Does standardized cine-loop documentation in renal ultrasound facilitate skill-mix between radiographer and radiologist?
The radiographers' role in ultrasound (US) has been debated due to the operator-dependent aspect of diagnostic US. With standardized cine-loop ultrasound (SCUS) a reliable diagnosis can be achieved by reading SCUS independently from performing the procedure. To study the correlation between sonographic findings when SCUS is performed and read by a radiologist and when SCUS is performed by a radiographer and read by a radiologist, and to assess the radiologists' confidence when reading SCUS examinations performed by a radiographer. Thirty-four patients (64 kidneys) who underwent SCUS of the kidneys were included in this study. All patients underwent two consecutive SCUS examinations, one performed by an experienced radiologist reading his own examination (online), and one performed by a SCUS-trained radiographer, read by an experienced radiologist who was not involved in the examination of the patient (offline). Study reports were made using a structured report form designed for this study. Confidence was measured on a visual analog scale ranging from 0 (no confidence) to 100 (extremely confident). The final diagnosis (the reference standard) was defined as the consensus between two US-experienced radiologists. All personnel were blinded to each other's results. We found discordance between image findings for online and offline in eight out of 64 kidneys. There was no systematic difference between online and offline reading. There was a good correlation between online and offline, kappa 0.75 (95% CI 0.60-0.90, P < 0.001). Kappa correlation for online and offline compared to reference standard was 0.94 (95% CI 0.86-1.00, P < 0.001) and 0.81 (95% CI 0.66-0.96, P < 0.001), respectively. Radiologists reported a confidence level of 88 (range, 74-94) and 85 (range, 67-92) in the online and offline group, respectively (P = 0.005).
Tobacco smoke is worldwide one of the main preventable lifestyle inhalative pollutants causing severe adverse health effects. Epidemiological studies revealed association of tobacco smoking with epigenetic changes at single CpGs in blood. However, the biological relevance of the often only marginal methylation changes remains unclear. Comparing genome-wide changes in CpG methylation of three recently reported epidemiological datasets, two obtained on whole blood and one on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), it becomes evident that the majority of methylation changes (86.7 and 93.3 %) in whole blood account for changes in granulocytes. Analyzing, in more detail, seven highly significant reported smoking-induced methylation changes at single CpGs in different blood cell types of healthy volunteers (n = 32), we confirmatively found a strong cell-type specificity. Two CpGs in GFI1 and F2RL3 were significantly hypomethylated in granulocytes (-11.3 %, p = 0.001; -8.7 %, p = 0.001, respectively) but not in PBMCs of smokers while two CpGs in CPOX and GPR15 were found to be hypomethylated in PBMC (-4.3 %, p = 0.003; -4.2 %, P = 0.009, respectively) and their subtypes of GPR15 non-expressing (-3.2 %, p = 0.027; -2.5 %, p = 0.032, respectively) and smoking-evoked GPR15 expressing T cells (-15.8 %, p < 0.001; -13.8 %, p = 0.018, respectively) but not in granulocytes. In contrast, cg05575921 within AHRR was hypomethylated in every analyzed cell type of smokers, but with a different degree. Both, hypomethylation at cg05575921 in granulocytes (-55.2 % methylation change in smokers, p < 0.001) and the frequency of GPR15+ T cells (9.8-37.1 % in smokers), possessing a specific hypomethylation at cg19859270, were strongly associated with smoking behavior at individual level and could therefore serve as valuable biomarkers indicating a disturbed homeostasis in smokers. In contrast to the reported long-term persistent methylation changes in adult smokers after cessation, the hypomethylation at cg05575921 in prenatally tobacco smoke-exposed children (n = 13) from our LINA cohort was less stable and disappeared already within 2 years after birth.
Do voriconazole plasma concentrations in immunocompromised pediatric patients vary by CYP2C19 diplotypes?
Our objective was to describe the association between voriconazole concentrations and CYP2C19 diplotypes in pediatric cancer patients, including children homozygous for the CYP2C19*17 gain-of-function allele. A linear mixed effect model compared voriconazole dose-corrected trough concentrations (n = 142) among CYP2C19 diplotypes in 33 patients (aged 1-19 years). Voriconazole pharmacokinetics was described by a two-compartment model with Michaelis-Menten elimination. Age (p = 0.05) and CYP2C19 diplotype (p = 0.002) were associated with voriconazole concentrations. CYP2C19*17 homozygotes never attained therapeutic concentrations, and had lower dose-corrected voriconazole concentrations (median 0.01 μg/ml/mg/kg; p = 0.02) than CYP2C19*1 homozygotes (median 0.07 μg/ml/mg/kg). Modeling indicates that higher doses may produce therapeutic concentrations in younger children and in those with a CYP2C19*17/*17 diplotype.
To study the cure rate and 5 year results of laparoscopic burch colposuspension for stress urinary incontinence in Thai women. Twenty one Thai women with stress urinary incontinence attending the gynecology clinic at King Chulalongkorn Memorial hospital were recruited. Pre operative clinical and urodynamic evaluation were done. They underwent Laparoscopic burch colposuspension between January - December 1998. The cure rate was evaluated by clinical and urodynamic examination. The mean +/- SD of operative time, blood loss and hospital stay were 70 +/- 20 min, 140 +/- 30 ml and 1.6 +/- 0.5 days respectively. The complication rate was 19.1% (Bladder injuries 2 cases, voiding difficulties 1 case and de novo detrusor overactivity 1 case). The objective cure rate at 5 years was 76.2%.
Does resveratrol inhibit phenotypic switching of neointimal vascular smooth muscle cells after balloon injury through blockade of Notch pathway?
Phenotypic switching of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) plays an initial role in neointimal hyperplasia, the main cause of many occlusive vascular diseases. The aim of this study was to measure the effects of resveratrol (RSV) on the phenotypic transformation of VSMCs and to investigate its mechanism of action. Cultured VSMCs isolated from rat thoracic aorta were prepared with serum starvation for 72 hours followed by RSV treatment (50-200 μmol/L) and 10% serum stimulation. Male Sprague-Dawley rats, subjected to carotid arteries injury from a balloon catheter, were exposed to intraperitoneal injection of RSV (1 mg/kg) or saline and were killed after 7 or 28 days. Compared with cells in the serum-induced group, VSMCs in the RSV or N-[N-(3, 5-Difluorophenacetyl)-L-alanyl]-S-phenylglycine t-butyl ester (DAPT) treatment group exhibited significant decreases of proliferation and migration. The total and cytoplasmic Notch-1 levels were declined by RSV, accompanied by a significant increase in smooth muscle α-actin and smooth muscle myosin heavy chain protein. The expression of Notch-1, Jagged-1, Hey-1, and Hey-2 mRNA in balloon-injured arteries at 7 days was decreased by RSV treatment. Arteries from RSV-treated rats showed less neointimal hyperplasia, lower collagen content, and a lower rate of cells positive for proliferating cell nuclear antigen 28 days after injury, compared with saline controls.
Wilson's disease (WD) is a genetic disorder of copper metabolism causing dysfunctions of various organs, mostly the liver and brain. If untreated, WD is fatal, but early treatment results in a good prognosis, although the long-term neurological outcome has not yet been clarified. To address this issue, we evaluated the neurological status of early-treated WD patients without overt nervous system impairment using neurophysiological, neuropsychological and neuroimaging procedures at least 10 years after treatment onset. Thirty-eight WD patients (18 females, aged 24.47 ± 7.50 years), who received an early diagnosis (in presymptomatic or mild/moderate liver disease stages without neurological involvement) and prompt treatment, were clinically evaluated with the Global Assessment Scale. Presentation was hepatic in 36 subjects (95%), while 2 patients (5%) were presymptomatic. A neurophysiological study was performed to explore the central motor conduction time of the upper and lower limbs, and motor cortex excitability using single pulses and paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation. Neuroimages were obtained with brain magnetic resonance scans. Cognitive abilities, and psychiatric and behavioral disturbances were evaluated with neuropsychological tests. Patients were undergoing treatment with penicillamine (7 patients) or zinc salts (31 patients) with good adherence. They did not present any neurological signs at clinical evaluation or at specific scale of impairment, the mean Global Assessment Scale score was 0.3 ± 0.7. Magnetic resonance imaging, transcranial magnetic stimulation studies and neuropsychological/neuropsychiatric assessment ruled out subclinical involvement.
Is combined glutathione S transferase M1/T1 null genotypes associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus?
Due to new genetic insights, a considerably large number of genes and polymorphic gene variants are screened and linked with the complex pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes (DM). Our study aimed to investigate the association between the two isoforms of the glutathione S-transferase genes (Glutathione S transferase isoemzyme type M1- GSTM1 and Glutathione S transferase isoemzyme type T1-GSTT1) and the prevalence of DM in the Northern Romanian population. We conducted a cross-sectional, randomized, case-control study evaluating the frequency of GSTM1 and GSTT1 null alleles in patients diagnosed with DM. A total of 106 patients diagnosed with DM and 124 healthy controls were included in the study. GSTM1 and GSTT1 null alleles genotyping was carried out using Multiplex PCR amplification of relevant gene fragments, followed by gel electrophoresis analysis of the resulting amplicons. Molecular analysis did not reveal an increased frequency of the null GSTM1 and GSTT1 alleles (mutant genotypes) respectively in the DM group compared to controls (p=0.171, OR=1.444 CI=0.852-2.447; p=0.647, OR=0.854, CI=0.436-1.673). Nevertheless, the combined GSTM1/GSTT1 null genotypes were statistically significantly higher in DM patients compared to control subjects (p=0.0021, OR=0.313, CI=0.149-0.655).
This study was conducted to estimate the incidence and clinical predictors of post-thoracotomy shoulder pain and to determine the effectiveness of thoracic epidural block in alleviating this pain. A prospective clinical trial. University teaching hospital. Thirty-two adult patients undergoing elective thoracic surgery consented to participate in the study. All operations were open thoracotomies done by the same team of surgeons and anesthesiologists. A thoracic (T6) epidural catheter was placed before induction of general anesthesia. Each patient received 7 mL of lidocaine 2% epidurally and repeated doses of 5 mL of lidocaine 2% every half hour during the operation. Postoperatively, the occurrence of incision or ipsilateral shoulder pain was observed and treated with a maximal dose of 5 mL of lidocaine 2%. If ineffective, indomethacin suppository (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug [NSAID]) was given. Variables such as patient's age, sex, American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status, type, site and duration of surgery, duration of anesthesia, the resection of main bronchus, and the use of thoracostomy tubes were recorded. Postoperatively, 10 patients (31%) had shoulder pain, 4 patients (12.5%) complained of incision pain, and 2 (6.3%) complained of both incision and shoulder pain. A bolus of 5 mL of lidocaine 2% in the epidural catheter relieved incision pain in all the patients, but was ineffective for shoulder pain. Indomethacin suppository was effective in these patients. No correlation was found between any variable and the occurrence of shoulder pain.
Does low perfusion index affect the difference in glucose level between capillary and venous blood?
In emergency cases, finger stick testing is primarily used to check the blood glucose value of patients since it takes longer to obtain the venous value. In critical patients, under conditions that cause an increase in metabolic state and level of stress, there occurs considerable difference in glucose levels between capillary and venous measurements. This study aimed to investigate the comparability of capillary and venous glucose values, according to the perfusion index level obtained with the Masimo Radical-7(®) device, in critical patients aged 18 years and over. We conducted this prospective and observational study in the emergency department of the Eskisehir Osmangazi University hospital between November 3, 2008 and February 2, 2009. The blood glucose of 300 critical patients was checked by finger stick in the emergency unit. The participants with normal vital signs had perfusion index between 0 and 5; the results obtained by the two methods were more consistent for perfusion index values of 6 and over. The results were most consistent in aged participants with normal vital sign findings and low perfusion index and in young patients with high perfusion index. In the cases where at least one of the vital signs was abnormal, the glucose values obtained by the two methods were more consistent when the perfusion index was 6 or over. In this group, independently from the perfusion index value, the consistency was higher in younger patients compared with aged patients.
Urbanization can considerably impact animal ecology, evolution, and behavior. Among the new conditions that animals experience in cities is anthropogenic noise, which can limit the sound space available for animals to communicate using acoustic signals. Some urban bird species increase their song frequencies so that they can be heard above low-frequency background city noise. However, the ability to make such song modifications may be constrained by several morphological factors, including bill gape, size, and shape, thereby limiting the degree to which certain species can vocally adapt to urban settings. We examined the relationship between song characteristics and bill morphology in a species (the house finch, Haemorhous mexicanus) where both vocal performance and bill size are known to differ between city and rural animals. We found that bills were longer and narrower in more disturbed, urban areas. We observed an increase in minimum song frequency of urban birds, and we also found that the upper frequency limit of songs decreased in direct relation to bill morphology.
Are suicidal adverse events in pediatric randomized , controlled clinical trials of antidepressant drugs associated with active drug treatment : a meta-analysis?
The aim of this study was to compare the incidence of suicidal ideation and behaviors observed with antidepressant drug treatment to the incidence with placebo, in randomized, controlled pediatric clinical trials. Manufacturers of nine antidepressant drugs identified suicidal adverse events in randomized, placebo-controlled, pediatric clinical trials that they had sponsored. Events were found with an electronic search for adverse event descriptions, including key words suggesting suicidal ideation or self-injury, along with a manual review of all adverse events meeting the standard regulatory definition for seriousness. Incidence rate data for these events supplied by the manufacturers were combined across trials to yield Mantel-Haenszel combined risk estimates. Data from 22 randomized, short-term, placebo-controlled, pediatric trials in various indications, involving nine different antidepressant drugs, were available for analysis. A total of 2298 pediatric subjects were exposed to active drug, and 1952 to placebo. Seventy eight (78) serious suicidal adverse events occurred in these trials (54 with active drug and 24 with placebo); there were no completed suicides. The combined incidence rate ratio across all trials for serious suicidal adverse events was 1.89 (95% Confidence Interval, 1.18-3.04).
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders are common disease in maxillofacial surgery. The aim of this study is to regenerate fibrocartilage with a mixture of TMJ fibrochondrocytes and periodontal ligament derived mesenchymal stem cells (PD-MSCs). Fibrochondrocytes and PD-MSC were cocultured (ratio 1 : 1) for 3 weeks. Histology and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) assay were performed to examine the deposition of GAG. Green florescent protein (GFP) was used to track PD-MSC. Conditioned medium of PD-MSCs was collected to study the soluble factors. Gene expression of fibrochondrocytes cultured in conditioned medium was tested by quantitative PCR (qPCR). Increased proliferation of TMJ-CH was observed in coculture pellets when compared to monoculture. Enhanced GAG production in cocultures was shown by histology and GAG quantification. Tracing of GFP revealed the fact that PD-MSC disappears after coculture with TMJ-CH for 3 weeks. In addition, conditioned medium of PD-MSC was also shown to increase the proliferation and GAG deposition of TMJ-CH. Meanwhile, results of qPCR demonstrated that conditioned medium enhanced the expression levels of matrix-related genes in TMJ-CH.
Does bronchodilator response at low lung volumes predict bronchiolitis obliterans in lung transplant recipients?
Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS) is the major obstacle to long-term lung allograft viability. The diagnosis often occurs after significant organ dysfunction is present, and BOS is often unresponsive to standard immunosuppressive agents. We have observed bronchodilator responses (BRs) at low lung volumes in many of our patients who have developed BOS. We therefore assessed whether BR could predict the development of BOS. We conducted a retrospective review of the clinical and pulmonary function laboratory records of 146 patients who underwent transplantation between March 1983 and November 1993. BR was defined as 25% or more increase in forced expiratory flow at 50% of vital capacity or 30% or more increase in forced expiratory flow at 75% of vital capacity. BOS was defined according to recently published FEV1 criteria. Bronchiolitis obliterans was defined histologically according to criteria of the Lung Rejection Study Group. Of the total population, 52 were excluded because of death or insufficient information. BRs of the small airways were seen in 31 patients (33%), 25 of whom developed BOS (83%). Approximately half of those with BR who developed BOS had evidence of acute rejection in the month prior to the onset of BR. Two thirds (four of six) of patients with BR not developing BOS had acute rejection in the previous month. The sensitivity of BR in predicting BOS was 51% with a specificity of 87%. The positive predictive value was 81%.
To determine the association between regular Chinese green tea consumption and the risk of diabetic retinopathy (DR) in diabetic patients in China. 100 DR patients and 100 age-sex-matched diabetic controls without retinopathy were recruited in a clinic-based, case-control study. DR was defined from retinal photographs and detailed information on Chinese green tea consumption of the participants was collected through a face-to-face interview. The crude odds ratio [OR] of Chinese green tea consumption for DR was 0.49 (95% confidence interval: 0.26-0.90). When stratified by sex, the protective effect of Chinese green tea consumption on DR was statistically significant in women (P = 0.01) but not in men (P = 0.63). After adjusting for age, sex, and other confounders, DR was significantly associated with Chinese green tea consumption (OR = 0.48; P = 0.04), higher systolic blood pressure (OR = 1.02; P = 0.05), longer duration of diabetes (OR = 1.07; P = 0.02), and the presence of family history of diabetes (OR = 2.35; P = 0.04).
Does adipocyte enhancer-binding protein 1 modulate adiposity and energy homeostasis?
To determine whether adipocyte enhancer binding protein (AEBP) 1, a transcriptional repressor that is down-regulated during adipogenesis, functions as a critical regulator of adipose tissue homeostasis through modulation of phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome ten (PTEN) tumor suppressor activity and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation. We examined whether AEBP1 physically interacts with PTEN in 3T3-L1 cells by coimmunoprecipitation analysis. We generated AEBP1-null mice and examined the physiological role of AEBP1 as a key modulator of in vivo adiposity. Using adipose tissue from wild-type and AEBP1-null animals, we examined whether AEBP1 affects PTEN protein level. AEBP1 interacts with PTEN, and deficiency of AEBP1 increases adipose tissue PTEN mass. AEBP1-null mice have reduced adipose tissue mass and enhanced apoptosis with suppressed survival signal. Primary pre-adipocytes from AEBP1-null adipose tissues exhibit lower basal MAPK activity with defective proliferative potential. AEBP1-null mice are also resistant to diet-induced obesity, suggesting a regulatory role for AEBP1 in energy homeostasis.
Immunobead testing (IBT), the current standard for antisperm antibody detection, is time consuming and somewhat subjective. To overcome these limitations and maintain accuracy, we studied an immunofluorescent assay using flow cytometry. A validation study comparing flow cytometry to IBT in the detection of serum antisperm antibodies. Flow cytometry laboratory. Sera from 37 men after vasectomy (test) and sera from 35 fertile men (control). Test serum with and without immunoglobulin (Ig)G, IgA, and IgM antisperm antibodies as defined by IBT were analyzed by flow cytometry. Sensitivity and specificity of flow cytometry was calculated by defining the IBT as the true result. Flow cytometry identified 22 of 22 sera that were IgG positive (100% sensitivity), 12 of 14 sera that were IgA positive (86% sensitivity), and 4 of 4 sera that were IgM positive (100% sensitivity). Overall, 22 of 37 men were positive for antisperm antibodies. The flow cytometry correctly identified 71 of 71 negative sera (100% specificity). Fluorescence intensity values from the 37 study patients significantly correlated with immunobead binding to the head region and to the entire (more than one) region.
Does one-stage Revision With Catheter Infusion of Intraarticular Antibiotics Successfully treat Infected THA?
Two-stage revision surgery for infected total hip arthroplasty (THA) is commonly advocated, but substantial morbidity and expense are associated with this technique. In certain cases of infected THA, treatment with one-stage revision surgery and intraarticular infusion of antibiotics may offer a reasonable alternative with the distinct advantage of providing a means of delivering the drug in high concentrations. We describe a protocol for intraarticular delivery of antibiotics to the hip through an indwelling catheter combined with one-stage revision surgery and examine (1) the success as judged by eradication of infection at 1 year when treating chronically infected cemented stems; (2) success in treating late-onset acute infections in well-ingrown cementless stems; and (3) what complications were associated with this approach in a small case series. Between January 2002 and July 2013, 30 patients (30 hips) presented to the senior author for treatment of infected THA. Of those, 21 patients (21 hips) with infected cemented THAs underwent débridement and single-stage revision to cementless total hip implants followed by catheter infusion of intraarticular antibiotics. Nine patients (nine hips) with late-onset acute infections in cementless THA had bone-ingrown implants. These patients were all more than 2 years from their original surgery and had acute symptoms of infection for 4 to 9 days. Seven had their original THA elsewhere, and two were the author's patients. All were symptom-free until the onset of their infection, and none had postoperative wound complications, fever, or prolonged pain suggestive of a more chronic process. They were treated with débridement and head and liner exchange, again followed by catheter infusion of intraarticular antibiotics. During this time period, this represented all infected THAs treated by the senior author, and all were treated with this protocol; no patient underwent two-stage exchange during this time, and no patients were lost to followup. At the time of the surgery, two Hickman catheters were placed in each hip to begin intraarticular delivery of antibiotics in the early postoperative period. Antibiotics were infused daily into the hip for 6 weeks with the tubes used for infusion only. Eleven of the single-stage revisions and four of the hips treated with débridement had methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Patients were considered free of infection if they had no clinical signs of infection and had a normal C-reactive protein and erythrocyte sedimentation rate at 1 year. Complications were ascertained by chart review. Twenty of 21 (95%) infections in patients who had single-stage revision for chronically infected cemented THA were apparently free from infection and remained so at a mean followup of 63 months (range, 25-157 months). One case grew Candida albicans in the operative cultures and remained free of signs of infection after rerevision followed by infusion of fluconazole. The nine cementless THAs treated with débridement and head/liner exchange all remained free of signs of infection at a mean followup of 74 months (range, 62-121 months). Few complications were associated with the technique. Four patients had elevated serum levels of vancomycin without renal function changes and two patients had transient blood urea nitrogen/creatinine elevations with normal vancomycin levels that resolved with dosage adjustments. No patient had evidence of permanent renal damage. None of the patients in this study developed a chronic fistula or had significant drainage from the catheter site.
Excessive anticipatory reactions to potential future adversity are observed across a range of anxiety disorders, but the neurogenetic mechanisms driving interindividual differences are largely unknown. We aimed to discover and validate a gene-brain-behavior pathway by linking presumed genetic risk for anxiety-related psychopathology, key neural activity involved in anxious anticipation, and resulting aversive emotional states. The functional neuroanatomy of aversive anticipation was probed through functional magnetic resonance imaging in two independent samples of healthy subjects (n = 99 and n = 69), and we studied the influence of genetic variance in the serotonin transporter linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR). Skin conductance and startle data served as objective psychophysiological indices of the intensity of individuals' anticipatory responses to potential threat. Threat cues signaling risk of future electrical shock activated the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC), anterior insula, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, thalamus, and midbrain consistently across both samples. Threat-related dmPFC activation was enhanced in 5-HTTLPR short allele carriers in sample 1 and this effect was validated in sample 2. Critically, we show that this region mediates the increase in anticipatory psychophysiological reactions in short allele carriers indexed by skin conductance (experiment 1) and startle reactions (experiment 2).
Do normal and prostate cancer cells display distinct molecular profiles of alpha-tubulin posttranslational modifications?
Multiple diverse posttranslational modifications of alpha-tubulin such as detyrosination, further cleavage of the penultimate glutamate residue (Delta2-tubulin), acetylation, and polyglutamylation increase the structural and functional diversity of microtubules. Herein, we characterized the molecular profile of alpha-tubulin posttranslational modifications in normal human prostate epithelial cells (PrEC), immortalized normal prostate epithelial cells (PZ-HPV-7), androgen-dependent prostate cancer cells (LNCaP), transitional androgen-independent prostate cancer cells (LNCaP-cds and CWR22Rv1), and androgen-independent prostate cancer cells (PC3). Compared to PrEC and PZ-HPV-7 cells, all cancer cells exhibited elevated levels of detyrosinated and polyglutamylated alpha-tubulin, that was paralleled by decreased protein levels of tubulin tyrosine ligase (TTL). In contrast, PrEC and PZ-HPV-7 cells expressed markedly higher levels of Delta2-tubulin. Whereas alpha-tubulin acetylation levels were generally equivalent in all the cell lines, PC3 cells did not display detectable levels of Ac-tubulin.
To assess the effect of flag alerts that were placed in electronic medical records on patients' adherence with National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) guidelines for secondary prevention of coronary heart disease. A secondary objective was to identify the proportion of patients who were prescribed lipid-lowering agents and assess the barriers of patients who did not reach low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) goals 5.6 years after the intervention. Retrospective analysis of a prospective medical record intervention. University-based primary care clinic. Eighty-nine adult patients with atherosclerotic vascular disease. For each patient identified as needing secondary prevention for coronary heart disease according to NCEP guidelines, flags were inserted into the patient's electronic medical record. Baseline patient data were collected. After 5.6 years, we performed a retrospective analysis. At that time, 72 patients were evaluated; 17 were lost to follow-up. Fifty-four percent of patients (39 of 72 patients) had reached their LDL goal compared with 25% (16 of 64 patients for whom complete lipid panels had been obtained) at baseline (p=0.001). The proportion of patients prescribed lipid-lowering agents rose from 16% at baseline to 75% at follow-up (p=0.0001). However, 33 patients (46%) were above their LDL goal levels at follow-up. Reasons for failure to reach LDL goal were as follows: drug dosage not titrated (10 patients [30%]), adverse drug reaction (four patients [12%]), planned to adjust therapy in the future (three patients [9%]), high drug cost (two patients [6%]), drug contraindicated (two patients [6%]), and non-compliance (one patient [3%]). In 11 patients (33%), the reason for failure was not addressed in the progress notes. Thus, inadequate drug dosage titration (dosage not titrated, planned to adjust therapy, and reason not addressed [assume no action]) occurred in more than 70% of these patients.
Is the photocurrent response of human cones fast and monophasic?
The precise form of the light response of human cone photoreceptors in vivo has not been established with certainty. To investigate the response shape we compare the predictions of a recent model of transduction in primate cone photoreceptors with measurements extracted from human cones using the paired-flash electroretinogram method. As a check, we also compare the predictions with previous single-cell measurements of ground squirrel cone responses. The predictions of the model provide a good description of the measurements, using values of parameters within the range previously determined for primate retina. The dim-flash response peaks in about 20 ms, and flash responses at all intensities are essentially monophasic. Three time constants in the model are extremely short: the two time constants for inactivation (of visual pigment and of transducin/phosphodiesterase) are around 3 and 10 ms, and the time constant for calcium equilibration lies in the same range.
Previously, we reported that microRNA-181b (miR-181b) activates hepatic stellate cells partly through the phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10 (PTEN)/Akt pathway. The main objective of this study was to ascertain whether serum miR-181b expression is correlated with that of liver hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA and disease progression in chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients. Serum miR-181b and liver HBV DNA levels were quantified in 64 CHB patients with real-time PCR. Liver fibrosis and necroinflammation were graded according to the Ishak scoring system. Serum miR-181b levels were evaluated in the CHB group, compared with healthy controls. Expression in patients with HBsAg (+) was higher than that in patients with HBsAg (-). Notably, serum miR-181b and liver HBV DNA levels were significantly correlated (P < 0.05). Serum miR-181 levels were higher in patients with serum HBV DNA > 10(3) IU/ml (P = 0.017), histologic activity index (HAI) >8 (P = 0.001) and fibrosis score >4 (P < 0.0001). Liver HBV DNA levels were higher in patients with abnormal alanine aminotransferase (ALT) values (P = 0.004), serum HBV DNA levels > 10(3) IU/ml (P = 0.034) and fibrosis score >4 (P = 0.006). Using multivariate logistic regression analysis, serum miR-181b was identified as an independent predictor of disease progression (OR 4.172, 95 % CI 1.838-9.473, P = 0.009 for HAI >8; OR 5.387, 95 % CI 2.067-14.036, P = 0.001 for fibrosis score >4).
Does diagnostic assay based on hsa-miR-205 expression distinguish squamous from nonsquamous non-small-cell lung carcinoma?
Recent advances in treatment of lung cancer require greater accuracy in the subclassification of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Targeted therapies which inhibit tumor angiogenesis pose higher risk for adverse response in cases of squamous cell carcinoma. Interobserver variability and the lack of specific, standardized assays limit the current abilities to adequately stratify patients for such treatments. In this study, we set out to identify specific microRNA biomarkers for the identification of squamous cell carcinoma, and to use such markers for the development of a standardized assay. High-throughput microarray was used to measure microRNA expression levels in 122 adenocarcinoma and squamous NSCLC samples. A quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) platform was used to verify findings in an independent set of 20 NSCLC formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples, and to develop a diagnostic assay using an additional set of 27 NSCLC FFPE samples. The assay was validated using an independent blinded cohort consisting of 79 NSCLC FFPE samples. We identified hsa-miR-205 as a highly specific marker for squamous cell lung carcinoma. A microRNA-based qRT-PCR assay that measures expression of hsa-miR-205 reached sensitivity of 96% and specificity of 90% in the identification of squamous cell lung carcinomas in an independent blinded validation set.
Nutritional depletion has been correlated with low plasma and mucosal glutamine concentrations and with increased intestinal permeability. Since nutritional depletion often is associated with (chronic) inflammatory stress, this study was designed to establish the influence of depletion and inflammation on glutamine concentrations and gut barrier function. Anthropometric parameters were calculated from 26 patients who required artificial nutrition. Glutamine concentrations in plasma and gut mucosa, gut permeability and mucosal morphology were assessed. For determination of the degree of inflammation erythrocyte sedimentation rates and (pre)albumin concentrations were measured. On the basis of these parameters patients were divided into two groups having significant inflammatory stress or not. Similarly, a depleted and a non-depleted group was formed based on percentage ideal body weight, fat-free mass index (FFMI) and percentage weight loss. Glutamine concentrations, gut permeability and villus morphology were compared between the groups. The presence of inflammatory activity had significant negative effects on glutamine concentrations in contrast to the presence or absence of nutritional depletion. Similarly, intestinal permeability increased during active inflammation but not in depleted patients. FFMI but not inflammation was related to villus height.
Does osteopontin regulate VEGFA and ICAM-1 mRNA Expression in Breast Carcinoma?
