bool 2
classes | IKI_DataSheet
sequencelengths 1
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sequencelengths 1
⌀ | SubSectorLabel
sequencelengths 1
⌀ | Alpha3
stringclasses 185
values | SectorLabel
sequencelengths 1
⌀ | PlansLabel
bool 2
classes | PolicyLabel
bool 2
classes | NetzeroLabel
bool 2
classes | GHGLabel
bool 2
classes | IKI_Parameter
sequencelengths 1
⌀ | CW_QuestionDefinition
sequencelengths 1
⌀ | AdaptationLabel
bool 2
classes | Context
stringlengths 56
| MitigationLabel
bool 2
classes | CW_OverviewCategory
sequencelengths 1
⌀ | TargetLabel
bool 2
classes | Source
sequencelengths 1
| TranslatedContext
sequencelengths 1
⌀ | Document
sequencelengths 1
| UnconditionalLabel
bool 2
classes | ConditionalLabel
bool 2
classes | Language
stringclasses 3
values | ActionLabel
bool 2
classes |
null | null | [
"Downstream actions"
] | [
"Renewable Energy"
] | SSD | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution"
] | false | An increase in the contribution of renewable energy in the electricity mix will also enable South Sudan to access international climate finance through market-based mechanisms (such as carbon markets or result-based climate finance). Participate in carbon markets to trade offsets generated from renewable energy projects. Offsets can be traded not just globally, but also regionally (African countries such as Ethiopia have started building domestic emission trading schemes). Yet to be implemented. Medium to long term. Improve energy efficiency in the formal energy sector. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Actions"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Second NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral plans on"
] | [
"Renewable Energy"
] | CAN | [
] | true | false | null | null | null | [
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | false | Reduce emissions and energy costs of homes by creating a $2.6 billion Canada Greener Homes Grant initiative with grants of up to $5,000, and investing $4.4 billion to help homeowners complete deep home retrofits through interest-free loans worth up to $40,000. Continue working on low-income retrofit programs with the provinces and territories to increase the number of households that benefit from energy retrofits. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on",
"Unconditional part of mitigation target"
] | [
"Solid Waste"
] | URY | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Targets at the sectoral level",
"Unconditional part of the mitigation effort for a given sectoral target"
] | false | Adoption of good practices of natural grassland management in livestock production in 1,000,000 ha (10% of grasslands), thus avoiding the loss of soil organic carbon, and favoring carbon sequestration towards 2025 (*). Waste Sector. (relative to paragraph 21 of the PNCC). Introduction of CH4 capture and burning in final disposal systems of solid urban waste (with and without electric power generation): 60% of urban solid waste generated placed in final disposal sites with this technology. Various Sectors. (relative to paragraph 19 of the PNCC). | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | true | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Adapt Now sector",
] | [
"Economy-wide: General",
"Power system planning",
"Climate risk management"
] | NRU | [
"Cross-Cutting Area",
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Measurable targets or indicators",
] | true | Develop Nauru Energy Act to create an overarching legislative and governance framework for the energy sector in Nauru and an enabling environment for private sector investment. Create and finance an Energy Infrastructure Investment Fund to establish capital reserve funds dedicated to maintaining Nauru’s energy infrastructure and to anticipated future costs associated with maintaining Nauru’s solar capacity. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on"
] | [
"Fisheries and Aquaculture"
] | LBR | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Targets at the sectoral level"
] | false | Increase funding for coastal and blue carbon climate research and access to research opportunities by 2025 (Linked to Adaptation target). FISHERIES. Mitigation Actions and Policy Measures. In the Fisheries sector, Liberia commits to the following actions:. Reduce GHG emissions by harnessing the mitigation co-benefits of the Fisheries sector adaptation targets and develop a system to measure and track these benefits by 2030. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
] | ALB | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Protect and preserve natural resources within lagoon and wetland areas through sustainable management and planning of all economic activities. Medium. High. High. High. Medium. Very High. Training and qualification for local administration and communities living within Protected areas on climate change impacts. Medium. Medium. High. High. Medium. Very High. Fishery. Fishery Adaptation Measures. Co-benefit potential. Ease of implementation. Priority level. Development. Mitigation. Institutional. Technical. Financial. Weights. 0.8. 0.2. 0.3. 0.3. 0.4. Institutional Adaptation. Strengthen the institutional framework (e.g. coordination). | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Downstream actions"
] | [
"Buildings: General"
] | LSO | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution"
] | false | Carry out energy audits to incentivize the uptake of energy efficiency and conservation; iimplement incentives for retro-fitting of existing buildings with more energy-efficient appliances. Designing and implementing guidelines and/or standards and regulations for design of new buildings. Use of passive design and low carbon materials in building construction. Gradual shift towards the use of cleaner energy technologies, such as LPG, efficient cook-stoves, among others to reduce the amount of fuel-wood used for cooking. Leapfrog to low global warming potential refrigerants. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Actions"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
] | [
"Coastal management",
"Capacity building and knowledge transfer",
"Ecosystem and biodiversity"
] | LKA | [
"Coastal Zone",
"Cross-Cutting Area"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Measurable targets or indicators"
] | true | sensitive areas. 3.1 Survey and map coastal habitats (coral, sea grass, mangroves and sand dunes) in the entire coastal region, based on a method that is compatible with the survey department methods. 3.2 Scientifically identify suitable sites for conservation, rehabilitation and restoration 3.3 Conduct pilot projects at high prioritized sites. Prepare risk maps for the coastal zone mapping with 0.5m contour intervals and take. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Capacity building and knowledge transfer"
] | MMR | [
"Cross-Cutting Area"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Additionally, with international support, the Myanmar government would like to engage with local governments, CSOs, INGOs, the private sector, CBOs, Women‟s groups, youth groups, national races, ethnic groups, national and international experts, academia etc. on issues such as:. Undertaking research on a suitable database and developing management tools for priority climate change adaptation and mitigation sectors. Dissemination of information to stakeholders and organizations who will use the research findings. Integrating climate change subjects into the syllabus at basic education, higher education and University. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral plans on"
] | [
] | PRY | [
] | true | false | null | null | null | [
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | false | GHG mitigated: CO2, CH4, N2O. RE.5. Incorporation of the aerobic stage complementary to the lagoon, in sugar and alcohol producing industries. Industrial companies in the sugar and alcohol sector will need to increase their effluent treatment capacity, as a result of the growth in their production levels. Given this scenario, by 2030 the measure implies the incorporation of an aerobic phase (with pumping equipment to pools with aerators) to the existing anaerobic lagoon. - Treatment and discharge of wastewater (4D). - National Environmental Policy. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Time frame"
] | [
"Climate services",
"Early warning system"
] | NIC | [
"Cross-Cutting Area",
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM)"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Time frame"
] | true | Likewise, it has a Monitoring, Reporting and Verification table for the Forest, Use and Land Use Change subsector, where methodological documents, studies on historical and current dynamics of changes in use at the national, regional and national levels are prepared. territorial. By 2021, the country will implement projects that will contribute to strengthening national capacities for the presentation of international reports and reports. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Water management",
"LULUCF/Forestry: General",
"Agriculture: General",
"Fisheries and aquaculture",
"Renewable energy"
] | MLI | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Replication of the 5 programs announced at the summit for more actions including reforestation, pastoralism, renewable energies and smart agriculture in order to strengthen resilience to climate change and ensure food security throughout the country, about 2.124 Billions of US $;. Management of the silting of rivers to develop farming, aquaculture and river transport systems for 1.5 billion US $;. Wastewater treatment and reuse for needs including irrigation for 0.5 billion deus;. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Capacity building needs"
] | [
"Recycling, Reuse, Reduce"
] | SLV | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Capacity building needed for a given sectoral plan"
