1 value
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: HI ! My mother is suffering from Cirrhosis of liver ! Its been three months that she has been suffering from acute pain in her back due to ascetic fluid accumulations. She cannot sleep at night due to pain and uneasyness in her abdomen and back. Her 80% liver has been scarred as per the doc and inspite of all the possible tests the main cause has not been found as in why her liver is self destructing ! We have extracted fluid for some relief but it accumulates again in couple of days and the entire process of pain restarts. Now the doc have suggested TIPS procedure and this symptomatic treatment will help fluid not to accumulate and the fluid will pass via urine in a normal way. I want to know a)What are the side effects of this TIPS procedure which are bound to happen?? b)And as the fluid will pass via urine then will she lose protein contents severely?? c)Is it life threatning procedure?? d)Once its done is it possible that the fluid accumulation can start once again ?? e)Will the stent be placed permanently and if yes then will it cause discomfort f)How will it effect the day to day activity g)what are the post treatment cautions or caring required?? I am sorry to have asked numerous but apt questions whicChatDoctores to my mind immediately..i will be glad if these are answered in details so that i can take necessary decision around it. Thanks for understanding and wish you all keep helping people like us on a daily basis. regrds Anand ### output:
Dear Anand! Many thanks for the query. I have gone through your mail in detail and could grasp the salient points regarding your mothers' illness. I understand that she has decompensated cryogenic cirrhosis. Her tense ascites is troubling her and prevents her from lying on the bed comfortably and requires periodic removal of the fluid in the abdomen. TIPS is a good and acceptable procedure for intractable ascites and gives good comfort to the patient. This procedure should ideally be done in a center experienced in TIPS. There will be increased urination, but there will not be any loss of protein through the urine. Hypoproteinemia (low protein in the blood) is essentially due to decreased production of protein by the diseased liver. TIPS is not a life threatening procedure but can cause hepatic encephalopathy(altered sensorial / irrelevant actions and talk etc.) over a period of time and occasionally this TIPS stent can get blocked. You need to check with your hepatologist whether she is a candidate for an early liver transplantation. If so you can wait for a while before TIPS. Regards
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: I m 16 wk pregnant and I have depression which is normally under control. However, my boyfriend is always stressing on me or upsetting me he also said something last night that I really cannot forgive. He doesnt seem to understand that this stress is inevitablly going to kick start my depression as its already having a debilitating effect on me. I have been extremely lucky not to have many pregnancy symptoms, however when he stresses me out I have jaw pain, neck pain, back ache, and severe headaches (think they are migraines) and this is all down to him stressing me which makes me freeze up, get no sleep and irritates my TMJ disorder, causing the headaches (I never got them befoore pregnancy-and I dont want them to stay!!!) I have spoke to him time & time again crying begging him to stop. This is not just a matter of oestrogen levels rising he s alsways been this way with me. What can I do? Should I avoid him till my baby is due? He is doing more harm than good. Is there any literature out there specifically for this problem-making him see that he cant keep doing this-he needs to get his stress out elsewhere & be more empathetic towards me. He isnt given me any emotional support Im scared about the effects of cortisol on the baby- it causes all sorts of problems- doubles risk of still birth & other social/mental/emotional& physical problems. He needs to stop or get out!!!!! ### output:
Hi, Thanks for the query. I understand your concern. Healthy pregnancy demands good nutrition, good exercises, good medication & regular pregnancy check-ups, good & optimum exercises under expert guidance & a happy, positive & sound mind. Deviation of any factor directly affects fetus. You have a psychological stress problem, specially with a particular person. The management of such stress requires efforts from both of you. You start with your own efforts Start doing meditation/ mind concentration regularly Take help of some Yoga guru in your town & start practicing it. Along with exercises./ few sittings of psychological counselor would help./ Try to avoid points of dispute with the person. Take boyfriend to your doctor/ family counselor. They will explain importance of psychological stability & positivity in pregnancy. They will also advise him few methods to avoid dispute / he may be given counseling. Thus try wholeheartedly & both of you will bypass the conflict & a happy companionship. In case, he is not responding, you can think of avoiding him till you get delivered. Thanks.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: pls wait, i am writing my question as under I am 70 yrs old Female, suffering with High BP problem for long time. Now a days the BP is 180/78 or near by all he time. I am taking following medicines. 1.Nikardia retard- 10 mg ; m/ev. 2.cilny-20 , night 3.tide-10 ; morning with hese I am also tking following 1. ivabrad- 5 mg- 11 am. 2.ecosprine AV- night 3. renozex- 3 pm 4. novastat TG-10-evening as and when nikardia retard is taken, BP comes down upto-155/70, after some time it goes upto 185/75 app. please advice . thanking you. e-mail- YYYY@YYYY . ### output:
Thank you for your query. Based on your query, I gather that you are a hypertensive and have cardiac disease. You are also on medications to lower your cholesterol. Hypertension, heart disease, and high cholesterol levels need to be regularly monitored and medications/dosages adjusted to bring in tight control. You are currently on medications to reduce blood pressure, cholesterol lowering agents and anti angina medications (for the heart). Your blood pressure seems to be poorly controlled on the current regimen. I recommend you see your physician to change the regimen and see what suits you best. It will take a couple of months to settle on to a suitable treatment plan and needs to be monitored at regular intervals. Picardi reduces the blood pressure and is dose dependent. You see a fall in pressure for as long as the effect lasts, and then it goes up again. Resistance to medications (when your body doesn't respond, as expected, to the medicine when taken for a period of time) also gives rise to poor efficiency. Fluctuations or high blood pressure can lead to stroke, heart failure. If you experience any breathing difficulty, chest pain, giddiness, slurred speech, muscle weakness or numbness, unusual forgetfulness, please visit the ER right away. Ideally your blood pressure should be between 120-140 (systolic) and 75-85(diastolic), heart rate between 60-70 beats per minute. Hope Ive convinced you on the importance of seeing your physician as soon as you can Hope this helps. Wish you good health. Please feel free to contact us if you need further clarification
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Here is what I am going thru. I took a home pregnancy test 4 days in the early morning and it was a clear as day positive. I then went to the health department around 3 pm and had another test done and it came back negative. The nurse said it was bc my urine was VERY diluted and that if I got a positive early that morning then I am pregnant. She then told me to go to the hospital and get a blood test done and I did that. Well to my surprise it also came back negative. I talked to the chemist who processed my test and he said to trust the HPT I took that morning bc it is nearly imposible to get a false positive on those. And he said my body is probably not producing a lot of the hormone. He also said he had a woman who came in every month to get a blood test and her test did not show positive until she was 7 months. I also read online that a woman did not have a positive blood test until she was 6 months and it showed that she was 6 weeks. I feel as if I am pregnant.. I have been have symptoms for about 2-3 months and my last normal period was sometime in june... July I bled for 3 days and in August I bled for 2 days and spotted for 2 days... So my question is... What is the likely hood that the blood test was wrong.. And should I trust the HPT bc I thought blood test were typicallly more accurate! ### output:
Hallow Dear, I believe the blood test you got performed was Beta Chat Doctor test. This is very sensitive and specific test which can give reliable results even few days before missed period. This is the most reliable test. It is very unlikely that this test will give false negative results unless there is human error in performing the test. Since you had performed HPT on overnight first morning urine sample, you got it positive and later samples reported negative as early morning first urine contains higher concentration of Chat Doctor hormones. I would advise you to perform one more pregnancy test at home on overnight early morning first urine sample. If that reports positive, you should consider yourself pregnant. For reliable confirmation, ultrasonography performed 8-10 days after missed period will provide you direct visual evidence of pregnancy. If your HPT is positive (or weak positive) and ultrasonography informs that the uterus is empty, you have to consider the possibility of pregnancy elsewhere outside the uterus (ectopic pregnancy). This is a very serious condition which may land in bleeding emergencies. Hence, in that case please report to your Obstetrician ASAP. I hope this clarifies the issue.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Hi i have been looking online for a solution or an answer to my questions i never really been gd at going to doctors so dont go there when im ill just stay at home. Well im 22 years old now i had a preaty horrible childhood until the age of 7 with an abusive father and i was fine then when i got to 13 years old everyone in my family would put me down say im gonna be just like him then i started acting out in school and got in trouble alot mixed in with worng crowd then got bullied at school and got abuse at home evverywhere i turned people would put me down and hey i dont mind thats its life but they put me down to the extent where when i was 15 i wanted to just die and did try to kill myself and ever since i was 15 right upto now i have times when i will be happy one minute and then all of a sudden will cry for no reason at all cause inside im hurting and then i try to lsten to music but that makes it worse sometimes the only think that takes my bad thoughts away is to close eyes lie down and for a second as stupid as it sounds i see myself saving someones life the hero honestly its affecting my life and my working life cause one second i up the next im down again i dont want to get up in the morning i just dont see the point i dont see my friends i have no social life and thats not cause i sit down all day its because i feel to low to go out sometime i ask myself do i really have a ppurpose to be here am i being punished for something i did i dont know maybe im being stupid with these feelings but i just want a bit of professional advice cause i just cant go on like this i thought it would go away as i got older but it just gets worse and harder every day thanks in advance sorry about my grammar i was never really big on english ### output:
Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor Forum From history following are possibilities in your case:-Personality issues-Anxiety disorder-Depression-Combination of above problems Considering severity and long duration of problem, in person history, mental status examination and general physical examination are needed to diagnose and treat such cases. Apart from above advice following simple measures will help you:-Decrease worrying by keeping yourself busy and distracted from worrisome thoughts by talking to family members or watching T.V. or counting back (100 to 0).-Healthy diet: Milk and fruits in diet.-Daily morning walk-Breathing exercise, yoga and meditation (which you can learn from some expert in person)-Online treatment with cognitive behavior therapy (form of psychotherapy). Wish you Good Health and all the best.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Dear Doctor, I have been suffering from sleep disorder for the last 5-6 years. I get sleep at night, but when I wake up in the morning, I feel that I did not sleep entire night. I feel that I worked entire night. I feel fatigue, weakness, irritation in the eyes that I did not sleep. I would not get any freshness and energy due to sleep. I feel in the moring and in day also that my feet are hot. I feel comfortable when I pore water on to my feet. I feel thirsty in the night and feel dry in the mouth and throat. I feel urination in the night. In the day also, when I sleep, I do not get freshness and energy. I get irritation in the eyes. I have been loosing my weight and my ageing is happening by leaps and bounds. When this problem newly started I used to snore at night as my life partner used to say. But she says now that I do not snore. This problem of sleep disorder started all of a sudden 5-6 years ago when I needed to study over night when I was preparing for and exam. At that time, I controlled my sleep to for study purpose in the night. I did well in the exam, but my problem started from that time only. From my child hood i.e from the age of 16 I have been suffering from anxiety and usually get easily depressed for the small problem and unnecessarily worried. Please help in the diagnosis and the place of treatment. I am Mr. B.P.Thirupalu from India(AGRA). I am of 40 years old. I am male. Height is 167 cm and weight is 69 kg. I have cosulted many a doctor in in India and used homeo and allopatChatDoctoredicines. ### output:
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. The problem you are facing is not sleep disorder but minimal OCD. You are obsessed with the thought of having troublesome sleep, and you are getting anxious. Such an anxiety robs you from the pleasure of sound sleep. Even though you had sound sleep, you are cheating yourself thinking that you did not. Obsessive thoughts. Change your mind for better. Concentrate on your job. Relaxation techniques before sleep brings relaxation to you, and you shall get up relaxed in the morning. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: I recently had a double fusion at the C4-5/5-6. I was injured in a fall 4 years ago. I continue to have left arm pain into the forearm. The pain starts inbetween my shoulder blades as a deep burning sensation. It goes up my spine into my neck and across my left shoulder into my arm. It almost feels like at times that my left hand feels colder then my right. Its a very hard sensation/pain to describe. I have always stated I think my pain starts in my thorasic spine. I had a MRI that shows a high intensity 3mm annular tear at my T7-8 moderately flattening the left ventral cord and moderately encroaching the left T7 root axillary zone. I also have the same burning sensation in my left leg into my foot. My left foot also feels colder then my right foot. I have nerve pain in my thigh and the outside of my calf muscel. I had a disectomy on my L4-5 done in March with no success. My physical therapist recently told me that she had a lady she treated with the exact same symptoms as me that also had a herniated disc at her T7-8. She had surgery and was pain free within 5weeks. Would a T7-8 herniated disc cause all these pains in both my left arm and left leg? Im only 31 years old. I was a nurse and no longer am able to work at this time. I was started on pain medications in October as I refused over the past few years because I didn t want to cover up the problem but instead fix it. I have 3 children and need my life back. Please help me! Im on Oxycotin 20mg - 3 times a day with vicodin for breakthrough pain. I can t sleep at night because of the pain and I m unable to live a normal life anymore. The pain has taken over my life. My surgeon said he can do tge thoracic surgery but I need to know if my symptoms are related to the T7-8 herniation. Thank you! ### output:
Hi, I can understand your concern, and I can see how painful it has been for you throughout that too at such a young age. Now let me explain you, the pain in the hand and leg are of different origin, and both will need different tackling. There is herniation in the thoracic disc and if it is so severe that you need regular Chat Doctor. Moreover after surgery regular exercises and lifestyle modification as advised by your surgeon will be must follow if you want to prevent other discs getting painful. All the best, hope you heal soon
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia and I am still in pain after taking tramado and wondered what the next step up of pain relief options are open to me. I have been on pregabalin in the past but suffered too many side effects. My Fibro Fog is really bad and I forget what I am talking about mid sentence and find it embrarrassing. I also was diagnosed with bi-polar many years ago but they later said that it was just depression I had. I am finding it hard to differenctiate what condition is causing what at the moment but I feel depressed (majorly depressed) I cant get motivated to do anything I have removed myself from most social interaction as possible. I also am a comfort eater but have gained over 4 stone in last 18 months. I do not overeat as such but have to have chocolate every night and its becoming like a drug/habit and this in turn doesnt help my depression or self worth. I feel trapped, desperate and alone and as I am a single parent I am too scared that if I admit to having had manic episodes a great deal this last year that it will go against me with regards to my abililty to look after my 2 sons aged 11 and 9. It is this paranoia that prevents me telling my GP the truth about my feelings etc. I had a 2 year court battle with my ex-husband for residency on the children which I won but the fact that he contested my ability at first then later changed his mind. He was a mentally abusive man who like to play games, mind games and I am fearful of EVER telling GP the truth. I am no longer seen by the pschych team and know that I should be re-referred but I just cant risk it and I do not want to be put on any mood stabilisers as the additional weight gain is not going to help my mental health as I am already obese. I need HELP but dont know who to turn to. ### output:
Hi There, thanks for asking. Fibromyalgia is a disease which should be controlled in parallel with control of depression and also sleep. Tramadol may enhance your anxiety level, so it is not a good option for fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia induces more alpha and beta waves in sleep, so the patients find a shallow sleep and this aggravates their mood as well. If you ask your doctor to manage your sleep and also your mood, your pain would also be managed. Talk sessions can be really helpful for the cases which there is no certainty about the type of depression (depression or bipolarity). I wish you the best health.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: What causes full body numbness like this? Almost 3 weeks ago I felt an odd sensation on my left shoulder and after poking it a little I realized it was numb. It felt weird but didn t affect my day. The next day it was still there with no change until about 8:00pm where it started radiating from the patch on my shoulder, feeling like ice water was being poured over me. My entire left side was numb from head to toe, mouth and tongue included. Went to an ER and they ruled out stroke. But my whole body was going numb still. My reflexes and vision and strength are fine. The numbness gets worse after I fall asleep at night and wakes me frequently. But during the day it s slowly getting worse, it s my entire body, head to toe, my mouth and tongue and throat as well. I could still feel light touch when this started but the feeling has been getting less and less and I almost cannot feel anything at all. I keep having neck pain, some back pain and my shoulder hurts sometimes where the numbness started. I am unable to chew as my tongue and gums and mouth are all numb so I ve had to live off liquids and soft foods for the past few weeks. Had bloodwork done a few times and it came back normal. I ve seen multiple doctors and they can t figure it out. I m going to a neurology clinic in a week but I m worried I will keep getting worse and that I might be getting more symptoms by then. For a few days now I have felt like I m burning inside, like sitting under a heat lamp even though my skin is cool. And my fingers and toes have been involuntarily twitching occasionally. I m terrified that this will continue to get worse until I m paralyzed or it becomes permanent or something! I m only 17, and I ve been otherwise very healthy. What could be wrong? Small fibre peripheral neuropathy is the closest neurological problem I have found that match my symptoms even slightly but I don t want to just self diagnose from the internet. ### output:
Thank you for asking Chat Doctor. My name is Chat Doctor. Well I would like you to get checked blood sugar level and get scan of cervical spine with brain cuts to rule out any pathology in cervical spine and brain which is leading to the problem you are having...if it comes normal then relax and take Cap.pregabalin 75 mg once a day along with simple analgesic and muscle relaxants for 03 weeks...avoid heavy work and keep small pillow while sleeping Hope this may help you. Let me know if anything is not clear. Thanks.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Hi, im 19 male . 175 cm . 78 kg .i ve bilateral varicocele .. I had scrotal high resolution ultra sonography &color duplex .. They revealed :both testes and epididymes show normal size with normal echopatten vascularity . No focal lesions the rt. Pampiniform plexus is dilated & tortuous with reflux on valsalva maneuver . The dominant vein measures 3.6 mm on valsalva maneuver in the standing position.The Lt. Pampiniform plexus the same as the right but its 3.5 mm bilateral minimal simple hydocelesno intra-scrotal hernial sacs could be detectedand i had a Casa test it showed :conc. 160 million/mlcount / ejaculate 480 milprogressive motility 50 % motility ratio 60%class A sperms (according to motility ) 20%class B 30%class c 20%class d 30 %normal morph. Sperms 75 %TZI 1.00SDI 0.45vol. 3 mlph 7.4 white blood cells 1-3rbcs 0-1spermatogenic cells 0-1 n.b my testosteron-total is 3.8 before receiving treatment which is Daflon 500 .. 2 tablets per day my qestions are :1 - what is the level of my varicocele ?2- Am I supposed to have surgery now ?it causes little pain3- can i practice sport without increasing my varicocele ? What sports ?4- what sould i do so that my varicocele doesnt increas ?Thnx in advance . ### output:
HelloThanks for query. Based on the report of your ultrasound scanning and color Doppler study of your scrotum and Semen analysis report that you have uploaded I would like to state that you have bilateral grade 2 Varicocele. However, your semen analysis report is absolutely within normal range as per WHO standards. Answers to your queries are detailed below .1) You have grade 2 Varicocele 2) Surgery for Varicocele is advised only in a situation when person is infertile and have Varicocele which is presumed to be a cause for infertility. You do not need surgery now 3)Yes you can practice sport of your choice 4)Avoid the exercise that will increase intro abdominal pressure like Weight lifting, pull-ups etc. Chat Doctor.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Hello doctor. I m 27 n last yr i had miscarriage after that i had infection and hormonal imbalance. Now we r planning pregnancy n in this month my dr. Prescribed me Meprate to support pregnancy, but every time i feel abs pain after using meprate. So my question is will i have safe pregnancy? ### output:
Hello.thanks for trusting the Chat Doctor doctors for your health related queries. I guess your concern is about...can u have safe pregnancy after an infection and hormonal imbalance post answer is.YES.there are chances of safer pregnancy in the future. Usually after miscarriage it is routine that doctor will advise for ultrasound to conform that whether is miscarriage is COMPLETE (that means all products of conception are expelled out from the womb) or INCOMPLETE (there is retained product of conception inside the womb). In both the cases usually antibiotics are prescribed to prevent infection and incomplete miscarriage usually required minor surgery for removal of retained products so that chances of infection further decreases. As u told that u had miscarriage in last year, but u didn't give whether it was complete or incomplete. U had taken antibiotics or not. So it is difficult for me to comment on this. After miscarriage there is hormonal imbalance usually happens, but in most of the cases it will correct spontaneously. Some women required medication for correlation of it. This hormonal imbalance usually effects the menses, due to that menses will be irregular.u told that u have hormonal imbalance but didn't give info regarding your menses whether it is regular or irregular. So it is difficult for me to comment on this.u also told that u have taking separate which cause pain in your abs, for that u can take alternative medicine after discussing with your treating doctor. With the above information u can try out my suggestions-1. RELAX...DON'T WORRY. there are chances of safer pregnancy in your case. So KEEP PATIENCE.2. If your infection had resolved n u have regular menses then there is DOUBLE CHANCE of getting pregnant in your case.3. If u r in hurry then visit nearby infertility specialist. He/she can help u. I hope the above information is useful, informative and helpful for u.regards- Chat Doctor. .DON'T WORRY.everything will be alright. I pray the God that u will be blessed with a cute n healthy baby.hopefully TWINS)
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: I am a 21 yo NCAA cross country runner and within the past 2-3 years, I have been blanking out during races. I get blurry vision and headaches for about 15min after hard workouts/races and become very lethargic for the rest of the day even after eating and drinking water. The ATs thought it was hypoglycemia so I ve been eating carbohydrates before races and intense workouts (which never do anything and I still have the same symptoms). I ve been checking my sugar after races/workouts and it is around 200-250 mg/dL. Coaches also assumed my fatigue may have been from anemia. Ferritin level was 15 and I have been taking iron and vitamin C everyday for 3 months. My fasting glucose is usually around 105-120mg/dL. Is there a possibility I might have type 1 diabetes? ### output:
