COVID-19_SST-DK / data /en-fr.tmx
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<header adminlang="en" creationdate="20200828T160924Z" datatype="plaintext" o-tmf="al" segtype="block" srclang="en">
<prop type="distributor">ELRC project</prop>
<prop type="description">Acquisition of bilingual data (from multilingual websites), normalization, cleaning, deduplication and identification of parallel documents have been done by ILSP-FC tool. Multilingual embeddings (LASER) were used for alignment of segments. Merging/filtering of segment pairs has also been applied.</prop>
<prop type="l1">en</prop>
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<prop type="lengthInTUs">58</prop>
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<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>COVID-19 typically spreads from one person to another in places with many people present via direct physical contact (shaking hands, hugging, kissing, etc.) and via droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Pour plus d'informations, lisez notre brochure sur le site</seg>
<tu tuid="2">
<prop type="lengthRatio">2.5</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Be diligent with cleaning</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Toux sèche</seg>
<tu tuid="3">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0625</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Keep your distance and ask others to be considerate</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Veillez à bien respecter les consignes générales</seg>
<tu tuid="4">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8333333333333334</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Symptoms of COVID-19</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Symptômes de la COVID-19</seg>
<tu tuid="5">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8064516129032258</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>What does isolation mean?</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Qu'entend-on par « s'isoler » ?</seg>
<tu tuid="6">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.6862745098039216</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Information for tourists in Denmark</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Information à l'attention des touristes au Danemark</seg>
<tu tuid="7">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8095238095238095</prop>
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<seg>Keep your distance and ask others to be considerate</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Gardez vos distances et demandez aux autres de faire attention.</seg>
<tu tuid="8">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0714285714285714</prop>
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<seg>If you need medical assistance</seg>
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<seg>En cas d'assistance médicale</seg>
<tu tuid="9">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0594059405940595</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. call the nearest GP's office for an assessment of your symptoms.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Du lundi au vendredi, entre 08h00 et 16h00, veuillez contacter le médecin généraliste le plus proche.</seg>
<tu tuid="10">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8046875</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>If you experience symptoms of respiratory disease or other symptoms related to COVID-19, call a doctor.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>En cas de symptômes respiratoires ou autres susceptibles d'être liés à la COVID-19, veuillez contacter un médecin par téléphone.</seg>
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<prop type="lengthRatio">0.5238095238095238</prop>
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<seg>It is important to be aware of any symptoms.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Il est important que vous soyez attentif à l'apparition des symptômes de la maladie.</seg>
<tu tuid="12">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.6127167630057804</prop>
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<seg>Isolating means keeping a 2-metre distance from everyone (to the extent possible) - including your family.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Par « vous isoler », il est entendu que vous devez, dans la mesure du possible, garder une distance de deux mètres par rapport aux autres personnes, y compris votre famille.</seg>
<tu tuid="13">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8804347826086957</prop>
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<seg>Pay extra attention to the 5 general guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Veillez à bien respecter les cinq consignes générales afin d'éviter la propagation du virus.</seg>
<tu tuid="14">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8811188811188811</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>If you become ill, the Danish Health Authority recommends that you self-isolate until you have been symptom-free for 48 hours.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Si vous tombez malade, les autorités sanitaires danoises vous recommandent de vous isoler jusqu'à 48 heures après la disparition des symptômes.</seg>
<tu tuid="15">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9</prop>
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<seg>Dry cough</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Toux sèche</seg>
<tu tuid="16">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9772727272727273</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>If you need medical assistance, call first.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Au besoin, commencez par appeler le médecin.</seg>
<tu tuid="17">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0416666666666667</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Be diligent with cleaning</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Veillez à bien nettoyer.</seg>
<tu tuid="18">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9876543209876543</prop>
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<seg>Wash your hands frequently or sanitize your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Lavez-vous régulièrement les mains avec du savon ou une solution hydroalcoolique.</seg>
<tu tuid="19">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.990909090909091</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>If you are unsure whether you are ill, the Danish Health Authority recommends that you consider yourself ill.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Dans le doute, les autorités sanitaires danoises vous recommandent de partir du principe que vous êtes malade.</seg>
<tu tuid="20">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.5116279069767442</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Symptoms are typically</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Les symptômes habituels sont les suivants :</seg>
<tu tuid="21">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.75</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Protect yourself and others</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Protégez-vous et protégez les autres</seg>
<tu tuid="22">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.2406015037593985</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Therefore, you should not have visitors when you are ill. People you cannot keep a distance from should stay isolated with you and follow the same guidelines as you.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Les personnes dont vous ne pouvez pas vous distancer doivent, elles aussi, s'isoler avec vous et appliquer les mêmes règles que vous.</seg>
<tu tuid="23">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8923076923076924</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Self-isolate until you have been symptom-free for 48 hours</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Isolez-vous jusqu'à 48 heures après la disparition des symptômes.</seg>
<tu tuid="24">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.7916666666666666</prop>
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<seg>Do not show up without an appointment.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Ne vous présentez pas chez lui sans rendez-vous.</seg>
<tu tuid="25">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.72</prop>
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<seg>Troubled breathing</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Difficultés respiratoires</seg>
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<prop type="lengthRatio">1.1675675675675676</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>COVID-19 typically spreads from one person to another in places with many people present via direct physical contact (shaking hands, hugging, kissing, etc.) and via droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>De manière générale, le nouveau coronavirus se propage dans les lieux fréquentés, via les poignées de mains et les petites gouttelettes projetées lorsque les gens toussent ou éternuent.</seg>
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<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>The numbers are listed below.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Vous trouverez le numéro du médecin de garde à appeler ci-dessous.</seg>
<tu tuid="28">
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<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>It is important that you do not go anywhere where you may infect others during your isolation.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Il est important, durant votre isolement, que vous ne séjourniez pas dans des lieux fréquentés par d'autres personnes, que vous risqueriez alors de contaminer.</seg>