] | false | Technical assistance is required to work together with interest groups business plans for recyclable products. In addition, awareness/communication campaigns that systematically encourage the creation of markets for recyclable products. 7.7. Health sector. 7.7.1 Strengthening of capacities for the mainstreaming of Climate Change at the level of the Integrated Health System. Support is required through workshops, training and exchanges of experiences between the institutions that make up the Integrated Health System to guarantee an articulated approach to climate change at the national and local levels. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Economy-wide: General"
] | MWI | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Harness solar technology for heating and lighting solutions in construction: solar shading devices. Locating appliances which generate waste heat outside the insulated envelope. Harness solar technology for heating and lighting solutions in construction: Solar shading devices. Minimizing hard landscaping materials which absorb heat during the day and re-radiate it at night. Application of ventilation and cooling strategies and. Application of drought management in the design, construction and management of public and private infrastructure. Increasing the size and number of engineering structures, e.g., culver. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Upstream policies on",
"Capacity building needs",
"Sectoral plans on",
"Sectoral targets on",
"Sectoral Conditional Actions",
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Vehicle Fleet",
"Supply-side Efficiency: Power generation efficiency improvement",
"Energy: General",
"Renewable Energy",
"Energy efficiency",
"Clean Cooking and Heating: Cleaner household fuels",
"Energy access",
"Renewable energy"
] | TGO | [
] | true | true | null | null | null | [
"Information on upstream policies for a given sector",
"Condition actions of the sectoral level",
"Capacity building needed for a given sectoral upstream policy",
"Information on sectoral plans",
"Targets at the sectoral level",
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Development of renewable energies (target of 4% of the energy mix): promotion of bio-fuels and reclamation of degraded land; training and seeking out technical and financial partners for the production of new and renewable energies; tax remission on imports of equipment for solar and other renewable energies. 40. Sustainable management of traditional energy sources (firewood and charcoal). 7. Implementation of electricity-saving strategies. 9. Development of mini hybrid networks for rural electrification. 30. Promotion of low-carbon transport modes. 40. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Policies",
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets",
"Adaptation Commitments",
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | true | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral Conditional Actions"
] | [
"Water supply"
] | SLB | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Condition actions of the sectoral level"
] | true | In the area around the capital city of Honiara a general decline per decade is occurring while the population is growing at a rate of approximately 6% per annum. To ensure adequate water supply for the growing population of the city a robust and well enforced Integrated Water Resource Management strategy and programme needs to be put in place. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
] | false | true | en | true |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
] | MAR | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Water: “Construction of six seawater desalination stations in the short and medium term, namely the stations of Grand Casablanca, Tarfaya, Sidi Ifni, and in the coastal zone, Safi and Dakhla, all representing a maximum desalination capacity that could reach 1 billion m3.” (p. 24) | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral plans on"
] | [
"Clean Cooking and Heating: Cleaner household fuels",
"Energy: General"
] | GIN | [
] | true | false | null | null | null | [
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | false | establishment of 5000 wood carbonization units giving a better charcoal yield;. replacement with butane (40k toe);. extension of pilot initiatives to disseminate improved smokehouses and stabilized earth blocks. The mitigation potential of this commitment is calculated as a total of 23m tonnes CO2eq over the next 15 years. Improve the energy performance of the Guinean economy (SE4ALL). There is significant energy-saving potential in all the national energy supply chains operational in Guinea and the various economic sectors. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on"
] | [
"LULUCF/Forestry: General"
] | NPL | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Targets at the sectoral level"
] | false | These community-based organizations are not only contributing to sequestering carbon dioxide by sustainable forest management of resources but also playing effective roles in designing and implementing community adaptation plans of action (CAPAs) based on forests and non-forests benefits. Considering climate change mitigation and resilience as one of the major strategic pillars, the Forestry Sector Strategy (2016-2025) aims to enhance Nepal’s forest carbon stock by at least 5 percent by 2025 as compared to 2015 level, and to decrease mean annual deforestation rate by 0.05 percent from about 0.44 percent and 0.18 percent in the Terai and Chure respectively. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Upstream policies on"
] | [
"Energy: General"
] | PHL | [
] | false | true | null | null | null | [
"Information on upstream policies for a given sector"
] | false | The NDC also considers the Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022, Philippine Energy Plan 2018-2040, the Philippine National Security Policy 20172022, National Climate Risk Management Framework of 2019 and the Sustainable Finance Policy Framework of 2020. It shall also be progressively informed by the Filipino people’s aspirations across generations. The Philippines, in line with its national security policy and its sustainable development aspirations and in solidarity with ASEAN Member States, shall endeavor to peak its emissions by 2030 in the context of accelerating the just transition of its sectors into a green economy and the delivery of green jobs and other benefits of a climate and disaster-resilient and low carbon development to its people, among others. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Policies"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Ecosystem and biodiversity",
"Early warning system",
"Coastal Zone: General"
] | BLZ | [
"Coastal Zone",
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM)"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Coastal zone and marine resources, Action: “Assess coral reef restoration potential, including opportunities for enhancing habitat functionality to improve the resilience of coastal and marine habitats in addition to the 20% of territorial waters in marine protected areas and 10% of waters in marine replenishment zones. Develop an early warning system to monitor and detect unhealthy areas of the coral reef.” (p. 24) | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Upstream policies on"
] | [
"Transport: General"
] | CPV | [
] | false | true | null | null | null | [
"Information on upstream policies for a given sector"
] | false | solar pumps) for water pumping, distribution and irrigation; and. promoting the built-up of a comprehensive network of energy services companies (ESCOs) and clean-energy business incubators. Transport-specific NAMA. Seek to develop a NAMA that increases energy efficiency of the transport sector, including domestic shipping and domestic air travel, and evaluates options for policies and actions available to reduce the impact of GHG emissions originating from this sector. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Policies"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Adapt Now sector",
] | [
"Sea-level rise protection",
"Economy-wide: General",
"Climate risk management"
] | LKA | [
"Coastal Zone",
"Cross-Cutting Area",
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Measurable targets or indicators",
] | true | Minimize the impacts on human settlements and infrastructure due to erratic changes in population. 4.1. Follow NPPD and NBRO guidelines. 4.2. Enforce rules and regulations to prevent unauthorized settlements. Enhance the resilience of human settlements and infrastructure to extreme weather events. 5.1. Give due consideration to infrastructure facilities, contour line and soil conservation methods particularly in hill areas. 5.2. Design and maintain infrastructure giving due consideration to the runoff system and flooding. Minimize the impact of sea level rise on coastal settlements and infrastructure. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Downstream actions"
] | [
"Demand-side Efficiency: Cities"
] | QAT | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution"
] | false | Qatar plans to promote decentralized renewable energy production and use in buildings while also making more efficient their energy consumption. The ongoing development of Lusail city is Qatar’s main initiative concerning smart and sustainable cities with centralized water, cooling, waste, and transport systems as well as solar energy production. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Actions"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Economy-wide: General"
] | PSE | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Building fossil-fuel storage facilities. Rehabilitation and maintenance of industrial facilities and equipment. Provision of suitable storage facilities for industrial products intended for export. Improve handling, fumigation, packaging, and storage techniques for raw materials intended for export. Capacity building to enable industries to adapt to climate change. The State of Palestine’s First NDCs also included an adaptation action for the industry sector to “Improve water supply through wastewater collection and treatment systems”. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on",
"Upstream policies on",
"Time frame"
] | [
"Recycling, Reuse, Reduce",
"Economy-wide: General",
"Environment: General",
"Climate risk management",
"Watershed and river basin management",
"Ecosystem and biodiversity"
] | PAN | [
"Cross-Cutting Area",
