Do frequencies of circulating IL-17-producing CD4+CD161+ T cells and CD4+CD161+ T cells correlate with disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis?
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a common autoimmune disease that is primarily driven by effector T cells, particularly Th17 cells, which are mainly contained within CD4+CD161+ T cells. Thus, we aimed to explore whether the frequencies of circulating IL-17-producing CD4+CD161+ T cells and CD4+CD161+ T cells were correlated with RA disease activity. The surface phenotype and cytokine production of blood were analyzed by flow cytometry in 52 RA patients and 17 healthy controls. The disease activity was evaluated by the 28-joint disease activity score. The frequencies of circulating IL-17-producing CD4+CD161+ T cells and CD4+CD161+ T cells were increased in RA patients, and they were elevated in patients with active disease status compared to patients with low disease status. Furthermore, their frequencies were positively correlated with disease activity parameters. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis revealed that IL-17-producing CD4+CD161+ T cell levels were able to distinguish disease activity with 60.7 % sensitivity and 87.5 % specificity, while CD4+CD161+ T cell levels showed 92.9 % sensitivity and 66.7 % specificity.
A number of distinct stress signaling pathways in myocardium cause cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure. Class II histone deacetylases (HDACs) antagonize several stress-induced pathways and hypertrophy. However, cardiac hypertrophy induced by transgenic overexpression of the homeodomain only protein, HOP, can be prevented by the nonspecific HDAC inhibitors trichostatin A and valproic acid, suggesting that alternate targets that oppose class II HDAC function might exist in myocardium. We tested the effects of several HDAC inhibitors, including a class I HDAC-selective inhibitor, SK-7041, on cardiac hypertrophy induced by angiotensin II (Ang II) treatment or aortic banding (AB). Cardiac hypertrophy was induced by chronic infusion of Ang II or by AB in mice or rats and evaluated by determining the ratio of heart weight to body weight or to tibia length, cross-sectional area, or echocardiogram. Cardiac hypertrophy induced by Ang II or AB for 2 weeks was significantly reduced by simultaneous administration of trichostatin A, valproic acid, or SK-7041. Echocardiogram revealed that exaggerated left ventricular systolic dimensions were relieved by HDAC inhibitors. HDAC inhibitors partially reversed preestablished cardiac hypertrophy and improved survival of AB mice. The expressions of atrial natriuretic factor, alpha-tubulin, beta-myosin heavy chain, and interstitial fibrosis were reduced by HDAC inhibition.
Does carotid Artery Applanation Tonometry Cause Significant Baroreceptor Activation?
Carotid artery applanation tonometry is widely used in estimating local carotid artery pressure waveforms and carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity. However, the substantial pressure applied locally to the carotid artery with applanation tonometry might well evoke a baroreceptor response, resulting in bradycardia and hypotension. Therefore, when carotid and femoral tonometry are performed sequentially, baroreceptor activation could lead to different hemodynamic conditions between carotid and femoral acquisitions. Combining those acquisitions into one pulse wave velocity measure would be erroneous. In this study, we assessed whether carotid applanation tonometry has an influence on heart rate and blood pressure. In 26 hypertensive subjects, heart rate and blood pressure were assessed by continuous finger pulse waveform recording during carotid as well as femoral applanation tonometry. Both carotid and femoral acquisitions were measured in alternation and in triplicate. Median averaging over the 3 carotid and femoral measurements, respectively, was used to obtain a subject's median heart rate and blood pressure during carotid as well as femoral tonometry. Difference in heart rate during carotid and femoral tonometry was -0.7±2.2 bpm. Differences in systolic, pulse, and diastolic blood pressure were -0.7±6.8, -0.1±3.8, and -0.3±3.5mm Hg, respectively. All differences were statistically nonsignificant. Confidence intervals were used to calculate the maximum absolute difference at 95% certainty, which was 1.6 bpm for heart rate and ≤3.5mm Hg for all blood pressures.
FoxO transcription factors have been reported to play pivotal roles in tumorigenesis and drug resistance. The mechanisms underlying the tumor suppression function of FoxOs in human cancers remain largely unknown. Aberrant expression and activation of Nrf2 often correlate with chemoresistance and poor prognosis. Here, we report that FoxO3 directs the basal transcription of Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 (Keap1), an adaptor protein that bridges Nrf2 to Cul3 for degradation. FoxO3 depletion resulted in Keap1 down-regulation, thereby activating Nrf2 signaling. We further demonstrated that inhibition of the FoxO3-Keap1 axis accounts for Nrf2 induction and activation induced by constitutively active AKT signaling or tumor necrosis factor α treatment. Unlike previous findings, FoxO3 silencing led to decreased reactive oxygen species production, therefore protecting cells from oxidative stress-induced killing in an Nrf2-dependent manner. Importantly, FoxO3 deficiency strongly potentiated tumor formation in nude mice and rendered cholangiocarcinoma xenografts resistant to cisplatin-induced cell death by activating Nrf2. Additionally, we found that clinical cholangiocarcinoma samples displayed FoxO3-Keap1 down-regulation and Nrf2 hyperactivation, underscoring the essential roles of these proteins in cholangiocarcinoma development.
Does cD44 rs13347 C > T polymorphism predict breast cancer risk and prognosis in Chinese populations?
It has been demonstrated that the interplay of adhesion molecule CD44 and its ligands can regulate cancer cell proliferation, migration and invasion, as well as tumor-associated angiogenesis and is related to breast cancer patient survival. In this two-stage, case control study, we determined whether common functional tagSNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) are associated with breast cancer risk and prognosis. Five tagSNPs of CD44 (rs10836347C>T, rs13347C>T, rs1425802A>G, rs11821102G>A, rs713330T>C) were selected and genotyped in 1,853 breast cancer patients and 1,992 healthy control subjects in Eastern and Southern populations. Potential function of rs13347C>T and association between this variation and breast cancer were further studied. Compared with the most common rs13347CC genotype, variant genotypes (CT and TT) increased an individual's susceptibility to breast cancer, especially in estrogen receptor (ER) negative patients (odds ratio (OR) = 1.37, 95%CI = 1.17 to 1.59 for ER positive patients; OR = 2.37, 95% CI = 2.00 to 2.80 for ER negative patients). We also found that rs13347CT+ TT genotypes predicts lower five-year survival rate (hazard ratio (HR) = 1.85, 95% CI = 1.09 to 3.15, P = 0.023), with the lowest survival probability in ER negative T allele carriers. Furthermore, our reporter assay findings, although preliminary and rather modest, showed that miR-509-3p may suppress CD44 expression more strongly in C allele carriers than T allele carriers (P < 0.01). Similarly, rs13347 variant genotypes (CT and TT) carriers were shown to have more CD44 expression than CC carriers in both immunohistochemistry (P < 0.001) and western blotting (P = 0.001) results.
Exposure to hypoxia has been suggested to acutely alter glucose regulation. However, the effects of successive exposure to moderate hypoxia on postprandial glucose regulation and substrate oxidation pattern after multiple meals have not been elucidated. We examined the effects of successive exposure to moderate hypoxia on metabolic responses and substrate oxidation pattern. Eight healthy men (21.0 ± 0.6 yrs, 173 ± 2.3 cm, 70.6 ± 5.0 kg, 23.4 ± 1.1 kg/m(2)) completed two experimental trials on separate days: a rest trial under normoxic conditions (FiO2 = 20.9%) and a rest trial under hypoxic conditions (FiO2 = 15.0%). Experimental trials were performed over 7 h in an environmental chamber. Blood and respiratory gas samples were collected over 7 h. Standard meals were provided 1 h (745 kcal) and 4 h (731 kcal) after entering the chamber. Although each meal significantly increased blood glucose and serum insulin concentrations (P < 0.05), these responses did not differ significantly between the trials. There were no significant differences in areas under the curves for glucose or insulin concentrations over 7 h between the trials. No significant differences were observed in blood lactate, serum cortisol, free fatty acid, or glycerol concentrations over 7 h between the trials. The oxygen consumption ( [Formula: see text]) and carbon dioxide production ( [Formula: see text]) 3 h after entering the chamber were significantly higher in the hypoxic trial than in the normoxic trial (P < 0.05). However, the differences did not affect respiratory exchange ratio (RER). The average values of [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text], and RER did not differ between the trials.
Do advanced glycation end products inhibit the expression of collagens type I and III by human gingival fibroblasts?
It is evident that diabetes and periodontal disease are closely interrelated. Accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), coupled with exaggerated host responses to bacterial infection, may account for the increased periodontal destruction observed in patients with uncontrolled diabetes. The present study investigated the effects of AGEs on the viability of human gingival fibroblasts (HGFs) and the expression of types I and III collagen in HGFs. The cell viability of HGFs was examined by methylthiazolet-etrazolium assay, whereas the expression of types I and III collagen message and protein was detected by real-time quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, respectively. AGEs significantly suppressed the cell viability of HGFs from 24 to 72 hours (P <0.01). A high concentration of glucose (25 mmol/l) in the culture media exaggerated the inhibition of the survival rate of HGFs (P <0.01). The expression of collagen types I and III messages and proteins was significantly downregulated at 72 hours by AGEs in a concentration-dependent manner (P <0.05). Moreover, the synthesis of intracellular types I and III collagen protein was markedly inhibited by AGEs (P <0.05).
Sparing of normal lung is best achieved in prone whole breast irradiation (WBI). However, exposure of the heart and coronary arteries might increase due to anterior movement of the heart in prone WBI. Treatment plans of 46 patients with large breasts irradiated for mammary cancer after breast-conserving surgery were retrospectively analyzed. The average treated breast volume of right-sided breasts (n = 33) was 1,804 ccm and 1,500 ccm for left-sided breasts (n = 13). The majority had invasive cancer (96 %) of which 61 % were pT1 and 39 % pT2 tumors. All patients received radiation therapy to the breast only. For three-dimensional (3D) treatment planning, all patients underwent a noncontrast-enhanced CT in the supine position with a wingboard and a second CT in the prone position using a prone breastboard. Nontarget volumes of the lung, heart, and coronary arteries were contoured. A total dose of 50.4 Gy was prescribed to the breast only. Differences were calculated for each patient and compared using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Treatment of left-sided breasts resulted in similar average mean heart doses in prone versus supine WBI (4.16 vs. 4.01 Gy; p = 0.70). The left anterior descending artery (LAD) had significantly higher dose exposure in left versus right WBI independent of position. Prone WBI always resulted in significantly higher exposures of the right circumflex artery (RCA) and LAD as compared to supine WBI. In left WBI, the mean LADprone was 33.5 Gy vs. LADsupine of 25.6 Gy (p = 0.0051). The V20prone of the LAD was 73.6 % vs. V20supine 50.4 % (p = 0.0006).
Does molecular characterization of HCV in a Swedish county over 8 years ( 2002-2009 ) reveal distinct transmission patterns?
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major public health concern and data on its molecular epidemiology in Sweden is scarce. We carried out an 8-year population-based study of newly diagnosed HCV cases in one of Sweden's centrally situated counties, Södermanland (D-county). The aim was to characterize the HCV strains circulating, analyze their genetic relatedness to detect networks, and in combination with demographic data learn more about transmission. Molecular analyses of serum samples from 91% (N=557) of all newly notified cases in D-county, 2002-2009, were performed. Phylogenetic analysis (NS5B gene, 300 bp) was linked to demographic data from the national surveillance database, SmiNet, to characterize D-county transmission clusters. The linear-by-linear association test (LBL) was used to analyze trends over time. The most prevalent subtypes were 1a (38%) and 3a (34%). Subtype 1a was most prevalent among cases transmitted via sexual contact, via contaminated blood, or blood products, while subtype 3a was most prevalent among people who inject drugs (PWIDs). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the subtype 3a sequences formed more and larger transmission clusters (50% of the sequences clustered), while the 1a sequences formed smaller clusters (19% of the sequences clustered), possibly suggesting different epidemics.
Among the essential biological roles of bone marrow-derived cells, secretion of many soluble factors is included and these small molecules can act upon specific receptors present in many tissues including the nervous system. Some of the released molecules can induce proliferation of Schwann cells (SC), satellite cells and lumbar spinal cord astrocytes during early steps of regeneration in a rat model of sciatic nerve transection. These are the major glial cell types that support neuronal survival and axonal growth following peripheral nerve injury. Fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) is the main mitogenic factor for SCs and is released in large amounts by bone marrow-derived cells, as well as by growing axons and endoneurial fibroblasts during development and regeneration of the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Here we show that bone marrow-derived cell treatment induce an increase in the expression of FGF-2 in the sciatic nerve, dorsal root ganglia and the dorsolateral (DL) region of the lumbar spinal cord (LSC) in a model of sciatic nerve transection and connection into a hollow tube. SCs in culture in the presence of bone marrow derived conditioned media (CM) resulted in increased proliferation and migration. This effect was reduced when FGF-2 was neutralized by pretreating BMMC or CM with a specific antibody. The increased expression of FGF-2 was validated by RT-PCR and immunocytochemistry in co-cultures of bone marrow derived cells with sciatic nerve explants and regenerating nerve tissue respectivelly.
Does mitogen-activated protein kinase-activated protein kinase 2 ( MK2 ) modulate key biological pathways associated with OA disease pathology?
To examine the role of mitogen-activated protein kinase-activated protein kinase 2 (MK2) in mediating the cellular response to pro-inflammatory cytokines in human primary osteoarthritis (OA) chondrocytes. Delivery of a dominant negative MK2 was achieved in HeLa cells by adenoviral infection. Cellular heat shock protein (HSP27) activity was determined using a Bioplex assay. Primary OA chondrocytes were isolated by collagenase digestion of human articular cartilage. Phosphorylated MK2 was detected by immunoblotting and immunohistology. Transfection of primary chondrocytes with siRNA was achieved using cationic lipid and gene expression determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction. Production of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and matrixmetalloproteases (MMPs) was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Over-expression of a dominant negative MK2 inhibited HSP27 phosphorylation and significantly reduced both interleukin 1 (IL-1)beta and tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha mediated release of PGE2 in HeLa cells over a 24h period. Phosphorylated MK2 was detected in OA articular cartilage and in isolated primary OA chondrocytes, where it was induced by IL-1beta. Transfection of OA chondrocytes with MK2 siRNA antisense significantly reduced both basal and IL-1beta induced PGE2 release. siRNA mediated MK2 knockdown also significantly reduced both basal and IL-1beta induced MMP13 expression and MMP13 and MMP3 protein release but had no effect on MMP1.
Electrophysiological studies demonstrate that a short atrial fibrillation cycle length (AFCL) is related with poor outcome of electrical cardioversion (ECV) of atrial fibrillation (AF). We found previously that the mechanical AFCL (AFCL-tvi) and atrial fibrillatory velocity (AFV-tvi) may be determined noninvasively using color tissue velocity imaging (TVI) and closely relates to the electrophysiological AFCL. To evaluate the relation between AFCL-tvi, AFV-tvi, and success of ECV in patients with AF. We prospectively studied 133 patients with persistent AF by performing echocardiography before ECV and measured the AFCL-tvi and AFV-tvi in the right atrium and left atrium. Recurrent AF was monitored. Nineteen (14%) patients had failure of ECV, 42 (32%) remained in sinus rhythm after 1-year follow-up, and 72 (54%) had a recurrence of persistent AF. Patients with immediate ECV failure had a lower median AFV-tvi measured in the right atrium than did patients with a successful ECV: 0.7 cm/s (0.2-1.0 cm/s) vs. 1.7 cm/s (0.9-2.8 cm/s) (P = .008). Patients with maintenance of sinus rhythm after 1 year had a longer AFCL-tvi measured in the left atrium than did patients with recurrence of AF (150 ms vs 137 ms; P = .017) and had a higher AFV-tvi in both atria (1.4 vs. 0.9 cm/s in the left atrium; P = .013 and 2.2 vs 1.4 cm/s in the right atrium; P = .011). Multivariate analyses showed that all atrial TVI parameters were independently associated with the maintenance of sinus rhythm after 1 year.
Does interleukin-1 receptor antagonist attenuate the severity of spinal cord ischemic injury in rabbits?
Thoracic and thoracoabdominal aortic surgery is sometimes complicated by subacute or delayed paraplegia. Pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 (IL-1) beta has been implicated in extensive inflammation and progressive neurodegeneration after ischemia. Using a rabbit model, we investigated the neuroprotective effects of IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) in a temporal fashion. Spinal cord ischemia was induced by aortic cross-clamping in New Zealand White rabbits. The animals were assigned to three groups. Group C (n = 20) received saline (0.2-mL) and Group I (n = 20) received IL-1ra (200-microg/0.2-mL) intrathecally just after reperfusion. Group S (n = 3) underwent sham operation without aortic occlusion. We assessed the neuroprotective effects of IL-1ra by evaluating neurological function, histopathological changes, and in-situ terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling (TUNEL staining). We also measured the levels of Nitric Oxide (NO) and S100beta in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Each evaluation was performed sequentially within 120 hours after reperfusion. Group C showed progressive deterioration of motor function which became statistically significant from 48 hours after the onset of reperfusion (P < .05, P < .01, P < .001, P < .001 at 48, 72, 96, and 120 hours, respectively). Compared to Group C, a higher number of viable neurons was observed with less severe spinal cord injury in Group I (P < .01, .05 and .05 at 24, 72, and 120 hours, respectively). TUNEL-positive neurons were also significantly reduced by the administration of IL-1ra (P <.01 and .05 at 24, and 120 hours, respectively). The difference between Group C and Group I with regard to NO was significant at 72 and 120 hours (P < .05), while that in terms of S100beta was significant only at 24 hours (P < .05).
It has been proposed that hepatitis B virus (HBV) sub-genotype A1 infections have mild outcomes and a low risk of drug-resistance among patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) receiving lamivudine-containing antiretroviral therapy (ART) without tenofovir in Africa. The virologic expression of HBV sub-genotype A1 coinfection was studied over 12 months in HIV-positive adults starting stavudine/lamivudine/nevirapine in Malawi, using Sanger, deep, clonal, and single full-genome sequencing for the sensitive characterization of HBV resistance-associated mutations (RAMs). Among 1117 subjects, 133 (12%) tested HBsAg-positive. After starting ART, retention rates were 96/133 (72%) at 6 months and 54/133 (41%) at 12 months. Based upon the last available follow-up, 92/96 (96%) subjects achieved HIV-1 RNA <40 copies/mL, 48/96 (50%) showed HBV DNA <14 IU/mL, and 24/96 (25%) acquired HBV RAMs. At 6 months, M204I was detected in 8/46 (17%) and 16/17 (94%) subjects using Sanger and deep sequencing, respectively. At 12 months, all viremic patients had multiple resistance and compensatory mutations coexisting on the same HBV genomes. Comparing HBeA-positive (67/133, 50%) with HBeAg-negative subjects, 64/67 (96%) vs 35/66 (55%) showed baseline HBV DNA >2000 IU/mL (P = .0006), 39/47 (17%) vs 9/49 (82%) had persistent HBV DNA detection during follow-up (P < .0001), and 23/47 (49%) vs 2/49 (4%) acquired HBV RAMs (P < .0001). Baseline HBV DNA levels were median 8.1 vs 5.3 log10 IU/mL in subjects with vs those without treatment-emergent RAMs (P < .0001).
Is panniculectomy as an integral part of pelvic operation an underutilized technique in patients with morbid obesity?
Panniculectomy integrated into pelvic procedures mandated in morbidly obese patients is a well described technique. Nevertheless, the abdominal cavity in such patients is generally approached through a vertical incision, frequently by forcibly pulling the panniculus inferiorly. Such a vertical approach has been associated with significant wound morbidity. Patients were offered removal of excess abdominal skin without cosmetic intent. The mean weight of patients was 126 kg and the body mass index ranged from 29.4 to 59.9. The object of this study was to discover whether or not operative access was facilitated and whether or not wound morbidity was reduced. Fifteen patients had significant medical problems and nine of the 16 had an umbilical hernia. Removal of the panniculus seemed to facilitate access to the abdomen, provided excellent exposure, and certainly allowed ready repair of the umbilical hernia with a Blake technique. All but one of the wounds healed by first intention, and in that patient, an 8 cm segment was easily resutured. The operative time was acceptable. There was no increased blood loss associated with the panniculectomy, but of note is the fact that the hematocrit level decreased in five patients on days 2 to 5 postoperatively without hematoma formation.
Secreted phospholipases A(2) (sPLA(2)s) are released in plasma and other biologic fluids of patients with inflammatory, autoimmune, and allergic diseases. We sought to evaluate sPLA(2) activity in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of asthmatic patients and to examine the expression and release of sPLA(2)s from primary human lung mast cells (HLMCs). sPLA(2) activity was measured in BALF and supernatants of either unstimulated or anti-IgE-activated HLMCs as hydrolysis of oleic acid from radiolabeled Escherichia coli membranes. Expression of sPLA(2)s was examined by using RT-PCR. The release of cysteinyl leukotriene (LT) C(4) was measured by means of enzyme immunoassay. Phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) activity was higher in the BALF of asthmatic patients than in the control group. BALF PLA(2) activity was blocked by the sPLA(2) inhibitors dithiothreitol and Me-Indoxam but not by the cytosolic PLA(2) inhibitor AZ-1. HLMCs spontaneously released a PLA(2) activity that was increased on stimulation with anti-IgE. This PLA(2) activity was blocked by dithiothreitol and Me-Indoxam but not by AZ-1. HLMCs constitutively express mRNA for group IB, IIA, IID, IIE, IIF, III, V, X, XIIA, and XIIB sPLA(2)s. Anti-IgE did not modify the expression of sPLA(2)s. The cell-impermeable inhibitor Me-Indoxam significantly reduced (up to 40%) the production of LTC(4) from anti-IgE-stimulated HLMCs.
Is mac-2-binding protein a diagnostic marker for biliary tract carcinoma?
Biliary tract carcinoma is a deadly disease, accounting for nearly 4500 malignancy-related deaths each year in the United States. Early detection has the potential to improve survival for patients with biliary tract malignancies, enabling curative surgical resection. Early detection approaches would benefit from an accurate, minimally invasive diagnostic test. To identify novel diagnostic markers, the authors recently completed a comprehensive proteomic study of bile samples from patients with biliary carcinoma. One of the proteins identified by tandem mass spectrometry was Mac-2-binding protein (Mac-2BP). The authors evaluated the performance of Mac-2BP and its ligand, galectin-3, as diagnostic markers for patients with biliary carcinoma. Levels of Mac-2BP, galectin-3, and CA19-9 were measured using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in bile samples from patients with biliary tract carcinoma (n = 26), benign biliary conditions (n = 32), and primary sclerosing cholangitis (n = 20). Serum levels of Mac-2BP and galectin-3 also were determined using ELISA. Mac-2BP tissue expression was investigated by immunohistochemical methods using a biliary carcinoma tissue microarray. Biliary Mac-2BP levels were elevated by a factor of approximately 3 in the biliary carcinoma group compared with the group of patients who had PSC or another type of nonneoplastic biliary disease. In contrast, Mac-2BP levels were not elevated in serum samples from patients with biliary carcinoma. According to the immunohistochemical analysis, Mac-2BP was expressed in 34 of 36 patients (94.4%) with biliary tract carcinoma. As a diagnostic marker for biliary carcinoma, Mac-2BP levels were as accurate as biliary CA19-9 levels, with an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.70 on receiver operator characteristic analysis. The use of both of these bile markers in combination, however, led to significantly better diagnostic accuracy compared with the accuracy achieved using CA19-9 alone (AUC, 0.75; P < 0.001). Serum and biliary galectin-3 levels did not differ in the biliary carcinoma group relative to the control groups.
We examined the immediate effect of a systemic nitric oxide augmentation on the bladder outlet resistance in healthy men. Eleven healthy male volunteers with a mean age of 25.5 yr were included in the study. They were prepared for a standard urodynamic study, and a baseline pressure-flow study was obtained. The subjects were then given 20 mg isosorbide dinitrate sublingually, and after refilling their bladder a second pressure-flow study was done after 20 min. The pressure-flow studies were then compared in regard to the average flow rate, the average detrusor pressure during micturition, and the detrusor pressure at maximum flow rate. One of the subjects was unable to void and had to be excluded from the study. In the remaining 10 men, the mean average flow rate increased from 16.7 ml/s before to 20.2 ml/s after the intake of the NO donor (P=0.013). Concomitantly, the average detrusor pressure during micturition decreased from a mean of 57 to 52 cm H2O (P=0.004) and the mean detrusor pressure at maximum flow rate decreased from 60 to 52 cm H2O (P=0.013).
Does a migrating ciliary gate compartmentalize the site of axoneme assembly in Drosophila spermatids?
In most cells, the cilium is formed within a compartment separated from the cytoplasm. Entry into the ciliary compartment is regulated by a specialized gate located at the base of the cilium in a region known as the transition zone. The transition zone is closely associated with multiple structures of the ciliary base, including the centriole, axoneme, and ciliary membrane. However, the contribution of these structures to the ciliary gate remains unclear. Here we report that, in Drosophila spermatids, a conserved module of transition zone proteins mutated in Meckel-Gruber syndrome (MKS), including Cep290, Mks1, B9d1, and B9d2, comprise a ciliary gate that continuously migrates away from the centriole to compartmentalize the growing axoneme tip. We show that Cep290 is essential for transition zone composition, compartmentalization of the axoneme tip, and axoneme integrity and find that MKS proteins also delimit a centriole-independent compartment in mouse spermatids.
Several mechanisms have been proposed as possible causes of transfusion-related immunomodulation (TRIM) after allogeneic transfusion. If one of these mechanisms, the release of mediators of immunity and inflammation ("biologic response modifiers"[BRMs]) from disintegrating blood cells during storage of blood products, really causes TRIM, it should in principle also occur after autologous transfusion. As a consequence, prestorage leukoreduction of autologous blood should be able to prevent the clinical consequences of TRIM after autologous transfusion. This hypothesis was investigated in a multicenter, double-blind, randomized controlled trial. A total of 1089 patients scheduled for total hip arthroplasty and eligible for preoperative autologous blood donation were randomly assigned to receive autologous whole blood (AWB) either unmodified or leukoreduced when transfusion was indicated. Neither the primary study outcome, that is, the overall postoperative infection rate (17.3% vs. 17.6%, p = 0.59), nor several secondary outcomes like median length of hospital stay (14 days vs. 14 days, p = 0.17) were significantly different between groups, whether analyzed according to the intention-to-treat principle or "as treated."
Is the prevalence of CHD7 missense versus truncating mutations higher in patients with Kallmann syndrome than in typical CHARGE patients?
Mutations in CHD7, a gene previously implicated in CHARGE (coloboma, heart defect, choanal atresia, retardation of growth and/or development, genital hypoplasia, ear anomalies) syndrome, have been reported in patients presenting with Kallmann syndrome (KS) or congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH). Most mutations causing CHARGE syndrome result in premature stop codons and occur de novo, but the proportion of truncating vs nontruncating mutations in KS and CHH patients is still unknown. The objective of the study was to determine the nature, prevalence, mode of transmission, and clinical spectrum of CHD7 mutations in a large series of patients. We studied 209 KS and 94 CHH patients. These patients had not been diagnosed with CHARGE syndrome according to the current criteria. We searched for mutations in 16 KS and CHH genes including CHD7. We found presumably pathogenic mutations in CHD7 in 24 KS patients but not in CHH patients. Nontruncating mutations (16 missense and a two-codon duplication) were more prevalent than truncating mutations (three nonsense, three frame shift, and a splice site), which contrasts with patients presenting with typical CHARGE syndrome. Thus, the clinical spectrum associated with CHD7 mutations may be partly explained by genotype/phenotype correlations. Eight patients also had congenital deafness and one had a cleft lip/palate, whereas six had both. For 10 patients, the presence of diverse features of the CHARGE spectrum in at least one relative argues against a de novo appearance of the missense mutation, and this was confirmed by genetic analysis in five families.
Antibiotic resistance is a challenge in long-term care facilities (LTCFs). The objective of this study was to demonstrate that a novel, minimally invasive program not interfering with activities of daily living or socialization could lower methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) disease. This was a prospective, cluster-randomized, nonblinded trial initiated at 3 LTCFs. During year 1, units were stratified by type of care and randomized to intervention or control. In year 2, all units were converted to intervention consisting of universal decolonization using intranasal mupirocin and a chlorhexidine bath performed twice (2 decolonization-bathing cycles 1 month apart) at the start of the intervention period. Subsequently, after initial decolonization, all admissions were screened on site using real-time polymerase chain reaction, and those MRSA positive were decolonized, but not isolated. Units received annual instruction on hand hygiene. Enhanced bleach wipe cleaning of flat surfaces was done every 4 months. There were 16,773 tests performed. The MRSA infection rate decreased 65% between baseline (44 infections during 365,809 patient days) and year 2 (12 infections during 287,847 patient days; P <.001); a significant reduction was observed at each of the LTCFs (P <.03).
Is single cell segmental aneuploidy detection compromised by S phase?
Carriers of balanced translocations are at high risk for unbalanced gametes which can result in recurrent miscarriages or birth defects. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is often offered to select balanced embryos. This selection is currently mainly performed by array CGH on blastomeres. Current methodology does not take into account the phase of the cell cycle, despite the variable copy number status of different genomic regions in S phase. Cell lines derived from 3 patients with different chromosomal imbalances were used to evaluate the accuracy of single cell array CGH. The different cell cycle phases were sorted by flow cytometry and 10 single cells were picked per cell line per cell cycle phase, whole genome amplified and analyzed by BAC arrays, the most commonly used platform for PGD purposes. In contrast to G phase, where the imbalances were efficiently identified, less than half of the probes in the regions of interest indicated the presence of the aberration in 17 S-phase cells, resulting in reduced accuracy.
This study was done to identify nurses' priorities for continued learning and to examine the priorities in relation to age, educational level, location in the organization, experience, position in the organization, and shift worked. A random sample of nurses at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center completed surveys consisting of 58 educational topics and demographic information. The results were analyzed using descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, and Tukey's HSD method to identify differences within the various subgroups of nurses. Of the 58 educational topics, 21 were determined to be high priority educational needs and were significantly correlated with one or more of the independent variables.
Is mean platelet volume associated with glycaemic control and retinopathy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus?
