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If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description. | ### instruction:
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### input:
hi, Really need help! Me and my hunsband tried to have baby for 4 months but not sucessful. Doctor said that my endometrial near ovulation is 6mm which is too thin. However my husband have colitis and need to take mesalazine which been stopped 7 month already in order to have a healthy baby, but seems like it is not good for him to stop taking it for his health. Thus, we have to have a baby as soon as possible so that he can continue to take mesalazine. Would you please let me know if 6mm endometrial near ovulation is to thin to have a baby? How I can thick my endometrial and have a healthy baby because in those days I find healthy is really important! You can have nothing but health! Thanks a lot for your help!
### output:
| Hello, and I hope I can help you today.First, I want to reassure you that no matter what your endometrial measurement may be, 80% of couples will conceive within one year naturally. Couples are not diagnosed as infertile until you have been trying and been unable to become pregnant for over one year. Endometrial thickness is really only relevant in the context of couples trying to get pregnant through in vitro fertilization. The thickness of your uterine lining is somewhat related to your estrogen levels. When couples are undergoing IVF, treating with additional estrogen can thicken the uterine lining. However, because you've been only trying to get pregnant for four months, your endometrial lining may have absolutely nothing to do with the reason why you have not yet conceived. Furthermore, unless your husbands' sperm count has been shown to be decreased, Magazine should not have any effect on fertility nor should affect any health of a developing baby should you conceive. Medications taken during pregnancy by the mother can affect the fetus, but not any medication taken by the father, because medication cannot be transmitted before fertilization through sperm. So unless the medication causes the sperm count to be low or abnormal, there is no medical reason why your husband needs to be off his medication for colitis in order for you and need to conceive successfully. I suggest that if he needs the medication for his health that he continue to take it. As for is maximizing your chance of healthy pregnancy, the best thing you can do is get plenty of sleep, eat a well-balanced diet, take prenatal vitamins, and tried to have regular(at least 2 to 3 days a week) unprotected intercourse from the time your menstrual period finishes until you begin to feel premenstrual symptoms. I hope that I was able to adequately answer your question today, and I wish you and your husband the best of luck in conceiving. Best wishes, |
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I m a runner and a cyclist, and compete in races (less so in the last 1-2 years....). I m fairly competitive in these events and usually place in the top 5% or better. Two years ago, I was taking gabapentin for nerve injury from a car wreck. My muscles had extreme fatigue from exercise, my knees hurt, my eyes occasionally had blurry vision, and I had leg cramps. I stopped the medicine and my symptoms improved, but did not all completely go away. It seemed that I tired more easily and did not recover as quickly. I had a few races where 2/3 of the way through the race, it felt like I had hit the wall in a marathon -- I was out of energy. A year ago, I had some pitting edema and pain in my foot/toes. The edema got somewhat better, but I don t believe that it ever went away. My current condition is that I fatigue more quickly in exercise, and I ve noticed it more in races and/or hilly routes. And my knees are sore, which is especially noticeable when on the stairs. I noticed that the pitting edema is back (or perhaps never really went away completely). I m not sure if this is related to my problems or not, but I also had what seems to have been plantar fascitis in August. It had bothered me only in the morning for a while, but got so bad that it hurt walking on it. A cortisone shot seemed to help, but it took about 3 weeks before I noticed improvement. I noticed earlier this year that my arch doesn t seem as high as it used to be -- mostly it s just the sensation of being able to feel it touching the floor when I m standing barefoot. I never used to feel that -- perhaps it s some swelling. I don t know. Recent blood test showed TSH of 5.41. The doctor says that is in the normal range of 0.5 to 6.0. CpK was somewhat elevated (around 250). I m 48 years old. 6 3 and about 195 pounds. Suggestions?
### output:
| Hi, From what I have read I think the issue is cardiovascular in origin rather than neurological. Symptoms like fatigue after exercise and edema point to a cardiac related issue. If I were your treating physician I would start with ECG, and stress induced ECG's, Echocardiogram, x-ray of the chest. I would measure your blood pressure and ask you to keep a diary for blood pressure. I would also order blood tests to rule out diabetes, high cholesterol level, kidney function tests. For therapy, it will really depend on test results. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care |
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### input:
I have had an unexplainable cough for the past 3 weeks when I eat or lay down mostly. I have also experienced twice in the past week excessive sweating of the face with shaking and feeling weak. These symptoms last for about 30 minutes then I feel better.
### output:
| Hi, Dear,Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor. Dear I read facts of your query and reviewed it in context to your health issues submitted in your query. I understood your health concerns and feel Concerned about them. Based on the facts of your query the reply of your query is-Your current health issues seem to be due to -Acid Reflux with HERD with Bronchitis with Pneumonia. The Cause of this it could be -Loeffler Pneumonia with ascariasis/ post nasal Chat Doctor. (AEP/ or CEP-Chronic)/ Pulmonary Thence other causes as mentioned above need to be verified before starting further treatment. Dos suggested-Be on skimmed Butter Milk-till you reach doctor. Be on Liquids and bland liquid diet -like rice oatmeal for next 2 days. If you have Tab Ciplox-Oz at Hand Start 1 tab x 2 times till you reach your doctor x 10 days. Tab Genocide fort-100 mg x 3 times x 3 weeks. Antihelminthic would give long remissions. Tab PPI-Panto-D-1 x 2 times a day x 5 days Check With Doctor-he would get your stool test for ova/cyst of protozoa and bacteria. Get Sputum AFB with Chest X-ray and review with Chest Physician for Second opinionated would continue above withhold street or hotel food. Be non-spicy / veg/ liquid bland diet for 2 weeks. This would give long remissions from persistent cough and excessive sweating. You should consult Specialist Physician and or /Surgeon.Hence, Other causes - need to be ruled out, by verification with Specialist Physician and or /Surgeon. This would resolve the complaints of yours. Constant follow-up with local family or Specialist Physician and or /Surgeon.for long term would give you long remissions of such pains in time to come, which would depend on meticulous follow-up treatment of your health concerns. Just don't worry and be patient and co-operate with your doctors, till you verify with your attending doctors. For early recovery-please follow above dos which would resolve your complex health issues. Hope this would help you to treat your health issues in the best way possible. Welcome for any further query in this regard to following link-http://doctor.Chat Doctor .com/Funnel?page=askDoctorDirectly&docId=70229Wishing Good Healthy Life!! |
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I have been diagnosed with depression in 1999. I have noticed average improvement on 40 mg citalopram, but still felt moody in the evenings. I used to be depressed for 2-3 weeks continuously and used to feel better f0r 2-3 weeks. My doctor added lithium 450 mg. I did 0 not notice any improvement for 1 yr. Then he increased citalopram to 80 mg. My depression was cured completely in 2 months time. I never took citalopram 80 mg contnuously for more than 2 months. I used to decrease the dose to 40 mg once I felt i am doing good. Within 3 weeks after being on 40 mg, I used to get mild depression symptoms. Then I used to increase the dose to 80 mg. I used have mild depression symptoms for couple of hours a day for a week and other week totally fine and again experienced mild depression a couple of hrs a day. This happens for a total of one month when i get back on 80 mg. And again i used to cut back the dose to 40 mg. From 2010 jan i took 80 mg citalopram continuously for 8 months. It suddenly stopped working. I tool effexor 300 mg (increasing from 37.5 mg). After 3 months, I felt a little bit improvement in depression, but terrible increase in anxiety and crazy thoughts like why people live, why people do what they do and fear of killing myself etc. I used to experience these anxiety thoughts every alternate week. I have stopped taking effexor. Started taking lexapro (40mg) since 1 month. I am again experiencing a similar thoughts ( thoughts experienced during on effexor) since 3 days . is this common to experience those for a while even after I stopped effexore.
### output:
| Inconsistant compliance with treatment enhances the chances of non-response. Citalopram worked initially, but later it failed possibly for the same reason, and then you had problems with venlafaxine and Escitalopram. But, don't loose hope. There are so many treatment options. You have had depression since last many years with poor response with some medicine. You need a combined approach for your treatment including medicines, psychotherapy and lifestyle modification medicines- many newer options mirtazapine, milnacipram, sertraline, venlafaxine etc. can be used along with short term use of benzodiazepine for control of anxiety. Many depression medicine cause mild anxiety initial which subsides later on It's own also try relation techniques under professional supervision regards, Chat Doctor. |
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### input:
Hello. I am 43 yr. old and had a total abd. hysterectomy 9 weeks ago. I have been on 5 antibiotics since that time... cipro and then cephalexin for UTI that cipro did not take care of. I also had a severe yeast infection - dr. put me on diflucan for 10 days did not cure so he put me on Ketacanazole for 10 days along with monistat 7 day treatment. After 4th day of monistat abdomen hurt so bad had to go to emergency room. Said I had a vaginal bact. infection. put me on flagyll. I had been having diarrhea off and on ever since I had hysterectomy. Flagyll oddly enough gave my stools shape. I had to go back to ER 4 days after finishing flagyll. Blood test showed I had some low levels including low neutrophill% and low potassium level, WBC normal. Put me back on Flagyll three times a day for 14 days... they think that I have C. Diff. infection. Went to DR. for follow up two days later and my resting heart rate was 102 (normally in 60s) blood pressure up to 135/100 (normally around 111/67). Dr. sent me to have an ecg. ecg results came back with normal sinus rhyth. Nonspecific st abnormality / abnormal ecg. Vent. rate 87 BPM , PR int. 152 ms , QRS dur. 76 ms. , QT/QTR 356/427 ms, and P-R-T 49-23-2. When I went to exercise today abd. hurt and only did mild exercises for 18 min. I usually go about 1 hour. Checked blood pressure and it was 135/109. Is all of this related. Should I see cardiologist?
### output:
| Hello Welcome to Chat Doctor. I have gone through your description. Your heart rate and BP are on the higher normal range because he infection. Any infection in the body is a stress to the body and puts a load on the heart also. So I don't see any reason to worry about it as of now. Once the infection gets treated automatically the exercise tolerance will improve and heart rate and BP control will improve. Since you had a total abdominal hysterectomy, I suppose you would have undergone a cardiac evaluation PRE op, and you were cleared for the surgery from cardiac side. So as of now please continue with your antibiotics and other supportive medications. Wishing you good health. Regards |
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### input:
Hi, I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend on my first day of period .i.e 28th of Feb. I took ipill on 2nd of March before 48 hours from the time of sex. I had extended period of 10 days after taking ipill. Now, my regular menstrual cycle is delayed, and it is almost a week delay I am expecting my period. Please help me with suggestion whether I have any chances of getting pregnant??
### output:
| Hello mam, thanks for trusting Chat Doctor doctors for your health related queries.I guess your concern is possible to get pregnant inspire of taking I pill within 48hours...right??? I got the straight forward answer is-NO.NO.NO.well mam let's discuss with the info u have given to us...took I pill within 48 hours:correct method of taking it...Jen a woman takes I pill it alters the hormonal status in her.this altered hormonal status is not favorable for pregnancy...n it takes time to revert from altered hormonal status to normal status,thereby delay in next month menses....this delay will be usually 4-5 days,,,,but in your case u have told it's been a week....n u haven't shared whether your periods are regularly happening every month...with these I can't say you're not 100% pregnant.but don't worry chances are less though...well with ABV small discussion u can try out my suggestions:-1.get urinary pregnancy test's available at your medical stores at affordable it n do it ourself.if negative you are not pregnant,if positive then you are pregnant.....this is temporary relief for u2.I strongly recommend u to visit a nearby gynecologist to discuss the matter to doctor that u haven't got periods till now.y am I suggesting gynecologist is CZ they have sound knowledge of anatomy of female body n how it normally n abnormally functions...if pregnancy is there doctor can help how to solve problem,if pregnancy not there she can find what other causes may be present that is causing delay in menses, ...tats dual time use condoms...condom has result(u won't b pregnant)but no side effects...I pill has result(u won't b pregnant)but of course along with side effects hope this was informative enough, helpful,useful for your query.regards- Chat Doctor. (having regular healthy sex lifestyle Bowen couples is very good and advisable too...but a small presence of mind, u can use condom n can make girl free of medicine side effect n boy from being in psychological tension whether his GF has become pregnant) |
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### output:
| Hi thanks for posting on Chat Doctor .com regarding your concern my diagnosis is acute urinary tract infection its common in female due several factors that's not relevant to discuss it right now. But as per cultural and sensitivity report your medication should be changed accordingly in my opining augmenting is not effective as due to several reasons including bacterial resistant I will advise you following medications. Tab definite 400 mg once daily for 7 days syrup catwalk (sodium acid citrate) urine alkalizer 2 tsp 4 times a day. As normally ciprofloxacin is advised but according to your c/s reports I would recommend you a broad spectrum antibiotic. For further management concern your physician. Thanks and take care. Regards Chat Doctor. |
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My teenage daughter (14) has always talked to herself. She now says there is a voice in her head that she has created (the voice of an actual friend) who talks back to her. She says she is scared that she is schizophrenic. I told her we would make an appointment with our family doctor. Do I need to do something about this more quickly. She has done some self harming when she was young when she would get in trouble and would be put in time out, or more recently when something happens that she doesnt know how to deal with, like when she is PMSing.
### output:
| Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for posting your question at this forum. We understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor Psychiatry from India. I will guide you about your daughters' health. Whatever information you have given here about your daughter, point towards a serious long-lasting mental illness of psychosis like Schizophrenia. I must explain you in simpler way. Schizophrenia is a psychotic illness in which the person has abnormal perception, absurd thinking, decline of higher mental function, deterioration in social and occupational functioning and significant personal sufferings for years. The patient may claim to hear unusual voices which others deny hearing. This is called auditory hallucination. Initially the voices come for a short period and the person feels strange and does not understand what to do. He/ she gradually may start believing on those voices as frequency and intensity of voices increases with passage of time. Often these voices comment/discuss derogatory about the person and sometimes these may suggest or command the person to do certain act. Sometimes the person may harm herself/ himself sunder the influence of these voices. As you have experienced, she has a self-talking behavior since last many years, has harmed herself once and now she is claiming a clear two-way conversation with that voice. It appears that she is having auditory hallucination(auditory hallucination is one of the commonest symptoms in psychosis like schizophrenia), and apparently these voices are unpleasant or commanding in nature that might have provoked the episode of self harm in the past. Since the onset of symptoms is in childhood and has been continuing for years it shows poor awareness of caregiver about the symptoms of illness. It is never too late. You must consult a good child and adolescent psychiatrist and encourage your daughter to discuss her symptoms honestly so that the diagnosis can be finalized. If I had been her doctor, I would have advice her for brain imaging, certain other investigations, to take some antipsychotic medicines under supervision of a family member and to attend psycho-educative classes regularly. Medicines and supportive therapy can bring remission to illness. Hope this has helped you. I wish you all the best. |
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I play tennis for exercise..after about 10 to 15 minutes of warmup hitting groundstrokes I have started having a tightness all around my neck and upper bronchial area, and breathing becomes difficult...particularly if strenuous effort is required to hit the ball. After 10 minutes or so I seem to work through the worst of it. I have had surgery twice for ruptured discs in my neck at age 39 and 40, my neck is always tight and I do exercises to loosen it up. I have a little trouble occasionally swallowing during meals, particularly grainy foods. I also had asthma from about 5 years old till I was 17 which may play into the breathing issues. I am now 62 years old. Your thoughts would be appreciated.
### output:
| Hello, As you had issues with the neck and surgery was performed I think any strenuous shot played by you using the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle gives a direct pull to the nerve root leading to tightness which is not a good thing to hear as it may go on to damage it more and more. You need to be careful with it. Coming to your breathing issue, as you are asthmatic there are possibilities of you to forget doing breathing exercise which is most important in asthmatic cases. As some time in their life asthma cases do develop asthmatic attack and that can be a painful situation. Also, please have a self assessment or ask someone to notice you, most of the time your breathing pattern will be from mouth-to-mouth. Inspiration also through mouth and expiration too. In this case, the ability of the alveolar tissue to function can be reduced and may lead to additional symptoms which are not expected by asthmatic patients. Tennis is an aerobic game. It demands a lot of energy. Since you are asthmatic the overall functional ability of the lung to cope up with this becomes less. It's always good to undergo a good pulmonary rehabilitation so the overall functional ability of the lungs improve. Also, will recommend you to buy a respirator which is a small machine and can be used by asthmatic patients to assess their FEV1 values from time to time to assess the ability of their lung tissue. Please take a piece of advice from the Surgeon who operated you for the neck disc, before indulging in the sports. As the pull of the shot is directly hitting the nerve root to get trouble and muscles are trying to get stiff to avoid any major injuries to occur. In my practice of 12 years, I have seen both cases with discectomy and asthma and have responded well to physical therapy and precautions on when necessary to be followed. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Jay In Chat Doctor. |
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Hello Sir, My name is Amar Das, Male, 36 years, form West Bengal. I am suffering from stomach problem. My Gall Bladder has been removed due to calculi. My current problem is : 1. No downward movement of gas. No farting. My stomach inflated like a football. 2. Stomach does not gets cleared when I go to toilet. 3. Sometimes there is a pain in my stomach. On 10-03-14 I consulted with a Gastroenterologist and I have undergone some tests viz. Endoscopy, Colonoscopy, LFT, Blood Urea, Creatinine, CBC. All the reports are normal only the TSH level is slightly high. My doctor told me that I have Gastritis / IBS. He recommended me some medicines which are as follows: 1) TAB. NEKSIUM 40 [ 1-0-1 ] BEFORE FOOD 2) TAB. KINPRIDE SR 3 mg [ 1-0-0 ] BEFORE FOOD 3) CAP. PANKREOFLAT [ 1-1-1 ] AFTER FOOD 4) CAP. ECONORM [ 1-0-0 ] AFTER FOOD 5) CAP. MEBIZ SR [ 1-0-1 ] AFTER FOOD 6) CAP. WINOFIT GOLD [ 1-0-0 ] AFTER FOOD I was asked to take those medicines for 4 months and I have been taking those medicines from last 15 days. Now I feel my stomach is unhappier as before. I cannot contact with my doctor as unfortunately, he is no more. Moreover I stay in a village due to my job where there are no Gastroenterologists. Only I need is downward movement of gas and bowel movement. With Regards Amar Das
### output:
| Thank you for approaching Chat Doctor. As your resident of a village. You may follow the following advice:-continue taking nexium40 before breakfast-you may chew "dimethicone" tablets after meal-Avoid oily food (as you do not have gall bladder).- avoid smoking and alcohol-take plenty of water-use vegetables and fresh fruits rich in fibers-use olive oil (if necessary and in less amount for cooking purpose)- increase physical activity-avoid unnecessary stress you symptoms still persist after 12 weeks of lifestyle changes than you need to perform exams like:- endoscopy-fecal culture test Health professionals aim to diagnose properly and manage patients according to their limited knowledge. Cure is blessed by the ONE who Created us, whose power and knowledge is unlimited .wish you good health. Regards, Chat Doctor. |
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### input:
My son, who is 33 years old, has been suffering from intermittent epileptic seizures (TONIC) with certain psychotic problems like low self-confidence, poor concentration and dis-interest in work , non-socialization, rare but sudden bursts of anger etc. From September, 1998 to July, 2011, he had in all 43 irregular seizures. He has been on different medicines for cure since 1998 itself as per different neurologists advice in the order given- DILANTIN-100+100mg/day ( 1 seizure in 1 year intake during 1998-99); TEGRETOL-100+100mg / d ( 2 in 4 months - 1999); ZEPTOL- 200+200 mg / d (30 in 2 yrs -1999-2001); EPILAX CHRONO 700+700 mg / d ( 3 in 4 yrs- 2002-2006); DEPAKOTE -500+500mg / d (NIL in 8 months-2007); TORVATE -500+500 mg/d +T.EPTOIN-100mg/d (7 in 4 yrs-2008-11). 20% of the seizures were due to non-intake of medicine for a day or two and rest may be due to non-suitability or inadequate dosage of medicines taken. presently he is on EPILAX CHRONO -500+500 mg / d +RISDONE-1 mg/d+NEXITO-5 mg/d from July, 2011. Today, ie on 16-4-2012 he is on severe tonic seizure twice at 1.30 AM and 5.30AM. Advice sought to do what immediately.
### output:
| Hello Thanks for using Chat Doctor .com From the details provided it looks to me like he is suffering from pseudo-medically refractory epilepsy along with psychosis and depression. I call it pseudo because of the inadequate dose and poor compliance with the medications. Other causes for recurrent seizures are sleep deprivation and wrong selection of medications for the type of epilepsy. I recommend you to see an Epidemiologist for classification of epilepsy and then to choose right medicine for the type of epilepsy. Inspire of this he remains refractory with good Chat Doctor. Sincerely, |
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Dear doctor, am a 37 year old single working parent of two daughters of 9 and 5 years age. hail from a very dysfunctional family of abusive mother and non existent father, brothers who have been dependent on me for years. amde one of them study and got him a job etc. when my marriage failed i stayed with them for 6 months and soon realised have no future here, moved to pune with my daughters and by gods grace was able to carve a fresh life and job etc for me n daughters...have requested my parents to stay with me as working and looking after daughters is not my problem is that i cant stand my family...they steal from me especially my mother, totally they depend on me for everything, instead of helping me out, they are becoming a liablity on mother is chronically deprrssed i think coz sh eis hooked oto TV serials big time and she laughs and cries with them..eats n sleeps there infront of TV. if i let them go..i find it difficult to manage things physically, if they are there, i find it very hard to manage things physically. this march on a family holiday, my bro and father beat me up infront of my kids coz they were rude to me and my kids and i wanted to go home..and my bro is also gng through rough marriage coz of his lying cheating ways..and all that frustrations he took it out on me..and am not able to forgive and forget and i dont want to also...that beating publically by the same people i loved and supported fo ryears has taken a big emotional toll on me..and only coz of my daughters am pulling through somehow,,,but finding it very hard day by day to keep my spirits up and its eating me from inside that my own mother and brother can steal from me and do these things for me...when am already dealing wih so much in personal and professional life...want to totally cut them off but coz of kids cant do that as well...pls help to become the strong person that i was. I find myself absolutely alone as have moved cities post separation with very abusive/alcoholoic/ controlling/cheating hubby.. :( Mona.
### output:
| Hello...... Thanks for your query. I can understand your emotional turmoil. As you described you indeed belong to a very dysfunctional family setting. You require meeting a psychological counselor for venting out your thoughts in person. Following this interpersonal or family therapy can be attempted to modify your family roles and improve interpersonal relations. In addition, you require a thorough psychiatric evaluation and may need to be started on anti-depressants and psychotherapy (e.g. cognitive behavioral therapy) as appropriate. Hope you found the information useful. Regards Chat Doctor. |
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### input:
Hello, I have a two year old daughter who was born with Spinal Bifida and for the last past year she has been in and out of the hospital every other month with bad UTI s, high fevers up to 105.6 and her heart rate ends up going up to 220. about a month ago we were told that she has spinal tethering and fluid on the bottom of her brain pushing on her spinal cord and that she needed to have surgery soon. first they said within a couple weeks now they say they want to wait till the end of next month. well now she is in the hospital again with another UTI and High fever of 103-105 and her heart rate went way up to 220 and had hard time getting fever and heart rate down. We also had to start last month doing a cathider on her every four hours because her reflex doesn t work right and her urine flushes back into her kidneys. My big concern is can them waiting to do the surgery hurt her more or could her keep having these high heart rates and high fevers damage her brain and heart more? should I be worried and go get a second opinion?
