Q. Can herpes cause cold sore on lip?
Hi doctor, I have had a bad cold sore 8 weeks ago on my top lip and a bit of the skin above it. I used Zovirax externally 2 weeks course and Acyclovir 2 weeks course to treat it. The actual sore improved, the blister stopped weeping, the scab formed and flaked off within 3 weeks but the redness is still lingering. I rung the doctors that put me through a pharmacist who told me to use Hydrocortisone 1 % cream. I used it for a week as he recommended but it still did not go away. That was two weeks ago. I also had a new flare up three days ago. Also on the top of my lip symmetrical on both sides. It looks different to a cold sore in that it was some redness and skin flaking. Home remedies I have tried so far: Aloe vera (not much help), Tea tree oil (irritated it), Manuka oil (helps healing where the sore is but seem to irritate the new flare up), Coconut oil (irritated it), Almond oil (seems to soothening it at the moment). I am worried if this is still unresolved herpes/cold sore and can be transmitted to my partner who does not have herpes. Is it contagious and am I able to kiss my partner?
Hello. As per the current picture sent by you, it does not look like a cold sore as of now (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Also, I would advise to stop all ongoing treatment (including the Hydrocortisone) and just leave it alone for a week. Apply Dologel only. It contains Cholinesalicylate along with certain other ingredients that help to heal. No application of any lipstick or any other ointments or creams to the region. I would not advise kissing for 2 more weeks atleast till things resolve to prevent spread. Also, limit alcohol intake if you are currently consuming alcohol. Avoid spicy foods too to promote healing.
Q. Are my symptoms suggestive of schizophrenia or OCD?
Hello doctor, I am looking for an appointment with you firstly for reassurance I suppose and then CBT rather than waiting for the NHS. I have had OCD since I was a teen (intrusive thoughts and having to touch wood, say prayers, etc.). This seemed to subside until I had my daughter but then flared up again after and I was misdiagnosed with postnatal and placed on Citalopram. After a couple of years, I came off the tablets and was extremely stressed. Then suffered what I now see as an OCD relapse. I was petrified. I was losing my mind. Researched schizophrenia and almost gave myself all symptoms, suffered depersonalization on the commute home from work and spiraled into an anxious mess. I took myself to a doctor and was adamant I was psychotic. I was screened and told that I had bad anxiety and OCD. From here, I was put on Fluoxetine and things got a lot better. Five years later, I am going through a lot of stress and I stupidly did not take the tablets every day for a period of time. I am now again riddled with OCD thoughts and feelings around schizophrenia. I am my own worst enemy as I know if I had schizophrenia I would not query it. I would believe irrational things. So in turn, my OCD tried to confuse me and I do believe the thoughts. I do not want to carry on like this please help. I am a working mother.
Hi. I understand you must be going through a tough time. First of all, please do not stress yourself so much with whether it is OCD or schizophrenia or what not. You are much more than a diagnosis. It is important you are at peace and have some relief from the distress. Coming to your symptoms, you have said you have intrusive thoughts but what kind of intrusive thoughts do you have? And apart from saying prayers and touching wood is there anything else that you do? From your history, it does seem that you are having severe OCD which is causing a lot of anxiety. If Prozac has helped you in the past, you can reconsider the same medication but you will have to take it for longer duration like two years or more and at a higher dose like 60 mg. Consider tablet Clomipramine 20 mg along with Prozac for an augmentation effect. For acute anxiety, you can consider tablet Etizolam on SOS basis. As for psychotherapy, rather than CBT, exposure and response prevention seems to be a more helpful option for you but we can explore more on that only when we know the exact nature of your intrusive thoughts. Please look up progressive muscle relaxation techniques. These will help you gain some control over your anxiety symptoms.
Q. I have something like genital warts. Please confirm if it is the same.
Hello doctor, I have a few and little genital warts in my vagina. I can send you a picture if you want, I am very worried that it could be VPH. Please help me.
Hello. It seems to be HPV (human papilloma virus) warts only. But need to be confirmed. Are you sexually active? If yes then does your partner also has similar lesions?
Q. My baby has constipation and gas problems due to Dexolac. Should I change the formula milk?
Hello doctor, My daughter is a premature baby. Her birth weight was 1.7, and now she is 2 months old and weights 3.1. Our doctor suggested dexolac special care. She is suffering from constipation, and gas problem after having it. The doctor suggested medicines, but there were no changes. One to two days she was fine, and the next day the same problem started again. She is mostly crying at night and not sleeping. Can I change formula powder? What powder is the best for my baby? Please advice.
Hello. Please note that children below the age of 6 months pass stools either once in two to three days or 10 to 15 times per day. It is normal, and it is not labeled as loose motions or constipation. If you are labeling it as constipation because of hard pellet like stools, then I would advise you to increase the water content of the top feeds and see. As far as the gas problem is concerned, it is also normal. Nothing is to be done. Almost all babies have gas just like a normal adult. There is no medicine for the same because it is normal. You can calm down a crying baby by either singing (light tones), suckling (allowing baby to suckle), swaddling (wrapping the baby in cloth), swinging (putting the baby in a small too and fro motion). You can also tap slowly on the stomach to reduce discomfort as and when required.
Q. I always feel like third person is ordering me. Kindly advise.
Hello doctor, I am suffering from depression. It has been four years. I am always demotivated. I was average student but then I became a failure. I cannot concentrate on studies. I feel like god is talking to me and orders me certain things which I must do. I always feel like third person is ordering me and I get tired answering them. I feel like I have become a small child of second grade.
Hi. The symptoms like someone is talking to you, talking to God or hearing voices which others cannot hear could be occurring due to some psychotic issue. Such kind of symptoms are not generally seen in depression. Since such symptoms have resulted in loss of performance in studies, poor concentration in studies, so please visit a psychiatrist for help and evaluation. Drugs like Amisulpride, Olanzapine, Quetiapine, etc., can help you in coming out of depression and psychosis.
Q. Why is my penis not getting hard during sexual intercourse?
Hello doctor, I recently got married but when I started having sex with my wife, I started noticing that my penis is not becoming hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Also, sexual arousal is also not happening. I believe I am suffering from erectile dysfunction. Kindly advice what I should do.
Hi. Erectile dysfunction can occur because of many factors like diabetes, hypertension, thyroid disorder and also due to stress and psychological problems. So, visit a nearby psychiatrist to find the exact cause and then act accordingly. If there is no physical or medical condition then, Sildenafil or Tadalafil will help in erection and these drugs can only be used after discussing with your doctor. Meanwhile, spend enough time on foreplay. You can take few days for only foreplay and proceed to sexual intercourse only when you feel that you are fully erect. Avoid any substance abuse like alcohol or tobacco. Take adequate sleep. Do regular exercise like morning walk for 45 minutes daily. Do exercises of pelvic muscle like kegels exercises.
Q. What does abutment of the nerve root mean?
Hi doctor,I am just wondering what is abutting and abutment of the nerve root means in a back issue. Please explain. What treatment is required for annular bulging and tear?
Hi. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. For further information consult a neurologist online -->
Q. Will Nano-Leo give permanent solution for erection problem?
Hello doctor, I am 48 years old. I am experiencing weak erection and difficulty in sustaining the same. This condition was observed 10 years back. Also, there is premature ejaculation. Other physical ailments that I have are, I am suffering from hypertension and taking Amlopres-L (Amlodipine and Lisinopril) for the last 10 years, high cholesterol and triglycerides. My cholesterol level is 225 and triglyceride is 200 for the last 12 years. I used to do frequent masturbation in early age. I do have erection during morning hours many times, particularly after sound sleep or if I had long walk previous day. I am having Sildenafil 25 mg or 5 mg Cialis, which is effective enough. But, I wish to get rid of tablet support and live natural way. I consulted urologist today and he prescribed me Nano-Leo capsules and Modula 5 mg for 10 days. I wish to have your second opinion on this. Please guide.
Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Q. Every time I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Why?
Hi doctor, I am a 26 year old male. I am 5 feet and 9 inches tall and weigh 255 pounds. When I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Sometimes when I have constipation as well, I poop a little bit of blood. I am really scared that I have colon cancer. I do have diarrhea often. I do not have a family history of colon cancer. I got blood tests done last night. Please find my reports attached.
Hello. I have gone through your information and test reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). So, in view of that, there are a couple of things that I can opine upon: Hope that helps. For more information consult a general surgeon online -->
Q. Will Kalarchikai cure multiple ovarian cysts in PCOD?
Hello doctor, I have multiple small cysts in both ovaries (PCOS). Our family friend suggested me to consume Kalarchikai medicine, powdered mixed with pepper and honey to have it for one mandalam (48 days). I have completed nearly 44 days by consuming one small ball of the mixture every morning and before two weeks I got my periods. Then I had checked whether the cysts were dissolved by having an abdomen scan. But still, small multiple follicules have been seen in it with both ovaries enlarged. Kindly suggest me what I can do further. I got married before one and a half years and I am much worried about my pregnancy. I have gallstones as well.
Hello. I just read your query. See Kalarachi Kai choornam is helpful in amenorrhea. As far as small cysts are concerned they are unmatured eggs which failed to induce menstrual cycle previously, as a result, they got collected in the ovary and they will remain in the ovary. Now, you have got your periods you can start trying for conception. But I advise you to do it under the supervision of a nearby gynecologist because egg size is important while conception and that you can know by ovulation study. Ovulation study is performed under the supervision of a gynecologist. For gall stones, surgical intervention is required generally. Medicine is not of much help.
Q. I masturbate only by rubbing the tip of the penis. Is it a wrong way?
Hi doctor, During masturbation I just rub the tip of the penis and not the entire penis. Is it a wrong way of doing? I do not get excited during sex and unable to ejaculate. Only, rubbing the tip of the penis gives me excitement. Also, two weeks ago, I have undergone circumcision as my foreskin did not retract. Before circumcision too, I have the same problem. Please help.
Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Q. What are the ways to manage the withdrawal symptoms of Benzodiazepine and Alprazolam?
