int64 0
| prompting_type
stringclasses 2
values | choices
stringlengths 234
| deception
bool 2
classes | sample_id
int64 0
| question
stringlengths 25
| story_length
int64 1
| story
stringlengths 579
| answer
stringclasses 30
values |
0 | VP | A. blue_crate, B. green_drawer, C. red_basket, D. blue_drawer, E. green_bathtub, F. blue_bottle, G. green_pantry, H. red_envelope, I. blue_cupboard, J. green_envelope, K. red_crate, L. blue_suitcase, M. green_bottle, N. red_bucket, O. red_pantry | true | 1,100 | Where is the peas really? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Logan, Jackson, Jack, Emily and Isabella entered the hallway.
2 The peas is in the blue_suitcase.
3 Logan made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
4 Logan exited the hallway.
5 Jackson made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
6 Jack likes the blue_crate.
7 Jackson exited the hallway.
8 Jack moved the peas to the red_crate.
9 Jack exited the hallway.
10 Emily moved the peas to the green_bottle.
11 Emily exited the hallway.
12 Isabella made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
13 Jackson dislikes the turnip.
14 Isabella exited the hallway.
15 Logan, Jackson, Jack, Emily and Isabella entered the waiting_room.
16 Emily publicly claimed that peas is in the blue_suitcase.
17 Isabella privately told Logan that the peas is in the green_bottle.
18 Isabella, Emily and Logan entered the attic.
19 The potato is in the green_drawer.
20 Isabella moved the potato to the red_basket.
21 Isabella exited the attic.
22 Jackson dislikes the cucumber.
23 Emily moved the potato to the green_bathtub.
24 Emily exited the attic.
25 Logan moved the potato to the blue_crate.
26 Logan exited the attic.
27 Isabella, Emily and Logan entered the waiting_room.
28 Jack, Isabella, Emily and Logan entered the patio.
29 The cherry is in the blue_bottle.
30 Jack made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
31 Jack exited the patio.
32 Isabella moved the cherry to the green_envelope.
33 Isabella exited the patio.
34 Emily made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
35 Emily exited the patio.
36 Logan moved the cherry to the blue_cupboard.
37 Logan exited the patio.
38 Emily dislikes the peas.
39 Jack, Isabella, Emily and Logan entered the waiting_room.
40 Isabella privately told Emily that the cherry is in the blue_cupboard.
41 Logan privately told Jackson that the cherry is in the blue_cupboard.
| green_bottle |
0 | VP | A. blue_treasure_chest, B. green_treasure_chest, C. blue_bottle, D. blue_suitcase, E. green_envelope, F. blue_drawer, G. blue_bucket, H. green_box, I. red_envelope, J. red_box, K. green_pantry, L. blue_bathtub, M. green_basket, N. green_cupboard, O. green_bucket | true | 1,101 | Where is the melon really? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Owen dislikes the pear.
2 Ella, Owen, Isla, Aiden and Evelyn entered the back_yard.
3 The melon is in the blue_treasure_chest.
4 Ella likes the blue_suitcase.
5 Ella moved the melon to the blue_bottle.
6 Ella exited the back_yard.
7 Owen moved the melon to the green_envelope.
8 Owen exited the back_yard.
9 Isla made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
10 Isla exited the back_yard.
11 Aiden moved the melon to the blue_suitcase.
12 Aiden exited the back_yard.
13 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
14 Evelyn exited the back_yard.
15 Ella, Owen, Isla, Aiden and Evelyn entered the waiting_room.
16 Isla privately told Ella that the melon is in the green_treasure_chest.
17 Owen privately told Aiden that the melon is in the blue_suitcase.
18 Owen, Aiden and Ella entered the back_yard.
19 The lemon is in the green_treasure_chest.
20 Owen moved the lemon to the blue_treasure_chest.
21 Owen exited the back_yard.
22 Owen dislikes the pear.
23 Aiden moved the lemon to the blue_suitcase.
24 Aiden exited the back_yard.
25 Ella made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
26 Ella exited the back_yard.
27 Owen, Aiden and Ella entered the waiting_room.
28 Ella, Isla, Owen and Aiden entered the front_yard.
29 The banana is in the green_pantry.
30 Ella moved the banana to the green_basket.
31 Ella exited the front_yard.
32 Isla moved the banana to the blue_bathtub.
33 Isla exited the front_yard.
34 Owen made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
35 Owen exited the front_yard.
36 Aiden moved the banana to the green_cupboard.
37 Aiden exited the front_yard.
38 Aiden lost his watch.
39 Ella, Isla, Owen and Aiden entered the waiting_room.
40 Ella publicly claimed that banana is in the green_basket.
41 Aiden privately told Evelyn that the banana is in the green_cupboard.
| blue_suitcase |
0 | VP | A. green_bottle, B. green_drawer, C. green_box, D. green_bucket, E. blue_crate, F. green_bathtub, G. blue_suitcase, H. red_pantry, I. blue_bucket, J. blue_bathtub, K. red_container, L. blue_drawer, M. red_drawer, N. red_crate, O. green_crate | true | 1,102 | Where is the spinach really? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Ella saw a mouse.
2 Jackson, Jack, Ella, Jacob and Amelia entered the laundry.
3 The spinach is in the red_container.
4 Jackson moved the spinach to the green_crate.
5 Jackson exited the laundry.
6 Jack moved the spinach to the blue_drawer.
7 Jack exited the laundry.
8 Ella moved the spinach to the red_drawer.
9 Ella exited the laundry.
10 Jacob made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
11 Jacob exited the laundry.
12 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
13 Amelia exited the laundry.
14 Jackson, Jack, Ella, Jacob and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
15 Ella privately told Jackson that the spinach is in the red_crate.
16 Jack privately told Jacob that the spinach is in the red_drawer.
17 Jackson, Jacob and Ella entered the laundry.
18 The spinach is in the red_drawer.
19 Jackson moved the spinach to the green_crate.
20 Jackson exited the laundry.
21 Jacob made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
22 Jacob exited the laundry.
23 Amelia dislikes the tomato.
24 Ella made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
25 Ella exited the laundry.
26 Amelia likes the red_crate.
27 Jackson, Jacob and Ella entered the waiting_room.
28 Jacob likes the red_pantry.
29 Amelia, Jacob, Ella and Jack entered the patio.
30 The tomato is in the green_drawer.
31 Amelia moved the tomato to the green_bottle.
32 Amelia exited the patio.
33 Jacob made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
34 Jacob exited the patio.
35 Ella moved the tomato to the green_bucket.
36 Ella exited the patio.
37 Jack made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
38 Jack exited the patio.
39 Amelia, Jacob, Ella and Jack entered the waiting_room.
40 Amelia publicly claimed that tomato is in the green_box.
41 Jack privately told Jackson that the tomato is in the green_bucket.
| green_crate |
0 | VP | A. green_basket, B. red_container, C. red_bottle, D. green_cupboard, E. blue_bucket, F. green_bottle, G. green_envelope, H. green_box, I. red_envelope, J. green_drawer, K. red_drawer, L. blue_container, M. blue_bottle, N. green_treasure_chest, O. blue_pantry | true | 1,103 | Where is the corn really? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Nathan, Lily, Amelia, Alexander and Abigail entered the hallway.
2 The corn is in the green_bottle.
3 Nathan moved the corn to the red_envelope.
4 Abigail saw a cat.
5 Nathan exited the hallway.
6 Lily moved the corn to the green_envelope.
7 Lily exited the hallway.
8 Amelia moved the corn to the green_drawer.
9 Amelia exited the hallway.
10 Alexander moved the corn to the green_box.
11 Alexander exited the hallway.
12 Abigail moved the corn to the green_bottle.
13 Abigail exited the hallway.
14 Nathan, Lily, Amelia, Alexander and Abigail entered the waiting_room.
15 Amelia publicly claimed that corn is in the green_bottle.
16 Abigail privately told Amelia that the corn is in the green_envelope.
17 Nathan, Abigail and Amelia entered the lounge.
18 The tangerine is in the red_drawer.
19 Nathan moved the tangerine to the blue_pantry.
20 Nathan exited the lounge.
21 Abigail moved the tangerine to the green_treasure_chest.
22 Abigail exited the lounge.
23 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the lounge for 1 minute.
24 Amelia exited the lounge.
25 Nathan, Abigail and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
26 Amelia, Alexander, Lily and Nathan entered the bedroom.
27 The green_pepper is in the green_basket.
28 Amelia moved the green_pepper to the green_cupboard.
29 Amelia exited the bedroom.
30 Alexander made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
31 Alexander exited the bedroom.
32 Lily moved the green_pepper to the red_container.
33 Lily exited the bedroom.
34 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
35 Nathan exited the bedroom.
36 Amelia, Alexander, Lily and Nathan entered the waiting_room.
37 Lily publicly claimed that green_pepper is in the green_basket.
38 Amelia privately told Nathan that the green_pepper is in the green_cupboard.
| green_bottle |
0 | VP | A. blue_container, B. green_pantry, C. blue_bottle, D. blue_drawer, E. red_pantry, F. green_drawer, G. green_bucket, H. red_basket, I. red_envelope, J. red_container, K. red_box, L. green_envelope, M. blue_bucket, N. green_bottle, O. green_box | true | 1,104 | Where is the sweet_potato really? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Sophia, Noah, Avery, Hannah and Jackson entered the front_yard.
2 The sweet_potato is in the red_box.
3 Sophia moved the sweet_potato to the green_bottle.
4 Sophia exited the front_yard.
5 Noah made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
6 Noah dislikes the melon.
7 Noah exited the front_yard.
8 Avery likes the green_pantry.
9 Avery made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
10 Avery exited the front_yard.
11 Hannah moved the sweet_potato to the green_box.
12 Hannah exited the front_yard.
13 Jackson moved the sweet_potato to the red_box.
14 Jackson exited the front_yard.
15 Sophia, Noah, Avery, Hannah and Jackson entered the waiting_room.
16 Hannah publicly claimed that sweet_potato is in the green_bottle.
17 Jackson privately told Sophia that the sweet_potato is in the red_box.
18 Hannah, Jackson and Sophia entered the front_yard.
19 The orange is in the green_envelope.
20 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
21 Hannah exited the front_yard.
22 Jackson moved the orange to the red_box.
23 Jackson exited the front_yard.
24 Sophia moved the orange to the blue_bucket.
25 Sophia exited the front_yard.
26 Hannah, Jackson and Sophia entered the waiting_room.
27 Noah, Jackson, Avery and Hannah entered the basement.
28 The peach is in the green_bucket.
29 Noah moved the peach to the red_envelope.
30 Noah exited the basement.
31 Jackson moved the peach to the red_container.
32 Jackson exited the basement.
33 Avery made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute.
34 Avery exited the basement.
35 Hannah moved the peach to the red_basket.
36 Hannah exited the basement.
37 Hannah likes the blue_bottle.
38 Noah, Jackson, Avery and Hannah entered the waiting_room.
39 Jackson publicly claimed that peach is in the red_container.
40 Hannah privately told Avery that the peach is in the red_basket.
| red_box |
0 | VP | A. green_box, B. red_container, C. blue_bucket, D. blue_bottle, E. blue_container, F. blue_cupboard, G. blue_treasure_chest, H. blue_suitcase, I. red_bucket, J. blue_crate, K. green_envelope, L. red_crate, M. green_cupboard, N. blue_bathtub, O. green_bucket | true | 1,105 | Where is the orange really? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Hannah, Jacob, Jackson, Isabella and Owen entered the laundry.
2 The orange is in the green_box.
3 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
4 Hannah exited the laundry.
5 Hannah saw a monkey.
6 Jacob moved the orange to the blue_bottle.
7 Jackson saw a dog.
8 Jacob exited the laundry.
9 Jackson moved the orange to the red_container.
10 Jackson exited the laundry.
11 Isabella made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
12 Isabella exited the laundry.
13 Owen made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
14 Owen exited the laundry.
15 Hannah, Jacob, Jackson, Isabella and Owen entered the waiting_room.
16 Isabella publicly claimed that orange is in the blue_bucket.
17 Owen privately told Hannah that the orange is in the red_container.
18 Isabella, Jackson and Owen entered the lounge.
19 The green_pepper is in the green_envelope.
20 Isabella made no movements and stayed in the lounge for 1 minute.
21 Isabella exited the lounge.
22 Jackson made no movements and stayed in the lounge for 1 minute.
23 Jackson exited the lounge.
24 Owen made no movements and stayed in the lounge for 1 minute.
25 Hannah lost his watch.
26 Owen exited the lounge.
27 Isabella, Jackson and Owen entered the waiting_room.
28 Owen, Jackson, Isabella and Hannah entered the laundry.
29 The orange is in the red_container.
30 Owen made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
31 Owen exited the laundry.
32 Jackson made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
33 Jackson exited the laundry.
34 Isabella moved the orange to the blue_bucket.
35 Isabella exited the laundry.
36 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
37 Jacob saw a dog.
38 Hannah exited the laundry.
39 Isabella lost his watch.
40 Owen, Jackson, Isabella and Hannah entered the waiting_room.
41 Jackson publicly claimed that orange is in the red_container.
42 Owen lost his watch.
43 Hannah privately told Isabella that the orange is in the blue_bottle.
| blue_bucket |
0 | VP | A. green_bottle, B. blue_crate, C. red_basket, D. green_envelope, E. green_treasure_chest, F. blue_drawer, G. blue_suitcase, H. blue_bottle, I. green_pantry, J. red_box, K. green_drawer, L. blue_bucket, M. blue_cupboard, N. green_crate, O. blue_container | true | 1,106 | Where is the lime really? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Benjamin, Isabella, Chloe, Amelia and Sophia entered the porch.
2 The lime is in the green_bottle.
3 Benjamin moved the lime to the green_treasure_chest.
4 Benjamin exited the porch.
5 Isabella moved the lime to the blue_crate.
6 Isabella exited the porch.
7 Chloe moved the lime to the green_envelope.
8 Chloe exited the porch.
9 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
10 Amelia exited the porch.
11 Sophia moved the lime to the green_bottle.
12 Chloe lost his phone.
13 Sophia exited the porch.
14 Benjamin, Isabella, Chloe, Amelia and Sophia entered the waiting_room.
15 Amelia publicly claimed that lime is in the green_bottle.
16 Sophia privately told Benjamin that the lime is in the green_bottle.
17 Isabella, Sophia and Amelia entered the laundry.
18 The beans is in the blue_suitcase.
19 Isabella moved the beans to the blue_bottle.
20 Isabella exited the laundry.
21 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
22 Sophia exited the laundry.
23 Benjamin dislikes the persimmon.
24 Amelia moved the beans to the red_box.
25 Amelia lost his gloves.
26 Amelia exited the laundry.
27 Isabella, Sophia and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
28 Benjamin, Sophia, Chloe and Amelia entered the laundry.
29 The beans is in the red_box.
30 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
31 Isabella saw a dog.
32 Benjamin exited the laundry.
33 Sophia moved the beans to the blue_drawer.
34 Sophia exited the laundry.
35 Chloe moved the beans to the blue_bottle.
36 Chloe exited the laundry.
37 Amelia moved the beans to the green_pantry.
38 Amelia exited the laundry.
39 Benjamin, Sophia, Chloe and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
40 Sophia publicly claimed that beans is in the red_box.
41 Amelia privately told Chloe that the beans is in the green_pantry.
| green_bottle |
0 | VP | A. blue_pantry, B. red_box, C. red_envelope, D. green_envelope, E. green_drawer, F. blue_treasure_chest, G. blue_container, H. green_bucket, I. green_basket, J. red_drawer, K. red_pantry, L. green_treasure_chest, M. red_bucket, N. green_box, O. blue_crate | true | 1,107 | Where is the carrot really? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Avery, Amelia, Jack, Chloe and Sophia entered the garage.
2 The carrot is in the red_pantry.
3 Avery moved the carrot to the red_bucket.
4 Amelia lost his phone.
5 Avery exited the garage.
6 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the garage for 1 minute.
7 Jack lost his phone.
8 Amelia exited the garage.
9 Jack moved the carrot to the blue_crate.
10 Jack exited the garage.
11 Chloe moved the carrot to the green_box.
12 Chloe exited the garage.
13 Avery dislikes the cherry.
14 Sophia moved the carrot to the red_pantry.
15 Sophia exited the garage.
16 Avery, Amelia, Jack, Chloe and Sophia entered the waiting_room.
17 Amelia saw a cat.
18 Jack publicly claimed that carrot is in the green_treasure_chest.
19 Sophia privately told Jack that the carrot is in the green_box.
20 Chloe, Sophia and Amelia entered the closet.
21 The lettuce is in the red_box.
22 Chloe made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
23 Chloe exited the closet.
24 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
25 Sophia exited the closet.
26 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
27 Amelia exited the closet.
28 Chloe, Sophia and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
29 Chloe, Sophia, Avery and Jack entered the closet.
30 The watermelon is in the blue_pantry.
31 Chloe made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
32 Chloe exited the closet.
33 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
34 Sophia exited the closet.
35 Avery likes the red_pantry.
36 Avery made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
37 Avery exited the closet.
38 Jack made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
39 Jack exited the closet.
40 Jack dislikes the watermelon.
41 Chloe, Sophia, Avery and Jack entered the waiting_room.
42 Sophia publicly claimed that watermelon is in the red_envelope.
43 Jack privately told Avery that the watermelon is in the blue_pantry.
| red_pantry |
0 | VP | A. blue_bucket, B. red_drawer, C. green_bathtub, D. green_treasure_chest, E. blue_treasure_chest, F. blue_bottle, G. green_bucket, H. blue_cupboard, I. blue_container, J. red_envelope, K. blue_drawer, L. green_pantry, M. red_basket, N. red_crate, O. green_crate | true | 1,108 | Where is the watermelon really? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Nathan, Elizabeth, Carter, Jacob and Isla entered the kitchen.
2 The watermelon is in the blue_bottle.
3 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute.
4 Nathan exited the kitchen.
5 Elizabeth moved the watermelon to the red_envelope.
6 Elizabeth exited the kitchen.
7 Carter moved the watermelon to the blue_cupboard.
8 Carter exited the kitchen.
9 Jacob made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute.
10 Jacob exited the kitchen.
11 Isla made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute.
12 Carter dislikes the cherry.
13 Isla exited the kitchen.
14 Nathan, Elizabeth, Carter, Jacob and Isla entered the waiting_room.
15 Carter publicly claimed that watermelon is in the red_envelope.
16 Isla privately told Carter that the watermelon is in the blue_container.
17 Jacob, Carter and Elizabeth entered the kitchen.
18 The watermelon is in the blue_cupboard.
19 Jacob moved the watermelon to the red_envelope.
20 Jacob exited the kitchen.
21 Carter moved the watermelon to the green_bucket.
22 Carter exited the kitchen.
23 Elizabeth moved the watermelon to the blue_container.
24 Elizabeth exited the kitchen.
25 Jacob, Carter and Elizabeth entered the waiting_room.
26 Jacob, Isla, Elizabeth and Carter entered the porch.
27 The banana is in the red_drawer.
28 Jacob moved the banana to the blue_treasure_chest.
29 Isla likes the blue_bottle.
30 Jacob exited the porch.
31 Isla moved the banana to the green_treasure_chest.
32 Isla exited the porch.
33 Elizabeth moved the banana to the green_bathtub.
34 Elizabeth exited the porch.
35 Carter moved the banana to the blue_bucket.
36 Carter exited the porch.
37 Jacob, Isla, Elizabeth and Carter entered the waiting_room.
38 Isla privately told Elizabeth that the banana is in the red_drawer.
39 Carter privately told Nathan that the banana is in the blue_bucket.
| blue_container |
0 | VP | A. green_bathtub, B. green_bucket, C. green_box, D. red_pantry, E. red_envelope, F. green_cupboard, G. green_envelope, H. blue_bottle, I. green_treasure_chest, J. blue_container, K. green_bottle, L. green_crate, M. red_crate, N. blue_cupboard, O. red_box | true | 1,109 | Where is the persimmon really? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Emily, Mila, Benjamin, Emma and Charlotte entered the back_yard.
2 Benjamin lost his phone.
3 The persimmon is in the green_bathtub.
4 Mila likes the red_envelope.
5 Emily moved the persimmon to the red_envelope.
6 Emily exited the back_yard.
7 Mila moved the persimmon to the green_box.
8 Emma lost his phone.
9 Mila exited the back_yard.
10 Benjamin moved the persimmon to the red_pantry.
11 Emily saw a dog.
12 Benjamin exited the back_yard.
13 Emma moved the persimmon to the green_bucket.
14 Emma exited the back_yard.
15 Charlotte moved the persimmon to the green_bathtub.
16 Charlotte exited the back_yard.
17 Emily, Mila, Benjamin, Emma and Charlotte entered the waiting_room.
18 Emma publicly claimed that persimmon is in the green_bucket.
19 Charlotte privately told Emily that the persimmon is in the green_bathtub.
20 Charlotte, Emma and Mila entered the garden.
21 The eggplant is in the green_crate.
22 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the garden for 1 minute.
23 Charlotte exited the garden.
24 Emma made no movements and stayed in the garden for 1 minute.
25 Emma lost his phone.
26 Emma exited the garden.
27 Mila moved the eggplant to the blue_cupboard.
28 Mila exited the garden.
29 Charlotte, Emma and Mila entered the waiting_room.
30 Emma, Charlotte, Benjamin and Emily entered the garden.
31 The apple is in the green_bottle.
32 Emma lost his gloves.
33 Emma made no movements and stayed in the garden for 1 minute.
34 Emma exited the garden.
35 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the garden for 1 minute.
36 Charlotte saw a cat.
37 Charlotte exited the garden.
38 Benjamin moved the apple to the green_crate.
39 Benjamin exited the garden.
40 Emily made no movements and stayed in the garden for 1 minute.
41 Emily exited the garden.
42 Emma, Charlotte, Benjamin and Emily entered the waiting_room.
43 Charlotte publicly claimed that apple is in the blue_cupboard.
44 Emma saw a monkey.
45 Emily privately told Benjamin that the apple is in the green_bottle.
| green_bathtub |
0 | VP | A. green_bottle, B. blue_bottle, C. blue_pantry, D. red_pantry, E. blue_bucket, F. green_pantry, G. green_bathtub, H. blue_container, I. green_basket, J. blue_suitcase, K. green_treasure_chest, L. blue_treasure_chest, M. red_envelope, N. blue_cupboard, O. green_bucket | true | 1,110 | Where is the spinach really? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Abigail, Amelia, Jack, Benjamin and Isla entered the sunroom.
2 The spinach is in the green_pantry.
3 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
4 Abigail exited the sunroom.
5 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
6 Amelia exited the sunroom.
7 Jack made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
8 Jack exited the sunroom.
9 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
10 Benjamin exited the sunroom.
11 Abigail dislikes the spinach.
12 Isla moved the spinach to the green_pantry.
13 Isla exited the sunroom.
14 Abigail, Amelia, Jack, Benjamin and Isla entered the waiting_room.
15 Jack publicly claimed that spinach is in the green_pantry.
16 Isla privately told Jack that the spinach is in the blue_suitcase.
17 Abigail, Isla and Jack entered the patio.
18 The persimmon is in the blue_bottle.
19 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
20 Abigail exited the patio.
21 Isla made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
22 Isla exited the patio.
23 Jack moved the persimmon to the green_bottle.
24 Jack exited the patio.
25 Abigail, Isla and Jack entered the waiting_room.
26 Benjamin, Isla, Amelia and Jack entered the front_yard.
27 The tangerine is in the blue_treasure_chest.
28 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
29 Benjamin exited the front_yard.
30 Isla made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
31 Isla exited the front_yard.
32 Amelia moved the tangerine to the green_bucket.
33 Amelia exited the front_yard.
34 Jack moved the tangerine to the blue_cupboard.
35 Jack exited the front_yard.
36 Benjamin, Isla, Amelia and Jack entered the waiting_room.
37 Isla publicly claimed that tangerine is in the green_treasure_chest.
38 Jack privately told Amelia that the tangerine is in the green_bucket.
| green_pantry |
0 | VP | A. red_basket, B. red_container, C. blue_bottle, D. green_basket, E. red_pantry, F. blue_crate, G. green_bathtub, H. blue_pantry, I. blue_container, J. blue_suitcase, K. red_crate, L. green_pantry, M. green_box, N. red_drawer, O. green_cupboard | true | 1,111 | Where is the spinach really? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Isabella, Avery, Hannah, Noah and Nathan entered the dining_room.
2 The spinach is in the green_pantry.
3 Isabella made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute.
4 Isabella exited the dining_room.
5 Avery moved the spinach to the red_crate.
6 Avery exited the dining_room.
7 Hannah moved the spinach to the green_cupboard.
8 Hannah exited the dining_room.
9 Noah made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute.
10 Noah exited the dining_room.
11 Nathan moved the spinach to the green_pantry.
12 Nathan exited the dining_room.
13 Isabella, Avery, Hannah, Noah and Nathan entered the waiting_room.
14 Hannah lost his gloves.
15 Hannah privately told Isabella that the spinach is in the green_cupboard.
16 Avery privately told Noah that the spinach is in the green_pantry.
17 Avery, Noah and Hannah entered the garage.
18 Hannah saw a mouse.
19 The onion is in the red_basket.
20 Avery made no movements and stayed in the garage for 1 minute.
21 Avery exited the garage.
22 Noah made no movements and stayed in the garage for 1 minute.
23 Noah exited the garage.
24 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the garage for 1 minute.
25 Hannah exited the garage.
26 Avery, Noah and Hannah entered the waiting_room.
27 Isabella likes the green_basket.
28 Isabella, Nathan, Noah and Avery entered the dining_room.
29 The cherry is in the red_crate.
30 Isabella moved the cherry to the green_pantry.
31 Isabella exited the dining_room.
32 Nathan moved the cherry to the green_box.
33 Nathan exited the dining_room.
34 Noah made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute.
35 Noah exited the dining_room.
36 Avery made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute.
37 Avery exited the dining_room.
38 Isabella, Nathan, Noah and Avery entered the waiting_room.
39 Isabella publicly claimed that cherry is in the green_pantry.
40 Avery privately told Hannah that the cherry is in the green_box.
| green_pantry |
0 | VP | A. blue_bottle, B. green_crate, C. red_bucket, D. blue_bucket, E. red_box, F. red_bottle, G. red_envelope, H. green_bucket, I. green_pantry, J. green_basket, K. blue_pantry, L. green_cupboard, M. blue_drawer, N. red_basket, O. green_drawer | true | 1,112 | Where is the onion really? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Mila saw a cat.
