Nobody cared about the Census but the majority are disgusted by the Kadhr issue and won't forget that Trudeau gave 10 million taxdollars to a terrorist when the court did not even order him to do so. Trudeau's lame excuse about "possible more damages" is ridiculous, as Canadian courts are known for not awarding huge amounts for damages. This was no doubt a result of Islamic lobbying, and Trudeau must pay the price.
[ "Dont forget to blame trump. Hes a hater doncha know!!", "Hell yeah! Sick of the fuzz always coming in, bustin up the joint, for something that gonna be legal anyhow.", "Hey ms.amylou, you are rude, you call names, you are mean spirited much of the time, as are most Trump supporters. I haven't seen you telling your nasty buddies to stop their nasty little jabs. You can start with Nick Travis and waveamaker. 99.9%of the comments I review on here are \"mean spirited\" remarks by Trump supporters so don't presume to lecture me. Got it?", "Trump said \"global warming is a Chinese hoax\" What a fool. You cannot deny the climate is warming. You can argue the cause of the warming", "So what your data is saying is that minorities commit a disproportionate amount of crime. 22% of murder suspects were black while they represent only 5.9% of the population. You're being intellectually dishonest in an effort to appear not racist.", "By all means take your son to a women's march. He'll be thoroughly bored, and more importantly, he won't learn a thing. \n\nA \"women's march\" to protest the inauguration of a President in a foreign country is nothing but an exercise for yourselves. It won't accomplish anything. No American who voted for Trump is going to reconsider their choice because a bunch of ladies went for a walk in the snow. \n\nYour son won't learn anything because the context of women going for a walk in London to protest politics in the US is way beyond a 4 y/o ability to comprehend. \n\nBut go nuts. Bore your son to death with your walk. It might help you sleep better at night if you delude yourself into thinking you did something.", "This boy is obviously sick ....really no reason to kill those birds and now will turn rat to save his own miserable hide....pathetic excuse for a human being", "Dear Minister of Twitter (aka chief Twit)\n\nSome muddled thinking there, bud , to say that it is not government that is engaged in corrruption, but corrupt civilians that work in government is stating the obvious - like saying guns don't kill people, people kill people, using guns as a method or weapon.\n\nWhere is you evidence that the private security industry is riddled with criminals, and if this is true, how does this compare to the level that SAPS is riddled with corrupt people?\n\nIn the last 4 years, 80 of your own ANC officials have been murdered in KZN, yet not one single arrest and successful prosecution has taken place - why not?\nIt is not difficult to draw up a list of suspects - start with their rivals and those that benefit from their demise.\n\nStop blaming the public for the fact that your Police force is so useless at their job, and politically compromised.", "What complete nonsense. If not for this, they'd be selling snake oil.", "Which \"onerous government regulations\" are you talking about? A conservative friend of mine made that same claim but was unable to name a single regulation that supported his case. \n\nI did hear one example from one of the North Carolina senators. He was claiming that the EPA was now monitoring the runoff from manure piles! Stupid!!!!!\n\nSo I looked into the \"manure piles\"... \n\nThey're really limited to five acres and consist of liquid pig feces. The EPA requires they be lined and monitored for leaks. One did leak a few years ago and dumped 12 million gallons of this manure into the local river, killing all wildlife in a 12-mile stretch of the river.\n\nThat's an example of the \"onerous government regulations\" they're eliminating. If you wonder why your morning coffee tastes odd you might be downstream. Bon Appetit!", "Dude, you need to update yourself on German Foreign policy. German military and Bundeswehr units have been involved in Syria and Iraq based in Turkish Air bases. Bundeswehr units are all over Africa and Afghanistan. Thanks for the usual condescending ignorant Canadian perspective on the world", "I'm guessing you formed your opinion without reading the judge's 64-page decision written after a two-month trial. Perhaps a bit hasty to call him a 'moron', hmm?", "After it took Obama 48 hours to make America a laughing stock and an an object of humiliating ridicule.", "These kids have no idea what the he'll their protesting about. The democrats are reaping what they sowed. All idiots. This will pass when they get bored and tired of being broke. Just like the 60s", "Did the woman put a tracking device on Russell's vehicle? Was the woman showing up around town in places where Russell was going about his life? Nope. Russell spent $140 on technology that allowed him to violate the restraining order that he obviously deserved. \nMore women need to arm themselves with deadly force and be prepared to use it in order to protect their lives, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Male on female violent crime statistics justify what should be women's no nonsense, shoot-first ask questions later approach to men who fail to observe legal personal boundaries. I hope this woman takes this scumbag seriously by carrying a loaded firearm with her at all times.", "What about all the other examples Renzetti cites? Did Jo Cox deserve to die because she was a woman? You are the problem, buddy." ]
[ "We won't recognize Canada when Trudeau is done. In fact, it is almost unrecognizable now.", "Gutless, cowardly governments, just like Ontario and Caledonia and Calgary and the Langevin Bridge and Ottawa and the Langevin Block. We can't have any history in our new enlightened socialism.", "The coalition also mentioned heavy lobbying and political donations, about 92% of w about $5million went to the BC Libs. . I doubt very much that \"new regulations are being recognised as the best in the world\"; if they were why are these organisations writing the government?. Canada's mining sector in general has a very bad international reputation which is why so many mining outfits from other countries are registered here; the regulations are pretty well non existent, and despite our so called concerns over human rights as long as violations happen a long way away, in Ecuador for example, we seem to remain unconcerned.", "Do you have a point? Or is a brutal oil supported monarchy that exports an extreme form of Islam and is supported by the US the standard to which you would have people held?", "LOL, I think I'll listen to the chorus of economists and business leaders on why Transcanada backed out vs. that of a Justin partisan.\n\nToo funny.", "\"The victim was actually responsible.\" wtf? WTF??!!??", "Pierre Trudeau rode around Montreal on his bike dressed as a Nazi. Now we have to rename the Montreal airport to something more politically correct, like Kermit the Frog International.", "Let's see. We have a brainwashed clueless entitlement crowd protesting the lunatic white supremist whackos and then some nut case sympathetic to whom (?) plows into the crowd. What a mess. We live in now what is a spoiled rotten culture all the way around, and rather than focus on real issues this crazy stuff is the order of the day. I do also find it interesting the Dispatch never reports on this genre unless they can somehow pin it on Trump, or conservatives, all with seeming intent to inflame.", "Why not? There are many worse projects that the Liberals are wasting money on?\n\nAnyhow, odds are that such a project would have Quebec crying the blues.\n\nOh - another great idea - it could be funded by the equalization payments that would have gone to Quebec.\n\nThat would be \"just dessert\" for guys like Montreal Mayor Coderre who is crowing about the cancellation but begging for money for Bombardier.", "Actually, I think you are incorrect. If I recall, when the NDP were left with only two seats, the Liberals actually gave them official party status. Without that, they would be just two Independents with little funding.\nTit for tat, I guess we could talk about the fast cats. How many homes could have been built with those funds? Of course there is Bingogate, but I think you get the message.", "Until just before negotiations started, Trudeau didn't provide any list of negotiating demands on the grounds that he didn't want to negotiate in public. Then at the last moment we got a set of demands about gender equality and climate change, etc. that looked more like virtue signalling than any practical set of bargaining demands. We were also told that Canadian negotiators would walk away from the table if the Americans wanted to get rid of the Ch. 19 dispute settlement panels. Now he says that the Canadians will stay at the table no matter what. For some reason, these breathtaking switches of position leave Clark and other fawning Canadian journos quite unfazed. The Liberal caucus should ditch Trudeau, and replace him with someone with a mind before it is too late.", "Don't panic should be the watchword of the majority of the legislature who are afraid to use the CBR to balance the budget, are raiding the PF, wanting to tax people to pay for huge tax credits for the majors, and wanting to push out small oil and gas operators who are actually finding new oil and gas.", "It was a poorly written bill that Rep Ing messed around with.", "Maybe you missed a few issues but he is suing the government, and that government is currently liberal.", "The hard reality is that Mr. Pearson doesn't owe anything to 'those priced out of the market completely'. He had nothing to do with the forces that created the market value of his home. The City is simply trying to force Mr. Pearson to subsidize 'affordable' housing by using heritage as a ploy to reduce the current market value of his property. Mr. Pearson didn't allow the capital that inflated the market to flow into Canada, so why should he be thrown under the bus for a problem he didn't create?", "Mayor Tory is in an obvious conflict of interest with his spouse being a real estate developer, and Sousa would still be looking for proof that Asad was behind the poison attack if he was in Trump's shoes. We do not have good governance in Ontario resulting in expensive hydro and foreigners parking their money in our residential real estate unabated to the detriment of Ontario families looking to buy a home.", "Good article - but:\n\"...The Manchester Arena bomber may be an anomaly in many ways,..\"\n\nI will suggest he is not an anomaly but representative of Islamic culture.\n\nMy experience as a teen age immigrant - your family's culture emigrates with you and all immigrants seek to live in association and/or near others of similar experience. Thus we have \" Little Italy \", \" China Town \", Germans, Ukrainians, Swedes ... living together and trying to maintain their culture, language, food .... religion, staying within their confort zone. \n\nReligion does play a significant part ... and it is a question of what the religion values. Eastern beliefs tend to be philosophical, less theocratic. Christianity separates Church and State, whereas Islam is specific about the state and Islam being one, under Sharia law. There are of course many sectarian variations - but Islam is an unstable mix of petro-dollars, madrassa education and Wahabbism by way of an extreme example, \n\nWhat could possibly go wrong !", "That Telford and Butts are pulling the PM puppet strings is very concerning. Instead of running the country, they should be on trial for gross negligence in the financial destabilization of Ontario. They have moved on from negatively impacting hydro bills to negatively impacting national democratic principles.", "About time someone started suing the government.", "Can I just add that some teenage boys also went ga-ga over Pierre Trudeau. Not only was he absurdly hot and stylish, he actually bore us some respect! OMG!", "Councilman Andersons heartburn comes from bending over for HART as they have their way with him.\nok ok that was bad ------but Ikaika is a joke and tells lies about the feds and RAIL FUNDING ask Tom Berg.", "Lie and deny, Lazeethink...", "It is quite interesting that the democrats who are supposed to care about the underdogs, resist reigning in government spending and instead push large increases in highly regressive taxes like the general sales tax disguised as a corporate tax, the transportation bill which would impose regressive tariffs on gas and such, and the medical tax which would be regressively passed on to patients. The dems are happy to puff and huff about Trump as being bad, bad, bad, but when it comes to concrete decisions affecting the supposed core democratic constituency, the dems step on the poor and disadvantaged.", "I find it pretty disgusting that more of this article is about Brad's UNRELATED criminal history than his MURDER.", "\" If he can do that why should we care what his favourite passage is, tomorrow he may reject that, too?\"\nBecause Jenny Catholic who left her abusive husband and remarried isn't hurting anyone. In fact, she is the victim who deserves the Church's support. In contrast, people who refuse to heed God's call in Matthew 25:31-46 are hurting vulnerable people. It is even more urgent with leaders.\n\n\"The so-called Muslim ban is to protect the nation from terrorism which is not against any teaching of Jesus.\"\nThis is thinly veiled religious discrimination. The Bubbas who voted for Trump don't much like Muslims. Bannon wants to keep 'Murica white as part of his nationalistic philosophy.\n\n\"Regarding Gorka, as you label most people with whom you disagree as Nazi sympathisers, \"\nUmm no.. Eyes roll. And Gorka has ties to Jobbik. I don't know how much more clear about the guy's sympathies lie.", "Pardon me for not buying your Switzerland act. I've yet to encounter anyone who is bipartisan or independent who defends that dumpster fire, because a neutral observer of reasonable intelligence and awareness who cares anything about this county doesn't excuse that incompetent disaster. \n\nGo to Señor Bear.", "this is the type of nonsense that results from naysaying anything backed by your perceived 'enemies'...you know, 'libtards', 'greenies', 'lefties'. \nyou favor this disaster simply because the opposition is identified with those you obviously hate...don't bother to deny it. \nalaskans capable of rational thought know pebble is a horrible idea. what does that say about you, dick?\n \nwell, ya just gotta shill it because sticking it to the 'greenies' is more important than what is right and good for alaska.", "My trust in CBC was a little bit restored this afternoon after listening to CBC's Cross Country Checkup about Syria and the many problems facing the Syrian people, including non-stop Islamist terrorist attacks against the Syrian people.\n\nMost of the callers clearly had a good idea of the Syria crisis: the real causes, the reality, the problem of western-backed/Saudi-backed Islamist violence/terrorism, etc.\n\nTotally different information from callers to CBC Cross Country Checkup than what we receive in CIA/CBC news/fake-news broadcasts every day.\n\nI think it's time a lot of so-called liberals in Canada and USA admitted that their support for regime-change in Syria, i.e. support for Islamist terrorists such as ISIS and al-Quaida, was based on propaganda...and they (most of them) fell for this propaganda hook, line & sinker. They should be ashamed of that.", "You are naming one single event. My comment applies to dozens over the years, including 9/11 where plenty of Canadian elites focused on the \"blowback\" narrative, on the \"had it coming\" narrative.", "An alt right hack, Mr. Kouvalis does not represent any Canadian values that I would recognize or support, and I infer from this that Ms. Leitch does not either. I prefer O'Leary to her and Chong to either.", "The majority of hard working taxpayers in Canada and the U.S. are, currently sandwiched between a mentally unhinged megalomaniac to the south and a silver spoon kid who happens to be an inexperienced blithering idiot on our home turf. To make matters worse, the kid comes to us after the Harper regime which kicked working class Canadians in the teeth to feed the top 5%. Sadly,there are no viable, experienced candidates on the horizon on either side of the border.", "It is hard to see any areas were the Trudeau government was successful. Their biggest problem seemed to be answering questions truthfully. I would rate their performance as a less then average. However they still have CBC, CTV and Global in their pockets. That's all that really counts.", "Deeds speak. Words are mere propaganda", "Good for you Thomas. I don't think people realize the moral courage it takes to support a terrorist so good for you. Canada is luck to have such a progressive as you to call one of its own.", "Yup, I recall Notley did an excellent job. And she visited teh scene, as did Trudeau, but not until the fire and law enforcement people said they could handle the visits. And that wasn't in the middle of a provincial emergency that just got extend another 2 weeks. \nAnd why would Horgan even talk to clark if he can avoid it? Did you not read about the contract she signed over first nation protest, a couple of days before teh handover? To a company that donates bigly to the BCLibs. And you think Horgan might look 'overtly-partisan'? Wow.\nAnd your statement that the new government will ignore people outside Victoria?? Where did you come up with that? Certainly not with facts and data.\n I would prefer that clark stay several klicks away from me, from emergencies and from Victoria.", "Trudumer. Not a politician. Just an uneducated, spoiled puttzz trading on Daddy's name", "Personally, I'd say that any candidate who admired the vile works of Ayn Rand, ought to be disqualified and rejected outright. What kind of Canadian could even consider a leader who admired these kind of bitter, cruel and grubbily shallow screeds?", "with laundered money, and dont forget the tax avoidance aspect. Not good for us. but no one seems to care for hard working tax payers.", "Parliament cannot do anything..... it wants.\nThat would be dictatorship.\nWhich is what we were seeing under Harper.\nThe voters saw that and he is now former Prime Minister.", "I see you didn't offer any citations to support your miscreant opinion.", "Oh that's Ok. Like our PM, Bombardier execs suffer from moral hazard. They can just ask for another bailout. And Justin can just hike another tax if he's overspent on Bombardier and everything else he touches.", "Canada is done for. We are now a high cost , hugely indebted , high taxed jurisdiction run by everything politically correct. How we are leading G7 in growth is a mystery.", "Another one impervious to CFL's satire. You've been fragged.", "If I saw great health care and wonderful support for the elderly and challenged, I would feel good about paying my taxes.\n\nBut when I don't see any of the above then I wonder just where does all those billions and billions go. \n\nWhen I hear about fixing the prime minister's house will cost $38 million to repair, I realize that the people in Ottawa are from a different world than I am from and they have no intention of using our taxes to make our lives better, they are only concerned with building their own empires and palaces.", "Ya gotta be jealous of those Yanks.\n\nThey get an achiever like Trump and we get a dope head like Justin.\nTheir executive branch don't get paid while our cabinet is taking us to the cleaners .\nThey have an elected and representative Senate and we get a politicians retirement home.\nThey have symetrical federalism and we have 9 Provinces as second class citizens .\n\nThey are a nation under one flag and we are the Balkans under 12 flags.\nThey have hope.\nWe have despair..\nThey have Publicly funded CBS and we have a propaganda organ funded by the State .\n\nYou get the idea", "And I missed wheeler's botched sentence talking about \"debilitating health caused by fifty years of hitting things with sticks\"", "Speaking of Pipes and Dreams, it looks like the lying and disingenuous Justin Trudeau is not backing up his own promise to decriminalize marijuana. Those disenfranchised youth that voted for him based on that promise alone will be mad as a bunch of hornets come election time. Talk about Pipe Dreams.\n\nMe, I knew Trudeau was a lying sack of $ hit the momeent he yelled out BullSh** at the top of his lungs in the HOC. Justin Trudeau is a Drama Queen and would never have been elected for anything were it not for his last name. Too bad for all thos unsuspecting liberal voters and especially too bad for Canada. What a waste of 5 years this will be.", "A lot of the millenials I know were maxing out their TFSA by priotizing their spending and/or appreciative of the extra space and hoped to fill it soon. These were I guess of the less entitled lot of millenials who work hard and save. But I see nothing but truth in Ryan's overall post that Trudeau's policies will hurt millenials the most in the long run given the points made. That is undeniable even if the TFSA reduction may not be that big of a deal.", "Really? Whether he acted within a distorted set of rules, his actions demonstrate a clear breach of ethics. By any definition of ethics, one cannot take part in decisions from which they can personally benefit. The fact that a finance minister would take advantage of such a cheap loophole in the conflict of interest rules is unbelievable. The fact that you or Trudeau would choose to defend him is also unbelievable.", "@Alceste - how much more would you like on the remedy? There is plenty of material posted that speaks to your comments.\n\nIs it your view that once the SCC ruled on the initial Charter breaches that Khadr should have been let off scot-free? Without due regard for all of the other parameters in the situation? Your posts certainly suggest that.\n\nFurther, those other parameters would be considered as offsets in any damages claim.\n\nAs to not bringing him back immediately, given the totality of the circumstances, I already posted this:\n\nquote:\n\"e.g. would there have been an ability to bring him back to Canada and restrict him consistent with the Youth Justice Act while the Courts worked through the Charter questions.\n\nUp to a certain point in time, he was in a bed of his own making, but holding someone indefinitely to establish a Charter test case isn't (in my opinion) the right answer either.\"\n\nunquote\n\nWhere, exactly, is my alleged endorsement for keeping K in GITMO?", "Yes, it has similarities to the time Stephen Harper happily prayed at the 'men only' section of the Western Wall in Jerusalem (called the 'million-dollar shot' by one of his male Conservative backbenchers.) \n\nSurprisingly few people commented on that one.", "\"The only ones with big comments are ones that give an opportunity to slag Obama or Trudeau.\"\n\nOh? Finding it tough to find anti-Trump comments, eh? Come on - REALLY?", "The expense is what I object to. For heaven's sake, voters balk at MP's fundraising and office expenses. A good portion of the Canadian public is aghast at the cost of military procurement. Maybe, just maybe, it would be a heck of a lot cheaper to simply make the effort to resolve our difficulties peacefully with our neighbours the Russians and our trading partners the Chinese. I, and many others, have expressed suspicion that the F-35 is less than suitable for defense but is excellent for offense.", "You give conservatives a bad name. Go away", "Like what, flat taxes so the rich can prosper while we make up the difference. Selling off our airports - what else would he sell. He'd privatize and deregulate his own family if he could.\n\nI would go out of my way to work for any party that would successfully oppose him, He would be bad for the average Canadian and even worse for the poor. Only the top would get anything from his promises. He's as bad as Trump.", "That seems to be the CPC excuse. i.e. That the \"Liberal media\" is at fault for forcing the CPC to act as they did. I guess they think Harper really was that weak of a \"leader\".", "When is it going to end with this guy?\nHe's embarrassing Canada.", "High unemployment, high taxes, 800,000 plus eating out of food banks, failing infrastructure, huge debt and deficit, native/indigenous issues and more............\n\nAnd we are worried about gender?\n\nSomehow that does not surprise me - this rime minister is more worried about a tiny minority.\n\nHow about addressing the real issues of this country first - solve them and then get on with the small stuff?\n\nNope - rather take a selfie with a smiling vacuous expression.", "Trudeau is simply the \"Front Man\" for the Liberal party (he is hardly a leader in any real sense)", "The more government tries to shove islam down our throats, the worse it will get. I'm all for everyone living in peace, but when a particular group gets preferential treatment over everyone else, people will revolt. it's happening and will get worse.", "Millions of tax dollars spent so that the government does not have to address the issue. This was a farce from the beginning. How many commissions are required on this vary same subject. This certainly is not the first.", "Just to be clear, I don't believe a word that comes out of Trump's mouth... so the content of his speech is irrelevant to me. It is the actions he takes that will determine his impact as President.\n\nThat being said, it is HILARIOUS to watch all of Canada's poorly educated immigration hawks stumble all over themselves when they come to the realization that the model Canada follows is actually envied by other countries. Most of these hawks see people sneaking across the border and they confuse immigrants with refugees. Their knowledge is largely superficial and based on biased viewpoints like Rebel. \n\nCanada's immigration policy delivers us great contributors to our society. Further, our sponsored refugee policy is also admired around the world for doing a great job of helping refugees integrate into our society. I think it's time Canada's immigration hawks set aside their petty biases and learn what's going on instead of just complaining about it.", "Mr. Khadr was not a child soldier, 15 years old in Afghanistan is not the same as 15 years old in Canada, that's a fact. Khadr was filmed building IED's, the same IED's used to kill Canadian troops - Khadr and his family are treasonous cowards, they are owed nothing and to sympathize with Khadr is an exclamation of moral cowardice.", "And therefore Trudeau and Morneau are not wealthy?\n\nI suppose no amount of retraining can teach someone logical thinking. Welfare is definitely needed.", "Considering Justins record of lies and broken electoral promises, he is actually in line to break the \"Most Broken Election Promises by a Western Democracy.\" Guinness World Record.\n\nIsn't that something to be proud of Canadians? \n\nTrans Mountain is dead.", "more elitist snob liberal bs as usual, blind to the fact that a real leader has dealt with asad on his crimes unlike the coward in chief obama who threatened then hid in the basement doing nothing", "Really? Harper was roundly despised in the First Nations communities. But nice try at the make-believe.", "Am I an Islamaphobe if I oppose Sharia law?", "There was already an anti islamophobia motion passed in the Canadian Parliament in Oct 2016.\n\nWhy a second one?", "Many here are howling for blood, but the case itself does not have much evidence that this was anything more than a moment of carelessness with out-sized consequences.", "We have hate laws in place in canada use them !!! we do not need to take one barbaric so called religion and place it on a pedestal with it own set of rules concerning speech. M-103 is nothing more than a way to silence free speech against islam and get Islam teachings into our school's system and start sharia law in Canada. Please take a look at the UK,France,Sweden,Australia they would love to change now but it is too late for them and have been taken over", "@r408 said; \"...many billions of dollars in equalization going to the rest of the country...\"\nReally ???...where did you get that ?...un autre grand tarlais qui se \"p(h)ourre\" le doigt dans l'oeil ?...If other provinces cannot afford the same services of child care & parental leave, \nI do not see why Québec should be guilty;\n“money comes from provincial transfer payments and other insignificant displayed crass ignorance” said loudly Anglo Canadians\nYeah ! sure...Anglo Canadians has so brilliantly perfected the art of peeing on Québécois while telling them it's raining", "Its disgraceful to allow the federal government to control our healthcare.", "Brilliant idea Pediatric society of endorsing and advocating for hundreds of thousands of refugees to come to Canada. Just what the already overwhelmed and overburdened Canadian hospital ER's, specialty wait lists and bankrupt Canadian health system needs. Brilliant! keep adding hundreds of thousands of more non tax payers to the imploding system! Trudeau already has said is won't provide any extra money to the budget over the next 5 years. Only choice is to ration the care even more.", "I was with you until you started to point fingers Shaista. True Saudi Arabia could be doing more to combat extremism and publishing a report on terrorist funding is okay but neither is going to stop the majority of these instances which are conducted by 2nd generation immigrant youth radicalized over the internet. \n\nYour point that the Manchester bomber and this week's terrorists were known to police is a good one. Our challenge in a free and open society is what do you do about it?\n\nPolice need evidence to arrest someone. Not just a tip on a hotline. Erroneously arresting \"the usual suspects\" will only alienate the Muslim community.\n\nSo by all means reinstate the 20k police but make sure you know what to do with them. Simply walking a beat won't help when cars are weapons. We need a better strategy. Got one?", "\"At the end of the day there is VERY little a politician can do to help the economy. For the most part the best thing they can do is get out of the way.\"\n\nI'll be happy if he just stops actively hurting the Canadian economy.", "Maybe because it is lamentable, but hardly newsworthy?", "How soon we forget the NDP back room deals for Gambling licenses, forged memos and fraudulent police reports, insider Limo licenses, Law Society misconduct, influence pandering for Hydro appointments, Sky Train Fare evasion the wholesale sell out of BC taxpayers to big labor.", "You seize on the minor details of my analogy and twist them into a vicious reply. Perhaps my analogy was somewhat inept. However, my point was simply that just because an organization supports a particular person, doesn't mean that the person supported has any control over the supporting organization or agrees with them.\nI could and do look at \"crazy white Republicans\" for terrorist tendencies, as you suggest. They concern me as they are not potential immigrants. They're already citizens.\nIncluding them in my scrutiny doesn't mean that I should stop looking at Muslims for the same thing and for the same reasons I posted earlier.\nYour allegation that I'm likely a racist is unfair and unfounded. I could just as easily and unfairly say that your vicious reply is just an attempt to cover your own racial prejudices. That's most likely ridiculous.\nYou obviously have some very strong feelings on this topic. That doesn't excuse the incivility of your response. Can't we just disagree?", "Once again, PMLP gives away the farm everyone except the Canadian businesses and taxpayers that pay the bills….", "Give money to fake news media? Nope... not interested.", "Trudeau's thinking goes something like this: rules and standards are meant for people who are bad and who break rules and standards; Liberals are good and don't break rules and standards hence can go to a \"pay for play\" evening because they are not going to be influenced by what anybody says or does. If they appear to have been influenced by doing something done or heard, it's only because they were going to do that anyway. They certainly appreciated the money the nice business people brought to the party but it had no influence and they can't help it if bad people's minds are in the gutter and misinterpret their actions. There, he's a clear as a bell. If that doesn't convince you, it's because you're not trying.", "he said= I agree that we Canadians can't agree on anything\nHere's something for you Anglo Canadians and see the reaction of it;\n\n…did you know that one about the “British Invaders” in Canada???\nWarren A. Perrin, an Attorney in Lafayette, Louisiana, USA,\n(noted not a Péquiste, not a Kay-Beck-Kwa, not even a Canadian) threatened TO SUE Elizabeth II as Queen in Right of the United Kingdom, if the British government refused to acknowledge the ILLEGALITY of the « Grand Dérangement » of Acadian people.\n(Got it Anglo Canada ?...the “ILLEGALITY”, oui ?)\n\nPerrin persuaded Queen Elizabeth II, in her capacity as Queen of Canada (?), \nto issue a royal proclamation acknowledging the historical fact of the « Great Upheaval » and consequent suffering experienced by the Acadian people. The document itself was signed in 2003 by Adrienne Clarkson, then Governor General of Canada.\n(PS see the document on Google= Royal Proclamation 2003)", "What else are the tRumpettes gonna say or do? DENIAL.", "This is not really about Omar Khadr. The real question is, do we respect our own constitution, our own laws? It does not matter if Mr. Adler or Mrs. Wente consider Mr. Khadr a \"real\" or surreal Canadian - he was a legal citizen, and several successive Canadian governments have violated his legal rights. Had those governments not committed these mistakes - driven by notions quite similar to those of Mr. Adler, it would seem - then this whole problem could have been avoided.", "It is now apparent groups like The Tides foundation and the anti-democratic Lead Now group, amongst other foreign parties turned the 2015 Canadian election and exerted a far stronger influence than the Russian fantasy of the Democrats in the US election.\nYet we don't see any interest in Canada to investigate this travesty.", "oh please....the provinces are now panicking?\ncongratulations to mr trudeau on taking something off the books that have been affecting me since 74.\na group of us celebrated @ our local.\n.people [non-participaant] were laughing and waving.\ni think...", "Davos is an economic forum and justin cannot explain how he dithered away a surplus and created a $30 billion deficit/debt in one year, so not showing up is his way of not attracting attention to the fact that he is a failed politican.", "Thank you Jeremy Hsieh, for helping the people of Alaska know how the legislature bends the rules to suit their own purposes. \n\nThey may have been \"interpreting\" the rule differently, but our current crisis is unprecedented and they are negligent when intentionally preventing public review and comment. The last thing we need is secrecy in legislative processes.\n\nThe way they slipped by the refusal to rationalize the oil credit/tax legislation and ram through the Permanent Fund raid is more than egregious, it's thievery.\n\nWe need more journalists like you!", "Justin got this 39 percent because he lied and got the NDP voter.\nYes \" :just a weeee debt \" Harper mocked knowing full well it was lie and that the status quo would feed handsomely on Canada's credit card \n2019 will see a PM having to defend all his key broken campaign promises, massive debt and punitive energy cost.\nGood luck with that!!!!", "As I mentioned in.http://boreal.ca/DearJames.htm \"It's not that I don't appreciate the view from your standpoint, but I am presumptuous enough to believe that I am performing a public service which the mainstream media cannot, or will no longer perform, mainly out of fear and political correctness.\n\nIn my opinion, readers of this opinion piece by Khan could benefit from some of the observations about Islamic scriptures you will find on my website that the mainstream media avoids for the reasons just stated and that is why I post a link.", "And yet a mere few months ago the largest slaughter of Muslims in North America occurred in Canada. I don't get the non-stop criticism of the U.S. rather than the reflection of Canadians on what has gone wrong.\nSince you hold the record of the largest mass slaughter of Muslims on our continent, why aren't there articles after articles in the U.S. media smugly condemning Canada? \nWhat gives?", "Is that the same sort of 'common sense' that says we should start war hostilities in Asia over the sorts of tests they've been conducting since my grandfather's day? I'm sure the KKK would be 100% behind your ideas, but, what kind of contempt would you have to have for the American and the world's cosmopolitan public to think that flight is going to get off the ground again in the 21st century? \nWe're all looking at the ongoing fallout from that especially wrongful invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003 that constituted war crimes and crimes against humanity whose perpetrators are still out at large, Shkreli-grinning at the profane acts of genocide that they got away with scot-free, for now.", "It all comes back to Trudeau. He promised change to so many, yet he has either failed or knowingly sold a package of lies. Whether you liked Harper or not, at least his position was clear. \n\nIt's high time to get rid of him.", "He should get the 10 million from his father who failed him as a parent. What was a man with such odious view doing as an immigrant to Canada in the first place?", "The starting point for many, many people in ROC land is ''My Canada doesn't include Quebec''. French is labeled a ''foreign language'' in universities across the country. Couillard should be aware of this, it means his effort has a strong chance of failure. Also, the Trudeau Liberal government is unlikely to adopt Harper's ''Quebec nation'' motion, or modify the constitution,. because they don't want to convert to conservative ideology, since they're Liberals, not Conservatives.\n\nThe Quebec Provincial Liberals are always the first to propose constitutional negotiations, while the Parti Québécois always benefits from the inevitable failure of the Quebec Provincial Liberals. It has happened many times before (think Meech, Charlottetown). \n\nIn Canadian constitutional debates, aboriginals and immigrants are typically used as ''props'' by ROC to ward off Quebec nationalists. It's pretty pathetic because First Nations and others deserve better than to be treated as props against Quebec.", "The Liberals are back at their smoke and mirrors game of saying what they will spend over many years or so. Nobody knows what even next year will be like, so to say that you can plan for 12 is unrealistic. The reality is that we are a resource exporting economy, we can not compete for most manufacturing jobs. The good jobs are in oil and related industries, but the govt is not helping to get us those jobs. They prefer that Eastern Canada continue to buy their oil from Saudi Arabia.\nGetting Foreign investment also means \"selling\" our resources to Foreign Sovereign Funds who will control them. And now, they want to sell our Airports to the same funds, such as the Saudi Arabia or other Sunni Muslim countries. How are you going to maintain security?\nThat is a very bad idea to give away even some control of our national security entities. Plus, who knows how much corruption/bribery will take place in the forthcoming sale/deal. And we are losing long term income that belongs to us.", "Canadians also voted for pot and other useless things, all the while pretty boy sells this country down the toilet to the Chinese.", "I'm a teacher. I have insight into how this is all working. Maybe one question Ontarians should be asking is, \"Why are these changes not better studied?\"\n\nI saw one parent at the Peel District School Board evening meeting as the board if they actually KNEW if Muslim prayers were affecting academic achievement or a sense of belonging for non-Muslim kids. The board had no answer. Google Islamic Prayer in Peel Schools and see for yourself. The parents opposed to Muslim prayer are many and come in a variety of backgrounds. Hindus in particular object to these outrageous demands. \n\nThe teachers' unions are completely quiet in this issue. Why? They just stick out their hands for more money about pay. People like Barbara Hall at the Human Rights Commission get paid for paying out. It's not their money or their kids anyway. Accommodation for religion is not accommodation when it costs others time and money. It is state-supported obligation.", "Love how the old reform/alliance slugs are all over this. Where were you when Yosemite Sam told Canadians that they were with the pedophiles if not in agreement with him? Where were you when the lousy Bev Oda demanded a hotel where she could smoke and ordered a limo to take her there? Lots of lousy politicos littered your time in office, yet not a peep from any of you types.\n\nRead what someone who actually served with Sajjan (his Brigadier General) said about him and he wasn't even a racist like some of you are pretending you're not. Little feet, little boys.", "This isn't just an foreigner issue. It's also a domestic greed issue. The real fix, is a speculation tax for people who own more than one or two properties. A 25% tax Canada wide would flatten out the market and not be challengeable under NAFTA or WTO so long as all Canadians are affected.", "Sadly some believe in only hang him high. A pity.", "Like many others I have no faith in this government to get this right. \n\nThe only thing going well in Ontario is real estate and if this blows up it will have negative consequences on the whole economy.", "You apparently selectively ignored Mr. Legge pointing out that President Obama inherited the worst fiscal mess since the Great Depression Mr. wop. Getting the car out of the ditch and back on the road while the GOP leaders swore an oath to obstruct everything the President proposed made a very difficult task even worse. It has been estimated that 40% of the debt load is directly attributable to Bush Jr.'s two tax cuts that went primarily to the uber wealthy, the unpaid for and illegal invasion of Iraq, the unpaid for Medicare Part D and the collapsed economy that saw 600,000 people losing their jobs each and every month is responsible for the vast bulk of your selective right wing talking point Mr. wop. Please do try to be more open minded and level headed in your criticism or it loses all credibility.", "He does not 'deserve' any privacy. He is a public figure. If he didn't want his life opened up. He should have never applied for the job. He works for us. And is accountable to us. His paycheck is paid by us. And his expenses are paid by us.\n\nHe is not a celebrity. He is suppose to be the leader of our country. And so far, All he has been doing is flying around the world on the Canadian taxpayers dime. \n\nYou do realize that most countries consider him to be a joke.\n\nAt least leaders are scared of Trump. With Justin, they shake his hand and laugh behind his back.\n\nThe most II have seen Justin do in Parliament is is strong arm MP's.", "Always good to hear from our Americans neighbours. If you are so disgusted by what you see and hear, why bother visiting these pages? Or is it to show us the true shining light ways? Like, why sells arms when you can embark on a drone campaign that will eliminate your enemies as well as those unfortunate civilian casualties, but hey, doodoo happens right?. Or maybe you are just another self anointed 'big fish' looking for a small pond to make waves in. But by all means buddy, post on, always entertaining to hear your thoughts on what we are doing wrong here in Canada.", "Exedus, it's Trudeau's deal as much as Harper's. Trudeau defended it and made sure it was completed. And as I said, the Liberals are on record as wanting to strengthen ties to Saudi Arabia. Right now the Liberals are complaining about human rights in Russia but completely silent about human rights in Saudi Arabia. And that's true of all Western governments, they're all loyal to Saudi Arabia no matter what..\n\nI support Trump but I don't 100% agree with all his policies. And I think that's true of a lot of Trump supporters, they want him to follow his populist agenda and when he doesn't they'll criticize him.", "Unsupported nonsense is exactly what you argue. \"Talks too Much\" Gabby has never once said she was going to Syria because the Congress is thinking about declaring war. Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha,Ha,! Rolling on the floor laughing.", "If published columns over the last couple of weeks are any indication...\n\n... then, on the political spectrum, populism begins one millimeter to the right of Justin Trudeau, and is equivalent to Adolf Hitler's Naziism including its Holocaust aspects.\n\nSorry, but that has been the dog-whistle-to-megaphone message of the recent columns...", "I have a real problem with the Canadian government presuming to speak for its citizens, who strongly disapprove of land grabbing anywhere, yet tell Israel, and the world listening, that we approve of its blatant occupation and outright theft of land in Palestine. Clearly, Israel never has had any intention of two states, of allowing the Palestinians to think they have any right to keeping their own state, but every intention of 'settling' Israelis there. We have an old and long history of land-grabbing by the English in Canada and, other than the most crass business leaders, would never set our seal on any state intent on stealing land anywhere.", "Low IQ, high drama.", "Like a never ending deficit, my grand children thank Trudeau for that burden; not!!!", "I vote for the incompetence option. It appears the Liberals think it is okay to give billions to Bombardier but do not support small business creation.", "please specify factual instances of paul manafort's GUILT. your statement is obtuse and vacuous", "I agree and am well aware of your comment, but the \"night drop\" was not widely reported. Also, when a country is supporting terror one could argue we should keep all possible assets frozen. In fact, you could even stipulate something as simple as having the Imans and the President of Iran not proclaim \"death to America\" and to stop teaching children in grade school to kill infidels. Think about the terror propagated with the dollars (in cash) that they received. Cash also isn't traceable; how convenient. Valerie Jarret, who was born in Iran, was probably the driving force, along with the total support of the former President. Even if Iran keeps their promises on nuclear development, after 10 years they can develop weapons. Plus we can't send in our own inspectors to military facilities. So do you trust Iran? Did you trust Bill Clinton when he gave N Korea money in exchange for their promise to not develop nuclear weapons? I assume you've listened to his speeches. How did that wok out?", "How has it affected me? It gives me hope that the cultural Marxists will not wipe out western society and culture by inundating it with 3rd world bronze age people who want to spread sharia law. We could have made secure refugee camps for these people but instead we are going to turn Canada Islamic, Bill 59 in Quebec is just a start, wait till he brings them here in the 100's of thousands, I love my country but I won't allow myself to be ruled by Islam.", "If this is supposed to be some kind of 'gotcha' moment to offset what the Liberals did, it is feeble and a complete failure. The comparison is laughable.", "Almost all your posts are attacks on Trudeau, Layla - why so much hate? \n\nAnd it's not \"hate\", which has become such and easy word to throw around online that it's losing all meaning. No it's frustration, exasperation, anger, and the desire that we conduct ourselves better. It's a desire for considered, rational, data based discourse. It's sarcasm. It's pointing out the gross generalizations, the errors in logic and thought, the shortsightedness, and narrow mindedness of some other posters comments.\n\nYou've been here long enough and spend so much time here I'm sure you can recognize it. You even contribute to it at times. Where is your desire for a modicum of decency, and touch of civility, a wish that maybe, just maybe there could be a smaller percentage of extremist posts from all sides. However I rarely see you challenge anyone unless they fall into a very broad definition of \"left\" so perhaps you don't see the issues as i do and are fine with the trolls here.", "Wynne is offloading the astronomical costs of this reduction onto generations who were not old enough or more than likely not even born to vote for her incompetence.................how cowardly is that.\n\nOk Ontario voters................you helped make this mess, are you going to compound the problem by letting your kids and grand kids become economic slaves to this THEFT?", "The Establishment media is profiting bigly by Trump's every word. \nBut they need to remember that actions speak much louder than words.\nTrump has done nothing to alarm people. It's the media that does that.\nSo far Trump hasn't changed a dollar for anybody, especially for Canadians.\nThe media's attack on Trump is mostly about covering up the corruption Trump exposes/\n\nWhen all is said and done, much more is said than done.\nThe rich are said the poor are done.\nThe rest is mostly the fog of war.\nThere's an old saying: If voting would change anything it would be illegal.\nPolitics is mere sound and fury signifying nothing.\nBecause at the end of the day, and the beginning of the day, it's about the economy.\nDon't worry about Russia and China, As long as the Chinese Communist Party and the Russian oligarchs are growing rich, they won't do anything to provoke war." ]
"Who needs the EPA in time of war?" Is this supposed to be a joke, or are people really getting to be this dumb? Please educate yourself about the health impacts of environmental pollution.