### output:
| Hi sir, thanks for contacting us...first, plz don't be sad... I can understand what stress you would be going's not easy to see our loved ones in so much trouble, n worrying s a part of it... 1. Your baby has spine problems which would be the primary reason for UTI, coz that causes abnormal bladder reflexes, leading to recurrent Otis..... (vicious cycle) actually 2. When ever there is fever, heart rate goes up and It's directly proportional.... Fever of 105 worries me, but jam not so worried the high heart rate next time if you feel your baby is febrile (> 101 *f) I want u to do supportive measures like tepid sponging and paracetamol suppository (per rectal) 200 mg every 8 hrs and aim to KP fever down(high fever can affect the brain and trigger febrile fits, though not affect the heart usually)3. Uti here needs to be treated and so the doctors are right to wait, bcoz these are elective surgeries usually when it presents in this age and a month or so should be ok to wait. 4. High heart rates are worrisome if the child has a primary high rate problems without other associated issues like fever, infection etc.....we call it SVT (supra ventricular tachycardia) because that's the commonest, but your child has fever leading to high heart rate, so there is nothing to worry..., continue your care with same doctor and any further queries get back to us. Regards, Chat Doctor. |
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### input:
my son had gallbladder surgery one day sent home in terrible pain called several times only to talk to nurse and he had fever they said he just wanted pain med. when he never took pain med unless due to his leg compartment syndrome 9 yrs ago. after days went by he went to er. where his dr told him he was fixed nothing was wrong go home . He suffered so much and passed out 4am the next morn. took back to er dr was so mad said I told you not to come back to er. they ended up doing scan where the dr. said such little bile in his cavity cant even hardly see it but if it will make you feel better I will wash you out. He did and found a litter of bile . drain tube put in and he had lost 14 pounds and was very weak fr all he went through he had been through 3 surg. ercp . and stent placed the dr told him to eat anything he wanted he ws bringing him biscuits gravy eggs and oatmeal milk which he lactose . 7 min later his dr. that put his stent would come in and say no no dont eat that. everyone confused what to do he had fever up to 103 most of the time . he lost 23 pounds in the hospital stayed there 1 month. sent home with drain and stent. he is eating good now but when he belches it hurts him and is so hard he says it feels like his heart stops. he is still having some discomfort and sticking pain under his liver. that is where he was finally admitted he cut him. radiologist says there was no way dr. could have not seen that litter of bile if he read that scan if was plain. He is home went back to dr. tha did gallbladder surg. said you can do whatever you want but he feels something is not right. still hurts . but doctor is finished with him and we want him to see someone for second opion. specialist. can you help.
### output:
| Hello! Thanks for putting your query in Chat Doctor. I am a Gastroenterologist (DM). Development of fever and abdominal pain and liter of bile in abdominal cavity suggest that there was injury to billiard tract for which Chat Doctor. Weight loss may be due to cholangitis. If still he is having pain and after stenting may suggest that he is still having billiard tract obstruction. And this obstruction should be relieved.However, I would like to see all the reports like Ultrasound abdomen, blood tests previous and latest one, so that I can advise you clearly what to do now. Also upload reports of Gallbladder histopathology report. Please upload exact sequence of events with mentioning of dates like when surgery was done, open or laparoscopic. When did the symptoms started, when was |
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### input:
I am suffering from Sneezing, sore throat and severe headache from last 3 yrs. I thought I have sinus and allergy because I get sneezing with dust and old cloths and weather change. But recently in diwali vacation in my home town, I went to one shoes shop and when he kept Agarbatti and switch on fan, I started coughing and was feeling so much disturbance in my chest and it was not stopping even I came out from tht shop. So I went to pathelogy and met with consultant docotr, he asked me to take cetrizine so I took Allegra which was with me tht time. After 10 mins I felt comfortable and I gave my blood for allergy test and after tht we went to lungs specialist doctor. he did some my test using mouth air and he said tht u have allergy induced Asthma and he has given Montair-fx mediicne one time in a day, Forecort inhaler twice in a day 2 puff and one nasal drop.He asked me to take these medicine one month and after tht meet any lungs specialist in Pune. After second day when my allery test report came, it was normal so we asked doctor so he said tht u have asthma. I am taking this montair-fx medicine from last 24 days and I can say I didnt face any trouble, I got 100% relieve. now i dont scare with cold waves and cold things. I have stop taking nasal drop after 10 days and for puff I m not regular but medicine I m taking regularly. So now again I have to consult with one doctor. I stay in Pune, please suggest me one good doctor in Pune. But I m worried becuase I m not able to understand which disese i have now if my allergy test is normal and after taking this medicine even I didnt face any sinus kind of headache.
### output:
| Hello, thanks for your query.1.from your history it is clear that you do have allergy induced asthma.2. You have been taking antiallergic(Allegra), and steroid +bronchodilator puff. This opens the air passages (narrowed by body reaction to allergy) and you can then breathe easily.3.season change, dust,perfumes etc. will worsen breathing problems.sinusitis will worsen by exposure to cold.avoid such situations 4.keep up a regular routine of mild exercise(yogasanas) to improve lung capacity .5.ask your doctor to shift you from steroid to long term nonsteroid prep for asthma to reduce steroid related side effects .6. Visit a chest physician(M.D.chest) WH can guide you better .stay healthy, happy to help |
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My friend is in end of life stage with liver cancer. She was on diluadid in the hospital and she was good she dosed off but was coherent when she was awake. Now that we have brought her home they sent her with Oxycodone IR 80 mg and she immediately became a mental mess. She mumbles and is trying to pick up things that are not there and she can not answer anything. She is also on Morphine liquid and is to take a .25 on the syringe if she has pain in between the 4hr intervals of oxycodone. Anyway, I acted on my belief that she is over medicated or having a very bad reaction to oxycodone. Last night I did not give her the oxycodone but only gave her the morphine and gave it to her every 4 hrs. Before the 3rd dose would have been due it was like she woke up, she got out of bed went to the kitchen got something to drink and gave me very sensible intructions on what she wanted from the store. She has not been eating or drinking anything for a week and if she went to the bathroom it would take at least on hour just to get her down the hall because she would stop and try to pick up stuff that was not there. She made absolutely no sense at all. She couldn t hold a glass or eat. I asked her several times if she was in pain and she clearly replied no she was ok. So when her oxycodone was due again I gave it to her instead of morphine and she was once again out of her mind and not in this world. I do not want my friend in pain at all and I do understand that at this point, the point is to just make sure she is pain free. I want her pain free. I am aware that she will not be able to communicate before this is all over but I do not think this is the time. So, my question is what would cause her to have such a bad reaction to the oxycodone? Is it because her liver is not working right ? if that is it why don t the morphine mess her up like that? I just really believe she would not want to spend her last few months incapacitated if she didn t have to be. Please help me understand so maybe I can help her family to see she is not at that point yet.
### output:
| Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. She is in last stage of cancer. Morphine is the painkiller of choice in terminal stage cancer. Oxycodone is also a morphine derivative. No need to worry about side effects. Everything is fair in terminal stage illness. If she is better without oxycodone and pain is tolerable then you can stop it. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health. |
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Respected Sir,My wife,Mrs. Madhumita Banerjee,aged approximately 26 years,is bedded,feeling severe pain in lower parts of the body.Details of the case is furnished below:History:1.Went through severe jaundice on March092.During cesarean delivery of child,was applied spinal anaesthesia on January113.Had a fall from a running bike on October11,which didnt result in any immediate after effect.CASE HISTORY:Symptoms started showing up one and a half month earlier,when she felt unbearable pain in right side of waist.Mainly she was having problems while trying to move after rest.General physician suggested COMBIFLAME,what she continued for almost 3 weeks,but it was not any good except for some temporary reliefs.Having some medical suggestions,with a Lumbo Fractal Digital X ray report(which was absolutely fine),we moved on to an Orthopaedic.He advised her Lenox Plus,which reduced the pain of the right waist,but the pain shifted to the thigh area(from groin to upper thigh).On intimating the doctor,she was prescribed Zerodol MR.It reduced the pain to some extent,but the left ankle showed signs of swelling and black patches.Then she started taking Altraday(1 tablet per day) as per medical experts advice.As now,the left feet and right knee are showing clear signs of swelling,she is feeling unbearable pain in those areas along with in hip joint.The pain has got no burning feelings and grows unbearable as she tries to move from rest.Meanwhile,as per medical advice,a blood culture is done,which is showing only haemoglobin(10%) and ESR(38),fluctuating out of normal limits.Complete USG of lower abdomen is also perfect as per latest reports received.Your diagnosis and advice in this critical situation will be of great help.Please mention if any more tests need to be done for better scope of diagnosis in future.Regards,Preetam BanerjeeWest Bengal
### output:
| Hi the problems of generalized pain and the waist pain and now thigh pain after the jaundice, while 1. First is related to nutritional deficiency. Has to be treated with vitamin and folic acid supplementation. The vitamins particularly it B complex. No investigation are required, and you may start vitamin supplement like Recharge plus or Erosion forte, once daily.2. Second is related to disc herniation in the lower back. This may not at all be related to jaundice, but poor muscle tone in back may lead to this. You must get an MRI of the lower back and consult a pain specialist in your city. |
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Hi, my daughter is 13 years old. She has went to the doctor and they are basiclly at a loss. She has been having these spells that started at the begining of summer at first she would get hot and her heart rate wold go up to around 130-160 resting. Now she also has shortness of breath and one she had the other day her legs were twitching. Her blood pressure and stuff is normal and her heart rate only stays elevated for 5 minutes from 130-160 resting for 5 minutes or so. She also gets very dizzy and lightheaded, once she has these all she wants to do is sleep. Do you have any idea what may be wrong. We have seen a cardiolgigst and they ran all kinds of stuff EKG s echocardiogram she was on a event monitor for 30 days and they ruled out her heart and told her she would have to deal with it since her heart rate didnt go over 170 resting. Please HELP. I don t know what to do and since we have been to the doctor so much lately I don y have an extra $15.00 to pay. But I really need an answer, I d like to know what s going on with my daughter. If I pay th $15 thats less food I get to buy this month. Could you please email me at YYYY@YYYY I know you proably can t but if you could email me and point me in the right direction even if you don t give an answer. Also my brother, her uncle, has stills diease if you know what that is and if its helpful at all,
### output:
| Hello! Welcome and thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! I read your question carefully and understand your concern. I agree with her doctor in the fact that based on her cardiac tests, we can exclude a cardiac disorder related to this symptomatology. Furthermore, I would recommend consulting with a neurologist for a careful physical examination and a prolonged EEG, coupled with ECG. These symptoms may be related to epilepsy seizures. You should know that epilepsy seizures are commonly related to tachycardia. The twitching in her legs may be another sign of the seizures. Even the fact that she feels tired and wants to sleep after these episodes is another argument in favor of seizures. Further lab tests (complete blood count, liver and kidney function tests, thyroid hormones, calcium plasma levels, blood electrolytes, fasting glucose, inflammation tests, etc.) may be necessary to exclude metabolic and inflammatory disorders that may cause a similar clinical scenario. Hope to have been of help!p.s.: You do not need to pay for public questions, so don't worry about it. Best wishes, |
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| I suggest taking the pain medication as needed for the pain in your knee. Nor cos are specifically designed to serve for purposes like knee inflammation in the joints, and also for other pains in the body which are chronic. Taking alive and other Tylenol over the counter meds will damage your liver, and probably don't supply nearly half the relief as a small amount of Vicodin would. If your doctor says you can't have surgery because of your age, this is rather bias and is a form of discrimination. If you are facing long term chronic pain for the rest of your life, and surgery is on the market; you should take surgery without a doubt. Ask for a second opinion from a specialist who has experience in the region of the body you are experiencing problems with. Bones and cartilage are a good area to start as far as what type of specialist you should seek advice from. You don't have to settle for one opinion, you can ask for a second opinion on any remark your primary care physician makes about a condition you may have or any pain you are experiencing. They should supply you with a referral to a specific type of doctor who can help you, or who can offer you more in depth insight if your doctor couldn't already do that. The truth is, any good doctor would research before making a hasty decision about surgery for a patient. If your Chat Doctor. Feel free to seek a patient-advocate if you feel that your doctor is treating you with little respect to your person rather than your chart number. Good luck! |
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hello, I never do this but I am at a loss as to what to do my son is now 9yrs old. and he has seen many different specialists. when he was a few months old he stopped breathing unexpectedly and I was able to revive him after a few seconds. when he was almost 2yrs old he started spiking fevers and was found to have a lymph node irregularity with unknown causes. he has had noturia since 5yrd old and at 7yrs old his wbc was elevated with no trace of infection and he was diagnosed with glomerular basement membrane disease and countless visits to the nephrologist and a biopsy. now 9yrs old. he is now suffering from full on incontinence, dysuria, and hematuria. today he complained of left sided pain from his shoulder down to his rib cage with dizziness and weakness and his skin was flushed. apical pulse was in range and bp was in range with no signs of distress aside from the pain. please help I am at a loss as to how I can best help my son.
### output:
| Hello. Welcome to Ask A Doctor. I have read your query and here is my advice. Dysuria and hematuria can be due to kidney disease, sexual abuse, urinary tract infection, or bladder stones. When did your sons' incontinence begin? Has your son ever been continent of urine? Is he wet all the time? Only during the day? Only at night? Is he ever Chat Doctor? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Has he injured his left shoulder and chest? Did he do vigorous exercise prior to onset of the pain? In addition to a fractured bone other possibilities are a pulled elbow or inflammation of the thin tissue that covers the lungs. Does he have any nausea or vomiting, abnormal eye movements, or ringing in his ears(which are related to dizziness)? Is he able to ride his bicycle without difficulty(which is related to weakness)?------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Since his shoulder pain, dizziness, and weakness are so recent in onset, perhaps we can put them aside for the present, see how he does over the next several days, and concentrate on his kidneys. May I ask, what were symptoms that lead to the diagnosis of kidney disease? Does a pediatric nephrologist monitor your son? How often is your child see by the kidney specialist? Does your son take any medication? How are his lab studies doing? Complete Blood Count, BUN, and Serum Creatinine. Should you want a second opinion I recommend that your son be seen by a pediatric nephrologist who sees child |
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| Hi, Thank you for posting your query. Your problem seems to be epilepsy or seizures, which has probably resulted from old head injury. You say you have brain tumor, but we need to see your MRI or CT scan brain report confirming the underlying diagnosis. If possible please upload the report. Your symptoms can be partly explained by side effects of your current medications. The dose depends on the body weight. So, please get back with your weight also. I hope it helps. Please get back if you require any additional information. Best wishes, Chat Doctor. Ly/ |
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I am 35 weeks pregnant and my age is 26.This is my first pregnancy.My height is 160 cm and weight is 77 kgs now(before prgenancy it was 65 kg).My baby weight at 35 weeks is 2.365 kgs.In my previous scan it was told that my amniotic fluid index was 8 cm at 31 weeks and i was prescribed deodavlin tablet to maintain the fluid content and advised to take lots of fluids and to take bed rest.And i went for a scan at 35 weeks and now my fluid content is 7 cm and the cord is suspected to be around the babys neck in scan in single loop.My doctor has prescribed me now ecospirin 75 (aspirin delayed release )tablets for 20 days.Is it safe to take ecospirin 75 in 35,36,37,38th weeks of pregnancy as prescribed.??I could see the instruction citing that the medicine should not be taken in last three months of pregnancy unless prescribed by physician.Will taking Ecospirin 75 be of any harm to foetus and cause any bleeding or any side effects now..I don t have any Pressure ,sugar,bleeding complaints so far...currently i don t have any weezing problem but i used to get weezing trouble when i catch cough and cold..and i had weezing issue in my 6 th month of pregnancy and have taken treatment for that and got cured then.
### output:
| H there, thank you for writing in. Aspirin (conspiring) 75 mg in pregnancy is considered safe during pregnancy and is indicated in many situations like growth restricted baby, decreased fluid around baby, when mother has hypertension because of which at times blood supply to the baby may be reduced, autoimmune conditions like APA syn Chat Doctor. But as your pregnancy is uncomplicated you may not require aspirin as long as baby is doing well (growth profiles and Doppler being normal). Aspirin needs to be discontinued 7 to 10 days prior to expected delivery (when delivery is planned) or by 36 to 37 weeks of gestation. Such a small dose of aspirin is unlikely to cause bleeding problems during delivery when it is discontinued a week well in advance of delivery. A single loop of cord around baby s neck is not an indication for starting conspiring or even cesarean section as long as baby can withstand the stress of labor well and labor proceeds smoothly. (no baby heart beat pattern abnormalities on cardiotocogram and labor is not unduly prolonged). Hope this information helped. Take care. |
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Hi, i am 30 years old. Trying to settle in bangalore. I am married and have 2 kids. I get Asthama, Whizzing and cough problems in bangalore only. Last year i was in delhi and before that i was in US. I was 100% health with no asthama symptoms. Also, was very active.Please let me now why i get asthama problems only in bangalore? I am taking budecort and asthelin. Also, have started Sudarshan Kriya daily(25 mins). I want to be healthy and active again. Please show me the way
### output:
| Hello. Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. First, to respond to your query, why symptoms in Bangalore, I would like to mention that flora of Bangalore is quite different from that of Delhi. So the pollen you are exposed in Bangalore are quite different. Another reason, of course, Bangalore ranks high in air pollution and is allergic disorders & asthma are quite common in Bangalore. Of course Delhi is also polluted. Maybe the area where you live/work in Bangalore is particularly polluted more. 2. Regarding treatment, I almost agree with regular Decor (Budesonide - inhaled corticosteroid, a controller type of inhaler) and Stalin (Albuterol - a rescue type of inhaler, to be used on as-and-when-needed basis). I would like to emphasize on technique of using inhaler as if it is not perfect, there is a chance that adequate amounts of Chat Doctor. 3. Were I treating you, I would add regular montelukast in your treatment which may reduce your inhaler requirement.4. I would also suggest you allergy testing which may help you identify the substances causing allergies to you and also to know the measures to avoid them. Based on allergy testing, an Allergist-Immunologist may prescribe you allergen specific immunotherapy which works on immune system to improve your allergy symptoms on long term basis.5. I would also suggest you regular breathing exercises (including Yoga & Panama) and a healthy diet rich in vitamins & minerals (adequate amounts of green leafy vegetables, fruits, sprouts, etc.) which will gradually improve your lung capacity & immunity respectively on a long run.6. Please try to avoid exposure to dusts, smokes & air pollution as much as possible. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any other concern, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health. Thank you & Regards. |
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Maybe... I am Caucasion, slim build ,5 8 and 145lbs ,no huge belly,(except after a too large meal....) age 67. H/O CABG X 3... 27 years out. Asymptomatic , Indolent Follicular B Cell Lymphoma X 8 years with H/O 10cm Lymph node mass of Mesentary. No past treatment course needed. Otherwise healthy. I workout moderately X 3 per week. I seem to be experiencing what might be PVC s( I can feel the repolarization pause and a cough) or possibly PAC s with aberrant beats up to 6 times per minute..but only on occasion. Maybe occurring more when I am a bit tired or sitting down in the car or a chair..not noticed as much when standing. I am noticing that when I take my pants off (33 waist is usually too loose , some 32 s are tighter than they should be at times after a meal) (normal 32 waist) it seems to be resolved. It sounds silly but my thinking is that Baroreceptors might be reacting to pressure on the abdominal Aorta by the pressure on the Mesenteric Hypertrophic Node.... Sounds far fetched although I am seriously thinking that it is the cause..Holter has shown very little...Occasional PAC s were noted. Just want to hear what you think. It s pretty obvious to me that if it stops when the pressure is released it must be the problem.Have you seen this before ? Thank you PSF ..DPM , PA-C (Oncology)
### output:
| Hi, Dear,Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor. Dear I read your query and reviewed it with context to your query facts. I understood your health concerns and feel Concerned about them. Based on the facts of your query, you seem to suffer from-PAC and PVC lately with 10 cm Lymph node mass-The reason does not seem more on your lines of thinking. With 27 yrs of CABG x 3, This is impending partial block compromising on the coronary supply, though have maintained a very nice lifestyle and health care. Tight pants causing increased intra-abdominal pressure causing pressure on the heart across the diaphragm, would lead to the compromised coronary circulation, causing the PAC and PVC in your case. A Chat Doctor. Other reasons for PAC and PVC, like liberal lifestyle with more coffee / tea/ alcohol/ smoking if any needs to be kept in mind in your case as the case of this PAC/PVC's. Hope this reply would help you to plan further treatment with your family and specialist doctors there. Welcome for any further query in this regard. Good Day!! |
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Please help me..... My baby 2.5 years....he is pretty normal in every and make sentence of 3 words even more...count from one to ten in english and arabic....tell me the sound of animal if i asked him....kow some colours and do matchs....walk and run and eat normally.... He have congenital aortic valve stenosis....had congenital inguinal hernia operation when he was 40 days....have upper libial fernula.... When he was 1.5 years i began to fell a ridge on his forhead...but not seen....just felt it....its more promenant in between brows and then it fades up ward to become promenant again beneath hair.... I was not o much concerneed and i felt its normal thing....but 2 monthes ago he hit his forhead at a pointed end of table....he had sever hematoma....we went to ER and did CT scan....doctors said it was so normal...i didnt ask him about the ridge...but other doctor point on the CT on the site of ridge and said that is becouse he is a child !!! the hematoma go....but the ridge is seen....there is a soft pulge over it (not bone)then when i press i fell the bone that because of the hematoma????my child have metopic cranio????or just a ridge????will he be normal child?????does that ridge can affect him now????i read that the suture close at age of one year....and he is now 2.5 where is the problem????and if there is no neurological problem ..what about his look????will that ridge fade and dissappearwhen he gets older????he loss some wieght this days ...that may the cause it bec
### output:
| Your child may have had early closure of the me topic suture, one of the seams of the skull that close during early childhood. When a suture closes early, there can be narrowing of the area that would have grown if the suture remained open a normal amount of time. The metric suture, in the middle of the forehead, continues on to the sagittal suture which goes from the forehead straight back to the back of the head. Closure of these sutures is not of any clinical significance but can present concern about cosmetic appearance. Most of the time this is not an issue for the child as it is so mild as to be unnoticed unless one looks very closely. The only concern for early suture closure arises when there is closure interfering with brain growth in two directions. Then surgery to reopen the sutures is done. Your child will be a normal child and the appearance you are so concerned about now will seem like nothing in the future. |
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I have been suffering from IBS ( Irritable Bowel Syndrome ) problem from 4 years now (2008-2010 and now again in 2012). I am suffering from pain in my right abdomen (lower side) with constipated motions. This pain also radiates to my right leg and back sometimes (especially while applying pressure to evacuate). I also feel an urge to evacuate after having meals. Frequency is more than thrice a day. I feel less energetic and lethargic. And I also feel frequent urination . Occasionally, feel bloated and acidity. The problems have resurfaced after I underwent an appendicitis surgery in Aug 2012. I took allopatChatDoctoredicines in 2008 and by taking heavy doses of anti-spasmodics, antidepressants and other medicines over a year, the problems got subsided but the same problems have reoccurred now and posing numerous problems in my personal as well as professional life. I have also undergone alternative therapies ( ayurvedic and herbal treatments) but didn t help much. I have been taking care of my diet as various doctors said IBS is aggravated due to imbalanced and gas-producing foods.... I only get temporary relief and the problems reoccur if I stop medications. I have also felt the problem increases (pain as well as constipation) when i masturbate. Please help me out as it has been a harrowing experience as I have taken so many tests (all are normal), consulting numerous doctors without any effective results and it is really depressing sometimes.