To analyze the regulatory role of osteopontin on biomarkers associated with cell survival, invasiveness, and angiogenesis mechanisms in a clinical series and breast cancer cell lines. We analyzed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction the messenger RNA (mRNA) expression of osteopontin, Bcl2, intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1), and vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA) in several breast cancer cell lines and in 148 breast carcinomas classified into intrinsic subtypes. We found coexpression of osteopontin, Bcl2, ICAM-1, and VEGFA in triple-negative MDA-MB-468 and MDA-MB-231 cell lines. Furthermore, osteopontin silencing by small interfering RNA inhibited ICAM-1 and VEGFA expression and cell proliferation in MDA-MB-468 cells. In breast cancer specimens, we found a positive correlation between osteopontin, ICAM-1, and VEGFA mRNA expression, especially in triple-negative/basal-like tumors. Among patients with osteopontin-overexpressing tumors, VEGFA remained an independent prognostic indicator for recurrence (hazard ratio, 2.95; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.48-5.87; P = .002) and death (hazard ratio, 3.25; 95% CI, 1.48-7.11; P = .003) (multivariate analysis, Cox regression).
Small uncontrolled trials have suggested that 5-aminosalicylate (5-ASA) medications increase 6-thioguanine nucleotide (6-TGn) levels in adults with Crohn's disease (CD) on azathioprine (AZA) or 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP), presumably through the inhibition of thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT). We tested the theory that coadministration of 5-ASA agents with AZA/6-MP results in higher 6-TGn levels in a large cohort of children and adults with CD or ulcerative colitis (UC). A retrospective cohort study identified all children and adults treated for IBD with AZA/6-MP at 2 tertiary medical centers. Patients were included if their TPMT genotype was known and 6-TGn and 6-methymercaptopurine (6-MMP) levels had been obtained after 3 months of clinical remission at a stable dose of AZA/6-MP. 6-TGn and 6-MMP levels were compared between patients taking and those not taking 5-ASA medications through the use of linear regression models to identify and adjust for potentially confounding variables. Of the 126 patients included, 88 were taking 5-ASA medications. Patients on 5-ASA agents had higher mean 6-TGn levels after adjustment for confounding variables (Delta6-TGn, 47.6 +/- 21.8 pmol/8 x 10 red blood cells; P = 0.03). CD and TPMT heterozygosity was independently associated with higher 6-TGn levels (P = 0.01 and P = 0.03, respectively). 5-ASA exposure was not associated with a change in 6-MMP levels.
Does spontaneous bacterial peritonitis result in oxidative and nitrosative stress in ascitic fluid?
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) is a major complication of liver cirrhosis and accounts for significant mortality. Although oxygen free radicals and nitric oxide been implicated in the pathophysiology of liver cirrhosis, information on their role during the development of SBP is scarce. This study examined these active species in ascitic fluid from patients with SBP, and in response to treatment. Forty-nine consecutive patients with cirrhosis and ascitic fluid neutrophil counts less than 250/cumm were studied as controls. Another 21 patients whose ascitic neutrophil count exceeded 250/cumm were treated as cases. Ascitic fluid was collected from these patients at entry and 48 h after treatment with antibiotics. Nitrate and markers of oxidative stress such as malondialdehyde, protein carbonyl content and total and protein thiols were measured. A significant increase in malondialdehyde and protein carbonyl levels was seen in ascites from patients with SBP when compared to controls. This was accompanied by a decrease in total thiols and protein thiols. In addition, there was a significant increase in ascitic fluid nitrate in patients with SBP when compared to control patients. After antibiotic treatment, malondialdehyde, protein carbonyl and nitrate levels dropped back towards control values, and total thiols also recovered.
To characterize the molecular composition of cross-linked actin networks (CLANs) and the regulation of their formation by integrins in normal human trabecular meshwork (TM) cells. CLANs have been observed in steroid-treated and glaucomatous TM cells and have been suggested to contribute to decreased outflow facility by altering the contractility of the TM. Immunofluorescence microscopy was used to identify molecular components of CLANs and quantitate CLAN formation in HTM cells plated on coverslips coated with various extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins (fibronectin, types I and IV collagen, and vitronectin), vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM)-1, or activating antibodies against beta1, beta3, or alpha2beta1 integrins. These integrin antibodies were also used as soluble ligands. CLAN vertices contained the actin-binding proteins alpha-actinin and filamin and the signaling molecules syndecan-4 and PIP2. CLANs lacked Arp3 and cortactin. CLAN formation was dependent on the ECM substrate and was significantly higher on fibronectin and VCAM-1 compared with vitronectin, types I or IV collagen. Adsorbed beta1 integrin antibodies also induced CLANs, whereas adsorbed beta3 or alpha2beta1 integrin antibodies did not. Soluble beta3 integrin antibodies, however, induced CLANs and actually enhanced CLAN formation in cells spread on fibronectin, VCAM-1, type I or type IV collagen, or beta1 integrin antibodies.
Does age at diagnosis predict deterioration in glycaemic control among children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes?
Poor glycemic control early in the course of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) increases the risk for microvascular complications. However, predictors of deteriorating control after diagnosis have not been described, making it difficult to identify high-risk patients and proactively provide aggressive interventions. We examined whether diagnostic age, gender, and race were associated with deteriorating glycemic control during the first 5 years after diagnosis. 2218 pediatric patients with T1DM. We conducted a longitudinal cohort study of pediatric patients with T1DM from the Midwest USA, 1993-2009, evaluating within-patient glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) trajectories constructed from all available HbA1c values within 5 years of diagnosis. 52.6% of patients were male; 86.1% were non-Hispanic Caucasian. The mean diagnostic age was 9.0±4.1 years. The mean number of HbA1c values/year/participant was 2.4±0.9. HbA1c trajectories differed markedly across age groups, with older patients experiencing greater deterioration than their younger counterparts (p<0.001). HbA1c trajectories, stratified by age, varied markedly by race (p for race×diagnostic age <0.001). Non-Hispanic African-American patients experienced higher initial HbA1c (8.7% vs 7.6% (71.6 vs 59.6 mmol/mol); p<0.001), and greater deterioration in HbA1c than non-Hispanic Caucasian patients across diagnostic ages (rise of 2.04% vs 0.99% per year (22.3 vs 10.8 mmol/mol/year); p<0.0001).
In vitro biomechanical study using a programmable testing apparatus that replicated physiologic flexion/extension cervical spine motion and loading mechanics. To determine the influence of anterior plating on multilevel cervical strut-graft mechanics in vitro. The addition of anterior instrumentation does not prevent construct failure in multilevel cervical corpectomy. Six fresh human cadaveric cervical spines (C2-T1) were tested in the four following sequential conditions: harvested, C4-C6 corpectomy, strut-grafted, and strut-grafted with an anterior cervical plate. A force-sensing strut-graft was used to measure compression/tension, flexion/extension and lateral bending moments, and axial torsion. Parameters of stiffness, vertebral motion, and strut-graft loads were compared to determine differences between the four spine conditions. Application of the anterior plate significantly increased the global stiffness (P < 0.01) and decreased the local motion (P < or = 0.01) of the instrumented levels (C3-C7). Flexion of the strut-grafted spine loaded the strut-graft, whereas extension unloaded the strut-graft. With the anterior plate, flexion of the plated spine unloaded the strut-graft. Extension significantly loaded the strut-graft more than similar degrees of flexion in the strut-grafted condition (P = 0.01). Strut-graft loading end limits of 225 N were reached with a mean 7.5 degrees extension in the plated spines.
Does hIV-1 Nef expression in microglia disrupt dopaminergic and immune functions with associated mania-like behaviors?
Neuropsychiatric disorders during HIV/AIDS are common although the contribution of HIV-1 infection within the brain, and in particular individual HIV-1 proteins, to the development of these brain disorders is unknown. Herein, an in vivo transgenic mouse model was generated in which the HIV-1 Nef protein was expressed in microglia cells, permitting investigation of neurobehavioral phenotypes and associated cellular and molecular properties. Transgenic (Tg) mice that expressed full length HIV-1 nef under the control of the c-fms promoter and wildtype (Wt) littermates were investigated using different measures of neurobehavioral performance including locomotory, forced swim (FST), elevated plus maze (EPM) and T-maze tests. Host gene and transgene expression were assessed by RT-PCR, immunoblotting, enzymatic activity and immunohistochemistry. Biogenic amine levels were measured by HPLC with electrochemical detection. Tg animals exhibited Nef expression in brain microglia and cultured macrophages. Tg males displayed hyperactive behaviors including augmented locomotor activity, decreased immobility in the FST and increased open-arm EPM exploration compared to Wt littermates (p<0.05). Tg animals showed increased CCL2 expression with concurrent IFN-α suppression in striatum compared with Wt littermates (p<0.05). Dopamine levels, MAO activity and the dopamine transporter (DAT) expression were reduced in the striatum of Tg animals (p<0.05).
Postoperative pancreatic fistula (POPF) is a life-threatening complication after pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD). The aim of this study is to evaluate the significance of pancreatic amylase level of pancreatic juice for PF after PD. The subjects were 46 patients who underwent PD between January 2012 and August 2015 at Jikei University Hospital. We retrospectively investigated the relation between patient characteristics including pancreatic amylase level of pancreatic juice through the pancreatic drainage tube and the incidence of POPF (grade B or grade C according to the International Study Group on the Pancreatic Fistula) using univariate and multivariate analyses. The decline of pancreatic amylase level of pancreatic juice was evaluated by 1 - postoperative day 3/postoperative day 1 ratio. In univariate analysis, nonductal adenocarcinoma (P = 0.0252), soft pancreatic remnant (P = 0.0155), and decline of pancreatic amylase level of pancreatic juice ≥ 80% (P = 0.0010) were significant predictors of POPF. In multivariate analysis, decline of pancreatic amylase level of pancreatic juice of 80% or greater (P = 0.0192) was the only significant independent parameter.
Is lower leg muscle density independently associated with fall status in community-dwelling older adults?
Muscle density is a risk factor for fractures in older adults; however, its association with falls is not well described. After adjusting for biologically relevant confounding factors, a unit decrease in muscle density was associated with a 17 % increase in odds of reporting a fall, independent of functional mobility. Falls are the leading cause of injury, disability, and fractures in older adults. Low muscle density (i.e., caused by muscle adiposity) and functional mobility have been identified as risk factors for incident disability and fractures in older adults; however, it is not known if these are also independently associated with falls. The purpose of this study was to explore the associations of muscle density and functional mobility with fall status. Cross-sectional observational study of 183 men and women aged 60-98 years. Descriptive data, including a 12-month fall recall, Timed Up and Go (TUG) test performance, lower leg muscle area, and density. Odds ratio (OR) of being a faller were calculated, adjusted for age, sex, body mass index, general health status, diabetes, and comorbidities. Every mg/cm(3) increase in muscle density (mean 70.2, SD 2.6 mg/cm(3)) independently reduced the odds of being a faller by 19 % (OR 0.81 [95 % CI 0.67 to 0.97]), and every 1 s longer TUG test time (mean 9.8, SD 2.6 s) independently increased the odds by 17 % (OR 1.17 [95 % CI 1.01 to 1.37]). When both muscle density and TUG test time were included in the same model, only age (OR 0.93 [95 % CI 0.87 to 0.99]) and muscle density (OR 0.83 [95 % CI 0.69 to 0.99]) were independently associated with fall status.
The effect of combined administration of the multi-targeted receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) inhibitor (Sorafenib) and chemotherapy (Pemetrexed) is still unknown. The cytotoxicity, the optimal combined modality, and the mechanisms underlying the cytotoxic synergism between sorafenib and pemetrexed for EGFR TKI-resistant NSCLC cell lines were then investigated. A549 (EGFR wild-type and KRAS mutation) and H1975 (EGFR mutation and KRAS wild-type) cell lines were treated with pemetrexed and/or sorafenib in vitro. IC50 values, CI (combination index), cell cycle distribution, and phospho-p44/42MAPK were assessed for both cell lines. The cytotoxic interactions between sorafenib and pemetrexed were dose dependent in EGFR TKI-resistant NSCLC cell lines. The administration of the pemetrexed-sorafenib sequence had a synergistic effect and an advantage over the sorafenib-pemetrexed sequence and concomitant administration in both cell lines. Cell cycle analysis showed that sorafenib arrested cells mainly in G1 phase while pemetrexed arrested cell mainly in S phase. Exposure to sorafenib first induced G1 arrest and subsequently prevented the cytotoxicity of S phase specific drug pemetrexed. Exposure to pemetrexed resulted in an increased phospho-p44/42MAPK level which was inhibited by subsequent exposure to sorafenib. U0126, an inhibitor of the MAPK kinase, also enhanced cytotoxicity of pemetrexed in a sequence dependent manner in TKI-resistant cell lines. Likewise, the pemetrexed-activated MAPK signaling pathway was subsequently inhibited by U0126.
Is calcification of human articular knee cartilage primarily an effect of aging rather than osteoarthritis?
Pathologic calcification of articular cartilage in human knees is often associated with advanced age and conditions of osteoarthritis (OA). Coincidently, most studies that have characterized calcification in joint cartilage have examined populations that are aged and presenting with clinical symptoms. Generally, these studies rely upon relatively insensitive plain radiographs or synovial fluid crystal analyses to quantify calcium levels. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between cartilage calcification and aging in an unselected donor population of diverse age using highly sensitive calcification imaging. A group of 106 knee blocks were obtained from 56 individual donors (25 females and 31 males, aged 12-74, avg. 50.3 years). Condylar surfaces were graded on a 4-point OA grading scale for cartilage degeneration. The condyles were cut into approximately 7-10mm thick slabs. Using a Faxitron radiography system, high-resolution images were taken of the slabs to specifically image calcification in cartilage. The quantified calcification areas were then analyzed and correlations with both OA grade and age were assessed. Every knee presented some measurable calcification. The relative calcium deposition had a significant positive correlation with age. This same positive correlation was seen between condyles showing grade 1 and 2 changes. OA grades higher than 2 did not present any further significant increase in calcium levels.
Cardiopulmonary arrest is a serious disease that claims many lives every day; 30% of the patients suffer irreversible central nervous system injury after restoration of systemic circulation (ROSC). Naloxone combined with epinephrine was tested in a cardiac arrest rat model in which asphyxia was induced to determine if this drug combination could increase the resuscitation rate (survival) and decrease the cerebral damage. Twenty-four male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to one of three groups: the group treated with 1 mL saline (SA group; n = 8), the group treated with only epinephrine 5 microg/100 g (EP group; n = 8), or the group treated with epinephrine 5 microg/100 g combined with naloxone 1 mg/kg (NA group; n = 8). Eight minutes after arrest, cardiopulmonary resuscitation was initiated and the different drugs were administered to the rats in their respective groups at the same time. Mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), and neurodeficit score (NDS) were measured. The HR in the NA group (414 +/- 45 beats/min) was faster than in the EP group (343 +/- 29 beats/min) at the 5-min time point (P < 0.01). The HR in the NA group was 392 +/- 44 beats/min and 416 +/- 19 beats/min at the 60-min and 180-min time points, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences in MAP before or after ROSC. The rates of ROSC were 2 of 8, 6 of 8, and 7 of 8 animals in the SA group, EP group, and NA group, respectively. Three days later, the rates decreased to 1, 3, and 5 in the SA group, EP group, and NA group, respectively. The average resuscitation time in the NA group was significantly shorter than in the other two groups. The NDS in the NA group was 57 +/- 13, higher than in the EP group (45 +/- 13) and SA group (38).
Do cisplatin and ultra-violet-C synergistically down-regulate receptor tyrosine kinases in human colorectal cancer cells?
Platinum-containing anti-cancer drugs such as cisplatin are widely used for patients with various types of cancers, however, resistance to cisplatin is observed in some cases. Whereas we have recently reported that high dose UV-C (200 J/m²) induces colorectal cancer cell proliferation by desensitization of EGFR, which leads oncogenic signaling in these cells, in this study we investigated the combination effect of low dose cisplatin (10 μM) and low dose UV-C (10 J/m²) on cell growth and apoptosis in several human colorectal cancer cells, SW480, DLD-1, HT29 and HCT116. The combination inhibited cell cycle and colony formation, while either cisplatin or UV-C alone had little effect. The combination also induced apoptosis in these cells. In addition, the combination caused the downregulation of EGFR and HER2. Moreover, UV-C alone caused the transient internalization of the EGFR, but with time EGFR recycled back to the cell surface, while cisplatin did not affect its localization. Surprisingly, the combination caused persistent internalization of the EGFR, which results in the lasting downregulation of the EGFR.
Whether brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), a neurohormone marker of ventricular dysfunction, correlates with an enhanced ventilatory response (EVR) during cardiopulmonary exercise test, a well-known predictor of prognosis, in systolic heart failure (HF) is currently unknown. Resting BNP was measured in 134 consecutive stable outpatients aged 69 +/- 11 years with mild to moderate HF and LV ejection fraction (LVEF) < 40% who performed a maximal exercise test. EVR was assessed as the slope of the relation between minute ventilation and carbon dioxide production (VE/VCO2 slope) > or = 35. LVEF averaged 33 +/- 7%, BNP 350 +/- 396 pg/ml, and the VE/VCO2 slope 36 +/- 8. Fifty-six of 123 patients (45%) had EVR. BNP correlated with VE/VCO2 slope (r = 0.453; p < 0.01). By multivariate logistic regression, plasma BNP was the only independent predictor of EVR (RR: 1.004 per unit increment, 95% CI: 1.002-1.006, p < 0.0001). A BNP > or = 160 pg/ml had 86% sensitivity, 67% specificity, and 76% overall accuracy for the prediction of EVR (chi square: 37.4, RR 12.2, 95% CI: 4.96-30.3, p < 0.0001, AUC 0.815 (95%CI. 0.738-0.892)).
Are uK patients with primary Sjögren 's syndrome at increased risk from clinical depression?
This study was undertaken to assess the presence and degree of anxiety and depression in a group of UK patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome (1 degrees SS). Cross-sectional. Department of Oral Medicine, Liverpool University Dental Hospital. Eighty adult patients; 40 diagnosed with 1 degrees SS according to the revised European Criteria and 40 age/gender-matched controls with no history of chronic illness. Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), a self-administered questionnaire designed to evaluate the presence and degree of anxiety and depression in a clinical setting. Age, gender, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Forty patients with 1degrees SS and 40/age/gender-matched controls completed the HADS. Scores for anxiety in both the 1 degrees SS and control groups showed no statistically significant difference. Patients with 1 degrees SS had statistically significant higher, mean HADS scores for depression than the controls. There was an increased prevalence of 'definite' clinical depression in the 1 degrees SS group.
The present experiments were designed to study the importance of the carboxy-terminus of HKalpha2, for both function and integrity of assembly with beta1-Na+,K+-ATPase. For this purpose, stop codons were created, by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), at different positions in the carboxy-terminus of HKalpha2. Subsequently, chimeras between HKalpha2 and the carboxy-terminus of alpha1-Na+,K+-ATPase or with the carboxy-terminus of the gastric H+,K+-ATPase were created. Human embryonic kidney HEK-293 cells were used as expression systems for functional studies using 86Rb+ uptake and alpha/beta assembly using specific antibodies. The results demonstrate that the entire carboxy-terminus of HKalpha2 is required for optimal protection of the alpha/beta complex from degradation and for functionality as evidenced by 86Rb+ uptake. The results also demonstrate that there was flexibility in the sequence of the carboxy-terminus. The last two tyrosines (Y1035Y1036) of HKalpha2 could be mutated to alanines and the carboxy-terminus of HKalpha2 could be replaced by the carboxy-terminus of alpha1-Na+,K+-ATPase while preserving transport activity.
Is preoperative BRAF mutation predictive of occult contralateral carcinoma in patients with unilateral papillary thyroid microcarcinoma?
The optimal resection extent for clinically unilateral papillary thyroid microcarcinoma (PTMC) remains controversial. The objective was to investigate risk factors associated with occult contralateral carcinoma, and put emphasis on the predictive value of preoperative BRAF mutation. 100 clinically unilateral PTMC patients all newly diagnosed, previously untreated were analyzed in a prospective cohort study. We assessed the T1799A BRAF mutation status in FNAB specimens obtained from all PTMC patients before undergoing total thyroidectomy (TT) and central lymph node dissection (CLND) for PTMC. Univariate and multivariate analyses were used to reveal the incidence of contralateral occult cancer, difference of risk factors and predictive value, with respect to the following variables: preoperative BRAF mutation status, age, gender, tumor size, multifocality of primary tumor, capsular invasion, presence of Hashimoto thyroiditis and central lymph node metastasis. 20 of 100 patients (20%) had occult contralateral lobe carcinoma. On multi-variate analysis, preoperative BRAF mutation (p = 0.030, OR = 3.439) and multifocality of the primary tumor (p = 0.004, OR = 9.570) were independent predictive factors for occult contralateral PTMC presence. However, there were no significant differences between the presence of occult contralateral carcinomas and age, gender, tumor size, capsular invasion, Hashimoto thyroiditis and central lymph node metastasis.
To determine if the complement system, a potent mediator of inflammation, contributes to haemolysis during red blood cell (RBC) storage. RBCs in storage undergo structural and biochemical changes that may result in adverse patient outcomes post-transfusion. Complement activation on leukodepletion and during storage may contribute to the RBC storage lesion. We performed a cross-sectional analysis of aliquots of leukoreduced RBC units, stored for 1-6 weeks, for the levels of C3a, C5a, Bb, iC3b, C4d and C5b-9 [membrane attack complex (MAC)] by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). We observed that only MAC levels significantly increased in RBC units as a function of storage time. We also observed that the level of C5b-9 bound to RBCs increased as a function of storage time.
Is von Willebrand factor but not alpha-thrombin binding to platelet glycoprotein Ibalpha influenced by the HPA-2 polymorphism?
Glycoprotein (GP) Ibalpha is the functionally dominant subunit of the platelet GPIb-IX-V receptor complex. The N-terminal domain of the GPIbalpha chain contains binding sites for alpha-thrombin and von Willebrand factor (VWF). The human platelet alloantigen (HPA)-2 polymorphism of the GPIbalpha gene is associated with a C/T transition at nucleotide 1018, resulting in a Thr/Met dimorphism at residue 145 of GPIbalpha. To study the structural and functional effects of this dimorphism, N-terminal fragments (AA1-289) of the HPA-2a and HPA-2b alloform of GPIbalpha expressed in CHO cells were used. Of 74 moAbs directed against human GPIbalpha, 2 antibodies with epitope between AA1-59 could differentiate between both alloforms. In addition, VWF bound with a higher affinity to the recombinant HPA-2a fragment or to homozygous HPA-2a platelets. In contrast, no difference was found in the binding of alpha-thrombin to the recombinant alloform fragments or of antibodies directed against the alpha-thrombin binding anionic sulfated tyrosine sequence (AA269-282).
Stress development during the polymerization process continues to be a major factor that limits predictability and longevity of resin composite restorations. This study evaluated the effect of the photoinitiator type on the maximum rate of polymerization (R(p)(max)), stress development (final stress and maximum rate, R(stress)(max)), degree of conversion (DC) and cross-link density (CLD) of materials containing camphorquinone (CQ), phenylpropanedione (PPD) or CQ/PPD. R(p)(max) was evaluated via differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Contraction force measurement was assessed with a single cantilever device for 5min. The samples were subsequently tested by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) to evaluate the DC. After, samples were soaked in ethanol to evaluate the swelling coefficient (alpha) as a way to estimate the CLD. The results were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (p=0.05). CQ showed the highest R(p)(max) and R(stress)(max). PPD produced the lowest DC and the highest alpha. The mixture CQ/PPD produced statistically lower R(p)(max) and R(stress)(max) than CQ alone, but similar DC and CLD.
Is lung biopsy with a 12-gauge cutting needle possible using an insertion sheath in animal models?
The volume of lung tumor core biopsy specimens has been restricted because of concerns for complications such as bleeding and air leakage. In this animal experiment, we investigated the possibility of larger bore biopsies through the peripheral lung parenchyma. Lung biopsy was done in male domestic pigs (n= 4) under thoracotomy. A single biopsy using a 12-gauge cutting biopsy needle was done with sheath (sheath group, eight biopsies) or without sheath (nonsheath group, eight biopsies). After biopsy, bleeding time, bleeding amount, and positive airway pressure causing air leakage from the insertion site was compared between groups (Mann-Whitney U test). To observe long-term effects in closed-chest animals, percutaneous lung biopsy with the use of a sheath was carried out percutaneously in male beagles (n = 9). The animals were observed for 3 weeks. In the pigs (sheath group) after biopsy, bleeding flowed through the sheath and formed a sheath-molded fibrin plug that secured the insertion site. Bleeding time and amount decreased significantly in the sheath group compared with the nonsheath group (115 +/- 108 versus 295 +/- 150 seconds, P = .018, and 37 +/- 41 versus 98 +/- 72 grams, P= .027, respectively). Air leakage pressure was significantly higher in the sheath group compared with the nonsheath group (37 +/- 6 versus 18 +/- 5 cmH2O, P = .001). In the beagles, no complications such as pneumothorax, hemothorax, or airway bleeding was apparent.
To investigate the association between early menarche (menarche age < 12 years) and Type 2 diabetes mellitus in young and middle-aged Korean women. We analysed data for 4657 women aged 20-50 years from the Fourth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES IV) (2007-2009). The prevalence of Type 2 diabetes was 2.8%. Women with early menarche had a higher prevalence of impaired fasting glucose than did women with later menarche (age ≥ 12 years) in the 20-30 age group (7.4% vs. 3.0%), and a higher prevalence of diabetes in the 30-40 (6.3% vs. 1.7%) and 40-50 (18.5% vs. 4.4%) age groups. The odds ratio (OR) of Type 2 diabetes in women with early menarche was 3.61 [95% confidence interval (CI), 1.90-6.88] after adjusting for age. In multivariate regression, the OR of Type 2 diabetes decreased to 2.52 (95% CI, 1.29-4.94) after further adjusting for BMI. However, the OR decreased to 2.04 (95% CI, 0.95-4.39) without significance after adjusting for HOMA-IR.
Does vaccination with Melanoma Helper Peptides induce Antibody Responses Associated with Improved Overall Survival?
A melanoma vaccine incorporating six peptides designed to induce helper T-cell responses to melanoma antigens has induced Th1-dominant CD4(+) T-cell responses in most patients, and induced durable clinical responses or stable disease in 24% of evaluable patients. The present study tested whether this vaccine also induced antibody (Ab) responses to each peptide, and whether Ab responses were associated with T-cell responses and with clinical outcome. Serum samples were studied from 35 patients with stage III-IV melanomas vaccinated with 6 melanoma helper peptides (6MHP). IgG Ab responses were measured by ELISA. Associations with immune response and overall survival were assessed by log-rank test and χ(2) analysis of Kaplan-Meier data. Ab responses to 6MHP were detected by week 7 in 77% of patients, and increased to peak 6 weeks after the last vaccine and persisted to 6 months. Ab responses were induced most frequently to longer peptides. Of those with T-cell responses, 82% had early Ab responses. Survival was improved for patients with early Ab response (P = 0.0011) or with early T-cell response (P < 0.006), and was best for those with both Ab and T-cell responses (P = 0.0002).
Reactive nitrogen and oxygen species (RNOS) likely play a role in the development of bladder dysfunction related to bladder outlet obstruction. Antioxidants protect against these free radicals. The aim of our study was to investigate the effect of bladder outlet obstruction on the endogenous antioxidant status of the bladder and to correlate this to bladder structure and function. In 16 guinea pigs either a partial outlet obstruction or a sham operation was induced. The contractile responses of detrusor strips to electrical field stimulation (EFS), acetylcholine, potassium, and ATP were monitored 4 weeks after the operation. The nerve density in bladder tissue was determined by using the non-specific nerve marker PGP 9.5. Separate antioxidants and the total antioxidant status were assessed using the trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) test. Contractile responses of detrusor strips to EFS were for the greater part based on neurogenic stimulation. The nerve-mediated responses in strips from obstructed bladders were lower compared to the sham group. Obstructed bladders showed a patchy denervation and the nerve density was significantly lower compared to the sham group. The total antioxidant capacity, the glutathione and the glutathione reductase (GR) levels significantly decreased in obstructed bladders compared to the sham group.
Do plasma concentrations of free triiodothyronine predict weight change in euthyroid persons?
Factors that influence energy metabolism and substrate oxidation, such as thyroid hormones (THs), may be important regulators of body weight. We investigated associations of THs cross-sectionally with obesity, energy expenditure, and substrate oxidation and prospectively with weight change. Euthyroid, nondiabetic, healthy, adult Pima Indians (n = 89; 47 M, 42 F) were studied. Percentage body fat (%BF) was measured by using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry; sleeping metabolic rate (SMR), respiratory quotient, and substrate oxidation rates were measured in a respiratory chamber. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), free thyroxine (T(4)), free triiodothyronine (T(3)), and leptin concentrations were measured in fasting plasma samples. TSH, but neither free T(3) nor free T(4), was associated with %BF and leptin concentrations (r = 0.27 and 0.29, respectively; both: P <or= 0.01). In multiple regression analyses adjusted for age, sex, fat mass, and fat-free mass, free T(3) was a positive predictor of SMR (P = 0.02). After adjustment for age, sex, %BF, and energy balance, free T(3) was a negative predictor of 24-h respiratory quotient (P < 0.05) and a positive predictor of 24-h lipid oxidation rate (P = 0.006). Prospectively, after an average follow-up of 4 +/- 2 y, the mean increase in weight was 3 +/- 9 kg. Baseline T(3) concentrations were associated with absolute and annual percentage of changes in weight (r = -0.27, P = 0.02, and r = -0.28, P = 0.009, for the age- and sex-adjusted associations, respectively).
Elevated levels of shear stress such as those that occur in stenotic arterial vessels can directly activate and aggregate platelets and thus contribute to the pathogenesis of acute arterial thrombosis. This shear-induced platelet aggregation (SIPA) is mediated by von Willebrand factor binding to platelet membrane glycoprotein (GP) Ib and GPIIb/IIIa. The chimeric Fab fragment of the monoclonal antibody 7E3 (c7E3 Fab) that binds selectively to GPIIb/IIIa is under clinical evaluation in patients undergoing percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA). This study was undertaken to investigate the effects on ex vivo SIPA of c7E3 Fab administered to patients undergoing PTCA. Six patients received aspirin (325 mg) and boluses of heparin (12,00o U) followed by c7E3 Fab 0.25 mg/kg. Blood collected from each patient before and after heparin treatment and at various time points after c7E3 Fab administration was subjected to laminar shear stress in a cone-and-plate viscometer. Flow cytometry was used to quantify the extents of platelet aggregation and of antibody binding to GPIIb/IIIa. Results indicate that c7E3 Fab injection resulted in a rapid, extensive blockade of GPIIb/IIIa receptors (98.6 +/- 0.2%) and a 50% inhibition of ex vivo platelet aggregation induced by shear stress. c7E3 Fab also completely abolished the formation of large platelet aggregates ("large" refers to particles > 10 microns in equivalent sphere diameter), which are presumably the aggregates of greatest clinical significance. Partial reversibility of the inhibition was noted within 2 days after drug administration, but even after 1 week, platelet function had not been fully restored.