[ "Yes, as usual, US spokesmen continue to reassure Canadians that trade relations are fantastic, but leave out the fact that they feel free to kick Canadian ass with great expediency, any time they're unhappy about anything. The typical Canadian response is to download a billion or two in compensation to affected industry players.", "Haha, definitely white trash.", "Given that the \"right\" created most of the problem with ISIS and other terrorists, you have either a massive amount of Gaul or you're truly are a fool.", "But, but, but ... Christianity is different! The Crusaders who slaughtered Jews in Medieval-era Germany weren't \"really\" Christian! The Spanish Inquisition officials and executioners weren't \"really\" Christian. The Protestants and Roman Catholics who bombed and shot and committed other violence in Northern Ireland weren't \"really\" Christian. The members of the KKK aren't \"really\" Christian.\n(Yes, I've heard that argument, sadly.)", "Anti-flouriders are in the same boat as anti-vaxers- DAMNED STUPID.!", "I wonder if 2 years of sexual harassment proven and verified asking for help from Michael Strahan ever did anything! When I complained about harassment he let my account get hijacked and then booted me off forum for protecting the rights of Alaskan hunters.. Beware of AOF! And their associates, these people are sick in the head!", "Except this charge is so out to lunch, its pathetic. The Donald should keep his mouth shut as just garbage comes out of it.", "Rubbish, you say? You are talking myth, Mythman. There is no doubt ancient Polynesians were great seafarers and were able to navigating from island to island using non-instrument navigation, but it is nonsense to say the first Polynesians to arrive here used such techniques to find the Hawaiian Islands. To navigate successfully from point A to point B using non-instrument or Celestial navigation, you must know point B exists and you must know the positioning of the sun, moon, stars and planets along the route. The first Polynesians to arrive in our islands had no idea they existed and would not have known the positioning of celestial bodies to guide them, so they could not have used non-instrument navigation to find Hawaii. The theory that they accidentally drifted here as castaways, supported by scientist like Thor Heyerdahl, is the one that makes sense.", "This man is a dangerous sociopath. He will continue to be a danger to anyone he is around, animals, children and adults. No one is safe. I am sickened that he served less than 3 years for a triple murder! We are lucky he didn't kill everyone in the house! It wasn't an accident! He didn't like being rejected, left out, not included and not wanted. So he set a fire. 3 years for killing 3 people, which means each person's life is only worth 1 year in jail? Judge, this isn't justice! Good for the tribal leaders banning this guy from their village!! We should banish criminals from Alaska! You commit a crime - you're gone! We need to back the tribal leaders, if they banish someone w/ good reason, then they should be able to do so. We can't blame them for not taking care of their own problems, refuse to give them armed LEO, and then bash them for trying to handle it through tribal law. It doesn't work that way. JUDGE RAY - THIS MAN IS A MONSTER!! When he doesn't get his way he gets violent!", "HOMER please post something. Everyone is getting tired of you disagreeing yet not voicing your opinion, you coward! Time for you to come out of the closet homer! LOL", "Seig heil! Heil Trump!! So anyone who is non-white is a plague to you. Attend Prevo's church do you?", "Uh, no, there are by-laws, silly. Plus there are those with health issues and growing children who don't need to be subject to drugs. Citizens have rights, you know?", "Texas is a failed society, according to some minor idiot on here? Perhaps he could comment on Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, etc. Ran into the ground by democrats and hoody wearing killers?", "stoopid liar. no one has lied about the bloodthirsty butchers of Planned Parenthood selling baby parts for profit. they (and you) are scum.", "What an idiotic and bogus version of events.\n\nWhile we do over 70% of our trade with the US, and exports account for roughly 40% of our GDP and over 1/3 of our jobs, the US does relatively much less trade with us and has relatively fewer jobs at stake. So Reagan had to be persuaded to even bother considering a free trade agreement with Canada and he only did so because of his warm relationship with his fellow Irishman Mulroney. And the FTA and its successor NAFTA have been very good for the Canadian economy, good (I would argue) but less good for the US economy. This is evident to all but the rabid far left mouth breathers like yourself which explains why all parties - even the NDP - in Canada support NAFTA and why the US parties are less enthusiastic about it.\n\nThis was not the last time that Reagan told his officials \"we have to do something for Brian\". The acid rain treaty - one of the reasons why Lizzie May called Mulroney Canada's greenest PM - was another.\n\nEducate yourself", "Just how little has changed was driven home for me on Friday when I heard that Trump again referred to Elizabeth Warren as “Pocahontas” in his speech to the NRA. I understand that he’s afraid of Warren; he always has been. I also understand that he thinks her claim to have a Native American heritage presents a political opportunity for her opponents -- but his use of the name of a Native American hero as a slur demeans him and the presidency. During the election, I sometimes referred to Trump as “Dirty Donald”, imitating his proclivity for naming his political foes (Little Marco, Lyin’ Ted, Crooked Hillary, etc.); it seemed appropriate shorthand for a man who has lived a filthy life personally, professionally and politically. I discontinued the reference on November 9, not because I suddenly acquired respect for him, but because I do respect the office to which he was elected. It’s too bad he doesn’t respect it. What a despicable, filthy, cowardly, petty little man this president is." ]
[ "There are problems associated with this sort of conduct. The reported ones are underage drinking and littering. Sounds also like child endangerment as to the minors. \n\nOK. Here's a solution. Make all participants either criminally liable for the specific acts, if caught, or conspiracy to commit those acts -if floating . Make the only alternative for \"avoidance\" of charges for any of those things transpiring NOT TO PARTICIPATE. Simple. \n\nSounds harsh, but this has to stop. It's idiotic because it requires the intervention of law enforcement and life saving services to avoid death due to drowning, caused by use of alcohol at the very least. There's also the trash problem. \n\nJust make people criminally responsibleas \"conspiracy\", round em up as they exit the water, and charge all if there's a single incident of litter, alcohol abuse, underage drinking, or child endangerment. \n\nThey glory in the group entitlement to do it. They should take group responsibility for the problems.", "It's awful. A beloved cousin of mine died last Winter, leaving a husband and daughter who are also struggling. And even so, I've got to note the recent shift in tone with respect to drug abuse. In the '80s and '90s it was all about the moral depravity of those caught up in the crack crisis. I don't recall there being much attention paid to the economic and social struggles of those afflicted. Instead, we changed our laws so we could charge and sentence mentally retarded children as adults, built prisons for profit, and militarized the policing of suffering neighborhoods. \n\nI'm glad there's a general will to see people caught up in opioid addiction as human beings. But I am saddened to think that they are being extended that consideration primarily because so many of them are White (USA Today reports it at 90%) I will celebrate more heartily when that same compassion and sense societal responsibility is brought to bear on problems afflicting communities of color.", "The article's author avoids mention of sexual abuse as a cause, but one can google up lots articles that mention sexual abuse as a major problem on many northern reserves, a problem that can lead to SUICIDE, a problem which is reportedly often hushed up, covered up, & not talked about in communities due to shame & stigma. \n\nBetrayal by community members and relatives, a problem a victim feels does not get resolved, a problem they may not even feel able to discuss - and you have a recipe for suicide as seeming the only way out for abused kids. \n\nThere's likely way too much acceptance and tolerance in some native communities of both alcohol abuse and sexual abuse. Why aren't such communities instead declaring cultural war on behaviours so destructive to their own communities? Gov't programs can only go so far without community leaders and members being on board & committed to community healing, and not be in denial.", "This is very funny! But ouch, there are those of us who have gone without since the excise tax kicked in courtesy of the mayor. Yes, the rail project would be laughable if it weren't so painful.", "\"it is important to continue to encourage families to be involved, to volunteer, to be the “squeaky wheel” and report on shoddy service and to participate in Family Council meetings.\"\n\nDo you honestly think that this has not ALREADY been happening? Instances are being called in to a NON-RESPONSIVE govt entity. THAT'S what people need to be doing is LOGGING when they called and WHO they spoke with and WHAT they were told. Publish THAT info.", "KimmyD, maybe you need to pick up a history book like I recommended Rhyner do, and educate yourself about prohibition before regurgitating a worn out, uneducated, rhetorical statement that has nothing to do with my comment.", "The state has a \"ConocoPhillips employees steer Alaska oil tax cut bill through Legislature\" problem\n\nhttp://www.adn.com/politics/article/series-conoco-employees-help-ease-oil-tax-bill-through-legislature/2013/03/28/\n\nBut the legislature should cut spending on megaprojects, the LIO, gaming the per diem...but they don't actually seem all that concerned about the budget \"crisis\" they created.\n\nThis is what made me realize they created the budget \"crisis\" on purpose, as an excuse to tap the Permanent Fund, a permanent goal they have had for years...\n\nFrom Official Election Pamphlet 1999\n\"Vote no and lose your dividend. It will quickly disappear and the Permanent Fund will shrivel in value. We no longer have enough oil production to produce the revenues we need to keep vital state services flowing. Even if oil prices doubled, oil production is half of what it was just 10 years ago and continues to decline every day. Cuts alone will not close the budget gap and will not save your dividend\"", "I will be sure to pass your words of comfort onto those wounded, or the families of the deceased. \n\nDo you prefer just these comforting words? \"And all you have to offer is haughty insults and nauseatingly trite \"thought and prayer\" nonsense.\"\n\n\nOr these?\n1) That you could care less is as obvious as the blood on your hands.\"\n2) \"This horror show is the logical consequence of your laissez faire gun nuttery.\n\n Or your entire post? This one ??? \"That you could care less is as obvious as the blood on your hands. This horror show is the logical consequence of your laissez faire gun nuttery. And all you have to offer is haughty insults and nauseatingly trite \"thought and prayer\" nonsense.\"\n\n.\n.\n.\nCrawl back under whatever rock you came from you disgusting rendition of a human being. I am done being patient waiting for TDS to pass...\n\nPS I will be sure to let the victims & 'families of' know that is how the High Ones In the Rocky Mountains in Colorado operate.", "Trump supporters need to realize that their suggestions about how to conduct themselves after a Trump presidential loss is not a revolution. This hypothetical movement should not be characterized in these terms. This is anarchy and is uncalled for in this day and age. Many brave Americans died and lost their livelihoods fighting for our great system of democracy that Trump supporters are taking for granted. I suggest an international field trip for these out of touch, fringe minorities. North Korea should be the first stop. Maybe then you will stop complaining about \"how unfair your government is and how intrusive it is in your daily life.\"", "\"Line in the sand\" my arse. Now they're trying to talk tough to make it sound like they're protecting the people's money. How about talking tough to the moving crews as they move you to an already owned and cheaper office?", "E-mail your MP's about this. Tell them we should be imposing punitive import duties on Chinese goods \nentering Canada and disallowing any Chinese control of strategic industries. \nIf it weren't for Western and Japanese corporate interests transferring manufacturing (and technology) to China for the subsistence wages and lack of environmental and workplace health and safety regulations they would would be a lot less aggressive then they are now.", "I've seen both \"types\" as well - \n\nAlso, let's not forget that one of the major changes is that government employee contributions will increase - that's not exactly money from the non-government employee taxpayer's income. \n\nI commented somewhere else in this section about the ERS being a Ponzi-Scheme. I believe I share your bad-day cynicism on a more frequent basis.", "Dummycrats are desperate to turn PR into Trump's \"Katrina\" when in fact he and FEMA are way ahead of these losers. DoD, FEMA, the Coast Guard and other agencies are already on the ground there, working with the PR and USVI governments. There are big-deck amphibious ships there including LHD and LSD class ships. Trump is not letting congresscritters hijack scarce military aircraft resources to visit PR so that the flow of supplies and personnel to the island is not interrupted. The USNS Comfort hospital ship is also on its way there. So whatever talking points the Dummycrat party has sent out to the MFM are null and void. PDT has been on top of this from the beginning. Sending the Lincoln wouldn't make any difference.", "As seen in Ontario the green energy scam has chased away hundreds of thousands manufacturing jobs and made us energy poor. \n\nThe elitist have NO clue and will badly feel the outcome of thier arrogance in the next Provincial election. \n\nYes a Trump administration just came to power and the USA is now open for business. One would think that punitive tax measures would be put on the back bench until a full economic assessment is completed.\n\nIdeology rules the day, the leftist logic centre and their entitlement allows them he ability tax us away to oblivion. Yes 1.6 percent GHG while our American counterpart says NO to Carbon tax is inconsequential and should not be the catalyst to taking food off our table. \n\nSHAME!!!!!!!!!!!", "Thank you for your first hand experiences. Yes, Site C is wrong for many reasons.\n\nMs. Clark wanted to point to employment gains. Very sad she would let her vanity rule instead of scientific and fiscal responsibility. I'm amazed at the vast area of destruction that has already taken place. Huge cost overruns are guaranteed.", "It's true. People who can find Syria on the map and know which countries border Estonia are not very good at showing respect for people who think Toronto is in Italy. People who know what the derivative of atan is tend not to think highly of people who can't figure out what percent means. People who know illegal immigrants and are aware that the majority of them came in airplanes and overstayed their visas don't think they have much to learn from people who think building a wall on the Mexican border is going to stop illegal immigration. \n\nWe must all practice our polite smiles and straight faces. Everybody repeat: \"White America has taken their country back. America is going to be great again!\" and try not to roll your eyes.", "Buh bye enviro regulations that help no one.\n\nSt. Patrick's cathedral....lol", "I know, but I wonder what would be our response if NK and China decide to hold war games off of Califonia in international waters? Any idea? No problem right?", "Oh C'mon now. I didn't say 420 WAS a factor..... I said it COULD HAVE BEEN. Why do y'all get so defensive about it?", "NOT SO again! Where do you socialists come from? Once again if you wish to fund the government so they can waste your (money-property) donate yours when you receive it..Other then that join KON CERNED on a trip back to Europe and the dark ages with your minions. I read the briefs also..and lived the time it was all created..", "The last I read, TDSB has been closing swimming pools in schools, because they are not funded, and seen as a \"country club frill\". Already lots of posters are grumbling about \"Ontariowe\". Meanwhile, what programs does the Ontario government have for \"non-residents\"?", "Excellent job by our State Department of Health to track down the source of the outbreak. We rely on thousands of government employees to keep us safe. This is not the time to allow politicians to pull the wool over our eyes and make the argument that the better way is to cut taxes and privatize public safety.", "Instead of avoiding the question, you launch uncivil personal attacks. That is s very typical of the emotionally-driven right wing. Look, can you explain your initial remark or not? If not, just say so. I already know you can't because it was utter nonsense.", "Yes like the speaking engagement fees dirty bill got after the sale of uranium to the Russians. Funny how the Clinton foundation taps have dried up with no play to access. \nTruly entering the mind of the left is an exercise in madness, thank God for TRUMP.", "So your suggestion is that we surround ourselves with dictators who don't represent our views and whose stated goals on a national level include locking up Alaska's resources so we can return to being the poorest state in the union? Cooperating is far more important than actually useful results. Brilliant!", "Why? Why is that terrible? Because the congresswoman from Florida who never served a day in her life thinks it'll hurt her feelings? The chiming in of lifelong civilians on stories like this drives me crazy.", "This reminds me of the old Barry Goldwater slogan from the democrats: Goldwater for '64, Fire water for '65, No water for '66, not a damn thing in ' 67.", "\"eating the seed corn for another meal rather than planting the seed corn,\" he said, or, in a more Alaska-focused analogy: \"I'm a big fan of sourdough pancakes. And if we treat our Permanent Fund like we treat sourdough starter, we'll be fine. No one would ever use up all the sourdough starter. The first thing you do is you take it out and leave it for the next batch.\"\n\nReally Bill?! Like the State has already eaten all the Constitutional Budget Reserve funds, (their share, from the Permanent Fund Program) intended to be used for emergency budget \"shortfalls\", but instead--how should I say this nicely--\"taken\" by the State to pay for its ever increasing and completely unjustified size? Seriously?! The largest per capita spending in the country, and on exactly what infrastructure and systems? \n\nNow yours is gone so you take 1/2 of our shares from the past 5 years avg.?! those should not even be considered as the payout # is based on past years! OUR money is there!! Not yours! SMDH!", "@RangerMC says: \"If that is true, then he (Mr Obama) learned expertly how to use semantics to communicate.\"\n\nThis neatly sums up the alt-right's Orwellian position that meaning (semantics) is the enemy.\n\nIn contrast, the sane world still believes useful statements convey meaning.", "Conservatives agree it's a cruel bill with no reason for being other than to provide a whopper of a tax cut on investments and to stick it to Obama.\n\nhttps://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/27/opinion/the-gop-rejects-conservatism.html", "It isn't \"bigoted\" to call someone out for their behavior - in fact it is one of the reasons we have laws and government to begin with. I don't see you rushing defending the kayaker who put himself (and others) in danger through his behavior, yet you're defending someone who is endangering us all through their unwillingness to admit their ignorance. It's sad, really. But I'm sure you won't bother to try and understand my point, so just go back to name-calling. It's very constructive.", "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.\n\nAre you not aware of the sexual assaults that took place in the Superdome during Katrina?\n\nhttp://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/trapped-in-the-superdome-refuge-becomes-a-hellhole/\n\nOnly you are responsible for your ignorance.", "So, human feces on someone's doorstep is an appropriate escalation from verbal discussion of explicit racism. Got it.", "Hillary was a tired old hag who wasn't electable - Yes Hollywood NOBODY cares what you have to say, wow big surprise!!!!!\n\nMiddle America needs to stop supporting these entitled out of touch elitist - poor babies just can't handle how meaningless they truly are.\n\nWe should drag these zombies in hand cuffs back to the American border every time one of the slithers its way over to Canada to cry about our energy sector!!!!!!!", "Yeah, go outside and play, who needs to bother saving for retirement? We all get our public sector defined benefit pension for that, don't we?\n</sarcasm>", "Mr. Hafner;\nThere is a name for the reality you are denying. It's called \"stochastic terrorism\" (look it up). And NO, I do NOT think ANY of \"old Bernie's rants might have triggered him...\" Your desparation to deflect blame for racism on those who are fighting AGAINST racism, against ethinic violence, against religious enmity, comes across as a thinly disguised defense of racism, ethnic violence and religious enmity. YES, Sarah Palin, and Bill O'Really?, and Donald Trump ARE enablers... dog-whistling \"suggesters\" that \"hint\" at a renewed nod of approval for the primitive, disgusting, ignorant traits of racial, ethnic, and religious, hatred. It is becoming evident that Trump supporters and the right-wing Confederates want, and are working FOR, a divided America in order to advance their form of authoritarian ideology.", "The mid-east \"balance of power\" theory, which has provided arms to Islamic terrorists in Syria, comes from the same place as the Vietnam war \"domino\" theory does. The \"containment\" theory is what presently drives the US to run battleships through the Sea of China and the Black Sea. \nThese theories, which are divorced from reality, are dreamed up by ideologues and think tanks to justify blatant aggression, and to support the arms merchants.\nUnfortunately, all these theories are leading the US to a nuclear confrontation. Psychotic neo-cons in the US gov. will continue to provide theories and bad guys to prove their theory of \"First Strike Superiority\" theory.\nI, for one, don't support their cruel, destructive theories.", "In my opinion, ALL Americans should be highly offended. We liberated France from the Nazis in WW II and, when we have a national crisis where people die, they see fit to humiliate us. Least we forget, US blood was spilled to help France. These editors owe us an apology.", "It might be a good idea for Alberta to turn the sabre rattling down a notch or two. There isn't a great deal to be gained by exaggerating the 'national importance' of bitumen or threatening to retaliate against BC.\n\nEven at its peak, the entire oil & gas economy contributes only 6% of Canada's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), about 112,000 jobs, and only about 4.2% of corporate tax revenues. \n\nFor BC, the prospect of jobs and tax revenues resulting from the Kinder Morgan Expansion project is entirely underwhelming. Two years of construction jobs (most going to non-residents according to KM) and maybe 50 permanent jobs is not a great incentive. Tax revenues are negligible. \n\nBottom line: a major spill or ongoing minor spills could cause enormous losses. It's just not worth the risk - to BC, or to Canada.\n\nSo go ahead - threaten us with rail/highway blockades, withdraw our gasoline supply (we already get it from Washington), stop vacationing here. We'll survive quite nicely without you.", "And I’m sure that Pink Floyd Prozanski and his dope lobby friends in Salem will accept the liability when a pothead coworker my employer was forced to retain causes a workplace fatality. These politicians, mostly employed in government work or other nonhazardous professions where mental lapses aren’t life threatening, have no clue.\n\n The research is undeniable – frequent marijuana use causes long term if not permanent cognitive impairment.", "I have a question for the evangelicals. You all advocate violence toward abortion doctors and clinics, yet you all advocate pulling the funding that will support the youngsters that you force women to carry to term. You support pulling funding for programs that support young women and older, who have medical issues or want to have birth control so they will not get pregnant, yet you all froth at the mouth to invade and occupy foreign countries, who had nothing to do with the terrorist attacks against America. You support violence against people of color who are protesting for basic human rights and protections of lands and waters, yet you claim to have the right hand of your jesus. All the things that you evangelicals support, are exactly opposite of what your jesus supposedly lived and breathed to do, as in defunding the health and social programs that prevent the deaths of over 50,000 Americans yearly.", "You are being intentionally obtuse.\n\nI will use smaller words.\n\nI think anyone who wants anyone else to reduce their carbon footprint should lead by example.\n\nTo fail to do so is hypocrisy.\n\nNeither of the two I have been discussing this with have indicated in any way that they have chosen to do so.\n\nme>you talks about 'improved technology' to avoid the issue. skeezix wandered off into satire and also avoided the question.\n\nYou say some people (not identifying yourself as one of them) have chosen minor things to improve but you guys all still seem to want those strawberries and fresh fruits in the winter no matter the carbon cost, as near as I can tell.", "Then........why is it needing to be fixed? Why has this law turned the congress over to republicans. Why aren't the democrats yelling to the mountains how great it is? Vox is not a source sorry.....This is not up for debate.", "Thanks for this link; it was a good read! ... \n\nNot a surprise, but this line caught my eye: \"Respondents were asked how they thought the U.S. should react, and also whether they could identify Ukraine on a map. The farther off base they were about the geography, the more likely they were to favor military intervention.\" ...", "Actually, on a number of different levels, the answer is yes. When the human race told God to take a hike because we thought we could do things better on our own (the core of the account of the fall), we \"pushed\" God (God respected our wishes) partly out of the picture, and the creation at one level was damaged; without God's full involvement, things break down and malfunction. On a secondary level, crime, murder, starvation, etc, are our (the human race) doing it to ourselves, and on a third level, many of the negative consequences of big problems you mentioned (\"ebola, hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes, ..., tsunamis, lightning caused forest fires\") could be largely negated if the human race was actually working together toward the common good. Ebola didn't have to get a foothold anyplace, or even possibly develop. People have to live where earthquakes and tsunamis can kill them because of poverty, again the result of human greed and indifference. Ultimately we are at fault.", "Semantics aside, we are discussing the state of being male or female. \nThe rest of your quote must be recently added pc propaganda.", "Terrorist attack or mechanical malfunction?", "You really have \"NO IDEA\" what you're talking (spewing) about!! Have you checked the price of oil today and are you aware that demand for same is expected to increase on average 2 to 3 % per year led by India (the next China)! We all appreciate your contribution but, if you keep talking nonsense, nobody and I mean NOBODY, is going to listen to your, insane, non factual, unsubstantiated BS!...... BTW, still waiting for a debate about BC????", "Typical Liberal doublespeak - we only wasted twice as much of your money as we thought we could. \n\nSort of like when Charles Sousa trumped Ontario's new AA credit rating,, as it fell from AAA.", "Jane did you get paid double to write this little ditty? Are you going to pay the indigenous communities the money that would be taken away should the pipelines and oil stop flowing? You do realize that there are many reserves that make money from the oil industry or did Greenpeace and the indigenous people that played host to you forget to tell you that fact?", "\"2. You allude to something that few on these boards who hope for American decline realize..If the USA, or the \"american empire\" collapses, they think Canada will be totally unaffected, and just continue to motor on, business as usual...\"\n\nNo offense intended, but you must be yet another know-it-all by-product of Canada's failing post-secondary educational system because there is nothing to this effect even mentioned in my above post.\n\nLearn to read.", "amen to that. \n\nButts, Telford and Albagrha are definitely not the Three Wise Men.\n\nMore like Three Horsemen of the Apocalypse", "Years ago I said that it would be a deadly idea to Overthrow U.S. Ally President Gaddaffi of Libya a U.S. Ally since 2006, that would result in the Unnecessary Deaths of U.S.. Just like I said that it was really stupid to Overthrow U.S. Ally President Saddam Hussein of Iraq, after my involvements with U.S. Ally Iraq since the Iran Iraq Wars (U.S. Ally President Saddam Hussein of Iraq was the only Counterbalance to the U.S.S.R. Ally Muslim Nation of Iran.).