{ |
"overview": { |
"where": { |
"has-leaderboard": "no", |
"leaderboard-url": "N/A", |
"leaderboard-description": "N/A", |
"website": "http://abductivecommonsense.xyz/", |
"data-url": "[Link](https://storage.googleapis.com/ai2-mosaic/public/abductive-commonsense-reasoning-iclr2020/anlg.zip)", |
"paper-url": "[Link](https://openreview.net/pdf?id=Byg1v1HKDB)", |
"paper-bibtext": "```\n@inproceedings{\nBhagavatula2020Abductive,\ntitle={Abductive Commonsense Reasoning},\nauthor={Chandra Bhagavatula and Ronan Le Bras and Chaitanya Malaviya and Keisuke Sakaguchi and Ari Holtzman and Hannah Rashkin and Doug Downey and Wen-tau Yih and Yejin Choi},\nbooktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},\nyear={2020},\nurl={https://openreview.net/forum?id=Byg1v1HKDB}\n}\n```", |
"contact-name": "Chandra Bhagavatulla", |
"contact-email": "[email protected]" |
}, |
"languages": { |
"is-multilingual": "no", |
"license": "apache-2.0: Apache License 2.0", |
"task-other": "N/A", |
"language-names": [ |
"English" |
], |
"language-speakers": "Crowdworkers on the Amazon Mechanical Turk platform based in the U.S, Canada, U.K and Australia. ", |
"intended-use": "To study the viability of language-based abductive reasoning. Training and evaluating models to generate a plausible hypothesis to explain two given observations.", |
"license-other": "N/A", |
"task": "Reasoning" |
}, |
"credit": { |
"organization-type": [ |
"industry" |
], |
"organization-names": "Allen Institute for AI", |
"creators": "Chandra Bhagavatula (AI2), Ronan Le Bras (AI2), Chaitanya Malaviya (AI2), Keisuke Sakaguchi (AI2), Ari Holtzman (AI2, UW), Hannah Rashkin (AI2, UW), Doug Downey (AI2), Wen-tau Yih (AI2), Yejin Choi (AI2, UW)", |
"funding": "Allen Institute for AI", |
"gem-added-by": "Chandra Bhagavatula (AI2), Ronan LeBras (AI2), Aman Madaan (CMU), Nico Daheim (RWTH Aachen University)" |
}, |
"structure": { |
"data-fields": "- `observation_1`: A string describing an observation / event.\n- `observation_2`: A string describing an observation / event.\n- `label`: A string that plausibly explains why observation_1 and observation_2 might have happened.", |
"structure-labels": "Explanations were authored by crowdworkers on the Amazon Mechanical Turk platform using a custom template designed by the creators of the dataset.", |
"structure-example": "```\n{\n'gem_id': 'GEM-ART-validation-0',\n'observation_1': 'Stephen was at a party.',\n'observation_2': 'He checked it but it was completely broken.',\n'label': 'Stephen knocked over a vase while drunk.'\n}\n```", |
"structure-splits": "- `train`: Consists of training instances. \n- `dev`: Consists of dev instances.\n- `test`: Consists of test instances.\n" |
}, |
"what": { |
"dataset": "Abductive reasoning is inference to the most plausible explanation. For example, if Jenny finds her house in a mess when she returns from work, and remembers that she left a window open, she can hypothesize that a thief broke into her house and caused the mess, as the most plausible explanation.\nThis data loader focuses on abductive NLG: a conditional English generation task for explaining given observations in natural language. " |
} |
}, |
"gem": { |
"rationale": { |
"contribution": "Abductive reasoning is a crucial capability of humans and ART is the first dataset curated to study language-based abductive reasoning.", |
"sole-task-dataset": "no", |
"distinction-description": "N/A", |
"model-ability": "Whether models can reason abductively about a given pair of observations." |
}, |
"curation": { |
"has-additional-curation": "no", |
"modification-types": [], |
"modification-description": "N/A", |
"has-additional-splits": "no", |
"additional-splits-description": "N/A", |
"additional-splits-capacicites": "N/A" |
}, |
"starting": { |
"research-pointers": "- Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.05739\n- Code: https://github.com/allenai/abductive-commonsense-reasoning" |
} |
}, |
"results": { |
"results": { |
"model-abilities": "Whether models can reason abductively about a given pair of observations.", |
"metrics": [ |
"BLEU", |
"BERT-Score", |
], |
"other-metrics-definitions": "N/A", |
"has-previous-results": "no", |
"current-evaluation": "N/A", |
"previous-results": "N/A" |
} |
}, |
"curation": { |
"original": { |
"is-aggregated": "no", |
"aggregated-sources": "N/A" |
}, |
"language": { |
"obtained": [ |
"Crowdsourced" |
], |
"found": [], |
"crowdsourced": [ |
"Amazon Mechanical Turk" |
], |
"created": "N/A", |
"machine-generated": "N/A", |
"producers-description": "Language producers were English speakers in U.S., Canada, U.K and Australia.", |
"topics": "No", |
"validated": "validated by crowdworker", |
"pre-processed": "N/A", |
"is-filtered": "algorithmically", |
"filtered-criteria": "Adversarial filtering algorithm as described in the paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.05739" |
}, |
"annotations": { |
"origin": "automatically created", |
"rater-number": "N/A", |
"rater-qualifications": "N/A", |
"rater-training-num": "N/A", |
"rater-test-num": "N/A", |
"rater-annotation-service-bool": "no", |
"rater-annotation-service": [], |
"values": "Each observation is associated with a list of COMET (https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.05317) inferences.", |
"quality-control": "none", |
"quality-control-details": "N/A" |
}, |
"consent": { |
"has-consent": "no", |
"consent-policy": "N/A", |
"consent-other": "N/A" |
}, |
"pii": { |
"has-pii": "no PII", |
"no-pii-justification": "The dataset contains day-to-day events. It does not contain names, emails, addresses etc. ", |
"pii-categories": [], |
"is-pii-identified": "N/A", |
"pii-identified-method": "N/A", |
"is-pii-replaced": "N/A", |
"pii-replaced-method": "N/A" |
}, |
"maintenance": { |
"has-maintenance": "no", |
"description": "N/A", |
"contact": "N/A", |
"contestation-mechanism": "N/A", |
"contestation-link": "N/A", |
"contestation-description": "N/A" |
} |
}, |
"context": { |
"previous": { |
"is-deployed": "no", |
"described-risks": "N/A", |
"changes-from-observation": "N/A" |
}, |
"underserved": { |
"helps-underserved": "no", |
"underserved-description": "N/A" |
}, |
"biases": { |
"has-biases": "no", |
"bias-analyses": "N/A" |
} |
}, |
"considerations": { |
"pii": { |
"risks-description": "None" |
}, |
"licenses": { |
"dataset-restrictions": [ |
"public domain" |
], |
"dataset-restrictions-other": "N/A", |
"data-copyright": [ |
"public domain" |
], |
"data-copyright-other": "N/A" |
}, |
"limitations": {} |
} |
} |