### output:
| Hi welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Thanks for calling Chat Doctor. Forum. You have got pain in right lower abdomen, sometimes spreading to back and leg when straining for defalcation. You feel an urge to evacuate, after food, You feel less energetic, and lethargic. You also feel bloating and acidic. Pain recurred after a surgery for appendicitis. You have got frequency of micturition. And pain increasing after masturbation. No relief with many treatments, and many systems of medicines. I advise you to consult a urologist for diagnosis and treatment. Have the urinary system examined for prostate, urinary tract infection, or stones in the urinary tract, which would have co-existed along with I.B.S. Avoid taking spices, junk foods, and oily foods. Avoid untimely diet. Practice diversion procedures like yoga, meditation, reading books like magazines, and hearing interested music. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Best regards. |
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Hi there, I am a 26 year old female with severe anxiety. I have a stressful job, in school full-time, a great relationship but with a man who has a lot of baggage (custody battle and horrible ex-wife). I am finding myself wanting to cry for virtually everything and I have become hypersensitive and over-analyze everything from my job to my relationship to how I acted in front of my boyfriend s parents and I am basically just going through the motions to get through the day. I have been prescribed Lexparo but never took it before since I didn t want to change my personality or be heavily medicated or change who I am. My bf was on it for 2 years and loved it as it helped him make better decisions and equal weight to all situations that gave him anxiety. I am hoping for the same for me, so two days ago I have started taking Lexapro (breaking the 10 mgs down to 2.5mgs) so I am not taking a lot as I do not want to suffer major side effects such as acne, weight gain, insomnia and lack of sex drive. What do you reccomend? Is that okay to just be taking 2.5mgs or what should I do? Thank you, Shannon
### output:
| Hello, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor for posting your query. I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through. From what you have stated it is quite clear that you are having a depressive episode. Depression can occur with regular stress, and it can also occur biologically without any stress as well. You need proper treatment for the same. 2.5 mg of Escitalopram won't be effective for you and it's as good as not taking any treatment. You certainly need to upgrade the dose until 10 mg. There are various effective therapies for depression like fluoxetine, venlafaxine, bupropion, mirtazapine or Escitalopram, and they are all very effective and mostly safe. You may also require some benzodiazepines like clonazepam or lorazepam for a short period like 2-3 weeks to reduce the anxiety and help with your sleep. If you are averse to the Chat Doctor. This therapy is taken by either a psychologist or a psychiatrist in which the therapist identifies impaired cognitions (Thoughts) and try to correct them. They are 15-20 min weekly session and there should be around 8-10 sessions to help you with your illness. Hope I am able to answer your concerns. If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you. In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below-mentioned |
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I have had two prior surgeries. the first in august 2009 and the second in march 2011. Li and l-2 in 2009 and l-3, l-4 amd l-5 in 2011. Back never recovered after 2nd surgery. As I stand up my back loclks up and feels like bone on bone scraping. The pain is intense and makes it hard too breathe. Both SI joint areas hurt as it alternates from one side to the other with the right side being the constant area where I get hip flare ups, pain down leg and down to my big toe. I have had multiple MRI s and at one toime in 2014 was told by surgeon I needed surgery as the disk was chipping on opposite side of where he had performed prior surgery. He decided as I waired for wifes insurance to kick in and he changed his mind. I went to new surgeon in the same office and he saw nothing on the same MRI that showed a problem in 2014 and didn t think the current MRI warranted surgery. The pain is incredible about 5-7 months out of the year and not so bad the rest of the time though I am on opiates for pain and they help keep the pain to a dull roar during the better months. Nothing helps much when I have the stabbng sensations like I am feeling at the present time. There seems to be no particular thing that sets it off. I had been seeing a pain dr up until the first surgery and even for 2 years after the second surgery. Trigger point shots stopped helping at all. Is there any type of surgery, such as cageing mt lower vertabre, which would help or will this continue to get worse as time goes by? Setting upright seems to put a lot of pressure on lower back and exacerbates the problem.
### output:
| Hello! Welcome to Chat Doctor! I have studied your case. You may need to do MRI spine again with contrast to see for nerve compression. If your new MRI shows disc bulge with nerve compression then surgery may help. Due to compression of this nerve root there is tingling numbness in your leg and pain associated with it. For these symptoms analgesic and neurotrophic medication can be started. Till time, avoid lifting weights, sit with support to back. You can consult physiotherapist for help. Physiotherapy like ultrasound and TENS therapy will help. Yes your symptoms may increase with age and instability with associated nerve compression. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take care |
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My daughter is suffering from eating disorder (restricting calories). she is presently in a behavorial facility. Her Alt And AST keep fluating. They have been abnormal since the end of April. I am concerned these levels are not going back to normal. We have been told that it is normal for them to flucuate but we are concerned. She is asymptomatic. My question is why do they fluate and how long does it take for them to normalize. Another bit of information is she had completely normal labs in Feburary .
### output:
| Hi, I had gone through your question and understand your concerns. Firstly, I must stress that one or a few of the liver function tests should not be interpreted in isolation. The entire hepatic function panel should be ideally be available along with the normal laboratory reference ranges for a meaningful interpretation. You have provided only the AST and ALT values. Therefore, I can only answer in general terms. Serum aminotransferases: are of two types.- alpine aminotransferase (ALT) and- aspartame aminotransferase (AST). Elevations of these are the two of the most useful indicators of liver cell injury. The AST is less live specific than the ALT. Elevations of the AST level may also be seen in acute muscle injury, (cardiac or skeletal muscle). Mild degrees of ALT level elevation may occasionally be seen in skeletal muscle injury or even after vigorous physical exercise. Disproportionate elevations of the AST and ALT levels when compared with the alkaline phosphatase level arise in diseases that primarily affect hepatocytes (ex; viral hepatitis). The AST/ALT ratio is not very useful in determining the cause of liver injury, except in acute alcoholic hepatitis, wherein, the ratio is usually > 2 and the AST level is 400 IU/mL or lower. Common causes of mild increases in AST and ALT levels is fatty liver disease seen most often in the context of obesity, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and alcohol abuse. The ratio of AST to ALT may give additional clues as to the cause:- In chronic liver disease with early cirrhosis ALT > AST,- In chronic liver disease with established cirrhosis AST > ALT. Extremes of the ratio of AST:ALT may also be sometimes useful:- ratio >2 suggests alcoholic hepatitis, and-Do not worry. It will take around 6 months for the enzymes to be normal again. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions. Wishing your daughters good health. |
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My daughter who is only 5 months n 8 days in age. She has been indentified down syndrom Trisomy 21 with severe cardiac problem Fr easy ref see below diagnoses summary Name Ms.Mahera Rahman Date of Birth 31st July 2011 Blood Group : A + Birth weight :3.8 kg Current weight : 4.7 kg current OFC : 37.5 cm T3 -1.05 T4 -15 (Sample taken when she was only 11days) TSH - 4.38 (Sample taken when she was only 11days) First Echo date - 10/sep/11 Age - 1M10D Impression : Moderate PDA with L-R shunt Moderate ASD ,Secondum with L-Rshunt Moderate VSD, PM with L-R shunt Mild PAH Chromosomal Analysis : Trisomy 21 . Downs Syndrome No of Chromosomes : 47 No of Autosomes : 22 pairs +1 No of sex Chromosomes : XX Karyotype : 47, XX + 21 Last Echo date - 28/dec/2011 Age - 4M 28D Impression : Large perimembranous VSD with reverse shunt Large ASD-2 Large PDA with reverse shunt Mild TR Severe pulmonary hypertension. PASP 76 mmHg Current Medicine 1. Syrup Centoxin 0.05 mg/ml ( Digxin ) Dose 0.4 ml two times a day . 2. Syrup Frusin (Furosemide USP ) Dose 0.5 ml two times a day 3. Tablet Enaril 5 ( Enalapril maleate 5 mg ) Dose 1/12 two times a day 4. Tablet Edegra 50 ( Sildenafil Citrate) Dsoe 1/20 three times a day. Many Thanks fr yr kind guidance fr her treatment.
### output:
| Hi Their have read carefully all the medical details provided by you of your daughter and its unfortunate that it's a genetic disorder and the medical science till date don't have a cure to it. Although early intervention program with a team of therapists and special educators who can treat each children specific situation are helpful in managing Downs syn Chat Doctor. For the congenital heart defect you can consult a pediatric cardio thoracic surgeon for a proper opinion on if the defect can be repaired surgically. The medicines which you have mentioned are adequate and will relieve the child symptomatically. May God Bless The Child |
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I have pain in my right hip with tingling in my right ankle and foot when I stand and it worsens when I reach for something and lift it down or bend down and pick up things weighing a few pounds. I have had osteo arthritis for several years. The doctor just changed my meds from Meloxcam 15MG to Naproxen 500MG and I have been taking it twice each day for a week and cannot tell improvement. This started after a mile hike up a steep incline. Thank you for any help or advice.
### output:
| Hi welcome to ChatDoctorI have gone through your query regarding hip pain with angling in ankle and foot. Dear feeling pains anywhere , is very common feature to be experienced by one and all . Causes of pains can be many, Pain is not a disease by itself, It may be outcome of any disease . Your long-lasting often arthritis for several years, may be base of your hip pain and tingling which leads to disability as the damaged joint is no longer able to move properly. Gulping on only medicines will not help cure unless you modify your life style and food habits Fortunately, there are certain nutrients and foods that may help to maintain your weight and reduce inflammation . Gas formation is the prominent symptom bothering anywhere from head to toe. I would like to suggest you to modify your lifestyle and food habits for strengthening your Immune system. A regular balanced diet including all essential nutrients and antioxidants - fiber, vitamins, minerals in natural form, fresh fruit, veges, ginger, garlic, AMLA, Aloe vera juice, A spoon of turmeric powder + Almond oil with a cup of hot milk at bedtime help to eliminate gas /acidity, Lemon juice in a glass of warm water with a pinch of salt and black pepper sufficient sleep, hydration help eliminate gas (VAT ATV), doing exercise - back bending only, no front bending allowed stretching, walking, yoga - Bhujjangasan, Dhanurasan, Partisan, Shallabhasan, Vajjarassan, Sheratan, Kapalbhatti Panama -deep breathing meditation all give resistance from health problems if done under guidance of trained guide and help alley pains, help stay healthy. Avoid fried fast foods too much of sugar, tea, coffee, alcohol, smoking, stress, constipation. Take total rest for 2 -3 days in case of severe pain, Hot pack application on hip, after applying relaxant ointment gives instant relief. Hope this helps solves your query. Take care, All the best.Don't hesitate to get back if you have any further query |
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Hi I am 35 married female suffering from hyperpigmentation on cheeks and uneven spots all over face . Have tried every treatement except laser and the problem doesnt go. I am not on contraceptives either. Please help You answer doesnt help since diagnosis might be wrong. Please note I dont have a baby yet nor I am on contraceptive... nope nothing wrong with me in this area, its just that I just got married
### output:
| Hi!, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum, According to your history, it seems that you have PLASMA, since you quoted that you are not on oral contraceptive pills, and you have not had any issues either. These questions you would have faced by many doctors. It is true that such pigmentation is often seen after pregnancy or one who is on OCS. But we have been seeing such pigmentation on those who have not had such a history either. So, even if you never had a baby, one can have such pigmentation problem, just because of slight shift in the hormones in the body. It is the estrogen level in the blood which is more responsible for such pigmentation. If this is plasma, we are dealing with a very chronic problem. It can wax and vain also. Sunlight & stress also has a big role to play. The best advise here would be to use a triple combination cream to begin with, and then gradually taper it off.Don't use it for more than 2 weeks. As you taper it gradually starts using HY Chat Doctor. Along with this also start using comic acid & it c based creams in day and evening. But please don't forget to use a good SPF sunscreen daily thrice. Sunscreen is mandatory. You can even undergo chemical peeling from an experienced dermatologist. Results of this all might vary from patient to patient. Now being a laser expert I've myself done the number of cases with lasers too. The best of the laser for this is Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. But one cannot guarantee you any great results with this either. The results are variable here too. And its costly also. Plasma has always been a very frustrating problem both for the patient and the treating doctor. It is one thing which can destroy the reputation of most reputed doctor. So, have patience and kindly consult a dermatologist for this. Please do not take any beauty parlor treatment for this. This is one possibility what came in my mind. Secondly it might be freckles too since you said you have spots all over your face. Lasers is best for treating freckles. You may require only one sitting for this. Kindly consult an experienced dermatologist who can diagnose and treat your problem. I hope this answers your query, if you any further questions, kindly write back to us. Regards, |
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Hi im 20 im 58 190 lbs . . . i have been suffering from toothaches on a chipped moler for about 6 months now but have been putting off the dentist due to lack of health insurance , i had consulted a dentist a couple months ago and she told me i had to have a root canal or pull it out but like i said i put it off . . .about 4 days ago i had a toothache come on again in the same spot i always get them in but a little more painful this time .. . i had a tiny small abscess on my gum that went away , i took some penicilin ( still taking ) and 600 mg motrin for the pain the pain is deff gone but yesterday morning i noticed i have some sort of lump or raised area under my jaw like under my sking but under the side where the tooth hurts . .like i said the pain is gone now but i still have like a raised area that does not really hurt but if i open my mouth to wide it aches just a bit . . i have no idea what it could be ? idk if it is related to the tooth infection or something else . . because i am really in no pain at all just the raised area under my jaw line undr my skin . . . i dont know if it is just swollen or something else i am really worried..pleas help, thanks alot!
### output:
| Hello, You describe symptoms of an infection not fully treated and going through different stages. Realize that the source of the infection has not been eliminated since you have not removed or treated the tooth. You may be developing a resistant infection. Infections spread and can cause a generalized swelling or pool into an area with a pocket of pus. This may need to be Chat Doctor. Lymph nodes can become swollen with dental infections present. Infections flare up and calm down with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications, but you risk a more serious, long term infection being more difficult to control. Stay on the anti-inflammatory medication Motrin. Make an appointment with your dentist before the condition gets worse. Once you treat the tooth, I expect your dental health to improve, since this is most likely related to the accessed tooth. Consider having a dental exam and cleaning for an overall evaluation of your dental health. I understand your concern with cost and not having dental insurance, but dental conditions untreated tend to get worse. This means additional dental treatment and more costs. Many dental offices offer payment plans or work with health credit cards that offer a payment plans with a period of no interest. Thank you for your inquiry. I hope you seek treatment and feel better soon. Please ask any additional questions and I will be glad to offer assistance. |
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Hi, I went to the Urgent care walk in clinic due to frequent palpatations. I have been dealing with palps for quite some time and only seem to be more noticeable after strenuous workouts. Slight chest discomfort, a little short of breath but not much. I take 25 mg atenelol, 10 mg Lisinopril for my blood pressure. As I mentioned before the last 10 days I ve had frequent palps which is unlike anything ive had before. I recently started a new job, seperated from a 7 year relationship and have been under a lot of stress. The EKG this morning read abnormal but the doctor said it was nothing to worry about. EKG readsSinus bradycardia, Anterolater ST elevation-possible early repolarization. Borderline ECG Vent rate 56 bpm RR interval: 1066ms PR interval: 148ms QRS Duration: 98ms QT Interval: 412ms QTc Interval: 405ms QT Dispersion: 58ms P-R-T AXIS: 55 84 22 degree I am a 29 year old male, in shape, don t smoke and eat pretty healthy. Just looking for second opinion thoughts..... Thanks.
### output:
| Hi, For your narration it is clear that you are a 29-year male with hypertension (high BP problem) on atenolol and lisinopril and in a mental stress. You have to attend clinic urgently for your palpitations. I want to know whether the EKG changes mentioned are during episode of palpitations or you have returned to normal before taking EKG.Also, your EKG changes suggestive of sinus bradycardia which is most likely due to use of atenolol and there is ST elevation possible early repolarization in anterolateral leads. You should not neglect these changes, there is rare but definite possibility of heart attack with your symptoms of palpitation, chest discomfort and EKG changes. What you should do is-1) Visit cardiologist.2) 2DEcho (echocardiography) needs to be done to know structural damage to heart like regional wall motion abnormalities these may be present after heart attack, enlargement of heart chambers like left ventricular hypertrophy or hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy which is also a rare chance in your case.3) Continue your medicines for high BP.4) If problem of palpitation recurs try to attend emergency clinic during episode only and get EKG done which can give much more information if it is not possible then undergo Holders monitoring & Electrophysiologist study of heart. |
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I have a few questions. I get headachs alot they last somestimes a half an hour to all day long. it will go on for a week or two. It is hard to see sometimes. I get dizzy as well. The top of my head hurts and somethime my tempols. Sometimes my legs feel light and that I might faint. I feel fine for a hour somedays and then everything will happen all over again. I never know what I am going to experence every day. Also I had an upper GI and a bowel fallow through. Latter on that night I had pain on both sides of my lower belly, where my intestines are. it feels like they swell up. I get pain in my back as well at the time on the pain. I also get pain just under my rib on my right side. They thought it was my gal bladder but nothing showed up. The other night I ate luckey charms and a half an hour the pain started and lasted 3 days. It hurt when I sat, or bent over. it hurt to touch. it felt as if it was swollen. It made my whole top part of my belly sore. I also get chest pains I can t breath well at times. I get pain on the top left of my chest. it feels like the middle of my chest needs to be streched. when I take a big breath I feel pain in my back as well. I feel tightness in my chest, all accross the top of my chest will hurt al times. I got this after I had my baby, I was trying to dry up my breast milk I was wearing a tight bra and putting cold cabbage leave on my breast. Then I started to feel the tightness in my chest and back. Then a month later I felt like I couldn t breath when this happends I can t breath through my nose as well. I can but it feels like it is closed up. Can you help me on any of thesse things. Thank you for your time. For all of my pains they say nothe ing wrong, but every day i have pain it is getting really upsetting. I was in really good health before. I had a baby a year and a half ago and two months later things started happening.
### output:
| Hello,First no need to worry about major life-threatening diseases because you're all reports are normal. By your history and description, the possibility of stress and anxiety related symptoms is more likely. So better to consult a psychiatrist and get done counseling sessions. Try to identify the stressor in your life and start working on its solution. You may need anxiolytic Chat Doctor. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. |
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Advice please - I am a 35 year old married female. I and my husband have been trying for a baby for last 6 years with no luck. Semen test showed that my husband has a low motility and low morphology. All my blood test came positive. So the diagnosis was male factor teratozoospermia. We tried 3 IUI , then 3 IVF and then 3 frozen cycles, none of them took for us. Then we changed clinic and did a 4th IVF, I became pregnant but in the wrong place. It was an ectopic pregnancy and I had to be operated. Both my tubes were removed. The surgeon told us that the tubes looked infected and that is why they removed both of them. After the surgery we again tried several IVF cycles and none of them succeeded. Around 10 years back, when I was in my college days, I had acute lower abdomen pain with white discharge and I was diagnosed with tuberculosis, and was given anti TB medicine for 9/10 months. After the treatment the white discharge problem disappeared. At that point of time the doctors didnt mention anything about the possibility of infertility in the future. But I am wondering if my tubes were infected due to TB at that time and if I am facing infertility now due to this. Just before the ectopic pregnancy I underwent a hysteroscopy and I was told that the uterus looked normal. A tissue was sent for biopsy and the result came out clean. I am not sure if I there is any point in me continuing to take IVFs. Other than the ectopic pregnancy I have never become pregnant even once. Please let me know if my previous TB treatment could be a cause for this and if there is any hope for me to get pregnant through IVF. I am in great agony after such a long journey in the infertile road.
### output:
| Welcome to Chat Doctor, Unfortunately TB of Tubes causes structural damage to the tubes. Inspire of successful treatment for TB, structural damage does not revert to normal. In the majority of cases of TB of Tubes, uterus also gets affected. In fact, the Doctor should have removed your tubes before your First IVF. Hysteroscopy is a good diagnostic investigation, but again it has its limitations. Biopsy also depends on the quality of sampling, and it can rule out active TB, but the capacity to prepare a bed for fertilized ova to implant is another thing. Male factor also has an important implication on success of fertility. As the age increases, again the chances of Success of IVF reduces. Nevertheless, we should not lose hope. You as a couple should talk to the Doctor, and discuss other options also. |
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Cannot figure out who I conceived with. Need help with this awful situation. Here are the facts: My June period went from June 17-20. I then had unprotected sex with Guy A from the end of June, to early July (my typical fertile period). I took 3 pregnancy tests that all said negative right before my July period. I then got my July period July 17-20th. It seemed heavy/crampy but I ve had that in the past. Then I had sex with Guy B on July 20-22nd on the tail end of my period. A few days later, July 26-28th, I had another period type of bleeding . It seemed like a light period, then my breasts became quite sore, and I had sharp pains in the lower right abdomen . All of these symptoms ended abruptly July 29th. July 29th I had an immediate, bright blue positive home pregnancy test . I confirmed at the doctor s on July 30th -- they took my BLOOD ChatDoctor and it was 206, but my progesterone was 7.5 (seemed low?). All they said was it seemed like an early pregnancy, no other questions answered and said they want to re-check my blood ChatDoctor a week from that point. When did I likely conceive?? Was the 2nd period from July 26-28 implantation? Do the ChatDoctor levels add up to that?? I was told by someone else that if my hormone levels remain low, it was likely guy A and I m having an abnormal pregnancy. But if the 2nd ChatDoctor re-check is high/normal, then it was likely guy B. Does this sound right?
### output:
| Hi. Thank you for putting up your problem to Chat Doctor ! You are very strange in you choice. You should have had some protection if you did not want to get pregnant and at least this should have practiced with the guy who was not supposed to father the child. Getting pregnant deliberately and then working/abortion are not safe. Changing partners so casually can lead to serious STDs. If it is guy A then Chat Doctor levels must have been been low and chances of blighted ovum/ectopic pregnancy are high, and it is very risky so get a Trans-vaginal Ultrasound to rule out any risk. If it is guy B then the levels of Chat Doctor should be raising to doubles almost other day for normal pregnancy. If the levels are not appropriate then you will need the Trans-vaginal Ultrasound to rule out the risk. You need to start the treatment after consulting your gynecologist. I hope this information would be both informative and helpful for you |
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### input:
i am 28 yeals old , female with total cholesterol 270 mg/dl , LDL 200 mg/dl , HDL 34 mg/dl , serum TGS 190 mg/dl . i have discovered this 6 months ago . now the total is up to 300 , LDL 250 , HDL 40 , TGS 190 . i want to get pregnant then i will take the drugs . But, would these results affect the fetus ? or should i postpone pregnancy and take the drugs to lower it first ?
### output:
| Hello, I hope I can help you today. The common medications which are used to lower cholesterol, called statins, are not safe to use during pregnancy. For one, cholesterol levels actually normally rise during pregnancy, because cholesterol is used to make a lot of the hormones and developing tissues, such as the brain, in the fetus. For that reason, many medical professionals do not recommend any woman of reproductive age to start using cholesterol-lowering medication. The other reason is that the chance at your age of your actually having a heart attack or stroke just from high cholesterol is still extremely low. At your age, the likelihood of your having problems conceiving are relatively low and the best way to have a healthy pregnancy is to be healthy before you get pregnant. So I recommend following your doctors instructions regarding cholesterol-lowering medication, and delaying pregnancy until your cholesterol is under better control. In addition to medications there may be diet and exercise recommendations that your doctor may have which will put you in a better state of health then you are right now. So in summary, high cholesterol does not affect the fetus in any negative way, and the body actually makes more cholesterol during pregnancy to provide the fetus with nutrition. However, cholesterol-lowering medication can actually harm the fetus by decreasing cholesterol levels to the point where the proper development of the fetus could be compromised. So in order to both keep the baby safe and improve your health I would recommend delaying pregnancy until after you've worked with your primary physician in order to lower your cholesterol and get your body into a healthier state to prepare for pregnancy. You should be off cholesterol-lowering medication at the time you are trying to conceive. In the long run, missing high cholesterol medication for about a year especially at your young age and if you do not have any other cardiac risk factors, will not do harm to you. I hope I was able to adequately answer your question today, and that my advice was helpful. Best wishes, |
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I was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis in August and was sent for a HIDA Scan. Result was an ejection fraction of 9% at 30 minutes post sincalide, consistent with dysfunctional gallbladder and chronic cholecystitis. I was referred to a surgeon for removal of gallbladder. The surgeon ordered an ultrasound and found distended gallbladder with no stones. He advised against removal of gallbladder and ordered an endoscopic ultrasound which was performed two days ago. The results were normal, but now they want to follow-up with an MRI in 3 months. I am absolutely a non-drinker , but my diet is not great. Also, I have iron deficiency anemia and my blood glucose level is somewhat elevated. I am on the brink of type 2 diabetes. My primary care doc feels very strongly that the gallbladder should be removed, and I am very confused. The surgeon doesnt respect the HIDA Scan. He claims the test is unreliable because it can change on a daily basis. Is this true? Two of my three daughters have had their gallbladders removed. The oldest daughter had acute pancreatitis and had several ultrasounds, none of which showed stones, but did suggest sludge. She became very ill during her pregnancy and had to have gallbladder removed at 18 weeks pregnant. The second daughter had a somewhat different situation, and was found to have a non-functioning gallbladder, which was removed. Both daughters were seen by Cleveland Clinic surgeons, as was I. I truly dont know who to believe, and the surgeon I consulted does not like to be questioned about his decisions. He has an excellent reputation, so I should probably follow his advice, but I dont want pancreatitis again. It was very painful and I was very sick for four days before I went to the ER. Couldnt take a deep breath or swallow without pain in the right upper abdomen and left lower back. Also had fever. Apparently the pancreatitis was in the tail of the pancreas. Help?