\n\nPresident Bush's Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Delegation when to Libya to Negotiate a U.S. Alliance Agreement, President Gaddaffi must have his Libyan Military \"Aggressively Fight Muslim Terrorists\", would keep the Muslims stuck fighting only at Libya, stabilizing the Entire Continent of Africa.\n\nFor many Years before the 2009 Creation of U.S. AFRICOM, we were redeployed from other Nations to the African Nations. After the Creation of U.S. AFRICOM we were still Redeployed to U.S. AFRICOM Operations.", "History has not yet been weitten just wait to see Do you really believe America will be better off 4 years down the line? Good Luck with that and once again as the Brexit the more impact will be the poor blue-collar people who voted for this insanity You can not pray globalization and the technological breackthrough away The cat is out of the bag adapt or die", "...you say some kind of non-specific havoc is going to be wreaked on the USA,\n\n and you claim the president has wreaked this non-specific havoc on Alaska before. \n\nCan you be more specific? What is this havoc you claim?", "Who exactly did Nanos poll? The newsroom staff at the CBC? No intelligent person beleives that a trade war would be a good thing for Canada.", "Gov and business listen to $. They do not listen to voters, citizens, etc.", "Schlameel, Schlmogle, Hops & Tops Incorporated. No matter. The EPA has exceeded it legal bounds not just here but everywhere. This man went into hiding and undercover agents finally found him. That is a simple fact,", "OK Tim, then Coupeville will NOT be making money from the Navy. Are you happy now? I'm sad.\n\nOK Tim, when Coupeville businesses fail, will you be happy? I'll be sad for Coupeville and mad at ME I failed to communicate.\n\nOK Tim, if this was about noise abatement, then why ZERO concern from so many who protest the Growlers and OLF for the SAILORS getting the jet noise daily in the course of their duties?", "Allan Ross, i would like you to provide evidence that Goober's comment is \"partisan attack\"\n\nas for evidence \"\"Thousands of Somalians and other Africans crossing our borders illegally\".\n\ndo you want visual evidence - did you not watch it on TV and media - they were not blonde and blue eyed", "The images from Texas have to prod the consciences of those in the House and Senate who have not fully prostituted themselves to the johns of the fossil-fuel industry. Americans who have been victimized by this historic storm are pleading for both short-term and long-term help: not only do they need immediate assistance to rebuild their lives, they also need Congressional leadership on the climate crisis.\n\nIt wasn’t that long ago when Republicans would grudgingly acknowledge that human-caused climate change is real. There’s no place for House and Senate Republicans to hide now. The evidence can’t be walled off anymore by the conservative-entertainment complex. They may not like it. They may not enjoy it. However, in the wake of Harvey–and the harm human-caused climate change is inflicting upon their own–they have to deal with it.", "Gee Denver Post. What next? A \"news\" article about digital white supremacy becoming the second greatest threat to humankind right behind global warming? I'm sure everyone in the Denver area gets up every morning wondering what WILL those online white supremacists do next? 'Nuther useless article from the Denver Post trying to spew the liberal narrative on unsuspecting and gullible readers.", "Correctly stated, we now find the Liberals announcing that will spend big on the military.\n\nAnnouncements and photo ops are easy. Will it ever happen? Doubtful.", "Everyone has options in life....some have to work harder is all. Waiting for the government to bail you out because your ancestors were treated poorly is a cowards way out.", "Well, Tuckerman, I think you should get down on your knees and thank the good Lord for Democrats and the current governor. Why? Because without them to blame for our troubles, and without them as the target of your juvenile name-calling, you have nothing to say. Your solution for our budget problems is to simply fill our oil pipeline? While you're thanking God, ask him for the wisdom to understand the economic principle of supply and demand. Seems to me, when oil prices were high, life was easy and the Republicans could pretend they were conservatives while they expanded state government to an unprecedented level. Since oil prices plummeted, we are heading into our fourth year without a sustainable budget, and little hope to achieve one. You have no viable answers. Thanks for nothing. Literally.", "\"...If people are offended by the truth or feel the need to hide it from the media, and or our allies then maybe there is something fundamentally wrong with the decision...\nYou do realize that the basis of this was torture in a black ops site away from the rule of law.", "Are you insinuating something? I don't know this family. I read the story and made some comments in a public forum. The GoFundMe is a separate issue. What we were disagreeing about was whether to call 911. You are strangely trying to win that discussion.", "\"The company faces other pressures to its bottom line. At the same time, company leaders have promised to significantly boost profits and cash for shareholders.\"\n\n...and that is that. Conquered and divided many times over the last 5 decades. So much so, that this cult calls companies a person. \"Companies are people too\" Why are we giving more taxpayer cash to those that don't need or want for anything. They just hoard assets on the backs of whomever they please. \n\nThink for a second, that increasing military spending and tax cuts for the wealthy at the cost of actual Americans who actually need relief is a great reason to vote Drumpf? Really?\n\nNobody should be working harder if there's buyer's remorse, then a Drumpf/T-Pub, Freedom caucus people in congress, you need to knock on doors. Make calls. Vote. Hold up signs at a rally for an hour. (I recommend not blocking the freeway.) These buyers remorsers are the key to Democracy. Then all Left of center vote, all of them. Every one.", "Just wanted to point out here that both Orlando Centeno in this murder/suicide case, and A.J. Nelson in the Gutierrez capital murder case, are W-Bush era military veterans. While it's important to respect the sacrifices and value the lives of our service members, it's dangerous to form cults of personality around military identities generally, and it's absolutely inexcuseable how this country flippantly abuses its veterans, and scrimps them on healthcare and benefits they earned in our service when they return home.", "Bullpucley. At no point did he bemian corporatism; his comments werr about jobs that pay $100K, which is certainly a living wage... and as far as taking shots at polticians, the author's were reserved for.... liberals.\n\n\"Be careful what you wish for\" is timeless wisdom.", "You're commenting on the wrong article, perhaps?", "Seems to me you missed the point - which is that the current president, intentionally or not, is threatening that with his poorly thought out words. Every strong government in history thought they were so special that no threat could ever topple them - but it can and does. \nYour criticism of the Canadian constitution may well be valid, but this was not a piece on whether we are \"better than them,\" it was about a growing threat.", "\"The war on respiratory illness in children is over,\" EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt declared…", "Haha then maybe it will be hillary grouping men in the white house instead of bill. Let's not forget our fellow Americans that died because her stupid a$$ denied them help, went home and slept through the presidential briefing! Yeah, let's put a lazy, pathological liar in office! She lied about being under fire in Bosnia, lied about benghazi, lied about being \"dead broke\", lied about.. you get the point, the list goes on and on and on! She can't tell the truth to save her life! I wonder if Hillary is even her name. She could fix the economy with her wonderful money management skills! She was \"dead broke\" when bill left the white house, then they went and bought not one but two multimillion dollar homes! Hillary is a joke! And a bad one at that! Just what did she actually accomplish as Secretary of State? (Crickets) Her and Bill can run around calling names all they want, we all know what they are! You can shine a turd all you want but at the end of the day it's still a piece of s|-|¡T", "Not all Canadians agree with these environmentalist.", "Ms. Carlson wrote: \"My husband and I helped co-found Smart Colorado, which works to protect Colorado youth from marijuana commercialization.\"\nPerhaps I'm mistaken, but judging by the contents of your group's website you feel the only way to \"protect\" the youth is a return to prohibition, regardless of the impact on upstanding rational adults.\nI'm epileptic. I take medication twice a day and will do so for the rest of my life. Marijuana helps decrease my need to proscription substances, but I also enjoy the semi-euphoric effects. I feel a great amount of empathy for your unfortunate child, but given the following statement, I can't support you:\n\"But high-THC products have been shown to damage developing brains. This is the message that needs to get out.\"\nThat message was widely played prior to the passage of Amendment 64 and nobody disagrees with it. Children and minors should not have access to marijuana, but why do you want to punish adults for the sins of the children?", "When the government says someone put lives at stake wha they really mean is someone told the truth on us and what we were doing was bad. Chelsea Manning did not sell her documents or give them to another nation big difference. Snowden should receive a pardon too. They said Eisenberg was dangerous and putting lives in danger too it baloney, good for you Mr President.", "Give a Liberal 'idealist' a serious job and she will inevitably turn it an ideology that makes no sense!\nShe worries about her three children and yet has no idea of the toxic contamination she is encouraging that they will have to live with.\nBoth wind and solar industry machines are constructed from materials that are 100% non-biodegradable. Additionally much of those materials contain man made toxins and contaminants which will end up in land fills. Does anyone, even a liberal, really believe that either government or the 'corporate welfare' companies in the wind and solar industries are going to pay to recycle materials that are difficult to recycle and also produce toxic emissions in the process?\nWhen this 'green' insanity began in Ontario, legislation was making coal power cleaner and cleaner. This Minister only had to look at Ontario to see at what she now plans on inflicting on Canada.\nAnd all to impose yet another tax to add to every Canadian's household debt.", "I would hope the trained professionals are calling the shots and not the local neighborhood group. Unless that group has education and experience, they should only have input. \nJust look at the mess Crest Drive is, untrained neighbors designing a road. Hope no houses burn there because the big fire truck can't make it up there.", "BS, and it don't take a Bachelor of Science to know you have no idea of the public school atmosphere and how things really are!", "You're right, in 1999, the legislators and groups complained bitterly when they lost the raid then! They spent $1 million on ads (from oil companies mostly) - small potatoes compared to $5million in 2016 and growing this year. In the '99 failed raid, the legislators and their donors whined that \"the People just don't understand their Plan.\" Alaskans fully understood then, and understand now, this is an attempt to dismantle a successful system and turn the People's Fund into a government trust fund. Not the intent of the Founders and the Constitution that established Alaskans as shareholders of Alaska's resource wealth in common. Recent budget legislation introduced changes the statute language from \"shall transfer\" money to the dividend to \"may transfer\" money to the divided is a sure giveaway that government intends to tap the Fund earnings and spend the PFD without public consent. Gov. Hammond predicted this and set up the PFD to protect the Fund from this government. Stop the raid!", "Albertan with a PhD in resource economics here:\nwe are paying for the climate-change denial of previous governments and senoior advisers/strategists. \n\nAnyone with an education level higher than grade 6 understood the science behind global warming and should have seen the writing on the wall during the turn of the millenium (=unsustainable oil industry, we should have divested and moved investments to renewable energy like solar, geothermal, biomass).\n\nWe (=generation X and older) made poor political choices and now we have to start the painful transition towards a more sustainable economy, a transition that needs CO2 taxes and economic incentives towards more resource-efficient technology.", "Junior Americans, and you call others bigoted? All you do is call Canadians names, 20 that I have counted so far, with nothing to back it up. You define bigotry. Where is your proof Trudeau actually cut spending significantly, he has been in power less than a year? Recently we agreed to send troops to the Russian front on behalf of the USA to help us meet our commitments. Most of the wars Canada has to help with are due the the incessant meddling of the USA in other countries affairs. Not clear how you think Canada cannot defend itself. We are not generally concentrated in huge cities that are easily devastated and we actually have an open minds and can think on our feet. Maybe some could occupy small portions of Canada but you would be surprised how well we defend ourselves. A greater portion of Canadians could survive in an emergency situation than the same percentage of Americans. If 7-11 and Macdonalds went away a great portion of Americans would perish.", "The fallacy your feeble mind has created is that minimally trained teachers will go commando. What else is going to happen? (And BTW, what are next week's winning lotto numbers?) Will first-day mountaineers attempt Everest? Will first-year nursing students attempt brain surgery? In the end, people will do what they feel capable of doing. You must wonder how mass shooters kill anyone, for the lack of training they've had. Do you know of any good mass shooting classes?", "It is to laugh.", "If this is supposed to be some kind of 'gotcha' moment to offset what the Liberals did, it is feeble and a complete failure. The comparison is laughable.", "For those who conclude that violence is the only option left in a conflict, it's great that a course is offered on how to do that wisely. \n\nBut while the Portland attacks show how quickly a conflict can turn to violence, it does not mean all conflicts have to end in violence.\nThere are many ways to diffuse a conflict so that it doesn't rise to the level of violence. I would say this is almost always your best first choice of action. Once a gun is pulled the bar for response is moved to deadly consequences.\n\nPersonally I've never been in a live situation where deadly force was in play. (I'm 63) That doesn't mean it couldn't happen, but lets be realistic about how far we want to go in preparation for such an event. \n\nIt also raises the question if training for such a conflict, might bias a persons choice of escalating to a weapon when it may not be needed. I would suggest pro-active stance of recognizing conflict and a broad range of approaches to diffuse such conflict.", "'\n…shawn, see that photo attached to Greg's comment?\n\nThe picture is of a guy wrapped in the Confederate flag. \n.\nHe's not interested in reasoned debate.\n\nHis only interest is spreading lies, half-truths and revisionists history.\n\nHe came here, same as all of the others who don't live here, \n\n...who showed up on the ADN comment board,\n\n...in an attempt to dominate and intimidate people who don't share their revisionist unreality.\n\n.\nSome are regulars on white nationalist and/or white supremacy web sites, some promote hate and bigotry on sites they host.\n\nIf you visit those sites, you'll see the same avatars and the same pictures and the same names.\n\nThey don't live here. They saw an opportunity to inject their brand of hate and bigotry into our neighborhood. Most of them have packed up and moved along to promote their 'cause' in some other neighborhood, at some other window of opportunity that was afforded them.\n\n\n\n.", "Blaming one party for fanning the flames of hatred is total BS! Madonna, Rosie, Kathy the headhunter, Murder in the Park Theater, shooting at the baseball diamond are all examples. The Dems have declared all out war in an effort to overturn a legit election. Its the Dems that are committing crimes and treason!", "People in the West have become naive. Trump, if nothing else, educates us how easily major segments of the population can be apologists for treasonous behavior and rationalize events as if that is okay because it suits their other agendas. This is especially an affliction of the international alt-right. Be aware, Canada also has domestic enemies as well as foreign. Take care of your country or watch it be trifled with. Is there no end to the American humiliation? We don't want that for Canada.", "Doug Saunders needs to shake his head a few times on this one. This is one of the strangest articles he has written, and counter to the whole environmental philosophy of the country we live in. Go get yourself some counselling, Doug.", "Why is it the bars fault? When does this litigious society managed by corporate justice and tailchasing attorneys demand that people take personal responsibility for their own actions? Only in America! Travel abroad and see if there are warning signs everywhere about how stupid you can be if you get to close to the cliffs and fall or walk out in front of traffic without waiting for signals etc. etc.\n\nIf we had any judges with sense these type suits would never see the bench and the courts would not be filled with frivolous lawsuits trying to blame someone else for their own lack of common sense and responsibility!", "You have to do a lot of reading here to learn anything new. Lot's of vague obvious statements and links to past \"water is wet\" articles with a dollop of post-vote \"Trumpocalypse\" diatribes from the usual suspects. \n\nRecommend pass.", "Larry, with respect, you have obviously not been paying attention to the increasing stranglehold the \"too big to fail\" Wall Street banks have had, and continue to have, over not only our economy but over our political system as well, particularly since 2008 when they strong-armed Congress to pass the infamous TARP bailout against the public opinion that was overwhelmingly (as in 99%) opposed to that shamelessly cronyistic piece of legislation.\n\nIf being aware and knowledgeable of recent political events constitutes being \"a paranoid schizo\" in your eyes, then I truly feel sorry for you. I guess it is much more comfortable having one's head firmly buried in the sand instead.", "Please don't confuse the trolls with reality. They can't handle it.", "Everyone is offering some secret specialised insight into why oil is where oil is, when the only issue is the basic market forces of supply, demand and greed.\n\nCountries cut production in order to raise prices, while the US simply fills the perceived void to keep the system oversupplied.\n\nThe only victims remain to be the oil workers who have no choice but to believe that oil will rebound to even greater levels and save their wretched mortgaged lives. No thoughts of the technological change which brought about the over surplus situation and the fact that it is not going away.", "As noted in opinion pieces in other newspapers the fear that the paranoid rhetoric uttered by the naive in our society would lead to \"a lone wolf screwball\" being pushed over the edge and doing just what young Bissonette did. This was a young, mentally disturbed man, with an intense dislike of muslims who upon Trudeau's pronunciation of increasing immigration was driven to what he did. More thought needs to be given to mental illness in this country with much emphasis placed upon detecting the problem; and placing fences around mosques will do nought to help.", "Much of that debt came from shenanigans in the banking industry and mortgage companies who manipulated the Free Markets causing the tax payer to bail them out. Then there was two unfunded wars and the new Patriot Act. How about no new wars or at least not pre-emptive ones for weak reasoning. How about more regulations on banks to avoid these catastrophies so the taxpayer doesn't get nailed? It's the wild speculations in the housing industry ( Wall Street) that got them cooking up the prices and over inflating the results. It's happening again right now so don't complain when and if a new collapse occurs.", "\"I sympathize with your situation and understand your frustration.\" What a joke. You don't have a clue. Need to be more \"creative\" in your response.", "This is shallow, headline grabbing reporting. And many readers are taken in by the headline and forget that everything an economist says is based on DOZEN assumptions that mostly get it wrong. Lets face it more disposable income redistributes wealth which raises the standard of living of those who are at the bottom. No HEALTHY small business is going to shut down because they have to pay their two employees a few buck more. As long as raises are kept to moderate ($15/hr is moderate) then all is fine.", "1885 lol. You don't think anything more in this decade could've helped. Like possibly better democratic candidates and less of obama? Then you source a column from Canada's most biased, innefficient l, complete drain of taxpayer money joke of a news source. More and more everyday I see the shoring collapse and the walls caving in on the left crowd. It's actually really amusing.", "Yea, I am pretty burnt out talking with folks that do NOT address points that are raised. As for being a \"good shot\" \"Ex Military\"... When Alex started to get on Capt. Jim's boat his AR-15 type weapon had a magazine locked in. He was asked by Capt Jim, \"Alex is that weapon loaded\"? Alex replied, \"I do not know. Let me check\". He racked the weapon and a round flew out of the chamber. You do not know if your weapon is loaded??? What are you doing driving around the streets of Seward with a locked and loaded AR-15??? You do not know that Capt. Jim and the neighbor out there spent hundreds of our dollars and 10 hours of their time driving 120 miles through the Gulf of Alaska to try and help Anne get out at her request. She then refused after we got there. Since she is broke we wanted to help out. And you.... Sling mud... Thanks for addressing my points in an articulate, logical manner... NOT!", "PS: Maybe the all-volunteer boards are tired of their unwanted task of \"damage control!\" Especially, since it is not on their agenda. PLUS testifiers can be real abusive with no basis for targeting these committee members in a civilized open hearing. People are just angry!", "it was a joke based on another posters reply.", "Good point but at least he is getting an ear full and from all sides! People are still not happy with healthcare! Fix the parts that are broken! Most people think this President is a loon. Don't defend his inability to lead! And in right wing El Paso county you better acknowledge that most don't give a rip about winning, just do what is right and that may mean a more moderate approach to issues of concern and compromise! Cory needs to take that message back to DC", "Funny, I wasn't discussing science in my comment. So I don't know how you could possibly come to such a conclusion... did you use science?\n\nI was discussing the need to eliminate government granting schemes which are a theft of taxpayer money.", "Most people will not vote for a party perceived to be anti- American. Since Colin Kaepernick disrespected the flag, what could be better than 200 players in the NFL doing so to raise the ire of many if not most Americans? The left is going to lose all the patriotic Americans, people who lost sons and daughters in Wars, two we are fighting, and N. Korea in the news every night with threats to nuke America, it all comes to one conclusion: fear, support the party that supports America, stands up for the flag, the national anthem, loves mom, apple pie, and fried chicken!\n\n\nIt was a very, very smart ploy, and who better than the NFL on national TV to bring it home to America, right into their living room with a simple tweet and 200 \"clowns\" never realizing they were played!\n\nI respect you enough to say this honestly, please put our differences aside for a moment, think on what I said. CIVIL limits me in words, so I rarely go in-depth like this with anyone anymore here. \n\nHave a good evening", "Oh supporters of the President or a Prime Minister get it. Usually though they've had a chance to govern and have implemented a policy or take some concrete action that might have actually effected a segment of the population negatively. This bunch is just out there just because their candidate didn't win and for a perceived slight.", "I am anti-war except in legitimate self-defense. That having been said, advantage in war is pretty much universal. The writer bases her entire premise on the notion that seeing dead chemical weapons victims induces more fear and terror than seeing the shredded mutilated bodies of those killed by high explosives. That notion is very American. Those who really see the carnage of bombings likely have a very different opinion. No compelling motivation for Assad to use CW has been identified.", "Wow I though Sarah Palin gave a hateful, blood, guts and gore speech but the dim bulb that's Trump was beyond the pale! He is a terrorist maker, the kind on Imam that riles his flock to action. He only has one tone, spitting, and his plan is to take down our president Ms. Clinton. Why? Because there is not plan, no reality, no there there. He is ill prepared to lead a diverse country, he has no real skills, as he demonstrated over the last four days, and he leads from the example of some of the worst tyrants this world has ever seen...a little gas, my God! Did you hear this quote, he throws a little gas and people overreact. Throws a little gas was the largest civilian murder by chemical weapons since like ever. 5000 die in the marshes of Iraq, more children maimed...a little gas. This one statement makes him unqualified for anything, ever, anywhere!", "My comment was just an example to point out that it's NOT \"strange comparing Bush to Hitler\" as you stated. Many others have, even in Europe.\n\nAnd I don't know what you're \"supposed to care\" about. It doesn't concern me one way or another.\n\nBest,\n\nRTD", "The reason seems to be included in the article: \"Veterans’ groups see the House plan as setting dangerous precedent because it takes money from core VA benefits to pay for private-sector care. The plan would trim pensions for some veterans and collect fees for housing loans guaranteed by the VA.\" However, I'm glad it is working for you, but there may be more concerns from other vets. Hope something good comes of this because our vets should not have to worry about their health care. And so far it doesn't look like Democrats or Republicans are doing what needs to be done.", "If posters had to answer even the most basic of skill-testing or scientific knowledge-testing questions before commenting on this topic, there would be many fewer posts, but much better ones.\n\nSorry, climate change deniers, but be honest for once: you don't *actually* believe you understand these subjects better than the research scientists that study them, do you?", "I wondered when these ignoramuses were going to get their day in court.\nIf they think they got hammered by the releases which protected the integrity of the dam, imagine the sheer horror that would have been unleashed if the dam had been over-topped and washed out! \n(Hint - had they lived through a dam breach, they'd still be in court trying to blame someone...)\n\nFor those who don't know - Lake Estes and its dam are not a flood control project - they are merely a 'faucet' in part of the water delivery system known as the Colorado-Big Thompson. Even if Lake Estes had been totally empty prior to the rains, it could not have held all the water that came down, and the amount of water flowing down the Big Thompson would still have been catastrophic.", "Seriously is anyone surprised, we have people accepting per diem living at home, we have others who ship four air compressors and what not. The level of dishonestly and corruption in our legislature is second to none.", "Oh please, this was just more snake oil sold by the carnival barker/ snake oil salesman in chief. How many Hoosiers will suffer with everything that was given away in tax relief to supposedly save a few jobs temporarily before being taken over by automation? You've got to study the details, because President Trump to this day, has proven that he does not sweat or even glance over them.", "You're missing the point.", "I no understand sarcasm!", "AT: Please read this quotation from my post, you must have missed it in your initial reading. \"While the actual \"impact\" can be debated, the action itself and the intent are, at least according to the CIA and the FBI, very clear\" I'm not interested in trying to determine just how much \"impact\" the Russian actions had. That would simply lead to a \"whole lot\", \"some\", \"a little\", \"virtually none\" debate...There's no resolution to such a debate. The real issue is a foreign nations ACTION and INTENT to influence the internal politics of another nation. As I point out, we have been, time and again, guilty of doing just that. Bribing officials, supporting coups, assassinating leaders, starting wars, invading nations, etc.....have been unsavory parts of our foreign policy.\n\nINTERFERING: Here's a very applicable definition: \"take part or intervene in an activity without invitation or necessity.\" \n\n(CONT)", "Because someone offers a different position on an issue than you---you tell them to take pills ? How classless." ]
If he doesn't give a hoot about democracy, which is obvious, so how can we expect anything that resembles anything that's honestly commendable to guy who comes across as a lying power hungry dictator?
