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im grabbing a minute to post i feel greedy wrong | [
"im blocked i could at least be doing something constructive my room needs a major cleaning for instance but i feel agitated if im not at least doing research for this story it does require a lot of research",
"i established a rule with my comp that we don t end planning session at the end of the day until we resolve all conflicts or any feelings of anger or anything that bothered one of us to each other and fix whatever it was",
"i feel like affirmation however petty is what i really need",
"im happy to report that im not feeling too petty these days mostly because there have been countless examples lately showing me how irrational a woman reaching adulthood and some who should all ready be there can actually concieve",
"i dunno the word im even looking for i guess because im not exactly how i feel im selfish i know",
"i feel so cold a href http irish",
"im feeling very sarcastic today",
"i feel that is why she suddenly got mad at mom",
"i definitely feel that my poems are in conversation with nature poetry but in the way that a rebellious activist might be in conversation with a government official",
"i could understand if a survivor reading this might at first feel offended by my talking about abstract forms of rape",
"when we rearranged furniture in our flat and got stuck in a chair",
"i have to confess to feeling quite angry when i read some of the negative reviews of uses for boys some of which are basically victim blaming and slut shaming",
"i often feel fucked regardless",
"when my mother kept me in leadingstrings",
"i feel like i m a very very dangerous human being right now",
"i felt apprehensive in regards to the party oftentimes in the past other men have made me feel resentful towards them when i attended with them"
] | [
"im feeling very sentimental tonight",
"i must say to get to this point where i feel nothing but just friendly feelings towards him takes alot of time",
"i often feel real gloomy theres always another large government program on the horizon our freedoms are consistently contracted our wallets are pilfered for the benefit of fat cat corporate bankers and the public continues to vote in the politicians who steal from us every day",
"i feel kind of over entertained",
"i just don t feel i have it in me to get out of bed i can will the dull throbbing of hopelessness to give way and let forth a renewed sensed of hope reflect back on my accomplishments and dig up the inner strength i ve worked so very hard to reestablish",
"i do feel a bit rotten",
"i feel its a must that i exspress my sincere appriciation for all your efforts",
"id really hop to it quickly because i knew theyd cry and yell if they didnt get it quickly and i also knew scott was feeling rotten",
"i am feeling so nostalgic lately i would like to say it is because i am yearning for a simpler time but those times i find myself thinking of are far from simple",
"i feel humiliated embarrassed or foolish i will remember that others have felt the same way because of the same kinds of things and i will be kind and helpful and accepting",
"i guess it s that whole i need a hobby thing to feel worthwhile smart and important",
"i feel which is glamorous and my little lacy bottoms have a tiny g string underneath",
"im not feeling too keen on that",
"i write that i feel a bit anxious",
"i drove to pay her for the snack she was looking at me wearily and i was feeling dazed by what just had happened and felt a confidence that is unusual and rare",
"i feel special i would like to take this moment to thank everyone who sent out their warm birthday wishes and greetings it made me feel special",
"i feel a little disheartened with like im making an effort and getting nothing in return",
"i had been feeling which was longing to be able to put my comfy amp forgiving yoga pants on at the end of the work day",
"i feel like i cant afford to be afraid to show that i am sometimes weak to allow others to see me as anything less than the strong wife and mom that i feel i am",
"i plan on making another post all about that but ive had some progress and i feel fucking fantastic",
"i should feel like there is much to do sure because there is but not so much that im overwhelmed unhappy and not enjoying my time with my family",
"i feel playful im going to tell my boyfriend and if he doesnt feel it too such is life it is his loss",
"i want to feel respected",
"i feel weird having to yank it down and readjust it at points",
"i feel sentimental i close my eyes and look up i feel powerful if i do that",
"i think if youre sad a top tip is to eat lots and lots and lots and lots of it until you feel very satisfied and a maybe a bit queasy",
"i am skinny look at me i am thin i love myself but i am feeling ignored i am thinner now i try to disappear",
"im used to being up and around until the wee hours of the morning after changeling so anyone is feeling sociable give me a call im me or stop by",
"i feel like a moronic bastard",
"i am feeling a little less delicate i will attempt to clean up this hovel",
"i will try to explain how i feel in order that you don t think i am ungrateful for having been blessed with a child",
"i have a feeling that people are using it more than they need to and enjoying the feeling as it flies carefree off the tongue but that is alright with me",
"im still contagious and while i am desperately wanting to cuddle him id feel rotten if i let my selfish physical wants get him sick",
"im feeling a bit overwhelmed tonight and not really for any good reason",
"i feel anxious for myself moment of truth i feel rather like a tiger in a cage when it comes to testing",
"i wish i could feel more assured of myself my decisions my thoughts my perception hellip but it seems that every now and then someone comes along and shoots one or more of those down",
"i feel some super shifting some super circles",
"i feel totally comfortable without being wealthy and like the feeling to work hardly and a long time for every single wish in my mind that i want to become true",
"i am feeling more like me except a little weepy",
"i did blog about some really stupid stuff in the past and i cant stop feeling so embarrassed that i speak or think in that manner but i guess since this is a new phase in my life i would like to pen some thoughts down",
"i find consolation in the beauty of small things but sometimes its just not enough and i feel stupid for trying",
"i was just feeling a little bit creative",
"i feel a discontent an almost constant pull to travel need for an adventure to find my purpose and loneliness",
"i feel eager to see the show sometimes i just cringe at the thought of watching it again",
"i would love to stop feeling so effing needy",
"i was feeling bad over it with every passing minute",
"i feel so unimportant right now like i am not worth the time people waste on me i tried to be happy and not seem like something is wrong but i come back to the realization that something is wrong and i feel like i am worthless again",
"i feel like i am a little ungrateful but i love my home and sometimes getting away is a great way to remind you how much you love the life you have",
"im not feeling too joyful about writing this blog because id rather be knitting",
"i feel this way i do not just get to appreciate the amazing things i have right here and now i also get to dig up happy memories hidden back of my mind and i get to become inspired with hope for the future",
"i always feel so flattered when another amazing blogger asks me to share a little of world on their blog so here it goes",
"i feel doubly honoured because both river of a href http river driftingthroughlife",
"i feel like everytime i blog i am relaying a story about the wonderful food that i had to sit and admire but its a big deal",
"i feel uptight is it any wonder i dont know whats right",
"im feeling naughty i like to add a little bourbon",
"im feeling kinda shaky my mind is full of doubt good luck love you",
"i feel so ungrateful when thinking saying these things but im not sure how to make myself better",
"i just want that feeling of not caring about unnecessary stuff like i felt before",
"im feeling particularly sentimental or what have you i go into a bookstore where my books are sold and i pace out the distance between where my books are displayed and where his are on the shelf",
"ive been feeling weepy and sensitive today as time rolls towards the anniversary of my fathers death",
"i feels so proud of my self img alt onion head emoticons src http www",
"i am fatter because the only thing in my life that can remain under my control is whether or not i get to eat peanut butter on bread when i get home from an impossible day of to first world looking yet third world feeling hell of needy and neglected little girls",
"i feel so strange and sick i have to wake up in three hours seems like everything runs in threes now days t r e e s",
"i mean i know how it feels that a person is valued by the family if s he gives money or food to the table",
"im feeling very blessed amp grateful that i live in the united states of america with the freedoms we enjoy amp the opportunity to vote tomorrow for our next president",
"i feel that i have to justify this behavior to you my faithful blog reader",
"i guess just like a porn star looking at a inch rubber dong i m feeling a bit hesitant about the whole thing",
"i feel a little virtuous doing these things but on the other hand nini s tasted better",
"im feeling brave today so here goes",
"i need to do this that and the other for college by such and such a date because for the past four years ive always felt like ive been needing to do something college based and now i dont but i still have that feeling its really weird i feel almost guilty in fact",
"i am feeling so festive right now and not just because this was the lovely wintry scene when i walked the dog the other day a href http",
"i will review the film after this blog entry but for now as i have david sitting here in my garden feeling slightly smug after just discovering his film had been shortlisted for best film out of entries",
"i am new to this so feels kind of strange but i will push through it",
"i got a feeling like something tragic is going to happen and im praying to god im not like kristie and that im completely wrong on this one and that everything is fine",
"i will just say i feel emotionally calm and centered i just feel that as my self respect grows my desire for better things naturally progresses",
"i feel pretty much like this scene from a href http www",
"i feel pathetic and that i shouldnt make myself feel this way",
"i feel so vulnerable to criticism like if my lunch stinks or if somebody comments on what i eat i have this embarrassed feeling",
"i know how that feels weird right",
"i am feeling the need the longing for the flowers the birds and the warmth of the sun",
"im looking through pictures and feeling the creative tingle in my blood that makes me feel like home",
"i am the one feeling punished",
"i feel like im being naughty coming home on a tuesday morning",
"im feeling particularly smug create my own",
"i feel terrible and sexist whenever im in a group of women and they start talking about dieting and my brain automatically drops the t",
"im still feeling the effects today in that my body isnt particularly impressed by me at the moment and it feels a but stressed out trying to sort itself out",
"i feel like an idiot around my friends target blank rel nofollow title friendfeed img src http dearwendy",
"i feel and talk like a disadvantaged child and am waiting for half my face to come back to me",
"i know that i have it nowhere near as worse as my brethren overseas but right now i feel like im being physically emotionally and spiritually assaulted",
"i feel that so many might be far too eager to point and say see that is not how a true trans guy should feel right now or see i knew trans people were way more fucked up than they let on look at this guy",
"im feeling so clever right about now please let me affirm i am not a good cook in fact i am truly disastrous in the kitchen hehe",
"im feeling happy sad or angry",
"i know theres no hurry to get it done but it still feels a bit weird to not be checking out the newest patch content",
"i didnt know what it was but i then went home to later experiment so that i would feel accepted but as i experimented i learned a new feeling the feeling of greed",
"i yearn for when i feel vulnerable",
"i both feel impatience at the rate of loss and impressed at the same time",
"i feel hopeless because i know i can t control other people s desire to want to know me the way my soul burns to know them",
"i know ken has this down but im feeling really inadequate what am i doing wrong",
"im feeling lucky width li style border px list style outside margin px px",
"i am doing this and makes me feel more determined to give it some effort and dig deep when im feeling the pain",
"i don t really feel like doing much but maybe something gentle",
"i don t know about you but it makes me feel generous",
"im feeling like a tortured teen i decided to pile on the neon which was the shizz in my day",
"im only and that most people havent exactly settled down yet but the other part of me feels like i missed my chance",
"ive been doing hour weeks and ill get paid for the extra time but i am starting to feel a bit abused they are putting a lot of pressure on me to look after both kids and do all of the cooking and cleaning",
"i feel like i have weird sugar issues that my hunger is all over the place",
"i feel shitty as fuck",
"im feeling a bit pathetic today i cant stop crying",
"i am feeling all nostalgic i went on pinterest and found some great looking recipes for tomatoes and had to share a href http media cache ec",
"ive been getting have been making me feel suspicious like its someone elses great work they are trying to get credit for",
"i feel strange talking about less serious things right now like cooking",
"i feel ashamed afraid to let people come over to see my messy house afraid i ll be pulled over and my car towed for my unpaid ticket afraid that blood work will come back with a diagnosis of imminent death",
"i might have folk over soon if im feeling brave",
"i feel so rotten that i need to tell myself all this is just a passing cloud that ill be laughing at years from now",
"i have been feeling awful",
"i found that the price of staying and feeling gorgeous has sky rocketed so i decided to take my own personal experiences and use them to give fellow students and other people on a budget a helping hand",
"i feel like i should also mention that there was some content that i wasnt thrilled with either",
"i feel a bit like a naughty kid who went and spent their last pence on a bag full of e numbers guilty",
"i am planning for at the beginning of this year and feeling only a little smug about it",
"i am not really in financial straits yet so why do i feel so insecure"
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i think it s the easiest time of year to feel dissatisfied | [
"i feel far too distracted to actually write anything of substance",
"i cant help looking back on the child i was and feeling rather jealous but i am also delighted to be living in a time when a nine year old child in some parts of the world can read a thousand books a year if she he wishes and is able to",
"i feel like im so spiteful so negative about everything and everyone now",
"i feel so disgusted with myself for feeling the way i do",
"i feel about him and how he affects me and people around me this is my story i have been trying for years to find a way back to the life i had before being in a long and very violent relationship",
"i feel i can be a bit selfish myself",
"i realized that constantly checking my phone and multitasking made me feel rushed and ragged by the time i reached my destination even if i was talking to someone i really like",
"i just feel like no one cares and no one can be bothered to make the effort and meet up",
"i feel angry alone unwanted vexed irritable all the time",
"i feel that the classroom is extremely dangerous",
"i also didnt feel i could be mad at god because i know inside me that god does nothing without a purpose",
"i look at others and feel jealous",
"i am hating myself at the moment because i feel so hateful to another person",
"i feel like a distracted robot",
"i walk by those temptations i feel disgusted",
"i feel disgusted to even be associated with this woman by my race and nationality"
] | [
"i seem to have managed to start the week with a little bit of a hangover annoyingly so i have been sitting here feeling groggy all day",
"i can brandish this article at anyone who makes fun of me for staying in bed too late or whenever i feel tragic for staying up until",
"i love raising money for variety because it makes me proud to think oh my gosh a year old just raised dollars or wow i feel like people want to help and also get that cute dress in the back of my closet",
"i have often observed that at times when it seems i should feel something im surprised by how disconnected i feel to the people and world around me",
"i feel super lonely when its just me and the dogs but at least we are together and im not tdy all the time anymore",
"i was uptight today over work issues but when i saw him all my tense emotions dissipated coz all i felt at that moment was this warm fuzzy feeling that feeling i get when im laying with him on my bed in a tender embrace and i plant sweet kisses on his cheeks",
"i feel deer supporting mice parade at the hope rel bookmark permalink",
"i feel anxious about a coming event or activity that will require physical energy that i may not have or emotional events that will require emotional energy i look to my parent and adult to take charge",
"i love my tango family sometimes especially when i m feeling ugly and awkward and like an outsider i need something from tango that i can t get when i know everyone at the milonga",
"i no longer a chiuv that is one a man with have an obligation to say kaddish and daven from the amud lead prayers i feel more relaxed",
"i read your kindly feelings to the ones who are the very cause of your disruption you are a splendid person of the highest moral character i salute you",
"i feel unimportant but even if i am in some way its still not my place to be making any decisions or voicing my opinions and its certainly not my place to be sharing my feelings",
"i am not feeling too super",
"i wished i could feel more energetic and deal with less pain but it might be my best option",
"i devised myself rather than had suggested to me the flower distribution and im esp pleased as i bought the flowers when i didnt have my bank card it feels much harder to be generous when having to be especially careful with money and im now wondering if that was the lesson of losing it",
"im feeling so melancholy all day i know this is because ive been reading the perks of again",
"i often feel disillusioned but i look upon it as a test of will and a test of character",
"i feel like a jaded cat whatever who doesn t ever get nervous before races because i ve just done so many and i couldn t care less",
"i feel a change coming espa a hd target blank rel nofollow title google img src http sky sport",
"i wrote last year when i was feeling more dull and inarticulate than normal",
"i was beginning to feel almost jaded by backpacking i guess the endless bouncing around a title comfort v cash my backpacker struggle with overland travel href http www",
"i sure hope it helps im tired of feeling so lousy",
"i found myself being amazed at how mid s f would feel a tad cool as if perhaps a sweatshirt wouldve been a good idea",
"i am under pressure at the place i spend most of my week on past experience i will tend to feel more unhappy for longer periods",
"i feel stressed but i love the feeling of the calming spirit of my heavenly father and the feeling to keep working",
"i wish i could live here all year round but then it probably would lose the getaway feel that i find so precious",
"i feel calm and okay but sometimes i just get so sad",
"i love to be able to say how i feel and i love to be in this complacent spot",
"i feel low not coz of the situations distance or the person but its that one thing that hurts you and makes you feel responsible for what i have done to myself",
"i think the energy in our jobs and in our writing should not always be spent on what we think will sell but rather on our pet projects we truly feel invigorated about",
"i were dating myself right now i d be telling my girlfriends that i feel ignored unloved under appreciated and like i m not a priority",
"i feel fine ep w ps odeon spain us",
"i find myself feeling so lost and desperate because of the things that happen every day but being a human of course i have times where i just cannot be comforted",
"ive never been particularly bothered about my age or the ageing process and while i feel slightly surprised that im nearly i dont really mind",
"i can also song write without feeling all bashful about it and play music and my guitars without anyone telling me to turn it down",
"i had it in my head as it relates to the workplace because i had just been irritable to someone a tiny bit lower in status than myself in response to someone who is higher than me making me feel momentarily pressured",
"finding out that i am not ill not seriously",
"i dont know if i feel thrilled at finally getting to go camping again with people i like and know first time where thats happened",
"i can think of to quit are not based on my own needs and wants but those of others scars make other people feel uncomfortable self injury makes friends feel like they aren t offering enough support cutting is something sad teenagers do",
"i didn t mean to get angry with you bommie i just can t control my feelings hellip i just hated myself why i am like this the dara who can t get over with that b",
"im not one of those people who can bury all their feelings and anger just in a second giving out a sweet smile even when in pain and anger",
"i smile people smile back and tell me they feel a little cheered up seeing me being jolly in the morning",
"i feel very much relieved d i am so happy and i quickly finished a small scissor fob",
"i come out of that fight feeling whipped and saddened and hated for who i am and i have to put on my big girl panties and pretend hey everything s fine even though we re pissy at each other",
"i feel lame saying mommy just needs to pay this bill call a guy about the camper and paint bedrooms to be more neutral",
"i feel from no longer being burdened with those i have to tip toe around and be careful about what i am saying or feeling is unbelievable",
"i m being reserved kind i feel so loads and loads and loads of mood swings i am not caring eh",
"i guess the good news is i feel calm now i think i just needed to get this off my chest",
"im ever feeling stressed i whack heart on black on and it kicks me back into shape",
"i love the porn industry and i feel satisfied and fulfilled working in it i have to say that it doesn t really bring in the big bucks",
"i love my family and i have such a wonderful life so writing all of this down and complaining makes me feel ungrateful",
"i have to admit these hilarious e cards are seriously exactly how i feel i am so stressed out i feel at any moment i could start hy",
"i wish i could say that i got a feeling that everything is going to be perfect and painless but i didnt",
"ill think about my new sewing room and the awesome feeling it is to have a place where i can be as messy as i like without anyone moaning",
"i do however feel that some people would not be so shocked right",
"i know how vital daily practice is in my souls development and i can feel the energetic thunk when i drink in the charged water from my kala glass",
"i do feel something of an aversion to it within maybe because i still feel like its a vain thing or that i may be seeking some sort of outer affirmations from others who might stumble upon it ive mentioned this before but the truth is who cares about all that",
"im really like she said only you can understand the way i feel toni ight she blamed excesses on the merican dream so seldom witnessed never er seen hah hah hah hah hah",
"i do not want our home to be filled with the spirit of contention i want it to be a place where my children can always feel the spirit feel peaceful and feel loved",
"i feel so neurotic sometimes because usually even if i know we dont have something etc",
"i just busy myself with other stuffs but never with blogs or threads that will only make me feel miserable",
"i don t want to go all very special episode of blossom on you but i am feeling a little melancholy about the final episode of rock",