### output:
| HIT hank for asking to ChatDoctorI think you are more concerned about pancreatitis than cholecystitis, now these are the lesions of pancreas and gallbladder, if the sign and symptoms are server and chances of recurrent of infection is there then you really need surgery, both organ can be treated surgically in one session, discuss it with your surgeon, HIDE is nuclear scan the over all imaging study report entirely depend upon the expert nuclear radiologist or nuclear physicist (Medicine branch) else the reports are highly changeable in comparison with conventional imaging, have nice day. |
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hi doctor i m navjot kaur and i m 24 years old and i m a veterinarian.i m taking tegritol 600 mg daily twice a day,epilv 250 in morning and 500mg at night, nexito15 mg in morning and clobazepam 5mg twice a day and folic acid also for the last 4 yrs and i want to ask that i m not able to concentrate on anything sply on studies i was to do post graduation but due to this problem i m not doing as doctor has told me not to take stress on my mind. i usually fight wth my parents very much esp wth my mom . i m taking treatment from PGI chandigarh and acco to them i m suffering from complex partial seizures. whenever i miss my med even in morning i used to have an attack like i am unaware of surroundings for just few sec and i dont remember what had happened?i was a very intelligent girl till when i was in 9th class but after that i lost my positions in studies,even i had done my graduation very dificulty pls doctor help me and if want to ask smething more pls do mail me thanx.
### output:
| Hi Navajo, Welcome to Chat Doctor, and thanks for your question... Epival (Sodium Valproate) and Geritol (Carbamazepine) are both anti-epileptics, and you seem to be on an adequate dosage of both. Cloacae is also an anti-epileptic medication which is usually used as an adjunct to other medication in case of resistant seizures, especially of the complex partial type. It is sometimes used as an antianxiety medication also. Next (Escitalopram) is an anti-depressant medication. Now, your difficulty in concentration could be due to different reasons. Recurrent seizures, especially if you are skipping medicines often, can be one reason. The anti-epileptic medication, especially as you are on a combination, can sometimes have side effects like concentration and memory difficulties, Chat Doctor. It is also likely that you may be having some depressive symptoms, which may be the reason you doctor has put you on an anti-depressant. Depression and stress can also be a cause for your difficulty in concentration. What I would suggest is that you should be absolutely regular on your medication and never skip a dose. Also, discuss with your doctor about your problem, to see if any dose adjustments are required - may be, shifting a majority of your doses to the night. If you are feeling very stressed out or depressed, then it would help to talk to someone, may be a psychiatrist, and to learn relaxation / stress management techniques. All the best.- |
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### input:
doc if the baby had a blood enfection after he admit in 1 week in the hospital then now the blood infection is clear but now the doctor said the baby nid to put in incubator because of the yellow color of the skin i dont know if its true i nid a second opinion. its that posible?
### output:
| Hi thanks for the question. I assume that your baby is more than a week old. Most of the babies have yellow discoloration of skin and sclera during the first few days of life. This is called physiological jaundice, and it subsides on its own without any intervention. This is a normal phenomenon as a result of transition from fetal to extrauterine life. You should be aware when jaundice is a cause of concern: 1. If jaundice appears on first day of life2. If the level of bilirubin is more than 12 mg/DL. Bilirubin is the substance that causes the yellow coloration of skin. Its level can be checked with a blood test .3. If the rise in bilirubin level is more than 5 mg/DL/hr. For this your doctor my prescribe repeated test and then plot the levels on a graph to predict the expected rise in bilirubin.4. If direct bilirubin is more the 2 mg/DL or 20% of the total. Bilirubin is of two types physiological jaundice is due to the water insoluble indirect bilirubin so if direct component is high it means it's not physiological and should be a cause for concern. The direct and indirect breakage is given in the blood test. 5. If your baby is otherwise unwell e.g. is lethargic, is not feeding well, has fever or difficulty breathing then its not physiological jaundice because in that case your baby will be otherwise totally ok. You have asked if your baby needs incubator care. Incubators are for premature babies who can not maintain their body temperatures as they have arrived earlier, and temperature control mechanisms have not yet been established. The incubator provides specific temperature. Incubators are not used for the treatment of any type of jaundice. Phototherapy is used for that. These are specially lights that convert the indirect water insoluble bilirubin into water soluble forms that can then be excreted out through urine. As I have told high levels of direct bilirubin are a cause of concern and these need treatment with a phototherapy unit. Your doctor may prescribe phototherapy if your child has any of the criteria I have mentioned earlier, but incubator care is not needed as your baby is not premature and is at least older than a week. If you have any other questions I will be happy to answer. |
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Static Buzzing and fizzing, I m glad I m not alone, but it would be nice if someone could give this thing. Ok I get sleep paralysis very often, this drives me nuts i do often try to drink a lot to knock myself out and avoid the whole paralysis terror stuff. One of the worst SP incidents i had invovled this static buzzing fizzing pressure feeling in my head, as if my skull was the exaust for a jumbo jet engine. I thought my head was going to explode with static. This was the first time I d ever felt anything quite like this. Now you can see static on a tv, hear it on a radio, and even touch it on old cathode ray tv screens. This stuff across my brain felt just like the tv screen just much stronger, It was located on my temples and at the bottom of my right ear. But a few years ago a the height of my sleep paralysis Horror (Everynight multiple times for around 3 solid months) I finally went to the doctor, and got given citalopram, for depression. Started taking the citalopram, and i turned into a zombie, and these strange static fizzy buzzes started appearing. Now every bout of SP is preceded by and accompanied with this static. Also i find for a few minutes after I wake up from an SP incident, the static buzzes, still fizz in for a few more Aftershocks .
### output:
| Hello, If you suffer from SLEEP PARALYSIS I would recommend your seeing a SLEEP SPECIALIST in order to obtain a SLEEP STUDY since you may be suffering from a sleep disorder which could be related to or even NARCOLEPSY for which there is a specific medication that can help if not place into remission. The other possible set of diagnostic studies that could be obtained would be imaging studies of the brain to include an MRI of the head with gadolinium contrast looking specifically at the CEREBELLOPONTINE ANGLE to rule out the presence of a small mass lesion that may not be big enough to cause headaches, nausea, or vomiting but may be big enough to cause severe TINNITUS. I would also do an MRA of the head AND the NECK. I might even recommend that a high-resolution MRI on a 3 Tesla (or higher) magnet be performed of the INTERNAL ACOUSTIC MEATS (IAC) looking for any evidence of a cavernous fistula or breach of the cavernous wall or ceiling with an AVM or similar which could cause bizarre and debilitating symptoms of TINNITUS. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. |
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### input:
Dear Doctor, Alcohol, Atrial Fibrillation & Life after... I get blotted, noxious after drinking only one glass of white wine. Although I do not drink much, I ve had a couple episodes of atrial fibrillation in the past 2 to 3 years. These episodes were serious enough for me to be kept in the ICU of the hospitals I went to. Both lasted for 48 hours+ followed by a couple of days of watch time. Ever since the second episodes, I was prescribed to take Rytmonorm 150 coupled with Coraspin 300 to avoid any blood clots. After 2 years on the treatment, I ve hoped that my heart would be clear of the problem and tried to get off of the medicine. Within 24 hours, my heart started to beat erratically, enough so that I immediately reached for the pills... Along with my heart beating awkwardly, I ve noticed an almost instant pain in my head coupled with a slight but persistent confusion... I have repeatedly told about the combination of effects to a few doctors only to be dismissed at once as there doesn t seem to be any correlation with the heart/brain (as per the doc s opinions)... I have gotten a check-up with my cardiologist a couple of weeks ago and he recommends that I stay on the medication (one of my valve (top?) is 4cm wide whereas it should be at maximum 3.8cm (from memory, and I can t remember what was what exactly). Also, there was another measure from the ECG of 450ms or such between beat... Where it should stay under 450 or 430... Again, I do not recall the exact lingo... My question is simple. Are there any known adverse effect to taking a medication such as Rytmonorm, does it affect the initial problem (atrial fibrillation)? Is there any way to remedy the problem without resorting to ablation (which has a low success rate) or cut through the electrical system (old style)... I really would like to get off the medication. Thank you for your time and feedback on this case. Best Regards, Frederic
### output:
| Hello, Ritmonorm is for rhythm control that means if you have had episodes of atrial fibrillation that have been resolve in sinus rhythm you must take these medicines, to stay in sinus rhythm and to prevent episodes of atrial fibrillation. If you were my patient, I would consider an anticoagulation treatment (Carlo), because of your atrium diameter. One side effect of Ritmonorm is an elongation of qt SEG on ECG. So if I were you, I would continue using Ritmonorm. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. |
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### input:
I have never had heartburn in my life besides my last peegnancy. However, since Monday I have had constant heartburn. I took a pregnancy test tuesday and it said no. According to my calender, I am not due for my period until the 13th. I should be ovulating around now. Would that cause this?
### output:
| Hi, Dear,Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor. Dear I read facts of your query and reviewed it in context to your query health issues. I understood your health concerns and feel Concerned about them. Based on the facts of your query the reply of your query is-This mostly is from -High Progesterone Post-Ovulation, as your prey test is negative. So the answer is YES, ovulation at this stage may be causing this. The high Progesterone relaxes the LES(Lower Esophageal Sphincter) and is accompanied by lowered Folic acid levels, due to Post-Ovulation high needs of Folic acid and It B12. Get your prey test checked after 2 weeks time also. This could give you the exact cause for this Constant heartburn in your case from the pregnancy with high Chat Doctor and high progesterone levels. If need have Second opinion from Obstetric and investigate. But in the absence of other information, I would suggest you to go for Obstetric Consults. As the facts could be different from what you submitted. So looking into the sensitive complaint of yours, I would suggest you to rule out abnormal Progesterone and Estrogen levels by Consulting and investigating with Obstetric doctor. It would be prudent to have physical Check from Consulting Obstetric first-before planning further investigations and treatment for it. Other causes need to be ruled out in any case. Dos -suggested for your case-Check with Family Physician and thereafter with Consulting Obstetric.Don't miss to have checks for high progesterone levels. Just don't worry and be patient and co-operate with your doctors, till you verify with your attending doctors. Need to Check with Consulting Obstetric-specialist if need be, if things don't recover.-Other causes need to be verified with your family GP /Consulting Obstetric -Specialist doctors, as the facts may be different what you submitted.-For this Second opinion with Consulting Obstetric- specialist-is needed who would do proper investigation after proper physical assessment to resolve your health issues.-for early recovery-please follow above dos which would resolve your complex health issues. Hope this would help you to treat your health issues in the best way possible. Welcome for any further query in this regard. Good Day!! Chat Doctor. N. Senior Surgical Specialist. S. Genl-CVTS |
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### input:
HI sir My mother , age of 58 , Met a small accident and admitted in hospital on 19th NOv 2013. After CT scan done -s/o e/o moderate size vermian haematoma with mass effect on 4th ventricle and early and early obstruction hydrocephalus also has moderate size left frontal contusion with severe diffuse oedema .Diagnosed as Posterior fossa haematoma with hydrocephalus .hence sub occipital Craniectmy and haematoma evacuated done under GA on 20th Nov 2013 .In the view of Bronchospasm treated with Aminophylline infusion and nebulization. After discharge from hospital started using Levipil 500mg , Amlog 5 mg ,Itopride 50 mg medicines.After 2 days she is feeling giddiness and vomiting( even after giving emset /Domstall all 3 times.) is continuing ...... After 45days , again admitted hospital for review . condition : she is very much conscious , BP 110/70 sugar-88 and pulse 80/min - Giddiness while getting up from sleep bitter in taste and vomiting. CT brain result : 1. As this know case of RTA Operated with occipital craniotomy and bone flap refixation measure 28mm , no mass found 2. Gliotic changes noted in cerebellum and in left frontal region 3. small vessel ischemic changes noted in bilateral periventricular of noted. Current course of medicines : 1. Levipil 500 , 2.Accuvert(Stopped after 20day) 3.Vertin ( now stopped after 20days ) 4.amlog 5.Nomabrain 800 ( continue) ,Aminophylline Tab( Stopped after 10day). budocort for Asthama . Current situation : vomiting stopped for 20 day and giddiness come for few days . However it is Giddiness started again and vomiting ( alternate days) also and bitter taste and feeling weekness. ( she able to walk some time in day ) . Please help us how to stop Gidiness and vomiting
### output:
| Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor .com I am Chat Doctor. Mariano Into Bruno Mascaras. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. The Giddiness is probably due to the Disturbance of Vestibular Apparatus and Vomiting is a consequence of Giddiness. This will settle down in six to nine monthsPlease do repeat CT brain to Rule out Post traumatic Communicating HY |
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### input:
Hi, Sir i am 31 years old male person. since past 3 years i am suffering from cold and also suffering from caugh since last6 months i have breathing problem also. especially this problem coming in winter season. I consulted the nearest physician (MD). he told that my disease is Allergic Bronchits. Which will get cure within one month after taking Criz-M, AB Phylline & Seriflow 250 inhaler medicine. But, this problem often repeats. Is this eosinophilia? Please suggest the medication as a permanent cure. Who is the best Eosiniphilia Doctor in Hyderabad city Andhra Pradesh state? Sir, also found some Dermit changes on my left leg at foot side ( small black shades are coming). And also i am suffering from insomnia ( no sleeping at night time) since 5 years.
### output:
| Hello. Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history. I conclude that you are having recurrent episodes of cold and cough for last 3 years and breathlessness for last 6 months, more in winters. Were I treating you, I would consider allergic disorder and would suggest you to take daily levocetirizine, montelukast and an inhaled corticosteroid. I also would suggest you regular nasal saline spray 3-4 times a day and steam inhalation. All these medicines control your symptoms, but they do not "cure" the allergic disease. Hence, I would suggest you to consult an Allergist-Immunolgist who will advise you allergy testing and may advise allergen immunotherapy based on results of allergy testing. Allergen immunotherapy will improve your immune system to reduce allergy symptoms. Allergy testing will also help you identify the substances you should avoid. I would also suggest you regular breathing exercises, Yoga & Panama, which will help you in a long run and improve your lung capacity. Also, please try to avoid dusts, smokes & air pollution as much as possible. Eosinophilia is not a disease. It is a finding in complete blood count testing. It may be due to allergic disorders, but there are other causes like parasitic infections, some Chat Doctor. If you have insomnia due to nasal obstruction, treatment of allergic rhinitis will help it. Also, both allergies and insomnia are aggravated by mental stress, so if stress is a factor for you, please try to manage it with meditation & relaxation. Otherwise, I would suggest you to consult a Neurologist for insomnia and a Dermatologist for skin changes. Hope this will be helpful to you. Wish you the best of the health. Regards. |
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### input:
HI I am 30 yr old women who just start working for ups. I been lifting heavy boxes a lot and today I start to notice chest pain. I never felt this pain so Im concern. Its in my neck,left arm and left chest. Please help its been going on for about 30 min now. I can breath fine I just never felt pain in my chest. Oh I havent smoked In over 2 years but also lately I been smoking socially like one cig a week.
### output:
| Hi, Dear,Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor. Dear I read facts of your query and reviewed it in context to your query health issues. I understood your health concerns and feel Concerned about them. Based on the facts of your query the reply of your query is-Pain in chest and left arm and neck is mostly from heavy work up. Seems to be from Muscle injuries due to heavy work up. Direct history of lifting heavy boxes with young age of yours, reduces the risks With a good lifestyle and care about your health, you need not worry of heart attack. But in the absence of other information, I would suggest you to go for Cardiac Consults. As the facts could be different from what you submitted. So looking into the importance of heart functions, I would suggest you to rule out ischemia possibility by Consulting and investigating with Cardiologist doctor. It would be prudent to have physical Check from Consulting Physician before planning further investigations and treatment for it. Other causes need to be ruled out in any case. Dos -suggested for your case-Check with Physician and thereafter with Cardiologist if you need beget ECG done and holder to rule out any cardiac ailment.Don't miss to have checks for neck and arm by EMG and Nerve Conduction tests if needed, to rule out any causes of the neck-/and left arm illnesses. Tab-Motrin-400 mg x 3 times a day x 5 days Just don't worry and be patient and co-operate with your doctors, till you verify with your attending doctors. Need to Check with family Physician and Cardiac-specialist if need be, if things don't recover.-Other causes need to be verified with your family GP doctor and team of -Specialist doctors, as the facts may be different what you submitted.-For this Second opinion from PCP-or GP doctor and if need be with Cardiac specialist-is needed who would do proper investigation after proper physical assessment to resolve your health issues.-for early recovery-please follow above dos which would resolve your complex health issues. Hope this would help you to treat your health issues in the best way possible. Welcome for any further query in this regard. Good Day!! Chat Doctor. N. Senior Surgical Specialist. S. Genl-CVTS |
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I am a 26 year old male and I have been getting pain in my neck and shoulder area from my skull to my shoulder blade and all around the top of my shoulder on my right side for about 2 and a half years now. Some days the pain is really bad and I can hardly move my head without severe pain, other days the pain is mild and it is uncomfortable to move my head. I have some kind of pain everyday from mild to severe and it hurts more when I move my head, for example, it hurts more when I move my right ear towards my right shoulder or if I turn my head to look in a certain direction. I can t see any pattern as to when the pain is more severe, it isn t worse after a particular activity or time of day. For example, yesterday the pain was mild and uncomfortable, today it was mild in the morning and has become moderate thoughout the day, these 2 days are my days off and I have not done anything strenuous. Sometimes if I massage my neck and shoulder area I can feel something move and make a dull clonking noise, this helps dull the pain slightly for a short period of time before going back to how it was before. I have had an X-Ray and an MRI scan. The doctor claimed that they could only see general wear and tear with very minor disk protrusion. My first physiotherapist gave my some neck stretches to do and I have been doing them for about 1 year or more. The second more recent physiotherapist has told me there is nothing wrong with me and that the pain is something my brain had made up. Although they also said that my trapeze muscle is tight and harder on my right side. They have given me some stretches to do and have told me to stop imagining that I am in pain and to think positively . There are only two things that i remember happening to my head and neck area in the past. I once slipped a disk in my neck, but this was about 12 years ago, the second is about 2 and a half to 3 years ago a well build man fell onto my head and shoulder area from a height and jolted my shoulder and crushed my neck. Can someone please help me? What could it be? What should I tell my doctor? The pain is very real.
### output:
| Hello, As you had an MRI which suggest of protrusion of the disc, I will advise using cervical soft collar, do hot water fermentation, gentle kneading massage, myofascial release, static neck, shoulder stabilization exercises to help improve the stability of the joints and improve the muscle strength. You can take the help of a Physiotherapist if you have one close by. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Jay In Chat Doctor. |
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### input:
Hi there, my mother was 93 years old a breast cancer survivor that was diagnosed at age 80. However, she was having shortness of breath for a few days but when the visiting nurse came she detected funny breathing with I believe low pressure, she was taken to the er and we was told her potassium level was low and waited for medication to go home, but during the wait we (the family) laughed and had good talk with my mom. Until she started saying she couldn t breath, the medical staff worked on her for some time, and showed me what I was seeing on the monitor wasn t my mom breathing on her own it was the aspirator they were assisting with after the machines didn t work, my mother also had unsusal heart rhythms for many years and we had stopped the memo months before because of weakness, this all happen a few yes ago, but I could not help wondering if we could have done something earlier. As I said she was in good spirits waiting to go home and Pow. Your input please. Thank you Tina G
### output:
| Hi Dear !! Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor. Read and reviewed your query and health concerns. IN the given situation of Your mother, she seems to have suffered from-Silent heart attack with hypokalemia and shortness of breath, while in wait in ER. Dear, the facts show that she had a silent heart attack with only complaint of shortness of breath with low pressure since few days earlier to ER visit. Other causes for this precipitation of shortness of breath could be -aspiration pneumonia, from reclining position, precipitating heart attack under the garb of shortness of breath of your mother. Dear Such events IN ER waiting could have been avoided but for GODS wishes, and for her advanced age of 93. You could have saved her provided, shortness of breath in last few days was taken seriously and was treated vigorously, with better outcome of survival of her life. A right treatment at those early moments of shortness of breath, would have given her normal life. But dear, everything cant go right when GOD DESIRES the other way. Second opinion with attending Cardiologist on these lines would resolve your anxiety more. Hope this would help you to plan further of this complex illness of yours. If need be, update any health issue 24 x 7 by a direct question to ME, at following Chat Doctor link-Dear, if satisfied, Dont forget to close this query with YOUR pleasing feedback comments to rate this reply and service, to boost the morale of incoming Emergency patients like YOU, at Chat Doctor services. If you want to update more details and ask more update queries, You are most Welcome herewith !! Good Day!! Wishing Good Healthy Life in time to come!! Chat Doctor. N. Senior Surgical Specialist. S. Genl-CVTS |
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### input:
I am a 66 year old male who is in relatively good health. following kidney stone surgery to break them up and a subsequent stent for 1 month, I have developed knots in the back of both calves, both ham strings, and both deltoids. The pain has become quite debilitating and is made worse by sitting, especially in the car. The best way to describe the pain is like a lactic acid build up after strenuous exercise. I do have a factor five blood clotting disorder that I have never had any effects from previously. Would appreciate any help as I am grasping at straws!
### output:
| Hi.thanks for the opportunity to help you. From your description it looks to me like thrombophlebitis of the veins in the calf, hamstrings and buttocks. This has happened as a result of prolonged immobilization due to kidney stone surgery and stent insertion for 1 month and as you have factored 5 deficiency you have tendency for hypercoagulability leading to clotting of blood. Thus stasis due to prolonged bed rest, old age and factor 5 deficiency leading to hypercoagulability and clot formation can lead to thrombophlebitis. However we should rule out DVT which is a life-threatening condition in which there is formation of thrombus in deep veins.this thrombus can dislodge and block pulmonary vessels leading to pulmonary embolism and death. Though from your description it doesn't look like DVT.kindly visit a surgeon and get a venous Doppler of lower limbs and get a coagulation profile, genogram, Radioactive,I125 fibrinogen study done. If it shows thrombophlebitis, oral antibiotics, thrombophobe ointment for l/a and t.choral forte 1-1-1x5 days can be taken .if however DVT is diagnosed by Doppler of venous systems in. Low molecular weight heparin followed by warfarin as per surgeons advise. If surgery is required. These methods to be considered in case of fixed case of free thrombus fibrinolysins, thrombectomy using forty catheter or IOC filter can be used. Surgical options are:-1)Palma operation for tibiofemoral thrombosis2) May hung operation for popliteal thrombosis.t.saffron 500 mg 1-0-1x3 months to reduce viscosity of blood and congestion of veins can be use prophylactically in cases of both thrombophlebitis or DVT.hope the consultation was beneficial regards |
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### input:
Two months ago I had very low energy (not usual for me). I also had a continual dry cough. Doctor said my air flow was not good, gave me a Cortisone shot and said I may have asthma so put me on inhaler. Then both my legs became weak to the point that if I bent down I could barely get up. Next morning, my arms were weak down to my fingers. Still dry cough. Had a chest xray. Was told I had emphysema. (I smoked when I was twenty for about 4 years. I am 67 now). I was given another inhaler with cortisone. No explanation for my muscle weakness which did get better at times to where it was almost gone. The dry cough remained so I did a Pulmonary function test. 80% is the norm for my age etc. I scored 98 on intake, 91 on initial blow out but 65% on the in between blowing out. After inhaler, I scored the same on intake and blow out but improve to 75% in middle range. So, I have been using inhalers and some days I am a little better some days especially at work (office job) I get worse. Went to Allergist, no allergies. He suggested that the increase in my raspy voice and coughing could be from one of the inhalers and gave me a different one to use. He also suggested that I see an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist. That was yesterday. I used the new inhaler and it seems not to irritate my throat as much. However, I can hardly move my legs are so weak. Arms are stiff, neck is stiff and now my jaw is stiff. My doctor has not returned my call. I am getting worried. I am a very healthy person, energetic, not overweight, no high bp, no high cholesteral. I eat healthy and stay active and am rarely sick. Do you have any idea what is going on with me? I appreciate any help.