[ "Geezuz-gawd-almighty. Why can't these f-ing people realize when they've outlived their usefulness? She's not going to go willingly, so let us all hope that she contract come kind of quick-acting cancer and leave us in peace.", "Let's spend good city money on hiding the homeless in Eugene and pretending they don't exist... It's sure to work so much better than spending money on trying to actually stop the homelessness, but that wouldn't be capitalistic enough would it? In the not too distant future, this mentality is going to HAVE to change or we are going to be in for a filthy, piss smelling future when automation puts 50% of the population out of work.", "NDP is capable of starving cattle in an alfalfa field. Few more years we get to leave our footprint on Notley's buttocks.", "No, he's not. You're a liar.", "Coulter's cut from the same threadbare cloth as Trump, her hero. Both are pathetic.", "The best, most Catholic response? Resist this garbage, vocally and prayerfully. Fight that urge to obey that has been bred deeply in each of us. Act as Jesus would.", "You are an ignorant bitch and are talking shit. Get a life bitch. I dont have guns or do I know someone that killed themselves after killing someone else. You better check your facts!!!", "Wow! How come you not sharing your wealth with the poor black man? You wanted us to? Don't fall in the ocean, a shark might get, but, then again, he'd probably spit you out.", "The candidate for the position is of Persian heritage. Warren is an ideological bigot, or racist, or both. Perhaps mostly the former, but I don't rule out the later, either.", "Let him go, his stupidity is punishment enough.", "Fuck this dude my dog is pit lab an he is the most sweetest loveable dog ever . I'd like you to do so thing to me or my dog . Plzz do . An I'll say this I have been attacked by more small dogs then big dogs in this town . So if another ankle bitter tryes getting at me ima kick that little fucker so far", "Another racist comment from Minshall. You are always free to leave. But as you know and as I know, you need the white devils more than they need you.", "Sympathy for a convicted terrorists and murderer is rooted in a contemptible moral cowardice. Have you no shame, sir? Khadr fought against Canada and our Allies and is an unrepentant traitor. Losing sleep over lost sleep, have some self-respect.", "Victoria pumps 150 million litres of raw sewage into the ocean every day\n\n... the moral high ground of the activist is paved with hypocrisy", "Sitting on your ignorant butt watching conjecture on the internet isn't proof of murder. Your intellectual bar is set dangerously low.", "The Don said all our generals suck. He's going to crown new ones." ]
[ "And you went to all the trouble to come here for a mindless diss. How petty. Certain soi disant intellectuals love to quote Orwell these days, though his dystopian predictions were about as completely wrong as it's possible to be.", "\"Trickle down\" says you will make the poor better off if you make the rich richer. It is an example of John Kenneth Galbraith's observation, \"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.\"\n\nLibertarians actually want some combination of plutocracy and corporatism. They are either too foolish to see this or too ashamed to admit it.", "Gov and business listen to $. They do not listen to voters, citizens, etc.", "Something I don't like? Try something with lazy and \"leapy\" logic and that is prejudicial against a whole society. If he held ANY other position at McGill (Biology, Arts, etc), I don't think he would've had to automatically step down, but to be the head of a political science institute that promotes the \"better understanding of Canada\", and to claim that Québec is a morally failed society? Surely that is an untenable position, ESPECIALLY if advanced in a un-rigorous lazy piece of opinion journalism.", "Baloney.Come and talk after the election fight is over.He's toast after they really find out about him.", "Anti-trumpers are marvelously adept at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. An undeserved sense of entitlement and imaginary moral superiority coupled with blind self assurance will do that every time.", "People in the West have become naive. Trump, if nothing else, educates us how easily major segments of the population can be apologists for treasonous behavior and rationalize events as if that is okay because it suits their other agendas. This is especially an affliction of the international alt-right. Be aware, Canada also has domestic enemies as well as foreign. Take care of your country or watch it be trifled with. Is there no end to the American humiliation? We don't want that for Canada.", "Give ol Donnie Teabags some credit. He hasn't even been at it nine months. Even so, he's already managed to inflame white supremacists into murdering Heather Heyer and maiming numerous other peaceful protesters. All pretty impressive if you consider that, unlike KJU, DJ Butt Trumpet is not supreme dictator of an entire nation and - at least for now - he has to opperate around those other weak, low-energy branches government and their looser statutes against homocide. Point being, our comb-over-in-chief is an amazing super-classy guy who is tremendously creative and super-high energy and always wins at all things. He won't let a baffoon like Kimmy JJ outdo him at anything, especially the murdering of people he dislikes. Stop being such a touchy snowflake and give Trump a chance, he'll top Kim in good time!", "Doyle seriously think a guy like Trump... With his billions and thirty years in the spotlight is actually some sort of \"outsider\"... He's as much a part of the system you decry as anyone else....", "A known trouble maker.", "\"I could mount a counter-argument that, while I'm critical of the current DNC leadership,\" Gary that would require objective & unabashed honesty two things I'm not convinced you are capable of because of your blind partisanship.\n\nAs I recall you believed my descriptions of Hillary were fanciful. Fortunately America does live in the sickness of the liberal Eugene bubble. I can guarantee you have no worry from the republicans, particularly establishment republicans. It's the 'We the People populist movement' that is will be administering the final death blows to the Democrat Party. Even as current as yesterday 'mainline liberal media' has for days been reading the obituary of the Democrats. Times are changing and it's time to move on from the Democrat Party / Clinton Crime Syndicate.", "That's not likely to happen with this clown car of a city council. We might as well enjoy the bread and circus, because that's all that will be delivered. No competent police department, no functioning parks, no competent public works department, nada, nothing in the way of good governance for us, that's what we will receive.\n\nBut not to worry. The city council will give Ruiz nonstop praise for what wonderful work he is doing. That should make everyone feel good.", "Trump's a loose cannon and the allies know it. They of course have to play nice with any president but it doesn't mean they aren't circling the wagons and preparing for 4 years of wasted money and time.", "\" it's just as likely - maybe even more so - this was done by someone who's anti-Trump.\" Your own words.", "I thought from day one Bernie Sanders socialist democrat philological ideology was/is pretty crazy. But I did kind of admire his portrayed self principle of character conviction to actually speak for and give an appearance that he really care about his followers particularly the younger millennial generation. And now the discovery comes that Sanders is really no better then a servile lap dog of the plantation party after finding out thanks to Wikileaks how his campaign and in particular his followers were whipped, beaten and thrown under the bus by their masters. O how the South and slavery has risen again!", "Bigger piece of Pie?\nwhere did your receive this delusion that anyone \"gets\" anything unless they work for it, invest in it etc. That is the \"big lie\" given to you by leaders who failed miserably in leading efficiently and effectively. Many leaders did succeed in industry, agriculture and other avenues of progress, while others \"bought\" votes and perhaps by ignorance (or greed) did not invest or create. Get off the reservation and be independent like the others you claim are getting \"pie\". Start focusing education on what is applicable for today's survival. The absolute WORST way is merely doling out money. It NEVER works. I am sure with you in regards to failing areas getting appropropriate education and help with infrastructure, but handing out money for personal expenditures for proven failed leadership? Hard working folks have no sympathy. Leaders signing contracts had no idea how misused that money would be from certain nations who spent it foolishly and now cry Victim.", "Once again the so-called leader of the free world started his day with a twitter rant.\n\n He began with a slam against any Republican senator who dares to vote against the latest attempt to take away health care for millions of Americans, and then moved on to the other lunatic with nuclear codes:\n\nNext up, more whining about the “Russia hoax”—you know, the one that the CIA, FBI, NSA and his own secretary of state agree happened—being all in the imagination of “Crooked Hillary” and the “dishonest Media,”\n\n\nHe finished his morning of presidenting with a reminder that he is holding a rally tonight in Alabama … and then he went golfing. Again.\n\nGod bless America.", "The reason the article is here, and all you Scrooge types know it, is as yet one more illustration of the nasty, short-sighted and harmful nature of Trump's ridiculously broad-based ban. He disrupts and destroys people's lives whose \"crime\" seems to be to wish to have a better life for them and/or their children or to be able to work to their highest capabilities. Trump is undermining the ability of major American corporations to hire the best and brightest.\n\nIf Trump really cared one iota about protecting his fellow citizens the only ban that could actually matter would be on much of the military-grade arsenal now stocked in basements across the US and used regularly to mow down Americans.", "So you are actually claiming that Barack Obama took a TOUGH STAND on terror? This is truly hilarious inasmuch as Obama wouldn`t even utter the word terror, went around apologizing to the Arab world for imagined American sins against Arabs and Muslims thereby further recruiting, motivating and validating the terrorists and enabler states, drew red lines in the sand when everyone knew he was a poser who would never enforce them, did the minimum possible in terms of sorties and strikes on ISIS, prematurely withdrew American troops from Iraq against the advice of all of his field generals, etc., etc.\n\nWhy do you think that the reception for Trump was so much more fulsome and friendly and enthusiastic and complimentary than for Obama on his state visits to the ME countries if he was considered interchangeable with BO?\n\nWith you, Thomas, denial is not just a river in Egypt!", "It's ludicrous to compare Trump with Adams, Jefferson, Hamilton, or Burr. But leave it to you...", "This is simply a lie, unless you are referring to WWII.", "Loyalty to one's country is a requirement of the job. Trump never asked for personal loyalty and only asked he halt a political witch hunt.", "Another traitorous column extolling the virtures of total Republican dictatorship as one of the CONservative terrorists trolling the media to inject every anti-democratic, anti-Constitutional Republic ideology to finish the overthrow of the governing system of the United States. From the first sentences glorifying the confirmation of an avowed racist, bigot, religious fanatic, anti-union, pro-Citizen United Corporate Citizen Terrorist to the highest court, this diatribe reflects the pure vitriol of the CONservative, Corporate, Republican Terrorist Mindset traitorous to any human values for a decent society. Disgusting.", "How is he wrong??", "He's a D-bag, just like you Roy.. end of story.", "Our #FakeHero president is an insult to our Founders\nhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/our-fakehero-president-is-an-insult-to-our-founders/2017/07/03/c0bc0402-6024-11e7-a4f7-af34fc1d9d39_story.html?utm_term=.b5ea4bc25621\nWe have a president who neither understands nor respects the basic norms of American democracy. Make no mistake: Donald Trump is a true aberration. There is no figure like him in U.S. history, for which we should be thankful.\nTrump’s inexperience is unique; he is the only president never to have served in government or the military. This weakness is exponentially compounded by his ignorance of both policy and process, his lack of curiosity, his inability to focus and his tremendous insecurity. He refuses to acknowledge his shortcomings, let alone come to terms with them; and he desperately craves the kind of sycophantic adulation that George Washington, a genuine hero, pointedly rejected.\nRead the whole thing….", "The guy in the photo above reminds me of my St Anthony medal -- except for the \"saintly\" part.\n\nHow about we IMPEACH now, then we can think about REPLACING later.", "Trudeau's transparent attempts to placate Islamic Canadians by jumping to use the 'terrorism' term in this case, yet hesitating to use the 'barbaric' term in reference to female genital mutilation and reflecting on 'root causes' after the Boston marathon bombing, speak to the character of a spineless vote-chaser bending to the breeze at every shift.", "I know it hard to understand this, but Jaded, you have no idea what my world view is. Maybe you should ask. But frankly you and the others here demonstrate clearly that citizens do not think. They react. I cannot change human nature and knee jerk judgment is just as much a part of human nature as obsessive behavior and stalking. I always look at situations in terms of long term making society better rather than casting blame which is basically worthless. I believe adverse effects can be reduced through careful analysis of situations and, which is unpalatable to many, ascribe some responsibility on all people to make things better. The perp and victim model only gets us to where we are - no further. Ever heard of no-fault auto insurance. Drivers in each accident are assigned a percentage of fault. Good system because it motivates all drivers to do everything the can to avoid crashes. Anyway, Jaded, it is amazing how people with similar objectives can tar one another.", "having seen the way national politics has degenerated, since Reagan and before, into a media show with all the substance of a pro-wrestling match, with Iran-Contra basically glossed over, quickly, (selling arms to terrorists to arm terrorists, much of it with drug money) and then seeing the way the Clintons, who I've never been a fan of, raked over a slow fire for Bill getting his rocks off (i.e. no casualties other than reputations), it's a little laughable to see the latest Rodeo Clown make HIS pronouncements about Hillary.\n\nThere's been an I Hate Hillary Club ever since she took a hand in healthcare reform in the 90's. Yeah, she's a corrupt politician, just like Obama, Trump, Reagan, and anyone else who gets close to the mic---That's how it works. \n\nIgnore both of them: They aren't worth your time. It's time we expanded beyond the two-party system.", "As intelligent and educated as Burke is, he seems to have little knowledge of human beings. Trump and Clinton are equally untrustworthy albeit in different ways!", "You see this is what I mean, there is nothing factual in your accusation. Not a single stitch of evidence to support your accusation. It might have been Russia who might have hacked voter rolls and nothing was even mentioned about voting machines and most definitely, nothing has linked Trump to any of these, might have beens. But here you are accusing Trump of something you couldn't even hope to support with any real evidence.", "Appreciate the information - I just didn't know. Not that I like the answer - but this seems like such a deliberate attempt to undercut the law. It would be one thing if he hadn't said anything - but such blatant in-your-face attitude - didn't he fire Sally Yates for not defending the law? \n\nNo response necessary. I am being deliberately snarky.", "You obviously missed Parzival's sarcasm and your \"explanation\" of Trump's quote seems an extreme stretch. The quote, even in full, speaks for itself.", "How is tRump the rapist going to \"make America great again,\" when he can't even tell a Pinocchio lie with a straight face? Murkowski doesn't need your vote!", "Bill: I find motivation extremely important. My favorite example comes from Own Wister's \"The Virginian\" when the Virginian wins a poker hand from the antagonist and the guy calles him a \"Son of a B$#%%\" (think of what Trump called the players). The Virginian responds \"Smile when you sad that.\" The point is simple: If you are kidding and mean no insult....no big deal. If, on the other hand, an insult is intended, it IS a big deal. \n\nThe \"take a knee\" players made it very clear no insult to our nation was intended. To me that is very, very important. To me, the real meaning behind a person's action is extremely important. Gary Crum", "You have merely re-stated his claim. You have not answered the \"why\" question in my post, a \"why\" that was asked in the context of the items I listed out there.", "The elitism still comes through when someone like Obama makes a 'clinging to guns and bibles' remark in San Francisco about rural Pennsylvania or Hillary says 29 million voters are 'deplorable' racists, bigots, etc.", "As Trump might say, 'I only hired him because I thought he was a principled as me.'\n\nHis decision to recuse himself notwithstanding, Mr. Trump, I'm sure he is.", "How dare those Democrats defend Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.\n\nThe author wants Democrats to adopt Trumpism and screw over the average American so they can give tax breaks to the wealthy and serve the interests of the corporations.\n\nThe author is like Trump, he wants to screw over the average American to give more money to military contractors.\n\nWhat the author is pining for is one party Trumpism, better known as totalitarianism.\n\nThis is surely another fine example of the liberal slant of the ADN.\n\nLIke this 'liberal' statement:\n\n\"The standard Washington narrative blames Republicans for the budget stalemate because they reject higher taxes.\"\n\nThe author attempts to wash that away by claiming it's a half-truth. That's no half truth, it's a whole truth.\n\nIt's standard Republican mantra for decades, this author thinks he can obviate reality at a whim?\n\nThat 'Republicans reject tax higher taxes' is standard narrative because it reflects reality.\n\nHe's as phony as Trump is.", "Gotta wonder why the state pays for a state dinner with a lame duck US VP whose accomplishments while in office (as VP) wouldn't fill a book with no pages. \n\nMust be because all them liberals love to congratulate one another for their \"right thinking\".", "Let's ask this countrys conservatives like Kenney, Wall and Pallister why they are Deniers. They are in denial, and playing politics with our lives and our futures. Denial and its companion, the stealth Denier, who pretends to care but does nothing real, are dragging us down like lead weights. They should be made to explain after the next city burns down or gets flooded out.", "The fact you even say 'enough' means you miss the point. A principle of neutrality for the Lt. Governor is violated. Its not the amount of money that matters but the fact she donated and is partisan bringing her decision into sharp scrutiny. If she opts for a snap election as christy hopes I think that will backfire on the Liberals big time. If they didn't listen the first time in the first election what will make them listen a second time? ...Nothing but a desperate cling to power.", "By intention? Be honest.", "Trump probably is too. Like you, he knows he's losing.", "I am thinking of introducing a new line of menswear (sorry, still thinking about the distaff offering)-it will consist of a tie with a bright red background (to go with the MAGA ball cap), with the good ole hammer-and-sickle prominently displayed in a tasteful yellow, repeating pattern. These adornments can then be worn by all male members of the Trump administration, so when they are asked by Democrats (or their surrogates, the media) if they have 'Russian ties', they can grin mischievously and retort \"Why, yes we do\"....", "I'd guess it will be hard to reach a certain conclusion unless someone confesses. He probably had created bad feelings across a wide spectrum, and this might be a simple personal affair.", "What are you talking about? This is not about democrats. It is about power run amok. As a friend used to say, absolute power corrupts absolutely. At least with Weinstein, he was chasing the opposite sex while with republicans with the exception of the Donald they tend to chase members of the same sex. lol", "It will be his mistake.", "Another empty comment from Doc, but with more partisanship than usual.", "There have been well intentioned calls for unity by every President elect and from those who lost. That makes sense to me because unity is important for sustained progress as a Nation. However, I don't believe the reciprocity for eight years of obstructionism to a popularly elected President by a political party will be mutually beneficial.", "Because you are in the 'cafeteria' you try to make out that everyone is in it; it simply makes you feel better about yourself, especially when everyone who disagrees with you is \"blathering\" and \"talking through his hat\".\nYou keep bringing up Eichmann, you seem to have an inordinate fixation about the man. Obedience to the the Magisterium is not \"following orders\", it is entirely voluntary, an act of will so your Eichmann analogy is absolutely wrong.", "You wrote:\n\n<< The left doesn't want to engage in discussion; they want to silence opposing points of view.>>\n\nThis from a supporter of President Trump, who wants to suspend broadcast licenses for media that doesn't fawn over him.", "Similar to our current PM.", "Real simple and very stunning. A 3-to-1 edge in potential voters -- assuming women, people of color and those under 35 are paying attention and capable of thinking for themselves when presented with a Yosemite Sam for president -- should be enough to beat back any scourge when all it takes is that 80 percent of success known as showing up. They didn't. Couldn't be bothered. Your people. How embarrassing. Your screed, while windy, predictable and borderline entertaining, means nothing. Occam's razor applies. Clinton blew it. Count the ways.\n\nMe? I'm independent. Voted for Obama once but not twice, mostly because celebrity-in-chief wasn't supposed to be the job title. This time, I left it blank. A pox on both parties' houses. Of course, you're free to believe as you wish, He Who Confuses Assumptions with Facts.\n\nBy the way, I already have a dog, so please stop trying to hand me your leash.", "As Milliken was a Liberal toady, your point is what exactly?", "Trump is desperate for a few \"good\" distractions.", "Can't say I'm suprised. How insecure can a self-proclaimed \"billionaire-genius\" be to have a fake Time cover made propping himself up? Sad!", "Yes, I certainly understand Trump's appeal; the system is in a mess, due largely to the GOP obstructionism, and the nation loves to be entertained. I simply don't believe with many that 'ANYTHING is better than what we have'.", "Oh give it a rest, it's not about women. It's about a class of people the public want to see the back of.\n\nThere was a similar collective groan in the UK this week when Tony Blair announced he wanted to stick his nose back into things. These people are poison and represent much of what is cancerous about politics.", "It seems to me that whether or not this judge was making a political statement or not is a red herring. His 'crime', if there was one, was contempt of court. The whole trappings of the courtroom - the robes, the respectful manner demanded of all participants including spectators - are there to ensure people know that serious matters are being considered. This judge foolishly decided to tamper with that image, but that is hardly a hanging offense.", "This is a classic example of propaganda. The media or movie producers create misleading stories that backs the the government's message. Trudeau's admiration for dictatorships has progressed into implementation. Germany used to make movies like this during the war. Nice to see Trudeau take such an active roll spinning his sunny ways using our tax dollars.", "David’s family has been in HELL since he disappeared. They spent the Thanksgiving Holiday in pain and agony. Now they get to be drug through the whole court process and have to take everyone’s dirt throwing about their dead son. Bottom line the promise of what David was and could have been has been taken from this world without regard to the impacts. Christmas presents never opened. Graduations never to attend. Marriage never to happen. No grandchildren. All for some senseless selfishness. \n\nThe problem is that no one has any empathy for anyone else. Only I count. Only I matter. Selfish to the core. I don’t need to work to earn anything. I just take what I want. Wrong me I kill/torture you. Its generational Not My Kid in Schools. My darling is perfect. That is the problem with our culture today. Once many decades ago President John F. Kennedy asked “Ask not what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country”.", "If he had morals or ethics he would resign! This should not matter which team you support this position is to important in our country to allow a person to decide HIS legacy is more important than truth.", "As long as the press and establishment continues to tear apart anyone they don't find acceptable, as in sucks up to them completely, i. e., Obama, we are not going to have a really decent person as President because no decent person will put themselves or their family through that kind of garbage. All the candidates that ran had one thing in common and that is that they didn't care what anyone else thinks about them.", "E.J. Dionne Jr. Is obviously most concerned about his own power and influence as part of the “inside the beltway” elite establishment. E.J. Dionne Jr. thinks he represents the American people since all his friends think just like him, but he fails to realize most of the real America is outside the Washington Beltway. Democracy means listening to all people, not just to people who will parrot your elitist opinion.", "Mr. Murphy's OpEd piece exposes today's toxic political environment and suggests the sources of that toxicity. Your response is the all-too-predictable: \"Blame the messenger.\" \n\n OpEd pieces are, by definition, expressions of views and opinions. Sometimes they reflect particular expertise and experience, but often writers address issues \"outside\" their personal arena of expertise. Mr. Murphy may be, by profession, a geographer, but that hardly negates the value of his perceptions regarding other issues. I found his piece quite perceptive. I'm guessing you didn't. \n\nIf you disagree with his views, by all means, publish a rebuttal....perhaps an OpEd piece of your own, or, at least, some substantive rebuttal on this site. If you feel Mr. Limbaugh and Mr. Hannity, for example, don't promote divisiveness, make that case. If you feel Mr. Trump's campaign isn't founded on anger and resentment, make that case. If you feel Mr. Trump will \"make America great again\"...tell us how...", "Speaking of sides, Nazi's or Communism are not good choices.", "Honestly, I pay little attention to what pundits say. There is a difference between the two for me. My fear of Clinton is rooted in her governmental actions so far. My fear of Trump is rooted in his rhetoric and, to a lesser extent, his business history.\n\nMy perception is that they would both be roughly equally damaging to the nation, but the nature of the damage would be different. I think the next four years are going to be rough no matter which one of these people we get.", "Speaking of groping, Bill Clinton is the King of that honour, and you are clearly a brainwashed Liberal if you think that Hilary is not crooked, when even the Democrats are now calling her crooked", "Again - for the hard of thinking - the US IS NOT NOW AND NEVER HAS BEEN A DEMOCRACY.\n\nThe US is - and has been, from the word \"GO\" - a Constitutional Republic.\n\nThe popular vote is - by design - meaningless.\n\nAnd all the leftist sobbing in the world won't change that...", "Well let's see, there's a real problem with people who act like little d's supporters in places other than his rallies. If they are school children and act this way it's bullying. Kids tend to act like their parents and any set of clips show ill-manners, hateful, hurtful speech. So yes those who care are worried....he's ginning up the crowd.", "After a recheck, You were right on the final vote. I could hardly believe that every Republican was willing to sell out the nation for party ideology. Blind followers of traitorous fascist ideology to the detriment of the nation is not something to be cheered. Now history will be repeated as they destroy the remaining basic social foundations for the nation created in response to the previous Republican economic disaster in the Great Depression. All led by a German compatriot of a Russian Oligarch. The cheering from the gormless faithful abhorrent to any true patriot is disgusting. Blind allegiance to evil never turns out well.", "Of the many Trump voters I've talked to, most if not all have some wildly inaccurate and/or racially or gender biased reason for doing so: One said he was going to raise the minimum wage to $12.50 the moment he was in office, or that he was going to have Hillary Clinton arrested and thrown in jail for murdering children, or because Obama had vowed to leave the country. I've heard several assert that Trump is a devout Christian, that he's a self-made millionaire, that he's a genius who will \"fix\" everything. I've even heard he's for universal health care. The remainder, and unfortunately the majority, have to do with pejorative racist ideas of getting Obama out of the White House (even though he's leaving anyway). As a \"corollary\" to these, I've listened, stunned, as young Trump supporters (and not rich ones) have argued that education shouldn't be \"free\"---that all schools should be private.\n\nThe indoctrination is strong with this crowd....", "Obama is embarrassing himself. Cringeworthy conduct.", "Trump would rather burn down this country than control his ego, he has gotten his way all his life and will say he lost to a rigged system. Family members are already lining up a media show so he can continue to collect money from his base, it worked for Palin, Huckabee, Santorum, etc. Paul Newman said to Tom Cruise in the movie, The Color of Money, that you don't make the money on the main table, all the action is on the side tables.", "This is different than 'single issue voting' -- The voter is reducing the Office of the President to a single issue without awareness of the interconnectivity of the micro-issue to the macro-issues as it is held by the \"Office of the President\". And in this instance, the person in the Office has a\"business\" model superimposed over the Office of President. He issues a one page talking points description on Tax Reform with the corporate expectation that someone down the org chart will flesh it out for the CEO. \nThe business/corporate model of Office of President, allows for industrial growth - only. Selling weapons without awareness of their use. Removing environmental protections to build more industry. Dismantling agreements to facilitate industrial sales. There is no long vision required, The Office of President is for this president, head of a multinational corporation and he has only staffed a \"board of directors\" of which he is president. \n\nHis diminished POTUS = a celebrity CEO.", "Naw Trump is a breath of fresh air compared to the career politicans that seem to hang around!\n\n\"My failures have been errors in judgment, not of intent.\" Ulysses S. Grant", "His posts are extremely inane. His knee-jerk response to everything does not help further the conversation. Anyone who thinks someone is going to take away his guns has serious issues. If anyone is going to abridge his rights, it will be the fascist government that he so-assiduously defends. Isn't that ironic?", "That really isn't very nice CDNBB.", "Rep Gabbard may ultimately pay much more than this relatively small reimbursement; she may have done serious damage to her political aspirations. Let's set aside speculation about her motivation. It actually doesn't matter whether she was seeking facts or publicity. What does matter is that she willingly consorted with one of the vilest leaders on the planet, bar none, and came home singing his praises. Worse, she insisted Assad has the unanimous support of every Syrian she met, which convinces me only that she did not speak with any of the survivors of the thousands of victims of his barrel bombing, chemical weaponeering, hangings, and torture. I expect next she'll be off to North Korea, probably in the company of Dennis Rodman. I also expect I've voted for her for the last time. This was at best miserable judgment.", "It's embarrassing that the potus is (rightfully) placed in the same category as putin and erdogan. Under trump, our country will cede our current position as leaders of the free world. The problem is that trump seems to see little value in human rights unless it is profitable. This is why he cozied up to the saudis and was cool to the europeans.", "George really misses the past. \n\nThe GOP's 'historic mission'? The Federalist Papers? The enshrinement of 'political parties' first railed against by George Washington? \"Indirect Democracy\" in a \"One Person-One Vote world? George is an establishment person who has been left behind by events he wishes he could control.", "This is un-presidential behavior. On what planet are we living on that nutty twitter rants are relevant. What a shame.", "The kind of laws we have are legally created in a democratic fashion. Venezuela has been ruined by dictatorship masquerading as a \"government of the people\".\n\nWhy are you saying that the United States is like Venezuela? Do you hate the US that much?", "There is no doubt...\"reporters can be a real 'pain in the #$$%'\" Guess what, when your job is to provide information and acquiring that information requires asking difficult questions, the person asked may be unhappy. I hope no one is too surprised by this disclosure. \n\nDonald Trump has taken the \"war with the media\" to a whole new level. If the news is \"bad\" for him he blames the messenger, calls them the \"enemy\" and declares they reports \"fake news.\" He has openly ecouraged violence against reporters. He has mocked a disabled reporter, and, regularly, attempts to bully anyone bold enough to ask him difficult questions. lt's no surprise that other very conservative candidates and office holders follow his lead.\n\nThe media provides much-need public accountability. Sometimes \"our guy or our gal\" ends up looking bad. Guess what? That's their fault, not the media's. \n\nDon't forget Harry Truman's little sign \"if you can't stand the heat, stay the hell out of the kitchen\" Gary C", "\"Recovers as an effective governing force\"? Was Trump ever an effective governing force or did I miss something? Trump is an effective looter and his party represents the looting class--the super rich. I confess, it's nice to see the Republicans spreading their hate-filled, dysfunctional political agenda around to more segments of society than just women and people of color. Now everyone with a functioning brain can see the Republican party for what it has really always stood for--greed, war, misogyny, violence, religious fanaticism, racism and naked stupidity. Trump and the Republicans will put Americans' gag reflex to the test. Then again, maybe Americans will finally figure their situation out before it's too late and Republicans murder their democracy. Or they won't. Democracy will survive in other more enlightened societies which is good to know.", "Your opinion I guess since facts certainly do not back up your statement. but it would seem the partisan loyalist here would be you who seems unable to find fault with any dem. or dem. party policy despite the facts showing massive failures.\nEnjoy your evening Eric, I have worthwhile things to do and great places to be.", "sometimes I almost feel sorry for Bill. almost.", "Nothing to do with \"having guts\". He was elected, in part, because of his position to repeal a failed ACA, the same way over a thousand Democrats lost their jobs.", "Besides Trump being an utter buffoon, Sessions didn't do anything because it was ethically correct, \n\nhe was attempting only to preserve his own skin, his own self-interests and trying to stay out of jail.", "So you think it's the more religious, moderate,conservative Democrats (Hillary supporters) who have it right?\n\nPeople see her as dishonest and untrustworthy only partly because of right-wing propaganda. Mostly it's because she has acted in an inauthentic dishonest untrustworthy manner. Did you hear about the time she was under sniper fire or that Bernie Sanders was going to destroy our healthcare system? Do you not care that she won't tell you what she says to the Banksters behind closed doors? Do you not care that she has used a noise canceling machine to drown out what she says to wealthy donors? Your being bamboozled and it's like you don't even care.", "Constitution says otherwise. If you don't agree with the Constitution there are plenty of countries in the world that don't have one, and you might enjoy living there.", "Anarchists and communists are hardly representative of the \"people\"", "Trump reminds me of a bully in intermediate school. We grew up and didn't put up with his bs any longer. We went on with our lives and made something of ourselves. He stopped being relevant and disappeared. Time is on our side.", "Lies\n\nall politicians lie\nbut Leftist progressives see ONLY the lies of\nRob Ford\nHarper\nTrump\nand then make a big fuss over it, like \"yuge fuss, awesome fuss", "You're obviously suffering from post-election denial. Get over it.", "you little censor hungry peasants working for minimum wage over there must be on cloud 9 whenever your masters print one of these boring wannabe sensationalist muslim stories. I want to see you continue to do that: keep simple and small, keep running to mommy and daddy to shelter your precious fragile minds. it bemuses beyond your comprehension - how wantonly self destructive you are. go ahead, invite daddy under the covers there with you, i know you can keep the secret - go ahead and have no other sexual experience until you are gifted to the old hairy bozo down at the used car dealership, enjoy that old world misogyny while you trumpet the open society and tolerance. and you know what? when the war DOES happen, i wont return your pettiness and scorn in kind - i, the big, strong, intelligent, successful white man, WILL rescue you, like i always have. im bigger than you, its just that simple. now go ahead and continue playing in your little mind control sand box. i do consent", "Payback serves a useful purpose. If only the Republican Party plays mean, then after awhile they think it is their right. For eight years Congressional Republicans did what they could to negate President Obama's administration, and even to try to negate his legitimacy as an American.\nSo yes, Senator, you have my best wishes for your attack on what I am sure will be a mean spirited choice for the Supreme Court. \nI find myself not only negating Trump's legitimacy, but see him as a tool of special interests, and not my president. I see Putin when I see Trump, I see Netanyahu when I see Trump, I hear Nixon when I hear Trump.\nHugh Massengill, Eugene Oregon", "Every government functions upon its bureaucracy. By trying to do everything \"in-house\" Trump is making it more difficult for the bureaucracy to work with him, more likely to work against him, and putting an unnecessary amount of strain and stress on his administration resulting in shoddy, piece-meal products like the travel ban. He seems intent on foolishly taking on the DC juggernaut single-handedly and blaming everyone else when he fails.\nHis inexperience is only compounded by his lack of temperament. The worst part is that this isn't even the scary bit. A falling out with the bureaucracy might leave some injuries that mostly can be band-aided over. No, the scary bit is Trump's fumbling about in the international arena where ISIS recruitment gets empowered, any country basing its legitimacy on anti-US sentiment grows in authority and the more experienced players like Russia and China play him for a fool.", "Actually the problem remains the obstructionist swamp dwellers. If they would support the President for 6 months and then if things don't work out they can yell. It is almost impossible for him to fix things when he has this much opposition and it is not necessarily sane opposition, it is purely partisan.", "So all of his service disappears because of him walking away - in large part from psychological issues no doubt caused by his prior service - getting caught by the enemy and imprisined for years thereafter? The fact that he has since provided invaluable intelligence doesn’t matter either?\nYeah, he’s so much worse than, for example, Flynn or Arpaio - what patriotic paragons of virtue! \nWhy hasn’t Flynn been charged? Why did Trump bypass all legal channels and reward Arpaio for repeatedly, flagrantly breaking the law? How about Donny Jr. meeting with the Russians and lying about it? And that’s just the tip of the iceberg with this president. What about Bush lying to get us into war where American soldiers and thousands of innocents died? \n“In what is the first ever conviction of its kind anywhere in the world, the former US President and seven key members of his administration were...found guilty of war crimes. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and their legal advisers...were tried...”", "I confess my post is more Syria oriented than Crimea. Would it have been better to say Ukraine? Perhaps I could replace Crimea with Ukraine. But then, as you say, there are various parties.\n\nThen I read your response concerning Syria. In the midst of the bombing and destruction of 2016, to describe Syria's government as a democratically elected one when al-Assad, himself, ran unopposed and is presiding over the destruction of a whole culture, well, it's is a little like saying to the bombed cities of Germany in 1944-45 that, in the mid-1930s, they democratically elected their ... what is it? Chancellor? Those are facts that become pretty well meaningless truths. Had Hitler not killed himself, I'd say he would not have won re-election in early 1945, and I suspect it's the same with al-Assad today.\n\nI'll stay with my Spanish Civil War comparison. That war was a key component of the 20th Century political history. In my opinion it has more learning value than WW 1&2 combined.", "\"By stirring up the anger of the US populace, he distracted them long enough to get their votes.\"\n\nOh brother. Pretending issues such as illegal immigration and dissatisfaction with Obamacare are new issues needing a Renaissance provided by Trump is bogus. You people crack me up.", "and as usual a bs lib troll spewing the usual crap, no lib loser, a peice of toast would be better for ontario over liberals, hence brown is a great alternative", "He needs to go for trying to convict these people not for his inability to convict them", "And in some ways not nearly as ruthless with people he didn't like.", "Thanks, \nI must point out that your examples are but small potatoes compared to sending swarms of MIRVs down upon a nation because POTUS didn't like their Tweet.", "Re: \"many millions of people are completely happy with what he is doing\"\n\nThose would be the \"poorly-educated\" that T-rump \"loves\", of course.\n\n\"Sad!\"", "Obama has finally lost the plot.", "You just don't get it, or you choose to be antagonistic.", "How incredibly tacky. The owner might have money but definitely has no education or taste.\n\nI am reminded of the glitzy and faux French indulgence of the Loathsome trump.", "I think more than likely he's running from the anti-Trump forces (aka the corrupt establishment). Think about it. Who can dispute his claim, if he's dead?", "I'm pretty sure that Trump and Republican party politicians' collusion with Russia to influence the 2016 elections need not rise to the level of treason for criminal charges to be levied. What I think is great is that legal charges of treason need not be involved for Trump and the Republicans who are involved in or who attempt to cover up evidence because it's politically damaging to be viewed as un-American or \"traitors\" to American democracy in the minds of citizens. What's really great about the disgusting mess Republicans are making of the nation is that Republicans are on the wrong side of history, the wrong side of the rule of law. This is the party that brought us Pro-life terrorism, stole healthcare from Americans and who put a filthy, genital grabbing tv celebrity in the White House who is now using the office to enrich his already disgustingly-rich family at the expense of all Americans. \nhttp://www.cnn.com/2017/04/21/politics/russian-bombers-tensions-trump/", "You say to calm down yet you continue to speak like a Democratic Spin-Maestro so I'd suggest you think outside the talking points box and really ask the tough questions about how society has created people with so little regard for human life rather than blaming an object. You'll find that much of this is in fact a result of the leftist / socialist policies I'm guessing you support (maybe not) along with the \"me\"-generations' attitude as a whole.", "Consider this scenario: Its 2019 and we have a new president. One that we wanted. We fought a hard campaign, formed a government of national unity that is \"anti corruption\". predictably a call for a\"no confidence\" vote is called by disgruntled majority-less MP's. In the background, we still have dodgy billionaire businessmen, who profit from destabilisation, uncertainty, policy delay and drawn out commissions of enquiry. What's a few hundred millions rands, in paper bags, doled out to MP's worth? Secret ballot anyone? Suddenly Bob's your uncle, your president (and his ministers) are recalled and there is NO recourse, no idea WHO was bribed, who folded, buckled, who has a swiss bank account. If you represent the people in parliament, then your vote should be public. If you are too scared to, then you need to resign and let someone else take your place. After all, if you are scared of fires, you don't become a fireman.", "Mary....I'll take a whack at that ....\n\nNot everyone is called to be a Merton or a Day...though Francis did mention both in his Congressional address as being our american very special folks...\n\nBut I think we are challenged to follow our prayerful conscience relative to dissent...and that could mean meeting up with very painful pushback....everything from IRS audits (punitive) to jail.\n\nI deeply hope it won't come to that....but it has occurred to me from the very beginning that freedom is not easily \"rewon\"", "Opposition is grasping at straws at this one. The Minister exaggerated his role in a speech given before he became a politician. He has suitably apologized for it. Relevance to today = zero. Let's move on.", "No he doesn't mean just military and foreign policy...read the article\n\"America is broken,\" he charged. \"Commerce is everything. They have allowed themselves to be taken over by the power of corporations … They are no longer living in a democracy.\"\n\nI was talking about his 2012 show. First and last for me...not paying hundreds of $ to hear political speeches, be it pro or anti Israel.", "Of course, when I read this, I realize that nothing has changed, our PM's loyalties continue to be in question, notwithstanding the fine performance he put on with the new U.S. president (I'm sure he was coached for that within an inch of his life). You cannot have a 'free' trade agreement with a nation so much bigger and whose values, whatever you think of them, are so incredibly different. We've got enough trade with China, and God knows, we've got enough Chinese nationals establishing themselves in Canada (nothing reciprocal like that going on, for sure). Enough is enough. \n\nAlthough I'm sure the PMO is hardly listening...." ]
We are $20 Trillion in debt, we don't need more subsidized feel good projects like the Fire Island Wind Farm. The Paris Accords result in corporate lobbyists stealing from taxpayers to meet ridiculous goals.