To investigate the relationship between mean platelet volume (MPV) and glycometabolic indices, to compare MPV according to HbA1c levels, and to analyse the difference in MPV between patients with and without microvascular complications. This retrospective study was conducted on 60 Type 2 diabetic patients and 50 age- and sex-matched non-diabetic controls. We obtained demographic, clinical and laboratory data including MPV, platelet count, fasting and postprandial blood glucose (FBG and PBG), haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), lipid profile, creatinine, systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP) in patient and control groups, and diabetic microvascular complications including nephropathy, neuropathy, and retinopathy in the patient group. All analyses were performed using SPSS version 15.0 for Windows. Mean platelet volume in the diabetic group was higher than in the control group (p = 0.001). Mean platelet volume was positively correlated with FBG and HbA1c levels (p = 0.03 and p < 0.001, respectively). It was also negatively related to platelet count (p < 0.001). Mean platelet volume in patients with HbA1c > 7% was significantly higher than those with HbA1c ≤ 7% (p < 0.001). Mean platelet volume was significantly increased in patients with retinopathy compared to those without retinopathy (p = 0.04).
Psychostimulants are often used in close temporal proximity to nicotine and have been reported to enhance acutely nicotine's desirability in humans. To investigate the acute associations between amphetamine and nicotine, we examined the potentiative interactions between clinically relevant, low doses of these drugs on locomotor activity, and dopamine overflow in the rat. Locomotor activity was measured by telemetry in the home cage environment, and dopamine overflow was evaluated in striatal slice preparations from female Holtzman rats. When administered simultaneously, nicotine and amphetamine produced a predominantly additive effect on locomotor behavior. However amphetamine, when given 2-4 h before nicotine, strongly potentiated nicotine-induced locomotor activity. Correspondingly, nicotine given 1-4 h before amphetamine robustly enhanced amphetamine-stimulated locomotor activity even when the effects of the nicotine pretreatment dissipated. Acute nicotine pretreatment similarly potentiated the effects of dopamine transporter ligands, cocaine, nomifensine, and methamphetamine but not a direct dopamine receptor agonist. Consistent with the behavioral studies, in vivo nicotine pretreatment exaggerated amphetamine-induced dopamine efflux from rat striatal slices. Likewise, in vivo pretreatment of rats with amphetamine potentiated nicotine-induced dopamine efflux from striatal slices. Direct pretreatment of striatal tissue by nicotine also potentiated subsequent amphetamine-stimulated dopamine overflow, further suggesting that the nicotine-amphetamine interaction occurs at the level of the dopamine terminal.
Do noscapine and diltiazem augment taxol and radiation-induced S-phase arrest and clonogenic death of C6 glioma in vitro?
Radiation therapy after surgical resection is the approved treatment of gliomas, and survival benefits are reported with taxane-based chemotherapy. We investigated whether these regimes could be augmented with blood-brain barrier permeable drugs, N and D. Noscapine is an opioid antitussive, which acts anti cancer via blocking microtubule dynamics. Diltiazem is a calcium channel-blocking cardiac antiarrythmic, which also blocks tumor growth and P-glycoprotein. Effects of N (11.1 micromol/L), D (11.1 micromol/L), and T (11.7 micromol/L) were monitored in C6 glioma cells via S phase, colony formation, and fine structure analysis. Taxol depleted S phase from 35.2% to 12.2%. Both N and D synergistically augmented T-mediated S-phase depletion, and they also effectively reduced colonies, which were more potent by N by 49%. Taxol reduced colonies by 98%, and there were almost no surviving colonies in copresence of T with either N or D. Colony reduction by radiotherapy was increased strongly by T and significantly by N. Taxol and radiation profoundly increased number of mitochondria. Both D and N suppressed this increase via myelinosis and autophagy.
The role of resistin in insulin sensitivity and obesity is controversial. Some authors suggest that increased serum resistin levels are associated with obesity, visceral fat, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and inflammation, while others failed to observe such correlations. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship of plasma resistin levels with markers of the metabolic syndrome and atherosclerosis in a large population-based study. Plasma resistin levels were determined in 1090 subjects free of any medication selected from the PLIC study (designed to verify the presence of atherosclerotic lesions and progression intima-media thickness (IMT) in the common carotid artery in the general population) and related to the presence of obesity, metabolic syndrome, metabolic abnormalities, cardiovascular risk, and progression of IMT. Plasma resistin levels were highly positively correlated with triglycerides, waist circumference, waist/hip ratio, systolic blood pressure, and ApoAI/ApoB ratio, while they were inversely correlated with high density lipoprotein and ApoAI levels. This finding was gender specific (mainly in women). Plasma resistin levels were significantly higher in women with the metabolic syndrome compared with controls (4.90 (0.24) ng/ml vs 3.90 (0.11) ng/ml; P<0.01), while no difference was observed in obese subjects. Finally, plasma resistin levels were significantly correlated with cardiovascular risk calculated according to the Framingham algorithm (P<0.01).
Is protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP1B involved in neuroendocrine differentiation of prostate cancer?
Prostate cancer (PC) contains a minor component of neuroendocrine (NE) cells that may stimulate androgen-independent growth of the tumor. The mechanism of neuroendocrine differentiation remains unknown. The expression of PTP1B, a protein tyrosine phosphatase, was studied in LNCaP cells induced to show neuroendocrine phenotype by androgen withdrawal. Wild-type PTP1B and its dominant-negative mutant were transfected into LNCaP cells to study their effects on neuroendocrine differentiation. In vivo expression of PTP1B in human prostate cancer was studied by immunohistochemistry. Androgen withdrawal of LNCaP cells led to increased expression of PTP1B with a corresponding increase in its tyrosine phosphatase activity. Overexpression of PTP1B in LNCaP cells led to neuroendocrine differentiation while expression of its dominant-negative mutant inhibited neuroendocrine differentiation. Immunohistochemical study showed that PTP1B was exclusively expressed in neuroendocrine cells of human prostate cancer tissue.
The EG regulates vascular homeostasis and has anti-atherogenic properties. SDF imaging allows for noninvasive visualization of microvessels and automated estimation of EG dimensions. We aimed to assess whether microcirculatory EG dimension is related to cardiovascular disease. Sublingual EG dimension was estimated by SDF imaging in healthy volunteers and in patients visiting an outpatient clinic for vascular medicine of a university hospital in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. EG dimension was compared among healthy volunteers, patients with CVD, and patients at low (<10%) or high risk (≥ 10%) of CVD according to the Framingham algorithm. In total 120 patients and 30 healthy volunteers were included. Patients had a mean age of 59 ± 14 years, 71 (59%) were men and 24 (20%) were black. Healthy volunteers were on average 28 ± 4 years and 19 (63%) were men. EG dimension was similar in healthy volunteers (2.04 ± 0.23 μm), low-risk patients (2.05 ± 0.24 μm, n = 39), high-risk patients (2.05 ± 0.23 μm, n = 30) and in patients with CVD (2.09 ± 0.21 μm, n = 51, p = 0.79). EG dimension was not correlated with cardiovascular risk factors.
Does multimodal protocol reduce postoperative nausea and vomiting in patients undergoing Le Fort I osteotomy?
To assess the impact of a multimodal antiemetic protocol on postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) after Le Fort I osteotomy. Consecutive patients undergoing Le Fort I osteotomy with or without additional procedures at a single academic institution were recruited as the intervention cohort for an institutional review board-approved prospective clinical trial with a retrospective comparison group. The intervention cohort was managed with a multimodal antiemetic protocol, including total intravenous anesthesia; prophylactic ondansetron, steroids, scopolamine, and droperidol; gastric decompression at surgery end; opioid-sparing analgesia; avoidance of morphine and codeine; prokinetic erythromycin; and fluids at a minimum of 25 mL/kg. The comparison group consisted of consecutive patients from a larger study who underwent similar surgical procedures before protocol implementation. Data, including occurrence of PONV, were extracted from medical records. Data were analyzed in bivariate fashion with the Fisher exact and Wilcoxon rank-sum tests. Logistic regression was used to compare the likelihood of nausea and vomiting in the 2 cohorts after controlling for demographic and surgical characteristics. A P value less than .05 was considered significant. The intervention (n = 93) and comparison (n = 137) groups were similar in gender (58% and 65% female patients; P = .29), race (72% and 71% Caucasian; P = .85), age (median, 19 and 20 years old; P = .75), proportion of patients with known risk factors for PONV (P = .34), percentage undergoing bimaxillary surgery (60% for the 2 groups), and percentage for whom surgery time was longer than 180 minutes (63% and 59%; P = .51). Prevalence of postoperative nausea was significantly lower in the intervention group than in the comparison group (24% vs 70%; P < .0001). Prevalence of postoperative vomiting was likewise significantly lower in the intervention group (11% vs 28%; P = .0013). The likelihood that patients in the comparison group would develop nausea was 8.9 and that for vomiting was 3.7 times higher than in the intervention group.
The SMC proteins are involved in DNA repair, chromosome condensation, and sister chromatid cohesion throughout Eukaryota. Long, anti-parallel coiled coils are a prominent feature of SMC proteins, and are thought to serve as spacer rods to provide an elongated structure and to separate domains. We reported recently that the coiled coils of mammalian condensin (SMC2/4) showed moderate sequence divergence (approximately 10-15%) consistent with their functioning as spacer rods. The coiled coils of mammalian cohesins (SMC1/3), however, were very highly constrained, with amino acid sequence divergence typically <0.5%. These coiled coils are among the most highly conserved mammalian proteins, suggesting that they make extensive contacts over their entire surface. Here, we broaden our initial analysis of condensin and cohesin to include additional vertebrate and invertebrate organisms and multiple species of yeast. We found that the coiled coils of SMC1/3 are highly constrained in Drosophila and other insects, and more generally across all animal species. However, in yeast they are no more constrained than the coils of SMC2/4 and Ndc80/Nuf2p, suggesting that they are serving primarily as spacer rods.
Is ability to perform activities of daily living the main factor affecting quality of life in patients with dementia?
Dementia is a chronic illness associated with a progressive loss of cognitive and intellectual abilities, such as memory, judgment and abstract thinking. The objective of this study was to assess the health utilities of patients with dementia in Europe and identify the key factors influencing their Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQol). This study used cross-sectional data from the Odense study; a Danish cohort of patients aged 65-84 living in Odense, Denmark. A total of 244 patients with mild to severe dementia were interviewed together with a caregiver about their health status and activities of daily living (ADL). Alzheimer's disease was diagnosed according to the NINCDS-ADRDA criteria for probable dementia. Vascular dementia and other types of dementia were diagnosed according to the DSM-IIIR criteria. Severity of dementia was defined by score intervals on the Mini Mental State Examination score: mild (MMSE 20-30), moderate (MMSE 10-19), and severe (MMSE 0-9). Based on the ADL information, the patients' dependency level was defined as either dependent or independent. Questions from the Odense Study were mapped into each of the five dimensions of the EQ-5D in order to assess patients' HRQol. Danish EQ-5D social tariffs were used to value patients' HRQol.A regression analysis of EQ-5D values was conducted with backward selection on gender, age, severity, ADL level and setting in order to determine the main factor influencing HRQoL. The EQ-5D weight in patients independent upon others in ADL was 0.641 (95% CI: [0.612-0.669]), and in those dependent upon others was 0.343 (95% CI: [0.251-0.436]).
Dual activation by TSH of the phospholipase C and cAMP cascades has been reported in human thyroid cells. In contrast, Singh et al. reported convincing data in FRTL-5 thyrocytes arguing against such an effect in this model. Their data in FRTL-5 cells indicated no increase in inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate [Ins(1,4,5)P3] in response to TSH. Therefore, the authors questioned results previously obtained on human cells by cruder methodology. We investigated the formation of inositol phosphates by HPLC techniques in human thyroid slices to separate the inositol phosphate isomers. Ins(1,4,5)P3, inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate, and inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate were increased after TSH stimulation. The effect of TSH in human thyroid cells was reproduced by recombinant TSH and prevented by antibodies blocking the TSH receptor. Thyroid-stimulating antibodies at concentrations eliciting a cAMP response equivalent to TSH failed to stimulate inositol phosphate generation.
Does the key to improving prognosis for aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage remain in the pre-hospitalization period?
Despite advances in neurosurgical management, aneurismal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) still has high mortality and morbidity. This study aimed to clarify how delaying hospital admission after aSAH contributes to worse prognosis even today and to find the possibility for an improvement of its prognosis by early admission. Four hundred twenty-one consecutive patients are the basis for this study. Cause of delay was classified into 5 categories: patient delay (PD), doctor delay (DD), transportation delay (TD), no delay (ND) (within 2 hours of onset), and others. Condition of each patient was assessed at time of onset and admission using H&K. The relationships between cause of delay and worsening of Hunt and Kosnik grading (H&K) were examined. The median delay time was 1.7 days. Only 41% of patients visited our institution without delay. Admission delay, especially PD and DD, exhibited a significant correlation to worsening of H&K. In addition to nondirect admission, misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis contributed significantly to worsening of H&K. Incidence of DD has declined in recent years, whereas that of PD has increased. Consequently, no change in total number of delays was found.
There is growing evidence for interactions between the regulation of body fat and the immune system. Studies of knockout mice indicate that IL-1 has an antiobesity effect. The objective of the study was to investigate our hypothesis that common polymorphisms of the IL-1 system, which are associated with IL-1 activity, also are associated with fat mass. DESIGN, SETTING, AND STUDY SUBJECTS: The Gothenburg Osteoporosis and Obesity Determinants (GOOD) study is a population-based cross-sectional study of 18- to 20-yr-old men (n = 1068), mostly Caucasian, from the Gothenburg area (Sweden). Three different polymorphisms, IL-1beta +3953 C/T, IL-1beta-31 T/C, and IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RN) variable number tandem repeat of 86 bp, were investigated in relation to body fat mass. The main outcome measures were genotype distributions and their association with body fat mass in different compartments, measured with dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. Carriers of the T variant (CT and TT) of the +3953 C to T (F(T) = 0.25) IL-1beta gene polymorphism had significantly lower total fat mass (P = 0.013) and also significantly reduced arm, leg, and trunk fat, compared with CC individuals. IL-1RN*2 carriers with two repeats of the IL-1RN variable number tandem repeat polymorphism had increased total fat (P = 0.036), serum leptin, and fat of trunk and arm as well as serum levels of IL-1RN and IL-1RN production ex vivo. The IL-1beta-31 polymorphism did not correlate with the fat measurements.
Is metal-specific lymphocyte reactivity downregulated after dental metal replacement?
This study was done to evaluate the results and clinical relevance of an optimized lymphocyte proliferation test, MELISA, for metal-induced inflammation in patients with CFS-like symptoms. The treatment of patients consisted of the replacement of incompatible dental materials (RID) together with supportive anti-oxidant therapy. 513 patients were tested by MELISA at the beginning of the study. Out of this group, 248 patients were available for follow-up MELISA after RID. In MELISA, lymphocytes are isolated from the blood and cultivated with different metal salts in tissue culture medium containing 10% inactivated human AB+ serum or autologous serum. After 5 days, the presence of metal-reactive lymphocytes are measured by isotope labelling of newly formed DNA in growing lymphoblasts and evaluated by calculating the Stimulation Index. Nickel was the most common sensitizer, followed by inorganic mercury, thimerosal, lead, cadmium, palladium and gold. After RID treatment, a decrease of metal-specific lymphocyte responses in patients who reacted to metals at the beginning of the study could be observed. The cultivation of lymphocytes in autologous and homologous serum did not significantly affect the results. Simultaneous, the health status of patients improved as well.
Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP4) was recently proposed as a novel adipokine linked to insulin resistance (IR). As IR represents a cluster of disorders in hepatic and muscle cell insulin signalisation, we aimed to assess the possible correlation between fasting serum DPP4 activity, IR and liver enzymes in order to elucidate the question of hepatic contribution to serum DPP4 activity. This cross-sectional study comprised 44 T1DM patients aged 18 to 65years. IR was estimated using the equation derived from euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp studies-estimated glucose disposal rate (eGDR). DPP4 serum activity was determined spectrophotometrically as a rate of cleavage of 7-amino-4-methyl coumarin (AMC) from H-Gly-Pro-AMC. The patients were divided into two groups according to the mean value of fasting serum DPP4 activity (31.42U/L). The group with lower fasting serum DPP4 activity had lower mean rate of liver biomarkers alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (p=0.001) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) (p=0.002) while higher eGDR (p=0.003) compared to group with higher DPP4 activity. DPP4 activity showed positive correlation with AST (r=0.358, p=0.017) and ALT (r=0.364, p=0.015) while negative correlation with eGDR (r=-0.612, p<0.001). ALT remained positively associated with fasting serum DPP4 activity after controlling for age, gender, diabetes duration, the use of statins and antihypertensives (p=0.025).
Does rifaximin suppress background intestinal 18F-FDG uptake on PET/CT scans?
Identification of cancer or inflammatory bowel disease in the intestinal tract by PET/computed tomography (CT) imaging can be hampered by physiological uptake of F-fluorodeoxyglucose (F-FDG) in the normal colon. Previous work has localized this F-FDG uptake to the intestinal lumen, predominantly occupied by bacteria. We sought to determine whether pretreatment with an antibiotic could reduce F-FDG uptake in the healthy colon. Thirty patients undergoing restaging PET/CT for nongastrointestinal lymphoma were randomly selected to receive rifaximin 550 mg twice daily for 2 days before their scan (post-rifaximin). Their PET/CT images were compared with those from their prior study (pre-rifaximin). Cecal maximum standard uptake value (SUVmax) and overall colonic F-FDG uptake were compared between scans. All PET/CT images were blindly scored by a radiologist. The same comparison of sequential scans was also undertaken in 30 patients who did not receive antibiotics. Thirty post-rifaximin scans were compared with 30 pre-rifaximin scans in the same patients. SUVmax in the cecum was significantly lower in the patient's post-rifaximin scans than in their pre-rifaximin scans (P=0.002). The percentage of scans with greater than grade 1 colonic F-FDG uptake was significantly lower in the post-rifaximin scans than in the pre-rifaximin scans (P<0.05). In contrast, there was no significant difference in the paired sequential scans from control patients, nor a reduction in the percentage of scans with greater than grade 1 colonic F-FDG uptake.
Recently, pluripotency of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells has been displayed after producing adult mice, in tetraploid complementation assays. These studies lead us to the last piece of the puzzle for reprogramming somatic cells into fully pluripotent cells which function as embryonic stem cells in most applications. However, in all of previous studies, skin fibroblasts were used as the starting population for reprogramming, raising questions as to whether the pluripotency of the iPS cells was dependent on the particular starting cell type. Our iPS cell lines were prepared from murine adipose stem cells (ASCs). Their multi-potency was first tested by teratoma formation in nude mice. Then, tetraploid complementation was performed to generate progeny from them. We succeeded to the birth of viable and fertile adult mice derived entirely from reprogrammed ASC, indicating cell types other than fibroblasts can also be restored to the embryonic level of pluripotency.
Does extracellular vesicle-driven information mediate the long-term effects of particulate matter exposure on coagulation and inflammation pathways?
Continuous exposure to particulate air pollution (PM) is a serious worldwide threat to public health as it coherently links with increased morbidity and mortality of cardiorespiratory diseases (CRD), and of type 2 diabetes (T2D). Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are circular plasma membrane fragments released from human cells that transfer microRNAs between tissues. In the present work it was explored the hypothesis that EVs with their encapsulated microRNAs (EVmiRNAs) contents might mediate PM effects by triggering key pathways in CRD and T2D. Expression of EVmiRNAs analyzed by real-time PCR was correlated with oxidative stress, coagulation and inflammation markers, from healthy steel plant workers (n=55) with a well-characterized exposure to PM and PM-associated metals. All p-values were adjusted for multiple comparisons. In-silico Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) was performed to identify biological pathways regulated by PM-associated EVmiRNAs. Increased expression in 17 EVmiRNAs is associated with PM and metal exposure (p<0.01). Mir-196b that tops the list, being related to 9 different metals, is fundamental in insulin biosynthesis, however three (miR-302b, miR-200c, miR-30d) out of these 17 EVmiRNAs are in turn also related to disruptions (p<0.01) in inflammatory and coagulation markers.
Cam impingement as a known sequelae of slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) has led to speculation that subclinical SCFEs may be the causative factor in idiopathic cam morphology; alternatively, others have implicated an abnormal extension of the growth plate as a causative factor. To investigate the growth plate tilt angle in 4 patient cohorts: normal patients, patients with idiopathic cam morphology (CamIP), patients with cam morphology secondary to known SCFE (CamSCFE), and patients with incidental findings of an asymptomatic cam (Camasymp). Case-control study; Level of evidence, 3. A database of 192 computed tomography scans of abdomens/pelvises of patients (ages, 5-19 years) with no known orthopaedic issues, reformatted to neutral tilt, inclination, and rotation, were utilized for the normal cohort, the Camasymp cohort, and to create an age- and sex-matched control cohort. In addition, a retrospective review of all patients treated for femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) with preoperative advance imaging was conducted, and patients were separated to CamIP and CamSCFE cohorts. The alpha angle and tilt angle were measured on each hip. Statistical analysis was performed. The mean tilt angle among the normal patients was 12.1°, with 1.9% of the variation in tilt angle being explained by age; each additional year of age decreased the tilt angle by 0.27° (P = .008). The tilt angle for the CamSCFE cohort (mean, 44.5°) was found to be significantly greater than both the CamIP cohort (mean, 5.9°; P < .001) and the control cohort (mean, 12.8°; P < .001). The tilt angle for the CamIP cohort was found to be significantly less than the control cohort (P = .003). The alpha angle and tilt angle were positively correlated in the CamIP cohort, but no correlation was found in the other cohorts. The mean tilt angle of the 18 hips in the Camasymp cohort was 13.9° ± 11.5° (range, -12° to 37°), with 12 hips (67%) in the tilt angle range of CamIP cohort and 6 in the tilt angle range of CamSCFE.
Does central dexmedetomidine attenuate cardiac dysfunction in a rodent model of intracranial hypertension?
To determine if central sympathetic blockade by dexmedetomidine, a selective alpha(2) adrenergic receptor agonist, prevents cardiac dysfunction associated with intracranial hypertension (ICH) in a rat model. Following intracisternal administration of dexmedetomidine (1 microg.microL(-1), 10 microL volume) or the stereoisomer levomedetomidine (1 microg.microL(-l), 10 microL volume) in halothane-anesthetized rats, a subdural balloon catheter was inflated for 60 sec to produce ICH. Intracranial pressure, hemodynamic, left ventricular (LV) pressures and electrocardiographic (ECG) changes were recorded. Plasma and myocardial catecholamines and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were measured. After levomedetomidine administration, subdural balloon inflation precipitated an increase in mean arterial pressure (149 +/- 33% of baseline), heart rate (122 +/- 19% of baseline), LV systolic pressure (LVP), LV end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP), LV developed pressure (LVDP), LV dP/dtmax and rate pressure product (RPP) (132 +/- 19%, 260 +/- 142%, 119 +/- 15%, 126 +/- 24% and 146 +/- 33% of baseline value, respectively). ICH decelerated LVP fall (tau), as tau increased from 7.75 +/- 1.1 to 14.37 +/- 4.5 msec. Moreover, plasma norepinephrine levels were elevated (169 +/- 50% of baseline) and there was the appearance of cardiac dysrhythmias and other ECG abnormalities. This response was transient and cardiac function deteriorated in a temporal manner. Intracisternal dexmedetomidine prevented the rise in plasma norepinephrine, blocked the ECG abnormalities, and preserved cardiac function. Moreover, dexmedetomidine attenuated the rise in MDA levels.
The serrated pathway is a distinct pathway of colorectal carcinogenesis that has been implicated in development of a substantial proportion of interval colorectal cancers. The fecal immunochemical test (FIT) detects early neoplasms with a higher level of sensitivity than the guaiac test. We investigated the sensitivity of the FIT in detection of sessile serrated adenomas/polyps (SSA/Ps). We performed a prospective study of 6198 asymptomatic subjects (mean age, 59.0 ± 7.0 years) who received concurrent screening colonoscopies and FITs at the Health Management Center of National Taiwan University Hospital from August 2010 through November 2014. The sensitivity of FIT for conventional adenoma, advanced adenoma, and SSA/P at different cutoffs was calculated, and results were compared by using multivariate analysis adjusted for potential confounders. Prevalence values of SSA/P, adenoma, and advanced adenoma were 1.4%, 20.2%, and 5.5%, respectively. At cutoffs of 10, 15, and 20 μg hemoglobin/g feces, the FIT detected all SSA/Ps with 12.3%, 6.2%, and 6.2% sensitivity, large SSA/Ps with 18.4%, 10.5%, and 10.5% sensitivity, and advanced adenomas with 32.4%, 24.5%, and 20.9% sensitivity, respectively. Multivariate analysis revealed that positive results from the FIT did not differ significantly between individuals with SSA/P and those with non-advanced adenoma or those with negative findings from colonoscopy. Patients with large SSA/Ps were less likely to have positive results from the FIT than patients with advanced adenoma, with odds ratios of 0.44 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.18-1.05), 0.30 (95% CI, 0.10-0.90), and 0.37 (95% CI, 0.12-1.12) at cutoffs of 10, 15, and 20 μg hemoglobin/g feces, respectively, after adjusting for lesion size, even with synchronous conventional adenoma.
Does high-throughput transcriptomic analysis nominate proteasomal genes as age-specific biomarkers and therapeutic targets in prostate cancer?
Although prostate cancer (PCa) is hypothesized to differ in nature between younger versus older patients, the underlying molecular distinctions are poorly understood. We hypothesized that high-throughput transcriptomic analysis would elucidate biological differences in PCas arising in younger versus older men, and would nominate potential age-specific biomarkers and therapeutic targets. The high-density Affymetrix GeneChip platform, encompassing >1 million genomic loci, was utilized to assess gene expression in 1090 radical prostatectomy samples from patients with long-term follow-up. We identified genes associated with metastatic progression by 10 years post-treatment in younger (age<65) versus older (age⩾65) patients, and ranked these genes by their prognostic value. We performed Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) to nominate biological concepts that demonstrated age-specific effects, and validated a target by treating with a clinically available drug in three PCa cell lines derived from younger men. Over 80% of the top 1000 prognostic genes in younger and older men were specific to that age group. GSEA nominated the proteasome pathway as the most differentially prognostic in younger versus older patients. High expression of proteasomal genes conferred worse prognosis in younger but not older men on univariate and multivariate analysis. Bortezomib, a Food and Drug Administration approved proteasome inhibitor, decreased proliferation in three PCa cell lines derived from younger patients.
To investigate endothelin-1 (ET-1)-dependent hepatic and mesenteric vasoconstriction, and oxygen and lactate fluxes in an acute, fixed low cardiac output (CO) state. Sixteen anesthetized, mechanically ventilated pigs were studied. Cardiac tamponade was established to reduce portal venous blood flow (Q(PV)) to 2/3 of the baseline value. CO, hepatic artery blood flow (Q(HA)), Q(PV), hepatic laser-Doppler flow (LDF), hepatic venous and portal pressure, and hepatic and mesenteric oxygen and lactate fluxes were measured. Hepatic arterial (R(HA)), portal (R(HP)) and mesenteric (R(mes)) vascular resistances were calculated. The combined ET(A)-ET(B) receptor antagonist tezosentan (RO 61-0612) or normal saline vehicle was infused in the low CO state. Measurements were made at baseline, after 30, 60, 90 min of tamponade, and 30, 60, 90 min following the infusion of tesozentan at 1 mg/kg/h. Tamponade decreased CO, Q(PV), Q(HA), LDF, hepatic and mesenteric oxygen delivery, while hepatic and mesenteric oxygen extraction and lactate release increased. R(HA), R(HP) and R(mes) all increased. Ninety minutes after tesozentan, Q(PV), LDF and hepatic and mesenteric oxygen delivery and extraction increased approaching baseline values, but no effect was seen on CO or Q(HA). Hepatic and mesenteric handling of lactate converted to extraction. R(HA), R(HP) and R(mes) returned to baseline values. No changes were observed in these variables among control animals not receiving tesozentan.
Are substantia nigra tangles related to gait impairment in older persons?
Parkinsonian signs, especially gait impairment, are common and associated with morbidity and mortality in older persons. Our objective was to test the hypothesis that substantia nigra neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) are related to parkinsonian signs in older persons with and without dementia. We studied 86 deceased older Catholic clergy without idiopathic Parkinson's disease from the Religious Order Study, a longitudinal clinical-pathological study. Mean age at death was 85.3 years. Signs of gait disturbance, bradykinesia, rigidity, and tremor were assessed proximate to death using a modified Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale. Forty-micrometer paraffin-embedded sections of substantia nigra were bleached before tau immunohistochemistry and the optical disector was used to count NFTs. We used multivariable linear regression to examine parkinsonian signs as a function of nigra NFTs, controlling for age, sex, education, and cortical NFTs. Substantia nigra NFTs were present in 67 of 86 persons (77.9%). After controlling for age, sex, education, and cortical NFTs, nigra NFTs were related to gait impairment (p < 0.001), but not bradykinesia, rigidity, or tremor. Results were not confounded by dementia, Braak score, neuroleptic medication, cerebral infarcts, or Lewy bodies.
Factors influencing alloimmunization to transfused red blood cells (RBCs) are not well understood. Utilizing a murine model, we have recently reported that RBC alloimmunization is enhanced by recipient treatment with viral-like polyinosinic polycytidylic acid (poly(I:C)). To determine whether a different subtype of inflammation also enhances RBC alloimmunization, we investigated the effects of the bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on alloimmunization. Mice were treated with poly(I:C) or LPS; in select experiments, the precursor frequency of naïve antigen-specific CD4+ T cells was increased using T cells from T-cell receptor transgenic mice. Recipients were transfused with leukoreduced RBCs expressing the membrane-bound hen egg lysozyme (mHEL) antigen, and alloimmunization was measured by anti-HEL immunoglobulin G responses using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and flow cytometric cross-match. Costimulatory molecule expression was examined on antigen-presenting cells (APCs) by flow cytometry. Increased expression of costimulatory molecules on APCs was seen after treatment with either poly(I:C) and LPS. In contrast to the enhancement of RBC alloimmunization observed after treatment with poly(I:C), LPS not only failed to enhance but also actively suppressed alloimmunization, even in the presence of increased mHEL-specific CD4+ T cells (p < 0.001 LPS vs. control).
Does the 460Trp allele of alpha-adducin increase carotid intima-media thickness in young adult males?