Hi doctor, I took Benzodiazepine Alprazolam for insomnia for 2 months for a total dose of 30 mg, while stupidly attending college parties and binge drinking once a week during the period (I have never taken the pill on the day I was drinking). I did not take the drug every day and after roughly two months I quit the drug altogether, the withdrawal, that I did not recognize at the time, kicked in (Extreme tinnitus, sweating, heart racing, heightened anxiety). I went to ENT doctor and she gave me two Dexamethasone injections in 3 days (I think 8 mg). I developed during these 3 days a major loss of short term and then long term memory, trouble finding words, trouble learning in general. The physical symptoms of the steroids and benzo withdrawal went away in 2 weeks. It has now been a month since I feel physically fine, but the cognitive issues persist and they do not get better at all. I have been to a psychiatrist because I felt overwhelmed that Iam not going to be able to finish school in such a state and she gave me Escitalopram thinking it could be psychological, but there is no improvement in cognition after a months use. Does that combination have that drastic side-effects and could it caused a chemical or structural problem in brain? What can I do to return somewhere close to my old self? I am 24 years old.
Hi. People taking Alprazolam should not combine it with alcohol and avoid combining it with other medications, such as narcotic pain relievers, that cause drowsiness. Doing so can cause additive drowsiness and reduced breathing as well as other side effects, which can be dangerous and possibly fatal. Alprazolam may be habit-forming when taken for long periods of time. If you have been taking this medication regularly for a long period of time (more than one month), do not stop taking the medication without speaking with your doctor. A gradual reduction in dose is recommended when stopping this medication to avoid withdrawal symptoms. Escitalopram works by blocking the reuptake of serotonin so that there is an increased level in the brain. Serotonin is an important neurotransmitter responsible for mood and well being. It is usually taken once daily and may take a few weeks to months reach maximum therapeutic potential. So continue taking Escitalopram until you see significant improvements in your memory.
Q. I hit my forehead against a wall and got a scar. Can I treat that scar?
Hello doctor, I hit my forehead against a wall and had a small cut on my forehead and now it has healed and it looks like a scar. Will I have a permanent scar?
Hi. First, you need to understand that scar treatment depends on its depth and lenght. Whether your scar is permanent or not, it is very important to evaluate it. Mostly scar lightens and becomes equal to the surrounding skin with passage of time. However, scars which are deep becomes permanent. Such scar will not go away with any creams or gels. Best treatment for permanent scar is reversal by plastic surgery or it could recover to some extent with C02 laser.
Q. Is it advisable to get operated for gallbladder stone during pregnancy?
Hello doctor, I am six weeks pregnant and there is a stone of 3 to 4 mm in gallbladder. Can I get operated for the same?
Hello. I understand that you are worried about gallstones and it can be stressful whilst undergoing pregnancy. However, let me assure you that most gallstones do not cause any symptoms. Seeing as they are small in size, they can be easily left alone until after the mother has delivered the baby. The risk of miscarriage is always present whenever a pregnant women undergoes any procedure. Are there any symptoms that are bothering the mother? Like jaundice, uncontrollable pain, etc.? I would also request you to share the investigation reports as it will help us make a better decision. LFT, Ultrasonography Pain medication - Tablet Paracetamol 500mg SOS if having pain Avoid spicy and oily food
Q. What causes lump at the base of chin?
Hello doctor, I have lump at the base of chin in the middle, where it meets the curve of neck. The size is a little smaller than a dime. Only you can feel that but not see. I was having discomfort for a month on the left side like I have to move my neck but has stopped now. Then noticed the round lump about four days ago. It does not hurt.
Hi. I need to examine either this is lipoma or enlarged lymph nodes. If possible, send images.
Q. I am suffering from abdominal pain with cramps. Why?
Hello doctor,As of now, I experience abdominal pain with cramps in the lower right of my abdomen. What could be the problem?
Hello. This could be as simple as digestive problems with gaseous distention. It requires medications for indigestion or gaseous distention like Charcoal tablets, passing by symptoms of gastroenteritis. If diarrhea and vomiting develop, food poisoning is one of the reasons as well. Also, it can be a kidney or ureter problem (stone or salts). This site can suggest acute appendicitis as well, which should be dealt with as an emergency. In all circumstances, I recommend a visit to your general physician or internal medicine specialist for further history taking, clinical examination, and evaluation. Visit your doctor for further evaluation.
Q. I am suffering from burning sensation on the feet for three days. Kindly advice.
Hello doctor,I have a burning sensation on the feet for three days. I am currently under Clonazepam.
Hello. Causes of burning feet include peripheral neuropathy and plantar fasciitis. I suggest you use footwear even at home and take over-the-counter pain medications to alleviate pain. You may also use Diclofenac gel for local application. If the symptoms do not subside over one month, please get electroneuromyography of the lower limbs to look for nerve involvement.
Q. My father has inhomogeneous opacity in the lung. How to treat him?
Hi doctor, My father has a round inhomogeneous opacity in the right middle of the lung. He is taking Ceftum 600. How to treat him?
Hi. For further information consult an internal medicine physician online -->
Q. How can I improve my immunity against pneumonia?
Hello doctor, How can I improve my immunity for pneumonia since I already had it five times? Once when I was a kid, thrice in high school and currently at college. Please help.
Hello. For further doubts consult a pulmonologist online -->
Q. Is bronchoscopy and tube necessary in a pneumonia patient with COPD?
Hello doctor,My father is in the hospital fighting pneumonia and has COPD. His latest X-ray has shown some improvement. The X-ray shows he has an extensive airspace and interstitial opacities in the left lung and patchy opacity in the right lower lung. The plan is to do a bronchoscopy and use a tube to assist in getting him oxygen.
Hello. I have gone through the history of your father's illness you have provided (attachment removed to protect patient identity). The X-ray reports are suggestive of pneumonia. At this stage, on initial antibiotics and supportive treatment, if he has not improved, bronchoscopy may be essential to isolate the organism that has caused pneumonia. This will help to guide antibiotic therapy. By tube to assist oxygen, they are possibly implying putting him on a ventilator? That may be necessary if he is not able to breathe on his own adequately to maintain oxygen in his body. For more information consult a pulmonologist online -->
Q. Am I suffering from pneumonia?
Hi doctor, I am having fever for about a month now. So, I have done a master health checkup and the report shows raised PLBS 184, SGPT 121, LDL 112 and fatty liver. My chest x-ray PA view shows right lower zone soft tissue opacity. Because of the soft tissue opacity fever pack, thyroid profile, blood culture and sensitivity, sputum AFB, sputum culture and sensitivity and sputum gram stain tests were done. The results were normal except the gram stain test results. The gram stain sputum culture conventional showed pus cells and epithelial cells occasionally, bacteria - gram positive cocci, gram negative rods. Sputum culture and sensitivity showed pus cell - occasional, epithelial cells - occasional, bacteria - gram positive cocci and gram negative rods and growth observed - normal flora. So, kindly explain the above results and advise me. My past medical history includes fistula-in-ano, hypertension and vitamin D deficiency. Currently, I am taking Telma 40 mg and Lumia 60k.
Hi. Revert back with the investigation reports to a pulmonologist online -->
Q. Can pneumonia cause prolonged QT waves?
Hi doctor, I went to the emergency room with fast heartbeats. The doctor did an EKG and chest x-ray, and he said I had pneumonia. But, my QT was slightly prolonged. He repeated the EKG after a week later and said it was fine. Should I be concerned about the prolonged QT? Can pneumonia have caused it?
Hello. Hope this helps you and get back if you have any doubts. For further queries consult a cardiologist online -->
Q. Please explain the test results of diabetic and renal tubular acidosis patient.
Hi doctor, My father was previosuly diagnosed with renal tubular acidosis and diabetes mellitus, was maintained on Potassium citrate and Gliclazide OD. Currently he had an infected insect bite on the left anterior lateral aspect of the leg. He was started on CO-Amoxiclav BID. Currently on its 4th day, I had his labs taken which revealed HbA1c: 8.5, FBS: 7.57, Crea: 2.79 mg/dl, BUN: 3.67 mg/dl, Hgb:195, Hct: .58 wbc:13.2, plt: 157 with normal lipid profile and uric acid. Should I start CKD medicines already? Should I step up with the DM medicines? Thank you.
Hi. High creatinine suggests a CKD picture for a long term diabetes particularly uncontrolled DM. Your fathers HbA1c is high which shows his diabetic status is not under control. High potassium levels is one of the complications of CKD, in this picture taking Potassium citrate is not advisable as it may increase its levels. And diabetic drugs also need to be modified when a person lands up in CKD, most oral medicines cannot be given. It is safe to shift the treatment with Insulin. You need to visit a Nephrologist for alterations in your medications and appropriate advice for CKD. serum potassium, sodium, phosphorus urine routine USG abdomen DM, CKD
Q. What does abutment of the nerve root mean?
Hi doctor,I am just wondering what is abutting and abutment of the nerve root means in a back issue. Please explain. What treatment is required for annular bulging and tear?
Hi. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. For further information consult a neurologist online -->
Q. Will Nano-Leo give permanent solution for erection problem?
Hello doctor, I am 48 years old. I am experiencing weak erection and difficulty in sustaining the same. This condition was observed 10 years back. Also, there is premature ejaculation. Other physical ailments that I have are, I am suffering from hypertension and taking Amlopres-L (Amlodipine and Lisinopril) for the last 10 years, high cholesterol and triglycerides. My cholesterol level is 225 and triglyceride is 200 for the last 12 years. I used to do frequent masturbation in early age. I do have erection during morning hours many times, particularly after sound sleep or if I had long walk previous day. I am having Sildenafil 25 mg or 5 mg Cialis, which is effective enough. But, I wish to get rid of tablet support and live natural way. I consulted urologist today and he prescribed me Nano-Leo capsules and Modula 5 mg for 10 days. I wish to have your second opinion on this. Please guide.
Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Q. Every time I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Why?
Hi doctor, I am a 26 year old male. I am 5 feet and 9 inches tall and weigh 255 pounds. When I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Sometimes when I have constipation as well, I poop a little bit of blood. I am really scared that I have colon cancer. I do have diarrhea often. I do not have a family history of colon cancer. I got blood tests done last night. Please find my reports attached.