"i have this feeling whenever i write a song and if i think that the song has legs enough to be popular or for people to really respond to it i get this feeling",
"i think from being sick all last week i just got into a rut and once i feel low like that it is so hard to get back into a routine",
"i feel vulnerable as i did very much yesterday i cant say i felt a strong sense of self worth but maybe according to brown i could get better at accepting those vulnerable imperfect aspects of myself",
"i feel as if i havent been very productive over the past six months",
"im feeling generous id treat my friends for dinner or have a bbq at home in our little backyard while the weather is still nice and warm",
"i can begin to process the emotions i am also feeling from a pregnancy which would have been welcomed if it had been under different physical conditions but these thoughts are for my next blog",
"i feel like this inside theres one thing i wanna know whats so funny bout peace love and understanding",
"i feel so virtuous writin my morning journal like here i am in a jane austen novel which is aided by the fact that mr gs computer is on a kinda",
"i feel useful in the pulpit which i find ironic because i often question the efficacy of preaching",
"i am feeling thankful for warm sunshine crisp autumn air and bright fall colors",
"i love lots of different kinds of sports and love hanging out with my friends in my free time i also have an unhealthy up session with greys anatomy im feeling ecstatic about being in ty",
"i feel like i love all romantic comedies that sort of have a mixed tone so some of woody allen s work obviously and jim brooks and some of the earl billy wilder films like the apartment",
"i have now and feeling like people think it means im just ok and dont need to talk about jeremy anymore",
"i feel like a lame bum bum in the sense of a behind not in the sense of a transient because i haven t been keeping up with others blogs",
"i feel dirty if i haven t washed my nose then my teeth brush with electric brush brush way back with small brush brush between with xmas tree brush massage around teeth with that rubber pointy thing and then floss",
"id like to think i could live happily away from home but i know id definitely feel homesick id miss my friends and our fun outings the most",
"i wasnt feeling that hot prior to vineman but with a little racin and a lot of self talk im now in a better spot mentally and physically",
"i do think about certain people i feel a bit disheartened about how things have turned out between them it all seems shallow and really just plain bitchy",
"i feel like ive shaken off some of the funk thats been floating around me for the last bit",
"i do like riding on brooms but there is something about just sitting and holding colin and feeling the wind in my hair that is quite pleasant",
"im feeling discontent or too comfortable because there is always something i should be working on in my spiritual life",
"im feeling very hopeful about that and this seems like a good time for me to switch doctors too",
"i always feel a little sad when he goes as we sorta have a ren and stimpy theme about us oil and water gemini and scorpio soulmate friends",
"i normally would call meaningless and stupid but i guess im feeling a little bit adventurous",
"ill find that elusive second wind and feel more hopeful but today i am a href http www",
"i feel the pain but with my family and friends support make it sure that no negative thoughts overtake me",
"i feel as fantastic as a beauty and beast moment would have been i did not go through any magical dramatically lit transformations as i exited the first trimester and emerged in the second",
"i dont work its friday and my pink toenails and i feel especially playful so play we will",
"i am happy to report that i was able to get miles in with minimal pain i just iced it afterwards and im feeling ok",
"i may not feel it i m sure the wisdom that comes with age will help",
"i feel like i know who most of them are by now and am starting to develop my likes and dislikes though i have not been keen on the snap evictions they have seemed pretty pointless the first one to go returned and the two webmates made absolutely zero impact on me so they won t be missed",
"i really enjoy cabernet for how aggressive the flavors tend to be and while this isnt exactly a light wine it still has a general congenial feel to it that i find a very pleasant",
"i feels acceptable even desirable",
"i feel i am appreciative i take care of the baby i try to keep the apt clean as much as possible and i try not to call him a million times to find out when hell be home it varies from day to day as he is sort of self employed so its hard to plan things around his schedule",
"i certainly get worked up about feminist and other issues at times i also have periods of feeling fairly mellow",
"i feel when i just out from my dorm and began to breath a pleased liberty",
"im feeling pressured at my desk due to the piles of tasks waiting for me i will often pack up and go write in a quiet corner in my bedroom living room or kitchen",
"i often play the role of a loquacious hunters always feel superior to others than he who long off than he beautiful really a flower plug in cow dung and marry him though he be like a big grievance",
"i was having a horrible day and decided i would only feel better if i didnt have red hair anymore so i immedietly went to wal mart and found a box of hair color with the description soft dark brown",
"i mean how can you not feel festive when youre wearing a great big snow man on your chest",
"i feel victimized by the drag on our country with heads in the sand traditionalists i hesitate to call them conservatives for fear of offending real honest to god conservatives who still think the world was created years ago and that stuff like skeletal remains are some kind of hoax",
"im just happy to be feeling something because for the last few days ive felt pretty",
"i have a feeling that people are using it more than they need to and enjoying the feeling as it flies carefree off the tongue but that is alright with me",
"im feeling better so hopefully things start falling back into the old routine",
"i think of these folks when i am feeling miserable for having to acknowledge i must actually do something to make the world a better place",
"i hope that one day i feel some sort of divine inspiration and motivation and that these fasts will come easy for me but for now they are on my back burner something i hope to focus on after i am done having and raising children",
"i am feeling so morose right now i hate how little things like this have enough power to distract me from my day to day life",
"i think people are merely lacking of professionalism and ethics when executing their duties which gives rise to condescending attitudes feeling superior when all they do best is boiling water and being completely imperturbable when making mistakes which may be utterly cataclysmic to others",
"i want to feel energetic again and when i do just that bit of exercise every day be it minutes i feel more awake energized and more focused",
"i dont give a fuck because i feel like i cannot elicit any positive change or shifts within my current client load",
"i just feel like i m being a total pushover at the moment which anyone who knows me knows that i m not a pushover generous and willing to give the benefit of the doubt but not a pushover",
"i laid on my bed and tried to hide my feelings when my sweet little girl crawled onto the bed laid on top of me and said gently mommy whats bothering you",
"i do awaken from a mild night sweat i usually feel hot as if i had a fever and i want to remove some of my blankets",
"im stuck feeling too casual and frumpy when i return to the office",
"i am not desperate for a job and don t really feel impressed to go find a job because i have one img src http randythomas",
"i complete the act i feel temporarily satisfied but the feeling quickly goes away and i feel ashamed or guilty",
"im still not feeling these days but cuddling with them almost always makes me feel a little bit better",
"i feel shamed for me being me cuz xxx said that yes sometimes it s hard and its frustrating etc"
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i feel irritated and rejected without anyone doing anything or saying anything | [
"this happened when i could not get into the school i had initially wanted",
"im feeling very grumpy this week but its not just my annual outbreak of ptpt pre te pouhere tension there has surely been a great deal to be grumpy about this week",
"i know i shouldn t feel offended but i do",
"i tried to build up layer after layer of pencil to obtain definition and again i was left feeling dissatisfied",
"i and others feel when angry is a huge wave of relief from what we previously felt sitting in the dank room of fear and powerlessness",
"i feel like throughout my life to this point in time i can say that ive fucked quite a few people",
"i could have checked it down to the back and i feel like i got greedy and took a shot at the endzone and didn t throw the right ball i wanted to throw and then it got picked off",
"i will admit that i do feel a little envious when i hear of young writers who do so well",
"i get on new years eve but it makes me feel rebellious being underage and all",
"i feel frustrated about especially last night is not in doing all those things i actually enjoy them but in finding the time to do them",
"i am feeling stressed like that is to the water",
"i know how old people feel when they have greedy family members who are trying to take their stuff before they even pass on",
"i feel like a savage when i eat meat but i wouldve eaten my own hand if i couldnt have some of that turkey",
"i feel disgusted c kj rel bookmark class permalink nov middot",
"i feel that i worry too much and much on petty things like",
"i have to find myself sitting in front of the consultant feeling furious and increasingly upset at her patronising refusal to allow me to make a choice over the kind of birth i wanted"
] | [
"i feel so repressed with this one now",
"i once told my friends that i feel like doing some sort of backpacking but instead of supporting me with this idea all i got from them were raised eye brows and some sarcastic remarks",
"i feel helpless to regain a safe feeling",
"im feeling very defeated negative and what is the point of it all today",
"id been feeling a bit funny all day verging on the kind of pre menstrual where you hate yourself so id been trying to take it really easy and just doing my own thing",
"i dont think he touched my penis but i just remember feeling very helpless and that trust was violated",
"i came away feeling a bit sympathetic for her because i don t think she had a chance to do anything besides what she is doing",
"id rather have no one know how i really feel but then again sometimes i can be compassionate and sometimes i can be beautiful",
"i wasnt feeling sociable i really wasnt",
"i legitimately feel less intelligent at the end of the day because of how worthless and stupid it all is like how you feel after sitting through a michael bay movie",
"i see myself feeling hurt or let down or uncertain",
"i it did not feel sincere",
"i know is what i feel and i feel absolutely terrified so overwhelmed with desire and like all i can do is cry and drink beer and prey that maybe i will find a way to make all of these lyrics work within my thought process",
"i feel like ya maybe i am dumb weird and strange",
"ive been feeling super run down all morning and debated whether or not to leave my usual closed for business type illness post",
"i feel awful for making this all about me and my flawed academia instilled value system but my brain won t shut up about it",
"i continue to succeed in something and having someone seems unattainable because i feel men will be intimidated or when there is a prolonged moment of silence",
"i feel for the genuinely shy and cautious women at home who after reading shades think that theres something wrong with them that they dont orgasm when someone touches their boob",
"i went to bed and woke up without the fever but with a horrible headache sore throat still ears feeling plugged up and aching all over",
"i feel a little discouraged here",
"i lay here still awake i find myself feeling unhappy",
"i feel lame i cant help but to shake the fear and i feel like im failing samuel by being afraid",
"i feel traumatised and pained",
"i still feel so empty and lonely",
"i don t feel the issue is resolved",
"i feel so squeezed hate this feeling thats why i dont really like squeezing on buses or in the mrt unless im with people which wont be that bad as compared as being alone",
"i feel it aching in my chest",
"i feel so extremely disappointed by you you took me for granted",
"i then open my eyes and shes gone i cant help but feel alone",
"i just feel so helpless i know deke s going to die and i can t do a fuckin thing about it",
"i am also feeling awful",
"i hate this feeling to see you that way youre so talented yet you cover yourself you locked yourself",
"i am feeling rather low these days but it does not matter for no one cares",
"i shake my hand off which feels slightly stunned from making contact",
"i don t know how i feel about today because part of me is convinced that i am making this so much more difficult than it actually is or as mehow casually remarks in the april infield insider getting out of the box you are in that was never there in the first place",
"i feel gloomy and i desperately seek affection",
"ive been feeling very intimidated and overwhelmed by the workload this semester and so ive just been avoiding doing what i need to",
"i come out of that fight feeling whipped and saddened and hated for who i am and i have to put on my big girl panties and pretend hey everything s fine even though we re pissy at each other",
"i think you would all agree that feeling your toes and fingers go numb is perhaps one of the most unpleasant feelings ever",
"i must say im not feeling very optimistic",
"im dealing with issues that have me feeling kind of depressed and it stormed rained all afternoon not helping things",
"i do feel so funny about myself because i seems to want to have good guy image although i have been keep saying wanna go clubbing but ended up did not even go once",
"i feel so dazed a href http twitter",
"i feel like im too frickin uptight to let loose enough to love anyone else or more importantly myself",
"im wrestling with the inclination to not go to school today but after reading jamies status on facebook now i feel shamed into going",
"i had been out of sorts and feeling a bit isolated",
"ive been thinking about it because recently theres been times ive been overwhelmed with gratitude to the point of tears and other times im thinking about it because im im feeling so incredibly ungrateful maybe also to the point of tears and wondering why",
"i want to feel good but during that short week you don t get a chance",
"i feel anxious and off",
"i feel so betrayed and humiliated",
"i am not feeling as joyful as some might urge me to",
"i said quietly too tired to feel anguished anything but resigned",
"i am feeling lousy right now",
"i feel a bit discouraged",
"i got a feeling like something tragic is going to happen and im praying to god im not like kristie and that im completely wrong on this one and that everything is fine",
"im just sick of feeling unwelcome here",
"i feel beaten up worked over",
"i begin to feel embarrassed about the way i acted and sometimes i just feel downright unloveable",
"i am lacking sleep a bit but i also feel like i have a blank sheet of paper in front of me in many areas of church life",
"i dont know if i feel this way because i live in la and id rather be somewhere else or if its because im stressed about money work or if im just in need of a hug",
"i feel im forever alone",
"i just want to stop feeling so shitty i feel terrible and horrid and eurgh",
"i feel dirty if i dont",
"i feel an aching gap in my heart",
"i feel like god pooped on me laughed amp then walked away throwing a casual yeah",
"i cant help but feel a little humiliated",
"i don t know i feel really helpless about it",
"i still cant make it for longer than a half hour in the office before feeling awful and having someone drive me home but i feel perfectly fine when im sitting on my butt on the couch all day",
"i liked my keyboard being kicked in my teeth and feeling lousy about myself as a writer but because i want to know how i can improve and wonder what i did wrong to earn only one star",
"i anyone another lovely day today weather am running late with life generally and not done any art today yet feel deprived bit of",
"i think it goes back to never feeling accepted when i was growing up a learned internal diatribe i need to let go of",
"i just couldn t decide what to feel she didn t tell me and then she blamed me because i never told her it would be like that",
"i cant find it and yet i feel that i am longing for something",
"i feel so badly and i know they are suffering so for me to complain about the cold is nonsense i d gladly give them anything i could to help fix the problems there",
"i didn t feel terrific",
"i feel romantic feelings in my soul and begging to god make u me ur love me ur feeling me ur soul me i wanna to hear the beat of heart by u for me ever if u wanna so otherwise i am nothing without u",
"i say but freedom i feel alone",
"im also pretty upfront about stating that i feel agitated and to just give me a bit of space to deal",
"i was feeling discouraged and alone",
"i feel a little disheartened",
"im feeling kind of lonely right now even though i just talked to jack sarah and a lot of my other friends",
"im just feeling so lethargic",
"i feel abit hopeless at times man darn itttt",
"ive never behaved like that in front of my husband and i feel a mixture of shame and relief that only the shedding of many tears and saying truthful but hurtful things can bring on",
"i feel so helpless right now",
"i feel so embarrassed and humiliated korean attack victim accuses police sydney morning herald posted on pm with a href http brisbanehub",
"i am left feeling heartbroken about losing that child and then guilty because my parenting and wife ing has been so far below par for the last months",
"i am feeling extremely disturbed and distressed",
"i cant help feeling this way",
"i feel uptight is it any wonder i dont know whats right",
"i feel so dull and such an idiot",
"i did not feel frightened just frustrated that i wanted to go back to sleep but felt there were unfinished tasks i needed to attend to there wasn t other than to edit two articles on freud s dream of irma s injection which were near completion and have subsequently been posted on this blog",
"im feeling discontent with everything and its manifesting itself in destructive self sabotaging ways",
"i am at an aa meeting today and really started to feel so isolated from everyone in the room",
"i don t want to feel anything i want to be numb",
"i havent had dinner but im also feeling pretty lethargic so im not sure thats going to happen at all at this point",
"i just feel awful and unlovable and thoroughly sorry for myself",
"i exhausted and feeling a little morose but now im livid on top of everything else",
"i know ken has this down but im feeling really inadequate what am i doing wrong",
"i am feeling super lazy no screenshots to guide you today p hence read carefully before you proceed",
"i have yet to meet a cancer patient who does not feel burdened by some poor self image unresolved conflict and worries or past emotional trauma that still lingers in his subconscious",
"i feel like ive been neglectful",
"i could feel tears welling in my eyes and felt disappointed at my lack of fitness and ability to keep up and my annoyance at letting it get to me",
"i think people reject their feelings because they re terrified of them but the truth is that once you see that you can t die from them and that they actually go away they re not so scary",
"i how he is feeling about the fight i m disappointed and kind of disgusted with myself",
"i feel more crucified heartbroken tortured and forsaken than i have ever before felt but not at the hands of my enemy at the hands of those i love",
"i feel so un smart yo",
"i should just let him calm down on his own but then ill feel like a neglectful aunt and i so cant have that",
"i am heavy and i feel dull all over i think i ve stopped breathing",
"i only talk about how people make me feel and the only people i talk about are the ones that make me feel unhappy upset nervous or angry",
"im feeling a bit melancholy for some reason so im not going to post further for now but hopefully this re discovery of my old thoughts and goals will help me to re align my focus a bit",
"i live out number two definition which is that i have already had trouble engaging in the evening so now i am feeling as if the reason the aim for which i did this was not achieved and i am now unsuccessful",
"i feel like i am meant to partner up be supportive lend a hand or a heart and yet i resent this feeling",
"i was trying to determine why i feel so reluctant to actually post what ive written when i finally realized its because i cannot pass something off as a cute idea i had or as a response to something someone could be experiencing",
"i write this i still have that vaguely spacy feeling and im not sure ill be an effective human being",
"i can feel the pressure falling more so on my shoulders and im feeling slightly doubtful of myself which leads to unhappy thoughts not usually like my optimistic self i must say",
"i read new risen throne once said cold amp desolate soundscapes that will leave you feeling utterly scared amp alone yes it is",
"i cause extreme worry and distress ground to remember fondly you forever mary prepares to feel unfortunate time eventuallythe intense emotion have sexual lovein condescend to come she by hand puts out strength wu mouth dont let oneself cry out",
"i feel defeated knowing that i cant be like them and that it is because of myself and the things that i have felt that i cant attain great success like them",
"ive fallen asleep embracing a person but never a book and we both woke up this morning feeling kind of awkward about it"
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i already feel like i fucked up though because i dont usually eat at all in the morning | [
"i have a feeling the dragon will be back again the reason he became what he is now is also to protect the demons from being despised or harmed by humans",
"i was feeling frustrated somewhere between season and season of ccs anime and found the anipike website and that there were fanfictions written about ccs characters",
"i get one i feel like i need to either even things out by immediately giving one back or make things even less even by using a comeback as if i was just insulted",
"i cant help but feel someones going to end up pissed at me",
"i feel envious that they can keep their posts regular and interesting and wish that i could feel this way to",
"i am feeling very petty right now",
"i feel like thats a pretty petty thing to complain about",
"i can be as kind as an angel but sometimes i can also be as mean as a devil i used to use harsh words when i feel irritated",
"i began to feel agitated because i wanted to buy ewan some food and medicine before i left",
"i take a long sip and feel the cold sensation of the iced capp",
"ive missed over a month of training and organised etape prep rides including the etape caledonia and am generally feeling pretty pissed off and depressed about the whole affair so have avoided thinking about it",
"i can really decode but im sorry i have to vomit my feelings out because i am so cranky and everything is getting on my nerves",
"i often feel dissatisfied when i don t have at least one project going on",
"i still feel so agitated",
"i have been sitting at home revising today and all in all feeling quite stressed",
"i don t a feel like an idiot and b not get illogically mad at people for going to bed too early sorry for the anger family"
] | [
"i feel a little dull",
"i feel pathetic at times because",
"i feel defeated knowing that i cant be like them and that it is because of myself and the things that i have felt that i cant attain great success like them",
"i feel like im half a person at the moment because i cant write and feel assured that what i do write will be there when i get the office program",
"i will confess to you i have had moments of feeling overwhelmed and ill admit being a bit melancholy",
"i start to feel ugly unloved poor and unhappy",
"i knew that if we werent giving thanks its because i wasnt feeling very thankful either",