The 460Trp allele of the alpha-adducin gene (ADD1), which is involved in a form of salt-sensitive hypertension, has been associated with patterns of target organ damage. As carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT) largely depends upon unknown genetic factors, besides being associated to conventional risk factors, we tested the association of the 460Trp allele of ADD1 with IMT in a well-characterized sample of young healthy normotensive subjects, to assess the role of ADD1 polymorphism without overlapping effects of age or already elevated blood pressure. Anthropometric measurements, blood pressure (BP), and carotid artery wall IMT (high-resolution sonography and digitalized morphometry) were obtained in 420 healthy normotensive Caucasian university students. Genotypes for ADD1 were detected by automated genomic polymerase chain reaction (PCR). ADD1 genotypes were evenly distributed between genders. IMT was significantly larger in carriers of the 460Trp allele of ADD1, while a significant gender x ADD1 interaction (P = 0.02) demonstrated that IMT was increased only in males carrying the 460Trp allele (P < 0.001). No significant association was found in females.
Toenail onychomycosis is a common disease that can have serious adverse effects on the quality of life (QOL) of patients. To evaluate the impact of itraconazole pulse therapy on the QOL of patients with toenail onychomycosis. A total of 20 patients with disto-lateral subungual toenail onychomycosis were treated with itraconazole 200 mg twice daily for 1 week every 4 weeks for 12 weeks. The patients were asked to complete a QOL questionnaire before treatment and on the last follow-up visit (week 48). A score of 0-4 was given according to the five possible responses to each question and these were summed to give the final score of the patient. The mean of the final scores of the patients before and after treatment were compared using the Wilcoxon matched-pairs test. At 48 weeks after commencing treatment, 14 patients (70%) responded to treatment (nine patients were cured with almost totally clear toenails and five patients improved), and 16 patients (80%) were mycologically cured (negative KOH smear and culture). The mean of the QOL scores of the patients before treatment was 18.0+/-7.8, which reduced to 13.1+/-11.3 after treatment (two-tailed, p=0.009).
Do catheter lock solutions influence staphylococcal biofilm formation on abiotic surfaces?
Microbial biofilms form on central venous catheters and may be associated with systemic infections as well as decreased dialysis efficiency due to catheter thrombosis. The most widely used anticoagulant catheter lock solution in the US is sodium heparin. We have previously shown that sodium heparin in clinically relevant concentrations enhances Staphylococcus aureus biofilm formation. In the present study, we examine the effect of several alternative catheter lock solutions on in vitro biofilm formation by laboratory and clinical isolates of S. aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS). Lepirudin, low molecular weight heparin, tissue plasminogen activator, sodium citrate, sodium citrate with gentamicin and sodium ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) were assessed for their effect on biofilm formation on polystyrene, polyurethane and silicon elastomer. Sodium citrate at concentrations above 0.5% efficiently inhibits biofilm formation and cell growth of S. aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis. Subinhibitory concentrations of sodium citrate significantly stimulate biofilm formation in most tested S. aureus strains, but not in CNS strains. Sodium EDTA was effective in prevention of biofilm formation as was a combination of sodium citrate and gentamicin. Low molecular weight heparin stimulated biofilm formation of S. aureus, while lepirudin and tissue plasminogen activator had little effect on S. aureus biofilm formation.
Zinc-alpha2-glycoprotein (ZAG) is a novel adipokine, which may act locally to influence adipocyte metabolism. This study assessed the effect of increased adiposity on ZAG expression in adipose tissue in human subjects. The study also examined the association between ZAG and adiponectin expression in human adipose tissue, and whether ZAG modulates adiponectin secretion by human adipocytes. Adipose tissue (visceral and subcutaneous) was collected from human subjects with a wide range of BMIs. Human Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome (SGBS) adipocytes were used for in vitro studies. ZAG mRNA levels were quantified by real-time PCR and protein by Western blotting. In human subjects, ZAG mRNA level was negatively correlated with BMI (r = -0.61, P < 0.001, n = 23, visceral; r = -0.6, P < 0.05, n = 14, subcutaneous) and fat mass (r = -0.62, P < 0.01, visceral; r = -0.6, P < 0.05, subcutaneous). Negative associations were also found between ZAG mRNA and insulin resistance parameters including plasma insulin (r = -0.65, P < 0.001, visceral; r = -0.55, P < 0.05, subcutaneous) and homeostasis model of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) (r = -0.65, P < 0.001, visceral; r = -0.52, P = 0.055, subcutaneous), and C reactive protein (CRP) (r = -0.46, P < 0.05, visceral; r = -0.53, P < 0.05, subcutaneous). However, ZAG mRNA was positively correlated with adiponectin (r = 0.5, P < 0.05, visceral; r = 0.82, P < 0.001, subcutaneous) but negatively associated with leptin mRNA (r = -0.42, P < 0.05, visceral; r = -0.54, P < 0.05, subcutaneous). ZAG secretion by differentiated human adipocytes was abundant. Addition of recombinant ZAG stimulated adiponectin release from human adipocytes.
Does the blood pressure-induced diameter response of retinal arterioles decrease with increasing diabetic maculopathy?
The aim of the study was to compare the diameter response of retinal arterioles and retinal thickness in patients with different stages of diabetic maculopathy during an increase in the arterial blood pressure. Four groups each consisting of 19 individuals were studied. Group A consisted of normal individuals and groups B-D consisted of type 2 diabetic patients matched for diabetes duration, age, and gender, and characterized by: Group B no retinopathy, Group C mild retinopathy, Group D maculopathy not requiring laser treatment. The diameter changes of a large retinal arteriole were measured using the Retinal Vessel Analyzer (RVA, Imedos, Germany) before, during, and after an increase in the blood pressure induced by isometric exercise. Additionally, the retinal thickness was measured using optical coherence tomography scanning. The arterioles contracted during isometric exercise in normal persons (diameter response: -0.70+/-0.48%) and in patients with no retinopathy (-1.15+/-0.44%), but dilated in patients with mild retinopathy (0.41+/-0.49%) and diabetic maculopathy (0.54+/-0.44%), p=0.01. Retinal thickness was normal in Group A (260+/-5.0 microm), Group B (257+/-4.5 microm), and Group C (253+/-4.4 microm), but was significantly (p=0.006) increased in Group D (279+/-5.3 microm).
While aberrant activation of the chromatin-remodeling SWI/SNF complexes has been associated with cancer development and progression, the role of each subunit in tumor cells is poorly defined. This study is aimed to characterize the role of SMARCE1/BAF57 in regulating metastasis of breast cancer cells. Genetic approaches and chemical inhibitors were used to manipulate the activities of SMARCE1 and its downstream targets in multiple breast cancer cell lines. Xenograft mouse models were used to analyze the role of SMARCE1 in lung metastasis in vivo. Nonadherent culture conditions were used to elucidate the role of SMARCE1 in regulating anoikis. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), immunoprecipitation, and immunoblotting assays were designed to dissect the mechanism of action of SMARCE1. Public databases were used to investigate the relationship between SMARCE1 deregulation and breast cancer prognosis. SMARCE1 knockdown reduced lung metastasis of breast cancer cells and sensitized tumor cells to anoikis. In response to loss of attachment, SMARCE1 interacted with and potentiated transcriptional activity of HIF1A, resulting in rapid PTK2 activation. Both HIF1A and PTK2 were indispensable for SMARCE1-mediated protection against anoikis by promoting activation of ERK and AKT pathways while suppressing the expression of pro-apoptotic BIM protein. Expression data analysis of a large cohort of human breast tumors revealed that high expression of SMARCE1 or PTK2 is associated with poor prognosis and tumor relapse, and PTK2 expression is positively correlated with SMARCE1 expression in basal-like and luminal B subtypes of breast tumors.
Do cochlear implant fixation using polypropylene mesh and titanium screws?
Fixation of cochlear implants using prosthetic mesh is an improvement of the traditional fixation methods. A retrospective chart review was performed examining all adult and pediatric patients between 1998 and 2003 who underwent cochlear implantation using polypropylene mesh and titanium screws to fix the cochlear implant internal receiver. Patient age at implantation, postoperative infections, device failures, device migrations or extrusions, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks, flap complications, epidural hematoma data, and follow-up data were evaluated. Two hundred and eighty-five patients were identified who received cochlear implantation using the polypropylene mesh securing technique. There were five postoperative infections, two device failures, zero flap complications, zero device migrations or extrusions, zero cerebral spinal fluid leaks, and zero epidural hematomas. The two delayed device failures in this series were not related to fixation technique.
Several studies have identified relationships between weight loss and adipokine levels; however, none have looked at the combined effect of aerobic exercise training with the consumption of a low- or a high-glycemic diet. We examined the effects of 12 wk of aerobic exercise combined with either a low-glycemic index diet (∼40 U) plus exercise (LoGIX) or a high-glycemic index diet (∼80 U) diet plus exercise (HiGIX) on plasma leptin and adiponectin (total and high molecular weight [HMW]) in 27 older obese adults (age = 65 ± 0.5 yr, body mass index = 34.5 ± 0.7 kg·m). Insulin sensitivity was calculated from an oral glucose tolerance test. Fasting HMW adiponectin and leptin were quantified from plasma samples obtained before the insulin sensitivity index obtained from the oral glucose tolerance test. Glucose and insulin measures were obtained before and every 30 min during the test. Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry and computerized tomography were used to determine body composition and to quantify subcutaneous and visceral abdominal adiposity, respectively. Fasting leptin was significantly decreased in both groups (LoGIX: preintervention = 33.8 ± 4.7, postintervention = 19.2 ± 4.5; HiGIX: preintervention = 27.9 ± 4.2, postintervention = 11.9 ± 2.2 ng·mL; P = 0.004), and HMW adiponectin was significantly increased (LoGIX: preintervention = 1606.9 ± 34.6, postintervention = 3502.3 ± 57; HiGIX: preintervention = 3704.8 ± 38.1, postintervention = 4284.3 ± 52.8 pg·mL; P = 0.003) after the 12-wk intervention. Total body fat was reduced after both interventions. Visceral fat mass was inversely correlated with HMW adiponectin, whereas subcutaneous fat correlated with leptin.
Does cognitive executive performance influence functional outcome in euthymic type I bipolar disorder outpatients?
There is a debate about the influence of executive functioning impairment in the functionality of Bipolar Disorder Type I, even when euthymic (EutBDI). The aim of this study was to explore this relationship, taking functional outcome from a multidimensional point of view. An extended neuropsychological battery of executive tests and measures of social functioning were administered to 31 EutBDI and 25 non-psychiatric patients. Percentage of patients scoring lower than -1.64 SD was calculated for each executive measure. This was compared in terms of clinical features to those with normal performance. Partial correlations and ANCOVA were applied between psychosocial and executive variables within the EutBDI-group. Patients reached poorer scores in mental flexibility, plan implementing, set-shifting, and fluency (p<0.05). 76% of patients performed poorly on some of the executive tests, although only around 1/3 reached a clinical deficit (<-1.64SD). Executive functioning was related to some clinical, evolution, and treatment variables. A better use of leisure time, higher competence for independent living and holding a skilled type of profession were significantly associated with a better performance on planning, set-shifting, and fluency tasks.
Atherosclerosis is the underlying pathological process of most cardiovascular disease. Thrombin is a serine protease which can activate protease activated receptors (PAR) on vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) to elicit cellular responses that can contribute to the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Human atherosclerosis commences with the binding and retention of lipoproteins by the glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains of chondroitin/dermatan sulfate proteoglycans. The potential effects of thrombin on the synthesis and structure of CS/DS proteoglycans produced by VSMCs was investigated. VSMCs were derived from human internal mammary arteries. Proteoglycan synthesis was assessed by [(35)S]sulfate and [(3)H]glucosamine incorporation. Proteoglycan size was assessed by SDS-PAGE and size exclusion chromatography.
Are mitochondria of trained skeletal muscle protected from deleterious effects of statins?
Statins are associated with adverse skeletal muscle effects. Our objective was to determine if muscular adaptations following exercise training prevented deleterious effects of atorvastatin in glycolytic skeletal muscle. Twenty rats were divided into 2 groups: a control group (n = 10; Cont) and a 10 days of training group (n = 10; Training). Using the permeabilized fibers technique, we explored mitochondrial function. Exercise training increased V(max) and H(2)O(2) production without altering the free radical leak, and mRNA expression of SOD2 and Cox1 were higher in trained muscle. In the Cont group, atorvastatin exposure increased H(2)O(2) production and decreased skeletal muscle V(max). The decreased V(max) effect of atorvastatin was dose dependent. Interestingly, the half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC(50)) was higher in the Training group. H(2)O(2) production increased in trained muscle after atorvastatin exposure.
The isoflavone puerarin [7-hydroxy-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-benzopyran-4-one 8-(β-D-glucopyranoside)] possesses many biological activities. In this study, we investigated the effects of puerarin on adhesion molecules (AMs), including serum levels of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), and endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule-1 (E-selectin), and the activation of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) in rabbits with experimental atherosclerosis. In total, 24 rabbits were divided into control (standard diet), high-lipid diet (HLD), and PUE (HLD supplemented with puerarin) groups. At the end of weeks 0, 8, and 16, serum levels of AMs were measured. At the end of week 16, the thickness of the intima was detected. Protein and mRNA levels of AMs were checked by immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR, respectively. Protein levels of p65 NF-κB and phosphorylation of inhibitor-κB (I-κB) were investigated by Western blotting. Atherosclerotic lesions in the thoracic arch were found in the HLD and PUE groups, but not in the control group. Compared with the HLD group, the thickness of the intima in the PUE group was reduced. Our results indicate that puerarin reduced the protein and mRNA levels of AMs in this rabbit model. We also found that the reduced AM levels were due to inhibition of the phosphorylation and degradation of I-κB, resulting in reduced p65 NF-κB nuclear translocation.
Do self-assembling peptide-based nanoparticles enhance anticancer effect of ellipticine in vitro and in vivo?
Applications of the anticancer agent, ellipticine, have been limited by its hydrophobicity and toxicity. An efficient delivery system is required to exploit the enormous potential of this compound. Recently, EAK16-II, an ionic-complementary, self-assembling peptide, has been found to stabilize ellipticine in aqueous solution. Here, the anticancer activity of ellipticine encapsulated in EAK16-II (EAK-EPT) was evaluated in vitro and in vivo. Our cellular uptake, toxicity, and apoptosis results in an A549 human lung carcinoma cell line indicate that EAK-EPT complexes are significantly more effective than treatment with EAK16-II or ellipticine alone. This is due to the ability of EAK16-II to stabilize ellipticine in a protonated state in well formed nanostructures approximately 200 nm in size. In vivo observations in an A549 nude mouse tumor model show higher antitumor activity and lower cytotoxicity of EAK-EPT complexes than in the control group treated with ellipticine alone. Tumor growth in animals was significantly inhibited after treatment with EAK-EPT complexes, and without any apparent side effects.
Recent studies suggested a role for pro-inflammatory mediators in frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD). The objective of this study was to evaluate the association of functionally active polymorphisms in pro-inflammatory cytokine genes with the occurrence and the clinical features of the disease. Using a case-control study, we compared allelic and genotypic frequencies of several polymorphisms in the interleukin (IL)-1alpha, interleukin (IL)-1beta, interleukin (IL)-6 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha genes between 110 FTLD patients and 119 healthy controls. No significant association between the examined polymorphisms and the disease was found. However, in comparison with remaining genotypes, patients carrying the T/T genotype of the IL-1beta gene showed a significantly lower age at onset of the disease. In addition, scores of the Frontal Assessment Battery were significantly modified by the IL-6 -174G>C polymorphism.
Does successive exposure to moderate hypoxia affect glucose metabolism and substrate oxidation in young healthy men?
Exposure to hypoxia has been suggested to acutely alter glucose regulation. However, the effects of successive exposure to moderate hypoxia on postprandial glucose regulation and substrate oxidation pattern after multiple meals have not been elucidated. We examined the effects of successive exposure to moderate hypoxia on metabolic responses and substrate oxidation pattern. Eight healthy men (21.0 ± 0.6 yrs, 173 ± 2.3 cm, 70.6 ± 5.0 kg, 23.4 ± 1.1 kg/m(2)) completed two experimental trials on separate days: a rest trial under normoxic conditions (FiO2 = 20.9%) and a rest trial under hypoxic conditions (FiO2 = 15.0%). Experimental trials were performed over 7 h in an environmental chamber. Blood and respiratory gas samples were collected over 7 h. Standard meals were provided 1 h (745 kcal) and 4 h (731 kcal) after entering the chamber. Although each meal significantly increased blood glucose and serum insulin concentrations (P < 0.05), these responses did not differ significantly between the trials. There were no significant differences in areas under the curves for glucose or insulin concentrations over 7 h between the trials. No significant differences were observed in blood lactate, serum cortisol, free fatty acid, or glycerol concentrations over 7 h between the trials. The oxygen consumption ( [Formula: see text]) and carbon dioxide production ( [Formula: see text]) 3 h after entering the chamber were significantly higher in the hypoxic trial than in the normoxic trial (P < 0.05). However, the differences did not affect respiratory exchange ratio (RER). The average values of [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text], and RER did not differ between the trials.
To assess the ability of flow cytometry (FC) to detect putative neoplastic T-cell subsets on skin shave biopsy (SSB) specimens from patients with mycosis fungoides (MF) and to study the immunophenotype of skin-infiltrating tumor cells in MF. SSB specimens from patients with suspected MF were bisected and submitted for both FC and routine histopathology. Six-dimensional gating strategies were applied to identify putative neoplastic cells, independently from their expected immunophenotype. Aberrant T cells were detected by FC in 18 of 33 SBB specimens, of which all had clinicomorphologic features of MF. Of the remaining 15 SSB specimens, six had clinicomorphologic features of MF and nine were diagnosed with benign inflammatory dermatoses. Unexpectedly, CD26 was aberrantly overexpressed in 11 (73%) and lost in three (20%) of 15 SSB specimens from patients with MF where this antigen was evaluated. Other detected aberrancies included CD3 dim- (13/18 [72%]), CD7 dim- (15/18 [83%]), and CD4-/CD8- (3/18 [17%]).
Do exogenous nitric oxide donor and related compounds protect against lung inflammatory response after hemorrhagic shock and resuscitation?
Resuscitation from hemorrhagic shock triggers an inflammatory response characterized by upregulation of cytokine and adhesion molecule expression, increased leukocyte activity, and accumulation of polymorphonuclear neutrophils in a variety of tissues. This study investigated the capability of an exogenous nitric oxide (NO) donor, sodium nitroprusside (NP); a NO substrate, L-arginine; and an inducible NO synthase inhibitor, L-N6-(1-iminoethyl)lysine (L-NIL) to reduce lung injury in an animal model of mixed controlled and uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock. For this study, 72 Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 250 to 300 g were subjected to a model of uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock for 150 minutes. Six groups of animals were included in this study (12 per group): sham-saline, sham-NP, shock-saline, shock-NP, shock-L-arginine, and shock-L-N6-(1-iminoethyl)lysine. After the period of hemorrhagic shock, resuscitation of the groups was accomplished using normal saline (groups 1 and 3), NP (0.5 mg/kg) (groups 2 and 4), L-arginine (300 mg/kg) (group 5), or L-NIL (50 mg/kg) (group 6). The following indices were evaluated: fluid requirements for resuscitation, mean arterial pressure (MAP), arterial po2, pco2, and pH, lung wet-to-dry weight ratio, lung histology and cytokine (interleukin [IL]-1 alpha, IL-beta 1, tumor necrosis factor-beta [TNF beta], IL-3, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-10, TNF alpha, IL-2, interferon-gamma [IFN gamma]), and mRNA expression in the lung by a ribonuclease protection assay (RPA). Sodium nitroprusside significantly increased MAP and reduced fluid requirements during resuscitation after hemorrhage. There also was a significant improvement in lung function, as expressed by improvements in po2, pco2, and pH, and reduction of the wet-to-dry weight ratio. In addition, a significant reduction in acute lung injury was observed in the histologic studies. Furthermore, the expression of cytokines was reduced by NP treatment. The use of L-arginine and L-NIL offered similar protective results for the injured lung.
It has been suggested that genes related to Amerindian ancestry account for the high prevalence of gallstone disease (GD) observed in Mexican-Americans. The HLA-B39 is an allele found in higher frequency in Amerindians whereas HLA-B15 is rarely found. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that gallstone susceptibility genes are more prevalent in Mexicans with recent Amerindian ancestry. We carried out a prospective case-controlled study. Subjects were divided into those who had stones visible on gallbladder ultrasound (cases), and those whose ultrasounds were negative for gallstones (controls). Body mass index (BMI) was calculated, and serum lipids and lipoprotein, and glucose levels were measured. Class I HLA (HLA-B) typing was performed by PCR amplification of genomic DNA. Of the 1,101 subjects, 146 were classified as subjects with GD (cases) and 955 as subjects without GD (controls). Mean age of the cases was 53.5 +/- 12.5 yr versus 44.78 +/- 12.0 yr for the controls, p= 0.001. A family history of GD was observed in 48% of the cases versus 28.4% of the controls, p= 0.001. HLA-B39 was more frequently increased in GD subjects (0.162), compared with controls (0.063), p= 0.008. The odds ratio of having HLA-B39 was 2.8 and 95% (CI 95%= 1.3-6.3) for GD; HLA-B15 was more frequently increased in controls than in cases.
Does biodentine reduce Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha-induced TRPA1 Expression in Odontoblastlike Cells?
The transient receptor potential (TRP) ion channels have emerged as important cellular sensors in both neuronal and non-neuronal cells, with TRPA1 playing a central role in nociception and neurogenic inflammation. The functionality of TRP channels has been shown to be modulated by inflammatory cytokines. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of inflammation on odontoblast TRPA1 expression and to determine the effect of Biodentine (Septodent, Paris, France) on inflammatory-induced TRPA1 expression. Immunohistochemistry was used to study TRPA1 expression in pulp tissue from healthy and carious human teeth. Pulp cells were differentiated to odontoblastlike cells in the presence of 2 mmol/L beta-glycerophosphate, and these cells were used in quantitative polymerase chain reaction, Western blotting, calcium imaging, and patch clamp studies. Immunofluorescent staining revealed TRPA1 expression in odontoblast cell bodies and odontoblast processes, which was more intense in carious versus healthy teeth. TRPA1 gene expression was induced in cultured odontoblastlike cells by tumor necrosis factor alpha, and this expression was significantly reduced in the presence of Biodentine. The functionality of the TRPA1 channel was shown by calcium microfluorimetry and patch clamp recording, and our results showed a significant reduction in tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced TRPA1 responses after Biodentine treatment.
Compared to the intravenous route, subcutaneous administration of epoetin requires lower dose and will be an attractive option for cost containment when bundling for dialysis is implemented. Hemoglobin variability defined as fluctuation of hemoglobin over time has not been well studied with respect to the route of administration. 157 prevalent-hemodialysis subjects were analyzed from an open-label, randomized study that compared the intravenous to the subcutaneous route of epoetin with identical weight-based dosing algorithm. Hemoglobin variability was defined as the number of weeks hemoglobin is outside the target range of 10-11 g/dl. Sensitivity analysis was performed. 78 subjects in the intravenous and 79 in the subcutaneous group entered the 24-week dose maintenance phase. Baseline covariates were similar in both groups except for the dose of epoetin (lower in subcutaneous) and dialysis vintage (longer in intravenous). Patients on subcutaneous epoetin were outside the target range more weeks (p = 0.04) and had higher standard deviation of hemoglobin (p = 0.01) compared to the intravenous group.
Does early low protein diet aggravate unbalance between antioxidant enzymes leading to islet dysfunction?
Islets from adult rat possess weak antioxidant defense leading to unbalance between superoxide dismutase (SOD) and hydrogen peroxide-inactivating enzymatic activities, catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) rending them susceptible to oxidative stress. We have shown that this vulnerability is influenced by maternal diet during gestation and lactation. The present study investigated if low antioxidant activity in islets is already observed at birth and if maternal protein restriction influences the development of islet antioxidant defenses. Rats were fed a control diet (C group) or a low protein diet during gestation (LP) or until weaning (LPT), after which offspring received the control diet. We found that antioxidant enzymatic activities varied with age. At birth and after weaning, normal islets possessed an efficient GPX activity. However, the antioxidant capacity decreased thereafter increasing the potential vulnerability to oxidative stress. Maternal protein malnutrition changed the antioxidant enzymatic activities in islets of the progeny. At 3 months, SOD activity was increased in LP and LPT islets with no concomitant activation of CAT and GPX. This unbalance could lead to higher hydrogen peroxide production, which may concur to oxidative stress causing defective insulin gene expression due to modification of critical factors that modulate the insulin promoter. We found indeed that insulin mRNA level was reduced in both groups of malnourished offspring compared to controls. Analyzing the expression of such critical factors, we found that c-Myc expression was strongly increased in islets from both protein-restricted groups compared to controls.
Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer deaths in the United States. Overall survival is less than 20%, with the majority of patients presenting with advanced disease. The National Lung Screening Trial, performed mainly in academic medical centers, showed that cancer mortality can be reduced with computed tomography (CT) screening compared with chest radiography in high-risk patients. To determine whether this survival advantage can be duplicated in a community-based multidisciplinary thoracic oncology program, we initiated a CT scan screening program for lung cancer within an established health care system. In 2008, we launched a lung cancer CT screening program within the WellStar Health System (WHS) consisting of five hospitals, three health parks, 140 outpatient medical offices, and 12 imaging centers that provide care in a five-county area of approximately 1.4 million people in Metro-Atlanta. Screening criteria incorporated were the International Early Lung Cancer Action Program (2008 to 2010) and National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines (2011 to 2013) for moderate- and high-risk patients. A total of 1,267 persons underwent CT lung cancer screening in WHS from 2008 through 2013; 53% were men, 87% were 50 years of age or older, and 83% were current or former smokers. Noncalcified indeterminate pulmonary nodules were found in 518 patients (41%). Thirty-six patients (2.8%) underwent a diagnostic procedure for positive findings on their CT scan; 30 proved to have cancer, 28 (2.2%) primary lung cancer and 2 metastatic cancer, and 6 had benign disease. Fourteen patients (50%) had their lung cancer discovered on their initial CT scan, 11 on subsequent scans associated with indeterminate pulmonary nodules growth and 3 patients who had a new indeterminate pulmonary nodules. Only 15 (54%) of these 28 patients would have qualified as a National Lung Screening Trial high-risk patient; 75% had stage I or II disease. Overall 5-year survival was 64% and 5-year cancer specific survival was 71% in the screened patients, whereas nonscreened lung cancer patients during that time in WHS had an overall survival of only 19% (p < 0.001).
Do endothelial cells release phenotypically and quantitatively distinct microparticles in activation and apoptosis?
Endothelial cells (EC) shed endothelial microparticles (EMP) in activation and apoptosis. We compared the antigenic expression of EMP species released during activation as compared to apoptosis, in three cell lines. EC from renal and brain microvascular (MiVEC) and coronary macrovascular (MaVEC) origin were incubated with TNF-alpha to induce activation, or deprived of growth factors to induce apoptosis. Antigens expressed on EMP and EC were assayed flow cytometrically and included constitutive markers (CD31, CD51/61, CD105), inducible markers (CD54, CD62E and CD106), and annexin V binding. It was found that in apoptosis, constitutive markers in EMP were markedly increased (CD31>CD105), with a concomitant decrease in expression in EC. Annexin V EC surface binding and annexin V+ EMP were more sharply increased in apoptosis than in activation. In contrast, in activation, inducible markers in EMP were markedly increased in both EMP and EC (CD62E>CD54>CD106). Coronary MaVEC released significantly less EMP than MiVEC.
To determine how modifications of key chair design aspects, such as seat height, posterior seat tilt, backrest recline, seat compressibility, and armrest placement, affect how older adults rise from a chair and the seating comfort they experience. Cross-sectional comparison. Congregate housing facility and university laboratory. Two groups of volunteers, Old (n = 29, mean age 84) and Young (n = 21, mean age 23). Analysis of time to rise, body motion (determined by use of digitized videotaping), and self-reported difficulty when subjects rose from a variety of controlled chair settings thought to represent important chair design specifications encountered by older adults. Subjects also reported their comfort while being seated in these settings. Lowered seat height, increased posterior seat tilt and backrest recline, and perhaps increased seat compressiblity cause increased time to rise, increased body motion, and increased self-reported ratings of rise difficulty in both Young and Old groups. Under the most challenging conditions, the effect appears to be stronger in the Old than in the Young: a few Old were unable to rise, and the Old took disproportionately longer to rise and used disproportionately greater neck motion (P generally < 0.001) compared with the Young. Arm rest placement did not alter rise performance or ratings significantly. The conditions in which rise difficulty increases or decreases do not correspond exactly to conditions in which comfort increases or decreases. Some aspects that increase rise difficulty, such as tilt/recline and seat compressiblity, may also increase comfort.
Does simvastatin influence the intestinal P-glycoprotein and MPR2 , and the disposition of talinolol after chronic medication in healthy subjects genotyped for the ABCB1 , ABCC2 and SLCO1B1 polymorphisms?
To evaluate whether simvastatin influences (i) the intestinal expression of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) and MRP2, and (ii) the disposition of the beta(1)-selective blocker talinolol, a substrate of these transporter proteins. The disposition of talinolol after intravenous (30 mg) and single or repeated oral administration (100 mg daily) was monitored before and after chronic treatment with simvastatin (40 mg daily) in 18 healthy subjects (10 males, eight females, body mass index 19.0-27.0 kg m(-2)) genotyped for ABCB1, ABCC2 and SLCO1B1 polymorphisms. The steady-state pharmacokinetics of simvastatin was evaluated before and after repeated oral talinolol administration. The duodenal expression of ABCB1 and ABCC2 mRNA before and after simvastatin treatment was quantified using real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (TaqMan. Simvastatin did not influence the expression of duodenal ABCB1 and ABCC2. There was no significant pharmacokinetic interaction between simvastatin and talinolol. Duodenal ABCB1 mRNA content was significantly correlated with the AUC(0-infinity) (r = 0.627, P = 0.039) and C(max) (r = 0.718, P = 0.013) of oral talinolol. The ABCB1 and ABCC2 gene polymorphisms did not influence simvastatin and talinolol disposition. The half-life of the latter was significantly shorter in the nine carriers with a SLCO1B1*1b allele compared with the seven subjects with the wild-type SLCO1B1*1a/*1a genotype (12.2 +/- 1.6 h vs. 14.5 +/- 1.4 h, P = 0.01).
To clarify the social issues and problems associated with burn care in Japan, based on a cost analysis of acute burn care. A retrospective review was undertaken of 71 patients admitted with burns at Nippon Medical School between January 1 and December 31, 1997. A cost analysis was performed for three major burn patients with a burn surface area (BSA) of 70% to 80% and three minor burn patients with a BSA of 20% to 30%. A questionnaire was administered to both burn patients and medical providers in all 127 emergency centers to help improve long-term quality of life (QOL). 80% of burn patients were under age 70. In the major burn cases, the amount of reimbursement according to the government-regulated fee schedule was much less than the cost of treatment. The ratio of the cost of both medication and materials to total cost of treatment was higher for patients with major burns. Patients responding to the survey acknowledged being generally happy despite suffering from psychological and financial problems. A total of 413 medical providers from 63 institutions responded to the survey regarding improving long-term QOL.