[ "You apparently can say whatever you want about Mexicans, Hispanics & Black people, but the Republican Party draws the line on white women.", "You just learn to dislike Trump and his goon squad, and 60 million people who showed who they really are under cover of a vote-- arrogant, world bully mentality, women in the kitchen bare foot and pregnant, and white supremacist lean more and more every day. Everything you have always disliked but knew it was still around.", "ok que the hypocrite lunatic left wingers who will say, meeting with SA is horribe etc, but when obama talked with iran etc, that was fantastic! , aa the left, no clue on reality", "The man's a fool", "Dumb comment. The USA was founded as a republic, not a democracy! Since the Patriot Act all pretence as a limited republic has dropped as well. Today's street thugs are the likes of the Portland rioters: indoctrinated leftist students with psychological issues.", "That he is mentally ill, there is no doubt. And it will be asked whether or not he knew that murder is wrong. But as a practical matter, who beyond our justice system really cares?", "You lost. Did the right act this way 8 and 4 years ago? Suck it up and move on. Be productive in society, we will mail you your participation ribbon.", "A Trump supporter was killed by a Muslim this week at a house party.\n\nYou know why you didn't hear about it? Because the roles weren't reversed. Otherwise it would be front page nationwide news.", "\" Even UCP’s acronym, which unleashed a flurry of juvenile jokes\" like manning's \"C.R.A.P.\" Amateurs. Idiots.", "what a load of horse manure from a crybaby loser", "Again, I'm not calling you stupid - I don't know you. \n\nWe disagree on trickle down. It has helped increase income disparity, and helped (along with NAFTA and the like) decimate our middle class while increasing misery around the world. A rather bad outcome wouldn't you say? Of course it's based on an economy that no longer exists, so no wonder. Of course those are those pesky little facts again. You might try an unbiased source - assuming you haven't demonized academia like so many of your ilk.\n\nI stand by my thesis that anyone who rabidly follows the conservative agenda and failed policies is stupid. This, because they aren't working, they freely ignore or cherry pick facts, and are a step back (a big step back) for our democracy (it's a democratic republic by the way). Compare the US metrics for infant mortality, incarceration rates, violent crime, income equality, education, working hours, time off, etc to almost any other developed nation. Is this something to be proud of?", "We had decades to protect our grid and harden our infrastructure for an EMP attack, and no one in power did anything other than insure their own survival. The sad fact is this....Our globalist leaders want the majority of people to die so they can re-emerge at some future date on a planet devoid of most people. They want us dead!!! That is the reality....", "Lol. \n\nWho the hell cares what you think. How about that one? \n\nWho threatened whom, by the way? You say in writing? So you can prove this? Or are you just an outright liar?", "A while ago there was a feeble joke that went... \"doesn't matter who shot John, John be dead\".\nWhen Trump brings out maps of his electoral college wins in the middle of joint press conference with China... he looks as ridiculous as wasting time replaying the election. It is a distraction to the clear and present danger in the moment. Our children will die in the next war... manufactured in a twitter tantrum.", "For all the good she did with that vote to keep the ACA from being destroyed she loses credibility when she knowingly lies about the ACA being totally put together by Democrats. There are over 100 Republican amendments included as the ACA went through years long creation. Just because no Republicans voted for it out of pure partisan pig headedness once the final bill was presented to the House and Senate for confirmation does not mean they were excluded from the intensive process that created the bill. Come on Lisa you're still doing the one step forward, two steps back samba and it is not very becoming of you. Tell the truth. Just tell the damned truth and putting together your bi-partisan fixes for the ACA will be much, much easier.", "Right....as if a doctor would be willing to lose their hard-earned medical license that gives them six figures a year -- throw away eight years of college plus four years of internship -- just to give one bogus prescription in exchange for a $200 fee. You must be stoned if you really think that." ]
[ "We must have someone who is a better leader than Ige. I will give him credit for privatizing the Maui hospitals, but that is it. He reinforces the principle that legislators with no real excecutive leadership experience in either government or the private sector make poor leaders and in particular poor Governors. Abercrombie was a good example of that. There are exceptions, but Ige is not one of them.", "Tax money shouldn't be going to farmers not to grow crops.\nTax money shouldn't be going to weapon systems that don't work.\nTax money shouldn't be supporting corporate welfare.\nStop ALL that spending and the we can talk about cutting the pittance we spend on the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.", "The BOD of Commissioners should NOT have this power to tell the voters what they think is good for them (or not). This is sucking up to the timber et al faction that give big bucks to elect some of the conservatives currently sitting on the Board. Highly unethical like that hugely expensive gerry-mandering done by Bozievich to make sure that conservatives populate the Board. (Isn't it interesting Jay finds funds for pet projects but not for other things)? I find it fascinating they think someone died and left them God(s). (Excluding Pete, of course. He's the only honest and ethical Commissioner).\n\nThis clearly is depriving everyone (other than those that cozy up financially) of due process. Clearly unethical and probably Unconstitutional.", "Our roads, bridges and other infrastructure are in dire need of repair. Everyone who uses it should pay, preferably by some sort of weight and distance measures. What we don't need to do is use this as a means to reward the self-loving and self-righteous who think they are special for driving high-MPG vehicles. Your fuel savings is your reward.", "You may extrapolate whatever you wish, it's an overused defensive response , but the fact remains that the subsidies have been judged illegal.", "I'm sure it was just an oversight by the author to leave out interviewing anyone on the other side of the ledger, like taxpayers stuck paying the bills, or people that can't even use their newfangled healthcare plan because the deductables are sky high. On top of not doing a damn thing to reverse soaring prices for services.", "It is time for the good senator to knuckle under, eat some humble pie, and back off of her high horse. If she does not, and this impasse remains, nobody will like the outcome which will be very very big bucks to stop work......stopping work on this hummer will not be free, and should it be restarted you can kiss an extra billion goodbye. It is best to finish this monstrosity, see how it goes, and if we don't like it we can tear it down, and as somebody said, used the rubble for shoreline protection against sea level rise.", "Alaska's GOP is paying the oil company's a billion dollars a year to search for oil and gas taking all the risk. Flat out it is not capitalism it is Petro Socialism while proposing to tax the citizens by taking their former paltry nest egg and proposing a flat out income tax. Mr. Nyman you ought to be more careful as there is no free market at work, nor little competitive petroleum pricing to keep fuel prices in competitive order.", "You can \"bill\" all you want, but people without money can't and won't pay. Try to get in touch with reality.", "You can only fool voters for so long before they start to figure things out. The TPP wasn't a \"free trade\" pact. Rather, it mainly promoted corporate interests as was noted by the economist Joseph Stiglitz, who said during a CNN interview that \"The advocates of trade said it was going to benefit everyone. The evidence is it's benefited a few and left a lot behind.\" Stiglitz has been particularly critical of the investor protection language in modern trade deals as well as the corresponding lack of protection accorded labour rights and interests.", "Once again the R's take over DC and we get an unpaid for war on something. This time it's gonna be millions of Mexican workers who are actually the folks who pick and process most of the produce in this country, oh that's right, Bubba Brownshirt doesn't eat kale or spinach. Or a war on folks who we are responsible for displacing because Dumbya needed his multi-trillion buck war in Iraq. I wonder when the adults in Congress are going to step up and remind this 5 year old bully in the Whitehouse that ONLY the Congress can appropriate funds for things like walls or wars. I wonder if there are any adults left in Congress. The D's say they gonna pick their battles and the R's are a bunch of spineless whips. Where did the important issue of National Debt go?", "Just think we could have elected Ben Cayetano and had NO RAIL AND NO NEW TAXES!!!!! for those of you who voted for Cladwell Bachi to you", "You write; \"I do not see any need for the Knights of Columbus to be spending money meddling in the civic affairs\"\n\nOf course not ... we all should just leave that (to meddle in civic affairs) to NCR. :)) Lovely argument ... :)))", "To improve things, Cato recommends that Hawaii do this: cut spending “on sanitation and sewerage, parks and recreation, public buildings, health and hospitals” and other “miscellaneous” areas; relax the state’s “extreme land-use regulations”; and\nadopt a “shall-issue concealed-carry license”. What a bunch of bullshit. I guess Cato institute has never been to Hawaii. Fair to say we don't spend enough on sanitation and sewerage, parks and recreation, public buildings, health and hospitals. All categories of great examples of crumbling infrastructure. Imagine if there weren't “extreme land-use regulations”. Say goodbye to the trees, shorelines and ALL agricultural lands. The islands would be one big KAPU for the poor and average citizens. And one of the nicest things about Hawaii is that we are all not carrying guns, because I'm sure we'd do our best to shoot each other more often if we had more guns.", "But there is still lots of room for the churches to do more. And speaking of OHA, an illegal race-based program, why aren't they pouring millions into native Hawaiian programs and projects?", "Oddly enough - we have an answer to your question. On the one hand, we have Trudeau, dancing ever so delicately around this pipeline issue, while at the same time offering up an $867 million dollar support package to BC's softwood lumber industry. On the other hand, we have Catherine McKenna, Trudeau's environment minister, playing hardball with Manitoba and Saskatchewan over their refusal to sign on to the federal carbon taxing scheme. She is apparently cutting off all of their funding for clean energy projects.\n\nSo, to sum up, Manitoba and Saskatchewan don't follow the federal government's carbon tax initiatives, and they get their hands slapped with funding cuts (courtesy of McKenna). Alternatively, BC decides not to follow the federal government's pipeline initiatives, yet incredibly, not only does BC not hear about it from Trudeau, but he turns around and offers them $867 million in support for softwood lumber, plus further support for the fentanyl crisis. Utterly amazing!", "no mention of lives lost fighting these fires, so the money is well spent, IMO.", "You mean the Castle Foundation is disappointed that their 50 grand can't influence who they wanted? Either you grant someone money or not. To take it away, makes it seem as though the money didn't buy them what they wanted.", "Republicans talk all the time about the need to have simple, flat tax plans with no deductions or credits and yet, the SB21 scheme is about the most convoluted, complex piece of tax legislation this state has ever seen. Alaska Oiligarchy should use a system that rewards simplicity at every level and that oil companies could send to Juneau on one piece of paper. Would probably save the state millions in administration costs as well as saving the oil companies the need to hire an army of accountants.", "Let's rehearse behind closed doors so we can get the orchestration right before the public appearance.\n\nOf course CEO Simpson just happens to have long standing vacation plans and will be unable to attend the committee hearing, even though the committee issued a subpoena, which Simpson's lawyers are challenging. \n\n\"O, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.\" Sir Walter Scott", "Man, do you not realise that it's a PRIVATE corporation that's being sold, and you are asking the GOVERNMENT to step in and meddle with the sale? And to use some arbitrary \"national security\" provision to do so?\n\nJust as governments should get out of people's bedrooms, governments should get out of private business deals.", "This is an old ,and over used, argument. It pretends that Alaska is not being pillaged by the oil companies, and that they are concerned about the 700,000 residents of the state. Our state Government has NOT built any infrastructure that is not directly related to commerce, or has matching federal grant monies. The Republican Legislature has run our government like a failing business that they are pushing into bankruptcy. 40 years have gone by with a request for natural gas distribution to lower the cost of doing business , other than oil, for all residents of the state. Our Republican representatives see us as their customers base rather than constituents that they represent. The state's economy stops at the paperwork on their desks, and their secret agreements with oil companies. They sold thousands of acres of subdivision land to individuals, but provided no access or infrastructure to support the buyers.Unlike the work that was done for the oil companies, and mines.We are betrayed.", "Don't forget some other catch phrases, Gomery, Carbon taxes, Pay for Play Access, Lying, Breaking Promises.", "Hick sure loves to suck in that tax revenue (despite his conflict of interest and staunch opposition to pot). His government continues to leech off a portion of the recreational drug market that is taxed at a substantially higher rate than any other drug. I don't partake but oppose this from the perspective of fairness. Despite record tax revenues this state constantly dances with budget shortfalls. Our leaders have a spending problem, not a tax problem. They should have a special session to address that or not have one at all.", "I agree with Mayor Matherly; if you run into pay for gas that is one thing but to go all the way into a retail store and leave two children who cannot even determine danger, bone head. Running vehicles get stolen all the time, running vehicles catch on fire, a latte is not worth it. Why would anyone criticize him?", "Long ago I gave up putting any stock in the opinions of Toronto-centric newspapers and how they see things running in Alberta.\n\nIt's not up to the government to \"diversify the economy\", and when I hear that it's a sure fire sign of high school level analysis. The government reaps benefits as it collects royalties from where the private investment went.. should they have been like Ontario and tried their best to stop all that investment? No, the job of the government should be to manage public finances in a prudent manner to handle the variability of that income stream. Why no one at the Globe can make this simple point isn't really surprising.", "the mayor has a lot of gall to shift blame on others and to think we are gullible to believe his spew. 95,000 to 100,000 tourist a day traveling Nimitz to Waikiki, really?\"impacts safety/health\"! I didn't know. doesn't want to see the encampments expand! this didn't grow over night. danny garcia \"ready to lose it all\"! when you have nothing, losing it all is not stressful. Caldwell: the State could use help with enforcement, frustrated with Legislature, State could have stepped up and done their part with sit-lie, instead City is filling in the vacuum. this doesn't sound like a mayor that need financial help from the State to fill in their vacuum of an over budget and delayed Rail project. $78,000 annually for homeless clean up crew, every year this is in the budget, same results every year.", "I just think we can do better as a country. Why denigrate others. There's enough money for everybody, merely an issue of allocation and priorities. There's enough room for everybody. We've become angry and self=protective. What's currently lacking is inspired leadership. Why do we have to make it so difficult to allow people to come to America? I believe the Mayflower people were fleeing injustice.", "Mr Tamura, I invite you to consult the books the professor lists at the end of his column. Your isolated examples do not refute his overall thesis. What we call the \"settlement\" of the American West depended on government assistance to a far greater degree than is acknowledged by present-day westerners (and Alaskans) who cling to a myth of individualism. This myopic view of history serves us poorly when we pretend we don't need the guv'ment in our lives because we never did before.", "Exxon get out of Alaska, take your bought and paid for legislators. we are sick of your bull poop its time for term limits for our oil soaked, corrupt , bought and paid for legislators", "Three things:\n\n1. Get an FBI investigation going immediatly to find out where the money went. Can't move forward until that obvious theft is stopped and prosecuted. Do this by carrying large signs at this next meeting and get the cameras to film them.\n\n2. Get rid of all the crooks, starting with the Mayor and the Gov. Dump them no matter what. New blood is needed. \n\n3. Force them to reveal everything and do a forensic investigation by the FBI.\n\n4. Stop allowing these crooks to talk. No more promises and delusions. It is time to put up or shut up. Nothing else matters at this point. \n\nThat's it folks. It starts with a complete reversal of all that has happened up until now. No more BS, no more taxes. Just the facts. That is all we need. And the facts cannot be given to us by the crooks. It needs to be the FBI. Wouldn't it be funny if the FBI can claw back several $Billion and the train can get finished with that money, rather than letting the crooks keep it.", "So the investment firm buys up the Ottawa hinterlands, builds the rail line, then sells the land at a sufficiently inflated price to pay for the rail line with plenty of money left over. Other connected Chinese investors no doubt leverage the scheme by purchasing additional properties and selling them for a big profit. Trudeau gets bragging rights for an infrastructure project that the government did not pay for. So who pays? Future generations of Canadians looking to buy a home at inflated prices. Future consumers looking to buy locally produced food with a reduced agricultural base. Neither of whom are voting in the next election. Sounds like a deal, I would guess.", "Just like we're all paying military contractors through the bloated defense budget and we're all paying to fund that monumental waste of time and money called the DEA and their epic failure called the drug war and we're all paying farm subsidies to people who don't deserve or need them. \n\nNow I don't have any idea how you feel about those specific things that i mentioned but for every government expenditure that I support and you have a conniption fit over, I can name another one that you support and I don't. So how 'bout we call it even?", "It's bemusing to see progressives believe a new tax will solve global warming.", "This is EXACTLY what I have been warning people about for the last 20 years. I have consistently stated that counties are over planning for \"growth\" and allowing folks to invest in property with no guarantee of water. WATER BANK, are you kidding? Water banking relies on \"willing\" water rights holders selling their rights for development purposes. What they don't tell them is that once they sell their water rights they no longer have ANY right to continue to use the water much like selling your car or home forcing the \"willing seller\" to connect to a Public Water System at their own expense. \n\nIf you doubt me on this I can provide you with quotes from the Department of Ecology.", "hey Globe I get flagged for yet openwater2010 gets a pass, why?\n\"remind me again how much of the missing AdScam money your libs are refusing to pay back\"", "Finally I get to hear my own pet peeve articulated this beautifully in the Globe and Man.\nI have never understood why we employ highly trained experts in the field of transit then ignore their plans for something that was dreament up the night before. If Smart Track was really smart it would have already been planned by the experts. \n\nThe billions being spent on that ridiculous subway to Scarborough is evidence enough that politicians are a very big part to the problem and not a solution. \n\nExperts should draft the solutions and the politicians worry about the funding and the timing on roll out of the project.\n\nThank You for this article.", "I got a feeling Javier and a few of his buddies have been directing money their way. Look at Haiti, I have read that the place is worse off before the storm. Where did all those Millions that Uncle Bill Clinton and Bush raised to help. Everyone steals it.", "Unfortunately this initiative seems to have been rolled out without any consideration of a promising aternative, the job guarantee, championed by Mario Seccareccia of the University of Ottawa and many other Canadian economists. It's a pity.", "In the meantime, the US Treasury Dept is printing $1.5 billion a day to cover our expenses. Like Trump said we can't go broke, we print the money. Funny how other nations accept our fiat currency with no real backing except a promise that it will buy goods. It is a crazy system that somehow continues to function. However, every empire that has gone to this kind of system has eventually failed. In the meantime, be happy, spend money like it grows on trees, and don't worry.", "It is a waste of taxpayer money according to Murkowski, but 1.5 trillion for a jet that doesn't work and can get shot down by jets whose designs are 40 years old is not?", "Voter, maybe you've never seen first hand the relationship Jansen and Tillerson (CEO of Exxon) have. You would not see it in Alaska. You'd have to travel a bit internationally to see it first hand.\n\nThe fact is Alaska is being bankrupted by the theft of our oil- presently $9.5 billion per year- free of any severance tax. The $3.5 billion dollar deficit Alaska has will bankrupt our state as soon as the savings are gone. A substantial part of that deficit is the $700 million in corporate welfare Alaskans will be giving Exxon, BP, and COP.\n\nThe business Exxon throws Lynden is enormously valuable. \n\nQuid pro quo.\n\nhttp://www.lynden.com/lyndenpng/\n\nVoters know NOT to trust Exxon. That is why Big Oil brings in surrogates to do the dirty work of misleading voters and trashing good Alaskans running for office.", "It was a nice little golf course. It was also a black hole sucking down taxpayer money. Dana thought she had a way to stop the bleeding, and that would have been nice. Other council members weren't persuaded that was feasible. It is a complex topic and I won't claim I know what the best possible course of action was, but I believe the decision is done, and we all have to move on. At this point, my understanding is that the big golf course is not financially viable, so the mayor and council will need to look at the \"dollar signs\" there. Hopefully, they can keep that community asset running, but nobody has a money tree.", "\"In principle, the idea of greater private-sector involvement in public infrastructure is a sound one.\"\n.\nWrong.", "Personally I would prefer less PFD to a income tax.", "The wording of the new ordinance is more solid then before......it has been upheld In Federal courts....\n\nWhat are people supposed to do, not fight the tyranny of the liberal mob because going to court costs $ ?\n\n\"We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men (people) are created = , they are endowed by their CREATOR w/ certain inalienable rights.......to secure these rights, Governments are instilled among men (people) and derive their power from the consent of the governed....\"\n\nThe people of Kenai gave power to their assembly, and elected assemblypersons, to secure their rights.....and the right they want protected by their elected assembly now is the right to acknowledge their CREATOR at the beginning of assembly meetings.\n\nAlmost ALL our founding fathers were for prayer before Gov. meetings and there are many quotes that show this\n\nHopefully this will hold until the next liberal idealist judge steps on the rights of the people of Kenai that were endowed by their CREATOR", "I need neither soul pepper, nor any other spice daintily sprinkled by presumptuous \"artistic\" directors on tight-assed Toronto audiences.\nThank you, federal government, for withholding support for a cynical, tail-end boomer, classical theatre suddenly using, for personal aggrandisement in a foreign land, the Canadian drama it has always spat on. Our awful provincial government has yet another reason to be ashamed.\nThis will be the biggest fiasco since the spectacularly untalented (but family-monied) late Bill Glassgo (sp?) embarrassed us on Broadway with the gutless, punch-pulling puke of the late, gosh-darned David French, EH.\nTheatre is dead. Canadian theatre was stillborn.\nWe pay taxes for this???!!!", "Wynne's pretense of uncertainty and assurance of fairness is theater. Butts plan is her plan. Divide and conquer. In Ontario small business will lose in taxes, pay a higher minimum wage (including re-alignment above $15) and a carbon tax. But as Wynne says she wants small business to thrive.\n\nOf course the plan is poorly thought out, of course more egregious issues like stock options and trusts are excluded. Income splitting in government pensions is enshrined too. And no market risk for those lucky folks.\n\nThis is a shift left for the Liberals to shut out the NDP and if Scheer kowtows to the old Reform base it will work too. He needs to tack to the now vacant right center.", "Many coal miners in West Virginia demand mining jobs be preserved so their way of life may continue. Many Native Alaskans living in a wildlife refuge demand the oil and gas industry be allowed to drill so they may collect fees to support their way of life. Hawaii is another place where a segment of the population is depending on an extractive, unsustainable practice as their way of life. If the issue is the price of certain fish rising or jobs lost, from what I understand most of our fish is shipped here frozen, and no job is too sacred to face valid criticism. The key issue here is protecting biodiversity and ensuring sustainable marine ecosystems for generations to come. Government can also ease the transition for longliners in any number of ways, because a win for our environment doesn't have to be a loss for anyone. In any case, we should not be fooled by arguments that suggest life in Hawaii will be radically changed by an expansion of the PMNM.", "The U.S. is he only modern, industrialized county which allows people to di simply because thy cannot afford to buy heat care.\nIs that something you ar proud of?\nI'm no.", "You just make things up.\n\nI never suggested Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands and Denmark were not market based economies. Nor did I suggest social programs should be paid for by high levels of debt.\n\nSweden, Finland, the Netherlands and Denmark each pay higher levels of taxation than we do. That's how they pay for far better social programs.\n\nFinland's per capita GNP is about the same as Canada's. The others have per capita GNPs somewhat higher than ours. But their tax rates are considerably more. Canada's gross tax rate is about 31 percent. Swedes pay 43 per cent; Danes, 49; Netherlanders, 37; and Finns, 44 percent.\n\nTheir citizens pay higher taxes because they want good social programs. Canadians just come up with excuses.", "Only claimed by the \"right\" wing politicians and media willing to lie at every turn to justify their own looting of the nation and the world with capitalist armies and financial dictatorship. The current administration is the poster children for all of the worst of capitalism's billionaire barons willing to lie, cheat, steal, and murder to further their own ends. Most of the \"left\" you disparage are buried in foreign cemeteries as they fought for human rights over capitalist tyranny.", "Guess freedom of assembly is out the door too? You have a problem with organizing protest? How anti Constitution.", "You sound like the typical government-funded blowhard guided by naive idealism and a contempt for reality, ironic that those who are net takers of government services are the most vocal proponents for publicly funded entitlements. \"They\" will pay for it, they always do.", "Methinks you doth protest too much.", "OK Stephen, I listened again as Sarah tied the \"entrepreneurial spirit\" to God, and made a plug for a \"military second to none\" to \"defend our interests\" everywhere, which has historically meant imperialism and ruthless interventionism for the benefit of multinational corporations---So no, not the anti-war message you got out of it. \n\nShe blamed the exodus of manufacturing jobs exclusively on the government, again letting multinationals completely off the hook, and greatly stretched the truth about immigration policy, including some outright lies in her various homey-sounding platitudes, which included lambasting NAFTA while railing against the feds for not enforcing it. \n\nAll in all I had a hard time figuring out exactly WHAT she was saying, and so did her audience. They got her reference to Hillary, and I think they clapped in relief at finally understanding something.\n\nI was left wondering: What is \"The Dill\" and why is it so important to the Trump Campaign?", "The \"pie\" isn't fixed in its size. The example of not cutting spending is what the Ds did to Reagan in the 80s. Both of the major parties stink. I can tolerate the Freedom Caucus (Rs) and that's about it.", "Bush cutting taxes to the rich and fighting 2 unfunded wars had nothing to do with that? USA ran surpluses under Bill Clinton and was on pace to pay off the debt completely by 2012. Then W. got elected. You want to cry about the size of the debt at least point the finger of blame in the right direction. Obama ran up debt trying to breath life into an economy Bush and Greenspan completely destroyed by not regulating Wall Street and the housing market.", "So another 30 days. That is about $360,000 per diem and another $360,000 for the Bill Ray center, plus travel etc. Hmmm \n\nThe basics; Walker wants more access to the 'fund' and 'taxes' on the people so that the State will have more money to spend. He also wants to eliminate the cash subsidies to 'new oil' exploration and development. Which, if successful, would provide additional money into the State.\n\nThe Legislature wants to keep their jobs so they do not want to make waves with the voters or donors. \n\nTough spot because neither want what is best for the State. Only themselves and their party buddies. Legislature wants to defer decisions to others and Walker wants to be Teddy R and carry a big threatening stick. \n\nMore money to spend does not \"reduce\" a budget. Cutting expenditures and reducing or eliminating programs are the only things which \"reduces\" a budget! That requires elimination of the personal desires of all the politicians involved! Blackmail is no answer.", "First, OFSI's measures are not arbitrary. They are just ensuring those who buy homes are not overextending themselves. This also will apply to HELOCs. Canadians are over their heads in debt, much of this debt is from lines of credit from people using their primary residence as leverage to renovate or speculate. Those who have bought homes as a primary residence to fund their retirement are not the problem. They have not caused this bubble. Yet many of them have used their property gains over the last few years to redo their home interiors, speculate and purchase luxury goods. (I'm not accusing you.) Historically mortgage rates fall around 5~6%. OSFI's measures will brace us for the inevitable end to the cheap money binge around the corner. Yes, some home buyers will be pushed out of the market.........as they should be. Skip the Starbucks, etc., live modestly like mommy and daddy did and come back when you have ponied up enough for a down payment.", "Despite the media noise, I find a lot of people feel the same way that you and I do, trying to find a rational consensus on our major problems and working to fix them. \n\nIt leads me to believe that our political system with it's emphasis on two party rule, has engrained self interest that is leaving the country deeply divided. And despite the Greed is Good mantra some have distorted to mean only as \"all profit is good regardless of it's consequences to others\", we still have millions of people, at all income levels, that recognize the power of a united national commitment.", "So our border guards are busy as reported by CBC as more than the usual are making their way up north. The superpowers destabilize countries so Europe and we get the refugees - maybe we can charge them for their resettlement or deportation back depending upon our financial condition. Last time I looked we had a growing deficit which in a year or two will translate into higher taxes of all types -> sales, property etc or cuts to services. Our politicians don't care as they have gold plated pension plans on the tax payer dime anyway. The US is smartening up under Trump and getting rid of the unproductive ones on welfare, contributing to crime etc so where is the smart thinking in Canada ? Do we have to vote in KO'Leary ?", "No, they and NB saw the light and agreed to what was offered, as time progresses all other provinces will opt in on the originally offered terms because that is all there is. Come to think of it, this is exactly what Harper did and for which he was reviled by the left. Leap Manifesto and Agenda 21 here we come.", "uh ah protect the middle class ah uh what helicopter ride uh ah innovation hubs", "Yeah, but in Houston, they hate them dern regulations and want to build whatever, wherever. Now we all get to bail them out.", "continued from above\n\nBut we can ask all of those people to pay for a ridiculous 30 foot wall along the Mexican border that everyone with more than two brain cells to rub together agrees will be completely ineffective.\n\nMulvaney's vision is one of utter contempt for Americans.", "Everybody, and especially the private sector, hates \"big government\" UNTIL it can benefit THEM! Now, via a typical smoke and mirrors ploy, Obie wants to use a development he is not building as justification for getting tax exemptions from...local GOVERNMENT. The most important line in the article: The housing agency could build its project without Obie’s, HACSA Real Estate Development Director Steve Ochs said.", "Sometimes it is necessary to support a worldclass company. Yes the Bomber does not extract oil or gas or cut down trees, they manufacture world class products to compete with some of the most sophisticated gadgets out there\n\nI guess we could just follow what happened to the Avro Arrow. Mothball the program and buy its replacements from the Americans. Lose all of the tech specialtists to the Americans and the other major manufactureres. the brain drain would be catatrophic and Montreal would slowly start spiralling down even further.\n\nTo be sure there can be efficiency improvements here, I am not disputing that, but the Avro Arrow\nfiasco just makes me ill to my stomach.\n\nTRhe US government bailed out the carbon based auto manufacturers..........not Tesla. I have had enough of hearing about Bombarbier bashing and I am a shareholder who should be the most pissed!@", "The $1.3 billion in tax credits should be applied to the budget deficit, and not given to the wealthiest corporations in the world. Rex Tillerson, the Chief Executive Officer of ExxonMobil, retired with a retirement package worth $180 million, so the oil price at $56 is not hurting Big Oil.", "I agree with your thought on that, but evidently Senators Wyden and Merkley have other ideas about wealth, and since no House member gets to approve of Presidential appointments, the discussion has to be about Oregon's two Senators who profess bipartisanship but practice the politics of division and disparagement. They cannot be believed on any issues of wealth since they have acquired theirs while in office. They are judging people who didn't acquire their wealth while in office, and will most likely end up poorer for their experience serving, which is not the case with our two Senators.", "Scaleworker .... You sure you meant reason ..... not treason ?", "What is wrong with the legislature!? They have a budget issue to address and they are wasting their time holding up a new industry that will contribute to the tax base. My head is going to explode!", "so much for not paying tax on your escalade.", "That's to cover the extra Micro's. Just saying since the feds have not done squat. I mean the U.S.A. nuclear bomb the smack out of their land.", "That's true, but also Justin and Wynne are bought and paid for politicians that follow the corporate party line, just like the majority of all the others. A good start would be Justin following through on his promise to get rid the first past the post elections. So far he's backing away from it.", "Cluelessness on steroids. Bombardier is in the government graft business. Planes and trains are just vehicles, literally and constructively.", "I guess it depends on who you talk to. I've watched Alberta oil company executives interviewed & most think carbon taxes are not good for the economy.", "We didn't pay for it. Private money - Gates foundation etc.", "OK - I'll delete the part of my comment that Trudeau might be a closet ........................... but the part about some, especially US politicians, thinking that father Pierre might be a communist is historical fact.