Hello. I have gone through your information and test reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). So, in view of that, there are a couple of things that I can opine upon: Hope that helps. For more information consult a general surgeon online -->
Q. Will Kalarchikai cure multiple ovarian cysts in PCOD?
Hello doctor, I have multiple small cysts in both ovaries (PCOS). Our family friend suggested me to consume Kalarchikai medicine, powdered mixed with pepper and honey to have it for one mandalam (48 days). I have completed nearly 44 days by consuming one small ball of the mixture every morning and before two weeks I got my periods. Then I had checked whether the cysts were dissolved by having an abdomen scan. But still, small multiple follicules have been seen in it with both ovaries enlarged. Kindly suggest me what I can do further. I got married before one and a half years and I am much worried about my pregnancy. I have gallstones as well.
Hello. I just read your query. See Kalarachi Kai choornam is helpful in amenorrhea. As far as small cysts are concerned they are unmatured eggs which failed to induce menstrual cycle previously, as a result, they got collected in the ovary and they will remain in the ovary. Now, you have got your periods you can start trying for conception. But I advise you to do it under the supervision of a nearby gynecologist because egg size is important while conception and that you can know by ovulation study. Ovulation study is performed under the supervision of a gynecologist. For gall stones, surgical intervention is required generally. Medicine is not of much help.
Q. I masturbate only by rubbing the tip of the penis. Is it a wrong way?
Hi doctor, During masturbation I just rub the tip of the penis and not the entire penis. Is it a wrong way of doing? I do not get excited during sex and unable to ejaculate. Only, rubbing the tip of the penis gives me excitement. Also, two weeks ago, I have undergone circumcision as my foreskin did not retract. Before circumcision too, I have the same problem. Please help.
Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Q. What is the treatment for fatty liver when my cholesterol and thyroid levels are high?
Hi doctor, I am 40 years old male. I am suffering from fatty liver. I have high cholesterol, and thyroid level is also high. I am not taking any medication.
Hi. I have gone through the attachment (attachment removed to protect patient identity). You have a high cholesterol level which is the cause of the fatty liver rather than weight. A lipid-lowering medication is required. Regarding your thyroid, the hormone levels are within normal. There is no need to worry about them, unless if you have significant symptoms. I suggest a medication take Atorvastatin 10 mg tablet once daily before dinner and repeat the lipid profile after six weeks. Liver enzymes should be done after one month as a precaution. For more information consult a family physician online -->
Q. What does grade-1 fatty liver mean?
Hello doctor, All my reports are normal except one. They told me that I have a grade-1 fatty liver. What does this mean?
Hello. For further queries consult a medical gastroenterologist online -->
Q. How can we treat fatty liver?
Hi doctor, I have a fatty liver for a year. I gained a lot of weight. After regular exercises, walking, and maintaining my diet, I am unable to lose weight. Can I take Lycopodium along with Calcera carbonica? And I also have a lot of dandruff problems. I am taking Himalaya liv 52 ds.
Hello. The fatty liver is due to obesity. You have to check your blood pressure and sugar levels as well. Check serum cholesterol, serum triglyceride. Regular active one hour exercise is needed for you and a strict diet restriction has to be followed. Fatty foods should be taken less. Fruits to be taken more. The Ursodeoxycholic acid tablet can be used for fatty liver. Dieting is needed along with exercise to reduce weight. Check hypothyroidism by serum TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) estimation. For more information consult a family physician online -->
Q. How to manage fatty liver?
Hi doctor, I had diarrhea for about 20 days. After I got recovered, my doctor advised me to do an MRI of the abdomen. These were the results shown. There was a mild signal drop noted in the liver on the T2 fat sequence suggesting a fatty infiltration. My pancreatic head and uncinate appeared normal. Distal body and tail showed a fatty replacement. Kindly advise.
Hi. You have a fatty liver on MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). It is very common. Please say about the habits you have. Please mention your medical history. Please tell about your BMI (body mass index). Fatty liver can lead to liver damage and cirrhosis after a long period. I advise you check your liver function tests, sugar, and lipid profile. Follow a regular exercise and diet. Try to lose your weight. Have healthy food. Revert me with the blood reports. There is no need to take medicines for fatty liver. They will disappear after a lifestyle modification.
Q. Is nonalcoholic fatty liver disease life-threatening?
Hello doctor, Hemoglobin: 14.3, platelets: 174000, SGOT: 38.9, SGPT: 65.0 and vitamin D: 23.6. All other reports are normal.
Hello. You seem to be suffering from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). This does not require any special treatment. I suggest you avoid painkillers, alcohol, and reduce weight if you are obese. I would also recommend you testing for hepatitis B and C. I hope it helps you. For more information consult a medical gastroenterologist online -->
Q. I am consuming Codeine. Will this affect conceiving?
Hello doctor, I am addicted to codeine for the past 4 years. After my marriage, my wife had conceived but that time we did not want it. So, we aborted and it has been 2 years. Now we are trying to conceive but it is not happening.
Hi, Welcome to I read your query and understand your concerns. First of all I would like to inform you that Codeine can be stopped in gradual manner. Scientifically speaking you can go for 10% reduction of original dose every week leading to complete abstinence at the end of 2-3 months. In case this is not possible or you are not able to tolerate the lower dose of Codeine you can get yourself treated form local psychiatrist. We often recommend Clonidine for this purpose which helps in the withdrawal symptoms of Codeine. The medication dose is decided depending on the dose of Codeine, age of the patient, duration of abuse and blood pressure. I mean to say that this is high time to say "NO TP ADDICTION" and take this opportunity to come out of this addiction without delay. I understand that your concern is not addiction but inability of your wife to get pregnant despite repeated efforts. But we need to understand that addiction and infertility are related to some extent and removal of one risk factor might pave for fathering a child. In addition it is also important to get semen analysis done for yourself and follicular study for your wife to rule out other causes.
Q. I am underweight and my BMI is 16. 5. How to improve my weight?
Hello doctor, I am underweight and my BMI is 16.5. Kindly help me to put on weight.
Hello. First, you explain about your daily routine, and like and dislike foods.
Q. My aunt doubts that all the girls are trying to come closer with her husband. Kindly advice.
Hello doctor,I want to share my aunt case and seek advice regarding this case. My aunt is about 54 years old, and her husband is around 63 years old.After the death of my aunt's father, a behavioral change occurred in my aunt. She started to blame her husband and try to make her husband stay away from all young girls.She got extra possessive about her husband. She blamed three to four girls and stopped them to come close to her husband even she blamed her daughter in law to stay away from her husband. We do not know why she is doing this? She always thinks that all girls and aunties trying to get interact and come close to her husband. Please advice.
Hello. She should consult a psychiatrist. The symptoms like possessiveness, ideas, or even delusional beliefs about the fidelity of husband, blaming husband, etc. cannot be ignored. She might be suffering from some mood disorder most likely depression with psychotic symptoms. This could be some psychosis too. Individuals with psychosis show paranoid delusions, delusional beliefs, and become suspicious. Considering her age and late onset, the chances of depression with psychosis are more. She might refuse to visit a psychiatrist and will try to evade the visit. Drugs like Olanzapine or Quetiapine can be used to reduce her psychotic symptoms, and she will come out of depression.
Q. I am suffering from muscle twitching and discomfort even after medications. Please advice.
Hello doctor, I would like to ask about my symptoms. It started with aweful headache for two days. The following week had pain in muscles and bones. Then that went followed by extreme anxiety attacks, burning on neck, tingling in head and face. I was in and out of hospital for three days. Started on Lexapro and Rivotril. Three weeks after having the medicines had muscle pain and twitchingsome muscle weekness. It is been five weeks now, and the anxiety is better but still have muscle twitching and some muscle discomfort.
Hello. I will be happy to help you out here, and I need a little more history. 1. Do you have any flu-like symptoms? 2. Any nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea? 3. Have you been taking any over-the-counter supplements?
Q. Can witnessing a life-threatening trauma in young age cause changes in behavior?
Hello doctor, I just want to know what kind of mental illness my fiance has. When she was 11, her mom's fiance shot her in front of my fiance and when he turned the shot gun on himself he told her to look. I just want to know if that could be a reason for why she acts a little weird and off sometimes. She talked about her mother a lot too. She misses her.
Hello. Yes, if she has witnessed such life threatening trauma in her young age, she might act weird sometimes. But that does not mean that she has any psychiatric illness. You should focus on your relationship with her and give her proper time and she will come out of her psychological trauma. But symptoms like hearing things which others cannot hear, or talking to her mom, fear, etc., should be evaluated by a psychiatrist. This could be due to excessive stress or some psychotic issue. This should be ruled out.
Q. Kindly explain about the diastolic heart failure.
Hello doctor, I am a 41-year-old male with 5'11" height and weight 214 pounds. Multiple sclerosis and bipolar disorder are co-morbid conditions. I was recently admitted for a heart catheterization to check for any potential blockage after an abnormal ECG, chest and chin pain, months of breathlessness, and a very strong family history of cardiovascular disease. Fortunately, no blockages were found. However, my cardiologist informed me that I had diastolic heart failure. To be clear, he did not say diastolic dysfunction, and he said heart failure. My high blood pressure has always been controlled. My reports say, 1. Moderate tortuosity of epicardial vessels consistent with hypertension. 2. Hyperdynamic left ventricular ejection fraction of 75 to 80 %. 3. Moderate to severely elevated left ventricle end-diastolic pressure 24 mm Hg. My cardiologist never gave me a prognosis. He told me to eat a low sodium diet and to get checked for sleep apnea (which I will do), but he never gave me a prognosis. I have dealt with health problems for a very long time. It is essential for me to know what a diastolic heart failure diagnosis means for my lifespan. I am married and have five children, and it would be nice to know what I am looking at. Kindly advice.
Hello. I am sorry to hear that you did not receive any detailed explanation of your condition. Diastolic dysfunction is the inability of the heart to relax, which can be diagnosed with echocardiogram or with evidence of high pressures inside your heart chambers, as evidenced by the increase LVEDP (Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure) in your cardiac cath (it was 24 mmHg, and normal is considered less than 15 or 18 mmHg). The term diastolic heart failure is used when we have evidence of diastolic dysfunction as above in addition to symptoms of heart failure (the shortness of breath you described). There is some belief that diastolic heart failure is more benign than systolic heart failure, but in reality, that is not the case. They have similar prognosis when compared in general. However, patients with advanced systolic heart failure have a worse prognosis than those with diastolic heart failure. The complicating aspect is that there are no many proven therapies that work for diastolic heart failure, other than low sodium diet, diuretics, exercise, proper eating, and lifestyle modification. To provide a more precise diagnosis, it would be essential to understand how is your exercise tolerance, however that can be challenging with your multiple sclerosis. I hope this information helps. I do not want you to feel discouraged but instead focus on lifestyle modification. Eating well, stress reduction (mindfulness or mediation can help) and practice physical activity. Hypertension, and obesity. Possibly an exercise stress test to objectively assess your exercise capacity, sleep study, and probably a Holter or event monitor (to assess for arrhythmias or atrial fibrillation).