Does melatonin treatment result in regression of endometriotic lesions in an ooferectomized rat endometriosis model?
We aimed to determine the effects of melatonin treatment on endometrial implants in an oopherectomized rat endometriosis model. This study is a prospective, randomised, controlled experimental study. It was carried out at the Experimental Research Center of Yeditepe University (YUDETAM). Twenty-two, female, non-pregnant, nulligravid Spraque-Dawley albino rats were included in our study. Endometriosis was surgically induced in oopherectomized rats. Rats were randomised into two groups: control group and melatonin group. In the melatonin group, rats were treated with melatonin (20 mg/kg/day) for two weeks. After the operations were performed to assess the regression of the endometriotic lesions, melatonin treatment was stopped. At the end of the sixth week necropsies were performed to assess the rate of recurrence. The volume and histopathological scores of endometriotic foci were examined. Volumes of the endometriotic lesions significantly decreased in the melatonin group. Also, when the melatonin group was analysed within itself, endometriotic lesion volumes decreased and histopathological scores increased significantly.
Heat shock protein (HSP)70-2 is an important immunomodulatory protein induced in response to inflammatory stimuli. We assessed whether HSP70-2+1267 genotype influenced the risk of septic shock in a prospective cohort study of community-acquired pneumonia and whether HSP70-2+1267 genotype is a better predictor of septic shock than the genotype at lymphotoxin-alpha +250. Prospective cohort study. A large, nonprofit, private hospital system in Memphis, TN. Adults admitted with community-acquired pneumonia between 1998 and 2001. Septic shock was defined according to consensus criteria (American College of Chest Physicians/Society of Critical Care Medicine, 1992). Blood sampling. A total of 343 subjects were enrolled; 30 had septic shock. HSP70-2+1267 and lymphotoxin-alpha +250 genotype was determined using polymerase chain reaction and restriction enzyme digestion. HSP70-2+1267 AA genotype was the strongest predictor of septic shock (p =.0005; relative risk, 3.5). Lymphotoxin-alpha +250 AA genotype was also associated with an increased risk of septic shock (p =.002; relative risk, 2.7). Logistic regression analysis found only age (p =.04) and HSP70-2+1267 genotype (p =.006) were predictors of septic shock. The greatest risk of septic shock was associated with carriage of the HSP70-2+1267 A/lymphotoxin-alpha +250 A haplotype (p <.0001).
Does the dynostatic algorithm accurately calculate alveolar pressure on-line during ventilator treatment in children?
Monitoring of respiratory mechanics during ventilator treatment in paediatric intensive care is currently based on pressure and flow measurements in the ventilator or at the Y-piece. The characteristics of the tracheal tube will modify the pressures affecting the airways and alveoli in an unpredictable manner. The dynostatic algorithm (DSA), based on a one-compartment lung model, calculates the alveolar pressure during on-going ventilation. The DSA is based on accurate measurement of tracheal pressure. The purpose of this study was to test the validity of the DSA in a paediatric lung model and to apply the concept in an observational clinical study in children. We validated the DSA in a paediatric lung model with linear, nonlinear pressure flow and frequency-dependent characteristics by comparing calculated dynostatic (alveolar) pressures with directly measured alveolar pressures in the model and proximal plateau pressure with maximum alveolar pressure. Sixty combinations of ventilation modes, positive end expiratory pressures, inspiratory : expiratory ratios, volumes and frequencies were studied. A 0.25-mm fibreoptic pressure transducer in the tube lumen was used in combination with volume and flow from ventilator signals. Clinical measurements were performed in eight patients during anaesthesia and postoperative ventilator treatment. In the lung model we found a correlation coefficient between calculated and measured alveolar pressure of 0.93-0.99 with root mean square median values of 1 cm H2O. Distal plateau pressure agreed well with maximum alveolar pressure. In the clinical situation, the algorithm provided a breath-by-breath display of the volume-dependent lung compliance and the temporal course of alveolar pressure during uninterrupted ventilation.
To study the prevalence and age dependency of senile plaques (SP) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT), the brain changes characteristic of Alzheimer disease (AD), and their association with apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotypes in a community-dwelling normal population. This neuropathological study used both silver staining and A beta immunohistochemistry in brain tissue microarrays, including SP coverage and NFT counts from frontal cortex and hippocampus, and APOE genotyping, and was performed on a consecutive prospective series of 603 subjects (aged between 0 and 97 years) of an unselected population living outside of institutions. Cases were subjected to autopsy following sudden or unexpected out-of-hospital death, covering 22.1% of the mortality of Tampere, Finland and its surroundings. None died of AD, although 22 (3.7%) were demented and 10 (1.7%) had memory problems. Of the series, 30.8% had SP, and 42.1% had NFT; these occurred more commonly among females and showed a strong relationship with age. Both changes had already appeared at around 30 years of age, reaching an occurrence of almost 100% in the oldest. SP were more frequent in APOE epsilon 4-carriers compared with noncarriers in every age group except the oldest (>90 years). The difference was most evident during the ages 50 to 59 years, where 40.7% of epsilon 4-carriers had SP, compared with 8.2% in noncarriers (odds ratio, 8.39; 95% confidence interval, 2.55-27.62). The difference in NFT prevalence between APOE genotypes was not statistically significant in any age group.
Does novel survivin inhibitor YM155 elicit cytotoxicity in glioblastoma cell lines with normal or deficiency DNA-dependent protein kinase activity?
Pediatric glioblastoma is a malignant disease with an extremely poor clinical outcome. Patients usually suffer from resistance to radiation therapy, so targeted drug treatment may be a new possibility for glioblastoma therapy. Survivin is also overexpressed in glioblastoma. YM155, a novel small-molecule survivin inhibitor, has not been examined for its use in glioblastoma therapy. The human glioblastoma cell line M059K, which expresses normal DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) activity and is radiation-resistant, and M059J, which is deficient in DNA-PK activity and radiation-sensitive, were used in the study. Cell viability, DNA fragmentation, and the expression of survivin and securin following YM155 treatment were examined using MTT (methylthiazolyldiphenyl-tetrazolium) assay, ELISA assay, and Western blot analysis, respectively. YM155 caused a concentration-dependent cytotoxic effect, inhibiting the cell viability of both M059K and M059J cells by 70% after 48 hours of treatment with 50 nM YM155. The half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) was around 30-35 nM for both cell lines. Apoptosis was determined to have occurred in both cell lines because immunoreactive signals from the DNA fragments in the cytoplasm were increased 24 hours after treatment with 30 nM YM155. The expression of survivin and securin in the M059K cells was greater than that measured in the M059J cells. Treatment with 30 nM YM155, for both 24 and 48 hours, significantly suppressed the expression of survivin and securin in both cell lines.
Morbidity and mortality secondary to premature cardiovascular disease (CVD) in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) remain significant issues. The pathogenesis of CVD in SLE patients has not been fully explored. Epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) is believed to contribute to atherosclerosis development, through a paracrine and systemic inflammatory effect. We measured EAT volume in 162 SLE patients and 86 matched controls to assess the association of EAT with markers of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular risk and immunoactivation. Clinical and laboratory characteristics collected included anthropomorphic measures, disease activity and damage indices, blood pressure measurement, lipid profile, inflammatory indices, adipokine levels and measures of adiposity. Coronary artery calcium (CAC) and EAT volume were measured using non-contrast cardiac computed tomography. EAT volume was greater in patients with SLE [(mean ± SD) 96.8 ± 45.9 cm(3)] than controls (78.2 ± 40.7 cm(3); P = 0.001). The EAT volume was 31% larger (95% CI, 16.5%-47.4%) in SLE patients than controls (P < 0.001 adjusted for age, sex, and race; after additional adjustment for waist circumference P = 0.007). Within SLE patients, after adjusting for age, race, sex, and waist circumference, EAT volume was associated with cumulative corticosteroid dose (P = 0.007), current corticosteroid use (P < 0.001), HDL cholesterol (P = 0.033), and triglycerides (P = 0.005). EAT was significantly correlated with CAC score (P < 0.001), but the association was attenuated after adjustment for Framingham risk score (P = 0.051).
Are two patterns of cerebral metabolite abnormalities detected on proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in HIV-infected subjects commencing antiretroviral therapy?
Cerebral function impairment remains problematic in subjects with chronic human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection despite effective combination antiretroviral therapy (cART). Using cerebral proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((1)H MRS), we aimed to determine if abnormalities could be detected in neurologically asymptomatic HIV-infected subjects electively commencing cART. Therapy-naive, HIV-infected individuals and HIV-uninfected controls underwent (1)H MRS in several anatomical voxels including the mid-frontal grey matter (FGM) and right basal ganglia (RBG). Differences in cerebral metabolite ratios between groups and correlations between immune and virological status were assessed. Forty-six subjects were recruited (26 HIV-infected and 20 control subjects). In the HIV-infected group, mean CD4+ count (SD, cells per microlitre) and plasma HIV RNA (SD, log10 copies per millilitre) were 192 (86) and 4.71 (0.64), respectively. Choline (Cho)/Creatine (Cr) and myoinositol (MI)/Cr ratios were significantly lower in the FGM in HIV-infected subjects compared to controls (0.67 (0.14) versus 0.88 (0.49), p = 0.036, and 0.94 (0.28) and 1.17 (0.26), p = 0.008, for Cho/Cr and MI/Cr, respectively) and Cho/Cr ratio associated with CD4+ lymphocyte count (p = 0.041). N-Acetyl-aspartate (NAA)/Cho ratio was significantly lower in the RBG in HIV-infected subjects compared to controls (2.27 (0.54) versus 2.63 (0.68), p = 0.002), and this was associated with greater plasma HIV RNA load (p = 0.014).
Gastric cancer (GC) is widely associated with chronic inflammation. The pro inflammatory microenvironment provides conditions that disrupt stem/progenitor cell proliferation and differentiation. The signal transducer and activator of transcrip- tion-3 (STAT3) signaling pathway is involved in inflammation and also contributes to the maintenance of embryonic stem cell (ESCs) pluripotency. Here, we have investi- gated the activation status of STAT3 in GC stem-like cells (GCSLCs). In this experimental research, CSLCs derived from the human GC cell line MKN-45 and patient specimens, through spheroid body formation, character- ized and then assayed for the STAT3 transcription factor expression in mRNA and protein level further to its activation. Spheroid cells showed higher potential for spheroid formation than the pa- rental cells. Furthemore, stemness genes NANOG, c-MYC and SOX-2 were over expressed in spheroids of MKN-45 and in patient samples. In MKN-45 spheroid cells, epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) related markers CDH2, SNAIL2, TWIST and VIMENTIN were upregulated (P<0.05), but we observed no change in expression of the E-cadherin epithelial marker. These cells exhibited more resistance to docetaxel (DTX) when compared with parental cells (P<0.05) according to the MTS assay. Al- though immunostaining and Western blotting showed expression of the STAT3 pro- tein in both spheroids and parents, the mRNA level of STAT3 in spheroids was higher than the parents. Nuclear translocation of STAT3 was accompanied by more intensive phospho-STAT3 (p-STAT3) in spheroid structures relative to the parent cells accord- ing to flow cytometry analysis (P<0.05).
Does basement membrane matrix modify cytokine interactions between lung cancer cells and fibroblasts?
Proliferation of fibroblasts (desmoplastic reaction) in the lung adenocarcinomas is an important phenomenon that correlates with metastases and poor prognosis. Because basement membranes are often involved in the desmoplastic areas and many cytokines have binding capacity to basement membrane molecules, we hypothesized that basement membrane modify the paracrine effects between cancer cells and fibroblasts via the fibrogenic cytokines and this hypothesis was experimentally investigated. The effects of conditioned media derived from ten lung carcinoma cell lines and normal airway epithelial cells on DNA synthesis of fetal lung fibroblasts were determined. We focused on fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF-2) as the candidate paracrine cytokines and examined their diffusion through an experimental basement membrane matrix model, Matrigel. All the conditioned media promoted DNA synthesis of fetal lung fibroblasts. Detection by ELISA methods and the neutralizing antibodies suggested that FGF-2 was one of the responsible factors for the growth promotion. Diffusion of FGF-2 across the polycarbonate membrane was suppressed by coating with Matrigel. When FGF-2-secreting A549 cells were covered with Matrigel, FGF-2 was stored in Matrigel and its diffusion into the culture media was significantly reduced. Binding of FGF-2 to Matrigel was completely blocked by a basic protein, protamine sulfate. In the presence of protamine sulfate in Matrigel overlaid on A549 cells, diffusion of FGF-2 increased 7-fold as much as that without overlaid Matrigel.
The effect of idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) on quality of life (QOL) is poorly understood. Our objectives were to compare QOL in IIH to the normal UK population; to investigate QOL changes with treatment of IIH, using a weight loss intervention, and to determine which clinical factors influence QOL. This was a prospective cohort evaluation of QOL, using the 36-Item Short Form (SF-36) Health Survey questionnaire, before and after a therapeutic dietary intervention which resulted in significant reduction in body mass index (BMI), intracranial pressure (ICP), papilloedema, visual acuity, perimetric mean deviation (Humphrey 24-2) and headache (six-item headache impact test (HIT-6) and headache diary). Baseline QOL was compared to an age and gender matched population. The relationship between each clinical outcome and change in QOL was evaluated. At baseline, QOL was significantly lower in IIH compared to an age and gender matched population in most domains, p < 0.001. Therapeutic weight loss led to a significant improvement in 10 out of 11 QOL domains in conjunction with the previously published data demonstrating significant improvement in papilloedema, visual acuity, perimetry and headache (p < 0.001) and large effect size. Despite significant improvement in clinical measures only headache correlated significantly (p < 0.001) with improving QOL domains.
Is the BDNF Val ( 66 ) Met polymorphism associated with escitalopram response in depressed patients?
The brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene is a candidate gene in therapeutic responses to antidepressants. The aim of the study was to determine the effects of BDNF allelic variability on responses to escitalopram treatment at 3 weeks after treatment initiation and at a 6-week endpoint. We included 187 Caucasian subjects with depression; 153 completed the 6-week study. Clinical evaluation was performed using the Montgomery and Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) before and after 3-6 weeks of treatment. After 3 weeks of treatment, we saw significantly better treatment responses in the Met carriers and greater antidepressant resistance among the Val/Val homozygotes. Relative to Val/Val homozygous (59.78 %), a significantly greater proportion of subjects Met-carriers (77.94 %) responded to escitalopram treatment (χ (2) = 5.88, p = 0.015). After 6 weeks, we found the same pattern of results but this effect did not reach statistical significance (χ (2) = 2.07, p = 0.15).
NOTES has changed the working environment of endoscopy, leading to new difficulties. The limitations of conventional endoscopes call for the development of new platforms. Robotics may be the answer. The authors compared human to robotized manipulation of a flexible endoscope into the abdominal cavity, in an animal model. Thirty-two participants were enrolled. Results were analyzed according to the clinical background of the participants: experienced endoscopists, experienced laparoscopists, and medical students. Two single-channel gastroscopes were used. Whereas one was not modified, the other had the handling wheels replaced by motors controlled through a computer and a joystick. A NOTES transgastric approach was used to access the peritoneal cavity. The time to touch previously positioned intra-abdominal numbered plastic targets was recorded 3 times with each endoscope. Mean time to complete the tasks was significantly shorter using the conventional endoscope (2.71 vs 6.96 minutes, P < .001). When the robotized endoscope was used, the mean times of endoscopists (7.42 minutes), laparoscopists (6.84 minutes), and students (6.77 minutes) were statistically identical. No differences were found between laparoscopists and students in both techniques.
Does alcohol affect executive cognitive functioning differentially on the ascending versus descending limb of the blood alcohol concentration curve?
Executive cognitive functioning (ECF), a construct that includes cognitive abilities such as planning, abstract reasoning, and the capacity to govern self-directed behavior, has been recently researched as an antecedent to many forms of psychopathology and has been implicated in alcohol-related aggression. This study was designed to examine whether differential ECF impairments can be noted on the ascending versus the descending limbs of the blood alcohol concentration curve. Forty-one male university students participated in this study. Twenty-one subjects were given 1.32 ml of 95% alcohol per kilogram of body weight, mixed with orange juice, and the remaining 20 were given a placebo. Participants were randomly assigned to either an ascending or descending blood alcohol group and were tested on six tests of ECF on their assigned limb. Subjective mood data were also collected. Intoxicated participants on both limbs demonstrated ECF impairment; the descending-limb group showed greater impairment than their ascending-limb counterparts. Intoxicated subjects were significantly more anxious at baseline than placebo subjects. The introduction of this covariate nullified any significant differences in subjective mood found on either limb of the blood alcohol concentration curve, but ECF impairments remained robust.
Ovarian cancer remains a leading cause of death in women and development of new therapies is essential. Second mitochondria derived activator of caspase (Smac) has been described to sensitize for apoptosis. We have explored the proapoptotic activity of a small molecule mimic of Smac/DIABLO on ovarian cancer cell lines (A2780 cells and its chemoresistant derivatives A2780/ADR and A2780/DDP), cancer cell lines and in primary ovarian cancer cells. The effects of a small molecule mimic of Smac/DIABLO on ovarian cancer cell lines and primary ovarian cancer cells were determined by cell proliferation, apoptosis and biochemical assays. This compound added alone elicited only a weak proapoptotic effect; however, it strongly synergizes with tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL) or agonistic TRAILR2 antibody (Lexatumumab) in inducing apoptosis of ovarian cancer cells.
Are operating lung volumes affected by exercise mode but not trunk and hip angle during maximal exercise?
Despite VO₂peak being, generally, greater while running compared to cycling, ventilation (VE) during maximal exercise is less while running compared to cycling. Differences in operating lung volumes (OLV) between maximal running and cycling could be one explanation for previously observed differences in V E and this could be due to differences in body position e.g., trunk/hip angle during exercise. We asked whether OLV differed between maximal running and cycling and if this difference was due to trunk/hip angle during exercise. Eighteen men performed three graded maximal exercise tests; one while running, one while cycling in the drop position (i.e., extreme hip flexion), and one while cycling upright (i.e., seated with thorax upright). Resting flow-volume characteristics were measured in each body position to be used during exercise. Tidal flow-volume loops were measured throughout the exercise. V E during maximal running (148.8 ± 18.9 L min(-1)) tended to be lower than during cycling in the drop position (158.5 ± 24.7 L min(-1); p = 0.07) and in the upright position (158.5 ± 23.7 L min(-1); p = 0.06). End-inspiratory and end-expiratory lung volumes (EILV, EELV) were significantly larger during drop cycling compared to running (87.1 ± 4.1 and 35.8 ± 6.2 vs. 83.9 ± 6.0 and 33.0 ± 5.7% FVC), but only EILV was larger during upright cycling compared to running (88.2 ± 3.5% FVC). OLV and V E did not differ between cycling positions.
Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) of the ileum are sporadic tumors derived from submucosal gastrointestinal stem cells. They often show clinical symptoms only after hepatic metastasation when curative therapy is limited or impossible. In this study, we analyzed the expression of the candidate genes mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), alpha thalassemia/mental retardation syndrome X-linked (ATRX), and death domain-associated protein (DAXX) to investigate the specific oncogenetics and potential therapeutic options for ileal NETs. In a prospective database, all patients who underwent surgical removal of a NET of the ileum between 2001 and 2011 were specified. Expression analysis was performed for mTOR, ATRX, and DAXX by immunohistochemistry of paraffin-embedded tumor samples. To evaluate the results the immunoreactive score was applied. Normal tissue and tumor tissue were analyzed for the comparison of gene expression levels using quantitative-real-time polymerase chain reaction for ATRX and mTOR genes. Results were correlated under pathologic and clinical aspects. A total of 69 patients were admitted to the study. Positive cytosolic expression of the potential oncogene mTOR was immunohistochemically detected in 76.2% of the human probes. A loss of nuclear ATRX expression was detected in 13.0% of the samples. A nonexpression of the DAXX-protein in cell nuclei was not found (0%). Gene transcript levels did not show a significant alteration in ileal NETs in comparison with normal tissue.
Do ulcerative and nonulcerative forms of bladder pain syndrome/interstitial cystitis differ in symptom intensity or response to onabotulinum toxin A?
To determine whether intratrigonal Onabotulinum toxin A (OnabotA) injection produces a different symptomatic outcome and duration of effect on ulcerative (Ulc) and nonulcerative (NUlc) bladder pain syndrome/interstitial cystitis (BPS/IC) patients and to compare the urinary levels of neurotrophines (NGF, BDNF, and GDNF) in response to OnabotA. Ten Ulc and 14 NUlc bladder pain syndrome/interstitial cystitis patients were included in this study. OnabotA (100 U) was injected in 10 trigonal sites, each receiving 10 U in 1 mL of saline. Outcome measures included pain visual analog scale (0-10), a 3-day voiding chart, O'Leary-Sant Score (OSS), and quality of life (QoL) from International Prostate Symptoms Score assessed before treatment, 1 month after injection, and every 3 months afterwards. Urinary NGF, BDNF, and GDNF were accessed using ELISA, at same time points. Treatment duration was determined at the time patients requested another injection. Patients had a mean age of 40 ± 12 years in the Ulc and 47 ± 13 years in the NUlc group (ns). Mean values at baseline of pain intensity, frequency, nocturia, OSS, QoL, and urinary NGF, BDNF, GDNF were identical in the 2 groups. Patients with the Ulc phenotype had a longer duration of symptoms (28.8 ± 11 vs 19.2 ± 8 months, P = .018). Both groups responded equally to OnabotA, with significant improvements in pain intensity, frequency, nocturia, OSS, QoL, and urinary NGF, BDNF, GDNF. The effect lasted for 9 ± 2.8 (Ulc) and 10.5 ± 2 (NUlc) months.
Small head circumferences and white matter injury in the form of periventricular leukomalacia have been observed in populations of infants with severe forms of congenital heart defects. This study tests the hypothesis that congenital heart defects delay in utero structural brain development. Full-term infants with hypoplastic left heart syndrome or transposition of the great arteries were prospectively evaluated with preoperative brain magnetic resonance imaging. Patients with independent risk factors for abnormal brain development (shock, end-organ injury, or intrauterine growth retardation) were excluded. Outcome measures included head circumferences and the total maturation score on magnetic resonance imaging. Total maturation score is a previously validated semiquantitative anatomic scoring system used to assess whole brain maturity. The total maturation score evaluates 4 parameters of maturity: (1) myelination, (2) cortical infolding, (3) involution of glial cell migration bands, and (4) presence of germinal matrix tissue. The study cohort included 29 neonates with hypoplastic left heart syndrome and 13 neonates with transposition of the great arteries at a mean gestational age of 38.9 +/- 1.1 weeks. Mean head circumference was 1 standard deviation below normal. The mean total maturation score for the cohort was 10.15 +/- 0.94, significantly lower than reported normative data in infants without congenital heart defects, corresponding to a delay of 1 month in structural brain development.
Does electroacupuncture inhibit weight gain in diet-induced obese rats by activating hypothalamic LKB1-AMPK signaling?
Electroacupuncture (EA) is reported to be an effective treatment for obesity, but its mechanism is unclear. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between hypothalamic LKB1-AMPK-ACC signaling and EA. Fifty male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into two groups fed either chow (chow-fed group) or high-fat diet (HF group). After 4 weeks of feeding, obese rats in the HF group (defined as weighing 20% or more than rats in the chow-fed group) were randomly allocated into an EA or Diet-induced obesity (DIO) group. The EA group was given EA on bilateral ST25-ST36 for 4 weeks, while the DIO group received no further intervention. Body weight of the chow-fed, DIO, and EA groups were measured weekly. mRNA and protein levels of the hypothalamic LKB1-AMPK-ACC signaling pathway were detected using real-time (RT)-PCR and western blot, respectively. After 4 weeks of EA treatment, the weight growth trend of rats in the EA group was inhibited compared with those in the DIO group. RT-PCR and western blotting showed that EA upregulated the transcription of Adenosine 5'-monophosphate-activated protein kinase α2 (AMPKα2), promoted protein expression of Liver kinase B1 (LKB1) and AMPKα1, and inhibited acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) protein expression in the hypothalamus.
Urine markers have been studied extensively but there is a lack of blood prognostic markers in bladder cancer. MMP-7 is produced by stromal cells and by tumor cells and is overexpressed in a variety of epithelial and mesenchymal tumors. In this study, we assessed with an immunoassay we developed, the prognostic value of serum MMP-7 in a series of patients with advanced bladder cancer. Serum samples were collected from 56 patients with advanced bladder cancer who were treated at the Montpellier Cancer Institute between March 2003 and December 2004. MMP-7 was quantified in serum samples by using a homogeneous sandwich fluoroimmunoassay we developed based on the time resolved amplified cryptate emission (TRACE) technology. The median overall survival of the study population was 2.2 years (95% CI, 1.4 to 3.0) with 1- and 5-year survival rates of 73% (95% CI, 59% to 82%) and 25% (95% CI, 14% to 37%), respectively. High MMP-7 serum levels were associated with poor survival. Using a cut-off value of 11.5 ng/mL, the median overall survival was 3.0 years (95% CI, 1.5 to 5.1) for patients with MMP-7 serum level <11.5 ng/mL and 1.3 years (95% CI, 0.8 to 2.5) for patients with serum level ?11.5 ng/mL. Multivariate analysis identified high MMP-7 serum concentration as an independent prognostic factor for survival in patients with advanced bladder cancer (R?=?2.1, 95% CI, 1.1 to 4.4).
Are elevated serum heparanase-1 levels in patients with pancreatic carcinoma associated with poor survival?
It has previously been shown that heparanase-1 (HPR1), an endoglycosidase, is up-regulated in pancreatic carcinoma. The purpose of this study was to test whether serum HPR1 levels in pancreatic carcinoma patients are elevated, and whether higher serum HPR1 levels are associated with a shortened survival. Serum HPR1 levels in 40 healthy donors, 31 pancreatic carcinoma patients, and 11 patients treated with gemcitabine were measured by a novel enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay. HPR1 expression in tumors was analyzed by immunohistochemical staining. Patient overall survival time was determined according to the Kaplan-Meier method, and their difference was evaluated by the log-rank test. A P value<0.05 was considered statistically significant. The mean serum HPR1 activity in pancreatic carcinoma patients was 439+/-14 units/mL, compared with 190+/-4 units/mL in the control serum samples from healthy donors. Serum HPR1 levels were significantly higher in patients with HPR1-positive tumors (660+/-62 units/mL) compared with those with HPR1-negative tumors (241+/-14 units/mL). The mean survival of 19 pancreatic carcinoma patients with serum HPR1 activity>300 units/mL was 7.9+/-0.2 months, whereas the mean survival of 12 patients with serum HPR1 activity<300 units/mL was 13.3+/-0.6 months. A Kaplan-Meier plot of the patient survival curve followed by log-rank test revealed that patients in the high serum HPR1 group had a significantly shorter survival compared with those in the low serum HPR1 group. Mean serum HPR1 activity decreased by 64% in 11 pancreatic carcinoma patients after 2 weeks of treatment with gemcitabine.
Most knee joint biomechanics studies have involved knees with an isolated anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. However, a large portion of patients with injured ACLs have accompanied meniscus tearing. In this study, the in vivo alteration of knee biomechanics after tearing the ACL with or without combined medial or lateral meniscus tear was investigated during stair-ascending activity. The kinematic behavior of ACL-deficient knees changes with a combined medial or lateral meniscus tear. Controlled laboratory study. Twenty-one patients with injured ACLs (contralateral side intact) were recruited before undergoing ACL reconstruction. Among these patients, 5 had isolated ACL injuries (group I), 8 had combined ACL and medial meniscus injuries (group II), and 8 had combined ACL and lateral meniscus injuries (group III). Bilateral magnetic resonance scans were obtained on each patient to construct 3-dimensional anatomic knee models. Both knees were then scanned during stair-climbing activity using a dual fluoroscopic imaging system. The knee kinematics during stair climbing were reproduced using a bone model image matching method. Anteroposterior and mediolateral translations and axial tibial rotation of the knee during stair ascent were then compared between the injured and intact contralateral knees of the patients. On average, injured knees in groups I and III showed more than 2 mm increased anterior tibial translation close to full knee extension. In group II, no statistically significant difference was observed between the injured and contralateral side in anteroposterior translation. Near full extension, in groups I and III, injured knees had less than 1 mm of increased medial tibial translation compared with the contralateral side, whereas in group II, a 1.0-mm increase in lateral tibial shift was observed in the injured knees. With regard to axial tibial rotation, group I showed an increased external tibial rotation (approximately 5°), group II had little variation, whereas group III had increased internal tibial rotation (approximately 3°).
Does maternal age influence risk for HLA-B27 associated ankylosing enthesopathy in transgenic mice?
To study further the temporal clustering of ankylosing enthesopathy (AE) noted originally during a study of the influence of mouse major histocompatibility complex (MHC) H-2 and transgenic HLA-B27 on the frequency of AE. The relationship between maternal age at littering and frequency of AE was analysed. Mice born to mothers aged eight months or older had a significantly lower disease frequency of AE than mice born to mothers younger than eight months of age. This phenomenon was observed in three independent cohorts evaluated to date (p < 0.01, 0.025, and 0.05).
Studies over many years have demonstrated that preoptimization and attention to appropriate perioperative care is associated with a substantial decrease in surgical mortality. This review discusses ways in which patient preparation and perioperative support can minimize surgical mortality and morbidity. Scoring systems continue to be developed in order to classify categories of surgical risk. Objective physiologically based assessments can also identify high-risk groups of patients. Debate continues over the indications for specific interventions such as beta-blockade or statin therapy. There is continuing interest in perioperative optimization of oxygen delivery. A multimodality approach paying attention to a range of possible interventions appears to be beneficial. Audit, training, experience and a sufficient volume of procedures are all factors associated with surgical mortality.
Do expanded effector memory T-lymphocytes in DBA/2 mice inhibit the growth of SL2 tumours?
The aim of this study was to analyse changes in levels of memory T-lymphocytes during growth of SL2 tumours in DBA/2 mice and to evaluate whether these lymphocytes may have an inhibitory effect on tumour growth. Percentages of naïve (CD8+CD44lowCD62L+), central memory (CD8+CD44high CD62L+) and effector memory (CD8+CD44highCD62L-) lymphocytes in the CD8+ subset in peripheral blood, spleen and lymph nodes of tumour-bearing and control mice were analysed by flow cytometry. The percentage of effector memory lymphocytes in the CD8+ subset increased during growth of tumours, whereas that of naïve CD8+ lymphocytes decreased. No correlation between the levels of effector memory lymphocytes in peripheral blood and the mass of tumours was found.
Patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) often present with typical angina pectoris and mildly elevated levels of cardiac troponin (non ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction) during an arrhythmic event. However, in a large proportion of these patients, significant coronary artery disease is excluded by coronary angiography. Here we explored the potential underlying mechanism of these events. A total of 14 pigs were studied using a closed chest, rapid atrial pacing (RAP) model. In five pigs RAP was performed for 7 h (600 b.p.m.; n = 5), in five animals RAP was performed in the presence of angiotensin-II type-1-receptor (AT(1)-receptor) inhibitor irbesartan (RAP+Irb), and four pigs were instrumented without intervention (Sham). One-factor analysis of variance was performed to assess differences between and within the three groups. Simultaneous measurements of fractional flow reserve (FFR) and coronary flow reserve (CFR) before, during, and after RAP demonstrated unchanged FFR (P = 0.327), but decreased CFR during RAP (RAP: 67.7 +/- 7.2%, sham: 97.2 +/- 2.8%, RAP+Irb: 93.2 +/- 3.3; P = 0.0013) indicating abnormal left ventricular (LV) microcirculation. Alterations in microcirculatory blood flow were accompanied by elevated ventricular expression of NADPH oxidase subunit Nox2 (P = 0.039), lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor-1 (LOX-1, P = 0.004), and F(2)-isoprostane levels (P = 0.008) suggesting RAP-related oxidative stress. Plasma concentrations of cardiac troponin-I (cTn-I) increased in RAP (RAP: 613.3 +/- 125.8 pmol/L vs. sham: 82.5 +/- 12.5 pmol/L; P = 0.013), whereas protein levels of eNOS and LV function remained unchanged. RAP+Irb prevented the increase of Nox2, LOX-1, and F(2)-isoprostanes, and abolished the impairment of microvascular blood flow.
Do measures for preventing early postburn damage improve survival rate of burn patients?
To define the role of measures for preventing early postburn damage in improving the survival rate of burn patients. 12568 burn cases admitted to our institute were chronologically divided into three groups (stages). Total burn surface area (TBSA), survival rate, incidence of burn shock, systemic infection and organ damage as well as the main treatments adopted in the recent decade were analyzed retrospectively. Incidence of burn shock, systemic infection and organ damage were significantly lower, and the total survival rate and the survival rate in patients with different TBSA were markedly higher in the third stage of the study as compared with those in the first and the second stages. The incidence of organ damage in patients treated with delayed fast fluid infusion, early extensive escharectomy, early enteral feeding, early intervention for inhalation injury and intervention to prevent gut bacterial translocation were also significantly lower than in those without the intervention resources.
There is extensive evidence, from both clinical cases and rodent models, for reduced levels of the widely expressed neuropeptide Y (NPY) in anxiety and depressive disorders. The rare allele of the Leu7Pro polymorphism in the signal peptide of preproNPY has been associated with higher processing into mature NPY, and higher NPY levels in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid. The Pro7 allele was proposed to protect against depression in a small Swedish clinical sample (Heilig M., Zachrisson O., Thorsell A., Ehnvall A., Mottagui-Tabar S., Sjögren M., Asberg M., Ekman R., Wahlestedt C., Agren H., 2004. Decreased cerebrospinal fluid neuropeptide Y (NPY) in patients with treatment refractory unipolar major depression: preliminary evidence for association with preproNPY gene polymorphism. J. Psychiatr. Res. 38, 113-121). Leu7Pro was analyzed in a large well-characterized longitudinal population-based sample of adult Swedes with data on life situation and life history, including 461 with depression diagnosis, 157 with anxiety diagnosis and 1514 healthy individuals with no symptom of psychopathology. Pro7 was rarer in depression cases than in healthy individuals (OR=2.7; P=0.0004). The protective effect of Pro7 was similar despite exposure to known environmental vulnerability factors. Pro7 appeared with similar effect size in those with an anxiety diagnosis, but this was not statistically significant (OR=2.3; P=0.06).
Do patterns of analgesic adherence predict health care utilization among outpatients with cancer pain?
Studies in chronic noncancer pain settings have found that opioid use increases health care utilization. Despite the key role of analgesics, specifically opioids, in the setting of cancer pain, there is no literature to our knowledge about the relationship between adherence to prescribed around-the-clock (ATC) analgesics and acute health care utilization (hospitalization) among patients with cancer pain. To identify adherence patterns over time for cancer patients taking ATC analgesics for pain, cluster these patterns into adherence types, combine the types into an adherence risk factor for hospitalization, identify other risk factors for hospitalization, and identify risk factors for inconsistent analgesic adherence. Data from a 3-month prospective observational study of patients diagnosed with solid tumors or multiple myeloma, having cancer-related pain, and having at least one prescription of oral ATC analgesics were collected. Adherence data were collected electronically using the medication event-monitoring system. Analyses were conducted using adaptive modeling methods based on heuristic search through alternative models controlled by likelihood cross-validation scores. Six adherence types were identified and combined into the risk factor for hospitalization of inconsistent versus consistent adherence over time. Twenty other individually significant risk factors for hospitalization were identified, but inconsistent analgesic adherence was the strongest of these predictors (ie, generating the largest likelihood cross-validation score). These risk factors were adaptively combined into a model for hospitalization based on six pairwise interaction risk factors with exceptional discrimination (ie, area under the receiver-operating-characteristic curve of 0.91). Patients had from zero to five of these risk factors, with an odds ratio of 5.44 (95% confidence interval 3.09-9.58) for hospitalization, with a unit increase in the number of such risk factors.
To examine the relationship between sperm strict morphology and sperm chromatin integrity. Prospective study. Infertility clinic. Eighty-seven consecutive semen samples from non-azoospermic men presenting for infertility evaluation and 6 samples from fertile donors. Assessment of standard semen parameters and sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA) parameters (%DFI [DNA fragmentation index] and %HDS [high DNA stainability]). Evaluation of %HDS and %DFI after treatment with dithiothreitol (a thiol-reducing agent used to decondense sperm nuclei) was also undertaken. Relationship between sperm strict morphology defects and SCSA parameters (%DFI and %HDS). We observed significant relationships between the percentage of normal sperm forms and both %HDS (r = -0.40) and sperm motility (r = 0.32). We also found significant relationships between sperm head defects and both %HDS (r = 0.40) and sperm concentration (r = -0.39). Sperm tail, midpiece, and neck defects were not significantly related to the SCSA parameters. Treatment of spermatozoa with dithiothreitol (to induce decondensation) resulted in a substantial increase in %HDS but no measurable change in %DFI.
Does active opioid use attenuate the humoral responses to inactivated influenza vaccine?
Influenza vaccination is recommended for vulnerable individuals, including active drug users, to prevent influenza complications and decrease influenza spread. Recent studies suggest that opioids negatively regulate immune responses in experimental models, but the extent to which opioid use will affect the humoral responses to influenza vaccine in humans is unknown. This information is critical in maximizing vaccination efforts. To determine whether there is a difference in antibody response after influenza vaccination in heroin or methadone users compared to control subjects. We studied active heroin users, subjects on methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) and subjects that did not use any drugs before and 1 and 4 weeks after vaccination with trivalent influenza vaccine (TIV). We measured hemagglutination inhibition and microneutralization titers, and we compared geometric mean titers (GMT), and rates of seroprotection and seroconversion for each of the vaccine strains among the 3 groups of subjects. Heroin users, subjects on MMT and non-user controls mount a similarly robust serologic response to TIV. GMT and rates of seroprotection and seroconversion were not significantly different among groups.
It has been hypothesized that minichromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins, which are replicative control factors, can be used to detect tumor proliferation. The aim of the present study was to investigate the expression of MCM in colorectal cancer tissues and correlate it to clinical outcomes. The study included 145 patients with colorectal cancer who underwent curative surgery, from January 2002 until December 2004, at the Kurume University Hospital in Fukuoka, Japan. The median follow-up duration was 87 months. The expression of MCM7 in tissues was studied by immuno-histochemical staining. The labeling index (LI) of MCM7 was calculated by dividing the number of positively-stained cells by the total number of cells counted. We divided samples into two groups: positive (MCM7 LI 76% or higher) and negative (MCM7 LI less than 76%). In patients with Dukes A and B, there were no significant differences in either overall survival (OS) or recurrence-free survival (RFS) between patents with MCM7-positive and those with MCM7-negative disease. On the other hand, in patients with Dukes C, there was significantly worse OS and RFS for patients with MCM7-positive compared to those with MCM7-negative disease.
Does fecal calprotectin predict the clinical course of acute severe ulcerative colitis?
Calprotectin is a granulocyte neutrophil-predominant cytosolic protein. Fecal concentrations are elevated in intestinal inflammation and may predict relapse in quiescent inflammatory bowel disease. We aim to investigate fecal calprotectin (FC) as a biomarker in predicting the clinical course of acute severe ulcerative colitis (ASUC). In 90 patients with ASUC requiring intensive in-patient medical therapy (January 2005-September 2007), we investigated the discriminant ability of FC to predict colectomy and corticosteroid and infliximab nonresponse. All patients received parenteral corticosteroids as first-line treatment; 21 (23.3%) were also treated with infliximab (5 mg/kg), after failure of corticosteroid therapy. Of 90 patients, 31 (34.4%) required colectomy, including 11 (52.4%) of those treated with infliximab. Overall FC was high (1,020.0 microg/g interquartile range: 601.5-1,617.5). FC was significantly higher in patients requiring colectomy (1,200.0 vs. 887.0; P=0.04), with a trend toward significance when comparing corticosteroid nonresponders and responders (1,100.0 vs. 863.5; P=0.08), as well as between infliximab nonresponders and responders (1,795.0 vs. 920.5; P=0.06). Receiver-operator characteristic curve analysis yielded an area under the curve of 0.65 to predict colectomy (P=0.04), with a maximum likelihood ratio of 9.23, specificity 97.4%, and sensitivity 24.0% at a cutoff point of 1,922.5 microg/g. Kaplan-Meier analyses showed that using 1,922.5 microg/g over a median follow-up of 1.10 years, 87% of patients will need subsequent colectomy.
Chronic lead exposure causes hypertension and cardiovascular disease, which are associated with, and, in part, due to oxidative stress. While occurrence of oxidative stress in lead-exposed animals and cultured endothelial cells has been well-established, direct and specific evidence on the type of the reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced by lead-exposed vascular cells is lacking and was investigated. Human coronary endothelial (EC) and vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) were incubated in appropriate culture media in the presence of either 1 ppm or 10 ppm lead acetate or sodium acetate (control) for 1 to 30 minutes or 60 hours. Productions of superoxide and hydrogen peroxide in the cell populations were determined by flow cytometry using hydroethidine and dihydrorhodamine, respectively. Data from a minimum of 10,000 cells were collected and analyzed using Cell Quest software. In addition, Cu Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, glutathione peroxidase (GPX), and NAD(P)H oxidase (gp91phox) were measured. Short-term lead exposure resulted in a significant rise in both superoxide and hydrogen peroxide production by both EC and VSMC. After long-term exposure, detectable superoxide levels fell to near normal level, while hydrogen peroxide production remained high. This was associated with up-regulations of gp91phox, elevation of superoxide dismutase, reduction of VSMC catalase, and no change in GPX levels. Together, these events can account for the observed decline in superoxide and the rise in hydrogen peroxide following long-term lead exposure.
Does chronic fetal hypoxia increase activin A concentrations in the late-pregnant sheep?
To determine whether activin A concentrations are altered in chronic fetal hypoxemia and intrauterine fetal growth restriction (IUGR). In vivo animal experimental model. Department of Physiology, Monash University. Chronically catherised fetal sheep in late pregnancy. Chronic fetal hypoxia and IUGR were experimentally induced by single umbilical artery ligation (SUAL) in catheterised fetal sheep. Maternal and fetal blood samples and amniotic fluid (AF) samples were collected during surgery and thereafter on alternate days, until the time of delivery for analyte measurement. Fetal blood gas parameters were measured daily. Plasma and AF was used to analyse activin A, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and cortisol and fetal blood gas analysis was undertaken in whole blood. SUAL produced asymmetric IUGR and non-acidaemic chronic fetal hypoxia and resulted in preterm labour (129 [3] days). AF activin A concentrations were 10-fold higher in the SUAL group than in controls whereas levels in the fetal and maternal circulations were similar between groups.
Approximately 40% of adults develop invasive cancer during their lifetimes, many of whom require chemotherapy. Herpes zoster (HZ) is common and often severe in patients undergoing chemotherapy, yet there are no data regarding whether these patients retain specific protection against HZ if they had previously received zoster vaccine. We conducted a study to determine whether zoster vaccine was effective in patients who subsequently underwent chemotherapy. The cohort study consisted of Kaiser Permanente Southern California members aged ≥60 years treated with chemotherapy. The exposure variable was receipt of zoster vaccine prior to initiation of chemotherapy. Incident HZ cases were identified using International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision diagnostic codes. HZ incidence rates were calculated; hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated using Cox proportional hazards regression models. There were 91 and 583 HZ cases in the vaccinated and unvaccinated cohorts, respectively, yielding an incidence rate of 12.87 (95% CI, 10.48-15.80) vs 22.05 (95% CI, 20.33-23.92) per 1000 person-years. Thirty-month cumulative incidence was 3.28% in the vaccinated group and 5.34% in the unvaccinated group (P < .05). The adjusted HR for HZ was 0.58 (95% CI, .46-.73) and showed no significant variation by age, sex, or race. HZ incidence rates remained increased in the small subgroup of persons receiving zoster vaccine within 60 days before chemotherapy, but this was the only group affected by indication bias. No vaccinated patients underwent hospitalization for HZ, compared with 6 unvaccinated patients.
Is efficacy of ezetimibe associated with gender and baseline lipid levels in patients with type 2 diabetes?
The combination of ezetimibe and a statin provides greater LDL-C reduction by inhibiting both intestinal cholesterol absorption and endogenous production of cholesterol. The present study was designed to examine the influence of ageing, gender, BMI, levels of LDL-C, and HbA1c on the response to ezetimibe add-on therapy. Patients who had been taking a statin for >3 months at the usual dose and whose LDL-C was >120 mg/dL were eligible for this study. Patients were assigned to receive add-on ezetimibe at 10 mg once daily for 12 weeks. Adding ezetimibe to basal statin therapy resulted in a further 15.0% reduction of TC, 20.5% reduction of LDL-C, and 19.7% reduction of non-HDL-C. The change in TC was significantly greater in males than in females. The change in TG was significantly greater in patients with a baseline TG level ≥150 mg/dL. Multivariate regression analysis showed that male sex and LDL-C ≥140 mg/dL were independent predictors of TC reduction after adjustment for age, BMI, and HbA1c. A baseline TG ≥150 mg/dL was also an independent predictor of TG reduction.
Recent studies have implicated the activation of stress-activated mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) p38 in spinal microglial cells for development of neuropathic and inflammatory pain. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether phosphorylation of p38 (p-p38) also mediates mechanical allodynia and thermal hyperalgesia induced by plantar incision. After rats received a plantar incision surgery, mechanical allodynia and thermal hyperalgesia were determined by von Frey filaments and radiant heat, respectively, and the number of p-p38 immunoreactive cells in the dorsal horn was quantified to determine p38 activation at different time points after incision. The p38 inhibitor FR167653 was administered intrathecally 30 min before hind paw plantar incision to determine the role of p38 in postoperative pain. A significant increase in number of p-p38 immunoreactive cells was observed in the ipsilateral L4-5 spinal dorsal horn from 1 h to 3 days after the incision. p-p38 was found predominantly in microglia. However, microglial activation (assessed by OX-42 upregulation) was not evident until 3 days after plantar incision. Intrathecal pretreatment of FR167653 attenuated incision-induced mechanical allodynia from 1 h to day 2 and significantly reduced activation of p38 in the dorsal horn 1 day after plantar incision. However, FR167653 only inhibited heat hyperalgesia at an early time point.
Does inhibition of 4E-BP1 sensitize U87 glioblastoma xenograft tumors to irradiation by decreasing hypoxia tolerance?
Eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) is an essential rate-limiting factor for cap-dependent translation in eukaryotic cells. Elevated eIF4E activity is common in many human tumors and is associated with disease progression. The growth-promoting effects of eIF4E are in turn negatively regulated by 4E-BP1. However, although 4E-BP1 harbors anti-growth activity, its expression is paradoxically elevated in some tumors. The aim of this study was to investigate the functional role of 4E-BP1 in the context of solid tumors. In vitro and in vivo growth properties, hypoxia tolerance, and response to radiation were assessed for HeLa and U87 cells, after stable expression of shRNA specific for 4E-BP1. We found that loss of 4E-BP1 expression did not significantly alter in vitro growth but did accelerate the growth of U87 tumor xenografts, consistent with the growth-promoting function of deregulated eIF4E. However, cells lacking 4E-BP1 were significantly more sensitive to hypoxia-induced cell death in vitro. Furthermore, 4E-BP1 knockdown cells produced tumors more sensitive to radiation because of a reduction in the viable fraction of radioresistant hypoxic cells. Decreased hypoxia tolerance in the 4E-BP1 knockdown tumors was evident by increased cleaved caspase-3 levels and was associated with a reduction in adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
Carotenoids may reduce the risk for diabetes mellitus, but little is known about the association of insulin resistance with serum carotenoids in non-diabetic subjects. This study aimed to investigate whether the homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) index would be lower in the presence of high serum carotenoid concentrations in non-diabetic subjects. A total of 812 subjects (256 males and 556 females) who had received health examinations in 2003 participated in the study. The associations of the serum-carotenoid concentrations and HOMA-IR were evaluated cross-sectionally. The multivariate-adjusted geometric means of HOMA-IR by the tertiles of the serum carotenoid concentration were calculated after adjusting for age, body mass index, systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, triacylglycerols, current tobacco use, regular alcohol intake, exercise habits and total energy intake. Associations among high HOMA-IR (3.0+mUxmmol/L2) across tertiles of serum carotenoid concentration were assessed by tests for logistic regression analysis. In male subjects, the multivariate adjusted geometric mean of HOMA-IR was inversely associated with the serum beta-cryptoxanthin concentrations. In female subjects, an inverse association of the serum carotenoid concentration and HOMA-IR was observed in lycopene, beta-cryptoxanthin, and zeaxanthin. The confounding factor-adjusted odds ratios (OR) for high HOMA-IR on the highest tertiles of serum alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, and zeaxanthin were 0.18 [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.06-0.52], 0.22 (95% CI: 0.07-0.67), 0.34 (95% CI: 0.12-0.96), and 0.30 (95% CI: 0.11-0.79), respectively, in male subjects. On the other hand, in female subjects, the adjusted OR for high HOMA-IR on the highest tertiles of serum lycopene and beta-cryptoxanthin were 0.39 (95% CI: 0.21-0.73) and 0.51 (95% CI: 0.28-0.95), respectively.
Is bRAF mutation analysis a valid tool to implement in Lynch syndrome diagnosis in patients classified according to the Bethesda guidelines?
Lynch syndrome (LS) is clinically defined by the Amsterdam criteria (AC) and by germline mutations in mismatch-repair (MMR) genes leading to microsatellite instability (MSI) at the molecular level. Patients who do not fulfil AC are considered suspected-Lynch according to the less stringent Bethesda guidelines (BG) and should be tested for MSI and MMR germline mutations. BRAF mutations have been proposed as a marker to exclude LS because they are generally absent in LS patients and present in sporadic colorectal cancer (sCRC) with MSI due to promoter hypermethylation of the MLH1 gene. Our aim was to verify whether BRAF mutations may improve the criteria to select patients for germline MMR mutation assessment. We analyzed 303 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded CRC samples including 174 sCRC, 28 patients fulfilling AC, and 101 suspected-Lynch patients fulfilling BG. We analyzed MSI and BRAF mutations in all CRC samples. MLH1, MSH2 and MSH6 germline mutations were investigated in MSI patients fulfilling AC or BG. sCRC samples showed MSI in 20/174 (11%) cases. BRAF mutations were detected in 10/174 (6%) sCRC cases and were significantly correlated with MSI (P = 0.002). MSI was observed in 24/28 (86%) Amsterdam cases which were BRAF wild-type. MMR gene mutation was detected in 22/26 (85%) AC cases, all showing MSI. Suspected-Lynch cases carried MSI in 41/101 (40%) and BRAF mutations in 7/101 (7%) cases. MMR gene mutation was detected in 13/28 (46%) evaluable MSI patients of this group and only in cases characterized by a wild-type BRAF gene.
We investigated the effects of pulsed ultrasound on swelling, muscle soreness perception, relaxed-elbow extension angle, and muscular strength. Eight sets of concentric and eccentric actions induced delayed-onset muscle soreness of the elbow flexors. Group 1 received 20% pulsed ultrasound treatments (1-MHz, 7 minutes, 1.5 W/ cm(2) temporal peak intensity) twice a day immediately after postexercise assessments and at 3, 24, 27, 48, 51, 72, and 75 hours postexercise. Group 2 received sham treatments immediately after postexercise assessments and at 3,27, 51, and 75 hours postexercise and true treatments of pulsed ultrasound at 24, 48, and 72 hours postexercise. Group 3 received sham treatments of no ultrasonic output immediately after postexercise assessments and at 3, 24, 27, 48, 51, 72, and 75 hours postexercise. Thirty-six college-age females. We recorded upper-arm circumference, perceived soreness, relaxed-elbow extension angle, and elbow-flexion strength before (pretest), immediately postexercise, and at 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours postexercise. We noted differences over time but no treatment effect between groups or interactions between time and group for upper-arm circumference, perceived soreness, relaxed-elbow extension angle, or elbow-flexion strength.
Do fractures lead to worsening of disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis?
The cause of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) flares is multifactorial and not well understood. No reports of fractures influencing disease activity in patients with RA have been published. The purpose of this study was to determine whether fractures influence disease activity in patients with RA. Hospital records of 470 patients with RA between 2011 and 2014 were analyzed. We first examined the incidence of flare using multiple regression analysis. Secondly, we examined the incidence of flare using DAS28-ESR, DAS28-CRP, and drug changes before bone fracture until bone union in the fracture cases. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that female sex (p < 0.001), bottom DAS28-ESR (p < 0.001), and fracture (p = 0.041) were independent factor for DAS28-ESR at the last observation period, and sex (p = 0.040), bottom DAS28-CRP (p < 0.001), and fracture (p = 0.019) were independent factor for DAS28-CRP at the last observation period. The average DAS28-ESR value was significantly increased from 3.19 (prefracture) to 3.58 (bone union). The average DAS28-CRP value was also significantly increased from 2.45 (prefracture) to 2.79 (bone union).
The pulmonary donor pool would increase substantially if lungs could be donated after cardiac death (DCD). There have been ethical and legal obstacles since administration of heparin and cooling has to be done immediately after cardiac death. This study examines whether ventilation of DCD lungs without administering heparin or cooling the lungs after cardiac death could improve graft function. Twelve donor pigs with a mean bodyweight of 70 kg were randomized into two groups. Six animals were ventilated in situ with 50% oxygen, 4 L/min, and 5 cm H2O in positive end-expiratory pressure or PEEP for 2 h after cardiac death. Six animals served as non-ventilated controls and were exposed to warm ischemia for 2 h. After 2 h, all lungs were harvested and flush perfused with Perfadex(®) solution and stored at 8°C for another 2 h. An ex vivo lung perfusion or EVLP circuit was used for evaluation. Non-ventilated lungs developed pulmonary edema, and had highly impaired blood gas levels and a significantly increased weight. The ventilated lungs demonstrated excellent blood gas levels and unchanged weight.
Are mTAP and CDKN2B genes associated with myocardial infarction in Chinese Hans?
To investigate the association between cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A (CDKN2A) gene, cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2B (CDKN2B) gene, and methylthioadenosine phosphorylase (MTAP) gene and myocardial infarction (MI) in Chinese Hans. A total of 432 patients with MI and 430 controls were included in the study. Nine polymorphisms in the MTAP gene, two polymorphisms in the CDKN2A gene, and two polymorphisms in the CDKN2B gene were selected using a tagging single nucleotide polymorphism (tSNP) strategy. We observed that rs7027989 in the MTAP gene, and rs3217992 and rs1063192 in the CDKN2B gene were significantly associated with MI in male subjects. For rs7027989 and rs3217992, male subjects with the AA or AG genotypes had 1.26-fold and 1.24-fold increased risk of MI, respectively, compared with those with the GG genotype. For rs1063192, the G allele was associated with a reduced risk of MI with a per-allele OR of 0.71 in male subjects. The risk of rs7027989 and rs1063192 remained significant after adjusting for covariates.
Consumption of lycopene through tomato products has been suggested to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Cellular adhesion and migration are important features of cancer progression and therefore a potential target for cancer interception. In the present study we have examined the in vitro effect of lycopene on these processes. Prostate cancer cell lines PC3, DU145 and immortalised normal prostate cell line PNT-2 were used. The adhesion assay consisted of seeding pre-treated cells onto Matrigel™, gently removing non-adherent cells and quantitating the adherent fraction using WST-1. Migratory potential was assessed using ibidi™ migration chamber inserts, in which a cell-free zone between two confluent areas was allowed to populate over time and the migration measured. 24 hour incubation of prostate cell lines with 1.15µmol/l lycopene showed a 40% reduction of cellular motility in case of PC3 cells, 58% in DU145 cells and no effect was observed for PNT2 cells. A dose related inhibition of cell adhesion to a basement membrane in the form of Matrigel™ was observed in all three cell lines and it reached statistical significance for PC3 and PNT2 cells at lycopene concentrations ≥1.15µmol/l. However, in case of DU145, only a concentration of 2.3µmol/l showed a significant reduction.
Does plasma D-dimer predict short-term poor outcome after acute ischemic stroke?
Haemostatic biomarkers associated with poor outcome in acute ischemic stroke (AIS). The objective of the study was to evaluate the predictive value of plasma D-dimer (D-D) on functional outcome at 90-day follow-up from stroke onset. We conducted a prospective, observational cohort study in the emergency department and enrolled 220 patients with AIS. Plasma D-D concentrations, determined by a particle-enhanced, immunoturbidimetric assay, were measured. Each patient's medical record was reviewed, and demographic, clinical, laboratory and neuroimaging information was abstracted. There was a positive correlation between levels of D-D and the NIHSS (r = 0.361, p<0.001), and the infarct volume (r = 0.449, p<0.001). In the 69 patients with an unfavorable functional outcome, D-D levels were higher compared with those in patients with a favorable outcome [3.24(IQR, 2.18-4.60)mg/L vs 0.88(IQR, 0.35-1.77) mg/L; p<0.001]. After adjusting for all other significant outcome predictors, D-D level remained an independent predictor for unfavorable functional outcome and mortality with an odds ratio of 2.18 (95% CI, 1.55-2.83), 3.22 (95% CI, 2.05-6.43); respectively.
The surgical treatment method in which the peritoneal cavity is opened anteriorly and deliberately left open, hence often called "open abdomen" has become the standard of care in damage-control procedures as well as in the management of intra-abdominal hypertension and in severe intra-abdominal sepsis. Whereas open abdomen has been closed in two stages traditionally, a modern trend is to close the fascial layers within the initial hospitalization to avoid complications like enterocutaneous fistula and hernia formation. The aim of this study was to determine crucial factors influencing the possibility of fascial closure after open abdomen. Between 2003 and 2013, 355 adult patients were treated with open abdomen in our institution. Their data were collected and retrospectively analyzed. They were divided into two groups depending on fascial closure or not (fascial closure, n = 137 (39%) vs. non-fascial closure, n = 218 (61%)). The patients who reached fascial closure had a significantly higher rate of initially performed open abdomen (97 patients (71%) vs. 118 (54%), p = 0.002) and the periods of time until a second and a third look operation were significantly shorter (2.7 ± 2.5 vs. 4.2 ± 6.6 days, p = 0.021 and 5.6 ± 3.7 vs. 8.5 ± 8.6 days, p = 0.006). Furthermore, the presence of peritonitis (64 patients (47%) vs. 83 patients (38%), p = 0.023) and large bowel resection (74 patients (54%) vs. 90 patients (41%), p = 0.022) were significantly higher in this group. Rates of in-hospital mortality (97 patients (44%) vs. 38 patients (28%), p = 0.002) and the presence of pancreatitis (19 patients (9%) vs. 3 patients (2%), p = 0.013) were significantly higher in the non-fascial closure group.
Is myocardial bridging associated with alteration in coronary vasoreactivity?
Shear stress alteration has been recognized as a predisposing factor for the impairment of endothelial function. Myocardial bridging is a congenital condition associated with alteration in shear stress, however, its impact upon vasoreactivity remains undetermined. This was a case-control designed study with 29 patients with myocardial bridging and 58 patients without myocardial bridging. Endothelium-dependent and endothelium-independent changes in coronary artery diameters, blood flow and wall shear stress were determined after intracoronary infusion of acetylcholine (ACH, 10(-6)-10(-4) mol/L) and nitroglycerine (NTG, 200 microg). Coronary flow velocity reserve (CFVR) was determined after intracoronary injection of adenosine (18-36 microg). In response to ACH, there was more epicardial vasoconstriction at the myocardial bridging site compared with the proximal and distal segments (-29.6+/-21.7 vs. -9.6+/-22.5 and -17.4+/-21.5%, p<0.05) and compared with the control group (-29.6+/-21.7 vs. -5.9+/-36.5%, p<0.001). The response to NTG and CFVR was the same in the case and the control group. Wall shear rate (WSR) was higher in the MB site at baseline and in response to ACH.
High enterolactone levels may have health benefits in relation to risk of noncommunicable diseases. Enterolactone is produced by the colonic microbiota after intake of lignans and treatment with antimicrobials may result in altered enterolactone production. This study investigates the association between antibiotic use and enterolactone concentration. Using LC-MS/MS, enterolactone concentrations were quantified in plasma samples from 2237 participants from the Diet, Cancer and Health cohort. The participants were healthy at enrollment, but were later diagnosed with cancer. At enrollment, participants had blood drawn and completed a food frequency questionnaire and lifestyle questionnaire. Antibiotic use was assessed as reimbursed antibiotic prescriptions up to 12 months before enrollment. Antibiotic use ≤3 months before enrollment was associated with a 41% (Δ
Does oxytocin administration to parent enhance infant physiological and behavioral readiness for social engagement?
The social milieu provides the context for the organism's survival, endurance, and adaptation. In mammals, social participation originates within the parent-infant bond and is supported by the oxytocin (OT) system, whose functioning is transmitted from parent to child through patterns of parental care. Human studies indicate that OT administration increases affiliative behavior, including trust, empathy, and social reciprocity. Here, we examine whether OT administration to parent can enhance physiological and behavioral processes that support parental social engagement but, moreover, can have parallel effects on the infant. Utilizing a double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover design, 35 fathers and their 5-month-old infants were observed twice following administration of OT or placebo to father in the face-to-face still-face paradigm. Parent and infant salivary OT were assessed at multiple time points, respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) was measured in the three face-to-face still-face episodes, and social behaviors of the parent and child were micro-coded for indices of social engagement. Oxytocin administration increased father salivary OT, RSA during free play, and key parenting behaviors that support parental-infant bonding. Parallel increases were also found in the infant's salivary OT, RSA response, and engagement behavior, including social gaze, exploration, and social reciprocity.