\n\nSadly, when I read or listen to media presentations about M-103 two thoughts come to mind.\n\nFirst, I think that this is just purposeful distraction concocted by Gerry Butts and Justin to distract Canadians from the Liberals' abysmal financial performance and the impact of such high long-term debt on Canada's interest costs.\n\nSecondly, I wonder if perhaps ................... this is the part I've deleted.\n\nUnder either scenario, Canada is doomed to suffer the same unrest as is being experienced in Europe.\n\nWill our politicians and their advisors ever put the well-being of Canadians first above their own petty, partisan self-interests?", "Freeland has know chosen to join the Russian anti ban wagon of the disgraced Democrats, why am I not surprised.!!!!\n\nPerhaps she should explain why Obuma blocked Key Stone from being built, was it to appease his largest contributor WARREN BUFFET? a man who owns a rail monopoly that carts oil from Alberta to refineries in Texas?\n\nTruly the woman needs to get a grip,\n\nWant to see her in all her making a fool of herself curtsy of the CANADIAN tax payer???\nView her on the Bill Mayor show?\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeaVBNHf--c", "I wish it were that simple. The question occurs that we value different functions of state government at different levels; this makes your idea as difficult as any other I've heard of.\n\nThe biggest problem I've seen is that in many areas, people have made industries of state spending. Education is but one example: on my island, the education industry has been so top heavy with administration that little money is left for students. In Thorne Bay, Southeast Island School District (the state) built a new gym/music complex that was so expensive they had to lay off the music teacher because they couldn't afford a music program.\n\nI imagine the same type of thing has happened across the state.", "Well, I don't disagree with you (completely), but (a) those scandals don't represent all of our politicians, even the ones in Washington! and (b) they were discovered because at least some people still had enough of a moral compass to believe that those actions were in fact a problem (both legally and morally); (c) we should have higher standards, as opposed to tolerating what some people do, whatever the reason for said toleration; (d) neither candidate may have had the moral high ground, but that doesn't mean then that either one of them should get a free pass on bad behavior; (e) even if one were inclined to dismiss what DT Jr. had done \"in the heat of an election,\" his subsequent waffling post-election, as well as JK's lying about it on his security clearance paperwork is still a problem - a big problem, in my eyes. \n\nAs for the superfund, well, yes, I would agree with you, though despite my moral outrage, I don't think character is the main issue. I think the problem is money.", "Almost every major city in the US has adopted this revenue method with great success. We surely can come up with some version of this that fits Hawaii standards without summarily scrapping it! Many cities have grappled with this issue without continually submitting to \"greedy, self-seeking, tax and spend politicians\" that are so eager to take our money. It is only fair that business be more involved in helping to pay for our expenses in a win-win situation.", "Yes debt under Stephen Harper and the Cons is bad debt even though much when he has a minority government and during a world recession while debt under Trudeau which will be far greater than Harper's assuming he is power as long is good debt, too funny! I guess the irony is lost on you Chris!", "Typical. Screw everyone else. We got ours. Just because you secured funding to Alaska does not make it okay to vote for a bill that hurts the rest of the country.", "A little bit of advise for the neighbor island Mayors. No get involved. If you not going put any skin into the game, no play. It's bad enough the neighbor island legislators want to extend a tax that burdens Oahu residents sincethey don't have to pay for it unless they come to Oahu. Maybe Oahu should send up it's homeless population since Honolulu going have to cut services to pay for rail. No get involved.", "I'll have to come down on both sides. Yes, both parties' rules are being flagrantly broken. And these are internal matters. But Pine and Djou are fake Republicans (indeed, former tea partiers) who support wasteful spending and high taxes. So maybe it's time for the local GOP to raise its standards and do some housecleaning.", "I have been trying to keep my being inspired with the help of spirits to a minimum of two a day. For me, the game is a shot whenever he praises the American media system, truly praises the good that immigrants bring to our country, praises social programs that raise hope and lower sickness...\nI would expect a sober evening. \nTruthfully, I may not watch. For some reason, as I have aged, more and more I take things personally and get really sad when one of my leaders shows himself, or herself, to be unequal to the task of caring for all Americans, and instead makes scapegoats of many. It is easier to watch when seen through the lens of a comedy show. \nHugh Massengill, Eugene Oregon", "When someone supports an issue usually they think it is a great thing or that they will personally profit from outcome. From reading so many comments from both sides and doing the math this is never more true than with measure 97. Those in favor are public employees or will profit some how that's all that matters. The ones against are the ones that learned to think for themselves and how to do simple math. This is just one more committee staffed mostly by incompetent people whose goal in life is to live off the work of others other wise known as want to be bureaucrats.", "Oil companies have cut diddly.", "if you actually had a clue you would see and hear president trump planning on cutting 10% in over all government and 20% in washington fed employees thus reducing government over all.", "Like most engineers, you're so fixated on your models that you disregard the fact that humans aren't logical.\nYou assume that since it makes sense to you, the Chinese and the Americans will follow Trudeau's climate leadership.\nThey won't...they'll do what they think is in their best interest.\nYour whole faith in the belief that killing our economy will save the planet is based on faulty input logic.\nGIGO...Garbage In...Garbage out.", "I heard that if you die in debt you win. If true that makes saving highly overrated.", "The effect on others of a collapse in the housing bubble isn't just that their houses decline in value. In fact this is the least of the effects. Far worse will be a tightening of credit for everyone, responsible individuals and corporations and irresponsible ones, those with top drawer credit ratings and those without, thanks to the presence of billions in bad debt on the ledgers of financial institutions. Business credit has been readily available for the last few years, but business investment hasn't been slow, in part because our provincial governments have been working assiduously to increase business costs and decrease business investment. Just think of what will happen when business credit isn't readily available.", "Government handout crowd. I suppose you turned your nose up at the dividend? Do you even live in this state?\nThe only ones with the handouts in this scenario are the oiled up legislature that can't stop spending", "\"Cutting funds that alleviate hunger for the poorest Americans, at a time when major tax breaks are being proposed for the wealthiest, is unconscionable.\"\n\nWhat decent and compassionate people see as unconscionable is simply standard operating procedure for modern conservatives. Anybody that has been paying attention to the morally bankrupt Republican Party should not be surprised one bit by this deplorable behavior.", "Hits the nail on the head and if people can't see the change coming and get behind it they are not thinking well. Unfortunately capitalism with all of the good it produces has to face restrictions at times.\nThe people are the government and the people get weary of excesses and so change is in the making.\nWhen you see all of the things America's money is doing to enrich people and other countries while Americans struggle with health care expenses, being test objects for pharmaceuticals, for profit insurance companies, watch family life erode, watch senseless killings, waste time communicating with over complicated equipment while paying out the nose for equipment that billionaires tell them they need, pressing 1 for nothing, pressing 2 for if you know your parties number dial it now and etc etc.\nUsed to laugh at the Russians for taking all day to get a call across the country and have you ever tried to call Social Security lately? No, it's time for change.", "And the day trump announces he's tired of the national debt issue and declares bankruptcy we become a banana republic. Think those previous gvmt shutdown created havoc?", "or how soros money continues to interfere for his benefit right !! please get off this fantasy fixation and try and debate in the real world.", "Coghill should just do Alaskans a favor and resign. \n\n1. Coghill voted against HB -92, in 2003. This legislation required clergy to report child molesters. Who in their right mind protects child molesters??\n\n2. Coghill took lots of campaign money from felon Bill Allen.\n\n3. Coghill voted to give away our oil with SB-21- and this give away of our oil is about to destroy the Alaska economy.\n\n4. So why is Coghill really pushing \"reform\"? Simple. Giving away our oil and creating a $4 billion dollar deficit requires Alaska to empty out its prisons to save money. Coghill calls it \"reform\" as a marketing gimmick. Who really gets hurt in this \"reform\"? Store owners who deal with thieves who will be slapped on the wrist. Innocent drivers who will be injured or killed by drunk drivers- now that we are going to reduce penalties for this criminal behavior.\n\nCoghill's district is considered to be the most unlivable place in AK. North Pole has the worst air and water pollution in AK.", "I think you are getting the solid gold toilets mixed up, it is the African leaders of countries that Trudeau sends our Tax money to that have those.....thanks to us. I really don't care if Trump's behind sits on solid gold....I didn't pay for it. Whine on buddy, whine on.", "With all due respect, Alex, this is not a game where you cheer for the red team to beat the blue team. This is about people's lives, treating all people with decency and humanity, and, if we want to be purely pragmatic about it, doing what's in the best interest of the country (i.e., immigration equals economic growth, period). Forget about making the country great \"again\"; DREAMers are making it great right now.", "Keep yout hands off the Permanent Fund. It belomg to 'We the People'.", "\"Build it and they will come.\" Saying from Field of Dreams. I'm talking about the homeless. Plus the 40plus mil will probably be about 20mil plus to get rid of all the contamination under those piles as everyone knows.", "Right on! Right on! Right on! Right on!\n\nPeople are somehow under the impression that this mayoral administration is both local and liberal when it's actually neither!\n\nThe money leveled by the regressive excise tax increase doesn't stay in the state. It doesn't even stay in the public sector, lol. It goes straight into the bank accounts of private mainland contractors - friends of that creep Grabauskas who dropped in here just long enough to take a nice fat slice our pie and hook his buddies up with the same. All of course under the watchful eyes of our idiotically over-ambitious mayoral tag team: Mufi and Caldwell. Meanwhile our police department has gone to crap, our prosecutor no longer prosecutes, the homeless problem has basicly gone untouched, there is zero affordable housing and everyone down to the poorest of the poor pays basically the same freaking flat tax to keep these fools and their friends afloat. Cmon now, snap out of it Honolulu!", "There needs to be accountability. Like out here with our supposed YMCA that's a joke of a trailer sitting behind the sewage plant, that cost us like $7 million! Where did all that money go? How do people get away with these ridiculous budgets!? Where's the accountability?", "The Trump Enterprises should be considered non-profit...in fact they are also unprofitable and the recipients of multiple bailouts. That brings in every business in America regardless of ideology (neo-con or liberal). I'd be fine with every business in America being required to show full disclosure of their finances as one of the conditions for not paying taxes.\n\nI agree that simply having a belief in your own superiority shouldn't be a reason for tax breaks. Even if you are a member of a cult, or a jingoistic 'family values' weirdo.", "With Carbon taxes, higher gas taxes, pensions. cap & trade, highest electricity rates, debts increased at an alarm level introduced by both Liberal parties, Ontario & Canada future looks very bleak, but I believed in our PM 's selfies and what he told us \"The budget will balance itself\". \nHow naive the citizens of this country become and trusted in all politicians' lies and empty promises during election.", "I assumed the idea was the play the middle-man only - but keep the individual provinces, etc. in the same role.\n\nI.e., become a bulk buyer & distributor of drugs - but do not take over admin of the plans themselves\n\nThat seems WAY EASIER to setup, way less expensive, way less to worry about. Just get the provinces and canadian plans to buy from the federal govt instead of dealing with the firms directly. But let them continue to manage the programs\n\nThat should only cost say $20M / year to run instead of hundreds of millions but could theoretically achieve the same or maybe even better results.", "Thanks for this article, Denby. Much needed. We did try to say \"Stop. Enough already\" to the erection of a building in our neighborhood with little redeeming grace-- except the prospect of maximizing income for its foreign owners, while blocking views, light and breezes for the houses right next to it. None of our questions or concerns merited thoughtful responses from Avalon, the developer of 7000 Hawaii Kai. http://www.civilbeat.com/2014/12/run-over-by-a-well-oiled-machine-in-hawaii-kai/ As we noted then:.\"The Department of Planning and Permitting had given the developer the green light despite the fact that several conditions of the agreement on which the Neighborhood Board’s approval was based do not seem to have been honored.\" Apparently developers can get away with paying lip service to their \"sense of place\" and dispensing platitudes about enhancing the character of the neighborhood.", "Thanks for the clarification - it's so hard to keep straight who on the left is whose minion these days (even though we all know they're all ultimately funded by George Soros, right?) - but I'm still not sure what you mean by \"bought and paid for.\" If you're saying that \"the teacher's union\" bribed NAACP leadership into opposing charters, then please provide some reputably-sourced evidence; otherwise, you're just a Hannity.\n\nOf course the \"average working family in a poor area\" - one wonders at what your definition of that might be - is free to decide what's best for their children. The argument of the study that Mr. Izard so vehemently decries, as well as my point about the NAACP call for a moratorium, is about what happens when rich white people decide that they should starve public schools of funding in order to promote a system of unaccountable, classist, borderline-segregationist charters.", "Seems whether you're Gerald Butt's friend or his moving company you get way over paid. Canada is simply Gerry's ATM, what do you expect from a former lobbyist....c'mon Gerry, SHOW US THE MONEY !!!!", "Third to last, and all it took to get there was using 40% of our entire governmental budget. ... The system is broken.", "Allow me to make a small correction: \"When HAWAII politicians have to choose between doing something RIGHT and doing nothing, they will do nothing (or look to the union bosses)...it is safer.\"\n\nThanks", "Jules \nYou love that auto industry story don't you? \nAs reprehensible as it was ( I would have let GM go bankrupt )\nThe loan has been paid back. So its kind of old news Jukes...\nIts one time corporate welfare for GM , verses constant , around the clock , year over year, constant corporate welfare for Bombardier, a corrupt ,incompetent, family controlled, bloated , non competitive wasteland of a company.", "The stories in those publications make it clear there was NOTHING illegal about it all - all those stories do is point out a loophole in our current system.\n\nNot to mention nothing is proven and no aid was direct unlike in the US. Donating money to FairVoteCanada is not the same as Russia buying pro-Trump TV ads.", "I vote for the incompetence option. It appears the Liberals think it is okay to give billions to Bombardier but do not support small business creation.", "By doing nothing (option 1) and delaying the inevitable, Mr. Polozi maintains the burden of a lower dollar (higher costs of basic household goods and all imported goods) on the large majority of Canadians who do not live in the GTA or Vancouver. Quite frankly, I'm tired of it. Polozi should exercise option 2. Doing nothing right now will just make it twice as painful for debt-laden Canadians by doing it later.", "That is a cop-out after your criticism of Mr. Brauchler with these comments:\n\n\"Are they a lower form of humanity? If you had said that we need to raise taxes to prevent a two-tiered medical delivery system, you might just have a shred of credibility.\"\nThen:\n\"Medicare for all, financed through taxation. ... And that's just for starters.\"\n\nPerhaps you know that if the specific income tax increases were detailed and the specific coverage reductions were stated then the support for Medicare-for-all would dramatically less.\n\nFacts not faith.", "I must have missed the huge crowds of young folk & people of different ethnic, religious, and racial backgrounds coming together to cheer on whatever old dude, bleach blond, fundamental Christian, or businessman the party put forth to tell them that burning more fossil fuels is the best course of action because, although they aren't a scientist, they know all the scientists in over 200 respected professional organizations devoted to science are wrong; they should be happy with less than a living wage and no benefits because, well, \"trickle down\" and \"right to work\" of course; that healthcare and a post-secondary education is something that should be limited to the wealthy, if not the very wealthy; that more unregulated guns make more people more safe; that voting is for rich folk; that anyone who doesn't fit a romanticized 1950's Leave it to Beaver stereotype is less than human and should be ostracized, etc, etc, etc...\n\nYep -- surely didn't see that. \n\nYou have read the GOP platform?" ]
I wonder aloud why minorities are so over represented on CNN. Charles is a far left leaning black bisexual. That is precisely the opinion he brings to both his written op eds and his commentary on CNN. Don is a black homosexual, who is always giggling about how weird he thinks the POTUS is. And before you paint me with the homophobic brush, I think Anderson Cooper is a terrific journalist, and someone who might be fun to have a beer with.
[ "What an asinine statement, why would democrats target the groups that have been the most reliable voting block they have had for the last 40 years. Next time try using facts and numbers instead of vague, hysterical claims so that you don't look foolish", "If you had ever studied history, you would remember that history is written by the victors.\n\nFor example, Nazi Germany lost. \n\nTherefore, We wrote the histories of World War II. If the Thousand Year Reich had won, we would be speaking German. \n\nThe 'Indians' were the losers. \n\nSo that also includes us selecting the names of roads and such!", "Is anyone surprised?\n-\nHave we all not learned by now:\n-\n\n--If its a Liberal interest and if its championed by Trudeau- it's ill advised , inappropriate and bad for Canada and Canadians--\n-\n \"In the past election campaign, the Liberals made many irredeemable promises to Indigenous voters, such as adopting the United Nations Declaration of Indigenous Rights. Now, instead of impossible legal changes, they are offering words – and words matter in the long run. As the great philosopher Thomas Hobbes wrote, \n-\n“Words are wise men’s counters, they do but reckon with them, but they are the money of fools.” \n-\n-\nThe modern take home circa 2017?\n-\n-\nThe Liberals have no wise men to offer anyone value - and all who have placed their trust in them have had their money squandered and been made to look like fools-\n-\nThe wise men it seems left Ottawa with Mr Harper", "A boneville? Wow what a loser..", "RangerMC appears to be on the side of the white supremacists because he does not condemn white supremacy.", "You're proud of this garbage behavior, from garbage humans... Oh, and you're also \"really liberal\". Rotflmfao ... Who would have guessed.", "The game is played as much between the ears as on the ice. Neil=warrior and Glass = pussy. End of story.", "Other media has released his name and photo. Nice looking young Hispanic. Condolences to the young man's family and friends. I hope they catch the murders. They not only murdered him, they executed him because he likely knew who they were. Nothing but cowards who deserve the death penalty and I don't support the death penalty easily.", "shoot him already and let us through", "The 32% of deplorables still adore him, and the evangelicals think he’s the second coming of JC, lol", "It has never felt so near...and menacing before! I was that tanned, beach girl that mingled with the tourists at Waikiki...long time ago! I never knew they were rich, just silly tourists with loud aloha shirts...but kind and generous. Not a \"Trump-like\" person, at all.", "\"Better than a dope fiend infested hotel.\"\nYeah, keep repeating that and maybe somebody else will believe it.", "Expected the title to give me details on Kim and Park. This article is a rambling ho hum of \"oh wells\" and not worth reading.....hey Lee, stay off the juice! I have better things to do than read your rattling nonsense. You're only writing to get a paycheck, move this junk to the editorials!", "I've written Civil about the \"polite troll\"...\n\nFor example, Tokyo Rose would have never been censored. Unless you trip the switch at Civil for loose use of 4 letter words, it's gonna appear in the comments.\n\nThey leave it up to the community is their (staff at Civil) message in a nutshell. It's a work in progress, but I think I was asking too much of the algorithms. Counting too much on the community to decide the trolls from the non trolls.\n\nYou could simply spread misinformation politely, w/o cussing. The Russians must be thrilled.", "..envious as always..your the biggest fool I've seen on this site..", "We all know your kind of racist: \"I can't be racist, some of my best friends are (fill in the blank)\" Oh and you two guys are so close that you regularly keep in touch with him and his family, you share all your racist posts with him, you are godfather to his children, you worship at the same church. I am impressed however that you had a military co worker who was African American. And wow, no one knows what a subordinate really thinks of them. You are delusional to think otherwise. When you are in a position of authority, you are in a power position over them, they can't tell you what they really think. ESPECIALLY IN THE MILITARY. The truth hurts when you're exposed, Sukiyucky. I clearly struck one of your racist nerves. BTW, I've been sending yours and some other posts from the SA to some African American friends to show them how racist the white people are in Hawaii. It's been fun." ]
[ "Chaput and his fellow conservatives smell less like the sheep and more like the one-percent. To describe fellow Catholics who are politically motivated as 'flacks' requires that he look in he mirror if he wants to know what a political flack looks like. Nothing in these e-mails, whether these exchanges about conservatives or the earlier 'leaked' remarks to the financial sector amount to anything but pragmatic observations.", "I met a nice young woman at the Verizon store yesterday named Aween. I asked her what kind of name that was, and she replied \"Kurdish.\" She said her dad is serving in Iraq in the US Army Military Intelligence as an interpreter, speaking Kurdish and Farsi. \n\nHow many millions are you willing to see slaughtered by sectarian violence in the Middle East before you say, \"Enough?\" Does it not affect you because they aren't white people?\n\nWilliam F. Buckley was asked by a reporter if he agreed with the policy of non-intervention. He replied, \"I categorically reject it. We could have intervened in 1930's Germany with a small application of force. The cost of waiting is measured by 45 million lives.\"", "Did you see what Roskell wrote?\n\nYour questions and points are a different issue. Go find someone who cares to debate them with you.", "I do somewhat agree with this being a win-win. I do think people in this comments section are right to question the UA decision-making process when donors can have such an obvious and extreme influence. But a million dollars as a gift, what's wrong with that? And why fault President Johnsen for recognizing an opportunity? (People also seem to be implying here that he is somehow personally benefiting financially, I don't know where the evidence is to support that)\n\nThat said, the small consideration of the CBJ process, including appropriately incorporating public input, seems like an afterthought here. I personally am a fan (=alumnus) of UAS and generally support development of its programs. But I don't think you can count on public support being a slam dunk.\n\nI'm pretty naive about political and gov't process though, so I'm open to other insights.", "Yet another AP opinion column disguised as 'news'.", "No, no....not quite fair, dear peers.....\nAnnie does not get to make her insinuations and offer her judgments without me being allowed to defend myself. THAT would be uncivil....\n\ntherefore - repost.\n\nReally! You are in some sort of position to judge that?\n\nPoint out to me the lies I have told that give him the right to call me a liar.\n\nGo ahead. I dare you.\n\nWhat you mean to say, I think, is that his liberal leanings are more in accord with yours....and that, apparently, gives him the right to make judgments and call others names.\n\nWell. As I said...I dare you. Or I, for one, will accept your apology.", "No, it's a dig at the media establishment.", "Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission\n\"The potentially far-reaching case asks what should win when the conscience rights of small-business owners who object to same-sex marriage clash with civil rights protections for the LGBT community.\"\n\nThis is a case of \"two wrongs do not make a right.\"\n\nThe Cakeshop people have about as much \"Christianity\" in them as the man in the moon. Why? Didn't Jesus give His second Commandment as: \"Love your neighbor as you do yourself.\" Did Jesus put any conditions or legal exceptions in that Command? No, He did not. These Cakeshop people are operating out of a position of hatred for those folks who are different. These people are small \"c\", claim to be Christians, but their actions put a lie to that claim.\n\n((CONTINUED))", "Wow, the comments are hot and heavy. Will John McCain get to understand that his positions are not that popular. He thinks that the bipartisan majority are \"in favor of alliances, trade, investment, and globalization.\"\nAlliances are a two way street. We spend more money on defense that everyone else combined.\nTrade needs to be balanced to keep alliances fair.\nOur tax policy assures that our investment stays in other countries and creates jobs there.\nOther countries think Globalization means that we should do what they tell us to do.\nJohn, take from those that work and invest and have and give to those that could work but do not is a socialist concept that we know never succeeded.", "How does CNN get into all your posts?", "So Liberal.....and then these clowns refuse to listen to the outrage over taxing small business and Drs and Lawyers more..........zero empathy, zero regard.........and then they turn around and funnel that money into Khadr and baloney like this. People should be in the street rioting already.", "The purpose of this column seems to be: how can I define a bunch of political axes so that my position sounds best? Pretty funny, actually. \n\nBut also unfortunate, because the left-right distinction has become problematic and often does constrain sensible policy discussion these days. But Manning's alternative frames are transparently self-serving and skewed. A wasted opportunity.", "Let's see... according to your past posts, you were born into a Jewish family but now you are a converted evangelical Christian who out-Christians every other Christian on the forum. But more, you have jeered at Elizabeth Warren for claiming a drop of American Indian blood, but now you are claiming to be an Evangelical Christian Jew who is also American Indian! It boggles the mind! No wonder you are such a mucked-up mess.\n\nI suppose now you will be claiming you're a better lesbian than any of the others? Enough, Jack, for one day. and \"jack\" is spelled with a j in front and a k at the end, but r and e in between. Have a nice trump today, jack!", "No, argyle5663, I rather enjoy debate - one reason why it's frustrating to see the 'emoji only people' who lack the intellectual courage to put their actual views on record. (I note you haven't actually done so either, choosing to rely on Neil MacDonald instead.)\n\nMy comments about ignorance and the weak-minded was aimed at people who started out believing M-103 actually did create new crimes - and there were many then and remain lamentably many today. You may have noted that the original post I replied to had claimed \"Bill M103 only protects one faith.\" That's ignorance.\n\nI don't have time to go through each point in MacDonald's column, but he seems to have neglected Ezra Levant's malice, ill-will, and reckless disregard for the truth - and those are the words of the judge who ruled against Levant in his last defamation suit.\n\nMacDonald's chicken-little column also ignores the strict limits placed on hate speech legislation - criminal and human rights - by the SCC.", "Because he's listening to his constituents... imagine that.", "I'm certainly not going to believe some Globe poster who thinks Obama is a Communist.\n\nLol.", "Could surely enjoy more from this author.\n\"Having been involved in some struggles against injustice, I have become more aware of how we can become like what we fight against. \"\n\nThis IS a question Americans should engage with as we spread war among the world.\n\nAnd again, \"I finished my graduate studies with the conviction of the importance of recognizing the significant questions in life, in faith, even when the answers were not clear.\n\n'The important thing,' said Fackenheim in one of his lectures, 'is to deepen the question.'\"\n\nI guess I would like sermons in my church that would force me to \"deepen the questions.\"", "Ok, that is pretty funny and kinda \"cute\". \n\nThe Supreme Court's ruling on the Slants. Yes, I know. The KKK and White Nationalists marching in the streets is not the same thing no matter much the Supreme Court wants to say that. \n\nI know. It is so easy for Conservatives to hide behind the Supreme Court. They love it that way. The law of the land. Well the law is wrong. It has been wrong in the past, and it is wrong today in regards to the KKK and hate groups. The slippery slope argument is incorrect in comparing these two examples. \n\nThe Slants are using a name, but what if they are singing about \"love\"? Then what? In other words, it is the intent that matters more then the \"commercial name\". \n\nNice try, but I disagree.", "Really? A muslim guy shooting someone? How is he a liberal? \n\nThe baton rouge thing was by a sovereign citizen. AKA trump supporter. LOL!\n\nEpic fail.", "You brought up five, so I'm bringing up one. Speaking of racism, wasn't it Democrat FDR who sent thousands of Japanese-American citizens to concentration camps? They lost their homes and businesses in the process. That's the democrat way of economic distribution. Don't talk to me about racism until you explain that. So,was FDR a 'fine person'? \n.\n Racism is ugly, yet some people like your own Senator Robert Byrd of W Virginia was a Klu Klux Klan wizard that evidently mended his ways? ..... some might say he was a fine person. Trump never condoned racism like Byrd did or the liberal democrat party has done in their embarrassing past. Look in a mirror before casting stones...Where racism is concerned, you have a party that's full of it.", "You're off topic again, Grizzly. The conversation we were having is about your incessant whining about how you live paycheck to paycheck despite your bloated state employee wages and benefit package. And because you can't live within your means, and budget your money, you think it's Obama's fault. Typical Trumpeter, always a victim.", "I believe your hypothesis is correct. Trump is becoming a lame duck Republican but I disagree that the American form of democracy is showing cracks. I believe it is working exactly has the founding fathers had wanted it to. The system works best through consensus. It restricts presidential power, congressional power and the power of the courts.\n\nWhen a nutjob like Trump gets elected Congress can, had does assert itself (e.g. Russian probe, Russian sanctions, ObamaCare, etc.).\n\nI would not rule Trump out. If Dems get majorities in Congress I would expect Trump to push through an infrastructure package, tax reform and other items that Dems can get behind. He will rationalize and say he is \"making deals\" - even if it is not the conservative agenda he hitched his wagon to. Remember, Clinton got a fair bit done with a Republican congress.", "Oh Rochy give it a rest will ya. First off you have never read Marx or Gramsci and the fact you keep devoting words to a thinker from 150 years ago is tiring. Marx helped usher in a lot of the rights you as a worker enjoy today. And a lot of it is very dated for sure. But what I don't get with you low effort types is the anger and hostility and the child like arguments. \nNow just what did Thomas say that was wrong rochy? Is he increasing military spending? I heard he was, so that increases debt; is he cutting taxes on the wealthy? I heard he was so that is also increasing debt. And the wall rochy the wall.... he says he is going to pay for it up front and bill them later...will that add to the debt rochy? Trump has gone bankrupt 5x and stiffed people for large sums of money and could care less. What are your thoughts on that debt rochy? Is that a good way to do business? You can do it rochy you angry man-child. Where are the cost cuts coming from rochy?", "Bill, I think you are strictly framing journalism as a profession rather than considering journalism as an ideology, and a way of being in the world, and understanding the world. In the latter perspective, which I recommend highly, comments are a part of journalistic discourses. They share the same basic space (physically and conceptually), so they should have some fundamental standards. My argument is really simple. If you work for (or lobby for) a particular special-interest group, then you should disclose that background when you comment on that particular topic. If you do not, you inherently present yourself as something you are not, unaffiliated and independent (of the substructure you belong to). ... And in terms of being your Reader Rep, whether you agree with me or not, my role is to prompt and foster these types of important societal discussions. Whether I agree with you or not, I appreciate your participation, and I hope you continue to promote civil discourse here.", "How do you know, Pandora, that they are just \"stories?' and without merit? Isn't your denial also filled with \"loads of agenda?\" Please excuse my turning your own style of questioning and disagreement on you personally, as I do believe you are unaware of the verified investigative reports - aside from personal exchanges with clerics in Rome - that confirm such stories, including of clerics of all levels visiting brothels of both men and women. Interestingly, much was learned as a result of the Vatican rumors of a \"gay lobby\" that was significant in the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI. It was amazing how so many talked as a result of that event. I wish that our friend with deep ties to and in Rome was around to once again give us the citations from the mainstream press there. But I am sure you can find it with a bit of research. A Blessed Christmas to you and yours!", "Off topic but I felt this is an interesting line from the G&Ms Civil Comments FAQs:\n\"We’re strong believers in freedom of speech and freedom of the press, but\"...\n\nAs a rule of thumb, any time you see a \"but\" after a statement of principle it means the preceding statement is a lie. Ie \n\"I am not a racist, but....