Does loss of the major duodenal papilla result in brown pigment biliary stone formation in pdx1 null mice?
Pdx1 plays a pivotal role in pancreas organogenesis and specification of some types of cells in the duodenum and antral stomach. However, its expression is not restricted to pancreas, duodenum, and antral stomach but is also found in the common bile duct during embryogenesis. This study aimed to elucidate the role of Pdx1 in the development of the common bile duct, major duodenal papilla, and duodenum. Expression pattern of pdx1 during embryogenesis and the morphology of the common bile duct, major duodenal papilla, and duodenum in pdx1 null mice were analyzed. The major duodenal papilla, peribiliary glands, and mucin-producing cells in the common bile duct were not formed in pdx1 null mice. Pdx1 null mice had shorter periampullary duodenal villi than wild-type mice at postnatal stages associated with reduced cell proliferation and increased apoptosis of the duodenal epithelial cells. Loss of the major duodenal papilla allowed duodeno-biliary reflux and bile infection, resulting in the formation of brown pigment biliary stones in pdx1 null mice, and antibiotics treatment significantly reduced the incidence of biliary stone formation.
We have previously shown that blood transfusion in the first 24 hours is an independent predictor of mortality, intensive care unit (ICU) admission, and increased ICU length of stay in the acute trauma setting when controlling for Injury Severity Score, Glasgow Coma Scale score, and age. Indices of shock such as base deficit, serum lactate level, and admission hemodynamic status (systolic blood pressure, heart rate) and admission hematocrit were considered potential confounding variables in that study. The objectives of this study were to evaluate admission anemia and blood transfusion within the first 24 hours as independent predictors of mortality, ICU admission, ICU length of stay (LOS), and hospital LOS, with serum lactate level, base deficit, and shock index (heart rate/systolic blood pressure) as covariates. Prospective data were collected on 15,534 patients admitted to a Level I trauma center over a 3-year period (1998-2000) and stratified by age, gender, race, Glasgow Coma Scale score, and Injury Severity Score. Admission anemia and blood transfusion were assessed as independent predictors of mortality, ICU admission, ICU LOS, and hospital LOS by logistic regression analysis, with base deficit, serum lactate, and shock index as covariates. Blood transfusion was a strong independent predictor of mortality (odds ratio [OR], 2.83; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.82-4.40; p < 0.001), ICU admission (OR, 3.27; 95% CI, 2.69-3.99; p < 0.001), ICU LOS (p < 0.001), and hospital LOS (Coef, 4.37; 95% CI, 2.79-5.94; p < 0.001) when stratified by indices of shock (base deficit, serum lactate, shock index, and anemia). Patients who underwent blood transfusion were almost three times more likely to die and greater than three times more likely to be admitted to the ICU. Admission anemia (hematocrit < 36%) was an independent predictor of ICU admission (p = 0.008), ICU LOS (p = 0.012), and hospital LOS (p < 0.001).
Are patterns and behavior of transient myocardial ischemia in stable coronary disease the same in both men and women : a comparative study?
This study sought to compare the circadian variations in transient ischemic activity, mean heart rate and ischemic threshold between women and men with coronary artery disease. There is a circadian variation in ischemic activity, onset of myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death in patients with coronary artery disease, but studies assessing ischemia have incorporated predominantly male subjects. Thirty-one women and 45 men underwent at least 48 h of ambulatory ST segment monitoring. There was a similar and significant circadian variation in ischemic activity in both women and men (p < 0.0001 and p < 0.0001, respectively), with a trough at night, a surge in the morning and a peak between 1 and 2 PM, corresponding to a similar circadian variation in mean hourly heart rate (p < 0.0001) that was not different between men and women (p = 0.28, power to detect a shift 99.9%). Mean heart rate at onset of ischemia (ischemic threshold) had similar variability in women and men (p = 0.96), and harmonic regression analysis confirmed a significant circadian variation (p < 0.0001), with a trough at night and a peak during activity hours. Heart rate increased significantly in the 5 min before ischemia throughout the 24 h (p < 0.0001), with no gender differences in the pattern of preonset to onset heart rate changes over time (p = 0.52); the smallest differences were recorded in the middle of the night. The majority of ischemic episodes (80%) had a heart rate increase > 5 beats/min in the 5 min before ischemia, but there were no gender differences.
The study was designed to investigate a potential role and mechanisms of fibronectin in tyrosine phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and invasiveness of colon cancer cells. A colorectal cancer cell line, Colo320, was stimulated by fibronectin with gradient concentrations. Phosphorylation of FAK tyrosine 397 (tyr-397), was detected by immunoprecipitation and western-blotting. The invasiveness of Colo320 cells was measured by the modified Boyden chamber assay. An antisense oligonucleotide of FAK was used to testify the role of FAK tyr-397 in the process of cell invasion enhanced by fibronectin. The Colo320 cell showed a dose-independence on fibronectin in its invasion and phosphorylation of FAK tyr-397. Invasion and phosphorylation of FAK tyr-397 in Colo320 reached their climax when concentration of fibronectin reached 1 nmol/L. But they did not increased accordingly when the concentrations of fibronectin reached 10 nmol/L and 100 nmol/L. Antisense oligonucleotide decreased phosphorylation of FAK tyr-397 and the invasion of Colo320 cells significantly, compared with the controls.
Does cDNA array-CGH profiling identify genomic alterations specific to stage and MYCN-amplification in neuroblastoma?
Recurrent non-random genomic alterations are the hallmarks of cancer and the characterization of these imbalances is critical to our understanding of tumorigenesis and cancer progression. We performed array-comparative genomic hybridization (A-CGH) on cDNA microarrays containing 42,000 elements in neuroblastoma (NB). We found that only two chromosomes (2p and 12q) had gene amplifications and all were in the MYCN amplified samples. There were 6 independent non-contiguous amplicons (10.4-69.4 Mb) on chromosome 2, and the largest contiguous region was 1.7 Mb bounded by NAG and an EST (clone: 757451); the smallest region was 27 Kb including an EST (clone: 241343), NCYM, and MYCN. Using a probabilistic approach to identify single copy number changes, we systemically investigated the genomic alterations occurring in Stage 1 and Stage 4 NBs with and without MYCN amplification (stage 1-, 4-, and 4+). We have not found genomic alterations universally present in all (100%) three subgroups of NBs. However we identified both common and unique patterns of genomic imbalance in NB including gain of 7q32, 17q21, 17q23-24 and loss of 3p21 were common to all three categories. Finally we confirm that the most frequent specific changes in Stage 4+ tumors were the loss of 1p36 with gain of 2p24-25 and they had fewer genomic alterations compared to either stage 1 or 4-, indicating that for this subgroup of poor risk NB requires a smaller number of genomic changes are required to develop the malignant phenotype.
There is increasing evidence that immune processes are important in the development of atherosclerosis. We investigated whether low density lipoprotein (LDL) adsorption therapy affected serum cytokine levels and the expression of adhesion molecules on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (lymphocytes and monocytes) in patients with arteriosclerotic obliterance (ASO). LDL adsorption therapy was repeated ten times over a period of three months in ten ASO patients. The total serum cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels were significantly reduced at the end of therapy. This was associated with a significant improvement in Fontaine's classification and ankle pressure index. We also measured serum levels of inflammatory cytokines (interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta), IL-6 and tissue necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha)) and expression of adhesion molecules (lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 alpha (LFA-1 alpha), LFA-1 beta, CD2, very late antigen (VLA)-4, VLA-5 and CD44) on mononuclear cells in the same patients and a group of healthy subjects. Serum levels of all inflammatory cytokines were markedly higher in ASO patients compared with healthy subjects, but there was no significant difference in the level before and after LDL adsorption. VLA-4 expression on CD3+ cells, but not of other adhesion molecules, was markedly higher in ASO patients compared with healthy subjects. LDL adsorption caused a significant reduction in CD2, VLA4 and VLA-5 expression on CD3+ cells. Furthermore, VLA-4 and VLA-5 expression on monocytes diminished significantly after LDL adsorption.
Does excessive iodine intake increase the recurrence rate of graves ' disease after withdrawal of the antithyroid drug in an iodine-replete area?
The relationship between iodine intake and effects of antithyroid drugs (ATD) for Graves' disease, especially in iodine-deficient areas, has been demonstrated in many studies. However, it was not clear how chronic high iodine intake influenced the effectiveness of ATD in an iodine-replete area. This study aimed to clarify the effect of iodine intake on clinical outcomes of Graves' disease after discontinuation of ATD in Korea, an iodine-replete area. A total of 142 patients with Graves' disease who visited the outpatient clinic regularly and stopped their ATD between October 2011 and April 2013 were enrolled in our study. Urinary iodine concentration (UIC) was measured just before and after the discontinuation of ATD. Median UIC was not significantly different between the remission and relapse groups, as well as among the four treatment groups (group 1, remission after initial treatment; group 2, remission after repeated treatment; group 3, early relapse within a year; group 4, late relapse after a year). Remission rates did not show a significant difference between the excessive iodine intake (UIC ≥300 μg/l) and average iodine intake groups (UIC <300 μg/l).
Inflammation has been implicated as a contributing factor in the expansion of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA). To test this hypothesis, we examined the effects of a monoclonal antibody (MAB) to the leukocyte CD18 adhesion molecule on the expansion of experimental AAA. Aneurysms were induced by perfusion of an isolated segment of the infrarenal aorta with elastase in 22 normotensive (WKY) and 17 genetically hypertensive (WKHT) rats. Animals of both strains were randomly allocated to control or MAB-treated groups (MAB, 5 microgram/100 gm body weight intraperitoneally, daily, beginning on the operative day for a total of four doses). The activity of the MAB against rat leukocytes had first been determined by in vitro immunofluorescence flow cytometry. Aortic size was directly measured initially and on day 14. At that time, a segment of aorta was stained with hematoxylin and eosin and mononuclear leukocytes and neutrophils were counted in each of 10 microscopic fields (400X). The initial aortic size in all animals was 1.11+/-0.15 mm. All groups developed aneurysms significantly larger than the initial aortic size (p<0.01). However, the MAB-treated animals had significantly smaller aneurysms than the untreated controls (mm): WKY: 3.63+/-1.26, WKY-MAB: 2.08+/-0.30, WKHT: 4.54+/-1.86, WKHT-MAB: 2.37+/-0.40, p<0.0001. There also were significantly fewer monocytes in the MAB-treated normotensive rats: WKY:35.5+/-29.9, WKHT:40.6+/-28.8, WKY-MAB: 8.9+/-8.5, WKHT-MAB: 32.3+/-25.7, p=0.03. Neutrophil counts did not differ significantly between the groups.
Is physical activity the key determinant of skeletal muscle mitochondrial function in type 2 diabetes?
Conflicting data exist on mitochondrial function and physical activity in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) development. The aim was to assess mitochondrial function at different stages during T2DM development in combination with physical exercise in longstanding T2DM patients. We performed cross-sectional analysis of skeletal muscle from 12 prediabetic 11 longstanding T2DM male subjects and 12 male controls matched by age and body mass index. One-year intrasubject controlled supervised exercise training intervention was done in longstanding T2DM patients. Extensive ex vivo analyses of mitochondrial quality, quantity, and function were collected and combined with global gene expression analysis and in vivo ATP production capacity after 1 yr of training. Mitochondrial density, complex I activity, and the expression of Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation system-related genes were lower in longstanding T2DM subjects but not in prediabetic subjects compared with controls. This indicated a reduced capacity to generate ATP in longstanding T2DM patients only. Gene expression analysis in prediabetic subjects suggested a switch from carbohydrate toward lipid as an energy source. One year of exercise training raised in vivo skeletal muscle ATP production capacity by 21 ± 2% with an increased trend in mitochondrial density and complex I activity. In addition, expression levels of β-oxidation, Krebs cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation system-related genes were higher after exercise training.
The pp125 focal adhesion kinase (FAK) plays a pivotal role in tumor cell signaling. FAK expression has been linked to tumor cell invasion and metastasis, but data on cervical cancer are inconclusive. Our goal was to investigate FAK expression in cervical cancer and to assess whether its expression correlates with prognosis. FAK expression was examined using immunohistochemistry with sections from 162 resected cervical cancer specimens. Kaplan-Meier survival curves were used to determine the significance of FAK expression in the prognosis of cervical cancer patients. Specific FAK expression was found in the tumor cells, whereas normal cervical epithelium showed barely any FAK expression. Of 162 invasive cervical cancer specimens, 55 (34%) revealed weak expression of FAK, whereas moderate and strong expression was found in 63 (39%) and 44 (27%) tumors, respectively. Patients with tumors expressing weak amounts of FAK were characterized by a significantly poorer overall survival compared with those with moderate and high intratumoral FAK expression (P = 0.002). Weak expression of FAK correlated with pelvic lymph node metastasis (P = 0.026) and recurrent disease (P = 0.013). Multivariate Cox regression analysis revealed decreased FAK expression and pelvic lymph node metastasis to be significant independent factors predictive of poor disease outcome (hazard ratio, 0.36; P = 0.005; hazard ratio, 2.38; P = 0.018, respectively).
Is immune reconstitution after childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia most severely affected in the high risk group?
The aim was to examine the immune reconstitution after current chemotherapy for childhood ALL, with a special focus on finding immunologic variables that predict a poor immune response to vaccinations. In a cross-sectional study of 31 children after treatment with the NOPHO ALL-1992 protocol peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets, T- and B-cell function in vitro and serum immunoglobulins (Ig) were measured. All patients were examined once, at 1 or at 6 months after cessation of chemotherapy, immediately before vaccination with DT and Hib. Lymphocytes, T-cells, and CD4+ T-cells were low at 6 months after treatment. Naive T-cell subsets were more reduced than memory subsets. In the high risk (HR) ALL group, CD8+ T-cells were reduced at 6 months. NK-cells were low at 1 month, but normal at 6 months; however, the CD3+CD56+ (NKT) subset was reduced at both time points. Total B-cell number was low at 1 month, but normal at 6 months. A relative increase of CD5+ B-cells (B-1 cells) was evident, particularly in the HR group. Antigen-independent T- and B-cell function in vitro were affected at 1 month, but virtually normalized at 6 months. Serum IgM level was decreased at 1 month and IgG3 level was increased at 1 and 6 months.
Endothelium-derived nitric oxide (NO) and endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization (EDH) play important roles in modulating vascular tone in a distinct vessel size-dependent manner; NO plays a dominant role in conduit arteries and EDH in resistance vessels. We have recently demonstrated that endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) is functionally suppressed in resistance vessels through caveolin-1 (Cav-1)-dependent mechanism, switching its function from NO to EDH/hydrogen peroxide generation in mice. Here, we examined the possible importance of the physiological balance between NO and EDH in cardiovascular homeostasis. We used 2 genotypes of mice in which eNOS activity is genetically upregulated; Cav-1-knockout (Cav-1-KO) and endothelium-specific eNOS transgenic (eNOS-Tg) mice. Isometric tension recordings and Langendorff experiments with isolated perfused hearts showed that NO-mediated relaxations were significantly enhanced, whereas EDH-mediated relaxations were markedly reduced in microcirculations. Importantly, impaired EDH-mediated relaxations of small mesenteric arteries from Cav-1-KO mice were completely rescued by crossing the mice with those with endothelium-specific overexpression of Cav-1. Furthermore, both genotypes showed altered cardiovascular phenotypes, including cardiac hypertrophy in Cav-1-KO mice and hypotension in eNOS-Tg mice. Finally, we examined cardiac responses to chronic pressure overload by transverse aortic constriction in vivo. When compared with wild-type mice, both Cav-1-KO and eNOS-Tg mice exhibited reduced survival after transverse aortic constriction associated with accelerated left ventricular systolic dysfunction, reduced coronary flow reserve, and enhanced myocardial hypoxia.
Is chromogranin A a reliable serum diagnostic biomarker for pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors but not for insulinomas?
Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (PNETs) are a group of rare tumors. Chromogranin A (CgA) was considered as the most practical and useful serum tumor marker in PNET patients. But peripheral blood levels of CgA are not routinely tested in Chinese patients with PNETs. This study was to assess the diagnostic value of CgA in Chinese patients with PNETs especially in patients with insulinomas. Eighty-nine patients with PNETs including 57 insulinomas and 32 non-insulinoma PNETs as well as 86 healthy participants were enrolled in this study between September 2003 and June 2013. Serum levels of CgA were measured by ELISA method. Expression of CgA protein was detected in 26 PNET tissues including 14 insulinomas by immunohistochemical staining. Serum levels of CgA in 89 PNET patients were significantly higher than that in healthy controls (P = 7.2 × 10-9). Serum levels of CgA in 57 patients with insulinomas (median 64.8 ng/ml, range 25-164) were slightly higher than the levels in healthy controls (median 53.4 ng/ml, range 39-94) but much lower than the levels in 32 patients with non-insulinoma PNETs (median 193 ng/ml, range 27-9021), P = 0.001. The serum CgA levels were reduced in 16 of 17 patients with insulinomas after tumor resection. ROC curve showed that CgA values at 60 ng/ml distinguished patients with insulinomas from healthy controls but its sensitivity and specificity were 66.7% and 73.3%, respectively. In contrast, CgA values at 74 ng/ml distinguished patients with non-insulinoma PNETs from healthy controls, and the sensitivity and specificity were 65.6% and 91.9%, respectively. Except for two insulinomas with negative staining of CgA, 12 insulinoma tissues showed positive staining of CgA.
Bacteria often form multicellular, organized communities known as biofilms, which protect cells from a variety of environmental stresses. During biofilm formation, bacteria secrete a species-specific matrix; in Bacillus subtilis biofilms, the matrix consists of protein polymers and exopolysaccharide. Many domesticated strains of B. subtilis have a reduced ability to form biofilms, and we conducted a two-month evolution experiment to test whether laboratory culturing provides selective pressure against biofilm formation in B. subtilis. Bacteria grown in two-month-long batch culture rapidly diversified their biofilm-forming characteristics, exhibiting highly diverse colony morphologies on LB plates in the initial ten days of culture. Generally, this diversity decreased over time; however, multiple types of colony morphology remained in our final two-month-old populations, both under shaking and static conditions. Notably, while our final populations featured cells that produce less biofilm matrix than did the ancestor, cells overproducing biofilm matrix were present as well. We took a candidate-gene approach to identify mutations in the strains that overproduced matrix and found point mutations in the biofilm-regulatory gene sinR. Introducing these mutations into the ancestral strain phenocopied or partially phenocopied the evolved biofilm phenotypes.
Does an iterative approach to respiratory self-navigated whole-heart coronary MRA significantly improve image quality in a preliminary patient study?
In respiratory self-navigated coronary MRA, the selection of a reference position may have a direct effect on image quality. While end-expiration is commonly used as reference, it may be ill defined in cases of irregular breathing. Here, an iterative self-navigation approach that operates without a reference position was implemented and tested in healthy volunteers and patients. Data were acquired in 15 healthy volunteers and in 23 patients. Images obtained with end-expiratory self-navigation were compared with those obtained with the iterative approach that incorporates cross-correlation to iteratively minimize a global measure of respiratory displacement. Vessel sharpness, length, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) were evaluated while differences in breathing patterns between the two sub-groups were assessed, too. Vessel sharpness and length were similar for both methods in healthy volunteers. In patients, a significant improvement in vessel sharpness and length was obtained using the iterative approach. SNR and CNR remained constant. While end-expiration was the most frequent respiratory phase in healthy volunteers (57.6 ± 16.2%), intermediate respiratory phases (43.4 ± 30.1%) were predominantly found in patients.
Triptolide (TPT), a component of the Chinese herb Triptergium wilfordii, has potent immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory activity and is used clinically in recipients of kidney transplantation. This work aimed to investigate the effect of TPT on the differentiation of regulatory T lymphocytes (Tregs) from CD4+ cells in rats. MACS-purified rat CD4+ cells were costimulated with anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 in the presence of TGF-beta to induce the expression of FoxP3, which was detected by flow cytometry. TPT and cyclosporine A (CsA) were separately added into the cultures to observe the effect on the expression of FoxP3. Kidney transplantation was performed in rats that either received no treatment or were treated with TPT after transplantation. TPT treatment enhanced the expression of FoxP3 in CD4+ cells, whereas CsA inhibited the FoxP3 expression. In the rat kidney transplantation model, the recipient rats treated with TPT survived longer than the control rats (18-19.83 vs 6.83 days, P<0.05). Meanwhile, the FoxP3+ T cells in the spleens of treated rats were higher than those from the untreated rats (12.4% vs 4.7%, P<0.05).
Does betaine supplementation attenuate atherosclerotic lesion in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice?
Betaine serves as a methyl donor in a reaction converting homocysteine to methionine. It is commonly used for the treatment of hyperhomocysteinemia in humans, which indicates it may be associated with reduced risk of atherosclerosis. However, there have been few data regarding its vascular effect. To investigate the effect of betaine supplementation on atherosclerotic lesion in apolipoprotein (apo) E-deficient mice. Four groups of apoE-deficient mice were fed AIN-93G diets supplemented with 0, 1, 2, or 4 g betaine/100 g diet (no, 1, 2, and 4% betaine, respectively). Wild-type C57BL/6 J mice were fed AIN-93G diet (wild-type). Mice were sacrificed after 0, 7, or 14 weeks of the experimental diets. Atherosclerotic lesion area in the aortic sinus, levels of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1 in aorta and serum, serum lipids, and methylation status of TNF-alpha promoter in aorta were determined. Linear regression analysis showed that the higher dose of betaine was related to smaller atherosclerotic lesion area (beta = -11.834, P < 0.001). Compared with no-betaine mice after 14 weeks, mice receiving 1%, 2%, or 4% betaine had 10.8, 41, and 37% smaller lesion area, respectively. Betaine supplementation also reduced aortic expression of TNF-alpha in a dose-dependent way in four groups of apoE-deficient mice, and Pearson correlation revealed that atherosclerotic lesion area was positively associated with aortic TNF-alpha level (r = 0.777, P < 0.001). Although serum TNF-alpha levels were lower in betaine-supplemented mice than in no-betaine mice after fourteen weeks of treatment (P < 0.001), we did not observe a significant dosage effect (P = 0.11). However, methylation level of TNF-alpha promoter did not differ among groups at any time. In this study, apoE-deficient mice receiving betaine supplementation for 14 weeks had higher concentrations of serum total cholesterol (P < 0.01), LDL cholesterol (P < 0.05), and lower body weight (P < 0.05) than no-betaine mice.
The long noncoding RNA HOTAIR has been reported to be a good biomarker for poor prognosis in a variety of human cancers. However, whether HOTAIR could serve as novel biomarker to predict prognosis in cervical cancer or not is unknown. The aim of the present study was to examine the expression of HOTAIR in cervical cancers and to investigate the relationship between this lncRNA expression levels and existing clinicopathological factors and patient survival. We examined the expression of HOTAIR in 218 cervical cancer tissues and matched 218 adjacent normal tissues using quantitative real-time RT-PCR and analyzed its correlation with the clinical parameters. The results showed that HOTAIR expression in cervical cancer tissues was significantly upregulated compared with the matched nontumorous tissues (P < 0.0001). Increased HOTAIR expression was significantly correlated with FIGO stage (P < 0.0001), lymph node metastasis (P < 0.0001), depth of cervical invasion (P < 0.0001), tumor size (P = 0.006) and age (P = 0.020), but not other clinical characteristics. Moreover, cervical cancer patients with HOTAIR higher expression have shown significantly poorer overall survival (P < 0.0001) and disease-free survival (P < 0.0001) than those with lower HOTAIR expression. Univariate (P < 0.0001, HR = 4.566, 95 % CI 2.122-9.825) and multivariate (P = 0.012, HR = 2.863, 95 % CI 1.263-76.490). Cox regression analyses showed that HOTAIR expression served as an independent predictor for overall survival.
Does differential stimulation of monocytic cells result in distinct populations of microparticles?
Microparticles (MPs), small vesicles shed from stimulated cells, permit cross-talk between cells within a particular environment. Their composition is thought to reflect their cell of origin, and differs according to whether they are produced by stimulation or by apoptosis. Whether MP properties vary according to stimulus is not yet known. We studied the characteristics of MPs produced from monocytic THP-1 cells upon stimulation with lipopolysaccharide or a soluble P-selectin chimera, using proteomics, flow cytometry, western blotting, and electron microscopy. Utilizing a novel criterion of calcein-AM staining to define MPs, we found that MP populations were similar with respect to size, presence and organization of cytoskeleton, and expression of certain antigens. The MPs shared the same level of procoagulant activity. We found that MPs also have distinct characteristics, depending on stimuli. These include differences in phosphatidylserine expression and expression of proteins from specific subcellular locations such as the mitochondria, and of unique antigens such as leukocyte-associated immunoglobin-like-receptor (LAIR)-1, which was found only upon stimulation with the soluble P-selectin chimera.
Despite efficacious treatment, alcohol use disorders contribute significantly to the disability burden. Although wider dissemination of evidence-based health care may impact on the population burden, the affordability of this strategy is unknown. This article compares the cost-effectiveness of current treatment for alcohol use disorders with the cost-effectiveness of optimal treatment, a hypothetical treatment scenario that has been informed by evidence-based practice to determine the affordability of such an approach. This study calculated the cost-effectiveness in the Australian population of evidence-based health care for alcohol harmful use and alcohol dependence, as defined by the International Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death, 10th Revision. Outcome was calculated as years lived with disability (YLD) averted. Data from the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing, in conjunction with published meta-analyses and expert reviews, were used to estimate 1-year costs (1997-98 Australian dollars) and YLD averted by current health care services as well as costs and outcomes for an optimal strategy of evidence-based health care. Of those currently seeking treatment, approximately 45% of those with alcohol harmful use and 58% of those with alcohol dependence receive an evidence-based intervention. The cost of this care was estimated at 73 million dollars, resulting in a cost per YLD averted of 96,813 dollars for harmful use of alcohol and 98,095 dollars for alcohol dependence. Under optimal care for harmful use, costs declined and health gains doubled, substantially reducing the cost per YLD averted to 8861 dollars. For dependence, costs doubled, but optimal treatment resulted in increased health gains, reducing the cost per YLD to 57,542 dollars.
Is primary phagocytosis of viable neurons by microglia activated with LPS or Aβ dependent on calreticulin/LRP phagocytic signalling?
Microglia are resident brain macrophages that can phagocytose dead, dying or viable neurons, which may be beneficial or detrimental in inflammatory, ischaemic and neurodegenerative brain pathologies. Cell death caused by phagocytosis of an otherwise viable cell is called 'primary phagocytosis' or 'phagoptosis'. Calreticulin (CRT) exposure on the surface of cancer cells can promote their phagocytosis via LRP (low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein) on macrophages, but it is not known whether this occurs with neurons and microglia. We used primary cultures of cerebellar neurons, astrocytes and microglia to investigate the potential role of CRT/LRP phagocytic signalling in the phagocytosis of viable neurons by microglia stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or nanomolar concentrations of amyloid-β peptide1-42 (Aβ). Exposure of CRT on the neuronal surface was investigated using surface biotinylation and western blotting. A phagocytosis assay was also developed using BV2 and PC12 cell lines to investigate CRT/LRP signalling in microglial phagocytosis of apoptotic cells. We found that BV2 microglia readily phagocytosed apoptotic PC12 cells, but this was inhibited by a CRT-blocking antibody or LRP-blocking protein (receptor-associated protein: RAP). Activation of primary rat microglia with LPS or Aβ resulted in loss of co-cultured cerebellar granule neurons, and this was blocked by RAP or antibodies against CRT or against LRP, preventing all neuronal loss and death. CRT was present on the surface of viable neurons, and this exposure did not change in inflammatory conditions. CRT antibodies prevented microglia-induced neuronal loss when added to neurons, while LRP antibodies prevented neuronal loss when added to the microglia. Pre-binding of CRT to neurons promoted neuronal loss if activated microglia were added, but pre-binding of CRT to microglia or both cell types prevented microglia-induced neuronal loss.
Elevation of serum total homocysteine (tHcy) is considered to contribute to endothelial cell dysfunction, which is considered to be the initial event in posttransplant vascular disease. We sought to investigate whether an association existed between serum tHcy levels and vascular endothelial function during cyclosporine (CsA) treatment. Endothelium-dependent and -independent relaxation responses (to acetylcholine [ACh] and sodium nitroprusside [SNP]) were determined on thoracic aortae from CsA-treated rats (5 mg kg/d, subcutaneously, for 14 days). A correlation analysis was performed between ACh responses and tHcy levels. CsA decreased the responses to ACh and the pD(2) values of the concentration-response curves compared with controls (P < .05). Responses to SNP and serum tHcy levels were unchanged among the groups. tHcy negatively correlated with the ACh pD(2) values among control (r = -0.69; P < .05) and vehicle (r = -0.73; P < .05) groups, indicating that the increase in tHcy was associated with decreased sensitivity to ACh. In CsA-treated rats, no association was observed between these parameters. Also, no correlation was noted between CsA concentrations and tHcy levels.
Does nF-κB induce miR-148a to sustain TGF-β/Smad signaling activation in glioblastoma?
Inflammatory cytokines and transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) are mutually inhibitory. However, hyperactivation of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) and TGF-β signaling both emerge in glioblastoma. Here, we report microRNA-148a (miR-148a) overexpression in glioblastoma and that miR-148a directly suppressed Quaking (QKI), a negative regulator of TGF-β signaling. We determined NF-κB and TGF-β/Smad signaling activity using pNF-κB-luc, pSMAD-luc, and control plasmids. The association between an RNA-induced silencing complex and QKI, mitogen-inducible gene 6 (MIG6), S-phase kinase-associated protein 1 (SKP1), and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) mRNA was tested with microribonucleoprotein immunoprecipitation and real-time PCR. Xenograft tumors were established in the brains of nude mice. QKI suppression induced an aggressive phenotype of glioblastoma cells both in vitro and in vivo. Interestingly, we found that NF-κB induced miR-148a expression, leading to enhanced-strength and prolonged-duration TGF-β/Smad signaling. Notably, these findings were consistent with the significant correlation between miR-148a levels with NF-κB hyperactivation and activated TGF-β/Smad signaling in a cohort of human glioblastoma specimens.