Q. What does abutment of the nerve root mean?
Hi doctor,I am just wondering what is abutting and abutment of the nerve root means in a back issue. Please explain. What treatment is required for annular bulging and tear?
Hi. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. For further information consult a neurologist online -->
Q. Will Nano-Leo give permanent solution for erection problem?
Hello doctor, I am 48 years old. I am experiencing weak erection and difficulty in sustaining the same. This condition was observed 10 years back. Also, there is premature ejaculation. Other physical ailments that I have are, I am suffering from hypertension and taking Amlopres-L (Amlodipine and Lisinopril) for the last 10 years, high cholesterol and triglycerides. My cholesterol level is 225 and triglyceride is 200 for the last 12 years. I used to do frequent masturbation in early age. I do have erection during morning hours many times, particularly after sound sleep or if I had long walk previous day. I am having Sildenafil 25 mg or 5 mg Cialis, which is effective enough. But, I wish to get rid of tablet support and live natural way. I consulted urologist today and he prescribed me Nano-Leo capsules and Modula 5 mg for 10 days. I wish to have your second opinion on this. Please guide.
Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Q. Every time I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Why?
Hi doctor, I am a 26 year old male. I am 5 feet and 9 inches tall and weigh 255 pounds. When I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Sometimes when I have constipation as well, I poop a little bit of blood. I am really scared that I have colon cancer. I do have diarrhea often. I do not have a family history of colon cancer. I got blood tests done last night. Please find my reports attached.
Hello. I have gone through your information and test reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). So, in view of that, there are a couple of things that I can opine upon: Hope that helps. For more information consult a general surgeon online -->
Q. Will Kalarchikai cure multiple ovarian cysts in PCOD?
Hello doctor, I have multiple small cysts in both ovaries (PCOS). Our family friend suggested me to consume Kalarchikai medicine, powdered mixed with pepper and honey to have it for one mandalam (48 days). I have completed nearly 44 days by consuming one small ball of the mixture every morning and before two weeks I got my periods. Then I had checked whether the cysts were dissolved by having an abdomen scan. But still, small multiple follicules have been seen in it with both ovaries enlarged. Kindly suggest me what I can do further. I got married before one and a half years and I am much worried about my pregnancy. I have gallstones as well.
Hello. I just read your query. See Kalarachi Kai choornam is helpful in amenorrhea. As far as small cysts are concerned they are unmatured eggs which failed to induce menstrual cycle previously, as a result, they got collected in the ovary and they will remain in the ovary. Now, you have got your periods you can start trying for conception. But I advise you to do it under the supervision of a nearby gynecologist because egg size is important while conception and that you can know by ovulation study. Ovulation study is performed under the supervision of a gynecologist. For gall stones, surgical intervention is required generally. Medicine is not of much help.
Q. I masturbate only by rubbing the tip of the penis. Is it a wrong way?
Hi doctor, During masturbation I just rub the tip of the penis and not the entire penis. Is it a wrong way of doing? I do not get excited during sex and unable to ejaculate. Only, rubbing the tip of the penis gives me excitement. Also, two weeks ago, I have undergone circumcision as my foreskin did not retract. Before circumcision too, I have the same problem. Please help.
Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Q. My husband gets frequent sharp cramps in right lower abdomen lasting for a minute. What could this be?
Hi doctor, My husband gets sharp cramping in the lower right side of the abdomen over a period of two months. It happens once or twice a week and lasts for a minute. We checked for appendicitis and kidney stones and all the reports are negative. We did a CT scan of the abdomen and it came normal but with a finding of stage 1 fatty liver. Can you please help me understand what is his issue?
Hello. I will definitely help you. Right lower abdomen pain has many reasons including appendicitis and kidney stones. There are some other reasons like indigestion of food, infection of the small intestine, or worm infestation. This may be functional also in which no cause is identified. The main reasons are indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome in which all investigation were normal. So if a CT scan is normal and there are no other complaints like vomiting, bloody stool, urinary complaint, constipation then it must be functional due to indigestion. Avoid fatty and spicy food and lots of water have to be taken Give two-hour gap between dinner and going to bed. Please get back to me if any of the above symptoms are there and attach an investigation report also for better help.
Q. Can starving for longer period make you eat more?
Hello doctor, I have started to notice something about my eating habits. I noticed that I have gained a lot of weight this year. And I have even been eating food that I do not like. I get hungry so many times during the day, even though I already ate. Last year, I would not say I was on a diet. But, I hardly ate much. I was wondering if that is the reason why I am gaining this new eating habit. If you starve yourself for a long period of time, will it trigger you to want to eat more? This is a serious concern of mine, because I have never been such a big eater.
Hello. If you starve for a long time, your body demands for more carbohydrates to complete its metabolism. If the starvation continues for a long time, the body starts accumulating energy for the period of starvation, hence you feel to eat more. The best way is to provide lots of fluids and fibres so that you feel full and avoid carbohydrates and junk. Decide your meals to 5 to 6 meal pattern, increase protein fibre, you will maintain weight. If gained, start with exercises for good result.
Q. How can IBS related to SIBO be managed?
Hi doctor, I realize I have IBS symptoms and they seem to be related to SIBO. I need your advice on how to treat it effectively. Here are some symptoms and test results. Leaky gut or intestinal permeability with multiple food intolerances. Seems to have hydrogen sulfide based SIBO, severe farting with a foul smell of eating foods like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, high protein foods. I may have an overgrowth of sulfate-reducing bacteria. Rifaximin seems to help with SIBO but it is temporary. I have to eat rice as I cannot eat gluten or wheat. Some experts on SIBO say that MMC or vagal nerve dysfunction is the root cause of SIBO. I have heard a lot of patients get better when they increase gut motility. So I wanted to ask if taking prokinetic or cholinergic support will help SIBO from reccuring.
Hi. The best is to avoid eating foods that cause trouble. Secondly, for SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), it is better to use a combination of Tetracyclines plus Metronidazole for two weeks. Effective probiotic will also help. Take the following medications: 1. Tablet Tetracycline 500 mg thrice a day two weeks. 2. Tablet Metronidazole 400 mg thrice a day for two weeks. 3. Take a good probiotic for two weeks at the end of the previous two drugs. 4. Take fresh homemade yogurt twice daily in a small bowel.
Q. Why do I have bad breath after taking the fever medications. Suggest me a cure.
Hello doctor, I have severe bad breath problem after taking fever medications for a week. Does it come from my stomach? Please help me, as I am embarrassed.
Hi. Bad breath is due to the destruction of good bacteria in the intestine by antibiotics. I suggest you try probiotics, such as Lactobacilli, thrice daily for two weeks. You will feel better.
Q. Should I seek medical help for the side effects of probiotics?
Hi doctor, I had probiotics for two days as I was having issues with constipation and it helped me. Later, I got side effects of nausea, headache, cold and hot sweats, sleepiness, loss of appetite and going to the bathroom more often for the past three days. I discontinued probiotics. Should I seek medical help?
Hello. Thank you for providing a precise history. Revert back with the answers to the above questions to an internal medicine physician online -->
Q. Is there a permanent remedy to get rid of psoriasis?
Hello doctor, I would like to know a few details of the tablets which I have been taking for my scalp psoriasis. Winolap 5mg once in a while when itching is too high (without doctor's prescription). Isotretinoin drugs/other drugs (with doctor's prescription). I have been taking these medicines on a regular basis and were very effective. But only till I take them. If I stop the medication, I have to visit my doctor again and start medications again to get some relief from itching in scalp. I want to know if these medicines will cause harm/side-effects in future? Can these be taken continuously?
Hello. Isotretinoin is a potentially dangerous drug and in many countries there are very strict guidelines over its use. It basically contains retinoids which in simple language is a derivative of vitamin A. It is primarily used to treat severe cystic acne and I fail to understand why your doctor has prescribed it to you for psoriasis. Its side effects include: Well, I need some more information: 1) For how long have you been suffering from scalp psoriasis? 2) Exact name and exact dose of the medicines which you are taking? 3) For how long have you been taking each medicine (in detail)? 4) Any medicine which you had taken in the past but not taking now? 5) Do you feel any side effects which I have mentioned above? 6) How much relief have you got in your scalp psoriasis from these medicines or no effect at all yet? 7) Do you have psoriatic lesions anywhere else on the body or just on scalp? Kindly provide these information, so that we can evaluate your case in detail and prescribe you with the best possible treatment. Revert back to a dermatologist online for further follow up -->
Q. I heard one of the reasons for psoriasis is lack of Vitamin D. Is it true?
Hi doctor, I am suffering from psoriasis for the past 24 years. I have tried a lot of ointments already. I heard one of the reasons is lack of vitamin D. Is it true? I am 54 years old now.
Hi. Psoriasis is a T-cell mediated autoimmune disorder. What you have heard about lack of Vitamin D as its cause is a myth among patients because nowadays there is a new class of topical drugs available which are analogues of Vitamin D. These reduce the excessive cell proliferation and differentiation seen in the skin cells of a psoriasis patient. A few of these drugs are Calcipotriol, Calcitriol, and Tacalcitol. Their pros are that they do not cause skin atrophy, but they are useful only for stable and moderate psoriasis. To help you better, I need photographs plus a detailed history with a previous medication you had taken.
Q. There is a large area of redness in my buttocks,is it psoriasis?
Hello doctor, For a couple of months, I have had a red area between my butt cheeks (not anus, further up where butt cheeks meet). This developed on the right side as a large area of redness which now feels scaly and a bit raised. At times it may feel moist, watery, not quite bleedy though. I tried an athlete's foot antifungal spray which I think helps a little bit, but it comes back again. Is it psoriasis or fungal infection or just irritation? I am a runner and sweat a lot due to heavy exercising every day. I took a picture, and I have attached it. Please advise.