] | false | true | null | null | null | [
"Targets at the sectoral level",
"Information on upstream policies for a given sector",
"Time frame"
] | true | By 2022, Panama will have developed its National Climate Change Plan for the Circular Economy in the long term and by 2025, it will have 10% progress in its implementation. MiAMBIENTE. MEF. CONEP. CNP + L. No GHG Target. Actions, Policies and Regulations. Circular Economy Program implemented. By 2022, the regulations on Environmental Audits and Environmental Management Plans will be updated, which will include disaster risk management, adaptation measures and reduction of the carbon footprint. MiAMBIENTE. No GHG Target. Actions, Policies and Regulations. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Policies",
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets",
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on"
] | [
"Renewable Energy",
"Renewable Energy: Solar",
"Renewable Energy: Solar: Utility Scale"
] | ARE | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Targets at the sectoral level"
] | false | "The UAE is developing clean energy solutions following a phased approach, with a gradual rise in the use of solar PV power, CSP, nuclear energy, and clean hydrogen. The planned share in the total installed capacity by 2030 is set to 30%, with a 50% transition to clean energy by 2050" | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Second NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Action and priority",
"Sectoral plans on"
] | [
"Energy: General",
"Energy efficiency",
"Transport: General"
] | IRQ | [
] | true | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority",
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | true | Improving the efficiency of transportation and distribution and adopting modern technological methods that help to adapt to rising temperatures. Changing the specifications of electrical equipment used in the electricity sector in line with the increase in temperatures. Achieving balance and integration between the various means of transportation and making it an integrated system to maximize the volume of transportation in Iraq and to set the regulations governing that. | true | [
"Adaptation Commitments",
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral Unconditional Actions",
"Action and priority",
"Adapt Now sector (2)"
] | [
"Disaster preparedness",
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM): General"
] | MYS | [
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM)"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority",
"Unconditional sectoral actions"
] | true | Urban areas are also becoming more prone to flash floods due to the higher rainfall intensity. In the extreme floods in 2014, damage to public infrastructure amounted to RM2.9 billion. However, Malaysia has been implicitly building adaptation resilience through its development Plans. From 2004 to 2014, Malaysia has invested over RM 9.3 billion on flood mitigation. Flood mitigation programmes and strengthening of disaster risk management and resilience of infrastructure would be further enhanced in the Eleventh Malaysia Plan and beyond. Water Security. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | true | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Ecosystem and biodiversity",
"Economy-wide: General",
"Food security"
] | LKA | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Minimizing climate change impacts on food security. Improving climate resilience of key economic drives. Safeguarding natural resources and biodiversity from climate change impacts. In the process of meeting these adaptation commitments, Sri Lanka will make extra efforts to build synergies between adaptation and mitigation while capitalizing on mitigation co-benefits of adaptation actions. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Unconditional part of mitigation target",
"Technology needs",
"Sectoral plans on"
] | [
"Public Transport",
"Economy-wide: General"
] | SLE | [
] | true | null | null | null | null | [
"Unconditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral plan",
"Technology needed for a given sectoral upstream policy",
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | false | Improving and promoting use of public transport (e.g. road, rail and water) for passengers and cargo to reduce traffic congestion and GHG’s emissions. Setting/developing air, water and soil quality standards, and ensure regular assessments and monitoring through control programs. As reported to the 2009 COP 15 meeting in Copenhagen, Sierra Leone, through its relevant Ministries, will put modalities into place to fully exploit the Carbon Trading and Payment systems. For instance the use of REDD and REDD+ initiatives. Conditional Contribution. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Policies",
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | true | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Water management",
] | RWA | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority",
"Measurable targets or indicators"
] | true | 10 million USD. 3. Develop and implement a catchment management plan for all Level 1 catchments. Number of operational hydrological stations. MoE (RWRB/ Private sector). ✔. B. 360 million USD. Percentage of water bodies with good ambient water quality. MoE (RWRB/ Private sector). ✔. ✔. B. Agriculture. 4. Develop climate resilient crops and promote climate resilient livestock. Number of climate resilient crop varieties developed. MINAGRI (RAB, NAEB, REMA, Private sector, Civil society). ✔. ✔. B. 24 million USD. Reduced GHG emissions from improved land. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on"
] | [
] | MEX | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Targets at the sectoral level"
] | false | Axis C. Conservation, restoration and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services. LINE OF ACTION. NEW LINE OF ACTION. SYNERGY WITH MITIGATION. SDGs. C1. Achieving zero net deforestation by 2030. C2. Strengthen environmental policy instruments and implement actions to conserve and restore continental ecosystems, increase their ecological connectivity and favor their resilience|. C3. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral Conditional Actions",
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Water management",
"Land and soil management",
"Water conservation and reuse",
] | UZB | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority",
"Condition actions of the sectoral level"
] | true | Improvement of irrigated lands affected by desertification, soil degradation and drought, increase in soil fertility of irrigated and rainfed lands. Further improvement of water management practice in irrigated agriculture with wide use of integrated water resources management approaches and innovative technologies for water saving, including broad introduction of drip irrigation systems. Improvement of pasture productivity and fodder production in desert and piedmont areas. Adaptation of social sector to climate change7. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | true | en | true |
null | null | [
"Action and priority",
"Sectoral plans on"
] | [
"Sustainable Land Management",
"Disease surveillance and control",
"Sustainable urban planning"
] | RWA | [
] | true | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority",
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | true | Improve Forest Management for degraded forest resources. 13. Integrated approach to planning and monitoring for sustainable land use mgt. 14. Harmonised and integrated spacial data management system for sustainable land use. 15. Inclusive land administration that regulate and provide guidance for land tenure security. Human Settlement. 16. High density buildings and informal settlement upgrading. 17. Storm water management. Health. 18. Strengthen preventive measures and create capacity to adapt to disease outbreaks. Transport. 19. Improved transport infrastructure and services. Mining. 20. Climate compatible mining. | true | [
"Adaptation Commitments",
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Coastal management",
"Ecosystem and biodiversity"
] | COG | [
"Coastal Zone",
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Coastal zone adaptation strategy: "To this must be added a system comprising mangrove conservation projects for the protection of the coastline, protection of species, the establishment of specific facilities for the reception and management of waste, monitoring the nesting of marine turtles and the creation of a coastal observatory and the marine environment" (12). | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Social Development: General",
"Climate smart agriculture",
"Capacity building and knowledge transfer"
] | MMR | [
"Cross-Cutting Area",
"Social Development"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Protecting and upgrading native agricultural varieties, and support for upgrading rainfed agriculture technology. Protecting and genetic upgrading of indigenous livestock breeds, and support for Artificial Insemination Services. Building capacities of younger farmers and informing them re licensing procedures for overseas export to enhance socio-economic resilience and discourage migration. 4.2.2. Sustainable Management of Natural Resources for Healthy Ecosystem. Within the environment and natural resources sector there are many ecosystem services which are crucial to people s livelihoods and wellbeing. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on",
"Unconditional part of mitigation target"
] | [
"Demand-side Efficiency: Buildings",
"Demand-side Efficiency: Tourism"
] | MAR | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Targets at the sectoral level",
"Unconditional part of the mitigation effort for a given sectoral target"
] | false | Energy efficiency for new building envelopes. Adoption of the Thermal Construction Regulation code in Morocco in residential and tertiary buildings. 499.8. 80.0. 18.0. 29. Energy efficiency in tourist accommodation establishments. Implementation of an energy efficiency program in the tourism sector, including: 300,000 low consumption lamps, 300,000 m2 of solar water heaters and the application of the thermal regulation code for construction in Morocco. 280.8. 44.6. 86.0. 30. National development plan for solar water heaters post 2020. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Downstream actions"