### output:
| If you had emphysema earlier and also taking treatment for that, you can continue the treatment, and also you were a chain smoker in the past. The most possible reason of your Chat Doctor. You have already undergone pulmonary function tests, but you should also do complete blood count with X-ray chest. You will require high antibiotics (quinolones or cephalosporins or amaryllis with clavulanic acid) for at least 7 to 10 days with antiallergic like steroids, antihistamines, mast cell stabilizers etc. with saline nebulizers and steam inhalation. You must consult pulmonologist for detailed history and thoroughly check up of respiratory system and the treatment. |
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### input:
Hi, I have some questions in regards to how I ve been feeling. i rarely smile, when i do its to hide this other slithering inside me jordan has become the mask behind which i hide my true self I ve developed this almost jaded god complex, where i view the entirety of the human race as inconsequential. As if a mass apocalypse would suit me better than the world we live in. I feel superior to most everyone i meet. When i meet someone i can look at as being better than me, I instantly loathe them for it. I almost seem to be completely devoid of emotion, save for anger and resentment. I guess i feel emotion, i just dont feel im processing it properly, for example I ve gotten fairly good at replicating emotions such as love and happiness and remorse, by mimicing what I ve seen in others/media, I ve gotten so good at this I m having a hard time differentiating between the real and the feigned emotions. I seem to be completely incapable of letting go I ll hold a grudge indefinately. I crave the attention and praise of others. I frequently have shockingly vivid thoughts of the macabre (torture, violent sex acts, relishing in the pain of others), I have a family whom im not close to, and rarely hear from and never contact of my own accord, the concept of family is something alien to me though. I d be perfectly fine if i never heard from them again. I feel no urge to do anything for anybody unless it directly benefits me in some way, and in the past month or two i seem to have lost all interest in having sex, which is strange as i used to be a morbidly sexual person. and many of the thoughts i have seem as if they arent my own, i find myself fantasizing about things i know the world at large would see as wrong but it never seems to bother me, the only thing that bothers me is the fact that nothing bothers me. and this is just the bare bones of what id like to delve into, any help is greatly appreciated
### output:
| Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for your query. I understand that you are going through a difficult time due to your multiple problems. Your symptoms like inability to experience emotions properly, problems in relating to other people, etc. can be due to various psychological causes - such as mood disorders, personality disorders, past psychological trauma, etc. A comprehensive history and a detailed psychological assessment is needed to establish a likely cause. Since your problems are quite complex, and you do seem to be a lot of distress, I would advise you consult a psychiatrist for a detailed evaluation and further management. From the nature of your problems, I think that you would benefit a lot from psychotherapy. So, please seek professional help. Wish you all the best. |
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### input:
Im a 13 year old girl and I over the past few months Ive been really upset over the smallest and biggest things. I just look back at everything lately and it seems like nothing goes to plan, everything for me just goes wrong. For example, I broke my ipod, my guinea pig is ill and might die, I arranged a surprise party for my friend which absolutely nobody turned up to and alot more. I feel like Im cursed or something. I know Im not actually cursed but thats what it feels like. Most nights I cry myself to sleep and if Im alone in the house I often burst into tears too. A couple times every week I consider committing suicide (I get so close to do doing it that I write suicide notes and everything) but I just cant bring myself to do it. This makes me think I must be worth something and I must have a purpose in life which is keeping me alive, but I dont know what it is. I just feel like Im a failure and like Im worthless and if I died the world would be no different without me. Its hard to explain how I feel really, especially without actually speaking to you. I havent told anyone about this. Ive wrote down how I feel and things but never talked to anyone about it. I dont know whats wrong with me. At first I thought I was depressed but I dont know anymore because this time last year my mum was depressed and Im not completely the same as her. But maybe thats partly why Im like this. If my mum was like this last year maybe Im remembering it all and I feel like its happening all over again, except this time to me. I wasnt really looking forward to the summer holidays this year because it just makes me think of my last one when I should of been having fun and instead I was taking care of my depressed mum. I could say so much more but Ive already wrote enough I think. Thank you for taking the time to read this. xx
### output:
| Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Angel.... I am calling you angel because you are destined to be an angel. When you go through disappointing episodes at your teenage, you are given experiences by god. These negative experiences you weather out and gain confidence in life. Then later you use your confidence to bail out people in distress. Once you do that you are an angel. God has given you the opportunity to know the life and be an angel in the future. Accept it in true spirit. You are just disappointed because god wants you to be and learn from the disappointment. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. |
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### input:
Hello. I am female 65. For decades I have had low abdominal burning in the same place and often think it is a bladder infection but it never is. It often feels like it is moving/twitching and it burns. I had a bad bout of it recently witn no appetite and lots of anxiety and ended up in the hosptial with constipation. My md is setting up a colonoscopy and gave me some ativan and celexia. He says the pain and constipation are signs of colon cancer but I have had this recurring burning in the same place for as long as I can remember. He also said I was about as anxious and dry mouthed as a person can be and gave me a shot of valium. I had been on zoloft for years but was really feeling great, no bowel issues and had gone off zoloft about 10 days before this incident happened and I thought I had sufficiently weaned over several months. I am still constipated but the anxiety is less and I have a little appetite. At the hospital they did a digital x-ray and said I was hideously constipated and sent me home with a go-easy and 3 ativan. That worked well but the symptoms returned, especially the anxiety/butterflies so I started up the zoloft at 50m day but it didnt seem to help and Dr. Wade switched me to celexia yeterday along with an antibiotic for a sinus infection. All bloodwork is normal.My question is does colon cancer grow in the same place ibs/diverticular is and cause worse distress? I did get a diagnosis of diverticular years ago but I dont know where it is. The burning pain is in the same place it always has been for as long as I can remember and the condition has always been non-smell gas and slow moving bowls/constipation but this has been a long spell of it, about a month now from when I stopped taking zoloft, the trip to the ER with anxiety and constipation about 10 days after stopping the zoloft and now 3 weeks back to zoloft but still not eating, moving bowels much and mountains of anxiety. Then seeing Dr. Wade yesterday.
### output:
| Hi there, I completely agree with your doctor who booked you for colonoscopy as vague symptoms like you are describing, better to rule out any cancerous growth inside. Overall I understand you have IBS/ diverticular disease and your concern is that whether cancer can exaggerate the symptoms if it occurs at the same place. This I don't think anyone has concrete evidence about and one can't reply with any certainty. I would not worry too much if colonoscopy comes as normal. Take care, Regards |
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### output:
| Hello, Sorry for the continued medical problems your mother is facing. Steroid is the major treatment after continued inflammatory disorder with unknown cause. Steroids cannot be taken for a longer time as it suppresses the immune system leading on to infections and other systemic disorders. I strongly doubt weaning through steroids could have led to the present position, rather a progression of the disease could have caused it. Hope I have answered your query |
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### input:
Hello Doctor, I am 27 yrs old. I get running nose, too much sneezing daily. I checked with ENT doctor 6 months back. He did endoscopy and said its dust allergy & I should take more care & avoid dust. He gave nasal spray. I used it whenever I get nose block. However now a days that spray is not effective. I am getting cold, sneezing several times daily. I am not able to bear it. Please suggest me which specialist I should consult (some people are telling me to consult Allergist) Please suggest me
### output:
| Hello. Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. First, I would like to know which nasal spray you used to have. If it is decongestant type of spray (xylometazoline), I would not suggest you to use it often. If it is an intranasal corticosteroid (fluticasone or mometasone), I would suggest you to use it daily at least for 2 weeks with proper technique.2. At present, I would also suggest you to take daily montelukast and levocetirizine for at least 2-4 weeks.3. As you already have had endoscopy recently by an ENT surgeon, it is easier for me to make suggestions to you.4. As an Allergist-Immunologist, I would suggest you allergy testing for common air-borne allergy causing substances like - house dust mites, cockroach proteins, common molds & pollen in your area, animal dander (if you have pets), etc. Allergy testing will help you to identify substances causing allergies to you as well as to know how to avoid exposure to them.5. Based on allergy testing, an Allergist-Immunologist may prescribe you specific allergen immunotherapy which works on your immune system to gradually improve allergy symptoms on long term basis.6. In general, I would suggest you to avoid exposure to dusts, smokes and air pollution.7. Regular breathing exercises and a healthy diet rich in vitamins & minerals will be helpful to you in a long run by improving your lung capacity and immunity respectively. In reply to your specific query (whom should you consult), I would like to suggest you that allergic rhinitis is best managed by a team consisting of an ENT specialist and an Allergist-Immunologist. ENT specialist takes care of symptoms and Allergist takes care of allergy itself and immune system. Hope above suggestions and information will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health. Thank you & Regards. |
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### input:
hello doctor,i m mrs.smriti malani... i am 32 weeks pregnant.. since d last week i hv extreme rashes on my body.intially it started wit rashes appearing on my abdomen only,i consulted my gynac n she suggested to have either cetrizine or avil. i took cetrizine for 1 day but dint help me a bit,den i took avil for 2 days but it dint help me as well.. after 3 days,the rashes extended 2 my buttocks,thighs,hands etc... i jus feel like itching all the time... my gynac says she doesnt want to gv any other medicine dan the ones prescribed above cuz i m pregnant... i consulted a dermatologist yest n she told me dat i m suffering from PUPPP... i had read about this on the internet n i myself feel that its PUPPP... she told me that my condition of the rashes has become so acute that drugs like allegra,avil,cetrizine wil not make much of a difference... she suggested me to take OMNACORTIL 40 mg for 3 days n then tapering it to 20 mg for 3 dAYS.... i am very confused as to take OMNACORTIL cuz its a steroid n it may harm my baby but i m so much in distress that it is impossible for me to bear this itching... tried calamine lotion 4 local usage as wel,but doesnt help much.... plssss advise doctor.... should i take OMNACORTIL???? will it harm my baby??? n will my condition improvise a bit after taking this steroid... drugs lik cetrizine,avil,allerga have not even made a 10% IMPROVEMENT IN my condition,instead it has increased more.... plssss help doctor.... should i take OMNACORTIL???? please reply... i m really very distressed because of these rashes..
### output:
| Hello there, sorry to hear you are through such distress. But PUPPY is a self limiting condition, meaning it's not harmful And will resolve by itself in four to seven weeks time. However, as your doctor rightly said Allegra, evil and other Chat Doctor. It's fine to use local application of high potency steroids to get some relief. They are safer than oral steroids and when used for short periods of time will not cause much harm to the baby. Meanwhile, you can keep applying emollients that can hold moisture and help a bit. You may need repeated applications. Wet soaks give symptomatic relief. Use loose cotton garments to keep yourself comfortable. Hope this helps a bit. Take care. |
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### input:
Hi, I have had a really bad cough for four weeks now. It started with long coughing fits in the day and these have reduced but have been added to by coughing fits at night which feel like they go on for ever. Also during these I cannot breathe in which initially caused me to panic but I found I could breathe in if I calmed down but this took some time. Chemist gave me a Ventolin inhaler to open airways during attack which helped a bit. Also I have an almost constant tickling sensation in the back of my throat and at night for the last week my chest has felt tight - ventolin inhaler has helped relieve this. Finally I feel like something is stuck in the right hand side of my throat but cant normally cough it up as cough is generally unproductive, except first thing in the morning when I am able to cough up some clear phlegm but also tend to vomit as well. Occasional dry mouth at night doesnt help. Really getting fed up with this now - went to doctors two weeks ago who thought I had the after effects of a viral chest infection and thought it would all clear up within a week - now two weeks on there is no sign of this. Can you advise? Thanks
### output:
| Hi and thank you for choosing Chat Doctor to post your health concern. I read carefully your question and my opinion is as follows:From what you describe it seems to me that all these paroxysms of intense coughing lasting up to several minutes, the tendency to vomit after cough(possessive vomiting) and the duration of cough(4 weeks) match with the clinical presentation of pertussis infection. I don't know about your vaccination status (incomplete or absent pertussis vaccination)Pertussis is a respiratory infection that lasts about six weeks, starting with a catarrh phase followed by a paroxysmal phase and convalescent phase. Vaccinated adults usually develop only prolonged bronchitis. Treatment usually involves an antibiotic, but it only helps if administered in the first or second week of symptoms. In your situation Ventolin inhaler that your doctor prescribed helps to reduce the paroxysms and would help also if you start antitussives such as dextrometorphan, codeine.another less possibility of your health problems is even the beginning of an asthma since very frequently it can be precipitated from a viral infection. It would help me to support this if I would have a well given medical history(allergies, familiar history of asthma)and physical examination Spirometry is useful for diagnosis and the treatment need to be guided by its value. I hope my opinion is help to you. Wish you good health. Kind regards Chat Doctor. |
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### input:
dear sir, i am taking alcohol continuously from last 8 years. but physically fit. and have no symptoms of physical tiredness, or any effect of liver damage. yesterday i did my LFT and the reading are very high.. Test Name Method Value Units Reference Range BILIRUBIN - TOTAL PHOTOMETRY 0.84 mg/dl 0 - 1.2 BILIRUBIN -DIRECT PHOTOMETRY 0.26 mg/dl 0 - 0.3 BILIRUBIN (INDIRECT) CALCULATED 0.58 mg/dl 0 - 0.9 ASPARTATE AMINOTRANSFERASE ( SGOT ) PHOTOMETRY 148 U/l M: 0 to 37 - F: 0 to 31 ALANINE TRANSAMINASE ( SGPT ) PHOTOMETRY 253.5 U/l M: 0 to 37 - F: 0 to 31 ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE PHOTOMETRY 74.7 U/l M:53 to 128 - F:42 to 98 GAMMA GLUTAMYL TRANSFERASE (GGT) PHOTOMETRY 383.4 U/l M: 0 to 50 - F :0 to 30 PROTEIN - TOTAL PHOTOMETRY 8.15 gm/dl 6.0 - 8.3 ALBUMIN - SERUM PHOTOMETRY 4.81 gm/dl 3.2 - 5.0 SERUM ALBUMIN/ GLOBULIN RATIO CALCULATED 1.44 Ratio 0.9 - 2.0 quiting alcohol alone will solve the problem or i need some medication too. kindly guide. regards
### output:
| Hi there, your liver function tests are showing mainly a derangement in the enzyme profile namely GOT, SGPT AND GGT which is suggestive of damage to the liver cells. These are mainly due ATO the alcohol intake and quitting alcohol will solve this issue to a great extent. You can also take up some form of exercise, it would be wise to visit a physician and get some liver enzymes prescribed which will help in faster recovery of the liver. Also assessing the damage done to the liver with the help of an ultrasound give you a baseline level, and you can start working on improving it. These results will work as pilot readings, and you can check your progress in comparison to them. Take care. |
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I have severe to moderate cramping for 5 months now. When it does start feeling better, I always have slight cramps that I can feel and a tenderness. I go to the bathroom, not alot, but I go. My bowels are very hard. I take quite a bit of medicine for my bi-polar which some of the side effects are constipation . I will take Lactulose every day but nothing gets rid of this cramping. When it gets severe, I end up in bed with a heating pad . I am almost unable to stand and walk around the pain is so bad. In the last year I have had a colonoscopy - everything was fine except my bowels were really kinky. I just know something is wrong, I feel it. It is always there. I am so tired of this. I also have Hep C . Have had that for 26 years. My ankles, knees and hands have become so swollen and I now have that liver rash all over my ankles and legs. I don t know what to do.
### output:
| Hello, clmiltimore, You tell us that you have been diagnosed with Hep-C for 26 years. Only after 1992 we have had good screening tests for Hep-C. Now in the past ten years and more recently, in the past couple of years, we have very effective treatment to cure Hep-C. I am not sure if you are currently being treated for that. On EOF the known side effects of Interferon that is used to treat is depression. If that becomes a major problem then they have to be under care of a psychiatrist to monitor while on treatment for Hep-C. Some antidepressants have side effects and the major is constipation. You tell us that you have been using lactulose still having problems. Lactulose can give more bloating and gas and more so if someone has lactose intolerance. What you could do, is to try MiraLax (Peg solution) or similar and follow the instruction son the label. This works well. When you start having diarrhea, you Cancun back the dosage. Also, make sure you are on a high fiber diet and Chat Doctor. If you have swollen ankles and feet, you may be retaining water. If your abdomen is swollen, you may have fluid in the belly from cirrhosis of the liver from chronic hepatitis. You need to have complete blood tests, including blood count, coagulation studies, liver tests, electrolytes, kidney tests. Also, I recommend that you get a sonogram of the liver and abdomen to look for changes of cirrhosis. You might need aggressive treatment with good close medical supervision. I wish you well. |
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### input:
Hi, you can call me for short. I really won t go this far if my problem isn t really serious. I am having a severe acne problem plus some scars on my face. I feel so degraded whenever I go out on a crowd because I m too ashamed of my facial problem. I just wanted to ask if do you know any remedies to it and I mean natural remedies because I don t really trust synthetic remedies for my face. I tried to put on some facial scrub and mask on my face which I started last month. I also bought a Salicylic acid and havn t use it yet because I m a bit uncertain about it s effect. I tried taking vitamins like Vit C. and Vit E. to boost the effect of the reparation. I didn t have this problem before until the year I went to US of A to be a part of an Exchange Program. I lived in Tennessee for some reason I m like suspecting that maybe the Climate did affect and triggered my acne scare. I will appreciate your reply and I will be glad to wait for it. Thank you Dr.
### output:
| Hello thanks for using Chat Doctor . I would be pleased to answer your questioning that case here is an over the counter regimen for acne that works quite well: 1. Use a salicylic acid face wash (e.g. Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash Salicylic Acid Acne Treatment) to wash your face, gently massaging it in for 1-2 minutes before washing off. 2. Clearasil Stay clear Tinted Acne Cream applied twice a day over the pimples. Be careful not to apply too much. There may be slight redness and flaking of skin, but this is normal. Do not apply on non-pimply skin. 3. Neutrogena On-The-Spot Acne Treatment Vanishing Cream: This can be applied safely over the entire face (barring around the eyes and mouth) once at night. Apply a think film, do not rub. This will prevent new pimples from coming and must be used daily for 2-3 months. 4. Omega three fatty acid capsules: Take one morning and evening after meals for 2-3 months. 5. An antioxidant containing beta-carotene or lycopene taken twice a day daily for 12 weeks. 6. Lastly some general precautions - Do not pick or burst lesions, this causes scarring; do not touch your face unnecessarily; avoid hair oil application; limit sunlight exposure especially between 10 am & 4 pm. 7. A word on diet - though there is no conclusive evidence it is a good idea to cut down on very oily & sweet foods. Hope this helps! |
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### input:
Hi I am Stella Mary,23 yrs female.weight -60 kg.height-165 cm. I got married 11 months back. for the fist 9 months my husband and I were not planning to have a baby and we avoided by using condoms and safe period. Now for the Past two months we are planning to have a baby but i didn t conceive. My problems are: 1) i never attain orgasm during sex even after 15-20 min,though my husband attains. but i always attain orgasm if i masturbate. -Is this a problem with me or my husband fails to stimulate me? -though i don t attain orgasm with him,i feel satisfied and it gives me a pleasure.but Can i get pregnant only if i attain orgasm? 2) my cycles are mostly regular-30 to 32 days(since i attained menarche),normal flow,no dysmenorrhea.Occasionally when i am deeply emotionally stressed periods gets delayed further by 2 or 3 days,but never more than 35 days.all my cycles are initially slightly painful(not severe dysmenorrhea).i have mid cycle pain,irritability and breast tenderness just before my periods. -am i suffering from PMS? - can i assume that i am ovulating because of all these?or should i get tests done? -it has been just two months since we are planning for a should i wait more or can we consult a doctor after a month,since it is one year after marriage? THANK YOU
### output:
| Hi greetings. You are absolutely normal as far sex is concerned. There are more than 40 of women who will not get orgasm during intercourse, and they need to be stimulated. You both can involve in foreplay for more than 15 to 20 min and masturbating by clitoral stimulation will definitely reach orgasm for you. Since females can have multiple orgasm intercourse can be immediately followed by your orgasm. So that both of you will be satisfied. Coming to fertility. Your husband can get a semen analysis done from a very good laboratory who are familiar with semen analysis as there are lots off fallacies with semen analysis. If it is normal you should be having daily intercourse from 10 the day of your cycle for 10 to 12 days continuously. Usually ovulation happens 14 days prior to expected date of menses if your cycles are regular. Since it cannot be predicted it is better to start intercourse from 10th day. You can try for 3 months like this if semen analysis is normal. Still no pregnancy it is better to get it evaluated. Day 2 hormone analysis, ultrasound scan etc .hope you are convinced. Regards |
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### input:
Alright I need some help. I am 22 graduated with honors from an Art College- it s ranked the Harvard of Art schools. Anyway with a bfa in illustration.. I dont know whwere to go all the jobs i apply to dont hire me. I hae a kick butt portfolio i have an amazing boyfriend -for a year. I dont want to move in with hhim because he still has 2 semesters of school left- not art major comp sci- rooming in a one bedroom apt near campus with his brother- his brothers gf ( my friend) and their other friend . so 4 people already living there. and my bfs brother drinks all the time and has parties there not the best place. my family- i have no room at my house no bed no nothing- my dad is bi polar, multiple personality disorders among many other things. my brother - teens is bi polar and asburger my mom is judgemental and ocd my sisters have their own rooms in their teens.- normal teen brats I thank god have no issues and dispite all this have my head on strait. i dont have a job escept teaching at art centers which is not even enough to pay for a car or food by my home life i cant deal with i can stay at the crowded dorm house- but im really not welcome to many people i could stay with my bfs parents but its too far from my job and he has 2 other brothers whos girls live with them- dont want to be another dependant girl you know? I could stay with my other friend but she is a class a hoarder- no room and nuts i have no other friends cept for the ones already living with the bf rents I dont want to live with my boyfriend- i want him to focus on school get it all done with -hes 25 i have no car- my dad is un employed and took the car from me that was a gift i cant deal with this mental house any longer so my question is where should i go what should i do? I NEED TO GET OUT! HELP PLEASE!