\"\nI believe in helping the poor, but...\nI believe in gender equality, but ...\nSo if somebody says \"I believe in free speech , but...\n\nYou get the idea.\n\nPlease mark all comments, even the rude ones you don't like, as civil, or the G@M censors will win.", "I agree. As a progressive, the thought of \"President Pence\" makes my hair (the little I have) hurt. Trump is a blowhard: he doesn't know anything, doesn't believe anything, doesn't care about anything -- except about Donald Trump. Pence is a true-believer; he absolutely believes and passionately cares about the causes he espouses. While I respect that, I also hate to think of him bringing those (mostly) nasty ideas to the presidency. Pence would be able to run for two more terms! If I cared only about policy, I would prefer to see Trump -- corrupt, incompetent, unhinged -- bumble through his four year term, getting none of his agenda enacted. But I love the country, and I know we have a responsibility to the country, to the world, and to history to engage the constitutional process to remove Trump from office, even at the cost of President Pence. Trump is always just one tweet away from disaster.\nDoes calling someone \"snowflake\" bolster a fragile male ego?", "Hank Williams Jr. is our BEST option. Kid Ro k, Jenner, Hank Jr. For senate. What a interesting setting that would be in Washington D.C.", "Further (since the new \"civil\" service apparently has a character limit), I would ask if you have any information to refute CNN's claim, that they also contacted the GOP in reverse situations? If not, then I would say this is simply trying to create some conspiracy where one doesn't exist.\n \nThe other link started with \"research request: top 10 worst Trump quotes?\"...so I kinda doubt that is what you actually wanted to send me.", "This is un-presidential behavior. On what planet are we living on that nutty twitter rants are relevant. What a shame.", "Respectfully BORME73, I understand Mr. Tillman may have felt that Iraq was an illegal war, many including myself have problems with the Iraqi War; but where might I ask did you find that Mr. Tillman supported protesting during the flag and national anthem? The assertion \"...he'd likely side with the kneelers...\" is way too big a leap to assert in my opinion. I find nothing that would indicate he would support such, especially noting his love of country. Might you point out anything to support that assumption? \n\n\nSecondly, Mr. Obama refused to wear the American Flag on his lapel for other reasons, none being because of where it was made. He flip-flopped on that reasoning and later donned the flag, as well as disassociating himself from his pastor, but only once public opinion was found to oppose him. He flip-flopped on a lot issues to get elected. He made many great sound bites, but his words were mere posturing and lacked merit, he was a very weak president on the world stage!", "When the giant forest fire in Canada a year or so occurred, I don't recall hearing or reading of a single American expressing feelings of superiority over Canadians because they built the town with one road out and houses in the woods. \nThese comments are a uniquely Canadian thing. \nThe articles here and virtually every comment was supportive and somber. Then again, these are the same people who rejected numerous offers of help from America and instead brought in a bunch of South Africans with specialized sticks for forest fire fighting in the particular terrain. \nWhile you get great joy out of people drowning in Houston most Americans think Canada is a friend. That's not due to mental impairment on the part of Americans. All of the credit goes to the insidious nature of the bigotry up there. Houston has a huge Spanish population. So technically it could be racism and not just plain bigotry.", "SayeSo Sayeth Martin, the Liberal uber-apologist.\n\nAfter the “shock and awe” of Trump’s victory, I’m surprised that he isn’t still hiding in his “safe space”…..", "Mr....uuumm President Trump, can I ah, ummm aaah,call you Don, like we are old friends which of course we are as I have supported your every unilaterally bilateral initiative in wome....ahhhh ummm aaahhh free tra...ahhh positive perspective,as we go forward with ahh umm fairy dust in our hair and a bilateral symbiosis chlorophyllific science based unicorn recovery program umm ahhh ...phuuuf is it.selfie time yet ? O0h is that the bus to take me on holiday ? /", "You've been smoking with the Bundy gang. The reality based universe laughs at you.", "\"Look how diversity has hurt Anchorage\"?\n\nOnce again Herr Rhyner proudly displays his racism for all to see. He would have made a great Nazi. It's racist, homophobic, xenophobes like Rhyner that help keep the hate alive. Herr Rhyner should be ashamed of his remarks but he thinks they're something to be proud of. What a tool.", "\"That P.C. crowd might be catching up with those works. Kinda funny how I love his stuff and not once did I ever associate race with any of his characters.\"\n\nI feel the same way. I'm still not sure how Suess' is racist, but anything can be in this day and age. Red fish, blue fish probably insults the orange fish left out or something.\n\nYou're right, I need to calm down, it's just frustrating constantly reading drivel such as this. Oh well, it's just the way it is for the time being. \n\nAs far as my uncivil markings, who knows? I think i'm nice and civil! No worries, it's the same people tagging me over and over, I actually figured out who a few of those very bored people are, at least they don't follow me to Bronco threads.", "It seems that you have drifted wildly off the original topic of the 1801 appointments here Paul. But, since you brought it up, I’ll take the bait. \n\nThe press habitually mischaracterizes controversies in our federal judiciary as progressive liberals versus conservatives or Republicans V. Democrats. In reality the fundamental debate is over how much authority unelected judges have to set public policy and all too frequently, IMHO, make law under the rubric of a living constitution.", "It's been a long time since the Sec of State actually did the audits job because any faults would lie at the feet of the Democrat Party that controlled government and hired all the managers, administrators, and civil service help which, of course, was required to belong to one of the various public employee unions and pay dues to elect, of course, more Democrats. All the legacy of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the horn dog intern banging President so admired by the left. He allowed the Feds to unionize the bureaucracy. Big mistake. Look what they are doing to Trump under cover of union protection. Leak, and leak some more. Untouchables. And no different in Oregon. Public employees are untouchables. A protected class. The enemy of the 'deplorables.'", "Macron has a very good chance of winning, so why not blow your trumpet. Sounds like the establishment media are feeling a little piqued.", "Someone from academia has \"triggering\" issues? Who'd have thunk?", "Although the comment was distasteful, the Gloom, Boom and Doom is some pretty good reading. He's clearly highly intelligent.", "\"Not incidentally, perhaps, keeping Wheeler from winning outright next week would help Mayor Charlie Hales, husband to Iannarone's boss, Nancy, at Portland State University, where she helps run the First Stop Portland program.\"\n\nShe called a person who asked about this, sexist. She is not a good candidate, rather then answer an question about potential conflict of interest and ties to the former mayor, she character attack a potential voter.", "CBC and liberal Canadians, led by our illustrious leader, epitomize this smugness.", "Howler is saying be the Conservatives need to be the anti-liberals.", "Okay, so go read Breitbart; it's a lovely echo chamber of racist, sexist garbage. Would you rather your child had cancer or feminism...remember that little chestnut? Here, we have Ezra Levant's \"The Rebel\", itself a wonderful source of right-wing rubbish, half-truths and pure fiction. Remember the report on the school board in Ontario that exempted Muslim students from Remembrance Day activities...even though that never happened?", "Hard to miss the rhetorical delight of many writers@theGlobe (abetted by a cadre of academe \"progressives\" at masculinity-is-toxic.edu) in fanning the flames of 'male dread. The n-word is used mainly as metonymy in Huckleberry Finn (=black slave); the classic is now “toxic” for some because of its 1 unfortunate use as metaphor (= inferior human). The same in reverse is the case with the way the m-word is deployed by 2 many feminists: powerful men are “garbage”; all men are powerful, by definition. Ergo… \nIt's imperative to take down \"predators.\" Not so to suggest, even semi-equivocally, that “rejecting masculinity” is key to being \"fully human.\" You rarely read anything in lib. press that takes women to task for their part in the \"semiotics\" at play in the ways men negotiate \"the spaces between archaic ideals and modern reality.\" It's true that the Globe employs Maggie Wente, who pleads for balance in otherwise rancorous \"conversatìons\" but she’s equivalent of NYT patsy, David Brooks.", "Blankenyblank, you notice that my comment was removed? Apparently, an opposing viewpoint to the liberal mindset is not allowed. Golly, Stalin would have loved this system, as would Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao, etc. Yeah, censorship under Alice is alive and well at the Dispatch.", "But Colonel Sanders is white!", "had to bring color into it. otherwise its only an opinion..? I feel like most the people on your short list are .......older white men. you need some more thought put into this one.", "I always laugh when Trudeau and his sorority use the word \"engaged with\" instead of \"in discussions with\"", "That would depend on whether Trump does something as great as organizing and inspiring a years-long series of marches, protests, and voter registration drives culminating in the end of racially segregated public facilities in the US. Now Dr. King is an icon representing racial equality, which is still, almost fifty years after King's assassination, a work in progress. So, King isn't just history, he symbolizes a struggle that is still central to our national identity as a \"great melting-pot\". What great, transcending national turning-point (and it would have to be for the better to compare with King's achievement), do you think Trump might inspire and lead?\n\nAnd remember, Ronald Reagan associated with known members of the American Communist Party, and tried to join the party, in 1937. However, Reagan made no significant, essential and lasting changes to our country, as King did.", "Geez with that childish name I am wondering what kind of narrative you prefer? The Libs could balance the books and have the country and full capacity and you would still be complaining. Sad when a lamb does know it is one.", "I have no use for Trump, but assuming that his followers are \"pathological\" is a neat way of ignoring the working-class discontent that is fueling his campaign, and was a big part of the force behind the Sanders campaign. It's a wonder how the liberals manage to avoid getting the message. I guess they're too wrapped up in their comfortable middle-class lives to see the writing on the wall.", "Oh Tim, if only history were so black and white! As someone who also taught social history at the UO I'd say your remarks, while humorous, reflect quite a one sided view of a man who had a huge impact, good and bad, on Oregon history. Yes, General Joseph Lane fought in the Mexican War, fought Indians, supported slavery for a time, was a fanatic supporter of states rights, supported the South's right to Secession, and ran as a VP candidate in the breakaway Southern Democrat party. Whew. He was also known as honest, hard working, a great leader in developing Oregon's government , courageous, so respected by the Takelma (Rogue) Indians that one took the name Chief Joe.\n\nFollowing the disgrace of his pro-South political debacle he lived in the hills almost as a hermit with only Peter Waldo, a young black man, as company once Polly died. In his old age he apologized for his youthful extremism, moved to Roseburg and was honored by Republican's from Douglas County to Eugene's OSJ.", "because the lifestyle is abnormal, chosen, and pushed in our faces as being ok.", "The funniest part about a deranged man in charge of the GOP is that you have a deranged man in charge of the GOP. Self inflicted wounds make for funny stories.", "Kevin Deleon is a foreign insurgent and a racist with communist tendencies. He would be much more dangerous to the country than DiFi.", "HERE is a more balanced news story - gives both sides of the story - c'mon G&M, get on the story -- http://www.cknw.com/2016/12/30/former-potential-political-candidate-and-campaign-manager-at-odds-over-harassment-allegations/", "WM and SF are typical Lib trolls. They have nothing to say but insults and flag and attempt to have anyone removed that makes them feel bad.", "Issues like this are instructive...lets' you know what is truly indefensible...\n\nlet's see..\n\n1. The \"C's from Ottawa\" are nowhere to be found... Goes for the \"Siren\" and a few others as well..\n\n2. Head over to the CBC on this and you find that even after a couple of hundred posts, for some reason, the are NO \"editors' picks\"...hmmmmmm\n\n3. You learn that there really is a PM Butts...but since he is un-elected, he really should have a new title....\"special adviser\" or what ever it is, isn't grandiose enough, nor adequately descriptive...\n\nPerhaps when the Governor General lottery spins around again to \"white male\" (bearded subcategory), he can fill the role..", "Bozo the Clown, had a free speech right. He wore Red, White and Blue. This is what happens to Football Heads, who flunked 8th grade civics.\n\nJoin the Democratic Party! When you too stupid to breed in Africa, ask ye cousin's, why they shipped you out of Nigeria?\n\n\".I see one--grandson of a hard rider of the Revolution and bearer of his historic name--who was with us at Fair Oaks, and afterwards for five days and nights in front of the enemy the only sleep that he would take was what he could snatch sitting erect in his uniform and resting his back against a hut. He fell at Gettysburg. [Web note: Col. Paul Revere, Jr., 20th Mass.].\n\nHis brother , a surgeon, [Web note: Edward H.R. Revere] who rode, as our surgeons so often did, wherever the troops would go, I saw kneeling in ministration to a wounded man just in rear of our line at Antietam, his horse's bridle round his arm--the next moment his ministrations were ended....\nhttp://www.people.virginia.edu/~mmd5f/memorial.htm", "So open-minded and tolerant, so willing to listen, today's youth:\n\nhttps://www.thefire.org/list-of-campus-disinvitations-2000-2014/\n\nThere would be protests if Jesus Himself were invited to speak at ND.", "As a student at UAA I'd just like to point out that not everyone at the school supports or agrees with this piece of art as some of you have grouped us. I would also like to say that this is art, maybe not as a whole but the detail and painting itself is really well done. I am not an art student and have never taken a class by this professor but from what his students have told me he doesn't push his political opinions on them. This painting was done outside of class hours and beyond the knowledge of students. A university is supposed to support the difference of opinions and art promotes freedom of expression. I personally don't have a problem with the painting at all. I think people get too wound up about their political affiliations and it creates too much conflict. The painting in itself is just another opinion, just like all of the comments here. If you have a problem with it then don't look at it.", "It's harmful to continue to stereo-type and pigeon-hole people into little boxes filled with hatred and presumptions. It's toxic and divisive and does not contribute to intelligent and robust dialogue.\n\nI admire Justice Levinson for his long history of professionalism and advocacy for the public.", "No. They live in a social and political bubble where they think anyone that thinks differently than them is an extremist and it is the ADN's responsibility to push their agenda on all of ou, regardless of balance or full truth. Ultimately, they believe anyone who disagrees with them is wrong and any other point of view cannot be expressed. It's not a free forum, but rather propaganda.", "The Conservatives are in left field with their criticism. They are basically saying they support Trump. We should all be thankful that they are no longer in power.", "Justin would fill too much space with ums and ahs", "Kimmel is a substandard host. I heard Kimmel was antagonistic his crew too. But attacking our US president after he's been duly elected by a majority of us and in office, is comparable to me joking that his newborn should \"quit\" after he was born now that he's having problems. I would never say that, just as Kimmel knows he should never have promoted the president quit. Both are evil.", "No idea, G.Will.standonguard, but here's a question - why would whatever one woman wrote make you question 'granting' the vote to half the population? \n\nI repeated it here to put some of your comment above in perspective, like \"a ladylike figure like Merkle\" and \"as we covet the weaker sex.\" What in god's name is that about? And all this as comment to an article about misogynism.", "Watching Mr. Trump \"on stage\" in Phoenix was actually a little frightening. IMO, I was watching an American President who seemed to be \"channeling\" Benito Mussolini....the strutting; the primping; the upthrust chin as he absorbed the roar of his crowd of sycophantic supporters. Watch some of the films of Mussolini, I think you will see what I mean. Trump's performance....and, it was a performance,....was about him and was designed and orchestrated to \"feed\" his ego. Watch it for yourself; listen to his bragging and his appeals for adulation. Then, ask yourself: Does this man seem focused on the welfare of our country or on his own ego gratification? Is this man really emotionally fit to be our President? and finally, do you really want such a man to continue as our President? Gary Crum", "This just doesn't belong on CB. What I get from this trash is that they condone people taking secret video at private CASUAL parties (I see shorts, jeans and slippers on the guests which usually means relax, have fun, we're off the clock/record tonight) of people just to make trouble. I've never viewed CB as a TMZ/Sensationalism type publication but obviously I was wrong. What exactly did he do so wrong given the setting? Dropped an F bomb and gave a passionate speech that probably could have been shorter? Hardly a case for an inquisition and public hanging. Kicking a man while he is down is just shady. Talk about standards. I'm holding CB to a higher standard and they didn't meet it with this one.", "Talk about misplaced emphasis.\n\nI guess emiseration and oppression of women all over the third world, lack of clean water, extrajudicial bombings, cruelty to animals, global warming, the removal of Obamacare health coverage, immigration driving down wages, mass death of the ocean biosphere, the ongoing occupation of Palestine, etc. etc. can all take a back seat to the political program being constructed off Charlottesville. \n\nRegular folks are sure lucky to have the Blue Church looking out for them.", "I'm not really seeing Orwellian newspeak or political correctness here despite the hand-wringing from both sides. \n\nThe true problem with alt-right isn't that it glosses over racism or xenophobia; the problem is that it is a catch-all for right wingers that are outside of the traditional Republican fold. I wouldn't put Sarah Palin or Micelle Bachmann in the same camp as Richard Spencer yet they both fall into the “name-that-shall-not-be-spoken” camp.\n\nBetter we come right out and say it. Spencer is a neo-nazi; Bachmann and Palin are know-nothing opportunists.", "I wouldn't put that beyond the Liberals.", "I take ALL comments and articles written by the wapo, as nonsense. They believe in 'global warming' human caused, they believe in 'open borders', they believe in 'solar and wind' power, (what nonsense) They believe polar bears are drowning, they believe the oceans will rise and consume Miami and LA, they also believe Obama was a good man, for that alone, I have no use for any of their 'thoughts'.", "According to the followers of the Teleprompter Jesus™, two term Obama was persecuted just for being black while president, so it comes as no surprise that the biggest news of the day for the anti-Trumpers isn’t the $110 billion arms deal with the Saudis, but a glowing orb from a Harry Potter movie. Secretly, they’re just angry that Obama wasn’t invited to touch the Magic Muslim 8 ball, after he kissed their behinds.", "The leftist media proves it knows how to dish it out but can't take it.", "Whatever happened to their we always take the high road? And free speech so she wants to buy out Twitter and silence our president lol well good luck with that one Alice, wonderland is just around the corner! And the left wonders why we voted for Trump!! Ha! \nIt's because of people like her!!!", "A Hanomansing and Swain pairing sharing the National would be perfect. \nGender and ethnic balance. Interviewing and investigating skills.\n\nMesley grates and ingratiates.. Everyone else is third-rate at best.", "I agree with the author. The firing of the engineer has certainly put a chill on how I see Google. Claiming you are open and diverse- then directly opposing that with your actions- just makes you hypocritical. I am female and I left a lucrative career for a lower paying one to be with my children. That was my choice, and I certainly don't criticize anyone who makes a different one, but there was truth in the memo. Maybe not the whole truth or everyone's truth, but it was true enough that a debate about it woud have been more beneficial to the company than just firing the guy. Today Google looks like a left wing fascist corporation- what a shame.", "There's a turnaround going on. With it fully out that the Obama Administration dropped the ball on the Russian hacking, Lynch now being investigated by the Senate and with the Collusion thing an obvious lark to cover up the lack of spine when dealing with the Russian hacks, and the Democrats going 0-4 in special elections, it's getting interesting out there. Oh what will the MSM do now? Can't wait to see them screw the pooch more than they have already done.\n\nThe pendulum will swing again, never a boring moment so far.", "How apropos, the timing of the picture of Snowden, Margaret, and the Aga Khan, and the recent tribulation of Trudeau chumming it up with the jet setter crowd.", "Morneau is using the left wing buzzword \"fair\". Thus whole exercise is about inflamming opinion in the hope that the \" soak the rich\" crowd votes liberal instead of ndp, which makes your position particularly hypocritical", "Typical liberal response . If you don't agree with the comment , you accuse the person of being a Klan member . I can't stand the Klan , Nazi's , or any other groups that hate people based on color. So there goes your argument on that. Look , here's the deal---we eagerly invite people from other cultures to move to Anchorage---even though we don't have enough jobs and homes for those already living here. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to notice one glaring fact---look at the names and faces of who's committing the most crime in Anchorage. Maybe you can explain to me why a majority of all the shootings , home invasions , and other crime is committed by certain groups of people. Read the Dispatch every day. Notice the pictures in the paper . You don't hear of roving street gun battles occurring between gangs of white people do you ? Why is that ? Should we just look the other way or turn a blind eye and pretend the common denominator in most of the crime doesn't exist ?", "If some are 'Trumpettes\", I suppose others are Hilariots.", "Hey Miss Taylor, relax, he's a comedian. Just relax. \nEverybody is offended these days.", "Unless the \"trend\" of YOUR life has been a sin-free existence, please don't insult God and presume you know how He wants one of his beloved children to be received into eternity. That is the sin of presumptive hubris magnified a million times. And you find it OK to hurt a grieving family in the process!\n\nAnd don't show up here claiming to be pro-family, although I think you have a warped belief system that, like the solider in Vietnam said about torching homes, \"We have to destroy the family to save it.\" \n\nYou are against gay weddings. But you go beyond reason, compassion, empathy, support, and charity when you come out against gay funerals. Of course, I believe you and Life of the Lay think Christian values of compassion, understanding,intimacy, empathy, and caring are \"trendy emotions.\" \n\nI would say about you and Bishop Morlino what Daniel Patrick Moynihan said on the day of Robert Novak's baptism: \"Well, we've made Bob a Catholic. Now to make him a Christian.\" \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n.", "Yes, it is a popular place for homeless and \"travelers\". But those are not the people taking selfies. Rather, it is people finding something remarkable and cool that they want to remember. People play with the statue, everyday, who are not \"essentially drug users.\" And the truth is that Kesey is much more than a hero to drug users. That is why the U of O gave him an award for being an outstanding contributor to our community and why they proudly host his writings. He is also a hero for those who are driving reforms of the mental health system, for the kids he taught, and for his many grateful readers. Nobody is perfect, and despite his characteristics some call flaws, he remains an outstanding contributor to Eugene's arts & culture worthy of our admiration and thanks. And if you haven't read \"Sometimes a Great Notion\", you are missing out.", "What is \"homosexual behavior\"?", "Please allow me to reply, Null, how unfortunate it is that you have chosen to post here under this pen name. Its accuracy is such that it is embarrassing. This observation aside, it is widely agreed on that Mr. Landrieu's speech making the argument for the removal of all Confederate monuments in New Orleans is one that stands out high and indeed proudly as the statement of what it means to be an American - namely, a decent citizen who is not afraid, and indeed eager, to confront him or herself with the darkest past of this nation, learn from it, and turn it into something inspiring. Mr. Landrieu's magnificent speech (which was well noticed worldwide outside the USA) and the actions it accompanied are an inspiration for all of us, as it shows that there are indeed elected officials who rise up to defend decency, freedom, and American values - none of which is respected in the current Congress, and much less - in fact, not at all - by the current occupants of the White House.", "How did I miss your post???? Confused--why are you calling WE insane? Fake? Perhaps you've been fishing in the sun for too long. See, Rush takes on the msm ALL the time. And referencing the \"F\" word is a dead giveaway. Clearly you are a Left-Wing Communist plant. Go hide. And tell Soros I'll pray for him.", "The \"Christian Right\",AKA,the Alaskan Chapter of the Texas KKK..He's lucky he didn't get burnt at the stake,I imagine if he would have been black,he would have..", "Well I know of someone else who is a rigid ideologue with a narcissistic personality and his name is Barack Hussein Obama. That man never had any business being the president of the United States.", "Something is really wrong with America. I was taught you respect the position no matter who is there. People are gonna give me a million reasons why this happens and I agree he got to stop tweeting and start fighting the big battles instead of the media millennials!", "That' a pretty succinct summation of the results of the media's policy of false equivalency, the policy which pretends that the same tactics are used to the same degree by Democrats and Republicans. This false premise has indeed fostered \"division, hatred and fear\".\n\nI appreciate that the author correctly writes \"the media ARE\". Too many people think the media \"IS\" a monolithic singularity. This absurd belief generates paranoia and alienation from facts.", "Lay off the big bang theory and cnn you obvious hollywood loving pushover", "Gudagook: Mr. Trump openly displays \"who\" he is. His entire business and personal history shows us both \"who and what\" he is. He disgusting display during the GOP debates shows us \"the kind of person he is.\" Read his history, watch the hundreds of video clips of his comments and behavior. I trust you watched the first Presidential debate. If so, you saw how terribly uninformed he is. You saw his nervousness and \"lack of stamina\". Really, is this a man you wish to elevate to the most powerful position in the world? \n\n \"Yet all crybaby leftists can do is blubber what a big meanie Donald Trump is.\" To be sure he is mean and nasty....the man is an unrepentant bully. He's clearly proud of being so. He's also petulant and childishly insulting. Confronting him and his followers with those facts (and they are easily confirmed as facts, not opinions....look at those videos), is not \"blubbering\". It's openly confronting the bully and his sycophants..that's a very different thing...", "There is plenty of evidence that he is a racist and an anti-semite...", "Good evening Eric. Just so you know, and since you brought it up, my IQ has been measured in the above average range. I do not have a collage degree however. I am one of those people who grew up in the ghetto, I have spent a lifetime educating myself. I am also in the above average income bracket due to my own hard work. I read a verity of sources, I look beyond words and judge actions. I refuse to be used by the politically elitist. I will go beyond what you just said about the RNC and say it is our entire political system that has stopped doing the peoples business and instead preach hatred for everyone who dares to question them. I do find it despicable that HRC well be rewarded for her past corruption with votes from loyal dem. voters. Face it Eric, if there was even a hint of the amount of corruption around a repub. you, (and other dems.) would find no problem condemning them. Trump is a result of the dem. party, of the hate filled, insulting labels thrown at all who disagree.", "Trudeau speaks out and shows that he is an integral part of the alt-left violent propaganda machine when he labels Canadians who are peacefully protesting illegal immigration and radical Islam, racists.\n\nTrudeau plays Liberal political games with Canadians when he could be blocking these supposed 'refugees' from even entering Canada but doesn't, thereby setting up the very conditions that fuels protest and then criticizes it when it takes place.\n\nHow dare he slander these Canadians. Thank goodness the Quebec police reacted and quashed the alt-left violent illegal counter-protest, many masked of course, and allowed a perfectly legal peaceful protest to proceed.", "Yes. That is why they attack his appearance, career or blindly accept the accusations he is in the \"KKK\". Far too often they don't address the issues. Or what he is actually talking about. \n\nHe will give people a microphone and let them speak. As I recall, one event the only thing is opponents could says was \"Who's campus? Our Campus!\" over and over again like robots programmed to hate.", "Strange how people move and morph throughout their lives. Bill Stoltz I suppose like so many others is no doubt a \"fellow traveler.\" I remember when he was Rep. Sam Cottons-Democrat legislative aide.", "The bad news, he is serious. The good news is that his rhetoric is degrading to grunts and becomes easier to not take seriously. RG, please publish thoughtful opinions from Trump supporters. I for one, would love to know what they are 'thinking'.", "Stop listening to liberal news media, you have no idea how many people of color and women do support the man. How dark do I need to be, I'd like to know how you measure your judgements about people you've never met. I swear the media posts a story and out the gate it goes as gospel, too few look beyond their favorite news media to see if something is true or not.", "I think Crosby is having the time of his life. The article is wayyyyy out in left field.", "From wiki: ITEP, as well as the associated Citizens for Tax Justice, has been characterized as liberal.\n\nThere's a real shock.", "So your comments are not directed at me? Confusing. Africanization refers to an ideology that failed, you chose to couple it to a race. Which confirm my contention that your thin comparison with CT is directed to change the ANC corruption and incompetence into a race issue. Effectively you defend the ANC by saying anybody attacking it is a racist. To try and strengthen your argument you seek to invoke one instance in CT with very little resemblence to the instance of blatant corruption in Durban. And somehow you equate me as being some DA lackay, which you now seem to justify by some irrational reference to FB. On top of that you somehow find it apt to lecture me on the contents of my comment relating to MTN. As I read the article MTN is the party who spilled the beans. Not that I would hold it past them that they were aware of something fishy going on here. The main culprit from a taxpayers view and advocate for clean government remains public officials.", "What Trump uses the is the vile un-Americans left wing media to promote him. After all, Trump is the most wise president in our lifetime. The old proven Hollywood saw is that all and any publicity is good even if negative. Trump has kept himself front and center even during that leftist demo/lemming convention. As not worth a \"Hill of Beans\" Clinton spends many millions, the working class Billionaire gets all the free publicity he can handle as Wiki leaks plans a sweet surprise for the Devil lady.", "But these issues are usually much more nuanced and complex for us to parse as non-members in the group. I'm curious what role people think government, or even a university, should have in regulating the internal divides of any ethnic group? \n\nAs long as it's non-violent and entirely voluntary, I don't really care if two Indians don't want to be in the same group as another one. If they were attacking him over it, that's an entirely different question. But is some foreign government's \"liberal\" policy of interfering in some students ethnic biases solve the problem of Indian caste system? I highly doubt it.\n\nSure, take a personal stand against racism. But I don't see what that has to due with Mr Singh. Unless of course he plans to make it a government policy to support some random terrorist, or uses his position to speak out in support of them, which I highly doubt. It would be political suicide (same w/ Trump). I'm more interested in what his tangible policies are, related to Canada...", "At least he's an American... obummer was fro Kenya.", "Well, marital infidelity by Presidents and presidential candidates is an equal opportunity political trait. \n\nDon't forget FDR and Eisenhower during the same century. \n\nI still liked the bumper sticker back then, too. \"Ted Kenney's Car has killed more people than my gun!\"", "Why should I be grateful to someone who likes to use the scatological terms about me which require him to use double dollar signs to sneak past the censors?\n\nWell, other than comic relief, scorn, derision, or contempt, of course.", "The irony is that you are attempting to create your own political correctness.", "lol, I will agree that the Donald is a Rino but that is typical. All republican presidents start off really good but soon end up as Rinos. The Donald is no exception.", "T Rogers writes...\"Two female Liberal ministers = one male Conservative minister.\"\n\nAnd Thomas Conway who has been chastising several posters here for using nicknames responds to T Rogers with...\"Typical Hater world view.\n\nKeep talking. All the better for people to see the real you.\"\n\nI believe Thomas Conway (whichever real one you are :), that those of us who can make up our own minds don't need need you throwing \"hate labels\" at anyone here for any reason at all...it gives us all \"hiding behind\" pseudonyms a bad reputation when you who so obviously are the real Thomas Conway and take the bait offered by those posting for free speech while lighting their Tiki torches...just let them earn their own reputation and not sully ours by scuffling with them!", "I think you have made your point. There are a lot of not too bright people out there....ex. ones that watch Alex Jones and ones that vote for Trump.... point proven.... The world is a scary place and the Americans do a poor job educating the populace.", "Wow, that sounds like what happened to Merrick Garland.", "Here we go - the media, like elephants, never forgets. I am sure we will hear a lot about Julie Couillard, just as the media loves to show the picture of Robert Stanfield dropping the football; and remind the public of Joe Clark losing his luggage; and John Turner patting a lady on the backside. I am not voting for Bernier but he deserves better than the stale Couillard jokes!", "NW Lynn,\nConspiracies are difficult to prove or rebut. For instance, Lincoln's and JFK's assassinations. Unfortunately, Trumpet is a master of conspiracy theories and his worshipers still do not believe Obama was born in the USA. so it is easy to convince them that California's voter security laws are allowing illegal voting by the millions. FOX news ignites their delusions regularly.\nFacts and truth really get in their way. Again, your input is appreciated." ]
The mainstream Jewish organizations were trying to kiss British ass.