Hi. After carefully reading your complaints and looking at your photographs, there seem to be three possibilities (attachment removed to protect patient identity). For making a clear cut diagnosis, I need the answers for a few questions: Looking forward to your response in order to help you.
Q. Kindly comment on my psoriasis prescription.
Hi doctor, I have been suffering from psoriasis in my palm. When I was 12 years old, I had this disease for the first time. After taking some medicines it disappeared. But, it used to come on and off. In the past one year, I have faced this problem quite often. In between, I had homeopathy. As it cannot be cured, I shifted to allopathy again. A local doctor prescribed me some medicines for psoriasis and I want a second opinion about the prescription.
Hi. Yes, your treatment is right. But, do not take Folitrax for long duration (Methotrexate) as it can adversely affect your liver and immunity. For further information consult a dermatologist online -->
Q. Why are SGOT, SGPT, and cholesterol levels high in a diabetic?
Hello doctor, My SGPT and SGOT are increased. Diabetes is also not under control. Cholesterol levels have also increased.
Hi. Regarding your SGOT and SGPT, it is elevated because of liver tissue strain due to diabetes and hyperlipidemia. But other liver enzymes are under control. Avoid spicy and fatty food and if you are alcoholic or smoker, stop. Regarding diabetes, you are on right medications but HbA1C is 7.1. ABG is 157, care for diet and mild exercise, we can bring it down. Renal uric acid and urea and creatine are not increased, so renal condition is fine. Continue the treatment, diet and exercise. Monitor BP. Do ECG, US abdomen and review. Diabetes and lipoma. BP, ECG, echo, ultrasound abdomen. Cirrhosis of liver. Liver disease, DM, hyperlipidema. He can continue the same treatment with diet and exercise. 1. Roseday A75, once, 2. Istamet 50/1000 twice, 3. Glimepride 2 twice 4. Febutrix40once and, 5. Remylin D once. Liv 52 two tablets twice daily. Avoid fatty and spicy food, no alcohol and smoking.
Q. Sore throat did not go away with several antibiotics. How can I get well again?
Hello doctor, I am a 27 year old lady. I started having a sore throat two months back. I just thought it was a flu coming. But then, when I noticed that it had been on for two weeks, I decided to take Amoxicillin. I took it but did not finish the course on the last day. I had traveled and forgotten them at home. The sore throat went away but came back a few days later. I took another full course of Amoxicillin and during the course, the sore throat went away. I finished the full course but a few days later, the sore throat came back again. I went to the clinic and the nurse noticed that my throat was inflamed and prescribed Erythromycin. I took it but the sore throat kept on coming back. The nurse then prescribed Ciprofloxacin. I took the full course but still the sore throat did not go away. When I went back to the clinic, the nurse said it was no longer inflamed but I could feel it, but only that the discomfort seemed to be going deep down the throat. It is like each day I can feel it is moving down. It is not a very painful sore throat. I do not take any painkillers. My body temperature and blood pressure are normal and have been normal throughout the period. Right now, I can feel discomfort in my upper part of the chest. Another thing is that the first episode of sore throat occured after I visited my sister who from time to time gets swollen glands (below the ear). What could it be and how can I get well again?
Hello. I have gone through your complaints. Repeated attacks of a low-grade sore throat suggest that it could be chronic pharyngitis. The other common causes of chronic sore throat are due to acidity and gastroesophageal reflux. That means stomach acids pop into esophagus silently and burn the throat in the nights. You should undergo upper GI esophagoscopy and a throat swab to rule out infection. Try taking antacids for a week. Do not take antibiotics. I think this would suffice. For more information consult an ENT otolaryngologist online -->
Q. I get bloody semen with clots and pain in my right testicle. What is my problem?
Hello doctor, I am a 33-year-old male. I have not had any previous health problems, non-smoker, and non-drinker. Generally, I am feeling fine. For the past six months, I have produced bloody semen with blood clots and producing more recently. I have also recently started feeling mild pain behind my right testicle. Occasionally, my left testicles seem to change in size slightly and seem to almost disappear and the right testicle becomes quite tender and firm. I had an ultrasound scan about six years ago and there was found some cyst but little concern. About a week ago, I sensed a small lump rising above my right testicle to my lower abdomen, it was uncomfortable but I slept and the discomfort eventually went away. I see little blood-colored spots appearing on my arms and torso perhaps resembling perhaps petechiae and have an area of this rash on my torso that I am not sure may be related to my concern? I have been taking Azithromycin since yesterday incase it may be a virus or something bacterial but it does not seem to be helping the problem. I had a blood test in January 2020, but have not been able to make a follow-up blood test yet. Not sure why it might be necessary. What does the problem sound like to you?
Hello. Hematospermia (blood in semen), is fairly common. Generally it is not considered as a sinister sign. There are whole list of possibilities for this theoretically, but once we ensure it is not due to sinister cause and rule out treatable causes say like infections we do not beyond that as it will not affect the management. Sinister causes mainly prostate and testicular cancers. At your age prostate cancer is extremely unlikely but need to ensure no testicular problem. With your symptoms with testes, you need another scan to be on safe side as the scope for examination to be conclusive. I suspect you have epidydimal cysts which are very common and can cause pain, etc. So if the scan does not show anything other than this, I would not worry about it at all. I think the rash is completely unrelated to this or any of your urological problems. Nor the rash or hematospermia is related to old history of chlamydia. Since you have not had any other urinary symptom, I would not worry much about other tests related to urinary tract. However, I would also recommend sending semen for culture to see any infection in it. Lastly about prostate cancer virtually unheard in your age. Finger examination of prostate, PSA blood test and MRI scans of prostate are the screening tests in general. But not something I would recommend if testes scan comes back normal and if you are still worried an MRI then will be helpful as last resort. Idiopathic. Testicular pathology. Ultrasound scan of testes. Ideally an examination of genitals including prostate by a clinician. Semen culture. Idiopathic. Hematospermia. With reports.
Q. I am getting pimples and dark spots. How to treat it?
Hi doctor, I am having skin problems for the two months where pimples are like faint and after it disappears that spot becomes black. Please help.
Hello. I will help you with your problem. You are having acne vulgaris which is the most common skin condition of your age. Generally, the eruptions on healing leave a mild dark spot. If the eruptions are manipulated by picking them or squeezing them, they leave darker spots on healing. In your case, if you are having oily skin, you should use Ahaglow S facewash four to five times a day. This will prevent oily skin which is one of the main causes of the acne. For the treatment of the eruptions, you should use Deriva CMS gel on the eruptions at night daily. Also take tablet Azithromycin 500 mg three days a week for 1 month (3 days daily dose, then 4 days gap, then repeat). The dark spots, if persist after the course of treatment, can be treated by other creams then. Acne vulgaris. As mentioned above.
Q. What does abutment of the nerve root mean?
Hi doctor,I am just wondering what is abutting and abutment of the nerve root means in a back issue. Please explain. What treatment is required for annular bulging and tear?
Hi. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. For further information consult a neurologist online -->
Q. Will Nano-Leo give permanent solution for erection problem?
Hello doctor, I am 48 years old. I am experiencing weak erection and difficulty in sustaining the same. This condition was observed 10 years back. Also, there is premature ejaculation. Other physical ailments that I have are, I am suffering from hypertension and taking Amlopres-L (Amlodipine and Lisinopril) for the last 10 years, high cholesterol and triglycerides. My cholesterol level is 225 and triglyceride is 200 for the last 12 years. I used to do frequent masturbation in early age. I do have erection during morning hours many times, particularly after sound sleep or if I had long walk previous day. I am having Sildenafil 25 mg or 5 mg Cialis, which is effective enough. But, I wish to get rid of tablet support and live natural way. I consulted urologist today and he prescribed me Nano-Leo capsules and Modula 5 mg for 10 days. I wish to have your second opinion on this. Please guide.
Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Q. Every time I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Why?
Hi doctor, I am a 26 year old male. I am 5 feet and 9 inches tall and weigh 255 pounds. When I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Sometimes when I have constipation as well, I poop a little bit of blood. I am really scared that I have colon cancer. I do have diarrhea often. I do not have a family history of colon cancer. I got blood tests done last night. Please find my reports attached.
Hello. I have gone through your information and test reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). So, in view of that, there are a couple of things that I can opine upon: Hope that helps. For more information consult a general surgeon online -->
Q. Will Kalarchikai cure multiple ovarian cysts in PCOD?
Hello doctor, I have multiple small cysts in both ovaries (PCOS). Our family friend suggested me to consume Kalarchikai medicine, powdered mixed with pepper and honey to have it for one mandalam (48 days). I have completed nearly 44 days by consuming one small ball of the mixture every morning and before two weeks I got my periods. Then I had checked whether the cysts were dissolved by having an abdomen scan. But still, small multiple follicules have been seen in it with both ovaries enlarged. Kindly suggest me what I can do further. I got married before one and a half years and I am much worried about my pregnancy. I have gallstones as well.
Hello. I just read your query. See Kalarachi Kai choornam is helpful in amenorrhea. As far as small cysts are concerned they are unmatured eggs which failed to induce menstrual cycle previously, as a result, they got collected in the ovary and they will remain in the ovary. Now, you have got your periods you can start trying for conception. But I advise you to do it under the supervision of a nearby gynecologist because egg size is important while conception and that you can know by ovulation study. Ovulation study is performed under the supervision of a gynecologist. For gall stones, surgical intervention is required generally. Medicine is not of much help.
Q. I masturbate only by rubbing the tip of the penis. Is it a wrong way?
Hi doctor, During masturbation I just rub the tip of the penis and not the entire penis. Is it a wrong way of doing? I do not get excited during sex and unable to ejaculate. Only, rubbing the tip of the penis gives me excitement. Also, two weeks ago, I have undergone circumcision as my foreskin did not retract. Before circumcision too, I have the same problem. Please help.
Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Q. What are the signs of tonsillitis?
Hi doctor, My 15 year old daughter always gets sick. When I take her to the doctor, every time he used to say it as viral infection. This is the fifth time in a year she has been sick with the same symptoms. Her symptoms are cough, low fever, sore throat and yellowish white colored mucus covering her tonsils and back of throat. Are these the signs of tonsil infection? Should her tonsils get removed?