2 Jack, Abigail, Emily, Lily and Mila entered the master_bedroom.
3 Emily lost his watch.
4 The onion is in the green_crate.
5 Jack made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
6 Jack exited the master_bedroom.
7 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
8 Abigail exited the master_bedroom.
9 Emily made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
10 Emily exited the master_bedroom.
11 Lily moved the onion to the blue_bucket.
12 Lily exited the master_bedroom.
13 Mila made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
14 Mila exited the master_bedroom.
15 Jack, Abigail, Emily, Lily and Mila entered the waiting_room.
16 Lily publicly claimed that onion is in the blue_bucket.
17 Mila privately told Jack that the onion is in the blue_bucket.
18 Mila, Abigail and Emily entered the porch.
19 The pear is in the red_bottle.
20 Mila moved the pear to the green_pantry.
21 Mila exited the porch.
22 Abigail moved the pear to the green_basket.
23 Abigail exited the porch.
24 Emily made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
25 Emily exited the porch.
26 Mila, Abigail and Emily entered the waiting_room.
27 Abigail, Lily, Mila and Emily entered the master_bedroom.
28 The onion is in the blue_bucket.
29 Abigail moved the onion to the red_bucket.
30 Abigail exited the master_bedroom.
31 Lily made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
32 Lily exited the master_bedroom.
33 Mila made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
34 Mila exited the master_bedroom.
35 Emily moved the onion to the green_crate.
36 Emily exited the master_bedroom.
37 Abigail, Lily, Mila and Emily entered the waiting_room.
38 Lily privately told Mila that the onion is in the green_crate.
39 Emily privately told Jack that the onion is in the green_crate.
| green_crate |
0 | VP | A. blue_suitcase, B. red_bottle, C. red_basket, D. blue_cupboard, E. blue_treasure_chest, F. blue_drawer, G. blue_crate, H. green_envelope, I. blue_pantry, J. green_basket, K. red_drawer, L. red_envelope, M. green_crate, N. red_pantry, O. red_container | true | 1,113 | Where is the carrot really? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Nathan, Emma, Avery, Isabella and Abigail entered the front_yard.
2 Abigail saw a mouse.
3 The carrot is in the red_envelope.
4 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
5 Nathan exited the front_yard.
6 Avery saw a dog.
7 Emma made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
8 Emma exited the front_yard.
9 Avery made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
10 Avery exited the front_yard.
11 Isabella moved the carrot to the red_container.
12 Isabella exited the front_yard.
13 Abigail moved the carrot to the red_envelope.
14 Abigail exited the front_yard.
15 Nathan, Emma, Avery, Isabella and Abigail entered the waiting_room.
16 Isabella publicly claimed that carrot is in the red_envelope.
17 Abigail privately told Nathan that the carrot is in the red_envelope.
18 Emma, Avery and Abigail entered the lounge.
19 Nathan saw a cat.
20 The eggplant is in the blue_drawer.
21 Emma made no movements and stayed in the lounge for 1 minute.
22 Emma exited the lounge.
23 Avery moved the eggplant to the blue_pantry.
24 Avery exited the lounge.
25 Abigail moved the eggplant to the green_basket.
26 Abigail exited the lounge.
27 Emma, Avery and Abigail entered the waiting_room.
28 Emma, Abigail, Avery and Isabella entered the front_yard.
29 The carrot is in the red_envelope.
30 Emma moved the carrot to the red_drawer.
31 Emma exited the front_yard.
32 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
33 Abigail exited the front_yard.
34 Avery made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
35 Avery exited the front_yard.
36 Isabella moved the carrot to the green_crate.
37 Isabella exited the front_yard.
38 Emma, Abigail, Avery and Isabella entered the waiting_room.
39 Emma publicly claimed that carrot is in the red_container.
40 Isabella privately told Nathan that the carrot is in the green_crate.
| green_crate |
0 | VP | A. red_container, B. blue_crate, C. green_crate, D. blue_pantry, E. green_treasure_chest, F. blue_cupboard, G. green_bottle, H. blue_suitcase, I. green_box, J. blue_bucket, K. red_envelope, L. red_bucket, M. red_crate, N. red_pantry, O. green_cupboard | true | 1,114 | Where is the peach really? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Abigail, Aiden, Benjamin, Sophia and Isla entered the hallway.
2 The peach is in the red_bucket.
3 Aiden likes the red_crate.
4 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
5 Abigail exited the hallway.
6 Aiden moved the peach to the red_pantry.
7 Aiden exited the hallway.
8 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
9 Benjamin exited the hallway.
10 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
11 Sophia exited the hallway.
12 Isla moved the peach to the red_bucket.
13 Isla exited the hallway.
14 Abigail, Aiden, Benjamin, Sophia and Isla entered the waiting_room.
15 Benjamin privately told Abigail that the peach is in the red_pantry.
16 Aiden privately told Sophia that the peach is in the red_envelope.
17 Benjamin, Isla and Abigail entered the hallway.
18 The peach is in the red_bucket.
19 Benjamin moved the peach to the red_crate.
20 Benjamin exited the hallway.
21 Isla made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
22 Isla exited the hallway.
23 Benjamin dislikes the watermelon.
24 Abigail moved the peach to the red_pantry.
25 Abigail exited the hallway.
26 Benjamin, Isla and Abigail entered the waiting_room.
27 Isla, Aiden, Abigail and Benjamin entered the hallway.
28 The plum is in the red_envelope.
29 Isla dislikes the tangerine.
30 Isla moved the plum to the red_pantry.
31 Isla exited the hallway.
32 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
33 Abigail saw a monkey.
34 Aiden exited the hallway.
35 Abigail moved the plum to the green_cupboard.
36 Abigail exited the hallway.
37 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
38 Benjamin exited the hallway.
39 Isla, Aiden, Abigail and Benjamin entered the waiting_room.
40 Isla publicly claimed that plum is in the red_bucket.
41 Benjamin privately told Sophia that the plum is in the green_cupboard.
| red_pantry |
0 | VP | A. blue_container, B. green_crate, C. green_bottle, D. green_basket, E. red_crate, F. green_envelope, G. blue_bottle, H. red_container, I. blue_bucket, J. blue_cupboard, K. red_envelope, L. green_box, M. red_box, N. green_drawer, O. blue_treasure_chest | true | 1,115 | Where is the cherry really? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Aiden saw a cat.
2 Owen, Avery, Noah, Aiden and Ella entered the front_yard.
3 The cherry is in the green_envelope.
4 Noah likes the green_envelope.
5 Owen moved the cherry to the blue_bucket.
6 Owen exited the front_yard.
7 Avery lost his phone.
8 Avery made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
9 Avery exited the front_yard.
10 Noah made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
11 Noah exited the front_yard.
12 Aiden moved the cherry to the blue_cupboard.
13 Aiden exited the front_yard.
14 Ella made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
15 Ella exited the front_yard.
16 Owen, Avery, Noah, Aiden and Ella entered the waiting_room.
17 Noah publicly claimed that cherry is in the green_envelope.
18 Ella privately told Noah that the cherry is in the blue_bottle.
19 Aiden, Avery and Owen entered the bedroom.
20 The lettuce is in the green_box.
21 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
22 Aiden exited the bedroom.
23 Avery moved the lettuce to the red_envelope.
24 Avery exited the bedroom.
25 Owen made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
26 Owen exited the bedroom.
27 Aiden, Avery and Owen entered the waiting_room.
28 Owen, Ella, Aiden and Avery entered the bedroom.
29 The lettuce is in the red_envelope.
30 Owen made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
31 Owen exited the bedroom.
32 Ella made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
33 Ella exited the bedroom.
34 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
35 Aiden exited the bedroom.
36 Avery moved the lettuce to the blue_treasure_chest.
37 Avery exited the bedroom.
38 Owen, Ella, Aiden and Avery entered the waiting_room.
39 Ella privately told Aiden that the lettuce is in the red_box.
40 Avery privately told Noah that the lettuce is in the blue_treasure_chest.
| blue_cupboard |
0 | VP | A. green_basket, B. green_crate, C. blue_pantry, D. red_bottle, E. red_container, F. blue_crate, G. blue_treasure_chest, H. green_treasure_chest, I. red_drawer, J. green_pantry, K. green_bottle, L. blue_cupboard, M. green_bucket, N. red_basket, O. green_envelope | true | 1,116 | Where is the turnip really? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Sophia, Liam, William, Hannah and Benjamin entered the porch.
2 The turnip is in the green_crate.
3 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
4 Sophia exited the porch.
5 Liam moved the turnip to the blue_pantry.
6 Liam exited the porch.
7 William moved the turnip to the red_bottle.
8 William exited the porch.
9 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
10 Hannah exited the porch.
11 William saw a monkey.
12 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
13 Benjamin exited the porch.
14 Sophia, Liam, William, Hannah and Benjamin entered the waiting_room.
15 Sophia saw a mouse.
16 William privately told Sophia that the turnip is in the red_bottle.
17 Liam privately told Hannah that the turnip is in the green_crate.
18 Sophia, Benjamin and Hannah entered the porch.
19 The turnip is in the red_bottle.
20 Sophia moved the turnip to the green_basket.
21 Sophia exited the porch.
22 Benjamin moved the turnip to the green_crate.
23 Benjamin exited the porch.
24 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
25 Hannah exited the porch.
26 Sophia, Benjamin and Hannah entered the waiting_room.
27 William, Sophia, Liam and Hannah entered the attic.
28 The tomato is in the green_bottle.
29 William moved the tomato to the red_basket.
30 William exited the attic.
31 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the attic for 1 minute.
32 Sophia exited the attic.
33 Liam made no movements and stayed in the attic for 1 minute.
34 Liam exited the attic.
35 Hannah moved the tomato to the green_envelope.
36 William saw a mouse.
37 Hannah exited the attic.
38 William, Sophia, Liam and Hannah entered the waiting_room.
39 Sophia saw a dog.
40 Liam publicly claimed that tomato is in the green_bucket.
41 William privately told Hannah that the tomato is in the red_basket.
| green_crate |
0 | VP | A. blue_crate, B. blue_cupboard, C. green_bottle, D. red_pantry, E. green_box, F. green_bucket, G. green_crate, H. green_basket, I. green_treasure_chest, J. green_envelope, K. blue_drawer, L. green_bathtub, M. red_container, N. green_pantry, O. red_bucket | true | 1,117 | Where is the cabbage really? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Avery, Aiden, Carter, William and Charlotte entered the office.
2 The cabbage is in the green_bucket.
3 Avery made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
4 Avery exited the office.
5 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
6 Aiden exited the office.
7 Carter made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
8 Carter exited the office.
9 William made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
10 William exited the office.
11 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
12 Charlotte exited the office.
13 Avery, Aiden, Carter, William and Charlotte entered the waiting_room.
14 William publicly claimed that cabbage is in the green_envelope.
15 Charlotte privately told Avery that the cabbage is in the green_bucket.
16 Carter, Charlotte and Avery entered the office.
17 The spinach is in the green_crate.
18 Carter moved the spinach to the green_treasure_chest.
19 Carter exited the office.
20 Charlotte moved the spinach to the green_bucket.
21 Charlotte exited the office.
22 Avery made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
23 Avery exited the office.
24 Carter, Charlotte and Avery entered the waiting_room.
25 Aiden, Charlotte, Avery and William entered the office.
26 The cabbage is in the green_bucket.
27 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
28 Aiden exited the office.
29 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
30 Charlotte exited the office.
31 William lost his phone.
32 Avery moved the cabbage to the green_crate.
33 Avery exited the office.
34 William made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
35 William exited the office.
36 Aiden, Charlotte, Avery and William entered the waiting_room.
37 Aiden publicly claimed that cabbage is in the green_basket.
38 William privately told Carter that the cabbage is in the green_crate.
| green_crate |
0 | VP | A. green_envelope, B. blue_bathtub, C. red_pantry, D. red_crate, E. green_crate, F. red_basket, G. blue_treasure_chest, H. green_box, I. blue_cupboard, J. red_bottle, K. green_pantry, L. blue_container, M. red_bucket, N. green_basket, O. green_bucket | true | 1,118 | Where is the cherry really? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Avery, Ava, William, Logan and Amelia entered the cellar.
2 The cherry is in the blue_container.
3 Avery made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
4 Avery exited the cellar.
5 Ava made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
6 Ava exited the cellar.
7 William made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
8 Ava dislikes the beans.
9 William exited the cellar.
10 Logan moved the cherry to the green_bucket.
11 Logan exited the cellar.
12 William likes the green_bucket.
13 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
14 Amelia exited the cellar.
15 Avery, Ava, William, Logan and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
16 William publicly claimed that cherry is in the blue_container.
17 Amelia privately told William that the cherry is in the green_pantry.
18 Logan, Amelia and William entered the cellar.
19 The cherry is in the green_bucket.
20 Logan moved the cherry to the green_pantry.
21 Logan exited the cellar.
22 Amelia moved the cherry to the green_basket.
23 Amelia exited the cellar.
24 William made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
25 William exited the cellar.
26 Logan, Amelia and William entered the waiting_room.
27 Logan, Avery, Ava and Amelia entered the cellar.
28 The cherry is in the green_basket.
29 Logan made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
30 Logan exited the cellar.
31 Avery made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
32 Avery exited the cellar.
33 Ava moved the cherry to the green_bucket.
34 Ava exited the cellar.
35 Amelia moved the cherry to the blue_container.
36 Amelia exited the cellar.
37 Logan, Avery, Ava and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
38 Ava publicly claimed that cherry is in the green_basket.
39 Logan privately told Amelia that the cherry is in the blue_container.
| blue_container |
0 | VP | A. blue_bottle, B. green_bucket, C. blue_bathtub, D. red_bottle, E. blue_treasure_chest, F. green_pantry, G. red_drawer, H. blue_pantry, I. red_envelope, J. blue_cupboard, K. red_basket, L. red_box, M. green_box, N. green_crate, O. blue_bucket | true | 1,119 | Where is the turnip really? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Carter, Mila, Owen, Avery and Isla entered the sunroom.
2 The turnip is in the green_pantry.
3 Carter made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
4 Carter exited the sunroom.
5 Mila made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
6 Mila exited the sunroom.
7 Owen moved the turnip to the blue_cupboard.
8 Owen exited the sunroom.
9 Avery moved the turnip to the red_envelope.
10 Avery exited the sunroom.
11 Isla made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
12 Isla exited the sunroom.
13 Carter, Mila, Owen, Avery and Isla entered the waiting_room.
14 Avery publicly claimed that turnip is in the blue_pantry.
15 Isla privately told Carter that the turnip is in the red_envelope.
16 Isla, Avery and Carter entered the back_yard.
17 The persimmon is in the red_basket.
18 Isla made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
19 Isla exited the back_yard.
20 Avery made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
21 Avery exited the back_yard.
22 Carter moved the persimmon to the red_box.
23 Carter exited the back_yard.
24 Isla, Avery and Carter entered the waiting_room.
25 Avery, Isla, Carter and Owen entered the back_yard.
26 Isla lost his watch.
27 The grapes is in the red_box.
28 Avery moved the grapes to the green_box.
29 Avery exited the back_yard.
30 Isla made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
31 Isla exited the back_yard.
32 Carter made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
33 Carter exited the back_yard.
34 Owen made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
35 Owen exited the back_yard.
36 Avery, Isla, Carter and Owen entered the waiting_room.
37 Carter publicly claimed that grapes is in the blue_bucket.
38 Avery saw a dog.
39 Avery privately told Owen that the grapes is in the red_basket.
| red_envelope |
1 | VP | A. blue_crate, B. green_drawer, C. red_basket, D. blue_drawer, E. green_bathtub, F. blue_bottle, G. green_pantry, H. red_envelope, I. blue_cupboard, J. green_envelope, K. red_crate, L. blue_suitcase, M. green_bottle, N. red_bucket, O. red_pantry | true | 1,120 | Where does Jack really think the peas is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Logan, Jackson, Jack, Emily and Isabella entered the hallway.
2 The peas is in the blue_suitcase.
3 Logan made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
4 Logan exited the hallway.
5 Jackson made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
6 Jack likes the blue_crate.
7 Jackson exited the hallway.
8 Jack moved the peas to the red_crate.
9 Jack exited the hallway.
10 Emily moved the peas to the green_bottle.
11 Emily exited the hallway.
12 Isabella made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
13 Jackson dislikes the turnip.
14 Isabella exited the hallway.
15 Logan, Jackson, Jack, Emily and Isabella entered the waiting_room.
16 Emily publicly claimed that peas is in the blue_suitcase.
17 Isabella privately told Logan that the peas is in the green_bottle.
18 Isabella, Emily and Logan entered the attic.
19 The potato is in the green_drawer.
20 Isabella moved the potato to the red_basket.
21 Isabella exited the attic.
22 Jackson dislikes the cucumber.
23 Emily moved the potato to the green_bathtub.
24 Emily exited the attic.
25 Logan moved the potato to the blue_crate.
26 Logan exited the attic.
27 Isabella, Emily and Logan entered the waiting_room.
28 Jack, Isabella, Emily and Logan entered the patio.
29 The cherry is in the blue_bottle.
30 Jack made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
31 Jack exited the patio.
32 Isabella moved the cherry to the green_envelope.
33 Isabella exited the patio.
34 Emily made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
35 Emily exited the patio.
36 Logan moved the cherry to the blue_cupboard.
37 Logan exited the patio.
38 Emily dislikes the peas.
39 Jack, Isabella, Emily and Logan entered the waiting_room.
40 Isabella privately told Emily that the cherry is in the blue_cupboard.
41 Logan privately told Jackson that the cherry is in the blue_cupboard.
| blue_suitcase |
1 | VP | A. blue_treasure_chest, B. green_treasure_chest, C. blue_bottle, D. blue_suitcase, E. green_envelope, F. blue_drawer, G. blue_bucket, H. green_box, I. red_envelope, J. red_box, K. green_pantry, L. blue_bathtub, M. green_basket, N. green_cupboard, O. green_bucket | true | 1,121 | Where does Aiden really think the melon is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Owen dislikes the pear.
2 Ella, Owen, Isla, Aiden and Evelyn entered the back_yard.
3 The melon is in the blue_treasure_chest.
4 Ella likes the blue_suitcase.
5 Ella moved the melon to the blue_bottle.
6 Ella exited the back_yard.
7 Owen moved the melon to the green_envelope.
8 Owen exited the back_yard.
9 Isla made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
10 Isla exited the back_yard.
11 Aiden moved the melon to the blue_suitcase.
12 Aiden exited the back_yard.
13 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
14 Evelyn exited the back_yard.
15 Ella, Owen, Isla, Aiden and Evelyn entered the waiting_room.
16 Isla privately told Ella that the melon is in the green_treasure_chest.
17 Owen privately told Aiden that the melon is in the blue_suitcase.
18 Owen, Aiden and Ella entered the back_yard.
19 The lemon is in the green_treasure_chest.
20 Owen moved the lemon to the blue_treasure_chest.
21 Owen exited the back_yard.
22 Owen dislikes the pear.
23 Aiden moved the lemon to the blue_suitcase.
24 Aiden exited the back_yard.
25 Ella made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
26 Ella exited the back_yard.
27 Owen, Aiden and Ella entered the waiting_room.
28 Ella, Isla, Owen and Aiden entered the front_yard.
29 The banana is in the green_pantry.
30 Ella moved the banana to the green_basket.
31 Ella exited the front_yard.
32 Isla moved the banana to the blue_bathtub.
33 Isla exited the front_yard.
34 Owen made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
35 Owen exited the front_yard.
36 Aiden moved the banana to the green_cupboard.
37 Aiden exited the front_yard.
38 Aiden lost his watch.
39 Ella, Isla, Owen and Aiden entered the waiting_room.
40 Ella publicly claimed that banana is in the green_basket.
41 Aiden privately told Evelyn that the banana is in the green_cupboard.
| blue_suitcase |
1 | VP | A. green_bottle, B. green_drawer, C. green_box, D. green_bucket, E. blue_crate, F. green_bathtub, G. blue_suitcase, H. red_pantry, I. blue_bucket, J. blue_bathtub, K. red_container, L. blue_drawer, M. red_drawer, N. red_crate, O. green_crate | true | 1,122 | Where does Jacob really think the spinach is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Ella saw a mouse.
2 Jackson, Jack, Ella, Jacob and Amelia entered the laundry.
3 The spinach is in the red_container.
4 Jackson moved the spinach to the green_crate.
5 Jackson exited the laundry.
6 Jack moved the spinach to the blue_drawer.
7 Jack exited the laundry.
8 Ella moved the spinach to the red_drawer.
9 Ella exited the laundry.
10 Jacob made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
11 Jacob exited the laundry.
12 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
13 Amelia exited the laundry.
14 Jackson, Jack, Ella, Jacob and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
15 Ella privately told Jackson that the spinach is in the red_crate.
16 Jack privately told Jacob that the spinach is in the red_drawer.
17 Jackson, Jacob and Ella entered the laundry.
18 The spinach is in the red_drawer.
19 Jackson moved the spinach to the green_crate.
20 Jackson exited the laundry.
21 Jacob made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
22 Jacob exited the laundry.
23 Amelia dislikes the tomato.
24 Ella made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
25 Ella exited the laundry.
26 Amelia likes the red_crate.
27 Jackson, Jacob and Ella entered the waiting_room.
28 Jacob likes the red_pantry.
29 Amelia, Jacob, Ella and Jack entered the patio.
30 The tomato is in the green_drawer.
31 Amelia moved the tomato to the green_bottle.
32 Amelia exited the patio.
33 Jacob made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
34 Jacob exited the patio.
35 Ella moved the tomato to the green_bucket.
36 Ella exited the patio.
37 Jack made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
38 Jack exited the patio.
39 Amelia, Jacob, Ella and Jack entered the waiting_room.
40 Amelia publicly claimed that tomato is in the green_box.
41 Jack privately told Jackson that the tomato is in the green_bucket.
| green_crate |
1 | VP | A. green_basket, B. red_container, C. red_bottle, D. green_cupboard, E. blue_bucket, F. green_bottle, G. green_envelope, H. green_box, I. red_envelope, J. green_drawer, K. red_drawer, L. blue_container, M. blue_bottle, N. green_treasure_chest, O. blue_pantry | true | 1,123 | Where does Amelia really think the corn is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Nathan, Lily, Amelia, Alexander and Abigail entered the hallway.
2 The corn is in the green_bottle.
3 Nathan moved the corn to the red_envelope.
4 Abigail saw a cat.
5 Nathan exited the hallway.
6 Lily moved the corn to the green_envelope.
7 Lily exited the hallway.
8 Amelia moved the corn to the green_drawer.
9 Amelia exited the hallway.
10 Alexander moved the corn to the green_box.
11 Alexander exited the hallway.
12 Abigail moved the corn to the green_bottle.
13 Abigail exited the hallway.
14 Nathan, Lily, Amelia, Alexander and Abigail entered the waiting_room.
15 Amelia publicly claimed that corn is in the green_bottle.
16 Abigail privately told Amelia that the corn is in the green_envelope.
17 Nathan, Abigail and Amelia entered the lounge.
18 The tangerine is in the red_drawer.
19 Nathan moved the tangerine to the blue_pantry.
20 Nathan exited the lounge.
21 Abigail moved the tangerine to the green_treasure_chest.
22 Abigail exited the lounge.
23 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the lounge for 1 minute.
24 Amelia exited the lounge.
25 Nathan, Abigail and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
26 Amelia, Alexander, Lily and Nathan entered the bedroom.
27 The green_pepper is in the green_basket.
28 Amelia moved the green_pepper to the green_cupboard.
29 Amelia exited the bedroom.
30 Alexander made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
31 Alexander exited the bedroom.
32 Lily moved the green_pepper to the red_container.
33 Lily exited the bedroom.
34 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
35 Nathan exited the bedroom.
36 Amelia, Alexander, Lily and Nathan entered the waiting_room.
37 Lily publicly claimed that green_pepper is in the green_basket.
38 Amelia privately told Nathan that the green_pepper is in the green_cupboard.
| green_envelope |
1 | VP | A. blue_container, B. green_pantry, C. blue_bottle, D. blue_drawer, E. red_pantry, F. green_drawer, G. green_bucket, H. red_basket, I. red_envelope, J. red_container, K. red_box, L. green_envelope, M. blue_bucket, N. green_bottle, O. green_box | true | 1,124 | Where does Sophia really think the sweet_potato is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Sophia, Noah, Avery, Hannah and Jackson entered the front_yard.
2 The sweet_potato is in the red_box.
3 Sophia moved the sweet_potato to the green_bottle.
4 Sophia exited the front_yard.
5 Noah made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
6 Noah dislikes the melon.
7 Noah exited the front_yard.
8 Avery likes the green_pantry.
9 Avery made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
10 Avery exited the front_yard.
11 Hannah moved the sweet_potato to the green_box.
12 Hannah exited the front_yard.
13 Jackson moved the sweet_potato to the red_box.
14 Jackson exited the front_yard.
15 Sophia, Noah, Avery, Hannah and Jackson entered the waiting_room.
16 Hannah publicly claimed that sweet_potato is in the green_bottle.
17 Jackson privately told Sophia that the sweet_potato is in the red_box.
18 Hannah, Jackson and Sophia entered the front_yard.
19 The orange is in the green_envelope.
20 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
21 Hannah exited the front_yard.
22 Jackson moved the orange to the red_box.
23 Jackson exited the front_yard.
24 Sophia moved the orange to the blue_bucket.
25 Sophia exited the front_yard.
26 Hannah, Jackson and Sophia entered the waiting_room.
27 Noah, Jackson, Avery and Hannah entered the basement.
28 The peach is in the green_bucket.
29 Noah moved the peach to the red_envelope.
30 Noah exited the basement.
31 Jackson moved the peach to the red_container.
32 Jackson exited the basement.
33 Avery made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute.
34 Avery exited the basement.
35 Hannah moved the peach to the red_basket.
36 Hannah exited the basement.
37 Hannah likes the blue_bottle.
38 Noah, Jackson, Avery and Hannah entered the waiting_room.
39 Jackson publicly claimed that peach is in the red_container.
40 Hannah privately told Avery that the peach is in the red_basket.
| red_box |
1 | VP | A. green_box, B. red_container, C. blue_bucket, D. blue_bottle, E. blue_container, F. blue_cupboard, G. blue_treasure_chest, H. blue_suitcase, I. red_bucket, J. blue_crate, K. green_envelope, L. red_crate, M. green_cupboard, N. blue_bathtub, O. green_bucket | true | 1,125 | Where does Owen really think the orange is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Hannah, Jacob, Jackson, Isabella and Owen entered the laundry.