Platelet inhibition by clopidogrel is highly variable and the elevated platelet activity will increase the risk of major adverse cardiovascular events after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). CYP2C19 loss-of-function (LOF) alleles and risk factors of coronary heart disease (CAD) were reported to be associated with the low response of clopidogrel. This study was carried out to analyze the contributions of CYP2C19 polymorphisms and risk factors to the various clopidogrel responses in Chinese patients with stable CAD after PCI. The platelet reactivity index (PRI) was measured in 145 patients who underwent PCI using the vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein assay. Gene chip hybrid tests were used to analyze the genetic polymorphisms of CYP2C19. With a cutoff value of 50% in PRI, 20.67% (31/145) of the patients were defined to be clopidogrel resistant. With respect to the normal *1, *2, and *3 LOF CYP2C19 alleles, patients were classified into three metabolism phenotypes: 39.31% were extensive, 47.59% were intermediate, and 13.10% were poor metabolizers (PMs). Of the enrolled patients, 53.82 and 9.66%, respectively, were carriers of *2 and *3 alleles. There was a significant difference in PRI between PM and either extensive or intermediate metabolizers (P<0.05). In all, 36.84% of the patients with the PM phenotype were clopidogrel resistant. Carriers of two CYP2C19 LOF alleles, BMI, and the presence of type 2 diabetes were three independent risk factors for clopidogrel resistance.
Does visual recognition memory differentiate dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson 's disease dementia?
To compare cognitive impairments in dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and Parkinson's disease dementia (PDD), to discriminate between the two entities. 10 DLB and 12 PDD consecutive patients performed a neuropsychological battery designed to assess several cognitive domains: verbal and visual memory (Delayed Matching to Sample (DMS)-48), language, gnosia, praxia and executive functions. DLB patients had poorer performances in orientation (p<0.05), Trail Making Test A (p<0.05) and reading of names of colours in the Stroop Test (p<0.05). Their scores were also lower in the visual object recognition memory test (DMS-48), in both immediate (p<0.05) and delayed recognition (p<0.05). No differences were observed in the other tests.
Doxorubicin (DOX) is an important antineoplastic agent. However, the associated cardiotoxicity, possibly mediated by the production of reactive oxygen species, has remained a significant and dose-limiting clinical problem. Our hypothesis is that the hematopoietic/megakaryocytopoietic growth factor thrombopoietin (TPO) protects against DOX-induced cardiotoxicity and might involve antiapoptotic mechanism exerted on cardiomyocytes. In vitro investigations on H9C2 cell line and spontaneously beating cells of primary, neonatal rat ventricle, as well as an in vivo study in a mouse model of DOX-induced acute cardiomyopathy, were performed. Our results showed that pretreatment with TPO significantly increased viability of DOX-injured H9C2 cells and beating rates of neonatal myocytes, with effects similar to those of dexrazoxane, a clinically approved cardiac protective agent. TPO ameliorated DOX-induced apoptosis of H9C2 cells as demonstrated by assays of annexin V, active caspase-3, and mitochondrial membrane potential. In the mouse model, administration of TPO (12.5 microg/kg IP for 3 alternate days) significantly reduced DOX-induced (20 mg/kg) cardiotoxicity, including low blood cell count, cardiomyocyte lesions (apoptosis, vacuolization, and myofibrillar loss), and animal mortality. Using Doppler echocardiography, we observed increased heart rate, fractional shortening, and cardiac output in animals pretreated with TPO compared with those receiving DOX alone.
Does head and neck cooling after cardiac arrest result in lower jugular bulb than esophageal temperature?
To determine whether during the initial phase of head and neck cooling, jugular bulb temperature (Tjb; which may reflect brain temperature) is lower than esophageal temperature (Tes). To compare Tes and Tjb, patients received head or head and neck cooling after cardiac arrest. The first series with head cooling (n = 5; mean age 54 with a range of 41-62 years; 1 female and 4 males; mean body weight 80 kg with a range of 70-85 kg) showed a mean difference of 0.22 degrees C (95% CI, -1.14 to 0.70; P = .55; limits of agreement, -3.17 to 2.73) between Tes and Tjb over 12 hours. For the second series, with head and neck cooling (n = 6, mean age 65 with a range of 56-76 years; 3 females and 3 males; mean body weight 75 kg with a range of 65-91 kg), Tjb was lower than Tes with a difference of 0.60 degrees C (95% CI, 0.22 to 0.99; P = .01; limits of agreement, -3.10 to 4.30). During the first 3 hours, Tjb decreased faster than Tes (1.1 degrees C/h [95% CI, 0.4 to 1.8; P < .01]).
The boundary lubricating ability of human synovial fluid has been attributed to lubricin, a mucinous glycoprotein. We investigated the primary structure of lubricin and its cellular origin. Lubricin was purified from pooled synovial fluid aliquots with normal lubricating activity obtained from patients with osteoarthritis. Lubricating ability of lubricin was assayed in a friction apparatus that oscillates natural latex against a ring of polished glass. Native and lubricin deglycosylated with O-glycosidase DS and NANase III were trypsinized and sequenced by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry. Sequence results were compared to known structures in GenBank. Sequence data from strong matches were used in creating cDNA primers for reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) with RNA from human synovial fibroblasts obtained intraoperatively. Purified lubricin possesses an apparent molecular weight of 280 kDa on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Deglycosylation decreased the apparent molecular weight on SDS-PAGE to 120 kDa. Sequences specific for megakaryocyte stimulating factor precursor (MSF) were identified in GenBank. A 100% match was observed for exons 6 though 9 of MSF. Lubricin/MSF reduced the coefficient of friction (m) in the latex:glass bearing from 0.131 to 0.047. MSF is 1404 amino acids in size with multiple functional domains similar to vitronectin. The reported structure of MSF contains a centrally located mucin (exon 6) with 76 repeats of the degenerate motif of KEPAPTT, the presumed site of extensive O-linked glycosylation. RT-PCR with primers complementary for Pro214- Ala307 in exon 6 and RNA from human synovial fibroblasts produced the predicted product size of 280 bp.
Does planning estimate for the provision of core mental health services in Queensland 2007 to 2017?
To derive planning estimates for the provision of public mental health services in Queensland 2007-2017. We used a five-step approach that involved: (i) estimating the prevalence and severity of mental disorders in Queensland, and the number of people at each level of severity treated by health services; (ii) benchmarking the level and mix of specialised mental health services in Queensland against national data; (iii) examining 5-year trends in Queensland public sector mental health service utilisation; (iv) reviewing Australian and international planning benchmarks; and (v) setting resource targets based on the results of the preceding four steps. Best available evidence was used where possible, supplemented by value judgements as required. Recommended resource targets for inpatient service were: 20 acute beds per 100,000 population, consistent with national average service provision but 13% above Queensland provision in 2005; and 10 non-acute beds per 100,000, 65% below Queensland levels in 2005. Growth in service provision was recommended for all other components. Adult residential rehabilitation service targets were 10 clinical 24-hour staffed beds per 100,000, and 18 non-clinical beds per 100,000. Supported accommodation targets were 35 beds per 100,000 in supervised hostels and 35 places per 100,000 in supported public housing. A direct care clinical workforce of 70 FTE per 100,000 for ambulatory care services was recommended. Fifteen per cent of total mental health funding was recommended for community support services provided by non-government organisations.
Ezetimibe has been shown to inhibit dietary cholesterol absorption in animal models and humans, but studies on lymphatic lipid transport have not yet been performed. Rats subjected to permanent lymph duct cannulation were used to investigate the effects of ezetimibe on lipid transport. Rats were fed diets with and without ezetimibe (5.0 mg/kg), and their lymph was collected after feeding to quantify lymphatic lipid levels. Total cholesterol content in the intestinal mucosa was also measured. Rats that consumed ezetimibe had significantly lower lymphatic total cholesterol transport with the reduction of esterified cholesterol transport. According to the calculation based on cholesterol consumption, ezetimibe reduced the total cholesterol lymphatic recovery rate by 54 %. We also determined that ezetimibe significantly reduced the total cholesterol content in the intestinal mucosa.
Do neutrophils from allergic asthmatic patients produce and release metalloproteinase-9 upon direct exposure to allergens?
Asthma is characterized by airway inflammation and remodelling in which matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) play an important role. MMP-9 is the major MMP found in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluids and bronchial biopsies from patients with allergic asthma after allergen challenge, where it correlates with the count of neutrophils and macrophages. However, the cellular sources of MMP-9 in this inflammatory condition have not yet been clearly identified. This work was undertaken to analyse whether neutrophils may be a source of MMP-9 in the allergic asthma condition upon allergen challenge. Neutrophils from allergic asthmatic patients were in vitro stimulated, and the levels of MMP-9 release were measured in the cell culture supernatants using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and zymography. We show that MMP-9 is released by neutrophils, but not by eosinophils from allergic asthmatic patients in response to allergens to which the patients were sensitized. Neutrophils also released MMP-9 in response to anti-IgE Abs, and agonist Abs against FcεRI, FcεRII/CD23 and galectin-3. Inhibitors of transcription and translation, actinomycin D and cycloheximide, partially cancelled this process, suggesting that MMP-9 is also de novo synthesized in response to stimuli. We also show evidence that the MAPKs, p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase, as well as the transcription factor NF-κB, are involved, as specific chemical inhibitors of these cell-signalling pathways abolished the anti-IgE/allergen-dependent MMP-9 release.
To study short-term results and clinical application of Tri-lock BPS in total hip arthoplasty. From May 2010 to July 2011, 32 hips in 31 patients (18 males and 13 females, ranging in age from 50 to 77 years old, with an average of 60.5 years old) were treated by total hip arthroplasty with Tri-lock BPS, including 8 patients with osteonecrosis (ON), 13 patients with fresh femoral neck fracture, 10 patients with developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). The therapeutic effects were evaluated by self assessment form, preoperative and postoperative Harris hip score, radiographs, Engh score and bone in growth of femoral side described by Gruen. Based on the short-term results,its design characteristic and clinical properties were analyzed. All the incisions healed well and there were no complications such as femoral fracture, infection, dislocation and neurovascular injuries. All the patients were followed up with an average time of 12.2 months (ranged, 10 to 14 months). All the joints had good or excellent clinical results. The Harris score increased from preoperative 38.3 +/- 4.9 to 92.5 +/- 11.2 at the latest follow-up (t = 27.53, P < 0.01). Radiographically, the positions of the prostheses were normal,the average limbs length and femoral eccentricity recovered to normal. X-ray of the hips showed that the femoral stem prosthesis was in line with good initial fixed standard. At 3 months after surgery, X-ray of the hips showed that bone in growth in Gruen II and VI of femoral side.
Do gNAS gene variants affect β-blocker-related survival after coronary artery bypass grafting?
Cardiac overexpression of the β-adrenoreceptor (βAR)-coupled stimulatory G-protein subunit Gαs enhances inotropic responses to adrenergic stimulation and improves survival in mice under βAR blockade. The authors recently identified three common haplotypes in the GNAS gene encoding Gαs, with the greatest Gαs protein expression and signal transduction in haplotype *3 carriers and less in haplotype *2 and *1 carriers. The authors tested the hypothesis that these GNAS variants result in altered mortality in patients after coronary artery bypass graft surgery, particularly in those receiving βAR blockade. This prospective analysis included 1,627 European ancestry patients undergoing primary coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Patients were genotyped for two GNAS haplotype tagging single-nucleotide polymorphisms defining three major haplotypes. Up to 5-yr all-cause mortality was estimated using a Cox proportional hazard model; hazard ratios and 95% CIs were calculated while adjusting for demographics, clinical covariates, and the new EuroSCORE II. Univariate analysis revealed haplotype-dependent 5-yr mortality rates (*1/*1: 18.9%, *2/*1: 13.7%, *2/*2: 9.3%, *3/*1: 10.6%, *3/*2: 9.1%, and *3/*3: 9.6%; P = 0.0006). After adjustment for other predictors of death, homozygote haplotype *1 carriers showed a doubled risk for death (hazard ratio, 2.2; 95% CI, 1.2 to 3.8; P = 0.006). Considering only patients receiving βAR blockers (n = 1,267), the adjusted risk of death even tripled (hazard ratio, 3.0; 95% CI, 1.5 to 6.1; P = 0.002).
Epidermal phenolic compounds (mainly flavonoids) constitute a vital screen that protects the leaf from damage by natural ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The effectiveness of epidermal UV-screening depends on leaf anatomy, the content of UV-screening compounds and their spatial uniformity over the leaf area. To investigate in vivo the spatial pattern of the epidermal UV-screen during leaf development, a fluorescence imaging method was developed to map the epidermal UV-absorbance at a microscopic scale. This study was done on oak (Quercus petraea) leaves that were used as a model of woody dicotyledonous leaves. The leaf development of 2-year-old trees, grown outdoors, was monitored, at a macroscopic scale, by in vivo measurements of chlorophyll content per unit area and epidermal UV-absorbance using two optical leaf-clip meters. The distribution of pigments within leaves was assessed in vivo spectroscopically. The microscopic images of UV-induced fluorescence and UV-absorbance acquired in vivo during leaf development were interpreted from spectral characteristics of leaves. At a macroscopic scale, epidermal UV-absorbance was high on the upper leaf side during leaf development, while it increased on the lower leaf side during leaf expansion and reached the adaxial value at maturity. At a microscopic scale, in immature leaves, for both leaf sides, the spatial distribution of epidermal UV-absorbance was heterogeneous, with a pattern depending on the flavonoid content of vacuoles in developing epidermal cells. At maturity, epidermal UV-absorbance was uniform.
Does comparison between siblings and twins support a role for modifier genes in ADPKD?
Autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is characterized by intrafamilial variability in renal disease progression, which could result from a combination of environmental and genetic factors. Although a role for modifier genes has been evidenced in mouse models, direct evidence in ADPKD patients is lacking. The analysis of variability in affected siblings and monozygotic (MZ) twins would help evaluate the relative contribution of environment and genetic factors on renal disease progression in ADPKD. The difference in the age at end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) were quantified in a large series of ADPKD siblings from western Europe and compared with the values obtained in a series of MZ ADPKD twins from the same geographic area. Fifty-six sibships (including 129 patients) and nine pairs of MZ twins were included. The difference in the age at ESRD was significantly higher in siblings (6.9 +/- 6.0 years, range 2 months to 23 years) than in MZ twins (2.1 +/- 1.9 years, range 1 month to 6 years; P = 0.02). Furthermore, the intraclass correlation coefficient was significantly lower in siblings than in MZ twins (0.49 vs. 0.92, respectively; P = 0.003). The intrafamilial difference in the age at ESRD was not influenced by gender.
Deep erythema and inflammation after re-epithelialization of superficial wounds is a sign of scar formation. Corticosteroids may prevent scarring by suppression of inflammation and fibroblast activity. Tretinoin may increase the efficacy of corticosteroids in this setting. To evaluate the efficacy of corticosteroids plus tretinoin for prevention of scars after superficial wounds. In a retrospective study of patients with superficial partial thickness thermal skin burn, we compared the patients who received clobetasol plus tretinoin after re-epithelialization with patients who did not receive any medication. Clobetasol propionate 0.05% ointment was used twice daily with overnight occlusive dressing in conjunction with twice weekly topical tretinoin 0.05% cream. Among 43 patients who had light pink or no erythema after re-epithelialization and consequently did not receive clobetasol + tretinoin, no scar was developed. Among patients who had deep erythema after re-epithelialization, rate of scar formation was significantly higher in 14 patients who did not receive clobetasol + tretinoin than in 21 patients who received clobetasol + tretinoin (64% and 19%, respectively; p = 0.01).
Does overexpression of complement component C5a accelerate the development of atherosclerosis in ApoE-knockout mice?
In this study, we investigated the direct effect of C5a overexpression on atherosclerosis. A recombinant adenovirus expressing mouse C5a (Ad-C5a) was constructed and injected intravenously into ApoE-/- mice. After 12 weeks of a high-fat diet, Ad-C5a injection produced more extensive lesions than control adenovirus, and its proathrosclerotic role was significantly blocked by C5a receptor antagonist. Immunohistochemical analysis showed enhanced macrophage infiltration in atherosclerotic regions with C5a overexpression. Trans-well assay revealed C5a receptor-dependent chemotaxis of C5a to macrophages. Furthermore, Ad-C5a overexpression promoted foam cell formation and lipid deposition but reduced collagen content. In addition, with Ad-C5a overexpression, the serum levels of interleukin 6 and tumor necrosis factor α were upregulated.
Sensory gating deficit, assessed by a paired auditory stimulus paradigm (P50), has been reported as a stable marker of schizophrenia. The aim of this study was to explore if this neurophysiological disturbance also fulfilled stability criteria in the bipolar disorder (BD) spectrum bipolar, as state independence is one of the main points to be considered as a potential endophenotype of the illness. The P50 evoked potential was studied in 95 healthy controls and 126 bipolar euthymic patients. Euthymia was established according to Van Gorp's criteria. Bipolar I and II subtypes were analyzed separately. The influence of a lifetime history of psychoses was also evaluated in the clinical sample. P50 gating was deficitary in all the subsamples of patients relative to healthy comparison subjects. Bipolar I patients with and without a history of psychosis showed higher P50 ratios than the other subgroups of patients, although these differences were not significant. P50 alterations were mainly due to a deficit in the inhibition of the second wave (test wave or S2) amplitude.
Does postnatal Loss of Kindlin-2 lead to Progressive Heart Failure?
The striated muscle costamere, a multiprotein complex at the boundary between the sarcomere and the sarcolemma, plays an integral role in maintaining striated muscle structure and function. Multiple costamere-associated proteins, such as integrins and integrin-interacting proteins, have been identified and shown to play an increasingly important role in the pathogenesis of human cardiomyopathy. Kindlin-2 is an adaptor protein that binds to the integrin β cytoplasmic tail to promote integrin activation. Genetic deficiency of Kindlin-2 results in embryonic lethality, and knockdown of the Kindlin-2 homolog in Caenorhabditis elegans and Danio rerio suggests that it has an essential role in integrin function and normal muscle structure and function. The precise role of Kindlin-2 in the mammalian cardiac myocyte remains to be determined. The current studies were designed to investigate the role of Kindlin-2 in the mammalian heart. We generated a series of cardiac myocyte-specific Kindlin-2 knockout mice with excision of the Kindlin-2 gene in either developing or adult cardiac myocytes. We found that mice lacking Kindlin-2 in the early developing heart are embryonic lethal. We demonstrate that deletion of Kindlin-2 at late gestation or in adult cardiac myocytes resulted in heart failure and premature death, which were associated with enlargement of the heart and extensive fibrosis. In addition, integrin β1D protein expression was significantly downregulated in the adult heart.
Because of the relatively poor results of frontal lobe epilepsy (FLE) surgery, identification of prognostic factors for surgical outcome is of great importance. To identify predictive factors for FLE surgery, we analyzed the data of 61 patients (mean age at surgery 19.2) who had undergone presurgical evaluation and resective surgery in the frontal lobe. Postoperative follow-up ranged from 0.5 to 5 years (mean 1.78). Fifty-nine patients had MRI-detectable lesions. Histopathologic examination showed dysplasia (57.4%), tumor (16.4%), or other lesions (26.2%). Thirty postoperatively seizure-free patients were compared with 31 non-seizure-free patients with respect to clinical history, seizure semiology, EEG and neuroimaging data, resected area, and postoperative data including histopathology. Three preoperative and two postoperative variables were related to poor outcome: generalized epileptiform discharges, generalized slowing, use of intracranial electrodes, incomplete resection detected by MRI, and postoperative epileptiform discharges. The only preoperative factor associated with seizure-free outcome was the absence of generalized EEG signs. Multivariate analysis showed that only the absence of generalized EEG signs predicts the outcome independently. Moreover, the occurrence of a somatosensory aura, secondarily generalized seizures, and negative MRI was identified as additional independent risk factors for poor surgical results.
Does vector targeting make 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy less toxic and more effective in animal models of epithelial neoplasms?
5-fluorouracil (5-FU) has been combined in the past with other drugs for the combination chemotherapy for cancers of the breast, ovary, and colon. These drug regimens were limited by the fact that 5-FU fails to kill nondividing cancer cells at the doses that are safe to deliver. The goal of the present study is to test the feasibility of replacing 5-FU in established 5-FU combination chemotherapy with the Ad-LpCDIRESE1A/5-fluorocytosine (5-FC) system for the purpose of reducing toxicity and increasing efficacy. We have replaced 5-FU in the weekly combination of CPT-11, folinic acid (FA) and 5-FU chemotherapy by 5-FC and an adenoviral vector that carries the L-plastin (Lp) tumor-specific promoter-driven transcription unit encoding the cytosine deaminase gene linked to the E1A gene by an internal ribosomal entry site element. This combination is called "genetic combination therapy." The goal of using the vector was to decrease the toxicity to normal tissue and to increase the efficacy of therapy in the cancer cells by increasing the concentration of 5-FU sufficiently high that even nondividing cancer cells would be killed by 5-FU through its incorporation into mRNA and consequent inhibition of synthesis of functional proteins. We compared the in vivo efficacy of the genetic combination therapy with the conventional combination chemotherapy in a mouse colon cancer model. Both replication-competent and -noncompetent adenoviral vectors carrying an L-plastin-driven cytosine deaminase transcription unit when combined with 5-FC, CPT-11, and FA showed increased in vitro therapeutic activity that was significantly higher than that of the conventional chemotherapy combination. Tumor-bearing mice treated with the genetic combination therapy showed a statistically significant advantage in terms of increased response rate, response duration, survival, and reduced toxicity when compared with tumor-bearing mice treated with the conventional combination chemotherapy.
The clinical implications of stiffness of the carotid artery (CA) have not been fully clarified in the prediction of coronary artery disease (CAD), although intima-media thickness (IMT) has been established as a surrogate marker. We examined the associations of stiffness parameter beta (ST) and IMT with concurrent CAD. IMT and ST were measured by ultrasound in 439 nondiabetic subjects as a control and 1528 type 2 diabetic subjects (T2DM) with or without CAD in a cross-sectional study. Both IMT and ST significantly increased with age and group category, in the order of control, T2DM without CAD, and T2DM with CAD (p<0.001). The area under the curve on ROC analysis of ST for concurrent CAD was comparable to that for IMT. On multivariate logistic regression analysis, High IMT (>or=1.30 mm) and High stiffness (>or=20.0) had significant odds ratios for concurrent CAD (2.205, p<0.001 and 1.548, p<0.05, respectively). The group with High IMT and High Stiffness exhibited a stronger multivariate odds ratio (3.115, p=0.0001).
Is the expression of Wnt-inhibitor DKK1 ( Dickkopf 1 ) determined by intercellular crosstalk and hypoxia in human malignant gliomas?
Wnt signalling pathways regulate proliferation, motility and survival in a variety of human cell types. Dickkopf 1 (DKK1) gene codes for a secreted Wnt inhibitory factor. It functions as tumour suppressor gene in breast cancer and as a pro-apoptotic factor in glioma cells. In this study, we aimed to demonstrate whether the different expression of DKK1 in human glioma-derived cells is dependent on microenvironmental factors like hypoxia and regulated by the intercellular crosstalk with bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (bmMSCs). Glioma cell line U87-MG, three cell lines from human glioblastoma grade IV (glioma-derived mesenchymal stem cells) and three bmMSCs were selected for the experiment. The expression of DKK1 in cell lines under normoxic/hypoxic environment or co-culture condition was measured using real-time PCR and enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay. The effect of DKK1 on cell migration and proliferation was evaluated by in vitro wound healing assays and sulphorhodamine assays, respectively. Glioma-derived cells U87-MG displayed lower DKK1 expression compared with bmMSCs. Hypoxia led to an overexpression of DKK1 in bmMSCs and U87-MG when compared to normoxic environment, whereas co-culture of U87-MG with bmMSCs induced the expression of DKK1 in both cell lines. Exogenous recombinant DKK1 inhibited cell migration on all cell lines, but did not have a significant effect on cell proliferation of bmMSCs and glioma cell lines.
Late onset asthma is associated with more severe disease and higher morbidity than in younger asthma patients. This may in part relate to under recognition of asthma in older adults, but evidence on the impact of patient age on diagnostic assessment of asthma in a specialist setting is sparse. To examine the impact of patient age on the type and proportion of diagnostic tests performed in patients undergoing specialist assessment for asthma. Data from a clinical population consisting of all patients consecutively referred over a 12 months period to a specialist clinic for assessment of asthma were analysed. A total of 224 patients with asthma or suspected asthma were referred during the 12 month period; 86 adults aged <35 years, 95 aged 35-55 years and 43 aged >55 years. Symptom characteristics were similar, but adults >35 years had a lower lung function than younger adults, and were more frequently smokers. However, a regression analysis showed that older age was associated with a lower likelihood of diagnostic assessment with a reversibility test, a bronchial challenge test, or measurement of exhaled NO, independently of a known diagnosis of asthma, smoking habits and lung function at referral.
Does pten regulate homeostasis and inflammation-induced migration of myelocytes in zebrafish?
Loss of the tumor suppressor phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) is frequently observed in hematopoietic malignancies. Although PTEN has been implicated in maintaining the quiescence of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), its role in hematopoiesis during ontogeny remains largely unexplored. The expression of hematopoietic marker genes was analyzed via whole mount in situ hybridization assay in ptena and ptenb double mutant zebrafish. The embryonic myelopoiesis was characterized by living imaging and whole mount in situ immunofluorescence with confocal microscopy, as well as cell-specific chemical staining for neutrophils and macrophages. Analyses of the involved signaling pathway were carried out by inhibitor treatment and mRNA injection. Pten-deficient zebrafish embryos exhibited a strikingly increased number of myeloid cells, which were further characterized as being immune deficient. In accordance with this finding, the inhibition of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) or the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) corrected the expansive myelopoiesis in the pten-deficient embryos. Further mechanistic studies revealed that the expression of cebpa, a critical transcription factor in myeloid precursor cells, was downregulated in the pten-deficient myeloid cells, whereas the injection of cebpa mRNA markedly ameliorated the dysmyelopoiesis induced by the loss of pten.
The present study aimed to identify the relationship between glycemic variability (GV) and the 10-y risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients with good glycemic control. Two-hundred forty consecutive T2DM patients (HbA1c≤7.0%) without CVD were included to calculate the 10-y CVD risk by Framingham risk score (FRS), and divided into 3 groups: low-risk group (FRS≤10%), intermediate-risk group (>10%, ≤20%) and high-risk group (>20%). Inter-group differences of GV were determined by comparing the SD of blood glucose (SDBG), mean amplitudes of glycemic excursion (MAGE), and mean of daily differences (MODD) gathered from 72-h continuous glucose monitoring system. The levels of SDBG and MAGE significantly increased along with the raises of 10-y CVD risk of T2DM patients (p<0.01). FRS was positively correlated with age, systolic blood pressure, SDBG and MAGE (r=0.717, 0.525, 0.509 and 0.485 respectively, p<0.01), while negatively correlated with the level of HDL-C (r=-0.348, p<0.01). Furthermore, multivariate logistic regression analysis confirmed that increased MAGE [OR: 1.623(1.198-2.316), p<0.001] and patients with high urine albumin excretion rates [OR: 1.743(1.247-2.793), p<0.001] were independent predictors for high 10-y CVD risk.
Is p-selectin expression , but not GPIIb/IIIa activation , enhanced in the inflammatory stage of Takayasu 's arteritis?
Inflammation and thrombosis are closely related processes, but the association between disease activity and thrombogenicity in Takayasu's arteritis (TA) is poorly understood. To investigate the link between platelet activation and disease activity, flow cytometric analyses of platelet P-selectin and activated GPIIb/IIIa expression were performed in patients with TA. Twenty-two patients with TA, classified into active (Group A, n = 9) and inactive (Group I, n = 13) according to blood-derived inflammatory markers, and 14 healthy age- and gender-matched controls (Group C) were studied. Compared with Group C, the mean fluorescence intensity of P-selectin in response to 0.1-10 micromol/L of ADP was significantly upregulated in Group A, but not in Group I. No differences in platelet GPIIb/IIIa expression in stimulated platelets were seen among the 3 groups. Standard platelet aggregation studies revealed that disease activity did not influence platelet aggregation by ADP.
To investigate the effect of oral glutamine alone or combined with short chain fatty acids (SCFA) in the intestinal adaptation of rats submitted to an massive enterectomy. After receiving 70% small bowel resection, 30 Wistar rats were randomized to received either standard rat chow (control group, n=10) or the same diet supplemented with 3,05% of glutamine alone (glutamine group, n=10) or combined with a solution containing SCFA (glutamine+SCFA group, n=10). Animals were killed on the 14th postoperative day. Mucosal weight, crypt depth, villus height, wall width, and the mucosal content of DNA, were assessed in basal conditions (resected gut specimen) and compared to the small bowel specimen collected on the postoperative day 14, at both jejunum and ileum sites. All groups presented similar pattern in weight evolution. In all groups, both the morphological findings and the DNA content were significantly higher at the end of the experiment than in basal conditions, at both the jejunum and ileum. Except for the jejunum wall width that was higher in control group (808+/-95 micro) than in the other two groups (glutamine = 649+/-88 micro and glutamine+SCFA = 656+/-92; p<0.01), there was no difference among them in all variables at both intestinal sites after 14 days.
Is t-cell receptor diversity selectively skewed in T-cell populations of patients with Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome?
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS) is a severe disorder characterized by thrombocytopenia, eczema, immunodeficiency, and increased risk of autoimmune disease and lymphoid malignancies. The immunodeficiency caused by a lack of WAS protein expression has been mainly attributed to defective T-cell functions. Whether WAS mutations differentially influence the T-cell receptor (TCR) diversity of different T-cell subsets is unknown. We aimed to identify the degree and pattern of skewing in the variable region of the TCR β-chain (Vβ) in different T-cell subsets from patients with WAS. The TCR repertoire diversity in total peripheral T cells, sorted CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells, and CD45RA(+) (CD45RA(+)CD45RO(-) cells) and CD45RO(+) (CD45RA(-)CD45RO(+) cells) CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells from patients with WAS and age-matched healthy control subjects was analyzed and compared by using spectratyping of complementarity-determining region 3. The complementarity-determining region 3 of TCRβ transcripts in CD45RA(+)CD4(+) and CD45RA(+)CD8(+) T cells, CD45RO(+)CD4(+) T cells, CD8(+) terminally differentiated effector memory T (Temra) cells, and naive CD8(+) T cells (CD8(+)CD45RO(-)CCR7(+) cells) from patients and control subjects were analyzed and compared by using high-throughput sequencing. The TCR repertoire diversity in CD45RO(+)CD4(+) T cells and CD8(+) Temra cells of patients with WAS was significantly skewed in comparison with that seen in age-matched control subjects.
