he ushered the last of the revelers out of the hallway. With her contingent of body guards, she returned to Christie's and Janine's room.
Barbara could not imagine a more erotic or exhausting existence than her current life as she poured onto the girls' beds. She was sure she wouldn't need another orgasm for at least thirty years. Every part of her body was beyond loose and relaxed and happy as Lashanda pulled her into her arms and Janine pulled off the robe.
Oh yeah, there was that...and it was magical. Midway through their first private erotic engagement in a soft bed, Barbara pulled Janine to her and gently began to touch, then tease, then taste her still red pussy.
"How did you know that I was waiting to be asked?" Janine said as she licked her own juices off Barbara's lips. Janine returned the favor finishing all that the day had started, and took it as far as possible as they were completely alone in their sixty nine. Now Barbara was sure she never needed another orgasm until she had been reincarnated a few dozen times.
Later, Janine and Christie left Barbara sleeping there while they cleared out the last of Barbara's dorm room, showered again and ordered sushi. Lashanda had volunteered to check in on their nude sleeping beauty and make sure she wasn't stolen away or wandered off while trunks were packed and moved into the room on top of the bags of gear and furnishings.
Intermittent choruses called up to different rooms all that amazing night with either offers of masculine body parts to finish the job or boasts of superior skill or demands for repeat performances or even bawdy a capella until the campus police ushered them on the way. More than a few people were given entry to select rooms for truly memorable nights. Most rooms were populated by multiple guests as the passionate spell of the day chose not to dissipate, but instead entice.
Barbara only woke briefly just after midnight with intensely wonderful heat on the side of her face that ran down to her sweating breasts. She heard a familiar sound and realized that the girls' had brought her cell phone up from her own room. The phone next to the bed showed a text from Teddy telling her to meet him and his brothers at a local bar before 2a.m. and to bring all her new friends. The next text was from Matt. It simply read 'please tell me you wore long johns?'
As Barbara's eyes slowly focused, she registered that Janine and Christie were in the pushed together beds with her and that she was face down in Janine’s pelvis, spread eagle and still being pet. The girls were drinking wine and then eating sushi and pepperoni that was strategically placed on Barbara's back and spread wide butt cheeks and pussy. The warmth that Barbara felt was from Janine's body. Barbara had been draped over her stomach with her head sleeping on Janine's navel and her arms wrapped around Janine's waist.
Janine's finger pulled Barbara's chin to hers for a gentle kiss, and then gave her a few sips of wine, and then finger fed her pepperoni slices. She occasionally chewed at the other end of the same slice, meeting their lips. While Janine tenderly fed and nourished her new addiction, she stroked the platinum blonde of Barbara's clean hair.
Teddy was not a hugger. Teddy had been her first and only until her birthday this year. The frat had a no sleepover rule and Barbara had a roommate. Barbara had no memory of ever sleeping with someone. It was amazing to do so now. Barbara did not even ask why she had two huge pink satin ribbons with bows tied around her ankles. Or why Christie was lying inside her legs and was using her rounded exposed bottom as a pillow as she stroked up and down the insides of her thighs to her pussy. She only knew she did not want it to ever end.
Janine began tracing wine onto Barbara's lips and then kissing if off. Christie began to eat the last pepperoni off Barbara's booty and nestled further into her ass pillow, stroking from Barbara's pussy to her knees and exploring every morsel of buttery perfect thigh.
Janine said that yes Barbara had turned their friend into a 'pussy cat.' Barbara laughed as she said it wasn't entirely her fault and she tucked down to kiss Janine's mound. "She's just like freaking out that she's going to be losing this pussy and is like looking for a new one." Barbara kissed her friend's bare mound one more time and pulled her navel back to its position as her pillow.
Janine smiled too when Barbara faded back towards sleep. Barbara was only slightly aware of the conversation going as she felt Christie move her legs wider. She drifted on the wonderful lapping sensation Christie had once again, but now the most gently yet began between her legs.