2 The orange is in the green_box.
3 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
4 Hannah exited the laundry.
5 Hannah saw a monkey.
6 Jacob moved the orange to the blue_bottle.
7 Jackson saw a dog.
8 Jacob exited the laundry.
9 Jackson moved the orange to the red_container.
10 Jackson exited the laundry.
11 Isabella made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
12 Isabella exited the laundry.
13 Owen made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
14 Owen exited the laundry.
15 Hannah, Jacob, Jackson, Isabella and Owen entered the waiting_room.
16 Isabella publicly claimed that orange is in the blue_bucket.
17 Owen privately told Hannah that the orange is in the red_container.
18 Isabella, Jackson and Owen entered the lounge.
19 The green_pepper is in the green_envelope.
20 Isabella made no movements and stayed in the lounge for 1 minute.
21 Isabella exited the lounge.
22 Jackson made no movements and stayed in the lounge for 1 minute.
23 Jackson exited the lounge.
24 Owen made no movements and stayed in the lounge for 1 minute.
25 Hannah lost his watch.
26 Owen exited the lounge.
27 Isabella, Jackson and Owen entered the waiting_room.
28 Owen, Jackson, Isabella and Hannah entered the laundry.
29 The orange is in the red_container.
30 Owen made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
31 Owen exited the laundry.
32 Jackson made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
33 Jackson exited the laundry.
34 Isabella moved the orange to the blue_bucket.
35 Isabella exited the laundry.
36 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
37 Jacob saw a dog.
38 Hannah exited the laundry.
39 Isabella lost his watch.
40 Owen, Jackson, Isabella and Hannah entered the waiting_room.
41 Jackson publicly claimed that orange is in the red_container.
42 Owen lost his watch.
43 Hannah privately told Isabella that the orange is in the blue_bottle.
| red_container |
1 | VP | A. green_bottle, B. blue_crate, C. red_basket, D. green_envelope, E. green_treasure_chest, F. blue_drawer, G. blue_suitcase, H. blue_bottle, I. green_pantry, J. red_box, K. green_drawer, L. blue_bucket, M. blue_cupboard, N. green_crate, O. blue_container | true | 1,126 | Where does Amelia really think the lime is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Benjamin, Isabella, Chloe, Amelia and Sophia entered the porch.
2 The lime is in the green_bottle.
3 Benjamin moved the lime to the green_treasure_chest.
4 Benjamin exited the porch.
5 Isabella moved the lime to the blue_crate.
6 Isabella exited the porch.
7 Chloe moved the lime to the green_envelope.
8 Chloe exited the porch.
9 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
10 Amelia exited the porch.
11 Sophia moved the lime to the green_bottle.
12 Chloe lost his phone.
13 Sophia exited the porch.
14 Benjamin, Isabella, Chloe, Amelia and Sophia entered the waiting_room.
15 Amelia publicly claimed that lime is in the green_bottle.
16 Sophia privately told Benjamin that the lime is in the green_bottle.
17 Isabella, Sophia and Amelia entered the laundry.
18 The beans is in the blue_suitcase.
19 Isabella moved the beans to the blue_bottle.
20 Isabella exited the laundry.
21 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
22 Sophia exited the laundry.
23 Benjamin dislikes the persimmon.
24 Amelia moved the beans to the red_box.
25 Amelia lost his gloves.
26 Amelia exited the laundry.
27 Isabella, Sophia and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
28 Benjamin, Sophia, Chloe and Amelia entered the laundry.
29 The beans is in the red_box.
30 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
31 Isabella saw a dog.
32 Benjamin exited the laundry.
33 Sophia moved the beans to the blue_drawer.
34 Sophia exited the laundry.
35 Chloe moved the beans to the blue_bottle.
36 Chloe exited the laundry.
37 Amelia moved the beans to the green_pantry.
38 Amelia exited the laundry.
39 Benjamin, Sophia, Chloe and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
40 Sophia publicly claimed that beans is in the red_box.
41 Amelia privately told Chloe that the beans is in the green_pantry.
| green_envelope |
1 | VP | A. blue_pantry, B. red_box, C. red_envelope, D. green_envelope, E. green_drawer, F. blue_treasure_chest, G. blue_container, H. green_bucket, I. green_basket, J. red_drawer, K. red_pantry, L. green_treasure_chest, M. red_bucket, N. green_box, O. blue_crate | true | 1,127 | Where does Chloe really think the carrot is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Avery, Amelia, Jack, Chloe and Sophia entered the garage.
2 The carrot is in the red_pantry.
3 Avery moved the carrot to the red_bucket.
4 Amelia lost his phone.
5 Avery exited the garage.
6 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the garage for 1 minute.
7 Jack lost his phone.
8 Amelia exited the garage.
9 Jack moved the carrot to the blue_crate.
10 Jack exited the garage.
11 Chloe moved the carrot to the green_box.
12 Chloe exited the garage.
13 Avery dislikes the cherry.
14 Sophia moved the carrot to the red_pantry.
15 Sophia exited the garage.
16 Avery, Amelia, Jack, Chloe and Sophia entered the waiting_room.
17 Amelia saw a cat.
18 Jack publicly claimed that carrot is in the green_treasure_chest.
19 Sophia privately told Jack that the carrot is in the green_box.
20 Chloe, Sophia and Amelia entered the closet.
21 The lettuce is in the red_box.
22 Chloe made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
23 Chloe exited the closet.
24 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
25 Sophia exited the closet.
26 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
27 Amelia exited the closet.
28 Chloe, Sophia and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
29 Chloe, Sophia, Avery and Jack entered the closet.
30 The watermelon is in the blue_pantry.
31 Chloe made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
32 Chloe exited the closet.
33 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
34 Sophia exited the closet.
35 Avery likes the red_pantry.
36 Avery made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
37 Avery exited the closet.
38 Jack made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
39 Jack exited the closet.
40 Jack dislikes the watermelon.
41 Chloe, Sophia, Avery and Jack entered the waiting_room.
42 Sophia publicly claimed that watermelon is in the red_envelope.
43 Jack privately told Avery that the watermelon is in the blue_pantry.
| green_box |
1 | VP | A. blue_bucket, B. red_drawer, C. green_bathtub, D. green_treasure_chest, E. blue_treasure_chest, F. blue_bottle, G. green_bucket, H. blue_cupboard, I. blue_container, J. red_envelope, K. blue_drawer, L. green_pantry, M. red_basket, N. red_crate, O. green_crate | true | 1,128 | Where does Isla really think the watermelon is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Nathan, Elizabeth, Carter, Jacob and Isla entered the kitchen.
2 The watermelon is in the blue_bottle.
3 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute.
4 Nathan exited the kitchen.
5 Elizabeth moved the watermelon to the red_envelope.
6 Elizabeth exited the kitchen.
7 Carter moved the watermelon to the blue_cupboard.
8 Carter exited the kitchen.
9 Jacob made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute.
10 Jacob exited the kitchen.
11 Isla made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute.
12 Carter dislikes the cherry.
13 Isla exited the kitchen.
14 Nathan, Elizabeth, Carter, Jacob and Isla entered the waiting_room.
15 Carter publicly claimed that watermelon is in the red_envelope.
16 Isla privately told Carter that the watermelon is in the blue_container.
17 Jacob, Carter and Elizabeth entered the kitchen.
18 The watermelon is in the blue_cupboard.
19 Jacob moved the watermelon to the red_envelope.
20 Jacob exited the kitchen.
21 Carter moved the watermelon to the green_bucket.
22 Carter exited the kitchen.
23 Elizabeth moved the watermelon to the blue_container.
24 Elizabeth exited the kitchen.
25 Jacob, Carter and Elizabeth entered the waiting_room.
26 Jacob, Isla, Elizabeth and Carter entered the porch.
27 The banana is in the red_drawer.
28 Jacob moved the banana to the blue_treasure_chest.
29 Isla likes the blue_bottle.
30 Jacob exited the porch.
31 Isla moved the banana to the green_treasure_chest.
32 Isla exited the porch.
33 Elizabeth moved the banana to the green_bathtub.
34 Elizabeth exited the porch.
35 Carter moved the banana to the blue_bucket.
36 Carter exited the porch.
37 Jacob, Isla, Elizabeth and Carter entered the waiting_room.
38 Isla privately told Elizabeth that the banana is in the red_drawer.
39 Carter privately told Nathan that the banana is in the blue_bucket.
| blue_cupboard |
1 | VP | A. green_bathtub, B. green_bucket, C. green_box, D. red_pantry, E. red_envelope, F. green_cupboard, G. green_envelope, H. blue_bottle, I. green_treasure_chest, J. blue_container, K. green_bottle, L. green_crate, M. red_crate, N. blue_cupboard, O. red_box | true | 1,129 | Where does Mila really think the persimmon is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Emily, Mila, Benjamin, Emma and Charlotte entered the back_yard.
2 Benjamin lost his phone.
3 The persimmon is in the green_bathtub.
4 Mila likes the red_envelope.
5 Emily moved the persimmon to the red_envelope.
6 Emily exited the back_yard.
7 Mila moved the persimmon to the green_box.
8 Emma lost his phone.
9 Mila exited the back_yard.
10 Benjamin moved the persimmon to the red_pantry.
11 Emily saw a dog.
12 Benjamin exited the back_yard.
13 Emma moved the persimmon to the green_bucket.
14 Emma exited the back_yard.
15 Charlotte moved the persimmon to the green_bathtub.
16 Charlotte exited the back_yard.
17 Emily, Mila, Benjamin, Emma and Charlotte entered the waiting_room.
18 Emma publicly claimed that persimmon is in the green_bucket.
19 Charlotte privately told Emily that the persimmon is in the green_bathtub.
20 Charlotte, Emma and Mila entered the garden.
21 The eggplant is in the green_crate.
22 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the garden for 1 minute.
23 Charlotte exited the garden.
24 Emma made no movements and stayed in the garden for 1 minute.
25 Emma lost his phone.
26 Emma exited the garden.
27 Mila moved the eggplant to the blue_cupboard.
28 Mila exited the garden.
29 Charlotte, Emma and Mila entered the waiting_room.
30 Emma, Charlotte, Benjamin and Emily entered the garden.
31 The apple is in the green_bottle.
32 Emma lost his gloves.
33 Emma made no movements and stayed in the garden for 1 minute.
34 Emma exited the garden.
35 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the garden for 1 minute.
36 Charlotte saw a cat.
37 Charlotte exited the garden.
38 Benjamin moved the apple to the green_crate.
39 Benjamin exited the garden.
40 Emily made no movements and stayed in the garden for 1 minute.
41 Emily exited the garden.
42 Emma, Charlotte, Benjamin and Emily entered the waiting_room.
43 Charlotte publicly claimed that apple is in the blue_cupboard.
44 Emma saw a monkey.
45 Emily privately told Benjamin that the apple is in the green_bottle.
| green_bucket |
1 | VP | A. green_bottle, B. blue_bottle, C. blue_pantry, D. red_pantry, E. blue_bucket, F. green_pantry, G. green_bathtub, H. blue_container, I. green_basket, J. blue_suitcase, K. green_treasure_chest, L. blue_treasure_chest, M. red_envelope, N. blue_cupboard, O. green_bucket | true | 1,130 | Where does Abigail really think the spinach is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Abigail, Amelia, Jack, Benjamin and Isla entered the sunroom.
2 The spinach is in the green_pantry.
3 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
4 Abigail exited the sunroom.
5 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
6 Amelia exited the sunroom.
7 Jack made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
8 Jack exited the sunroom.
9 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
10 Benjamin exited the sunroom.
11 Abigail dislikes the spinach.
12 Isla moved the spinach to the green_pantry.
13 Isla exited the sunroom.
14 Abigail, Amelia, Jack, Benjamin and Isla entered the waiting_room.
15 Jack publicly claimed that spinach is in the green_pantry.
16 Isla privately told Jack that the spinach is in the blue_suitcase.
17 Abigail, Isla and Jack entered the patio.
18 The persimmon is in the blue_bottle.
19 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
20 Abigail exited the patio.
21 Isla made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
22 Isla exited the patio.
23 Jack moved the persimmon to the green_bottle.
24 Jack exited the patio.
25 Abigail, Isla and Jack entered the waiting_room.
26 Benjamin, Isla, Amelia and Jack entered the front_yard.
27 The tangerine is in the blue_treasure_chest.
28 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
29 Benjamin exited the front_yard.
30 Isla made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
31 Isla exited the front_yard.
32 Amelia moved the tangerine to the green_bucket.
33 Amelia exited the front_yard.
34 Jack moved the tangerine to the blue_cupboard.
35 Jack exited the front_yard.
36 Benjamin, Isla, Amelia and Jack entered the waiting_room.
37 Isla publicly claimed that tangerine is in the green_treasure_chest.
38 Jack privately told Amelia that the tangerine is in the green_bucket.
| green_pantry |
1 | VP | A. red_basket, B. red_container, C. blue_bottle, D. green_basket, E. red_pantry, F. blue_crate, G. green_bathtub, H. blue_pantry, I. blue_container, J. blue_suitcase, K. red_crate, L. green_pantry, M. green_box, N. red_drawer, O. green_cupboard | true | 1,131 | Where does Avery really think the spinach is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Isabella, Avery, Hannah, Noah and Nathan entered the dining_room.
2 The spinach is in the green_pantry.
3 Isabella made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute.
4 Isabella exited the dining_room.
5 Avery moved the spinach to the red_crate.
6 Avery exited the dining_room.
7 Hannah moved the spinach to the green_cupboard.
8 Hannah exited the dining_room.
9 Noah made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute.
10 Noah exited the dining_room.
11 Nathan moved the spinach to the green_pantry.
12 Nathan exited the dining_room.
13 Isabella, Avery, Hannah, Noah and Nathan entered the waiting_room.
14 Hannah lost his gloves.
15 Hannah privately told Isabella that the spinach is in the green_cupboard.
16 Avery privately told Noah that the spinach is in the green_pantry.
17 Avery, Noah and Hannah entered the garage.
18 Hannah saw a mouse.
19 The onion is in the red_basket.
20 Avery made no movements and stayed in the garage for 1 minute.
21 Avery exited the garage.
22 Noah made no movements and stayed in the garage for 1 minute.
23 Noah exited the garage.
24 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the garage for 1 minute.
25 Hannah exited the garage.
26 Avery, Noah and Hannah entered the waiting_room.
27 Isabella likes the green_basket.
28 Isabella, Nathan, Noah and Avery entered the dining_room.
29 The cherry is in the red_crate.
30 Isabella moved the cherry to the green_pantry.
31 Isabella exited the dining_room.
32 Nathan moved the cherry to the green_box.
33 Nathan exited the dining_room.
34 Noah made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute.
35 Noah exited the dining_room.
36 Avery made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute.
37 Avery exited the dining_room.
38 Isabella, Nathan, Noah and Avery entered the waiting_room.
39 Isabella publicly claimed that cherry is in the green_pantry.
40 Avery privately told Hannah that the cherry is in the green_box.
| green_pantry |
1 | VP | A. blue_bottle, B. green_crate, C. red_bucket, D. blue_bucket, E. red_box, F. red_bottle, G. red_envelope, H. green_bucket, I. green_pantry, J. green_basket, K. blue_pantry, L. green_cupboard, M. blue_drawer, N. red_basket, O. green_drawer | true | 1,132 | Where does Mila really think the onion is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Mila saw a cat.
2 Jack, Abigail, Emily, Lily and Mila entered the master_bedroom.
3 Emily lost his watch.
4 The onion is in the green_crate.
5 Jack made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
6 Jack exited the master_bedroom.
7 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
8 Abigail exited the master_bedroom.
9 Emily made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
10 Emily exited the master_bedroom.
11 Lily moved the onion to the blue_bucket.
12 Lily exited the master_bedroom.
13 Mila made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
14 Mila exited the master_bedroom.
15 Jack, Abigail, Emily, Lily and Mila entered the waiting_room.
16 Lily publicly claimed that onion is in the blue_bucket.
17 Mila privately told Jack that the onion is in the blue_bucket.
18 Mila, Abigail and Emily entered the porch.
19 The pear is in the red_bottle.
20 Mila moved the pear to the green_pantry.
21 Mila exited the porch.
22 Abigail moved the pear to the green_basket.
23 Abigail exited the porch.
24 Emily made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
25 Emily exited the porch.
26 Mila, Abigail and Emily entered the waiting_room.
27 Abigail, Lily, Mila and Emily entered the master_bedroom.
28 The onion is in the blue_bucket.
29 Abigail moved the onion to the red_bucket.
30 Abigail exited the master_bedroom.
31 Lily made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
32 Lily exited the master_bedroom.
33 Mila made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
34 Mila exited the master_bedroom.
35 Emily moved the onion to the green_crate.
36 Emily exited the master_bedroom.
37 Abigail, Lily, Mila and Emily entered the waiting_room.
38 Lily privately told Mila that the onion is in the green_crate.
39 Emily privately told Jack that the onion is in the green_crate.
| red_bucket |
1 | VP | A. blue_suitcase, B. red_bottle, C. red_basket, D. blue_cupboard, E. blue_treasure_chest, F. blue_drawer, G. blue_crate, H. green_envelope, I. blue_pantry, J. green_basket, K. red_drawer, L. red_envelope, M. green_crate, N. red_pantry, O. red_container | true | 1,133 | Where does Abigail really think the carrot is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Nathan, Emma, Avery, Isabella and Abigail entered the front_yard.
2 Abigail saw a mouse.
3 The carrot is in the red_envelope.
4 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
5 Nathan exited the front_yard.
6 Avery saw a dog.
7 Emma made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
8 Emma exited the front_yard.
9 Avery made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
10 Avery exited the front_yard.
11 Isabella moved the carrot to the red_container.
12 Isabella exited the front_yard.
13 Abigail moved the carrot to the red_envelope.
14 Abigail exited the front_yard.
15 Nathan, Emma, Avery, Isabella and Abigail entered the waiting_room.
16 Isabella publicly claimed that carrot is in the red_envelope.
17 Abigail privately told Nathan that the carrot is in the red_envelope.
18 Emma, Avery and Abigail entered the lounge.
19 Nathan saw a cat.
20 The eggplant is in the blue_drawer.
21 Emma made no movements and stayed in the lounge for 1 minute.
22 Emma exited the lounge.
23 Avery moved the eggplant to the blue_pantry.
24 Avery exited the lounge.
25 Abigail moved the eggplant to the green_basket.
26 Abigail exited the lounge.
27 Emma, Avery and Abigail entered the waiting_room.
28 Emma, Abigail, Avery and Isabella entered the front_yard.
29 The carrot is in the red_envelope.
30 Emma moved the carrot to the red_drawer.
31 Emma exited the front_yard.
32 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
33 Abigail exited the front_yard.
34 Avery made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
35 Avery exited the front_yard.
36 Isabella moved the carrot to the green_crate.
37 Isabella exited the front_yard.
38 Emma, Abigail, Avery and Isabella entered the waiting_room.
39 Emma publicly claimed that carrot is in the red_container.
40 Isabella privately told Nathan that the carrot is in the green_crate.
| red_drawer |
1 | VP | A. red_container, B. blue_crate, C. green_crate, D. blue_pantry, E. green_treasure_chest, F. blue_cupboard, G. green_bottle, H. blue_suitcase, I. green_box, J. blue_bucket, K. red_envelope, L. red_bucket, M. red_crate, N. red_pantry, O. green_cupboard | true | 1,134 | Where does Abigail really think the peach is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Abigail, Aiden, Benjamin, Sophia and Isla entered the hallway.
2 The peach is in the red_bucket.
3 Aiden likes the red_crate.
4 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
5 Abigail exited the hallway.
6 Aiden moved the peach to the red_pantry.
7 Aiden exited the hallway.
8 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
9 Benjamin exited the hallway.
10 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
11 Sophia exited the hallway.
12 Isla moved the peach to the red_bucket.
13 Isla exited the hallway.
14 Abigail, Aiden, Benjamin, Sophia and Isla entered the waiting_room.
15 Benjamin privately told Abigail that the peach is in the red_pantry.
16 Aiden privately told Sophia that the peach is in the red_envelope.
17 Benjamin, Isla and Abigail entered the hallway.
18 The peach is in the red_bucket.
19 Benjamin moved the peach to the red_crate.
20 Benjamin exited the hallway.
21 Isla made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
22 Isla exited the hallway.
23 Benjamin dislikes the watermelon.
24 Abigail moved the peach to the red_pantry.
25 Abigail exited the hallway.
26 Benjamin, Isla and Abigail entered the waiting_room.
27 Isla, Aiden, Abigail and Benjamin entered the hallway.
28 The plum is in the red_envelope.
29 Isla dislikes the tangerine.
30 Isla moved the plum to the red_pantry.
31 Isla exited the hallway.
32 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
33 Abigail saw a monkey.
34 Aiden exited the hallway.
35 Abigail moved the plum to the green_cupboard.
36 Abigail exited the hallway.
37 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
38 Benjamin exited the hallway.
39 Isla, Aiden, Abigail and Benjamin entered the waiting_room.
40 Isla publicly claimed that plum is in the red_bucket.
41 Benjamin privately told Sophia that the plum is in the green_cupboard.
| red_pantry |
1 | VP | A. blue_container, B. green_crate, C. green_bottle, D. green_basket, E. red_crate, F. green_envelope, G. blue_bottle, H. red_container, I. blue_bucket, J. blue_cupboard, K. red_envelope, L. green_box, M. red_box, N. green_drawer, O. blue_treasure_chest | true | 1,135 | Where does Aiden really think the cherry is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Aiden saw a cat.
2 Owen, Avery, Noah, Aiden and Ella entered the front_yard.
3 The cherry is in the green_envelope.
4 Noah likes the green_envelope.
5 Owen moved the cherry to the blue_bucket.
6 Owen exited the front_yard.
7 Avery lost his phone.
8 Avery made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
9 Avery exited the front_yard.
10 Noah made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
11 Noah exited the front_yard.
12 Aiden moved the cherry to the blue_cupboard.
13 Aiden exited the front_yard.
14 Ella made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
15 Ella exited the front_yard.
16 Owen, Avery, Noah, Aiden and Ella entered the waiting_room.
17 Noah publicly claimed that cherry is in the green_envelope.
18 Ella privately told Noah that the cherry is in the blue_bottle.
19 Aiden, Avery and Owen entered the bedroom.
20 The lettuce is in the green_box.
21 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
22 Aiden exited the bedroom.
23 Avery moved the lettuce to the red_envelope.
24 Avery exited the bedroom.
25 Owen made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
26 Owen exited the bedroom.
27 Aiden, Avery and Owen entered the waiting_room.
28 Owen, Ella, Aiden and Avery entered the bedroom.
29 The lettuce is in the red_envelope.
30 Owen made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
31 Owen exited the bedroom.
32 Ella made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
33 Ella exited the bedroom.
34 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
35 Aiden exited the bedroom.
36 Avery moved the lettuce to the blue_treasure_chest.
37 Avery exited the bedroom.
38 Owen, Ella, Aiden and Avery entered the waiting_room.
39 Ella privately told Aiden that the lettuce is in the red_box.
40 Avery privately told Noah that the lettuce is in the blue_treasure_chest.
| blue_cupboard |
1 | VP | A. green_basket, B. green_crate, C. blue_pantry, D. red_bottle, E. red_container, F. blue_crate, G. blue_treasure_chest, H. green_treasure_chest, I. red_drawer, J. green_pantry, K. green_bottle, L. blue_cupboard, M. green_bucket, N. red_basket, O. green_envelope | true | 1,136 | Where does William really think the turnip is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Sophia, Liam, William, Hannah and Benjamin entered the porch.
2 The turnip is in the green_crate.
3 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
4 Sophia exited the porch.
5 Liam moved the turnip to the blue_pantry.
6 Liam exited the porch.
7 William moved the turnip to the red_bottle.
8 William exited the porch.
9 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
10 Hannah exited the porch.
11 William saw a monkey.
12 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
13 Benjamin exited the porch.
14 Sophia, Liam, William, Hannah and Benjamin entered the waiting_room.
15 Sophia saw a mouse.
16 William privately told Sophia that the turnip is in the red_bottle.
17 Liam privately told Hannah that the turnip is in the green_crate.
18 Sophia, Benjamin and Hannah entered the porch.
19 The turnip is in the red_bottle.
20 Sophia moved the turnip to the green_basket.
21 Sophia exited the porch.
22 Benjamin moved the turnip to the green_crate.
23 Benjamin exited the porch.
24 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
25 Hannah exited the porch.
26 Sophia, Benjamin and Hannah entered the waiting_room.
27 William, Sophia, Liam and Hannah entered the attic.
28 The tomato is in the green_bottle.
29 William moved the tomato to the red_basket.
30 William exited the attic.
31 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the attic for 1 minute.
32 Sophia exited the attic.
33 Liam made no movements and stayed in the attic for 1 minute.
34 Liam exited the attic.
35 Hannah moved the tomato to the green_envelope.
36 William saw a mouse.
37 Hannah exited the attic.
38 William, Sophia, Liam and Hannah entered the waiting_room.
39 Sophia saw a dog.
40 Liam publicly claimed that tomato is in the green_bucket.
41 William privately told Hannah that the tomato is in the red_basket.
| red_bottle |
1 | VP | A. blue_crate, B. blue_cupboard, C. green_bottle, D. red_pantry, E. green_box, F. green_bucket, G. green_crate, H. green_basket, I. green_treasure_chest, J. green_envelope, K. blue_drawer, L. green_bathtub, M. red_container, N. green_pantry, O. red_bucket | true | 1,137 | Where does Carter really think the cabbage is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Avery, Aiden, Carter, William and Charlotte entered the office.
