🚩 Report: Copyright infringement
This data has been scraped without permission from Radiopaedia.org.
I act on behalf of Radiopaedia.org as the Community Director
Would you mind chiming in here?
@Drjermy Thank you for reporting, if you are not able to come to a resolution here, could you please forward us a DMCA takedown notice so we can help you move this along?
We received a DMCA takedown notice from the representatives of Radiopaedia (link) alleging that materials in this repository uploaded by you infringe their copyright.
Authors of the repository, we invite you to promptly inform us if you intend to challenge the claim by submitting a counter-notice.
When we receive a DMCA notice, we are required to remove access to the allegedly infringing materials.
If you believe the takedown request is unfounded, you may submit a counternotice. Please let us know if you intend to file a counterclaim, and we will provide you with the contact information for the company representatives.
Thank you,