Diabetes doesn't seem likely with those sugar numbers. When your symptoms come on do you feel LIGHTHEADED at all, faint, or otherwise zoned? Are you usually breaking a pretty good sweat when this all happens? Are you cutting weight for your running? Have they taken your orthostatic blood pressures? Have they measured your BP's orthostatically when you feel this way? Have you had blood work done, imaging study of the head, EKG, or a Holder monitor? I am a neurologist and I also compete as well as assistant coach a varsity NCAA wrestling team here in Cleveland, OH, so I know a lot of these sorts of issues as related to our guys and every year at least 1 or 2 of them get into similar problems. Of course, wrestling is a different sport from track and weight losses play a major role in our sport that can get people in trouble if they're not careful. But across the board, HY Chat Doctor. You say you're anemic? And you're taking iron? But have they also checked magnesium levels? If you have a magnesium level deficiency, and you are matter how much iron you take you will never correct the little details like that keep people from getting better. Of course, a bigger question for me is WHY ARE YOU ANEMIC? You shouldn't're an athlete, your diet should be top-notch, your sleep habits should be top-notch, and your training should be intensive but controlled and carefully overseen. You should HY
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: A couple weeks ago I had forgotten to take my birth control pills for 4 days. I herd that after 2 days you should not finish the pack and just wait until that pack would have been completed to start a new one. When I forgot to take my pills i started my period that week. It has been about 2 weeks since then. Me original pack would have ended today and I would have started a new one tomorrow. Should I go ahead and start a new one tomorrow or should I wait until after I have my next period and start the new pack the day i finish? ### output:
Hello, and I hope I can help you today. You are correct in the fact that after missing your birth control pill for four days you do need to start over with another pack. However, you are supposed to start that pack as soon as your next "period" begins, not ends, even if it came at the wrong time. So you really should have started a new pack a while ago, and you should have used a backup method to prevent pregnancy in the meantime. It sounds like it has been about three weeks in total since you took your last active birth control pill. So if your menstrual cycle off the pill is regular, you should be expecting a normal menstrual cycle in about a week. If you decide to wait until your next period starts, you should start the pill in the same way you did when you first started taking it in general-either starting on the first day of your period or the Sunday after your period begins (if you get your period on Sunday you should start that day). Ideally you should be bleeding when you start the pack, this will ensure that you get your menstrual period during the pill free week and also protect you most effectively against pregnancy. What will get you back on effective birth control the fastest is to just start taking the new pack immediately and use a backup method of birth control during this first pack. You may not menstruate at the correct time this month, but it will get back to normal once you have gotten back to taking the pill every day and not missing any. If you do not get your period at the end of the new pack, I recommend performing a pregnancy test just in case if you had unprotected sex in the time period between your last menstrual cycle and now. So in summary, you will be protected against pregnancy fastest if you start your new pack right away. In the future, please remember if you miss more than two days of your birth control pills, the best thing to do is to immediately start a new pack of pills and throw out the old one. Your menstrual cycle should come at the end of the pack that you took correctly and completely. I hope that I was able to adequately answer your question today, and that my advice was helpful. Best wishes,
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: WARNING: NOT FOR THE SENSITIVE OR THOSE WHO ARE NOT PROFESSIONALLY TOLERANT. I ve been having trouble with my breathing for about a week or so now; I don t really have trouble drawing the breath, the problem is more that when I breath, even deeply, I do not feel that air has been exchanged satifsfactorily. It s somewhat hard to describe. This issue decreases when I breath through my moth instead of my nose, and decreases when I am outside or if I have fans ventillating my place (but it s still winterish, so I can t leave the fans on all the time). I ve got a form to go get my pulmonary system checked out, but in the meantime, I m wondering as to potential causes. The last times I had this issue, in this same building, were after eating certain foods from a certain chain restaurant, and diphenhydramin hydrochloride would ease them. I ve tried diphenhydramine HCl once during this week or so of troubles, but the effects of the dHCl on my mind were such that I can t recall if it really helped with my breathing or if I just stopped caring off in la-la land. So, searching for anomalous events of late, I came up with that the troubles started after the first time, and may have worsened after the second time of the following: heavy masturbation for probably over an hour, but probably less than two hours, in a closed bathroom with the shower running. The air quality was quite poor as the air was basically steam. The air was saturated with warm vapour and then some. After the first event, I had nearly blacked out. Then again, after the first event, for maybe a day it seemed like I could breath better. The second event (spurred on by the damned dHCl) nearly made me vomit from exhersion, at the end my chest started to really burn, I nearly lost control of my bowels, and I was nauseus for minutes. Could these breathing issues have been caused by these activities? ### output:
Hello, Thanks for your query. Your problem is really disabling. But as being psychiatrist I would like to rule anxiety disorder or phobia in your case. Do not get offended as I want to help you only. If your problem is occurring in closed spaces like bathroom, closed room, crowded places and bus, with associated anxiety with other symptoms like excessive sweating, tremor or palpitation then we need to look for agoraphobia or claustrophobia in your case. Hope this will help you. Wishing you Good Health.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Dear Sir,I am 31 male from India ,my BMI was 30.2 ,two months back due to offshore site requirement i have to go througChatDoctorplete tests,In that tests everything was OK but my fasting glocuse level shown 217 mg/dl after 9 hours of fasting (before 9 hour I had few chocolates and cigrate as i was not aware what fasting test meant for).So i was advised to do test of HB1AC and PP which i did after 1 month, the result was HB1AC 9.1% and PP 149 mg/dl with reduced bmi 29.As I was pretty sure I am fit and also i dont have family history.So I visited to physician after 6 days of this test in that he found my random BG is 107 mg/dl but HbA1C still 9 %.So he asked me to perform OGTT and Fasting test after 3 days,report was fasting 124 mg/dl .OGTT after one hour 213mg/dl after 2 hour 100 mg/dl and after 3 hour 79 mg/dl.He confirmed with OGTT that he cannot say i am diabetic ,for fasting he has given me metformin 500 before 12 days but i didnt start medication because i have reduced my bmi to 28.4 by exercising and dieting.My query Since 1 week i am monitoring my FBG its always in the range of 83 to 102 mg/dl immediately after getting out from bed after 8 to 12 hrs of fasting but most of the time I noticed after getting of the bed my FBG is low but if I brush my teeeth and take hot shower my FBG increases to 15 to 20 mg/dl - is it normal or abnormal,Should i start metformin as advised by my physician before 2 weeks ,Please reply ### output:
Hello, You may in a dilemma whether you have Diabetes or not. But you should acknowledge a point that there is something called as Pre Diabetes where there is an impairment in fasting glucose. This is the early stage of Diabetes. In your case this may be due to overweight which as caused insulin resistance in your body. This explains your impaired blood glucose inspire of your negative family history for Diabetes. Physical activity and metformin will help you in the long run to postpone full-blown Diabetes
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: My sister aged 42 years is under various medications prescribed by the Psychiatrist in the last 2 years.... With various medications, she feels better then and from July 2011, doctor prescribed medications of LONAZEP 0.25 (0-0-1) and OLEANZ PLUS (0-0-1) for one year... As of now (May 2012), in the last 10 months, though there was NO side-effects noticed, But, in the last 2 weeks or so, she is finding it difficult to concentrate much on routines, not showing interest in anything , feels sleepy always, change in food habits , tend to eat more sweets, etc.... I told the doctor last week, he told me to reduce LONAZEP 0.25 tab to 1/2 at night for a month and 1/4 tab to later one month and discontine from July........ Is there any side effects of the LONAZAP further.. We are based in India... ### output:
Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for your question... Clean Plus is a combination medication which contains Olanzapine 5 mg (which is given for psychosis) and Fluoxetine 20 mg (which is given for depression). Located is a medication given for sleep disturbance and anxiety. Though you have not mentioned the initial diagnosis made at the time of starting the medication, I am presuming that she must have suffered from depressive and psychotic symptoms, which must have been the reason she was put on that particular combination. Now, you have mentioned that there were no side effects noticed so far with this medication. It is therefore very unlikely that she is suddenly having side effects of Located after being on that medication for about 10 months. Moreover, 0.25 mg is a minimal dose and is unlikely to suddenly cause all these symptoms. The symptoms which she is experiencing, i.e. difficulty in concentrating, lack of interest, lethargy, excessive sleep, increased appetite, etc. may be depressive symptoms. I would suspect that she may be having a relapse of her depression. I think you should discuss this with your doctor, so that he can assess her in detail to see if she is actually having a relapse of her previous symptoms. Furthermore, I think it is okay to taper down the dose of Located, because sedative medication are usually advised only for short periods and can have an addictive potential. Nevertheless, I strongly feel that she needs detailed assessment and further observation in order to be given the correct treatment. All the best. -
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Sally was 45 years old and had been exposed to a viral infection. She had been working too much, she put in 40 hours per week plus moonlighted another 20 hours at a part-time job . . . and then she had to deliver the QC Times morning newspaper for a full week for her 13 year old son who went to Washington, DC for 8th grade field trip.The week that she had to deliver the 4:30 am newspaper had a late spring snowstorm and there were blizzard conditions. Sally had to trudge thru the snow and wind to deliver these papers before going home to get ready to go to work at her full-time job and be there by 6 am. She worked 6 am-2:30 pm and from her full-time job went to a part-time evening job to work on the customer service line for pharmacy and physicians office claims problems until 7 pm.After a week of doing triple duty she woke up on Saturday morning of that week with her head swimming . . . feeling nauseous, but she still went to work, thinking that it would go away . . . bad decision. . . because she could not leave the coatroom at work . . .could not walk without touching/holding on to the walls. . . every person she saw was in slow motion . . . with frames repeating . . . like a computer page that has text bleeding into text when its slow. She had to leave . . .and somehow she managed to drive home, throwing up as she drove . . .She was admitted to the hospital observation unit . . . ER physician noted signs of nystagmus. They did a CT scan of the brain which was negative. She was put in an observation bed for 24 hours . . . dark, quiet room, given massive doses of Antivert 25 mg . . . she slept for 24 hours . . . and it went away. Although it took 6 months for her balance to return to normal. Medical term for this condition????????? ### output:
Hello dear, The symptoms as mentioned in your post can be attributed to pathology in the Vestibular Apparatus in inner ear (it is associated with maintenance of body posture & balance) most probably Labyrinthine or Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. Symptomatic relief is obtained with intake of Vestibular sedatives like Betahistine or Linearizing preparations (to be taken only under the guidance of a Physician). And precautions need to be taken such as getting up from bed slowly & avoiding sudden head movements. Hope I have been able to answer your query. Wishing a Good Health. Take care.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: heather a newborn baby needs surgery because she was born with an aorta that arises from the right ventricle and a pulmonary trunk that issues from the left ventricle, a condition called transposition of the great vessels. What are the physiological consequences of this defect? ### output:
Hello thanks for posting here. Transposition of great vessels or TGA is a condition where the aorta arises from the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery arises from the left ventricle. In our body, the left ventricle supplies oxygenated blood via the aorta to the various organs of the body to provide oxygen for them to function. The right ventricle receives all this deoxygenated blood back from the organs and then pumps it into the lungs through the pulmonary artery to oxygenate the blood again which is then again directed towards the left side of the heart and the cycle continues. In TGA, Since the connections are interchanged, the deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle goes into the aorta and hence the organs of the body receive deoxygenated blood. This leads to symptoms like breathlessness, bluish discoloration of skin, multiorgan dysfunction etc. similarly the oxygenated blood from the lungs goes to the left ventricle and then into the pulmonary artery again into the lung. So body doesn't receive oxygenated blood. When the fetus is inside the mother, there is a connection between the aorta and pulmonary artery which closes after birth. This duct is called ducts arterioles which helps in mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood when fetus is inside the mother. In infants with TGA, it is necessary to keep this ducts arterioles (DA) patent so that OXY- and deoxygenated blood can mix and the infant receives some amount of oxygenated blood. So in order to keep this duct patent some medications are given till corrective surgery is done. Corrective surgeries basically reconnect the connections to supply oxygenated blood to organs and deoxygenated to lungs. Also know there are two forms of TGA, corrected and uncorrected. Corrected is when there is transposition but left ventricle despite being connected to pulmonary artery, the pulmonary artery further supplies the body organs. Therefore corrected Gas are normally asymptomatic and don't require surgery. Uncorrected Gas are symptomatic and usually require corrective surgeries. I hope this solves your queries. It is very confusing initially to understand, I have used the best possible way to explain you. Thank you
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Hi! Ive been struggling for 2minths now with my cough. I see 3 doctors now. The last doctor told me I have pneumonia with asthma, so he gave me cefuroxime,montelukast and duavent for neb. I think the meds has an effective result,but sometimes allergens trigger my asthma. WhAt else can I do? I am also doing natural remedies such as carrot juice. ### output:
Hi welcome to ChatDoctorI have gone through your query and can understand your concern regarding your struggle with your cough. Dear it is outcome of our faulty lifestyle and food habits For your info Every day, we are bombarded with mental stress and toxins in our environment and in our food which is why detoxification is such a critical process IS HINDERED, toxins will build up in your body eventually causing acidity and toxemia & weaken immunity, so we fall prey to diseases every off and on, require modification. Gulping on only medicines will not cure unless you modify your lifestyle and food habits. Include regular healthy diet as fiber, vitamins minerals, cheese, milk, supplements full of antioxidants, in natural form --fruit, green veges, lemon juice with warm water and salt and pepper before meals, coconut water, ginger, garlic, Aloe vera juice 30 ml + AMLA juice, Turmeric powder a level spoon + almond oil+ honey, a Spoon with hot goats milk, at bedtime, all will help boost your Immune system & alley your pains gradually with required work out ---- To detoxify your system, do regular walk, and increase your activity level. Exercises from head to toe & Yoga postures, Dhanurassan, Bhujjangassan, Vajjarassan Panama -- deep breathing, which open up you airways-, alley affections & inflammations anywhere and give resistance from diseasesAvoid processed foods carbs, sugar, fried, fast foods, Tea, coffee, alcohol and smoking, stress, sleeplessness and Constipation all will produce biochemical and metabolic conditions in your body that will decrease your immunity. So avoiding is definitely the first step in the right direction to detoxing the body, boosting the immune system. Always remember, if problem persists, please see your doctor / professional Hope this helps solves your query. Take care. All the best. Get well London hesitate to come back in case of any further query.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: I have been diagnosed with an autoammune poly neuropathy which is demylentating. Ihave been dealing with this for 12 years and receive a HVIG immenoglobulin infusion every 2 weeks at 2 days in a row. My anti body count was taken about a year ago and it is elevated 1.5 times from the point of diagnosis. I also have discoid Lupus, bu as we knw these autoammune diseases can come in multiples and symptoms come and go as remission does it s part. But for the last 6 months i have had different more specific issues, like: a) eye pain with sudden onset of elevated pain that receeds in a minute or les b) almost always have a headache of low level that fluctuates in degree of pain c) eye dryness with discharge of tears especially in morning d) sudden onset sharp pain over eyes and ontop of eyes and at times in the temple region with the pain susiding in 3 to 50 seconds, like a lightening strike in slow motion e) have developed trouble swallowing my medications, stuck in process and need to force down especially at night. f) sudden bright light troubles me more that in the past g) slight quick but very noticeable tremmors in my head, like looking out a window and there being a tremmow that lasts 4 or 5 seconds - quick dizzy like effect. h) pain in trunk of body random and a pain in upper chest that seems between the skin and bone, in the flesh and muscle looping around my upper left breast. just a ramp up of not feeling well, tired as always with my existing conditions, but the anxiety of all of this is becomming awful - i am no doctor - but it seems like more is wrong than the neuropathy, or a new autoammune disorder has arrisec complicating my whole health issue - and often times at night when laying down it is worse, especially before daybreak as i am waking up - headache in the morning is usually worse. thanks and i know this is much, but i am at my ropes end with this ongoing stuff and would like a direction to go in todd m. ### output:
This is known as Aorta Data in Ayurveda. In a recent time freshly diagnosed case of multiple sclerosis came to me for Ayurveda treatment I treated the patient successfully at present all motor and sensory function are normal all reflexes are normal and within a period of seven month treatment MRI scan reported that reduction in size of some areas of declination I posted the details of the case with photo on my face book account I wrote a paper (case study) which will be printed shortly
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Im having abdominal pain, loss of appetite, going days without eating and when I do experiencing severe lower stomach pain and watery stools, lightheadedness that is getting progressively worse to the point of feeling Im going to faint, joint pain in shoulder and knee also severe at times, fatigue,. It started months ago at first seeing small amounts of blood after a BM. My BMs were very inconsistent. Sometimes they were almost black looking, sometime normal looking but looked as though they had some hints of almost looking as though there was mucus in it but always in small little balls. Occasionally I would have bigger BMS that would be real sticky and tary feeling and feeling as though you couldnt wipe enough to get clean. But the last solid BM I had was at the beginning of Aug. it was 2 small pieces the size of a quarter and it hurt so bad I felt like it was ripping me apart. When I wiped and looked at the tissue it was completely covered in bright red blood. Had to wipe another three times to get clean. I wasnt constipated and seldom do. And still at time when I would poop the little balls feeling tike I was tearing I would see small spotting of blood. Have never seen blood in toilet or on poop. And never to the point of what I saw the time there was so much blood. The closest ive come to anything solid was diareha this past Sunday. I have lost twenty pounds This has al transpired within a couple months. ### output:
Hello, Thanks for posting, You are obviously suffering from chronic enterocolitis which you have obviously chosen to ignore as the situation requires immediate medical attention. Blood in stool is considered emergency you're having episodes of diarrhea which alternates with hard stools plus blood is mere indication that you are suffering from a bowel infection which should normally have been treated long ago when it first started. There are a wide range of microbes that could be responsible and most of them are invasive microbes such as salmonellosis, ETC, shell etc In order to determine the possible cause, you will need a stool exams + culture, blood tests such as CBC, CRP, ESR, serum electrolytes, Tidal test etc. If infection is the cause, you will definitely require a course of antibiotics for a couple of days to eradicate the germs. Now if we look at the possibility infection is not the cause, then you might be having a bowel tumor, hemorrhoid, diverticulosis etc. You will require colonoscopy to be able to identify any of these causes. I suggest you go to the hospital as soon as possible. Hope this helps
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Hi Dr. i m 24 yr old. i got married in Dec 2014. me and my husband are planning for a baby from last 5 months. We are consulting a Dr. from last 4 months, but still no positive result. he had advised me to take FOL 123,& i m taking it daily after breakfast from last 2 months. i got my period on 12th Aug, 2014 and as per my dr advice i have stared taking Goodova capsules(for 5 days - 13th to 17th Aug). after that on 23rd Aug(12th day aftert my period) he has called my for some treatment. My question is what will be this treatment for? & what are the effects of Goodova?. Will i get pregnant? me & my husband are depressed. kindly help? Thanks & Regards, ### output:
Hello.thanks for trusting the Chat Doctor doctors for your health related queries. I guess your concern is about.remedy for getting pregnant.right.let us discuss your queries one by one.1.what Will is this treatment for- u told me that your doctor prescribe u good nova for 5 days. This Chat Doctor. 2. effects of good nova- as I describe above, it is given for ovulation induction.3. Will you get pregnant-my answer is.OF COURSE, .YES. U WILL BE GET PREGNANT. Because u come under reproductive age group(15-45 years aged women are come under this group), in this group chances of getting pregnant is high. So there are chances. If u have regular menses, then u will have DOUBLE CHANCE OF GETTING PREGNANT. But u didn't give info about the regulatory of your menses. So it is difficult for me to comment on this. With above discussion u can try out my suggestions-1. DON'T WORRY.RELAX, I WILL GET PREGNANT FOR SURE.JUST KEEP PATIENCE.2. For better results, try to do coitus during fertile period(it's a time from 10th to 16th day of menses) during this period chances of getting pregnant is high.3. I hope u had gone through all investigations of yours and your husband. If everything is ok, then u have the highest chances of getting pregnant.4. If u r still in hurry then visit to nearby infertility specialist. He/she can help u. I hope the above discussion is informative enough, useful and helpful for u.regards-
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Hello, I recently traveled up to Mammoth (elevation between 7900 - 8900 ft) for the Memorial Day Weekend. We arrived on Friday evening. I felt fine all day Saturday and Sunday. After going in to bed on Sunday night I was restless and had a hard time sleeping. I started shivering and had chills. I think I started to scare myself and started having some anxiety which was making me feel like I wasn t breathing right - though I know I wasn t really breathless, didn t have shortness of breath nor was my heart rate irregular. I ended up taking my temperature at it was just under 100 degrees (normal for me is in the 97-low 98 degrees). I could tell my temperature rose a bit more as I got really warm then sweaty. I felt very dehydrated and kept drinking a lot of fluids. I was somewhat dizzy and felt a slighly nauseated. I couldn t sleep for most of the night. I took some ibuprofin and finally dosed off around 4 in the morning. I woke up around 6/7 am and didn t feel any better. My fever had come back (still low grade) and then I had a headache and body aches. I did start having some chest tightness and aches in my chest area too - similar to when my asthma acts up. As the morning went on I felt a little bit better but still had a headache, body aches and low grade fever. We left the area around noon and went back home (which is close to sea level). I felt much better still had some of the symptoms. My fever rose to almost 101 during the night (last night) but dropped after taking ibuprofin this morning. I still have had a slight headache but it and the aches have improved. Temperature hasn t risen since the night again. Question - does this sound more like a flu or virus or could it have been altitude sickness? or something else? Some of the symptoms sound like it could have been but not sure since I did have a fever and it came on after 48 hrs of being at that elevation (we slept at the lower elevation). ### output:
Hi, Your chest pain and fever look more like flu than altitude sickness, when fever is present body aches will be there and heart activity will be increased so that chest tightness and pain you have felt. Your headache also favors more towards flu, just if you get another episode of same just consult a physician. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: I have had a fever since last Saturday. I cough a lot, last night I coughed so I vomited several times. I have been to the doctor who says its a virus. But many around me have been suffering from pneumonia. Could it be that I have? Was the doctor and took the CRP, the fast variant. It showed the 40 but the physician is not high enough to get antibiotics ... I can not stand it! It does not get better, only worse. Should I apply for a new doctor and get another opinion? ### output:
Hi there, Thanks for your faith in Chat Doctor, Your symptoms like fever and cough for quite few days is highly suggestive of a respiratory tract infection, the possibility varies between upper to lower, though as you mentioned that you have had contact with people having pneumonia so it is a possibility of contracting the same does exist, though for pneumonia the cough has to be productive, and the sputum is likely to be pale yellow to greenish suggesting infective etiology, but presence of fever for this many days does indicate the use of antibiotics, and CRP levels are not criteria for antibiotics, but the fever is. presence of vomiting also rises possibility of tonsillitis or pharyngitis which may cause throat irritation and induce vomiting. I would also like to know that whether you experience wheezy breathing or any shortness of breath or not? As it may suggest involvement of your airways, in any case the use of a broad spectrum antibiotic which has its spectrum ranging from upper to lower respiratory tract may help. If you were my patient I would have recommended you Azithromycin 250 mg twice daily for 5 days, or if you are allergic to accolades then I would have suggested moxifloxacin 400 mg once daily for 5 days along with an antipyretic for your fever, an anti-allergic or anti histamine like Loratadine 10 mg twice daily for 5 days as well as an anti-tusive/ expectorant syrup for your cough and discomfort is recommended. Though changing your treating physician is highly indicated along with a detailed work up involving, Complete blood picture along with CRP and ESR, and a chest X-ray is highly recommended, also a detailed examination of your chest with a stethoscope to look for bronchi, wheezes or crepitations along with a detailed throat examination for tonsillitis and pharyngitis is mandatory. Hope it suffices your query, Keep posting, See you around.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: I am a male of 48 yrs old, 1mt55, 60kg, suffering from High Blood Pressure since 25 years, Diabetic since 10 years & hypercholesterolaemia since 7 years. Treatment: amlodipine 10mg od, enalapril 5mg bd, atenolol 50mg od, metformin 1gm bd. In Dec. 2006, I had a heart attack. Thrombolysis carried out after hospitalised in ICU. Treatment: same as above + aspirin 75mg od, clopidogrel 75mg od, ISMN R 40mg od & atorvastatin 80mg for 2 months then 40mg nocte, In Mar. 2007, angiogram done: LAD blocked with diffused patches at many places, two other arteries blocked at In Jan. 2011, angiogram repeated - same results. Plan: CABG. Oct. 2011, CABG done. Treatment: atenolol 50mg od, losartan 50mg bd, metformin 1gm bd, aspirin 75mg od, atorvastatin 40mg nocte. Smoker since 10 years-4/5 cig. daily, consuming alcohol thrice weekly about 3/4 pegs. Stopped smoking since Dec. 2006, consuming 2/3 glasses of light red wine daily, rarely 2/3 pegs of whisky. I would be much appreciated if you could advise me on the following: Diet,exercises, sex, alcohol,& normal daily activities. ### output:
Hi, This is Chat Doctor. Hope this message finds you in good health. I understand your concerns and will try to answer them.1) Exercise - We generally tell every cardiac patient with good heart function to be active. Exercise (moderate cardiac exercise) at least 30 min/ day 5 days a week. Do not go for heavy exercise.2) Diet - Avoid fatty food, snacks & take small meals frequently. Do not take heavy meal especially at night. Avoid red meat.3) Sex - we do not say to avoid sex. Ye over stressing is to be avoided.4) Alcohol - we generally say to avoid alcohol. But if you still want to take it, you can take 1peg/day. Avoid heavy
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: I am 40 years old and in college yesterday in A&P2 lab we tested our hematocrit manually reading the results and my rbcs were elevated at 53% where as other females tested were btwn. 46-48, the instructor said since I smoke thats why but other females in my class smoke also and rbcs were not elevated. My mother died of cirrhosis at age 55 which was said to be d/t alcohol but she did not drink near as much or as long in her life as many I know, she had drank daily for past 5 or so years, After her death, 2 years later my brother now 35,( half brother with same mother), had liver panel with results of elevated enzymes cbc wnl and ended up having genetic testing was then diagnosed with hemochromotosis but they later said they were not sure about that, later due to contd. elevated enzymes he had a biopsy and has some liver scarring. I know I need to have a CBC and LFTs (at last check over 5 years ago both were wnls) but I am interested in a specialist opinion, I also have a hemangioma in my c6 area diagnosed 6 months after a car wreck after having an MRI d/t contd. back pain and headaches, Is this possibly related to the elevated rbcs and what should I try to do until i can be treated as i have no insurance and this often deters extensive testing as in the case of my mother whom they were giving Fesoy 325mg to tid. Should i donate blood? and is my blood donatable with this increase in rbcs? I have type O-. Thanks for any information I realize this is an opinion based only on my explanation and doesnt replace a Drs. visit. ### output:
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, Smoking causes elevation of red blood cell counts and increase in hematocrit. However, all individuals react differently to same situation. Reducing and cessation of smoking will help to reduce red blood cell counts and hematocrit. Donating blood is not a treatment for high hematocrit and elevated red blood cell counts. Hemangioma of vertebra is a different lesion and is unrelated to high red blood cell count and high hematocrit. Removal of hematoma is the treatment of choice. Yes, you can donate blood if you are above 18 years of age and if free from infections like HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B, hepatitis C and parasitic infections. Thanks and take care Chat Doctor.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: My 8 yr old son suffers from allergies and asthma. He has been on Predisone 3 times this year for flare ups 40mg daily for either 5 or 7 day treatments. He takes Claritan , Singular and Nasonex daily and his Dr just added Symbacort inhaler daily. He also has an albuterol inhaler. He is having a flare-up now with lots of wheezing so his Dr put him on the 2 inhalers. I am just concerned that he is taking lots of steroids. Is there any other options. ### output:
Hello. Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your sons history and would like to make suggestion for him as follows:1. If your son has frequent flare-ups and needs oral steroids (prednisone) 3 times a year, that means his asthma is not under good control. I understand your concern about steroids, and would like to mention that, I have no concern about inhaled corticosteroids, but I do have a concern about oral corticosteroids. As inhaled steroids work locally, they are least absorbed in body and mostly have local side effects. But frequent oral steroids are not desirable, although they have to be given when they are needed.2. So I would like to first get reviewed your sons' technique of using inhaler in presence of a doctor. This is most important as if it is not proper, there are high chances that he may not be actually getting enough Chat Doctor. 3. I would like to step up his controlled medications of asthma.4. I would suggest you to get his allergy testing done. This will help him to identify the substances causing troubles to him, and also you will know how to avoid them. Also, an Allergist-immunologist may prescribe him allergen specific immunotherapy based on the allergy testing, which works on immune system to gradually improve allergy symptoms.5. Please try to avoid exposure to dusts, smokes and air pollution as much as possible to him.6. A healthy diet rich in vitamins & minerals (adequate amounts of green leafy vegetables, fruits, sprouts, etc.) will improve his immunity in a long run.7. There are other options like Ayurvedic medicine, homeopatChatDoctoredicine, herbal medicine, etc. Please consult alternative medicine experts for information about these therapies. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any other query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Thank you & Regards.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Hi i am a 28 year old woman, i have hypothyroidism and i am currently 17 stone. I have a recurring lump that comes up in my groin/tendon on my ght leg, right on the underwear line. It is colourless, quite hard and quite painful to touch. i have had an ultrasound scan, but at the time it had gone down, so the doctors dont think its a hernia. it grows tabout the same size as a 50p but it isnt round its elongated and seems to run along the tendon into my leg. it seems to reocurr every month/ month and half, and it has been going on for just over 12 months. i have pain/aching in my hip too, more so when the lump occurs i ont know if this is related. thanks ### output:
HI, Dear, Thanks for the query from you for your enlarged lymph nodes in the groin area since last 12 myths along with hip pain, which recurs every 1.5 myths.1-I feel concerned that you are serious to know why these lymph nodes are recurring with aches in your hip?2-In my opinion these enlarged lumps are worrisome as they recur every 1.5 myths with aches in your hips.3-These lymph nodes indicate Chronic subdued infection of the glands with hip ache, which may be linked to the hypothyroidism you have-which may be secondary to maiden thyroiditis? Or secondary to T.B.thyroiditis leading to hypothyroidism.4-Hip aches and inguinal rec curing enlarged nodes may be related with each other and may be due to the associated supra-pelvic or infrapelvic Chronic? T.B. infection of the organs there in, which needs to be investigated and is another probability, which needs to be suspected and investigated.5-Hence I would advise a second opinion from a general physician who would do -CBC, X-ray chest, PPD skin test-(Contour TES). This would lead you on your worry which you expressed about lymph nodes enlargement. 5-a-A Chat Doctor. 6-Hence I would advise ER general physicians' opinion. Hope this would resolve the causative worry of the patient in question. If treated on this line, the fearing patient, should not worry you much.8-Hope this would solve your worry of the enlarged lymph nodes of groin with hip ache and hypothyroidism.9-Wellcome to Chat Doctor for any more query.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Bicipital problem or shoulder problem? Last thursday went to gym did the 30 minute circuit, which exercises everything in 10 different machines. After doing the 3 leg machines which are the first 3 mschines, felt severe pain in right arm between above elbow and shoulder. Iced my arm all thursday night in bed. Friday when I went to work. Still had severe pain, hurt to even lift arm at any level. Saturday had mild-moderate pain in arm. Sunday and today barely any pain.. what would have caused this? Haven t been to gym since thursday. Should I have gotten it checked out? Who to see? What if I do nothing? Went to gym today, did biceps/triceps, no pain. Always wear a tennis elbow strap doing tricep exercises, otherwise pain in elbow joint. Currently no insurance. ### output:
Ok lets keep it simple and really specific for you. I don't like giving generic answers to my patients. So here's something to get your moneys worth1) first are you relatively new to the 30 min circuit or have you added something in the regimen, if yes you have a DOES (delayed onset muscle soreness). Postexercise muscle soreness, also known as delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOES), is defined as the sensation of discomfort or pain in the skeletal muscles following physical activity to which an individual is not accustomed to. The incidence of DOES is difficult to calculate, because most people who experience it do not seek medical attention, instead accepting DOES as a temporary discomfort. Every healthy adult most likely has developed DOES on countless occasions, with the condition occurring regardless of the persons general fitness level. 2) then your next question would be, why does this happen?It's caused by accumulation of waste byproducts after muscle activity, these waste products can serve as a pain chemical. Small tears in the muscle after an accustomed exercise is an additional factor3) doc what do I do?well DOES just like in your case is a self limiting disease, meaning it won't get worse. It usually resolves in a week (max) so if the pain goes away on its own, the best thing to do will be to stretch before you exercise, adjust the timer to 40 mins initially, or switch to a more basic exercises for your arms first than switch gradually after a week to your preferred 30 mins regimen. (if you have a trainer now is the time to employ his/ her expertise)as of now no urgent need to see a doctor :) advanced merry Christmas (
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Hi i have sore lumps under the skin on my legs. they started on my left ankle and are approx 1 - 2cm diameter and are spreading up onto my thies. I am eating panadol night and anti allergy pills (Atarax). I have had this for about two weeks now. Please advise. ### output:
Hi, Dear,Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor virtual Clinic. I studied your query in all the details put forth by you. I understood your health concerns. Cause of the health problems you queried-There are many causes of the lumps on your left legs, thighs and ankle. AS I have very little information as to how it started/any wound to start with? Any itching? With whose advise you are on Atari? I would not be able to comment on its treatment exactly. Any local pain on the lumps/Swelling and redness along the vessels up the leg and thighs? To rule out these things I would advise you to consult ER surgeon, who would examine it and treat it accordingly. Cause in your case-As the lump has started 2 weeks back in the left ankle, it seems that you had some unnoticed wound in the left ankle, which grew into legs and thighs along the vessels up the leg. With the above data, you seem to suffer from-Bruise/bite/wound of the left ankle with cellulitis and thrombophlebitis, spreading to legs and thighs? Remedy-In the absence of more information, I would advise Second opinion in your case, who would examine it and investigate it to treat it as per the cause of the lump. In the meanwhile treat as follows-Cold Compresses. Thrombophobe/ Voltaren point/gel to reduce the swelling, Tab Voltaren(anti-inflammatory)if the pain is more and unrelieved by above steps of careAntibiotics with the advice of your treating Surgeon. So I would advise you to consult ER Surgeon, who would rule out other causes of such a lump and would help you out with the fist hand information. Do take his Second Opinion, on the above suggestion, as he would advise you with fist hand clinical information. Hope this would resolve your query with full satisfaction. Welcome for any further query in this regard to ME by direct question at Chat Doctor. Write excellent review and hit thanks, to narrate your experience, which would improve my rating for many other visitors to Chat Doctor. Wishing you fast recovery. Have a good day. Chat Doctor. N. Senior Surgical Consultant. M.S. Genl-CVTS
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
Hello Main, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to know more about you like - a. Since how long you have allergies and asthma? b. What is the frequency of your asthma episodes? c. What are your nose symptoms? d. What are the best and worst seasons for you? Above details will help me more to guide you better. At present, I would like to make suggestions as follows:1. Were I treating you, I would suggest you regular montelukast and levocetirizine for at least 2-3 months.2. I would also suggest you to use albuterol inhaler on as-and-when-needed basis for asthma symptoms/wheezing/breathlessness.3. I would suggest you allergy testing which will help you identify the substances causing allergies to you and also to know the measures to avoid them. Common asthma-allergy causing substances are air-borne substances like house dust mites, cockroach proteins, molds and pollen in your environment and animal proteins (if you have pet/s). Based on the allergy testing, an Allergist-Immunologist may prescribe you allergen specific immunotherapy which works on immune system to gradually improve allergy symptoms in a long run.4. In general, please avoid exposure to dusts, smokes and air pollution.5. Regular breathing exercises (including Yoga & Panama) and a healthy diet rich in vitamins & minerals (adequate amounts of green leafy vegetables, fruits, sprouts, etc.) will also help you in a long run by improving lung capacity and immunity respectively. As you have asked about fruits, usually asthma is caused by many factors acting together, so any particular food is less likely to cause asthma. Of course, asthma attacks can be triggered by cold foods, cold Chat Doctor. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health. Thank you & Regards.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: I have gallstones. Should I get my gallbladder taken out? I have only had the one attack (which landed me in the ER). I have heard so many "horror stories" about the surgery that I am afraid to have it done. Can they do the laparoscopic surgery on me if I am overweight? I watched the procedure being done on youtube and I noticed that they place three clamps on the duct before cutting it loose. Do these stay in the body or are they removed? How risky is the surgery and what are the possible complications? How long is the recovery time because I have a two year old son to care for? ### output:
Hi.thank you for posting query at Chat Doctor.I thoroughly read your query and understood your concerns. Gallstones are small stones that form inside the gallbladder. Gallstones pain (Biliary colic) usually is experienced when the gallbladder contracts in response to a fatty meal. This compresses the stones, blocking the opening. As the gallbladder relaxes several hours after the meal, the pain subsides.1. Biliary colic -"The pain without cholecystitis- gallbladder infection/inflammation" - usually subsides within few hours to a day. Acute cholecystitis secondary to gallstones may be continuous and accompanied by fever.2. Medical therapy is an option for gallstones, though a vast number of surgeons around the globe prefer removal of gall bladder-surgical intervention. Medical therapy includes intake of ursodeoxyholic acid (UCA) for a period of 12 to 24 months. UCA has been shown to inhibit biliary secretion of cholesterol, reduce intestinal absorption of cholesterol, increase hepatic bile secretion, and improve gallbladder emptying. Medical therapy is useful if mild symptoms, stones are smaller (weight reduction and low-fat diet is also a part of medical therapy.3. Surgery lasts for less than one hour (usually half an hour). Laparoscopic surgery has greatly reduced surgery time duration and surgical complications. Clamps are with Chat Doctor. You may travel 7 to 10 days after surgery, though the surgeon may indicate precise time. I would also like to mention that gall bladder is removed completely in surgical intervention which may impair fat digestion. You maybe asked to cut fat completely from your diet (or keep to minimum) after gall bladder surgery. Hope to answer your concern. Wish you good and sound health. Regards
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: I have idiopathic neutropenia. The oncologist thinks it may be auto immune because it responded well to steroids. My BP is 88/40 and my body temp stays around 65. I am 42 and started having physical decline after birth of my first baby when I was 35. Ive been to a specialist, 2 bone marrow biopsies and am part of a wait and see study for pre luekemia and pre lymphoma. I had my gallbladder out in 2011, and have had chronic diarrhea that is yellow ever since. When I eat, I feel like a rock is in my abdomen and it wont go down. When I take digestive enzymes, it seems to lesson the pain. Without the enzymes, I get attacks that feel like what they told me were gallbladder attacks. Ive had endoscopy by GI doctor who said he didnt see anything. Have many physical ailments-dishydrosis in the hands, afternoon fatigue and headaches, tinnitus in right ear, mouth sores, and menstrual issues. Last year, from Feb 14 to Mar 15 I bled heavily, slowed and stopped when OBGYN prescribed progesterone. Had menstrual only 4 times last year. OBGYN did uterine biopsy and pap, everything ok on tests. My family doctor and other doctors tell me something is wrong, they dont have any answers. After running weekly blood tests to monitor for several months and 2 bone marrow biopsys and all the other tests, Im just tired. I stopped the blood tests. I have an appt in Feb with an Endocrinologist, my FP requested testing me for Addisons to rule it out. Have 4 and 6 year who deserve a mother who isnt resting or feeling bad so often. Any ideas or suggestions? ### output:
Thank you for the question. For your multitude problems you have already undergone several investigations and no positive finding apart from neutropenia which responds to steroids. So take prednisone 5 mg TDS for 2 weeks and gradually taper to 5 mg once a day for another week. Get complete blood count before and after a course. Take email(amitriptyline) 25 mg BD for 3 weeks and take nutritious diet, more of fruits and vegetables and high fiber diets. Take Isabel (natural) powder 2 SF with mid after dinner every day rest assured there is nothing seriously wrong, and you will be alright if you follow the advice
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Hi , I am attaching my semen analysis report , please suggest -Do I have infertile semen ? . Regarding Thickness , Motility & presence of (PUS Cell + Germ Cell ) please suggest -is it normal . I am 40 yrs old . lately married & truing for baby . Please give some good suggestion. SEMEN ANALYSIS SAMPLE INFORMATION TIME OF COLLECTION 2.25 p.m. TIME OF ANALYSIS 2.35 p.m. ABSTINENCE (IN DAYS) 5 Days PHYSICAL EXAMINATION COLOUR - Off white VOLUME 5.0 ml VISCOSITY Thick REACTION Alkaline pH 7.2-8.0 0 LIQUIFICATION TIME 25 20-30 minutes MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION SPERM AGGLUTINATION 1 2 - 3 scale SPERM COUNT 102 millions/ml MOTILITY 1ST HOUR MOTILTIY RAPID PROGRESSIVE 10 % SLOW PROGRESSIVE ---15 % NON PROGRESSIVE-- 25 % IMMOTILE --50 % 3rd HOUR MOTILITY RAPID PROGRESSIVE--- 05 % SLOW PROGRESSIVE ----10 % NON PROGRESSIVE 25 % IMMOTILE---- 60 % SPERM MORPHOLOGY NORMAL-- 80 % ABNORMAL ---20 % OTHER CELLS (per 100 sperms) ROUND CELLS (pus cells + germ cells) 2 - 5 /hpf EPITHELIAL CELLS OCCASIONAL RBCs---- OCCASIONAL FRUCTOSE TEST--- Present With Regards ### output:
Hello, welcome to Chat Doctor, Your semen analysis report shows Normal physical examination. Sperm count is within normal limit. Motility of the sperm is lower than required (normal is >40% as per WHO 2009). Morphology of the sperm is within normal limit (normal is > 04% as per WHO 2009). Among the other cells, round cells are mildly increased (normal is occasional as per WHO 2009). Presence of fructose is also a normal feature. So, overall, the semen analysis report shows normal report except the motility and presence of pus cells. Consult with your treating doctor.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: I believe I was just bitten by a beige spider. I live in Nassau County NY. (Long Island) I felt a sharp pain on my right calf just after spotting what looked like a spider as described above. I soon after saw a raised bump and slight redness around the area. The area now looks normal and the bump is regressing. I have since felt one other twinge of pain in the spot similar to the initial bite. I have washed it with soap and water and treated with peroxide twice. (once before washing and once after) My question is that I had a sneezing episode shorty after the bite but I was vacumming the rug this occured on to assure my child who saw this happen (my reaction) that I would make sure no more spiders were around. Should I be worried about the sneezing? What should I look out for. Mostly the bite seems to be nothing but the sneezing concerned me. I do have seasonal allergies and am allergic to animals like cats (we have no cats) Thanks for any advice. I am 41yrs old, female, 5ft 8 and 190lbs. I generally suffer from season allergies and at times it can be quite bad. Other than that I have no major health issues. ### output:
Cellophane You for contacting Chat Doctor. These symptoms are due to allergic reaction to spider bite. Sneezing is part of that allergic response. So you do not need to worry until or unless it becomes aggravated. If a patient comes to me with similar symptoms then I would suggest:> cetirizine 10 mg at night for 5 days> acetaminophen for pain (if occurs). > Take montelukast once daily for one month. Research has shown that it reduces allergic response. It will start resolving by itself in 2-3 days. I would also suggest you to undergo allergy testing at an allergy clinic as you have chronic allergy problem. It will tell that you are allergic to what specific thing. The results will help an allergist to prescribe you immunotherapy to that specific allergen, and it will improve the problem. Report to hospital if:> Condition starts to deteriorate.> Condition does not improve in 2-3 days> Any unusual symptom appears.> There is difficulty in breathing. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. Wishing you good health.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Hello Sir, I am type 2 diabetic. Sofar I used to have glynasemf twice a day. Just 5 days before I went for Blood test. It is FS 220 and PL 256. Then my doctor adviced to take Triglycomet twice a day. After 3 days again went for BT then FS 214 and PL 265. My diet is very simple. Morning 2 glass Ragi Malt Lunch 1 Small Box Rice Dinner 2 Pulkas. Now my problem is how to control sugar through PILLS ### output:
Hi dear I read your problem of uncontrolled blood sugar level i.e. type 2 diabetes mellitus. U told that u took GLYNASEMF TWICE but your blood sugar not comes to under limit. Then u took TRIGLYCOMET TWICE but it also not control your blood sugar level. U must go to the planetologist and Haitian to controlled your sugar level. IN MY OPINION U MAY TAKE AYURVEDIC MEDICINE ALONG WITH THE ALLOPATChatDoctorEDICATION .THIS WILL REALLY DOWN UR BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL.BUT ALSO TAKE SOME PRECAUTION THAT ARE AS FOLLOWS-1-U WILL AVOID ALL THE VEGETABLE WHICH GROW BELOW THE SOIL.SOCIALLY POTATO.2-U R TOTALLY AVOID RICE OR STARCHY FOOD ITEMS IN UR DIET.3-U ALSO DONOR TAKE ANY FRUIT JUICE BECAUSE IT READILY ELEVATE UR SUGAR LEVEL.PAPAYA CAN BE TAKEN.4-U WILL GO TO THE MORNING WALK IN SPEED MINIMUM FOR 30 MIN. THIS WILL BE MORE BENEFIT FOR U.5-U DECREASED UR DIET QUANTITY BUT INTERVAL INCREASES.6-U can take some ayurvedic medication that isFaltrikaddi quoth 40 ml BD before taken meal Chan Chat Doctor. d.sGuddmarr Purana 1tsf bdAamlaki Malayan 1tsf ideal juice 40 ml b.d U can add jeers , cereals in your chapati it will also help in lowering blood sugar level. THANKS FOR QUERY.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: i have this problem for a very long period of time 1. every day morning i have a nose block or cold because of which i start blowing my nose its disgusting 2. when i take head bath if i leave water in my head for more than 5min i catch cold and the whole day is suffering , so imagine how it would be when go for swimming 9but i like swimming)3.catch cold very often 3. allergic to dust 4. very sensitive nose5. from my childhood if someone touches my nose to an extend i start sneezing .6. i even get feeling of cleaning the ears too often, like when something dirt accumulates or after head bath what you feel.7. throat ya sometimes i get throat itching or pain very rare you have any solution or should i bear it. ### output:
Hello, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. I would like to know something more about you like - what is your current age? Any particular seasons where you feel worse or symptoms are same throughout the year? Do you have symptoms like headaches, face heaviness, constant tickling in throat, recurrent throat clearing, etc.? Do you have symptoms like burning in chest, feeling of fluid in throat, especially after heavy/spicy meals, etc.? Above details would help me to know your complaints better.2. At present, I would suggest you to take montelukast and levocetirizine for at least 4 weeks.3. I would also suggest you regular steam inhalation and warm saline gargles when you have throat pain.4. I would suggest you allergy testing for air-borne allergens like house dust mites, molds, regional pollen, insect proteins and pet dancers (if you have pet). This will help you identify the substances that may be causing symptoms to you and also to know the measures to avoid them.5. Based on allergy testing, an Allergist-Immunologist may prescribe you allergen specific immunotherapy which gradually works on immune system to improve allergy symptoms.6. In general, I would suggest you to avoid exposure to dusts, smokes and air pollution as much as possible.7. Regular breathing exercises and healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals will also help you in a long run by improving your lung capacity and immunity respectively. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health ahead. Thank you & Regards.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: my daughter is suffering by dust ,smale and unknown eliments from a long time according to doctor.and she getting breathing problem at those times.she is now 8+yrs old .reading in class has given her inheller and a tab a deep suffering condition we have to give her asthalin and budecord by nebuliser mechine.grouth rate of her health is very poor .can not want to eat food.less energetic .so what i have to do now.pls give me your valuable suggetion to keep her normal .we both are very much orrid about that. atanu bandyopadhyay. jalpaiguri.0000mail - YYYY@YYYY ### output:
Hello Mr Stand Bandopadhyay, I went through your daughters history and would like to know more about her as follows:a. What are her nose symptoms - running nose, sneezing, nose congestion - and how frequent?b. What are her chest symptoms - wheezing, breathing difficulty - and how frequent?c. Does she get symptoms while physical activities like exercise, outdoor games, etc’d. Does she have frequent headaches?e. Does she have eye symptoms - red eyes, itchy eyes, excessive watering?f. Does she have any digestive complaints - frequent acidity, vomiting, constipation, frequent stomach pain, etc.?g. Does/did she have any skin allergies like dermatitis or urticaria?h. Day symptoms or night symptoms?i. Seasonal variations? Above details would help me to know more about her health and therefore to make more specific suggestions for her. At present, from your provided details, I would like to make suggestions for her as follows:1. For identification of allergies, I would suggest her skin testing for common air-borne allergens like house dust mites, pollen, molds, insect proteins, animal dander (if you have pet), etc. This will help you identify the substances causing allergies to her as well as to know the measures to avoid them.2. Based on allergy testing, an Allergist-Immunologist may also prescribe her allergen specific immunotherapy which works on immune system to gradually improve her allergy symptoms over a long period.3. For symptom relief and prevention, I would agree with your current treatment. I usually suggest my such patients regular levocetirizine + montelukast.4. Allergies and asthma are a bit worrisome but not very much. With proper understanding of the disease, care and use of medicines child Chat Doctor.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: 23 years male, 177cm, 66kg. for the last 3 months i have been having chest discomfort, dizzy, palpitations and fast heart rates (90-110 at rest), high blood pressure (24h monitor revealed 133/75mmHg, pulse pressure 58mm Hg, heart rate 86bpm - during sleep 126/63mmHg and heart rate 64bpm, it fluctuates between 50-84bpm), sometimes i have bluish/purpule lips and nails, sometimes i feel like my throat is closing or narrow. ekg was normal, echocardiogram did not reveal anything, and bike-stress test was ok (time 0= 145/85mmHg and 132bpm, reached 171bpm @ 175w in 8:17minutes - after 1st minute it went down to 150bpm, the second minute it went back up to 157, the 3rd minute 143, 4th 134, 5th 133bpm; my bp went up to 175/95mmHg, 3rd minute of rest it went back down to initial 150/85mmHg). i did not fell any pain or problems breathing, just a little lightheaded. i still get palpitations (at rest), my lips turn bluish at the corners, i feel slightlly faint or dizzy. i can run for 15 minutes(5 walk, 5 run, 5 really really fast run) and not have any discomfort (maybe a little dizzy or lightheaded). what can it be ? if i experience chest pain or discomfort, wouldn t exercising while i feel it make it worse ? i tried it twice and the discomfort went away. (still get that blue color on the side of my lips and purpule-ish nails). my dad had a heart attack when he was 45. ### output:
Yes certainly heart problems are hereditary so you at a risk but presently all your work up is negative. Do you smoke?, any acidity problems like burping, sour water in your throat. Your problems can be related to gastritis so try some antacid. Avoid spicy, oily food. Avoid alcohol if you are having it. Presently no need to worry however be vigilant. Preventive measures like healthy lifestyle and regular exercises should be continued.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: I have a pain on my left side when pressure is applied to the spot. it is the size of a quarter, is 6 inches down from the center of my armpit and is on top of the rib cage. My left breast is also painfull when pressed around the outer edge, not the fleshy part of the breast. I felt the pain approx a month ago when I rolled over on to my left side while sleeping. The pain woke me up. ### output:
Hi, Dear thanks for the query to Chat Doctor virtual clinic. I studied your query in full details updated from you. I understood your health concerns. Based on your query data, In my opinion, Dear You seem to suffer from painful lump of Fibroadenomas of the left Breast with painful lump in the armpit -due to the fibroadenomas of the AXillary Tail of the Breast. Your story confirms that this pain was felt 1 month ago, confirming the monthly recurrence, which is characteristic of Fibroadenosis-with pain and is due to the premenopausal hormonal changes with fluid retention, causing pain in the engorged breast tissue. Mammogram and CT Breast after Surgeons physical examination would fix the diagnosis. In case of doubts a Mammography/CT guided FNAC-Biopsy with homeopath study, would resolve the ambiguity and would help in planning line treatment of Fibroadenomas. Conservative Treatment-Tab Alprazolam-0.5 MGM -tranquilizer, to relieve triggering anxiety causing hormonal imbalance. Anti-inflammatory-Motrin 400 mg with Tylenol 500 MGM x 2 per day would resolve the pain, if need be. Tab Anatole 100 MGM BD for Nostalgia, for correcting Hormonal Imbalance. With It E -400 mg 2 times per day for 3 myths, would help regression of the lump in the breast and axillary breast lump. For this treatment GP and Gynec-Surgeon team would be needed to treat your case. Hope this reply would help you to evaluate your case and treat it with your doctors in time to come. Hope this would resolve your query and worry and Anxiety accompanied by it. Welcome for any further query in this regard to ME. I would love to help you out.Awaiting any further query. Wish you fast recovery from this intriguing health problem. Have a Good Day. Chat Doctor. N.M.S. Genl-CVTS -Senior Surgical Consultant
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: For 17 months, Ive had off and on problems with numbness, tingling and pain in the left foot. At first it was also in the calf and so we thought it was a calf strain plus nerve radiculopathy from my low back (Im permanently disabled post failed back surgery syndrome and nerve troubles). However, after the calf improved (6-7 months), I began to have the same problems in both the left AND right feet and ankles, radiating at times up to the right knee on the tibia and mid-tibia on the left. After seeing a second neurologist in February and getting prescribed Nuerontin and with no clearer diagnosis than it was somehow from the back (and no new testing), I began to question why for the past two weeks, its not only been worse in the evening, but it can be bothering me a lot in the morning as well. I looked Perindopril (ACE inhibitor) that Im on for hbp and saw that its not a frequent, but a possible side effect - muscle weakness, tingling, numbness, etc. It made me ask my regular doctor to do a blood test for potassium level and she also wrote for me to have a Doppler test on the calf. However, the symptom that started this morning is whats concerning me. A regularly, pulsating, short throb in the right calf. Feels like a heartbeat/small throb, but strong enough to be quite painful. Im to have the blood test done tomorrow, but the Doppler not until Tuesday. Meanwhile the leg keeps throbbing and I cant rest. What is it safe to take to help this? Im already on 1/2 patch of 35 microgram/hour pain med (Buprenorfin) and 1/2 mg Rivotril (Clonazepan) each night (+ 400 mg Neurontin at night) for the back/nerve pain, but thats not cutting the throb in the calf. Ibuprofen OK? ### output:
Hi friend, Welcome to Chat Doctor Ibuprofen is a Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Chat Doctor. But beware! - NSAID can have effects on stomach, asthma, blood pressure and so on. ACE can retain potassium.... Doppler for the veins is done for thrombosis (clot formation) / veins don't pulsate! / If it is, it is a transmitted pulsation and the study should include arterial Doppler too. Take tarnishing speedy recovery God bless Good luck
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: I have chronic back pain and Crohn s disease. I am 290 pounds at the moment at only 17. I am a girl. Recently I have been very depresses because of my situation. Doctors say I m too fat, have been since I was a very young girl. What they fail to see is that I eat as healthy as I can (the best in my family actually). I watch everything. I m obsessed with losing weight. The chronic back pain didn t show itself until I was around 14. I always had unexplained nausea. We later learned this was from crohns and back problems (SI joint out of place, disc issues) The back dr said I am too young for surgery. This puts me in the tough situation I am in today. Suffering.. I m not lazy at all. I pray every day that god will give me the strength to exercise like I used to. I can t take back pain meds because it worsens my crohns and without them, I am pretty much immobile. If I try to exercise, I end up in bed in pain the next three days. This is hard for someone my age trying to get an education as well. I m homeschooled because of the pain as well. I need advice. Should I talk to my doctor about this? Do you have any suggestions? Please don t judge me. I have though about diet pills. Any thoughts on that? Please any help at all is useful. I feel almost completely alone. I HATE to think about weight loss surgery bc I don t even think I d qualify, can t afford it, & most of all feel I am strong enough to do this on my own. ### output:
Your condition is pitiable, but your inner strength suggests that if you determine honestly, you can win over the situation. I am trained and experienced in Ayurveda which has a solution for these problems. Can you start taking warm (little hot) water Chat Doctor? It will start eliminating the cause of Crohn's disease. This will also eliminate the Data vitiation which has manifested back pains, disc problems etc. Madhavan i.e. wt. shedding will also be done. But only hot water won't do. You have to add some herbs and use some Ayurveda medicines. These are commonly available in India, but cant say elsewhere. Though I know many of them available globally under different names. However, it can be obtained through Net. We may also help you to get if need be. These are not costly either. No side effects, totally safe. Step 1. Warm water in which Holy basil leaves and little Ginger or ginger powder is boiled.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: hello my name is christine just wanted to ask you a question in related to blood pressure,going back 6 years ago i was carrind a lot of weight , so of cause my blood pressure was up .My doctor put me on medication ,then twelve months down the line i had lapband surgery so of cause blood pressure dropped .Have been of medication a period of 5 years. over the period i kept and eye on blood pressure it seem to be going well . Just before Christmas had a lot of stress i can not begin to tell you, fortnight ago ended up with bad flue,went to the doctors my blood pressure was 186/96 up untill today have still had flue coughing ect so went back this morning to the doctors she did another reading this time it was 170/95 ,.Just wondering could it be related to my flue coughing ect and of cause still have a lot of stress please could you advise me thank you . ### output:
Hello any form of extra strain on the heart whether its infection or stress is going to increase hormones like a Chat Doctor. This blood pressure rise to settle down as soon as the infection is treated. About the stress I request you that any reason for stress I'd not good enough as its only going to harm you, and we have to deal with it in a more mature way. Some general things you should follow to control his blood pressure are. 1) try maintaining blood pressure upper under 135 and lower under 85 mm Hg with lifestyle and medication 2) if overweight, losing weight should be a priority, try achieving BMI less than 25.3) 40-45 mins of aerobic exercise daily 4) be regular with your medication, don't skip doses or stop abruptly. 5) in diet -low salt. Max 3 GMS a day. - avoid preserved food as all preservatives have salt. - no pickles, papas, chips, Carson as all have high salt and. - at least 2 serving of fresh fruits in a day. - 1 serving 35-40 GMS of nuts like walnuts, almond to be included - if you take fish 2 serving of fatty fish per will like salmon. -avoid red meat, egg yellow, fried and spicy oily food - may shift to better oils like olive in cooking 6) may consider supplements, like cod fish oil capsules, flax seeds, chia seeds, krill oil as they have good content of omega 3 fatty Hoping I could help. Regards
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: I am a 64-yr. old caucasian woman who had a mitral valve tissue replacement 8/28/14. I have had endocarditis twice, in 2008, and in August 2014. At the time of the valve replacement, 4 of my molars which had deteriorating fillings which were done during childhood, were removed. My question is one which each of the doctors I have followed up with, the epidemiologist, heart rhythm, surgeon, have not given me the answer to the question I have: If I have a replacement valve, do I still have mvp? If so, why - that is what I dont understand. How did I go 58 years with no problem with endocarditis, and for the first half of my life did not take antibiotics at the time of any dental work, and didnt acquire the disease until I was 58? I live with the horror of the possibility of this happening again, and the fact that my new valve will wear out about the time I am in my 70s. Can I undergo surgery for a third time while in my 70s? I am following everything the doctors have told me to do, including different methods and mouthwashes for my gums, which my dentist told me are very healthy at this time. I dont think they were ever unhealthy, but my deteriorating fillings were causing me to use toothpicks constantly. ### output:
Hello, Please keep in mind that taking antibiotics prior to dental treatment is a prophylactic measure. Anytime there is bleeding, there is a chance that bacteria in the oral environment may enter the blood stream. Certain tissue and replacement valves are prone to affects of exposure to the bacteria. Consider having your oral bacteria analyzed to see your particular strains. Discuss this further with your dentist or visit a periodontist, gum and bone specialist. This is what I would recommend to my patient with your concerns. Your cardiologist should be able to discuss your condition with your dentist and advise if any additional precautions are necessary with your health history. Many surgeons require good dental health status prior to surgical clearance. I avoid nonemergency dental procedures for the first few months following surgery. Dentists follow a standard antibiotic prophylaxis regime prior to dental treatment. I follow guidelines set by the American Heart Association. Thank you for your inquiry. I am glad to answer any additional questions that you may have and hope you find my information helpful.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: I am 48 years old, female and healthy. I am epileptic and take 200 mg of Dilantin daily. I am active - I live at an altitude 9000 ft & I run a couple miles 2-4 times a week. I work long hours (desk job). I try to eat organic whenever possible, and I eat what I believe is a well-balanced diet of fruits & veggies. And I do not drink alcohol. In the last 6 months I applied for life insurance & was turned down - they sent me the results of my blood tests - a couple of results stood out to me - Alkaline Phosphatase = 139; GGT = 343; AST 30. What little I ve read on this I understand these particular tests are for my liver function. My neurologist does not think it has anything to do w/ my Dilantin, however I ve been taking this drug since I was 15 years old and it s the only thing I can think of that would cause these wacky high numbers. I had another follow-up ALP & GGT test run just 2 days ago but have not received back the results. I ve changed my diet to include beets and a liver supplement called Livaplex, so I hope this helps. But do you have any additional thoughts? Thank you, Kim ### output:
Hello! Thanks for putting your query in Chat Doctor. I am a Gastroenterologist (DM). Derranged LFT may be due to dilation or may be due to some other causes, so I will advise seeing for other causes for deranged LFT and if it is not there then you may have to replace dilation with other least hematologic antiepileptic. You should test for:1. If you are obese or overweight you need to reduce your weight2. Other common and treatable causes like Hepatitis B and C virus, Serum ceruloplasmin for Wilson disease especially if you are young, ANA and SMA for autoimmune disease3. Lipid profile and Ultrasound abdomen to see for liver echo texture, billiard traction thing is little confusing why you have taken dilation for such a longer period of time (33 years!). Usually antiepileptic are given for 3 years if there is no seizure. If there are seizures intermittently on dilation, then also it has to be replaced. So regarding this I will advise you to discuss with your treating doctoral upload the reports of repeat LFT which you have already done. I hope I have answered your query and this will help you. Remain in touch and get-well soon.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Two months ago I was diagnosed with a very unusual case of mono. I had severe head pressure, inability to move my head it hurt so bad, a stiff neck , a low-grade fever, sensitivity to light, and was overall feeling very yucky. My doctor thought it was viral meningitis until the monospot came back positive. My CBC also came back with a low white blood cell count. After recovering from the severe symptoms, I started seeing ghost images / double vision , and was having migraines. My doctor ordered an MRI, which revealed two 4mm lesions. One was on the right side of my basal ganglia , the other was on another section that the radiologist failed to mention entirely and the neurologist didn t say. He gave me migraine medication, which helped with the migraines for a little while. I also have had a chronic low-grade fever that I haven t been able to get rid of. I went to the doctor, and it was a throat infection causing it (he said), and he gave me antibiotics and said the fever should go away. It hasn t since then, and they are now accompanied with burning sensations deep inside my head. The vision has also gotten worse at times, along with having dull headaches to migraines everyday. Are these symptoms still of mono? Or is this something else I need to be concerned of. I see an eye doctor this Friday, and have a follow up with my neurologist in a week. I also see my primary care doctor tomorrow for a test. Are there any questions I should ask or anything I should tell any of them? ### output:
Hi, i don't think these are symptoms of mono as it's a self limiting viral disease which subsides within 2 weeks or so. Also, most probably you would have got rashes once you took antibiotics for seemingly sore throat but this doesn't rule out its probability totally! As medicine is a science of exceptions and variations have been seen often. The only way is to do test which may again come negative if assuming this is your second infection or super infection by cytomegalovirus and not by ABV! I THINK U SHOULD BE MORE CONCERNED ABOUT THE LESIONS IN YOUR BRAIN WHICH CAN EXPLAIN MOST OF YOUR SYMPTOMS EXCEPT SORE THROAT(ASSUMING YOUR DOCTOR WAS RIGHT). See the neurologist as soon as possible and forget Mono because it's a self limiting disease which is VERY UNLIKELY HERE. Best of luck!
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: I have had chronic back pain for almost two years. I was hospitalized in December 2012 because the pain was so severe that I could not walk. When it first started I thought that I had kidney problems as it was mostly on the right side I was in the hospital for five days and no one could determine what the problem was so they called in my orthopedic doctor. He prescribed a high dose of prednisone and it worked wonders...for a while. The pain however radiated down my left leg past my knee and it is so sever that I have problems sleeping at night. I am up taking ibuprofen a couple of times a night because it hurts so bad. I went to Pain Management, had an updated MRI and received two injections. They did not work. I have gone to PT twice and getting ready to go again. However, it really doesn t help much. The next step was for me to see a Neurologist. His office told me that the appointment was for the doctor to determine if I needed surgery. I knew that I wasn t going to do that so I didn t make the appointment. I also have other issues such as not having any balance. I have also fallen (and I don t know the reason) and when I fall, I don t have the strength to get back up. It is like I am dead weight and it is almost impossible for someone to try and help me. This is very scary. I just don t know what to do next. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you so-o very much. ### output:
Hello... I may help u with your problems. From your symptoms, I feel u may be suffering from a spinal cord issue. The first approach here is to undergo an MRI of spinal cord, deciding whether u have a compression pathology or a non-compression pathology... Further course of management is decided based on the MRI findings. I would like to know your age, MRI findings and other tests that have been done. I advise you to avoid Ibuprofen, since long term ingestion of it might lead to kidney issues. On the contrary, medicines for neuropathic pain seem more suitable for your symptoms... I prefer combination of Gabapentin 400 mg and Nortriptyline 10 mg once at nighttime... Add on Tab Flirting 100 mg twice a day on that for added relief. But still, these might not be your final prescription. It is always advisable to visit a Neurologist in person and get a clinical examination done, to arrive to a specific diagnosis. Hope I could resolve your concern to some extent.Revert if needed for further doubts. All the best!