"i just cannot write when i am so sick and that means more than a week of feeling rotten which means a stalled novel",
"i feel like i m going to become sleep deprived even though there s only two days left of going to school",
"i really have nothing to talk about i m just feeling so damn antsy and needy and lonely",
"i went to the doctor a few days into feeling weird",
"i feel rotten all week because i hardly ever see you that s why i wrote this hopeless song i ve never been in love with a girl like you before darling come with me such a wonderful thing has never happened to me before you re the only one who touched my heart it s all a question of courage",
"i just want to warn you that im feeling rather delicate at the moment so dont expect too much from me",
"im honest im surprised at myself for feeling so emotional about it all having adopted a rather juvenile sneer against heaney as a bored year old in school",
"i recommend the jasmine green tea teapot service but didn t feel like having a cheese and tomato sandwich pretzel or donut though i could probably be convinced img src http s",
"i began to feel strange i thought to myself here it comes",
"i do know the main reason i feel like i m losing myself unsure if i ll ever get those pieces back but i m not quite ready to talk about that just yet",
"im so tired and heavy all the time its a familiar feeling though not a pleasant one",
"i couldnt help but feel that all these people had missed the best of the day",
"i feel like a beaten pi ata spewing unhealthy emotions and defeat",
"i feel weird if i just do completely nothing",
"i dunno i feel like ive been on opiates forever i dont even remember my carefree life before r or even with her as an infant when i didnt use anything its summer again which means im almost one year on this merry go round of addiction",
"i feel as fantastic as a beauty and beast moment would have been i did not go through any magical dramatically lit transformations as i exited the first trimester and emerged in the second",
"i am no longer red it feels weird",
"i didnt feel brave or confident coming out of the mass",
"i feel awful about missing school",
"i feel as if i am on hold somehow that ive been given a time for contemplation consolidation and it is a most curious feeling",
"im not trying to sound sarcastic but only trying to make the point that amid the daily pressures of life as wife and mom we often may find ourselves feeling kind of unimportant or robotic if you will in carrying out our tasks",
"i feel im miserable when i try to do other things",
"im feeling like a tortured teen i decided to pile on the neon which was the shizz in my day",
"i feel however that this is my least successful look and one that upon reflection i would change the most",
"ive been feeling immensely overwhelmed",
"i feel pretty pathetic now",
"id never do but i woke feeling stressed",
"i start feeling crappy i just have to toss this on and bam i am singing and dancing and shimmy ing my shoulders just like whitney",
"i feel hot irritated and tired",
"i feel so weird about it",
"i feel also just drained",
"i felt so bad for the bad grade and feeling like having to hide it that i didnt know what to say except to declare in all my frustration that i hated school",
"i was just yesterday feeling uncomfortable with highschool sigh",
"i was feeling quite broke",
"im feeling quite mellow now in spite of having raging pms the past few days which means im likely to erupt with little or no warning",
"i suppose my own truth needs to be shared i havent been feeling very faithful lately ive dwelled more in doubt and uncertainty than i have in faith",
"im feeling groggy and having a bad skin day",
"im so relieved and feel so much more like myself now that this is resolved this being almost nothing at all actually just some weird energy and i cant wait to be back at camp even though ill be hacking and coughing and spluttering all day long",
"i don t see december as the month of happiness counting down the days until christmas this doesn t feel like the season to be jolly anymore",
"i quickly learned just by moving from sauna to ice cold bath to steam room to shower until you feel like a tortured goldilocks who wants nothing more than to find the middle ground between too hot and too cold",
"i would like to take the opportunity to describe one day this week when i was feeling particularly gloomy",
"ive lost some weight such that i could fit into a tiny skirt that ive been unable to wear because i didnt feel confident in it until now",
"i feel as though i cant bear the motion of quilting it even though the idea of it delighted me so only a few days ago",
"i feel sort of numb",
"i feel beaten and discouraged",
"i feel too overwhelmed to clean anything so i just let it all pile up until it makes my whole life feel like it is going to come crashing down around me and i am helpless to stop it",
"i did feel my heart rate increase after the baths and i am curious as to how they d work in the long run on a fat loss plan but between the cost of lbs of ice at a time and the increasingly low temperatures in my apartment i gave them up after a short run",
"ive been feeling mellon collie aka melancholy the past few days and i",
"ill be whingeing about how much i ache but at least i can feel slightly virtuous about it too",
"i am feeling a little disheartened",
"i could also feel very bad about myself for not being able to keep up",
"im feeling so melancholy all day i know this is because ive been reading the perks of again",
"i cried walking home from a bar feeling as though i was completely ruining the carefree mood or later in the night back at my old apartment to my best friend everything seemed to come crashing down after having fun",
"i just wanted to write this post because i m sure like myself there are many of us struggling with the same problem feeling deprived and isolated on such a restricted program but i hope you realize that you are doing it to yourself and you don t have to feel that way at all",
"i was feeling out of sorts anxious not sure what to do with myself",
"i feel sad and discouraged",
"i must confess im feeling a little overwhelmed",
"i would veer from feeling utterly terrified to utterly disorientated to utterly queasy",
"i have been feeling shaky this morning after taking them as well",
"i felt confused me sometimes that makes me feel useless",
"i suppose to feel terrified",
"im going to say is that i know my activities are out of balance when i start feeling burdened by something that is supposed to be fun",
"i don t feel so fearless",
"im feeling a little dirty",
"i regret it because i feel shitty that i cant enjoy things if im alone i ended up seeing my brother afterwards who was in baltimore with his new girlfriend and wanted to see me as well as introduce me to her",
"i feel bad about school",
"i feel like i am not accepted here i and bucking this force that is coming from all quarters that tells me that something is wrong with me if i am not married with children",
"i am having my usual october where things are drastically in flux where i am feeling melancholy at best and where god is asking me to step off the cliff and have faith he will provide",
"i feel so stupid because the first week of it fair wasnt even worth working for",
"im feeling lousy i may dismiss a gorgeous day if im feeling bright and cheerful then the most dreary of days becomes tolerable",
"i mean obviously yes i did a hour round trip to perform for minutes and had a seriously dodgy chinese meal which has left me feeling decidedly delicate but overall i really enjoyed myself",
"i can say is that i feel like myself when i put on a skirt heels and lipstick and when i wear clothing which has come to be accepted as neutral and nondescript like a t shirt and jeans i dont feel like myself",
"im not feeling too keen on that",
"i feel after reading allthingsbucks blog which brought tears to my eyes and a lump in my throat and a feeling of not having a worthwhile thing to be upset about that i shouldnt write such a lame blog",
"i do feel a bit deprived of a typical experience",
"ive been feeling a little burdened lately wasnt sure why that was",
"i dont recall just now yet vividly recall looking at you as you said it and you i think looking back at me and my feeling very sympathetic or maybe empathetic is the better word of course you needed a space",
"i feel doubtful in my abilities",
"i feel sad about it",
"i suppose because everyone elses problems are generally much worse than mine so i feel idiotic for not just learning to deal with everything myself",
"i was feeling frightened to the core what if my friends laughed at me what if sir was too harsh what if",
"im feeling emotionally vulnerable right now and just want to throw up in peace so i can go back up and party hard",
"i can feel the awkwardness whenever i do something that was acceptable before but no longer is",
"im feeling too jaded and bitter to even bother to do a google search at this time aka tltg or too lazy to google",
"i tell myself i dont open my mouth and say what i really feel because i know im a loon and im smart enough to know im a loon and i never ever know if what im doing the choices i make are really what i want or need or even the right thing or if its the disease",
"i feel remorseful for not making the most with them",
"i breaking skin feels like and it s not pleasant",
"i begin to have these doubts my stomach clenches my heart races and i feel fearful",
"i could say i was feeling fear or anxiety or that im terrified of what the future may bring",
"i cause extreme worry and distress ground to remember fondly you forever mary prepares to feel unfortunate time eventuallythe intense emotion have sexual lovein condescend to come she by hand puts out strength wu mouth dont let oneself cry out",
"i feel stupid whenever this happens",
"im seventy ill desperately want to remember what happened to me every day in high school what classes were hard what teachers were mean who my friends were but it feels pretty unimportant now",
"i kind of feel fearful of starting",
"i slough off the carapace of crud that has enveloped me for the past thirty odd hours i feel invigorated and finally ready to face the day",
"i had thought but i feel scared and somewhat trepidatious nervous and sad",
"i need these crutches but i feel like i cant help it i resigned myself to a position of being miserable so long ago that its taking me baby steps to realize i dont have to be",
"i had been feeling fabulous and full of energy but easter weekend wiped me out and i havent been able to recover",
"i suppose i felt odd and different too and liked to feel accepted even on a superficial level for an hour or two",
"i have that overwhelming feeling of not being good enough recently",
"im feeling a little groggy this morning since i am back at work after alex and i returned late last night from a long weekend in los angeles",
"i am not going to get into saturday night all im going to say is i once again went home sat with billy for a bit then went to bed feeling alone wasted not in the good way and abandoned",
"i have this nasty feeling that i am being an ungrateful wretch",
"i feel like i cant be brave",
"i might start feeling nervous tomorrow but im not sure",
"i feel guilt that i should be more caring and im not",
"i had one sip and already i feel dazed",
"i feel gloomy and tired",
"i feel some sort of disdain that im ashamed to even verbalize and yet i cant bring myself to deny or convince myself otherwise",
"i am feeling shamed like i should not be enjoying this and i certainly should not have sex kissing is so far enough",
"i didnt know what to feel except ashamed of myself for not feeling sorrow",
"i feel a bit shaken though",
"i feel so useless and stupid",
"i know ken has this down but im feeling really inadequate what am i doing wrong"
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i feel kinda appalled that she feels like she needs to explain in wide and lenghth her body measures etc pp | [
"i was feeling resentful enough to want to write about it here which means i need to work on look getting my hackles raised when others judge me",
"i feel that we are heading for an abyss that has been created by the greedy the too greedy and the far too greedy",
"i feel for you you guys who been insulted ill treated lathi charged at the grounds",
"i shouldve stopped feeling envious she has her own life i knew it but its still so hard",
"i wasnt feeling particularly bitter on my birthday in fact i had a fantastic day",
"i have to say i feel slightly envious of julian",
"ive been feeling vaguely dissatisfied with reel pros since i signed up a few weeks ago",
"i feel the need to be distracted",
"i guess im not ready for that still young and feeling rebellious",
"i feel agitated im nervous im anxious",
"we had come back from a programme and we were all three girls staying over at another girls placce one of them started passing very nasty and outright bitchy remarks at me it was brought on by a male colleagues compliments to me",
"i am just so sick of feeling hated and lonely and dumb and unloved and forgotten",
"i ve been feeling a bit cranky with the kids this week cranky baby whiny year old demanding preschooler so i wanted to stop and remember how blessed i really am",
"i was already packed didn t want to wait around for her to talk to her friend was feeling irritable tired and eventually gave up on trying to go in the first place made me feel more down about my situation",
"i try to breathe in when i feel frustrated and breathe out the calm that i desire",
"i feel tortured the one thing i love is the one thing that wont support me financially but i cringe when i think of spending years chained to a desk performing a job by wrote with little or no room for creativity or for anything else that matters"
] | [
"i feel its a weird turn of events which is marred a bit by a slightly weird prose",
"i feel really stressed out",
"i say no i feel guilty img src http var",
"i feel i can rely on my instincts more than my intellect but im starting to doubt whether my intuition is as keen as it should be",
"i found out i was pregnant which is alot but it makes me feel a little less scared knowing that my doctor is watching everything and were taking things day by day",
"i will explain here the areas i feel are vital to a successful experience and then i will pinpoint how i plan to assess those areas",
"i feel so damn curious with what this blond doctor plan to do this night",
"ive been feeling an awful lot lately",
"i told her yeah they feel insecure and they bully people because it makes them feel powerful physically",
"i feel like this is a dirty confession",
"i possibly feel foolish for",
"i feel like the image is compromised and immediately not as successful",
"i came up with the following i m drawing a blank as to what this is called to help me when i am feeling fearful or attacked",
"i will close my eyes and recite the following mantra every day and whenever i m feeling unsure frustrated or shiftless with my progress towards my top body",
"i began to feel a little anxious about may almost being over as obviously time is running out amp to be honest im just plumb out of excuses",
"i am not even sure how to formulate my thoughts since i just put it down and am feeling slightly overwhelmed",
"im in so much pain and i feel like a useless lump face",
"i feel that the suffering is more than i can bear i take refuge in the lord in the blessed sacrament and i speak to him with profound silence",
"i feel incredibly idiotic but i was also embarrassed because it hadnt been their fault at all and i had yelled at one of the workers on the phone out of frustration about needing to call them a million times sending so many emails and still the problem was not solved",
"i am signing up for prenatal yoga and making an effort to get out for more walks and hopefully a few trips to the gym in my near future not so i can gain less weight but so i can feel better about myself too",
"im feeling abit uncertain now",
"i feel like a beaten pi ata spewing unhealthy emotions and defeat",
"i need her and offers valuable constructive advice when i feel unsure or negative about my writing",
"i can understand her feelings and greatly value her passionate approach to life and while i benefit daily from her ability to empathize with my own feelings i seem to lack the capacity to return that gift to her",
"i feel i should say what i want since you are in fact reading my diary i feel that many of my beloved readers are becoming offended with some of the things i say and post here",
"i feel troubled lord and i honestly don t know why",
"i feel like i get a lot of questions in my list of search phrases that point people here and sometimes i m awfully disturbed at the things that somehow bring my blog up in a search engine",
"i feel like youre just not there some body that im trying to be affectionate with it feels like im molesting some stranger i dont even know",
"i get so irritated with the fact that i am a feeling emotional person but can t cope with feelings of rejection",
"id like to be losing a month but i know that a month is not sustainable for me and i am losing a month without feeling deprived which is more awesome than i can explain",
"i was so scared of feeling stupid or unintelligent or why i felt like i wasnt smart enough",
"i feel that this is a very important subject to discuss",
"i made the other day which more or less sums up how i feel about the delusion of my life for the past years or so i became somewhat frightened of myself and decided to get a little distance from that guy",
"im sure anyone whos seen someone close go through this process you feel entirely useless in this situation not being able to take away any of the troubles or ailments",
"ive been frustrated that i dont walk around floating on air seeing the good in every sidewalk pothole i trip into beating myself up over feeling unsure and scared",
"i wrote deepika feeling very discouraged and thinking this silhouette just would not work for me",
"i feel inside cause life is like a game sometimes but then you came around me the walls just disappeared nothing to surround me and keep me from my fears im unprotected see how ive opened up oh youve made me trust cause ive never felt like this before im naked around you does it show",
"i sooooo understand feeling like an ugly brown pair of shoes in a world of designer tuxedos complete with diamond cufflinks",
"i remember feeling completely hopeless and wondering what the heck i was even doing there at miss idaho with women who were totally in a different league",
"i don t usually blog when i m feeling this way but i m actually curious to see if i can put it into words",
"i came home still feeling stunned and in need of rest i received a call from a dear elderly cousin marie to say she called an ambulance for herself and would be going to the hospital",
"i feel inadequate and i shut down and feel cross with the world",
"im deep in a budget spreadsheet i feel that im someplace where i dont do my most creative work",
"i can feel the awkwardness whenever i do something that was acceptable before but no longer is",
"i sort of hate glasses because they make my eyes look small and since huge eyes is all i have going for me it was quite an upset but im hoping these bigger frames will make me feel less paranoid",
"i often feel like i am punished for the strengths i do have which is almost worse than no one even noticing my value",
"i realize that this conversation can make some people feel paranoid or upset generally",
"i feel like i enter his class petrified that im going to do or say something that will make him think less of me",
"i dont know how to deal with this i feel like its becoming apart if who i am im afraid that im going to associate it with regular things so that i will never forget it",
"im feeling quite lethargic somehow today and very worn out lately as i barely have any time to sit down as im constantly on my feet which originally i wasnt complaining about as its helping me lose weight but when youre starting to get poorly its not good to move around a lot",
"i want to find my essence and my substance and not feel so scared and empty and dispersed fragmented etc",
"i feel a little vain i guess but last time i did this i seriously composed a a href http inthewarmholdofyourlovingmind",
"i might not feel so cool",
"i guess it s all about trying to internalize the serenity prayer without also feeling walked over and abused",
"i feel kind of dumb",
"i feel like i m always the one getting punished for stupid things and i feel like i m being chastised for behaving",
"i have to say it is making me feel very tender inside like a wound that has scabbed over on the surface but is still raw and unhealed underneath",
"i see her face i just think about the amazing journey that shes been on here with us and i feel so privileged to have been a part of it",
"i look flaky or streaky please feel free to tell me",
"i have to mention that i feel slightly unhappy because i have yet to get back any of my prelim papers maths aside and because of that ive been feeling stuck in limbo for the last weeks because i cant really start studying properly until i get back my papers",
"im not feeling terrific but have nonetheless managed to drag my carcass over to nordstroms a couple times so theres life in me yet",
"im still feeling shaky i realized that i felt intolerably hot all the time which i may mention is the polar opposite of what i normally feel like",
"i feel even more beaten down without the encouragement and am afraid i might try to hide from the world in bed feeling like i ve already lost",
"i feel dismayed for them",
"i get a little gripped about timing i feel frantic in my thoughts",
"i feel uncomfortable with the fact i am so powerless at the moment",
"i feel like its important to reveal lessons youve learned in tough times along with ones youve learned in awesome times when you are endeavoring to build an audience through honesty and authenticity",
"i feel them at all and cannot just be content becoming a widow nun derby girl or something is what they become for me in my head",
"tutorial again a fearful feeling came to me when i sat on the chair and looked at my fellow students all around i was really scared that they would ask me some questions or challenge the ideas that i had presented",
"i feel messy and out there",
"i convince myself to write i feel like im just exposing how lousy i am at what im trying to do",
"i had the feeling that it might not have been taken as the truthful and sincere compliment it would have been",
"i try to stuff my wildly feeling heart and messy insides safely and politely back where they belong but instead im like the scarecrow from the wizard of oz anxious and undone",
"i feel to aid other women with infertility disorders this valuable individual guidance is offered for a restricted number of people",
"im reading through the online world of blogs i start feeling pretty dumb",
"i feel like i did the last time i had to break up with a lousy boyfriend in so im out of practice like junk",
"i know shes right because i feel more energetic awake patient and happy when im running daily but i still feel a little bad too because i believe breast milk is so much better for babies than formula",
"i feel my morals are being seriously assaulted and comprimised",
"i feel kind of ashamed when i write down things like sat on the couch and watched antm marathon",
"i honestly feel so unhappy with everything in my life and it isnt simple enough for me to be able to change these things that are making me feel so unhappy with a click of the finger",
"i apologise as a tank if we have a big pull and it all feels messy",
"i feel now so uncomfortable with all of them i guess is me",
"i feel vain when reporting everyday happenings in my life",
"i feel uncertain and uneasy",
"i feel defeated extremely agitated as well as frustrated beyond words",
"i know if i do ill get guilted about making her feel unwelcome",
"i am feeling so low lately just feeling of hopelessness is very disturbing making me tired and sick entire of living this kind of life",
"i hate this feeling to see you that way youre so talented yet you cover yourself you locked yourself",
"i feel i have to agree with her even though i can imagine some rather unpleasant possible cases",
"i refuse to cut my hair too early and then possibly throw myself into some sort of depression because i don t like the length of it or don t feel pretty enough",
"i would say that when they start they will feel really intimidated by the code and how vast everything is",
"id been feeling a bit curious",
"i really feel like an idiotic",
"id rather have no one know how i really feel but then again sometimes i can be compassionate and sometimes i can be beautiful",