] | [
"Supply-side Efficiency: Power generation efficiency improvement: Fuel switching"
] | TUV | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution"
] | false | Under a World Bank project proposal (described below) wind turbines will be installed from 2016 onwards. A wind-solar mix will optimise the level of battery storage required and the level of diesel generation required. The system will require standby diesel generation to provide a back-up to the renewable energy when prolonged weather conditions limit renewable energy generation. Conversion or replacement of the existing diesel generators to run on bio-diesel fuel was proposed to take place in the last stage of the renewable electricity programme. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Actions"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on"
] | [
"Demand-side Efficiency"
] | LAO | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Targets at the sectoral level"
] | false | Finally, a new target of 10% reduction of final energy consumption compared to business-as-usual (BAU) scenario is introduced in the energy efficiency sub-sector, to support the implementation of the 2016 National Policy on Energy Efficiency and Conservation which estimated total energy demand in Lao PDR as reaching 4,320 ktoe in 2030 (BAU scenario). A new conditional target in the agriculture sector is the development of 50,000 hectares adjusted water management practices in lowland rice cultivation. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Upstream policies on"
] | [
"Economy-wide: General"
] | GEO | [
] | false | true | null | null | null | [
"Information on upstream policies for a given sector"
] | false | In addition, Georgia plans to develop an action plan “climate 2021-2030” (intended to be finalized in 2018) which will define the legal instruments, activities, methods and other relevant issues. The legislative proposals, national programs and domestic legally-binding acts to implement 2030 climate target will be influenced by Georgia-EU association process and the planned membership in the European Energy Community. Fair and ambitious. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Policies"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Health: General"
] | PAK | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority",
"Measurable targets or indicators"
] | true | Revenues from mitigation actions can be earmarked for specific health related purposes. Revenue can also be implemented to generate funds for specific purposes, such as support • Adopt a Health in All Policies (HiAP) approach to energy policy • Establish mechanisms to facilitate collaboration between health and energy professionals • Continue to obtain reliable data on health co-benefits of climate ambition in Pakistan to inform policies in various sectors Waste and WASH: • Operationalizing Pakistan Wash Strategic Planning & Coordination Cell established at MoCC to fast-track progress towards climate resilient WASH • Strengthening Clean Green Pakistan Index launched in 2019 to focus on improved water, sanitation and hygiene service delivery in targeted urban areas. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Disease surveillance and control"
] | URY | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | To have identified, formulated and implemented by 2025 Environmental Health indicators associated with climate change and health status of the population, contemplating information about the disease burden linked to climate change. An “Assessment for the establishment of models to predict the behavior of vector-borne diseases and zoonosis linked to climate change” will be under development by 2025. To have formulated, adopted and implemented a National Plan for the prevention of diseases transmissible by climate-change sensitive vectors by 2025. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Water quality"
] | ALB | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Development of risk management plans especially on Flood Prevention. Protected Areas. Medium. Rehabilitation and restoration of degraded habitats, including barriers along the coastal zone. Protected Areas. High. Maintain water communication with the sea through the natural communication channels. Protected Areas. Medium. Support monitoring agencies in design and perform water quality in each wetland/lagoon to track impacts of climate change on abiotic factors (temperature and dissolved oxygen) to reduce risks through environmental quality monitoring methods and techniques. Environment. High. Livelihood Adaptation. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Disaster relief and recovery",
"Early warning system",
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM): General",
"Capacity building and knowledge transfer"
] | RWA | [
"Cross-Cutting Area",
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM)"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority",
"Measurable targets or indicators"
] | true | Reduced GHG emissions from community- based DRR programs such as improved farming techniques. Number of effective city contingency plans developed. ✔. ✔. B. 22. Establish an integrated early warning system, and disaster response plans. Percentage of extreme weather events for which advance warning was provided at least 30 minutes in advance. ✔. ✔. A. 10 million USD. 23. Institutional capacity building and development for cross-sector NDC implementation. Number of staff who acquired technical skills to effectively coordinate and report on NDC implementation. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Adapt Now sector"
] | [
"Health services and assessment",
"Economy-wide: General",
"Environment: General",
"Climate risk management",
"Disease surveillance and control",
"Health: General",
"Capacity building and knowledge transfer"
] | LBN | [
"Cross-Cutting Area",
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
] | true | Impacts of Climate Change in Lebanon. Climatic changes are expected to have diverse implications on Lebanon’s environment, economy, and social conditions. Extreme weather events are and will continue to impact public health, human settlements, infrastructure, agricultural output, power supply and the economy at large. The fragile biodiversity, ecosystems, and natural habitats will be threatened by increased forest fires, pest outbreaks sea level rise, storm intensity and drought. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
] | VEN | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | It is estimated to improve 6 current standards of housing construction for the integration of natural climate variability. Housing construction: 5.700.000 housing at national level. 700.000 housing with alternative bioconstructive systems. 1.140.000 housing with locally manufactured materials. Insertion of new construction elements:. Tree planting days: it is estimated that 108 tree planting days will be implemented in urban areas aimed at achieving a substantial increase in the percentage of green areas in urban developments and residential complexes. Strategic Planning of the Housing and Housing Sector:. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on",
"Conditional part of mitigation target"
] | [
"Demand-side Efficiency: Tourism"
] | CPV | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Targets at the sectoral level",
"Conditional part of the mitigation target for a given sectoral target"
] | false | By 2025, develop a national roadmap for responsible tourism in the circular economy, in order to build a comparative advantage for the Cabo Verde tourism destination. The roadmap will define targets for the local contribution to reducing GHG emissions, per visitor/day by 2030, through strict reuse and recycling, banning single-use plastic | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | true | en | false |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Sustainable transport planning"
] | PRY | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Promote the interconnection between Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Chile through the development of rail transport as a sustainable and alternative way of transporting commercial products. Promote the development of road works, which allow increasing connectivity at the national level, taking into consideration studies of environmental impacts and risk, prevention measures and risk management in the event of extreme weather events. Promote the reactivation of the railway network within the national territory, in order to generate new alternatives for the transfer of passengers, and commercial products. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral Conditional Actions",
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Sustainable forest management",
"Watershed and river basin management"
] | LAO | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority",
"Condition actions of the sectoral level"
] | true | Promote integrated actions on watersheds, reservoir management, water storage for agro-forestry, wildlife management, fisheries and tree varieties, prevention of drought. Forest surveys and allocation for sustainable management and rural development. Strengthen the capacity of technical staff and village forest volunteers to enable optimal planting, managing and utilising community forests in response to climate change. Promote forest seed and seedling production for reforestation and forest restoration. Research and select forest species which are resilient to pests, diseases, drought, and soil erosion. Objective 2 and related activities. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | true | en | true |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Economy-wide: General"
] | KHM | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | News anchors/hosts who majority are youth working at media organizations play a vital role to encourage/ promote the public on Climate Change adaptation. Collaboration with private media organizations. Support private media organization on technical, specialist and funding. 4, 5,13. 43. Urge and encourage to reduce (or ban) all forms of commercial advertisement that has negative impact on environment. Information. Minister of Informatio n (MOINF). -Ministry of. Information. Strategic Plan. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on",