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: I am a 4th grade teacher with a concern about a student. The parents have been worried for several years that their son is not progressing, but rather is regressing in what he s learning. He struggles with retention and basic comprehension, both verbal and written. If I ask him to use the glossary to write definitions for all of his vocab words, and also to choose to words to use in a sentence, he can t seem to understand that there are 2 separate directions so he only does the work for 2 words. He already has an IEP, receives services in Reading, Math, and Speech (I can t understand how he didn t qualify for Writing, though). The only advice he got from the doctor recently was to start his son on coconut oil. His vision and hearing are fine, he does not get headaches, he is very active and athletic (he does great at all sports), but he struggles so much in school and because he is labeled as Special Ed, he keeps getting passed on even though he s really not meeting the grade level indicators. I really feel for this dad and wish I could find him the help he needs...he and his wife almost divorced so that she could qualify for welfare to have more testing done because right now, he makes too much money (which isn t a lot as a city bus driver) to qualify! I suggested that maybe he needs to see a neurologist, or at least have some sort of look at his brain to see if there is something going on that we can t see on the outside. Clearly I m not a doctor, but can you please help me with some advice of how to help this man help his son? I really need to find a way to help him so he doesn t go through yet another year hearing we re doing all we can; he s progressing slowly; he ll catch up - because I don t think he will catch up. Please. Help. Us... ### output:
DearWelcome to ChatDoctorWe understand your concerns went through your details. You are a teacher. You must have known about learning disabilities. If he is labelled special Ed, you should be able to determine in which area he lacks his skills. Please consult a child psychologist for assessment of the children learning disabilities. Only Learning disability assessment will be able to pinpoint the areas in which the child is deficient in development. Then with the help of psychologist, you can take the remedial corrective measures. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute detail possible. Hope this answers your query. Further clarifications are welcome. Good luck. Take care.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Hello, Thank you for taking the time to even begin to read this, it is much appreciated. About 1/2 a year (quite possibly a full year) I was strongman conditioning with my step-dad (which included me lifting a bunch of things that I could barely lift right. So I was finally getting into shape (since even with conditioning I am still overweight , was striving to become fit.) So, stupidly, I lifted something that was about 450 pounds total (225 in each hand on a farmers lift for a competition we were gearing up to do.) Instantly felt something wrong, so as weeks progressed my back became terrible in condition. Went to the doctor and she sent me to physical therapy . After a few sessions of physical therapy I got the exercises I was meant to do there, and to save money just decided to do them at home. (they didn t require any special equipment despite all my complaining of my back.) So ever since then it has been kind of dormant, sometimes hurting other times not. Fast forward to recent times, I started a job. Basically being on my feet for the entire period of time, doing different jobs with different back stresses. That stuff doesn t bother me in the moment, it just waits until I get home. Once I get rested in my bed, I tend to forget / have to do something and get up. It has gotten to the point where I cannot stand, or if I can stand i have to have something to hold onto the entire way. It feels like my legs are going to just give out with excruciating lower back pain (worse than the initial injury and physical therapy weeks). I would just really like to know what I am dealing with, potentially. I should be able to stand up as much as the job requires me to, there are plenty of young people (overweight and not) doing the exact same thing as me and not complaining. I would like to know how serious this could be. Please, if any light can be shed on this it is much appreciated. Also if you need me to clarify anything please say so, its about 4:00 AM and I just got off work so I don t expect some of this to make sense. Thanks, Robert ### output:
Dear patient, Have you your X-ray report, CT scan report? If yes it should be mentioned here. Ok it seems that you are facing with data award according to Ayurveda. The application of ball tail am/hairball tail am is helpful.Also, the bast treatment is essential. The diet should be easy to digest. Chat Doctor. The theistic Linda Swede is also helpful. Yograj juggle/Kishore juggle is the best at this situation.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Hi, my wife is 7 months pregnant, she got preterm labour pain from 26 week, my gynac suggested to take duvidilan retard. She is taking full rest. I just want to know can this medicine lead us to 9 months to deliver baby? Or there is a risk of delivering a baby before it get mature. pls help. ### output:
Hello, Thank you for your query. Nevadian retard (isoxsuprine) relaxes the uterine smooth muscle, thus preventing Labor. If your wife takes adequate rest and medications there is a very good chance that she will complete the term and deliver a full term baby. Is her cervical length normal?(more than 3 CMS). If less than 2.5cms, chances of preterm Labor is higher. This can be treated by cervical encircle followed by bed rest. Monitor the baby movements. Have your wife practice some relaxing techniques like meditation, breathing exercises to calm her mind. False contractions (Braxton - hicks) will be present now and can happen at any time. This is usually felt as a tightening of the uterus and may be associated with some discomfort but not pain. It is irregular and can be triggered by emotions, hunger, full stomach or baby movements. If the contractions are regular and become more frequent with period like pain, contact her obstetrician right away. In this time, try not to panic and practice calming breathing exercises along with your wife. If it occurs after 37 weeks, baby will be mature enough to survive on its own, provided there are no other complications. If this occurs before 37 weeks, steroid injections to speed up the lung maturation process may be necessary. If before 35 weeks, attempts to delay Labor will be made. If that doesn't work out, your baby may need close monitoring in an intensive care till he is stable. This is just so that you may be prepared. In most cases, we are looking at the first outcome. There is a risk of preterm Labor. However, if monitored closely, with rest and medications, this can be minimized. Being prepared for any event is necessary. Keep the doctors, hospitals Labor room numbers handy along with a few people who will be able to assist you during that time. Pack a weeks worth of clothes for yourself, wife and baby. Plan for someone to travel back and forth between hospital and home or someone to stay with your wife while you do so. Hope this helps. Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with. Wish you all good health and I pray for a safe confinement.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Hi! Ive got a bump in my left inguinal area which is oval in shape and about 2cm x 1 cm. The skin over the bump is very smooth and a bluish-grey hue with a black circular lesion in the middle which is only about 1mm in diameter. The skin over this black spot seems to be slightly rougher, but it is not ulcerating and I cant tell if its umbilicated.The bump first appeared over a year ago, maybe even two years, and I want to say that it began as an ulcerating erythematous pustular lesion (like a pimple, perhaps infected with staph) although its been awhile so I cant say for certain. Regardless, it has not been swollen or pruitic since the initial erythema resolved over a year ago. It really hasnt changed much during that time either. Its possible its gotten ever, ever so slightly larger, but I really cant say. It also seems as if that black spot at one time used to be deeper under the skin (but faintly visible) and is now at the surface as I mentioned earlier.I have no sexual history and my PMH is not significant for anything other than a benign parotid tumor about 7 years ago. Im a medical student spending my third year in a small community away from home and there arent really any physicians out here that Id feel comfortable showing/asking about it (since Im rotating with most of them). My biggest concern is that it could be a lymphoma or some other sort of cancer, but Im not certain about this presentation (namely the coloring).Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. Its something thats been concerning me for a while now. ### output:
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, An inguinal swelling occurs most commonly due to lymph node enlargement. The blue-black discoloration of the overlying skin with a black circular lesion can be due to infection or some kind of skin lesion. An aspiration cytology of the lesion is required. This investigation will sample the cells of the lesion. The cells are stained and examined microscopically. The origin and character of the lesion can be determined by examining the cells of the lesion. Lymph node enlargement can occur due to inflammation, lymphoma or a melanoma as suggested by black discoloration of the skin. Malignancy is accompanied by weakness, loss of appetite, and weight loss. A preceding history of infection of the urinary tract, lower limb can cause inflammatory enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes. Thanks and take care Chat Doctor.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: hi doctors,i am 6 month pregnant and i am taking aspirin 81mg since 2 month the doctor prescribe me this b/c i lost my baby while i was 8 month and 2 weeks the doctor didnt know what the cause was and now he prescribe me aspirin 81 mg per day just like that i dont have specific diagnosis so i am worried it may harm me and my unborn baby.please help!!!!!!!!! ### output:
Hello and I hope I can help you today. Baby aspirin (81 mg dose) is literally an aspirin dose that is safe for child Chat Doctor. It is commonly prescribed during pregnancy as a mild blood thinner for prevention of different disorders during pregnancy, like recurrent miscarriage, preeclampsia and others. It is very safe and even though it is not recommended to take adult dose aspirin during pregnancy, this dose is safe and also may help the prognosis of your current pregnancy. So you need not worry at all about the medication and its effects on the baby. However, it concerns me that you are being treated with this medication without actually knowing the cause of death of your last child. I do not know if an autopsy was performed on the baby or if you had any tests after the baby died. Stillbirth can be caused by a number of factors, some due to maternal clotting disorders, infection, birth defects or complications with the pregnancy itself that may not be helped or prevented by just taking aspirin. In addition, many practitioners would recommend monitoring of your babies heartbeat in the doctor's office on a regular basis (non-stress test) to watch for any signs of distress before the baby is born. So in summary, the aspirin you were prescribed is safe but may not be beneficial to you if the death of your baby was unexplained. Tests like screening of your blood for thrombophilia (inherited disorders of blood clotting) and infections (TORCH liters) really should be done if you haven't done so already to make sure that your aspirin treatment is not the only thing that can be done to help prevent complications with this pregnancy. Consultation with a high-risk pregnancy doctor (also called a Dermatologist) may be helpful in figuring out if you have a condition that can adversely affect this pregnancy. I hope that this information was helpful and that I was able to answer your question. Best wishes for the rest of your pregnancy,
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: why asthma is a untreatable disease?i am 24 years old,married women,suffering from chronic asthma from last 5 years when i was studying in B.Sc.2nd year in Microbiology problem is that my asthma never be controlled by using any measure.i am using Esiflo inhaler 250.improper digestion or acidity and some hypersensitivity like skin rashes, redness,and also heavy pain in muscles,abdomen and what to do to fit myself?i could not go for M.Sc. program.i fail to do heavy work as shorten breath with trouble,pain in chest,neck etc.please help me. ### output:
Hello. Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. At present, I would agree with Silo inhaler and would suggest you to use it regularly for at least 2-3 months with ensuring proper technique of using inhaler.2. Were I treating you, I would add regular montelukast and an antacid like pantoprazole before meals. I would also suggest you to use albuterol inhaler on as-and-when-needed basis for asthma symptoms.3. I would suggest you allergy testing which will help you identify the substances you may be allergic to and also to know the measures to avoid them. Based on the allergy testing, an Allergist-Immunologist may prescribe you allergen specific immunotherapy which works on immune system to improve allergy symptoms on a long term basis.4. In general, I would suggest you to avoid exposure to dusts, smokes and air pollution.5. Regular breathing exercises and a healthy diet rich in vitamins & minerals (adequate amounts of green leafy vegetables, fruits, sprouts, etc.) will also help you in a long run by improving lung capacity and immunity respectively.6. For skin rashes, redness, etc. I would suggest you to take an antihistamine like cetirizine or HY Chat Doctor. 7. For pains, I would suggest you to take paracetamol on as-and-when-needed basis. To summarize, appropriate medicines, immunotherapy and life-style changes would help you a lot. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health ahead. Thank you & Regards.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: I am an 18 year old female. when I was 3, I went to the hospital for croup cough and they had to shove a balloon type thing down my throat to open up my lung. This past year, I have had bronchitis or some other kind of lung infection 5 times, each time worse than the last. the cough I get with these infections will last weeks after other symptoms go away, along with coughing up mucus. I just completed a round of Biaxin to treat my latest infection, but with this infection came fevers, headaches, and a lot of shortness of breath and chest pain, all which are still lingering. My mom insists on sticking with my pediatrician to figure out what is going on with me, but I feel there is only so much they can do. I had a chest scan and a blood test for CBC, sed rate, and allergies. everything came back normal. along with the chest pain, shortness of breath, occasional fevers, headaches and bark-like cough, sometimes producing mucus, I have had some lower back pain, and have been overly sensitive, like crying super easily, like during a tv show happy or sad moment or a minor issue, which I did not normally used to do. I am generally happy overall and enjoy my life, friends, and job, so it is not depression or anything like that. The only medication I take is birth control and now an inhaler to try and help the labored breathing. I also bruise super easily, sometimes out of no where. I had a few tests done at a hematologist a few months ago, but nothing conclusive came from it, I am not sure if that is relevant. Does anyone know what could possibly be going on with me? Thanks! ### output:
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. By your history and description, possibility of either bronchitis or Pulmonary embolism is more. Birth control pills can cause Pulmonary embolism. So in my opinion, you should consult pulmonologist and get done 1. PUT (Pulmonary Function Test) 2. CT Pulmonary Angiography. PFT is needed for the diagnosis of bronchitis. It will also tell you about severity of the disease and treatment of bronchitis is based on severity only. You may need additional inhaled bronchodilators and oral bronchodilators also. CT Pulmonary Angiography is needed to rule out Pulmonary embolism. So consult pulmonologist and discuss all these. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: I am a female,54. One and a half years ago I was diagnosed with rectal cancer. I had radiation everyday for 5 weeks along with chemo 24/7 for the same 5 weeks. Surgery followed this. The part of the rectum that was cancerous was removed along with 32 lymph nodes. The pathology report stated that I had clear margins and no lymph nodes were cancerous at that time. Before the radiation and chemo, I was told a few lymph nodes were enlarged,they looked suspicious----maybe cancerous. I had an ileostomy for 7 months. During these 7 months I had chemo (folfox 6) every 2 weeks for 4 months. At the end of the 7 months the ileostomy was reversed. I have regular check ups and everything so far is good. I also have severe peripheral neuropathy from chemo. This developed 2 months after chemo was done, I have seen a specialist for this as the burning was more than I was able to handle any longer and it was keeping me from sleeping. For this problem I take .25mg ropinerole which has taken the burning away but not the pins and needle and numbness feeling. I am able to tolerate and sleep now though. I also take paxil 20mg for anxiety and zopiclone 7,5 mg for sleep. Anyways, for the past month I have been having upper abdominal pain, just above my belly button. Its a throbbing pain not real severe, but it can get real bad , mainly at night. When it gets bad at night the pain is like contractions. They spike and then subside. It can go on for hours during the night. For a few days after a bad night my abdomen is tender. After the tenderness goes away I have no pain for maybe a week and then I have another spell. No other symptoms. Just wanting another opinion. Thank you so much. ### output:
HI. You have put the history nicely. After such a major therapy in the form of Chemo plus Radiotherapy and Surgery some sequels are expected. From the history submitted by you, this may be due to subacute intestinal obstruction. It is better to get the investigations done such as Abdominal Sonography and may be Barium Enema, enterocolitis or colonoscopy whichever your treating Surgeon feels important. In the meantime please take some mild stool softeners.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Hi,My wife is under medication for pregnancy. After 3 months of medicines for controlling her irregular periods, it got regularized to 32 days cycle. Now is the in the first month of trying. Since 14th day after timing (Mar 9th) she is taking strone 200 mg twice a day orally.We mate as prescribed (14th - 20th day). Since taking strone she was feeling sleepy in 2 - 3 hrs after taking the medicine. Now since March 31st, she feels more tired, lower back pain and very mild abdominal abnormalities. Is she pregnant? Is this too early to expect anything?Kindly advice. ### output:
Hello, Thanks for your query. Strong is PROGESTERONE, what your wife is feeling is side effects of progesterone. If she misses her periods get a urine pregnancy test done. Side -effects of progesterone:Stop using this medication and call your doctor at once if you have any of these serious side effects:sudden numbness or weakness, especially on one side of the body;sudden headache, confusion, pain behind the eyes, problems with vision, speech, or balance;fast or pounding heartbeats;chest pain or heavy feeling, pain spreading to the arm or shoulder, nausea, sweating, general ill feeling;unusual or unexpected vaginal bleeding;migraine headache;nausea, stomach pain, low fever, loss of appetite, dark urine, clay-colored stools, jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes);swelling in your hands, ankles, or feet;fever, chills, body aches, flu symptoms;a breast lump; or symptoms of depression (sleep problems, weakness, mood changes). Less serious side effects of progesterone may include:mild nausea, diarrhea, bloating, stomach cramps;dizziness, spinning sensation;hot flashes;mild headache;joint pain;breast pain or tenderness;cough;acne or increased hair growth;changes in weight; or vaginal itching, Chat Doctor. Less serious side effects of progesterone may include:mild nausea, diarrhea, bloating, stomach cramps;dizziness, spinning sensation;hot flashes;mild headache;joint pain;breast pain or tenderness;cough;acne or increased hair growth;changes in weight; or vaginal itching,
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Hello, I m 35 yr old female healthy no past health problems. I was sick with the flu this past Tuesday vomitting liquid diarrhea until the next day, wednesday. Then, Thurs. And Friday and saturday horrible stomach cramps Especially when I layed down. Tear jerking. I went to the local immediate care. They didn t know why my stomach was cramping. I called my locaL pharmacist she said it is common after flu to have acid in stomach and gassy. I took a pepsid and gas x ..I m much better. I own my own tok an enima because I had not been to bathroom no. Two since wednesday and its now Saturday. But now this morning I noticed on the left lower side of my abdomen near pelvis it s higher than right siz by half inch to an inch it like a roundish knot kinda. It doesn t hurt to touch But it just appeared I can tell a cinch when walking something is wrong. Help, what s wrong with me. ### output:
Hi ! Your flu and the diarrhea with abdominal cramps may or may not be related. In case of child Chat Doctor. The first diagnosis comes to the mind is a food poisoning. Possibly you did not receive proper complete treatment for it and this led to more severe cramps in your abdomen. You did not mention anything about fever. If it was there, then it goes more in favor of infection in the intestines. There is no harm in taking antacid and antiflatulents, but I am not in favor of your taking enema. After any loose motions, it is but natural that the bowel becomes empty, and it takes time for the bowel to get loaded with fecal matter to get the urge of passing stool again. Also, without knowing the exact cause of the cramps in your abdomen which could be any surgical cause like diverticulitis, one should not opt for an anemia. It is difficult to tell whether the swelling on the left side of your lower abdomen is due simple inflammation with mass formation or a leaking diverticulitis precipitated by self enema by yourself. In my opinion, you should consult at your earliest a general surgeon, who may advise some routine investigations for you apart from going for an ultrasound / CT scan depending on the initial examination findings. One more possibility of the swelling is left sided inguinal hernia, but your history does not go much in favor of it. Anyways I think it is time for you to see your general surgeon and seek his advice. Good luck.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Hello. I have pain on my right side. It began in 2013 and wrapped around my right side. It was undiagnosed or misdiagnosed for over a year. Finally, after me pushing for specific tests, GI doctors found out I had a GB working 20%, a hiatal hernia and I have diverticulosis. I am overweight, 5 8 and then weighed 210 at the point of surgery. I am back up to 250, female. The problem I am having is the right side pain has gone but the protrusion that was on my stomach (right side under ribcage about four inches from the sternum) is visibly more swollen than last year and the last few days is painful and I am concerned even though my lab work is always great. Any ideas what could be the protrusion? Sorry. I am unemployed or I could afford to go to a specialist. I do not qualify for Medicaid in GA and cannot afford Obamacare...... ### output:
Hi, thanks for providing the brief history of you. Since you mentioned you are overweight, and you have hiatal hernia, you also underwent surgery for it. Your weight was 210, and now it is 250. I will initially recommend you to do one abdominal scan on a safer note. Meeting a specialist will not harm you. If you have to pay little you can get it done rather getting pay later with huge amount while admitting. Also to mention, you need to do core strengthening exercises and overall body as well. Your muscles should be toned to avoid any protrusion or empty space in the abdomen. Also your weight should come under control this will happen if you do regular exercises. If you start slowly, and steadily it will help you. Meet up a physical therapist and tell him the complaint you have with protrusion and pain in abdominal region post and pre-surgery. He will surely help you and teach some exercises which you can perform on your own later. Doing the correct exercises will help you make core stronger and anything after the abdominal surgery you needed to do exercises to tone the starts with breathing exercises initially and later onto the progressive exercises. If you follow the routine exercise regimen you will get good toned muscles and any injury coming will be avoided or subsided. With the grace of God I wish you a good health. You can contact me if you have any doubts to tone the muscle and the kind of exercises you need to performregardsJay In Chat Doctor.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Male, 64 years , 6 2 , 190 Had a root canal on tooth #10 on Thurs 03/28/14, No problems until Early Sat morning. Pain was severe and woke me from sleep at 2 am. Took a Vicodin 7.5 and applied Ice, after about 45 minutes pain subsided. The pain kept coming back and took another 7.5 at about 6 am same result The pain and severe tooth sensitivity continued throughout the week end it was so unbearable that I went through 1/2 of a 5 325 percocet tablet about every 3 hours sometimes taking a whole one every now and then when the pain was severe Went to back to endodondtist on Monday morning and he said all was fine and prescribed some antibiotics and 12 percocet for pain. Monday - Tuesday went okay but I noticed about 2-3 hours after eating the swelling and pain came back and also sleeping in bed. I now sleep sitting up when I can sleep Now it is Wednesday and it is happening still but with not as much frequency. The gum area above the tooth is swollen along with the side of my nose about the middle of nose. The gum is pink in color, if I touch the area around the nose inside lip I can feel the pain start to build The tooth was so sensitive that I could not touch it until Monday, the sensitivity is much better The canal was very calcified and took two hours or better to get to bottom of root with no discomfort X Ray showed very minor abscess before procedure and the root filler to the bottom of root without extending past it. Oh, he had to drill through a crown to get to canal and ended up breaking it in half Sometimes it feels as if getting better and trying to figure what sets flare up off, I eat soft foods on other side but every now and then on sat sun i hit the tooth( that was really BAD) thanks for your answer in advance ### output:
Hi, Root canals are very successful treatments. In your case you are complaining of sensitivity in act tooth alongside pain. This forces me to advise you for a repeat x-ray at an angulation. Pain may occur after act filling well controlled by routine analgesics for 2 days but if there's sensitivity (and if you are correct in feeling it) then there can be just 2things.1--sensitivity coming from adjacent tooth which good angulated x Ra would catch2--improperly cleaned and filled canals in Act with pulp remnants. You could mail me your radiographs(x-ray)
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... I have psoriasis for abt close to two yrs now, have tried creams and ointments like halotop, halovate which have been effective, i have applied them for a week continuously and when stopped for 4-5 days, it comes back. When i first noticed it, it was on back on my scalp, now has spread on my entire, scalp, are injections good for long-term benfit, suggest me some remedies so that i have good long lasting relief ### output:
Hello. Thanks for writing to us at Chat Doctor Psoriasis is a chronic disease; it can recur after seemingly complete cure. Treatment of psoriasis is guided by the extent of involvement. Limited disease is best managed with just topical applications (creams, ointments, gels, lotions, shampoos); whereas extensive disease (involving >20% body surface area) is usually managed with systemic treatments in addition to topical applications. Psoriasis is steroid responsive, as you have noticed in your case; the disease gets better with topical steroids, however, it may recur; sometimes as soon as you stop steroids. One has to be very careful in using steroids because though steroids are effective in psoriasis, one cannot use them forever because steroids can lead to side effects like skin atrophy if used over long term; moreover, steroids if stopped suddenly can lead to a rebound flare, which may be of increased intensity as compared to previous episodes.Therefore, while steroids are good for providing initial rapid improvement, they should be substituted with alternatives like vitamin D analogues like calcitriol, calcitriol once the initial rapid response is attained. Vitamin D analogues are devoid of the side effects of steroids and can also be used safely over long term; moreover rebound flare is not an issue with vitamin D analogues. Since you have limited disease (scalp involvement), therefore topical would be adequate for you. If I was the treating doctor I would have also added a coal tar+salicylic acid based shampoo, to be used thrice weekly. I would have asked you to use vitamin D analogues for scalp psoriasis rather than topical steroids. You may ask more about these from your treating dermatologist. Psoriasis, as I said before is a recurrent condition, therefore I would suggest that you follow up regularly with your treating dermatologist. Your dermatologist can modify your treatment depending on the response. Regards
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Doctors found H pylori in my blood work, but havent gotten the results back if it is currently active. I feel so sick every time I eat anything, when I say sick I mean that I feel extremely full, nauseous, and I feel a constant need to burp. Ive lost about 10 pounds and I dont know what else to do. I keep reading that H pylori is assosciated with stomach pain and vomiting, both of which I dont have. Also, I dont have any ulcers I was already screened and all of my other blood work is good. This has been going on for about 3 months now. The first 2 months were the worst. I did not get my period for the whole first month, and then when it came I felt extremely sick prior, but during my period and when it passed I felt amazing. Now, this month of October I didnt get my period again for a whole month and its Nov. 6 and still dont have it. Im starting to feel worse again so maybe it is coming, and I cannot wait because I know I will feel better when it comes. What could this be? Could it be from the H Pylori? Or is it coincidental that they found that while trying to figure out what else is wrong? ### output:
Hi. H.pylori can induce an inflammation of the stomach lining called gastritis which can cause nausea bloating abdominal pain etc. To find out if it is an active infection you may get a Urea breath test done. This is a simple test where you just breathe into a plastic tube. The other test that can detect active infection is H.pylori stool antigen test. If H.pylori is detected by any of the above tests you have to take a course of treatment to eradicate H.pylori. Treatment is by the triple therapy method or qua Chat Doctor. Your doctor may prescribe this if your H.pylori is active. The H.pylori blood test or as we say serum test is not very specific because it detects old infection with H.pylori and therefore current activity cannot be properly analyzed. Worldwide the H.pylori breath test is regarded as the test with the best sensitivity and specificity to detect active disease. This is a non-invasive test. Rarely endoscopic tests and biopsy of stomach tissue is done to exclude other problems and to confirm H.pylori. As the first step please get a H.pylori breath test or stool antigen test done. If they are positive please proceed to take H.pylori treatment which is quite effective. Best regards
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: I am a 61 yr old Male. I was admitted to hospital for myoclonus , chorea and ataxia . drs pointed it to chronic b12 deficiency & I was treated accordingly with Inj. Vitcofol (7 injections alternate days) and following that Inj. Optineuron (3 injections alternate days). I also had Vit D deficiency. Was given Vit D3 60,000 IU a chewable tab once a week for 4 weeks. I was also prescribed Lonazep 0.5 for anxiety and my sleep disorder . It dint help much, so dr asked to add Stressnil 0.5 mg in addition to that. I was given a drug called Haloperidol when my dr was treating me for chorea, but it led to difficulty in swallowing ( dysphagia ) due to the effect of which I lost my ability to even swallow my own saliva for over 3.5 days and gradually my swallow reflex has returned back. Every day they gave me phenergan and in 3.5 days i felt better.Today I felt a mild numbness in my left thumb and my dr has asked me to stop Lonazep 0.5 and instead take Tab Stalopam 10 mg once daily at 8 pm. My question is : Is this a safe tablet ? In addition to the mentioned medications, I also take Telmikind 40 mg for bp, Ecospirin 75 mg (as my brain MRI showed small vessel ischemia Grade-I) , Tonact ( Atorvastatin ) 10 mg & Dutas-T for my BPH (prostate) problem. I am very apprehensive about starting Stalopam. Why is the new tab prescribed & would I suffer any side effect because of this new tab ? ### output:
Hello Chorea, ataxia and myoclonus may occur in severe vitamin-B12 deficiency. Haloperidol is given to treat these symptoms. In a number of persons who are started on haloperidol, Dystonia of muscles observed, dystonia of muscles of throat caused Dysphagia in you. So haloperidol was stopped. As you are on heavy dose of vitamin supplements. Clonazepam or Located is given for episodic relief in anxiety, but there is risk of dependence. Slalom or Escitalopram is added to your prescription for relief of anxiety associated with your illness. It is a safe Chat Doctor.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Respected Sir, My question is related to parasite. I got fever after every 20 to 30 days since last 6 months. Symtomes are same like malaria parasite. Did not found anything in report. I only get relife by malaria tablet only. After taking malaria tablet I suffer gastric problems and stomouch discomfort. A few days befor I get fever I face same thing, discomfortness of stomach, gas, sleppnless, did not get sleep for 2 to 4 day n night. I do not understand this. I did endoscopy but did not found any thing. I also gone through sonogram n blood report. Nothing found. I doubt on liver function. Sir please help me n guide me. I m fed of this condition. ### output:
Hello mentioned that after every 20 -30 days, you get fever and this responded to anti-malarial treatment. But you suffer with stomach discomfort. So when you take these tablets for malaria take these with pantoprazole-d and also take some antacid (if it contains tetracaine, will be better). But main question is, why fever after 20-30 days and respond to anti-malarial tablet. This time when you get fever, just wait for 3 days and only take Tylenol (paracetamol 650 mg whenever high fever, as high fever with chills and rigor are the characteristic feature of malaria). After 3 days because of life cycle of these parasites. After 3 days fever get in blood for malarial parasite as well card test for malarial parasite. Whatever the result, take chloroquine 600 mg base stat, followed by 300 mg after 6 hours. Later on day 2&3, single doses of 300 mg/day. After this take PRIMARYING 15 mg daily for 14 days and this is WHO recommended radical treatment. Not forget to use pantoprazole-d and antacid. This is all about malaria. Now, why fever, so beside malaria such type of fever may be due to, these possibilities, these include. 1 Typhoid fever, get in blood for Tidal test and serology test for diagnostic purposes.2 Urinary tract infection, diagnosis can be confirmed by urine culture .3 Septicemia chronic, get in blood culture for any chronic infection and also Chat Doctor. Since this is prescription, so consult a physician and get his help. Good luck. Anemia and
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### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: My 9 month old daughter MRI scan showed following: The high frontal subcortical white matter superior and middle frontal gyri shows T2 hyperintense signal suppressed on FLAIR suggestive of gliosis(R L). Structural anatomy and parenchymal signal pattern of remaining brain are normal in brain stem, cerebellum and both cereberal hemisphere. Focal structural lesions, diffusion restriction, edema and mass effect are absent in brain. Ventricular system of brain has normal size and configuration. CSF cisterns at base of brain, around mid-brain and over cerebellar and cereberal surface are clear. Cranial nerve segments in cerebello-pointe angles are normal bilaterally. Major intracranial arteries have normal course, calibre and flow-voids. Petrous temporal bones have normal symmetry. Sella and juxta sellar regions are normal. Orbits and their contents reveal normal anatomy. Impression: MRI head scan reveals Mild gliotic changes in high frontal subcortical white matter bilaterally, prominent on right side. My daughter was not giving social smile till 6 months and hence we were worried. She has started smiling now from 8 months onwards, but has squint in her eyes. She s 9 month old and have not started crawling or sitting up yet as well. We are worried day and night if there is some issue with her and trying to get all medical check ups done. She had viral fevers and lot of blood in her stool when she was 6 months old. Doctors were not able to diagnose anything and after some medication and a week at hospital, she got better. The latest gliosis has scared us and we are worried if it has impacted her brain and caused any brain damage, which could hinder her growth. I would be extremely grateful if you could shed some light on what could cause gliosis, and whether it has any side effects that we need to take care of, any treatments which we can start at early stage so that her growth is normal and she doesn t get any impairments. ### output:
HelloGliosis is reparative mechanism in brain in response to injury. Injury may be due to ischemia, infection etc. Small gloss in your daughters' case may be due to perinatal ischemia. Gliosis is due to proliferation of glial cells in brain. It is a healed stage and this specific finding doesn't require any treatment. Your daughter may need supportive management only. She needs to be properly examined by a neurologist. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: yes I have been seen by 4 doctors but they feel I should go to pain management. I am in pain beoynd what I can bare, now try to get help.C 3/4 Bulging disc C4/5 Bulging Disc. C5/6 Fibrosis/ surgical scar . C6/7 Fibrosis/ surgical scar.Thats just one area L 2/3 Bulging Disc L3/4 Arthritis Disease, Bulging Disc L 4/5 Arthritis , Bulging Disc. My Question is the 4 Specailests sais I should just go to pain manament , stop worring, I have a slideing Disc in C3 on my spine feel its nothing to be concerned about.As well as I had A 2 dics C5/6 C6/7 slipped needed to be frused in 2001. I cant take the pain or pain medacations, I am afraried the one disc will slip and cant walk for 100 ft with out awfull pain.I am a Mom of a Autsic child MR Deaf , I am 54 of this month can any one help me, Mrs Fran Woy ### output:
Hi, thank you for providing the brief History of you. As mentioned in the history by you that you are having cervical disc degenerative disease I will be more concerned as the levels mentioned by you are painful, and you are right on your part that the pain is excruciating. Since the painkillers are not possible due to various factors of which you have not mentioned I will advise you to undergo physical therapy. As you are 54, you may have degenerative changes in the body as this might be leading to weakness of muscles and also reducing the inter vertebral space. By the reduction in the inter vertebral disc space there will be compression on the disc which is a jelly substance in the inter vertebral disc to provide act as a shock absorber. Also, when muscles fail to hold the vertebral body in place the pressure applied to disc may in turn compress the exiting nerve roots and leads to pain and weakness. As in my clinical practice such patients with high level of disc injuries we refer to physical therapy and MRI. With physical therapy like therapeutic ultrasound therapy and TENS therapy the pain can be controlled for a limited period of time and in that duration strengthening the muscle groups of the neck is important. Also, the therapist can provide manual traction and release the pressure from nerves to provide good relief. Most cases in my practice respond well to physical therapy. RegardsJay In Chat Doctor.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: 16 year old weight 39 kgs,my daughter is asthamatic,uses seraflo rotocap,montec lc,as prescribed regularly.she had fever since last three four days,coplaining pain in legs,waiste,and sometimes in wrists.her cbc report is as -HAEMOGLOBIN-8.7 GM/DL,TLC-18800 CELLS/CU.MM.,POLYMORHS-51%,LYMPHOSYTES-20%,MONOCYTES-03%,EOSINOPHILS-26%,BASOPHILS-00%,TOTAL RBC-4.80 MIL./CU.MM.,PLATELET COUNT-5.51 LAKHS/CU.MM,PCV-29.7%,MCV-61.9FL.,MCH-18.1PG.MCHC-29.3G/DL,RDW-15.3%.DOCTOR INITIALLY PRESCRIBED NIMUSULIDE+PARACETAMOL TABLETS ,VITAMIN D3 TABLETS,BUT STILL SHE COMPLAINED OF ACUTE PAIN IN HER FEET,WAISTE AND WRISTS,PALM.THEN DOCTOR HAS PRESCRIBED MEDRAL-16 MG TABLETS BID FOR ONE MONTH,DIAGNOSING SIGNS OF SEVERE INFECTION CAUSED BY VIRAL FEVER.KINDLY ADVISE AND SUGGEST YOUR OPINION. ### output:
Hi, her investigation report says that she is quite anemic and her MCV is also mildly reduced, so she must improve her diet adding vitamin Complex, iron and folic acid. Her eosinophil count is high indicating some allergic condition which can be pollutant induced but can be due to other causes, so you should go for complete panel allergen test and also microscopic examination of blood film to rule out microfilariae as it is one of the common cause of eosinophilic. She should avoid exposure to all the allergen as much as possible. She should also take some antibiotics like ampi-cloxa or amoxi-clavum or azithromycin. Inhaler should be taken as prescribed for her, she can consult some physiotherapist for pain management, or you can even meet an orthopedic if needed and go for its management. Thanks and with regard.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Hi Doctor, I am using skin lite cream containing 2% hydroquinone for the past 2 years on alternative days. Now i wish to stop using skin lite cream. Can u recommend any safer alternative ? Will I become more dark if i stop using skin lite cream now ? Is there any permanent solution for this ? ### output:
Hi Welcome to ChatDoctorI, have gone through your query regarding your complexion. Death actually the complexion which we possess depend on many factors. 1. is genetic we get by birth. This, more or less we can't change much 2. Depends much on general health. If we are taking good nourishing diet with all essential nutrients including fiber, vitamins, minerals IIN form of fruit, raw leafy veges antioxidants - ginger, garlic, bitter gourd, papaya, tomato, carrots, lemon with water, turmeric powder with a cup of hot milk at bedtime Algebra juice in the morning all anti oxidants give us internal health, Exercise also is very important role to play helps in proper circulation of healthy blood giving Immunity to our body which assures healthy happy life ahead. Impact our total health reflects in our skin. It looks good, bright, lighter in color. Constipation , mental stress worry anger, fried Fast foods should be avoided Since your skin is basically composed of Retinol, which is vitamin A, helps keep your skin healthy nonfat milk, oysters, and egg yolks. [& eating foods that are high in beta-carotene, help minimize the effects of sun damage to your skin. 3. Constipation, mental stress worry, anger, fried Fast foods should be avoided 4. Upkeep of your skin also matters :Exfoliate daily with a mild exfoliant, or every other day if your skin is sensitive. This will help increase cell turnover, [1] meaning softer and smoother skin, and may also reveal lighter skin underneath. Apply sunscreen daily. Your skin will stay light, be protected from tanning free radicals that age your skin, and have a reduced risk of skin cancer! Mix rosewater, lemon juice and glycerine in equal quantity. Preserve in a bottle. Take a spoon or 2 in you palm and apply alternate day, before baton your face, neck arms, feet or wherever you want, stay till Chat Doctor. Next day prepare a mixture of turmeric powder, flour, curd and little mustered oil apply on your face, neck, arms. Let it
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Periodically I develop a very painful lump between my right hip bone and naval. Usually follows a period constipation or small bowel movements. Once I take a laxative and develop diarrea for awhile the pain goes away and the lump is not noticeable in 12 hours. The pain and nausea is severe. Occurs 1-2 times a week. Any ideas? ### output:
Hi, Dear thanks for the query to Chat Doctor virtual Clinic. I studied your query in all the details put forth by you. I understood your health concerns. The problem of the painful lump occurs repeatedly between navel and right hip bone, but the exact location whether below in groin or at the level of the navel is not clear from your query and would like to know from you. Constipation or loose motions exists before the painful lump develops. This indicates that the associated increased intra-abdominal pressure presses the intestinal and mesenteric tissue in the Hernial pouch between navel and right hip bone-that is through the weakness in the Spiegelman line, thus causing PARTIAL OBSTRUCTION OF TH HEGELIAN HERNIA. This obstructed hernia gets relieved after taking laxatives which relieves the obstruction and that painful lump vanishes in 12 hours. Associated pain and nausea with the painful lump indicates it to be obstructed intestinal hernial contents. Cause of the health problems you queried-With the above explanation you are quite clear about cause of your health problem, and it is due to Obstruct Spiegelman hernia on right side. Other possibilities as obstructed Inguinal hernia/ indirect type and or / Femoral hernia, needs to be ruled out, for which I would advise you to consult ER Surgeon, as I have very limited information from your query. Treatment-Treatment of the painful lump would depend on the location of the lump, which would be decided by ER surgeon and hence he would treat it by repair of the obstructed hernia, depending on whether it is Spiegelman / indirect inguinal / femoral hernia, by planned surgery. Hope this would resolve your query with full satisfaction and would help you to plan your treatment with your doctor. Welcome for any further query in this regard to ME by direct question at Chat Doctor. Write excellent review and hit thanks, to narrate your experience, which would improve my rating for many other visitors to Chat Doctor. Wishing you fast recovery. Have a good day. Chat Doctor. N. Senior Surgical Consultant. M.S. Genl-CVTS
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### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Hi Doctor....I m 30 years old male and have been suffering from vertigo( so called dizziness ) since my childhood ( 10 years). The symptoms of my vertigo include spinning sensation, palpitations, sweating and balance disorder i.e i can t stand nor lie down nor sitdown and this happens may be once every couple of months.....the spinning sensation continues even when i close my eyes and it may last from few minutes to couple of hours and when i use cinnarizine tablets the dizziness subsides over the course of time i.e in few hours. But almost every single day i have this slight jittery movements occuring when i m in my office working infront of my computer and also occur at home when i m in a idle position. The dizziness also start when i sit in a moving car and try to read something or may be triggered if i make my head move continuosly for some required job. I have consulted a ENT and also a neuro surgeon but they were not sure as all the reports were normal. Let me make it more detailed for you, with the ENT the doctor asked me to take a temporal lobe CT or MRI( i m not sure) but it was normal then audiometry was also normal. Then i took a BRAIN MRI FOR THE NEUROLOGIST which he saw and said everything was normal. But the ENT said since the neurologist ruled out any brain related problems you may be more likely to have BPPV . I m confused with how to proceed from here and would be grateful if any specialist could suggest me what to do and i stay in Chennai, India , if any specialist for my kind of problem i would glad to visit him. Please help. ### output:
Hi, Thank you for posting your query. I have read your medical reports above and my opinion is that you have BPPV-benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. In this condition, the problem lies in the ear, and routine tests would not confirm the diagnosis. The history is suggestive of the diagnosis, that is, the symptoms worsen with head or neck movements, and they resolve on own in a few days, only to recur later. A routine ENT or Neurology consultation may not help sometimes. You need to see a VERTIGO SPECIALIST. Certain maneuvers such as Repays maneuver done by the vertigo specialist can cure you of this problem. Also, doing vestibular adaptation exercises under the guidance of a physiotherapist would help in preventing the recurrence. I hope it helps. Please get back if you require any additional information. Best wishes, Chat Doctor. Ly/
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### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: My wife is 59 years old and will be 60 years old in March of this year.She us about 5 2 in height and weighs 70 kilograms (154 pounds)She was previously diagnosed as having a fatty liver.She was prescribed Zocor (simvastatin and/or silymarin) which she takes every other day.Recently, her blood test shows the fact:1) ALT/ GPT Blood - 62 with the range being IU/L 33 2) AST/GOT Blood - 41 with the range being IU/L 32 Query: Should we be concerned that there may be something wrong aside from a fatty liver? Would you recommend more tests I.e. Abdominal ultrasound? Sample of her liver tissue to be taken for biopsy? EtcThank you very much!John ### output:
Hello! I have been through your question. Related your concern I think that you should know that the elevated levels of ALT/AST is moderate, and usually fatty liver is the most common cause of unexplained persistent elevation of liver enzyme levels after hepatitis and other chronic liver diseases have been excluded. The good news is that fatty liver is a reversible condition that can be resolved with changed behaviors and often has no symptoms and typically does not cause permanent damage. But when fatty liver is caused by an underlying condition, it can become harmful to the liver if the cause is not recognized and treated. The most common cause of fatty liver is alcoholism and other common causes obesity, hyperlipidemia, diabetes some medications. You should know that potential causes of liver transaminase elevations include viral hepatitis, alcohol use, medication use, stenosis, and cirrhosis. So what I suggest for your wife in this situation is doing a physical examination by a hepatologist, exclude viral hepatitis (lab test Bag and anti HCV), abdominal ultrasound to see the local situation of your fatty liver and to exclude cirrhosis and lipidograme. Furthermore, a liver biopsy definitively allows excluding alternate causes of elevated liver enzymes, and it is the only method to distinguish (in certainty) non-alcoholic fatty liver from non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, and it provides information on the stage of the disease. But it belongs the hepatologist, based on your data to decide to do or not a liver biopsy because as all invasive procedures exist some risks. I hope my answer help you.