### output:
| Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. I can understand your emotions. You are unable to move out due to the reasons you know well. You are just 22, and you have whole day left. Be patient. You will get a job when the time comes, and then you can be a free bird. Always remember, Patience and endurance pays. Psychotherapy techniques should suit your requirement. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. |
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### input:
Hello. I am an 18 year old girl, my name is Kelsie. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for about one year and 6 months. I usually have a period every 29-30 days, but i havent had my period at all this month, no spotting or cramping or anything. my last period was August 9th, 2013. It is now September 13th, 2013. I use a "period tracker" app on my phone to help me keep track. My husband and I try to have sex every day and if not every day its every other day. I am taking multivitamins right now every day. My husband is 21 and very healthy. His last checkup his Dr. told him that his reproductive organs were fine and that his sperm count was high too. I go to a yearly checkup every april, and this past one my Dr. said i was fine and as long as i took at least a multivitamin every day that I would be able to conceive. That is exactally what I have done, so I dont know if my Dr. falsely informed me and something is wrong or that I am simply not doing something right. My periods have never been regular and i usually ovulate between 3-4 days after my period ends, which is usually a 4 day cycle. This month I have felt different. For the past 2 days, periodically throughout the day, I have a queezy feeling and when i even smell my favorite foods, I feel like im going to be sick. What could be wrong? What should I do to higher my chances to conceving? Thank you for your time.
### output:
| Hi there! Welcome to Chat Doctor. Forum! You say your periods are late by 4-5 days. Have you taken a pregnancy test yet? These days, kits which detect pregnancy as early as the first day of the missed period, are available. Two lines would suggest pregnancy, one line negative and an invalid line would suggest that you may have to repeat the test. If negative, then why don't you conduct a detailed checkup with your gynecologist? Since your husbands report seems to be fine, you can also get yourself tested for your hormonal levels. Your gynecologist may also suggest other tests like ultrasound and the like. Do continue with the multivitamins. As for your symptoms, though they seem to be similar to symptoms associated with morning sickness, 4-5 days after a missed period might be quite early for the symptoms to exhibit (even if pregnant). But yes, do take a pregnancy test nevertheless. Sometimes, the couple may be perfectly fine yet may take time to conceive. Avoid stress at all costs for it may hamper your chances. Good luck! |
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### input:
HI sir/madam,my wifes age is 27yrs and her last mensus date was jan1 2014,on feb 5 we conducted home pregnancy test and there appeared a very thin line on the positive side,we confused that it is really positive or not,on feb 8 we consulted doctor and she repeated the test there appeared again a very thin line,doctor said that there must be a chance and hope for the best,and said that to wait for 10 days and consult gave medicines for 10 days i.e ferrous-xt tablets and arg 9 powder,we are in a great confusion that it is positive or not,kindly guide me...
### output:
| Hallow Dear, The first test you performed was rather too early, hence confusing results. Ideally, the pregnancy tests on urine should be performed 8-10 days after missed period on overnight early morning first urine sample for reliable results. Done earlier, the tests may be false negative. However, there is another test - Beta Chat Doctor test which can give reliable results even few days before missing period. However, even after 8 days you have got the faint positive line; i.e. weak positive test, it suggests that the hormone Chat Doctor is low. This happens commonly in following conditions:1. Test performed too early - may be delayed conception. 2. When the baby has become non-viable. This is known as missed abortion. Then Chat Doctor gradually starts declining and hence week positive test.3. Ectopic pregnancy: In this condition the baby is implanted somewhere outside the uterine cavity, most commonly in the tube. It is a very serious condition. Subsequently, tube ruptures and causes alarming bleeding. It needs blood transfusion and surgical intervention. The best option for differential diagnosis is ultrasonography. In normal pregnancy, intrauterine sac will be seen with fetal cardiac activity. In non-viable baby (missed abortion), the fetal heart will be missing and sac will be irregular. In such cases timely termination of pregnancy is indicated lest the serious complications like threatening bleeding due to clotting defects (DIC), infection, kidney failure, etc. If the uterine cavity is empty in spite of (weak) positive test, it indicates that the implantation is somewhere else; i.e. ectopic pregnancy. Laparoscopy will help to confirm the diagnosis. If it is unruptured ectopic pregnancy, it can be managed by laparoscopy only. Please report to your Gynecologist and undergo ultrasonography for correct diagnosis and managing the pregnancy appropriately. I am sure this helps you. |
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### input:
I am eating vegan. Recently, I began bloating in my upper abdomen. I look pregnant. I had ultrasounds done and I have a sludgy gall bladder and 30% fatty liver. I also had tests done for ovarian cancer, but all clear. When I eat, it seems that nothing digests properly. I have this extremely full feeling in my stomach and cant eat. Today I had a green smoothie early, then some homemade vegetable soup, and later (around 2:00), two small clementines. I have not been able to eat anything since. My stomach is really bloated and so full feeling. It is like that more and more as the days are going by. Help!
### output:
| Welcome to Chat Doctor ! I have gone through your question, and there are some important concerns: you have sludge in gall bladder, fatty liver, bloating abdomen due to which you can't eat adequately. You have test done for ovarian cancer which is normal. There is no other blood test like - lipid profile, thyroid, renal function test, which will be helpful in your treatment. From my clinical experience I would say that the bloating, and fullness of stomach are due to sludgy gall bladder. Food is not digested properly when there is fatty liver, and sludge in gall bladder. There is difficulty in digesting fats and other important nutrient from food, even proteins. So, what ever small you eat makes you feel heavy and full. Had I been your doctor I would go for some lipid reducing Chat Doctor? I think you must consult a surgeon, as many times the sludgy gall bladder needs to be removed with surgery. The sludge sometimes does slip in bile duct and can result in acute abdominal pain. I'm not trying to scare you but just informing you about the possibilities as you are having significant fullness and bloating. I want to tell you that it is not a serious illness. Had I been at your place, I would go for soft, non-spicy, non-oily diet. Avoid food from outside unless it is thoroughly cooked. This does help in bloating. Small and frequent meals also help along with medicines. Please stop alcohol (if you take it!) completely as it graves the illness. I have seen antacids like Omeprazole 20 mg twice a day, half hour before meals, give immediate relief. Syrups like Di gene can be taken as and when required, about three four times day. However, most importantly you should go and meet a doctor (preferably a surgeon). Hope the answer helps you. Feel free to ask more queries. |
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### input:
I ve read many, many replies (on many websites) from doctors regarding the chances of getting pregnant by a small amount of ejaculant on one s hands being rubbed onto the vaginal opening. Some simply say yes, possible b/c it only takes one sperm , while some say It s highly unlikely , etc. What I d like to know is: 1) Is there any medical professional here who actually knows of a case of pregnancy happening from such a situation? and 2) are there any more scientific studies on this? Thank you.
### output:
| Hello, thnks for trusting Chat Doctor doctors for your health related queries.I guess your concern is-probability of getting pregnant in this kind of scenarios n any scientific studies on these???lets discussion part by part...well let's have short discussion about semen n sperm...semen is that white lotion thing what guys this lotion small sperms will be there, which meet ovum n women beams pregnant....semen is sticky in nature...imagine u have had a very oily food,even if u wash with soap water still u can feel that sticky nature for sometime.same way semen is sticky in nature...with this sticky nature of semen, it will be sticking to the part of vagina where ever it's been rubbed,thereby sperm this sperm may meet the ovum present inside vagina and women becomes pregnant...usually success rate of pregnancy increases when men ejaculate inside the vagina...this is the usual norm...however medical field is know for many miracles....this small amount of sticking semen can also cause pregnancy....but chances are very, very minimal.....whatever replies u have come across online it seems to be one can pinpoint n say pregnancy is possible or not there any medical profession:as such separate departments are not available to judge in these special scenarios as u he told above.generally its obstetric n gynecology dept that deals with pregnancy n infertility.2.are there studies:there may be that u need to access scientific journals of medical fields.......I hope this was informative enough, n useful for your query.regards: Chat Doctor. .(usually a woman can pregnant after 12-13yrs when her menses start...n a woman can't become pregnant after 50yrs,as her menses stop.....but there it's been reported the oldest women to pregnant is approx ABV 60yrs n the youngest women approx 10yrs....wanted to give example to say medical world is known for miracles!!!!!!!)- |
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### input:
Blood test results - high potassium level. Symptoms I have experienced in the last month or 6 weeks are: leg cramps at night, one instance of heart irregular beat followed by sinking feeling then it corrected itself. one morning upon rising from bed my right leg had no feeling, it was as if I only had one leg. No pain associated with this incident.
### output:
| Hi welcome to ChatDoctorI have gone through your query and can understand your concern. For your info Potassium is specifically important to your nerves and muscles. All your muscles need potassium, including your heart but if the level of potassium is elevated in your body, many symptoms show up leading to certain diseases. Elevated potassium levels is a matter of concern and immediate medical attention needs to be sought. However, there are certain things one can try at home to naturally lower the potassium levels. Potassium is an important mineral which along with other minerals plays a crucial role in aiding muscular contractions and digestion. . Alteration in the normal levels of potassium can result in several complications. High potassium level in our body can be associated with detrimental impact on the health of an individual. If you get leg cramps, numbness frequently, especially nocturnal leg cramps it could be due to an electrolyte imbalance. Low potassium levels. It is necessary to maintain normal potassium levels in blood. In a healthy state, the body keeps an efficient balance of all the required electrolytes, potassium is one of them. Potassium is chiefly excreted from the kidney, but due to low kidney potential, potassium built up increases in the blood which may result in elevated levels in the blood. Increase the intake of calcium rich foods like Milk, dairy products, yogurt, and cheese. Include them regularly in your diet can help control the potassium levels in the blood. Eat a clove of garlic in the morning and one in the evening, with a glass of milk. It interferes with potassium absorption and ultimately helps to lower potassium level in blood. Chat Doctor. Water helps in flushing out toxins and excess of potassium. However, for individuals suffering from kidney disorders, it is crucial to consult your physician before increasing the uptake of water. Excessive consumption of water in individuals with kidney disorders can result in strain on the kidney which can complicate matters. As our body works as a unit, all factors are related to each other. And main cause for all problems is our weakened Immune system. To strengthen immunity & achieve over all health we need to take proper balanced diet and avoid intake of fried fast foods' tea, coffee and colas. Stop |
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### input:
I received a yellow fever shot 11 days ago and have had sever back pain ever since. Went to a doc. 4 days ago and she prescribed 600mg. Ibuprofen every 8 hrs. also 350 mg of carisoprodol every 8 hrs. I can hardly endure the pain in between each dose. I am using a heat pad almost 24/7 witChatDoctorplete bed rest. Used ice pack for the 1st 3 days for the swelling that I had on chest and back please tell me what else I can do to get away from this pain. Doc did ekg and checked lungs which botChatDoctore out clear so believe it is some kin d of musle or nerve pain. Anything else I can do? What am I doing wrong that the pain stays so intense?
### output:
| Hi become to ChatDoctorI have gone through your query regarding severe back pain after taking yellow fever vaccination. I can understand your concern. Dear, the symptoms you have described may be side effects of the yellow fever vaccination. Up to one in every three people experience mild side effects after having the yellow fever vaccine, such as: a headache , a mild fever muscle pain, joint pain, body aches; or pain, tenderness, swelling, or a lump soreness at the injection site. Reactions at the injection site usually occur one to five days after being vaccinated. The other side effects may last for up to two weeks. Heat pad I suggest you to carry on regime till two weeks. After that side effects may go by itself. Over medication can make things bad to worse. Your pain also can be due to imbalance of (Vāyu ATV gas, a side effect of vaccine in your body, which is responsible for your pains and inflammation. Proper regular physical activity, walk, meditation, grandam - deep breathing, Yoga - back bending exercises to relieve your back pain, to boost your blood circulation and detox your system under guidance of trained guide and balanced diet, including, all essential nutrients as fiber, vitamins, minrals and antioxidants Ginger, Garlic, AMLA, Aloe vera, nuts, Turmeric powder a spoon in a cup of hot milk at bedtime, Coconut water, all in natural form and intake of a lot of flood, help, eradicate Vāyu ATV (gas) alley pains and inflammation and give resistance from diseases. It is advisable to consult your doctor before following any regime Hope this helps solves your query. Take care, All the best.Don't hesitate to get back if you have any further query |
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During the last 2 years i have been experiencing back ackes muscle cramps and paresthesias...In the last 2 months i noticed fasciculation in buttocks and thighs and then in legs calfs feet belly,left hand :above little finger and next to elbow....i have them in eyes and cheeks .I try to flex my arms when i get them but they dont stop and that is scary...I also feel cramps and stifness in feet and in achilles tendon the fasciculations scare me as it might be ALS...The fasciculations are pulling and pulsating but most of the time i feel only a singular pulsating-pulling..I have also noticed that my left arm wrist area is thinner than the right and the hand has more lines...I havent noticed any profound weeakness as i can lock the door open jars etc...I am a 22 year old female..I know ALS is rare in my age but i also know it does happen..Im going to have an EMG next month to evaluate my leg pain as the doctor suspected a herniated disk was the cause of my back pain ..I had mentioned fasciculating but he didnt seem concerned...I didnt mention als but since then fasciculations became more pronounced.I also have soem neck issues the neck of my muscles(near throat) one day were stiff and cramped..I sometimes get the in the same spot in buttocks,calves and feet but also in random places ....Im really scared i know only an EMG will tell me but i would also like to ask your opinion... Thank you... (p.s a will also like to add that when i had buttock fasciculation earlier i got up and stop momentarily but when i stood still i think i felt it a bit cant be bfs because it always stop with movement and occurs when muscle is at rest right?..despite the other symptoms that maybe related to disk herniation i worry about propable atrophy and the non stop fasciculations) I would also like to add that I had atwo simultaneous fasciculations today and i read somewhere that simultaneous fasciculations occuring in various muscles are distinctive and show malignacy in opposition to bfs which is one muscle fasciculating at a this true ?
### output:
| Hi, Your main complaints are: muscle cramps, paresthesia, back pain, excessive worry and articulation. We should first suspect the common diseases which can cause all these symptoms in your age. If all investigations are normal than we should suspect anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorder can cause all these symptoms and I have seen cases who improved after treatment of anxiety in 1-2 months. Wish you Good Health, |
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Dear Drs. , This is Ahmed, I am 30 years old and married from 8 months now but we could not conceive so we decided to do the tests and I found I have infertility problem (kindly check the tests results) p.s - I did Undescended Testicles operation on the two testes when i was one year old. - I repeated the semen analysis tests four times after the first two but the count result is Zero. I did the testicular biopsy and they found sperm, thank God. They took 7 samples from the right testes only 4 of which contained 300,000 sperms and 2 of which contained 1 million sperms but the motility is 1% the 7th sample was sent to the pathology to be examined and the following was concluded from the test: Microscopic Picture: Serial sections examined from the testicular biopsy revealed within normal size seminiferous tubules. The tubules were populated by germ cells. Most of the tubules showed spermatozoa. Sertoli cells lining was intact and showed no abnormality. The basement membrane was thickened. Leydig cell population was within normal. No evidence of granuloma, specific infection or neoplasia in the specimen received. Diagnosis: Within normal Spermatogenesis I really need ur advice in something vip. We ve tried one cycle of ivf but unforunately after a positive test both trials failed. 2 class A embryos were transferred at each time. and the doctors said that my wife has no problem.. Q1 Is there any explanation for the case or how could it be cured..? Q2 one of the doctors told me that due to the obstruction or blockage the sperms age and die and their motility and vitality is affected. Is this a fact? And how could we solve this problem if it really a fact? Q3 Does taking some vitamins and working with a fresh sample better or working with the freezed samples? Q4 Where does the sperm go when they age and die in my case?? Q5 Shall we continue with IVF trials in the first place? Is there a good chance it would work in our case? Q6 In my case as you see it now how can we increase our chances in IVF? Thanks and sorry for the trouble.. Ahmed
### output:
| His understand your situation. But certain points are missing. Your testicular volume/size.present semen analysisSince you have undergone surgery for descended testis what ever sperm you are getting is a bonus. So I recommend you to try with a fresh THESE sample of sperm. You can approach a standard IVF center where CSI and sperm retrieval techniques are done. So that CSI with THESE sample can be done. Hope you are convinced. Regards |
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I am 37 yrs old, never ever had any health issues at all in my life past the occasional headaches etc. I recently had felt bad for about a week and wen to doctor because my eyes wer turning yellowish color as was my skin . later to find out that it was jaundice due to my alt/glucose to high that cause a high bilirubin in my body as well. I was put into our local hospital immediatley due to high alt 185 . i am not a drinker at all or smoker, so they did all tes to discover problem i was having to have the issues from liver etc.They have checked everything at that point as far as all abdomen scans, mri, ct scans, even a scan you use on pregnant women. found nothing obstructing bile i am confused as to what would cause such levels ? so i just had a liver biopsy done two days ago, waiting on results ? just out of curiosity would a cream called trtriamcinolone acetonide cause any of this at all, only med i have used and its a cream ? or any ideas as to what could cause such liver alt elevations ?
### output:
| Hi, I hope you are very well. The study of alterations in hepatic chemistry consists of:1. Know the type of enzyme and pattern of elevation, you comment that you only present an increase in ALT levels, so we can infer that it is a hepatocellular pattern.2. Assess the severity of elevation of enzymes; In your case it is of a slight level. An image study as an abdominal ultrasound is elementary when it comes to an obstructive process because it speaks of homeostasis; you mention that you have presented isolated episodes of jaundice, however in your image study you did not present any obstructive alteration or biliary tract, considering the high diagnostic yield of abdominal ultrasound in these diagnoses. You should be given laboratory tests such as:1. Viral panel in search of HAD, HBV and HCV infection.2. Search for autoimmune pathologies such as autoimmune hepatitis.3. Inherited or genetic causes where an iron panel is important in the presence of suspected hemochromatosis or ceruloplasmin in case of Wilson's disease. Laboratory studies should be repeated, with special attention to the levels of TGP, TO, albumin, proteins, globulin, alkaline phosphatase. If a suspected diagnosis is presented, it should be studied in a targeted manner. If it is not enough, a liver biopsy should be performed, which may be useful both to find the etiological diagnosis and to evaluate the degree of liver damage. |
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Hello, My mother has lived with me for the past 4 years. She was diagnosed with cirrhosis 15 yrs. ago at the age of 60, even though she didn t touch any alcolol until the age of 45, when my father died. She was never a heavy drinker, but was extremely obese and ate tons of white sugar right out of the bowl. She had a gastric bypass in 1986, and now weighs a svelt 225 lbs., down from 325. She was in a serious car accident 5 years ago, broke her pelvic socket, crushed her right hip, etc. (she d been having TIA s before the accident) and is now in a wheelchair. She has since been diagnosed with kidney disease and CHF, although no on has ever told us specifically. I ve made copies of her records in between transporting her from the hospitals and rehab facilities, due to falls and now cellulitis flare ups. She s had ascites on her legs for 4 yrs., and probably her abdomen (she s so heavy it s hard to tell). The muscles in her hands have atrophied, and her extremeties are now a deep red. Her sleeping habits are all over the place, and she is constantly falling asleep, and seeming confused consistently. I have given up work to care for her, but am also married, and raising a 13 year old daughter. I would truly appreciate some honesty regarding how much longer I ll have to endure caring for her. I have POA, and my 3 siblings have pretended that we don t exist for the last 4 years because they don t want to deal with her health issues any further. Despite all my negativity, I would like her to pass away in my lovely home, rather than a nursing facility. She s so fussy, I know that no on would provide her with the empathy that I struggle to continue to give. Your response is most appreciated.
### output:
| Hello, Sorry about your mothers' health condition. She is suffering from CKD with cirrhosis of liver with hip fracture with cellulitis of limbs with altered sensorial. This condition you may just take supportive care. 1. Check urine output regularly.2. Use antibiotics and diuretics to reduce edema and cellulitis.3. Reduce fluid intake 4. Check serum electrolytes for altered sensorial.5. Give low salt diet.6. Check her seem creatinine at least two times in a week.7. Physiotheraphy may useful. Please post me follow-up reports will guide you accordingly. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care |
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I have on three different occasions had pain on the upper left side of my back just a little above my waist that extends to my side and front (or vice versa) that causes vomiting and upset stomach. I have to sit up in the chair to sleep because the pain is so severe that I can t lay down. It s also very painful to get up from a sitting position. Emergency room keeps saying muscle spasms so they giuve me muscle spasm and pain prescriptions and send me home. The occasion have been four months apart starting with Sep 2014
### output:
| Hi welcome to ChatDoctorI have gone through your query regarding severe pain in upper back and can understand your concern. If we find out and remove the real cause of our pains, 90% of our problem is solved. It is often caused by poor posture. Upper back pain has become a familiar complaint from people who work at computers most of the day. Often, upper back pain occurs along with neck pain and/or shoulder pain. Often, muscular irritation and upper back pain is due to either deconditioning (lack of strength) or overuse injuries. Muscle strains, sports injuries, auto accidents, or other injuries can all result in pain from muscular irritation. Low immunity due to lack of activity, lack of essential nutrients & hydration and faulty lifestyle are some basic causes for your sufferings. A correct diagnosis of back pain requires diagnostic tests (such as an MRI scan) and correlation with physical symptoms are required to determine the extent of the damage and develop a treatment plan. When you must lift, bend your knees and keep your back straight. Avoid twisting. Keep the load close to your body. Getting Inclusion of balanced diet with essential nutrients and antioxidants in natural form, plenty of fiber raw ginger, garlic , calcium and vitamin D, a spoon of Turmeric powder and 35 ml of Aloe Vera may help prevent osteoporosis, which can lead to compression fractures and back pain. Regular walk, stretching exercise-from head to toe when you are not in pain , yoga, Panama, deep breathing, meditation. All help alley pains and give resistance to body from diseases and gradually help alley pains , will gain healthAvoidance of fried, fast foods , tea coffee, alcohol, smoking over exertion, sleeplessness dehydration, all further help. Take 2-4 doses of Homeopathic ColcChatDoctor 30 / half-hourly to alley pains Hope this helps solves your query. Take care, All the best. Wish Get well soon.Don't hesitate to get back TF have any further query. |
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Hi, i had an MRI of my brain 2 weeks ago and the following is the report. i am suffering almost everyday from bad pressure and headaches which are affecting me terribly. also causing anxiety because i feel like something is going to happen to me. i cant live this way. is it possible for these cysts to go away? or will i need to seek treatment to have them removed FINDINGS:Evaluation of the brain demonstrates no parenchymal mass or mass effect. No foci of abnormal signal are seen.There is no acute infarct seen. No intracranial hemorrhage is recognized.A developmental venous anomaly seen in the posterior medial left frontal lobe.The ventricles, sulci and basal cisterns appear unremarkable.There is no enhancing lesion and no significant leptomeningeal enhancement. The vertebral and internal carotid arteries demonstrate expected flow voids indicating their patency. The sella is unremarkable. The central skull base and temporal bones are intact. The calvarium appears unremarkable. The orbits are unremarkable. Septal or retro-orbital mass is seen. Extraocular muscles appear symmetric. The right and left cavernous sinus is unremarkable.The paranasal sinuses demonstrate mucosal thickening partially outlining scattered ethmoid air cells. Small polyps are seen in the floor of the left antrum and anterior wall of the right antrum. No air-fluid motion noted.The nasal cavity appears intact. The nasopharynx demonstrates a submucosal cyst on the right and left posteriorly measuring up 0.8 by 0.5 CM small Thornwaldt cyst.IMPRESSION:No parenchymal mass or hemorrhage. No cerebral ischemic changes seen.Developmental venous anomaly seen in the posterior medial left frontal lobe.