"i feel so repressed with this one now",
"i cannot even begin to express in words the depth of sorrow that i feel having not posted any of my ludicrous rants over the passed days",
"i feel thompson needs to work on then again i m not exactly impressed by flash and fluff",
"i do not know that he simple feelings i am startled by startled though he did not understand the words but i was feeling his words there are overtones green ink why suddenly say",
"i also really hope they feel ashamed as in se asian culture public shaming ie screaming thief after someone is about as bad as stealing",
"i prepare i feel thankful that these events touch upon so many different concerns in my poetry from language issues to pacific aesthetics from the avant garde to eco poetry",
"i can feel the pressure falling more so on my shoulders and im feeling slightly doubtful of myself which leads to unhappy thoughts not usually like my optimistic self i must say",
"i feel for all of you who have been supporting me is so extreme there would be no way to put a number value on it",
"i was battling the desire to move away from her not wanting to be rude but seriously feeling disturbed by her nearness",
"i always get questions about blocking in my classes and its a topic i feel pretty passionately about as a knitter and as a teacher",
"i feel uncomfortable and slobby",
"i kind of feel like im losing a part of myself as lame as that is to say",
"i feel weird sharing that but this is the source of some of my greatest insecurities",
"i cant shake the im hiding how i feel about myself beneath a fab jacket vibe and this style doesnt mesh well with most of the clothes i wear",
"i felt such a resonance with your words i feel so ashamed that my feelings seem to have gotten the better of me",
"i really feel like having my own space anymore is a really vain idea",
"i began to feel woeful as i stared into the abyss of goal less task less list less ness but luckily huda came to the rescue with in",
"i gather supplies and start to check her progress via internal exam the head midwife prepares to start an iv and calmly asks others for more assistance i feel reassured by her calmness",
"i would feel awful if she was here this whole time",
"i feel a bit embarrassed at times when i make mistakes",
"ive been devoting myself to you monday to monday and friday to friday not getting enough retribution or decent incentives to keep me at it im starting to feel just a little abused like a coffee machine in an office so im gonna go somewhere cozy to get me a lover and tell you all about it",
"i might do so simply because i couldnt keep my mouth shut makes me feel terrible",
"ive come to a point where i do not feel my submissive self is up to the task of handling them",
"i now can t help but feel like i ve been sloughed over like an unwelcome burden kathumped on the ground",
"i feel pretty awful about that",
"i do remember my left quad starting to feel strange not hurting yet an aggravating feeling about a week or two before the marathon"
] | 181 |
i climbed the hill feeling frustrated that id pretty much paced entirely wrong for this course and that a factor that has never ever hampered me had made such a dent in the day | [
"when reading a newspaper story of a man who had committed incestuous acts on his twoyear old child the thought that anyone could do such a thing is abhorrent to me",
"i feel is hostile kinship or mounting nausea did you know that back means the binding itself",
"i still feel incredibly frustrated by it",
"i actually thought i would feel bothered being their since ehb and the other woman ow spent quite a bit of time together there but i didnt feel much of anything",
"i feel that the life issue and posts like this one will just be met with violent and angry rhetoric",
"i feel all rushed to get ready for tomorrow",
"i am sure everyone of us felt that feeling at least once while some of us might get agitated easily",
"i got this amazing news from tracy today the final covers only chapters no wonder we were feeling so rushed and it seemed we didnt have enough time",
"i am feeling and it allows me to be distracted from my own life and caught up in someone elses even though theyre not real people",
"i feel a cold coming on or drink a little extra xango juice when i am stiff and sore",
"i feel stressed i tend to scrapbook and make cards",
"i hear such stories i feel cold",
"i feel hateful to have given up my friendship with that woman and a couple of others for the same reasons to admit defeat and let my husband make me feel so insecure that i feel the need to avoid her cut her out of my life so that my securities is not challenged",
"im feeling pissed off about my aac or feeling kind of miserable and frustrated with life this whole week",
"i feel the sting of pain from its teeth but im angered",
"i feel pretty fucked up these days cant breathe properly"
] | [
"ill go because it warms my muscles and i always laugh in the midst of our quirky little inter generational exercise family and after six months im a regular which reminds me that ive accomplished the epic feat of no longer feeling in some way intimidated when i go to the gym",
"i feel a bit intimidated by",
"i asked myself why do you feel frightened of being",
"i am currently feeling i wouldnt surprised if its flipped again",
"i do not feel any regret that is a sorrow for an act or a failure to act because i think my daughter s experience here has been valuable and like most experiences imperfect",
"i feel invigorated and enlivened and a bit more fully completely myself",
"i was tired of feeling like a helpless victim and stuck in my circumstances and slowly started making changes",
"i just mean it in a logistics sort of way i feel like i cant take one more frantic non stop day",
"i did alright in class but a combination of feeling unsuccessful being man handled the stress of late and my horrible week resulted in my almost crying after i finished grappling",
"i didnt feel pressured to do more or like he wont get anything out of the one day",
"i feel anger and love and failure i totally dont get an a in mothering friends and grief and loss and captivity and wonder and awe cannot be ignored",
"i hate feeling stupid and incompetent",
"i always feel so pressured",
"i feel very graceful today",
"i was feeling more optimistic with blue skies no wind and temperatures hovering at about degrees",
"i feel so dumb when at first run through it all seems over my head amp a little too much for my struggling brain",
"i am balancing on my hands with my feet hanging over and it feels like pretty far and im terrified to let them drop but im totally calm at the same time hanging here",
"i could add input advice and guidance made me feel valuable",
"i feel like i ve been put in a bag and shaken up but otherwise ok",
"i have been feeling listless and loopy",
"i was feeling fairly comfortable and i could think out a plan now",
"i am allowed to feel guilty about neglecting the work that was due and the part of myself that did want to do it",
"i feel highs so ecstatic that just being normal feels like a thousand mile drop and being unhappy is excruciating",
"i ate something wrong so i feel terrible all day",
"i was trying really hard to be a people pleaser and itd left me feeling so defeated",
"ive been feeling delicate this week",
"i always feel slightly worthless almost self condemning like i should be doing more amounting more saving the world one day at a time a preacher on a podium a counselor for teen single struggling mom s a writer a motivational speaker a super mom to my baby boy",
"i feel low low low just feel like i dont fail because i cant i fail because its my fault whether actually im able to do it but i just sigh its major fail fail fail",
"im not crossing things off ever growing to do list i feel like i keep making stupid silly mistakes in all areas of my life amp im just tired",
"i ended the podcast feeling not depressed exactly but like i still didn t have a concrete answer for how to strike that balance that self help authors love to talk about",
"ive been feeling a bit overwhelmed with the whole marathon idea lately",
"im feeling quite mellow now in spite of having raging pms the past few days which means im likely to erupt with little or no warning",
"i feel so amazing and i m so by a href http yourweightlossmethods",
"i remember feeling really terrified when i was in brazil on a bus that was going up steep mountain hills on the side of the mountain in the middle of a big storm wondering if we were going to fall off",
"i have analyzed and overanalyzed my aversion to this suggestion and in the end have accepted my gut feeling this was not an acceptable solution for alex at that time and place",
"i feel so dumb about it",
"i feel assaulted by all directions",
"i can be mettaful and be feeling crappy",
"i knew i have this feeling but i ignored it",
"i just know i feel like i m on potentially shaky ground",
"i feel is very delicate",
"i am already feeling frantic",
"i feel that being faithful isnt enough in your eyes",
"i feel assured that my mind is not one",
"im finally feeling a little more productive",
"i have been feeling overwhelmed with it all and needing to take time out",
"i had feeling that if i didn t help that this can turn into a bad scene",
"i am feeling unhappy and weird",
"i feel as fantastic as a beauty and beast moment would have been i did not go through any magical dramatically lit transformations as i exited the first trimester and emerged in the second",
"i feel like i have been faithful enough that i have proved myself and paid my dues but faith is not stagnate",
"i loved the feeling i got during an amazing slalom run whether it was in training or in a race",
"i was feeling really rotten",
"i dont have any photos with me because i was too excited and happy about my prejudging which i did great btw at least i feel tt i did since i felt confident and didnt stutter in front the panel of judges we had and dearest bf was around after doors opened for the public",
"im feeling smug that i didnt wear pearls",
"im having trouble coming with words to describe the way i feel im so devoted to it",
"i feel completely humiliated but i will not let that get in the way",
"i just wasnt feeling it so i willfully broke my routine",
"i did feel complacent that now in britain with the immediate rain life would be that little bit more familiar but nonetheless i have the memories the photos and now i have a goal to work for my gap year and i would be working on that as early as saturday when i would be earning",
"i mean the idea is intoxicating of course and it feels amazing when its happening but what happens in the morning when you wake up and you have to go to work and so amp so is all up in your shit about something that is completely impractical",
"im sure much of the advantage is psychological the feeling ive out clevered the competition who are now hopelessly burdened with their big chainring jump",
"i feel so helpless but so well protected",
"i do not feel useful",
"i feel like i have to redeem myself even though i think they realized why i was distraught and were ok with it",
"im feeling at my creative best rather than that of a student who has a deadline to meet",
"i feel totally exhausted and over tired",
"i feel like i am actually a creative person now",
"i still enjoy it because i do not feel like i am being beaten over the head with a you are dumb and can t figure this out on your own stick",
"i do love air at alton towers though i feel like im flying its a lovely free feeling though to be fair if any bird flew as fast randomly and upside as that rollercoaster i think it would end up beak first into the nearest tree",
"i feel invigorated as i am one",
"i email or try to communicate in any capacity even if it s to go tell me to go pound sand feeling respected and loved is something that doesn t happen a whole lot in my life right now",
"i find it very hard to feel relaxed for more than hours",
"i was feeling extremely whiney and lonely and sad",
"i really enjoy the tone and feeling of the piece i wonder whether it would have been more successful had it been stretched out over a few days rather than just one",
"i have a lot of moments where i will feel optimistic",
"i feel overwhelmed how about you",
"i feel jaded at some point of time",
"i feel less stressed and at the end of the day usually discover that ive done more",
"im feeling a little lethargic",
"i inspired but i came away feeling rejuvenated and invigorated",
"ive taken yoga classes for years but for the past few days i was feeling very anxious abou",
"im sure ive got it right and my state of unencumberedness despite many years of feeling like i couldnt keep up anybody else is causing me to see my life as charmed",
"i feel like he was more important to me than i thought he was",
"i feel confident that my issue is being regarded with the highest sense of urgency",
"i don t feel particularly passionate as i once did and my goals are changing and evolving quickly",
"i remember feeling inspired and thinking that it was a fine example of parenting",
"i have been taking it slowly going at my own pace and not feeling pressured to finish or catch up and im not looking for a miracle cure",
"i woke up this morning feeling alittle disappointed i logged onto a href http calvaryccv",
"im feeling just a little proud",
"i would feel i was devastated",
"when i almost walked on a snake",
"im feeling a bit smug that im doing a number of these things already walking and cycling advocacy lots of fruit and veggies and whole grains attending service every sunday",
"i feel like no matter how much preparation i do i am doomed to be my usual traveler on the fly",
"i wanted to use older kx forks wheel w disc brakes but am was not feeling adventurous enough to try to figure out a stem and lowering the off road height",
"i don t feel superior to people who have made different choices or threatened by them",
"i feel very triumphant another personal mini goal accomplished",
"i started feeling this job was worthwhile",
"i feel as though the concept of lifestyle change rather than weight loss has been beaten to death but it really is something that i believe in and am currently experiencing",
"i was feeling ok so i ignore it my heart was not jumping out from where it supposed to be yet",
"i was feeling extremely shitty physically this morning",
"i ended up feelin shitty in mind",
"i was feeling and could answer all my stupid questions",
"i feel like a graph doesnt show the data accurately enough to be useful",
"i actually feel pretty good",
"im not feeling particularly creative at the moment",
"i try to feel confident about it but when ever our eyes meet i feel strong like in gym we have the exercise machines and i could only do lbs on average and i always wanted to do",
"i saw a gain on the scale this morning which didn t surprise me but it did make me feel pretty lousy a lot of it is water weight and disgestive issues which will pass but i need to put some work in to push on now months till christmas did i hear you say",
"im already feeling stressed without trying to sort that lot out",
"im feeling rather angsty and listless",
"i was beginning to feel almost jaded by backpacking i guess the endless bouncing around a title comfort v cash my backpacker struggle with overland travel href http www",
"i was getting motivated about losing weight and getting healthy and wearing that outfit and feeling fantastic",
"i feel like i would have more direction that i would still feel innocent",
"i feel relaxed energized and im breathing more fully without extra effort",
"i can take away from this experience is that slowing down is not a bad thing feeling like i cant do things sucks but choosing to not do them is just fine by me",
"i persevered through the storm of rejections feeling confident that i was doing what god had called me to do",
"i feel less than and isolated",
"i can achieve on my own it makes me embrace the pain of extreme effort and physical exertion it proves to myself that i can succeed at things that i can be healthy and fit and have a body that i love and feel comfortable in and it just makes me feel special",
"i talked with the zone leader this morning he listened carefully as i explained what i was feeling and then reassured me that everything i was feeling was okay and normal and that in fact im supposed to be feeling this way right now",
"i feel like i was a naughty girl and should have said no way",
"i hope that one day i can escape tia place that i feel has held me back that has inhibited me from reaching my potential but that isnt me for decide just to pray on",
"i feel my truth is accepted and not judged because well"
] | 131 |
i feel a bit rude writing to an elderly gentleman to ask for gifts because i feel a bit greedy but what is christmas about if not mild greed | [
"i am trying not to feel bitter but how else can i feel when it seems my desire is pretty much impossible",
"i feel disgusted to even be associated with this woman by my race and nationality",
"i don t like it when things feel as if they re being rushed",
"i didn t wish to be the president i hardly know these people and i got the feeling that they hated me for being quiet and not smiling",
"i feel like life gave me a plenty of changes to shine and i pissed all over each and every one of them",
"im feeling disgusted already but seriously though i dont really like to have my pictures taken cause ive always referred to myself as ugly",
"i feel like when nikolas gets here im going to have such a rude wake up call",
"i feel i should probably move on to the meat of my story before i get too distracted by the side dishes what happened to good music",
"i just feel like being selfish and really live my life",
"i need that warmth to remind me hes there when life feels cold and empty",
"i feel this feeling when i am to fill in a questionnaire or a form",
"i seriously considered pulling the offer and i was feeling that we rushed into it all too quickly",
"id done that though it kind of did a on me and i found myself sympathizing with the demons as the church called them and feeling more disgusted with the people who were supposed to be trying to fight them off",
"i feel so cranky and disconnected",
"i feel appalled that i took advantage of my old friend s kindness",
"i then immediately have feelings of guilt for having those selfish thoughts and my practical side appears how could i do that who would take care of the kids and my parents"
] | [
"i admit im feeling a little bit unloved at this point",
"i can understand that you may feel youd rather not do your bit for the vulnerable and homeless in london in that precise way",
"i feel pathetic and i want to push myself but the idea of chicken mince wheat free pasta rice spelt bread and fruit sorbet is quite scary",
"i may resurrect when im feeling more generous i did an all too lengthy series on a history of my celebrity crushes",
"im feeling a bit gloomy today because of the weather and because ive got no money to get on the tube to go anywhere pretty like columbia road",
"i feel eager to do",
"i am feeling a bit groggy today",
"i just feel like i should become an ungrateful bastard instead",
"i feel smart and needed",
"i feel shy because of what i am wearing",
"i feel for the guy because i think he is sincere honest and intelligent",
"i am feeling like something sweet there is always fruit",
"im feeling a bit dazed and out of sorts like someone needs to poke me to really wake me up",
"i feel a gentle tap on my shoulder",
"i feel like in spite of having so many amazing things to be thankful for life is just one big demanding wave after wave and i m being tossed around like a rag doll",
"i feel rejected and unwanted",
"i will reach out to you when i am feeling uncertain and needing the support or the slap upside the head that i know you can provide me",
"i mention that i feel really unwelcome",
"i feel that i am getting more and more timid these days",
"i wanted was to feel accepted by you",
"i feel a tinge of nerves just thinking about having to talk to the handsome man himself",
"i see the areas where i should be doing better and i feel discouraged and condemned but i feel tempted to turn to numbing pleasures more than to despair",
"im honest when i say a part of me feels tortured as though this is part of the system of function in your life the one that allows you to order and manipulate people in such a way so that they are lined up and positioned to serve their prupose when you should need them",
"i was an year old girl who just wanted to feel important",
"im not the only person in the world to feel miserable from time to time",
"im starting to feel unwelcome in life and some people can already tell this",
"i let myself think about my behaviour towards you when we were children i feel a strange mix of guilt and admiration for your resilience",
"i may not be rich by material standards but i feel very rich because i am grateful for what i have",
"i am so trying to understand why my feelings should be ignored",
"i feel inside of me that it was not in vain",
"i feel could be unpleasant is layered with love healing forgiveness and the expectation that things will turn out well",
"i have no idea if this is interesting for anybody to read but i found myself smiling like a fool laughing at some points and feeling overwhelmed with gratefulness",
"i can feel that they are kind friendly and can understand my feelings",
"im sure there are plenty of lovely parties going on but im not feeling very sociable whats new",
"im sure there are not actually multiple people looking at this crap right now but basically i feel the urge to share something with the few unfortunate people who are probably as bored at work as i currently am",
"i miss the feeling of loving",
"i feel like being friendly is a chore but without people around me i feel lonely",
"i may not feel it i m sure the wisdom that comes with age will help",
"i feel uncertain and uneasy",
"i feel like i am not very smart",
"im feeling a little dazed at the amount of items that i no longer use for decorations",
"i feel i have to write about it it was truly innocent even though there was quite a bit of feeling involved",
"i feel like im some troubled sad anti social person",
"im feeling wimpy about this i know a one year old who has been sent to the old country for a year so the parents can work",
"when i won an unexpected sum of money",
"i feel curious and bewildered",
"i guess i have a right to feel this way but i dont know because lately i havent been a faithful contributing member of the christian faith",
"i feel pathetic and uninspired",
"i finished our drinks and left and i came to feel more and more sympathetic and bad for this old man to the point where im still thinking about it hours later",
"i feel that were like sweet couple",
"i perceive you feel now you and grieve together the dint of pity these are gracious drops",
"i feeling suspicious i snooped computer",
"i hope something magical happens today because im feeling kind of listless",
"i feel stupid typing that",
"i feel playful im going to tell my boyfriend and if he doesnt feel it too such is life it is his loss",
"i tired of hearing of these unique communications special feelings and how sincere you are",
"ive never been a huge holiday person but i definitely feel more festive more hopeful more willing to celebrate others joys",
"im feeling gloomy as i have completed nothing though im supposed to complete many things",
"im thinking about death at the moment and feeling really sad because my lovely uncle shaun has died",
"i feel studying and doing homework again after weeks of holidays target blank img title stumbleupon class ssba alt stumbleupon src http www",
"i feel sort of pathetic saying that my iphone internet and tv are my must haves but lets be honest they are",
"i feel so lousy but i shouldnt be focusing on me now",
"i have wonderful family who are constantly on the lookout for me make phone calls for me do pr for me but i feel helpless and folks i am a doer so i always feel like if i cant help myself then",
"i am a down to earth person and say what i feel very affectionate",
"i pray for those who are feeling unloved and lonely",
"im really lucky to have him as my partner and im really trying hard not to keeping myself busy with other tasks but im really feeling disheartened right now",
"i know some people are more fond of the treat of going and getting a pedicure because you can just sit there and enjoy the wonderful feeling of someone else massaging your tender tootsies all the while flipping the pages of a book or magazine",
"i am feeling drained it is because i am not taking this aspect seriously enough",
"i tween sat for my moms boss year old and year old boys this weekend id say babysit but that feels weird considering there were n",