Hepatic steatosis and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) have been increasingly implicated in the genesis of hepatic fibrosis and cirrhosis. However, no consensus exists about whether weight reduction may reverse this process. To assess the effect of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP) on the histological evolution of NASH diagnosed in 64 patients by routine liver biopsy ("first" biopsy) performed during surgery, we performed a "second" biopsy after 23.5 +/- 8.4 months in 16 patients (14 female, 2 male). From the first to the second biopsy, BMI decreased from 53.4 +/- 8.8 kg/m2 to 31.1 +/- 4.7 kg/m2, arterial hypertension decreased from 75% to 43.8%, and type 2 diabetes decreased from 43.8% to zero. On the first biopsy, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) type 3 was observed in 12 patients (75%) and type 4 in 4 (25%). The second biopsy revealed complete regression of NAFLD in 15 patients (93.7%) and only 1 (6.3%) had NAFLD type 1 (mild steatosis without inflammation). Complete regression of necroinflammatory activity was observed in all patients. Among the 4 patients presenting fibrosis in the first biopsy, complete remission was observed in 1 and improvement in 1. Two continued to show the same degree of fibrosis without evidence of disease activity. No worsening of steatosis, necroinflammatory activity or fibrosis was observed in any of the patients, and none progressed to cirrhosis.
Does oncogenic KRAS induce progenitor cell expansion and malignant transformation in zebrafish exocrine pancreas?
Although the cell of origin for pancreatic cancer remains unknown, prior studies have suggested that pancreatic neoplasia may be initiated in progenitor-like cells. To examine the effects of oncogene activation within the pancreatic progenitor pool, we devised a system for real-time visualization of both normal and oncogenic KRAS-expressing pancreatic progenitor cells in living zebrafish embryos. By using BAC transgenes under the regulation of ptf1a regulatory elements, we expressed either extended green fluorescent protein (eGFP) alone or eGFP fused to oncogenic KRAS in developing zebrafish pancreas. After their initial specification, normal eGFP-labeled pancreatic progenitor cells were observed to actively migrate away from the forming endodermal gut tube, and subsequently underwent characteristic exocrine differentiation. In contrast, pancreatic progenitor cells expressing oncogenic KRAS underwent normal specification and migration, but failed to differentiate. This block in differentiation resulted in the abnormal persistence of an undifferentiated progenitor pool, and was associated with the subsequent formation of invasive pancreatic cancer. These tumors showed several features in common with the human disease, including evidence of abnormal Hedgehog pathway activation.
To examine the effects of interleukin (IL)-2 therapy on in-vitro lymphocyte responsiveness in HIV-infected patients and to correlate these data with serum cortisol concentrations. German prospective study. In adult patients (n = 32) treated with 9 x 10(6) IU/day interleukin-2, lymphocyte transformation tests (LTT), serum cortisol concentrations and CD4 T-cell counts were assessed before, during and after IL-2 therapy. A significant decrease in responses towards mitogens and recall antigens (P < 0.05) was observed on day 7 after starting a 4- to 5-day IL-2 therapy as compared to baseline. Serum cortisol levels increased (P < 0.0001) reaching a maximum on day 4, and were still elevated on day 7 (P < 0.005). CD4 T-cell counts significantly decreased with a minimum on day 2 before increasing 2.4-fold above baseline on day 7 (P < 0.005 each). A positive correlation (P < 0.05 each) was observed for changes in cortisol levels and in LTT mitogen and antigen reactions (both day 7 - 0), changes in cortisol levels (day 3 - 0) and CD4 cell counts on day 2, and corticotrophin releasing hormone test results and LTT antigen reactions on day 7. LTT responses, cortisol levels and CD4 T-cell counts returned to baseline on day 30.
Does dual-specificity phosphatase 6 predict the sensitivity of progestin therapy for atypical endometrial hyperplasia?
We previously found that Dual-specificity phosphatase 6 (Dusp6) over-expression enhanced the growth-promoting effect of estrogen in endometrial adenocarcinoma cells. The aim of this study was to explore the correlation of Dusp6 expression with progestin sensitivity in atypical endometrial hyperplasia (AEH) and earlier endometrial carcinomas (EC). Using immunohistochemistry study, we analyzed the expression of Dusp6 protein in AEH. We found that progestin treatment was effective in 89% of AEH and 50% of EC. Before treatment, Dusp6 expression was significantly higher in progestin-sensitive AEH groups compared with progestin-resistant groups. After treatment, Dusp6 expression was significantly upregulated in progestin-sensitive groups, but not in progestin-resistant groups. Moreover, a high-dose of Dusp6 transfection significantly enhanced progestin-induced growth-inhibition in Ishikawa cells.
Imitation, which is impaired in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and critically depends on the integration of visual input with motor output, likely impacts both motor and social skill acquisition in children with ASD; however, it is unclear what brain mechanisms contribute to this impairment. Children with ASD also exhibit what appears to be an ASD-specific bias against using visual feedback during motor learning. Does the temporal congruity of intrinsic activity, or functional connectivity, between motor and visual brain regions contribute to ASD-associated deficits in imitation, motor, and social skills? We acquired resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging scans from 100 8- to 12-year-old children (50 ASD). Group independent component analysis was used to estimate functional connectivity between visual and motor systems. Brain-behavior relationships were assessed by regressing functional connectivity measures with social deficit severity, imitation, and gesture performance scores. We observed increased intrinsic asynchrony between visual and motor systems in children with ASD and replicated this finding in an independent sample from the Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange. Moreover, children with more out-of-sync intrinsic visual-motor activity displayed more severe autistic traits, while children with greater intrinsic visual-motor synchrony were better imitators.
Does kupffer cell depletion by CI2MDP-liposomes alter hepatic cytokine expression and delays liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy?
Although Kupffer cells (KCs) are capable of producing important growth-stimulating cytokines, their role in liver regeneration following partial hepatectomy (PH) remains poorly understood. In the present study liver regeneration was studied after KC-depletion by intravenous administration of liposome-encapsulated dichloromethylene-diphosphonate (C12MDP), a method known to physically eliminate KCs. Furthermore, splenectomy was performed one week prior to PH to exclude the effect of C12MDP-liposomes on macrophage populations in the spleen. KC-depletion was confirmed in cryostat liver sections stained with the monoclonal antibody ED2, a marker for resident tissue macrophages. Forty-eight hours after PH, the cumulative hepatocyte DNA synthesis, as determined in liver sections by the hepatocyte bromodeoxyuridine labeling index, was significantly decreased in KC-depleted rats when compared to control-rats. The weight of the remnant liver, expressed as a percentage of the initial liver weight, was significantly less at 96 h after PH in KC-depleted rats. KC-depletion abolished the hepatic interleukin-6 (IL-6) and interleukin-10 (IL-10) mRNA synthesis and decreased hepatic expression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and transforming growth factor-beta1(TGF-beta1) mRNA after PH, as was assessed by reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Moreover, at 4 h after PH the systemic release of IL-6 was significantly decreased in KC-depleted rats.
With the advent of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring has come the awareness that blood pressure (BP) normally drops, or "dips," at night by roughly 10%. A number of pathological conditions have been associated with the nondipping of nocturnal BP. In general, researchers have looked at dipping in neurological and cardiovascular disorders. We examined the extent to which nocturnal nondipping might be influenced by relatively gross measures of social environment. This study examined 78 healthy adults and adults with mild hypertension who were not currently receiving medication, aged 25 to 52 years (mean age = 38.2). Forty-two participants self-identified as black and 36 identified as white. Age, body mass index, apnea-hypopnea index, screening BP, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status (SES) were significantly associated with nocturnal BP dipping, accounting for 41% of the variance in dipping (F[6,51] = 5.473, p <.001). When SES was entered on the last step of a hierarchical regression analysis, it independently accounted for 8% of the variance in dipping, even after accounting for ethnicity, such that the lower the SES, the more the nondipping.
Does pentraxin-3 Silencing suppress Gastric Cancer-related Inflammation by Inhibiting Chemotactic Migration of Macrophages?
Chronic inflammation characterized by the recruitment and activation of macrophages has been implicated in the development of gastric cancer. Expression of the long form of pentraxin-3 (PTX3) in gastric cancer cells was examined by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The migratory capacity of gastric cancer cells and chemotaxis of macrophages by PTX3 were assessed by wound-healing and transwell assays. PTX3 silencing using small interfering RNA (siRNA) was performed to confirm PTX3-mediated effects. We demonstrated that PTX3 expression was elevated in human advanced gastric cancer tissues with increased infiltration of CD11b+ macrophages. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha increased PTX3 expression via nuclear factor-kappa B activation in human gastric cancer cells. PTX3 promoted the tumor cell migratory potential, the recruitment of macrophages and their subsequent binding to gastric cancer cells. These effects were suppressed by PTX3 knockdown using siRNA.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) on erythrocyte membrane (EM) lipid composition and physico-chemical properties in hypogonadal men. EM isolated from three patients before and after TRT with injectable testosterone undecanoate or testosterone gel were used for analysis of the phospholipid and fatty acid composition, cholesterol/phospholipid ratio, membrane fluidity, ceramide level and enzyme activities responsible for sphingomyelin metabolism. TRT induced increase of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) in the EMs and sphingomyelin. Reduction of the relative content of the saturated palmitic and stearic fatty acids and a slight increase of different unsaturated fatty acids was observed in phosphatidylcholine (PC). TRT also induced decrease of the cholesterol/total phospholipids ratio and fluidization of the EM.
Does comparative transcriptome profiling of the injured zebrafish and mouse hearts identify miRNA-dependent repair pathways?
The adult mammalian heart has poor regenerative capacity. In contrast, the zebrafish heart retains a robust capacity for regeneration into adulthood. These distinct responses are consequences of a differential utilization of evolutionary-conserved gene regulatory networks in the damaged heart. To systematically identify miRNA-dependent networks controlling cardiac repair following injury, we performed comparative gene and miRNA profiling of the cardiac transcriptome in adult mice and zebrafish. Using an integrated approach, we show that 45 miRNA-dependent networks, involved in critical biological pathways, are differentially modulated in the injured zebrafish vs. mouse hearts. We study, more particularly, the miR-26a-dependent response. Therefore, miR-26a is down-regulated in the fish heart after injury, whereas its expression remains constant in the mouse heart. Targets of miR-26a involve activators of the cell cycle and Ezh2, a component of the polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2). Importantly, PRC2 exerts repressive functions on negative regulators of the cell cycle. In cultured neonatal cardiomyocytes, inhibition of miR-26a stimulates, therefore, cardiomyocyte proliferation. Accordingly, miR-26a knockdown prolongs the proliferative window of cardiomyocytes in the post-natal mouse heart.
Recent studies suggest that colonoscopies done in the morning have better-quality bowel preparations than those done in the afternoon. We aimed to determine how the duration of the interval between the end of the preparation and the start of the colonoscopy affects preparation quality. We prospectively studied consecutive outpatients who had colonoscopies performed at our hospital within a 3-month period. The time of day when the colonoscopy started and the time interval from the last dose of preparation agent to the start of the colonoscopy were recorded. The endoscopist graded the quality of the preparation in the right side of the colon by using a 5-point visual scale. We studied 378 patients (96% men, mean age 62.2 years) who received preparations of polyethylene glycol electrolyte-based (PEG) and sodium phosphate (SP) solution (71%), oral PEG and magnesium citrate (23%), or SP alone (6%). Compared with patients whose preparations were graded as 2/3/4 (fair/poor/inadequate), those whose preparations were graded as 0/1 (excellent/good) had a significantly shorter interval between the time of the last preparation agent dose and the start of the colonoscopy (P = .013).
Does hyperbaric oxygen suppress NADPH oxidase in a rat subarachnoid hemorrhage model?
One of the major contributors to brain injury after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is oxidative stress, and 1 of the major enzymatic sources of superoxide anion production in the brain is NADPH oxidase. Therefore, we studied whether hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) suppresses neuronal NADPH oxidase in a rat model of SAH. Eighty-three Sprague-Dawley male rats were assigned to sham, SAH, and SAH treated with HBO groups. SAH was induced by endovascular perforation. HBO (2.8 atmospheres absolutes for 2 hours) was started at 1 hour after perforation. Rats were euthanized at 6 or 24 hours, and brains were collected for histology, biochemistry, and molecular biology studies including NADPH oxidase activity, gp91phox mRNA expression, and lipid peroxidation assays. Mortality and neurological scores were evaluated. We observed an increased neuronal immunoreactivity of gp91phox at 24 hours after SAH. The upregulation of gp91phox mRNA was associated with increased oxidative stress. HBO decreased NADPH oxidase expression, activity, and the level of oxidative stress at 24 hours after SAH. HBO reduced neuronal injury and improved functional performance throughout the observation period.
Women with low grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL) at cervical cancer screening are currently referred for further diagnostic work up despite 80% having no precancerous lesion. The primary purpose of this study is to measure the test characteristics of 3q26 chromosome gain (3q26 gain) as a host marker of carcinogenesis in women with LSIL. A negative triage test may allow these women to be followed by cytology alone without immediate referral to colposcopy. A historical prospective study was designed to measure 3q26 gain from the archived liquid cytology specimens diagnosed as LSIL among women attending colposcopy between 2007 and 2009. 3q26 gain was assessed on the index liquid sample; and sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) were measured at immediate triage and at 6-16 months after colposcopic biopsy. The sensitivity of 3q26 gain measured at immediate triage from automated and manually reviewed tests in 65 non-pregnant unique women was 70% (95% CI: 35, 93) with a NPV of 89% (95% CI: 78, 96). The sensitivity and NPV increased to 80% (95% CI: 28, 99) and 98% (95% CI: 87, 100), respectively, when only the automated method of detecting 3q26 gain was used.
Are vKORC1 and CYP2C9 polymorphisms associated with warfarin dose requirements in Turkish patients?
The objective of this study was to determine the quantitative influence of vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 (VKORC1) and cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP 2C9) polymorphisms on warfarin dose requirements in Turkish patients. A total of 205 patients taking warfarin for >2 months were enrolled in the study. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) samples from these patients were genotyped for polymorphisms in VKORC1 and CYP2C9 genes. A linear regression analysis was used to determine the independent effects of genetic and non-genetic factors on mean warfarin dose requirements. The VKORC1 promoter polymorphism (3673 G>A) was associated with differences in weekly mean varfarin dose: for GG genotype the dose was 43.18 mg/week, for GA genotype 33.78 mg/week and for AA genoype 25.83 mg/week (P < 0.0001). Patients who carried VKORC1 and CYP2C9 variants needed a 40% lower mean weekly warfarin dose compared to wild types. Variables associated with lower warfarin dose requirements were VKORC1 3673 AA or GA genotype (both P < 0.0001), one or two CYP2C9 variant alleles (both P < 0.0001), increasing age (P < 0.0001) and non-indication of venous thromboembolism for warfarin therapy (P = 0.002).
The goal of this investigation was to examine the effect of immunity to nerve growth factor (NGF) on alterations in sensory nerves from the urinary bladder in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and their projections to the L6/S1 spinal cord following urethral obstruction in the rat. Female Wistar rats were immunized to murine 2.5S NGF, then obstructed by partial urethral ligation for 6 weeks. Retrograde axonal tracing with FluoroGold and WGA-HRP was used to measure areas of bladder DRG cells and afferent projections in the sacral spinal cord. Multiunit activity on bladder nerves allowed recording of micturition reflexes. Immunohistochemical staining for growth associated protein (GAP)-43 in the sacral parasympathetic nucleus (SPN) was used to assess potential growth or activity of axons in the spinal cord. Voiding frequencies were then measured in awake obstructed and NGF immune-obstructed rats. Immunity to NGF prevented obstruction-induced hypertrophy of DRG neurons, reduced retrograde axonal labeling of sacral afferent projections, eliminated enhancement of a spinal micturition reflex and abolished the increased GAP-43 expression in the SPN. Immunity to NGF prevented the urinary frequency that accompanies obstruction.
Is the chemokine CXCL13 elevated in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with neurosyphilis?
The chemokine CXCL13 has been discussed as a diagnostic parameter with high specificity for Lyme neuroborreliosis (LNB) and as a marker of disease activity. Neurosyphilis and LNB share similar characteristics. We investigated retrospectively CXCL13 levels in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients with neurosyphilis at initial diagnosis and during treatment. Five patients with neurosyphilis were identified retrospectively using an electronic database in a tertiary care hospital from 2005 to 2012. CXCL13 levels were measured using an ELISA. Five patients with definite LNB and 10 patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) served as controls. Median CXCL13 levels at baseline were 972 pg/mL for neurosyphilis patients, 8,000 pg/mL for LNB patients, and 7.8 pg/mL for MS patients. Patients with LNB and neurosyphilis showed significantly higher CXCL13 levels in their CSF compared to MS patients (p < 0.05, p < 0.001, respectively). CXCL13 levels in the CSF declined during treatment.
Statins are associated with adverse skeletal muscle effects. Our objective was to determine if muscular adaptations following exercise training prevented deleterious effects of atorvastatin in glycolytic skeletal muscle. Twenty rats were divided into 2 groups: a control group (n = 10; Cont) and a 10 days of training group (n = 10; Training). Using the permeabilized fibers technique, we explored mitochondrial function. Exercise training increased V(max) and H(2)O(2) production without altering the free radical leak, and mRNA expression of SOD2 and Cox1 were higher in trained muscle. In the Cont group, atorvastatin exposure increased H(2)O(2) production and decreased skeletal muscle V(max). The decreased V(max) effect of atorvastatin was dose dependent. Interestingly, the half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC(50)) was higher in the Training group. H(2)O(2) production increased in trained muscle after atorvastatin exposure.
Does kynurenine production mediated by indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase aggravate liver injury in HBV-specific CTL-induced fulminant hepatitis?
Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO), an enzyme that is ubiquitously distributed in mammalian tissues and cells, converts tryptophan to kynurenine, and is also known as a key molecule that promotes apoptosis in lymphocytes and neurons. In this study, we established hepatitis B virus (HBV)-transgenic (Tg)/IDO-knockout (KO) mice and examined the influence of IDO in a murine fulminant hepatitis model induced by HBV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). An increase of IDO expression in the livers of HBV-Tg/IDO-wild-type (WT) mice administered HBV-specific CTL was confirmed by real-time polymerase chain reaction, western blotting, and evaluating IDO activity. Plasma alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels in HBV-Tg/IDO-KO mice after HBV-specific CTL injection significantly decreased compared with those in HBV-Tg/IDO-WT mice. An inhibitor of IDO, 1-methyl-d-tryptophan (1-MT), could also attenuated the observed liver injury induced by this HBV-specific CTL. The expression levels of cytokine and chemokine mRNAs in the livers of HBV-Tg/IDO-WT mice were higher than those in the livers of HBV-Tg/IDO-KO mice. The administration of kynurenine aggravated the liver injury in HBV-Tg/IDO-KO mice injected with HBV-specific CTL. Simultaneous injection of recombinant murine interferon (IFN-γ) and kynurenine also increased the ALT levels in HBV-Tg/IDO-KO mice. The liver injury induced by IFN-γ and kynurenine was improved in HBV-Tg/tumor necrosis factor-α-KO mice.
To evaluate whether core length impacts biopsy accuracy and Gleason score underestimation compared to radical prostatectomy (RP) specimens. From 2010 to 2011, 8,928 cores were trans-rectal obtained from 744 consecutive patients (178 RP, 24%), 557 by an experienced performer (>250/year) and 187 (25%) by in-training urology residents. Prospectively analyzed variables were core length, age, prostate volume, free and total prostate-specific antigen (PSA), PSA density and free/total PSA ratio. Mean core length for Gleason upgrading on RP (42.7%, n = 76) was 11.61 (±2.5, median 11.40) compared to 13.52 (±3.2, median 13.70), p < 0.001 for perfect biopsy-RP Gleason agreement (57.3%, n = 102). In multivariate analysis, for each unit of core length increment in millimeter, the Gleason upgrading risk decreased 89.9%, p = 0.049 [odds ratio (OR) 0.10, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.01-0.99]. Biopsy positivity between experienced (35.5%) and in-training performer (30.1%) was not significantly different (p = 0.20), with comparable mean patient age (65.1 vs. 64.1), prostate volume (52.3 vs. 50.7) and median PSA (5.2 vs. 5.1), respectively. Denoting wider variability in terms of core length, in-training performers obtained significantly larger cores for positive biopsies (11.33 ± 3.42 vs. 10.83 ± 3.68), p = 0.043, compared to experienced performer (11.39 ± 3.36 vs. 11.37 ± 3.64), p = 0.30. In multivariate analysis, PSA density (OR 1.14, 95% CI 1.02-1.28) and age (OR 1.04, 95% CI 1.01-1.07) were significantly associated with biopsy positivity, p = 0.021 and p = 0.011, respectively.
Is overexpression of major CDKN3 transcripts associated with poor survival in lung adenocarcinoma?
The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 3 (CDKN3) has been perceived as a tumour suppressor. Paradoxically, CDKN3 is often overexpressed in human cancer. It was unclear if CDKN3 overexpression is linked to alternative splicing variants or mutations that produce dominant-negative CDKN3. We analysed CDKN3 expression and its association with patient survival in three cohorts of lung adenocarcinoma. We also examined CDKN3 mutations in the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and the Moffitt Cancer Center's Total Cancer Care (TCC) projects. CDKN3 transcripts were further analysed in a panel of cell lines and lung adenocarcinoma tissues. CDKN3 mRNA and protein levels in different cell cycle phases were examined. CDKN3 is overexpressed in non small cell lung cancer. High CDKN3 expression is associated with poor overall survival in lung adenocarcinoma. Two CDKN3 transcripts were detected in all samples. These CDKN3 transcripts represent the full length CDKN3 mRNA and a normal transcript lacking exon 2, which encodes an out of frame 23-amino acid peptide with little homology to CDKN3. CDKN3 mutations were found to be very rare. CDKN3 mRNA and protein were elevated during the mitosis phase of cell cycle.
The aim of this research was to assess the effect of mouth rinses with and without alcohol on the hardness of dental nano-filled composite. The micro-hardness of fifty circular disk shaped specimens of 7 mm x 2 mm were measured after 14 days. Specimens were immersed into alcohol containing (Listerine and Colgate Perioguard) and alcohol-free (Prodent and Sensodyne Oral antiseptic) mouth rinse solutions. Artificial saliva served as the control. Vickers Micro-hardness was measured with a 30gram load for 30 seconds dwell time by using a diamond indenter. Significant differences were represented by p<0.05, whereas highly significant difference represented by p<0.01. The level of significance (p) was calculated with the help of repeated measure ANOVA. For multiple comparisons, Tukey's multiple comparison test was used. Statistical analysis revealed highly significant difference between specimens immersed in artificial saliva (control) and Listerine (p<0.01). Whereas significant difference were observed between control and Colgate Periogard (p<0.05). However, no significant difference was observed on comparing Prodent and Sensodyne Oral antiseptic mouth rinses with control group(p>0.05). Control specimens depicted highest value of micro-hardness(60.5746 ± 3.2703) compared to the lowest value seen in specimens immersed in Listerine solvent(54.4687 ± 1.0937).
Does cardiovascular system in larval zebrafish respond to developmental hypoxia in a family specific manner?
Genetic and environmental variation are both known to influence development. Evolution of a developmental response that is optimized to the environment (adaptive plasticity) requires the existence of genetic variation for that developmental response. In complex traits composed of integrated sets of subsidiary traits, the adaptive process may be slowed by the existence of multiple possible integrated responses. This study tests for family (sibship) specific differences in plastic response to hypoxia in an integrated set of cardiovascular traits in zebrafish. Cardiac output, which is the integrated product of several subsidiary traits, varied highly significantly between families, and families differed significantly in the degree and direction of response to developmental oxygen level. The cardiac output response to oxygen environment was entirely family specific with no significant overall trend due to oxygen level. Constituent physiological variables that contribute to cardiac output all showed significant family specific response to hypoxia. Traits that were not directly related to cardiac output, such as arterial and venous diameter, and red blood cell velocities did not respond to hypoxia in a family specific manner.
To study frequency of dose escalation in infliximab-treated patients and to identify possible predictors thereof. Patients with chronic arthritis initiating their first course of anti-TNF treatment with infliximab at Lund University Hospital were included in a structured clinical follow-up protocol. Information on diagnosis, drug dosage, disease duration, previous and ongoing DMARDs, treatment start and cessation were prospectively collected during the period March 1999 through February 2007. All patients were started on a dose of 3 mg/kg at time 0, week 2, week 6 and then every eighth week independent of diagnosis and were followed for a period of 2 yrs. A total of 206 patients were included in the study. Thirty-two of the patients had PsA, 25 had AS and 149 patients had RA. A minor dose escalation, defined as less than doubling of the dosage, was observed for 53, 48 and 42% of the patients with PsA, AS and RA, respectively. The corresponding values for major dose escalation was observed for 19, 8 and 15% of the patients, respectively. Regression analysis showed that patients with a diagnosis of PsA (P = 0.03), longer follow-up period (P < 0.01), and lack of concomitant MTX treatment (P = 0.03) were significantly associated with risk of dose escalation.
Are the best objective response of target lesions and the incidence of treatment-related hypertension associated with the survival of patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma treated with sunitinib : a Japanese retrospective study?
The aim of this study is to investigate the prognostic relevance of the best objective response of metastatic target lesions during sunitinib treatment in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Radiographic analysis of the best objective response according to the Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors was assessed in 50 patients. Clinicopathological characteristics including the Heng risk classification and sunitinib-related adverse reactions were compared among four patient subgroups [complete response or partial response (CR/PR), stable disease (SD), progressive disease (PD), and those without treatment evaluation (NE)]. Kaplan-Meier and Cox proportional regression analyses of progression-free survival and overall survival were performed to identify prognostic variables. The best objective response was CR/PR in 12 (24 %) patients, SD in 22 (44 %), PD in 6 (12 %), and NE in 10 (20 %). The incidence of hypertension and hypothyroidism was associated with a better objective response. Progression-free survival was 15.0, 9.2, 6.8, and 2.2 months in the CR/PR, SD, PD, and NE groups, respectively (P = 0.0004, log-rank test), while the corresponding median overall survival was 59.7, 24.2, 17.1, and 18.1 months, respectively (P = 0.007). Multivariate analysis revealed that hazard ratios for risk of death of the SD, PD, and NE groups were 4.51 (P = 0.06), 7.93 (P = 0.02), and 4.88 (P = 0.04), respectively, as compared to the CR/PR group.
Preterm birth is the second leading cause of death in children under the age of five years worldwide, but the etiology of many cases remains enigmatic. The dogma that the fetus resides in a sterile environment is being challenged by recent findings and the question has arisen whether microbes that colonize the fetus may be related to preterm birth. It has been posited that meconium reflects the in-utero microbial environment. In this study, correlations between fetal intestinal bacteria from meconium and gestational age were examined in order to suggest underlying mechanisms that may contribute to preterm birth. Meconium from 52 infants ranging in gestational age from 23 to 41 weeks was collected, the DNA extracted, and 16S rRNA analysis performed. Resulting taxa of microbes were correlated to clinical variables and also compared to previous studies of amniotic fluid and other human microbiome niches. Increased detection of bacterial 16S rRNA in meconium of infants of <33 weeks gestational age was observed. Approximately 61·1% of reads sequenced were classified to genera that have been reported in amniotic fluid. Gestational age had the largest influence on microbial community structure (R = 0·161; p = 0·029), while mode of delivery (C-section versus vaginal delivery) had an effect as well (R = 0·100; p = 0·044). Enterobacter, Enterococcus, Lactobacillus, Photorhabdus, and Tannerella, were negatively correlated with gestational age and have been reported to incite inflammatory responses, suggesting a causative role in premature birth.
Do tumor necrosis factor-α and Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharides decrease periostin in human periodontal ligament fibroblasts?
Periostin is a matricellular protein essential for tissue integrity and maturation and is believed to have a key function as a modulator of periodontal ligament (PDL) homeostasis. The aim of this study is to evaluate whether periodontal disease-associated pathogen-related virulence factors (endotoxins/lipopolysaccharides [LPS]) and proinflammatory cytokines alter the expression of periostin in PDL cells. Human PDL cultures were exposed to inflammatory mediators (tumor necrosis factor-α [TNF-α]), bacterial virulence factors (Porphyromonas gingivalis LPS) or a combination in a biomechanically challenged environment. Culture conditions were applied for 24 hours, 4 days, and 7 days. Periostin and TGF-β inducible gene clone H3 (βIGH3) mRNA expression from cell lysates were analyzed. Periostin and βIGH3 proteins were also detected and semiquantified in both cell lysates and cell culture supernatants by Western blot. In addition, periostin localization by immunofluorescence was performed. Analysis of variance and Fisher tests were used to define the statistical differences among groups (P <0.05). In a mechanically challenged environment, periostin protein was more efficiently incorporated into the matrix compared to the non-loaded controls (higher levels of periostin in the supernatant in the non-loaded group). Interestingly, chronic exposure to proinflammatory cytokines and/or microbial virulence factors significantly decreased periostin protein levels in the loaded cultures. There was greater variability on βIGH3 levels, and no particular pattern was clearly evident.
Recently, the Arg389Gly beta1-adrenoceptor (beta1AR) gene polymorphism has been detected. The Arg variant exhibited increased responsiveness to agonist-induced stimulation in vitro. Functional studies in isolated human atrial muscle strips and in-vivo studies revealed contradictory results regarding the functional relevance of this polymorphism. We sought to characterize the functional consequences of the Arg389Gly beta1-AR polymorphism in 30 consecutive healthy male volunteers in vivo. beta1-AR genotype was determined by PCR and restriction analysis, which was confirmed by DNA sequencing. We compared heart rate, blood pressure, and contractile response of the various genotype carriers with a modified dobutamine stress echocardiography protocol. Subjects homozygous for the Arg389 beta1AR showed a significantly higher increase in fractional shortening upon cumulative doses of dobutamine as compared to subjects carrying one or two copies of the Gly389 allele. A statistically significant difference was observed at a dobutamine dose of 10 microg/kg/min (46.5 +/- 1.3 vs. 41.8 +/- 1.0 %; P = 0.023) and was maximal at 40 microg/kg/min (61.9 +/- 1.4 vs. 52.8 +/- 1.6; P = 0.001). As a result, the systolic blood pressure response to dobutamine was significantly enhanced in individuals homozygous for the Arg389 allele, whereas the effect on heart rate did not differ between the two groups. Normalization for changing afterload conditions by calculating the pressure-dimension ratio revealed similar effects, indicating that the beta1AR-mediated effects are mainly a result of increased myocardial inotropy.