### output:
| Developmental venous malformation, known also as venous Angoras are the most common intracranial vascular malformations. Most patient are identified with this malformation incidental, and they are asymptomatic. These anomalies have a very low risk of bleeding, except when they have an adjacent cavernous (which seems not to be your case) and usually they don't need any treatment. As venous Angoras are developmental, they become like normal part of the brain venous Chat Doctor. Surgery or other techniques can cause infarction. In very rare cases it can present with seizure (which again isn't your case). I would suggest you to stay calm and take a treatment with NSAID for your headache, stay in touch with a neurologist if Smith else happens. |
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i have had a ultra sound it came back with some small cists on kidneys a thick bldder wall ,and blood in urine so the docter put me on erythromycin for 2 weeks bldder got worse then put me on norfloxacin for 2 weeks,i have been taling it for 5 days the bladder infection is finally gettig better i have a itcing and burning og hip joints prostate burning once in a while. i took some acidolphilus and bifidus will that make it worse.i am very concerned about making my kidney worse,the worst pain i had in the bladder when it started was a pain below belly button at 4 oclock it would hirt after i pass a stole or just hurt along with burning pain in bladder,it is getting better i am just concerned with kidney side efects .does norfloxacin help kidney infection as well and id yougert and aciddpholis bad to mix with this specific antibiotic,i am going for a ct scan and seeinfg a specialist for urinary tracyt but in a month i dont want to cause furtgher damage before then thank you i am a bit concerned about norfloxcian.i also took ciproflocin in early november for same infection it did not help because i have taken it many times and i think the bacteria is imume to it .thank you i hope you may help me please
### output:
| Hi, I can understand your concerns. Norfloxacin acts in kidneys, bladder and prostate. However, the beneficial effect depends on whether that particular bacteria are sensitive (i.e. gets killed by the antibiotic) to norfloxacin. Since you have been having recurrent infections it is always better to start antibiotic according to urine culture and sensitivity. Since you are having improvement in your symptoms, norfloxacin is acting well. Lactobacillus acidophilus and bilious are good bacteria that will help in preventing recurrent UTI. They are safe to take with norfloxacin. Did you undergo an uroflowmetry (test to detect and obstruction in urine flow)? You may need to be evaluated and treated for any obstruction in urine flow due to prostate enlargement, since this can cause recurrent UTI. Take a lot of fluids, pass urine at least once every 2 hours and take cranberry extract capsules twice a day. Small cysts in kidney are not a cause for concern. If you have diabetes or hypertension, these need to be controlled properly to protect your kidneys. I am available for any more clarifications you need, Wish you good health, |
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Morning, I am a 29year old British woman living in Singapore. I have had Asthma for all of my life but moving to Singapore 18months ago meant that it had essentially gone - I think the humidity and lack of colds helped a lot. I am out here on my own and around June of this year started to feel tight chested but not in a way I would with my asthma, it felt more like I could not get a full lung full of air. I went to see a lung specialist and after chest X-rays and blowing into different machines they showed nothing to be the problem. The more I thought about it the more it got worst but as soon as I was fully distracted my breathing would return to normal. I then had a space of about 6weeks where it went back to normal and I started exercising again etc but now it has returned (much less severe) where I feel I am constantly monitoring my breathing and aware I am taking deep breaths, yawning more etc. I am not sure whether to revisit the lung specialist...
### output:
| Hello, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. It is important to mention here that asthma is a variable disease, so it is possible to have a normal lung function test at times. Asthma almost always have normal chest-X-rays.2. Psychological stress can worsen allergies and asthma. So it is possible that when you are distracted you are comfortable and when you are stressed about your "asthma", your complaints increase.3. The test which can help to diagnose asthma is "spirometry with post-bronchodilator study". Even it can be normal if you have asthma due to seasonal allergies, and you have been tested during "good season".4. So I would suggest you to visit a lung specialist when you have at least some symptoms like wheezing, breathing difficulty, etc., so spirometry at that time would help.5. I would also suggest you stress reduction strategies like meditation, relaxation and regular physical exercises which will reduce your stress and may improve your immune system also.6. Regular breathing exercises and a healthy diet rich in vitamins & minerals also will be helpful to you in a long run by improving your lung capacity and immune system respectively.7. As you have had asthma in past also, I would suggest you allergy testing which will help you identify the substances you may be allergic to and also to know the measures to avoid them. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health ahead. Thank you & Regards. |
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Hi, I have a 6 month baby boy weighed 4 weeks ago at 21lbs. for the last 4 weeks he has been having 7oz formala feeds every 4 hrs during the day, 7am,11am,3pm,7pm, plus i have been weeaning him with baby cearal,fruit and veg purees 3 times a day too. All was going fine and he loved his solids and milk and has slept through the night for the last few months. Last friday he started to refuse his solid and milk, and vomited after a solid feed. I took hime to a doctor who said he had an ear infection and gave him pencillen to take 3 times a day. We are also giving him calpol. I took him back to the doctors on tuesday as he is still refusing all solids he won t let anything in his mouth and most bottles. They checked his throat which was fine and his ears were still red. Yesterday he had 5 oz at 9am in the morning and would not have anything in his mouth till 5pm when he had another 5oz. This is very inlike him to go such a long period without any food. He is still on the pencillen and has been for 6 days now. My question is, should i be worried he is not eating any solids or refusing some of his bottles. He is very pale and feels much lighter, he is waking through the night crying too. He is not vomiting and is not having many poo s but i guess he wouldnt as he has not had as much food. He does have bad smelly wind and when he does poo it is loose and has lots of mucus in it. When should i expect him to have regular bottles again? should i go back to my gp?
### output:
| Hi, It seems he was having acute Otis media-infection of the middle ear. Your doctor has given him the right medications- if his pain and fussiness is coming down and no more fever, he is responding to the treatment. It makes take a couple of days for his appetite to return to normal, regarding his loose stools, it's quite common to have frequent loose stools after taking penicillin. This is because of change in normal flora of our bowel. Usually this will get back to normal after few days of completing antibiotic course. In such cases I used to prescribe probiotics for 3-5 days and rarely replacing the antibiotic if its disturbing much. If he is not febrile, pain and fussiness has come down and is playful-nothing to worry, just wait 2-3 days-he will be alright. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. |
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My husband is 43 yrs old and has felt bad for close to 3 weeks now. He had elevated WBC about 10 days ago and they thought maybe sinus infxn & put him on Bactrim & prednisone . After a week his wbc was still 13. That may or may not be connected to the rest. He has had a distended abdomen to the point that at night when he s lying down he has a hard time breathing because he says he feels full . He also feels like his gut is swollen after he eats. He has had an almost 20lb weight gain in the past month. After 3 visits to MD and being told liver function tests were normal but cholesterol was high, we went to the ER. They said today his SGPT was 80 ( it was 31 last wed), also said that US & xrays did not show any fluid or anything else. Said they saw a CT from almost a yr ago that showed he had mild fatty liver & suspicious of NASH. No one ever told us that then. Today they said yes it s there but did not recheck to see if it was worse & said as stated above that his SGPT was way high and may need to be rechecked in a week or 2 and maybe see a GI but thats all they said they could do. He feels really rotten, dont have the energy to get out of bed for more than 10 minutes, has been that way for almost 3 weeks, and now feels like he cant even get any help. Any suggestions? Could this potentially become life threatening?
### output:
| Hello, Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. Forum. There was elevated level of W B C but the level as you mentioned (13 000 c mm) is not very high. This level may be due to any mild degree infection. Prednisolone in itself causes fluid retention, so please mention the dosage of prednisolone took your husband. Now his Sept level is high 80 I U, however this raised level is not an alarming condition and not so specific. As you stated that your husband is bedridden and feeling so tiredness and even breathlessness, so evaluation of diagnosis is very important. Further you mentioned that ultrasound is normal at this time. Further, stated that there is no fluid in abdomen. I would like to say that there is a very serious disorder according to your stated history of illness. In my opinion please consult another physician and get his opinion as this time condition is not good. In early stage if NASH (NONALCOHOLIC STEATOHEPATITIS) fatigue & weakness are the most important symptoms. While further symptoms are weight gain and cirrhosis. So don't delay. Good luck. |
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hello i am a 37 year old mother of five. I was diognosed with non hodgkins lymphoma and under went over 160 broadband radiation treatments. For years now ive suffered with severe bowel pain. Last year i got very ill with stomach issues and lost huge amount of weight recently. i feel so sick , tired, lethargic really. When i went to the doctor he told me i had a serious stomach infection that can progress to cancer if not treated. i was put on huge amounts of antibiotics. It got a little better but im sick still. my stomach and bowel is not right. Everytime i eat i either throw up or feel like my stomach is gonna explode. I recently found out that my grandma died of stomach cancer as did a few others in my family. For the past year my rectum hurts. stabbing pains and i have had a large lump inside for sometime now. Today i had a bath and the old familuar stabbing up my bum visited me. I looked in the mirror to see why and noticed i have three white hard lumps size of a pea just at the entrance of my rectum. the skin surface doesnt hurt but it hurts up my anus. Also since the radiation ive suffered with itchness in that area and all my skin around my anus is very very dark. i am white. but my but crack is very dark. Ive never had an std. nor do i do anal sex at all. I wouldnt be able to if i wanted to anyways..which i dont want to lol. about 7 years ago i suffered severe bowel pain and when the emerg doc looked he said my bowel was collapsed. when i went to another doctor to get it checked he didnt notice my bowel sick. my bowel and stomach are just so upset..what do you think these white hard lumps are? i was tested for HPV a few months ago because i had an irregular pap result and was told i have displasia ..i went to doc about it and she tested me for all vd but it was clear. i just noticed the white lumps today..however i have had a large lump in my rectum for long time and it is getting quite large. Im not going to do anymore treatments or anything im tired of it alll however i would like to know what this could be
### output:
| You first need to stop examining your anal and rectal regions yourself and in case you have discomfort in perianal region please consult qualified gastroenterologist and get photocopy or other necessary copies done. You fought against cancer and won and these small issues shouldn't be of any concern. Its children to say that you don't want to get treated. You have won a hard battle and small things should upset you |
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I have suffered with anxiety/depression disorder for years - mostly anxiety. I take 30 mg Lexapro, 75 mcg (changed from 100 mcg about three months ago synthroid (hypo) daily. Also, I take clonazepam 1/2 to 1 mg twice a day. At night I take 11 1/2 mg Seroquel for sleep. I m not happy about taking meds, and I believe for psychiatrists it s a hit or a miss. Now dr wants me to take Vraylar with the Lexapro - ( this is a psychotropic drug which scares me). I have difficulty with over-thinking everything, indecision and concentration issues - anxiety. Often I cry for any reason, and sometimes I have a really ugly cry from built up frustration. I don t want to take any meds except the thyroid med (I have done extensive reading about the thyroid and still believe my issues have a great deal to do with that, and I had a complete hysterectomy at 50. Took HRT Premarin for several years, and suddenly my dr took me off of it due to the breast cancer scare - no estrogen. I am 70 now and weary from taking meds that cause balance issues and foggy brain. I do see a wonderful talk therapist in the same office. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you very much. Patricia YYYY@YYYY
### output:
| Dear serve understand your concerns went through your details. Anxiety disorders are a category of mental disorders characterized by feelings of anxiety and fear, where anxiety is a worry about future events and fear is a reaction to current events. These feelings may cause physical symptoms, such as a racing heart and shakiness. There are a number of anxiety disorders: including generalized anxiety disorder, a specific phobia, social anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, and panic disorder among others. While each has its own characteristics and symptoms, they all include symptoms of anxiety. Anxiety medicines alone cannot cure anxiety disorders mainly because medicines do not alter behavior. Behavior change and Continuous practice of the changed behavior cure anxiety. I suggest anxiety education, progressive counseling and progressive psychotherapy. I assure you complete cure. Furthermore, I need to know more about your anxiety so that I will be able to diagnose it properly and provide you tips to overcome and manage your anxiety. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. |
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Hello, Can you please give me some information about allergic cold? Pulmonologist has put me on Duonase spary and seroflo rotacaps for last 3 months (twice a day). These days I am feeling vomiting sensation and burning sensation in my throat. From past two weeks I have severe cough which is green in colour. I was prescribed Azhithromycin tables for 5 days. .. After stopping these tablets cough has returned. My mouth has also become tasteless and I have some skin allergies from past 1 year. Please help me understand this disorder/disease. Before getting on the nasal spray, I was getting cold and fever once in a month all year round.
### output:
| Hello. Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. First, regarding allergies, at present you are having respiratory allergies. They are commonly cause by air-borne substances in the environment like house dust mites, indoor molds, cockroach proteins, pet animal dander, pollen in your region, etc.2. Most of the medications that you take for allergies, in your case, Donate and Aeroflot, can only "control" the symptoms, they do not "cure" the allergies unless you change your environment to reduce exposure to the substances to which you are allergic to. Hence, on stopping medications, your symptoms would return.3. Were I treating you, I would add montelukast and an antacid like pantoprazole to your treatment for at least 4-6 weeks. These will help to reduce your requirements of inhalers and vomiting sensation respectively.4. I would also suggest you allergy testing, which will help you to identify the substances you may be allergic to and to know the measures to avoid them. Based on your allergy testing, an Allergist-Immunologist may prescribe you allergen specific immunotherapy which works on immune system to gradually improve allergy symptoms.5. I would also suggest you regular breathing exercises and a healthy diet rich in vitamins & minerals (adequate amounts of green leafy vegetables, fruits, sprouts, etc.) which will improve your lung capacity and immunity respectively in a long run.6. In general, I would suggest you to avoid exposure to dusts, smokes and air pollution.7. Feeling tasteless may be a side effect of Azithromycin, mostly it will improve by itself within a few days. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health. Thank you & Regards. |
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### input:
Hi Doctor, My age is 27 yrs , marital status 2nd half years . we hve been trying to have kids since last 1 yr .But im unable to get through it. Few months back we had our fertility check up. I am having bilateral PCOD. My husband went through semen analysis volume 2.9ml, colour- greyish white, PH- alkaline, viscosity- normal, liquefaction time- 10 mins, abstenence period- 2 days, fructose - present, motility- occassionally one, severe oligo asthenio terato spermia. He was given antioxidants for 3 month and adviced repeated analysis , the result was same as above.Then he went through scrotal ultra sound scaning right testis vol - 5.1 cc, left testis vol -3.0 cc. small speck of clacification is seen in right testis. Grade 1 varicocoele is seen on right side and no sine hydrocele. His FSH- 9.7, TESTOSTERONE 197, LH-6.0.He was adviced to take T.ANASTRAZOLE - 1 mg for 90 days every night .Doctor said we have a less chace to get normal conception its better to go through IVF process. W e dont understand what the actual problem is , cant his testis size can be increased so that the count be increased. Then preffered to go through chromosomal test after 90 days , it might be inheritance problem. Can u please tell what the complete problem my husband is suffering with so that we can go through other medication soon. He was quite disturbed by all this reports im unable to control him .If IVF is the only way , can we wait for another one year or i hve go through the immediate process , taking my age factor. please suggest us. THANK YOU
### output:
| HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor I am sorry it has been difficult to conceive. Bilateral POD is cause of infertility. It is treated with lifestyle changes to reduce any excess weight (weight loss can improve the chance of conception), metformin and medication that can be used to cause the release of an egg from the ovary. In terms of your husbands results, LIGO Antonio Erato permit means that the semen analysis showed (1) decrease in the number of sperm (2) decrease in the movement of the sperm (3) abnormal appearance of the sperm It is unlikely that the testes would increase in size at his age, this occurs in adolescence. Based on these findings, it may be best to consider the IVF option presented by your doctor. I hope this helps |
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30 male smoker 206lbs 5 8 high blood pressure recently controlled with 10mg Lisinopril (about 2 months),10mg Amlodipine (about 6 months) & 25mg Hydrochlorothiazide (About 6 months). Also take 20.6mg Omeprazole Magnesium (on over 5 years) for acid reflux and Dasotraline 6mg (about 4 months) for adhd study. Over the last two weeks I have had High heart rate {~100 when wake up 113-128 throughout day} (thought maybe dasotraline so lowed dose from 8mg to 6mg, avoided caffeine and alcohol and drink 1-2 gallons of water a day as well as a Gatorade) Numb and tingle feeling eye line of face to middle of skull for 10-14 hrs a day (lower dasotraline seemed to make this not as frequent or sever but still there periodically after 5 days of lower dose however last 24 hours has been much more prevalent from cheekbone to jaw line. Intermittent muscle cramps in calves forearms upper arms lower right back and side(thought dehidration so avoided caffeine and alcohol and drink 1-2 gallons of water a day as well as a Gatorade). Over the last few days (could have been longer but I didn t notice) I have noticed my stool is green and I am going to the bathroom less frequently than normal. Still at least once a day. Also not falling asleep well, seem to be wanting to smoke more than normal, struggling with concentration and lengthy or purposeful (ie: work related/important) conversations. I had a tooth ache a couple months ago but it went away and my sister totaled 2 cars in 10 days but everyone s fine and neither directly effected me but I would say I m a little more stressed than usual but never been a problem before. Waiting on lab work from clinical trial, ECG 5 days okay was good other than heart rate. Freaking out as I normally always feel healthy.
### output:
| Hi welcome to Chat Doctor. I understand your query and concern. Best treatment for elevated blood pressure is through Chat Doctor. Before that adequate management and work up is needed. I advise you to have a baseline 2 dimensional echocardiography, ECG and lipid profile to assess the basic cardiac reserve of your heart. Restrict the intake of salt to less than 6g/day. Regular physical exercise in the form of brisk walk for 20 min a day for 5 days a week is pretty useful. |
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Hi there. My name is Toni and I was wondering if a referral to a rheumatologist would be the best thing for me. I take Cymbalta for unknown nerve pain causes in hands arms legs feet, back and neck pain, and I would say tendon problems. also depression which I think was cause from the pain being untreated and facing the unknown future of my heath. after about 6 weeks of being on this I started to mostly feel like my self again so I start doing more housework like I used to be able to do over 5 months ago. little to be known I star having hip and shoulder pain and I would say is a 4 or 5 on the pain scale. I was told by one doctor I have RLS and was put on 50mg ?tramazone? for this originally. then had to be uped to 100mg because it was not affective. new doctor says that not even what that is for and now I have recently just started on Requip for that. my vitamin d level was 15.8 a few months ago and the norm is about 30 from what I hear so I take 5000 iu a day for that. I have only had blood test done. Also emg came back great. although no x-rays no cat scans, no MRI have been done. I don t know what all auto immune disorders I have been tested for but those came back fine. normal blood work ok along with vitamin d, Iron test are in the process. I m pretty frustrated at this point and really want some answers. my new doctor is really nice and seems to care. I just feel its time to see a specialist and want to know what you think about that, what kind of specialist, how to approach my doctor with this? Please help :-(
### output:
| Hi, from what you have said it appears that you have tried at least 3 different medicines (Cymbal ta, Trazodone and Equip) but still have pain in multiple joints. Normal tests are reassuring. The one thing I did not see in there was physical therapy- if you have not done that I would recommend discussing with your primary doctor about that. It's also possible that you may have an underlying depression contributing to your symptoms (since they improved witChatDoctorbalta, an antidepressant). So, it might be worth discussing with your doctor about behavioral therapy or seeing a psychiatrist to determine if depression is contributing to your physical symptoms. Pool therapy (swimming/water exercises) are often very helpful too. I do not feel strongly about seeing a specialist, I would suggest discussing your frustrations with your primary doctor and the things I discussed above and work with him/her. But if you feel your concerns are not being ad Chat Doctor. |
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I went to the ER per my doctors orders, I am having right flank pain(history of stones) and severe mid abdominal pain. Ive thrown up multiple times I a week for no reason, theres no pain when I get sick. They did tests and everything was fine, but the pain is still there. And I had 2 seizures and passed out. I cant control my pain at home. I cant even describe the belly pain, I woke up one morning on my belly and when I turned over the pain went to my stomach. Ive tried everything. Theyve done gallbladder tests and are negative as well. I just left 3 hours ago and the pain is worse. Also I told them that Ive been having right chest pain. And it came back an hour ago even more intense. I asked if I could be admitted bc I cant control my pain and I havent eaten in 4 days, also I can barely urinate, I have done it only 2 times today. What should I do? Page my family doc and can she have me admitted until I can see her? The pain is unbrarable. And Ive had 20+ stones, a neph tube and a broken femur and that pain is cake compared to this.
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I have a bump on outside of my left big toe...The bump is about 1" long and 3/4" wide and red and hot and in the middle is a white bump and looks like something stuck me there..a dark spot in the middle of the white hurts when my question it infected or is there something in there and what to do abou it
### output:
| Hi, Dear thanks for the query to Chat Doctor virtual clinic. I studied your query in full details updated from you. I understood your health concerns. Based on your query data, In my opinion, Dear You seem to suffer from Gouty arthritis of the left big toe with white gouty tofu with dark spot of damaged toe tissue from the gouty tofu inflammatory process involved with it.Thus, this is not an infected lump but a lump with a Gouty arthritis with acute redness due to inflammation of the big toe joint cartilages and bones. They are caused by monosodium rate crystal deposition in joint cartilage of the big toe and are basically due to very high levels of Blood Uric Acid. Treatment-Investigation-and confirm-Would be by Ortho-Surgeon who would fix the cause from above possibilities and would get USG / CT to understand the nature of the painful lump of the left big toe. Blood Uric Acid levels need to be done. Xray of the left foot with big toe would fix primary diagnosis. Medicines to Reduce Uric Acid levels-Medicines like-Probensisn(to increase urinary exception) and Eurostat(to reduce the production of Uric Acid) are used to treat Gout to bring its levels to 6 mg/high fluid intake with Furosemide(lasix) to help increased excretion of Uric acid through urine.-Low Purine Diet-with avoidance of red meat/seafood and alcohol, which increase Uric Acid levels.-NSAID like Naproxen/Motrin to reduce pain and redness-IF Gout is advanced -Surgical Removal of the Gouty arthritis may be needed this treatment initially Physician and later on Ortho-Surgeon team would be needed to treat your case. Hope this reply would help you to evaluate your case and treat it with your doctors in time to come. Hope this would resolve your query and worry and Anxiety accompanied by it. Welcome for any further query in this regard to ME. I would love to help you out.Awaiting any further query. Wish you fast recovery from this intriguing health problem. Have a Good Day. Chat Doctor. N.M.S. Genl-CVTS -Senior Surgical Consultant |
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### input:
Since i was five years old i have developed multiply symptoms that have affected my life in every way shape and form. I have chronic fatigue immune deficiency syndrome, adhd, frbromyalgia, along with SAD, MPS RSDS, and TMJD. Widespread pain, nausea, morning stiffness, sleep disorder, chronic headaches, migraines, chest symptoms, muscle twitches, muscle weskness, Contunious UTIs, pelvic pain and problems, cold symptoms, memory impairment, anxiety, vision problems, weight gain, join pain, aches in my bones, IBS, confused, lose train of thought, mixing up words, forgetting details, sweating, bladder irritability, pain during menstration, numbness in hands and feets sometimes arms and legs, tingling, sensitive to weather temp changes, light and sounds, bruises that come from no where, poor balance, runny nose, buckling knees, clumsiness, burning in muscles, continuios yeast infections, crave carbohydrates, protein, cheese, mood swings and i have 14 tender spots that we have found so far. I need help finding a doctor that will help everyone says its in my head and will not take the time to help me. I just went to a doctor that was closer to my area and he refused to refill my medications saying that they wouldnt help me even when i told him that the combinations of the meds really did help. Because of my health problems it has been every hard to get a job and i have no health insurance. DHS said i didnt qualify for any help to pay for any of my medical bills or medications.