2 The cabbage is in the green_bucket.
3 Avery made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
4 Avery exited the office.
5 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
6 Aiden exited the office.
7 Carter made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
8 Carter exited the office.
9 William made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
10 William exited the office.
11 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
12 Charlotte exited the office.
13 Avery, Aiden, Carter, William and Charlotte entered the waiting_room.
14 William publicly claimed that cabbage is in the green_envelope.
15 Charlotte privately told Avery that the cabbage is in the green_bucket.
16 Carter, Charlotte and Avery entered the office.
17 The spinach is in the green_crate.
18 Carter moved the spinach to the green_treasure_chest.
19 Carter exited the office.
20 Charlotte moved the spinach to the green_bucket.
21 Charlotte exited the office.
22 Avery made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
23 Avery exited the office.
24 Carter, Charlotte and Avery entered the waiting_room.
25 Aiden, Charlotte, Avery and William entered the office.
26 The cabbage is in the green_bucket.
27 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
28 Aiden exited the office.
29 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
30 Charlotte exited the office.
31 William lost his phone.
32 Avery moved the cabbage to the green_crate.
33 Avery exited the office.
34 William made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
35 William exited the office.
36 Aiden, Charlotte, Avery and William entered the waiting_room.
37 Aiden publicly claimed that cabbage is in the green_basket.
38 William privately told Carter that the cabbage is in the green_crate.
| green_crate |
1 | VP | A. green_envelope, B. blue_bathtub, C. red_pantry, D. red_crate, E. green_crate, F. red_basket, G. blue_treasure_chest, H. green_box, I. blue_cupboard, J. red_bottle, K. green_pantry, L. blue_container, M. red_bucket, N. green_basket, O. green_bucket | true | 1,138 | Where does William really think the cherry is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Avery, Ava, William, Logan and Amelia entered the cellar.
2 The cherry is in the blue_container.
3 Avery made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
4 Avery exited the cellar.
5 Ava made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
6 Ava exited the cellar.
7 William made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
8 Ava dislikes the beans.
9 William exited the cellar.
10 Logan moved the cherry to the green_bucket.
11 Logan exited the cellar.
12 William likes the green_bucket.
13 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
14 Amelia exited the cellar.
15 Avery, Ava, William, Logan and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
16 William publicly claimed that cherry is in the blue_container.
17 Amelia privately told William that the cherry is in the green_pantry.
18 Logan, Amelia and William entered the cellar.
19 The cherry is in the green_bucket.
20 Logan moved the cherry to the green_pantry.
21 Logan exited the cellar.
22 Amelia moved the cherry to the green_basket.
23 Amelia exited the cellar.
24 William made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
25 William exited the cellar.
26 Logan, Amelia and William entered the waiting_room.
27 Logan, Avery, Ava and Amelia entered the cellar.
28 The cherry is in the green_basket.
29 Logan made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
30 Logan exited the cellar.
31 Avery made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
32 Avery exited the cellar.
33 Ava moved the cherry to the green_bucket.
34 Ava exited the cellar.
35 Amelia moved the cherry to the blue_container.
36 Amelia exited the cellar.
37 Logan, Avery, Ava and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
38 Ava publicly claimed that cherry is in the green_basket.
39 Logan privately told Amelia that the cherry is in the blue_container.
| green_basket |
1 | VP | A. blue_bottle, B. green_bucket, C. blue_bathtub, D. red_bottle, E. blue_treasure_chest, F. green_pantry, G. red_drawer, H. blue_pantry, I. red_envelope, J. blue_cupboard, K. red_basket, L. red_box, M. green_box, N. green_crate, O. blue_bucket | true | 1,139 | Where does Owen really think the turnip is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Carter, Mila, Owen, Avery and Isla entered the sunroom.
2 The turnip is in the green_pantry.
3 Carter made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
4 Carter exited the sunroom.
5 Mila made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
6 Mila exited the sunroom.
7 Owen moved the turnip to the blue_cupboard.
8 Owen exited the sunroom.
9 Avery moved the turnip to the red_envelope.
10 Avery exited the sunroom.
11 Isla made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
12 Isla exited the sunroom.
13 Carter, Mila, Owen, Avery and Isla entered the waiting_room.
14 Avery publicly claimed that turnip is in the blue_pantry.
15 Isla privately told Carter that the turnip is in the red_envelope.
16 Isla, Avery and Carter entered the back_yard.
17 The persimmon is in the red_basket.
18 Isla made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
19 Isla exited the back_yard.
20 Avery made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
21 Avery exited the back_yard.
22 Carter moved the persimmon to the red_box.
23 Carter exited the back_yard.
24 Isla, Avery and Carter entered the waiting_room.
25 Avery, Isla, Carter and Owen entered the back_yard.
26 Isla lost his watch.
27 The grapes is in the red_box.
28 Avery moved the grapes to the green_box.
29 Avery exited the back_yard.
30 Isla made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
31 Isla exited the back_yard.
32 Carter made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
33 Carter exited the back_yard.
34 Owen made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
35 Owen exited the back_yard.
36 Avery, Isla, Carter and Owen entered the waiting_room.
37 Carter publicly claimed that grapes is in the blue_bucket.
38 Avery saw a dog.
39 Avery privately told Owen that the grapes is in the red_basket.
| blue_pantry |
2 | VP | A. blue_crate, B. green_drawer, C. red_basket, D. blue_drawer, E. green_bathtub, F. blue_bottle, G. green_pantry, H. red_envelope, I. blue_cupboard, J. green_envelope, K. red_crate, L. blue_suitcase, M. green_bottle, N. red_bucket, O. red_pantry | true | 1,140 | Where does Jackson think Jack thinks the peas is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Logan, Jackson, Jack, Emily and Isabella entered the hallway.
2 The peas is in the blue_suitcase.
3 Logan made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
4 Logan exited the hallway.
5 Jackson made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
6 Jack likes the blue_crate.
7 Jackson exited the hallway.
8 Jack moved the peas to the red_crate.
9 Jack exited the hallway.
10 Emily moved the peas to the green_bottle.
11 Emily exited the hallway.
12 Isabella made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
13 Jackson dislikes the turnip.
14 Isabella exited the hallway.
15 Logan, Jackson, Jack, Emily and Isabella entered the waiting_room.
16 Emily publicly claimed that peas is in the blue_suitcase.
17 Isabella privately told Logan that the peas is in the green_bottle.
18 Isabella, Emily and Logan entered the attic.
19 The potato is in the green_drawer.
20 Isabella moved the potato to the red_basket.
21 Isabella exited the attic.
22 Jackson dislikes the cucumber.
23 Emily moved the potato to the green_bathtub.
24 Emily exited the attic.
25 Logan moved the potato to the blue_crate.
26 Logan exited the attic.
27 Isabella, Emily and Logan entered the waiting_room.
28 Jack, Isabella, Emily and Logan entered the patio.
29 The cherry is in the blue_bottle.
30 Jack made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
31 Jack exited the patio.
32 Isabella moved the cherry to the green_envelope.
33 Isabella exited the patio.
34 Emily made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
35 Emily exited the patio.
36 Logan moved the cherry to the blue_cupboard.
37 Logan exited the patio.
38 Emily dislikes the peas.
39 Jack, Isabella, Emily and Logan entered the waiting_room.
40 Isabella privately told Emily that the cherry is in the blue_cupboard.
41 Logan privately told Jackson that the cherry is in the blue_cupboard.
| blue_suitcase |
2 | VP | A. blue_treasure_chest, B. green_treasure_chest, C. blue_bottle, D. blue_suitcase, E. green_envelope, F. blue_drawer, G. blue_bucket, H. green_box, I. red_envelope, J. red_box, K. green_pantry, L. blue_bathtub, M. green_basket, N. green_cupboard, O. green_bucket | true | 1,141 | Where does Owen think Aiden thinks the melon is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Owen dislikes the pear.
2 Ella, Owen, Isla, Aiden and Evelyn entered the back_yard.
3 The melon is in the blue_treasure_chest.
4 Ella likes the blue_suitcase.
5 Ella moved the melon to the blue_bottle.
6 Ella exited the back_yard.
7 Owen moved the melon to the green_envelope.
8 Owen exited the back_yard.
9 Isla made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
10 Isla exited the back_yard.
11 Aiden moved the melon to the blue_suitcase.
12 Aiden exited the back_yard.
13 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
14 Evelyn exited the back_yard.
15 Ella, Owen, Isla, Aiden and Evelyn entered the waiting_room.
16 Isla privately told Ella that the melon is in the green_treasure_chest.
17 Owen privately told Aiden that the melon is in the blue_suitcase.
18 Owen, Aiden and Ella entered the back_yard.
19 The lemon is in the green_treasure_chest.
20 Owen moved the lemon to the blue_treasure_chest.
21 Owen exited the back_yard.
22 Owen dislikes the pear.
23 Aiden moved the lemon to the blue_suitcase.
24 Aiden exited the back_yard.
25 Ella made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
26 Ella exited the back_yard.
27 Owen, Aiden and Ella entered the waiting_room.
28 Ella, Isla, Owen and Aiden entered the front_yard.
29 The banana is in the green_pantry.
30 Ella moved the banana to the green_basket.
31 Ella exited the front_yard.
32 Isla moved the banana to the blue_bathtub.
33 Isla exited the front_yard.
34 Owen made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
35 Owen exited the front_yard.
36 Aiden moved the banana to the green_cupboard.
37 Aiden exited the front_yard.
38 Aiden lost his watch.
39 Ella, Isla, Owen and Aiden entered the waiting_room.
40 Ella publicly claimed that banana is in the green_basket.
41 Aiden privately told Evelyn that the banana is in the green_cupboard.
| blue_suitcase |
2 | VP | A. green_bottle, B. green_drawer, C. green_box, D. green_bucket, E. blue_crate, F. green_bathtub, G. blue_suitcase, H. red_pantry, I. blue_bucket, J. blue_bathtub, K. red_container, L. blue_drawer, M. red_drawer, N. red_crate, O. green_crate | true | 1,142 | Where does Jackson think Jacob thinks the spinach is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Ella saw a mouse.
2 Jackson, Jack, Ella, Jacob and Amelia entered the laundry.
3 The spinach is in the red_container.
4 Jackson moved the spinach to the green_crate.
5 Jackson exited the laundry.
6 Jack moved the spinach to the blue_drawer.
7 Jack exited the laundry.
8 Ella moved the spinach to the red_drawer.
9 Ella exited the laundry.
10 Jacob made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
11 Jacob exited the laundry.
12 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
13 Amelia exited the laundry.
14 Jackson, Jack, Ella, Jacob and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
15 Ella privately told Jackson that the spinach is in the red_crate.
16 Jack privately told Jacob that the spinach is in the red_drawer.
17 Jackson, Jacob and Ella entered the laundry.
18 The spinach is in the red_drawer.
19 Jackson moved the spinach to the green_crate.
20 Jackson exited the laundry.
21 Jacob made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
22 Jacob exited the laundry.
23 Amelia dislikes the tomato.
24 Ella made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
25 Ella exited the laundry.
26 Amelia likes the red_crate.
27 Jackson, Jacob and Ella entered the waiting_room.
28 Jacob likes the red_pantry.
29 Amelia, Jacob, Ella and Jack entered the patio.
30 The tomato is in the green_drawer.
31 Amelia moved the tomato to the green_bottle.
32 Amelia exited the patio.
33 Jacob made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
34 Jacob exited the patio.
35 Ella moved the tomato to the green_bucket.
36 Ella exited the patio.
37 Jack made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
38 Jack exited the patio.
39 Amelia, Jacob, Ella and Jack entered the waiting_room.
40 Amelia publicly claimed that tomato is in the green_box.
41 Jack privately told Jackson that the tomato is in the green_bucket.
| red_drawer |
2 | VP | A. green_basket, B. red_container, C. red_bottle, D. green_cupboard, E. blue_bucket, F. green_bottle, G. green_envelope, H. green_box, I. red_envelope, J. green_drawer, K. red_drawer, L. blue_container, M. blue_bottle, N. green_treasure_chest, O. blue_pantry | true | 1,143 | Where does Nathan think Amelia thinks the corn is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Nathan, Lily, Amelia, Alexander and Abigail entered the hallway.
2 The corn is in the green_bottle.
3 Nathan moved the corn to the red_envelope.
4 Abigail saw a cat.
5 Nathan exited the hallway.
6 Lily moved the corn to the green_envelope.
7 Lily exited the hallway.
8 Amelia moved the corn to the green_drawer.
9 Amelia exited the hallway.
10 Alexander moved the corn to the green_box.
11 Alexander exited the hallway.
12 Abigail moved the corn to the green_bottle.
13 Abigail exited the hallway.
14 Nathan, Lily, Amelia, Alexander and Abigail entered the waiting_room.
15 Amelia publicly claimed that corn is in the green_bottle.
16 Abigail privately told Amelia that the corn is in the green_envelope.
17 Nathan, Abigail and Amelia entered the lounge.
18 The tangerine is in the red_drawer.
19 Nathan moved the tangerine to the blue_pantry.
20 Nathan exited the lounge.
21 Abigail moved the tangerine to the green_treasure_chest.
22 Abigail exited the lounge.
23 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the lounge for 1 minute.
24 Amelia exited the lounge.
25 Nathan, Abigail and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
26 Amelia, Alexander, Lily and Nathan entered the bedroom.
27 The green_pepper is in the green_basket.
28 Amelia moved the green_pepper to the green_cupboard.
29 Amelia exited the bedroom.
30 Alexander made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
31 Alexander exited the bedroom.
32 Lily moved the green_pepper to the red_container.
33 Lily exited the bedroom.
34 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
35 Nathan exited the bedroom.
36 Amelia, Alexander, Lily and Nathan entered the waiting_room.
37 Lily publicly claimed that green_pepper is in the green_basket.
38 Amelia privately told Nathan that the green_pepper is in the green_cupboard.
| green_bottle |
2 | VP | A. blue_container, B. green_pantry, C. blue_bottle, D. blue_drawer, E. red_pantry, F. green_drawer, G. green_bucket, H. red_basket, I. red_envelope, J. red_container, K. red_box, L. green_envelope, M. blue_bucket, N. green_bottle, O. green_box | true | 1,144 | Where does Jackson think Sophia thinks the sweet_potato is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Sophia, Noah, Avery, Hannah and Jackson entered the front_yard.
2 The sweet_potato is in the red_box.
3 Sophia moved the sweet_potato to the green_bottle.
4 Sophia exited the front_yard.
5 Noah made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
6 Noah dislikes the melon.
7 Noah exited the front_yard.
8 Avery likes the green_pantry.
9 Avery made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
10 Avery exited the front_yard.
11 Hannah moved the sweet_potato to the green_box.
12 Hannah exited the front_yard.
13 Jackson moved the sweet_potato to the red_box.
14 Jackson exited the front_yard.
15 Sophia, Noah, Avery, Hannah and Jackson entered the waiting_room.
16 Hannah publicly claimed that sweet_potato is in the green_bottle.
17 Jackson privately told Sophia that the sweet_potato is in the red_box.
18 Hannah, Jackson and Sophia entered the front_yard.
19 The orange is in the green_envelope.
20 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
21 Hannah exited the front_yard.
22 Jackson moved the orange to the red_box.
23 Jackson exited the front_yard.
24 Sophia moved the orange to the blue_bucket.
25 Sophia exited the front_yard.
26 Hannah, Jackson and Sophia entered the waiting_room.
27 Noah, Jackson, Avery and Hannah entered the basement.
28 The peach is in the green_bucket.
29 Noah moved the peach to the red_envelope.
30 Noah exited the basement.
31 Jackson moved the peach to the red_container.
32 Jackson exited the basement.
33 Avery made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute.
34 Avery exited the basement.
35 Hannah moved the peach to the red_basket.
36 Hannah exited the basement.
37 Hannah likes the blue_bottle.
38 Noah, Jackson, Avery and Hannah entered the waiting_room.
39 Jackson publicly claimed that peach is in the red_container.
40 Hannah privately told Avery that the peach is in the red_basket.
| red_box |
2 | VP | A. green_box, B. red_container, C. blue_bucket, D. blue_bottle, E. blue_container, F. blue_cupboard, G. blue_treasure_chest, H. blue_suitcase, I. red_bucket, J. blue_crate, K. green_envelope, L. red_crate, M. green_cupboard, N. blue_bathtub, O. green_bucket | true | 1,145 | Where does Isabella think Owen thinks the orange is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Hannah, Jacob, Jackson, Isabella and Owen entered the laundry.
2 The orange is in the green_box.
3 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
4 Hannah exited the laundry.
5 Hannah saw a monkey.
6 Jacob moved the orange to the blue_bottle.
7 Jackson saw a dog.
8 Jacob exited the laundry.
9 Jackson moved the orange to the red_container.
10 Jackson exited the laundry.
11 Isabella made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
12 Isabella exited the laundry.
13 Owen made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
14 Owen exited the laundry.
15 Hannah, Jacob, Jackson, Isabella and Owen entered the waiting_room.
16 Isabella publicly claimed that orange is in the blue_bucket.
17 Owen privately told Hannah that the orange is in the red_container.
18 Isabella, Jackson and Owen entered the lounge.
19 The green_pepper is in the green_envelope.
20 Isabella made no movements and stayed in the lounge for 1 minute.
21 Isabella exited the lounge.
22 Jackson made no movements and stayed in the lounge for 1 minute.
23 Jackson exited the lounge.
24 Owen made no movements and stayed in the lounge for 1 minute.
25 Hannah lost his watch.
26 Owen exited the lounge.
27 Isabella, Jackson and Owen entered the waiting_room.
28 Owen, Jackson, Isabella and Hannah entered the laundry.
29 The orange is in the red_container.
30 Owen made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
31 Owen exited the laundry.
32 Jackson made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
33 Jackson exited the laundry.
34 Isabella moved the orange to the blue_bucket.
35 Isabella exited the laundry.
36 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
37 Jacob saw a dog.
38 Hannah exited the laundry.
39 Isabella lost his watch.
40 Owen, Jackson, Isabella and Hannah entered the waiting_room.
41 Jackson publicly claimed that orange is in the red_container.
42 Owen lost his watch.
43 Hannah privately told Isabella that the orange is in the blue_bottle.
| red_container |
2 | VP | A. green_bottle, B. blue_crate, C. red_basket, D. green_envelope, E. green_treasure_chest, F. blue_drawer, G. blue_suitcase, H. blue_bottle, I. green_pantry, J. red_box, K. green_drawer, L. blue_bucket, M. blue_cupboard, N. green_crate, O. blue_container | true | 1,146 | Where does Sophia think Amelia thinks the lime is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Benjamin, Isabella, Chloe, Amelia and Sophia entered the porch.
2 The lime is in the green_bottle.
3 Benjamin moved the lime to the green_treasure_chest.
4 Benjamin exited the porch.
5 Isabella moved the lime to the blue_crate.
6 Isabella exited the porch.
7 Chloe moved the lime to the green_envelope.
8 Chloe exited the porch.
9 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
10 Amelia exited the porch.
11 Sophia moved the lime to the green_bottle.
12 Chloe lost his phone.
13 Sophia exited the porch.
14 Benjamin, Isabella, Chloe, Amelia and Sophia entered the waiting_room.
15 Amelia publicly claimed that lime is in the green_bottle.
16 Sophia privately told Benjamin that the lime is in the green_bottle.
17 Isabella, Sophia and Amelia entered the laundry.
18 The beans is in the blue_suitcase.
19 Isabella moved the beans to the blue_bottle.
20 Isabella exited the laundry.
21 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
22 Sophia exited the laundry.
23 Benjamin dislikes the persimmon.
24 Amelia moved the beans to the red_box.
25 Amelia lost his gloves.
26 Amelia exited the laundry.
27 Isabella, Sophia and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
28 Benjamin, Sophia, Chloe and Amelia entered the laundry.
29 The beans is in the red_box.
30 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
31 Isabella saw a dog.
32 Benjamin exited the laundry.
33 Sophia moved the beans to the blue_drawer.
34 Sophia exited the laundry.
35 Chloe moved the beans to the blue_bottle.
36 Chloe exited the laundry.
37 Amelia moved the beans to the green_pantry.
38 Amelia exited the laundry.
39 Benjamin, Sophia, Chloe and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
40 Sophia publicly claimed that beans is in the red_box.
41 Amelia privately told Chloe that the beans is in the green_pantry.
| green_bottle |
2 | VP | A. blue_pantry, B. red_box, C. red_envelope, D. green_envelope, E. green_drawer, F. blue_treasure_chest, G. blue_container, H. green_bucket, I. green_basket, J. red_drawer, K. red_pantry, L. green_treasure_chest, M. red_bucket, N. green_box, O. blue_crate | true | 1,147 | Where does Amelia think Chloe thinks the carrot is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Avery, Amelia, Jack, Chloe and Sophia entered the garage.
2 The carrot is in the red_pantry.
3 Avery moved the carrot to the red_bucket.
4 Amelia lost his phone.
5 Avery exited the garage.
6 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the garage for 1 minute.
7 Jack lost his phone.
8 Amelia exited the garage.
9 Jack moved the carrot to the blue_crate.
10 Jack exited the garage.
11 Chloe moved the carrot to the green_box.
12 Chloe exited the garage.
13 Avery dislikes the cherry.
14 Sophia moved the carrot to the red_pantry.
15 Sophia exited the garage.
16 Avery, Amelia, Jack, Chloe and Sophia entered the waiting_room.
17 Amelia saw a cat.
18 Jack publicly claimed that carrot is in the green_treasure_chest.
19 Sophia privately told Jack that the carrot is in the green_box.
20 Chloe, Sophia and Amelia entered the closet.
21 The lettuce is in the red_box.
22 Chloe made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
23 Chloe exited the closet.
24 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
25 Sophia exited the closet.
26 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
27 Amelia exited the closet.
28 Chloe, Sophia and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
29 Chloe, Sophia, Avery and Jack entered the closet.
30 The watermelon is in the blue_pantry.
31 Chloe made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
32 Chloe exited the closet.
33 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
34 Sophia exited the closet.
35 Avery likes the red_pantry.
36 Avery made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
37 Avery exited the closet.
38 Jack made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
39 Jack exited the closet.
40 Jack dislikes the watermelon.
41 Chloe, Sophia, Avery and Jack entered the waiting_room.
42 Sophia publicly claimed that watermelon is in the red_envelope.
43 Jack privately told Avery that the watermelon is in the blue_pantry.
| red_bucket |
2 | VP | A. blue_bucket, B. red_drawer, C. green_bathtub, D. green_treasure_chest, E. blue_treasure_chest, F. blue_bottle, G. green_bucket, H. blue_cupboard, I. blue_container, J. red_envelope, K. blue_drawer, L. green_pantry, M. red_basket, N. red_crate, O. green_crate | true | 1,148 | Where does Carter think Isla thinks the watermelon is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Nathan, Elizabeth, Carter, Jacob and Isla entered the kitchen.
2 The watermelon is in the blue_bottle.
3 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute.
4 Nathan exited the kitchen.
5 Elizabeth moved the watermelon to the red_envelope.
6 Elizabeth exited the kitchen.
7 Carter moved the watermelon to the blue_cupboard.
8 Carter exited the kitchen.
9 Jacob made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute.
10 Jacob exited the kitchen.
11 Isla made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute.
12 Carter dislikes the cherry.
13 Isla exited the kitchen.
14 Nathan, Elizabeth, Carter, Jacob and Isla entered the waiting_room.
15 Carter publicly claimed that watermelon is in the red_envelope.
16 Isla privately told Carter that the watermelon is in the blue_container.
17 Jacob, Carter and Elizabeth entered the kitchen.
18 The watermelon is in the blue_cupboard.
19 Jacob moved the watermelon to the red_envelope.
20 Jacob exited the kitchen.
21 Carter moved the watermelon to the green_bucket.
22 Carter exited the kitchen.
23 Elizabeth moved the watermelon to the blue_container.
24 Elizabeth exited the kitchen.
25 Jacob, Carter and Elizabeth entered the waiting_room.
26 Jacob, Isla, Elizabeth and Carter entered the porch.
27 The banana is in the red_drawer.
28 Jacob moved the banana to the blue_treasure_chest.
29 Isla likes the blue_bottle.
30 Jacob exited the porch.
31 Isla moved the banana to the green_treasure_chest.
32 Isla exited the porch.
33 Elizabeth moved the banana to the green_bathtub.
34 Elizabeth exited the porch.
35 Carter moved the banana to the blue_bucket.
36 Carter exited the porch.
37 Jacob, Isla, Elizabeth and Carter entered the waiting_room.
38 Isla privately told Elizabeth that the banana is in the red_drawer.
39 Carter privately told Nathan that the banana is in the blue_bucket.
| blue_container |
2 | VP | A. green_bathtub, B. green_bucket, C. green_box, D. red_pantry, E. red_envelope, F. green_cupboard, G. green_envelope, H. blue_bottle, I. green_treasure_chest, J. blue_container, K. green_bottle, L. green_crate, M. red_crate, N. blue_cupboard, O. red_box | true | 1,149 | Where does Emily think Mila thinks the persimmon is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Emily, Mila, Benjamin, Emma and Charlotte entered the back_yard.
2 Benjamin lost his phone.
3 The persimmon is in the green_bathtub.
4 Mila likes the red_envelope.
5 Emily moved the persimmon to the red_envelope.
6 Emily exited the back_yard.
7 Mila moved the persimmon to the green_box.
8 Emma lost his phone.
9 Mila exited the back_yard.
10 Benjamin moved the persimmon to the red_pantry.
11 Emily saw a dog.
12 Benjamin exited the back_yard.
13 Emma moved the persimmon to the green_bucket.
14 Emma exited the back_yard.
15 Charlotte moved the persimmon to the green_bathtub.
16 Charlotte exited the back_yard.
17 Emily, Mila, Benjamin, Emma and Charlotte entered the waiting_room.
18 Emma publicly claimed that persimmon is in the green_bucket.
19 Charlotte privately told Emily that the persimmon is in the green_bathtub.
20 Charlotte, Emma and Mila entered the garden.
21 The eggplant is in the green_crate.
22 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the garden for 1 minute.
23 Charlotte exited the garden.
24 Emma made no movements and stayed in the garden for 1 minute.
25 Emma lost his phone.
26 Emma exited the garden.
27 Mila moved the eggplant to the blue_cupboard.
28 Mila exited the garden.
29 Charlotte, Emma and Mila entered the waiting_room.
30 Emma, Charlotte, Benjamin and Emily entered the garden.
31 The apple is in the green_bottle.
32 Emma lost his gloves.
33 Emma made no movements and stayed in the garden for 1 minute.
34 Emma exited the garden.
35 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the garden for 1 minute.