The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of implementing a validated suturing curriculum as a free-standing continuing medical education (CME) course. Eighteen participants (9 practicing surgeons, 9 surgery residents) attended a 4-hour laparoscopic suturing CME course. After viewing an instructional videotape all participants had their baseline performance measured on a fundamentals of laparoscopic surgery-type videotrainer suture model. Participants then practiced on the model with active instruction from 6 proctors until a previously reported proficiency level was achieved or until the course ended. Performance was scored objectively based on time and errors. Precourse and postcourse questionnaires were collected. Participants trained for 2.6 +/- .8 hours and performed 37 +/- 11 repetitions. Although no participant was proficient at baseline, 72% achieved the proficiency level by the end of the course. Participants showed 44% improvement in objective scores and 34% improvement according to subjective self-rating.
Is the long-term use of statins associated with a decreased incidence of adenomatous colon polyps?
Studies have suggested that statins may protect against colorectal cancer (CRC), but it is not clear whether that protection results from effects on established adenomatous polyps (APs) or from preventing the development of new APs. We have conducted a retrospective, cohort study to explore how the long-term use of statins influences the development of new APs. We reviewed endoscopy and pathology databases to identify patients with histologically verified APs, all of which were removed during an index colonoscopy, and who had a follow-up colonoscopy 3-5 years later. Patients were categorized as users or nonusers of statins by review of their medical and pharmacy records, and the characteristics of APs found on follow-up colonoscopy in the 2 groups was compared. We identified 2,626 patients (84% men, mean age 62.2 years) with APs removed during an index colonoscopy. Of 1,688 patients (35%) who used statins continuously, 583 had an AP found on follow-up colonoscopy, compared to 477 of 938 patients (51%) who did not use statins continuously [odds ratio (OR) 0.51, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.43-0.60; p < 0.01]. Statin use was associated with a smaller mean number of polyps (2.6 vs. 3.1; p = 0.002), a smaller mean polyp size (7.1 vs. 7.9 mm; p = 0.03) and a significant reduction in the incidence of advanced APs (OR 0.74, 95% CI 0.52-0.96; p = 0.03).
Ninety-six male adult CD-1 mice were randomly divided into sham, spinal cord injury (SCI) + vehicle, and SCI + IPA-3 groups. Expression of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 and MMP-9, production of tumor necrosis factors (TNF)-α and interleukin (IL)-1β, tissue edema, blood-spinal cord barrier penetrability, neural cell apoptosis, and neurological function recovery were measured. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of specific inhibition of p21-activated kinase 1 (PAK1) by IPA-3 on SCI and the underlying mechanisms thereof. SCI is a devastating clinical condition that may result in long-lasting and deteriorating functional deficits. The major goal of SCI treatment is to limit the development of secondary injury. IPA-3, a PAK1 inhibitor, exhibited neuroprotection against secondary damage after traumatic brain injury and subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). MMP-2, MMP-9, and cleaved caspase-3 expression were assessed by Western blot. Inflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-1β were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The blood-spinal cord barrier disruption was measured by water content and Evans blue extravasation of the spinal cord. Neuronal apoptosis was evaluated by Nissl staining and Terminal-deoxynucleoitidyl Transferase Mediated Nick End Labeling (TUNEL) assay. The locomotor behavior of hind limb was evaluated by Basso Mouse Scale (BMS) at 1, 3, 7, 14, and 28 days post-injury. Compared with SCI + vehicle mice, IPA-3 treatment showed decreased p-PAK1, MMP-2, MMP-9, cleaved caspase-3, TNF-α, and IL-1β expression. Moreover, inhibition of PAK1 by IPA-3 reduced spinal cord water content and Evans blue extravasation, increased neuronal survival, and reduced TUNEL-positive cells at 24 hours after SCI. Furthermore, IPA-3 improved spinal cord functional recovery 7 days after SCI.
Does psychological support counselling improve gluten-free diet compliance in coeliac patients with affective disorders?
Anxiety and depression are common features of coeliac disease. Depression is cause of non-compliance to treatment in chronic illness. To evaluate the useful of psychological support counselling to improve affective disorders and gluten-free diet adherence in coeliac disease with anxiety and depression. A total of 66 coeliac disease patients with state anxiety and current depression were enrolled. Patients were randomized in two groups: in group A psychological support was started at the beginning of gluten-free diet, while group B was free of psychological support. Both groups were followed every 2 weeks for 6 months. State and Trait Anxiety Inventory test Y-1 and the modified Zung self-rating depression scale were administered before (T0) and after 6 months of gluten-free diet (T1). At T1 no difference was found between groups in the percentage of state anxiety, while a significant lower percentage of depressed subjects was found in group A with respect to group B (15.1% vs. 78.8%; P=0.001). In the follow-up period, a significant lower compliance to gluten-free diet was found in group B with respect to group A (39.4% vs. 9.1%; P=0.02).
To increase the supply, many countries harvest allograft valves from explanted hearts of transplant recipients with ischaemic (ICM) or dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). This study determines the structural integrity of valves from cardiomyopathic hearts. Extracellular matrix (ECM) was examined in human valves obtained from normal, ICM, and DCM hearts. To confirm if ECM changes were directly related to the cardiomyopathy, we developed a porcine model of chronic ICM. Histology and immunohistostaining, as well as non-invasive multiphoton and second harmonic generation (SHG) imaging revealed marked disruption of ECM structures in human valves from ICM and DCM hearts. The ECM was unaffected in valves from normal and acute ICM pigs, whereas chronic ICM specimens showed ECM alterations similar to those seen in ICM and DCM patients. Proteins and proteinases implicated in ECM remodelling, including Tenascin C, TGFbeta1, Cathepsin B, MMP2, were upregulated in human ICM and DCM, and porcine chronic ICM specimens.
Does aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans-Induced AIM2 Inflammasome Activation be Suppressed by Xylitol in Differentiated THP-1 Macrophages?
Aggressive periodontitis is characterized by rapid destruction of periodontal tissue caused by Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. Interleukin (IL)-1β is a proinflammatory cytokine, and its production is tightly regulated by inflammasome activation. Xylitol, an anticaries agent, is anti-inflammatory, but its effect on inflammasome activation has not been researched. This study investigates the effect of xylitol on inflammasome activation induced by A. actinomycetemcomitans. The differentiated THP-1 macrophages were stimulated by A. actinomycetemcomitans with or without xylitol and the expressions of IL-1β and inflammasome components were detected by real time PCR, ELISA, confocal microscopy and Immunoblot analysis. The effects of xylitol on the adhesion and invasion of A. actinomycetemcomitans to cells were measured by viable cell count. A. actinomycetemcomitans increased pro IL-1β synthesis and IL-1β secretion in a multiplicity of infection- and time-dependent manner. A. actinomycetemcomitans also stimulated caspase-1 activation. Among inflammasome components, apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD (ASC) and absent in melanoma 2 (AIM2) proteins were upregulated by A. actinomycetemcomitans infection. When cells were pretreated with xylitol, proIL-1β and IL-1β production by A. actinomycetemcomitans infection was significantly decreased. Xylitol also inhibited ASC and AIM2 proteins and formation of ASC puncta. Furthermore, xylitol suppressed internalization of A. actinomycetemcomitans into differentiated THP-1 macrophages without affecting viability of A. actinomycetemcomitans within cells.
We previously reported that short, small for gestational age (SGA) children who were born preterm have a lower body fat percentage and a higher blood pressure, insulin secretion and disposition index than short SGA children born at term. Whether preterm birth also influences these parameters during GH treatment is unknown. To compare blood pressure, insulin sensitivity, beta-cell function and body composition during 4 years of GH treatment, between preterm and term short SGA children. A total of 404 prepubertal non-GH-deficient short SGA children were divided into 143 preterm (< 36 weeks) and 261 term children. Height, blood pressure (n = 404), body composition measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) (n = 138) and insulin sensitivity and beta-cell function calculated from a frequent sampling intravenous glucose tolerance test (FSIGT) with tolbutamide (n = 74) or from the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) (n = 204). In preterm and term children, GH treatment resulted in a similar decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, body fat percentage, limb fat/total fat ratio and insulin sensitivity, and a similar increase in insulin secretion and disposition index. Lean body mass (LBM) corrected for gender and height increased in term children and did not change in preterm children. Multiple regression analysis revealed that this difference in GH effect on LBM was not associated with gestational age.
Do background differences in baseline and stimulated MMP levels influence abdominal aortic aneurysm susceptibility?
Evidence has demonstrated profound influence of genetic background on cardiovascular phenotypes. Murine models in Marfan syndrome (MFS) have shown that genetic background-related variations affect thoracic aortic aneurysm formation, rupture, and lifespan of mice. MFS mice with C57Bl/6 genetic background are less susceptible to aneurysm formation compared to the 129/SvEv genetic background. In this study, we hypothesize that susceptibility to abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) will be increased in 129/SvEv mice versus C57Bl/6 mice. We tested this hypothesis by assessing differences in aneurysm size, tissue properties, immune response, and MMP expression. Mice of C57Bl/6 or 129/SvEv background underwent AAA induction by periaortic application of CaCl2. Baseline aortic diameters, tissue properties and MMP levels were measured. After aneurysm induction, diameters, MMP expression, and immune response (macrophage infiltration and bone marrow transplantation) were measured. Aneurysms were larger in 129/SvEv mice than C57Bl/6 mice (83.0% ± 13.6 increase compared to 57.8% ± 6.4). The aorta was stiffer in the 129/SvEv mice compared to C57Bl/6 mice (952.5 kPa ± 93.6 versus 621.4 kPa ± 84.2). Baseline MMP-2 and post-aneurysm MMP-2 and -9 levels were higher in 129/SvEv aortas compared to C57Bl/6 aortas. Elastic lamella disruption/fragmentation and macrophage infiltration were increased in 129/SvEv mice. Myelogenous cell reversal by bone marrow transplantation did not affect aneurysm size.
Directly administered antiretroviral therapy (DAART) in methadone clinics has the potential to improve treatment outcomes for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected injection drug users (IDUs). DAART was provided at 3 urban methadone clinics. Eighty-two participants who were initiating or reinitiating highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) received supervised doses of therapy at the clinic on the mornings on which they received methadone. Treatment outcomes in the DAART group were compared with outcomes in 3 groups of concurrent comparison patients, who were drawn from the Johns Hopkins HIV Cohort. The concurrent comparison patients were taking HAART on a self-administered basis. The 3 groups of concurrent comparison patients were as follows: patients with a history of IDU who were receiving methadone at the time HAART was used (the IDU-methadone group; 75 patients), patients with a history of IDU who were not receiving methadone at the time that HAART was used (the IDU-nonmethadone group; 244 patients), and patients with no history of IDU (the non-IDU group; 490 patients). At 12 months, 56% of DAART participants achieved an HIV type 1 RNA level <400 copies/mL, compared with 32% of participants in the IDU-methadone group (P=.009), 33% of those in the IDU-nonmethadone group (P=.001), and 44% of those in the non-IDU group (P=.077). The DAART group experienced a median increase in the CD4 cell count of 74 cells/mm3, compared with 21 cells/mm3 in the IDU-methadone group (P=.04), 33 cells/mm3 in the IDU-nonmethadone group (P=.09), and 84 cells/mm3 in the non-IDU group (P=.98). After adjustment for other covariates in a logistic regression model, DAART participants were significantly more likely to achieve viral suppression than were patients in each of the 3 comparison groups.
Does silencing of TRPC1 regulate store-operated calcium entry and proliferation in Huh7 hepatocellular carcinoma cells?
Previously, we observed reciprocal changes in TRPC1 and TRPC6 expression levels in aging rat aorta and A7r5, rat embryonic vascular smooth muscle cells. Furthermore, downregulation of TRPC1 significantly elevated store-operated Ca(2+) entry suggesting the regulatory role of TRPC1 in A7r5 cells. Since TRPC6 upregulation shown to be associated with cell proliferation, the purpose of our study was to investigate the functional consequences of TRPC1 ion channel downregulation by RNA interference in Huh7 human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line. Huh7 cells used in quantitative gene and protein expression as well as in functional analyses. To determine mRNA and protein levels, quantitative real-time RT-PCR and western blot analyses were performed, respectively. In functional analyses, real-time changes in proliferation, migration and intracellular Ca(2+) levels were monitored. In shTRPC1-transfected Huh7 cells, TRPC1 mRNA and protein levels significantly decreased whereas store-operated Ca(2+) entry significantly elevated. TRPC1-silencing suppressed cell proliferation without affecting cell migration in real-time cellular analyses.
The aim of this study was to determine the association between three parameters of second trimester serum secreening and preterm labor and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) in patients with hyperemesis gravidarum (HG). A prospective study on 429 pregnancies with HG was designed to determine the association between alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), unconjugated estriol (uE3), human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and pregnancy prognosis in terms of preterm labor, IUGR and birth weight. In our study group the mean age of patients was 25.4±3.8 years. Mean birth weight was 3180±555 g. Mean AFP, uE3, hCG levels in the study group were 1.44±0.65 MoM, 0.91±0.38 MoM, 1.09±0.64 MoM, respectively. Twenty nine (6.8%) patients delivered before 37 weeks of gestation and 52 (12.1%) patients developed IUGR. Mean MoM values of AFP among patients with preterm labor, IUGR and normal delivery were 1.35±0.45, 1.97±0.81, 1.34±0.58 MoM, respectively (p<0.001). Mean MoM values of hCG among patients with preterm labor, IUGR and normal delivery were 1.46±0.90, 1.35±0.89, 1±0.5 MoM respectively (p<0.001). Mean MoM values of uE3 among patients with preterm labor, IUGR and normal delivery were 0.75±0.25, 0.80±0.30, 0.95±0.40 MoM, respectively (p=0.003). Odds ratio of AFP>1.55 was 3.73 (95% CI, 1.99-6.98, p<0.001) for IUGR after adjustment for HCG.
Is the level of specialist assessment of adult asthma influenced by patient age?
Late onset asthma is associated with more severe disease and higher morbidity than in younger asthma patients. This may in part relate to under recognition of asthma in older adults, but evidence on the impact of patient age on diagnostic assessment of asthma in a specialist setting is sparse. To examine the impact of patient age on the type and proportion of diagnostic tests performed in patients undergoing specialist assessment for asthma. Data from a clinical population consisting of all patients consecutively referred over a 12 months period to a specialist clinic for assessment of asthma were analysed. A total of 224 patients with asthma or suspected asthma were referred during the 12 month period; 86 adults aged <35 years, 95 aged 35-55 years and 43 aged >55 years. Symptom characteristics were similar, but adults >35 years had a lower lung function than younger adults, and were more frequently smokers. However, a regression analysis showed that older age was associated with a lower likelihood of diagnostic assessment with a reversibility test, a bronchial challenge test, or measurement of exhaled NO, independently of a known diagnosis of asthma, smoking habits and lung function at referral.
Transient decreases of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) of water as measured by fast diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in the ischemic border zone are thought to reflect cellular swelling associated with spreading depression. DWI and dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI were applied to study the characteristics of spreading depression and the correlation between ADC recovery time and tissue perfusion in focal ischemia. Serial DWI was performed during remote middle cerebral artery occlusion in rats (n = 5) with an echo-planar imaging technique. ADC maps were calculated and ADC values displayed as a function of time in user-defined regions of interest with a time resolution of 12 to 16 seconds. Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI was performed for qualitative correlation of ADC changes with tissue perfusion. Recovery time of transient ADC decreases correlated with the degree of the perfusion deficit (r = .81, P < .001). Slowly recovering ADC declines were found close to the ischemic core and correlated with severe perfusion deficit, while short-lasting ADC declines were typically found in moderately malperfused or normal tissue. Transient ADC decreases originated in the subcortical and cortical ischemic border zones and propagated along the cortex with a velocity of 2.9 +/- 0.9 mm/min.
Is cD10 useful to identify gastrointestinal contamination in endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration ( EUS-FNA ) cytology from pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma?
Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) cytology is an effective tool to diagnose pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA). Standard morphological criteria are usually reliable. When contaminating gastrointestinal (GI) epithelial cells are prevalent among neoplastic cells, these can be highlighted by carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) staining. CD10 is a cell-surface metallopeptidase normally expressed by the GI epithelial apical border, whose expression is decreased or lost in PDA. We included CD10 in a panel, together with CEA, to discriminate the GI contaminant cells from PDA cells on cell blocks. Eight cases of EUS-FNA of PDA, featuring both contaminating GI cells and neoplastic cells, whose corresponding cell blocks were available for immunostaining, were selected. CD10 and CEA were stained on cell blocks by standard methods. CD10 strongly labelled only the GI cells, with a well-defined apical membrane signal; conversely, GI cells did not show CEA staining; benign duodenal cells were faintly labelled in only one case. Malignant cells were positive for CEA and negative for CD10, with the exception of one case with labelled neoplastic cells with weak diffuse cytoplasmic positivity. CD10 apical membrane staining was a feature only seen in benign GI cells.
Precise long-term assessment of movement and physical function following Achilles tendon rupture is required for the development and evaluation of treatment, including different regimens of physical therapy. To assess intermediate-term (<10 years by conventional thinking) objective measures of physical function following Achilles tendon rupture treated nonsurgically and to compare these with self-reported measures of physical function. Cross-sectional study; Level of evidence, 3. Two to 5 years after Achilles tendon rupture, 9 women and 43 men (mean age, 49.2 years; range, 26-68 years) were assessed by physical examination, performance of 1-legged jumps, and 3-dimensional gait analysis (including calculation of muscle work). Self-reported scores for foot function (Achilles tendon rupture score) and level of physical activity were collected. Twenty age- and sex-matched controls were assessed in the same manner. Physical examination of patients with the knee extended revealed 11.1° of dorsiflexion on the injured side and 9.2° on the uninjured side (P = .020), indicating gastrocnemius muscle lengthening. The 1-legged jump distance was shorter on the injured side (89.5 vs 96.2 cm; P < .001). Gait analysis showed higher peak dorsiflexion (14.3° vs 13.3°; P = .016) and lower concentric (positive) plantar flexor work (16.6 vs 19.9 J/kg; P = .001) in the ankle on the uninjured side. At the same time, eccentric (negative) dorsiflexor work was higher on the injured side (13.2 vs 11.9 J/kg; P = .010). Self-perceived foot function and physical activity were lower in patients than in healthy controls (mean Achilles tendon rupture score, 78.6 and 99.8, respectively).
Is bcl-2 expression associated with survival in metastatic cutaneous melanoma : a historical cohort study?
Programmed cell death (apoptosis) has been implicated in tumor development and may affect the metastatic potential of tumor cells. The role of bcl-2, a proto-oncogene that inhibits apoptosis, has been studied in several malignancies, including cutaneous melanoma (CM). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the immunohistochemical expression of bcl-2 in 35 regional lymph node, 28 subcutaneous and 17 visceral CM metastases, correlating the findings with patient survival. In a historical cohort study patient survival was correlated with the expression of bcl-2 in regional lymph node, subcutaneous and visceral metastases of CM. Eighty slides containing surgical specimens from 50 patients diagnosed with stage III and IV CM, 28 male (56%) and 22 female (44%), were analyzed. Mean age at diagnosis was 43 years (16-74 years; median = 42 years). Mean Breslow depth was 5.01 mm (0.4-27.5 mm). The slides were submitted to immunohistochemical reaction using anti-bcl-2 monoclonal antibody and classified according to the degree of staining (< 5%; 5 to 50%; or > 50% of tumor cells stained). The relationship between bcl-2 protein expression and survival for each type of metastasis, gender and age at initial diagnosis was analyzed. Mean overall survival was 33.9 months after the diagnosis of the initial metastatic lesion (range: 0 to 131 months). Twenty-four out of 50 patients (48%) had died from CM by the end of the study period. bcl-2 expression was detected in 74.3, 85.7 and 82.4% of lymph node, subcutaneous and visceral metastases, respectively. After univariate and multivariate analyses, no correlation was found between positive bcl-2 expression and overall survival for the types of metastases evaluated.
To determine whether adolescents with type 1 diabetes have left ventricular functional changes at rest and during acute exercise and whether these changes are affected by metabolic control and diabetes duration. The study evaluated 53 adolescents with type 1 diabetes and 22 control adolescents. Baseline data included peak exercise capacity and body composition by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Left ventricular functional parameters were obtained at rest and during acute exercise using magnetic resonance imaging. Compared with nondiabetic control subjects, adolescents with type 1 diabetes had lower exercise capacity (44.7 ± 09 vs. 48.5 ± 1.4 mL/kg fat-free mass [FFM]/min; P < 0.05). Stroke volume was reduced in the diabetes group at rest (1.86 ± 0.04 vs. 2.05 ± 0.07 mL/kg FFM; P = 0.02) and during acute exercise (1.89 ± 0.04 vs. 2.17 ± 0.06 mL/kg FFM; P = 0.01). Diabetic adolescents also had reduced end-diastolic volume at rest (2.94 ± 0.06 vs. 3.26 ± 0.09 mL/kg FFM; P = 0.01) and during acute exercise (2.78 ± 0.05 vs. 3.09 ± 0.08 mL/kg FFM; P = 0.01). End-systolic volume was lower in the diabetic group at rest (1.08 ± 0.03 vs. 1.21 ± 0.04 mL/kg FFM; P = 0.01) but not during acute exercise. Exercise capacity and resting and exercise stroke volumes were correlated with glycemic control but not with diabetes duration.
Does promoter methylation correlate with reduced NDRG2 expression in advanced colon tumour?
Aberrant DNA methylation of CpG islands of cancer-related genes is among the earliest and most frequent alterations in cancerogenesis and might be of value for either diagnosing cancer or evaluating recurrent disease. This mechanism usually leads to inactivation of tumour-suppressor genes. We have designed the current study to validate our previous microarray data and to identify novel hypermethylated gene promoters. The validation assay was performed in a different set of 8 patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) by means quantitative reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction analysis. The differential RNA expression profiles of three CRC cell lines before and after 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine treatment were compared to identify the hypermethylated genes. The DNA methylation status of these genes was evaluated by means of bisulphite genomic sequencing and methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction (MSP) in the 3 cell lines and in tumour tissues from 30 patients with CRC. Data from our previous genome search have received confirmation in the new set of 8 patients with CRC. In this validation set six genes showed a high induction after drug treatment in at least two of three CRC cell lines. Among them, the N-myc downstream-regulated gene 2 (NDRG2) promoter was found methylated in all CRC cell lines. NDRG2 hypermethylation was also detected in 8 out of 30 (27%) primary CRC tissues and was significantly associated with advanced AJCC stage IV. Normal colon tissues were not methylated.
A cleavage fragment of collagen XVIII, endostatin, is released into the circulation and has been demonstrated to have antiangiogenic effects in animal models. We hypothesized that circulating endostatin would be increased in patients with symptoms of lower limb peripheral artery disease. Cross-sectional study. Community dwelling older men. Intermittent claudication was defined using the Edinburgh Claudication Questionnaire (ECQ). Serum endostatin was measured by a commercial ELISA. The association of serum endostatin with intermittent claudication was examined using logistic regression adjusting for age, diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, coronary heart disease, and stroke. Serum endostatin was measured in 1114 men who completed the ECQ. 106 men had intermittent claudication, 291 had atypical pain, and 717 had no lower limb pain. Mean (± standard deviation) serum endostatin concentrations (ng/mL) were 145.22 ± 106.93 for men with intermittent claudication, 129.11 ± 79.80 for men with atypical pain, and 116.34 ± 66.57 for men with no lower limb pain; P < 0.001. A 70 ng/mL increase in endostatin was associated with a 1.17-fold rise in the adjusted odds of having intermittent claudication (OR 1.17, 95% confidence interval 1.00-1.37, and P = 0.050).
Is miRNA-205 a candidate tumor suppressor that targets ZEB2 in renal cell carcinoma?
This study aims to characterize the function of downregulated MicroRNA miR-205 in renal cell carcinoma (RCC), and show how the downstream zinc finger E-box-binding homeobox 2 (ZEB2) is negatively regulated by miR-205. The expression of miR-205 was detected in RCC and adjacent non-tumor tissues using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The expression of miR-205 and ZEB2 was detected in RCC cell lines using real-time PCR. The luciferase reporter assay was used to assess ZEB2 as a target of miR-205. Protein levels of ZEB2, E-cadherin, and vimentin were measured by western blot after overexpression of miR-205 in ACHN cells. In vivo functions of miR-205 in ACHN cells were measured by MTT assays, migration and invasion assays, and flow cytometry. MiR-205 was significantly downregulated in RCC samples and cell lines compared with matched non-tumor tissues and HK-2 cells, respectively. No significant difference was found in miR-205 expression between well differentiated and poorly to moderately differentiated groups or between phase I and phase II-III. ZEB2 was upregulated in RCC cell lines compared with expression in HK-2 cells. Upregulation of miR-205 expression caused the downregulation of ZEB2 and vimentin, and the upregulation of E-cadherin in ACHN cells. miR-205 also inhibited proliferation, migration, and invasion, and induced apoptosis of ACHN cells.
In the United States (U.S.), Bordetella pertussis incidence has increased. Cough and apnea are common findings in pertussis and also in bronchiolitis, the most common cause of hospitalization in U.S. infants. The objective was to determine the prevalence of B. pertussis infection in children hospitalized with bronchiolitis and to describe its clinical course. Children hospitalized with bronchiolitis and age <2 years were eligible for a prospective, multicenter cohort study during 3 consecutive winter seasons (November-March) from 2007 to 2010. Sixteen sites in 12 states participated using a standardized enrollment protocol. Families were asked the 2010 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention pertussis classification questions. Nasopharyngeal aspirates were obtained and tested by real-time polymerase chain reaction for 16 viruses, Mycoplasma pneumoniae and B. pertussis. Two thousand sixty-eight (94%) of 2207 children had 1 or more respiratory pathogens. B. pertussis was identified in 4 children [0.2%; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.1-0.5%] with 3 having a viral co-infection. All 4 were younger than 4 months; 2 met the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention definition of probable pertussis; and 3 had received at least 1 dose of an acellular pertussis vaccine. During the hospitalization, 2 had paroxysmal cough, 1 required intensive care unit care and the median length of stay was 13 days.
Is the covariation between burnout and sick leave due to mental disorders explained by a shared genetic liability : a prospective swedish twin study with a five-year follow-up?
This study aims to assess whether the associations between burnout and sick leave due to stress-related mental disorders, other mental disorders, and somatic conditions are influenced by familial (genetic and shared environmental) factors. In this prospective cohort study, 23,611 Swedish twins born between 1959 and 1985, who answered a web-based questionnaire, including the Pines Burnout Measure 2004-2006, were included. Registry data on sick leave spells from the response date until December 31, 2010 were obtained from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. Logistic regression analysis was performed to assess odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals for the association between burnout and sick leave for the whole sample, while conditional logistic regression of the same-sex discordant twin pairs was used to estimate the association between burnout and sick leave, adjusting for familial confounding. The Bivariate Cholesky models were used to assess whether the covariation between burnout and sick leave was explained by common genetic and/or shared environmental factors. Burnout was a risk factor for sick leave due to stress-related and other mental disorders, and these associations were explained by familial factors. The phenotypic correlation between burnout and sick leave due to somatic conditions was 0.07 and the association was not influenced by familial factors. The phenotypic correlations between burnout and sick leave due to stress-related (0.26) and other mental disorders (0.30) were completely explained by common genetic factors.
There are several reports concerning the differential diagnosis of non-neoplastic and neoplastic colorectal lesions by narrow-band imaging (NBI). However, there are only a few NBI articles that assessed invasion depth. To determine the clinical usefulness of NBI magnification for evaluating microvessel architecture in relation to pit appearances and in the qualitative diagnosis of colorectal tumors. A retrospective study. Department of Endoscopy, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan. A total of 289 colorectal lesions were analyzed: 12 hyperplasias (HP), 165 tubular adenomas (TA), 65 carcinomas with intramucosal to scanty submucosal invasion (M-SM-s), and 47 carcinomas with massive submucosal invasion (SM-m). Lesions were observed by NBI magnifying endoscopy and were classified according to microvessel features and pit appearances: type A, type B, and type C. Type C was divided into 3 subtypes (C1, C2, and C3), according to the detailed NBI magnifying findings of pit visibility, vessel diameter, irregularity, and distribution. These were compared with histologic findings. Histologic findings of HP and TA were seen in 80.0% and 20.0%, respectively, of type A lesions. TA and M-SM-s were found in 79.7% and 20.3%, respectively, of type B lesions. TA, M-SM-s, and SM-m were found in 21.6%, 29.9%, and 48.5, respectively, of type C lesions. HPs were observed significantly more often than TAs in type A lesions, TAs were observed significantly more often than carcinomas in type B lesions, carcinomas were observed significantly more often than TAs in type C (P < .01). TA, M-SM-s, and SM-m were found in 46.7%, 42.2%, and 11.1% of type C1 lesions, respectively. M-SM-s and SM-m were found in 45.5% and 54.5%, respectively, of type C2 lesions. SM-m was found in 100% of type C3 lesions. TAs and M-SM-s were observed significantly more often than SM-m in type C1 lesions, and SM-m were observed significantly more often than TAs and M-SM-s in type C3 lesions (P < .01).
Does incorporation of arsenic trioxide in induction therapy improve survival of patients with newly diagnosed acute promyelocytic leukaemia?
For patients with acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL), negative reading of a promyelocytic leukaemia/retinoic acid receptor-alpha (PML-RARα) transcript after induction therapy correlates with a good prognosis. However, in the majority of patients given all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA)/anthracycline-based induction therapy, PML-RARα transcript remains even when haematologic complete remission is achieved. To facilitate maximal therapeutic efficacy for patients with APL, this study tested whether the addition of arsenic trioxide (ATO) would increase the rate of molecular complete remission after ATRA/anthracycline-based induction therapy. Seventy-three patients with APL were induced with a regimen (designated 'AAA') consisting of ATO in combination with ATRA and daunorubicin. After this, a consolidation phase of daunorubicin-based chemotherapy and maintenance therapy with ATRA, ATO and methotrexate was administered. The noted outcomes were rates of complete remission, overall survival and disease-free survival. In addition, PML-RARα transcripts were monitored in 48 patients via RT-PCR. Rates of complete remission, overall survival and 5-yr disease-free survival were 95.89%, 94.52% and 96.28%, respectively. At the preconsolidation checkpoint, 68.75% (33/48) of patients had a negative reading for the PML-RARα fusion transcript. These outcomes were not influenced by mutations in FLT3 (fms-related tyrosine kinase 3) or other prognostic factors.