"I must not be as stimulating as everyone else." Janine shrugged. "It's either that or the thirty thousand orgasms she's had in one day! She may not move until her Senior Year." Christie continued her super light touch, lick, pet and stroke on the terrain between Barbara's knees and pussy.
"Can you believe it's going to end?" Janine asked with a smile.
"Those four years went too fast. Can you face life without educational sixty nines?" Christie laughed at the two who had come up with their own self-serving term.
They both took their studies too seriously to spend time and limited money chasing guys and dressing for dates and helping out with the costs of date food during college. Somewhere around the beginning of their junior year frustration won out and they moved their beds together and began getting each other off every time they got overly horny. This way, they were happy and could focus on school without wasting time, money and energy on getting an M.R.S. when they were seeking degrees in finance and medicine. "I'm still in shock at our graduation toy dropping out of the sky." Christie laughed. "How did we get so lucky?"
"Don't know, don't care and I'm not giving up girls. I cannot get over how attracted I am to Barbie and think there might be something more for me down this erotic road. I still like guys, hell, I think John and I are about to get engaged. But, I need to do some work first before making that decision now. She's just impossibly sweet and attractive and addictive and I like need to sort things out."
Christie kissed Barbara's ass again. "It's just lust. But you two curvy goddesses go have fun working it out. You both can visit me in Denver anytime you want. I'll always love you and oddly, I all ready know that I will always want her." Christie took another pussy sip before continuing.
"I don't think I can ever get over the way she makes me so crazy with lust for her. Look at me. I've basically had my tongue and fingers inside of her every opening and fold for the last day and only want more and more and more." With each 'more' Christie lapped deeper and deeper into her erotic living blow up doll.
"I'm drinking her pussy nonstop and stroking her ass all while I plan how to ravage and expose her next. I'm even past what happens after we fuck her in the sand on the beach.
"I'm up to dreaming of Sunday when we send her running through the forest and I can spank that bare naked ass Ann Rampling style against the back drop of nature with those juggling melons being felt up by the leaves and those adorable bare feet running in passion. Those perfect feet deserve pink ribbons and bows.
"Listen to me! She's made me a lust crazed nymphomaniac pussy nut! After about ten orgasms in one night, here I go dreaming of eating her pussy and controlling her ass in even more ways before Monday morning."
"That's just because you look at her as a fuck toy and not a woman." Janine continued to pet Barbara's exposed cheek, her neck, her collarbone and her back. "My god even her back is the sexiest.
"I'll be at my family's accounting practice right here in San Diego for two years before my dad will pay for graduate school. I'm going to spend every moment I can with her. Maybe we can share an apartment?
"She's not getting to me just because her sweetness has so surprised me when we expected a hard, skanky slut...which would have been its own fun. It's more that I see another woman who might be as curious and confused about labels as I am, who I can spend two years with while we work things out and figure which label fits if any?"
Janine laughed as she moved up to trail her hands across Barbara's almost sleeping lips.
"You will be so fun to play with for the next two years what with your tender sweet heart and this amazing always naked body, my doll. I promise to spoil you with nonstop attention and affection on every weekend and break. I'll see if we can get you a job at my firm this summer and release you from evil clutches of Mr. Fritz." Janine finished by lightly kissing Barbara's nose, "and I promise to rip any panties off that ever find their way to your body."
"Yeah, I can just see your parents’ faces when you introduce them to your fiancé and your usually naked girlfriend with an icon body who gets off on public sex. That'll work!"
Barbara thought about how so completely turned on and well liked her new friends made her feel. She had so many people on top of even her friends hoping to help her out and see her again next year, and it was all because of Samantha ravaging her.
It was fun to finally think and think of Janine, and Christie, and Lashanda, and Matt and Samantha. It was Samantha's kisses that were even hotter than Janine's. Barbara thought of her French maid duties that were finally about to start and drifted off to sleep looking forward to Samantha. How bad could her father and mother be? | literotica |
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