"Conditional part of mitigation target"
] | [
"Supply-side Efficiency: Grid/energy loss reduction",
"Renewable energy: Solar"
] | ZWE | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Targets at the sectoral level",
"Conditional part of the mitigation target for a given sectoral target"
] | false | A summary of the mitigation measures from the energy sector is provided in Table 5. Table 5: Summary of mitigation measures from the energy sector. #. Mitigation Measure. Reference document. % GHG reduction vs 2030 baseline. Absolute reduction 2030 vs baseline (1000 tonnes). Estimated cost (Million USD)28. 1. Reduced Transmission and Distribution losses from 18% in 2020 to 11% in 2025. National Development Strategy. 1.01%. 760. $1,088.99. 2. Expansion of Solar: 300 MW in 2025. System Development Plan 2017. 0.61%. 460. $304.83. 3. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | true | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral plans on"
] | [
] | COM | [
] | true | false | null | null | null | [
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | false | This approach will reduce the pressure on the forest resource over time with the aim of sustainable exploitation in the medium and long term. At the same time, related benefits will be obtained in relation to soil and water degradation. Indirectly, the latter aspect will have intrinsically positive effects on the sustainability of production in other water-related sectors. Agroforestry:For agroforestry, abandoned agricultural land will be targeted for this activity. The intention is to convert 200 ha annually for agroforestry. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | false | [
] | null | [
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on",
"Upstream policies on",
"Downstream actions"
] | [
"Renewable Energy: Solar: Off-Grid",
"Renewable Energy: Solar"
] | BTN | [
] | false | true | null | null | null | [
"Targets at the sectoral level",
"Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution",
"Information on upstream policies for a given sector"
] | false | "Alternative renewable energy project to install roof mounted solar PV on 300 rural households to enable access to clean energy and displace fuelwood consumption. The regulatory policies and tariff structure for solar feed-in tariff will be prepared to encourage the growth of the prosumer market." | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Actions",
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets",
"Sectoral Mitigation Policies"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Second NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Upstream policies on"
] | [
"Vehicle Fleet"
] | THA | [
] | false | true | null | null | null | [
"Information on upstream policies for a given sector"
] | false | The Environmentally Sustainable Transport System Plan also proposes ambitious actions to promote road-to-rail modal shift for both freight and passenger transport, which include extensions of mass rapid transit lines, construction of double-track railways and improvement of bus transit in the Bangkok Metro areas. A vehicle tax scheme based on CO2 emission was also approved and will become effective beginning 2016. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Policies"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Wastewater treatment",
"Water efficiency"
] | CPV | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Water 2 [associated measure]: “By 2025, integrate the principles of climatic, biophysical and economic limits and securing efficiency before increasing supply, to water and sanitation management into the evaluation and revision of PDAS, the action plan for solid waste treatment and sewage network, and regulate and implement a new water and sanitation code. Present proposals to: Strengthen municipal knowledge, means and equipment for solid and organic waste control, reduction management and awareness raising among households and communities | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral plans on"
] | [
] | ETH | [
] | true | false | null | null | null | [
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | false | Oilseed feeding Improved feeding to reduce emissions from � enteric fermentation Improved feeding deployed (Tons) Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) UPDATED NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION 4.4 ENERgY sECTOR The energy sector has huge mitigation potential in the updated NDC next to livestock and LUCF. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Unconditional part of mitigation target",
"Downstream actions"
] | [
"Agriculture: General"
] | RWA | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Unconditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral downstream action",
"Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution"
] | false | Alignment with SDGs. 2015- 2020. 2020- 2025. 2025- 2030. Unconditional measures. Crops and managed soils. Soil and water conservation (crop rotation). Continous crop rotation of up to 600,000 Ha, leading to prevention of soil erosion and reduction of CO2 and N2O emissions and carbon sequestration in soils. ✔. ✔. MINAGRI, MOE (RAB, RFA, RWRB). 235 million USD. Increased food security through enhanced soil fertility, increased crop stability and reduced soil erosion. Cleaner water provision, through reduced nutrient and soil runoff. Livestock. Improved livestock husbandry. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Actions"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Sustainable urban planning"
] | MMR | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Nature-based solutions for urban heat island effects, flooding and landslides: “Measures to promote and assess the impacts of conservation and expansion of peri-urban and urban green spaces and forests on key climate extreme events: reduction of water runoff, mitigation landslide risks, and reduce urban heat island effects.” (p. 42) | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Adapt Now sector"
] | [
"Health services and assessment",
"Disease surveillance and control"
] | COL | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
] | true | Under this dimension, the change in natural plant covers to the year 2040 was modeled under the RCP 6.0 scenario. Health. This component identifies the climatic relationship with human health, either due to the differences in temperature and precipitation in climatic periods, as well as the relationship with vectors of associated diseases. Human habitat. This dimension seeks to identify those variables associated with housing and services associated with human settlements. Here elements of territorial management and institutional interaction are collected. Infrastructure. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on",
"Emission reduction potential"
] | [
"LULUCF/Forestry: General"
] | KHM | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Targets at the sectoral level",
"emission reduction potential for a given sectoral target"
] | false | The FOLU NDC Scenario: Reduce 50% of historical emissions by 2030 (REDD+ programme); This target is based on the REDD+ national strategy which was included due to recommendations from the REDD+ Technical Secretariat (RTS) and the Department of Climate Change. The main assumption of the calculation was to reduce the 50% historical emission from the forest sector (76.3 million tCO2e) by 2030 (38.1 million tCO2e) with an average annual reduction of 21 million tCO2e/year. (Further information on the NDC scenarios is provided in Appendix 6). | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral Target"
] | [
"Energy access",
"Renewable energy"
] | BOL | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation targets/ objectives at the sectoral level"
] | true | Develop the export potential of electricity, generated mainly by renewable energies, reaching to export an estimated 8,930 MW by 2030, increasing energy state income. Reduce moderate poverty to 13.4% in 2030 and eradicated extreme poverty by 2025, according to impact, among others, of the generation and energy coverage, including growth, distribution and redistribution of energy income. Contribution to the growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to 5.4% in 2030 due to the impact of the energy sector. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | true | [
] | null | [
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Upstream policies on"
] | [
"Economy-wide: General"
] | MDA | [
] | false | true | null | null | null | [
"Information on upstream policies for a given sector"
] | false | The draft NDC2 was posted for comments on <> and it was discussed and validated during the national consultation workshop organized on 28 January 2020, with the participation of all relevant stakeholders, including representatives of the central and local public authorities, academia, civil society organizations, private entities, business associations;. The NDC2 targets are planned to be achieved through the Low Emission Development Strategy of the Republic of Moldova until 2030 and the Action Plan for its implementation, approved through the GD No. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Policies"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Climate risk management",
"Climate smart agriculture"
] | ALB | [
"Cross-Cutting Area"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Increase institutional capacity, to monitor climate indicators, as well as indicators related to the effects of climate change in agriculture. Medium. Low. Medium. Medium. Medium. Medium. Raising the awareness of farmers and agricultural specialists, on the risk posed by climate change in agriculture, as well as necessary measures to adapt to these climate changes. Medium. Low. Medium. Medium. Medium. Medium. Introduction of new cultivation techniques, such as direct planting, (no- tillage systems), as well as soil mulching. Low. Low. Medium. Medium. Medium. Medium. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Disaster relief and recovery",