Serotonin, a neurotransmitter known to be involved in nociceptor sensitization, is present in human tears. The purpose of this study was to correlate tear serotonin levels, as a marker of nociceptor sensitization, to facets of dry eye (DE), including symptoms and signs. Cross-sectional study. A total of 62 patients with normal eyelid and corneal anatomy were prospectively recruited from a Veterans Administration Ophthalmology Clinic over 11 months. Dry eye symptoms (Ocular Surface Disease Index [OSDI]), signs (tear break-up time [TBUT], corneal staining, and Schirmer's score), and clinical descriptors of neuropathic ocular pain (NOP) (sensitivity to light or sensitivity to wind) were assessed. For tear analysis, each patient's tears were collected after instilling 50 μl of sterile saline to the lower cul-de-sac of each eye and using capillary action microcaps to collect the ocular wash. Tear serotonin levels were measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Correlations between tear serotonin concentrations and DE symptoms and signs. The mean age of the population was 61±14 years, and 84% (n = 52) of the patients were male. Serotonin concentrations negatively correlated with Schirmer's scores (r = -0.28; P = 0.02) but did not correlate with other DE parameters, such as OSDI scores, sensitivity to light or wind, TBUT, and staining. According to our hypothesis, we divided patients into groups based on both DE symptoms and aqueous tear production; serotonin concentrations were significantly higher in DE group 1 (OSDI ≥6 and Schirmer's <8) compared with both DE group 2 (OSDI ≥6 and Schirmer's ≥8) and controls (OSDI <6 and Schirmer's ≥8). Patients in DE group 2 more frequently reported sensitivity to light (64%) and wind (67%) compared with DE group 1 (40% and 60%, respectively) and controls (8% and 17%, respectively).
Does extensive excision of deep infiltrative endometriosis before in vitro fertilization significantly improve pregnancy rates?
We sought to compare the outcomes of in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments in women with infertility-associated deep infiltrative endometriosis (DIE) who underwent extensive laparoscopic excision of endometriosis before IVF with those who underwent IVF only. Prospective cohort study. Infertility clinic and private hospital in São Paulo, Brazil. A total of 179 infertile patients younger than 38 years had symptoms and/or signs of endometriosis and sonographic images suggestive of DIE. After thorough counseling, 179 women were invited to participate in a prospective cohort study with 2 treatment options: IVF without undergoing laparoscopic surgery (group A, n = 105) and extensive laparoscopic excision of DIE before IVF (group B, n = 64). Ten women were lost to follow-up. The IVF outcomes were compared between the 2 groups. In group B, patients had 5 +/- 2 (mean +/- SD) DIE lesions excised during laparoscopy. Patient characteristics in groups A and B, respectively, were: age (32 +/- 3 vs 32 +/- 3 years, p = .94), infertility duration (29 +/- 20 vs 27 +/- 17 months, p = .45), day-3 serum follicle-stimulating hormone levels (5.6 +/- 2.5 vs 5.9 +/- 2.5 IU/L, p = .50), and previous IVF attempts (1 +/- 1 vs 2 +/- 1, p = .01). The IVF outcomes differed between groups A and B, respectively, with regard to total dose of recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone required to accomplish ovulation induction (2380 +/- 911 vs 2542 +/- 1012 IU, p = .01), number of oocytes retrieved (10 +/- 5 vs 9 +/- 5, p = .04), and pregnancy rates (24% vs 41%, p = .004), but not number of embryos transferred (3 +/- 1 vs 3 +/- 1, p = 1). The odds ratio of achieving a pregnancy were 2.45 times greater in group B than in group A.
To determine xanthine oxidase and superoxide dismutase activities, lipid peroxidation, protein carbonylation, and total radical-trapping antioxidant parameter in survivors and nonsurvivors patients with severe burn injury. Prospective, comparative observational study in an intensive care unit, burn division, in a trauma hospital. Twenty-five consecutive patients who met the established criteria for severe burn injury (total burn surface area of more than 30%). Plasma thiobarbituric acid reactive species and protein carbonyls levels were significantly higher in nonsurvivors than in survivors at 0 and 6 h. Elevated xanthine oxidase activity at 0 h was associated with adverse outcome after burn injury. In contrast, plasma superoxide dismutase activity and total radical-trapping antioxidant parameter did not differ significantly between nonsurvivors and survivors at any time point.
Does overexpression of miR-92a correlate with tumor metastasis and poor prognosis in patients with colorectal cancer?
MicroRNAs regulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional level and play important roles in cancer development, progression, and metastasis. The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of miR-92a in colorectal cancer and the normal adjacent mucosa and its potential relevance to clinicopathological characteristics and patient survival. Surgical specimens of cancer tissue and adjacent normal mucosa were obtained from 82 patients with colorectal carcinomas. The relative expression levels of miR-92a mRNA in the cancer and the normal adjacent mucosa were measured by quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. We analyzed their correlation with tumor metastasis, clinicopathologic parameters, and clinical outcome. The relative expression levels of miR-92a were significantly higher in colorectal cancer tissues than in the normal adjacent mucosa (p < 0.001), and a high expression of miR-92a correlated with advanced clinical stage (p = 0.025), lymph node metastases (p = 0.015), and distant metastases (p = 0.046). Kaplan-Meier analysis indicated that patients with high miR-92a expression had a poor overall survival (p = 0.001). Moreover, multivariate analysis showed that increased expression of miR-92a was an independent predictor of overall survival.
The aim of this study was to study the influence of active disease status and TNF-α antagonists on sperm quality in a group of AS patients. Twenty-three active AS patients and 42 controls were recruited. Patients' sperm samples were analysed at baseline (previous to) and at 3-6 months after TNF-α therapy (adalimumab, infliximab, etanercept) administration. Baseline assessment was made for only 20 patients, 2 of them proving to have normal fertility, 2 having a pregnant stable partner and the third having a 9-month-old child. Six patients were retested after 12 months of biologic therapy. Each patient acted as his own comparator. Results were further compared with sperm samples from age-matched controls. Sperm analysis was performed according to the World Health Organization (WHO) 1999 guidelines. Patients' baseline assessment showed normozoospermia in 91% and oligozoospermia in 9% of patients. No significant differences in sperm quality were noticed at follow-up visits compared with baseline. Comparison to controls showed no statistically significant differences in semen quality, with some exceptions: the control group presented a higher percentage of non-progressive and immobile sperm cells and higher numbers of head and tail atypias.
Does biofeedback-guided control of abdominothoracic muscular activity reduce regurgitation episodes in patients with rumination?
Rumination syndrome is characterized by effortless recurrent regurgitation of recently ingested food into the mouth, with consequent expulsion or re-chewing and swallowing. We investigated whether rumination is under volitional control and can be reversed by behavioral treatment. We performed a prospective study of 28 patients who fulfilled the Rome criteria for rumination and had no organic disorders on the basis of a thorough evaluation. The diagnosis of rumination was confirmed by intestinal manometry (abdominal compression associated with regurgitation). Patients were trained to modulate abdominothoracic muscle activity under visual control of electromyographic recordings. Recordings were made after challenge meals, before training (baseline), and during 3 treatment sessions. Outcome was measured by questionnaires administered daily for 10 days before training, immediately after training, and at 1, 3, and 6 months after training. By the end of the 3 sessions, patients had effectively learned to reduce intercostal activity (by 50% ± 2%; P < .001 vs basal) and anterior wall muscle activity (by 30% ± 6%; P < .001 vs basal). Patients reported 27 ± 1 regurgitation episodes/day at baseline and 8 ± 2 episodes/day immediately after treatment. Regurgitation episodes decreased further to 4 ± 1 episodes at 6 months after training.
Ovarian cancer is the most lethal of all gynecologic malignancies. It is characterized by the spread of intraperitoneal tumors, accumulation of ascites, and formation of tumor blood vessels. Cyclin I has been linked with angiogenesis-related proteins, like vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and VEGF receptor 2 (VEGFR-2), in human breast cancer. We examined whether an association exists between expression of cyclin I, VEGFR-2, clinicopathologic parameters and survival of patients with epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). Cyclin I and VEGFR-2 expressions were analyzed by immunohistochemistry in 55 human primary EOC tissue specimens. Cyclin I immunoreactivity was significantly correlated with VEGFR-2 (R=0.4587, P=0.0004), and immunolabeling of cyclin I and VEGFR-2 significantly correlated with cancer cells' proliferative activity evaluated using cyclin A labeling index as a marker (R=0.3107, P=0.0209 and R=0.4183, P=0.0015, respectively). VEGFR-2 immunostaining was significantly higher in advanced, poorly differentiated, and suboptimally resected EOCs compared to their counterparts (P<0.05). Finally, higher VEGFR-2 expression was significantly associated with shorter disease-free survival (P=0.0437).
Do variations in the vascular endothelial growth factor pathway predict pulmonary complications?
Clinical factors predicting pulmonary complications after lung resection have been well described, whereas the role of genetics is unknown. The vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) signaling pathway has been linked to acute lung injury. We hypothesized that genetic variations in this pathway may be associated with postoperative pulmonary complications after lung resection. One hundred ninety-six single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 17 genes in the VEGF pathway were genotyped in a discovery set of 264 patients and a replication set of 264 patients who underwent lobectomy for lung cancer. Multivariable analysis adjusting for baseline clinical factors was used to identify SNPs associated with pulmonary complications. Cumulative and classification and regression tree (CART) analyses were used to further stratify risk groups. The overall number of pulmonary complications was 164/528 (31%). The effects of 6 SNPs were consistent in the discovery and replication sets (pooled p value<0.05). The rs9319425 SNP in the VEGF receptor gene FLT1 resulted in a 1.50-fold increased risk (1.15-1.96; p=0.003). A cumulative effect for the number of risk genotypes and complications was also evident (p<0.01). Patients carrying 5 risk genotypes had a 5.76-fold increase in risk (2.73-12.16; p=4.44×10(-6)). Regression tree analysis identified potential gene-gene interactions between FLT1:rs9319425 and RAF1:rs713178. The addition of the 6 SNPs to the clinical model increased the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve by 6.8%.
A vaccine against hepatitis C virus (HCV) is unavailable and cost-effective antivirals that prevent HCV infection and re-infection, such as in the transplant setting, do not exist. In a search for novel and economical prophylactic agents, we examined the antiviral activity of saikosaponins (SSa, SSb2, SSc, and SSd) from Bupleurum kaoi root (BK) as entry inhibitors against HCV infection. Infectious HCV culture systems were used to examine the effect of saikosaponins on the complete virus life cycle (entry, RNA replication/translation, and particle production). Antiviral activity against various HCV genotypes, clinical isolates, and infection of primary human hepatocytes were also evaluated. BK and the saikosaponins potently inhibited HCV infection at non-cytotoxic concentrations. These natural agents targeted early steps of the viral life cycle, while leaving replication/translation, egress, and spread relatively unaffected. In particular, we identified SSb2 as an efficient inhibitor of early HCV entry, including neutralization of virus particles, preventing viral attachment, and inhibiting viral entry/fusion. Binding analysis, using soluble viral glycoproteins, demonstrated that SSb2 acted on HCV E2. Moreover, SSb2 inhibited infection by several genotypic strains and prevented binding of serum-derived HCV onto hepatoma cells. Finally, treatment with the compound blocked HCV infection of primary human hepatocytes.
Does seminal plasma of spinal cord injured men inhibit sperm motility of normal men?
Seminal plasma was investigated as a contributor to the poor sperm motility of spinal cord injured men. Seminal plasma of spinal cord injured men was mixed with sperm of normal men and vice versa. Sperm motility was analyzed at 5 and 60 minutes after mixing. At 5 (but not 60) minutes seminal plasma from spinal cord injured men inhibited motility of sperm from normal men. Concomitantly, seminal plasma from normal men improved motility of sperm from spinal cord injured men.
LIM-only 4 (LMO4), a member of the LIM-only (LMO) subfamily of LIM domain-containing transcription factors, was initially reported to have an oncogenic role in breast cancer. We hypothesized that LMO4 may be related to pancreatic carcinogenesis as it is in breast carcinogenesis. If so, this could result in a better understanding of tumorigenesis in pancreatic cancer. We measured LMO4 mRNA levels in cultured cells, pancreatic bulk tissues and microdissected target cells (normal ductal cells; pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia-1B [PanIN-1B] cells; PanIN-2 cells; invasive ductal carcinoma [IDC] cells; intraductal papillary-mucinous adenoma [IPMA] cells; IPM borderline [IPMB] cells; and invasive and non-invasive IPM carcinoma [IPMC]) by quantitative real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). 9 of 14 pancreatic cancer cell lines expressed higher levels of LMO4 mRNA than did the human pancreatic ductal epithelial cell line (HPDE). In bulk tissue samples, expression of LMO4 was higher in pancreatic carcinoma than in intraductal papillary-mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) or non-neoplastic pancreas (p < 0.0001 for both). We carried out microdissection-based analyses. IDC cells expressed significantly higher levels of LMO4 than did normal ductal epithelia or PanIN-1B cells (p < 0.001 for both) or PanIN-2 cells (p = 0.014). IPMC cells expressed significantly higher levels of LMO4 than did normal ductal epithelia (p < 0.001), IPMA (p < 0.001) and IPMB cells (p = 0.003).
Is intracavernous alprostadil alfadex ( EDEX/VIRIDAL ) effective and safe in patients with erectile dysfunction after failing sildenafil ( Viagra )?
Sildenafil (Viagra), an oral treatment for erectile dysfunction, has proved popular since its introduction in 1998. However, not all patients respond to this form of therapy. Consequently, this study investigated the efficacy of intracavernous alprostadil alfadex (EDEX/VIRIDAL) treatment in patients not responding to sildenafil. In an open-label, multicenter study, patients with erectile dysfunction were treated with sildenafil for 4 weeks. The initial dose was 50 mg, which was increased to 100 mg if no response was achieved. Patients not responding to treatment, measured using the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) questionnaire, entered an alprostadil alfadex in-office titration phase, to determine the optimal dose, up to 40 microgram. A 6-week alprostadil alfadex at-home treatment phase followed. In 67 patients who did not respond satisfactorily to sildenafil, the alprostadil alfadex at-home therapy resulted in improvements in questions 3 and 4 of the IIEF in 60 (89.6%) and 57 (85.1%) patients, respectively. The mean improvement in IIEF score for these patients was 2.75 and 2.63 for questions 3 and 4, respectively. The most common side effect was penile pain in 25 (29. 4%) of 85 patients treated with alprostadil alfadex in-office and at home.
Spasmolytic polypeptide-expressing metaplasia (SPEM) develops as a preneoplastic lesion in the stomachs of mice and humans after parietal cell loss. To identify the commonalities and differences between phenotypic SPEM lineages, SPEM were studied from three different mouse models of parietal cell loss: with chronic inflammation with Helicobacter felis infection; with acute inflammation with L635 treatment; and without inflammation following DMP-777 treatment. RNA transcripts from laser capture microdissected normal chief cells and SPEM lineages were compared using gene microarray. Alterations in transcripts were validated by quantitative real-time PCR. Clusterin and cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) were selected for immunohistochemical analysis in all mouse models as well as in human SPEM, intestinal metaplasia and gastric cancer. Transcript expression patterns demonstrated differences among the phenotypic SPEM models. Clusterin expression was significantly upregulated in all three mouse SPEM models as well as in human SPEM. The highest clusterin expression in human gastric cancers correlated with poor survival. Conversely, CFTR expression was upregulated only in SPEM with inflammation in mice. In humans, intestinal metaplasia, but not SPEM, expressed CFTR.
Does intranasal oxytocin enhance neural processing of monetary reward and loss in post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatized controls?
Anhedonia is a significant clinical problem in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD patients show reduced motivational approach behavior, which may underlie anhedonic symptoms. Oxytocin administration is known to increase reward sensitivity and approach behavior. We therefore investigated whether oxytocin administration affected neural responses during motivational processing in PTSD patients and trauma-exposed controls. 35 police officers with PTSD (21 males) and 37 trauma-exposed police officers without PTSD (19 males) were included in a within-subjects, randomized, placebo-controlled fMRI study. Neural responses during anticipation of monetary reward and loss were investigated with a monetary incentive delay task (MID) after placebo and oxytocin (40 IU) administration. Oxytocin increased neural responses during reward and loss anticipation in PTSD patients and controls in the striatum, dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and insula, key regions in the reward pathway. Although PTSD patients did not differ from controls in motivational processing under placebo, anhedonia severity in PTSD patients was negatively related to reward responsiveness in the ventral striatum. Furthermore, oxytocin effects on reward processing in the ventral striatum were positively associated with anhedonia.
To determine the frequency and clinical significance of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations in patients with potentially curable stage III non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) who are eligible for definitive chemoradiotherapy (CRT). Between January 2001 and December 2010, we analyzed the EGFR mutational status in consecutive NSCLC patients who were treated by CRT. The response rate, relapse-free survival, 2-year relapse-free rate, initial relapse sites, and overall survival of the patients were investigated. A total of 528 patients received CRT at our hospital during the study period. Of these, 274 were diagnosed as having nonsquamous NSCLC. Sufficient specimens for mutational analyses could be obtained from 198 of these patients. The proportion of patients with EGFR activating mutations was 17%. In addition to the well-known characteristics of patients carrying EGFR mutations (female, adenocarcinoma, and never/light smoker), the proportion of cases with smaller primary lesions (T1/2) was found to be higher in patients with EGFR mutations than in those with wild-type EGFR. Patients with EGFR mutations showed similar response rate, relapse-free survival, and 2-year relapse-free rates as compared to patients with wild-type EGFR. Local relapses as the site of initial relapse occurred significantly less frequently in patients with EGFR mutation (4% vs 21%; P=.045). Patients with EGFR mutations showed longer local control (adjusted hazard ratio 0.49; P=.043). After disease progression, a majority of the patients with EGFR mutations received EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (62%), and these patients showed longer postprogression survival than those with wild-type EGFR.
Are patient-reported and physician-estimated adherence to HAART : social and clinic center-related factors associated with discordance?
To evaluate the rate of discordance between patients and physicians on adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and identify factors related to discordance in these two assessments. Prospective, multicenter, cohort study (AdICONA) nested within the Italian Cohort Naive Antiretrovirals (ICONA) study. Tertiary clinical centers. The patients filled out a 16-item self-administered questionnaire on adherence to HAART. At the same time, physicians estimated the current HAART adherence of their patient. Discordance between patient and physician on adherence to antiretroviral therapy. From May 1999 to March 2000, 320 paired patient-physician assessments were obtained. Patients had a mean plasma HIV RNA of 315 copies/ml (64% had undetectable HIV RNA) and a mean CD4+ cell count of 577 cells x 10(6)/L. Nonadherence was reported by 30.9% of patients and estimated by physicians in 45.0% cases. In 111 cases (34.7%), patients and physicians were discordant on adherence to HAART. Kappa statistics was 0.27. Using patient-assessed adherence as reference, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of physician-estimated adherence were 64.7%, 66.6%, 81.2%, and 45.8%, respectively. On multivariable analysis, low education level, unemployment, absence of a social worker in the clinical center, and unavailability of afternoon visits were significantly correlated with patient-physician discordance on adherence to antiretrovirals.
Brain injury after hypoxic-ischemic insults evolves via an apoptotic/necrotic cascade. Glutamate over release and N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor over activation (excitotoxicity) are believed to trigger this process. Xenon is a nontoxic anesthetic gas that reduces neurotransmitter release and functionally antagonizes NMDA receptors. Administering xenon to hypoxic-ischemic newborns might be clinically effective if the neurotoxic processes continue evolving after delivery. We sought to determine whether xenon administration after the initial hypoxic-ischemic insult was neuroprotective. Fifty 7-day-old rats received a 90-minute hypoxic insult after unilateral carotid ligation. They were then randomized to breathe 1 of 2 gas mixtures for 3 hours: 50% Xe/30% O2/20% N2 or 30% O2/70% N2. One week after hypoxic-ischemic survival, significant global protection was seen in the xenon group (80% less injury); cortex/white matter (88% versus 25%), hippocampus (62% versus 0%), basal ganglia (81% versus 25%), and thalamus (50% versus 0%; percentage of global damage score in nonxenon versus xenon groups, respectively).
Do ileal neuroendocrine tumors show elevated activation of mammalian target of rapamycin complex?
Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) of the ileum are sporadic tumors derived from submucosal gastrointestinal stem cells. They often show clinical symptoms only after hepatic metastasation when curative therapy is limited or impossible. In this study, we analyzed the expression of the candidate genes mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), alpha thalassemia/mental retardation syndrome X-linked (ATRX), and death domain-associated protein (DAXX) to investigate the specific oncogenetics and potential therapeutic options for ileal NETs. In a prospective database, all patients who underwent surgical removal of a NET of the ileum between 2001 and 2011 were specified. Expression analysis was performed for mTOR, ATRX, and DAXX by immunohistochemistry of paraffin-embedded tumor samples. To evaluate the results the immunoreactive score was applied. Normal tissue and tumor tissue were analyzed for the comparison of gene expression levels using quantitative-real-time polymerase chain reaction for ATRX and mTOR genes. Results were correlated under pathologic and clinical aspects. A total of 69 patients were admitted to the study. Positive cytosolic expression of the potential oncogene mTOR was immunohistochemically detected in 76.2% of the human probes. A loss of nuclear ATRX expression was detected in 13.0% of the samples. A nonexpression of the DAXX-protein in cell nuclei was not found (0%). Gene transcript levels did not show a significant alteration in ileal NETs in comparison with normal tissue.
Clonal plants can plastically modify their traits in response to competition, but little is known regarding the spatio-temporal scale at which a competitive neighbourhood determines the variability in species traits. This study tests the hypothesis that the local neighbourhood can be expected to influence the processes that are involved in competition tolerance and avoidance, and that this effect depends on organ lifespan. Fragments of the rhizomatous Elytrigia repens (Poaceae) were sampled in 2012 in experimental plant communities that varied in species identity and abundance. These communities had been cultivated since 2009 in mesocosms in a common garden. Fragment performance, shoot and clonal traits were measured, and the effects of past and present local neighbourhoods of five different radius sizes (5-25 cm) were examined. Past and present local neighbourhood compositions were assessed in 2011 and 2012, respectively. Most of the measured traits of E. repens responded to the local neighbourhood (5-10 cm radius), with an additional effect of the larger neighbourhood (20-25 cm radius) on ramet height, leaf dry matter content, maximal internode length and specific rhizome mass. Contrary to the expectation of the hypothesis, the temporal influence was not due to the organ lifespan. Indeed, five of the eight traits studied responded to both the past and present neighbourhoods. With the exception of specific rhizome mass, all trait responses were explained by the abundance of specific species.
Is the anterior cingulate cortex a critical hub for pain-induced depression?
Besides chronic stress, chronic pain is a prevalent determinant for depression. Changes induced in specific brain regions by sustained pain may alter the processing of affective information, thus resulting in anxiodepressive disorders. Here, we compared the role of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the posterior insular cortex in the anxiodepressive, sensory, and affective aspects of chronic pain. Neuropathic pain was induced by cuffing the right sciatic nerve of C57BL/6J mice. Lesions were performed by local injection of ibotenic acid and chronic activation of the ACC by optogenetic stimulation. Anxiodepressive-related behaviors were evaluated through the novelty suppressed feeding, marble burying, splash, and forced swimming tests. Mechanical thresholds were determined using von Frey filaments, and the relief of spontaneous pain was determined by using place conditioning. The ACC lesion prevented the anxiodepressive consequences of chronic pain without affecting the sensory mechanical allodynia. Conversely, the tonic or spontaneous pain and the anxiodepressive consequences of pain remained present after posterior insular cortex lesion, even though the mechanical allodynia was suppressed. Furthermore, optogenetic stimulation of the ACC was sufficient to induce anxiety and depressive-like behaviors in naïve animals.
To assess the response rate and duration of response in patients with chronic immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) receiving rituximab. We retrospectively analyzed 32 consecutive patients with chronic ITP who were treated in two tertiary centers in Oman. Response assessment was based on the American Society of Hematology criteria. Nineteen patients (59%) had an initial response. However, six of the 19 patients lost their response leaving 13 patients with long-lasting remissions. The median age at diagnosis was 25 years (range 14-58). The median time from diagnosis to rituximab therapy was 21 months. The median follow-up after starting rituximab was 26 months. The overall cumulative response rate was 59% (complete response 44%, partial response 15%) and the median time to respond was 30 days with a response rate of 44% at four weeks. In all responders, the cumulative rate of loss of response was 32% with a median time to lose response of 54 months.
Are pyridine N-oxide derivatives inhibitory to the human SARS and feline infectious peritonitis coronavirus in cell culture?
Evaluation of a wide variety of pyridine N-oxide derivatives on their inhibitory activity against feline coronavirus (FIPV strain) and human SARS-CoV (Frankfurt strain-1) in cell culture. FIPV and SARS-CoV were exposed to confluent Crandel feline kidney (CRFK) and simian kidney (Vero) cell cultures in the presence of serial concentrations of the test compounds. The anti-cytopathic activity of the pyridine N-oxide derivatives was monitored by spectrophotometric analysis.
To test the hypothesis that a change in glycated hemoglobin (A1c) over a follow-up interval of approximately 2 years would be associated with concomitant changes in fasting lipids in individuals with type 1 diabetes (T1D). All subjects with T1D diagnosed in 2002-2005 in the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth study with at least 2 study visits ∼12 and ∼24 months after an initial visit were included (age at initial visit, 10.6 ± 4.1 years; 48% female; diabetes duration, 10 ± 7 months; 76% non-Hispanic white; A1c = 7.7% ± 1.4%). Longitudinal mixed models were fit to examine the relationship between change in A1c and change in lipid levels (total cholesterol [TC], high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol [HDL-c], low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol [LDL-c], log triglycerides [TG], and non-HDL-c) with adjustment for possible confounders. Change in A1c over time was significantly associated with changes in TC, HDL-c, LDL-c, TG, and non-HDL-c over the range of A1c values. For example, for a person with an A1c of 10% and then a 2% decrease in A1c 2 years later (to 8%), the model predicted concomitant changes in TC (-0.29 mmol/L, -11.4 mg/dL), HDL-c (0.03 mmol/L, 1.3 mg/dL), LDL-c (-0.23 mmol/L, -9.0 mg/dL), and non-HDL-c (-0.32 mmol/L, -12.4 mg/dL) and an 8.5% decrease in TG (mmol/L).
Is genetic interaction between NAT2 , GSTM1 , GSTT1 , CYP2E1 , and environmental factors associated with adverse reactions to anti-tuberculosis drugs?
Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) associated with anti-tuberculosis (anti-TB) drug regimens have considerable impact on anti-TB treatment, potentially leading to unsuccessful outcomes. Nevertheless, the risk factors that play a role in anti-TB drug-induced ADRs are not well established. It is well documented that genetic polymorphisms in drug-metabolizing enzymes (DMEs) result in considerably complex variability in anti-TB drug disposition. In addition, the impact of pharmacogenetic variation on the metabolism of anti-TB drugs may be modifiable by environmental exposure. Thus, an assessment of pharmacogenetic variability combined with biomarkers of environmental exposure may be helpful for demonstrating the effect of the gene-environment interaction on susceptibility to ADRs induced by anti-TB drug therapy. The aim of the study was to investigate the impact of the interaction between environmental risk factors and pharmacogenetic polymorphisms in four common DMEs--N-acetyltransferase 2 (arylamine N-acetyltransferase) [NAT2], glutathione S-transferase theta 1 [GSTT1], glutathione S-transferase mu 1 [GSTM1], and cytochrome P450 2E1 [CYP2E1]--on commonly reported ADRs to first-line anti-TB drugs in 129 patients receiving homogeneous TB treatment. TB patients monitored during drug treatment were divided into subgroups according to the presence or absence of ADRs. Additionally, the patients' clinical and demographic characteristics were collected in order to identify the environmental factors that are potential triggers for ADRs induced by anti-TB drug treatment. Pharmacogenetic variability was determined by gene sequencing, TaqMan® assays, or polymerase chain reaction. The findings of this study suggest that the NAT2 slow acetylator haplotype, female sex, and smoking are important determinants of susceptibility to ADRs induced by anti-TB drugs. Patients carrying multiple, but not single, polymorphisms in the NAT2, GSTM1, GSTT1, and CYP2E1 genes were found to have an increased risk of ADRs, as revealed by gene-gene interaction analysis. Moreover, we also identified meaningful gene-environment interaction models that resulted in the highest levels of ADR risk.
This study was carried out to investigate the effects of insulin-like growth factor-II (IGF-II) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) on osteoprotegerin (OPG) secretion of periodontal ligament cells (PDLCs). Healthy human premolars extracted for orthodontic reasons from 12-14 years old donators were obtained, and periodontal tissues were collected and cultured to obtain PDL cells. Primary or first passage PDLCs were cloned by means of limited dilutions. PDLCs with osteoblastic phenotypes were characterized as follows: Alkaline phosphatase activity, collagen III production and bone-like nodules formation. IGF-II and bFGF were added into culture media and their effects on PDLCs proliferation and OPG secretion were observed. The OPG concentrations in cell culture supernatants were detected by sandwich ELISA. Living cell numbers were demonstrated by MTT test. The average levels of OPG secretion by a single cell were calculated by dividing OPG concentration with MTT-test result. Both IGF-II and bFGF upregulated the mtt values (P < 0.05), but ICF-II downregulated the opg/mtt values (P < 0.05), whereas bFGF had no significant effect on opg/mtt values (P > 0.05).
Do treatment setting and baseline substance use severity interact to predict patients ' outcomes?
This study tested the hypothesis that patients with more severe substance use disorders (SUDs) at intake respond better when treated in more structured and intensive settings (i.e. in-patient/residential versus out-patient), whereas patients with less severe SUD problems have similar outcomes regardless of treatment setting. Up to 50 new patients were selected randomly from each of a random and representative sample of 50 Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) SUD treatment programs (total n = 1917 patients), and were followed-up an average of 6.7 months later (n = 1277). Patients completed a brief self-report version of the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) at baseline and at follow-up. In mixed-model regression analyses, baseline substance use severity predicted follow-up substance use severity and there were no main effects of treatment setting. However, interaction effects were found, such that more severe patients experienced better alcohol and drug outcomes following in-patient/residential treatment versus out-patient treatment; on the other hand, patients with lower baseline ASI drug severity had better drug outcomes following out-patient treatment than in-patient treatment. Treatment setting was unrelated to alcohol outcomes in patients with less severe ASI alcohol scores.