36 Charlotte saw a cat.
37 Charlotte exited the garden.
38 Benjamin moved the apple to the green_crate.
39 Benjamin exited the garden.
40 Emily made no movements and stayed in the garden for 1 minute.
41 Emily exited the garden.
42 Emma, Charlotte, Benjamin and Emily entered the waiting_room.
43 Charlotte publicly claimed that apple is in the blue_cupboard.
44 Emma saw a monkey.
45 Emily privately told Benjamin that the apple is in the green_bottle.
| green_bathtub |
2 | VP | A. green_bottle, B. blue_bottle, C. blue_pantry, D. red_pantry, E. blue_bucket, F. green_pantry, G. green_bathtub, H. blue_container, I. green_basket, J. blue_suitcase, K. green_treasure_chest, L. blue_treasure_chest, M. red_envelope, N. blue_cupboard, O. green_bucket | true | 1,150 | Where does Benjamin think Abigail thinks the spinach is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Abigail, Amelia, Jack, Benjamin and Isla entered the sunroom.
2 The spinach is in the green_pantry.
3 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
4 Abigail exited the sunroom.
5 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
6 Amelia exited the sunroom.
7 Jack made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
8 Jack exited the sunroom.
9 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
10 Benjamin exited the sunroom.
11 Abigail dislikes the spinach.
12 Isla moved the spinach to the green_pantry.
13 Isla exited the sunroom.
14 Abigail, Amelia, Jack, Benjamin and Isla entered the waiting_room.
15 Jack publicly claimed that spinach is in the green_pantry.
16 Isla privately told Jack that the spinach is in the blue_suitcase.
17 Abigail, Isla and Jack entered the patio.
18 The persimmon is in the blue_bottle.
19 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
20 Abigail exited the patio.
21 Isla made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
22 Isla exited the patio.
23 Jack moved the persimmon to the green_bottle.
24 Jack exited the patio.
25 Abigail, Isla and Jack entered the waiting_room.
26 Benjamin, Isla, Amelia and Jack entered the front_yard.
27 The tangerine is in the blue_treasure_chest.
28 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
29 Benjamin exited the front_yard.
30 Isla made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
31 Isla exited the front_yard.
32 Amelia moved the tangerine to the green_bucket.
33 Amelia exited the front_yard.
34 Jack moved the tangerine to the blue_cupboard.
35 Jack exited the front_yard.
36 Benjamin, Isla, Amelia and Jack entered the waiting_room.
37 Isla publicly claimed that tangerine is in the green_treasure_chest.
38 Jack privately told Amelia that the tangerine is in the green_bucket.
| green_pantry |
2 | VP | A. red_basket, B. red_container, C. blue_bottle, D. green_basket, E. red_pantry, F. blue_crate, G. green_bathtub, H. blue_pantry, I. blue_container, J. blue_suitcase, K. red_crate, L. green_pantry, M. green_box, N. red_drawer, O. green_cupboard | true | 1,151 | Where does Hannah think Avery thinks the spinach is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Isabella, Avery, Hannah, Noah and Nathan entered the dining_room.
2 The spinach is in the green_pantry.
3 Isabella made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute.
4 Isabella exited the dining_room.
5 Avery moved the spinach to the red_crate.
6 Avery exited the dining_room.
7 Hannah moved the spinach to the green_cupboard.
8 Hannah exited the dining_room.
9 Noah made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute.
10 Noah exited the dining_room.
11 Nathan moved the spinach to the green_pantry.
12 Nathan exited the dining_room.
13 Isabella, Avery, Hannah, Noah and Nathan entered the waiting_room.
14 Hannah lost his gloves.
15 Hannah privately told Isabella that the spinach is in the green_cupboard.
16 Avery privately told Noah that the spinach is in the green_pantry.
17 Avery, Noah and Hannah entered the garage.
18 Hannah saw a mouse.
19 The onion is in the red_basket.
20 Avery made no movements and stayed in the garage for 1 minute.
21 Avery exited the garage.
22 Noah made no movements and stayed in the garage for 1 minute.
23 Noah exited the garage.
24 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the garage for 1 minute.
25 Hannah exited the garage.
26 Avery, Noah and Hannah entered the waiting_room.
27 Isabella likes the green_basket.
28 Isabella, Nathan, Noah and Avery entered the dining_room.
29 The cherry is in the red_crate.
30 Isabella moved the cherry to the green_pantry.
31 Isabella exited the dining_room.
32 Nathan moved the cherry to the green_box.
33 Nathan exited the dining_room.
34 Noah made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute.
35 Noah exited the dining_room.
36 Avery made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute.
37 Avery exited the dining_room.
38 Isabella, Nathan, Noah and Avery entered the waiting_room.
39 Isabella publicly claimed that cherry is in the green_pantry.
40 Avery privately told Hannah that the cherry is in the green_box.
| red_crate |
2 | VP | A. blue_bottle, B. green_crate, C. red_bucket, D. blue_bucket, E. red_box, F. red_bottle, G. red_envelope, H. green_bucket, I. green_pantry, J. green_basket, K. blue_pantry, L. green_cupboard, M. blue_drawer, N. red_basket, O. green_drawer | true | 1,152 | Where does Abigail think Mila thinks the onion is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Mila saw a cat.
2 Jack, Abigail, Emily, Lily and Mila entered the master_bedroom.
3 Emily lost his watch.
4 The onion is in the green_crate.
5 Jack made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
6 Jack exited the master_bedroom.
7 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
8 Abigail exited the master_bedroom.
9 Emily made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
10 Emily exited the master_bedroom.
11 Lily moved the onion to the blue_bucket.
12 Lily exited the master_bedroom.
13 Mila made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
14 Mila exited the master_bedroom.
15 Jack, Abigail, Emily, Lily and Mila entered the waiting_room.
16 Lily publicly claimed that onion is in the blue_bucket.
17 Mila privately told Jack that the onion is in the blue_bucket.
18 Mila, Abigail and Emily entered the porch.
19 The pear is in the red_bottle.
20 Mila moved the pear to the green_pantry.
21 Mila exited the porch.
22 Abigail moved the pear to the green_basket.
23 Abigail exited the porch.
24 Emily made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
25 Emily exited the porch.
26 Mila, Abigail and Emily entered the waiting_room.
27 Abigail, Lily, Mila and Emily entered the master_bedroom.
28 The onion is in the blue_bucket.
29 Abigail moved the onion to the red_bucket.
30 Abigail exited the master_bedroom.
31 Lily made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
32 Lily exited the master_bedroom.
33 Mila made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
34 Mila exited the master_bedroom.
35 Emily moved the onion to the green_crate.
36 Emily exited the master_bedroom.
37 Abigail, Lily, Mila and Emily entered the waiting_room.
38 Lily privately told Mila that the onion is in the green_crate.
39 Emily privately told Jack that the onion is in the green_crate.
| blue_bucket |
2 | VP | A. blue_suitcase, B. red_bottle, C. red_basket, D. blue_cupboard, E. blue_treasure_chest, F. blue_drawer, G. blue_crate, H. green_envelope, I. blue_pantry, J. green_basket, K. red_drawer, L. red_envelope, M. green_crate, N. red_pantry, O. red_container | true | 1,153 | Where does Nathan think Abigail thinks the carrot is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Nathan, Emma, Avery, Isabella and Abigail entered the front_yard.
2 Abigail saw a mouse.
3 The carrot is in the red_envelope.
4 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
5 Nathan exited the front_yard.
6 Avery saw a dog.
7 Emma made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
8 Emma exited the front_yard.
9 Avery made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
10 Avery exited the front_yard.
11 Isabella moved the carrot to the red_container.
12 Isabella exited the front_yard.
13 Abigail moved the carrot to the red_envelope.
14 Abigail exited the front_yard.
15 Nathan, Emma, Avery, Isabella and Abigail entered the waiting_room.
16 Isabella publicly claimed that carrot is in the red_envelope.
17 Abigail privately told Nathan that the carrot is in the red_envelope.
18 Emma, Avery and Abigail entered the lounge.
19 Nathan saw a cat.
20 The eggplant is in the blue_drawer.
21 Emma made no movements and stayed in the lounge for 1 minute.
22 Emma exited the lounge.
23 Avery moved the eggplant to the blue_pantry.
24 Avery exited the lounge.
25 Abigail moved the eggplant to the green_basket.
26 Abigail exited the lounge.
27 Emma, Avery and Abigail entered the waiting_room.
28 Emma, Abigail, Avery and Isabella entered the front_yard.
29 The carrot is in the red_envelope.
30 Emma moved the carrot to the red_drawer.
31 Emma exited the front_yard.
32 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
33 Abigail exited the front_yard.
34 Avery made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
35 Avery exited the front_yard.
36 Isabella moved the carrot to the green_crate.
37 Isabella exited the front_yard.
38 Emma, Abigail, Avery and Isabella entered the waiting_room.
39 Emma publicly claimed that carrot is in the red_container.
40 Isabella privately told Nathan that the carrot is in the green_crate.
| red_envelope |
2 | VP | A. red_container, B. blue_crate, C. green_crate, D. blue_pantry, E. green_treasure_chest, F. blue_cupboard, G. green_bottle, H. blue_suitcase, I. green_box, J. blue_bucket, K. red_envelope, L. red_bucket, M. red_crate, N. red_pantry, O. green_cupboard | true | 1,154 | Where does Sophia think Abigail thinks the peach is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Abigail, Aiden, Benjamin, Sophia and Isla entered the hallway.
2 The peach is in the red_bucket.
3 Aiden likes the red_crate.
4 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
5 Abigail exited the hallway.
6 Aiden moved the peach to the red_pantry.
7 Aiden exited the hallway.
8 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
9 Benjamin exited the hallway.
10 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
11 Sophia exited the hallway.
12 Isla moved the peach to the red_bucket.
13 Isla exited the hallway.
14 Abigail, Aiden, Benjamin, Sophia and Isla entered the waiting_room.
15 Benjamin privately told Abigail that the peach is in the red_pantry.
16 Aiden privately told Sophia that the peach is in the red_envelope.
17 Benjamin, Isla and Abigail entered the hallway.
18 The peach is in the red_bucket.
19 Benjamin moved the peach to the red_crate.
20 Benjamin exited the hallway.
21 Isla made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
22 Isla exited the hallway.
23 Benjamin dislikes the watermelon.
24 Abigail moved the peach to the red_pantry.
25 Abigail exited the hallway.
26 Benjamin, Isla and Abigail entered the waiting_room.
27 Isla, Aiden, Abigail and Benjamin entered the hallway.
28 The plum is in the red_envelope.
29 Isla dislikes the tangerine.
30 Isla moved the plum to the red_pantry.
31 Isla exited the hallway.
32 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
33 Abigail saw a monkey.
34 Aiden exited the hallway.
35 Abigail moved the plum to the green_cupboard.
36 Abigail exited the hallway.
37 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
38 Benjamin exited the hallway.
39 Isla, Aiden, Abigail and Benjamin entered the waiting_room.
40 Isla publicly claimed that plum is in the red_bucket.
41 Benjamin privately told Sophia that the plum is in the green_cupboard.
| red_bucket |
2 | VP | A. blue_container, B. green_crate, C. green_bottle, D. green_basket, E. red_crate, F. green_envelope, G. blue_bottle, H. red_container, I. blue_bucket, J. blue_cupboard, K. red_envelope, L. green_box, M. red_box, N. green_drawer, O. blue_treasure_chest | true | 1,155 | Where does Noah think Aiden thinks the cherry is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Aiden saw a cat.
2 Owen, Avery, Noah, Aiden and Ella entered the front_yard.
3 The cherry is in the green_envelope.
4 Noah likes the green_envelope.
5 Owen moved the cherry to the blue_bucket.
6 Owen exited the front_yard.
7 Avery lost his phone.
8 Avery made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
9 Avery exited the front_yard.
10 Noah made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
11 Noah exited the front_yard.
12 Aiden moved the cherry to the blue_cupboard.
13 Aiden exited the front_yard.
14 Ella made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
15 Ella exited the front_yard.
16 Owen, Avery, Noah, Aiden and Ella entered the waiting_room.
17 Noah publicly claimed that cherry is in the green_envelope.
18 Ella privately told Noah that the cherry is in the blue_bottle.
19 Aiden, Avery and Owen entered the bedroom.
20 The lettuce is in the green_box.
21 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
22 Aiden exited the bedroom.
23 Avery moved the lettuce to the red_envelope.
24 Avery exited the bedroom.
25 Owen made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
26 Owen exited the bedroom.
27 Aiden, Avery and Owen entered the waiting_room.
28 Owen, Ella, Aiden and Avery entered the bedroom.
29 The lettuce is in the red_envelope.
30 Owen made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
31 Owen exited the bedroom.
32 Ella made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
33 Ella exited the bedroom.
34 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
35 Aiden exited the bedroom.
36 Avery moved the lettuce to the blue_treasure_chest.
37 Avery exited the bedroom.
38 Owen, Ella, Aiden and Avery entered the waiting_room.
39 Ella privately told Aiden that the lettuce is in the red_box.
40 Avery privately told Noah that the lettuce is in the blue_treasure_chest.
| green_envelope |
2 | VP | A. green_basket, B. green_crate, C. blue_pantry, D. red_bottle, E. red_container, F. blue_crate, G. blue_treasure_chest, H. green_treasure_chest, I. red_drawer, J. green_pantry, K. green_bottle, L. blue_cupboard, M. green_bucket, N. red_basket, O. green_envelope | true | 1,156 | Where does Benjamin think William thinks the turnip is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Sophia, Liam, William, Hannah and Benjamin entered the porch.
2 The turnip is in the green_crate.
3 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
4 Sophia exited the porch.
5 Liam moved the turnip to the blue_pantry.
6 Liam exited the porch.
7 William moved the turnip to the red_bottle.
8 William exited the porch.
9 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
10 Hannah exited the porch.
11 William saw a monkey.
12 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
13 Benjamin exited the porch.
14 Sophia, Liam, William, Hannah and Benjamin entered the waiting_room.
15 Sophia saw a mouse.
16 William privately told Sophia that the turnip is in the red_bottle.
17 Liam privately told Hannah that the turnip is in the green_crate.
18 Sophia, Benjamin and Hannah entered the porch.
19 The turnip is in the red_bottle.
20 Sophia moved the turnip to the green_basket.
21 Sophia exited the porch.
22 Benjamin moved the turnip to the green_crate.
23 Benjamin exited the porch.
24 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
25 Hannah exited the porch.
26 Sophia, Benjamin and Hannah entered the waiting_room.
27 William, Sophia, Liam and Hannah entered the attic.
28 The tomato is in the green_bottle.
29 William moved the tomato to the red_basket.
30 William exited the attic.
31 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the attic for 1 minute.
32 Sophia exited the attic.
33 Liam made no movements and stayed in the attic for 1 minute.
34 Liam exited the attic.
35 Hannah moved the tomato to the green_envelope.
36 William saw a mouse.
37 Hannah exited the attic.
38 William, Sophia, Liam and Hannah entered the waiting_room.
39 Sophia saw a dog.
40 Liam publicly claimed that tomato is in the green_bucket.
41 William privately told Hannah that the tomato is in the red_basket.
| red_bottle |
2 | VP | A. blue_crate, B. blue_cupboard, C. green_bottle, D. red_pantry, E. green_box, F. green_bucket, G. green_crate, H. green_basket, I. green_treasure_chest, J. green_envelope, K. blue_drawer, L. green_bathtub, M. red_container, N. green_pantry, O. red_bucket | true | 1,157 | Where does Avery think Carter thinks the cabbage is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Avery, Aiden, Carter, William and Charlotte entered the office.
2 The cabbage is in the green_bucket.
3 Avery made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
4 Avery exited the office.
5 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
6 Aiden exited the office.
7 Carter made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
8 Carter exited the office.
9 William made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
10 William exited the office.
11 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
12 Charlotte exited the office.
13 Avery, Aiden, Carter, William and Charlotte entered the waiting_room.
14 William publicly claimed that cabbage is in the green_envelope.
15 Charlotte privately told Avery that the cabbage is in the green_bucket.
16 Carter, Charlotte and Avery entered the office.
17 The spinach is in the green_crate.
18 Carter moved the spinach to the green_treasure_chest.
19 Carter exited the office.
20 Charlotte moved the spinach to the green_bucket.
21 Charlotte exited the office.
22 Avery made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
23 Avery exited the office.
24 Carter, Charlotte and Avery entered the waiting_room.
25 Aiden, Charlotte, Avery and William entered the office.
26 The cabbage is in the green_bucket.
27 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
28 Aiden exited the office.
29 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
30 Charlotte exited the office.
31 William lost his phone.
32 Avery moved the cabbage to the green_crate.
33 Avery exited the office.
34 William made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
35 William exited the office.
36 Aiden, Charlotte, Avery and William entered the waiting_room.
37 Aiden publicly claimed that cabbage is in the green_basket.
38 William privately told Carter that the cabbage is in the green_crate.
| green_bucket |
2 | VP | A. green_envelope, B. blue_bathtub, C. red_pantry, D. red_crate, E. green_crate, F. red_basket, G. blue_treasure_chest, H. green_box, I. blue_cupboard, J. red_bottle, K. green_pantry, L. blue_container, M. red_bucket, N. green_basket, O. green_bucket | true | 1,158 | Where does Ava think William thinks the cherry is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Avery, Ava, William, Logan and Amelia entered the cellar.
2 The cherry is in the blue_container.
3 Avery made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
4 Avery exited the cellar.
5 Ava made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
6 Ava exited the cellar.
7 William made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
8 Ava dislikes the beans.
9 William exited the cellar.
10 Logan moved the cherry to the green_bucket.
11 Logan exited the cellar.
12 William likes the green_bucket.
13 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
14 Amelia exited the cellar.
15 Avery, Ava, William, Logan and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
16 William publicly claimed that cherry is in the blue_container.
17 Amelia privately told William that the cherry is in the green_pantry.
18 Logan, Amelia and William entered the cellar.
19 The cherry is in the green_bucket.
20 Logan moved the cherry to the green_pantry.
21 Logan exited the cellar.
22 Amelia moved the cherry to the green_basket.
23 Amelia exited the cellar.
24 William made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
25 William exited the cellar.
26 Logan, Amelia and William entered the waiting_room.
27 Logan, Avery, Ava and Amelia entered the cellar.
28 The cherry is in the green_basket.
29 Logan made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
30 Logan exited the cellar.
31 Avery made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
32 Avery exited the cellar.
33 Ava moved the cherry to the green_bucket.
34 Ava exited the cellar.
35 Amelia moved the cherry to the blue_container.
36 Amelia exited the cellar.
37 Logan, Avery, Ava and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
38 Ava publicly claimed that cherry is in the green_basket.
39 Logan privately told Amelia that the cherry is in the blue_container.
| green_basket |
2 | VP | A. blue_bottle, B. green_bucket, C. blue_bathtub, D. red_bottle, E. blue_treasure_chest, F. green_pantry, G. red_drawer, H. blue_pantry, I. red_envelope, J. blue_cupboard, K. red_basket, L. red_box, M. green_box, N. green_crate, O. blue_bucket | true | 1,159 | Where does Mila think Owen thinks the turnip is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Carter, Mila, Owen, Avery and Isla entered the sunroom.
2 The turnip is in the green_pantry.
3 Carter made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
4 Carter exited the sunroom.
5 Mila made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
6 Mila exited the sunroom.
7 Owen moved the turnip to the blue_cupboard.
8 Owen exited the sunroom.
9 Avery moved the turnip to the red_envelope.
10 Avery exited the sunroom.
11 Isla made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
12 Isla exited the sunroom.
13 Carter, Mila, Owen, Avery and Isla entered the waiting_room.
14 Avery publicly claimed that turnip is in the blue_pantry.
15 Isla privately told Carter that the turnip is in the red_envelope.
16 Isla, Avery and Carter entered the back_yard.
17 The persimmon is in the red_basket.
18 Isla made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
19 Isla exited the back_yard.
20 Avery made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
21 Avery exited the back_yard.
22 Carter moved the persimmon to the red_box.
23 Carter exited the back_yard.
24 Isla, Avery and Carter entered the waiting_room.
25 Avery, Isla, Carter and Owen entered the back_yard.
26 Isla lost his watch.
27 The grapes is in the red_box.
28 Avery moved the grapes to the green_box.
29 Avery exited the back_yard.
30 Isla made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
31 Isla exited the back_yard.
32 Carter made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
33 Carter exited the back_yard.
34 Owen made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
35 Owen exited the back_yard.
36 Avery, Isla, Carter and Owen entered the waiting_room.
37 Carter publicly claimed that grapes is in the blue_bucket.
38 Avery saw a dog.
39 Avery privately told Owen that the grapes is in the red_basket.
| green_pantry |
3 | VP | A. blue_crate, B. green_drawer, C. red_basket, D. blue_drawer, E. green_bathtub, F. blue_bottle, G. green_pantry, H. red_envelope, I. blue_cupboard, J. green_envelope, K. red_crate, L. blue_suitcase, M. green_bottle, N. red_bucket, O. red_pantry | true | 1,160 | Where does Logan think Jackson thinks Jack thinks the peas is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Logan, Jackson, Jack, Emily and Isabella entered the hallway.
2 The peas is in the blue_suitcase.
3 Logan made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
4 Logan exited the hallway.
5 Jackson made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
6 Jack likes the blue_crate.
7 Jackson exited the hallway.
8 Jack moved the peas to the red_crate.
9 Jack exited the hallway.
10 Emily moved the peas to the green_bottle.
11 Emily exited the hallway.
12 Isabella made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
13 Jackson dislikes the turnip.
14 Isabella exited the hallway.
15 Logan, Jackson, Jack, Emily and Isabella entered the waiting_room.
16 Emily publicly claimed that peas is in the blue_suitcase.
17 Isabella privately told Logan that the peas is in the green_bottle.
18 Isabella, Emily and Logan entered the attic.
19 The potato is in the green_drawer.
20 Isabella moved the potato to the red_basket.
21 Isabella exited the attic.
22 Jackson dislikes the cucumber.
23 Emily moved the potato to the green_bathtub.
24 Emily exited the attic.
25 Logan moved the potato to the blue_crate.
26 Logan exited the attic.
27 Isabella, Emily and Logan entered the waiting_room.
28 Jack, Isabella, Emily and Logan entered the patio.
29 The cherry is in the blue_bottle.
30 Jack made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
31 Jack exited the patio.
32 Isabella moved the cherry to the green_envelope.
33 Isabella exited the patio.
34 Emily made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
35 Emily exited the patio.
36 Logan moved the cherry to the blue_cupboard.
37 Logan exited the patio.
38 Emily dislikes the peas.
39 Jack, Isabella, Emily and Logan entered the waiting_room.
40 Isabella privately told Emily that the cherry is in the blue_cupboard.
41 Logan privately told Jackson that the cherry is in the blue_cupboard.
| blue_suitcase |
3 | VP | A. blue_treasure_chest, B. green_treasure_chest, C. blue_bottle, D. blue_suitcase, E. green_envelope, F. blue_drawer, G. blue_bucket, H. green_box, I. red_envelope, J. red_box, K. green_pantry, L. blue_bathtub, M. green_basket, N. green_cupboard, O. green_bucket | true | 1,161 | Where does Ella think Owen thinks Aiden thinks the melon is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Owen dislikes the pear.
2 Ella, Owen, Isla, Aiden and Evelyn entered the back_yard.
3 The melon is in the blue_treasure_chest.
4 Ella likes the blue_suitcase.
5 Ella moved the melon to the blue_bottle.
6 Ella exited the back_yard.
7 Owen moved the melon to the green_envelope.
8 Owen exited the back_yard.
9 Isla made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
10 Isla exited the back_yard.
11 Aiden moved the melon to the blue_suitcase.
12 Aiden exited the back_yard.
13 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
14 Evelyn exited the back_yard.
15 Ella, Owen, Isla, Aiden and Evelyn entered the waiting_room.
16 Isla privately told Ella that the melon is in the green_treasure_chest.
17 Owen privately told Aiden that the melon is in the blue_suitcase.
18 Owen, Aiden and Ella entered the back_yard.
19 The lemon is in the green_treasure_chest.
20 Owen moved the lemon to the blue_treasure_chest.
21 Owen exited the back_yard.
22 Owen dislikes the pear.
23 Aiden moved the lemon to the blue_suitcase.
24 Aiden exited the back_yard.
25 Ella made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
26 Ella exited the back_yard.
27 Owen, Aiden and Ella entered the waiting_room.
28 Ella, Isla, Owen and Aiden entered the front_yard.
29 The banana is in the green_pantry.
30 Ella moved the banana to the green_basket.
31 Ella exited the front_yard.
32 Isla moved the banana to the blue_bathtub.
33 Isla exited the front_yard.
34 Owen made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
35 Owen exited the front_yard.
36 Aiden moved the banana to the green_cupboard.
37 Aiden exited the front_yard.
38 Aiden lost his watch.
39 Ella, Isla, Owen and Aiden entered the waiting_room.
40 Ella publicly claimed that banana is in the green_basket.
41 Aiden privately told Evelyn that the banana is in the green_cupboard.
| blue_suitcase |
3 | VP | A. green_bottle, B. green_drawer, C. green_box, D. green_bucket, E. blue_crate, F. green_bathtub, G. blue_suitcase, H. red_pantry, I. blue_bucket, J. blue_bathtub, K. red_container, L. blue_drawer, M. red_drawer, N. red_crate, O. green_crate | true | 1,162 | Where does Jack think Jackson thinks Jacob thinks the spinach is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Ella saw a mouse.
2 Jackson, Jack, Ella, Jacob and Amelia entered the laundry.
3 The spinach is in the red_container.
4 Jackson moved the spinach to the green_crate.
5 Jackson exited the laundry.
6 Jack moved the spinach to the blue_drawer.
7 Jack exited the laundry.
8 Ella moved the spinach to the red_drawer.
9 Ella exited the laundry.
10 Jacob made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
11 Jacob exited the laundry.
12 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
13 Amelia exited the laundry.
14 Jackson, Jack, Ella, Jacob and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
15 Ella privately told Jackson that the spinach is in the red_crate.
16 Jack privately told Jacob that the spinach is in the red_drawer.
17 Jackson, Jacob and Ella entered the laundry.
18 The spinach is in the red_drawer.
19 Jackson moved the spinach to the green_crate.
20 Jackson exited the laundry.
21 Jacob made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
22 Jacob exited the laundry.
23 Amelia dislikes the tomato.
24 Ella made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
25 Ella exited the laundry.
26 Amelia likes the red_crate.
27 Jackson, Jacob and Ella entered the waiting_room.
28 Jacob likes the red_pantry.
29 Amelia, Jacob, Ella and Jack entered the patio.
30 The tomato is in the green_drawer.
31 Amelia moved the tomato to the green_bottle.
32 Amelia exited the patio.
33 Jacob made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
34 Jacob exited the patio.
35 Ella moved the tomato to the green_bucket.
36 Ella exited the patio.
37 Jack made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
38 Jack exited the patio.
39 Amelia, Jacob, Ella and Jack entered the waiting_room.
40 Amelia publicly claimed that tomato is in the green_box.
41 Jack privately told Jackson that the tomato is in the green_bucket.
| red_container |
3 | VP | A. green_basket, B. red_container, C. red_bottle, D. green_cupboard, E. blue_bucket, F. green_bottle, G. green_envelope, H. green_box, I. red_envelope, J. green_drawer, K. red_drawer, L. blue_container, M. blue_bottle, N. green_treasure_chest, O. blue_pantry | true | 1,163 | Where does Lily think Nathan thinks Amelia thinks the corn is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Nathan, Lily, Amelia, Alexander and Abigail entered the hallway.