"Health: General"
] | PRY | [
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM)"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Objective 3. Objective 4. 4.5.2 Health Sector and Epidemiology. SECTOR: HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY Local response capacity. Goal to 2030. Objective 6. Strengthen the health response capacity to face emergency situations related to extreme meteorological and climatic phenomena. Lines of Action to 2030. Gaps and Needs to 2030. Promote the strengthening of the response capacity of the Health Regions, Regional Hospitals, District Hospitals, and Family Health Units (USF) to emergencies associated with extreme meteorological and climatic phenomena. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral Conditional Actions"
] | [
"Water conservation and reuse"
] | YEM | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Condition actions of the sectoral level"
] | true | The implementation of adaptation measures will be based on related national frameworks and sectoral strategies such as the National Water Sector Strategy and Investment Plan (NWSSIP), the National Agriculture Sector Strategy (NASS) and the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP), among others. A wide-ranging of measures is proposed to address climate vulnerabilities of priority sectors and thematic areas and this includes:. Promotion and scale-up of rainwater harvesting to reduce climate induced water shortage;. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
] | false | true | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral plans on"
] | [
"Renewable Energy: Solar"
] | TUN | [
] | true | false | null | null | null | [
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | false | , cement, HFC, Nitric acid) by multiplying the installation projects of photovoltaic systems in its treatment plants. 1.5 Methodological approaches and sectoral results. Inventory methodology. Inventory conducted in accordance with IPCC 2006 guidelines. Global warming potential (GWP). GWP values used from the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report- AR4 - Climate Change 2007:. CH4 = 25. N2O = 298. HFC: GWP variable according to the substances used. Baseline scenario. The development of the baseline scenario was based on extensive modelling work developed for the different sectors. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Existing sectoral policies",
"Sectoral plans on"
] | [
"LULUCF/Forestry: General",
"Road Sector",
"Freight Vehicles",
"Industries: General",
"Transport: General"
] | NGA | [
] | true | true | null | null | null | [
"Information on the existing upstream sectoral policies that the NDC builds on",
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | false | Agriculture and Land Use. Climate Smart Agriculture. Stop using charcoal. Industry. Benchmarking against international best practice for industrial energy usage. Adoption of green technology in industry. Transport. Modal shift from air to high speed rail. Moving freight to rail. Upgrading roads. Urban transit. Toll roads/ road pricing. Increasing use of CNG. Reform petrol/ diesel subsidies. The portfolio of policies and measures by sector are described in more detail below. A brief problem statement for each sector precedes them. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Policies",
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on"
] | [
] | ALB | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Targets at the sectoral level"
] | false | Natural gas penetration rate of penetration target for 2030 has been defined to be 8-10% (National Natural Gas Master Plan). Natural gas in Albania will be mostly for guaranteeing the security of electricity supply since Albanian power sector is 100% based on the hydro resources and in electricity import. Combined: Combines the EE, RES and Natural Gas Promotion scenarios. Under this scenario all above mentioned targets have been aggregated and guaranteeing so proper development scenario for development of energy sector until 2030. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral plans on"
] | [
"Gas Flaring"
] | CAN | [
] | true | false | null | null | null | [
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | false | reduce GHG emissions from natural gas-fired electricity, as well as from chemicals and nitrogen fertilizers;. reduce methane emissions from the oil and gas sector. Canada’s regulatory approach is aligned with that of the United States, where appropriate, recognizing the importance of cooperative action in an integrated North American marketplace. Canada will continue take cooperative action with its continental trading partners, particularly the United States, and will work towards further action in integrated sectors of the economy, including energy and transportation. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | false | [
] | null | [
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral plans on"
] | [
"Demand-side Efficiency: Industries",
"Industries: General"
] | BTN | [
] | true | false | null | null | null | [
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | false | "Energy efficiency measures include: 1. Waste heat recovery 2. Refuse derived fuels in cement plants 3. Energy efficiency increases in production processes 4. Direct hot charging- integrated production 5. Energy efficiency improvement of electric motor systems 6. Conversion of diesel boilers to electric boilers." | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Second NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Unconditional part of mitigation target",
"Conditional part of mitigation target",
"Sectoral targets on"
] | [
"Renewable Energy",
"Buildings: General"
] | LBN | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Targets at the sectoral level",
"Unconditional part of the mitigation effort for a given sectoral target",
"Conditional part of the mitigation target for a given sectoral target"
] | false | electricity demand) and 11% of its heat demand in the building sector from renewable energy sources in 2030, compared to a combined 15% in 2015. Conditionally, Lebanon commits to generate 30% of the power demand (i.e. electricity demand) and 16.5% of its heat demand in the building sector from renewable energy sources in 2030, compared to a combined 20% in 2015. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | true | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral Unconditional Actions",
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Renewable Energy: Hydro",
"Renewable Energy: Wind",
"Renewable Energy: Solar"
] | MDA | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority",
"Unconditional sectoral actions"
] | true | Hydropower: build de‐silting gates; increase dam height; construct small dams in the upper basins; adapt capacity to flow regime (if increased); adapt plant operations to changes in river flow patterns; operational complementarities with other sources;. Wind: (re)locate based on expected changes in wind‐speeds. Solar: (re)locate based on expected changes in cloud cover; and. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | true | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral plans on"
] | [
] | TGO | [
] | true | false | null | null | null | [
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | false | "Promote the import of alternative refrigerants: Reduce HFCs imports, train customs officers on the identification of HFCs and equipment containing them, raise awareness and train refrigeration technicians on the use of new gases. The implementation of this project will also strengthen the BNO with adequate personnel and technical equipment. Thanks to this project, the import of HFCs will be reduced by 5% per year and by 10% if the country receives support from financial partners." | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral plans on"
] | [
] | PRY | [
] | true | false | null | null | null | [
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | false | Leader: MAG. Others: IPTA. Productive unions. Mitigation potential: Not Estimated (NE). GHG mitigated: CH4. AG.6. Good Livestock Production Practices (BPPP). The measure contemplates the improvement by 2030 of the productive efficiency margin (eg, the procreation rate still below the countries of the region, despite the good positioning of the national livestock activity) through pilot initiatives (eg Certification Carbon-Neutral Meat) and other actions to be developed in the country within the framework of the NAMA (National Appropriate Mitigation Action) in the Livestock sector, such as actions for competitiveness and zootechnical improvement, which lead to mitigation. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Ecosystem and biodiversity",
"Climate risk management"
] | BFA | [
"Cross-Cutting Area"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Climate Resilience in the Nakambé Basin (RECLIM) Project. 225,000. Project to promote index-based weather insurance for smallholder farmers in Burkina Faso. 29,462,792. Non-Timber Forest Products, phase 3. 10,000,000. Support for the sustainable management of forest resources (AGREF)/ BKF/023. 5,912,400. Conditional. Restoration of ecosystems for the resilience to climate change of local communities in the intervention area of the Great Green Wall in Burkina Faso. 85,000,000. 576.9. 1153.9. 3000. Sustainable land management and building the resilience of communities in the Toessin dam catchment area. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on"
] | [
] | CHL | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Targets at the sectoral level"
] | false | I5) Chile commits to afforest 200,000 hectares, of which at least 100,000 hectares will comprise permanent forest cover, with at least 70,000 hectares of native species. Recovery and afforestation27 will be undertaken primarily in land suitable for forest growth and/or priority areas for conservation and will represent captures of between 3.0 and 3.4 MtCO2eq annually by 2030. To deliver benefits in climate change adaptation, these afforestation measures must meet the following conditions:28. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Upstream policies on"