Cervical carcinoma is the second most common malignancy in females and most of the cases are found in developing countries. The objectives of the present study were (a): to demonstrate the antiproliferative and apoptotic effects of Achillea falcata (A.falcata) extract in human cervical cancer cells (HeLa), and (b): to study the effect of the extract on cellular morphology, cell cycle phase distribution and mitochondrial membrane potential. MTT assay was used to evaluate the anticancer effect of the extract on HeLa cells. Phase contrast, fluorescence microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to investigate the morphological changes in these cancer cells after extract treatment. Flow cytometry was used to evaluate the effects of the extract on cell cycle and mitochondrial membrane potential. The results revealed that A. falcata extract led to a significant antiproliferative effect in HeLa cancer cells. The extract induced cellular shrinkage, chromatin condensation and appearance of apoptotic bodies which are the hallmarks of cellular apoptosis. TEM results showed that extract-treated cells had nuclear membrane which was hemispherical and the nuclear chromatin was concentrated and bundled on the inner border of karyotheca. The endoplasmic reticulum also became enlarged in the inner segment. The extract also induced G2/M phase cell cycle arrest along with loss of mitochondrial membrane potential.
Are serum triglycerides , but not cholesterol or leptin , decreased in suicide attempters with mood disorders?
Many peripheral biomarkers, including low cholesterol and its fractions, have been examined to identify suicidal behavior. Herein, we assessed serum lipid profile and some proteins putatively associated with suicidal behavior in subjects with mood disorder (bipolar disorder or major depressive disorder) with a recent suicide attempt and with no lifetime history of suicide attempts. Fifty subjects had presented an episode of attempted suicide during the last 15 days, and 36 subjects had no history of any suicide attempt. We measured total cholesterol, HDL, LDL and triglycerides as well as serum leptin, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), S100B and C-reactive protein (CRP). Individuals that had attempted suicide presented decreased body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference. After adjusting for these confounders, we found that triglycerides were decreased in attempted suicide subjects. We found no differences among total cholesterol, LDL, and HDL or leptin, S100B, CRP and BDNF.
Minimally invasive retroperitoneoscopic surgery (MIS) for psoas abscess (PA) in patients with thoracolumbar tuberculosis is not well-illustrated and has not reached the status of being fully clinically assessed when we review the English literatures. The aim of this study is to introduce and investigate on efficacy and feasibility of MIS (retroperitoneoscopic technique) for PA in patients with thoracolumbar tuberculosis. From January 2008 to 2013, 39 consecutive patients of the diagnosis of PA with thoracolumbar tuberculosis received the debridement of abscesses and cavity walls of abscesses by the retroperitoneoscopic technique (MIS) in combination with anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy. Medical records and follow-up data were retrospectively studied. CRP and ESR of every patient preoperatively and postoperatively were analyzed Immediate relief in clinical symptoms and signs, and amelioration in imaging and laboratory examinations were obviously observed in all the patients. The follow-up had proceeded for 12-48 (mean 23) months. No complication was observed during the follow-up postoperatively.
Does fluorescent labelling of intestinal epithelial cells reveal independent long-lived intestinal stem cells in a crypt?
The dynamics of intestinal stem cells are crucial for regulation of intestinal function and maintenance. Although crypt stem cells have been identified in the intestine by genetic marking methods, identification of plural crypt stem cells has not yet been achieved as they are visualised in the same colour. Intestinal organoids were transferred into Matrigel® mixed with lentivirus encoding mCherry. The dynamics of mCherry-positive cells was analysed using time-lapse imaging, and the localisation of mCherry-positive cells was analysed using 3D immunofluorescence. We established an original method for the introduction of a transgene into an organoid generated from mouse small intestine that resulted in continuous fluorescence of the mCherry protein in a portion of organoid cells. Three-dimensional analysis using confocal microscopy showed a single mCherry-positive cell in an organoid crypt that had been cultured for >1year, which suggested the presence of long-lived mCherry-positive and -negative stem cells in the same crypt. Moreover, a single mCherry-positive stem cell in a crypt gave rise to both crypt base columnar cells and transit amplifying cells. Each mCherry-positive and -negative cell contributed to the generation of organoids.
Falls and their consequences constitute serious health problems in the older population. The aim was to study predisposing factors for falls among older people in geriatric care settings, focusing on drugs. This population-based study, with a cross-sectional design, analysed all geriatric care settings, comprising 68 residential care facilities, 31 nursing homes, 66 group dwellings for people with dementia, seven rehabilitation/short-stay units, two somatic geriatric and two psychogeriatric clinics, in the county of Västerbotten; 3604 residents with a mean age of 83.3+/-7.0 (65-103) years (68% women) were included. The residents were assessed by means of the Multi-Dimensional Dementia Assessment Scale (MDDAS) that measures, for example, mobility, paresis, vision, hearing, functions of activities of daily living (ADL), and behavioural and psychiatric symptoms. Drug consumption and falls during the previous week were recorded. Three hundred and one residents (8.4%) had sustained a fall at least once during the preceding week. Multivariate analyses showed that a history of falls, the ability to get up from a chair, the need for a helper when walking, pain, cognitive impairment, and use of neuroleptics or antidepressants were all associated with being a faller. Among the antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) but not serotonin and noradrenalin reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) were associated with falls. Cholinesterase inhibitors were not associated with falls.
Does laparoscopic splenectomy reduce the need for platelet transfusion in patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura?
Laparoscopic splenectomy has been increasingly used in patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Because it is associated with minimal abdominal trauma, platelet consumption could be reduced with the laparoscopic approach. The aim of this study was to analyze intraoperative bleeding and the need for apheresis platelets, comparing laparoscopic with open splenectomy. Records of 40 patients who underwent splenectomy (20 through laparoscopy and 20 through open surgery) for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura were retrospectively reviewed. Intraoperative bleeding and need of perioperative apheresis platelets were evaluated in both groups. Statistical evaluation was conducted using the Mann-Whitney rank test, and differences were considered significant at P<0.01. The mean amount of intraoperative bleeding was less in the laparoscopic group (P<0.01). Apheresis platelets were necessary in all patients in the open group (2 units transfused in 55% and 1 unit in 45% of cases) and only in 30% of cases in the laparoscopic group (1 unit transfused in each case).
Zinc is abundant in pancreas, being required by endocrine islet cells for hormone secretion and by exocrine acinar cells as pancreatic juice component. ZnT8 is a member of the SLC30A family of zinc transporters whose overexpression in cultured pancreatic beta cells leads to increased insulin secretion in response to glucose, suggesting a possible role in regulating glycemia. ZnT8 was therefore proposed as a therapeutic target for diabetes, and recent genome-wide association studies identified polymorphisms in the ZNT8 gene conferring increased type 2 diabetes risk. As limited information was available on the biochemical properties of ZnT8 and on its endogenous expression, we have raised a specific polyclonal antibody and immunostained protein extracts, cell lines and tissue sections. We show that ZnT8 forms a very stable dimer that requires biological membranes to properly assemble. We demonstrate localization of murine ZnT8 to the secretory granules in pancreatic beta and alpha islet cells. Moreover, we show that ZnT8 is also expressed in other secretory cell types, namely the cubical epithelium that lines thyroid follicles and the cortex of the adrenal gland, suggesting a more widespread role in endocrine secretion.
Is nrf2 useful for predicting the effect of chemoradiation therapy on esophageal squamous cell carcinoma?
The transcription factor NF-E2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) was originally identified to be a critical regulator of intracellular antioxidants and phase II detoxification enzymes. Recent studies have shown that high Nrf2 expression gives cancer cells an advantage for survival from anticancer chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The aims of this retrospective study were to examine the expression of Nrf2 in biopsy specimens of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) and to evaluate whether such expression is useful for predicting the response to chemoradiation therapy (CRT). A total of 46 patients with ESCC who received curative surgery after CRT from 1997 to 2011 were enrolled in the current study. Nrf2 expression in the biopsy specimens before CRT was examined immunohistochemically using anti-Nrf2 antibody. The correlations between Nrf2 expression and clinical factors and histological and clinical response to CRT were analyzed. The rate of Nrf2-positive expression was 39 %. Both clinically and histologically, significant correlations were found between positive Nrf2 expression and unfavorable response to CRT. Furthermore, Nrf2 was significantly correlated with clinical lymph node metastases and patients' postoperative outcomes. Multivariate analysis showed that Nrf2 expression status was an independent prognostic factor.
A strong positive coupling has been already documented between the adrenocortical axis and the gonadal axis at the time of the initiation of the preovulatory LH surge of the menstrual cycle in the human. The LH preovulatory surge starts in the morning at the time of the acrophase (maximal plasma cortisol values) of the cortisol circadian rhythm. Also, it was shown that morning maximal plasma cortisol values were higher during the follicular phase than during the luteal phase. The objective of the present study was designed to determine the exact day of the fall of morning maximal plasma cortisol values and the functional correlates which could exist between plasma 17beta-Estradiol, LH, ACTH and Cortisol at the time of the preovulatory LH surge. We performed a detailed analysis of variations of plasma ACTH and cortisol concentrations during the various phases of the LH surge: 1) the day before the ascending phase, 2) the day of the ascending phase, 3) the day of the LH peak, 4) the day of the descending phase, 5) the day after the descending phase. 17beta-Estradiol, LH and FSH were determined by microparticle enzyme immunoassays kits and Progesterone determination was made using a radioimmunoassay kit. ACTH determination was made using a RIA kit and Cortisol was assayed by a RIA method. Plasma ACTH concentrations were at their highest the day before the day of the ascending phase of the LH surge and significantly higher than the day of the descending phase and the day after the day of the descending phase (p < 0.02). Plasma cortisol concentrations were at their highest, with almost similar values, the day before the day of the ascending phase, the day of the ascending phase and the day of the LH peak; then, plasma cortisol concentrations were significantly lower than those of the preceding days, the day of the descending phase (p = 0.0001) and the day after the day of the descending phase (p = 0.02), when plasma 17beta-Estradiol starts to decrease.
Is bone marrow involvement rare in superficial gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma?
The initial staging work-up of gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma includes bone marrow examination. Since gastric MALT lymphoma is mostly detected in early stages with the national cancer screening programme in Korea, bone marrow is rarely involved. To investigate the incidence of bone marrow involvement in gastric MALT lymphomas and the role of bone marrow examination for an initial staging work-up. Patients diagnosed with gastric MALT lymphoma at Seoul National University Hospital from January 2005 to July 2014 were enrolled. Clinical databases of the patients were retrospectively reviewed. Out of 105 patients, 91 (86.7%) were classified as stage IE1. Among these patients, 78 patients with Helicobacter pylori infection underwent eradication therapy, and complete remission was achieved in 74 cases (94.9%). Twelve out of 13 patients (92.3%) without H. pylori infection underwent radiotherapy or surgery and all achieved complete remission. Bone marrow involvement was proven in only one patient (1.0%).
This study was to investigate whether the previously proposed link between Alzheimer's disease (AD) and decreased retinal nerve fiber layer thickness could be explained by the relationship between abnormal CSF profiles and optic nerve head characteristics, focusing on the influence of CSF tau protein on the lamina cribrosa (LC) thickness (LCT). A total of 44 eyes from 18 patients with AD and 26 healthy subjects were subjected to enhanced-depth-imaging volume scanning of the optic nerve using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography. The B-scan images were constructed three-dimensionally using maximum intensity projection (MIP), and the LCT was measured at three locations (superior midperipheral, midhorizontal, and inferior midperipheral) using the thin-slab MIP images. CSF levels of amyloid β 1-42 peptide, (Aβ1-42), total tau (T-tau) and tau phosphorylated at threonine 181 (P-tau181P) were measured from CSF samples of each subject. The relationship between the level of CSF proteins and the LCT was determined using linear regression and fractional polynomial analyses. Univariate regression analysis revealed that higher CSF levels of T-tau (P = 0.004) and P-tau181P (P = 0.027), as well as a smaller central corneal thickness (P = 0.032), were significantly associated with a smaller LCT. Multivariate analysis indicated that only CSF T-tau (P = 0.041) was significantly associated with the LCT. The relationship was well explained by both linear regression (R(2) = 0.179, P = 0.004) and fractional polynomial analysis (R(2) = 0.275, P = 0.001). When we performed an assessment by linear regression with an indicator, the relationship was significant both in the healthy and AD groups, with a stronger correlation found in the healthy group (regression coefficients = -1.098 vs. -0.280, P = 0.018).
Does angiotensin AT2 receptor stimulation cause neuroprotection in a conscious rat model of stroke?
The angiotensin II type 2 receptor (AT(2)R) is implicated to be neuroprotective in stroke, although this premise has not been directly tested. Therefore, we have examined the neuroprotective effect of AT(2)R stimulation after intracerebroventricular administration of AT(2)R agonist CGP42112 in a conscious rat model of stroke. Spontaneously hypertensive rats were treated with either CGP42112 (0.1 to 10 ng/kg/min intracerebroventricularly) alone or in combination with the AT(2)R antagonist PD123319 (36 ng/kg/min intracerebroventricularly) beginning 5 days before stroke induction. A focal reperfusion model of stroke was induced in conscious spontaneously hypertensive rats by administering endothelin-1 to the middle cerebral artery through a surgically implanted cannula. Behavioral tests were used to assess the severity of neurological deficit as a result of the ischemic event. Cortical and striatal infarct volumes were measured 72 hours poststroke. Blood pressure was unaffected by treatments. CGP42112 dose-dependently reduced cortical infarct volume poststroke, and PD123319 abolished the neuroprotective effect of CGP42112. PD123319 had no effect on infarct volume alone. These results were consistent with the behavioral findings, indicating that CGP42112 reduced motor deficit on the ledged beam test at 72 hours poststroke and immunohistochemical analyses showing that CGP42112 increased neuronal survival and minimized the loss of AT(2)R expression in the infarcted region.
Mixed Cryoglobulinemia (MC) represents the most frequent extrahepatic manifestation of chronic Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infection. Its pathogenic mechanisms involve HCV-induced chronic stimulation of B-lymphocytes. We aimed to investigate the relationship between serum levels of vitamin D (a regulator of immune response) and the presence of serum cryoglobulins in the setting of HCV infection. We evaluated the serum concentration of 25(OH)vitamin D and cryoglobulins in 106 patients with chronic HCV infection. Thirty patients (28.3%) showed the presence of serum cryoglobulins. For the cohort overall, the median serum 25(OH)vitamin D level was 10.95 ng/ml. Patients with serum cryoglobulins had significantly lower levels of 25(OH)vitamin D (5.61 ng/ml) than those without (13.65 ng/ml, p=0.029). At multivariate analysis, severe hypovitaminosis [i.e. 25(OH)vitamin D <13 ng/ml] was the only independent predictor of cryoglobulinemia (odds ratio=3.108).
Does cardiac-specific ablation of synapse-associated protein SAP97 in mice decrease potassium currents but not sodium current?
Membrane-associated guanylate kinase (MAGUK) proteins are important determinants of ion channel organization in the plasma membrane. In the heart, the MAGUK protein SAP97, encoded by the DLG1 gene, interacts with several ion channels via their PDZ domain-binding motif and regulates their function and localization. The purpose of this study was to assess in vivo the role of SAP97 in the heart by generating a genetically modified mouse model in which SAP97 is suppressed exclusively in cardiomyocytes. SAP97(fl/fl) mice were generated by inserting loxP sequences flanking exons 1-3 of the SAP97 gene. SAP97(fl/fl) mice were crossed with αMHC-Cre mice to generate αMHC-Cre/SAP97(fl/fl) mice, thus resulting in a cardiomyocyte-specific deletion of SAP97. Quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction, western blots, and immunostaining were performed to measure mRNA and protein expression levels, and ion channel localization. The patch-clamp technique was used to record ion currents and action potentials. Echocardiography and surface ECGs were performed on anesthetized mice. Action potential duration was greatly prolonged in αMHC-Cre/SAP97(fl/fl) cardiomyocytes compared to SAP97(fl/fl) controls, but maximal upstroke velocity was unchanged. This was consistent with the decreases observed in IK1, Ito, and IKur potassium currents and the absence of effect on the sodium current INa. Surface ECG revealed an increased corrected QT interval in αMHC-Cre/SAP97(fl/fl) mice.
The goal was to assess the impact of influenza vaccine clinical alerts on missed opportunities for vaccination and on overall influenza immunization rates for children and adolescents with asthma. A prospective, cluster-randomized trial of 20 primary care sites was conducted between October 1, 2006, and March 31, 2007. At intervention sites, electronic health record-based clinical alerts for influenza vaccine appeared at all office visits for children between 5 and 19 years of age with asthma who were due for vaccine. The proportion of captured immunization opportunities at visits and overall rates of complete vaccination for patients at intervention and control sites were compared with those for the previous year, after standardization for relevant covariates. The study had >80% power to detect an 8% difference in the change in rates between the study and baseline years at intervention versus control practices. A total of 23 418 visits and 11 919 children were included in the study year and 21 422 visits and 10 667 children in the previous year. The majority of children were male, 5 to 9 years of age, and privately insured. With standardization for selected covariates, captured vaccination opportunities increased from 14.4% to 18.6% at intervention sites and from 12.7% to 16.3% at control sites, a 0.3% greater improvement. Standardized influenza vaccination rates improved 3.4% more at intervention sites than at control sites. The 4 practices with the greatest increases in rates (>or=11%) were all in the intervention group. Vaccine receipt was more common among children who had been vaccinated previously, with increasing numbers of visits, with care early in the season, and at preventive versus acute care visits.
Is a gene-specific non-enhancer sequence critical for expression from the promoter of the small heat shock protein gene αB-crystallin?
Deciphering of the information content of eukaryotic promoters has remained confined to universal landmarks and conserved sequence elements such as enhancers and transcription factor binding motifs, which are considered sufficient for gene activation and regulation. Gene-specific sequences, interspersed between the canonical transacting factor binding sites or adjoining them within a promoter, are generally taken to be devoid of any regulatory information and have therefore been largely ignored. An unanswered question therefore is, do gene-specific sequences within a eukaryotic promoter have a role in gene activation? Here, we present an exhaustive experimental analysis of a gene-specific sequence adjoining the heat shock element (HSE) in the proximal promoter of the small heat shock protein gene, αB-crystallin (cryab). These sequences are highly conserved between the rodents and the humans. Using human retinal pigment epithelial cells in culture as the host, we have identified a 10-bp gene-specific promoter sequence (GPS), which, unlike an enhancer, controls expression from the promoter of this gene, only when in appropriate position and orientation. Notably, the data suggests that GPS in comparison with the HSE works in a context-independent fashion. Additionally, when moved upstream, about a nucleosome length of DNA (-154 bp) from the transcription start site (TSS), the activity of the promoter is markedly inhibited, suggesting its involvement in local promoter access. Importantly, we demonstrate that deletion of the GPS results in complete loss of cryab promoter activity in transgenic mice.
To compare autonomic function of subjects with Parkinson's disease (PD) and essential tremor (ET) relative to controls. It has been reported that patients with PD have autonomic dysfunction while no literature exists regarding autonomic function in ET. Subjects with PD, ET, and controls had autonomic function measured using the SCOPA-Autonomic questionnaire, with the total and domain scores transformed to a scale of 0-100 points. 62 subjects with PD, 84 with ET, and 291 controls were included. Women were more prevalent in control (69%) compared to PD (44%) and ET (44%) groups, and mean age was significantly younger in PD (73 yrs) and older in ET (83) compared to controls (81). The mean SCOPA-Aut Total score in PD was significantly higher than controls, with no difference in ET. No autonomic dysfunction was found in any domain in ET but in PD there were significant abnormalities in gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, urinary, and thermoregulatory domains. Individual question data revealed a significantly higher percentage of subjects with dysfunction on 11/23 questions in the PD group but only 1 question (sialorrhea) in the ET group compared with controls.
Does [ Overexpression of programmed cell death 5 factor enhance triptolides-induced fibroblast-like synoviocytes apoptosis in rheumatoid arthritis ]?
To explore the effect of programmed cell death 5(PDCD5) on apoptosis of rheumatoid arthritis fibroblast-like synoviocytes(RA FLS) induced by triptolide. Cultured synovial cells in vitro from RA patients were transfected with Ad-PDCD5.At protein level, expression of PDCD5 in RA FLS infected with Ad-PDCD5 was detected by Western blot.RA FLS infected with Ad-PDCD5 were cultured in presence or absence of triptolide and apoptosis of RA FLS was determined by flow cytometry. Infection of RA FLS with increasing concentrations of Ad-PDCD5(50-300 MOI) resulted in a does-dependent increase in the production of PDCD5. Apoptotic cells percentage for noinfection group, Ad-null group and Ad-PDCD5 group were(22.41 +/- 3.87)%, (28.77 +/- 12.97)% and (48.87 +/- 12.69)%, respectively. Alternatively, infection without addition of triptolide stimuli had no effect. The data showed that gene transfection of PDCD5 alone without addition of triptolide was not sufficient to activate RA FLS apoptosis, PDCD5 acted as an enhancer rather than inductor of apoptosis.
Exogenous leptin markedly decreased plasma paraoxonase (PON1) activity in rats. Hyperleptinemia and decreased PON1 activity have previously been demonstrated in uremia. Therefore, we investigated the relationship between leptin level and PON1 activity in hemodialysis (HD) patients. Leptin and PON1 were determined in 40 HD patients and 40 age-matched controls with similar body mass index (BMI). Leptin was higher (p < 0.001) and PON1 activity was lower (p < 0.001) in HD patients than in controls. PON1 and PON1/HDL ratio was higher in HD patients with BMI >25 kg/m2 than in HD patients with BMI <25 kg/m2. It was not due to a difference in frequency of high activity phenotype of PON1 among subgroups of HD patients. There was no similar difference in controls. Spearman analysis showed a significant correlation between leptin and PON1 activity (p < 0.02), BMI (p < 0.001), triglyceride (TG) (p < 0.03), and Kt/V (-0.323, p < 0.03), but multiparametric regression analysis did not reveal it. PON1 activity depended on BMI in both models. In controls, leptin correlated with BMI (p < 0.001) and TG (p < 0.002) but not PON1 activity. A slight decrease in leptin concentration and PON1 activity during HD was observed.
Do dNA index and ploidy distinguish normal human parathyroids from parathyroid adenomas and primary hyperplastic parathyroids?
The goal of this study was to identify factors that might aid in diagnosis and intraoperative management of hyperparathyroidism. We analyzed biopsy specimens of 242 parathyroids from 159 patients by use of flow cytometry and image cytometry (ICM) for DNA index (DI), defined as the content of nuclear DNA compared with that expected for a DNA diploid standard, for proliferative index (PI), and for ploidy (diploid versus aneuploid or tetraploid). True normal and normal parathyroids from patients with solitary adenomas were uniformly diploid. Abnormal ploidy (aneuploidy or tetraploidy) was identified frequently in adenomas and occasionally in hyperplasias with the exception that multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) biopsy specimens were uniformly diploid. DI for adenomas was similar to that for hyperplasias, and DI of both was higher than for normal glands. ICM-DI correlated positively with flow cytometry-DI and patient age and inversely with serum parathyroid hormone. PI was relatively low in all groups but was higher for hyperplasias versus normal parathyroids from patients with solitary adenomas and MEN versus non-MEN. PI correlated inversely with patient age.
Stroke is a leading cause of long-term disability. Currently, there are no consistently effective rehabilitative treatments for chronic stroke patients. Our recent studies demonstrate that vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) paired with rehabilitative training improves recovery of function in multiple models of stroke. Here, we evaluated the ability of VNS paired with rehabilitative training to improve recovery of forelimb strength when initiated many weeks after a cortical and subcortical ischemic lesion in subjects with stable, chronic motor deficits. Rats were trained to perform an automated, quantitative measure of voluntary forelimb strength. Once proficient, rats received injections of endothelin-1 to cause a unilateral cortical and subcortical ischemic lesion. Then, 6 weeks after the lesion, rats underwent rehabilitative training paired with VNS (Paired VNS; n = 10), rehabilitative training with equivalent VNS delivered 2 hours after daily rehabilitative training (Delayed VNS; n = 10), or rehabilitative training without VNS (Rehab, n = 9). VNS paired with rehabilitative training significantly improved recovery of forelimb function compared with control groups. The Paired VNS group displayed an 86% recovery of strength, the Rehab group exhibited 47% recovery, and the Delayed VNS group exhibited 42% recovery. Improvement in forelimb function was sustained in the Paired VNS group after the cessation of stimulation, potentially indicating lasting benefits. No differences in intensity of rehabilitative training, lesion size, or MAP-2 expression were observed between groups.
Does image-guided placement of long-term central venous catheters reduce complications and cost?
The goals of this study were to evaluate the complication rate for intraoperative placement of a long-term central venous catheter (CVC) using intraoperative ultrasound (US) and fluoroscopy and to examine the feasibility for eliminating routine postprocedure chest X-ray. Retrospective data pertaining to operative insertion of long-term CVC were collected and the rate of procedural complications was determined. From January 2008 to August 2013, 351 CVCs were placed via the internal jugular vein using US. Of these, 93% had a single, successful internal jugular vein insertion. The complications included 4 arterial sticks (1.14%). Starting in October 2012, postprocedure chest radiography (CXR) was eliminated in 170 cases, with no complications. A total of $29,750 in charges were deferred by CXR elimination.
In prokaryotic genomes, genes are organized in operons, and the genes within an operon tend to have similar levels of expression. Because of co-transcription of genes within an operon, borrowing information from other genes within the same operon can improve the estimation of relative transcript levels; the estimation of relative levels of transcript abundances is one of the most challenging tasks in experimental genomics due to the high noise level in microarray data. Therefore, techniques that can improve such estimations, and moreover are based on sound biological premises, are expected to benefit the field of microarray data analysis In this paper, we propose a hierarchical Bayesian model, which relies on borrowing information from other genes within the same operon, to improve the estimation of gene expression levels and, hence, the detection of differentially expressed genes. The simulation studies and the analysis of experiential data demonstrated that the proposed method outperformed other techniques that are routinely used to estimate transcript levels and detect differentially expressed genes, including the sample mean and SAM t statistics. The improvement became more significant as the noise level in microarray data increases.
Do identification of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ( MRSA ) strains isolated from burn patients by multiplex PCR?
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci (MRCoNS) as important human pathogens are causes of nosocomial infections worldwide. Burn patients are at a higher risk of local and systemic infections with these microorganisms. A screening method for MRSA by using a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targeting the 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA), mecA, and nuc genes was developed. The aim of the present study was to investigate the potential of this PCR assay for the detection of MRSA strains in samples from burn patients. During an 11-month period, 230 isolates (53.11%) of Staphylococcus spp. were collected from burn patients. The isolates were identified as S. aureus by using standard culture and biochemical tests. DNA was extracted from bacterial colonies and multiplex PCR was used to detect MRSA and MRCoNS strains. Of the staphylococci isolates, 149 (64.9%) were identified as S. aureus and 81 (35.21%) were described as CoNS. Among the latter, 51 (62.97%) were reported to be MRCoNS. From the total S. aureus isolates, 132 (88.6%) were detected as MRSA and 17 (11.4%) were methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA). The presence of the mecA gene in all isolates was confirmed by using multiplex PCR as a gold standard method.
The mitotic kinases, Cdk1, Aurora A/B, and Polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) have been characterized extensively to further understanding of mitotic mechanisms and as potential targets for cancer therapy. Cdk1 and Aurora kinase studies have been facilitated by small-molecule inhibitors, but few if any potent Plk1 inhibitors have been identified. We describe the cellular effects of a novel compound, BI 2536, a potent and selective inhibitor of Plk1. The fact that BI 2536 blocks Plk1 activity fully and instantaneously enabled us to study controversial and unknown functions of Plk1. Cells treated with BI 2536 are delayed in prophase but eventually import Cdk1-cyclin B into the nucleus, enter prometaphase, and degrade cyclin A, although BI 2536 prevents degradation of the APC/C inhibitor Emi1. BI 2536-treated cells lack prophase microtubule asters and thus polymerize mitotic microtubules only after nuclear-envelope breakdown and form monopolar spindles that do not stably attach to kinetochores. Mad2 accumulates at kinetochores, and cells arrest with an activated spindle-assembly checkpoint. BI 2536 prevents Plk1's enrichment at kinetochores and centrosomes, and when added to metaphase cells, it induces detachment of microtubules from kinetochores and leads to spindle collapse.
Does wnt/Beta-Catenin Signal Inhibitor HC-1 sensitize Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cells to 5-Fluorouracil through Reduction of CD44-Positive Population?
Oral squamous cell carcinoma is a prevalent and frequently lethal malignancy worldwide. Existence of treatment-resistant cancer stem cells is considered to be associated with tumor formation, recurrence and metastasis. Wnt/beta-catenin signal is one of the crucial signaling pathways for cancer stem cells. Wnt/beta-catenin signal inhibitor may reduce the population of cancer stem cells and improve therapeutic effects on the cancers. The effects of three derivatives of Wnt/beta-catenin signal inhibitors, HC-1, IC-2 and PN3-13, which we recently developed, on oral squamous cell carcinoma cell line HSC2, were examined by luciferase reporter assay, WST assay, cell sorting assay and apoptosis assay. The reporter assay showed that these small molecule compounds reduced Wnt/beta-catenin transcriptional activity in HSC2 cells. Of these compounds, IC-2 and PN3-13 inhibited cell viability in a dose-dependent manner, whereas HC-1 did not at even higher concentrations. Notably, however, the cell-sorting assay revealed that HC-1 significantly reduces the CD44-positive population of oral squamous cell carcinoma cells, compared to other compounds without affecting cell viability. In addition, HC-1 increases the cytotoxicity of HSC2 cells to 5-fluorouracil. The combination treatment of HC-1 with 5-fluorouracil significantly increased the apoptotic cells whereas treatment by either compound did not.
The prevalence of obesity in children is high, and many do not meet physical activity recommendations. The Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program encourages school-aged children to walk and bike to school. We assessed the condition of the walking/biking environment around schools in Louisiana prior to the state's first SRTS program. Assessments were made at the neighborhood level with the Pedestrian Environmental Data Scan (PEDS) instrument, and at the school and individual levels using the National SRTS Center's teacher tallies and parent surveys. PEDS scores were developed to rate conduciveness to walking/bicycling of proposed SRTS routes. Sites' scores were compared with the percentage of students who walk/bike to school. Five schools in Louisiana were evaluated. Overall, more students walked (range: 2.4-17.4%) than biked (range: 0.3-4.5%) to school with more students walking home than to school. Predictors of walking/biking to school include distance from school, speed of traffic, school encouragement, and if a student asked permission. Sites with the highest PEDS score had the highest percentage of students who walked/biked to school.