2 The corn is in the green_bottle.
3 Nathan moved the corn to the red_envelope.
4 Abigail saw a cat.
5 Nathan exited the hallway.
6 Lily moved the corn to the green_envelope.
7 Lily exited the hallway.
8 Amelia moved the corn to the green_drawer.
9 Amelia exited the hallway.
10 Alexander moved the corn to the green_box.
11 Alexander exited the hallway.
12 Abigail moved the corn to the green_bottle.
13 Abigail exited the hallway.
14 Nathan, Lily, Amelia, Alexander and Abigail entered the waiting_room.
15 Amelia publicly claimed that corn is in the green_bottle.
16 Abigail privately told Amelia that the corn is in the green_envelope.
17 Nathan, Abigail and Amelia entered the lounge.
18 The tangerine is in the red_drawer.
19 Nathan moved the tangerine to the blue_pantry.
20 Nathan exited the lounge.
21 Abigail moved the tangerine to the green_treasure_chest.
22 Abigail exited the lounge.
23 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the lounge for 1 minute.
24 Amelia exited the lounge.
25 Nathan, Abigail and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
26 Amelia, Alexander, Lily and Nathan entered the bedroom.
27 The green_pepper is in the green_basket.
28 Amelia moved the green_pepper to the green_cupboard.
29 Amelia exited the bedroom.
30 Alexander made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
31 Alexander exited the bedroom.
32 Lily moved the green_pepper to the red_container.
33 Lily exited the bedroom.
34 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
35 Nathan exited the bedroom.
36 Amelia, Alexander, Lily and Nathan entered the waiting_room.
37 Lily publicly claimed that green_pepper is in the green_basket.
38 Amelia privately told Nathan that the green_pepper is in the green_cupboard.
| green_bottle |
3 | VP | A. blue_container, B. green_pantry, C. blue_bottle, D. blue_drawer, E. red_pantry, F. green_drawer, G. green_bucket, H. red_basket, I. red_envelope, J. red_container, K. red_box, L. green_envelope, M. blue_bucket, N. green_bottle, O. green_box | true | 1,164 | Where does Avery think Jackson thinks Sophia thinks the sweet_potato is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Sophia, Noah, Avery, Hannah and Jackson entered the front_yard.
2 The sweet_potato is in the red_box.
3 Sophia moved the sweet_potato to the green_bottle.
4 Sophia exited the front_yard.
5 Noah made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
6 Noah dislikes the melon.
7 Noah exited the front_yard.
8 Avery likes the green_pantry.
9 Avery made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
10 Avery exited the front_yard.
11 Hannah moved the sweet_potato to the green_box.
12 Hannah exited the front_yard.
13 Jackson moved the sweet_potato to the red_box.
14 Jackson exited the front_yard.
15 Sophia, Noah, Avery, Hannah and Jackson entered the waiting_room.
16 Hannah publicly claimed that sweet_potato is in the green_bottle.
17 Jackson privately told Sophia that the sweet_potato is in the red_box.
18 Hannah, Jackson and Sophia entered the front_yard.
19 The orange is in the green_envelope.
20 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
21 Hannah exited the front_yard.
22 Jackson moved the orange to the red_box.
23 Jackson exited the front_yard.
24 Sophia moved the orange to the blue_bucket.
25 Sophia exited the front_yard.
26 Hannah, Jackson and Sophia entered the waiting_room.
27 Noah, Jackson, Avery and Hannah entered the basement.
28 The peach is in the green_bucket.
29 Noah moved the peach to the red_envelope.
30 Noah exited the basement.
31 Jackson moved the peach to the red_container.
32 Jackson exited the basement.
33 Avery made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute.
34 Avery exited the basement.
35 Hannah moved the peach to the red_basket.
36 Hannah exited the basement.
37 Hannah likes the blue_bottle.
38 Noah, Jackson, Avery and Hannah entered the waiting_room.
39 Jackson publicly claimed that peach is in the red_container.
40 Hannah privately told Avery that the peach is in the red_basket.
| green_bottle |
3 | VP | A. green_box, B. red_container, C. blue_bucket, D. blue_bottle, E. blue_container, F. blue_cupboard, G. blue_treasure_chest, H. blue_suitcase, I. red_bucket, J. blue_crate, K. green_envelope, L. red_crate, M. green_cupboard, N. blue_bathtub, O. green_bucket | true | 1,165 | Where does Jacob think Isabella thinks Owen thinks the orange is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Hannah, Jacob, Jackson, Isabella and Owen entered the laundry.
2 The orange is in the green_box.
3 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
4 Hannah exited the laundry.
5 Hannah saw a monkey.
6 Jacob moved the orange to the blue_bottle.
7 Jackson saw a dog.
8 Jacob exited the laundry.
9 Jackson moved the orange to the red_container.
10 Jackson exited the laundry.
11 Isabella made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
12 Isabella exited the laundry.
13 Owen made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
14 Owen exited the laundry.
15 Hannah, Jacob, Jackson, Isabella and Owen entered the waiting_room.
16 Isabella publicly claimed that orange is in the blue_bucket.
17 Owen privately told Hannah that the orange is in the red_container.
18 Isabella, Jackson and Owen entered the lounge.
19 The green_pepper is in the green_envelope.
20 Isabella made no movements and stayed in the lounge for 1 minute.
21 Isabella exited the lounge.
22 Jackson made no movements and stayed in the lounge for 1 minute.
23 Jackson exited the lounge.
24 Owen made no movements and stayed in the lounge for 1 minute.
25 Hannah lost his watch.
26 Owen exited the lounge.
27 Isabella, Jackson and Owen entered the waiting_room.
28 Owen, Jackson, Isabella and Hannah entered the laundry.
29 The orange is in the red_container.
30 Owen made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
31 Owen exited the laundry.
32 Jackson made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
33 Jackson exited the laundry.
34 Isabella moved the orange to the blue_bucket.
35 Isabella exited the laundry.
36 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
37 Jacob saw a dog.
38 Hannah exited the laundry.
39 Isabella lost his watch.
40 Owen, Jackson, Isabella and Hannah entered the waiting_room.
41 Jackson publicly claimed that orange is in the red_container.
42 Owen lost his watch.
43 Hannah privately told Isabella that the orange is in the blue_bottle.
| green_box |
3 | VP | A. green_bottle, B. blue_crate, C. red_basket, D. green_envelope, E. green_treasure_chest, F. blue_drawer, G. blue_suitcase, H. blue_bottle, I. green_pantry, J. red_box, K. green_drawer, L. blue_bucket, M. blue_cupboard, N. green_crate, O. blue_container | true | 1,166 | Where does Chloe think Sophia thinks Amelia thinks the lime is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Benjamin, Isabella, Chloe, Amelia and Sophia entered the porch.
2 The lime is in the green_bottle.
3 Benjamin moved the lime to the green_treasure_chest.
4 Benjamin exited the porch.
5 Isabella moved the lime to the blue_crate.
6 Isabella exited the porch.
7 Chloe moved the lime to the green_envelope.
8 Chloe exited the porch.
9 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
10 Amelia exited the porch.
11 Sophia moved the lime to the green_bottle.
12 Chloe lost his phone.
13 Sophia exited the porch.
14 Benjamin, Isabella, Chloe, Amelia and Sophia entered the waiting_room.
15 Amelia publicly claimed that lime is in the green_bottle.
16 Sophia privately told Benjamin that the lime is in the green_bottle.
17 Isabella, Sophia and Amelia entered the laundry.
18 The beans is in the blue_suitcase.
19 Isabella moved the beans to the blue_bottle.
20 Isabella exited the laundry.
21 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
22 Sophia exited the laundry.
23 Benjamin dislikes the persimmon.
24 Amelia moved the beans to the red_box.
25 Amelia lost his gloves.
26 Amelia exited the laundry.
27 Isabella, Sophia and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
28 Benjamin, Sophia, Chloe and Amelia entered the laundry.
29 The beans is in the red_box.
30 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
31 Isabella saw a dog.
32 Benjamin exited the laundry.
33 Sophia moved the beans to the blue_drawer.
34 Sophia exited the laundry.
35 Chloe moved the beans to the blue_bottle.
36 Chloe exited the laundry.
37 Amelia moved the beans to the green_pantry.
38 Amelia exited the laundry.
39 Benjamin, Sophia, Chloe and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
40 Sophia publicly claimed that beans is in the red_box.
41 Amelia privately told Chloe that the beans is in the green_pantry.
| green_bottle |
3 | VP | A. blue_pantry, B. red_box, C. red_envelope, D. green_envelope, E. green_drawer, F. blue_treasure_chest, G. blue_container, H. green_bucket, I. green_basket, J. red_drawer, K. red_pantry, L. green_treasure_chest, M. red_bucket, N. green_box, O. blue_crate | true | 1,167 | Where does Avery think Amelia thinks Chloe thinks the carrot is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Avery, Amelia, Jack, Chloe and Sophia entered the garage.
2 The carrot is in the red_pantry.
3 Avery moved the carrot to the red_bucket.
4 Amelia lost his phone.
5 Avery exited the garage.
6 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the garage for 1 minute.
7 Jack lost his phone.
8 Amelia exited the garage.
9 Jack moved the carrot to the blue_crate.
10 Jack exited the garage.
11 Chloe moved the carrot to the green_box.
12 Chloe exited the garage.
13 Avery dislikes the cherry.
14 Sophia moved the carrot to the red_pantry.
15 Sophia exited the garage.
16 Avery, Amelia, Jack, Chloe and Sophia entered the waiting_room.
17 Amelia saw a cat.
18 Jack publicly claimed that carrot is in the green_treasure_chest.
19 Sophia privately told Jack that the carrot is in the green_box.
20 Chloe, Sophia and Amelia entered the closet.
21 The lettuce is in the red_box.
22 Chloe made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
23 Chloe exited the closet.
24 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
25 Sophia exited the closet.
26 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
27 Amelia exited the closet.
28 Chloe, Sophia and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
29 Chloe, Sophia, Avery and Jack entered the closet.
30 The watermelon is in the blue_pantry.
31 Chloe made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
32 Chloe exited the closet.
33 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
34 Sophia exited the closet.
35 Avery likes the red_pantry.
36 Avery made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
37 Avery exited the closet.
38 Jack made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
39 Jack exited the closet.
40 Jack dislikes the watermelon.
41 Chloe, Sophia, Avery and Jack entered the waiting_room.
42 Sophia publicly claimed that watermelon is in the red_envelope.
43 Jack privately told Avery that the watermelon is in the blue_pantry.
| red_pantry |
3 | VP | A. blue_bucket, B. red_drawer, C. green_bathtub, D. green_treasure_chest, E. blue_treasure_chest, F. blue_bottle, G. green_bucket, H. blue_cupboard, I. blue_container, J. red_envelope, K. blue_drawer, L. green_pantry, M. red_basket, N. red_crate, O. green_crate | true | 1,168 | Where does Elizabeth think Carter thinks Isla thinks the watermelon is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Nathan, Elizabeth, Carter, Jacob and Isla entered the kitchen.
2 The watermelon is in the blue_bottle.
3 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute.
4 Nathan exited the kitchen.
5 Elizabeth moved the watermelon to the red_envelope.
6 Elizabeth exited the kitchen.
7 Carter moved the watermelon to the blue_cupboard.
8 Carter exited the kitchen.
9 Jacob made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute.
10 Jacob exited the kitchen.
11 Isla made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute.
12 Carter dislikes the cherry.
13 Isla exited the kitchen.
14 Nathan, Elizabeth, Carter, Jacob and Isla entered the waiting_room.
15 Carter publicly claimed that watermelon is in the red_envelope.
16 Isla privately told Carter that the watermelon is in the blue_container.
17 Jacob, Carter and Elizabeth entered the kitchen.
18 The watermelon is in the blue_cupboard.
19 Jacob moved the watermelon to the red_envelope.
20 Jacob exited the kitchen.
21 Carter moved the watermelon to the green_bucket.
22 Carter exited the kitchen.
23 Elizabeth moved the watermelon to the blue_container.
24 Elizabeth exited the kitchen.
25 Jacob, Carter and Elizabeth entered the waiting_room.
26 Jacob, Isla, Elizabeth and Carter entered the porch.
27 The banana is in the red_drawer.
28 Jacob moved the banana to the blue_treasure_chest.
29 Isla likes the blue_bottle.
30 Jacob exited the porch.
31 Isla moved the banana to the green_treasure_chest.
32 Isla exited the porch.
33 Elizabeth moved the banana to the green_bathtub.
34 Elizabeth exited the porch.
35 Carter moved the banana to the blue_bucket.
36 Carter exited the porch.
37 Jacob, Isla, Elizabeth and Carter entered the waiting_room.
38 Isla privately told Elizabeth that the banana is in the red_drawer.
39 Carter privately told Nathan that the banana is in the blue_bucket.
| blue_bottle |
3 | VP | A. green_bathtub, B. green_bucket, C. green_box, D. red_pantry, E. red_envelope, F. green_cupboard, G. green_envelope, H. blue_bottle, I. green_treasure_chest, J. blue_container, K. green_bottle, L. green_crate, M. red_crate, N. blue_cupboard, O. red_box | true | 1,169 | Where does Charlotte think Emily thinks Mila thinks the persimmon is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Emily, Mila, Benjamin, Emma and Charlotte entered the back_yard.
2 Benjamin lost his phone.
3 The persimmon is in the green_bathtub.
4 Mila likes the red_envelope.
5 Emily moved the persimmon to the red_envelope.
6 Emily exited the back_yard.
7 Mila moved the persimmon to the green_box.
8 Emma lost his phone.
9 Mila exited the back_yard.
10 Benjamin moved the persimmon to the red_pantry.
11 Emily saw a dog.
12 Benjamin exited the back_yard.
13 Emma moved the persimmon to the green_bucket.
14 Emma exited the back_yard.
15 Charlotte moved the persimmon to the green_bathtub.
16 Charlotte exited the back_yard.
17 Emily, Mila, Benjamin, Emma and Charlotte entered the waiting_room.
18 Emma publicly claimed that persimmon is in the green_bucket.
19 Charlotte privately told Emily that the persimmon is in the green_bathtub.
20 Charlotte, Emma and Mila entered the garden.
21 The eggplant is in the green_crate.
22 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the garden for 1 minute.
23 Charlotte exited the garden.
24 Emma made no movements and stayed in the garden for 1 minute.
25 Emma lost his phone.
26 Emma exited the garden.
27 Mila moved the eggplant to the blue_cupboard.
28 Mila exited the garden.
29 Charlotte, Emma and Mila entered the waiting_room.
30 Emma, Charlotte, Benjamin and Emily entered the garden.
31 The apple is in the green_bottle.
32 Emma lost his gloves.
33 Emma made no movements and stayed in the garden for 1 minute.
34 Emma exited the garden.
35 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the garden for 1 minute.
36 Charlotte saw a cat.
37 Charlotte exited the garden.
38 Benjamin moved the apple to the green_crate.
39 Benjamin exited the garden.
40 Emily made no movements and stayed in the garden for 1 minute.
41 Emily exited the garden.
42 Emma, Charlotte, Benjamin and Emily entered the waiting_room.
43 Charlotte publicly claimed that apple is in the blue_cupboard.
44 Emma saw a monkey.
45 Emily privately told Benjamin that the apple is in the green_bottle.
| green_bathtub |
3 | VP | A. green_bottle, B. blue_bottle, C. blue_pantry, D. red_pantry, E. blue_bucket, F. green_pantry, G. green_bathtub, H. blue_container, I. green_basket, J. blue_suitcase, K. green_treasure_chest, L. blue_treasure_chest, M. red_envelope, N. blue_cupboard, O. green_bucket | true | 1,170 | Where does Jack think Benjamin thinks Abigail thinks the spinach is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Abigail, Amelia, Jack, Benjamin and Isla entered the sunroom.
2 The spinach is in the green_pantry.
3 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
4 Abigail exited the sunroom.
5 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
6 Amelia exited the sunroom.
7 Jack made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
8 Jack exited the sunroom.
9 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
10 Benjamin exited the sunroom.
11 Abigail dislikes the spinach.
12 Isla moved the spinach to the green_pantry.
13 Isla exited the sunroom.
14 Abigail, Amelia, Jack, Benjamin and Isla entered the waiting_room.
15 Jack publicly claimed that spinach is in the green_pantry.
16 Isla privately told Jack that the spinach is in the blue_suitcase.
17 Abigail, Isla and Jack entered the patio.
18 The persimmon is in the blue_bottle.
19 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
20 Abigail exited the patio.
21 Isla made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
22 Isla exited the patio.
23 Jack moved the persimmon to the green_bottle.
24 Jack exited the patio.
25 Abigail, Isla and Jack entered the waiting_room.
26 Benjamin, Isla, Amelia and Jack entered the front_yard.
27 The tangerine is in the blue_treasure_chest.
28 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
29 Benjamin exited the front_yard.
30 Isla made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
31 Isla exited the front_yard.
32 Amelia moved the tangerine to the green_bucket.
33 Amelia exited the front_yard.
34 Jack moved the tangerine to the blue_cupboard.
35 Jack exited the front_yard.
36 Benjamin, Isla, Amelia and Jack entered the waiting_room.
37 Isla publicly claimed that tangerine is in the green_treasure_chest.
38 Jack privately told Amelia that the tangerine is in the green_bucket.
| green_pantry |
3 | VP | A. red_basket, B. red_container, C. blue_bottle, D. green_basket, E. red_pantry, F. blue_crate, G. green_bathtub, H. blue_pantry, I. blue_container, J. blue_suitcase, K. red_crate, L. green_pantry, M. green_box, N. red_drawer, O. green_cupboard | true | 1,171 | Where does Isabella think Hannah thinks Avery thinks the spinach is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Isabella, Avery, Hannah, Noah and Nathan entered the dining_room.
2 The spinach is in the green_pantry.
3 Isabella made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute.
4 Isabella exited the dining_room.
5 Avery moved the spinach to the red_crate.
6 Avery exited the dining_room.
7 Hannah moved the spinach to the green_cupboard.
8 Hannah exited the dining_room.
9 Noah made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute.
10 Noah exited the dining_room.
11 Nathan moved the spinach to the green_pantry.
12 Nathan exited the dining_room.
13 Isabella, Avery, Hannah, Noah and Nathan entered the waiting_room.
14 Hannah lost his gloves.
15 Hannah privately told Isabella that the spinach is in the green_cupboard.
16 Avery privately told Noah that the spinach is in the green_pantry.
17 Avery, Noah and Hannah entered the garage.
18 Hannah saw a mouse.
19 The onion is in the red_basket.
20 Avery made no movements and stayed in the garage for 1 minute.
21 Avery exited the garage.
22 Noah made no movements and stayed in the garage for 1 minute.
23 Noah exited the garage.
24 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the garage for 1 minute.
25 Hannah exited the garage.
26 Avery, Noah and Hannah entered the waiting_room.
27 Isabella likes the green_basket.
28 Isabella, Nathan, Noah and Avery entered the dining_room.
29 The cherry is in the red_crate.
30 Isabella moved the cherry to the green_pantry.
31 Isabella exited the dining_room.
32 Nathan moved the cherry to the green_box.
33 Nathan exited the dining_room.
34 Noah made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute.
35 Noah exited the dining_room.
36 Avery made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute.
37 Avery exited the dining_room.
38 Isabella, Nathan, Noah and Avery entered the waiting_room.
39 Isabella publicly claimed that cherry is in the green_pantry.
40 Avery privately told Hannah that the cherry is in the green_box.
| green_pantry |
3 | VP | A. blue_bottle, B. green_crate, C. red_bucket, D. blue_bucket, E. red_box, F. red_bottle, G. red_envelope, H. green_bucket, I. green_pantry, J. green_basket, K. blue_pantry, L. green_cupboard, M. blue_drawer, N. red_basket, O. green_drawer | true | 1,172 | Where does Jack think Abigail thinks Mila thinks the onion is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Mila saw a cat.
2 Jack, Abigail, Emily, Lily and Mila entered the master_bedroom.
3 Emily lost his watch.
4 The onion is in the green_crate.
5 Jack made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
6 Jack exited the master_bedroom.
7 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
8 Abigail exited the master_bedroom.
9 Emily made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
10 Emily exited the master_bedroom.
11 Lily moved the onion to the blue_bucket.
12 Lily exited the master_bedroom.
13 Mila made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
14 Mila exited the master_bedroom.
15 Jack, Abigail, Emily, Lily and Mila entered the waiting_room.
16 Lily publicly claimed that onion is in the blue_bucket.
17 Mila privately told Jack that the onion is in the blue_bucket.
18 Mila, Abigail and Emily entered the porch.
19 The pear is in the red_bottle.
20 Mila moved the pear to the green_pantry.
21 Mila exited the porch.
22 Abigail moved the pear to the green_basket.
23 Abigail exited the porch.
24 Emily made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
25 Emily exited the porch.
26 Mila, Abigail and Emily entered the waiting_room.
27 Abigail, Lily, Mila and Emily entered the master_bedroom.
28 The onion is in the blue_bucket.
29 Abigail moved the onion to the red_bucket.
30 Abigail exited the master_bedroom.
31 Lily made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
32 Lily exited the master_bedroom.
33 Mila made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
34 Mila exited the master_bedroom.
35 Emily moved the onion to the green_crate.
36 Emily exited the master_bedroom.
37 Abigail, Lily, Mila and Emily entered the waiting_room.
38 Lily privately told Mila that the onion is in the green_crate.
39 Emily privately told Jack that the onion is in the green_crate.
| green_crate |
3 | VP | A. blue_suitcase, B. red_bottle, C. red_basket, D. blue_cupboard, E. blue_treasure_chest, F. blue_drawer, G. blue_crate, H. green_envelope, I. blue_pantry, J. green_basket, K. red_drawer, L. red_envelope, M. green_crate, N. red_pantry, O. red_container | true | 1,173 | Where does Avery think Nathan thinks Abigail thinks the carrot is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Nathan, Emma, Avery, Isabella and Abigail entered the front_yard.
2 Abigail saw a mouse.
3 The carrot is in the red_envelope.
4 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
5 Nathan exited the front_yard.
6 Avery saw a dog.
7 Emma made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
8 Emma exited the front_yard.
9 Avery made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
10 Avery exited the front_yard.
11 Isabella moved the carrot to the red_container.
12 Isabella exited the front_yard.
13 Abigail moved the carrot to the red_envelope.
14 Abigail exited the front_yard.
15 Nathan, Emma, Avery, Isabella and Abigail entered the waiting_room.
16 Isabella publicly claimed that carrot is in the red_envelope.
17 Abigail privately told Nathan that the carrot is in the red_envelope.
18 Emma, Avery and Abigail entered the lounge.
19 Nathan saw a cat.
20 The eggplant is in the blue_drawer.
21 Emma made no movements and stayed in the lounge for 1 minute.
22 Emma exited the lounge.
23 Avery moved the eggplant to the blue_pantry.
24 Avery exited the lounge.
25 Abigail moved the eggplant to the green_basket.
26 Abigail exited the lounge.
27 Emma, Avery and Abigail entered the waiting_room.
28 Emma, Abigail, Avery and Isabella entered the front_yard.
29 The carrot is in the red_envelope.
30 Emma moved the carrot to the red_drawer.
31 Emma exited the front_yard.
32 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
33 Abigail exited the front_yard.
34 Avery made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
35 Avery exited the front_yard.
36 Isabella moved the carrot to the green_crate.
37 Isabella exited the front_yard.
38 Emma, Abigail, Avery and Isabella entered the waiting_room.
39 Emma publicly claimed that carrot is in the red_container.
40 Isabella privately told Nathan that the carrot is in the green_crate.
| red_envelope |
3 | VP | A. red_container, B. blue_crate, C. green_crate, D. blue_pantry, E. green_treasure_chest, F. blue_cupboard, G. green_bottle, H. blue_suitcase, I. green_box, J. blue_bucket, K. red_envelope, L. red_bucket, M. red_crate, N. red_pantry, O. green_cupboard | true | 1,174 | Where does Aiden think Sophia thinks Abigail thinks the peach is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Abigail, Aiden, Benjamin, Sophia and Isla entered the hallway.
2 The peach is in the red_bucket.
3 Aiden likes the red_crate.
4 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
5 Abigail exited the hallway.
6 Aiden moved the peach to the red_pantry.
7 Aiden exited the hallway.
8 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
9 Benjamin exited the hallway.
10 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
11 Sophia exited the hallway.
12 Isla moved the peach to the red_bucket.
13 Isla exited the hallway.
14 Abigail, Aiden, Benjamin, Sophia and Isla entered the waiting_room.
15 Benjamin privately told Abigail that the peach is in the red_pantry.
16 Aiden privately told Sophia that the peach is in the red_envelope.
17 Benjamin, Isla and Abigail entered the hallway.
18 The peach is in the red_bucket.
19 Benjamin moved the peach to the red_crate.
20 Benjamin exited the hallway.
21 Isla made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
22 Isla exited the hallway.
23 Benjamin dislikes the watermelon.
24 Abigail moved the peach to the red_pantry.
25 Abigail exited the hallway.
26 Benjamin, Isla and Abigail entered the waiting_room.
27 Isla, Aiden, Abigail and Benjamin entered the hallway.
28 The plum is in the red_envelope.
29 Isla dislikes the tangerine.
30 Isla moved the plum to the red_pantry.
31 Isla exited the hallway.
32 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
33 Abigail saw a monkey.
34 Aiden exited the hallway.
35 Abigail moved the plum to the green_cupboard.
36 Abigail exited the hallway.
37 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
38 Benjamin exited the hallway.
39 Isla, Aiden, Abigail and Benjamin entered the waiting_room.
40 Isla publicly claimed that plum is in the red_bucket.
41 Benjamin privately told Sophia that the plum is in the green_cupboard.
| red_bucket |
3 | VP | A. blue_container, B. green_crate, C. green_bottle, D. green_basket, E. red_crate, F. green_envelope, G. blue_bottle, H. red_container, I. blue_bucket, J. blue_cupboard, K. red_envelope, L. green_box, M. red_box, N. green_drawer, O. blue_treasure_chest | true | 1,175 | Where does Owen think Noah thinks Aiden thinks the cherry is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Aiden saw a cat.