"i feel about strange brew",
"i have to feel that the person is being truthful with me",
"im feeling a little saddened and troubled too sorry for a couple of friends who i wish i could give big hugs to",
"i just cant help but feel like i must protect this innocent being",
"i do not feel remorseful and ask for forgiveness when i know ive done something wrong",
"i was feeling a bit jolly today at work",
"i normally would want to eat this when i feel the world is dull",
"i found myself feeling a bit overwhelmed",
"i feeling so low now",
"ive got a off sale the ad says starting tomorrow but im feeling generous and started it now",
"i feel pretty jaded lately with the pace of my life so i dont mind doing something fun like killing zombies in real life xd but if it dont happen then more reason for me to get off my butt and do something fun",
"ive been feeling weepy and sensitive today as time rolls towards the anniversary of my fathers death",
"im lazy my characters fall into categories of smug and or blas people and their foils people who feel inconvenienced by smug and or blas people",
"i feel eager and anxious and antsy in regards to it",
"i havent really talked to anyone about it in depth because i feel like im being whiney repetetive and needy",
"i feel numb burn with a weak heart so i guess i must be having fun the less we say about it the better make it up as we go along feet on the ground head in the sky its ok i know nothings wrong",
"i have never really had luck with them so im feeling a bit jaded",
"i venture back up north and for the big day i m feeling very festive",
"im personally happy grateful and embracing each moment but i feel that my patriotism is being abused",
"i tried to make a cheerful comment about fitting her in but i feel really unwelcome",
"i am feeling really adventurous",
"i feel like not caring",
"i feel sad and discouraged",
"i had promised her i will buy their cupcake bt im feeling shy to face her n thn miss it",
"i should do but i think it means that i should always be open to opportunities of inviting and involving others in ministries and that i should be creative in finding ways for others to participate in and feel welcomed into such ministries",
"i feel a little stressed and lost just waiting for an idea to come",
"i have to emphasize the feeling of lost and found",
"i feel weepy a lot",
"i feel a whisper a friendly voice start to rise indulge until your hearts content and pay no mind",
"i feel like but im not very fond of that word",
"i feel like im unwelcome",
"im sure there are a few guys who want some naughty pictures and a feeling of caring and they realize if they shell out some bucks for it then they can get it",
"i begin to feel burdened by things amp long to be empty again",
"i feel sorry to hear your story",
"i look upon one of the main reasons wherefore guys feel that they have to one or the other be rich or have some crazy ableness or be a jerk to breed women is because that is which we see whenever we look forward television or on any other indulgent of media",
"i cannot and i feel a strange sadness for a thing that i m now ready for but cannot do",
"i honestly feel a bit pressured she just made a post on a photo stating she wanted to have giant beers soon and i dont even know what to say",
"i feel wonderful im tipping over backwards im so ambitious im looking back im running a race and youre the books i read so feel my fingers as they touch you arms im spinning around and i feel alright the book i read was in your eyes",
"my girlfriend sent me a letter with a shiny picture in it",
"im years old and i must admit that it has made me feel uncomfortable",
"i do think about certain people i feel a bit disheartened about how things have turned out between them it all seems shallow and really just plain bitchy",
"i get a day off from writing and feeling pressure to be funny and get to laugh at your stories and share some blog love monday is the wonderful a href http geremiafamily",
"im having a picnic feeling a little playful",
"i want to feel admired and loved",
"i rarely feel happily joyful and dont walk about smiling much",
"i feel guilty after i do these things",
"i feel and i think that should be respected",
"i feel kind of over entertained",
"i know i am feeling discouraged and cynical",
"i feel hate whoever that love me or caring towards me",
"i am feeling a little happy with him"
] | 284 |
i stopped feeling cold and began feeling hot | [
"i am feeling outraged it shows everywhere",
"i havent worked out today but i feel like im just not going to feel it ive been so stressed at work and just in life that this week is just bad",
"i see those forms that i havent do yet i just feel very agitated",
"i feel i just couldn t be bothered with some of the things that used to keep me up at night",
"during the weekend at home",
"i feel like they rushed the relationship",
"i shall just sleep feeling pissed psssh",
"i feel like im selfish",
"i feel just bcoz a fight we get mad to each other n u wanna make a publicity n let the world knows about our fight",
"i just feel really irritable and everything drives me insane",
"i really dont like quinn because i feel like she will just end up hurting barney and i hated the lame ted robin storyline",
"i still feel like i was somehow one of the family members horribly wronged by the tragic events that have transpired today",
"i forget that any time we have a disagreement or she feels like she s been wronged in some way that every bad thing i ve ever done in my life every poor choice every single thing that she doesn t agree with comes back screaming in my face",
"i laughed then bitterly again but i wasnt feeling bitter",
"i feel like all women are witches in someway why do we have to be tortured for being beautiful and powerful",
"i feel a tad bit envious of my younger self i was in great running shape young and had my whole life ahead of me"
] | [
"ive been a bad bad lazy girl i can feel my muscle aching",
"i wanted that sacred experience to feel that divine communion with the god of my understanding i wanted to feel sublime love in sacred terms",
"i guess no matter how much i think im feeling ok im as nervous as hell on the inside about the scan revealing something i dont want to know again",
"i was left feeling a little shaken",
"im the type who doesnt use a moisturizer as my skin is too oily so this product is designed to contain a ton of moisturizing ingredients that will make my skin feel lovely without oils",
"i was feeling a bit jaded combination of mixed up feelings not enough sleep and too many big screen presentations i think",
"i will soon start to feel like me again i liked her and i miss her",
"i did cry more than i ever have i actually rarely cry but sometimes i get to the heart of my pain over men in general and my feeling that i am damaged somehow and that s why no one likes me so maybe that was it",
"i am always so sensitive and my every sense feels like it is being assaulted as i drag myself away from the darkness",
"i don t know how else to describe it except to say that i had the same feeling about three weeks before my beloved grandmother passed away",
"i feel much lighter clearer and more energetic",
"i set aside that feeling and happily helped them now that every thing was been normalized and the students had liked me they change my schedule and i am just forgotten to oblivion",
"i grin and kiss my way down his body the same way he d done to me except with less teeth because i m feeling rather mellow and content at the moment",
"i feel more relaxed now that i will get good care and that i need to accept advice given to me unless i feel very strongly otherwise",
"i know that if my core perception doesnt shift then no matter how many times i am able to check off something ive gained a friend better health rewarding work i will simply move down my list and find something else to feel needy about",
"i am left feeling heartbroken about losing that child and then guilty because my parenting and wife ing has been so far below par for the last months",
"i feel wonderful im tipping over backwards im so ambitious im looking back im running a race and youre the books i read so feel my fingers as they touch you arms im spinning around and i feel alright the book i read was in your eyes",
"i now use it not just at the end of yoga practice but also at the beginning or ending of a meditation or whenever i feel the need to offer myself an acknowledgment and reminder of my own divine origins",
"i had written a prayer in my journal that morning after meditating on the greatness of our lord in psalm and had written in closing may we feel your tender care today",
"i know i did and im still feeling the effects of rich dinners and sweet treats",
"im feeling are happiness wholeness and excited anticipation sometimes im reduced to tears and can barely begin to put my feelings into words",
"i do however want you to know that if something someone is causing you to feel less then your splendid self step away from them",
"i could feel myself putting on that i m simply splendid",
"i first started using this i did not like it because i felt like it made my hair feel very dirty even though i had just washed my hair",
"i remember feeling hair and being confused my kids dont have hair at birth but not having the presence of mind to really process what i was feeling",
"i attended a session in the pub afterwards and i m feeling a bit tender this morning",
"i feel a bit calm now",
"i find myself having much more time to think about myself without feeling depressed to actually be able to write and imagine without feeling trapped or like i am missing out on something a near constant feeling i have in cities",
"i am feeling quite smug now as i didn t actually see any mating but assessed the signs calculated the dates etc and got it spot on",
"i have become too comfortable while at the same time feeling discontent because i have not been pursuing the thing the lord has set on my heart to pursue",
"i feel less burdened in a way",
"i really needed to hear today i really struggle feeling valuable just staying home i know it is important and that is why i do it but it was great hearing how much my husband values what i do every day",
"i am not really sure how this came about but ive been feeling a lot more compassionate and forgiving lately",
"im feeling good these days and my only complaints are that its getting harder and harder to move around and chase after stone and its getting harder and harder to find clothes that fit",
"i know is that by the end of the reception i was feeling a little left out so when chris asked me to dance i was thrilled to accept",
"i know shes right because i feel more energetic awake patient and happy when im running daily but i still feel a little bad too because i believe breast milk is so much better for babies than formula",
"i feel a little less burdened",
"i get the feeling that after today and yesterday ive gained back every pound ive lost",
"i feel the moment that i know im real they judge without supporting facts ive cut there is no going back",
"ive been feeling for awhile and he looked at me with a surprised look and said is that you",
"i feel more energetic and motivated",
"i feel i would stop trout class delicious title share this on del",
"i told justin a couple days ago that im feeling better physically than i have in a while",
"i feel romantic feelings in my soul and begging to god make u me ur love me ur feeling me ur soul me i wanna to hear the beat of heart by u for me ever if u wanna so otherwise i am nothing without u",
"i was also feeling really pleased that i decided well cajoled bullied and ordered to go out running this evening",
"i feel less frightened and more grounded and centered",
"i like to notify that i all the time feel my sweet heart beside me but i need to make love with a human i cant live without love the question is that is it a kind of infidelity with my passed sweety or not i feel that my sweet is a href http savingyourmarriagebeforeitstarts",
"i believe if you have happy and healthy relationships you are likely to feel much more energized and inspired which will be reflected in your overall health and appearance",
"i had one of my low carb meal bars for breakfast and was feeling smug when i spotted the left over pies muffins and attractive foods",
"i was really uncomfortable but i got over that because it did make me feel pretty once i put everything else together",
"i am starting to feel emotional",
"im thinking well i could be a bit smaller but for health reasons and i should see a doctor more regularly because im feeling crappy",
"i know how vital daily practice is in my souls development and i can feel the energetic thunk when i drink in the charged water from my kala glass",
"i had an epiphany that i should feel proud of myself img src http expansiveperspective",
"i feel cute and sexy all at once and its not so sheer i feel naked",
"i have decided that i will not let the feeling demotivate me and here i am with all my enthusiasm and this diwali special recipe",
"i feel so depressed i don t know what about just feels like i have a big rock inside me weighing me down",
"i forgive myself that i have accepted adn allowed myself to feel uncertain and inferior the moment someobdy is looking at me as i do physical labour",
"i feel i am suffering from several related factors that in regarding treatment acne less likely to remove scars left behind by proving your diet and extract",
"i went to sleep friday i was feeling relieved that none of our family was caught in the tornadoes in broken arrow later that night",
"i strive to make it out of the between boyfriends zone and land safely into single i feel lucky to have had these incredible beginnings with incredible people",
"i sit here feeling dazed after spending most of the afternoon in a comatose state i realise that hours in a day is not enough to do things we really want to",
"i soon realized that an initial attraction to an activity that feels playful is often followed by a desire to practice to perfect the talent that led to the original enjoyment",
"i feel i need to put my beloved uggs to one side and get back on the ballet pump bandwagon",
"i tried to explain what my lyme and coinfections feel like i guess i could say it is a horrible painful nightmare that just won t end",
"i do not worry about every nuance of my day and its presentation to others less little things to worry about and that makes me feel less neurotic overall and less likely to trigger psychotic episodes as well",
"i was still feeling lousy from the cough and the side effects of chemo were finally kicking in",
"i was a kid in bellingham worried about acne getting my first kiss and maybe copping a feel somewhere on a sweet girl i wished would notice me",
"i know you are stronger than me for anythings else in you life and you can heal so faster like right now i think you already feel ok about it",
"i was a child this song makes me smile because i was brought up the mediterranean because you only love the sea when you feel it in your bones when it makes you frightened and when it surprise you every day somehow so many ways",
"i used to feel pretty friendly with started spouting off about how russia is running a muck for no reason that they dont give a shit about their citizens and that they cant be trusted",
"i have to say i really feel a little useful for the progress of the second half the replacement of the shirt plus the coach s hairdryer",
"i get mad at my brain for slowing down in the summer and i have gotten frustrated that my work doesnt get done and i forget things and on top of it i feel lousy for a good chunk of the year",
"i never thought i could feel thankful for such an awful thing but i am for making me stronger even as my husband gets weaker",
"i feel more well rested though my sinuses still hurt and my voice isn t quite back to normal",
"i am feeling a bit agitated or stressed i find a surprising amount of relief from cleaning and decluttering my house or even just a small space like a closet",
"i feel sentimental i close my eyes and look up i feel powerful if i do that",
"i see that i have pageviews and im just guessing that of them are actually me so i feel reaaallyyyy popular and that was total sarcasm",
"i hadnt anticipated happening quite so quickly in this new international life was feeling passionate about honduras",
"i don t feel particularly elegant though",
"i have reason to believe that my faith in trusting them has been betrayed by a lie or worse i start to doubt what my heart wants to feel this is where things get messy",
"i am sure she is feeling all alone imagine i just take the whole house in my head when i have fever",
"i came down into the kitchen of my childhood still in a dream i was like a mini baby on the kitchen table and i told my mother that she should expect to get this kind of a damaged child because she was so narrow and unwilling to feelings and emotional support",
"i got a bit caught up in the moment and forgot that at the core of the rude comments and silly songs were the real feelings of a beloved and brilliant comic actor and a very sweet and big hearted young woman",
"i am not normally the kind of person who gets emotional upon meeting a public figure but as strange as it sounds seeing you yesterday for the first time ever the feeling came over me was the feeling one might feel upon seeing a beloved favorite loving aunt lol",
"i got this very sexy latex outfit from their lucky chair it made me feel very naughty the hair is called hungover and it is free by a href https marketplace",
"i was feeling like amy winehouse and planning my own trip to the betty ford clinic upon my less than triumphant return to australia",
"i started to feel fine sleep wouldnt come to me",
"i feel a little more relaxed",
"i just found out that my gut feeling unpleasant though it was was correct",
"i still didnt start feeling contractions but it was a tender mercy for me because she would have come on the st no matter what",
"i feel as though i am living on an island as i put the delicious moisturiser on a sample which is lasting a very very long time used twice a day and the rest of the products are so gentle yet cleansing and moisturising",
"i didn t feel frightened i m rarely scared of any place but i couldn t help feeling uneasy in the company of so many big groups of men and the only woman visible anywhere",
"i wish it was a more comforting feeling but instead it feels strange like living the memories of someone else or maybe having woken up from a long dream or a long sleep years and finding that the trees around you have grown taller",
"i had just begun to feel like teaching was my metier but am now resigned to the fact that i likely wont teach at university ever again",
"i am happier this year in all ways i am just glad i am on english lit only i made good module choices i like my teachers the peeps in my class are not so snidey i feel more confident in my work and i am on top of it unlike last year when i was soooooooooooo behind to the point of doing zero",
"i could empathize with tab because of raging hormones and the connection feeling like someone else gets you thinks youre smart pretty worth attention",
"i left malaysia feeling pleased that i d finished my first full race and excited about what we achieved on sunday at sepang",
"i almost feel as if i am paving the way to the more pleasant memory that prabhupada saved me and that my life now is real",
"i ask to know things and then everything changes and then i feel a bit shaky as i try to keep up with my own leading edge and the huge amount of change i m invited to allow as i come into alignment with and catch up with me",
"i was feeling the shake shack love this day i guess because i look like a hamburger with dirty clothes and hair because my luggage hadnt come yet",
"i feel less stress about doing pretty much any unpleasant obligation in life because i know that i will allow myself to mix it with things i enjoy running baking climbing coffee with girlfriends cuddling with my dog reading a book",
"i started university at the age of and although it was incredibly nerve racking i feel organised and determined which is a far cry from the jess of years ago or maybe even for that matter",
"i am feeling ok lots of bruising to my arms where they decided to remove blood from me",
"i find myself whinging about the temperature every day at the moment but it does feel ridiculously hot",
"i havent cried in the last day or two but instead i feel positively convinced that god has a plan and purpose for me and all that i do",
"i am nauseous and dizzy and feel all gloomy or at least not attached to my body anymore",
"i did feel things it was often just repressed fear and anxiety and distrust",
"i know what it feels like to be the popular boy band on top of the pops looks like were heading in one direction",
"i saw that i had the last spot on the tour and that i was going to be wrapping the whole thing up i must admit to feeling a little intimidated",
"i left feeling hopeful given i had felt some really good twinges releases aaaaaaand",
"i feel so horny and naughty dressed up like this and my tgirl cock is getting a real work out as i continue to admire myself",
"i prefer to sit in the large room at the back with its wooden floor and upholstered chairs which has a timeless feel in summer a gentle breeze blows through the floral curtains as you savour your large piece of cake or perhaps some of their famous a href http en",
"i was sitting on my rear feeling proud of myself for being on top of my game for once i realized that i shouldn t pass up an opportunity to share something i ve learned from the men in my life that get to celebrate father s day starting with my dad",
"i feel like ive been punished and i can turn it around and dont have anything to be afraid of",
"i feel embarassed humiliated sad miserable a title permanent link to what if i have already fallen in love",
"i feel most vulnerable exhausted and plum used up i look up to the heavens and catch myself muttering pleading god be enough",
"i feel abused and maligned but mostly tired of the nervous feeling anticipating danger",
"i feel like there isnt any dirty oil left on my skin after using this to clog my pores or make my skin oily towards the end of the day",
"i have been anticipating so i am somewhat surprised uncertain and to some degree annoyed about their presence in my daily experience especially in light of the fact that i have at other times been feeling more joyful and confident in my abilities as a loving human being than ever before"
] | 887 |
i feel selfish and spoiled | [
"i felt doubtful and the image that popped into my mind was of dealing with a big knot in my shoelace and then feeling frustrated",
"i feel like if people see the chinks in my armor they re going to decide that i m this fucked up person dismiss me as a hot mess and not want to be around me anymore",
"im so full of life i feel appalled",
"i want to be to be worthy of them especially when i m feeling the sarcastic crone",
"i can t believe all the newborns that i ve photographed with heads full of dark hair but i am feeling just a little envious because my babies are bald and blonde as they come",
"i felt anger when at the end of a telephone call",
"i feel agitated and the result is not pleasant the opposite of calm and peaceful",
"i mustered up energy to feel christmassy i remember feeling kind of pissed off at the bad timing of everything",
"i woke up this morning feeling very agitated at the day coming",
"i feel disgusted by u",
"i feel spiteful for typing this but the first hand knowledge and statistics ive gone over regarding mormons and anti depressants is startling",
"i am feeling manipulkated and wronged by my son and its as though he is lucy and i am charlie brown",
"id love to go shopping for sure because i am annoyed feeling bitchy as of right now towards everyone especially you you you",
"i was sitting in the corner stewing in my own muck feeling hated alone unworthy and violated",
"i start to feel myself become irritated when conversing with him",
"i wish santa claus was a real person cause i didnt feel as greedy when i was a kid and thought i was getting my loot for free"
] | [
"i feel like being sincere i am speechless lacking in my ability to combine meaningless characters into a diagram of thoughts",
"i suppose my own truth needs to be shared i havent been feeling very faithful lately ive dwelled more in doubt and uncertainty than i have in faith",
"i have only a few short weeks here and im feeling many things including sentimental and very grateful for the year ive spent here",
"ill feel less burdened and confused sighs",
"i have been so happy these past two months you give me so much that i feel ungrateful admitting i think i need more",