[ "It's funny that when a black person commits an outlandish crime, all black people are implicated by association. But when a white person commits an outlandish crime, it's just that person and they don't represent all white people. I'm almost 60, raised good, responsible children, contributed to society as a hard worker in several successful careers, and have never been arrested for anything (not even a speeding ticket). Yet, I'm lumped together with these two hoods who robbed a bank simply because they're black and I'm black!", "Well I stand corrected ... the wacko lying leftist media is STILL hoping to find a crime to pin on Trump. \n\nHow about that, huh?", "Well, at least he can see his dad more after he is convicted . . .\n\nPiece of garbage . . .", "Oh my God!!! Being an innocent person and getting gunned down in the street is not even close to going to a party, getting s**t faced, and then screwing some guy in the back room. If the guy is as drunk as the woman and they have consensual sex at the party, you can't later blame him. He was drunk too and not responsible for his behavior, like her. Right?", "Good riddance. All these Islamic fundamentalists/Jihadis should be summary shot if and when captured\nand buried with pigs. Similar to what the US did when fighting the same muslims prior to WWI.\nThis practice really tamped down the muslim attacks on US troops. When fighting Islamic fundamentalists\nthere is no room for mercy as they will see this as weakness. It is just how they think and it is the only\nthing they respect. Some things never change and we need to learn from history.", "That's pretty silly, isn't it? Just so everyone's clear, what's your definition of \"address the issue?\" Sort of hard to take your approach seriously when you don't offer a single, specific idea that would be more effective than government following the rules they should already be following (i.e., what would have stopped this killer from getting a firearm).", "It is getting so that we cannot call the police when we want to protect a loved one who may be acting erratically. They will just shoot him. Happens all over the country, it seems.", "\"Sherlock\"? That's truly pathetic -- but Trumpian, I suppose.\nWhen I posted to you yesterday, I didn't realize that the list to which I referred had been deemed \"uncivil\" by some coward (also true to Trump's example) who disagreed with it. I re-posted it; you'll find it easily enough. (On my display it appears immediately above your most recent post to me.)\nTrump's presidency is disintegrating in full view of the whole world, and his personality with it. \nWhich version of the Comey story do you believe? Trump made Pence, Sanders, and Conway look like the idiots they are for working for him. He sent them out to lie for him on one day, and then pulled the rug from under them the next. These folks (and of course Spicer, too) will never fully re-build their reputations; Trump has ruined them. \nTrump has lived a filthy, dishonest life personally, professionally and politically. Why would anyone think he would, or even could, be different as president? Lock him up.", "so.. I . have seen dozens of women in niqab in Toronto this week alone Almost every day I see groups of them. The problem with the niqab policy is that is was for such a silly narrow issue. The niaqb should have been banned from public buildings and shopping malls.", "The issue with the homeless being allowed to do this is that the vast majority of them don't tend to respect anything. They throw their garbage wherever they feel like it and don't really follow these \"laws\" of where it's alright to set up a tent. Just check out east Hawthorne bridge with over 20 tents, nightly campfires, and beer drinking bike chopping parties. \n\nWas walking the ramp from EB Esplanade over the Steel Bridge around 7pm. A couple of homeless people had set up a large shelter (plywood, tarps, etc.) blocking the sidewalk and had garbage all around. They also had a poorly managed pit bull off-leash, that ran up at my wife and I as we got close to their shelter, wouldn't get away from us, actually moving us off the sidewalk into oncoming traffic, continued following us far away from their shelter. The homeless were outside, watching, said nothing of their dogs behavior and seemed to be perfectly fine with it. \n\nYou can be homeless. Don't be trashy, dis-respectful homeless", "The words \"Hillary\" and \"Qualified\" are oxymorons. Only morons use those words in the same sentence.", "Your 'truth pudding' is full of excretement. Comparing the prohibition of alcohol to heroin. Really!!\nI agree that Americans are growing dumber, but it is through the socialized indoctrination in our schools and the socially accepted liberal practices of mind altering drugs in use today. The smart people knowing what is right for America 'foisted Trump' onto the international scene. Accept reality.", "you are full of poo!!!!!", "Palestinians and Arabs are TWO FACED when they say they want TWO STATES\n\nonly the naive leftists of the West would fall for this\n\nwe know they really want ONE STATE with Israel wiped off the map", "214: My daughter is a chef and graduated at the top of her class. She works long days sometimes double shifts and often called at the last minute to take another shift cause her male coworker is too high (or drunk) to work. While she's working, she gets bugged continuously usually some stupid comment (she either has bitchy face or she's hot and \"would she like to sleep with the other chef\"). It never stops and management does nothing. She finally quit as she was tired of the cat-calls and abuse. This is why women don't take on those jobs 214, not because they are afraid of work, it's because they don't want to work with these men who seem to get away with this harassment..", "Egypt cannot have a Muslim leader either as we have recently witnessed. Coup detat." ]
[ "Oh so you mean like the Public Sector Unions? Don't think they're hurting. In fact they're a big part of the problem.", "The statements by Fr. Hans Zollner re the Pontifical Commision read like any expert gobbledegook ever written on self-justification of a non-functioning, non-productive committee, particularly in light of the length of time that has passed since the world was shocked into the knowledge of this particular evil. I'd laugh, but it's just too sad.", "Saddest of all is how casual comments that polarise and divide are defended and accepted with attempts at pushback or being even handed are threatened with being shutdown. One of the things admirable about Nelson Mandela, now vilified in many quarters, is that he made every attempt (in my view) to unite SA and step away from the easy target of blaming and allocating characteristics based on race., even though he may have held very strong feelings on a more personal level I don't think he's copied much, unfortunately and certainly not by the writer of this piece. But the race card is just too easy.\n\nSecondarily for me is how, like Israel and Palestine, there is no middle ground. Either you support Morake (and Malema, Khumalo et al) and condemn Barnard or vice versa (condemning Chris Hart, Helen Zille et al). So the sad cycle continues. Who will rise above it?", "I just find this one really out there:\n\n\"Some have even been used at informal Ash Wednesday services by those who knew and respected him.\"", "The Republican Party cynically and deliberately embraced a strategy doomed by demographics. They serve their wealthiest supporters in using the politics of division to pit bigots, Christian fundamentalists, rural residents and the less-educated white working class and lower middle class against blacks, Hispanics, urban residents and the educated middle class and upper middle class.\n\nIf the GOP even has a soul to buy back, it's rancid. Time to spend a decade or two in the wilderness rebuilding a party fit for the 21st century.", "And one of the most liberal, \"modernist\" nunneries possible! And bind them under the power of the keys to obedience to the superior of the house! 😂", "The hardcore anti-semitism started after kristallnacht. Due to the Depression, and anti-semitism, Canada and the USA didn't allow jewish refugees. The US doesn't allow Syrian refugees for the same reason - they aren't really \"European\". If only Swedish blondes were refugees, they would be welcomed with open arms into the USA.", "You're correct, Seaotter. The bigots and racists like so-called Al Askan, Kyle Craig, Kearon, and Obooba and a handful of others will soon rear their heads. I'm going to ask ADN to block their bigot comments.", "Before Mr. Singh parades his religious garb further in front of the Canadian electorate, perhaps he should read the comments that readers have penned to the article on Quebec's banning of face coverings. The overwhelming support for the measure by Globe readers - probably a fairly literate, liberal group - should send a signal to Mr. Singh. Canadians have pretty much banished Christianity from the public square, and, are in no hurry to allow religion back in different garb.", "It's amazing that so many moderate Muslims can manage to see past that when you can't frank. Maybe time to start avoiding hose paranoid alt-right wbsites, eh?", "As the events in France and going on frequently in the bomb friendly Middle East, the governor cannot eliminate killing unless she addresses the lack of respect American people have for each other as evidenced in so many ways.", "Because the press are part of the elite and hate it when the great unwashed don't agree with their views. Trumpism is coming to Holland in a big way.", "Yes...\"disservice\" is a much too polite understatement for the criminal blackmail Krookwell has been pushing", "Sorry Bana's mother, you're not going back to Aleppo ever. You never had any local support for your jihadi reign of terror there and nobody wants you back. People of all faiths are celebrating Christmas in public there. Your dad would have killed them back when his gang was in charge.", "Don't worry, Richard, you need not defend Assad. Russia is doing that in every possible way.\n\nHave no fear, your guy will never be brought to justice.", "Poor thing, spare me the wailing and drama.\n\nIf you dish’em out, you have to take’em.\n\nThe Church disagrees with you.", "So now you are calling Junior a Petrofacist, many will agree, but we should also call Junior a Sewagefacist for approving the dumping of over 8 BILLION liters of raw sewage into the St. Lawrence.", "\"Rabbi Reuven Firestone, Amir Hussain and Pim Valkenberg only briefly spoke about the election results itself. An especially poignant moment came when Firestone, overcome with emotion, said, \"If it turns out that Muslims are registered … I don't think it will ever work. It reminds people like me about what happened to my parents.\"\"\n\nWe hear you, Rabbi Firestone! We must all work together to stop Trump from turning our nation into the Fourth Reich.", "It's actually quite funny how the childish Libs here default is always name-calling while having the nerve to pontificate about being well- educated on so on. Almost as ironic as the feigned outrage over fake news, email hacking, Russia, etc, their hypocrisy knows no bounds.", "Not fair, even if I think Outsider has some personal experiences, that he choses not to share, that distorts his cynical opinion of women. Accusing him of approving torture is just a loss of temper Gary - I certainly have done the same.", "Yes Lazee, you and a very few others do seem to be Americans obsessed with Canadian comments. Admitting your obsession is the first step in over coming it.", "When you mention Hitler, it's hard not to think of the evolution of the hatred of the Jews provoked prior to 1939. Germany was left poor to the point of ruin after WW1. When Hitler looked for a scapegoat in his rise to power in the 1930's, Jews were a natural choice, being successful in business with a dominant position in society as a minority.\nAnti-Semetism wasn't an event, but a progression. Jewish business was the initial target, and it was successful because of the poverty of ordinary Germans. It didn't take long before the business part of Jew-hate fell away, to become a general hatred of Jews. \nI think the highly charged incitement of emotions about WMC are for political gain and take advantage of the same structural poverty. The gap between WMC hatred, and a general hatred of whites is not very large and groups like the BLF are trying to close that gap. Of course, there are white racists a-plenty, but the fires fuelled by BP and others will take years to recover from, if ever.", "Agreed. The charge can't be led by business. But they can support the more legitimate civil society organizations in many many ways, described by Magda. At the same it gives them the oppertunity to get with the programme. Radical transformation not only of the economy but also of society is an inevitability. Could be a win-win", "Mr. Abbott,\n\nI'm not going to engage in name-calling as you apparently wish. I am simply going to say that I am witnessing the opponents of WO making themselves an embarrassment to the work of God by the scriptural futility of their arguments, by drawing unfavorable publicity to God's church and by making it harder for the spiritually weak to learn how to apply spiritual principles in their lives. You and others like you are driving people out of the church whom I have worked hard to bring into the church. So I wish that you would value the salvation of people whom you have never met above your own ego and stop your endless arguing because, while you think you are defending God, by arguing endlessly about a minor and transitory issue you are in fact doing the work of Satan. You cannot convince me otherwise because I am seeing the results.", "The NDP, in fact, have proposed an end to donations from any lobbyists. The Liberals have rejected this proposal. But go ahead and deflect attention, Liberal carpet muncher.", "Then of course there is the Liberal Party scare mongering in the Chinese press as revealed by the Globe.", "I simply cannot believe this ramping-up of the PC war against the English language and common sense. Too many people are getting indignant over imaginary slights created only in their own minds.\n\nIf the (sensible) word \"Oriental\" is somehow 'offensive' in reference to those from the Orient, then is the word \"European\" offensive in reference to anybody from Europe? Honestly, where does this insanity and hypocrisy stop?\n\n(And by the way, for those geographically ignorant Americans --- which is most of them --- who for whatever PC reason prefer the word \"Asian\" to \"Oriental\", let me point out that the continent of Asia consists of MANY more lands, and more peoples, than simply those of the Orient.)\n\nOne more thing, why are we English speakers supposed to automatically bow to other language groups when using words in OUR language which refer to them, when THEY do not do the same for us? Again, this artificial but purposely divisive non-issue is simply nonsense and hypocrisy run wild.", "The fact that you think this is all about disinterest in the fate of \"brown people\" is very telling... but more in regards to your own motivations and beliefs rather than those of your dissenters.", "BTW, last December a talk-how host (CJAD, anglo) invited non-Christians to call in to say how they felt about Xmas, expecting a ot of complaints about feeling like outsiders, etc. It didn't happen, he was inundated with Sikhs, Hindus, Jews telling him they loved Xmas, had a Xmas tree, etc., no matter how much he tried to suggest the reverse...\n\nIt is really only a tiny subset of the monotheistic religions that considers it forbidden, a betrayal of their religion to celebrate other religions' holidays. Those people have every right not to do so, but they should stop trying to prevent everyone else from enjoying it.\n\nI celebrated Eid with a family of Muslim friends, and Holi when I was in India, it didn't turn me Muslim or Hindu. Many Muslims from countries that once were moderate and peaceful, nostalgically tell of Muslims and Christians celebrating each others' holidays.", "This kind of mistreatment is not isolated to Customs and Border Protection officials in Hawaii. Our DOE is notorious for discriminating against deaf and visually impaired students and staff, subjecting them to abuse.", "\"We focus our efforts on controlling the law-abiding in hopes that it will constrain the lawless and then we are shocked when a massacre happens again.\"\n\nEnough said.", "The Church taught for centuries that torture, slavery and antisemitism were morally licit. Are these more objective moral truths?", "No Britain and British immigrants, no Canada, Westminster Parliament, respect for the rule of law and most welcoming nation in the world to all immigrants.\n\nWhy did you immigrate to Canada? More money?", "Read the Globe's piece on McLuhan.\nRed Neck News is rousing the rabble and there's a pattern to it.\nJust like Stephen Harper represented a hostile takeover of the PC Party, the Red Neck News faction is doing the same to Republicans.\nPsych Majors and Marketing gurus are social engineering the voter, not just in America and Canada but in Europe too.", "\"... a man whose congressional sanction once was defined by all 100 salons answering “yeah” in the vote over his extension in the FBI job.\"\nI wasn't aware beauticians had that much control over our government. Did you mean \"solons?\"", "Siding up with the head-choppers, Layla?", "The \"educated\" now veer further left due to indoctrination. I wouldn't care but they are using taxpayers money to perpetuate this cancer. Not wahhabism but certainly in the ballpark.", "The GOP radical racist core is overjoyed and the GOP in congress is backtracking fast as lightning. Funny as hell to watch the GOP eat itself. Ah the pressures of leadership. Poor babies.", "I'll never deny the possibility of being wrong. Inshaa Allah (God Willing) I retain enough of a conscience to refrain from sliding into the 'evil' category.\n\nBut I still maintain that Mr. Pitts (with whom I disagree as often as not), wasn't taking the position in his article that you've ascribed to him, per your above post. I believe he was arguing that those who decry injustice usually serve \"truth, justice and the American way\" better than those who denounce them for doing so. I agree with that.\n\nThere are too many knee-jerk attempts to drown-out dissenting voices by reviling rather than refuting said voices' arguments. Such as shrieking \"RACIST!\" when someone has the temerity to question police-actions against black folks OR express criticism of a particular political leader 'of color', \"ANTI-SEMITE!\" when someone criticizes \"Israel's\" mistreatment of Palestinians (who are Semites, BTW) or \"HOMOPHOBE!\" when mentioning that some gay-rights activists' claims lack scientific basis.", "But you have repeatedly advocated murdering impoverished Appalachian \"hillbillies\", Indian \"untouchables\", native Alaskans or any other class of human beings that don't meet your particularly standards of 'acceptability'. And you get all weepy over SALMON??? What we have here is a case of perverted priorities...", "Source considered, and taken into account. Moving on.\n\nIt wasn't that long ago that students had to fight for freedom from religion in Canadian public schools.", "Not true. Almost by definition evangelicals seek to actively promote their view of religion by knocking on doors and by knocking heads. These are very powerful fringe elements of mainstream religion. They come as Christians, as Muslims, as Jews. They rob humanity of it's diversity by proclaiming that their views are God-given.", "Jeff, Jeff, Jeff, do you think that for one moment that the G&M will ever deign to deal with a subject like that? Their m. o. is to sensationalize the twisted outcome, and act as a shill for Dr. Bennett and the 'higher purpose' people. No one wants to even acknowledge the abuse of aboriginal kids by their parents and community members.", "It's not Trump, it's those he empowers around him--the anti-gay cabinet and legistlators. Pence notoriously said that it would be better to fund conversion therapy than HIV treatments.", "You clearly have read the Metrolinx-Bombardier contract, IBJ., since you have such a firm legal opinion. For our benefit, what exactly was wrong with Bombardier's case?", "Ad hominoms won't stop the ascent of rational behavior in the face of the self loathing and guilt of the Left. \n\nThe danger or threat to our democratic institutions comes not from the Right but from the entitled, arrogant Left, for whom any action that advances their agenda is permissible and for whom reasonable dissent is intolerable.", "\"Free speech is truly under threat by the Liberal Party of Canada if most of its supporters are like you.\"\n\nWhat? Sane? Erudite? Critical-thinking? Humorous?\n\nBoy...are we all in for trouble, then.", "But in many respects, Tridentinus, UK is practically the 51st state (but more like Oregon with its unaffiliated majority).", "Why, Mr. Sessions would nevah breach protocol, evah. That would be appalling. Where's my fan?", "Uh, excuse me - interest rates have lept north (you might want to catch up on the economic relationship between interest rates and currency values) and rates of ethnic and racial attacks increased. If you want to quote statistics you might want to get your facts straight and include both sides - but of course that won't served your narrow interests at all.", "So, they want yo develop a club of indoctrination for older teens?", "I think our PM did a credible job in representing Canada's interests while not offending his host. It was civil and useful. What would Ms MacLaren have preferred ? Perhaps a rousing chant of ' Hey, hey, ho,ho.... X Y and Z have got to go!' This column's slogan slinging and name calling are more suitable to elementary school playgrounds than to serious political analysis.", "After 10+ years of doing nothing, Europe is facing severe issues of cultural segregation, religious fundamentalism, and broad societal regression- Rotherham child sex assaults, Denmark, Amsterdam, Paris, Brussels, Cologne. Europe is on the verge of massive civil unrest (lawless rioting is already common in France). Jews are leaving western Europe by the thousands because they are tired of police with assault rifles guarding their children's elementary schools, they are tired of being spat on and harassed, they are tired of the societal decay, crime, and drugs infecting their neighborhoods. Whether the Globe admits it or not doesn't change the reality that no-go zones are real and ignoring issues stemming from cultural segregation only empowers leaders like Trump. Canada is more open than Europe but we aren't immune to the ethnic cultural segregation that breeds extremism and division. Accommodations such as demands of gender segregation are a threat to Canada's pluralism.", "when you're incapable of posting on the thread and start a new one to address my statements, it's understandable why you ask me such sophomoric drivel. I call myself Native American because I am. as for the rest of your babbling gibberish, you are entitled to your delusions that have absolutely nothing to do with Brexit, and the subject being debated.", "And I see you have no comeback for Knauff -v- Shaughnessy (1950).\n\nAnd still.....what is your plan?", "Thank God, Harper and his buffoonery is not around or we would have been 'toasted' by now in any reasonable discussion with the Americans. Stevo got the ultimate 'free ride' from the media and free pass from criticism on his pipeline fail on his ten year 'snooze fest' in the lost decade. He took a 'slam dunk' deal and blew it out the door be throwing a 'hissy' fit down in Washington and threatening their president. The G&M could have been doing more exposes on how many washrooms and closets the guy hid it to avoid trouble,group photos,or even if he wasn't 'toasted' correctly at these state galas. Truly a buffoon on the world stage and economic disaster. Whatever current issues the government has,and I have been critical of some,open negotiation is not one of them. We are fortunate to have the right government at the right time to address the new reality south of the border! Cue the former reform wingnuts and crybabies from the lost decade in three.....two.......one.......", "Good grief ! Wouldn't you think all those college educated smart people hired by Delta Airlines knew that bumping Ann from her seat that SHE PAID FOR would be noticed ? Oh, yeah, the GLOBALISTS that run Delta don't think conservative women that think for themselves should GET WHAT THEY PAY FOR. Conservatvie women are 2nd class citizens in the New America.", "The AFN bent over backwards supporting Trudeau in the last election. Perhaps the members of the AFN should take drama lessons. There's no better way to spot a poser than to learn their techniques.", "The best indication I can think of to further scrutinize any issue within our state is when Babcock supports that issue. He and Ruedrich are pretty much joined at the hip politically and neither one of them have any credibility.", "This is about 'wedge' politics.\nAppealing to the base, in this case, hard done by civil servants who just know that they are the contributors and that the entrepreneurial class are a bunch of leaches.", "Harper did everything he could to deconstruct the best regulated system of mortgage finance in the world and the result is a massive debt bubble predicated on inflated housing. Time to get a little real.", "Originally natives were backing Brazeau, the beefy bruiser home boy who was going to beat sh!t out of a limp wristed white boy with pretty hair. Brazeau was the Great Red Hope. Nobody took into consideration Brazeau's smoking. Tax free native cigarettes get credit for his wheezing collapse in the ring.", "Did you poll all the Palestinian people to learn what they will or won't accept? They told me that they all want to live in peace and harmony. So cut the BS.", "If Trudeau, Chretien, Mulroney and the rest of the Quebec politicians hadn't given Bombardier billions in anti-competitive subsidies, grants, and never-to-be-repaid \"loans,\" there would not be any grounds for these duties. Simple. Stop the cronyism and cooperative back-scratching between Quebec politicians and corporations like Bombardier.", "So you were protesting Mike Harris's decision to fill in already broken ground on a subway extension started by the NDP in the 90s?\n\nSuuuuuuuuuuuuure you were.", "The president is making a big show of condemning violence in our streets and colleges after hiring the biggest and baddest racist bigots he could find - like Bannon and Sessions - and putting out rhetoric and policies that foment it.", "To the extent these uber-vague and unverifiable assertions (ncregister's stock in trade when it comes to \"news\") bear any relationship to \"straight facts\", they sure don't make the recent actions and statements of the Order's Grand Muckamuck any less peculiar or less consistent with Cardinal Burke's whiney publicizing of the dubia.", "Everything's relative. My grandmother's family burned furniture to stay warm during the Depression; she considered the neighbour children rich enough to afford going to high school to be spoiled rotten. I met someone who won the 6/49 who complained about wealthy Hong Kong investors buying up the property in her neighbourhood.", "Liberals are the laughing stock in all this. The issue was about illegal settlements not about a two-states solution...", "You haven't been listening to Lynn. The 'posturing Republicans' are just taking their turn from the 'posturing Democrats'. \n\nMoney talks. It has for centuries, if not for millennia.", "For a very long time it was a power differential between the two races that kept blacks out of professional sports. Would you have complained about that? What these anthem resisters are doing is trying to remind us that the differential is still around in this world.", "In my opinion, there never was any debate...attempts to engage in dialogue have been shouted down by FN activists and their non-Indigenous supporters.....", "The natural conclusion of the article leads to curtailment in social association. Women's club? Native Hawaiian club? Women's sports? There goes that \"social cohesion.\"", "Stephen, 'Lend-Lease' was government-to-government, one country to another. I'm suggesting a private for-profit business venture!", "Or you could, like Andrew Scheer and the Harper family, send your money to the Rebel supported site and that way you could support both the Speer family and Ezra Levant and crew.\n\nhttp://frankmag.ca/2016/05/ezra-derangement-syndrome-74/", "Think what the ACA could have been if Republicans cared more about governing and the American people, rather than throwing them under the bus to pander to a racist, misogynistic base.", "The British press is calling the attacker an \"Asian.\"\n\nI wonder if he shouted Aloha Akbar before being shot dead.", "The BC liberals must know that they are not a corporation, even though they deregulated everything trying to be one. You are unqualified and the government is the protector of public assets; you will be tried for selling ours -without permission- and your involvement in the corruption to do so .", "Why stop there? Let's remove the utterly useless Ministry of Democratic Institutions and save ourselves a few bucks in the bargain.", "Yeah, lets buy Russian jets? Prop up a corrupt oligarchy that invades Ukraine. Hey, we could even get Bombardier to broker the deal and engineer some kickbacks while we are at it. \n\nBecause at the end of the day we should betray the country that contributes more to our GDP than any other. Where our cousins, brothers/sisters, mothers/fathers, sons/daughters, and friends work and live.\n\nLets advocate diplomacy with a lunatic North Korean dicator, but abandon it with a foreign democracy that has been our best friend and ally for nearly two centuriesso we can favour a corrupt welfare corporation. \n\nAre you even Canadian?", "If memory serves (since the article links don't go all the way back) this couple KNEW the bakery wasn't interested in making cakes for same sex weddings and went there specifically to get one. Not just any bakery. One they knew they could use as a platform for putting them out of business and putting themselves in the news.\n\nDo I agree with the bakery? Nope. Do I agree with this couple putting the owner into this situation? Nope.", "\"Besides, it's an admission of a weak argument for his case.\"\n\nExactly. Like Metternich, a century and a half earlier, JPII was trying to delay the inevitable. He knew there was no rational or Biblical argument to keep women out of the priesthood. Paul VI's advisors reached that same conclusion.", "Imagine the sphincter clenching cringe Liberals will experience when O'Leary verbally dismantles Trudeau in a debate over his governments ruinous economic policies. Even now Butts makes sure Trudeau spends his days kissing babies and even in that arena the PM stumbles.\n\nWhat a sorry gang of nincompoops we have in Ottawa.", "Could the lower viewership have something to do with the recent TV shows relating how the Olympics opening extravaganza and the carrying of the torch to light the flame and open the Olympics were originated by the Nazis in the 1936 Games?", "'\n…Dump the Republican legislators. \n\nThat's the best first option.\n.", "Justin's Priority people\n\nFirst nations\nLGBT\nMuslims\nanyone of diversity\nnot necessarily in that order\n\nbottom of the list is \nAnglo Saxon and other white men", "That the leader of a country is so openly mocked and a laughing stock that he has to hide and can't show his face in question period, is truly symbolic of the disastrous direction Canada is headed. \n\nIf Justins intent is to be Canada's official mascot for the remainder of his term, can we get Prince Harry instead? He is far smarter.", "Really? If this is all they can come up with it is time to abolish the office of special counsel. Where were they when madam \"queen for a day\" was sending tens of thousands of e mails that were violations? Why was this even printed, much more like this and my subscription to the Examiner is going to be history.", "The Child Behind the Eyes was not supported by the state Down syndrome group due to the offensive, outdated language. A representative was there for the panel discussion afterwards to clarify the \"then vs now,\" but local parents refused to endorse or partner with the production.", "Only in Ontario could smoke ever become a billions dollar boondoggle that loses money and then will have to be sold off to private investors, who just coinicnetnetly are friends of the the Liberal Party of Ontario.", "Um, no. That is NOT the point for most people who have concerns with mass immigration, you are not representative and give the rest a bad name.", "The Hawks have neither the competence nor instructions, nor inclination to investigate financially illicit cash flows..... surely there has to be a connect between the FEC, SARB and our Banks to do this.... and do it quickly as it cannot be difficult. \nStart with the Guptas and their companies and then with State payments overseas to the dodgy!", "Like I said -- disagree with progressives, they call you blind.\n\nI forgot to add that they also often quote the bible to \"prove\" they are right. \n\nBy the way, the \"you have eyes\" verse seems awfully self-justifying and very one size fits all. But let's not forget that Jesus' reference to the yeast of the Pharisee and Herod had zero to do with the putative wisdom of allowing in 11 million unskilled illegals and turning a blind eye to the dangers of radical Muslim culture.", "\"giving thanks to his cash cow of mass immigration\"? Short-sighted. \n\nI wonder how many of these new immigrants read the Globe?", "rosedale71,\nFantastic.\nThe defense of the country, your family, people, come second to the arts, really?!\nNo wonder, with this kind of leftist rethoric, Canada's social and political future is going the european way, look at England, France, Switzerland.", "And 8 years of that social experiment was an absolute failure....for both blacks and whites.", "Yo Gomer, it's never enough. Pretty soon they'll be asking for the war bonnet back.", "A reasonable lecture that also needs to be directed to our Prime Minister in view of his decision to avoid denouncing I-S-L-A-M-I-C fascism.", "This is how a rich country like Canada is in shambkes. Cons, Libs or whomever. We are being duped. And bad.", "From what I have been able to find out about this 'pizzagate' thing, it seems completely scurrilous for alt-right media to allege Hillary Clinton being involved in child abuse. On the other hand it sure seems like the Podestas are into some weird chit.", "Paul VI, the reactionary who blamed \"The Smoke of Satan\" on the exodus of faithful after Humanae Vitae? He knew what he was doing when making John Paul II a Cardinal.", "And Arafat's and Carter's. A meaningless award for meaningless people.", "The real collusion with Russia is Hillary and Podesta . But they have to drag this out to act like democracy champions even as many read the wiki leaks and realize how the DNC operated .", "I imagine the Jews were told this when they were ordered to pack a few belongings and report to the railway station to be herded into box cars by their \"friendly\" government.\n\nPerhaps Vaughn Glenn should get a clue to why the TSA are shunned like lepers. I cringe every time I have to fly somewhere. I have flashes of TSA agents dressed as gestapo, demanding for papers with a bad German accent. This is not the country I grew up in. No, I do not feel safe. It disgusts me that a high school dropout is digging through my bags, leaving \"for your safety, your bag was searched\" after they wadded everything up and threw back into the suitcase.", "Precisely. \n\nThere would be 1000 screeching liberal monkeys banging away on 1000 little monkey keyboards accusing conservatives, rednecks, bigots, racists and on and on, but it's Quebec, and a liberal government, so it's clearly different. Yup.\n\nPitting region against region, and Canadian against Canadian is what this divisive identity focused government and it's sycophants does best.", "KPMG plundered billions from the govt., didnt do their job with integrity and are now in clandestine meetings that too with the EX Fm whom they serve. Wow.", "The elitist are academics , they have shown nothing but contempt for the masses and the fall out is theirs to burden.\nWe say NO to globalization we say NO to the sale of our sovereignty and we say NO to open borders. \nWe see you Marxist and we reject you !!!!", "It's not just Pillay. She did the honourable thing and resigned after the fact, but thereafter the Shelley Garland author was tracked down and surprised at his place of work. Not unlike what the Apartheid-era's secret police did to people back in the not so good old days.\n\nIt's disingenuous and it insults everyone's intelligence to try and make this out as his error for pointing out the procedural problems in many of our not so reputable media franchises. \n\nUltimately, the editor could have just contacted the real author and asked for a follow-up op-ed to set the record straight. This as an olive branch and as an attempt to restore some of its reputation. Now it appears that the author pointed out egg on their faces and they turned themselves into omelettes.", "These are the peace and tolerance crowd, but only if you agree with them. They are lucky Conservatives don't act like this or half of them would be laying in the street dead.", "Harry is far more than a \"patron\" of these games. He FOUNDED them! He wanted to honour the soldiers who had been injured in service, and thus we have the Invictus games.", "Gee, Mr. Lieb, I seem to recall a group called...I think was the Tea Party. I don't remember them being quiet and dignified. And in any event, shouldn't you be addressing your complaints about lack of decorum to the loud mouthed nut case in the White House for whom you voted?", "\"He does not care about our international image,\"\n\nHow so? Are you suggesting that the payment to Khadr was not something of which all Canadians could be proud?", "\"Message: Muslims are humans just like you.\"\nWhat if we substitute Muslims with Neo-nazis, Klansmen, or white supremacists? Would that work?", "How about we investigate how Obummer not only threatened fellow Americans but actually attacked them thru the IRS and NSA. These diversions are ham handed attempts to take our eyes off the real struggle\nhttp://www.truthrevolt.org/news/video-david-horowitz-second-civil-war", "This is pure grandstanding by Murkowski. She is just rubbing their noses in it because she can. OK, you won't give me my road? Then, I'll thwart you any way I can. Childish.", "Oof...I'll leave pitting region against region and the divisive politics of attacking Albertans to our left wing friends.\n\nHave at it. \n\nBack out of the thread slowly...don't make eye contact...", "Wasn't me. Lots of mine get kicked to da curb. It's just comments. No boddah me. So someone else is trying to sow dissension among the dissension sowers and are laughing at both of us now. Maybe it was Notch.", "“The far right has no attractive ideology of its own that extends beyond its own constituency.\"\n\nSure doesn't.", "Another Trimp wimp out. He has some bad foreign policy advisors whispering in his ear. Please explain to how \"merely delaying\" the move of the embassy to Israel's capital will help achieve peace? The Palestinians don't want peace. They want Israel to surrender and are perfectly happy being a \"victim\" country and recipient of billions of foreign aide until then.", "If the jesus showed up I am sure the politicians invoking his name to do the most unjesuslike things to their fellow man, will have to explain their actions. The republicans, evangelicals and democrats are defunding domestic health and social programs to fund wars of conquest, greed and genocide, in order for a few parasites in power who depend on other countries resources for profit. Their policies are completely opposite of the Jesus, and the Jesus shows he was a librul" ]