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Mr. Khan, In your history you have mentioned the reports/finding of chest X-ray & CT scan. The condition mentioned here are, mostly reporting fibrosis, Bronchiectasis and volume loss in both lungs. Although as such both these condition i.e. fibrosis & Bronchiectasis are not reversible condition, yet what causes these in your case needs to be evaluated so, that it may be treated, otherwise, sometimes there are possibilities that these conditions may continue to progress causing further lung damage, such as in cases of Interstitial lung diseases. In my practice, If I come across someone with such finding, I try to find out the cause of that condition, by detailed evaluation, examination and investigations, so that if possible the progress of these damage be halted or at least be delayed and what best the patient can expect can be explained to the patient.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Hi there, this is my first time on this site, and find it to be quite informative. However I still have some personal concerns which I would like clarified about my menstruation. Having started my periods at the age of 13, I always seemed to have them at irregular intervals, and on getting consulted I was always told by the doctors to get my weight under control and was also prescribed with Primolut N and Glucophage to bring my periods to a regular pattern (although I have been on the medications on and off based on different doctors suggestions, and my periods continued to be irregular). Now 27 years of age and married, did manage to shed off some weight at the age of 22 which helped to a certain extent as I now have my periods once a month but the interval between periods still varies each time including the flow of periods. Just to give an idea on the frequency (or infrequency for that matter!), for instance:- February 2012: Period started 20th - ended 25th- March 2012: Period started 31st - ended April 6th- May 2012: Period started 19th... likewise its always been hap-hazzard and what also worries me is the flow. During a proper period I have a moderate flow, but its as though if 2 times in a row I have a proper period the following month there will hardly be much bleeding...such that I dont even require a sanitary pad. Would this kind of infrequency, and blood flow affect my chances of conception in the near future? I have had an ultra sound test done, and test results show my uterus to be normal. Is there any cause for concern and should any precautions be taken, as I would like to start considering pregnancy soon? Would really appreciate a feedback on this...thanks. ### output:
Hello, Thank you for asking your question at Chat Doctor. I understand your concern. Long term history of menstrual irregularities can affect the chances of getting pregnant and need to be evaluated. Since you had been prescribed Primula N and gluconate before, I am thinking the first possibility for the irregularities in menstrual cycle as Polycystic ovarian syn Chat Doctor. It can lead to an ovulation/absent ovulation and lead to infertility. Maintaining a healthy weight is very important in treating PCs. There rare also medications available for treating PCs and helping ovulation. Other causes of irregular periods like thyroid disorders, prolactin levels also need to be checked recommend that you consult your doctor for further evaluation and appropriate management Hope I was able to help please feel free to add
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: I have been diagnosed with pernicious anemia. I have been getting weekly injections for 4 weeks now. I am feeling much worse since beginning treatment. My legs are very weak and shakey, headache for several days, foggy brain, skin rash, itching all over. My Dr. Is stumped. I think I am having a reaction to the injections. She referred me to a rheumatologist today. I asked to be referred to an auto immune specialist. Any suggestions.? ### output:
Hi Welcome to ChatDoctorI have gone through your query regarding pernicious anemia and reactions of treatment. Anemia state that occurs when hemoglobin (an iron-protein compound in red blood cells that transports oxygen) is decreased and your body has too few red blood cells. When there are too few red blood cells due to a lack of vitamin B12, the condition is described as pernicious anemia . Dear, one thing I must tell you that most of our health problems are due to faulty lifestyle and unbalanced food habits. Our total health depends on what we eat, when we eat and how we eat . Replacement therapy with adequate amounts of vitamin B12 will correct the deficiency and allow a person to lead a normal life. I would like to suggest you to take Gulping on indiscriminately only medicines or pills will not help cure unless you take care of your lifestyle, food habits and regular exercise yoga and proper rest & sound sleep. Add antioxidants , garlic, ginger, papaya lemon juice, coconut water. Aloe vera juice 25 ml +AMLA juice 2 spoons, bitter gourd juice 25 ml, turmeric powder a level spoon with a cup of hot milk at bedtime, low fat dairy products, tofu to your diet. All have quality to kill bacteria on mass basis and give us resistance Avoid fried, fast foods' tea, coffee, alcohol, smoking, mental stress, worry anxiety and most important is to clear you bowls. As constipation is mother of all ills. Last but not the least for proper blood circulation, regular walk, exercise, yoga pranayam-deep breathing proper rest & sound sleep, helps in detoxifying and strengthening the immune system to enhance resistance from diseases and pave way for healthy strong mind and body with, happy, disease free life. Hope this helps solve your query. Take care All the best Mail at Chat Doctor. Com if any doubt.Don't hesitate to come back for any further query
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: hallo,Am 29yrs old with a height of 166.I have this pain which start in my right lower back,then to my hips and now going down to my legs and to both legs.when i sit the pain is not there at all,when standing the pain is worse and now i cant walk for more than 5 minutes without sitting down not even standing for a while and problem when sleeping or lifting amything.It started 4 months after having my baby then I thought it was epidural and the doctors says no.Some told me I have disk location,vain inflamation ,lumbago which they claim was to go in six month naturally.they just send me to the physiotherapy which just worsen it even more and give me alvedon and diclo which never release any pain .when sent to mri after 18 months they said that it was something that they have never seen before in the whole sweden.then they did all the test including the tb and hiv which were both negative.then they did the punchture on the affected area on the back and they say that it was TB in my lower am on TH medication but walking is still like going to legs get to much numbs ,restless ,weak and so heavy until I have to sit and rest.cant go to stairs or even just a slightly hill.Will I ever get well and be able to walk again normally?.And is it true this thing was never caused but epidural?And can you have pain in the back and not in any other part of the body?because they say i dont have in the chest and that it is TB that i cant spread to any other person. ### output:
Hi, The pain you are experiencing is from that of a pinched nerve. It could be due a number of causes like bulged or herniated disc, wedge compression, vertebral collapse fracture or TB of spine or other cancers. You also mentioned that it was diagnosed to be from TB of spine. Has it been confirmed by a tuberculin skin test or a biopsy of the vertebrae affected? If on taking TB medications, the pain or numbness do not begin to resolve with in 2-3 months then it is most probably not TB spine. Yes it is true that TB spine is nontransmissible unless there is direct exposure to the infected tissue without proper gear. You should first consult with a spine specialist and get the diagnosis confirmed before going ahead with taking medications. Radiological confirmation is not the gold standard. Culture of the tuberculous bacteria is the gold standard test.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Hello, I dont know what is wrong. On Sept 11, 2014 I went to a clinic for what they said was just a cold. But they said something about high blood pressure and prescribed lisinopril. I had a follow up the next week and they said asthma. The Saturday after Christmas I went to another clinic they said pneumonia and prescribed a z-pak. I took it all and the cough seamed to be gone for 1 week then it was back. I went back to the clinic and the prescribed a stronger antibiotic. I finished the 7 day and a week later my cough is not gone. My insurance changed and my co-pay is too much. ### output:
Hello, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to know more about you as follows: a. Your age & sex b. Did you have breathing difficulty for the first time or did you have such episodes in past? c. Do you have any known allergies, nose symptoms, etc.? d. What were all the symptoms during this episode? - nose congestion, fever, running nose, sneezing, cough, wheezing (whistling sounds from chest), breathing difficulty, etc.? e. Do you have any digestive complaints? f. Do you have any other medical conditions? g. Do you have to take any medicines on regular/frequent basis? h. What was the blood pressure when it was measured? What was your previous blood pressure? Above details would help me to know more about you and therefore to make more specific suggestions to you.2. At present, from your given history, it is not possible to decide whether it was an asthmatic episode or pneumonia, why you required antihypertensive Chat Doctor. 3. For patients with first time detected high blood pressure without evident reason, I usually ask them to get the blood pressure measured repeated at least twice in order to confirm that he/she is really hypertensive.4. To decide about asthma or pneumonia, more details are required as asked above.5. It is possible to have cough lasting for a few weeks after recovery from an infection, even after resolution of other symptoms such as fever, breathing difficulty, etc. For such cough, I usually suggest my patients regular warm saline gargles and avoidance of exposure to dusts, smokes and air pollution as much as possible. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you a quick recovery and the best of the health ahead. Thank you & Regards.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Hi Doc, I am a 25 years old male who lives in Hyderabad, India. I m allergic to Dust, Pollution and Cigarette Smoke . My nose gets blocked when i m exposed to them. I have taken treatment in past which gave me a little relief. Now recently since 20 days, my nose is getting blocked. But i m not exposed to dust. My mother suggested that it might be because my body is getting heated from inside due to sudden climatic change in India (Winter to Summer) because i also got painful and half a centimeter wide pimples on my head and face. Is my Mother right? If yes, then what is the solution. And can taking Whey Protein Isolate heat my body up even more? I actually stopped working out and taking protein supplement since 30 days. Is it OK if i start it now? ### output:
Hi, you seem to have dust or pollen allergy, if your allergy is during a few months of the year that is may to August then its mostly pollen allergy if full year then it is mostly dust. There is nothing you can do about smoke other than physical protection by using face mask etc. Coming to treatment part of allergy it has to be done in step wise manner first if your symptoms is for few months a year like 2-3 months then you start an antihistamine which you have to take daily at night. If your symptoms still persist then your start using steroid nasal spray, it has no side effect, and it controls the allergy very well, and you should start 2 weeks before your symptoms start. If this also does not cure you. Then get yourself tested for allergy, it is called skin prick test you will know what you are allergic to, then if possible you can avoid the allergen, or you can start treatment called immunotherapy. This is currently the best treatment available and your symptoms will easily reduce by 80-90 percent kindly visit you rent specialist he will guide you further and immunologist he will do skin prick test and immunotherapy coming to your pimple part, you mostly have acne vulgarism, but it could be something else also, It's tough to tell without looking at the lesion. You will have to go to dermatologist for the acne, it can be cured with right medication. There is nothing called increased body heat due to sudden change in temperature we become more susceptible to infection, so we can fall sick. Regarding that whey protein supplement, you can take it if you're taking the correct amount, and also you can start you work out any time, just start it gradually. Thank you Chat Doctor.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Hi, I have had asthma for quite a long time and treat it with salbutamol, salmeterol and beclomese something or other. I am male, 24 and a smoker. I also have rhinitis For the past week I have had all the symptoms of a cold; blocked nose, tight chest and headache. Today my symptoms changed a lot, my asthma was bad and have used my inhaler a lot. I feel very light headed. My hands feel numb, every now and the I get a sharp pain in my chest(several areas both left and right) I have a strong global wheeze and I occasionally get a weird feeling in my left collarbone, it feels like a heartbeat.What can I do? ### output:
Hello, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. I usually treat my such patients with regular montelukast+levocetirizine and regular inhaled corticosteroids for at least 6 weeks as your asthma is at present not well controlled.2. Furthermore, I would also suggest you allergy testing as it will help you identify the substances you may be allergic to and also to know the measures to avoid them.3. Based on allergy testing, an Allergist-Immunologist may prescribe you allergen specific immunotherapy which gradually works on immune system to improve allergy symptoms over long time.4. Regular steam inhalation and adequate fluids, preferably warm, during day will also help early recovery.5. Feeling heartbeats, etc. could be due to side effects from albuterol as well as albuterol. Chest pain, etc. could be due to gastritis or some other cause. Please consult your doctor regarding these symptoms.6. I strongly recommend you to quit smoking as smoking has very bad effects on asthma & rhinitis. It can also reduce effectiveness of some Chat Doctor. From my side, it is the most important step towards long term improvement in asthma & rhinitis. I would highly suggest you to seek a professional help for the same.7. In general, please avoid exposure to dusts, smokes and air pollution as much as possible.8. Regular breathing exercises and a healthy diet rich in vitamins & minerals will also help you in a long run by improving lung capacity and immunity. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health ahead. Thank you & Regards.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Do I have ADD or am I just lazy? ? ? i really do try to do my work at school,but once i try reading the question or the first paragraph of what im supposed to be reading, i lose focus in it...i have to read it really slowly like 5 to ten times to really get it sometimes, especially if it s something im unintersested in it(i mean even if you arent interseted in it, you d at least read it and try to answer it you know?), i can barely get to the point im trying to make in class i cant keep still in my chair,im always shaking my legs an moving around,(kinda like that restless feeling you have sometimes with your arms or legs when your trying to sleep) i know this is normal but i get distracted by little things an i gets me like so mad! like im tring to answer a question but the smallest scratch in the desk gets my attention or like the teachers talking an i really am trying to listen cuz my grade is low but my mind goes blank and wonders off in my head an i make up a conversation then i remember the teachers talking then i listen again...i know this is soooo long but,i dunno...i just need to know what wrong so i can get my grades up before school ends... (dont wanna be a repeat! Dx) if im just lazy, what can i do too help not be it s not just at school, it s at home too,like i cant do one thing like clean something,i just do something try to get back to it whenever i dont feel so stressed out about it...thx... ### output:
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. From the given description, I do not think you have Added. You are supposed to refer to concentration and attention as two. Attention span for any adult is maximum 30 minutes. Sometimes, a person can be attentive to an interesting thing for more than 30 minutes, such as movies or games. Concentration is attention plus understanding. For this too, span OS below 30 minutes. If you are able to make your studies interesting and based on variable principle, your concentration level can be increased. It is also possible to improve your concentration level with the help of yoga, meditation and breathing exercises. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Okay, i am 18 and i am in 12th grade, i ha testicle torsion surgery in 9th grade, it was all normal afterwards except a little discomfort but i could deal with it, but in the spring of this year i got many tippers and i got hit pretty hard 3 times, after the third hit it started to be more uncomfortable and a little pain for under an hour every now and ten, but they became monthly 3 months ago, now fast forward a bit to 2-3 weeks ago. I was masturbating harder than normal and it felt like i pulled something, twice in the same spot, after that happened i got very very nausoius and dizzy, i had pain for an hour, i went to my doc who did my surgery and he did an exam, he said everything was alright as in no cyst and it didnt twist and no cancer, i forgot to tell him i was masturbating but he said i probs pinched it or something. It has been more uncomfortable ever since that happened, like almost everyday its uncomfortable, i masturbate 3-4 times a day usually and still do, they seem to swell up a little then go back down sort of, or they just get bigger for a little bit and then go back down, but something that is troubling me is that my skin around my testicles are cold, like usually i dont feel them being cold but they are now all of a sudden, and the same thing with the tip of my penis, ik that its normal if they are a little colder but idk, and ik that te left testicle is usually bigger but my right one is bigger, the same side where i think i pulled something, my questions are these:1. I masturbated 3 days after my torsion surgery, nothin to hard but idk, could that affect it?2. Is it inflammed?3. If so what should i do4. What are the signs of inflammation5. Should i get an ultrasound?Please help and ease my mind haha, i have high anxiety so you can tell why i am worrying so much. ### output:
Hi I do not think masturbating causes this kind of feeling after surgery. Signs of inflammation can be swelling .pain erythema and increase in local temperature. But inflammation cannot be for so long after surgery even then use antibiotic twice daily and anti-inflammatory agent twice daily can decrease the inflammation if present. Yes ultrasound can be done to see for any changes in the passage of sperms.I think simple neurons plus daily once can cure the condition
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: I have had my tubes tied for a yr and 3 most but today I have been having servere abdominal pain that goes to my back and puts me into tears and lots of cramping and got sick outta no where and had my period a few days ago and now I m having g light pink spotting. What should I do I need answers and idk if I am possibly pregnant. Plz help me ### output:
Hello, and I hope I can help you today.First, if you were sterilized, there is no reason to suspect that any symptoms you may be experiencing are caused by pregnancy. Fewer than one in 10,000 women will get pregnant after tubal ligation in their lifetime. The most common sign of pregnancy is missing your menstrual period. If you got your period on time, and it was normal for you, there is no reason to suspect that you are pregnant. Pregnancy symptoms vary widely between women, and many of the symptoms that we commonly associate with pregnancy like bloating, breast tenderness, spotting, mood changes, and nausea can be caused by hormonal fluctuations as well as pregnancy. However, in women who do get pregnant after having a tubal ligation, there is a high risk of the pregnancy actually occurring within the fallopian tube, called an ectopic pregnancy. If you do find out that you are pregnant after tubal ligation, it is important to seek medical care right away, as an ectopic pregnancy can be an emergency requiring surgery for treatment. Having severe abdominal pain is not normal even if you are not pregnant. For example, appendicitis can cause severe abdominal pain and nausea and kidney infections can also cause abdominal and back pain. Any woman can have spotting when the body is under stress from other illnesses. I do recommend that in your situation that you should seek medical care urgently for an evaluation. Even though it is unlikely, performing a pregnancy test may be a good idea because if you are pregnant, you should be seen in an emergency room to make sure that your symptoms are not caused by an ectopic pregnancy. It may be prudent for you to go to an emergency room anyway, as other severe illnesses that require hospitalization, such as appendicitis and kidney infections can also be causing symptoms such as yours. I hope that I was able to adequately answer your question today, and I hope you seek medical care promptly and get an accurate diagnosis of your symptoms. Best wishes,
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: what does calcified granuloma lesion in right region m.s 3x4mm in brain mean?? does it effect ??do it has any problems in d future ???my mother is 47 years old and doctors said it has been there since 10 years....any medicine or operation required ...plz suggest me doctor..... ### output:
Hi, welcome to our site. I am Chat Doctor, MD. Read your query. That is a very significant question and I appreciate your problem. I will try my best to answer your query granuloma is where an infection may have happened once, as your doctor said, in the last 10 years or before. This infection could have been anything like a tuberculosis to maybe some minor lesion. Now the body fights infections on its own. So the infection may have never come to the surface. But the body must have fought off the infection. However, some damage may have been left back. Now the body usually responds by depositing calcium in such spots- whether in brain, or in any other body part. This deposition occurs over a long period of time-hence we say maybe the infection occurred 10 years back. The lesion in itself is inactive. The problem however is that it is in brain. So if the lesion is calcified in brain, especially in cortex, it makes her prone to seizures. The brain works on electrical signals. The calcific spot forms a lesion that changes this electrical field and makes it abnormal. This abnormal electrical field may be going on, and may be under control. But with right set of conditions, a seizure can develop-This set of conditions can include-a lack of sleep excess coffee/tea staring at blinking lights too long too long television gazing etc Brain surgery should be avoided as far as possible. However, you can discuss with the doctor the need of prophylactic antiepileptic Chat Doctor. Personally, I would avoid them till at least the first seizure episode. Before that just avoid the triggers. Testing a Manitou test, ESR, TB Quantifier gold test may help. I hope this helps you. Inform the reports mentioned above/if any other, so I can be of help further. I have given you the answer to the maximum considering the information provided. The results of the tests could further enhance my answer to you. Please do understand that some details could be extracted from a detailed history and examination. Please feel free to ask another query. I would be glad to help you. Looking forward to your return query with the details asked so that I can help you further. (If the answer has helped you, please indicate this)Best of luck.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: I was recently placed on Depakote for treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder (which i now know was the wrong medicine for the disorder). I gained weight and told the doctor to take me off of it. Instead, he upped the dose to 2000mg per day. I began having symptoms of vomiting, shakiness, sweating, and discomfort (pain) in my kidneys. After three days of this dose I decided to see a medical doctor . I was told that my liver enzymes were very high, and that I needed to stop taking the Depakote. How long will it take to get my liver back to normal ? Also, can I sue the doctor who put me on Depakote for malpractice ? The medical doctor didn t agree with me being on that medication for my disorder. ### output:
Dear Friend, I am sorry to hear about the unfortunate situation you were in because of Separate related liver problems. Separate is licensed to be used as a mood stabilizer (mostly for patients suffering with mood disorders such as Bipolar affective disorder). However, a lot of practitioners do use this medicine in other disorders where there are mood swings or alterations. One such disorder is Borderline Personality disorder. Your first doctor was not wrong in prescribing this medicine as there are ample of research evidence to support its use BUT he was wrong in not discussing this with you beforehand - esp. because some insurance companies or medicare may not agree to pay for the prescription for off-license use - thus putting you at a risk of financial hardship. The elevated liver enzymes are a known side-effect of Separate as it is metabolized by liver. Most prescribers do (& should) warn the patient about it and also do regular tests to look for same. They should also warn the patient against use of alcohol & other hepato-toxic medications - which again can put stress on pts liver. If your doctor continued to prescribe and increase the dose of separate when you were clearly having side effects plus had lab reports to show evidence of raised liver enzymes - he/she was clearly wrong. I must say that case however against the doctor (if you plan to sue him/her) will be weak unless until you can show that there was evidence of raised liver enzymes but the prescription of separate was kept same or dose increased. With regard to Borderline personality disorder - I will recommend that you engage with a psychotherapist or psychiatrist with experience in DBT (Dialectical behavior therapy). Good luck Chat Doctor.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: My mom at 56 years (4ft 12 inch, normal bp, no sugar, no cholestrol issues), obese around 65 Kg has been recently diagnosed via an echo cardiogram to have an 15mm ASD. I also noticed that the report mentions the following (mild tricuspid regurgitation & mild pulmonary hyper tension)Are these side effects of ASD? or was the ASD caused by these? Also, her echo cardiogram taken an year ago didnt show the ASD problem.2 -D AND DOP P L ER F INDINGSRh y t hm : S i n u s Rh Y t hmMitial valve, tricuspid valve, aortic valve and pulmonic valve normalTrivial mitral and mild tricuspid valve regurgitation.Lefr ventricle: Normal systolic function, no RWMA, Diastolic dysfunctionLeft atrium is normal. Right ventricle and right atrium is dilated.I A S :Os t i um s e c o n d um A SD me a s u r i n g 1 5mm wi t h L -R s h u n t .Intact inter ventricular sePtum.No LV/LA masses, vegetations or thrombus.Main pulmonary artery and aorta normal.No pericardial thickening and/or effusion.ECHO DI AGNOS I SCONGENI T A L HE ART DI S E A S EOstium secondum ASD measuring 15mm with L-R shuntMild pulmonary arterial hypertension Normal biventricular systolic functionLV diastolic dysfunction ### output:
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Hi, I a 32 year old female, a mother of 2. All my life I have known I have hip problems. I have congenital hip dysplasia. Had many surgeries before I turned 2, and during one of those surgeries, the Docor broke my knee as well. So, I have a hip problem, a knee problem and a spine problem. I was always told running was a big NO NO for me, and it was true, I can t run to save my life, walking for any amount of distance is a huge struggle. A simple trip to the grocery store will have me in bed or a few days. I can t really do what everyone does to stay healthy, I can t go for walks, I can t jog at the park, and I can t just run my stress away. So other than my hip problem, I am under 5 ft. tall, 4 11. So, I was very surprised to find out that after getting off an elliptical machine, my pain had diminished significantly. I was able to move around more that day, I accomplished so much more than I had been able to in recent weeks. Yes, I was still feeling the discomfort of my hip joints running against each other, but it was just that discomfort the pain I normally felt was almost gone for about half the day. Now, my question is, should I let my husband buy me the machine I used for only a few minutes, and made my day so much better than the past several weeks? It s an expensive machine, and we are not made out of money, so if my husband is determined to work an extra job just to buy me this machine, I want to know that it s okay for me to use it. Please help! ### output:
Hello, In hip dysplasia even after multiple surgeries there are chances of arthritis, which can be prolonged but not avoided. Now in your case due to inactivity I.e. you are not using your muscles to full extent due to avoidance of running or jogging has lead to painful muscle spasm which was relieved when you used the elliptical machine. Now you need to understand that this machine is doing the job of walking and running for you in a way strengthening your lower limb muscles. So, this can be done with weights training, physiotherapy, activities like swimming and yoga. To summarizeStrengthening of following muscles will help you provided you should not over exert your joint. Hip flexors, Extensors,rotators, abductors and adductorsKnee flexors and ExtensorsBack Extensors and lateral rotatorsabdominal muscles Hope this helps you thank you
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: I am now pregnant with 4 months. Please suggest me whether the diet which i am following is correct or should i need to eat more: early morning: Apple milkshake without sugar - 1 big glass morning: Breakfast: 2 chappathis with vegetable sabji 11 or 11:30am: 1 fruit either banana/gauva/orange 1:30pm: 2 chappathis with vegetable sabji, one egg, one glass of butter milk. sometimes rice 3pm: 1 fruit 4:30pm: one dosa with chatni 6:30pm: one small glass of milk without sugar 8:30pm to 9:30pm: Dinner: 1 chappathis with rice, sambar OR rice with sambar 10pm: one small glass of milk. Sunday: meat/mince meat/chicken ### output:
Hallow Dear, Prima face the diet you are taking seems to be fairly balanced diet for pregnancy. However, I see that you are not consuming sufficient quantity of pulses and legumes. Please try to include them in your diet. Though dose provides some DAL like Brad, it is very small quantity that you are eating. Please increase the quantity of samba in your diet; and let it be a thick samba with plenty of dals. For good quality proteins, include Thalipeeth of combined pulses. You should have the variety of pulses and legumes in the diet to provide all the essential amino acids required by the body. Inclusion of varied bean sprouts will provide you good, predigested high quality proteins. Also, please include more fruits in your diet. Apple is not that nutritious fruit; it contains more minerals and water. Banana is a very good fruit. Chico and guava also are good nutritious fruits. Citrus fruits will provide you minerals and vitamin C. Please have the variety of fruits in the diet. I am not clear which vegetables you are eating. Along with fruit vegetables, you should have plenty of fresh green leafy vegetables for vitamins and minerals. Moreover, fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables will prevent constipation which is so very common during pregnancy. During whole day, have at least 500 ml of milk in divided servings. One large glassful of milk in the morning and one at bedtime should serve this purpose. In general, follow the principle:High proteinsModerate Carboy Chat Doctor. For any more guidance, you may ask me Direct question.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: i have a very low heart rate of 44 to 42 bpm.for last six months i am being treated for iron deficiency anemia . i have been working out regularly for last 3 years for 1 hour daily morn n eve, aerobics and step late when my heart rate drops below 45 i have sudden fatigue ,body seema tired whole day head remains heavy. ### output:
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Hi there, I am concerned about my 20 month little girl. She has had swollen temples for months now and don t know if it s just fat pouches or something more? They seem to be gradually getting bigger and sit just below the temples. Also for quite some time the tops of her eyes are puffer and sometimes look as if a little bruised. She has a condition that is similar to hydro nephrons. Her situation is a little different as they can not find any obstruction or tightening of tubes or kidney issues etc... But kidneys and tubes remain swollen. Could the face swelling be connected. Los she had a slightly lazy eye when little and remained ever so slightly now. When she was smaller she went through a whole heap of changes that scared me many times she had wired head twitches that continued for months. Tilted head to one side and still des that occasionally. Her ears Keats bothered her and till this day seem too. She will get my finger and push it in her ears as if to say its hurting or bothering me. Another thing that is unusual with her eyes is that you have the coloured part of eye and then the white, with hers you have the coloured part, then a really intensified solid white, then a section of grayish white. I personally always thought there was something wrong with her eyes and ears and all docs have said nothing wrong. My gut Keri s telling me there is something and I don t wantvt find out later that I could have done so etching about it had it been diagnosed! I m going out of my mind with all these things kidneys being the more serious thing but I have horrible thought of brain rumors etc... She had very bad plagiocephaly when she was younger but slowly got corrected. This affected the face just a little and wonder could that have done something on the inside to disturb the ear canals etc or eyes tat she has puffiness with what looks like bruising in the end corners and in. ### output:
Hi, iam trying to put things together for you.Let's start with the plagiocephaly, that's a big word, but it means face is asymmetrical and all symptoms that you describe of head tilt and lazy eye and ear infections all point to a condition described as ocular plagiocephaly with tortillas. They have the head tilted to one side and the nose canals are not equal. Her kidneys with HY Chat Doctor. If the water from the body is not passed out. She needs evaluation by three specialists nephrologist, ENT and plastic surgeon and ophthalmologist.Finally, it may be part of a syn
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Hello doctors ,First of all thank you for your help and services that you provide for those who need it ,, respect.i`m a 21 years old male i`m an over mastrubator , i mastrubate once or even twice a dayusually during the process and when i cum i hold my penis hard preventing the semin to get out so i can empty it on the bathroom .that`s the condition and the filthy habit ,,about the symptoms i`m experiencing the following :- acne- thin and incomplete facial hair- Difficulty at gaining weigh and muscle mass no matter what i eat or exercise - oversleeping during day time perhaps 10-12 hours and waking up during the night - i`ll not say fatigue . laziness is a more correct word- sometimes leaking penis of some transparent fluid before visualizing and semin after cuming - dark spots around the eyes- depression most of the timemy question is what`s the proper steps and solutions to deal with the problem ?!and what should i do medically and on health levels to treat the symptoms that i mentioned such as thin incomplete facial hair - acne - difficulty at weigh gain and putting on muscle mass .. extra ?!i`m so sorry for bothering you and that you have to read thisplease excuse my English .. ### output:
Hi ! Good morning. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. Even though masturbation is a normal physiological process in adults, over indulgence in this may affect your vitality, and you may feel tired due to this over indulgence. However, there is no such pathological sequence to masturbation as such. Hair growth and mustaches etc. are usually liked to the genetic makeup of a person. There is not much medically one can do to grow more hair. However, you can consult a dermatologist for this. Similarly, if you are active enough, then there is no worry for not having muscle mass. Health is measured by how active a person is and not by his muscle mass or fat. On your sleeping habits, you have to modify your lifestyle habits. You should not sleep in the daytime and keep your self engaged in some work or studies or in some outdoor activities. If you do this, automatically you will be getting good sleep in the night. You have to develop habit of changing your lifestyle, and it depends on your strong determination and not on any medications. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in solving this problem. Thanks for using the Chat Doctor forum for your health query. Wishing you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: in 2005 I had a hystroactomy that is when I got this pain that was so painful . I was still in hospital and no one believed me. I got out of hospital. well I could write a book. no doctors believed me went to many doctors and two hospitals they all said it was in my head. to me all I knew was I was in so much pain I was dying and well I went to rio grand hospital and they believe I was in pain and nothing was working. well it does not show up in my blood but they did a mri and they said I had cancer my pancrase was very very large all I knew I was in pain and thank god they believed me. they said I had 6 or so months to live. well I have been to so my doctors I am still alive and in so much pain. about almost two yrs ago I had a morfin pain pump put in and I hate it cause very so many weeks or so I get the pain so high again and I get so sick nusia and throw up all I have go in cause I am dihidered need iv and doctor up the morphln . I dont have a live. it harts to talk. and I cant do much with this pain I cant think. I dont know what to do any more. sorry about the spelling if you can help me. I think doctor did something wrong when he did the hystroacomy cause he was so unkind when I said I had this pain he got mad u dont know how ugly he was to me a nurse said he throw away my medical records and made an other one so I dont know . at the time I just wanted my pain to go away.i never went back to him. I am in so much pain its been eight yrs what do I do???????? oh they say what I have is cronic pancreatitis , low white count cells. high liver emz, my feet and legs swell up bad. bad gland and eight things in my tyroids that I cant get bioci need gland out first, and other things I didnt have. now I have every doctor and no money and It harts to eat. ### output:
Hi, sorry to know about your history, anyhow there won't be any relation between the hysterectomy, and pancreatitis. And you have so many problems, probably they are diagnosed in finding the cause of pain, but not actually felt of the problem. I to my patient with such pain prescribe omeprazole, risperidone, dicyclomine HY Chat Doctor. Practice diversion procedures like yoga, meditation, reading books and hearing music. Thank you.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: About three weeks ago, my calf was swollen, red, and itchy after a 7 hour car ride from SF to LA. I also noticed there was a lump/bump beneath my skin at the location of the swelling and a noticeable warmth at the site. I waited a couple of days to see if the swelling would go away but when my condition stayed the same, I went to an urgent care center. They ruled out DVT based on my symptoms and they suggested it was an infection of some sort and prescribed me an antibiotic, which I never took. I wasn t 100% confident with their prognosis since there was no open wound/bite mark of any sort and the itch felt like it was beneath the skin and not topical as scratching did not alleviate the discomfort. Over the next few days, my lower leg became increasingly swollen and the bump moved to my inner calf/leg. When I noticed my ankle started to swell, I went to the ER to get an ultrasound and it too came back negative for DVT. Long story short, over the next two weeks, the lump/bump, which is now more of a mass the size of a child s fist, has migrated. What started as swelling from my lower calf has migrated to my inner calf, up to my knee, up to inner thigh, front of the thigh, and now, at the three week mark, it is on my hip. The mass is still warm to the touch, itchy, and has also left slight bruising and small residual bumps along it s path. I have been to my family doctor twice since going to the ER and he has no idea what it is or what could have caused it. He has referred me to a rheumatologist and am now waiting for my HMO insurance to approve it before I can see her. I have been stressing about this for weeks without any answers. Please help! ### output:
Hi. The first mistake you did was NO TO TAKE antibiotics. This can be due to inflammation of the lymphatic channels = Lymphangitis. Or multiple abscess with skip areas or Thrombophebitis. This does not occur in DVT. If sonography is showing a collection of pus, you need to get it operated / Chat Doctor. If no pus, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medicines for a longer duration of time/ elevation of the limb above heart level. Fine needle aspiration to see the aspirate and subject to analysis, culture and sensitivity. I hope you are not a diabetic.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: hi my name is Tosha i am 18 i had a very bad car wreck almost 2 years ago it broke my back in 2places and my neck.recently got married and i have ben trying to get pregant for almost 6months and not haveng any luck.could this have something to do with my wreck ### output:
Hello Mrs OSHA...I guess your concern is whether that accident is hindering u from becoming not pregnant....I got it.well dear my straight forward answer is -NO ...NOT AT ALL.....let's discuss pregnancy part n accident part one by one....pregnancy.well dear try to focus on term FERTILE PERIOD, it starts from 10th -16 day of menses ovulation ovum meets sperm n women booms Tate y it is called fertile having more episodes of sex during this golden period chances of pregnancy will be doubled...but u haven't shared info about your menses.....whether its happening regularly or not????if not don't worry ....every problem has a solution in this 21st accident thing...u told u got operated at 2 places of your back n neck region...usually Jen women become pregnant baby grows in the womb of mother...Jen baby starts growing slowly the belly of mother swells forward n to withstand the weight of baby mothers spine's called lordosis......this natures natural process.....but in your case as u have been operated at back region...Jun to have a safe pregnancy consult your doctor who operated on u to know the pro n cos of become pregnant on spine and discuss lordosis(Jun to throw light on was your trying to convey to surgeon)well with this small discussion try out my suggestions:-1.try to visit your surgeon who operated on u....or u can also visit a nearby neurosurgeon to discuss this n get green signal.2.try to do more episodes of sex in fertile period(scientific mean told ABV)for next 4-5 this hopefully u get results...3.visit nearby gynecologist if u don't get results in 5 months or if you have problems related to menses.I hope this was informative enough, helpful n useful for your query.regards: Chat Doctor. .not tensionfull mind....u in past u had that has doubled your tension...I can understand your psychology....I pray god u get blessed with baby as fast as possible hopefully, TWINS!!!!!!)