"im feeling overwhelmed i can just give people the middle finger or tell them to f off",
"id feel so defeated and id have to lick my wounds",
"i just feel so listless from the gloominess of it all",
"i feel numb as i carry on and i wonder if i will get over it",
"i am a bit out of my comfort zone too and im feeling a tad apprehensive",
"ive been having trouble sleeping my anxiety is causing my social life to suffer i lack the motivation that used to drive me work is quickly becoming a chore where i was once satisfied and i feel dull and uninteresting",
"i feel a little delicate",
"i feel like ive given up on relationships forever because im hardly ever successful in maintaining friendships and theres that pressure of settling down at your age",
"im spending every day waiting to hear from you and feeling like an idiot for caring",
"i hate ever putting anyone in awkward situations and ever causing anyone to feel unwelcome such thoughts strain my heart so",
"i feel like hopeless helpless worthless scum",
"i feel super bad because i miss the blogging world miss reading everyones blogs miss documenti",
"i feel so passionate about it and know this is where god wants me to be but i am human and i do have flaws and short comings",
"i feel that i ll be doomed to long pants and ugly shoes for the rest of my life and i m not even yet",
"i don t always feel joyful and i quite often throw prayer out the window",
"i must say that this makeover has been all consuming coupled with some major changes at work coworkers having babies and i feel like i have been a neglectful lady",
"ive been at the lowest ive ever been feeling really shitty about myself",
"i am feeling a little weird as i compare this big old number with how young insecure childlike playful silly i feel inside",
"im feeling pretty guilty for not even being in the library whilst writing this so imma get my stuff together and dramatically exclaim",
"i wanna scream out my feelings that i keep until it bleeds the life is sometimes prejudiced it kills happiness thus it becomes even worst feeling like the life is now meaningless why should i be the victim",
"i feel like i m that dirty trash bin on the streets that nobody really sought",
"i normally would call meaningless and stupid but i guess im feeling a little bit adventurous",
"im feeling awful because we hung out with my friend and her new baby the day before",
"im just feeling personally devastated that this happened at my college in the school im studying under",
"i just was expressing myself and her unexpected and kind gesture made me feel bad for a short moment as that was not my intent but for a larger moment which remains with me it reminded me of my blessings like having good friends that have your back",
"i felt lost and half of the time now i feel just numb",
"i was having a cig and feeling like ok ill just write my colomn about how conservatish men are tha best bfs and tha best lovers",
"i feel like my life has become rather dull it lacks excitement but i feel next year will be different",
"i feel so lousy but i shouldnt be focusing on me now",
"i make this blog post i am feeling the melancholy running through my veins",
"i feel guilty about feeling guilty over my health crisis when i am so damn lucky to be here",
"i feel so fucking worthless",
"i don t know about you but i m feeling amp blessed",
"i feel beaten down and i feel void",
"i guess i could say i was feeling pretty shitty like all the feelings ive suppressed from truc were starting to arise",
"i feel whiney at the moment",
"i dont mean that id like to chicken out but i am feeling more insecure about myself and maybe doubting the fact that i should be able to run km tomorrow",
"i do not know how to feel my hearts aching sadness over the loss of those good and kind people and all the other connected losses a href http",
"i just can feel so pain but nothing to do blank and speechless",
"i am a month later feeling as hurt as i did that november th when i got his email",
"i keep wondering why im hitting walls of grief and loss even while im having fun or feeling excited or enjoying some wonderful friends and pre summer time experiences",
"i was trying really hard to be a people pleaser and itd left me feeling so defeated",
"i feel like a delicate fragile vase",
"i believe you have to truly regret feel remorseful that you have these feelings even if you feel like you can t control them",
"i feel miserable and even more alone",
"i feel a lil bit gloomy",
"i know how it feels to suffer pain and sorrow and loneliness and to know that mom is suffering because of her illness",
"i alternated between wishing i would die and then feeling terrified that something would happen to me leaving my newborn son without a mother",
"i feel so foolish and cross with myslef",
"im hoping theyll like this new draft better this time so that i wont end up feeling as devastated as i did the last time i turned in a draft i was devastated because a href http neuroticworkaholic",
"i feel as though im becoming jaded to the point of numbness",
"i feel guilty for complaining about my life knowing that there are people out there who have it much worse than i do",
"ive been struggling a lot lately with feeling inadequate and unsuccessful by societys standards as i watch my peers attending graduating from college and finding jobs that fulfill them",
"im a creature of habit and major life changes always leave me feeling sort of dazed confused and occasionally sad and grumpy",
"i was healthy then this mild but annoying cold ad now a new cold which made me feel just awful for he past day",
"i hate to feel devastated so much so that i have an unhealthy habit of suppressing my feelings",
"i don t look beefy even though i m older now i feel dirty i feel like no one would like me because i m no one",
"i feel like its an excuse for being boring as an individual or lack of confidence in your individuality",
"i feeling so low now",
"i have to say it is making me feel very tender inside like a wound that has scabbed over on the surface but is still raw and unhealed underneath",
"i get to know about it the more guilty i feel for not being as faithful as these guys are",
"im sick of being dependent even partially so on someone that makes me feel so unwelcome",
"i know you say you don t but there s a lot of anger that i m on the receiving end of and it s just how i feel i probably deserve to be hated too",
"i feel a bit overwhelmed in some areas so i may come off as whiney",
"i longed for that feeling i once knew the feeling i treasured once and forgot because of pain",
"i just feel worthless and stuck",
"i cant think of any emotional state that is worse than feeling generally worthless and unlovable",
"im feeling crappy ill fish for compliments like any other girl",
"i was feeling so discouraged we are already robbing peter to pay paul to get our cow this year but we cant afford to not get the cow this way",
"i go to school after having a horrible morning and i feel like i am meing hated on my every and i feel alone and i always have been and i am emotionaly very far away from everyone else",
"im feeling pressured at my desk due to the piles of tasks waiting for me i will often pack up and go write in a quiet corner in my bedroom living room or kitchen",
"i feel at leaving work is hot and complicated and tempered with the disquiet of a future that feels out of my hands",
"ive got a cough that is deep in my chest and overall i just feel terrible",
"i have these terrible feelings that i hyped myself up to be more talented than i am",
"i feel so beaten down and defeated",
"i feel a bit like a naughty kid who went and spent their last pence on a bag full of e numbers guilty",
"ive been feeling mellon collie aka melancholy the past few days and i",
"i feel that if i make one mistake everything will shatter like a delicate crystal flower that slipped from my grasp",
"i feel honored or insulted",
"i feel like im over reacting by feeling so gloomy about it all",
"i feel it pinging my brain and its not pleasant",
"i feel horrible because i feel horrible made worse by the fact that i havent gotten to workout",
"i feel like im taking care of a needy puppy not living with a mother",
"i feel beaten by it",
"i have noticed my body has not been to happy when i eat red meat and last week i was feeling lethargic and a little seedy nothing i put in seem",
"i feel awful when reading someones emotional posts especially when i am was having mine",
"i do know the main reason i feel like i m losing myself unsure if i ll ever get those pieces back but i m not quite ready to talk about that just yet",
"i sit here tonight i m pensive tense and feeling a little fearful",
"i was to her in fact so i m taking that as she feels regretful for what she has done",
"i feel embarrassed that im doing it because i think people like me insert liberal amount of negative self talk about weight dont do things like this",
"i admit that in the past ive done a lot of time scoffing and feeling superior to christians",
"i am again not inspired and after looking at ideas and images i feel that i dont appreciate them anymore they become useless and purely skill driven having nothing to do with thought",
"ive been kicked in the stomach by the eating disorder so many times that i feel kind of numb",
"i feel fucking pathetic and desperate for your hello",
"i felt so bad for the bad grade and feeling like having to hide it that i didnt know what to say except to declare in all my frustration that i hated school",
"i know that when we feel so beaten down and we are dispairing that it feels like the savior is so far away",
"ive learned how to turn off all my emotions more and more and i often find myself feeling completely blank while my mother is crying continuously over my suicidalness",
"i did a sketch of mikala and started working on panel four but im feeling particularly drained tonight",
"i feel defeated that i have to take advil again but i suppose to get the inflammation down inside as well as outside its necessary",
"i had a pretty trying adolescence and any time im put into a situation where im made to feel inadequate it makes me revert right back into the shy awkward teenager with low self esteem that i was in high school",
"im feeling so lousy they tried to cheer me up during school time and during choir practice",
"i feel so abused and taken advantage of",
"i have been feeling so melancholy and alone",
"i see jacque i feel extremely guilty because she still hasn t forgiven me",
"i just am so tired of feeling lonely and yet when someone comes along who can take away that feeling i run away",
"ive left feeling indirectly manhandled or abused",
"i feel like i was convinced to spend the night alone it was not my choice i was wrongfully lead astray",
"i feel unimportant so inadequate",
"i don t feel so self assured i need to compete or to justify why i m so clearly not doing as well as someone else",
"i am tied down to my thoughts in class as in life i cant perform i feel ashamed and afraid to be in myself",
"i have an insane appreciation for simplicity and i feel so much compassionate again but still feel like i have that sarcastic sense of humor",
"i feel most vulnerable exhausted and plum used up i look up to the heavens and catch myself muttering pleading god be enough",
"i aint feeling it this is where been carefree deffinately is worrying in its self",
"i feel like this really heartbroken little year old all over again she explained",
"i was feeling the shake shack love this day i guess because i look like a hamburger with dirty clothes and hair because my luggage hadnt come yet"
] | 267 |
i feel selfish as i read back to my former posts how i have never asked for prayers for others how i never considered that there may be others out there that deserve their prayers answered before my own | [
"i think i want to go to an aa meeting just to hear the stories but it feels rude",
"im good at hiding my true feelings or blurting them out in sarcastic tones",
"i get frustrated that unresolved issues from my past have had a severe negative effect on my behavior and feel he must be angry that i have not resolved them by now",
"im feeling so pissed off now",
"i was able to feel slightly less obnoxious knowing that other girls were jonesing as hard as i am",
"i cant shake off my feelings of being offended and hurt no matter how hard i try and the conversation keeps consuming my every thought",
"i feel bitter to see what i ve become",
"i don t like the feeling i get when someone is even a little bit offended by some offhand remark i ve made",
"i feel a violent urge to vomit and back out of the room",
"i feel like ive been terribly wronged and that all is hopeless",
"in ward a was an epileptic patient who was burnt the whole body and was stinking very much such that the whole ward was affected few people could come near him",
"i feel impatient but much thanks to nic she knows how to calm to me down",
"i feel fucked up on the inside",
"i feel fucked is available to pre order from a href http churchoffuck",
"i feel like i shouldnt have even bothered",
"i was feeling very bitter towards him so my responses where kind of cold"
] | [
"i feel as if she isnt faithful but i dont have a reason to should approach her or just wait until i have a reason to approach her",
"i do sometimes feel as if i am a little unsure of who i am and how independent i really am",
"i am feeling weird and feel wanna know",
"i feel unprotected even while travelling alone",
"i were not told of this news i would not feel regretful rather be unable to quiet my heart now",
"i sin against him and am filthy before him and yet i only feel his gentle love beckon me back into his arms and feel his righteousness rush over me",
"i feel weird knowing mine died when i wasn t around",
"i feel humiliated and i don t want to face the world",
"i don t feel respect i don t feel admiration and i don t feel an entirely romantic tone",
"i feel you need to focus on your responses and they need to be truthful",
"i cant give you all what i wanted to and i feel it in my aching heart my sweaty palms and my sleep deprived addled brain",
"i feel like i have to redeem myself even though i think they realized why i was distraught and were ok with it",
"i feel like i rather have loyal readers than followers that don t ever look at my blog",
"i feel ive ignored it too long this year",
"i feel more gentle that way wth",
"i merely say i do not feel those activities to be acceptable for godly men for examples to others",
"i just posted when i reached to someones facebook that i used to think as one of my best friends which makes me feel so shocked and frustrated",
"im feeling generous and yesterday was my year tpt aversary and i have slacked in the blogging since last week as ive been sick",
"i feel homesick and it doesn",
"i was feeling ignored lied to full half or no truth omission avoidance being left out on things as if this was just a game to you and as if you really did not want me around",
"i cant helped but to feel burdened and anxious about this",
"i feel like that because for the most part i have accepted that this is a part of my life and that people will never changed",
"i sit here to write i start to dig out my feelings and i think that i am afraid to accept the possibility that he might not make it",
"i wont lie im a little worried and nervous and i feel inadequate for the job but ill just do my best thats all my heavenly father wants of me",
"i feel the need to work on caring",
"i feel like i ll never be as graceful and beautiful as i once thought i was all because i based my opinions on theirs",
"ive lived too long feeling shitty being picked on and feeling like the odd one out",
"i don t feel successful if that makes sense",
"i do realize that this is a unique situation and is by no means representative of the majority of amazing birth moms out there who make hard decisions in the best interests of their children but i can t help but feel jaded by the experience",
"i hope the two of you don t feel it was all in vain",
"i feel strange and weird about this entire struggle am i the only one who deals with this kind of conflict",
"i still have the wtf feeling and regretful feeling until today though just a kiss but a stranger",
"i feel a bit stupid for writing that but it s true",
"i feel for you despite the pain makes me suspicious that it might be so",
"i am not even sure how to formulate my thoughts since i just put it down and am feeling slightly overwhelmed",
"i kept feeling like i missed something and i needed to go back and re read",
"i feel helpless because i cannot stop it",
"i vow to be gasp nicer to everyone not just a select few marybeth and isabella lol i will say what i feel and not cover up something sweet with something shitty",
"i am the head of my family i should be looking after them but i feel i am worthless to them i am nothing now",
"i am not not studying coz i am feeling complacent",
"i am not feeling too super",
"i feel like im being punished and it makes me sad stressed worried",
"i feel doubtful in my abilities",
"i feel pressure to act like im so heartbroken but secretly i dont really care that much",
"i view myself in this way is that when i was growing up there were people who constantly made me feel like i wasnt good enough",
"i just feel like someone out there has to listen and be sympathetic and then",
"i feel you i dont believ in you but i keep my faithful to you god gives me a chance to feel what is apathetic after it but much apathetic open up my mind that i can hide this feeling for you i know youre playing with me you show off your love like and maybe after it youll be gone will it happens",
"i feel afraid but i have learned to allow myself to be afraid",
"i am left feeling underwhelmed and ungrateful",
"i don t feel the issue is resolved",
"ive read from others who have gone through similar circumstances it appears quite common and helps me feel less neurotic",
"i feel so humiliated by my own self",
"i feel suspicious if there is no one outside like the rapture has happened or something",
"i am feeling regretful and i apologise",
"i dont know if i feel apprehensive about it or apathetic",
"i feel threatened i feel fear",
"im feeling doubtful about my writing dreams to know shes behind me",
"i know you are stronger than me for anythings else in you life and you can heal so faster like right now i think you already feel ok about it",
"i should feel thankful or totally pani",
"i have yet to meet a cancer patient who does not feel burdened by some poor self image unresolved conflict and worries or past emotional trauma that still lingers in his subconscious",
"i don t feel rejected or abandoned which speaks volumes to the expansion of my self worth",
"i just wish okay so i was thinking about it earlier today and heres the thing being all cooped up amp restless has made me feel so needy",
"i would not expect you to understand and if you have i feel horrible for you",
"i can see in myself a lot of the older son i m angry at god the father not giving me what i want even though i feel that i ve been pretty faithful to him though i ve screwed up plenty",
"i mean memories that make me feel dirty and unworthy",
"i feel pathetic and am asking myself how i could even let things get to that point but i did",
"i feel its a pathetic way to get sympathy",
"im just really hurting and feeling a bit overwhelmed",
"i wont say the insecure feelings are gone but if i feel shitty i just grab the card and read it",
"im used to it but it still makes me feel empty",
"im not feeling anything suspicious really",
"i literally just text tychelle to see if she wants to hang out because reading what i just wrote about my nonexistent social life made me feel so pathetic",
"i feel so stupid to think they will trust me",
"i know i shouldn t compare the relationships but i feel we are so disadvantaged and kept kiddy",
"i also suspect that like me those who feel like they want to die will be reluctant to share that information with anyone because it is so freaking scary",
"i need when i feel beaten down",
"i feel its my job to give you perspective to at least attempt to provide context as to why seemingly intelligent folk say such unimaginable things",
"i know im not in the best place of my life still dealing with the infertility issue but i feel i have a lot to be thankful for",
"i feel i am pretty smart raising three boys on my on and they are turning out to be great but my question myself and anyone who reads my blog whats wrong with be wiser",
"i am made to feel useless",
"i feel unsure or scared i talk",
"i feel ignored and if he does message me tomorrow should i do the same to him",
"i realize i should be extremely grateful for your act of kindness lord i m feeling quite distressed at the moment",
"i feel traumatised and pained",
"i hate the feeling of being needy or vulnerable to something or someone that sometimes it seems like youre an addict",
"i still feel that i expect pieces of the world from him but im afraid to come close and place those expectations upon him again in fear that hell disappoint me",
"i feel embarrassment and shame of being victimized",
"i feel pathetic because i shouldn t complain about these things when out there people are having really hard times and this is only bullshit",
"i might hold a sense of satisfaction at feeling superior and giving advice",
"i can feel it physically sort of aching and now im kind of expecting a response i dont know what it would say but ive got a good idea",
"i am strong because i am weak knowing this about yourself would surely improve yourself as a person its something id like to know about myself and everyone else and feel it would be worthwhile in pursuing",
"i didnt cry but something inside was feeling incredibly doomed",
"i feel a little bit anxious about it",
"i dont want to pretend i am someone and i am not because i dont feel comfortable",
"im not feeling too keen on that",
"i was feeling superior to women who left their alcoholic husbands i was stronger and more godly and wasnt ever going to do that",
"im beginning to feel isolated in the work place but i dont attribute blame to anyone or anything",
"i feel that blogging is less dignified than other media which is why i do it but i also understand it s not a competition and the distinction is somewhat blurred so it s really just a a href http www",
"i feel hated there but had to remind my selfish self that none of this was about me",
"i am feeling much more myself again now and i would like to say thank you to everyone for the lovely get well wishes your lovely comments always mean so much to me",
"i really thought i was ok with how things are but here i am out of no where crying and feeling empty and sorry for myself shame on me",
"i need to get in touch with what i want and how i want to feel did i mention how much i hate people caring for me",
"i can only feel rejected and tossed aside and hurt for so long before i get enough guts to just pick up and move on",
"im feeling so devastated by losing something that others may see as trivial my god takes on that weight as if it was his own",
"i feel most vulnerable exhausted and plum used up i look up to the heavens and catch myself muttering pleading god be enough",
"im feeling a little anxious",
"i was taught to complain and feel unhappy but it was not until quite recently i clearly understood the importance or gratitude and started to make it important in my life",
"i avoid saying fail because it makes me feel rotten and i know it is not good for my confidence",
"i have quite amount of friends here but yet how can i feel so lonely",
"i am just feel so shy cause i realized those people behind me just didnt dance and look at us gt",
"i think that when we say i feel so alone in this or i feel like i am facing this all alone we dont really mean what we say",
"i feel blank the more it freaks me out",
"i just need to swear off feelings caring relationships",
"ive waited my whole life to feel this blessed now im comparing the dream to the way it is and everybodys looking there very best remembering times when they were just like this my imagination never felt so clear so no i know this is for real",
"i feel disturbed and sad",
"i spend my energy making the world i live in a better place and do everything in my power not to kick people or feel superior to others who dont have the same challenges as myself",
"i feel so useless some days",
"i am feeling fairly virtuous",
"i feel stupid because i didnt buy in sooner",
"i feel the isolation and despair of the rejected"
] | 267 |
i know the pain parents feel when an enraged child becomes violent | [
"i was impressed with how dunham portrayed hannahs whole experience from trying to deny that its happening to feeling offended when you feel like someone is trying to minimise the distress its causing you",