Hi. Let me first enlighten you about tonsils. 1. Eating more chocolates or ice creams. 2. Dental and oral hygiene. Throat swab and culture or RADT (rapid antigen detecting test). URTI (upper respiratory tract infection). If culture is positive then I suggest Tablet Amoxicillin 625 mg twice daily or tablet Amoxicillin 500 mg thrice daily for 10 days. Consult your specialist doctor, discuss with him or her and take the medicine with consent. 1. Repeated salt water gargling. 2. Maintain oral hygiene. 3. No high carb diets like ice creams and chocolates. For further information consult an internal medicine physician online.--->
Q. What does positive strep test mean?
Hi doctor, I am 24 years old. I have had a sore throat every day for almost a month. I had antibiotics already, but it did not work. What could be wrong with me? It is chronic and I have been more tired with this. Sometimes, I am getting a fever and belly pain. My laboratory test showed strep test positive. What to do now? Please help.
Hello. I understand that you have done strep test, which is a rapid test to find out whether the pharyngitis has bacterial origin. The strep test is positive and this means most probably the Streptococcus pyogenes detected in your throat is the causative organism for the pharyngitis. The strep throat infection has to be treated with appropriate antibiotics. I suggest you take a course of Amoxicillin and Clavulanic acid (625 mg) twice daily after food. Take supportive treatment in the form of salt water gargling of the throat, anti-inflammatory and pain killer tablets. Also avoid spicy, oily and masala-rich foods, which aggravate the throat irritation. As a painkiller, I suggest tablet Paracetamol 650 mg twice a day. Anti-inflammatory tablets are combinations of trypsin-chymotrypsin enzymes. If you do not get relieved with this antibiotic, then I suggest you go ahead with a throat swab culture and sensitivity. That will tell us about the details of the antibiotics to which the organism is susceptible and resistant. With your blood pressure values, I see that they are towards the higher side. However, if it was measured using a digital BP apparatus, it is bound to be erroneous. Kindly visit your GP and get your BP checked. Manual measurement of BP is the preferred method. At your age, it is unlikely that you have this high BP. For further information consult an ENT otolaryngologist online -->
Q. What can be the reason for raised liver enzymes during fever?
Hi doctor, The issue is from 39 years ago. When I was 13 years old, I was considered for the possibility of poisoning. I was admitted to hospital for 8 days and the diagnoses were cervical adenitis and viral syndrome. I had a fever of 103 degrees for several days before going to hospital. My throat culture grew Strep. On admission to hospital, CBC showed WBC 12,900 (normal range), Hb 13.2, Hct 38.7, 36 lymphocytes, 9 monocytes, 7 eosinophils and the platelets were adequate. The almond size lymph node on the left cervical chain and the right side lymph was golf ball size. The neck was supple, no rigidity and some restriction of movement. There is no mass or thyroid palpable. The rest of the physical examination is within normal limits. Total bilirubin 0.4, ALT or SGPT was 714 initially and on discharge it was 215. SGOT or AST was 426 initially and 202 on discharge. LDH was 297 and then 217 on the day of discharge and albumin 3.8.  I am trying to figure out why my liver enzymes were so high initially and 8 days later they came down. I was treated with Keflex IV antibiotic, which cured the infection. Mono spot was negative. Urine and blood cultures are negative. From what I read, the liver cause could be toxic. But, at the of 13, I neither drink, nor had hepatitis.
Hello. Revert back with the answer to the above questions to an internal medicine physician online -->
Q. What is the degree of burns in a baby injured by boiling water?
Hello doctor, 1 year and 10 months old boy got injured by boiling water, the doctor pricked some of the blisters. The hospital could not say which degree of burn it is, so we are concerned and want to get a second opinion since he is crying a lot and is in pain, the doctor did not advise anything further. He is around 10 kg. The genital parts also have some blisters. Picture has been attached. The white area on the picture is Flammazine cream that the doctor prescribed. Should we find another hospital, is it serious?
Hi. This qualifies for approximately 9 percent burns (attachment removed to protect patient identity). The child will need to take some painkiller medications like syrup Crocin DS (250 mg/5 ml), 2.5 ml thrice a day for 3 to 5 days to reduce the pain. As regarding the cream, it is good, please continue using it. Unfortunately, I will not be able to judge from the picture if the child needs Bactigrass application or no to the burn site. This can only be assessed by a surgeon. Hence, it is advisable to get the child physically evaluated by a surgeon as early as possible. If required, the surgeon will clean up the wound and debride or leave the skin as it is and can assess if the child needs Bactigrass sheet application or no.
Q. Can Renflexis cause ankle swelling?
Hello doctor,I am 61 years old. I have some weird swelling on my left ankle, and I took photos of it to send to my son. He is worried it is related to a Renflexis infusion I had last week. I have had RA since I was 39.
Hello, Welcome to the The edema due to renflexis is an uncommon side effect. If you have leg edema, then it is advisable to investigate as follow. 1. Serum protein estimation to rule out hypoproteinemia. 2. Sgpt (serum glutamate-pyruvate transaminase) to exclude liver disease. 3. Urea, creatinine estimation to rule out kidney disease. 4. Serum TSH estimation to rule out hypothyroidism. Echocardiography to exclude cardiac cause and finally local ankle joint X-ray if needed. If edema leg more than diuretic like Furosemide can be prescribed after consultation with your doctor. I suggest you consult nearby physician for a detailed discussion of all these. I hope I have answered your question.
Q. What does abutment of the nerve root mean?
Hi doctor,I am just wondering what is abutting and abutment of the nerve root means in a back issue. Please explain. What treatment is required for annular bulging and tear?
Hi. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. For further information consult a neurologist online -->
Q. I feel stress even for small things which urges me to pass stool frequently. Why?
Hello doctor,I feel stress, tension, and anxiety for even little things. Due to tension, I have the urge to pass stool frequently. My digestive system has been distributed. Some times I ​suffer from constipation, and loose motion, but mostly from loose motion. Gas also forms in the stomach. I always feel less stamina, loss of strength, weakness, fatigue, tiredness, with low immunity​ associated with tightness, aches, and pain in both hands and legs. Kindly advice.
Hello. It seems you have developed severe anxiety towards something. You may try Argentum nitricum 30c one dose (four pills) once a day in the evening for five days. After five days start taking Kali phos two tablets twice a day for 15 days. These remedies should help to reduce your anxiety to some extent. Please do not take these remedies for a longer duration than the recommended period. Let me know if you have any other questions. I would be happy to answer your queries.
Q. I have constant twitches in my upper arm. Could it be an early sign of ALS?
Hi doctor, I am a 38 year old male, and I have been feeling twitches in my arm. I started feeling this constant twitch about six weeks ago. I did not experience any weakness in that arm or anywhere else in the body. The twitches lasted for about a week and then went away. The twitches have now appeared four weeks later in the same area (upper arm). Again, there is no apparent weakness, which I have tested by lifting weights at the gym and both my upper and lower body strength seems to be fine. What is worrying me to death is, could these twitches be an early sign of ALS? Is it possible that weakness will follow even though I do not have it now? Do ALS twitches go away for four weeks at a time and reappear? If I started to experience constant twitches six weeks ago, if this was ALS should not I have experienced some weakness by now? Is the fact that the twitches are localized to the same place a bad thing?
Hello. I have read your query and understand your concerns. First of all, I will suggest you consider other possibilities before jumping to conclusions. There are a number of conditions which can present with twitches without any disease, and ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) is one of the remotest possibility for a 38 year old young male. The commonest cause for twitches is simple worry or anxiety. I know at least 100 individuals with anxiety, who presented with simple twitches and no other symptoms. In my opinion, you need to see whether these twitches have any relationship with your anxiety level. The another common conditions which present with twitches is endocrine abnormalities, such as thyroid and parathyroid disorders. In case the stress level is not able to explain the twitches, an evaluation for endocrine abnormality is indicated. The list may go on in a similar fashion. Find the answers to your questions below: I hope this helps you. If you have more questions, feel free to write back. For further queries consult a neurologist online -->
Q. What are the options to correct dental midline shift?
Hello doctor, I am a female, and I have an issue with my upper teeth. I lost the right canine tooth when I was young, which made my upper front teeth to move to the side. And my front two teeth are a little big. I consulted a local dentist, who said the solution is to take out one normal tooth, that is, the tooth after my left canine. Then he will put braces to align the other teeth, and he said he will bring my teeth back in the center. I just want to know if there are any other options to correct my teeth. I do not want to loose a good tooth. Can you help me?
Hi. Without any clinical pictures, it is hard to comment on the situation. However, I will give you some basic facts. For more information consult an orthodontist online -->
Q. I have enlarged bumps on the back of my tongue. Is that due to fungal infection?
Hi doctor, I am a 29 year old male. I have some enlarged bumps and white lesion on the back of my tongue. I thought that I had a gum problem because my saliva was often brownish and I had a funny taste in my mouth. Now, I believe that I have some fungus infection. It looks exactly like on the picture I have attached, but only in the back of my tongue. What kind of treatment should I need?
Hello. I had gone through all the data posted. For further information consult an internal medicine physician online -->
Q. When exactly does the pregnancy symptoms arise after unprotected sex?
Hi doctor, I had unprotected intercourse with my fiance during the first week of last month. Same week, within few days she complained about vomiting sensation but had no vomiting. Immediately the next day she had a little discharge from vagina and a little menstrual cramp. Her last menstrual period was in the last week, two months back. The local gynecologist told it is because of gas and gave an antibiotic tablet, multivitamin syrup and gas related tablet. The following day, early morning she felt headache and a body ache. Is it something to be worried about? Is she pregnant? When do the earliest symptoms of pregnancy come up?
Hello. These are not pregnancy symptoms, but rather they are symptoms of ovulation with mild abdominal ache, nausea, headache, bloating and thin mucus discharge from vagina. As her last menstrual period (LMP) was in the last week, two months back. So, it is day16 today. Hence in a 30 day cycle, this is the time for ovulation. As you had sex in the first week the following month, still she can be considered in her fertile period and hence an emergency contraceptive is advisable to be taken in 72 hours in your case to prevent pregnancy. However, the earliest you can detect pregnancy would be after 7 days post-intercourse with a serum beta-hCG test. If it shows the level of hCG more than 5 ng/dL then shall confirm pregnancy. Otherwise, she would be pregnancy safe. But, at present these are ovulation signs. Revert back after the test to an obstetrician and gynaecologist online -->
Q. What does abutment of the nerve root mean?
Hi doctor,I am just wondering what is abutting and abutment of the nerve root means in a back issue. Please explain. What treatment is required for annular bulging and tear?