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: hi,i am 21 years old male and a medical student. 7 months ago i developed gynecomastia. initially it was unilateral but now it is bilateral. i have palpated it, its glandular. my height is 5,10 and weight is 80kg.i have lumps in my scrotum for 5 years, which are not tender. is my gynecomastia due to obesity (i have gained 7 kgs in last 2 years)?? or it is due to scrotal lumps?? please. ### output:
HI, Dear,Welcome to Chat Doctor. Based on the facts and data of your query, You seem to be having complex hormonal imbalances, the cause of which could be in the scrotal lumps, as the lumps are for 5 yrs and are painless. Being at 21 yr-a younger and active age group, possibility of Seminoles need to be ruled out by CXR and by Scrotal Doppler Studies. Painless lumps lead to the possibility of Varicocele as TH cause of Scrotal Lumps. In this scenario, as there are no chest complaints and as Gynecomastia followed after 5 yrs of bilateral scrotal swellings, a slow process of testicular damage, leads the cause to Bilateral Varicocele with Gynecomastia lately in last 6-7 myths time, which was unilateral and later involving other testes also. Dopplere study of the Scrotal swellings would fix the Varicocele, as its cause. Early age of the Gynecomastia with bilateral tumors indicates more of Bilateral Varicocele, as Seminoles occur in 30-40 yrs mostly. Get checked from Surgeon, who could grade it by Valhalla maneuver. Besides this hypothyroidism with high TSH levels/Low testosterone with high LH levels/ High prolactinemia would indicate SOL of the Sell Turkic, mostly of Prolactin, would need to be ruled out before the Gynecomastia is evaluated for the Scrotal lumps. In the above scenario, you need to be very cautious and take the needful treatments for the varied unknown health issues you may have, which requires thorough evaluation of your case. Hope this reply would help you to resolve your sever anxiety. Welcome for any further query in this regard Will appreciate writing your feedback review comments, to help the needy patients like you at Chat Doctor. Good Day!! Chat Doctor. S. Genl-CVTS
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: I am having left back pain and it travels around to my abdomen for about 4days. It feels really warm most times my abdomen. The pain also shoots down my legs or up to my neck. Then my head starts shaking involuntarily. I am so confused as what to do. Please help ### output:
Hi welcome to ChatDoctorI have gone through your query regarding shooting pain from back to abdomen and to legs and can understand your concern. Dear, feeling of pains anywhere in the body is very common, and every one experiences pain at one time or the other due to some reason. Sudden onset of back to abdomen or to leg pain is commonly associated with your digestion system, the gastrointestinal tract from a gastric or duodenal ulcer, or a foreign body or chronic inflammatory processes, and large bowel obstruction. Gas formation is the prominent symptom bothering anywhere from head to toe. Often, musical back pain is due to either deconditioning (lack of strength) or overuse injuries. Muscle strains, sports injuries, auto accidents, or other injuries can all result in pain from muscular irritation. Low immunity due to lack of activity, lack of essential nutrients & hydration and faulty lifestyle are some basic causes for your sufferings. A correct diagnosis of back pain and stomach requires diagnostic tests (such as an MRI scan) and correlation with physical symptoms are required to determine the extent of the problem and develop a treatment plan. Getting Inclusion of balanced diet with essential nutrients and antioxidants in natural form, plenty of fiber, raw ginger, garlic, calcium and vitamin C, D, a spoon of Turmeric powder and 35 ml of Aloe Vera help boost your immune system which may help prevent some health problem which can lead to compression fractures and back pain. Regular walk, stretching exercise-from head to toe when you are not in pain, yoga, Panama, deep breathing, meditation. All help alley pains and give resistance to body from diseases and gradually help alley pains, will gain health. Avoidance of fried, fast foods, tea coffee, alcohol, smoking over exertion, sleeplessness dehydration, all further help cure. Take 2-4 doses of Homeopathic ColcChatDoctor 30 / half-hourly to alley pains Hope this helps solves your query. Take care, All the best. Wish Get well soon.Don't hesitate to get back TF have any further query.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Hi...i am 62 ,180 pounds and 25 yrs old,I dislocated hand a few years, thats basically the only history I have..... i was laying down with my head resting on a something in my room, and now their is a lump on the back of my head on the right side, its been their for almost two weeks now and it hurts alot when I touch it and if I should hold my head down for a short period of time and then hold it up straight I would have a strong pain rushing in that area where the lump is and it would go down the back of my head, down to my neck, even when I lay down and the get up to a standing position I would feel this tension where the lump is and it feels like I am getting a headache.... Could u please tell me what this can be, thank u. ### output:
HI, Dear, Thanks for the query from you for your lump on the back of the head.1-I feel concerned that you are serious to know why this head lump has occurred, and why rushing pain occurs when your lay down or raise from lying down positions?2-In my opinion this head lump is worrisome as it has occurred in last 2 weeks with surging / rushing pain when you rise up or lie down along with headache.2-a-In my opinion it appears to be an infected -hematoma/ or Chronic Sub-scalp hematoma with chronic subdued abscess, on the back of the caused due to the head hurting on some hard/sharp object and got infected over a time of 2 was.2-b-The surge in pain while rising up or laying down is due to the changing blood flow dynamics in the infected hematoma-or Chronic Abscess-sub-scalp, which started while resting in your room.4-The headache at the site of the head-lump with localized tension in the lump, indicates the infective-pathology in the head lump -developed over 2 was time.5-Hence I would advise a second opinion from a general Surgeon who would do -CBC, X-Skull. This would give lead on your worry which you expressed about head lump. 5-a-A Chat Doctor. 6-Hence I would advise ER general Surgeons opinion. Hope this would resolve the causative worry of the patient in question 7. If treated on this line, the fearing patient, should not worry you much.8-Hope this would solve your worry of the lump on the rt side of the back of the head.9-Wellcome to Chat Doctor for any more query.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Hi Doctor, My Wife is Tubercular Meningitis and she was treated 10 days from 15.11.2013 to 25.11.2013 in hospital including 2 day ICU due loss of control etc.In CSF test showed sugar 19mg/dl, Protein- 132 mg/dl, WBC count 40/cumm, N-65%,L-35% consitent with bacterial meningitis seen .CSF grew staph. aureus. CT head shows Normal Scan.MRI brain contrast shows focal area of cerebrities involving Left basal ganglia and temporal lobe region with diffuse meningitis.Multiple Ring enhancing lesion in both cerebral and cerebella hemisphere are likely tuberculous. She was on AKT 4 with Levoflox 750 & Benadon 20 mg medication from last 3 months including Wysolane 30 mg for 2 months. But from this month(19 Febraury ,2014) the doctor changed the medication from AKT 4 to R-Cinex 600/300 ,PZA,Benadone. . From last few days she is feeling lack of movement in both the legs including all joint pain with itching.Kindly suggest ### output:
Hi, Thanks for your question. I do understand your pain and discomfort. I have seen many cases with similar complaints. Please find my advice below-:1)As per your report it is meningitis but not mentioned it is tubercular.2)Do a CSF culture and in culture it will be clarified that whether it is viral, fungal or Bacterial in origin if Bacterial then which Bacteria?3)check following signs and symptoms of meningitis -:high fever, severe headache, stiff neck, vomiting and nausea, confusion, seizures,sleepiness or difficulty waking up, sensitivity to light, lack of interest in eating, skin rash etc. remember that all symptoms are not present to all patients.4)besides infection meningitis can also occur in Chat Doctor. 5) The best antimicrobial agents in the treatment of Tubercular meningitis include isoniazid (INH), vitamin (RIF), pyrazinamide (PA), and streptomycin (SM), all of which enter cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) readily in the presence of meningeal inflammation. These are first line
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: hello, i am only 13, my height is around 158cm and i recently had a sinus infection which has nothing to do with my problem . ( i am also allergic to cats and seafood - except for fish ) but my problem is, i think im going through a depression. i know i sound like an emo but to be honest with you, i have though how committing suicide and the reason to this is i am going through a lot. I had a friend blackmailing me not long and i cried every day for a week. and ive been having arguments with my mom every week which has cause me to literally wanting punch her so badly ever since. you can t imagine things that she would say to me. she would swear at me like im some kind of beast and i know she loves me but she gets pissed off so easily. and it drives me crazy. i also think that my family has some anger issues after seeing how mad people in my family get ( including me ) but just need your advice to tell me what to do in times like this. and im still not talking to my mom. and im glad im not. because despite her good mother advice, she can t help to shout at me about everything i say. and she never appreciate anything i do, she would ignore me all the time to be honest. she doesn t even talk to me. i hate her. i do. and i was planning on moving with my brother ( in an other country ) so i can have my own freaking freedom for once. but AGAIN, she starts going around and telling people how its a wrong decision and how i am making a fool of myself. she never realize the good things i do and always mentioning how bad i am all the time. please help me before i do something bad. ### output:
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. I sincerely suggest that you are victim of your own negative thinking. You cannot term your current state of mind as clinical depression. Rather, this is just disappointment. Disappointment which arises out of unforeseen life events do bring such symptoms like sadness, irritation, anger, lethargy, lack of interest, lack of appetite etc. Please understand this fact and make sure to introspect. Find the reason for your disappointment and consult a psychologist if need be. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: My guy has hx of hypertension and is on 10mg of altace once a day. His diastolic is always high. He atw a Shrawma (Indian food) and his b/p went to 167/107 and a high pulse. The systemic came down to 135/98 pulse at 91 the next day by noon. He said he drank a lot of water and voided all night, but had a headache most of the night. I am concerned regarding the high diastolic and do not understand why it stayed so high and still is and how dangerous is this and how does it affect the heart and danger there...Also next time it happens what should he do. I suggested he shoud be on ASA 81 mg daily and should take a 325 mg ASA and eat/drink a food that is a direurtic. Also why is potassium so VIP for him to take and should he be on tablets..Sherre ### output:
Hi dear, Diastolic hypertension is an undesirable elevation of the lowest of the two blood pressure numbers. The desirable level of diastolic is about 80 mm Hg. Any rise above that number is associated with an increase in adverse events. Trails done says that;Every 10 mm rise in diastolic pressure causes a doubling of incidence of adverse events such as heart attack, stroke, kidney failure and heart failure. When the heart beats it pushes blood out into the very large blood vessels. These vessels are elastic and take up some force by expanding. Then while the heart rests between beats the large vessels contract towards their normal size thus continuing to push blood around the body. This pressure in vessel during relaxation is called diastolic BP. As age progresses fat starts to accumulate in arteries, and they lose their elasticity hence does not relax properly causing an elevated diastolic pressure. Increased diastolic pressure can not be alone treated with medicines, severe lifestyle modification is required 45 minute of strenuous exercise should be done low salt food must be taken avoid fatty and oily food30 minutes of brisk walk dailyecosprin 75 mg can be taken daily prevents future cardiac risk a serum lipid PFL should be donate will take at least 3 months to notice any change he is on high dose of April which causes hypokalemia hence he should take potassium supplements like banana coconut water dailydont use diuretics now first try was I advised for 3 months
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: hello dr i am 32yr old guy and had suffered from cortical venous thrombosis and the doctor after dischraging me from the hospital gave me medicines like tab epiliv 500 mg ;tab frisium10mg;tab atorsavef;tab phenova100mg;tab homo16N;tab citinerve p;tab gopan dsr;tab warf5mg; tab azytex250mg after taking this medicine for about 10 days i refered to another dr who is my family physician who asked me to stop taking whole medicine and he gave me his own medicine like clopicard ap 75;neopress am and gabamak(gabapentine and methylcobalamin )dr i am working as a cabin crew in international airline my height is 5 feet 9 inches n my weight is 75 kg i was dmitted to the hospital 2 months back with headache and dizzines and left side weakness now iam feeling much better but abit worried for my blood pressure which was detected after diagnosis triglycerides 165mg/dl:ldl cholesterol 120mg/dl vldl cholestrol calculated 33mg/dl;leukocytes count10.44 thou/mm3:eosinophils 0.00 my brain mri report says(imaging features favors possibility of the cortical venous thrombosis involving vein of ttrolard with right high parietal perirolandic region ischemic changes)so dr i want to ask you whether i will require to take bp medicines life long or not my bp as of now is 120/84 and while admitting in hospital it was 140/100 awaiting for ur reply sir thanks ### output:
Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have cortical venous sinus thrombosis. You should continue your medication for hypertension. Furthermore, you should take warfarin to avoid clotting. Go for regular PT & INR testing and maintain your INR between 2 and 3. You may have some cause for thrombophilia. You should search for that like some factor deficiency or homocysteine or it b12 deficiency. Consult your doctor and start your treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have any doubts then contact me at Chat Doctor. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: Dear Doctor, Nice to meet you and I stay in Bangalore and my sister is 28 year old and she is suffering from Asthma, many local doctors have said she is allergic to dust and certain smell etc. In the morning when she wakes up finds very much difficult to breath and it sounds a lot while breathing. So can you please which doctor should I consult. Please guide me. And we dont have health insrurance, but if i go to hospitals in bangalore they ask about insurance and charge based on it. So I am bit scared, due to my financial position. So please guide me with a good hospital where i can get a better service. Look forward to hear from you. My email ID is YYYY@YYYY and YYYY@YYYY ### output:
Hello. Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your sisters history and would like to make suggestions for her as follows:1. To reply your main query, I can understand your concern about finance. I would suggest her to consult an Allergist-Immunologist who may suggest her some tests like spirometry, allergy testing, etc. There are many good allergists in Bangalore. I would suggest you to consult the one who is easily approachable and who is experienced. I cannot violate terms & conditions of Chat Doctor by naming a particular doctor, but I would suggest her to visit an institute like AIMS hospital, which has a good department dealing with allergies-asthma.2. For your sister, I would suggest her regular montelukast and levocetirizine for at least 2-3 months.3. I would also suggest her to use albuterol inhaler on as-and-when-needed basis for asthma symptoms/wheezing/breathlessness.4. Allergy testing will help her identify the substances she may be allergic to and also to know the measures to avoid them. Common substances causing her early morning symptoms are house dust mites and indoor molds. 5. In general, I would suggest her avoidance of dusts, smokes and air pollution as much as possible.6. I would also suggest her regular breathing exercises like Yoga & Panama and a healthy diet rich in vitamins & minerals (adequate amounts of green leafy vegetables, fruits, sprouts, etc.) which will improve her lung capacity and immunity respectively in a long run. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to her. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish her the best of the health. Thank you & Regards.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### instruction: If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. ### input: hi, i turned 40 in November. I have never had a problem with high blood pressure. The past week i have not felt well. I have a weird feeling in my head sometimes. Just a sense of overwhelming or pressure. my arms have been aching and hurting some; as well as my hims and legs at times. Diabetes and heart disease are in my family. I felt really bad one day and checked my sugar with my father s meter 2 hours aftet eating. My blood sugar reading was 140. But i have checked it before eating lunch the past days and it was 79 and 78. I have checked my bp at home also. It has been readings such as 134/99, 140/101, 123/90, 134/96..and elevated other times too. I ve been checking it several times the past few days. What should i think and do? I had already made an appointment with a new medical doctor for march 31 to get established. I called back but the receptionist said he had no openings before that date. And if i needed attention before to go to a local clinic. I am making it but i just don t feel well. Should i be more concerned or fine to keep waiting till my appointment? ### output:
Hello! I carefully passed through your question and would explain that your symptoms do not seem to be related to any cardiac disorders. The muscular pain could be related to a viral infection or electrolyte imbalance. This does not seem to be an emergent situation, and you can wait until your doctor consultation. I would recommend performing some tests: - complete blood count-muscular enzymes- PCR, sedimentation test for inflammation- liver and kidney function tests-blood electrolytesRegarding your blood pressure values, I would recommend to closely monitor your blood pressure different times during the day (in sitting position, after 10 minutes of total relax), write them down and show them to your new doctor. The values you refer are within the normal ranges, and some of them are borderline. This means that you do not need to start antihypertensive therapy. Some lifestyle modifications would be enough to help you maintain a normal blood pressure: - a healthy diet (low salt and caffeine intake)- a lot of physical activity (aerobics, walking, jogging, recreational sports, etc.)- reduce your weight if you are overweight. Considering your blood sugar levels, they are within the normal ranges and do not indicate diabetes. So do not worry about them! Hope you will find this answer helpful! Kind regards!