### output:
| Hi, I would suggest the following tests to start with: Complete blood count, Thyroid function test (T3, T4, TSH), Serum cortisol, Serum ACTH, serum sodium and potassium, Random blood sugar, Serum calcium and phosphorus, vitamin D level, Parathyroid hormone test, FSH, LH, Antinuclear antibody test (ANA), Rheumatoid factor (RF) test, Chlamydiae pneumonia IG M level have suggested both blood cell tests, hormone tests, immunological tests, so that we can find out if you have some endocrine (hormone) or immune related problem. Such problems can be corrected if they are present. If no abnormality is found we can assume that you are suffering from Chronic fatigue syn Chat Doctor. Yes, I understand that it is debilitating and affects personal & professional life. The current evidence base says that for a patient with chronic fatigue syn |
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Hello! I turn to you because I have posted my question to several sites with noanswer. I have a problem with breathing. I think about it all the time and thereason is that I feel the breathing is TOO LOW, it is like I cant get a fullbreath and my body doesnt move along when I breathe. It gives me a hard timebecause I feel like I have some kind of burden in my back. I feel like I have togasp for air because the air does not move when I breathe.It all started a year ago when I had a bad dream about having something in mythroat. Waking up I still had this sensation and started to panic. Anxiety wasgrowing and growing until I got hyperventilation - I felt very hot in rooms.Then my breathing suddenly started to CHANGE, I felt I could not go anymore ashigh as before. At one point there was extremely HOT until the sensation ofsurrounding air changed COMPLETELY. I felt like my breathing was fixed at alower level. Two months after the beginning of anxiety my breathing had a finalchange, becoming very low. I could not feel the air entering my lungs. It hasstayed like that after the end of last November. I still live but... this kindof breathing takes all the energy from me, causing extreme tiredness all thetime. Has anyone experienced something like that? The tests do not show there issomething wrong with breathing but I feel this is NOT RIGHT. This thought keepscreating constant anxiety for me. Have given up physical activities because theymagnify the feeling that I cant get the needed deep breath. Thus I am gainingmore and more weight. I dont have much hope left:(
### output:
| Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. I sincerely opine that the problem you are facing now is of your own creation. Anxiety is such. Anxiety can make you feel and believe that you have serious physical problems. In actuality all these are simple creations of mind. More over you are trouble with health anxiety which can create chronic physical discomfort and pain without any physiological or neurological cause. In the beginning the patients never accept this fact. They go from doctor to doctor of every specialty. Every doctor tell the same, that this is due to anxiety. Only when there are no other options left, the patient admit. In your case, I am sure that you visited some doctors, and they advised you about anxiety. Therefore, follow the simple method of psychotherapy with dedication. You will be alright, for sure. If you still need my help, please describe the whole problem in detail and post a direct question to me. I shall definitely help you with psychotherapy techniques to overcome your problems. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. |
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### input:
Hi, Sir, i am Rakesh from jamnagar,Gujarat.Since from last two year I am taking CLONOTRIL 1 MG for my chest pain and balancing problem.But my problem yet not solved,now iam totally dependent on this medicine.When i left this medicine i start feeling balancing problem and acute chest pain also pain an teasing on all over the body.Some 7 year earlier i was detected with VITAMIN B12 deficiency ,but now it is normal.My balancing problem started some 6 years back,it increase with the time passes,Chest problem started 1.5 years back.Along with these I also face teasing and burning sensation all over the body.For this chest pain i have been to doctors many times,they take ECG and it all comes right.But still i feel acute chest pain along with little dizziness and light headed. When i take clonotril 1 mg i feel little relax but not completely fit . I have done brain MRI also sonography for any kind of stomach trouble but all in vein.Dr. Darshan Bhatt from Rajkot told me that you have a vertigo problem thats why you are feeling balancing problem ,but there is no way to proof it .Kindly suggest me upto what time i have to take this CLONOTRIL 1 MG tablet.Also please suggest me how to get rid of this chest pain and light headiness(Balancing problem).Sir, I already checked my BP,its normal.I am taking clonotril 1 mg right now on daily basis(ONE TIME AT NIGHT),when i have to reduce it.Earlier also I have a problem of Vitamin B12,i have not checked it in recent times,can i have to go with multivitamin with excess B12 like NEUROMET.SIR IS THERE ANY SIDE EFFECTS OF VERTIN 8 MG.Sir I do have gas problem from few days,Is it possible to take Vertin in gas problem.Is it also good for chest pain.Please Help me.
### output:
| Respected user, hi I evaluated your query thoroughly.* There is gross discrepancy between your problem & treatment.* Control is not meant for chest pain & balancing problem at all.* You are consuming the molecule since years which is of no value in it.* By this time your body has been addictive of Control & now you require dead diction treatment with an expert Psychiatric doctor.* Vermin can be taken with gas problem also vermin has no role for chest pain. Hope this clears your doubts. Thanks for using Chat Doctor & giving me an opportunity to assist you. Welcome for any further queries. Wishing you a healthy life ahead. Regards dear take care. |
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### input:
My 3 year old daughter had been suffering from frequent wheezing for past 2 years. She has been on Montair course for 2 months then the medication shifted gradually to Seroflo 125 (1 puff twice a day) to Maxiflo 125 (1 puff twice a day) to the present Maxiflo 250 (1 puff twice a day). However, the inhalers do not seem to be having any effect on her condition. We are giving her Inhaler through spacer and baby mask for 1 minute each time. She is currently also on Asthafen syrup and L Montus (1 tab. a day). She had Pneumonia 2 months back and was hospitalized for a week. She had wheezing last month in which we gave her Levolin nebulization 3- 4 times a day in conjunction with the routine Maxiflo inhaler. This continued for 15 days. After around 5 days of stopping the nebulization, she started wheezing again. This time, Levolin did not help and she was wheezing even after 5 days of inhaler and nebulization. She was then given a 5 day course of oral steroids (Omnacortil). Wheezing appeared to have cleared after those 5 days but started just 2 days after the oral steroids were stopped from being given to her. She has been wheezing for last 1 week + and Levolin nebulization again did not help her out for 1st 5 days. Hence, the doctor suggested Duolin nebulization for another 5 days. Today is the 2nd day of Duolin (= Maxiflo+ Asthafen+ L Montus) and she is still wheezing. Please advise what else can be done. Just FYI- we got her Comprehensive Allergy Panel Test done a week back and the test results did not find any allergen. The result was negative. Please our child is not really in a good physical health for last 2 years continuously and it is very upsetting to see her in such a bad shape
### output:
| Hi, thanks for query. What she might be having is asthma. Allergy or infection aggravates it. She will definitely respond to the inhalation therapy. Dose adjustment is the only thing that is required. In some cases inhalation steroids needs to be given. They are better than oral steroids. Continue with the treatment. Give her light diet, fruits and vegetables, more of liquids. If needed to take help of chest disease specialist in your city. Please look for something in your home which may be reason for allergy. Vacuum clean her pillows and mattresses, avoid pets and any strong smell.bye. |
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### input:
Sir my daughter aged 6 yrs suffering from fever cough n cold from last 3 days.the earlier in march 2014 she was suffering from maleria. Please guide us at present we r giving her T29 ,Droxile 250 mg n Fluecold syrup sir my daughter is not well since march please guide us what we do as every 20 days gets fever n cough. Dr told us that she was suffering from bronchitis.
### output:
| Hello, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your daughters history and would make suggestions for her as follows:1. If she gets fever and cough-cold every 20 days, I would suspect one of the following:a. I would highly recommend you to measure fever by thermometer. If it is more than 101, then only I would think of infections, usually viral.b. If fever is in range of 99-100, cough-cold may not be because of infections, but because of allergic causes.c. I would like to know more about her like - whether she has any other symptoms, whether she has breathing difficulty anytime, whether she has headaches, any problems with urination or stomach, whether her appetite is good, whether her weight is ok or not, etc. These details would help me to think about more possible causes.2. Were I treating her, I would suggest her complete blood counts, ESR, CRP, serum total IGE levels, urine routine & microscopic examination. These are basic investigations which would give clues towards possible causes.3. At present, I would suggest her an antihistamine like levocetirizine and a cough syrup for 5 days, I would suggest you to complete course of the antibiotic (Chat Doctor. 4. I would also suggest her iron syrup and multivitamin supplements including folic acid, vitamin B12 and vitamin C to maintain hemoglobin around 13-14 go if it is not so. This will help her improve her immunity. Please consider iron and supplements only after her recovery and after her antibiotics are completed.5. I would suggest her good nutrition - adequate amounts of fluids, diet rich in vitamins & minerals (plenty of green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits and sprouts, etc.) which will also improve her immunity.6. In general, I would suggest her to avoid exposure to dusts, smokes and air pollution as much as possible. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to her. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish your daughter the best of the health ahead. Thank you & Regards. |
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### input:
Hi there, I wanted to know if I could get some information about my back issue . I am a 49 year old woman in fairly good health. I am 5 9 tall and weigh 195 lbs. In the past year I have changed my lifestyle and have lost over 50 lbs. In the fall of 1994 my L4-5 disc bulged/hernitated and it also affected my right side sciatic nerve. After a hospital stay and 6 months of physio my back was not getting any better. I eventually had to have surgery. I had a discetomy and the L4-4 level and a limited laminectomy posteriorly at this operative site as well. My back seemed better for a few years then started to act up again. In 2002 I had an MRI done and the diagnosis stated theat there was a generalized bulging of the reamaining intervertebral disc at the L4-5 level without evidence of focality. Also, it stated that at the L4-5 level the posterior facet joints demonstrate very early mild symmetric degenerative change. Again, I took things easy, had physio and things seemed to be ok. Fast forward to 2011 and again I am in pain and limited mobility. My days are the worse in the mornings and in the evenings. I purchased a great bed 6 months ago because of my back problems. I have low back pressure and pain, as well as pain in my right buttock with pain radiating down my right leg. It is hard to perform any tasks below my waist ie tying up my shoe laces, picking up dropped items, washing in feet etc. Could yoy tell me a what my prognosis may be and what I may be looking forward to. Thank you.
### output:
| Hello, There can be pain due to nerve root compression. I will advise you fresh MRI. If symptoms persist then surgical decompression may help. Medication like methylcobalamine and pregabalin will reduce pain which can be started consulting your doctor. You can focus on spine extension exercises. Some exercises which can be done include-Spine extension exercises, Lying on your stomach flat lift leg 6 inches from ground, do it for other leg. Now lift both hand and leg simultaneously, 6 inches off the ground and supposition for around 10 breathes. Core stabilizing spine exercises will help. You may consult physiotherapist for guidance. He may start TENS, or ultrasound which is helpful in your case. If not relieved you can take epidural injection. Hope this helps. Wish you a speedy recovery. If you find this answer helpful do not hesitate to rate this answer at end of discussion. Take care. |
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### input:
Hi I have fibromyalgia, crohns disease, Rls, degenerative disc disease , manic depressive, hashimotos thyritis.i also hav e adhd and manic depressive headaches, belly pain bleeding rectally. I havent had a period in about a yr. . Yaa alot wrong. Ok im 49female a.d I feel tired, cant eat much cause I feel full all day. Feeling sad, not motivates
### output:
| Hello and welcome, but you should not be posting this here, as you need medical help NOW. These types of things are not just "pain related" - I feel that with everything you have, a combination of Benzodiazepines and a synthetic opiate would help A LOT. You need to speak to your doctor. If you were my patient (this is totally hypothetical and of course due to law I cannot prescribe anything to you)But I would keep you on Vitamins and Ulcer Medication (many to choose from) to help the stomach bleeding. STAY AWAY FROM ALCOHOL as much as you can. Eat a healthy diet. I would prescribe (personally) Clonazepam 1 mg x 2 daily (one in the afternoon and one at bedtime) with Tramadol 50 mg in 8 and 8 hours (PRN) not to exceed 150 mg daily unless your doctor gave you 100 mg pills. If I did not prescribe Tramadol and was not worried about addiction, I would still prescribe the Clonazepam, however I would add an Anti-Depressant called "CELEBREX" as it is FOR PAIN but has Anti-Dep properties and can elevate your mood a LOT. It can make you more productive, and working with a benzodiazepine with a long half-life like Clonazepam (Other BRAND names worldwide = PIVOTAL, KLONOPIN, CLOP AN) and combine that with PRN (as needed) Tramadol or perhaps "Tylenol 03) (Codeine Phosphate 30 mg with 500 mg of APA (paracetamol)My opinion of course. I do not like to addict people and I always have a medication reduction and with Chat Doctor. TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR ABOUT CELEBREX. You will be surprised the difference in your mood, pain, etc. You might be able to JUST TAKE CELEBREX and feel fine! The best part, it does not cause much weight gain as other Anti-Deps do! I hope this helps, Good luck dear! |
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### input:
Hello, For a couple of days now every time I yawn really big while my heads is Looking Forward I feel like there is a lump or something there, to the right of my Adams apple, then I feel like I need to cough. When I yawn and my head is Looking Down I do not feel anything. I guess the pain started on the right side of my lower jaw line and it seemed to work its way down to where it is now. Any suggestions? I do believe I do have bad acid reflux since I always have gas and keep burping all the time while an incredible burning comes back up to my throat. My chest burns and feels like someone is standing on it sometimes.
### output:
| Hi! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. Even though it needs a physical examination of the neck region to reach at a conclusion, from the history it seems to be a cervical lymph node swelling or a thyroid related swelling if it is seen and felt on the outside of neck while yawning. If I were your doctor, after a general physical examination with special attention to the head and neck region, I would advise you for some investigations like a complete blood count including an ESR, and a thyroid function test. Also, an FNAC (fine needle aspiration cytology) of the lump and an x-ray chest if need be could be helpful. Considering the symptoms of HERD (acid reflux) for a long time, I would not hesitate to refer you to a gastroenterologist for an endoscopic evaluation of your GI tract to rule out any organic cause of your feeling in the throat. In addition, you could do the following for getting some symptomatic relief from the symptoms of HERD :1) Elevate the head end of the bed with two blocks on each side, so that the regurgitation does not occur while lying down, and the contents of esophagus and stomach flow down with gravity.2) Some modification in your diet like more of roughage, enough liquids, avoidance of oily, fried, and fast food, and complete abstinence from alcohol and smoking if you do.3) Regular routine exercises like morning walk depending on your medical fitness.4) Prescription for a prokinetic agent and a proton pump inhibitor for symptomatic relief and to have a control on the acid production and facilitate movement of gastric contents downwards. Further management would depend on the reports of investigations. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor. |
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### input:
I am a 24 years old boy.I was into martial arts from 8th grade to 11th grade which is around 4 yrs. I was learning an art which needs too much use of legs. Since my 11th grade I am having a pain in my leg joint (where the leg starts), I am not sure if it is a pain in the bone or anything else. Few of my observations are 1) pain increases in winter and is gone in summers. 2)the pain shifts from right leg joint to left leg joint. 3) pain increases at nit between 8 to 4 but in the early morning around 5:00 to 7:00 the pain goes away as though nothing ever happened. The pain however again comes back soon at around morning eight. I have gone to many doctors. I have done 3 kinds of arthritis test. X-ray of spine and hip bone. Bloodtest. All the reports were very normal except that my ESR is 27. All the doctors have told me that they did not find anything unusual. All said that it would go away soon.I was given an antinflamatory tablet called Mobizox.The pain goes away completely when I take that tablet and its as though I get a new life but one tablet keeps me happy for only 24 hrs and then again I start getting the pain. My pain is repeating every winter from the past 6 yrs. All the readers trust me I become almost crippled when I get this pain. I am not able to sleep the whole night and m not able to move my leg at all. The pain is always there but it increases when I keep my steps. One more thing I noted about the pain is that the pain is a very different kind of pain and I feel as though it is hitting my brain. When it pains too much I also get fever. I don t smoke or take drugs. My weight is 62 and height is 5.10 feet. I will be very very happy if some one helps me. Thank you.
### output:
| Hello, Such type of bone pain are generally referred as enteritis. It generally occurs at insertion of ligaments near the joints. This can also be part of connective tissue disorders. I will advise you to do following to have relief- -Get a complete rheumatoid profile tests including ANA, RA TITLE, ANTI CCP ANTIBODY test. You may consult to a rheumatologist for that.-You may start a good analgesic(Indomethacin) for this condition on prescription with your doctor.-In such situation some medicines like sulfasalazine or HY Chat Doctor. You may have them on prescription from your doctor. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care |
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If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### input:
I am 23 years old female. Few years ago, I accidentally descovered that I have a 9mm gallstone. Sometimes, when I am nervous or concern, I fell strong pain in the upper abdomen that increases rapidly. When in pain, I drink linseed tea and the pain goes away in 30 min max.Doctors told me that I can live with it and didnt mention any other treatment than surgery. My diet is really healthy, and I have normal weight. Just to mention that my both grandmothers and my uncle (the brother of my father) had gallstones.I do regular checks- everything is normal and the stone does not increase.I want to keep my gallbladder since I dont fell pain often, actually it is very rare, max 10-15 times in few years. The problem is that I was told that the pregnancy with gallstones is hazard. I am not planing to get pregnant in near future,but I want to solve the problem with the stone, so I can have safe pregnancy in a few years from now.Can you please tell me your opinion about my problem.Thank you for your time and concern.Sincerely, Anita
### output:
| Hello and thank you for asking Chat Doctor. I have read your report, and I understand your concerns. In most of the time, surgery is the only way of dealing with gallbladder stones. And yes, a pregnancy with a gallstone is hazard and might cause a lot of problems for the health of the mother (pancreatitis, infection of the gallbladder etc)Since you don't have serious symptoms (strong pain, vomiting,nausea, fever) and you don't want the surgery, there is another way of trying to get rid of the stone. Udiliv 300 (Ursodeoxycholic acid) is an oral prescription medicine used in the treatment of gallstones. It is also useful in preventing gall stone formation. It should be taken under medical supervision in terms of dosage and duration of intake after due consultation with a doctor. This product is safe to take if you are pregnant or planning to get pregnant.Also, here are some advice to help your liver and body to not form any other stones:-don't use excessive amount of alcohol-avoid concentrated fats like oil, butter, margarine, fat on meat ect-vegetables, potato, fresh fruits, rice, pasta octave plenty of water suggest you check up with your physician or your gastroenterologist for the prescription of Soil. Your doctor will give the wright dose and the time that you need to take it. If you have any other question, feel free to contact me. Chat Doctor. |
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If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### input:
I have lower left abdominal pain mostly constant now! Have been to Dr.s countless times for this no resolution. Now is to the point not sleeping much. Last clinic visit Dr. say enlarged prostate I disagree, They also did a ct scan did not find anything. previous meds did not set well with me just made me feel worse. Only thing that helps sometimes is laying down. Pretty much sick and tired of feeling poorly this just goes on and on.
### output:
| The roots that may trigger this kind of pain in left side are several. This includes urination, causes associated to the lungs and gastrointestinal. When suffering from diseases such as pneumonia, bronchitis or pulmonary edema you may experience this pain in left side that is at first mild to moderate and even severe at times. Left side organs in your body such as, the liver, ureter, kidney, ovary, fallopian tube, a Chat Doctor. One of the causes of pain also is formation of gas in the stomach which is, majorly caused by constipation, over eating or eating indigestible things. Home remedy for stomach aches: mix one teaspoon of fresh grated ginger with one teaspoon of lime juice; take immediately after eating., or some natural remedies like ginger, bishops seeds , baking soda with hot water should be administered to provide an immediate relief. Take Home remedy for stomach aches: mix one teaspoon of grated ginger with one teaspoon of lime juice , add some black salt and pepper, take immediately , after meals. The muscles and the nerves located on the left side of the abdomen suffer as well. Gulping on indiscriminately only medicines or pills will not help cure unless you take care of your lifestyle, food habits and regular exercise yoga and proper rest. A well-balanced and nutritious diet including , fiber, vitamins, minerals in natural form fruit, veges protein , less spiced and moderately salted also include antioxidants - lemon juice with water, Add antioxidants, garlic, ginger, papaya , coconut water. Aloe vera juice 25 ml +AMLA juice 2 spoons, bitter gourd juice 25 ml, turmeric powder a level spoon with a cup of hot milk at bedtime, low fat dairy products, sunflower oil, tofu to your diet. All have quality to kill bacteria on mass basis and give us resistance as well as energy to carry on.- Green Tea & Echinacea helps stimulate the immune system.- |
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If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### input:
Hi my names Angela, im 28 .. I believe i may have had a stroke or heart attack on Christmas eve. (Heavy smoker,overweight, stressed,bad diet,drink&Family history) On the day before Christmas eve day i had drank which i had mainly quit 6mnths prior i was a heavy drinker.. ok so on Christmas eve felt sick mosr of the day. Normal.. ok saved 3shots for right before i keep watch over kids rooms and hubby brings presents down.. i felt pain in my right shoulder and weird heavy heartburn like.. But i waited a bit felt ok.. went to stand by daughters room.. started feeling heavy n nauseous. . Weak.. vision started going grey.. Shakey.. felt real bad urge to puke.. weaker n weaker.. vision and motor skills fading managed to say help continued down the hall fading like felt like a robot powering down.. As i said help i colapsed.. hit my head real good on my bathroom doorway..hubby brught me to checking my pulse asking was i ok. I apparently was out of it.. he sat me on the couch i still couldnt hear right or see right n extremely shakey extremely pale n grey.. then Profuse cold sweats.. i sat n tryed to stay calm.. or well be calm.. and it passed but since then feel weak, fatigued.. keep having some pains in my shoulder n elbow,upper chest n back .. weird anxious feelings.. he checked my pulse today n said it was like hit n miss type pulse thinks i should get checked out.. id like your opinion.. stroke? Heart attack? What was that?.. im also pretty sure i may have had a fairly massive attack.. im mainly scared.. only 28.. 3 young kids.. ones autistic. . Please get back to me quickly thank you.. Sincerely Angela
### output:
| Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. By your history and description, possibility transient ischemic attack (TIA) is more in your case. But better to rule out heart related disease first. So get done ECG, 2d echo and Holder monitoring (24 hour continuous monitoring of ECG). If all these are normal then no need to worry about heart diseases. Get done CT scan of brain to rule out stroke and TIA. If this is also normal then stress and anxiety are the likely causes for your symptoms. So consult psychiatrist and get done counselling sessions. Try to identify stressor in your life and start working on its solution. You may need additional anxiolytic Chat Doctor. Don't worry, you will be alright. First rule out heart and brain related causes. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. |
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If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
### input:
I recentley had an MRI for my neck pain down my shoulder blade and arms can you explain what al this means? NEURALGIA/NEURITIS NOS-LT C8 RADICULOPATHY- provided. Neck pain. COMPARISON: None TECHNIQUE/PROTOCOL: Standard noncontrast cervical spine HNP protocol MR performed. No immediate patient complications or events noted. FINDINGS: Postsurgical changes of C5-7 ACDF. Slightly focal lordosis at the C4-5 level just above the fusion. Minimal retrolisthesis of C4 on C5, unchanged. Cord caliber and cord signal are normal. Normal bone marrow and craniocervical junction. Visualized paraspinal and neck soft tissues unremarkable. C1-C2: Unremarkable. C2-C3: No disc bulge, canal stenosis or neural foraminal narrowing. C3-C4: Broad-based disc bulge causes mild narrowing of the ventral CSF space. No canal stenosis or neural foraminal narrowing. C4-C5: Broad-based disc bulge narrows the ventral CSF space. No significant canal stenosis or neural foraminal narrowing. C5-C6: Fused disc space with no significant canal stenosis. Right-sided uncovertebral hypertrophy causes moderate Right neural foraminal narrowing. C6-C7: Fused disc space without canal stenosis or neural foraminal narrowing. C7-T1: Right paracentral disc osteophyte narrows the ventral CSF space without significant canal or neural foraminal narrowing. T1-2: Sagittal images only. No disc bulge or canal stenosis. T2-3: Sagittal images only. No disc bulge or canal stenosis. IMPRESSION: 1. Postsurgical changes of C5-7 ACDF with multilevel degenerative disc disease causing no significant canal stenosis. 2. Moderate right neural foraminal narrowing at C5-6 due to uncovertebral hypertrophy. David Barber YYYY@YYYY
### output:
| Hi Mr David, Thank you for posting your query. I have gone through the report of your MRI of cervical spine. I would like to first reassure you that there are no serious problems noted in the MRI. The reports suggest degenerative and post-operative changes. There is no significant compression of the cervical nerves. Based on the reports, you require only conservative management such as medications (pregabalin, etc.) for nerve pain; and physiotherapy. Wishing you good health, Chat Doctor. |
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