Hi. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. For further information consult a neurologist online -->
Q. Will Nano-Leo give permanent solution for erection problem?
Hello doctor, I am 48 years old. I am experiencing weak erection and difficulty in sustaining the same. This condition was observed 10 years back. Also, there is premature ejaculation. Other physical ailments that I have are, I am suffering from hypertension and taking Amlopres-L (Amlodipine and Lisinopril) for the last 10 years, high cholesterol and triglycerides. My cholesterol level is 225 and triglyceride is 200 for the last 12 years. I used to do frequent masturbation in early age. I do have erection during morning hours many times, particularly after sound sleep or if I had long walk previous day. I am having Sildenafil 25 mg or 5 mg Cialis, which is effective enough. But, I wish to get rid of tablet support and live natural way. I consulted urologist today and he prescribed me Nano-Leo capsules and Modula 5 mg for 10 days. I wish to have your second opinion on this. Please guide.
Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Q. Every time I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Why?
Hi doctor, I am a 26 year old male. I am 5 feet and 9 inches tall and weigh 255 pounds. When I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Sometimes when I have constipation as well, I poop a little bit of blood. I am really scared that I have colon cancer. I do have diarrhea often. I do not have a family history of colon cancer. I got blood tests done last night. Please find my reports attached.
Hello. I have gone through your information and test reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). So, in view of that, there are a couple of things that I can opine upon: Hope that helps. For more information consult a general surgeon online -->
Q. Will Kalarchikai cure multiple ovarian cysts in PCOD?
Hello doctor, I have multiple small cysts in both ovaries (PCOS). Our family friend suggested me to consume Kalarchikai medicine, powdered mixed with pepper and honey to have it for one mandalam (48 days). I have completed nearly 44 days by consuming one small ball of the mixture every morning and before two weeks I got my periods. Then I had checked whether the cysts were dissolved by having an abdomen scan. But still, small multiple follicules have been seen in it with both ovaries enlarged. Kindly suggest me what I can do further. I got married before one and a half years and I am much worried about my pregnancy. I have gallstones as well.
Hello. I just read your query. See Kalarachi Kai choornam is helpful in amenorrhea. As far as small cysts are concerned they are unmatured eggs which failed to induce menstrual cycle previously, as a result, they got collected in the ovary and they will remain in the ovary. Now, you have got your periods you can start trying for conception. But I advise you to do it under the supervision of a nearby gynecologist because egg size is important while conception and that you can know by ovulation study. Ovulation study is performed under the supervision of a gynecologist. For gall stones, surgical intervention is required generally. Medicine is not of much help.
Q. I masturbate only by rubbing the tip of the penis. Is it a wrong way?
Hi doctor, During masturbation I just rub the tip of the penis and not the entire penis. Is it a wrong way of doing? I do not get excited during sex and unable to ejaculate. Only, rubbing the tip of the penis gives me excitement. Also, two weeks ago, I have undergone circumcision as my foreskin did not retract. Before circumcision too, I have the same problem. Please help.
Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Q. Will Nano-Leo give permanent solution for erection problem?
Hello doctor, I am 48 years old. I am experiencing weak erection and difficulty in sustaining the same. This condition was observed 10 years back. Also, there is premature ejaculation. Other physical ailments that I have are, I am suffering from hypertension and taking Amlopres-L (Amlodipine and Lisinopril) for the last 10 years, high cholesterol and triglycerides. My cholesterol level is 225 and triglyceride is 200 for the last 12 years. I used to do frequent masturbation in early age. I do have erection during morning hours many times, particularly after sound sleep or if I had long walk previous day. I am having Sildenafil 25 mg or 5 mg Cialis, which is effective enough. But, I wish to get rid of tablet support and live natural way. I consulted urologist today and he prescribed me Nano-Leo capsules and Modula 5 mg for 10 days. I wish to have your second opinion on this. Please guide.
Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Q. Having pubic hair with white coating. What is it?
Hi doctor, I have been getting pubic hair with a white coating under the testicle area. It almost looks like the hair is coated with white conditioner. I have also noticed that the area seems to be sticky when I sweat. I shave the pubic hair off, but it comes right back. I have been checked for STDs and I have none. Is this from my partner since it keeps coming back? Or is that it is deeper than shaving the hair off? Is there any creams I can use?
Hi. I have seen your query and concern. For further information consult a dermatologist online -->
Q. What does dilated extrarenal pelvis mean?
Hi doctor, In my kidney ultrasound, my left kidney shows mild dilatation of calyces with dilated extrarenal pelvis of approximately 39 mm. What does it mean?
Hi. For further information consult a nephrologist online -->
Q. Me and my wife are trying to have intercourse but unable to. Any advice?
Hello doctor, I am a 29 year old male. My height is 5'9" and I weigh 95 kg. I got married in January 2014. My wife is 2 years younger than me. She comes from a very simple family and she has had no relationship before marriage. I am the first guy in her life. She is also the first woman in my life and both of us have never had physical relationship ever before. Now since January 2014, we are trying to have intercourse but unable to. We are wanting to have a baby now, but are really worried with the situation. My wife is very shy and does not know much about sex. I masturbate every day in the morning before bath on my bed with the stomach position. I have never masturbated with tool in hand position and I have even tried but I am not able to. I cannot ejaculate in that manner. The moment I lay down on stomach, I ejaculate in less than 20 seconds. I am very worried. My masturbation has become even more regular since I am unable to have sex with my wife. Also my wife is very sensitive when I touch her vagina. Recently she has started enjoying fingering but she resists a lot if I do it with two fingers. I wonder how I will ever penetrate her with such small space. Also we tried penetration a lot of times but the moment I come close to her I lose erection. We are very frustrated and are dying to have a baby. I am very uncomfortable with my foreskin rolled down. I know for penetration the head of the penis needs to be inserted but the head is very very sensitive and that is why I prefer masturbating in laying on stomach position. Please help us. We want to have a baby now and before that we want to be sexually happy.
Hi. Revert back for review after a month to a sexologist online -->
Q. What can I do to grow hair in the case of genetic hair loss?
Hello doctor,I am 36 years old. I have genetic hair loss, is there something I can do to grow more hair? I use Minoxidil, but it is not working.
Hello. I understand your concern, but there are no attached photographs in your message. Kindly send a picture of the affected area to assess the condition and to suggest you the appropriate diagnosis and treatment. I need to see it to help you further.
Q. My ECG report was strange. Is this due to anxiety?
Hello doctor,I had a strange ECG from my watch. No one else looks like mine, and my primary doctor said that it is anxiety.
Hello. I have thoroughly gone through the ECG results there are no specific changes that would indicate any pathological change. ECG results might show different shapes and morphology, but it does not necessarily mean it is abnormal. I have to ask what are you doing about your weight? You are overweight, and it puts you at risk for cardiovascular disease. I hope you have put in measures to help reduce your excess weight like dieting and exercise.
Q. My right eye is red and puffy after wearing contact lenses under light. Why?
Hello doctor,My right eye is red and puffy. It hurts when I blink by the top of my iris. It also tears up a lot when it hurts, and when under the light. I use contact lenses that I can use for a week straight, and it started on day three. When it started, it only hurt when I blinked, and the eye would tear up a bit, the next day it was red, puffy and it reacted to light. I immediately removed the contact lenses. What is wrong with my right eye?
Hello. First of all, I would like to tell you my point of view as an ophthalmologist in and against any contact lens that stays in the eye for more than 12 hours. The puffiness is most probably related to an allergic reaction that your eyes are experiencing, and you should discontinue using these contacts. The redness, the light sensitivity, and even the tearing are all signs of dry eye for which you should start using artificial tears at least four to six times daily, especially if you plan on using contact lenses again. Regardless of what any manufacturer says, you should not sleep with your contact lenses, and I would advise you to use daily from now on. You can use artificial tears while wearing glasses.
Q. What can be done for stammer in children?
Hello doctor, My daughter has started to stammer. What should I do?
Hello. Stammering or stuttering is not very uncommon in this age group. Most children do stammer at this age, and with time over a few months, it gets resolved usually. I believe that the delivery of this child was smooth, and she had no history of admissions for any illness. Also, her milestones are normal and not delayed. Now here, the family has to play an important role. Your child has started developing speech, and this is quite normal to happen. So, first of all, you stop worrying. And even if you worry because I know it can be alarming for parents, please do not pass on your anxiety to your kid. Just do not let her feel that it is abnormal. Whenever she speaks, to listen to her and never try to correct her or scold her for this. Pay attention to what she is saying and look at her, and eye contact should be there. When you talk to her, talk slowly so that she can grasp every word. Kids always try to imitate us. She will also start speaking slowly, which will help her say words correctly and with ease. Never criticize or scold, also tell everyone at your home and even school teachers. Encourage her to speak. Do not pass your anxiety to your kid is most important because if a child gets anxious, it will get more pronounced. Slowly and gradually, you will see that your kid has outgrown this. If still, you feel that there is no improvement after one to two months, speech therapy may be done. Speech therapy should be started before four to five years. I hope this advice would be helpful to you. I would be there for any help.
Q. What can cause itchy scalp and tiny white balls all over the head?
Hi doctor, I am a 28 year old male. I have itchy scalp and hair fall with tiny white ball all over the head and also in shoulder. The balls are attached to the skin and coming out in nails with pressure. I have attached the photos along with this query. I am using anti-dandruff shampoo, which cures the itch for one or two days. But, the white balls are still coming out. I am facing this problem over a year. Now, my hair fall has seriously increased. I have oily skin. Advice me some medicine which is easily available and some technique to care my hair.