Do psychiatric symptoms and substance use disorders in a nationally representative sample of American adolescents involved with foster care?
To ascertain the prevalence of psychiatric symptoms and substance use disorders among adolescents with a lifetime history of foster care placement, using data from a nationally representative sample of U.S. adolescents. We studied adolescents aged 12-17 years in the public use file of the 2000 National Household on Drug Abuse (n = 19,430, including 464 adolescents with history of foster care placement). Psychiatric symptoms and substance use disorders were ascertained through direct interviewing of adolescents. Logistic regression analyses were used to estimate the odds of past-year psychiatric symptoms and substance use disorders among adolescents involved with foster care, as compared to those without a lifetime history of foster care placement (comparison group). Adolescents involved with foster care had more past-year psychiatric symptoms, and especially more conduct symptoms, and past-year substance use disorders than those never placed in foster care. Adolescents involved with foster care were about four times more likely to have attempted suicide in the preceding 12 months (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] 3.95; 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.78, 5.61), and about five times more likely to receive a drug dependence diagnosis in the same period (AOR 4.81; 95% CI 3.22, 7.18).
To explore whether icaritin, a prenylflavonoid derivative of the Chinese tonic herb Epimedium, could suppress the proliferation of human osteosarcoma cells in vitro, and to elucidate the mechanisms of the action. Human osteosarcoma SaOS2 cell line was used in the present study. The proliferation of the cells was examined using MTT assay and immunofluorescence DAPI staining. Cell motility was studied with the scratch assay. Cell apoptosis was determined by Annexin V-FITC and PI double staining using flow cytometry. Western blotting and RT-PCR were used to measure the expression of mRNAs and proteins in the cells. Icaritin (5-15 μmol/L) suppressed the proliferation of SaOS2 cells in vitro in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, the cell motility was significantly decreased after exposure to icaritin. Moreover, icaritin (5 μmol/L) time-dependently induced the apoptosis of SaOS2 cells, markedly suppressed MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression, upregulated caspase-3 and caspase-9 expression, and increased the level of cleaved caspase-3 in the cells. Co-exposure to the caspase-3 inhibitor zVAD-fmk (10 μmol/L) compromised the icaritin-induced caspase-3 expression and apoptosis in SaOS2 cells.
Does [ Water-soluble chemical constituents from Elaeagnus pungens leave ]?
To study water-soluble chemical constituents from the leaves of Elaeagnus pungens. Chemical constituents of E. pungens leaves were separated by a combination of macroporous resin column chromatography, reverse phase silica gel column chromatography, Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography and semi-preparative HPLC. Their structures were identified on the basis of physicochemical properties using the spectral method. The two compounds were separated from E. pungens leaves and identified as kaempferol 3-O-P-D-glucopyranosyl- (1-->3)-alpha-L-rhamn-opyranosyl-(1-->6) -/3-D-galactopyranoside (1), kaempferol 3-O-P-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->3)-alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1-->6)-beta-D-glucopyranoside-7-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside (2).
Meta-analysis of randomized trials with binary data can use a variety of statistical methods. Zero-event trials may create analytic problems. We explored how different methods may impact inferences from meta-analyses containing zero-event trials. Five levels of statistical methods are identified for meta-analysis with zero-event trials, leading to numerous data analyses. We used the binary outcomes from our Cochrane review of randomized trials of laparoscopic vs. small-incision cholecystectomy for patients with symptomatic cholecystolithiasis to illustrate the influence of statistical method on inference. In seven meta-analyses of seven outcomes from 15 trials, there were zero-event trials in 0 to 71.4% of the trials. We found inconsistency in significance in one of seven outcomes (14%; 95% confidence limit 0.4%-57.9%). There was also considerable variability in the confidence limits, the intervention-effect estimates, and heterogeneity for all outcomes.
Does posterior leaflet augmentation in ischemic mitral regurgitation increase leaflet coaptation and mobility?
Restoring leaflet coaptation is the primary objective in repair of ischemic mitral regurgitation (IMR). The common practice of placing an undersized annuloplasty ring partially achieves this goal by correcting annular dilation; however, annular reduction has been demonstrated to exacerbate posterior leaflet tethering. Using a sheep model of IMR, we tested the hypothesis that posterior leaflet augmentation (PLA) combined with standard annuloplasty sizing increases leaflet coaptation more effectively than undersized annuloplasty alone. Eight weeks after posterobasal myocardial infarction, 15 sheep with 2+ or greater IMR underwent annuloplasty with either a 24-mm annuloplasty ring (24-mm group, n = 5), 30-mm ring (30-mm group, n = 5), or 30-mm ring with concomitant augmentation of the posterior leaflet (PLA group, n = 5). Using three-dimensional echocardiography, postrepair coaptation zone and posterior leaflet mobility were assessed. Leaflet coaptation length after repair was greater in the PLA group (4.1 ± 0.3 mm) and the 24-mm group (3.8 ± 0.5 mm) as compared with the 30-mm group (2.7 ± 0.6 mm, p < 0.01). Leaflet coaptation area was significantly greater in the PLA group (121.5 ± 6.6 mm(2)) as compared with the 30-mm group (77.5 ± 17.0 mm(2)) or the 24-mm group (92.5 ± 17.9 mm(2), p < 0.01). Posterior leaflet mobility was significantly greater in the PLA group as compared with the 30-mm group or the 24-mm group.
The immunoinhibitory receptor programmed death-1 (PD-1) is up-regulated on dysfunctional virus-specific CD8 T cells during chronic viral infections, and blockade of PD-1/PD-ligand (PD-L) interactions can restore their function. As hepatitis C virus (HCV) persists in the liver with immune-mediated disease pathogenesis, we examined the role of PD-1/PD-L pathway in antigen-specific CD8 T-cell dysfunction in the liver and blood of HCV-infected patients. PD-1 expression and function of circulating CD8 T cells specific for HCV, Epstein-Barr virus, and influenza virus were examined ex vivo and following antigenic stimulation in vitro in patients with acute, chronic, and resolved HCV infection using class I tetramers and flow cytometry. Intrahepatic CD8 T cells were examined from liver explants of chronically HCV-infected transplant recipients. Intrahepatic HCV-specific CD8 T cells from chronically HCV-infected patients were highly PD-1 positive, profoundly dysfunctional, and unexpectedly refractory to PD-1/PD-L blockade, contrasting from circulating PD-1-intermediate HCV-specific CD8 T cells with responsiveness to PD-1/PD-L blockade. This intrahepatic functional impairment was HCV-specific and directly associated with the level of PD-1 expression. Highly PD-1-positive intrahepatic CD8 T cells were more phenotypically exhausted with increased cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 and reduced CD28 and CD127 expression, suggesting that active antigen-specific stimulation in the liver induces a profound functional exhaustion not reversible by PD-1/PD-L blockade alone.
Is c-reactive protein a strong independent predictor of death in type 2 diabetes : association with multiple facets of the metabolic syndrome?
It has been suggested that atherosclerotic vascular disease is a chronic inflammatory process. The aim of this study was to investigate the importance of C-reactive protein (CRP) as a cardiovascular risk marker and predictor of death, as well as its relation to other factors of the metabolic syndrome in a cohort of type 2 diabetic patients at high risk of severe macrovascular complications. 592 patients, aged 55 to 74 years (311 men, 281 women), with signs and symptoms of circulation deficits were examined by duplex ultrasound for suspected cerebrovascular and peripheral arterial disease and followed over a period of 5 years. At baseline, 292 patients of the total group had type 2 diabetes (49.3%). Ischemic heart disease was present in 40.2%, internal carotid stenosis in 21.9% and peripheral arterial disease in 39.7% of the subjects. During the observation period, 104 patients had died, 72 (69.2%) due to cardiovascular causes. Non-fatal myocardial infarction occurred in 39 patients (7.4%), non-fatal stroke in 70 patients (13.3%) and amputations because of gangrene were unavoidable in 24 patients (4.6%). In Cox regression analysis, CRP was the strongest predictor of death and cardiovascular death in the total cohort (RR 3.7 [95% CI 1.86-7.50] and 5.4 [2.13-13.76]), as well as in the type 2 diabetic subgroup (RR 3.3 [1.27-8.70] and 5.4 [1.44-20.0]). In contrast neither the traditional cardiovascular risk factors nor the data of diabetic metabolic control were able to improve prediction. CRP was correlated positively with plasma levels of triglycerides (r=0.19, p=0.002), C-peptide (r=0.21, p=0.004), postprandial glucose (r=0.17, p=0.009), albuminuria (r=0.16, p=0.020), and inversely with HDL cholesterol (r=-0.20, p=0.002) in type 2 diabetic patients.
To construct a short hairpin RNA (shRNA) vector of the hypoxia inducible factor-1alpha (HIF-1alpha), determine its inhibitory effect on the expression of the HIF-1alpha gene in PC-3M cells, and investigate its application prospects in the treatment of prostate cancer. We designed and synthesized the shRNA template sequence specific against HIF-lalpha, inserted it into the vector psilencer 2.1-U6 to generate the plasmid psilencer-HIF, transfected the recombinant plasmid into prostate cancer cell line PC-3M cells and detected the transfection efficiency by cotransfection with the pEGFP vector as well as the expression of HIF-1alpha by RT-PCR and Western blot. The DNA sequencing analysis showed a complete consistency of the recombinant plasmid psilencer-HIF with the design. Twenty-four hours after the transfection, the rate of transfected plasmid was about (89.26 +/- 4.72)% and the vector-mediated shRNA induced RNA interference (RNAi), while 48 hours transfection reduced the HIF-1alpha mRNA and protein levels by 82.09% and 81.61% respectively (P < 0.01) in PC-3M cells.
Is non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease ( NAFLD ) associated with impairment of Health Related Quality of Life ( HRQOL )?
NAFLD impacts patient reported outcomes (PROs). Our aim was to assess the impact of NAFLD on patients' HRQOL. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2001-2011 data were used to identify adult patients with NAFLD [Fatty Liver Index (FLI) > 60 in absence of other liver disease and excessive alcohol >20 g/day for men, >10 g/day for women]. Patients with other chronic diseases (ex. HIV, cancer, end-stage kidney disease) were excluded. Subjects without any of these conditions were healthy controls. HCV RNA (+) patients were HCV-controls. All patients completed NHANES HRQOL-4 questionnaire. Linear regression determined the association between NAFLD and HRQOL components adjusting for age, gender, race, and BMI. Participants with complete data were included (n = 9661); 3333 NAFLD (age 51 years and BMI 34 kg/m(2)); 346 HCV+ (age 49 years; BMI 27 kg/m(2)) and 5982 healthy controls (age 48 years and BMI 26 kg/m(2)). The proportion of subjects rating their health as "fair" or "poor" in descending order were HCV controls (30 %) NAFLD (20 %) and healthy controls (10 %) (p < 0.001). HRQOL-4 components scores 2-4 were lowest for HCV, followed by NAFLD and then healthy controls (p-values p = 0.011 to < .0001). After adjustment for age, gender, race, and BMI, NAFLD patients were 18-20 % more likely to report days when their physical health wasn't good or were unable to perform daily activities as a result (p < .0001).
Arsenic trioxide (As(2)O(3)) is a well-known and effective treatment that can result in clinical remission for patients diagnosed with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). The biologic efficacy of As(2)O(3) in APL and solid tumor cells has been explained through its actions on anti-proliferation, anti-angiogenesis, and apoptotic signaling pathways. We theorize that As(2)O(3) activates a pathway that disrupts microtubule dynamics forming abnormal, nonfunctioning mitotic spindles, thus preventing cellular division. In this study, we investigated how As(2)O(3) induces apoptosis by causing microtubule dysfunction. Cultured NB4 cells were treated with As(2)O(3), paclitaxel, and vincristine. Flow cytometric analysis was then performed. An MTT assay was used to determine drug-mediated cytotoxicity. For tubulin polymerization assay, each polymerized or soluble tubulin was measured. Microtubule assembly-disassembly was measured using a tubulin polymerization kit. Cellular microtubules were also observed with fluorescence microscopy. As(2)O(3) treatment disrupted tubulin assembly resulting in dysfunctional microtubules that cause death in APL cells. As(2)O(3) markedly enhanced the amount of depolymerized microtubules. The number of microtubule posttranslational modifications on an individual tubulin decreased with As(2)O(3) concentration. Immunocytochemistry revealed changes in the cellular microtubule network and formation of polymerized microtubules in As(2)O(3)-treated cells.
Is the systemic exposure to inhaled beclometasone/formoterol pMDI with valved holding chamber independent of age and body size?
Asthma guidelines recommend prescription of inhaled corticosteroids at a reduced dosage in children compared to older patients in order to minimize the systemic exposure and risk of unwanted side effects. In children, pressurized metered dose inhalers (pMDI) are recommended in combination with a valved holding chamber (VHC) to overcome the problem of coordinating inhalation with actuation. However, the influence of age and body size on the systemic exposure of drugs to be administered via a pMDI with VHC is still not fully elucidated. Therefore, we aimed to compare the systemic exposure to the active ingredients of a fixed combination of beclometasone-dipropionate/formoterol-fumarate administered via pMDI with VHC in children, adolescents and adults. The pharmacokinetics of formoterol and beclometasone-17-monopropionate (active metabolite of beclometasone-dipropionate) was evaluated over 8 h from three studies, each performed in a different age and body size group. Children (7-11 years, n = 20), adolescents (12-17 years, n = 29) and adults (≥18 years, n = 24) received a single dose of beclometasone/formoterol (children: 200 μg/24 μg, adolescents and adults: 400 μg/24 μg) via pMDI with AeroChamber Plus™. The systemic exposure in children in comparison to adolescents was equivalent for formoterol while it was halved for beclometasone-17-monopropionate in accordance with the halved dose of beclometasone administered in children (90% CIs within 0.8-1.25 for formoterol and 0.4-0.625 for beclometasone-17-monopropionate). The systemic exposure to beclometasone-17-monopropionate and formoterol was equivalent between adolescents and adults.
More knowledge about viral populations in wild animals is needed in order to better understand and assess the risk of zoonotic diseases. In this study we performed viral metagenomic analysis of fecal samples from three healthy carnivores: a badger (Meles meles), a mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon) and an otter (Lutra lutra) from Portugal. We detected the presence of novel highly divergent viruses in the fecal material of the carnivores analyzed, such as five gemycircularviruses. Four of these gemycircularviruses were found in the mongoose and one in the badger. In addition we also identified an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene from a putative novel member of the Nodaviridae family in the fecal material of the otter.
Does a DNA microarray facilitate the diagnosis of Bacillus anthracis in environmental samples?
In order to improve the diagnosis of Bacillus anthracis in environmental samples, we established a DNA microarray based on the ArrayTube technology of Clondiag. Total DNA of a bacterial colony is randomly biotinylated and hybridized to the array. The probes on the array target the virulence genes, the genomic marker gene rpoB, as well as the selective 16S rDNA sequence regions of B. anthracis, of the Bacillus cereus group and of Bacillus subtilis. Eight B. anthracis reference strains were tested and correctly identified. Among the analysed environmental Bacillus isolates, no virulent B. anthracis strain was detected.
Acute hyperammonemia causes glutamine and water accumulation in astrocytes and loss of the cerebral blood flow response selectively to CO2. We tested whether extraparenchymal pial arterioles not subjected directly to mechanical compression by swollen astrocyte processes also lose hypercapnic reactivity and whether any such loss can be attenuated by inhibiting glutamine synthesis during hyperammonemia. Pentobarbital-anesthetized rats were pretreated intravenously with either saline vehicle, methionine sulfoximine (0.83 mmol/kg), which inhibits glutamine synthetase and potentially gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase, or buthionine sulfoximine (4 mmol/kg), which inhibits gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase. Three hours after pretreatment, cohorts received an intravenous infusion of either sodium or ammonium acetate for 6 hours. Pial arteriolar diameter was measured with radiolabeled microspheres during normocapnia and 10 minutes of hypercapnia. With sodium acetate infusion, pial arteriolar diameter increased during hypercapnia in groups pretreated with vehicle (23+/-3% [mean+/-SE]; n=6), methionine sulfoximine (37+/-11%; n=5), and buthionine sulfoximine (32+/-3%; n=5). With ammonium acetate infusion, pial arteriolar diameter increased only in the group pretreated with methionine sulfoximine (31+/-4%; n=8) but not in those pretreated with vehicle (-2+/-4%; n=8) or buthionine sulfoximine (4+/-4%; n=6). Methionine sulfoximine, but not buthionine sulfoximine, also prevented loss of the cerebral blood flow response to hypercapnia, an increase in cortical tissue water content, and an increase in pressure under the cranial window during normocapnia in hyperammonemic rats. In contrast to hypercapnia, hypoxemia increased arteriolar diameter 30+/-7% (n=5) during ammonium acetate infusion.
Does [ Radioiodine-131 therapy improve sex hormones and sexual function in male patients with Graves ' disease ]?
To observe the changes of sex hormones and sexual function in male patients with Graves' disease (GD) after Radioiodine-131 (I-131) therapy. Thirty-four male GD patients, aged 21 -40 (32.3 +/- 6.7) years, were treated with I-131 at the dose of 111 - 407 (237.8 +/- 51.8) MBq. The levels of serum sex hormones were measured, and the patients'scores on erectile function (IIEF-5) were obtained before and 3 and 6 months after the treatment. Another 20 healthy men aged 25 - 37 (31 +/- 3.1) years were enlisted as controls. The baseline levels of estrogen (E2), testosterone (T) and luteinizing hormone (LH) were (132.5 +/- 40.4) pmol/L, (21.6 +/- 4.6) nmol/L and (10.1 +/- 4.4) IU/L in the GD patients, significantly higher than (80.4 +/- 31.2) pmol/L, (14.5 +/- 4.2) nmol/L and (6.2 +/- 1.9) IU/L in the healthy controls (P < 0.05). The E2, T and LH levels showed a significant decrease in the GD patients after 3 months of treatment ([110.2 +/- 20.6] pmol/L, [17.7 +/- 5.5] nmol/L and (9.4 +/- 3.9) IU/L, P < 0.05), but exhibited no statistically significant differences from the healthy controls at 6 months ([82.6 +/- 30.1] pmol/L, [13.8 +/- 3.4 ] nmol/L and [6.6 +/- 1.5] IU/L, P > 0.05). The IIEF-5 score of the GD patients was 5 - 25 (15.5 +/- 3.5) before I-131 treatment, significantly lower than that of the controls (19 - 25, 24 +/- 0.5) (P < 0.05), and it was 8 - 25 (19.5 +/- 1.0) at 3 months and 10 - 25 (23.5 +/- 1.5) at 6 months, significantly higher in the latter than in the former (P < 0.05), and with no significant difference between the 6-month treated patients and the healthy controls (P > 0.05).
Dysfunctional CFTR in the airways is associated with elevated levels of NFkappaB mediated IL-8 signaling leading to neutrophil chemotaxis and chronic lung inflammation in cystic fibrosis. The mechanism(s) by which CFTR mediates inflammatory signaling is under debate. We tested the hypothesis that wt-CFTR down-regulates NFkappaB mediated IL-8 secretion. We transiently co-expressed wt-CFTR and IL-8 or NFkappaB promoters driving luciferase expression in HEK293 cells. Wt-CFTR expression in HEK293 cells suppresses both basal and IL1beta induced IL-8, and NFkappaB promoter activities as compared to the control cells transfected with empty vector (p<0.05). We also confirmed these results using CFBE41o- cells and observed that cells stably transduced with wt-CFTR secrete significantly lower amounts of IL-8 chemokine as compared to non-transfected control cells. To test the hypothesis that CFTR must be localized to cell surface lipid rafts in polarized airway epithelial cells in order to mediate the inflammatory response, we treated CFBE41o- cells that had been stably transduced with wt-CFTR with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (CD). At baseline, CD significantly (p<0.05) induced IL-8 and NFkappaB reporter activities as compared to control cells suggesting a negative regulation of NFkappaB mediated IL-8 signaling by CFTR in cholesterol-rich lipid rafts. Untreated cells exposed to the CFTR channel blocker CFTR-172 inhibitor developed a similar increase in IL-8 and NFkappaB reporter activities suggesting that not only must CFTR be present on the cell surface but it must be functional. We verified these results in vivo by comparing survival, body weight and pro-inflammatory cytokine response to P. aeruginosa LPS in CFTR knock out (CFKO) mice as compared to wild type controls. There was a significant (p<0.05) decrease in survival and body weight, an elevation in IL-1beta in whole lung extract (p<0.01), as well as a significant increase in phosphorylated IkappaB, an inducer of NFkappaB mediated signaling in the CFKO mice.
Does the change in B-type natriuretic peptide levels over time predict significant rejection in cardiac transplant recipients?
B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) correlates with cardiac filling pressures and outcomes in patients with heart failure. In heart transplant recipients, we hypothesize that a within-individual change in BNP over time would be more helpful than absolute BNP in detecting International Society of Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT) grade 2R or greater rejection. N-terminal pro-BNP (NT-proBNP) levels were measured in 146 consecutive transplant recipients undergoing routine endomyocardial biopsies. In the cross-sectional analysis, multiple observations per individual were accounted for using generalized estimation equations. A cross-sectional analysis demonstrated a weak association between NT-proBNP levels and rejection, with an odds ratio (OR) of 1.01 for every 100-pg/mL increase in NT-proBNP (p = 0.02). However, with a doubling of an individual's NT-proBNP level, the OR for significant rejection was 2.9 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.2-7.0), the OR with a 5-fold increase was 9.1 (95% CI, 2.7-31.5), and the OR with a 10-fold increase was 27.7 (95% CI, 5.9-129). A 10-fold increase in NT-proBNP offered a negative predictive value of 95% for the diagnosis of rejection. The relationship between within-individual increases in NT-proBNP and rejection persisted after adjusting for a fall in ejection fraction and a rise pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, and was a stronger predictor than changes in these parameters.
Oxidative stress is central to the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD), but the mechanisms involved in the control of this stress in dopaminergic cells are not fully understood. There is increasing evidence that selenoproteins play a central role in the control of redox homeostasis and cell defense, but the precise contribution of members of this family of proteins during the course of neurodegenerative diseases is still elusive. We demonstrated first that selenoprotein T (SelT) whose gene disruption is lethal during embryogenesis, exerts a potent oxidoreductase activity. In the SH-SY5Y cell model of dopaminergic neurons, both silencing and overexpression of SelT affected oxidative stress and cell survival. Treatment with PD-inducing neurotoxins such as 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) or rotenone triggered SelT expression in the nigrostriatal pathway of wild-type mice, but provoked rapid and severe parkinsonian-like motor defects in conditional brain SelT-deficient mice. This motor impairment was associated with marked oxidative stress and neurodegeneration and decreased tyrosine hydroxylase activity and dopamine levels in the nigrostriatal system. Finally, in PD patients, we report that SelT is tremendously increased in the caudate putamen tissue. These results reveal the activity of a novel selenoprotein enzyme that protects dopaminergic neurons against oxidative stress and prevents early and severe movement impairment in animal models of PD.
Do socioeconomic Risk Adjustment Models for Reimbursement Are Necessary in Primary Total Joint Arthroplasty?
Alternative payment models, such as bundled payments, aim to control rising costs for total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and total hip arthroplasty (THA). Without risk adjustment for patients who may utilize more resources, concerns exist about patient selection and access to care. The purpose of this study was to determine whether lower socioeconomic status (SES) was associated with increased resource utilization following TKA and THA. Using the Michigan Arthroplasty Registry Collaborative Quality Initiative database, we reviewed a consecutive series of 4168 primary TKA and THA patients over a 3-year period. We defined lowest SES based upon the median household income of the patient's ZIP code. Demographics, medical comorbidities, length of stay, discharge destination, and readmission rates were compared between patients of lowest SES and higher SES. Patients in the lowest SES group had a longer hospital length of stay (2.79 vs 2.22 days, P < .001), were more likely to be discharged to a rehabilitation facility (27% vs 18%, P < .001), and be readmitted to the hospital within 90 days (11% vs 8%, P = .002) than the higher SES group. Multivariate analysis revealed that lowest SES was an independent risk factor for all 3 outcome variables (all P < .001).
Parvovirus B19 has been demonstrated in testes of patients with germ cell tumours but not in controls, raising the possibility that the virus has an aetiological role in these tumours. The aims of this study were to investigate the association of the virus with germ cell tumours and to localise the virus histologically. DNA was extracted from paraffin wax embedded sections of testes from 10 seminomas, eight teratomas, two mixed seminoma/teratomas, and 10 testes showing benign histology. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of three regions within the NS and VP1/2 genes was carried out in duplicate on all samples. One PCR positive case (seminoma/teratoma) was examined by microdissection of histologically defined tissue components followed by PCR amplification of parvoviral sequences. Samples from PCR positive patients were immunostained using a B19 specific monoclonal antibody. Seven cases were PCR positive, these comprised two of 10 seminomas, one of two mixed tumours, none of eight teratomas, and four of 10 benign controls. PCR analysis of the material microdissected from the seminoma/teratoma showed the presence of the virus in regions of seminoma, teratoma, intratubular germ cell neoplasia, normal tubules, and connective tissue. All patient samples studied immunohistochemically were negative.
Does adenosine-A1 receptors activation restore the suppressed cardioprotective effects of ischemic preconditioning in hyperhomocysteinemic rat hearts?
We have previously shown that the cardioprotective effect of ischemic preconditioning (IPC) is suppressed in hyperhomocysteinemic rat hearts. The present study investigated the effect of 2-chloro-N-cyclopentyladenosine (CCPA), a selective adenosine-A1 receptor agonist, in hyperhomocysteinemia-induced attenuation of the cardioprotective effect of IPC. Rats were administered L-methionine (1.7 g/kg/day po) for 8 weeks to produce hyperhomocysteinemia. Isolated Langendorff perfused normal and hyperhomocysteinemic rat hearts were subjected to 30-minute global ischemia, followed by a 120-minute reperfusion. Myocardial infarct size was assessed macroscopically using triphenyltetrazolium chloride staining. Coronary effluent was analyzed for lactate dehydrogenase and CK-MB release to assess the extent of cardiac injury. The oxidative stress in the heart was assessed by measuring thiobarbituric acid reactive substance and reduced form of glutathione. Ischemia and reperfusion (I/R) produced myocardial injury by increasing myocardial infarct size, elevating lactate dehydrogenase and CK-MB release in coronary effluent, decreasing coronary flow rate, and inducing oxidative stress in normal and hyperhomocysteinemic rat hearts. The hyperhomocysteinemic rat hearts showed enhanced I/R-induced myocardial injury with high oxidative stress. The IPC afforded cardioprotection against I/R-induced myocardial injury in normal rat hearts. However, IPC-mediated myocardial protection against I/R injury was abolished in hyperhomocysteinemic rat hearts. Administration of CCPA did not alter the cardioprotective effect of IPC in normal rat hearts, but its administration markedly restored the cardioprotective effect of IPC in hyperhomocysteinemic rat hearts.
We examined the relationships between depressive symptoms, pain severity, and pain self-efficacy (PSE) in patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP). We hypothesized that change in depressive symptoms would significantly influence change in pain severity, and that PSE indirectly affects this relationship. Participants were 109 CLBP patients in a 4-week multidisciplinary rehabilitation program for CLBP. They completed measures of PSE, depression, and pain severity at admission and discharge. Structural equation modeling was used to test the significant direct and indirect effects from pretreatment to posttreatment. Change in depressive symptoms significantly predicted change in pain severity in affective (β=0.358; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.206-0.480; P=0.006), sensory (β=0.384; 95% CI, 0.257-0.523; P=0.002), and evaluative pain (β=0.456; 95% CI, 0.285-0.605; P=0.002). The indirect effects of change in PSE partially accounted for the relationship between change in depressive symptoms and change in sensory (β=0.105; 95% CI, 0.016-0.241; P=0.023) and evaluative pain (β=0.121; 95% CI, 0.010-0.249; P=0.040). The relationship between change in depressive symptoms and change in affective pain was fully accounted for by the indirect effect of change in PSE (β=0.203; 95% CI, 0.082-0.337; P=0.002).
Is surgical treatment decisive for outcome in chondrosarcoma of the chest wall : a population-based Scandinavian Sarcoma Group study of 106 patients?
Chondrosarcoma of the chest wall is the most frequent primary malignant chest wall tumor. Surgery remains the only effective treatment. Sarcoma treatment in Sweden is centralized to sarcoma centers; however, sarcomas of the chest wall have also been handled by thoracic and general surgeons. One hundred six consecutive reports of chondrosarcomas of the rib and sternum over a 22-year period (1980 to 2002) were studied, with a median of 9 (4 to 23) years of follow-up for survivors. Clinical files were gathered and pathologic specimens reviewed and graded 1 to 4 by the Scandinavian sarcoma pathology group. Surgical margins were defined as wide, marginal, or intralesional. Ninety-seven patients were treated with a curative intent. Patients operated with wide surgical margins had a 10-year survival of 92% compared with 47% for those with intralesional resections. The 10-year survival was 75% for patients treated at sarcoma centers and 59% for those treated by thoracic or general surgeons. Local recurrence rate was highly dependent of the surgical margins-4% after wide resections and 73% after intralesional resections. The proportion of intralesional resections was higher outside sarcoma centers. Prognostic factors (multivariate analysis) for local recurrence included surgical margin and histological grade; for metastases, prognostic factors included histologic grade, tumor size, and local recurrence. Metastases occurred in 21 of the patients and only 2 were cured.
Gender has been shown to affect endothelial function of the forearm circulation in patients with type 2 diabetes, but data on the renal circulation are lacking. We hypothesized that renal vascular nitric oxide (NO) availability is higher, and oxidative stress lower, in female compared to male patients with type 2 diabetes. In 41 male and 39 female patients with type 2 diabetes, renal plasma flow (RPF) was determined by constant infusion input clearance at baseline and following infusion of the NO synthase inhibitor N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA, 4.25 mg/kg) to assess basal renal vascular NO availability. After a subsequent infusion of L-arginine (100 mg/kg) to restore baseline conditions, vitamin C (45 mg/kg) was co-infused to determine levels of oxidative stress in the renal circulation. Baseline renal haemodynamics were similar between genders. L-NMMA-induced renal vasoconstriction was more pronounced in females compared to males (-89 +/- 69 versus -60 +/- 52 ml/min/1.73 m(2), P = 0.03). After administration of L-arginine to restore baseline perfusion, the co-infusion of vitamin C led to a lesser increase of RPF in females than in males (+37 +/- 86 versus +60 +/- 52 ml/min/1.73 m(2), P = 0.05).