<tu tuid="29">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.1578947368421053</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>How to protect yourself and others, and what to do if you get ill.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Comment faire pour vous protéger et protéger les autres ?</seg>
<tu tuid="30">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9041095890410958</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Take care of your health and protect others by doing the following</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Suivez les consignes suivantes pour vous protéger et protéger les autres.</seg>
<tu tuid="31">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.2439024390243902</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Cough or sneeze into your or sleeve, not your hands</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Toussez ou éternuez dans le pli du coude.</seg>
<tu tuid="32">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0235294117647058</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Limit physical contact - avoid handshakes, refuse kisses on the cheek and avoid hugging</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Évitez de donner la main, d'embrasser ou de prendre d'autres personnes dans vos bras.</seg>
<tu tuid="33">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.1521739130434783</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Region of Southern Denmark Emergency medical service:</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Médecin de garde pour la région Danemark Sud :</seg>
<tu tuid="34">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.5416666666666666</prop>
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<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Symptômes de la COVID-19</seg>
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<prop type="lengthRatio">0.9871794871794872</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>For further information, read our pamphlet on the website</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Pour plus d'informations, lisez notre brochure sur le site</seg>
<tu tuid="36">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8225806451612904</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Keep your distance and ask others to be considerate</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Gardez vos distances et demandez aux autres de faire attention</seg>
<tu tuid="37">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.6190476190476191</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Typical examples would be:</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Les symptômes habituels sont les suivants:</seg>
<tu tuid="38">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8918918918918919</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>In case of acute and life-threatening illness or injury, call 112.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>En cas d'urgence ou de maladie/blessure mortelle, veuillez appeler le 112.</seg>
<tu tuid="39">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.47619047619047616</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>It is important to be aware of symptoms.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Il est important que vous soyez attentif à l'apparition des symptômes de la maladie.</seg>
<tu tuid="40">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.875</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>If you become ill, the Danish Health Authority recommends that you self-isolate until you have been symptom-free for 48 hours.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Si vous tombez malade, les autorités sanitaires danoises vous recommandent de vous isoler jusqu 'à 48 heures après la disparition des symptômes.</seg>
<tu tuid="41">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>What does it mean to self-isolate?</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Qu 'entend -on par « s 'isoler » ?</seg>
<tu tuid="42">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.6041666666666666</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>adhere to our general advice.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Veillez à bien respecter les consignes générales</seg>
<tu tuid="43">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.1047619047619048</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Outside normal opening hours, you must call the out-of-hours medical service or the medical helpline in your region.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>En dehors des heures de consultation habituelles, veuillez contacter le médecin de garde de votre région.</seg>
<tu tuid="44">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.7872340425531915</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Do not show up without an appointment</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Ne vous présentez pas chez lui sans rendez-vous</seg>
<tu tuid="45">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.2313432835820894</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Therefore, you should not have visitors when you are ill. People you cannot keep a distance from should stay isolated with you and follow the same guidelines as you.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Les personnes dont vous ne pouvez pas vous distancer doivent, elles aussi, s 'isoler avec vous et appliquer les mêmes règles que vous.</seg>
<tu tuid="46">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.775</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Cough or sneeze into your elbow</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Toussez ou éternuez dans le pli du coude</seg>
<tu tuid="47">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.5875</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>It is important that you do not go anywhere where you may infect others during your isolation.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Il est important, durant votre isolement, que vous ne séjourniez pas dans des lieux fréquentés par d 'autres personnes, que vous risqueriez alors de contaminer.</seg>
<tu tuid="48">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.393939393939394</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>What should you do if you are a close contact?</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Que faire si vous tombez malade ?</seg>
<tu tuid="49">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.0</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Wash your hands frequently or sanitize your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Lavez-vous régulièrement les mains avec du savon ou une solution hydroalcoolique</seg>
<tu tuid="50">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.8333333333333333</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Take care of your health and protect others by doing the following</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Protégez-vous et protégez les autres</seg>
<tu tuid="51">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.6909090909090909</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Do not show up without an appointment.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Ne vous présentez pas chez le médecin sans rendez-vous.</seg>
<tu tuid="52">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.6923076923076923</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Continue your self-isolation until 48 hours after you are symptom-free (if you have experienced any symptoms).</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Isolez-vous jusqu'à 48 heures après la disparition des symptômes.</seg>
<tu tuid="53">
<prop type="lengthRatio">1.2666666666666666</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>On contact tracking and close contacts</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Limitez vos contacts physiques</seg>
<tu tuid="54">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.7411764705882353</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>avoid kissing and hugging someone outside your immediate circle</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Évitez de donner la main, d'embrasser ou de prendre d'autres personnes dans vos bras.</seg>
<tu tuid="55">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.532608695652174</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>This does not mean that you are still infectious.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>C 'est pourquoi vous ne devez pas non plus recevoir de visites pendant que vous êtes malade.</seg>
<tu tuid="56">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.6263736263736264</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>Therefore, you should not have visitors when you are ill.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>C'est pourquoi vous ne devez pas non plus recevoir de visites pendant que vous êtes malade.</seg>
<tu tuid="57">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.8045112781954887</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>People you cannot keep a distance from should stay isolated with you and follow the same guidelines as you.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Les personnes dont vous ne pouvez pas vous distancer doivent, elles aussi, s'isoler avec vous et appliquer les mêmes règles que vous.</seg>
<tu tuid="58">
<prop type="lengthRatio">0.6904761904761905</prop>
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>The numbers are listed below.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="fr">
<seg>Les symptômes habituels sont les suivants:</seg>