"i am feeling that it my be a more dangerous task than dancing in a lightening storm with an umbrella",
"i am sitting here typing this and wondering where i belong feeling distracted feeling comfortable feeling misunderstood and hurt",
"im able to refine my poses and concepts without feeling rushed",
"i feel like waiting for you to be online and you didnt makes me furious",
"i made her feel like crap and i said i hated her and i stopped loving her before the summer because shes never home anymore",
"i do feel like less of a person when i constantly hear family members use hateful language every time anything even remotely related to homosexuality comes up",
"i just feel cold and drained all the time im either hungry or tired or cold at the moment and it sort of sucks",
"i feel incredibly sarcastic right now",
"i really do what i feel like doing about of the time they get mad",
"i can think about is how lonely i feel im all grouchy and agitated and esily airritated",
"i realized today that i dont know what i want and thats the primary reason why i feel so dissatisfied so often",
"i just smile because it feels rude not to do so if you make eye contact i also can t really help myself",
"i see wonderful godly parents taking care of their childrens i praise god even though i feel jealous",
"i feel have wronged me",
"i usually don t wear glasses at first i had uncomfortable feeling like irritated but lately i feel comfortable to have it"
] | [
"i feel as i did when i was troubled easily agitated and indecisive",
"i just want to stop feeling so shitty i feel terrible and horrid and eurgh",
"i love taking in peoples smiles the way children giggle the gorgeous way little ones move closer to their moms if strangers smile at them and they feel scared the way teenagers are boisterous and full of life and hopes",
"i feel like this is a perfectly acceptable number since baby is really starting to crowd my lungs a bit more now",
"i get to this store and feeling almost defeated i tell my mom it would be so crazy if they didnt have a printing service",
"i feel so impressed by a dental work in front of me as well as a cost which we am deliberation suicide",
"im feeling wimpy about this i know a one year old who has been sent to the old country for a year so the parents can work",
"i am going crazy at leas the feeling is more pleasent them fearful",
"i feel as much disturbed as much a fool as as that dealer in love philters paaker",
"i was sitting in class on tuesday afternoon and all of a sudden that same feeling came over me a delicious feeling of being slightly out of control and out of my depth a thrill of adrenaline that left me weak and drained yet excited and inquisitive all at once",
"i feel like an emotional cutter",
"i feel as though im the most hated kid in school the biggest bitch and other times i just feel popular and loved by everyone",
"i still feel shaky is because in the worst hit areas the damage and destruction is so complete",
"i feel as though im supposed to be sympathetic but im having a hard time feeling that way im finding the repetition more annoying than anything else and im afraid its showing",
"i attributed this depression to feeling inadequate against the unrealistic ideals of the lds church and while i still hold those ideals somewhat responsible i recognize this pattern of behavior",
"i find it hard to breathe and sometimes feel a little shaken up by the days events",
"i know it will be no picnic and i will not feel defeated at all if i get my first contraction and immediately decide to go for the epidural or if i am induced or have to have a c section or whatever may be",
"im definitely feeling remorseful about",
"i was okay but thats an awful feeling to be falling with no way to stop it maybe thats why to this day im so afraid of falling",
"i feel from no longer being burdened with those i have to tip toe around and be careful about what i am saying or feeling is unbelievable",
"im still feeling shaky i realized that i felt intolerably hot all the time which i may mention is the polar opposite of what i normally feel like",
"i feel like i cant afford to be afraid to show that i am sometimes weak to allow others to see me as anything less than the strong wife and mom that i feel i am",
"i think the ideal preparation for birth for anybody not just me puts you in a place where you feel confident in your knowledge in your caregivers in your support system and in your body",
"id told him about my private session with cn was that it was remedial sparring help so i was feeling a little unpleasant pressure from the beginning to pull off something spectacular and it was difficult to try to relax",
"i tell mummy that my stomach really not feeling well i really wanna go to toilet mummy ask me keep on eating",
"i now can t help but feel like i ve been sloughed over like an unwelcome burden kathumped on the ground",
"i always feel very shocked by that me threatening",
"i feel a bit tortured right now",
"i really do feel it is beaten into us to breastfeed",
"i was well and feeling a bit of cabin fever i unwisely convinced spooky to take me to a matin e screening of scott stewarts legion",
"i feel humiliated when i am forced to make decisions i do not want to make simply to please my parents",
"i feel like i am that damaged can of corn with the big dent on the side and the label half torn off at the grocery store that is off that everyone pushes to the side and no one buys",
"i was feeling melty and miserable enough myself so i can only imagine what he must have been going through",
"i must have been unable to contain my expression as she immediately offered a string of reasons why she only had words ranging from inadequate computer to no computer to difficulty in using said computer s to feeling inhibited in writing too much on a computer for fear of losing it and so on",
"i feel strange being thankful when such awful things on the other sides of the oceans that surround that country happen on a daily basis",
"i felt this emotion when my name was announced on the radio that i had been selected to come to lilongwe school for health sciences to take a training course as a medical assistat",
"i understand that this is a time when belts must be tightened but i truly feel that this is a worthwhile cost effective use of federal dollars and would much rather see it face budget cuts than total eradication",
"i bag qaf look who s cryin now jacynthe lookin good feelin gorgeous rupaul the skins scissor sisters valentine the sun fed up kayle who s your daddy gerling awake the unkind u",
"i know how you all feel my mil has hated me since day",
"i feel terrible when i hurt peoples feelings worse afterwards and i always hope never to do it again",
"i feel like ive gone out of my way to be particularly considerate about not having inconsequential complaints so i dont illicit those feelings in others that i so ungraciously had before as well",
"i hang my head down and feel even more embarrassed to complaint about such minor things in my life when others are having a hard time just surviving minute to minute of the day",
"i feel you see frantic and thus i am afraid",
"i had already decided i liked this guy enough that i didn t want him to die but more and more i got the sinking feeling that very soon after his company walked through the door this guy that i already liked was going to die a horrible death",
"im not being fair to xia by doing it this way if he feels frightened by the work i do it that his fault",
"i should be dead since ive been out of this for a couple of months but i feel the pain every time i go to reach for that empty bottle i just cannot bear to throw out",
"i would like to know why duke university administrators feel that it is acceptable to readmit collin finnerty news story jan",
"i have admitted defeat and asked the other half to come back from the lake coz i just feel so uptight already",
"i think i feel myself flushing don t be alarmed i m on a headache medicine that causes that sometimes",
"i understand where they are coming from and why they feel the way they feel and i respect that they have the strength to say what they believe however popular or unpopular it is",
"i feel incredibly damaged by the way he behaved towards me and i am not prepared to be treated that way by anyone else",
"i feel tortured by all this and im not quite sure how to handle it other then getting drunk non stop so as to not feel anything at all",
"i feel like flagellating myself like the weird albino priest in angels and demons every time i see his face",
"i feel loving me no one but i will be fighting for anyone pagetype item url http mimedoger",
"i had no idea that it could feel be a little love for each other and i hope that the week is over and so that you can hop again blessed with the kleinkinders",
"i was feeling heartbroken and lonely i watched my second younger sibling get married leaving me the lone single adult in our family",
"i feel sexually threatened because some guys can be assholes fuck you of course im going to be a bitch and do whatever i need to do to get my ass out of the situation",
"i actually feel like i have been beaten up",
"i did however feel amused that she also called famous last words cathartic i think she s one of those people who secretly likes mychem but can t admit it for fear of damaging her music cred",
"i have found if i can make time for quiet reflection or even just pause in the chaos i can feel god s peace and his gentle comfort",
"i feel deeply humiliated when i read in ari ben menashe s book entitled profits of war mousavi s friend manuchehr ghorbani is was a cia agent",
"i tell my a little how much i hate feeling needy how i hate that moment when i know ive become too attached in my own head",
"i know what i believe and how i feel but some part of me is still hesitant because the old me would have said that anyone who believed there was a god was crazy",
"i wont bore you with the psychological signs of workplace burnout except to say that if youre feeling depressed or anxious helpless or hopeless congratulations",
"i don t know if it s mostly because he s forcing himself to be distracted or if he s feeling more determined or what but i think that though he s still hurting he is learning to cope with it kame takes a breath",
"i feel like someone who really should learn not to stress out because we live in an ultimately benign universe",
"i feel like i am not accepted here i and bucking this force that is coming from all quarters that tells me that something is wrong with me if i am not married with children",
"i arlovski on ufc win i feel really horrible leave a comment",
"i did not feel frightened just frustrated that i wanted to go back to sleep but felt there were unfinished tasks i needed to attend to there wasn t other than to edit two articles on freud s dream of irma s injection which were near completion and have subsequently been posted on this blog",
"i feel like that fact is being abused",
"i feel shamed for me being me cuz xxx said that yes sometimes it s hard and its frustrating etc",
"i will admit and it left me feeling shaken and a bit of a goose",
"im not really a fan of seafood and all that so i feel quite sorry when people kill live clams and prawns and shark fins",
"i do know is that even though its hard and sometimes we feel inadequate drained and like we cant go any further and just need a break even for a week or two",
"i feel i will never escape something drawing attention to my forehead when distressed because i imagine old age will turn the scrunching into permanent wrinkles",
"i would feel i was devastated",
"i restrain all emotion asked asked her su wen is a laugh said see us smiling at the side maybe the feeling that i am sincere concern for su wen is right",
"i have reported feeling marginalized intimidated and or subjected to threats of retaliation",
"i also feel ungrateful after hearing stories from my grandma about people she knew at hospitals or nursing homes who had no one to talk to at all and for whom simple small talk was a huge step",
"i do know that the stresses from this past week sensory overload oh and i have not been sleeping well are all contributing to my stoic type of feel however i am rather jolly and do not feel like i am in an icky mood at all",
"i never want the audience to feel punished preached at or sorry for me",
"i have to actually tell myself to breathe breathe breathe in and out when i feel absolutely terrified because i know i can t just go home that the life i missed isn t there anymore",
"i feel lonely so unbearably crushingly lonely you are not the only one a href http creativeliar",
"i feel so uptight about it because i know you hate it and are constantly trying to catch glimpses of the tv in the window and listen to it",
"i feel a kind of sadness for the television shows and popular culture push for birth mothers who havent finished school and have no real means of support to keep their babies",
"i understood somewhere in my heart his feeling of decite and abandonment of all hope for ever trusting me again",
"ill be glad when shes all better cuz keeping ollie from fighting with her while shes feeling playful is quite a job",
"i left that meeting feeling helpless and betrayed by the very laws that are supposed to protect me and other people in this state",
"i feel this so much more poignantly since the loss of our sweet boy oliver",
"i was starting to feel scared for both of their safety and i wish those officers hadn t left no matter how much i hated them",
"i just want u to know how u make me feel unimportant ignored jealous and more middle school level adjectives",
"im more scared of like dramas or thrillers that are actually capable of happening and so leave me feeling disturbed i",
"id feel so defeated and id have to lick my wounds",
"i need to know that the pain i feel is not in vain and that there is a better and brighter day in my future",
"i guess it s all about trying to internalize the serenity prayer without also feeling walked over and abused",
"i feel that she was trying to hurt me",
"i make a mistake i cringe feel idiotic and become filled with self loathing",
"i don t want to go home to toronto and feel like a nobody tortured artist loser for two weeks and smoke pot alone in my bedroom and watch degrassi junior high and then weep",
"i feel it is unfortunate that i have had to take these drastic measures and post this notice as i truly loved posting my new work to flickr and interacting with new people from all over the world",
"i have been talking with a growing number of friends over the past few months who have been telling me stories of feeling emotionally beaten up by life",
"i do my best to remain cordial and express what is authentic the real love and gratitude i feel for a devoted father and the nostalgia i feel towards someone i had selected as a life partner as exemplified by an unforgettable blowout wedding at the a href http www",
"i know takes a lot of present moment awareness and part will be the challenge of accepting things as they are so i don t set up a feeling of wanting or discontent",
"i guess i do have to give some credit to the douche bags out there though because after all those feelings are what give birth to these lovely words i utter",
"i feel like that little boy with no sense of value perpetually doomed to keep breaking all that is valuable in life",
"the day i got to know that i would get a shared dwelling with my boyfriend my parents place was getting a little crowded with my growing bother wanting a room to himself i first felt doubt",
"i really am not feeling child friendly",
"i feel all people of reason have a duty to awaken these sincere mislead people to educate them to the fact that god gave us reason and ancient ignorant men gave us revealed religions",
"i just decided to put a closure on the irritant and avoid them altogether or make their presence feel equally unwelcome",
"i imagine is how this woman at the breast clinic had been feeling and how unfortunate that something like this did happen for her",
"i want to be able to declare how excited i am in the most sickening sing songy voice that anyone has ever heard but frankly i feel more terrified than anything",
"i am truly unfortunate the majority of the time i m usually drained but i obtain it hard to get from bed i really feel restless and others",
"i love drink them i love that medicine because i want to be health anymore but my family reaction made me feel so depressed",
"i feel like a very useful engine mother those of you who have watched thomas will understand",
"i feel something inside paul saying fuck it lets do this lets go for it go for broke",
"i apologise i really shouldn t be thinking that but it just makes me feel that the person isn t taking into consideration the fact that we need to watch other videos to it s called supporting our subscribers does it make me a bad person thinking and feeling this",
"i feel i would be ungrateful to god and undutiful to the church if i did not use my poor efforts on the side of truth and peace",
"i do that he can t stand feeling threatened and looking over his shoulder",
"im feeling a bit distressed about it",
"id gotten past the whole oh gawd im so humiliated i didnt feel humiliated",
"i feel like i find this graceful yet sharp peace within myself but then it seems to dissappear so quickly when that peace within the heart that feels like its breaking"
] | 616 |
i feel angered and firey | [
"i feel like i have been really cranky at school these days",
"i feel like a vile traitor even saying such a thing but its the truth",
"i wasnt feeling mad at god or angry for him allowing this to happen to me i was just sad",
"i stropped about for a bit feeling grumpy because i was missing out",
"i didn t take the time to count the money partly because the cashier was already ringing up the next customer and i was feeling a bit rushed and in the way with the next person in line crawling up my back",
"i feel like this was such a rude comment and im glad that t",
"i think ive just been feeling a little bothered",
"i truly feel but its somehow not enough for me to hate him or to get mad",
"i think i was right to feel insulted",
"i feel cold few days",
"im just feeling emo and bitchy atm",
"im feeling rather impatient with these rainbows bursting in my veins",
"i could not help feeling thatrupert meant to be rude to my father though his words were quite polite",
"i remember feeling annoyed but also wondering if i shouldn t stop and buy something",
"when i damaged my wristwatch which i liked very much",
"im facing the consequences of my little fall yesterday all day and night yesterday i could feel every little muscle in my back slowly knotting up in protest at the unkind treatment they have received"
] | [
"i could feel blake more sharply and i felt a little more delicate i guess you could say",
"i get into conversations and regret them and start to feel exhausted after fifteen minutes of something that sounds like something but feels like it is only peas and carrots peas and carrots mush mush mush",
"i scream every day and every night and no one hears and my face is starting to fall off and i feel anxious and frightened all the time and i don t think i know what anything means anymore",
"i dont even know how to describe how i feel its like im sad but i can understand his decision but i cant control myself to not be mad at him",
"i and feel quite ungrateful for it but i m looking forward to summer and warmth and light nights",
"i see the areas where i should be doing better and i feel discouraged and condemned but i feel tempted to turn to numbing pleasures more than to despair",
"i am feeling more pain and hurt than i did before",
"i spent a lot of time earlier this year feeling stressed out about capacity and resistant to stretching it because it felt like stretching me",
"im feeling awfully overwhelmed by everything right now the demands from mother the needs of my family trying to shield my dear husband from as much as possible the list goes on and on",
"i am gonna feel lousy i might as well feel lousy while i am doing something",
"i still feel crappy ill take it as a sign that i need to get things finalized here for the kid",
"i feel strange and weird about this entire struggle am i the only one who deals with this kind of conflict",
"i feel so foolish for resisting what was obviously meant to be",
"im feeling really horny with all this new power",
"im not sure if the energy in trying to sew up the race to dubai and competing in the fedex cup has taken more out of me than maybe i thought because while i am feeling ok physically mentally i feel really tired he said",
"ive been feeling restless inside and i dont understand why",
"i feel a lot of this almost every day and it does hurt so this blog is very timely",
"i feel after reading allthingsbucks blog which brought tears to my eyes and a lump in my throat and a feeling of not having a worthwhile thing to be upset about that i shouldnt write such a lame blog",
"i can sit here and say its a warm feeling that overcomes you and you feel reassured but that isnt good enough",
"i was doing less yoga and feeling more agitated by my impetuous decision",
"i feel quite disturbed about the whole thing and to top it off im feeling shame",
"ill especially feel like im going to pass out or throw up if im really hot and it comes all of the sudden",
"i can insist and insist that i am a mother but i feel like a pretty rotten one",
"i feel like the helpless duckie target for the commies and feds while at other times i want to run and hide",
"i am feeling very restless irritable and discontent",
"i don t know why this makes me feel so distraught",
"i hate the fact i feel so miserable most of the time when im not usually and i hate the fact i feel as if im moaning",
"i love more than anyone made me feel like i hated them sooo much but i knew i didnt which really hurt i ened up being a dick and crying for like an hour in front of people which was even more stupid",
"i really feel so vunerable and frightened",
"i feel dirty watching this series and you can tell how the series is trying to induce false emotions in the viewer",
"i think i m royally screwed up and heading down a one way street to crazy town but because i ve recently come to realize that things about my past affect how i am today even when i don t realize it and even when i don t feel damaged",
"i feel them gnawing out holes all throughout my flawless soul",
"i must say it was first numb then ouch my head feel dazed",
"i feel like there is a fragment sweet scent hang on my tongue it instantly disappear as if saying i was paranoid",
"i mean the idea is intoxicating of course and it feels amazing when its happening but what happens in the morning when you wake up and you have to go to work and so amp so is all up in your shit about something that is completely impractical",
"i felt like i had went so far now it feels like my world was shaken just the other day",
"i cant always identify with peoples struggles and often feel pretty lame because of that but a href http www",
"i feel sentimental i close my eyes and look up i feel powerful if i do that",
"i feel needy and cagey during this wait for leaving to practice my new self in my old settings",
"i feel as though my own snowglobe is being shaken and im still flying through the air",
"i really feel rotten and my ear hurts so bad but i still managed to work out days and really push the intensity",
"i turn up feeling more than a little apprehensive",
"i feel like i m the one being punished",
"i know every baby is different but i feel like ive already exhausted pun intended my bag of tricks",
"i feel incredibly idiotic but i was also embarrassed because it hadnt been their fault at all and i had yelled at one of the workers on the phone out of frustration about needing to call them a million times sending so many emails and still the problem was not solved",
"i am feeling overwhelmed with excitement and anxiety as i prepare for my flight to florence in a few hours",
"ive been feeling a little frantic recently because our summer together is flying by so quickly",
"i am tired and feeling giggly but not witty",
"i am pleased and a little disturbed i guess that these feelings of melancholy lead me right back to the thing that brings them on",
"i feel more passionate about things too",
"i see each time you is what feel i am very anxious to to living to eat you",
"i feel like ive been defeated",
"i feel like i m being punished gt gt gt gt gt something which you could have avoided by gosh just being honest",
"i have been perspiring like crazy even in school that makes me feel so dirty and muddy",
"ive been feeling very very restless",
"i hope to god it is a false reading because i feel so unprotected without him",