Is tracheostomy tube change before day 7 associated with earlier use of speaking valve and earlier oral intake?
Presence of a tracheostomy tube often decreases the patient's ability to communicate and to tolerate oral intake. The initial tracheostomy tube change is often recommended between day 7 and 14 post insertion. Local guidelines permit tracheostomy tube change 5 days after insertion. We hypothesized that changing tracheostomy tubes before day 7 is associated with earlier use of a speaking valve as well as earlier oral intake, compared to changing tracheostomy tubes after 7 days. We prospectively enrolled 130 admitted subjects, after tracheostomy placement to a respiratory care unit between July 2008 and May 2010. Subject data were recorded from the electronic medical record. The primary end point was the time from tracheostomy tube placement to tolerating speaking valve. The secondary end point was the time from tracheostomy tube placement to tolerating oral intake. Complications of tracheostomy tube change were recorded. Thirty-eight subjects had the first tracheostomy tube change before 7 days (early group), and 92 subjects had the first tracheostomy tube change after 7 days (late group). The early group tolerated a speaking valve significantly sooner than the late group (7 d vs 12 d, P = .001). The early group also tolerated oral intake significantly sooner (10 d vs 20 d, P = .04). After change of the tracheostomy tube, the time to tolerating oral feeding was 5.5 days in both groups. There was no significant difference in time to decannulation between the groups. The early group had a shorter respiratory care unit stay (11 d vs 17 d, P = .001) and a shorter hospital stay (P = .05) than the late group. There was no difference in survival. There were no complications associated with tracheostomy tube change.
To examine peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) mRNA expression quantitatively in human renal cell carcinoma (RCC) cell lines and RCC tissue, as well as in corresponding normal kidney tissue. We examined PPARgamma mRNA expression quantitatively in six human RCC cell lines by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. In addition, we evaluated the relationship between cell growth inhibition by PPARgamma ligands and the level of PPARgamma mRNA expression. We compared the expression of PPARgamma mRNA in 47 RCC tissues with that in corresponding normal kidney tissue, and investigated the relationship between clinicopathological features and the level of PPARgamma mRNA expression. Among the six RCC cell lines, five showed decreased PPARgamma mRNA expression. There was no relationship between the inhibitory effects of PPARgamma ligands and PPARgamma mRNA expression levels. Of the tissues from 47 RCC patients, 25 (53%) showed decreased expression of PPARgamma mRNA compared to corresponding normal kidney tissue, and one was equivalent to normal tissue. These patients had distant metastasis at diagnosis more frequently than the remaining patients with high expression. There was also a trend for these patients to have a higher stage.
Do novel HSP90 inhibitors effectively target functions of thyroid cancer stem cell preventing migration and invasion?
Thyroid cancer stem cells (CSCs) with ALDH and CD44 markers contribute to tumor growth and aggressiveness. We hypothesized that novel HSP90 inhibitors (KU711, WGA-TA) and 17-AAG can effectively target the function of thyroid CSCs in vitro and prevent migration and invasion. Validated papillary (TPC1), follicular (FTC238,WRO), and anaplastic (ACT1) human thyroid cancer cell lines were treated with 3 HSP90 inhibitors. CSCs were quantified for aldehyde dehydrogenase by flow cytometry, CD44 expression by Western blot, and thyrosphere formation assay. Cellular pathway proteins were analyzed by Western blot and migration/invasion by Boyden-chambers. WGA-TA and 17-AAG induced HSP70 compensation (not observed with KU711) on Western blot in all cell lines (>1,000 fold vs controls). Only WGA-TA degraded HSP90-Cdc37 complexing by 60-70% versus controls. Expression of HSP90 clients β-catenin, BRAF, Akt, and phospho-Akt were significantly inhibited by WGA-TA treatment (50-80%, 50-90%, >80%, and >90%) compared with controls, KU711, and 17-AAG treatment. KU711 and WGA-TA decreased CD44 expression in all cell lines (25-60% vs controls/17-AAG), decreased ALDEFLOR activity by 69-98% (P < .005), and decreased sphere formation by 64-99% (P < .05 each). Finally, cell migration was decreased by 31-98%, 100%, and 30-38%, and invasion by 75-100%, 100%, and 47% by KU711,WGA-TA, and 17-AAG treatment (P < .05) each, respectively.
The perineum stretches naturally during obstetrical labor, but it is unknown whether this stretch has a negative impact on pelvic floor outcomes after a vaginal birth (VB). We aimed to evaluate whether perineal stretch was associated with postpartum pelvic floor dysfunction, and we hypothesized that greater perineal stretch would correlate with worsened outcomes. This was a prospective cohort study of primiparous women who had a VB. Perineal body (PB) length was measured antepartum, during labor, and 6 months postpartum. We determined the maximum PB (PBmax) measurements during the second stage of labor and PB change (ΔPB) between time points. Women completed functional questionnaires and had a Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification (POP-Q) system exam 6 months postpartum. We analyzed the relationship of PB measurements to perineal lacerations and postpartum outcomes, including urinary, anal, and fecal incontinence, sexual activity and function, and POP-Q measurements. Four hundred and forty-eight women with VB and a mean age of 24 ± 5.0 years with rare (5 %) third- or fourth-degree lacerations were assessed. During the second stage of labor, 270/448 (60 %) had perineal measurements. Mean antepartum PB length was 3.7 ± 0.8 cm, with a maximum mean PB length (PBmax) during the second stage of 6.1 ± 1.5 cm, an increase of 65 %. The change in PB length (ΔPB) from antepartum to 6 months postpartum was a net decrease (-0.39 ± 1.02 cm). PB change and PBmax were not associated with perineal lacerations or outcomes postpartum (all p > 0.05).
Does bile deficiency induce changes in intestinal glucose absorption in mice?
Biliary tract obstruction is a common clinical problem. In this study, we attempted to understand the change in intestinal glucose absorption after biliary tract obstruction. Experimental models of murine biliary duct ligation and external biliary drainage were established. Murine intestinal mucosal glucose absorption was examined with Ussing chambers according to the increase in the short-circuit current in vitro and blood glucose measurement after oral glucose in vivo. The protein expression of the sodium-glucose cotransporter (SGLT1) and the facilitated glucose transporter, member 2 (GLUT2) was analyzed by Western blot and immunohistochemistry. The results from Ussing chamber experiments showed that duodenal mucosal glucose absorption levels were significantly higher in biliary duct ligation and biliary drainage mice than those in normal control mice at 1 and 2 weeks after the operation. Gastrointestinal bile acid administration almost reversed the elevated duodenal mucosal glucose absorption to the normal level in biliary drainage mice. The results from the experiments in vivo further confirmed that the glucose absorption increased in biliary duct ligation and biliary drainage mice. The protein expression levels of SGLT1 in the duodenal mucosae of both biliary duct ligation and biliary drainage mice were markedly higher than those in control mice, and the protein expression of GLUT2 was not significantly altered, compared with control mice.
To investigate whether social contact and support received during hospitalization for acute ischemic stroke predict depression and daily life functioning three months later. Prospective observational study using Ecological Momentary Assessments to evaluate the number of social contacts as well as social support received from family, friends and medical staff within 24 hours following admission for stroke. Patients also monitored depression symptoms and behavior in real-time and in daily life contexts three months later. A university hospital acute stroke unit. Thirty-four mild ischemic stroke patients. None. One-day Ecological Momentary Assessments immediately following stroke collected information concerning perceived social support, number of social contacts and depression symptoms. Ecological Momentary Assessments was repeated three months later and addressed depression levels as well as activities of daily living, such as working, cooking, shopping and housework. The number of social interactions received at hospitalization did not predict three-month outcomes. However, a better quality of moral support from friends and family immediately after stroke was associated with decreases in later depression levels (p = 0.041) and increases in activities of daily living (p = 0.011). Material support from friends and family was associated with increases in activities of daily living (p = 0.012). No effect was observed for support received from medical staff.
Is krüpple-like factor 5 required for proper maintenance of adult intestinal crypt cellular proliferation?
Krüpple-like factor 5 (KLF5) is a transcription factor that is highly expressed in the proliferative compartment of the intestinal crypt. There, it is thought to regulate epithelial turnover and homeostasis. In this study, we sought to determine the role for Klf5 in the maintenance of cellular proliferation, cytodifferentiation, and morphology of the crypt-villus axis. Tamoxifen-induced recombination directed by the epithelial-specific Villin promoter (in Villin-CreERT2 transgenic mice) was used to delete Klf5 (in Klf5 (loxP/loxP) mice) from the adult mouse intestine and analyzed by immunostaining and RT-qPCR. Control mice were tamoxifen-treated Klf5 (loxP/loxP) mice lacking Villin-CreERT2. Three days after tamoxifen-induced recombination, the mitosis marker phospho-histone H3 was significantly reduced within the Klf5-mutant crypt epithelium, coincident with increased expression of the apoptosis marker cleaved-caspase 3 within the crypt where cell death rarely occurs normally. We also observed a reduction in Chromagranin A expressing enteroendocrine cells, though no significant change was seen in other secretory or absorptive cell types. To examine the long-term repercussions of Klf5 loss, we killed mice 5, 14, and 28 days post recombination and found reemerging expression of KLF5. Furthermore, we observed restoration of cellular proliferation, though not to levels seen wildtype intestinal crypts. Reduction of apoptosis to levels comparable to the wildtype intestinal crypt was also observed at later time points. Analysis of cell cycle machinery indicated no significant perturbation upon deletion of Klf5; however, a reduction of stem cell markers Ascl2, Lgr5, and Olfm4 was observed at all time points following Klf5 deletion.
Although falls in people with Parkinson's disease (PD) associate with dual tasking and freezing of gait (FoG), it is not known whether falls during dual tasking are due to FoG. This study investigated the effects of a cognitive task on the occurrence of falls and FoG when subjects with PD step in response to a postural perturbation. Ten subjects with PD and a history of FoG as well as 10 age-matched subjects without PD stepped in response to large, backward displacements of the support surface, with and without performing a fluency task of listing items in a category. Subjects with PD performed the task in the "off" and "on" dopaminergic medication states. We recorded the percentage of trials with FoG (a lack of step in response to the perturbation), foot-lift latencies, and trials with falls into a safety harness. Dual tasking significantly increased the incidence of falls in people with PD, but subjects without PD did not fall in any condition. Dual tasking did not significantly increase trials without steps or foot-lift latencies. Falls were often coincident with a lack of step (FoG) in the single-task condition, but the increased falls with dual tasking occurred on trials with steps. Levodopa tended to decrease FoG and falls with or without dual tasking. However, medication did not significantly alter the effects of dual tasking on FoG or falls.
Is asthma induced by intranasal coadministration of allergen and natural killer T-cell ligand in a mouse model?
Allergic asthma is an inflammatory lung disease caused by a T(H)2-driven immune response. However, intranasal exposures to soluble antigen lead to mucosal tolerance, and the mechanism involved in generation of T(H)2 responses to inert inhaled allergens is unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate whether CD1d-restricted natural killer T (NKT) cells can contribute to the induction of T(H)2-dependent allergic asthma in a mouse model. To investigate the effect of NKT cells on the development of asthma, NKT cell ligand, alpha-galactosylceramide (alphaGC), was used with antigens. We intranasally sensitized Balb/c mice with various combinations of antigen and alphaGC for 3 consecutive days and challenged them 2 weeks later with an aerosol of ovalbumin. NKT cell-deficient or T(H) cell-deficient mice were immunized by administering ovalbumin and alphaGC together, and ovalbumin inhalation. Only when immunized with ovalbumin plus alphaGC, airway hyperreactivity, airway eosinophils, elevated IgE level, and T(H)2-cytokine production were observed in Balb/c mice. Ovalbumin alone, alphaGC alone, or BSA plus alphaGC-immunized mice did not induce asthma. Studies in NKT cell-deficient, or CD4(+) T-cell-deficient mice intranasally exposed to ovalbumin plus alphaGC did not show the development of asthma. An increase of NKT cells in bronchoalveolar lavage was observed in the pathologic states.
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a risk factor for future cardiovascular disease. Although pulse wave velocity (PWV), which reflects arterial stiffness, was increased in subjects with CKD, little is known regarding whether renal function is associated with PWV in a low-risk population and whether proteinuria and decreased renal function synergistically affect PWV. Subjects are 3,387 persons (mean age, 52 years) who attended a health checkup program in Okinawa, Japan. We measured brachial-ankle PWV (baPWV) by using an automatic oscillometric method. Proteinuria was semiquantified by using the dipstick method. Creatinine clearance (CCr) was estimated by using the Cockcroft-Gault formula. baPWV was accelerated with increases in age, systolic blood pressure, fasting glucose level, and total cholesterol level; male sex; presence of proteinuria; and decrease in CCr. All these factors independently predicted baPWV in multiple regression analysis. When subjects were divided into 6 groups according to CCr of 90 or greater, 60 to 89, or 30 to 59 mL/min (> or =1.50, 1.00 to 1.48, or 0.50 to 0.98 mL/s) and the absence or presence of proteinuria, baPWV, after adjustment for age, sex, and systolic blood pressure, increased in a stepwise fashion corresponding to decreases in CCr regardless of proteinuria, with the relationship exaggerated in the presence of proteinuria.
Does clonidine pretreatment reduce the systemic toxicity of intravenous bupivacaine in rats?
Clonidine prolongs the duration of sensory and motor block induced by bupivacaine, and this association, in constant infusion by the epidural route, is used for postoperative analgesia. After a near-fatal intravenous bolus of bupivacaine in dogs, clonidine improves ventricular electrophysiologic parameters, but probably worsens bupivacaine-induced bradycardia and depression of the myocardial contractility. The current study, using a rodent animal model, evaluated the influence of clonidine pretreatment on the systemic toxic effects of bupivacaine overdose induced by a constant intravenous infusion. Twenty Wistar male rats were anesthetized with thiopental, and controlled ventilation was started with an equal mixture of O2 and N2O. Electrocardiogram (ECG), electroencephalogram (EEG), and invasive arterial blood pressure were continuously recorded. Clonidine (5 micrograms/kg) or saline was injected intravenously in a randomized fashion. After 15 min, an intravenous infusion of bupivacaine was started at 2 x min-1. The time of occurrence of the bupivacaine-induced toxic events was recorded and the doses were calculated. Ten (five in each group) additional rats, pretreated according to the same protocol, were killed at the time of the first dysrhythmia, for blood sampling and plasma bupivacaine concentration measurement. Clonidine reduced heart rate and arterial blood pressure before bupivacaine infusion (P < 0.05). The threshold doses at the first QRS modification (11.3 +/- 5.6 vs. 2.1 +/- 0.9 mg/kg) and the first dysrhythmia (40.6 +/- 15.3 vs. 8.48 +/- 3.7 mg/kg), the increase in EEG total spectral power (33.3 +/- 21.9 vs. 8.2 +/- 5.1 mg/kg), the 25 and 50% reduction in baseline mean arterial pressure and heart rate, the isoelectric EEG (58.6 +/- 14 vs. 22 +/- 6.6 mg/kg), and the final systole (99 +/- 16 vs. 51.8 +/- 14.5 mg/kg) were significantly greater in the clonidine group than in the saline group (P < 0.01). The time between the first dysrhythmia and 50% reduction of baseline mean arterial blood pressure was not different between the groups. In the additional series, the first dysrhythmia occurred later (10.9 +/- 4.5 vs. 3.2 +/- 1.0 min, P < 0.01) and plasma bupivacaine levels were greater (18.7 +/- 8.0 vs. 7.8 +/- 3.2 micrograms/ml, P < 0.01) in the clonidine group than in the saline group.
Long noncoding RNA prostate cancer gene antigen 3 (PCA3) is one of the most prostate cancer-specific genes at present. Consequently, the prostate-specific expression and the sharp up-regulation of PCA3 RNA in prostate cancer suggest a unique transcriptional regulation, which possibly can be attributed to promoter polymorphism. In this study, we investigated a short tandem repeat (STR) polymorphism of TAAA in the promoter region of PCA3 gene found in our previous study in prostate cancer (PCa) patients and benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) patients, aiming to evaluate the association between the STR and increased risk for PCa. 120 PCa cases and 120 benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) cases were identified among participants. The region encompassing the TAAA repeat was amplified with a specific primer set we designed and screened by PCR-based cloning and sequencing in paired peripheral blood leukocytes and prostate tissues. Genotype-specific risks were estimated as odds ratios (ORs) associated with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) and adjusted for age by means of unconditional logistic regression. 5 PCA3 TAAA STR polymorphisms and 8 genotypes were found in both peripheral blood leukocytes and prostate tissues, the carriers with more TAAA repeats were associated with increased risk for PCa than individuals having less TAAA repeats. Interestingly, 18 (15.0%) of 120 PCa patients had more (TAAA)n repeats in prostate tissues than that in peripheral blood leukocytes, and 3 (2.5%) of 120 had less (TAAA)n repeats in prostate tissues.
Does enriched environment prevent cognitive and motor deficits associated with postnatal MK-801 treatment?
Previous studies have shown the beneficial effects of enriched environment (EE) in rescuing behavioral deficits such as pre-pulse inhibition and locomotor hyperactivity associated with N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor blockade; however, cognitive deficits remain unresponsive. We designed experiments to determine the consequences of raising rat pups in an EE on several behavioral aberrations, mainly cognitive deficits, observed in rats postnatally exposed to MK-801 (NMDA receptor antagonist). Male Wistar rats were injected with MK-801 (1 mg/kg) from postnatal day (P) 6-10. Rat pups were housed in an EE from birth up to the time of behavioral experiments at P28-34. The effects of EE in correcting MK-801-associated behaviors were assessed by rotarod, wire grip, open filed, and Morris water maze tests. We found that EE not only has beneficial effects on cognitive performance of normal rats but also prevents spatial learning and memory deficits in Morris water maze induced by MK-801. Postnatal MK-801 treatment also led to motor deficits both in wire grip and accelerating rotarod tests. These deficits were not observed in MK-801-treated rats raised in EE. In the open field test, EE prevented increase in "frequency of grooming" and decrease in "time spent in the center" associated with MK-801.
To evaluate the relationship between retinal vascular occlusions (RVOs) and exfoliation syndrome (XFS) in a cohort of patients with the two conditions. We reviewed the records of patients with XFS with or without glaucoma and any type of RVO between 1983 and 2007. Patients with prior incisional surgery or a history of uveitis were excluded. Data collected included demographics, systemic comorbidities, type of RVO, and intraocular pressure (IOP) before the RVO. Slit-lamp biomicroscopy regarding the presence of exfoliation material on the lens capsule and pupillary margin before the vascular event was used to evaluate the laterality and degree of XFS. We identified 36 patients (mean age 78.4+/-8.3 years, 19 women). Most patients were of European descent (34/36) and 20 (56%) had no prior glaucoma diagnosis. The most common retinal vascular events were central retinal vein occlusion (18/36) and BRVO (10/36). Mean IOP between eyes with (19.5+/-6.5 mm Hg) and without (17.9+/-4.8 mm Hg) RVO was similar (P=0.12). RVOs occurred more commonly in the eye with more pronounced XFS in 92% (33/36) of the cases. A similar agreement was found when considering patients with and without glaucoma separately (94% (15/16) vs90% (18/20); P=0.83). In addition, no difference in the agreement percentage was observed when comparing patients with unilateral XFS (87% (13/15)) with all study patients (P=0.87).
Does high-pressure physiological saline isotonic solution administration enhance brain NGF and NGF-receptors expression?
Nerve growth factor (NGF) is a neurotrophin which promotes and regulates the survival of neurons in the peripheral nervous system. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of high-pressure administration of sterile physiological saline isotonic solution (HpPSIS) into nasal cavity of laboratory animals on NGF levels and NGF-receptor expression in the olfactory bulbs and brain. For this study we used three weeks old female Sprague Dawley SD rats (n=48). Rats were divided into two groups, the first one treated delivering physiological saline solution with a normal syringe modified at the extremity to fit the rats' nostril (5 ml) (n=24) and the second one treated spray with HpPSIS (n=24 rats). Rats were treated three times a day either for 5 consecutive days (shorth term treatment) or 10 consecutive days (longer treatment) in both nostrils of HpPSIS delivered at high pressure (pression emission level: PEL: 7 g/sec for emission time ET: 0.5 sec) with a specific forced spray erogator. Untreated rats received a similar manipulation three times a day through a syringe in the nostrils, but no HpPSIS administration. The results of these studies highlight the possibility that endogenous enhancement of NGF by stimulation of NGF-producing cells within the nasal cavities and also in the CNS represent a novel experimental approach to enhance the brain NGF levels with a new therapy. HpPSIS treatment further enhances the presence of NGF in the four brains examined. Indeed, a significant increase of NGF was first observed after 5 days of HpPSIS treatment, compared to HpPSIS untreated rats. The increase was over 25% in the OB, ST, HI and in CX, while 10 days after HpPSIS treatments the levels of NGF were even higher. These differences were statistically significant, p < 0.05.
Although race is associated with prostate cancer progression in early stage disease, once men have advanced disease, it is unclear whether race continues to predict a poor outcome. The authors hypothesized that, in an equal-access setting among patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) and no known metastases (M0/Mx), black men would receive imaging tests at similar rates as nonblack men (ie, there would be an equal opportunity to detect metastases) but would have a higher risk of metastatic disease. In total, 837 men who were diagnosed with M0/Mx CRPC during 2000 through 2014 from 5 Veterans Affairs hospitals in the SEARCH (Shared Equal Access Regional Cancer Hospital) database were analyzed. Data on all imaging tests after CRPC diagnosis were collected, including date, type, and outcome. Multivariable Cox models were used to test associations between race and the time to first metastasis, first bone metastasis, first bone scan, second bone scan among men who had a negative first bone scan, and overall survival. Black men (n = 306) were equally as likely as nonblack men (n = 531) to receive a first and second bone scan after a diagnosis of CRPC. There were no significant differences in the risk of developing any metastases, bone metastases, time to bone scans, or overall survival between black men and nonblack men (all P > .2).
Is p16 ( INK4a ) overexpression linked to oncogenic human papillomaviruses in patients with high-grade urothelial cancer cells?
p16(INK4a) Is overexpressed in almost all precancerous and carcinomatous lesions of the uterine cervix, secondary to interference between high-risk human papillomaviruses (hr-HPVs) and the retinoblastoma gene product. Overexpression of p16(INK4a) has also been identified in patients with high-grade urothelial lesions, both cytologically and histologically. However, the etiological role of HPV has not been documented except in inverted papillomas, low-grade bladder tumors, and younger patients. We therefore attempted to verify if HPV DNA was detectable in p16(INK4a) -positive urothelial tumors. A total of 90 urinary cytology samples (33 negative/low-grade cases and 57 high-grade proliferations) were analyzed for p16(INK4a) and HPV DNA. HPV genotyping was performed by polymerase chain reaction using a low-density DNA microarray enabling the detection of 35 HPVs. A reasoned approach combining tissue genotyping and in situ hybridization (ISH) for hr-HPVs was used in patients with urinary HPV. Low-risk HPV (HPV-84) and hr-HPVs (HPV-16, -31, and -70) were detected. The prevalence of hr-HPVs in the urine was low: 5 of 82 patients (6.1%) and only 4 of 50 patients (8.0%) with high-grade urothelial malignancy. p16(INK4a) overexpression was noted in 49 high-grade samples (85.9%). In patients with p16(INK4a) -positive tumor cells and hr-HPV in the urine, HPV genotyping and ISH for hr-HPVs were negative in matched tissue sections.
The effects of nutritional management among other intervention components have not been examined for hip-fractured elderly persons with poor nutritional status. Accordingly, this study explored the intervention effects of an in-home program using a comprehensive care model that included a nutrition-management component on recovery of hip-fractured older persons with poor nutritional status at hospital discharge. A secondary analysis of data from a randomized controlled trial with 24-month follow-up. A 3000-bed medical center in northern Taiwan. Subjects were included only if they had "poor nutritional status" at hospital discharge, including those at risk for malnutrition or malnourished. The subsample included 80 subjects with poor nutritional status in the comprehensive care group, 87 in the interdisciplinary care group, and 85 in the usual care group. The 3 care models were usual care, interdisciplinary care, and comprehensive care. Usual care provided no in-home care, interdisciplinary care provided 4 months of in-home rehabilitation, and comprehensive care included management of depressive symptoms, falls, and nutrition as well as 1 year of in-home rehabilitation. Data were collected on nutritional status and physical functions, including range of motion, muscle power, proprioception, balance and functional independence, and analyzed using a generalized estimating equation approach. We also compared patients' baseline characteristics: demographic characteristics, type of surgery, comorbidities, length of hospital stay, cognitive function, and depression. Patients with poor nutritional status who received comprehensive care were 1.67 times (95% confidence interval 1.06-2.61) more likely to recover their nutritional status than those who received interdisciplinary and usual care. Furthermore, the comprehensive care model improved the functional independence and balance of patients who recovered their nutritional status over the first year following discharge, but not of those who had not yet recovered.
Is mediterranean diet associated on symptoms of depression and anxiety in patients with bronchiectasis?
The aim was to measure symptoms of depression and anxiety in patients with bronchiectasis and evaluate their relationship with a Mediterranean diet. This cross-sectional study recruited patients with bronchiectasis at four Spanish centers. Patients completed the hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS) and the Mediterranean diet questionnaire (PREDIMED). Demographic, health and outcome data were recorded from medical charts. Logistic regression was used to determine the predictors of elevated symptoms of depression and anxiety (HADS≥11). Of the 205 participants recruited, 37 (18.0%) had elevated anxiety-related scores and 26 (12.7%) had elevated depression-related scores (HADS≥11). Increased symptoms of depression were significantly associated with being unemployed, a lower education, older age, comorbidity, major dyspnea, worse quality of life (QOL) and a lower PREDIMED score. Increased symptoms of anxiety were significantly associated with more exacerbations, worse QOL and a lower PREDIMED score. Regression analyses indicated that, after adjustment, QOL and the PREDIMED score predicted elevated symptoms of depression and QOL predicted elevated symptoms of anxiety.
This study characterizes ovariectomized (OVX)-induced osteoporotic fracture healing with focus on estrogen receptors (ERs). Callus formation plays a critical role in fracture healing, and ERs are well-known mechanosensors in osteogenic pathways. It was hypothesized that callus formation was related to and partially determined by the difference in expression patterns of ERs in both normal and OVX-induced osteoporotic fractures. Closed femoral fracture in SHAM and ovariectomized rats were used in this study. Weekly callus width (CW) and area (CA), endpoint mechanical properties, gene expressions of Col-1, BMP-2, ER-α, ER-β and ER-α:ER-β ratios (ER-ratios), and correlations were assessed at 2, 4 and 8 weeks post-fracture. CW and CA results confirmed that OVX-induced osteoporotic fracture was delayed at 2-4 weeks with impaired endpoint mechanical properties. Gene expressions of ER-α and ER-β were higher in the SHAM group at week 2 (p < 0.05) and later lowered at week 8; whereas the OVX group showed an opposing trend. Moderate correlation existed between ER-α and BMP-2 (0.545, p = 0.003), and ER-ratio and BMP-2 (0.601, p = 0.001), and BMP-2 to CW and CA (r = 0.709, p = 0.000 and r = 0.588, p = 0.001, respectively). ER-α and ER-β proteins expressions were confirmed by immunohistochemistry at the fracture callus in reparative progenitor cells, osteoblasts- and osteoclasts-like cells.
Does the effect of exercise on exhaled nitric oxide depend on allergic rhinoconjunctivitis in children?
Fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) and exercise testing are widely used for the evaluation of pediatric asthma. The evidence relating to the effects of strenuous exercise on FENO in children is conflicting. Little information is available on the association between exercise and FENO in relation to allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (AR). We aimed to investigate the effects of AR on children's FENO in response to a standardized treadmill exercise test. A total of 124 children with current asthma and 124 non-asthmatic children aged 8-16 years were studied. FENO was measured at baseline, at 1 and 30 min after an exercise challenge test using the single breath technique with EcoMedics Exhalyzer. A structured parental interview, spirometry, serum allergen-specific IgE and skin prick tests were performed. Baseline FENO was higher in both asthmatics and non-asthmatics with AR than without AR (both p < 0.001). The FENO time trend was dependent on AR (p = 0.039), irrespective of asthma (p = 0.876). In children with AR, FENO had declined at 1 min by a mean of 6.1 ppb with a 95% confidence level of 5.1-7.5 ppb; at 30 min, the reduction was 2.8 (2.5-3.3) ppb. In children without AR, at 1 min the decline in FENO was 2.7 (2.1-3.5) ppb and by 30 min post-exercise it was 1.6 (1.3-2.0) ppb.
Ovarian cancer (OvCa) is the most lethal gynecologic malignancy in the United States because of chemoresistant recurrent disease. Our objective was to investigate the efficacy of inhibiting the Notch pathway with a γ-secretase inhibitor (GSI) in an OvCa patient-derived xenograft model as a single agent therapy and in combination with standard chemotherapy. Immunocompromised mice bearing xenografts derived from clinically platinum-sensitive human ovarian serous carcinomas were treated with vehicle, GSI (MRK-003) alone, paclitaxel and carboplatin (P/C) alone, or the combination of GSI and P/C. Mice bearing platinum-resistant xenografts were given GSI with or without paclitaxel. Gene transcript levels of the Notch pathway target Hes1 were analyzed using RT-PCR. Notch1 and Notch3 protein levels were evaluated. The Wilcoxon rank-sum test was used to assess significance between the different treatment groups. Expression of Notch1 and 3 was variable. GSI alone decreased tumor growth in two of three platinum-sensitive ovarian tumors (p < 0.05), as well as in one of three platinum-sensitive tumors (p = 0.04). The combination of GSI and paclitaxel was significantly more effective than GSI alone and paclitaxel alone in all platinum-resistant ovarian tumors (all p < 0.05). The addition of GSI did not alter the effect of P/C in platinum-sensitive tumors. Interestingly, although the response of each tumor to chronic GSI exposure did not correlate with its endogenous level of Notch expression, GSI did negatively affect Notch signaling in an acute setting.
Is arginine transport augmented , through modulation of cationic amino acid transporter-1 , in obstructive uropathy in rats?
The decrease in glomerular filtration rate (GFR), which is characteristic of obstructive uropathy, was suggested to be associated with attenuated nitric oxide (NO) generation. Since availability of L-arginine, the sole precursor for NO, governs NO synthesis, we aimed to determine the role of glomerular arginine transport in rats subjected to 24 h of bilateral ureteral ligation (BUO). Glomerular arginine transport was measured by uptake of radiolabeled arginine ([(3)H]-L-arginine), cationic amino acid transporters (CAT)-1 and -2 and arginases I and II mRNA expression were determined using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. CAT-1, arginase I, and arginase II protein contents were evaluated by Western blotting. L-Arginine transport by freshly harvested glomeruli from BUO rats was significantly augmented than in controls. The aforementioned findings were associated with a significant increase in glomerular CAT-1 mRNA expression, while CAT-2 mRNA was unchanged. Western blotting demonstrated a significant increase in CAT-1 abundance in BUO. Expression of both glomerular arginase I and II mRNA and protein content were significantly elevated in BUO.