2 Owen, Avery, Noah, Aiden and Ella entered the front_yard.
3 The cherry is in the green_envelope.
4 Noah likes the green_envelope.
5 Owen moved the cherry to the blue_bucket.
6 Owen exited the front_yard.
7 Avery lost his phone.
8 Avery made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
9 Avery exited the front_yard.
10 Noah made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
11 Noah exited the front_yard.
12 Aiden moved the cherry to the blue_cupboard.
13 Aiden exited the front_yard.
14 Ella made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
15 Ella exited the front_yard.
16 Owen, Avery, Noah, Aiden and Ella entered the waiting_room.
17 Noah publicly claimed that cherry is in the green_envelope.
18 Ella privately told Noah that the cherry is in the blue_bottle.
19 Aiden, Avery and Owen entered the bedroom.
20 The lettuce is in the green_box.
21 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
22 Aiden exited the bedroom.
23 Avery moved the lettuce to the red_envelope.
24 Avery exited the bedroom.
25 Owen made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
26 Owen exited the bedroom.
27 Aiden, Avery and Owen entered the waiting_room.
28 Owen, Ella, Aiden and Avery entered the bedroom.
29 The lettuce is in the red_envelope.
30 Owen made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
31 Owen exited the bedroom.
32 Ella made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
33 Ella exited the bedroom.
34 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
35 Aiden exited the bedroom.
36 Avery moved the lettuce to the blue_treasure_chest.
37 Avery exited the bedroom.
38 Owen, Ella, Aiden and Avery entered the waiting_room.
39 Ella privately told Aiden that the lettuce is in the red_box.
40 Avery privately told Noah that the lettuce is in the blue_treasure_chest.
| green_envelope |
3 | VP | A. green_basket, B. green_crate, C. blue_pantry, D. red_bottle, E. red_container, F. blue_crate, G. blue_treasure_chest, H. green_treasure_chest, I. red_drawer, J. green_pantry, K. green_bottle, L. blue_cupboard, M. green_bucket, N. red_basket, O. green_envelope | true | 1,176 | Where does Sophia think Benjamin thinks William thinks the turnip is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Sophia, Liam, William, Hannah and Benjamin entered the porch.
2 The turnip is in the green_crate.
3 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
4 Sophia exited the porch.
5 Liam moved the turnip to the blue_pantry.
6 Liam exited the porch.
7 William moved the turnip to the red_bottle.
8 William exited the porch.
9 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
10 Hannah exited the porch.
11 William saw a monkey.
12 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
13 Benjamin exited the porch.
14 Sophia, Liam, William, Hannah and Benjamin entered the waiting_room.
15 Sophia saw a mouse.
16 William privately told Sophia that the turnip is in the red_bottle.
17 Liam privately told Hannah that the turnip is in the green_crate.
18 Sophia, Benjamin and Hannah entered the porch.
19 The turnip is in the red_bottle.
20 Sophia moved the turnip to the green_basket.
21 Sophia exited the porch.
22 Benjamin moved the turnip to the green_crate.
23 Benjamin exited the porch.
24 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
25 Hannah exited the porch.
26 Sophia, Benjamin and Hannah entered the waiting_room.
27 William, Sophia, Liam and Hannah entered the attic.
28 The tomato is in the green_bottle.
29 William moved the tomato to the red_basket.
30 William exited the attic.
31 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the attic for 1 minute.
32 Sophia exited the attic.
33 Liam made no movements and stayed in the attic for 1 minute.
34 Liam exited the attic.
35 Hannah moved the tomato to the green_envelope.
36 William saw a mouse.
37 Hannah exited the attic.
38 William, Sophia, Liam and Hannah entered the waiting_room.
39 Sophia saw a dog.
40 Liam publicly claimed that tomato is in the green_bucket.
41 William privately told Hannah that the tomato is in the red_basket.
| green_crate |
3 | VP | A. blue_crate, B. blue_cupboard, C. green_bottle, D. red_pantry, E. green_box, F. green_bucket, G. green_crate, H. green_basket, I. green_treasure_chest, J. green_envelope, K. blue_drawer, L. green_bathtub, M. red_container, N. green_pantry, O. red_bucket | true | 1,177 | Where does Aiden think Avery thinks Carter thinks the cabbage is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Avery, Aiden, Carter, William and Charlotte entered the office.
2 The cabbage is in the green_bucket.
3 Avery made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
4 Avery exited the office.
5 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
6 Aiden exited the office.
7 Carter made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
8 Carter exited the office.
9 William made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
10 William exited the office.
11 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
12 Charlotte exited the office.
13 Avery, Aiden, Carter, William and Charlotte entered the waiting_room.
14 William publicly claimed that cabbage is in the green_envelope.
15 Charlotte privately told Avery that the cabbage is in the green_bucket.
16 Carter, Charlotte and Avery entered the office.
17 The spinach is in the green_crate.
18 Carter moved the spinach to the green_treasure_chest.
19 Carter exited the office.
20 Charlotte moved the spinach to the green_bucket.
21 Charlotte exited the office.
22 Avery made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
23 Avery exited the office.
24 Carter, Charlotte and Avery entered the waiting_room.
25 Aiden, Charlotte, Avery and William entered the office.
26 The cabbage is in the green_bucket.
27 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
28 Aiden exited the office.
29 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
30 Charlotte exited the office.
31 William lost his phone.
32 Avery moved the cabbage to the green_crate.
33 Avery exited the office.
34 William made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
35 William exited the office.
36 Aiden, Charlotte, Avery and William entered the waiting_room.
37 Aiden publicly claimed that cabbage is in the green_basket.
38 William privately told Carter that the cabbage is in the green_crate.
| green_bucket |
3 | VP | A. green_envelope, B. blue_bathtub, C. red_pantry, D. red_crate, E. green_crate, F. red_basket, G. blue_treasure_chest, H. green_box, I. blue_cupboard, J. red_bottle, K. green_pantry, L. blue_container, M. red_bucket, N. green_basket, O. green_bucket | true | 1,178 | Where does Logan think Ava thinks William thinks the cherry is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Avery, Ava, William, Logan and Amelia entered the cellar.
2 The cherry is in the blue_container.
3 Avery made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
4 Avery exited the cellar.
5 Ava made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
6 Ava exited the cellar.
7 William made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
8 Ava dislikes the beans.
9 William exited the cellar.
10 Logan moved the cherry to the green_bucket.
11 Logan exited the cellar.
12 William likes the green_bucket.
13 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
14 Amelia exited the cellar.
15 Avery, Ava, William, Logan and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
16 William publicly claimed that cherry is in the blue_container.
17 Amelia privately told William that the cherry is in the green_pantry.
18 Logan, Amelia and William entered the cellar.
19 The cherry is in the green_bucket.
20 Logan moved the cherry to the green_pantry.
21 Logan exited the cellar.
22 Amelia moved the cherry to the green_basket.
23 Amelia exited the cellar.
24 William made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
25 William exited the cellar.
26 Logan, Amelia and William entered the waiting_room.
27 Logan, Avery, Ava and Amelia entered the cellar.
28 The cherry is in the green_basket.
29 Logan made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
30 Logan exited the cellar.
31 Avery made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
32 Avery exited the cellar.
33 Ava moved the cherry to the green_bucket.
34 Ava exited the cellar.
35 Amelia moved the cherry to the blue_container.
36 Amelia exited the cellar.
37 Logan, Avery, Ava and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
38 Ava publicly claimed that cherry is in the green_basket.
39 Logan privately told Amelia that the cherry is in the blue_container.
| blue_container |
3 | VP | A. blue_bottle, B. green_bucket, C. blue_bathtub, D. red_bottle, E. blue_treasure_chest, F. green_pantry, G. red_drawer, H. blue_pantry, I. red_envelope, J. blue_cupboard, K. red_basket, L. red_box, M. green_box, N. green_crate, O. blue_bucket | true | 1,179 | Where does Carter think Mila thinks Owen thinks the turnip is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Carter, Mila, Owen, Avery and Isla entered the sunroom.
2 The turnip is in the green_pantry.
3 Carter made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
4 Carter exited the sunroom.
5 Mila made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
6 Mila exited the sunroom.
7 Owen moved the turnip to the blue_cupboard.
8 Owen exited the sunroom.
9 Avery moved the turnip to the red_envelope.
10 Avery exited the sunroom.
11 Isla made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
12 Isla exited the sunroom.
13 Carter, Mila, Owen, Avery and Isla entered the waiting_room.
14 Avery publicly claimed that turnip is in the blue_pantry.
15 Isla privately told Carter that the turnip is in the red_envelope.
16 Isla, Avery and Carter entered the back_yard.
17 The persimmon is in the red_basket.
18 Isla made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
19 Isla exited the back_yard.
20 Avery made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
21 Avery exited the back_yard.
22 Carter moved the persimmon to the red_box.
23 Carter exited the back_yard.
24 Isla, Avery and Carter entered the waiting_room.
25 Avery, Isla, Carter and Owen entered the back_yard.
26 Isla lost his watch.
27 The grapes is in the red_box.
28 Avery moved the grapes to the green_box.
29 Avery exited the back_yard.
30 Isla made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
31 Isla exited the back_yard.
32 Carter made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
33 Carter exited the back_yard.
34 Owen made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
35 Owen exited the back_yard.
36 Avery, Isla, Carter and Owen entered the waiting_room.
37 Carter publicly claimed that grapes is in the blue_bucket.
38 Avery saw a dog.
39 Avery privately told Owen that the grapes is in the red_basket.
| green_pantry |
4 | VP | A. blue_crate, B. green_drawer, C. red_basket, D. blue_drawer, E. green_bathtub, F. blue_bottle, G. green_pantry, H. red_envelope, I. blue_cupboard, J. green_envelope, K. red_crate, L. blue_suitcase, M. green_bottle, N. red_bucket, O. red_pantry | true | 1,180 | Where does Isabella think Logan thinks Jackson thinks Jack thinks the peas is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Logan, Jackson, Jack, Emily and Isabella entered the hallway.
2 The peas is in the blue_suitcase.
3 Logan made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
4 Logan exited the hallway.
5 Jackson made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
6 Jack likes the blue_crate.
7 Jackson exited the hallway.
8 Jack moved the peas to the red_crate.
9 Jack exited the hallway.
10 Emily moved the peas to the green_bottle.
11 Emily exited the hallway.
12 Isabella made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
13 Jackson dislikes the turnip.
14 Isabella exited the hallway.
15 Logan, Jackson, Jack, Emily and Isabella entered the waiting_room.
16 Emily publicly claimed that peas is in the blue_suitcase.
17 Isabella privately told Logan that the peas is in the green_bottle.
18 Isabella, Emily and Logan entered the attic.
19 The potato is in the green_drawer.
20 Isabella moved the potato to the red_basket.
21 Isabella exited the attic.
22 Jackson dislikes the cucumber.
23 Emily moved the potato to the green_bathtub.
24 Emily exited the attic.
25 Logan moved the potato to the blue_crate.
26 Logan exited the attic.
27 Isabella, Emily and Logan entered the waiting_room.
28 Jack, Isabella, Emily and Logan entered the patio.
29 The cherry is in the blue_bottle.
30 Jack made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
31 Jack exited the patio.
32 Isabella moved the cherry to the green_envelope.
33 Isabella exited the patio.
34 Emily made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
35 Emily exited the patio.
36 Logan moved the cherry to the blue_cupboard.
37 Logan exited the patio.
38 Emily dislikes the peas.
39 Jack, Isabella, Emily and Logan entered the waiting_room.
40 Isabella privately told Emily that the cherry is in the blue_cupboard.
41 Logan privately told Jackson that the cherry is in the blue_cupboard.
| blue_suitcase |
4 | VP | A. blue_treasure_chest, B. green_treasure_chest, C. blue_bottle, D. blue_suitcase, E. green_envelope, F. blue_drawer, G. blue_bucket, H. green_box, I. red_envelope, J. red_box, K. green_pantry, L. blue_bathtub, M. green_basket, N. green_cupboard, O. green_bucket | true | 1,181 | Where does Evelyn think Ella thinks Owen thinks Aiden thinks the melon is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Owen dislikes the pear.
2 Ella, Owen, Isla, Aiden and Evelyn entered the back_yard.
3 The melon is in the blue_treasure_chest.
4 Ella likes the blue_suitcase.
5 Ella moved the melon to the blue_bottle.
6 Ella exited the back_yard.
7 Owen moved the melon to the green_envelope.
8 Owen exited the back_yard.
9 Isla made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
10 Isla exited the back_yard.
11 Aiden moved the melon to the blue_suitcase.
12 Aiden exited the back_yard.
13 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
14 Evelyn exited the back_yard.
15 Ella, Owen, Isla, Aiden and Evelyn entered the waiting_room.
16 Isla privately told Ella that the melon is in the green_treasure_chest.
17 Owen privately told Aiden that the melon is in the blue_suitcase.
18 Owen, Aiden and Ella entered the back_yard.
19 The lemon is in the green_treasure_chest.
20 Owen moved the lemon to the blue_treasure_chest.
21 Owen exited the back_yard.
22 Owen dislikes the pear.
23 Aiden moved the lemon to the blue_suitcase.
24 Aiden exited the back_yard.
25 Ella made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
26 Ella exited the back_yard.
27 Owen, Aiden and Ella entered the waiting_room.
28 Ella, Isla, Owen and Aiden entered the front_yard.
29 The banana is in the green_pantry.
30 Ella moved the banana to the green_basket.
31 Ella exited the front_yard.
32 Isla moved the banana to the blue_bathtub.
33 Isla exited the front_yard.
34 Owen made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
35 Owen exited the front_yard.
36 Aiden moved the banana to the green_cupboard.
37 Aiden exited the front_yard.
38 Aiden lost his watch.
39 Ella, Isla, Owen and Aiden entered the waiting_room.
40 Ella publicly claimed that banana is in the green_basket.
41 Aiden privately told Evelyn that the banana is in the green_cupboard.
| blue_treasure_chest |
4 | VP | A. green_bottle, B. green_drawer, C. green_box, D. green_bucket, E. blue_crate, F. green_bathtub, G. blue_suitcase, H. red_pantry, I. blue_bucket, J. blue_bathtub, K. red_container, L. blue_drawer, M. red_drawer, N. red_crate, O. green_crate | true | 1,182 | Where does Ella think Jack thinks Jackson thinks Jacob thinks the spinach is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Ella saw a mouse.
2 Jackson, Jack, Ella, Jacob and Amelia entered the laundry.
3 The spinach is in the red_container.
4 Jackson moved the spinach to the green_crate.
5 Jackson exited the laundry.
6 Jack moved the spinach to the blue_drawer.
7 Jack exited the laundry.
8 Ella moved the spinach to the red_drawer.
9 Ella exited the laundry.
10 Jacob made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
11 Jacob exited the laundry.
12 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
13 Amelia exited the laundry.
14 Jackson, Jack, Ella, Jacob and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
15 Ella privately told Jackson that the spinach is in the red_crate.
16 Jack privately told Jacob that the spinach is in the red_drawer.
17 Jackson, Jacob and Ella entered the laundry.
18 The spinach is in the red_drawer.
19 Jackson moved the spinach to the green_crate.
20 Jackson exited the laundry.
21 Jacob made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
22 Jacob exited the laundry.
23 Amelia dislikes the tomato.
24 Ella made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
25 Ella exited the laundry.
26 Amelia likes the red_crate.
27 Jackson, Jacob and Ella entered the waiting_room.
28 Jacob likes the red_pantry.
29 Amelia, Jacob, Ella and Jack entered the patio.
30 The tomato is in the green_drawer.
31 Amelia moved the tomato to the green_bottle.
32 Amelia exited the patio.
33 Jacob made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
34 Jacob exited the patio.
35 Ella moved the tomato to the green_bucket.
36 Ella exited the patio.
37 Jack made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
38 Jack exited the patio.
39 Amelia, Jacob, Ella and Jack entered the waiting_room.
40 Amelia publicly claimed that tomato is in the green_box.
41 Jack privately told Jackson that the tomato is in the green_bucket.
| red_container |
4 | VP | A. green_basket, B. red_container, C. red_bottle, D. green_cupboard, E. blue_bucket, F. green_bottle, G. green_envelope, H. green_box, I. red_envelope, J. green_drawer, K. red_drawer, L. blue_container, M. blue_bottle, N. green_treasure_chest, O. blue_pantry | true | 1,183 | Where does Alexander think Lily thinks Nathan thinks Amelia thinks the corn is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Nathan, Lily, Amelia, Alexander and Abigail entered the hallway.
2 The corn is in the green_bottle.
3 Nathan moved the corn to the red_envelope.
4 Abigail saw a cat.
5 Nathan exited the hallway.
6 Lily moved the corn to the green_envelope.
7 Lily exited the hallway.
8 Amelia moved the corn to the green_drawer.
9 Amelia exited the hallway.
10 Alexander moved the corn to the green_box.
11 Alexander exited the hallway.
12 Abigail moved the corn to the green_bottle.
13 Abigail exited the hallway.
14 Nathan, Lily, Amelia, Alexander and Abigail entered the waiting_room.
15 Amelia publicly claimed that corn is in the green_bottle.
16 Abigail privately told Amelia that the corn is in the green_envelope.
17 Nathan, Abigail and Amelia entered the lounge.
18 The tangerine is in the red_drawer.
19 Nathan moved the tangerine to the blue_pantry.
20 Nathan exited the lounge.
21 Abigail moved the tangerine to the green_treasure_chest.
22 Abigail exited the lounge.
23 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the lounge for 1 minute.
24 Amelia exited the lounge.
25 Nathan, Abigail and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
26 Amelia, Alexander, Lily and Nathan entered the bedroom.
27 The green_pepper is in the green_basket.
28 Amelia moved the green_pepper to the green_cupboard.
29 Amelia exited the bedroom.
30 Alexander made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
31 Alexander exited the bedroom.
32 Lily moved the green_pepper to the red_container.
33 Lily exited the bedroom.
34 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
35 Nathan exited the bedroom.
36 Amelia, Alexander, Lily and Nathan entered the waiting_room.
37 Lily publicly claimed that green_pepper is in the green_basket.
38 Amelia privately told Nathan that the green_pepper is in the green_cupboard.
| green_bottle |
4 | VP | A. blue_container, B. green_pantry, C. blue_bottle, D. blue_drawer, E. red_pantry, F. green_drawer, G. green_bucket, H. red_basket, I. red_envelope, J. red_container, K. red_box, L. green_envelope, M. blue_bucket, N. green_bottle, O. green_box | true | 1,184 | Where does Hannah think Avery thinks Jackson thinks Sophia thinks the sweet_potato is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Sophia, Noah, Avery, Hannah and Jackson entered the front_yard.
2 The sweet_potato is in the red_box.
3 Sophia moved the sweet_potato to the green_bottle.
4 Sophia exited the front_yard.
5 Noah made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
6 Noah dislikes the melon.
7 Noah exited the front_yard.
8 Avery likes the green_pantry.
9 Avery made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
10 Avery exited the front_yard.
11 Hannah moved the sweet_potato to the green_box.
12 Hannah exited the front_yard.
13 Jackson moved the sweet_potato to the red_box.
14 Jackson exited the front_yard.
15 Sophia, Noah, Avery, Hannah and Jackson entered the waiting_room.
16 Hannah publicly claimed that sweet_potato is in the green_bottle.
17 Jackson privately told Sophia that the sweet_potato is in the red_box.
18 Hannah, Jackson and Sophia entered the front_yard.
19 The orange is in the green_envelope.
20 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
21 Hannah exited the front_yard.
22 Jackson moved the orange to the red_box.
23 Jackson exited the front_yard.
24 Sophia moved the orange to the blue_bucket.
25 Sophia exited the front_yard.
26 Hannah, Jackson and Sophia entered the waiting_room.
27 Noah, Jackson, Avery and Hannah entered the basement.
28 The peach is in the green_bucket.
29 Noah moved the peach to the red_envelope.
30 Noah exited the basement.
31 Jackson moved the peach to the red_container.
32 Jackson exited the basement.
33 Avery made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute.
34 Avery exited the basement.
35 Hannah moved the peach to the red_basket.
36 Hannah exited the basement.
37 Hannah likes the blue_bottle.
38 Noah, Jackson, Avery and Hannah entered the waiting_room.
39 Jackson publicly claimed that peach is in the red_container.
40 Hannah privately told Avery that the peach is in the red_basket.
| red_box |
4 | VP | A. green_box, B. red_container, C. blue_bucket, D. blue_bottle, E. blue_container, F. blue_cupboard, G. blue_treasure_chest, H. blue_suitcase, I. red_bucket, J. blue_crate, K. green_envelope, L. red_crate, M. green_cupboard, N. blue_bathtub, O. green_bucket | true | 1,185 | Where does Hannah think Jacob thinks Isabella thinks Owen thinks the orange is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Hannah, Jacob, Jackson, Isabella and Owen entered the laundry.
2 The orange is in the green_box.
3 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
4 Hannah exited the laundry.
5 Hannah saw a monkey.
6 Jacob moved the orange to the blue_bottle.
7 Jackson saw a dog.
8 Jacob exited the laundry.
9 Jackson moved the orange to the red_container.
10 Jackson exited the laundry.
11 Isabella made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
12 Isabella exited the laundry.
13 Owen made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
14 Owen exited the laundry.
15 Hannah, Jacob, Jackson, Isabella and Owen entered the waiting_room.
16 Isabella publicly claimed that orange is in the blue_bucket.
17 Owen privately told Hannah that the orange is in the red_container.
18 Isabella, Jackson and Owen entered the lounge.
19 The green_pepper is in the green_envelope.
20 Isabella made no movements and stayed in the lounge for 1 minute.
21 Isabella exited the lounge.
22 Jackson made no movements and stayed in the lounge for 1 minute.
23 Jackson exited the lounge.
24 Owen made no movements and stayed in the lounge for 1 minute.
25 Hannah lost his watch.
26 Owen exited the lounge.
27 Isabella, Jackson and Owen entered the waiting_room.
28 Owen, Jackson, Isabella and Hannah entered the laundry.
29 The orange is in the red_container.
30 Owen made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
31 Owen exited the laundry.
32 Jackson made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
33 Jackson exited the laundry.
34 Isabella moved the orange to the blue_bucket.
35 Isabella exited the laundry.
36 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
37 Jacob saw a dog.
38 Hannah exited the laundry.
39 Isabella lost his watch.
40 Owen, Jackson, Isabella and Hannah entered the waiting_room.
41 Jackson publicly claimed that orange is in the red_container.
42 Owen lost his watch.
43 Hannah privately told Isabella that the orange is in the blue_bottle.
| green_box |
4 | VP | A. green_bottle, B. blue_crate, C. red_basket, D. green_envelope, E. green_treasure_chest, F. blue_drawer, G. blue_suitcase, H. blue_bottle, I. green_pantry, J. red_box, K. green_drawer, L. blue_bucket, M. blue_cupboard, N. green_crate, O. blue_container | true | 1,186 | Where does Isabella think Chloe thinks Sophia thinks Amelia thinks the lime is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Benjamin, Isabella, Chloe, Amelia and Sophia entered the porch.
2 The lime is in the green_bottle.
3 Benjamin moved the lime to the green_treasure_chest.
4 Benjamin exited the porch.
5 Isabella moved the lime to the blue_crate.
6 Isabella exited the porch.
7 Chloe moved the lime to the green_envelope.
8 Chloe exited the porch.
9 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
10 Amelia exited the porch.
11 Sophia moved the lime to the green_bottle.
12 Chloe lost his phone.
13 Sophia exited the porch.
14 Benjamin, Isabella, Chloe, Amelia and Sophia entered the waiting_room.
15 Amelia publicly claimed that lime is in the green_bottle.
16 Sophia privately told Benjamin that the lime is in the green_bottle.
17 Isabella, Sophia and Amelia entered the laundry.
18 The beans is in the blue_suitcase.
19 Isabella moved the beans to the blue_bottle.
20 Isabella exited the laundry.
21 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
22 Sophia exited the laundry.
23 Benjamin dislikes the persimmon.
24 Amelia moved the beans to the red_box.
25 Amelia lost his gloves.
26 Amelia exited the laundry.
27 Isabella, Sophia and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
28 Benjamin, Sophia, Chloe and Amelia entered the laundry.
29 The beans is in the red_box.
30 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute.
31 Isabella saw a dog.
32 Benjamin exited the laundry.
33 Sophia moved the beans to the blue_drawer.
34 Sophia exited the laundry.
35 Chloe moved the beans to the blue_bottle.
36 Chloe exited the laundry.
37 Amelia moved the beans to the green_pantry.
38 Amelia exited the laundry.
39 Benjamin, Sophia, Chloe and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
40 Sophia publicly claimed that beans is in the red_box.
41 Amelia privately told Chloe that the beans is in the green_pantry.
| green_bottle |
4 | VP | A. blue_pantry, B. red_box, C. red_envelope, D. green_envelope, E. green_drawer, F. blue_treasure_chest, G. blue_container, H. green_bucket, I. green_basket, J. red_drawer, K. red_pantry, L. green_treasure_chest, M. red_bucket, N. green_box, O. blue_crate | true | 1,187 | Where does Sophia think Avery thinks Amelia thinks Chloe thinks the carrot is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Avery, Amelia, Jack, Chloe and Sophia entered the garage.
2 The carrot is in the red_pantry.
3 Avery moved the carrot to the red_bucket.
4 Amelia lost his phone.
5 Avery exited the garage.
6 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the garage for 1 minute.