"i don t always feel quite as graceful but that s a story for another time",
"i find myself feeling so lost and desperate because of the things that happen every day but being a human of course i have times where i just cannot be comforted",
"i keep feeling weird sensations img src http s",
"i remember feeling more amused than sensing that i was in any real danger however i must have been experiencing a little bit of shock",
"i dont know why but every time i feel like i am doing someone a favor all the time i start to feel burdened and stressed by that",
"i feel like in spite of having so many amazing things to be thankful for life is just one big demanding wave after wave and i m being tossed around like a rag doll",
"i feel triumphant and such",
"i feel ugly disgusted and like a pig",
"i feel most vulnerable exhausted and plum used up i look up to the heavens and catch myself muttering pleading god be enough",
"ive lost lbs between january of this year and now i have this wicked part of me that feels very keen to try on new clothing and to tell myself that i deserve new clothing",
"i am feeling abused for having wasted hundreds of dollars a year in subsidization for this crap and though im not sure whether or not im mad as hell im surely not going to be taking it anymore",
"i would veer from feeling utterly terrified to utterly disorientated to utterly queasy",
"i feel a little disheartened",
"i just really want this healthy life style to become a habit instead of a necessity because at the moment i feel like a naughty child being denied the biscuit tin and angry for letting myself put weight on in the first place",
"ill just cut amp paste it next time i feel the urge to type something as whiney as that",
"im so relieved and feel so much more like myself now that this is resolved this being almost nothing at all actually just some weird energy and i cant wait to be back at camp even though ill be hacking and coughing and spluttering all day long",
"i remember feeling frantic at this point",
"i am feeling so low lately just feeling of hopelessness is very disturbing making me tired and sick entire of living this kind of life",
"im pretty sure and its been about a week and a half so although im feeling kind of betrayed and disillusioned by men at the moment everythings okay",
"i am the one feeling punished",
"i was devestated would be a grave disservice to my feelings as i can never recall being quite so heartbroken again in my life",
"i am aware of a level of unrest and feeling uncertain and i will sit with it for now",
"i feel and oh how my heart broke",
"i feel these days living in fears just another way of dying before your time so today i am declaring myself fearless",
"i love reading i feel positively rich when the house is full of new books learning new things and as the pain is relentless i can t really pace myself i spend my days pottering from job to job depending on how stupid i feel like being",
"i feel ive been beaten down by the words of men who have no grounds i cant sleep beneath the trees of wisdom when you ax has cut the roots that feed them forked tounges in bitter mouths can drive a man to bleed from the indide out what if you did",
"i am spending here in cadore i feel even more acutely the sorrowful impact of the news i am receiving about the bloodshed from conflicts and the episodes of violence happening in so many parts of the world",
"i always feel this tangle in my stomach i never just feel content and wanted",
"i have reason to believe that my faith in trusting them has been betrayed by a lie or worse i start to doubt what my heart wants to feel this is where things get messy",
"i hate the feeling of being needy or vulnerable to something or someone that sometimes it seems like youre an addict",
"i go to the range i feel like im like russell crowe in robin hood or merida in brave",
"i miss not feeling guilt over so much stuff because i reacted in a terrible way or said no to my kids just for the sake of saying no",
"i am going crazy at leas the feeling is more pleasent them fearful",
"i can feel the pressure falling more so on my shoulders and im feeling slightly doubtful of myself which leads to unhappy thoughts not usually like my optimistic self i must say",
"i wasnt so terribly sore i would feel a bit regretful but theres papers to write and ebony dances to practice for",
"i have been out there over the last few weeks i experienced for the first time a feeling of loving the actual act of running of pushing my daughter in the jogger of getting outsprinted by my wife although this would happen if i was in top shape anyway of having cold air nail you in the face",
"i guess i m a sucker for the grand and endless battle between apparent good and apparent evil and i m no different than anyone else who feels they have the divine gift of discernment in situations like this",
"i love drink them i love that medicine because i want to be health anymore but my family reaction made me feel so depressed",
"i feel an emotional reaction but a lot of times that emotion is accompanied by a physical reaction as well",
"i feel agitated i become easily overwhelmed",
"i feel like i find this graceful yet sharp peace within myself but then it seems to dissappear so quickly when that peace within the heart that feels like its breaking",
"i feel defective or something",
"im feeling so embarrassed frightened that i wouldve smashed the window and slid in dukes of hazzard style if it would get garage man to stop glaring at me",
"i feel simultaneously superior and inferior to each other writer and i wish i could take back some off the things i said",
"im feeling all triumphant you may high five me if you choose mind you ill laugh at you but",
"i cant even tell you how refreshed i feel exhausted",
"i know that when we feel so beaten down and we are dispairing that it feels like the savior is so far away",
"i know how that feels have in ars nes own words disturbed the croatians season somewhat",
"i am feeling a little overwhelmed but ive been given some amazing tools met some wonderfully creative fun and crazy people and was reminded that i have a voice that has been silent for too long",
"i just feel so dirty",
"i feared would happen with a amp a after last weeks ep is now playing out just as i had pictured it in a way that makes every scene with annie and auggie just make me feel miserable",
"i feel like i cant be respected if i have self respect because it is so regular to now hate your self",
"i suppose most of my writing emerges out of some feeling of emotional urgency so there is usually a sense of darkness",
"ive had a lot of good days where i feel fabulous and have lots of energy but lately ive also had some bad days where i feel gigantic and slow and clumsy",
"i started feeling festive very soon right back in november and i suppose it was inevitable that i ran out of steam before the day itself im feeling all a bit hummpffff today you know so much to do so little time and its all going to be over in a flash",
"i can only feel rejected and tossed aside and hurt for so long before i get enough guts to just pick up and move on",
"ive had that vomity shocked feeling from jealousy before and its not something you want to keep feeling and its definitely something you want to get resolved as soon as possible",
"i feel rotten and my frustration manifests as annoyance and anger but yet they still keep on helping",
"i feel distraught worried panicked sick scared sad",
"im simply feeling just a little unhappy about the whole skinnyg and even the charming customer provider hasnt made that go away",
"i just feel humiliated and stupid that i didnt realize that all these things were only pushing you farther away from me",
"i feel drops of sweat break out on my forehead and i contemplate doing anything taking anything taking everything to cool the reactor",
"i need to be able to pursue the creative opportunities i crave without feeling like i m throwing my family under the bus funny how they still want to be fed even when i have a big gig to prepare for",
"i have had some very emotional nights of crying feeling unsure and angry"
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i feel like i need to make a list leanne would be appalled at the thought so that i dont miss anything | [
"i feel like you feel this is a mistake but time is fucked up sleep won t take",
"id feel like a heartless bitch if i didnt share these with anybody",
"i feel bitchy i guess",
"i have a feeling the googler in this case was again dissatisfied with his search results",
"i feel irritated to have missed out direct instruction from master lee is never to be passed up casually i have to admit my body just feels like it needs the rest",
"i feel insulted pete edochie responds to death",
"i feel like i have to preface this post w a disclaimer of some sort before i have an enraged peta after me or something equally as horrible",
"i this feels rebellious to me",
"i become aware that i m feeling impatient and thinking things are not going fast enough i can choose to change my thinking and remind myself that god s timing is perfect",
"i woke up feeling grouchy and irritable didn t feel settled all day had to remove myself from the patio when the small read his school book and ended up storming out of my own house after discovering he still doesn t flush the toilet",
"i feel like i should be offended but yawwwn",
"i am sure the organisation themselves have the best of intentions though i disagree with them whole heartedly its just i get the feeling that some of the demostrators will be slightly hostile to students",
"ive been feeling so bothered lately",
"i left feeling annoyed and angry thinking that i was the center of some stupid joke",
"i feel im being violent is i say no im not going to accept that and here are the consequences",
"i lie down he feels my belly listens to babys heartbeat gets mad at me for sitting up without rolling onto my side first and then tells me theres some protein in my urine nothing to be worried about though and asks if anything is bothering me"
] | [
"i do have some pictures in my head of stuff i d like to sew when i get a chance if i m feeling brave i will blog about these projects if for no other reason to make others feel better about themselves",
"i feel unbearably tortured knowing that im helpless i cant invade north korea and take down kim jong un i cant actually save the world",
"i am feeling very inadequate about how to share my feelings and of how to write this blog post but i am going to give it a go and hope that it makes sense",
"im feeling rotten just talking about it",
"i would really recommend taking this approach because the last thing you want is to feel disappointed when your little nugget arrives",
"i just feel so overwhelmed by the feeling of balance that i just",
"i just cant shake the feeling that my impulse to add endgame bonuses or special actions would make a rather elegant game needlessly complex",
"i cant help feeling this way",
"i guess i m a sucker for the grand and endless battle between apparent good and apparent evil and i m no different than anyone else who feels they have the divine gift of discernment in situations like this",
"i feel humiliated at her apartment i came here to this family i feel stuckin this life and go the hell i do not want to be more present in my life",
"i was already feeling kind of frantic and upset because im spending another year in that god forsaken school",
"id have spent more time with her on reading i feel a bit guilty about that",
"i feel like someone is being judged harshly not accepted or asked to be something they are not",
"i get i will drill into the subjects soul with an icy stare until it feels as disturbed as i do and leaves",
"i wind up getting more things checked off the list but i feel lousy and frazzled by early evening",
"i am wondering though is if i m content with feeling so much discontent",
"im feeling particularly brave my armpits but common sense be damned",
"i actually feel frightened of people here right now",
"i am crushed and think of suicide but i will not ever ever give up on my kids i will fight and prove her psychotic behavior to everyone she has noconscience and feels joy to hurt me but i will prevail",
"i hadnt but i told him that it had to be coming soon because i had been feeling all of the symptoms crampy tender tired etc",
"i still want to be a lady who likes ladies who does not feel inhibited to kiss another woman in public but i guess i will just have to disregard societal views that pertain to my sexual preferences and how i portray them",
"i know first hand and all too well those feelings of pain hurt embarrassment and even shame over self image body shape physical features weight etc because of what i have let my body become",
"i was wondering if you will focus on the problems because any way you are not care for themselves when complaining or feeling needy",
"i just feel so helpless i know deke s going to die and i can t do a fuckin thing about it",
"i wouldn t feel submissive which has it s place but not in the work environment",
"i need to do the best i possibly can do and even when i get out at i feel too listless to study like right now",
"i mention this seemingly obvious little tidbit is that either many of my friends have an innate inability to understand this or they feel hurt and neglected because of it",
"i just feel that as my reader and loyal subscriber you need to be informed about how great butterfly marketing really is and not be taken for a ride so i can bank some chunky commissions",
"i do not however feel the loss of officer nicholsons life was any more tragic than the death of the young mother whose murder started this whole scenario in motion",
"i feel so unhappy even with it",
"i guarantee that if im dizzy or feeling like im going to vomit for months i am not going to be a very pleasant person",
"ill feel to let all of these things out on this empty space",
"i dont know how to explain to you all the emotions that i felt at that moment but i can assure you of one thing i didnt have to convince myself to feel passionate about dominican republic",
"i am feeling incredibly agitated today",
"i feel embarrassed by it",
"i have had things happen and allowed things to happen to me that have made me feel ugly disgusting and unworthy of being loved or even feeling like i matter in this world",
"i always feel so pressured",
"i feel like throwing away the shitty piece of shit paper",
"i miss lev and i didnt think that i would cos lately at school weve been rubbing eachother the bad directions i think but i feel as if break is serving as a splendid cleansing time",
"i can however tell you that it will hurt you will be humiliated and you will feel wonderful afterwards",
"i thought i would very sweetly cover over what i was really feeling and say something pleasant about all the bad things he had done whatever they were",
"i feel agitated i become easily overwhelmed",
"i have mishandled things alongside the rest and im feeling remorseful about it right now as opposed to my very initial reaction of not wanting to care because maybe somewhere deep down in me im hoping things might be like before",
"i will close my eyes and recite the following mantra every day and whenever i m feeling unsure frustrated or shiftless with my progress towards my top body",
"i am feeling really lousy i take out the diy therapy chart and look up the emotion i am experiencing",
"i get bored i get scared i feel ignored i feel happy i get silly i choke on my own words i make wishes i have dreams and i still want to believe anything can happen in this world for an ordinary girl a class profile link href http www",
"i started on this day and no matter how well i did i would feel horrible",
"i am going through trials or just feeling troubled about something i love to put on worship music while i am driving and really think about the words sing and pray as i go",
"i am feeling a bit overwhelmed tired anxious etc",
"i wonder how many people are against my do it only when you feel like it perspective but i think if you do it for the sake of doing it without wanting to do it then it will turn out to be the result of crappy work",
"i would give you ample reasons to feel ashamed",
"i am still spinning from all the activities but also feeling invigorated and excited by all the demos talks panel discussions exhibitions conversations the art fair the communal meals the art exchange the books the vendor room",
"i feel awkward saying such things",
"i feel unsure because my financial future thanks to the stupid law is at this point partly dependent on js integrity rejected and jilted by j after we took vows unsure and even a little worried about getting passport ability to do so",
"i feel unpleasant time is long",
"i can feel their afraid",
"i know that if my core perception doesnt shift then no matter how many times i am able to check off something ive gained a friend better health rewarding work i will simply move down my list and find something else to feel needy about",
"i believe a publisher editor should bless his products with as light a hand as is possible and i feel that having my artwork on any of my chapbooks would strike one as being a little self aggrandisement and vain",
"im feeling a bit melancholy for some reason so im not going to post further for now but hopefully this re discovery of my old thoughts and goals will help me to re align my focus a bit",
"ill just paraphrase i ranted about not being able to trust anybody and being hurt feeling rejected etc",
"i try not to laugh because sometimes it hurts vellas feelings but some of the things he does are so funny",
"i feel so emotional when i saw those touch flusher but the position is still on the back when youre in seated position",
"i dissect every new fact that comes to surface i feel more disheartened",
"i feel like after everything ive been nothing but sincere what bothers me the most is that you wanted to hurt me you even told me",
"i ever want to feel that vulnerable",
"im reading through the online world of blogs i start feeling pretty dumb",
"i start to hate the fact that whenever i post anything it would eventually end up with me writing about how lonely i feel because i have no romantic partner whatsoever",
"i also know what it feels like to be in a relationship where you feel like a burden and too much and not worth loving or pursuing and its just",
"i feel the need to remind you that you are never alone though lonely you may be i know of your distress and the things that haunt you best",
"im feeling overwhelmed i can just give people the middle finger or tell them to f off",
"i feel this is entirely in vain",
"i blog because i want to be obedient and i feel burdened for my country and this culture that finds abortion acceptable",
"i feel agitated with myself that i did not foresee her frustrations earlier leading to the ending of our relationship",
"id been feeling so smug about not catching what had been going around",
"i want to share my feelings but don t want to feel humiliated",
"i suppose i am a bit on occasion but now ive become this horrible annoying person and i feel so strange about it",
"i feel incredibly nervous about it",
"i woke up feeling alarmed",
"i was sick with a cold amp not feeling well wondering if i would even be able to have the patience to go to whitleys month photo shoot",
"i hate the way mom and dad are to her i hate the neglect of her feelings and her needs as an intelligent child that are rampant in their parenting style",
"i flipped out at guys i feel terrible today i flipped out at guys i feel terrible a href http www",
"i am writing this feeling hopeless hopeless about the people around me this is a crazy absurd world with absurd people in it",
"tutorial again a fearful feeling came to me when i sat on the chair and looked at my fellow students all around i was really scared that they would ask me some questions or challenge the ideas that i had presented",
"i should feel awful about the nonexistence of gods",
"im feeling rather angsty and listless",
"i feel like an ass saying that since my sweet sister has gone through quite possibly the worst year of her life at the same time",
"i feel kind of sorry for him and the flirtiness between peeta and the heroine of the book makes me feel like i really dont want him to die even if just for katnisss feelings",
"i feel my blog is getting a bit bombarded with beauty posts and i feel im boring you all what dya think",
"i feel deeply humiliated when i read in ari ben menashe s book entitled profits of war mousavi s friend manuchehr ghorbani is was a cia agent",
"id like to be losing a month but i know that a month is not sustainable for me and i am losing a month without feeling deprived which is more awesome than i can explain",
"i get more angry at what you have done that i must tell you how i feel its not that you broke up with her but how you did it and the speed in which you made that decision",
"i feel that anger toward someone else not caring about someone else being selfish creating a negative impression of someone else not noticing the person next to them not saying hello to someone they must recognize where is my good heart",
"i feel a pain in my own heart as every priestess in the temple drops as every single ven who is devoted to talia loses their devotions and takes a rank of injury equal to their devotion",
"i feel victimized by someone or something",
"i feel like ending my life like some song from damaged or something",
"i exhausted and feeling a little morose but now im livid on top of everything else",
"i feel like i should be spending this precious last half hour of ness and doing something fun and interesting to roll into my new year and by not doing so im letting myself down",
"i feel strange out of sorts and i wont resort to this again",
"i need to really appreciate not wearing a coat and feeling the hot sun and going to the pool and eating ice cream",
"i feel it is unfortunate that in the end my year old will hate her father unless he ceases to use his daughter as a pawn to impress these women while she s still young enough to not realize what is really going on",
"i would feel like i am doomed to repeat history once more",
"i feel rotten but no amount of suggesting that losing a sense of smell is a terribly disorientating experience for a wine person seems to convince people that i might not actually live to feel good again",
"i am stories this week and decide not to be separated from the feelings you are after any longer by introducing a little sprinkling of the delicious feelings you are after right away",
"i feel the skeptical looks and eye rolls when we say we need a bigger house after all we re dinks double income no kids which is prettymuch the most awesome acronym ever",
"i list them out i feel pretty lame whining",
"i wake up it hurts knowing that i could have ever possibly done anything to hurt this person to ever make him feel pain or lack of trusting",
"i feel dirty for loving comments",
"i feel convinced that im going to shy away from whatever is really good for me",
"im feeling gently hesitant about posting these photos because this time the race slapped do not copy on every picture",
"i feel like we are doomed us humans",
"i feel if not resolved soon enough will have a damaging effect on all the hard work my girlfriend and i have put into our relationship",
"i cant help how i feel aside with a few like dick hobbs and rebecca mcpherson im not exactly a popular guy at school",
"i feel like nothing i do will be successful against him and that helpless feeling is super sucky and counterproductive",
"i know that i feel awful when i ask my husband to watch audrey just long enough for me to take a shower",
"i could just feel the joy rage coming at me for that one but i m glad you re feeling back at it and i m also glad we went to yoga tonight because sometimes you just need to know that you re better than your crossfit coach at side plank img src http s",
"im not sure i can go back to aussie festivals that make me appalled at the youth of today and make me feel glad to be old er and way more sensible",
"im okay with her getting married whirlwind style at the courthouse and going off to kentucky to live with him but im still feeling hurt by the betrayal and secretive style she had adopted",
"i tend to keep my mouth shut because im not well enough informed but when it comes to public education i can speak what i feel because thats one topic im passionate about and do my best to keep up with",
"i have reported feeling marginalized intimidated and or subjected to threats of retaliation",
"i still dont feel like finishing typing about it but i just know my legions and legions of loyal readers have been clamouring for the exicting conclusion to my disney vacation"
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