] | [
"LULUCF/Forestry: General"
] | TLS | [
] | false | true | null | null | null | [
"Information on upstream policies for a given sector"
] | false | "The introduction of a ‘Nature-Positive’ integrated approach to Timor-Leste’s adaptation, mitigation, and socio-economic development objectives focused on enhancing the integrity, carbon sequestration potential, holistic landscape management and resilience of the nation’s environment and natural capital. This pillar and vision support the diversification and growth of Timor-Leste’s non-oil economy – noting opportunities and commitment to engage and benefit from carbon market mechanisms established and defined under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, nature-based solutions, the expansion of green tourism, and the growth and diversification of sustainable agriculture practices. This contribution is inclusive of commitments to improve and expand existing terrestrial and marine protected areas and the management of conservation zones" | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Policies"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Time frame"
] | [
"Energy: General",
"Water supply",
"Water sanitation",
"Health: General",
"Capacity building and knowledge transfer"
] | LAO | [
"Cross-Cutting Area",
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Time frame"
] | true | Table 1: Status of 2015 NDC Measures. #. 2015 NDC Measure. Horizon. Progress. M1. Increase forest cover to 70% land area. 2020. Not achieved. M2. • 30% RE excluding large hydro. 2025. Not on track. • Share of biofuels to meet 10% of transport fuels. 2025. Not on track. M3. 90% households electrified. 2020. Achieved. M4. Transport NAMA. 2025. Not started. M5. • Expansion of large hydro to 5,500 MW (2020). 2020. Achieved. • 20,000 MW (2030). 2030. On track. M6. Climate change action plans. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Sustainable land management",
"Ecosystem and biodiversity"
] | MNG | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Maintain the long-term adaptive opportunities for vulnerable biodiversity to climate change by increasing special protected areas through the better management of protected areas’ border and connectivity;. Determine vulnerable dry-land ecosystems and soil organisms to climate change, and identify and evaluate vulnerable functional groups, indicator species, and develop and implement a relevant plan for action;. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Capacity building and knowledge transfer",
"Tourism: General"
] | GEO | [
"Cross-Cutting Area"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | In addition, Georgia intends to study the impact of climate change on glaciers, economic situation of the mountainous and coastal regions and livelihoods of the local population for the sustainable management of these regions;. Georgia intends to develop adaptive capacity of the most vulnerable winter and coastal resorts;. Georgia intends to assess and develop adaptive capacities for the agricultural productions that have the largest share in national GDP (e.g. grape, hazelnut, tangerine) and/or for domestic unique products (such as Georgian honey, non-timber forest products). | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on",
"Upstream policies on",
"Time frame",
"Downstream actions"
] | [
"Economy-wide: General",
"Climate risk management",
"Water supply",
"Water quality",
"Climate services",
"Sustainable Land Management",
"Agriculture: General",
"Early warning system",
"Social Development: General",
"Capacity building and knowledge transfer"
] | NPL | [
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM)",
"Social Development",
"Cross-Cutting Area"
] | false | true | null | null | null | [
"Information on upstream policies for a given sector",
"Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution",
"Targets at the sectoral level",
"Time frame"
] | true | By 2030, soil organic matter content of agriculture land will reach to 3.95%. By 2030, mulberry and fruit orchard areas will be expanded to 6,000 ha. By 2030, the number of additional improved cattle sheds will reach to 5,00,000 for quality farm-yard manure production and use. By 2030, the number of organic fertilizer production plants in the country will reach 100. Integrate climate change in the upcoming revised Agriculture Policy. By 2025, update the Rangeland Policy and develop plans for the sustainable management of rangelands. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Policies",
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets",
"Adaptation Commitments",
"Sectoral Mitigation Actions"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Second NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral Conditional Actions",
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Poverty reduction",
"Economy-wide: General",
"Climate risk management",
"Tourism: General",
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM): General",
"Capacity building and knowledge transfer"
] | EGY | [
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM)",
"Social Development",
"Cross-Cutting Area"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority",
"Condition actions of the sectoral level"
] | true | Draw a baseline scenario for the optimal regional distribution of population and economic activities within the geographical boundaries of Egypt up to the year 2100, taking climate change into consideration. Tourism Sector. Reduce climate change risks in touristic areas. Engage users in supporting the proposed strategy. Support periodical monitoring and observations systems and follow-up bodies. Raise environmental awareness. Cooperate with international bodies. Incorporate disaster risks within the plans to promote sustainable tourism in Egypt. Capacity building of local communities in touristic areas. Energy Sector. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | true | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on"
] | [
"Supply-side Efficiency",
"Transport: General"
] | GEO | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Targets at the sectoral level"
] | false | Georgia has identified the level of its greenhouse gas target limits by assessing the feasible targets for mitigation in each sector. To achieve the goal set out in NDC , following sectoral targets should be adopted as the goals of Georgia’s 2030 Climate Strategy and Action Plan:By 2030, Georgia plans to mitigate the GHG emissions from the transport sector by 15% from the reference level;. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Conditional part of mitigation target",
"Downstream actions"
] | [
"Industries: General"
] | GIN | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution",
"Conditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral downstream actions"
] | false | All of the above measures would represent a total of 1,740 kTCO2 eq / year avoided in 2030 compared to the BAU scenario. Conditional objective. The support of the TFPs should make it possible to accelerate the joint development of electrical capacities for mining activities and connection to the main network. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Actions"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | true | en | true |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Capacity building and knowledge transfer",
"LULUCF/Forestry: General",
"Coastal Zone: General"
] | LBR | [
"Coastal Zone",
"Cross-Cutting Area",
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority",
"Measurable targets or indicators"
] | true | Develop training, capacity building, and strategic communications plans for forestry authorities and forest communities to implement climate adaptation actions in the forest sector, especially by increasing support for education and training on climate risks and adaptation solutions for vulnerable groups. Conduct 20 trainings with forestry authorities and forest-dependent communities on climate-related risks, adaptation solutions and adaptive forest management practices, with strategic messaging for communities about incentives and opportunities to enhance their resiliency to climate change at the household and community level by 2025 (Linked to Mitigation target). | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Climate services",
"Early warning system"
] | ZWE | [
"Cross-Cutting Area",
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM)"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Incorporation of legumes in crop rotations has the potential to significantly reduce nitrogen fertilizer demand and ammonium nitrate fertilizer production thus driving a corresponding reduction in nitrous oxide emissions. Measure 2. Enhance early warning and climate-related disaster risk reduction systems (including information management systems). Description. Zimbabwe will take steps to: (i) enhance early warning systems, including through better information management systems (ii) provide the systems and knowledge to manage disaster risks at national and community-level, and (ii) support the coordination of responses to climate hazards and to climate impacts across sectors and geographies. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on"
] | [
"LULUCF/Forestry: General",
] | NIC | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Targets at the sectoral level"
] | false | Meta. Energy. By 2030, 60% of the installed capacity of the electricity matrix must come from renewable energy sources. Energy. By 2030, 65% of the installed capacity of the electricity matrix must come from renewable energy sources. Forests and Land Use Change. Increase in Carbon absorption capacity by 20% with respect to the Reference Scenario by 2030. Forests and Land Use Change. Increase in Carbon absorption capacity by 25% with respect to the Reference Scenario by 2030. Industrial processes. Not considered. Industrial processes. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral Conditional Actions"
] | [
"Coastal management"
] | GAB | [
"Coastal Zone"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Condition actions of the sectoral level"