7 Jack lost his phone.
8 Amelia exited the garage.
9 Jack moved the carrot to the blue_crate.
10 Jack exited the garage.
11 Chloe moved the carrot to the green_box.
12 Chloe exited the garage.
13 Avery dislikes the cherry.
14 Sophia moved the carrot to the red_pantry.
15 Sophia exited the garage.
16 Avery, Amelia, Jack, Chloe and Sophia entered the waiting_room.
17 Amelia saw a cat.
18 Jack publicly claimed that carrot is in the green_treasure_chest.
19 Sophia privately told Jack that the carrot is in the green_box.
20 Chloe, Sophia and Amelia entered the closet.
21 The lettuce is in the red_box.
22 Chloe made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
23 Chloe exited the closet.
24 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
25 Sophia exited the closet.
26 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
27 Amelia exited the closet.
28 Chloe, Sophia and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
29 Chloe, Sophia, Avery and Jack entered the closet.
30 The watermelon is in the blue_pantry.
31 Chloe made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
32 Chloe exited the closet.
33 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
34 Sophia exited the closet.
35 Avery likes the red_pantry.
36 Avery made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
37 Avery exited the closet.
38 Jack made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute.
39 Jack exited the closet.
40 Jack dislikes the watermelon.
41 Chloe, Sophia, Avery and Jack entered the waiting_room.
42 Sophia publicly claimed that watermelon is in the red_envelope.
43 Jack privately told Avery that the watermelon is in the blue_pantry.
| red_pantry |
4 | VP | A. blue_bucket, B. red_drawer, C. green_bathtub, D. green_treasure_chest, E. blue_treasure_chest, F. blue_bottle, G. green_bucket, H. blue_cupboard, I. blue_container, J. red_envelope, K. blue_drawer, L. green_pantry, M. red_basket, N. red_crate, O. green_crate | true | 1,188 | Where does Nathan think Elizabeth thinks Carter thinks Isla thinks the watermelon is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Nathan, Elizabeth, Carter, Jacob and Isla entered the kitchen.
2 The watermelon is in the blue_bottle.
3 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute.
4 Nathan exited the kitchen.
5 Elizabeth moved the watermelon to the red_envelope.
6 Elizabeth exited the kitchen.
7 Carter moved the watermelon to the blue_cupboard.
8 Carter exited the kitchen.
9 Jacob made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute.
10 Jacob exited the kitchen.
11 Isla made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute.
12 Carter dislikes the cherry.
13 Isla exited the kitchen.
14 Nathan, Elizabeth, Carter, Jacob and Isla entered the waiting_room.
15 Carter publicly claimed that watermelon is in the red_envelope.
16 Isla privately told Carter that the watermelon is in the blue_container.
17 Jacob, Carter and Elizabeth entered the kitchen.
18 The watermelon is in the blue_cupboard.
19 Jacob moved the watermelon to the red_envelope.
20 Jacob exited the kitchen.
21 Carter moved the watermelon to the green_bucket.
22 Carter exited the kitchen.
23 Elizabeth moved the watermelon to the blue_container.
24 Elizabeth exited the kitchen.
25 Jacob, Carter and Elizabeth entered the waiting_room.
26 Jacob, Isla, Elizabeth and Carter entered the porch.
27 The banana is in the red_drawer.
28 Jacob moved the banana to the blue_treasure_chest.
29 Isla likes the blue_bottle.
30 Jacob exited the porch.
31 Isla moved the banana to the green_treasure_chest.
32 Isla exited the porch.
33 Elizabeth moved the banana to the green_bathtub.
34 Elizabeth exited the porch.
35 Carter moved the banana to the blue_bucket.
36 Carter exited the porch.
37 Jacob, Isla, Elizabeth and Carter entered the waiting_room.
38 Isla privately told Elizabeth that the banana is in the red_drawer.
39 Carter privately told Nathan that the banana is in the blue_bucket.
| blue_bottle |
4 | VP | A. green_bathtub, B. green_bucket, C. green_box, D. red_pantry, E. red_envelope, F. green_cupboard, G. green_envelope, H. blue_bottle, I. green_treasure_chest, J. blue_container, K. green_bottle, L. green_crate, M. red_crate, N. blue_cupboard, O. red_box | true | 1,189 | Where does Benjamin think Charlotte thinks Emily thinks Mila thinks the persimmon is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Emily, Mila, Benjamin, Emma and Charlotte entered the back_yard.
2 Benjamin lost his phone.
3 The persimmon is in the green_bathtub.
4 Mila likes the red_envelope.
5 Emily moved the persimmon to the red_envelope.
6 Emily exited the back_yard.
7 Mila moved the persimmon to the green_box.
8 Emma lost his phone.
9 Mila exited the back_yard.
10 Benjamin moved the persimmon to the red_pantry.
11 Emily saw a dog.
12 Benjamin exited the back_yard.
13 Emma moved the persimmon to the green_bucket.
14 Emma exited the back_yard.
15 Charlotte moved the persimmon to the green_bathtub.
16 Charlotte exited the back_yard.
17 Emily, Mila, Benjamin, Emma and Charlotte entered the waiting_room.
18 Emma publicly claimed that persimmon is in the green_bucket.
19 Charlotte privately told Emily that the persimmon is in the green_bathtub.
20 Charlotte, Emma and Mila entered the garden.
21 The eggplant is in the green_crate.
22 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the garden for 1 minute.
23 Charlotte exited the garden.
24 Emma made no movements and stayed in the garden for 1 minute.
25 Emma lost his phone.
26 Emma exited the garden.
27 Mila moved the eggplant to the blue_cupboard.
28 Mila exited the garden.
29 Charlotte, Emma and Mila entered the waiting_room.
30 Emma, Charlotte, Benjamin and Emily entered the garden.
31 The apple is in the green_bottle.
32 Emma lost his gloves.
33 Emma made no movements and stayed in the garden for 1 minute.
34 Emma exited the garden.
35 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the garden for 1 minute.
36 Charlotte saw a cat.
37 Charlotte exited the garden.
38 Benjamin moved the apple to the green_crate.
39 Benjamin exited the garden.
40 Emily made no movements and stayed in the garden for 1 minute.
41 Emily exited the garden.
42 Emma, Charlotte, Benjamin and Emily entered the waiting_room.
43 Charlotte publicly claimed that apple is in the blue_cupboard.
44 Emma saw a monkey.
45 Emily privately told Benjamin that the apple is in the green_bottle.
| green_bathtub |
4 | VP | A. green_bottle, B. blue_bottle, C. blue_pantry, D. red_pantry, E. blue_bucket, F. green_pantry, G. green_bathtub, H. blue_container, I. green_basket, J. blue_suitcase, K. green_treasure_chest, L. blue_treasure_chest, M. red_envelope, N. blue_cupboard, O. green_bucket | true | 1,190 | Where does Amelia think Jack thinks Benjamin thinks Abigail thinks the spinach is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Abigail, Amelia, Jack, Benjamin and Isla entered the sunroom.
2 The spinach is in the green_pantry.
3 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
4 Abigail exited the sunroom.
5 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
6 Amelia exited the sunroom.
7 Jack made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
8 Jack exited the sunroom.
9 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
10 Benjamin exited the sunroom.
11 Abigail dislikes the spinach.
12 Isla moved the spinach to the green_pantry.
13 Isla exited the sunroom.
14 Abigail, Amelia, Jack, Benjamin and Isla entered the waiting_room.
15 Jack publicly claimed that spinach is in the green_pantry.
16 Isla privately told Jack that the spinach is in the blue_suitcase.
17 Abigail, Isla and Jack entered the patio.
18 The persimmon is in the blue_bottle.
19 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
20 Abigail exited the patio.
21 Isla made no movements and stayed in the patio for 1 minute.
22 Isla exited the patio.
23 Jack moved the persimmon to the green_bottle.
24 Jack exited the patio.
25 Abigail, Isla and Jack entered the waiting_room.
26 Benjamin, Isla, Amelia and Jack entered the front_yard.
27 The tangerine is in the blue_treasure_chest.
28 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
29 Benjamin exited the front_yard.
30 Isla made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
31 Isla exited the front_yard.
32 Amelia moved the tangerine to the green_bucket.
33 Amelia exited the front_yard.
34 Jack moved the tangerine to the blue_cupboard.
35 Jack exited the front_yard.
36 Benjamin, Isla, Amelia and Jack entered the waiting_room.
37 Isla publicly claimed that tangerine is in the green_treasure_chest.
38 Jack privately told Amelia that the tangerine is in the green_bucket.
| green_pantry |
4 | VP | A. red_basket, B. red_container, C. blue_bottle, D. green_basket, E. red_pantry, F. blue_crate, G. green_bathtub, H. blue_pantry, I. blue_container, J. blue_suitcase, K. red_crate, L. green_pantry, M. green_box, N. red_drawer, O. green_cupboard | true | 1,191 | Where does Nathan think Isabella thinks Hannah thinks Avery thinks the spinach is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Isabella, Avery, Hannah, Noah and Nathan entered the dining_room.
2 The spinach is in the green_pantry.
3 Isabella made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute.
4 Isabella exited the dining_room.
5 Avery moved the spinach to the red_crate.
6 Avery exited the dining_room.
7 Hannah moved the spinach to the green_cupboard.
8 Hannah exited the dining_room.
9 Noah made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute.
10 Noah exited the dining_room.
11 Nathan moved the spinach to the green_pantry.
12 Nathan exited the dining_room.
13 Isabella, Avery, Hannah, Noah and Nathan entered the waiting_room.
14 Hannah lost his gloves.
15 Hannah privately told Isabella that the spinach is in the green_cupboard.
16 Avery privately told Noah that the spinach is in the green_pantry.
17 Avery, Noah and Hannah entered the garage.
18 Hannah saw a mouse.
19 The onion is in the red_basket.
20 Avery made no movements and stayed in the garage for 1 minute.
21 Avery exited the garage.
22 Noah made no movements and stayed in the garage for 1 minute.
23 Noah exited the garage.
24 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the garage for 1 minute.
25 Hannah exited the garage.
26 Avery, Noah and Hannah entered the waiting_room.
27 Isabella likes the green_basket.
28 Isabella, Nathan, Noah and Avery entered the dining_room.
29 The cherry is in the red_crate.
30 Isabella moved the cherry to the green_pantry.
31 Isabella exited the dining_room.
32 Nathan moved the cherry to the green_box.
33 Nathan exited the dining_room.
34 Noah made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute.
35 Noah exited the dining_room.
36 Avery made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute.
37 Avery exited the dining_room.
38 Isabella, Nathan, Noah and Avery entered the waiting_room.
39 Isabella publicly claimed that cherry is in the green_pantry.
40 Avery privately told Hannah that the cherry is in the green_box.
| green_pantry |
4 | VP | A. blue_bottle, B. green_crate, C. red_bucket, D. blue_bucket, E. red_box, F. red_bottle, G. red_envelope, H. green_bucket, I. green_pantry, J. green_basket, K. blue_pantry, L. green_cupboard, M. blue_drawer, N. red_basket, O. green_drawer | true | 1,192 | Where does Emily think Jack thinks Abigail thinks Mila thinks the onion is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Mila saw a cat.
2 Jack, Abigail, Emily, Lily and Mila entered the master_bedroom.
3 Emily lost his watch.
4 The onion is in the green_crate.
5 Jack made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
6 Jack exited the master_bedroom.
7 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
8 Abigail exited the master_bedroom.
9 Emily made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
10 Emily exited the master_bedroom.
11 Lily moved the onion to the blue_bucket.
12 Lily exited the master_bedroom.
13 Mila made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
14 Mila exited the master_bedroom.
15 Jack, Abigail, Emily, Lily and Mila entered the waiting_room.
16 Lily publicly claimed that onion is in the blue_bucket.
17 Mila privately told Jack that the onion is in the blue_bucket.
18 Mila, Abigail and Emily entered the porch.
19 The pear is in the red_bottle.
20 Mila moved the pear to the green_pantry.
21 Mila exited the porch.
22 Abigail moved the pear to the green_basket.
23 Abigail exited the porch.
24 Emily made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
25 Emily exited the porch.
26 Mila, Abigail and Emily entered the waiting_room.
27 Abigail, Lily, Mila and Emily entered the master_bedroom.
28 The onion is in the blue_bucket.
29 Abigail moved the onion to the red_bucket.
30 Abigail exited the master_bedroom.
31 Lily made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
32 Lily exited the master_bedroom.
33 Mila made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute.
34 Mila exited the master_bedroom.
35 Emily moved the onion to the green_crate.
36 Emily exited the master_bedroom.
37 Abigail, Lily, Mila and Emily entered the waiting_room.
38 Lily privately told Mila that the onion is in the green_crate.
39 Emily privately told Jack that the onion is in the green_crate.
| green_crate |
4 | VP | A. blue_suitcase, B. red_bottle, C. red_basket, D. blue_cupboard, E. blue_treasure_chest, F. blue_drawer, G. blue_crate, H. green_envelope, I. blue_pantry, J. green_basket, K. red_drawer, L. red_envelope, M. green_crate, N. red_pantry, O. red_container | true | 1,193 | Where does Isabella think Avery thinks Nathan thinks Abigail thinks the carrot is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Nathan, Emma, Avery, Isabella and Abigail entered the front_yard.
2 Abigail saw a mouse.
3 The carrot is in the red_envelope.
4 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
5 Nathan exited the front_yard.
6 Avery saw a dog.
7 Emma made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
8 Emma exited the front_yard.
9 Avery made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
10 Avery exited the front_yard.
11 Isabella moved the carrot to the red_container.
12 Isabella exited the front_yard.
13 Abigail moved the carrot to the red_envelope.
14 Abigail exited the front_yard.
15 Nathan, Emma, Avery, Isabella and Abigail entered the waiting_room.
16 Isabella publicly claimed that carrot is in the red_envelope.
17 Abigail privately told Nathan that the carrot is in the red_envelope.
18 Emma, Avery and Abigail entered the lounge.
19 Nathan saw a cat.
20 The eggplant is in the blue_drawer.
21 Emma made no movements and stayed in the lounge for 1 minute.
22 Emma exited the lounge.
23 Avery moved the eggplant to the blue_pantry.
24 Avery exited the lounge.
25 Abigail moved the eggplant to the green_basket.
26 Abigail exited the lounge.
27 Emma, Avery and Abigail entered the waiting_room.
28 Emma, Abigail, Avery and Isabella entered the front_yard.
29 The carrot is in the red_envelope.
30 Emma moved the carrot to the red_drawer.
31 Emma exited the front_yard.
32 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
33 Abigail exited the front_yard.
34 Avery made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
35 Avery exited the front_yard.
36 Isabella moved the carrot to the green_crate.
37 Isabella exited the front_yard.
38 Emma, Abigail, Avery and Isabella entered the waiting_room.
39 Emma publicly claimed that carrot is in the red_container.
40 Isabella privately told Nathan that the carrot is in the green_crate.
| red_envelope |
4 | VP | A. red_container, B. blue_crate, C. green_crate, D. blue_pantry, E. green_treasure_chest, F. blue_cupboard, G. green_bottle, H. blue_suitcase, I. green_box, J. blue_bucket, K. red_envelope, L. red_bucket, M. red_crate, N. red_pantry, O. green_cupboard | true | 1,194 | Where does Isla think Aiden thinks Sophia thinks Abigail thinks the peach is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Abigail, Aiden, Benjamin, Sophia and Isla entered the hallway.
2 The peach is in the red_bucket.
3 Aiden likes the red_crate.
4 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
5 Abigail exited the hallway.
6 Aiden moved the peach to the red_pantry.
7 Aiden exited the hallway.
8 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
9 Benjamin exited the hallway.
10 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
11 Sophia exited the hallway.
12 Isla moved the peach to the red_bucket.
13 Isla exited the hallway.
14 Abigail, Aiden, Benjamin, Sophia and Isla entered the waiting_room.
15 Benjamin privately told Abigail that the peach is in the red_pantry.
16 Aiden privately told Sophia that the peach is in the red_envelope.
17 Benjamin, Isla and Abigail entered the hallway.
18 The peach is in the red_bucket.
19 Benjamin moved the peach to the red_crate.
20 Benjamin exited the hallway.
21 Isla made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
22 Isla exited the hallway.
23 Benjamin dislikes the watermelon.
24 Abigail moved the peach to the red_pantry.
25 Abigail exited the hallway.
26 Benjamin, Isla and Abigail entered the waiting_room.
27 Isla, Aiden, Abigail and Benjamin entered the hallway.
28 The plum is in the red_envelope.
29 Isla dislikes the tangerine.
30 Isla moved the plum to the red_pantry.
31 Isla exited the hallway.
32 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
33 Abigail saw a monkey.
34 Aiden exited the hallway.
35 Abigail moved the plum to the green_cupboard.
36 Abigail exited the hallway.
37 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute.
38 Benjamin exited the hallway.
39 Isla, Aiden, Abigail and Benjamin entered the waiting_room.
40 Isla publicly claimed that plum is in the red_bucket.
41 Benjamin privately told Sophia that the plum is in the green_cupboard.
| red_bucket |
4 | VP | A. blue_container, B. green_crate, C. green_bottle, D. green_basket, E. red_crate, F. green_envelope, G. blue_bottle, H. red_container, I. blue_bucket, J. blue_cupboard, K. red_envelope, L. green_box, M. red_box, N. green_drawer, O. blue_treasure_chest | true | 1,195 | Where does Ella think Owen thinks Noah thinks Aiden thinks the cherry is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Aiden saw a cat.
2 Owen, Avery, Noah, Aiden and Ella entered the front_yard.
3 The cherry is in the green_envelope.
4 Noah likes the green_envelope.
5 Owen moved the cherry to the blue_bucket.
6 Owen exited the front_yard.
7 Avery lost his phone.
8 Avery made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
9 Avery exited the front_yard.
10 Noah made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
11 Noah exited the front_yard.
12 Aiden moved the cherry to the blue_cupboard.
13 Aiden exited the front_yard.
14 Ella made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute.
15 Ella exited the front_yard.
16 Owen, Avery, Noah, Aiden and Ella entered the waiting_room.
17 Noah publicly claimed that cherry is in the green_envelope.
18 Ella privately told Noah that the cherry is in the blue_bottle.
19 Aiden, Avery and Owen entered the bedroom.
20 The lettuce is in the green_box.
21 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
22 Aiden exited the bedroom.
23 Avery moved the lettuce to the red_envelope.
24 Avery exited the bedroom.
25 Owen made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
26 Owen exited the bedroom.
27 Aiden, Avery and Owen entered the waiting_room.
28 Owen, Ella, Aiden and Avery entered the bedroom.
29 The lettuce is in the red_envelope.
30 Owen made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
31 Owen exited the bedroom.
32 Ella made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
33 Ella exited the bedroom.
34 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute.
35 Aiden exited the bedroom.
36 Avery moved the lettuce to the blue_treasure_chest.
37 Avery exited the bedroom.
38 Owen, Ella, Aiden and Avery entered the waiting_room.
39 Ella privately told Aiden that the lettuce is in the red_box.
40 Avery privately told Noah that the lettuce is in the blue_treasure_chest.
| green_envelope |
4 | VP | A. green_basket, B. green_crate, C. blue_pantry, D. red_bottle, E. red_container, F. blue_crate, G. blue_treasure_chest, H. green_treasure_chest, I. red_drawer, J. green_pantry, K. green_bottle, L. blue_cupboard, M. green_bucket, N. red_basket, O. green_envelope | true | 1,196 | Where does Liam think Sophia thinks Benjamin thinks William thinks the turnip is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Sophia, Liam, William, Hannah and Benjamin entered the porch.
2 The turnip is in the green_crate.
3 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
4 Sophia exited the porch.
5 Liam moved the turnip to the blue_pantry.
6 Liam exited the porch.
7 William moved the turnip to the red_bottle.
8 William exited the porch.
9 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
10 Hannah exited the porch.
11 William saw a monkey.
12 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
13 Benjamin exited the porch.
14 Sophia, Liam, William, Hannah and Benjamin entered the waiting_room.
15 Sophia saw a mouse.
16 William privately told Sophia that the turnip is in the red_bottle.
17 Liam privately told Hannah that the turnip is in the green_crate.
18 Sophia, Benjamin and Hannah entered the porch.
19 The turnip is in the red_bottle.
20 Sophia moved the turnip to the green_basket.
21 Sophia exited the porch.
22 Benjamin moved the turnip to the green_crate.
23 Benjamin exited the porch.
24 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the porch for 1 minute.
25 Hannah exited the porch.
26 Sophia, Benjamin and Hannah entered the waiting_room.
27 William, Sophia, Liam and Hannah entered the attic.
28 The tomato is in the green_bottle.
29 William moved the tomato to the red_basket.
30 William exited the attic.
31 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the attic for 1 minute.
32 Sophia exited the attic.
33 Liam made no movements and stayed in the attic for 1 minute.
34 Liam exited the attic.
35 Hannah moved the tomato to the green_envelope.
36 William saw a mouse.
37 Hannah exited the attic.
38 William, Sophia, Liam and Hannah entered the waiting_room.
39 Sophia saw a dog.
40 Liam publicly claimed that tomato is in the green_bucket.
41 William privately told Hannah that the tomato is in the red_basket.
| green_crate |
4 | VP | A. blue_crate, B. blue_cupboard, C. green_bottle, D. red_pantry, E. green_box, F. green_bucket, G. green_crate, H. green_basket, I. green_treasure_chest, J. green_envelope, K. blue_drawer, L. green_bathtub, M. red_container, N. green_pantry, O. red_bucket | true | 1,197 | Where does William think Aiden thinks Avery thinks Carter thinks the cabbage is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Avery, Aiden, Carter, William and Charlotte entered the office.
2 The cabbage is in the green_bucket.
3 Avery made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
4 Avery exited the office.
5 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
6 Aiden exited the office.
7 Carter made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
8 Carter exited the office.
9 William made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
10 William exited the office.
11 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
12 Charlotte exited the office.
13 Avery, Aiden, Carter, William and Charlotte entered the waiting_room.
14 William publicly claimed that cabbage is in the green_envelope.
15 Charlotte privately told Avery that the cabbage is in the green_bucket.
16 Carter, Charlotte and Avery entered the office.
17 The spinach is in the green_crate.
18 Carter moved the spinach to the green_treasure_chest.
19 Carter exited the office.
20 Charlotte moved the spinach to the green_bucket.
21 Charlotte exited the office.
22 Avery made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
23 Avery exited the office.
24 Carter, Charlotte and Avery entered the waiting_room.
25 Aiden, Charlotte, Avery and William entered the office.
26 The cabbage is in the green_bucket.
27 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
28 Aiden exited the office.
29 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
30 Charlotte exited the office.
31 William lost his phone.
32 Avery moved the cabbage to the green_crate.
33 Avery exited the office.
34 William made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute.
35 William exited the office.
36 Aiden, Charlotte, Avery and William entered the waiting_room.
37 Aiden publicly claimed that cabbage is in the green_basket.
38 William privately told Carter that the cabbage is in the green_crate.
| green_bucket |
4 | VP | A. green_envelope, B. blue_bathtub, C. red_pantry, D. red_crate, E. green_crate, F. red_basket, G. blue_treasure_chest, H. green_box, I. blue_cupboard, J. red_bottle, K. green_pantry, L. blue_container, M. red_bucket, N. green_basket, O. green_bucket | true | 1,198 | Where does Amelia think Logan thinks Ava thinks William thinks the cherry is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Avery, Ava, William, Logan and Amelia entered the cellar.
2 The cherry is in the blue_container.
3 Avery made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
4 Avery exited the cellar.
5 Ava made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
6 Ava exited the cellar.
7 William made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
8 Ava dislikes the beans.
9 William exited the cellar.
10 Logan moved the cherry to the green_bucket.
11 Logan exited the cellar.
12 William likes the green_bucket.
13 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
14 Amelia exited the cellar.
15 Avery, Ava, William, Logan and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
16 William publicly claimed that cherry is in the blue_container.
17 Amelia privately told William that the cherry is in the green_pantry.
18 Logan, Amelia and William entered the cellar.
19 The cherry is in the green_bucket.
20 Logan moved the cherry to the green_pantry.
21 Logan exited the cellar.
22 Amelia moved the cherry to the green_basket.
23 Amelia exited the cellar.
24 William made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
25 William exited the cellar.
26 Logan, Amelia and William entered the waiting_room.
27 Logan, Avery, Ava and Amelia entered the cellar.
28 The cherry is in the green_basket.
29 Logan made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
30 Logan exited the cellar.
31 Avery made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute.
32 Avery exited the cellar.
33 Ava moved the cherry to the green_bucket.
34 Ava exited the cellar.
35 Amelia moved the cherry to the blue_container.
36 Amelia exited the cellar.
37 Logan, Avery, Ava and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
38 Ava publicly claimed that cherry is in the green_basket.
39 Logan privately told Amelia that the cherry is in the blue_container.
| blue_container |
4 | VP | A. blue_bottle, B. green_bucket, C. blue_bathtub, D. red_bottle, E. blue_treasure_chest, F. green_pantry, G. red_drawer, H. blue_pantry, I. red_envelope, J. blue_cupboard, K. red_basket, L. red_box, M. green_box, N. green_crate, O. blue_bucket | true | 1,199 | Where does Isla think Carter thinks Mila thinks Owen thinks the turnip is? | 3 | Read the following story and answer the multiple-choice question. Please provide answer without explanations.
1 Carter, Mila, Owen, Avery and Isla entered the sunroom.
2 The turnip is in the green_pantry.
3 Carter made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
4 Carter exited the sunroom.
5 Mila made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
6 Mila exited the sunroom.
7 Owen moved the turnip to the blue_cupboard.
8 Owen exited the sunroom.
9 Avery moved the turnip to the red_envelope.
10 Avery exited the sunroom.
11 Isla made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute.
12 Isla exited the sunroom.
13 Carter, Mila, Owen, Avery and Isla entered the waiting_room.
14 Avery publicly claimed that turnip is in the blue_pantry.
15 Isla privately told Carter that the turnip is in the red_envelope.
16 Isla, Avery and Carter entered the back_yard.
17 The persimmon is in the red_basket.
18 Isla made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
19 Isla exited the back_yard.
20 Avery made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
21 Avery exited the back_yard.
22 Carter moved the persimmon to the red_box.
23 Carter exited the back_yard.
24 Isla, Avery and Carter entered the waiting_room.
25 Avery, Isla, Carter and Owen entered the back_yard.
26 Isla lost his watch.
27 The grapes is in the red_box.
28 Avery moved the grapes to the green_box.
29 Avery exited the back_yard.
30 Isla made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
31 Isla exited the back_yard.
32 Carter made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
33 Carter exited the back_yard.
34 Owen made no movements and stayed in the back_yard for 1 minute.
35 Owen exited the back_yard.
36 Avery, Isla, Carter and Owen entered the waiting_room.
37 Carter publicly claimed that grapes is in the blue_bucket.
38 Avery saw a dog.
39 Avery privately told Owen that the grapes is in the red_basket.
| green_pantry |