Hi. According to your history and from the photos (attachment removed to protect patient identity), you are suffering from acute dandruff with folliculitis. For further information consult a dermatologist online -->
Q. Is it compulsory that the foreskin has to retract during sex?
Hello doctor, I got married three months back. And since then, I am not able to have sex with my wife. I am not able to retract my foreskin when erect, and the head of the penis is not visible. I can only retract it less than 1 cm. The foreskin on the penis is very soft, and I cannot roll it back. When I try to penetrate, it pains and my erection is not very strong to penetrate. I tried taking tablets for improving my erection, but it has not helped. My erection is better now, but I am not able to penetrate. Please help me. Is it compulsory that the foreskin has to retract during sex? Please help me as soon as possible
Hello. Thanks. For more information consult a sexologist online -->
Q. I have blisters on my penis after masturbating without a lubricant. What is the treatment?
Hello doctor,I have blisters on the head of my penis due to masturbation without proper lubricant. I thought that it would heal by itself in a few days but now the blister popped and the skin is very tender and hurts to the touch. Also, another blister of sort, developed on the tip. It cannot be an STI because I have not had sex for several months now. How should I go about with the treatment?
Hello. There are a few conditions which cause painful blisters even without a sexual contact, like genital herpes, primary syphilis, impetigo among others. Please provide more details: The treatment would vary according to the details you provide. If you underwent any investigations, please attach that during the follow-up. For more information consult a general medicine physician online -->
Q. Every time I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Why?
Hi doctor, I am a 26 year old male. I am 5 feet and 9 inches tall and weigh 255 pounds. When I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Sometimes when I have constipation as well, I poop a little bit of blood. I am really scared that I have colon cancer. I do have diarrhea often. I do not have a family history of colon cancer. I got blood tests done last night. Please find my reports attached.
Hello. I have gone through your information and test reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). So, in view of that, there are a couple of things that I can opine upon: Hope that helps. For more information consult a general surgeon online -->
Q. What does abutment of the nerve root mean?
Hi doctor,I am just wondering what is abutting and abutment of the nerve root means in a back issue. Please explain. What treatment is required for annular bulging and tear?
Hi. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. For further information consult a neurologist online -->
Q. Will Nano-Leo give permanent solution for erection problem?
Hello doctor, I am 48 years old. I am experiencing weak erection and difficulty in sustaining the same. This condition was observed 10 years back. Also, there is premature ejaculation. Other physical ailments that I have are, I am suffering from hypertension and taking Amlopres-L (Amlodipine and Lisinopril) for the last 10 years, high cholesterol and triglycerides. My cholesterol level is 225 and triglyceride is 200 for the last 12 years. I used to do frequent masturbation in early age. I do have erection during morning hours many times, particularly after sound sleep or if I had long walk previous day. I am having Sildenafil 25 mg or 5 mg Cialis, which is effective enough. But, I wish to get rid of tablet support and live natural way. I consulted urologist today and he prescribed me Nano-Leo capsules and Modula 5 mg for 10 days. I wish to have your second opinion on this. Please guide.
Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Q. Every time I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Why?
Hi doctor, I am a 26 year old male. I am 5 feet and 9 inches tall and weigh 255 pounds. When I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Sometimes when I have constipation as well, I poop a little bit of blood. I am really scared that I have colon cancer. I do have diarrhea often. I do not have a family history of colon cancer. I got blood tests done last night. Please find my reports attached.
Hello. I have gone through your information and test reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). So, in view of that, there are a couple of things that I can opine upon: Hope that helps. For more information consult a general surgeon online -->
Q. Will Kalarchikai cure multiple ovarian cysts in PCOD?
Hello doctor, I have multiple small cysts in both ovaries (PCOS). Our family friend suggested me to consume Kalarchikai medicine, powdered mixed with pepper and honey to have it for one mandalam (48 days). I have completed nearly 44 days by consuming one small ball of the mixture every morning and before two weeks I got my periods. Then I had checked whether the cysts were dissolved by having an abdomen scan. But still, small multiple follicules have been seen in it with both ovaries enlarged. Kindly suggest me what I can do further. I got married before one and a half years and I am much worried about my pregnancy. I have gallstones as well.
Hello. I just read your query. See Kalarachi Kai choornam is helpful in amenorrhea. As far as small cysts are concerned they are unmatured eggs which failed to induce menstrual cycle previously, as a result, they got collected in the ovary and they will remain in the ovary. Now, you have got your periods you can start trying for conception. But I advise you to do it under the supervision of a nearby gynecologist because egg size is important while conception and that you can know by ovulation study. Ovulation study is performed under the supervision of a gynecologist. For gall stones, surgical intervention is required generally. Medicine is not of much help.
Q. I masturbate only by rubbing the tip of the penis. Is it a wrong way?
Hi doctor, During masturbation I just rub the tip of the penis and not the entire penis. Is it a wrong way of doing? I do not get excited during sex and unable to ejaculate. Only, rubbing the tip of the penis gives me excitement. Also, two weeks ago, I have undergone circumcision as my foreskin did not retract. Before circumcision too, I have the same problem. Please help.
Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Q. I have severe stomach and back pain at the same time. Can you Suggest any quick remedy?
Hello doctor, I have severe stomach and back pain at the same time. Suggest some quick remedy.
Hi. I have read through your query in detail. Please find my observations below. Severe pain in abdomen radiating to the back might be due to many conditions which require evaluation. Problems that might cause the stomach and back pain, all the possible reasons, For spasmodic pain you can take antispasmodic medicine like Spasmonil plus (Dicyclomine hydrochloride and Mefenamic acid). This has to be taken twice daily for pain that might be a spasm. This should reduce any spasmodic pain that you are having. Once pain is stable then please consult your doctor and get examined clinically. If required the doctor might ask for an ultrasound scan abdomen to be done to know the cause. Above mentioned causes are the commonest and there are many other conditions which might cause a similar pain. Clinical examination and investigations are important.
Q. Due to excessive masturbation, my penis is shrunk. What to do?
Hi doctor, I had a very bad habit of excessive masturbation. I started it when I was 14 and now I am 27. I masturbate around two to three times per day. I was not aware of the side effects of the masturbation. Now, my penis is totally shrunk. It is looking wired. I visited a doctor. He gave Nano Leo capsules. It has been three weeks and I am not finding any change at all. Is there any hope for me? Will it cure my side effects? Please help me. I had the habit of smoking and drinking habit as well. Now, I stopped everything before three weeks. Can I get my normal old life?
Hi. For further information consult a sexologist online -->
Q. I have become extremely anxious after electric shock. Why?
Hello doctor, I am 17 years old and mostly healthy. I had an EEG and an MRI several months back; both came back fine. I suffer from OCD related tension headaches. On the 15th, I was in my father's office looking for something. It was too dark and so I decided to turn on my dad's lamp. It is an archaic thing, built in the 1930's by my grandfather's sister and it is mostly copper. I grasped for the light switch, instead I accidentally touched the copper beam of the lamp. The moment I touched it my hand gripped it. Around four to five seconds passed till I realized that my hand was shaking and got an electric shock. I quickly pulled away. Then, I felt sick, extremely anxious and in a daze. The next morning, I woke up extremely anxious and a tad bit confused. I felt as if I was confused. My parents brushed it off as anxiety and stress. Later that day, I had what seemed to be an allergic reaction to my lunch. I had red blotches all over my chest and neck. My face felt hot. Then, I received a 50 mg Benadryl shot. Almost instantly I felt as if the space around me shifted. I felt taller soon after I got tired, confused and disorientated. By the time I got into the car, I fell asleep, although I was not really asleep. I felt like I was slipping in and out of consciousness the entire way home. It was as if half of my brain had shut off. My muscles were limp and I was thinking strange things as if my mind was thinking by itself and I had no control on it. I then managed to walk into my room without falling and sleep. It was a dreamless sleep. When I woke up, I was irritated. Every voice in the house made me angry and I ended up cursing my brother and mom. I engaged in short nonsense conversations on and off. I would talk about something that did not make any sense and then I forget and ask what I was talking about. My head and neck vibrated. My muscles were weak and my body felt jittery. I wanted to sleep, but I could not. The space around me was fluctuating. Then, I had a large panic attack that lasted till 12 AM and I woke up the next morning around 10 AM with severe confusion and deorientation. I was thinking nonsense and could not construct a sentence. My muscles were weak again and I could not focus on reality and my head was vibrating. Fear sets in again. I do not cry even when terrible things happen as I usually cope, but I could not control my mind and cried a lot. We called the doctor who gave the injection. He told me that I was having some kind of allergic reaction and that I should take Zantac to help the Benadryl move through my system. Later in the day, it seemed to dissipate slightly. But, now (7 PM) it is back and almost as bad as it was this morning. I took another Zantac, but it has not done anything yet. I feel the vibrations most in my teeth and nose. Also, I have a rapid heartbeat. Is this being caused by the electric shock? And if so, will it go away over time? Am I in long term issue? Or is this caused by the Benadryl? It has been over 30 hours and I believe it is only since I was injected. Did this trigger long-term side effects? Do stress headaches have anything with this? Or is this caused by a combination of all three things? I just need help. Please I need to know what is going on. I really do not want to live with this. I am having a very hard time writing this. Thank you so much for your time. Also, my dad got shocked three times by that lamp.
Hi. I understand your symptoms with chronological order. For further information consult a neurologist online -->
Q. My arm got trapped in a door. What should I do?
Hi doctor, I got my arm trapped between a metal pole and an electrically controlled door. The blood flow was cut off for around 30 seconds to a minute. My arm is quite painful and swollen. It has some blood spots and my wrist hurts when I bend my hand and fingers. Do I need to see a doctor? Is it sprained? What should I do?
Hi. Revert back after two days to an orthopaedician and traumatologist online -->
Q. Can I opt biologic Etanercept for ankylosing spondylitis?
Hello doctor,I have ankylosing spondylitis (HLA B27 positive) for the past 12 years and with pulmonary tuberculosis the very next year. And took medicine for nine months, and now I am daily taking Saaz, and I am going to plan for Biologics. The doctor suggested Etanercept 50 mg, but I am afraid of side effects as I was already affected by TB before 11 years. Shall I go for biologic Etanercept 50 mg, and what precautions I have to take during biologics? (I have enclosed the report)
Hello. You need to do Mantoux test and interferon gamma level before starting biologics because they can cause reactivation of tuberculosis if there is doubt you should receive the two drug ATT regimen (anti-tubercular treatment) before starting biologics that is recommended if either Montoux or interferon gamma is positive.