] | true | Furthermore, the general guidelines of this strategy call for the development of a coastal urban planning scheme, the promotion of income-generating activities linked to marine and coastal ecosystems, and a scheme comprising mangrove conservation projects for the protection of the coastline, the protection of species, the establishment of specific facilities for receiving and managing waste, monitoring the nesting of sea turtles and the establishment of a coastal and marine environment observatory. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
] | false | true | en | true |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on",
"Upstream policies on"
] | [
"Sustainable Land Management",
] | BEN | [
] | false | true | null | null | null | [
"Information on upstream policies for a given sector",
"Targets at the sectoral level"
] | false | (3) Integrated program of adaptation to climate change through the development of agriculture, river transport, tourism, in the Niger Valley in Benin. Sustainable management of agro forestry and pastoral resources (2000 ha of improved fallow and agroforestry, 4000 ha of participatory sylvo-pastoral plantations in classified forests). (4) Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Development Strategy (2016-2025): enhancement of carbon sinks and reduction of emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. Strengthening carbon sinks and reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. Implementation of large-scale afforestation programs. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Policies",
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
] | MOZ | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | Water Resources and Resilient Water Supply and Sanitation Systems (Construction of agro-hydraulic infrastructure on major surface watercourses): “Construction of agro-hydraulic infrastructure on the main surface watercourses and small dams which are easy to maintain for irrigation and animal watering (rehabilitation, construction and maintenance of dams and water reservoirs)” (p. 42-43) | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Upstream policies on"
] | [
] | TUN | [
] | false | true | null | null | null | [
"Information on upstream policies for a given sector"
] | false | Industrial processes sector: The mitigation plan includes the use of a NAMA in the cement industry from 2016 onwards and access of this sector to carbon markets from 2021 onwards. Agriculture, Forestry and Changes in Land Use: The mitigation plan aims to intensify the CO2 absorption capacities of forestry and arboriculture by stepping up reforestation and by consolidating and increasing carbon reserves in forest and pastoral environments. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Policies"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral plans on"
] | [
] | PNG | [
] | true | false | null | null | null | [
"Information on sectoral plans"
] | false | Limited data on. existing energy use and potential trends currently. prohibits placing a quantified target on the impact. of these actions. 2. Fossil fuel off-setting from the energy. industries sub-sector through nature-based. solutions. PNG remains committed to an energy transition but. also recognizes that a full transition will take time. given PNG’s complex geographies and dispersed. population as well as a growing economy. As such, a. framework for offsetting of emissions from fossil fuels. will be introduced to support economic incentives. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Second NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Unconditional part of mitigation target",
"Conditional part of mitigation target",
"Sectoral plans on"
] | [
"Agriculture: General"
] | TGO | [
] | true | false | null | null | null | [
"Unconditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral plan",
"Information on sectoral plans",
"Conditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral plan"
] | false | Organisation of value chains: organising the chains for all major crops up to the processing and marketing chain of agricultural products and sub-products Modernisation of the livestock sub-sector by increasing the productivity of livestock beyond the growth and natural development of herds, setting up processing units for livestock products, genetic improvement for the performance of cattle breeding, introduction of improved breeders into the traditional system, intensification of the outlet and strengthening of market access for the marketing of livestock products, etc. Support for forage reforestation with the introduction of forage trees on farms with a view to the sustained production of quality forage; Total Source: | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Plans"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | true | true | en | false |
null | null | [
"Sectoral targets on",
"Downstream actions"
] | [
"Demand-side Efficiency: Appliances"
] | TON | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Targets at the sectoral level",
"Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution"
] | false | Third, limiting growth in grid-connected residential electricity end-use to 1% per year on average for the period 2021-2030 may be achieved by adopting minimum energy performance standards for appliances, lighting, and electrical equipment. The successful adoption of energy performance standards will require public acceptance as their introduction will likely increase purchasing prices, though possibly reducing electricity costs. For both vehicle and appliance standards and incentives, technology transfer, capacity building and external financial support may be required. 3.2 Industrial processes and product use (IPPU) Sector. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Actions",
"Sectoral Mitigation Targets"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Second NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Adapt Now sector"
] | [
"Economy-wide: General"
] | LBN | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
] | true | The fact that Lebanon relies on imports for most of its food and energy supplies has aggravated the situation even further. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated conditions whereby the government-imposed lockdowns that further lowered economic activity. On August 4th, 2020, an explosion occurred at the port of Beirut which damaged the Port infrastructure, and surrounding area; the cost of damage is estimated between 3.8 and 4.6 billion US Dollars1. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
] | [
"Renewable energy"
] | NRU | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Measurable targets or indicators"
] | true | Nauru has established a limited bus system to serve the island population, but the lack of resources renders it incapable of meeting the transport needs of the people and unable to mobilize a shift away from private vehicle ownership. Past attempts to introduce electric bicycles and scooters were unsuccessful due to mechanical damage to equipment from Nauru’s salty corrosive environment, steep hills and stray dogs. Indicative Actions to Achieve 50% Renewable Energy Capacity. Install 6MW solar photovoltaic farm with 5MW/2.5MW battery capacity. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | false |
null | null | [
"Conditional part of mitigation target",
"Downstream actions"
] | [
] | MWI | [
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Sectoral downstream actions to be undertaken as part of the NDC contribution",
"Conditional part of mitigation target for a given sectoral downstream actions"
] | false | Generation of up tp 95 GWh of electrical power from landfill gas extraction, collection and utilization applied to sanitary landfills, resulting in reduced CH4 from landfill sites and avoided CO2 from displacement of fossil-based electricity use. MOFNR, MOLG. City and District Councils, Department of Energy affairs, MERA. US$ 102 million. 100% conditional. Improved quality of water, soil and local atmosphere, increasing human and environmental resilience. Increased access to electricity and reduced dependency on traditional biomass energy. | true | [
"Sectoral Mitigation Actions"
] | true | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | true | en | true |
null | null | [
"Action and priority",
"Time frame",
"Adapt Now sector"
] | [
"Landscape management",
"Infrastructure and roads",
"Energy: General",
"LULUCF/Forestry: General",
"Agriculture: General",
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM): General",
"Water: General",
"Health: General",
"Early warning system"
] | PRY | [
"Disaster Risk Management (DRM)",
"Cross-Cutting Area"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority",
"Time frame",
] | true | The conditional targets will be considered based on international cooperation and technological exchange, and based on the national priorities identified in the National Development Plan 2014-2030. Adaptation. For Paraguay adaptation is a priority established in the National Development Plan 2014-2030. The National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change is under construction. The priority sectors identified are:. Water resources. Forests. Agricultural and livestock production. Territorial Ordering. Energy. Infrastructure. Health and sanitation. Risk management and natural disasters Early warning systems. Financing. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
null | null | [
"Action and priority"
] | [
"Capacity building and knowledge transfer"
] | KHM | [
"Cross-Cutting Area"
] | false | false | null | null | null | [
"Adaptation action/priority"
] | true | News coverage and program production for awareness raising on climate change and its impacts. MOINF. Reduce cost of climate risk - GHG Mitigation. Environmental protection. Forest protection. Biodiversity conservation. Policy and planning. Building climate resilience for district and commune governance through policy and strategic development plan reform (Focus on implementation). NCDD. Improve knowledge of local governance on impact of climate change will lead to mitigate GHG emission. NCDD will also implement ESS, Gender, M&E along with climate action. | false | [
"Adaptation Commitments"
] | false | [
] | null | [
"Revised First NDC"
] | false | false | en | true |
Subsets and Splits