Psoriasis profoundly affects patient quality of life (QOL). Amevive (alefacept), a novel and selective biologic agent, was clinically effective and significantly improved QOL in a phase 2 study. The present placebo-controlled, randomized phase 3 study examined the effects of a 12-week course of intramuscular alefacept on QOL in 507 patients with chronic plaque psoriasis using both dermatology-specific questionnaires [Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI); Dermatology Quality of Life Scales (DQOLS)] and the Short Form-36 Health Survey (SF-36), a generic, general health questionnaire. All 3 QOL measures (DLQI, DQOLS, SF-36) demonstrated that alefacept 15 mg was significantly more effective than placebo in improving QOL in patients with chronic plaque psoriasis. In addition, the improvements in QOL for patients in the alefacept 15 mg group were of similar magnitude for all 3 QOL measures.
Is older colder : temperature range and variation in older people?
To ascertain body temperatures in older people. Analysis of oral temperatures obtained from elderly subjects residing in the community and nursing home. A single nursing home, office setting, and community center. One hundred nursing home residents and 50 subjects residing in the community. Three oral temperatures were measured in nursing home residents and once in community dwellers using an electronic digital thermometer. The average age of subjects was 80.7. Temperatures ranged from 94.0 degrees F to 99.6 degrees F. In nursing home subjects, the 6 a.m. mean temperature was 97.3 degrees F, 4 p.m. mean was 97.4 degrees F, and 10 p.m. mean was 97.8 degrees F. The single midday mean temperature in community dwellers was 97.7 degrees F. Ninety-seven of 100 (97%), 94 of 100 (94%), and 83 of 96 (86%) recordings were below 98.6 degrees F in nursing home residents at 6 a.m., 4 p.m., and 10 p.m., respectively. Similarly, 45 of 50 (90%) community dwellers had midday temperatures below 98.6 degrees F. Repeated-measures analysis demonstrated an increase in temperature during the day. The increase was greatest in the youngest old, with no significant change in body temperature over the course of the day in the oldest old.
Glioblastoma has highly invasive potential, which might result in poor prognosis and therapeutic failure. Hence, the key we study is to find effective therapies to repress migration and invasion. Sulforaphane (SFN) was demonstrated to inhibit cell growth in a variety of tumors. Here, we will further investigate whether SFN inhibits migration and invasion and find the possible mechanisms in human glioblastoma U87MG and U373MG cells. First, the optimal time and dose of SFN for migration and invasion study were determined via cell viability and cell morphological assay. Further, scratch assay and transwell invasion assay were employed to investigate the effect of SFN on migration and invasion. Meanwhile, Western blots were used to detect the molecular linkage among invasion related proteins phosphorylated ERK1/2, matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) and CD44v6. Furthermore, Gelatin zymography was performed to detect the inhibition of MMP-2 activation. In addition, ERK1/2 blocker PD98059 (25 µM) was integrated to find the link between activated ERK1/2 and invasion, MMP-2 and CD44v6. The results showed that SFN (20 µM) remarkably reduced the formation of cell pseudopodia, indicating that SFN might inhibit cell motility. As expected, scratch assay and transwell invasion assay showed that SFN inhibited glioblastoma cell migration and invasion. Western blot and Gelatin zymography showed that SFN phosphorylated ERK1/2 in a sustained way, which contributed to the downregulated MMP-2 expression and activity, and the upregulated CD44v6 expression. These molecular interactions resulted in the inhibition of cell invasion.
Does [ Subchronic exposure to acrylamide affect reproduction and testis endocrine function of rats ]?
To explore the effect of subchronic exposure to acrylamide on the reproduction and testis endocrine function of rats. Forty healthy adult male SD rats were randomly divided into 4 groups of equal number, exposed to acrylamide at the dose of 0, 4, 10 and 18 mg/(kg x d) respectively for 9 weeks, and then subjected to the determination of the hindlimb landing foot splay, sperm vitality and morphology, the activities of acid phosphatase (ACP) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in the testis homogenate, and the levels of testosterone (T) and estradiol (E2) in the serum and testis homogenate. Based on the primary Leydig cell culture models exposed to acrylamide of 0, 0.1, 0.75, 4 and 8 mmol/L, the activity of Leydig cells was measured by the CCK-8 method. Following acrylamide exposure, the hindlimb landing foot splay increased markedly with dose increase (P < 0.01). The rates of sperm vitality were (6.86 +/- 5.46)%, (65.43 +/- 5.16)%, (60.86 +/- 4.26)% and (46.86 +/- 2.73)% in the exposed groups, significantly lower than in the control (P < 0.01); the rates of abnormal sperm were (39.00 +/- 10.95)%, (35.43 +/- 7.54)%, (45.71 +/- 13.28)% and (56.71 +/- 17.01)%, significantly increased in the 10 and 18 mg/(kg x d) groups (P < 0.05); ACP activities were (82.93 +/- 11.05), (73.52 +/- 8.77), (77.67 +/- 3.04) and (68.56 +/- 3.09) U/g prot, showing a decreasing tendency, while ALP activities were (0.96 +/- 0.15), (1.07 +/- 0.22), (1.12 +/- 0.22) and (0.74 +/- 0.10) U/g prot, displaying a tendency of first increasing and then decreasing. Both ACP and ALP activities were inhibited significantly in the 18 mg/(kg x d) group as compared with the control (P < 0.05). A marked reduction was noted in T levels in the serum, (13.44 +/- 4.76), (7.69 +/- 3.84), (5.23 +/- 1.42) and (1.36 +/- 0.86) ng/ml, as well as in the testis homogenate, (4.95 +/- 1.64), (3.01 +/- 0.76), (2.44 +/- 0.91) and (0.85 +/- 0.49) ng/mg prot, (P < 0.01), but no significant changes were observed in 17beta-E2 levels. After 24 hours exposure to acrylamide, the optical densities were 0.82 +/- 0.06, 0.56 +/- 0.07, 0.44 +/- 0.06, 0.26 +/- 0.03 and 0.45 +/- 0.21, showing an evident inhibition of the activity of Leydig cells at the dose of 0.1, 0.75, 4 and 8 mmol/L (P < 0.01).
Hospital case volume has been shown to be a predictor of patient mortality for treatment for various cancers. The influence of hospital case volume on malignant melanoma survival and treatment utilization is unknown. We used the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results-Medicare linked databases to identify patients aged 65 years or older diagnosed with metastatic melanoma between 2000 and 2009. We analyzed claims data to ascertain cancer treatment variation by hospital case volume. Overall survival was evaluated using propensity score methods. Among 1438 patients, 612 (42.6%) were treated in low-volume hospitals (≤5 patients) after receiving their diagnosis, 479 (33.3%) were treated in intermediate-volume hospitals (6 to 10 patients), and 347 (24.1%) were treated in high-volume hospitals (>10 patients). In Cox proportional hazards models, treatment in a high-volume hospital after propensity score adjustment was associated with a significant improvement in survival when adjusting for other characteristics (intermediate volume: hazard ratio [HR]=0.70, P=0.0007; high volume: HR=0.63, P<0.0001). Patients treated in high-volume hospitals were less likely to receive chemotherapy, surgery, and/or radiation therapy after a metastatic melanoma diagnosis.
Does quantum dot-induced cell death involve Fas upregulation and lipid peroxidation in human neuroblastoma cells?
Neuroblastoma, a frequently occurring solid tumour in children, remains a therapeutic challenge as existing imaging tools are inadequate for proper and accurate diagnosis, resulting in treatment failures. Nanoparticles have recently been introduced to the field of cancer research and promise remarkable improvements in diagnostics, targeting and drug delivery. Among these nanoparticles, quantum dots (QDs) are highly appealing due to their manipulatable surfaces, yielding multifunctional QDs applicable in different biological models. The biocompatibility of these QDs, however, remains questionable. We show here that QD surface modifications with N-acetylcysteine (NAC) alter QD physical and biological properties. In human neuroblastoma (SH-SY5Y) cells, NAC modified QDs were internalized to a lesser extent and were less cytotoxic than unmodified QDs. Cytotoxicity was correlated with Fas upregulation on the surface of treated cells. Alongside the increased expression of Fas, QD treated cells had increased membrane lipid peroxidation, as measured by the fluorescent BODIPY-C11 dye. Moreover, peroxidized lipids were detected at the mitochondrial level, contributing to the impairment of mitochondrial functions as shown by the MTT reduction assay and imaged with confocal microscopy using the fluorescent JC-1 dye.
A number of risk factors for chronic renal allograft rejection have been identified; in particular the number and severity of acute rejections, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and insufficient immunosuppression. In a retrospective case control study, all histologically confirmed cases of chronic rejection (n=45) that occurred between 1985 and 1993 among patients transplanted at Huddinge Hospital were compared with twice as many controls. Determinants such as donor age and sex, HLA-mismatch, cold ischemia time, recipient age and sex, body mass index, cause of renal disease, time undergoing dialysis, condition of blood vessels at surgery, time of onset, number of acute rejection episodes during the first 3 months, area under the serum creatinine versus time curve (AUC(Creatinine)), blood pressure, blood lipids, and cyclosporine concentrations at various times after the transplantation were also compared. Additional data were obtained from a questionnaire, concerning 79% of the cases and controls. Cases and controls were similar with regard to most determinants, that is, blood pressure, blood lipids, and average cyclosporine concentrations. The main outstanding risk factor for chronic rejection was the time-averaged creatinine (AUC(Creatinine)) value between day 22 and 3 months after transplantation. The adjusted odds ratio for chronic rejection increased stepwise from 1.1 to 9.2, when AUC(Creatinine) increased from < 150 to >300 micromol/l. The number of acute rejection episodes and number of HLA-mismatches also had a significant effect on the risk of chronic rejection.
Is tumorigenic behaviour of c-Ha-ras oncogene transfected CaCo 2 cells associated with increased proteolytic potency?
Point mutations within the family of the ras genes are detected in approximately 50% of human colorectal adenomas and carcinomas. Therefore, it is generally accepted that the occurrence of ras-point mutations constitute an important step in colorectal carcinogenesis. In addition, many studies have demonstrated that the tumorigenicity of the human colorectal carcinoma cell line, CaCo 2, strongly increases after transfection with the c-Ha-ras oncogene. This cell line is suitable for gaining more insight into the mechanism of c-Ha-ras induced tumorigenesis. Proliferation, differentiation, and proteolytic capacity of c-Ha-ras oncogene transfected CaCo 2 cells were studied in vitro. It was found that gelatinolytic capacity and production of urokinasetype plasminogen activator increased, whereas the production of tissue-type plasminogen activator was similar. Proliferative activity, as measured by the potential doubling time, did not alter. The expression of the differentiation markers sucraseiso-maltase, mucin, and chromogranin A was not different from that of the parental CaCo 2 cell line, which indicates that an increased tumorigenic capacity of c Ha-ras oncogene transfected CaCo 2 cells is not accompanied by loss of differentiation.
Disease heterogeneity in patients with severe asthma and its relationship to inflammatory mechanisms remain poorly understood. We aimed to identify and replicate clinicopathologic endotypes based on analysis of blood and sputum parameters in asthmatic patients. One hundred ninety-four asthmatic patients and 21 control subjects recruited from 2 separate centers underwent detailed clinical assessment, sputum induction, and phlebotomy. One hundred three clinical, physiologic, and inflammatory parameters were analyzed by using topological data analysis and Bayesian network analysis. Severe asthma was associated with anxiety and depression, obesity, sinonasal symptoms, decreased quality of life, and inflammatory changes, including increased sputum chitinase 3-like protein 1 (YKL-40) and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) 1, 3, 8, and 12 levels. Topological data analysis identified 6 clinicopathobiologic clusters replicated in both geographic cohorts: young, mild paucigranulocytic; older, sinonasal disease; obese, high MMP levels; steroid resistant TH2 mediated, eosinophilic; mixed granulocytic with severe obstruction; and neutrophilic, low periostin levels, severe obstruction. Sputum IL-5 levels were increased in patients with severe particularly eosinophilic forms, whereas IL-13 was suppressed and IL-17 levels did not differ between clusters. Bayesian network analysis separated clinical features from intricately connected inflammatory pathways. YKL-40 levels strongly correlated with neutrophilic asthma and levels of myeloperoxidase, IL-8, IL-6, and IL-6 soluble receptor. MMP1, MMP3, MMP8, and MMP12 levels were associated with severe asthma and were correlated positively with sputum IL-5 levels but negatively with IL-13 levels.
Is early systemic sclerosis : serum profiling of factors involved in endothelial , T-cell , and fibroblast interplay marked by elevated interleukin-33 levels?
To assess the serum profile of factors involved in endothelial, T-cell, and fibroblast interplay in patients with Raynaud's phenomenon (RP) associated with nailfold vodeocapillaroscopy (NVC) scleroderma findings and/or systemic sclerosis (SSc) marker autoantibodies, recently labeled as early SSc patients. Serum levels of soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (sICAM-1), soluble vascular adhesion molecule-1 (sVCAM-1), CCL2, CXCL8, IL-13, IL-33, and transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) were measured in 24 early SSc patients, 48 definite SSc patients, and 24 osteoarthritis/fibromyalgia controls by multiplex suspension immunoassay. All SSc patients were investigated for the presence/absence of preclinical and clinical organ involvement, SSc marker autoantibodies, and NVC abnormalities. Serum sICAM-1, CCL2, CXCL8, and IL-13 were increased in all SSc patients as compared to controls, and paralleled the severity of the disease subset (early SSc < limited cutaneous SSc < diffuse cutaneous SSc; p < 0.0001). Surprisingly, IL-33 was significantly higher in early SSc patients as compared to both controls (p < 0.01) and definite SSc patients (p < 0.05). In early SSc there were no differences in the investigated markers according to the functional and serological features assessed.
It has been suggested that drug-paired stimuli (S+) control addictive behaviour by eliciting an explicit mental representation or expectation of drug availability. The aim of the present study was to test this hypothesis by determining whether the behavioural control exerted by a tobacco-paired S+ in human smokers would depend upon the S+ eliciting an explicit expectation of tobacco. In each trial, human smokers (n=16) were presented with stimuli for which attention was measured with an eyetracker. Participants then reported their cigarette reward expectancy before performing, or not, an instrumental tobacco-seeking response that was rewarded with cigarette gains if the S+ had been presented or punished with cigarette losses if the S- had been presented. Following training, participants rated the pleasantness of stimuli. The S+ only brought about conditioned behaviour in an aware group (those who expected the cigarette reward outcome when presented with the S+). This aware group allocated attention to the S+, performed the instrumental tobacco-seeking response selectively in the presence of the S+ and rated the S+ as pleasant. No conditioned behaviour was seen in the unaware group (those who did not expect the cigarette reward outcome in the presence of the S+).
Is tumor invasion depth a useful pathologic assessment for predicting outcomes in cervical squamous cell carcinoma after neoadjuvant radiotherapy?
To evaluate whether tumor invasion depth can be a reliable and easily applicable pathologic assessment strategy to predict outcomes using surgically resected cervical squamous cell carcinoma specimens from patients who have received neoadjuvant radiotherapy (RT) or concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CCRT). We included 173 patients with cervical squamous cell carcinoma who received neoadjuvant CCRT (n = 125) or RT (n = 48) and underwent subsequent radical hysterectomy. Data for the pre-operative clinical International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) stage, post-operative pathologic FIGO stage, World Health Organization (WHO) double diameter measurement evaluation, response evaluation criteria in solid tumors (RECIST 1.1) criteria, tumor necrosis rate (TNR), and tumor regression grade (TRG) were investigated to identify correlations with outcomes related to distant metastasis and survival. The tumor invasion depth (TID) and the tumor invasion depth with cytokeratin immunostaining correction (TIDC) at the cervical internal surface were measured to assess their relations to patients' outcomes. Based on measurements taken via transvaginal ultrasound, the pre-operative clinical and post-operative pathologic FIGO staging as well as the WHO double diameter measurement evaluation and RECIST 1.1 criteria were predictive of distant metastasis and survival-related outcomes. Also, lymph node involvement was found to be an independent prognostic factor for recurrence and distant metastasis. Finally, univariate analysis showed both the TID and TIDC were highly related to distant metastasis, overall survival, and progression-free survival, irrespective of the clinical stage of carcinomas.
Dietary factors directly influence blood pressure (BP). The lactotripeptides (LTPs) IPP (isoleucine-proline-proline) and VPP (valine-proline-proline), formed by hydrolyzing dairy proteins, and potassium, a mineral mainly found in fruit, vegetables, and dairy products, are extensively studied for their BP-lowering effect. The efficacy of LTPs seems modest in whites compared with that in Asians. The objective was to study the effects of enzymatically produced LTPs alone or in combination with potassium on ambulatory BP in whites. Two multicenter, placebo-controlled, randomized, crossover studies were conducted; each consisted of two 4-wk intervention periods separated by a 4-wk washout period. In study 1, 69 subjects received 200 g/d of a dairy drink with 5.8 mg IPP and 4.4 mg VPP or placebo. In study 2, 93 subjects received 100 g/d of a dairy drink with 2.7 mg IPP, 1.9 mg VPP, and 350 mg added K or placebo. The subjects were randomly assigned according to their daytime ambulatory BP. Mean 24-h systolic and diastolic BP (baseline values-study 1: 137.1/81.6 mm Hg; study 2: 139.2/80.9 mm Hg) remained similar with no significant differences between treatments in either study (P > 0.10). Office BP decreased over the course of both studies (systolic BP > 5 mm Hg), but differences between interventions were not significant (P > 0.10). In both studies, nighttime BP dipped during all treatments (> or =15%) but was statistically more significant with placebo (P < 0.05). Sodium excretion increased significantly after consumption of LTPs and potassium compared with after placebo intervention (P = 0.01), but not after consumption of LTPs alone.
Does carnosine and anserine ingestion enhance contribution of nonbicarbonate buffering?
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of supplementation with chicken breast extract (CBEX), which was a rich source of carnosine and anserine, on acid-base balance and performance during intense intermittent exercise. Eight male subjects performed intense intermittent exercise that consisted of 10 x 5-s maximal cycle ergometer sprints with a 25-s recovery period between each sprint. The subjects ingested 190 g of the test soup containing either CBEX or a placebo 30 min before the commencement of exercise. Arterial blood samples were collected at rest and during exercise to estimate the carnosine and anserine concentrations, pH, and bicarbonate concentration ([HCO3-]). Concentrations of anserine and its related amino acid significantly increased 30 min after CBEX supplementation, as compared with their values at rest. However, carnosine did not increase significantly. Following CBEX supplementation, the pH was significantly higher (P < 0.05) at the end of exercise, and [HCO3-] was also significantly higher (P < 0.05) during the latter half of exercise and after exercise. There were no significant differences in the total power and mean power of each set between the CBEX and placebo supplemented groups.
To study the value of the cervical length (CL) measurement at 11-14 weeks in predicting second trimester miscarriage occurring at 16-24 weeks. Prospective study in routine obstetric population using transvaginal ultrasound examination to measure the length of the endocervical canal at 11-14 weeks. The study group consisted of 2836 singleton pregnancies. Eleven (0.0038%) women miscarried between 16 and 24 weeks whereas 2825 delivered after 34 weeks. CL was significantly shorter (Mann-Whitney U test, p = 0.001), in women that had a second trimester miscarriage in comparison to those who delivered after 34 weeks (median CL 28 mm versus 32 mm, respectively). First trimester CL was predictive of a late miscarriage (OR = 0.7093304, R(2 )= 0.1211, AUC = 0.7838, p < 0.001). The detection rate was 63.64% for 20% screen positive rate.
Does the Arg389Gly beta1-adrenoceptor gene polymorphism determine contractile response to catecholamines?
Recently, the Arg389Gly beta1-adrenoceptor (beta1AR) gene polymorphism has been detected. The Arg variant exhibited increased responsiveness to agonist-induced stimulation in vitro. Functional studies in isolated human atrial muscle strips and in-vivo studies revealed contradictory results regarding the functional relevance of this polymorphism. We sought to characterize the functional consequences of the Arg389Gly beta1-AR polymorphism in 30 consecutive healthy male volunteers in vivo. beta1-AR genotype was determined by PCR and restriction analysis, which was confirmed by DNA sequencing. We compared heart rate, blood pressure, and contractile response of the various genotype carriers with a modified dobutamine stress echocardiography protocol. Subjects homozygous for the Arg389 beta1AR showed a significantly higher increase in fractional shortening upon cumulative doses of dobutamine as compared to subjects carrying one or two copies of the Gly389 allele. A statistically significant difference was observed at a dobutamine dose of 10 microg/kg/min (46.5 +/- 1.3 vs. 41.8 +/- 1.0 %; P = 0.023) and was maximal at 40 microg/kg/min (61.9 +/- 1.4 vs. 52.8 +/- 1.6; P = 0.001). As a result, the systolic blood pressure response to dobutamine was significantly enhanced in individuals homozygous for the Arg389 allele, whereas the effect on heart rate did not differ between the two groups. Normalization for changing afterload conditions by calculating the pressure-dimension ratio revealed similar effects, indicating that the beta1AR-mediated effects are mainly a result of increased myocardial inotropy.
Periostin is a matricellular protein essential for tissue integrity and maturation and is believed to have a key function as a modulator of periodontal ligament (PDL) homeostasis. The aim of this study is to evaluate whether periodontal disease-associated pathogen-related virulence factors (endotoxins/lipopolysaccharides [LPS]) and proinflammatory cytokines alter the expression of periostin in PDL cells. Human PDL cultures were exposed to inflammatory mediators (tumor necrosis factor-α [TNF-α]), bacterial virulence factors (Porphyromonas gingivalis LPS) or a combination in a biomechanically challenged environment. Culture conditions were applied for 24 hours, 4 days, and 7 days. Periostin and TGF-β inducible gene clone H3 (βIGH3) mRNA expression from cell lysates were analyzed. Periostin and βIGH3 proteins were also detected and semiquantified in both cell lysates and cell culture supernatants by Western blot. In addition, periostin localization by immunofluorescence was performed. Analysis of variance and Fisher tests were used to define the statistical differences among groups (P <0.05). In a mechanically challenged environment, periostin protein was more efficiently incorporated into the matrix compared to the non-loaded controls (higher levels of periostin in the supernatant in the non-loaded group). Interestingly, chronic exposure to proinflammatory cytokines and/or microbial virulence factors significantly decreased periostin protein levels in the loaded cultures. There was greater variability on βIGH3 levels, and no particular pattern was clearly evident.
Does thermal microdebridement affect the time zero biomechanical properties of human patellar tendons?
Thermal microdebridement for the treatment of chronic tendinopathy has recently been introduced. The effect of thermal microdebridement on the biomechanical properties of human tendons, however, remains unknown. Thermal microdebridement does not affect the biomechanical properties of human patellar tendons in a cadaveric model at the time of initial treatment. Controlled laboratory study. The central 15 mm of 12 matched, human (mean age, 71 years; 8 male, 4 female), fresh-frozen patellar tendons was divided into 3 equal 5-mm specimens. The treatment group (n = 12) underwent thermal microdebridement with a radiofrequency probe. A sham treatment group (n = 12) underwent insertion of a deactivated probe. The control group (n = 12) underwent no treatment. After treatment, each specimen was tested to failure in a servo-hydraulic materials testing machine at an elongation rate of 3 mm/s. One-way repeated measures analysis of variance was used to determine differences between groups. No significant difference in ultimate stress at failure, elastic modulus, strain energy density, or strain at maximum load was found between the groups. The ultimate stress at failure for the treatment, sham, and control groups was 61.0, 66.7, and 63.0 MPa, respectively (P = .653), and the strain at maximum load was 0.12, 0.11, and 0.09, respectively (P = .279).
CXCR4 is a cognitive receptor for stromal-derived factor-1 (SDF-1) and has been previously shown to be associated with tumor growth and invasion of many cancers. However, its expression and function in gastric cancer has not been well clarified. Herein, we studied the expression of CXCR4 on gastric samples from patients with gastric adenocarcinoma in comparison with precancerous lesions by employing qRT-PCR. Our qRT-PCR data show that CXCR4 is highly expressed in tissue samples from patients with gastric cancer than precancerous lesions (2.4 times higher, P value < 0.05). When we correlated the level of CXCR4 with clinicopathological findings, we observed that CXCR4 level is associated with staging of the disease and lymphatic invasion.
Does increasing functional variability in the preparatory phase of the takeoff improve elite springboard diving performance?
Previous research demonstrating that specific performance outcome goals can be achieved in different ways is functionally significant for springboard divers whose performance environment can vary extensively. This body of work raises questions about the traditional approach of balking (terminating the takeoff) by elite divers aiming to perform only identical, invariant movement patterns during practice. A 12-week training program (2 times per day; 6.5 hr per day) was implemented with 4 elite female springboard divers to encourage them to adapt movement patterns under variable takeoff conditions and complete intended dives, rather than balk. Intraindividual analyses revealed small increases in variability in the board-work component of each diver's pretraining and posttraining program reverse-dive takeoffs. No topological differences were observed between movement patterns of dives completed pretraining and posttraining. Differences were noted in the amount of movement variability under different training conditions (evidenced by higher normalized root mean square error indexes posttraining). An increase in the number of completed dives (from 78.91%-86.84% to 95.59%-99.29%) and a decrease in the frequency of balked takeoffs (from 13.16%-19.41% to 0.63%-4.41%) showed that the elite athletes were able to adapt their behaviors during the training program. These findings coincided with greater consistency in the divers' performance during practice as scored by qualified judges.
Hepatic myofibroblasts are relevant for pathogenesis of S. mansoni infection. In normal liver, these perisinusoidal cells are quiescent, express the lipocyte phenotype, and are located in the Disse's space, being the major site of vitamin A storage. When activated, they convert to myofibroblasts and contribute to granulomatous and diffuse liver fibrosis. In the present work, we observed that myofibroblasts obtained from granulomatous periovular inflammatory reactions in schistosome-infected mice (GR-MF) produce in vitro immunomodulatory cytokines for eosinophil activation: IL-5 and eotaxin. The secretory activity of GR-MF was detected after TGF-β and IL-13 stimulation using 2D and 3D cell culture systems. In a mixed co-culture system using GR-MF with hematopoietic bone marrow cells from infected mice, we observed eosinophil survival that was dependent upon IL-5 and eotaxin, since antibodies against this cytokines decreased eosinophil population, as measured by eosinophil peroxidase activity.
Is prior ischemic stroke associated with worse clinical outcomes in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention?
Cerebrovascular accidents (CVAs) frequently coexist with coronary artery disease (CAD) and adversely affect prognosis in patients with CAD; however, fewer studies have investigated the role of prior ischemic stroke on the outcomes of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). The aim of this study was to determine the safety and effectiveness of PCI in patients with a prior ischemic stroke. A review of patients who underwent PCI between June 2003 and September 2005 (n=3893) at the Beijing Anzhen Hospital of Capital University of Medical Science, identified 295 PCI patients with a prior ischemic stroke (≥ 3 months) and 3598 patients without a prior stroke. To investigate whether prior history of an ischemic stroke was independently associated with increased risk of adverse PCI outcomes, prognostic parameters were analyzed using univariate analysis and Cox multivariate regression analysis. Propensity score analysis was then used to match the two subgroups of patients based on multiple factors known to impact cardiac outcome. Patients with a prior ischemic stroke had more frequent high-risk baseline characteristics (diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and prior myocardial infarction). No significant differences were found in the major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular event (MACCEs) rates between the two groups (1.7% in the stroke group vs. 1.4% in the non-stroke group; p=0.06). Diabetes mellitus, triple vessel CAD, number of diseased vessels, chronic total occlusion and previous myocardial infarction were independent predictors of MACCE in patients with prior stroke undergoing PCI.
The physiological basis of slow transit constipation (STC) in children remains poorly understood. We wished to examine pan-colonic motility in a group of children with severe chronic constipation refractory to conservative therapy. We performed 24 h pan-colonic manometry in 18 children (13 boys, 11.6 +/- 0.9 yr, range 6.6-18.7 yr) with scintigraphically proven STC. A water-perfused, balloon tipped, 8-channel, silicone catheter with a 7.5 cm intersidehole distance was introduced through a previously formed appendicostomy. Comparison data were obtained from nasocolonic motility studies in 16 healthy young adult controls and per-appendicostomy motility studies in eight constipated children with anorectal retention and/or normal transit on scintigraphy (non-STC). Antegrade propagating sequences (PS) were significantly less frequent (P < 0.01) in subjects with STC (29 +/- 4 per 24 h) compared to adult (53 +/- 4 per 24 h) and non-STC (70 +/- 14 per 24 h) subjects. High amplitude propagating sequences (HAPS) were of a normal frequency in STC subjects. Retrograde propagating sequences were significantly more frequent (P < 0.05) in non-STC subjects compared to STC and adult subjects. High amplitude retrograde propagating sequences were only identified in the STC and non-STC pediatric groups. The normal increase in motility index associated with waking and ingestion of a meal was absent in STC subjects.
Are reasons why erupted third molars extracted in a public university in Mexico?
The aim of this study was to determine the reasons for which erupted third molars (3M) are extracted in a sample of Mexican patients. A retrospective cross-sectional study was performed on a sample of 83 patients attending exodontia (minor oral surgery) clinics of a public university in Mexico (Autonomous University of Hidalgo State). The outcome variable was the reason for extractions using Kay and Blinkhorn's classification. The independent variables were age, gender, arch and tooth number according to the World Health Organization (WHO). For statistical analysis, we used the Chi-squared test in Stata 9.0. Eighty-three patients underwent 150 3M extractions. Mean age was 38.67 ± 13.96 years, and 71.1% were female. The four reasons for 3M extraction were prosthetic (44.0%), followed by orthodontic (24.7%), dental caries (20.0%) and periodontal disease (11.3%). Differences were observed in the reasons for 3M extractions across age groups (p < 0.05). No significant differences existed between men and women (p > 0.05), or the WHO tooth number (p > 0.05).
The B cell is a key player in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Loss of B cell tolerance resulting in autoantibody production and immune complex formation and deposition are central features of the disease. B cell overactivity is a hallmark of SLE and molecular abnormalities in B cell signaling cascade have been described. In this review, we will focus on the aberrant phenotype of B cell signaling in patients with lupus. We will also discuss data stemming from the use of small molecules that have recently been recognized to target important steps of the B cell signal transduction pathways with therapeutic implications for SLE.